Pineapple 01

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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 M1 JOURNAL - Pineapple Wenxi Han 743383 Mecelle


Measured Drawings 1.1 Object: Measured drawing set of selected object.

300mm 300mm



Section B 160mm 160mm

Pineapple Elevation


Pineapple Section

1.1 Process Description: Text and Images describing how object was physically measured +

Section B

Section For top view of leaves


Analysis 1.2 Object + System Analysis: Analytical sketches/drawings abstracting the rule/material logic in the object

The pineapple leaves are sharp with triangle form shape.

Each of these buds is an individual flower which develop into the sections seen on the mature pineapple. The buds go ramping upward toward the top.

The connection between buds trend to be upward turning ramp above like a spring wrap around the inner side of pineapple.

The large size of pineapple leaves is overlapping by the small size of the leaves and form the top structure of the pineapple. Besides the leaves shoots grow in spiralling motion, similar way as the skin buds.


Digital Model 1.7 Digital model: Image/s of digital Rhino model of selected object.


Perspective View



1.7 Digital modelling process: Description of how object was modelled using text/diagrams/screencaptures

Module and leaf shoot details are shown, showing the natural spiralling pattern of the pineapple. The flaps for each module are also evident.


Reconfigured Object

I cut the A4 paper into pieces and create a 3 dimensional geometric shape interpretation by pineapple structural(Skin and Leaves) and principles. The principles of pineapple that I did analysis previously and use in the reconfiguration are: 1. Growing upward (Both pineapple skin and leaves) 2. Sharp shape (leaves) 3. Spiralling motion


Sketch Design #1 Layers, Protector, Prop, Fold & Security

The idea which get from the pineapple leaves. The sharp shape structure can be folded if the surrounding environment is safe. But if other people offend your personal space and distrub, you can open the structure, to protect yourself.

From my observation I found that many people sleep would like to tips to the left or right sides. This means that, to have a nice quality dream, they should have a supporter to let their laces lean on. Thus I made the middle part of paper leaves be c xjkthicker.

The right hand side structure fold up becomes the hexagon, which shown as on the left hand side.

THE INSIDE STRUCTURE WITHOUT DEFENDING LEAVES The idea get from the skin of pineapple. The solid hexagon shape blocks which are connected to each other to become protect skin mask on the face.

How does this respond to your personal space? People can get a sense of security as they can observe outside from the holes on the little dots and have reaction toward the surrounding environment. However outside people cannot acculate see inside, since many little dots cover most part of the face. The defending skin may also bring personal space and security to the owner for keeping the people from outside away from distrubing and offensing.

10 [Maximum 25 words]

Sketch Design #2 Layers & armour

The Facial Mask, which is gained the idea from the Pineapple surface block, as shown at the left side. I design the mask with as a helmet, to protect user head, and it can be opened as the right picture shown.

The reason for developing a Using the triangle blocks to create

spine supporter is to let user has

hexagon shape and graduate de-

a better sitting posture, in order

velop into surface relief.

not to distort the spine. Otherwise may cause some difficulities in the future daily life.

How does this respond to your personal space? While we sit and sleep, we may want upholder to support our neck. One of the particular circumstance is that when we napping on the desk, the pressure from the edges of desk

The Mask on the face may create a sense of security, as the outsider cannot see user. However user can choose to see other people surrounded by as he or she open it.

would retard the normal biological activities in our chest portions, which may result in the difficulties in terms of breath. Thus I made a breastplate on the breast

11 [Maximum 25 words]

Sketch Design #3 movement & Mild & Fold & Rotate

What is your idea? [Maximum 5 key words]

The design can be expended in two dimension ways (horizontal and verticle) and The Idea of Personal Space may be seen in the

rotate in 3 dimensions way. When people feel happy to connect to the world, they


can shrink the structure, if not, they can develop and control how much of their personal space can be invaded.

The idea is based on 1. when people sit or lay on the desk, there may have some supporter to help them to have a comfortable and right sleeping position. 2. The combination with pineapple leaves and skin pattern 3. Developing different ways when they sleep. (bed on the ground, hammock, sleeping supporter, etc.)

How does this respond to your personal space? In this design, the user can change the stucture into any shapes that he or she wants, which means that he or she can develop their own personal space when they sleep. This design allow wearer to have a control of the environment, and hence feel secure.

12 [Maximum 25 words]

Appendix Rhino Screecaptures: Images of completed Rhino exercises



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