Welsh Independent Dance exists to support, nurture, encourage and promote the careers of dancers and choreographers in Wales, and to develop a strong, vibrant and diverse dance sector
Mae Welsh Independent Dance yn bodoli i gefnogi, meithrin, annog a hyrwyddo gyrfaoedd dawnswyr a choreograffwyr yng Nghymru, ac i ddatblygu sector dawns cadarn, bywiog ac amrywiol
Anjelica Deborah Light Dance Bytes (2007) Dance Roads (2008) Photo/Ffoto: dbini industries
Nurturing creativity by offering unique opportunities, led by artists of international repute, to support the development of artists and artistry, cross-artform collaboration and performance values
Meithrin creadigrwydd drwy gynnig cyfleoedd unigryw a arweinir gan artistiaid rhyngwladol o fri i gefnogi datblygiad artistiaid a chelfyddyd a hybu cydweithrediad trawsffurfiol
Delivering professional development and responding to the needs of the dance sector through providing tailored training opportunities, offering a range of classes and workshops including an annual summer school, and operating a mentoring and advice service.
Darparu datblygiad proffesiynol drwy ddelio ag anghenion y sector dawns drwy ddarparu cyfleoedd hyfforddiant unigryw, cynnig amrywiaeth o
Surrender Yourself To Me Charlotte Vincent Commissioned by WID (2005) Photo/Ffoto: Phil Rees
ddosbarthiadau a gweithdai gan gynnwys ysgol haf blynyddol, a hefyd rhedeg gwasanaeth mentora ac ymgynghorol
Commissioning new work from distinctive and acclaimed choreographers to develop inspiring working practices, the artform and the careers of performers
Comisiynu gwaith newydd
gan goregraffwyr o fri i ddatblygu ymarferion gwaith ysbrydoledig, y ffurf gelf a gyrfaoedd perfformwyr
Showcasing new talents by providing opportunities for newly-graduated dance students to display their talent and forge links with the sector
Dangos talentau newydd drwy ddarparu cyfleoedd i raddedigion dawns newydd dangos eu talent a chreu cysylltiadau gyda’r sector
New Graduate Showcase Sean Feldman Photo/Ffoto: John Thorne
Fostering partnerships with other organisations and networks throughout the UK and beyond, including the National Dance Network and Dance Roads
Meithrin partneriaeth â chwmnïau a rhwydweithiau celfyddydau eraill o’r DU a thu hwnt, gan gynnwys National Dance Network a Dance Roads
Supporting choreographic development by facilitating the creation of new small-scale work and connecting artists with creative mentors and audiences
Cefnogi datblygiad coreograffyddol drwy hwyluso’r greadigaeth gwaith graddfa fach newydd a chysylltu artistiaid â chynghorwyr creadigol a chynulleidfaoedd
Advocating the needs of the sector by providing a voice, campaigning and promoting throughout Wales and beyond
Dadlau dros anghenion y sector gan ddarparu llais, drwy ymgyrchu a thrwy hyrwyddo ein hachos yng Nghymru a thu hwnt
Surrender Yourself To Me Charlotte Vincent Commissioned by WID (2005) Photo/Ffoto: Phil Rees
Exploring digital dance through offering opportunities to experiment, create work for stage and screen and develop new media skills with experts in the field
Archwilio dawns ddigidol
The Moment in the Rose Garden Jessica Mautner Photo/Ffoto: Jethro Bradley-Firth
drwy gynnig cyfleoedd i arbrofi, creu gwaith i’r llwyfan a’r sgrin a datblygu sgiliau mewn media newydd gydag arbenigwyr yn eu maes
Services and facilities include a comprehensive subscribers’ service with training and Go-C awards, newsletters, information and special rates on activities and performances WID has a studio, a dance library, IT facilities and digital video equipment and is a point of contact for dance artists, employers and the public
Gwasanaethau a chyfleusterau Mae WID yn cynnig gwasanaeth cynhwysfawr i danysgrifwyr, gan gynnwys dyfarniadau hyfforddiant a chyfle i weld perfformiad, cylchlythyrau a gwybodaeth. Bydd gyfraddau arbennig ar gael am weithgareddau a pherfformiadau Mae gan WID stiwdio, llyfrgell ddawns, cyfleusterau TG ac offer digidol ac mae’n bwynt cyswllt i artistiaid dawns, cyflogwyr a’r cyhoedd
CREU CYFLEOEDD YSBRYDOLEDIG A R G Y F E R DAWNS YNG N G H Y M R U www.welshindance.co.uk info@welshindance.co.uk +44 (0)29 2038 7314
Welsh Independent Dance gratefully acknowledges the support of the Arts Council of Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government. Mae Welsh Independent Dance yn ddiolchgar i’r Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a’r Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru am eu cefnogaeth hael.