西九靚地王 拍賣展銷會
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一滴兩點 之 西九靚地王 A Drop and Two Dots: Everything Must Go! (謹向所有和平革命者致敬 Homage to All Peaceful Revolutionaries) 魂游 作品 a project by wen yau
正所謂「香港地少人多」。有見及此,魂游深入西 九靚地王,收割大批寸金尺土,並舉行一場別開生 面的「西九靚地王拍賣展銷會」 ,推出囤積居奇旺 中帶靜的珍貴地皮,更有大量跳樓清貨的搶手靚 盤。有樓有高潮,一地難求!拍賣展銷會只限一 日,大家定必爭先恐後,出手投取心頭好! Land for Hong Kong: Our Home, Our Say?!? In the light of ‘land shortage’ in Hong Kong, wen yau has acquired pieces of land from the West Kowloon site which will be previewed in the ‘WK Realty Expo & Auction.’ Special properties collected from the site will also be available too. Everything Must Go! Don’t miss this rare chance to bid on a piece of the most precious land in Hong Kong!
2pm, 2/6/2018|香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hongkong
Exclusively Prime Location
Simply Affordable
101. 高瞻遠足 Dizzy Heights
201. 無疆之休 Out of Nothing
102. 暖角私房 No Man’s Land
202. 天際海角 Land’s End
103. 直通跨境 Twilight Zone
203. 五臟俱全 Small is Beautiful
104. 文藝之巔 The Artiest Place
204. 青蔥歲月 Green with Envy
105. 寰宇風情 Home Sweet Home
205. 烹龍煮鳳 Out to Lunch
106. 園林景緻 The Garden Path
206. 四正實用 Set in Stone
207. 滄海遺珠 That’s Shell
Lot#101 高瞻遠足 Dizzy Heights 底價 Starting Price: HK$40,000 [*僅次於同區樓王實用呎價 Slightly cheaper than the per-square-foot price (saleable area) for houses nearby] 1’ x 1’ x 0.25’ 意大利特製瓷磚,香港巧手製作白鐵箱,保護軟墊 Terracotta pile made in Italy and processed in China, galvanized steel box made in Hong Kong, protective liner
22°18’02.5”N 114°09’31.1”E
高聳入雲的 M+大樓,矜貴瓦片夾雜閃閃生輝的光影,一覽 無遺維多利亞港,風涼水冷如沐春風。一呎土地亦能分拆成 數房,大小皆可,雅俗共融。 The terracotta tile from the spectacular M+ façade will grace the panoramic habour. As if by magic, a square feet can be sub-divided into several small rooms.
Lot#102 暖角私房 No Man’s Land 底價 Starting Price: HK$30,000
[*僅次於毗鄰樓盤實用呎價 Slightly cheaper than the per-square-foot price (saleable area) for houses nearby]
1’ x 1’ x 0.25’ 意大利精製瓷磚,香港巧手製作白鐵箱,保護軟墊 wall tile made in Italy, galvanized steel box made in Hong Kong, protective liner
22°18’05.2”N 114°10’00.9”E
戲曲中心之名,引來各界遐想;特設精美寬衣便所,體貼親 膚的牆面,背後的清爽網面同樣玲瓏浮凸,私密中暗藏自然 柔和的美感。 The Xiqu Centre, whose name was once fancied by some people, houses spacious washrooms. The back of wall tiles in the washroom also has a sexy pattern that is as alluring as its name.
Lot#103 直通跨境 Twilight Zone 底價 Starting Price: HK$55,000 [*僅次於同區鐵路站上蓋樓王實用呎價 Slightly cheaper than the per-square-foot price (saleable area) for houses nearby] 1’ x 1’ x 0.25’ 廣深港高速鐵路香港段西九龍總站地面土壤及野生植物,香港巧手製作白鐵箱,中國製矽膠樹膠紙墊 Soil and wild plants above the West Kowloon Terminus of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link Hong Kong Section, galvanized steel box made in Hong Kong, silicone resin-coated sheet made in China
22°18’04.0”N 114°09’58.6”E
造價 853 億港元的高鐵香港段,與世界同步,發展跨世代的 鐵路版圖,「一地兩檢」更超越「一國兩制」為香港特區帶 來前所未有的新定義,讓你能更快捷更方便的收歸野外之奇 葩異卉。 Better connections, unleash endless potential! The exotic flowers will enable a co-location arrangement of wild plants in your home.
