6 minute read
Chiltern Alpine and Rock Garden Group
Fri 10, 7.30pm, Village Hall , Great Kingshill, HP15 6DW Gardens of the Italian Lakes with speaker Alan Mason. Visitors welcome. Call 01296 613577 or visit chilternalpinegroup.org
Shop at The Lee Christmas Market
Sat 11, 8.30am to 1pm, The Lee Parish Hall Lee Common, , BHP16 9NB Christmas food and gift market. See p22.
Armistice Day
Sat 11, 11am, Manor Waste Feel free to gather at the War Memorial for the silence.
Remembrance Parade
Sun 12, 2.30pm, Manor Waste Uniformed organisations will parade up the High Street and lower standards around the War Memorial to mark the silence as part of a short service of Remembrance. Please note the time. All welcome to observe.
Wendover Evening WI refreshments, bottle tombola, See ad p4.
Book Club
Sat 18, 10.30 -11.30am, Wendover Christian Centre
The format will be different, just for November. The club will be discussing ‘Villette’ by Charlotte Brontë. All are welcome to join the discussion or just to listen and enjoy the company.
Aylesbury Vale Stitchers
Sat 18 , 2.30pm, Wendover Memorial Hall
Jo Naiman will discuss the history of Japanese embroidery, symbolism of traditional Japanese embroidery motifs and the current uses and practice. aylesburyvalestitchers@gmail.com
The Rozelle School of Dancing Tapathon
Sun 19, 12 noon, Wendover Memorial Hall
Fundraising event for BBC Children in Need. See advert front page and p13.
‘JILL AND THE BEANSTALK’ ( A tale of our time)
Saturday 25 November at 3pm Get the Christmas season off with a BANG at Abbeyfield, Dobbins Lane!
Tickets: Adults £4, Children £2 from the house or Tel: 01296 625 537
Antiques & Collectors Market
Wendover Memorial Hall
Thursday 16 November 9am-2pm (Trade 8am)
For updates Tel: 07503 465532 or email: peterphillips39@yahoo.com
Entrance by donation to Charity
Tues 14, 7.30pm, St Anne’s Hall, HP22 6GJ AGM followed by time to socialise. If you would like to know more, please contact Sheila on 07743 133963.
The Aylesbury Centre National Trust
Thurs 16, 8pm
Broughton Junior School HP20 1NQ Jez Elkin talks about what happens to our household waste? Details from aylesburycentrent@gmail.com
Wendover Evening WI Christmas Fair
Sat 18, 10am-12.15pm, Memorial Hall
Christmas raffle, face painting, hair braiding, refreshments, Usborne Books, crafts,
Mon 20, 7.30pm, Prebendal Hall Community Centre, Aylesbury HP19 7QW ‘Landscape scale conservation across the Chilterns’ by Nick Marriner. £5 for non-group members. group.rspb.org.uk/aylesbury
Tues 21, 7pm, Gt Missenden Memorial Centre HP16 9AE
‘The World of British Bats’ by Veritie Turner (of NBBG), admission £5. Also on 4 Nov two presentations at College Lake. See p11..
Aylesbury’s Chiltern View Ice Rink
23 Nov – 31 Dec, Chiltern View Nursery Back for the festive season. Tickets from www.chilternviewicerink.co.uk See p8.
Handel - Te Deum Jubilate Mendelssohn - Christus Incidental Music from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Saturday 2nd December 7.30pm St. Mary's Church
Tickets available from: Just, 11 High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU
Please call: 07712 032565
Wendover Choral Society
Music Director: Peter Bassano
Wendover Parish Council HS2 Meeting
Fri 24, 7pm Wendover Memorial Hall
Socialise and strategise meeting concerning HS2 as it affects Wendover as this phase is built in our area. All very welcome. See front page, p6 and p24.
Weston Turville Historical Society
Fri 24, 7.30 Weston Turville Village Hall
‘Georgian Jewellery’ with speaker John Benjamin. £2 members, £3 visitors. www.wthsoc.org.uk/.
Art at Wingrave
24-26, 10.30am-4.30pm
Field View, Castle Street, Wingrave, HP22 4PT
Free event – a chance to find those special and individual Christmas gifts – or simply to have an enjoyable browse. See ad p4
‘Jill And The Beanstalk’
Sat 25, 3pm at Abbeyfield House, Dobbins Lane
The residents and staff invite you to a mini pantomime afternoon. Join them for fun, mince pies and mulled wine. Tickets: adults £4, children £2. Available from the house. Tel: 01296 62553. See ad p4
Aylesbury Choral Society
Sat 25 7.30pm, St Mary’s Church, Aylesbury
A performance of Christmas Oratorio by JS Bach. The first four cantatas cover the Christmas story from Advent to New Year. The choir will be accompanied by The Aylesbury Sinfonia with a fantastic group of soloists, all under the direction of Jeff Stewart.
