Wendover News, May 2023

Page 22


Wendover Coronation Big Lunch

Sunday 7 May, 1-4pm at Witchell Meadow

Coronation Weekend, 6, 7, 8 May

Most of us cannot remember a Coronation but we enjoyed recent Royal Jubilees so why not continue to delight in this opportunity for us to pause and relish some time with neighbours and friends?

Coronation, 11am Saturday 6 May

The Coronation itself will take place at 11am in Westminster Abbey. Some will line the streets to watch the processions but most will see it on television. Once the ceremonial is over, many groups of neighbours will gather informally to celebrate, possibly in local street parties.

Church Services, Sunday 7 May

St Anne's and Wendover Free Church will have their usual Sunday morning Services, see advert on page 24. St Mary's will have a Parish Communion Service at 10am followed by a glass of fizz.

The Big Lunch, 1 - 4pm Sunday 7 May

Wendover Cricket Club is pleased to be able support Wendover Parish Council’s

Coronation Big Lunch at Witchell Meadow, HP22 6EG on Sunday 7th May. Bring your own picnic and rug or chairs and settle down for an informal gathering with some entertainment on hand, see also edenprojectcommunities.com/the-biglunch.

The Big Help Out, Monday 8 May

We have been granted an extra Bank Holiday on the Monday of Coronation Weekend. The King has suggested that we each look for an opportunity to help out in our community as best we can, see also thebighelpout.org. uk/. In Buckinghamshire to register as a volunteer, anytime, if you are 16 years old and over, visitcommunityimpactbucks.org. uk/buckinghamshire-volunteer-matchingservice/. Rotary in Wendover is planting at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, home of the Paralympics, for Wheelpower from 10am, see advert p2, contact cheryl@ monkeypuzzlehighwycombe.co.uk and see also Local Face p23. Alternatively, you could join St Mary's in their Churchyard Tidy Up from 10am - 12.30pm, see advert p4.

RAF Flypast

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor. If you have a complaint or concern about content in Wendover News, please visit www.wendovernews.co.uk/complaints send contributions for June 2023 before Monday 15 May (including payments for adverts) book early to avoid disappointment

07340 993802


1 Robert Mews, 11 High Street, Wendover HP22 6DU

Wendover News, established 1989, is delivered through the door to many local households. If you do not receive one at home and would like to volunteer to deliver for us to your road, please contact the office (see above). Wendover News would like to thank all its willing volunteers.

To celebrate the completion of training at RAF Halton, a flypast will take place, weather permitting.

Wednesday 24 May 2023


March was a

www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk Available in Wendover, Dunsmore, The
Halton, Weston Turville and
May 2023 FREE
Aston Clinton
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Magic Lantern Lens May Mystery Object at the Antiques Centre


Discover Bucks Museum

Tue-Sat, 10am-4pm, Church St, HP20 2QP

Open Art Exhibition - 29 April to 8 July. For more information visit www.discoverbucksmuseum.org.

Simply Walk

Weekly walks on Tuesdays from Wendover Clock Tower, leaving 10am. If you are a first-time walker, please arrive at least 15 minutes early and register with the walk leader. After the walk, there's an opportunity to socialise at the weekly all-ages drop-in at Wendover Christian Centre.

Cornelli Sugarcraft Classes

Dates vary, please visit www.cornellisugarcraft. co.uk/our-courses/ for details. See advert p18

May Day Morris Dancing

Mon 1 May various locations

Celebrate May Day with Whitchurch Morris Dancers who will be starting their tour on Coombe Hill at 6.30am, then dancing at The Hampden Arms and Chiltern View Garden Centre, finishing at Pitstone in the afternoon. For times and locations see p16.

Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Society

Tues 2, 8pm Stewart Hall HP17 OXN

Ornamental Grasses - George Lockwood will provide useful tips on this topic and a full list of the plants discussed. Sat 13, 10 – 11 30 am Plant Sale at Ellesborough Village Hall, Butlers Cross. A great opportunity to buy locally grown perennials, vegetables and annuals. Come early - everything is usually sold by about 11 am!

Craft Group

Wed 3,7 & 31, 10am-12noon, Wen Christian Ctre Craft Group provides warm space in friendly company to work on any kind of craft project. Please bring your own materials or just come to see what others are doing. All welcome. Coffee served at about 11am.

Chilterns Light Network

Wed 3 & 10, 7.30pm, Wen Memorial Hall

3 - Meeting / Social. 10 Food for Change with Marianne Hill. Cost £5 for non members. See p16

Aylesbury Dolls House Club

Wed 3, 7.30pm, Halton Village Hall

Annual General Meeting followed by a free

Printed in the UK by The Magazine Printing Company using only paper from FSC/PEFC suppliers www.magprint.co.uk
Call us on 01296 630650 for more details! or log onto www.smashingwindows.com New windows and Doors! Repairs & Installations • Curtain alterations • Custom made Roman Blinds enquire@ingridsneedle.com Tel: 01296 752 747 www.ingridsneedle.com The Big Help Out to celebrate the King’s Coronation Monday 8 May at 10am at Stoke Mandeville Stadium Stadium Approach, Guttmann Rd, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury HP21 9PP cheryl@monkeypuzzlehighwycombe.co.uk You are cordially invited to join us at St Mary’s Church, Wendover on Sunday 7th May at 10.00am for a Parish Communion Service to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III Please do stay for a glass of fizz afterwards! Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

mystery project for attendees. We will be announcing our exciting plans for the coming year and the possibility of a name change, so watch this space! arcadia96@btinternet.com

Wills and Estate Planning Surgery

Thu 4, 12noon-2pm, Wendover Library

Please call 01296 415700 or email iain@wanstallconsulting.co.uk for details.

Wendover Horticultural Society

Thu 4, 2.30pm, St Anne's Hall

John Marshall will speak about preparing containers and hanging baskets. cost £3. See p19.

Poetry Please

Fri 5, 10.30am, Wend Christian Centre

For May, the theme at our poetry reading group is ‘Celebrations’. Bring a suitable poem or come and listen to others’ choices. All welcome.

Wendover Canal Walk

Sat 6, 10.30am, Meads Farm Tea Room HP23 4NT

Guided walk by Wendover Canal volunteers, approximately 3 miles. Walks take place on the 1st Saturday, April to September 2023. Further details www.wendovercanal.org.uk. See p19.

St Mary's Church, Wendover

Sun 7, 10.00am, Parish Communion Service to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III, followed by a glass of fizz! See advert p2

Events at Real Magic Books

Weekly and one-off events, including 7 May, 12 noon - Crochet Club. 12, 6.30pm - Jeremy Deller: Art Is Magic. 24, 6.30pm Real Magic Book Group discussing Curtis Sittenfield’s Romantic Comedy. 31, 6.30pm- Emma Forrest: Busy Being Free Every Sunday, 11am - Real Magic Story Time and Ambient Hour. www.realmagicbooks.com

Coronation Big Lunch

Sun 7, 1-4pm Witchell Meadow HP22 6EG

Coronation Big Lunch at Witchell Meadow, See front page

St Mary's Community Volunteering Day

Mon 8, 10-12.30 St Mary's Churchyard

Churchyard tidy up. Please bring your own tools. Tea and coffee provided. See advert p4 and article p16

The Big Help Out Rotary Planting

Mon 8, from 10am, Stoke Mandeville Stadium, HP21 9PP

To celebrate the King’s Coronation, help to plant up a quiet space for local charity Wheelpower. Renovating and beautifying a patio area for children and adults in wheelchairs and their families. Contact cheryl@monkeypuzzlehighwycombe.co.uk. See advert p2.

