Hu Die's Portfolio 2017-2023

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Tel: (+65) 87715841



Graduate Works


Airport renovation, Water Infrastructure, Landscape Planning (Studio2 Project, Teamwork, 2021)

Education Awards


Beijing Century Chief International Architecture Design Co., Ltd.

Architect Intern (Nanjing,Jiangsu, China)


National University of Singapore, Singapore

Master of Landscape Architecture


2017-2021 2020 2019

Nanjing Tech University, China

Bachelor of Engineering, Landscape Architecture

GPA: 3.70/4.00, Rankng: 3rd

University Principal Scholarship (Top 1%)

School-Level Second-Class Scholarship (Top 10%)





Landscape Architect Intern (Singapore)

Worked on 8 Shenton Way.

Digital Modeling, Detail Enriching, Urban Furniture Design, Plan Drawing,Presentation Preparation

Worked on Landscape of AEC The One.

Digital Modeling, Urban Furniture Design


SWA Landscape Design Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

Landscape Architect Intern (Shanghai,China)

Worked on Central Steel Park and Surrounding Area Landscape Design Competition.

Field Trip, Site 3D Modeling, Pre-Analysising, Concept Discussion, Detail Enriching, Boulevard Design, Services and Facilities Design, Presentation Graphics Preparing

Worked on Yango Songjiang Mixuse Park Design.

Digital Modeling, Construction Drawing


Valentien + Valentien Landschaftsarchitekten und Stadtplaner SRL

Landscape Architect Intern (Shanghai,China)

Worked on Baosteel Landscape Design.

Project details enriching, Strategic Analysis, Garden Design, Presentation Diagrams

Worked on Concept Proposal of Shanghai Community Science Park Project Landscape Design

Cooperated with senior designers in conceptual and schematic design, presentation diagrams

Worked on Chengdu New Industry Park Landscape Design.

Degital Modeling, Rendering


Worked on Public Housing Design Project in Nanjing. Degital Modeling, CAD Drawing

National University of Singapore

Teaching Assisstant of Department of Architecture

Geo Design Lecture (Supervised by Dr. Jessica Ann Diehl)


Town Planning (Studio2 Workshop, Teamwork, 2021)

FROM RICE TO RISE: Agropolitan Revitalization Strategy for Mixed-Use Innovative Rice Development


Workshop & Student Work

Agropolitan Territories, Human & Environment, Country-Scale Landscape Design (Studio3 Project, Teamwork, 2022)

Digital Landscape Techniques Lecture (Supervised by Dr. Ervine Lin)

Answering rhino/grasshopper-related questions from students

Reaching Assisstant of Department of Architecture

Answering gis-related technical questions from students, Helping with collating and marking students' uploaded work Research on the associations between urban landscapes and potential health benefits (Point Cloud Scanning, Photoshopping of panoramic images, 3D modeling of scanned sites, Using Grasshopper to generate simplified geometry for measurements)

11/2021 MLA Sem1 Studio Work was selected in NUS LA Biennial Yearbook

11/2021 Internatinal Geodesign Collaboration 2022

Prepared for IGC Submission.

Producted a final poster of Geodesign Analysis of Singapore


Member of Publicity Department of Student Union in Architecture School

Poster production, essay edition and type setting

PUBLICATION Hu, D. & Lu, Y. (2020). Landscape Design Research Based on Green Campus Labeling System: A Case Study of Nanjing Tech University. The Sixteenth International Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building & New Technologies and Products Expo, Suzhou Jiangsu, China.

Lu, Y., & Hu, D. (2020). Research on Wind Environment of “Sky-” Public Space of Hong Kong’s Public Housing. The Sixteenth International Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building & New Technologies and Products Expo, Suzhou Jiangsu, China.


