Portfolio for UCL - MLA

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WENJIE LU DONGHUA UNIVERSITY, SHANGHAI Programme: MLA Landscape Architecture Application number: 22194277

PORTFOLIO 《Modern Redemption》 Emotions are Indestructible Chapter 1 The Old and the New are Indispensable Chapter 2 The Distance between Ideal and Reality Chapter 3 "She waved goodbye to the past." Chapter 4

Memorial Cemetery Of Beirut Explosion 2021, The Port Of Beirut, Lebanon, Beirut port reconstruction,architecture design, Wenjie Lu

Chapter 1 Emotions are Indestructible "Let the wind as a needle and the rattan as wool to mend the wound for Beirut and form a net to resist disaster." As much as the bombing of Beirut harbor was traumatic for Lebanon, we also saw something very precious.

ABOUT PEOPLE Two million of the country's population of about 6 million live here.300000 people are homeless.

ABOUT FOOD About 90% of Lebanon's wheat demand depends on imports, most of which are transported through the destroyed port of Beirut. Before the explosion, 85% of the grain reserves in Lebanon were in Beirut port.

ABOUT FINANCE T h e L e b a n e s e Po u n d h a s depreciated by about 70% since October 2019. The country is in a financial crisis. The number of local unemployed exceeds the total population by 35%, and the number of poor people has surged to more than 45%

The Port Of Beirut Beirut port is located in the middle of the Mediterranean coast of Lebanon, which is not only the largest fine port city in the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, but also the important gateway and cargo distribution center of the Lebanese Republic. It is the commercial, transportation, financial and cultural center of the Middle East, the link between East and West, and the gateway to the Middle East.

The port of Beirut is famous for its free port and the largest cargo hub in the Middle East.

The ongoing In order to restore the civil war in prosperity of the country, Lebanon has econ- omy and trade, since seriously 1983, the Lebanese affected port government has adjusted operations. the rec- onstruction plan and implemented the "Greater Beirut Plan".

About 2,750 tons One of the biggest With the help of the internatiof ammonium non-nunclear onal community, the cleaning nitrate cargo had explosions of the up of Beirut's port, which was been sitting in history with the force badly damaged by a massive the warehouse of a 3.5 magnitude explosion on August 4, is almfor six years with earthqu- ake ost complete. out taking prehappened. cautions.

City Images

Here is the formula for this monumental architecture: Blind spot


+Knit Structure = Circle of life




on the eve of the disaster

when the disaster occurs

after the disaster

Blind spot : One of the structures of the eye A blind spot is something that is present and can be seen, but cannot be seen because the eye is at a special Angle. (A) The underlying cause of the Beirut port explosion was the presence of flammable and explosive materials that had been in the harbor for six years since 2014 -- a huge mental and physical blind spot.(B)

How do I incorporate it into my design? Therefore, the evolution of the single memorial chamber module refers to the formation principle of blind spots in the eyeball.(C)

Wound : Cutting-An act that causes pain.(D) The Beirut port explosion has brought so many sudden deaths, so many sudden disruptions to industries, so many disrupted lives, so much pain, so much fear, so many tears, so much new dust and garbage.(E)

How do I incorporate it into my design?

Terefore, the architecture uses a clean cut to cut apart the silo structure, a cut that implies injuries and wounds that are difficult to fully heal.(F)

Knit Structure : The knitting structure.(G) I remember in the news after the explosion there was a wife who was having her wedding at the time of the explosion. Her wedding was destroyed by the explosion and her wedding dress was dirty and torn. A reporter wrote: “After the tragedy, the couple had to rediscover each other and rethink the meaning of life, but they still chose to stay together.” Like them, countless shops were destroyed and people's lives plunged into darkness for a time. The dress is torn and can be mended with a needle and thread. The tragedy of the bombing in Beirut harbor can also be made up.(H)

How do I incorporate it into my design? Terefore,the architecture uses a Occlusal structure and dislocation splicing. After stitching, wind, light and plants can walk in the building like a needle and thread.(I)

The first step is to organize the moving line. Final Linear cutting

Traffic accessibility

I need to know where is the most suitable entrance to the cemetery. At the same time, I need to know where is the traffic dead corner, so as to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses in the design.

