Wendover Arm Canal Towpath Grand Opening
Last year the towpath along the Wendover Arm Canal was given a hard surface suitable for walking and bikes, courtesy of the Wendover Canal Trust. The improved path runs from Wharf Road in Wendover as far as the bridge in Halton village.
To celebrate this big improvement, there’s going to be a grand opening on Friday 28 June, between 10:00 and 15:00, with lots of free activities to enjoy along the route. All are welcome and you can join at any of the public access points along the canal. There will be refreshments available at Halton Village Hall, close to the canal bridge.
The event has been organised by John Colet School in cooperation with Wendover News, Wendover and Halton Parish Councils, HS2 contractor EKFB and of course, Wendover Canal Trust. The big day is timed to coincide with the final day of John Colet School’s “Focus Week,” and pupils will be exploring along the length of the path.
along the Purcell path, or via entrances off Bryants Acre, Walnut Drive via Water Meadow Way or Mercer’s Meadow. There will be stalls in Walnut Tree Meadow; a teddy bears’ picnic; treasure trail nature trail worksheet and ‘passports’ for pupils of Wendover Church of England Junior School. Kayakers and paddleboarders will take to the canal itself.
The day will also include talks by experts on water safety, environment and ecology, as well as talks at sites of particular interest along the towpath. There will also be stop-off points at heritage sites, with experts on hand. EKFB is supplying educational support for primary school age children, mostly concerning ecological and geological interests. There will be lighter-hearted entertainment too, with musical participation and displays along the way, including morris dancing by local group Cracklewick Morris.
The Canal Trust is now seeking further funding to improve the towpath all the way to the junction with the Grand Union Canal. The immediate aim is to reach Aston Clinton. Full details: www. wendovercanal.org.uk/grand-opening28th-june or https://bit.ly/3ya2oOx. Simon Eccles
Wendover Canal Trust patron Robbie Cummings (presenter of TV’s Canal Boat Diaries) will cut the opening ribbon at 1pm in Walnut Tree Meadow, which can be reached from the canal itself, or through Ashbrook Park
Please send your contributions for the July edition (including payments for advertisements) any time after 1 June and by 15 June at the latest. We may not be able to incude unexpected content or anything that is received after that date.
Published by Wendover Community News CIC: A community-owned Company.
Editorial Team: Wynne Byford, Jane Larkham, Rory Lavery, Lorna Archer, Richard Byford and Simon Eccles.
Coordination and online: Wynne Byford
Production: Richard Byford, Simon Eccles
Accounts: James Harrington & Paul Hammett
Distribution and deliveries: Peter Finch and about 60 other astounding team volunteers!
We are a regulated media company funded entirely by advertising revenue. Please support our advertisers.
Tailored book-keeping and accountancy solutions to suit you and your business e-mail: paul@ph-as.co.uk Tel:01296 621162 www.ph-as.co.uk
Art Exhibition at Chartridge Village Hall 25 & 26, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm 10% of all sales to Thames Valley Air Ambulance.
Walks and Cycle Rides
Simply Walk - Weekly walks on Tuesdays from Wendover Clock Tower, leaving 10am, please arrive at least 15 minutes early to register with the walk leader. After the walk, you can socialise at the all-ages drop-in at Wendover Christian Centre.
Aylesbury Cycling UK: Easy Pace: every first and third week of the month, about 30 miles. Newcomers: each second and fourth week, about 20 miles. E: aylesburycuk@gmail.com.
Fractured Land Exhibition
Discover Bucks Museum, Aylesbury HP20 2QP Showing until 30 June
Wonderful portraits by this year’s Muir Trust Artist in Residence, Cara Gordon, The fascinating exhibition mixes five visual artists’ work with the museum collections, including paintings by John Nash until 7 July. Also, under 5s activities, tea and talks and more. Visit www.discoverbucksmuseum.org
Table-top sale for Macmillan Cancer Support, Great Missenden
Sat 1, 10am–12pm, HP16 0AL
In front of Great Missenden Library. Homemade cakes, raffle, produce table, puzzles & games. Please donate cakes and go along and buy something. If you wish to donate please call Jill York: 07846 534301.
St Leonards Village Fete
Sat 1, 1-4.30pm, Jenkins Lane, HP23 6NW
Visit the Parish Hall playing fields for a fun-packed day at a traditional village fête.
For all your building requirements from patios and driveways to alterations and extensions Building locally for 25 years Please call 01296 582215
Band, dog show, classic cars, raffle, tombola Plus try your hand at the free circus skills workshop. Free parking. Entry £1 adult, 50p child. www.stleonardsparishhall.uk
Coombe Hill Run/Fell Race
Sun 2, Run starts 11.00am Register at The Shoulder of Mutton (HP22 6EJ) between 9.30-10.45am. Entry is on the day. Cash only. Email race director Rick Ansell fellrunning@tringrunningclub.org.uk. See p10.
Kimble & Ellesborough Hort. Society
Tues 4, 8pm, Stewart Hall,, HP17 0XN Maria Greenhill is a garden designer with a passion for organic gardening. She will talk about planning a border such as plant forms and shapes and share other tips on colour scheming, repetition of plants and all-season interest. www.e-voice.org.uk/kehs.
Cracklewick Morris
Tuesdays 8.15-10.15pm, Halton Village Hall An all-inclusive mixed morris side who meet most Tuesdays for dance practice. Everyone welcome – musicians and dancers. No experience needed to dance. Email cracklewickmorris@gmail.com
Wendover Community Library
4 , Guide Dogs for The Blind Talk, with volunteer Marilyn, guide dog owner Jeanne and her lovely dog Breck – from 4pm, booking required. 15 Lego Club,10:30am-12:00pm. Booking required. 20 Wendover Community Library Reading Group: 11:00am-12:00pm discuss all things book related. 25 ‘The Sky at Night’ Astrology talk by Gordon Rogers. From 3:00pm, booking required. 27 ‘Lasting Power of Attorney & Other Related Matters’ talk, 11:00am-12:00pm. 29 Lego Club, 10:30am-12:00pm. Booking Required.
Craft Group
Weds 5 & 19, 10am-12pm, Wendover Christian Centre Craft Group provides time, space, and friendly company to work on any kind of craft project. Please take your own materials or just go to see what others are doing. Coffee served at about 11am.
Compassionate Café Wigginton
Weds 5, 1.30-3pm, Community shop, the Sports Ground, HP23 6HH A space for local people affected by bereavement to meet others.
Cake Party with Tracey and Debbie Weds 5, 7pm, The Five Arrows, Waddesdon, Bucks. Fruits of the forest cake class, Please arrive at 6.30pm, prompt start 7pm. www.cake-party.co.uk/product/fruits-of-the-forest. See ad p20.
Chiltern Miniaturists Club
Wed 5, 7.30pm, Halton Village Hall
The club is starting a project to try out some kits in support of the new book being written by one of the members. It will be making market stalls for a Christmas market, in both 1/12th and 1/24th scale. Items for the stalls will be added later.
If you are interested in visiting, the club meets on the first Wednesday of each month.For further details, contact Leanne Hutchings, Lee-annehutchings@hotmail.com
Wills and Estate Planning Surgery
Thurs 6 & 20, 12 – 2pm, Wendover Library
To book, call 01296 415700 or email iain@wanstallconsulting.co.uk.
