Bulletin Daily Paper 02-01-14

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Serving Central Oregon since190375

SATURDAY Februaly1, 2014

eam wi wear ani n wnn COMMUNITY LIFE• D1

bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD

Redmondbeginssearchfor new airport director

Life On MarS? — A man's

By Leslie Pugmire Hole

legal action demandsNASA take a closer look.A3

The Bulletin

Snowies downsouthAs more are spotted in the continental U.S. birders are excited — andconfused. A4

Despite more than 20years working in the public sector, Redmond City Manager Keith Witcosky knew he was

it came time to find a new director for the Redmond Airport. "It is so complex, this job.

You need to know about fi-

out of his depth when, shortly

nance, the FAA, the Forest Service, operations — there

after he arrived this summer,

are so many relationships,

agreements, agencies to deal W i t cosky began reaching with," he said. "A city manag- out, gradually assembling a "Justice League"-type team er may get away with being a generalist but an airport of aviation management sumanager better know airperheroesto help him underports inside and out." stand the right way to get the Working with Bob Nobles, best person in the position. the airport's interim director, SeeAirport/A5


Move t04

toute • OSU president voices support in Portland address

Plus Water monster'A salamander in Mexico may be extinct in the wild.A6

Edible pOt — Asproducts

By Lauren Dake

proliferate, somefear that children who don't know what they are will eat them up.A7

The Bulletin


will be bumps along the way, heavy-lifting and hurdles, Oregon State Univer-

ln SpertS —Prep basketball, and a look aheadat the Super Bowl and the Olympics.C1

sity President Ed Ray said on Friday, but the Cascades campus will expand to a four-year campus. "We are not going away," Ray said shortly after giving his annual State of the University address to

And a WebexclusiveHomes for rentfor the Super Bowl aren't drawing the interest they usually do. beatldauetin.cam/extras

a room full of hundreds of

people at the downtown Portland Hilton hotel on

Friday. "What we are doing is the right thing for Central Oregon." Ray said he's hopeful


Looking for answers on head injuries

that this legislative session, which kicks off on Mon-

day, Central Oregon Community College secures the type of bonding it needs to retire the debt on Cascades Hall, allowing OSU-Cascades to end its lease on the building and move forward with expansion plans. SeeOSU/A5

By Jesse Bogan St. Louis Post-Dispatch

ST. LOUIS — For hours on route dearance missions in southern Af-

Photos by Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

ghanistan, Sgt. Michael Ritchey crammed his short

body into a Husky, a single-seat vehicle that loosely resembles an armored

road-grader. His job was to use ground penetrating radar to detect

pressure-platebombs hidden under endless stretches of rough gravel and dirt roadways. And he did it well. In two tours, Ritchey sniffed out 27

improvised explosive devices, or IEDs — most recently sparing fellow members of Missouri's 1138th Engineer Company the kinds of explosions that account for

Bend Rock Gym has expanded and tonight will celebrate with a grand opening. Above,Bend Rock Gym route setter Ryan Bolen attaches climbing holds to the newly expanded facility's most difficult wall in anticipation of tonight's event.

from mild traumatic brain

injury — by far the most common injury suffered by troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. But like many, Ritchey, of Columbia, Mo., is impatient with an inability

to accurately diagnose his condition.

cluded in its final environmental assessment issued

Friday that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline

featured bouldering walls and a

would be unlikely to alter

couple of taller walls with self-

global greenhouse gas emissions, but officials

belay devices. The addition, which walkway, offers more climbing

Ritchey suspects he suffers

WASHINGTON — The State Department con-

existing gym, in the foreground,

Still, he couldn't stop them all. Four IEDs went tore his vehicle apart.

The Washington Post

behind the original facility. The

is connected to the original by a

off near him, three of which

By Juliet Eilperin and Steven Mufson

At right,the addition is shown

most of the war's injuries.

KeystoneXL pipeline clears hurdle

cautioned that they were

still weighing whether or not the project would meet the test of President

Barack Obama's broader climate strategy. Though the report acknowledged that tapping the Canadian oil sands for the pipeline would produce more greenhouse gases, the assessment

options for kids and novices, as well as more experienced climbers. Between the buildings is a courtyard that can be used for

also said that blocking the

outdoor birthday parties, among other activities. Offices, a weight and cardio room and yoga space are among the improvements. For a photo story and information about tonight's event, see Page B2.

project would not prevent development of those resources.


So are researchers who

are chasing discoveries that someday might offer a way to easily diagnose mild TBI, which is similar to

concussion. SeeBrain /A5

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 40, Low21 Page B6

The Bulletin

INDEX Business Calendar Classified

C7-8 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 Dear Abby 06 Obituaries B3 Community Life 01-6 Horoscope 06 S o Ff-8 Crosswords F 4 L o cal/State Bf-6 TV/Movies

B5 Cf-6 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 112,No. 32,

3e pages, 5 sections

Q We use recycled newsprint


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ImmigratiOn refOrm —President BarackObama'snewdeclaration that he's open to legalizing many immigrants short of citizenship sounds a lot like HouseSpeaker John Boehnerand other GOP leaders, an election-year compromise that numerous Republicans as well as Democrats crave. But the drive for the first overhaul in three decades still faces major resistance from manyRepublicans whoare wary that the divisive issue could derail what they see asa smooth glide path to winning November's congressional elections. And they deeply distrust the Democratic president to enforce the law. Just hours after Boehner pitched immigration to the GOP at a Maryland retreat, Obamasuddenly indicated hewould be open to legal status for many of the11 million living here illegally, dropping his once-ironclad insistence on a special path to citizenship.

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GOP diVided —House Republicans on Fridayagreedthey should "go big" in 2014,with a real legislative agenda tobring to voters in November. But athree-day issues conference ended Friday with Republicans divided overwhich initiatives to embraceandwhich to jettison, and there were noconcrete decisions onthe most pressing issuesfacing the lawmakers: how toraisethe borrowing limit ahead of apotential debt default by theendof February; an overhaul of immigration laws; a legislative alternative to theAffordable CareAct; andwhether to press forward with a rewrite of the taxcode.

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CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-383-0358.


Burrrt Marquez/The Associated press

Revelers try to catch cash envelopes and other items being given away following a dragon and lion performance Friday in celebration of Chinese New Year at Menila's Chinatown district in the Philip-

pines. This year in the Chinese Lunar calendar is the Year of the Horse.

a er. vi ence conra i s r i s ie By Angela Delli Santi

Christie, who has been seen Livingston High School with as a possible 2016 presidential Christie, supplied hundreds The Associated Press contender, could be vulnerable of pages of documents, some TRENTON, N.J. — Gov. because of the scandal. At the heavily redacted, to the legisChris Christie made inaccurate very least, it gives opponents lative committee investigating statements during a news con- something to criticize, and it at the time. He also appeared and Geoff Mulvihill

could tarnish the image he has

under subpoena on the same

near the George Washington built as a pragmatic conservaBridge, according to a letter tive who is willing to work with released Friday by a lawyer Democrats on key issues. for a former Christie loyalAt the nearly two-hour news istwho ordered the closures conference on Jan. 9, Christie's and resigned amid the ensu- statements did not necessarily ing scandal that has engulfed address when he learned of the the New Jersey governor's closings, however he flatly deadministration. nied knowing anything about The letter from David Wild- an apparently political motive stein's lawyer said evidence until months later. exists suggesting the governor When asked if he underknew about the closures as stood whypeople would have a they happened in September hard time believing "you didn't

day as Christie's Jan. 9 news conference, but refused to an-

ferenceabout the lane closures

— which, if accurate, contra-

know about this thing," he

dicts some statements Christie


made on the matter. The letter,

"I don't know what else to say except to tell them that I

though, does not detail any evidence. Attorney Alan Zegas' letter

focuses on a nearly two-hour televised news conference Christie gave on Jan. 9 where his responses to questions about what he knew about the closures and when could be open to interpretation. But at a

swer any questions about the

lane dosures. He even refused to say whether he had previously worked at the Port Authority,

though just weeks earlier, he publicly resigned from his post there.

SIjfI'l8tulkS —The first round of the Syria peacetalks ended in Geneva on Fridaywithout achieving even its most modest goal: easing the Syrian government's blockade onthe delivery of food and medicine to besieged communities. Secretary of State JohnKerry andForeign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia raisedexpectations in January at anews conference inParis that awaywould be found to open humanitarian aid corridors and possibly establish local cease-fires in Aleppoand other cities and towns. But to thedismay of the United Nations andother humanitarian organizations, even those basic steps proved elusive. TurkiSh leader —Remarks byTurkey's prime minister, RecepTayyip Erdogan,and his economic adviser, Yigit Bulut, haveadded to jitters in financial markets, which havebattered the Turkish stock market and in recent weekssent thecurrency, the lira, to historic lows. While Turkey hassuffered along with other developing nations from the "tapering" of bond purchases bythe U.S. Federal Reserveandthe threat of rising global interest rates, its problems gobeyondthat to basic questions about the stability of the governmentand its ability to grapple with theeconomy'sproblems. Ohama ill SouIII AIIhlo? —Seeking to mend afrayed relationship with a majorAmericanally in the Middle East, President Barack Obama plans to travel to SaudiArabia in Marchfor a meeting with King Abdullah, an official with knowledge ofthe planning said Friday. Obama, the official said, will seek toreassurethe king of American support after a tenseperiod in which the Saudis andother Persian Gulf allies of the UnitedStates havegrown increasingly frustrated with American policies toward IranandSyria. SiCk CruiSe paSSengerS —A cruise ship that had more than 180 passengers andcrew fall sick with an apparent stomach virus returned to a Houston-area port early due to adense fog advisory and not becausepeoplewerevomiting and had diarrhea, a Princess Cruises spokeswoman saidFriday.Butpassengerswhoseseven-day vacation was cut short, missing their last stop in Belize, questioned that version of events. Theysaid the crew announced onthe second day of the cruise that people weresick, apparently with highly contagious norovirus, and that extra precautions were being takento ensure it didn't spread. — Fromwirereports


had no knowledge of this — of the planning, the execution or

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anything about it — and that I

first found out about it after it was over." "And even then, what I was told was that it was a traffic

study," he said. In another instance, asked

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All Bulletinpaymentsareaccepted at the drop boxat City Hall. Checkpayments may be converted toanelectronic funds transfer.TheBulletin, USPS A552-520, ispublished daily byWestern CommunicationsInc.,1777 S.W.Chandler Ave., Bend,OR97702.Periodicalspostage paid atBend,OR.Postmaster: Send addresschangesto TheBulletin circulation depart ment,Po.Box6020,Bend,OR 97708.TheBulletin retainsownershipand copyright protection ofall staff-prepared news copy,advertising copyandnews or ad illustrations.Theymay not be reproduced withoutexplicit priorapproval.

Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:

4vOs2 030gOs0 Q© The estimated jackpot is now $94 million.

Asked about the traffic back- papers about the dosure, but ups, Christie noted a top leader even then I was told this was a at the Port Authority of New

traffic study."

Yorkand New Jersey, the entity On Friday night, Christie that runs the bridge, was slow appeared at a birthday party to learn of the closures so it's no for radio personality Howard surprise Christie wouldn't hear Stern, but did not take quesabout them until later. tions after introducing a per"It was certainly well after

formance by Jon Bon Jovi.

the whole thing was over before I heard about it," Christie

Christie is scheduled to attend aTimes Square eventSaturday


to hand off the Super Bowl to next year's hosts in Arizona.

The Republican governor's office said the letter's claim does not contradict Christie's statements.

He and his family are planning to watch the Super Bowl from a

luxury box on Sunday. Zegas' letter to the Port Au-

"He had absolutely no prior knowledge of the lane closures thority requests that the agenbefore they happened and cy pay Wildstein's legal bills. whatever Mr. Wildstein's moti- Wildstein was Christie's No. 2 vations were for dosing them man at the Port Authority beto begin with," Christie's office fore resigning in December. said in a statement. "As he said

in his Jan. 9 press conference, (he) had no indication that this

In the letter, Zegas said his dient "contests the accuracy of various statements that the

wise the morning of Jan.8."

governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some."

When asked directly about what Christie said on Dec. 13,

At his Jan. 9 news conference, Christie said Wildstein

was anything other than a traffic study until he read other-

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over four mornings. New Jersey legislators are investigating whether Christie aides engineered the lane the evidence is and is unclear closuresto send a message to about whether Wildstein is the town's Democratic mayor. suggesting he has material Twenty subpoenas for docu- that has not been made public ments and correspondence previously or whether he is rerelated to the lane closings are


The Associated Press.

Wildstein, who attended

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The unannounced lane dosures caused massive grid- time, a long time." "I could probably count on lock in Fort Lee in September, delaying emergency vehides one hand the number of conand school buses and tying versations I've had with David

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, Feb.1, the 32nd day of 2014. Thereare 333 days left in the year.


an's amnesiaCourt filing demands doser

HAPPENINGS Ukraine — Secretaryof State John Kerry will meet with Ukrainian opposition leaders at a security conference in Germany. A6

HISTORY Highlight:In1960, four black college students began a sit-in protest at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, N.C., where they'd beenrefused service. In1790, the U.S.Supreme Court convened for the first time in NewYork. (However, since only three of the six justices were present, the court recessed until the next day.) In1861, Texasvoted to leave the Union at aSecession Convention in Austin. In1893, the opera"Manon Lescaut," by GiacomoPuccini, premiered in Turin, Italy. In1896, Puccini's opera "La Boheme" premiered in Turin. In1922, in one of Hollywood's most enduring mysteries, movie director William Desmond Taylor was shot to death in his Los Angeles home;the killing has never beensolved. In1942, the Voice of America broadcast its first program to Europe, relaying it through the facilities of the British Broadcasting Corp. in London. In1943, one of America's most highly decorated military units, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team,made upalmost exclusively of Japanese-Americans, was authorized. In1946, Norwegian statesman Trygve Lie waschosen to be the first secretary-general of the United Nations. In1968,during the Vietnam War, South Vietnam's police chief (Nguyen NgocLoan) executed a Viet Congofficer with a pistol shot to the head. Richard M. Nixon announcedhisbid for the Republican presidential nomination. In1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini received atumultuous welcome inTehran ashe ended nearly15 years of exile. In1994,Jeff Gillooly, Tonya Harding's ex-husband, pleaded guilty in Portland to racketeering for his part in the attack on figure skater NancyKerrigan in exchange for a24-month sentence (heended up serving six) and a $100,000 fine. In 2003, the spaceshuttle Columbia broke upduring re-entry, killing all seven of its crew members. Ten years ngo: A stampede during the annual Muslim pilgrimage in Mina, Saudi Arabia, killed at least 251 worshippers. Twin suicide bombers killed 109 people at two Kurdish party offices in Irbil, Iraq. The New England Patriots won their second SuperBowl in three seasons with a 32-29 victory over the Carolina Panthers; during the halftime show, Janet Jackson's breast became exposedbecause ofa "wardrobe malfunction" that prompted a $550,000 FCC fine against CBS. (Thefine was later thrown out by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — twice.) Five years ngo: ThePittsburgh Steelers defeated the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 to win Super Bowl XLIII. One year ngo: A suicide bomber struck the American Embassy in Ankara, killing a Turkish security guard. Hillary Rodham Clinton formally resigned asAmerica's 67th secretary of state, capping a four-year tenure that sawher shatter records for the number of countries visited. The Dow Jones industrial average closed at14,009.79, abovethe 14,000 mark for the first time in more than five years.

BIRTHDAYS Singer Don Everly is 77. Jazz musician Joe Sample is 75. Comedian Terry Jones is 72. Princess Stephanie of Monaco is 49. Lisa Marie Presley is 46. Comedian-actor Pauly Shore is 46. Actor Michael C.Hall is 43. — From wire reports

ives insi in o e rain A patient who spent decades in "permanent present tense," with no ability to make new memories, spent much of his life as a research


look at possible life on Mars

By Deborah Netburn Los Angeles Times

The saga of the jelly doughnut-shaped rock on Mars has taken a strange turn — to a federal court. Rhawn Joseph, who describes himself as a neuroscientist and astrobiologist, filed court papers this week demanding that


NASA do more to investigate the mysterious rock. NASA via The Associated Press " NASA's r o ve r t e a m A composite image from the Opportunity rover on Mars shows, at inexplicably failed to per- left, a patch of ground Dec. 26. At right is the same area on Jan. form the basic demands of 8 showing a rock shaped like a jelly doughnut that had not been science, which is research, there before.

look again," he wrote in a By Melissn Healy Los Angeles Times

If you know that a small

surgery at McGill University's Montreal Neurological Institute. "That's reassuring,"

seahorse-shaped s t ructure said Milner, who was the first deep in the brain — the hippo- researcher to study H.M. She campus — is crucial to com- was not involved with the latmitting new facts and skills est effort. to memory,you have not only Echoing Annese, Milner your hippocampus to thank; said it was possible that the you also owe a debt of grati- bits of hippocampus left betude to Henry Gustav Molai- hind by Scoville may have son, known to brain scientists helped H.M. develop vague worldwide as the amnesic pa- post-surgery memories of peotient "H.M." A new study shows that in

ple and events he had seen re-

peatedly on television, includdeath as in life, the man who ing the 1968 moon landing, lived 55 years virtually unable the assassination of John F. to form new memories deep- Kennedy and the singer Liza ened our understanding of Minnelli. what it takes to make them.

Corkin, however, expressed

More specifically, it clearly shows that after surgery to remove H.M.'s hippocampus and surrounding tissue as a treatment for epilepsy in 1953,

doubt that the remnants of hippocampus were functional afterthesurgery.Having been robbed of incoming signals by the removal of the adjoin-

portions of the structure re-

ing entorhinal cortex, the ob-

mained in both hemispheres served remains appeared to of his brain. have atrophied. Until recently — when their

petition for a writ of man-

damus filed this week with

it into a location where we can

the U.S. District Court in San Francisco. "The refus-

magnesium. But most puzzling is that it just showed up, seemingal to release high resolu- ly out of nowhere. The rock tion photos is inexplicable, appearedin an image taken recklessly negligent and 12 days after one made at the bizarre." s ame location that di d n ot He asks the judge to show such a rock. order NASA to c losely Steven Squyres, the principhotograph the rock from pal investigator for the Mars several angles, thorough- Exploration Rover Mission, ly examine it, and share s aid he d oesn't t h in k t h e rock's appearance is espethat information with the public. cially exotic. He and his team The rock is mysterious h ave theorized that it m a y for afew reasons. Ithas a have been dislodged when depressed, bright red cen- Opportunity made what he

see it," he said at a news brief-

ter and a w h ite exterior

c alled a

p i r ouette just u p

(hence the comparisons to the hill from where the rock a jelly doughnut). More im- showed up. "It drove in such a fashion portant, scientists working with the Opportunity rov- that it would drag the right er have acknowledged that

front wheel kind of chatter-

its chemical composition is ing across the ground, and we unlike anything else they think that in that process, it have seen on Mars — lots kind of tiddlywinked the rock of sulfur, manganese, and out ofthe ground and moved

ing last week. B ut Joseph has his ow n theories. In the court papers,

he suggests that the rock may not be a rock at all, but rather a fungus-like organism. If so, that would mean Opportunity has discovered life on Mars. In a Jan. 17post on the web-

site Cosmology: Journal for the Advancement of Theoretical Science, Joseph makes the case that the formation is

"a fully grown bowl-shaped organism resembling Apothecia," which are "a mixture of fungus and cyanobacteria." Joseph is the author of sev-

eral books, including "Biological UFOs: Evidence for extraterrestrial extremophiles and

life in space" (2012) and "Astrobiology: The Origin of Life and the Death of Darwinism"


More likely, said Corkin,

presence was detected by other parts of H.M.'s brain that magnetic resonance imaging were untouched by the sur— no remnants were thought gery, including his entire cereto have existed. H.M.'s surgi- bral cortex, may have afforded cal lesions, along with his pro- him some semblance of recall found memory impairment af- despite his profound amnesia. ter the surgery, have been crucial in characterizing the role

Scanning H.M.'s brain

of the hippocampus and its surrounding structures as key

2008, the famous amnesi-

to the consolidation and stor-

age of "declarative memory," or memory that is consciously learned and retrieved.

Understandinmemory g H.M.'s lifetime as a research

After Molaison's death in ac's brain was removed and bathed in formalin. After two

months, it was soaked in sucroseand glycerolto prevent shrinkage, wrapped in cotton, and transported to Annese's lab in San Diego. There, it was encased in gelatin and frozen. In a continuous 53-hour pro-

subject helped refine neuroscientists' understanding of memory as a complex and cedure that was tweeted and multilayered p h enomenon webcast from Annese's lab, served by many regions of the H.M.'s brain was surgically brain.

sliced into 2,401 cross-sections

After he had the surgery stretching from front to rear. at age 27, Molaison's lan- The slices were photographed guage and perceptual skills and digitized, resulting in the remained intact; he could re- creation of a high-resolution, member general aspectsthree-dimensional model that though not specific events-

will let future researchers con-

of hislife before the surgery, and could learn new motor and mechanical skills. But he was almost completely unable to retain mem-

duct a "virtual dissection" of the organ, which was made

ories ofevents that occurred,


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famous by a 1957 article that is

among the most cited in all of medical literature. Annese said he had met

or people he met, after the sur- the famous patient just once. gery. And despite the fact that Molaison was 80 and, having he could improve a new skill suffered several strokes, was when trained to do so, he was no longer able to carry on a incapable of recalling that he conversation. Annese said he had ever been taught that skill. Until his death at 82, Molaison lived in a state of "permanent present tense" — the

title of a book on his life and

would ask the patient, if he

could, whether he understood how much he had helped to advance neuroscience. And, he said, he would ask if he

contributions to brain science was pleased with A n nese's written b y Mas s achusetts work.

Institute of Technology neu-

Corkin, who studied H.M.

roscientist Suzanne Corkin, for 46 years, will chair a panel a co-author of t h e c u rrent to oversee future research on


his brain, using the three-di-

The remnants of H.M.'s hip-

mensional slides. Corkin said

pocampus and some of the the new images will help resurrounding tissue unexpect- searchers explore, among edly spared by Dr. William other mysteries, the neurologBeecher Scoville can now be ical basis for different kinds seen and studied in high-res- of memory — including those olution, t h re e

d i m ensional that shape our identities, allow

images of H.M.'s entire brain, us to learn new skills, interwhich has resided since 2008 act socially and plan for the at a neuroanatomy laboratory


at the University of California, San Diego.

flow from this in the future,"

"A lot of rich science will

The new images, created she said. The current paper's and analyzedby a team led message, she added, is to "stay by neuroanatomist Jacopo tuned for the hard-core sciAnnese, were released Tues-

day and published in the jour-

ence to follow."

The slides may also shed light on epilepsy — erratic They will now become avail- and often disabling electrical able to neuroscientists. storms in the brain. Though The early findings from the disease is largely treated that effort are notable for their with medications, unresponconsistency with p r evious sive cases are sometimes imaging studies, said Brenda treated with modern-day verMilner,professor of neuro- sions of Scoville's surgery. nal Nature Communications.

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Continued from A1

Edmonton Hardisty

The report "is not a decision document,"said Ker-


ri-Ann Jones, assistant secretary of state for oceans and international environmental

and scientific affairs. 'This document is only one factor that will be coming into

Photos by Gretchen Ertl/New YorkTimes News Service

Norman Smith, who runs the Snowy Owi Project for Mass Audubon, releases a female snowy owl Jan. 21 on a beach in Duxbury, Mass. Snowy owls are popping up far from their usual habitat near the

Arctic Circle as the birds migrate to unusually warmer climates this year.

The State Department will


open a30-day comment period on Feb. 5, and the agencies will have 90 days to weigh in. After a decision is issued, other agencies have 15 days to object.

Keystone pipeline

' p oposeil:~~~ Keystone XL ~- + Expansion Sand Hills»

u . s. i~


Oea lala Aauifer~

If one does, the president must


decide whether or not to issue

g—~ i Gushin

St i iy~

the permit.

