Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $
TUESDAY January1, 201 3 iitv
,. HA'I-PY-¹ W . -Y,EARI~,.
• 89-8 vote after midnight in D.C. sendsproposal to House By Kevin G. Hall
tors would avoid a planned cut in Medicare payments, one that might have led many to stop taking patients covered by the program. Heirs of big estates would pay more, but not as much as had been feared. Anyone who collects Social Security benefits will continue to get annual increases without the restraint of a new, less generous cost-ofliving formula. More than 31 million eluded the threat of being hit by the Alternative Minimum Tax.
McClatchy Newspapers
Bus crash —Theaccident, which killed nine people on a notorious stretch of Eastern
Oregon road, is felt in Umatilla County and asfar away as Korea.A3
The Beavs' bigseason — The ending was adisap-
pointment, but getting there was a rollicking season full of
and poor, young and old would be affected by the Senate-approved deal to ease or avoid the effectsof the "fiscal cliff." Everyone would pay higher taxes, including the working poor but especially the wealthy. More than 98 percent of taxpayers would escape more sweeping tax increases. The unemployed would get extended benefits. Doc-
Underthesenateagreement • Taxes:Rates would jump to
The U.S. Senate passed the legislation early today on New Year's Day by an overwhelming count of 89-8. The deal still must be approved by the House, which is expected to vote today or Wednesday, and it's unclear how that vote will go. Republican John Boehner, the speaker of the House, indicated earlier in the evening that he was not going to decide anything until the Senate voted. See Deal /A5
39.6 percent from 35 percent for individual incomes above $400,000,
$450,000 for couples. Deductions and credits would start phasing out
on incomes aslow as $200,000. • Payroll taxes:Thetemporary tax cut would not be extended, raising every worker's tax rate to 6.2
percent from 4.2 percent, taken out of the first $102,000 in income.
•Spendingcuts:Spending cuts totaling $24 billion over two months aimed at the Pentagon
and domestic programs would be deferred.
• Estate tax:Heirs of big estates would pay more: 40 percent (up from 35 percent) on inheritances above $5 million. • Jobless benefits:Theunemployed would get extended benefits.
• Medicare:Doctors would avoid a planned cut in payments.
• Social Security:Anyone who collects benefits will continue to get annual increases without the
restraint of a new, less generous cost-of-living formula. Sources: New YorkTimes, Mcclatchy-Tribune, The Associated Press
New side dishes —Move over, potatoes and rice, it's time for new recipes.O3
a 's our a i
IN 2013
It's New Year's Day: Time to make your resolutions, if you haven't already. In this time of economic Snow and skiing —For local resorts, big basebodes well for business.C1
uncertainty, where better to start than your pocketbook — and your habits?
In national news-
drinking too much. What if you decided to stop indulging and instead invested the money you would
America's bridges, crumbling piece by piece.A2
typically spend on your habit in a savings account'?
Consider whether you're buying too much gear, playing too much video poker or just eating and
To help you decide whether giving up a habit would be worth it, we've done some math. For these And a Web exclusiveTo save elephants, citizens in
Africa pick upweapons, form militias and head out on patrol.
Fasting may stave off top killers
examples, we've deposited 30 days' worth of savings every month into an account that has an interest rate of 3 percent, compounded monthly. Keep in mind that the cost of your habit will likely go up over time, so these estimates, in today's dollars, are on the low end.
Here aresomeexamples f ..1
t atwi
matter Bulletin staff report The New Year dawns cold and potentially bright. Provided we avoid the cliffs, sinkholes and constant threats of double-dip recession, these are the news topics that will have an impact on you, your pocketbook and, potentially, your lifestyle:
• Foreclosures State lawmakers expect to take up the foreclosure issue again, this time to fix a law they approved last year that — combined with a court ruling — prompted lenders to change the way they handle foreclosures. Senate Bill 1552 allows homeowners facing nonjudicial foreclosure to request mediation sessions with their lenders. But it doesn't apply to judicial foreclosures. So, instead of mediating, lenders shifted nearly all of their foreclosures into state courts.
By Emma Young New Scientist
In 1908, Linda Hazzard,an American with some training as a nurse, published "Fasting for the Cure of Disease," which claimed that minimal food was the route to recovery from a variety of illnesses, including cancer. Hazzard was jailed after one of her patients died of starvation. But what if she was, at least partly, right? A new surge of interest in fasting suggests that it might indeed help people with cancer. It might also reducethe risk ofdeveloping cancer, guard against diabetes and heart disease, help control asthma and even stave off Parkinson's disease and dementia. "We know from animal models," says Mark Mattson at the National Institute on Aging, "that if we start an intermittent fasting diet at what would be the equivalent of middle age in people, we can delay the onset of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's." Until recently, most studies linking diet with health and longevity focused on calorie restriction. They have had some impressive results, with the life span of various lab animals lengthened by up to 50 percent after their caloric intake was cut in half. But these effects do not seem to extend to primates. A 23-year study of macaques found that although calorie restriction delayed the onset of age-related diseases, it had no impact on life span. See Fasting /A4
one matters
Cindy Cigarette
Joey Java
Peter Passapint
Sally Soda
Danny Dine-out
Cindy, 20, paysabout $6 a day for smokes.
Joey, 30, buys coffee out every day, $4.50
Peter, 40, enjoys a beverage, at about $5
Sally, 50, drops a few
If she invested that
after the tip. If he put that away for the next
20 years, that money
$1.50 worth. After
Danny, 60, is nearing retirement andeats out once aday, at about$12a pop. If
10 years, shewould save morethan
years, he would have
money for 40 years, she could havesaved
a day with tip. After
30 years, he could
more than
have almost
would bubble up to almost
quarters in the soda machine every day,
he saved that for five
What'sthecostofyourhabit? Andwhat's it really worthtoyou? Daily
deposit Y
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $10 $20 $30
Savings overtime 1 YEAR 5 Y EARS
$1 , 463.62
$87,629.06 $ 139,256.20
$1 1 ,665.50
$16 7,107.44
$1 9 ,442.50
$2 7 8,512.39
$7,318.08 $ 3 8,885.00
$55 7,024.79
$83 5 ,537.18
$10 ,977.12
$58 , 327.50
The state's highest court is scheduled next week to take up a case against the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems — a private mortgage database set up by the nation's largest lenders so they could sell mortgages, allegedly without pubhcly recording each transfer in the county in which the property is located. The Oregon Supreme Court will consider a 2012 state appeals court ruling that said nonjudicial foreclosures can be declared illegal if each change of title in a homeowner's mortgage isn't recorded with a county clerk before the process starts. Separately, all county officials in the state will be watching Multnomah County to see if it files the lawsuit against MERS that the county commission authorized. See 2013/A5
$1 1 1,404.96
To break $1milion —in 40years, just on savingsat 3percentinterest — you'd have toput away$36a day. $36
$ 1 080
$1 3 172.54 $6 9 99300
$15 1 298.03
$35 545257
$63 0 929.22 $1 002644.62
Graphic by David Wray and Andy Zeigert/ lllustrations by Greg Cross iThe Bulletin
TODAY'S WEATHER Partly cloudy High 32, Low 11
Page B6
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Vol. 110, No. 1, 30 pages,
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D eca in D. • ri e re ects state nationwi e By Ashley Halsey III The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — A dozen blocks from the dome of the U.S. Capitol, a bridge rots away in sil ence as 70,000 driversroar across it each day. Now and then a chunk of concreteshakes loose from its underside and plops into the river below, but mostly it is quiet corrosion that has eaten holes through the thick steel beams that were laid in place six decadesago.Most are the size ofa quarter or no bigger than a paper dollar, but one girder looks like something that has been gnawed on by rats, so riddled with gapping holes that no wise man would dare stand on it. There is no danger that the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge will collapse into the Anacostia River, District of Columbia engineers say, but it is falling apart faster than repairs can be made. It needs to be replaced now, at a cost of almost $661 million in a project with an overall price tag of $906 million. While it holds distinction as the bridgegone-bad that is closest to the halls of Congress, lawmakers know they all have bridges that are as bad or worse in their
GIInman'S remainS —Aspokesman for the family of Adam Lanza, the gunman intheNewtown, Conn., school massacre, identified Lanza's father on Monday as the person who claimed his body. The father, Peter Lanza, received his 20-year-old son's remains at
the Connecticut chief medical examiner's office. Thespokesman, Errol Cockfield Jr., said "private arrangements" occurred during the weekend, but he gave no details. Peter Lanza was divorced from Adam
Lanza's mother, Nancy.Theyounger Lanza killed his mother at the home they shared, then killed 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec.14.
home states.
the vast infrastructure boom America's bridges are falling that followed World War II and down pieceby piece,rustsprin- limped creaking and groaning kling like a summer shower into the 21st century. from corrosion too intense to be Water systems need a $335 spackled over by a fresh coat of billion fix, and sewers $300 paint. Concrete breaking away billion more, according to an in chips and chunks. exhaustive series of reports by No one is at risk. Not yet. the American Society of Civil And officials say they will shut Engineers. The electrical grid down any bridge well before it requires investment of $107 becomes a danger. billion by 2020. Airports need "If any bridge is unsafe, we $114 billion over the same peimmediately take it out of ser- riod. About $30 billion should vice," said U.S. Transporta- be pumped into U.S. ports in tion Secretary Ray LaHood. the next eight years if they are "However, it's no secret that to compete in global markets. many aging bridges across the Close to $40 billion must be countryare in need ofrepairor spent on a revolutionary new replacement, and there simply aviation control system. isn't enough money in Wash"Reliable, modern i n f r aington to fund them alL" structure isn't a luxury," said Bridges have a life span, a Sen. John K erry, D - Mass., limit to how long they can bear the Obama administration's the weight and weather of daily nominee assecretary of state, stress. Then they need to be re- who serves on two key Senplaced. Generally they are built ate committees that deal with tostand for50years;the average infrastructure issues. "It's the bridge in the U.S. is 43 years old. lifeblood of our economy, the That puts many of the na- key to connecting our markets, tion's 600,000 bridges at the moving products and people, end of their lives, with 70,000 of generating a n d s u s taining them officially judged structur- millions of jobs for American ally deficient last year. Penn- workers, to not wasting hunsylvania leads the nation, with dreds of thousands of hours 5,906 troubled bridges. and millions of gallons of gas Bridges are just a fraction of on clogged highways."
PrayerS far ChaVeZ —President HugoChavez's newcomplications after cancer surgery prompted his closest allies to call for Ven-
ezuelans to pray for him onMonday, presenting an increasingly bleak outlook and prompting growing speculation about whether the ailing leader has much longer to live. Vice President Nicolas Maduro looked
weary andspokewithasolemnexpressionasheannouncedina televised address from Havana on Sunday that Chavez now confronts "new complications" due to a respiratory infection nearly three weeks
after his operation. Hedescribed Chavez'scondition as delicate. ShOVing death —The family of a womanaccused of shoving a man to his death in front of a subwaytrain called police several times in the past five years because she had not been taking prescribed medication and was difficult to deal with, authorities said Monday.
Erika Menendez,31, was being held without bail on a murder charge in the death of Sunando Sen. She told police she pushed the 46-year-old India native because she thought he was Muslim, and she hates them,
according to prosecutors. NYC eXplOSiVe SubStanCe —A womanwho gave birth under arrest and her boyfriend werefacing weapons charges Mondayafter authorities said they found a substance used to make bombs and papers titled "The Terrorist Encyclopedia" in their apartment in a picturesque
Manhattan neighborhood. MorganGliedman, the 27-year-old daughter of a prominent New York City physician, and Aaron Greene, 31,
were arrested Saturday after officers with a searchwarrant discovered a plastic container with 7 grams ofHMTD,a highly explosive white powder used in bombmaking, police and prosecutors said. Marijuana CIIldS in COIOradO —Recreational marijuana clubs opened Monday in Colorado, less than a month after the state governor signed into law a constitutional amendment allowing recreational
pot use. With a reggaesoundtrack and flashing disco-style lights, Club 64 in an industrial area just north of downtown Denver opened
Monday afternoon,withsome200peoplesignedup.Theopening came less than 24hours after club organizers announcedthey would charge a $29.99admission price for the bring-your-own pot club.
HumanResources Traci Donaca......................541-383-0327
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Runaway oii rig under control —Anenormous Shell Dil off-
shore rig that had broken free and gone adrift in stormy seas in the Gulf of Alaska for the better part of three days was brought under con-
trol Monday, the companysaid. Twotow lines from the rig, the Kulluk, which was used for test drilling in the Arctic last summer, had been reattached to support ships about19 miles south of Kodiak Island, and
officials were discussing what to donext. TheKulluk was being towed to Seattle for maintenance when the line to its towing ship, the Aiviq,
separated during a storm. Syria OffenSiVe —Syria's military was mounting what opposition activists said was the largest incursion in months on a rebellious
suburb of Damascus onMonday, in an effort to drive back rebel forces that have taken up positions within miles of the center of the capital. At least three people were killed in the fighting in the suburb, Daraya,
REDMOND BUREAU Street addreSS.......226N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756 Mailing address....pO. Box788 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541 -504-2336 .................................541 -548-3203
southwest of Damascus, which was a focal point for the protest movement early in the uprising against President Bashar Assad. An opposition activist in Daraya who gave his name as Ismail said fighting in the
town had beengoing on for weeks.
Refugees flee Central African Republic — Asefforts to
broker a deal tostop arebel advancefailed, residents of the capital of
The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If yoo know ofan error in a story, call os at 541-383-0358.
the Central African Republic are packing up their belongings and fleeing into the country's vast hinterlands. Rebels rejected an offer from
the country's president, Francois Bozize,saying that previous agreements with the president had been made and quickly broken. The rebel
coalition, known asSeleka, is madeupof several groups of fighters opposed to thegovernment of Bozize, whocameto power after a brief civil war 2003 andhas hadatenuous grip on the presidency ever since.
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Monday night are:
G ta Ot>O a>O aaOs04't The estimated jackpot is now $7.4 million.
John Minchillo/The Associated Press
crowd MondayatTimesSquare's NewYear's Evecel-
Hingham, Mass.,saidfromTimes Square. Elsewhere, lavish fireworks displays lit upskylines in
Iraq attaokS —At least three dozenpeople werekilled in a string
ebration. Hundreds of thousands of revelers crowded into New
Sydney, Hong Kong and Shanghai.In the UnitedArab Emirates city of Dubai, multicolored fireworks danced
of attacks Monday in Iraq, the police said, signaling a bloody end to a year of rising ethnic, political and sectarian troubles that showed little
York City's TimesSquareto watch the crystal-covered
early Tuesday up anddownthe world's tallest building,
sign of easing. Police officials provided yetanother violent accounting
ball make its annual descent, ringing in the start of 2013. The festivities joined a slew of others around the
the Burj Khalifa. In Rome, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated NewYear's
of bloodshed, with at least 36 civilians and police officials killed and dozens wounded. The deadliest attacks took place in Kirkuk, in north-
globe, including thefirst public countdown in yearsin Myanmar.
Eve with avespers service inSt. Peter's Basilica to give
ern Iraq. Sevenpeople werekilled and morethan a dozenwere wound-
thanks for 2012 and look ahead to 2013. Hesaid that despite all the death and injustice in the world, goodness
ed in13 attacks that included car and roadside bombs and gunfire. — From wire reports
Qi Zhao, 25, of China, center, cheers along with the
"With all the sadness in the country, we're looking
forsome goodchangesin2013,"LauraConcannon,of
Find Your Dream Home In
Hillary Clinton expected to fully recover from blood clot near brain By Hefene Cooper and Denise Grady
could cause blood to back up, and could lead to a hemorNew York Times News Service rhage inside the brain. WASHINGTON — SecreClinton's doctors were uptary of State Hillary Clinton's beat in their statement. "In all blood clot formed in her head, other aspects of her recovery, her doctors said Monday, a the secretary is making expotentially serious condition cellent progress, and we are from which they nonetheless confident she will make a full stressed they expect her to recovery," the statement said. "She is in good spirits, engagfully recover. Clinton, 65, was hospitaling with her doctors, her famized Sunday a t N e w York- ily and her staff." Presbyterian Hospital for the The sudden turn in Clinton's blood clot — in a vein between condition appeared to t a ke the brain and the skull and members of her staff by surbehind her right ear — and prise. As recently as Sunday doctors said Monday that it afternoon, they thought she did not result in a stroke or was ready to return to work. "Yep, she's looking forward neurological damage. They said they were treating her to getting back to the office with blood thinners to try to this week and resuming her dissolve the clot. schedule (plan i s W e dnes"She will be released once day)," Clinton's close aide, the medication dose has been Philippe Reines, replied to an established," according to the email inquiry. statement from Dr. Lisa BarBut by 7:30 p.m. Sunday, dack and Dr. Gigi El-Bayoumi. all that had changed. Clinton, Clots such as the one Clinton who had been home for more has can be serious, said doc- than two weeks nursing injutors not involved in her care. ries suffered after she fainted Dr. David Langer, a brain sur- and hit her head, suffering a geon and an associate profes- concussion, had been admitsor at the North Shore-Hofs- ted at NewYork-Presbyterian tra-Long Island Jewish School with an ominous diagnosis: a of Medicine, said that if this blood clot stemming from the type of clot was untreated, it concussion, Reines said.
Clinton's friends say they have become i n creasingly concerned about her since she fell ill in mid-December from a stomach virus. She was vomiting constantly, friends said, and fell forward, hitting her head and blacking out. The result, one friend said, was a contusion on her eye and on her brain. On Dec. 13, doctors diagnosed her with a concussion, and she was kept to limited activity, according to a friend of Clinton's who spoke on condition of a n onymity because he didn't want to discuss her illness publicly.
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I - ~o
TOP T ORY: Orc on bus crash
It's Tuesday, Jan. 1, the first
day of 2013. Thereare364 days left in the year.
FiSCal CriSiS —Large tax increases go into effect unless Congress can reach a deal. A1 WOI'klllg —Washington state raises its minimum wage
yi n
15 cents an hour.C6 e
College footdall —Stan-
ford faces Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl, one of six bowl
games played today.C1
HISTORY r,,; sasta 0'r,
Highlight:In 1863, President
Abraham Lincoln signed and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that
slaves in rebel states shall be "foreverfree." In1785, The Daily Universal Register — which later be-
cametheTimesofLondon — published its first issue. In1890, the first Tournament
of Roses was held in Pasadena, Calif. In1892, the Ellis Island Immigrant Station in New York
formally opened. In1913, the U.S. Parcel Post system went into operation. In 1942, 26 countries, including the United States, signed the Declaration of the United Nations, pledging "not to
Randy L.Rasmussen /The Oregonian
A piece of heavy equipment strains Monday to move the bus from the bottom of the embankment where it came to rest after plunging 200 feet from the roadway Sunday, killing nine and sending many more to hospitals.
make a separate armistice or peace" with members of the Axis. In1953,country singer Hank Williams Sr., 29, was discovered dead in the back seat of
his car during a stop in Oak Hill, WVa., while he was being driven to a concert date in
Canton, Ohio. In1959, Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries overthrew Cuban leader Fulgencio Batista, who fled to the Dominican
Republic. In1962,The Beatles (with Pete Best) auditioned for
Decca Records, which opted to sign Brian Poole and the Tremeloes instead. In1983, the current version of the lnternet came into being as the lnternet protocol suite,
commonlyknown asTCP/IP, became the mandatory standard. In1984, the breakup of
ATBT took place as the telecommunications giant was divested of its 22 Bell System
companies under terms of an antitrust agreement. In 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully split into two new countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect.
Ten years ago:More than two dozen surgeons in West Virginia stopped performing elective surgeries to protest the high cost of malpractice insurance. (They returned to work two weeks later when
they were convinced that the governor and the legislature would address their con-
cerns.) Brazil's first elected leftist president, Luiz lnacio Lula da Silva, took office.
Five years ago:Revelers celebrated the newyear around the world; a ball dropped for the100th year in New York's
Times Square. One yearago:A Mount Rainier National Park ranger, Margaret Anderson, was shot and killed by the driver
of a car that blew through a checkpoint. (Searchers later found the body of the man,
24-year-old Benjamin Colton Barnes, in a snowy creek.)
BIRTHDAYS Former Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C., is 91. Actor Ty Hardin
is 83. Documentary maker Frederick Wiseman is 83. Actor Frank Langella is
75. Rock singer-musician Country Joe McDonald is 71. Writer-comedian Don Novello is 70. Actor Rick Hurst is 67. Country singer
Steve Ripley (The Tractors) is 63. Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., is 59. Rapper Grandmaster Flash is 55.
Actress Ren Woods is 55. Actress Dedee Pfeiffer is 49. Actress Embeth Davidtz is 47.
Country singer Brian Flynn (Flynnville Train) is 47. Actor Morris Chestnut is 44. Actor
Verne Troyer is 44. Actress Eden Riegel is 32. — From wire reports
By Bill Rautenstrauch
"It began a response you rarely see on any of our roadways."
plunged was a big problem to
WesCom News Service
— Oregon State Police Lt. Gregg Hasting, on the work of emergency crews Sunday P ENDLETON — W e e k s may pass before the exact c ause of a f a t a l t ou r b u s ''I" crash Sunday east of Pendlel.• I I ton is known, but shock and sadness already reverberate around the world, said Oregon State Police Lt. Gregg s Hastings, speaking Monday at the Umatilla County Justice Center. T he c r ash k i l l e d n i n e people andinjured 39 others -,C..- : - : :..."':::=s: — most of them Korean. "I'd lik e t o e x p ress our h eartfelt c o n d olences t o communities in Taiwan, Korea and Japan. This extends beyond the borders of Umatilla County to t h e w o rld," Hastings said. Hastings said the crash on s Interstate 84 about 13 miles from Pendleton is the subject of a n i n t ensive i n vestigation that likely will require a srrr'A '4 month or more. The Umatilla County D i s t r ic t A t t o r ney Tim Tramor/ East Oregonian will decide whether crimiThe scene of the crash Sunday. Emergency agencies from Pendleton, Walla Walla, Wash., Hermiston, nal charges will be brought La Grande and other communities responded to the crash site. against the driver, Haeng Kyu Wong, 54, of Vancouver, BritTo Walla Walla ish Columbia. In the meantime, many details, including DeadmanPass whether ice on the roadway Site of fatal Pendleton was a factor, won't be made bus accident public, Hastings said. T he first c al l a b out t h e OREGON crash came in about 10:09 Pendo o a .m. Sunday a n d l e d t o To t he mobilization o f e m e r - J ohn UMA T I L LA '
gency response agencies
from Pendleton, Walla Wall a, Wash., H ermiston, L a Grande and other communities, he said. "It began a response you rarely see on any of our roadways," Hastings said. The westbound bus, owned by MiJoo Tour and Travel of Vancouver, British Columbia, carried 48 aboard, including the driver. The vehicle collided with a concrete barrier along the left shoulder, then veered across b ot h w e s tbound lanes. It struck a met-
To La Grande ' Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin
Jake Contor, a Pendleton resident who speaks Korean and helped translate for the Red Cross, said he had s poken with several of t h e survivors. "The stories have b e en fairly c o n sistent: b r a k ing, swerving, sliding on the ice, hitting the g u ardrail, then sliding down th e e mbankment," Contor said. al guardrail before plunging He said the victims told about 200 feet down a snowhim the bus left Boise, Idaho, covered embankment. on Sunday morning and was Umatilla County Emergen- supposed to arrive in Vancy Manager Jack Remillard couver that night. The sursaid that 10 different ambu- vivors who spoke to Contor lance s ervices r e sponded were seated at the back of to a scene that was highly the bus and said it appeared challenging. that the front and center of "Many peoplewere ejected the coach sustained the most and many were injured indamage. side the bus," Remillard said. The survivors, who range Some of t h e p a ssengers in age from 7 to 74, were sent were e x c h ange s t u d ents to 10 hospitals in O r egon, from South K o r ea. S ome Washington and I daho. At passengers were from Britleast 10 were released Monish Columbia, and some from day, police said. Washington state. InvestigaThe charter bus was on a tors say there also may have return trip to Canada from been a Japanese passenger Las Vegas — one of the stops and one from Taiwan, and on a nine-day western tour. t hey're working w it h c o n The crash happened near sular officials from those na- the top of Cabbage Hill, a tions to identify them. steep grade notoriously dif-
Randy L. Rasmussen /The Oregonian
The guardrail that the bus overran before plummeting 200 feet down the embankment. ficult to navigate in w i nter weather, at the border of the C onfederated Tribes of t h e Umatilla Indian Reservation. Pendleton Fire Chief Gary Woodson said the tribal fire
department was first on the scene, and that a staging area was set up along the highway as more units arrived. Woodson said th e s teep slope down which the bus
overcome. "We tried to have a Plan A, B, and C, and we probably went further down the alphabet than that," he said. He said the rescue effort included use of r a ppelling lines, Stokes baskets, and an all-terrain vehicle. One helicopter with a medical crew also responded.
"We were loading as many
as we could in each ambulance an d t h e n n o t i f y i ng the appropriate f a cilities," Woodson said. Larry B l anc, director of c ommunications at St. A n thony's Hospital in Pendleton, said that as the injured poured in, staffmembers prepared for a "Code D" or mass casualty i n cident, shutting the hospital down to all but emergency patients. Blanc said the majority of bus passengers were taken in at St. Anthony's. Some were flown from thereto other facilities, and some were treated and released to a shelter set up in Pendleton by the American Red Cross. Five remain hospitalized at St. Anthony's. "We had s ome w a l k i ng wounded, some i n w h e elchairs. We did our best to triage, stabilize and transport," Blanc said. Crash victims were treated at Good Shepherd Medical Center in Hermiston, Grande Ronde Hospital in La Grande, St. Mary's and Walla Walla G eneral i n Wa l l a W a l l a , W ash., Harborview M e d i cal Center in Seattle, Kadlec Medical Center in Richland, Wash., Oregon Health and Sciences University and Legacy Emmanuel in Portland, and St. Alphonsus Medical Center in Boise. Hastings said the bus tour had stopped in L a s V egas and passed through Boise, though he didn't specify the itinerary or give a timeline. He said some of the passengers were Korean nationa ls wit h p a ssports, w h i l e some others were residents of communities i n B r i t i sh Columbia, Washington, and O regon. Al l o f t h e d e a d , he said, were adults. Their identities are being withheld pending notification of next of kin. H astings said a l i s t o f names being r eleased has been posted on the Oregon State Police website, and that family members are asked to check the list to confirm if someone they know was traveling on the bus. If a name is not on the list, a family representative can call 503-375-3555. — JonathanJ. Cooper and Jeff Barnard Of the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Heart Institute i n M u r r ay, Utah, Benjamin Horne has Continued from A1 found that a 24-hour waterSo other factors, such as ge- only fast, performed monthly, netics, may be more important raises levels of human growth for human longevity. hormone. That hormone trigThat's bad news for any- gers the breakdown of fat for one who has gone hungry for energy use,reducing insulin decades in the hope of living levels and o ther m etabolic longer, but the f i nding has markers of glucose metabonot deterred researchers who lism. As a result, people lost study fasting. They point out weight, and their risk of getthat although fasting obvi- ting diabetes and coronary ously involves cutting calories heart disease was reduced. — at least on specific days — it Alternate-day fasting (with a brings about biochemical and 500-calorie lunch for women p hysiological c h anges t h at and a 600-calorie meal for daily dieting does not. Besides, men on fast days) has similar calorie restriction may leave benefits, says Krista Varady people susceptible to infections of the University of Illinois. and biological stress, whereas She has seen improvements fasting, done properly, should not. Some even argue that we are evolutionarily adapted to going without food intermittently. "The evidence is pretty strong that our ancestors did not eat three meals a day plus snacks," Mattson says. "Our genes are geared to being able to cope with periods of no food."
in people's levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or "bad cholesterol," and blood pressure in volunteers eating either a low-fat or high-fat diet
on "feeding" days.
For people who are overweight, any kind of intermittent fasting diet will probably help reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems, Mattson says. In 2007, he found another benefit, too. He put 10 overweight people with asthma on an alternate-day incomplete fast and found that their asthma symptoms improved after just a few weeks. Blood markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein,also decreased, suggest-
ing that the fast was helping to moderate their overactive immune system. Whether fasting would benefit normal-weight people with asthma or other conditions associated with an o veractive immune response remains to be seen.
How the brain reacts Mattson has, however, identified another effect of fasting that he believes can benefit everyone: It is good for the brain. "If you look at an animal that's gone without food for an entire day, it becomes more active," he says. " Fasting is a m i l d stressor that motivates the animal to increase activity in the
brain." From an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense, because if you are deprived of food, your brain needs to work harder to help you find something to eat. His studies suggest that alternate-day fasting, with a single meal of about 600 calories on the fast day, can boost the production of a protein called brain-derived n e u r otrophic factor by 50 to 400 percent, depending on the brain region. This protein is involved i n th e g eneration o f n e w brain cells and plays a role in learning and memory. It can also protect brain cells from the changes associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
In mice engineered to develop Alzheimer's-like s y mptoms, alternate-day fasting begun in middle age delayed the onset of memory problems by about six months. "This is a large effect," Mattson says, perhaps equivalentto 20 years in humans. So, whatabout the common advice to start the day with a good breakfast? Mattson believes it is f l awed, pointing out that the studies supporting this idea were based on schoolchildren who u sually ate breakfast; a decline in their academic performance might simply be due to the ill effects that occur when people begin
Trying out a fast Fasting will leave you feeling crummy in the short term because it takes time for your body to break psychological and biological habits, researchers say. There isn't really agreement, though, on what fasting entails. To research this article, I am trying out the "5:2" diet, which allows me 600 calories in a single meal on each of two weekly "fast" days. (The normal recommended daily intake is about 2,000 calories for a woman and 2,500 for a man.) Proving that fasting is not necessarily about losing weight, I am allowed to eat whatever I want on the five non-fast days. A more draconian regimen than the 5:2 plan has restrictedcalorie fasts every other day. Then there's total fasting, in which participants go without food for one to five days. (Fasting for more than about a week is considered dangerous.) This might bea one-offexperience, or repeated weekly or monthly. Different regimens have different effects on the body. A fast is considered to start about 10 to 12 hours after a meal, when you have used up all the available glucose in your blood and start converting glycogen stored in liver and muscle cells intoglucose to use for energy. If the fast continues, there is a gradual move toward breaking down stored body fat, and theli ver produces "ketone bodies," short molecules that are byproducts of the breakdown of fatty acids. These can be used by the brain as fuel. This process is in full swing three to four days into a fast. Various hormones are also affected. For example, production of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) drops early and reaches very low levels by day three or four. It is similar in structure to insulin, which also becomes scarcer with fasting, and high levels of both have been linked to cancer.
The eff ecton diabetes High insulin is also associated with Type 2 diabetes, so perhaps it is no surprise that fastingshows promise there, too. A t t h e I n t ermountain po
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The effect on cancer As for treating cancer, Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, thinks that short-term complete fasts maximize the benefits. He has found that a 48-hour total fast slowed the growth of five of eight types of cancer in mice, the effect tending to be more pronouncedthe more fasts the animals undertook. Fasting is harder on cancer cells than on normal cells, he says. That's because the mutations that cause cancer lead to rapid growth under the physiological conditions in which they arose, but they can be at a disadvantage when conditions change. This could also explain why fasting combined with conventional cancer treatment provides a double whammy. Mice with gliomas — very aggressive forms of cancer and the most commonly diagnosed brain tumor in people — were more than twice as likely to survive a 28-day study if they underwent a 48-hour fast accompanied by radiation therapy as were those that did not fast. Could fasting prevent cancers from developing in the first place? Evidence is scant. Longo says there are "very good reasons" why it should. He points out that high levels of IGF-I and glucose in the blood and being overweight are risk factorsforcancer,and they can all be improved by fasting.
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Continued from A1 And w h il e t h e n o m i nal deadline for action passed at midnight, Obama's signature on legislation by the time a new Congress takes office at noon on Jan. 3, 2013 — the likely timetable — would eliminate or minimize any inconvenience for taxpayers. The broadest effect was the apparent decision not to extend a temporary cut in t he payroll tax that finances Social Security. As a result, every worker will pay more taxes immediately as the raterises from 4.2 percent of pay to 6.2 percent. The tax is taken out of roughly the first $102,000 in income. The end to the payroll tax cut means that a worker earning $40,000 would pay about $2,480 in payroll tax in the coming year, up from $1,680. That would cuttake-home pay by about $30 every two weeks. For individuals making up to $200,000 and families making up to $250,000, the rest of their taxes would remain the same, as the Bush-era tax cuts were made permanentforthem. The wealthy would get less generous tax breaks.. For single filers with taxable income above $250,000 and couples with income over $300,000, the tax credits and deductions enjoyed by most taxpayers would be phased out starting at those thresholds. The deal would limit the number of personal tax exemptions they can claim when filing incometax returns, and limit the value of the itemized tax deductions they take. Individuals with taxable income above$400,000 and families with income over $450,000 would pay a top tax rate of 39.6 percent,up from 35 percent. They would also pay 20 percent on capital gains and dividends, up from 15percent. It could have been worse for such taxpayers: Taxes on dividends were poised to revert to the rate of taxpayer's ordinary income, as it was in the pre-Bush years.
Gran ar ains ivewayto e isative UIC ixes By Jennifer Steinhauer New York Times News Service
W A SHINGTO N — The confusing struggle to head off a n ational fiscal crisis has made one thing crystal clear: The era of the Big Deal is over. Despite repeated, intense a nd p ersonal e f f ort s b y P resident B a rack O b a m a and House Speaker John Boehner as well as b ipart isan coalitions, gangs of senators, supercommittees, s pecial c o m missions a n d wonky outsiders, the grand bargain remains the elusive holy grail o f f i s cal policy and seems destined to stay that way for now. " We don't s eem t o b e able to do grand bargains very well," said S en. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who has long been a f orce for compromise. While some groups have produced t h e fr a m ework for smallerdeals and even gained some bipartisan support — particularly the 2010 S impson-Bowles plan t h at fell just short of a 14-vote threshold required to get before Congress — the alchemy of Obama and the current R epublican-controlled House, not to mention the ideologically diverse Senate,
Representatives, Rep.Greg Walden, R-Hood River, was not part of the11th-hour
discussions, according to Walden spokesmanAndrew Malcolm.
"He has not been inany
direct negotiations on this. I think the speaker has negotiated with the president
on a pretty one-on-one basis," Malcolm said. That left Walden in the
same position as avast majority of House members on Monday:Waiting for the Senate to vote.
Oregon's Democratic senators were unavailable for comment Monday. Tom
Towslee, a spokesmanfor U.S. Sen. RonWyden, said Wyden would wait until
a dealhad been reached before commenting. Messages left with staff of U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley were not
immediately returned.
2013 Continued from A1
• PERS The cost to fund the Public E m ployees R etirement System becomes a point of contention when the Oregon Legislature takes its seats in January and commences its real work in February. Gov. John K i t z haber p r o poses saving $865 million from the
agreement, a bigger deal." — Sen. Mitch Mcconnell, Republican leader
policy visions. "My preference would have been to solve all these problems in the context of a larger
a ein e By Peter Baker
The fifth-ranking Republican in the U.S. House of
"My preference would have been to solve all these problems in the context of a larger
"We can't do the task all at once," said Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D. "I pushed for a big deal, but in this case, agreement, a bigger deal, this time we can only get the a grand bargain, whatever tax piece done; so we need you want to call it," he said. to move, we need to get it "Maybe we can do it in stages. done." We're going to solve this probThe downside of i n c r elem instead in several steps." mentalism is apparent every R epublicans a p pear t o month i n W a shington, as agree. a new battle emerges and " We'll continue to w o r k l egislative B a nd-Aids a r e on smart ways to cut spend- affixed t o f i s cal g u n shot ing," Sen. Mitch McConnell wounds. of Kentucky, the Republican While Congress appeared leader, said on th e Senate Monday to b e l u rching to floor. "But let's not let that a deal to avoid significant stand in the way." tax increases for millions of The l is t o f unr e a lized Americans, th e e m erging g oals f r o m O b a m a a n d patchwork tax d eal w ould Boehner's last attempt at a push over a series of fights grand bargain tw o w e eks into t h e n e x t Co n g ress, ago are breathtaking in their most of them very likely to number, particularly when be marked by the same 11th compared with the probable hour, rancorous dynamics outcome of these final con- that have been the signature gressional negotiations. Am- of every other fiscal deal. bitious plans to overhaul the Most pressing, Congress individual tax code, tackle will have to come together as corporaterates, revamp the early as next month to lift the appears hopelessly inhos- Medicare program and pos- debt ceiling, which Republipitable to bring something sibly consider changes in cans are already hoping to huge to the finish line. S ocial Security appear t o leverage to eke more spendA s Obama al l b u t a c - have given way mainly to a ing cuts from Democrats. A knowledged Monday, big bi- tax increaseforbig earners. similar fight almost led to partisan legislative dreams M embers i n bo t h t he default in 2011, and damaged s eem all but certain to be House and the Senate said the nation's credit rating. miniaturized as incremental perhaps that was OK. In March, Congress will
New York Times News Service
What our delegation said
"We'll continue to work on smart ways to cut spending. But let's not let that stand in the
Another y e ar , a n o t her f ourth-quarter su m m o n s off thefiscal bench for Vice President Joe Biden. The late entry o f B i d en into the tax and spending talks that h ave consumed the capital over the last two months recalls his role in the debt crisis of 2011 and again seems to have been critical toward cutting through the deadlock. B iden wa s h a n ded t h e ball not by President Barack Obama but by Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican minority leader, who called the vice president after growing frustrated by negotiations with the Democratic majority leader, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada. McConnell and Biden have
had good relations going back to their years together in the Senate. A s soon a s t h e t a l k s boiled down to B iden and M cConnell, the path t o a tentative agreement on taxes became relatively short. The two talked late into the night Sunday, with their last
$4.5 million if the status quo remains.