Wendover Horticultural Society
Thurs 6, 2.30 pm, St Anne’s Hall, Wendover
Speaker: Edwin Rye on My life as a horticulturalist. Tues 25: Afternoon coach trip Church Gardens Harefield – Harefield’s Secret Garden, coach leaves 1pm, price £38. www.churchgardensharefield.co.uk. If interested, contact Diane on 07966 155775
Real Magic Books Events
2, Kings Head Parade, High St, Wendover, HP22 6DX
6 Justin Myers – a conversation about his new novel ‘Leading Man.’ 13 Ali Millar and Keiran Goddard chat about their novels and their shared fascinations with marginalised places, class mobility, internalised violence and lost opportunity. For times and tickets visit: www.realmagicbooks.com/events
Chilterns Light Network
Wednesdays, 7.30pm Wendover Memorial Hall
6 Local Exchange Trading talk. 12 Drumming workshop. 19 Somatic Breathwork (pre book). 26 tbc. Fun and friendly group. All welcome. £5 non-members. www.chilternslightnetwork.org or email: clnwendover@protonmail.com
Proud Sponsors
Poetry Please
All enquiries to
Bucks Art Weeks
Angela German 07423 266713 stanneshallwendover@hotmail.co.uk
9th June 2024
Antiques & Collectors Market
Wendover Memorial Hall
Thursday 20 June 9am-2pm (Trade 8am)
For updates Tel: 07503 465532 or email: peterphillips39@yahoo.com
Entrance by donation to Charity ST ANNE’S HALL to
Fri 7, 10.30am, Wendover Christian Centre
This month the theme will be ‘A poem that makes you smile.’ Take a suitable poem to read or go and see what others have found. Everyone welcome!
Love Fest at The Black Horse Great Missenden, HP16 9AX
Sat 8, 2pm – 11pm
House Music Charity Mini Festival in aid of Ian Rennie Grove Hospice. It promises to deliver an immersive and unforgettable experience, featuring a diverse line-up of DJs and a pumping sound system. Minimum age 18+. Tickets £15 each. www.skiddle.com/whats-on/ Hemel-Hempstead/The-Black-Horse-GreatMissenden/Love-Fest/38201870 or www. bit.ly/3wzBD5K.
Open Garden at Acer Corner
Sat 8 & Sun 9, 2-5 pm, 10 Manor Road, Wendover
You are invited to visit Acer Corner, a stunning Japanese-inspired garden. Lovingly designed by owner Jo Naiman, the garden offers a serene and peaceful atmosphere with beautiful Japanese maples and carefully placed shrubs and stones. Experience the tranquillity and beauty of this unique space. All gate proceeds go to the National Garden Scheme charity. Donations for the hot drinks and cakes go to SBJC which will supply them.
delighted to announce that Wendover Music is back for 2024! We very much look forward to seeing you again at St Mary’s Church.
15th June (10am & 11am) Mini Mozart
7th July (7:30pm)
Guy Johnston (cello) and Ensemble Renard (wind quintet)
Sat 8 – Sun 23, various times and locations Artists and makers will showcase their work at various locations throughout June. See p19.
Leaf Open Farm Sunday
Sun 9, Buckmoorend Farm, HP17 OUT Enjoy a family day and learn about everything that goes on behind the scenes. Ad p4 & p10.
BBOWT Chilterns Group has organised a series of activities during June. Sun 9 annual orchid count. Sun 23, 10am, exploration of orchid hotspot. Sat 15 Paul Niddler will lead an exploration of Bacombe Hill Reserve. Sun 30 History and wildlife of Weston Turville Reservoir with Steve Hawkins and Gill Cornelius. Visit www.bbowt.org.uk/events to book book places. More details on p20.
Wendover Evening WI
Tues 11, 7.30pm, St Anne’s Hall, Wendover Christine Green on ‘Working with Auntie.’ Christine was a graphic designer at the BBC for 13 years and worked on a variety of shows such as The Queen’s Christmas Speech, ‘Our Friends in the North’ and ‘Foyle’s War.’ She will illustrate her talk using show reels, story boards and art work. Christine received several international awards for her work including a BAFTA nomination for ‘Cambridge Spies.’ Contact Margaret on 01296 582318.
Board Game Café
Thurs 13, 2-4pm, Wendover Christian Centre
A monthly get-together for lovers of board games! Enjoy a variety of games old and new or take your own to play with others. Open and free of charge for all.
Wendover Music Mini Mozart
Sat 15, 10am and 11am
St Mary’s Church, Wendover
Details and tickets available online via www.wendover-music.org and from Just, High St, Wendover. See ad p4.
Book Club at Wendover Christian Centre
Sat 15, 10.30-11.30am
Whatever you enjoy reading, you’ll be welcome at Book Club. There’s no set book. Just go along and see what others have read and, if you choose, talk about something you’ve been reading.
Aylesbury Vale Stitchers
Sat 15, 2.30pm, Wendover Memorial Hall HP22 6HF
Marilyn Pipe will give a talk entitled ‘I am a Textile Nomad.’ Marilyn is fascinated by the various quirks and qualities inherent in textiles from basic scrim to sumptuous silks and how they react to various dyes, including rust. Contact: aylesburyvalestitchers@gmail.com
Open Door Event for Father’s Day
Sun 16, 10-1pm, Chilterns Crematorium – Hampden Chapel
A space for commemoration at this informal event. No readings, just gentle music playing. Memorial info and refreshments available. Bereavement volunteers on hand for sign posting or chat. Seeded paper for writing letters to loved ones to take home and plant, or add to the wild flower garden in Area1. Free event but donations are welcome for Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care. www.chilternscrematorium.co.uk.
Mikron Theatre at Lindengate
Tues 18, doors open 5.30pm
Mikron will perform ‘Common Ground’ on the main lawn. Bring your own picnic. Visit www.lindengate.org.uk/events/mikron-theatre-group
Aylesbury Centre of the National Trust
Thu 20, 8pm, Broughton Junior School HP20 1NQ
Martin Lloyd will talk on ‘Passports, Assassins, Traitors & Spies.’ Details from 07399 540626 or email aylesburycentrent@gmail.com
Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity Midnight Walk
Sat 22, Roman Park Hall, Aylesbury
This event has been brought back as part of the Hospice’s 35th anniversary. See p10 for more details
Wendover Singers Midsummer Concert
Sat 22, 6.30pm & Sun 23, 3pm, St Mary’s Church, Wendover HP22 6NL Wendover Singers Community Choir and Wendover Singers Children’s Choir present their 3rd Mid-Summer Concert. Cash bar, raffle. Tickets: £10 adults, £5 children, from Just in Wendover High Street, michael@ aimzine.co.uk or via www.wendoversingers.com See ad p4 &p10.
Wendover Friends of Guiding AGM
Wed 26, 8pm, Wendover Guide Hut HP22 6HH
If you’d like to help Guiding in Wendover, but aren’t able to help run a unit, how about helping with the Guide Hut, instead? The Friends are looking for volunteers to help with gardening or fundraising and to join them three to four times per year for about an hour. Interested? Go to the AGM and learn more!