Graphic Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Hand-drawing

Modeling Rhino(Grasshopper), AutoCad, Sketchup

Rendering Vray for Rhino, Lumion

Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Powerpoint

GIS Arcgis, Qgis

TURN 'COVERED' TO 'HOME': Landscape Enhancement of Covered Linkway and Their Surrounding Spaces In HDB Landscape and Social Interaction, Public Housing Landscape Design (Studio1 Project, Individual work, 2021)

Undergraduate Works

The Way Home for Oyster: Revival of Shajing

Large-Scale Ecological Design, Teamwork, 2020

Activation of Shanghai People's Square: Based on Automatic Driving Revolution

Middle-Scale Site Design + Urban Plaza Re-Design, Teamwork, 2020

Between Center And Edge: For Crystal Boys

Small-Scale Site Design + Monumental Landscape, Indivitual Work, 2020

Other Works

Internship Work

28-34 38-48 48-56 56-63 63-66

Location: Singapore

Type: Academic Group Work

(Hu Die, Jin Zhuoyin, Lin Lan)

Duration: 2022.01-2022.05

Tutor: Lehana Guo

Water is always a vital resource for all humans, Singapore has been facing problems such as limited freshwater resources and over-reliance on imports. As a new town in the future, the increasing population in PLAB brings about increasing water demand, but the available water resources within the site are limited and depend on external water supply. In addition, PLAB was closely related to water in terms of production and living, but with waterways canalization, the relationship between people and water was estranged.

The project is aiming at maximizing the use of collected rainwater and greywater while transforming water management infrastructure into spatial landmarks to integrate the water system into people's daily life. Through innovative water management design, the following targets are:

1. Manage water quantity and quality while improving biodiversity and accessibility

2. Reconnect the relationship between humans and water

3. Shorten the process of wastewater transportation and reduce non-potable water reuse costs

The project proposes a new framework for water management in future PLAB, which is more than blue infrastructure, but a whole new system linking ecological restoration, historical memory, and community life. The design is divided into three strategies:

1. Improvement in rainwater harvesting capacity: Integrating the blue-green infrastructure network through constructed wetland system and WSUD elements

2. Interaction between people and water: Integrating blue infrastructure with community life & historical representation & ecological education in the linear runway park

3. Innovation in water treatment: Introducing decentralized wastewater treatment coupled with on-site, nonpotable water harvesting and purification devices

By integrating the fragmented blue-green infrastructure to create a new blue-green network for the overall studio masterplan, the project enables the efficient management of water reuse and achieves the goal of resilience. While it tends to transform water management infrastructure into spatial landmarks to reconnect the relationship between humans and water, which echoes the studio’s goal of a happy model town.


Agropolitan Revitalization Strategy for mixed-use innovative rice development

Location: Jakata,Indonesia

Type: Academic / Group Work (Hu Die, Zhang Yuer, Shen Yunnan, Jin Zhuoyin)

Duration: 2021.08-2021.12

Tutor: Jessica Ann Diehl

The landscape design of Seed Town aims to create a harmonious and productive environment that supports innovative and ecologically diverse rice production methods while promoting community integration and economic growth.

The project focuses on using different rice production methods to increase rice production and introducing a research base to extend the rice chain. The traditional pesticide-dependent rice production in the seed town will change into an innovative and ecologically diverse rice production model. The new mix-use community will attract people from different social classes to live here and promote community integration and economic growth. The leisure and tourism nodes interspersed with the working and living spaces improve the quality of life for the residents and serve as a sightseeing trail for agricultural students and researchers.

The design will respect the local cultural and historical context, with materials, colors, and forms that reflect the vernacular architecture and landscape.

Overall, the landscape design of Seed Town will improve the quality of life for residents, attract people from different social classes, promote the regional economy, and enhance the farming community's culture and identity.

Project video:


Landscape Enhancement of Covered Linkway and Their Surrounding Spaces In HDB

Location: Singapore

Type: Academic Indivitual Work

Duration: 2021.08-2021.12

Tutor: Mel Yip

Covered linkways have played a crucial role in Singapore's urban infrastructure by providing a convenient and sheltered means of transportation for commuters. However, their uniform design and lack of connectivity to surrounding public spaces have limited their potential as vibrant social spaces within the community.