Proud Sponsors

01296 625100 www.harpersestateagents.co.uk
Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk
Sarah Routley Bsc (hons) Max Rogers


Get involved in the Big Help Out

Monday 8 May

If you would like help to find a local volunteer role through the summer, register with the Buckinghamshire Volunteer Matching Service which currently has 150 volunteer roles available with a wide range of charities. To find out more and to register if you are 16 years old and over, visit communityimpactbucks.org.uk/ buckinghamshire-volunteer-matching-service/.

Tring Coronation Party

Mon 8, 2pm-6pm, St. Paul's Church, Tring 2pm Celebration Service 3pm Coronation Party in the churchyard. Music, refreshments, Tring Brewery Bar, children's craft, fancy dress competition, Royal themed quizzes. Details: 01442 828920 or info@tringtogether.org.uk

Coronation Cream Tea

Mon 8, 3pm-5pm, St Mary's, Weston Turville St Mary's Church. All Welcome

Wendover Evening WI

Tue 9, 5pm 9pm, St Anne's Hall

We will be celebrating the Coronation and will have

red, white and blue themed outfits, decorations and food. There will be a royal quiz, a crown competition and much more to celebrate this historic occasion! To find out more about our lively WI then please contact Sheila on 07743 133963.

Aston Clinton, Buckland & Drayton

Beauchamp Horticultural Society

Wed 10, 8pm, Anthony Hall

Talk “Carnivorous Plants”, Theo Gardiner, Sat 13 10am– 1pm, Aston Clinton Park Plant Sale

Wendover Art Club

Thu 11 & 25, 7.30pm, St Anne's Hall

11, Creative Evening– Shoes, boots and sandals. Sat & Sun 13 & 14 Spring Exhibition in the Wendover Library Room. 25 Creative Evening – Sketch-book evening – Show and tell. www.wendoverartclub.co.uk

Community Car AGM

Fri 12, 6pm Scout Hut, Clay Lane HP22 6NS

The Annual General Meeting of the Wendover Community Car (known as Wendover Action Group) . An opportunity for Wendover Residents to learn about what we do. Everyone is welcome

Local History Group

Fri 12, 7.30pm, St Leonards Hall HP23 6NW AGM followed by a talk.

BBOWT Plant & Produce Market

Sun 14, 11am-1pm, College Lake Reserve HP23 5QG

A selection of plants and produce, largely grown by BBOWT members and supporters, on sale to benefit BBOWT. See more information page 18 and advert p5.

Bubble Rush

Sun 14 May Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2RR

The Fun Run with a difference... Bubbles! More info at www.stfrancis.org.uk/bubble-rush

Bucks Historical Association

Wed 17, 8pm, online

Prof Laura Gowing, Dept of History, King’s College, London. Networks of Opportunity: women and apprenticeship in 17th century London. Register your interest at: secretarybucksha@gmail.com

Aylesbury Centre of the National Trust

Thu 18 8pm Broughton Junior School HP20 1NQ Dr Helen Fry on MI9 and secret escape lines of

Fully Qualified Mechanics Required

Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts


WWII. Details: aylesburycentrent@gmail.com

Tring Together Golf Day

Fri 19, 9.30am, Stocks Golf Course, Aldbury Tee up your best shot and raise funds for the Tring Music Partnership. Includes breakfast, refreshments and BBQ lunch.

For details email: toby@tringtogether.org.uk or visit the website: www.tringtogether.org.uk

The Wendover Society Speaker Evening

Fri 19 May, 7.30pm, St Anne’s Hall

Dame Eleanor Laing, Deputy Speaker, House of Commons will speak about her life, especially in Parliament, in a very entertaining way. She has witnessed recent turmoil from a privileged seat! Tickets £5 including wine and nibbles, from tinyurl.com/26ndxm7r. More information on wendoversociety.org.uk. See advert below.

Aston Wine Club

Fri 19, 8pm, Buckland Village Hall

Neil Phillips, The Wine Tipster – New Zealand. More details on www.astonwineclub.co.uk

Chilterns Walking Festival -

20 May - 4 June

The 11th Chilterns Walking Festival will take place 20 May – 4 June. It will feature a programme of over 60 walks and events throughout the Chilterns. A chance to enjoy the splendour of the landscape at its springtime best. More details at www.chilternsaonb.org/news/

Book Club

Sat 20, 10.30-11.30am, Wen Christian Centre

There are many kinds of literature to read and many are discussed at Book Club. No set books, just the chance to hear what others have been reading and, if you choose, talk about the books you’ve enjoyed. We start with coffee and often cake.

The Wendover Society

Speaker Evenings

Aylesbury Vale Stitchers

Sat 20, 2.30pm, Wendover Memorial Hall Maria Thomas “RELATIVE - a talk that explores family history and belonging.” Maria shares her personal view of family relationships through a series of contemporary patchwork garments and quilted artefacts. aylesburyvalestitchers@gmail.com

Lindengate Open Gardens

Sun 21, 2-4pm, Wildflower and plant sale plus handcrafted items, jams and chutneys. £10 includes entry to gardens and cream teas. See advert p2. www.lindengate.;org.uk/events.

Weston Turville Historical Society

Fri 26, 8pm, Weston Turville Village Hall

"Local History: How to do it" with speaker Liz Woolley . £2 members, £3 visitors. More about the meeting on www.wthsoc.org.uk

Mentmore Arts Festival

Sat 27 Mon-29 May, 11-5pm

The 13th Mentmore Arts Festival .Charities for 2023 will be Mind UK (Buckinghamshire) and Leighton Buzzard Mencap.

Coming Soon - Save the Date!

• St Leonards Village Fete - 3 June

• Open Garden - Stepping Stones, South Heath 4 June

• Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity South Downs Hike - 8-11 June

• Bucks Art Week - 10-25 June

• Walk Your Ridgeway for HoSF - 11 June www.stfrancis.org.uk/ridgeway

• Missenden Abbey RAF Benevolent Fund Event16 June (see page 13)

• Mikron Theatre at Lindengate - 21 June

• Summer Sound Fest - 24 June

• RAF Freedom Parade in Wendover – 25 June

• Rotary Dinner for Wheelpower - 29 June

Dame Eleanor Laing

Deputy Speaker, House of Commons

Friday 19 May, 7.30pm St Anne’s Hall (nr Wharf Road HP22 6JG)

tickets £5

(includes wine & nibbles from tinyurl.com/26ndxm7r)

more information on wendoversociety.org.uk

Admission FREE


Plant and Produce Market

Sunday 14 May 11.00am - 1.00pm

College Lake Reserve HP23 5QG

Happy Coronation

Calling all YOUNG creatives of Wendover (11 and under) to Saturday morning meetings in library date to be confirmed


Antiques & Collectors Market Wendover Memorial Hall

Thursday 18 May 9am-2pm (Trade 8am)

For updates Tel: 07503 465532 or email: peterphillips39@yahoo.com Entrance by donation to Charity


We are looking for several new members of staff to join our friendly John Colet School team.

Vacancies include: Casual Invigilators Learning Support Assistants (for immediate and September starts)

For further information and how to apply, please refer to the Vacancies page on our school website.


Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk

Peter Bird Garden Design

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Experienced piano teacher living in Wendover has a few vacancies for children and adults of all ages and levels.

If you would prefer online piano lessons on Zoom this is available and works well.

