2 minute read
L. Gary Jewett
US Army 1965 - 1995
For heroism while participating in aerial flight evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty in the Republic of Vietnam: Warrant Officer Jewett distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous action on 13 November 1967, while serving as an aircraft commander of a UH-1H helicopter during a combat support mission in the Que Son Valley, Republic of Vietnam.
When several helicopters were downed in enemy controlled terrain, Warrant Officer Jewett made numerous flights into the area to insert infantry troops around the disabled aircraft. Although his aircraft was constantly exposed to the enemy ground fire, WO Jewett continued with his mission. His outstanding flying ability and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army. “
Gary’s banner and story was proudly submitted by his daughter Stephanie Jewett.
In Honor of all the Military Personnel who have served and continue to serve this country, Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for your commitment and sacrifice.

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Downtown Wenatchee Veterans’ Banners
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Allen Ashenbrenner Bertrand Boyd Branson Drollman Etherington Featherkile Flick Garcia Gutzwiler Gutzwiler Gutzwiler Haugen E Hedeen J. Hedeen Heminger Hernandez Hinners Jasso Jewett Kerr LaVergne Luberts Luberts Mann Millar Morehouse Port Richards Sandhop Schneider Speidel Tontini Orondo Ave.
Danielson Salcido Sharatt Sharatt
Chelan Ave.
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Mission St.
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East Wenatchee Veterans’ Banners
9th Street from Valley Mall Parkway up to and including 8th St Paul Adams Jack Adams Rodney Ahl Sue Barrier Thomas Allen Biddle Richard Dick Bruggman Roy Byron Dickinson Harvey Gjesdal Matthew Hepner Alfy Hersel Brad Hersel Duane Hersel Jerry Hersel Marvin Hersel Norman Hersel J. Colin Hill Leroy Johnston Raymond Johnston Casey Lawhead Charles Lawhead Charles Lawhed Jr. Kristopher Lawhead Mike Lawhead Michael Lawhead Jr. Laron Leedy Richard Leonard Montgomery Harold Peart Rondad S. Polly Edward Rodriguez Kenneth Rodriguez Maurice Sanders Daniel Simmons Sarahbeth Simonson Thomas Snell Gene Stevens John Wolffe
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