This project seeks to unlock the full potential of covered linkways by exploring creative ways to enhance their connectivity and transform them into blue-green infrastructure. By integrating landscape improvements and promoting informal social interactions, covered linkways can become a transformative force that elevates public housing communities from being merely ‘liveable’ to being ‘lovable.’

Ultimately, this initiative aims to create a more inclusive and cohesive community by fostering a greater sense of belonging and pride in public housing estates.


THE WAY HOME FOR OYSTER: Revival of Shajing

Area: 596.7ha

Location: Shajing, Shenzhen

Type: Academic /Teamwork

Roles in the team: Leader

(Pre-analysis, Idea proposal, Strategy analysis, Scheme design, Plan drawing, 3D modeling, Simulation Experiment, Strategic Analysis, Construction drawing, Renderings, Physical modeling)

Duration: 2020.04-2020.08

Colaborator: Wei Dai Yuming Lu

Instructor: Zixu Qiao

Oysters of Shajing, the specialty of Shenzhen's Shajing, has a thousand-year history. However, due to urbanization, water pollution and the disruption of the ecological balance of the wetlands, the cultivation of oysters has moved out of Shajing. In 2005, Oysters of Shajing were selected as an intangible cultural heritage, and the search for a way to return to their hometown began.

Through the restoration of the ecology,the water pollution can be controlled to restore the mangroves and the memory of oyster farming on the site should be restored.

>1000 mg/L & >2 problem of water pollution is sea eutrophication and excessive heavy metals, which affect mangrove growth and manhole oyster farming.


After 1978, the process of urbanization caused serious water pollution, and land reclamation also led to a large reduction of mangroves.


The core mangrove forests have been reduced by 70%, and the reduction of wetlands has disrupted the ecological balance of the coast and seriously affected the pollution purification capacity of the coast.

Shenzhen has now grown from a small fishing village to a highly developed mega-city in China. However, due to urbanization, Shenzhen has lost the cultural memory of the fishing villages it once had.



Shajing Town has history of 1,000 years of breeding, and urbanization pollution has caused the relocation of Shajing oyster breeding industry.


The total length of the coastline has been increasing since 1978, mainly because of large amount of construction of the artificial coast.

Meanwhile, mud-deposition coast and biogenic coast have been disappearing gradually.

Dongguan Shajing

Shenzhen China

As the length of biogenic coastline dwindles, the area of mangrove wetland is inevit-ably declining, from 3831.2 hm² to 1159.6 hm².

The area of mangrove wetland across the Pearl River Estuary have been reduced by nearly 70 per cent


Shenzhen Hong
Terrestrial pollution source Sewage Treatment Plant
DECLINE OF MANGROVE AREA IN PEARL RIVER ESTUARY 3831.2hm² 1978 1984 2003 2006 2014 Area of the Mangrove) 1833.3hm² 664.6hm² 774.1hm² 1159.6hm²
site Fresh Water Sea Water Severely Polluted Sea Moderately Polluted Sea Mildly Polluted Sea Relatively Clean Sea Clean Sea Mangrove City Terrestrial pollution source Mariculture Transportation Drainage channel Sewage treatment plant SUSPENDED MATTER POLLUTION IN PEARL RIVER ESTUARY Cr Cu Zn Cd Pb Ni Severely Polluted Moderately Polluted Mildly Polluted Pollution-free lgeo (index of Geoaccumulation -2 10 High: 1216 mg/L Low: 0 mg/L 8.25M $99.1B 11.90M $283.0B Rocky Coast Biogenic Coast Artificial Coast Total Sandy Coast Mud-deposition Coast 1978 1984 2003 Year 2006 2014 Length of the Coasltine/km 1984 2006 2003 1978 2014 HEAVY METAL POLLUTION IN PEARL RIVER ESTUARY URBANIZATION, POLLUTION, MANGROVE, OYSTER Decline of Mangrove Area Decline of Mangrove Emigration of Oyster Water Pollution