• Bend Park ff Recreation District
If you own your own home in Bend and plan on staying awhile, count on paying about $40 more in property taxes every year over the next 20 years. Why? Because a majority of voters — barely — on Nov. 6 approved a $29 million bond measure to fund a series program by capping cost- of ambitious improvements to of-living increases and cur- park and rec facilities. One of tailing o u t-of-state c r edits the most ambitious: ridding to some retirees. The state the Colorado Avenue dam faces a $16 billion unfunded of the hazard it presents to liability owed its retirees. Un- kayakers and floaters on the less the Legislature and gov- Deschutes River, a $5 million ernor come to a consensus, project on its own. Other projthat continuing cost will be ects include a lengthening of borne by those who employ the Deschutes River Trail and t hose public servants: t h e turning the former park-andtaxpayers. School districts, in ride lot on Simpson Avenue particular, say the Kitzhaber into a facility with an ice rink, plan is a good start, but needs athletic fields and a farmers more work. market. The governor would spend Voters kept the Deschutes $ 253 million o f t h e P E R S County clerks counting until savings on schools, but that the next day before arriving would barely dent the contri- at a final margin: 1,239 more butions by school districts to votes for the bond, out of more teacher retirement plans. In than 30,000 cast. Bend-La Pine School District, • Bend water Kitzhaber's plan would, for example, reduce the district A dispute over the impact pension contribution to $1.5 the $68 million Bridge Creek million this year rather than water project moved to federal
— President Barack Obama
spar once again over a shortterm spending agreement to keep the government open, the same sort that led to a near shutdown almost two
years ago. It appeared Monday that scheduled spending cuts to the Pentagon and other parts of government — the result of last year's debt ceiling agreement — will be delayed for two months, yet another short-term kick of the can. Republicans and Democrats will most likely revisit the recurringquestion of revenues versus spending cuts when those two months are up. Because the sharply divided 112th Congress and the White House have repeatedly eschewed large-scale deals in favor of quick fixes, myriad bills left undone will now be in the hands of the 113th Congress set to convene at noon Thursday. The legislation includes a transportation bill; a funding mechanism to s u pplement the waning gas tax reserves to meet the nation's infrastructure needs; and even a measure, once c ompletely uncontroversial, to prevent domestic violence. Also left to the new year is a bill to help states hit by
Hurricane Sandy; the Senate passed such a measure last week, but Republican House members, as has been the case with every disaster relief bill in t his Congress, disagree w it h D e m o crats on its level of spending, and a final deal seems unlikely until the next Congress. The House was also set to vote today on a measure to deal with dairy prices. Doing business in pieces
may end up a more productive formula — in the sense that walking 100 miles will s till t r a n sport a per s o n without an airplane or a bus — but many outside Congress do not think such halting forward motion should be confused w i t h a c t u al success. "That's the nature of the d ysfunction," s ai d J u l i a n Zelizer,a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton. "For the parties, it gives them temporary cover and to fight again on the issues in the next few months. The parties please their base, but the country does not get a solution." But that seems to be the nature of w hat constitutes progress in such a sharply divided political world.
a me, i e n e s e c a
Last year, Obama gave Biden the task of negotiating with Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House majority leader, for a way out of a confrontation over the n ation's debt c e iling, b u t they failed to come up with a resolution, an d O b ama caucus meet- and Boehner stepped in. ing about the A fter th e t w o o f t h e m "fiscal cliff" failed to reach a grand baron Capitol gain, Biden and McConnell Hill. came up with anagreement that resolved the issue for Alex Brandon the moment but set up the The Associated a utomatic s p ending c u t s Press that take effect this week unless the two sides come up with a n a g r eement to stop them. The tandem of Biden and McConnell is not a result of call around 12:45 a.m. and extend unemployment dent on what to do. But he any ideological affinity. But Biden a n d McC o n nell insurance. But the two rewas largely a s e c ondary McConnell has a s t r ained were back on the phone at mained in talks about how figure as long as the action relationship at best with the 6:30 a.m. Monday, and by long to postpone automatic was centered on the House, other two main Democratic the afternoon Obama and spending cuts due to take with Speaker John B oehplayers, Obama and Reid, McConnell were reporting a effect this week. ner as the main Republican leaving the vice president as near deal. I t was no t a s i f B i d e n negotiator. his best "dancing partner." " They have a g oo d r e The vice p resident and h ad not been part o f t h e O nce Boehner gave u p the senator had agreed on j ockeying o v e r t h e tw o and handed off the issue to lationship," said a s e n i or a compromise toraise some months before the call from McConnell, the v ice pres- W hite House official w h o tax rates, renew a variety McConnell. i dent's long history in t h e asked not to b e i dentified of tax credits, increase the He sat in o n t h e m eet- Senate put him back on the discussing continuing talks. "It's borne fruit before." estate tax on t h e w ealthy ings and advised the presi- field.
court in Eugene, where a judge enjoined the city from moving forward until environmental issues were addressed. The city resubmitted its p ermit application to the U.S. Forest Service — the pipeline crosses a national forest — to address some objections raised by Central Oregon LandWatch in its federal suit. Delays related to the legal challenge could raise the project cost beyond $68 million. Ratepayers began paying for the project cost in 2008. The entire project, including the new pipeline and associated intake facility, cost ratepayers between 85 cents and $1.70 additionally each month, for a total of between $10.20 and $20.40 annually, according to City Manager Eric King. The project would replace ag-
Vice President Joe Biden, center, greets reporters as he arrives Monday for a Senate Democratic
address what the city Public Works D epartment i d entified as problems could be as high as $174 million. Robotic cameras sent into sewer lines discovered instances in which gas linesand tree roots bored into sewer lines and sewer lines collapsed, as welL The main problem, though, is that the system is at its capacity and that could undermine development and job growth. In addition, the city main sewage treatment plant, 20 years old, is past due for upgrades for efficiency and compliance. Many of the sewer lines date back a c e ntury. Repairing and improving the system could require anear doubling of sewer rates from $42 to $81 by 2021. Watch for the Bend City Council to take up this expensive proposition in 2013.
central Bend backed up behind the Newport A venue dam. Without a solution, the gathering silt will one day turn the beloved pond into a mud flat. Just studying the problem is estimated to cost a half-million dollars. To actually do something may cost millions;
nobody has proposed a figure rooted in actual data. The public remains invested through public agencies, but private concerns are sharing the cost, as well.
• Bend police
Depending on Bend's fiscal future, police services could be affected in the coming years. Chief of Police Jeff Sale told city councilors in May that if the police department budget remains flat over the next few years, it may have to make ing and failing pipes and give drastic cuts to the services it the city more control over the offers. quantity of water it takes from • Mirror Pond T he reduction plan w a s Tumalo and Bridge creeks. They are close to $100,000 based on a w orst-case scein but without a clear way for- nario in which the police bud• Bend sewer ward. "They" are a group of get would increase by only 2 A number of troublesome public and private agencies, percent a year, while calls for p roblems, including a c o l - including the city o f B end, servicewould keep increasing lapsed sewage line and an the Bend Park 8 Recreation between 7 and 9 percent each underground "void" around District, Pacific Power and year. another line that resulted from William Smith Properties Inc. Sale told councilors that causes yet unknown, under- Together, they seek a method detectives might stop invesline the fact that Bend's aging of removing tons of silt that tigating property crimes and sewage system is in need of accumulated in Mirror Pond, some thefts. By 2016, he told significant work. The bill to the landmark body of water in councilors, detectives would
stop investigating sex abuse and rape, unless the victim was a child or elderly or had a disability. If, like this year, the city continues to r e ceive m ore property tax revenue than expected, some or all cuts could be prevented.
• Oregon State UniversityCascades Campus The push continues for OSUCascades to bring an expanded four-year campus to Bend, starting with pilot programs in 2015. Budget-setting lawmakers in Salem are expected to consider whether toprovide $16 million requested by Gov. John Kitzhaber for the proposed expansion of the Bend campus. The state contribution is the lion's share of $24 million estimated for the project. OSU-Cascades has raised more than $2.9 million in private donations from 69 supporters. That puts the university well on its way toward a community fundraising goal of $4 m i l lion. A nother $4 million is expected from the university itself. When the expansion is finished, students can attend the branch campus as freshmen and sophomores. By 2 0 25 , OS U - Cascades could enroll as many as 5,000 students.
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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5
Rob KerriThe Bulletin
From left, Broken Top, South Sister, Middle Sister and North Sister experience alpenglow at sunrise Monday morning. Temperatures are expected to drop to the low teens tonight, with Wednesday's high temperature not reaching freezing. A modest warming trend is predicted for later in the week, but dry conditions should continue. The complete weather forecast is on Page B6.
No injuries in train collision
Vandevert Road in south Deschutes County
O To follow the series, visit
was closed for several hours Monday after a freight train hit a cargo
the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff's deputies re-
By Scott Hammers With the capture of a Canadian citizen last month, federal authorities have rounded up all but two
2:45 p.m. of a hazard where Vandevert Road
crosses the tracks just
ptl rvt \
members of "The Family," a gang of
west of U.S. Highway
environmental activists believed to be responsiblefor more than 20 acts of arson and sabotage committed against various targets across the West between 1996 and 2001. R ebecca Jeanette R ubin, 3 9 , turned herself in to the FBI at the Canadian border nearBlaine, Wash., on Nov. 29, ending a decade of being a fugitive. The U.S. Attorney's Office announced that Rubin will stand trial in Oregon, where two of the four acts of sabotage in which she's accused oftaking part occurred. A 2006 indictment accused Rubin and four others — three of whom have already been convicted — of releasingapproximately 500 horses from a Bureau of Land Management corral near Burns in November 1997, then burning the facility with the use of time-delayed incendiary devices. Through a spokesman, the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front took credit for the attack on the corral. The corral was subsequently rebuilt, and continues to serve as a
97. Employees from the Oregon Department of Transportation, the Deschutes County Road
Department, Sunriver Police and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rail-
way also responded to the scene. An investigation revealed that the driver of a motor home, Gerald Steven Stranak, 56, of Bend,
was towing anenclosed cargo trailer on Vandevert Road, according to the Sheriff's Office. The trailer came unhitched
as Stranak droveover the tracks, andStranak called the county dis-
patch center to report that the trailer was on the tracks. According to the
sheriff's press release, dispatchers attempted to notify Burlington North-
ern Santa FeRailway so
3-year contract
A state fire marshal checks the remains of the Cavel West horserendering plant in Redmond in 1997. A fire at the plant caused $1 million in damage and was ruled arson.
The Bulletin
ceived a report at about
en' ami
ui ea
trailer. No injuries were reported, according to a news release from
Fol low i n g upon Central Oregorf's most interesting stories, even if they've been out of the headlines for a while. Email ideas to
• I,.
By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin
Deschutes County Sheriff's employees have agreed to a new three-year contract that would provide annual salary increases ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 percent. Deschutes County Commissioners are expected to approvethe new contractata business meeting Wednesday. The process took less than a month, according to Interim County Administrator Tom Anderson. "It's very collegial in a sense that they understand the economic reality facing the county and they chose to work it out in a cooperative, direct way," Anderson said. The contract will begin July I and run through June 30, 2016. SeeDeputies /B2
The Bulletin file photo
t emporary staging area for w i l d horses and burros rounded up by the BLM for adoption. Rubin was also named in an attempted arson at the offices of a timber company in Medford in December 1998, an arson at a BLM wild horse corral near Susanville, Calif., in October 2001, and one of the group's most destructive actions, the burning of several buildings and chairlifts at the Vail ski resort in Colorado in October 1998. Twice, The Family struck in Central Oregon, although Rubin is not named as a suspect in either incident.
In July 1997, a group of three saboteurs burned the Cavel West slaughterhouse in Redmond, pumping 35 gallons of a napalm-like substance the group called "vegan jello" through holes drilled in the plant's walls. The 25,000-square-foot plant near the oldJuniper Golf Course processed horsemeat forexport to Europe and, along with other U.S. companies involved in the horsemeat trade,had come under fire when it was learned that 90 percent of the wild horses adopted out by the BLM were sent to be slaughtered. SeeFamily/B6
that train traffic couldbe
stopped. SeeBriefing/B2
CLOSURES Many government offices will be closed and many services
December2012weather for Bend DAILY HIGHS AND LOWS Average temperature: 32.1' (0.5' below normal)
are unavailable today,
in observance of New Year's Day.
49 49
46 40
53 50
37 35
35 40 32
31 34
35 3 7 3 6 37 36
35 38 31
By Ben Botkin
• Almost all city, county, state and federal offices
The Bulletin
are closed Tuesday. • All schools, including
Central Oregon Community College, are
II I- • — •
closed. • Post offices are closed today. Mail will not be delivered or
picked up. • Banks are closed. • Deschutes public
libraries are closed today. • The Jefferson County
37 34
f«HH fN«H
liquor store's hours are to be determined.
29 29
19 20
25 20
18 18
30 31
26 18
22 19 21
Historical averageprecipitation for the month: 1.9"
T= Trace
Historical average precipitation for the month:7.8"
T= Trace
closed. The Bend west
28 28
• The Crook County
Bend south and Bend east liquor stores are
store will be open today from10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
3 5 3 8 23
Library is closed. Library is closed. • The Bend north liquor
Consultant to help plan prospective campus Oregon State UniversityCascades Campus officials have officially contracted with a consulting firm that will plan the school's space needs for a prospective expansion into a four-year campus in Bend. The university and the company, SRG Partnership Inc., signed the contract last week, said Christine Coffin, a spokeswoman for OSU-Cascades. SRG Partnership's first order of business is to complete an analysis of the square footagenecessary for campus needslike classroom space, student services,
temperature ~
Lowest tempe rature
Average low
Highest recorded
Lowest recorded
parking, housing and offices.
temperature for the month:
Monthly average
Monthly average
temperature for the month:
high temperature through the years:
low temperature
through the years:
66 on Dec. 6, 1937
-24' on Dec. 10, 1972
That analysis will cover 2014 to 2025, taking into account anticipated student growth. Though the goals are years in the future, the immediate work is unfolding quickly. SeeCampus/B2
* Monthly averages calculated from 1928 through 2005, Western Regional Climate Center Sources: NOAA, Western Regional Climate Center, Bend Public Works Department
Andy Zeigert i The Bulletin
E VENT TODAY POLAR BEAR PLUNGE:Take an icy plunge into the Lodge Village's outdoor pool; hot chocolate served; free; 10 a.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. POSSESSEDBY PAULJAMES: The Texas-based folk act peforms; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or thehornedhand.
WEDNESDAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. FRANCHOT TONE: TheCaliforniabased pop-rockact performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.
THURSDAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. THE CLUMSYLOVERS:The Canadian folkact performs; $9; 6:30
Campus Continued from B1 The firm will meet in midJ anuary wit h f a culty a n d staff, Coffin said M onday. That effort will help with the planning and give the firm an opportunity to get an understanding of needs within i ndividual a c ademic p r o -
grams, such as technology, she said. It's all part of planning an expansion that could more than quadruple the university's enrollment in Central Oregon by 2025. A pproval to ex pa n d rests with the Oregon Legislature and it s 2013 session. Gov. John Kitzhaber has proposed $16 million to expand the campus in his budget for the 2013-15 biennium. T he proposal has w i d e support. The state would provide t he biggest piece o f t h e university's initial $24 million goal. The other pieces i nclude $4 million i n u n i versity funding and $4 mil-
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
p.m.; The SoundGarden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or JEFF CROSBY8 THEREFUGEES: The Americana band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.BondSt., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/t hehornedhand.
The California-based country act performs, with Angel and the Badman; $5; 8 p.m.; TheHorned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/t hehornedhand.
FRIDAY Jan. 11
FRIDAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn aboutanimal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and food in downtown Bend andthe Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend.
SATURDAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LES TROYENS":Starring Deborah Voigt, SusanGraham and Bryan Hymel in a presentation of Berlioz's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. INDOORSWAP MEET:Featuring 70 local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541317-4847. SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn aboutanimal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.
lion t h r ough c o m munity fundraising. Sup p o r ters have given more than $2.9 million toward the $4 miilion fundraising goal. OSU-Cascades had a fall enrollment of 1,026 students. Of that number, 789 are students enrolled in junior, senior and graduate-level courses. The remaining 237 are freshman and sophomore students admitted to the branch OSUCascades campus and taking Central Oregon Community College courses. Students currently meet their lower-level course requirements through COCC. By 2015, OSU-Cascades intends to have four-year pilot programs in place, reaching an enrollment of up to 5,000 students by 2025. SRG Partnership's analysis — the f i rst phase of its project — is tentatively scheduled fo r c o m p letion in ApriL From there, a real e state consultant w i l l b e asked to compile a list of potential properties in the Bend area that could be deveioped into a campus.
Brown s ai d a s sociation members were co n cerned about lo sing th e c o u nty's health care package, and so were willing to pay more for it.
Start 2013 with the annual Polar Bear Plunge, an icy dip in the Sunriver Lodge Village's outdoor pool. Hot chocolate will be served. The free event is scheduled for 10 a.m. today; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive. To learn more, call 800-486-8591 or go online to THE POOL PARTY BAND:The San Diego-based hip-hop act performs; $8; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The SoundGarden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or
CIRQUEZIVA:A performance of tumbling, balancing and dexterity by the Golden Dragon Acrobats; $27$40 plusfees; 3and 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. org.
KNOW MONEY:REAL-LIFE BURIED TREASURE:Discover gold prospecting, metal detecting, treasure hunting, rock collecting and more, with an interactive gold panning demonstration; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www.
CIRQUEZIVA: A performance of tumbling, balancing and dexterity by the Golden Dragon Acrobats; $27-$40 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.
KNOW MONEY:STRETCHING YOUR FOOD DOLLARS: Learn how to work within your food budget to create a week of tasty, healthy meals; free; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1032 or www.
NOTABLESSWING BAND:The big band plays swing, blues, Latin, rock 'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E.Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734 or
The university has yet to hire a real estate consultant, but negotiations are under way. The school advertised inNovember for a real estate consultant. SRG Partnership will then completethe second phase of its contract: an analysis of the identified properties and a look at how they would fit with needs such as building character, space and the cost to convert to a campus. The firm's final work is due by July 31, 2013. The university's contract with SRG Partnership has a cost of up to $50,000: $47,290 for basicservices; the remaining $2,710 for reimburs-
able expenseslike copying, travel, postage and phone calls. SRG Partnership was selected after the university advertised for services in October and 11firms applied. A representative of SRG Partnership, located in Portland, couldn't b e r e ached Monday. — Reporter: 541-977-7185,
and how easily the process was completed. Continued from B1 "(It) was essentially settled " We're at a t i m e i n t h e over lunch and a soft drink," economy when we have to be he said. "I'm very proud of responsible to taxpayers and Beginning in July,employ- these employees, these men the county and to ourselves," ees will pay 7.5 percent of the a nd women wh o a r e e x said Deputy Ro n B r o w n, actual cost of medical insur- posed to so many things on president of the Deschutes ance, up to $140 per month. a daily basis in terms of the County Sheriff E m ployees That will increase by 1 per- tragedies and t hings they Association. The association cent and $15 a month in each see, and the shift work they includes more than 200 em- of the second and third years have to work, the holidays ployees, including deputies, of the contract. and the night shifts away "Everyone knows the dif- from families." corrections employees and office employees. "It's kind of ficulty and expenses relating He gave credit to the emtime to tighten our belt a little to medical insurance," Sheriff ployees for "having go od bit." Larry Bianton said. common se nse, kn o w i ng The majority of the lanIn the past, employees con- that times and places and guage remains the same as tributed a flat rate of $65 per things have changed, and we're i n t h e b u s iness to p revious contracts, with a month for health insurance. "Part of our objective is to serve the public the best we few changes. In p r e v ious c o n t racts, make insurance consistent can and keep costs down as the cost-of-living increases across the county in e very best we can. So any time we have ranged from 2 to 5 per- contract," Anderson said. "It's can do that without getting a cent. Now that will change, a percentage of compensa- bunch of attorneys involved so a cost-of-living increase tion as opposed to a flat rate. with arbitration, that saves will range from 1.5 to 3.5 That's what we're moving to- money." percent. ward, or trying to, in each of Anderson said the contract The increases will depend our labor contracts." will not affect the departon annual consumer price T here are a f e w o t h er mcnt's planned budget. "We're happy with w hat index averages. For example, small changes to the existif between January 2013 and ing contract, including a 26- we got," Brown said. "I think January 2014 the consumer hour increase in the amount it was fair to both the counprice index shows a n i n - o f compensation tim e a n ty, the taxpayers and us.... crease of 2 percent, that's the employee can take in lieu of We're hoping when times get salary increase employees overtime. better, people remember that would see. Blanton said the members the last few contracts we did There are also changes to in attendance unanimously the right thing." how much employees will ratified the contract. He said — Reporter: 541-617-7831, pay for health insurance. he was proud of the contract
Jan.8 HISTORYPUB:A screening of the documentary "Green Fire - Aldo Leopold and a LandEthic for Our Time," about the conservationist Aldo Leopold; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.Francis School,700 N.W .Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.
WEDNESDAY Jan. 9 "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: UN BALLO IN MASCHERA": Starring Sondra Radvanovsky, Marcello Alvarez and Stephanie Blythe in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347.
AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Tom DeWolf and Sharon Morgan read from their book"Gather at the Table: The Healing Journey of a Daughter of Slavery and aSon of the Slave Trade"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W.Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. DANNY BARNES: Theexperimental banjoist performs; $10; 7 p.m., doors openat5:30 p.m.;TheBelfry,302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or "FARGO": A screening of the 1996 R-rated murder-comedy by the Coen Brothers, starring William H. Macy and Frances McDormand; $10 plus fees; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or MCDOUGALL: ThePortland-based folk act performs, with Sassparilla; $5;8 p.m.; The Horned Hand,507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-7280879 or venue/thehornedhand.
CENTRAL OREGON WEDDING& EVENT SHOW:Explore wedding services, with a gown fashion Jan. 10 show and prizes; a portion of AUTHOR!AUTHOR!:Jennifer Egan, proceeds benefit the Bend Ronald author of "A Visit From the Goon McDonald House; $5 or four cans Squad" and "The Keep" speaks;$20- of nonperishable food; 9 a.m.-4 $75; 6 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 p m The Riverhouse Convention N.E. Sixth St.; 541-312-1027 or www. Center, 2850 N.W.Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-317-0450 or www. STU HAMM, BOBBYROCKAND JUDE GOLD:The rock artists POLAR BEAR WALK/RUN: 5Kand perform; $27; 8 p.m., doors open at 10K races; proceeds benefit St. 7 p.m.; The SoundGarden, 1279 N.E. Thomas Academy; $25-$35; 10 a.m.; Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-548-3785 or THE DIRTY HANDFAMILY BAND:
NEWS OF RECORD Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at12:22 p.m. Dec.25, in the 300 block of Northwest OakTree Lane. The Bulletin will update items Vehicle crash — An accident was in the Police Log when such reported at 7:15a.m. Dec. 26, in the a request is received. Any 4100 block of South U.S.Highway 97. new information, such as the Unlawful entry — A vehicle was dismissal of charges or acquittal, reported entered at7:30a.m. Dec.26, must be verifiable. For more in the1300 block of Northwest Ninth information, call 541-383-0358. Street. Vehicle crash — An accident was Bend Police Department reported at 8:50 a.m. Dec.26, in the Theft — Atheft was reported andan arrest made at1:11 p.m. Dec.20, in the area of Southwest CanalBoulevardand Southwest QuartzAvenue. 100 block of Northwest Sixth Street. Burglary — A burglary was reported at Burglary — Aburglary was reported at 10:20a.m. Dec. 26, in the600 blockof 6:48a.m. Dec. 21, inthe 500 blockof Northwest Jackpine Avenue. Northeast GreenwoodAvenue. DUII —Grayson Erick Vandermeer, 20, Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at11:25 a.m. was arrested onsuspicion of driving Dec. 26, in the 2700 block of Southwest under the influence of intoxicants 13th Street. at11:52 p.m. Dec. 26, in the areaof Northeast Eighth Streetand Northeast Theft — Atheft was reported andan arrest madeat12:59 p.m. Dec. 26, in Revere Avenue. the 900 block ofSouthwest Veterans Theft — A theft was reported at 3:49 Way. p.m.Dec.27,inthe63400 blockof Unlawful entry — Avehicle was North U.S. Highway97. Theft — A theft was reported at 5 p.m. reported entered at1:19 p.m.Dec.26, in the1200 block of Northwest Ninth Dec. 27, in the19900 block of Heron Street. Loop. Vehicle crash — An accident was Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 6:38 reported at 2:15 p.m.Dec. 26, in the 3100 block of South U.S.Highway97. p.m. Dec. 27, inthe1600 block of Bear Theft — Atheft was reported andan Creek Road. arrest made at3:52 p.m. Dec.26, in the Unlawful entry — Avehicle was 1700 block of Southwest OdemMedo reported entered at 8:03 p.m. Dec.27, Road. in the 2400 block of Moonlight Drive. Theft — Atheft was reported andan Criminal mischief — An act of arrest made at3:54 p.m. Dec.26, in the criminal mischief was reported at 900 block of Southwest VeteransWay. 8:02 a.m. Dec. 28, in the100 block of Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal Northwest OregonAvenue. mischief was reported at 4:43 p.m. Dec. Criminal mischief — An act of 26, in the1200 block of Northeast Third criminal mischief was reported at Street. 8:19 a.m. Dec. 28, in the100 block of Vehicle crash — An accident was Northwest OregonAvenue. reported at 5:34 p.m. Dec.26, in the Unlawful entry — Avehicle was area of Southeast First Street and reported entered at 8:59 a.m. Dec.28, in the 63100 block ofWatercress Way. Southeast VeteransWay. Theft — A theft was reported at11:21 Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 9:48 a.m.Dec. a.m. Dec. 28, in the 600 block of 27, in the1500 block of Southwest 25th Northeast Third Street. Street. Theft — Atheft was reported andan Unlawful entry — A vehicle was arrest made at2:04 a.m. Dec.29, in the area of Northwest Bond Street and reported entered at10:43 a.m.Dec.27, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Northwest Franklin Avenue. Way. Theft — A theft was reported at 9:04 Vehicle crash — An accident was a.m. Dec. 29, in the19800 block of reported at11:05 a.m.Dec.27, inthe Porcupine Drive. 2400blockofSouth U.S.Highway97. Redmond Police Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal Department mischief was reported at12:49 p.m. Vehicle crash —An accident was Dec. 27, in the200 block of Southwest reported at10:36 a.m. Dec.24, in the 10th Street. area of Southwest RimrockWayand Unlawful entry — A vehicle was West Antler Avenue. reported entered at12:56 p.m.Dec. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal 27, in the 500 block of Southwest11th mischief was reported at10:52 a.m. Street. Dec. 24, in the1900 block of Southwest Theft — Atheft was reported at1:47 Reindeer Avenue. p.m. Dec. 27, in the1800 block of West Unauthorized use — A vehicle was Antler Avenue. reported stolen at11:22 p.m. Dec.24, in Theft — Atheft was reported at3:23 the900 blockofSoutheastLakeRoad. p.m. Dec. 27, in the1700 block of South Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal U.S. Highway97. mischief was reported and anarrest Vehicle crash — An accident was made at11:47a.m. Dec. 25, in the900 reported at 3:29 p.m.Dec.27, inthe block of Northwest CanalBoulevard. area of Southwest10th Street and
train struckthe trailer and pushed it to the side of the tracks. Vandevert Road
Continued from B1 Stranak was attempting to re-hitch thetrailerto his motorhome, when a
was blockedwhile railwayemployees inspected the train to ensure it was
notdamaged, andotheragencies
Southwest Glacier Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported andan arrest made at4:30 p.m. Dec.27, inthe 2600 block of Northwest CedarAvenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at1:29 a.m.Dec.28, in the 300 block of Northwest QuinceAvenue. DUII —Chavon Nicole Hofferber, 29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 1:29 a.m. Dec.28, in the300 block of Northwest QuinceAvenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:51 a.m. Dec. 28, inthe 2900 block of South U.S. Highway97. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at10:26 a.m. Dec.28, in the area of North U.S.Highway 97and Northwest OakTree Lane. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at1:15 p.m. Dec.28, in the 1600 block of South U.S.Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 6:46 p.m. Dec. 28, in the1800 block of North U.S. Highway97. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at9:53 p.m. Dec.28, inthe area of Southwest 31st Street and Southwest PumicePlace. DUII — Stephen R.Paulus, 33, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:34 p.m. Dec. 28, in the1700 block of South U.S.Highway 97. DUII —Heath BoydGoodridge,23, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:21 a.m.Dec.29, inthe areaof Southwest CanalBoulevard and Southwest SalmonAvenue. Theft —A theft was reported at12:58 p.m. Dec. 29, in the1200 block of Southwest Highland Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported andan arrest madeat11:44 a.m. Dec.30, in the 2000 block ofSouth U.S.Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at1:47 p.m. Dec. 30, in the400 block of Northwest17th Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 2:39 p.m. Dec.30, in the 400 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 4 p.m.Dec. 30, in the area of U.S. Highway 97near milepost119. Prineville Police Department
Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered and anarrest made at 7:25 a.m. Dec. 28, in the areaof Northwest Harwood. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:10 a.m. Dec. 30, in the area of North Main Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at11:40 p.m. Dec.30, in the area of Northeast Laughlin Road. Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 5:13p.m. Dec.27,inthe 100 block ofSoutheast JonesStreet in
investigated the crash.
The scenewascleared andthetrain was able tocontinueshortlyafter 6 p.m. Monday, said Sgt. Mark Eggert. — Bulletin staff report
Purchase by February 1" 2013! Treatments Performed by April 1" 2013
at the
Knhancement Center
RedicalS a
Jeff Barnard iThe Associated Press file photo
An irrigation ditch in the Klamath Irrigation District stands dry in March 2010. The 24 signatories of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement have renewed it for two more years, giving them more time to convince Congress to authorize and pay for it. The Klamath River flows through Southern Oregon and Northern California.
Parties renew agreement to restore Klamath Basin By Jeff Barnard The Associated Press
GRANTS PASS — A companion agreement to a historic deal to remove four dams from the Klamath River has been renewed, giving supporters another two years to try to get Congress to pay for the work, officials said Monday. Supporters of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement announced that all 42 signatories — including Indian tribes, local governments, irrigation districts, salmon anglers and conservation groups — agreed to the renewal. The agreement lays out how water will be shared between farms and fish during drought years, and calls on Congress to provide $800 million for environmental restoration. Greg A d dington, e x ecutive director of the Klamath Water U s er s A s s ociation, said some in the basin oppose the measure — notably two newly elected members of the Klamath County Board of Commissioners — but the people who depend most on the water are solidly behind it. "The dam removal pieceof it gets the headlines, but the reality is that for most of our guys looking at this thing, it is about water in the ditch," Addington said. "They are looking at this and saying this is the best chance of making sure that continues." Straddling t h e Or e g onCalifornia bor d e r , t he
K lamath Basin regularly has t e n tial b a ttle b e tween t h e trouble meeting the water de- K l a m ath tribes and irrigators mands of farms on the federal o v er senior water rights, which irrigation project at the top of t h e tribes appear to be on the the basin, endangered sucker v e rge of having affirmed by fish in the irrigation system's a l ong and complex adjudicamain reservoir, and t hreat- t i o n p rocess. ened coho salmon The restoration in t h e K l a m ath agreement calls River. for the tribes to The federal gov- I ' B m off/eII plBC6 receive t i m b er-
ernment shut off water to most of the farmsin200lto protect the salmon.
pf i t ggtS tQg
land lo s t w h e n
tt l 6 l ' Befllttf/ IS
their reservation was dissolved in the 19 5 0 s, and to
After a summer of t i l g t fOr mOSt
asse rting
bitter protests and political ba t t l es,
their water rights. f " <~ ~ Irrigators would the Bush admin- lO Oking at not contest tribal istration r e stored tiI IS thing, it iS water rights. irrigation in 2002, Malin f a r m er " only to see tens of Rob Unruh, vice thousands of adult th e d i t C h." p resident of t h e salmon die of gill waterusers group, " g ng " rot diseases that said in a s t ateexecutive director, ment that w hile spread rapidly beKlamath Water demands by the tween fish crowdUsers Association Endangered Speed intolowpools of warm water. cies Act that fish The two events get water h a ve l ed many f a r m been in the spoters, t r i b es , co n s ervation l i g ht, the water rights agreegroups and salmon anglers m e nt is a key achievement for to overcome their longstand- f a r mers, eliminating a huge ing differences and agree to a f u t ure conflict, and helping aswater-sharing plan t h a t i s su r e future irrigation. linked to removing four small The d a m s produce enough hydroelectricdams owned by power for 70,000 people. RePacifiCorp on t h e K l amath m o v al is not scheduled to start River to help salmon. But Re- b e fore 2020 and depends on publican opposition i n t h e fun d i ng, authorization from House has blocked enabling C o n gress, and a federal deterlegislation in Congress mination that it will actually The renewal also extends h e lp salmon and is in the puban agreement settling a po li c i n terest.
Ex-Gov. Goldschmidt doing well after stroke The Associated Press P ORTLAND — Th e w i f e of former Oregon Gov. Neil Goldschmidtconfirms he suffered a stroke but says he is all right. The Oregonian r eported that th e 7 2 -year-old Goldschmidt suffered the stroke recently. Beyond confirming the
stroke and saying her husband is OK, Diana Snowden would provide no other details. The newspaper r eported Monday that the former governor was briefly hospitalized. Goldschmidt was governor from 1987 to 1991. Before that he worked in President Jimmy Carter's administration,
was an executive at Nike and served as mayor of Portland in the 1970s. In 2004, Goldschmidt admitted having sex with a 14-yearold girl while he was mayor of Portland. The statute of limitations had expired, so Goldschmidt was immune from prosecution.
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AROUND THE STATE Klamath amongOregon's least-healthy COUlltlSS —A high rate of smoking has helped
205 bridge. Fire Department Capt. Scott Willis says the body was spotted by a state Fish and Wildlife crew
make Klamath County one of the unhealthiest coun-
on a river patrol. The womanhad beendeadfor about
ties in Oregon. A report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation marked Klamath 31st of the 33 Oregon
48 hours. After searching the area, authorities found a kayak on the eastern tip of Government Island. The
counties it ranked. Twenty-four percent of adults in
kayak appeared to havehadtwo passengers. None
Klamath County smoke, compared with16.3 percent statewide. The annual mortality rate from tobacco-
of the three people involved have been identified and police are continuing to investigate.
related illness is 235 deaths per100,000 people in Klamath County. About19 percent of Klamath County residents in 2011 reported their own health as be-
HillSdOrO SChOOIS in diSrePair —A suburban
ing poor or fair. Thecounty health department says
have high-priority needs for school repairs, including costly maintenance of aging roofs and seismic up-
the leading causes of death include cancer, heart
Portland school district says 23 of its 35 schools
disease, diabetes, stroke andchronic lower respiratory disease. Just over 21 percent of Klamath County
grades. The Oregonian reports the Hillsboro School
residents classified themselves as physically inactive, while the statewide rate was 16 percent.
gency lighting, security improvements and courtyard repair. Because, like most school districts, Hillsboro
For Facial and Leg Veins
District's aging schools also needthings like emerhas little money to goaround, a long-range planning committee is determining the priority order of school
couver police say two kayakers associated with a body found in theColumbia River are missing. The Oregonian reports a vehicle owned byone of the people was found in Oregon at aplace where people frequently launch kayaks. Police also said ayellow kayak
repairs. Unfortunately, school officials say, more than 20 of the schools have top-priority needs. It could
LOCally 01Vned & OPerated SinCe 2000.
be worse, but the district has built10 new schools since 2000, and only one is on the priority list. Liberty
owned by one of the people is not at their home. On Friday, the body of a woman wearing outdoor clothing
soccer field. But most of the maintenance items are at schools built in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s.
