Wendover News, February 2018

Page 1

Available in Wendover, Dunsmore, The Lee, Halton, Weston Turville and Liffré

February 2018

Neighbourhood Plan

Lionel Abel Smith Trust Closure Date: 28 February 2018

Questionnaire Date from 12 February


The views expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor. If you have a complaint or concern about content in Wendover News, please visit www.wendovernews.co.uk/complaints.

contributions for March 2018 before

Monday 12 February

Status of HS2

Wendover News hesitates to comment in print on fast moving news stories but as we go to press, the liquidation of Carillion has been announced. The question on the street is, “How does this affect the HS2 project?” Watch the Wendover News website www. wendovernews.co.uk which will carry any updates as they are received. Our social media Facebook and Twitter will also carry any news as soon as we hear it. Local investigative work by Balfour Beatty was still in progress as this edition of Wendover News went to press.

The entrance to Grove Farm

WNP Questionnaire

Please expect to receive a copy of the Wendover Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire in time to complete it between Monday 12 February and Monday 5 March. It is quicker to complete online but the website will only be available during this period. Each member of the household can complete a questionnaire, more details see page 21.

Lionel Abel-Smith Trust

Applications for the Spring Meeting must be received by Wednesday 28 February with full contact details and, if possible, email address to: clerk@wendovertrust. org or Clerk to the Trust, 14A Vicarage Close, Wendover, Bucks. HP22 6DS. For more details go to the website www. wendovertrust.org. Grants can be available to cases of real need throughout the year.

RAF Flypast

(including payments for adverts) book early to avoid disappointment

01296 624270

editor@wendovernews.co.uk Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop 19 High Street, Wendover HP22 6DX Wendover News, established 1989, is delivered through the door to many local households. If you do not receive one at home and would like to volunteer to deliver for us to your road, please contact the office (see above). Wendover News would like to thank all its willing volunteers.

Tuesday 13 & 27 February at 1.30pm To celebrate the completion of training at RAF Halton we can expect a flypast (weather permitting)

ANTIQUES AT . . . WENDOVER February Mystery Object at the Antiques Centre

£10 Gift voucher for the winner December’s was a pair of Boot Hooks Open 7 Days a week

Free customer car park

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CONTENTS 01 02 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 30 32



Wendover News is produced by: Jane Larkham - Editor Jackie Brown - Assistant Editor Wynne Byford - Graphics Paul Hammett - Accounts Please recycle your Wendover News Printed in the UK by The Magazine Printing Company using only paper from FSC/PEFC suppliers www.magprint.co.uk


garden projects, gardening lessons, design, maintenance and advice

Sara Shelby sara.e.shelby@gmail.com 07941 329058 01296 622358

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Merryweather Mowers SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS

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Wendover News February 2018

Events Cycle Rides and Local Walks

Simply Walk meets each Tuesday at 10.00 at Wendover Clock Tower and the first Thursday at 11.00 near Café in the Woods. Have a look at the listings on pages 30 & 31 for details. The Ramblers have a programme of organised walks of varying length and difficulty locally. More on pages 30 & 31.

Bucks Bird Club

Thu 1, 7.45pm, Wendover Memorial Hall “Bucks Birding through the years” by Mike Wallen. Members free, visitors £2.

Chilterns Dog Rescue Society Quiz

Sat 3, 7.30-10.30pm, Ley Hill Village Hall Teams of 6 at £12.50 per head, includes Aylesbury Cyclist Touring Club has food platter. Please bring your own drinks & group rides throughout the county, see glasses. Tickets from CDRS, 01296 623885. southbuckscycling.or​g.uk/rides. Any bike will do as long as it’s roadworthy. Newcomers Chiltern Hills – Guided Trail Run welcome, please try an easy-paced ride Sun 4, 10.45am, Tring Station first. Easy-Paced Rides 09.30am Sundays: 17.5km (11 miles), moderate difficulty, February’s ride start points have been average pace: 6min/km — 9:40min/mile. chosen but ride leaders have not; please see Details & sign-up: www.runawayuk.com/ the website for details. our-adventures/open-adventures/chilternhills-guided-trail-run Wendover and Halton Cycling Club meets weekly at 18.30 Wednesdays, 18.00 Thursdays, 08.30 Sundays. All meetings at Music & Poetry Halton UK tennis and sports village. Parking, Tue 6, 1pm, St Mary’s Church Wendover showers/changing and café on site. Contact Chiltern Arts Festival 2018 takes place Otec Bikes for information 07824 828024. Saturday 3 - Sunday 11 February 2018. As part of this new & exciting festival, Elgar’s See advert page 11. Piano Quintet, coupled with moving WW1 poetry, will be performed on Tuesday 6 Regular Events at Wendover Library February - Day Four of the Festival. “Learn My Way” computer training 1st Tuesday of each month, please book. Kimble & Ellesborough Hort Society Children’s Book Club, 1st Saturday every Tue 6, 8pm, Stewart Hall HP17 0XN month, 2.30pm - details from the Library. “Plants and Archaeology: Green Fingers and International Conversation - Fri 9, please Science” Colin Oakes is an archaeologist and book. Knit & Natter, Tue 20, 1.30-3.30pm. tour guide and will talk to us about the link Scrabble Club, 4th Tuesday each month, between green fingers and science. 2.30pm. “Jigsaw Challenge” Jan & Feb.

Cake & Biscuit Decorating

BBOWT Events

dates and locations vary Cornelli Sugarcraft (see advert page 5) runs Conservation work: Bacombe Hill, 10am courses each term. www.cornellisugarcraft. Thursday 8 (contact steve_keene@btinternet. co.uk. See events pages 30 & 31. com) and Weston Turville Reservoir, 10am, Thursday 22 (contact staceyhewitt@bbowt. Charity Coffee Mornings org.uk). Guided walk: College Lake, 10.30Thursdays, 10am-12noon, No2 Pound St 12noon, Saturday 10 - please see www. Medical Detection Dogs is the first charity to bbowt.org.uk for booking details. Children’s benefit. Drop in, add to the collection pot, Activity: “Skullduggery” 10am-1pm, Tuesday and have a cup of coffee, too! 13 & Wednesday 14, College Lake - please see www.bbowt.org.uk for booking details. Bucks County Museum & Roald Dahl Talk: 7.45pm, Tuesday 20, Gt Missenden Children’s Gallery Memorial Centre - entry £3. Church Street, Aylesbury HP20 2QP Visit the fantastic Roald Dahl Children’s Chiltern Writers Gallery, café, shop and garden. Until 24 Feb, Thu 8, 8-9.30pm, Wendover Library Room “Ex Libris - Altered Books”; 10 Feb to 21 Manuscript Evening. These meetings are Apr, works by Elisabeth Frink. For charges, where members can read out up to 5 opening and activity times, birthday minutes’ worth of something they’ve written parties and more please check www. and, if they wish, receive constructive criticism from the rest of the group. buckscountymuseum.org. Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Events Chilterns MS Centre Quiz Night

Fri 9, 7pm, Wendover Memorial Hall Bar opens 7pm for a 7.30 quiz. Teams of up to 8 people. Tickets £15 pp include fish and chip supper. To book your table contact fundraising@chilternsmscentre.org or call 01296 823040.

Dennis Davies General Knowledge Quiz

Sat 10, 7pm, Anthony Hall, Aston Clinton Benefits St Michael & All Angels, Aston Clinton. Details and tickets (£12) from maggiebeaujeux@outlook.com.

Messy Church

Sun 11, 3.30-5.30pm, St Anne’s Hall No matter your age, you are welcome to enjoy messy (and not so messy activities), a story and song and a meal together. No charge. Children, please remember to bring an adult with you.

Coffee and Pancakes

Tue 13, 10am-12noon & 7pm-8pm, Wendover Christian Centre There’s always coffee brewing on Tuesday mornings at the Christian Centre, but on Shrove Tuesday, you can enjoy pancakes as well – and pancakes will be served again in the evening from 7pm. (All money raised will be sent to charity). Afterwards, at 12.30pm and at 8pm, the film ‘The Shack’ will be shown, starring Olivia Spencer and Sam Worthington. The film is to be the focus of this year’s Churches Together Lent meetings, the days and times of which will be announced on Shrove Tuesday. Additional showings of the film are likely. If interested, contact minister@wendoverfreechurch.org.uk or 01296 622354.

Wendover WI

Tue 13, 7.30pm, St Anne’s Hall “Flowers for Valentine’s Day” with speaker John Noakes. www. wendoverwi.weebly.com February Loyalty Card Offers If you are not receiving the monthly email reminder and would like to, please check your spam and junk folders or send your details, including your ILW card number to ilovewendover@wendoverchamber.co.uk

See also www.wendoverloyaltycard.com and noticeboards in Sweeney’s Budgens, Costa, Harpenden BS, The Library and Wendover Hardware. aa

a li�le bird told me: Don’t forget Valentines Day. Buy 9 cards and get the 10th FREE!! (you don’t have to buy them all at once) Hemingford Pest Control: £10 off ANY accepted quote 07736 327808 Martin Holman: 10% off domestic treatment prices 07510 290321 No2 Pound Street: 10% OFF our delicious Deli Tasting Platters (not in conjunction with any other offers) Perry House Dental Surgery: 20% off bleaching, conditions apply The Lo� Studio & Gallery: FREE artist’s card with Limited Edition print purchase Oakwood Wellbeing: 20% off first class block booking, saving £16 01296 823 044 info@oakwood.org.uk Village Environmental Services: 20% discount on accepted estimate for CCTV drain survey or drain clearance, 07850 635844 Wendover Computers: 10% off install, setup and data transfer when purchasing a nano or laptop. 10% off Windows Vista upgrades. pete@wendover-computers.co.uk, 0800 3118385, 07881 555482 Wendover Heights Veterinary Centre: 10% off pet consultations and vaccinations (T& Cs apply) 01296 623439 Wendover Wood: 10% discount 01296 623869


01296 624270


Wendover News February 2018




Antiques & Collectors Market

Thursday 15 February 9am-2pm (Trade 8am) Entrance by donation to Charity Wendover Memorial Hall email: peter.stevenspeter@aol.com

Chiltern Humanists

Coffee morning Friday 16th February, 10 am to 12 noon in St Anne's Hall Val and Richard Brown, volunteer footpath wardens for The Chiltern Society, will speak at 10.45.

No booking needed. Non-members welcome. Come and enjoy fresh coffee and cakes!

