Ageless WINTER 2012
COURTSHIP DANCE Single seniors seek companionship, love
THE GIFT OF SERVICE Locals opt to join the Peace Corps later in life
In Partnership With
Ageless | Winter 2012 | 1
2 | Ageless | The Bulletin
Winter 2012
Ageless Features The Gift of Service ............................................................ 5 Locals opt to serve two-year terms in the Peace Corps during the later years of their lives.
Rainbow of Nutrition ........................................................11 To ensure a wealth of nutrition, include a variety of colors on your dinner plate.
The Courtship Dance....................................................... 16 Dating later in life can seem complicated, but area couples have learned the steps.
Journey Back to the Slopes ............................................. 19 Years after a tragic accident, one woman and her husband strapped on their skis and rediscovered a passion thought long-gone.
Information & Advice Contributors ................................................................................. 4 Beefing Up Bone Health .............................................................. 8 Medicare News .......................................................................... 14
A magazine featuring health, entertainment, lifestyles and advice for the active, 50-plus Central Oregonian. Ageless is a product of The Bulletin’s Special Projects Division, 1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend, OR 97702, and printed by The Bulletin Western Communications Commercial Print Division. Ageless is produced in partnership with the Central Oregon Council on Aging.
Coping With Grief ...................................................................... 22
All content is the property of The Bulletin/Western Communications, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Contemplating Social Security .................................................. 25
Ageless Staff Members
Jump-Start Your Creativity......................................................... 28
Martha Tiller, Special Projects Manager Stacie Oberson, Special Projects Coordinator Ben Montgomery, Special Projects Editor Nicole Werner, Special Projects Image and New Media Lyle Cox, Special Projects Photographer Clint Nye, Graphic Designer Jay Brandt, Advertising Director Sean Tate, Advertising Manager
Legal Advice: Elderly Rights ...................................................... 30 Truly Ageless: Lew Hollander .................................................... 38
COCOA News Message from the Director ........................................................ 32 Critical Thinking ........................................................................ 33 Put Life Back Into Your Life ....................................................... 34 Events Calendar ......................................................................... 36
Story ideas may be submitted for consideration to Ben Montgomery, editor. Contact him at 541-383-0379 or via e-mail at For advertising, call 541-382-1811. Published Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012 To subscribe or learn more about all our publications, please call 541-385-5800 or visit us at Cover photo by Nicole Werner.
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Ageless CONTRIBUTORS ANNISSA ANDERSON, a Bend freelance writer and public relations consultant, is also a culinary school grad and worked as a pastry chef. She writes regularly for The Bulletin and other local publications and was a contributing writer in a recent edition of Best Places Northwest. Though she’s lived in the Northwest for the past 20 years, she spent her childhood living and traveling abroad. LORI GLEICHMAN considers herself intensely curious about almost anything, which is what makes freelance writing such a joyful experience. When not writing, she works as a marketing/PR consultant and loves to read travel memoirs while dreaming of her own next adventure. She lives in Bend with her husband Dick, her dog Indy, and cat Pic. SONDRA HOLTZMAN is a record keeper of an evolving life. A professional artist and founder of The Traveling Studio, her journals and sketchbooks reflect explorations afar and close to home. Sondra is a published author, storyteller and travel writer and loves kayaking with her dog, Scout.
ANDREW MOORE formerly covered the arts and business for The Bulletin. He lives in Bend with his wife and three young children.
Bend has been home to LINDA ORCELLETTO and her husband, Joe, since 1996. Their “fur child” golden retriever keeps them busy with outdoor activities. When not pounding the keyboard or volunteering, she enjoys exploring the back roads and history of Oregon.
KATHY OXBORROW owns Oxborrow Consulting, which assists public and nonprofit agencies. She grew up on a Nevada cattle ranch and returned to her roots after stints in San Francisco and Portland. She lives near Bend and enjoys riding her horse, Sara.
BUNNY THOMPSON is an internationally published writer living in Sisters. She cruised on a sailboat for six years and 40,000 miles where she wrote a novel and published travel and adventure articles in national and international magazines. She’s an avid cook, outdoor enthusiast and loves the Central Oregon snow. 4 | Ageless | The Bulletin
LOCALS OPT TO SERVE IN THE PEACE CORPS DURING THE LATER YEARS OF THEIR LIVES. by Lori Gleichman, for The Bulletin Special Projects According to the Peace Corps, 7 percent of volunteers are 50 and older, including Linda Johnson of Bend, who left for her deployment in South Africa on Jan. 23. Johnson, 61, will join other volunteers who range in age from 18 to their mid-80s, “to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries.” While she has always wanted to volunteer with the Peace Corps, the time was never right until now. “Volunteering with children in Africa has been an unfulfilled passion my entire life, and now is the chance,” she said. Johnson, who has backgrounds in nursing, higher
education, nonprofit administration and running a small business, is healthy and financially stable, her children are grown and settled with their own families, and her mother is doing well in Texas. The one glitch is that her husband, Fletcher Chamberlin, did not go with her, as he wasn’t quite ready to retire yet. “It will be an incredible challenge,” she said, “but we’ve talked a lot about my need to do this and the challenge it will be to our relationship. Together, we decided it will be OK.” The volunteer commitment is for 27 months — three months training and 24 months serving in the
designated community. During that period, volunteers earn two days a month off and can save it up for extended leaves or use days here and there to explore the country. While Johnson expects she will save large chunks of time to reunite somewhere in the world with her husband and family, she’s more focused on the next steps, which include learning three tribal languages and preparing for her assignment working on HIV/ AIDS outreach and NGO advising. According to Johnson, the Peace Corps has been incredibly supportive in helping her understand what to expect about housing standards, sanitation, safety,
and village life. “They have been great in grounding me in the realities and not creating unrealistic expectations. But in some ways, I feel like I’m stepping off into an abyss, which is intimidating,” she said, referring to the unknowns ahead of her. “At the same time, this is a dream come FAR LEFT: Beth Dellarosa of Redmond served in Ghana from 2006-08. LEFT: Michael Manley served in Belize with his wife, Karey, from 2007-09. Photos submitted.
According to the Peace Corps regional office in Seattle, 7 percent of volunteers are 50 and older. Currently, the oldest volunteer in the Peace Corps is an 88-year-old woman from Portland, Oregon. Ageless | Winter 2012 | 5
true. I didn’t want to fail by not taking the chance to do what I was really born to do.” That passion is critical to a successful Peace Corps experience, said Karey Manley, 58, of Bend. She volunteered with her husband, Michael, 60, from 2007 through 2009. The couple was deployed to Belize, where Michael built sanitation systems and Karey worked in public health education. “You have to want to do it,” said Karey. “No maybes.” The Manleys have long been interested in volunteering for the Peace Corps. “It was always part of the conversation,” explained Karey. When their youngest son graduated from college, the time seemed right even though it meant taking a break from their careers. While the Manleys have stories about clever rats in corrugated zinc roofs and the “realities of open latrines,” they would do it again in a second despite the incredible heat, the hurricane evacuations, and some difficulties managing things at home from a distance. LEFT: Linda Johnson of Bend prepares to serve two years in the Peace Corps. By press time, she will have shipped out to serve in Africa, which she calls a dream come true. Photo by Nicole Werner.
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“We just fell in love with the people and loved the experience of being of benefit,” she said. Their advice for people considering the Peace Corps: “Understand that it is tough,” said Karey. Living conditions are difficult, and even medical care can be too late as evidenced by the fact that one person in their group died, most likely from dehydration. “And it can be frustrating from the American standpoint,” said Michael, referring to the slow pace and bureaucracies. “But who’s to say we’re right?” The bottom line is to be patient and be flexible. “It’s a big lesson in living in the moment,” Karey said. The Manleys came to accept “Belize time,” which meant something will be done eventually, and to understand a gap exists between what they expected to do and what they actually did during their time of service. “We learned we had to motivated and creative to deal with what was presented that day, not just the problems presented in a plan,” said Michael. “I never appreciated how many lives we did touch,” he continued, “until we went back this summer and saw how the changes we introduced were taking effect. They are making a difference.” “It’s like a butterfly effect,” Karey added. “It’s the tiny, little things that change lives.”
Photos submitted by Beth Dellarosa and Karey and Michael Manley
Pe ac e C or ps i s a n i ndep endent U. S. government agency that provides trained volunteers for countries requesting assistance around the world. The agency traces its roots and mission to 1960, when then-Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. While times have changed, the Peace Corps continues to promote peace and friendship by remaining true to its mission, established in 1961:
1. To help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women. 2. To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the people served. 3. To help promote a better understanding of other people on the part of Americans. Volunteers work with local governments, communities, schools and small businesses to address changing and complex needs in education, health and HIV/AIDS, business and information community technology, e nv i r o n m e nt, a g r i c u lt u re a n d y o u t h development.
To Be a Volunteer • Length of service is 27 months, which includes an average of 10 weeks of in-country training and 24 months of volunteer service. • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The application process averages 9 to 12 months. • The minimum age for Peace Corps service is 18; there is no upper age limit. Volunteers must be U.S. citizens. • Volunteers receive a living allowance that covers housing, food and incidentals, enabling them to live in a manner similar to people in their local communities. • The health, safety and security of volunteers is Peace Corps’ highest priority. The agency devotes significant resources to provide volunteers with the training, support and information they need to stay healthy and safe.
