Serving CentralOregonsince1903 75$
TUESDAY October 9,2012
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Burnedcat's newlife
I(itzhaber wants 2 projects to usestate's wood By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin
SUNRIVER — Gov. John Kitzhaber is ordering the agency in charge of state of fice buildings to find a pair of construction projects to highlight the possibilities of
building with wood. "In this my hope is to add value to wood products here in the state," he said. Kitzhaber announced the executive order Monday morning at the annual meet ing of the Oregon Forest
Industries Council, a trade association of forestland owners and timber product companies, in Sunriver. About 150 people were in the room. The order callsforthe Oregon Department of Ad
ministrative Services, which oversees the construction and maintenance of state buildings, to find at least two construction projects that can be improved by featuring wood products. See Wood /A5
ana el' can i ae m88 S
By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
REDMOND — David Mickaelian, the finalist for the job as Redmond city manager, faced the com munity for the first time Monday. A candidate not yet committed to the job, nei ther was he ready to promise to live in Redmond if hired. Asked by a member of the audience of about 30, Mickaelian said he would have to do what's best for his family. Mickaelian said he could not give a definitive response when he might make a later decision contrary to that. Still, he stressed that commitment Mi c k and community involvement is cru- ae l i an cial, regardless of where a city man ager lives. "When I commit to something, I'm all in," he said. "From my perspective, it's more important how involved that person is in the community." The informal meeting at Redmond City Hall gave Redmond residents a chance to meet Mickae lian. Before he picks a place in Central Oregon to live, Mickaelian needs to decide if he's interested in proceeding further in the hiring process. Mayor George Endicott said contract negotia tions will start once Mickaelian decides he wants to work for the city. The city didn't advertise a spe cific salary range, he said. The last city manager, David Brandt, was paid roughly $124,000 a year. If Mickaelian and the city reach an agreement, he could start work by Jan. I, 2013. See Redmond /A5
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Race'srolein college admissionsset Pete Ericksoni The Bulletin
Knife River construction worker Ken Caudleburies a new conduit pipe for streetlight wiring while an excavator digs the trench at the con struction site for the roundabout at 18th Street and Empire Avenue. Relocating utility lines pushed back the project's completion date.
for a newhearing By Adam Liptak
Bulletin staff report Motorists can anticipate an end to construction at three new Bend roundabouts in time for Thanksgiving. Work proceeds at the intersec tions of Simpson Avenue and Mt. Washington Drive, 18th Street and Empire Avenue and Brook swood Boulevard and Powers Road. The closest to completion, Simpson and Mt. Washington, should be finished the week of Oct. 22, said city spokesman Jus tin Finestone on Monday. Empire and 18th is on track for completion the week of Nov. 12, and Brookswood and Powers the week of Nov. 19. Complications have delayed all three projects, Finestone said. The Simpson and Mt. Washing ton work, originally scheduled for completion Sept. 28, encountered a right-of-way question, and the
city took time to acquire a sliver of vacant property at the north east corner of the intersection. At the other two, relocation of utility lines proved difficult when workers dug down and en countered rock, he said. The city originally estimated Oct. 31 for completion of those two jobs. Upgrading the intersections is costing about $9 million; the mon ey comes from a $30 million bond measure, the Transportation Gen eral Obligation Bond, approved by city voters in May 2011. In all, the money paid for six street proj ects, including improved paving, wider lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and other improvements. Local contractors are doing the roundabout work: Knife Riv er Corp. on the Empire and 18th job and Jack Robinson 8 Sons on the other two, said city proj ect engineer David Abbas.
New Yorh Times News Service I
Empire Ave. and 18th St.
Simpson Ave. and Mt. WashingtonDr. C3
Newport Ave. C/3 CQ o I
Simp n A
4 BrookswoodBlvd. and Powers Rd.
WASHINGTON — Abigail Fisher is a slight young woman with strawberry blond hair, a smile that needs little prompting, a determined manner and a good academic record. She played soccer in high school and she is an accomplished cellist. But the university she had her heart set on, the one herfather and sister had attended, rejected her. "I was devastated," she said, in her first news in terview since she was turned down by the Univer sity of Texas at Austin four years ago. Fisher, 22, who is white and recently graduated from Louisiana State University, says her race was held against her, and the Supreme Court is to hear her case Wednesday, bringing new attention to the com bustible issue of the constitutionality of racial prefer ences in admissions decisions by public universities. See Admissions /A5
Resd Market Rd. te — — i„
Ir Greg Crossi The Bulletin
One man'squest: cataloging 350,000 medal-of-valor winners By David Zucchino Los Angeles Times
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Doug Sterner drives from his cluttered apartment here to the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., carrying a
portable photocopier and a belief in American heroes. Inside the Navy archives, he flips through thousands of typed index cards detailing bravery in battle. Sterner pulls out a card
Weuse recycled newsprint Th e B ulletin An Independent
Vol. 109, No. 283,
88267 02329
7 e sct i ons
and starts reading. He's mesmer ized by this story: Charles Valentine August, a Navy pilot who shot down two enemy planes in World War II, was later shot down himself and
captured in North A f r ica. Af ter escaping, August returned to combat and was shot down again and taken prisoner by the Japanese. See Medals/A4
INDEX B usiness E1-4 Community B1-6 Local News C1-6 Stocks E2 - 3 Classified G1-4 Crosswords B5, G2 Obituaries C 5 S udoku B5 Comics B 4 - 5 Editorials C 4 S p orts 01- 6 T V &Movies B2
Fred R. Conradi New York Times News Service
Abigail Fisher's Supreme Court caseis set to bring new attention the issue of race and college admis sion decisions. "I'm hoping ... that everyone will be able to get into any school that they want no matter what race they are but solely based on their merit and if they work hard for it,e she says.
TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 69, Low 38
Page C6
TOP NEWS MENINGITIS: New info, A3 SYRIA: Westerners pitch in, A3
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Monday night are:
O»04050sOeOe The estimated jackpot is now $8.6 million.
Whereo amaan Romney i ersharply Here are President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's po sitions on the economy, broken down by subject:
Jobs • Obama Obama has called for spend ing hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars to try to reduce the unemployment rate, which stands at 7.8 percent. He wants to offer tax credits to compa nies that hire more workers and give money to states and localities to hire more teachers and firstresponders. He also wants Congress to agree to leg islation that would overhaul job training and u n employment programs that would better ease the jobless back into work — by continuing to pay unem ployment benefits, for example, if workers get part-time jobs or apprenticeships. To revive U.S. manufacturing and prevent jobs from leaving the country, Obama advocates tax breaks for companies that keep positions in the United States and penalties for firms that move work abroad. To make U.S. employees more competi tive, he wants to create govern ment-backed hubs that connect community colleges and busi nesses, making sure people are trained for open positions. Obama also wants to spend $210 billion over six years to rebuild th e n a tion's r oads, bridges and railroads. He says that money represents half of the money the government will save as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan winding dowtl.
• Romney Romney wants t o l o w er taxes and reduce regulation in hopes of giving the private sec tor more flexibility to spend, invest and hire. He doesn't like the idea of spending taxpayer money to stimulate hiring and has disparaged efforts to do so. Romney would reduce indi vidual tax rates by 20 percent and seek to offset the lost fed eral revenue by eliminating de ductions, although he has not specified which ones. He also wants to end capital gains taxes (paid when stocks and bonds are sold) for people making less than $200,000 and eliminate the tax that heirs pay on estates valued at more than $5 million. Romney has proposed re ducing the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent, a change that would bring cor porate tax rates in the United States more in line with what they are abroad. As a result, he says, companies would be more likely to keep their opera tions here, saving U.S. jobs. He also would transition to a "ter ritorial" tax system, so com panies pay taxes where they operate rather than requiring that American firms operat ing abroad pay a tax on foreign profits in the United States.
The deficit • Obama Faced with a national debt that exceeds $16 trillion, Obama has proposed a plan that would cut $5.3 trillion from the budget over a decade, roughly in line with what economists say is necessary. The president proposes rais ing taxes on Americans who make more than $200,000 per year to the rates in effect dur ing the Clinton era. That means 39.6percent,compared with 35 percent now. He also wants to scale back deductions and loop holes that benefit the wealthy and specific industries, such as finance and energy. Obama also would dramati cally cut domestic spending, although he w o uld exempt Medicare and Medicaid. De fense spending also would be reduced. F inally, Obama s ays h e would tackle health-care and retiree costs by modestly low ering spending on Medicare and Medicaid. He would not reduce benefits. He says some savings would grow out of his health-care legislation.
It's Tuesday, Oct. 9, the 283rd day of 2012. There are 83 days left in the year.
By Dan Baiz
541 -382-1 811
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.
Q If .. is elected, how confident are you that the country will get
The Washington Post is taking a comprehensive look at the positions of
back on track economically in the next year or two?
and Mitt Romney on several key issues and what the candidates say they will do about them.
Romney Post-ABC poll Sept. 26-29, among registered voters
DEFICIT Q • Which is more important right now
Today: the economy Increased spending
— increasing federal spending to create jobs and improve the economy or avoiding a big increase in the federal budget deficit?
Avoiding deficit
HOUSING Q Which presidential candidate would be best on reviving the housing market?
sure 12%
Bloomberg, Sept. 2t-24, among likely voters
TRADE Q: Do you approve or dis Q: Would Romney's background approve of the way Obama is handling foreign trade? 38% Approve i•
as a business executive be an advantage in dealing with trade agreements with foreign countries?
14% No opinion Gallup, Feb. 2-5
Still to come ... Health care Foreign policy Education Immigration Energy and other issues
No opinion
Post-Kaiser poll, July 25-Aug. 5
President Barackobama
14% 25% 4%
Di s advantage No difference Not sure
NBC/Wall St. Journal, May t6-20
WALL STREET Q Ooytmihinkihe nemiederal
would seek more open-trade agreements than Obama, who has pursued fewer new pacts than his predecessor. He argues that the president should have the power to send trade proposals to Congress for an up-or-down vote — making the approval process faster. He says trade agreements should be considered separately from whether aid should be offered to affectedworkers. With China, however, Rom ney takes a harder line. He con siders China a trading foe and says he would increase enforce ment actions when authorities determine that the country is unfairly subsidizing its indus tries or taking other steps that inappropriately benefit its com panies. He accuses the country of stealing U.S. technology and software.
• Obama Obama has proposed build ing on measures he has already introduced to make it easier for u n d erwater b o r rower s — those who owe more than their homes are worth — to re finance, taking advantage of low interest rates. The administration is pres suring i n dependent f ederal housing regulators to partly for give the debts of some under water homeowners. Regulators have declined, saying it would be too costly for taxpayers. The president also wants to spend more money to rehabili tate communities hit hard by foreclosures. Obama wants to shutter Fan nie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage finance giants, and he hasn't said whether or how he would replace them. He has said hesees a future role for government in housing, par ticularly in helping lower- and • Romney middle-income people afford Romney, who believes Con their first homes. Still, he has gress should delay the "fiscal called for h i gher m inimum cliff" and wait until next year down payments and o t her
Trade • Obama Obama has pledgedto con tinue to promote free trade and is developing a new wide-scale agreement for open trade with about a dozen countries, includ ing Chile, Peru and Vietnam. At the same time, Obama argues that workers who might be dis placed by free trade should re ceive job training and financial aid from the government. While an advocate of open trade, Obama says it must bene fit U.S. workers and businesses. He supports subsidizing sales of American goods overseas by offering low-interest-rate loans to foreign companies that buy U.S. products. The effort is part of a plan to double U.S. exports by2014. He has pledged to defend U.S. workers and businesses by filing cases with the World Trade Organization protesting unfair trade practices by China and other countries. Romney is a strong support er offree trade and has said he
Highlights:In 1888, the public was first admitted to the Washington Monument. In1940, rockandroll legend John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England. In 1967, Latin American guerrilla leader Che Guevara was killed by the Bolivian army a day after he was captured while attempting to incite revolution. In 1974, businessman Oskar Schindler, credited with saving about 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust, died in Frankfurt, West Germany (at his request, he was buried in Jerusalem). shot to death at a gas station near Manassas, Va., in the latest sniper shooting in the Washington, D.C., area.
Five years ago:Republican presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani clashed over tax and spending cuts, each claiming greater commitment than the other in a debate in Dearborn, Mich. France's Albert Fert and German Peter Gruenberg won the 2007 Nobel Prize in physics for a discovery that lets computers, iPods and other digital devices store reams of data on ever shrinking hard disks.
One year ago: At least 27 people were killed and more than 200 injured during massiveclashesin downtown Cairo in the worst sectarian outburst since the February revolution.
BIRTHDAYS Former Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., is 71. Actress-TV personality Sharon Osbourne is 60. Actor Tony Shalhoub is 59. Pro and College Football Hall of Famer Mike Singletary is 54. Movie director Guillermo del Toro is 48. British Prime Minister David Cameron is 46. Country singer Scotty McCreery (TV: "American Idol"
winner) is19. — From wire reports
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• Romney
Ten years ago:A manwas
• Obama regulations on banks and other Obama says he wants to financial institutions relax regulations where pos sible to make it less costly for these businesses, don' t companies, particularly small About right ~ 28 go far enough or are businesses, to operate. He has about right? focused in the past on reducing N o opinion ~ 1 0 regulations for new and grow Post-ABC poll, May t7-20 ing companies. He has created The Washington Post an office in the White House to further analyze proposed regu to forge a new agreement, has m easures to reduce risk i n lation to assess potential costs ruled out raising taxes and cut mortgage lending. to business. ting defense spending as ways Obama plans to p reserve to improve the nation's budget • Romney the Dodd-Frank Wall Street situation. Instead, he recom Romney says he wants to Reform and Consumer Protec mends cutting domestic spend dramatically reduce the gov tion Act, which aims to prevent ing and restructuring entitle ernment's role in housing. He financial institutions from mis ments to generate savings. says that although the govern leading consumers and taking Overall, Romney would seek ment can help those facing excessive risks that can hurt to limit federal spending to 20 foreclosure, the housing mar the economy. The legislation percent of all economic activity ket must be allowed to bottom was his primary way to tough in a given year. It's 24 percent to out before it can experience re en oversight of Wall Street after day. He says he would immedi newed prosperity. the financial crisis. ately cut domestic spending by H e has been c r itical o f 5 percent and seek to shrink the Obama's approach of providing • Romney federal workforce by 10 percent. taxpayer aid to homeowners Romney would seek to scale Romney has not given a precise and has preferred private-sec back regulations that he says target for how much he would tor solutions, such as allowing impose undue burdens on reduce the debt, but he has said a borrower who is facing loss of companies. He says he would he would seek to balance the a home to reach an agreement limit how much new regula budget in a decade or less. with the lender. This would al tions could cost companies in Romney has pledged a com low the borrower to give up a range of areas, including how prehensive overhaul of entitle ownership of the home without much industrial companies can ments. He promises that people going through a foreclosure, pollute and what telecommuni in or near retirement wouldn' t which can damage a person' s cations companies can charge be affected. credit record. their customers. For Medicare and Medicaid, Romney wants to overhaul Romney would e l iminate he recommends moving away Fannie Mae and FreddieMac the Dodd-Frank overhaul of fi from unlimited forms of spend so that they no longer pose a nancial regulation and replace ing toward fixed grants. risk for taxpayers, although he it with a more "streamlined" On Social Security, Romney has not specified how. He also version, although he hasn't said says he would consider raising wants to reduce and simplify what he would eliminate in the the eligibility age or reducing regulation overseeing the fi legislation. benefits over time, but he has nancial sector, which he says ruled out increasing Social Se would make it easier for home curity taxes. buyers to receive bank loans. COME' hhT
• Former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky is scheduled to be sentenced following his conviction in June of abusing 10 boys over 15 years. Sandusky and at least some of his victims plan to address the judge. • Skydiver Felix Baumgartner is scheduled to make his attempt at the highest, fastest free fall that was pushed back due to the weather.A3 • North Korea warns that the U.S. mainland is within range of its missiles, saying Washington's recent agreement to let Seoul possess missiles capable of hitting all of the North shows the allies are plotting to invade the country.
13,000 got suspectsteroid shots; risk uncertain By Mike Stobbe The Associated Press
NEW YORK — As many as 13,000 people received steroid shots suspected in a national meningitis outbreak, health of ficials said Monday. But it's not clear how many are in danger. Officials don't how many of the shots may have been con taminated w it h m e n ingitis causing fungus tied to the out
break. And the figure includes not only those who got them in the back for pain — who are most at risk — but also those who got the shots in other plac es, like knees and shoulders. Those injected in joints are not believed to be at risk for fungal meningitis, said Cur tis Allen, a spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He said there
was no breakdown available of how many had the shots in the back or in joints. The CDC count of cases reached 105 on Monday, includ ing eight deaths. A ninth death was reported late Monday by a Nashville, Tenn., hospital. Tennessee has th e m o st cases, followed by Michigan, Virginia, I n d iana, F l o rida, Maryland, Minnesota, North
Carolina and Ohio. All had received shots for back pain, and investigators suspect a steroid medication made by a specialty pharmacy. About 17,700 single-dose vials of the steroid sent to 23 states have been recalled. Inspectors found at least one sealed vial contaminated w it h f u n gus, and tests were being done on other vials.
ioneers insemce s receive oe By Eryn Brown and jon Bardin Los Angeles Times
Romney cenfident; Obama looks to regroup
n ra ip'ri
By jnlie Pace The Associated Press
W ASHINGTON — A s t he W h it e H o use r a c e shows signs o f t i g hten ing nationally, President B arack O b a ma's c a m paign is banking on a mas sive get-out-the-vote op eration and state-by-state shades of economic im provement to maintain its apparent polling edge in battlegrounds from Ohio to Virginia. Republican Mitt R o m ney, re-energized by last week's debate, is flashing n ew confidence on t h e campaign trail and press ing toward th e p o litical center on both foreign and domestic issues. But aides have outlined no clear path to winning the 270 Elector al College votes required to gain the White House. "Things are going pretty good," the usually cautious Romney said Monday with a smile. Obama struck an urgent tone. He told donors in San Francisco that it was time to get "almost obses s ive" in t h eir e f forts t o lobby friends and relatives in b a t tleground s t ates. And he declared: "I very m uch intend to wi n t h i s election." Yet among Democrats, the swagger of the previ ous few weeks has all but vanished since the debate. "Ultimately this is a tight race, and it's going to re main a tight race until the end," said Bill Burton, who r uns Priorities USA A c tion, a pro-Obama "super" political action committee. Indeed, one month from Election Day, polls show a close race. Obama aides acknowl edge Romney's strong turn on the debate stage helped h im shift g ears f rom a rocky September. But they also argue that Romney's momentum was arrested somewhat by a Friday jobs report showing the unem ployment rate declined to 7.8 percent, the lowest level of Obama's presidency. They say the president w as thrown d u r ing t h e debate by what they call Romney's willingness to abandon his previous posi tions, including his $5 tril lion tax cut proposal. In the next debate — and in tele vision advertisements be fore then — the Democrat and his aides are expected to accuse Romney of lying about his own plans. Romney's team, mean while, is tempering expec tations that tightening na tional polls will translate into success on the ground in the key states most like ly to decide the race. They' re seeking to paint O bama's c a mpaign a s desperate. "It seems pretty clear that their n e w s t r ategy is basically just call us li ars, to descend down into a mud pit and hopefully, with enough mudslinging back and forth and distor tion, people will get demor alized and they can win by default," said Romney run ning mate Paul Ryan.
Courtesy Obaida Hitto via New York Times News Service
Obaida Hitto, a U.S. citizen, left his parents' home in Wayne, Texas,to join the rebels in Syria. The prospective law school student helps by making videos and spreading information on the Internet to help the rebel cause.
LOS ANGELES — Two scientists who upended fun damental beliefs about biol ogy by demonstrating that every cell in the body has the potential to grow into every other type of cell have won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Sir John Gurdon and Dr. Shinya Yamanaka were hon ored Monday for "the discov ery that mature cells can be reprogrammed" to return to a very early state of develop ment, the Nobel committee said in its citation. T heir r esearch i s s t i l l years away from yielding a clear breakthrough in medi cal treatment. But the work has completely upended the study of intractable condi tions including heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's by allowing scientists to grow disease-specific — and even patient-specific — cells for experimentation in the labo ratory, experts said. "It's nothing short of a rev olution in how we think of a cell," said Dr. Deepak Srivas
tava, director of the Rodden berry Stem Cell Center at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco, where Yamanaka works one week out of each month. Gurdon, 79, performed his seminal work at Oxford Uni versity in the late 1950s and early 1960s — a good deal of it before Yamanaka was born. Working with f r ogs, he showed in 1962 that replacing the nucleus of an egg cell with the nucleus from cell taken from a tadpole's intestine al lowed the egg to develop into a fully functional clone of that tadpole. The discovery shocked his colleagues in the field. At the time, it wasn't clear if different types ofbody cells had differ ent DNA or if they shared the same genetic instructions and just read them differently, Srivastava said. Gurdon's ex periments indicated that cells did contain the same genetic code and that individual cells were capable of creating an entire animal — and thus any of its component parts — if properly manipulated.
esterners wit rian ties Delayed byweather, skydiver eyes record-breaking jump tric einto e re es By j. David Goodman New Yorh Times News Service
The night before leaving his parents' home in Wayne, Texas, to join the rebels trying to overthrow President Bashar Assad in Syria, Obaida Hitto left a bouquet of white roses for his mother, with a sterling silver locketand a note:"You'vem ade me what I am. But now I need to go and do what I need to do." Hitto, 25, a f o rmer h i gh school football player, deferred his plans for law school to sneak into Syria to assist the rebels by making videos and spreading information on the Internet to help their cause. "I'm one of them," Hitto said proudly during a recent tele phone interview. Since the early days of the up rising, Syrian rebel forces have filled their ranks with army de fectors and civilians. But as the war has dragged on, and the government has made it much harder forsoldiers to defect, two other groups have contrib uted to the opposition. There has been a rise in the number of foreign fighters, many of them Islamist extremists. But there has also been a small, though noticeable, number of men like Hitto, of Syrian descent and with Western passports, who have made the journey to join the Free Syrian Army. Experts estimate they number roughly a hundred and come from the United States, Britain, France and Canada. Their presence is not enough to shift the tide of the battle, but they add another element of de termination and complexity to a bloody landscape where loy alties and ambitions are often unclear. "Even though he's not fight ing on the front lines, I would consider him a foreign fighter," Aaron Zelin, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said of Hitto. Zelin keeps a rough tally of foreign fighters in Syria based on news reports and Islamist postings and said the two groups togeth er number in the thousands. Hit to, who ha s e xtended family in Damascus, has spent five months posting videos and photographs from Deir al-Zour, sometimes very near the fight ing, many marked by billow ing plumes of thick smoke, the clack of gunfire and narrations that shake with an activist's conviction and anger, delivered in an American accent. "All around us there is shooting," he said in an Aug. I clip of a burn
Cross-border salvos a message to Turkey BEIRUT — Syria's cross border attacks on Turkey in the past week look increasingly like they could be an inten tional escalation meant to send a clear message to Ankara and beyond, that the crisis is sim ply too explosive to risk foreign military intervention. With Turkey eager to defuse the crisis, the spillover of fight ing is giving new life to a long shot political solution, with the Turks floating the idea of mak ing President Bashar Assad's longtime vice president, Farouk al-Sharaa, interim leader if the president steps aside. A military option — which would involve foreign powers that already have expressed a deep reluctance to getting involved in the crisis — is still not on the table, analysts say, despite six consecutive days of Turkish retaliation against bom bardment from inside Syria. "Syria is aware that Turkey cannot go a step further," said Ali Tekin, assistant professor of International Relations at Ankara's Bilkent University. "The Turkish people don't want a war and there are no vital national interests at stake to warrant a war. Syria sees this." The Syrian conflict has taken a prominent role in the
U.S. presidential election at a time when the U.S. and its al lies have shown little appetite for getting involved. On Monday, Republican candidate Mitt Romney said the U.S. should work with other countries to arm the Syrian reb els, allowing the rebels to drive Assad from power themselves. Romney did not call for the U.S. to directly arm the Syrian rebels. The most recent flare-Up be tween Syria and Turkey started Wednesday, when a shell fired from Syria slammed into a house in the Turkish border village of Akcakale, killing two women and three children. That set off the most serious and prolonged eruption of violence along the frontier since the Up rising began nearly19 months
The Associated Press ROSWELL, N.M. — Sky diver Felix Baumgartner's attempt at the highest, fast est free fall in history today is more than just a stunt. His p l anned 2 3 - mile dive from the stratosphere should provide scientists with valuable information for next-generation space suits and techniques that could help astronauts sur vive accidents. Jumping from more than three times the height of the average cruising altitude for jetliners, Baumgartner hopes to become the first person to break the sound barrier outside of an air plane. His team has calculat ed that to be 690 mph based on the altitude of his dive. His medical director Dr.
Jonathan Clark, a NASA space shuttle crew surgeon who lost his wife, Laurel Clark, in the 2003 Columbia accident, says no one knows what happens to a body when it breaks the sound barrier. "That is really the scientific essence of this mission," said Clark, who is dedicated to im proving astronauts' chances of survival in a high-altitude disaster. A cold front that brought winds to the area this weekend prompted the team to move the planned Monday jump to today.
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ago. Although it was not clear whether Wednesday's shelling was intentional, Turkey re sponded swiftly by firing back and convening parliament for a vote that authorized further cross-border military opera tions if necessary. Turkish Prime Minister Re cep Tayyip Erdogan cautioned Damascus not to test Turkey's "limits and determination." But the Syrian shelling has contin Ued every day — leading many observers to conclude the acts are intentional provocation. — The Associated Press
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ing building. "The world seems to not care." Few in Hitto's position have made the decision to stay as long as he has, especially as residents have fled areas of fighting. "Eighty-five percent of the civilian population has left the city," Hitto said in a Skype in terview last month from Deir al-Zour. "If people only saw what was really happening to the people here they might do the same thing I did." The State Department does not keep a count of Americans entering Syria and has discour aged all travel to the country. Those who enter do so illegally; they are smuggled over the bor der from Turkey by Syrian ac tivists, and huddle with trusted contacts in areas of the country controlled by the Free Syrian Army. Some have gone for brief trips to rebel-controlled areas in the north, providing noncom bat assistance. The overland trek across the border, often on foot or under cover of darkness,
can be harrowing. Abdullah Aldahhan, 24, a medical student from Detroit, spent three weeks in the north ern province of Idlib this sum mer, delivering medical sup plies to makeshift clinics in a dozen cities for the American aid group Muslims Without Borders. Those Aldahhan met in Syr ia asked why he had wanted to leave his comfortable life in the United States to assist their fight. "I explained to them that this was my country, too," he said in a telephone interview from Detroit, adding that he planned to go back. Ranya Sabbagh, 39, said she made a weeklong trip to her na tive Syria in August to the town of Jebel al-Zawiya in Idlib, the hometown of a f r i end w ho helped get her into the country. "It's not something I would rec ommend to others," she said. "I got an hour and a half of sleep at night. I'm from Dallas, I'm not used to hearing gunshots except maybe hunting."
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BIl IOIl ISOI' Bl' Ol' IlO, SOlTlB IlTlBS BC OICB By Alan Schwarz New Yoriz Times News Service
CANTON, Ga. — When Dr. Michael Anderson hears about his low-income patients strug gling in e l ementary school, he usually gives them a taste of some powerful medicine: Adderall. The pills boost focus and im pulse control in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although ADHD is the diagnosis Anderson makes, he calls the disorder "made up" and "an excuse" to prescribe the pills to treat what he consid ers the children's true ill — poor academic performance in inad equate schools. "I don't have a whole lot of choice," Anderson, a pediatri cian for many poor families in Cherokee County, north of Atlanta, said in an interview. "We' ve decided as a society that it's too expensive to modify the kid's environment. So we have to modify the kid." Anderson is one of the more outspoken proponents of an idea that is gaining interest among some physicians. They are prescribing stimulants to struggling students in schools starved of extra money — not to treat ADHD, necessarily, but to boost their academic
perform nace. It is not yet clear whether
Anderson is representative of a widening trend. But some experts note that as wealthy students abuse stimulants to raise already-good grades in colleges and high schools, the medications are being used on low-income elementary school children with faltering grades and parents eager to see them succeed. "We as a society have been unwilling to invest in very ef fective nonpharmaceutical in terventions for these children and their families," said Ra mesh Raghavan, achild men tal-health services researcher at Washington University in St. Louis and an expert in prescrip tion medication use among low income children. "We are effec tively forcing local community psychiatrists to use the only tool at their disposal, which is psychotropic medications."
Increasingly common Dr. Nancy Rappaport, a child psychiatrist i n Ca m b ridge, Mass., who w o rk s p r i mar ily with lower-income children and their schools, added: "We are seeing this more and more. We are using a chemical strait jacket instead of doing things that are just as important to alsodo,sometimes more." Anderson's instinct, he said, is that of a "social justice think er" who is "evening the scales a little bit." He said that the chil dren he sees with academic problems are essentially "mis matched with their environ ment" — square pegs chafing at the round holes of public educa tion. Because their families can rarely afford behavior-based therapies like tutoring and fam ily counseling, he said, medica tion becomes the most reliable and pragmatic way to redirect the student toward success. "People who are getting A' s and B's, I won't give it to them," he said. For some parents the pills provide great relief. Jac queline Williams said she can' t thank Anderson enough for di agnosing ADH D in her children — Eric, 15; Chekiara, 14; and
4' Bryan Meltz/ New York Times News Service
Quintn Rocafort, 11, who takes an antipsychotic drug for mood stabilization, gets a kiss from Icyy Skyy while doing homework with his mother, Amanda, at their home in Ball Ground, Ga. Some experts fear that prescribing drugs to help a struggling student may be exposing children to unwarranted physical and psychological risks.
"I don't have a whole lot of choice. We' ve decided as a society that it's too expensive to modify the kid's environment.So we have to modify the kid." — Dr. Michael Anderson, pediatrician
Shamya, 11 — and prescribing Concerta, a long-acting stimu lant, for them all. She said each was having trouble listening to instructions and concentrating on schoolwork. "My kids don't want to take it, but I told them, 'These are your grades when you' re taking it, this is when you don' t,' and they understood," Williams said, noting that Medicaid covers al most every penny of her doctor and prescription costs. Some experts see little harm in a responsible physician us ing Ritalin or its siblings to help a struggling student. Others — even among the many like Rappaport who praise the use of stimulants as treatment for classic ADHD — fear that doc tors are exposing children to unwarranted physical and psy chological risks. Reported side effects of the drugs have in cluded growth suppression, in creased blood pressure and, in rare cases, psychotic episodes. According to guidelines pub lished last year by the Ameri can Academy of Pediatrics, physicians should use one of several behavior rating scales, some of which feature dozens of categories, to make sure that a child not only fits criteria for ADHD, but also has no related condition such as dyslexia or oppositional defiant disorder, in which intense anger is directed toward authority figures. How ever, a 2010 study in the Journal of Attention Disorders sug gested that at least 20 percent of doctors said they did not fol low this protocol when making their ADHD diagnoses, with many of them following per sonal instinct. On the Rocafort family' s kitchen shelf in Ball Ground, Ga., next to the peanut butter and chicken broth, sits a wire basket brimming with bottles of the children's medications prescribed by Anderson: Ad derall for Alexis, 12; and Fthan, 9; Risperdal (an antipsychotic for mood s tabilization) for Quintn and Perry, both 11; and Clonidine (a sleep aid to coun teract the other medications)
for all four, taken nightly. Quintn began taking Adder all for ADHD about five years ago, when his disruptive school behavior led to calls home and in-school suspensions. He im mediately settled down and be came a more earnest, attentive student — a little bit more like Perry, who also took Adderall for his ADHD. When puberty's chemical maelstrom began at about 10, though, Quintn got into fights at school because, he said, oth er children were insulting his mother. The problem was, they were not; Quintn was seeing people and hearing voices that were not there, a rare but rec ognized side effect of Adderall. After Quintn admitted to being suicidal, Anderson prescribed a week in a local psychiatric hos pital, and a switch to Risperdal. While telling this story, the Rocaforts called Quintn into the kitchen and asked him to describe why he had been giv en Adderall. "To help me focus on my schoolwork, my h o mework, listening to Mom and Dad, and not doing what I used to do to my teachers, to make them mad," he said. He described the week in the hospital and the effects of Risperdal: "If I don' t take my medicine I'd be having attitudes. I'd be disrespecting my parents. I wouldn't be like this."
'Why not?' Despite Quintn's e x peri ence with Adderall, the Ro caforts decided to use it with their daughter, Alexis, and son, Fthan. These children don' t have ADHD, their parents said. The Adderall is merely to help their grades, and because Alex is was, in her father's words, "a little blah." "We' ve seen both sides of the spectrum: we' ve seen positive, we' ve seen negative," the fa ther, Rocky Rocafort, said. Ac knowledging that Alexis' use of Adderall is "cosmetic," he add ed, "If they' re feeling positive, happy, socializing more, and it's helping them, why wouldn' t
you? Why not?" Anderson said that every c hild he treats with A D H D medication has met qualifica tions. But he also railed against those criteria, saying they were codified only to "make some thing c ompletely subjective look objective." He added that teacher reports almost invari ably come back as citing the behaviors that would warrant a diagnosis, a decision he called more economic than medical. "The school said if they had other ideas they would," Ander son said. "But the other ideas cost money and resources com pared to meds." Anderson cited William G. Hasty Elementary School in Canton as one school he deals with often. Izell M cGruder, the school's principal, did not respond to several messages seeking comment. Severaleducators contacted for this article considered the subject of ADHD so contro versial — the diagnosis was misused at times, they said, but for many children it is a seri ous learning disability — that they declined to comment. The superintendent of one major school district in C alifornia, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, noted that diagno sis rates of ADH D have risen as sharply as school funding has declined. "It's scary to think that this is what we' ve come to; how not funding public education to meet the needs of all kids has led to this," said the superin tendent, referring to the use of stimulants in children without classic ADHD. "I don't know, but it could be happening right here. Maybe not as knowingly, but it could be a consequence of a doctor who sees a kid failing in overcrowded classes with 42 other kids and the frustrated parents asking what they can do. The doctor says, 'Maybe it' s ADH D, let's give this a try."'
Medals Continued from A1 August was awarded a Silver Star for "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action." Sterner carefully photocopies the card. Stories like August's fuel Sterner's si n g le-minded quest to compile the re cords of every last soldier, sailor, airman and Marine awarded one of the nation's top three medals for valor i n c ombat f r o m e v e ry American war. He's been at it every day, 12 hours a day for 14 years, determined to build th e c omprehensive medals database the Penta gon has never provided. "Such cases for me are like finding gold," Sterner says of August's heroism. In 1998, Sterner wanted t o build a m u seum f o r Medal of Honor winners. He started checking gov ernment records and dis covered that the military had never pulled together in one place the accounts of the 350,000 recipients of medals above the Bronze Star. He heard from frustrated families of medal recipients unable to get documenta tion from the Pentagon. He decided to do it himself; he would make it his life mis sion to honor medal win ners by documenting their heroics. Six years ago, he quit his job as a college c omputer i n s tructor i n Pueblo, Colo., to devote full attention to h i s p assion, a database called Hall of Valor. Sterner, 62, has docu mented 115,000 medal re cipients. He predicts he' ll be at 150,000 by the end of the year, and he vows to finish all 350,000 before he dies. At times, he has been helped by his four children and his wife, Pam, who works for a nonprofit. He has also relied on material from other researchers. Back home, in a convert ed bedroom crammed with files and folders, Sterner types into his computer the heroics of August and oth ers he had photocopied that day. Later, he gulps coffee as he punches in accounts of Army, Ai r F orce and Marine Corps medal recipi ents he's dug out of other archives. At the Navy a r chives, Sterner is copying records in alphabetical order. He' s now on the Bs. He figures he needs an additional year and a half to work his way through the alphabet and finish copying cards for the 50,000 medal recipients. Two-thirds of Sterner's entries include citations, or official narratives, of acts of bravery. Sterner adds e xpanded a ccounts, a s well as photographs, from newspaper stories and unit histories. Without his data,
DavidZucchlnc/ Los Angeles Times
Doug Sterner, 62, a Vietnam veteran, looks up informa tion on a military medal winner in a folder containing documents he has collected. Sterner has spent the past 14 years scouring military ar chives to find documentation for all 350,000 medal-of-valor award winners from all of the nation's wars. there would be no direct way for medal recipients and their survivors tofind records of heroics. "They'd be lost to history," Sterner says.
'DOn't Settle' To help Sterner continue his efforts, M i litary T i m es bought his database in 2008 and includes it on its website. The publication pays Sterner a monthly stipend. People who stumble upon his name in Web searches often ask him for help. Some have been told the records were destroyed. "Don't settle for the fire excuse," he tells them. A man in W ooster, Ohio, was looking for records of his dead uncle's World War II Sil ver Star, awarded for holding off a German attack in France in 1944 until he was fatally wounded. Sterner had a de tailed account in his database. A woman in Fscondido, Ca lif., sought proof of her father' s World War I I D i stinguished Service Cross for charging two German machine gun nests in Italy in 1944. Sterner had that one too. Jan Girando, of Overland Park, Kan., wanted a marker placed in her father's honor at Arlington National Cem etery. She needed proof of the Navy Cross he was awarded in World War II. Frustrated after months of futile dealings with the Pentagon, Girando contacted Sterner, who found records of Navy bomber pi lot Victor Miller's attack that helped sink a Japanese air craftcarrier in 1944. Girando got the marker. "One man is doing what the government should have been doing for years: helping regu lar people find out about the heroes in their families," Gi rando said.
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The visit to Central Oregon with his wife, Michelle, is an Continued from A1 exploratory trip. They have Mickaelian, 44, has been two children. the assistant city m a nager Asked what ideas he has for of Healdsburg, Calif., popu improving downtown, Mick lation 11,353, since 2010. He aelian said Healdsburg gained started wth H e aldsburg in a hotel, which gradually trans 2005 as its community ser formed the city from a "bar town" to a vibrant community vices director. R edmond offers th e p o with fine dining. "It takes t im e f o r t h e se tential o f a go o d c a r e er move, Mickaelian said in an things to happen," he said, interview. adding that the process there He was chosen from a pool took 20 years. of about 30 applicants. In Healdsburg, he said, he "It's a great opportunity has worked to make city gov for anybody as a far as a city ernment navigable and friend manager position goes," he ly to businesses. said. Living in mountain climates
with harsh winters isn't new to Mickaelian. He was a program director for B l aine County Recreation District in central Idaho from 1996 to 2001. He went on to be the senior parks and recreation supervisor for Roseville, Calif., from 2001 to 2005. If Mickaelian takes the job and lives outside Redmond, that won't be without prece dent. Brandt, the last city man ager, lived in Bend. Still, some residents at the forum said they would pre fer the city manager live in Redmond. Bruce Turney said he'd like to know what the city is lack
ing if its manager were to opt to live elsewhere. "What things are we miss ing that you wouldn't want to bring your whole family here?" he said. Linda Hill said she thought Mickaelian's answer was eva sive, adding that she would like the city manager to pay the same taxes city residents
pay. But she's not writing him off altogether. "I don't think you can tell that quick," she said, when asked her impression. "The jury's still out on this one." — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotlzin@bendbulletin.corn
Admissions Continued from A1 "I'm hoping," she said, "that they' ll completely take race out of the issue in terms of admissions and that every one will be able to get into any school that they want no matter what race they are but solely based on their merit and if they work hard for it." The university said Fisher would not have been admit ted even if race had played no role in the process, and it questioned whether she has suffered the sort of injury that gives her standing to sue. But the university's larger defense is that it must be free to as semble a varied student body as part of its academic and so cietal mission. The Supreme Court endorsed that view by a 5-4 vote in 2003 in Grutter v. Bollinger. U niversity o f f i cials s a i d that the school's affirmative action program was needed to build a student body di verse enough to include mi nority students with a broad range of backgrounds and for the campus to have a "critical mass" of minority students in most classrooms. Interaction among students in class and around campus, said Kedra Ishop, the university's direc tor of admissions, helps stu dents overcome biases and m ake contributions to a di verse society. "The role of U T A u stin," Ishop said, "is to provide lead ership to the state." The majority opinion in the Grutter case, written by Jus tice Sandra Day O' Connor, re jected the use of racial quotas in admissions decisions but said that race could be used as one factor among many, as part of a "holistic review." O' Connor retired in 2006, and her replacement by Justice Samuel Alito may open the way for a ruling cutting back on such race-conscious ad missions policies, or eliminat ing them. Admissions officers at col leges and universities almost universally endorse the idea that students from d i verse backgrounds learn from each other, overcome stereotypes and in so doing prepare them selves for leadership positions in society. Many critics of af firmative action say that there is at best a weak correlation between race and having a range of views presented in the classroom. Others say the Constitution does not permit the govern ment to sort people by race, no matter how worthy its goal. "While racial diversity on college campuses is benefi cial, it cannot be attained by racial discrimination," said Edward Blum, an adviser to Fisher and a driving force be hind the Fisher case.
Views from an Austin classroom The competing arguments are hard to test, but a recent visit to a freshman seminar at the University of T exas at Austin suggested that the i ntellectual l i f e o f u n d e r graduates there is varied and vibrant. The course was called De bates on Democracy in Amer ica, and the topic that day was "The Known World," Edward Jones' novel about a b l ack slave owner. It was only the third week of class, but the 18 students, of all sorts of ethnicities and backgrounds, talked easily and earnestly about contem porary echoes of slavery. An Asian s t u dent m e n t ioned c heap labor i n C h i n a . A Hispanic one t alked about the w ay s U . S . e m ployers take advantage o f i l l e gal immigrants. Other comments ran coun ter to possible stereotypes. D'wahn Kelley, a black stu dent, said he hesitated to con
Man dies after live roach-eatingcontest The Associated Press MIAMI — T h e w i n n er of a roach-eating contest in South Florida died shortly after downing dozens of the live bugs as well as worms, authorities said Monday. About 30 contestants ate the insects during Friday night's contest at Ben Siegel Reptile Store in D eerfield Beach, about 40 miles north of Miami. The grand prize was a python. Edward Archbold, 32, of West Palm Beach became ill shortly after the contest ended and collapsed in front of the store, according to a Broward Sheriff's Office statement re leased Monday. He was taken to the hospital where he was
Ben sklar /New York Times News service
0'wahn Kelley and other students take part in a Debates on Democracy course at the Univer sity of Texas in Austin. The Supreme Court is set to hear a major case involving race-con scious admissions and affirmative action brought by a white student who was rejected by the university. demn the slave owner in the novel too harshly. "You' re judged on what you know, not what you don' t know," he said, referring to the limits of the character's moral imagination. "If you wanted to be successful, you had a right to own slaves." In r es p onse, A sh l e y Vasquez, a Hispanic student, said the she r ejected "the whole idea that you have to learn right and wrong." "It's hard for me to think," she said, "that you can go about your day thinking, 'Oh, I'm going to own a human being.'" T hree-quarters o f a p p l i cants from Texas are admit ted under a p r o gram t h at guarantees admission to the top students in every h i gh school in the state. (Almost everyone calls this the Top Ten program, although the percentage cutoff can vary. Fisher barely missed the cut off.) The r emaining Texas students and those from else where are considered under standards that take account of academic achievement and other factors, including race and ethnicity. The Top Ten program has produced substantial racial and ethnic diversity. In the fall of last year, freshman who enrolled under the program were 26 percent Hispanic and 6 percent black. Texas is 38 percent Hispanic and 12 per cent black. The practical question in Austin is w ha t e l iminating the additional race-conscious admissions program w ould mean for seminars like the one on democracy, for lecture classes and for interactions in cafeterias and dormitories. The university said the Top Ten program was a blunt in strument and that classes in many subjects have few or no minority students. It adds that the diversity generated by the Top Ten program is "mostly a product of the fact that Texas high schools remain highly segregated in regions of the state," which "limits the di versity that can be achieved within racial groups." Among the kind of student excluded by the Top Ten pro gram, the university said, is "the A frican-American o r Hispanic child of successful professionals in Dallas who has strong SAT scores and has demonstrated leadership ability in ex tr a curricular activities but falls in the sec ond decile of his or her high school class (or attends an elite private school that does not rank)." Fisher's lawyers called that "a newly minted interest in elitism dressed up as 'intra racial' diversity." They added that the university is making
t he unseemly pitch for " i t s preferred kind of minorities" at the expense of white stu dents like Fisher with similar qualifications. Nosa Aimuyo, whose par ents are Nigerian immigrants and who was also admitted outside the Top Ten program, said race-conscious admis sions were needed to address "disparities i n o p p ortunity between high schools, which d isproportionately af fe c t minorities." In an interview in his of fice in Austin, William Pow ers, the university's president, said the attributes that the university seeks have many dimensions. "We want diversity in terms of economic background, first generation, geography, inner city, suburban middle class," he said. Asked what he would say to Fisher, whose own back ground is middle class, about her disappointment at being rejected, Powers paused for a moment. "We look at everyone's ho listic characteristics," he said.
Post-college take Last month, Fisher spent a morning chatting with a reporter at a private club in Washington and then took
a n impromptu tour o f t h e Supreme Court, where t he grandeur of the surroundings seemed to bring home to her the gravity of the question she had presented to the justices. She is working in Austin, where she had wanted to be in the first place, as a financial analyst. She said her college years at Louisiana State had been fine and that she had en joyed thecamaraderie of the bowling team. But she added that she had lost a benefit that her state' s government had decided to distribute on a b a sis other than merit. "The only thing I missed out on was my post-graduation years," she said. "Just being in a network of UT graduates would have been a really nice thing to be in. And I probably would have gotten a better job offer had I gone to UT." She said she was trying to come to terms with her role in a case that could reshape U.S. h igher education. Asked i f she found it interesting or ex citing or scary, she said, "All of the above." But she did not hesitate to say how she would run an ad mission system. "I don't think," she said, "that we even need to have a race box on the application."
Continued from A1 It also tasks the depart ment w i t h co n s idering wood in all new construc tion and renovations, said S cott Nelson, j obs a n d economy policy adviser for the governor. "Wood hasn't been used as much as it could be in the U.S. in nonresidential construction," he said by phone Monday. "This is a way to pilot that concept." I ncreased i n terest i n wood f o r com m e rcial building would bring wel come demand for w o od p roducts, s a i d Ral p h Saperstein, public policy specialist for Boise Cas cade. Th e B o i se-based company operates mills in Southern and Northeast ern Oregon. " What better w a y t o show off the wood prod ucts we have in Oregon than to have our state build buildings out of wood," said Saperstein, who was at the meeting in Sunriver. W hile c o n crete a n d steel h av e t r a d itionally been used for big buildings — mid-rises of four to six stories and high-rises of seven stories and up — new products make it possible to make those out of wood, said Bryan Schuyler, west ern regional director for Woodworks for Non-Resi dential Construction, a Cal ifornia-based organization. "We can build t h o se buildings out o f w o o d," said Schuyler, who was at the Sunriver meeting. Kitzhaber also ordered
pronounced dead. Authori ties were waiting for results of an autopsy to determine a cause of death. "Unless the roaches were c ontaminated w i t h s o m e bacteria or other pathogens, I don't think that cockroaches would be unsafe to eat," said Michael Adams, professor of entomology at the University of California at R iverside, who added that he has never heard of someone dying after consuming roaches. "Some people do have allergies to roaches," he said, "but there are no toxins in roaches or related insects." None of the other contes tants became ill, the sheriff's office said.
the Oregon Business Develop ment Department to devise a strategy to speed up develop ment and selling of new wood products and put together a plan to increase the market for Oregon wood products. Nelson said there are poten tial markets for Oregon wood products all over the world. "Asia could be a big market for our finished products," he said. Since the federal listing of the spotted owl as a threatened species in 1990, the state' s timber industry has all but disappeared as the amount of harvest on federally managed land dropped drastically. But K itzhaber said M onday h e thinks there is a chance for a revival. To accomplish this, he said, the industry should focus on projects aimed at thinning forests and lowering the risk and effects of wildfire. And it should work in collaboratives — groups composed of local, state and federalleaders, as well as environmental groups — to avoid lawsuits. "We have a r e m arkable opportunity t o t u r n t h i n gs around," he said. — Reporter: 541-817-7812, ddarlingC~bendbulletin.corn
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Iranian police crack downon currency trading
Mexican cartel leader held in migrant killings M EXICO CITY — I n t h e grim reckoning of horrors in Mexico's drug war, the massa cres of San Fernando are among the most haunting. The victims were dozens of migrants hauled from buses and trucks heading north and killed, their bodies left on an abandoned ranch and stuffed into mass graves. This weekend, the authori ties announced that they had caught the man they accuse of planning the carnage. Navy forces cornered the sus pect, Salvador Alfonso Marti nez Escobedo, in the border city of Nuevo Laredo over the week end, and on Monday presented him to the news media. Accord ing to the navy, Martinez, 31, is the leader of the Zetas drug gang in three border states. Known as "the Squirrel," Martinez is also believed to be behind the killing of a U.S. citizen, David Hartley, who was shot in September 2010 while jet-skiing on a reservoir on Mex ico's border with Texas, and the beheading of the police chief in vestigating that shooting. As the Zetas lieutenant in charge of th e n o rtheastern state of Tamaulipas in 2010, M artinez ordered th e k i l l ings of 72 Central and South American m i grants w h ose bodies were found in the rural municipality of San Fernando that August, the navy said.
Assange supporters ordered to pay bail LONDON — The cost of helping Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange fight allega tions of sexual assault became painfully real Monday for a group of supporters who were ordered by a British judge to pay money they had pledged for his bail now that he has fled inside the Ecuadorean Embassy. Nine of t h e a n t i-secrecy campaigner's backers are on the hook for about $150,000 a mong t he m b e cause h e jumped bail in June by putting himself out of the reach of Brit ish police. Assange, 41, sought asylum inside the embassy in central London to evade extra dition to Sweden, which wants to question him in connection with allegations that he sexu ally abused two women last year. Chief Magistrate Howard Riddle said Monday that the nine supporters had "failed in their basic duty" to ensure that Assange did not abscond.
Red Crossofficial voices Afghan worries KABUL, A fgha n i stan — The departing head of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Afghanistan warned Monday that the coun try's civilians live in more peril today than when he started his job seven years earlier. "Since I arrived here in 2005, local armed groups have pro liferated, civilians have been caught between not just one but multiple front lines, and it has become increasingly dif ficult for o r dinary A f ghans to obtain health care," Reto Stocker said in a s tatement released by the organization. " Hardship arising from t h e economic situation, or fr om severe weather or natural di saster, has become more wide spread, and hope for the future has been steadily declining." Stocker painted an alarm ing portrait of Afghanistan's future, in sharp contrast to the usually more upbeat pro nouncements of U.S. officials that the country is edging to ward stability after the mas sive troop surge early in the Obama administration.
Israeli warplanes respond toGazastrikes JERUSALEM — Gaza mili tantsfired a barrage of rockets and mortar shells into Israeli territory M o n day, c a using no casualties but some prop erty damage, after an Israeli airstrike in southern Gaza on Sunday killed one Palestin ian and wounded at least nine others. Israeli warplanes respond e d immediately, striking a number of r ocket-launching squads as they fired toward Israel, according to the mili tary, and hitting several facili ties belonging to Hamas, the Islamic group that controls Gaza. The military said the sites were being used to store weapons. — From wire reports
By Thomas Erdbrink New York Times News Service
New York Times News Service
Khaya Mthethwa, left, on stage with Melissa Alison,last week was crowned the winner of the eighth season of "Idols SA," the South African version of "American Idol."
out rica os contest stirs in erin racia issues By Lydia Polgreen
TEH RAN, Iran — Iranian police officers moved to arrest unlicensed currency dealers and increase patrols in the center of the capital Monday in order to prevent unofficial trading from disrupting new government-imposed rates of exchange for the national cur rency, the rial. Over the past few days Iran's leaders have sought to stabilize the value of their currency, after a market panic last week when the rial fell by about 40 percent against the U.S. dollar and other foreign currencies. Now, only those traders li censed by Iran's Central Bank may buy and sell the rial for foreign currency, and at rates that value the rial at 25,500 to the dollar — substantially more than last week, when it took as many as 37,500 rials to buy one dollar. But the new restriction on unofficial trading also had an adverse effect, causing lines of customers who wanted to sell their rials at the bet ter rate in anticipation that it would eventually weaken again. Several a uthorized money traders refused to sell foreign currency in large quantities and some hired private security companies in order to regulate the flow of customers. In an additional measure to help ensure that the state' s foreign currency would be used only to buy the most im portant imports, a member of parliament said all luxury im ports had been forbidden. The politician, Gholam reza Mesbahi-Moghaddam, also said parliament has been preparing to discuss the sus pension of the second phase of President Mahmoud Ah madinjead's subsidy reform plan, Iran's English-language
Think tank talks nuclear warhead VIENNA — Iran could produce enough weap ons-grade uranium to arm a nuclear bomb with in two to four months but would still face serious "engineering challenges" — and much longer delays — before it suc ceeds in making the other components needed for a functioning warhead, the Institute for Science and International Security, a respected U.S. think tank, said Monday. While Iran denies any interest in possessing nuclear arms, the inter national community fears it may turn its peaceful uranium enrichment pro gram toward weapons making — a concern that is growing as Tehran ex pandsthenumber ofm a chines it uses to enrich its stockpile of enriched uranium. As those fears grow, so does concern that Israel could carry out its threats to attack Iran's nuclear facilities before that nation reaches the bomb-making threshold. For now, U.S. military and intelligence officials say they don't believe Iran's leadership has made the decision to build a bomb, while also warning that the country is moving closer to the ability to do so. — The Associated Press
legend. From international su he had no doubt that if "Idols" perstars like Miriam Makeba were shown on the national J OH A N N E S B U R G and Hugh Masakela to Lady broadcaster, whose channels — When Khaya Mthethwa smith Black Mambazo, which are free, a black winner would breathed out the last notes shot to fame when it recorded have emerged much earlier. of Nicki M i n aj's "Super with Paul Simon on his smash "We would be talking about Bass," a song he had heard album "Graceland," for most when Idols would have its first for the first time that same international listeners South white winner," said McKaiser, day, the judges of "Idols African music is black music. who is also a rabid fan of the SA," the S outh A f r ican At the end of season 6, when show, posting exuberantly on version of "American Idol," a white rock musician named Twitter for ¹Team Khaya. were blown away. Elvis Blue beat black soul sing But South Africa is chang "Dude, you' ve just got it," er Lloyd Cele by almost twice ing. M-Net's audience was once said Gareth Cliff, one of the as many votes, a former judge largely white, Phahle said, but celebrity judges, shaking in the competition, Mara Louw, now it more closely reflects the his head. lashed out. demographic balance of the "This is your competition "Lloyd should have won," country. Broad poverty is still a to lose," said Unathi Msen she was quoted as saying in major societal problem — and gana, another judge. an interview with City Press, a increasingly a political one as Beyond the usual jitters Sunday newspaper. "Blacks do well — but there are also more of a contestant on a reality not have access to DStv. This black people able to afford lux television program, singing excludes a sizable chunk of uries like satellite TV. "More and more black peo his heart out and hoping for South Africans from the com his big break, the weight of petition. Whites vote for whites ple have actually been enter pop culture history weighed and blacks are disadvantaged," ing 'Idols,' and more and more on Mthethwa's shoulders: Louw was quoted as saying. "I black people have been getting Would he finally become am sick and tired of being po further along in the competi the first black contestant to litically correct. The whites re tion, and finally this year we state television channel Press win "Idols" in his country? fuse to vote for blacks." have a black winner," Phahle TV reported. The lawmaker At first glance, it might Eusebius McKaiser, a po said. "This year's winner was stressed that people would seem strange that in a na l itical a nalyst w h ose n ew voted for because he was the continue to receive a monthly tion where 80 percent of the book, "A Bantu in My Bath best. But it is also reflective of cash payment, which the gov population is black that a room," tackles South Africa's the changing social fabric of ernment is due to deliver in a week's time. singing contest decided by lingering racial tensions, said South Africa." a popular vote had failed for years to produce a single black winner. But in South Africa, which for decades separated the races under the brutal apartheid sys tem that put blacks at the bottom and whites on top, nothing, not even a singing competition, escapes ex amination under a powerful racial lens. And so last week, when Mthethwa (whose name is pronounced KYE-ya m TET-wa) was crowned win ner of the eighth season of P "Idols," a fit of soul-search ing ensued about just how far the rainbow nation has come in burying its racial dlvlslons. "It's about time a black person was r ecognized," said Portia Moloi, a 23-year old sales clerk in a retail shop at the upscale Rose bank shopping mall. "Why did it take so long?" "Idols," in all its iterations across the globe, is meant to represent the democra tization of m usical taste. In its purest form, winners are chosen by a popular vote conducted largely via text messages. Contestants perform contemporary pop hits, classics and old stan dards before a panel of ex pert judges from the music business. Ultimately, it is up to the viewers to decide who wins. But as w it h s o m a ny other aspects of this theo retically egalitarian coun try, the competition was long swayed by the nation's Achilles' heel: th e d e ep imbalances in wealth that have made this one of the most unequal societies in The last thing Jackie Tallakson wanted to do when facing breast cancer the world. was leave the comfort of her community for care. Thanks to the South Af rica's version of Idols began airing on M St. Charles Cancer Center, she didn't have to. Our comprehensive breast Net, a private satellite chan nel available only to sub care services andevidence-based approach meansour patients receive scribers to DStv, in 2002. complete care — from detection to treatment to rehabilitation — all Back then, the subscriber CANCER CENTER base was largely white, said without leaving the area. In fact, our program is currently undergoing Yolisa Phahle, an executive at M-Net, because black accreditation by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers in people could less easily af ford the subscription fees. recognition of our comprehensive full-service breast care. It's all part of For more information call Votes are cast largely via 541-706-5800 our mission to change the meaning of the Big C for the better. SMS, which costs money. Q uestions about r a c e have dogged the popular program from t h e s tart. South Africa has no short Medical Oncology I Radiatioan Oncology IResearch IRadiology I Survivorship Programs I Social Work INutrition I Complementary Therapies age of black musical tal ent, producing legend after New York Times News Service
The care you need to face the Big C. Right here at home.