"It is hard to imagine how the president could justify re-

Houston ~'y ~ Po r t

soo the review process for this 0MILES NtEX; M Art h ur permit" sought by TransThe Washington Post Canada, an energy giant based in Calgary, Alberta. The $5.4 billion pipeline, crude from Canada into Monwhich would t r ansport tana and run to the small town heavy crude from Canadi- of Steele City, Neb. "We're very pleased with the an oil sands in Alberta into the heart of the U.S. pipeline release and about being able network, has become the fo- to move to this next stage of cus of intense controversy. the process," said Russ Girling, Foes say it will contribute chief executive of TransCanato climate change; support- da. "The case for the Keystone ers say it will secure U.S. XL, in our view, is as strong as oil supplies from a friendly ever." neighbor and create U.S. He said it would take about construction jobs. two years to construct the

j ection without t urning t h e United States into a p oster

child for what the energy industry terms 'above-ground' risk," said Robert McNally, president of the Rapidan Group consulting firm. "I don't see how logically the president can reject it." The EPA has questioned whether the State Department

has given sufficient weight to the project's negative envi-

ronmental impact. The final environmental impact statement notes that bitumen, the

substance that is extracted in

northern leg, but he cautioned

A climate decision

that summer is best for con-

Canada and diluted in order to be transportedto U.S. refiner-

The r e lease o f the long-awaited Final Environmental Impact Statement

struction and that a longpermit processcould further delay the

ies, is more difficult to dean up than lighter crude if it spills.

ing the confidence of a top predator whose bright yellow eyes suggested she

project. is certain to trigger an avaJones, the State Department lanche of lobbying aimed at official, said that the report Secretary ofStateJohn Ker- does not answer the question of ry, who has made climate how this pipeline decision fits change a central focus ofhis into the "broader national and career and will now begin international efforts to address preparing a decision. climatechange,orotherquesObama said in June that tions of foreignpolicyorenergy he would sign off on the security." proposal only if it "does not She added that the study significantly exacerbate the relied on assumptions about climate problem." pipeline capacity, oil prices and The decis ion remains po- transportation and d eveloplitically fraught for Demo- ment costs that were "uncercrats. Environmental activ- tain and changeable." ists fiercely oppose it, arguOil industry officials weling the pipeline could leak, comed the fact that the depart-

might be sizing you up as a weaker combatant — or perhaps a large snack.

would accelerate develop- ment had affirmed the idea that ment of t h e g r eenhouse the pipeline decision did not

n uxo sno


ri san By JohnSchwartz eNew York Times News Service

DUXBURY, Mass. — The snowy owl seemed almost complacent, show-

She had been where no bird should safely be — Logan International Airport in Boston — and now, regal and imposing even in brief captivity, she represented the latest of her kind to arrive in a remarkable and growing winter's wandering to the Lower 48. Not only is the Boston area seeingthe largestnumber of snowy owls ever recorded, they are popping up in ter-

for?" The State Department's wW

one made headlines for be-

ing struck by a bus), in Little Rock, A r k. , a n d n o r t hern Florida — even in Bermuda.

"This year's been bizarre,"

said Dan Haas, a birder in Maryland. "The numbers

A female snowy owi is prepared for release on abeach in Duxbury, have been unprecedented. Mass. Climate change is considered a possible cause for the birds' Historic."

presence so far from their normal habitat.

No one is sure why so many snowies are showing up in so many places — whether out of the car, Pourchot told large population is the result it can be attributed to more her husband, "Babe, I think of a bonanza of lemmings food in their Arctic habitats we have a snowy owl here!" and other small rodents that "You're kidding," he re- snowy owls feed on, perhaps than usual, or climate change at the top of the world. "Think plied, but acknowledged that, a consequence of the milder about the canary in the coal while they might have been Arctic weather. That led to mine," said Henry Tepper, the looking for the avian equiva- larger population of hatchpresident of Mass Audubon, lent of a zebra, they had hap- lings that must spread farther "you think about the snowy pened on a unicorn. and farther out to find territoowl in the Arctic." On Dec. 27, she posted her ry of their own. The big birds known as report to ebird, an online Bubo scandiacus reach a tracking system created by Habitat disruption height of 20 to 27 inches and Cornell University's departThe lemming hypothesis have a wingspan of 54 to 66 ment of ornithology and the does not satisfy Kevin Mcinches. They can live more National Audubon Society. Gowan, an ornithologist at than 30 years in c aptivity, The next day, members of the Cornell. He noted that tiny and have feathers that can local Audubon chapter were t ransmitters placed on t h e range from mottled brown doing their annual Christ- owls had shown that some and white to pure white. They mas bird count when word of the birds do a surprising have their own movie starspread, said Kevin Dailey, thing in w i nter: Instead of Harry Potter's Hedwig — and the leader of one team. The flying to the more temperate Internet meme, the image of news was so exciting that south, they fly farther north a snowy asking the imperti- volunteers left their assigned and scout the Arctic ice pack nent question "0 RLY?" as in zones in search of the rare for pools of open water popu"Oh, really?" bird. "That's kind of heresy to lated by sea ducks and other "It's such a charismatic leave your count circle area," waterfowl. bird," said David Sibley, the he said. Climate change, which has author and illustrator of a sebeen thawing Arctic ice so W here theyshouldn'tbe ries of birding guides. actively that new shipping Some people are less hap- routes are opening in the far Rare sightings py to encounter snowy owls north, could have disrupted Sighting one, especially in — particularly, the managers the habitat, McGowan specuan unexpected place, can be of airports that the birds are lated. "That has to be one of thrilling for birders. George- drawn to. With w i d e open the most vulnerable ecosysta Pourchot was apparently spaces and short grass, "the tems on the planet. That's gothe first person to identify airports, to them, look more ing to be one of the first places the Florida owl. She and her like the Arctic tundra than that falls apart when there is husband, Eric, were driving anything else," said Nor- warming in the atmosphere," in late December from their m an Smith, who r u n s t h e he said. This may have driven home in Virginia through Snowy Owl Project for Mass more of them south instead Florida on t heir C h ristmas

vacation when she suggested that they pull off at Little Talbot Island, near Jacksonville,

O b ama a n d

Kerry. "If they can't get it done, what am I hoping

the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and in Washington (where

Audubon. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey took heated criticism in D ecem-

of north. A big shift in bird

movement one year might just be a freak event, he said,

or potentially "it's the beginning of a pattern."

to look for unusual birds: snow buntings, she thought, or a long-billed curlew. Pourchot said a s b i r ders, she and her husband were "just beginners." They scanned two beaches without seeing anything interesting. They encountered a park ranger, who suggested

ber when it shot three snowy owls. Since then,the authority has tried trapping the birds, with limited success, and harassing them away from the airport by shooting off fireworks, said Ron MarO rnithologists and b i r d

his snowy owl illustrations to raise money for research,

that they look a little farther: "When you get to the other side of that 'Do Not Enter'

watchers are not sure why the

said that while it was good

sign, there's a good view over In decades of study, Smith

of attention could extend to


less flashy birds, like the red cockaded woodpecker or the

s ico, a spokesman for t h e Port Authority.

Whatever the reason for

their abundance, the snowy visitors have brought attention beyond the usual core

group of birders, said Sibley, the guide author. Sibley, who

So they drove past the sign know very little about this and parked. And as she got bird." He suggests that the

more than the heavy crude it would likely replace at gulf coast refineries.

The report also said that a variety of rail transportation

options would result in 28 percent to 42 percent more emissions than the pipeline. State

has cite d railasa reason why blocking the pipeline would not slow oil sands development,

although a spate of oil train derailments — including a de-

tional interest."

Addedjobs The report estimated the

T he

a d m inistration h a s

some flexibility on t iming; the State Department could issue a decision either before

project would generate about the end of the 105-day agen1,950 annual construction jobs cy comment period or long in Montana, South Dakota, Ne-

report includes 11 volumes braska and Kansas over a twoof analysis on how the pro- yearperiod and contribute apposed pipeline would affect proximately $3.4 billion to the heavy-crude e x t raction U.S. gross domestic product. It in Canada's oil sands and would generate about 50 jobs reaches the same conclu- once in operation. sion as its draft report did In an interview this week, in March: No single infra- AFL-CIO President Richard structure project will alter Trumka said members of his the course of oil develop- labor federation back the projment in Alberta. ect. "We think that anything The report said that "the that's going to create jobs, help proposed Project is unlike- the country and do it in an ly to significantly affect environmentally sound way the rate of extraction in oil ought to be done," he said. sands areas (based on exThe high-profile decision pected oil prices, oil-sands now enters a new phase, in supply costs, t ransport w hich Kerry and his deputies costs, and supply-demand will field public comments and scenarios)." internal feedback from eight Last week, TransCanada agencies, including the Envibegan shipping oil through ronmental Protection Agency. the southern leg of the Keystone pipeline, which runs from Cushing, Okla., to


"Secretary Kerry is just really beginning his involvement in this process," Jones said. "There is no timeline for his

deliberations." Environmental groups are organizing a "Day of Action" on Tuesday during which they plan to flood Kerry's office withphone calls and emails. "To some extent, Secretary Kerry has gotten a pass to date," said Tiernan Sittenfeld,

the League of Conservation Voters' senior vice president for

government affairs. "Now that changes. This is really a pivot point, and this is a real opportunity for him to live up to the climate record he has established through his very accomplished career."

Port Arthur, Texas. But the

company is still waiting for a State Department permit for the 1,179-mile northern

leg that would carry heavy

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has releaseda print of one of

birdshave come so farand in to see such excitement, "it such great numbers this year. would be great if that kind said, "what I've learned is we

crude used in the United States but only 2 percent to 10 percent

have a major climate impact. railment Friday in southeast "Time and time again, State Mississippi — have highlighted America's dependence on reaches the same conclusion the dangers of that alternative. fossil fuels. despite the unprecedented and When asked Friday whethWendy Abrams, founder thorough environmental re- er the president will directly of the Chicago-based non- view," said Cindy Schild, the weigh in on the decision, Jay profit group Cool Globes American Petroleum Institute's Carney, the White House press and a m ajor Democratic seniormanager for oil sands secretary, said, "At this point, campaign contributor, said policy. She said that "it is hard the process is now at the State she felt a "gut-wrenching to figure out how they could Department, and we're going pain for my kids" when she conclude that it is not in the na- to let that run its course." s upport for


more greenhouse gas emissions than the averagebarrel of

Alberta and would increase

m ade her question herpast


sands results in 17 percent

gas-intensive oil sands in

read the report. She said it

ritory far f r o m t h eir u sual habitat near the Arctic Circle. Ecstatic bird watchers have spotted them perched atop

The report condudes that

crude extracted from the oil

Henslow's sparrow."

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Texas' move to giveexperts priority likely to havea nationwide effect By Will Weisserl

students to learn about the

The Associated Press

Christian values of America's

A USTIN, Texas — T h e founding fathers and evaluate Texas Board of E ducation whether the United Nations

imposed tighter rules Friday on the citizen review panels that scrutinize proposed text-

Robert Cohen / St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Dan Golby, e karate instructor with mild traumatic brain injury, has a brain MRI in January at St. Louis

University Hospital. Golby, a civilian, is part of a study by researchers looking into TBI in wer veterans. The study is broken into three groups, veterans, injured civilians and a control group.

Brain Continued from A1 An estimated 20 percent of more than 2 million people who deployed since 2001 were exposed to the injury. s

Those who sustained a con-

cussive blast had headaches and struggled with awareness. A few blackedout.Many recovered from the injury with rest. Others didn't and were

kept in the fight despite being near multiple blasts in short time periods. Officials and advocatessay countless troops haven't been diagnosed.

Hardto scanfor New policies are in place to screen for TBI in the battlefield,

J.B. Forbes / St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Army Sgt. Michael O'Callaghan, 39, talks daily via Skype with his wife and children in St. Louis while serving with the Missouri Na-

tional Guard's1138th Engineering Company in Afghanistan.

but it's still a difficult area. Concussions don't show up on traditional CT or MRI scans

in Silver Spring, Md., which was created by the govern-

the way a broken leg or cancer will. Instead, doctors rely on analyzing symptoms and cognitive testing. Ritchey said those techniques were used at a veterans hospital screening to dear him of a diagnosis of mild TBI. During the four-hour exam,

ment after the first Gulf War,

stressed the importance of detection. Without it, soldiers

As part of a $5.3 million grant, researchers at St. Louis

University are working on a study of brain scans and cognitive testing in dozens of vet-

erans with blast-induced mild field. Then, as veterans, life can TBI and civilians with mild perform worse on the battle-

be different for them and their

TBI, as well as healthy controls

families. "The natural trajectory is

for comparison. So far researchers have

that you get better," Helmick found that the civilians tended said of mild TBI. "It becomes to recover a few weeks after

he was told 25 words and asked more complex if you don't get sufferinga concussion. Veterto recite as many as he could this detected early." ans described more persistent from memory; he remembered Though there is a focus on symptoms, such as memory about six. He was shown a pic- the wars, 80 percent of mili- loss, ability to concentrate and ture, then asked to draw it by tary TBI diagnoses occurred regulate emotions. memory, then asked to draw in non-deployment settings, for A newwayto scan it again. He did fine. A senior instance in training. architecture studies student at Scores ofservice members R esearchers b elieve t h e Mizzou, he teaches 3D design were never screened prior to symptoms may bebacked up on the side. the new policies and may be on screen with so-called diffu"It's not realistic," he said of living with TBI. sion tensor imaging, a function "I am sure the numbers are on a standard MRI machine the testing. "They sit me in a quiet room with one person underreported," Helmick said. that hones in on neural pathand that's all I have to focus on. ways in brain white matter. Doctors are less aware You let my 2-year-old in that Researchers say the imaging room and I don't know what's Trying to catch up on diag- could pickup on minuscule disgoing on." noses poses enormous chal- ruptions in nerve track fibers In real life, he relies on lists lenge, said Jason Hansman, that might indicate mild-TBI in to get by. Multi-tasking isn't an program manager for health veterans, even several years afoption. He's been diagnosed programs at the nonprofit Iraq ter suffering ablast. "The diffusor tensor imagwith post-traumatic stress dis- and Afghanistan Veterans of order, but he said weekly coun- America. Half of the veteran ing has the potential to help us seling sessions aren't helping population relies on civilian understand why injured memhis memory loss. He's ask- hospitals that haven't seen the bers of the military are reporting the VA to do another TBI volume and variety of blast-in- ing these issues," neuropsyevaluation. duced TBI as the Veterans Af- chologist R Tyler Roskos wrote "I have been to the store fairs medical system. And the in a recent statement about a three times in the same day VA does better in some areas small preliminary study of the and never got what I went for," than others. material. "It also may help ser"If you are lucky enough to vice members feel justified that he said. "How do you explain that'?e

be near a polytrauma center,

you are good to go," Hansman A range ofbrain trauma said. "If you are not, your stanWhen the warin Afghan- dard of care is not as high." istan broke out in 2001, the Chrisanne Gordon, a physimilitary was concerned about cian in Ohio, said only 10 pergetting troops home alive. cent ofhealth care providers And it did a much better job in the country are familiar and compared to previous wars be- actively treat mild TBI. Many cause ofadvances in armor, air who display symptoms don't evacuation and treatment for seek treatment anywhere. " Thirteen years i nt o t h e trauma. With that, more people

the 'invisible injuries' they ex-

wars, we ought to know a little

nosed with TBI. Most of the cases were mild. But it wasn't until 2008 that

civilian health care systems so there will be better solutions

for hundreds of thousands of

TBI diagnoses jumped sig-

veterans who suffer brain traunificantly. About that t i m e, ma, many without diagnosis.

the Department of Defense Gordon is particularly imstarted doing post-deployment passioned about the issue. A screenings for it. Then in 2010, former TBI screener for the there was a theaterwide pol- VA, she was questioned over icy change on reporting con- her high diagnosis numbers. cussions in the battlefield. The Also, she personally recovered policy used to be voluntary. from TBI after falling into a Raise your hand if you have a wall one Christmas while putheadache. ting up decorations. She said Now, there are mandato- it took more than a year to feel ry evaluations for all service steady again. Her memory was members who are exposed to never the same. within 50 meters of a blastYet her brain scan at the time from an IED, mortar or RPG. of injury came back normal. "That's why I am so passionDepending on the results, they can be pulled out of duty for ate about this," she said, adding: "The brain totally affects rest. Three concussions in a 12-month period are supposed ability to function in our fastto result in a comprehensive paced society." evaluation. The U.S. government has Katherine Helmick, depu- spent millions of dollars tryty director of the Defense and ing to develop objective testing Veterans Brain Injury Center methods to diagnose mild TBI.


Airporl timeline

Continued from A1 "I didn't know Keith be-

fore he called me but I've been thoroughly impressed by his approach," said Cris Jensen,directorofM issoula International A i r port.

"He's a smart man to approach it this way. There are always people willing to help you if you just ask." Witcosky's been working with Nobles, Jensen and Darren Griffin, general manager for Portland I nternational A i rport, a s

well as Mike Boggs, a retired aviation consultant who now lives in Central

Oregon. "Talking to Mike is like talking to Yoda," Witcosky said. "I didn't know anything about airports before and these guys have so m uch knowledge. We'llbe well-served by using them as a resource." The city's last attempt at recruiting a n

a i r port

perience are real." Researchers cautioned that final results could be incon-

of longtime director Carrie Novick in 2011. Two rounds

clusive or different from what they have presently. Complicating matters, many of the 75 veterans who participated in

of r ecruitment y ielded nothing but a rejected offer

the study have PTSD and de-

before interviews. A year

and others could contribute to

their symptoms. erwise would have killed them. more," Gordon said. Though researchers say A common side effect is TBI. Gordon helped create the they are a long way off, they There are four kinds of TBI Resurrecting Lives Founda- hope that more sensitive brain — mild,moderate, severe and tion, a group that advocates scans can show how blasts penetrati ng. Since 2000, near- for better cooperation between affect veterans long term. Vetly 300,000 active-duty military the Veterans Administration, erans have a tougher puzzle to personnel have been diag- Department of Defense and put together compared to civilare living from blasts that oth-

books, potentially softening thatteachers or professors be fights over evolution, religiven priority for serving on gion's role in U.S. history and the textbook review panels other ideological matters that for subjects in their areas of have long seeped into what expertise. They also enable students learn in school. the board to appoint outside Tension over the issue has experts to check objections been building for years in the raised by review panels and country's second most popu- ensure they are based on fact, lous state, where the textbook not ideology. "It won't eliminate politics, market is so large that changes can affect the industry but it will make it where it's a nationwide. Critics complain more informed process," said that a few activists with reli- Thomas Ratliff, a Republican gious or political objections board member who pushed h ave too much p ower t o for the changes, which he shape what the state's more said "force us to find qualithan 5 million public school fied people, leave them alone, students are taught. and let them do their jobs." The 15-member education The new rules were unaniboard approves textbooks mously approved. for school districts to use, An o utspoken conserbut objections raised by re- vative on the board, David viewers can influence its de- Bradley, said he did his best cisions. The volunteer review to insert language mitigatpanels are often dominated ing what was approved. But by socialconservatives who he said "liberals are really want more skepticism about trying to make it difficult for evolution included in science Christians and conservatextbooks, arguing that a tives to have a voice in public higher power helped create education." "Certainly there are some the universe. The board also had long members that were unhapbeen controlled by social py with some of the experts conservati ves before elec- that we've had in the past tion defeats weakened their and certain reviewers," said voting bloc in recent yearsBradley, a Republican from but not before its culture war Beaumont. "Maybe it's embarrassing clashes drew national headlines. Those members pushed when citizens step forth and for deemphasizing climate show some of the blatant inchange in science classes, accuracies in our American and requiring social studies history, references to our

manager was a rocky one, prompted by the retirement

pression. Some wrestle with substance abuse. Those factors

undermined U.S. sovereignty. Among the changes approved Friday was a mandate

Jan. 2011: RedmondAirport Director Carrie Novick announces her retirement after 21 years, effective the following June. May 2011: Selected finalist for the position declines an offer. June 2011: City launches a newsearch, Novickagrees to stay on. Aug. 2011: Twofinalists pull out of consideratIon. Sept. 2011: City hires a consulting firm to conduct another search. Nev. 2011: Kim Dickie, who had applied during the earlIer searches, accepts position. Sept. 2013: CIty Manager Keith Witcosky announces leadership changes asBob Nobles is brought in as interim airport manager. Dickie is transferred to a newly created position, interim deputy airport manager. Dec. 2013: A newsearch for airport director begins.

founding fathers, our Christian heritage, truly errors. But to try and silence them with intimidation, I think, is wrong and that's what this is all about," he said.

Other changes require proposed books to be reviewed by at least two panel mem-

bers, so that a single volunteer can't raise objections. The new rules also require

panelists to submit majority and minority reports about proposed material, and re-

strict board members' contact with reviewers to avoid unfair influence.

A more ambitious plan that would have allowed the education board to remove

panelists for inappropriate behavior failed 9-6 earlier in the week.

Friday's changes will take effect before the board tack-

les the potentially thorny adoption of new social studies textbooks later this year. The

boardcan force publishersto edit the content of textbooks for such classes, sometimes

based on review panel suggestions, because Texas has such a large market for the

books, and those revisions can make it into textbooks sold around the country.

Ratliff refused to predict whether the changes would help avoid the raucous board

debates of the past. But he said the education board has come a long way. "This board is more cohesive and more policy-driven than I believe we've been in a

long time," he said. "Which is not good for headlines but it's good for public education."

The application deadline is Feb. 14 and all involved express optimism that this time

the recruitment outcome will be a good one. "It's a challenge for smaller airports to attract seasoned veterans but there's been a

pay bump for this position so it should attract more people," Jensen said. "And you have the plus that many people want to l ive i n

C entral

Oregon." Dickie's salary was $103,824, the maximum set by the city at that time. The current salary cap for the position

is $125,000. Noble agreed, pointing out that the limited number

of qualified individuals is balanced out by the attractiveness of th e

r egion and

Redmond's facility. As for the unusual team approach to the recruitment, Noble said it's not

what he is used to but it seems to be the right approach for Redmond.

"I have high praise for Keith for thinking out of the box on this one," he said. "I've been

getting a lot of calls." That seasoned veteran mentioned by Jensen is what Wit-

cosky is shooting for, "someone who won't need training

and two finalists who with-

ie, who was demoted and has wheels and will be able to do since resigned her position. any job in the airport if some-

drew their a pplications

Consulting with the Redmond

one doesn't show up for work,"

Airport Commissioner and the he said. He's grateful for the after Novick announced team of experts, a description help from the team of experts, her retirement, Kim Dickie, for the ideal candidate was who will also serve on a panel an Air Force reservist with created that includes at least for reviewing applications. "With this network we're nearly 20 years of man- eight years of airport experiagement at San Francisco ence with a minimum of two at using we'll know who is out International Airport, was the director or deputy director there, ready. They're out there. hired. level. Attributes such as partic- We're not trying to catch lightIn October 2013 W itipatory leadership, persuasive ning in a bottle," Witcosky cosky made the decision to communicatorand entrepre- satd. bring in an interim airport neurial attitude are high on the — Reporter: 541-548-2186, director to replace Dick- list of desired traits. Ipugmire@bendbuiietirLcom

ians because vets often sustain

multiple head injuries as well as the psychological trauma of warfare itself.

Washington Uni v ersity School of Medicine has caught


attention with its TBI research,

Continued from A1

including the use of diffusion tensor imaging technology. David Brody, an associate

Ray noted that historically

both the governor and lawmakers have been supportive

largest enrollment of any Or- drones. The unmanned airegon university, with more craftwillbe used for search than 25,000 students attend- and rescue, monitoring crops ing classes in Corvallis; 3,800 and marine and coast reworking on degrees online, search and work with partand another 1,000 in Bend.

ners in Bend and the Warm

volatile Helmand P r ovince,

nounced that Oregon State University has met its $1 billion fundraising goal several months before its deadline.

He highlighted student Springs Indian Reservation. achievements, noting that And, he highlighted in his last year, the average high address"changing thefaceof school GPA of incoming stu- Central Oregon by expanddents was 3.57. More than 40 ing OSU-Cascades to a full percent had GPAs of 3.75, he four-year branch campus of sard. Oregon State University." Funding for research, Ray He praised Vice President told the crowd of alumni and Becky Johnson's leadership civic and business leaders, skills and said the project is was $263 million in 2013, a partnership with the "coman amount that topped all munity, donors, the governor other Oregon universities and the legislature," and he said "it will serve the only combined. He also noted the Feder- region in Oregon without a al Aviation Administration four-year university." picked OSU to operate one of — Reporter: 541-554-1162,

and in nearby Kandahar.

He said OSU now has the

six national sites for testing

professorof neurology there,

of the university's efforts to

saidresearchers justclosed enrollment on a study of 178 mili-

expand. In a decade, he envisions

tary personnel. "The goal was to use ad-

the OSU-Cascades campus

vanced MRI scans to differ-

entially assess both blast and

timates of 3,000 to 5,000 new students by 2025 turn out to

non-blast related concussive military TBI," Brody wrote in

be a low estimate. He hopes it's closer to 8,000

an email.

or 10,000.

He said another Washington

University study also recently closed involving the brain scans of injured service members at Camp Leatherneck, a Marine base in Afghanistan's

as thriving and hopes the es-

"The upside is enormous," he said. At his address, Ray an-






Military censuresprotesters for occupyingbuildings

Axolotl (mole salamander) populations havealmost disappeared in the wild due to the reduction of their only known habitat, Mexico City's few remaining lakes. "WATER MONSTER" I I • Larvae:fail to undergo Gulf of metamorphosis (neoteny), so >• Mexico adults remain aquatic and gilled ME ICO • Carnivorous:Worms, insects, small fish; locates food by smell; Mexico snaps at any potential meal, sucking 200 km it in with vacuum force 200 miles • Lifespan:10-15 years Length 6-18 in.