Phone/text Denise Erlandsen 07767 372049 or email: derlandsen@yahoo.co.uk

You have probably read in earlier editions of Wendover News about the work of Wendover Dementia Support, how the volunteers in our charity help families and carers of people with dementia, and of course those with dementia themselves. The most visible element of that help is the weekly Monday Club Café.

Now for a word about how we depend on the vital and unrelenting need for financial support to keep the show on the road.

Every pound helps and there are so many ways to help. You can register with easyfundraising (where online shopping with a multitude of retailers will result in a donation coming to Wendover Dementia Support), or you can donate through JustGiving or the PayPal Giving Fund.

You may wish to remember us at special times, or set up a standing order to give a little on a regular basis. And don’t forget that if you are a UK taxpayer and wish to tick the Gift Aid box your gift will be increased by 25% when we make a claim to the taxman.

Our website wendoverds. org.uk/ gives more details, please have a look at it.

Many local people and organisations have been and continue to be most generous with grants and donations. To you we express our heartfelt thanks, please keep it up!

Thank you all for thinking of us and giving support.

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Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts

Horatio's Garden

Patients, families, friends and NHS staff at the National Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC) have come together in Horatio’s Garden Stoke Mandeville to cast their thumbprint for an artwork to be displayed in the charity’s show garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in May.

Part of a nationwide project, the thumbprints in Horatio’s Garden Stoke Mandeville are being collected by local ceramicist Sophie Smith. They will join a thousand others to form the final artwork appearing in a woodland room within Horatio’s Garden Chelsea, designed by Charlotte Harris and Hugo Bugg from Harris Bugg Studio in collaboration with architects Mcmullan Studio on the prestigious Main Avenue of the world leading flower show.

Imprints were cast by patients, NHS staff, volunteers and the charity’s staff alike, including Lead Nurse for the NSIC, Zoey Pullar, and Head Gardener of Horatio’s Garden Stoke Mandeville, Amy Moffett. They follow the casting of the first thumbprint in Horatio’s Garden London & South East earlier this year by the charity’s patron, HRH Princess Eugenie of York.

All the thumbprints will be fired and glazed, so that they are ready to feature alongside those collected across the UK from the broad community of Horatio’s Garden, including patients, staff and volunteers within its gardens in spinal injury centres, as well as those involved in bringing the show garden to life.

Amy Moffett, Head Gardener of Horatio’s Garden Stoke Mandeville said: “It’s wonderful to have a creative project that everyone can be involved in – patients, visitors, staff and volunteers – all together! Everyone is getting very excited about having their unique thumbprint displayed as part of the first ever Horatio’s Garden show garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show. This is such a thoughtful and inclusive way of making everyone feel part of this inspiring event and it’s getting everyone talking, spreading the word about Horatio’s Garden and what a positive difference these gardens make for so many people.”

Horatio’s Garden Stoke Mandeville opened in September 2018. Created by multiple RHS Chelsea Gold Medal winner, Joe Swift, the garden forms part of the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

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Earthworks progressing

HS2 have started the main earthworks for the Wendover Green Tunnel with stripping of the topsoil along the route of the line north of Ellesborough Road. A fleet of 10 large dumptrucks, diggers and bulldozers has been busy, but deeper excavation is still awaiting approval from the Environment Agency due to the potential impact on the Coombe Hill aquifer.

We understand that revised mitigation proposals were submitted to the EA in March but will take “several weeks” to assess. We sought commitment from the HS2 minister that further excavation won’t start until EA are happy, but the response has been less than reassuring. We understand that more groundwater monitoring is being planned, which suggests to us that aquifer damage is now anticipated.

Construction stockpiling

There has been a constant stream of HGV lorries for the last three months delivering hardcore to a massive stockpile which now covers about seven acres near Folly Bridge close to the bypass. Dump Trucks are now moving some of that further north and can be seen crossing Nash Lee Road.

Road diversions

The temporary diversion of Nash Lee Road is nearly complete, and is expected to open in June following the installation of crash barriers and street lighting. Nash Lee Lane will also be diverted to the roundabout on the bypass at the same time to enable the “North Cutting” to be excavated. At Ellesborough Road more closures are anticipated until June to give access to the embankments for the new road. The diversion and temporary bridge over the Green Tunnel cutting are expected to open in September. The new link to Bacombe Lane should follow in October.

A413 and Small Dean Viaduct

Piling work has now started for the foundations of the Small Dean Viaduct, and the A413 will be moved eastwards to enable the safe construction of a Viaduct pier next to the Chiltern Railway line in May. We’ve managed to get electronic signage installed at Amersham, Missenden, and World’s End to let motorists know about closures of the A413; which should allow them to avoid the Small Dean area. Further disruption can be expected for some time, as the road will then be shifted westwards to its permanent location with the road weaving around the viaduct piers.

Construction information

Despite limited notice, about 70 people attended an HS2 “Meet the Team” exhibition in Wendover on 28 March and were able to interrogate the project managers and engineers building the line. Further events are expected during the year, including visits of their Mobile Information Centre. Details can be found at hs2.org.uk/ events/. More information about the actual design can also be found on our website at whs2. org/construction.htm

Help from HS2?

In addition to resolving your complaints, if you think HS2 can help with a social value project in the Wendover area please contact the HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 (which is available 24 hours a day) or email hs2enquiries@ hs2.org.uk. HS2 can support in a variety of ways including financial donations, volunteering hours and material donations. Information on funding is available at hs2funds.org.uk/about/ Need our help?

If you need further help, want to join us, or have ideas and suggestions that would mitigate the community impact, then get in touch at enquiries@whs2.org.

Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts 8 Would a stairlift make your life easier? Did you know you can rent or buy a stairlift and it can be fitted within a few days? We are a local company with over 20 years experience For more information and a free no obligation quote: Please call us on 07517 392118 Email: info@home-stairlifts.co.uk www.home-stairlifts.co.uk home stairlifts Our private dining room is available to hire for any special occasion or work event TRES CORAZONES TAPAS | BAR | GRILL TRES CORAZONES TAPAS | BAR | GRILL 4 Pound Street Wendover Email: bookings@trescorazones.co.uk www.trescorazones.co.uk 01296 622 092

Wendover Youth Centre ran a foodbank donation week with Churches together Wendover during the last week of March. We are still finalising how much was collected but would like to thank everyone who donated to the foodbank.

This summer term we will continue to have a wide range of activities running, including youth clubs, workshops and trips. We will continue our revision session on a Thursday from 6-7:30pm for Year 11 & 13 students who are preparing for GCSE’s & A-Levels. We provide free hot drinks and biscuits and a quiet space for students to study.

We are a part of the Tesco Community grant scheme, which means we are part of the

blue token voting scheme which takes place from April - June 2023. This is applicable to all Tesco stores in Wendover and Aylesbury so please, if you shop there, can you support us by getting a blue token after you have made a purchase and vote for the youth centre.

If your child/ren are interested in attending our youth activities or have any questions/queries, please email admin@ wendoveryouth. co.uk

Please follow our social media platforms and visit our website for more information about what the youth centre is doing.