Arts Society Ballinger
Thurs 27 , 7.30 for 8pm, Ballinger War Memorial Hall, HP16 9LQ
From Claridges Hotel to the London Underground: the life and work
of textile designer Marion Dorn. Lecturer Pamela Campbell Johnston will talk about Dorn, first brought to attention in 1925 by Vogue magazine as the ‘architect of floors!’ Renowned for her ‘sculpted’ rugs, this lecture will reveal Dorn’s various commissions Email: ballinger@ theartssociety.org or see www.theartssocietyballinger.org.uk
Grand opening of the new canal towpath
Fri 28 , 10am-3pm - See front page.
HS2 Public Meeting
Fri 28, 7pm, Wendover Memorial Hall
Wendover Parish Council will present a ‘Socialise and Inform’ public meeting with an update on HS2 activities and their impact on Wendover. All welcome. See back page
Concert at St Peter and St Paul Church Sat 29, 7.30pm, Great Missenden, HP16 0AZ
The Moonrakers folk group will be playing. Tickets £12 including light refreshments, available from Ticketsource, Samways or on the door.
Wendover Sparrowhawks Netball Tournament
Sun 30, Aylesbury High School
The club is celebrating its tenth anniversary by hosting a netball tournament. It promises to be a fun day while fundraising for a fellow netball enthusiast, Kate, founder of Kate’s Cancer Warriors. To book a place, email: wendoverladiesnetball@hotmail.com See p20.
Local Farmers and Craft Market
Sun 30, 11-3pm, Weston Turville Village Hall, HP22 5RW
Held on the last Sunday each month from June to October. Pop-up café, various stalls . Free entry. Contact: allevents.fantasia@gmail.com
Cream Teas Sun 30, 2-5 pm, St Mary’s Church Weston Turville All Welcome.
Save the Date:
Sun 7 - Wendover Music Concert Fri 19 – Youth Fest organised by Wendover Youth Centre
Planning ahead? Wendover News production dates. Don’t wait until the last minute to send details of your event!
All contributions for inclusion in Wendover News can be submitted as early as the first day of the month preceding the issue in which it needs to appear. To ensure we have enough space, email editor@ wendover.co.uk or advertising@wendover.co.uk to let us know your intentions as early as possible.
/ re
Local News
From the Editorial Team
This month marks three anniversaries: The 80th anniversary of D-day on 6 June 1944; the start of National Volunteer week in June 1984 and a significant development in the history of the bicycle which happened in Wendover the same week.
Our call out for information about Wendover’s part in D-day didn’t produce any response. Of course we will always remember the names of the fallen in that great venture. But the detail of the all amazing logistical work that went into it could easily be lost in the mist of time.
In the run up to D-day, 156,000 troops were assembled along the UK’s south coast in total secrecy, with all the supplies needed for the first days of fighting. 5,000 ships and landing craft carried them to Normandy and 11,000 aircraft were used in the run-up and to support the invasion. Prefabricated floating harbours were taken across the channel to unload 50,000 vehicles. To supply fuel, a pipeline 60 miles long was run out across the channel in complete secrecy.
A project requiring that level of planning and faultless execution is truly remarkable and shows just what we can do when we set our minds to it. Much more recently London 2012 went almost perfectly, despite a slight over-run in costs. Then we have HS2...
Talking of which: HS2 is fast ramping up activity and its construction will increasingly focus on the area right alongside Wendover. Luckily, we have the volunteers at Wendover HS2 Mitigation Group. They
continue to support the Parish Council in lobbying HS2 and its main contractors, EKFB, to minimise the effects on Wendover as much as possible. Some of the mitigations that HS2 implements cost money and the will to innovate and demonstrate excellence in construction – and we expect nothing less. The mitigation group can be contacted at hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk
You can hear about what the Mitigation volunteers are doing at a public meeting hosted by Wendover Parish Council in the Memorial Hall on the revised date of 28 June. Who knows, you might get the urge to volunteer...
If you are even slightly interested in volunteering, check out our feature on page 17. It’s written by a new author on our team, Izzie. We hope you will be seeing more of her work over the coming months.
Wendover – the home of mountain biking
Seeing the range of bikes that are available now, it might be difficult to imagine a time when bikes were almost entirely designed for riding on paved roads and off-road biking was reserved for a very small minority of adventurers. This all changed in the early 1980’s when on 17 June 1984, Geoff Apps, one of those pioneers, ran a competitive event for riders of the new American ‘mountain bikes’. It was called ‘The Wendover Bash’ and put Wendover and the surrounding hills on the map as the birthplace of organised mountain biking in the UK.
On the weekend of 22-23 June, enthusiasts of cross-country cycling will be gathering in Wendover for the 40 th anniversary of the first Bash. Look out for the influx of mountain bikers over those two days and – if you were waiting to get back to cycling again, get your own bike out to join them. Details can be found at https://clelandcycles. wordpress.com/rides/. Thanks to Lee Niven at OTEC Bikes (www. otec.bike) in Halton for giving us the background. He would like us
to remind you that he repairs bikes and runs regular free cycling club sessions from this premises at Halton Tennis during the summer. Email lee@otec.bike for details
About the Wendover Community awards winners Last month, we went to press on the day when the winners of the Wendover Community Awards were being announced. At that time, we were able to congratulate the winners who were known to us: Eileen’s of Wendover (florists), Robert (Bob) Duggan; Sweeeneys and Murray Cooke. Also on the list of winners, but possibly less well known to some people, were Alan Myers and Hebe Mast-Hughes.
Alan was asked by his late wife, a Wendover Parish Councillor at the time, to step in and help with the annual quiz 25 years ago, when the future of the quiz was up in the air. Since then, for 25 years Alan has been integral in helping the Council put on the Annual quiz. He volunteers his time not only to put together all the questions and rounds for the quiz, but to also volunteers his time at the quiz in person to as Quizmaster.
Hebe’s award for Outstanding Young Person is best explained by an extract from one of her nominations, provided by Wendover Parish Council “She has undergone a back operation for scoliosis in January but has never complained about the pain she has been in beforehand. Her spine was so curved that it was crushing her internal organs. She has not stopped this from allowing her to play football or have an active life or being one of the hardest working students in Year 8.”
Skatepark planning approved
Wendover News heard from Cllr Mark Standen at Wendover Parish Council that the skatepark has had planning permission approved. He wrote “Our funding applications are now in full flow, and we are keen to see construction starting soon. This is just one project looking at services and facilities for the young adults of Wendover, where we
hope to instil a bit of pride in the area and a sense of responsibility to look after it. If anyone does have ideas and suggestions what can be done then please let us know.” The planning application can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/3QMbWFJ under the reference 23/02944.
Thank you to Wendover Angels
We also had an email from a reader, which we feel is well worth including here:
Jeremy Buckman writes On Saturday afternoon, 20 April, I was helping my dear wife Elizabeth from her wheelchair into our car outside Florence Nightingale Hospice shop, when we both lost our footing and fell, faces down, onto the pavement. Within seconds, it seemed, a young man took control of the situation, called an ambulance, explained the situation to GP Gwen, the two off duty ambulance men, and the young couple who borrowed a cushion and blankets from the Hospice shop, and took turns to sit cross-legged on the pavement for nearly two hours. Nursing Elizabeth’s head, the ambulance man’s wife knelt beside her, comforting her for all that time. Dianne from Cammacks took pity on our little dog because it reminded her of her daughter’s dog.