By Andrew E. Kramer

died during battles with the

New York Times News Service

state agencies and local gov- ernment, including the resigernments from fulfilling their nation of the prime minister, KIEV, U k r aine — T h e obligations and that any esca- were not going well. U krainian M i nistry o f D e - lation in the conflict"threatens On Friday, Yanukovych fense, after months of neutral- the territorial integrity of the signed a bill into law that ity in the country's civil unrest, state." grants amnesty to protesters published a statement Friday In another sign of a pos- who leave the government that censured anti-government sible role for the military in buildings they have occupied. demonstrators for occupying suppressing the civil uprising He also signed legislation republic buildings and raised here, a former defense minis- pealing an earlier package of the specter of military inter- ter, Anatoly Hrytsenko, who is laws that had restricted freevention, even though it did not now a member of Parliament dom of speech and assembly. endorse any role for troops in in the opposition Fatherland The amnesty law, which dispersing protesters. party, said military officers lacked support from opposiThe statement, addressed to had beenasked to either sign tion lawmakers, stipulates that President Viktor Yanukovych a pledge supporting Yanu- offers of amnesty will not take and expressing support for kovych as commander in chief effect until the prosecutor genhis efforts to resolve the crisis, or resign. eral certifies that protesters said, "Servicemen and InteriThere were signs Thursday have vacatedalloccupied ador Ministry troops of Ukraine that negotiations that h ave ministrative buildings. It also called the forceful seizure of halted skirmishes between set a 15-day deadline, after government buildings unac- demonstrators and riot police which the police would clear ceptable." It also said that the officers in Kiev and brought the buildings. protesters were preventing c oncessions from t h e g o v At least four demonstrators

police last week, and evidence

of kidnappings and abuse by the authorities or their surrogates is mounting. Dmitry Bulatov, a prominent opposition figure who had been missing since last week, turned up

Thursday in a village outside Kiev and said his captors had crucified him. Bulatov, who led a group that organized caravans of cars to protests called Auto-

Maidan, said men speaking with Russian accents had beaten him, cut one ear with

a knife and nailed him to a cross. It was not immediately clear how this was done. Jour-

nalists reported Friday that he had puncture wounds on his

hands. Photographs showed him bloodied and badly hurt.


Environment: Water temperatures 57-68 F ~+ Axolotl= Water monster (in Aztec language) Axolotls are often used in scientific research due to ability to regenerate most body parts Source: www.exolotkorg, IUCN

is rea a es rivee, ran con ron s crisis o wa er sLi

© 2014 MCT

'Water monster' of Mexico may

have disappeared

By Thomas Erdbrink

By Mark Stevenson

New York Times News Service

The Associated Press

insects, small fish and crustaceans. But the surrounding

LAKE URMIA, Iran — After driving for 15 minutes over the bottom of what was once

MEXICO CITY — Mexico's salamander-like axo-

garden-islands have increasingly been converted to illicit

Iran's largest lake, a local en-

lotl may have disappeared shantytowns, with untreated from its only known natu- sewage often running off into

vironmental official stepped

ral habitat in Mexico City's

the water.

out of his truck, pushed his hands deep into his pockets

few remaining lakes. It's disturbing news for an admittedly ugly creature, which has a slimy tail, plumage-like gills and

The Mexican Academy of Sciences said in a statement that a 1998 survey found an

I W It .l.

mouth that curls into an

ure that dropped to 1,000 in a

l ','

odd smile. The axolotl is known as

2003 study, and 100 in a 2008 survey.

the "water monster" and

and silently wandered into the

great dry plain, as if searching for water he knew he

j ~t" t ~ ,r~ -

would never find.

Just an hour earlier, on a cold winter day here in western Iran, the official, Hamid

Ranaghadr, had recalled how as recently as a decade ago, cruise ships filled with tour-






ists plied the lake's waters in search of flocks of migrating flamingos. Now, the ships are rusting in the mud and the flamingos fly over the remains of the lake on their way to more hosMorteza Nikoubazl/New York Times News Service pitable locales. According to An abandoned ship lies near Lake Urmia, once the largest salt lake in the world before it dried up, near figures compiled by the local the city of Urmia, Iran. Lakes andmajor rivers have been drying up across Iran, which is facing awater environmental office, only 5 shortage potentially so serious that officials are making contingency plans for rationing in the greater percent of the water remains.

Tehran area, home to 22 million, and other major cities around the country.

Possible water rations Iran is facing a water shortage potentially so serious that officials are making contingency plans for rationing in the greater Tehran area, home to 22 million, and other

— at 90 miles long and rough- reached the lake. The dam, ly 35 miles wide, it was slight- finished during Ahmadinely larger than Great Salt Lake jad's first term, now holds a in Utah. E n vironmentalists huge lake itself, which local are warning that the dried salt farmers use for i r rigating could poison valuable agricul- their lands.

major cities around the coun- tural lands surrounding the lake, and make life miserable hani has identified water as for the 3 million people who a national security issue, and live in its vicinity. in public speeches in areas Along what used to be a struck hardest by the short- lakeshore boulevard, wornage he is promising to "bring down snack bars and dress-

try. President Hassan Rou-

the water back." E xperts cite

ing rooms are testament to

cl ima t e the days when people from across Iran would come to practices and the depletion water-skion the lake or cover

change, wasteful irrigation

of groundwater supplies as themselves in its black mud, leading factors in the growing which is said to have healing water shortage. In the case powers. of Lake Urmia, they add the About two decades ago, completionof a seriesofdams Mokhtar Cheraghi, a local vilthat choked off a major supply lager, began to notice the waof fresh water flowing from ter line receding. "First a hunthe mountains that tower on either side of the lake.

"Only some years ago the

dred meters, then two hundred meters. After a w h ile,

"Some of Urmia's water is

than 19 plans to save the lake,

ranging from the sensible (educating farmers in new irrigation technologies) to the fanciful (seeding clouds to increase rainfall). "We can start now," said

here," said Ranaghadr, raising his voice over the howling

Abbas Hassanpour, the head of the office. Flanked by his winds that blow down from assistants, including Ranaghthe surrounding snowcapped adr, he said his department peaks. "The people here need had created "task forces and water, too, is what they say." models ready to implement." Besides producing badly needed electricity, the dams Lack of funds are intended to address the While Iran is shooting monwater shortage. But too often, keys into space to advance its the water is wasted through missile program, the Rouhani inefficient i r r i gation t e c h- government, low on funds beniques, particularly spraying, cause of the impact of the inRanaghadr and other experts ternational sanctions against Iran's nuclear program, has say. not made any money availMore agriculture able for efforts to restore the In recent decades, the lake. amount o f

l a n d d e dicated

we couldn't see the shoreline to agriculture in the region, water here was 30 feet deep," anymore," he said, standing the country's heartland, has Ranaghadr said, kicking up in what was once his thriving tripled, with many f a rmers dust with each step on the cafe, Cheraghi's Beach. "We growing particularly thirsty dry lake bed. In the distance, kept waiting for the water to crops like grapes and sugar spots of land — once islands return, but it never did." beets, Ranaghadr pointed out. where tourists would spend His department has calculatDam construction vacations in bungalows overed that about 90 percent of all looking the blue watersMost people in t h e a r ea the water that should end up were surrounded by plains blame the half-dozen major in the lake is sprayed on fields. of brown mud and sand. "We dams the government has In a 2005 book that he wrote just emptied it out," he said b uilt in t h e r egion for t h e on national security challengwith a sigh, stepping back into lake's disappearance. The es for Iran, Rouhani estimated the car. dams have greatly reduced that 92 percent of all of Iran's Iran's water troubles ex- the flow of water in the 11 riv- water is used for agriculture, tend far beyond Lake Urmia, ers that feed into the lake. As compared with 80 percent in which as a salt lake was never an arid country with numer- the United States (90 percent fit for drinking or agricultur- ous lofty m ountain chains, in some Western states). "They turn open the tap, al use. Other lakes and major Iran has a predilection for rivers have also been drying dams that extends to the reign flood the land, without underup, leading to disputes over of Shah M o hammed Reza standing that in our climate water rights, demonstrations Pahlavi. most of the water evaporates and even riots. D am c o n struction w a s that way," said Ali Reza Seyed given r enewed emphasis Ghoreishi, a member of the loDry rivers under Rouhani's predeces- cal water management counMajor rivers near Isfahan, sor as president, Mahmoud cil. "We need to educatethe in central Iran, and Ahvaz, A hmadinejad, who as a n farmers." near the Persian Gulf, have engineer had a w eakness The lake has also been atgone dry, as has Hamoun for grand projects. Another tacked from underground. As Lake, i n t h e A f g h anistan driving force is the Islamic part of the government's drive border region. Dust from the Revolutionary Guards Corps, to promote local agriculture, dry riverbeds has added to which through its engineering large landholdings were dividalready dangerously high air arm, Khatam al-Anbia Con- ed into smaller plots, and most pollution levels in Iran, home struction, builds many of the of the new owners promptly to four of the 10 most polluted dams in Iran and surrounding dug new wells, soaking up cities in the world, the United countries. much of the groundwater. Nations says. Half an hour's drive into Back in Ranaghadr's office, But nowhere is the crisis the mountains above the city the Department of Environm ore pronounced than a t of Urmia stands the mighty ment, officials sounded like Lake Urmia, once one of the Chahchai Dam, collecting wa- soldiers on a doomed mission. largest salt lakes in the world ter that would otherwise have They had drawn up no fewer

Even if it were, officials say,

it is probably too late to save Lake Urmia. All the money in the world can be poured into

the lake, one of the officials said, but in the most optimis-

average of 6,000 axolotls per square kilometer, a fig-

Tovar Garza said it is too

the "Mexican walking fish."

early to dedare the axolotl

Its only natural habitat is the Xochimilco network

extinct in its natural habitat. He said that in early Febru-

of lakes and canals — the ary,researchers willbegin a "floating gardens" of earth three-month search in hopes piled on reed mats that the of finding what may be the last Aztecs built to grow crops free-roaming axolotl. but are now suffering from The searches "on almost all pollution and urban sprawl. the canals have to be repeatBiologist Armando To- ed, because now we are in the var Garza of Mexico's National Autonomous Univer-

cold season, with lower tem-

creature "is in serious risk

with the axolotls, because it is

of disappearing" from the

when they breed," Tovar Gar-


za said. Alarmed by the creature's

peratures, and that is when sity said this week that the we ought to have more success

Describing an effort last year by researchers in skiffs to try to net axolotls in the shallow, muddy waters of Xochimilco, Tovar Garzasummed up the

falling numbers in r ecent years, researchers built axolotl "shelters" in Xochimilco.

Sacks of rocks and reedy plants act as filters around

results as "four months of

a selected area, and cleaner

sampling — zero axolotls." Some axolotls still sur-

water is pumped in, to create better conditions. The shelters

vive in aquariums, water

also were intended to help pro-

tanks and research labs, tect the axolotls from non-nabut experts said those con- tive carp and tilapia that were ditions aren't the best, be-

introduced to the lake system

cause of interbreeding and years ago and compete with other risks. axolotls for food. Growing up to a foot long, axolotls use four stubby legs to drag themselves along the bottom or thick tails to swim in Xox-

himilco's murky channels while feeding on aquatic

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tic projections, it would take

decades,ifever,forthe water to reach its old levels. There are simply too many problems, too many competing interests, for the rescue to be

feasible. Not doing anything, or not enough, will still create many problems. In 2010 and 2011

violent protests over the lake

Experience A Touch Of Scotland! Best Fish R Chiy s in Central Oregon

erupted in Urmia, and security forces had to be flown in to

restore order. " We are no t

a l l owed t o

speak of the lake," said Mort eza Mirzaei, who l i ves i n Urmia. "But they built their

dams, and now everything is gone." Others said ordinary people were also to blame,

but "the government is the steward of the country," said

Oaily Lc nr-.h Sper-.f'als



Mushin Rad, who sells print-

er equipment. "They are responsible." R anaghadr, wh o g r e w up around the lake, said he spends free time battling poachers in the hills around it. "You know what the real problem is?" he said. "Ev-

erybody across the world is only thinking of money. We did, too, and now our lake is


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er mariuana e aization, snac s Obama courts private sector on ace wit ot raise someconcerns economic agenda

New York Times News Service

By Juliet Eilperin

orado's new

The Washington Post

marijuana stores, reach into the refrigerator and pull out tasty ways to get high. They buy sparkling peach and

WAUKESHA, Wis. — As he addressed workers at a gas engine facility here, President Barack Obama had a chance to revel in the kind of manufacturing resurgence his administration has sought to foster.

By Jack Healy

by children in high doses, poses few of the grave dangers of overdosing on alcohol or drinking household chemicals. But doctors said young children

D ENVER — Al l d ay long, customers at LoDo Wellness Center, one of Colr e creational

who consume marijuana are

- Qif3Qf R

at risk of falling and hurting themselves or falling asleep in

-weo~ n o + a rne.

a position where they could not

breathe. For the most part, doc-

mandarin elixirs, watermelon Dew Drops, and sleek

tors who treated children in the study advised that the children

silver bags of chocolate truffles, each one packed with

be watched closely as theirbodies digested the drug. "There's no antidote, no med-

marijuana's potent punch.

"The stuff just flies off the shelves," said Linda An-

icine that reverses this," Wang Matthew Staver/ New York Times News Service

Packages of marijuana-infused candies are sold at the LoDo WellAs marijuana tiptoes ness Center in Denver. Marijuana snacks are a booming business. further toward the legal drews, the store's owner.

The 106-year-old plant, which has had a 28 percent uptick i n

their country.'" Obama made a similar

s ales orders point at a U.S. Steel plant in

since General Electric took

West Mifflin, Pa., arguing

it over in 2011, has instituted

that the reason workers there have better retirement pack-

a job-training program that provides high school students with a degree and an apprentice certificate after two years of work. "We're here because you're

agesthan many otherAmericans is because they had collectively bargained for those benefits through their union.

Retail shops see them as

customers, tourists stay-

these companies have come to the president's aid, both on

ing in smoke-free hotels or anyone who wants the ef-

ijuana pool, ideal for older

this year: that he can accom-

fect without the smoke and


Fearfor children

year; Sinegal held a fundrais-

But the popularity of edible marijuana has alarmed parents' groups, schools and

er for Obama in July 2012,

some doctors, who say the

Jobs an d C o m petitiveness until it w a s d isbanded last

plish a range of policies out- and in the same month wrote side Congress with the help a reelection campaign email

highly concentrated snacks are increasingly landing

of the private sector. Call it a

in the hands of teenagers

new coalition of the willing. It is part of a n effort by

Obama to change the direction of a presidency bogged down with problems, including tense relations with con-

gressional Republicans opposed to most of his agenda. He has spent the past week undertaking a flurry of activities aimed at making incre-

mental progress on the federal minimum wage, retirement savings and worker training. Now the question is whether he can marshal enough resources toachieve his newly

articulated economic vision.

Long-termunemployed On Friday, the president

played host to 300 firms at the White House that have

pledged to hire individuals who have been out of work for at least six months. "What we have done is to

blast for its supporters. Susan Botman — who is married to

Costco's other co-foundercollectedmore than $500,000

in donations for Obama's re-election campaign. The White House has been

Colorado, like the other

states with medical or recreational marijuana, has

p rivate-sector p l a yers,

tried to keep the products


shown in F r iday's unemployment event and a college and first lady held earlier this

away from children. It has ordered stores to sell them in child-resistant packages and bars labels designed

month. The e f f o rt s s o m etimes

to appeal to children. It requires manufacturers to list

seem duplicative. On Thursday, the president signed a presidential m emorandum ordering V i c e P r e sident

ingredients, serving sizes

summit that

t h e p r esident

Joe Biden to conduct what

Obama called a "soup to nuts" review of federal job-training programs. But the House GOP leadership sent him a letter noting t ha t

and expiration dates.

But critics say the regulations are not strict enough, especially for products that can contain 10 times as

much psychoactive THC as the marijuana a casual user

t h e G o v ernment

gathertogether 300 compa-

Accountability Office had already produced such a

n ies, just to start w i th, i n -

survey, and the House had

cluding, some of the top 50 companies in the country, companies like W al-Mart and Apple, Ford and others, to say, Let's establish best practices,'" Obama said in

passed legislation in March

a n interview with CN N o n

looking for a sweet, discreet high, or of children too young to know the difference between pot brownies and regular ones.

working to leverage its relationships with like-minded


The children, many of them had swallowed acetaminophen — the active ingredient in 7lr-

toddlers, were taken in because

they seemed strangely sleepy lenol — and 32 who had acciand disoriented. One had trou- dentally taken antihistamines ble breathing. About half had during the same time period. ed candies might be the same eatenmarijuana cookies,cakes Regulators, m a nufacturprice.) And like flavored ciga- or candies, forms that research- ers andretailers say they are rettes or wine coolers, critics ers believed made them more working intensely to keep marsay, edible marijuana offers a enticing. ijuana — edible or not — safe "Those edible products are and tightly regulated. If they dangerously easy on-ramp for younger users. inherently more attractive than fail, federal authorities have "They're attractive to kids; what a bud would look like," warned they could step m and they're easily disguised," said Wang said. take action. Gina Carbone of Smart ColoraIn the northern Colorado city So far, the state has given lido, a group that opposes legal- of Longmont,2-year-old Eve- censes to 34 "retail marijuana ization. "They're not being reg- lyn Hernandez was playing in product manufacturers," who ulated properly at all to protect the front yard outside her fam- extract THC-rich oil from marily's apartment building early ijuana plants to make everykids." One survey has found a in January when she spotted thing from lip balm and lotion small but growing number of what looked like a choco- to chocolate candies. children seeking t r eatment late-chip cookie in the grass, Tripp Keber, the managing after accidentally consuming her mother, Aida, later told the partner of Dixie Elixirs and marijuana. Fourteen such chil- police. The girl took a few bites Edibles, said his company was dren visited the emergency de- beforeher mother noticed and fastidious about following the partment of Children's Hospital threw away the cookie. reams of new rules handed Colorado in the Denver area A half-hour later, while the down by the state. It dearly from October2009 through family was grocery shopping, labels THC content and tells December 2011, researchers Hernandez noticed that Evelyn consumers how long it usualreported in 2013 in the journal was drowsy and droopmg, and ly takes the drug to activate. It JAMA Pediatrics. Before 2009, struggling to walk. When she sells its wares in silver bags and researchers reported no mari- took her to the hospital, the girl opaque silver bottles. No carjuana exposures. tested positive for THC, accord- toon characters allowed. "Having pink flamingoes The research tookplace after ingto apolice report. an explosion of medical-marand grape apes on products is ijuana shops in Colorado, but Legal salesspreading not appropriate," Keber said. before voters passed measures Twenty states and the DisThe company distributes its to legalize the sales and use trict of Columbia now allow products to about 490 medical of recreational marijuana to medical marijuana, and in and retail dispensaries across adults 21 and older. Dr. George 2012, Colorado and Washing- the state, and hopes to expand Sam Wang, an author of the ton state became the first to le- to Arizona and California. Kestudy and a clinical instruc- galize the drug for recreational ber wants to reach 23-year-old tor in pediatrics at Children's use. Sales in Colorado began skilift operators and 73-yearHospital, said he had not seen Jan. 1 and have gone smooth- old grandmothers. But there is any additional increases in ly so far, regulators say. Retail one culinary aspiration he does children's marijuana exposure sales in Washington are ex- not have. "We do not make a since recreational sales began pected to start this spring. pot brownie," he said. "It's a litthis year. Marijuana, evenif consumed tle cliche for us."

a nonthreatening way into the shallow end of the mar-

tention to," Obama said.

was aimed at conveying the president'scentral message

might take. (Because prices often depend on the amount of THC, one highly potent caramel chew can sell for $20 while a package of 10 less-concentrat-

Bars to peanut butter candies infused with hash oil.

The leaders of several of

p residential memoranda -

pital treated 48 children who

fused snacks have become a booming business, with varieties ranging from chocolate-peppermint Mile High

Private-sector players

The entire scene — complete with cheering, well-paid the campaign trail and in the industrial workers and a ta- policy realm. GE chief execble boasting the presidential utive Jeffrey Immelt chaired seal where Obama can sign the president's Council on

consuming marijuana, the hos-

mainstream, marijuana-in-

doing some really good stuff that everyone needs to pay at-


t o consolidate them. A n d

the $500 million community college fund competition the president began Thursday came from an existing federal program. Thomas Riordan, presi-

Thursday. "Because they've been unemployed ... so long, dent and chief executive of folks are looking at that gap Neenah Enterprises in Neenin the resume and they're ah, Wis., said his casting and weeding t he m o u t b e f ore forging business could benthese folkseven get a chance efit from better training profor an interview." grams because his firm has White House press secre-

tary Jay Carney told reporters this week that Obama is determined to b r oaden the

company in a place where anyone can make it with hard work, a little luck, and a little

help from their neighbors and



100 unfilled positions "lack-

ing for skilled-trades folks." But he added that he hoped the new initiative would lead

political conversation on eco- to "a centralized, streamlined nomic and social issues. approach. There are just too "The president is not pres- many government fingers ident of Washington — he's in the pie, from an industry the president of America," standpoint." Carney said. "And there's a F ormer W h i t e Hous e lot of activities happening spokesman Tommy Vietor around the country that is said such events help shift moving this country forward, the narrative by showing the that's expanding opportu- president can still make prognity.... And the president is ress on his priorities. "You can go to these placembracing that and pushing forward in any way he can." es and make it real," Vietor E ach of t h e s t ops on said,referring to some of the Obama's two-day trip have anecdotes Obama mentioned embodied not just the spe- in the State of the Union. cific policies he is arguing "He is at his best when he is will improve the lives of mid- campaigning against an opdle-class Americans, but the ponent, whether it's John Mckind ofcommunal approach Cain, or Mitt Romney, or the to politics he has espoused cynicism in Washington." from thestartofhiscareer. Even so, the shadow of At a Costco in Glendarden, congressional inaction hung Md., on Wednesday, he in- over Obama's trip outside voked the words of the com- Washington: During a stop pany's founder, Jim Sine- in Nashville, Tenn. on Thursgal, whom he described as day afternoon, Obama visited "a great friend of mine and a high school that just lost somebody who I g r e atly 1 5-year-old s t udent K e v i n admire." Barbee to gun violence, an "And Jim is rightly proud issue that has stalled in Conof everything he's accom- gress. The president met priplished. 'But,' he said, 'here's vately with Barbee's family the thing about the Costco before coming onstage, aides story. We did not build our said. company in avacuum. We built it in the greatest country on Earth. We built our

sald. Compared with the 14 children who were treated after

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Two suspectsstole asafe containingcash from SonicRestauranton U.S. Highway97in Bend Friday morning,according to a newsreleasefrom Bend PoliceSgt. Brian Beekman. An employee opening the businessat5:39 a.m. Fridayreportedthe incident, which,according to surveillancevideo, occurred atabout1:00a.m. The suspectsallegedly enteredthe businessand removedthesafeusing a hand truck.Theythen allegedly loaded thesafe into avehicleandfledthe scene,according tothe news release. The investigationis ongoing andanyonewith informationisaskedto call Beekman at541-948-

resi en searc


in SonicbiIrgiary By Tyler Leeds

and student

The Bulletin

services for

Central Oregon Community College has narrowed

the Chemeketa Community Col-

public forums at

College before progressing to

each of COCC's

associate vice

its search for President Jim

lege District.

four campuses — in Bend, Red-

Middleton's successor to three candidates.

with the board and attending

• Sheila



president for instruction. Y oun g Lanning said he was drawn to the position for both professional


Ortego, interim president of the communi-

mond, Prineville

Middleton announced last

April that he would step down this June after leading the college for a decade. The candidates are: • Patrick Lanning, Yamhill Valley Campus president in McMinnville and chief academic officer of instruction

ty campus at Pima Community College in Tucson, Ariz. • Dana Young, president of Treasure Valley Community College in Ontario. The candidates are expected to visit COCC in the second half of February, interviewing

Lanning is a Prineville native and graduate of Crook

and Madras.

and personal reasons. First,

County High School. He holds a doctorate in education from Oregon State University's

community college leadership program. Prior to his current

he said, he has a great deal of experience at every level of community college work and would like to be able to work more closely with workforce

development and transfer

roles, Lanning taught at Lane

U.S. Highway20was closed Fridayfor about three hoursfollowing a two-vehiclefatal crash near Suttle LakeLoop, according toPeterMurphy with theOregonDepartmentof Transportation. Two peoplereportedly diedin thecrash, which occurredaround2:30p.m. "It happenedina place that's inviting forpeople to tryand pass,"Murphy

Nore briefing, B3


Lanning said being in Salem for seven years has involved him in legislative work. SeePresident/B5

will seek to retain

her post By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Tammy Baney is running for a third term

as Deschutes County commissioner.