St. Charles SB
TV& Movies, B2 Calendar, B3 Horoscope, B3 Comics, B4-5 Puzzles, B5 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2012
O www.bendbulletin.corn/community
Bend woman finishes marathon Bend resident Johan na Olson, a competitive runner who is fighting cancer, completed the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday in St. Paul, Minn. Olson, 33, ran the 26.2-mile race in 5:09:54, according to www.mtecresults.corn, a website that posts race results. Olsonhas competed twice in the marathon in the U.S. Olympic Trials and in 2000 was the NCAA Division III women's individual cross-country cham pion. She is undergoing treatment for a brain tumor. The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Mon day that Olson's parents finished by her side. Learn more about Olson at johannasbrain.corn.
l (I ., ij' l
BendFilm seeks volunteers It's not too late to volunteer for BendFilm. The festival, which starts Thursday, is in need of volunteers to help as ushers and tick et takers for Saturday afternoon and evening. As a thank you, volunteers who have served at least two shifts can see any film at the festival for free as long as they' re wearing their volunteer T-shirt. Once festival pass hold ers and ticket holders are seated, volunteers are invited to take any remaining seats. Interested volunteers are asked to first go to the website below to register and then con tact BendFilm. Contact: www volunteers, volunteer© or 541 388-3378.
PhotosbrineKllne/The Bulletin Barb Heagy, 68, her daughter Brenda Timms, 42, and her granddaughter, Allison Timms, 13, sit together before a rehearsal of the Harmony 4 Women cho rus, performing Saturday at Bend High School.
• Bend choir brings women, community and families together with music
Submit your holiday bazaars The Bulletin is now accepting submissions for a list of fairs and bazaars through the holiday season. The Community Life section will publish a listing of fairs and bazaars Oct. 28. Each submission must in clude a brief description of what will be sold, dates, times, location, admission price and a contact phone number. The deadline for sub mission is Oct. 19. After Oct. 28, a weekly list of holiday bazaars and fairs will appear in the Savvy Shopper section Wednesdays. New fair and bazaar submis sions are welcome during that time. The deadline for submission is the Friday before the W ednesday ofpublica tion. Submit via email to
By David Jasper • The Bulletin hen Harmony 4 Women takes to the risers at its "Lifting Hearts" concert Saturday at Bend High School, three generations from one family will add their voices to the women' s a cappella chorus: Barb Heagy, 68; her daughter, Brenda Timms, 42; and Timms' daughter Allison Timms, 13. This marks the first time Heagy, a previous partici pant in the chorus, will be joined by her daughter and granddaughter. Brenda Timms, who sang in church choirs in her youth, says her mother is a much more seasoned singer than she is.
"It's pretty neat," Timms says. "I' ve watched my mom sing for a lot of years, and I' ve watched my daughter sing for a lot ofyears, so it's fun tobe up there with them. I get to stand right next to my mom, which is fun. She gets me to stay on tune." Heagy has always had an ear for music, she says. "I can remember, when I was 5 years old, singing with my brother, harmo nizing," she says. "I' ve been given a gift of music, and being able to hear music and sing it or play it. I played the piano by ear from 3'/2 to 7 without read ing a note, and I played three or four other instru ments that same way." See Harmony/B6
A$p~ +'q •
Il t'. Itu
Harmony 4 Women chorusmembers rehearse one oftheir upcoming numbers.
communitylife©bend bulletin.corn, or by mail to Community Life, The Bulletin, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. Contact: 541-383 0351. — From staff reports
Correction In a story headlined "Local films with global perspectives" and an accompanying photo caption, which appeared Saturday, Oct. 6, on Page B1, the prison vis ited in the film "Lost 8 Found" was incorrect. It is the Snake River Cor rectional Institution in Ontario. The Bulletin regrets the error.
Lego artist Nathan Sawaya builds human forms and dino saurs, sky scrapers and flow ers, all from standard Lego bricks Photos courtesy bnckartist .corn
Artist takesLegomaniato a ife-sized eve By Diane Toroian Keaggy
were no limits." Today, Sawaya builds human forms ST. LOUIS — Some kids invent and dinosaurs, skyscrapers and flowers, imaginary friends. Nathan Sawaya all from standard Lego bricks. The Mag built them from Legos. ic House in St. Louis is showcasing some "When I was 9 years old and I of his best work at the exhibit, "The Art wanted to get a dog, my parents of the Brick." The show is free with ad said, 'You' re not getting a dog,"' re mission and runs though Jan. 27. called Sawaya. "So what did I do? New Yorker Sawaya, 39, is a former I built myself a life-size dog. That mergers and acquisitions attorney who was my first 'aha' moment. I real never outgrew his love for Legos. He ized I don't have to build what's on kept a box of Legos hidden under the the front of the box. If I wanted to bed of his New York University dorm be a rock star, I would build myself room and accepted commissions for a guitar. If I wanted to be an his Lego art even after he had estab astronaut, I built myself lisheda successful law career. a rocket ship. There See Legos/B6 St. Louis post-Dispatch
New series'Nashvile' finds its voiceearly "Nashville" 10p.m. Wednesday, ABC
Story" ) whose crown is cov eted by the ambitious young er crossover singer, Juliette By DavidWiegand Barnes (Hayden Panettiere, San Francisco Chronicle "Heroes"). Juliette has her In case you hadn't picked o w n corn plicated back story, up on it, TV is experiencing b u t she'I I stop at nothing to get one of its periodic realizations t o the top, including layovers that country music is hot and i n t h e bedrooms of anyone t hat t h ere's a who can help her huge a u d ience TV SpoTL[gHT career. She has for shows w i th her eye on Dea a do w n -home con C l a yborne twang out there. (Charles Esten, "Whose Line Well, duh, y'all. Is It, Anyway?") for her band With K eith U r ban s et - a n d per haps other functions, tling his countrified Aussie n o t justbecause he's good but he's Rayna's lead gui butt into an "American Idol" b e cause judge's chair, Reba McEntire t a r p laye r and former lover. u nveiling a new sitcom later Rayn a's new record isn' t in the season and, best of all, s e lling well and her forth ABC kicking off "Nashville," c o m ingtour is shaping up to one of the best new shows of b e a dis aster as well, so the t he fall, the medium is on a n e w owner of her label sug country kick. gests she "co-headline" with "Nashville" is b ased o n Ju l i et te.H ow does this sit t hemes of c ountry m usic. w i t h R ayna? eYou can kiss T he genre's continuing ap- m y a n sw er as it's walking p eal owes to one thing above ou t t h e door," she says. By all: that its songs tell human s e veringher ties with her la na's future is perhaps stories. It doesn't matter that b e l , Ray the basic tune may have been even m ore in question, but passed down from Mother s h e's go t her pride, and her Maybelle to Hank Williams, s t andard s. to Loretta Lynn to K enn y Sinc e the country music Chesney: The lyrics home in s c ene isthe setting and the on universal themes of love, t h ematic template for these l oss, hope, betrayal, jealousy, an d o t her interlocking sto fear and reassurance. And as r i es, "Nashville" makes good each performer sings his or a n d freq uent use of the genre her story, audiences invari- t h r ough out the show, with ably find s omething w it h or i g i nalmusic overseen by which they can identify. executiv e music p r oducer C reator C a l li e Kh o ur i T B o n eBurnett. Best of all, ("Thelma and Louise" ) sees i f t h e show were a country "Nashville" as one extended s o ng, itw ould be a crossover country song, in a way, as h i t , beca use the truth is, you she endows each of the cen- r e allydo n't have to love coun tral characters with the kinds t r y music to love "Nashville." of stories that would make I n f a ct,even if you find this great fodder for a Grand Ole k i n d of m usic corny and sim Opry staple. At the center of p l i stic, ou y may find yourself t he melodrama is country c o m i ngaway from the show queen Rayna James (Connie s i nging an entirely different Britton, " American Horror t u n e .
LOCAL MOVIE TI M ES FOR TUESDAY,OCT. 9 EDITOR'S NOTES: • Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16<I /MAX • There may be an additional fee for 3-D movies. • IMAX films are $15.50 for adults and $13 for children
BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347
(ages 3to 11)andseniors (ages 60 andolder). Disney via The Associated Press
(R) 4
Victor Frankenstein, voiced by Charlie Tahan,with Sparky, in a scene from "Frankenweenie."
IN THE FAMILY(no MPAArating) Noon, 3:30, 6:55 LAWLESS(R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:05 THE MASTER(R) 12:15, 3, 6
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Regal Old Mill
700 N.W. Bond St., Bend,541-330-8562
Stadiu~ 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend,541-382-6347
THE BOURNE LEGACY(PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:35, 6:20, 9:25 END OFWATCH(R) 1:25, 4:40, 7:45, 10:20 FINDING NEMO 3-D (G)1:10, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20 FRANKENWEENIE (PG) 11:45 a.m., 12:45, 3:15, 6, 6:45, 9:05 FRANKENWEENIE IMAX (PG) 12:10, 3:40, 7:20, 9:40 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13)11:50 a.m., 6:50 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) 11:35 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 6:05, 7:30, 9:10 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:25, 9:50 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 10:10 LOOPER(R) 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, 10 THE ODDLIFEOF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 1:20, 4:20 PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 12:20, 3:10, 6:30, 9:30 RESIDENTEVIL: RETRIBUTION(R) 2:50, 10:05 TAKEN2(PG-13)Noon,1,3,4,6:15, 7, 7:50, 9:15, 9:45, 10:15 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG 13) 12:50, 4:10, 7:15, 9:55
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES(PG-13) 5:30 SAFETYNOTGUARANTEED (R) 9:30 After 7 p.m., showsare21 and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271
720 Desperado Court,
Sisters, 541-549-8800
REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. Ddem Medo Road,
Redmond, 541-548-8777
Ilenfehl $ zp "sperfectcolorssincei975
7:30 AM - 5 :30 PM MON-FRI 8 AM - 3 PM SAT. 541-382-4171 5 4 1-548-7707 2121 NE Division Ben d •
Madras Cine~a 5 1101 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
END OFWATCH(R) 4:50, 7:20 FRANKENWEENIE 3-D (PG) 4:35, 6:50 HOUSE AT THE ENDOFTHE STREET (PG-13) 5:20, 7:30 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 5, 7:10 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG 13) 4:40,7
Sisters Movie House
Tin Pan Theater
• Movie times are subject to change after press time.
641 N W Fir R ed m o n d
PRINE VILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineviiie, 541-416-1014
HOTELTRANSYLVANIA(LIPSTAIRS — PG) 4:15, 6:30 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 4, 7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
At4tard-t4tinnin g
neighborhood on Bend's t4teS tSide. tr
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-La Pine
ll g g ~l l ~ i~ l i ~lg g l ~ l l g g l i ~ l g g ~l l g g i~ l World News K ATU News at 6 (N) n « Jeopardy! 'G Wheel Fortune Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars Private Practice Good Grief '14' K ATU News (11:35) Nightline Nightly News NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) « Jeopardy! 'G Wheel Fortune The Voice (N) 'PG' « Jay Leno I KTvz 0 0 0 Q News (9:01) Go On(N) New Normal (10:01) Parenthood (N) n 'PG' N e ws News Evening News Access H Old Christine How I Met 30 Rock n '1 4 NCIS Phoenix(N)n '14 NCIS: LosAngeles (N) n 'PG Vegas Aii ThatGlitters (N) n '14' News Letterman KBNZ 0 Grief '14' K EZI 9 News KOHD 0 0 0 0 KE ZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars Private Practice Good (11:35) Nightline Big Bang Raising Hope Ben and Kate New Girl (N) '14' Mindy Project News TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14 KFXO Qi IEI IEI IEI America's Funniest HomeVideos Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang History Detectives (N) 'PG' « Fro n tline President BarackObamaandMitt Romney.(N)'PG' « VOCES onPBSn 'PG KOAB Q Q Q Q W ild Kratts 'Y' Electric Comp. This Old HouseBusiness Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n« NewsChannel 8 Nightl y News NewsChannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I n side Edition The Voice (N) 'PG' « (9:01) GoOn(N) New Normal (10:01) Parenthood(N) n 'PG' N e wsChannel 8 Jay Leno O Dr.Horrible'sSing-Along Blog(N) Seinfeld'PG' S einfeld'PG' 'TilDeath'PG' 'TilDeath'PG KTvzDT2iEI Q Q Q we There Yet? we There Yet? King of Queens KingofQueens Engagement Engagement Hart of Dixie (N) n 'PG' « World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « OPBPL 175 173 M exico/Bayless Simply Ming 'G' New Tricks Objects Desire of n I n tegrating Ole POV CarolynParker rebuilds her ide.n PG «
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Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars ** "FourBrothers" (2005,CrimeDrama) MarkWahlberg, TyreseGibson, Andre Benjamin.Sib- *** "Apo//o 13" (1995) TomHanks. Basedonthe tracy (3:00)** "Rambo ** "Behind EnemyLi nes" (2001,Action) OwenWilson, GeneHackman,Gabriel Macht. An *AMD III" American flight navigator is stranded in war-tom Bosnia. « lings seekrevengefor their adoptivemother's murder. « story of the iii-fated 1970moonmission. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc ** "Jane's Journey" (201 0, Documentary) Premiere. n n Fatal Attractions n '14' cc River Monsters GoesTribal 'PG' River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG ** "Jane's Journey" (2010) BRAVO 137 4 4 Fli p ping Out House of Lies « Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Flipping OutJeff upsetsGage.(N) What Happens Flipping Out Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « R e ba As is 'PG' Reba'PG' « R e b a'PG' « Yes, Dear 'PG' Yes, Dear 'PG Yes, Dear 'PG' Yes, Dear 'PG Kitchen Nightmares n '14' « CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' « CNBC 54 36 40 52 Healthcare Hustle 60 Minutes on CNBC American GreedCrashfor Cash Mad Money 60 Minutes on CNBC American GreedCrashfor Cash Paid Program Dr. Perricone CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360(N) cc Piers MorganTonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47 (4:58) Futurama Always Sunny South Park '1 4' Tosh.0 '1 4 Delbert Report Daily Show Workaholics T o sh.0 '14' Tosh.0 '14' To s h.0 '1 4' Tosh.0 (N) '14' Brickleberry (N) Daily Show D e lbert Report COTY 11 Dept. /Trans. C ity Edition Paid Program Morning Oregon Redmond City Council Morning Oregon City Edition I CSPAN 61 20 12 11 CapitolHIIIHearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Gravity Falls n Gravity Falls n Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie My Babysitter "HalloweentownII: Kalabar'sRevenge" (2001)'PG Shake It Up! 'G' Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm'G' My Babysitter *DISC 156 21 16 37 Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier (N) '14 Yukon MenLogjamn 'PG' « Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14 *E! 136 25 (3:00) *** "Sexand theCity Keeping UpWith the Kardashians E! News (N) Jonas Jonas Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 30for30(N) 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Hockey KHL:Levvs. DynamoMoscow 30 for 30 (N) SportsCenter Best of the NPL Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Bay City Blues « NBA FinalsGame4, fromJunetg, 2012. (N) Boxing FromNov. 18, 1995. « M L B Baseball From Oct. 10, 1982. « College Football « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 12420 SportsCenter (N) (Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "Miss Congeniality"(2000, Comedy)Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine ** "Miss Congeniality2:ArmedandFabulous" (2005) SandraBullock, Regina King FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba'PG'« Reb a 'PG'« The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 TheO'ReillyFactor(N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, Greta VanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor « Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes B e st Dishes Chopped ClassActs, Too Cupcake Wars iceHouse Cupcake WarsBigTime Rush C h opped 'G ChoppedCharge!(N) Chopped 'G' FX 131 How I Met Ho w I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men *** "IronMan"(2008)RobertDowneyJr. A bilionaire doneanarmored suit to fight criminals Sons of Anarchy (N)'MA (11:04) Sons ofAnarchy 'MA' I HGTV 17649 33 43 Curb/Block C u r b Appeal'G' Curb Appeal 'G' Curb Appeal 'G Hunters Int'I H o use HuntersLove It or List It 'G' « Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int'I Million Dollar Rooms(N) « *HIST 15542 41 36 Ancients Behaving a Bdly'PG' 10 Things About Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Caligula: 1400Days of Terror (N) 'PG' « (11:02) Sex in the Ancient World Abby's Ultimate Dance LIFE 13839 20 31Dance Mome'PG' « Dance MomeSolo Fever 'PG' Dance Mome 'PG' « Dance Competition Prank MyMom Prank My Mom Prank MyMom Prank My Mom MSNBC 59 59128 51 The Edshow(N) The RachelMaddowShow(N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Made Celebrity Assistant (N) 'PG' True Life i Have aStrange Habit True Life i Hate MyHair n Teen MomTalk Teen Mom Farewell Special Thecast reflects. 'PG Teen Mom(N) Teen Mom (N) (11:02) It Gets Better 2 (N)'PG NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S pongeBob Drake & Josh Drake & Josh Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 10 Breaking Down the Bars n '14' Breaking Downthe Bars n '14' lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « lyan la, Fix My Life n 'PG' Oprah: WhereAreThey Now?(N) lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Billiards Bull Riding CBREidorado Shootout UEFA Champions LeagueSoccer AFCAjaxvs RealMadrid CF Boys in the Hall Golden Age T he Game 365 The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Ink Master ink Disaster Piece '14 Ink Master Game On '14' « Ink Master n '14' cc Ink Master Picture Imperfect '14' I n k Master n '14' « Ink Master (N) n '14' cc Ink Master SemiNude911'14' SYFY 133 35 133 45 Face Off Year of theDragon Face Off Alice inZombieland'PG' Face Off The artists use vehicles. Face Off Face Off (N) '14' Hot Set (N) 'PG' Face Off '14' TBN 205 60 130 Behind Scenes Joyce Meyer Joseph Prince Rod Parsley Praise the Lord (Live) ACLJ Full Flame Kim Clement Crefle Dollar Praise the Lord TBN Classics *TBS 16 27 11 28 MLB Baseball: Giants at Reds MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers atOaklandAthletics ALDS,Game3. Coliseum inOakland, Calif. (N) (Live) Inside MLB n Conan '14' ~c Conan '14' ~c ** "LuckyStar" (1929, Drama)Charles Farrell, Janet (6:45) **** "TheBest yearsol OurLives" (1946, Drama)Fredric March, Myrna Loy, DanaAndrews. Three World (9:45) ** "Reachlor the Sky" (1957,Biography) Kenneth More, Muriei Paviow,Lyndon Brook.A Gaynor, HedwigaReicher. War ii veterans come home. « handicappedEngiishman learns tofiy withthe RAF. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings n 'PG' « Long Island Medium 'PG' « Secr et Princes n 'PG' « DC Cupcakes: WickedGood 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids-Count The Big Jig (N) n 'PG'« 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids-Count *TNT 17 26 15 27 Bonesn'14'cc The Mentalist n '14' « The Mentalist n '14' cc The Mentalist n '14' « The Mentaltst n 14 « Riuoli & Isles '14' « Leverage 'PG' cc *TOO N 84 MAD 'PG' Ann oying Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Regular Show Regular Show Looney Tunes Adventure Time King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: No Reservations Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'G Bizarre FoodsAmerica 'PG' Air p ort 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: MiBizarre Foods/Zimmern Bourdain: No Reservations *S*H 'PG' M'A*S*H 'PG' M'A*S*H 'PG' Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show L ove-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35BonanzaThe Way Station 'G' M'A USA 15 30 23 30 Law&Orden SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chrissy & Jones T.l. and Tiny Behtnd the Mustc n PG « Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14' Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14' Chrissy & Jones T.l. and Tiny VH1 191 48 37 54 "TheLast Daysol Lett Eye" n B ask e tball Wives LA n '14' *A&E 13028 18 32 The First48'PG' cc
(6:20) ** "Bad Teacher" 2011CameronDiaz. 'R' Titanic: Blood andSteel (N) '14' (8:54) Titanic: Blood andSteel (N) (9:50) **"TheJackal" 1997,SuspenseBruceWilis. n 'R' « ENGR 106401 306401 (4:35) **"Can'tHardly Wait" 1998 'PG-13' « ***"De)aVu"2006,SuspenseDenzeiW ashington,VaiKiimer.'PG-13' « FMC 10420410412 ***"De)aVu"2006,Suspense DenzeiWashington,VaiKiimer.'PG-13' « *** "TheTalentedMr.Ripley" 1999 MattDamon. 'R' « Road Champ Countdown to UPD153 UPD Tonight (N) UPD Insider UPD Fight Night UFC:Brownevs. Silva UPD Unleashed UPD Tonight A nswers FUEL 34 Big BreakGreenbrier (N) Chasing Chasing Big Break Go l f Central B i g BreakGreenbrier Chasing Chasing Learning Center Inside PGA I GOLF 28 301 27 301 Big BreakGreenbrier Little House on the Prairie 'PG' L i t tle House on the Prairie 'PG' Little House on the Prairie 'PG' L i t tle House on the Prairie 'PG' Frasier n 'G' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'G' HALL 66 33 175 33 The Waltons The Book'G' cc 2011,Science Fiction DanielCraig. Extraterrestriais Treme MeDonkey Want WaterToni Boardwalk Empire BlueBell Boy "Pure Country 2:TheGilt" 2010,DramaKatrina Eiam.Threeangels bestow a ** "Cowboys a Aliens" HBO 25501 25501 (4:30) * "AThousand 2012 « Eddie Murphy.'PG-13'ytto~ds" girl with a beautiful singingvoice. n 'PG'« attack a 19th-centuty Arizonatown. n 'PG-13' « searches for akiler. n 'MA' Nucky andOwenhide out. 'MA' ** "TheBrothersGrimm"2005, Fantasy MattDamon, Heath Ledger. 'PG-13 IFC 105 1 0 5 * * "T he Beach" 2000, DramaLeonardo Dicaprio, Tiida Swinton. 'R NoMan'sLand:The RiseofReeker"2008 MichaelMuhney.'R *** "DieHard 2" 1990, Action BruceWilis, Bonnie Bedelia. Police hero • e Hard 2" 1 990 Bruce Wilis. Police hero (6 45) ** "The Bigyear" 201 1Steve Martin. Premiere. Three mencompete ** "Rumble in the Bronx" 1 995,Action Jackie Chan, MAX OO 508 50 spots (440)*** "Diterrorists military at D.C.airport. 'R' in a prestigiousbird-watchingcontest. n 'PG' « Anita Mui, Bill Tung.Premiere. n 'R' « spots military terrorists at D.C. airport. n 'R' cc NGC 157 15 7 T o p Secret (N) 'PG Hard Time(N) '14 Taboo Private Passions(N) '14 Taboo Private Passions'14 Hard Time '14 Top Secret 'PG Secret Service Files '14 Odd Parents Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Monsuno ' Y7' Monsuno 'Y7 Odd Pare nts Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob Avatar Air Ava tar Air Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor I NTOON 89 11518911 Odd Parents OUTD 37 30743 307 The HitList Ted Nugent H u nt., Country Outdoors TV Wildlife Dream Season Hunting TV M i chaels MRA Truth Hunting Wildlife The Hit List B o w MadnessLegends of Fall SOLO Hunters (4i00) ** Tanner(5:45) *** "Stardust" 2007,Fantasy Claire Dance, Charlie Cox, Robert DeNiro. A youngman *** "Fright Night" 2011, HorrorAntonYelchin, Colin Farrell. A teenager Homeland Beirut is Backn 'MA'cc Dexter MiamiMetrorehashesanold 500 500 Hall" ventures into afairy realm to retrieve a fallen star. n 'PG-13' discovers that hisnewneighbor is a vampire. n 'R' « crime spree.n 'MA'« SPEED 35 30312530 Dumbest Stuff Dumbeststuff HardParts Har d Parts My R ide Rules My Ride Rules Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Hard Parts Ha r d Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Unique Whips '14 *** "TheMuppets" 2011, ComedyJason Segei. n 'PG' « STARZ 30040830040 Shanghai Kngts (5:20) *** "Madein Dagenham"2010 'R' « (7:15) *** "Tangled" 2010Voices of MandyMoore. n 'PG' « (10:50) "ShanghaiKnights" 2003 (4:25) ** "HandsomeHarry" 2009 *** "The Big Lebotvski"1998,ComedyJeff Bridges. AnLA. slacker gets "Lucky"2011, ComedyColin Hanks,Jeffrey Tambor, MimiRogers. A wan "Rest Stop" 2006Jaimie Alexander. Akiler terrorizes a "Rest Stop: Don't Jamey Sheridan.n 'R' « caught up in a wacky kidnapping plot. n 'R' « nabe serial killer winsthe lottery. n 'R' « young coupletaking a roadtrip. n 'R' « *** "TheNatural" (1984)Robert Redford, Robert Duvaii. A flawedbaseball herogets a newchance *** "TheNatural" (1984) RobertRedford, Robert Duvaii. A flawedbaseball herogets a newchance. NBCSN 27 58 30 20 Dream On: Journey *WE 143 41 17411 CSI: Miami PowerTrip '14' « CSI: Miami And They're Offed '14' Ghost Whisperer n 'PG' « Amazing Wedding Cakes'PG CSI: Miami The DeLuca Motel '14' CSI: Miami Tipping Point n '14' C S I: Miami Head Case'14' «
Wife's surprisetravel plans throw husbandfor a loop Dear Abby: Many women like surprises. Most men don' t. My wife can't understand that. She recently "surprised" me by informing me she had made nonrefundable arrangements for us to visit a foreign country. She said I had once mentioned that I'd like to see it. I have no recollection of saying so, but I suppose it's possible. Abby, I am physically barely able to endure such travel. My balance is bad and walking is extremely painful for my legs and hips. I wish she would have discussed her plan with me in advance. It's possible she wanted very much to go and suspected I'd tell her it would be unwise for me to do it. Now that we' re locked in, I' ll go. But if it becomes too ardu ous, I' ll tell her that we' re go ing to have to leave the group and return home immediately. Perhaps that would help her understand that she should talk to me about a plan that in cludes me before implementing it. Abby, can you comment? — Got an Unwelcome Surprise Dear Surprise: What your wife did was wrong; she's well aware of your physical limita tions. Foreign travel isn't cheap. Before laying out sizable chunks of money, most couples discuss the expense. I think your meth od of handling the situation is a good one, particularly if no ac commodations can be made for your disability by the company arranging the trip. Dear Abby: I'm in love with a beautiful woman. She's di vorced with two kids, 15 and 17. I believe the 15-year-old boy is feeling threatened by my presence. He has become very "clingy" to hi s mother and tries to get between us. I love both of her kids and treat them like my own. I know it's a delicate situation and I want to do the right thing. The disre spect he shows me is becoming an issue, and I know his mother won't do anything about it. I
ABBY have mentioned it a few times and nothing has changed. I know she would be crushed if I ended this relationship, be cause recently she asked me to move in by Christmas. Marriage has been discussed prior to or shortly thereafter. Please help. — Disrespected in Ohio Dear Disrespected: Do not move in with this woman un less she first agrees to pre marital counseling with you to ensure that you' re both on the same page regarding par enting, and then family coun seling with her children. As much as you care about them, you are not their parent. Be cause your ladyfriend appears to ignore problems when they arise, without counseling noth ing will change. Be warned. Dear Abby: Our son a nd daughter-in-law have invited u s for Thanksgiving in an other state. We' ll fly there with my husband's mother. Recently my d a ughter-in law mentioned that we may all (II of us) be going to some sort of buffet instead of mak ing the dinner at their home. We would also end up paying for the meal. I would much rather cook for them than eat and pay for a Thanksgiving meal at a buf fet or restaurant. How can we get this across to our son and daughter-in-law without hurt ing their feelings? — No Buffet For Us in Leavenworth, Kan. Dear No Buffet: How about saying it in plain English? Tell them you would be glad to pre pare the dinner, and if your daughter-in-law would h elp you, the task wouldn't be oner ous for either of you. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Tuesday,Oct. 9, 2012 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) By Jacqueline Bigar ** * * D efer to a more upbeat This year opportunities come out of left field. Matters involving someone person. You might feel sluggish when dealing with an issue that you at a distance, travel or education want to keep hush-hush. You could appear to be very fortunate. You become irritated as well. Someone might want to schedule a trip or two this year. If you are single, you could could act in a surprising way, just to get your attention. A friendship meetsomeone very intensewho draws you in. The compulsive quality helps clear the air. Tonight: Take of this relationship might scare many some private time. an easygoing Libra, yet most of you LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) will explore the possibilities. If you ** * * L isten to news carefully. are attached, you will experience a lot You can bequite intellectual and of positive moments despite the fact detached at times. Whenyou get into that your relationship has weathered this mode, you tend to gather a lot of some hard times in the past. information and discuss your feelings more easily. You' ll finally see howa The Stars Show the Kind of Day You' ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; misunderstanding occurred. Clear up your side of the issueASAP.Tonight: 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult Where the crowds are. ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * * Y our fiery ways might ignite SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * You don't mind being others into action if youarenot careful. complimented and admired, but the You also could provoke agreat deal of other side of the coin is that you must brainstorming andunexpected ideas. perform at110 percent on a regular Follow through onyour chosenpath, basis. Pull yourself out of a semi and rememberthat you arethe director. tired state, and choose to be present. Straighten outa misunderstanding You could be surprised by what you before it becomes aproblem. Tonight: hear. Be kind to a friend, even if doing A little fun neverhurts. so messesyou up.Tonight:Burn the TAURUS (April 20-May 20) candle at both ends. ** * * Y our sense of humor SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) allows others to relax around ** * * Whatyou come up within you. As people start to open up, your mind could be the best-case you' ll gain helpful insights. Avoid a misunderstanding by clarifying facts scenario. Distance yourself and see if the potential exists to have this idea and information. Being generous happen. If so, take the necessary is a wonderful characteristic, and it will emerge today — just honor your steps. An intervention could occur through an unexpected twist. Clarify budget. Tonight: Hang in there. what is happening. Tonight: Help GEMINI (May 21-June 20) your mind relax. ** * * * I nitiate a conversation CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) by helping the other party feel more ** * * T he unexpected occurs, comfortable. Youmight regret some and you couldact onyour frustration. of your prior judgments. Don't live in Perhaps youfeel asif there is no other the past; instead, updateyour thoughts Convincedthatyouhavethe for the present. A friend surprises you, way. answer, youmight decide totake action. and you will respond instinctively. Remain direct with a family memberor Tonight: A cozydinner andachat. loved one.Tonight: Chat away. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * You feel a strong sense of CANCER(June 21-July 22) dedication to your friends, and they ** * Sometimes you might to you. Your ability to identify with overwhelm people with everything others falls short with one person. thatyou doandseem capable of Your words could have anunexpected handling. Give someone thespace effect. Try restating your idea in a to grow, as he or she needs to deal with a personal issue. Tonight: Head simpler, less complicated manner. home, but buy a little something for Tonight: Sort through invitations. a friend on the way. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * Maintain a steady pace. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) News could be slow to arrive, if ** * * Get past a bad mood. it comes at all. If you needsome A child or a lively conversation information, seek it out. Do not stand will help you to do just that. The on ceremony. Your instincts will kick unexpectedhas become routine, and yet somehow it still manages to in; learn to follow them. Remain open, surprise you. Look at today's events, rather than allow someone to wonder whatyou'rethi for example. Verify that you are on nking.Tonight:Get some extra R andR. the same page as others. Tonight: Zero in on what you want. © 20t 2 by King Features Syndicate
Please email event information to communitylifeC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-035L
TODAY SHAOLINWARRIORS:Kung fu masters demonstrate martial arts associated with the Shaolin Monastery in "Voices of the Masters"; SOLD OUT;7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or SWANSEA: The orchestral indie-pop trio performs, with Patrick Dethlefs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728 0879 or www.reverbnation.corn/ venue/thehornedhand.
WEDNESDAY PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. BEND FARMERS MARKET:Free admission; 3-7 p.m.;Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket .corn. PROJECTTRIO: The Brooklyn basedchamber musicensemble performs; $12; 7 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-639-7734 or THE GENERATORS:The Los Angeles-based punk band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728 0879 or www.reverbnation.corn/ venue/thehornedhand.
THURSDAY PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www TUMALO FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-6 p.m.; Tumalo Garden Market, off of U.S. Highway 20 and Cook Avenue; 541-728-0088, earthsart@gmail.corn or http: // tumalogardenmarket.corn. "B'AKTUN":A showing of the bilingual play about the end of the Mayan calendar; free; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-382-4366 or BAKESTARRBENEFIT CONCERT:Featuring a performance by Five Pint Mary; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefit BAKESTARR;$5; 6 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-598-4483 or BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical Company and the Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 6-1 0:15 p.m.; 541-388-3378, or www FROM CHETO CASTRO: A discussion about building bridges with 21st-century Cuba; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 S.E. Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-633-7354. JERRYJOSEPHANDWALTER SALAS-HUMARA: Two roots rockers play acoustic sets; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388 0116 or www.astrolounge bend.corn.
FRIDAY BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical Company and the Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $1 25full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $1 2at the door; 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; 541-388-3378, or www PUMPKIN PATCH:Free
Submitted photo
The Shaolin Warriors will perform"Voices of the Masters" tonight at the Tower Theatre in Bend. The event is sold out. admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541 504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. FROM CHETO CASTRO: A discussion about building bridges with 21st-century Cuba; free; 1:30-3 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College W ay,Bend; 541-633-7354. "FINDINGFREMONT INOREGON, 1843":A presentation and screening of the documentary by Shirley Morris about the 20th century cowgirl; free; 3-5 p.m.; Touchmark at Mt. Bachelor Village, 19800 S.W. Touchmark Way, Bend; 541-383 1414 or www.touchmarkbend.corn. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or AUTHORPRESENTATION:Teresa Irish and Linda irish Larsen present their book, "A Thousand Letters Home: OneWWII Soldier's Story of War, Love and Life"; free; 5-8 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 or www .athousandlettershome.corn. LITERARYHARVEST:Featuring readings by winners of the Literary Harvest writing contest; $10, $5 for Central Oregon Writers Guild members; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 S.W.YewAve., Redmond; 541-408-6306 or www .centraloregonwritersguild.corn. "THE ARTIST":A screening of the PG-13-rated 2011 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www "EVIL DEAD: THE MUSICAL": Opening night of 2nd Street Theater's performance of the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.corn. JONATHAN WARREN 8t THEBILLY GOATS:The roots-rock band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www .reverbnation.corn/venue/the hornedhand. KEATONCOLLECTIVE:The blues band performs, with All you All; $5; 8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. ANDY HACKBARTH: The Denver based folk-pop artist performs; $3; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www .silvermoonbrewing.corn. FRIDAYNIGHTFEVERDANCE PARTY:Featuring DJ Bryan Swett, with cocktails and food carts; part of the BendFilm Festival; $10; 9:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.bendfilm
Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 9 a.m.-11 p.m.; 541-388-3378, info@ or PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541 548-1432 or THE GREAT PUMPKIN RACE:5K costume race to benefit Elk Meadow Elementary, with a one-mile kids run; races begin and end at the plaza; followed by a family fun fair and costume contest; registration requested; $20, $5 kids run, free for spectators; 5K race starts at 10 a.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza,19530Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-279-1875 or www.great raceofbend.corn. USED GEARAND TOOL SALE:Held on the baseball field, with a silent auction; proceeds benefit Heart of Oregon Corps; free admission; 9 a.m.; Marshall High School, 1291 N.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-633-7834 or "THE METROPOLITANOPERA, L'ELISIR D' AMORE": Starring Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani, Mariusz Kwiecien and Ambrogio Maestri in a presentation of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. BOOKFAIR: Mt. Bachelor Quilters Guild hosts a book fair featuring a children's hands-on quilt project to take home; a portion of proceeds benefits the guild's outreach programs; free admission; 10 a.m. 4 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 or www.quilts qq.corn. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6 11, free ages 5 andyounger, 10 a.m. 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company,1250N.E.W ilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or "LEAPSANDBOUNDS": The Affording Hope Project presents a one-woman performance by Tevyn East about the interconnection of faith, ecology and the global economy; registration requested; donations accepted;2-4 p.m .; United Methodist Church, 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-4895, tlarson@bendbroadband.corn or LIFTINGHEARTS: A Harmony 4 Women benefit concert for Grandma's House, Saving Grace, the Women's Resource Center of Central Oregon and Bella Acappella Harmony; $10; 3 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383 3142 or www.harmony4women .corn. HOE-DOWN ANDPIGROAST: Featuring a buffet dinner, live music, dancing, contests and more; proceeds benefit the Local Commerce Alliance; $25, $5 children 12 and younger; 5 p.m.; Stamper Ranch, 65325 73rd St., Bend; 541-633-0674 or www.centraloregon .Ol'g. locavore.corn. SPAGHETTI DINNER:Proceeds benefit local veterans; $8, $7 senors and children ages 6 and younger; SATURDAY 5-7 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. SKYLINERSWINTER SPORTS SWAP:Event features deals on new KIWANISOKTOBERFEST AUCTION: and used athletic gear, including Featuring a meal of beer and brats, ski equipment, winter clothing, ice with an auction; ages 21 and older; skates and more; a percentage of the proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls proceeds benefits the Mt. Bachelor ClubofRedmond; $25;5:30 p.m .; Sports Education Foundation; $3, St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-980-2040 $6 per family; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; 149 S.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-388-0002 or or VFW OCTOBERFEST: An authentic BENDFILM:The ninth annual German dinner, with live music independent film festival features and dancing; reservations films at McMenamins Old St. recommended; proceeds benefit Francis School, the Tower Theatre, the VFW food pantry for veterans Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill and families; $10, $3 dancing only; Stadium16 & IMAX, Cascades 5:30p.m.dinner,6:30p.m.dancing; Theatrical Company and the Oxford VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way,
Redmond; 541-548-41 08. IHEART CENTRAL OREGON CELEBRATION:Celebrate the day of service with inspirational speaker Nick Vujicic and a performance by Elliot; free ticket required; 6:30p.m.;Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, Hooker Creek Event Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond;503-350-6029, elisa@ theheartcampaign.corn or www .iheartcentraloregon.corn. "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-31 2-9626 or www.2ndstreet theater.corn. HILLSTOMP:The Portland-based punk-blues duo performs, with Avery James & The Hillandales and Grit & Grizzle; $7 in advance, $9 at the door; 8 p.m.; The Old Stone,157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; www.oldstonechurchbend.corn. SASSPARILLA: The Portland-based blues band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.corn/venue/ thehornedhand.
SUNDAY PUMPKIN PATCH: Freeadmission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541 548-1432 or CORN MAIZE: $7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504 1414 or PUMPKIN PATCH: Freeadmission; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical Company and the Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 10 30 a.m.-8p.m.;541-388-3378,info@ or OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFWHall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. MEISSNEREQUIPMENT FUNDRAISER:A fall party with dinner, drinks, a raffle and live music; proceeds go toward a new snowmobile and groomer for Meissner ski trails; $1 0 admission; 3-6p.m.;Aspen Hall,18920 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-385 9902 or "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 4 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-31 2-9626 or www.2ndstreet theater.corn. THE SPEAKEASY: An open mic storytelling event; stories must be no longer than seven minutes, and should be scary stories; followed by a screening of the Roger Gorman film "The Pit and the Pendulum"; $5; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-241-2271 or TAARKADUO:The gypsy-jazz act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388 8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing .corn.
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spade, you jump to three diamonds and he tries three hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner has five o r more spades; with four cards in each major, he would have responded "up the line" with one heart. Bid three spades. If you had stronger three-card spade support and slammish values — a hand such as A Q 3 , K 1 0 , AK 10 7 6 2 , J 4 — you wouldjump to four spades. South dealer N-S vulnerable
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"I like partners who put down the right cards in dummy," a club player told me. "They' re hard to find," I said. "If I'm your partner, never play me for specific cards. I won't have them." T oday's South l eaped t o f i v e diamonds but was disappointed with North's dummy. South took the ace of clubs, drew trumps and led a heart from dummy. Alas, West had the queen and ace, so South lost two hearts and a club and went down. "If d ummy ha d f o u r d i f f erent points — the ace of hearts instead of the king of spades and the jack of hearts w e'd be c ol d f o r s i x diamonds," South grumbled. "On the actual deal we should have been at 3NT." CLUB DISCARD
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10/09/1 2
Harmony Continued from B1 Heagy says that s inging a cappella harmony can be challenging. "You have to be able to hold your part, and I sing baritone, which is, they say, one of the hardest parts to sing. But I find it challenging, and I find it fun," Heagy says. Singing with her daughter and granddaughter has been special. An d w h i l e t h ere' s support for newer singers in the chorus, the two need no extra help from her, she says: "Brenda doesn't (normally) sing, but she has a gift like her mom. She's pretty much able to listen to it and learn it quite fast." Allison, who's sung with Youth Choir of Central Oregon in the past, "has always sung beautifully." Heagy is also part of the 24-member Bella A c apella Harmony, which will perform eight songs to open the concert. She belongs to Stepping Out, a quartet that will also appear on the program Saturday. And, of course, she' ll sing along with her daughter and granddaugh ter during the second portion of the event, when the 70-mem ber Harmony 4 Women chorus takes to the stage. This marks the third perfor mance by Harmony 4 Women, which began in 2009, took a year off in 2010, and presented its second concert in 2011. According to Connie Nor man, director ofboth choruses and a member of Stepping Out, mother-daughter mem bers in the Harmony 4 Women
If yougo What: Lifting Hearts: A Benefit Concert by Bella Acapella Harmony and Harmony 4 Women Chorus When:3 p.m. Saturday Where:Bend High School, 230 N.E Sixth St. Cost:$10 in advance at www.harmony4women .corn, $12 at the door Contact:www.harmony 4women.corn or 541-383-3142
way around," Norman says. "It's kind of like how you see a duck on the water. It looks like it's all going smooth, but everyone's paddling like heck underneath to make it happen." For the naturally tuneful Heagy, the experience is very much about the camaraderie Joe Kttne/The Bulletin of the chorus. "Coming to chorus, if you' re Dana Barron leads the Harmony 4 Women chorusin movement during a rehearsal at the Bend Senior Center. down or upset about some thing, if you' re bummed or up Chorus are nothing new, but mission of fundraising on be include"Lean on Me," "We are ma's House, Saving Grace and set or feeling bad about some it is highly unusual to have half of four organizations, but Family," "Let There be Peace Bella Acapella Harmony. thing, by the time you leave, it's about more than that, Nor on Earth" and "Can You Feel three generations performing The concert will also feature you don't have those feelings together. man says. the Love Tonight." four finalists from the Central anymore," she says. "The show is a little more on Oregon Teen Acapella Con Though Bella Acapella is a From its inception, "It's al Having her daughter and year-round concern, Harmo ways been about harmony, not the theatrical side," Norman ex test. The c h orus-sponsored granddaughter along just adds ny 4 Women is always seek only in spirit, but in voice, and plains, "as opposed to just a con competition for high school ju to the joy. "It's very, very special to ing new members of all ages, in body, in every way, creat cert where you sing a song, then niors and seniors began in the and begins rehearsals just ing harmony and presenting it another song and then some spring, Norman says. have them with me. I'm very "It's pretty exciting. Those glad Brenda decided to try it eight weeks before its annual to the community. It's always body may say something, and concerts. "It's been a fabulous been a harmonious connec then you sing another song." kids are just p henomenal," out and join us," Heagy says. "I'm hoping that she's enjoying experience," Norman says. "It tivity that has gone on, and of Each of th e songs inter Norman says. "I think it' ll be just a great it enough that she might con gets a little hectic as we' re try course, it's driven home by the twines with the missions of the ing to get together." fact that we' re singing four nonprofits benefitting from the show. There's so much benefit sider staying with us." T he n am e H a r mony 4 part harmony." show: Women's Resource Cen all the way around. It's a win — Reporter: 541-383-0349, Women, or H4W, speaks to its The concert program will ter of Central Oregon, Grand win win win win win all the djasperC<bendbulletin.corn
Hea o woun sto e By judi Light Hopson, You want to free yourself, Emma H. Hopson and Ted Hagen however, because you don' t McCtatchy-Tribune News Service want to live all bent out of Are you still stinging from shape. You want to feel normal, emotional pain somebody in behave normally, and have de flicted upon you a long time cently normal relationships. ago? I deally, you want t o l i v e Maybe a teacher slammed life as if the pain had never your ego in high school. Or, happened. "When I had a lot of bad did your best friend start bad rumors about you? things happen to me, I started We can all recall such inci helping some dysfunctional dents. If we add a few of life' s friends," said a fourth-grade major wounds to the picture, teacher we' ll call Mary. "I had subconsciously de such as divorce or g etting fired, we can really feel hurt. cided that if I could sacrifice If these wounds are deep for others, and make a martyr enough, such pain will cause of myself, I could ward off evil us to act out unhealthy be spirits!" said laughs. haviors. Our relationships can Most of us, if we' ve been suffer a lot. hurt, tend to take an extreme You may be hiding behind path. We either overgive like walls of silence or secrecy.Or, Mary, or we pull back and you may unfairly act out anger hide so far from people that on other people. we never feel close to anyone. A nother u n h ealthy b e Having bad things happen havior is acting overly nice, to you requires some careful which can make you feel like emotional work. You want to a doormat. clean out old wounds to ensure
you can heal. Try these tactics to deal with old pain: • Forgive foolish people. If you were shoved off the high d iving board by a b u lly i n grammar school, realize that the bully was just an immature child. Don't assume all bullies meant you any harm along the road of life. • Realize a mismatch can happen.For example, if you' re a well-educated cosmopolitan woman and your marriage to a laid-back country boy didn' t work, reflect on what's real. Call it a mismatch and stop hating and hurting. • Forgive your parents' mis takes. For example, if y our parents forced you to go to band camp or wouldn't let you date until you were 21, let it go. Parents do make mistakes, so do your best to let them off the hook. "I' ve tried to work through my old wounds," said a real
u i n e w reations i s estate broker we' ll call Diana. "But my big life mistake was marrying an abusive husband. This man sold drugs, beat me and ended up in prison for three years. But I managed to move on reasonably well." We asked Diana what she did to heal and get her life on track. "I decided that I would heal while moving forward," she said. "I started studying for my
real estate exam, and I worked out in the gym every single day. I began trying to heal the day my ex went to prison." Diana says she used positive language to heal, too. "In my thinking, I started wishing my ex all of the luck in the world," said Diana. "But, I told myself, 'I wish myself much more luck t han he' ll ever have.' This way, I could honestly tell him and our kids
I was hoping things would turn around for him. "If you don't spend an ounce of your own energy hating or hurting," she declared, "you' ll have plenty of power to heal and thrive." — audi Hopson and Emma Hopson are authors of a stress management boolz for paramedics, firefighters and police, "Burnout to Balance: EMS Stress." Ted Hagen is a family psychologist.
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Lego artist Nathan Sawaya buys ln bulkdirectly from the Lego company. He currently has 1.5 million Legos in his studio.
"That's the sort of the mag ic," said Sawaya. "There are Continued from B1 the distinct lines and very For more information: On the day his website of sharp corners but when you and Lego art crashed from too back away all of those sharp brickartist.corn much traffic, Sawaya decided right angles blur into curves." it was safe to strike out as an Sawaya glues the blocks artist. into place for shipping. He "I hadn't had t h e c o nfi than if they were looking at a buys in bulk d i rectly fr om dence before," Sawaya said. "I marble statue. When people Lego and organizes them by walked down the long hallway get done seeing my art, they color in large plastic boxes. to my boss's office and said, tell me all the time they go He currently has 1.5 million 'I'm going to play with toys full home and create something Legos in his studio. "I buy them just like ev time.'" themselves from Legos. They Since then, Sawaya h as may appreciate the marble eryone else, but I can order toured the globe and made sculpture, but it's very unlike 500,000red bricks and they'll sculptures of boy band One ly that they have a slab of it at ship them right over," said Direction for The New Yorker, home." Sawaya. "But there are times a globe for President Bill Clin Though the Lego Group, the I have to run to the local toy ton and a l i f e-sized Conan hasman store just because I'm running O' Brien superhero for Comic ufactured Legos since 1949, short." Con. now sells bricks in a variety of "I found my p assion, but shapes and sizes, Sawaya pre what was even better was the fers the old-school rectangular Weekly Arts & EntertainmentI way people were responding," pieces. Yet his sculptures have •• Tt i eeuttet MA G A ZBK said Sawaya. "It was different curves and depth.
il c l l d i e gf Ill colo'.
'Art ofthedrick'
Contact your Bulletin Advertising Representative for more information Tonya McKiernan: 541-617-7865 email: tmckiernan@wescompapers.corn
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LOCAL BRIEFING Flights delayed out of Redmond A severed Sprint network cable led to de lays Monday for Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air flights, including some at Redmond Airport, and cancellations of others. Two
severed tic cables brought down the
F ol low i n gup on Central Oregon's most interesting stories, even if they' ve been out of the headlines for a while. Email ideas to newsC~bendbulletin.corn. O» To follow the series, visit www.bendbulletin.corn/updates.
a 'movin' an
Inside • Alaska says operations
to normal, C6
ticketing system atabout 7:30 a.m. Mon day, according to a news release from Alaska — the parent company of Horizon Air, which flies from Redmond to Portland and to Seattle. The Internet service was restored about noon. A spot check of Mon day's flights to and from Redmond showed three of six Portland flights delayed between five and 30 minutes, accord ing to Alaska Airline's website. Seattle flights to and from Redmond had more problems, ac cording to the website. Four of six experienced delays or were expected to, including two flights Monday night estimated to be delayed more than two hours.
FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/ firemap.aspx.
gps s,)j-' :,La %r'ide\Q O 'send,':.:.....:
1. Pole Creek Fire • Acres: 26,510 • Containment: 85% • Cause: Under investigation 2. Bald Mountain Fire • Acres: 1,009 • Containment: 0% • Cause: Lightning
Eagle Point
• Portland:3 former
governors oppose casino measures.
• Eagle Point:City wants covered bridge on national register. Stories on C3
out on
'Toda By Terri Harber
Bend attorney Jennifer Coughlin and her client, a woman raped by Thomas Bray, are scheduled to appear Wednesday on the NBC-TV "Today" program, according to her office. On Monday, Coughlin and her client were en route to New York and the network studio, B ra y said her law partner Wayne Hawn and Roxy Holm, office manager at the Bend law firm Broth ers, Hawn 8 Coughlin. "It will be Wednesday morning," Holm said, refer ring to Coughlin and the cli ent's appearance on "Today." Their appearance originally was set for today.
Rape victim 'wants to be an advocate'
Ryan Brenneckei The Bulletin
Kasper recovers from his injuriesat the Animal Emergency Center in Bend on Thursday.
• Bend animal clinic has feline back on hisfeet andnearly readyto go home By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
ne month after the house ~ fire that nearly killed him,t n Kasper the cat is "movin' ~I tt tt and groovin'," in the words of vet erinarian Dr. Chad Moles. Kasper was burned over roughly 30 percent of his body in the Sept. 10 fire that destroyed the Deschutes River Woods home where he lived with Beau and Diann Hollowell. Since then, the cat has been living at the Animal Emergency Center in Bend, where Moles and other vet erinarians have been nursing him back to health. After undergoing multiple plas ma transfusions, laser treatment ~
to accelerate the healing of his feet and surgery to clip off the heav ily burned tips of his ears, Kasper is now 80 to 90 percent of the way to being ready to go home with the Hollowells.
Out of the incubator The incubator where he spent his first few weeks hooked up to IVs and a feeding tube inserted into his neck is now in the past, and Kasper has the run of his own small room. He has a few pieces of furniture to sit on, blankets on the floor to pro tect his still scabbed-over feet and enough energy to make a run for it should any unsuspecting clinic staff open the door.