In these days when the media deluges us with bad news from all over the world, it’s a pleasure for me to highlight the loving kindness of all those people in Wendover at our time of need. You know who you are, and I hope that I haven’t missed anyone.
To all of you Wendover Angels; Thank you!
Elizabeth and Jeremy Buckman
Editor’s note: We were very pleased to be told that the bruising has almost faded and no bones were broken.
In the last print edition there was an error in the link for the details of candidates for the Police and Crime Commissioner. We apologise for the error and thank reader Tony Ounsworth for pointing it out.
Something interesting to write?
If you have items that are local, topical, interesting and useful, get in contact with Wendover News and your item could appear in Local News. Please contact us before you start writing, as space dictates that we can’t put everything on the page that we would like. Initially, email editor@wendovernews.co.uk
Wendover News Editorial Team
Coombe Hill Run/Fell Race on 2 June – Start Time 11.00am.
A fun, hilly 7km fell run which starts and finishes in Wendover. Cash only: £5 for general entry, which includes a free pint in the Shoulder of Mutton (at the end of the race, not the start!). £3 for Fell Running Association (FRA) member. Minimum age is 14 years on the day.
Farming’s annual open day at Buckmoorend
On Sunday 9 June, farms across Britain will be opening their gates to the public for farming’s annual open day. Open Farm Sunday offers visitors the chance to see farming with nature at first hand, to discover where their food comes from, how it is produced and to meet the people responsible – the farmers! So, make a date to visit Buckmoorend between 11am and 4pm. More details online: wendovernews.co.uk/?p=80842. See ad p4
Wendover Singers Midsummer Concert
Carol Crocket writes: Wendover Singers Community Choir and Wendover Singers Children’s Choir (you will be amazed at our children!) are thrilled to present our third Mid-Summer Concert on 22 and 23 June at St Mary’s, Wendover.
Last year’s concert was a sell-out and delighted audiences. Foottapping and hand-waving (especially to the Queen medley) are welcomed. We will be singing something for all tastes, from Broadway to Queen, from ‘Nella Fantasia’ to ‘A Thousand Years,’ from solo items to small groups and the two massed choirs. It is a celebration of singing for all tastes and we aim to have everyone leave with a smile on their face and a tune in their head.
We will also have a cash bar to add to the festive atmosphere and there will be a raffle (organised by our Rotary friends) in aid of the Wendover Dementia Café and the local food bank. Get your tickets early before we sell out! See ad p4 and p5 for details.
Midnight Walk Weekend Back by Popular Demand
Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity has brought back its Midnight Walk event as part of the Hospice’s 35th anniversary, which will be hosted at Roman Park Hall, Aylesbury on Saturday 22 June
The Midnight Walk will also be accompanied by its two sister events: Twilight Walk and ‘Not the Midnight Walk’.
The Twilight Walk is the first to take place, in the evening (7:30pm) on 22 June. It’s designed for under-15s and is a two mile route starting at Roman Park Hall.
The Midnight Walk is Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity’s traditional event, taking place at Midnight on 22 June. Participants will receive free t-shirts and don bright lights and colours as they walk either the five or 10-mile Aylesbury route.
‘Not the Midnight Walk’ is an event for people who cannot attend on 22 June. This can take place at any time and any route on Sunday 23 June. it is up to the participants to decide the location, time and duration of their walk.
Tickets for all these events are available on the Florence Nightingale website. www.fnhospice.org.uk/midnightwalk
Community Wildbelt Project is preserving local nature
Sam Roberts, head of fundraising and awareness at the Chiltern Society, writes: WildBelt volunteers have been busy working in Wendover over the colder months, when there was less chance of disturbing local flora and fauna.
The project, which is helping people achieve nature recovery in their local communities, is really starting to gain momentum thanks to National Lottery Heritage Funding.
Under the project, local people have been busy planting trees, sowing wildflowers, planting hedges, clearing ponds, and installing bird nest boxes.
The project has also worked closely with John Hampden School in Wendover to encourage a love and appreciation of wildlife among the pupils.
Nature around Wendover is under pressure, but local people are making a difference. The WildBelt team is always on the lookout for new volunteers and opportunities for nature recovery projects in the area.
Check out the Chiltern Society’s website to find out how to get involved and help Chilterns nature thrive: www.chilternsociety.org.uk
Scarecrow Competition
Look out for details of the Scarecrow Competition – Make a scarecrow and display it from 31 August. The theme this year is the Olympics and Paralympics. For more information contact wendoverscarecrow@ gmail.com
Wendover’s Alex Davis set out last month to do a triathlon in all 78 of the UK’s cities in 9 months. In doing so, he will be raising funds for the National Paralympic Heritage Trust, Auto Raise and the Oxford Hospital charity.
Beginning in Oxford in April, he has since done St Albans, Manchester, Leeds and Coventry. St Albans was made easier by additional energy provided in a marmalade bagel, made to his mother’s recipe. In Manchester, he made a mistake setting his swim recording watch and did more lengths than he intended.
Next, he will be doing Belfast and Peterborough. We’ll be wishing him well from everybody in Wendover and looking forward to his update in the next edition!
Plumbing & Heating Services
small plumbing maintenance / repair jobs gladly undertaken 07967 638527 francoffennell@gmail.com www.frankfennellplumbingservices.co.uk
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Call for a friendly chat on 01494 917344 or visit ashridgehomecare.co.uk
This month, we began the second stage of the Wendover Dean Viaduct deck slide. The construction of this viaduct involves sliding half a kilometre of bridge deck into position and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Across the 50 new viaducts in the HS2 project, the Wendover Dean Viaduct has the longest deck slide. The first 90-metre deck section was pushed out in January, with the process taking around 10 hours.
The event was well attended and two particular topics were raised as concerns - the proposed closure of the Small Dean Lane bridleway and the unsightly view of the temporary metal fencing behind Lionel Avenue. We are looking into both concerns to see what improvements might be possible.
The Small Dean Lane bridleway is particularly challenging: The route has been kept open for the past two years on a temporary diversion and we are now at a stage of construction where we need to carry out deep excavations in the vicinity of the diversion. We have not been able to establish a safe alternative though continue to see what steps can be taken to reduce the impact of the proposed closure.
For details of future community and mobile visitor centre events, you sign up to the mailing list and view the HS2 events page to find out where you can meet your community engagement team and find out more about the project.
Information provided by EKFB, the HS2 contractor in our area
Ellesborough Road is ready for the dump trucks
Ellesborough Road was closed for two days in May to allow road safety improvements on the new diversion, including lights for the zebra crossing on the Ridgeway route to Coombe Hill. Behind the scenes a large concrete slab has been installed to allow massive dump trucks to cross the old road without damaging the Thames Water main and sewer pipes, which have proved difficult to move due to delays with the utility companies.
The new concrete slab which will enable transit over Ellesborough Rd, also showing how far the road will have to drop to get trucks under the girder bridge.
This means that HS2 will be able to start the “mass haul” of spoil from Great Missenden to Stoke Mandeville before the pipes have been moved; and this may well have started by the time you read this. It will be interesting to see how the heavily loaded dump trucks will cope with the steep slope down from the old road to pass under the girder bridge on the new diversion, and back up again when they return empty.