2 Oyster of Shajing Cultural Exhibition

3 Mangrove Wetlands

4 Public Green Space

5 Floating Islands

6 Oyster-hatching Zone

7 Oyster-growing Zone

8 Oyster-fatting Zone


The management of water pollution is divided into three parts:

The first part is through the topographic undulation to slow down the flow velocity, settling part of the water pollution;

The second part is mangroves and sedimentation ponds, through ecological oxygenation and other water pollution control;

The third part is oyster farming, further biological management to stabilize the state of water pollution.

The current river flows directly into the sea

Breaking up the river

Let the river flow into the purification zone

Fixed net

The shaping of the terrain balances cut and fill on-site while slowing the flow of water and acting as a purifying agent. The use of grids to secure oyster shells to the surface of the terrain enhances the purification effect.

1 Topographic Purification Zone
250m500m1000m 0m N MASTER PLAN 1 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 2
Detention Pond Submergent Wetlands Emergent Wetlands Breakwater Oyster Farming
Oyster Hill Mangrove Wetlands Oyster Farming THREE PARTS OF MANAGEMENT Pollutant
Soil Oyster Crust Fillings
High Tigh Line


The test of the settling capacity of four texture of terrain. In the CFD simulation, the texture Ⅳ slowed down the flow the most, and the settlement could be the most.The results were also verified by physical experiments.

CFD Simulation

Physical Experiments


Mangrove wetlands are the second stage of purification, where heavy metals are purified from the water primarily through biology. Plant selection was carried out through an analysis of the ability of native species to purify the five major heavy metals present in the Maozhou River.

The flowering season of wetland plants is concentrated from April to September, and the wetlands can present different scenery throughout the seasons due to temperature and tidal influences.


Semi-mangrove True-mangrove Pioneer Species Zone Supralittoral Zone Low-tide Terrace High-tide Terrace Bare Zone Seagrass Zone Terestrial Plants Highest Tide High Tide Low Tide Lowest Tide Intertidal Zone Midlittoral Zone High Midlittoral Zone Middle Midlittoral Zone Low Midlittoral Zone
Millettia pinnata Thespesia populnea Heritiera littoralis dryand Barringtonia racemosa Avicennia marina Bruguiera gymnorhiza Kandelia obovata Parmentiera cerifera Acanthus ilicifolius Rhizophora stylosa Ipomoea pes-caprae Derris trifoliata Cyperus malaccensis Casuarina equisetifolia Forst Sesuvium portulacastrum
Semi-mangrove True-mangrove Mangrove Assoviates Apr.-Aug. Sep.-Mat. Pb Cu Zn Mn Cd Sonneratia apetala Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Kandelia candel S.apetala+ B.gymnorrhiza S.apetala+ K.candel S.apetala+ A.corniculatum Aegiceras corniculatum
1m/s 3m/s Texture Texture Ⅱ Texture Ⅲ Texture Ⅳ
Texture Ⅰ Texture Ⅱ Texture Ⅲ Texture Ⅳ Experiment Description: 1.Constant Liquid Pouring Speed 2. Usw Video to Record Medium: Plasticine 0.00s 0.00s 0.00s 0.00s 0.15s 0.15s 0.15s 0.15s 0.25s 0.25s 0.25s 0.25s 0.35s 0.35s 0.35s 0.35s 0.45s 0.45s 0.45s 0.45s 0.55s 0.55s 0.55s 0.55s 0.65s 0.65s 0.65s 0.65s water velocity settling velocity of pollutant pollutant concentration water velocity settling velocity of pollutant pollutant concentration water velocity settling velocity of pollutant pollutant concentration water velocity settling velocity of pollutant pollutant concentration
Final Choice
Average Monthly Precipitation Current situation in the breeding area Current situation in the breeding area Current situation in the breeding area Demand of breeding area conditions Demand of breeding area conditions Demand of breeding area conditions Average Monthly Precipitation (Summer) (Autumn, Winter) 36.4% 15% Salinity Salinity 36.4% 15% 17% 17% Salinity Salinity Salinity Salinity Farming Constuction Design 1 2 3 145 67 89 1.Sands 2.Wetland water 3.Artifical reefs 4.Seabeds 5.Earth 6.Salt water aquaculture area 7.Fishing net 8.Stakes 9.Wooden frame for fixing fishing net 10. Estuary area 11. Sling 12. Counterweight stuffs 13. Float bowls 14. Bamboo raft 10 11121314 Oyster-growing Oyster-hatching Oyster-fatting Average Monthly Precipitation (Spring) Farming Zone Design Ocean Current Fresh Water Current