To keep everyone aware of the patient inside, a yellow sticky note is stuck to the door — "Kasper is in the House." In late September, Kasper pulled out his feeding tube, Moles said. Clinic staff took it as a sign he was ready to start eating on his own again. While his weight is less than it should be, he's been eagerly din ing on pureed chicken baby food. Moles said clinic staff have be come fond of Kasper, and he's re ciprocated, nuzzling with anyone who visits him in his new home and purring loudly. "He's definitely shown a lot more spirit, and who he is," Moles said. SeeKasper/C2
In an interview with The Oregonian, Coughlin's client — whom The Bulletin is not identifying — encouraged victims of sexual crimes to report those crimes and to pursue convictions. She also warned victims of sexual assault to know and under stand their rights — includ ing privacy rights. "She wants to be an advo cate," Coughlin said. Coughlin represented the woman in a civil suit filed against Bray, 38, seek ing $1.975 million in dam ages. The woman intended to drop the suit, Coughlin said days after Bray was sentenced Sept. 28 by Deschutes County Circuit Court Judge Stephen Tiktin to 25 years in prison. The woman felt vindicated by the outcome of Bray's crimi nal prosecution and did not wish to go through another trial, Coughlin said at the time. See Bray victim /C2
Cyberattacks ' r ea and perni c i o us' Proposedswapswould consolidate properties threat, Wadente s oca businesses OREGON STATE LAND BOARD
By Lauren Dake The Bulletin
to speak
Wescom Wire report
River conservancy awarded grant The Deschutes River Conservancy will re ceive a $50,000 grant to develop a comprehen sive water management strategy. The grant will be awarded through the Bureau of Reclamation's WaterSMART Coopera tive Watershed Manage ment Program. The conservancy will work with the Des chutes Water Alliance to improve in-stream flows and provide more reliable water supplies to farmers. The organi zations will also work to meet future municipal water demands. — Bulletin staff reports More briefingand News of Record, C2
SALEM — In an effort to consolidate its property, the Oregon State Land Board is expected to consider two Cen tral Oregon land swaps when it meets today. Even though a
thousands of
acres would take on new owner ship, no money is expected to IN change hands. The state owns about 780,000 acres, the bulk of it located east of the Cascades. Two par cels are on the agenda, both zoned for exclusive farm use. The first exchange involves Desert Creek Land, Cattle and Timber Co., which owns 319 acres in Crook County and 152 acres in Deschutes County. That property would be swapped for483 acres ofstate property in Deschutes County. The second would trade 1,880 state-owned acres in Deschutes County and 40 acres in Crook with 1,920 acres in Deschutes County owned by the Joyce E. Coats Revocable Trust. Lanny Quackenbush, the
Eastern Oregon region manager for the Depart ment of State Lands, said both landowners initially approached the state with the idea years ago. The state, however, he said, is just moving on it now. The move is expected to help the landowners with management, fencing or potential sale of what are now checkerboard parcels. A member of the Coats family did not return a call for comment. "Basically it's an ex change to take care of in-holdings, which is what we call them," said John Russell, the asset manager with the Department of State Lands. "They own property surrounded by our property. We own property surrounded by theirs. It makes sense to swap." The state has also been moving to rid its portfolio of land that isn't produc ing much revenue in an attempt to increase the amount of revenue for the Common School Fund. SeeLand swap/C2
By Zack Hall The Bulletin
U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R Hood River, considers cyberat tacks among the most serious threats this nation faces. Walden, the chairman of the House Subcom mittee on Com munications and Technology, and his guest Bill W alden Conner, CEO of Texas-based software secu rity company Entrust, deliv ered that message Monday to a workshop of Central Oregon business people at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus. Walden, who is seeking re-election to his seat in November, was attempting to alert businesspeople to cyber security and update those in attendance on related legisla tive efforts, he said. "Having been a small-busi ness owner, it's really im portant — whether you' re an individual, a small business, or a big business — to know the level of threat that is out there," the congressman said. "Most people are just doing their day-to-day work, and
On theWed FCC SmallBizCyber Planner:www cyberplanner
U.S. ComputerEmergency ReadinessTeam:
U.S. Chamberof CommerceSecurity Essentials:www rn/issues/ technology/internet security-essentials business
U.S. TelecomCyber Toolkit:www.ustelecom .org/issues/cybersecurity/ ustelecom-cybersecurity toolkit
they don't understand how real and pernicious this threat is and how it is evolving expo nentially, daily." Walden used the Zeus/Spy Eye attacks, which can steal users' banking information and then mask the fraud, as an example. Conner, who testified in March in front of Walden's subcommittee, warned the group of the enormity of the
problem and how unprepared many businesses are to face the threat. "The threat is an arms race, and one you have to pay atten tion to regardless of the size and scope of your business," Conner said. In a world in which attack ers can prey on unsuspecting computer owners, Conner suggested that businesses and individuals alike must think far beyond simple antivirus software. To help protect themselves, Conner suggested: • Be vigilant in updating software such as firewalls and operating systems; • Put strong physical con trols on access to facilities and networks; • Secure every mobile device; • Understand how a busi ness and its financial institu tion are protected; • Don't assume businesses are as covered as consum ers. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, for example, insures individual's deposits but not business'; • And evaluate and secure your identification. SeeWalden /C2
LOCAL BRIEFING Continued fromCt
Bend committees
seek applicants The city of Bend is seeking applicants for several open positions on volunteer commis sions and committees. Applicants can apply to serve on the Budget Committee, the Afford able Housing Advisory Committee or the Arts, Beautification and Cul ture Commission. The Budget Com mittee has one open ing, and members are appointed for four years. There are three openings on the Af fordable Housing Ad visory Committee, and representatives must come from either the local affordable housing community, local lend ing institutions or from the public at large. There is also one opening on the Arts, Beautification and Culture Commis sion, and members are appointed for three-year terms. All applicants must be residents of Bend to be considered. Applica tions are due by 5 p.m. Oct. 26. For applications or questions, call 541 388-5505 or visit www
Bend Fire to host
open house The Bend Fire Depart ment has scheduled an open house Saturday at the North Fire Station as part of National Fire Prevention Week. The family-friendly event is free and will take place from noon to 4 p.m. at the station, 63377 Jamison St. The public will be invited to meet local firefighters, tour the station, climb aboard a fire engine and watch a Bend police K-9 demon stration, among other activities. National Fire Preven tion Week was estab lished to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of1871. This year's theme is "Two Ways Out," and is meant to remind residents about the importance of having home escape plans in case of fire. — Bulletin staff reports
Have astory idea or sudmission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend ................ 541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters............. 541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver......... 541-383-0348 Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem..............541-554-1 162 D.C..................202-662-7456 Business ........541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Publicsafety.....541-383-0387 Projects .......... 541-617-7831
Submissions: • Civic Calendar notices: Emaileventinformation to news©bendbulletin.corn, with "Civic Calendar" in the subject,andincludea contact name and phone number. Contact: 541-383-0354
body to kick you when you' re down," he said. Continued from C1 He said things have calmed The Hollowells lost nearly down for h i s f a m ily s i nce all of their belongings in the the fire. His wife and son are fire, and have been living in a reasonably comfortable liv travel trailer with their 5-year ing in the trailer as a tempo old son, Tristan, while they rary solution, and Kasper's look for a new place to live. medical progress has been In a setback, Beau Hollow encouraging. ell,27, said someone stole tools The family got Kasper as a and a four-wheeler that sur pet for Tristan, and Beau Hol vived the blaze and had been lowell has been to the clinic to sitting outside the house while see the cat once. Despite his he and his wife were trying to rough appearance — Kasper's figure out where to store the hair is only now starting to items. grow back, and heavy scabs " There's a l w ay s s o m e cover his legs, face, and belly
Tristan said he i s c om fortable visiting the cat and understands it will still be a while before Kasper is back to his old self. Now that he's off the pow erful sedatives he was taking for the first several days after the fire, Kasper's personality seems to be returning. "He's definitely turningback into himself again," he said. All o f K a s per's medical expenses have been funded by 31 Paws, a Tumalo-based charity that provides financial assistance to pet owners in distress.
Hollowell said his f amily has a lot of people to thank for their kindness since the fire, both for Kasper's treatment and other assistance to help them get back on their feet. Thank-you letters are forth coming, he said, but after los ing his computer in the fire, he hasn't really had a place to sit down and find the right words. "Trying to type on my phone is not really working to say what I want to say," Hollowell said.
Bray victim
the woman through the online dating site Match.corn. Stephen Houze, Bray's de fense attorney, sought access to th e w o man's computer, emails and Google accounts during the trial. Tiktin initially ordered the woman to provide access to her Google search history but ended up not en
forcing the subpoena. "People want t o b e l ieve Google searches are private," Coughlin said. The court decision about the computer evidence was the first of its kind in Oregon. Coughlin characterizes the decision as a "major violation of constitutional rights."
Continued from C1 After a bench trial in July, T iktin convicted Bray — a former anesthesiologist and one-term anatomy instructor at Central Oregon Commu nity College — of assaulting the woman in his apartment in
February 201 1. T he w o ma n w a s h e l d against her will fo r several hours and raped, choked and beaten, according to testimony at trial. The crime occurred while the two were on a date that moved from a local restaurant to Bray's residence. Bray met
• Births, engagements, marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: TheMilestones pagepublishesSunday in Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358
Continued from C1 Conner added that many businesses make the mis take of thinking they are far more protected than theyre allyare. "There is lots of oversight for banks, but there is noth ing that guides you on how to handle this," Conner said. To that end, Conner and Walden both trumpeted the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, a bill that Walden co-sponsored, which passed the House in April w it h th e major ity of votes coming from Republicans. That bill died in the Sen ate, but Walden said that s omething is n e eded t o ensure better communica tion between governmental agencies and the private sector. "We' ve go to be smart about this new world we' re in," Walden said. The message was well-re ceived by many in the audi ence of nearly 50. "It was very good infor mation on a lower level," said Matt Shaffer, infor mation security officer at BendBroadband, who was among the attendees. Shaffer said that Conner's Entrust deals mostly with large businesses and institu tions, but the information is still pertinent to the smaller businesses more commonly found in Central Oregon. "We live in such a con nected world that it doesn' t matter where you live or where you d o b u siness," Shaffer said. "If you' re con nected, you are vulnerable." Walden said one Central Oregon small-business own er told him that the business' website is attacked "a thou sand times a day." And smaller firms are more vulnerable than larg er corporations, Walden added. "In large measure these threats can a f fect small businesses at a worse level," Walden said. "They might not have a whole IT depart ment t o d e fend a gainst cyberattacks."
— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammersC<bendbulletin. corn
NEws OF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Redmond Police Department
Theft —A theft was reported at 8:13 a.m. Oct.1, in the100 block of Southeast Evergreen Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:01 a.m. Oct.1, in the 2000 block of Southwest 35th Street. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at11:37 a.m. Oct. 1, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Burglary —A burglary was reported at12:53 p.m. Oct.1, in the1900 block of Southwest Reindeer Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:03 p.m. Oct.1, in the 2400 block of Southwest Timber View Court. Theft —A theft was reported at 5:18 p.m. Oct.1, in the 3300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 9:50 p.m. Oct.1, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. DUII —Jacob Andrew Marcoulier, 28, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:33 a.m. Oct. 2, in the area of Southwest Canal Boulevard and Southwest Odem Medo Road. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was reported stolen at 8:16 a.m. Oct. 2, in the 3900 block of Southwest 25th Place. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 8:29 a.m. Oct. 2, in the 2400 block of Southwest 23rd Street. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 8:32 a.m. Oct. 2, in the 1700 block of Southwest Odem Medo Road. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 9:34 a.m. Oct. 2, in the 2000 block of Southwest Timber Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:27 a.m. Oct. 2, in the 700 block of Northwest10th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:37 p.m. Oct. 2, in the 3200 block of Southwest Quartz Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:51 a.m. Oct. 2, in the 900 block of Southwest12th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:04 p.m. Oct. 2, in the 200 block of Southwest Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:08 p.m. Oct. 2, in the 2100 block of Southwest Umatilla Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 3:39 p.m. Oct. 2, in the area of Northwest Seventh Street and Northwest Birch Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 4:13 p.m. Oct. 2, in the 2500 block of Southwest Xero Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was
reported at 5:57 p.m. Oct. 2, in the 1800 block of Northwest Elm Court. Burglary —A burglary was reported and arrests made at10:34 p.m. Oct. 2, in the 2000 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:49 a.m. Oct. 3, in the1500 block of Southwest Odem Medo Road. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at12:15 p.m. Oct. 3, in the 2400 block of Southwest Wickiup Court. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:30 p.m. Oct. 3, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:13 p.m. Oct. 3, in the 200 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 6:02 p.m. Oct. 3, in the1200 block of Northwest Rimrock Drive. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 9:57 a.m. Oct. 4, in the 600 block of Southwest Rimrock Way. Burglary —A burglary was reported at10:46 a.m. Oct. 4, in the 800 block of Northeast Nickernut Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at1:49 p.m. Oct. 4, in the 400 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 1:55 p.m. Oct. 4, in the 800 block of Southwest11th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 1:57 p.m. Oct. 4, in the 300 block of Northwest Dogwood Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 4:36 p.m. Oct. 4, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Burglary —A burglary was reported and an arrest made at 2 a.m. Oct. 5, in the1700 block of Southwest Lava Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported and an arrest made at 3:19 a.m. Oct. 5, in the 2400 block of Southwest Wickiup Court. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:48 a.m. Oct. 5, in the 2100 block of Northwest Canyon Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:23 a.m. Oct. 5, in the1200 block of Northwest Upas Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at1:55 p.m. Oct. 5, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was reported stolen at 2:24 p.m. Oct. 5, in the area of Southwest 20th Street and Southwest Reindeer Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 4:27 p.m. Oct. 5, in the area of Southwest 23rd Street and Southwest Salmon Avenue. DUII —Michael John Bertino,48, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:50 a.m. Oct. 6, in the area of Southwest 23rd Street and Southwest Obsidian Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at1:30 p.m. Oct. 6, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane.
Theft —A theft was reported at 2:44 p.m. Oct. 6, in the1500 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 4:57 p.m. Oct. 6, in the 500 block of Southwest12th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 7 p.m. Oct. 6, in the 2800 block of Southwest 25th Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at7:01 p.m. Oct. 6, in the area of Southwest13th Street and Southwest Highland Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:41 a.m. Oct. 7, in the 500 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 3:16 p.m. Oct. 7, in the 1700 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Prineville Police Department
Burglary —A burglary and theft were reported at 11:29 a.m. Oct. 6, in the area of Northeast Stone Ridge Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:11 p.m. Oct. 7, in the area of Northwest Ninth Street. Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Theft —A theft and an actof criminal mischief were reported Oct.1, in the 15500 block of Northwest Lower Bridge Road in Crooked River Ranch.
Burglary —A burglary, theft and an act of criminal mischief were reported Oct.1, in the100 block of Third Street in Metolius. DUII —Douglas Glen Cochran, 51, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 5:21 p.m. Oct. 3, in the 5600 block of Southwest Bluff Lane in Culver. DUII —Charles Tewee, 26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at10:30 p.m. Oct. 4, in the area of U.S. Highway 26 and Northwest Gumwood Lane in Madras. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at4:41 p.m. Oct. 5, in the 5100 block of Southwest Deschutes Drive in Madras.
Third Street and Powers Road in Bend. DUII —Frederick P. Stap, 54, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 10:16 p.m. Oct. 6, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost146. DUII —Troy Daniel Shelley, 26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:30 p.m. Oct. 6, in the area of Southwest 25th Street and Southwest Wickiup Avenue in Redmond. DUII —John C. Straight, 25, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 6:13 p.m. Oct. 5, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost113. DUII —Betsy Allison Hass, 43, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9 p.m. Oct. 4, in the area of state Highway 31 near Silver Lake.
BEND FIRE RUNS Thursday 3:38 a.m.— Building fire, $300,000 loss,3450 N.E Purcell Road. 8:51 a.m.— Building fire, 2456 N.W. Monterey Pines Drive. 4:24 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 1700 N.E Purcell Blvd. 17 —Medical aid calls. Friday 1:16 a.m.— Passenger vehicle fire, 1537 S.E15th Street. 6:06 p.m.— Forest, woods or wildland fire, in the area of Phil's Trailhead. 10 —Medical aid calls. Saturday 1:22 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, in the area of Bear Creek Road. 9:34 p.m.— Authorized controlled burning,60015 Navajo Road. 14 —Medical aid calls. Sunday — 11:56 a.m. Unauthorized burning,6552078th Street. 28 —Medical aid calls.
DUII —Mark Alan David, 57, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:34 a.m. Oct. 6, in the area of
that helped pay for about 15 full-time teachers in Bend. Continued from C1 The federal government al A ny r e venue f r o m t h e lotted Oregon certain sections state-owned land goes into of land in the mid-1800s. At the f u nd, w h ic h p r o vides one time the state owned 3.5 money t o p u b l i c e l emen million acres. tary and secondary schools The Land Board is made up throughout the state. In 2011, of Gov. John Kitzhaber, Secre the fund added about $48.75 tary of State Kate Brown and million to the K-12 budget, State Treasurer Ted Wheeler. which was divided among the — Reporter: 541-554-1182, state's districts. A portion of tdaheC<bendbulletin.corn
"It doesn't matter
where you live or where youdo business. If you' re connected,you are vulnerable." — Matt Shaffer, information security officer, BendBroadband
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Oregon State Police
• School news and notes: Emailnewsitems and noticesof general interest to news©bendbulletin.corn. Emailannouncementsof teens'ac ademicachievements toyouth©bendbulletin.corn. Emailcollege notes,military graduations andreunioninfo tobulletin©bendbulletin.corn. Details:Schoolcoverageruns Wednesday in thissection. Contact: 541-383-0358
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Lawyer posts namesonline from Scouts"perversion files' PORTLAND — A lawyer who has represent ed victims of sexual abuse in lawsuits against the Boy Scouts of America has published an index of decades worth of records from the Scouts' so-called perversion files. Seattle attorney Tim Kosnoff posted the in dex on his website on Monday. It includes a list of 1,900 volunteers who were expelled from the organization between 1971 and 1991 for alleg edly having inappropriate sexual contact with children. He has not released copies of the ac tual files. The 1971-91 files were previously released in the 1990s by a California judge and have been written about by news organizations. Similar records created between 1966 and 1985 are expected to be released in the near fu ture following a ruling by the Oregon Supreme Court.
Lane County seeks to keep $61K seized in raid on pot dispensary EUGENE — Lane County wants to keep nearly $61,000 in cash, a car and an ATM seized in an August police raid on a Eugene marijuana dispensary. The county filed a civil forfeiture complaint in Lane County Circuit Court last week alleg ing the cash and property were part of a crimi nal enterprise involving the operator, Curtis Shimmin, who was arrested. The Register-Guard in Eugene reports he ran the medical marijuana business for more than a year and has yet to appear in court on formal allegations. His lawyer, Brian Michaels, says the seized cash and property were not part of any illegal activity and that the case is part of a broader "war on medical marijuana."
Firefighter pilot walks away from helicopter crash near ShadyCove SHADY COVE — A firefighting helicopter pilot is OK after crashing in rugged terrain near Shady Cove. Authorities say the helicopter had dropped water on a grass-clipping fire at Joseph Stewart State Park on Sunday afternoon and was head ed back to Grants Pass when it suddenly lost power and went down on a forested hillside. The Mail Tribune in Medford reports the pilot, 30-year-old Cody Seeger, was airlifted from the site by Brim Aviation and declined treatment. The crashed helicopter belongs to Columbia Basin Helicopters in Baker City. — From wire reports
Former governorsopposecasino measures By Jonathan J. Cooper
the primary investor in the casi no, working with Great Canadian Gaming Inc., which runs more than a dozen casinos and race tracks in British Columbia and Washington state, and two Lake Oswego businessmen who have been trying since 2005 to get voter approval for a privately owned casino.
The Associated Press
PORTLAND — Three of Ore gon's living former governors are joining the current chief executive in opposing two ballot measures that would authorize Oregon's first nontribal casino. R epublican Vic A t i yeh a n d Democrats Barbara Roberts and Ted Kulongoski held a news con ference with casino opponents in Portland on Monday. Current Gov. John Kitzhaber also has opposed Measures 82 and 83, which would allow investors to build a casino in Wood Village, just east of Portland. C ritics have warned that a new casino would increase crime in the area while harming In dian tribes that operate Oregon's nine existing casinos and rely on the revenue to pay fo r s ocial services such as housing and education. Casino proponents tout a fun destination that they say would create jobs and generate money for parks, police and schools.
Family-friendly destination
Don Ryan /The Associated Press
Former Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski,right, is joined by former Oregon Govs. Vic Atiyeh, left, and Barbara Roberts for a news conference in Portland on Monday. The three are speaking out against Measures 82 and 83, which would change Oregon's Constitution to allow for non tribal casinos across the state and approve a casino outside Portland.
in Oregon. Casinos are currently illegal in Oregon, but the state's ban doesn' t extend to tribal land. Tribes run casinos on their land under feder Active opponents, proponents al law, with the state's permission. Both sides have spent liber Measure 82 w o ul d c h ange ally on t elevision commercials the state constitution to a llow touting the benefits and draw gambling in Oregon, with some backs of e x panding gambling restrictions, if each casino is ap
proved in a statewide vote and in the community where it would be located. Measure 83 would specifically authorize the casino in Wood Village with up to 3,500 slot machines and 150 tables, and require that 25 percent of revenue go to the state lottery fund. Clairvest Group Inc., a private equity firm based in Toronto, is
The developers are advertising their project as a family-friendly destination currently called The Grange, which they say would in clude a casino, hotel, theater and water slide on the site of the aban doned Multnomah Kennel Club in Wood Village — a town of less than 4,000people on the eastern edge of metropolitan Portland, about 15 miles from downtown. They say the casino would be 130,000 square feet — about the size of an average Target store — with 2,200 slot machines and 100 table games. Their plans call for a 125-room hotel, water park, bowling alley, concert hall and a public space for farmers markets and other gatherings. The proponents say t h ey' ll build the project as advertised, although there's no requirement that they do so.
ODOTseekspermit for wet andsproject By Paul Fattig
and Lone Pine creeks. The Mail Tribune (Medford) A permit is required under the T he Oregon D epartment o f federal Clean Water Act to dis Transportation has requested a charge material into w aters of permit from the U.S. Army Corps the U.S. The work also must be of Engineers to work i n U p ton evaluated in accordance with En Slough an d a d jacent w etlands vironmental Protection A gency while building a bypass for state guidelines. Highway 62between Medford and To offset impacts to vernal pools White City. in the area, ODOT has proposed a The project also would impact mitigation plan which includes tap portions of Whetstone, Swanson ping into its vernal-pool-mitigation
and conservation bank, as well as off-sit e restoration of a 63-acre por tion of a vernal pool site. The goal is to ensure there is no loss of vernal pool habitat when the project is completed, officials said. The rare vernal pools provide the life-support systems for two spe cies protected by the Endangered Species Act, including the large flowered woolly meadowfoam and fairy shrimp.
Commentperiod With the application for the permits to work on the wetlands filed Thursday, a 30-daycomment period has been launched. Comments on the pro posed wetland work can be sent through Nov. 4 to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Dominic Yballe, P.o. Box 2946, Portland, OR 97208 2946.
Eag ePoint seeksto ist covered bridge with Nationa Register ofHistoric Paces "When we have needed to re place old boards, we used cus EAGLE POINT — The Ante tom-milled planks that were lope Creek Covered Bridge has rough-cut like t h e o r iginal been nominated for placement ones." back on the coveted National Russell wrote a letter sup Register of Historic Places after porting the bridge's nomina a quarter of a century hiatus. tion to Oregon's State Advi Built 90 years ago, the bridge sory Committee on Historic was placed on the national Preservation. register in 1987. That also was The committee will consid when the span was relocated er the old bridge nomination from its original home over for the national register when Antelope Creek about eight it meets for a two-day session miles southeast of Eagle Point b eginning Thursday in O r and moved to its present loca egon City. tion on Little Butte Creek. T he committee wil l a l so The city, which owns the consider nominations for sites bridge and is seeking its rein in Portland, La Pine, Roseburg statement, has taken pains to and Silverton. restore the structure to its his Nominations recommended torical state, observed Eagle for listing by the committee Point Mayor Bob Russell. are forwarded to the National "We' ve been very cautious Park Service, which maintains about that," Russell stressed. the register under the authority By Paul Fattig
of the National Historic Preser vation Act of 1966. Committee members are experts in histor ic preservation-related fields. M ike Upston, wh o t o o k over the job of Eagle Point city planner earlier this year, insti gated the effort to reinstate the bridge, Russell said. "The council is behind it 100 percent," he said, noting that being placed on the list gives the bridge more gravitas with tourists and others who love old, covered bridges. However, that's not to say that the bridge doesn't attract attention without the listing. "We just had a tour bus stop there with 46 seniors from California," he said. "They all had their photograph taken in front of the bridge. That makes me proud to have that kind of interest."
The Mail Tribune (Medford)
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Kanner's ismissal, commissionsystem riveo can i ates
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Pah tither Editor-in- Chief Edi tor of Edaori als
P,ok~UE T&R Co+
eschutes County has failed again in its quest to find
rtrttt "g
a new county administrator. In the first round of hiring, nobody on the short
list was worthy. In the latest round, one finalist suddenly discovered a family reason to bow out and another couldn' t
agree to terms. Is that really all there is to it) We don't think so. The county has a weak spot. Call it the ghost of Dave Kan ner, and it's driving off highly qualified candidates. The commissioners summar ily disposed of their last strong manager — Kanner — but beyond the echoes of his ghost, the com missioners operate in a system almost guaranteed to repel the skilled and energetic. Two out of the three commis sioners voted to fire Kanner more than a year ago. What terrible of fense did he commit) None. They said it was about his manage ment style — he lacked the warm fuzzies. What he didn't lack was lead ership. He fought for fiscal cau tion, leaving the county in strong financial shape. H e d e fended county employees in a battle with the district attorney. He also tried to protect taxpayers during nego tiations with the county's unions by striving to keep salaries and benefits under control. All that and more, then he was
shown the door. The city of Ashland scooped him up as its city administrator a few months later, praising his skills and "collaborative manage ment style." Was that the style of management commissioners didn't like) Maybe a prospective new coun ty manager could write off the dis missal of Kanner as a personality clash with commissioners Tammy Baney and Tony DeBone, but the three commissioners also work full-time in the county's gover nance. Are there really enough policy matters for three full-time commissioners) No matter how devoutly they might wish to hold to their side of the policy/admin istration divide, there is only so much policy to go around. We know the commissioners have to make difficult policy deci sions, such as the one about a new jail. But any candidate who was watching that tangle may have taken a step back. Even if an ad ministrator is not afraid of ghosts, a job candidate would fear for the ability to function as a strong ad ministrator in the county's set up.
Casino measures create
more problemsthan fixes wo years ago, Oregon voters governments, not help them, and said no to nontribal casinos, might actually shrink the Oregon and they should do so again economy. by rejectingMeasures 82 and 83 Even if the truth falls some this November. where between the extremes of Measure 82 would amend the these conflicting assessments, Oregon C o nstitution, r e mov there are plenty of other reasons ing its prohibition of nontribal to say no. casinos and allowing voters to • Oregon already has l e gal approve them by separate vote. gambling through the lottery and Measure 83 would let local voters nine tribal casinos, whose pro approve placing one — currently ceeds directly benefit Oregonians. called The Grange — on an old In fact, the lottery is the state' s dog-track property in Wood Vil second-largest revenue source af lage, east of Portland. ter the income tax. At least some Proponents claim the casino — possibly a large portion — of would be part of a larger, family the new casino's business would friendly entertainment center that draw away from those existing would bring thousands of jobs options. and millions of dollars for schools • More than 70,000 Oregonians and other public projects. have problems with gambling, according to experts cited by the Despite other objections to more g a m bling, O r e gonians Citizens' Initiative Review, and might be tempted if assured that more casinos can only exacerbate millions of dollars would flow to their problems. schools. But that's not even close • Job gains at the new casino to a sure thing. could be offset by losses to tribal An analysis by the Legisla casinos and businesses that ben tive Revenue Office shows pro efit from lottery business. ponents' claims a r e s u spect. Developers a n d inv e stors The analysis was reviewed for might benefit from a nontribal Willamette Week by University of casino in Oregon, but citizens and Oregon economics professor Tim taxpayers likely would not. Voters Duy. The conclusion: The casino should firmly reject both Measure would likely cost state and local 82 and Measure 83.
M Nickel's Worth Romneytheclearchoice
creasing abuse of this battery power charge in the form of running stop No one should be wringing their lights and riding at night without hands over this presidential elec lights. With normal pedal power, tion. The candidates could not be cars and pedestrians can have a more different in their philosophical reasonable chance of seeing and re views or how they would govern the acting to a bike going under 20 miles nation. per hour. However, at their face-con P resident Barack Obama h a s torting speed above 25 — practically promised and acted on his goal to 30 miles per hour — these bikes grow government. Candidate Mitt take on a new form and dimension Romney envisions a more limited and basically are harder to pick government with an emphasis on out when driving, at stop signs and the free enterprise system. making turns. They also can cause History shows t hat u n l imited a bit of a fright to people and ani growth of government works only at mals when they silently whiz by out a severecost to personal freedoms. of nowhere. Europe's economic woes offer pres If these electric bikes can now ent-day proof that unchecked gov go as fast as a moped or Vespa, ernment largess is not the answer shouldn't they be required to at least for America. have a front light on at all times like Most importantly, the choice for the laws governing their kin? president will dramatically affect John Green future generations. The potential Bend tax burden on our children and grandchildren to pay for the ever-in Balyeat's experience creasing debt and deficit will be un ideal for circuit court post imaginable. This is not an election of nuanced ideas or ideologies, but Think for a moment that you be rather a stark choice for the future come involved in a dispute resulting of this country. in your appearance before a circuit Either we will choose some fla court. This might involve family, el vor of socialism or continue with der law, business, real estate, insur the capitalistic free enterprise sys ance, personal injury, estate, medi tem that has built America. A clear cal or legal issues, contract language choice indeed. in business or employment disputes Bill Eddie and/or criminal matters. You would Bend want the judge to have wide experi ence when hearing your side of any case. Electric bikes pose Andy Balyeat is the most experi new dangers enced candidate running for Des I am completely behind the use of chutes County Circuit Court judge, bikes in Bend and enjoy seeing them having been a full-time practicing around town and in the neighbor attorney for more than 26 years hoods. What I have noticed lately is — 17 of those in Deschutes County. the increased use of electric bikes, He is the only candidate extensively and I am happy to see an owner's experienced in criminal prosecution smiling face going up a hill or cir as well as civil litigation represent cling a roundabout, boosted by their ing both plaintiffs and defendants, with 10 years of experience in fam battery power. U nfortunately, there is a n i n ily law, including estate planning
and administration. Balyeat has litigated before the Oregon Court of Appeals and the O regon Supreme Court. He h a s been admitted to and practiced both in state courts and the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon. He was selected by the Oregon State Bar to represent attorneys in Central Oregon and he has arbitrated and mediatedmore than 140 cases. Balyeat practices with Balyeat 8 Eager LLP and has been awarded by his peers the highest possible rat ing in both legal ability and ethical H standards, referred to as AV Pre eminent" with Martindale-Hubbell. Local attorneys overwhelmingly fa vored Balyeat in the judicial prefer ence poll conducted by the state bar for the circuit court judge position. Please consider Balyeat for cir cuit court judge when casting your ballot. Margaret A. Young Redmond
Signs are protected speech Our Constitution guarantees us the right to express our opinions. There are those in our society who would deny us this privilege if we don't happen to agree with them. For instance, we recently put two signs up on our property. One was for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the other was for Jason Conger. It is our right to do this. When we came home, the signs were gone. Some one had the audacity to infringe upon our constitutional rights. It makes me wonder what the person or person(s) who took them would do had someone done the same thing to them. They would probably be irate. Actions like this just go to show that we need some changes in our society. Amen! Joan Walsh Bend
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
Freedom of speech is not freedom from responsibility By Diana Hopson n response to Johnathan Gur witz's article i n T h e B u l letin — Saturday, Sept. 22 — titled, H Obama administration forgets free doms on anti-Muslim film," I beg your pardon, but free speech does not come without responsibility. It is against the law to yell afire" in a crowded theater. It is against the law to pile rock on a railroad track to cause a train to derail, even if it is in protest against the railroad. It is against the law to denounce some one to the police when you know the accusation is false. There are laws against libel and slander; forget the fact that you don't like the person and are only trying to get even. A ny o f th o s e a c t s h a s t h e p otential to d o t e r r ible harm t o
innocent persons. Timothy Mc V e ig h p ro t ested against the U .S. government by blowing up a building and in so do ing killed many people. He paid for his "freedom of speech" with his life. It is not against the law to burn the American flag as a protest, no matter how heinous we believe the act to be, because this usually does no harm except to the flag and the outrage it provokes. However, if the burning flag ignites a pile of rubble and burns down a building, you will be held responsible. Denouncing the act, sympathiz ing with those injured and letting people the world over know that our government had no responsibility in creating the film was the proper
must have known the possible re sults of posting this film for the en tire Muslim world to see. Being Cop thing to do. Had either Hillary Clin tic Christians in a Muslim world, ton or Barack Obama added, ahow they could not have been ignorant of ever, Mr. Nakoula and his partner the possibilities and they should not had the perfect right under our Con be allowed to hide behind our flag stitution to express their opinion," and our Constitution while their ac it would have sounded as though tions bring death and destruction to they were condoning what Nakoula untold numbers. had done, in effect, pouring prover I nvestigating Nakoula an d h i s bial gasoline on the fire of Muslim p artner to d etermine if t hey d i d discontent. indeed overstep the bounds of what Nakoula's film has now resulted is permissible under our rights to in the deaths of at least four Ameri freedom of speech is the right thing can patriots and untold numbers f or our government to do. If i t i s o f other deaths. The cost of t h e determined that t hey h ave over destruction is in untold billions of s tepped th e b o u nd s o f tho s e dollars. f reedoms, then t h e y s h ould b e Being E g y p t ia n A me r i cans, punished. What they have done is Nakoula and h i s p a r tner surely pretty much the equivalent of what
McVeigh did. They just used a differ ent kind of explosive, but the result is pretty much the same — billions of dollars of destruction, damage to the security of the United States, placing our citizens in harm's way and the deaths of many people. This is to say nothing of having incited the entire Muslim world and the ultimate possi bility of another war in the region. Words are explosive and our free dom of speech must be used with restraint. It's not against the law to buy fertilizer, but it is against the law to use it to blow up a building. It's not against the law to speak your mind, but it is against the law to use those words to incite a riot. Our freedom of speech carries with it the burden of responsibility. — Diana Hopson lives in Bend.
Joann Marie Dacus, of Culver
Nov. 13, 1962 - Oct. 3, 2012 Arrangements: Bel-Air Funeral Home, 541-475-2241 Services: A celebration of life pot luck will be held Sunday 10/1 4/1 2 at The Round Butte Inn in Culver from 2-5pm.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submittedby phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and noon Saturday. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Dean Alexander Stiles Feb. 14, 1935- Oct. 4, 2012 Dean Alexander Stiles of R edmond, OR, died at h i s home on October 4, 2012, at the age of 77. Dean was born February 14, 1935, in Denver, CO, to Dennie and Hazel
Stiles. He worked as a real es tate agent in S alem, O R, a n d r etired i n t he late Dean Stiles 1970s 2008, he and his life part ner, Kay Scott, relocated to R edmond. De a n w a s a member of the Elks Lodge and he enjoyed r anching, cooking, landscaping, and he was an excellent golfer. D ean is survived b y h i s f iancee, Ka y S c o tt ; s o n , Lorren Stiles of Las Vegas; daughter, Carrie O'Dell of Las Vegas; step-daughter, A imee Connor o f S a l e m , OR; three g r a n dchildren, Jonathan, Na t a l ie , an d S tephen; si x sib l i n g s , Joyce Cole, Darlene Carey, D on Stiles, C arol W h i t e h urst, Rolla C a r n ine a n d Sharon Stiles. He was preceded in death by eight siblings, twin sis t ers, Maxine an d M a d i n e Stiles, twin b r others, Dar w in a n d D o r w i n S t i l e s , Joan Hires, Richard Stiles, Delores Car n i n e , an d Stephen Stiles. A memorial service w i l l be held at Silverton United M ethodist Chu r c h on Thursday, Oc t o be r 11, 2 012, at 2:00 p.m. D o n a t ions may be m ade to t h e SHS A l u mn i A s s o ciation ( Scholarship F u n d ) , 3 0 3 O ak S t . , S i l v e r ton , O R 97381. P lease sign o u r o n l i n e g uestbook w ww .r ed mondmemorial.corn.
on service
as soldierfor Germany in
pulp novels By Paul ViteDo
The Associated Press A SHLAND — Ab o u t three-quarters of the peo ple who live in one of Ore gon's trendiest real estate markets, Ashland, couldn' t afford a house there, and rental quarters are scarce, a city study found. The town noted for the Oregon Shakespeare Festi val and upscale tourism is also home to a large number ofretired people and college students, which helps to explain why th e m edian household income of slight ly more than $40,000 a year is less than the median in Jackson County, Oregon and the nation.
At the same time, the city' s Housing N e ed s A na l y sis shows that the town has a surplus of high-end houses, w orth morethan $279,000,the Ashland Daily Tidings report ed Monday. The analysis found t h at 22 percent of homes for sale in Ashland cost l ess than $279,300. The average price for homes that sold in 2011 was just a few thousand dollars more $285,000. To afford a house at that price, a household would have to earn $75,000, but 76 percent of Ashland households earn less, the study found. Ashland has a r e l atively small inventory of land zoned
for multi-family housing, and d evelopers have tended t o build and sell townhouses or convert rental apartments into condominiums for sale. H igh housing c osts a r e pushing workers such as those employed in the fast-growing service and retail sectors to live outside Ashland and com mute, the study says, increas ing traffic and parking prob lems and perhaps contributing to falling school enrollment. The new study has led the city staff to consider steps to encourage more a f fordable housing. "These suggestions are real ly a jumping-off point to have conversations about what we
could do," said city of Ashland Housing Program Specialist Linda Reid. "These are ideas based on what other commu nities have done." The city's planning com mission is meeting today to consider whether to send the report on to the City Council for approval. Among the ideas are des ignating more land for apart ments, encouraging m i x ed residential and business uses, reducing minimum lot sizes, l oosening r e s trictions o n manufactured housing and al lowing accessory residences called "mother-in-law" hous ing in neighborhoods reserved for single-family homes.
New York Times News Service
Sven Hassel, a Danish-born writer whose pulp novels de picting soldiers' lives in the German army during World War 11 — drawn, he said, from his own combat experi ences — sold millions of cop ies worldwide, died Sept. 21 in Barcelona, Spain. He was 95. Hassel's 14 novels portrayed German trench soldiers in a misfits' brigade of c onvicts and deserters — a Third Reich version of the Dirty Dozen who, like soldiers in all wars, eat badly, sleep little, live with death and struggle to retain their humanity. Hassel's soldiers also detest Hitler, occasionally kill their own superior officers, and en gage in steamy sex with con senting local women. For the most part, though, they follow orders and kill enemy soldiers, mainly Russians, on the East ern front. Hassel's publishers say that the books were translated from Danish into 15 languages, and have sold about 53 million cop ies worldwide since the first, "The Legion ofthe Damned," was published in 1953. His novels were pulp fiction staples in the 1960s and '70s. Hassel's novel "Wheels of Terror" was made into a 1987 feature film, "The Misfit Bri gade," starring Oliver Reed. Hassel contended that all his books were based on personal experience: starting in 1937, when he joined the German armed forces at age 20 because there were no jobs in Denmark; and ending in 1945, when Rus sian soldiers took him prisoner. During his Wehrmacht ser vice, he said, he deserted, was recaptured and then assigned to penal brigade in a Panzer division, like the one he de scribes in his books. War buffs complained about inaccuracies in Hassel's mili tary and weapons terminology. Some questioned battlefield scenarios in which his soldiers fought Russians in the morn ing and Free French in the af ternoon, when such encounters would have meant a 1,000-mile march during lunch. A Danish journalist claimed to have evidence that Hassel had spent the war in Copen hagen working for Nazi occu pation forces. But Hassel said he had served on every front of the war and had the battle scars and two Iron Cross med als to prove it. " We were trained to b e come the world's best soldiers through the use of Prussian methods that surpassed any evil and terror you can imag ine," he said. After the war, he was deter mined to write books, he said, "hoping that I could contribute to never letting history repeat itself, and to show the horrors that war entails." "My books are strictly anti military," he said in a 2002 in terview wit h C o ntemporary Authors Online. "They corre spond to my personal view of what I experienced. I write to warn the youth of today against war. I am writing the story of the small soldiers, the men who neither plan nor cause wars but have to fight them. War is the last arm of bad politicians."
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: J ohn Tchicai, 76 : D a n ish saxophonist who played with John Coltrane, Milford Graves, Carla Bley and Steve Swallow, and pioneered free jazz in Europe. Died Monday after suffering a brain hemor rhage in June. Mervyn Dymally, 86: Trini dad-born f o r m e r te a cher w hose g r oundbreaking i f sometimes controversial polit
Ashlandhomes too priceyformostcitizens
ical career spanned more than four decades and included a stint as California's only black lieutenant governor. Died Sun day in Los Angeles after a pe riod of declining health. Lois Smith, 85: Longtime New York City publicist who worked with c elebrities in cluding Marilyn Monroe, Rob ert Redford and Martin Scors ese. Died Sunday of a brain hemorrhage. — From wire reports
Tillamook to en tsunamisirenprogram The Associated Press R OCKAWAY B E A C H — When the big one hits the Oregon Coast, people won't need sirens, say ex perts — they' ll know by the intense trembling beneath their feet that a tsunami is on the way and it's time to hustle to high ground. Besides, the experts say, the earthquake a few dozen miles out to sea will likely topple the sirens and knock out their power. And if t h e t sunami is generated by a di s t ant e arthquake, such as t h e one that hit Japan last year, there will be a few hours for residents to be warned by other means. B eyond al l t h a t , t h e c ommissioners i n T i l l a mook County say, there are neither spare p arts nor a fixit person for their sirens, so the county will quit using them as of Jan. 1, The Oregonian newspa per reports. The sirens are W orld War 11 technology and can be replaced with more ef fective, efficient technol ogy — such as reverse 911, social media and public ad dress announcements, said Gordon McCraw, emergen cy management director for county. The decision has drawn objections. Ocie Johnson, who lives two blocks from the sea
j I I
The Associated Press file photo
Cannon Beach architect Jay Raskinstands in front of a tsunami evacuation sign in Cannon Beach in March 2011. Tillamook County will shut down its tsunami sirens Jan. 1. at Rockaway Beach with her mother, started a campaign on Facebook — SOS Save Our Si rens in Tillamook County. "For the distant tsunami, the sirens are dummy-proof," said Johnson. "I have issues with the social media aspect and our phones. For vacation ers, how would they get the information? A lot of seniors d on't text. They d on't u se Facebook. They don't have cellphones." Patrick Corcoran, an Or
egon State University special ist on earthquake and tsunami hazards, says it's imprudent to rely on sirens. "There i s a 3 7 pe r cent chance in the next 50 years of a Cascadia event, magnitude 8 or -9," Corcoran said. "When the event happens, what mat ters is knowing where you are in relationship to high ground and getting there." Johnson said the county has not done a poor job of notify ing residents that the sirens
would be discontinued. " They trained us f o r 1 5 years, 'Listen for the siren, listen for the siren.' In three months, we are supposed to reset our brains," she said. Tillamook County Commis sioner Charles Hurliman says the sirens are failing and can' t be depended on, but he'd be open to communities keeping them. "If that's what they want, they would need to take care of them," he said.
Contingencyoffers resurface inrealestate market By Greg Stiles
home in another area." T he o n ce-common s c e Contingency offers — in nario, however, is making a which an offer to buy a comeback, helping to bolster house is contingent on the Southern Oregon's modest buyer selling their exist real-estatecomeback. "There is new money com ing house — were once a bread-and-butter aspect of ing into the market," said Gal Rogue Valley real estate. breath, who recently had a But that k in d o f d e al contingency deal go through. "The folks who made the e ssentially w e n t aw a y when the bubble burst six contingency offer sold their years ago, because buyers home in Castro Valley (in the couldn't count on selling Bay Area) in 45 days," Gal their own houses. breath said. "When cont i n gency The latest Southern Oregon o ffers came," said R o n Multiple Listing Service fig Galbreath, an agent with ures show the median price Coldwell B a n k er, "we for existing houses rose as in w ould just d eny i t , w e creasing activity continued to couldn't t r us t s o m eone reduce the inventory of exist would be able to sell their ing single-family residences. The Mail Tribune (Medford)
The countywide median price fo r e x i s ting h o uses sold July 1 t h r ough Sept. 30 climbed 9.1 percent to $169,900 from $155,750 a year earlier, while the number of units sold jumped 24.2 per cent to 564, compared to 454 for the summer months a year ago. Turnaround time on the those transactions dropped to 57 days on the market from 99 days. The inventory of available houses continued to decline, with 1,139 units available as of Sunday versus 1,517 on the market a year ago. Another positive indication for the local market was that 58.5 percent — nearly three out of five deals — were tradi
tional sales at a median price of $ 2 02,600. B a nk-owned foreclosures accounted for 23.6 percent oftransactions at a median price of $137,500, while short sales were 17.2 percent of sales at a median price of $150,000. Local real-estate observer Roy Wright of Roy W r ight Appraisal Service in Medford said t hr e e cons e cutive positive quarters is a g ood sign. "Four years ago, we were in thethird year of decreased home sales and second year of decreasing prices," Wright said. "Now, with three-quar ters ofincreasing sales and prices, we' re going the right direction."
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La Pine 68/32 Crescent
Rosebug • 56/48
Baker City ™c h er m/38
• SPray/2/32
CENTRAL Skies will be partly to mostly sunny across the region today.
Un r~
• Pnnev i l le 68/37
Oak r idge
70/43 ~
Coos Bay
6 7/a
Redmand 69/35 • 71/36 Sunnver• Bend
Cottage Grove
• 66/31
s' t
Eugeneo 58/45 ~
La Graride•
Camp Shermap
Ent e r p rio
• Meacham •
Warm S prings
• Ftermistono/a >Warrox/a • Pendleton ) 62/29
Yachatso ~
i o Wasco
72 /43
75/40 •
Sandy •
Dal ies 71/44
• Government Camp os/44
Por tIaIl(I
Ft 158bciti
Hood River
Seaside oCannortBeach / Tillamooko E 62/46 McMinnvill
Chiloquin 69/35
• Kla math Falls 001
• 15'
• Lakeviov
• Calgary 49/36f
• 61/4
+ + + ss sk Thunder rsa36i
43/ 2 9
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ss ss ss s ss s
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Bullhead City, Ariz
• 10'
aPid City
Boise / 67/38
• 2.72" Ft Lauderdale, Fla
5 F rancisc 61/5 2
Cit y
Oklahoma City 79/48•
ggP Phoenik
La Paz 85/68 Juneau 54/38
• Buffalo
I 60$
Washin n , DC.
Charlotte s • 64 /46
( Nashville i'
Little Rock 1 72/56
• Dallas -81/62
Chihuahua 85/61
uquer lue
hjca 0
New' 53 61/49 W iladelphia Columbus 50$ 1 60/52 ,
sess ~
• Louisville
77/50 •
60/32 '0
'Detroit 63/48•
Las 73/48
oO Ftonoruruton, Igp
alt Lake
Cheyenne 0
Fraser, Colo.
5 2/4 6 57/43 ton 58/48
• 97'
73 40
70 34
66 43
Mazatlan ~ 87/77
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunnsetoday...... 7:13 a.m Sunset today...... 6:31 p.m Sunnsetomorrow .. 7:14 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:29 p.m Moonnsetoday... 12:43 a.m Moonset today.... 3:12 p.m
Moon phases N ew First
F ull
Pl •
Oct 21 Oct. 29 Now 6
58 42
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:04 a.m...... 7:06 p.m. Venus......350 a.m...... 5:07 p.m. Mars......11:1 4a.m...... 8:21 p.m. Jupiter...... 9:10 p m..... 12:22 pm. Saturn...... 818 a m...... 7 08 pm. Uranus.....559 pm...... 621 am.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 72QB 24hours ending 4p.m.'.. 0.00" Recordhigh........BBin1980 Monthto date.......... 0.00" Recordlow.........15in1961 Average monthto date... 0.10" Average high..............66 Y ear to date............ 6.74" Average low............... 34 Average yearto date..... 7.28" 6arometncpressure at 4p.m.29.93 Record 24 hours...0.61 in1962 'Melted kquid equivalent
Y esterday Tuesday We d . Bend, west ofHwy.97......Ext. Sisters ................................Ext City Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i / Lo/WBend,east ofHwy. 97.......Ext. La Pine................................Ext Preapitationvalues are24hour totals through4 p m. Redmond/Madras......Mod. PrineviHe...........................Ext Astona ........55/40/0.00 .....58/45/c.....61/46/pc 6aker City......68/18/0.00 .....68/30/s......72/29/s 6rookings......59/45/0.00 .....59/49/c.....61/49/pc 6urns.......... 71/1 5/0.00 ..... 71/28/s...... 72/30/s Eugene........7208/0.00 .....72/41/s......73/41/s Klamath Falls...71QB/0.00 .....71/31/s......73/31/s Lakeview....... 70Q5/0.00 .....69/36/s.....70/33/pc La Pine........75/18/0.00 .....68/32/s......67/22/s Medford.......77/43/0.00 .....78/41/s......78/42/s Newport.......59/45/0.00 .....55/47/c......57/49/c North 6end...... 63/48/NA.....62/43/c......59/43/s Ontano........68Q6/0.00 .....70/40/s......70/39/s Pendleton...... 7102/0.00.....72/32/s......72/33/s Portland .......72/40/0.00.....72/49/s......72/46/s Pnneville....... 72/30/0 00.....68/37/s......70/32/s Redmond.......75Q2/0.00 .....69/32/s......70/33/s Roseburg.......75/42/0.00 .....71/42/s ......72/45/s Salem .........7308/0.00 .....73/43/s ......74/41/s Sisters .........73Q 1/0.00 .....69/35/s ......69/26/s The Dalles......7702/0.00 .....75/40/s......75/41/s
Mod =Moderalorxi. = Exveme
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Res rvo e ir Acrefeet Capacity Crane Praine..... . . . . . . . 33,733...... 55,000 Wickiup..... . . . . . . . . . . 106,141..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 70,842...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir.... . . . . 17,524...... 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Pnneville..... . . . . . . . . . . 84,897..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow Stat i o n Cubic ft./sec for solar at noo Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Praine ...... . 313 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,050 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 26 LOW M HIGH Littl e DeschutesNear La Pme ............. 251 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 121 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 1,536 Crooked RiverAbove Pnneville Res. . ... . . . . . . 8 Crooked RiverBelow Pnneville Res. .... . . . . 153 Updated daily. Source: pollen.corn Ochoco CreekBelow Ochoco Res. .... . . . . . 15.8 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne .... . . . . . . . 251 Contact:Watermaster, 388-6669 LOW MEDIUM or go to www.wrd.state.
To report a wildfire, call 911
I 40s
(in the 48
Off and on widespread showers are pos sible, cooler, cloudy.
Legen d:W-weather,Pcp-prea pitation,s-sun,pc-partialclouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowfrumes,snsnow, i-ice, rs-ram-snowmix,w-wind, f-fog, dr-dnzzle,tr-trace
• rs~. wswwwrs • • • wwwm Vancouver
Starting to cool, a few isolated showers late in the
Yesterday' s extremes
A few clouds in the afternoon, staying
More sunshine, a warm and very pleasant
I-louston 83/67 o
I 70/50 At I a nta Birmingham 7 0 / 52 70/50
ew Orleans 77/61
Orla o 88 0
Miami 88/77
Monterrey 87/68•
FRONTS Cold W arm Stationary
4 4
+ sk sk
Showers T-storms Rain
Flurries Snow
Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Gty Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,lx......66/34/0.00...88/62/s. 78/64/pc GrandRapids....56/33/0.00...64/42/c. 52/39/sh RapidCity.......60/39/000... 50/36/c .. 67/42/s Savannah.......69/59/0 34.. 74/58/pc.. 81/61/s Akron..........50/33/0.00...60/45/s. 54/35/sh Green Bay.......60/30/0.00..56/35/sh. 49/36/pc Reno...........77/42/0.00 ..70/41/pc.71/44/pc Seattle..........70/46/0.00... 65/47/s .. 64/46/s Albany..........55/44/0.00..59/44/pc. 63/40/sh Greensboro......49/45/0.06...60/46/s. 74/44/pcRichmond.......51/45/0.08.. 61/47/pc.. 74/45/s Sioux Falls.......71/41/0.00... 52/25/c .. 62/39/s Albuquerque.....77/43/0.00...77/50/s. 77/53/pc Harnsburg.......50/39/0.03..60/44/pc.68/40/sh Rochester,NY....55/35/000 .. 63/47/pc. 57/40/sh Spokane........69/40/000... 69/37/s .. 69/37/s Anchorage......52/47/0.01... 50/40/s.. 50/41/s Hartford,CT.....55/39/0.00 ..58/46/sh. 63/45/pc Sacramento......75/52/0.00.. 75/55/pc.76/54/pc Spnngfidd, MO..58/31/0.00.. 70/42/pc.. 65/46/s Atlanta.........63/52/000...70/52/s. 76/52/pc Helena..........531341000..57/37/pc. 62/36/pc St Louis.........62/38/0.00 ..69/45/pc.. 61/41/s Tampa..........83/73/0.03... 88/70/t .. 88/70/s Atlantc City.....54/39/0 00 .. 63/54/sh. 66/52/pc Honolulu........85/77/0 01.. 85/71/sh.. 85/72/s Salt Lake City....72/38/0.00... 73/48/s. 74/50/pc Tucson..........92/62/0.00... 88/64/s. 87/65/pc Austin..........70/50/0.00...83/67/s. 84/68/pc Houston........72/53/0.00...83/67/s. 87/71/pcSanAntonio.....69/51/000...83/69/s. 85/71/pc Tulsa...........65/36/000..76/47/pc. 71/57/pc Baltmore.......54/41/0 00.. 60/51/pc. 68/47/pc Huntsvige.......61/48/017 ..70/50/pc. 74/44/pc SanDiego.......75/68/0.00... 70/64/c .. 69/63/c Washington,DC..55/45/0.00 .. 60/50/pc. 69/47/pc Bigings .........51/44/0.01...51/38/c.. 64/38/s Indianapolis.....56/31/0.00...65/42/s.. 56/36/s SanFranasco....69/53/0.00... 65/53/c .. 65/53/c Wichita.........69/31/0.00 ..71/44/pc. 65/52/pc Birmingham.....64/49/0.00...70/50/s. 77/50/pc Jackson, MS.....66/49/0.00...74/53/s. 80/56/pc SanJose........72/48/0.00 .. 71/52/pc.69/51/pc Yahma.........73/29/0.00... 71/37/s .. 71/37/s Bismarck........56/44/000..44/27/pc.. 62/34/c Jacksonvige......85/71/002 ..80/66/pc.. 83/67/s SantaFe........73/30/0.00...72/42/s. 71/46/pc Yuma...........95/72/0.00... 92/69/s. 88/65/pc Boise...........68/37/000... 67/38/s .. 70/39/s Juneau..........53/43/0 00.. 54/38/pc. 51/35/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........56/46/0 00 .. 58/48/sh. 61/48/pc KansasCity......64/33/0 00 .. 69/37/pc.. 63/46/s Bndgeport,CT....57/41/000..60/49/sh. 65/45/pc Lansing.........54/32/000..64/41/pc. 50/36/sh Amsterdam......55/41/000... 55/46/c. 57/41/pc Mecca.........104/84/0 00 ..101/80/s. 100/80/s Buffalo .........50/40/012 ..61/49/pc. 58/41/sh LasVegas.......90/64/0 00.. 86/66/pc...82/64/t Athens..........84/64/0.00 ..80/64/pc. 76/63/sh MeacoCity......73/59/0.00... 73/52/t...71/52/t Burlington, VT....57/43/0.05 .. 59/45/pc. 60/39/sh Leangton.......56/39/0.00... 67/48/s. 60/38/sh Auckland........68/50/000..65/50/sh. 64/60/sh Montreal........54/36/000..60/43/pc. 57/41/sh CanbouME.....47/37/0 21.. 52/37/pc. 54/39/sh Lincoln..........73/34/0 00.. 61/30/pc.. 64/44/s Baghdad........99/77/0.00... 96/69/s .. 98/67/s Moscow........46/37/0.00 ..49/35/sh. 46/38/sh Charleston,SC...66/57/084..72/57/pc.. 80/59/s Little Rock.......62/44/001 ..72/56/pc.. 74/54/c Bangkok........86/77/0.00... 92/74/t...95/79/t Nairobi.........82/59/0.00... 82/62/t...81/62/t Charlotte........54/48/000... 64/46/s.. 74/49/s Los Angeles......74/62/0 00... 69/61/c.. 66/61/c Beiyng..........73/50/0.00...72/51/s .. 70/59/s Nassau.........88/79/0.00... 86/78/t. 86/79/pc Chattanooga.....53/48/0.19...68/47/s. 74/46/pc Louisvige........59/41/0.00...69/52/s.. 62/39/s Beirut..........82/72/0.00 ..80/72/pc.. 80/73/c New Ddhi.......93/68/0.00... 95/71/s .. 94/71/s Cheyenne.......67/30/0 00 .. 50/33/pc. 66/42/pc Madison,WI.....61/37/0 00.. 58/32/sh. 51/38/pc Berkn...........57/41/0.00 ..55/37/sh.57/40/pc Osaka..........77/57/0.00 ..75/70/pc. 77/63/pc Chicago.........60/32/0.00...67/42/c. 53/43/pc Memphis........63/48/0.02... 73/56/s. 74/51/pc Bogota.........63/54/0.00 ..68/48/pc. 65/52/sh Oslo............48/39/0.00 ..48/33/pc. 42/32/pc Cinannat.......56/34/0.00... 65/45/s.. 60/36/s Miami..........88/74/0.37... 88/77/t. 88/76/pc Budapest........57/37/0.00... 58/40/c .. 56/38/c Ottawa.........54/30/0.00 ..59/40/pc. 55/37/sh Cleveland.......53/36/0.00... 61/49/s. 55/40/sh Milwaukee......61/33/0.0061/40/sh. .. 51/42/pc BuenosAires.....68/59/000..74/49/pc. 60/44/pc Pans............63/46/000... 63/55/r.. 62/54/c ColoradoSpnngs.68/28/000.. 64/34/pc. 70/45/pc Minneapolis.....64/39/000... 53/31/c. 53/40/pc CaboSanLucas ..91/68/0.00...92/74/s. 91/74/pc Rio de Janeiro....88/72/0.00... 90/71/s.. 95/71/s Columbia,MO...61/31/0.00..71/41/pc.. 61/42/s Nashvige........62/46/0.04... 70/50/s. 68/43/pc Cairo...........84/70/0.00... 84/73/s .. 87/75/s Rome...........79/61/0.00 ..75/57/sh.. 75/60/s Columbia,SC....60/55/0.44... 69/50/s .. 81/53/s New Orleans.....72/57/0.00... 77/61/s.. 82/68/s Calgary.........46/39/0.00 ..49/36/sh.39/27/sn Santiago........59/48/0.00... 61/51/s .. 70/57/s Columbus 6A....76/54/0.00... 74/52/s .. 81/55/s New York .......55/44/0.00 ..60/53/sh. 66/49/pc Cancun.........86/73/0.00... 86/78/t...87/78/t Sao Paulo.......82/61/0.00... 86/65/s...89/63/t Columbus OH....54/36/0.00... 63/46/s. 57/35/sh Newark, NJ......56/43/0.00 ..62/52/sh. 69/47/sh Dublin..........54/43/0 00.. 52/46/pc. 55/49/sh Sapporo...... not available ..66/53/pc. 66/50/sh Concord, NH.....56/37/0.02.. 56/40/sh. 61/40/sh Norfolk,VA......59/55/0.79.. 62/54/sh.. 71/55/s Edinburgh.......55/32/000... 52/33/s .. 54/44/c Seoul...........73/55/0 00 .. 69/46/sh. 64/58/pc Corpus Chnsti....75/58/0 00... 84/75/s. 87/76/pc OklahomaCity...65/31/0 00... 79/48/s. 71/58/pc Geneva.........61/54/0.00 ..63/55/sh. 64/52/sh Shanghai........79/63/0.00 ..74/61/pc.. 75/60/s DallasFtWorih...66/39/000... 81/62/s. 82/67/pc Omaha.........71/37/0 00.. 60/32/pc.. 63/44/s Harare..........88/66/0.00 ..82/58/pc.. 86/57/s Singapore.......90/77/0.00 .. 89/80/pc...90/79/t Dayton .........53/33/000... 63/45/s. 56/35/sh Orlando.........87/73/034... 88/70/t.. 88/72/s HongKong......86/79/0.00.. 88/70/pc.. 87/78/s Stockholm.......52/41/0.00 .. 47/35/sh.. 45/36/c Denver..........74/31/0.00..63/36/pc. 72/45/pc PalmSpnngs.....96/66/0.00..93/65/pc. 86/65/pc Istanbul.........75/63/0 00.. 69/56/sh.. 72/63/c Sydney..........63/57/0 00.. 67/47/sh. 81/44/sh DesMoines......68/38/0 00.. 59/33/sh.. 59/43/s Peona..........60/32/000... 68/39/c.. 57/39/s Jerusalem.......77/59/0.00...76/61/s.. 78/60/s Taipo...........82/70/0.00..81/71/sh. 79/69/sh Detroit......... 55/33/trace.. 63/48/pc. 55/41/pc Philadelphia.....55/43/0 00 .. 60/52/sh. 68/48/pc Johannesburg....79/52/0.00.. 78/63/pc.84/63/pc Tel Aviv.........84/72/0.00... 82/70/s. 84/72/pc Duluth..........47/36/010... 48/31/c. 47/35/pc Phoenix.........95/71/000... 92/70/s. 91/71/pc Lima ...........70/61/000..69/61/pc. 68/60/pc Tokyo...........72/64/000..71/62/sh. 71/58/sh El Paso..........84/49/0.00... 84/59/s. 86/63/pc Pittsburgh.......48/34/0.00... 60/43/s. 56/35/sh Lisbon..........82/61/000..80/64/pc.. 76/63/c Toronto.........54/36/000..56/45/pc. 53/40/sh Fairbanks........41/37/0 52 .. 41/16/pc.. 37/15/s Portland ME.....56/39/0 04.. 57/43/sh. 59/41/pc London.........55/50/0.00... 55/45/c. 60/49/pc Vancouver.......63/45/0.00... 61/46/s .. 61/45/s Fargo...........54/37/0.04...45/28/c. 56/35/pc Providence......57/40/0.0059/47/sh. .. 64/47/pc Madnd.........84/57/0.00... 82/60/s .. 80/54/c Vienna..........59/39/0.00 ..52/39/sh.. 54/40/c Flagstaff........69/35/0 00 .. 68/37/pc. 67/37/pc Raleigh.........52/46/037 ..60/47/pc.. 75/46/s Manila..........88/75/0.00... 87/78/t .. 88/78/c Warsaw.........54/43/0.00 ..52/37/sh.. 50/39/c
Farmers wa 0 r o w in e m By Gene johnson and Kristen Wyatt The Associated Press
Tod S.Warren / The Associated Press
Richard Anderson, left, CEO of Delta Alr Lines,speaks as Brad Tilden, right, president and CEO of Alaska Airlines, looks on, Monday at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Seattle.