CRAFT SALE - ST ANNE’S HALL Saturday 7 April 10.00 - 2.00

Handcrafted jewellery, wood crafts, plants, textiles, paintings, children’s lucky dip, cakes, refreshments and more ... Miniature pony rides for young children Fun for all the family Please note card payments cannot be taken as there is no Wi-Fi

Tue 13, 8pm, Wendover Library Room “Are Humanists Too Human Centric?” with speaker Laurence Smaje. Laurence will lead a discussion about the common characteristics and attitudes of Humanists and their relationship with other non-human users of our world. www.chilternhumanists.org.uk

Cornelli Classes for Kids & Teens

Wed 14, am/pm, Wendover Library Room Childrens Teddy Modelling - Ages 8-11 years. 10am - 12pm, £30 inc materials and refreshments. Teens Unicorn Cupcakes Ages 12-16 years. 1.30pm - 3.30pm, £40 inc materials, cupcakes and refreshments. Call to book on 01296 696860. See advert page 5. www.cornellisugarcraft.co.uk

Wendover Horticultural Society

Thu 15, 2.30pm, Wendover Library Room With guest Amanda Ruse - “A Virtual Potager”.

On Screen

Fri 16, 7.30pm, Wendover Library Room Movie TBC. Tickets £5 from the Library.

Book Club

Sat 17, 10.30-11.30am, Wen Christian Ctre There is always a warm welcome for anyone who enjoys reading. No set books, just interesting conversation about what we have been reading and what we recommend. We will start with coffee & biscuits or cake.

Bucks Family History Society

Sat 17, 2pm, Turnfurlong Jr Schl HP21 7PL “Chiltern Villages”, with speaker Colin Oakes. Wendover Art Club The Society welcomes non-members to its Wed 14 & 28, 7.30pm, Wendover Library Rm meetings; entry is £4. www.bucksfhs.org.uk 14 - DVD on painting. 28 - Guest Cate Wetherall demonstrates depicting the Aylesbury Vale Embroiderers’ Guild natural world with pastels. Visitors welcome. Sat 17, 2.30-4,.30pm, SM Methodist Church www.wendoverartclub.org Stitching session with AVEG members.

NEWS FROM WENDOVER HEALTH CENTRE - 01296 623452 Wendover Health Centre is also on www.westongrove.com Changes to our Opening Hours

We will close at 1pm on Tuesday 20 February and Tuesday 13 March 2018 for staff training. On these days only, if you require urgent assistance between 1pm and 6.30pm please call 01296-850011.

Our car park

At times the Health Centre car park is very busy and it is difficult to find a parking place. We ask the Wendover community to assist us by ONLY using the car park during our opening hours if you are a bona fide user of the Health Centre. It would very helpful if you are able to leave your car at home, or park elsewhere, and walk to the Health Centre.

Flu outbreak

There is currently a significant flu outbreak in the UK, and this is likely to continue for the next few weeks or longer. Flu symptoms come on very quickly and include: fever – the temperature often rises well above 38C; aching body; feeling tired or exhausted; dry, chesty cough; sore throat; headache; diarrhoea or tummy pain, and nausea and being sick. Affected adults and children should stay at home, rest, take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve fever and aching, and drink plenty of fluids. A pharmacist can advise on treatment of flu symptoms. Antibiotics are not effective in treating flu. Call us if: • you become breathless or develop sharp chest pains (seek help immediately) • your symptoms haven’t started to improve after 7 days • you are worried about your child’s symptoms (children under 2 years and those with medical conditions are a particular concern) • you’re pregnant • you (or someone you care for) have a long-term medical condition – for example, diabetes or a heart, lung, kidney or neurological disease, or a weakened immune system – for example, because of chemotherapy, HIV or frailty.

3 before GP

The Royal College of GPs has developed this three-step ‘mantra’ to help relieve pressures on GP services. Please ask yourself these three questions before contacting your GP: Can I? 1. Self-care 2. Use NHS Choices or similar reputable websites/resources* 3. Seek advice/treatment via a pharmacist *Our own website www.westongrove.com, is a good source of health information – visit the “Treatment Room” section. This space paid for by Wendover Health Centre.


Wendover News February 2018

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts



Workshop unit for Rental - 66 sq m Electric / water / phone line Apply: Garry King 07753 322224 kingsfarmshop@btconnect.com

Aylesbury Ctre of the National Trust daughter. £10 entrance + refreshments, Thu 22, 8pm Broughton Jr School “Mercy Ships” with speaker Ken Payne.

contact RGHC shop for tickets.

Pace Pamper Evening

• 1 Mar - Jazz Upfront featuring the Clark Tracey Quartet • 1 Mar - Snowdrops & Specialist Plant Fair for Pace • 3 & 4 Mar - Chilterns MS Centre Art Exhibition, see advert page 4 • 17 Mar - “Science with Max” at Wendover Community Library, please book. • 19 Mar - Wendover Youth Centre AGM, see article page 20 • 24 Mar - Concert in support of Lindengate, see article page 18 • 7 Apr - Craft Sale for World Challenge 2019, see advert page 4 • 21 Apr - Pace Big Walk. Details kelly.houghton@ thepacecentre.org • 27 May - Wendover Celebrates 2018, see centre pages

Fri 23, 6.30-9.30pm, Sivatech HP19 8DJ Returning for 2018! New & returning therapists and stallholders. Book now by visiting www.thepacecentre.org.

The Wendover Society AGM

Fri 23, 7.30pm, Wendover Memorial Hall 52nd Annual General Meeting and Dinner. Please download information and book your meal at www.wendoversociety.org.uk.

Weston Turville Historical Society

Fri 23, 8pm, W Turville Village Hall Speaker John Webster tells how “Grandma flew Spitfires”. Entrance - £2 members, £3 visitors. www.wthsoc.org.uk

Rennie Grove Fundraiser Talk

Sat 24, 2.30-3.30, St Anne’s Hall “Call the Midwife” talk by Jennifer Worth’s

Coming Soon - Save the Date!

2018 Season A moving, poignant story that spans four generations. We follow the relationships between the mothers and daughters of one family.

Garden Care & Maintenance Dead leaves, brown plants, unruly shrubs?

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Sugarcraft Specialist Cake decorating supplies Cake decorating courses 01296 696860 1 Town Court High St Wendover HP22 6EA www.cornellisugarcraft.co.uk

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Wendover News February 2018


BBOWT Wildlife groups take action for water voles on the River Misbourne

The River Misbourne in south Buckinghamshire is being transformed into a wildlife-friendly habitat, thanks to the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust working with the Wild Trout Trust, Environment Agency, Buckinghamshire County Council and Groundwork South along with local conservation volunteers. Julia Lofthouse, Water Vole Project Officer with the Wildlife Trust, explains why this work is needed: “The River Misbourne is a precious chalk stream which flows for 17 miles from its source in the Chilterns to the Colne Valley. This project is working to improve habitats for wildlife, in particular the rare water vole and brown trout populations which live in the river. “In some places the river’s gravel bed has silted up so that brown trout aren’t able to spawn. In other areas the banks have become overgrown with trees and shrubs so that water voles don’t have grasses and plants to feed on.” The River Misbourne habitat improvement project is focusing on a section of river from above the Colne Valley Park Visitor Centre downstream to the confluence with the River Colne. Julia explains what’s happening: “Staff and volunteers from the wildlife groups and local project partners are opening up the river, using tree branches and other material cut from the vegetation to reinstate banks and recreate the winding nature of the stream.

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Wendover News February 2018

“Narrowing the stream speeds up the flow of water which then washes away the silt. As the river naturally bends around the new banks it creates pools where trout can live and invertebrates such as mayflies and dragonflies can reproduce. “Cutting back the overhanging trees allows more light onto the banks where grasses, reeds and other vegetation will provide food and cover for water voles. The water voles on the Misbourne are one of only three populations remaining in the county. Ultimately we would like to see them extend downstream and along the River Colne to link up with the nearby population on the River Chess.” Rob Mungovan, Conservation Officer at the Wild Trout Trust says: “Partnership working can be the key to success on rivers as so many people use and enjoy them. We are very pleased to have been able to lead the volunteers to ensure that the river is in a great shape for wildlife, especially its vulnerable wild brown trout and scarce water voles.” The River Misbourne project, which is funded by the Environment Agency, started in October 2017 and is due to finish in March 2018.

Nancy Baume, Project Manager at the Environment Agency says: “This fantastic project is part of the Chalk Streams Partnership. Across Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire we are working with partners to protect and restore our globally rare chalk streams for the benefit of people and wildlife. Alongside a programme of river restoration projects, such as The River Misbourne habitat improvement project, we are working with Affinity Water to reduce abstraction and make sure more water remains in the environment.” In 2018 the team will be creating a gravel ‘beach’ beside the River Misbourne outside the Colne Valley Visitor Centre within Denham Country Park. “Hundreds of children come here to go river-dipping in their school holidays and on school visits. This will make a lovely place for people to paddle and use nets to dip for mayfly nymphs and the abundance of other tiny creatures that live in the chalk stream,” says Julia. Stewart Pomeroy from Groundwork South welcomes the work: “This project will improve the habitat for water voles and other species within the Colne Valley and will help create habitat links for water vole populations on the River Colne with populations further up the River Misbourne.” To find out more about the River Misbourne habitat improvement project and how you can get involved, contact Julia Lofthouse, julialofthouse@bbowt.org.uk.


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Choice of 5 Membership Options


Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Transition lucca

This is very much a time of transition for Churches Together in Wendover, with Sally, Vicar of Wendover, and Father Jude, Parish Priest at St Anne’s, both relatively new in post. A warm welcome was extended to Father Jude who joined the four-monthly Churches Together in Wendover meeting for the first time this January. At the meeting, the committee agreed to work together to draw up a Lent menu for people to dip into throughout Lent and Holy Week. Please look out for this in early February. The highlight of this year’s offerings is a six-week ‘course’ based on the 2017 film, The Shack from the producer of The Life of Pi and The Blind Side, starring Olivia Spencer and Sam Worthington. It is based on a best-selling novel which deals with personal tragedy, loss and redemption. Remco, Minister of Wendover Free Church, will introduce this and show the entire film (132 minutes) at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Evening on 13 February (pancakes from 7pm, and the film will start at 8pm). There will be an additional viewing of the film at 12.30 lunchtime on the 13th, and potentially another one during that week for those who can’t make Shrove Tuesday evening. This is an exciting project which it is hoped many will engage with. The course will be offered on Monday evenings and Tuesday lunchtimes in Wendover Christian Centre, and Tuesday evenings in the Manse. Please put these six dates in your diary. If you would like to be involved in running the course please get in touch with Remco, Sally or Fr Jude. Following the success of last year we hope to repeat the joint 24 hour prayer activity and vigil, Thy Kingdom Come, from Friday 18 to Saturday 19 May. This would be held mainly in St Anne’s but will finish at breakfast time in St Mary’s. This initiative, which is inspired by the Archbishop of Canterbury, is one which aims to transform individual lives and entire communities. If you are interested in helping please contact Remco, minister@wendoverfreechurch. org.uk who will be organising a planning meeting for the prayer activities. A lively, joint service of praise at St Anne’s will conclude celebrations on Pentecost Sunday, 20 May.

restaurant & bar

Valentine’s Day w e d n e s d ay 1 4 t h F e b r u a r y

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four course menu

An opportunity to take some time out of our busy lives to study and reflect on the psalms is also planned for Saturday 5 May and will be led by Mary Sketch who has a wealth of experience in leading groups with creative insight.

and a glass of prosecco £50 per person

On Sunday 27 May, we plan to be part of Wendover Celebrates, welcoming The Riding Lights Theatre Company and organising a Messy Church tent and a Prayer tent with themed stations. Helpers will be welcome throughout the day. Please put this in your diary. Amongst many other things discussed were our annual donation of books to young people to help them make the transition into infant school and onto secondary level education and our Harvest celebrations which, this year, will all be held on the same Sunday, 7 October.