About the Peace Corps
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Beefing Up Bone Health How to combat the reduction of bone density through exercise and diet. by Linda Orcelletto, for The Bulletin Special Projects Central Oregon endocrinologist Dr. Mar y Car roll equates our skelet a l s y s tem s to a not her, perhaps more familiar structure. “If you build a bridge and leave it there, it won’t get stronger,” she said. “It becomes less efficient and is more likely to break as it becomes older. “It’s the same with our bones; we need to keep them strong.” As we age, bone density (also referred to as bone mass) often becomes a concern. As our bones become less dense, they become weaker. For some people with advanced bone loss (often diagnosed as osteoporosis), such simple day-today activities as bending down to
pick up the morning newspaper, lifting groceries, bumping into something stationar y or even sneezing can cause a bone to break. According to Carroll, however, both men and woman can combat b o ne lo s s t h rou g h d ie t a nd exercise, extending the quality of their lives while avoiding injuries that can lead them down a path toward inactivity and the increased risk of further hardship. It’s never too early — or too late, according to Carroll — to slow bone
loss and the onset of osteoporosis.
Bone Density & Osteoporosis
Our bones are constantly being repaired and remodeled as new bone is made and old bone is broken down. When we’re young, and as our bodies make new bone faster than it breaks down old bone, our bone mass increases. Between the ages of 18 and 30, these two processes balance out, and our bodies experience a peak
bone mass. While this process of bone remodeling continues throughout our lives, you begin to lose slightly more than you gain as you continue to age. If left unchecked, a significant decrease on bone density can event ua lly lead to t he on s et of osteoporosis, which means “ p o r o u s b o n e.” I f y o u h ave osteoporosis, the holes and spaces in the honeycomb-like portions of your bones are much larger than in healthy bone. Women are more likely than men (80 vs. 20 percent) to develop o s t e o p oro s i s du e to lo s s of estrogen after menopause. Men too can suffer from osteoporosis, but it is usually a secondary condition or because of low testosterone levels. The earlier stage of osteoporosis, called osteopenia, affect s 34
DID YOU KNOW? Women are more likely than men to develop osteoporosis (80 percent vs. 20 percent). The earlier stage of osteoporosis, called osteopenia, affects 34 million people in the U.S.
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never fully recover. Being less mobile due to hip fractures and other ailments can lead to inactivity and, hence, a slew of other health issues caused by inactivity. Hip fractures account for the majority of the costs associated with osteoporosis.
Risk Factors
million people in the U.S. Dr. Carroll, who works at the Bend Memorial Clinic, recommends that women, particularly those over 50 and who have gone through menopause, have a bone density test (also known as a DXA scan) to estimate bone density and their chances of breaking a bone before a fracture occurs. Sevent y percent of all osteoporosis fractures are hip fractures. As our population ages, the number of hip fractures are expected to double by 2040. Of those who fall, 50 percent
While age and sex are two of the more significant factors in assessing one’s risk of experiencing osteoporosis, other factors can increase the risk. They include: Genetics — Asian and Caucasian women who are thin and short (because there is less bone mass to begin with); Family history — If a parent or sibling has a history of fractures due to osteoporosis; Certain medications — Those medications (such as antacids) that have a high aluminum level, or corticosteroid medications that are common for treating chronic c o nd it i o n s s u c h a s a s t h m a, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus; Calcium — The building blocks of our bones, low calcium intake contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss and an increased risk of fractures; Eating disorders — Anorexia or bulimia cause lower bone density; Inactivity — If you spend too
much time sitting, you have a higher risk than if you were more active, and; A lcohol a nd c a f fei ne — I n excess, both are known to inhibit the absorption of calcium.
A s i s t y p i c a l l y t h e c a s e, prevention is the key to maintaining a high bone density. Since most of our bone mass is developed by the age of 30, we can mitigate the progression of bone loss. Cherri Miller, PT, GCS, and Megan Ledyard, PT, MS, GCS with St. Charles Outpatient Rehabilitation, agrees that any weight-bearing exercise on a regular basis is beneficial in maintaining bone density and preventing the onset of osteoporosis. Walk ing, r u nning, ju mping, dancing and weightlif ting are particularly helpful in maintaining healthy bones. These activities “load” the spine and help other bones stay stronger. Activities such as biking and swimming are good aerobically, but don’t help with bone health. According to Dr. Carroll, if you are currently inactive, you can improve bone mass by 3 percent through the creation of a regular exercise regimen. Ot her lifest yle fac tors t hat
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If you do have osteoporosis, the preventing falls is essential. Reduce your risk of falls by considering the following suggestions: • Remove items such as area rugs that may cause tripping • Repair uneven walks to and from your home • Don’t wear high heels • Put traction mats in bath tubs and showers • Install hand rails • Keep your home well-lit • Have your eyesight checked
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Ageless | Winter 2012 | 9
Exercise: Hip
Abductor Strengthening
In addition to running, dancing, fast walking or other weight-bearing exercises, try this hip-strengthening, balance-promoting exercise. It requires little to no extra equipment. • Stand straight and hold onto the back of a chair, without bending at the waist or knee. • Place your other hand on the top of your pelvis and raise this leg straight out to the side. • Make sure that the toes point forward and your pelvis (and hand) don’t rise up. • Lower the leg and repeat 10 times. • Change sides and repeat the exercise with the other leg. • Do this 2 to 3 times per week. • If you can, add an ankle weight that is heavy enough so you can’t lift it more than 10 times. Balance exercise such as Thai chi and yoga help reduce the risk of falling. If you prefer to exercise in a group, or need more one-on-one care, St. Charles Outpatient Rehab Center in Bend and Redmond offers both high- and low-impact exercise classes every 10 weeks. Registration is required. The full schedule is on their website:
10 | Ageless | The Bulletin
lead to increased bone health include eating food rich in fruits, vegetables and calcium, but low in sodium. Spinach, kale, nuts and tofu are also good sources of calcium. By living in the sunny high desert, one may think the sun gives you the vitamin D necessary. But if you use sunscreen to keep the sun at bay, a vitamin D supplement should be added to your diet. All these factors lead to increased bone health, but only medication can treat osteoporosis. As with all treatments, check with your health care professional first. Wit h proper c are, you c an maintain or increase your bone density. You aren’t destined to a life with frail bones with fear of fractures. Remember, it’s never too early, or too late, to start a regime to improve your health.
Rainbow of
Nutrition To ensure a wealth of nutrition, include a variety of colors on your dinner plate. by Annissa Anderson, for The Bulletin Special Projects Photos by Nicole Werner It’s said that if you truly want to eat healthy, don’t just look at the types of food you’re eating. Make sure that your plate is a colorful one. A variety of colors on your plate — from fresh fruits and vegetables — promotes hea lt h a nd en ha nces you r bodily function. “Fruits and vegetables get their different colors from different pigments that are found in each color group,” said Annie Williamson, a registered dietitian at Bend Memorial Clinic. The pigments that give foods these colors contain phytonutrients, which help protect against potentially damaging free radicals. For optimum health, it is best to include as many plant-based colors in your daily diet as possible. Current USDA guidelines, said Williamson, recommend that half your plate is fruits and vegetables, for three meals a day. When choosing which fruits and vegetables to buy, said Williamson, you should choose the fruits and veget a ble s w it h de e p er color s,
because these are often the ripest and contain the most nutrition. This will often mean buying in-season, when produce is at its peak. It is also important, when possible, to eat the colorful skins — which cont a i n t he r iches t s ou rc e s of protective phytonutrients — along with the paler flesh. This means avoiding peeling foods like apples, peaches and eggplant lest you loose their most concentrated source of nutrition. The list of health benefits from consuming phytonutrients is long and varied. They help prevent blindness, macular degeneration and strokes, f ight com mon for m s of c a ncer, reduce inflammation and strengthen immunities. Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet can also promote healthy, permanent weight loss since these foods will replace those that contain extra calories. Nutritionists around the country, and the globe, var y on how they categorize food color groups. Some use four, five or seven color groups. For simplicity’s sake, we will look at five main color groups: blue/purple, green, white, yellow/orange and red.
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Blue/Purple Blue/purple fruits and vegetables contain Vitamin C, lutein and longevitypromoting flavanoids. These foods also lower the risk related to some forms of cancer, are good for maintaining urinary health, and help with memory functions. Blue/purple foods with great nutritional value include blackberries, blueberries, plums, purple cabbage, eggplant, and purple fleshed potatoes. Red wine fits into this category as well, said Williamson, because the skins from purple grapes contain resveratrol, which promotes heart health.
Chlorophyll, a green pigment found in the leaves of plants, gives foods their green hue. Green foods contain calcium, iron and magnesium, said Williamson, as well as Vitamins A and C, lutein (a substance that helps protect vision) and folates. Most importantly, she said, certain green vegetables contain Vitamin K, known for its blood clotting properties. Green foods with excellent nutritional properties include avocados, green apples, green grapes, kiwi, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, green beans, green cabbage, green peas, brussels sprouts, spinach and kale.