Water at Dobbins Lane
Following the installation of a mains water supply pipe at Dobbins Lane reported last month, a second pipe is being installed to carry clean waste water from the future excavation of the green tunnel cutting to Wendover Brook; to maintain the amount of water that goes into the Weston Turville Reservoir nature reserve.
The water pipe enclosed within security fences
HS2 has installed this as a surface pipe running behind the Lionel Avenue and Bridleways houses, protected by high security wire fencing just beyond the end of their gardens, with impacts on their views. We are trying to get HS2 to bury the pipe to improve the visual impact as we expect this will be used for three to four years. HS2 also needs to install a massive underground water chamber
in the fields to cope with future water flows that will be altered by the concrete lined tunnel. On 9 May it held a drop-in event at the Tennis Club to inform local residents about the “12 round trips a day” volume of HGV traffic that will occur in Dobbins Lane for several weeks in June as they transport the diggers and concrete to the site; which in turn requires the construction of an access track capable of handling 30 ton lorries over the fields. We understand that Bucks Council has been funded to repair damage to local roads affected by HS2 lorries, and hope that any resulting potholes will get fixed.
Small Dean Viaduct progressing
Over the May Bank Holiday weekends HS2 managed to finish the installation of two piers for the Viaduct close to the railway line. Piling for the final (sixth) pier requires the realignment of the A413 and work has now started on that. Passing motorists can see how short the piers are, and how low the actual girders supporting the viaduct will actually be over the A413.
Chilterns Cycleway closure?
The Chilterns Cycleway uses Small Dean Lane as a safe route for cyclists to travel between Wendover and Dunsmore. The importance of keeping this open was acknowledged in the HS2 Act with a specific “assurance” to keep access available for non-motorised traffic. We managed to get HS2 to provide a bridleway around its Small Dean Compound to achieve this while the viaduct piers were being installed. However HS2 has advised that it can’t find a “reasonable endeavours” way of maintaining this during the construction of a bridge under the HS2 track. This is expected to take until September next year. The only available route for road bikes avoiding the traffic on the A413 will be by using Ellesborough and Missenden Roads via Butler’s Cross. We’re trying to get this sorted, and hope to have better news for you next month.
Learn what’s next
We’re holding a Public Meeting at Wendover Memorial Hall on Friday 28 June at 7pm sponsored by the Parish Council. Come along and hear what’s happening with HS2, what it means in the Wendover area, and what we’re doing about it. This “Socialise and Inform” event follows on from the successful format of the meeting we held last November; and includes both free wine and an opportunity to have your questions answered.
If you need further help, want to join us, or have ideas and suggestions that would mitigate the community impact, then get in touch at enquiries@whs2.org.
Caring for someone with dementia –legal and financial matters
Caring for a loved one with dementia can be emotionally and practically challenging. Amidst the complexities of caregiving, navigating the legal and financial aspects can add an extra layer of stress. It is never too early to address these matters which can be quite complex.
One fundamental aspect of dementia care planning is establishing power of attorney. This legal document grants a trusted individual the authority to make decisions on behalf of the person with dementia, especially when they are no longer able to make informed decisions themselves. This should be considered an early priority.
Advance care planning is another consideration. This involves individuals with dementia having an opportunity to express their wishes while they still have the capacity to do so.
Financial issues are important, particularly if a family anticipates paying for care in the future. A couple of immediate benefits are available that are not means-tested. Additional funding may be available from social services, but the eligibility criteria are complex, research is needed and ultimately is only accessed through a Care Needs Assessment from a social worker.
Seeking professional advice from solicitors specialising in elder law or financial advisors familiar with dementia care can provide invaluable help for caregivers.
Wendover Dementia Support also provides personalised help and advice about these matters as part of its service. WDS website (www.wendoverds.org.uk ) has further information (see FAQs) and explains how to access its services, including the popular Monday Club Café.
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Short story writing competition
Attention to all writing enthusiasts! The Wendover Library is running a short story competition on the theme of ‘Changes.’ Positive change is what they’re after: so any story involving an act of great courage, love, sacrifice, kindness – or even something very everyday but which carries an importance and beauty that touches you; all genres and styles are welcome. Prizes will be distributed to the best entrants in the following categories: up to 12 years of age; age 13-15 years of age; age 15-18 years of age; and adults over 18 years. Submitted work must be original and not previously published.
Submit your entries to fowlmembers@hotmail.com or hand-deliver to the Wendover library. The deadline for entries is 30 September which allows plenty of time to get your ideas together. Stories will be judged by freelance writer/editor Sandra Smith, Carl and Sophie – the owners of Real Magic Books, and WCLT Chair and retired head teacher Phil Mitchell.
Include the following details (on a separate sheet from your piece of writing):
1. Your name and address.
2. Date of birth and age on 30.09.24.
3. Your telephone number.
4. Your email address.
5. Your school (if appropriate).
6. The title of your short story.
Further information is available from the library or by email to: ron.melville@btinternet.com
Good luck, and most importantly, enjoy it!
Rory’s Story Tips
Wendover News’s Rory Lavery has had a life-long interest in writing and studied Irish authors in-depth over the course of a Masters degree in Dublin. His advice for writing a short-story is:
• Passion. Write about a topic you’re enthusiastic about.
• Find a writing hero. Read a short story writer you like and see if you can find what’s good in their work that you’d like to have a go at yourself.
• Practice makes perfect . Stay committed to writing, even if it’s just a little each day.
• Helping Hand. Get someone you know to read over and help edit it – maybe a Mum or Dad or a friend with a good eye for spelling errors and constructive criticism.
• Confidence: your interest in writing a story shows that you’ve got one in you. Have confidence in yourself – the world will be a better place for having heard your story!
• Storyboard. See if you can get a clear idea of the plot in your head before you begin and have fun with it. You could try a storyboard or use colouring pencils or paints to build a clear picture of what you’re wanting to write about. This will help build the plot and make it more entertaining to read.
• Show and don’t tell: what are you trying to say through your story? Can you show this through the characters’ actions and speech without saying it outright at any point?
When Wendover was ‘rotten’
We all know Wendover as a wonderful and welcoming place. But until 1832 it was counted among a group of voting constituencies known as ‘rotten boroughs’. These constituencies were places where there had once been a large population of voters but, as a result of mass migrations or, in one case, natural disaster, towns with tiny populations were still represented by one or more MPs.
The most infamous rotten borough was the town of Old Sarum in Wiltshire. In the 12th century, the town’s cathedral was moved to New Sarum (now Salisbury), and the population followed suit. In 1820, despite having only 11 voters, Old Sarum was represented by two MPs hailing from a local family, the Pitts of Boconnoc.
This family owned all of the local burgages (a contemporary term for a form of rental property) and were able to leverage their influence over tenants in order to gain votes. Indeed a member of the Pitt family had represented the constituency in parliament from 1689 until the passing of the Reform Act in 1832. Talk about a safe seat.
Wendover was by no means exempt from this type of carry-on. As can be seen below in the caricature by contemporary illustrator and satirist E. King, Wendover’s place on the boughs of the ‘Rotten Borough Tree’ was known nationally. Despite being one of the smallest parliamentary constituencies with 264 houses, 1,387 inhabitants and only 150 eligible voters, Wendover still boasted two MPs. The polling moved with the property, and in 1789, John Baker Church bought the Wendover Estate from Earl Verney for £25,600; the votes changed hands as easily, and in 1790 Church was elected as MP for Wendover.
