2 minute read
Wendover Wildbelt
Climate Action Wendover is thrilled to announce that Wendover Wildbelt is well and truly on the way to becoming an essential haven for all the flora and fauna of Wendover – including us human residents!
An area of almost 2 acres between London Rd and the Chiltern Rail line, adjacent to the allotments, has been leased from Wendover Parish Council for a peppercorn rent. We will develop it using “food forest” principles and the first stage has involved the planting of fruit trees, soft fruit bushes, nuts and herbs. The site preparation and planting could never have been accomplished without the amazing efforts of volunteers from CLAW and The Chiltern Society – a massive thanks to Amanda Barnicoat, Project Manager with The Chiltern Society, who masterminded the planning and arranged volunteer workparties to get the project off the ground.
Wendover Wildbelt has benefitted from grants made by Wendover Parish Council, Wendover & Villages Community Board, The Chiltern Society and Local Giving, we really appreciate their support – and we are also thankful for a number of individual donations. We would also like to express particular thanks to Cllr. Stephen Worth who has championed the cause with our Parish Council and done so much to enable this project to come to life! Thanks to him and the staff at WPC who have helped in so many ways.
What next? It will take a few years for the trees and bushes to mature, but you can look forward to an amazing selection of items to forage. We hope to install a water capture/storage shed and replace the fenced entrance with a gate to make the site easily accessible. We will continue to add to the planting, but over time the site should become self-sustaining and need very little maintenance. We hope you enjoy this community asset – look for us on Google Maps!