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White Healthy white-colored foods include garlic, leeks, onions, scallions, ginger and mushrooms. White foods help to promote a healthy heart as well as serving to protect against free radicals. One compound in particular, allicin — found in the onion family — is said to help ward off certain kinds of cancer.
Yellow/Orange Including yellow and orange foods in your diet will ensure a healthy heart (from beta-cryptoxanthin), sharp vision (from beta-carotene) and an optimally functioning immune system (from Vitamin C). Orange foods also contain alpha carotene, which protects against cancer. Yellow/orange foods with high nutritional value include apricots, cantaloupes, lemons, mangoes, nectarines, yellow beets, carrots, yellow and orange peppers, sweet potatoes and pumpkin.
It is essential to include red foods in your daily diet to help maintain a healthy heart, memory functions, and urinary tract health. Red fruits and vegetables are packed with a variety of powerful antioxidants that have also been shown to help fight cancer and heart disease and reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness for older people. In order to get reds in to your diet every day, include such fruits and vegetables as red apples, cherries, cranberries, beets, red peppers, radishes, red potatoes and tomatoes.
Spinach Salad with Citrus & Roasted Beets
Try this colorful salad, mixing citrus fruit, root vegetables and leafy greens, for tasty and nutritious results.
Freshly ground black pepper 12 cups fresh spinach, stemmed and torn into bite-size pieces
1. Preheat the oven to 350째. Put the beets in a medium baking dish. Drizzle lightly with olive oil and rub to coat the beets. Cover with foil and bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, until the beets are tender. When the beets are cool enough to handle, peel and quarter them.
12 small red beets, or mixed red and golden 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling 1/2 small red onion, very thinly sliced 1/4 cup red wine vinegar Kosher salt 4 tangerines or blood oranges 1 1/2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, cover the onion slices with the vinegar. Add a large pinch of salt and mix well. Let stand for about 1 hour.
(Serves 8)
3. Section the tangerines or oranges, removing all of the bitter white pith. 4. In a small bowl, whisk the mustard with 3 tablespoons of the vinegar from the onion slices. Whisk in the 1/4 cup of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. 5. Put the spinach in a large bowl. Drain the onion slices and add to the spinach along with the tangerines and beets. Drizzle the mustard dressing over the salad and toss well. Serve immediately.
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Navigating Annual Wellness MEDICARE ALLOWS FOR AN ANNUAL WELLNESS VISIT, BUT WHAT ARE THE GUIDELINES? by Tashia Sample, SHIBA Program Assistant, Oregon Insurance Division
In Januar y of last year, Medicare began offering a new yearly service called the Annual Wellness Visit as part of Medicare’s new reduced cost preventive benefits. The Annual Wellness Visit, however, is not the same thing as what many people often refer to as their yearly physical exam. Medicare is very specific a b out what t he A n nua l Wellness Visit includes and excludes. This new service can cause a lot of confusion. Below are some common questions about the Annual Wellness Visit.
Is the Annual Wellness Visit Free? A lt h o u g h mo s t i n fo r m at io n indicates that the Annual Wellness Visit is free, we are finding out that isn’t always true. Some people may receive the Annual Wellness Visit for free if the appointment meets specific requirements set by Medicare. One requirement is that the doctor must accept assignment from Medicare. This means that the doctor is required to accept what Medicare feels is an appropriate cost for the appointment.
When can I receive my Annual Wellness Visit? You may receive your Annual Wellness Visit after you have been with Medicare for more than one year, or if it has been at least one year since your “Welcome to Medicare Exam” or last Annual Wellness Visit. This means if you received an Annual Wellness Visit in June of 2011, you should wait until July of this year.
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14 | Ageless | The Bulletin
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What does an Annual Wellness Visit include? At the Annual Wellness Visit, your doctor will talk to you about your medical history, review your risk factors, and make a personalized plan to keep you healthy. The visit does not include a handson exam, any testing that your doctor may recommend, or discussion about any new or current medical problems, conditions or medications. You may schedule another visit to address those issues, or your doctor may charge the usual Medicare fees for services that are beyond the scope of the Annual Wellness Visit.
What if I want a physical? Original Medicare does not cover an annual physical. If you would like to schedule an annual physical — including any lab work or other diag nostic testing, medication management, vaccinations or other services — please understand that these services will be charged and covered according to Medicare’s usual coverage guidelines.
You may, however, still develop a care plan based on the Annual Wellness Visit criteria.
How do I know if an Annual Wellness Visit is right for me? The new Annual Wellness Visit isn’t right for everyone. If you already get a physical each year, see your doctor frequently for health conditions, or have a health concern, the Annual Wellness Visit may not be right for you. If you haven’t seen your doctor in several years, however, the Annual Wellness Visit will allow you to discuss your health history.
What if my doctor recommends further testing? If you decide to get the Annual Wellness Visit, remember that the doctor may recommend further testing. You must make another appointment on a different day, however, to receive any tests the doctor may recommend.
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This means that even though the doctor recommends further testing, you must make another appointment to receive the Annual Wellness Visit for free. The Annual Wellness Visit is only covered by Medicare if it sticks to the following topics and guidelines: patient’s medical history; family history; a list of the patient’s current physicians and other health care professionals; height and weight; body mass index (or waist circumference); blood pressure; other appropriate measurements based on medical history; cognitive impairment screening; depression screening; functional ability and level of safety screening; 5- to 10-year schedule for preventive test s, immu nizations and screenings; lists of risk factors, including mental health or other previously identified mood disorders; health education and referrals for preventive counseling services; and health education and referrals for promoting wellness (e.g., weight loss, physical activity, smoking cessation, fall prevention and nutrition)
I received a bill for the Annual Wellness Visit I thought was free. Why am I getting charged? Doctors must follow strict guidelines for Medicare to cover the Annual Wellness Visit at no cost to you. Some doctors do not understand what the
Annual Wellness Visit includes, or your conversation may stray from what is on the list. If you received a bill for your Annual Wellness Visit, there are a few things you need to remember: This is a new service, and many people are still learning about it, including your doctor. Your doctor’s practice is required by law to follow guidelines about the service. Some doctors’ offices and clinics prefer not to provide the Annual Wellness Visit. They may suggest a physical before you can get the Annual Wellness Visit. This is because they may feel the Annual Wellness Visit is not comprehensive enough. If you choose to receive lab work, discuss current health concerns, or have a hands-on visit, Medicare will not pay. Neither the toll-free number, 1-800MEDICARE, nor your doctor’s office will be able to change the decision. If you are unhappy with the new Annual Wellness Visit, contact your representatives in the U.S. Congress. It literally takes an act of Congress to change Medicare.
Will I be told if Medicare won’t cover the charges? Yes. Before the appointment, your doctor’s office is required to let you know if they are aware Medicare will not cover a specific service.
You will be asked to sign a form called an Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) stating that Medicare won’t cover this particular service. Keep a copy of this form for your records. The ABN should not be presented every time you visit your doctor, but only when Medicare will not cover a service.
Can’t my doctors just change the codes so Medicare will cover it? No. If your doctor alters codes so Medicare will cover a service, he or she is breaking the law.
I appealed Medicare’s decision not to cover the Annual Wellness Visit – and they still won’t cover it. Why? If you received services outside the scope of the Annual Wellness Visit, Medicare will not cover it, no matter how many times you appeal. Oregon Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance Program (SHIBA) provides free, unbiased information about Medicare’s preventive benefits, including the Annual Wellness Visit. If you are considering having your Medicare Annual Wellness Visit and still have questions Central Oregon Council on Aging (COCOA) can provide more information. To schedule an appointment with a SHIBA counselor contact COCOA’s help line at 541-6785483.
Tashia Sample is the SHIBA Program Assistant in Salem, Oregon. She is a 2010 graduate of Western Oregon University with a degree in Speech Communication. Tashia began volunteering with Harney County SHIBA in 2009 as a college student. Prior to state service she volunteered with community organizations including the Harney County Library Children’s Services Program.
Ageless | Winter 2012 | 15
The Courtship
Dance Dating later in life can seem complicated, but area couples have learned the steps.
by Kathy Oxborrow, for The Bulletin Special Projects Photos by Lyle Cox While some things are different when dating later in life, many things remain the same. Whether one is in search of a long-term relationship that ends in marriage, a committed relationship without the wedding vows, or just someone with whom you enjoy shared interests, single seniors have proven to be savvy both interpersonally and technologically. But despite a person’s means for meeting people, developing romantic relationships remains a complex, evolving process even later in life. “You have to grow into relationships,” said Paul Roger. “It’s like a maze. You need to just keep trying until you figure it out.” Paul and his wife, Jane Roger, met during the 90s when they worked together in San Diego. They dated for a while, then went their separate ways. Jane married and divorced before the couple reconnected. When they married in 2007, Jane was 58 and Paul 60. Paul had been single since divorcing his first wife in 1985. He believes he just didn’t find the right woman until Jane. LEFT: Paul and Jane Roger, married in 2007
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“She makes me laugh every day,” he said. “She has this cute little chuckle that I just treasure.” While the Rogers met the “old-fashioned” way, many seniors cozy up to their keyboards as a means of finding that special someone. According to Tim Higby, LPC, at Three Rivers Center for Relationships, a large number of seniors opt to meet others the same way the under-50 crowd does these days: through the Internet. The Internet is full of senior dating sites, some 473 entries according to Frank Kaiser, whose headline on the website Suddenly Senior reads, “Hey, cutie pie. I’ve got Viagra!” Kaiser’s column is a humorous account of what it’s like dating when you’ve reached the age of eligibility for a membership in AARP. The websites have names like and Sixteen years following her second divorce, Louise, 64, decided to try finding a partner on the Internet. She had a friend who had met her husband that way. After meeting many men, some just for coffee and some for several dates over several years, she thinks she’s found someone who is a good match for her. “The process has been one of the primary ways in my life that I have learned about myself,” she said. It’s helped her be clearer about what she needs in a relationship and, when it appears she’s not going to get it, to bow out gracefully. That is one of the advantages of having a few years under your belt. “You know who you are and what you’re really looking for in a relationship,” said relationship counselor Tim Higby, LPC, at Three Rivers Center
“We’re not looking for some big romantic fling. It’s nice if we get it, but we’re really after feeling, companionship and connection.”