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If you would like to be involved more closely in the work of Churches Together, please speak to Remco, Sally or Father Jude. We would love to hear from you. www.wendovernews.co.uk

01296 624270


Wendover News February 2018


• • • •

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Make Your Will Month Write or update your Will and Make Your Will Month generates widespread support Rennie Grove Hospice Care support that helps to raise urgently needed Throughout February, a selected group of local legal experts are donating their time and legal expertise to write a standard Will in return for a donation to Rennie Grove Hospice Care.

Rennie Grove Hospice Care is a charity providing care and support for adults and children diagnosed with cancer and other life-limiting illness and their families. Every year through our 24/7 Hospice at Home service, our Family Support services and the range of Day Services at Grove House, St Albans we give thousands of patients the choice to stay at home, surrounded by their families and friends.

Martin Holman’s Pest Control & Services Qualified and insured with over 17 years’ experience Treatments and prevention for rodents and insects For domestic, commercial and contracts M: 07510 290321 T: 01296 622972 ratman01@talktalk.net www.martinholmanspestcontrol.co.uk @martinholmanpestcontrol

funds for Rennie Grove Hospice Care. To take part, you can simply contact one of the participating solicitors and make an appointment for February, explaining that you would like to support Rennie Grove’s Make Your Will Month. The solicitor you choose will help you plan, write or update your Will and will provide advice so that your family does not pay more inheritance tax than they need to.

As well as getting your own affairs in order and taking care of your family, you’ll be able to safeguard Rennie Grove’s service for future generations. If you are able to consider leaving a gift in your Will to Rennie Grove, this will enable more patients in the Thanks to local solicitors who have teamed future to have the choice to remain at home up to support the scheme, it will be a great and receive its specialist services. opportunity to start 2018 by getting your affairs in order while helping local families New Free Legal Advice Clinic with your donation. Rennie Grove is holding a free legal advice If you want to have control over what clinic in collaboration with Hine Solicitors happens to your assets after your death, on Thursday 25 January 2018, from 9am to effective estate planning is essential. It may 1pm at The Fitzwilliams Centre, behind St be an uncomfortable subject to think about Mary and All Saints Church, 10-12 Wycombe but not having a Will can cause problems for End, Beaconsfield HP9 2JW. The session starts with an introductory talk from a legal your family – often at a very difficult time. expert, followed by an open forum session Making a Will makes things that little bit for questions with an optional private 20 easier for those you leave behind; they’ll minute consultation that can be pre-booked be looked after and they can carry out your in advance. wishes confident that they are doing what you want. If you die without a Will, your To find out more about this session and for a estate will be shared out according to the full list of participating solicitors, visit www. law instead of your wishes and there is no renniegrove.org/makeyourwill or contact guarantee that your loved ones will receive Michele Poli on 01442 507344 or email legacy@renniegrove.org. what you intended.

Podiatry Clinic in Wendover High Street We provide a variety of services including: Diabetic foot screening and care General Practice Podiatry • Foot pain Nails • Calluses • Fungal nail problems Stock and bespoke foot orthoses Saturday and Evening clinics are available www.missendenorthotics.simplybook.it.v2

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Wendover News February 2018

The Courtyard Clinic, 13 High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU www.missendenorthotics.com mail@missendenorthotics.com Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Wendover Remembers

All material copyright 2018 Wendover Remembers

February 1918

The war at sea continued with the sinking of the US troop carrier Tuscania. It was torpedoed off the Irish coast with the loss of 166 lives. In the Bristol Channel the hospital ship Glenart Castle was torpedoed and 162 were lost. British forces continued to make advances in Palestine and Jericho was taken. A German air raid on London killed 21 and injured 32. Trotsky announced that Russia would take no further part in the war and would demobilise immediately. Thankfully no Wendover servicemen were killed in February. Halton Camp was expanding rapidly. An advertisement in the Bucks Herald by Messrs Foster and Dicksie Ltd. called for “30 carpenters, 12 painters, 3 scaffolders, 12 labourers” with “free sleeping accommodation on site”. As a result of German submarine attacks, food supplies to Britain from abroad were seriously disrupted. Compulsory rationing was in force. In an effort to encourage self-sufficiency the Government promoted the growing of vegetables, particularly potatoes, on any land that was available – even on the flower beds of Buckingham Palace.

Wendover did its bit. The Bucks Herald reported that allotment plots in Dobbins Lane had been marked out and land reserved for building in Perry Street had been ploughed ready for cultivation. On 4 February Mr Molineux wrote in the School Log Book: “Dr Wollerton has kindly promised to relinquish his tenancy of the small paddock near the YMCA Hut, and alongside the brook, so that we may dig up and clear the land in preparation for a School Garden”. Later in the month the School Log Book noted: “The plot of garden near the Heron Path has now been acquired . . . and I propose spending much extra time (principally that at present used for Drawing) so that boys may trench it and dig out nettles whilst the weather is favourable. The total area of the plot is about 2 roods 34 sq. poles*, but the area to be cultivated will be considerably less as we shall leave a wide margin near the stream and beneath the trees”.

you must not give them corn”. A wit in the Herald office added that “restricting the supply of corn would make the tame rabbits wild” and “a wily old hare stole past the local gamedealer’s shop without looking in”. Val Moir & Mike Senior Units of measurement* Imperial 1 rood

¼ acre

0.4 hectares

1 pole

5 ½ yards

5 metres

If you have any family reminiscences or relevant photos you would like to share, please contact Wendover News as shown below and on the front page.

The Bucks Herald also noted that: “The Ministry of Food say that the keeping of tame rabbits – a pleasant and profitable hobby – can now be made of real use in increasing the meat supply of the country. The Ministry advises you to feed them on greenstuff and


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01296 624270






Wendover News February 2018


Wendover Dementia Action Alliance Supporting people in Wendover who are worried about their memory

It happens to all of us from time to time. You can’t put a name to a face. You go upstairs and then forget what you went up for. You sometimes take a bit longer to find the right word. Most of the time such slips are a nuisance, rather than a sign of something more serious. But if you are worried that your memory is getting noticeably worse, or if memory loss is beginning to affect your everyday life, it is important to seek advice because it could be an early sign of dementia. You might also be concerned about someone close to you.

Peter Bird Garden Design RHS Medal Winning Designer offering an individual and creative design, construction and planting service

call Peter on 01296 622790 www.peterbirddesign.co.uk

Memory Support Service

things that can cause memory problems but sometimes it can be an early sign of dementia.

Here for everyone worried about their memory in Buckinghamshire

The Memory Support Service, helps you to take control of your situation by offering a Memory Support Worker who can talk to Get in touch today you about your concerns. Your Memory 01296 331 749 memorysupport@alzheimers.org.uk Support Worker can also visit you at home to help you to complete a Memory Screening Test. The results are then forwarded to your Memory problems are common. Many of General Practitioner who will inform you of us notice that our memory becomes less the next step. reliable as we get older. Stress, depression and certain physical illnesses are just a few We also deliver regular Memory Information of the things that can make memory worse. Sessions to inform people of coping skills And, of course, some of us are more forgetful and strategies. The sessions are open to the than others. But sometimes memory loss public and are delivered over two hours. can be an early sign of a medical condition. Please contact the office for more details. If you’re worried about your memory, the To find out more about how the Memory earlier you seek help the better as there Support Service can help you please contact may be support or treatment available that us on 01296 331749. can help you maintain your independence Nicole Palmer, Alzheimer’s Society Services and wellbeing. There are many different Manager for Buckinghamshire

Wendover Carpets & Flooring Local family business with 30 years experience Carpets and vinyls professionally supplied and fi�ed at compe��ve prices Samples brought to your home Call Mark for a friendly service

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Wendover News February 2018

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Business Forum Buckmoorend Farm Shop

After a record Christmas at the Butlers Cross farm shop that specialises in home reared meats and local produce, owners Steph & Daniel Hares re-opened, after their wellearned new year break, on Friday 19 January. Farmer Daniel is keener than ever to stress the genuine provenance of the meat - from animals he has raised and fed on home grown barley and grass. “No need for phoney farm brands here!” he tells us. You can do a weekly food shop and if you don’t want to cook from scratch there are prepared meals and foods too. Support local! See advert page 5.

YogaBellies® for Pregnancy

Local Prenatal Yoga Classes YogaBellies® for Pregnancy classes will be running from Monday 12 February 2018 at Halton Village Hall, 19.00- 20.15. YogaBellies® for Pregnancy covers a range of themes important for all mums to help them enjoy pregnancy and prepare for birth. The classes include yoga postures suitable for pregnancy

and birth, adjusted for each trimester, as well as invaluable breathing techniques for pregnancy and labour combined with relaxation and meditation techniques that mum can also use once the baby arrives. Founder of YogaBellies® Cheryl MacDonald says: “YogaBellies® for Pregnancy is all about bringing mums together and preparing them mentally and physically for the most amazing day of their lives. At the end of each class we all have an informal chat. It is nice to see how everyone is progressing with each stage of their pregnancy.” YogaBellies® prenatal yoga classes are gentle and safe for all women, whether new to Yoga or with years of practice. Each class lasts 1hr 15 minutes and runs for eight weeks, focusing on a different aspect of pregnancy and birth each week. This is more than just a yoga class, but also training in deep relaxation and preparation for birth and motherhood. If you are interested in attending YogaBellies® for Pregnancy Classes please contact: alice@yogabellies.co.uk.