Two kayakers missing inColumdia —van-
and a flotation device wasfound near the Interstate
High, which was built in 2004, has sink holes ona — From wire reports
www.enhancem en t c en t
The Bulletin
on't ta e contro o nternet rices rom rovi ers f you use more of a service or product, you generally ex-
C'haira omnn
Goaoott BEAEE
Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials
... l@IN'P N) AGE SO~~
rN Ot4E 'tEAR~.
pect to pay more. But U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden thinks that
shouldn't apply to Internet service. The Oregon Democrat's Data Cap Integrity Act includes some useful reforms, but it goes too far when it seeks to bar Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from charging customers extra if they move more data over the web. Some I S P s , suc h as BendBroadband, used tiered pricing and charge customers more for different packages. Others set a limit without the option to buy more. Such data caps are acceptable, according to a news release from the senator's office, only if they "aredesigned to manage network congestion rather than monetize data ..." A s B e ndBroadband's A m y Tykeson told The Bulletin's Rachael Rees, usage-based pricing keeps Internet service affordable and doesn't require light users to pay for the investment needed to service heavy users. A different problem exists for customers whose ISP limits use with no option to buy more. Those indeed fit Wyden's description of a cap that "risks undermining online competition and innovation."
Other provisions of Wyden's proposed legislation would provide important consumer protections. He would require ISPs to develop tools that allow customers to monitorandcontroltheir consumption, a valuable service already provided by BendBroadband. Wyden would also require the Federal Communications Commission to set standards on how data use is measured to make it consistent across the industry. Accurate measurements would make comparison shopping possible and enhance understanding of this critical industry. The senator's proposal would also ban discrimination against any one type of content versus another. This is particularly important in cases where an ISP has a product of its own that competes with one the customer wants to download from another source. N o one w ould a r gue w i t h Wyden's assertion that the Internet is transforming our communicationand our economy, but taking control of pricing away from private companies isn't the way to preserve and encourage the resulting innovation and jobs.
Good fences may not make good streams nyone who has ever seen a horse caught in a barbed wire fence knows the terribledamage such an accident can create. Cuts requiring hundreds of stitches are not out of the question, and, in some cases, the animal
A dies.
Thus, streamside fences designed to protect fish habitat in northeastern Oregon are a mixed blessing. Yes, cattle are prevented from congregating on streams, but in the process wild horses, deer and elk are killed or injured by the fences. More than 600 miles of barbedwire fencing has been added streamside in t h e p ast s even years, according to a story in The Oregonian. It has successfully kept cattle at bay, but in addition to injuring animals it has made it easier for such plants as Russian knapweed and thistles — both damaging to rangeland — to move in. At least some research suggests that, in fact, the fences may not be needed. An Oregon State University study that is tracking the impact of
wolves on cattle suggests that the fencesare not needed and at some point should come down. That conclusion is disputed by some fish biologists, however. Either way, t h e s u ggestion makes one thing clear. The science on rangeland management, like the science on so many other things, is evolving as research continues. Consider the use of antibiotics: 50 years ago they were given liberally; today, as it becomes clear that bugs are growing resistant to the drugs, they're used far more carefully. Knowing that, it may be time, perhaps not this year but soon, to reconsider the roles cattle and fences play in helping and hurting everything from streams to grasslands. If further study makes clear that the fences do more harm than good, they should come down. If it shows that more fencing, not less, is needed, that should be considered as well. Either way, it should be current science, not old prejudices or studies that have since been proven wrong, that g u ides rangeland management.
M IVickel's Worth Protection needed in first five minutes
wide, 20-foot-cleared, paved path. Just try to visit the location prior to Jan. 11. The purpose is to "provide for existing outdoor recreation use levels on public lands by creating a safe route for bicyclists and pedestrians to travel from the community of Sunriver to Lava Lands." Central Oregon is bikers' paradise, but other than a few Sunriver tourists, most will use the singletrack mountain-bike Black Rock Trail. Pedestrians walking roundtrip 12 miles? Give me a break! At $ 2.3 m i l l ion ( l ess a b out $350,000 for a toilet and railroad crossing) that c o mes t o a b o ut 8325,000 per mile! And the path will not be open in the winter! A fee tube may also be installed for after-hours use of the facilities during fee season. The real concern is the loss of 235 trees and a long-cleared tunnel 20 feet wide with a blacktop path with 14 turnouts and benches. No more elk or deer resting in the shade of pines,some ofwhich exceed 6'/~feet around. We just have to protect what we have. We must do better. Please let the Forest Service know we don't need this path. Will they listen'? Ga! I Carb!ener Bend
I read your editorial comments regarding school safety. I think our state representative, Dennis Richardson, makes an interesting point in letting select teachers be trained in firearms so they can be first respondersifthere isa m ass shooting. If the police chief is not comfortable with teachers being trained and armed, how then do we protect our children for the first five minutes until "trained" police arrive'? I think a teacher trained in firearms is better than what we currently have: nothing. Children and teachers will continue to be slaughtered in the first five minutes until p olice arrive. Lockdowns are important but passive. The good guys are not allowed to protect themselves and the children are completely unprotected for the first five minutes. 1 would like to encourage people to write in, and for The Bulletin's editorial board to offer their ideas on specific ways that children can be better protected during those first few minutes until the police arrive. If there is a better solution than arming our teachers, the community and lawmakers need to hear your ideas.
Mel!ssa Hassell Bend
Culture promotes violence
Don't need this path
Tragic shootings committed by
through an arcade, within which were 95 percent teenage boys, and I looked to see what video games a few were playing. What startled me were various types of true-to-life, shoot-'em-up games. The realism was shocking to me (a mid-60s person) due to the graphic blood and guts being dis-
played as the players mowed people down with various weapons — the boys having great fun and laughing at the mayhem of what they were doing. I said to myself then, "This generation is growing up disaffected; conditioned to 'blood and guts' as a natural thing. Make-believe transitioning to real life is not a long stretch ... A dangerous thing." The Connecticut school shooting was horrific to the extreme; unconscionable at a minimum; and virtually incomprehensible. We can't unring that tragic bell. We pray for the children, their families and the friends of those killed. A word ofadvice: Ifyou are aware of anyone who is acting out, or is despondent, or who is talking about suicide or killing anyone, you need to get them help; involve family or councilors, and possibly report any such person to the appropriate local authorities. To do nothing is a sin of omission. Br!on K. Hanks Metolius
God is the issue
young males (and most are) beg the
Between Lava Lands and Benham Falls is a strip of forest that has not been thinned, mowed or logged in many years. The U.S. Forest Service, with an "in your face" approach, has given us 30 days to reply to their 10-foot-
question. Why? Disaffection/violence due to indifference to blood and guts in a culture that promotes it in movies and videos is a reason. Two years ago I wa s w alking
The issue is not about banning guns. The issue is about America attempting to ban God — and we do that at our own peril. M. Frank Cook Redmond
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words,
no more than 250words and include
signed and include the writer's phone View and send, fax or email them to
the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit
number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity,
The Bulletin.
letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry,
grammar, taste and legal reasons.
P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©
personal attacks, form letters, letters
We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in
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letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.
every 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My
Write: My Nickel's Worth/In My View
Good maps are vital to the wilderness experience E
By Robert Spe!k nvironmental reporter Dylan J. Darling has been doing a great job in covering information useful to folks living in Central Oregon. The following adds to his recentstory "Forest recreation map getting update." lt is essential to carry a map of the outdoors, one that covers the land from where you start to where you want to go — and return. The problem is finding the best map for plan-
flat diagrams. Topographic maps ground services, fuel, restaurants show land forms by simple land con- and restrooms. Road maps for the tour lines at convenient intervals, are car, as sold in local stores or shown color coded, are very acon smartphones, are excurately based on aerial of P l animetric [N My y~EW amples photographs and are essocialized maps. sential t o b a c kcountry Some maps are huge travel. and require a table to Many maps have geographic grid use. Some maps are sized for the lines to assist the identification of outdoors, to be folded in a traditionpoints on the map (where you are al way to fit a Ziploc bag in a pants stranded). Older forest administra- pocket. tive maps likely have the historic The Deschutes National Forest ning at home and for carrying and (1785) Public Land Survey grid lines Recreation Map is a very large adusing on your adventure. to define land m anagement and ministrative map — P l a n imetric Maps have very differentuses: ownership in "metes and bounds," — with coded information naming There are road maps, bike trail maps, long preceding the DOD Global Po- management points. You can view hiking maps (for on-trail and offsitioning System (GPS). Some maps it online at the Deschutes National trail), wilderness maps, sno-park ski have latitude and longitude grid lines, Forest website (under Recreation, and snowshoe trail maps, backpack- now mostly used by pilots and mari- and Maps). There are better maps, ing maps and U.S. Forest Service ners.Newer, more useful maps used however, to use for your outdoor administrative maps, including Na- by search-and-rescueunitshave lines adventures. tional Forest Recreation maps. showing the UTM Grid, best used Benchmark Maps' excellent Road Maps have very different informa- with any GPS hand-held receiver. and Recreation Atlas for O regon tion formats: Planimetric maps do Some maps are "socialized," show- with "Landscape Maps, Recreation not show land contours — they are ing points of interest such as camp- Guides, Detailed Roads and GPS
Grids," is about $22.95 at Bend Map. S pecialized maps i n c lude t h e pocket-sized,Salem-based HAdventure Maps," a detailed and regularly updated chart of mountain bike trails in Bend, $11.99 at Bend Map and sports stores. The "Geographics n — socialized topographic folded map of the entire Three Sisters Wilderness — is a good buy at about $10. It is somewhat GPS friendly; it is good for planning and yourpocket. The best maps for specific backcountry adventures, including hiking, snowshoeing and skiing, are
the USGS Quadrangle (Quad) Topo M aps available at Bend Map f or about $8each. They cover specific areas — South Sister, Elk Lake, etc. Quads are very accurate topographic maps scaled to a detailed 1:24,000, with i m portant features such as trails, springs, streams, lakes,
peaks, bridges and buildings. They have UTM grid lines and the ability
to obtain very accurate True North base-plate compass bearings from where you are to where you want to go. Quad maps work best with your
magnetic compass (about $25), and current model, handheld GPS (about $175 for the Garmin eTrex 20). Letter-sized examples of socialized Quad topo maps are free at any snoparktrailhead along Cascades Lakes
Highway. Darling asked about the date of the Forest Recreation map. I noted that land f eatures, campgrounds, resorts, trails and trailheads change slowly overyears. Even Quad maps from 1980 aerial photos are very accurate for backcountry navigation in the Three Sisters Wilderness and the Oregon Badlands Wilderness. Navigation with e ssential map, compass and optional GPS is No. 1 of the suggested Ten Essential Systems. — Robert Speik livesin Bend and writes for his website: wwwtTraditiona!
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Thomas Franklin Fee Richard L. Peebles, of Aug. 30,1928-0ec. 29,2012
Redmond July1, 1938- Dec. 27, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals of Redmond, 541-504-9485, Services: Celebration of life at Redmond Community Church was held on Dec. 3'I, 2012 at 11:30 AM.
Susan Lynne Lovelace, of Bend July 10, 1940 - Dec. 21, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: A Memorial Service will take place on Monday, January 7, 2013 at 1:00 PM at Nativity Lutheran Church, located at 60850 Brosterhous Road in Bend, OR. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care Hospice 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97701
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines: Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Mary Annette Turpin Midgett Aug. 8, 1943 - gec. 24, 2012 M ary A n n e t t e Tur p i n M idgett p a ssed a wa y o n Dec. 24, 2012, at her home in Redmond Oregon, surounded by her family. She w as b o r n on Aug. 8, 1943 in Tilden, Nebraska, to Do rthy and Richa rd Pa r rett. Mary
g rew
Mary Midgett
tn T i l den,
gradua ted fro m E l k h or n V a l l y H igh S choo l i n Ti l d e n , N ebraska, i n 1 9 61. A f t e r high school, she a t t ended at N e b r a sk a W es l e y an University in L i n c oln, Nebraska, w h e r e s he r eceived a degree in accouti ng. M ar y enj oy ed s wimming, b o w l i ng , c r o cheting, c r a f ts , t r a v eling and g a m i ng . M a r y w as widowed from th e l ove of her life, William Midgett in 2009. M ary is survied b y he r six children, Lee Jay Batty, Jeff B a t t y , J a mes B atty, J ennifer M a s t i n , Ju s t i n Turpin and Jeremy Turpin; eleven g r and c h i l d r en, T osha, Mi c h a el , Je s s e , C helsea, D e nnis, T r e v or , R ebecca, M a l i eki , L i l i a n , M egan a n d H op e ; an d three great-grandchildren, Anthony, Savana and Serglo. Condolences m ay be mailed to 1 2 8 S E 6th St., Redmond, OR 89445.
Thomas Franklin Fee was born on A u g ust 30, 1928, in San Francisco, CA, and p assed p e a cefull y fr o m this life o n D e cember 29, 2012, in B e nd , O R . He lived a full a nd r i c h l ife o f 8 4 years. Tom is survived by his beloved wife of 64 years, Ruth; T homas Fee e i gh t ch i l dren and their sp ou s es , M ar k ( Nicky), L o r e na , B o n n i e, Becky ( J o h n) , J o n a t h an
(Shelly), M ar y
( M o nte),
Kelly (Misty), and Patrick ( Jeanna); 2 3 gr an d c h i l dren, 8 g r e at - g r a n dchildren, and m any e x t ended f amily m e m bers an d b e l oved fr i ends. T o m w a s p receded in d e ath b y h i s parents, Josephine Springer and Jess Fee; his b rother, Gary Fee and hi s sister, Eileen Handel. He will be missed deeply and d early b y a l l w h o l o v e d h im an d w e r e l o v e d b y him. A fter g r a d u atio n fr o m Lowell Hig h S chool, Tom served in the US Army and p articipated i n t he r eb uilding o f J a p a n a t t h e end of WWII. I n the Army he served as an instructor and e d u cational a d v i s or f or enlisted men. Tom r e t urned home to m a rry h i s h igh school l o v e o n N o vember 27, 1948, at Star of t he Se a C h u rc h i n Sa n F rancisco. H e l at e r a t t ended th e U n i v ersity o f San Francisco. T om began hi s w o r k i n g career i n t h e b r o k e r age business at the San Franc isco Stock Exchange. H e was a partner at S h uman Agnew and Co . an d l a t er was a founding partner of Van Kasper & Company. I n 1988, Tom a n d R u t h moved from the San Franc isco a r e a to Su n r i v e r , where they resided for 24 years. Tom and Ruth were advocates for th e sanctity o f life as he served for 11 y ears on the board of O r egon Right to Life and also served as Presidentfor the Central O r e go n C h a pter. T om wa s a r e g u la r c o n t ributor t o th e opi n i o n page of The Bulletin. A memorial mass will be held January 2, 11:00 a.m. at S t . F r a n ci s o f A s s i si Church, 2 4 5 0 No r t h east 27th Street i n B e n d . A f ellowship m ea l a n d p r i vate interment will f o llow . Memorial gifts in his honor m ay be g iv en to Grandma's House of Bend, a l o ca l f a i t h -based o u t reach for y o un g m o t hers. P lease s i g n o ur on li n e g uestbook at w w w .n i s
Gail L. Bunkers March 12, 1937 - Dec. 27, 2012 Gail L . B u n k er s p a ssed away on December 27, after a short fight w it h c ancer. She was born in Rockf ord, N Y , a n d r a i se d i n Walton, CT. She g r a d u a te d fr om Oberlin Col l e ge , t hen worked in C h i cago. Later m oving to Cal if o r n i a w here sh e m e t h e r h u s b and, W i l l i a m Bu n k e r s . They w e r e mar r i e d i n 1964, later moving to Bend in 1973. She then worked as a Juv enile P r o b atio n o f f i c er , retiring in 1993 from Desc hutes County. H e r p a s s ions w e r e l i s t e n in g t o classical m u s ic , r e a d ing, cooking and gardening. G ail i s s u r v ived b y h e r husband, William Bunkers o f 48 y e ar s ( B e nd , O R ) ; son, Erik Bunkers and girlf riend, C h e l le , a n d h er children, Sab r i n a and Makynzee (Harrison, SD); d aughter, H e i d i D e s i m o n ie an d hus b a nd, M a tt and their daughter, Taloni (Winthrop , W A); so n , Christian B un k e r s and w ife, M i c h elle a n d t h e i r children, Kayla, Bailey and Wyatt (Bend, OR). T he famil y w i l l n o t b e holding services.
Find It All Online
Jean Harriswaskiler of 'ScarsdaleDiet' doctor By Claudia Luther Los Angeles Times
Jean Harris, the onetime headmistress of an elite girls' school whose trial in the fatal 1980 shooting of the celebrity diet doctor who jilted her g enerated f r ont-page headlines and national debates about whether she was a feminist martyr or vengeful murderer,has died. She was 89. Harris, who spent nearly 12 years in prison for the shooting death of her longtime boyfriend, "Scarsdale Diet" doctor Herman "Hy" Tarnower, died Sunday at an assisted-living facility in New Haven, Conn., of complications related to age, her son James said. Convicted in 1981 of second-degree murder, Harris, who had at least two heart attacks in prison, was granted clemency on her 15 yearsto-life sentence on Dec. 29, 1992, by then-New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, who cited her health and advancing age. "I honestlythought I would die in prison," Harris said after her release. Harris, then 68, took up residence in a New Hampshire c a bi n o v e r looking Vermont's Green Mountains, where she walked her dog, wrote and raised money for a program to help children of inmates at New York's Bedford Hills Correctional Center, where she was imprisoned after her Feb. 28, 1981, conviction. The March 10, 1980, shooting of Tarnower — which she claimed throughout her life was her own suicide gone awry — was one of the most sensational crimes of its era. It riveted the nation, not only because of its titillating combination of sex and v iolence. I t r a i sed w h a t many experts said were important sociological issues, with some feminists rallying to Harris as a symbol of s ociety's disregard for t h e plight of older women and othersarguing that her case had nothing at all to do with feminism. Women's movement icon Betty F r i edan d i s missed Harris as a "pathetic masochist" for staying with a man who m i streated her. But author Shana Alexander, who wrote a book on the case, described Harris as the " psychological victim of a domineering person." Whether morality play or soap opera, the case inspired two TV movies: "The People vs. Jean Harris" (1981), in which Harris was portrayed by Ellen Burstyn, and "Mrs. Harris" (2005), which starred Annette Bening. In 1980, Harris was the 56-year-oldheadmistress of the fancy, private Madeira School overlooking the Potomac River in McLean, Va. Tarnower was a 69-year-old cardiologist and best-selling author of a book on a highprotein, low-fat diet that he developed for heart patients at his medical center in wellto-do Scarsdale, N.Y. When they met in 1966, t hey were so t aken w i t h each other that Tarnower — a lifelong bachelor — gave Harris a 4 -carat diamond engagement ring. He quickly changed his mind, telling her that he couldn't stop seeing other women. Harris agreed to this condition, and through the years b ecame what s h e w r y l y described as "the broad-hebrought" to dinner parties. By 1980 the 14-year rela-
tionship was on the skids as Harris became embittered watching Tarnower, in the wake of the Scarsdale diet book, growing ever more rich and famous. The last straw for Harris: Tarnower was "wavering" about whether to invite her or a younger woman, Lynne Tryforos, to a dinner honoring him. After one particularly harrowing week at the school when she expelled four seniors, Harris decided on suicide. She wrote notes to her grown sons, put her papers in order, packed a.32-caliber
handgun in her purse and drove five hours from Virginia to Tarnower's six-acre estate in Purchase, N.Y. She later testified that she wanted to see her lover one last time before killing herself at the estate's duck pond. But her plans went awry after she let herself into his home, found Tarnower asleep and spotted a negligee and hair rollers in a bathroom — evidence that her rival, 38-yearold Tryforos, had recently stayed over. Harris threw the hair rollers at a window, breaking it, and also broke a cosmetic mirror. The r u ckus woke Tarnower, who struck her, Harris said. She said that she challenged him to "hit me again, Hy, make it hard enough to kill," but he withdrew. Feeling the revolver in her pocketbook, she pulled o ut the gu n an d s aid t o him, "Never mind, I'll do it myself." But, she testified, when she raised the gun to her temple, he grabbed th e w e apon, which went off and wounded him in the hand, giving her time to grab the gun again; she later testified that she thought she had time to kill herself.
In the ensuing struggle, Tarnower was struck by bullets three more times — in the chest, arm and back. A fifth bullet also was fired. Harris maintained throughout her life that Tarnower was trying to prevent her from killing herself. The call to the White Plains police was made at 10:56 p.m. by the doctor's housekeeper, who lived on the estate. The March 12 four-column headline in The New York Times read "'Scarsdale Diet' Doctor Is Slain; Headmistress Is Charged."
The highly publicized 64day trial that followed included 92 witnesses — most disastrously, Harris herself. Most legal experts agreed later that Harris should not have testified because, although she was bright and occasionally w i t ty , j u r ors could not relate to her. T heo Wilson, the N e w York Daily News reporter who covered the trial and wrote about it in the 1996 book "Headline Justice," said Harris took the stand looking as if she couldn't "pick up the wrong fork, much less a
loaded gun." At the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, a m a x imum-security prison north of New York City, she lived in a 6-by-8-foot cell with a bed, toilet and sink. She once fashioned a pillow by stuffing her mink jacket into a prison-issued pillowcase. During her seventh year in jail, Harris told an L.A. Times reporter that she listened to her AM radio, wrote in longhand and kept the light on at night to read and keep away cockroaches.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Mike Auldridge, 73: Blueg rass musician wh o w a s known as master of the Dobro. During a six-decade career, he recorded with Linda Ronstadt, Lyle Lovett and Emmylou H a r ris, a m ong others. Died Saturday at his
home in Silver Spring, Md. Catherine O'Neill, 70: Social worker turned political activist and an advocate for refugee women. O'Neill cofounded the watchdog group now called th e W o men's Refugee Commission. Died Wednesday in Los Angeles. — From wire reports
Kobbi R Blair/Salem Statesman Journal via The Associated Press
Mary Lucas walks to the scene where she was attacked in Salem's Riverfront Park on New Year's Day 2011. Lucas is organizing the CrossWalk of Salem to be held today and designed to raise money for the Marion County Victim Assistance program.
Salem assault victim walks to aid others By Cara Pallone
tim and the deputy district attorney prosecutingthe case. SALEM — She still is a Lucas' advocate sat with her victim today, but one who during Smith's hearing. "Oftentimes we'll have vichas healed and who knows that good can come from tims call and they just want to evil. talk," Hawkins said. "SomeMary Lucas i s a w are times they just need to vent if there are other women who they'refrustrated, and we're a have not been as fortunate safe way to do that." and it's for that reason, in Lucas had her chance in the part, that she and her hus- courtroom to tell Smith how band, Chuck, wanted to she felt and she forgave him. organize an event to raise Her husband also was given money for victims of vio- the opportunity to speak. "I said, 'Mary has moved on lent crimes. The gathering will take place today at Riv- this path of forgiveness a little erfront Park, where Mary's further than I have,'" Chuck life nearly ended in tragedy Lucas said Friday as he and the morning of Jan. I, 2011. his wife walked at Riverfront She had set off that day Park toward the spot where like so many other people she had been attacked. — with a New Year's resoSmith had staked out the lution in mind. location in advance. The hum "It was just a matter of of a generator would mask owning healthiness and screams. The bridge overhead choosing a h ealthy l i f e- would cloak the crime. style," she said. "And I Friday was Mary's second wanted to enjoy the beauty visit there. The 58-year-old at Riverfront Park." went in May 2011 with a group The park wasn't where of friends but hadn't been back she usually walked, but since. Today, she is still an avid she was in the mood for walker, but she is much more change. She remembers it aware of her surroundings. as a breathtaking day with She has had to build some barblue sky overhead. There riers in her mind; she doesn't were others out j ogging let herself sink into the "could and exercising as well. haves" of that beautiful blueShe was following the bird morning. path underneath the CenOn Jan. I, 2012, Mary and ter Street Bridge when she Chuck invited friends to join heard footstepsbehind her. them on a walk to mark the She remembers feeling anniversary of the incident. the lock of a choke hold, Twenty-three people showed and twisting her neck to up, and the Lucases decided look into the eyes of the it should be an annual event. person holding her. She had They named it CrossWalk to time to utter four words be- represent Mary'sjourney of fore she was dragged down faith and courage. "(Riverfront Park) is a place an embankment. "Do I know you?" where we should all feel safe I n 2 011, th e M a r i on and be able to enjoy each othCounty District Attorney er's company and bring in the Victim A s sistance D ivi- new year in a way that's celsion served 4,294 victims of ebratory," Mary said. violent crimes, according Proceeds will support Marito Molly Hawkins, sexual on County District Victim Asassault program coordina- sistance Division's efforts to tor. Mary Lucas fit into that help victims of violent crimes. statistic when she was attacked at Riverfront Park. She remembers the day as if it were yesterday. Shortly after she was forced down the embankment, she noticed a knife at her neck. She looked again into the eyes of her captor, who told her to stop screaming, and let out one final bloodcurdling plea: "Lord, help me please!" Three men, who h apCOVERINGS pened to be doing community service at the park that morning, heard her Also see usfor cry and came to her rescue. She calls them her guardAwnings, Solar Screens ian angels and still keeps in 8 Custom Draperies touch with one of the men. They pulled her to safety and called 911. Police appre(541) 388-4418 hended Lucas' attacker and she learned later he was an out-of-state sex o f f ender named Jeffrey Brian Smith. His plan, heconfessed to police, was to rape and mur4' b m C T otatcare der a woman that morning. Bend Memorial Clinic i~ Smith was sentenced to 18 years and four months in prison for the crime. for appointments Following t h e a t t ack, Lucas recovered from her call physical injuries and beSalem Statesman Journal
gan the gradual process of emotional healing. She didn't want to live her life paralyzed by fear. She had a strong support system to lean on, including family, friends, faith and the Marion County District Attorney Assistance Division. The program provides support for victims of violent and traumatic crimes. Volunteer advocates are trained to o ffer services in a variety of ways, from attending court hearings with victims to serving as a liaison between the vic-
IN l
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Sports briefs, C2
College basketball, C3 College football, C3-C4
Locals headed to nordic event A number of skiers with Central Oregon ties
are expected to compete over the next weekin the U.S. Cross Country
Championships at Solider Hollow in Midway, Utah. Nordic skiers Max
Millslagle, Skyler Kenna, Alec Wiltz and Emily
Hyde are slated to representthe Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation, while the Bend
Endurance Academy's Dakota Blackhorse-von Jess, Lars Ellefson,
Ryan St. Clair and Re-
itler Hodgert and XC Or-
egon's Santiago Ocariz, Ollie Burruss and Matt
Briggs are also expected to compete. Blackhorsevon Jess finished asthe runner-up in the men's skate ski sprint in 2012.
The championships kickoffon Wednesday with the classic sprint, followed by the15-
kilometer (men) and 10K (women) free skate race on Friday, the 30K (men) and 20K (women) mass-start classic race on Sunday, and the free sprint event next
Tuesday. Junior racers in the mass-start classic will ski either10K
(men) or 5K (women) on Sunday.
Joe Kline / The Bulletin
Skiers and snowboarders ride down one of the easier runs at Mt. Bachelor ski area during a busy holiday weekend on Saturday.
— Bulletin staff report
• Hefty bases at Mt. Bachelor andHoodooearly in the seasonbodewell for skiarearesorts duringthe holidays Editor's note: This is the first story in an occasional series on the business of sports in Central Oregon. By Zack Hall The Bulletin
Chicago Bearscoach Lovie Smithwas one of
seven NFLcoaches who were fired on Monday.
It's a weekday morning d u ring Christmas break, and in the rental department at Skjersaa's ski and snowboard shop in Bend, the racks are all but bare. "At this point we have one pair of
skis left, and you need to be really tall and heavy to use them," Jeremy Nelson, who owns Skjersaa's, said with a laugh. The rest of the available ski and snowboard gear had been rented. This, of course, is good news in an area like Central Oregon that relies on winter sports to boost the local
holidays. Hoodoo Ski Area, for instance, says that about a third of its season's revenues come from the two-week holiday period, when workers and students often have ample time off to go swooshing down a mountain. "It's THE m ost i mportant time," states Matt McFarland, general manager of Hoodoo. "It's a critical time for us to be at our best and have our staff trained and have the mountain looking
Few times are as crucial to the snowsportsindustry as the weeks surrounding the Christmas and New Year's
So farthis season, the weather has cooperated for the region's snowriders and the businesses that cater to them.
NFL teamsfire coaches, GMs
A steady dose of snow through Christmas has provided Mt. Bachelor ski area and Hoodoo bases that far surpass those of 2012. "Conditions have been amazing," says Andy Goggins, Mt. Bachelor's communications director. "With over 17 feet of snowfall so far this year, we're already over half our annual average with another five months to go (in the ski and snowboard season)." Mt. Bachelor opened its summit with 360-degree on Dec. 13, earlier than any season in Bachelor's history, Goggins
says. See Snow/C4
Andy Reid andLovie Smith were among the
many coaches let go on Monday,C2
Once aDuc, utawa sa matc u ro em
Ducks roll past Wolf Pack, 56-43 Oregon takes its home win streak to 16, 10-
0 this season, after
• Former Oregon playerfinds a homein Manhattan as a wideout for ICansasState
beating Nevada,C3
Beavers pull away from Broncs
By Rob Moseley
Ahmad Starks scores
21 points to lead Oregon State over Texas-Pan
American 84-59 on
Today's bowls
Eric Gay/The Associated Press
Oregon State head coach Mike Riley reacts on the sideline at the conclusion of the Alamo Bowl on Saturday in San Antonio. The Beavers finished the season with a 9-4 record.
OklahomaState,ESPNU 9 a.m., Gator Bowl, Mississippi State vs. Northwestern, ESPN2
Season of surprisescomes to an end for OregonState
10 a.m., Capital One Bowl,Georgia vs.
By Anne M. Peterson
9 a.m., Heart of Dallas Bowl,Purdue vs.
Nebraska, ABC 10 a.m., Outback Bowl, South Carolina vs. Michigan, ESPN
2 p.m., RoseBowl, Stanford vs. Wisconsin, ESPN
5:30 p.m., Orange Bowl, Northern lllinois vs. Florida State, ESPN
the ball. "We don't throw the ball SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. like everybody else does; Chris Harper's back story I still think I'm effective in as a former Oregon what we do," Harper Duck aside, there is said. "I'm just in my also the matter of third season, got defending him come a ways to go, but I Thursday night's think I've progressed Fiesta Bowl, which a lot." could be no easy task. H aper r Oregon cornerback Since transferIfo Ekpre-Olomu, ring to Kansas State, and a sophomore who knows moving from quarterback Harper only from film study, to wideout just as he did has grown to respect what at Oregon, Harper has he has seen. Ekpre-Olomu developed into one of the said the Wildcats like to use top 10 receivers in K-State Harper on drag routes, runhistory. Entering the Fiesta ning across the field underBowl, the second-team allneath the secondary's coverBig 12 performer has 50 age, to exploit his 6-foot-l, receptions for 786 yards 234-pound frame. "I think that helps him," and three touchdowns this Ekpre-Olomu said. season, quality production in an offense built to run SeeDuck/C4 The (Eugenei Register-Guard
The Associated Press
Even a disappointing ending cannot diminish what Oregon State accomplished this football season. The No. 15 Beavers were the surprise of the Pac-12 in 2012, rebounding from a 3-9 record in 2011 to a 9-4 finish this season. The six-win turnaround is
Inside • Stanford prepares to battle Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl,C4 the best in school history. Only Ohio State and Middle Tennessee couldalso boast the same improvement this season. "I think this was a great team, in all senses of the word," Beaver coach Mike Riley said after Oregon State's
31-27 loss to Texas in the Alamo Bowl on Saturday night. "This group fought together
hard. (They) came back from a real rough year a year ago with just a great attitude, a greatoffseason. Lots offun to work with. It was a real team." It all started with the "world's longest training camp," as Riley liked to put it. See Oregon State/C4
Next up Fiesta Bowl, Oregon vs. Kansas State • When:Thursday, 5:30 p.m. • TV:ESPN • Radio:KICE-AM 940, KBND-AM1110
ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY FOOTBALL 9 a.m.:College, Heart of Dallas Bowl,Purdue vs.Oklahoma State, ESPNU.
9 a.m.:College, Gator Bowl, Mississippi State vs. Northwestern, ESPN2. 10 a.m.:College, Capital One
Bowl, Georgia vs. Nebraska,
SOGCER 11:30 a.m.:English Premier League, Sunderland AFC at
Liverpool FC,ESPN2. BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men'scollege,Davidson at Duke, ESPN2. 4 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail
Blazers at Toronto Raptors,
ABC. 10 a.m.:Outback Bowl,
Comcast SportsNet Northwest.
Michigan vs. South Carolina, ESPN.
Florida at Central Florida, CBSSN.
7 p.m.:Men's college, Utah at
Stanford vs. Wisconsin, ESPN.
5:30p.m.:College,Orange Bowl, Florida State vs. Northern lllinois, ESPN.
BASKETBALL 4:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail
Blazers at NewYork Knicks,
5 p.m.: Men'scollege,South
Arizona State, Pac-12 Network. 7 p.m.: M en'scollege,UTEP at Colorado State, CBSSN.
FOOTBALL 5:30p.m.:College, Sugar Bowl, Florida vs. Louisville, ESPN.
Comcast SportsNet Northwest.
ON THE AIR: RADIO TODAY FOOTBALL 10a.m.:College, Capital One Bowl, Georgia vs. Nebraska, KICE-AM 940.
2 p.m.: College,RoseBowl, Stanford vs. Wisconsin, KICEAM.
WEDNESDAY BASKETBALL 4:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Toronto Raptors, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:College, Sugar Bowl, Florida vs. Louisville, KICE-AM 940.
Bowl, Florida State vs. Northern lllinois, KICE-AM 940.
BASKETBALL 4:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at New York Knicks, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made byTllorradio stations.
yOuth league — TheBend Park (I Recreation District is
seeking volunteer coaches for its girls middle school basketball
program. Preseason meetings begin on Jan. 9and theseason continues through March 6. Activities are not scheduled on
Fridays, weekends or school holida ys.Coachescanexpectto
mitment to join the Big East and will remain a member of the
Mountain West.Theschooland the conference announcedthey had come to anagreement to keep the Broncos playing in the league they havebeena part of for the past two seasons.
HOCKEY Union makesproposal to
week. Coaching experience pre-
NHL —The NHLand the players' association will start the
ferred; orientation meetings and clinics will be held prior to the
new year right where they ended the old one — at the bargaining
volunteer four to five hours per
start of the season. Applications table. The sides got together are available at the park district office, 799 S.W. Columbia St.
Monday for the first time since Dec. 13, and the union brought
and at
along a counterproposal in re-
Criminal background checks will be conducted. For more in-
sponse to the 288-page contract offer the NHL presented on
formation, contact park district sports coordinator Greg Brady
Thursday. Therewere somedis-
at 541-389-7275, ext. 124.
cussions between the negotiators inside the league's midtown
Manhattan headquarters and
No. 1 UCOnndrtjdS UO
some time spent apart in internal
WOmen —Top-ranked Concaucuses. Afterseveral hours necticut remained undefeated by passed, the NHL said it would rolling to a 95-51 nonconference be going over the players' new victory over Oregon onMonday contract offer on Monday night afternoon at Matthew Knight and would get back to the union Arena in Eugene. The Huskies
this morning.