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for Relationships in Bend. The main difference that Higby sees between younger and older couples is that companionship becomes more important for older couples. “We’re not looking for some big romantic fling,” he said. “It’s nice if we get it, but we’re really after feeling, companionship and connection.” But that doesn’t mean that romance or an active sex life is out the window, as the senior dating sites are quick to point out. Many of today’s seniors are Baby Boomers, and they’re not going quietly into the night. Some are in their second, third, and fourth careers and remain physically active. Even seniors who can’t be classified as Baby Boomers — those in the 70s and 80s — still believe in love and romance. Gail and Paul Kirk are good examples of that. “The most important thing is the love that binds us together,” said Paul, 84, who married Gail, 74, six years ago. They met at a dance at the Bend Senior Center where Paul plays in a band. When Paul saw an empty chair next to Gail during a break from playing his bass, he sidled up along side her and, well, the rest is history, as they say. Higby said that older couples have more realistic expectations when they date. “When you’re young, you think that hooking up with someone is going to make everything worthwhile and you’re not going to have to work at it,” he said. “But when you’re older, you get that you have to work on a relationship; it just doesn’t come easy.” For women, one the issues they fret about is being over 65 and feeling their looks are fading. For men, it’s about erectile dysfunction. Those are
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Ageless | Winter 2012 | 17
just the things people worry about, said Higby, as they don’t need to become big stumbling blocks in having a successful relationship later in life. The one thing that remains the same between couples at any age is the importance of good communication. “You’ve got to be able to talk about the hard things from the start,” said Higby. “You don’t want to get too far down the road before you talk about what’s not easy like sex, family, finances and your ages.” The people interviewed for this story are at different stages in their lives and are from different generations. But they would be the first to tell you that having a successful relationship requires tenacity, tolerance and acceptance of each other as they are. The payoff ma kes such t hings worthwhile. LEFT: Paul and Gail Kirk, married in 2005
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18 | Ageless | The Bulletin
Journey back to the
Years after a tragic accident, Beverly Tobias and her husband, Rick, strapped on their skis and rediscovered a passion thought long-gone. by Bunny Thompson, for The Bulletin Special Projects
Gliding down the snowy slopes finding that special groove is a familiar feeling for many of us here in Central Oregon. What if that groove was taken away in a tragic accident and you simply assumed you would never again find it? Or, what if you were obstinate, persistent and determined to find that groove somehow, somewhere, someday? Rick and Beverly Tobias grew up skiing. Rick was a competitive skier in high school in Wyoming and Beverly began skiing in Washing ton State as a child. Both were passionate skiers who assumed they would always find that ski groove during each winter. An unfortunate accident would changed these plans for both of them — but not forever.
traveled to Bangkok to teach for a couple of years. Fate w a s t he match ma ker bringing together two people who loved new adventures. In 1975, Rick and Beverly were married, Beverly adopted the two girls, and they all planned for a ski honeymoon. Fate again played a hand in t heir lives. The fa mily wa s transferred to the Philippines. While on a sightseeing tour of the island, the
From the Slopes to the World
Fast forward about 25 years. Rick was in the Air Force and stationed in Bangkok, Thailand, a single father with two young girls and a busy life. Beverly was a teacher, wanderlust, and had
Beverly Tobias, who was paralyzed three decades ago, is now able to reclaim her passion for skiing with the assistance of volunteers (including her husband, Rick) and staff of Oregon Adaptive Sports, a local nonprofit organization. Above, Beverly takes to the slopes of Mt. Bachelor. Photos by Nicole Werner
Ageless | Winter 2012 | 19
About OAS
Oregon Adaptive Sports had its beginnings in 1996 when Jack Alexander, a retired biologist with the U.S. Forest Service, gathered a number of volunteers to begin a grass-roots adaptive program aimed at sharing their love of skiing and the outdoors with disable persons who needed assistance on the mountain. From 1996 to 2003, the organization was known as the Central Oregon Adaptive Skiing Program (COASP) and was managed and funded primarily by Alexander, with sponsorship and other assistance from Central Oregon Resources for Independent Living. In the summer of 2003, the early founders and volunteers of COASP renamed it Oregon Adaptive Sports, which was incorporated in 2003 as a nonprofit in the State of Oregon and accepted as a chapter organization of Disabled Sports USA. OAS conducts activities at both Mt. Bachelor Ski Area and Hoodoo Ski Area. By offering full programs at both mountains, OAS can serve a larger number of participants and offer a larger variety of programs, skill levels and events. OAS hopes to add additional sports and recreational programs to its menu, and to continue to grow our presence in the world of adaptive skiing and ski racing in the Northwest. Information courtesy of Oregon Adaptive Sports,
Beverly and her husband, Rick (left, with his hand on her shoulder) stand with OAS staff members Wystan Brown and Greg Guise and volunteer John Muller.
small plane within which Beverly was traveling crashed, and Beverly’s back was broken. She was hospitalized for five months and, afterwards, she was in a wheelchair for life. There wa s little time for mourning her loss. She had two girls to raise and a husband with a busy Air Force schedule, and she fell back into the groove of taking care of her family. Life went on, and that ski honey mo on s e eme d l i ke a shadow of the past. By 1987, Rick was retiring from the Air Force, the girls were in college, and it was again time to consider the somehow, somewhere, someday. “Like Bonnie and Clyde, we just kept moving,” Rick said. “Beverly has the itchy feet, and I
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just try to keep up.” They moved to Turkey, bought a 50-foot steel-hull sailboat, and sailed in the Mediterranean for the next 12 years. Beverly loved swimming, and she exercised daily in the warm Mediterranean water. B ot h enjoyed t hos e spectacular moments when the sails are trimmed, the boat is heeled over, and you find that rhythmic tempo that becomes your groove. A wanderlust refuses to let a wheelchair slow her down. After they decided to end their sailing adventures, they moved to France, bought a travel trailer, and spent the next 10 years exploring Europe, Norway and points in between. They went on to Mexico for a couple of years until one day,
they just felt like they needed to return to the U.S. Enter fate again when a friend visiting in Mexico suggested they check out Sisters, Oregon. They liked what they saw online and loved what they experienced when they visited. The Tobias’ bought a home in Sisters and moved in, excited to find their next groove.
Coming Back Full-Circle
“During a routine visit to see [a doctor], I mentioned I was once an avid skier. She suggested I contact Oregon Adaptive Sports in Bend and begin skiing again,” Beverly said. “I had not skied in almost 40 years. I was an accomplished stand-up skier then, and I wasn’t sure I really wanted to try it again at 67 years old.”
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20 | Ageless | The Bulletin
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“At the end of the day, I cried. It was so emotional, and it had been a long time since I had that feeling of sliding down the mountain. I knew I wanted to ski again.” Her doctor persisted, and the Tobiases contacted Oregon Adaptive Sports (OAS) for a lesson. Like Beverly, Rick had not skied in more than 40 years. “I didn’t know if I could do it again. I thought I had forgotten how to ski after all those years,” Rick said. “I put on the boots, strapped on the skis, and realized even if the brain forgets, the bones remember. I loved it and knew I wanted to continue skiing.” Beverly moved into a bi-ski and began the task of learning to ski sitting down. Ben and Sharon Sparrow, volunteers with OAS, loaded Beverly in her bi-ski onto the lift and glided down the mountain turning back and forth across the trails. They instructed Beverly how to move her body with the motion of the bi-ski,
touching her outriggers on the snow as they turned. That day, Beverly found a groove she thought she had lost. “At the end of the day, I cried,” Beverly said. “It was so emotional, and it had been a long time since I had that feeling of sliding down the mountain. I knew I wanted to ski again.” You’ll find Rick and Beverly Tobias on the slopes at Mt. Bachelor or Hoodoo almost any week when the snow is good. They have always refused to let an age marker, a handicap, or a society that tries to push people into standard boxes, stop them from finding their groove. On the slopes of Central Oregon, they have rekindled a passion and found that ski honeymoon, finding the groove somehow, somewhere, someday.
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Ageless | Winter 2012 | 21
Grief is a painful but natural emotion that can affect both life and health.
