4 minute read

Wendover Parish Council, Matters Arising

View from the Vice Chair

I am writing this as our Chair, Councillor Bulpett, is away having a much-deserved break, and standing in for her has reminded me just how much she does for the Parish. It’s an exciting time in Wendover and I personally love this time of year as the seasons change, the festive season kicks in and the children are extra excited as the big day gets closer.

I was extremely happy to be able to help open the Haddington Playpark (formerlythe ‘helicopter park’) with our MP, Rob Butler, Buckinghamshire Councillor, Peter Strachan and MOD Principal Estate Surveyor, Jonathan Gasson. Whilst anti-social behaviour sadly led to the closure and dismantling of the park earlier in the year, re-opening a bigger & safer park was testament to the positive collaboration between parents, the wider community, Wendover & Buckinghamshire Councils and the MOD. The children were utterly thrilled that the community had rallied together to re-open the park and to see them playing in the gorgeous Autumn sunshine was a real sight to behold.

I was also honoured to be part of our annual Remembrance Parade and laid a wreath on behalf of our Council. As the war in Ukraine remains at the forefront of many people’s minds, I was reminded about the launch event of the Ukraine Support group (WAVUS) at St Anne’s Hall only 2 weeks’ prior, which was attended by 100+ guests, hosts and supporters and the spirit of community support and positivity was just wonderful to witness.

By the time you read this, the winning team of our Annual Quiz will have been awarded their prize, and the Christmas event will be nearly upon us. Our team work very hard to bring the Christmas event on the Manor Waste to fruition, with the grounds team trimming and fixing the trees and setting up the lights around the high street to make the centre festive and welcoming. The Clocktower team organise every detail – particular thanks to Jane Ellis who has returned from early retirement to support the team and also to all our businesses who sponsor and support too. We hope to see as many of you as possible on Wednesday 30 November, 4pm – 7pm on the Manor Waste, where the lights will be switched on, awards will be presented and community choirs will be entertaining us.

Right now, against a backdrop of rising costs, the Council is setting the budgets for next year with the aim of delivering the same level of services without adding to the financial burdens of the Parish. As the year draws to a close and we reflect on the events of this year of such change, I hope that we can all take some comfort in the spirit of goodwill and community support which the Parish of Wendover consistently displays and so on behalf of everyone at WPC may I wish you and your families a happy & joyful Christmas and a very peaceful new year.

Cllr Jo Durden-Moore

Vacancy for a New Councillor

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 87 (2) of the Local Government Act, 1972 that one casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for Wendover Parish Council.

The vacancy on the council can now be filled by co-option, where the council will select by a vote at the meeting on 6 December. Anyone wishing to put their name forward must contact: Wendover Parish Council: Andy Smith Clerk to the Council The Clock Tower High Street, Wendover Aylesbury, HP22 6DU 01296 623056 clerk@wendover-pc.gov.uk

To apply, please fill in the form on the webpage www.wendover-pc.gov.uk/co-option and return to the office by 4pm, Friday 2 December 2022.

Gardening & the weather

Andy & Stefan, our Groundsmen, are working hard to put the grounds, verges, parks and hedges ‘to bed’ for winter but the weather seems to want to delay that process. We are cutting grass well beyond our normal times. We also recieve many reports in the office about hedges, grass and paths. In reality, responsibilities for maintenance and upkeep have a complex history with many different organisations responsible for different pieces of land. The Parish Council will always try to direct you to the right organisation for your query.

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