What's in picture A?

First, I drew parallel lines for each of the five edges of the outer contour corresponding to the corner points, so that each edge would get two parallel lines. By doing this for all five edges, we end up with 10 new intersections and 10 sets of parallel lines.

What's in picture B? Then, we calculate the intersection of them, and we can draw the following conclusion: if the land is an open space, and people can walk freely in the open space, the most likely area he passes through in these labeled areas is the black block in the figure, that is, the traffic in this area is the most developed. As shown in the figure, the color decreases from dark to light, representing the decrease of traffic accessibility.

As Darwin did in The Origin of Species: If we list the various eyes of existing animals from simple to complex, we can deduce how complex eyes evolved step by step. The original eye was a flat spot of photoreceptors that could perceive light in only one direction, like some protists. The depression of the photoreceptor cells increases the photoreceptor area, allowing the perception of light from different directions, improving the accuracy of vision, and preventing damage to the photoreceptor cells. The depression sinks deeper and deeper into an ideal hemispherical shape. The opening of the eye begins to contract, creating a "aperture".

Around this time, the eye gets a clear jelly that keeps mud out of the socket, further protecting the eye and fixing its shape. The eye's opening gradually shrinks and its "aperture" gets smaller and smaller, further improving the accuracy of vision, until it becomes a pinhole camera eye that can focus light on photoreceptors, like the eye of a nautilus. Next, eyes opening must use transparent membrane seal to further protect the eyes, in fact this a membrane can appear at any time, and may even eyespots has a transparent membrane protection, from the start and transparent film is not so difficult to some, can come from other parts of the body (of cornea protein also has in other parts of the body). This transparent membrane thickens and forms the lens. To make the image more and more accurate, the lens will gradually move inward, gradually thicken, and correct for aberrations by changing the ratio of proteins that make up the lens so that it has different densities in different places, eventually creating a complex eye. Eventually creating a complex eye structure. Based on the simulated eye structure, we were able to locate the blind spots at four different angles.

A: The section at the top of the tomb B: The section of the ceiling C: Section of the main part D: Section of connecting space

Silo original form

Cutting shape with moving line

Add sufaces and pull

The final form

Renovation Project of Xinhua Community Library 2021,Shanghai,Jinshan,Xinhuacun,architecture design Wenjie Lu, Instructor: Yaming Wang

Chapter 2

The Old and the New are Indispensable

Some residents said to me, "now my children living in big cities, leaving the old ones to depend on each other." Some residents said to me, "I have moved here for more than 20 years. My children always have to go a long way to school. My family is poor and can't provide him with space to study." study." Some residents said to me, "no one wants to come to this village. It's a lonely village with a group of lonely old people and left behind children."

The building is surrounded by water on both sides. It is made of a rebuilt road and large area stone pavement. It is equipped with greening and parking lot. There are scattered residential houses around the building. The farmland coverage is large. The southeast part of the building is an open field with a very wide view.

Block evolution

The roof changes from a double slope to a single slope, mainly to meet the southeast direction of daylight. The outdoor leisure lawn brings the plant ecology back to the rural buildings.The readers can experience the daily activities of the local residents, and maximizes the regional character of the library.

1/moving lines 2/office space 3/Multifunctional space 4/Outdoor reading space 5/toilet with tea table 6/All in one machine 7/Indoor southeast readin area 8/Entrance control 9/Western reading area

Gray numbers are axis numbers.

1/Bicycle parking lot 2/flower bed 3/Meeting room 4/office 5/Screening room 6/Multimedia space 7/pantry 8/Access for the disabled 9/women's bathroom 10/Storage Center 11/Sundry room 12/Aisle 13/Men's bathroom 14/road 15/lawn

Black numbers are function labels.