Coping with
by Andrew Moore, for The Bulletin Special Projects
As we age, it’s inevitable we will lose dear friends and loved ones. With those deaths often come grief, especially if the death is untimely or traumatic. Grief is a powerful emotion, akin to a remarkable sense of loss, that can affect people for years, if not the rest of their lives. And it’s not just the physical loss, but often the loss of related but less tangible things like hope, stability or a sense of purpose. Photo by Nicole Werner
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“... we have to educate people there is no recipe for grieving — there is no right way or wrong way. It’s healthy versus unhealthy, and that is all based on the individual’s experiences.” “Grief is the feelings and experience that comes with experiencing a loss, and adapting to it,” said Beth Patterson, the operations director for the Central Oregon Council on Aging. “It’s finding your life, many times, totally changed.” Like death, grief is natural, say Patterson and other local experts. For many, it can be overwhelming. But to keep healthy, it’s important to understand grief and learn how to live with it. First, put aside any conceptions regarding the popular five stages of grief, said Angela Belew, a grief counselor for Partners in Care, a Bend-based hospice and home health provider in Central Oregon that
provides free grief counseling. According to psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who introduced the concept in 1969, the five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The trouble is Kubler-Ross’s model was a study of the grief experienced not by people who were grieving the loss of a loved one, but by people who had recently learned they were dying, said both Belew and Patterson. The distinction is subtle but critical to understanding how to deal with grief. It has partly led to a widely-held misconception that dealing with grief is a linear progression through the five stages when in reality, people deal with grief differently.
“People come in and say they think they are doing it wrong because, ‘I’m not angry. How am I going to do this if I don’t get angry?’” said Belew. “So we have to educate people there is no recipe for grieving — there is no right way or wrong way. It’s healthy versus unhealthy, and that is all based on the individual’s experiences. “(Kubler-Ross’s) ideas were taken and distorted to be this one-stop shopping sor t of model that we all have to do it this way, but it’s something we fight every day.” Added Patterson: “People started using it as a template in kind of a bad way, so you are in this stage or that stage, but (Kubler-Ross) meant it to help us identify where we are
as we move through stages. But they aren’t linear and they aren’t smooth. Someone described it to me once as being in a dishwasher, and (the five stages are) all in there, and it’s just where you are in the cycle.” Second, understand that for some, the grief from the death of a friend or loved one, especially a child, will never go away. “A major loss, you’ll never fully get over,” said Patterson. “There’s a myth that it only takes a few weeks to get over, but a major loss changes people’s lives forever. You can begin to feel that you can put your life back together and survive, but it can take a very long time.” People dealing with grief might
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also believe they won’t get over it until they find closure, said Laurie M a r t i n, a s o c ia l wo r ke r w it h Redmond-Sisters Hospice. That isn’t always the case, she said. “Grief is a journey, and you walk through lots of different phases,” Martin said. “For me personally, my mother passed 15 years ago and there won’t ever be closure. It gets easier, but I don’t want closure, I want to remember her, and celebrate her, and when we use that concept of closure, they want to shut the book on that person, but I want to keep it open.” Third, get support, either through counseling or some other outlet. Most hospices offer up to a year of free gr ief counseling that is supported by Medicare, and it’s open to all individuals, regardless of where or when their loved one died. At Partners in Care, the grief counseling is an eight-week, closed
24 | Ageless | The Bulletin
group format of ideally eight to 10 people. Belew, who has a masters in social work, leads some of the groups, which focus on healing grief and helping people “create their new normal.” “(They) get to know each other well enough that they can start bonding, and that facilitates trust,” said Belew. “As you get more trust, you get more disclosure, deeper connections, and people feel like they are being heard and understood. You start to see the bonding and expressions of care, and when they come together, they are magical.” Belew said at Partners in Care, participants can enroll in successive group counseling sessions for up to 14 months. However, some people aren’t comfortable in a group setting. Men, in particular, often prefer doing active things as opposed to talking, said Patterson. And that’s OK. “Ever yone is unique, so while
women accept more, men often have different ways of working through it,” Patterson said. “They won’t go to a grief group, but mending a fence with their neighbor, they’ll talk about it, so there are different expressions of how people get through grief.” Patterson added that church groups often have their own support groups for people dealing with grief. Even journaling can help, said Martin. F i n a l l y, fo r t h o s e dealing with grief, it’s impor tant — when they are ready — to start re-engaging with your friends, family and the community. “ Peo ple t hat a re living full lives, into t h ei r 9 0 s, p a r t o f what they have going for them is hav ing meaning in their lives,” said Belew. “People
that have stimulation, keep their mind active, keep friends — even as they lose ones, they invite new ones in — and being willing to make new connections, can move forward quicker.”
Social Security As you approach your 62nd birthday, the time comes to consider your options for collecting Social Security. by Bunny Thompson, for The Bulletin Special Projects I was approaching my 62nd birthday and feeling good about myself. I’m in pretty good shape physically and mentally, aside from the occasional memory lapses, and I love my work as a freelance writer. It was just another birthday until a friend asked, “What are you going to do about social security?” Social security? That’s the check my parents receive e ach mont h and not something a young 60-something like me should have to consider. However indignant I felt about the two words, “social security,” it t u r ns out it is an impor tant milestone you need to consider as you approach your 62nd birthday. Social secur it y is a social insurance program signed into law by Franklin D. Roosevelt
in 1935 as part of the New Deal. It was designed to aid folks in their retirement years along with some disability, survivorship and death benefits. A c c o r d i n g t o U. S . C e n s u s estimates, more than 15 million people in the U.S. — the Baby B oomer generation — w ill be c ros si ng t he m i n i mu m S o c ia l Security threshold, age 62, over the next five years. Like me, these people will need to decide whether to collect Social Security benefits early or to wait until the normal retirement age or later.
What are your options?
• Receive Social Security benefits early at age 62 or sometime between 62 and the normal retirement age; • Receive Social Security benefits at the normal retirement age. For those born between 1943 and 1954, the normal retirement age is 66 years old; • Or post pone Social Secur it y benef it s until af ter nor mal retirement age. At age 70, the monthly benefit does not increase, so generally speaking, this is the latest postponement.
Ageless | Winter 2012 | 25
How does this affect your benefits?
• If you choose to receive Social Security benefits early, the monthly benefits will be reduced on a sliding scale, ranging from 20 to 30 percent, depending on your date of birth. • If you choose to wait until normal retirement age, your Social Security benefits will pay at 100 percent.
• If you choose to defer your Social Security benefits until after normal retirement age, you will receive more than 100 percent of full monthly retirement benefits, depending on how long the benefits are delayed. This increase stops at age 70.
Where do I begin the process?
• Start by going to the Social Security website at Click on the option for Retirement Planner.
You’ll be able to find your retirement age, estimate your life expectancy, and get an estimate of your own retirement benefits. • Assess your retirement needs and goals. In your retirement, you’ll need a different strategy to manage your finances. You may want to travel more, downsize or buy a vacation home, set up a college trust fund for your grandchildren, etc. Your retirement goals, along with your
normal living expenses, should be a part of your retirement planning. • Talk with your financial advisor. Most financial advisers recommend you have a b out 70 p erc ent of your pre-retirement ear nings to live comfortably and maintain a similar lifestyle. For most people, this means augmenting your Social Security with a pension, savings and investments.
According to U.S. Census estimates, more than 15 million people in the U.S. — the Baby Boomer generation — will be crossing the minimum Social Security threshold, age 62, over the next five years.
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How do I assess the decision?
The decision to receive Social Security benefits before or after the normal retirement age is an individual matter and depends on your current por t folio a nd you r ret i rement needs. Deciding whether the cost of permanently lowering Social Security benefits by taking early benefits is worth an extra three or four years of not utilizing as much of your overall retirement savings, is best assessed by analyzing the rate of return on those investments. According to the CPA Journal, given a reasonable range of portfolio allocation from securities to savings accounts, the following is a generalized guideline for making the decision: • If you anticipate a high rate of return (approximately 8 percent or higher) calculations indicate that the retiree will come out ahead by beginning Social Security benefits at 62 years of age. The advantage of leaving retirement funds in a tax-deferred account if you’re getting 8 percent or
higher outweighs the loss in Social Security benefits from the early retirement. • If you anticipate a medium rate of return (approximately 5 percent) you’re still better off going with the early retirement unless you anticipate living past age 89. If your crystal ball says you’ll live beyond age 89, then delaying retirement until age 70 becomes increasingly advantageous. • If you anticipate a low rate of return (2 percent or less) then delay i ng ret i rement u nt i l t he normal retirement age or until age 70 become more advantageous. With a 2 percent rate of return, the earnings are not enough to offset the withdrawals. Once you’ve made your decision, return to the Social Security website, and follow their instructions for online application to begin receiving your benefits. It’s easy, quick and, when you’re finished, give yourself a pat, ignore any wrinkles, and go have fun.