Tickets can be ordered fromw: www.aylesburychoral.org.uk or email acschairman@gmail.com
Festive Tea at St Mary the Virgin, Weston Turville
Sun 26, 3-5pm, Church Walk, HP22 5SQ
Details from 07399 540626.
Arts Society Ballinger
Thurs 30, 7.30 for 8pm, Ballinger War Memorial Hall, HP16 9LQ
‘The Musical Magic of Christmas.’ A vast range of sacred and secular music has been inspired by and created for Christmas. Melodies from the Middle Ages sit happily side-by-side with modern pop numbers. Accredited lecturer Nigel Bates takes a look at contributions both old and new to the festive season. New members and/or guests are welcome. www.theartssocietyballinger.org.uk., email: ballinger@ theartssociety.org or phone the chairperson on 01494 864893.
Crib Fest 2023 Wendover Free Church
Fri 8 & Sat 9 December (10.00 to 16.00)
You can take part by supplying either a hand-crafted or treasured nativity scene, (preferably with its story). All scenes can be collected after the event. email christmas@wendoverfreechurch.org.uk or phone 01296 622354 by 24 November to reserve a space.
Coming Soon in December – save the date
2 Christmas Lights Switch-on - See p24
2 Wendover Choral - Jubilate - See ad p4 phase is completed? Wendover News’s Richard Byford asked Murray Cooke, spokesperson for the Wendover HS2 Mitigation Group. He pointed out that construction on HS2 in the area surrounding Wendover will continue unaffected by the recent news. However, the recent changes will affect the number of trains using the line – at least in the foreseeable future. He points out that the number of platforms available to HS2 at the London end under the revised arrangements will place further constraints on how many trains can run per hour (TPH). With platform space a constraint on the time it takes to load each train, he expects that initially HS2 may only be able to run six trains per hour, compared to the 18 TPH capability of the track design.
“In the short term, we anticipate an increase in construction work north of the Green Tunnel that will cover the railway past the bulk of Wendover, to emerge north of the Folly Bridge. HS2’s constructor EKFB claims it will work to mitigate the risk of damage to the Coombe Hill aquifer (see Wendover News September). During the Green Tunnel construction, HS2 estimates that up to 636,000m3 of soil will need to be transferred from the Chilterns excavations on a conveyor line over the A413 to cover the tunnel and to make up ground to the north and Thame Valley plain,” Murray said.
Wendover HS2 Mitigation Group is confident that it has had a profound positive effect on the effects of HS2 on our area, but still has a comprehensive list of future challenges to address, Murray feels.
“One of the most substantial issues emerging for Wendover regarding HS2 is the use of the land when construction is completed. Material presented by HS2 has consistently emphasised the effort that has been put into preserving the environment, natural habitats and archaeology. During this time, it has also conducted a comprehensive programme of compulsory purchases and temporary acquisitions for construction. Yet it is by no means clear what has been acquired temporarily, what is permanent and what is for parts of the projects that have been deleted from plans. Now HS2 is under cost pressure, there is speculation that HS2 may be forced to fall short on some of its promises.”
To understand how the land around Wendover and the surrounding villages will be reinstated, and to hear the thoughts of local people, Wendover Parish Council is holding a public meeting at the Memorial Hall in Wendover on Friday 24 November at 7pm when more information about the state of HS2 will be available and feedback from the community will be sought to get the best outcome for Wendover.
Wendover HS2 Mitigation Group was formed in at a meeting at the Memorial Hall in 2010. It currently has seven expert members, including engineers and scientists, who continue their work to mitigate the impact of HS2’s construction and future operation on behalf of the local community. You can keep up with its work at: https://www.whs2.org
Footnote: Perhaps a small benefit...?
As with all major construction projects, HS2 was obliged to carry out archaeological surveys along the route of the track. For the most part, these were completed last year and finds recorded, catalogued, and put in safe storage. Archaeologists took extraordinary care to record every detail of their excavations, using the best technology available. As a result of this, we are now in a better position to understand the history of Wendover and its development over millennia.
Using published information revealed by the work of these archaeologists, Wendover News intends to develop a series of features in which experts speculate about what life looked like in Wendover in previous ages. Keep an eye out for them in future editions!