1.Oyster shells are used as fillings for the stacked topography.

2.Roots Strengthen The Soil.

3. The microorganisms in the mangrove ecosystem provide nutrients for the oyster farming.

4.Seaweed is provided as feed to the oyster farming.

"Spliting Oyster and Oyster Shell" Game Visiting Oyster Farming

BBQ Visit the Shajing Oyster Cultural Exhibition Hall Visiting the wetland Oyster Meal


Oyster-Fatting Area

Oyster Restaurant

Oyster-Growing Area

Oyster-hatching Area

A Tour Route In The Golden Oyster Festival
Migrate Harvest
1 2 3

ACTIVATION OF SHANGHAI PEOPLE'S SQUARE: Based on Automatic Driving Revolution

Area: 14.75ha

Location: Shanghai,China

Type: Workshop /Teamwork

Duration: 2020.06-2020.07

Colaborator: Yixing Wang

Roles in the team: Pre-analysis, Idea proposal, Strategy analysis, Scheme design, Plan drawing, 3D modeling, Renderings

Instructor: Zhicheng Liu

Under the requirements for the trial implementation of automatic driving activities in Shanghai, public space should respond to the changing demand in 2050 when the automatic driving plan is fully implemented.

By rebuilding the circulation system and integrating the functional space, the underground parking lot, which might be abandoned, becomes a more convenient and more multifunctional area for human activities. This design practice is also an attempt to step further into the future and activate the urban grey space through landscape approaches.

1861 Shanghai Strolling Stables Traveler Consumer Office worker Student Resident Pedestrain Flow COMMERCIAL AREA CULTURAL AREA PEOPLE'S SQUARE LOSES ATTRACTION COMMERCIAL AREA 1995 People's Square Underground Mall Wujiaochang Underground Mall Xujiahui Underground Mall 1200 800 400 19952000 2000 1000 500 2005201020152020 Rent/yuan The average daily traffic of the underground mall at People's Square only 40,000 in 2020, only 10% of Xujiahui's. The 70% business model of the underground mall at People's Square are clothing trade. Decrease in the number of shopsDecrease in shop rentals Decrease in shop rentals 2000 2005 2010 2015 RESIDENTIAL AREA RESIDENTIAL AREA 1940 The United States Army Club 1949 Shanghai Culture Center 1980 Shanghai Civic Center 2020 Shanghai Municipal Culture Center 2050 The Age of Self-Driving Cars

The underground entrance of the garage was determinded accourding to the traffic line. The pedestrain accesses are established to avoid traffic on the ground floor. Part of the first basement outdoor space serves as an extension of the museum’s functions. The second basement underground is a main space for sports and entertainment.


want to go downstairs to see the art exhibition!

Other cultural relics preserved in the museum can be seen underground!

like to skate here with my friends on weekends!