16/Entrance 17/Reception 18/flower bed 19/partition 20/Parking lot 21/ Raise reading space 22/Platform reading space 23/Corridor under the eaves 24/Outdoor reading area 25/lawn 26/rest point 27/Plant area 28/4 people reading area 29/Single reading area 30/channel

1/Tiles 2/Rafter 3/Insulation layer 4/Coagulation library 5/girder 6/Red brick 7/Plank 8/Waterproof layer 9/Pillar 10/Roller blind 11/Glass 12/Sun visor 13/Water 14/Red brick 15/Waterproof layer 16/Insulation layer 17/Insulation layer 18/Concrete 19/Soil layer

The structure from the top to the bottom

Social Environment

Jinshan District focuses on agriculture, education is relatively backward, many local residents choose to send their children to urban schools, Xinhua Primary School has been abandoned for a long time, there are very few residents who can use the library, which has the function of education and community activities, and the population is aging seriously.

Geographical Position

The site of the Xinhua Primar y School in the Xinhua Community of Jinshan District, Shanghai,is surrounded by fields and homesteads built by farmers.

The library serves mostly the elderly and children in the local community. For the elderly, the community itself is a place for social activities. For children, the lawn in front of the library has become a place for them to play freely. The design of open space not only meets the light, but also ensures that parents can see their children's play on the lawn at any time when reading.

Sectional Drawing From the section, the horizontal space is divided into three layers, each layer has its own unique function, and has a clear partition that does not affect the flow of people.





Begonia Pavilion Installation art Workshop Location: yuhaitang Incubation Park, No. 1389, Daping village, Chongming District, Shanghai

Chapter 3 The Distance between Ideal and Reality

Cooperation: YUANGOU design, shanghai DONG HUA university, shanghai

Project start time: 2021.4.8 Complete time: 2021.11.16

Design concept

As the main material, bamboo strips add a sense of freedom and order similar to bamboo forest in the shape of Be gonia flower s through the arrangement and combination of seemingly disordered but actually orderly.

Team members:

Wenjie Lu, Chengsong Bao,Yixuan Wang, Jianguo Shi, Siyu Yang, Sitong Cheng, Minhao Xu Instructor: Geng Huang

Considering the stability problem, the approximate geometric shape of single petal is extracted to evolve the fixed steel frame of the device basebase is evolved. In order to facilitate fixation, the five corners of the base are connected to the steel frame to nail the device into the lawn and soil. The tripod is spliced to form a flower center.

All parts are assembled after customization.

Final form of combination.

Research on the arrangement mode of single piece bamboo weaving process, the combined framework mode of bamboo strips, top view and axial view. Explore the opening angle and splicing mode of petals, and explore 9 different forms to imitate the dynamic presentation of Begonia flowers, top view and front view. Finally, five types are selected, and three v i ew s c r e e n i n g i s carried out again to obtain the final form of the right figure.

ANALYSIS The Begonia flower has five petals, and a single Begonia petal is taken as the basic shape.

Statistical table of bamboo strip length (unit: m)

Group GREY

Group BLUE

Group RED


site photos

April to July

July to November

field investigation and design process (1-2)

Red words describe the problems encountered

Time node and process Black words describe experience

site photos

For the problem of project feasibility, we have carried out secondary design. (2) A sudden reduction in the budget.

November 12, morning Transportation of materials, and preparations. (3) Communication bar rier, some materials were not delivered in time.

transporting bamboo(3)

November 12, afternoon Visit the villagers everywhere and ask them for help with available tools.(4) Tool mismatch.

driving a batter y car borrowed by farmers(4)

November 13, evening

November 14, morning


Assemble the customized iron support and nail it into the ground.(5) Need patience and physical strength.

site photos

We conduct bending test on bamboo pieces, select bamboo pieces with appropriate thickness and flexibility, and splice them on site.(6) The material does not meet the requirements and needs to be cut again.

* The thickness and length of bamboo pieces sent by bamboo sellers are uneven and need to be cut by ourselves. At the same time, we have to ensure the hardness of the bamboo when bending.

November 14 afternoon, 1PM

November 14 afternoon, 4PM

We need to arrange and connect the placed bamboo pieces according to the logic of the design drawing, and adjust the angle of each bamboo piece. (7) Due to material problems, the layout of bamboo pieces is temporarily changed.

We selected the intersection point of several bamboo pieces and wrapped it with hemp rope of the same color system.(9)

Construction process(7)

Construction process(8-10)

November 14 afternoon, 3PM

The purpose of this is to the shape of the fixture. However, the way of hemp rope winding is very important. The interface needs to be hidden to ensure the integrity and aesthetics of the device.