Lot#104 文藝之巔 The Artiest Place 底價 Starting Price: [*即將落成之藝術家旅舍/公寓,270 平方呎房間每晚租金約 1500 元 The Artist Hostel/Residence ] HK$405,000
1’ x 1’ x 0.25’ 藝術廣場上之土壤,香港巧手製作白鐵箱,中國製矽膠樹膠紙墊 Soil from the Artist Square, galvanized steel box made in Hong Kong, silicone resin-coated sheet made in China
22°18’07.6”N 114°09’36.7”E
毋須做藝術家,濃厚文藝氣息也能展露無遺。士紳首選,連 接 M+與演藝劇場之藝術廣場,大雅之堂潛力優厚,造價最 高的天橋隨時可能連接鄰近商場酒店,頓然升價十倍。 The gratification of ART — this is the artiest place that brings arts and art lovers together to live, work and engage as a community. Not to mention the heavenly-priced footbridge that may connect to the shopping mall nearby.
Lot#105 寰宇風情 Home Sweet Home 底價 Starting Price: HK$55,000 [*僅次於同區鐵路站上蓋樓王實用呎價 Slightly cheaper than the per-square-foot price (saleable area) for houses nearby] 1’ x 1’ x 0.25’ 散落在自由空間一帶土壤上的香菸包裝盒,香港巧手製作白鐵箱,中國製矽膠樹膠紙墊 Cigarette boxes made in China and soil from the Freespace, galvanized steel box made in Hong Kong, silicone resin-coated sheet made in China
22°17’59.0”N 114°09’26.3”E; 22°18’02.1”N 114°09’22.8”E; 22°17’59.4”N 114°09’26.0”E; 22°17’55.9”N 114°09’20.9”E
寬廣美麗的土地是我們可愛的家鄉!自由空間盡顯寫意閒 情,但來自中國各地之香菸吉盒,自在地散落在廣場上,展 示著不同鄉愁與風情,見證祖國走向繁榮富強。 Freedom to the people! Assorted empty cigarette boxes from various cities of China rallying around in the Freespace for the prosperity and strength of the country.
Lot#106 園林景緻 The Garden Path 底價 Starting Price: HK$30,000
[*僅次於毗鄰樓盤實用呎價 Slightly cheaper than the per-square-foot price (saleable area) for houses nearby]
1’ x 1’ x 0.25’ 本土野生植物及泥土,香港巧手製作白鐵箱,中國製矽膠樹膠紙墊 Assorted local wild plants and soil, galvanized steel box made in Hong Kong, silicone resin-coated sheet made in China
22°18’05.6”N 114°09’28.8”E
毗連西區海底隧道與 M+博物館,是同區最早開發之靚地 王,路旁奇葩異卉叢生,朝氣蓬勃生意盎然。將園林景緻融 入家中,盡見和諧小康大同。
How exotic and deluxe to keep your own botanic garden at home with magnificent and colourful blossoms from the sidewalk!