(12-0), who onSaturday routed then top-ranked Stanford 61-35 to end the Cardinal's 82-game winning streak at Maples Pavil-
ion, scored the first12 points
Tejada haS deal With Roy-
M ondayagainstthe Ducks
BIS — Former AL MVP Miguel
(2-10) and never looked back. Caroline Doty had12 rebounds, seven assists and four steals
Tejada has reached aminor league deal with the Kansas City Roya)sandsays he is ready
to go with her14 points, one of
to return to the majors. The
six UConn players to score in
38-year-old infielder got a one-
double figures. Oregon's Jillian
year contract that will be worth $1.1 million if he makes the big
A))eyne scored agame-high18 points.
leagues. There is anadditional $400,000 in performance bonuses. The six-time All-Star last
FOOTBALL BOiSe State to Stay in Mauntain WeSt —Boise Statehas backed outona com-
played in the majors in 2011with San Francisco, hitting .239 with four home runs and 26 RB)s in
91 games. — Fromstaffand wirereports
North Florida84,Lipscomb70 NorthwestemSt.102, LeTourneau52 SouthernMiss.89, WiliamCarey59 Wednesday MIDWEST Boys basketball: CentralLinnatCulver,630 p m College ChicagoSt.58, Toiedo53 Girls basketball: CentralLinnatCulver,5 p.m. (Hometeamsin Caps) Indiana69,lowa65 Favorite Open Current Underdog KansasSt.70,South Dakota50 Thursday Today Minnesota 76,MichiganSt.63 Boys basketball: Gilchristvs.RogueValleyAdventist Hearl of DallasBowl Nebraska-Om aha77,UMKC65 at Gilchrist, 7p.m. Oklahoma St 18 17 Purdue Saint Louis60 NewMexico 46 Girls basketball: GilchristatRogueValley Adventist, Gator Bowl SOUTHWES T 5:30 p.m. Wrestling: MountainViewat CrookCounty, 5:30 Northwestern 2 (M) 1.5 Mississippi St Army 95HoustonBaptist 86 OutbackBowl Cent.Arkansas107,Central Baptist 82 p.m.; Madras atLaPine, 6p.m. S. Carolina 45 55 Michigan Denver 50,Texas-Arlington35 Capital One Bowl Gonzaga 69,OklahomaSt. 68 Friday 9 9 Nebraska O klah oma 72,TexasA8M-CC42 Georgi a Boys basketball: La Pineat CrookCounty, 7 p.m.; RoseBowl San JoseSt.80, UTSA67 Madras at Cascade, 7 p.m.; Sisters at Molaffa, Stanford 6 6 Wisconsin Texas Tech 70,FloridaAikM 56 7:15 p.m.;HorizonChristian, HoodRiverat Central OrangeBowl UtahSt.81, TexasSt. 57 Christian,3:30p.m.; ButteFallsat Trinity Lutheran, 1 4 14 FAR WEST Florida St N fflinois 5:30 p.m. Wednesday,Jan. 2 Oregon56,Nevada43 Girls basketball: CrookCountyat LaPine, 7 p.m.; SugarBowl OregonSt.84,Texas-PanAmerican59 Madrasat Cascade, 5:30p.m.; Sistersat Molaffa, 14 5 14 Louisville SaintMary's(Cal)70,Harvard 69 5:30 p.m;Central Christianvs.HorizonChristian, Florida Thursday,Jan. 3 HoodRiveratCrookCounty MiddleSchool, 2p.m.; Fiesta Bowl Monday'sResults ButteFalls atTrinity Lutheran,4 p.m. 8 9 KansasSt Wrestling: Culver atJo-HiTournam ent in Joseph, Oregon Friday, Jan. 4 11a.m. Oregon State 84, Cotton Bowl TexasA8M 35 4 Oklahoma Texas-Pan Saturday American 59 Saturday,Jan.6 Boys basketball: Arlington atCentral Christianat CompassBowl CrookCountyMiddle School, 2 p.mzTrinity LuTEXAS-PAN AMERICAN(7-9) 2 35 Pittsburgh theran atPaisley,2:30 p.m.; CulveratWaldport, 4 Mississippi Urbanus 3-114-511, Toivonen2-34-48, Delgado Sunday,Jan.6 4-9 2-410,Johnson6-131-214, Leathers3-80-06, p.m. Go Daddy.comBowl Girls basketball: Culver at Waldport, 230p.m. Dantz er0-31-21, Nash1-30-0 3, Cabrera1-2 0-02, ArkansasSt 2 4 Kent St Hines 1-30-0 2, Cleveland1-50-02. Totals 22-60 Swimming: Bendat LebanonInvite, TBD;Summit, Monday, Jan. 7 Ridgeview,Redmond, Madras, MountainViewat 12-17 59. BCSChampionship Jay RowanInvitational at CascadeAquatic Center, OREGON ST. (10-3) Alabama 8 .5 9 . 5 NotreDam e 10 a.m. Starks8-110-021, Burton9-120-218, Moreland 5-71-211, Reid1-20-02, Nelson5-70-011, RobAlpine skiing: OSSA at Mt. Bachelor, GiantSlalom, Cliffhanger/1-5,TBD bins 1-3 0-0 2,Moyer0-00-0 0, Barton2-20-0 4, TENNIS Nordic skiing: OISRA jamboree at Diamond Lake, Jones0-10-00, Morris-Waker0-40-00, Mitcheff0-0 noon 0-00,Schaftenaar1-60-03,Powers0-00-00, Collier Wrestling: Ridgeview,Gilchrist, Sisters at La Pine Professional 6-6 0-112.Totals 38-611-6 84. Invite, 10a.m.;Culverat JosephHi Tournament in Halftime —Oregon St 42-24. 3-Point GoalsHopmanCup Joseph,11a.m. Texas-PanAmerican 3-16 (Nash1-2, Johnson1-4, Monday Urbanus1-8, Delgado0-1, Leathers 0-1), OregonSt. At Perth Arena 718 (Starks5-7, Nelson1-3, Schaftenaar1-5, MoPerth, Australia reland 0-1,Morris-Walker0-2). FouledOut—None. Purse: $1million (ITFExhibition) FOOTBALL Rebounds —Texas-Pan American 23 (Toivonen5), Surface: Hard-Outdoor OregonSt. 45 (Moreland11). Assists Texas-Pan RoundRobin American 9(Urbanus5), OregonSt. 24 (Burton7). Serbia 2, Italy1 NFL Total Fouls—Te xas-Pan American 10, OregonSt. 15. Group A NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE St.Bench. A—3,276. Ana Ivanovic,Serbia,def. FrancescaSchiavone, Technical—Oregon Aff TimesPST Italy, 6-0,6-4. NovakDjokovic,Serbia, def. AndreasSeppi, Italy, Oregon 56, Nevada 43 Playoff Glance 6-3,6-4. Wild-cardPlayoffs Schiavoneand Seppi, Italy, def. Ivanovic and NEVADA (9-5) Saturday,Jan. 6 Djokovic,Serbia,7-6(4), 6-4. Panzer1-30-02 Huff1-30 02,Burris3 84-711, Cincinnati atHouston,130p m (NBC) Burton 4174612, Story4-160 010, Coleman 0-1 MinnesotaatGreenBay,5 p.m. (NBC) Qatar Open 000, Nyeko00000, Evans Jr25004, Effiott1-4 Sunday,Jan.6 Monday 0-3 2 Totals 16-678-16 43. IndianapolisatBaltimore, 10a.m.(CBS) AI The Khalifa International Tennis 8Squash OREGON (11-2) SeattleatWashington,1.30 p.m.(Fox) Complex Kazemi 0-02-22,Singler2-70-06,Woods3-57-8 Divisional Playoffs Doha, Qatar 13, Artis3-102-410,Dotson2-50-04, Loyd0-30-0 Saturday,Jan.12 Purse: $1.11million (WT260) 0,Austin2-22-26, Moore0-10-00, Carter1-30-02, Baltimore,indianapolis or Cincinnati atDenver,1:30 Surface: Hard-Outdoor Emory4-73-613. Totals 17-4316-22 56. p.m.(CBS) Singles Halftime—Oregon 25-14. 3-Point Goals—Nevada Washington,Seatle orGreenBayat SanFrancisco, 5 First Round 3-23 (Story2-10,Burris1-4, Panzer0-1, Huff 0-2,Evp.m.(Fox) SimoneBoeffi, italy, def. Daniel Gimeno-Traver, ans Jr.0-2,Burton0-4), Oregon6-18(Emory2-4, Artis Sunday,Jan. 13 Spain,6-3, 6-7(3), 7-6(2). 2-4, Singler2-6, Moore0-1, Loyd0-1, Dotson0-2). Washington,Seattle orMinnesotaat Atlanta, 10 a.m. NikolayDavydenko, Russia,del. Victor Hanescu, FouledOut None.Rebounds Nevada30(Burris 5), (Fox) a6-2, , 6-3. Oregon38(Emory 7). Assists—Nevada 5 (Burris 3), Baltimore,Indianapolis or Houstonat NewEngland, Romani Paolo LorenziItaly, , del.Albert Ramos, Spain, 7-6 Oregon14(Artis 4). TotalFouls—Nevada19, Oregon 1:30 p.m. (CBS) (4), 6-1. 16. A—5,817. ConferenceChampionships ViktorTroicki(6), Serbia,def. BjomPhau,Germany, Sunday,Jan.20 6-3,3-6,6-4. Polls AFC,TBA(CBS) GregaZemlja,Slovenia,def. FabioFognini, Italy, AP Top26 NFC,TBA(Fox) 6-2,3-6,6-4. The top25teamsin TheAssociated Press' college Pro Bowl PhilippKohlschreiber(3),Germany,del.lvan Dodig, basketball poll, with first-placevotes in parentheses, Sunday,Jan.27 Croatia, 7-6 (5), 6-1. records throughDec.30, total points basedon 25 AI Honolulu points for a first-placevotethrough onepoint for a AFCvs.NFC,4 p.m. (NBC) ChennaiOpen 25th-place voteandlasf week's ranking: SuperBowl Monday R ecord Pt s Prv Sunday,Feb.3 AI SDAT Tennis Stadium 12-0 1 , 623 1 1 Duke(63) At NewOrleans Chennai, India 2. Michigan (2) 13-0 1,5 4 7 2 AFCchampionvs. NFCchampion,3p.m.(CBS) Purse: $450,000(WT250) 12-0 1 ,474 3 3. Arizona Surface: Hard-Outdoor 12-1 1 ,434 4 4. Louisville Singles 12-1 1 ,378 5 5. Indiana College First Round 11-1 1 ,313 6 6. Kansas Go Soeda(8), Jap an, def . E v gen y D on sk oy , R u ssi a , 11-1 1 ,197 9 FBS BowlGlance 7.Syracuse 6-1,6-2. Subjectto Change 8. OhioSt. 1 0-2 1 , 079 1 0 Aljaz Bedene,Slovenia,def.JoaoSousa,Portugal, Aff Times PST 9. Minnesota 12-1 9 7 8 11 6-3,6-2. 12-1 9 4 6 13 10. Gonz aga Robin Haase (6), Net h erl a nds, def. Yuki Bha m b ri , 11. Illinois 13 1 9 2 9 12 Monday'sGames India, 7-5, 6-3. 12. Mi s souri 1 0-2 912 7 Music City Bowl Edouard Roger-Vasselin, France, def. Andrey 13. Florida 9-2 810 14 Vanderbilt 38 N.C. State24 Kuznetsov,Russia,6-3,6-4. 14. Cincinnati 12-1 761 8 Sun Bowl 15. Georgetown 10-1 7 1 8 15 GeorgiaTech21, Southern Cal7 Shenzhen LonggangGemdaleOpen 16. Creighton 12-1 6 2 9 16 Liberty Bowl Monday 17. Butler 10-2 5 9 1 18 Tu sa 31, lowaState17 At LonggangTennis Center 18. MichiganSt. 112447 19 Chick-fil-A Bowl Shenzhen, Chi n a 19. SanDiegoSt. 1 1 - 2 437 17 Clemson25,LSU24 Purse: $600,000(InB.) 20. New Mexico 1 3-1 389 Surface: Hard-Outdoor 21. NotreDame 12-1 3 6 1 21 Today Singles 22. Oklahoma St. 10 - 1 333 22 Heart of Dallas Bowl First Round 23. NC State 10-2 2 7 0 23 Purdue(6-6) vs. OklahomaState (7-5), 9 a.m.(ESA yumi Mori t a, Japan, def. Chan yun g -j a n, Ta i w a n, 24. Pittsburgh 1 2-1 2 1 9 24 PNU) 6-4,6-4. 25. Kansas St. 10-2 1 4 9 25 Gator Bowl Bojana Jovanovski (8), Serbia, def. Alexandra Othersreceiving votes:UNLV52 NorthCarolina38, MississippiState(8-4) vs.Northwestern (9-3), 9a.m. Cadantu,Romania, 6-3, 6-1. Wyoming 28,Temple21,VCI)15, Kentucky13, Wichita (ESPN2) Elina Svi t olina, Ukrai n e, def. Shahar Peer, Israel , Capital OneBowl St.11, Uconn9, UCLA6,Maryland5, Oregon3. 6-1,6-3. Georgia(11-2) vs.Nebraska(10-3) 10 a.m.(ABC) PengShuai(6), China,def.AnneKeothavong,BritOutback Bowl USAToday/ESPNTop26 Poll South Carolina(10-2) vs. Michigan(8-4), 10 a.m. ain, 6-4,6-0. The top 25teamsin the USAToday-ESPN men's Julia Cohen, Uni t ed States, def. Ni n a Brat c hi k ova, (ESPN) collegebasketball poll, with lirst-placevotes in paRussia,0-6,7-6(7), 7-5. Rose Bowl rentheses,recordsthroughDec.30, points basedon ChangKai-chen,Taiwan,def.SilviaSoler-Espinosa, 25 pointsfor afirst-placevotethrough onepoint for a Stanford(11-2)vs.Wisconsin(8-5), 2 p.m.(ESPN) Spain,4-6,6-1,6-3. 25th-place voteandlast week's ranking: OrangeBowl Marion Bartoli (2), France,def. ChanWing-yau, NorthernliInois (12-1)vs. Forida State(11-2), 5 30 R ecord Pt s Pvs Hong Kong, 6-1,6-0. 12-0 74 7 1 1 Duke(30) p.m. (ESP N) KlaraZakopalova(5), CzechRepublic, def.Andrea 2. Michigan(1) Wednesday,Jan.2 13-0 744 2 Hlavackova,CzechRepublic,6-1 6-1. 12-0 692 3 Sugar Bowl 3.Arizona S tefanie Voegel e , Swi t zerl a nd, del . Ti m ea Ba bos, Florida (11-1) vs Louisvile (10-2), 5:30 p.m 4. Louisville 12-1 678 3 Hungary,6-4,7-5. 5. Indiana 12-1 654 5 (ESPN) DuanYing-ying, China,def. Kimiko Date-Krumm, Thursday, Jan. 3 6. Kansas 11-1 643 6 Japan,7-6(5),7-5. Fiesta Bowl 7.Syracuse 11-1 575 7 KansasState (11-1) vs. Oregon(11-1), 5:30 p.m. 8. OhioState 10-2 5 3 0 10 9. Florida 9-2 451 11 (ESPN) Friday, Jan. 4 10. Gonz ag a 1 2-1 4 3 9 13 BASKETBALL 11. Creighton 12-1 4 3 6 12 Cotton Bowl TexasABM(10-2) vs. Okiahoma(10-2), 5 p.m. 12. Missouri 10-2 420 9 Men's college 13. Mi n nesota 1 2-1 4 1 7 14 (Fox) Saturday, Jan. 5 14.lllinois 13-1 3 5 8 15 Monday's Games BBVACompassBowl 15. Cincinnati 12-1 352 8 EAST 16. Georgetown 10-1 2 8 1 18 Pittsburgh (6-6) vs. Mississippi (6-6), 10 a.m. Albany(NY)57,Brown50 17. San Di e go S tate 11-2 242 16 (ESPN) BostonCollege79,Dartmouth58 18 MichiganState 1 1- 2 228 19 Sunday,Jan.6 Cincinnati70,Pittsburgh61 19. NotreDame 12-1 2 0 1 20 GoDaddy.comBowl Coll. ofCharleston85, Marist 75 20. Butler 10-2 1 9 4 21 Kent State(11-2) vs. ArkansasState (9-3), 6 p.m. Delaware 73, Rider66 (ESPN) Fordham 82, Monmouth (NJ)71 21. Oklahoma State 10- 1 146 22 1 2-1 1 2 4 24 Monday, Jan. 7 22. Pittsburgh lona 93,St. Bonaventure 74 1 3-1 109 BCSNational Championship Saint Joseph's63,Drexel 49 23. New Mexico 11-2 1 0 0 17 Notre Dame (12-0) vs. Alabama(12-1), 5:30p.m. Syracuse96, CCSU62 24. UNLV 10-2 95 25 (ESPN) 25. N.C.State Temple75,Bowling Green57 Others recei v ing votes: VCU 36, Ka nsas State 35, SOUTH NorthCarolina34, Kentucky 31,Wyoming 30,Wichita Elon84,Manchester 49 Betting line State 7,Colorado6, Maryland5, Uconn3, UCLA2, FairleighDickinson79,Longwood71 Bucknell1, Colorado State1, Temple1. NFL Flor idaGuff Coast68,Kennesaw St.59 (Home teamsin Caps) Jacksonville53, N.Kentucky 51 Favorite Open Current Underdog JacksonvilleSt. 64,UT-Martin 54 Women's college Saturday Liberty63,W.Carolina 62 TEXANS 5 4.5 Bengals Mercer70,Stetson64 Monday's Games PACKER S 8 8 Vikings NC State89,UNCGreensboro68 EAST
RAVENS Seahawks
6 .5 6 . 5 2 .5 2 . 5
Princeton 74, Drexel59 SOUTH Belmont71,SEMissouri 58 Coll. ofCharleston76,Charleston Southern 45 E. Kentucky 69,MurraySt.49
Flor idaGuff Coast62,KennesawSt.35 Jackso nville65,N.Kentucky60 JamesMadison93,GeorgiaSouthern44 LSU87, NewOrleans61 Louisville88,TennesseeSt. 25 Memphis73,TennesseeTech64 NC A8T75,Elon65 North Florida77, Lipscomb64 South Florida74,Detroit 60 SouthernMiss.76,WiliamCarey46 Stetson74, Mercer 41 UT-Martin93,Jacksonville St.63 WakeForest77, Nevada54 MIDWEST Indiana81,Rl.-chicago 59 Northwestern 82, ChicagoSt.38 NotreDam e128, St.Francis(Pa.) 55 Saint Louis62,Winthrop 53 FAR WEST Cal St.-Fufferton 61,Columbia49 Denver 90,Texas-Arlington 52 NewMexicoSt 71,LouisianaTech67 Pacific102, CS Bakersfield 60 SantaClara70,UNLV64 UCLA73,Saint Joseph's65 Uconn95,Oregon51 UTSA 57,SanJoseSt. 54 UtahSt.82,TexasSt. 69 Poll AP Women'sTop25 The top 25 teamsin theTheAssociated Press' women'scollegebasketball poll, withlirst-placevotes in parentheses,recordsthroughDec. 30, total points basedon25 points for afirst-place votethroughone point lor a25th-placevote andlast week's ranking: R ecord Pt s Prv 1. Ucono(37) 11-0 997 2 2. Baylor(3) 10-1 948 3 3. Duke 11-0 904 4 4. Stanford 11-1 899 1 5. NotreDame 10-1 841 5 6. Kentucky 11-1 799 7 7. California 10-1 724 8 8. Maryland 92 703 9 9. PennSt. 10-2 6 6 4 10 10. Georgia 12-1 600 6 11. Louisville 11-2 5 6 3 12
12.Tennes see
9-3 557 13 13. Oklahoma St. 1 0 - 0 504 14 14. Purdue 11-2 4 4 4 11 15. NorthCarolina 1 3 - 1 403 16 16. IJCLA 8-2 350 17 17.Oklahoma 10-2 3 1 2 18 18. SouthCarolina 1 2- 1 309 19 19. FloridaSt. 11-1 2 5 9 21 20. Coorado 11-0 2 2 4 23 21. Kansas 9-2 1 38 22 22. Dayton 12-1 1 7 7 15 23. Arkansas 11-1 1 6 5 25 24. TexasA8,M 94 135 24 25. Nebraska 10-3 81 Dthersreceivingvotes:Miami52,lowaSt.50, Ohio St. 36,Vanderbilt 23,WestVirginia 22, Syracuse15,
Michigan13, MichiganSt. 12,lowa10, Duquesne9, UTEP 8,Texas4,Viffanova1.
AmericanLeague KANSAS CITYROYALS—SignedINFMiguel Tejada to aminor leaguecontract. Agreedtoterms with OF Endy Chavezonaminor leaguecontract. BASKETBALL National BasketballAssociation CLEVELANDCAVALIERS — Recalled F Samardo SamuelsIromCanton (NBADL). DALLASMAVERICKS — Recalled G Jared Cunningham fromTexas(NBADL). GOLDENSTATE WARRIORS — Re-assigned G-F Kent Bazem ore andF-C JeremyTyler to SantaCruz
MINNESOT A TIMBERWOLVES — Signed G-F LazarHayw ard. FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONACARDINALS — Fired coach Ken Whisen huntandgeneralmanagerRodGraves. BUFFALO BILLS — Fired coachChanGailey. SignedRBZach Brown, DECorbin Bryant, DTJarron Gilbert, OT AdamGrantand LBBrianSmith toreserve/ futurecontracts. CHICAGO BEARS— FiredcoachLovie Smith. CLEVEL AND BROWNS— Fired general manager TomHeckertandcoachPatShurmur. DALLASCOWBOYS — Signed CBVince Agnew, WR Tim Benford,WR Danny Coale,DEIkponmwosa Igbinosun, CBMicah Pefferin, DTBrian Price, LB BrashtonSatele, TEAndre Smith, QBNick Stephens and LBMonteTaylor to reserve/futurecontracts.b JACKSO NVILLEJAGUARS—Firedgeneral managerGeneSmith. GREENBAVPACKERS— SignedLB MicahJohnson to thepracticesquad. ReeasedCBOtis MerriI from thepractice squad. KANSASCI TY CHIEFS — Fired coach Romeo CrennelAnnounced . the retirementof OLRyan Liljar NEW YOR KJETS Fired general manager Mike Tannen baum.Signed LB JoJo Dickson,DT Tevita Finau, S Jaiquawn Jarrett, OT Dennis Landolt, WR RoycePollard,WRTitus Ryan,QBMatt SimmsandLB JacquiesSmithto reserve/future contracts. OAKLAND RAIDERS Fired offensivecoordinator GregKnapp,special teamscoordinator SteveHoffman, offensive line coachFrankPollack andlinebackers coachJohnnyHolland. PHILADELP HIA EAGLES — Fi red coach Andy Reid. SAN DIEGOCHARGERS Fired coach Norv Turner andgeneral manager A.J. Smith. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — PlacedCB WalterThurmond on injuredreserve.AnnouncedCBBrandon Brownerreturnedfrom his suspension. ReleasedWR Corbin Louksfromthe practice squad.Signed DT VaughnMeatogaand CBRon Parkerto thepractice squad TENNES SEETITANS— Firedchiel operating officer MikeReinfeldt. SignedWRDiondre Borel, DTZach Clayton, DEThaddeus Gibson, S Suaesi Tuimaunei and TE MarteffWebbto reserve/future contracts. SANFR ANCISCO49ERS— Released RBBrandon Jacobs. CanadianFootball League TORONTOARGONAUTS— Signed G Joe Eppele to a contractextensionthroughthe 2014season. COLLEGE MOUNTAIN WEST CONFERENCE — Announced BoiseStatehasbackedout on acommitmentto join the BigEastandwil remainamemberof theMountain West. AUBURN — AnnouncedDECoreyLemonier wil enter theNFLdraft. NEVADA —Announced RBStefphonJeffersonwil enter theNFLdraft. RUTGER S—AnnouncedCBLoganRyanwil enter the NFLdraft.
evencoac es, ive s sac e in irin ren The Associated Press Seven coaches and five general managers were fired Monday in a flurry of pink slips that were delivered theday after the regular-season ended. There could be more, but so far the sent-packing scorecard looks li ke this: Andy Reid in Philadelphia, Lovie Smith in Chicago, and Ken Whisenhunt in A r izona, all coaches who took teams to the Super Bowl, Norv Turner in San Diego, Pat Shurmur in Cleveland, Romeo Crennel in Kansas City and Chan Gailey in Buffalo. Three teams made it a clean sweep, saying goodbye to the GM along with the coach — San Diego,Cleveland and Arizona. General managers
also were fired in Jacksonville and in New York, where Rex Ryan held onto his coaching job with the Jets despite a losing record. Reid was the longest tenured of the coaches, removed after 14 seasons and a Super Bowl appearance in 2005 — a loss to New England. Smith spent nine seasons with the Bears, leading them to the 2007 Super Bowl — a loss to the Indianapolis Colts. Turner has now been fired as head coach by three teams. San Diego won the AFC West from 2006-09, but didn't make the postseason the past three years. "Both Norv and A.J. are conssmmate NFL professionals, and they understand that in this league, the bot-
with the Chiefs. Reid took over a 3-13 Eagles team in 1999, drafted Donovan McNabb tom-line is winning," Chargers Presi- with the No. 2 overall pick and quickdent Dean Spanos said in a statement. ly turned the franchise into a title Whisenhunt was fired after six contender. seasons, including taking the CarHe ledthemto a run of four straight dinals to a Super Bowl loss to Pitts- NFC championship games, a streak burgh after the 2008 season. He had that ended with a trip to the NFL title more wins than any other coach in game. But the team hasn't won a playCardinals history, going 45-51, and offgame since2008 and afterlastseason's 8-8 finish, owner Jeffrey Lurie has one year left on hi s contract worth about $5.5 million. GM Rod said he was looking for improvement Graves had been with Arizona for 16 this year. Instead, it was even worse. years, nine in his current position. A The Eagles finished 4-12. "When you have a season like 5-11 record after a 4-0 start cost him and Whisenhunt their jobs. that, it's embarrassing. It's personGailey was dumped after three ally crushing to me and it's terrible," seasons with the Bills; Shurmur after Lurie said at a news conference. two; and Crennel had one full season He said herespects Reid and plans
to stay friends with him, "but, it is time for the Eagles to move in a new direction." Shurmur went 9-23 in his two seasons with the Browns. Crennel took overwith three games left in the 2011 season after GM Scott Pioli fired Todd Haley. Kansas City will have the No. 1 pick in the NFL draft as a result of having one of the worst seasons in its 53-year history. Gailey, the former Dallas Cowboys coach, compiled a 16-32 record in his three seasons in Buffalo, never doing better than 6-10. The fired GMs included Mike Tannenbaum of the Jets; Gene Smith of the Jaguars; A.J. Smith of the Chargers and Tom Heckert of the Browns and Graves of Arizona.
ome Oregon State
uc sremain e e a The Associated Press EUGENE — Carlos Emory and Tony Woods had 13 points e ach for Oregon, which w i l l take aperfect home record into the new year following a 56-43 win againstNevada on Monday night. Dominic Artis scored 10 for
Oregon (11-2), which has won 16 straight at Matthew Knight Arena, including all 10 games this season. Emory, who started the second half in place of injured forward Arsalan Kazemi, scored nine of his 13 points after halftime. His 3-pointer with 9:26 to play snapped an 8-0 run by the Wolf Pack who had cut the Ducks' double-digit lead to 3933. Emory's shot sparked a 14-4 run which put Oregon up 53-37 with 6:05 to play. "When he's really focused,
he's really good," Oregon coach Dana Altman said of Emory. "He's had a good week of practice and I think that led to a good performance tonight." Despite missing his first nine shots from the field, Deonte Burton scored 12 to lead Nevada (96), which had won five straight. Kazemi, the Ducks leading rebounder, left the game with 2:01 left in the first half after taking an accidental elbow to the head from Emory under the Nevada basket. He didn't return to the Oregon bench in the second half. "Ithinkhe's OK," Altman said. "He was in the locker room and I didn't have a chance to talk to him too much. He was walking, looked fine." It was a sloppy game for both teams, with the Ducks recording 20 turnovers which led to 20 points for the Wolf Pack, and Nevada shooting just 28.1 from the field, including 19.4 percent in the first half. Oregon ended the first half on a 6-0 run and then opened the second half on an 11-3 run to take a 36-17 advantage. "We started making plays for each other," Oregon forward E.J. Singler said. "Nothing else really changed, we just started playing with more focus on each other. That was our drive and it
Brian Davies/The Register Guard (Eugene)
Oregon's Dominic Artis (1) drives to the basket while defended by Nevada's Jordan Burris (20) and Deonte Burton (24) during Oregon's 56-43victory Monday inEugene. high 18 points and added 13 assists, and Syracuse beat Central Connecticut State to give coach made a dif ference." Jim Boeheim his 902nd career Also on Monday: win. Boeheim tied Bob Knight No. 5 Indiana...... . . . . . . . . . . . 69 for second all-time in victories Iowa...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 among Division I men's coaches. Duke's Mike Krzyzewski leads IOWA CITY, Iowa — Cody Zeller had 15 of his 19 points with 939. in the second half and Indiana No. 9 Minnesota..... . . . . . . . . . 76 openedBigTen play by holding No. 18 Michigan State...... . . .63 off Iowa. Victor Oladipo scored M INNEAPOLIS — A n d r e 14 points for the Hoosiers (13-1, Hollins had 22 points and six as1-0), who snapped a four-game sists, and Rodney Williams addlosing streak in Iowa City and ed 15 points and six rebounds to have now wo n f ou r s t raight lift Minnesota to a victory over since losing to Butler two weeks Michigan State. Trevor Mbakwe ago. had 11 points and 12 rebounds No. 7 Syracuse.......... . . . ..96 and the Golden Gophers (13-1, Central Connecticut State.....62 1-0 Big Ten) shot 56.6 percent to SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Michael open conference play with an Carter-Williams scored a career- emphatic victory over a team
back on track with win over
that has owned them for years. No.10 Gonzaga ...... . . . . . . . . 69 No. 22Oklahoma State........68 STILLWATER, Okla. — Kevin Pangos scored 23 points and hit the clinching free throws with 4.3 seconds left, Kelly Olynyk scored all 21 of his points in the second half and Gonzaga edged Oklahoma State to spoil one of the Cowboys' most anticipated nonconference home games in decades. No.14 Cincinnati ...... . . . . . . . 70 No. 24 Pittsburgh...... . . . . . . . 61 PITTSBURGH — Cashmere Wright scored 18 points and Sean Kilpatrick added 16 to help Cincinnati surge past Pittsburgh in Big East play. The Bearcats (13-1, 1-0) bounced back from a loss to New Mexico last Thursday by dominating the Panthers over the final 20 minutes. Cincinnati trailed by as much as eight early, but used a 14-2 run midway through the second half to take control. Saint Louis...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 No. 20 New Mexico ...... . . . . .46 ST. LOUIS — Cory Remekun scored a career-high 15 points and Cody Ellis had 13 to lead Saint Louis to an upset of New Mexico. Mike McCall Jr. added 12 points for Saint Louis (10-3), which won its seventh in a row — the Billikens' longest win streak since they won eight in a row in 2003. No. 23 N.C. State...... . . . . . . . . 89
Texas-PanAm The Associated Press CORVALLIS — Ahmad Starks had 21 points and Oregon State pulled away from Texas-Pan American in the second half Monday afternoon for a 84-59 win. Joe Burton had 18 points and tied a season high with 10 rebounds for Oregon State (10-3), which bounced back from its first home loss of the season, to heavy underdog Towson, two days earlier. The Beaversgot awin under theirbeltsbefore opening Pac-12 Conference play Sunday at home against rival Oregon. "It was really big, just to shake it off and not think about it going into Sunday's game," Starks said of the Towson loss. Hurley Johnson had 14 points and Aaron Urbanus 11 points and five assists for Texas-Pan American (79), which had a three-game losing
NeXt uP
streak broken.
Texas-Pan American trailed by 18 Qregpp at halftime but closed within 50-39 Q~pgpp State on an Aaron Urbanus 3-pointer with 14:03 left. The Beavers answered """y ' P™ with six straight points to go up 17 and later scored six more in a row to go up 66-43and putthe game out of $pp"ts • Radio: reach. Oregon State led by as many as 30 KICE-AM 940, in the closing minutes. Starks, who K RCQ-AM 690, made five 3-pointers, ended a five- K BND-AM1110 game slump in which he scored a combined 24 points. "It's nice to see Ahmad sort of come back to his old self. I hope he's back for good," Beavers coach Craig Robinson said. Starks, a 5-foot-9 senior guard, averaged more than 16 points per game before the five-game skid. He blamed his struggles on his mentality against recent mid-level opponents. "I haveto approach every game the same way. So I took the blame," Starks said. "I just wanted to come out and be aggressive and get a good feel going into
UNC Greensboro.......... ...68 RALEIGH, N.C. — C.J. Leslie scored 21 points and North Carolina State pulled away in the second half to beat UNC Greensboro. Scott Wood and Lorenzo Brown added 15 points
apiece, and the Wolfpack (11-2) kept UNC Greensboro off the boards after halftime while using a timely run to break open a
surprisingly tight game. No. 25 Kansas State ...... . . . .70 South Dakota ...... . . . . . . . . . . 50 MANHATTAN, Kan. — Nino Williams scored 16 points to help Kansas State beat South Dakota. R o dney M c G r uder added 15 for the Wildcats (11-2), who dominated the boards and shot 50 percent to South Dakota's 32.7 percent.
conference play." Teammate Eric Moreland got his fourth straight double-double and seventh of the season with 11 points and 11 rebounds. Roberto Nelson added 11 points and five rebounds for the Beavers, who had a 45-23 rebounding edge. Burton scored Oregon State's first 10 points, helping the Beavers to a 10-6 lead. Starks later hit three 3pointers in a 15-4 run that put Oregon State up 25-13.
Clemsonuseslast-second field goal to edge LSU,25-24 The Associated Press
ATLANTA — Clemson got one last impressive drive from Tajh Boyd and company to record its first 11-win season since its 1981 national championship team went 12-0. And Tigers coach Dabo Swinney thinks this
is only the beginning. Chandler Catanzaro kicked a 37-yard field goal as time expired to give No. 14 Clemson a wild 25-24 win over No. 9 Louisiana State in the Chick-fil-A Bowl on Monday night. Trailing 24-22, Clemson (11-2) took possession on its 20 with 1:39 remaining. Boyd passed to DeAndre Hopkins for 26 yards on a fourthand-16 play during the decisive 10-play drive. Catanzaro's kick set off a wild celebration on the field and in the stands. Some players collapsed on the field in apparent disbelief while most of Clemson's orange jerseys met in a midfield circle. Clemson reached 11 wins for only the fourth time in school history. "You can't win 12 until you win 11," Swinney said. "You can't win a national championship until you learn how to win games like this. "This was a landmark win." Catanzaro had an extra point blocked in the second quarter, but he said that didn't cause him to doubt his chances to make the last-second field goal. "I was ready when the opportunity came to me," Catanzaro said. "It was next-kick mentality. I was so thankful for the opportunity." Catanzaro made 16 of 17 field goals in the regular season. "I didn't have any doubt," Swinney said of the junior kicker. "He's just a clutch player all the
Boyd completed36 of 50 passes for346 yards with two touchdowns and no interceptions. "Tajh Boyd was phenomenal," LSU coach Les Miles said. "I did not expect the heroic, if you will, efforts that he had." Hopkins, who had 13 catches for 191 yards and two touchdowns, also had receptions for seven and 13yards in the final drive. LSU safety Greg Reid was flagged for pass interference while defending Hopkins. Jeremy Hill ran for 124 yards and two touchdowns for LSU (10-3), which carried a 24-13 lead into the final quarter. After Hopkins' second TD catch, LSU got the ball with 2:43 remaining and threw three straight passes. Only one was complete in the three-and-out series that took only about 1 minute off the clock, leaving Clemson with enough time for its winning drive. In other games on Monday:
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Clemson kicker Chandler Catanzaro is hoisted after he kicked the winning 37-yard field goal as time expired in the Chick-fil-A Bowl against LSU Monday in Atlanta. Ciemson won 25-24. SUN BOWL Georgia Tech....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Southern Cai...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 EL PASO, Texas — Tevin Washington ran for a 1-yard touchdown that broke a third-quarter tie, then threw a TD pass that sent Georgia Tech past Southern California. Southern California (7-6), ranked No. I at the beginning of the season, played minus injured quarterback Matt Barkley. Max Wittek tossed a 9-yard touchdown pass to Silas Redd in the second quarter, but also threw three interceptions. MUSIC CITYBOWL Vanderbilt ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 North Carolina State..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Jordan Rodgers threw two touchdown passes and ran for another score as Vanderbilt capped its best season in nearly a century by beating North Carolina State in the Music City Bowl. The Commodores (9-4) won their seventh straight game, their top mark since going 9-1 in 1915. LIBERTY BOWL Tulsa..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Iowa State ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Tulsa avenged a loss to Iowa State earlier in the season by defeating the Cyclones in the rematch at a rainy Liberty Bowl behind Alex Singleton's three touchdowns. Trey Watts rushed for 149 yards and Singleton ran for his three scores.
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i %4, g)~f Phelan M Ebenhack/The AssociatedPress
Miami Heat forward LeBron James (6) shoots in front of Orlando Magic center Nikoia Vucevic, left, and forward Josh McRoberts (17) during the second half of Mondey's game in Orlando, Fie. The Heat won 112-110 in overtime.
Heat need overtime to take out Magic The Associated Press ORLANDO, Fla. — The Miami Heat got another glimpse at how difficult it i s e very night when you're the defending NBA champion. The Heat needed clutch performances from each of their stars to slip past the injury-depleted Orlando Magic. LeBron James scored eight of his 36 points in overtime and also finished with 11 assists and eight rebounds to help Miami beat the Magic 112-110 on Monday. The Heat, beaten easily by Detroit and M i lwaukee before arriving in Orlando, got a decisive dunk from Dwayne Wade with 6.2 seconds left in the extra period to avoid what could have been their f i rst three-game losing streak this season. "The biggest thing was that we didn't want to lose," Wade said. "We dug in against a team that played very well. They had some guys on the court that half the NBA never heard of, but those guys did an unbelievable job. They pushed us to the limit." Miami also needed a pair of baskets from Chris Bosh in the final minute of regulation just to get them to overtime.