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Ageless | Winter 2012 | 27
Creativity can transport you to a place where stress, worry and depression are unencumbered by opinions and expectations. by Sondra Holtzman, for The Bulletin Special Projects Psychotherapist and artist Paulette K a sk i nen approaches t he ide a of creativity from a neurological standpoint. In that sense, Kaskinen says the part of the brain that engages in creativity is the same part that laughs and plays. “When that part is engaged, it’s literally impossible to experience anger, upset or frustration (except possibly in the creative process),” she said. “Fun and creativity are basically two sides of the same coin in terms of how our brains work. Creativity is a form of play.” For older Central Oregonians who have punched a time clock for years, many wish to be transported to a place where stress, worry and depression disappear — a place where they are free to express their feelings in whatever way they choose, unencumbered by the opinions and expectations of others. But how? According to experts like Kaskinen, instead of turning to this endorphinrich environment on a geographical 28 | Ageless | The Bulletin
map, instead turn to play — the inward landscape of your own creativity. When the mind isn’t focused on production or creativity, people tend toward activities centered around consumption and passive entertainment, says Kaskinen, which “can lead to depression and feeling out of balance.” When you’re in the zone of creativity, however, these feelings are quickly shed. “When thinking about creativity, you have to ascertain how people get in the zone of being creative,” says Patricia Clark, founder of Atelier 6000 in Bend and a prolific artist in her own right. “Part of the ritual is the process. They go hand in hand, especially in print and multi-media painting and drawing, because it expands to a two- and threedimensional space.” Another local artist, Liz McDannold, has been making art in some form or another all her life. Armed with the belief that form follows function, McDannold is more comfortable with being called an artisan rather than artist.
“I find I’ll immerse myself in whatever craft I’m doing, learning everything I can about it,” says McDannold. “The things I’ve learned in one endeavor become useful in another. You carry things with you that inspire your work, becoming useful tools in the future.”
McDannold says that from very early on, she learned the biggest impediment to creativity is the fear of making mistakes, observing that, at worst, they are some of the best learning tools and, at best, can attribute to some of the greatest creative successes. “Personally, I’ve discovered the older I become, the more depth reveals itself in my work,” says McDannold. “Perhaps there is more time to really explore the creative potential of the medium. Or because with age, I’m more interested in process than product.” For empty nester Sofia Tr yon, creativity is simply part of who she is. A self-professed “messy creator,” Tryon is happiest when glue bottles, paper, scissors and ephemera are scattered all over her table. Now that her two sons are on their own, there is more time to contemplate creative pursuits with a goal of gleaning extra income from the sale of artwork. “For me, creativity is like the ocean,” says Tryon. “Every day, ideas wash up on the shores of my life that I’m free to gather or leave for someone else to find.”
Journaling is the creative safe harbor for Kyla Cheney, who shares that while receiving a paycheck for her talents is rewarding, creativity itself is the source of genuine satisfaction because it originates from within.
“As I grow older, I tap into the well of creativity by journaling every single morning,” says Cheney. “By keeping pen to paper, what I find is underneath all the busy brain stuff is a gigantic reservoir of creativity, which for me is where meaningful
of processing emotion and the place where I’m at in the moment.” When her second son went off to college, Marianne Proedhl explored collage and watercolor to fill the void left by his departure. Aside from a desire to feel useful, she
“Fun and creativity are basically two sides of the same coin in terms of how our brains work. Creativity is a form of play.” writing comes from.” Photography is a form of visual journaling for Bridget McGinn, a single mom who believes in documenting life’s experiences. The camera has been part of her life since early childhood. “There is something you can do with photography that helps me explore where I’m at in my life,” says McGinn. “I consider it a form of visual journaling. I’ll be taking photos and then, sometimes years later, I’ll look back at those images and discover feelings I wasn’t aware of at the time. For me, filmmaking, writing and photography are ways
wanted to explore new directions. “Creativity provides a sense of self worth,” says Proedhl. “The very act of making something fills up the space my children have left.” The muse of creativity resides in all of us, free for the taking. Discovering yours can be as simple as writing down your thoughts, doodling in a notebook or picking up your digital camera whenever you feel inspired by a scene in your life. Marianne Proedhl (opposite page), Liz McDannold (left) and Bridget McGinn (aboveright) have all found ways to regularly tap into their creative side. Photos by Lyle Cox.
Give Your Creative Side a Boost Has it been a while since you exercised the right side of your brain? If you wish to jump-start your creative self, consider the following suggestions: • Slow down. Take some time to really think about the things you enjoy doing. Make a list of 10 things that inspire you. • Take a risk. Consider taking a class on something you’ve always wanted to do, like playing the ukulele. • Go to creative websites like pinterest. com or to get ideas. • Get out in nature and look around you for inspiration. • Surround yourself with like-minded, creative people. Ageless | Winter 2012 | 29
Protecting Elder Rights The State of Oregon ensures the elderly are protected through additional rights. by Melissa P. Lande, Attorney I am often asked how to protect the r ight s of elderly persons in Oregon. In addition to having the same rights as other people, Oregon law provides that elderly persons have some additional protections. A l l people have t he r ight to be protected against fraud. Unfortunately, the elderly are often victimized by those who are most trusted. It can be difficult to prove that someone has taken advantage of an elderly person, especially when the person claims that they were following the wishes of the elderly person. Oregon law allows elderly victims or their representatives to obtain restraining orders to protect them from physical, mental and sexual abuse, exploitation, theft, neglect and abandonment. The Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act can be used to protect the victim from further abuse if the person has been subject to abuse in the last 180 days and if they are in immediate and present danger of further abuse. An elderly person or their representative can also sue the perpetrator for physical or financial abuse and receive a money award for the harm that was suffered. 1) Physical abuse is the use of force to threaten or injure; 2) Emotional abu se is verbal attacks, threats, rejection, isolation, or belittling acts that cause pain or distress;
30 | Ageless | The Bulletin
3) Sexual abuse is sexual contact that is forced, tricked, threatened o r o t h e r w i s e c o e rc e d u p o n a vulnerable adult, including anyone who is unable to give consent; 4) Ex ploitation includes thef t, fraud, misuse or neglect of authority, and u se of u ndue inf luence as leverage to gain control over an older person’s money or property; 5) Neglect is a caregiver’s failure or refusal to provide for safety, physical or emotional needs; and 6) Abandonment is desertion by anyone with a duty of care. P u bl i c o f f i c i a l s a n d c e r t a i n private individuals have a duty to report suspected abuse of a person over the age of 65 years old to the Department of Human Services or to a local law enforcement agency. However, any person may report suspected abuse. Many people are not aware that elderly persons in Oregon have a Resident’s Bill of R ight s wh ich protects residents of most types of care facilities. The Resident’s Bill of R ight s requires care providers to inform residents of all rights, services and treatment available to them. The care facility must provide residents with appro pr iat e me d ic a l treatment and not transferred them within or terminate them from t he facilit y except w ith proper notice and cause. The Resident’s Bill
of Rights provides that residents have the right to be free from abuse, harassment and retaliation. If a resident is having difficulty enforcing their rights they should contact the Oregon Ombudsman’s office at 800-522-2602 or 503-3786533 for assist ance. They have volunteers available to respond to problems in Central Oregon. Elderly persons are often victims of f raud or scams, including telemarketing scams, that tr ick an elderly person into sending money to a third party for a variety
of reasons including paying for a pro duc t, w i n n i ng a contes t or helping someone in need. Some scams include contact by a person who promises to recover their losses from previous scams. An elder abuse restraining order can be obtained to protect against fur ther har m from these scams. However, once a person’s money has been taken, it is often difficult to retrieve it. The best way to protect against abuse if you are elderly, or if you care about some who is elderly, is to ensure that there is a trustworthy person involved. The elderly person should have their estate planning do c u ment s pre pa re d i nclu d i ng power of attorney, advance directive and will or revocable living trust. Be wary of anyone who suggests
Oregon law allows elderly victims or their representatives to obtain restraining orders to protect them from physical, mental and sexual abuse, exploitation, theft, neglect and abandonment. that the elderly person should make sig nif icant changes to the beneficiaries of their assets. Having an estate plan in place with a lawyer who knows the elderly person may prevent a third party from exercising undue influence because the attor ney can discuss the elderly person’s decisions with them before any change is made to their
estate plan. I n cer t a i n sit uat ion s a guardian or a conser vator is necessar y to protect an elderly person from risk of abuse if that person is no longer capable of mak ing their own decisions. The final point in protecting the rights of the elderly is not to wait too long. Often elderly persons do not ask
for assistance, and children or other persons in their lives do not interfere for fear of upsetting them. However, if t he elderly person in your life is acting out of their normal pattern, do some investigation to ensure this person and their a ss et s a re s a fe a nd wel l protected.
Melissa P. Lande is a partner at Bryant, Lovlien and Jarvis in Bend. She focuses her practice on assisting her clients with estate planning, elder law, wills, trusts, probate, asset protection, guardianships and conservatorships. Melissa is a graduate of New York University and Washington and Lee University School of Law in Virginia. She is a member of the Oregon State Bar Estate Planning and Elder Law Sections. She and her husband, Mark, have a son, Griffin, and a daughter, Lila.