無疆之休 Out of Nothing
天際海角 Land’s End
底價 Starting Price:HK$350
底價 Starting Price:HK$70
[*香港賽馬會出資 35 億元興建香港故宮文化博物館的千萬份之一 0.0000001% of the Hong Kong Jockey Club HK$3.5 billion fund for the establishment of Hong Kong Palace Museum]
[*自 2018 年 5 月 27 日起西區海底隧道的私家車收費 Toll for private cars in West Harbour Tunnel with effect from 27/5/2018]
0.49’ x 0.36’ x 0.34’
1.25’ x 0.75’ x 0.33’ 香港故宮文化博物館外之界碑,日本製鋼質工具箱,保護軟墊 Border Flag of Hong Kong Palace Museum, Steel Tool Box made in Japan, protective liner
防海牆之麻石,越南製 PP 盛器,保護軟墊 Stone from the seawall, PP box made in Vietnam, protective liner
22°17’55.6”N 114°09’18.8”E
22°18’04.9”N 114°09’21.3”E
1990 年代「玫瑰園計劃」移 山填海,在西九龍建蓋防海牆 填出天價土地。石上見證開發 斧鑿,彌足珍貴,堪稱骨董。 古有維多利亞城界石,今有香 港故宮之界碑。保育之選,歷 史在你手! A relic marking the land enclosed for the Hong Kong Palace Museum.
The crack of this stone witnessed the land reclamation in West Kowloon began with the building of the seawall as part of the Rose Garden Project in the 1990s.
五臟俱全 Small is Beautiful
青蔥歲月 Green with Envy
底價 Starting Price:HK$46
底價 Starting Price:HK$50
[*明愛基層組織發展計劃《2017 深水埗基層住戶租住困境調查報告書》100 呎以下劏 房每月平均呎租 Monthly rent per ft2 in Sub-divided flat under 100 ft2 in Shumshuipo, according to a report by Caritas Development Project for Grassroots of Organizations]
[*瑞銀調查顯示香港人每週平均工時 Average weekly working hours in Hong Kong, according to a UBS survey]
0.25’ x 0.25’ x 0.125’ 自由空間公園之土壤,香港巧手製作白鐵箱,中國製矽膠樹膠紙墊 Assorted soil from the park by the Freespace, galvanized steel box made in Hong Kong, silicone resin-coated sheet made in China
尺寸不一 dimension varies 本土野生植物及土壤,中國製玻璃器皿 Assorted local wild plants and soil, glass pots made in China
22°18’05.6”N 114°09’28.8”E
22°17’57.1”N 114°09’21.6”E; 22°17’57.2”N 114°09’21.7”E; 22°17’57.8”N 114°09’21.3”E; 22°17’58.5”N 114°09’20.8”E
納米劏盤王──來自香港及國 內外特色土壤共處一室,展現 活力澎湃的亞洲國際都會! Exclusive in the Asia’s World City: all walks of life all packed in a small room!
綠化家居──精心挑選親 手移植粗生粗養的奇葩異 卉,為口奔馳,亦可給蝸 居帶來自然景趣。 Low-maintenance wild flowers for houseplants. Have fun growing a garden, even without a green thumb and even rest after long working hours!
Lot#205 烹龍煮鳳 Out to Lunch
Lot#206 四正實用 Set in Stone
底價 Starting Price:HK$194
底價 Starting Price:HK$34.5
[*香港建造業總工會 2017 年建造業薪酬:泥水工之平均時薪 Average hourly rate for Plasterer, according to survey by Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union in 2017]
[*自 2017 年 5 月 1 日起香港法定最低工資 Statutory Minimum Wage rate with effect from 1 May 2017]
0.35’ x 0.35’ x 0.52’
0.37’ x 0.76’ x 0.49’ 成興大排檔外賣紙,中國製壓加力磁石相架 Menu from a food stall in Jordan, acrylic magnetic photo frame made in China
22°17’58.5”N 114°09’20.8”E
散落西九地盆的午餐外賣紙,見證獅子山 下辛苦搵來自在食的拼搏精神。特別加送 與藝術家有個約會,到西九海濱共享外賣 飯盒,欣賞茶餐廳待應腳踏單車送飯的獨 特姿色。 A decrepit food menu witnesses the perseverance of Hong Kong’s Lion Rock Spirit. You will also have a lunch together the artist by the Waterfront Promenade delivered by the food stall’s biker. 11
海濱長廊樹下小石,意大利製玻璃封瓶 Stone under the groves along the Waterfront Promenade, airtight glass jar made in Italy
22°18’02.9”N 114°09’16.2”E
在無遮無擋的無敵海景的 當前,精心打磨之小石,特 別顯得端莊圓融,不露稜 角,憐香惜玉之詩意悠然而 生。 The finely polished stones show their dignity and all-roundness in the face of the ocean tides.