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Wendover News February 2018


Local News Halton News

watchful eye of organiser David How. Pin Morgan displayed her culinary skills with excellent quality Thai food. There was a fair turnout of Villagers (especially after the final of Strictly had finished) and all had a festive time. Many thanks and congratulations to all concerned. The proceeds will be split between Halton Community Combined School and Halton Charities.

professional and amateur artists with their paintings, photography, textiles ceramics, jewellery and glass. Sponsored by Michael Anthony Estate Agents, the Pop Up Art Weekend will take place on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 March, at the Chilterns MS Centre, Oakwood Close, Wendover on Princess Mary Gate. For more information, including opening times, list of artists and artist bios, please see www.popupartweekend.org.uk. A proposed road closure which will be See advert page 4. affecting the whole of Halton Village has yet Lower Farm, Halton, in the snow. Such a pity it to materialise. This will effectively stop all Volunteers required! wasn’t a white Christmas but some wonderful through traffic from Weston Turville through Can you spare two hours photo opportunities beforehand! to Tring Road, all access routes to the village to help Chilterns Dog will be severely restricted and when we hear Rescue Society at Tesco more we’ll inform all the residents and road Amersham on Saturday & New Year, New Challenges: we’ve seen users who may be affected. Sunday 3/4 March? Christmas and festivities come and go and hopefully all enjoyed the break. The Halton If you can collect in store Village Christmas party had its annual outing Pop Up Art Weekend! The Chilterns MS Centre’s annual art for just two hours on and was a great success, with extremely exhibition and sale is back, bigger and better behalf of Chilterns Dog Rescue Society we generous donations from Dayla, OTEC Bikes, than ever before! Rebranded as a Pop Up would be very grateful. Please contact us on Li & Fung Beauty, Gary & Helen Allen, Stuart Art Weekend, the event will feature 100 01296 623885 or email cdrsevents@aol.com. & Tania Holcroft, all conducted under the

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Wendover News February 2018

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts


Local News


01296 294175 07581 693653


Visits to Greatmoor Energy from Waste control room (where you will be able to see Do you ever wonder what happens to the things you put in your waste bin? Your recycling is sorted and passed onto recycling companies, but what about your nonrecyclable waste?

the cranes loading the waste), a visit to the viewing hatch providing an exciting view into the heart of the fire, the turbine hall and the huge condenser fans, which is an experience not to be missed.

So far over 2500 visitors to Greatmoor The maximum group size for a tour is 15. School visits are available for Key Stage 2 Energy from Waste have found out. upwards. All of the residual (non-recyclable) household waste generated in Buckinghamshire is now Greatmoor is holding four public open tour processed at the Greatmoor Energy from days in 2018 on the following Saturdays Waste facility, at Woodham, near Aylesbury. March 17th, June 30th, September 22nd Greatmoor is operated by FCC Environment, and November 24th. in partnership with Buckinghamshire County On each day there will be tours at 10am, Council. 12.30 and 3pm. Please note that places are Guided tours of Greatmoor are available by available on a strictly booking in advance basis only. There is a minimum age limit of prior agreement and at no charge. 12 on open tours. A group visit to Greatmoor can be tailored to your requirements and will include a For more information about Greatmoor tour around the facility, which includes the please visit www.greatmoor.co.uk.


Improves joints, mobility, balance, etc. Local venues Day/evening classes open to all ages Contact Keith Fensom 07787 224823 email: keith.fensom@gmail.com


• • • • •

Pruning & Weeding Hedge & Tree Care Grass Cutting Patios & Fencing Small Landscapes Call Roy 01296 625531 07906 398187 hawthorngardening@yahoo.com

Aylesbury Vale Tutors

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Wendover News February 2018


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F R JEFFERY & SON Coal Merchant Kiln dried logs, Compost Coal & smokeless fuel

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A S Landscapes

All aspects of landscape construction Expert team in fencing and paving Contact Andy: 07841 976262


MAPS initiative

Before school on Friday 12 January Wendover CE Junior School and The John Hampden School launched their new Active Travel initiative, ‘MAPS’, with Bucks County Council. Every family has been issued with a map of the local area highlighting 10 and 15 minute walk zones, plus an Active Travel Zone – the campus, Wharf Road and Manor Road area – where they hope to see only Active Travel, ie walking, cycling or scooting. The map also highlights recommended places to park outside the Active Travel Zone, encouraging families to Park and Stride away from the campus! The map also has Travel Plan information for both schools. Active Travel mascots ALLF (Always Look Listen First) from BCC and Strider from Living Streets, the national charity for everyday walking, toured the campus, meeting and greeting pupils on their way into school. Wendover Junior’s Junior Road Safety Officers were busy giving out stickers and every child had decorated a Strider

template which they wore or displayed on their journey. Councillors Steve Bowles and Richard Newcombe came along and joined in the fun. Both schools also recently launched WOW, the year-round walk to school challenge. Children use the Living Streets ‘Travel Tracker’ every day in class to record their mode of travel to school and for travelling actively 3 times a week they receive a themed badge at the end of the month. It has given a huge boost to the schools’ active travel initiatives. Both schools work with Modeshift Stars, the national online awards scheme to promote active travel. The John Hampden School has achieved the Silver Award, while Wendover Junior have reached the Gold Award as well as winning School of the Region 2016.


07703 462198 Email: prileypage@btinternet.com www.lastingpowers.org.uk

IN ORDER TO PROTECT YOU THERE ARE VARIOUS LEGAL RULES THAT MUST BE COMPLIED WITH IF YOU WISH TO APPOINT SOMEONE TO ACT FOR YOU IN CASE YOU BECOME MENTALLY INCAPABLE OF ACTING FOR YOURSELF IN FINANCIAL AND PROPERTY MATTERS AND/OR HEALTH AND WELFARE MATTERS from £150 for a single person from £275 for a couple To discuss your own personal requirements, please telephone local retired solicitor Patricia Riley-Page who will be pleased to arrange a home visit within ten miles of Wendover Proof of identity will be necessary before preparation of any documents. The business is covered by Professional Indemnity insurance & Public Liability insurance.

Property Maintenance Local

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07798 855141 01296 613335 markak1@hotmail.co.uk 14

Wendover News February 2018

Est 2006

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Schools January Snapshot - John Hampden

been successful in the Tesco Bags of Help As we embark on a new term we are delighted Grant Scheme so it will be put forward to a to welcome a new class of children to our customer vote in Tesco stores during January school. The door to ‘Crickets’ classroom and February 2018. was opened on Thursday 4 January and 17 children started their journey through Our project along with the other two the school. These children are not yet of successful projects in our region will go statutory school age so they have joined forward to a vote in Tesco stores where our Nursery provision and, for the first time, customers will decide the outcome by voting we are offering up to 30 hours of provision for their favourite project each time they in our beautiful setting. It has been a joy shop. Voting takes place from Tuesday 2 to go and visit these children in their new January 2018 to Wednesday 28 February environment – they already appear happy 2018 and we will be notified at the end and settled and they are making the most of of March 2018 confirming the amount of the opportunities they are being offered. By funding we will receive. The project with the the Summer Term we are able to admit up to highest number of votes across our region 26 children to this class so if you have a child will receive £4,000, the second placed who you think may be eligible please contact project £2,000, and the third placed project the school office for further details. £1,000. Tesco Extra Aylesbury, Tesco Tring Road and Tesco Wendover all have a token There is an opportunity to support the collecting box for The John Hampden School school if you shop in Tesco. Our Project, Trust. Please pop all your tokens into our entitled ‘Infant School Learning Trust— container—we hope your support will lead Promoting Maximum Child Attainment’ has to a successful outcome!

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Ballet - Tap - Theatrecraft Classes for children from 2 years Tap Classes for adults Wendover Memorial Hall Wharf Road HP22 6HF For more information Telephone 01296 622001 email: suerozelle@gmail.com www.wendovernews.co.uk

01296 624270


Wendover News February 2018


Chris G. Cycles

Level 3 British Cycling Coach & Qualified Bike Mechanic Coaching for Competition or Leisure All Ages & Skill Levels 07967 978659 or 01296 622763 chrisg2711@btinternet.com

Block your diary


Sunday 27 May 2018 As you start to plan the year ahead don’t Bathrooms, Ensuites, Cloakrooms, Showers, Water Softeners, C/Heating, Power Flushing forget that Wendover Celebrates will be taking place again this year on Sunday 27 small maintenance jobs undertaken 07967 638527 01296 620629 May. So when the excitement of Harry and francoffennell@gmail.com Meghan’s Royal Wedding and the FA Cup www.frankfennellplumbingservices.co.uk final the previous week leave you wanting more, you have Wendover Celebrates to look forward to!


A small family business with over 25 years fencing experience. All types of fencing work undertaken

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The committee is already hard at work planning another fantastic event for the whole community. Everything from the parade, catering, stalls and entertainment has to be meticulously planned down to the last detail, so that everyone, no matter what age, can enjoy a fun packed day with family and friends.

01296 624607 This year’s event is the Spring Bank holiday 07929 525736 www.gardnersfencing.co.uk weekend, so fingers crossed the sun will also come out to play!

Something for everyone We already have a really diverse line-up of acts including world class clarinet from the philharmonic orchestra to steel pans and many local bands. Headliner – A Little Bit Country: We are delighted to announce that A Little Bit Country (www. albcountry.co.uk) will be headlining Wendover Celebrates this year. They perform regularly in and around Aylesbury but they don’t stop there! This talented duo Harriet Stewart, a British born singer, and Paul Adams, who hails from Texas, have also toured Nashville (http://www. albcountry.co.uk/nashville-tour.html) the undisputed home of country music. Harriet and Paul will be performing a mix of original tracks and covers of popular songs that everybody knows and loves. So, get your dancing shoes ready as there will be something for everyone!

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Wendover News February 2018

Reliable friendly family run Car servicing & repairs Air conditioning Courtesy car Diagnostics

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PSYCHIC READINGS Experienced accurate clairvoyant offers friendly support and help on all life’s issues. Telephone Nikki on:

01296 624417

07810 787899


Parade: The parade will take place through the centre of Wendover – perhaps we can have our own Royal Wedding parade and FA cup final! If you’d like to enter please get in touch with us.

involved…if you would like to help out we need volunteers to assist with the planning before the event and also to help on the day. If you would like to get involved please get in touch.

Musical Theatre: There will be a 30 minute musical theatre set. Stalls and Catering : There will be several catering vans on-site offering a diverse variety of food, so you don’t need to pack a picnic. And new for this year a prosecco and gin van! We also have limited spaces available for business or charity stalls and activities. If you would like to have a stall during the day please contact us at wendovercelebrates2018@gmail.com and we will send you some more information. The next few months are a busy time for the Wendover Celebrates committee but please remember the directors do this all voluntarily for the community. It’s not too late to get


@wendovercelebrates Visit www.wendovercelebrates.com This is what people said about the last event: Had a fabulous time at this event! Really well organised, great food and entertainment.