My children can learn about many shade tolerant plants here.



after going

OPERATIONS People’s Square Automatic Car Entrance Accessibility The Viaduct — The Ground The Ground — The Underground Visibility
1. Fountain Plaza 2. Grass Slope 3. Central Staircase 4. Central Square 5. Cafe In the Sky 6. Central Ramp 7. North Car Entrance 8. South Car Entrance 9. Plank Road 10. Shopping Mall 11. North Entrance Square 12. West Entrance Square 13. East Entrance Square 1 2 0m N 25m50m100m 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3
Second Floor Underground
The First Floor
fascinated by the free
theater here!
on! There's
can take a bus to the subway station
shopping. The view from here is really good! Come
a band
Pedestrian flow Automatic vehicle line Section of C-C' The pedestrian entrance Business area Small theater Dining area Performance area Green space business area Distributing area Skate park Outdoor exhibition Sinking space Viewing area Reading area Entrance square Green space A B C Section of A-A' Section of B-B' C' B' A'

SOUNDSCAPE: Modernity vs History, City vs Nature

Area: 6.8 ha

Location: Nanjing, JiangSu

Type: Academic/Indivitual Work

Duration: 2019.10-2018.12

Instructor: Yichun Lu

With a history of more than 2500 years, Nanjing is a charming city combining history and inter-national style. However, due to the rapid expansion of the city, many unattractive public spaces have appeared in Nanjing. These spaces have lost their cultural characteristicsand are plagued by problems caused by urbanization, such as noise and space fragmentation...

The site is just a public space plagued by traffic noise. It is located beside the Nanjing Moat—Qinhuai River. Looking back on the historical sound of Qinhuai, tried to redesign the site through soundscapes, evoke the memories of the venue and provide a more pleasant urban public space for the surrounding people.

Central ramp with outdoor cafe and show Central staircase Small outside theater Automatic car station

In ancient times, the banks of the Qinhuai River were rich in sound, with the sounds of nature, oars, singers, theatres and markets forming a nice soundscape. Man and nature living together on the banks of the Qinhuai River, and the beauty of Qinhuai and the customs of Nanjing are superimposed here.

The Sound of Nature The Sound of Oar The Sound of Showgirls The Sound of Drama The Sound of Market

Park suffers from noise disturbance.

People need space to contemplate. need a comfortable walk everday.

We have nowhere to play

It's too noisy to play cards here

Residential areas

Church School

Residential areas


Qinghuai river

The Noise Prediction Model: CRTN

LA10,1hr=10log10 (Q)+33log10 (V+40+ 500/V)+10log10 (1+ 5P/ V)+0.3G-26.6

LA10, 1hr The arithmetic mean noise level in dB(A) exceeded for 10% in one hour

Q: Traffic volume (1hr)

V: Traffic speed (km/h)

P: Fleet composition (percentage of heavy vehicles)

G: Road gradient (percentage)

Q: 4000~6000 (rush hours)

V: 60~80 km/h

P 10 G 5
LA10,1hr = 80.7~84.1 dB(A)
Residential areas Pedestrian flow Vehicular flow 10
NOISE IN SITE PERIPHERY ANALYSIS Site Qinghuai River Church Schools

1 Topograic Noise Reduction Zones

2 Water Pools

3 Market Square

4 Sport Space

5 Activity Lawn

6 Music Stairs

7 Waterfront Terraces

8 Waterfront Walkway

9 Interactive Paddle Zones


ZONE A: Voice of Reflection

Due to the absorption and scattering of the topography, the overhead noise turns to background sound, while sounds of birds and wind in the natural landscape function as the keynote sound. A stroll here also help people think about the relationship between nature and city.

ZONE B: Voice of Life

The sound of children playing in the water pool and people chatting in the market square create the vibrant sound environment every day. Just as the sound of theatre along the Qinhuai River in the history, here is the new urban stage.

ZONE C: Voice of History

Sound of Traffic

Sound of Qinhuai river

Sound of bubble fountain

Sound of nature/leaf rusting

Sound of children

Sound of Qinhuai flute

Sound of Oar

Sound of Weekend Market


Transform the sounds of history into musical steps, interactive paddles and other installations, add waterfront walkways and let people look back on history in an entertaining waterfront experience.