November 14 afternoon, 5PM

The first step is to splice bamboo Finally, hang the self-made bamboo pieces.(8) wind chime on the top, which can add The length of the screw barely passes a layer of auditory effect to the device through the holes of the bamboo and when the wind comes.(10) iron frame

What we have learned

Even if it is just a simple design, it will encounter many problems when it comes to reality. But we are like this free growing bamboo Begonia flower, fearless and facing difficulties.

The Exhibition Of Environment Design 2021, The RedWorks, Changning District, exhibition design Wenjie Lu, Instructor: Feng Yao There were many hidden processes behind the completion of a design work. In this process, the students constantly overtur ned the plans and re established their own cognition; As for teachers, their images of students were constantly overtur ned and updated. It could be said that an exposition was a combination o f c o m p l e x e m o t i o n s o f a l l p e o p l e, s o i t m u s t b e k n ow n by t h e a u d i e n c e.

Chapter 4 "She waved goodbye to the past." "Design is not only the display of a result, but also a process." ——Recalling four years of study and life.

Roof 1 Furniture 2 Steal frame 3 Curtain 4 Exhibition space 5 Grey space 6 Electronic screen 7 Guiding room 8 Walls 9 Model space 10

In the middle of the exhibition was a sunken square, which was used to accommodate the handmade models made by the students. The audience could walk into the space by themselves through the staircase model and observe the details at a close distance. A digital screen was installed at the top, which provided light and dynamic infor mation.

In order to satisfy the audience's further understanding of the plan, an open speech hall was set up on the second floors. Students and teachers gathered here to report their design. The audience could get a deep understanding of their design from the designer's speech, and they could also feel the lively and happy atmosphere of the school.

The pictures and information on the display board have been revised and formed many times, and it's difficult t o e x p r e s s a l l t h e i d e a s c l e a r ly. So I plan to set up a small space at the back of the display board. It can display the story album, tools, items that the designer has recorded in the process of completing this work, and so on. At the same time, this space also met the audience's needs to present flowers to the work.

Community 2020, Donghua university, Changning District,shanghai Wenjie Lu, Instructor: Yunyi Wu

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n c yc l e, architects should have a hear t to meet the future. The implementation of the plan often takes too many years, and we should maintain our thinking leadership. The scheme integrates the new trend of E-reading in the future, combines the innovation of morphology, the use of multifunctional space, as well as the minimalist material matching, and integrates various considerations of character moving line, and finally presents the following effect. The U-shaped g roove of cor n g rain is associated with the model. The edges and corners cut by hexagon at the bottom are filled with complementary patterns, which are divided into 6 pieces (convenient for physical disassembly), and the reverse side is also the same structure. Structure: placed horizontally and stacked upward, which provides a certain flexibility for the exposure of space. For example, some can be used as balconies or other external spaces; Some are temporarily closed, but the space can be used at any time due to disassembly. It is both beautiful and practical. Material selection: resin.

Children's Amusement Device 2020, Donghua university, Changning District,shanghai Wenjie Lu, Instructor: Gen Huang The design is inspired by the compilation method of straw crafts in the site. It seems to be stacked and staggered, but in fact it is layered and orderly. Considering that the function must match the target audience of rice dream space (80% of the audience are children), we try to meet the functions of outdoor interaction, amusement, rest and so on by means of "weaving" and supplemented by safe structure.


LOVE is priceless, mostly reflected in her unconditionally. I can't give up my sensitivity, and I don't want to give up the emotions I yearn for. Perhaps i had watched too many disaster movies and read too many doomsday prediction, so i gradually knew how short and fragile an individual life was. I began to get used to taking every day as my last day and telling myself what the most important thing in my life is and what I should do. For example, I want to have a small house of my own, which will be warm enough in winter. The sweater was not enough. I could make it with mother. If the electric appliance was broken, i could fix it with father. She had to live on. She needs to redeem herself and then tried to redeem others.Because life has its own meaning and value more than all other values added by the human society. DIARY 2021


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