G O’Callaghan Tree Care Ltd

208 Wendover Rd W/ Turville HP22 5TG T: 01296 613529 M: 07767 795883 www.gocalltreecare.com gocalltreecare@gmail.com

Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist Tree Removal, Reduction & Reshaping Hedge Trimming & Replanting Stump Grinding 24-Hour Emergency

What a fantastic day. The parade, the stalls, the food, the drinks and entertainment were all brilliant. Great day – well done to all those who organised the event plus those who volunteered on the day – it is all much appreciated!

01296 624270


Wendover News February 2018


THE PRACTICAL GARDENING COMPANY Reliable Lady Gardeners Garden tidying Regular garden maintenance

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Concert for Lindengate Saturday 24 March at 3.00pm in St Mary’s Church, Wendover. Over the past 25 years, the Chess Valley Male Voice Choir has supported a wide range of charities, raising thousands of pounds for worthy causes. On 24 March, the choir and guest soloists will be performing in St Mary’s Church, Wendover in support of Lindengate, - a wonderful charity that offers specialised gardening activities to help those with mental health needs and which is based next door to the Wyevale Garden Centre.

performances of exceptional quality.

The choir’s Musical Director, Sheila Cornall, is especially keen to support this particular charity. “I have a close family member who attends Lindengate twice a week – and it has transformed his day to day life and gives him real focus and sense of well-being! Come rain, hail, intense heat or extreme cold, he loves working in the garden, feels safe with and enjoys the company of the people he works with, learns new skills and is valued, encouraged and supported by the wonderful The choir is looking forward to singing in St Lindengate staff – and Molly the dog!” Mary’s and the programme will contain a wide variety of songs ranging from popular Please come along and support the concert to operatic, folk songs to musicals, and some – and raise funds for Lindengate. Hopefully it traditional, rousing Male Voice Choir hymns will be a beautiful Spring afternoon! Even if the sun isn’t shining outside, it certainly will and spirituals. be inside St Mary’s with much to celebrate Joining the choir will be some Military Wives and enjoy! We look forward to seeing you from the choir at Halton and also young, there! Tickets (£10) available from: Chess talented soloists – who always prove to Valley Male Voice Choir - Phone 01494 be highlights of our concert programmes 725042; Lindengate - Phone 01296 622443 as they share their extraordinary gifts in or Email info@lindengate.org.uk.

Dr Lynda Raybould and all the staff at Perry House Dental Surgery welcome new and existing patients We are a fully private practice, offering treatments from general dentistry, to whitening and more cosmetic work and implants. Nervous patients are very welcome and we offer an option of hypnotism and acupuncture to help with this or the gag reflex. Phone for details on appointments or prices

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Wendover News February 2018

For all your building requirements from patios and driveways to alterations and extensions Building locally for 25 years

Please call 01296 582215 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Contact the Elderly

Angela Grace Dplt

Psychic/Clairvoyant Readings Spiritual Workshops & Meditation Past Life Regression Therapy 07855 813420 spiritualangela.wixsite.com/angelagrace mimosawood@hotmail.com

To be or not to be - that was the question to drive in such conditions. Consequently, As I opened the bedroom curtains on my freezer now groans under the weight of cakes and sausage rolls put Sunday 10 December I on “hold” until next month’s was confronted with four “Contact the Elderly” tea party, AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE inches of pristine snow and the Christmas cards and for as far as I could see Internal and external work gifts were delivered by willing across the fields of our volunteers. It was the first time All your carpentry projects including farm. It looked beautiful Bespoke Storage / we had ever had to cancel a of course, and it was still Doors, Architraves, Skirting / tea party in five years – it was a snowing heavily at 9am. Flooring / Windows A previous similar event great shame indeed. This was to be the day and all aspects of Property Maintenance of our Contact the Elderly Christmas party. The catering and transport was organised, If you know a person living on their own in Installation + Maintenance + Repair 07833 098899 / 01296 615441 the Christmas tree decorated, holly wreaths The Lee or Wendover area, over the age of 75, who has difficulty getting out and about Fully Qualified and Insured hung on the doors and the choir assembled. adcarpentry@btinternet.com – perhaps they would like to join our Contact It was all systems “GO” – or was it? the Elderly group. For full details please By mid-day the snow was still falling and phone me on 01494 837372 or e-mail me at a decision had to be made: was the party bassibones@yahoo.co.uk. If you would like Digital TV & Satellite specialist to be or not to be – that was the question. to become a volunteer we’d love to hear New aerials supplied and fitted Clearly we had no choice – it was NOT to from you. For details on Contact the Elderly Sky TV, Satellite, DAB,Freeview be. Fallen trees and stranded cars blocked please visit their website www.contact-the100% satisfaction Guarantee Tel 01296 330621 the roads – transporting our elderly guests elderly.org.uk 07816659644 was simply not an option, it would have Anthea Hartley www.justaerials.co.uk Group coordinator for The Lee and Wendover CtE Group been unreasonable to ask our volunteers

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Wendover News February 2018


Louise Page

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Regular weekly daytime & evening session in Wendover

holisticlouise@btinternet.com www.metatronichealingbuckinghamshire.co.uk

Youth Wendover Youth Centre – looking to Some local needs for young people have already been identified through the local the future

The Wendover Youth Centre has operated in the middle of the Wharf Road school campus for many years. Six years ago, it became a community project. At that time the people involved in the Centre created a plan for survival and a vision for mediumterm success. Most of what was originally envisioned has now been achieved: • Wendover employs a full-time Youth Worker, supported by qualified sessionworkers and a strong team of volunteers (we can always do with more volunteers, so if you are interested please get in touch), • Partnerships have been built across the community – with schools, churches, CHRISTOPHER GRAVES local businesses including Budgens, other Established 1977 providers of work with young people like TAILORING SERVICES (Ladies & Gents) Premier Sport, etc. Clothing alterations and repairs • The Centre is now open nearly every day 01296 630310 of the year – it hosts two youth clubs, a youth café, a lunchtime club for the John Queensmead Buckland HP22 5HZ Colet School, before and after school clubs, holiday clubs, weekend drama groups, and a host of other events with regular hirers or Nick Taylor one-off users, Landscape Gardener • The Centre is two-thirds of the way to Decking, Walls, Drives, Lawns, Ponds financial independence and sustainability Patios, Paths – members, partners, users, and hirers all and all General Landscaping Wendover (01296) 696840 contribute, and there is a small but loyal 07507 829423 group of Friends who provide invaluable regular giving. To date the community ELAINE MACWHIRTER contribution has been provided by LAST Chartered Physiotherapist and the Parish Council. Local Physiotherapy Pilates & Tai Chi Instructor running local classes in: • Pilates • Tai Chi

Contact: 07515252331 www.physioandpilatesinbucks.com

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Wendover News February 2018

Having made such good progress the Centre is now considering what next and has started to work on developing a vision and plans for the next 3-5 years.

Jack in the Box Preschool Wendover

For little ones aged 2-5 years Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm Friday 9am to 12 noon Mornings, Afternoons or All Day

We are in walking distance of the local schools Please call Tracey Buttle on 07814093064 to come and visit

planning process and ongoing WAY Board work. It is also clear that new housing plans will add to the demands placed on the Centre.

The Centre is planning for youth work that supports the community (i.e. not just Youth Centre based activities) and envisages that it will continue to work with a mix of professional qualified youth workers and volunteers. There are lots of others who work with young people locally, and the Centre wants to support/partner with others rather than duplicate services. With this is mind the Centre wishes to engage with a wide range of users and other stakeholders in the next few months to develop a vision and plans for the future. If you would like to be involved you should either; • Attend the Youth Centre AGM – see details page 22, or • Contact one of the trustees or youth workers who would be delighted to arrange a conversation (tony.playle@btinternet. com is Chair of trustees if you do not already know any of the team) Information about Wendover Youth Centre and activities coordinated by the Youth Centre can be found on its website: www.wendoveryouth.co.uk

Man & Van Wendover resident Local removals a speciality Single Items House Clearance Fully Insured Before hiring a van, contact me David 07794 268575 01296 696352 david@cooleprojects.com

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tom chamlet builders

http://wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk/index.html The online survey of that when the Neighbourhood Wendover residents by the Plan is finalised it represents as Neighbourhood Plan Steering diverse and numerous section Group will be live from midof the population as possible. day 12 February to 5 March at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ The January print edition of WendoverNP18. Dwellings Wendover News published a should receive a paper version letter by Miss A Davies on page (many thanks to the volunteer Wendover – have your say!! 8. The idea of a new secondary deliverers) during this period school on the RAF Halton and return it to the Clock Tower site is certainly worthy of by the opening of the Clock serious consideration. It would Tower on Monday 5 March. Transport Housing Community Green Spaces alleviate some of the traffic Each member of the household is eligible issues, although the infant and junior schools to complete the questionnaire which takes would still cause congestion in Wharf Road. about 10 minutes online or 15 minutes on The issue of secondary pupils has been left paper. Extra copies of the paper version are out of the equation but 1000 new homes available at The Clock Tower - opening hours will have children of all ages not just infants 9.30am to 1.30pm Tuesday to Thursday, with and juniors, so the need for more places at additional appointments available. Help to fill the John Colet and grammar schools appears in the questionnaire is available if required, to have been ignored. Using the whole John please phone 01296 623056. Colet site for housing however, would be

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It is vital for Wendover that as many people controversial as the playing fields are a much as possible complete this questionnaire so needed facility well used by local groups.

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01296 624270


Wendover News February 2018


Club Corner Squash Success for Katie

Katie Malliff played in the 2017 JC Lindsay Scottish Junior Open between Christmas and New Year, winning the U17 age category. Following on from this, she participated in the Dunlop British Junior Open during January, finishing 4th in the girls U15 age category. Congratulations and well done!

The Sparrowhawks Blacks go from strength to strength each week, improving in technique and gelling as a team. The introduction of the younger players has given the team the boost they needed to dig deep and keep fighting for every point.

