4 minute read
Wendover wins Best Kept Town Trophy
Wendover Parish Council is rightly proud to announce that Wendover has once again won the Michaelis Cup, a Trophy Awarded to the Best Kept (Small) Town in Buckinghamshire size 3,000+ residents.
Our town last won it in 2018, (see photo), but Wendover is a regular recipient. Thanks are due to the Parish Council Staff for their devolved work with grass cutting (while observing No Mow May as appropriate) and general tidiness. Thanks also go to residents who keep their gardens looking attractive.
Visitors often comment to shopkeepers how much they enjoy coming to Wendover.
The Buckinghamshire Best Kept Village Competition was founded in 1957 as an initiative driven by Sir Francis Dashwood and the Local Councils’ Association. The competition’s objective is to encourage entrants to work together as a community, involving all age groups, to make villages and towns more attractive places, not only for residents but also for visitors. Due to Covid restrictions, the Competition could not run in 2020 and 2021 but was re-launched in 2022.
Bill Chapple, chairman of the Best Kept Village Competition, commented on the 2023 Competition, “The standard of entries was again very high and showed how much diverse community effort is put in to keep our villages and towns looking so nice. The winners will be presented with their trophies at ceremonies in the villages and town on Saturday 23 September.
He continued, "I would like to thank all our sponsors –Buckinghamshire Council, Milton Keynes Council, RT Machinery (Winchendon), CloudyIT (Buckingham), The Buckingham Designer and Motts Travel without whose support we wouldn’t be able to run the competition.
RAF Flypast
The views expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor. If you have a complaint or concern about content in Wendover News, please visit www.wendovernews.co.uk/complaints Send contributions for October 2023 during the week commencing
11 September
(including payments for adverts) book early to avoid disappointment
07340 993802 editor@wendovernews.co.uk
Postal address only – no visitors: 11 Manor Road, Wendover, HP22 6HL Wendover News, established 1989, is delivered through the door to many local households. If you do not receive one at home and would like to volunteer to deliver for us to your road, please contact the office (see above). Wendover News would like to thank all its willing volunteers.
To celebrate the completion of training at RAF Halton, a flypast will take place, weather permitting.
Wednesday 6 & 27 September 2023
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Physics/Science/Maths Tutor
I am a qualified teacher with 14 years experience at mixed schools.
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Chiltern Foot Health Services
Ian Phipps MCFHP MAFHP Foot Health Practitioner (Wendover - based)
Home visits - 01296 623851
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Registered member of the British Association of Foot Health Professionals
Make sure you plan well ahead
If you are organising an event locally, here’s how you can increase its chances of being successful; make sure you get it listed in these events pages in good time. This is particularly important if your event will be taking place at the end of a month.
Wendover News is distributed before the last weekend of the month and the preparation for printing begins nearly three weeks before that. So if you want an entry in this section, you may need to be planning up to seven weeks in advance.
Local Walks and Cycle Rides
Simply Walk - Weekly walks on Tuesdays from Wendover Clock Tower, leaving 10am, please arrive at least 15 minutes early to register with the walk leader. After the walk, you can socialise at the weekly allages drop-in at Wendover Christian Centre.
Aylesbury Cycling UK has group rides throughout the county. They all have leaders and alternate weekly between newcomer and easy pace rides, aylesburycuk@gmail. com.
Cornelli Sugarcraft Classes
Dates vary. For more details please visit www.cornellisugarcraft.co.uk/our-courses
See ad p13.
Cream Teas, St Mary's, Weston Turville Mon 28 Aug & Sun 24 Sep, 3-5pm, Treat yourself at St Mary’s in Church Walk. See ad p4.
The John Colet School
We are looking for several new members of staff to join our friendly John Colet School team.
Vacancies include: Casual Invigilators Learning Support Assistants (for immediate and September starts) www.johncolet.co.uk
For further information and how to apply, please refer to the Vacancies page on our school website.
Chilterns Light Network
30 August, 7.30 for 8pm Wen Mem Hall
Identifying our spiritual gifts.
SEPT: 6 The importance of earthing and grounding for wellbeing. 13 Harry Rhodes, very popular presenter on the energetic health effects of purifying water and managing EMFs. 20 Peter Ritter explains the new technology which uses frequencies to heal the body. 27 Somatic breathwork.
Poetry Please
Fri 1, 10.30am, Wendover Christian Centre
This month our theme will be ‘Friends’. Bring a suitable poem to read or see what others have found. Everyone welcome!
Table Top Sale
Sat 2, 10am-Noon, HP16 0AL
In front of Great Missenden Library
This will be held as part of the MacMillan Coffee Morning tradition. Please donate cakes, or buy some! Call Jill York 07846 534301.
Annual Mixed Netball Tournament
Sat 2, 10am, John Colet Courts
Shooting competition, raffle, bbq, bar. £70 per team. Email: wendoverladiesnetball@ hotmail.com
Orlando Jopling Amazing Cello concert
Sat 2, 7.30pm, St Peter & St Paul
Orlando Jopling returns to play the three remaining Bach Suites at Great Missenden. Tickets £15, Students £5 incl refreshments.
Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Society
Sun 3, 2 00–4 30 pm, Stewart Hall, Little Kimble
Autumn Show includes beautiful dahlias and chrysanthemums as well as offering delicious home-made teas.Tues 5 Bulbs for the Year and How They Get to your Garden John Amand, bulb specialist and Chelsea gold medal winner from Jacques Amand International Ltd., will talk about bulbs, some common and others more specialist.
Cracklewick Morris
Tues 5, 8.15 -10:15pm. Halton Village Hall
Come and meet the brand-new Morris side Cracklewick Morris and even have a go. See article p19.
Craft Group
Weds 6 & 20, 10am to 12 noon, Wendover Christian Centre Craft Group provides warm space in friendly company to work on any kind of craft project. Please bring your own materials or just come to see what others are doing. All welcome. Coffee will be served at about 11am.
Chiltern Miniaturists Club
Wed 6, 7.30pm, Halton Village Hall
Learn how to make woven rugs for miniature scenes, including how to make the initial loom. If you are interested in joining, the club meets at Halton Village Hall, at 7.30 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, contact Diane on 07899 090399 or arcadia96@btinternet.com.
Wendover Horticultural Society
Thurs 7, 2.30 pm, St Anne’s Hall, Wendover Colin Oakes, a well-known speaker locally, will talk about “Burnham Beeches, countryside protected by the City” cost £3.00. Tues 12