2 severe ca les shut own ticketing
or AlaskaAirlines By Doug Esser The Associated Press
SEATTLE — Alaska Air lines operations slowly were returning to normal Monday afternoon after a fiber-optic outage shut down its ticketing system for five hours, cancel ling flights in Seattle and Los Angeles and causing delays across the airline's 64-airport network. The problems started short ly before 8 a.m. when comput ers the airline uses to check in passengers went down, forc ing employees to board trav elers manually — in some in stances sticking handwritten flight numbers to computer monitors. The biggest delays were at Seattle's Sea-Tac Airport, where about half the flights are Alaska Airlines or its re gional airline Horizon Air. Frustration grew along with the lines of passengers waiting to check in, though some trav elers simply sat or lay down and waited. Lines stretched out the door in the Alaska Air lines part of the terminal. Airline rep r e sentatives apologized and said techni cians were working as fast as possible to restore the connec tion to the company's Sabre reservation system.
No other airlines at Sea-Tac were affected by the problem, airport spokesman Perry Coo per said. The outage forced a num ber of cancellations, including three flights out of Sea-Tac and three flights to Sea-Tac from Las Vegas, Ontario, Ca lif., and Orange County, Ca lif. At least two Los Angeles International Airport fl ights also were canceled. Other locations that experi enced delays included Alaska and Portland, Alaska Airlines s pokeswoman Mar ia n n e Lindsey said. A ll passengers who h a d their travel disrupted were told they could rebook without a rescheduling fee. The problem was caused by a combination of two cut cables in Sprint's fiber-optic network. One occurred at a construction site along rail road tracks between Chicago and Milwaukee and the other was somewhere between Port land and Seattle, said Sprint spokeswoman Crystal Davis in Reston, Va. "Typically if there's just one cut, traffic reroutes automati cally," Davis said. "Because there were two cuts within hours of each other, it caused this disruption."
SEATTLE — Residents of W ashington, O r egon and Colorado won't just be considering whether to let adults buy pot at state-sanc tioned shops when they vote next month on legaliz ing and taxing marijuana. T hey' ll be v o t ing o n whether to let farmers grow marijuana's far less potent cousin — hemp — for cloth ing, food, biofuel and con struction materials among other uses. The passage of the mea sures would create the fa miliar clash with federal law, which prohibits grow ing the plant for industrial, recreational or medicinal purposes. "Farmers are already en gaged in a high-risk endeav or, n said Roy Kaufmann, a spokesman for Oregon's pot initiative. "That weari ness of potentially facing federal action is just too much of a disincentive." The three ballot initia tives to regulate pot like al cohol have garnered much a ttention, in part for t h e hundreds of millions of dol lars they could bring into state coffersand for the
showdown it could set up with the federal government. Less well known is the ef fect the measures would have on hemp and the possibilities they create for another fight with the federal government. Nine states — H awaii, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, M ontana, N o r t h Dak o t a , Oregon, Vermont and West Virginia — have passed laws allowing hemp cultivation or research, and supporters of the latest measures say they would be another shot across the f e d eral g o v ernment's bow. While medical marijuana patients and those who grow for recreational use have been willing to risk federal prosecu tion, a viable hemp crop would be much larger than many of those grow operations, putting farmers at risk of severe man datory minimum sentences in federal court. Steve Freng, p r evention t reatment manager for t h e Northwest H i g h In t e nsity Drug Trafficking Area, a fed erally funded antidrug effort, said having legalized hemp would make marijuana en forcement trickier. "What comes to mind imme diately is how difficult it would be to regulate and oversee an industry like that," he said. "At
Seriously I ow ric:es.
this point in states that have medical marijuana, a g o od amount of marijuana is over produced. It's not unusual for growers to sell out of state." Freng questioned whether there's a serious market for hemp in the U.S. A Colorado corn f a rmer who serves in the state Leg i slature, R e publican s t a te Sen. Greg Brophy, suggested hemp's commercial potential could be hampered by high prices for corn. Growing corn right now is "like owning your own ATM, n he said. At least 30 countries pro duce hemp commercially, and
most of the hemp imported into the U.S. is grown in Chi na, Canada and Europe. Some farmers i n terested in experimenting with hemp aren't planning to vote for the ballot measures. They include Rob Jones, a southern Colo rado potato farmer who has u nsuccessfully l o bbied t h e Legislature to permit indus trial hemp. Told the marijuana measure on ballots this fall would do the same thing, Jones scoffed. "It's going to be legal to smoke it in this state before we can grow it for legitimate purpos eS,n JOneS Said.
F or furr, for friend s , f or health, for li f e !
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BASKETBALL LeBron defends cost of shoes FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.— The sneakers that
Oregon State's Mannion out with knee injury
supposedly weregoing to break the $300 barrier are now out at $270. But that's not the point, LeBron James said. The point, the star Miami Heat forward said, is that in addition to hisnew high-end model, he also has worked with Nike to offer a series of releases of his footwear at various price points, which is why he was caught off guard by the recent pricing backlash. Amid the launch for the LeBron X, the model that comes with high end sneaker-compatible software for $270 and without the added tech
nology for $180, James
• No. 10 Beavers'quarterback is out indefinitely and will require surgery, backupCodyVazset to start this weekendagainst BYU
Joel Odom /The Oregonian
Oregon State quarterback Sean Mannionis out indefinitely with a knee injury that will require surgery. Cody Vaz will start in place of Mannion when the No. 10 Beavers take on BYU this weekend.
The Associated Press CORVALLIS — Oregon State quarterback Sean Man nion is out indefinitely after in juring his left knee during the Beavers' victory over Wash ington State on Saturday. Backup Cody Vaz will start for the 10th-ranked and un defeated Beavers when they play anonconference game at BYU this weekend. Mannion had his injured knee in a brace and watched from the sidelines at practice on Monday. Coach Mike Riley said an MRI has indicated
that the 6-foot-5, 212-pound sophomore quarterback will require surgery. "It's very, very disappoint ing for the young man. He' s invested a ton and he's going to miss some time," Riley said. "Like I told him, 'You' re go ing to be fine. I read about a guy who hurt his knee in the first game of the season a few years ago and he's still pretty good — Tom Brady. The foot ball stuff happens, you' ve just got to live with it and get bet ter from it.' "He' ll be back and he' ll be
fine." The specific nature of Mannion's injury was not released. Mannion left prac tice without speaking to reporters, and Riley said the quarterback would undergo additional examination Mon day afternoon. There was no timetable for the surgery or for Mannion's return. "I'm going to let the doc tors talk about that, or Sean, when he's ready for that," Riley said. See Mannion /D5
stressed that it is a mat ter of offering a variety of options. He said the initial fo
cus on a possible $300 plus price was mislead ing, "because the facts weren't correct." In a private moment with the (Fort Lauder dale, Fla.) Sun Sentinel, he said such attention was misplaced. "We have wide ranges of shoes that range from $300 all the way down
A mix of winter sports gear and equipment will be available for purchase at the annual Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation Skyliners Winter Sports Swap this weekend.
to $160, $180," hesaid, with the Nike website currently offering a signature James model
fA l
Andy Tullls/ The Bulletin
le 4
at $120. He said there is a place for a high-end model, as well as other price points. "We have great tech nology and they do a great job of putting out great shoes and things of that nature," James said. "But it just bothers you when things aren' t always correct. But other than that, we move on and we get the real facts out there and we live with them."
- z,©
• Annual winter sports swapset for Saturday inBend AMANDA MILES
Asked if he was involved in the price of his footwear, he told the Sun Sentinel, "We just try to do a good job of continuing to innovate the shoe game. Like I said, it's great technol ogy out there. We go around asking kids and asking people who love shoes what they like to see in shoes and we go from there." — Wire service report
SKIING Vonn wants to race with men GENEVA — Lindsey Vonn wants to challenge the men's downhill ski ers in a World Cup race next month, though her wish still needs the sup port of the United States team and Alpine skiing's
C ith the pleasant, mild weather Central Or egon has been expe riencing this fall, winter may seem a long way off still. But the staging this week of the annual Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Founda tion S k yliners W i nter Sports Swap means that the snow-sports season is on the way — and is not far in the offing. Now more than 30 years run ning, the sports swap, sched uled for this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., is something of a Central Oregon institution. "It is a good fundraiser for us," says Molly Cogswell-Kel ley, the financial development and events director for MBSEF, referring to the event's primary purpose. "But it's also — it's like the kickoff to the ski season, which is really cool, and it's be come part of Bend's tradition to have this." See Swap /D5
I,S '0
governing body. The U.S. ski federa tion said Monday that it had not had a "formal discussion" about the possibility of its star racer challenging the men Nov. 24 in Lake Louise, Alberta. Vonn, the women' s Olympic downhill cham pion, has written the International Ski Federa tion to ask whether she can make the historic start at a venue where she has earned nine of her 26 World Cup down hill victories. The Ca nadian course — often dubbed "Lake Lindsey" for her dominance there — stages women' s races, including two downhills, the following weekend. FIS, however, can' t make a decision on Vonn until the U.S. ski team makes a formal re quest to let her enter. — The Associated Press
Chen outshi nes Pettitte asOriolestop Yankees,tie ALDS By David Ginsburg The Associated Press
BALTIMORE — S ometimes, postseason experience isn't all that important. How else to explain the Balti more Orioles beating the playoff tested New York Yankees, and rookie Wei-Yin Chen outpitching 40-year-old Andy Pettitte? With Chen leading the way, the Orioles squeezed out a 3-2 victory Monday night to even their AL di vision series at one game apiece. Chris Davis drove in two runs for the wild-card Orioles, who used the same formula that got them into the postseason for the first time in 15 years: a magnifi cent bullpen and an ability to win
tight games. Baltimore was 29-9 in one-run decisions during the regular season and 74-0 when leading after seven innings. Major league saves leader Jim Johnson, roughed up for five runs in a Game I loss, came back to pitch a perfect ninth to close it out. The rest of the best-of-five se ries is at Yankee Stadium, begin ning withGame 3 on Wednesday. Hiroki Kuroda will start for AL East champion New York against rookie Miguel Gonzalez. "It means everything," Davis said of the win. "You definitely don't want to go into New York in a five-game series down two games. This is big — having the day off tomorrow, hopefully build
ing some momentum, and we can take that into New York." Chen gave up two runs, one earned, and eight hits over 6 N innings. The Taiwan native, who pitched previously in Japan, was 1-2 with a 5.25 ERA in four out ings against New York this sea son, including two in September in which he yielded a total of 11 runs over 11 '/~ innings. "I thought he pitched inside pretty effectively tonight to some of our right-handed hitters," Yan kees manager Joe Girardi said. "It seemed like Baltimore and us have kind of gone back and forth all year and that's what we did here." See Orioles/D4
Alex Brandon /The Associated Press
Baltimore Orioies' Chris Davis singles in the third inning of Game 2 of the ALDS against the New York Yankees on Monday in Baltimore.
TELEVISION Today SOCCER 11:30 a.m.:UEFAChampions League, AFCAjaz vs. Real
Madrid CF(taped), Root Sports. BASEBALL 2:30p.m.:M LB Playoffs,NL Division Series, San Francisco Giants at Cincinnati Reds, TBS. 6 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Division Series, Detroit Tigers at Oakland Athletics, TBS.
Wednesday BASEBALL 10:07 a.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL Division Series, St. Louis Cardinals at Washington Nationals, MLB Network. 1:07p.m.:MLB Playoffs,NL Division Series, San Francisco Giants at Cincinnati Reds (if
necessary), TBS. 4:37p.m.:M LB Playoffs,AL Division Series, Baltimore Orioles at New York Yankees, TBS. 6:37 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Division Series, Detroit Tigers at Oakland Athletics (if
necessary), TNT.
ON DECK Today Cross-country: LaPineInvitational, TBA Volleyball: Redmondat Summit, 6:30 p.m.; Bend at Ridgeview,6:30 p.m.; Mountain Viewat Crook County, 6:30p.m.; SweetHomeatSisters, 7 p.m.; Culver at Santiam, 6 p.m.; Trinity Lutheran at Gilchrist, 4 p.m.;CentralChristianat SouthWasco County,5:30p.m. Boys soccer: CentralChristianat Riverside, 4p.m.; Elmira at Sisters, 4:30 p.m.; Crook County at MountainViewJV,4:30 p.m.; Summitat Redmond, 4:30p.m.;Ridgeview atBend,4:30 p.m.;LaPine atSweetHome,4:30 p.m.;Madras at Estacada, 6:30 p.m. Girls soccer: Ridgeviewat Bend, 3 p.m.; Elmira at Sisters, 4:30 p.m.; CrookCounty at Mountain View, 3 p.m.; Summit at Redmond, 3 p.m.; Es tacada atMadras, 4p.m.; SweetHomeat LaPine, 4:30 p.m.
Listings are themost accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TV or radio stations.
Hill, TBA
PostseasonGlance AN Times POT OIVISIONSERIES
ert Griffin III felt good enough to attend something called a Rookie Success Program meeting Monday morning and seemed, by all accounts, to be doing just fine on the day after suffering his first NFL concussion. Griffin still has to complete the league's man dated return-to-play protocol before he's cleared for practice, but his Washington Redskins teammatesand coach Mike Shanahan were optimistic the Heisman Trophy winner will be able to play in this week's game against the Minnesota Vikings.
• Bears fangets throat slashed inFlorida bar:Au thorities say a Chicago fan who came to Jacksonville for the Bears-Jaguars football game had his throat slashed inside a bar. The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office says 42-year old William C. "Chris" Pettry died early Sunday inside Fionn MacCool's, an Irish-themed restaurant. Twenty-seven year-old Matthew Hinson is being held without bond on a murder charge. Jacksonville jail records didn't list an attorney for Hinson. The Florida-Times Union reported on Monday that witnesses told detectives Hin son cut Pettry's throat after the victim had been talking with the suspect's wife.
Golf • Venturi selected for World GolfHall of Fame: Former U.S. Open champion and longtime television analyst Ken Venturi has been selected for the World Golf Hall of Fame. Venturi, 81, was chosen through the Lifetime Achieve ment category. Venturi over came severe dehydration on the final day to win the 1964 U.S. Open at Congressional, one of his 14 wins on the PGA Tour. He also was the only amateur with the 54-hole lead in the Masters, though he shot 80 in the last round to finish one shot behind in1956. He made even greater contribu tions in the broadcast booth.
Motor sports • FunnyCardriver Neff keeps title hopesalive: Funny Car racer Mike Neff kept his championship hopes alive, racing to victory Monday at the rain-delayed NHRA Nation als at Maple Grove Raceway in Mohnton, Pa. Neff won with a time of 4.030 seconds at 317.94 mph in a Ford Mustang to earn his fourth win of the season. Neff closed in on se ries leader Jack Beckman, who set a national record and ad vanced to the semifinals over the weekend. Neff trails Beck man by 54 points as the tour heads to its final two stops in LasVegas and Pomona, Calif. — From wire reports
Pac-12 North Oregon OregonState Stanford Washington California WashingtonState
(Best-of-5; x-tf necessary) American League
Detroit 2, Oakland 0 Saturday, Oct. 6: Detroit 3,OaklandI Sunday,Oct.7: Detroit 5, Oakland4 Today,Oct. 9: Detroit (Sanchez4 6) at Oakland(An derson 42),6:07 p.m.(TBS) x Wednesday,Oct. 10:Detroit (Scherzer16 7)atOak land (Griffin 7 I), 6:37p.m.(TNT) x Thursday, Oct. 11: Detroit (Verlander 178) atOak land, TBD (TBS) Newyork1, Baltimore1 Sunday,Oct.7: Newyork 7,Baltimore2 Monday,Oct.8: Baltimore3, Newyork 2 Wednesday, Oct. 10:Baltimore (Gonzalez9 4) at New york (Kuroda16 11), 4:37p.m.(TBS) ThursdayOct. 11:Baltimore(TiRman9 3)at Newyork (Hughes 16 13), TBD(TBS) x Friday, Oct. 12:Baltimoreat Newyork, TBD(TBS)
National League Cincinnati 2, SauFrancisco 0
i )h
— "
Washington I P H R ER BB SO NPERA Zimerman L, 0 I Stammen C.Garcia Mic.Gonzalez Mattheus S.Burnett Gorzelanny St. Louis J.Garcia Lynn W, I 0 J.KeRy
3 7 5 5 0 2 63 15.00 1 3 1 2 2 2 0 20 13.50 1230 0 0 2 2 28 0.00 I 1 1 1 0 I 1 6 9.00 I 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 233 4 3 I I 2 9 40.50 131 0 0 0 0 3 0 00 I P H R ER BB SO NPERA 2 2 1 1 3 3 51 4.50 3 3 2 2 I 5 5 0 540 I 0 0 0 0 0 8 000 Mulica I 2 1 1 0 0 11 4.50 Boggs I 2 0 0 0 0 17 0.00 Rosenthal I I 0 0 0 3 22 0.00 1 3:27. A 45,840 (43,975).
9 2 2 7
Friday's Game
Saturday's Games EAST Louisville atPittsburgh, 8a.m. Kent St. atArmy,9a.m. Duquesneat CCSU, 9a.m. Butler atMarist, 9a.m. Richmond atNew Hampshire,9a.m. Brown atPrinceton, 9a.m. Syracuse atRutgers, 9a.m. Lafayetteat yale, 9a.m. Monmouth(NJ) atCornell, 9:30 a.m. St. Francis(Pa.) atAlbany(Ny), 10 a.m. RobertMorris atBryant, 10a.m. Holy Cross at Colgate, 10a.m. Lehigh atGeorgetown, 10a.m. Columbiaat Penn,10a.m. RhodeIsland, 10a.m. TempleatUconn, 10a.m. SacredHeartat Dartmouth, 10:30a.m. BuckneR atHarvard, 12:30p.m. Maine atTowson,4 p.m. SOUTH Auburn atMississippi,921am. Duke atVirginia Tech,9:30a.m. Jacksonville atDavidson,10a.m. Norfolk St. atHampton, 10a.m. NC Central atMorganSt., 10 a.m. SMU atTulane,10a.m. VMI atCharlestonSouthern, 10:30a.m. SC StateatDelawareSt., 10:30a.m. ChattanoogaatFurman, 10:30a.m. Howardat NCAS1, 10:30 a.m. Alcorn St. atAlabamaASM, 11a.m. JacksonSt.atAlabamaSt., 11a.m. Liberty atPresbyterian, 11a.m. W. Carolinaat TheCitadel, 11 a.m. North Carolinaat Miami, 11:30a.m. Austi nPeayatE.Kentucky,noon MVSU,noon Samford, noon MarylandatVirginia, noon Stony Brookat CoastalCarolina, 12:30p.m. William 8 MaryatJamesMadison,12:30p.m. Villanovaat OldDominion, 12:30p.m. UT Martin atMurraySt., I p.m. SELouisiana, I p.m. Memphis atEastCarolina, I:30 p.m. BostonCollegeat Florida St.,2:30 p.m. Middle Tennessee at FIU,3p.m. Savannah St. at Florida ASM,3p.m. Mid AmNazareneat Gardner Webb, 3 p.m. Wofford atGeorgiaSouthern, 3p.m. Florida atVanderbilt, 3 p.m. TexasSouthernat SouthernU., 3:30p.m. NichoRsSt., 4p.m. South CarolinaatLSU,5 p.m. FAU atLouisianaMonroe,5p.m. Cent. Arkansas atMcNeeseSt., 5p.m. UCF,5p.m. Tennessee at Mississippi St., 6p.m. TexasASM vs.Louisiana Tech at Shreveport,La., 6:15 p.m. MIDWEST iowaSt., 9 a.m. iowa atMichiganSt., 9 a.m. NorthwesternatMinnesota, 9a.m. Wisconsin atPurdue,9a.m. MoreheadSt. at Dayton,10a.m. Toledoat E.Michigan, 10a.m. Rlinois St., 11a.m. South Dakota at Missouri St., 11a.m. Akron atOhio, 11a.m. Drakeat Valparaiso, 11a.m. Jacksonville E.Illinois, 11:30a.m. W. Michiganat Ball St.,noon N. Iowa at S.Illinois, noon Miami (Ohioat ) BowlingGreen,12:30p.m. Oklahoma St.atKansas,12:30p.m. IRinois atMichigan,12:30p.m. AlabamaatMissouri, 12:30 p.m. Buffalo at N.Illinois, 12:30 p.m. Stanford atNotreDame,12:30p.m. N. Arizona at North Dakota, I p.m. N.Dakota St., I:07 p.m. Fordham at Cincinnati, 4 p.m. W. Illinois at S.DakotaSt.,4 p.m. Tennessee St. atSEMissouri, 4 p.m. Ohio St. atIndiana,5p.m. SOUTHWEST UAB atHouston,9a.m. Texasvs.OklahomaatDallas,9a.m. UTSA at Rice, 12:30p.m. West Virginia atTexasTech, 12:30 p.m. McMurry atLamar, 5p.m. KentuckyatArkansas,4p.m. South Alabama atArkansas St., 4p.m. TCU atBaylor, 4 p.m. Idaho atTexasSt., 4p.m. FAR WEST Utah atUCLA,noon Nevadaat UNLV,noon BYU,12:30p.m. BoiseSt., 12:30p.m. S. Utahat Montana,12:30p.m. E. WashingtonatMontanaSt., 12:35p.m. Utah SanJoseSt., I p.m. Campbell atSanDiego, 2p.m. UC DavisatIdahoSt., 3p.m. ColoradoSt. atSanDiegoSt., 3:30p.m.
Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Tennessee
East L T P c t PF PA 2 3 3 3
0 0 0 0
.6 0 0 165 113 .4 0 0 98 132 .4 0 0 103 103 .4 0 0 118 176
South L T P c t PF PA 0 2 4 4
0 0 0 0
1 . 000149 73 .5 0 0 91 110 .2 0 0 65 138 .2 0 0 88 181
North W L T P c t PF PA I 2 2 5
0 0 0 0
.80 0 130 89 .6 0 0 125 129 .5 0 0 93 89 .0 0 0 100 139
Mouday's Game Houston23, N.y.Jets 17
Thursday's Game
Pittsburghat Tennessee, 5:20p.m.
Suuday's Games
OaklandatAtlanta, 10a.m. KansasCityatTampaBay,10a.m. Indianapolis atN.y.Jets, 10a.m. Cincinnati atCleveland, 10a.m. Detroit atPhiladelphia, 10a.m. St. Louis atMiami, 10a.m. Dallas atBaltimore, 10a.m. Buffalo atArizona, I:05 p.m. NewEnglandatSeattle, I:05 p.m. N.y. GiantsatSanFrancisco, I:25 p.m. Minnesotaat Washington, I:25 p.m. Green BayatHouston,5:20p.m. Open:Carolina,Chicago,Jacksonvile, NewOrleans Monday, Oct. 15 DenveratSanDiego, 5:30p.m.
Mouday's Summary
Texans 23, Jels17 Houston N.y. Jets
7 10 B 0 — 2 3 7 0 7 3 — 17
First Quarter
Hou Daniels 34 passfrom Schaub(S.Graham kick), 11:05. NYJ Cumberland 27 passfrom Sanchez(Folk kick), 4:07.
Hou Foster 13run(S.Grahamkick), 11:11. Hou FG S.Graham 27,:00.
Third Quarter
Hou FG S.Graham 42, 4:51. NYJ McKnight 100 kickoff return (Folk kick), 4:38. Hou FG S.Graham 22,:13.
Fourth Quarter
New york Jeter ss I.Suzuki lf AI.Rodriguez 3b Cano2b Swisherrf Teixeira I b R.Marlin c Grandersoncf E.Nunezdh
AB R 5 0 5 I 5 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 4 0 4 I
H 2 I I I 0 2 0 I I
BI I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0
BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0
I 0 2 0 I 0 I 2 0
. 4 44 . 3 00 . 1 11 . 2 50 .1 6 7 . 5 00 .1 6 7 . 1 43 . 2 50
Navy atCent.Michigan,5 p.m.
NYJ FG Folk21, 11:55. A 79,088.
Orioles 3, Yankees2
ConferenceFinals (Best-of-3)
(x-tf necessary)
Hou First downs Total Netyards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet CompAtt Int
18 378 35 169 209 13 3 33 2 90 14 28 I
Eastern Conference Connecticut 1, Indiana 0 Friday,Oct.5: Connecticut 76,Indiana64 Monday, Oct.8:Indiana 78,Sun 76 Thursday, Oct. 11: Indiana at Connecticut, 5:30
SackedyardsLost 00 3 13 Punts 6 40.2 6 44.2 Baltimore AB R H B l BB SO Avg. FumblesLost 00 20 McLouth lf 4 I I 0 0 0 .250 Penalties yards 750 5 25 Hardyss 3 0 0 0 I I .143 Time ofPossession 35:16 2 4:44 C.Davis rf 4 0 2 2 0 I .50 0 I En.chavez pr rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Ad.Jonescf 4 0 I 0 0 0 .12 5 RUSHING —Houston: Foster 29152, Marlin Wieters c 4 I I 0 0 0 .I2 5 114, Forsett 4 6, Posey 1(minus 3). N.y. Jets: M ar.Reynolds lb 4 0 I I 0 2 .28 6 Greene 8 26,Tebow 519, PoweR 418, McKnight Thomedh 3 0 0 0 0 2 .00 0 4 5, Sanchez 2 1. Machado3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .000 PASSING— Houston:Schaub1428 I209.N.y. Andino 2b 3 I I 0 0 0 .400 Jets: Sanchez 14 312 230, Tebow0 I 0 0. Totals 323 7 3 1 B RECEIVING —Houston: Daniels 4 79, Casey New york 100 000 100 — 2 9 2 4 53, Walter 446, Foster 116, Johnson 115. N.y. Baltimore 002001 00x — 3 7 2 Jets: Kerley 594, Schilens 4 29,Cumberland2 51, I ran for C.Davis inthe8th. Gates I 27,GreeneI 19,JHiR I 10. E Jeter(2), Teixeira(1), Hardy(2), MarReynolds MISSEOFIELD GOALS None. (1).LOB Newyorklg,Baltimore6.2B Cano(2), E.Nunez (I), Wieters(I). SB I.Suzuki (I). College DP Newyorkl;Baltimore l. Schedule Newyork IP H R E R BBSONP ERA AN Times POT PettitteL,O I 7 7 3 3 I 5 98 3 . 86 (Sublectto change) D.Robertson I 0 0 0 0 I 13 0 . 00 Thursday's Games Baltimore IP H R ER BB SONP ERA SOUTH W.chen W,I 0 6138 2 I I 3 11 2 1.42 W. Ke ntuckyatTroy,4:30p.m. O 'Day H, I 13 0 0 0 0 I 7 0.0 0 SOUTHWEST MatuszH, I 11 31 0 0 I 2 29 0 .00 UT P Eat Tulsa, 5p.m. Ji.JohnsonS,111 0 0 0 0 I 12 2 7.00 FAR WEST Pettitte pitchedto I batter in the8th. ArizonaSt. atColorado,6p.m. 1 3:11. A 48,187 (45,971). 37 2
. 2 22 . 1 00 . 3 33 .1 2 5 . 3 75 . 5 00 . 1 67 . 1 43 1.000
St.Louis AB R H Bl BB SO Jay cf 5 I 2 3 0 I Beltran rf 4 2 2 3 I 0 HoRidaylf 4 I 0 0 I I Craig lb 5 2 3 I 0 I YMolinac 4 I 2 0 I 0 Freese 3b 3 I I I I 0 D escalso 2b 4 2 2 2 0 0 Kozmass 3 2 I 0 I 2 J.Garcia p 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Schumakerph I 0 0 I 0 0 .00 0 Lynn p 0 0 0 0 0 0 J.KeRy p 0 0 0 0 0 0 d S.Robinson ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Mulicap 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boggsp 0 0 0 0 0 0 I M.carpenter ph I 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 Rosenthal p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 12 13 11 5 B Washington 01 0 020 100 — 4 10 2 St. Louis 041 201 04x — 12 13 0 agroundedout for J.Garcia in the 2nd. b walked for Zimmermannin the 4th. c lined out for C.Garcia in the 6th. d fliedout forJ.KeRyin the 6th. e popped out for Mattheus inthe 8th. I struckout for Boggsin the 8th. E Morse (I), Espinosa(I). LOB Washington 9, St. Louis 5. 2B Harper(I), Craig (I), Freese(I), Kozma(I). 3B Jay (I). HR Zimmerman(I), off Lynn; LaRoche (I), off Lynn; Craig (I), off Zimmer mann;Descalso(I), off Stammen;Beltran (I), off Mic. Gonzalez;Beltran(2), off S.Burnett. DP Washington I; St.Louis 1.
Thursday's Game
(Home teams iu Caps) Favorite Opening Current Underdog Thursday 6
2.5 NL NL 8.5 3.5 55 3.5 3.5 5 NL 6 NL
BROWNS Colts Chiefs Raiders
West W L T P c t PF PA S an Diego 3 2 0 .60 0 124 102 Denver 2 3 0 .4 0 0 135 114 Oakland I 3 0 .2 5 0 67 125 K ansas Cit y I 4 0 .20 0 94 145 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA Philadelphia 3 2 0 .6 0 0 80 99 N.y. Giants 3 2 0 .6 0 0 152 111 Dallas 2 2 0 .5 0 0 65 88 Washington 2 3 0 .4 0 0 140 147 South . 0 00 W L T P c t PF PA Atlanta 5 0 0 1 . 000148 93 TampaBay I 3 0 .2 5 0 82 91 . 0 00 Carolina I 4 0 .2 0 0 92 125 NewOrleans I 4 0 .2 0 0141 154 North W L T P c t PF PA 4 I 0 .80 0 120 79 Avg. 4 I 0 .80 0 149 71 .250 2 3 0 .4 0 0 112 111 .37 5 I 3 0 .2 5 0100 114 .000 West .333 W L T P c t PF PA .286 Arizona 4 I 0 .80 0 94 78 .429 S an Francisco 4 I 0 .80 0 149 68 .33 3 St. Louis 3 2 0 .600 96 94 .200 Seattle 3 2 0 .6 0 0 86 70
I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
41 41 14 42 23 33
Betting line
"Maybe you should take up some other sport, Timmy."
4 3 2 0
BB SO Avg. 2 4 I I 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
g )~
Cardinals12, Nationals 4 AB R H BI 4 I I 0 5 0 I 0 4 I 2 2 La Ro che lb 4 I I I Morse lf 4 0 2 0 Desmond ss 4 I I 0 Espinosa2b 3 0 I 0 K.Suzukic 4 0 0 0 Zimmermann p I 0 I I b Bernadina ph 0 0 0 0 Stammen p 0 0 0 0 C.Garciap 0 0 0 0 c Lombardozziph I 0 0 0 Mic.Go nzalezp 0 0 0 0 Mattheus p 0 0 0 0 e Tracyph I 0 0 0 S.Burnett p 0 0 0 0 Gorzelannyp 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 4 10 4
20 21 11 12 02 03
Utah atUCLA,noon x Stanford atNotreDame,12:30 p.m. x Oregon Stateat BYU,12:30p.m. USC at Washington,4p.m. California atWashingtonState, 7:30p.m. x=nonconference
Mouday's Boxscores
Werth rf Harpercf Zimmerman 3b
Saturday's Games
60 40 41 32 24 23
Geuerali Ladies Liuz Monday At Iutersport ArenaLiuz Liuz, Austria Purse: $220,000 (Iutl.) Surface: Hard-Indoor Doubles First Round Kiki Berlens,Netherlands,def. MonaBarlhel, Ger many,76(3),16,61. Sofia Arvidsson,Sweden,def. LucieSafarova(4), CzechRepublic, 3 6, 6 2, 75. Lucie Hradecka,CzechRepublic, def. SilviaSoler Espinosa, Spain,6 3, 7 6(5).
ArizonaStateat Colorado, 6p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 6: Cincinnati 5, SanFrancisco2 Sunday,Oct. 7:Cincinnati 9, SanFrancisco0 Today,Oct.9: SanFrancisco (Vogelsong 149) atG in cinnati (Bailey 1310), 2:37p.m. (TBS) x Wednesday,Oct. 10: SanFrancisco(Zito 15 8) at Cincinnati, I:07 p.m.(TBS) x Thursday,Oct. 11:San Franciscoat Cincinnati, TBD
Washiugtou1, St. Louis1 Sunday,Oct. 7:Washington 3, St.Louis2 Monday,Oct.8: St.Louis 12,Washington 4 Wednesday,Oct. 10: St. Louis (Carpenter 0 2) at Washington (Jackson 1011), 10:07a.m.(MLB) Thursday,Oct. 11:St.Louis (Lohse163)at Washing ton(Detwiler10 8),TBD(TBS) x Friday, Oct. 12:St.Louis atWashington, TBD(TBS)
Conf. 30 30 21 11 12 02
South ArizonaState USC Colorado UCLA Utah Arizona
Football: Bend atRedmond, 7p.m.; MountainView at Summit, 7 p.m.;CrookCounty at Ridgeview, 7 p.m.; Gilchrist atNorthLake,2p.m. Volleyball: Gilchrist at NorthLake, 5p.m.; Triadat Trinity Lutheran, 5p.m.
Boys soccer: Riverside at Culver, I p.m.; North Clackamas Christian at Central Christian, I p.m. Volleyball: SummitBend, , Mountain View,Redmond, Crook Countyatthe Clearwater Classic in Bend,8 a.m.; Madras atSeasidetourney, 10 a.m.; Butte Falls atGilchrist, noon;Trinity Lutheranat Hosanna Christian, 3:30p.m.
ChangKai chen,Taiwan, def. Christina McHale(3), UnitedStates,6 3, 7 6(5).
Thursday Football: La SalleatMadras, 7p.m.; Sisters atElmi ra, 7 p.m.; LaPineat Sweet Home, 7p.m.; Central Linn atCulver, 7p.m. Volleyball: Burnsat Ridgeview,6:30p.m. Boys soccer: Summiatt Ridgeview,4:30p.m.; Crook County at Bend, 4:30 p.m.; Mountain View at Redmond,4:30p.m. Girls soccer: Summit atRidgeview,3 p.m.; Crook County at Bend, 3 p.m.; Mountain View at Redmond,3p.m.
SouthernCalatWashington, 4 p.m. Air ForceatWyoming, 4 p.m. N. Coloradoat CalPoly, 6:05 p.m. SacramentoSt., 6:05p.m. California atWashingtonSt., 7:30p.m. NewMexicoat Hawaii, 8:59p.m.
Culver, 6p.m.;Junction Cityat LaPine,6:45p.m.
Saturday Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Crook County, Redmond,Sisters at the Concordia/Adi das XCClassic in Portland, 2p.m.; Madras, Rid geview attheRocknRiver Invitational in Pleasant
• RedskinssayRG3'looks good' after concussion:Rob
In the Bleachers © 2042 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick www.gocomrcs.corn/rnthebleacher s
Wednesday Volleyball: GladstoneatMadras, 6pm.; Kennedyat
VOLLEYBALL 7 p.m.: W omen's college,USC at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.
Cowboys Lions Rams SEAHAWKS
Vikings Giants Packers
College Thursday ArizonaSt TULSA WKentucky
22 16 2.5
22. 5 16. 5 3
Western Conference Minnesot a2,LosAngeles 0
Thursd ay,Oct.4:Minnesota94,LosAngeles 77 Sunday, Oct.7:Minnesota80,LosAngeles79
PreseasonSchedule AN Times POT
Mouday's Games Toronto 102,Madrid 95 Cleveland91, Siena85 Golden State83, Utah80
Today's Games
Milwaukeevs. Clevelandat Canton,OH,4p.m. Memphis atChicago,5 p.m. Charlotte atNewOrleans, 5 p.m.
Weduesday's Games
Toronto atDetroit, 4:30 p.m. OklahomaCity vs. Houston at Hidalgo, Texas, 5
Indianavs.Minnesotaat Fargo,ND,5 p.m. Atlanta atSanAntonio, 5:30 p.m. COLORADO Phoenix atSacramento, 7p.m. Utep PorHandvs. L.A. Lakersat Ontario, CA, 7p.m.
d Oklahoma 3 3 Texas MICHIGANST 10 I iowa NCarolina 6 6. MIAMI FLA 0 5 BOWLINGGREEN 7.5 7. Miami Ohio Kent St ARMY I (A) 1 . OHIO 20 2 Akron Toledo 13 I EMICHIGAN VIRGINIA 3 2.0 Maryland 45 VIRGINIATECH 9.5 9. Duke PURDUE I I Wisconsin Northwestern 3.5 3. MINNESOT A RUTGERS 7 7 Syracuse FLORIDAST 28 2 Boston College CONNECTICUT 4.5 5. Temple .5 PITTSBURG Louisville 2 385 H E CARO LINA 18.5 18 Memphis Florida 7 7. VANDERBIH Air Force 3 35 WYOMING BALL ST 2 2. W Michigan NILLINOIS 1 4 I Buffalo TEXASST 1 . 5 2. Idaho Kansas St 7 735 IOWA ST .5 MISSISSIPPI 4.5 4. Auburn HOUSTON 13. 5 13 Uab MICHIGAN 2 1 2 Hlinois BOISE ST 7 73.5 FresnoSt Usc 13 12 WASHINGTON BYU 2.5 N OregonSt .5 L Alabama 21 21 MISSOURI NOTREDAME 9.5 9 Stanford SAN JOSE ST 2 3 Utah St ARKANSAS 17.5 17.5 Kentucky M ISSISSIPPI ST 2.5 3 Tennessee LSU 3 2. S Carolina California 7 7.5WASHINGTON ST WVirginia 45. 3. TEXASTECH BAYLOR 7 7. Tcu 6 FLORIDA 1 6 I 7 S M ississippi O klahoma St 22 2 KANSAS Ohio St I 7.5 I INDIANA 5 Sm u NL N3L TULANE RICE 4 3. Tex San Antonio Nevada 10 I UNLV 0 .5 SAN DIEGO ST 20 20 ColoradoSt UCLA 65 7. Uiah New Mexico 2. 5 35 HAWAII Texas AS M 7 7. LOUISIANATECH UL MONROE 23 2 Florida Atlantic ARKANSAS ST 19 24 0L SAlabama Mid TennSt N L N FLORIDA INT'L d Dallas (A) Armyopenedasthe favorite
Weduesday's Games Real Salt Lake at Seattle FC,8p.m.
Saturday's Games
Montreal atTorontoFC,10:30a.m. Sporting Kansas City at Newyork, 4 p.m. Chicago atNew England,4:30p.m. Philadelphia atHouston,4:30p.m. Columbusat D.C. United,4:30 p.m. Colorad oatChivasUSA,7:30p.m.
Suuday's Games
Los Angelesat SanJose, 4p.m. PorHandatVancouver, 4p.m. FC Dallas atSeattle FC,6p.m.
Professional Shanghai RolexMasters Monday At QizhougTennis Center Shanghai, China Purse: $5.25 million (Masters 1000) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round
Auto-Plus Natiouals Results Monday At Maple GroveRaceway Mohutou, Pa. FinalOrder TOP FUEL I, Khalid alBalooshi. 2, Antron Brown. 3, BrandonBernstein. 4, ShawnLangdon. 5, Tony Schumacher. 6, DougKalitta. 7, Ike Maier. 8, Morgan Lucas. 9, SpencerMassey. 10, SteveTor rence. 11,Larry Dixon.12, TerryMcMilen. 13, Bob Vandergriff. 14, ClayMiRican.15, DomLagana. 16, David Grubnic. FUNNYCAR I, Mike Neff. 2, JohnnyGray.3, Jack Beckman.4, JohnForce.5, RonCapps. 6, Jim Head. 7,Matt Hagan.8, ToddLesenko. 9, BobTasca RI. 10, Jeff Arend.11, CruzPedregon. 12, TonyPe dregon. 13,MikeSmith. 14, RobertHight. 15,Alexis DeJoria. 16,CourtneyForce. PRO STOCK I, V. Gaines.2,DaveConnolly. 3,Jason Line.4,Jeg Coughlin.5,Allen Johnson. 6, EricaEnders. 7,GregAnderson. 8, RonnieHum phrey. 9, FrankGugliotta. 10, RonKrisher. 11, Vin cent Nobile. 12, Larry Morgan. 13, Kurt Johnson. 14, Warren Johnson. 15, ShaneGray. 16, Mike Edwards. Finals Results Top Fuel Khalid alBalooshi, 3.910seconds, 312.42mphdef. AntronBrown,9.818seconds, 75.99 mph. Funny Car Mike Neff, FordMustang, 4.030, 317.94 def. Johnny Gray, DodgeCharger, 9.305, 77.88.
Pro Stock V. Gaines,DodgeAvenger, 6.515, 212.26def. DaveConnolly, ChevyCobalt, foul. Top Alcohol FunnyCar Frank Manzo,Chevy Monte Carlo,5.508,263.20 def.PaulNoakes,Ford Mustang,5.611,256.65. Top Alcohol Dragster Bill Reicherl, 5.286, 268.12 def.ChrisDemke,6.292, 119.87. Competition Elimiuator Calvin Hill, Pontia Grand Am, 8.667, 120.54 def. Sal Biondo, Chevy Cavalier,foul. Super Stock Bryan Worner,ChevyCamaro, 10.021, 107.66def.Anthony Bertozzi, PontiacGrand Am, 12.029,69.45. Stock Elimiuator Craig Marshall,DodgeDart, 10.952, 115.02def. Kelly MacKay,Plymouth Duster, I I .21 I, I I 5.81 . SuperComp Jack Sepanek,Dragster,8.934, 169.78 def. Chase Fahnestock, Dragster, 8.921, I 70.56. Super Gas Alan Kenny, ChevyCorvette,9906, 158.56def. JasonKenny,Corvette, foul.
National League MILWAUKEE BREWERS PromotedEduar do Brizuela todirector of Latin Americaoperations/scout ing and MannyBatista to director of Latin America scouting. FOOTBALL
National Football League
NFL SuspendedN.y. Giants S Will Hill four gamesforviolating the NFL'spolicy on performance enhancingsubstances. CINCINNATI BENGALS Placed RBBernard Scott on injured reserve.ReinstatedLBDontayMoch from suspension. DALLASCOWBOYS Signed RB Lance Dunbar from the practicesquad.SignedWRRaymondRadway to the practicesquad. NEW YORKGIANTS Reinstated S Tyler Sash from suspension. HOCKEY
National HockeyLeague
DETROITREDWINGS ReassignedFTomas Tatar from SHK37 Piestany(FxlraLiga Slovakia) to Grand Rapids(AHL). SOCCER Benoit Paire,France,def. Philipp Petzschner,Ger CONCACAF Named Jurgen Mainka director of many, 76(2),6 4. communicationsandmarketing, effective Nov.1. Sam Querrey,UnitedStates, def. Zhe Li, China, COLLEGE 6 3, 6 1. CONNECTICUTCOLLEGE Promote d women' s Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria, def. Pablo Andular, interim lacrossecoach Liz Longley to permanent Spain, 7 5, 63. women'slacrossecoach. TommyRobredo, Spain, def. Alex BogomolovJr., FERRUM Named Tom Calomeris swimming Russia, 7 6 (4), 6 4. coach. Marin Cilic, Croatia, def. LukaszKubot, Poland, GEORGIA TECH Fired defensive coordinator Al 7 5, 6 3. Groh. Promotedsecondarycoach Charles Kelly to KevinAnderson,SouthAfrica, def.JarkkoNieminen, interim defensivecoordinator. Reassignedline coach Finland, 6 2, 7 6(4). AndyMccoRum to inside linebackers coach and Richard Gasquet(11), France, def. Brian Baker, inside linebackerscoachJoeSpeedto outside line United States, 6 2, 63. backerscoach. AndreasSeppi, Italy, def.MichaelBerrer, Germany, IDAHO Suspendedmen's basketball senior F 6 2, 7 6(5). Kyle Barone indefinitely for violatingteamrules. TommyHaas, Germany, def. NicolasAlmagro (9), LIU BROO KLYN Suspendedmen's basketball F Spain,4 6,7 6(4),6 2. Julia nBoyd,FJamalOlaswere,G FTroyJoseph and AlexandrDolgopolov,Ukraine,def.JeremyChardy, GC.J.Garnerfor twogames. France,63, 62. SUSQUEHANNA NamedDonFriday men'sas sistant basketbalcoach. l
HP JapanOpen Monday At Utsbo Tennis Center Osaka, Japan Purse: $220,000 (Iutl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round Jamie Hampton,UnitedStates,def. AyumiMorita, Japan, 6 3, 62. Sam Stosur(I), Australia, def. ErikaSema,Japan
64,62. Casey DeRacqua,Australia, def. Kimiko Date Krumm,Japan,6 3, 36, 6 4. Misaki Doi,Japan,def. Julia Cohen,United States, 7 5, 3 6, 6 0. Pauline Parmentier,France,def. MathildeJohans son, France,6 2,6 2. HeatherWatson, Britain, def. PolonaHercog, Slo vakia, 6 4, 64.
FISH COUNT Upstream daily movementof adult chinook, lack chinook, steelheadandwild steelhead at selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedon Sunday. Chuk Jchuk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 1,044 8 3 5 556 148 The DaRes 872 7 92 872 265 John Day 710 488 854 258 M cNary 1 ,071 6 1 8 1, 19 0 30 2 Upstream year to datemovement ofadult chinook, lack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiver damslast updatedonSunday. Chuk Jchuk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 580,368 137,538 227,740 82,958 The DaRes 402,447 118,099 187,832 66,126 John Day 326,575 101,826 141,001 52,796 McNary 329,296 56,989 129,658 43,666
Bounty huntershave been around the leaguefor years By Bill Dwyre Los Angeles Times
Kathy Wlllens/ The Associated Press
Houston Texans running back Arian Foster(23) rushes for a touchdown as New York Jets strong safety Yeremiah Bell (37) falls down on the play during the first half of Monday's game in East Rutherford, N.J. The Texans beat the Jets 23-17.
n eeae exans o es By Dennis Waszak jr.
Jeremy Kerley for 36 yards two plays later. Then, Tebow came EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. in and took th e d i rect snap — Thanks to Arian Foster, the 20-14. — with Sanchez lined up as a Houston Texans are still unde Schaub was 14 of 28 for 209 wide receiver — and rumbled feated — but very nearly let this yards and a touchdown to Owen up the middle for 13 yards to one slip away. D aniels, w i nning h i s n i n t h make it first-and-goal from the Foster ran for 152 yards and straight game — the longest ac 3. The crowd at MetLife Stadium a touchdown, and the Texans tive streak in the NFL — dating went wild, sensing a chance at stayed unbeaten by defeating the to last season. Daniels finished Tebow's first touchdown since New York Jets for the first time with four catches for 79 yards being acquired by New York in in team history, hanging on for a for the Texans, who have just March. 23-17 victory Monday night. their second five-game winning T ebow stayed i n b u t w a s With a chance to lead the Jets streak in team history. stopped for no gain. Then, San "It's definitely our best start," chez — who has been under fire on a winning drive, Mark San chez was intercepted by Kareem Daniels said, "and a big part of with many calling for Tebow Jackson on a pass that tipped off that is it doesn't matter on this to take his starting job — had a the hands of Jeff Cumberland team about stats or individually pass tipped by J.J. Watt and it with I:51 remaining. what is going on. It's great to be was incomplete to Schilens in "You got to give yourself a a part of something like that." the end zone on third down. chance to win and we did that The enthusiasm was tempered, Foster w a l ke d u n t ouched tonight," Sanchez said. though, by a left knee injury to into the end zone for a 13-yard The Texans (5-0) joined the star linebacker Brian Cushing touchdown to give the Texans Atlanta Falcons as the NFL's that coach Gary Kubiak said he a 14-7 lead with 11:11 left in the only teams without a loss. was "very concerned" about. first half. He gained 42 yards on "Arian stepped up and played "I don't know what happened," three straight carries on the 67 huge," quarterback Matt Schaub Kubiak said. "They tell me he cut yard drive, and had 100 yards said. "We' re very excited to be 5 on a play and his foot might have on the ground at halftime on just 0 and get a win on the road." got stuck in the turf." nine carries. The Jets (2-3) were heavy un Nick Folk's 21-yard field goal The Jets threatened late in derdogs after coming offa 34-0 with 11:55 left made it 23-17, but the half, but Sanchez's pass was loss to San Francisco last week, the Jets appeared as though they tipped by end J.J. Watt and went but made a game of it. Backup would get more. off Kerley to Brice McCain, who "I honestly thought we were ran back the i nterception 86 quarterback Tim Tebow got the crowd fired up at times through going to drive down the field and yards before Kerley caught him out the game, including running score a touchdown on the last at the New York 9. for a first down on a fake punt, drive," wide receiver Chaz Schil Shayne Graham made a 27 but had little impact otherwise. ens said. "It's not going the right yard field goal as the half ended Houston also overcame a 100 way." to make it 17-7. He added a 42 Sanchez hit Cumberland for yard kickoff return by Joe McK yarder late in the third quarter to night that cut the Jets' deficit to 24 yards on first down, and then make it 20-7. The Associated Press
here they were Sunday night, dur
ing the televised NFL game, their pictures flashed to a nation of TV viewers, with penalties incurred listed below. They were three known New Orleans Saints evil-doers. They might just as well have been on the wall of a post office: • Sean Payton, Saints head coach, sus pended for the season. • Joe Vitt, Saints assistant coach, sus pended for six games. • Gregg Williams, Saints defensive co ordinator, suspended indefinitely. They were the core of the New Orleans bounty hunters, the men who un-Saintly created or allowed their players to pool money and award it to those who knocked key opponents out of games. The more se rious and lasting the injury, the bigger the wad of cash. The public was horrified. OK, the public outside of New Orleans probably didn't care much. You can't un derestimate the amount of time NFL fans spend dwelling on social injustice. Nor can you overestimate how much they em brace the fact that their game has several thugs, to go along with its many wonder ful athletes. After all, isn't the NFL about hitting and getting hit? Don't those who do that best make more money and end up more on ESPN? And isn't that what sports, all sports, are about these days? Getting on ESPN? But we digress. Commissioner Rog e r Good e ll's scorched-earth response to Bountygate was understandable in terms of public re lations and legal positioning. He is paid as much money as a 1,000-yard running back to be astute at heading off perceived public outcries. He should not be criticized, nor is he here, for being slick, wearing matching ties and always being politically correct. Nor was the media incorrect when the Great NFL Puppeteer in the matching tie yanked typists and microphone speakers to attention. Outrage dripped. Rants re verberated. Sadly, the newspaper lead that was perhaps most germane and never writ ten would have read: "The NFL, which has promoted, nurtured and thrived on thugs for centuries, announced Monday that it now has irrefutable evidence they exist." All this brought a chuckle the other day from Fred "Curly" Morrison, who started telling stories, as is his tendency, over a bowl of spaghetti. Morrison's stories have credibility be cause they come from somebody who has, when it comes to the NFL, been there and done that. He was an All-American at Ohio State, a Pro Bowl-level performer in his seven years in the NFL with the Chi cago Bears and Cleveland Browns, a Rose Bowl Hall of Fame member, and a net work commentator and sales executive involved in the first network rights fees
(CBS) of the NFL. He was also general manager of the Los Angeles Express in the ill-fated United States Football League in the early 1980s. Morrison turned 86 on Sunday, but the mind still goes up the middle as effectively as the body did in his playing days. "Bounties?" Morrison snorted. "Let me tell you about bounties." It is suddenly the early 1950s, when Morrison was the Bears' fullback. "We played the Chicago Cardinals in one ofour last games of the '50 season," Morrison says. "But we were in the play offs and all our attention is on the Rams, who ended up beating us in th e f irst round. The next season, one of our first games is with the Cardinals and George Halas gets out the game film of the year before. Nobody had looked at it. It goes on. We are bored until we get to the last play of the game. Halas shouts for the tape to be stopped. "He plays it back, again and again. We had run a reverse. Our Ed Sprinkle got a great block on one of the Cardinals and then we see Charley Trippi, Cardinals' running back, bend over Sprinkle, who was down on all fours, and punch him out. Smashed his nose. Knocked him out. "Halas is furious. He yells for the lights to be turned on. He talks about how he has always had respect for Trippi, but he will not tolerate that kind of play. "Then he says, 'I will give $50, cash, to the first player who takes out Trippi.' " The first NFL bounty? Does Goodell have retroactive powers? Morrison says the Bears chased Trippi for the entire game, and, to his memory, nobody got to the future Hall of Fame member. He says four years later, when he was with the Browns, the Detroit Li ons' Jim David came into a pile knees first and took out one of their young running backs. "We were out for payback the rest of the game," Morrison says, "but Otto Graham (Browns quarterback) kept telling us to wait until the end. On the last play, he said it was time, that he would roll out one way and we could go after David. "But David saw us coming, took off down the sideline, around the goal posts and into the locker room. We never caught him. When Paul Brown (Browns coach) got into the locker room, he lambasted us about ruining the image of the Browns." David's nickname was "the Hatchet." Morrison says, "For all I know, he is still running." Google says he stopped in 2007, when he died at 79. Sprinkle had tw o n i cknames: "The Meanest Man in the NFL" and "the Claw." Google says he is 89 and Trippi is 90. Morrison says he loves the NFL, hates what it has done to many of his friends, whose injuries and brain damage make their later lives miserable, and, while not condoning it, laughs off this bounty stuff. His message is simple. His game has never been mistaken, nor will it ever be, for ballet.