The Golds are delighted to welcome back the defensive partnership of Amy Passaro and Mel Krzeminski (C). Don’t call it a comeback! Wendover Youth Centre Training takes place every Thursday 6.30pm The 6th Annual General Meeting of the to 7.45pm at the Hub in Aston Clinton. Wendover Youth Centre will take place Everyone over 16 is welcome. on Monday 19 March 2018 commencing at 08.00pm in Wendover Youth Centre. Watch this space for an upcoming juniors Anyone interested in events of the past taster session. If you are interested in joining year and the future of youth activities in the senior or junior netball teams please do Wendover is invited to attend. We look get in touch; forward to seeing you on the night. www.wendovernetballclub.co.uk twitter: @WendoverSparrowhawks Wendover Sparrowhawks wendoverladiesnetball@hotmail.com The Wendover Ladies Netball Club is back after the Christmas break and both teams Wendover Junior Football Club are surging forward in their respective The club is just three months away from attending the biggest football festival held league campaigns.

on the South Coast! With over 200 players, coaches and parents from WJFC heading down to Bognor Regis Butlin’s over the May bank holiday, this year will see our greatest attendance at the football tour ever. The weekend gives our players the opportunity to compete against some of the 400 teams from all over the country that attend. The players get the opportunity to meet and receive an ESF trophy from a legend of the game, last year it was Kevin Keegan - this is something not only the players enjoy, but parents and coaches too. Good Luck to all of our teams! Follow all the action as it happens on tour twitter: @WendoverJuniors

BBOWT Chilterns Group

We invite everyone to limber up and do some healthy outdoor conservation work on our local reserves. We meet on Bacombe Hill at 10am on Thursday 8 February (contact steve_ keene@btinternet.com) and at Weston

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Wendover News February 2018

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Club Corner Turville Reservoir at 10am on Thursday 22 February (contact staceyhewitt@bbowt.org. uk). If you prefer indoor fun please come to our next talk at 7.45pm on Tuesday 20 February at Gt Missenden Memorial Centre when Martin Kincaid of the Milton Keynes Park Trust will explain how his team look after their 2000 acres of woods, lakes and grassland. Admission inc refreshments is £3, all welcome.

Wendover Football Club

and thank all of the team for their continued recently moving to Wendover. He has commitment to the club. brought a fresh and enthusiastic approach both on and off the pitch and is already We are still looking for a Manager for our proving to be a committed player with great Reserve Team for the remainder of the season football and social skills! and beyond. The Manager will need to be a dedicated and passionate person who will Wendover Cricket Club be supported by and work close to our Club The Club is currently recruiting players for all General Manager Jack Thomson. If you’re senior teams (Saturday and Sunday games) interested in applying for this position, then of all ability levels and ages. If you would like please contact us via our Facebook page: to play cricket please contact us. www.facebook.com/wendoverfc.towers Enquiries: Jonathan Seabrook: 01296 Following last year’s victory in the Oving Cup 623286 Email: jseabrook@talktalk.net Final which our first team won on Easter Junior enquires please contact Richard Peck: Monday 2017, we are delighted to say that 01296 624209 Email: richard@rcpeck.co.uk the club is currently at the semi-final stage and hoping to reclaim their title for 2018. For fixtures, results and match reports, please visit our Facebook page.

On the pitch, although they are not presently meeting their targets in the league, the First Team remain in 3 cups this season. Ever determined, the boys are taking learnings from their recent performances and will utilise these to improve their game. However, the season closes, we will come back fighting next year. The Reserve team have had some fantastic results given significant upheavals in both management and personnel at the start This month’s player of the month is Jordan of the season. The committee are delighted Checker. Jordan is a new player to the club with their performance considering all of this this season for our Reserve Team, after

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01296 624270


Wendover News February 2018


RAF Halton Major Win in RAF Photographic Competition for Halton Photographer

SAC Nicholas Egan from the Air Combat Service Support Unit (ACSSU) Photographic Operations, based at RAF Halton, has won awards in the RAF Photographer of the Year competition. He won Photographer of the Year with his images and his portfolio reads: 1st Place with ‘The One Hundred Club’, ‘Mojave Mayhem’, ‘The Starry Night’ and ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’. Second place went to Sgt Neil Bryden, also from Halton. SAC Egan then went on to win RAF Image of the Year: 1st Place – ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’, 2nd Place – ‘Mojave Mayhem’, and finally, RAF Operational/Exercises Image: 1st Place – ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’ and 2nd Place – ‘Mojave Mayhem’. Nicholas is 32 years old and comes from Cambridgeshire. He has always been


posted to RAF Odiham, working with the UK Chinook Force. Here he enjoyed numerous flying opportunities, including flypasts over London, and Multinational Training Exercises all over the globe, including time spent on HMS Ocean, and the Mojave Desert in California. He arrived at RAF Halton in February 2017 to join the ACSSU where they maintain the RAF’s High Readiness Media Operations team, as well as SAC Egan covering high profile tasks within the UK and interested in Photography, and keen to join the across the Globe. Armed Forces, so jumped at the chance when he was accepted as a photographer. Following Nicholas said: “When people ask me what it’s Basic Training and Phase Two Training at the like being a photographer in the RAF I reply I Defence School of Photography, he was posted have the best job in the world. I work in a trade to the Reconnaissance Intelligence Geographic teeming with talent, and have made great Centre, Aldergrove, Northern Ireland. Here friends across the military community. I often he worked in support of 5 Regiment Army Air find myself taking a moment to appreciate Corps, UK Security Forces and the Police Service how fortunate I really am. We work alongside of Northern Ireland (PSNI). He also covered the some incredible people in the military, in some G8 Conference, photographing world leaders amazing environments, and I get to do this including Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama. whilst doing something I am truly passionate about. Winning the awards has been a massive Following his time in Northern Ireland, he was highlight of my career.”

Blowin’ in the Wind

Mojave Mayhem

The 100 Club

The Starry Night

Wendover News February 2018

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

RAF Halton or socially. Please enjoy yourselves and I wish you a joyful Christmas and a peaceful New Year.” After the Station Padre said grace everyone tucked into a four course festive meal with musical accompaniment by the Voluntary Station Band led by Mr David Richards.

Senior Citizens Dine Out At RAF Halton

When lunch was finished, both guests and hosts joined in a game of bingo and a raffle, with each person being

Senior citizens from the surrounding area enjoyed the annual Christmas lunch this week at Henderson Mess, RAF Halton. Over 100 of them were served a four course meal by Station personnel and Servicemen Awaiting Trade Training (SATT’s). Station Commander, Group Captain James Brayshaw, warmly welcomed the guests, saying: “It is a delight for me and my staff to welcome you all here today. Many of you have been here on numerous occasions and have links with RAF Halton either for work

well received prizes for the bingo and the raffle. It was great to hear that this was the liveliest one they had been to and it is safe to say that this was down to the good humour of the SATTs. It was heart-warming to see how much an event like this meant to them all and honestly made the whole thing a pleasure to do.”

given a gift. Father Christmas made an appearance and the dancing began, courtesy of the Dan Blaze Disco. Sergeant Lucy Price, who organised the event, said: “Organising the Senior Citizens Christmas lunch took a lot of work but seeing how much the guests appreciated our efforts made it all worthwhile; dancing and interacting with the SATTs seemed to be the highlight of the day, along with some

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Lindengate Spring blooms again Lindengate Services


There’s no doubt that getting outside in the garden makes you feel good and so is feeling part of a wider community that cares about you as an individual. This simple therapeutic idea is at the core of Memory Pathways, Lindengate’s service for people with memory loss, confusion or dementia and their carers. The relaxed recipe of chatting over coffee and lunch in Lindengate’s cosy cabins, tailored therapeutic activities and exploring the peaceful gardens has proved successful. In a little over a year the Gardeners and Volunteers have transformed their beautiful raised garden and made many friendships. Lindengate has now extended the service to run twice a month on the second and last Fridays. Carers say that they enjoy the support and time away from everyday pressures

themselves: “It’s better than being stuck at home and alone. It’s nice to do a bit of gardening and have a laugh here and there”.

“It has helped my Mum enjoy laughter and keeps her mind active, with all the things she loves; potting flowers, mixing with people and generally loving being out and about”. Indeed laughter is something that everyone notices when they come to Memory Pathways including the Gardeners

Among the other services at Lindengate are the Women Only sessions on Wednesday afternoons. Giving people the chance to enjoy tranquility of Lindengate and make new friends. There are a choice of activities on offer: gardening, cooking, crafts or construction, all tailored to individual needs and abilities. In a hectic world it is proving a calming experience to those that attend “I’ve been feeling so much more relaxed since I started coming”. If you are interested in any of Lindengate’s services, visit www.lindengate.org.uk, contact info@lindengate.org.uk or telephone 01296 622443.

You Write Ice in Vinetrees

events yet. We’d like to pass on our thanks to the companies below for their donations: BML Fitness Studio; Zoom Photography; Element24 Aston Clinton; The Village Gate; Tres Corazones; Tesco Express; No 1; No 2 Pound Street; Agora; John Dennis Range Rover; George and Dragon; Halton Tennis Club; Premier Sports; Wendover Plaice; Fabric HQ; Chiltern View Nursery; Spice Garden; Pretty Nails; Harpenden Building Society Emma Golds, Editor’s note: Wendover Parish Council Halton Community Combined School PTA raised this issue at its January meeting and is creating a new emergency plan to address snow, ice and other emergencies. The plan HS2 in the House of Commons will need to be joined up with those of Bucks Are the people of Wendover aware that in County Council and AVDC in order to be Prime Minister’s Question in the House of Commons on 10 January 2018 the Prime effective. Details as we learn them. Minister, in response to a question which Halton PTA Thanks specifically asked about protection of The Halton Community Combined School Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the and the PTA would like to express many Chilterns in respect of the impacts of HS2, thanks for the generous donations given advised the questioner that she (Mrs May) for the last school raffle. The generous very much enjoyed walking in the Chilterns donations helped make it one of our best and she and the government were absolutely Following the snowfalls in December, I contacted our MP and local councils about getting the road and passageway to Back Street gritted. I have done this before, but so far to no avail, and in this case, the ice meant that many Vinetrees residents were unable to shop during the Christmas period. Who will take care of us? Name and address supplied


Wendover News February 2018

committed to fully protecting AONB in such projects. As this commitment is now recorded in Hansard could The Wendover Society, and others, use that to further press the case for the extended tunnel with the Department for Transport, HS2 Ltd and other government agencies who should be acting to support that commitment? David Robson Reply from The Wendover Society - It was pleasing to see the Prime Minister’s interest in the Chilterns, indeed she was spotted walking over Coombe Hill on New Years Day! Wendover continues to press the case for the mined tunnel and recently, before Christmas, representatives, including from The Wendover Society, met with the PM’s environmental adviser at 10 Downing Street to press the case. The fight goes on! John Mayhead CBE Chairman, The Wendover Society

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David Lidington Well, politics can certainly be difficult to predict! I had not expected to be moving posts in government again after less than a year at the Ministry of Justice. But resignations before Christmas meant that the Prime Minister had to make changes to the government and so on Monday 8 January I was asked to go to Number 10. The Ministry of Justice was a challenging brief but I enjoyed my time there. Part of me was sorry to leave, but the new role as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office takes me to the heart of government. The Cabinet Office is responsible for the coordination of government business across departments. It services the Cabinet and the network of Cabinet committees through which much of government business is done. The Prime Minister has asked me to chair a number of committees and deputise for her when she is away from others where

she would normally take the chair herself. I have an overarching responsibility in government for constitutional affairs, including devolution, and for the implementation of government policy. Oh, and I shall also stand in at Prime Minister’s Questions on the rare occasions when she is unable to be there. I feel excited and honoured by the appointment, and a little apprehensive too at the responsibilities that I have been asked to shoulder. For those interested, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster is an ancient title that nowadays is given to a senior Minster without specific departmental responsibilities. It is granted by The Queen in her capacity as Duke of Lancaster, the title having been held by the sovereign since Henry Bolingbroke became King Henry IV, and I had to go up to Sandringham to be sworn in by Her Majesty.