Ageless | Winter 2012 | 31
50+ Beautiful Faces Photo Contest
Pamela Norr, Executive Officer Central Oregon Council On Aging
It’s that time again — Central Oregon Council On Aging (COCOA) is holding the popular photo contest called “50+ Beautiful Faces of Central Oregon Seniors” featuring seniors from our community in celebration of aging. The previous contest saw more than 100, sometimes stunning submissions, and the winners were used in the Council On Aging’s Directions directory publication. Launching today, the contest will run until Wednesday, Feb. 29. Central Oregon area residents may submit photos of any community seniors (age 50-plus). Top prizes will be awarded in both amateur and professional categories. Photos can be in any setting as long as it includes a senior from Central Oregon. Prizes will be determined, but winners will again be included in the popular 2012-2014 Directions Publication, the Central Oregon Council On Aging community and senior resource directory distributed throughout the tr i-county area. Submissions and winners will also be featured in the next edition of Ageless. This contest helps showcase the beautiful faces of our area seniors,
their active lifestyles, their hobbies and their beauty. Not only do seniors have a story to tell, but they are often the most beautiful people in the world, and this is an opportunity to showcase our seniors. COCOA’s hope is to give these wonderful senior faces a bit of airtime in our community through some exciting partnerships. You will definitely see the photos as COCOA works to support the needs, tell the stories and
categories difficult as there were so many amazing photos and the beauty in the faces of the seniors was incredible. We expect this year to be even bigger and have better participation. Both amateur and professional photographers grant COCOA and its sponsored partners the rights to freely use the images for educational and promotional pur poses. Even though prizes will be awarded, no payment or royalty will be given for
This contest helps showcase the beautiful faces of our area seniors, their active lifestyles, their hobbies and their beauty. promote the dignity and well-being of area seniors. Photos can be submitted by indiv iduals or on behalf of organizations. As long as they feature a Central Oregon senior, it counts. In previous contests, photos included seniors traveling the world, enjoying the great Central Oregon outdoors, participating in activities, enjoy pets and family and portraits. An independent committee will pick the winners. In previous contests, the committee found narrowing down the
any use of the photos. Photos shou ld b e s u bm it t e d electronically to admin@ by Wednesday, Feb. 29. The name and age of subjects, name and contact info of photographer must be included. Questions should also be directed to the same e-mail. Winners will be notified via e-mail by Thursday, March 15 — and expect to see some of the entries in Ageless! — Pamela Norr, Executive Officer, Central Oregon Council On Aging
According to WebMD, people are happier, less stressed and feel better about themselves after age 50. A recent survey of more than 340,000 people showed overall feelings of well-being improve as people pass middle age. Authors say it may be as simple as increased wisdom and emotional intelligence. 32 | Ageless | The Bulletin
How Is Your Critical Thinking? Knowledge Is Power (KIP) Project offering educational opportunities for seniors. By Chuck Fraizer, Central Oregon Council On Aging’s (COCOA) Project KIP Lead What a complex world we live in! How are we to sort out truth from “spin”? It might be helpful to re-sharpen our critical thinking skills to help cope with the daily avalanche of news and views. As adults, we bring to our daily lives a lifetime of experience. However, it never hurts to remind ourselves about some basic tools to be applied when reading about and analyzing complex issues. Critical thinking is often described as the process of thinking that questions assumptions. It is a manner of deciding whether a claim is true, false, sometimes true or party true. Intellectual honesty requires preparation, information seeking, evaluation and decision making. The task one takes on when trying to decide about complex issues is challenging. We are in fact opening ourselves to an array of ideas, opinions, facts or perspectives that may or may not fit into our “comfort zone.” New ideas can be scary, and as we age, we can become increasingly set in our ways. Our fast-paced world of change will leave us behind if we don’t learn to adapt. Preparation is the first step in examining a complex issue. One must identify pre-existing biases. We must be aware of our biases and set it aside and approach the issue with an open mind. We should be ready to list, mentally or in written
many points of view from these varied sources of information. Next, investigation concerning our sources is in order. Seek an understanding of an author’s background and reputation for being objective or subjective on issues. Examine statistical information carefully. Bore down into the origins of numbers and seek an understanding of what they mean. This investigation is an attempt to determine
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the truth of issue-oriented information. Beware of the pitfalls of propaganda (“spin”). Here are some examples of propaganda tools commonly used: We may encounter glittering generalities, name calling, testimonial, plain folks appeal, “get on the bandwagon,” card-stacking and transfer. All of these tools are used in the arena of ideas. Be aware, and don’t be tricked into assuming good (or bad) intent. In the final analysis, make your own decision. Apply your life experience. Use the “facts” you have researched to form your position on the question. P roject K IP ( K nowledge I s Power) is a n information-based opportunity for education started by Central Oregon Council On Aging to help seniors compare the pros and cons of topical issues. Have an interest in pa r ticipating in t he conversation or have ideas for topics? Let us know at Project KIP encourages seniors to think critically and make informed decisions on issues that may well affect your life and wellbeing.
form, the pros and cons concerning the issue under consideration. Having made our preparation, it is time to get to work. Seek information from a variety of sources. Read newspapers, magazines, books, watch television, visit the Internet and discuss with friends and family. More than likely you will get
The Central Oregon Council on Aging is a Nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization dedicated to promoting dignity, well-being, security, and independence for Central Oregon’s Senior Citizens and is the Older Americans Act designated Area Agency on Aging.
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Ageless | Winter 2012 | 33
Put Life Back Into
YOUR LIFE Feel better, be in control and do the things you want to do.
For millions of Americans, managing their chronic health problems can seem like a full-time job. The myriad of daily challenges — learning to take medication correctly, the importance of keeping doctor’s appointments, and working through daily problems as they arise like pain, fatigue, frustration and depression — can be overwhelming. The good news is there is a program being offered in Central Oregon to help those people struggling with the challenges of living with ongoing health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, fibromyalgia, depression, chronic pain, asthma or cancer. The Living Well with Chronic Conditions workshop is a six-week workshop, held for two and a half hours each session. Classes are offered to small groups of 10 to 15 people and are facilitated by trained leaders, some who have experienced chronic health problems themselves. Topics covered include: managing symptoms and medications, working with your health care team, setting reasonable goals, problem solving, physical activity and healthy eating. Participants also learn how to deal with changes in lifestyle that come up on a daily basis such as fatigue, coping with depression and anxiety and handling common problems like frustration, pain and isolation. Several local Central Oregon residents recently shared what they had learned from attending the Living Well workshops. Betty shared that “the classes gave me the confidence that I could go out and do things that I didn’t think I could do. Before the class, there would be many days that I would just sit in my apartment and read or watch TV. Now I get out and do things knowing that I can, without fear.” According to Samantha, the most important thing she got out of the class was that “I am not alone. There are people out there going through so many of the same struggles as me. I’m not the only one. I don’t have to defend myself that I am 39 years old and at times feel like I’m 80.” 34 | Ageless | The Bulletin
Volunteers Needed! The key for Jerry was “learning to set realistic goals and finding ways to work through the limits your condition gives you.” The Living Well program came to Oregon via Stanford University’s School of Medicine in California. The original research study with Kaiser Permanente of California was published in 1996, and the results were impressive. Pe o ple who complet e d t he program, versus people who didn’t, had more energy, engaged in more social activities, gained confidence, improved communication with their physicians and developed an overall sense of empowerment. There were even more tangible res u lt s, however. Thos e who completed the program reported fewer doctor v isit s, fewer emergency room visits and fewer
nights in the hospital. O ver a l l, cos t s av i ngs were substantial. If you are one of the 72 percent of adult Oregonians who are living with a chronic health condition, the Living Well program may help you feel better, be in control and help you continue to do things you enjoy. The L iv ing Well work shops are offered in all three counties: Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson. The actual cost of the workshop is $375, but due to generou s donations from private foundations, local health and social service agencies and state grants, there is a nominal charge of $10 for the six-week workshop. Scholarships are also available for those who cannot afford the registration fee. Each participant
SAVE THE DATE: The third annual Central Oregon Council on Aging (COCOA) Father’s Day Tribute Event at the Bend Elks will be held on Saturday, June 16 when the Elks will play the Corvallis Knights at Vince Genna Field. Join COCOA for a wonderful night of world-class baseball, delicious food, entertainment and lots of surprises. Three ticket levels include: • Home Run: $25 per person includes priority seating for the game, a pre-game VIP reception, a
a l s o re c eive s a c o py of t he reference book, “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions.” The Living Well with Chronic C ond it ion s prog r a m i s bei ng coordinated through the Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook County Health Depar tment s in collaboration with many regional community partners: HealthMatters Central Oregon, St. Charles Health System, Mosaic Medical, Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Pacific Source Health Plans, Oregon Health Authority, and COCOA. For more infor mation about work shops, please c all t he Regional Coordinator at: 541-3227430 or visit www.healthoregon. org/livingwell or patienteducation.
Have a few hours to spare? Giving a little time can greatly help seniors. Central Oregon Council On Aging is always in need of volunteers for their Meals On Wheels programs, in the administrative area and for their YANA (You Are Not Alone) senior companion program. After an application process and background check, volunteers can give as little as a couple hours a month or as much as several hours each day, to help seniors in a variety of ways. Delivering meals to home-bound seniors, helping answer phones or visiting seniors— time is well-spent when supporting seniors in our community. Have an interest in helping? Call 541-678-5483. COCOA is a nonprofit organization and supports and gratefully thanks all volunteers who help them fulfill their mission.
