3 minute read
Wendover Parish Council - Matters Arising
View from the Chair
As we reach Autumn with misty mornings and harvests gathered in, many will have had the opportunity to travel again both for work and holidays, which is a good sign that things are moving on.
The Parish Council is continuing to progress our various projects although this is quite slow at the moment partly due to Covid, supply chains and general bureaucracy. The Canal path emergency repair has been agreed in principle and I am hoping for a November date for these works. With the cycle path, the next couple of months will be spent by Bucks Council ironing out some remaining detailed design issues associated with the cycleway improvements, tendering for the construction contract and appointing a contractor to undertake the works. It is now anticipated that construction works will commence in January 2022. Council projects always seem to take a long time to come to fruition!
As Chair, I have the honour of attending various local community functions. This month has seen the Harvest Supper re-launch of The Wendover Society, with Rob Butler, MP as guest speaker. The new Chair, Ron Peterson, gave a brief background to the Society and Rob delivered a good speech covering many things including HS2. With over 100 participants, great food and a good opportunity to meet old friends and new faces, the event bodes well for the future. I wish The Society every success.
I also attended the Wendover Youth Centre Open Evening which enabled me to reacquaint myself with the building, the new youth worker and Chair and some of the young people. Their new ideas and groups are really popular with students including those from the Junior and John Colet Schools, helping them to keep in touch with friends, discuss any worries and support the local community. As one of only 2 centres which continued throughout Covid, they deserve special mention and our thanks for the help they have given to our young people.
That’s all for now. Enjoy Halloween and next time will be the Christmas issue!
Sheila Bulpett
Climate Emergency
At a meeting of the Parish Council on 5 October 2021 Wendover Parish Council declared a climate emergency and committed to working towards making the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030. There is plenty everyone can do to help address the climate emergency and WPC are developing an action plan for this as part of the 5 year plan.
The Council will be working both independently and in partnership with Climate Action Wendover on initiatives across the Parish. We can’t do this alone though and we need everyone to get involved – residents and businesses in the Parish and our local groups and organisations.
If you would like to suggest a project for consideration please get in touch.
Streetlights are important for community safety and with the nights drawing in we want to keep them working.
If you spot a fault with a streetlight such as an unlit lamp at night or one which is lit during the day in the parish, it is important you let us know. You can report any issues via e-mail, web or phone.
Each streetlight has a number on the column making it easy to locate. When reporting the fault please advise us of the streetlight number where possible along with the location of the light using road names or landmarks and the nature of the problem e.g. light flashing or the light is out.
Buckinghamshire Council are responsible for all lighting on main highways, to report a fault to them please visit their web page www.buckscc. gov.uk/services/transport-and-roads/report-ahighways-problem/ .