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5 The 4Rs

Over the last four years, four key words have been used to give agency to all in the school community. There are called the 4Rs and indicate four action words that we as a school value and incorporate as individual and whole school actions.


These key words are part of the uniqueness of IST and of its mission and history.

Respect comes from our IB origins and for nature, for ourselves and for others; important themes that have been part of the school since it began. The wave links IST to its location by the sea and also symbolises the water as a powerful symbol that needs respect. Telemark is known for its lakes, rivers and coastline, so the wave is a useful symbol of our physical location and local cultural landscape.

Responsibility as about the agency and need for all in a community to take part, collaborate and act as a team. IST has got where it is today by our teamwork and everyone taking responsibility. It is the idea of the dugnad in Norway, and the responsibility we have to our school, our environment, the climate and the beautiful nature in Telemark.

Reliability is symbolised by a natural symbol of the bee; the hive collective where all of us in the IST community have to be reliable and work together to survive and prosper.

Finally, Resilience is a critical theme in present times. Norway is a tough outdoor landscape reflecting a history of using the land and resources. It is about having the strength to succeed and not give up. Like many international schools, IST started small and grew slowly to over 200 students. This takes guts and hard work, which reflects the qualities needed by all of us in life. The image of the castle on a mountain means strength, purpose and is linked to the rocks and mountains of Telemark.

The colours chosen for each of the 4Rs comes from research and writing into how colours can reflect certain words and in what way colour has meaning.

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