Also on Monday: B obcats ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 B ulls ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 CHICAGO — Kemba Walker had 18 points and eight rebounds to help Charlotte end an 18-game losing streak with a win over Chicago. Thunder.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 S uns... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 O KLAH OM A CITY — Kevin Durant scored 30 points, and Russell Westbrook returned from a cut above his eye with 24 points, nine assists and seven rebounds as Oklahoma City beat Phoenix.
Spurs ......... . . . . . . . . . ..104 N ets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 SAN ANTONIO — Tony Parker had 20 points and San Antonio held Brooklyn to only five points in the third quarter in a win over the Nets.
Pacers.......... . . . . . . . . . ..88 G rizzlies..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 I NDIANAPOLIS — P a u l George had 21 points, six rebounds and f ive assists to lead Indiana to a w i n o v er Memphis. Rockets ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Hawks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 HOUSTON — James Harden had 28 points and Houston rebounded from itsworst loss of the season with a win over Atlanta.
NBA SCOREBOARD Standings National Basketball Association ConferenceGlance All Times PST EASTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct GB 21 8 .724 I/2 21 9 700 19 10 .655 2 18 13 .581 4 16 13 .552 5 Milwaukee 16 13 .552 5 Brooklyn 16 15 .516 6 Boston 14 16 467 7'/~ Philadelphia 14 17 .452 8 Orlando 12 19 .387 10 Toronto 11 20 .355 0 Detroit 11 22 .333 12 Charlotte 8 2 3 .258 14 Cleveland 7 2 5 ,219 15'iz Washington 4 2 4 ,143 16'iz WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-LA. Clippers 25 6 .806 d-Oklahoma Cit y 2 4 6 .800 '/~ d-SanAntonio 25 8 .758 1 Memphis 19 9 .679 4'i~ GoldenState 21 10 .677 4 Houston 17 14 .548 8 Denver 17 15 ,531 8'iz Minnesota 14 13 .519 9 Portland 15 14 .517 9 I..A. Lakers 15 15 500 9 1/2 Utah 15 17 .469 10'/z Dallas 12 19 387 13 Sacramen to 11 19 .367 13'/z Phoenix u 2 1 .344 14'/~ NewOrleans 7 2 3 .233 17'/~ d-diNisionleader d-Miami d-New York Atlanta d-Indiana Chicago
Monday's Games Charlotte91, Chicago81 Indi ana88,Memphis83 Miami 02, Orlando110,OT Houston123,Atlanta104 SanAntoni0104,Brooklyn73 Oklahoma City114, Phoenix96
Dallas atWashington, 3p.m. Portlandat NewYork, 4.30 p.m. Sacramento atDetroit, 4:30p.m. Atlanta atNewOrleans, 5p.m. L.A. ClippersatDenver, 6p.m. Philadelphiaat t A. I.akers,7:30pm. Wednesday'sGame SacramentoatCleveland, 4p.m. Port and at Toronto, 4 p.m. Washington at Indiana,4 p.m. Chicago at Orlando,4p.m. MemphisatBoston,4:30p.m. Dallas atMiami, 4:30p.m. NewOrleansatHouston,5 p.m. BrooklynatOklahomaCity, 5p.m. SanAntonioatMilwaukee, 5p.m. Philadelphiaat Phoenix, 6 p.m. Minnesotaat Utah,6p.m. L.A. CippersatGoldenState, 7:30p.m
Summaries Monday's Games
Rockets 123, Hawks 104 ATLANTA (104) Korver 1-3 0-0 3, J.Smith5-12 5-6 17, I-lorford 9-16 0-0 18, Teague 4-17 0-0 10, Williams9-16 0-0 21, Pachulia1-3 0-0 2, Stevenson3-6 0-0 8, Jenk>ns 6-9 1-1 15,Johnson2-4 0-0 4, Scott3-4 0-0 6, Tolliver 0-0 0-0 0, Petro0-0 0-0 0. Totals 43-906-7 104.
Parsons 2-90-04, Morris6-90-015, Asik5-71-4 u, Lin 6-0 3-316, Harden 7-1712-1328, G.smith 3-6 0-0 6,Douglas4-81-210, Delfino 8-100-0 22, Patt erson3-50-08,Machado0-00-00,Motiejunas 1-2 0-0 3,Aldrich 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 45-84 17-22 123. Atlanta 27 19 29 29 — 104 Houston 26 38 26 33 — 123
Spurs104, Nets73 BROOKLYN (73)
Bogans 0 20-0 0, Evans2-4 0-0 4, Lopez4-11 3-4 11, Williams3-11 1-1 8, Johnson5-12 1-1 12, Humphries2-2 3-4 7, Brooks7-12 1-1 16, Stackhouse1-5 0-0 3,Watson1-21-2 3, Blatche1-63-4 5, Teletovic0-10-00, Shengelia0-10-00, Taylor2-5 0-0 4. Totals 28-7413-1773. SAN ANTONIO (104) Leonard4-50-010, Duncan7-12 1-115, Splitter 57 0 010, Parker9-131-2 20,Green1-1 1-23, Diaw 3-50-06,GinobiI3-42-3 8,Jackson1-6 4-4 6,De Colo 4-72-211, Bonner4-60-010, Blair 0-21-21, Mills 2-5 0-0 4. TotaIs 43-7312-16104. Brooklyn 22 25 5 21 — 73 SanAntonio 31 24 30 19 — 104
Thunder114, Suns96 PHOENIX (96) Dudley2-72-27, Scola10-174-524,Gortat5-11 2-212, Dragic5-0 4-616, Tucker3-80-07, O'Neal 6-110-01z Morris3-62-29, Brown 0-30-00, Tefair 3-4 0-0 9.Totals 37-78 14-17 96. OKLAHOMA CITY(114) Durant 0-24 8-830,Ibaka6-0 3-3 16, Perkins 2-4 0-0 4, Westbrook7-16 9-11 24, Sefolosha6-9 0-014, Martin2-121 2 6,Collison 5-60-010, Jackson 3-3 0-0 6,Thabeet0-0 0-0 0, Liggins0-0 0-0 0, Lamb0-00-0 0, Jones2-2 0-04. Totals 44-87 21-24 114.
Phoenix Oklahoma City
28 25 25 18 — 96 32 2 2 30 30 — 114
Heat112, Magic110 (OT) MIAMI (112) James10-2215-1636 Haslem1-3 0-02, Bosh 10-15 2-222, Chalmers1-30-0 3, Wade9-20 3 10 21, Allen6-9 2-217, Anthony2-34-5 8, Battier 0-3 0-00, Cole0-30-00, Miller1-40-03 Totals 40-85 26-35 112. ORLANDO (110) DJones2-6226, Nichoison 5-100-1 10,INcevic 9-17 2-4 20,Smith1-4 0-0 2, Afflalo 9-19 8-9 28, Redick9-130023,Turkoglu4-110-09 O'Quinn0-0 0-00,McRoberts 3-8 6-61Z Totals 42-88 18-22 110. Miami Orlando
Continued from C1 And McFarland says Hoodoo currently has its deepest base of snow in 12 years. A solid base tends to pique interest in snowriders, McFarland explains. Follow that with a r elatively cool, dry spell like the one the region is experiencing now, and the ski slopes should teem with skiers and snowboarders. The perfect weather conditions could not come at a better time. "It's going really well," McFarland says. "The crowds have been pretty good. Any business can complain and wish they had more business, but we're doing well. T he people ar e u p h e r e having fun. Truthfully, no complaints." The benefits are not limited
to the slopes. Dozens of businesses in Central Oregon rely on snow to boost their bottom line. Eurosports in Sisters is one such business, renting everything from skis and snowboards to s nowshoes and
This year has been a different story.
"We're happy, we're busy
and it's a good thing," Boyd
At Skjersaa's, sales are up by 15 percent to 20 percent over what Nelson deemed an goggles. awful December in 2011. Hoodoo was open for only After all, the right amount three days in December 2011, of snow at the right time can recalls Brad Boyd, owner of be the difference between Eurosports, which suffered success and slow business. "To have the snow condiwith the ski and snowboard crowd for the lack of snow. tions that we have now is Boyd says such years have just fantastic," Nelson says. to be "calculated in" with a "This is a perfect setup for business such as his, even if this year. All that snow prior heavy snow comes later in to Christmas, good powder the ski season. through Christmas, and then "Even though Bachelor or now to have a slight dry spell Hoodoo can have great snow, of a week or whatever with if it doesn't come when peo- some high pressure and sunple are off and in the mood to shine? It makes us look like go skiing, it doesn't matter," heroes." Boyd says simply. "We saw — Reporter:541-817-7888, that last year at Hoodoo."
Wisconsin AD Alvarez
relishes RoseBowl return By Greg Beacham The Associated Press
P ASADENA, C a l i f . When the Wisconsin players asked Barry Alvarez to return to the sideline, he could not resist. After all, it's the Rose Bowl sideline, and that old stadium has an irresistible lure for
lifelong football people. But when Bret B i elema abruptly left the Badgers for Arkansas after they clinched t heir third straight trip t o Pasadena, Alvarez also felt a compulsion to protect the program he built into a power. The underdog Badgers (8-5) realize the odds they face against powerful No. 8 Stanford (11-2) today, but Alvarez's mere presence on that sideline tells his players they have a shot. "Just give me a whistle," Alvarez said. "That's all I need, is a whistle and a bunch of guys to coach, and I feel very comfortable with that. And it's been fun for me. This has been like a gift. To be able to do this, and on this stage, is truly special." Alvarez is a Hall of Fame coach, but Wisconsin's athletic director knows that he cannot work m i racles. He acknowledges no tricks or insight into beating the favored Cardinal in the 99th edition of the Granddaddy of Them All. Instead, the Badgers are getting perspective, inspiration — and even a little swagger — as A l varez bridges Wisconsin's one-game gap between Bielema and Gary A ndersen, wh o a l s o w i l l watch his new team from the sideline while Bielema's soonto-depart assistant coaches largely run the show. Alvarez's current players were kids when he retired, and the athletic director does not hang out much with the football team during the season. But the Badgers know a leader when they see him. "He's almost got an aura around him, like this man built what we are, and everyone knows it and recognizes it," Wisconsin defensive tackle Ethan Hemer said. "He d efinitely wal k s around with a lot of confidence," W i sconsin s a fety Shelton Johnson said."I think that rubs off on the players as well. You just see, he's just the Don sometimes when he walks around, because you just know. He has a physi-
Jae Hong /The Associated Press
teams favor hard-nosed running games with tailbacks Montee Ball a n d S t epfan Taylor running behind mammoth offensive lines. Both offenses are run by relatively i nex p e rienced quarterbacks: Stanford freshman Kevin Hogan has beaten f our ranked teams in h i s four starts since taking over, while Wisconsin senior Curt Phillips is a smooth game manager who missed two full seasons with injuries and did not get the starting job until November.
Both defenses lack glaring
Wisconsin athletic director Barry Aivarez talks to reporters during the Rose Bowl media dayin Los Angeles, Saturday. Wisconsin will face Stanford in the Rose Bowl today in Pasadena, Calif.
flaws, and Stanford is eager to show off the nation's thirdranked run d efense. Both teams played numerous close games this season; Stanford enjoyed a bitmore success than a Wisconsin team that lost three overtime games. "We can see a lot of us in cal presence to him when he them," Stanford o f f ensive walks in a room." tackle David Yankey said. "We both like to run the ball, Over 16 seasons in Madison, Alvarez built Wiscon- and we're both just tough, sin's long-mediocre program physical teams. It should be a into a consistent contender great matchup to watch." and a three-time Rose Bowl Wisconsin advanced by winner, most recently in the blasting Nebraska in the Big 2000 game, a 17-9 victory Ten title game, becoming the over Stanford led by Heisman first five-loss team to reach Trophy-winning tailback Ron the Rose BowL The Badgers Dayne. got the chance to trounce the Alvarez sees similarities Cornhuskers only b ecause between his work and the the two teams ahead of them Stanford revitalization led in their division — Ohio State by coach David Shaw, who and Penn State — were inelicould be in the early stages gible for postseason play. of a similar program transThe Badgers will not apolformation in the Bay Area. ogize for using a back door to The Cardinal won the Pac-12 Pasadena, not with Alvarez title to advance to their third leading them through it. straight BCS bowl with their Wisconsin lost th e p a st third consecutive 11-win sea- two Rose Bowls by falling son, including the last two un- just short in the fourth quarder Shaw after Jim Harbaugh ter of tight games, including left for the NFL. last year against Oregon. Such success was all but So Alvarez has stressed the unthinkable just a few years importance of tenacity and ago at the academic-minded commitment. Even if the Carschool that has not won the dinal come out on top, AlvaRose Bowl since 1972. But rez thinks the Badgers have Shaw has the Cardinal believ- learned how to finish a seaing they belong in Pasadena. son with pride. " We're grateful to b e i n "It would really be a great this game where every West life lesson for these players," Coast team wants to end their Alvarez said. "I think they'd season, and we realize the learn quite a bit about how opportunity we've got," Shaw to deal with adversity, how to said. "They did what they did deal with (tough) situations to get here, and they're going and make something positive to do that. Just like us, we're come out of it, especially after not going to change drastical- two tough losses. They could ly. That's a disservice to the have won either game the last kids. It's going to be strength two years. They had opporagainst strength. We're going tunities to win, but couldn't to do what they do." close the deal. So I think it I ndeed, W i sconsin a n d would be a tremendous lesStanford have r emarkably son for them and very posisimilar a p proaches. B oth tive if they could win."
Pacers 88, Grizzlies 83 MEMPHIS(83)
Gay 3-17 5811, Randolph7-1878 21, Gasol6101-1 13,cotler3-92-29, Allen5-81-211, Bayless 0-41-1 1, Speights2-61-2 5, Ellington 2-4 0-0 6, Arthur 3-60-06. Totals 31-82 18-2483.
INDIANA (88) George 7 163-421, west3 67 813, Hibbert3 u 3-4 9, Augustin4-9 5-617, Stephenson3-72-210, Green2-50-04, T.Hansbrough 3-6 0-06,Young0-0 0-00,Mahinmil-s 0-02,B.Hansbrough2-5 0-0 6. Totals 28-70 20-24 88. Memphis 19 22 26 16 — 83 Indiana 19 19 22 28 — 88
Bobcats 91, Bulls 81 CHARLOTTE (91) Taylor2-30-05,Warrick 3-102-5 8,Biyombo1-4 3-8 5, Walker6-135-618, Henderson6-113-516, Sessions5-94-415, Gordon7-121-215, Haywood030-20, Adrien 3-53-69. Totals 33-7021-3891. CHICAGO (81) Deng9-1924 20,Boozer7-185-819, Noah1-2 0-0 2, Robinson2-0 0-0 5, Hamilton 5-11 0-0 11, Belinelli 3-12 0-0 8,Gibson3-92-4 8, Moham med 1-3 0-0 2,Teague2-70-04, Butler0-22-2 Z Totals 33-9411-18 81. Charlotte 28 19 18 26 — 91 Chicago 18 24 23 16 — 81
Duck Continued from C1 "With his big body, he's able to come across the field and make people miss, break a lot of tackles and get first-down yardage. They really utilize him on third down when they need
to make a big play." With his muscled physique on a compact frame, Harper presents a challenge similar to that of Oregon's own Josh Huff, Ekpre-Olomu said. Both are physical players but also athletic enough to go up in the air and make plays. "That's something that caught my eye right away," Ekpre-Olomu said. "You can't be lazy on the balls up in the air, because he's going to go up and get it rather than wait for it to come down. Harper also can be unpredictable. At Kansas State, quarterbacks and receivers attend about 75 percent of positional meetings together. That gave Harper a head
start on learning the receiver position, while he practicedat quarterback during his redshirt season in 2009, and also gives him insight into a quarterback's thinking that he still exploits. "There's not a lot of routes I run like it's drawn up," Harper said. "I just kind of get open, within the scheme. I run the routes, but it's a little bit different because I understand what defensive backs (are doing). That helps me a lot." K-State quarterback Collin Klein said developing the chemistry to be that flexible took some effort. "There are times it's not what we wanted on paper, but we both knew what we were seeing and it worked," Klein said. " ... It took us awhile to be on the same page with that. It took us awhile to click together and understand that and get on the same page. Butonce we did,and now that we are, it's been fun."
Oregon State Continued from C1 Oregon State was supposed to host Nicholls State for its season opener on Sept. 1. But officials from both schools became concerned for t h e C o lonels when Hurricane Isaac bore down on the Thibodeaux, L a., c ampus, a n d th e game was postponed until December. That gave the Beavers an extra week to prepare for the revised opener against then-No. 13 Wisconsin, a team that beat them 35-0 the year before in Madison, Wis. Picked to finish last in the Pac-12's northern division, Oregon State beat the Badgers 10-7 in Corvallis and then defeated then-No. 19 UCLA 27-20 at the Rose Bowl. After t h r e e st r a ight wins to open the seasonmatching their victory total for all of 2011 — the Beavers popped into the rankings at No. 14. It was the team's highest ranking since 2009. Stanford coach D avid Shaw said he told people in the offseason that Oregon State would be a contender. "I got a couple chuckles when I said, 'You got to watch out for Mike Riley.' Those players love Mike Riley. They will go to battle for him every single week," Shaw said. "I got a couple chuckles. Nobody's chuckling now. They look as good as anybody in the nation right now the way
they're playing."
All the while, Riley kept things light around the Beavers. While other coaches closed practices to fans and reporters, he encouraged visitors on the practice field in Corvallis. On the road, Riley would treat the entire team to In-N-Out burgers after victories — a typical order was 255 double-doublesand 150 orders offries. In his way, Riley took the outside pressure off the players so that they could just play. Sophomore quarterback Sean Mannion started Oregon State's first four games,
averaging 339.5 yards passing per game, which at the time ranked him sixth in the nation. But the 6-foot-5 quarterback suffered an injuredleftknee and required arthroscopic surgery, and that meant that junior Cody Vaz would make his first start since high school. Vaz competently stepped in and won two games, giving the Beavers their best start since they also went 6-0 in 1907. Oregon State climbed to No. 7 in the AP's Top 25, its best ranking since 2001. M annion p a ssed f o r 2,446 yards and 15 touchdowns, with 13 interceptions in 10 games. Vaz, who was hampered down the stretch by an injury to his left ankle, passed for 1,480 yards and 11 touchdowns, with three interceptions in seven games. T he Be a v ers' fi r s t stumble was a 20-17 loss to Washington in Seattle. Oregon State's only other losses came to Stanford, to rival Oregon in the Civil War, and, u ltimately, to Texas in the Alamo Bowl. Oregon State has been known in recent years for its prolific running backs, like Ken Simonton, Steven Jackson, Yvenson Bernard and Jacquizz Rodgers, but a pair of receivers sparked the Beavers' offense this season. Senior Markus W heaton caught 11 touchdown passes and averaged 95.7 receiving yards per game, while sophomore Brandin Cooks caught five touchdowns and averaged 88.5 yards a game. Wheaton's total of 1,244 yards this season ranks sixth in Oregon State history, while Cooks places seventh with 1,151 receiving yards. Senior cornerback Jordan Poyer had seven int erceptions and w a s a n All-American. A win over Texas would have sent Wheaton and Poyer off with the third season with 10 wins or more in Oregon State history. "We would love to have b een th e A l a m o B o w l champions," Riley s a i d. "We had a great chance to do that. We didn't get that done, but this team did a great, great job for Oregon State fans."
C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.
3,01 9.51
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10 YR T NOTE 1.75% ~
S&P 500
New Year's Day
Close: 1,426.19
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1,360 '
Tuesday,January i,2013
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Vol. (in mil.) 3,136 1,522 Pvs. Volume 2,384 1,127 Advanced 2646 2043 Declined 4 45 4 8 2 New Highs 121 72 New Lows 28 36
Regal Entertainment
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The latest holiday season sales have been the weakest since 2008, when the nation was in a deep recession. That's hasn't helped retail stocks which manyinvestorshave been dumping of late. The spotlight will be on retailers again Wednesday, when thelatest Johnson Redbook retail sales index is released. The index tracks data on sales open at least a year.
YTD +7.26% +5.72% -2.49% +12.93% +15.91% T +13.41% L +16.07% T +13.69% +14.63% T L T L
Redbooklndex Weekly total percentage change 0.8%
-0.3 -0.2 -0.2
Nov. 16 2 3
i. 30
Fl at
Dec. 7
Source: Factuet
Construction spending L.S. builders have been boosting spending on construction projects, buoyed by a strengthening housing market. Economists anticipate that the Commerce Department will report on Wednesdaythatspending on construction projects increased again in November. As of October, construction spending was at an annual rate of $872.1 billion, nearly 17 percent above its low in February 2011. Even with the gains, construction spending remains at just half the level considered healthy.
ALK 3 1.29 A VA 22.78 BAC 5 . 62 BBSI 15.68 BA 66. 8 2
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0 0
CascadeBancorp CascadeCp Columbia Sporlswear CostcoWholesale
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Qllit(k~ti11 't.' a'131II
est. 0.7
Tribune Properties: Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, Chicago Tribune, WGN TV station in Chicago
0.5 0.0
+.3 6 $ -0.8 L L +. 3 9 +1 .6 L +.25 $.2.2 38.09 +.25 +0.7 75.36 +.67 +0.9 L 6.26 +.48 $-8.3 L 64.30 +.24 +0.4 53.36 +1.27 +2.4 L 98.73 +1.76 +1.8 6.48 +.29 +4.7 22.32 +.23 +1.0 L 14.25 +.57 +4.2 L 12 .43 +. 7 1 +6.1 L 20 .62 + . 39 +1.9 L 8 .42 +.07 + 0 .8 L 26.0 2 +.3 4 +1 .3 L 3.99 +.16 $. 4.2 L 19 .32 + . 7 6 +4,1 L
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A.Vei a J. Sohn • AP This offering has long been a top
$4 4
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Losers NAME LAST PrUVxST rs 20.90 CSVS2xVx rs 9.34 U niv8us h 4. 5 5 VisChina rs 3 . 05 A tossaG n 3 . 9 0
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RATING™ * ** * f r ASSETS $1,154 million
EXP RATIO 1.14% MANAGER Steve Klouda SINCE 2003-12-31 RETURNS3-MO -0 9 Foreign Markets YTD +5.6 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +5.9 Paris + 20.82 + . 5 8 3,641.07 3-YR ANNL +4.2 —.47 London 5,897.81 -27.56 5-YR-ANNL +2.2 Frankfurt -43.49 —.57 7,612.39 Hong Kong 22,656.92 -9.67 -.04 TOP 5HOLDINGS Mexico -16.26 -.04 SPDR Gold Shares 43,705.67 Milan 16,273.38 -134.90 —.82 Tokyo + 72.20 + . 7 0 Apple Inc 10,395.18 Stockholm 1,104.73 -6.18 -.56 Sweden(Kingdom Of) 3% Sydney -20.67 -.44 Exxon Mobil Corporation 4,664.60 Zurich 6,822.44 -40.11 —.58 Jds Uniphase Cv1%
16 50
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More than four years after seeking bankruptcy protection, Tribune emerged from a Chapter 11 restructuring Monday. The reorganized company is starting with a new board of directors and new ownership that
M anagement, Angelo, Gordon and Co.,and JPMorgan Chase. ~omPaffy Tribune closed on a new, $1.1 billion senior Spetlfght se cured term loan and a $300 million revolving credit line. The loan will fund payments required under the reorganization plan and the credit line will fund ongoing operations. The Chicago Tribune reported late Sunday that Peter Liguori, a former TV executive at Discovery and Fox, is expected to be named chief executive of the reorganized Tribune. The company sought bankruptcy protection in 2008, less than a year after billionaire developer Sam Zell led an $8 billion leveraged buyout that left the company with $13 billion in debt.
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 29.40 +.20 +13.1 +13.6 +9.6 +3.5 1 2.95 -.02 +6 .1 +6.3 +6.7 +4.1 52.77+.33 +11.1 +12.0 +7.4 +0.8 37.20+.38 +17.9 +19.4 +5.3 -1.0 41.22+.36 +18.2 +19.8 +3.6 -1.7 FnlnvA m 4 9.7 8 +.62 $-15.4 +1 6.3 +8.5 +0.6 GrthAmA m 34. 3 5 +.55 +18.6 +1 9.6 +7.9 +0.6 IncAmerA m 18 .06+.15 +11.0 +1 1.7 +9.3 $3.0 InvCoAmA m 30.16+.43 +14.0 +1 5.0 +7.1 +0.5 NewPerspA m 31.26 +.40 +19.2 +20.6 +7.3 +1.0 WAMutlnvA m 31.21 +.43 +10.9 +11.7 +10.0 +1.2 Dodge 8 Cox Inco me 13.86 -.01 +8 .0 + 8 . 3 + 6 .7 +7.1 IntlStk 34.64 +.41 +19.6 +22.1 +4.4 -2.2 Stock 121.90+2.03 +20.0 +21.5 +8.9 -0.7 Fidelity Contra 77.57+1.35 +14.2 +14.8 +9.9 +1.5 GrowCo 93.38+1.94 +16.1 +16.8 +11.7 +3.1 LowPriStk d 39 . 50 +.51+17.0 +18.1 +11.9 +4.5 FrankTemp-Franklinlncome A m 2.2 4 +.01+13.2 +13.7 +9.5 +4.3 RisDivA m 17.4 0 +.28 +10.9 +11.5 +8.4 +0.7 Oppenheimer RisDivB m 15.7 8 +.26 +9 .8 + 10.4 +7.4 -0.1 RisDivC m 15.7 0 +.26 +10.0 +10.6 +7.6 0 . 0 SmMidValA m 32.41 +.51 +7 .8 + 8 . 3 + 5 .9 -2.8 SmMidVal8 m 27.37 +.43 +6.9 +7.4 +5.1 -3.5 PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 4 - .01 +9 .8 + 10.5 +7.3 +7.9 T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 26.45 +.39 +15.5 +16.4 +9.4 +1.2 GrowStk 37.78 +.74 +16.6 +17.1 +10.2 +2.1 HealthSci 41.22 +.58 +30.1 +31.6 +18.4 +9.5 Vanguard 500Adml 131.37+2.19 +14.0 +14.8 +9.8 +1.2 500lnv 131.37+2.18 $-13.9 +14.6 +97 $1.1 CapOp 33.62 +.53 +16.5 +17.3 +6.4 +1.8 Eqlnc 24.15 +.32 +12.0 +12.7 $.12.1 $.2.7 GNMAAdml 19.91 $2.4 +2.6 +5.8 +6.1 MulntAdml 14.38 +5.8 +5.9 +5.9 +5.5 STGradeAd 10.83 +4.6 $-4.7 +4.0 +4.1 StratgcEq 21.45 +.42 +16.6 +17.3 +12.2 +1.9 Tgtet2025 13.59 +.13 +12.2 +13.1 +8.1 +2.1 TotBdAdml 11.09 -.02 +4.3 +4.5 +6.2 +6.0 Totlntl 14.98 +.14 +17.0 +19.0 +3.4 -3.3 TotStlAdm 35.65 +.60 $-14.4 +15.2 +10.3 +1.8 TotStldx 35.64 +.60 $-14.3 +15.1 +10.1 +1.7 USGro 21.26 +.41 +16.1 +16.9 +8.5 +1.4 Welltn 33.84 +.26 $.11.7 +12.5 +8.6 +4.0 WelltnAdm 58.45 +.45 +11.8 +12.6 +8.7 +4.1
FAMILY FUND choice among 'market neutral' American Funds BalA m funds, which aim to reduce Most Active BondA m investment risk. Experienced CaplncBuA m NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG management has contributed to the CpWldGrlA m S&P500ETF 2141947 142.41 +2.38 success of its complex strategy. EurPacGrA m
BkofAm FordM iShR2K Facebook n SPDR Fncl GenElec BariPVix rs PwShs QQQ iShEMkts
N 52-week range
D $16.30
PCT 5.6 2.72 2.17 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1spaid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 2.11 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 1.61 redemption fee. Source: Mornngstan
0 N D 52-week range $11.36 ~ $16.50
Herbalife HLF Close:$32.94 A3.55 or 12.1% Shares of the nutritional supplements company continued to rise ahead of its analyst day meeting to discuss its business model. $60
+3 6. 3 + 4 0.0 1 3 0 1 4 1 . 4 0 + 14. 6 +1 6 .1 86 19 0.88 +1 8.5 +24.8 2373 24 1 .10a
BAC Close:$11.61 %0.25 or 2.2% The bank'sstock was the biggest gainer in the Dow Jones industrial average this year. Its shares more than doubled in 2012. $12
672 11
Source: Factuet
+9 3 .7 3 6 34 0.5 2 f +44 4913 14 1 9 4 f +36 3 17 dd
$-7 6
Volc1.3m (0.9x avg.) P E: 19 . 4 Vol3 4.0m (19.7x avg.) PE: 22.6 Mkt. Cap:$1.84 b Yiel d : 6 .0% Mkt. Cap:$662.65 m Yi e ld: 2.3%
- 3.8 33 5 1 6 1 . 16 +115.716213131 0 . 0 4
DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amountdeclared or paid in last i2 months. f - Current annual rate, wn>ct3 was mcreased by most recent diwdend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends pad after stock split, no regular rate. l - Sum of dwidends pad tas year. Most recent dwuend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pad th>syear, a cumulative issue with dividends m arrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. r - Declared or paid in precedmg i2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, appro00matecash value on exsustribution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds Sa d$I - Loss in last i2 months
Seasonally adjusted monthly change
43.0 9 24.1 1 11.61
Duff & Phelps DUF Close:$15.62%2.57 or 19.7% The investment banking firm said that it agreed to be acquired for $665.5 million in cash by a group of private equity companies. $16
Bank of America
CACB 4.12 — 0 6,30 CASC 42.86 65.45 COLM 43.26 58.47 COST 78.81 105.97 Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 8.92 L FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 27.06 L Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 30.00 L Home Federal BncpID HOME 8.67 — o 12.00 L Intel Corp INTC 19.23 29.27 L Keycorp K EY 6 . 8 0 ~ 9.12 L Kroger Co KR 20. 98 ~ 2 7.11 V Lattice Semi LSCC 3. 17 ~ 7.12 L LA Pacific L PX 7 , 66 — 0 19,08 L MDU Resources M DU 19 . 59 ~ 23.21 21. 2 4 +. 3 5 +1.7 L L Mentor Graphics ME N T 12,85— o 17,37 17.02 + .21 +1,2 L L Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 o — 32.9 5 26. 7 1 +. 1 6 +0 .6 L L Nike Inc 8 NKE 4 2.55 ~ 57.41 51.6 0 +.6 1 +1 .2 L L NordstromInc JWN 46.27 ~ 5 8.44 53.5 0 +1 .34 +2.6 L W Nwst NatGas NWN 41.01 ~ 50.80 44. 2 0 +. 8 8 +2.0 L L OfficeMax Inc OMX 4. 10 ~ 1 0.62 9.76 +.4 7 +5 .1 L w PaccarInc PCAR 35.21 ~ 48.22 45. 2 1 +. 7 8 +1.8 L L Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 ~ 2 60 1.43 Plum Creek PCL 35,43 — 0 44 99 44.37 +.51 +1.2 L L Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 ~ 1 89.4 5 189.42 +3.62 $.1.9 L L Safeway Inc SWY 14 73 ~ 23 16 18.09 +.39 +2.2 L L Schnitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 ~ 47.45 30.33 +.85 +2.9 L L Sherwin Wms SHW 90,21 — 0 15 9 ,80153.82 +2.78 +1.8 L L Stancorp Fncl SFG 28.74 41.99 36.67 + 48 $.1.3 L L StarbucksCp SBUX 43.04 62.00 53.63 +.99 +1.9 L L Triquint Semi TQNT 4.30 7.26 4.8 3 +. 0 9 +1 .9 UmpquaHoldings UMPQ 11.17 13.88 11 .79 + . 22 +1.9 US Bancorp USB 27.21 ~ 35.46 31. 9 4 +. 2 6 +0.8 L w Washington Fedl WAFD 14.22 ~ 1 8.4 2 16.87 +.27 +1.6 L L WellsFargo & Co WF C 2 7.94~ 3 6.6 0 34 .18 +.27 +0.8 L L W West Coast Bcp OR WCBO 15.33 ~ 2 3.0 0 22.15 +.07 +0.3 L L Weyerhaeuser WY 1 8 .50 — o 28.82 27.82 + .24 +0.9 L L
Construction spending
45.15 28.05 11.69 39.49 77.83
+1.02 '
Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co
Close:$13.95L0.22 or 1.6% A Stifel Nicolaus analyst reiterated his 'Buy" rating on the movie theater operator citing a rise in box office sales this year. $16
+1.28% w +1.64%
NorthwestStocks Redbook
The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose Monday to cap its best year since 2009. The index climbed 13.4 percent in 2012, following a flat performance in 2011 and a 12.8 percent rise in 2010. Hopes that Washington could beat a midnight deadline to avert tax hikes for all workers drove the S&P 500 up 1.7 percent Monday. That's its biggest gain in six weeks. The index flipped between small losses and gains during morning trading, but the gains accelerated after President Barack Obama said in the afternoon that a compromise on taxes was "within sight." Technology stocks had the biggest gains, followed by energy and raw material producers.
12,300 . " J.
+ +.25
Dow Jones industrials
be closed for New Year's Day. All of the major L.S. stock exchanges are scheduled to reopen for business on Wednesday.
N 52-week range
52-week range
$5.37 $11.69 $24.24 ~ $73.00 Voln168.4m (1.1x avg.) PE :30.6 Voln16.3m (3.7x avg.) P E: . . . Mkt. Cap:$125.13 b Yi e l d: 0.3% Mkt. Cap:$3.56 b Yiel d : 3. 6 %
HPQ Close:$14.25%0.57 or 4.2% The computer maker was the biggest loser in the Dow Jones industrial average in 2013. Shares fell about 45 percent this year. $16 14
AAPL Close:$532.17 %22.58 or 4.4% The iPhone and iPad maker saw its shares hit an all-time high of $705.07 in September. They have since fallen about 26 percent. $700 600
52-week range
52-week range $30.00
$403.46 ~
$705 .07
VolJ28.4m (0.9x avg.) P E: . . . VolJ 23.3m (1.1x avg.) P E: 1 2 . 1 Mkt. Cap:$28.02 b Yiel d : 3. 7% Mkt. Cap:$500.61 b Yi e l d:2.0%
Cal-Maine Foods
Close:$40.22 V-4.24 or -9.5% The egg producer said that its second-quarter profit dropped because of higher feed prices and costs related to a recent acquisition. $50 45
Smith & Wesson SWHC Close:$8.44%0.26 or 3.2% Shares of the gun maker nearly doubled this year as demand for firearms rose in the L.S. Shares hit a high of $11.25 in December. $12 10
N 52-week range
D $47.66
0 N 52-week range $4.35 ~
Voln461.6k(4.5x avg.) PE: 1 0 .0 Vol3 4.5m (1.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$865.57 m Yi eld: 1.3% Mkt. Cap:$559.19 m
D $11.25
P E: 9 . 7 Yield :... AP
SOURCE: Sungard
NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 5 2-wk T-bill
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 1.75 percent Monday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.