Facebook: Wendover Youth Centre Instagram: wendoveryouthcentre


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Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk 9 Youth
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Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts 10 The usual update from EKFB is not available this month so Wendover News is printing some photos of recent HS2 activity. Physio & Pilates with Elaine Physiotherapy, Pilates classes 1:1 sessions available 0 7415 8 41299 www.physioandpilatesinbucks.com Aston Clinton, Halton, Wendover, Weston Turville Grass Cutting Service Regular or one off cuts For free quote call Ian Whittome 01296 682361 07885 031431 Grace carpentry & building gcb Tel: 01494 482787 Mob: 07725 328 049 Email: grace.gcb@outlook.com All aspects of carpentry and building work undertaken A friendly, reliable and trustworthy service Three Counties Plumbing We provide a comprehensive range of plumbing and heating services including: 01296 392349 01494 355804 07908 530404 www.threecountiesplumbing.co.uk Leak Detection Power Flushing Boiler Installation Landlord certificates 24 hour emergency service Kitchen Appliance Installation Boiler Servicing and Repairs Central Heating Installation Full Bathroom installation RJW Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Ltd A Small Family Run Business cleaning carpets and upholstery at a reasonable price For A Fresher Smelling Clean Carpet just give us a call for a free no obligation quote Call Tony on: 01296 482536 07850 130536 Dump Truck crossing Nash Lee Road Ellesborough Road relief road Bailey Bridge fixed in place Building relief embankment Ellesborough Road Topsoil stripping Truck park Ellesborough Road field

Electric Vehicle Charging Trial in Wendover

Electric Vehicles are clearly the future of motoring in the UK over the next twenty years but not everyone has the ability to charge them easily at home.

18 months ago Climate Action Wendover, in conjunction with a local resident and Wendover Parish Council, conceived a project to help potential Electric Vehicle owners who had no ‘off street’ parking. The project was based on an initiative in Oxfordshire that involved installing pavement gullies between property and the public road, hence providing a safe way to attach a charging cable between the EV and the owner’s home charging unit.

There are of course some challenges with this concept and after various discussions with Buckinghamshire Council we are delighted that they have decided to take on the project themselves as a pilot scheme in Wendover. CLAW and WPC will assist where they can with local liaison and promotion.

Currently Buckinghamshire Council are looking for Wendover residents who would like to take part.

If you are interested, then see the message from Bucks Council below.

Bucks Council Wendover EV charging trial

Buckinghamshire Council is running a pilot scheme in Wendover which will make it possible for owners of electric vehicles (EV) to charge their cars while they are parked on the road.

The council is inviting people living in Wendover who own an EV but don’t have off-road parking at their house to be part of the trial. The trial involves installing an in-pavement charging channel making it possible to connect safely from an EV charge point at your property to your EV parked on the road outside your house. The council will fund the cost of the channel and any necessary planning permission costs.

To find out more or to register your interest please go to: buckinghamshire.gov.uk/wendover-IPCC-trial

Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk 11
Electric Vehicle Charging
• All aspects of tree work undertaken • Hedges maintained • Fully qualified • Fully insured • Local authority approved • Free estimates • Firewood free to collect Tel: 01296 330501 Direct: 07763 073663 patrick.kernan1@gmail.com 24 Ingram Avenue, Aylesbury, HP21 9DW P KERNAN TREE SURGERY LTD. Your local tree specialist Aylesbury Vale Tutors Making learning enjoyable Jim and Karen Lucas BA (hons) Education, Science, Maths, SEND 01296 613582 07908 460 133 Email: aylesburyvaletutors@gmail.com All ages and abilities catered for QTS THE PRACTICAL GARDENING COMPANY Reliable Lady Gardeners Garden tidying Regular garden maintenance Tel: 07732 484545 Professional, friendly, local help at a fraction of usual solicitors’ fees Wills Lasting Powers of Attorney Probate & Estates Simple Will £99 – Two for £175 One Power of Attorney £95 – Two for £180 Probate work - £60 per hour Home visits at no extra charge (and everything explained in plain English!) www.probateandestates.co.uk DAVID PRICE & CO. 01296 612955

Tailored book-keeping and accountancy solutions to suit you and your business

e-mail: paul@ph-as.co.uk

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Plumbing & Heating Services

small plumbing maintenance / repair jobs gladly undertaken 07967 638527

francoffennell@gmail.com www.frankfennellplumbingservices.co.uk

Business Forum featuring a local business

The 50plus home repairs

A strange name for a business? This is a 21st century business, founded in 2001, with all the modern communications technology that implies. At its heart is a very traditional service ethic. The head office is in Chesham but the company serves many local post codes, including HP22 5 and HP22 6.

The mission is simple: provide opportunities for the 50plus through employment and to serve the 50plus community.

The repairs, maintenance and servicing offered includes a wide range of specialities and full details are given on the website: the50plus.co.uk/index.php

The 50plus can be contacted by telephone. Yes, you can talk to a human being!

Tel numbers, Mon - Fri, 9am5.30pm:

Head Office 01494 784 448

Head Office 0845 22 50 495

Aylesbury and surrounding areas 01296 329 118

Head Office handles all initial contact and bookings.

Photographs of the work required enables our field personnel to arrive with the correct parts and/or speeds up estimates which can often be provided over the phone when we have seen the work. A good way of 50plus seeing the work is to submit photographs to us.

Text: 07802 447 586

(checked out of office hours)

WhatsApp: 07802 447 586 (office hours) See also facebook.com/the50plus

See advert front page.

Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts 12
Wendover Carpets & Flooring Local family business with 30 years experience Carpets and vinyls professionally supplied and fitted at competitive prices Samples brought to your home Call Mark for a friendly service 07912485919 01296 625716 Wendovercarpets@gmail.com

RAF Concert and Sunset Ceremony in support of the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

A night of music on Friday 16 June at the historic 12th century Missenden Abbey will raise funds for the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund following the success of last year’s event which boosted the Fund by £5,000. Supported by local performers, the Central Band of the Royal Air Force, who will take part in the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, will perform a wide repertoire including pieces from the Coronation, the majestic music of William Walton and the up-tempo riffs of Queen’s greatest hits.

As the sun goes down over the Abbey, the Band will be joined by the Great Missenden Choral Society after which the Band will perform a marching display before coming into position for a sunset ceremony. Similar ceremonies have taken place in camps and garrisons around the world since the days of Wellington. As the bugle calls sunset, the ensign will be lowered by the Royal Air Force Regiment with the salute taken by Group Captain Toria McPhaden, Commanding Officer of RAF Northolt.

Heritage & Sons

Tickets start at £15 for admission to the grounds and £65 for VIP area with banquet dining, giving opportunities for guests to either bring their own picnics or enjoy a more formal setting, and are available from www. missendenabbey.co.uk from Friday 24 March.

Neil Tomlin, Regional Director, RAF Benevolent said: "This event will once again celebrate the generous contribution made by all of those in our armed forces and remember the great sacrifice made to preserve our freedom. Last year the event raised £5,000, with all the money going towards the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund which is there to serve all members of the Royal Air Force Family, whether serving or veterans, providing practical, emotional and financial support whenever and wherever they need us. We are delighted that Missenden Abbey and the Central Band of the Royal Air Force have chosen to support us again this year and look forward to a magnificent evening of entertainment at this stunning location."

146 Aylesbury Road, Wendover HP22 6AP | 01296 620 777


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Alcoholics Anonymous

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57 Tring Road Wendover HP22 6NU Free Private Parking at Rear Of Building

Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk 13
The Oil Depot, 3 Greycaine Road, Watford WD24 7GP Tel: 01923 233171 / Email: enquirieswatford@bartonpetroleum.co.uk
to your doorstep!
Funeral Directors
At Heritage & Sons we understand that no two lives are the same, which is why every funeral we arrange is completely individual too. Whether you’re making the arrangements for a loved one or prudently planning your own, we’re here for you in every way.
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Nick Taylor Landscape Gardener

Decking, Walls, Drives, Lawns, Ponds, Patios, Paths and all General Landscaping

Wendover (01296) 696840 07507 829423


Improves joints, mobility, balance, etc.