Baney announced her candidacy Friday, saying her seat on a number of Peter McManus, of Bend, with the Natural Resources Conservation Service takesa core sample to record the snow level, as well as the

regional and state committees, including serving

depth of water within the snownear WanogaSno-Park west of Bend on Friday.

as chairwoman of the

Joe Kline l The Bulletin

Central Oregon Health Council, compelled her to

ow sno ac scour e o area """'"'""""'':"

run for another four-year term.

Water equivalent

With a low snowpack, comes alow amount of water stored in the snow. So far the 2014snowpack is holding the least amount of water in the past four years, and is well below normal as

30 inches

By Dylan J. Darling WA N OGA SNO-PARKPeter McManus didn'thave to

put on snowshoes to check the thin snowpack Friday west of Bend.

Normally, there is 38inches

Oregon and across the state.

The Deschutes/Crooked River


Basin wasat32 percentofnormal late this week, according to the Conservation Service. Statewide snowpack was at 36


has afforded Deschutes County the opportunity to

2014 2013 2012 2011 — Median 1981 to 2010

mond. At the end of February and the end of March, they'll

viceinRedmond, and ateam of workers withthe federal agency found 9 inches of snow

return to three snow cours-


"It's pretty low," he said.

comm i s sions, which directly links back to guiding good policy choices for Deschutes County," Baney 2007, after beating Democrat Mara Stein in the













Note: Water years begin in October Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service

2006 general election. She defeated Ed Barbeau in the 2010 primary election and

was unopposed in the general election on her way

es along the Cascades Lakes

Highway to see how the snowpack is doing. See Snow/B5

but on state


Baney took office in

the snow course near Wanoga Sno-Park, based on records the year for McManus and Kurt goingback 30 years. On Friday, Moffitt, a soil scientist for the McManus, an engineering Conservation Service in Redtechnician for the Natural Resources Conservation Ser-

task forces


percent of normal. The survey was the first of

of snow this time of year at

have a commissioner at the table, not only on


Jan. 30

Midwaythrough winter, the snow is low around Central

The Bulletin

"I think having been in

office the last few years

to a second term. She's

the longest-tenured of the three commissioners.

Go alongwith acrew measuring snowpack nearBend: bentibulletin.com/snowpack


Baney sits on the Or-

egon Transportation Commission and the Oregon Housing Council in addition to working with a number of community organizations. She said joining state

January2014weatherfor Bend DAILY HIGHS AND LOWS Average temperature: 35.4' (4.2' above normal)


s't —52- -$0 — -4$ - 43- - 47- — 44- -46 - -47 - 45- - 4I — -4'r - -48 — 4 -6 - 53- - ss- — 51 —-5 1 - -Ss -33-- 34- -53- —46- -24- -56- - 36- - st —-2$- -45 — -4Z - -42-

committees took time and

experience dealing with local issues. She wants to maintain that seat for Deschutes County residents,

as the community works through issues like the broadhealthcare reforms already underway.


According toa release from theOregonState Police, asilverAcuraSUV drivenbya61-year-old manfrom Salemwas travelingwestbound, whenforanunknown reason crossedinto the eastboundlaneand crashedhead-oninto a blackToyotapickup drivenbya42-year-old manfrom Newberg.The drivers werebothkilled, and a41-year-oldwoman inthe Toyotapickupwas taken toSt. Charles Bend withnon-life-threatening injuries. Accordingtothe release,all involvedwere wearing seatbelts. OregonStatePolice troopers responded to the scene andconducted the initial investigation. The cause of thewreck remains unknown.

a part of providing leadership and giving back to the


Chanceadopted bya dogtrainer

Two deadafter Highway20crash

love the opportunity to be



A pit bull severely injured lastsummerwhen itwas draggedbehinda vehicle hasbeenplacedin a new home, according to anews releasefromChris Bauersfeld atBrightSide Animal Centerin Redmond. Chancehasbeen placedwith JudyAnderson, BrightSide'sdog trainer, whowilluse him to help trainother dogs, Bauersfeldwrote. "I am extremelygrateful for the opportunityto adopt Chance,who holds aspecial placeinmy heart, and I knowinthe hearts of many others,"Anderson said. "I willalwaysrememberthe dayhearrived at the shelterwithhis horrific injuries. Seeinghimnow, so happyandhealthy,is incredible." Chancewasfound July22,2013, onSmith Rock Wayafter having apparentlyjumpedfrom a movingvehiclethe Saturdayprior. Bauersfeld initially believedhe'dbeen intentionallydragged behind amoving vehicle, but DeschutesCounty Sheriff's detectivesdeterminedit wasaccidental. He initially underwent four hoursofsurgeryto removedamagedskin and cleanhis wounds.Chance, who is between3and5 years old,underwentseveral proceduresafter that to ensurehisskinhealed correctly.

programs. "The college has a long history for really being focused on quality," he said. "And for personal reasons, I was born and raised in Central Oregon. ... My family has been in the area for a long time, and I'd


"Salem is where the

money is at, and it's often where the decisions are made. Unfortunately, counties like Deschutes

OOO 29 27

3 3 1 3 13


and regions like Central 31 36

29 29 30



29 30

28 26


24 17



23 20






PRECIPITATION TOTAL: 0.77" Historical average precipitation for the month: 1.78"




T= Trace


SNOW TOTAL: 0" Historical average snow for the month: 10.67"

~ HR R



Oregon can be left in the dust if we are not at the

table making decisions," she said. "I believe not only that I want to run

again, but that I need to run again." Baney doesn't have any primary or general election challengers at

Highest temiierature

Lowest temperature

Average high

Average low

Highest recorded temperature for the month:

Lowest recorded temperature forthe month:

Monthly average high temperature through the years:

Monthly average low temperature through the years:

67' on Jan. 31, 1971

-26' on Jan. 31,1950



~ ~

this point, according to the Deschutes County Clerk's Office. The deadline for candidates to file their election paperwork is March 11. Primary elections are scheduled for May 20. The general election is Nov. 4.

* Monthly averages calculated from 1928 through 2005, Western Regional Climate Center sources: NOAA, western Regional climate center, Bend public works Department

Greg Cross /The Bulletin

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbulletin.com






By Rob Kerr • The Bulletin

Bend Rock Gym on the city's east side has gotten bigger and better with the addition of a second space for indoor climbing. Overhangs, offangle, top-rope and bouldering problems are all part of the fun at the 20,000-square-foot facility. A specialized speed-climbing wall also has With freshly chalked fingers, climber Blake Hawkins starts on a bouldering route, engaging his strength to move up the wall.

been included, so the gym can host competitions.



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Children with the Bend Endurance Academy program climb using self-belay devices on walls featuring large murals. The new building offers more beginner climbing routes, an improvement over the previous

gym, where many of the routes were too difficult for novices. Specialized holds also are kid-friendly. Young climbers can grab hold of fruit, animals and funny faces.

Ifyougo What:Grand opening, with open climbing, aerial silks, slide show, raffle, appetizers and beverages When: Tonight, 7-10 p.m. Where: Bend RockGym,1182S.E. Centennial Court, just off Reed Market Road

AClimber Joel Morse's hands show the wear-and-tear that crack climbing




can cause. Crack climbers use the backs of their hands to hold body weight, sliding them into cracks between the

rock and expanding them as needed. "My

hands were shredded yesterday," he said.

4 With his hands taped and chalked, Morse leads a climb

on one of three rockcrack features in the

new gym.


Exhausted after falling from a bouldering route he nearly completed, Henry Mosier flops onto the protective mat U

as his friend Anders Hatlestad chalks his hands in anticipation of giving it a try himself.




Inmate'swi owsues DOCo icia s • Husband,whowassentenced to 17years, is said to haveaskedfor transfer out of fear By Steven DuBois The Associated Press

PORTLAND — The widow

of a slain state prison inmate has filed lawsuits seeking mil-

lions of dollars in damages, alleging corrections officials ignored her husband's request for

protection. Michael Hagen, 28, died at a Boise hospital in February 2012

after being found unconscious in his ceII at the Snake River Correctional Institution. His

cellmate was later charged with aggravated murder.

"There were a succession

Max Williams, current Deputy Director Mitch Morrow and officials from the prison near Ontario. Corrections Dep a r tment spokeswoman Betty Bernt said

of events that had Mr. Hagen the agency and prison officials subjected to inmate-on-inmate do notcomment on pending violence, and each time he con- litigation. tacted others within the prisMichael Hagen, who had a on system — looking for help, young daughter, was sent to looking for transfers, telling prison for 17 years in 2010 after them what was going on," said robbing a Portland check-cashDennis Steinman, the attorney ing store and severely beating a representing Tiffany Hagen. derk "And yet they put him back into The lawsuits state he had a cell with someone who was never been to prison before and known to be part of this gang." hoped to stay out of trouble. Tiffany Hagen was not avail- Rather than associate with a able for an interview. white prison gang, he befriendThe state lawsuit filed in

ed Native American inmates

Salem accuses the Oregon who avoided conflict. filed Thursday on behalf of Tif- Department of Corrections of According to the lawsuits, fany Hagen said the inmate de- negligence for failing to mon- the gang started a rumor in dined to associate with a prison itor prison gangs or train em- early 2011 that Hagen was an gang and was immediately tar- ployees to recognize threats of informant. Hagen asked to be geted as both a possible infor- violence. There have been three transferred because he feared The state and federal lawsuits

mant and a man who would not

inmate-on-inmate deaths at the

fight back. The lawsuit states Snake River prison since 2011. hisrequestsfor a transferwere


The federal lawsuit names

former Correcti ons Direct or


biscuits, gravy,eggs, hamorsausage; $8.50; 8-10a.m.; VFWHall,1503 N.E Fourth St., Bend;541-389-0775. BEND INDOORSWAP MEETAND SATURDAY MARKET:Featuring arts and crafts, collectibles, antiques, children'sactivities, musicandmore; free admission;10a.m.-5 p.m.; Bend Indoor SwapMeet, 679S.E Third St.; 541-317-4847. "FIRST SPEAK":Participants in

apersonalstorytelling workshop present their stories; free;1-2:30 p.m.; Tin PanTheater, 869N.W.Tin Pan Alley, Bend;541-647-2233or www. thenatureofwords.org. "ALICEIN WONDERLAND": Bend Experimental Art Theatre producesthe play basedonthe Lewis Carroll novel; $15, $10for students; 2 p.m.;Summit High School, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend;541-419-5558 or www. beatonline.org. "THE MODOC WAR": Ascreening of the OregonPublic Broadcasting documentaryabout one ofthe country's costliest Indian wars; free; 6 p.m.; High Desert Museum,59800 S. U.S. Highway97,Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. DEEP WINTERCOMMUNITY SUPPER

an attack. The lawsuits details

"And yet they put him back into a cell with

someone who was known to be part of this gang." — Dennis Steinman,

the attorney representing Tiffany Hagen

another prison.

In October 2011, Hagen was sent to a segregation unit, or "thehole,"for 120 days after he

kicked back at an inmate who had tripped and punched him, according to the suits. He was

killed shortly after leaving the hole and getting anew cellmate, Terry Lapich. A grand jury indicted Lapich


"ALICE IN WONDERLAND": Bend Experimental Art Theatre producesthe play based onthe Lewis Carroll novel; $15, $1 0 for students; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend;541-419-5558 or www.


JOE FONTENOT: Thestand-up comedian performs; $10; 7p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70S.W. Century Drive, Bend;541-323-1881 or www. volcanictheatrepub.com. MORNINGRITUAL:The Portland

Americanabandperforms; $10plus

fees in advance,$12at the door; 7-10 p.m.; TheBelfry,302 E Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 orwww. belfryevents.com. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON WINTERCONCERT:The

of his case was not immediately available Friday. Malheur County District Attorney Dan Norris did no t i m mediately

Hagen's problems with a variety of inmates and his requests respond to an email seeking to be moved to different cells or information.

Singers'School, Premiereand Debut choirs performinternationalfolksongs; SU5IDAY $10; 7 p.m., doors open6:30 p.m.; MASTER-FLY: A fly-tying competition Mountain View HighSchool, 2755 N.E 27th St., Bend;541-385-0470 or www. in the format of popular reality cooking shows; free for spectators, ycco.or'g. $5 for competitors; 11 a.m.; Fin "ANGEL STREET": Asuspenseful play and Fire, 1604 S.U.S.Highway about a man slowly driving his gentle, 97, Suite12, Redmond; 307-680devoted wife to thebrink of insanity; 0652 or www.facebook.com/ $19, $15seniors, $12students; 7:30 centraloregonmasterfly. p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W . NOTABLESSWINGBAND:Featuring GreenwoodAve., Bend;541-389-0803 blues, Latin, rock'n'roll and or www.cascadestheatrical.org. waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; BendSenior "PICASSOATTHE LAPIN AGILE":A Center,1600 S.E ReedMarket playabout Albert Einstein andPablo Road; 541-728-8743 or www. Picasso meeting ata bar called the notable sswingband.com. Lapin Agile; $19, $1 6students and "ALICEIN WONDERLAND": Bend seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2ndStreet Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312- Experimental Art Theatre produces 9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. the play based onthe Lewis Carroll novel; $15, $10for students; 4 p.m.; THE TOKENSANDTHE DIAMONDS: Summit High School, 2855 N.W. The two doo-wop groups perform; Clearwater Drive, Bend;541-419$40-$50 plus fees;7:30 p.m., doors 5558 or www.beatonline.org. open at 6:30 p.m.;TowerTheatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend;541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. ABSENTMINDS: Punkrock from MONDAY Portland, with Tuck 8 Roll; free; 9 p.m.; Third Street Pub,314S.E Third St., "AMERICAN VIOLET": A screening Bend; 541-306-3017. of the film about a single mother's struggles toproveherinnocence; WORLD'S FINEST: ThePortland free; noon-2 p.m.; Central Oregon bluegrass-ska bandperforms; free; Community College, Redmond 9p.m.; Blue PineKitchenand Bar,25 S.W. Century Dr., Bend;541-389-2558 campus, 2030 S.E College Loop, or www.bluepinebar.com. Redmond; 541-383-7412.

14CV0027 —Dominic Caciopoli v. Jeffrey A. Lebowitz, individually and as trustee for the Marilyn L Lebowitz The Bulletin will update items in the Filed Jan. 10 Revocable Trust, and Marilyn L Police Log whensuch arequest Lebowltz, individually and astrustee 14CV0015 —RayKleln Inc., dba ls received. Anynewinformation, Professional Credit Services, v. Eric M. for the Marilyn L Lebowitz Revocable such as the dismissal of charges or Trust, complaint, $150,000 acquittal, must be verifiable. For more Melollng, complaint, $13,504.34 14CV0028 —ShawnHenson v. 14CV0016 —RayKlein Inc., dba information, call 541-383-0358. Willard BeanandSuzette Bean, Professional Credit Services, v. complaint, $150,000 Charlee R. Prentice, akaCharlee Ruth BEND POLICE Knell aka Charlee Swift, aird Pete E 14CV0029 —RayKleln Inc., dba DEPARTMENT Knell, complaint, $10,964.12 Professional Credit Services, v. Tracy L Young andVictoria J. Young, 14CV0017 —RayKleln Inc., dba Theft —Atheft was reported and an complaint, $13,288.02 Professional Credit Services, v. Jose arrest made at1:27 p.m. Jan. 21, ln the Rlvas, complaint, $12,688.64 14CV0030 —RayKleln Inc., dba 20100 block of Plnebrook Boulevard. Professional Credit Services, v. Vicki 14CV0019 —Salvador V. Ramlrez Theft —Atheft was reported and an Morrison, akaVicki D. Stone, and v. HumaneSociety of Redmond, dba arrest made at8:16 p.m. Jan. 21, in the Brlghtslde Animal Center, complaint, James E Morrison, akaJames E 600 block of Northeast Third Street. Harrison Jr., complaint, $2,812.46 $325,000 DUII —Blake Kaastrup Anderson,18, 14CV0032 —CachLLCv. Samantha Filed Jan. 13 was arrested on suspicion of driving M. Osborne, complaint, $13,964A8 under the influence of intoxicants 14CV0020 —Nationstar Mortgage Filed Jan. 16 LLC v. RomanMoreno, RealTime at 2:27 a.m. Jan. 25, in the areaof Northwest MesaVerde Placeand Resolutions Inc., complaint, 14CV0033 —RayKlein Inc., dba Northwest Yosemite Drive. Professional Credit Services, v. Blllle $250,330.15 J. Ybarra, aka Blllle J. Tlllery aka Blllle Theft —A theft was reported at 3:34 14CV0021 —Cort Johnson v. City of J. Prychodzko, andKennethTillery, p.m. Jan. 27, in the1100 block of Redmond, dbaRedmond Municipal complaint, $19,321.01 South Highway97. Airport, complaint, $50,000 14CV0034 —RayKleln Inc., dba Unlawful entry —Avehicle was 14CV0022 —Sydney Platsman v. reported entered at 4:56 p.m.Jan. 27, Marcia Zoretlc, complaint, $30,509.10 Professional Credit Services, v. Llsa K. Thomas, akaLisa K. Martinez, ln the 61100 block of LaderaRoad. 14CV0023 —TedPlatsman v. Marcia complaint, $1 6,279.46 Theft —Atheft was reported and an Zoretlc, complaint, $90,955.18 14CV0035 —RayKleln Inc., dba arrest made at7:20 a.m. Jan. 29, in the 14CV0024 —Brooks Slyter Professional Credit Services, v. Janet 2100 block of Northeast Third Street. v. Benjamin Floski, complaint, L Walker, akaJanet L Zivkovich, and Theft —Atheft was reported and $384,442.80 Gary L Walker, complaint, $19,950.05 an arrest made at3:41 p.m. Jan. 29, 14CV0025 —Kathleen Casserly 14CV0036 —RayKleln Inc., dba in the 2500 block of Northeast U.S. v. Mary A. Durfee, complaint, Highway 20. Professional Credit Services, v. $104,101.16 Zhamilah C.Morales, complaint, Unlawful entry —Avehicle was 14CV0031 —Portfolio Recovery $12,680.98 reported entered at12:35 p.m. Jan. Associates LLC v.Joseph Doneyand 30, ln the 2200 block of Northeast 14CV0037 —State of Oregon, Lasya D. Sllberman Doney, complaint, Neff Road. by and through its Department I5,307.31 of Transportation, Department of Criminal mischief —Anact of 14CV0042 —State of Oregon, Revenue, Employment Department criminal mischief was reported at by and through lts Department of and Board of Chiropractic Examiners, 3:20p.m.Jan.30,lnthe300blockof Transportation, v. Paul D.Keyser, v. Christian K. Schuster, U.S.Bank Northeast Second Street. Jan Keyser, Bank ofAmerica N.A., N.A., as trustee for the registered successor by merger to BACHome holders of HomeEquity Asset Trust PRINEVILLE POLICE Loan Servicing LPfka Countrywide 2005-5, Home Equity Pass-through Home LoansServicing LP, Nationstar certificates, series 2005-5, Paula DEPARTMEMT Mortgage LLC,U.S.BankNational C. Schuster, Marcia I. O'Nell, and Association and Discover Bank, Unlawful entry —Avehicle was the United States of America, by complaint, $9,700 and through lts Department of the reported entered with items stolen at 7:46 a.m. Jan. 30, ln the areaof Treasury, Internal RevenueService, Filed Jan. 14 Southwest Third Street. and Deschutes County, complaint, 14CV0026 —Sandra J. O'Malley v. $38,850 Theft —Atheft was reported at10:30 Kali Lane, complaint, $250,000 a.m. Jan. 30, ln thearea of Northeast 14CV0038 —Laura Palmer v. Alyssa Sandstone Lane. Filed Jan. 15 Galloway, complaint, $50,000


leaf-pile deathS —A 19-year-old Oregonwomanwho drovean SUV intoa leaf pile, killing twoyounggirls playing init, hasbeensentenced to threeyears ofprobation. AWashington Countyjudgeimposedthe sentence Fridayon CinthyaGarcia-Cisneros. Ajuryfound thewomanguilty of two counts of felonyhit-and-runearlierthis month. Thewomanhad learnedafterarriving home Oct. 20thatshe mayhavestruckchildrenin Forest Grove butdidn'tcome forward. BellllCer Cleared —TheMultnomahCounty DistrictAttorney says no criminal chargeswillbe filed againsta bouncerwho reportedlyshot andkilled amaskedgunmanata Portland strip club.The DA'sofficeannouncedFridaythata grandjurydeterminedthat Jonathan Baer'sactions were justified underOregonlaw. Themaskedman — 43-year-old Thomas Hjelmeland — shota bouncerinthe headJan.11 andwas leaving theclub whenhe wasshot inthe backbyBaer. Hjelmeland diedfive days later. The woundedbouncer— 26-year-old BrianRizzo— remains in aPortland hospital.

HeliCOpterpartSSupplierS —Anewtrial datehasbeensetforaCoos Baydefensecontractoraccusedofsupplying phonytruckandhelicopter parts to theU.S.Departmentof Defense.Federalcourt records show Harold Ray Bettencourt II will go totrial Aug. 21in Portland. Severalfamily membersand otheremployeesarecodefendantsalso going ontrial. A December 2011indictmentfrom a grandjury in Eugenealleges that Bettencourt's Kustom Products Inc.supplieddefective andcounterfeit partsto the U.S. Department ofDefenseinat least392 separatecontracts valuedat$7.5 million. The defendants haveall pleadednot guilty. Theinvestigationbegan when ArmyNationalGuard mechanicssaytheyfound defects in acritical nut that securesthe rotor onthe Kiowaarmed scout helicopter in 2008. — From wire reports



Faeelleek PlletOS —McMinnville police detectives aretrying to identifya Facebookuserwhoisallegedly blackmailing girls to sendnudephotos. Police saidthe problemstarted whena local girl was"friended" byanunidentified personwhowasableto persuadeherto provide nudephotos of herself. After receivingthose photos, theFacebook userstartedblackmailing the girlto sendmore.Thenon Thursday, thenude photos weresenttoa friend of thegirl. TheFacebookuserthreatenedto sharethe photos globally unless thesecondgirl agreedto sendnaked photos ofherself. McMinnville police wantanyone withinformation to contactthem.

in November 2013. The status

ENm a AND ART SHOW:A multi-course gluten free mealand local art; $30, $10 for children younger than12; 6-9 p.m.; Central OregonLocavore,1216 N.E First St., Bend;541-633-7388 or www. centraloregonlocavore.org. HAVEAHEARTFORBEND:Featuring a beerand winetasting, buffetdinner, live music anddancing, liveauction, raffle and more;proceeds benefit the foodbankat St. Vincentde Paul; $35, $5 raffle tickets; 6-10p.m.; Elks Lodge, 63120 N.E BoydAcres Road;541-3896643 or www.stvincentdepaulbend.


Filed Jan. 17

14CV0039 —Discover Bankv. Sherrise E Johnson, complaint, $11,341.72 14CV0040 —Discover Bank v. Munlr Modi, complaint, $10,131.93 14CV0041 —Tyson R.Jumper v Willard E Wilson III, complaint, $150,000 14GV0043 —Ray Kleln Inc., dba Professional Credit Services, v. Robert J. Parler Sr., complaint, $13,592.22 14GV0044 —Altura Credit Union v. Mark E. ColganandKarra L Colgan, complaint, $10,375 14CV0046 —State of Oregon, by and through lts Department of Transportation, v. Tore 93LLC and Homestreet Bank, complaint, $144,064 Filed Jan. 21 14CV0047 —American Express Bank FSBv. Paul J. Ley, individually dba ChariotAuto Parts, complaint, $11,693.29 14GV0048 —Leonard Lafon v. Brittany Cleveland, complaint, $49,500 14GV0049—JamesR.Verheyden, individually and asguardian ad litem for two minor children v. KevinTuerffs, complaint, $49,068.35 14CV0050 —Lanora Hill v. Meagan Mansfield, complaint, $12,490 14CV0051 —Ray Klein Inc., dba Professional Credit Services, v. Trisha L Siebel, complaint, $35,475.20 14CV0052 —Michael R. Ramseyv. James L Ramsey, individually and as trustee of the BuddyandLillian Ramsey Trust, and DickRobertson, individually and astrustee of the Buddyand Lillian RamseyTrust, complaint, $208,952 14CV0053 —Pronghorn Community Association Inc.v. Shawn B.Parks, complaint, $16,332.44 Filed Jan. 22 14CV0054 —Lisa Gllbo v. Richard H. Flxott, and Richard H.Flxott, DDS LLC, complaint, $120,000 plus interest, costs and fees

Tax break aclerical error The Associated Press

that alerted Lane County

about the error. A spokespayer in Lane County briefly man for thecompany degot a big break on its proper- clined comment. ty taxes. Cowles said there's always County Assessor Mike a small chance for error Cowles said an employee en- when county staff members teredan incorrect value for enter tax data into the coman account belonging to In- puter system manually. In a ternational Paper Co., which typical tax year, he said, his owns and operates a Spring- office will see a fewmistakes field mill. The clerical error later identified by property reduced its property tax bill owners or through audits. " It happens to b e a by $1.3 million — from $4 million to $2.7 million. high-profile account," he EUGENE — The top tax-

It was International Paper


LOCAL BRIEFING Continued from Bf

laPinehouseSesaidtobecausedby woodstmfo Astructure fire inthe51000blockof PonderosaWay in LaPinewaslikely causedbysmolderingembersfrom awoodstove, according to anewsrelease from LaPineFire Capt. GaryYoung. The homeownersarrived atthehousetofinditfrlled with smokeand called 911.Nopeople oranimals wereinsidethe homeduring thefire. Fire crewsarrivedto find afirst-floor roomandits contents onfire with flames extending up the stairwell into the secondstory, according tothe news release. The homeownerreported cleaning outthe woodstovethreedays prior and leaving aplastic bucketfull of ashesinthe living room. It is believedthe smolderingembersinthe bucketmeltedthe plasticandignitedthecarpet and othercombustibles onfire, according tothenews release. The structuresustainedmoderateto severeheatand smokedamage. No estimate ofmonetaryfire losseswasincludedinthe release. The LaPineFire Districtwould liketo remindcitizensto store woodstove orfireplaceashesinnoncombustible cansforat leasta weekbeforedepositing outdoors. — Bulletinsf&raporrs

Food, Home & Garden

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The Bulletin


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et's not muddy the Mirror Pond issue more than it al-

yol LARB cotoeuo %EO "

ready is. Foster Fell has submitted a petition to the city that embraces muddiness. It should fail. Fell, who ran and lost a bid to be on the Bend Park & Recreation District board, is basically calling for a vote to take out the dam. Fell's petition would prohibit the city spending money on Mirror Pond, unless the Mirror Pond solution requires n o p e r iodic dredging and also addresses the health of trout in the river. He is looking to get his petition on the ballot. He would need to gather 7,048 valid signatures from Bend residents by Aug. 7 for it to qualify for the Nov. 5 election. Of course, everyone's eager to find the right solution to Mirror Pond. But nobody has enough facts to make a truly informed decision. Don't we need to know if it is





sult enable native redband trout to spawn and be reared. That part may sound clear, but how do you prove it?