.0 5
2-year T-note . 26 .25 +0 . 01 V L 5-year T-note . 75 .71 +0 . 0 4 V L 10-year T-note 1.75 1.70 + 0.05 W L 30-year T-bond 2.95 2.87 +0.08 L L
.24 .83 1.88 2.89
. 06 .01 +0 .0 5 L . 1 1 .0 9 + 0 . 02 .14 .13 +0 . 0 1 ~
Barclays Long T-Bdldx 2.53 2.48 +0.05 Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.10 4.10 . . . Barclays USAggregate 1.73 1.73 . . . W PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 6.14 6.10 +0.04 L RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.62 3.62 ... W YEST 3.25 .13 Barclay sCompT-Bdldx .98 .97 +0.01 W 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 2.68 2.68 ... w 1 YR AGO3.25 .13
Commodities Gold rose $19.90 to $1,675.80 per
ounce, capping the 12th consecutive year that the metal's price has risen. Crude oil rose to finish at its highest price since Oct. 1EL
Foreign Exchange The dollar rose modestly against the euro and other currencies as the L.S. economy inched closer to the "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and spending cuts scheduled for the start of 2013.
h5N4 QG
2.4 2
4.84 2.26 8.3 4 3.79 1 .00
3 . 76
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 91.82 90.80 $-1.12 -7.1 -0.5 Ethanol (gal) 2.19 2.19 Heating Oil (gal) 3.05 3.04 + 0.01 + 3 . 8 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.35 3.47 -3.40 + 12.1 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.81 2.80 + 0.43 + 4 . 7 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)
CLOSE PVS. 1674.80 1654.30 30.17 29.92 1538.70 1517.40 3.64 3.58 702.65 717.20
%CH. %YTD + 1.20 + 7 . 0 + 0.85 + 8 . 2 + 1.40 + 9 . 9 $ -1.77
$ - 6.1
+ 0.43
+ 7 .2
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Cattle (Ib) 1.30 1.29 + 0.39 + 5 . 7 Coffee (Ib) 1.44 1.47 -2.08 -36.6 6.94 + 0.61 + 8 . 0 Corn (bu) 6.98 Cotton (Ib) 0.75 0.75 +0.64 -18.2 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 373.90 378.50 -1.22 +51.3 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.16 1.25 -7.53 -31.3 Soybeans (bu) 14.19 14.24 -0.37 +18.4 Wheat(bu) 7.78 7.79 -0.10 +19.2 AGRICULTURE
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USO per British Pound 1.6246 +.0094 +.58% 1 .5509 Canadian Dollar .9928 —.0035 —.35% 1.0180 USO per Euro 1.3201 —.0020 —.15% 1.2946 Japanese Yen 8 6.71 + . 6 4 + . 74 % 77 . 0 1 Mexican Peso 12. 8 473 —.1699 -1.32% 13.9728 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.7330 —.0008 —.02% 3.8230 Norwegian Krone 5.5577 —.0290 —.52% 5.9795 South African Rand 8.4549 —.0297 —.35% 8.0666 6.5008 —.0135 —.21% 6.8855 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9149 +.0017 +.19% .9385 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9616 -.0028 -.29% . 9 782 Chinese Yuan 6.2316 -.0026 -.04% 6.2993 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7503 -.0014 -.02% 7.7661 Indian Rupee 54.890 +.130 +.24% 5 3.065 Singapore Dollar 1.2216 -.0021 -.17% 1.2978 South Korean Won 1064.40 -4.54 -.43% 1158.40 Taiwan Dollar 29.04 + .03 +.10% 30 . 32
FDA approves tuberculosis drug The Food andDrug Administration announced Mondaythat
Pum rices soare
EXECUTIVE FILE What: Hot Brass Firearms Training What it does:Offers firearms instruction
Pictured:RyanFraker, owner y of Hot Brass Firearms Training
it had approved anew
Where:Bend and Redmond
treatment for multidrug-resistant tubercu-
losis that can beused
< jj'
as an alternative when other drugs fail.
The drug, to be called Sirturo, was discovered
S ~
by scientists at Jans-
sen, the pharmaceuti-
By Dan Murtaugh
cals unit of Johnson 8 Johnson, and is the first
Btoomberg News
in a new class of drugs that aims to treat the drug-resistant strain of
Roh Kerr /The Bulletin
the disease. Tuberculosis is a highly infectious disease that is transmitted through the air and usually affects the lungs
but can also affect other parts of the body, including the brain and
kidneys. It is considered one of the world's most serious public health
threats. Although rare in the United States, multidrug-resistant
tuberculosis is a growing problem elsewhere in the world, especially
in poorer countries. About12 million people worldwide had tubercu-
losis in 2011, according to Johnson 8 Johnson, and about 630,000 had multidrug-resistant TB.
Oil prices rise on fiscal talks Oil prices rose Monday as U.S. political leaders moved toward
averting the "fiscal cliff" just hours before the deadline.
President Barack Obama saidMonday afternoon that a deal to avert the cliff — a series of automatic tax
increases andspending cuts set to take effect starting Tuesday — was in sight but not yet finalized. Benchmark U.S.
crude rose $1.02 to finish at $91.82 per barrel in New York. — From wire reports
DEEDS Deschutes County Carolyn P.Hanst to Allen G. Holstein, Spring River Acres, Lots 6and 7, Block 1, $399,000 SFI Cascade Highlands LLC to W allaceTweden, Tetherow, Phase 3, Lot 166, $259,200 David L. and Constance E. White to Philip J. and Linda J. Vandebrake, Ridge at Eagle Crest 36, Lot49, $372,000 JTT Investments LLC to Andrea S.Barss, Deschutes Landing, Lot 21, $535,000 Steven Kaufman to Allen S. and Susan B.Caudle, Broken Top, Phases4A,4B and 4C, Lot415, $227,500 Randal E. Avolio to Katharine C. Hetts, Westside Meadows 2,Lot 15, $280,000 NorthWest Crossing Condominium Development LLCto Ryan S. Blair, NorthWest Crossing Condominium, Unit1, $169,000 Matthew Brusse to Elijah R. and Antonia S. Myers, Bear CreekEstates P.U.D., Lot 9, $235,000 Jerry L. and Edith Jones to Travis W. Huff and Amanda N. Kime, AspenHeights, Phase 3, Lot 5, Block 4, $189,900 Hayden HomesLLCto Hal T. and Paula McMillen, Aspen Rim No. 2, Lot196, $231,935 Mary L. Todd to JohnW. and Bonny L. Bowens, Deschutes River Recreation Homesites, Lot 3, Block 64, $310,000 J. Bruce Forbes to Ryan and Jennifer Hudson, Timber Creek2, Phase1, Lot 1, $499,000 Hayden HomesLLCto Steven C. andMonika K. Burnett, South Briar, Lot 6, $157,927.50 Columbia State Bank to CLM Industries LLC,
in2 12
How do • your fire-
eac in es oo in
arminstruction classes differ? . Mywhole
• business is about keeping it
small. I'm a oneman operation, and I start at square one with mycli-
ents. If you go toa classthatastore
puts on, you're sitting there for four
By ElonGlucklich • TheBulletin
More than six months have passed since Bend resident Ryan Fraker started his firearm instruction business. But recent events across the country have sparked wider interest from Central Oregon residents in Fraker's business, Hot Brass Firearms Training. On Dec. 14, a gunman killed 27 people — 20 of them children — at a Connecticut elementary school. Widespread shockand griefwere replaced by record-setting sales of guns and rifles to citizens concerned fortheirsafety. Fraker said he'sfielded more than twice the number of calls he normally does since the Connecticut shooting. The incident has also generatedcalls to Fraker from potential clients he rarely heard from in the early days of his business: l ocal companies looking to i n crease their security capabilities, even local churches. Fraker is a state-certified law enforcement instructor, as well as a competitive shooter. He charges $50 per person for groups of at least six people, helping them load, draw, aim and fire weapons safely and accurately. The businessis mobile: Fraker travels to clients' homes or busi-
nesses to conduct the classes. They are a bit more expensive than a typical firearms training class, Fraker said. But in return, clients get a f o u r-hour lesson in a c o mfortable environment, where all their questions can be answered. "I host classes in people's homes. That way you're with a group of friends or family, and people can feel more c o mfortable asking questions," Fraker said. The shooting aspect of the lessons are done at one of a number of local shooting ranges, of course. But Fraker said learning every aspect of handling a weapon is critical to know before ever pulling the
trigger. "Before people walk a r ound with a handgun, they ought to know what they're doing. There's an extremely high level of responsibility involved," Fraker said. "My business is about people knowing what they ought to know so they can be ready to protect themselves and others." — Reporter: 541-617-7820
hours with 20 peo-
ple you don't know. So I came upwith the idea of doing it
in people's homes. I also incorporate a lot of scenariobased training. • Where do
. youseethe business going? • I think the . amount of
people out there that want to learn
to be responsible gun owners is growing ... Iwould say about onethird of the people
who take myclass are peoplewho are very unfamiliar with firearms.
I'm seeing more diverse people taking myclasses, businesses saying, M
I want my em-
ployees to beprepared." So I think
people see the benefit of having a service like this.
Minimum wage gap growing By Mike Baker The Associated Press
OLYMPIA, Wash. — With a bump in the Washington state minimum wage to $9.19 an hour, high school student Miranda Olson will edge closer to her goal of buying the black Volkswagen Beetle she's been researching online. Olson is only able to pick up part-time hours working at acafe after classes and on weekends. But the extra pennies she'll earn in 2013 will add up over the coming weeks and months. "It's not much, but it's something," said Olson, 16, who works at Wagner's European Bakery and Cafe in Olympia. "Every bit helps." Many workers around the country won't be as lucky as residents of Washington state,
which is raising its minimum wage today by 15 cents an hour even though it already has the highest state baseline in the country. Minimum-wage workers in Idaho will make nearly $2 an hour less in 2013 than their counterparts living just one state to the west. Automatic increases designed to compensate for inflation have steadily pushed up wagesinsome states, even through the recession,
expanding the pay gap between areas that make annual adjustments and those that don't. Of the 10 states that will increase the minimum wage today, nine did so automatically to adjust for inflation. Rhode Island lawmakers approved that state's wage increase in the past year. The automatic adjustments
The RedmondTownsite Pilkington and Jennifer CDS SecondAddition to N. Haberman, RiverRim Redmond, Lots2,20and PU.D., Phase1, Lot44, 21, Block1, $670,000 $225,000 Federal National Mortgage Conor D. Carlsen to Jeffrey Association to Ryan P. and K. and Lisa G.Rudack, Michelle R. Moffat, Village South Village, Lot 40, at Cold Springs, Lot10, $167,000 $189,900 Lara M. Sernoffsky Rivers Northwest to Ryan J. Maclellan, Enterprises Inc. to Richard Partition Plat 2003-17, B. and Ellen M. Eisman, Parcel 2, $173,000 Renaissance atShevlin Northwest Community Park, Lot 5, $449,000 Credit Union to Richard A. John R. and Phyllis M. and Dianna J.Benitz, Pine Martindale to JamesD. Meadow Tracts, Tract12, and Beryl E. Goddard, $170,500 Greens at Redmond, Charles M. andSheryl Phase 6, Lot 56, $331,000 J. Ortega, trustees for Joseph F.and Ruth M. Charles Marion and Jacobs to StevenM. Sheryl Jean Ortega
Revocable Trust, to Scott J. and Carrie M. Douglass, Broken Top, Lot 431, $575,000 Brookswood-Bend LLC to Hayden HomesLLC, Aspen Rim, Lot1, Aspen Rim No. 2, Lot185, $8,120,000 Michael J. Tennant to Mary F. Laier, Canyon Rim Village, Phase 7,Lots144145, 152, 156, I57, 160, 165, 166, 169, 170, 172, 175, $200,000 Ronald Crasilneckto Michael J.Gibbonsand Evelyn M. Franz, Black Butte Homesite Section, Lot 6, $327,000 Carol M. Hatch, trustee
HOUSTON — U.S. motorists paid record high prices forgasoline in 2012,as severe weather and political tensions drove up the cost of fuel. The national average price of gasoline in 2012 was $3.60 a gallon, nine cents more than the previous annual record set in 2011, said Heathrow, Fla.-based AAA, the nation's largest motoring group. Prices touched $3.94 a gallon April 5-6 after crude oil rallied as the United States and European nations imposed an embargo on Iranian oil exports to pressure the Persian Gulf nation over its nuclear program. Prices sank as low as $3.22 a gallon on Dec. 20 amid lower demand and higher supply in winter, when motorfuelfaces looser emissions regulations. "Factors as volatile as major hurricanes, refinery outages and tension in the Middle East resulted in significant frustration for people filling up their cars," Avery Ash, a spokesman for AAA, said in an emailed statement.
aren't much. Washington's bump will mean those who work 40-hour weeks will earn an extra $6 a week — enough for a couple lattes — or about $300 ayear. Hundreds of thousands of workers are expected to get a pay increase with the wage adjustments that begin New Year's Day. Along with Washington and Rhode Island, the changes will occur in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oregon and Vermont. Among the nine states with automatic adjustments, the average minimum wage is $8.12 an hour, up from a little under $8. States that do not have automatic changes operate with an average minimum wage of about$7.40— a difference of about $1,500 a year for a fulltime worker.
for Carol M. Hatch Trust, to Ralph B.andToni P. Fox, Tillicum Village, Third Addition, Lots 8 and 9, Block10, $ l84,600 Wood Hill Enterprises LLC to Marc A. Balsalobre, Forest Meadow, Phase2, Lot 10, $315,000 GaryM. Bowne and RitaD. Bowne, aka Rita D.Jones, to Kristi Welch, Tumalo Rim, Lot14, Block1, $175,000 Mark Countess to David A. and Marian P.Anderson, Fairway Vista Estates, Lot 26, $150,000 SA Challenger Inc. to Cowell Properties LLC, Planerville, Lot 9,
Feds trying to close tax
loopholes By Danielle Douglas The Washington Post.
Federal agencies are taking greater steps to prevent companies from claiming tax deductions on settlements reached with the government, though loopholes in the tax code persist, according to a new study by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group. In the past year, the government hasexacted a series of multimillion-dollar settlements on companies that have rigged global interest rates, preyed on consumers or endangered the environment. Yet a number of these firms are entitled to write off as much as 35 percent of their payout as an ordinary business expense. Consumer advocates and lawmakers have long pressedfederal agencies to stop big corporations from receiving tax breaks on payments to victims. Researchers at U.S. PIRG say some agencies are heeding the call. An early copy of the group's report obtained by The Washington Post applauds the Justice Department for explicitly forbidding BP in November from deducting any of the $4 billion the oil company agreed to pay over the drilling disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
$375,000 Dorothy A. Stenkamp, trustee for Dorothy Alice Stenkamp Revocable Trust, to Margaret B. Hind and Robert L. Hind III, Aubrey Heights, Lots 5 and 6, Block12, $300,000 Wells Fargo BankN.A. to Michelle D. Hannaford, James W. Conlay and Karen L. Conlay, Township 17, Range12, Section 6, $189,000 Paul J Nieft III to Zachary D. Hoffman, CanalRow, Lot 2, $ l54,000 Todd A. and Darci L. Fitzke to Swen andMelanie Petterson, Tollgate First Addition, Lot 61, $280,000
Jeffrey and Jennifer Browning to Heather D. Reichert and Rafael Varon, Deschutes River Woods, Lots1and 2, Block3, $229,500 Kristin K. Powers to Jason A. Mendell, Hunters Highland at High Pointe, Phases 4 and 5, Lot105, $219,000 Roger G. andAnn M. Worthington, trustee for Worthington Family Trust to Geoffrey G.andBrandy R. Stcelhammer, trustees for Steelhammer Family Living Trust, Highlands at Broken Top,Phase1, Lot 15, $505,000 John E. andAudra L.
Amazonissues apologyfor outage apologized for a Dec.24 disruption in its cloud-
computing services that hindered Netflix
customers from watching movies, and said it is taking steps to prevent a
recurrence. Netflix said last week that many users in the
Americas were unable to access online content on Christmas Eve
because of anoutage caused by Amazon's Web storage andcomputingsystem.Amazon didn't identify Netflix in its statement, according to Tera Randall, a
spokeswoman for Amazon Web Services. — From wire reports
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR WEDNESDAY • Know Digital Books: 9:3011 a.m.; Sisters Public Library 110 N. CedarSt. 541-3 I2- I070. • Know Coffee, Know eBooks: Learn about eReaders andhow to download eBooks and audiobooks from Deschutes Public Library; eRcaders are available or bring your own; free; 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Bellatazza Coffee, 869 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7083. • Business Network International BendChapter weekly meeting: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free 7 Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-749-0789. THURSDAY • Know Digital Books: 10:30 a.m.-noon; La Pine Public Library,16425 First St.; 541-536-0515. • Business Network International Wildfire Chapter weekly meeting: Visitors are welcomeand first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. FRIDAY • Know Digital Books: 2-3:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3 I2- I050. • Central Oregon Real Estate Investment Club: Free; 11a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 SockeyePlace, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere. com. SUNDAY • Know Money, RealLife Buried Treasure: Gold prospecting talk including metal detector and gold panning instruction; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. • Know Money,Stretching Your Food Dollars: Learn howto work within your food budget to create healthy meals; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070. MONDAY • Oregon alcohol server permit training: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; RoundTable Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.
For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbutietin.comrftizcal
Spalinger to Michael W. and Helen M.Massey, First Addition to Anderson Acres, Lot 69, $516,500 Dennis L. andTrudie K. Vlach, trustees for Dennis and Trudie VlachTrust, to Kari L. Tyne, PineWest, Lot4, Block2, $465,000 Vergent LLC toNathaniel R. and SereenaR. Thompson, Arrowdale, Lot 3, Block1, $245,000 Michael J. andJanet I. Leonard, trustees for Michael J. Leonard and Janet I. Leonard Living Trust, to Douglas R. Patterson, OregonWater Wonderland Unit No.1, Lot 23, Block1, $455,000
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Food, Recipes, D2-3 Home, Garden, D4-5 Martha Stewart, D5 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2013
This is a cactus with bright blooms that last from November through January. Available in bright pink, red and white.
This fern is a broad-leafed plant that grows up to 3 feet and looks similar to antlers. "We have some that are mounted on
This is a hanging plant that grows trailing tendrils and has
Gare:Likes bright but not direct light and regular watering until
wall plaques," said CascadeGarden Center's Jenny Cassidy.
yellow blooms. Care:Likes moist soil at all times and full sun in a bright
you're ready for it to bloom. Cassidy recommends withholding water during October to stress the plant into bloom.
Care:Run water over the root ball to water. Likes moderate light.
room, but not direct light.
By Marielle Gallagher •The Bulletin
rozen ground and a winter-white landscape as far as the eye can see
can stir a hankering for some greenery and blooms in the house.
The plant has long, grass-like leaves that grow in aweeping
Jenny Cassidy, a customer service employee at Cascade Garden
pattern. New plants grow on
long, dangling tendrils. Care:Very low maintenance.
Center in Bend, offered a few suggestions for excellent houseplants. Most of
Likes bright to low-light location. Let dry between
the suggested plants like moderate to low light and can handle an irregular
watering schedule. Cassidy cautioned that plants that like full sun shouldn't
Jade is a succulent with glossy green leaves. Thesuccess of a jade plant depends on it getting adequate light, explained
Cassidy. Care:Prefers full sun. Cango
be placed next to windows because of cold winter drafts. Instead, place them
months without water in the winter. Needs more frequent water during the rest of the
in the interior of bright rooms.
year. — Reporter: 541-383-0361,mgallagher@bendbulletinicom
SNAK + PLANT nake plants are available i various variegated colors. Care:Tolerates watering as sel dom asonceamonth.
POTHOS A fast-growing plant with heart-shaped leaves, this plant
Tolerates low light.
"can grow10 feet ayear," said Cassidy. A forgiving plant that
can be bone-dry in between waterings.
Care:Tolerates low light and an irregular watering cycle.
These firm-leafed, grass-likh pla produce hot pink, yellow and purple blooms. Care:Like a lot of moisture, eve in the cups of their leaves, and full sun.
Photos by Marielle Gallagher/ The Bulletin
Empty nest istransformed into awelcoming retreat Editor's Note:The At Home section features a profile of a local home each month. To suggesta home, email
By Penny Nakamura For The Bulletin
Julie Anne Russell stepped into the open foyer of her rural forest home and warmly explained how her cozy home has shaped her second career.
lo v e to do." After rearing her four chi I"I read this book, 'Make dren and guiding thousands of students as a public schooI You r Creative Dreams Real,' teacher, Russell, 54, who by SARK, and little by little retired in 2009, wasn't I realized opening a ready to stop all those H QM E retreat for other women years of caring, teaching was something I should do," explained Russell in and nurturing. She looked around at her her large living room, which 3,200-square-foot empty nest op e n s into the dining room and thought she should share an d l arge kitchen. it with others, because, she Russell and her daughterin-law, Christina Counsellor, says simply, "That is what I
See slideshow with more photos online:
TQDAY'S RECIPES New, flavorful side dishes:Tired of the same old mashed potatoes and rice? It may be time to try out some tasty
alternatives, like Spinach andRoquefort Bread Pudding (below, top) or CheesyPepperoni Pizza Quick Bread(below, bottom) — a new take on an old favorite,D3
a licensed massage therapist, dreamed up what has become The Fall River Women's Retreat Center. What was oncean empty nest has become so much more. SeeRetreat /D4
Dishes from the heart: one family's favorite recipes By Jan Roberts-Dominguez For The Bulletin
Mom's needed a little extra TLC lately, so I've been cooking like crazy. Obviously, it's what I do. And trust me, it's as much a comfort for me as I hope it is for the person on
the receiving end. So at a time handful of chopped onions and when Margaret's heart garlic caramelized in a just isn't into producing FQQD pu d dle of sizzling olive a healthy, soul-satisfying oil, I sliced the tender meal, I've got her back. squash into thin rounds Last Tuesday, for instance, I'd and set them aside, along with picked up one of Mom's favorite a chunk of roasted chicken. vegetables, zucchini. While a Once the skillet contents
sported a golden blush, I splashed in a bit of Marsala, chicken broth and balsamic vinegar, then goosed the temperature upward to thicken the sauce while I heated some water for pasta. SeeFamily/D2
Other recipes: •Margaret's Orange-Glazed Hazelnuts, D2 • Potato, Cheese and BeerSoup, D2 • Mashed Yukon Golds with extras,D2 Recipe Finder:Keep Christmas alive — in fruitcake form, D2
Next week: Hot drinks to chase away the chill
Margaret's Orange-Glazed Hazelnuts Makes 3 cups. It was my mother's brilliant idea that I should make an orange-flavored candiedhazelnut.W hy? Iasked heroneday."I don't know. I just think that the flavor combination would be excellent." She was so very right. The gentle orange backdrop mingles beautifully
Hazelnuts are delicious all on their own, but when their toasty, caramel-like goodness is covered in a sweet orange glaze, it's a whole new — and rich — flavor experience.
with the toasty, caramely flavor in the nut, producing a rich experience. '/4 C butter /2 C firmly packed golden brown sugar /3C light corn syrup
1 TBS orange extract ~/4 tsp salt 3 C lightly roasted and skinned
hazelnuts (see note)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Spread a large sheet of parchment or waxed paper out onto a heatproof surface large enough to hold all of the nuts after they haveroasted. In a heavy-bottomed medium-sized pot, over medium-high heat, melt the butter with the brown sugar and corn syrup. Bring the mixture just
barely to a boil, then removethe potfrom the burner and stir in the orange extract and the salt. With a silicon spatula, stir in the hazelnuts, making sure that they all get evenly coated with the syrup.
Scrape the nuts and all of the syrup onto a rimmed baking sheet,
spreading them out into a single layer. Bake on the center rack for about 20 to 30, stirring about every 5 to 7 minutes with the wide spatula or
dough scraper eachtime, so they remain evenly coated with the syrup. Depending on your oven, the time will vary, so just be watchful. As the syrup gets thicker, it will bubble and foam around the nuts. Just keep stir-
ring and spreading themout in asingle layer after eachstir. Whenthe nuts have reached a lovely golden brown and the syrup is thick and clinging
to them, remove from ovenand scrape/pour them out onto the prepared surface to cool. While theyare hot, spreadthem apart as much asyou can
Potato, Cheese and Beer Soup
(you will still have some that insist on remaining in clumps) so they don't touch each other as they cool. It's not a tragedy if some stick together;
Makes about 8 servings.
they break apart very easily once theyhavecooled.
hit town, this is the soup we makeand pack along for wine country picnics, day hikes in the Cascadesand
That's it. When the nuts are completely cool, store them in an airtight container.
cross-country skiing. It's delectable, hearty-rich and cheesy. I've shared it with readers so often over the years that perhaps it's well known to you. But it bears repeating.
I guess you could say this is the most traditional soup in the Roberts-Dominguez household. When relatives
Note:To roast and skin hazelnuts: Spread the hazelnuts on a rimmed baking sheet and roast in a 350-degree oven until they become very fragrant and the skins are beginning to brown. Test a single nut by remov-
1 quart chicken broth
(homemade or canned)
ing it from the oven and rubbing off the skin (careful, it will be hot!); the 2'/2 Ibs potatoes, unpeeled, nut should be slightly golden. Remove from oven and let cool. To skin, you could either pour the nuts into a large towel and rub the skins off, or do what I do: Place the nuts in a plastic container with tight-fitting lid and shake like crazy until the skins are abraded away. Pour onto a baking sheet, then step outside and blow away the papery skins.
coarsely chopped
2 C chopped green onions, whites and about half the green stalks
1 quart light cream '/4 C soy sauce 1 tsp freshly ground white
pepper 6 oz shredded Swiss cheese 6 oz shredded cheddar cheese
/2 C craft beer (preferably an amber style or nut brown style, such as Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Ale), dry white wine or dry sherry (or extra chicken broth)
In a heavy-bottomed soup pot, bring the chicken broth to a boil. Add the potatoes andsimmer for 30 min-
Mashed Yukon Golds with Caramelized Onions and Wonderful Things
utes, or until they are very soft. Add the green onions and remove the pot from the heat. Add the half-and-half or milk to the pot.
Puree the potato-broth mixture in a blender or food processor (you will have to do this in batches; when blending, fill the container only half full and cover the lid with a dish towel, because the soup "spurts" quite
Makes 6 servings. violently as it's being blended). Return the puree to the pot. Stir in the soy sauce and pepper and slowly bring Through the winter months, if you're looking for an outstanding, no-fail the soup back to asimmer. mashed potato concept, this is it. It comes out perfect every time. And all Note:The soup can be prepared to this point up to 48 hours ahead and refrigerated, or prepared and of the delectable possibilities at the end of the recipe ("More Stuff!") are
frozen for 3 months.
worth considering.
Sad to see Christmas go? I(eep it alive with a fruitcake By Julie Rothman The Baltimore Sun
Marie Racine, of Huntley, Ill., was looking for a recipe she had lost for making fruitcake that contained dried apricots and Brazil nuts. I did not receive any reader responses to her query, so I decided to do a little research. The recipe world is loaded with recipes for fruitcakes, and I decided to experiment with one I came across on a food blog called (The blogger is from Scotland, so it required some conversions and a few minor ingredient substitutions.) The finished cake weighed close to 3 pounds but did not taste heavy. It looked lovely whole and even better when sliced. As with most fruitcakes, the flavor seemed to intensify and improve overa couple of days, so if you have time, make it a few days before you want to serve it.
Requests Carol Zukus, of Essex, Md., is looking for an "old time" recipe for apple cake that she says takes seven days to make. Veronica Robinson, of Baltimore, is looking for a good recipe for banana pudding.
When ready to serve or packinto a thermos, proceed with the recipe by placing the pot back onthe burner, over medium heat. When the soup begins to simmer, stir in the grated cheeses gradually, a handful at a time.
1 Ig yellow onion '/2 C butter '/4 C half-and-half
2 Ibs Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled (or not; or partially
Now gently whisk in the beer, wine, or sherry (or extra broth).
Christmas Fruitcake
Makes 10 servings.
1~/2 tsp salt
To prepare the onion, cut it in half lengthwise from stem to root end. Trim off stem and root ends and peel. Place the onion halves on a cutting Continued from D1 board, cut-side down, and slice into '/4-inch thick slices. Cut each half ring After a handful of rottini in half again. Cut enough onion pieces to measure 2cups. was dropped into the simmerPlace the prepared onion in a medium-sized, heavy-bottomed pot with ing water, I added some diced the butter over medium heat. Cook the onion in the butter until it softens tomatoes to the skillet, along and turns a pale gold, about 20 minutes. Reduce heat to low. with the zucchini and chicken, Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into 2- to 3-inch pieces of fairly uniform plopped on the lid and let the size for even cooking. Place them in a large pot with enough water to simple little sauce collect itself cover. Add 1 teaspoon of the salt. Bring the water to a boil over high heat. while I hunted down glasses Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until the potatoes are tender, about15 of wine for me and my peanut
minutes. While the potatoes are cooking, add the half-and-half to the butter and onion mixture and bring it just to a boil. Turn off the heat and set the mix-
ture aside. When the potatoes are tender, drain well into a colander. Return the potatoes to the pot and mash with a potato masher. Add the remaining ~/~
teaspoon salt and continue mashing to mix in the salt. Stir in most of the hot cream, butter and onions and combine. The potatoes may seem too thin at this point, but you'll notice that they soon thicken. Add additional
cream/butter mixture to reach desired consistency. Add additional salt, if desired. More Stuff!: Other things to stir into your potatoes include grilled
corn kernels, roasted peppers, roasted garlic cloves, smoky bacon, blue cheese andextra-aged Gouda.
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so much joy, where grand-
children and other precious relatives visited and dear friends gathered around our dinner table. Margaret and Will Robertshave always loved entertaining. And it came easily — as did friends and famgallery. ily, all welcome, even the My peanut gallery. It's be- unexpected walk-ins. At the come a familiarphrase here very least, a cup of tea and in my parents' kitchen. But I'll platter of cookies would be get back to that. First, I want thrust into your hands. But to start off the new year with just as likely, given barely 30 a word of thanks for all that minutes notice, Mom could Mom and Dad have given over wrangle a full-blown meal the years — most especially, from within the refrigerator their willingness to share their and pantry. later years with Steve and me Of course,once her chilhere in town. dren possessed driver's liThey made the move from censes, it could just as likely the San Francisco Bay Area be our assignment to retrieve back in 2002, when Mom was boxes of handmade ravioli 78 and my Dad was approach- from our favorite Italian deli, ing 80. There had been much something my Uncle Ron aclobbying on my part for the six tually banked on. years leading up to this monuIndeed, it was a family-rich mental shift in t h e balance environment. And they all of family. If they jumped, it expected to be together for would be four of us "Up Here," holiday meals. I remember and all the rest "Down There" those meals with such fond(and all over the country). ness, as much for the lively I knew what I w a s a sk- conversation as the delicious ing. It was such a huge leap food, because even though of faith on their part: leav- we were an eclectic bunch,
• ~
ing theirhome of 54 years — the house my brother and I grew up in, the epicenter of
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layers of fleece to survive the invigorating picnics at the nearby Buchanan Family Century Farm and Tyee Winery, where hearty attitudes are rewarded with a big pot of my beer-cheese soup and a b r e athtaking view of the vineyard and hazelnut orchards. Summer v i s i tor s ar e t reated to p i cnics i n t h e coast range at Fort Hoskins, where the history is palpable in the gentle wind that blows through Kings Valley, salmon barbecues, and more wine touring and picnics at our other winery haunts-
dog-friendly Airlie, people-
friendly Lumos and friendlyfriendly Harris Bridge. The Roberts kitchen is open and lovely, so naturally, at a point when I was taping cooking segments for a Portland television program, we filmed in it. As host Mike Darcy and I, along with his producer and cameraman, carried on, Mom and Dad would plant themselves offcamera on the couch, my encouraging peanut gallery. As I said, it was a leap of faith for them to leave everything behind — childhood friends, strong adult friendships, Stanford football and opinions regarding politics, a familiar way of life. But religion and any ongoing so- the years that followed have cial upheaval did not need to been rich, and I know how be checked at the door. blessed that makes me. Too Of course, when things many daughters and sons heated up, there would often don't get the opportunity to be a friendly reprimand from enjoy their parents at this the hostess before she head- stage. It's been a glorious ed into the kitchen to check run. on dessert, with a " Janet, C ertainly, f a m ilies a r e could you put the coffee on?" not perfect. Plus, we expect thrown over her shoulder. more from them than we do Mom has always known of our neighbors and friends. t hat r a mming a r ound a They come with challenges kitchen with people you love and frustrations, to be sure, is the great equalizer. On vis- but also with unconditional its home from college, she'd love and lessons galore. And it's always this time of year herd us into it, knowing, I'm sure, that standing over sim- when I ache the most for mering pots of soup or crab one more family dinner surwould extract the deepest rounded by my loud, lively, thoughts from our guarded and oh-so-loving relatives souls — that, and the simple now gone. fact that hanging out in the Impossible, yes. But at the kitchen has always been just very least I can give thanks: plain fun. to those who remain; for the Once my parents were re- love and nurturing that has established in their beautiful enveloped me during my life; new Corvallis home, famand for the desire to pay it ily and friends from beyond forward. Hence, the simple have flowed through their little dinner of chicken and door, as I knew they would. zucchini that's really not so And what wonderful times simple after all. we've seen — thanks to what — Jan Roberts-Dominguez I call the Margaret and Will is a Corvailis food writer, Magnet. Late-autumn visicookbook author and artist. tors know to pack multiple Contact:
5 oz dried apricots, roughly chopped 3'/2 oz apricot or regular brandy 5 oz soft dried figs, roughly chopped 9 oz raisins 3 oz candied red cherries, quartered 2 oz each of almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts, roughly chopped Finely grated zest of 1 lemon 1 Cflour /2 tsp baking powder 1 /2 tsp pumpkin pie spice 2 oz ground almonds 1 C unsalted butter, softened 1 C light muscovado sugar (raw or light brown sugar may be substituted)
4eggs Soak the apricots in the brandy
while you prepareother ingredients. Butter and line with wax or parchment paper a deep 8-inch-round cake pan. Mix together the figs, rai-
sins, cherries, nuts andlemonzest. Combine flour, baking powder,
pumpkin pie spice and ground almonds in aseparate bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat the butter and the sugar in a large bowl
for about two minutes, until creamy. Add the eggs to the butter-sugar mixture, one at a time, and beat
well after each addition. Gently fold half the flour mixture into the butter mixture. Then fold in the other half, followed by the fruits and nuts, followed by the apricots and brandy. The batter will be very thick.
Spoon the mixture into the preparedpan,sm ooththetopandmake a small dip in the center. Bake for 30
minutes at 325degreesthen reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees and bake for another 75 to 90 minutes. If it starts to brown too quickly, place a piece of foil over the top of the cake for the last 30 minutes. The
cake is donewhen askewer stuck all the way in, in the middle of the cake,
comes out clean. Leave thecaketo cool in the pan, then removethe paper before serving. When wrapped well in plastic
and foil, the cakewill keep for a long time.
RECIPE FINDER Looking for ahardto-find recipe or can
answer a request? Write to Julie Rothman, Recipe Finder, The Baltimore Sun, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, or
email baltsunrecipefinder© Namesmust accompany recipesfor them to be published.
• From bread pudding to pancakes to cheesesouffle, these sidedishes may steal theshow from themaincourse
Spinach and Roquefort Bread Pudding Makes about 6 generous servings. 6 C cubed bread 1 (10-oz) package frozen spinach, thawed '/a white onion, chopped 2 TBS butter Salt and freshly ground black
veined cheese, crumbled 3 C whole milk or half-and-half
3 Ig eggs '/a tsp fine sea salt or table salt Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg One 8- to 9-inch gratin dish or other baking pan, well buttered
pepper /2 C heavy cream (optional) 6 oz Roquefort or other blue-
By Sharon K. Ghag The Modesto(Calif) Bee
Move over, mashed potatoes and rice. It's time to make room on the plate for some new sides. Nick M a l gieri's s p inach and Roquefort bread pudding combines leafygreens with a blue-veinedcheese to create a moist and tender pudding. It's delicious out of the oven and even better the next day at the bottom of a bowl of broth-
Set a rack in the middle level of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees. Scatter the bread cubes on a jellyroll pan and bake for about 15 min-
utes to dry them. Meanwhile, wring the water out of the thawed spinach a handful at a time. Cook the onion in the butter over low heat in a medium saute pan until it's soft and translucent. Stir in the spinach, season with a little salt and pepper, and cook until the spinach is no longer watery, about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the heavy cream if you're feeling indulgent,
and cool slightly. Add theRoquefort. Whisk the milk with the eggs, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Put the warm bread cubes in a large mixing bowl and fold in half the
milk mixture, followed by the spinach mixture. Transfer to the prepared
based soup. Malgieri suggests making
baking dish and pour over the rest of the milk mixture. Let the pudding rest for 10 or 15 minutes before baking.
Bake the pudding until set and the top has browned nicely, 45 to 55
the pudding w it h s ausage, bacon or herbs. Always make sure, he says in "Bread" (Kyle Books, $29.95) that the vegetables are cooked so that they don'texude excess water into the pudding as raw vegetables
minutes. Cool on a rack for 5 minutes, then serve hot from the baking
pan. Note: To usefresh spinach, rinse1 pound of baby spinach andput it in a large pan over high heat. Once the water on the spinach starts to give off a little steam, cover the pan and steam the spinach until it's wilted and
cooked through, about 5 minutes, checking several times that it isn't boiling dry. Drain andcool, then squeezeout and chop. Roasted Asparagus and Bruyere Bread Pudding: Trim 1 pound asparagus to 4-inch length and soak them for at least 20 minutes at a time in several changes of water to release any sand. Set a rack in the upper
might. The batter for Salvadoran breakfast pancakes comes together in minutes. These gluten-free delights, from "The Food52 Cookbook" (William Morrow, $30), don't have any unusual ingredients like guar gum or xantham gum, as do many baked goods without flour. They're sweet, slightly savory and downright delicious — almost like a cheesy pound cake — served with tea as a regular size muffin or as minimuffin treats with a soup and salad dinner. A more savory companion to soup and salad is cheesy
third of the oven and preheat to 450 degrees. Lift the asparagus from the
Joan Barnett Lee I The Modesto (Cahf.) Bee
Nick Malgieri's Spinach and Roquefort Bread Pudding, top, combines leafy greens with a blue-veined cheese to create a moist and tender pudding. Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Quick Bread, bottom, is a more savorycompanion tosoup and salad.
water, drain them in acolander, and roll them around on acouple of paper towels to blot awayexcess moisture. Arrange theasparagus on ajelly-roll pan and add a tablespoon or two of olive oil. Roll the asparagus around on the pan to coat them evenly and bake, shaking the pan to roll them around, so that they cook evenly. They should cook through and be lightly charred in10to15 minutes. Cool the asparagus and cut them into 2-inch
lengths. When assembling the bread pudding, substitute the asparagus for the spinach and1t/~(6 ounces) coarsely grated Swiss gruyere for the Roquefort.