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AMR Flat Roo ng

Single ply rubberbond eece back - FeltGRP breglass - - Roo ng repairs

Mr Jack M Molcher Phone 01296 620870

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The One Million kg Challenge

Six local men are raising awareness and money for endometriosis, a condition that affects one in ten women, (176 million women globally).

With an average length of diagnosis of seven years, it is vital to find a way to assist in whatever way we can to help what is still a fairly unknown condition.

They will move one million KG (equivalent to 200 fully grown elephants) at Halton Gym over twenty-four hours, beginning mid-day on the 19th May.

The ambition is to raise £100,000 for Endometriosis UK, with the money being used to fund their helpline and webchat support service for a whole year as well as recruit and train at least two new volunteers to help run this service.

Two of the Challenge participants have experienced first-hand the suffering,

lengthy diagnosis, operations, and the general difficulty of dealing with the illness (a daughter and a wife)

Raising awareness is critical – any donations, however large or small, will be hugely appreciated:

www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ onemillionkgchallenge

• Building works

• Carpentry

• Plastering

• Painting & Decorating

• Plumbing

We are open and welcoming new members at 'The Gym at Halton'. Located at the beautiful Halton Tennis Centre, our gym benefits from outdoor training areas and plenty of equipment.

It's simple and easy to joinenquire today!

Our priority is to provide a safe and welcoming gym, so membership is currently restricted to 400 members.

To arrange a visit, please contact Camilla at camilla@haltonuk.com or 07748 596607

• Electrical works

• CCTV & Alarm services

• Handyman services


Full: £55

Student: £30 (per month)


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Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts 14
01494 702099

Career Change?

Kevin Reay, aged 36, from Buckinghamshire is an operations manager. A former cabin manager, Kevin took voluntary redundancy during the pandemic and decided to use it as an opportunity to act on his newly found interest – forensic psychology, helping offenders to get their lives back and making our society safer by reducing re-offending rates.

Kevin shared, “My wife played a huge role in me joining the Probation Service. She had just completed a degree in Psychology and I got into the subject myself, with a particular interest in forensic psychology. Around the time when she became a probation officer, I took redundancy in my previous job as a cabin manager due to the pandemic and decided to apply to the Probation Service instead.

When I first started, I imagined offenders to be very different, but having worked closely with them you learn to understand they are just people like you and me, who need support to get back on the right track in life. I find supporting people through this challenging time in their life really rewarding. I would definitely recommend a career in the Probation Service. There are many opportunities to progress, as well as to develop a range of skills within the service. It’s really satisfying knowing you’re helping someone to make positive changes in their life while protecting the community from future crime. ”

Probation Service staff support offenders on their rehabilitation journey, helping them to make better life choices and reducing the chances they will re-offend.

HMPPS is looking to fill a number of roles including probation services officers, case administrators and trainee probation officers. The Probation Service works with over 230,000 people on probation serving community sentences and individuals who are pre or post-release from prison. Roles within the service help to support their rehabilitation and protect the public.

2022 data on the diversity of the Probation Service shows a 1% increase to 17% in the number of Probation Service staff from an ethnically diverse background compared to 16% in 2020. HMPPS is continuing to build on this work to attract a wave of recruits who are even more representative of the community they serve.

All roles are challenging and rewarding, with great training, support and opportunities for progression. Specific roles currently include:

• Case administrators play a key role, using their great organisational and communication skills to support their probation colleagues and help offenders turn their lives around. Eligibility requirements for the role include strong communication skills (verbal and written) and good IT and keyboard skills.

• Probation services officers undertake the full range of work with offenders before and after sentence, and in the community – including, assessments, sentencing and managing people throughout their probation period. Eligibility requirements for the role include a minimum C-grade GCSEs or equivalent, or relevant work experience including sufficient writing skills.

Applications to become a case administrator or probation services officer are open now: probationjobs.co.uk/

Through the trainee probation officer programme, candidates will gain a level 6 equivalent professional qualification upon completion, along with a competitive salary and generous leave. When you start your training, you’ll be a probation services officer, learning whilst earning on the job and studying to gain your fully funded Professional Qualification in Probation (PQiP). Eligibility requirements for the role include a Level 5 qualification, or above, such as an honours degree, a foundation degree or a diploma of higher education.

Register your interest now: traintobeaprobationofficer.com/apply/

Enquiries : 07804 671445 angelawmh@aol.co.uk

Kiln dried logs, Compost

Coal & smokeless fuel

Delivered to your door, low prices

Rex & Carol Jeffery 01296 661258

Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk 15
JSB PRESSURE WASHING www.jsbpressurewashing.co.uk Specialist in cleaning
block paving
decking, etc.
ANNE’S HALL to hire
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Coal Merchant
Tree Pruning / Re-shaping / Felling - Dead Wooding
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Hedge Maintenance - Planting
Tree Preservation
Supply of Mulch & Woodchip
Seasoned Logs
All work performed to British Standard 3998
Great for Children’s Parties
Ideal for Weddings & Functions
Excellent kitchen facilities

Local News

Thanks for Honesty

Monday 20 March, I dropped my purse outside Budgens. A very kind person picked it up and handed it in to Budgens, who returned it to me.

Many thanks for the kindness and honesty of the unknown finder – you really are a lifesaver!

Name and address supplied, Wendover

No local elections in Buckinghamshire

Thursday 4 May 2023

Just to confirm, there are no local elections in Buckinghamshire in May this year.

Local elections for Buckinghamshire Council and Wendover Parish Council were held in May 2021. They had been postponed from May 2020 for well known reasons. Full details of all Buckinghamshire Council candidates in our wards, including photos, were published on pages 16 and 17 of that issue of Wendover News. There were not enough candidates for elections in local Parish Councils.

The results of the May 2021 Buckinghamshire Council elections were published on the front page of the June 2022 print edition of Wendover News. Details of Parish Councillors in Wendover and Weston Turville, including photos, were published on pages 12 and 13.

Past copies of Wendover News are accessed at wendovernews.co.uk/print-editions/.

Whitchurch Morris

Whitchurch Morris have been dancing for 75 years now. They dance out in the summer, on Tuesday evenings, at local pubs. See whitchurchmorris.org.uk/index.shtml for full details. May 1 is a special day in the Morris calendar and Whitchurch Morris plan to be on Coombe Hill at 6.30am by kind permission of the National Trust.

If you have restless children on Bank Holiday Monday, why not take them to see an ancient tradition at an iconic site? If that's too early for you, they're back at Chiltern View Garden Centre by 10.30am.

natural law and our rights, the benefits of pure water, natural remedies, meditation, and more

Our meetings are held at Wendover Memorial Hall on Wednesdays at 7.30 pm. Cost £5 for non members.

We also cooperate with the Peoples Health Alliance. .

Under new ownership – soon!

The process of handing over Wendover News to the community has started.

• 06.30 Coombe Hill Monument

• 09.00 Hampden Arms, Great Hampden, HP16


• 10.30 Chiltern View Garden Centre, Aylesbury Road, HP22 5GX

• 13.30 Half Moon Wilstone, HP23 4PD

• 14.30 Pitstone Green Museum, LU7 9EY

St Mary’s churchyard Tidy Up day

The third day of the Coronation has been designated as an opportunity for everybody to get together, volunteering on projects that benefit the whole community. St Mary's church are using the day to also benefit one of Wendover’s favourite quiet spaces!