Baseball, It Marks the Time
barbecue meal, entertainment and souvenirs. • Triple Play: $15 per person includes reserved seating, a hot dog and soda, and a great game. • Run Batted In: $7 per person includes a general admission ticket — and supports seniors. Limited sponsorship opportunities with visibility to more than 3,000 people is also available. All proceeds from these tickets will benefit COCOA, a local nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting dignity, well-being, security and independence for
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Central Oregon seniors for the past 36 years, and which serves as the Area Agency on Aging. Your support helps COCOA continue services to seniors in the tri-county region including more than 70,000 meals on wheels, 65,000 congregate meals, 85,000 information and referral calls, 16,000 hours of in-home care, and supporting 300 volunteers. For more information, call 541-678-5483, email, or visit www.
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Ageless | Winter 2012 | 35
“FREEDOM RIDERS”: A screening of the documentary about the civil rights activists; free; 4:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Madras Campus, 1170 E. Ashwood Road, Madras; 541-383-7257.
FLY FISHING FILM TOUR: A screening of a film collection that showcases anglers; $13; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
OREGON HUMANITIES CONVERSATION PROJECT: Veronica Dujon talks about the meanings that Oregonians have attached to state locations and how we want to use and preserve natural resources; free; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and food in downtown Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend.
“FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC”: The Portland Cello Project performs, with a silent auction; proceeds benefit the Summit High School music department; $15 plus fees in advance, $20 at the door; 7 p.m., doors open 6 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300 or www.
SATURDAY, JAN. 28 SOLAR VIEWING: View the sun using safe techniques; included in the price of admission; $10 adults, $9 ages 65 and older, $6 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-3824754 or TOUR FOR THE HEART: Cross-country ski or snowshoe a 5K course; costumes welcome; registration required; proceeds benefit the Oregon chapter of the American Heart Association; $27; 11 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski area, Nordic Center, 13000 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; CASCADE HORIZON BAND: The senior band performs works by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Gershwin, with show tunes and big band music; free; 2 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-639-7734, cascadehorizonband@ or
SUNDAY, JAN. 29 “MY SO-CALLED ENEMY”: A screening of the BendFilm 2011 selection; followed by Q&A with the directors; $12; 1 p.m.; Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court; 541549-8800 or CASCADE HORIZON BAND: The senior band performs works by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Gershwin, with show tunes and big band music; free; 2 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-639-7734, or
TUESDAY, JAN. 31 HISTORY PUB: Bob Boyd talks about “Basques of the High Desert”; free; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or
36 | Ageless | The Bulletin
SATURDAY, FEB. 4 YOUTH CHOIR OF CENTRAL OREGON: The Singers’ School, Premiere and Debut choirs perform a winter concert; $10; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-385-0470 or JOHNSMITH: The Wisconsin-based folk musician performs; $15 suggested donation; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; The Barn in Sisters, 68467 Three Creeks Road; 775-233-1433 or
TUESDAY, FEB. 7 TAO — THE ART OF THE DRUM: Taiko drumming with athletic choreography; $30 or $35; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or
THURSDAY, FEB. 9 “THIS WAY OF LIFE”: A screening of the film about a Maori family and their relationships with their horses and each other; followed by a Q&A with the directors; $12; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or FRUITION: The Portland-based acoustic string musicians perform; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541382-5174 or
FRIDAY, FEB. 10 SISTERS FOLK FESTIVAL WINTER CONCERT SERIES: Featuring a performance by Martyn Joseph; $15, $10 students; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or
FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEB. 10-11 PRINEVILLE FOLLIES: Local entertainers perform “Make a Sweet Sound”; $8, $5 students, $20 families; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd.; 541420-2049.
OCCUPY THE MUSIC: Featuring performances of topical music; proceeds benefit local charities and court costs for residents arrested during civil disobedience activities; $10; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or DAVID JACOBS-STRAIN: The Oregon blues man performs; $15 suggested donation; 8 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; HarmonyHouse, 17505 Kent Road, Sisters; 541-548-2209.
TUESDAY, FEB. 14 VALENTINE DINNER CONCERT: The Sunriver Music Festival presents a concert by saxophonist Patrick Lamb; $75; 6 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593-9310, tickets@sunrivermusic. org or
FRIDAY-SUNDAY, FEB. 17-19 BEND WINTERFEST: Winter carnival featuring rail jams, races, a children’s area, live music, beard contests and more; with a performance by March Fourth; a portion of proceeds benefits Saving Grace; $5-$6 for WinterFest button in advance, $8 at the gate; Friday 5-10 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Old Mill District, 661 S.W. Powerhouse Drive; 541-323-0964 or
SATURDAY, FEB. 18 “CUENTOS DEL ARBOL”: The Pushcart Players present a bilingual musical about a tree and its caretaker; $12, $8 kids; 11 a.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or POLAR PLUNGE: Plunge into the icy Deschutes River in a costume; proceeds benefit Special Olympics Oregon; $50 minimum donation, free for spectators; 11 a.m., 10:30 a.m. costume contest; Riverbend Park, Southwest Columbia Street and Southwest Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend;
SATURDAY-MONDAY, FEB. 18-20 CENTRAL OREGON SYMPHONY WINTER CONCERT: The Central Oregon Symphony performs a winter concert, under the direction of Michael
WEEKDAY EVENTS Gesme; featuring a performance by pianist Andrew Brownell; free but a ticket is required; Saturday 5:30 p.m., Sunday 2 p.m., Monday 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, or
FRIDAY, MARCH 2 FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and food in downtown Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend.
FRIDAY - SATURDAY, FEB. 24-25 TELLURIDE MOUNTAINFILM ON TOUR: Screening of films celebrating mountain people, culture and conservation; $17.50 advance, $20 at door, $12.50 students, $30 in advance for both nights; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, Bend; 541-317-0700 or
SATURDAY, FEB. 25 FREE FAMILY SATURDAY: Visit the High Desert Museum for free; parking limited; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; 541-382-4754; free shuttle from Morning Star Christian School parking lot.
541-317-0700 or
HIGH DESERT CHAMBER MUSIC — ARMADILLO STRING QUARTET: String musicians play selections of chamber music; $35, $10 children and students; 7:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-306-3988, info@highdesertchambermusic. com or
THURSDAY, MARCH 8 SISTERS FOLK FESTIVAL WINTER CONCERT SERIES: A performance by Red Molly; $15, $10 students; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School; 541-5494979 or
SATURDAY, MARCH 10 AN EVENING WITH GROUCHO: Frank Ferrante presents his acclaimed portrayal of comedian Groucho Marx; $30 or $35; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, Bend; 541317-0700 or
FRIDAY, MARCH 16 AN EVENING WITH LEO KOTTKE: The Grammynominated acoustic guitarist performs; $35 or $45; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend;
COMEDY LEGEND GALLAGHER: Comedian performs a “no sledge” show of social and political commentary; $25.85; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
SATURDAY, MARCH 24 RITA HOSKING & COUSIN JACK: The Americana and bluegrass musicians perform; $15 suggested donation; 8 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; HarmonyHouse, 17505 Kent Road, Sisters; 541-548-2209.
THROUGH MARCH ICE SKATING: Seven days a week; 7th and Evergreen, downtown Redmond; free with personal skates; rentals offered at various times; 541-5487275 for hours and information. All dates and times listed are subject to change at any time.
Ageless | Winter 2012 | 37
Meet Lew Hollander:
This 81-year-old racer completed his 22nd Ironman World Championship in 2011. AGE & STATUS: 81 years old, married for 44 years, six children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
Physicist, Author, Ironman; Central Oregon resident since 1971
AS AN IRONMAN: The Ironman World Championships is generally considered one of the toughest endurance races in the world. Held in Kona, Hawaii, competitors open water swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run a marathon in one day. During the race, the athletes battle their own physicality, Hawaii’s heat and a 17 hour cutoff time. Lew’s Ironman stats: • 22 Ironman World Championships • Completed his first Ironman in 1985(55 years old) • 2011 Result: 16:45:55; 1st place, men 80 and over (1,729nd overall); oldest finisher ever
AS AN ATHLETE: Lew’s training schedule is based around working as hard as he can. “I try to go anaerobic every day. Today, I rode 40 miles on my bike with two beautiful girls. Yesterday, I swam with a gang at the pool.” • Member of the American Endurance Ride Conference Hall of Fame • Ride & Tie racer (2 runners, 1 horse). Ran the Western States 100-mile race
AS A PHYSICIST: Lew began his love for physics at age 9 when he realized he had the knowledge to blow stuff up by mixing ordinary household chemicals. “I wrote to the government to let them know this was possible. The letter I got back explained, ‘We need to be able to blow things up when we want to blow them up.’ “That was an ah-ha moment.” • Began his scientific career as a Naval Officer in 1951 • Credited with 22 U.S. patents • Accomplished author featured in numerous scientific journals
IN LEW’S WORDS: 1. Use it or lose it. 2. Go hard, live long. 3. Go anaerobic every day, including stretching 30 minutes every day. 4. Eat well, fruits and vegetables with abundant supplements 5. Set your plans well in advance and have achievable goals 6. Have a stress-free relationship 7. Keep socially active and interested in life and it’s challenges 8. There are no fat old people, so watch your calorie intake. from
“By the time I finished high school, I made a conscious lifestyle choice to live as long as possible. When I’m training, I just see how far I can go. I try to make everyday full.”
— Lew Hollander
Lew plans to keep racing Ironmans until he can’t make the cutoff time. He also plans to live to be 120 years old. Bulletin File Photo
38 | Ageless | The Bulletin
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