Wendover’s period of democratic decay wasn’t without its diamonds in the rough - or rot - though. Thought to span from the mid-17th century until the Reform Act, this period was still brightly flecked, with the emergence of brilliant political aspirants such as John Hampden, who represented Wendover for five successive parliaments from 1623-1641 (until he was killed in the civil war), and Edmund Burke, the Anglo-Irish statesman and philosopher, who was elected MP in 1768.
But the schemes were scuppered in 1832 when the Reform Act was passed, resulting in the reallocation of 67 seats to other, more deserving constituencies. Surely a step in the right direction, given that seats in towns with very dense populations like Manchester previously saw equal representation to those with of little more than a small crowd; or, as one contemporary reporter described Old Sarum: ‘[it] consists at present of a large circular mound of earth, surmounted in the centre by a smaller mound.’ Not exactly a metropolis.
Rory LaveryNational Volunteering Week
Eight reasons why volunteering is good for you
This year, Volunteers’ Week runs from 3 to 9 June. First celebrated in June 1984, this year marks the 40th anniversary of celebrating the outstanding contributions made by volunteers across the UK. Are you interested in volunteering but not sure whether it’s right for you?
Curious about getting involved but don’t know where to look?
From the perspective of local Guide leader, Izzie Addison, here are eight good reasons to consider giving up your time, and how to get started volunteering:
1. Build your confidence and learn new skills
Confidence comes from continually doing things that you do well. It grows when you increase the number of things that come naturally to you. From building on your soft skills to learning new technical skills, volunteering is a great way to grow in confidence. Consider: Wendover News, Wendover Swimming Pool, Scouts and Girlguiding.
“Being part of Lindengate has helped my mental wellbeing by spending time in nature with others, it has increased my social circle, given me a purpose and a sense of achievement.” – Lindengate volunteer
2. Get to know your community and make new friends
Whether you’re Wendover born-and-bred or new to our community,
volunteering is a great way to feel more connected to your local area, expand your network and make new friends!
Consider: Lindengate Charity, charity shops, Climate Action Wendover, Wendover News, youth and community groups. “Volunteering for WRAP to help others far less fortunate than me has reminded me the power of kindness and introduced me to wonderful new friends – and I have learnt new skills along the way – the most rewarding thing I have done in many years ”
3. Boost your CV and access quality training
Volunteering gives you a wider range of experience to draw upon in job or university applications. Some volunteering positions come with excellent training that is difficult to gain elsewhere. It could be your first opportunity to lead a team or manage accounts.
Consider: Scouts and Guides offer tailored training in leadership, safeguarding, first aid and more.
4. Make a difference to people’s lives and ‘give back’
Every time someone volunteers their time, they make a small difference that makes the world a better place. Giving back to your community makes Wendover a better connected, happier and more fulfilling place to live. Your support could change lives.
Consider: Wendover Dementia Support, Chilterns Dog Rescue Society, Chilterns Neuro Centre, The Pace Centre, Wendover Youth Club.
“I was a construction engineer, managing just drawings and machinery. My life changed for the better when I realised what a difference I could make to young people’s lives by getting involved with Scouts.” – Leader with Scouts
5. Use and develop your existing skills
Have you spent years acquiring valuable skills, only to discover that your career has taken you in a different direction? You might be what a local charity or non-profit is crying out for. In return - the warm feeling of being a helpful expert and a chance to use your skills. Consider: Trustee, management roles, coaching, mentoring roles (Wendover News, perhaps?), school governor roles, Wendover Youth Centre trustees.
Chris Heald being presented with a gift by Becky Murgatroyd as he steps down after over a decade as a trustee at the youth centre.
Continued on next page...
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6. Connect with family and friends
Why not find a volunteering opportunity that your friends and family can enjoy too? In our ever-changing digital world, we are constantly trying to find meaningful ways to connect. Volunteering is a great way to try something new together.
Consider: Youth groups, sports clubs, Wendover Swimming Pool, or Wendover Library.
7. Flexible volunteering: help out in a way that works for you
The biggest barrier to most people volunteering is time. But volunteering comes in all shapes, sizes and time commitments!
Aside from one-off opportunities, lots of charities and organisations now encourage flexible volunteering, meaning you control how you volunteer.
Consider: Wendover News, Swimming pool, Library, Lindengate, Community Car, Wendover Youth, Scouts, Guides
8. Look after your wellbeing and have fun
What unites all of the above reasons is the fact that they’re all really good for you. Volunteering can have a brilliant positive impact on your wellbeing and making a difference to people’s lives enriches yours. Above all, volunteering can be loads of fun!
Getting Started
Now you’ve heard about all the great reasons to volunteer, what do you do next?
• What do you want to get out of volunteering? Rank the reasons above in order of importance.
• Consider how much time you can give. Can you commit to regular hours over a long time or a few hours here and there?
• Decide what causes you’re interested in. Would you like to volunteer with children and young people? Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? Are you an animal lover?
• What skills do you have? Could you help with the accounts for a youth organisation? Do you suit a management or trustee role? Could you write for a certain local magazine…?
• Research. Once you’ve identified where you’d like to help and what you might like to do, see what’s out there.
Look through the list of local volunteering opportunities on our website: wendovernews.co.uk/news/volunteering-opportunities
Note that some volunteering opportunities may require you to have a DBS check and have certain selection criteria in place for volunteers.
What about The Big Help Out?
Established last year to mark the King’s Coronation, The Big Help Out is a national volunteering drive that takes place at the end of Volunteers’ Week (7 to 9 June). You can head to its website or download The Big Help Out app to find a variety of local volunteering opportunities taking place that weekend.
Once you’ve found your perfect volunteering opportunity, why not tell us about it and share your experience? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch by emailing editor@wendovernews.co.uk.
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Bucks Art Weeks 8-23 June
Every year in June the bright yellow Bucks Art Weeks signs go up across Buckinghamshire. It is a time when galleries and individual artists invite the public to view their work. Here are some of the venues in our area:
Obsidian Art and The Buckinghamshire Craft Guild Gallery, 1–30 June
The site boasts two wonderful permanent art and craft galleries: Obsidian Art, and The Buckinghamshire Craft Guild Gallery.
At Obsidian Art 13 selected local guest artists and makers will be exhibiting new work for the whole month of June. During Bucks Art Weeks fortnight there will be opportunities to meet the artists and see free demonstrations in the gallery.
The exhibiting locals artists and makers include: Chloe Romanos (stunning hand-crafted jewellery in silver and gold), Clare Tebboth (watercolours inspired by the natural world), Kelly Vincent (ocean waves on wood), Laura Gibbs (saggar-fired ceramics), Linda Travers Smith (watercolour & mixed media painting), Melanie Cairns (pen & ink “pawtraits”), Debra Eden (painted stained glass), Hannah Heys (handcrafted ceramics), Heidi Fenn (contemporary jewellery & felted art), Sally Leggatt (countryside watercolour artist), Sarah Hanner Hopwood (imagined watercolour landscapes), Sophie Court - The Reversible Robin (laser cut jewellery, assemblages & greetings cards) and Susan Gray (energetic sea & landscapes in oils & acrylics)
Both galleries are open Tuesday- Saturdays, 10am-4pm, Sundays 12pm-4pm. www.obsidianart.co.uk See ad p2
A Little Bird Told Me gallery 8-23 June
The gallery will be featuring works by Eddie Gosney, Sue Gosney and Marjolein Trewavas.