Find It All
Many driversgrumbling after wreckfest at Talladega """"""'"-" By jenna Fryer
I think there is a little more to it." TALLADEGA, Ala. — The The bigger picture is the pack is apparently here to stay overall danger that's created and NASCAR drivers don' t by the current NASCAR rule like it one bit. package used in r e strictor That includes Dale Earn plate racing. The plates are hardt Jr., who earned seven of needed to throttle horsepower his 19 career victories slicing at Daytona and T a lladega, and dicing his way through NASCAR's two biggest and traffic in rest r i ctor-plate fastest tracks, but they keep races. NASCAR's most popu the cars bunched together in lar driver called pack racing huge packs where the slightest "bloodthirsty" and unsafe af slip can wipe out most of the ter Sunday's race at Talladega field. S uperspeedway, which w a s Teams figured out over the marred by a last-lap25-car past few years that hooking accident. up in two-car tandems was "I don't even want to go to more effective, but the new Daytona or T alladega next style of racing infuriated fans year, but I a i n' t go t m u ch who screamed to NASCAR choice," Earnhardt grumbled. they wanted the white-knuck Tony Stewart, who so ab le pack racing to return. NAS hors blocking he has threat CAR listened and worked all ened on multiple occasions to winter on a rules package that wreck any driver who does it would break up the tandems to him, threw the biggest block and bring back the pack. of them all Sunday while try The result? Four ridiculous ing to hold on to a victory at races this season. Talladega. His defensive driv A jet-dryer explosion in the ing sent his car sailing up and season-opening Daytona 500 over the field, triggering the overshadowed the fact that accident that collected 10 of there were t h ree multi-car the 12 Chase championship accidents, including one that contenders. knocked out Jimmie Johnson H e immediately took r e on the second lap of the race sponsibility for c ausing the and an eight-car wreck that wreck. But at least one rival sent the race into overtime. believed the defending NAS And, after an 11-car last-lap CAR champion wasn't en accident took out all the lead tirely culpable for an accident ers in the Nationwide race, everyone knew was going to drivers warned of the danger happen. going into the Daytona 500. "When you look at the big Drivers can either run out front all race and hope for the ger picture is that really what caused it?"asked Jeff Gor best or hang back and then go don. "Tony is a guy that takes for it late — in packs. blame for things and you' ve "I feel like we walk a line in got to respect him for that, but this sport between daredev The Associated Press
ils and chess players," Brad Keselowski said in February. "When we come to Daytona and a track like this, we' re maybe more on the daredevil side of the line. And then we go other places where I'd say we' re more on the chess-player side of the line. I think it's im portant to have tracks like this that maybe average it back out a little bit. "Ideally, we'd like to j u st walk straight down the line all the time. But from a standpoint of the sport and the health of it, I think not a lot of people watch chess matches, and I' ve never seen one televised." There was a nine-car ac cident with four laps to go at Talladega in May, and that was a day after Eric McClure was hospitalized following a late wreck in the Nationwide Series race. The race to the checkered flagat Daytona in July led to a 15-car accident on the final lap, and then came Sunday's demolition derby. "There has been a last-lap wreck in like 90 percent of these things for the last four years with this car," said Earn hardt. "Somebody needs to change it." The introduction of the 2013 car has given NASCAR an opportunity to address sever al racing concerns, but most of it seems centered on im proving the product at inter mediate tracks. There's been little to no public discussion about plate racing beyond the grumbling of drivers tired of wrecking. It was Stewart, remember, who assailed the racing in May
with a four-minute, tongue-in cheek Q8A that dripped in sarcasm directed at the per ceived notion that fans want to see wrecks, not racing. "It's not fair to these fans for them to not see more wrecks than that and more tom-up cars," he said. "We still had over half the cars running at the end, and it shouldn't be that way." Gordon understands the di lemma NASCAR is facing. "From a n e n t ertainment s tandpoint, they should b e lined up out to the highway," he said after finishing second Sunday. "If I'm a race fan, I want to see two and three wide racing all day long, pass ing back and forth. I want to see guys shoving one another. I want to see the 'big one' at the end of the race because guys are being so aggressive ... and sort of defying danger." But they didn't show up on Sunday. NASCAR's estimated crowd of 88,000 was the small est since figures have been provided, and was down by 20,000 from the previous low of 108,000 in May, and coming at a track that used to pull in more than 300,000people for its two annual events. Maybe that's an indicator that the fans really don't want to see the carnage, or they al ready know how the race is going to develop. After all, the plate races follow a pretty sim ilar script: drivers ride around for 490 or so miles, and a big wreck breaks out in that fran tic push to the finish. The complaining about last year's two-car tandem racing
is proof NASCAR will never be able to please all of the fans all of the time. But they can at least try to limit the destruction.
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Madras volleyball loses firs tmatchto Estacada Bulletin staff report ESTACADA — The White Buffaloes, who were the last unbeaten team in Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference vol leyball play, suffered their first league loss at the hands of Estacada, which snapped Madras' eight-game winning streak 25-22, 26-24, 25-20. S helby Mauritson led t h e way with nine kills, while L auren S i m mon s c a m e through with 13 digs. Keely Brown d e l ivered four kills, and the White Buf faloes went 66-for-67 as a team from the service line.
® pygmy= JeffRoberson / The Associated Press
St. Louis Cardinals' Carlos Beltranrounds the bases after hitting a solo home run during the sixth inning in Game 2 of the National League division series against the Washington Nationals, Monday, in St. Louis.
Car inals rout Nationals, tie series By R.B. Fallstrom
R yan Z i m m erman a n d Adam LaRoche hit consecu ST. LOUIS — Three hits tive homers in the fifth for the and an excruciating loss one Nationals, who head home for day, double-digit runs and a the remainder of the best-of laugher the next. The St. Louis five series. But the NL East Cardinals have been that type champions are without All of team all season. Star ace Stephen Strasburg, The defending World Series shut down for the rest of the champions tied their NL divi season early last month to sion series with Washington protect his surgically repaired at one game apieceby doing arm. what they do best — forget "I miss hi m n o t e x peri ting about what happened the encing this with us and he day before and concentrating misses not experiencing it on the game at hand. They with us," Nationals manager lost the division series and Davey Johnson said. "But we NLCS openers last year, and did the right thing, there's no look how that turned out. question. "He'd have been the guy Carlos Beltran hit the last two of t h e C a rdinals' four that opened the series." homers and St. Louis chased Garcia was taken out with an ineffective Jordan Zim a shoulder injury and sent for mermann early in a 12-4 rout an MRI exam. The left-hander of the Nationals on Monday. missed two months this sea "We know this offense has son with shoulder fatigue. the potential to do this," Car " It just w a sn't r i ght t h e dinals rookie manager Mike whole time. I had to come out Matheny said. "It was nice of the game," Garcia said. "I to see this, and hopefully it don't know how it happened, I becomes contagious and the don't know when it happened. "I'm just h oping i t 's not guys just keep going." Daniel Descalso and Allen too bad, but at the same time Craig also went deep to help you' ve just got to wait and see the Cardinals build a big lead how it goes." that compensated for a two Game 3 is Wednesday af inning start from an a i ling ternoon at N a tionals Park, J aime Garcia. Craig hit h i s the first postseason contest in fifth career postseason homer the nation's capital since the and scoredthree times. original Senators played the "If we ge t t h i ngs going, New York Giants in the 1933 we feel like we can carry the World Series. Edwin Jackson team," Craig said. "As you saw starts for Washington against tonight, we put a lot of good longtime Cardinals ace Chris swings on the ball and really Carpenter, who m ade only drove the ball. It was a lot of three starts during the regular fun." season because of injury. The Associated Press
Madras (5-1 TVC) continues conference play on Wednes day, when the White Buffa loes host Gladstone. In other Monday action: VOLLEYBALL Elmira.... . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 La Pine..... . . . . . . . . . 8-10-12 LA PINE — The Hawks came out flat, according to La Pine coach Aaron Mal lory, and struggled against one of the top teams in Class 4A before falling to the Fal cons in a 4A Sky-Em League matchup. La Pine (0-6 Sky Em) welcomes Junction City on Wednesday.
"Today, for us, was a must win game," Beltran said. The Cardinals seem to live for those. They lost the divi sion series and NLCS openers last fall, then finished strong in the World Series after spot ting Texas a 3-2 lead. So, they' re o n f a m i l iar ground. And once again, as a wild card. " We knew how b i g t h i s game was f o r u s , " c enter fielder Jon Jay said. "We' ve seen it all year — when we are able to do that, we are pretty dangerous." After the Nationals rallied late to win th e opener 3-2, there were no lineup changes in Game 2 — just a lot more c lutch h i t ting f r o m p l a y ers accustomed to O ctober pressure. Beltran homered twice in the postseason for the third time in his career, connecting in the sixth off Mike Gonzalez and eighth off Sean Burnett. Jay had two hits and three RBIs, plus a n o u t standing catch at the center-field wall to deprive Danny Espinosa of extra bases in the sixth. "One of the best catches I' ve seen. I think it's his best catch of the year," Matheny said. "He barely looked up as he was hitting the wall. Very impressive." St. Louis was zero for eight with runners in scoring posi tion during Game I and totaled just three hits, but the Cardi nals had five hits in a four-run second Monday. Descalso hit his first postseason homer in
the fourth, a day after getting robbed by J ayson W erth's leaping catch at the right-field wall. Beltran's drive off Gon zalez in the sixth banged off the facade in the third deck in left, estimated at 444 feet. "I hope I never see this of fense again," Johnson said to much laughter in the post game interview room. S hadows e r e eped p a s t the pitcher's mound around the third inning and didn' t seem to be as big of an issue in Game 2, which started I t/2 hours later than the opener. Both teams had issues with the playing conditions after the opener. Late last season, after com plaints from A l b ert P ujols and Lance Berkman, the Car dinals said they'd try not to schedule late afternoon games that might be affected. N ationals r o o ki e B r y c e Harper went one for five and struck out four times. He also was thrown out at third base on an ill-advised attempt to advance. He is one for 10 in the series with six strikeouts. "Do I l o o k o v eranxious? You think so?" he said to one reporter. "Maybe you should be a hitting coach." Zimmermann lasted a sea son-low three innings while pitching on eight days' rest. His next-shortest outing this year also was against the Car dinals, when he coughed up a four-run, first-inning cushion and was chased after yielding eight runs in 3 '8 innings dur ing a 10-9 loss at home.
Continued from D1 The teams split the season series 9-9. Chen left with a 3-2 lead, a nd the b ullpen made i t stand up. Johnson retired Derek Jeter and Ichiro Suzu ki on grounders and struck out Alex Rodriguez to end it in front of a rollicking crowd at Camden Yards. Much earlier, Suzuki's deft dancing at the plate put the Yankees ahead. Pettitte, whose 19 wins and 43 starts are the most in post season history, allowed three runs and seven hits in seven plus innings. He came out of retirement before this season to pitch again in the playoffs, and although he was effec tive, Chen was better. Pettitte, however, got little offensive backing. New York stranded 10 and went two for eight with runners in scoring position. After Davis hit a two-run single to put Baltimore up 2-1 in the third inning, Matt Wieters led off the sixth with a double and scored on a single by Mark Reynolds to make it 3-1. But New York came right back in the seventh. Eduardo Nunez got a double when Da vis couldn't catch his blooper to right and Jeter followed with an RBI single. After Su zuki hit into a fielder's choice, Darren O'Day replaced Chen and struck out Rodriguez as Suzuki stole second. Brian Matusz came in and issued an intentional walk to Robin son Cano to set up a matchup with Nick Swisher. Swisher was I for 18 life time against Matusz and I for his last 32 in postseason play with runners in scoring position. A wild pitch moved up the runners, but the per centages held up, as Swisher hit a routine fly ball to left. The Yankees used the nif ty footwork of Suzuki to take a 1-0 first-inning lead, and it had nothing to do with his speed on the basepaths. Jeter led off the game with a single and Suzuki reached when Reynolds fumbled a
PatrickSemansky / The Associated Press
Baltimore Orioles starting pitcher Wei-Yin Chen,throws to the New York Yankees in the first inning of Game 2 of the ALDS on Monday, in Baltimore. b are-hand pickup a t f i r s t base for an error. Rodriguez hit a low line drive at s econd baseman Robert Andino, who caught it and doubled up Jeter. Cano followed with a drive to the base of the right-field wall for a double. The relay from Davis to Andino to Wieters beat Suzuki to the plate by plenty, but he dodged the tag coming toward home. Suzuki then circled around t he b a tter's b o x , j u k e d around the catcher's desper ate lunge and touched the plate an instant before Wiet ers' glove found its mark. Pettitte retired the f i r st e ight batters b efore A n dino hit a bloop single with two outs in the third. Nate McLouth also singled, and a four-pitch walk to J.J. Hardy loaded the bases for Davis, who lined a single to right. Adam Jones followed by grounding a single just be yond the reach of Jeter at shortstop, but Hardy stopped at third after failing to spot third-base coach DeMarlo Hale waving him home. Wi eters then popped out with the bases loaded. In the fourth, the Yankees used two singles and a walk to load the bases with one out. Nunez popped out before Jeter bounced into a forceout.
Back from health scare, t:incinnati's Baker seeks elusive ring By Phil Rogers
character in the 1986 cult film swung a sword to get out of a series of ter CINCINNATI — Dusty Baker was he doesn't overextend himselfbut be rifying circumstances, Baker used behind his desk in the home club lieves Baker will be fine. right-hander Mat Latos to get the "I' ve spent a lot of time with him," house at Great American Ball Park, Reds out of a predicament in Game checking his mail and trying to get Jocketty said. "I stayed close to him 1. Latos, who had been scheduled to caught up after spending most of the through the whole ordeal. He's sharp, start Game 3, volunteered to pitch last two weeks on the road. handling himself well. He gets his relief after ace Johnny Cueto pulled Walt Jocketty, th e R eds' gen rest, is taking care of himself — his himself eight pitches into the game eral manager, stuck his head in family makes sure of that — and I'm with his back tightening up. side. "You' ve got another half-hour, confident he' ll be fine." The Reds fought to win 5-2 over Gi Baker is starting to think he' ll be ants ace Matt Cain, taking control of Dusty," he said. "Wrap it up and get out of here." better than fine. the series. Baker had rolled out of bed to ful He's starting to think this might "That was a key decision," Jocketty fill an afternoon media obligation an be the year the baseball gods reward said. "That's Dusty. He knows what hour early. He had spent the night him for the disappointments he has he has to do. The fact he's been in so before on a red-eye flight from San suffered since winning a World Se many playoffs, he knows how to deal F rancisco to Cincinnati, with t h e ries ring with the 1981 Dodgers, in with so many different situations." plane's wheels not touching the tar his third try to beat the Yankees. He Baker is in his 19th season as a mac until after 7 a.m. has come close as a manager, but his manager. This is the sixth team he This would not be the ideal sched Giants lost Games 6 and 7 of the 2002 has taken to the playoffs, but his ule for a 63-year-old fresh off a week World Series to the Angels and his overall record (19-22) isn't great. This long stay in Chicago's Northwestern Cubs lost Games 5, 6 and 7 of the Na Al Behrman / The Associated Press could be the team to change that. Memorial H o s pital, c o n f ronting tional League Championship Series Cincinnati Reds manager Dusty Baker speaks during a news conference, If it does win it all, will Baker fol health issues that included symptoms to the Marlins the following year. Monday, in Cincinnati. The Reds host the San Francisco Giants in Game 3 low the lead of Tony La Russa and of pneumonia, an irregular heartbeat Baker, who wears uniform No. 12, of the National League division baseball series today. retire after the season? and what was termed a minor stroke. is a free thinker who embraces spiri His contract expires at the end But Baker isn't thinking about him tual mysteries as much as he does of the season. He likes to weigh his self these days. His concern is how blues music and hunting dogs. He' s cial year. I just feel that it's our year." things go beyond the game," said Bai options when he has them, and has to help his Reds — up 2-0 in the NL not above grabbing some good kar Baker's players are following his ley, who will face the Giants' Ryan told Jocketty he's comfortable wait Division Series — finish off the Gi ma from numbers. lead. They often do. Vogelsong in Game 3 today. "They' re ing until after the season to explore ants and move one step closer to the "These are the things you think Homer Bailey says Baker's health like family ... To see that he came out a new deal. But Jocketty expects him World Series. about," he said. "I had this one kid scare has become a rallying point for and is fine (is a relief). If you ask him, back. Baker lost 22 pounds in the 12 days (who) gave me a sweatshirt that said, the Reds. he's going to tell you it will make him "We want him back," he said. "I'm that bench coach Chris Speier served 'The Year of the 12.' He gave it to me "Any time something like that hap stronger. He always says he's the confident he wants to be back. I don' t as interim manager and hasn't gained in spring training. I believe in that. pens, especially with somebody who Highlander, so he will probably say think we' ll have any problems when much of it back. Jocketty admits he' s I'm only going to see one (year that is close to us, whether it was Dusty or he won one more battle." we talk. Hopefully it's in November." keeping an eye on him to make sure ends in) 12 while I'm living. It's a spe the coaches or players, those kinds of While C h r i stopher L a m b ert's After a World Series parade. Chicago Tribune
Big 12 goesfrom turmoil to terrific in the span of ayear By John Raby
In early November, Missouri made it clear it was moving to C HARLESTON, W. V a . the SEC. — In the span of a year, the In May, Bob Bowlsby was Big 12 has gone from turmoil named Big 12 commissioner. to terrific on television once And last month, the confer again. ence announced a new 13 A conference whose foot year deal with ESPN and Fox ball future was uncertain with Sports. the defections of Nebraska, "I feel better now than I' ve Colorado, Texas A8 M and ever felt about this confer Missouri over the past two ence," Tuberville said. years has landed squarely on When things got settled af its feet. ter two restless summers, the The Big 12 has two teams in redrawn Big 12 was essential the top 10 and is the only con Eric Gayi The Associated Press ly the same — high-scoring ference to have eight schools West Virginia's Geno Smith offenses, questionable defens with one or fewer losses. (The looks to throwduring the es and Heisman hype. Four Southeastern Conference has third quarter of a game Big 12 offenses are among the seven). against Texas, Saturday, in top seven passing teams in the No. 5 West Virginia and No. Austin, Texas. FBS. Five are in the top nine 6 Kansas State are the early in third-down efficiency. front-runners in the Big 12 T his much is k nown standings, with No. 13 Okla a new round of positioning. West Virginia likes the way it homa and No. 15 Texas trying Texas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma fits in. to keep pace while settling the State and Texas Tech were The M ountaineers (5-0, Red River rivalry in Dallas on considering a potential move 2-0 Big 12) set a lofty goal Saturday. to the Pac-12 until that league of winning the conference "I think the league is stron a nnounced i t wo u l d n o t championship r i ght a w ay, but that's way too far in the ger now than it has been in a expand. long time," Oklahoma State S hortly a fter t h at , e m distance to contemplate. For coach Mike Gundy said battled Big 12 commissioner starters, West Virginia must Monday. Dan Beebe was dumped and get through one of its toughest It might have been hard to the nine remaining member October schedules after go imagine this a year ago, con schools committed to healing. ing 28-8 in the month over the sidering the Big 12 could've "Nobody knew what was previous decade. gone bust. going to happen," Texas Tech After beating ranked teams "We' ve gone from possibly coach Tommy Tuberville said. Baylor and Texas in succes not having a league, to having "You kept hearing Pac 12, ev sive weeks, West Virginia an unstable league, to having erybody being independent, travels to Texas Tech (4-1, 1-1) a league that wasn't getting form our own league. The on Saturday before returning along, to having as stable a uncertainty was just unbeliev home for an Oct. 20 show league as anyone with great able. And just the last year has down with co-leader Kansas football teams in i t , g r eat enabled us to be solidified as a State (5-0, 2-0). "I' ve got some guys that sports programs across the conference." country," Texas coach Mack A year ago W ednesday, believe," said West Virginia Brown said. "We' re right at the TCU pulled an about-face and coach Dana Holgorsen. "I top of conferences right now. decided to make the Big 12 like the way this team plays This league has got more par — not the Big East — its new together." ity at the top than ever before." home. The Big 12 then mulled Tuberville, who lost to West In September 2011, Texas over whether West Virginia or Virginia when he coached at A8 M's announcement that it Louisville was the proper can Auburn in 2008, gets another was leaving the Big 12 to seek didate for expansion before crack at the Mountaineers on SEC membership sparked settling on the Mountaineers. Saturday. The Associated Press
Mannion Continued from D1 Mannion passed for 270 yards and a touchdown in Or egon State's 19-6 victory over Washington State. He appar ently injured the knee on a handoff but did not leave the game. Following the victory, Ore gon State jumped into the top 10 of the AP rankings for the first time since 2001, when the Beavers went to the Fiesta Bowl. Mannion w a s ave r ag ing 339.5 yards passing per game, second in the Pac-12 and sixth in the nation. He has passed for 1,358 yards with seven touchdowns and four interceptions this season. He is sixth on Oregon State's career list with 4,686 yards. Vaz, a 6-foot-l, 198-pound junior, played in five games in the 2010 season, complet ing six of 17 passes for 48 yards. He did not appear in any games last season for the Beavers. Riley said he has confidence in Vaz, adding that he and Mannion had nearly equal reps in preseason camp. "Cody is a good quarter back. He has been preparing for this for a long time," Riley said. "He' ll be good and we' ll be ready to go." Vaz said he is excited to make his first start. "You have to prepare your
Knee injuryshelvesBYlj QBHill foryear PROVO, Utah — BYU freshman quarterback Taysom Hill will have surgery on his left knee and will miss the rest of the season with a lateral collateral injury suffered on his final carry in Friday night's 6-3 win over Utah State. Coach Bronco Mendenhall announced the injury after practice Monday as the team geared up to play No. 10 Oregon State, which will be without starting QB Sean Mannion because of knee surgery. BYU senior Riley Nelson said Monday he is ready, pain-free and will start against the Beavers after missing two games with what he called "back fractures." "My heart goes out to (Hill)," Nelson said. "Season-ending injuries are tough. I' ve experienced those before. They' re hard to get over but first and foremost it's a big blow to our team. He' s a playmaker and one of our best offensive weapons. It leaves a hole in our offense." Hill passed for 425 yards this season and rushed for 336, with 8 TDs. His injury occurred on a 4-yard run — even though coaches were trying to get him to take a knee with about a minute to play and Utah State down to one timeout. — The Associated Press
Cycling • Area youngsters perform well iu cyclocross:A number of Bend youths posted top finishes at two cyclocross races over the weekend. At an Oregon Youth Cyclocross Series race staged Saturday in Dayton, Cameron Beard and Ivy Taylor won the junior men and junior women 13-14 divisions, respectively, and
Henry Jones (junior men 10-12), Lance Haidet (junior men 15-16) and Jenelle Holmes (junior women 10-12) all posted second-place finishes. Jonathan Wimberly was third in the junior men 10-12 race, as was Katie Ryan in the junior women15-16 race. On Sunday, at the first Cross Crusade event of the season in Portland, Beard won the junior men's race (which was not further broken down into age divisions) and Javier Colton and Haidet — who also won the Category B race in open competition — were fifth and sixth, respectively. Taylor and Holmes added fourth- and fifth-place finishes in the junior women's contest. In the adult divisions, Bend's Chris Sheppard and Barry Wicks went 1-2 in the men's Category A race, as did Erica Wescott and Amber Clark in the masters women 35+ B division. Another
Bend resident, Tim Jones, won the masters men 35+ A division. Top-three finishers in their respective races, all from Bend, were Robert DeClerk (second, men's masters 35+ B), Gina Miller (second, masters women 45+), Serena Bishop Gordon (women Category A), Leslie Griffith (third,
Mill District. LeadmanTri Bend was one of two Oregon triathlons to make the list, along with the Portland Triath lon. For the complete list of races, go to menshealth.corn/fitness/20 best-triathlons. For more informa tion about LeadmanTri Bend, go to leadmantri.corn.
beginner women) Jay Palubeski
(third, masters men 50+), Amory Cheney (third, masters men 60+) and Sarah Max (third, masters women 35+ A). Results for the Central Oregon junior riders are available in Com munity Sports Scoreboard,see below left.Complete results from both weekend events can be found at
• Youth clubfielding registra tion:In-person registration for the 2012-13 season of the Deschutes Mat Club is scheduled for this week. The season kickoff for the club, open to boys and girls in grades one through eight, is scheduled for today at Bend High School and on Thursday at Mountain View High School. In-person registration will be taken from 5 p.m.to7 p.m .on both days,in thegym lobbyatBend Highand in the west gym/auditorium lobby at Mountain View. Cost for the season,which begins Oct.22 and concludes Feb. 2, is $115 for DMC Juniors (grades one through three) and $165 for DMC seniors
Triathlon • Central Oregonrace earns uod fromnational magazine: Staged for the first time just last month, the LeadmanTri Life Time Epic 250/125 Bend triathlon has beennamed one ofthetop 20 triathlons in America by Men' s Health. This year's event offered race distances of 250 and 125 kilo meters, starting with a swim at Cultus Lake, followed by a bike ride circling Mount Bachelor, and concluding with a run through west Bend that finished in the Old
(grades four through eight). Registration will also be ac cepted throughout the season and is available online at bendwres tling.corn. — Bulletin staff reports
Of course, the public is also welcome to supply gear to sell at the sports swap. Those wishing to sell their gear can take it to the warehouse loca tion from noon to 6 p.m. on Thursday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. Sports swap volunteers — about 150 of whom donate some of their time during the event — will assist in pricing and tagging items, and MBSEF will take a 28 percent commission on sold gear by the public. (MB SEF receives a 2 0 p ercent commission on t h e v endor
staged at the bus barn. Having grown up in Bend, Continued from D1 Lafky, 44, has been to a num After being held at the Mt. ber of sports swaps over the Bachelor ski area's bus barn years and remembers when on Columbia Street in west she was a teenager that the Bend for a number of years, event was a much smaller af the swap this year is moving fair staged at Seventh Moun to a warehouse located at 149 tain Resort. As an adult, she S.E. Ninth St. The site, just has been one of those shop south of Bend High School, pers standing in line for three offers about 26,000 square hours waiting to get in on the feet of space, which is more morning of the event — all than double the square foot part of the fun of the experi age of the bus barn. Cog ence, she says. s well-Kelley said t h e b u s "One of my f avorite rea barn building was purchased sons why we have the swap by Nosier Inc., the Bend bul sales.) is everybody comes out of the let and ammunition maker, MBSEF has few require woodwork," Co g swell-Kel this past summer. ments on i tems the public ley notes. "And I mean, it is a Thousands of winter sports brings to t h e s ports swap social event. You know that items will be up for sale on other than that straight (un you' re going to see certain Saturday, everything from al shaped) skis are not permit people that you only see once pine skis to goggles to snow ted. Cogswell-Kelley does re a year." shoes to ice skates. Suzanne quest that gear be lightly used Admission to the swap is and in good condition. There $5 for i n dividuals, $10 for Lafky, whose two sons ski with MBSEF, has volunteered is a little more flexibility with families. Most swap veterans as a cashier at t h e sports nordic gear, she adds, and would likely say that those swap for t h e p ast s everal even more with clothing. fees — which go to the MB Items taken to the swap by SEF scholarship program years. She notes that socks are especially popular items, the public that are not sold on are a small price to pay for the but she also lists coats, snow Saturday will be available for chance to get a good deal on boards, boots, nordic gear, pickup from 9 a.m. to noon on some winter sports gear and long underwear, hats, back Sunday. Items not collected have a good time doing it. "That's probably the best packs and, strangely enough, w ill be donated to the M t . flip-flops as items likely to be Bachelor National Ski Patrol. thing, i s w o r k i n g t h e re," found at the event. Along with being able to Lafky says about volunteer Cogswell-Kelley estimates display more items, one of ing at th e sports swap. "I that 90 percent of the gear the advantages of the addi have so much fun doing it be at the sports swap comes tional space this year is that cause everybody's so happy. from two vendors, one from m ore shoppers will b e a l The people who are buying California and the other from lowed inside the building at the stuff are just elated, and Idaho. In m ost c ases, she one time. That is a plus, as everybody's r eally e x c ited says, the gear will be from the the sports swap will be one for snow. It's kind of like the years 2010, 2011 or 2012, never busy place come Saturday: opener to the season." used and aimed at those who Cogswell-Kelley expects at — Reporter: 541-383-0393, are just starting out in winter least 5,000 winter sports en amiles C~bendbulletirL corn. sports, though some high-end thusiasts to attend. The bus items will also be available. barn's maximum occupany One of those vendors alone, for public events was 365, Cogwell-Kelley notes, is ex while the warehouse's is 800. pected to bring 1,000 pairs of Given that, she says she is not 541-548-2066 alpineskis,300 pairs ofcross sure that shoppers will need Adjustable c ountry skis, 500 pairs o f to camp out before the sports Beds boots and 250 snowboards. swap, as some did when it was "Because it's a new loca tion and we have so much Self Referrals Welcome more space than ever before, I' ve talked to them both and they said, 'We' re bringing the M ATTR E S S mother lode,' " Cogswell-Kel G allery- B e n d At st charlsi M«rscal ( nt«r I Bind ley says. 541-330-5084 541-706-6900
WILSONSof Redmond
self. You have to have a good mental approach," Vaz said. "That's what I' ve been doing for the past five weeks like I'm the starter. And now that I am, I' ve got to make the most of this opportunity." Vaz's backup will be red shirt freshman quarterback Richie Harrington. Mannion had been win ning accolades for his play this season. He i s a c l as sic drop-back passer with a calm demeanor and a good grasp of the fundamentals, the product of growing up the
son of a high school coach. Last season as a redshirt freshman, Mannion unseated junior starter Ryan Katz, who had started the 2010 season for the Beavers. Katz has since transferred to San Di ego State. M annion is one o f f o u r team captains for O r egon State this year. T he Beavers h av e r e bounded from going 3-9 last season to opening 4-0 this season. Oregon State has not opened a season 5-0 since 1939.
Heir Center
COMMUNITY SPORTSSCOREBOARD Bowling League standingsand highscores Lava Lanes, Bend
Sept. 24-30 Casino Fun—All InTheFamily; BrandonZitek, 202/587; tawinaNorris, 181/472. His And Hers — Split Happens;Kris Still, 258/713;cereseBond, 206/557. Guys and Gals — Spares RUs; Brandon Knox, 279/59i;JanetGettling,220/576. Rejects — ThePossibles; DougGray,260/731; Sue Snedden,183/520. LavaLanesClassic — Cause Mommy Said So; Dave Grimes,256/696; MaryStratton, 183/530. Wednesday Inc— NapaMachineShop;travis Holmes, 265/763;RyanWaddell,259/739. Tea Timers — Ball Breakers;Sue Parker, 210/557. Latecomers — No Threat; Jane Supnet, 196/505. TNT — Rollercoasters; DaveGrimes, 278/789; Kelly Warner,149/423. Progressive — Hills Horseshoeing; Bryan Meeker,2185/617. Free Breathers — Pin Heads; Jim Whitson, 248/674;SueSnedden, 194/505. T.G.I.F. — Bowling Stones; BretBorovec, 255/705;Joy Reeves,218/618. Have-A-Ball — team 1;Sethchilcutt,192/492; BrittneyOsborn,188/453. Draft — Pin Crushers;SteveWilson, 225/635; KarenDougan,171/47t
Rimrock Lanes, Prineville (Teamscratch game;teamscratch series; men's scratchgame;men's scratch series; women's scratchgame;women' sscratch series) Week 4 Rimrock — StrykersProShop, 903; TheGray Mayers,2,789; Merril Cummings, 259;JonHoward, 719; JulieMayers,201;ChrisGray,655. Week 5 50+ or — Rusty Relics, 602; It's R Turn, 2,366;Gene Mayers,194;MattHawes,686; DoloresKoivisto, 184;LauraHawes, 465. Happy Bowlers — EdwardsIns, 567; Ban daids, 1,622;JohnHammer Sr., 128;res Emerson, 363; BobbiAsher,247; KayJonson, 688.
Bend, 30:43. 7,Will Reinking, Bend,31:02. Girls Junior 10-12 — 2, Jenelle Holmes, Bend, 32:46. Junior 13-14 — 1,Ivy Taylor, Bend,29:29. Junior 15-16 — 3,KatieRyan,Bend,31:07.
e I
CrossCrusade Race No. 1 Sunday, Portland Boys Junior men — 1,cameronBeard, Bend,2620.
5, Javier colton,Bend,28:14.6, LanceHaidet, Bend, 28:41. 9, Will Reinking, 29:29.15, DonovanBirky, Bend, 30:01.17,Mitchell Stevens,Bend, 30:24. 18, KeenanReynolds,Bend 31:12.24,Jonathan Wim berly, Bend. Junior Women — 4,IvyTaylor,Bend,29:05.5, Jenell e Holmes,Bend,29:20.
cyclocross oregon Junior cyclocrossseries Saturday, Dayton Central Oregonparticipants Boys
Redmond Volleyball Association Standings as ofFriday
Junior 10-12 — 2,HenryJones,Bend,26:35. 3, JonathanWimberly, Bend,26:42. 7, Ryder Uet recht,Bend,30:4t 13, ParkerPalubski, Bend. 16, CooperPalubeski, Bend. Junior 13-14 — 1, cameronBeard, Bend, 28:11. 7, DonovanBirky, Bend. 10, Nate telack, Bend. Junior 15-16 — 2,LanceHaidet, Bend,28:07. 4, Javier colton, Bend,28:42. 6, Mitchell stevens,
Volleyball I
I '
Women's — 1, HitList, 8 0. 2, VolleyGirls, 5 1. 3, PurpleBandAid,5 t 4, Muffin Tops, 4 2. 5,
Just Lucky,3 a 6, snapcrackle pop,3 5. 7,chat
ter Boxes, 2 6. 8, TheOther Guys, 1 7. 9, Setting Ducks, 1 7.
Tuesday coed —1,Acers', 7 t 2, chets Elec tric,5 t 3, Hot chilis,51. 4, penguins,5 a 5,All Stars,4 4. 6,Dysiunctionals, 3 3. 7,toeGoods,3 5. 8, Brds 8Hoes,c 6. 9,Drywall Specialties,0 8.
i I I
I ' I I
I '
e I
CO M M U N ITY SPORTS CALENDAR Please email Community Sports event information to sportsC~ bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletin.corn. Items are published on a space availability basis, and should be submit ted at least 10 days before the event.
CORK CROSS-COUNTRYSERIES: Tuesdays, Oct. 16-30;Old Mill District, Bend; courses will be 5 to 6 kilometers in length; registration starts at 5 p.m.; $5 per race; footzonebend.c orn/events. For beginning riders ages 7-14; FALLGIRLS NIGHT OUT:Thursday, BASEBALL Saturdays, throughOct. 27; 1 Oct.18;6:30 p.m .-9 p.m .;FootZone, p.m.-2 p.m.; Diane's Riding Place, downtown Bend; $5; footzonebend. PRIVATEPITCHINGINSTRUCTION: Bend; learn proper horse care, how corn; 541-317-3568. With former Bend Elks and minor to cinch a saddle and ride; horses FALL RUN:Saturday, Oct. 20; league player Dave McKae; pitching and tack provided; wear weather 8 a.m.; Kahneeta High Desert and hitting instruction; video appropriate clothing; $100; rarprd. Resort, village front gate; $8-$15; analysis optional; $40 for 40 org; 541-548-7275. registration available on weekdays minute lesson or $55 for 1-hour ADAPTIVEHORSEBACK RIDING from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Community video analysis; 541-480-8786; LESSONS: Age 9and older; Wellness Center, Warm Springs; pitchingperfection@gmail.corn. Saturday;2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.; taught SD'S DOWN 5DIRTY HALFAND by certified riding instructor Diane DIRTY 10K:Sunday, Oct. 21; 9 Schmidt; horse and tack available BASKETBALL a.m.; Seventh Mountain Resort, for each rider, learn about proper Bend; half marathon and 10K trail ADULTOPENGYM: Age 18 and horse care and how to mount and runs; field size limited to 500; older;Mondays and Wednesdays ride a horse; dress forthe weather, $20-$40; superfitproductions. through Dec. 19; 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m.; class is outside; $40; 541-548 corn/?page id= 69. subject to school closures and 7275; LEARN TO RUN: Next three-week activities; no drinks besides water in session beginsSaturday, Oct. water bottles or food allowed; $3 per 9 a.m.; FootZone, downtown visit; 541-548-7275; MISCELLANEOUS 27; Bend; includes instruction in proper CENTRALOREGONBASKETBALL running gear and running/walking ORGANIZATIONCLINICS:Sundays, RESTORE PROPERMOVEMENT YOGA:Restorative yoga for busy form, reference manual and training through Oct. 21; 6 p.m.-8 p.m.; athletes such as cyclists, runners materials, and mentorsupport; $50 Mountain View High School, Bend; and triathletes already training; no $55; register online or in the store; $49 for all three sessions; register n.corn; through the Bend Park & Recreation strength poses, just restorative yoga connie@coachconnieausit for active recovery;Mondays;5 footzonebend.c orn/events. District; 541-389-7275. p.m.; Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. MONSTER DASH5K:Sunday,Oct. SUMMIT CENTRALOREGON Century Drive, Bend; 30 minutes; 28;10 a.m.; Highland Elementary BASKETBALLORGANIZATION 5 points on Power Pass or $5 per School, Bend; 5K run and kids YOUTH BASKETBALL CLINICS: class; 541-585-1500. 1-mile run; benefit for Angel Open to kids in grades five through ADAPTIVEARCHERY:Age 8 and Flight West; costume-friendly; eight;Sundays, Oct. 14-28; 6 p.m. $12-$30; fleetfeetbend.corn/races/ older;Wednesdays, Oct. 10-Dec. 8 p.m.; Summit High School, Bend; 12 (except Oct. 31 and Nov. 21);5 monsterdash; registration available $50 for all three sessions; contact p.m.-6 p.m.; Top Pin Archery, 1611 at time2race.corn. Jon Frazier at jdfrazier@gmail.corn S.W. First St., Unit D, Redmond; all LORD'S ACRE:Saturday, Nov. to register. equipment provided; $8 per class; 3;Powell Butte Christian Church, SUMMIT GIRLSCENTRAL OREGON 541-548-7275; Powell Butte; 9 a.m; 10k run and BASKETBALLORGANIZATION ACROVISIONTAEKWONDO: 5K run/walk; $15-$20 (technical TRYOUTS:For girls in grades five Age 6 and older;Tuesdays and T-shirts available for $15); Dave through eight; grades five and six, Thursdays, Oct. 16-Nov. 8; 7-8 Pickhardt; pickhardt5@yahoo.corn; Monday andTuesday, Oct. 29 541-977-3493. p.m.; RAPRDActivity Center, 30,5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. both days; Redmond; students will train in HAPPY DIRTYGIRLS: Saturday, grades seven and eight,Monday a complete martial arts system; Nov. 3;8 a.m.; Sisters; half and Tuesday, Oct. 29-30,and marathon and 5K trail runs; field Thursday, Nov. 1, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. uniforms are required and will be available for purchase; $69; 541 limited to 250 participants; $35 all days; Cascade Middle School, 548-7275 or $75; happygirlsrun.corn/dirtygirls. Bend; players are expected to attend DESCHUTESMATCLUB all sessions fortheir grade level; VETERANS DAY/MARINECORPS WRESTLING:All youths in grades Ryan Cruz, 503-348-8449, ryan. BIRTHDAYRUN: Saturday, Nov. one through eight welcome; cruz. 10;9 a.m.; City Hall, 710 N.W. Wall Monday,Oct.22-Saturday, St., Bend; 5K run and 1-mile walk; RAVENYOUTHBASKETBALL: Feb. 2;age divisions for kids in fundraiser for Disabled American For boys in grades five through grades one through three and Veterans; $15-$21; chandler@ eight living in the Ridgeview High four through eight; in-person bendbroadband.corn; 541-350 School attendance boundaries; registration available 5 p.m.-7 p.m. 8512; entry form available at tryouts on Tuesday,Oct.30,and todayatBend High Schooland vetsdayrun.homestead.corn. Thursday, Nov. 1; 6 p.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday at Mountain View High Ridgeview High School, Redmond; I LIKE PIE:Thursday, Nov. 22; School; $115-$165 for season; boys who make the teams will 9 a.m.; start is directly behind registration is ongoing throughout compete in Central Oregon FootZone in downtown Bend, on the season; online registration Basketball Organization and regional Brooks Alley; untimed 2K, 5K and and more information available at tournaments; $100 (for season); 10-mile runs; recommended $5 bendwrestling.corn. Nathan Covill; 541-504-3600, ext. cash or check and five cans of MARTIALARTSSEMINAR: 6248; nathan.covill@redmond.k12. food for Neighbor impact; pie for With Brazilian jiujitsu instructor OI'.us. participants; footzonebend.corn; Marcelo Alonso;Friday, Oct. 26, 541-317-3568. BITTY BALL:For boys and girls in 7 p.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. kindergarten through grade two; REDMOND OREGONRUNNING 27,10 a.m.-noon; High Desert Saturdays, Nov. 3-Dec. 15;Sky KLUB (RORK):Weekly run/walk; Martial Arts, 2535 N.E. Studio View Middle School, Bend; players Saturdaysat 8 a.m.; all levels Road, Bend; all styles and levels shoot at 8-foot baskets and play welcome; free; for more information welcome; $35 for one day, $60 five-on-five on shorter courts; and to be added to a weekly for both days; 541-647-1220; registration deadline is Saturday, email list, email Dan Edwards at bendhighdesertmartialarts.corn. Oct. 14; $43 park district residents, rundanorun19@yahoo.corn; follow REDMOND COMMUNITYYOGA: 7 $58 otherwise; 541-389-7275; Redmond Oregon Running Klub on p.m.on Mondays and Wednesdays; Facebook. $49 per six weeks, drop-in available, BOYSYOUTHHOOPS: Grades REDMOND RUNNINGGROUP: beginner to intermediate levels; three through eight; games (double Weekly runs onTuesdays at 6:30 Rebound Physical Therapy, 974 headers) onSaturdays, Nov. 10 p.m.; meet at 314 S.W.Seventh Veterans Way, Suite 4, Redmond; Dec. 22,at Elton Gregory Middle St. in Redmond for runs of 3 to 541-504-2350. School, Redmond; practices twice 5 miles; all abilities welcome; per week on weekdays asdetermined WINTER FENCING:High Desert free; pia@runaroundsports.corn; Fencingin Bendwelcomes youths by volunteer coaches; reigstration 541-639-5953. age 10 and older and adults for deadline is Thursday, Oct. 5; $59; competitive training and fitness; 541-548-7275; Mondays,4 p.m.-7 p.m., and SNOW SPORTS HIGH SCHOOLBASKETBALL Tuesdays throughThursdays, 5:30 LEAGUE:For players not p.m.-7 p.m.; introductory coached MT. BACHELORSPORTS participating in their high school EDUCATIONFOUNDATION WINTER fencinglesson on M ondays at4:30 basketball programs; one league p.m. for new members; Randall, SPORTS SWAP:Saturday;8 a.m .-5 for freshmen and sophomores, 541-389-4547; Jeff, 541-419-7087. p.m.; new location this year, 149 and one league for juniors and S.E. Ninth St., just south of Bend seniors;Sunday mornings, Dec. High School field; 541-388-0002; 2 through mid-March;Pilot Butte PADDLING; Middle School, Bend; recreational FALLGROOMING EQUIPMENT league with T-shirts, officials KAYAKING: For all ages; weekly FUNDRAISERANDSNOWDANCE: and scorekeepers provided; classes and open pool;equipment Sunday; 3 p.m.-6 p.m .;Aspen Hall, registration deadline is Tuesday, provided to those who preregister, Shevlin Park, Bend; dinner, drinks, Nov. 27; $54 park district residents, first come, first served otherwise; live music and raffle; proceeds $73 otherwise; 541-389-7275; Sundays,4 p.m.-6 p.m., Cascade go toward the purchase of new Swim Center, Redmond; $3; 541 grooming equipment for Virginia 548-7275; MIDDLESCHOOL BASKETBALL: For Meissner Sno-park; $10 entry, boys and girls in grades six through includes meal and a drink; raffle eight in Bend-La Pine Schools; tickets $5 each or $40 for 10; boys league isNov. 1-Dec. 21,and PICKLEBALL girls league isJan. 14-March 12; MT. BACHELORSPORTS emphasis on skill development, BEND PICKLEBALL CLUB: EDUCATIONFOUNDATION ALPINE, Mondays, Wednesdays and participation, sportsmanship and NORDIC, FREERIDEFALL DRYLAND Fridays,9:30 a.m.-noon, Larkspur fun; practices and games will take TRAINING:Started in early Park (Bend Senior Center) on place on weekdays; uniform tops September; 541-388-0002;mbsef@ provided; boys registration deadline Reed Market Road, Bend, rsss@ is Monday, Oct. 15; girls registration bendbroadband.corn;Wednesdays,; deadline is Thursday, Dec. 27; 8 a.m.-10a.m., and Saturdays, 8 BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY walk-in registration only; $54, a.m.-11 a.m. Athletic Club of Bend NORDICFALLCONDITIONING scholarships available; 541-389 (indoors), $15 drop-in fee (includes PROGRAM:Ages 11-14; full club usage), 541-385-3062; 7275; Wednesdays, Oct. 10-Nov. Tuesdays, Thursdays andFridays, 11;1 p.m.-4:15 p.m.; five-week 9 a.m.-11 a.m., Valley View tennis HIKING program aims to improve strength, courts, 3660 S.W. Reservoir Drive, coordination and flexibility for SILVERSTRIDERS GUIDE SERVICE: Redmond, jsmck@hotmail.corn; the upcoming nordic ski season; One to two guided hikes per week in Mondays, 4 p.m .-6 p.m .,indoor transportation provided from three national forests with a trained courts at Sage Springs Club & Spa, area middle schools; ben@ naturalist; geared toward those Sunriver, $7.50 drop-in fee (includes; age 50 and older, all hikes through full club usage), call 541-593-7890 541-678-3864; enroll online at Saturdaybegin at 9 a.m.; $20 for in advance to sign up, palcic57@ first hike, $25 otherwise; strideon@ live.corn; weekly play schedules also BEND SKI CLUB MEETING: Monday; silverstriders.corn; 541-383-8077; available at The Racquet Shoppe in 7 p.m.; Pappy's Pizzeria, Bend; ww w. siIverst riders. com. Bend; oregonhighdesertpickleball. blogspot.corn; bendpickleballclub@ near the Bend Fred Meyer; two LEARNTHEART OFTRACKING guest speakers; all are welcome; hot ma i I .com. ANIMALS:Guided walks and 541-382-1 772. workshops with a professional BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY tracker;ongoing;8 a.m.-noon; NORDICFALLLADIES(NFL): RUNNING learn to identify and interpret Women age 18and older; Tuesdays tracks, signs and scat of animals THE GREATPUMPKIN RACE: through Nov. 6;9:15a.m.-11:45 in the region; two or more walks Saturday;9 a.m.; Brookswood a.m.; designed for women who per month; $35; 541-633-7045; Meadow Plaza, Bend; 5K run and wish to improve their overall ski dave@wildernesstracking.corn; kids 1-mile fun run; costume fitness through organized and wildernesstracking.corn. friendly; proceeds go toward Elk professionally coached dryland Meadows Elementary School; $5 training sessions; open to ladies HORSES $20; greatraceofbend.corn. of all abilities and will focus on DIANE'SHORSEBACK RIDING: skill and fitness building in a
fun, social atmosphere; ben@; 541-678-3864; enroll online at BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY MINI NORDIES:Ages 3-6; sessions during winter break and in February; introductory ski skills and fun games with small class sizes; four one-hour practices per session; NORDICYOUTHCLUB:Ages 7 11;Saturdays and/or Sundays weekends, Dec. 8- Feb. 24; includes a camp during winter break; introduces basic skate and classic techniquesthrough games and adventures; transportation provided; MIDDLESCHOOL NORDIC DEVELOPMENTTEAM:For middle schoolers ages 11-14; Wednesdays, Saturdays andSundays, Nov. 14-March 10;participants to ski in small groups based on ability and improve classic and skate techniques in a fun, friendly atmosphere; includes camps during Thanksgiving and winter breaks; transportation provided; HIGH SCHOOLNORDIC DEVELOPMENTTEAM:For high schoolers ages 14-18; weekday or weekend enrollment options, Nov. 14- March 10;improve skiing efficiency by working with coaches and teammates in small group; participants are encouraged to fully participate in their high school nordic teams; includes camps during Thanksgiving and winter break; transportation provided; NORDIC MASTERS:Foradults; Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday morning enrollment options; skate technique;Dec. 11-Feb. 17;join a lively, social group to improve skiing efficiency through successful technique progressions; NORDICCOMPETITION PROGRAM: Ages 14-23;Tuesdays through Sundays throughMay 1;times vary; instruction in varying activities to improve strength, technique, coordination, agility, and aerobic and anaerobic capacities with the goal to apply these skills to ski-racing environments; transportation provided; ben@ or 541-678-3864; enroll online at
Tuesdays, today-Oct. 23;3:45 p.m.-4:30 p.m.; RAPRDActivity Center, Redmond; skill-based classes working on dribbling, passing and scrimmaging; shin guards and gym shoes recommended, no cleats allowed; $20; 541-548-7275; PEEWEESOCCERLEVEL I AND II: Ages3-5;LevelIis We dnesdays, Oct. 10-24;11 a.m.-11:30 a.m. or12:30 p.m.-1 p.m. and is for beginners; Level II isThursdays, Oct. 11-25and is for those with previous Peewee class experience; 3:45-4:15 p.m.; RAPRD Activity Center, Redmond; $17; 541-548 7275; SOCCEROPENPLAY(ADULT): Age 14 and older, no cleats, but shinguards required; $7;Friday nights; coed7 p.m.-8:30 p.m., men 8:30 p.m.-1 0p.m.; Cascade Indoor Soccer, Bend; 541-330-1183; callie@cascadeindoorsoccer.corn; cascadeindoorsports.corn.
SOFTBALL HIGH DESERTYELLOWJACKETS: For girls ages 8-12 interested in playing softball during the 2013 season; 12U division is for players born on orafter Jan. 1, 2000; 10U division is for players born on or after Jan. 1, 2002; Jeremy (12U), 541-325-3689; Missy (10U), 541 647-0636; highdesertyellowjackets. corn. SKILLINSTRUCTION: Age10 and older; with Mike Durre, varsity softball coach at Mountain View High School; lessons in fielding, pitching and hitting; $30 per hour or $50 per hour for two players;; 541-480-9593.
SWIMMING ADAPTIVESWIM LESSONS: All ages; for swimmers with disabilities; instructional staff is trained in adaptive aquatics and instruction techniques for patrons with developmental disabilities; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Oct. 15-Nov. 2;5:30 p.m.-6 p.m.; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; $32; 541-548-7275; WATERBABIES: Basic water skills for infants and toddlers; ages 6 m onths through3 years;games and challenges; parent participation; nextsession is Mo ndays, W ednesdays and Fridays,Oct.15 Nov. 2;6 p.m.-6:30 p.m.; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; $32; 541
54 8-7275;rap AQUA KIDSSWIM LESSONS: Ages 3-5 and 6-11; next session is Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Oct. 25-Nov. 2;5:30 p.m.-6 p.m. and 6 p.m.-6:30 p.m.; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; $32; 541-548-7275; PRECOMP KIDS: Grades one through eight; advanced swim lesson program that serves as a feeder for Cascade Aquatic Club; must be able to swim one length of crawl stroke with side breathing and one length of backstroke in a level positi on;Mondays,W ednesdays and Fridays,Oct. 15-Nov. 2; 5:30 p.m.-6 p.m.; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; $32; 541-548-7275; CSC CLUB POLO:With the Cascade Swim Club;Thursdays;7:15 p.m. 8:25 p.m.; beginners through experienced players; drop-in fees apply; 541-548-7275. REDMONDAREAPARKAND RECREATIONDISTRICT FAMILY SWIM NIGHT:7:25 p.m.-8:25 p.m., Tuesdays,Cascade Swim Center, Redmond;adultm ustaccompany anyoneunderage 18; $10 per family; 541-548-7275,
VOLLEYBALL BEND HIGHSCHOOL VOLLEYBALL CAMP:For girls in grades three through eight;Friday(no-school day); 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. for grades three through five; noon-3 p.m. for grades six through eight; Pilot Butte Middle School, Bend; $22 park district residents, $30 otherwise; players should take knee pads and a water bottle; space limited; register at; 541-389-7275. OREGON VOLLEYBALLACADEMY INFORMATIONALMEETING: Sunday, Oct. 28; 5 p.m.-6 p.m.; Pappy's Pizzeria, Bend; for the 2012-13 season; meeting for local and travel teams that will cover tryouts, schedule and costs, and will include a question-and-answer period; 541-419-1187; turner@ oregonvolleyballacademy.corn; oregonvolleyballacademy.corn.