The language goes on to say

that the trout "have unimpeded passage." Does a fish ladder count or is that an impediment? Would the dam have tobe removed everywhere or would passage like that envisioned at the Colorado dam be consideredunimpeded? It also says trout should be enabled "to thrive." Does that mean Bend should be looking to spend money to kill other critters that eat young trout? Does that mean people shouldn't be allowed to p addle canoes or swim i n t h e pond, because it might disturb the trout and keep them from financially and legally possible thriving'? to keep the pond? Don't we need Bend residents need basic facts to know what it would cost to re- before they can be expectedto move the dam, beforewe decide make reasonabledecisions about to tear it out'? what'sbest for Mirror Pond and The costs aren't clear on keep- its wildlife. We have said before ing the dam or removing it. that we support finding a way to It's also unclear if the state preserveMirror Pond. But itdoes would let Bend keep the dam if it depend on the costs involved. is nolonger being used to generThis proposed ballotmeasure ate electricity. tries to force the community to On top of that, the petition has make a decision before basic facts vague language about the health are known and would birth mysof trout. It's kindling for lawsuits. tifying guidelines for protecting It says money can't be spent trout. Don't sign the petition. unless aquatic conditions that re-


u8 AS&5%Ã8

Adjunct dilemma in higher ed Rebecca Schuman hanges are afoot among us


me. I cleave onto it wholeheartedjority of subjects, when you have ly, because it is in the revelation of der a hefty majority of college an adjunct professor instead of a the poor "service" adjuncts provide full-timer, you are getting a substan- that we might finally hit universities instruction in the United States. We have, for now, the attention of dard education. To say this, I am ad- where it hurts: their rankings. Congress. We've got our own snappy mitting that I myself provide subpar Institutions, no matter what they hashtags. And we're methodically service to my students. But I do. say, are invested in their placement I'm not subpar on purpose — I, like on the U.S. News Best Colleges list. organizing ourselves into unions. Administrations are noticing and most adjuncts, just don't have the re- Although the rankings share data are nonetoo pleased. Sometimes, sources to treat students well. Like, about endowment, SAT scores, class they go to impressive lengths to pre- you know, my own office, where I size and s tudent-to-faculty ratio, vent a vote. Other times, they just can meet with students when they're they do not list percentage of partissue veiled threats, saying they're free, instead of the tiny weekly win- time faculty. That does not mean the "concerned" about faculty "ceding dow of time when I get the desk and ranking metric doesn't include this their individual rights" to the Ser- computer to myself. I am on campus data, explained Robert Morse, U.S. vice Employees International Union, five hours a week, because when I'm News'directorofresearch data.Alan "outside organization" unfamil- not in the classroom, I have nowhere though the metric itself is sealed up iar with "the enterprise of higher else to go. If my students need further tight, Morse assured me U.S. News education." explanation, they can talk to me in is actually "far ahead of the game" Nice adjunct job you got there — it class or they can wait for whatev- on holding institutions who overwould be a shame if you didn't exer- er terse, harried lines I email back. use part-time faculty accountable, cise your right to self-determination I teach the same freshman survey because in their ranking factor, and something happened to it. But over and over again, so I rarely have "schoolsgetmore creditfora larger that's just it: Adjunct jobs aren't nice, a student more than once, and thus proportion of full-time faculty." He and many of us feel, in all frankness, never build a mentoring relation- explained that schools using a large that we have little to lose. But sympa- ship with anyone. I am, by virtue of portion of part-time faculty "score thy for the adjunct's plight is limited. the parameters of my position, not lower" on the ranking metric, but We chose, after all, to devote our lives giving students anything remotely wouldn't specify how much lower. to something so stupid and useless. near their money's worth. And hun- Is overuse of part-time faculty as Supplyand demand. Find another dreds of thousands of adjuncts in the bad as a meager endowment? Worse job. U.S. are just like me. Most of those than lackluster SAT scores? It really But here's what they don't get: It's adjuncts would be giving their stu- shouldbe. not that adjuncts deserve better. It's dents a much better education, were If a college or university's rankthat students deserve better than ad- they only provided the support that a ing — and concurrently its accredjuncts. And the people who decide college gives its full-time faculty. But itation — could be openly and sewhich colleges are the "best" should they aren't, and the effect on student riously damaged by the overuse of be telling you this, but they're not. learning is deleterious. contingent faculty, only then would That's why I'm calling on U.S. News, As much as I support efforts to students and parents actually begin the leading college ranking service mobilize and unionize, we also need to care, and they'd vote with their in the country, to track the percent- a different tactic. Today's students tuition. age of classes taught by adjuncts view themselves as customers, and — Rebecca Schuman in their rankings — and penalize college as an excruciatingly expenis an education columnist for Slate. prospective student: In the vast ma-


will waste state funds ten more expensive than simply tearing down the old and putting up the new. Old buildings have to be broughtup to current codes for electric wiring, plumbing and the like, among other challenges. A state tax credit, while beneficial to the credit's owner, is a drag on state revenues. A tax deduction is also a drain, but a substantially smaller one. Restore Oregon go green by giving business- gon proposesa credit ofbetween es tax credits for "green" energy 20 and 25 percent of the cost of projects — everything from wind building restoration, a number farms tobus passes for company that will run into the millions on employees. It cost the state gazil- some properties. lions of dollars in u ncollected There'salready a federal tax revenues in its early years and credit for historic restoration and continues to be a drain, though a that should be enough. If commureduced one, on the state's pocket- nities value their old buildings, let book today. them come up with ways to save So why would anyone want to them. Private fundraising is a create yet another tax credit pro- clear demonstration of what comgram, thisone designed to per- munity members really think of suade businesses of the value of the project. restoring old buildings? Because, Oldness, by itself, is no reason say the folks at Restore Oregon, to save some buildings. A state those old buildings are there. t ax credit encouraging that i s Restoration is, admittedly, of- money misspent.

sive service. Most humanists balk at this crass characterization, but not

part-time adjuncts who shoul-

Restoration tax credit urely the Business Energy Tax Credit, BETC, qualifies as one of Oregon lawmakers' worst creations. Now a group called Restore Oregon wants to create what amounts to a BETC for old buildings, though we hope today's legislators have the good sense to give the idea short shrift. BETC, you will r ecall, was born as ameans of helping Ore-

schools that use too many. Here's the cold, hard truth every


Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited tooneissue, contain no more than 250words andincludethewriter's signature, phonenumberandaddress for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar,tasteandlegal reasons. We reject poetry, personalattacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereand those appropriate for othersections of The Bulletin. Writers arelimited to one letter or Op-Edpieceevery30days.

In My Viewsubmissionsshould be between550 and650words, signed and includethe writer's phone number and addressfor verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar,taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In MyViewpieces run routinely in thespacebelow, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to oneletter or Op-Edpieceevery 30days.

Pleaseaddressyour submission toeither My Nickel's Worth or In MyViewand send, fax oremailthemto TheBulletin. Write: My Nickel'sWorth/In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com

Republicans need to focus on policy, not gender politics at is it about women that tion to be asked about the contracepcauses leading Republicans tive mandate (even apart from its chalto grow clumsy, if not stupid? lenge to religious freedom). It's about When even savvy, fluent, attractive- priorities. Bywhat morallogic does the ly populist Mike Huckabee stmkles, state provide one woman with co-payyou know you've got trouble. Having free contraceptives while denying the already thrown away eminently win- same subvention to another woman nable Senate seats in Mssouri and In- when she urgently needs antibiotics for diana because of moronic talk about her sick child? rape, theGOP might havelearned. The sameprinciple of stickingtopolHuckabee wasn't quite as egregious, icy and forswearing amateur psycholjust a bit weird. Trying to make a point ogy should apply to every so-called about Obamacare mandating free women's issue. Take abortion, which contraceptives, he inexplicably began is the subtext of about 90percent of the speculating that the reason behind the alleged"war on women," the charge freebie was the Democrats' belief that being that those temble conservative womenneedthe federalgovernment to men are denying women control of protect themfrom their own libidos. their reproductive health. Bizarre. I can think of no Democrat The charge has worked. Although who has ever said that nor any liberal the country is fairly evenly split on the who even thinks that. Such a theo-

ry, when offered by a conservative, is quiteunfortunately self-revealing. In any case, why go wandering into the psychology of female sexuality in the first place? This is politics. Stick to policy. And there's a good policy ques-

not just too close to infanticide, it is infanticide." How else to describe crush-


ing the infant's skull in mid-delivery before the head leaves thebirth canal?

dealing with a child that could potentially live on its own. And killing it,

for any reason other than to save the mother's life, is an abomination. Out-

lawingthat — statebystate andnationno such consensus exists regarding ally — should be the focus of any Reearly abortions. Unlike late-term abor- publican's position on abortion. ground on abortion in a way that tran- tions when there are dearly two huAtest case for this kind of policy-oriscendsthe normal divisions and com- man beings involved, there is no such ented political strategy is the govermands wide popular support: Focus on agreement regarding a six-week-old nor's race in Texas: Wendy Davis, the the horror of late-term abortion — and embryo. Democratic candidate, has a compliget itbanned. There remains profound disagree- cated personal history. Stop talking Last year's Kermit Gosnell trial was ment as to whether at this early stage about it. Talk policy — specifically the a seminal moment. The country was the fetus has acquired personhood. issue that brought Davis to national shown a baby butcher at work and The disagreement is understandable, prominence. national sentiment was nearly unanimous. Abortion-rights advocates ran

Conservatives need to accept that

given that the question is a matter of faith.

What was her 11-hour filibuster

about? Blocking a state law, whose away from Gosnell. But they can't hide This doesn't mean that abortion op- major feature was outlawing aborfrom the issue. ponents should give up. But regarding tions beyond 20 weeks. Make that the And the issue, as most succinctly early abortions, the objective should battlefield. Make Davis explain why abortion question, the Republicans' defined by the late liberal Sen. Daniel be persuasion — creating some future she chose not just to support late-term inability to make their case in respect- Patrick Moynihan, is infanticide. De- majority — ratherthan legislative coer- abortion but to make it her great cause. ful tones has cost them dearly. In 2012, scribing one form of late-term abortion cion in the absence of a current majoriStayawayfromthe mineffeld of genthey lost unmarried women by 36 known as partial-birth, Moynihan ty. These are the constraints of a demo- derpolitics. Challenge the other side on points. said: "I had once remarked that the cratic system. substance. And watchthem lose. Yet, there is a very simple, straight- procedure was too dose to infanticide. Not so regarding a third- or late-sec— Charles Krauthammer is a columnist forward strategy for seizing the high And now we have testimony that it is ond-trimester abortion. Here, we are for The Washington Post Writers Group.



Low snowpack Drought conditions have left a low snowpack in Central Oregonandaround the state. This time last year there was more than normal the amount of snow around the Deschutes/Crooked River Basin. This year there is less than athird of the normal amount.


Snowpack shownaswaterequivalent


DEATH NOTICES Beverly Samson, of Madras June 30, 1952 - Jan. 26, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond, 541-504-9485 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Saturday, February 1 at 2 p.m., United methodist Church, 49 NE 12th St., Madras. Contributions may be made to: Wendy's Wish c/o St. Charles Medical Center, 2500 NE Neff Road, Bend Or 97701

Frederick Ray Piper, of Redmond Feb. 6, 1958 - Jan. 29, 2014

Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services at this time. Contributionsmay be made to:

Humane Society of the Ochocos, 1280 Tom McCall Rd., Prineville, OR 97754.

Jay B. McKie, of Prineville Jan. 31, 1937 - Jan. 29, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Private services will be held at a later date.

Kevin Peter Williams, of Bend Dec. 17, 1962 - Jan. 29, 2014 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471 Services: Celebration of Life 3:00 PM Tuesday February 4, 2014 at NiswongerReynolds Chapel, 105 NW Irving Ave., Bend, OR. Contributions may be made to:

Shepherd's House, 1854 NE Division St., Bend, OR 97701 or Bethlehem Inn, 3705 U.S. 97 Business, Bend, OR 97701.

Obituary policy Death Noticesarefree andwil be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituariesarepaid advertisementssubmitted by families or funeralhomes.They may be submittedbyphone, mail, email orfax. TheBulletin reserves theright to editall submissions. Please include contact informationin all correspondence. For information onanyofthese services oraboutthe obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines: DeathNotices are accepted until noonMonday through Fridayfor next-day publication andby4:30 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication. Obituaries must bereceived by 5 p.m.Mondaythrough Thursdayfor publication onthe second dayafter submission, by1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication, andby9a.m. Monday forTuesdaypublication. Deadlinesfor displayads vary; pleasecall for details. Phone: 541-617-7825

Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

Mail:Obituaries RO. Box6020 Bend, OR97708


Grossmanmoved from publishing to social sciences


By Adam Bernstein

opment with the goal of The Washington Post "self-actualization." Ralph Nader was an obW hile serving as a scure Washington lawyer vice president of Viking, and auto-safety authority Grossman s h epherded when he began making books, including Frank the rounds of major pub- Goble's "The Third Force" lishing houses in early (1970), that helped popu1965. He hoped to gener- larize Maslow's theories. ate interest in "Unsafe at He also formed a pubAny Speed,"abookhehad lishing alliance with the written savaging the car Esalen Institute, the healindustry for its willing- ing retreat in Big Sur, ness to sacrifice safety for Calif. sleek design and power. About that time, GrossE ditor aft e r edi t o r man began teaching huturned him down, one manistic psychology and with the quip, "This was philosophy courses at New a very interesting manu- York University, which led script, but I think it would to a career change. "Like Abraham Maslow, be primarily of interest to insurance agents." I felt the human race has That October, Nader been shortchanged for gave the book t o R i ch- 5,000 years," he said in ard Grossman, an i nde1986. "We know about pendent New York pub- darkness, but no one exlisher of political affairs plored the healthy personand photography books. ality. I had published the Grossman'sself-described h umanistic w r i ters a n d


Anna Gordy Gaye, 92: Was married to singer Marvin Gaye and her brother founded Mo-

town Records. Died Fridayin Los Angeles. Pete Burns, 85: A former professional rodeo cowboy and nationally known college rodeo coach who owned one of the most intractable bucking bulls of the 20th century. Died Sunday in

Laramie, Wyo. Riz Ortotani, 87: Italian composer ofdozens of film scores,

whose Grammy-winning instrumental melody was featured in the 1962 film "Mondo Cane."

Died Jan. 23 near Rome. — From wire reports

understood the new ther-

sibility — h e f r equent- apies, but in 1974, I decided draft-card burnings ed to leave publishing and during the Vietnam War learn the pragmatic stuff." while wearing his World As a lay psychothera-

• ptlan,d

50%-69% 70%-89%

• Salem


. ugene

07/. 90


104% .Bend

71% • BUtns


P More than 150%


Jan. 30, 2014


Klamath Fatie Lakeg

Hood, Sandy, Low

matill, Walla Walla, g

~GrandeRonde, Powder, Burnt, Imnaha




99/. L

»'~ i




71% John Day



24% Upper Desch nd• Crooked




41% Bur

ake County Goose Lake

Rogue, Umpqtta










• Lakeview Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service


depends on the remainder of the drought has left them low. this winter season," said Jeremy Ochoco Reservoir was 23 per-

Continued from B1

Giffin, Deschutes basin water-

cent full late this week and

pist, he became director of the Center for Health ing c onsumer-advocacy in Medicine at New York's m ovement t h a t Na d e r Montefiore Hospital and

master forthe Oregon Water Re- P rineville Reservoir was 5 4 ments and weigh snow samples sources Department. percent full. Unless there is an at each course to determine Despite the drought, reser- influx of rain and snow before depth and water content. voirs in the Deschutes River irrigation season, which starts The agency also main- system are doing fairly well. at the beghming of April, Giffin

spearheaded. Grossman, who died

tains a network of automated snow-measuring sites, on which

W ar I I m e d als — w a s well-suited to the burgeon-

Medical Center. He was also a faculty member of

Jan. 27 at 92, rushed "Un- Montefiore's res i dency s afe at A n y S p eed" t o program in social medi-

p ublication within t w o cine, a field that combines months. The w h i r lwind clinical and primary care pace was critical, Nader medicine w it h p u b l ic said this week, because it health perspectives on soallowed the release to co- cial, political and economincide with congressional ic forces. hearings that led in 1966 G rossman, who h a d to the passage of the first been recruited to Montecomprehensivefederal au- fiore by Harold Wise, an tomotive safety standards. early leader in primary The book sold hundreds care medicine, began a of thousands of copies, in long career as an author part because of the media and counselor. He wrote attention given to attempts by General Motors to ha-

books that synthesized his interests in nontraditional

rass and intimidate Nader.

medicine and the self-reli-

G rossman

Publ i s h - ance philosophy of Ralph

ers, which merged with Waldo Emerson. the larger Viking Press Among Gr o ssman's in 1968, went on to print

b est-known t i t le s


most of Nader's exposes "Choosing and Changing: of air and water pollution A Guide to Self-Reliance" and pesticides. "He was an (1978) and "The Other avant-garde guy and had Medicines" (1985), which a sense of what was com- focused o n al t e r native ing," Nader said. therapies such as masGrossman alsoprinted sage, acupuncture, med"Dallas Public and Pri- itation, and Chinese and

They take a series of measure-

President Continued from B1 He also noted he has expe-

Hindu medicine.

ican City," Warren Leslie's portrait on the right-wing

Grossman served on the faculty of the family med-

extremism that pervaded

icine department at Beth

the city leading up to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in November 1963. The book appeared months after the killing, and a New York Times reviewer dubbed its findings"courageous."

Israel Medical Center in

increase the number of students coming directly from high

New York in the 1990s and



was a group leader in the Washington-based Smith Center for Healing and the

Arts' program for cancer patients. Robert Schiller, chair-

1 9 68 , Gr o s sman man of Beth Israel's fam-

Publishers released a con- ily medicine department, troversial biography of called Grossman a "giftthe vice president, "The ed healer and educator" Drugstore Liberal: Hubert who followed Maslow's H. Humphrey in Politics," "thinking about healing by Robert Sherrill and as aspirational. It isn't just Harry Ernst. Earlier, Mc- helping people recover Graw-Hill had dropped from an illness. It's giving a promise to print the people direction. A patient book — a sharp critique might say, 'Now that I've of Humphrey's political recovered from my illness, character - reportedly now what? What's my life because ofWhite House about, what's my calling in life?' " pressure. Schiller said that while Grossman Publishers put out "84, Charing Cross alternative medicine is at Road" (1970), the popular times viewed with skeptiepistolary romance by cism, Grossman "tried to point out that if you're an

to a range of books on oncologist, and your paart and philosophy. The tients are seeking unconcompany's publications ventional treatments for also reflectedGrossman's their cancer, you can have interest in what he called a nonjudgmental inquiry "humanistic, existential of their experiences and psychologies," particular- in some ways become that ly the works of the influen- much more of an effective tial psychologist Abraham clinician." Richard Lee Grossman Maslow. Beginning in the 1950s, was born on June 26, 1921, Maslow helped define a in Chicago. He grew up new school of psychology in Manhattan, where his that rivaled Freudian psy- father was a bookkeeper chology and behaviorism. for the Pennsylvania RailHumanistic psychology, road. Grossman was a prein which the therapist med student at the University of Pennsylvania but acts as an involved and e mpathic p a r tner w i t h left for financial reasons the client, emphasizes during the Depression, his lifelong growth and devel- family said.

Wickiup Reservoir, the I~

said there may be water restric-

inthesystem, was 83percent full tions for irrigators dependent on the daily updates of basinwide late this week, according to data the reservoirs this summer. and statewide snowpack is from the Bureau of Reciamabon. Whilethere couldberain- and based. Over the next week, Con- Crescent Lake was 70 percent snow-producing storms in Febservation Service scientists will full and Crane Prairie Reservoir ruary and March, Oregon has use snowpack data to create a was 71 percent full. Giffin said already gone through its three streamflowforecast,ora predic- he expected Wickiup to com- rainiest and snowiest months — November, December and tion of howmuch water will flow pletely fill this year. into streams, rivers and lakes Groundwater helps refill the January — with well below noraround the state once the snow reservoirs, Giffin said, so they mal rainfall and snowfall, said melts. are not as affected by low rain- Kathie Dello, deputy director How much snowmelt there fall or snowmelt as are other res- for the Oregon Climate Service is depends on how much snow- ervoirs. Ifthe dry weather con- at Oregon State University in packthere is. Andunlessthere is tinues, growers will use more Corvallis. a dramatic change in the weath- water from the reservoirs this She said the small storm last er this winter, there might not be summer and there could be less week helped, but there needs to much. Central Oregon is in the groundwater to revive them next be a string of cold, snow-producmidst of severe drought, accord- winter. ing storms for a turnaround. "Our biggest fear would be a "We really need to start making to the U.S. Drought Monitor, produced weekly by the Nation- continuing drought," he said. ing up some snow soon or we'll al Drought Mitigation Center. In the Crooked River Ba- be introuble," Dello said. "We are all preparing for a sin, rainfall and snowmeit di— Reporter: 541-617-7812, very dry summer; just how dry rectly refill the reservoirs, and ddarling@bendbulletin.com.

vate: Aspects of an Amer-

Helene Hanff, in addition

Deathsofnotefrom around the



Q Less than 50%

"non-establishment" sen-

Jgg 3Q 2Q13

and as a basin-wide percentage of the1981-2010 median:

Wyoming and at Treasure Valley Community College Powell, Wyo., and vice presi- will help as COCC prepares

vice president for student affairs at Northwest College in

dent of student and enrollment

to build a new dorm. And she

rience creating collaborative services at Blue Mountain said she has other qualificaagreements that help h i gh Community College in Pend- tions as well. school students get credit and

leton. Young holds an MBA from Portland State University

and is pursuing a doctorate in community college leadership "I've been a part of developing from Colorado State Universiboth public partnerships with ty in Fort Collins. "I'm excited by the growth, other schools, and also I've been a part of establishing partner- and that COCC is in such an ships with community college innovative and entrepreneurial and local workforce providers community," she said. "There and local companies that focus are so many things going on, on economic developmentfor it's just exciting." the region," he said. "That's a big Young said her experience part of the work we've done in with residence halls in both Chemeketa and Lane." Ortego spent six years as president of Sante Fe Community College before taking her in-

"I think the focus that will

be placed on enrollment and student retention and completion will match with my back-

ground in student services," she said. "I have over 30 years

in community college experience, 15 in leadership roles, and I think all of those things

will be really beneficial." — Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleeds@bendbulletin.com Sheila G. Miller contributed to this report. •


terim post in'Itrscon. She earned

a doctorate from the University of New Mexico in A m erican

studies and was awarded the 2011 "CEO of the Year" award from the New

M exico Busi-

ness Weekly. She grew up in Albuquerque and said she was drawn to COCC in part for its reputation.