Eddie has developed a portfolio of limited edition photographic prints. His photographs reflect his love of the countryside, places he has visited and the people he has met. Sue’s inspiration for her paintings comes from places she visits, in the UK and abroad.
Marjolein’s joy is in hunting for pieces to use for her work and the various experiences that come her way mean that she finds all kinds of materials which inspire her next project. Currently she is embroidering onto antique garden and flour sieves, tennis rackets and items of upcycled clothing. See advert on the front page
St Dunstan’s Church, Burton Lane, Monks Risborough, HP27 9JE 8 -16 June. Saturdays and weekdays 10am-4pm Sundays 12pm -4pm..
Nine artists and makers, handpicked for the variety and quality of their work, showing in this medieval church. Paintings, print-making, illuminations, paper sculpture, turned vessels, ceramics, mosaics and jewellery. Refreshments available daily and the church serves cream teas on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Please park on Mill Lane. see www.artatstdunstans.blogspot.com
St Michael’s church in Aston Clinton 11- 16 June
Seven local artists will showcase their works within the church and everyone is welcome to attend. Entrance is free and refreshments are available to buy along with any of the art being shown.
To see the directory of exhibiting artists visit bucksartweeks.org.uk.
Club Corner
Wendover Sparrowhawks Netball Club
Jo Purser writes: 2024 marks a special milestone for Wendover Sparrowhawks Netball Club as we celebrate 10 years since the club was founded by our very own Lucy Adler.
We are celebrating our anniversary by hosting a netball tournament on Sunday 30 June. This promises to be a fun day while also fundraising for a friend to the club and fellow netball enthusiast, Kate, founder of Kate’s Cancer Warriors. If you would like to enter a team in our ten year anniversary tournament please drop us a line via email or DM. We would also like to reach out to any past ‘Sparrows’ to come along
Jim and Karen Lucas
to our end of season/decade awards celebration later in the year to hear some special awards being announced.
Wendover Sparrowhawks is looking for a sponsor for next season. Please get in touch if you would like to sponsor us or donate a prize to our club fundraiser raffle. We would love to hear from some local Wendover businesses. Email: wendoverladiesnetball@hotmail.com.
Get up close to wild orchids on BBOWT’s reserves
Richard Birch writes: “BBOWT Chilterns Group has organised a series of activities to make the most of the starring flowers of June. On 9 June you can join the annual orchid count led by Phil Townsend, the reserve warden at Aston Clinton Ragpits, from 10am to 14,30. He will lead an exploration of this orchid hotspot on 23 June at 10am.
If orchids aren’t your thing, on 15 June you can go with warden Paul Niddler on an exploration of Bacombe Hill Reserve, just beyond the station, to see the junipers and ancient tumuli, or on 30 June delve into the history and wildlife of Weston Turville Reservoir at 10.30am with Wendover volunteers Steve Hawkins and Gill Cornelius.
College Lake Reserve and Centre are open Tuesday through Sunday and host all sorts of children’s and young peoples’ activities on various Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.”
For all these please go to www.bbowt.org.uk/events to see details and to book places. For a calendar of the whole summer’s nature walks programme mail richardbirch60@yahoo.com
Wendover Youth Centre AGM
The Wendover Youth Centre AGM on 22 April was a joyous occasion, with new Youth Worker Suad in place and very happy memories of three key Trustees whose roles will be changing.
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Jennifer Ballantine has been a familiar face in the centre for decades but is stepping down. However, she will not be retiring and she will continue to support certain sessions. Kyla Sansbury has also been a key member of the board for several years but is now stepping down.
Chris Heald has been a very active Trustee since Wendover Youth Centre became a community-led organisation in 2011. However, he and his wife Margaret will be leaving Wendover later in the year, so he is relinquishing this role but will continue to help until they move on.
Many thanks are due to all these wonderful people and all the support they have given to the young people in our community over the years.
Jane LarkhamWendover Bowls Club
Don Knight writes: We had a splendid dinner in late April to mark the end of indoor bowls and the start of the outdoor season. More than 70 members sat down to enjoy each other’s company and good food. Unfortunately the season had to be put on hold as the rain rendered the green more suitable for bog snorkelling than bowls and several early matches had to be cancelled.
I was mowing the green the other day when I was joined by a gang of ducks who settled down and were very reluctant to move aside for the mower. That just about sums up the weather so far this year. Perhaps we will have to give up bowls and start racing ducks.
There is a bit of a buzz at the Club at present as we look forward to our match against the Royal Household at Windsor later this month. The King has let us know that his work schedule will make it impossible for him to attend. Never mind, perhaps next time. Look out for a report in the next month’s news.
Meanwhile our schedule of inter-club games continue. It is good to renew friendships with people that we play against each year. This better weather has allowed us to get in some much-needed practice and despite the earlier rain, the green looks quite good and is playing well even though it is very heavy.
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Tribute: Jeremy White
Godfrey Thorpe writes: Jeremy White was a man of extraordinarily varied creative talents. Born in Dulwich in 1947, he went to Alleyn’s school where he was involved with drama and musical productions. At a young age he was cast in the title role in Saint Joan.
He trained to be a teacher and after graduating joined a comprehensive school in Camberwell where he taught English and Drama. He developed a passion for ceramics, and began teaching pottery. He had a wicked sense of humour, with his classes being ridiculously entertaining.
Through his love of opera and classical music, he developed a friendship with one of his pottery pupils, Judith Jeffrey, who was a professional opera singer. Together they established a theatrical agency specialising in musical theatre. Jeffrey and White became a leader in this field, and they placed talent into major West End musical productions such as The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Les Miserables etc.
Moving from Soho to Covent Garden, Jeremy devoted his time to placing actors into productions at The National Theatre, RSC etc. He was well known for signature bow ties, flamboyant waistcoats and hats.
We met in 2002 and on retirement Jeremy joined me in Wendover where we redesigned our home, so he could return to his earlier love of ceramics. We had a pottery, kiln, and display area. He joined Bucks Potters who described him as being an extrovert who was tall, debonair and suave. He was a talented potter and raconteur, being generous and
warm to budding potters. A group of members used to exhibit annually at a gallery in St Ives, where his wicked sense of humour and generosity made him a must to be part of the team. His 70th birthday was celebrated in St Ives, everyone being in pink or purple. Jeremy wore his pink apron!
Jeremy was part of the Visual Arts group, as he passionately believed in Open Studios. He would encourage local artists to exhibit their work, where it was produced or in a group. At home he talked about his ideas, demonstrating how he worked with clay on the wheel, slab work, moulding, and sculpturing. Then the glazing and firing processes, with the finished pieces on display. His inspiration came from the colours and rock formations
in Cornwall. He made torsos with a variety of organic effects, fissure rock formation pieces, and work of different shapes and forms. He liked the way that by using two glazes that overlapped, he could create at least three different colours and effects. Of course at the wheel he would make mugs, jugs and even dining sets. The photo alongside shows Jeremy demonstrating at Obsidian Gallery, wearing his pink apron.