J enny Flake's recipe f r om "The Picky Palate Cookbook"
(Wiley, $24.99) comes togeth-
er in minutes, but the marbled look of t h e p epperoni and marinara sauce make it look pepperoni pizza quick bread. like a million bucks.
The final suggestion is broccoli and minas cheese souffle. LeticiaMoreinos Schwartz's "The Brazilian r ecipe i n Kitchen" (Kyle Books, $19.95) calls fo r b r o ccoli, b r occolini or broccoli rabe, but it's
equally delicious with a cup of mixed vegetables and a cup of edamame. These souffles also have a fluffier texture than the traditional version made with
Broccoli and Cheddar Bread Pudding: Cut a1/2-pound head of broccoli into florets and cook them in boiling salted water until tender. Drain, cool and cut into smaller pieces if large. Substitute the cooked broccoli
for the spinach and1/2 cups (6ounces) coarsely grated sharp cheddar for the Roquefort. — From "Nick Maligieri 's Bread" (KyleBooks, $2995)
whipped egg whites.
Broccoli and Minas Cheese Souffle
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Makes 6 to 8 servings. 2 C whole milk 6 TBS butter, more for ramekins 6 TBS all-purpose flour Kosher salt and freshly ground
black pepper
Pinch of ground nutmeg and
pinch of cayenne pepper
1/3 C chopped cooked broccoli /4C grated Parmesan
5 whole eggs 2 C grated minas cheese (about f/a Ib)
• •
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly coat the insides of the ramekins with melted butter. Bring the milk to a light simmer in a small saucepan.
Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over low heat. Add the flour, whisk well, and cook until it's blended, about1 minute. Add the warm milk all at once and whisk well until it's a smooth bechamel sauce. Season with salt and pepper, nutmeg and cayenne. Transfer to a bowl and let cool at room temperature for10 to15 minutes.
Break all the eggs in a small bowl, season with a small pinch of salt and pepper, and lightly whisk them together. Add the eggs to the bechamel sauce and whisk well until completely smooth. Add the minas cheese and broc-
coli and fold everything together with a rubber spatula. Pour the batter inside the prepared ramekins, about three-quarters full. Sprinkle the Parmesan on top of each. Place the ramekins on a baking sheet and bake until they are puffed and lightly golden brown, 15 to 20 minutes.
Remove them from the ovenand serve immediately. — From "TheBrazilian Kitchen: 100 Classic and Creative Recipes for the HomeCook," by Leticia Moreinos Schwaftz (KyleBooks, $f9.95)
Makes 8 servings. 2 Ig eggs 2 TBS extra-virgin olive oil '/4 C buttermilk 1/4 C shredded mozzarella cheese, divided use
Cheesy Pepperoni PizzaQuick Bread 1 C all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp baking powder /2 tsp kosher salt '/a tsp ground black pepper '/4 tsp baking soda
'/4C shredded Parmesan 1 C quartered pepperoni slices, about 32 slices /2C marinara sauce 1 tsp Italian seasoning
Preheat oven to 350degrees and spray a9-by-5-by-2/4-inch pan with nonstick cooking spray. Add the flour, baking powder, salt, pepper and baking soda to the bowl of a stand mixer and mix to combine. Slowly add the eggs and olive oil, mixing until just combined. Add the buttermilk, 1/2 cups of the mozzarella
cheese, the Parmesan cheeseand the pepperoni and mix until just combined. Pour half of the batter into the prepared pan. Top evenly with the marinara sauce, then pour the remaining batter over the sauce. Top with the Italian sea-
soning and the remaining /4 cupmozzarella cheese. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes, until a toothpick inserted comes out clean from the center. Let cool for 30 minutes
before serving. — From "ThePicky Palate Cookbook: f33Recipes for EvenVour Pickiest Eaters,"by Jenny Flake(Wiley $2499)
Salvadoran Breakfast Pancakes Makes 18 muffins. 1 C rice flour 1 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt
/2 Ib (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature 1 Csugar 3 Ig eggs
1 C sour cream /2 C grated hard cheese such as cotija or Parmesan Sesame seeds for sprinkling
Heat the oven to 350degrees. Grease18 muffin cups. Whisk together the rice flour, baking powder, and salt. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter with the sugar.
Add the eggs one at a time, mixing until fully incorporated. Scrape downthe sides as needed.Beat in the sour cream, cheese, and rice flour mixture until a smooth batter forms. Spoon into the greased muffin tins, filling each one four-fifths of the way (this batter does not rise much).
Sprinkle on sesameseeds to taste. Bake until nut brown, 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool to room temperature. — From "TheFood52Cookbook, Volume 2.Seasonal Recipes From Our Kitchens to Yours,' by Amanda Hesserand Merrill Stubbs (Will(am Morrow Cookbooks,$35)
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Photos by Andy Tullis / The Bulletin
At right, a quilt adds a homey touch to one of the bedrooms at The Fall River Women's Retreat Center near Sunriver. The retreat is also the home of Julie Russell, who says the forest-sheltered site is a place "where women can come to remember who they are." Above, ivory-colored enamel woodstoves grace the center's kitchen. The stovesdo double duty as sources ofheat and places where Russell can cook and bake.
•• $
The light-filled foyer at the Fall River Woman's Retreat Center, far left, has
an open, airy feel. At left, Christina Counsellor, left, and Julie Russell walk the meditation labyrinth at the retreat center.
. tl tt.
Retreat Shom off your little bundle of joy for all the urorld to see in our special edition of...
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Continued from D1 "It's the perfectplace forthis retreat, outside of Sunriver and along the Deschutes National Forest," explained Counsellor, who also works as a co-facilitator at the various retreats held at the home. "Guests love it here."
they did know they wanted
plenty of open space.
Russell explained that in order to maximize open space, she and her husband looked for property that was surrounded by forestland. Though they actually own only one acre, from their backyard, it looks like they own land as far as the eye can see. "Land was still expensive If youbuildit ... back then, so we saw this propRussell's passion to h e lp erty backing up against the other women realize their own Deschutes National Forest and dreams and potential by shar- we bought it that day," recalled ing herhome as a retreat has Russell. "From our backyard, grown in popularity over the you can take a trail and walk years, solely by word of mouth. about a mile and half in this forWith a four-bedroom, two- est right up to Fall River Falls." and-a-half bath house and a Standing on the backyard s eparate apartment on t h e deck, Russell pointed the way property, Russell felt her home to the trail. could be a place "where women About 20 yards from the can come to remember who main house is a standalone they are," she explained. apartment with a small kitchen She says this house was built and its own full bathroom. Ruswith love,as her brother Jeff sell says they use the apartment Hunt helped her and her hus- for retreats, but she also rents it band design and eventually out to writers and artists who build the passive solar home in need a quiet place. 1999. Next to the small apartment, "I have always wanted a so- decorated in a ntiques, is a lar home since I read about one raised garden bed where, in the when I was 12 years old, and summer, Russell grows many my brother promised me and of the vegetables and herbs that my sister he would build us a she usesforthe organic meals home one day, and he did. He at her retreats. built us both a home," said RusCounsellor perked up and sell. "This part of the house is sang the praises of her mothsouth-facing, so we get the sun er-in-law's cooking at t hese to warm the house in the win- retreats. "She's a great cook. The ter. We also have slab floors, which help to retain the heat in meals here are the best," says the winter, and it keeps it cool in Counsellor. "Everyone who the summer. This house stays comes hereloves her Mexican between 68 and 72 degrees quiche." year-round." Walking around tothe side of Russell says in the winter, the house, Russell pointed out if it gets below freezing, they the meditation teepee and the put wood in the living room's walking-meditation labyrinth. woodstove, and that can easNear the outdoor meditation ily warm the entire house. She space is a gazebo with a hot has another enamel woodstove tub, a solar-powered pond and in the kitchen that does double outdoor dining areas that they duty as a source of heat and a use in the summer. place where she can actually A frigid wind blew through cook and bake. the front yard, and Russell sug"It's a reproduction, but gested wehead insidethe cozy it looks just like the one my home. grandmother had," said RusAfterthe outdoorwinter chill, sell, opening the enamel oven retreating into the home where door. Next to the ivory-colored candles were lit and soft music enamel woodstove is another played in the background was twin stove that is fueled by pro- indeed welcome. pane and is easier to cook on. Russell took us into the bedWith 12 passive solar panels, rooms, each of which has a speRussell says she often goes off cial name that best reflects the the grid and sometimes will sell character of the room, like the energy back to it. antique room. Three of bedrooms and the Full circle libraryare upstairs. The home When the Russells moved to is designed around an open Central Oregon from Corval- hallway right below the foyer. lis in 1997, building a women's Russell explained that the deretreat wasn't on the radar, but sign allows the warm air to
riseand reach the upper-level rooms. Russell showed us the art studio, where retreat visitors are encouraged to create everything from masks to paintings. Next to the art studio is the library/office, where books on women's issues and growth permeate the shelves. In the middle of the library is a round table where guests can unwind while reading and writing. On the library wall is a print that reads: "Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams." Counsellor, who also provides massages t o r e t reat guests, says the idea of having a library and an art space is because women are constantly doing for others, and they can lose sight of themselves. "Wehelp women realize their full potential and their positive aspects and good traits they hold inside, because they can lose sight of that. I know sometimes, I need a break from just being a mommy all the time," explained Counsellor. "When they do art in the studio, they light up; they had forgotten they really love to do art. We try to allow them to move forward, and have the rest and relaxationthey may need here."
The inner artist Besides her teaching degree, Russell has a master's degree in integration of arts in education. She also s upports l ocal artists. Russell pointed to her favorite acrylic painting in the dining room, done by her friend Marty Stewart. "I think when people create, they are artists and they embody theircreative energy," explained Russell. As the new year begins, Russell will be inviting new guests in for a r ejuvenation retreat where the participants will be making their ow n i n tention posters. "We'll play music, eat good food, and we'll focus on what a person wants to do this coming year. They can draw or write or clip magazines, or do any combination," says R ussell. "You lay out your intentions, let it go, and see where it goes this
year." Russell s m i led , al m o st amazed that h e r i n t ention
poster years ago in an empty nest has resulted in a happy and once again f ull h ouse where women come together as guests, but leave as family. — Reporter: pnakamura@
ee insi e emsme icscase Will mixing > 5jw L D .
MARTHA STEWART akeup is one of life's great enhancers — a smooth application of a tinted primer, a soft brush of bronzer, a thin line of eyeliner, a light coat of mascara, and you are ready to step out of the house looking really good and feeling fresh and pretty. My daily ritual is one that has evolved over time and after many television makeup sessions with some very talented makeup artists. I have developed a modern routine and an ability to look polished with a minimum of effort and time. It begins with a clean face, well moisturized with tonic, serums and a rich day cream. I pop in my contact lenses and get started. Because of my natural curiosity about new and better products, I enjoy experimenting with different colors and techniques. I change the assortment of makeup to fit the season, the tone of my skin and the formality of the events I have to attend. It's important to remember that no amount of makeup, no matter how artfully applied, can cover up uncared-for skin, so I have regular facials — at least once a month — and I am meticulous about c leansing
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This Muii cosmetics bag is lightweight and sturdy, and when it gets dirty, it can go right into the washing machine. It's also translucent, so you can quickly see what's inside. (EVA pouch L, $11.50, muii.
com). Step 4: Brow pencil I use a MAC Cosmetics Eye
Brows pencil in Fling ($15, m to fill i n spare areas. Finding the shade that's closest to the true color of your eyebrow deliversthe most natural look.
By Kathleen Purvis The Charlotte (N.C 4 Observer
. I'm trying to get the . best texture in m y favorite pound cake. Can I mix cake flour and all-purpose flour? . Thebiggest difference • between flours is the amount of protein, which leads to the development of gluten, the stretchy bands that join m o lecules. For strong, crusty bread, you want lots of gluten. For tender biscuits, you don't want much. For cakes, you need something in the middle. Bread flour is highest in protein, at 12 to 13 percent. All-purpose flour is next, at 10 to 12 percent protein. Pastry flour is a little lower, at 8.5 to 9.5 percent. And cake flour is the lowest, at 7 to 8.5 percent. Pastry flour can be difficult to find in supermarkets. But if you mix 2 cups all-purpose flour and 1 cup cake flour, you'll get a protein level that's very close. You may find it works better for biscuits, pie crusts and some cakes. Besides having less protein, cake flour also is chlorinated, so it absorbs less water and leads to a drier texture. That could be an advantage to making a tender pound cake.
Option: Festive lip color I gravitate toward neutral shades, but for s pecial occasions, I prefer some extra color. A beautiful bright red, like Chanel Rouge Allure Luminous Intense Lip C olour
us) ~+~4
flours hurt a recipe?
Impact Mascara ($16, clinique.
Ben Alsop New York Times News Service
in Pirate ($34, is classic, sophisticated and fun. I pair it with Precision Lip De-
Physical Fusion UV Defense SPF 50 ($32, skinceuticals.
a great base for eye shadow.
with the original four shades: Mahogany, Cement, Navajo com). Optional: Powder and Heather Mauve ($94, bobSetting powder i s s ome- For Step 2: Primer thing I save for night or when every day, I just apply a bit I'm having my makeup done of the Heather Mauve, using I want my skin to feel dry and smooth so m y f i n gers for TV. Just a light dusting of Stila's No. 15 Double-Sided glide across it. AmorePacific's Dior Diorskin Loose Powder Crease and Liner Brush ($32, Moisture Bound Tinted Treat- ($49, with a soft ment Moisturizer($70, sephora brush like the Shu Uemura .com) lets them do just that. I Natural Brush 27 ($65, shu Step 2: Eyeliner apply it all over with a MAC Liquid liner is quick and Cosmetics 187 Duo Fibre face easy. Noblack forme; Iprefer brush ($42, maccosmetics. Step 5: Bronzer a rich, chocolate brown like I don't know what I'd do L'Oreal Paris Lineur Intense com), which leaves a sheer finish. On weekends, this and a without Bobbi Brown Bronz- Defining Liquid Liner Felt Tip touch of bronzer are all I wear ing Powder ($36, bobbibrown Liquid Eyeliner i n E a r then on my face. I like that it Rock Brown ( $8.50, loreal isn't too shimmery. I sweep, drawn along Step 3: Foundation it over my cheekbones, tem- the upper lid line, close to the my skin every morning and For a more done-up look, I ples, decollete and along the lashes. evening, no matter how tired I put a drop of Cle de Peau Re- bottom of my jawline to add might be, or if I've been flying fining Fluid Foundation ($120, dimension. Step 3: Mascara all night. That part of my rou- n on t h e Always curl lashes before tine never changes. back of my hand — a very Optional: Blush applying mascara; I use Shu I take a long shower each light application — and use WhenIfeelI stillneed a sub- Uemura's Eyelash Curler ($20, morning, dedicating a good the same MAC brush to apply tle touch of color, I smile and To keep 20 minutes to my skin routine, it all over my face. I use a color apply Lancome Blush Subtil the overall look soft, I use a so my makeup regimen needs slightly darker than my skin in Cosmopolitan Pink ($30, subtle b l ack-brown s h a de to be fast and foolproof — less tone. to the ap- of mascara and just tip my than 10 minutes from beginples of my cheeks. lashes. I prefer hypoallergenic ning to end. Step 4: Concealer formulas like Clinique High Eyes A little dab of Yves Saint Face Laurent "Touche Eclat" RadiStep1: Eye shadow Step 1: Sunscreen ant Touch ($40, yslbeautyus. Bobbi Brown's Limited EdiWeekly Protection from the sun is com) goes under the eyes and tion Basic Eye Palette conArts & a must. Sunscreen is the first at the base of the nose to hide tained shades that were perEntertainment layer before my makeup, so any marks or shadows. A bit fect for me. Unfortunately, the Inside MAGAZINE I use a sheer formula with a more on th e eyelid, patted company no longer makes it, substantial SPF: Skinceuticals down with my finger, provides so I fill its customizable palette
finer in Rouge Profond ($29; Option: Everyday lipstick A subtle hint of c olor i s the most flattering. My go-to shade is a dusty rose. First, I line my lips with Make Up For Ever Aqua Lip No. 2C ($18,; then I use a lip brush to a p ply M a ybelline Color-sensational L ip s t ick,
in Nearly There ($7.50, may all over
Option: Gloss Whether worn alone or over lipstick, Buxom Big & Healthy
Lip Polish ($19, plumps up lips and adds shine. — Questions of general interest can be emailed to msllet tersC< For more information on this column, visit
— Email questions to hpurvis@charlotteobservercom
Find It All
Online TheBu~etin
A chimneyliner might beneeded, but don't just take hisword for it, By Alan J. Heavens
regularcleaning of chimneys for a good reason. Wejusthadourchimney When you delay mainte. cleaned and the gentle- nance, creosote from woodman is advising us to have our burning eventually builds up chimney lined, for which he enough tocreate a fire hazard. gave us anestimate of $2,800. The same thing happens when How in the world does one residue from w hatever you know when a chimney needs heat your house with — proba liner?Our house is40 years ably heating oil — builds up as old. Is that an indicator that it welL does? Most chimney contractors He took a f l ashlight and recommend a stainless-steel showed me apile of whitish ma- liner that slips in fromthe top of terial in the back of the furnace the chimney all the way down. pipe that was about 2'/2 inches They are recommended for high. What do you think? chimneys that are used to vent . From what I understand, wood-burning stoves because . age of the house may creosote can quickly mess up only be one factor in deter- other metals. mining whether your chimney First, you need more than needs a liner. just one estimate, and here's The experts r e commend hoping that you find someone The Philadel phia lnquirer
who will offer you a more complete and accurate explanation of your problem, and all the a vailable alternatives — i n formation readily accessible online. The liner that is used will have to properly fit the inside of the chimney. Now, to t h e c o st. M a rk Wade, a Philadelphia real estate agent who deals with a lot of people who buy places with fireplaces in need of working chimneys, and who has done some renovation projects himself, said he's never heard less than $4,000. Again,you need a complete and written explanation of the problem and more than one estimate before you consider having the work done.
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TV SPOTLIGHT By David Bauder The Associated Press
NEW YORK — To his boss, Chris Matthews has become a statesman. His critics probably have other words. The veteran MSNBC host raised his profile as m u ch as any member of the television commentariat during the presidential campaign. His 5 p.m. "Hardball" show has seen viewershipjump by 24 percent last year from 2011, 17 percent forthe rerun two hours later. Matthews symbolized MSNBC's growing comfort in being a liberal alternative to Fox News Channel. He engaged in an uncomfortable on-air confrontation w i t h R e publican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus,seemed nearly apoplectic w he n P r e sident Barack Obama flubbed his first debate and had to apologize for appearing grateful that Hurricane Sandy mighthave helped Obama's re-election effort. With Keith Olbermann out of sight, Matthews essentially replaced him as the commentator that most annoyed conservative viewers. "During the run-up to the Iraq War, he just became really, really partisan and became even more so when MSNBC decided to become the anti-Fox," said Geoff Dickens, who used to watch Matthews as a fan and now monitors him regularly as part of his job with the conservativeMedia Research Center.
New York Times News Service file photo
Chris Matthews, seen during a taping of his MSNBC show "Hardball" in Washington, D.C., has seen his viewership increase by 24 percent in 2012 over 2011. Matthews is not afraid to say what he thinks. He's a former newspaper columnist and one-time aide to a 1980s era Democrat, House Speaker Tip O'Neill. He seriously considered running for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania a few years back, where he probably would have been asked repeatedly to explain why he voted for George W. Bush in 2000. He's a motor-mouth infused with a love of politics that borders on the pathological. "He's as good as he's ever been," said Phil Griffin, MSNBC president. "He's at a place in his life where he's really comfortable in his own skin. He's a statesman. He has so much knowledge and I think he understands it better. He's always been great, but I really
think he's been at the peak of his game." Iraq tu r n e d Mat t h ews against Bush. He said war and peace, and civil rights, are the issues that drive him most and explain hi s e nthusiasm for Obama. Matthews seemed personally offended by efforts in individual states to tighten voter registration and identification laws. Republicans called it an attempt to curb voter fraud; Matthews said it was to suppressvotersfriendlyto Obama. He said Republicans would use w elfare and other issues to subtly appeal to white voters still uncomfortable with a b l ack president. "The number of A f r icanAmericans who have come up to me in the last three to six
months has been unbelievable," Matthews said in a recent interview. "They come up, six inches from my face, and say 'thank you.' A lot of the times they say we can't do this like you do it. It's harder for them because it sounds like complaining." He's disappointed that more whites didn't express gratitude, too. His repeated attention to the issue "irritates some people, because they can't stand being called bigoted. It drives them crazy. And I agree, it would drive me crazy." The issue drove his confrontation with Prebius, which occurred on "Morning Joe" during the GOP convention. Matthews challenged Prebius about playing the "race card" during the campaign and for references to Obama's birth certificate. It devolved into a schoolyard insult match. "He should have kept it together in terms of tone," Griffin said. "But in what was said, going back and forth, it was a legitimate point." Prebius later called Matthews "the biggest jerk in the room." Matthews doesn't seem to have any regrets. "I'd been talking like that for awhile," he said. "He didn't like it. I didn't expect he would. I felt that I had in my presence the guy who represented the party and it was an opportunity I shouldn't let pass. It's one of those moments in the campaign that's going to have endurance." The one quote Republican critics repeatedly throw back
Facing thenewyearwith new resolve Dear Readers:Welcome to 2013! While the last year has been a stressful one for many, a new year has begun, bringing with it o u r chance fora fresh start. Today is the day we have an opportunity to d i scard destructive old habits for healthy new ones, and with t hat in mind, I w i l l DEAR share Dear A b by's ABBY often-requested l i st of New Year's resol utions t h a t we r e adapted by my m other, Pauline Phillips, from the original credo of Al-Anon: JUST FOR TODAY, I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow. I will not set farreaching goals or try to overcome all of my problems at once. I know that I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime. J UST FOR TODAY, I w il l b e happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine. JUST FOR TODAY, I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things that I can correct
and accept those I cannot. J UST FOR TODAY, I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will not be a mental loafer. JUST FOR TODAY, I will make a conscious effort to be a greeable. I w ill b e k i n d a n d courteous to t hose I~ V who cross my path, and I'll not speak ill of others. I will im-
prove my appearance, speak softly, and not interrupt when someone else is talking. Just for today, I will refrain from improving anybody but myself. J UST FOR TODAY, I w il l d o something positive to improve my health. If I'm a smoker, I'll quit. If I'm overweight, I will eat healthfully — if only for today. And not only that, I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it's only around the block. JUST FOR TODAY, I will gather the courage to do what is right and take the responsibility for my own actions. And now, Dear Readers, I would like to share an item that was sent to me by I.J. Bhatia, a reader from
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FORTUESDAY, JAN. 1, 2013:This yearyou havea tendency to reminisce about days past. Often when you are like this, you come up with novel ideas. Plan on doing some traveling this year. You will not be at your best if you stay Stars showthe kind put, If you are of day you'll have si n gle, you could ** * * * D ynamic meet someone ** * * P ositive qu i te exotic and ** * A verage diff erent. Count on ** So-so taking an adventure * Difficult into a different lifestyle. If you are attached, the two of you finally might take that long-awaited and often-talked-about trip. VIRGOcan always take care of the details.
New Delhi, India: Dear Abby:This year, no resolutions, only some guidelines. The Holy Vedas say: "Man has subjected himself to thousands of selfinflicted bondages. Wisdom comes to a man who lives according to the true eternal laws of nature."
The prayer of St. Francis (of which there are several versions) contains a powerful message: Lord, make me an instrument of
your peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where thereis injury,pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope. Grant that I may not so much seek tobe consoled as to console; To b e un d e rstood, a s to understand; To be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. And so, Dear Readers, may this new year bring with it good health, peace and joy to all of you. — Love,Abby — Write to DearAbby at or P.O. Box69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069
SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)
are pleasant, but quietly so. Tonight: You inadvertently might get into a willpower struggle.
** * Visit with a parent or older relative in the morning. In the afternoon, spend time with friends and partake in what might be a traditional NewYear's ritual. Get together with loved ones. Younaturally enjoy yourself, no matter where you are. Tonight: Laughter becomes contagious.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)
By Jacquetine Bigar
** * * You could be talking up a storm, and you'll want to hear everyone's news. Keep in mind that many people are distracted right now. If you get no response, don't take it personally. Your instincts will guide you if you tune into them. Tonight: Do not lift a finger — you have done enough.
** * * Try to understand where someone is coming from. If you can imagine what it's like to walk in this person's shoes, or even ifyou simply try to be more observant, you will have a better idea of what it is like to be him or her. Understanding will evolve. Tonight: Takethe lead.
LEO (Jnly23-Aug.22)
** * * * Y ou might be planning a trip that could keep you busy all day long. Sometimes it is nice to get out of your own head. You'll see life from a whole new perspective, if you can. Youalso will gain more empathy for others. Tonight: Make yourescape.
** * You just might decide to kick back ARIES (March 21-April19) ** * Pulling yourself together could be a and enjoy the day. Donot feel a need to do anything. Some extra R and R isjust what major effort after last night's celebration; on the other hand, you might not care. You the doctor ordered, even if it's in a social setting. Resist the need to be the host or could be happily seated in your armchair hostess. Let someone else play that role. watching TV. Tonight: Someone might Tonight: Make it easy. interfere with your rest and relaxation. Smile all you want. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * * Y our energy and willingness TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * * T he time has come to relax. to get out the door might be the envy of others today. Conversations flow. An older You made amajor effort to contribute friend or loved one clearly approves and to everyone's happiness this Christmas. Nowyou could become nearly childlike in appreciates how you handle yourself. Do not worry so much, and bespontaneous. the freedom you experience. A loved one delights in watching you, but he or she will Tonight: The lead actor. join in, too! Tonight: Act as if there were no LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22) tomorrow. ** * * C onsider reframing a situation GEMINI (May21-June20) in your mind. You might have taken someone's words the wrong way or out of ** * Others might forget about your multifaceted personality if you continue context. You could feel a bit overwhelmed like this. You seem quiet and totally by everything that is occurring or that exhausted. You might not even want to has occurred. Play life on the quieter side. hear the word "holiday" anymore. You Relax. Tonight: Return an important call.
CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19)
AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18) ** * * Deal with others directly. Don't walk away from an intense conversation. It might be appropriate to rethink a situation andunderstandsomeone's perspective. Your creativity and intellect intertwine, which adds to your interpersonal skills. Tonight: Share with a favorite person.
PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * O thers come forward with lots of ideas and invitations. Trying to decide which way to go could be very difficult, at best. You might be better off making a decision on a first-come, first-served basis. M akesureyou schedulesome time at home. Tonight: Snuggle in. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
at Matthews is when he reacted to anObama speech in2008 by saying "I felt this thrill going up
myleg." Matthews points out that he said something similar in 2004, after Obama addressed the Democratic national convention. Its frequent citation annoys Matthews, who knows it will never leave him, but probably also because he thinks people miss the point. He was speaking more about w h at Obama represented— a black man seeking the highest office in a land with a troubled racial history — than Obama himself. It hasn't exempted him from some high-level teasing, like when Obama appeared atthe campaign's Al Smith dinner after the president's disastrous first debate. "I p a r ticularly w a n t to apologize to Chris Matthews," Obama said. "Four years ago
I gave him a thrill up his leg. This time around, I gave him a stroke." Matthews said "Hardball" has gotten a sharper focus. The editorial opinion has moved to the front of the show. Saying what he thinks isn't hard; Matthews' flirtation with running for the Senate ended in part because the need to adhere to party orthodoxy wouldn't mix with a man comfortable with voicing a dozen opinions per minute. "I never want to do what everybody else is doing," he said. "I don't want to be part of the chorus."
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after presstime. I
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:W ORLDS AWAY (PG)1:40 • CIRQUE DU SOLEIL:WORLDSAWAY3-0 (PG) 11:15a.m., 4:30, 6:50, 9:10 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 10:50 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 4:10, 6:05, 7:45, 9:40 • THE GUILTTRIP(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 1:45,4:25, 6:55, 9:35 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13) 10:40 a.m., 6:20, 10 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)10:35 a.m., 2:15, 6:15, 9:55 • THEHOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 2:25, 6:25, 10:05 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, 10:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2, 4, 6, 7:30, 9:30 • LIFE OF PI (PG)3:25 • LIFE OF Pl3-0 (PG) 11:05 a.m., 7, 10:05 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:10 a.m., 2:30, 6, 9:20 • MONSTERS,INC.(G)1:25 • MONSTERS,INC.3-0 (G) 11 a.m., 3:45, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 10:55 a.m., 1:50, 4:40, 7:15, 10:20 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)1:05, 3:35 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 6:10, 9:25 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:45, 3:50, 6:55, I0: I0 • THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG13) 2:20 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E U.S.Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ANNA KARENINA (R) 3:15, 6:45 • ARGO (R)11:45 a.m., 3, 7:15, 9:50 • HITCHCOCK (PG-13) 12:15, 9:45 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:30, 6,9:30 • A ROYAL AFFAIR (R) 2:45, 9 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 • SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 5:35 I
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • RED DAWN (PG-13) 6:45 • TheRoseBowlscreens at2p.m. (doors at1 p.m) today. • After7 p.m., showsare21and o/der on/y. Youngerthan21 mayattend screenings before7 pm. if accompaniedby a legal guardian. l
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • No films are scheduled to screen today. I
8 a.m. onHGTV, "RoseParade 2013" —Airing on multiple channels, the124th edition of the flower-festooned paradethrough Pasadena,Calif., has "Dh the Places You'll Go!" — a Dr.Seuss title — as its theme.Thegrand marshal issomeonewho knows a thing or two about that: Dr. Jane Goodall, who went to Africa asa youngwoman to studychimpanzees and hasspent the ensuing five decades raising awarenessof the needs of theworld's vulnerable species. 2 p.m. onESPR,"2013 RoseBowl" — The RoseBowl in Pasadena, Calif., is the site of this BCS matchup betweenthe Wisconsin Badgers from the BigTenand the No. 6 Stanford Cardinal from the Pac-12. The8-5 Badgersare making their third straight Rose Bowl appearance, though they'll be wit houtthehead coachwho got them there, Bret Bielema, who accep tedacoachingjob at Arkansas. Stanford beatUCLAfor the Pac-12 title, and theCardinal's tough run defensewill be tested by Wisconsin star runner MonteeBall. 5:30 p.m. onESPN,"2013 Discover OrangeBowl" — Miami's Sun Life Stadium is the site of theOrange Bowl matchup betweenthe BCS No. 12 Florida StateSeminoles of the ACCand the No. 15 Northern lllinois Huskies, the first team from the MAC towin a BCSbowl bid. While few give theHuskies much of a chanceagainst the Seminoles — and few believe theHuskies deserve this berth over Oklahoma — NIU quarterback JordanLynch hopes to score anupset andprove doubters wrong.
Sp.m.onH E3Q3"Belly White's OffTheir Rockers" — Think "Punk'd" with senior citizens. A four-episode minimarathon of this series, in which elderly folks play pranks on the younger generation, opens with this installment in which a gentleman has a strong reaction to a street musician, a patient in an ambulance attempts to escape, a supermarket shopper steals items from other people's carts, a man on a mall bench has anattack of gas, and another falls asleep riding an electric scooter. 8 p.m. onDISC,"Dual Survival" — Season 3 kicks off with a special episode, "Unbraided," followed by the season premiere. The series features two peoplewith drastically different backgrounds andsurvival strategies taking on some ofthe planet's most unforgiving terrain. Returning is CodyLundin, andnew this season is JosephTeti. In each episode, the two menaredropped into a survival scenario, equipped only with the minimal gear that would have beencarried in real-life situations. 9 p.m. on l399 "NG13:Los Angeles" —After a body bearing a Navy ID is linked to acase involving the smuggling of hazardous materials, Callen (Chris 0'Donnell) and the team go toMexico to investigate andassist in the search for the missing items in "Greed." LL Cool J and Daniela Ruah also star. ©Zap2it
mplements HOME INTERIORS 70 SW Century Dr. Swte145 Bend, QR 97702 t' 541 322 7337
In-Home Care Services Care for loved ones. Comfort for sll. 541-389-OOOG
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:15, 9:30
• THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)11 a.m., 2:30, 6:05, 9:30 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 • THIS IS 40(R) 11:45 a.m., 2:45, 5:45, 8:45 Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 1:15, 4: l5, 7:30 • LES MISERABLES (PG- I3) I2:15, 3:45, 7:15 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG) I:30,4,6:30 r l• t
Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W.U.S. Highway 97, 54'I-475-3505 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 1:30, 4:50, 8:20 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13) I2:50, 4:30, 8:10 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3) 1:20, 4, 6:40, 9:20 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 12:35, 2:50, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40 • THIS IS 40 (Rj 1:10, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 •
neighborhood on Bend's westside.