"It has highly qualified, com-

mitted faculty, great stability

and a great mission in terms of both transfer and workforce development," she said.

She pointedto herexperience creating programs that focus on strengthening the economy. "That's really my passion: high-skill, high-wage jobs," Or-

tego said, noting she started an

• -

advanced technology center at Santa Fe Community College. "It really did what it was supposed to do: give fast-track training for people needing to make a living

wage in a short amount of time.

... COCC has got a program mix that I'm very familiar with."

Young, who grew up in Baker City, became Treasure Valley president in 2010. Prior to her

appointment, Young worked as

• • t



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided byWSJ©2014.










Today: 1~ Mostly sunny






WEST Partly to mostly sunny skies.







)Cannon Beachg


RiVer The

43ns Dages Biggs

4ans —T

• Hermiston37123


• Pendleton


Wagowa 31/17

38/23 47/31


~ McMinnville' ': Wsng •


on 342

. Warm prings•


Partly cloudy skies.

31/1 7 —




Camp Sher n


Baker C

• Mitch 0 40nz

34/1 5


Florence• 5$39





• Beadi 52/40 '

—" Q '%I . Medfdrd

Yesterday's stateextremes

Jordan Rey 34/16



40I1 8


420 2

• 51'




39/1 5

400 9

• 48ng









• Burns •

Christmas Rey

5j lve r

— Grants-


I• •

400 2

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3 702



• Brothers 38/ s Ha ton




I.a Pnle 4071 3 39/1 Mreas to• • Crescent • port Rock 40/11 Lake


Coos Bay 5

400 6

O a kridg

Grove I


Su jver

- 47/28






• Klamath F a l ls



• 13


• Lakeview



39/I 8

Baker City

41/12 ~


-o a

' Vancouve •




(in the 48 contiguous states):


• 85' San Angelo,Texas • -27 0

,as +Ch en

Pine River, Minn.

Melbourne, Fla.



vegas 34/18 56/35

LosAngele I 63/47 i, \

Honolulu ~



Ouebdc ' , 19/2 ss ss

Thunder Bay 9/-17

sv zss


i ss m ss ~


'ss + ss .. env 7/9 vs +



37/33 ton

Des Moin 2Wp, „,gj„.co





Kansas Cfty i


o ss d tt











28/1 7



< ilad e lphia









Ibuq u er


Tijuana 62/42



' Omaha',

San Fr cis«o 57/4

• 1.98"


Bismarck 5/-14

Bigings sso 20/6

o~ o ~o






•Seattle 44/32

• Miami 83/72

++ a Monterrey' a ' a o 81/62 • M a zatlan 83/67

La Paz 74/61





Partly cloudy














43 20

37 16

38 18

37 14




Yesterday' sw eatherthrough 4 p.m .inBend Tomorrow Rise Mercur y....8:04a.m......6:52p.m. High /low... ...........39/27 24 hoursending4p.m.*..0.00" Venus......511 a m...... 309 pm. Remrdhigh........ 67 in1971 Month todate.......... 122" M a r s......1107 pm.....1022a m. Remrdlow........ -26in1950 Averagemonthtodate... 1.53"

Sunrise today...... 7:23 a.m. MOOnphaSeS Sunsgtmday...... 516Pm. pjist Sunrisetomorrow .. 7:21 a.m. Sunsettomorrow... 5:1 7p.m. Moonriise today.... 8:10 a.m. Moonsettoday.... 8:05 p.m



Jupiter......2:24 p.m...... 5148 a.m. Average high.............. 42 Year to date............ 1.22" Satum......1:41 a.m..... 11:35a.m. Average low............... 25 Average yearto date..... 1.53" Uranus.....935am.....1003pm. Barometricpressureat4pm3001 Remrd24hours ...063in1991 *Melted liquid equivalent


Yesterday Saturday Sunday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Hi/Lo/Pcp H i /Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eyeandskin protection. Index is City Precipitationvaluesare 24-hourtotalsthrough4 pm for solar at noon. Astoria ........ 48/43/0.33... 46/36/pc.....46/37/pc Baker City 33/14/0.01 ....34/1 5/pc.....32/14/pc Brookings 50/38/0.00....51/41/pc.....54/40/pc Burns.......... 36/20/0.00.....37/t1/s......40/14/s Eugene 48/36/0.08.....47/28/s.....45/30/pc JpamathFalls ... 36/1 5/0.00.....40/1 9/s.....42/22/pc Lakeview....... 37/1 6/0.00....39/1 8/pc.....42/23/pc La Pine........ 38/22/0.00....40/1 3/pc.....40/16/pc Medford 49/28/0.00.....48/29/s.....49/29/pc Newport 48/39/0.11 .....48/34/s.... AB/36/pc North Bend.....48/39/0.17.....51/38/s.....51/38/pc Ontario 36/20/0.00....39/20/pc.....35/19/pc Pendleton 40/34/0.00....38/23/pc......37/23/s Portland 48/41/0.05....45/30/pc.....45/31/pc Prineville 40f21/000....42/19/pc......41/19/s Redmond 43/23/0.00.....40/17/s......42/17/s Roseburg 48/36/0.06....49/32/pc..... 48/32/c Salem 50/40/0.02 .....46/29/s.....44/31/pc Sisters......... 43/24/0.00....40/1 9/pc.....42/19/pc The Dages St/32/0.00....44/27/pc......43/27/s

Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow accumulation in inches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthonytakes ....... . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 58 Hoodoo....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Ashland.................0.0...no report

1 L





Snow levelandroadconditions rePresenting conditions at 5P.m.yesterday. Icey:T.T. = Traction Tires.

ijmbe~rirne pp warner canyon........ . . . . . .0.0... no report Pass Conditi ons Wigamette Pass .............0.0......24-36 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1.84atCabbageHig............Chains) 10,000 lbs AsPen, Colorado....... . . . . . . 24. . . . . .59-61 Hwy. 2patsantlam pass ...... Carrychains or T.Tires Mammoth Mtn., California....8-10......25-35 Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hm; 26 at Och~o Divide..... Care chains or TTires Squaw Valley, California........ 4 . . . . . .21-29 Hwy 58 atWigameue pass.... (arry chains or1 lires Sun ValleY Idaho....... . . . . . . 00. . . . . .2428 Hwy. 138 at DiamondLake .... Carry chains or T.lires Hwy.242 atMcxenzie pass........Ciosed forseason Vail, Colorado....... . . . . . . . . 21 .... . . . . 66 For links to the latest ski conditions visit: For up-to-minute conditions turn to: www.trip«he«k.com or call 511 www.skicentral.com/oregon.html Legend:W-weatherPcp-precipitation, s-sun, pc-pariial clouds,c-clouds, hhaze, shshowers, r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i ice,rs rainsnowmix,w wind,f fog, dr drizzle,tr trace


wv w o a a w

Yesterday's extremes





36/1 9

41/21 -


La Grande• 36n9 Union

Wi Rowdale





Enterpris • 32/13

320 8


; C amp 34/19

Lincoln Citp 4 - Saierh 46/35 p ' mgo

• Meacham



CENTRAL Partly to mostly sunny skies.


Cold W arm Stationary


* *** * 4 d 4a4 s* *** * *

+rizmzsm . Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice

Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Sabirday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/LoAN HiRo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hzi/Lorig City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,lX......83/50N.00 ..62/2lypc...34/22/i GrandRapids....34/21N.00 ..3I19/sn .. 22/6/sn RapidCity........39ff/000...17/3/sn.28/1$pc Savannah.......61/37N.00 ..64/56/sh. 73/57/sh Akron ..........36/30N.02 .. 44/2irs. 29/13/sn GreenBay.......12/9N 00 .. 16/1/sn..10/ 7/pc Reno...........41/32/0.00...4Y19/s. 43/2Npc Seattle......... sW42N.09 ..44/32/pc. 43/31/pc Albany..........34/22N.00...38/32/c.42/2lsn Greensboro......53/1 5N00 .. 51/42/pc. 58/34/sh Richmond.......sit4/0.00 ..54/41Ipc.60/38/sh Sioux Falls....... 20/-1N.00... 17/-6/c... 19/4/s Albuquerque.....60/41N.00 ..48I2ipc. 48/29/pc 8airisbuig.......52/21 Ip00 ..4l/34/pc...45/26/1 RochesiaNY....35/28/0.00 i, ..38/32/sn. 33/15/sn Spokane........32/21N 02...28/14/s. 31/20/pc Anchorage......2414/000... 28/17/s.. 2519/s Nartbrd,CT.... 44/22/0.00...39/33/c.45/25/sh Saoamento......62/38/0.01... 59/36ls.58/35/pc SpringfielzMO t ..39/29N03... 37/20/i. 3516/pc Atlanta .........58/21N.00 ..53/47/pc. 65/47/sh Helena...........22/6/0.01...23/4/pc... 27/9/c St Louis.........39QB/0.00... 42/19/i. 2M?Jpc Tampa..........59/49N63.. 80/66/pc. 80/65/pc AtlanticCity.... A6/11N.JN..4IJIpc. 49/32/sh Honolulu........81/67/000 80/67/sh. .. 77/67/sh SaltLakeCity....36/29N00..34/18/pc.34/14/pc Tucson..........73/62/0.00..6437/pc.64/37/pc Austin..........78/53NJN.. 75/47/sh. 4I34/sh Houston ........72/57/0.00... 74/56/t. 63/42/sh SanAntgnio.....81/53N.00... 7662/t. 53/35/sh Tulsa...........45/32/0.00...40/26/c .. 32/22/c Baltimore.......49/20/0.00 ..47/35/pc. 52/29/sh Huntsville.......5N24/000..57/45/pc..52/31/rs SanDiego.......63/59N01...62/4Ns.61/51/pc Washingtgn,DC..51/26/0.00 ..48/38/pc. 53/Jt/sh Billings ..........31YJ/000... 20/6/pc.. 23N/pc Jndianapolis.....34/30N00 .. 45/23/rs .. 25/lis SanFrancism... 60/47/irace... 5544/s...57/44/1 Wichha.........34QJN00... 32/9/pc. 31/19/pc Birmingham.....59/23/0.00 ..59/49/pc. 61/3Nsh Jackson,MS.....63/25N.00..65/54/pc. 64/35/sh SanJose....... 60/44/irace...SNJfys...57/36/r Yakima ........ 46/27N.00..35/20/pc. 34nipc Bismarck....... 20 13N00.. 5/14/pc...14/ 5/c Jacksonvile......58/38/0.00 ..76/59/sh. 78/sish Santare........54/43N00..3519/pc. 37/2Ipc Yuma...........72/55N.00...68/43/s. 6iysWpc Boise...........39/25N00..38/1Npc. 36/20/pc Juneau..........30/27N.00.. 32/21/pc.. 29/17/s INTERNATIONAL Boston..........43/22N.00... 39/36/c.46/2ish Kansas City......2IY18N02...28/9/pc... 22/Ns Bridgeport, CT....38/27N00...40/36/c.44/2ish Lansing.........31/21N 00.. 34/15/sn... 22/2/c Amsterdam......43/27/0.00..43/38/sh.. 44/34/c Mecca..........93f73N.00...86/68/s .. 86/67/s Buffalo .........32/28/0.00 .. 36/30/sn.. 3NIsn LasYea gs.......58/49N.00... 56I35/s. 51/37/pc Athens..........60/4W01 ..5$51/sh.50/44/sh MeximCity......75/45N.00... 77/47/s.. 74/45/s Burlington, VT....34/24/0 00.. 33/30/sn. 37/16/sn Lexington.......43/29/000 ..57/35/pc..36/22lrs Auckl and........77/57/0.00...TISlc.74/59/pc Montreal........34QJN 00 .. 25/28/sn...30/5/sf Caribou, ME.....32/12/000..26I2lpc.. 29/Isn Linmln..........27/14000...27/3/pc... 25/9/s Baghdad........68/45N.00 ..M/46/pc.. 62/52/c Moscow........ 9/-13N.00.... 7/Npc... 11/1Ic Charleston, SC...61/340.00..63/54/sh. 70/57/sh Little Rock.......57/3$000 ..61/35/sh..39/27/rs Bangkak........90//2N.00... 93/74/s .. 94/74/5 Nairubi.........84/59N.00...80/52/s .. 81/53/s Charlotte........52R3N 00..52/42/pc. 6I38/sh LosAngeles..... 62/56/trace... 63/47/s. 61/47/pc Beijing..........37/25N00..47/15/pc. 51/23/pc Nassau.........93/73N00.. 78/7lpc. 78/72/pc Chattanooga.....55/19N 01..55/45/pc. 51/36/sh Louisvile........45/33/00059/32/sh. .. 36nlIpc Beirut ..........66/SSN.00...67/57/c.64/54/pc NewDelhi.......63/50N.iN .. 74/57/pc.. 75/58/5 Cheyenne.......27/12N 09... 22/2/sn.. 245/pc Madison, WI......15n/0.00... 2il/sn...12/-6/s Berlin.......... 34n3N.00...34/31lc. 35/28/sh psaka..........55/43N00..56/50/sh. 63/4Nsh Chicago.........29/1 7N00... 30/9/sn...16/-tls Memphis........58/41N00.. 61/34lsh ..41/29/rs 809001.........68/SON.00 .. 72/53/pc...73/51/t psl0............23/18/011..3I2isn ..34/32/rs Cincinnaii.......43/33N.00 .. 52/32/sh. 33/19/pc Miami..........82/68/0.1 0 .. 83/72/pc. 82/72/pc Budapest........32/27/0.00 .. 3$28/rs. 32/27/sn Ottawa.........32/23/000.. 23/23/sn...25/3/sf Cleveland.......36/32N.00 .. 43/26/rs. 27/14/pc Milwaukee......21/10N00...24N/sn...t4/1/5 BuenosNires.....90n3/000..85DVsh.80/Jt/sh Paris........... 46/30N00..46I39/pc. 45/33/pc COJorariSp orings.28/JBN16...25/8/pc. 2IJ0/pc Minneapolis...... 9/-9N.00... 21-7/c....N-5/s CaboSanLucas..81/52/0.00...795Is..78I57/s Rio de Janeim....97/73IO.IN..89/73/pc. 1873/pc ColumbiaMp , ...32/24N.00.. 311?Jsn.. 23/9/pc Nashvile........48/3?JO00 .. 60/37/pc..43/27/rs Cairo...........68/54/0.00...72/57/c. 77/50/pc Rome...........sg/50/717 55/45/sh. .. 55/47/sh ColumbiaSC....57/16N , 00.. 56/46/pc. 68/53/sh NewOrlmns.....63/36N00 ..71/58/pc...73/49/1 Calgae..........1 9/M.00...18/3/pc..12/-2/pc 5806890........90/59N.iN...82/59/s .. 82/57/s ColumbutGA....59/22N00..61/52/pc...70/52/t NewYork.......39/25N00...44/35/c. 48/29/sh Caniun.........75/70/0.05... 81/73/1.82/72/pc 580 Paulo.......93/73N.00 .. 85/67/sh...86/67/t Columbus,08....36/350 01..47/32/sh. 32/17/pc Newark, N/......39/21/000...42/35lc. 48/2$sh Dublin..........484/0.10 ..44/41/sh.. 4042/c Sapporo ........27/23N 00... 22/15/c.. 34/6/sn Conmrd, NH.....37/17N00...36/2ic. 40/I8/rs Norlolk,VA..... 44/22/0.01..57/44/pc. 64/39/sh Edinburgi.......41/37N00.. 38/35/sn.38/36/pc Seoul...........43/2 1N JN.. 33/1msh. 4NI3/pc Corpus Christi....78/48/000... 7N61lt. 64/46/sh Oklahoma City...482/0.00... 40/23/c. 35/23/sn Geneva.. .......45/27N.00..34/33/sn..33/22/sf Shangh at.......6JYJBN.00..69/45/pc.SE/40/pc DallasFtWorth...74/52/0 00.. 65/35/sh..39/32/rs Omaha.........27/14N00... 27/5/pc... 23N/s Narare..........77/64N.00... 73/62/r. 74/62/sh Singapore.......88/75NJN ..86DS/pc. 87/73/pc Daytim .........34/30N03..48/29/sh. 30/15/pc prlando.........665I041 ..81/64/sh.83/63/pc Hong Kong......77/61N00..71/62/pc.. 74/64/s Stockholm.......27n3/0.00 .. 35/33/rs..3430/is Denver..........31/16N04...27$pc. 30/13/pc PalmSprings.....7058/0.00...65/40/s. 63/38/pc lstanbul.........41/37N.00 ..45/39/pc.. 49/44/c Sydne. y.........86/68/0.00..8663/pc.93/62/pc Des Moines.......209N.00... 264ysn... t 8/4/s Peoria..........21/18/012... 32/6/sn ..13/3/pc Jerusalem.......62/46N.00...67/54/c.67/47/pc Taipei...........79/59NIN...71/63/s. 74/SIpc Detroit..........34/28N00.. 34/21/rs... 27/5/s Philadelphia.... 4EQQI0.00 ..44/35/pc. 49/29/sh Johannesburg....77/63N 45.. 76/59/sh. 78/61lsh Tel Aviv.........73/45/0.1N... 74/57/c.. 76/54/c Duluth.......... 5/ 16N00.. 17/7/pc...9/4J/pc Phoenb.........7055N.00...65/43/s. 65/43/pc lima ...........81//ON 00...79/69/c. 76/68/sh Tokyo...........57/41N.JN...45/44/c. 5439/sh El Pam.........71/57N00..65/43/pc. 63/36/pc Pitlsburgh.......38MO00... 47/35/c. 35/19/sn Lisbon..........59/52N.00... 56/45/s .. 55/47/c Toronto.........32/25N.01 .. 34n3/rs... 25/7/sf Fairbanks......... 5/-7/000... 9/15/s.10/-12/pc ForpandME.....38/21N.00...37/33/c. 43/2?Jh s London... .....48I34N.27..46/39/sh.42/37/pc Vancouver.......41/34N19 ..41/36/pc..43RNrs Fargo........... 8/ t 1/000.. 2/17/pc ..3/11/pc Providence......45/1 7N.00... 4M7/c. 47/2$sh Madrid.........54/43N 00 .. 51/29/pc. 46/31/pc Vienna..........32/28N.00 .. 29/27/rs..32/3lsf Flagsiaff........42/31/017 .. 36/16/pc. 38/18/pc Raleigh.........53/1 5/0.00.. 54/44/pc. 63/38/sh Manila..........86/70N.00...82/74/c. 89/7NpcWarsaw..........19/7N.14..23/20/pc.. 27/22/c


New stepsamid historic drought

said to impact 25milion people 9




By Melody Gutierrez and Jill Tucker San Francisco Chronicle

S ACRAMENTO, C A L I F . As d r ought c o nditions w orsen, California i s t a k -

ing the unprecedented step of cutting off water to contractors that serve 25 million

Stm =

people and 750,000 acres of









As a result, Californians who have not yet felt the ef-




1 '













aI a


8 '


f ects of what could be t he

state's worst drought in modern history may soon begin to


experience the pain. Across the state, more cities are ex-



I' ••I•



Jason Hagey/Chico Enterprise-Record file photo

pected to begin implementing

A boating speed limit buoy is stuck In the ground at what was m andatory r e strictions o n Black Butte Lake near Orland Buttes Recreation Area In Orland, water use. Calif. Amid the state's drought, officials on Friday announced they "Today's action is a stark will not allocate water to agencies serving 25 million people and reminder t h a t C a l i f ornia's about1 million acres of farmland.










I '

drought is real," Gov. Jerry Brown said F r iday.


taking every possible step to preparethe state forthe continuing dry conditions we face." The California Depart-

eral towns that get their water from the State Water Project. Those users will have to

are at 36 percent of capacity. Folsom Lake is at 17 percent,

exposing an abandoned town rely on groundwater, local from the 19th century. reservoirs and other supplies. With two-thirds of the wet "Everyone ment o f W a te r R e sources farmers, season having passed, there announced Friday that if dry fish, people in our cities and is little hope that enough rain conditions continue, water towns — will get less water and snow will fall to lift Caliagencies will not receive any as a result, but these actions fornia out of the crisis. "The state would have to water from the State Water will protect us all better in the Project, a system that serves 1Ong run,n COWin Said. OSim- experience heavy r ainfall two-thirds o f Cal i f o rnia's ply put, there is not enough and snowfall every other day population using reservoirs, water to go around, so we through May to get back to aqueducts, power p l ants need to conserve." average precipitation levels," and pumping plants. Water The announcement comes Cowin said. is sent to 29 water suppliers after state health officials Bay Area water agency ofthroughout the state, which said 17 communities and wa- ficials said they planned for t hen provide the w ater t o ter districts are in danger of the worst, but this is "worse agencies serving homes and running out of water within than the worst," said Robfarms. 100 days, including Clover- ert Shaver, assistant general San Francisco, the Penin- dale and Healdsburg. manager for the Alameda sula and other parts of the The list i s expected to County Water District, one of Bay Area would not be di- grow. four Bay Area agencies that rectly affected by the water The snowpack in the Sier- gets its water supply from the cut off because they get water ra is12 percent ofnormal for State Water Project. from other sources, such as this time of year, the lowest The district typically gets Hetch Hetchy. BLLt as water since the state began keeping 40 percent of its water from becomes scarce,less fortu- snowpack records in 1960. the State Water Project for its n ate agencies may tur n t o California wildlife officials customers in Fremont, Union healthier ones for assistance. banned fishing in several City and Newark. Department Director Mark Cowin said at a news confer-

rivers to protect salmon and steelhead trout.

ence that if the dry spell conThe state's largest resertinues,only carryover water voirs — Shasta Reservoir from last year will be chan- north of Redding and Lake neled to the farmers and sev- Oroville in Butte County-

Without that water, it will

have to rely more on local groundwater and the water it

gets from the Hetch Hetchy to meet demand, which is about 45 million gallons per day.

111 WAYS

TO DISCOVER CENTRAL OREGON NEEDAN IDEA FOR HOW TO SPEND VOURFREE TIMEYTHISBPIBEBAB 111IDEAS. Presenting the area's most comprehensive guide to places, events and activities to keep you entertained throughotlt the year. The Bulletin's 111 Ways to Dis-

WHEN TO LOOK POR IT: PUBUSHIIG TWOEDITIONSAYEAR • Spring/Summer: April Fall/Winter: October (DateS to be annOunCed)

cover Central Oregon is one of the most comprehensive visitor's guide in the Tri-county area. This colorful, information-packed magazine can be found at Central Oregon resorts, Chambers of Commerce and other key points of interest including tourist kiosks across the state. It is also offered to Deschtltes County Expo Center visitors throughout the year.

IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 N HL, C3 Sports in brief, C2 Winter sports, C4 Golf, C3 Prep sports, C5 NBA, C3 NFL, C6 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2014


O www.bendbulletin.com/sports



Horner joins Italian team

(tu rt

Summit irst at


MILAN — Bend's

Chris Horner hasbecome the firstAmerican to sign for Italian cycling team Lampre-Merida. The team said Friday that Horner, the reigning Spanish Vuelta champion, has joined its roster for the 2014 season. Team manager Brent Copeland said: "Horner is a great rider technically, an excellent climber and one of the most intelligent riders in the group. He will strengthen our ambitions for

city meet


• Storm jump to early lead at Invite Bulletin staff report With Summit placing first in the girls standings with 151.5 points and the boys taking second with 116, the

the Giro d'Italiaand the

Vuelta." The 42-year-old Horner, who is the oldest winner of a Grand Tour, will likely makehis debut in Lampre colors in the upcoming Challenge Mallorca (Feb. 9-12) in Spain. Copeland addedthat Horner "can also cycle alongside our youngsters to give them the benefit of his experience as they grow.... Horner is notyoung, but he can be really important for the squad."

Storm claimed the title of best in Bend with 267.5 combined

points at the City of Bend High School Invitational at Ju-

niper Swim & Fitness Center on Friday night. The total score bested

runner-up Bend High's 206.5 points, while Mountain View rounded out the standings with 134 points.