WALKING WALK "LIVE"CLASSES: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays;4:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. on Mondays; 10:15 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays; Redmond Grange; indoor 2-mile walks; $5 per class; 541-993-0464; wal k live ce nt raIore
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2 Chinesecompaniesposea threat to national security, U.S.panel says Global economy ANALYSIS
Boardings down in Redmond Passenger boardings last month at Redmond Airport dropped nearly 5 percent from September 2011, according to fig ures released Friday by the airport. Overall, for the first nine months of this year, total boardings have de clined less than 1 percent compared to the same period last year. Last month, 19,686 passengers took off from Redmond Airport, 1,01 6 fewer than in September 2011. From January through September, the airport recorded 183,036 board ings, 469 fewer than in the same period last year, according to the figures. September was the first full month at Redmond Airport with out flights from Allegiant airline.
By Michael S. Schmidt, Keith Bradsher and Christine Hanser New York Times News Service
WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Commit tee recommended Monday that U.S. companies should be blocked from carrying out mergers and acquisitions involving two Chinese tele communications firms, say ing their equipment could be used for spying in the United States. The recommenda tions, the result of a yearlong investigation, also said the
U.S. government should not use equipment from the companies, the giant Huawei Technologies and ZTE Inc., and that U.S. companies should find alternative suppli ers as well. A report on the inquiry described the companies as a "national security threat" to the United States, saying that the committee had ob tained internal documents from former employees of Huawei that show it supplies services to a "cyberwarfare"
unit in the People's Liberation Army. The committee said the U.S. government should go through the federal Com mittee on Foreign Investment to carry out its recommenda tions to block any business or other transactions involving the Chinese companies. The report was presented by Rep. Mike Rogers, R Mich., the chairman of the House Intelligence Com mittee, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the top Democrat on the
committee. Huawei denies being fi nanced to undertake research and development for the Chi nese military, and its execu tives have repeatedly insisted that they have nothing to hide. The company issued an open letter to the U.S. govern ment in February 2011, ask ing to be investigated so as to clear up what the company characterizedas mispercep tions about its history and business operations. SeeChina/E3
Riverhouse gala seeks beneficiary The Gala at The Riverhouse, an an nual fundraiser for local nonprofits, is seeking applications from chari ties interested in serving as the beneficiary of the 2014 gala. Interested established nonprofits that serve Central Oregon must turn in their applications by Oct. 31. Applications can be downloaded at www.riverhouse.corn/ gala. The beneficiary is expected to be selected in December. The 21st annual gala, organized by the Central Oregon Visitors Associa tion and The Riverhouse Hotel 8 Convention Cen ter, is scheduled for Jan. 21, with proceeds going to the Boys 8 Girls Clubs of Central Oregon.
AndyTullls i The Bulletin
Debbie Fred, owner and head baker of Paleo Eats, started a gluten-, grain- and dairy-free baking business, making cookies and other treats for sale at markets around Bend.
Room-tax collections rise Lodging taxes collect ed in the city of Bend and Deschutes County in Au gust rose year-over-year, making it the strongest August on record since 2008, the Central Oregon Visitors Association an nounced Monday. Room taxes in Deschutes County increased nearly 15 percent in August over August 2011, bringing in $735,633. The city re ceived $533,143, about 11 percent more year over-year, according to data from COVA. Alana Hughson, COVA's president and CEO, attributes the increase in Deschutes County to improvement in both overall occu pancy totals and a rise in lodging rates. — From staff reports
Jodlessrate lowest innearly four years The unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent in September, its lowest level since January 2009, the month President Barack Obama was inaugurated.
September 7.8%
6— 2009 2010 20tt 2012 Source: Department of Labor AP
eo->ns 1I'|' ier reas es By Elon Glncklich The Bulletin
typical diet wasn't going to
work for Debbie Fred's family, not when her first child, Gracie, showed an intolerance for dairy and her second child, Kellen, developed gluten allergies. It took six years, however, for Fred to turn her family's dietary restrictions into a blueprint for one of Bend's newest businesses. The Fred family long placed a value on healthy living. Debbie Fred and her husband, Ryan, participate in CrossFit fitness training. But Fred, an MRI technician at Cen tral Oregon Radiology Associates, has another lifelong passion: baking. For the last year, she had been kick ing around an idea to combine her pas sions for fitness and baked treats, using
The dasics What: Paleo Eats Where:Based in Bend Employees:One full-time, two assistants Phone:541-81 5-8908 Website:www.facebook.corn/pages/ Paleo-Eats/245332042229057
her days off from work to make snacks and dessertsfor sale at stores around Bend. In June, Fred launched Paleo Eats, her own health-conscious baking busi ness, which pays homage to the Paleo Diet trend common among dedicated CrossFit trainers. The Paleo Diet, short for Paleolithic
Diet, shuns any food with gluten and dairy products or grains, relying on meat and nuts as the main sources of protein. Working out of a rented kitchen in Bend, Fred spends Thursday mornings baking goods like dairy-free cookies, vegan chocolate cupcakes and paleo candied almonds. The rest of the day on Thursdays she zips around town, dropping off orders at Newport Avenue Market, C.E. Love joy's Brookswood Market and a hand ful of other Bend establishments, not to mention taking personal orders. Renting kitchen space at a former bakery on Northwest Hill Street, Fred and two assistants whip up dozens of orders a week, mainly of her chocolate chip cookie and protein bar recipes, called Evolution protein bars. See Paleo Eats/E3
poised for pain, then growth By Rich Miller Bloomberg News
LON DON — A revolu tion in the world economy targeted at revving up new growth engines ulti mately will produce gain after pain. Three years into recov ery, with economies lum bered by debt and limited bank credit, policy mak ers are trying to segue to a more balanced expan sion from the drivers and excesses that caused the worst recession in six de cades. The United States is further along as it spurs manufacturing and ex ports, while trading giants Germany and China seek to fan domestic demand. Europe's struggling states want to swap government largess for trade. While the aim is more sustainable growth — and current-account trade data suggest a rebalanc ing is under way — the re birth is leaving the world low on power for now and still could fail if any of the regions don't pull their weight. The International Monetary Fund will un derscore the risks when it revises down its outlook today. "As you go through these adjustments, it' s quite painful," said Jim O' Neill, chairman of Gold man Sachs Asset Man agement in London. "But coming out the other side with a different structure, we should have a much stronger world economy."
A 'changingcomplexion' A more even keel after the last credit-powered expansion would help the stocks of companies biased toward emerging market consumers and U.S. manufacturing over those tied to commodities and infrastructure, said John Bilton, European investment strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London. "There is a changing complexion in global growth," he said. "It ul timately means a more balanced world economy over the longer haul, but before then it will make it harder for various regions to withstand exogenous shocks and so business cycles are likely to be shorter." That chimes with the analysis of Deutsche Bank strategists, who say expansions now are more fragile and easily broken. See Economy/E3
Websites are big players at world's largest TV trade show By Kristen Schweizer
gest market for TV programs. Those sites as well as A mazon.corn Inc.'s CANNES, France — Zombies and Lovefilm are willing to pay top dollar secret agents will j oin actor Kevin for rights to lure viewers from TV to Spacey on the French Riviera the Web. " Netflix an d H u l u a r e this week for a TV trade show TECHFQCUS that will pit content-hungry competing aggressively and Websites such as Netflix and they are going to the source Hulu against traditional broadcasters. for rights — the producers," said Jack The success of companies streaming Davison, a consultant at London-based videos over the Internet are a bless TV adviser 3Vision, who has worked ing for production companies behind for broadcasters such as BBC World shows such as "American Idol" and wide and MTV Networks. "It's new "MasterChef" that are offering dra money for the production companies, mas, reality series and comedies at the and a new person to pitch to." Cannes Mipcom fair, the world's big See TV/E4 Bloomberg News
%+ISA n 25 . = 5
The Cannes Mipcom fair in Cannes, France, this year features more Inter net-based companies willing to pay top dollar for rights to TV shows. Linnet Clronneau The Associated
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Paleo Eats
I don't really have a busi A •• ness background; my
stock my food. I started by go eat. I just feel really strongly ing to local coffee shops. Bel about the importance of a Continued from E1 work has been as an MRI tech latazza was the first to carry healthy diet. But I think some The cookies were on sale nician for a long time. So I had them. I' ve also set up booths at of the things I bake show you for $2.49 each at Newport to do a lot of research. I knew some farmers markets. In the can enjoy things like cookies Market on Friday, with a reg I had to get a business license past few months I' ve gotten and still eat healthy. ular price listed at $2.99. and a food handler's permit. I some markets on board, like The title of head baker adds took a business class at Central C.E. Lovejoy's and Newport What plans do you have a lot to Fred's plate. Besides her Oregon Community College. Avenue Market. That's the • for the business over the work as an MRI technician, And I had to find a kitchen. I biggest thing, just trying to get next year? • I'm definitely looking to she and her husband are rais couldn't get a home-kitchen li my name out there and build a ing three young children at cense because I have young kids reputation for Paleo Eats. It's a • keep reaching out to new their Tumalo home. and pets. Fortunately, I found lot of pressure, but it's fun. markets. Whole Foods is a Two jobs and three kids are a kitchen that had only been place I would really like to get a lot to manage on a weekly used for gluten-free products. Why did yo u c hoose my products into. I'm getting basis, Fred admits. But it' s ... I started a bit too gung-ho, I • healthy treats? ready to sell cookie dough at also fulfilling. Both jobs let her think, making bigger meals. I • I like to educate people the markets I'm already in. It' s make a living sharing healthy think for now I'm going to focus • about nutrition. I' ve seen such a rewarding feeling when habits with others. on a few meals that I do really it from patients I' ve worked I bring an order to Newport Paleo Eats operates solely well, like chocolate chip cookies with, and just from my own Market and they tell me they on a by-order basis right now. and my Evolution protein bars. experience: Eating well will want to increase their orders. But with continued success, make you feel better. You' ll It's been pretty successful so she said, opening a bakery How have you been get have more energy. Following far, and as it keeps being suc and adding new workers in • ting your p r oducts to the Paleo Diet can prevent a lot cessful there is more work the years to come isn't out of customers? of diseases caused by taking in to do, more batches to make the question. • Ihave mydayjob and my too much gluten. It's something and more tools I need to make • family, so I have to find my husband and I have always them. But it's very exciting. I What sort of challenges every possible moment either valued. Your body isn't meant think it can keep growing. • did you face getting Pa before work or on my lunch to take in a lot of the processed — Reporter:541-617-7820, leo Eats started? break to try and get markets to and high-fat food that people egluchlichC~bendbulletin.corn
Economy Continued from E1 Twenty-one of 25 key econ omies they monitored have suffered atleast one quarter of economic contraction since the global financial crisis hit, and most in t h e developed world have yet to regain their previous gross domestic prod uct peak. How soon the global econo my can right itself will be de bated this week at the annual meeting in Tokyo of the IMF, which serves as the traffic cop for w o rldwide i m b alances. Delegates will be greeted by the news that the lender an ticipates even worse growth this year than the 3.5 percent it projected in July. " The global economy i s still fraught with uncertainty, still far from where it needs to be," IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Sept. 24. Nobel laureate Paul Krug man said Oct. 3 the U.S. and Europe are "nowhere close to ending" the slump, and German-led austerity efforts may prompt a 1930s-syle de pression. N ouriel R o ubini, co-founder of Roubini Global Economics, told "Bloomberg Surveillance" with Tom Keene on Oct. 3 that growth is still "anemic,"and major econo mies are "barely midstream" in deleveraging. There a r e n e v e rtheless signs that the downshift may
mask a m ove t oward new economic propellers after the last boom proved too reliant on Chinese exports, U.S. con sumers and easy borrowing. U.S. debt has shrunk to a six-year low relative to t h e size of the economy as home owners, cities and companies cut borrowing, allowing the government to r aise record amounts of money at the low est interest rates ever. The IMF estimates the U.S. c urrent-account deficit w i l l shrink to 3.1 percent of GDP next year from 6 percent in 2006, while China's surplus will contract to 2.6 percent from 10.1 percent in 2007. "Any evidence that those adjustments are under way is constructive," O' Neill said. Less confident is Stephen King, chief global economist at HSBC Holdings in London, who says narrowing t r ade gaps reflect stagnating global demand. The World Trade Or ganization last month revised its forecasts to show cross border commerce expanding 2.5 percent this year, down from it s p r io r 3 . 7 p ercent estimate. R ecent r ebalancing h a s "much m or e t o do w it h e conomic w e a kness t h a n strength," King said. C. Fred Bergsten, direc tor of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington and a former Treasury Department official, agrees.
"A very large part of t he "The U.S. is becoming one rebalancing is really due to of the lowest-costproducers the recession and cyclical fac of the developed world," wrote tors," he said. "The IMF shares Harold Sirkin, a senior BCG that view." partner in Chicago. The chemical industry is a The U.S. economy particular winner, as an abun The U.S., once dependent dant supply of n atural gas on its own consumers, saw from shale formations gives exports rise to a record 13.8 U.S. producers a march over percent of GDP last year, up rivals in Europe and A sia, from 12.7 percent in 2010, ac which use m a i nly h i g her cording to the International priced oil. Trade Administration. E xxon Mobil C o rp., t h e Since the 18-month reces largest U.S. oil company, an sion ended in June 2009, ex nounced June I that it plans ports have added an average to build factories producing of one percentage point to an ethylene and plastics in Texas nualized growth each quarter. t hat wil l " s ignificantly" i n That is almost double the 0.58 crease exports of the latter point average c ontribution product, the I r v ing, Texas since 1990 and accounts for based company said. about half the 2.2 percent an Both P r e sident B a r a ck nual expansion of GDP dur Obama and Republicanchal ing the recovery, Commerce lenger Mit t R o mney h a ve Department data show. pledged to do more to help do The rise in exports is "sig mestic manufacturers if elect n ificant" even though "it i s ed on Nov. 6. Obama backs from a small base," said Mo tax breaks for those that keep hamed EI-Erian, chief execu jobs in the U.S., while Romney tive officer at Pacific Invest vows a harder line with China m ent Management Co . i n over its trade and currency Newport Beach, Calif. policies. Behind the improvement is Such help would come as a revival of U.S. manufactur demand for U.S. products is ing. Restrained wages and being blunted by weakness lower energy prices are giving abroad. Th e t r a d e d e f icit companies a competitive edge widened in July for the first over competitors in Europe time in four months, increas and Japan, according to a Bos ing to $42 billion, as exports ton Consulting Group study. It fell. The shortfall with China reckons average expenses in climbed to a record, while the the U.S. will be 15 percent less gap with the European Union than in Germany by 2015 and was the widest in almost five 21 percent below Japan. years.
Div PE Last Chg%Chg
AlaskAir s Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeBcp
13 36.95 +.43 -1.6 1.16 17 25.92 -.14 +.7 .04 10 9 . 28-.04 +66.9 .44 38 2713 -.32 +35.9 1.76 12 70.57 -.32 -3.8 5.39 -.02 +23.1 1.40 11 54.31 -.73 +15.1 .88 18 53.51 -.74 +15.0 1.10 28 101.35 -.44 +21.6 5 3 7 8 9 -.04 +31.1 .28 14 20.16 -.29 -1 9.6 .53 5 1 4 .46-.27 -43.9 .24f ... 1 1.45-.17 +10.1 .90 10 2z51 -.17 -7.2 . 20 9 8.7 5 -.13 +13.8 .601 22 23.82 +.05 -1.7 9 3 . 77 -.03 -36.5 13.48 -.13 +67.0 .67 19 21.90 -.10 +2.1 14 16.04 -.15 +18.3 .921 15 29.78 -.07 +14.7
NikeB Nordstrm NwstNG Offi ceMax
Cascdecp Colsprtw Costco CraftBrew FLIRSys HewlettP HmFedlD Intel
Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes MentorGr Microsoft
Paccar Planarsy Plume rk Preccastpt Safeway Schnitzer Sherwin StancrpFn Starbucks TriQuint Umpqua US Bancrp WashFed WellsFargo WstcstBcp Weyerhsr
Precious metals Metal
NY HSBCBankUS NY MercGold NY MercSilver
$1775.00 $1773.50 $33.982
$1775.00 $1778.60 $34.516
Div PE Last Chg%Chg 1.44 21 1.08 18 1.821 22 .08 16 .80 12 1.68 39 .12 19 .70 9 .75 12 1.56 31 .891 11 .68 27 .36 .78 .32 .88 .20 .60
15 13 14 12 14 41
94.99 -.23 -1.4 56.46 +.28 +13.6 50.47 +.29 +5.3 7.54 -.17 +66.1 41.42 +.03 +10.5 1.30 -.01 -31.8 42.62 +.02 +16.6 163.62 +.06 -.7 16.35 +.19 -2z3 27.29 +.26 -35.5 152.23 -3.46 +70.5 32.61 -.08 -11.3 48.76 +.02 +6.0 5.15 -.13 +5.7 12.60 -.14 +1.7 34.81 -.11 +28.7 16.86 +.14 +20.5 35.80 -.04 +29.9 22.65 +.01 +45.2 26.48 -.16 +41.8
Prime rate Time period
Last Previousday Aweekago
3.25 3.25 3.25
"The U.S. is beginning to do its thing," said Nariman Beh ravesh, chief economist for IHS Inc. in Lexington, Mass. "We' ve made some progress toward export-led growth, but stronger domestic d emand abroad is crucial."
The global economy Peripheral euro-area coun tries are suffering what El Erian calls a "bad rebalanc ing" as investors force them to ax budget deficits when their economies already are contracting. The IMF predicts general government spending in Greece will slide to 41 per cent of GDP in 2015 from 53 percent in 2009. The jobless rate there was 23.6 percent in the second quarter. As austerity spells reces sion and drives up unemploy ment, policymakers are look ing abroad for strength. With the 17 euro countries sharing a currency, the focus is on so-called internal d evalua tion, when labor costs are suppressed and productivity spurred to make goods rela tively cheaper. While painful because the steps risk even higher unem ployment at f i r st, Joachim Fels, chief economist at Mor gan Stanley in London, said such "previously unthinkable" measures are delivering re sults, and he's turning more optimistic about th e euro's long-term viability. Italy eased rules on firing
-.04 -.50 -.11 -.27 -.37
Vringo 2 6 9414 5.43 +.89 SiriusXM 314127 2.67 -.03 CheniereEn 24769 15.50 +.01 Face bookn 306847 20.40 -.51 NovaGld g 19791 5.10 -.14 Microsoft 295889 29.78 -.07 Sandstg rs 18778 15.07 +.34 Intel 286 704 22.51-.1 7 VirnetX 1 5 297 24.03 -1.68 PwShsQQQ 284951 68.35 -.63
Gainers ls2 or more) GainerS (S2 or more) Gainers ls2 or more) Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s tChg %Chg NBGrepfA 6.28 +.80 +14.6 NBGrce rs 2.78 +.28 +11.2 MonstrWw 8.06 +.76 +10.4 Celadon 16.75 +1.51 +9.9 CarMax 31.86 +2.67 +9.1
workers and opened up indus tries previously closed to com petition. Spanish companies can opt out of central wage deals and negotiate directly with unions, as new pension requirements reduce e arly r etirements. Greece cut i t s minimum wage by 22 percent, and Portugal now has fewer national holidays. The result is that, excluding Germany, hourly labor-cost growth slowed to 1.4 percent in the second quarter from an annualized 3.9 percent in 2000 to 2008, according to Michel Martinez, an econo mist at Societe Generale SA in Paris. "Rebalancing of cost com petitiveness in the euro area is proving speedier than gener ally expected," he said. China also is trying to twist toward local spending and away from the infrastructure investment and foreign sales that helped stave off the credit crisis. The government has sought to build a social-safe ty net, expand public hous ing and encourage gains in wages. The result is that China has exported net "growth to the world" in the past five years, having previously subtracted f rom it , a ccording t o K e n Courtis, founding chairman of Next Capital Partners in Tokyo. "Rebalancing i s al r e ady largely engaged," h e s a id. "This shift is set to continue."
MOSt ACtiVe (S1 ormore) MOSt ACtiVe (S1 or more) MOSt ACtiVe (S1 or more) Name Vol(00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Lasl Chg Hans Vol (00) Last Chg BkofAm 791608 9.28 SKP500ETF 718585 145.M SprintNex 378363 5.09 HewlettP 326248 14.46 iShEMkts 314012 41.58
our proven track record of network security in the United States and globally, but also paid no attention to the large amount of facts that we have provided," Huawei said in its statement, later adding that, "the report released by the committee t o day e m p loys many rumors and specula tions to p r ove n onexistent accusations." ZTE said in a s t atement Monday in China that while it had not yet seen the report, it had told the committee in A pril t hat i t w a s "China's most independent, transpar ent, globally focused publicly traded company." The company said its equip ment was "evaluated by an independent U.S. threat as s essment l a boratory w i t h oversight b y U . S . g o vern ment agencies," and added that "most or all U.S. telecom equipment is made in China, including that p r ovided by Western vendors."
Continued from E1 At a news conference, Rog ers and Ruppersberger said they told the Chinese compa nies that they had to be more transparent but were disap pointed by i n complete and contradictory responses to their questions. Rogers said the committee was concerned that the companies were ex tensions of the Chinese gov ernment because they were so heavily financed by it. In a s t atement r eleased at the t im e s cheduled for the start of the committee's news c o nference, H u awei condemned the committee's investigation and report. The c ompany said i t h a d t r i ed for 11 months to work with the committee, but that the committee ha d p r o ceeded on a p r e determined t rack anyway. "Unfortunately, the commit tee's report not only ignored
Market recap
Northwest stocks Name
52-Week H igh L o w
Net Last Chg
13,66t72 10,404.49 Dow Jones Industrials 5,390.u 3,950.66 Dow Jones Transportation 499.82 4u.54 Dow Jones Utilities 8,515.60 6,414.89 NYSE Composite 2,509.57 1,94t99 Amex Index 3,196.93 2,298.89 NasdaqComposite 1,474.51 1,074.77 S&P 500 15,43z54 u,208.42 Wilshire 5000 868.50 60t71 Russell 2000
13,583.65 5,05705 480.37 8,359.12 2,469.34
3,11z35 1,455.88 15,193.80 838.41
World markets
Vringo 5. 4 3 + .89 +1 9.6Otelco un 2.30 +.34 +17.3 Vringowt 3 .00 +.41 +15.8 AllncFnc 45.79 +6.38 +16.2 InvcapHld 3.74 +.21 +5.9 Neffl ix 73.52 +6.96 +10.5 SwGA Fn 8.51 +.45 +5.6 Vivus 20 . 44 +1.89 +10.2 Here is how key international stock markets performed Monday. TellnstEI 3 . 7 6 + .19 +5.3 GlobusMar 2.39 +.20 +9.1
Market Losers ls2 or more) Losers ls2 or more) Losers ls2 or more) Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s tChg %Chg Amsterdam Green oat 10.25 -2.60 -20.2 HallwdGp 6.61 -.64 -8.8 RenewEn n 5.58 -1.54 -21.6 Brussels Paris BeazerH13 19.33 -1.75 -8.3 SL Ind 13.60 -1.28 -8.6 Affymetnx 3.71 -.60 43.9 London CTS 8.65 -.73 -7.8 MGTCap rs 3.91 -.36 -8.5 ProgrsSoft 18.52 -2.96 43.8 Frankfurt ChinZenix 2.90 -.23 -7.3 HMG 4.58 -.38 -7.7 Edwards n 6.57 -.80 40.9 HangKong GencoShip 3.60 -.28 -7.2 Novacpp n 2.08 -.17 -7.6 B TU Int 2. 0 0 -.24 40.7 Mexico Diary Diary Diary Milan NewZealand Advanced 178 Advanced 848 1,170 Advanced Tokyo Declined 1,809 Declined 253 Declined 1,558 Seoul Unchanged 135 Unchanged 28 Unchanged 133 Singapore Totalissues 3,114 Total issues 459 Total issues 2,539 New Highs 131 New Highs 19 New Highs 56 Sydney Zurich New Laws 12 New Laws 6 New Laws 44
Close % Change 329.57 2,407.24 3,406.53 5,841.74 7,291.21 20,824.56 41,757.15 15,562.00 3,923.91 8,863.30 1,981.89 3,076.65 4,501.96 6,142.73
-.89 -1.20 -1.46 t -.50 -1.44 t -.89 -.42 t -1.98 +49 s +44 s -.67 t -1.00 -.26 t -.32 t
YTO 52-wk % Chg %Chg % C hg
-26.50 +i 0.62 +.44 -24.94 -1 6.01 -23.84 -5.05 -54.65 -4.45
-.19 +1 t18 +.21 + . 74 +.09 +3.38 -.30 +1 t80 -.64 +8.38 -.76 +1 9.47 -.35 +1 5.77 -.36 +1 5.19 -.53 +1 3.16
+1 8.81 +1 t69 +9.06 +1 6.53 +1 5.33 +2t29 +2t84 +2t51
Currencies Key currency exchange rates Monday compared with late Friday in NewYork.
Dollarvs: AustraliaDollar Britain Pound CanadaDollar Chile Peso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HangKongDollar JapanYen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble SO.KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
E x change Rate Pvs Day 1.0205 1.6036 1.0240 .002106 .1590 1.2967 .1290 .012765 .078055 .0321 .000899 .1508 1.0719 .0342
1.0168 1.6140 1.0215 .002115 .1581 1.3025 .1290 .012708 .078145 .0322 .000901 .1514 1.0753 .0342
Selected mutual funds YTD Equ>tyov 2043 -005+135 Name NAY Chg %Ret GlbAllocr 1977 -005 +93 Cohen &Steers: Amer CenturyInv: Eqlnc 8 0 4 -001 +126 RltyShrs 6761 -019 +129 Growlhl 2868 -014 +167 ColumbiaClassZ: Ultra 2 6 85 -015 +171 Acorn Z 31 26 -0 11+148 AcomlntZ 4002 -024 +173 American Funds A: AmcpAp 2159 -005+151 Credit SuisseComm: AMutlAp 2875 -008 +131 ComRett 846 -004 +34 BalAp 2047 -003+141 DFA Funds: BondAp 1296+001 +54 IntlcorEq 1012 -005 +119 CaplBAp 5347 -019+117 USCorEq11241 -005+166 CapWGAp3656 -025 +162 USCorEq21225 -004 +169 CapWApx2158 -009 +72 Davis FundsA: EuparAp 4015 -031 +142 NYl/enA 3677 -004 +131 FdlnvAp 4066 -018+160 Davis FundsY: GovtAp 1460+001 +21 NYl/enY 3722 -004 +134 GwlhA p 34 23 -0 14 +19 1 DelawareInveslA: +60 Hl TrAp 1 1 24 + 1 1 4 everlncp 944 IncoA p 18 17 -0 04 +115 Dimensional Fds: EmMCrEq 1913 -016 +124 IntBdAp 1380+001 +26 ICAAp 3100 -013 +159 EmMktV 2852 -027 +112 NEcoAp 2884 -009 +21 3 IntSmVa 1516 -009+135 NPerAp 3076 -020+176 Largtco 1149 -004 +176 NwNlrldA 5264 -029 +141 USLgVa 2275 -004 +204 SmcpAp 3962 -025+194 USSmall 2353 -013+154 T xExA p 1315 +8 0 USSmVa 2716 -011 +178 WshAp 3181 -008 +138 IntlSmco 1533 -007 +127 Rxd 1 0 3 5 +08 Arlisan Funds: Intl 23 8 2 -023 NA IntVa 1574 -011 +96 +44 IntlVal r 2912 -021 NA Glb5Fxlnc 11 27 +09 Madcap 3882 -024 NA 2 YGIFxd 10 13 MidcapVal2135 -002 NA Dodge&Cox: Baron Funds: Balanced 77 13 -0 23 NA Growlh 5780 -021 +133 Income 13 84 +0 01 NA IntlSlk 32 96 -0 30 NA Bernslein Fds: IntDur 1421 +001 +47 Bock 120 22 -0 50 NA e vMu 14 92 +3 0 Doubleune Funds: TRBd I 11 39 +a2 BlackRockA: +81 Eqtyev 2037 -005 +133 TRBd Np 1139 GIAIAr 1967 -005 +90 Dreylus: BlackRockB&C: Aprec 4563 -018 +139 GIAICt 1829 -005 +84 Eaton Vance I: BlackRockInstl: AtgRt 9 10 +0 01 +7 0
GblMarAbR999 -002 +48 DivGth 3041 -015 +184 FMI Funds: Eqlnc 4774 -010+179 Lgcapp 1760 -002+154 EQII 1 9 98 -005+168 FPA Funds: Fidel 3 6 65 -020+184 Newlnco 1063 +21 RtRateHu 995 +58 FPACres 2900 -007 +92 GNMA 1186 -001 +33 Fairholme 31 62+030 +366 Govtlnc 1063 +26 Federated Instl: Groco 9861 -070+21 9 TotRetBd 11 61 NA Grolnc 21 51 -008+196 StrValDvlS 5 20 + 1 0 2GrowCQF9863 -071 +221 Fidelity AdvisorA: GrowlhCQK98 62 -0 70 +220 Nwlnsgh p2335 -0 14 +18 4 H ighlnc r 930 +12 4 StrlnA 12 76 +0 01 +8 8 IntBd 1115+001 +45 Fidelity AdvisorI: I ntmMu 1068 +4 5 Nwlnsgtl 2368 -014 +186 Intlo>sc 3212 -026+163 Fidelity Freedom: InvGrBd 1206+001 +52 FF2010 1441 -003 +103 InvGB 801 +001 +59 FF2010K 1320 -003 +104 LgcapVal 1159 -002+151 FF2015 1205 -003 +106 LowPr 3942 -012+155 FF2015K 1327 -003 +106 LowPnKr 3940 -012+156 FF2020 14 60 -0 04 +116 Magelln 7550 -043 +201 FF2020K 13 71 -0 04 +117 M>dcap 3035 -018+162 FF2025 1218 -004 +130 Mun>Inc 1357+001 +70 FF2025K 1389 -004 +131 N wMkt r 1773 +1 6 4 FF2030 1451 -005 +133 OTC 6 164 -043+127 FF2030K 1404 -005 +135 100lndex 10 52 -0 04 +193 FF2035 12 03 -0 05 +142 Puntn 2007 -006+145 FF2035K 1415 -005 +144 PuntanK 2007 -006+146 FF2040 840 -003 +143 SAIISecEqF1322 -006+177 FF2040K 14 19 -0 06 +1 4 5 SCmdtyBrt 932 -005 +40 Fidelity Invest: SCmdtyBrF935 -005 +42 AIISectEq 1320 -006 +175 SrslntGrw 1173 -008+160 AMgr50 1644 -003 +108 SrslntVal 916 -007+134 AMgr20r 1340 -001 +65 SrlnvGrdF 1206+001 +52 Balanc 2044 -006 +133 STBF 8 6 0 +22 BalancedK2044 -007 +134 Bratlnc 1142 +90 BlutchGr 5063 -035 +194 TotalBd 1131 +001 +59 CapAp 3007 -021 +221 USBI 1202+001 +40 Cplncr 939 -001 +131 Value 7498 -022+181 Contra 8015 -049 +188 Fidelity Sparlan: ContraK 8017 -048 +189 500ldxlnv 51 60 -018+177 DisEq 2507 -013 +166 500ldx I 51 61 -018 +177 Divlntl 2933 -021 +149 Fidelity SparlAdv: DivrslntKr2932 -021 +151 ExMktAd 4049 r -017 +155
500ldxAdv51 61 -018 +177 Intl r 5 9 55 -047 +135Lord Ab bett A: TotMktAdr4225 -015+173 Harlford FdsA: AffilAp 1211 -002 +162 USBondl 12 02 +0 02 +4 0 CpAppAp 3315 -013 +150 BdoebA p 8 09 + 11 0 Harlford HLSIA: First Eagle: ShourlnrAp464 +55 GlblA 4980 -014 +104 CapApp 4275 -015+150 Lord Ab bett C: OverseasA 2244 -006 +102 IVA Funds: Shourlncct467 +49 Nlldwidel r1627 -004 +59 Lord Ab Forum Funds: bett F: AbsBrlr 1127+001 +20 InvescoFundsA: ShtDurlnco 4 64 +55 Frank/Temp FrnkA: Chartp 1808 -006+126 MFS FundsA: FedTIAp 1274+001 +80 CmstkA 1775 -002+180 TotRA 1535 -002 +114 GrwlhAp 5048 -021 +131 EqlncA 934 -001 +138 ValueA 2597 -006+174 HYTFAp 1092 +001 +98 GrlnrAp 2140 -005+163 MFS FundsI: I ncomAp 224 +12 5 H YMuA 1008 +1 2 0 Valuel 2609 -006+177 BsovAp 3826 -010 +99 hry Funds: MainStay FundsA: B ratlncp 1068 +1 0 0 AsselSCt 2449 -019 +132 H >YldBA 609 +10 7 USGovAp 686 -001 +1 7 AsselStAp2534 -020 +138 ManagersFunds: Frank/TmpFrnkAdv: AsselStrl r 2560 -020 +14 0 Yacktmanp1948 -002+127 GlbBdAdv 1338 -001 +121 JPMorganAClass: YacktFoc 2091 -004 +119 IncmeAd 222 -001 +128 CoreBdA 1211+001 +44 Manning&NapierFds: Frank/Temp FrnkC: JP MorganInstl: WldoppA 750 -005 +132 I ncomct 226 +11 9 MdcpVal 2824 -002+189 MergerFd 1597 +24 JPMorgan RCl: Metro WestFds: Frank/TempMtl A&B: 01 +4 7 TotRetBd 1105+001 +99 SharesA 2257 -006+147 CoreBond 12 11 +0 Frank/TempTempA: JPMorganSel Cls: T otRtBdl 11 04 +99 GIBdAp 1342 -001 +119 CoreBd 1210 +001 +4 6 MorganStanley Inst: GrwlhAp 1891 -017+161 H ighYld 812 +119 MCapGrl 3509 -009 +66 WorldAp 1573 -013+145 S htDurBd 1102 +16 Mutual Series: Frank/Temp TmpB&C: USLCCrPls2347 -012 +189 GblescA 3007 -014 +125 GIBdcp 1344 -002 +115 Janus TShrs: GlbescZ 3051 -014 +128 GE ElfunS&S: PrkMCValT2225 -004 +102 Shared 2279 -006+150 US Eqty 4579 -020 +182 John HancockCI1: Neuberger&BermFds: GMO TrustIII: LSBalanc 1360 -004 NA Geneslnst 5043 -011 +86 Qual>ty 2406 -010 +154 LSGrwlh 1357 -006 NA Norlhern Funds: GMO TrustIV: Lazard Insll: H >YFxlnc 748 +12 2 IntllntrVI 2025 -014 +84 EmgMktl 1932 -020+150 OakmarkFundsI: GMO TrustVl: Longleaf Parlners: Eqtylncr 2939 -002 +87 EmgMklsr1132 -009 +98 Parlners 3079 -006+155 Intl I r 1916 -018 +158 Qual>ty 2407 -011 +154 LoomisSayles: Oakmark 4980 -015+195 GoldmanSachsInst: L SBondl 1506 +1 2 2 Old WestburyFds: H>Yield 73 5 +12 6 Brlncc 1548 -001 +103 Globopp 7 53 -0 01 +120 Harbor Funds: L SBondR 1500 + 1 2 0GlbSMdcap1483-0 04 +121 Bond 13 01 NA BrlnrA 1539 -001 +109 OppenheimerA: CapAplnst 4352 -028 +179 LoomisSayles hN: DvMktAp 3435 -012 NA Intllnvt 5886 -047+132 I nvGrBdY 1276 + 1 0 6GlobA p 61 91 -0 33 +146
GblBrlnrA 4 31 NA IntBdAp 654 -002 +85 MnStFdA 3808 -015 +184 R>angD> vA1761 -007 +134 S&MdcpVI31 33 -006 +57 OppenheimerB: R>angD> vB1593 -006 +126 S&MdcpVI2648 -005 +50 OppenheimerC&M:
P>onFdAp4255 0 13 +11 1 Price Funds: BICh>p 4630 -030 +198 CapApp 2345 -004 +137 EmMktS 32 38 -022 +136 Eqlnc 2655 -003 +170 Eqlndex 3925 -013 +175 Growlh 3834 -025 +205 HlthSa 44 68 -029 +371 R>angovcp1586-006 +127 HiYield 6 91 +123 OppenheimerRoch: InstlcpG 1912 -011 +186 R cNtMuA 754 +1 5 9 IntlBond 1019 -001 +65 OppenheimerY: Intl G&l 1263 -011 +96 Ds(MktY 3403 -012 NA IntlStk 14 00 -009 +139 IntlBdY 654 -001 +89 M>dcap 5910-016 +121 IntGrowY 2977 -021 +167 MCapVal 2537-004 +186 PIMCOAdmin PIMS: N As>a 1640 -014 +179 TotRtAd 1161 +002 +93 Nev Era 44 00-004 +46 PIMCO Insll PIMS: N Honz 3632 -012 +170 AIAsetAut r11 21 -0 02 NA N Inc 9 9 5+001 +53 AIIAsset 12 73 NA OverS SF 827 -007 +130 ComodRR 726+012 +136 R2010 16 76 -004 +116 D>vlnc 1221 -001 +122 R2015 13 06 -003 +128 EmgMkcur1052 -002 +73 R2020 1811 -006 +138 EmMkBd 1232 -005+133 R2025 13 28 -005 +147 H >Yld 9 5 6 +116 R2030 19 09 -008 +154 InvGrCp 1130+002+129 R2035 13 50 -007 +158 Lowou 10 66 +0 01 NA R2040 19 22 -009 +160 RealRtnl 12 68 +0 03 NA Shed 4 86 +26 ShortT 9 90 +0 01 +31 SmcpSlk 3626-019 +160 TotRt 1161 +002 +94 SmcapVal3917 -021 +136 PIMCO Funds A: Spec ln 13 02 +91 RealRtAp 1268+003 NA Value 2671 -008 +185 TotRtA 1161 +002 +91 Principal Inv: PIMCO FundsC: LgCGlln 1045 006 +177 TotRtct 1161 +002 +85 Putnam Funds A PIMCO Funds0: GrlnA p 14 71 002 +170 TRtnp 1161 +002 +92 RoyceFunds: PIMCO FundsP: PennMul r 1182 005 +99 AslAIIAuthP11 20 -0 02 NA Prem>erl r 1974 009 +66 TotRlnP 1161 +002 +94 SchwabFunds: Perm PortFunds: 1000lnv r 4140 014 +170 Permannt 4954 -010 +75 S&P Sel 2303 008 +177 Pioneer FundsA: Scout Funds:
Intl 3172 -024 +14 3TSlkAdm 3621-013 +173 Sequo>a 16577 -051 +139 WdlslAdm 59 64 +100 TCW Funds: WdltnAdm 5974 -006 +127 TotRetBdl 1026 Windsor 50 30 -016 +180 TempletonInstit: WdsrllAd 53 12-013 +175 ForEqS 1899 -023 +11 6 VanguardFds: ThornburgFds: Capopp 33 76-006 +144 IntValAp 2631 -019+105 evdGro 17 15-004 +125 IncBu>ldcp1902 -007+102 Energy 61 38+001 +41 IntValue I 2690 -019 +109 Eqlnc 24 70 -007 +152 TweedyBrowne: Explr 80 02 -039 +120 GblValue 2505 -018 +14 6 GNMA 11 05 -002 +22 Vanguard Admiral: HYCorp 6 05 +11 7 BalAdml 2400 -004 +119 Hlthcre 151 11+002 +175 CAITAdm 1176 +61 IntlaPro 14 97+003 +70 CpopAdl 7801 -013 +14 5 IntlGr 18 61 -010 +138 EMAdmrr 3477 -029+112 IntlVal 29 83 -022 +120 Energy 11527+002 +42 ITIGrade 1047+001 +83 EqlnAdmn51 77 -014 +153 ufecon 17 32-003 +85 ExtdAdm 4544 -021 +155 ufeGro 23 72-009 +133 500Adml 13432 -046 +177 ufeMOd 21 07-005 +109 GNMAAd 1105 -002 +23 LTIGrade 1093+004 +105 GrwAdm 3748 -019+190 Morg 2042 -011 +169 Hlthcr 63 77 +1 7 6Mulnt 14 42 -001 +53 H>Yldcp 605 +1 1 7Prmcpcor 15 24 -002 +130 InfProAd 2940+006 +71 Prmcp r 70 35-018 +139 ITBdAdml 1219+003 +65 SelValur 21 22-007 +141 ITsryAdml 1181 +002 +27 STAR 20 80 -005 +120 IntGrAdm 5926 -031 +140 STIGrade 10 88+001 +41 ITAdml 1442 -001 +53 BratEq 21 18 -0 14 +15 5 ITGrAdm 1047+001 +84 TgtRetlnc 12 27-001 +78 L tdTrAd 11 20 +19 TgRe2010 24 56 -004 +95 LTGrAdml 1093+004 +105 TgtRe20151360 -003 +106 L T Admi 11 81 +73 TgRe2020 2417 -007 +114 MCpAdml101 61 -030 +14 0 TgtRe20251378 -005 +123 M uHYAdm11 27 + 8 3 TgRe2030 23 68 -008 +132 Prmcapr 7303 -018+140 TgtRe20351427 -005 +141 Re>tAdmr 9211 -022+149 TgtRe20402345 -0 10 +14 4 STsyAdml 1079 +06 TgtRe20451473 -006 +145 STBdAdml1068+001 +1 9 USGro 21 36-013 +183 S htTrAd 15 94 +10 Wdlsly 24 62 +99 STIGrAd 1088 +001 +4 2 Wdltn 34 59 -003 +127 SmCAdm 3855 -018 +155 Wnd sr 14 91 -005 +179 TtlBAdml 1117 +38 Wndsll 29 93 -007 +174
Vang uardIdx Fds: ExtMktl 11217 -050 +155 M>dcplstPI11072-0 33 +140 TotlntAdmr2401 -016 +118 Totlntllnslr9604 -063 +118 TotlntllPr 9606 -062+119 500 1 3432 -046 +176 TotBnd 11 17 +3
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323, email businessC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Please allow at least IO days before the desired date of publication.
BUSINESS CALENDAR ADVICE ATSCHWAB: Free; noon-1 Open to the public but please email p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 Valerie@visitbend.corn to reserve N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541 a seat; 8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, BUSINESS NETWORK 318-1794. 750 N.W. Lava Road; 541-382-8048. INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT BUSINESS NETWORK BUSINESSAFTERHOURS: 4:30 CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE 5:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 Visitors are welcome and first two CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: S.W. YewAve., Redmond. visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend CROOKEDRIVERRANCH Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend TERREBONNECHAMBEROF 541-420-7377. Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; COMMERCE NETWORKING HOMEBUYINGCLASS: Registration 541-480-1 765. SOCIAL: Free; 5:30 p.m.; Desert required; free; 5:30-9:30 p.m.; GO SOLAR!CENTRAL OREGON Meadows Clubhouse, 520 N.E. Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First FREE WORKSHOP:Free; 5:30-6:30 Shoshone Ave., Redmond; 541-923 St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 2679 or www.crrchamber.corn. 309. N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-323 SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: 9722 or www.gosolarcentraloregon SCORE business counselors will be SCORE business counselors will be .Org. available every Tuesday for free one available every Tuesday for free one on-one small-business counseling; on-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; no appointment necessary; free; FRIDAY 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentral 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentral a.m.; Therapeutic Associates in Redmond, 413 N.W. Larch Ave., Suite 102; 541-923-7494. SURVIVING"THE BUSINESS": WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY Panel featuring filmmakers; 10:30 a.m.-noon; The Nature of Words, OCt. 17 BNI BENDCHAPTER MEETING: 224 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541 This week's speaker will discuss BUSINESS NETWORK 647-2233. the ins and outs of carpet cleaning; INTERNATIONAL BENDCHAPTER CENTRAL OREGONREAL ESTATE visitors are welcome and first two WEEKLY MEETING:Visitors are INVESTMENTCLUB: Free; 11 visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior welcome and first two visits are a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 Road; 541-388-1133. 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541 or bobbleile@windermere.corn. 749-0789. HOW TO AVOIDTHE TOP FIVE MASTERINGYOU FESTIVAL RUN: FINANCIALMISTAKES: Evan RISK MANAGEMENT — VISION, Panel featuring filmmakers; 1-2:30 Dickens and Brian Newton of STRATEGY 8EXECUTION: A panel p.m.; The Nature of Words, 224 N.W. of regional bank CEOsshare their Jones & Roth CPAsand Business Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-647-2233. Advisors will help you learn how to perspectives and outlooks; $30 for avoid making the top five financial KNOW EXCELBUDGETS: Learn individuals and $350 for a corporate mistakesbusiness owners make; to create a monthly budget table of 8; 7:30 a.m.; Seventh reservations recommended; free; spreadsheet; free; 1 p.m.; Redmond Mountain Resort, 18575 S.W. 7:30 a.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Century Drive, Bend; 541-382-8711. 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; Ave.; 541-31 2-1 050. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER 541-382-3221 or www.bend FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the reviews; schedule an appointment at minimum requirements by the IMPACTINGYOURPROFIT: This 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax Oregon Liquor Control Commission class is designed to help established . corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 to obtain an alcohol server permit; business owners or principals S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite100,Bend; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; 541-385-9666. identify what drives profit and Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E.Third how to increase profitability; the St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www course combines three one-on-one .happyhourtraining.corn. advising sessions with three two SATURDAY FINANCIALPLANNING AND hour classes on Oct. 10, Oct. 24 M ONEY MANAGEMENT: Call541 GO SOLAR!CENTRAL OREGON and Nov. 7; registration required; 31 8-7506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat; FREE WORKSHOP: Free; 9:30-10:30 $199; 8-10 a.m.; Central Oregon a.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, Community College, 2600 N.W. 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-323 College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290. 548-2380. 9722 or www.gosolarcentraloregon HOMEBUYINGCLASS: Registration LAUNCH YOURBUSINESS: .Org. required; free; 5:30-9:30 p.m.; Designed to help business owners Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First get off to a good beginning St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. and develop a working plan; MONDAY 309. preregistration is required; the course combines four one-hour FORECLOSURE PREVENTION daytime coaching sessions CLASS: Learn about THURSDAY that started Oct. 8, with three Neighborlmpact's Housing Center evening classes onOct. tools and services, which can assist W ednesday BUSINESS NETWORK individuals struggling to pay their 17, Oct. 31 and Nov. 14; $79; 6-9 INTERNATIONAL DESCHUTES mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; p.m.; Central Oregon Community BUSINESS NETWORKERS Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First College, 2600 N.W. College Way, CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. Bend; 541-383-7290. Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic 309, or Center,1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541 THURSDAY 610-9125. N.W.GREEN BUILDING INDUSTRY OCt. 18 SUMMIT: Topics will include Home TUESDAY BUSINESS NETWORK Performance and Cost Prioritizing, OCt. 16 INTERNATIONAL DESCHUTES Living Building Challenge update, BUSINESS NETWORK BUSINESS NETWORKERS Ground Source Heating, Cash CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT Incentives for Upgrades, Solar Visitors are welcome and first two CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Systems, Heating with Common Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic Cents and more; register before visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541 Oct. 10; $50 preregister, $65 at the Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 610-9125. door,7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.;W estside 541-420-7377. Church, 2051 Shevlin Park Road, EXPLORETHEBENEFITS OF Bend; 541-382-7504. VISITBEND BOARD MEETING: WORKING WITHSCHWAB: Free;
noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1 794. BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765.
FRIDAY Oct. 19 BALLOT MEASURES2012: Town hall forum; $30 for members, $40 fornonmembers;7:30a.m.;Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 or COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. CENTRAL OREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB: Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.corn. KNOW COMPUTERS FOR BEGINNERS: Free; 1 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite 100,Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW EMAILFOR BEGINNERS: Free; 3 p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1 050.
MONDAY OCt. 22 CORC LUNCHEON:CAI-CORC presents discussions about social media and how it affects homeowner associations; registration required before noon on Oct. 18; $20 for CAI-CORCmembers and $25 for nonmembers; 11:30 a.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382 8436 or
Continued from E1 The s t r e aming si t e s, which allow consumers to w atch movies an d f i l m s anytime, are challenging es tablished broadcasters and are increasingly commis sioning exclusive content. With spending on d i g ital platforms set to more than d ouble to $ 6.7 b i llion i n 2015 according to Pricewa terhouseCoopers, they are changing the TV landscape — evident at Mipcom, where Hulu Chief Executive Of ficer Jason Kilar will give a keynote. Netflix, which has more than 27 million subscribers in the United States, Britain, Ireland, Canada and Latin America, aims to expand in Scandinavia this year. Hulu operates in th e U .S. and Japan. "We' re seeing a shift of audience from TV to online," said Claire Tavernier, head of new media division FMX at FremantleMedia, the produc tion arm of Europe's biggest broadcaster RTL Group. The company has been "knock ing on the doors" of compa nies such as Hulu, Netflix and Google's YouTube site and has sold about 115 hours of content to Netflix. Producers c o m in g to Cannes this year i n clude the makers of zombie series "The Walking Dead" and "The Voice" producer Mark Burnett, who will promote his latest series, "The Bible," a 10-hour drama from Gen esis to Revelation. Producer Harvey Weinstein, who is be hind films including "Inglou rious Basterds," will pitch his latest TV endeavors, such as "The No. I Ladies' Detective Agency."
FremantleMedia, w i th shows such as "America' s Got Talent" and "The Farmer Wants a Wife," has a deal with Hulu to distribute its s hows internationally, i n cluding "A Day in the Life," a documentary series by filmmaker Morgan Spurlock chronicling a day in the life of someone notable, such as businessman Richard Bran son or chef Mario Batali. "Netflix, Hulu and others have disrupted the w hole chain by coming to the mar ket andcompeting and pay ing serious money for TV rights," said Stewart Clarke, an editorial director at re searcher Informa Telecoms 8 Media. YouTube said it's adding new video channels from France, Germany, Britain and the United States to the 100 it has introduced in the last year to show exclusive content backed by "some of the biggest producers, well known celebrities and emerg ing media companies." Hulu, based in Los Ange les, is attending Mipcom as a buyer and seller, said Andy Forssel, senior vice president of content. "We represent a new set of buyers," he said. "The upside for all these production com panies is a new buyer and new money to make, or get ting a green light for some thing they couldn't make in the past." Hulu and Netflix also have started commissioning origi nal content. Netflix won the rights for "House of Cards," a political drama with actor Kevin Spacey based on a series of the same name by the BBC, over competitors including pay-TV operator HBO. Spacey is in Cannes to promote the show.
Year-Roun dFamil Recreation. Golf. Tennis. Swim
TUESDAY OCt. 23 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. WORKFORCE INCLUSION RECOGNITIONAWARDS: Award presentation to local businesses that support inclusive hiring and presentation about the supports available for businesses to make diversified partnerships successful; with appetizers, beverages and door prizes; free; 5-6:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436. SAVING ANDINVESTING: Call 541 31 8-7506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541 548-2380.
Golf' Country Club
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raCquetball, or greatfOOdandgOOdCOmPany!
DEEDS Deschutes County
Brookfield Enterprises LLCto John K. Regan andBrooke E. Collins, Township 16, Range 11,Section 25, $185,000 Edward R. and Marilee J. Carson to Benjamin R. andLael R. Selznick,West Ridge, Lot 5, Block 5, $412,000 Gregory W., Donald W. andJulie A. Ferguson to Steven D. andTerri A. Ward,Crossroads, Lot1, $216,000 Christopher and Katherine Bergstrom to Christopher Dix, Tango Creek, Lot 2, $234,000 SonnieL.Grossman to Ryan K. Hopkins,Whitewing Park, Lots 3 and 4, Block1, $159,900 Carry F. Wright to Terri M. Christensen Wright, trustee for Terri M. Christensen Wright Revocable Living Trust,Township 15, Range12, Section12, $150,000 James C. Schrader to Robert J. and Doris J. Kempvanee,Tollgate Second Addition, Lot110, $345,000 LTG Properties LLC toRandy I. Dante and Mark J. Nordstrom, trustees for Nordstrom Family Trust,Stonehedge on Rim, Phase 4, Lot 17, $179,000 Federal HomeLoan Mortgage Corporation to John E.Foote, Desert Skies, Phases 3-5, Lot 25, $212,000 Debra R. Berrett, who acquired title as Debra B.Huestis, to Loretta Oliver andDeborah A.Jones, Starwood, Lot10, Block 6, $182,000 ZhongyuanZhouto XiaogangZhu and Mingwei Li,View Ridge, Lot 33, $182,000
Floyd C. andChet Antonsen to Carwile,Plat of Orokla, Lots 11-13, Harold L. P. Ivan,Madison Park, Lot Block 7, $860,000 17, $204,689 Fannie Mae aka Federal National Raymond D. andSheila A. Sohn Mortgage Association to Rya E.J. Kaiding andNathan R. Kirschner, to Laurence Dyer,Townsite of Laidlaw, Lots10-15, Block13, Woodriver Village, Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, $200,000 $150,000 Tennbrook Financing LLC to David N. Baker andNatalya Homes Inc.,Renaissance Magilko-Baker to Joel A. Moore Jr. Pahlisch at Shevlin Park, Lots 37, 38 and 54, and Arianna Moore,Awbrey Butte $237725 Homesites, Phase 23,Lot55,Block 18, $975,000 Douglas R. andJennifer S. Jordan Thomas P. McWeeney, William M. to DuaneJ.andValora M. Vanloo, NorthWest Crossing, Phase 14, Lot Houston II, Clark F. GoodmanJr. 599, $379,000 and Robert L.Goodman to M aniS. and Mark D. Peterson, trustees Frank H. Baker trustee, for Frank for Mani S. Peterson Trust,Caldera H. Baker Revocable Trust, to Ernest Springs, Phase1, Lot 121,$150,000 F. and GayeS. Gilpin, trustees for Gilpin Family Trust,York Circle Grant E. Mills to Penny R.Lafavor, Township15, Range13, Section 31, Condominium, Units1-5, $374,900 $437,500 Frank A. andSusan K. Trask to Patrick R. Gaunt and Michelle A. Norwyn andBarbara Newby, Bergeron,Partition Plat 2004-93, trustees for Barbara A. Newby Parcel 1, $1,750,000 Revocable Trust, to Mary P. L. Chiang,Awbrey Butte Homesites, William D. Chenault to Ray Pirtle, Somerset, Phase 1, Lot 4, Block 5, Phase12, Lot 37, Block 5, $190,000 $1,390,000 Lance L. and Jennifer A. Davis STM Properties LLC toPeter R. to Melanic R. Kent,Township 17, and Linda K. Fox, trustees for Range12, Section 5, $240,000 Peter R. FoxTrust, Wild River, Phase 3, Lot 20, Block 6, $219,000 Randolph R. Jones to Elizabeth J. Schultz,Desert Woods, Lot13, Rhonda L. Witthuhn, trustee for Block 9, $180,000 John and LeisGoetz Trust, to Lisa A. Lain,Buena Ventura, Lot 17, Seaside National Bank andTrust Block 1, $345,000 to Secretary of Housingand Urban Development, Ponderosa Pines, RalphW. and GlennysJ.Boese, Second Addition, Lot 2, Block 6, trustees for RalphWarren Boese $152,567.42 and Glennys J. BoeseTrust, to Eastside BendLLC,Township 17, MichaelR.and Dreena M. Range 12, Section 35, $1,000,000 Williams to Thomas A.and Kathryn R. Wayne,Deschutes River Kathleen A. Baker and Frank H. Recreation Homesites Inc., Lots 33 Baker, co-trustees for Kathleen and 34, Block17, $325,000 A. Baker Revocable Trust and Frank H. Baker Revocable Trust, to Greg Welch Construction Inc. William L. Carwile III and AnneH. to Gary N. andBonnie Vogel,
Contact Joni Olsen Phone (541) 322-5762 for membership information 61045Country ClubDr., Bend,Oregon9tt02
NorthWest Crossing, Phase19, Lot 795, $185,000 Ryan and Holly Emerick to Michelle C. Lian,Laurel Springs, Lot 26, $151,000 Mill Town Properties LLCto Carmelita Frank,Marea II, Lot 30, $192,500
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Local grocers' favorite items may surprise you, but give them a try
Believe it or not, now is a good time to consider gcraniums
By Arison Highberger
By Liz Douvirre
For The Bulletin
For The Bulletin
A friend served our family J8 D's Baconnaise on sand wiches last year and we were hooked. It's a smoky, bacon flavored mayonnaise-style spread. Wow, it's good. Soon thereafter, Ilooked for it in the mayo section of a big grocery store, and there it was: our favorite new condiment! I'd never seen it before be cause I always grab the same kind of mayonnaise and rarely browse in that aisle. Finding Baconnaise made me wonder what else we' ve been missing. The Food Mar
Some of my very favorite garden plants are the true geraniums; aka hardy gerani um, perennial geranium and cranesbill geranium. Ketzel Levine, author of "Plant This" and former Oregonian and NPR contributor, wrote that "hardy geraniums are like the movie extras without which towns would be deserted and parties would be duds. Hardy geraniums are wholesome garden inhabitants. They are familiar and therefore sooth ing, their faces an open book; you just can't help wanting to trust the gardener who (SHARPEN grows them." Why, you ask, is Liz writing about them now that the season is over with? The answer is simple. When I write about hardy geraniums in early spring, readers read what they think I have written and run out to purchase what I call the window-box geraniums, which are frost-tender and correctly should be labeled Pelargonium. I have always been care ful to differentiate between the two, with leaf and blos som descriptions as well as growth habits. Invariably I will receive a terse email chiding me for encouraging readers to purchase plants so early in the season that easily freeze. So much for communication. I was encouraged to extol their virtues once again after reading an extensive article in the June issue of Fine Garden ing on the trial testing of gera niums at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, Ill. Glen coe is in USDA Zone 5b. This time I decided to ap proach geraniums as a winter time research project. SeeGeraniums/F5
This Halloween, welcome trick-or-treaters with frightfully fun decorations that are easy to make
ke t i ng Institute, a
trade association for the food indus try, reports on its website that the average number of items carried in a supermarket in the U.S. in 2010 was 38,718. That in mind, I realized there must be a lot of fantastic foods on the grocery shelves that we don't know about. In that spirit of treasure hunting, we asked five Cen tralOregon food stores to rec ommend three outstanding food items that are in cans, jars or other packaging. Food store managers and employees are tuned in to what's delicious, what's new and what's trendy in the food world, and they like to stock those items in their stores. "The whole point is to be first, best or different," said Joe Anzaldo, grocery manag er at Newport Avenue Market in Bend. We didn't limit our experts to choosing brand-new items; we wanted to hear what some of their favorite food products are, period. The results range from Northwest-made root beer and oatmeal to several great-sounding sauces and marinades to that old standby, Spam. Our food experts, from C.F.. Lovejoy's Brookswood Mar ket, Nature's General Store, Ray's Food Place in Sisters, Newport Avenue Market and Whole Foods Market, all told us that there's nothing they enjoy more than talking about food with customers. They love to give recommendations for delicious products. So don't hesitate to ask food store employees to share tips and secrets, and, for good ness' sake, don't always grab the same old condiments, cereals, sauces and drinks. There's a lot of great food out there waiting to be discovered and devoured. See Products/F2
"The whole point ts
to be first, best or different." — Joe Anzardo, grocery manager, Newport Avenue Market
TODAY'S RECIPES • Tomato, Cheddar Cheese and Mustard-seed Scones,F2 • Gouda and Apple Pastries,F2 • Kale and Edamame Fritters,F3 • Gorgeous Green Chutney, F3 • Kale With White Beans and Roasted Garlic,F3 • Savory Kale Scones,F3 • Roasted Sweet Potatoes,F5 • Barbecued Beef Brisket, F6 • PorkTacos,F6 • Swordfish With Sweet and Hot Peppers,F6
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Andy Tuttts/The Bulletin; other photos by Thinkstock
Want this Dot-to-Dot Wreathto adorn your door? Learn howto make it and two others on Page F4.