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Donate your
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Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 3:20, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 4, 7:10 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibi/ity.
today! 541.322.8768 ext. 21
ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin
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Looking for your $190/cord. Multi-cord and gold coins, bars, discounts, & ~/~ cords next employee? rounds, wedding sets, Place a Bulletin ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment available. Immediate class rings, sterling sildelivery! 541-408-6193 help wanted ad 201 - NewToday 265 - Building Materials ver, coin collect, vintoday and 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves Shih-Mas and Dachstage watches, dental AH Year Dependable reach over 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood hund babies, beautigold. Bill Fl e ming,Firewood: Sp lit, Del. 60,000 readers 204- Santa's Gift Basket Bend. Lod g epole, 541-408-6900. 541-382-9419. 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers ful puppies, $350 & each week. 205- Free ltems Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 269- GardeningSupplies & Equipment $300. delivered part Colt SP1 AR15, manuf'd Farm Equipment • Your classified ad Wanted- paying cash for $350. Cash, Check 208- Pets and Supplies way 541-530-9490 270 - Lost and Found & Machinery 1968, low ser no's $2750 will also obo.Other Mil. rifles; call for Hi-fi audio 8 stu- or Credit Card OK. 210- Furniture & Appliances GARAGE SALES appear on dio equip. Mclntosh, 541-420-3484. 211 - Children's Items for list. 541-410-2225 OO 275 - Auction Sales J BL, Marantz, D y - DRY JUNIPER $185/ ~ 2005 John Deere 212 -Antiques & Collectibles naco, Heathkit, San- split, or $165 rounds which currently 280 - Estate Sales 790 tractor w/box 215- Coins & Stamps M ore P i x a t B e n d b u ll e ti n . c o m DON'T MISS IHIS sui, Carver, NAD, etc. receives over blade, loader, 281 - Fundraiser Sales per cord. Delivered. 240- Crafts and Hobbies Wolf-Husky pups, $400; Call 541-261-1808 quick-connect forks, 1.5 million page Call 541-977-4500 or 282- Sales Northwest Bend 241 - Bicycles and Accessories pure Siberian Husky pups 541-678-1590 only 143 hrs, views every 284- Sales Southwest Bend DO YOU HAVE WHEN YOU SEE THIS 242 - ExerciseEquipment $400. 541-977-7019 $12,500. month at no SOMETHING TO 286- Sales Northeast Bend Check out the 243 - Ski Equipment extra cost. Yorkie AKC pups, small, SELL ~Oo classifieds online 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend 541-350-3921 Bulletin ready now! Health guar., FOR $500 OR 290- Sales RedmondArea 245 - Golf Equipment M ore P ixa t B e n d b u i e ti n . c o m shots, potty training, pixs LESS? Classifieds 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas Updated daily avail,$650. 541-777-7743 On a classified ad Non-commercial Get Results! 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. go to advertisers may Call 541-385-5809 FARM MARKET Yorkie, beautiful 5 year 248- Health andBeautyItems place an ad or place your ad 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery old female, needs lots of to view additional Gardening Supplies with our 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs on-line at 316 - Irrigation Equipment love & space to run, $600 photos of the item. "QUICK CASH 251 - Hot TubsandSpas • & E q uipment firm. 541-460-3884 325Hay, Grain and Feed SPECIAL" 253- TV, StereoandVideo 263 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 1 week 3 lines 12 210 Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, 255 - Computers For newspaper 341 Horses and Equipment or Tools virtually new, less than 5 256- Photography Furniture & Appliances delivery, call the hrs. $7500 new; asking 345-Livestockand Equipment ~2 e e k s 2 0 ! Farmers Column 257- Musical Instruments Circulation Dept. at Ad must Bill-Jax 5-ft 8 3-ft scaf$5000. 541-421-3222 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 258 - Travel/Tickets 541-385-5800 include price of fold sets, 10-ft aluminum A1 Washers&Dryers 10X20 STORAGE 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 259- Memberships s~le i e o i $500 8 p l y wood s c affold To place an ad, call $150 ea. Full warBUILDINGS 358- Farmer's Column 541-385-5809 260- Misc. Items or less, or multiple boards, casters, levelers ranty. Free Del. Also for protecting hay, Hay, Grain & Feed~ 375- Meat and Animal Processing or email 8 braces, nice set, paid 261 - MedicalEquipment wanted, used W/D's items whose total firewood, livestock 383 - Produce andFood $3600, asking $2000. 541-280-7355 does not exceed 262 -Commercial/Office Equip. Wanted: Irrigated farm etc. $1496 Installed. 541-350-3921 $500. 263- Tools The Bulletin 541-617-1133. ground under pivot irSer ng CentralOregon dnce i903 CCB ¹1 73684. riaation, i n C e n tral 265 208 Call Classifieds at OR. 541-419-2713 541-385-5809 SUPER TOP SOIL Building Materials Pets 8 Supplies www.hershe Davttzn Wanted: Irrigated farm 0 Screened, soil & comREDMOND Habitat Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, Sell an Item ground, under pivot irVisit our HUGE post mi x ed , no DO YOU HAVE RESTORE rigation, i n C e n tral all colors, starting at OREGON'S LARGEST home decor rocks/clods. High huSOMETHING TO Building Supply Resale OR. 541-419-2713 $250. Parents on site. GUN & KNIFE SHOW consignment store. mus level, exc. for SELL Quality at Call 541-598-5314, Jan.58 6, New items flower beds, lawns, FOR $500 OR LOW PRICES 541-788-7799 Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 arrive daily! straight gardens, LESS? 1242 S. Hwy 97 Get your ADM: $10.00 930 SE Textron, Barn/shop cats FREE, s creened to p s o i l . Non-commercial Portland Expo Center 541-548-1406 If it's under$500 Bend 541-318-1501 business Bark. Clean fill. Desome tame, some not. advertisers may 1-5 Exit 306B Open to the public. We d eliver! F i xed, liver/you haul. you can place it in place an ad with For Info: 503-363-9564 541-548-3949. shots. 541-389-8420 our www.wesknodelgunThe Bulletin I Want to Buy or Rent a ROW I N G Find exactly what GENERATE SOME ex"QUICK CASH citement i n your Classifieds for: SPECIAL" WANTED: Tobacco Wanted: Collector • Los t 8 Found neighborhood! Plan a with an ad in 1 week 3 lines 12 CI.ASSIFIEgS pipes - Briars, Meerseeks high quality garage sale and don't ~ 2 k 2 0i The Bulletin's $10 • 3 lines, 7 days shaums and smoking fishing items. LOST: D bl . s t r and forget to advertise in Ad must include "Call A Service accessories. Call 541-678-5753, or 266 classified! pearl bracelet, senprice of single item $16 • 3 lines, 14 days h WANTED: RAZORS503-351-2746 541-385-5809. timental, 12/24. ReProfessional" Heating 8 Stoves of $500 or less, or Gillette, Gem, Schick, Boxer/English Bulldog ward! 541-760-6150 (Vaney Bulldog) puppies, multiple items Winchester 12g M 101 (Private Party ads only) Directory etc. Shaving mugs Ottoman, loveseat and 0/U shotgun, Waterfowl NOTICE TO C~KC Re 'd, b d l es & whose total does and accessories. couch, tan, new! $500 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Special Ed., adj chokes, fawns, 1st shots. $900. not exceed $500. ADVERTISER Fair prices paid. obo. 541-408-8611 541-325-3376 $1550. 541-647-8931 Since September 29, Search the area's most Call 541-390-7029 Call Classifieds at 1991, advertising for comprehensive listing of between 10 am-3 pm. Just bought a new boat? W hirlpool stac k e d 255 541-385-5809 used woodstoves has classified advertising... washer 8 dryer set, Sell your old one in the Computers been limited to mod- real estate to automotive, large capacity, many classifieds! Ask about our els which have been merchandise to sporting options, works great! Super Seller rates! I P ets 8 Supplies 541-385-5809 $350. 541-416-0296 T HE B U LLETIN r e - c ertified by the O r - goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the quires computer adegon Department of Cats 8 s ome k ittens print or on line. vertisers with multiple Environmental QualIn The Bulletin's print and The Bulletin The Bulletin recom- avail. thru rescue group. ad schedules or those ity (DEQ) and the fedCall 541-385-5809 recommends extra ' mends extra caution Tame, shots, altered, ID selling multiple sys- eral online Classifieds. E n v ironmental w ie p when purc h as- chip, more. Sat/Sun 1-5; Labradood/es - Mini & lcaio tems/ software, to dis- Protection A g e ncy call re : o t her d ays. chasing products or • ing products or sermed size, several colors close the name of the (EPA) as having met The Bulletin 5488, Ser ng Centrai Oregon s>ncei9ib services from out of I business or the term smoke 541-504-2662 vices from out of the 541-598emission stanarea. Sending cash, 389-8420. Map, photos 8 t the area. Sending I "dealer" in their ads. dards. A cer t ifiedLost Pekingese, 11 yr old l c ash, checks, o r' checks, or credit in- info at, Private party advertis- w oodstove may b e male, b l onde w/black Maremma Guard Dog l credit i n f o rmation f ormation may b e ers are defined as identified by its certifi- face, 12/23 on Tumalo GOLDEN RETRIEVERPUPPIES, pups, purebred, great may be subjected to subjected to fraud. those who sell one cation label, which is Rd. 541-408-3289 We are three adorable, loving dogs, $30 0 e a c h,l FRAUD. For more For more i nformacomputer. permanently attached 541-546-6171. REMEMBER: Ifyou information about an s puppies lookingfor acaring home. tion about an adverto the stove. The BulI advertiser, you may l 257 have lost an animal, tiser, you may call Please call right away.$500. letin will no t k n owdon't forget to check P(JJr'..., People Look for Information I call t h e Ore g onI Musical Instruments the O r egon State ingly accept advertis' State Attor ney ' The Humane Society About Products and Attorney General's Chfhuahua Pups, asing for the sale of in Bend 541-382-3537 Office Co n s umer sorted colors, teacup, Services Every Daythrough l General's O f f i c e 1923 Chickering 5'6" uncertified Redmond, 1st shots, w ormed, Consumer P rotec• Protection hotline at Baby Grand, beautiful The Bulletin C/assilfeds woodstoves. 541-923-0882 $250, 541-977-0035 t ion ho t l in e at I tone & action, $3000. 1-877-877-9392. FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck Prineville, 541-504-4416 Vermont Castings woodPOODLE PUPS, AKC l 1-877-877-9392. can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, 541-447-7178; The Bulletin stove, Aspen m odel, toys. Small, friendly, & > TheBulletin > OR Craft Cats, and a tough V8 engine will get $300. 541-420-4825 loving! 541-475-3889 ServmgCentral 0 egon 5rnce i903 Bend local pays CASH!! All gold jewelry, silver
for all firearms & ammo. 541-526-0617 CASH!! For Guns, Ammo 8 Reloading Supplies.
Show Your Stuff. Sell Your Stuff.
CircleThis •
l l
POODLE, Toy, 4 mo. old male. Very social! $300. 541-520-7259
Adult companion cats FREE to seniors, dis- DACHSHUND PUPS abled & veterans! Tame, AKC mini Ionghaired altered, shots, ID chip, @M$500 @F$600 Queensland Heelers more. Will always take 541 598 7417 standard 8 mini,$150 & back if c i rcumstances up. 541-280-1537 change. 389-8420.Visit Dachshund pups, mini, rightwayranch.wordSat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, smooth. Permanent love i nfo: f o r t h e N e w Ye a r . $250 ea, 541-815-3799 S ave/donate your d eBEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! posit bottles/cans to loThe cold weather is upon us and sadly there are cal all volunteer, nonstill over 2,000 folks in our community without profit animal rescue, to help with cat spay/neuter permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift costs & other vet bills. camps, getting by as best they can. See CRAFT's Cans for The following items are badly needed to Cats trailer at: Jake's help them get through the winter: Diner, 2210 E Hwy. 20, @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ Bend, thru 12/31. Petco, New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. by Applebee's, Bend, S WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. 1/1-1/14. Eagle Crest O private clubhouse, PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT 1 /1 5-1/28. Donate O THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Smith Sign, 2nd/Olney, 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. open hrs. M-F; or at TuFor Special pick up please call malo sanctuary anytime. Ken @ 541-389-3296, FacePLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKEA DIFFERENCE. book, 541-389-8420.
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The Bulletin
5er ng Cendat Oregon s nce l903
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
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P/ano, Steinway Model WHEN BUYING 0 Baby Grand 191 1, FIREWOOD... gorgeous, artist quality instrument w/great To avoid fraud, action & S teinway's The Bulletin warm, rich sound. Will recommends payadorn any living room, ment for Firewood church or music stuonly upon delivery dio perfectly. New reand inspection. tail $ 6 9,000. Sacri- • A cord is 128 cu. ft. fice at $26,000 OBO, 4' x 4' x 8' call 541-383-3150. • Receipts should include name, 260 Misc. Items
Barrett M99 .50 Cal. Mint Buying Diamonds less than 100 rounds /Gold for Cash fired; Saxon's Fine Jewelers Leopold Mark 4 4.5-14, 541-389-6655 custom fit Pelican case; 240 rounds of new facBUYING t ory a m mo , ov e r Lionel/American Flyer $6,000 inve s ted, trains, accessories. 541-408-2191. $3,800. 541-504-3386
phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include species and cost per cord to better serve our customers.
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q uiet r oo m n e a r downtown & College. No smoking or drugs. $350 incl. util. $100 dep. 541-815-9938
Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. Utils & l inens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885 634
2 bdrm, 1 bath,
$530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! FOX HOLLOW APTS.
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ACROSS 37 Pres. Carter's alma mater Sea (inland
World title on the line
body with high salinity) s With 67-Across, song by 56-Across 9 Sword part 13 Radius, e.g. 14 Comic strip dog with a long tongue 1s Spine-tingling 15 Lash 17 Ike's partner in 1960s-'70s music 15 Bicycle shorts material 15 With 32-Across, song by 56-Across 22 Half a school year: Abbr. 23 Chaos 24 Splinter group
By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
Today youcan win a match in the 2012 World Teams and earn a shot at a world title. Look at the East cards and auction. North-South v u l nerable. W e st opens one diamond and raises your one heart to two, showing four-card support. North's double shows a good hand, and he bids four spades at his next turn. Would you act? This was the final deal in an Open Teams quarterfinal, United Statesvs. Sweden, with the U.S. four IMPs behind. At one table the U.S. NorthSouth played at four spades, plus 650.
one club, and your partner bids one heart. What do you say? ANSWER: Bid INT to show a balanced, minimum opening bid. T rue, y ou r p a t tern i s n ' t q u i t e balanced, but any other call would be a greater distortion: A rebid of two clubs would suggest longer clubs, a bid of two diamonds would promise more strength. By the way, to open one diamond with such hands, as I've seen players do, asks for trouble. South dealer N-S vulnerable
OTHER TABLE At the other, the U.S. East could have sacrificed at five hearts. No d oubt North-South w o uld h a v e doubled, but even if East went down three, minus 500, the match would have been tied. As it was, Sweden won. In a Seniors quarterfinal, Denmark led the U.S. by two IMPs. The U.S. North-South missed the spade game and were plus 230. In the replay, the U.S. played four hearts doubled as East-West, but D enm ark misdefended for only p lu s 100, losing four IMPs — and the match by two.
Q75 Ca Q942 4K Q 1 075 WEST 4o Q9 9 A98 3 0 J 1063 4AJ6
EAST 4543 QKQJ 1042 C 87 aea43 SOUTH 4 J 108 7 6 2 96 C AK 5
+ 98 2 West
Nor t h
P ass 1 41 3 4I
10 29 Pass
P ass Dbl 4 4I
19 3Q AII P ass
temples,maybe 35 Fourth notes 4o Expensive 41 Actress Taylor of "Six Feet Under" 42 Song by 56-Across
Opening lead — 9 A You hold: 4 o A K 9 7 5 0 Q94 2 4 KQ 1 0 7 5 . You open (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Seattle 45 Peacekeeping
27 35
25 28
37 40
21 24
44 City SSW of
1 Former sitcom on the Beeb 2 "Good Times" actress Esther 3 eYou can't teach dog
47 Afternoon
4 Lawsuit s Bygone company with yellow-roofed kiosks 5 Thor's father
45 Long rant
s3 London-based record label ss Musician born 11/27/42 ss "Deliverance" instrument
47 53
48 56
49 58
5"A Full Moon in March" poet 5 With 60-Down,
51 Panache 52 Lickety-split, in
a memo
O L D 25 Where sailors O L E go M A R 3o 1966 hurricane T A I L
s3 Abba of Israel s4 "The Wind Cries (song by 56-Across) ss Neither Dems. nor Reps. s7 Hip parts ss 13 cards, maybe eo See 9-Down
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information.
31 A ponytail N E M O
hangs over it E L 32 What picked flowers may do 8 E 33 Prima donna's
Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
song by 56-Across 25 Conveyance 53 Passion Puzzle by PETER A. COLLINS in an Ellington 54 Pete and Julie's ao Three-point lines in song eMod Squad" 34 After-bath 43 Period of basketball, e.g. powder 32 See 19-Across inactivity partner 11 Song by 3s Card game for 45 Biology or 56-Across two English ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 12 Word after 36 "Pardon the 48 What mule or school D RA B I R A S T R A P P Interruption" bloodhounds and dead fish O O N A D O M E W A X E R 1s Choose airer do F I N S L A I C O N I C E 2o Tool that turns 4o Arrive, as darkness 50 Bad ignition? F L A T T EN S0 U T S K Y 21 Catch, in a way 51 Connect with zs Sleepover 42 Big E A R SN A I L game, maybe an operator (baseball's A M S D I P D E ME A N S 27 Sukiyaki David Ortiz) 52 Kick out T UM S C H ER E ER I E ingredient 25 Rat-
35 Having throbbing
ss Job for an actor 55 Where to buy GM and GE 57 See 5-Across ss Compound with a doublebonded carbon atom
No. 1127
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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis e
SAFE HAVENS Izug I r'5 AL50 PI~I4 NIAF-LOI4, 41)HAf LOP LL CLA /f' b0/4'.1>IFT' 6> FIIA' f 5 E VE, ~H&~ A 17o goo NIBAII/ I~ I s'-5ogrP,: I-IKE1dAT "' ~ oV6A b bIUP + ceLEIIPAFE b)8'IZe 5LDI/tL'f <ItI& FAPW'| +HE, f'/45&A&E OF WIN)E. gEI LAe io1t' ISIVT F08 V57 It SIIGIYI!!. • 5
IOIzu © 2012 by King Features Syndicate, Inc World eghts reserved
E-maa bholbrook/@gmaa com
http //www eafehevenecome com
SIX CHIX ell celx( aela't/w/GreewRE45wilaATeeNe, eae171aaer Aee/swLa«K
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ACROSS 1 Telescope parts 7 On hiatus 11 Metered vehicle 14 Develop gradually 15 Landing place 16 M iss 17 When to don a 40-Down or prepare to throw 11-Down 19 Lakers' org. 20 Former "Grand Ole Opry Live" network 21 GPS suggestion 22 Phrase on a diet food label 24 Has the mike 26 Big galoot 28 Confident cl'osswol'd
67 Thrust forward, as with a sword 68 Baseball great Mel 69 Hang in the
38 Interpret without
hearing e.g.
BLIJJ5LXEX Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter lo each square, lo form four ordinary words.
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by DavidL. Noyt end JeffK nurek could you toss that eu/7 It'4 pretty gross and / don'1 think you needIt enymo/e. /'ve hed this comb since junior high. My hair wea feathered ~ E
02013 Tebune Media Services, bc. „ AO Rights Reserved. 17
I a
C7C>INC7 T D —-
Now arrange the circled letters io form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
"You quit smoking again?"
42 Dental layer 43 Memorable Texas mission 44 Longfellow's bell town 45 In the area 47 Auditioner's goal 51 Sci-fi film extras 52 M o i nes 53 Close with a
(Anowere tomorrow) J umbles: HOBBY B L U R B M UF F L E TR E N D Y Answer: With each glass ol champagne, the party guestwae becoming — MORE BUBBLY
48 Golden years 49 Le a fy crown material
worse 33 Opposite of NNW 50 Sets securely (in)
35 Average average 54 Polynesian tuber 37 Prepare to shoot 55 Sporty sunroof 70 Stands in studios 38 Country expanse 56 The Auld Sod 39 Work together 58 K i ng Kong's 40 See 17-Across home, e.g. DOWN 1 Legume used in 41 Purse fasteners 5 9 Turquoise hue 43 Hotshot 63 Close the Indian dish 46 Extra one who's 6 4 Young : t o ts, in dal eOute dialect 2 Despite all that 3 "Take it easy!" ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 4 Shrewd A B C S A C T I V A S E A 5 At any time 6 Ticket G E R E M E R C I R O L L specification ON O C C A S I O N O L D E 7 Mensa figs. I ST O O N C E O V E R 8 One settling a A C S ME T S E N E S T score, in olden D E B A N A T D A R T S days O TO S E RA S M U S 9 Bathe solver's choice O W N E R O C C U P I E D 10 Watches 29 "Parks and A N O T H E R F L U B suspiciously Recreation" actor 11 See 17-Across S T E P S S N A G E N O Rob 12 Greek's neighbor T I N U M P E L O C C S 30 Extra 13 Wiped out OL I V E O I L L A T E 32 Bluesman 18 Cut with a scythe O L G A Redding O V A L O F F I C E 23 Program 34 Pinnacles G E M S D O V E R E V A N interrupters 36 Airline with a E R A T S T A G S W E P T 25 Close call kangaroo on its 01/01/1 3 27 Faux : b lunder logo 41 Thai or Chinese,
30 Tee size 31 No better, no
54 Met secretly 57 Entertainer Zadora 60 Add to the soundtrack 61 Sigh of pleasure 62 Ball-dropping site, or what this puzzle's circled letters form? 65 Victrola corp. 66 Port east of Tangier
11 1 2
14 17
23 28
3 34
38 3 9
43 4 51
47 4 8
By Don Gagtiardo and C.C. Burnikel (0)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
57 5 8
01/01/1 3
0 0
oQli ri
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras
Antique & Classic Autos
Antique & Classic Autos
. .
55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn PROJECT car, 3 50 small block w/Weiand BOATS &RVs dual quad tunnel rim 805- Misc. Items with 450 Holleys. T-10 850 - Snowmobiles 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar whls, ex Plymouth B a r racuda860 - MotorcyclesAndAccessories tra rolling chassis + 1966, original car! 300 865 - ATVs extras. $6000 for all. hp, 360 V8, ce nter541-389-7669. lines, (Original 273 870 - Boats & Accessories eng & wheels incl.) 875 - Watercraft
Aircraft, Parts
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880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels Chevy Coupe 1950 885- Canopies and Campers rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, 890 - RVs for Rent
1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718
PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) 8
1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963
AIRPORT CAFE (Bend Municipal Airport)
Country Coach lntrigue 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins DieHarley Davidson Softsel. two slide-outs. Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, 41,000 miles, new white/cobalt, w / pas- tires & batteries. Most senger kit, Vance & options.$95,000 OBO Hines muffler system 541-678-5712 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. c ond, $19,9 9 9 , ~OO Motorcycles &Accessories
NOW OPEN under new management! Come & see us! Open Monday-Friday 8-3
Call 541-318-8989
slide,Bunkhouse style, sleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $1 6 ,900, 541-390-2504
Just too many collectibles? Sell them in The Bulletin Classifieds
Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; auto 4-spd, 396, model VW Thing 1974, good CST /all options, orig. cond. Extremely Rare! owner, $22,000, Only built in 1973 & 541-923-6049 1974. $8,000. " +~ i '4 541-389-2636
Ford Explorer 4x4, 1991 - 154K miles, rare 5-speed tranny & manual hubs, clean, straight, everyday driver. Was $2200 now $1900i Bob, 541-318-9999
Harley Heritage Pickups Softail, 2003 541-385-5809 $5,000+ in extras, GMC Envoy 2002 4WD $2000 paint job, Chevy Wagon 1957, $6,450. Loaded, 30K mi. 1 owner, Executive Hangar 4-dr., complete, Leather, Heated Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 For more information at Bend Airport $7,000 OBO, trades, seats, Bose sound 29', weatherized, like please call (KBDN) Econoline RV 1 9 89, please call system. Ext. roof rack 541-385-8090 fully loaded, exc. cond, n ew, f u rnished & 60' wide x 50' deep, 541-389-6998 or 209-605-5537 (218) 478-4469 to go, incl Wine- w/55' wide x 17' high 35K m i. , R e duced ready Ford 250 XLT 1990, ard S a t ellite dish, bi-fold door. Natural Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe HD Screaming Eagle $16,950. 541-546-6133 6 yd. dump bed, 26,995. 541-420-9964 gas heat, office, bath- 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, 139k, Auto, $5500. Jeep Wrangler 4x4, Electra Glide 2005, room. Parking for 6 1997 6-cyl, soft top, auto. trans, ps, air, 103" motor, two tone CAN'T BEAT THIS! 541-410-9997 c ars. A djacent t o roll bar, front tow frame on rebuild, recandy teal, new tires, Look before you Frontage Rd; g r eat bar, new tires, painted original blue, 23K miles, CD player, buy, below market — • -"Qw< visibility for a viation chrome rims, 103K original blue interior, hydraulic clutch, exvalue! Size & milebus. 1jetjock© original hub caps, exc. miles, gd cond, cellent condition. aqe DOES matter! $5700 obo. chrome, asking $9000 Highest offer takes it. Class A 32' Hurri- Weekend Warrior Toy 541-948-2126 541-504-3253 or 541-480-8080. cane by Four Winds, Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, P iper A r cher 1 9 8 0, or make offer. 503-504-2764 541-385-9350 2007. 12,500 mi, all fuel station, exc cond. based in Madras, alFord F350 2008 Crew amenities, Ford V10, sleeps 8, black/gray ways hangared since The Bulletin Cab, diesel, 55K miles, Softail Deluxe Ithr, cherry, slides, i nterior, u se d 3X , new. Ne w a n n ual, fully loaded, $32,000. To Subscribe call 2010, 805 miles, like new! New low $24,999. auto pilot, IFR, one 541-480-0027 Black Chameleon. price, $54,900. 541-385-5800 or go to 541-389-9188 piece win d s hield. 541-548-5216 $17,000 Fastest Archer FORD RANGER X LT Call Don @ a round. 1 75 0 t o t a l 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 Looking for your 541-410-3823 t ime. $68,5 0 0 . speed, with car alarm, Porsche Cayenne 2004, next employee? Call a Pro 541-325-3556 CD player, extra tires 86k, immac, dealer Place a Bulletin help Whether you need a on rims. Runs good. maint'd, loaded, now wanted ad today and T-Hangar for rent Chrysler SD 4-Door Clean. 92,000 miles $17000. 503-459-1580 fence fixed, hedges reach over 60,000 at Bend airport. 1930, CD S R oyal IBoats & Accessories o n m o t or . $2 6 0 0 readers each week. Call 541-382-8998. Standard, S-cylinder, trimmed or a house OBO. 541-771-6511. Your classified ad body is good, needs built, you'll find 13' Smokercraft '85, will also appear on some r e s toration, GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy • Vans Trucks & good cond., 15HP professional help in runs, taking bids, Duty Camper Special which currently regas Evinrude + Heavy Equipment 541-383-3888, The Bulletin's "Call a 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, ceives over 1.5 mil541-815-3318 Minnkota 44 elec. auto., 40k miles on Service Professional" lion page views evmotor, fish finder, 2 new eng., brakes & Directory ery month at no tires good. $ 2 495. extra seats, trailer, extra cost. Bulletin 541-385-5809 541-504-3833 extra equip. $2900. Classifieds Get Re541-388-9270 Chevrolet G20 SportsGullstream S c e nic sults! Call 385-5809 man, 1993, exlnt cond, or place your ad Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, 17' 1984 Chris Craft Diamond Reo Dump $4750. 541-362-5559 or on-line at Cummins 330 hp die- Scorpion, 140 HP Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, I nternational Fla t 541-663-6046 sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 inboard/outboard, 2 yard box, runs good, door panels w/flowers Bed Pickup 1963, 1 in. kitchen slide out, $6900, 541-548-6812 depth finders, trollton dually, 4 s pd. & hummingbirds, Chevy Astro new tires,under cover, 882 ing motor, full cover, trans., great MPG, white soft top & hard Cargo Van2001, hwy. miles only,4 door EZ - L oad t railer, could be exc. wood top. Just reduced to G K E AT pw, pdl, great cond., fridge/freezer ice$3500 OBO. hauler, runs great, $3,750. 541-317-9319 business car, well maker, W/D combo, 541-382-3728. new brakes, $1950. or 541-647-8483 maint'd, regular oil Interbath t ub & 541-419-5480. changes, $4500. shower, 50 amp proHyster H25E, runs Please call well, 2982 Hours, pane gen & m o re! 541-633-5149 $55,000. $3500,call
18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP, low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939
Ford Galaxie500 1963, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & radio (orig),541-419-4989 Int. 1981 Model DT466 Ford Mustang Coupe dump truck and heavy 1966, original owner, duty trailer, 5 yd box, V8, automatic, great e verything wor k s , shape, $9000 OBO. $8000. 541-421-3222. 530-515-8199
Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
VW Beetle, 2002 Ford Crown V ictoria 5-spd, silver-gray, black 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., leather, CD, V 8, o r i g . own e r, loaded,moonroof, 115K miles, 70,300 mi., studs on, well-maintained reat condition. (have records) 3000. 541-549-0058. extremely clean, $4650 obo. 541-546-6920 Honda Civic LX 2008, like new, WHEN YOU SEE THIS always garaged, loaded. 27k mi., ~Oo one owner. $13,500. 541-550-0994.
On a classified ad go to Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT to view additional 1 999, a u to., p e a rl photos of the item. w hite, very low m i . FIND IT' $9500. 541-788-8218. BUY IT! SELL IT!
The Bulletin Classifieds
Looking for your next employee?
"IHyLittle Red Corvette" 1996 coupe. 132K, 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. $12,500 541-923-1781
Nissan Sentra, 201212,610 mi, full warranty, PS, PB,AC,S more! $16 000 541-788-0427
Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
The Bulletin recoml
e quipped, seats 7 , perf. mech. c o nd.I sleeps 2. comfort, util- Much more! ity road ready, nice $28,000 541-420-2715 I cond. $4000?Trade for 541-420-3634/390-1285 mini van. Call Bob, PORSCHE 914 1974, I 541-318-9999 Roller (no engine), I 935 lowered, full roll cage, Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 Sport Utility Vehicles 5-pt harnesses, rac7 -pass. v a n wit h ing seats, 911 dash & I p ower c h a i r lif t , BMW 3 Series 2010, 5k instruments, d e cent mi., ¹474934. $38,988 $1500; 1989 Dodge v e r y c o ol! Turbo Van 7 - pass. shape, $1699. 541-678-3249 has new motor and t rans., $1500. I f i nterested c a l l Jay Oregrrrs 503-269-1057. ANtoSorrrce hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro.
subject toFRAUD For more information about an advertiser, you may call the Oregon State I Attorney General's I Office C o n sumer Protection hotline at
The Bulletin Servrng Central Oregan since 1903
20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Class 875. 541-385-5809
The Bulletin
l YoURBQAT... l spec i al
rates for selling your l Il boat or watercraft!
l B ulletin w i t h ou r l 3-month package l l which includes: l Place an ad in The
Monaco Dynasty 2004, loaded, 3 slides, diesel, Reduced - now
$119,000, 5 4 1 -9238572 or 541-749-0037
Iiwp/ II cl
Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales Find them in The Bulletin
So~Ler! Big Tex Landscapingl ATV Trailer, dual axle flatbed, 7'x16', 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400. 541-382-4115, or 541-280-7024.
Walton 14' dump trailer, power up/power down, a photo or up to 10 7,000 Ib tandem axl lines with no photo. Southwind 35.5' Triton, NuM/a 297LK H i tch- les, used very little, *Free online ad at 2008,V10, 2 slides, DuHiker 2007, 3 slides, new $11,900; mine, I pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 32' touring coach, left $7200. *Free pick up into Bought new at kitchen, rear lounge, 541-350-3921 l The Central Oregon $132,913; many extras, beautiful asking $93,500. l Nickel ads. cond. inside & o ut, Call 541-419-4212 $32,900 OBO, PrinevI Rates start at $46. l ille. 541-447-5502 days Automotive Parts, • & 541-447-1641 eves. Service & Accessories Call for details! Q
l *5 lines of text and
Toyota Camrysr 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592
Chrysler Sebring2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond, very low miles (38k), always garaged, Corolla 2004, transferable warranty Toyota auto., loaded, 2 04k incl. $8100 obo miles. orig. owner, non 541-848-9180 smoker, exc. c ond. $6500 Prin e ville
RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L
Ford Ranchero F leetwood Wilderness 1979 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, with 351 Cleveland rear bdrm, fireplace, modified engine. AC, W/D hkup beauBody is in tiful u n it! $30,500. Peterbilt 359 p o table water t ruck, 1 9 90, excellent condition, 541-815-2380 541-598-3750 $2500 obo. 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Jayco Seneca 2007, 541-420-4677 pump, 4-3" h oses, Automobiles 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. 5500 d i e s el , toy .I 541-820-3724 hauler $13 0 ,000. 541-389-2636. Have an item to K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 sell quick? slide, AC, TV, awning. If it's under NEW: tires, converter, Buick Enclave 2008 CXL batteries. Hardly used. '500you can place it in GMC V~ton 1971, Only AWD, V-6, black, clean, BMW Z4 Roadster $15,500. 541-923-2595 2005, 62K miles, ex$19,700! Original low mechanicall y sound, 82k The Bulletin cellent cond. $14,000. mile, exceptional, 3rd miles. $20,995. 541-604-9064 Call 541-815-1216 owner. 951-699-7171 Classifieds for: Immaculate! Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, '10 - 3 lines, 7 days new paint (2004), new '16 - 3 lines, 14 days inverter (2007). Onan 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, MONTANA 3585 2008, (Private Party ads only) a parked covered $35,000 exc. cond., 3 slides, ~ siIue r > " ts an< gak obo. 541-419-9859 or king bed, Irg LR, Arc<eddbng Ca0 eve. < rnatt 541-280-2014 Z L(KE tic insulation, all opUtility Trailers ,t on tw'ice, atches. DES-BEH tions $37,500. uewu EF(CE I
with o u r
t ow, 130K
mostly towed miles, nice rig! $15,000 both. 541-382-3964, Ieave
mends extra caution I I when p u r chasing ~ Porsche 911 1974, low products or servicesI mi., complete motor/ I from out of the area. trans. rebuild, tuned I S ending c ash ,I Chev 1994 G20 cussuspension int & ext or credit intomized van, 1 28k, refurb. oi l c o o lingI checks, 3 50 motor, HD t o w shows new in 8 out, formation may be I
Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slideouts, inverter, satellite sys, fireplace, 2 Hunter's Delight! Packflat screen TVs. age deal! 1988 Win$60,000. nebago Super Chief, 541-480-3923 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t shape; 1988 Bronco II 4 x4 t o
20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500.
R U Y !
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts andService 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique andClassic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
complete car, $ 1949; 935 Cadillac Series 61 1950, 2 dr. hard top, complete Sport Utility Vehicles Automobiles w/spare f r on t cl i p ., $3950, 541-382-7391 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Buick Lucerne CXL 4x4. 120K mi, Power 2009, $12,500, low I M'T MISSTHIS seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd low miles; 2000 Buick row seating, e x tra Century $2900. You'll tires, CD, pnvacy tintnot find nicer Buicks VW Karman Ghia 1 /3 interest i n w e l l-1966 GMC, 2nd owner, 1970, good cond., ing, upgraded rims. One look's worth a equipped IFR Beech Botoo many extras to list, Fantastic cond. $7995 thousand words. Call Springdale 2005 27', 4' nanza A36, new 10-550/ $8500 obo. Serious buy- new upholstery and Contact Tim m at Bob, 541-318-9999. slide in dining/living area, convertible top. 541-408-2393 for info for an appt. and take a sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 prop, located KBDN. ers only. 541-536-0123 $10,000. $65,000. 541-419-9510 or to view vehicle. drive in a 30 mpg car! obo. 541-408-3811 541-389-2636
Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009
Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' $10,000 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, 541-719-8444 too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Snowmobiles Ads published in "Wa- Dennis, 541-589-3243 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade tercraft" include: Kay600 w/513 mi, like new, aks, rafts and motorvery fast! Reduced to ized personal • T r a vel Trailers • $6295. 541-221-5221 watercrafts. For " boats" please s e e COACHMEN Class 870. 1979 23' trailer 541-385-5809 Fully equipped. Arctic Cat (2) 2005 $2000. F7 Firecats: EFI 541-312-8879 Snowpro 8 EFI EXT, or 541-350-4622. excellent cond, Need help fixing stuff? $2800 ea; Call A Service Professional 541-410-2186 find the help you need.
The Bulletin
Co"p ' istrtpes N 2003 KollIPressogro( al lo> s, Y 'w~ 23>0 black vnter 00 Brrn. <<. poc 4,0 cream j k rnt' $2 ot, 1 abnrnent new HP g sun A)L ente 1200 2001 itchrng SOUp ' $750,Ca " „~ pa<d$1
de0ver nr pajio ns.
boy's btcy ' c house p « $5 rnanY boxes.IJ(ake movtng ~ ,ir ' '
54'I -385-5809
We Buy Junk Cars 8 Trucks! Cash paid for junk vehicles, batteries & catalytic converters. Serving all of C.O.! Call 541-408-1090 ~
gTh C Bullettytg
Winnebago It a s ca Sundancer 26' 1987, 51K mi., exc. cond. P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h $8000. 541-419-9251 wheel, 1 s lide, AC, rage sale and don't TV,full awning, excelGood classified ads tell forget to advertise in lent shape, $23,900. Tick, Tock the essential facts in an classified! 385-5809. 541-350-8629 interesting Manner. Write Tick, Tock... from the readers view- not Serving Central Oregon smce 1903 the seller's. Convert the ...don't let time get facts into benefits. Show away. Hire a Used out-drive the reader how the item will parts - Mercury professional out help them in someway. OMC rebuilt maThis Pilgrim In t e rnational of The Bulletin's rine motors: 151 advertising tip "Call A Service 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, $1595; 3.0 $1895; brought to youby Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 4.3 (1993), $1995. Professional" Fall price $ 2 1,865. 541-389-0435 The Bulletin Directory today! 541-312-4466
GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a ga-
There'sgood stuff in here. Shouldn't YOU be looking.
The Bulletin
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE Public Auction Public Auction will be held on Saturday February 2, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at Old Mill Self Storage, 150 SW Industrial Way, Bend, Oregon 97702. (Unit ¹
Proposed (Conditional) No Further Action for Nosier, Inc.
2013, to DEQ Project Manager Cliff Walkey at 475 NE Bellevue D rive, S u it e 11 0 , Bend, Oregon, walkey.cliffOdeq.stat or fax: (541) 388-8283. To review the project file, call Mr. Walkey at ( 541) 633-2003 t o schedule a file review appointment.
To access site summary information and other documents for Comments due: t his facility, g o t o January 31,2013. D EQ's w e bsite a t Project location: 107 From t h e li s t of Southwest Columbia c hoices, pleas e Street, Bend, Oregon. choose "databases" and then the "EnwProposal: St atutory ronmental C l e anup Authority: ORS Site Information" da465.200-900; A p p litabase. Enter ECSI c able R ules: O A R number 3155 to ac340-122-010-110; cess site specific inConditional No F urformation. ther Action (NFA) determination; N o sier, The next step: After Inc., 107 Southwest the 3 0 -day p u b lic C olumbia St re e t , c omment peri o d Bend, Oregon. closes, DEQ will consider comments reHighlights: No s ier, ceived and provide a Inc., entered the Orwritten response to egon Department of e ach comment r e Environmental ceived. DEQ will then Quality's (DEQ) Vol- either proceed with untary Cleanup Pro- the conditional NFA gram (VCP) in June finding, as proposed, 2010 for its property or revise its proposal. located at Columbia Street, where Nosier Accessibility inforcurrently operates its mation: DEQ is manufacturing facility. committed to accomSite evaluations and modating people with identified remedial ac- disabilities. I f you tions conducted unneed information in der VC P o v ersight a nother form a t , were a result of the please contact DEQ deflagration that octoll free in Oregon at c urred on J un e 2 , 800-452-4011, email 2010. at deqinfoOdeq.state.or. How to c omment: us, or 711 for people Send comments by 5 with hearing impairp .m., January 3 1 , ments.
in e s
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