ZONE C: Voice of History

ZONE A: Voice of Reflection

ZONE B: Voice of Life

ZONE C: Voice of History

Greenway route

Waterfront route

Playing route

MASTER PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N
100m 50m 25m0m
1 1 1
ZONE A: Voice of Reflection ZONE B: Voice of Life


Area: 1.21ha

Location: Taipei,Taiwan

Type: Academic ndividual Work

Duration: 2020.01-2020.03

Instructor: Jing Qian

The site, located next to the 228 park in the heart of Taipei’s old town, was designed to commemorate the legalization of homosexuality in Taiwan. 228 park in the years when homosexuality was illegal, witnessed violence and exclusion, but also a shelter for 50 years of love, desire and warmth. Although located in the center of the city, the gay erotic space here is like a dark kingdom, excluded from the world around it. Same-sex marriage was legalized in Taiwan in 2019, but barriers and prejudices remain.

The design is based on the novel CRYSTAL BOYS (about gay love in the 228 park), to commemorate the history and success of the gay movement, and also hope that one day, the world belongs to everyone, where people do not need to distinguish between gay or gay space, only then, equality will truly come.


228 Peace Memorial Park NTU Hospital Office of the President Republic of China (Tainwan)
Taibei Main Station Liberty Square National Theater
National Concert Hall


Foreign Office Dating Place Detail Station Dating Place

The site is located next to the 228 Peace Memorial Park in Taipei, Taiwan. Since the 228 Peace Memorial Park was one of the main gathering places for gay men in Taipei, homosexuality occupy different positions in the park, and they also have a sense of domain control to varying degrees. This project analyzes the novel “Crystal Boys” by Taiwan writer Bai Xianyong, and aims to establish a mentality of the gay community and the history of the Taiwan gay movement. This is just to commemorate the legalization of gay Taiwan in 2019.

Public Attitude to Homosexuality in Taiwan


Society Acceptance of Homosexuality in Taiwan

Heterosexuality Home sexuality 85% 15% Normal Abnormal Neutral Positive Negative Neutral Opposition Neutral Support 43% 46% 11% 68% 12% 20% 1992 1993 2015 Gays Citizens Officers

Increasing Society Acceptance of Homosexuality in Taiwan



published this book in 1983. We want to be the same as you! can marry you!

1908 1950s-1970s 1983 1997 2003 2019

228 Peace Memorial Park was established.

Gay men started to date here.

During martial law, homosexuality was outlawed.Because of the police chase, the gay community can only date in the dark.

Bai xianyong wrote the gay novel Crystal Boys based on the park. Strengthened homosexuals ’sense of belonging and identification with the park“ Home forever ”.

“Changde Street Incident”: More than 40 gay men were forced to back to The police station by polices. Park turned to be a black zone.

Taiwan’s first pride parade was held on November 1st, starting on 228 Peace Memorial Park.

Taiwan legalized Same-sex Marriage.

Excerpt 1:

Excerpt 2: It’s always like this. Do you think the outside world is limitless?

Excerpt 3:

Excerpt 4:

The threat from that boundless universe outside can been keenly felt at any moment in our kingdom.

In the dim light of the reddish moon above we look like a pack of sleepwalkers, frantically stepping on each other’s shadows as we skirt the lotus pond, never stopping, round and round in crazed pursuit of that nightmare of love and lust

We stand equally on the stairs of the lotus pond. No matter whether we are innocent or pure or battered and depraved, our footprints are all left in this kingdom, leaving one page of indelible history on the bank of the lotus pond


Escaping light and entering dark sadly. Pain, helpless, and escaping from

Sketch Of Scene

Shots Light In Space Space Rhythm Flow Sketch of Section DARK KINDOM SRTUGGLE RETURN PEACEFUL

Taiwan SITE
Taipei 228 Peace Memorial Park Presidential Palace
Proportion of Homosexuals in Taiwan
Demographic Analysis around Site
self. Enjoy the love, lively. Calm, accepting self, recognizing self.
In our kingdom there is only night without day. At dawn, our kingdom would become invisible for its illegality
But you are fated to fly back resignedly sooner or later, like birds homing to the nest
Sentences of Novel CRYSTAL BOYS


01. The shadowed space enclosed by the walls is a metaphor for the ‘dark kingdom’ of homosexuals only, a zone of isolation from mainstream society. The interlocking and tightly packed walls represent the walls in the minds of homosexuals who have been expelled from society.