Lot#207 滄海遺珠 That’s Shell 底價 Starting Price:HK$2,890 [*食環署轄下標準骨灰龕位費用(永久安放)Fees for Standard niche in FEHD clumbaria]
0.38’ x 0.29’ x 0.25’ M+腳下土壤及貝殼,西九龍海水,意大利製玻璃封瓶 Soil and a shell laid on the foot of M+, seawater from West Kowloon, airtight glass jar made in Italy
22°17’59.0”N 114°09’26.3”E
(尋找西九靚地王 In search of WK Realty…)
地換山移,滄海桑田,蝸居於 貝殼的早已作古往生,唯有房 舍不動產歷世長存。 Nothing can be brought away, only the shell that follows.
一滴兩點 之 西九靚地王 A Drop and Two Dots: Everything Must Go! (謹向所有和平革命者致敬 Homage to All Peaceful Revolutionaries) 「M+ 藝活:觀演之間」M+委約作品 commissioned by M+ for M+ Live Art: Audience as Performer , 2018 魂游 作品 a project by wen yau 製作經理:梁曉然 通訊顧問:大妙實知 展演統籌:喜果 協力:王敬瑜、余安琳、邱加希、徐子淇、袁建暉、張利雄、 麥家蕾、曾凱渝、黃雪綾、黃麗妍、楊不歡、鄧樂滔、 盧子琳、錢韋君、羅智仁 Production Manager: Terence Leung Communication Consultant: MIUKUKNOWSITALL Performance coordinator: hey_fruit Helpers: Holmes Cheung , Akama Chin, Jackie Chui, Daniel Law, Lo Tse Lam, Cat Mak, Tang Lok To, Tsang Hoi Yu, Wang Jingyu, Beatrice Wong, Jane Wong, Heather Yang, Yau Ka Hei, Yuen Kin Fai, Yu On Lam
魂游 跨媒介藝術家、研究、策劃及評論人,近年專注於即場/行為藝術 及社會實踐的創作及研究。曾於亞洲、歐洲、南北美洲各地展演作 品,並策劃多個研究為本的項目。剛於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院完 成博士課程,論文以自我民族誌形式,研究回歸後香港社會運動與 展演性實踐,2015-2016 年度獲頒傅爾布萊特獎學金赴美國西北大 學作訪問學人。 wen yau As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/live art and social practices in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space. She has extensively exhibited across Asia, Europe and Americas and curated various research-based projects. She has just completed her PhD thesis at the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, which is an autoethnography of performative practices in post-Handover Hong Kong art and activism. In 2015-2016, she served as Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Performance Studies Department at the Northwestern University, USA.
特別鳴謝 Acknowledgements 承蒙各位支持,本項目得以順利完成。謹此鳴謝以下人士及機構對是次製作的協助(排名不分先後) : This work would not have been possible without the generous help of the following organisations and individuals:
何伍記鐵鋼工程 Ho & Ng Metalwork 香港藝術搜索頻道 HK Arts Discovery Channel 哪有錢 Show Me the Money 斐劇場@天比高創作夥伴 Fei Theatre @Skyhigh Creative Partners 藝術到家 Art Together
方韻芝 Vangi Fong 俞若玫 Cally Yu 查映嵐 Evelyn Char 茹國烈 Louis Yu 張嘉莉 Clara Cheung 梁展峰 Jeff Leung 梁學彬 Isaac Leung 許慧詩 Angel Hui 郭芷凝 Jessie Kwok 陳嘉曦 Judy Chan 陳劍青 Chan Kim Ching 陳慧明 Winona Chan 馮美華 May Fung 黃俊邦 Damon Wong 黃國才 Kacey Wong 鄧奕婷 Alice Teng 謝至德 Ducky Tse 鄺珮詩 Teresa Kwong
photo by Baycrest @Wikimedia Commons