It’s a feature of our constitutional system that Ministers are also Members of Parliament with individual constituencies. Not every democracy works like that. In the United States and the Netherlands, Ministers are not members of the legislature. In others, MPs are elected on regional or national party lists not single-member constituencies. The Friday after my new appointment I was in Aylesbury hearing from constituents about problems affecting social care and the impact of the closure of RAF Halton. Our system loads more work onto Ministers, but it really does keep your feet on the ground! David Lidington has been the Member of Parliament for the Aylesbury constituency since 1992. He is a member of Theresa May’s cabinet, serving as the Minister for the Cabinet Office. Under David Cameron’s Government he was Minister for Europe at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.



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01296 624270


Wendover News February 2018


Local Faces: Bill & Barbara McGillivray Barbara and Bill moved to Wendover nearly 8 years ago when they were starting to think about retirement. They had both had successful careers in the music business, he as a session guitarist and singer and she as a classical and music theatre singer.

whatever came her way. This ranged from operatic roles and early music recitals to the Palladium Pantomime! She has sung at many major UK venues including the Wigmore Hall and the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

They met in 1977 in a London recording studio where they were involved in recording an experimental album which was a minor hit in Europe. Up to that time Bill had been working as a guitarist in various bands, touring in Europe and the UK and also as a song writer for EMI. Interestingly, he had graduated from the Guildhall School of Music where he had studied trumpet and composition. However all through his youthful years he had played guitar which eventually became his first love.

variety shows on TV - The Two Ronnies, The Royal Variety Performances and many more. They both sang on many albums of successful artists such as David Essex, Chris de Burgh, Roxy Music, Elaine Paige ...... plus countless bookings for Friday Night is Music Night. Barbara also recorded a solo album in 1982 entitled ‘Pastourelle’ featuring Julian Lloyd Webber and Rod Argent (and Bill). This album was very highly acclaimed but sank without trace. That’s life. (This album can be heard on iTunes.)

recent travels

They married in 1984 whilst living in Barbara studied classical singing and piano Berkhamsted and continued working in at the Royal Academy of Music and spent London on various TV shows and recordings. the first few years of her career doing Those were the heady days of the great

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In 1984 they had a wonderful offer from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s company to train and organise off- stage singers for his new musical ‘Starlight Express’. They had both been singing occasionally in ‘Cats’ so this was an area they knew well. It turned out to be the job of a lifetime in that the work was exciting and stimulating but also left the days free to work on other projects and this was

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Wendover News February 2018

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Local Faces: Bill & Barbara McGillivray a period of pretty intense activity for them both. They wrote several albums of music to be used as background music in films and TV and also became involved in teaching.

become a real source of friendship and social activity and they really value the friendships they have made. Like most Wendover residents they have discovered that there is

Bill taught guitar at Wellington College for 15 years then transferring to Berkhamsted School until he retired whilst Barbara was invited to start a Music Theatre Course at the Arts Educational School in Tring and she stayed there until 2011.

Barbara bought an accordion and has slowly (and painfully) become quite a decent player. With Bill playing mandolin and banjo they have been performing regularly for charities and private parties as The GillyBillies. They hope to build on this promising start and make this a big part of their retirement.

They are both examiners for the London College of Music and travel extensively in this role. When they arrived in Wendover they knew nobody, but having more time on their hands they wanted to get involved in local life. Firstly they joined Wendover Choral Society which was a great move and within what seemed a very short time Barbara found herself Chairman of the Society and so she and Bill became much more visible. The choir has

wherever possible and have put on many events in recent years, from Silent Movies with live accompaniment to professional concerts such as ‘The Seasons of England’. For the past 3 years they have both branched out musically, Bill has picked up his trumpet again after a 40 year silence and is now playing with the Aylesbury Concert Band and several other local ensembles.

The GillyBillies play in Spain

Like most retired people - they can’t imagine no such thing as popping up to the shops. how they ever had time to work! It takes time to talk to all the friends and The GillyBillies are always available to help acquaintances you meet en route. raise funds or just for your pleasure. Check They also have an interest in fundraising them out on YouTube.


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Wendover News February 2018


Regular Weekly Events

To Advertise your event for March 2018 please contact us before Monday 12 February Calendar entry FREE, one line. These events and more on www.wendovernews.co.uk/events DAY





Every Day


Cat Booker Fitness classes, times vary, see website for details

Every Day


Jodie Digby Fitness courses, times & locations vary, see website for details


Every Day


JAZZERCISE classes to suit you. www.jazzercise-uk.com.

07900 987230

Every Day



BML Personal Training classes, see website for details - www.bmlpersonaltraining.com

Emma 07969 433351

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, SUN morn/eve

Zumba® and Zumba® Gold classes: private studio

Roxanne 01296 623683

Mon, Tue, Fri, SAT


Water Babies, Chilterns MS Centre pool, Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat



19.15-21.30 or stated

Cornelli Sugarcraft cake decorating courses. Topics vary, see website for details.


Mon, Wed, Thu


Adult & Teenager Yoga Classes. Contact Sarah to book.

sarahyoga@sky.com, www.sarahyoga.co.uk

Mon, Wed, Thu


Yoga classes with Zest Yoga, Halton Tennis Centre Fitness Studio


Mon-Wed, Fri, Sat


Pilates, Halton Tennis Centre. Times & costs vary, see website for details


Mon, Thu, Fri


Healing Meditation Group - Mon eve, Chesham, Thu eve/Fri morn, Wendover


Mon, Thu, SAT


Zumba with Nikki, Mon & Thu 1815 Halton School, Sat 0930 Chiltern Way Academy Wendover nicolepistak.zumba.com, 07876443392

Mon-Thu, SAT


FabricHQ sewing. Topics, times & locations vary, see website for details


Mon & Fri


Badminton Club. 19.45-21.45 Mon, beginners 18.45-19.45 Fri, John Colet School (term time)




Wendover Fitness classes, times & locations vary, see website for details




Rainbow Rattles children’s playgroup (term time only), £1 per family, Trinity Centre RAF Halton


10.00, 11.00, 12.15

Hartbeeps Music Classes for children, Wendover Children’s Centre HP22 6HF



Free friendly run/jog club to suit you. Meet point RAF base Chestnut Avenue.

Nikki 07868 873911



YogaBellies for Pregnancy Classes, Halton Village Hall




The Rotary Club of Wendover & District, Holiday Inn, Weston Turville




Badminton Club for over 18s, £6, (Sep-July, no BH’s) Green Park Sports Centre HP22 5NE

Allen 01296 631159

Tue & Wed


Tai Chi & Qigong Classes, Your Cafe in the Park 6 & 7pm Tue, St Anne’s Hall noon Wed


Tue & Wed


Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell

01296 624089

Tue & Fri


Thames Valley Police at Wendover Community Library

0845 230 3232

Tue & Fri


Hatha yoga— Tue 19.00-20.30 Wen Mem Hall; Fri 09.30-11.00 & 11.30-13.00, St Anne’s Hall




Play & Learn (term time only), Trinity Centre, RAF Halton

01296 621143



Colour Wheel Art Class (term time only), all topics, Ellesborough Parish Hall

Steve Hedges 01844 273076



Simply Walk, meet at Wendover Clock Tower for moderate walk 1-1.5 hours

01494 475367


10.15 & 11.15

Bounce & Rhyme (term time only), Library Room, FREE

0845 2303232


16.30 & 17.00

Martial Arts Class for Children with ZKS, St Anne’s Hall




Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell


19.00 or 20.15

IMAGEZ Camera Club: Weston Turville Village Hall (winter 20.15, summer 19.00)




Halton Singers Practice Sessions, Halton Village Hall




Whitchurch Morris Men Practice Sessions (Oct-Apr), Wilstone Village Hall HP23 4PE




Wen & Halton Cycling Club, Wed 18.30 local mtn bike, Sat 08.30 road, Sun 08.30 local mtn bike




Parentcraft (booking only), Wendover Children’s Centre HP22 6HF

01296 621143



Drop-in pre-school outdoor activity group, Wendover Woods. See website for details.




Beginners and Improvers art group, The Loft Studio, The Courtyard



17.30 or 19.30

Slimming World, Chilterns MS Centre, Oakwood Close HP22 5LX

Sally 07484 650301



Hartbeats African Drumming, beginner to advanced, pay-as-you-go

Justine 07773 047684



Halton Military Wives Choir rehearsals




Adult Swimming Classes, Wendover Pool

Sharon 07990 521679



Aylesbury Sub-Aqua Club at Green Park Pool (term time only)


Thu & SAT


RAF Assn Halton and Ayles Branch clubhouse open to public, Bldg 259 RAF Halton



Wendover Weekly Market, Manor Waste



Fun Dog Training, Ellesborough Parish Hall



Play & Learn (term time only), £1 per family, Wendover Children's Centre HP22 6HF

01296 621143



Sparrowhawks Netball Training, courts by Your Cafe in the Park, Aston Clinton



19.00 & 20.00

19.00 Ballroom & Latin Dance Class / 20.00 Dance. Wendover Memorial Hall.

01442 865734



Taekwondo for ages 5 and up, John Colet School




Scottish Country Dancing with Lucy Clark Scottish Country Dance Club, Oldham Hall HP16 0AZ




Wendover Choral Society, St. Mary’s Church Wendover

01296 709593



Noah's Ark parent-toddler group (term time only), Wendover Christian Centre




11.00 & 13.30

Lipreading and Hearing Loss Course, Library Room




Amazing Donkey Youth Club for 10-14 year olds (term time only), Wendover Youth Ctre

Paul Hammett 01296 621162



“Friday night is music night” at St Mary’s Church

JUST 01296 623123


see listing

NIA Classes, 1530-1630 Sat/0930-1030 Sun, Halton Tennis Centre



Rookie Lifeguard Classes for 8-12 year olds (term time only), Green Park Pool

Liz 01296 622895



Cycle Rides with Aylesbury Cyclist Touring Club, locations vary




Bingo at the Legion Club, Chiltern Road, all welcome

Wendover News February 2018

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

What’s On in February 2018 To Advertise your event for March 2018 please contact us before Monday 12 February Calendar entry FREE, one line. These events and more on www.wendovernews.co.uk/events DAY/DATE Tue-Sat Thu 01 Thu 01 Thu 01




10.00-16.00 Exhibitions & activities at Bucks County Museum HP20 2QP, see page 2


11.00 Simply Walk, Wendover Woods (near the Café) 19.00-20.00 Wendover Library Reading Group, Wendover Library Room 19.45 Buckinghamshire Bird Club Meeting, Wendover Memorial Hall, see p 2. Also field trips 11 & 25 Feb.