We married in 2017 having a small ceremony. Jeremy remained a supportive and loving uncle to his brother’s children Tim and Antonia who live in Thame, becoming a greatuncle to their children.
He used his love of classical music when joining Wendover Music to help produce, plan and deliver concerts. He brought his knowledge of colours to the scheme in the garden with a touch of eccentricity. We even joined Wendover Bowls Club for the exercise and social side.
When the pandemic came, he isolated and shielded, surviving by living to a routine which included a daily cryptic crossword. He even grew a beard, had a ponytail, and loved wearing his red spectacles.
Eventually, his terminal diagnosis took hold, and he fought on way beyond medical expectations. I was helped with caring for him by the Florence Nightingale hospice at home.
Godfrey ThorpeSwimming in Wendover!
Did you know that Wendover has a swimming pool on the schools campus at Wharf Road? It’s a volunteer-run charity and has public swimming sessions every day here are free and paid memberships available, and bookings are fully online. ore information, membership and booking at www wendoverswimmingpool co uk
Local Face: Anne Berry
Near to Christmas 1940, a young curate went to visit his friend, another curate at a vicarage in Banbury. However, he spent most of the visit being entertained by the rector’s daughter, one Anne Margaret Williams, who was at home escaping an illness which was ripping through her school. This is not the plot of a Trollope novel! After a brief courtship Geoffrey Milroy proposed, so that they were engaged by the time Anne was 18 and married nine months later. Geoffrey had been a deacon curate in the Territorials and as war was declared, he became a weapons tester at Bisley with the Queens Own Cameron Highlanders and trained troops in their use, including Canadians. This is how Anne came to be in Bisley, where she worked as an unqualified nursing assistant in Woking War Hospital, spending a lot of her time in the sluice room.
By Spring 1944 the camp started filling with tents and military lorries were parked under trees. On 6 June they discovered that the D-day landings had begun.
In Autumn 1944 Geoffrey was sent to France, Belgium and Germany where he was helping with post-war clear-up efforts, especially ensuring that the hungry locals had at least one hot meal a day. Geoffrey came back to a curacy in Bournemouth and in July 1946 Anne gave birth to Patrick. In May 1949 Tony followed. Geoffrey was appointed as succentor in Exeter Cathedral, a post which involved a lot of singing. The parishioners in Brampford Speke were delighted to have a young family and in 1953 Diane (Dinny) was the first child born in the vicarage since 1887.
She started a nursery with Angela Robbins, in the house where Cecilia Payne had been born in Chiltern Road in 1900. Between them they had eight children, which seemed sufficient qualification! It supplemented a clergyman’s meagre income, too. Unfortunately, Angela died not long after and Anne Allerton became Anne Milroy’s business partner.
In those days, the vicar’s wife was expected to take on roles within the Parish, too, so Anne was kept very busy with Mother’s Union, Young Wives and as Chair of Governors (14 years) for John Hampden Infants School, which opened in 1967. Geoffrey had been a chorister at New College then won a scholarship to Magdalen College School and followed on to Magdalen College, Oxford. No surprise, then, that he improved St Mary’s Church Choir which has had a high reputation ever since. Geoffrey introduced women into the choir, to local consternation. In 1964 Anne also joined Wendover Choral Society when she judged her children were old enough and became president for a while. They even had a madrigal group. She carried on singing into her mid-80s after which she decided her voice was no longer strong enough. Tragedy struck in 1979 when Geoffrey died unexpectedly and Anne had to leave the vicarage within three months.
A Manorial property on Aylesbury Road became available so she moved in. In 1982 her widowed mother also came to live in Wendover, conveniently nearby in in St Anne’s Close.
Anne attended a two-week course in the Cotswolds run by Rev John Hull with painting by day and singing in the evening. She had not painted since school but a judge remarked that she showed talent so she joined Gladys Crook’s classes in Wendover and spent the next few decades indulging this new hobby. Her work became sought after. She became the WI representative on the County Art Committee. Anne’s mother died in 1985 and Anne moved into her St Anne’s Close house.
Anne met Bill Berry at a party in Wendover. She had known his wife who had died recently but not Bill. They started going out to tea and other little trips. Eventually, Bill proposed, to Anne’s surprise, but she eventually accepted. They married and moved to Mill Mead where she lives to this day.
The family moved to The Old Vicarage in Dobbins Lane, Wendover in August 1959 when the children were 13, 10 and 6. Anne didn’t want to leave the parish in Devon but was made very welcome when she came to Wendover and has enjoyed living here ever since.
She celebrated her 100th birthday on 24 May 2024. St Mary’s church had a special Evensong in Anne’s honour on Sunday 19 May. Jane Larkham
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Wendover Parish CouncilView from the Clock Tower
For your diary - Socialise and Inform –HS2 public meeting
After getting some useful views and feedback in November we would like to report back to the good people of Wendover. Alongside the Wendover HS2 Mitigation Action Group we would like to give updates and information on the HS2 progress, and the all-too-evident impact on the area.
On Friday 28 June in Wendover Memorial Hall at 7pm we will present a ‘Socialise and Inform’ meeting.
It will be a similar format to the previous meeting with a brief update presentation and then questions and discussion. We are hoping that EKFB, which is responsible for the construction work in our area, will be attending to answer questions. As with the previous meeting there will be a glass of wine (or two) and some nibbles available to attendees. See our WPC website for more details.
Parish Council Meetings
Tuesdays 4 June, 7:30pm St Anne's Hall
Aylesbury Road HP22 6JG
Information about upcoming meetings: www.wendover-pc.gov.uk
Wendover Local Produce Market
Saturday 15 June, 10am to 2pm Manor Waste
We're looking for new traders! Contact estates@wendover-pc.gov.uk
Lighting up your life
Wendover Parish Council is responsible for most of the streetlights on the side roads (but not Aylesbury Road, High Street, South Street or Tring Road). Over the years these lights have been replaced with LED lamps to reduce energy costs, but we now believe this has had significant unintended consequences. We believe that the current lighting has significant impact on the local wildlife – in particular insect life, and it is also impacting on human health as it disturbs sleep patterns. Therefore we would like to turn off the lights on our side roads between 12 midnight and 6am.
Socialise & Inform
Join us for a glass of wine and an update on progress of HS2 and ongoing concerns and issues
We would also like to change the colour of the lights to match the orange glow of the old sodium streetlights. We are aware about concerns over crime rates but many studies of areas where lights have been turned off show this is not an issue and many areas have ‘LED’ the way by switching off already (pun intended). We would never do this without a consultation with everyone effected. Currently we are looking for any thoughts, but there will be a much wider survey undertaken over the summer – with results going to the Parish Council to make a decision.
Parish Councillor Surgeries
7pm Friday 28th June
Wendover Memorial Hall
Help us set our campaign agenda for the coming months and find out about current HS2 works and issues.
In the past few months we have trialled a drop-in surgery in the Library for people to be able to discuss local issues with Councillors. Admittedly we have done this as a low-key
More information: www.wendover-pc.gov.uk
trial to see what can be learned. We fully accept any more permanent engagement would need a lot more publicity and more advanced notice of dates, but before we make a decision we would love any thoughts you have.
Currently we believe that holding it on a Saturday in conjunction with the Local Produce Market would allow more people to access the surgeries. Maybe being able to book in advance would help some people too. Let us know!