02. Cutting into the terrain, the paths leading to the outside world represent the inner struggle of the homosexuals themselves. The end of the path is closed and people eventually return to the main path, just as homosexuals struggle to escape but eventually return to their hearts.

04. The gloomy space is suddenly broken by beams of light falling from the sky, guiding one upwards. This is a metaphor for the coming light of the struggle of homosexuals.

03. As the space continues to sink, the visitor comes to the end of the main pathway a dark circular shape with water spilling over the low part of the floor. The visitor is guided by the raised topography, around the circular space to the staircase. Here is the climax of the space, suggesting the unquenchable love of the homosexuals.

05. The mirrored pool reflects the bustling centre of Taipei and the water lilies in the pool symbolise equality. People are harmonious but different, and homosexuals will eventually be accepted by society and reap peace of mind.

06. People descend through the circular walkway onto the grassy slope, where the space becomes free and people can choose any path in the grassy slope to stroll, representing that human nature is no longer bound by social prejudice.

MASTER PLAN SECTION A A’ B B’ C C’ D D’ E E’ F F’ G G’ H J K L H’ I’ J’ K’ L’ 1 Entrance 2 Dark Kindom 3 Fly Away 4 Dim Light Space 5 Lotus Pond 6 Grassy slopes 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 A-A’
B-B’ C-C’
D-D’ E-E’
L-L’ I-I’ 5m10m 20m 0m N 01 02 03 04 05 06
F-F’ G-G’ H-H’ J-J’ K-K’


Using oil mud to deduce the topography:

A gently fluctuating topography wraps around a central mirrored pool. Visitors can wander through the undulating topography and eventually return to the starting point, which is a metaphor for human nature. Groups of low walls create intangible pressure that homosexuals have to face. The contrast between the soft ground and the low wall reflects the dilemma that the gay community have to go through.


Central Steel Park and Surrounding Area

Landscape Design Competition

Location: Shanghai, China

Type: Internship Work at SWA Group (Historical Heritages Analysising, Cyberpunk Park Detail Design, Road Design, Smart Park Diagrams)

Time: June 2021

Bao Steel Industrual Park Planning and Design

Location: Shanghai, China

Type: Internship Work at Valentien + Valentien (Garden Design, Gallery Design,Autocad Drawing, 3D Modelling)

Time: Nov 2020

8 Shenton Way Location: Singapore

Type: Internship Work at Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl (Water Feature Design,Public Hub Design,Autocad Drawing, 3D Modeling)

Time: June 2022

Dark Kindom Escaping Love & Lust Equality

Central Steel Park and Surrounding Area Landscape Design Competition

Location: Shanghai, China

Type: Internship Work at SWA Group (Historical Heritages Analysising, Detail Design, Road Design, Smart Park Diagrams)

Time: June 2021


Bao Steel Industrual Park Planning and Design

Location: Shanghai, China

Type: Internship Work at Valentien + Valentien (Garden Design, Gallery Design,Autocad Drawing, 3D Modelling) Nov 2020

For job applicaiton only, copy and right to Valentien + Valentien Before After

8 Shenton Way

Location: Singapore

Type: Internship Work at Valentien + Valentien (Water Feature Design,Public Hub Design,Autocad Drawing, 3D Modeling)

June 2022

For job applicaiton only, copy and right to HL


Thank You! -Hu Die

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