Mackenzie Halligan logged \

wins in the 100-yard butterfly

Mountain View's Sarah Bailey comes up with a loose ball with her teammate Hailey Goetz against Redmond's Chantel Dannis during

and the500 freestyleto pace the Summit girls, while Elli Ferrin picked up victories in the 50 free and 100 backstroke. Also adding wins for

Friday night's game in Bend.

the Storm were Ali Epple in

r y I

—TheAssociated Press


Photosby Rob Kerrr The Bulletin

the 200 individual medley and Hannah Peterson in the 100 freestyle, and Summit took

Sisters hosts competition today SISTERS —The 2014 Central Oregon Weightlifting Invitational takes place today at Level 5 Strength in Sisters. Some 40 USA Weightlifting competitors from around Oregonand beyond are expected to take part in the inaugural event. Competition in women's categories begins at11 a.m.; men's lifting begins at1 p.m. Entry for the event is closed. Spectators are welcomeandadmissionis free. Level 5 Strength is located at 801 E.Cascade Ave. — Bulletin staff report

COLLEGE BASKETBALL OIT coachstill one win short EUGENE — Oregon Techmen'sbasketball coach Danny Miles remains one win short of career victory No. 1,000 after his Hustlin' Owls lost 62-55 Friday night

at Northwest Christian College. In his 43rd season at Oregon Tech, Miles is currently 999-408 overall in his career. He is looking to become just the second men's basketball coach ever at a four-year school to reach 1,000 wins. Oregon Techplays tonight at Corbin University in Salem. — Bulletin staff report

first in all three relay events. Jennifer Robeson won the

200 freestyle and was second in the 100 butterfly for Bend,


Vl • Hot shooting helps Mountain Viewget off to a 20-13 lead enroute to an IMC win overRedmond

which finished second with


84.5 points. Chyna Fish added second-place finishes in the 50 free and 200 IM, and Bella

Wiener placed second in the 500 freestyle. Mountain View, which was third with 68 points, was led



by Teresa Cobb's win in the 100 breaststroke. Julia Gor'~a' trrr «e


man (500 free and 200 IM), Kennedy Bright (100 backstroke), Phoebe Weedman (100 breaststroke) and Elizabeth Cobb (200 free) each

l-rt R gr.

Bulletin staff report

took third in their respective

Emma Platner made six 3-pointers and scored 23 points to lead Mountain View over Redmond 53-44 in a Class 5A Intermountain Conference girls basket-

ball game on Friday night at Mountain View High School. Platner made three 3-pointers in the

first quarter as the Cougars (2-2 IMC, 5-11 overall) raced to a 20-13 lead afterthe opening period. She made three more in the third quarter, and she also finished the game with six steals.




~ ~4ssjI'~j, '



Mountain View coach Steve Riper said

that Platner had been in a bit of a slump before Friday night. "It's just good to see her get back on track," Riper said. Ryann Van der Zwiep added seven points and six rebounds for the Cougars, who held the lead for the entire game and played 10 girls.

Mountain View senior Jessie Goetz dribbles against the defense of Redmond senior Ciara Lennie during Friday night's game.

"Redmond played really well," Riper said. "They have a couple younger girls that were playing more."

21 points, and Maddie Edwards added 12

Chantel Dannis led the Panthers with

before on us," Riper said of the Panthers.

points for Redmond. "They hit some shots that they didn't


By Graham Dunbar The Associated Press

Seahawks'Wilson astandout with a good story who iseasyto miss By Harvey Araton New York Times News Service

Memphisgetswin over Minnesota

t was no surprise that Super Bowl week launched with a f r a ntic rush to sur-

tof round Richard Sherman but with plenty good space available in the presence of

set to start next week, C3

Tina Maze.

After her historically good season last year — 11 World Cup


pointstotal,one world champion- Maze ship gold medal — the 30-year-old Slovenian fit perfectly as a potential Winter Games star.

Maze celebrated victories

Russell Wilson. That in-

justice of unbalanced at- NeXt up:

with her exuberant trade-

tention revealed far more $iipli about th e m a lleability of the news media — especially during the long, news-starved run-up to the game — than it did vs. Denver about either player. Broncos Between Sherman's lin- When:Sunday, guistics and Peyton Man- 3.25p m ning's Iegacy Wuson was TV:F Fox easy to miss — and not be- TV.

mark, a cartwheeling handspring across the snow. This season, she was clearly unhappy as her winless streak stretched into January, unwilling or unable to explain what she described in herblog as "mediocre results."

cause he is an understzed starting quarterback at the listed height of 5

first win in a sun-bathed

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson speaks during a news conference

feet 11 inches. It is just difficult to reduce his

Wednesdayin Jersey City,N.J.The Seahawks and the DenverBroncos arescheduled to play in the Super Bowl onSunday.

story to a sound bite.

Cortina d'Ampezzo in the Dolomite mountains. SeeMaze /C4

«r 1

OLYMPICS IIew events set to start in Sochi There will be12 new events, including freestyle skiing and team figure skating, to watch at the Winter Olympics

GENEVA — The biggest puzzle in Alpine skiing ahead of the Sochi Olympics was working out what happened to

wins, record


Zach Randolph scores 26 points andhas12 rebounds astheGrizzlies take a 94-90 win overthe Timberwolves,C3

Maze solving mystery of poor form before Sochi

Jeff Roberson /The Associated Press


All that changed last Satur-

day in Italy. Maze raced to an elusive downhill at picture postcard




TODAY SOCCER EPL, Stoke City vs. Manchester United International, USAvs. South Korea A-League, Brisbanevs. Central Coast

Time TV/ Radio 7 a.m. NBC S N 2 p.m. ESP N 2 10 p.m. Fox Sports 2


Men's College,Richmond atTCU 8 a.m. ESPN2 Men's College, Coastal Carolina at Campbell 8 a.m. ESPNU Men's College, OhioState at Wisconsin 9 a.m. ESPN Men's College, GeorgiaTechat WakeForest 9 a.m. Root Men's College, Marquette at St. John's 9:30 a.m.Fox Sports1 Men's College, GeorgeWashington at Dayto n 9:30a.m. NBCSN Men's College, Kentucky at Missouri 10 a.m. CBS Men's College, N.C.State at North Carolina 10 a.m. ESPN2 Men's College, Toledo atOhio 10 a.m. ESPNU Men's College, Baylor at OklahomaState 11 a.m. ESPN Men's College, Utah atColorado Pac-12 11 a.m. Men's College, GeorgeMason at St. Louis 11:30 a.m. NBCSN Men's College, Clemson atFlorida State noon ESPN2 Men's College, Evansville at Wichita State noon ESPNU Men's College, Michigan St. vs. Georgetown noon Fox Sports1 Men's College,KansasatTexas 1 p.m. ESPN Men's College, ArizonaState at Stanford 1 p.m. Pac-12 Men's College, Pacific at SanDiego 1 p.m. Root Men's College, Drexel atTowson 1:30 p.m. NBCSN Men's College,ArkansasatLSU 2 p.m. ESPNU Women's College, Butler at Xavier 2 p.m. Fox Sports 2 Men's College, Washington atWashington St. 3 p.m. Pac-12 Men's College, Utah State atWyoming 3 p.m. Root Men's College,DukeatSyracuse 3:30 p.m. ESPN Men's College, Wright State at GreenBay 4 p.m. ESPN2 Men's College, Colorado St. at SanDiego St, 4 p.m. ESPNU Men's College, USC at Oregon Pac-12 5 p.m. 1110AM,100.1 FM

Men's College, SanJose St. at New Mexico NBA, Miami at NewYork Men's College, Tennesseeat Alabama Men's College, Central Florida at Louisville Men's College, Pennsylvania at Harvard NBA, Toronto at Portland Men's College,GonzagaatSan Francisco Men's College, Arizona atCalifornia Men's College, St. Mary's at BYU Men's College, UCIrvine at Cal Poly-SLO Men's College, Alaska-Anchorage atWestern Washington

5 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m.



9 p.m.


10 a.m. noon 1 2:30 a.m.

Golf CBS Gol f


PGA, Phoenix Open PGA, Phoenix Open European PGA,Dubai Desert Classic HOCKEY

College, Wisconsin at Michigan

3:30 p.m. N BCSN

SUNDAY SOCCER EPL, West Bromwich Albion vs. Liverpool EPL, Arsenal vs. Crystal Palace

Time TV/Radio 5:30 a.m. NBCSN 8 a.m. NBCSN


NHL, Detroit at Washington

9:30 a.m.


Men's college, Virginia at Pittsburgh Men's college, Michigan at Indiana Women's college, Notre Dame at Duke Women's college, OregonState atArizona Women's college, Miami at North Carolina Men's college, UCLAat Oregon State

9:30 a.m. 10a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 11:30a.m.


Men's college, William & Mary at JamesMadison Women's college, Stanford at California Women's college,TennesseeatAlabama

11:30 a.m. 1 p.m. 1:30 p.m.





PGA Tour, Phoenix Open PGA Tour, Phoenix Open

10 a.m. noon

Golf CBS


College, Florida at USC

1 p.m.



NFL, Super Bowl, Denvervs. Seattle

3:30 p.m.


Listingsarethemostaccurate available. T/Ie Bulletinis not responsible forlatechangesmadeby TV orradiostations.

Partial Second Round a-denotes amateur 65-65—130


Boys basketball: Gilchrist atNorthLake,5:30 p.m.; Redmondvs. Bakerat Prairie City HighSchool, 2:30p.m. Girls baskelball:Trinity Lutheranat Paisley,5:30 .m.; Gilchrist atNorthLake,2p.m.; Redmond vs. aker atPrairieCity HighSchool,1 p.m. Wrestling: Sisters, LaPine, Madrasat LaPineInvite, TBD;Redmondat Mid-Valley ClassicTournament at SouthAlbany,10a.m.; Mountain Viewat Rex Putna m Tournament,9a.m. Alpineskiing:OSSAat Mt. Bachelor, Slalom,Lower Leeway,10a.m. Nordicskiing:OISRAskate and relay racesat Mt. BacheloTt:30 r, a.m.


SuperBowl Sunday,Feb.2 At EastRutherford, N.J. Denvervs.Seatle, 3:25p.m.(Fox)

Matt Jones BubbaWatson GregChalmers HarrisEnglish HidekiMatsuyama Pat Perez KevinStadler WilliamMcGirt BrandtSnedek er PatrickReed ScottPiercy

Morgan Hoff mann Martin Laird JasonKokrak NickWatney KenDuke KiradechAphibarnrat NicolasColsaerts JamesDriscoll HunterMahan RyanMoore Bill Haas Jhonattan Vegas Y.E.Yang Chris Stroud Cameron Tringale DavidHearn Chris Kirk

64-66—130 65-67—132 65-67—132 66-67—133 65-68—133 65-68—133 65-69—134 70-64—134 67-67—134 67-67—134 69-66—135 67-68—135 66-69—135 69-68—137 70-67—137 66-71—137 69-68—137 67-70—137 66-71—137 66-71—137 69-68—137 71-66—137 64-73—137 70-67—137 71-67—138 68-70—138 65-73—138 72-66—138 71-67—138 67-71—138 71-67 — 138 68-70—138 68-70—138 69-69—138 72-66—138 72-67—139 66-73—139 67-72—139 67-72—139 71-68—139 67-72—139 68-71—139 70-69—139 70-69—139 67-72—139 69-71—140 66-74—140 75-65—140 70-70—140 69-71—140 68-72—140 70-70—140 72-68—140 69-71—140 68-72—140 72-68—140 67-73—140 76-64—140 71-69—140 72-69—141 71-70—141 71-70—141 69-72—141 72-69—141 70-71—141 72-69—141 73-68—141 70-71—141 70-71—141 71-70—141 73-68—141 71-70—141 68-73—141 73-69—142 71-71—142 67-75—142 73-69—142 70-72—142 72-70—142 73-69—142 71-72 — 143 71-72—143 70-73—143 72-71—143 72-71 — 143 72-71 — 143 74-69 — 143 71-72—143 72-71—143 71-72—143 71-72 — 143 70-73 — 143 68-75—143 70-74—144 73-71—144 72-72—144 73-71 — 144 70-74 — 144 72-72 — 144 69-75—144 72-72—144 79-66—145 74-71 — 145 66-79—145 75-70 — 145 72-73—145 76-70—146 72-74—146 76-70—146 72-74—146 73-73—146 66-80—146 73-73—146 72-74—146 74-72—146 72-74—146 73-74—147 75-72—147 75-73—148 76-72—148 74-74 — 148 71-78 — 149 73-78—151 78-74—152 78-75—153 79-74—153 76-83—159

DavidLynn RickyBarnes Betting line BryceMolder Phil Mickelson NFL AaronBaddeley HomeTeaminCaps JohnPeterson Sunday,Feb.2 BenCrane SuperBowl Every Favorite Open Current Underdog Matt Roffins Broncos PK 2.5 Seahawks John Brendon deJonge GrahamDeLaet NFL InjuryReport NEWYOR K — The updated National Football JohnMallinger KevinStreelman Leagueinjury report,asprovidedbytheleague: GaryWoodland SEATTLE SEAHAWKS atDENVER BRONCOSSEAHA WKS: PROBABLE: WRDoug Baldwin (hip), JonasBlixt Smith WR PercyHarvin (concussion), RBMarshawn Lynch Chris Howell III (not injury related), DTBrandonMebane (ankle). Charles Erik Comp BRONCOS: DOUBTFUL:DTSioneFua(calf).PROB- FredFunkton ABLE:CBTony Carter (shoulder), TEJoel Dreessen BrendanSteele (knee), DT TerranceKnighton (knee), GChris Kuper Merrick (ankle), QBPeyton Manning (ankle), RBKnowshon John Na Moreno(ribs),KMatt Prater (ilness), DTMitch Unrein Kevin BrianGay (knee),CBKayvonWebster (thumb). BenCurtis RobertGarrigus DavidLingmerth BASKETBALL MartinKaym er WebbSimpson Men's College Michae lThompson Standings Sang-MoonBae Pacific-12Conference RyanPalmer AH timesPST Steven Bowditch RobertoCastro Conference Overall GeoffDgilvy W L W L K.J. Choi Arizona 8 0 21 0 Vijay Singh UCLA 6 2 17 4 DerekErnst ArizonaSt. 5 3 16 5 MarkCalcavecchia California 5 3 14 7 BrianDavis Washington 13 8 5 3 BrianStuard Colorado 4 4 15 6 Charl eyHoff man Stanford 4 4 13 7 CamiloVilegas Oregon St. 4 4 12 8 Justin Hicks Utah 3 5 14 6 J.B. Holmse Oregon 2 6 14 6 ScottLangley SouthernCal 1 7 10 11 JonathanByrd WashingtonSt. 1 7 8 12 PadraigHarrington Today'sGames LukeGuthrie Utah at Colorado,11a.m. LeeWestwood ArizonaSt. atStanford,1 p.m. CharlieBeljan Washington atWashingtonSt.,3 p.m. USCatOregon,5 p.m. DanielSummerhays Arizona at California, 7:30p.m. Martin Flores Sunday'sGames JoshTeater UCLAatOregonSt.,11:30 a.m. RichardH. Lee Kris Blanks Friday'sGames JohnHuh Easl RetiefGoosen Brown 78, Cornell 66 Justin Leonard Dartmouth67, Penn58 CharlieWi Harvard 82, Princeton76 KevinTw ay lona 85,Manhattan73 NicholasThompson Rider71,St.Peter's 53 KevinChappell Yale69,Columbia59 RickieFowler South Billy Horschel FloridaGulf Coast 71,Stetson68 D.A. Points Mercer90, ETSU77 RusselHenl l ey ScottVerplank MurraySt.96,Austin Peay88 SC-Upstate 65, KennesawSt.48 TedPotter,Jr. James Hahn VMI107,Presbyterian93 DannyLee Midwest ScottStaffings Cleveland St.86, Detroit 78 MarcLeishma n Oaklan d86,YoungstownSt.85 lan Poulter AngelCabrera Women's College LucasGlover BrianHarman Friday'sGames TommyGainey EAST MikeWeir Cornell80,Brown70 PaulGoydos Harvard 78, Princeton68 Bo VanPelt Hofstra55,UNCWilmington43 RorySabbatini Penn71,Dartmouth53 RobertAffenby Yale76,Columbia51 Jeff Overton souTH D.H. Lee JamesMadison 92,Col. of Charleston59 Keegan Bradley MIDWEST WoodyAustin llinois St.65,Loyolaof Chicago54 GeorgeMcNeil IndianaSt.80, Bradley67 DavidToms MissouriSt.87,Evansyile 70 Carl Pettersson WichitaSt. 74,S.Illinois 51 a-KiTaekLee FARWEST J.J. Henry ArizonaSt. 64,OregonSt.62 Jeff Magge rt Oregon 84,Arizona72 StephenAmes Washington70, UCLA58 Mark Wi l s on Washington St.79, SouthernCal75 RyoIshikawa AndresRomero GonzaloFdez-Castano GOLF KyleStanley PaulTrittler PGA JoeySnyderlff PhoenixOpen Failedtocompletesecondround Friday SpencerLevin At TPCScotlsdale MichaelPutnam Scotlsdale,Ariz. JasonBohn Purse:S6.2million Joe Ogilvie Yardage:7,152;Par:71

67 67 70 71

Leaderboard attime ofsuspendedplay Score thru -12 -12 -10 -10 -9 -9 -9 -8 -8 -8 -8

1. MattJones 1. Bubba Watson 3. Greg Chalmers 3. HarrisEnglish 5. HidekiMatsuyam a 5. PatPerez 5. KevinStadler 8. BrandtSnedeker 8. PatrickReed 8. ScottPiercy 8. WilliamMcGirt


6-4, 6-4, 6-4.

HOCKEY NHL Standings All TimesPST

EasternConference AtlanticDivision Boston Tampa Bay Toronto Montreal Detroit Ottawa Florida Buffalo

GP W L OT 53 34 16 3 54 31 18 5 56 29 21 6 54 29 20 5 54 24 19 11 54 24 20 10 54 21 26 7 53 15 30 8

States,1-6,7-6(3), 3-6,6-4, 6-1. Netherlands1,CzechRepublic1 At CezArena Oslrava,CzechRepublic Surlace:Hard-Indoor RobinHaase,Netherlands,def.RadekStepanek, CzechRepublic, 3-6,6-4, 6-7(4), 6-2, 6-1. Tomas Berdych, CzechRepublic, def.IgorSijsling, Netherlands, 6-3, 6-3,6-0. Japan1,Canada1 At AriakeColiseum Tokyo Surlace:Hard-Indoor Kei Nishikori,Japan,def. PeterPolansky,Canada,

Pts GF GA 71 160 119 67 160 136 64 164 173 63 135 135 59 139 152 58 155 170 49 132 170 38 104 154


FrankDancevic, Canada, def. GoSoeda, Japan, 6-4, 7-6(2),6-1. Germany 2, Spain0 At FraporlArena Frankfurt,Germany Surlace:Hard-Indoor PhilippKohlschreiber,Germany, def. Roberto Bautista Agut,Spain,6-2, 6-4,6-2. Florian Mayer,Germ any, def. Feliciano Lopez, Spain,7-6(6),7-6(4), 1-6,5-7,6-3. France 2, Australia 0 AtVendespace La Roche surYon, France Surlace:Clay-Indoor RichardGasquet, France,def.NickKyrgios, Australia, 7-6(3),6-2, 6-2. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga,France,def. Lleyton Hewitt, Australia,6-3, 6-2,7-6(2). Argentina 1, Italy1 At Patmodromo Municipal Mar delPlata, Argentina Surlace:Clay-Outdoor CarlosBerlocq,Argentina, def.AndreasSeppi, Italy, 4-6, 6-0,6-2, 6-1. FabioFognini, Italy, def. JuanMonaco, Argentina,

GP W L OT Pts GF GA P ittsburgh 5 4 3 8 14 2 78 175 129 N.Y.Rangers 56 30 23 3 63 145 140 C arolina 5 4 2 5 2 0 9 59 137 151 Columbus 54 27 23 4 58 159 153 Philadelphia 55 26 23 6 58 150 163 NewJersey 56 23 21 12 58 132 140 7-5, 6-2,6-2. Kazakhsta n2,Belgium 0 Washington 55 24 22 9 57 158 167 At NationalTennisCentre N.Y. Islanders 57 21 28 8 50 159 191 Astana,Kazakhstan WesternConference

Surlace:Hard-Indoor CentralDivision MikhailKukushkin,Kazakhstan,def.RubenBemelGP W L OT Pts GF GA Chicago 56 33 10 13 79 199 156 mans,Belgium,6-4,6-7 (3),6-2, 6-3. AndreyGolubev,Kazakhstan, def. DavidGoffin, St. Louis 53 36 12 5 77 181 122 Belgium,7-6(9), 3-6, 4-6,6-2,12-10. Colorado 53 34 14 5 73 158 141 Switzerland2, Serbia0 Minnesota 56 29 21 6 64 137 140 At SpensSporl Centre Nashville 56 25 23 8 58 139 168 Novi Sad,Serbia Dallas 54 24 21 9 57 156 160 Surlace:Hard-Indoor Winnipeg 56 26 25 5 57 159 165 RogerFederer,Sw>tzerland, vs. Ihla Bozoliac, SerPacificDivision 6-4, 7-5,6-2. GP W L OT Pts GF GA bia,Stanislas Wawrinka, Swilzerland, def. DusanLajoA naheim 5 6 4 0 1 1 5 85 189 137 vic, Serbia6-4,4-6, , 6-1,7-6 (7). S anJose 5 5 3 4 15 6 74 166 133 Los Angeles 56 30 20 6 66 134 120 Vancouver 56 27 20 9 63 142 147 DEALS Phoenix 5 4 2 5 1 9 10 60 156 163 C algary 54 2 0 2 7 7 47 128 170 Transactions Edmonton 56 18 32 6 42 147 190 BASEBAL L NOTE:Two points for a win, onepoint for overtime COMMISSI DNER' SOFFICE— SuspendedMiami loss. RHPRonnyFermin50gamesfor aviolating theminor Friday'sGames league drugprogram. Detroit 4,Washington3, SO AmericanLeague N.Y.Rangers4, N.Y. Islanders1 D ETROI TIGERS— Agreed to termswith CAlex Carolina 3, St. Louis1 Avila on aone-yearcontract. Nashvrge 3, NewJersey2, OT KANSAS CITY RDYALS— Agreedto termswith Winnipeg 4, Vancouver 3 RHPAaronCrowona one-yearcontract. Today'sGam es TEXAS R A NGERS—Announcedthe retirement of Edmonton at Boston,10 a.m. INF Michael Young. Tampa Bayat Montreal,10a.m. NationalLeague Buffaloat Colorado,noon CINCINN ATI REDS — Agreedto termswith DF Philadelphia at LosAngeles,1 p.m. Roger Be rna di n a on aminor leaguecontract. OttawaatToronto, 4 p.m. MIAMIMARLINS—Agreedtotermswith DFReed Florida atColumbus,4 p.m. Johnsononaminor leaguecontract. Nashville atSt.Louis, 5p.m. NEWYORKMETS—Agreedto termswith INF/DF PittsburghatPhoenix, 5p.m. Matt Clarkonaminor leaguecontract. Minnesotaat Calgary, 7p.m. BASKETB ALL DallasatAnaheim,7p.m. NationalBasketballAssociation Chicagoat SanJose,7:30 p.m. DETROI TPISTONS— ReassignedG PeytonSiva Sunday'sGames and FTonyMitchell to FortWayne(NBADL). Detroit atWashington, 9:30a.m. NEW YORK KNICKS— AssignedGToure'Murry Winnipeg atMontreal,10 a.m. to Erie(NBADL). FOOTBAL L TENNIS CanadianFootball League WINNIPEG BLUEBOMBERS— Traded WRKito Poblah to British Columbiafor DB KoreyBanks. Professional ReleasedQBJasonBoltus, DBBoSmith, LBDaniel ParisOpen Sheffield, RB Mario Fannin andDEMathieuBoulay Friday HOCKEY At StadePierredeCouberlin N ationalHockeyLeague Paris COLUMBUSBLUEJACKETS — ReturnedFTim Purse:S710,000(Premier) Erixon toSpringfield (AHL). Surlace:Hard-Indoor NEW JERSEYDEVILS—Assigned DEric Gelinas Singles to Albany (AHL). Recalled FMikeSislo fromAlbany. Ouarlerlinals TAMPABA Y LIGHTNING— Recalled GsCedrick AnastasiaPavlyuchenkova,Russia, def. Angelique Desj ardinsandKristers Gudlevskisfrom Syracuse Kerber (4), Germany, 5-7, 6-3,7-6 (3). MariaSharapova(1), Russia, def. KirstenFlipkens (AHL). TORONTOMAPLELEAFS— TradedDMarkFraser (8), Belgium, 6-2,6-2. Edmonton forFCameronAbneyandtherights to F Alize Cornet,France,def.AndreaPetkovic, Germa- to Teemu Hartikainen. ny, 7-6(6),5-7, 6-3. WASHIN GTON CAPITALS — Recaled D Tyson SaraErrani(3), Italy, def.ElinaSvitolina, Ukraine, Strachan fromHershey(AHL) onanemergencybasis. 6-2, 6-3. ReassignedCRyanStoato Hershey. SOCCER PattayaWomen'sOpen MajorLeagueSoccer Friday S EATTLE SO UN DER S— AcquiredMFMarcoPapAt OusitResorl pa throughMajor LeaoueSoccer's allocation process. Patlaya, Thailand COLLEG E Purse:S250,000(Intl.) EMPIRE8 ATHLETIC CONFERENCE — AnSurlace:Hard-Outdoor nounced C or t l a nd Stat e w i l j o i n asanaffiliate member Singles in footbalfor l the2015season. Ouarlerlinals ESTER NATHLETICCONFERENCE—SuspendKarolina Pliskoya,CzechRepublic, def. Sorana edW Te xas-PanAmericanmen'sbasketballcoachDan Cirstea(3),Rom ania, 1-6,7-6(3), 6-0. Hipsher one game for violations of theconference's Julia Goerges,Germany, def. ElenaVesnina (5), sportsmanshi p policy. Russia,5-7,6-3,6-3. ARMSTRONGATLANTIC STATE— Named Harold Andrea Hlavackova,Czech Republic,def.Peng Watson assistantathletic directorfor marketingand Shuai(8) China6-2 7-5. ons. EkaterinaMakarova(4), Russia,def. KimikoDate- promoti C ALDW ELL—NamedJacquelinee McDevitt womKrumm,Japan, 6-2,4-6,6-4. en'sassistantlacrossecoach. GEORGIA SOUTHERN— NamedDellMcGeerunDavisCup ning backs coach. woRLD GROUP L IMESTONE — Named ZackSiefertmen' s and First Round women'sgolfcoach. Winnersto quarlerlinals, April 4-6; losersto RICE—NamedKevin Yoxall strengthandcondiWG Playoffs,Sept. 12-14 tioningcoach. Britain 2,unitedStates0 At PetcoPark RUTGERS— NamedRalph Friedgen off ensive San Diego coordinator,BobFraserspecial teamscoordinator/ Surface:Clay-Outdoor linebackerscoachandJoeRossi defensive coordiAndy Murray,Britain, def.DonaldYoung,United nator. States,6-1,6-2, 6-3. TENNE SSEE— Announced its rowing program JamesWard, Britain, def. SamQuerrey, united will join theBig12 Conferencein 2015.