By Linda Turner Griepentrog •For The Bulletin
hetheryou decorate indoors ornot,every front door could use Andy Tuttts/The Bulletin
a little spooktacular touch to entice Halloween trick-or-treaters. A seasonal wreath is the perfect option, and so easy to make. A quick visit to the craft store will yield lots of options for wreath forms in siz from 6 inches up to 6 feet in diameter, but the choices don't stop at what size circle would be ghostly good; there are many different materials as well. Ring, ring As you peruse the floral department, you' ll see wreath forms made of wire, often with several parallel rounds. These are perfect for tying things onto — multiple wires allow for a full-looking wreath in most materials. Fabrics, nettings and other things can ~ also be tucked into the wire spaces, as can plants and pine cones. For an inexpensive wire version, reshape a wire coat hanger into a circle, keeping the bent hanging por tion to use for mounting the wreath. There are two types of foam wreath forms available — dense extruded foam and
more open (and sometimes crumbly) Styrofoam texture. Either makes a good base for poking things into and having them stay put. Think about faux flowers, ste~s, berries, etc.Dense foam isperfect for wrapping with fabric, as the surface is'solid and smooth. A n o t her ring option is made from grapevines or twigs, wo ven together to form a round. Density varies by brand, but theseforms are also great for embellishing with floral pieces, or simply spray paint ing and adding hang-ons, like spiders, bats, skulls and goblins. Straw wrjeat( forms are also available. hese dense circles
can be pinned into for easily mounting flowers, feathers or fabric bows. It's easier, and much neater, to keep the original plastic wrapping on a straw wreath mold, to keep bits of straw contained. If you want a very large round, shape a flexible foam pool noodle into a circle, then glue and duct tape the ends together for a smooth and sturdyjoint.
Hang-ups There's always the question of how to hang a wreath on a door without damaging the door, or what to do if the door is metal. SeeWreaths /F4
At the Marketis a weekly lookat produce available at local farmers markets. What:Acorn squash Season:Fall and winter About:Acorn squash is one of a number of winter squash varieties now making their way into local markets. And while it' s not time to put on your parka just yet, the name is a fitting reminder that summer is over and winter is heading our way. That
means saying goodbye to the farmers markets. Eating an acorn squash or other winter variety is a good way to celebrate the shift in seasons. One wonderful thing about winter squash is that they can be stored in a cool, dry place for months! Winter squash are full of healthful properties (like beta carotene), have a hard rind and sweet flesh.
Preparation:Theeasiest way to prepare acorn squash is to cut it in half, scoop out the center and bake until tender and golden brown. Winter squash, for the most part, can be used interchangeably in recipes and work nicely in pasta and soup preparations. Squash also adds a rich sweetness to stews. — AlandraJohnson, TheBulletin
Next week: Vibrant, versatile bell peppers
Products Continued from F1
C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market 19530 A m be r Me a d ow D rive, Ben d , 541-388-1188 Recommen d ations fro m G eneral M a n ager Diana Franko: Franko • Hand-crafted Steelhead Root Beer,six 12-oz. bottles for $6.99 plus deposit "I love this root beer! It's mi crobrewed in Eugene, Oregon, with raw honey and pure va n illa extract. I t tastes like it' s made from the real stuffand t he flavor i s unmatched by any other." • Flatout Foldit Artisan Flat breads,five-pack for $2.79 "Just 100 calories. What' s great about this product is that it comes in lots of flavors, and it has tons of recipes to test out, both on the back of the package and online. Our favorite is the turkey and brie Foldit sandwich — deliciously creamy!" • Oregon Dan's Red Wine Marinade, Sweetened with Aga ve, 12 oz., $6.19 "It's naturally g luten-free with no h igh f r uctose corn syrup. We love this product because you can do so many different things with it, plus it's made right here in Central Oregon. It's great for all kinds of meats (and even veggie lov ers' non-meat products like tofu), as a dressing for a blue cheese salad, or cook it down to athicker sauce for roasted veggies."
Usin u t e ast o t esummer's tomato arvest
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Photos bydoe Kllne/ The Bulletin; Brookswood Market photos byAndy Tullls/ The Bulletin
Among the products recommended by local grocersare, clockwise from upper left: Crater Lake Specialty Foods' Spicy Party Mix pickled vegetables; Del Real Organic Medjool Dates, "Fig and Fire" flavored balsamic reduction from Edible Cascadia; Lotus Bakeries' Biscoff Spread; and Flatout Foldit Artisan Flatbread.
and you just put the pouch in hot water. A popular way to eat it is over a baked potato or rice. Mypersonal favorite is to heat it up and use it as a tortilla chip dip for watching football on TV." • Del Real Or ganic Medjool Dates, 12 oz., $7.99 "These dates are the best of the best. Even people who think they don't l ik e dates will think they' re really great. They' re soft, chewy and moist — the perfect alternative to a candy bar." • Miracle Noodle Shirataki Nature's General Store Pasta,7 oz., $2.89 "These are the zero calorie 1900 N.W. Third St., No. 104, (in the Wagner noodles made out of y arns. M all), Ben d , They' re zero fat, gluten-free, 541-382-6732 zero cholesterol. They' re pre Recommen cooked, so you just heat them d ations fr o m up. Dr. Oz has talked about Grocery Manag them, and when they get me Combs er Wade Combs: dia attention, we have a spike • Tasty Bite in sales. These noodles have a Madras Lentils, 10 oz. pouch, neutral taste, so they' re good $3.79 with a Thai peanut sauce or "It'ssays '90 seconds from whatever you like. We carry heat to eat' on the package, four varieties: fettuccine, an gel hair, garlic and herb and rice style."
t he faint of heart. I l ik e to throw a couple of pieces on a plate of anything (but I haven' t tried it with the oatmeal!)." • Spam, 12 oz., $3.99 "Spam has been around forever, but now they don' t just have the classic kind, they have low s o dium, h i ckory smoked and light flow sodium, low calorie, low fat). They have turkey Spam, jalapeno Spam and a black pepper Spam. For a product t h at a lmost di s a p peared from our
" McClure's i s a fa m o u s pickle-maker from Brooklyn, New York. T h ey' ve added their pickle juice to this mix and you get that unique flavor in your Bloody Mary."
Whole Foods Market 2 610 U.S. H i ghway 2 0 ,
F orum S h op ping Ce n t er), 541-389-0151 Recommen d ations fr o m Store Manager Ne l son re: shelves, the com Steve Nelson: • Secret Aardvark Habanero panyhasregener ated a whole new Hot Sauce, 10.5 oz., $4.99 "I love it because it has ha following, and Spam is grow ing in popularity. I love Spam banero heat, w h il e l e tting fried with eggs, and I love it ingredients like carrots and fried and made into a sand mustard show off their flavor. wich with mustard and mayo Great on anything you'd put on white bread. That's the way hot sauce on." I grew up with it." • Barcelona Gourmet Sauces, 16 oz., $7.99 to $11.99 Newport Avenue Market "These finishing sauces are 1 121 N W. Newp o r t made right here in Bend. We A ve., Ben d , carry a variety of flavors year 541-382-3940 round. They' re super easy to Recommen use, and have super flavor. You won't believe the complexity d ations fro m Grocery Manag of these sauces, and that they er Joe Anzaldo: came out of a jar. I used their • Yuzu Pao, 8 An z aldo '¹I Mole Poblano' last night. oz., $5.99 I threw a chicken Ray's FoodPlace "This is an Asian sriracha in th e c r o ckpot, 635 N. A r r o wleaf T r ail, style yuzu citrus chile sauce. h eated u p the It's really tasty and unique. Mole Poblano and Sisters, 541-549 2222 We found it at the San Francis served ii on white Recommen co Fancy Food Show last year. rice with t oasted dations by Store We sampled it on mini tacos, sesame seeds. You M anager J e f f but it could be used anywhere d efinitely want t o you'd use a hot sauce. You get finish with th e sauces, not McDonald: • Straw Propel- Mcoonald that sriracha heat, plus a nice simmer; I think that (heat) can ler Gourmet Oat citrus flavor." hurt some of the subtleties of • Biscoff Spread, 14 oz., the sauce. Each jar comes with meal,3.6 oz., $2.99 " This oatmeal comes i n $6.39 easy recipes." "A lot of people are famil about 15 f lavors, in s i ngle • Edible Cascadia Balsamic serve cups. You just add hot iar with Biscoff cookies. Well, Reduction "Fig and Fire," 8.4 water. It's the best oatmeal I' ve they figured out how to grind oz., $11.99 "I like heat and this stuff ever eaten, and it's made in them into a spread that's the Redmond, Oregon. My favor consistency of peanut butter, is killer. It's a great balsamic ite flavor is the PB8 J. There' s and it's a to-die for taste. It re reduction w i t h h a b aneros. also a spicy chocolate with places peanut butter on toast, Experiment with it on salads, or it's great on apples, grilled meats, cheeses and pumpkin seeds in it." • Crater Lake Specialty or by the spoonful. fruits. (Their label says, "Driz It's just that good. zle. Dip. Decorate.") It's one of Foods' spicy pickled celery, It's in th e peanut those kitchen secret weapons; green beans, asparagus or mixed veggies, 8 oz. or 16 oz., buttersection." anything you do with it will • $4.99 to $9.99 McClure's get noticed." "They' re crunchy, they' re — Reporter: ahighberger Bloody Mary Mixer, crispy and spicy and not for 32 oz., $10.99 @mac.corn
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As you peruse the farm market for apples and pump kins, don't forget the last of the local tomatoes. Late-harvest var i e t ies have had the chance to fully develop that c o mbination of acidity, sweetness and meatiness which is so diffi cult to describe but so easy to love. The bins may not be overflowing, but the toma toes picked now, after spend ing the entire summer on the vine, will likely be the best of the year. Late-harvest tomatoes are already bursting with flavor, and oven roasting concen trates this flavor powerfully. Unlike sun-dried tomatoes, which o f ten t a st e o v er w helmingly l ik e s alt a n d other preservatives in which they are packed, oven-roast ed tomatoes have a fresh and pure tomato zing. Oven-roasting eliminates excess water from tomatoes without drying them out, so they are quite different from sun-dried tomatoes in tex ture as well — plump rather than shriveled, toothsome but never leathery. The method i s s i m ple. Line a baking sheet with heavy-duty foil (n o c l ean up), quarter the t omatoes and toss them with some salt and olive oil, and roast them in a 350-degree oven until they' re wrinkled and col lapsed but not dehydrated, 30 to 45 minutes, depending on their size. I imagined several appeal
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Eve Btshop/ Newsday
Tomato, Cheddar Cheese and Mustard-seed Scones. ing uses for my roasted to matoes: I could spoon them onto bowls of soft polenta e nriched with b u tter a n d Parmesan cheese, toss them with spaghetti and olive oil, or scramble them with some eggs and goat cheese. But the oven was already on, so I forged ahead with my scones. I gently squeezed most of the remaining juice from the tomato pieces before chop ping them, so I wouldn't be adding too much extra liquid to the dough. Because my oven-roasted tomatoes had enough personality to stand up to other assertive ingre dients, I added a handful of shredded sharp C h eddar cheese to the dough along with mustard powder, mus tard seeds and a little Dijon mustard. For the sake of t ender ness, I made sure to use well chilled butter, took care not to overmix the dough, and patted it into a circle rather than risk toughening it with a rolling pin before cutting it into wedges.
Tomato, Cheddar Cheese and Mustard-seed Scones Makes 12 scones. 1 Ib tomatoes, cored and quartered 1 TBS olive oil 1 tsp salt, divided Ground black pepper 3 C unbleached all-purpose flour 2 TBS dry mustard 1 TBS sugar 1 TBS baking powder
6 TBS unsalted butter, cut into 'id-inch cubes, chilled 4 oz shredded sharp Cheddar 'id C mustard seeds 'id C milk
2 Ig eggs, lightly beaten, plus 1 Ig egg, lightly beaten, for brushing tops ofscones K2tsp Dijon mustard
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine tomatoes, olive oil,I/2 teaspoon salt and ground black pepper to taste in a bowl and transfer to baking sheet in a single layer. Roast until softened and wrinkled, 30 to 45 minutes. Let cool, squeeze juices from tomatoes and discard, and coarsely chop tomato flesh. Increase oven temperature to 450 degrees. Line another baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine flour, dry mustard, sugar, baking powder andI/2 teaspoon salt in a large mixing bowl. Add chilled butter pieces and mix with an electric mixer on low speed until mixture resembles coarse meal. Stir in cheese and mustard seeds until distributed. Stir in milk, 2 eggs and Dijon mustard until dry ingredients are just moistened. Stir in toma toes. Do not overmix. Turn dough onto a lightly floured work surface and divide in half. Shape each half into a 6-inch disk. Use a sharp chef's knife or bench scraper to cut each disk into 6 wedges. Place wedgesI/2 inch apart on a prepared baking sheet. Brush tops with remaining egg. Bake until golden, 12 to 15 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes. Serve warm or let cool completely.
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Getting gooduseout of gouda By Susan M. Selasky Detroit Free Press
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Looking for some uses for gouda cheese? Gouda, named for its city of origin in the Netherlands, is a pale yellow color with a red or yellow waxy rind. The c r eamy, s e m i-firm cheese has a mild and nutty flavor. Sometimes there are tiny holes. E dam, a n o t he r Du t c h c heese, is s i milar t o g o u d a. You can u s e t h e t w o interchangeably. You can serve gouda on a cheese board with f ruit. Its creamy texture means it melts nicely. A slice melts perfectly on burgers. Or use it in fondue or sauces. For a nice change from the usual grilled cheese sandwich, use gouda. Grate it so it melts quicker. Gouda goes well with ap ples, as in the accompanying recipe.
Gouda and Apple Pastries Makes 8 servings. Note: There are two sheets of puff pastry to a package. Thaw only one sheet for this recipe, keeping the other frozen for another use. 'id C sugar 'id C all-purpose flour dy2 tsp cinnamon 2 med tart apples, peeled and finely chopped (for 2 C)
Juice and zest of 1 lemon 1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed 8 slices gouda cheese
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Lightly grease a baking sheet. In a small bowl, mix sugar, flour and cinnamon. In another bowl, mix the apples, lemon juice and zest. Sprinkle the sugar mixture over the ap ples and toss to mix all together. On a lightly floured work surface, unfold the pastry and roll into a 15 by-10-inch rectangle. Brush lightly with water. With the short side of the pastry facing you, spoon the filling on the pas try and spread to within 2 inches of the short sides and to the edge of the long side. Starting at the short side, roll jelly-roll fashion. Cut the roll into 8 slices, 1t/2 inches thick. Place 2 inches apart on the greased baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden. Remove from the oven and place a slice of cheese on each pastry. Return to the oven just until the cheese melts, about 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from oven, place pastries on a wire rack to cool. — Adapted from '7heGreatBigCheeseCookbook" by the IVisconsin Milk Marketing Board
• The leafy green vegetable hasbeen around for centuries, but now it seems to be everywhere
Kale and Edamame Fritters Makes 16 to 20 (2-in.) fritters. Note: Don't skimp on the salt. Serve these fritters with Gorgeous
Green Chutney (see recipe) and sour cream. 1 C frozen shelled edamame 1 heaping C kale leaves y2tsp salt, plus a pinch or two 1 tsp ginger root, minced y2tsp ground cumin 2 TBS water 2 eggs, separated 2 TBS flour y2tsp baking powder Vegetable oil for frying Gorgeous Green Chutney (recipe below)
By Kristin Tillotson Star Tribune lMinneapotis)
Kale is the Jeff Bridges of vegetables — been around forever, utility player, not the flashy type. Until lately. Since being crowned prom king of l ocavore fads, kale has been putting on airs. All of a sudden, it's cozying up to caramelized onions and be ing photographed slathered in chanterelles. Easy to grow and touted as the ne plus ultra of vitamin and antioxidant-packed su perfoods, kale is being used by chefs in just about everything. At Mill Valley Kitchen in St. Louis Park, for example, you can really kale it up — there' s the baby kale salad with man chego, pine nuts and lemon chile vinaigrette, the grass-fed beef filet with kale, scalloped potatoes and cipollini onion, the scallops with lemon kale, and a side of kale with garlic and Parmesan. Home-roasted kale c h ips have become a popular DIY snack food ( Gwyneth Pal trow made them on "The El len Show" ). The once lowly leaves have inspired their own T -shirt, reading "Eat M o r e Kale." It's so darned trendy that Slate essayist Scott Jacobson sarcastically dubbed it "now the only food worth the trou ble of digesting."
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In bowl of food processor, com bine edamame, kale leaves, salt, ginger and cumin. Pulse briefly once or twice — the mixture should still be recognizable and not a paste. Add 2 TBS water, egg yolks, flour and baking powder; pulse once or twice more. Scrape mixture into a bowl. Beat egg whites until they hold peaks but are not completely stiff. Using a spatula, fold into the edamame/kale mixture. Heat a little oil in a large heavy bottomed skillet on medium-high. Drop batter by spoonfuls and fry for about 3 minutes on each side. Turn the heat down a little once the fritters get frying. Do not crowd the fritters. Fry 5 or 6 at a time, then remove and drain on paper towel. You' ll have to add a little more oil to the pan each time. Serve with Gorgeous Green Chutney. — From '7he Book ofKale" by Sharon Hanna
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Gorgeous Green Chutney
'Crazy for kale' "People really are crazy for kale," said Susan Berkson, a s pokeswoman for th e M i n neapolis F a rmers M a r k et. "They' re asking for it more, so our g r owers are g r ow ing more, and more variety, too — we' re seeing the curly kale, the purple, red, dinosaur, Russian." But kale has been around the Western world since some roving Celts brought it back to Europe from Asia Minor in about 600 B.C. Why all the in terest now? "It's loaded with things that are good for you, and if people are going to eat their greens, t hey want them to p ack a punch," Berkson said. The rise o f C o m munity Supported Agriculture (more commonly called CSAs) has also contributed to kale's new found popularity. Because of its h ardiness, the leaf has been popular with growers, who stuff their cus tomers' boxes full of the green stuff along with tip sheets on what to do with it. Today there is even "The
Makes about 1t/2 C. Note: This is more of a fresh salsa than the usual chutney. It's good on grilled chicken or fish, as a brus chetta topping, or on a crunchy rice cracker with a dab of goat's cheese, cream cheese or brie.
Courtesy Chrtsttna Symonsvia Mcclatcny-Tnbune News Service
Kale and Edamame Fritters, adapted from "The Book of Kale: The Easy-to-Grow Superfood" by Sharon Hanna.
Book of K a le," by S h aron Hanna (Harbour Publishing). Not everyone sings kale's p raises. Vogue f oo d c r i t ic Jeffrey Steingarten recently proclaimed it "not designed ... for human consumption" and added that "the current kale craze is a violation of the Nat ural Order." Alex Roberts, chef/owner at Restaurant Alma and Brasa, observes that kale can be "po larizing. But as more people learn how to cook it, how to coax out its seductive flavor, more will like it. It's like Brus sels sprouts, when people first tried caramelizing them." Roberts recommends start ing with lacinato, more com monly known a s d i n osaur or Tuscan kale, "because it
caramelizes really easily, and people really like it." Kale is full of vitamins A, C, K and B6 and a good source of iron, folate and calcium. And let's not even get started on the percentage of daily fiber it can provide if not cooked into mush.
A hardy veggie Yet Minneapolis organic eating pioneer Brenda Lang t on remembers that not so long ago, most A m ericans didn't consider it fit to eat. "It used to be kept in cool ers to use as garnish because it didn't wilt like lettuce. That was its only p urpose," she said. Langton, who was into kale a couple of decades before
it was cool, has some advice for newbies who find the raw leaves a little too earthy for their tastes. "You don't need to saute it. That's a common mistake," she said. " Braise it w it h a quarter cup or so of water, or use apple juice if you want it sweeter." Another tip, from the web site www.kaleeffect.corn (pur veyor of those T-shirts), is to separate the leaves from the stems right away, to ward off bitterness. Hardy kale is from the same vegetable family as collards, but tends to be a darker, more grayish-green, and u s ually has a stronger, chewier taste. If you get a hankering to grow your own, it's still doable
1 C cilantro, coarsely chopped '/4 C chopped fresh mint leaves this season — and so easy. 1 tart apple (Granny Smith Kale is self-seeding, grows at works well), cut into chunks will, and can be planted in 1 fresh jalapeno, seeded, doors in pots. deveined One thing that's extra-great 1 med tomato,cubed about k al e i n M in n esota, 2 tsp sugar Langton said, is that it can 1 tsp lemon juice take the extreme temperature 1 sm garlic clove, minced 2y2 tsp salt shifts: "It grows when it's snowing; y2tsp whole cumin seed it grows when it's hot." Not only that, Roberts said, Combine all ingredients in a but some varieties "actually food processor and whirl briefly get to tasting better after a until ingredients are chopped fine. — From '7he Book ofKale" cold snap." Oh, kale. Is there anything by Sharon Hanna you can't do?
BendErickson's Thri ftway 725 NE Greenwood, Bend
Kale With White Beans and Roasted Garlic
Where Buyers
Makes 4 to 6 servings. Notes: For more tender greens, blanch the kale a minute or two before cutting. Add a handful of pepitas (raw pumpkin seeds) for extra crunch.
And Sellers Meet
8 C Tuscan kale, trimmed and cut in chiffonade (in thin strips or shreds) 1'y2 C cooked cannellini or other white beans, drained 6 to 8 red radishes, quartered 6 sm tomatoes, quartered
3 whole heads of garlic, roasted, cloves removed and skinned Flat Italian parsley leaves, for garnish BASIL VINAIGRETTE: 3 TBS wine vinegar
1 garlic clove '/4 C olive oil 1 TBS honey 1 tsp Dijon mustard Pinch of salt '/4 C fresh basil leaves
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Place kale on a platter or in shallow, wide bowl. Scatter beans around artfully, then compose the salad by placing the veggies all over. Garnish with parsley. Dress with basil vinaigrette or another that you like. To make the vinaigrette: In a blender, process ingredients until creamy, adding a bit of extra oil if needed. (Makes about s/~cup vinaigrette.) — From '7he Book ofKale" by SharonHanna
Savory Kale Scones With Squash and Cheese
t I
Makes 8 to 10 scones. Note: These are dropped by the spoonful, but you could also use a cookie cutter or knife to make triangles or other shapes. If you are making smaller ones, knead in aboutt/~ cup extra flour at the end to make the dough easier to handle. 2 C kale leaves, loosely packed 2 C unbleached flour 2y2 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda
y2tsp baking powder 1 TBS sugar 'resC cold butter 1 egg
'/4 C buttermilk y2C cooked squash or pumpkin in small dice '/4 C Cheddar cheese, grated
An Endless Lap Swimming Pool 6 Hydr other apy Exercise Machine in one.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Set oven rack in the middle. Steam kale for a minute or two, just to blanch. Chop kale finely, squeezing out as much liquid as you can. You should have less than 1 C chopped kale. If you have more, save it for soup or eat it. (Too much will make the
scones sticky.) Blend or sift the flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder and sugar together. Cut in the butter with a pastry blender or yourfingers. In a small bowl, beat the egg, then add the buttermilk, continuing to beat until well combined. Add egg/butter milk mixture, along with squash, kale and cheese to dry ingredients, mixing with a fork just enough to combine. Drop by spoonfuls onto parchment-paper-covered cookie sheet. Bake about 20 minutes until lightly browned.
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Next week: DIYAdventures in blacktopping
Continued from F1 Both are easily r esolved w ith c o m m ercial wr e a t h hangers that fit cleverly over the top of the door, exposing a hook on which to mount the wreath. Some hangers hang down a ways for directly positioning the finished wreath; others of fer only a short hook, and the wreath can then be secured with ribbon, wire or invisible fishing line. Another option is suction cups to support the wreath's weight, or, for metal doors, magnetic hangers that can hold up to 10 pounds. And, of course, the old-fashioned nail works just fine to pound into a wooden door. If you can't hang a wreath on your door or an adjacent outside entry wall for some reason, look at freestanding wreath stands to hold your creation on the front porch.
WHAT YOU'LLNEED 12-inch foam wreath shape '/4 yard black print fabric
5 yards (2-inch wide) black button trim 3 yards (t ~/2-inch wide) purple wire-edge ribbon 3 black silk roses 1 black wire twist tie Hot glue gun and glue
Pins (optional) PUTTINGITTOGETHER Photos by Andy Tulllsi The Bulletin
Dot-to-Dot Wreath
O bviously, black and o r ange are traditional Hallow een color combos, but don' t forget that lime green, purple, yellow and any neons can also be used, as can spidery grey or ghostly white. If you choose harvest colors for your wreath, it can do dou ble duty for the fall season. Just take off the Halloween embellishments and add some fall leaves, a turkey or some pilgrims to extend its lifespan. Most wreath forms can be painted any color needed if they' re not going to be com pletely covered by the embel lishments, but one caution: painting Styrofoam forms re quires a special paint so as not to dissolve the foam. Read the can carefully for appropriate media and use latex- or acryl ic-based paints, not those with solvents. If you' re painting a straw wreath form, be sure to remove the plastic covering. Most wreath forms, espe cially those made from straw, twigs, w o ve n gr a p evines and open foam, will require more than one coat to thor oughly cover the structuring material.
6- to 7-inch diameter spider 2 black wire twist ties
WHAT YOU' LLNEED 18-inch diameter wire wreath form 3 orange polka dot trash bags* t black/white tattersol trash * bags 1 blacktrash bag
Color cues
1. Cut the blackfabric into three 2-inch wide strips across the fabric width.
Boo-t-fulWreath WHAT YOU' LLNEED 12-inch diameter grapevine wreath form /3 yard glittery sheer fabric 4-inch wooden letters to spell "b-o-o" 3 5-inch squares of Halloween fabrics Paper-back fusible web (like Steam-A-Seam2) 2~/2-inch spider Hot glue gun and glue Black acrylic or latex pain Paint brush
PUTTING IT TOGETHER 1. Paint the letter edges and about '/4 inch of the upper edges. Set aside to dry.
Add-ons A wreath by itself is a fine Halloween accent, but it's a lot more fun if you add something to it. The craft, fabric and dol lar stores are filled with spi ders, ghosts, bats, witches, skeletons, cats, p u m pkins,
2. Wrap the wreath form with the fabric strips overlapping them slight to cover all the foam. Glue or pin ends in place. 3. Pin one end of the trim into the foam wreath's back side and wrap the wreath with the trim, letting some of the fabric show through between wraps. Leave about 3~/2inches unwrapped at the wreath's lower edge. 4. Shape the purple ribbon into a bow and secure the center with the twist tie. 5. Glue the bow to the unwrapped lower edge of the wreath. 6. Glue the roses to the bow center.
1. Cut the trash bags into 2-inch wide strips, then cut the strips into 6-inch lengths. 2. Tie each plastic strip around
one of the wreath wires, alternating colors randomly and filling all the wreath wires somewhat evenly. 3. Repeat until the wreath is the desired fullness. 4. Using the wire twist ties, anchor the spider's legs to the wreath wires.
2. Cut the glittery sheer fabric into one 4~/2-inch strip and set the remainder aside for the bow. 3. Fold the cut fabric strip with both raw edges to the middle and press the folded edges. 4. Wrap the wreath form with the folded fabric strip, allowing some of the wreath to show through. Glue the ends together and trim any excess length. 5. Using the remaining fabric, press the raw edges to the center and shape a bow. Glue the underside to hold the fabric in place and glue to the wreath. 6. To cover the letters with fabric, trace the shapes onto the fusible web paper backing and rough-cut the shapes. Follow the manufacturer's instructions
to fuse to the fabric and then to the painted wooden letters. When cutting the letters out, use decorative edge scissors if you have them. 7. Glue the letters and spider in place on the wreath.
*Note: Patterned trash bags are available from www.designerlmers.corn
black c r o ws , s p i derwebs, ribbons, bows and lettering that make perfect add-ons to almost any wreath. These a ccoutrements can b e a p plied with glue, tied or wired on, depending on the base wreath treatment. And don' t
forget that wrapped candies can also be used as an embel lishment, though there's no guarantee the visiting goblins won't make that decor quickly disappear. — Reporter: gwnzdesigns gaol.corn
Help your wallet: Organize your doset By John John Williams IV
ish "Sex And The City"-type closet to use the services and suggestions of a closet orga nizer, according to experts. With the addition of several hooks for clothes and jewelry, a few shelves for shoes and even a curtain rod to hang scarves, anyone can m axi mize their closet space, said Ciurca-Weiner. Turning to the experts "It's very important to cre More and more people are ate closet and drawer space," seeking the help of closet orga she said. "You must utilize ev nizers to create order and save ery space. You have to have a money, according to experts. need for each space." Although m or e a t tention Ciurca-Weiner o r g a nizes is being paid to the closet, it closets by garments and colors remains one of the least-used — arranging items from light rooms in the home, according to dark. "I organize a closet to Ciurca-Weiner, who works like it's like a store. I make it at th e B a l timore w omen' s easier to shop your closet," she clothing boutique Jones 8 said. Jones. 'This is not storage' " The biggest problem i s that people don't know how to Weisberg's closet reveals Ci utilize their space," she said. urca-Weiner's handiwork. Be Q. "They don't have enough cube hind the sliding door is a space space. And they don't stack filled with outfits pieced to things such as sweaters." gether by Ciurca-Weiner. One You don't have to have a lav wall is lined with customized shelving and stacked with 100 heels and wedges by design ers such as Jimmy Choo and Stuart Weitzman. On the same wall, drawers are neatly organized by items including jewelry and exercise clothes. A hanging rack on the back of the door is filled with assorted ballet flats and sandals. A vanity and comfy, plush chair allow Weisberg to coordinate her makeup with her ensemble for the day. "I use every little bit of space there is," Weisberg said. "This is not storage." I mage c o nsultant J u d y Pressman would agree that closets shouldn't be used just for hanging clothes that get little wear. As the founder of Baltimore based J.P. Images, Pressman has fine-tuned her closet orga nizing over the past 30 years. "After you work with me, you' ll feel great. The confu Downtown Bend sion is gone. It will take you www,havenhomestyle,corn two seconds toget dressed in the morning," said Pressman.
clothes," Ciurca-Weiner said as she stood inside her client's BALTIMORE After closet, a 9 - b y-12-foot con years of watching Lynn Weis verted office space that now berg purchase garment after has shelving and drawers to garment, boutique manager accommodate W ei s b erg's Karen Ciurca-Weiner finally clothes. "I told her to stop buy told her loyal customer a hard ing items and make outfits out truth — she needed to stop of clothes" she already had. buying and start looking at Since their initial session what she had. five years ago, the two have Ciurca-Weiner s u g gested come together twice a year to that what W eisberg r eally organize Weisberg's clothes needed was to organize her — once at the beginning of closet. spring and once at the begin "She kept buying all these ning of fall. The nearly four The Baltimore Sun
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hour sessions allow Weisberg to maximize her closet space while planning her outfits for the upcoming season. "She cleans out and refresh es my closet every season," the Pikesville, Md., resident said a b out C i u r ca-Weiner. "It's a time-saver and a huge money-saver."
a e iecautions to minimize t e an eiso By Mary Beth Breckenridge Akron Beacon Journal
AKRON, Ohio — Bob Campbell has done his own concrete work for years. So the Akron, Ohio, do-it-your selfer never thought twice about laying the concrete foundation for his new car port ... until he got into the shower afterward, and the skin on his knees came off. Campbell's skin had come into contact with lime from t he cement portion of t h e concrete. W he n a l k a line compounds get moist from water or sweat, the reaction can eat away at skin and other tissue. It had n ever h appened to Campbell before, so he didn't know about the poten tial danger. And because he didn't know about the dan ger, he didn't read the warn ing on the bill of sale he got from the company that deliv ered the concrete. A month after the acci dent, Campbell's w ounds have healed with no long term damage. But he wanted other homeowners to know about the hazard in the hope of sparing someone else. Accidents from p r ojects around the house send thou sands ofdo-it-yourselfers to emergency rooms each year. For example, in 2010, lawn mowers sent an estimated 89,518 people for treatment in the United States; home w orkshop p o w e r sa w s , 80,688 people; and workshop manual tools, 131,762 people, according to the most recent figures available from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Not all accidents are pre ventable, of course. But in many cases, some simple precautions can save us from ourselves. John Drengenberg of Underwriters Laboratories and Christy Beeghly of the Ohio Department of Health offered some suggestions for reducing DIY injuries. • Don't take any project
lightly. Even something as simple as changing a light bulb can have potential danger, says D rengenberg. Screw i n a bulb that uses more watts than a socket is rated for and heat can build up, he noted. That can damage the socket, the wires in the fixture or even the wiring in the wall, possibly sparking a fire. His point: Lose the I-can a ccomplish-anything a r r o gance and humble yourself e nough to f in d ou t w h a t you' re getting into. • Slow down. We' re busy. We don't like spending precious time on nagging projects when more appealing options beckon. But rushing can lead to in jury, noted Beeghly. Take the time to make sure you' re prepared, she said. Read all the instructions. As semble the equipment you' ll need. And give yourself time
to do the job properly and safely. Often t h e in s t r uction manuals for tools and equip ment will include safety tips, so read them and heed them, Drengenberg urged. • Wear the right gear. Safety glasses are a must if you' re working with any tool or in any situation that might lead to eye injury. Think that through, Beeghly urged. Bits
of material can fly up when you' re drilling, sawing or hammering. Branches can poke your eyes. Gloves, ear p r o tection, proper footwear and other protective garb o r e q u ip ment can also be important, depending on the job. Avoid l oose clothing, jewelry or l ong hair t hat m i ght g e t caught in equipment. • Use ladders wisely. Ladder accidents account for morethan 200,000 emer gency room t r ips a y e ar, D rengenberg s a id . L o n g extension ladders aren't the only culprits. Stepladders and step stools can be dan gerous, too, he said. The basic rule he c ites is "one step at a time, two hands at a time." Wear a tool belt so you can always keep two hands on the ladder, or have someone hand up tools to you, he suggested. Use the right ladder for the job, and set it on a flat surface, Drengenberg said. Don't overextend your reach, no matter how much trouble it is to get down and move the ladder instead. And never stand on the top rung. "That' s for trapeze artists, not for do it-yourselfers," he said. • Practice power tool safety. Tools such as power saws and hedge trimmers have a place for both your hands. That's intentional, Drengen berg said. It gives you more control of the tool and dis courages you from using one hand to hold the item you' re cutting. Use a clamp instead, he said. Another feature that ex ists for a reason is the safety guard. Don't remove it, Dren genberg said, unless you ab solutely have to for making a special cut. If you do remove it, replace it immediately. Keep tools in good work ing order, and be sure to use the right blade or tool for the task, he said. It's funny when someone posts a picture on line of some doofus trying to prune his tree with a circular saw. It's not so funny when that doofus cuts off a couple of fingers.
• Keep your work space clean. This isn't a Felix Unger thing. Picking u p d e bris, cleaning up spills, unplug ging and putting away tools and equipment, and oth erwise keeping your work space reasonably o r derly means less chance of slip
ping or tripping, Beeghly said.
541-330-5999 856 NW Bond
Michael Chrlttoni Akron Beacon Journal
Bob Campbell's knees were burned when he laidthe con crete floor for his carport and didn't realize that chemicals in the concrete were caustic.
Next week: More than just hops at Deschutes Brewery
a!' t
Lee Svttak Dean /Star Tnb une (Minn eapeha)
Visitors tour the White House vegetable garden,which takes up a small patch of land on the South Lawn.
I 8 OLlSB BI' 811 88 S VB 8 8 B S I'OI1 BI1 CBI1 BI' By Lee Svitak Dean W ASHINGTON , D.C. "Do not swat the bees," Bill Yosses said calmly to the guests who nervously eyed the flying insects. "They won' t sting. They' re just curious, and you' re wearing the right colors." We were standing in the di rect path between the beehive and the White House Kitchen Garden. T h e Wa s h ington Monument stood guard to the south, the big white house an chored the north; to the west, a garden still operated in full harvest mode. P umpkins a n d mel o n s spilled out onto the paths. Chili peppers filled the bushes. Tiny yellow t omatoes beckoned, "Pick me,pick me." So we did, with the blessing of our guide, the White House's executive pastry chef. He and C ri s C omerford, executive chef for the White House, led the way for this gaggle of food writers in town for a conference of the Asso ciation of Food Journalists. "There is no tweeting from the White House," Yosses had told us at the guard station. "No social media at all." So we grabbed our notebooks and did the tour the old-fashioned way, with pen, paper and cameras. Yosses walked past the scar let runner beans and pointed out the sea kale from seeds Thomas Jefferson brought to America. He stepped around the Texas chili peppers and when he reached the lemon verbena, plucked a few leaves. "We love to use this in t he kitchen." The White House Kitchen Garden, planted in the spring of 2009, was initiated by first lady Michelle Obama, who wanted fresh vegetables for her family meals — and some thing more. "I hoped this garden would help begin a c o n versation about this issue (children's obe sity and health) — a conversa tion about the food we eat, the lives we lead, and how all of that affects our children," she writes in "American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America" (Crown Pub lishers, 27 Ipgs., $30). Throughout th e d e cades, gardens had been tucked into a variety of spots at the White House, though not since Elea nor Roosevelt created her Vic
Q• Will you add hens?
Roasted Sweet Potatoes With Apples and Chilies
Star Tribune(Minneapolis)
"Not a c h a nce," said • Yosses. "There is so much scrutiny to what we do. The garden needs to be noncontro versial." Consider the potential for headlines, giggled the jour nalists: "laying another egg," "hanging out with the chicks."
A •
Makes 4 to 6 servings. 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces Olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper K2Granny Smith or other firm apple, such as Honeycrisp, peeled, cored and chopped small
1 'h tsp lemon juice 1 TBS unsalted butter, optional 1 sm, fresh red chili, stemmed, seeded and chopped, orV2 tsp. dried chili flakes, optional Pinch of ground cinnamon
"We are not c ertified • organic. We cannot call it organic. But we' re using or ganic methods. We do not use pesticides. We keep records and send them to the Ag De partment. But the point of the garden isn't to be organic. The garden is about eating more vegetables and getting kids to eat vegetables," said Yosses.
A •
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place sweet potatoes in bowl and toss with 2 to 3 TBS olive oil; season with salt and pepper. Put sweet potatoes in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and cover with foil. Bake until soft, about 25 minutes. Drizzle enough olive oil to lightly coat bottom of large nonstick frying pan. Place over medium heat. Once pan is warm, add sweet potatoes. Be careful not to have the pan too hot; potatoes can easily burn. Gently turn potatoes with a rubber spatula, until they begin to brown.
Add apple, lemon juice, butter (if using), fresh chili (if using) and cinna mon. Cook until potatoes are golden brown, continuing to turn the po tatoes. (If you' re using dried chile flakes instead of fresh chile, add them here.) Serve immediately. — FromWhiteHousechefSam Kassin "Ameri can Grown,"by MichelleObama
"It helps chefs remember that we need to be more seasonal. Maybe a chef wants to cook fennel and we don't have any ripe in the garden. That means we should wait." many vegetables Q•• How are grown?
A tory Garden had a garden of this size been planned (I,I00 square feet). Choosing a spot for it wasn't a quick decision. "We weren't sure we could even add a garden at first," said Yosses. "There were lots of compet ing concerns. Where the gar den is now has visibility from the gate (the southern bound ary of the property) and great drainage. It's away from where the Easter egg roll is and where the Marine One (presidential helicopter) landing is," said Yosses. "And until 5 p.m., this area has great sunlight." A n enthusiastic crew o f volunteers maintains the gar den: chefsand staff,as w ellas schoolchildren, all o v erseen by the National Park Service horticulturist. "The White House garden is not a symbol, it's a working garden," Comerford told us as we traipsed among the corn stalks and blueberry bushes.
Q• Are you organic?
• More than 3,000 pounds • of vegetables have been served since 2009 at Obama family meals, state dinners and formal lunches. About a third of the garden's produce is donated to a local organi zation that f eeds homeless people. t h ere Q•• Are vegetables?
hat do you do w i t h Q•• Wleftover produce? "Just like any garden, at • times there's too much at one time. We' re getting lots of peppers lately so we' re pick ling them. And we give vege tables away. The last thing we want to do is waste the food," said Comerford. As for left over vegetables at the dinner table? "The first family eats leftovers just like any family," said Comerford.
A •
How do you choose the Q•• vegetables to plant?
"It's Mrs. Obama's gar • den. She chooses. We of fer a proposal of plants based on her i nterests and w h at grows in the area. She picks. If she didn't like what we offer, we change it," said Yosses.
A •
Continued from F1 Then, come spring, there won't be any doubt that you are purchasing a plant that will give you endless seasons of pleasure. Richard Hawke, plant evaluation manager for the Chicago Botanic Garden is so convinced of their good traits that he decided to test 180 of the 300 species. Hawke feels geraniums are simply awesome plants because of their beauty and tried-and-true reputation. However, he does admit to the fact that there are less-than-stellar v a rieties and he feels nobody wants to spend their money on a stinker. Over a trial period of 15 years, he has given the ratings of E xcellent, Good, Fair and Poor to the test group. The criteria used were their ornamental qualities, ease of growth, hardiness and disease and pest re sistance. The growing con ditions included full sun and dappled shade from trees. The care was mini m al, allowing p lants t o thrive or fail under natural conditions. G eraniums a r e we l l suited for our climate, with U SDA Zone r a tings o f Zones 3 to 5. Geraniums are listed in t h e p eren nial section of our locally written r Xeriscaping i n the High D esert," avail able at the Oregon State University Extension Of fice in Redmond, and the f rosting on t h e c ak e i s that the plants are DEER RESISTANT. I have some planted in mostly shade under juniper trees; others are planted in full sun. They aren't picky. They don't need a diet of fertilizer, can thrive with or w ithout d ead heading and, in many cases, new leaf growth can rise above spent flowers. Deadhead ing is advised to eliminate excessive reseeding. Geranium flowers aren' t enormous. They have a wildflower charm, with a simple five-petal flower of ten displaying delicate vein ing of an additional color. The foliage can be an at traction in itself. The leaves are lobed and can range from bright green to gray green. Some varieties show foliage of purple, bronze or yellow leaves. According to Hawke, many do not hold their foliage color through out the season. The Victor Reiter strain loses its deep purple leaf color in mid summer but turns purple again in the fall. Design suggestions in clude planting under roses to camouflage rose knees and complement the roses in color. They look espe c ially good p aired w i t h contrasting textures like spiky iris. Hawke grows Rozanne with Mrs. Robert Brydon clematis (Zones 4-9) and says this sublime pairing is a hit for several weeks in late summer. The varieties that made
— Reporter: douvilleC~ bendbroadband.corn
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you have a compost Q•• Do system?
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• Two of the 30-plus beds • in the garden use seeds from T h o ma s J e f f erson's original garden at Monticello, his home in Virginia. These are descendants of his plants from 200 years ago, including a small fig tree.
• Chef Dan Barber of Blue • Hill restaurants in New York helped set up the three bin compost system. Leaves, grass cuttings and plants from the garden are combined in the bins, with some leftovers added from the kitchen. Meat, fat or daily products are not part of the mix, as they could attract rodents.
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• G. Rozanne ("Gerwat"):
height, 20 inches, with purple blue blooms from early sum mer to late fall. Rozanne won the 2008 Perennial Plant of the Year award as well as Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit. Although Ro zanne had to settle for a rating of good in the trials, it is still consideredas a top performer. Maybe over the next few months we can convince our favorite nurseryman or wom an to expand their selection of hardy geraniums. I think they are among the unappreciated and underused plants in our area. Spend some time over the next few months learning more about them and how they would serve a purpose in your landscape. You may have found an answer to a problem area. Although not mentioned in the trials, our native Sticky Ge ranium (Geranium viscosissi mum) deserves attention also. A word of caution might be necessary as itis considered a forage plant and the flowers maybepalatable to deer. Why are they called Cranes bill? It's because their seed pods do somewhat resemble a crane's bill.
WhereBuyers And Sellers Meet •
the Excellent rating in the tri als include: • G . m acrorrhizum"Lah felden": height, 8 inches, with very pale pink blooms in mid spring to early summer • G. "Moran": height, 24 inches, wi th vi ol e t-blue blooms from early spring to late spring • G. "Orion":height, 30 inch es, with purple-blue blooms f rom m i d -spring t o lat e summer
he i r loom
Submitted photo
Many — but not all —gerani ums are hearty enough to do well in the High Desert.
LAHOS CAaiee •
Prompt Delivery Available Sales good through Oct. 31
Easy brisketwill be a hit any time ofyear derful choice for our holiday The Baltimore Sun meal and it is so tasty and Florence Martin, o r i g i easy to make, there is no nally from Paris and now reason it could not be served residing in Baltimore, was any time of year. looking for a recipe for mak Recipe requests ing a traditional American Jewish-style beefbrisket. Bonnie Wilkins, of Bend, Delores Keene, of is searching for a lost Baltimore, sent in her recipe that ran in the favorite brisket recipe, Tampa Tribune in the w hich c o mes f r o m 1980s for a dressing for "Mama Cooks Califor turkey made with wild nia Style, New Twists OpE ri c e dressing and wa on Jewish Classics," a ter chestnuts. 1997 cookbook put out S usan F i sher, o f by the Jewish Home South Bend, Ind., is for the Aging of Los searching for a recipe Angeles. for a cheese ball like the one I liked the way this recipe she used to purchase every sounded so I decided to test year in Mishawaka, Ind. She it out on my family for Rosh said they were made by a lo Hashanah dinner this year. cal sorority there and sold It received rave reviews. The around the h olidays. The key to this recipe, as with cheese balls were a creamy most traditional brisket reci color and rolled in nuts and pes, is advance planning. parsley. In this one, the meat needs — Loolzing for a hard-to-find to marinate overnight before recipe or can answer a request? it is cooked. Also, it is best to Write to Julie Rothman, make this a day or two before Recipe Finder, The Baltimore you intend to serve it: that Sun, 501N. Calvert St., way, the fat can be removed Baltimore, MD21278, oremail easily and flavors have time baltsunrecipefinderC<gmail.corn. to intensify. Names mustaccompany recipes This brisket was a won for them to be published.
a in
Makes 8 servings. 1 (4-Ib) first-cut beef brisket, trimmed of most of its fat 1 C ketchup 1 C water 1 TBS instant minced onion 2 TBS cider vinegar 1 TBS prepared white horseradish
1 TBS Dijon mustard Salt to taste 72tsp freshly ground pepper 2 lg onions, sliced 4 to 5 carrots, sliced into 2-inch chunks 5 med potatoes, quartered
In a bowl, combine ketchup, water, instant onion, vinegar, horserad ish, mustard, salt and pepper. Place brisket in a large, non-aluminum casserole dish, fat side up. Pour mixture over brisket. Cover tightly and allow to marinate in the refrigerator overnight. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place onions on top of brisket and marinade. Cook, covered, for 2l/2 to 3 hours. Add carrots and potatoes. Continue cooking, covered, for 1 toil/2 hours more. Cool and refriger ate. Remove any accumulated fat from top. Slice meat across the grain, reheat and serve with vegetables, using pan juices as gravy.
Authentic carnitas
can be ready in aflash By Susan M. Selasky
bring them together at the last minute. A lot of people eschew left I reheated the pork loin overs. Savvy cooks embrace in the oven, covered, just them. Today's recipe is one enough so it wa s easy to that came about because I pull apart. I beefed up the had a cooked pork loin roast flavor with some good qual tucked away in the freezer as ity Ancho chili powder. And well as ingredients typically instead of salsa, I used the used in Mexican cooking: other leftover ingredients to cilantro, corn tortillas, white make a simple pico de gallo. onions and jalapeno . Similar to a s a lsa, pico What came to mind was de gallo is a relish that can to make carnitas, or pork be made with a variety of tacos. finely chopped ingredients. Carnitas, which m e ans You can use bell peppers, "little meats" in Spanish, are chili peppers and jicama for seasoned, fried pork-filled crunch, onions and cilantro. tacos. They ar e t y p ically These tacos are the real served with soft corn torti deal. So serve them on soft llas topped with salsa. or fried (see recipe) corn tor This recipe is short on la tillas. Top them with condi bor and high on flavor. You ments such as shredded or can prepare a lot of the in chopped radish, cilantro or gredients in a dvance and diced avocado. Detroit Free Press
Pork Tacos With Pico De Gallo Makes 4 servings. FOR THE PICO DE GALLO: 2 tsp canola oll 72C finely chopped white onion 2 plum tomatoes, cored, diced 1 clove garlic, peeled, minced 1 sm jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced 1 TBS lime juice plus lime wedges for garnish 2 tsp white vinegar 72C chopped fresh cilantro
Salt and black pepper to taste FOR THE PORK: 2 tsp canola oll 2zy2C cooked leftover shredded or cubed plain or lightly seasoned pork loin roast '/4 tsp salt 'vfr tsp freshly ground pepper 1 tsp Ancho chili powder 8 corn or flour tortillas, heated (see below) 1 C shredded cabbage
To make the pico de gallo:In a bowl, mix together all the ingre dients (canola oil through cilantro). Season with salt and pepper and set aside. To make the pork:In a medium skillet, heat the canola oil over me dium heat. Season the shredded leftover pork (or chicken) lightly with salt, pepper and chili powder. Add pork to the skillet, saute it to heat through. Divide the pork among the tortillas and serve topped with shredded cabbage for crunch and pico de gallo. Garnish with lime wedges. To heat the tortillas:Wrap them in slightly damp paper towels and place on a microwave-safe plate. Cover with plastic wrap. Microwave on high for 30 to 45 seconds. You can also fry the corn tortillas in oil. Here's a method adapted from the September issue of Everyday Food: Heat 1i/y cups of oil in a heavy skillet to 350 degrees. When hot, add corn tortilla and fry about 15 seconds per side. Using tongs, fold the tortilla in half — it should still be pliable — pressing it to the bottom of the skillet, and fry 25 to 30 seconds. Turn over and repeat on other
By julie Rothman
Barbecued Beef Brisket
eCLl Wl S
a trick to cutting Q•• Isanthere acorn squash in half?
• B ecause of i t s m a n y • ridges, an acorn squash can be difficult to balance on a cutting board. To achieve some stability, turn the squash onto its flat end (stem side down). Using a long chef's knife, start cutting from the top. It's likely that your k n ife will cut only halfway through, at which point you can rock the squash back and forth, using your free hand to put a little pressure along the spine of the knife toward the tip. If gently rocking the squash on your cutting board doesn' t work and your knife is still completely wedged inside it, simply lift the whole thing up — the knife with the squash attached — and firmly and
RubyWashington/ New York imes T News Service
ABOVE:A few simple tools — including, believe it or not, newspaper — can help you transform a weed-ridden yard into a flowering oasis.
quickly (and carefully) bring the squash back down to the c utting board. Gravity w i l l usually help you get the job done.
Making over a backyard
AT LEFT:Round and ridged, acorn squash can be tricky to cut — but its sweet, nutty flavor is well worth the effort.
Suzanne Dechlllo New York Times News Service
• I want to transform my • new backyard by next summer, but it's full of weeds and I have no idea where to start. Any advice? • T he f i r s t t h i n g y o u • should do is get a han dle on the weeds in your lawn. You can find tips for prevent ing future weeds and caring for your grass at safelawns.
org. F or perennial b eds, t h e best way to prevent weeds is to mulch; just be sure to start before the first frost. Mulch keeps weeds at bay, locks in moisture, prevents erosion and improves the quality of the soil without the use of harsh chemicals. And you most likely already have a key ingredient for the mulching process: newspaper. Be sure to use newsprint with only black ink, especially if you' re preparing a vegetable garden, and don't use glossy magazine pages; color dyes may harm the soil. Lay five or six l ayers of newspaper over the soil, and
wet th e p a per t h oroughly using a hose with a s pray nozzle. Cover the newspaper with 3 inches of quality shred ded-bark mulch (no, you don' t even need to weed first). Then you can relax as the "critters" in the ground do your dirty work. M icrobes and b ug s w i l l break down the paper, the mulch and the weeds. The castings they leave behind contain nutrients that will fer tilize the soil. By spring, your garden will be ready for plant ing, and you' ll already have a protective layer of mulch.