Can you spare a couple of hours and some elbow grease to help us maintain St Mary’s churchyard? This beautiful, peaceful space is enjoyed by the community and our local wildlife. Join us from 10:00am to 12:30pm on Monday 8 May. Bring your own tools. Tea and coffee will be provided.

Chilterns Light Network

We are a non profit community group who meet up weekly to socialise, participate in, or listen to talks on, a wide variety of topics. For example: food growing, health, current events,

A small team of very experienced volunteers are paving the way for the transition. If you have already volunteered, don’t worry – we have not forgotten you! There’s quite a lot of work to be done to set up the company and establish the business systems to maintain the high standards set by Jane Larkham and her team.

Once the Community Interest Company has been established, we will be contacting volunteers to see who could take on specific roles and tasks. Our aim is to ensure that everybody in the volunteer team participates on their own terms and that they have clearly defined and rewarding tasks and responsibilities. Let’s not forget that a team of over fifty volunteers who are already in place – and have been for years – deliver Wendover News copies through over three thousand letterboxes every month. Next time you see one of these, don’t forget to thank them.

Under the new ownership, things will change. But they won’t change suddenly…... Advertisers should be assured that everything that makes Wendover News so valuable, will be carried along through the transition. It’s only by looking after advertisers that we can continue to serve the community the way we do.

News May 2023
News when responding to adverts 16
Please mention Wendover
For all your building requirements from patios and driveways to alterations and extensions Building locally for 25 years
call 01296 582215
nearly 20 years
Established in Wendover for
– we are here to provide you with the best service and choice of local properties

Local Author

Dr Mike Senior is now a familiar name on the pages of Wendover News. He is a military historian who now lives in Wendover, formerly The Lee. His expertise is matched well with that of local social historian Val Moir to bring us insights national, international and local into the First World War, month by month as we marked the centenary from the outbreak in August 2014 to the signing of the Peace Treaty in June 2019. All these articles are easily found at wendovernews. co.uk/?s=Wendover+Remembers Appropriately, his publishers Pen and Sword, republished his book Fromelles in 2022, see wendovernews.co.uk/news/ fromelles-1916/. This explained the fate of several men honoured on the War Memorial of The Lee. His overview of the development of the British Army, Victory on the Western Front and The Soldiers' Peace described the experiences of the soldiers coming back from the Great War. His first foray into Biography was Hacking, a Dutiful Soldier, looking at one of those generals of the First World War described as boneheads, bunglers and donkeys.

Now Dr Senior gives us Cavan, Soldier and Fox Hunter, an unexpected juxtaposition of adjectives. Lord Cavan started as a subaltern in the Grenadier Guards (1885), despite being only five feet four inches tall, nicknamed "fatty" because the uniform he was given was too large for him, but he had risen gently to the rank of colonel by

1912. ‘It was in the ten peaceful years between 1902–1912 that Cavan was first inspired to try and acquire something of the real Art of Soldiering.’ Cavan’s immediate contribution to the War Effort in August 1914 was to organise a supply of horses for the army but by 22 August he was appointed a temporary brigadier general and was soon in Flanders. In The Great War, his rise to Field Marshall was meteroic and he was connected with many of the major battles we Brits remember from the Western Front:

1914 First Battle of Ypres

1915 Neuve Chapelle

1915 Loos

1916 The Somme

1917 Passchendaele

He was then sent to Italy where he was fighting until the Armistice was declared..

It was Cavan’s cousin, ‘Tubby’ Clayton, who in 1916 opened Talbot House in Poperinghe. This developed into TocH, a charity whose headquarters were in Forest Close, Wendover, now Clarence Court.

Following his retirement in 1926, Rudolph accompanied the Duke and Duchess of York (later King George VI and Queen Elizabeth) on their tour of Australia and New Zealand. During his retirement in the late 1920s, Cavan ensured that his holidays were spent ‘where he could play golf daily’. But his greatest passion was riding to hounds.


Garden maintenance, fencing, patios Building maintenance, decorating and more Quality services Competitive prices References available Call: 07969 750 201

Email: legendgarden20@gmail.com


Ian Phipps MCFHP MAFHP Foot Health Practitioner (Wendover - based)

Home visits - 01296 623851

Surgery at the Belmore Centre 01296 612361

Registered member of the British Association of Foot Health Professionals

Merryweather Mowers


New & Used Mowers in Stock

54 Brook Street, Aston Clinton Aylesbury, Bucks. HP22 5ES

Tel: Ian Stiles (01296) 631918

Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk 17




01296 294175

07581 693653


A S Landscapes

All aspects of landscape construction

Expert team in fencing and paving

Contact Andy: 07841 976262


Sugarcraft Specialist

Cake decorating supplies

Cake decorating courses 01296 696860

1 Town Court High St Wendover HP22 6EA www.cornellisugarcraft.co.uk


Do you know about the work of BBOWT, our local Wildlife Trust? It's easy to get out into our wonderful countryside and understand it more in a small group of like minded people and the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust offers just that.

Plant and Produce Charity Market

Sunday 14 May, 11am to 1pm, College Lake Reserve, Bulbourne, HP23 5QG

•Excellent value plants

•Tasty homemade produce

•WorkAid recycled tools

•Badger Café open

•Free entry, free parking

This is a major fund raising event and an ideal opportunity to get to know the work of the Trust.

Details of the Event are on the BBOWT website. If you would like to help in any way, or have any queries about the Market,

J Brown Funeral Services

Independent Family Funeral Director


Funeral Director Jason Brown has over 25 years experience and is here to assist you with making funeral arrangements, be they traditional, green or totally bespoke.

• Home visits

• Pre paid funeral plans

• Recommended by The Good Funeral Guide

Wendover Business of the Year 2023

23 High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU 01296 312222

please contact John Catton on 01494 726616 or richard.catton1@ntlworld.com

PS: A future date for your diary: Sunday 15 October, for the Autumn Market!

College Lake Visitor Centre

We are looking at our staffing levels and cover in the VC. Currently we invite: shop volunteers and a volunteer baker to join our café for a couple of hours a week to bake some cakes. We are using social media to advertise these jobs at present but if you know anyone who would like to help us with any of these roles please do pass them to me!

More help at the welcome desk at the entrance to the reserve is always appreciated too - you can sign up for whatever hours suit you but first please make sure you register at volunteering@bbowt.org. In the café you can enjoy an English or a vegetarian breakfast every day until 2pm (Tuesday to Sunday). Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts 18

Wendover Cricket Club

The club has completed a very successful indoor training programme and has now switched to outside, weather-permitting; the unusually high rainfall of March & April has impacted the start of the new season. Outdoor training has begun and there’s a very full programme of matches arranged for May to July at the Witchell ground.

All junior enquiries to Juniors Manager Viral Patel by text to 07930-360 495 and re seniors and officials, text Jonathan Seabrook on 07767 148 119.

Additional information can be found at pitchero.com/clubs/wendovercricketclub and match scorecards etc. at wendovercc. play-cricket.com

The Wendover Canal Trust

Why not join our monthly walk on Saturday 6th May from Meads Farmhouse Kitchen, Wilstone HP23 4NT, starting at 10.30am. Come and see our “community help out work” from previous months, in addition to work on restoring the canal back to water, part of the towpath at Little Tring has been greatly improved for all walkers. A group of families will be working on Whitehouses Pocket Park, enhancing the area for wildlife by repairing the bird boxes and weeding our new recently planted saplings. All this covered in a 3 mile walk guided by a Wendover Canal Trust volunteer.

Wendover Horticultural Society

For the next meeting, 1st June. John Tyler, a naturalist, passionate about letting wildlife in gardens, will be talking about Fungi.