0845 230 3232 www.bucksbirdclub.co​.uk

Fri 02

10.00-12.00 Aston Hearing - HearToday Event, Flint Barn Court HP7 0DB. Also Tue 06, Cobbles Yard OX9 3DZ


Sat 03

14.30-15.30 Children's Book Group, Wendover Community Library, see p 2

0845 230 3232

Sat 03

19.30 Chilterns Dog Rescue Society Fundraiser Quiz, Ley Hill Village Hall, see p 2


Sun 04

10.45 Chiltern Hills – Guided Trail Run, starts Tring Station, see p 2


Tue 06

10.30 Walk with the Ramblers, Wendover Woods & surrounds. Starts woods exit car park. 4mi, leisurely.


Tue 06

afternoon Learn My Way, Wendover Community Library, please book, see p 2

Tue 06

13.00 Chiltern Arts Festival 2018, St Mary's Church Wendover, see p 2


Tue 06

20.00 Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Society, “Plants and Archaeology”, Stewart Hall HP17 0XN, see p 2


Wed 07

10.00 Wendover U3A members meeting, St Mary's Church Wendover


Wed 07

19.45 Buckland, Drayton Beauchamp and Aston Clinton WI, Anthony Hall HP22 5HS

01296 434372

10.00 BBOWT working party, Bacombe Hill, see page 2


Thu 08 Thu 08 Fri 09 Sat 10 Sat 10 Sun 11

20.00-21.30 Chiltern Writers Manuscript Evening, Wendover Library Room, see p 2 19.00 Chilterns MS Centre QuizNight, Wendover Memorial Hall, £15 per person inc fish & chip supper, see p 3 10.30-12.00 BBOWT Guided Walk, College Lake HP23 5G, see p 2. Please book. 19.00 Dennis Davies General Knowledge Quiz, tickets £12, Anthony Hall, Aston Clinton, see p 3

www.chilternwriters.​org fundraising@chilternsmscentre.org www.bbowt.org.uk/wha​ts-on maggiebeaujeux@outlo​ok.com

15.30-17.30 Messy Church, St Anne's Hall & Wendover Christian Centre. FREE. See p 3.

Tue 13 10.00 & 19.00 Coffee & Pancakes, followed by film "The Shack", Wendover Christian Ctre, see p 3 Tue 13-Wed 14

0845 230 3232

10.00-13.00 "Skullduggery!" children's activity, College Lake HP23 5G, please book, see p 2.

minister@wendoverfreechurch.org.uk www.bbowt.org.uk/wha​ts-on

Tue 13

19.30 Chiltern and District Hard of Hearing Club, Halifax House, Little Chalfont


Tue 13

19.30 Wendover WI - “Flowers for Valentine’s Day”, St Anne's Hall, see p 3


Tue 13

20.00 Chiltern Humanists, Wendover Community Library Room, see p 4


Wed 14

am/pm Cornelli Sugarcraft Workshops for Children & Teenagers, Wendover Library Room, please book, see p 4


Wed 14

evening Tres Corazones celebrates el Dia de San Valentin, 4 Pound Street, please book


Wed 14 & 28 Wed 14 Thu 15 Thu 15 Fri 16 Fri 16-Sun 18

19.30 Wendover Art Club, Wendover Library Room. See p 4.


20.00 Aston Clinton, Buckland & Drayton Beauchamp Horticultural Society, Anthony Hall HP22 5HS


09.00-14.00 Legacy Fairs Antiques & Collectors Market, Wendover Memorial Hall, see advert p 4 14.30 Wendover Horticultural Society, Wendover Library Room, see p 4 10.00-12.00 The Wendover Society Coffee Morning, St Anne’s Hall. Free entry. See advert p 4. weekend Contemplative Fire weekend retreat, please book.

www.wendoversociety.org.uk www.contemplativefir​e.org

Fri 16

19.30 Aston Wine Club, Buckland Village Hall


Fri 16

19.30 On Screen Film Club, Wendover Library Room, tickets £5, see p 4

0845 230 3232

Sat 17

09.00-13.00 Wendover Local Produce Market, Manor Waste

Sat 17

09.30-11.00 “Daddy Cool” - play for dads/male carers & children, £2, Wendover Children’s Centre HP22 6HF

Sat 17

10.30 Book Club, Wendover Christian Centre, see p 4

Sat 17

14.00 Family History Talk, Bucks Family History Society, Turnfurlong Jr Schl HP21 7PL, see p 4

Sat 17

14.30 Aylesbury Vale Embroiderers’ Guild, S Mandeville Methodist Church, see p 4

Tue 20

14.00-15.30 Knit & Natter, Wendover Library Room, see p 2

01296 621143 www.bucksfhs.org.uk www.avegblog.wordpre​ss.com 0845 230 3232

Tue 20

19.45 BBOWT Talk, Gt Missenden Memorial Ctre, £3 entrance, free parking, see p 2


Thu 22

10.00 BBOWT working party, Weston Turville Reservoir, see page 2


Thu 22

10.00 Walk with the Ramblers, Wendover Woods & surrounds. Starts Wendover Clocktower. 8mi, moderate.


Thu 22

14.30 Weston Turville U3A members meeting, Aylesbury Rugby Club


Thu 22

20.00 Aylesbury Centre of the National Trust, Broughton Jr Schl HP20 1NQ, see p 5


Fri 23

11.00-14.00 Memory Pathways therapy group, Lindengate Site, Worlds End Garden Centre, please book

01296 622443

Fri 23

18.30-21.30 Pace Pamper Evening, Sivatech HP19 8DJ, see p 5


Fri 23

19.30 The Wendover Society AGM, Wendover Memorial Hall, see p 5


Fri 23

20.00 Weston Turville Historical Society, Weston Turville Village Hall, see p 5


Sat 24 Sun 25 Mon 26 Wed 28

14.30-15.30 "Call the Midwife" afternoon in support of Rennie Grove, St Anne's Hall, see p 5 10.00 Walk with the Ramblers, Wendover to Dunsmore via Coombe Hill. Starts Library car park. 7.7mi, moderate.


19.30 RSPB Aylesbury Local Group, Prebendal Hall Comm Ctre HP19 7QW


14.30-16.00 Reading Group for the Visually Impaired, Wendover Library Room


01296 624270


0845 230 3232

Wendover News February 2018


Matters Arising Wendover Parish Council Page

View from the Chair

Creating our Neighbourhood Plan is This year will see a number of opportunities important to all of us. It puts Wendover’s for Wendover residents to have a real say in priorities into a legal framework that will be a major influence on how planners and the future of our Community. developers approach Wendover in the future. Tom Walsh, Chairman As a result of HS2 assurances won by Parish Council Meeting Bucks CC, money Tuesday 6 February 7.30pm is available to St Anne’s Hall invest in improving cycleways in Wendover. There is John Mayhead, Chairman Lindengate Donation also funding for a of The Wendover Society Whilst Christmas may be a distant memory, (right), presenting a we would like to thank businesses who gave project to introduce cheque for £1,700 to to the Christmas Event. All proceeds were noise barriers along Tom Walsh the WPC the side of the Chairman. The amount donated to Lindengate – Health and Wellbeing bypass. I’ve seen is the balance left from through Nature and Horticulture. Kings Farm the noise models donations to the Society Shop, Monsta Pizza, The Nutman of London and reductions of towards their part in our and The Coffee Stop all kindly donated 10% between 1 and 5Db combined fight against of their Event takings, Scruples donated £100 HS2 and Stuart McCurry and Partners donated seem possible. WPC has been kept up to speed on these projects £30. Grand total £725. We would also like to thank Harpenden Building Society for and soon you will all be consulted. donating the Christmas Tree and Mix 96 for The next big chance for you to influence the switching on the Christmas Tree Lights. evolution of Wendover will be when the Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire drops What is the Precept? onto your doormat. It’s a big document, The precept is the Parish Council’s share maybe 28 pages, which might seem daunting of the council tax collected by the District but it’s not as bad as it looks. The sections Council. Income and expenditure for the next are pretty self explanatory so please give it a financial year is calculated in November. The go. If you can’t get the whole thing done, do precept demand goes to the billing authority, please have go at the bits that interest you. for Wendover this is AVDC. Examples of projects and works reviewed during the precept process include: providing and maintaining allotments and open spaces; installing and maintaining play equipment;

providing and maintaining street lighting in residential areas (excluding main highways); devolved services such as grass and verge cutting in 30mph areas; maintaining community buildings and some rights of way; managing and supporting local events; community safety and crime reduction.

Local Produce Market Saturday 17 February, 9am to 1pm Manor Waste

Council Tax 2018/2019

The precept calculations for April 2018 to March 2019 were approved at the Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 5 December 2017. The precept was advised at £292,266, a 3% rise (£2.51) to a Band D property over the year. The precept is then rounded to the nearest £10 as requested by AVDC and will now be £292,270 for 2018/19 making the rise £2.56. This small increase is to accommodate inflation on the revenue budget of 2% and an additional 1% contingency to begin raising reserves for future projects (Multiple Use Games Area for Ashbrook in 2019/20) and protect against unforeseen needs of expenditure. The Parish Council is committed to making sound financial decisions on behalf of the residents of Wendover. Over the last 7 years the precept was reduced twice, in 2012/13 and 2013/14 and has only been increased in the last two years. The total rise for an average Band D property between April 2013 and April 2018 is £7.56 per year.

Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover HP22 6DU



Wendover News February 2018


01296 623056

Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

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