Hand-washing delicate clothes it OK to use regular Q•• lIsaundry d e t ergent t o hand-wash clothes? I h ave heard that it's bad for your hands.
• Hand-washing c lothes • with l au n d ry det e r gent m eant f o r ma c h i ne washing can defi n i t ely lead to d ry , i r r itated skin. Conventional laundry deter gents often contain artificial dyes and fragrances that can dry out your hands. Even detergents l abeled "dye-free" or "fragrance-free" can be made with some abra sive chemicals because they are designed for much larger loads and a washing machine with plenty of friction and a rinse cycle. For a gentle experience for your hands, as well as your h and-washables, use a f o r mula specifically d esigned for hand-laundering or even a very mild dishwashing liquid. To h a n d -wash c l o t hes properly, start by adding a few drops of detergent to a
basin of tepid water. Next, s wirl clothes around in t h e soapy water, and then gently squeeze the fabric. After let ting the garment soak for a few minutes, rinse it in warm water until it is free of soap bubbles. Gently co m p ress an d squeeze each garment over the basin to remove excess water. While the clothing is still wet, lay it flat on a clean towel and roll it up, pressing as you roll. Remove it from the towel, and let the clothing air-dry on a hanger, a rack or a clothesline located in a breezy place. Knits and sweaters should be dried flat. — Questions of general interest can be emailed to msllet ters@ marthastewart.corn. For more information on this column, visit www.marthastewart.corn.
Danger lurksbetweensweet andhot peppers By Melissa Clark
Swordfish With Sweet and Hot Peppers
New Yortz Times News Service
There are sweet peppers; there are hot peppers; and then there are those peppers that fall somewhere in between. They are the Russian roulette of peppers, the kinds that you can never be quite sure about until you take a bite. That list is long, and it in cludes pale green banana pep pers, round and shiny cherry peppers, glossy dark g reen poblanos, yellow-hued Hun garian wax peppers. It can be risky cooking with them: Your dinner could end up sweet and mellow or quick pass-the-fire-extinguisher incendiary. Usually what I do is use a wide mix of t hese types of peppers and hope that the dish comes out on the edible side of the Scoville scale. It doesn't always work. Last year, I sauteed a heap of different peppers, then used them as a topping for meaty swordfish. Some bites were b lissful an d p e r fectly b a l anced. Some bites made me cough and gasp for air. The dish had potential. So I decided to try it again this year as pepper season winds down. I hedged my bets. Instead of taking a chance with the gorgeous but unknown pep pers, I purposely mixed the reliably sweet (bell peppers, cubanelles, peperoncini) with the reliably fiery (Serranos, chili de arbol, Scotch bonnets). Then I w o rked their ex tremes. I sauteed the sweet peppers slowly with onions to intensify their gentle honeyed character. And I left half of the hot chilies raw, sharp and bit ing to create as much contrast as possible. Eaten altogether, each bite was both hot and sweet, pun gent from a touch of garlic, tart from a squeeze of lemon and faintly saline from the swordfish.
Makes 4 servings. 2 TBS extra-virgin olive oll 1 sm white onion, thinly sliced 4 C sliced sweet peppers (a mix of bell peppers, cubanelle and others) 1 TBS chopped fresh oregano
1'/4 tsp salt '/z tsp black pepper 3 TBS unsalted butter 1'yzz lbs swordfish, skin removed, cut into 1/4-inch chunks
AndrewScrNanl / New York Times News Service
Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add oil and let warm fort minute. Add onion and cook, tossing occasionally, until soft and golden brown, 7 to 10 minutes. Stir in sweet peppers and oregano; cook until very soft, about 10 minutes. Season with '/z tsp each salt and pepper. Scrape veg etables into a bowl. Melt butter in skillet. While butter melts, toss fish with remaining salt and pepper. Add half the chili peppers to skillet and cook until soft, 1 min ute. Add garlic to skillet and stir quickly to coat with butter. Add fish and reduce heat to medium-low; cook gently until fish is just opaque, about 5 minutes. Return sweet peppers to pan and toss well. Sprinkle with re maining chili peppers and top with a squeeze of lemon and cilantro.
2 to 3 fresh chili de arbol or other hot chilies, seeded lf desired, thinly sliced 1 garlic clove, minced Lemon juice, as needed Chopped cilantro, as needed
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Attorney General' s To place an ad, call party advertis go to Office Co n s umer Labradors, quality! AKC, skis, pair of ski boots, Private 541-385-5809 ers are d efined as Call Classifieds at $75 all, 541-388-9270 www.bendbulletin.corn 2 black, 2 choc; 1 white Protection hotline at or email those who sell one 541-385-5809 female. 541-536-5385 to view additional 1-877-877-9392. dassfied@bendbullevn corn computer. www.bendbulletin.corn http: //www.welcomelabs.corn photos of the item. Golf Equipment • "Please discontinue this 256 Serwng Centra( Oregon i>nre 1903 Serwng Centra i Oregoni>nre l903 Poodle (Toy) Pup English Bulldog Get your i ad as the vehicle has Cobra Z L a d j ustable Photography pies — 2 little black Puppies beensold.lam pleased ~' business d river, 1 0 .5 , $9 5 . SUPER TOP SOIL Aushihtz to y f e m ale AKC registered, 1st g irls l e ft . H o m e to tell you that I had www.hershe soilandbark.corn Photo Printer, Epson puppy rare color with shots & microchipped. raised & s p o iled. 541-923-8271 Screened, soil & com I posted it on Craig's List Stylus Pro 4000,per one blue eye. K e lly Ready to go! $250 ea. S ENIOR post mi x ed , no on 6 different locations Nissan Murano fect, $500, 504-8316 G R O W > N G 541-604-0716. $600 discount. $2000. 541 416-0375 rocks/clods. High hu butit was the Bulletin ad SL AWp 2004 Guns, Hunting 541-771-0522 mus level, exc. f or that sold it!" all-weather tires, tow A US S IES, M I N I/TOY Foster homes needed for 8 Fishing with an ad in Call a Pro flower beds, lawns, Lee, G. pkg, gold metallic, AKC, all colors, must k ittens too s m all t o The Bulletin's beige leather int., a lter/adopt. Res c ue gardens, straight see, parents on site. POODLE (TOY) Pups, Arisaka Model 99, 7.7, 2 Whether you need a moo nroof "Call A Service s creened to p s o i l . 541-598-5314/788-7799 group provides cage, AKC. Pomapoos also! bayonets w/scabbards, fence fixed, hedges food, supplies, vet care; So cute! 541-475-3889 & 1 box ammo. $400. Bark. Clean fill. De Professional" Want Results from qualified trimmed or a house Barn/shop cats FREE, you provide a safe, car liver/you haul. localbuyers? Directory some tame, some not. ing short- term home. Queensland Heelers 541-420-0065 541-548-3949. I built, you' ll find Call usat 541-385-5809 and ask We deliver! Fixed, shots. 541 389 8420 or 598 standard & mini,$150 & Bend local pays CASH!! professional help in 541-389-8420 5488, up. 541-280-1537 http: // for Guns, Knives & 261 about our Whee/ Deal special! ngntwayrancn.wordpress.corn Ammo. 541-526-0617 The Bulletin's "Call a Medical Equipment • Lo s t 8 Found German Shorthair AKC People Look for Information Tbe BuHetis Service Professional" Pups, NFC bred, parents Yorkie male puppies (2), CASH!! About Products and Adult Walker Found Cat, really plain on-site- proven hunters,4 8 weeks, vet checked & For Guns, Ammo & Directory Services Every Day through female, 3 male, $600, shots, c a n de l i ver, Reloading Supplies. with seat, $50. tabby, NW Bend. Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classineds 541-598-6988 $600. 541-792-0375 541-408-6900. Call 541-388-4624 to I.D., 541-382-0094
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The Bulletin
MOrePiXatBendbuletii COrn
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541 a385-5809
Edited by Will Shortz Across
35 Usefulness 39 62-Across to a Yankees fan 42 Long-limbed 43 Video game manufacturer 44 " ain't broke
1 Latin word on a cornerstone -Saxon 5 10 Drafts may be served on it 13 Serves a draft,
e.g. 15 Undomesticated 16 Org. for fillers and drillers 17 62-Across to a mathematician 19 Kith's companion 20 Like some inclement
weather 21 Money V.I.P. 22 What nonparallel lines do eventually 23 62-Across to an astronomer 26 Elbow 28 Federal biomedical agcy. 29 Family member: Abbr. 30 Olive genus
45 Province on
Hudson Bay:
Abbr. 47 Princely inits. 49 Summer, in about one-sixth of
64 Prefix with con 65 Sexy woman in a
Beatles song 66 Inscribed pillar 67 The law has a long one 68 Bandleader Kay 69 Extinct carnivore, familiarly Down 1 iPad users'
purchases 2 "Joy to the Canada 50 62-Across to a World," for one student of Semitic 3 German city languages noted for trials 56 Elis' school 57 " the land of the free ..." 58 Drum kit components 61 Sense of self 62 Age at which Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse died
4 Monteverdi opera hero 5 Helm location in a sloop 6 Candy wafer manufacturer 7 Stern and
brusque 8 British party 9 Cry to a torero
5 14
15 18
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Sats
Tuesday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Mons
Wednesday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Tuese Thursday • • ••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N o o n Wed. Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . . 1 1:00 am Fri. 0 FI I • Saturday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 3a50nn Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Sat s
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Puzzle by Barry Franklin and Sara Kaplan
Garage Sale Special
31 Politico whose 38 Sunrise direction 52 Come to fruition in Spain -black name is an 32 53 Yorkshire city 40 Bit of force anagram of 54 Banks or Els 10 Already occupied, ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 41 Ribald GAOLER 55 Love for Scarlett as a seat 33 " y o u O.K.?" 46 Like most roads 59 TV component B AL E A DD S P E R M S 11 Closing bid? 48 Carol , five E L U L N OW S A V A I L 34 Miner's hat time world figure 60 Pretzels and feature B O X S CO R E S R I F L E 12 Part of an outfit chips, in adspeak skating champion 36 Candy item that OHO R I A L S A L T E D 14 Determined to 62 "For shame!" 50 Striped comes in five accomplish P A R K I NG L O T S scavenger basic flavors 63 Thrice, in I S T GO O T A E 18 Jaded ones 37 Metric 51 Beaverlike prescriptions F S T O P W O R K L O A D S 22 Nyasaland, now For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit U T E 5 T E P E E T R I P l U N K HE A P S P H O N Y 24 Parts of an outfit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday 25 Guns, as an I NS I N V R U E crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. engine B E E R BA R R E L S AT8 T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit D EF E A T O R T S L E E 26 Prominent Nixon nytimes.corn/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past I SA A CU I T E A F EW feature puzzles, nytimes.corn/crosswords ($39.95 a year). BA T C H E T A L L I C E 27 Skin-care product Share tips: nytimes.corn/wordplay. B US H I DE N Y I N H D Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.corn/learning/xwords. ingredient
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PUBLISHER' S Medical Ass i stant Experience required. NOTICE EMPLOYMENT FINANCEAND BUSINESS 682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage We are looking for a All real estate adver RENTALS 410 - Private Instruction 507 - Real Estate Contracts energetic dependable tising in this newspa 603 - RentalAlternatives 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease and efficient person to 421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance per is subject to the 604 - Storage Rentals 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent join our team. We of F air H o using A c t 454- Looking for Employment 528 - Loans and Mortgages 605 - RoommateWanted REAL ESTATE 605 fer a superior salary, which makes it illegal 470- Domestic 8 In-Home Positions 543 - Stocks and Bonds 705 - Real Estate Services e xcellent bene f i t to a d v ertise "any 616 - Want ToRent Roommate Wanted 476 - Employment Opportunities 558 - Business Investments package and a four preference, limitation 627 Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 713 - Real Estate Wanted 486 - Independent Positions 573 - Business Opportunities day work week. Typ Housemate wanted to or disc r imination 630 - Rooms for Rent 719 - Real Estate Trades ing a n d co m puter share home w/owner, based on race, color, 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 726 - Timeshares for Sale 476 476 skills beneficial. Der own bath, storage & religion, sex, handi 730 - New Listings matology experience garage $350/mo+1/2 cap, familial status, 632 - Apt./Multiplex General Employment Employment 634 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale a plus. Outstanding utils, 541-420-5546 marital status or na Opportunities Opportunities p atient care, t e a m tional origin, or an in 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 738 - Multiplexes for Sale player and attention to 630 tention to make any 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 740 - Condos &Townhomesfor Sale detail a must. Posi such pre f e rence, DO YOU NEED CAUTION READERS: Rooms for Rent 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 744 - Open Houses tion involves a vari limitation or discrimi A GREAT 642 Apt./Multiplex Redmond 745- Homes for Sale ety of job duties in a nation." Familial sta NE Bend, private bath & EMPLOYEE Ads published in "Em 746 - Northwest BendHomes paced work envi entrance, fenced pa tus includes children 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished RIGHT NOW? ployment Opportuni fast 747- Southwest BendHomes t ies" i n c lude e m r onment. Fax y o u r tio,new carpet & paint, under the age of 18 648 - Houses for Rent General Call The Bulletin resume with a cover $495. 541-317-1879 living with parents or 650 - Houses for Rent NEBend 748 - Northeast BendHomes before 11 a.m. and ployee and 421 legal cust o dians, 652 - Houses for Rent NWBend get an ad in to pub i ndependent pos i letter to 541-323-2174 749- Southeast Bend Homes email Studios & Kitchenettes pregnant women, and Schools 8 Training lish the next day! tions. Ads for posi OI 750 - RedmondHomes Furnished room, TV w/ people securing cus 654- Houses for Rent SEBend tions that require a fee jodiOcentraloregon 541-385-5809. cable, micro & fridge. tody of children under 656 - Houses for Rent SWBend 753 - Sisters Homes TRUCK SCHOOL or upfront investment dermatology.corn. VIEW the Utils & l inens. New 18. This newspaper 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes www. I IT must be stated. With No phone calls please. Classifieds at: owners. $145-$165/wk will not knowingly ac 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 756- Jefferson County Homes Redmond Campus www.bendbulletin.corn any independent job Remember.... 541-382-1885 cept any advertising 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine Student Loans/Job opportunity, p l e ase A dd your we b a d 757 - Crook County Homes for real estate which is Waiting Toll Free investigate thor dress to your ad and 634 762 - Homeswith Acreage in violation of the law. 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 1-888-387-9252 oughly. readers on The Get your 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Our r e a ders ar e 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters Bulletin' s web site hereby informed that 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 764- Farms andRanches Use extra caution when business 454 be able to click $299 1st mo. rent!! * all dwellings adver 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 771 - Lots applying for jobs on will through automatically GET THEM BEFORE tised in this newspa Looking for Employment line and never pro to your site. 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 773 - Acreages THEY ARE GONE! per are available on vide personal infor 675 - RV Parking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes an equal opportunity 2 bdrm, 1 bath Seeking Position as Pri mation to any source Sales 676 Mobile/Mfd. Space 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land $530 & $540 basis. To complain of vate Caregiver, over you may not have re Telephone prospecting Carports & A/C included! discrimination cal l 10 yrs. exp. in medical/ searched and deemed position for important 650 773 FoxHollow Apts. HUD t o l l -free at surgical floors, very to be reputable. Use With an ad in professional services. 1-800-877-0246. The compassionate, p r o (541) 383-3152 Houses for Rent Acreages extreme caution when Income pote n tial Rental Mgmt. Co toll f re e fessional c a r egiver, The Bulletin's t e l ephone r esponding to A N Y $50,000. (average in Cascade NE Bend 514-294-5440 number for the hear online e m p loyment come 30k-35k) op Upstairs only with lease ing im p a ired is ad from out-of-state. CHECK YOUR AD "Call A Service portunity f o r ad Call for Specials! 1-800-927-9275. Looking for your next Please check your ad vancement. Base & Limited numbers avail. TURN THE PAGE employee? We suggest you call on the first day it runs Professional" Commission, Health 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Place a Bulletin help For More Ads the State of Oregon to make sure it is cor 650 and Dental Benefits. W/D hookups, patios wanted ad today and Consumer Hotline at rect. Sometimes in Will train the right per The Bulletin Directory or decks. Houses for Rent reach over 60,000 1-503-378-4320 s tructions over t h e son. Fax resume to: MOUNTAIN GLEN, NE Bend readers each week. phone are misunder 541-848-6408. 541 -383-93 1 3 745 Your classified ad For Equal Opportunity stood and a n e r ror Professionally 3B/office, garage/hobby will also appear on Sales Homes for Sale L aws: Oregon B u can occur in your ad. managed by Norris & bendbulletin.corn, shop, country home reau of Labor & In If this happens to your Stevens, Inc. b eaut. m t n . vi e w . currently receiving dustry, C i vil Rights BANK OWNED HOMES! ad, please contact us Independent Contractor Sales $1200 mo. No-smok over 1.5 million page Division, FREE List w/Pics! the first day your ad We are seeking dynamic individuals. 642 chasing products or I ing. 541-312-2224. views, every month 971-673-0764 www. BendRepos.corn appears and we will services from out of Apt./Multiplex Redmond at no extra cost. bend and beyond real estate be happy to fix it as DOES THISSOUND LIKE YOU? area. Sending 20967 yeoman, bend or Bulletin Classifieds If you have any ques I the s oon a s w e ca n . • OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE Good classified ads tell c ash, c hecks, o r 2 Bdrm 1 bath, large unit, Get Results! tions, concerns or Deadlines are: Week • PERSONABLE & ENTHUSIASTIC the essential facts in an smkg/pets. W/S/G & Call 541-385-5809 or comments, contact: I credit i n f o rmation no days 11:00 noon for • CONSISTENT & MOTIVATED NOTICE gas paid $550/mo 358 interesting Manner. Write I may be subjected to place your ad on-line Classified Department NW 17th St. Call Gael, from the readers view - not All real estate adver next day, Sat. 11:00 FRAUD. at The Bulletin Our winning team of sales & promotion tised here in is sub a.m. for Sunday and For more i nforma 541-350-2095 the seller' s. Convert the bendbulletin.corn 541-385-5809 ject to t h e F e deral Monday. professionals are making an average of tion about an adver facts into benefits. Show 541 -385-5809 Duplex 3 bdrm, 2 bath, the reader how the item will F air H o using A c t , $400 - $800 per week doing special tiser, you may call I the Oregon S t ate 1260 sq.ft., 1 story, ga Thank you! which makes it illegal The Bulletin events, trade shows, retail & grocery Have an item Io The Bulletin Classified rage w/opener, fenced help them in someway. to advertise any pref I Attorney General's store promotions while representing This RV/Boat parking, sell quick? erence, limitation or Office Co n s umerg yard, advertising tip THE BULLETlN newspaper fridge, dishwasher, mi discrimination based Protection hotline at I If it's under brought to you by Just too many Look at: cro, walk-in laundry, as an independent contractor on race, color, reli I 1-877-877-9392. W/S/G paid, front gard '500 you can place it in gion, sex, handicap, collectibles? Bendhomes.corn The Bulletin ner paid, $775+dep., Bulletin yyEOFFER: Stlllll z rzllllsl Oltgoll slllcelaa familial status or na for Complete Listings of The Bulletin * 541-604-0338 *Solid Income Opportunity tional origin, or inten Sell them in Area Real Estate for Sale Classifieds for: *Complete Training Program* tion to make any such The Bulletin Classifieds * preferences, l i m ita *No Selling Door to Door '1 0 - 3 lines, 7 days tions or discrimination. *No Telemarketing Involved* Caregiver Property Management, Inc. * We will not knowingly 541-385-5809 '16 - 3 lines, 14 days *Great Advancement Opportunity Prineville Senior care 541-382-0053 accept any advertis h ome l o oking f o r * Full and Part Time Hours * (Private Party ads only) ing for r ea l e s tate 775 Caregiver for multiple which is in violation of s hifts, p a rt-time t o AVAILABLE BEND AREA RENTALS Manufactured/ FOR THE CHANCE OF A this law. All persons 656 full-time. Pass Mobile Homes LIFETIME, are hereby informed criminal background Houses for Rent • 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath SE Duplex — Si n gle garage. that all dwellings ad Call Adam Johnson check. 541-447-5773. Small fenced, natural back yard. FP. W/D SW Bend vertised are available FACTORY SPECIAL 541-410-5521, TODAY! Hookups.New carpet& paint.No Pets.$6 50 on an equal opportu New Home, 3 bdrm, 528 yyST Clean 3 (could be 4) $47,500 finished nity basis. The Bulle Loans 8 Mortgages • Furnished 1 Bdrm/2 Bath Condo next to bedroom, on nearly 1 tin Classified on your site,541.548.5511 Independent Contractor Pioneer Park. Laundry facilities. Indoor Pool. www.JandMHomes.corn acre, $1200 mo., 1 WARNING Murphy bed.Gated community. No pets. $675 year lease required, Where can you find a The Bulletin recom 541-390-4213 750 (All Utilities included except cable) mends you use cau • FULLY furnished 1 Bdrm/1 Bath Condo helping hand? Redmond Homes tion when you pro Mt. Bachelor Village. Has Murphy bed, too! 658 From contractors to vide personal Great place to transition or vacation. Access to Houses for Rent Redmond Worry Free yard care, it's all here information to compa pool & Jacuzzi. Free Wi-Fi. No pets. $675 yyST Certified Home $149,000 Redmond nies offering loans or • Lovely Condo on the River - 2 Bdrm/2 Bath. in The Bulletin's Huge Landscaped Lot credit, especially Gated community. Single garage. Extra stor Move in Ready! "Call A Service 1600 sq ft 3 bdrm + den, those asking for ad age room. Gas FP. Vaulted ceilings. W/D 1.75 bath, gas fireplace, 800-451-5808 ext 819 Professional" Directory vance loan fees or hookups. Great floor plan. St 100 yyS 2-car garage, fenced companies from out of • 3 Bdrm/2 Bath NW Home - Shevlin Park Fleetwood 1997, 14x60, backyard, great neigh state. If you have Fenced back yard. Dbl. garage. Tile counters. borhood, close to shop The Bulletin is your 2 bdrm, 1 bath., well concerns or ques Hardwood floors. Pine trim & decor. W/D in ping &schools.$895/mo maint., $17,000 OBO, tions, we suggest you cluded.Dogs only considered. GFA. 1638 sq. + dep. Pets nego, avail must be moved from consult your attorney ft. $1250.00 10/1/12. 541-504-4624, Tumalo loca t ion, or call CONSUMER • Open spacious 3Bdrm/2 Bath SW Home Marketplace or 541-419-0137 503-523-7908. HOTLINE, near schools - office at entrance. Hardwood 1-877-877-9392. floor. Lots of built-ins and pull outs. Large gas 660 Call Take care of fireplace. Vaulted ceilings. Crafts room up BANK TURNED YOU Houses for Rent your investments stairs with sink. Fruit trees. Pets? $1495.00 5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9 DOWN? Private party We are looking for independent contractors to La Pine with the help from will loan on real es • Beautiful 4 Bdrm/3.5 Bath NW Awbrey service home delivery routes in: tate equity. Credit, no Butte home. 2 story with Bonus Room and to advertise. La Pine — Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 The Bulletin's problem, good equity Built-in office area. Master and Guest suites on Ba, in Crescent Creek "Call A Service is all you need. Call the Main. Tranquility in the trees. partially wrap subdivision. Gas appli www.bendbulletin.corn around porches front and back. Formal dining. now. Oregon L a nd ances & fireplace, dbl Professional" Directory Huge river rock FP. Triple garage. Must see. Mortgage 388-4200. garage, fitness center, 3525 s . ft. $2295.00 park. $800 mo; $900 i R d ~u LOCAL MONEY:We buy Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. deposit. 541-815-5494 AVAILABLE REDMOND AREA RENTALS $19,900 2 bdrm, 2 bath Serving Central Oregon znce 1903 secured trust deeds & Must have reliable, insured vehicle. $23,900 2 bdrm, 1 bath note, some hard money 3 Bdrm/2 BathSW Home — Fenced back yard 687 loans. Call Pat Kelley $38,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath with large patio. Dbl. garage. New paint, car Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 541-382-3099 ext.13. $39,999 3 bdrm, 2 bath Commercial for 762 pet, appl., 1120 sq. ft. $850.00 541-548-5511 during business hours 2 Bdrm/1 Bath NW Apt. — Spacious, bright Rent/Lease Homes with Acreage Reverse Mortgages www.JandMHomes.corn apply via email at online © bendbulletjn.corn upstairs unit with A/C. Nice balcony. Extra by local expert Mike large kitchen. On-site laundry. $525.00 WST Spectrum professional 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. Movers! $7 999 2 bdrm LeRoux NMLS57716 *** building, 2 5 0 ' -500', side of Bend, 4 bdrm, 1 bath, $19,999 Office/ Call to learn more. FOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES*** $1.00 per ft. total. No 2.5 bath, small shed, Studio, $32,900 3 bdrm, 541-350-7839 CALL 541-382-0053 8/or Stop By the Office N NN. C a l l An d y , must be pre-qualified, 2 bath, 541-548-5511 Security1 Lending at 587 NE Greenwood, Bend NMLS98161 541-385-6732. $350,000, 541-389-7481 www.JandMHomes.corn •
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Motorhomes •
Motorh o mes
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Econoline RV 1989, Winnebago Class C 27' Caro-Lite Luxury 2009 fully loaded, exc. cond, 19 9 2,Ford 460 V8,64K by Carriage, 4 slide 35K orig. mi.,$19,750. mi., good cond.,$7000 outs, inverter, satel Call 541-546-6133. OBO 5 4 1-678-5575 lite sys, fireplace, 2 flat screen TVs. 881 $60,000. CAN'T BEAT THIS! 1000 541-480-3923 Look before you Travel Trailers Legal Notices • Legal Notices buy, below market • Le g al Notices value! Size & mile To "appear" you must Oregon regarding the age DOES matter! LEGAL NOTICE file with the court a le manufacture, distribu Class A 32' Hurri Estate of ROBERT L. I tion, or possession of cane by Four Winds, SC HWAN. NOT IC E gal paper called a 2007. 12,500 mi, all TO INT E RESTED "motion" or "answer". controlled substances The "motion" or "an (ORS Chapter 475); amenities, Ford V10, Arctic Fox 22-ft 2000, Wilderness PERSONS. Case No: swer" must be given and/or 870 870 (2) Was used Ithr, cherry, slides, ducted AC, Irg frig, roof Fleetwood No t i ce: 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 12PB0088. like new! New low rack, sofa, dinette, queen rear bdrm, fireplace, The Circuit Court of to the court clerk or or intended for use in Boats 8 Accessories Boats 8 Accessories :0 price, $54,900. administrator w i t hin committing or f acili bed, like new, $5500 AC, W/D hkup beau the State of Oregon, 30 days of the date of tating the violation of, 541-548-5216 13' obo. 541-419-4890 Smokercraft GENERATE SOME ex tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. for the County of Des first publication speci solicitation to violate, c hutes, h a s ap 7985, good cond., citement in your neig 541-81 5-2380 27' 2285 fied herein along with attempt to violate, or Plan a ga G ulfsfream Sce n i c 2012 LANCE pointed Susanne M. 15HP gas Evinrude borhood. $26,950 (orig the required filing fee. conspiracy to violate rage sale and don' t Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, TRAILER Schwan as Personal $32K) Looks/smells new; + Minakota 44 elec. forget to advertise in Cummins 330 hp die It must be in proper the criminal laws of Representative of the used 6 times. Loaded. motor, fish finder, 2 classified! 385-5809. form and have proof the State of Oregon sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 Hunters, take your wife Estate of Robert L. extra seats, trailer, in. kitchen slide out, along in luxury! Owner: Schwan, d e ceased. o f service o n t h e regarding the manu plaintiff's attorney or, facture, distribution or extra equip. $3500 Serving Central Oregon smce 1903 new tires, under cover, 541-383-4513 for details. All persons h aving if the plaintiff does not p ossession of c o n K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 claims against said hwy. miles only,4 door otorcycles & Accessories obo. 541-388-9270 slide, AC, TV, awning. at t o rney, trolled sub s tances fridge/freezer ice estate are required to have a n NEW: tires, converter, maker, W/D combo, Used out-drive p resent th e s a m e, proof of service upon (ORS Chapter 475). Harley Davidson Soft 17' 1984 Chris Craft batteries. Hardly used. with proper vouchers t he plaintiff. If y o u IN THE MATTER OF: Interbath tub & Tail De luxe 20 0 7, parts - Mercury Scorpion, 140 HP $15,500. 541-923-2595 (1)U.S. Currency in shower, 50 amp pro to Su s a nn e M. have any q uestions white/cobalt, w / pas — OMC rebuilt ma inboard/outboard, 2 the amo u n t of pane gen & m o re! Schwan, c / o AN y ou should see a n senger kit, Vance & rine motors: 151 FIND IT! finders, troll $55,000. DREA SHA R T EL, attorney immediately! $4,751.00, Case No. Hines muffler system depth $1595; 3.0 $1895; BUY IT! ing motor, full cover, Pioneer Spirit 18CK, If you need help in 2012-00168697 541-948-2310 ATTY AT LAW, PO & kit, 1045 mi., exc. 4.3 (1993), $1995. EZ — Load trailer, finding an a t torney, seized 8/1 7/1 2 from SELL IT! Box 688, Bend, OR c ond, $19,9 9 9 , 541-389-0435 $3500 OBO. electnc tongue lack, The Buiietin Ciassifieds you may call the Or James Babcock. 9 7709 w i t hin f o u r 541-389-9188. 541-382-3728. months from the date egon State Bar Law (2)U.S. Currency in Harley Heritage yer Referral Service at the amo u n t of of first publication of Hunter's Delight! Pack Softail, 2003 (503) 684-3763 or toll $5,067.00, Case No. this notice as stated age deal! 1988 Win Watercraft $5,000+ in extras, below, or they may be f ree i n O r egon a t 2012-00168697 17' Seaswirl 1988 nebago Super Chief, $2000 paint job, 452- 7 636. seized 8/1 6/12 and barred. All p e rsons (800) open bow, r ebuilt 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t 30K mi. 1 owner, FIRST D A T E OF 8/17/12 from Jessica whose rights may be 2007 Sea Doo R Chevy V6 e ngine, shape; 1988 Bronco II For more information PUBLICATION: Octo Smith. affected by this pro 2004 Waverunner, new uph o lstery, 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K MONTANA 3585 2008, please call ber 2, 2012. /s/Mikel ceeding may obtain excellent condition, LEGAL NOTICE mostly towed miles, Springdale 2005 27', 4' 541-385-8090 $4500 or best offer. exc. cond., 3 slides, R . Miller. Mikel R . LOW hours. Double 707-688-4523 nice rig! $15,000 both. slide in dining/living area, king bed, Irg LR, Arc additional information Miller, OSB¹ 914754, The T i llicum V i llage or 209-605-5537 trailer, lots of extras. Homeowners A s so 541-382-3964, leave sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 tic insulation, all op from the records of obo. 541-408-3811 the court, the P e r Attorney for Plaintiff. ciation is required by $10,000 msg. tions $37,500. HD FAT BOY sonal Representative, LEGAL NOTICE a greement with t h e 541-71 9-8444 541-420-3250 ~~ rp"] or the A ttorney for NOTICE OF SEIZURE 1996 City of Bend to con Itasca Spirit Class C Personal Representa Completely rebuilt/ Nuyya 297LK Hi tch FOR CIVIL vert its non-potable ir Q5 Ads published in "Wa 2007, 20K miles, front customized, low Hiker 2007, 3 slides, tive. Dated and first FORFEITURE TO ALL rigation system to the r entertainment center, ercraft" include: Kay 32' touring coach, left published September miles. Accepting of POTENTIAL potable City w a t er all bells & whistles, ks, rafts and motor fers. 541-548-4807 kitchen, rear lounge, 25, 2012. P e rsonal CLAIMANTS AND TO system by April 2015. extremely good con 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 ized personal dition, 2 s l ides, 2 many extras, beautiful representative: Sus ALL UNKNOWN The Tillicum Village atercrafts. For HDTV's, S pringdale 29' 2 0 0 7, c ond. inside & o u t , anne M . Volvo Penta, 270HP, Sc h wan,PERSONS READ THIS Board of Directors is Need help fixing stuff? $48,500 " boats" please s e e slide, Bunkhouse style, $34,499 OBO, Prinev 2600 NE Forum Drive, hrs., must see, CAREFULLY s eeking b id s f r o m Call A ServiceProfessional low OBO. 541-447-5484 lass 870. sleeps 7-8, excellent ille. 541-447-5502 days ¹35, Bend, OR 97701. $15,000, 541-330-3939 qualified irrigation de find the help you need. condition, $ 1 6 ,900, & 541-447-1641 eves. Attorney for Personal 541-385-5809 If you have any inter sign and construction www.bendbulletin.corn 541-390-2504 R epresentative: A n est i n t h e s e i zed contractors t o de drea Shartel, property d e s c ribed velop plans for this HD Screaming Eagle OSB¹96178, PO Box below, you must claim conversion complete Electra Glide 2005, 20.5' 2004 Bayliner 688, Bend, OR 97709, that interest or you will with spe c ifications 103" motor, two tone 205 Run About, 220 Telephone: (541) automatically lose that and cost estimates. candy teal, new tires, 330-1704, Fax: (541) HP, V8, open bow, interest. If you do not The successful bider 23K miles, CD player Jayco Seneca 2 007, 330-1844, Email: an file a c laim for the exc. cond., very fast will also be required to Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th hydraulic clutch, ex 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy w/very low hours, drea Ioi shartellaw.corn property, the property provide installation of cellent condition. 5500 d i e sel , toy Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 wheel, 1 s lide, AC, lots of extras incl. may be forfeited even the approved plan. LEGAL NOTICE Highest offer takes it. hauler $130 , 000. 29', weatherized, like TV,full awning, excel tower, Bimini & lent shape, $23,900. IN T H E Sea Kayaks - Hi s & 541-389-2636. CI R C UIT if you are not con A pre-bid meeting will 541-480-8080. n ew, f u rnished & custom trailer, be held for all inter Hers, Eddyline Wind C OURT FO R T H E victed of any crime. ready to go, incl Wine 541-350-8629 $19,500. Honda Elite 80 2001, Dancers,17', fiberglass STATE OF OREGON To claim an interest, ested bidders at the ard S a t ellite dish, 541-389-1413 you must file a written Deschutes Downtown 1400 mi., absolutely boats, all equip incl., FOR THE COUNTY 26,995. 541-420-9964 L i b rary on like new., comes w/ paddies, personal flo OF DES C HUTES. claim with the forfei Bend tation devices,dry bags, carrying rack for 2" L AW O F FICE O F ture counsel named Wednesday, October C A L L W spray skirts, roof rack w/ below, Th e w r i tten 10, 2012. from 6:00 receiver, ideal for use MIKEL R. MILLER, TODAY% towers & cradles — Just claim must be signed p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Site w/motorhome, $995, P .C., P l aintiff, v s . Tent t railer add water, $1250/boat by you, sworn to un visits are encouraged 541-546-6920 Immaculate! Viking In t e rnational ANDREW T HOMAS 2 008, c lean, s e l f Pilgrim 20.5' Seaswirl Spy Firm. 541-504-8557. POWELL, Defendant. der penalty of perjury both prior and after Beaver Coach Marquis contained, sleeps 5, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, der 1989 H.O. 302, before a notary public, the pre-bid meeting. 40' 1987. New cover, easy to tow, great Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Case No. CV 120060. and state: (a) Your Questions may be di Softail Deluxe 285 hrs., exc. cond., 880 SUMMONS. To: AN new paint (2004), new cond. $5200, obo. Fall price $ 2 1,865. 2010, 805 miles, stored indoors for rected to the Chair D REW THOM A S true name; (b) The Motorhomes inverter (2007). Onan 541-383-71 50. 541-31 2-4466 Black Chameleon. life $11,900 OBO. man of the Tillicum 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, POWELL, Defendant. address at which you 541-379-3530 will a c cept f u t u re Village Water Conver $17,000 YOU ARE hereby re parked covered $35,000 m ailings f ro m th e sion Committee, Deak obo. 541-419-9859 or Call Don IN quired to appear and 541-280-2014 (541) answer the complaint court and f o rfeiture P reble a t 541-41 0-3823 Ads published in the 388-3366. filed against you in the counsel; and (3) A "Boats" classification 1oa s tatement that y o u above-entitled action include: Speed, fish within thirty (30) days have an interest in the ing, drift, canoe, Weekend Warrior Toy Regal Prowler AX6 Ex from the date of the seized property. Your Country Coach Intrigue house and sail boats. Hauler 28'2007, Gen, 2002, 40' Tag axle. treme Edition 38' '05, first publication of this deadline for filing the For all other types of fuel station, exc cond. claim document with 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all summons upon you, Cummins Die watercraft, please see 400hp sleeps 8, black/gray maple cabs, king bed/ with t h e req u ired forfeiture cou n s el To the bicyclist who I sel. tw o s l ide-outs. Monaco Dynasty 2004, Class 875. invertantly cut off at 4 1,000 m iles, n e w loaded, 3 slides, die i nterior, u se d 3X , bdrm separated w/slide C ourt filing fee; i n n amed below is 2 1 541-385-5809 $24,999. glass dr,loaded, always case of your failure to days from the last day the Mill Mall round tires & batteries. Most sel, Reduced — now 541-389-91 88 garaged, lived in only 3 d o s o , about last Saturday, options.$95,000 OBO f or wan t of publication of this $119,000, 5 4 1 -923 mo,brand new $54,000, thereof, petitioner will notice. Where to file my apologies. 541-678-571 2 8572 or 541-749-0037 882 still like new, $28,500, apply to the Court for a claim and for more will deliver,see rvt.corn, the relief demanded in i nformation: Da i n a Fifth Wheels ad¹4957646 for pics. Vitolins, Crook County the complaint. The Whether you' re Gory, 541-580-7334 District Attorney Of Bighorn 2008 3400RL complaint all e g es looking for a home 37' fireplace, 3 slides, fice, 300 N E T h i rd breach of contract for or need a service, king bed, upgrades SPRINTER 36' 2005, damages in the Street, Prineville, OR 97754. your future is in $30,000 $10,500 obo. Two amount of $3,331.86 Southwind 35.5' Triton, 541-81 5-7220 Notice of reasons for slides, sleeps 5, these pages. plus interest of 1.5% Crii 54!3855809 iopromoteyourservice Advertisefor 28dap starting ai 'l43 Ira specafpa@ ageis notavailableonorrrwebsc 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du queen air mattress, each month since De Forfeiture: The prop pont UV coat, 7500 mi. The Bulletin small sgl. bed, couch cember 31, 2011, and erty described below Bought new at folds out. 1.5 baths, To Subscribe call attorney fees pursu was seized for forfei $132,913; 541-382-0865, 541-385-5800 or go to ant to ORS 2 0.082. t ure because it ( 1 ) Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care asking $93,500. leave message! NOTICE T O THE Constitutes the p ro www.bendbulletin.corn Call 541-419-4212 Thousands ofadsdaily DEFENDANT: READ ceeds of the violation NOTICE: Oregon state Nelson Landscape T HESE PAPE R S of, solicitation to vio in print andonline. law req u ires any Maintenance CAREFULLY! You late, attempt to vio one who co n t racts Serving must "appear" in this late, or conspiracy to Zor/dt z gaa8rip for construction work Central Oregon case or the other side violates, the criminal to be licensed with the Za~< ge-e /,. ' i il~ Residential will win automatically. laws of the State of C onstruction Con & Commercial tractors Board (CCB). More Than Service Reserving spots A n active lice n se Peace Of Mind for sprinkler means the contractor • Le g al Notices Legal Notices • Legal Notices
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i s bonded and i n s ured. Ver i f y t h e Fall Clean Up Don't track it in all Winter contractor's CCB •Leaves c ense through t h e • Cones CCB Cons u m er •Needles
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or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recom mends checking with the CCB prior to con tracting with anyone. Some other t r ades also req u ire addi tional licenses a nd certifications.
Debris Removal
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LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING — Board of County Commissioners, Deschutes County
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ERIC REEVE HANDY SERVICES. Home & Free Estimates Commercial Repairs, Senior Discounts Carpentry-Painting, Pressure-washing, 541-390-1466 Discounts available H oney Do' s.O n-time Same Day Response Call Cutting Edge promise. Senior Lawnworks: N OTICE: ORE G O N Discount. Work guar Landscape Contrac 541-81 5-4097 • anteed. 541-389-3361 LCB ¹8451 tors Law (ORS 671) or 541-771-4463 r equires a l l bus i Call The Yard Doctor Bonded & Insured nesses that advertise for yard maintenance CC B¹1 81 595 to p e r form L a n d thatching, sod, sprin scape C o n struction kler blowouts, water USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! which inclu d es: features, more! p lanting, decks , Allen 541-536-1294 Door-to-door selling with fences, arbors, LCB 5012 fast results! It's the easiest w ater-features, a n d way in the world to sell. installation, repair of Aeration/Fall Clean-up BOOK NOW! irrigation systems to The Bulletin Classified be licensed with the Weekly/one-time service avail. Bonded, insured, Landscape Contrac 541-385-5809 free estimates! t ors B o a rd . Th i s 4-digit number is to be COLLINS Lawn Maint. I DO THAT! Ca/i 541 -480-9714 included in all adver Home/Rental repairs Small jobs to remodels tisements which indi Just bought a new boat? cate the business has Sell your old one in the Honest, guaranteed work. CCB¹151573 a bond, insurance and classifieds! Ask about our workers c ompensa Super Seller rates! Dennis 541-317-9768 541-385-5809 tion for their employ ees. For your protec Home Improvement Bend Landscaping tion call 503-378-5909 Sprinkler Blowouts, or use our website: Kelly Kerfoot Const. and Winterization 28 yrs exp in Central OR! www.lcb.state. to 541-382-1655 Quality & honesty, from check license status LOB¹ 7990 carpentry & handyman before con t racting b u s iness.Maverick Landscaping jobs, to expert wall cov with t h e ering install / removal. Persons doing land Mowing, weedeating, scape m a intenance Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 yard detailing, chain Licensed/bonded/insured do not require a LCB saw work & more! 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 license. LCB¹8671 541-923-4324
Sprinkler Blow outs
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3,SSl 1C 8 WWW.bendbullettn.corn
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Deschutes County intends to convey all right, title and interest in the following described land to the La Pine Parks and Recreation District (the "District" ). These parcels, comprising approximately 30.49 acres, are currently designated "park" by Order of the Board of County Commissioners. The land will be conveyed without consideration for park and recreation purposes as authorized by ORS 275.330. The land is adjacent to lands owned by the District, commonly known as Audia Park. Parcel 1 Situate in the County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, described as fol lows: A portion of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S 1/2 NW 1/4) of Section 17, Township 22 South, Range 10 East of the Willamette Me ridian, beginning at the northwest quarter corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 02 27' West 685.04 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 64 55.5' East, 138.39 feet to a point; thence on a 50' radius curve 107.54 feet to a point; thence North 89 47' East, 100 feet; thence North 38 26.5' East, 160.08 feet; thence North 89 47' East, 2,000 feet; thence South 39 04' East, 231.14 feet; thence North 89 47' East, 160.0 feet; thence North 38 38' East, 231.14 feet; thence North 0 13' West, 40.0 feet; thence North 89 47' East, 300.0 feet; thence South 0 13' East, 40.0 feet; thence South 20 07.5' East, 191.46 feet; thence North 89 47' East, 160.0 feet; thence North 40 50.5' East, 848.74 feet; thence North 89 47' East, 546.93 feet; thence South 2 05.5' East, 441.43 feet; thence North 65 35.5' West, 340.0 feet; thence South 62 45.5' West, 171.81 feet; thence South 2 05.5' East, 165.07 feet; thence South 87 5 4.5' West, 120.0 feet; thence South 2 05.5' East, 170.07 feet; thence South 87 54.5' East, 120.0 feet; thence South 2 05.5' East, 225.10 feet; thence South 89 36.5' West, 1,380.0 feet; thence South 59 16' West, 495.0 feet; thence South 0 23' East, 150.05 feet; thence South 89 36.5' East, 453.22 feet; thence North 02 27' West, 623.45 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements of record, including Easement — Little Deschutes River Public Access, re corded July 11, 1980, as Document 907 in Book 324, Page 761, Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. Parcel 2 Lot 12,Block 3, DESCHUTES RIVER ACRES, Deschutes County, Or egon, SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations and ease ments of record. Parcel 3 Lot 11, Block 3, DESCHUTES RIVER ACRES, Deschutes County, Or egon, SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations and ease ments of record. Parcel 4 Lot 7,Block 3, DESCHUTES RIVER ACRES, Deschutes County, Or egon, SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations and ease ments of record. Parcel 5 Lot 6,Block 3, DESCHUTES RIVER ACRES, Deschutes County, Or egon, SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations and ease ments of record. Parcel 6 Lot 2,Block 3, DESCHUTES RIVER ACRES, Deschutes County, Or egon, SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations and ease ments of record. Deschutes County will hold a public hearing to accept comments on the proposed conveyance. The meeting is scheduled for 10:00 am, Wednesday, October 31, 2012, at 1300 NW Wall Street, Barnes Hear ing Room. Information is available at cilities/Public-Hearing-October-31,-2012.aspxor by calling Teresa Rozic, Property Specialist, at 541-385-1414.
Fifth Wheels
Trucks 8 Heavy Equipment
Antique 8 Classic Autos
Ford Ranchero 1979
Taurus 27.5' 1988 Everything works, $1750/partial trade for car. 541-460-9127
Canopies 8 Campers Raider canopy, fits 6-ft bed, fiberglass, perfect s hape, $ 6 00 . Cal l 541-388-4662; 604-0116
E conoline trail e r Chevy C-20 Pickup 16-Ton 29 ' B ed, 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; w/fold up ramps, elec. auto 4-spd, 396, model brakes, P i n t lehitch, CST /all options, orig. owner, $24,000, $4700, 541-548-6812 541-923-6049
m tsv x Hyster H25E, runs well, 2982 Hours, $3500, call 541-749-0724
0 0 0
Antique 8 Classic Autos
1980 Chevy C30, 16K original miles, 400 cu in, auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 obo. 541-389-2600
with 351 Cleveland modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo. 541-420-4677 Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond. in & out. Asking $8,500. 541-480-3179
1970 Ford pickup and c amper, an d 1 9 9 0 Ford pickup. both 3/4 ton, As is. Also 1980 Yamaha 850 XS low miles. $650 E AC H! 541-389-5226
Sport Utility Vehicles
Autom o biles •
Automo b iles Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 254k; 1996 Camry, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of miles left in these cars. Price? You tell me! I'd guess $2000-$4000. Your servant, Bob at
CeC E<~ Toyota 4Runner 4WD 1986, auto, 2 dr., needs work $995, 541-923-7384
RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L
hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 541-420-3634 /390-1 285
People Look for Information • About Products and Services Every Day through 1999 Ford F250 XLT The Bulletin ClassiBeds Super Dut y S u p er Cab. V10, 6.8L, auto, 935 4x4, 90k miles, AC, winch, grille, many ex Sport Utility Vehicles tras, 2 extra tailgates and 5th wheel set-up. $9900 541-317-0554.
Chrysler Sebri ng2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond, very low miles (38k), always garaged, transferable warranty incl. $8600
541-318-9999, no
charge for looking.
541-330-4087 Need to get an ad Jeep Grand Cherokee in ASAP? Chevy Astro Limited 2 0 05, fully Cargo Van 2001, loaded, sunroof, pw, pdl, great cond., heated leather seats, Fax it te 541-322-7253 business car, well new tires, G PS, al m aint, regular o i l ways garaged, 127K 1 The Bulletin Classifieds c hanges, $4 5 0 0 , owner miles, maint. please call r ecords, $9900 , 541-633-5149 Volvo V50 WGN 2006, 541-593-9908. 6-spd, T6 AWD, black, 90K m i . , $ 1 2 ,500, Chevy G-20 c u stom Want to impress the 541-382-4675 conversion travel van relatives? Remodel 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear your home with the elect. bed, 75% tires. a VW Golf TDI 2001 real beauty in & out! help of a professional Silver, will go fast, Travel in economy and from The Bulletin's great fuel economy, style and under $4000. "Call A Service runs good 192,000 Bob, 541-318-9999 miles. $5000. Professional" Directory
Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean, mechanicall y sound, 82k Peterbilt 35 9 p o table GMC i to n1 971 Only Ford 2 50 X L T 1 9 9 0, miles. $23,900. water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, low Call 541-815-1216 St9,700! Original XTR hyd. 6 yd. dump 3200 gal. tank, 5hp excePtional, 3rd bed ' 1 39k Au t o pump, 4-3" h o ses, Chevy Wagon 1957, mile, Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 owner. 951-699-7171 4-dr., camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. complete, $5800 541 4'10 9997' 541-233-9517 4x4. 120K mi, Power 541-820-3724 $15,000 OBO, trades, Redmond/Bend seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Automobiles Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT please call row s eating, e x tra 1 999, a u to., p e a rl 925 541-420-5453. tires, CD, privacy tint Audi S4 Cabriolet 2005 w hite, very low m i . Utility Trailers Mercury M o n t errey ing, upgraded rims. Ford F250 XLT 4x4 $9500. 541-788-8218. WHEN YOU SEE THIS Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 1965, Exc. All original, Fantastic cond. $7995 49K mi, red w/charcoal interior, 2 sets tires, 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, 4-dr. sedan, in stor L ariat, 1990, r e d , Contact Tim m at 80K original miles, $1 9 950 auto. trans, ps, air, Find exactly what 541-408-2393 for info exc c on d age last 15 yrs., 390 4" lift with 39's, well firm. 541-350-5373. 1/3 interest in Colum frame on rebuild, re High you are looking for in the or to view vehicle. Co m pression maintained, $ 4 000 On a classified ad bia 400, located at Big Tex Landscap painted original blue, B MW 5 2 8 iT a 19 9 9 new tires & li obo. 541-419-5495 CLASSIFIEDS Sunriver. $ 1 3 8,500. ing/ ATI/ Trailer, original blue interior, engine, go to Sport Wagon — Fully c ense, reduced t o original hub caps, exc. $2850, 541-41 0-3425. www.bendbulletin.corn Call 541-647-371 8 dual axle flatbed, loaded. Call for de 7'x16', 7000 lb. chrome, asking $9000 to view additional tails, 51 0 - 909-8085 1 /3 interest i n w e l l or ma k e offe r . Ford Exc u rsion cell (live i n B end). photos of the item. GVW, all steel, equipped IFR Beech $1400. 541-385-9350. Find It in 2005, 4WD, diesel, $4,000 or best offer. B onanza A 36 , l o 541-382-4115, or exc. cond., $18,900, Check out the The Bulletin Classifieds! cated KBDN. $55,000. Buicks! 1996 Regal, 541-280-7024. call 541-923-0231. classifieds online 541-385-5809 541-419-9510 87k; 1997 LeSabre, 112k; and others! Porsche 911 1974, low www.bendbulletin.corn Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, Ford Expedition 4WD, 931 Updated daily You' ll not find nicer mi., complete motor/ Executive Hangar Chrysler SD 4-Door 7 1K, X- c ab , X L T , 2000, 137K, new tires, trans. rebuild, tuned Buicks $3500 & up. at Bend Airport Automotive Parts, 1930, C DS Royal 4 0L $ 7 9 00 $5500. 541-419-1317 suspension, int. & ext. One look's worth a 8-cylinder, (KBDN) OBO. 541-388-0232 Service 8 Accessories Standard, refurb., oi l c o o ling, Looking for your 60' wide x 50' deep, body is good, needs thousand words. Call shows new in & out, next employee? Bob, 541-318-9999. w/55' wide x 17' high L ike new, over 9 0 % some r e s toration, GMC Denali 2003 perf. m e ch. c o n d. Place a Bulletin help for an appt. and take a bi-fold door. Natural tread, set of 4 tires on runs, taking bids, loaded with options. Much more! drive in a 30 mpg. car wanted ad today and Plymouth B a r racuda gas heat, office, bath rims, Federal Formoza 541-383-3888, Exc. cond., snow $28,000 541-420-2715 reach over 60,000 541-815-3318 1966, original car! 300 room. Parking for 6 205/65 Rx15, $200. tires and rims in Cadillac CTS S e dan readers each week. c ars. A d jacent t o Excellent set of 4 stud hp, 360 V8, center cluded. 130k hwy 2007, 29K, auto, exc. PORSCHE 914 1974, Your classified ad lines, (Original 273 Frontage Rd; g r eat ded Goodyear t ires, miles. $12,000. Roller (no e ngine), cond, loaded, $17,900 will also appear on eng & wheels incl.) 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Call car has not been wet white soft top & hard s. . rt We have 4 Hankook Jeep Willys 1947,custom, dillac Series 61 1950, 2 Bed Pickup 1963, 1 385-5809 or place looking for? in 8 years. On trip to top. Just reduced to 225/70R16 studded dr. hard top, complete ton dually, 4 s pd. small block Chevy, PS, Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., your ad on-line at ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP snow tires mounted $3,750. 541-317-9319 w/spare front c l i p., trans., great MPG, You' ll find it in OD, mags+ trailer. Swap bendbulletin.corn SHARE LEFT! $5400, 541-593-4016. or 541-647-8483 on spare rims. The $3950, 541-382-7391 could be exc. wood for backhoe. No am calls Economical flying in The Bulletin Classifieds tires are 2 seasons hauler, runs great, please. 541-389-6990 your ow n C e s sna old Say "goodbuy" and in great con new brakes, $1950. 172/180 HP for only 90N'I INISS THI S The Bulletin recoml dition. Fits Toyota Mazda CX-9 Touring 541-419-5480. to that unused $ 10,000! Based a t 541-385-5809 mends extra caution 3 Highlander or like 2010 18,873 mi. BDN. Call Gabe at vehicle. VW Karman Ghia item by placing it in when p u r chasing > Asking $180 $29,995 ¹ 2 3 7623 Professional Air! 1970, good cond., products or services (541) 480-4440 The Bulletin Classifieds Toyota Camry's f from 541-388-0019 ~ new upholstery and out of the area. 1984, $ 12 0 0 Ford Galaxie 5001963, convertible top f S ending c ash , 932 Oregon OBO, 1985 $1400 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, $10,000. International Fla t checks, or credit in 5 41-385 - 5 8 0 9 Antique 8 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & 541-389-2636 ArstoSouree OBO, 1986 parts formation may be I Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Classic Autos radio (orig),541-419-4989 541-598-3750 ton dually, 4 s pd. car, $500; call for [ sublect to FRAUD. aaaoregonautosource.corn Cadillac Seville STS For more in forma trans., great MPG, details, Advertise your car! 2003 — just finished could be exc. wood tion about an adver 541-548-6592 l Add A Picture! $4900 engine work tiser, you may call hauler, runs great, Reach thousands of readers' new brakes, $1950. by Certified GM me I the Oregon State Call 541-385-5809 T oyota C a mry X L E 541-419-5480. chanic. Has every Attorney General's g The Bulletin Classifieds 1994 V6, 4 dr, leather Office thing but navigation. Co n s umerI interior, AM/FM radio Too many bells and / Protection hotline at Chev Corvair Monza con Ford Mustang Coupe VW Thing 1974, good Just bought a new boat? CD/Tape player, sun 1-877-877-9392. Diamond Reo Dump vertible,1964, new top & 1966, original owner, cond. Extremely Rare! Sell your old one in the Porsche Cayenne 2004, w histles t o l i s t . roof, a uto., p s / pb, bought a new one. Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 tranny, runs reat, exlnt V8, automatic, great Only built in 1973 & classifieds! Ask about our 86k, immac, dealer c ruise, A / C , ver y yard box, runs good, cruising car! (5500 obo. shape, $9000 OBO. 1974. $8,000. Super Seller rates! maint'd, loaded, now $6900 firm. clean, great condition, Serving Central Oregon smce1903 $6900, 541-548-6812 541-420-5205 530-51 5-81 99 541-389-2636 541-385-5809 $17000. 503-459-1580 541-420-1 283 $3150. 541-593-2134
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