There will also be an afternoon coach trip to Lords Wood, Marlow Common, including a talk, tea and cake while looking at the gardens. Cost £38, leaving 1pm on 21 June .

Wendover Bowls Club

At last all our Club competitions have been played. Well done the winners.

On the social side, our quiz evening was a great success with the questions set at just the right level, followed by a super meal. Mid month will see our pre season dinner and the opening of the green so we will

be able to enjoy the delights of a British summer. Unlike cricket we play on through whatever the weather throws at us. I have only known matches stopped a couple of times, once for a monsoon and the other was a snowstorm. Let's keep our fingers crossed for a good summer.

The green is looking a bit the worse for wear at present due to ministrations of a band of delinquent rooks who have taken up mining as a hobby. Our bird scarers no longer seem to work and they have torn up patches of grass. Anyone got a recipe for rook pie?

Now for an IMPORTANT announcement. We will be holding open evenings every Friday throughout May at 6 o'clock. Do come along to the Club in Dobbins Lane and give it a go. All you need is a pair of flat shoes and we will provide bowls and tuition. We will be happy to introduce you to this delightful, and often frustrating, game. See you there.

Bucks Art week

Bucks Art Weeks (BAW) brings together the work of hundreds of contemporary artists and makers around Buckinghamshire. Each June, pop-up exhibitions appear in working studios, galleries and other venues. Every type of work will be on show – sculpture, glass, jewellery, painting, wirework, woodwork, photography, textiles, and more – for visitors to view, purchase or commission. Plus, it's a fantastic opportunity to meet artists and makers!

This year, our event takes place from Saturday 10 June until Sunday 25 June.

Mondays 8.00 - 9.00pm Wednesdays 6.45 - 7.45pm and 8.00 - 9.00pm


Mondays 7.00 - 7.45pm

All classes at St Anne’s Hall, Wendover Email: sarahyoga@sky.com www.sarahyoga.co.uk Register of Exercise Professionals Level 3

Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk 19
Club Corner Home boarding for your dog 4 PAWS Wendover Contact Nick Taylor 01296 696840 07507 829423 pawswendover@btinternet.com Buckinghamshire licence ✓ Painting & Decorating ✓ Wallpapering ✓ Internal & External Work ✓ Property Maintenance Professional Reliable Friendly Fully Insured Email:- tonyreevehi@outlook.com Tel:- 01296 696075 Mobile:- 07581 358434 Call for Free Estimates
in Wendover. Providing the highest standards of workmanship, at competitive prices, to all my customers. Reeve Home Improvements Roof Repairs New roofs, Lead Flashings, Repointing, Gutter Repairs Call Pete: 01296 624618 07775 732192 Boiler installation Your friendly, local and reliable heating company based in Wendover Bathroom installation Servicing & Gas Safety Certi cates Power ushing Under oor heating specialist 01296 290112 07903 119950 info@oakleighheating.com

Ashridge Home Care

Home Care Awards

Delivering person centred professional care with a smile is at the heart of Ashridge Home Care and its efforts have been rewarded at an annual awards event partnered by the Homecare Association. The Home Care Awards aim to be the annual benchmark of excellence for UK companies and organisations providing all forms of care at home services. The business of home care is growing fast in the UK and these awards tease out brilliant examples of home care services and operations, give them due recognition, then celebrate their success at a memorable Awards occasion.

Representatives from the company received the accolade at a celebratory lunch in Bickenhill’s National Conference Centre in April which was attended by the care sector’s leading care companies. Newly appointed Managing Director, Louise Joslin, attended the awards with Care-Co-ordinator Chloe Timberlake.

Ashridge was shortlisted at the event for three awards and won the Live-In Care expertise category. It was also shortlisted for Recruitment and Training and received Finalist recognition for its marketing efforts.

Company Founder, Trudi Scrivener commented: “I have an amazing team of carers who look after their clients with the utmost attention to detail, making sure their life is fulfilled and all their needs are met. Everyone goes out of their way to

ensure clients are happy, safe and living life to the full and it is a real pleasure to share this recognition with them!” She continued: “Industry awards are brilliant recognition, but positive client feedback is second to none.”

A client recently left a review on homecare. co.uk saying: “Ashridge Home Care have been caring for my mum for the last few years. They have been amazing in every way. Mum struggles with dementia and is unable to do certain things, but the extraordinary care and support offered by Ashridge allows her to live joyously and fulfilling day by day. They ensure the chores are done, they ensure the routines are organised and they ensure there is happiness in all of this. Thank you!”

Ashridge Home Care is one of the few care companies in the country to offer both full time live-in care as well as hourly visiting care with a minimum two-hour time slot, so carers really get to know their clients and build a meaningful relationship. Each care plan is tailor-made to the individual and clients and their families respond overwhelmingly positive to this personalised approach.

To find out more about Ashridge Home Care visit ashridgehomecare.co.uk or for an informal chat about how a visiting or a live-in carer might benefit someone in your family Tel 01494 917344

Dementia Action Week

Join Ashridge Founder Trudi and her team for coffee and cake and a supportive gathering for people living with dementia, their carers and loved ones at Speen Chapel on Thursday 18 May 11am until 1pm.

In the UK, there are about 800,000 people with dementia; it is estimated that around 400,000 people have dementia but do not know it. By raising awareness about this condition, it is hoped that more people will be diagnosed earlier, giving more time for them to come to terms with symptoms and put the right support in place.

Ashridge Home Care supports many clients living with dementia and this event enables people to ask questions and gather tips on how to approach difficult conversations with a loved one. Company founder Trudi is a Dementia Friends Ambassador and has worked in the care sector for many years. Trudi is passionate that with the right support everyone should be able to stay living in their own home for as long as possible.

If you can’t attend the event but have concerns or questions about a relative and dementia please call Ashridge on Tel 01494 917344.

See advert page 21.

Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts 20
The complete package in equine veterinary care Tring Road, Halton, Bucks, HP22 5PN www.whvc.co.uk Birds & exotics Join our Pet Health Club save money and spread the cost of your pet’s* regular recommended healthcare * plans available for dogs, cats and rabbits Canine Rehabilitation and on-site Pet Shop
Cats, dogs
small pets

Wendover Shed

The Wendover Shed is now operational and looking for volunteers and members, also known as “Shedders”.

After our Open Day on 4 March, our first task was to ensure that we had an ample supply of tea, coffee and biscuits by fitting out a rudimentary kitchen. We have also started to fit out our workshop with a multitude of tooling, benching and storage donated to us by members of the community.

Our home on Hogtrough Lane is entirely “offgrid”, but we are in the process of introducing battery, solar and wind power to The Hog. We have received grants from the Clare Foundation and the Wendover and Villages Community Board towards this project.

We also plan to increase our footprint, with agreement from Wendover Parish Council to erect an outdoor covered area in front of The Hog to allow all-weather working. Design, planning and fundraising is currently underway.

We are open three times a week, on

• Tuesdays 10am-12pm

• Thursdays 2pm-4pm

• Saturdays 11am-1pm

Join us for a Coffee and Natter or get involved with some of our practical activities. We need a range of help from our bigger building projects to making simple items that we can sell, such as bird boxes or garden planters.

If you would like more information or know anyone who might benefit from Wendover Shed, please do get in touch. Better still, come visit us. The kettle is always on.

Providing Outstanding Home Care

Wendover News May 2023 www.wendovernews.co.uk 07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk 21
Bob Duggan - 01296 623869/07921 824836 info@wendovershed.org.uk wendovershed.org.uk
Call for a friendly chat on 01494 917344 or visit ashridgehomecare.co.uk Ashridge Home Care specialises in providing one to one care in the comfort of your own home. We can arrange for trained professional carers to give you around the clock care, companionship and support so you can stay in the home you have lovingly created. We offer full time live-in care or a minimum of two hour daily visits.

RAF Halton

Congratulations to the prize winners who graduated last month!

AR Mares received the RAF Benevolent Fund Trophy which is awarded to the recruit who has shown the greatest willingness to help others as voted by their fellow recruits.

AR Brooks received the Mayor of Aylesbury Trophy which is awarded to the recruit who has demonstrated the greatest determination and perseverance during Basic Recruit Training.

AR Cavadino received the Rothschild Trophy which is awarded to the recruit who has demonstrated the highest overall standard in Initial Force Protection Training.

AR Wilkinson received the Lord Trenchard Trophy which is awarded to the most outstanding recruit during Basic Recruit Training.

AR Doel received the Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire Trophy which is awarded to the recruit who has shown the greatest improvement during Basic Recruit Training.

AR Mather received the Halton Aircraft Apprentice Shield which is awarded to the recruit who has demonstrated the highest overall standard in Physical Education.

AS1 Robson received the LAC Osbourne Trophy which is awarded to the most outstanding recruit on Reserve Basic Recruit Training Course. Congratulations on the fantastic start to your @RAF career.

Wendover News May 2023 Please mention Wendover News when responding to adverts 22
Editor's note - Information on this page from the Royal Air Force Halton Facebook page. Photos Crown Copyright.
OSTEOPATH WENDOVER HEALTH CENTRE Penny H. Dathan BsC (Hons) DO Please call 01296 696999 or email pennydathan@live.co.uk. to discuss your musculoskeletal needs. Website: www.pennydathanosteopath.co.uk

Cheryl first arrived ‘down south’ in May 1979 and took up residence in Golders Green, North London as a live-in Nanny. Originating from North Yorkshire, she brought a can-do attitude and a willingness to roll her sleeves up and crack on. Although there were times when it was very difficult financially for her parents, they had instilled in Cheryl and her siblings that there’s always someone else in greater need – ‘give what you can when you can’. This has been Cheryl’s aim since.

Once in London she was introduced to Rotaract – a younger version of Rotary, where she helped in the community and raised money for those in need, and even better - had the most amazing social life whilst doing good.

Cheryl built friendships that even now, 40+ years later are still going strong. She and her friends in the Rotaract Club of Hampstead, Hendon and Golders Green were even at LIVE AID, they manned a refreshment stall and raised £1,000 to give to Live Aid – this was achieved on the night by sneaking through the back alleyways around the backstage area and catching Bob Geldof as he came off stage at the end of the night. The cheque was swapped for a photo – it went in to his jean’s pocket – never to be seen again – but it was replaced!

Following Rotaract, Cheryl joined Rotary –one of the best decisions she ever made. It has been a chance to use her skills and talents for the good of others, whether that is locally nationally, or internationally.

In 2009 Cheryl was the inaugural President of Rotary in Wendover and District (from

Chequers, to Tring, Aston Clinton, Weston Turville, Wendover and villages in between) and remains an active member.

Cheryl moved to Berkhamsted in 1982, then Tring, followed by Buckland and finally to Wendover in 2021. She has been able to project manage building work at all of her homes, including fully renovating a Rothschild house in Tring, and is now hoping to renovate her present home, alongside running 2 successful companies, her charity work, her family and her Church leadership role at High Street Baptist, Tring.

Her years in Rotary have enabled her to travel to Australia leading a group of young media professionals, so that they could learn from other professionals, and to America, Canada, Germany and this year Australia for the Rotary International Convention.

As well as having a lot of fun and meeting many new friends, Rotary has given Cheryl the opportunity to further her professional

talents, eventually becoming District Governor in 2017/18. She had responsibility for 1600+ Rotarians in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

Two years ago, she was appointed by Rotary International as an Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Co-ordinator to advise on and encourage charitable work through the Foundation, including the eradication of Polio – something that is very much needed – especially after the recent health scares in London, New York and Israel – ‘it’s only a plane ride away’!

Rotary is not just big international projects, it is small community projects too – making a difference locally. Wendover Rotary hold a Duck Race every Autumn, and have an Eco-Santa Sleigh (think 3 wheeled bike with trailer) both of which raise much needed funds for local charities, and other smaller events. So much more could be done if they had more members. Why not join them!

Next event:

The Big Help Out to celebrate the King’s Coronation

Monday 8 May, 10am at Stoke Mandeville Stadium

Stadium Approach, Guttmann Rd, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury HP21 9PP.

Renovating a patio area for children and adults in wheelchairs and their families. Planting up oak barrels and digging borders to plant hardy bushes and fragrant herbs.

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Cheryl in Rotaract supporting Live Aid and Bob Geldof in 1985

Wendover Parish CouncilMatters Arising

View from the Chair

On a sunny, windy morning after Easter, I write this, my final View from the Chair.

I have been a Councillor for eight years and Chair for over two of those, so I am now stepping down to leave the way open for a new Chair. It has been my privilege to serve the residents of Wendover during this time.

Several notable achievements have been the making of the Neighbourhood Plan, the replacement Haddington Play Park, the Cycle path upgrade, Parking Review, supporting CLAW making use of the old skatepark and the Wendover Shedders in Hogtrough to name a few. Some projects are still to be completed, the Canal Path and new Skate Park (Canvas have just been awarded the tender and are working on funding and a design) and HS2, but these are in the capable hands of the Clocktower staff and WPC.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff and councillors, past and present for their help and support. In particular, the Vice Chair, Jo Durden-Moore, for her support and dedication to the council in her three years of office where she has steered WPC through Staffing and championed the Manor Waste consultation, the new Wendover Business group and Parish Plan. Jo is also stepping down at the end of April, and we wish her every success in her future endeavours.

Wendover Local Produce Market

Saturday 20 May, 10am to 2pm Manor Waste

We're looking for new traders! Contact estates@wendover-pc.gov.uk


Sunday Church Services in Wendover

• St Anne’s: 9am Mass

• St Mary’s: 9am and 10.45am

One of our last events was the Annual Parish Meeting with the overview of the year and presentation of the community awards, a great way to celebrate Wendover. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to those who nominated people, all of whom help make Wendover a wonderful place to live:

Business of the Year

J Brown Funeral Services

Service with a Smile Block & Butcher

Outstanding Young Person

Aidan Lynn

Lifetime Achievement

Jane Larkham & Marion Clayton

Volunteer of the Year

Stephen Louis

WPC Award

Ron Petersen (Wendover Society)

A date for the diary is Sunday 7th May for the Coronation event, Big Lunch in the Witchell 1-4pm.

Do come and join us for a social get together with live band and various stalls. Let’s make it a good one!

I look forward to seeing you there as I bid you farewell and a healthy and happy 2023 and beyond!

Parish Council Meeting

Tuesday 2 May, 7.30pm St Anne's Hall

Aylesbury Road HP22 6JG Information about upcoming meetings: www.wendover-pc.gov.uk/2022-23-agendas

Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover HP22 6DU www.wendover-pc.gov.uk clerk@wendover-pc.gov.uk 01296 623056

• Wendover Free Church: 10.45am

St Anne’s Roman Catholic Church – 01296 290545 https://ourladyoflourdes.uk/

St Mary’s Church of England – 01296 696136 / 623123


Wendover Free Church – 01296 622354 wendoverfreechurch.org.uk

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