SPORTS IN BRIEF BASKETBALL NiiggetS' RObinSOn haSSurgery — Nuggets guard Nate Robinson hashadsurgery to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his left kneeand will miss the rest of the season.Teamphysician Dr. Steve Traina performed the surgery Friday. Robinson was injured in aspill underneath the Nuggets' basket during the first quarter of Wednesdaynight's loss to the Charlotte Bobcats. Theteam announced Robinson had the surgery during the second quarter of their game against the Toronto Raptors.

Guard getS jail far ringS theft —Aformer security guard who stole LosAngeles Lakers championship rings from a training center has beensentenced to 180 days in jail. Los AngelesCounty prosecutors say Mejia Monterroso pleaded nocontest to grand theft Friday. Healso will have to pay nearly $14,000 in restitution. Monterroso wasarrested in December. Prosecutors say the 23-year-old was aguard at the Toyota Sports Center in ElSegundolastyear when he took three championship rings and hundreds of gift cards during a night shift.

TENNIS BritS take 2-0 lead Over U.S. —It wasarally that truly cameout of left field. JamesWard won10 of the last11 games to take astunning five-set victory against SamQuerrey andgive Britain a 2-0 lead against the United States in the first round of the Davis Cup on atemporary red clay court in the outfield of Petco Park, the downtown home ofbaseball's San

Diego Padres. Ward, ranked175th in theworld, was two games from losing the match when hebegan his rally that gave him a1-6, 7-6 (3j, 3-6, 6-4, 6-1 victory. Ward's victory in 3 hours, 11 minutes, followed Wimbledon champion AndyMurray's easy straight-set victory against Donald Young,who was making his Davis Cupdebut. Murray has won 17straight Davis Cup singles matches.

the U.S. since 2001. Leroux, a Canadian-born U.S. citizen, broke the deadlock with a left-footed finish 3 yards out after a Becky Sauerbrunn pass got through two defenders and goalkeeper Erin McLeod inside the 6-yard box. Hope Solo preserved the U.S. win in the 87th minute with a diving save of a Jonelle Filigno shot. The U.S., ranked No.1 in the world, also remains undefeated under second-year coach TomSermanni (14-0-3j, and is a perfect 11-0 in Texas.

MOTOR SPORTS Kvapil takes deal in domestic assaultNASCARdriver Travis Kvapil received two years' probation and must perform 72 hours of community service as part of a deferred prosecution agreement in his domestic assault case. Under the prosecution agreement reachedThursday in North Carolina District Court in Iredell County, the misdemeanor charges of false imprisonment andassault will eventually be dropped. Details of Kvapil's agreement were first reported by TheSporting News. Kvapil also had to pay $460 in feesandcourt costs and must attend an anger management class aspunishment for the Oct. 8 incident in his home.

SOCCER U.S. women earn1-0 win over CanadaSydney Leroux scored in the 78th minute and the U.S. women's soccer team earned a1-0 victory over Canada Friday night in Frisco, Texas. The Americans extended their home unbeaten streak to 78 games (67-0-10j. Canada has not defeated

BASEBALL RangerS' YOung to retire —MichaelYoungis retiring after only one seasonawayfrom the Texas Rangers. Young formally announced his retirement Friday at Rangers Ballpark. That was his baseball home for all but the last of his13 major leagueseasons. The seven-time All-Star is the Rangers' career leader with 2,230 hits. The37-year-old Young finished as a career.300 hitter in1,970 gamesfor Texas, Philadelphia andthe Los Angeles Dodgers. Young made his major leaguedebut playing twice the final weekend ofthe2000season,andbecame aregularin the Rangers lineup early the next season. Hestarted all four infield positions for Texas, which went from being a last-place team to consecutive World Series in 2010 and2011.Texastraded Young last winter to the Phillies.

FOOTBALL COmPany OfRamS OWner buyS L.A. land

— A company tied to St. Louis Ramsowner Stan Kroenke has purchased a prime piece of land in the Los Angeles areaamid speculation the NFL franchise is considering a return to the city it left for the Midwest nearly two decades ago.Teamofficials on Friday provided a written statement confirming the recent purchase of a 60-acre site in Inglewood, Calif., adjacent to the shuttered Hollywood Park racetrack. The LosAngeles Times first reported the purchase. The property is three miles east of Los Angeles International Airport runways and sprawls between the newly renovated Forum concert venue, former home of the Los Angeles Lakers, and Hollywood Park, which closed Dec. 22 after 75 years of horse racing. The latter 260-acre site is slated for development of 3,000 housing units, commercial space and parks.

GOLF GOlfer DOWneykilled in Car CraSh —Former Auburn and LPGA player Danielle Downey hasdied in a single-car accident in Auburn, Ala. Shewas 33. Downey lost control on LeeRoad 57,the car overturned several times andshewas ejected at about 10 p.m. Thursday, LeeCounty Coroner Bill Harris said Friday. Harris said shewas apparently heading home after spending time with friends andwas pronounced dead onarrival at the hospital. Downeywas in her second season asAuburn's director of golf operations. She filled in for coach KimEvansduring the 2012-13seasonafter Evans was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. — Fromwirereports




Watson, jones early leaders in Phoenix The Associated Press SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Phil Mickelson made it to the weekend in the Phoenix

Open. Another popular left-hander and a fellow former Arizona State player set the pace. A week after withdrawing from Torrey Pines because of back pain, Mickelson shot a 4-under 67 in his afternoon round

Friday at cool and breezy TPC Scottsdale. The defending champion was eight strokes behind leaders Bubba Watson and Matt Jones. "I'm not totally out of it," Mickelson

said. "Obviously, heading into the weekend, I'd like to be closer, but as we have seen in the past, there is that 8-, 9-, 10-, in some cases 11-under par round out there."

The 43-year-old Mickelson felt soreness be," Watson said. "But I hit a good tee shot, in his back two weeks ago in Abu Dhabi, and then I hit my wedge in there dose and and pulled out at Torrey Pines after mak- I made the putt.... That got me going." ing the 36-hole cut. He flew to Georgia to W earing lime greens shoes and an othsee back specialist Tom Boers and was erwise all-black outfit, Watson bogeyed told his facet joints locked up. the par-3 seventh after driving right. He "My back feels great," Mickelson said. made a 30-foot birdie putt on the par-4 "Like I said, it was a simple fix. I just don't eighth and closed with a bogey on the want to overdo it." par-4 ninth after his wedge shot spun off Lefty saved par with a 12-footer on the the green. "I had two sloppy bogeys coming down par-5 15th hole after hitting his second shot into the water. On Thursday in his the stretch, but I will take it," Watson said. opening71,he reached the green in two Jones birdied four of his last six holes. and three-putted for par from about the He also played in the morning. "We definitely got the good side of the same distance. "Very difficult conditions to go really draw," Jones said. low," Mickelson said. In another event on Friday: Harris English and Greg Chalmers Mcllroy takes lead in Dubai: DUBAI,

Indeed, the three-time champion has shot 67 to reach 10 under, and Pat Perez, shot 11-under 60 twice in the event, in the second round in his 2005 victory and last

year in the first round. Watson, the long-hitting left-hander who won the 2012 Masters, followed his

Jones, the Australian who played at Arizona State and lives in Scottsdale, had his

a wedge into 5 feet for birdie on the 18th

were 9 under. Matsuyama had a 67, and

hole for a 2-under 70 to regain the outright

Perez and Stadler shot 68. Watson opened with a birdie on the

lead in the Dubai Desert Classic. The chief challenge for McIlroy came from an

when it barely reached the mid-60s, he hit

a 315-yarddrive to setup a 70-yard shot second straight 65. that he hit to 4 feet. "It's right where I want to be going into "Back is not as loose as you want it to be, the weekend," Watson said. weather is not as warm as you want it to


EasternConference W L Pct GB d-Indiana 35 10 778 d-Miami 32 13 711 3 d-Toronto 25 21 543 10'/t Atlanta 24 21 533 11 Chicago 23 22 511 12 Washington 22 23 489 13 Brooklyn 20 24 455 14'/t Charlotte 21 27 438 15'/t NewYork 19 27 413 16'/t Detroit 18 27 400 17 Cleyeland 16 30 348 19'/t Philadelphia 15 32 319 21 Boston 15 33 313 21'/r Orlando 13 35 271 23'/t Milwaukee 8 38 174 27t/t WesternConference W L Pct GB d-Oklahoma City 38 10 792 d-San Antonio 33 13 717 4 Portland 33 13 717 4 d-LA. Clippers 33 16 673 5'/r Houston 31 17 646 7 Phoenix 28 18 609 9 Golden State 29 19 604 9 Dallas 27 21 563 11 Memphis 25 20 556 11'/t Minnesota 23 23 500 14 Denver 22 23 489 14'/t NewOrleans 19 26 422 17'/r Utah 16 30 348 21 L.A. Lakers 16 31 340 21'/t Sacramen to 15 31 326 22 d-divisionleader Friday's Games Orlando113,Milwaukee102 Atlanta125,Philadelphia99 Memphis 94,Minnesota90 Oklahoma City120, Brooklyn95 Dallas107,Sacramento103 Toronto100,Denver 90 Charlotte110,LA. Lakers100 GoldenState95, Utah90 Today'sGames BrooklynatIndiana,4p.m. OklahomaCity atWashington, 4 p.m. Philadelphia at Detroit,4:30 p.m. Minnesota atAtlanta, 4:30 p.m. ClevelandatHouston, 5 p.m. MilwaukeeatMemphis, 5p.m. Chicagoat NewOrleans, 5p.m. Sacramento atSanAntonio, 5:30p.m. Miami atNewYork, 5:30p.m. CharlotteatPhoenix, 6p.m. TorontoatPortland, 7 p.m. Utah atLA.Clippers,7:30p.m. Sunday'sGames OrlandoatBoston,10 a.m.

Summaries Friday's Games

Thunder120, Nets 95 OKLAHOMA CITY (120) Durant10-123-326, Ibaka12-121-2 25,Perkins 4-90-08, Jackson 6-152-314, Sefolosha5-93-414, Jones3-54-411, Fisher0-20-00, Lamb5-62-212, Collison1-32-24, Adams2-3 0-04, Thabeet1-1 0-0 2. Totals 49-7717-20120. BROOKLYN (95) Johnson4-8 0-0 9, Pierce2-5 6-7 10,Garnett 0-4 0-0 0,Livingston6-84-416, Anderson2-50-0 5, Blatche3-90-07, Williams5-81-214, Teletovic 1-6 0-0 3, Evans0-3 0-0 0, Plumlee5-6 3-4 13, Terry 4-60-0 11,Teague3-6 0-0 7. Totals 35-74 14-17 95. OklahomaCity 30 33 26 31 — 120 Brooklyn 16 19 24 36 — 95

Grizzlies 94, Timberwolves 90 MEMPHIS (94) Prince 5-11 0-2 11, Randolph11-204-7 26, Gasol 4-101-1 9,Conley4-14 4-412, Lee5-75-7 16, Calathes3-5 0-0 7,Davis3-5 0-1 6,Johnson 1-4 0-0 2, Miller 2-40-0 5.Totals 38-80 14-22 94.

MINNESOTA (90) Brewer2-72-2 6, Love12-201-1 28,Turiaf3-4 1-2 7, Rubio2-7 2-2 6, Martin7-17 0-014, Dieng 0-1 0-0 0,Barea5-11 0-012, Budinger1-5 0-0 3, Shved1-3 0-02,Cunningham 6-90-012.Totals 39-84 8-7 90. Memphis 30 20 16 28 — 94 Minnesota 22 15 30 23 — 90

Milwaukee Orlando

American — but it wasn't Tiger Woods.

Brooks Koepka, who earned his European Tour card last year by winning three times on the Challenge Tour, made seven

birdies against no bogeys for a 65 that left him one shot behind McIlroy going into the weekend.

David Kadlubowski/The Associated Press

Bubba Watson hits from the sand on the15th hole during the second round of the Phoenix Open on Friday in Scottsdale, Ariz.



United Arab Emirates — Rory McIlroy hit

Kevin Stadler and Hideki Matsuyama

par-4 10th. In 50-degree conditions with opening64 with a 66 to reach 12 under. the wind hours away on the cloudy day

rs i


20 28 18 38 — 102 35 32 21 25 — 113

Defense helps Flyers

Warriors 95, Jazz90 GOLDEN STATE(95) Iguodala1-62-3 4,Barnes2-10 4-48, Bogut8-11 0-016, Curry14-268-944, Thompson3-20 3-411, Green3-6 1-2 7, Speights 1-4 0-02, Crawford1-5 1-2 3,Bazemore0 00 00. Totals 33 8819 24 95.

shut out


Red Wings

Jefferson 2-8 0-05, Evans5-8 0-010, Kanter6-10 3-615, Burke 2-10 0-04, Hayw ard 3-102-2 8,Gobert1-2 5-5 7,Burks9-147-8 26,Garrett 6-80-013, Thomas0-1 0-0 0, Rush1-20-0 2. Totals 35-78 17-21 90.

GoldenState Uiah

The Associated Press

Bobcats110, Lakers100

PHILADELPHIA Scott Hartnell was c oncerned he had broken his

foot. He had been playing with pain for two weeks

CHARLOTTE (110) Kidd-Gilchrist 4-72-3 10,McRoberts 3-6 2-28, Jefferson18-324-640, Sessions3-8 3-49, Henderson 9-192-220, Tolliver0-3 0-00, Zeller 2-31-35, Douglas-Roberts2-32-27, Biyombo1-10-02, Pargo 4-60-09. Totals 46-8818-22110. L.A. LAKERS (100) Johnson1-51-2 3, Kelly4-104-413, Gasol 9-17 6-6 24, Marshal5-11 l 0-010, Meeks5-15 6-619, Harris 2-50-1 4,Hill 0-30-20, Young8-223-421, Sacre2-52-2 6. Totals 36-9322-27100. Charlotte 31 31 24 24 — 110 L.A. Lakers 27 22 25 26 — 100

and wore a walking boot at

a Flyers charity event over the weekend. But after getting cleared

to play following a negative CT scan, he looked as good as he has all season.

Hartnell and C l aude Giroux each had three

s 1-,

points, Steve Mason made

Mavericks107, Kings103

33 saves and the Philadelphia Flyers beat the banged

SACRAME NTO(103) Gay10-1615-1735,Thompson4-7 00 8, Gray 2-2 0-0 4,Thomas8-210-019, Thornton3-90-09, Acy3-42-28,Landry2-20-04,McLemore2-40-04, Williams1-63-45,Fredette3-40-07. Totals 38-75 20-23 103. DALLAS (107) Crowder3-8 0-0 6, Nowffzki11-1911-11 34, Dalembert3-40-06, Calderon6-141-214, Ellis6-10 8-920, Blair1-54-66, Carter2-60-04, Wright4-6 2-5 10, Larkin0-1 0-0 0, Harris2-7 3-3 7. Totals 38-80 29-38107. Sacramento 20 2 9 32 22 — 103 Dallas 24 30 21 32 — 107

up Detroit Red Wings 5-0

Tuesday night. "We needed a big win, we needed two points," Hart-

nell said. "We're (about to go) on a really tough road trip against some big opponents out west and we needed to get our confidence

backgoing into that trip."

Raptors100, Nuggets 90 TORONTO(100) Ross7-103-318,Johnson2-62-26, Valanciunas 4-10 5-613,Lowry5-15 0-0 13, DeRozan 6-17 7-8 19, Patterson4-7 0-0 9, Hayes 1-20-0 2, Salmons 4-90-011,Vasquez0-40-00, Hansbrough4-51-1 9. Totals 37-8518-20100. DENVER (90) Chandler4-100-010,Faried6-100-012, Hickson 7-104-818,Fournier7-201-118, Foye4-131-1 10, Hamilton1-20-02, Arthur1-22-24,Mozgov3-5 0-0 6, Q.Miller 3-72-210, Randolph0-10-0 0. Totals 36-8010-14 90. Toronto 29 81 26 14 — 100 Denver 25 28 17 20 — 90

Leaders ThroughJaa. 31


Durant,OK C Anthony,NYK James, MIA Love,MIN Curry,GOL Aldridge,POR Harden,HOU Griffin,LAC George,IND Cousins,SAC Nowitzki,DAL DeRoz an,TOR Irving, CLE Lillard,PO R Davis,NO R Gay,SAC Afflalo,OR L Jefferson,CHA Thomas, SAC DragicPH , X

G FG FT PTS AVG 47 477 408 1467 31.2 43 411 262 44 421 253 45 372 282 45 379 190 46 459 201 40 287 295 49 420 279 45 354 219 40 327 248 46 363 208 44 337 241 43 342 168 46 304 205 37 285 182 41 311 166 44 308 184 39 338 97 46 307 208 43 303 188

1168 27.2 1153 26.2 1129 25.1 1101 24.5 1120 24.3 948 23.7 1127 23.0 1035 23.0 902 22.6 1005 21.8 955 21.7 927 21.6 949 20.6 753 20.4 831 20.3 882 20.0 775 19.9 914 19.9 854 19.9

FG Percentage FG FGA PCT Jordan,LAC 192 296 .649 Bogut,GOL 184 286 .643 Drumm ond, DET 248 413 .600 Hawks125, 76ers 99 James, MIA 421 726 .580 Howard,HOU 313 548 .571 ATLANTA (125) Horford, Al L 238 420 .567 Carroll 5-90-013, Milsap4-114-712, Ayon3-4 Diaw,SAN 178 319 .558 1-2 7,Teague3-10 6-612, Korver3-42-211, Brand 207 379 .546 8-12 2-318, LWilliams 3-105-512, Mack4-60-0 Johnson,lOR 186 343 .542 8, Schroder3-5 3-3 9, Scott8-14 2-2 18, Nunnaffy Faried,DEN 289 535 .540 1-42-25,Cunningham 0-00-20.Totals45-89 Bosh,MIA R eboun d s 27-34 125. Rebounding PHIUIDELPHIA (99) G OFF OEF TOT AVG Turner2-102-26,Young11-194-729,Hawes3-5 Jordan,IAC 49 208 480 688 14.0 0-06, Carter-Wiliams 4-98-1017, Anderson0-60-0 45 145 440 585 13.0 0, Allen 5-101-211, Thomp son2-7 2-2 7, Wroten Love,MIN ond, DET 45 231 342 573 12.7 1-13 4-4 6,Dedmon1-2 0-0 2, E.Wiliams 3-6 8-10 Drumm 15. Totals 32-8729-37 99. Howard,HOU 48 165 433 598 12.5 Atlanta 27 37 88 28 — 125 Aldridge,POR 46 116 416 532 11.6 Philadelphia 21 3 1 23 24 — 99 Cousins,SAC 40 124 338 462 11.6 43 163 326 489 11.4 Noah,CHI Jefferson,CHA 39 85 331 416 10.7 R andol p h, M E M 43 143 314 457 10.6 Magic 113, Bucks102 47 134 365 499 10.6 Bogut,GOL Asslsts MILWAUNE E(102) G AST AVG Middleton5-110-0 10, ffyasova4-12 0-0 10, 34 380 11.2 Sanders 4-112-410, Knight3-92-210, Wolters4-11 Paul,LAC Curry,GOL 45 406 9.0 0-3 8,Butler7-122-220,Antetokounmpo4-75-915, DEN 41 365 8.9 Raduljica 3-40-06, Neal5-103-413. Totals 39-87 Iawson, Wall,WA S 45 381 8.5 14-24102. Rubio,MIN 46 376 8.2 ORLANDO (113) 43 351 8.2 Afflalo 7-13 6-7 21,Davis2-6 0-0 4, Yucevic Jennings,DET 5-9 2-2 12,Nelson1-2 0-02, Oladipo5-10 4-515, Holiday,NOR 34 268 7.9 O'Quinn 3-62-28, Moore5-70-013, Harris7-184-5 Lowry,TOR 46 348 7.6 18, Harkless 4-8 2-410, Lamb3-3 0-08, Price1-1 Teague, ATL 43 313 7.3 0-02. Totals 48-8820-25113. Carter-Wiliams,PHL 36 239 6.6

Jim Mone /The Associated Press

Minnesota's Kevin Martin, center, gets double-teamed by Memphis' Marc Gasol, right, and Courtney Lee, left, in the second half of Friday night's game in Minneapolis. The Grizzlies won 94-90.

Grizzlies take out Wolves man," said Memphis coach David Joerger. MINNEAPOLIS — The Memphis Grizzlies "Think of all thebangingthose guys take night are making a move in the Western Confer- in and night out, year in and year out. When he ence and are doing it on the road. got down there and got it done going 11 of 20 Zach Randolph had 26 points and 12 re- with some offensive rebounds, makes big free bounds and Memphis overcame another throws. I'm really proud of him, really happy." strong effort by Kevin Love to beat the MinneWith Minnesota trailing by one, Love sota Timberwolves 94-90 Friday night. scored on a fadeaway jumper and on a layup Courtney Lee added 16 points for the after a feed from Barea for an 83-80 lead midGrizzlies, who have won five straight games way through the fourth quarter. and 10 of their last 11. Memphis has won six Love hurt his left ankle when he collided straight away from home, including a sweep with Marc Gasol on a drive with 2 minutes to of a three-game trip to Portland, Sacramento play in the first half and landed on the foot of and Minnesota. another Memphis player, yet gutted it out until "It feels good, we are still getting to where halftime. we want to get," Randolph said. In other games on Friday: One-half game behind Dallas for eighth Thunder 120, Nets 95: NEW YORK — Kevplace in the Western Conference, the Grizzlies in Durant's 30-point streak ended at 12 games The Associated Press

Adam Hall an d S e an Couturier also scored for

the Flyers, who snapped a four-game losing streak. The Flyers (26-22-6) won an eighth straight game at home against the Red Wings (23-19-11), a franchise best against Detroit. M ason turned in h i s best performance since

signing a three-year extension with the Flyers last week. In the three previ-

ous games since inking the deal, Mason had allowed 11 goals and been pulled twice.

"These games are building blocks," said Mason, who recorded his second shutout of the season and the 21st of his career. "Over

the course of the season, you're going to have ups and downs, it's just a mat-

ter of how you come out of it. This is a small step in a

we have as far as making that playoff push," victory over Brooklyn.

bigger picture and that's how I'm going to look at it." Also on Friday: Rangers 4, Islanders 1:

Lee said. "It definitely builds momentum."


are 13-7 on the road and 12-13 at home.

when he scored 26 in just 30 minutes, and "This is huge for us, especially for the goals Oklahoma City won its 10th in a row with a

The win could be costly because Memphis played the final 6:37 without starting guard Mike Conley, who sprained his right ankle when he landed on J.J. Barea's foot. Conley had 12 points on 4-of-14 shooting after scoring a combined 46 in his last two outings. He is to

be re-evaluated Saturday. "I can put weight on it now," Conley said. "Tomorrow is looking iffy, but hopefully after some treatment tonight and the next day we will go from there." Memphis hosts Milwaukee Saturday. Playing on a sore left ankle throughout

Warriors 95, Jazz 90: SALT LAKE CITY-

Brassard scored the goahead goal with 7:46 left

State past Utah on a night the Jazz honored

in the third period and the

former coach Jerry Sloan.

New York Rangers beat the New York Islanders for the second straight game. Hurricanes 3, Blues 1:

Magic 113, Bucks 102: ORLANDO, Fla. Arron Afflalo scored 21 points, Tobias Harris -

added 18 and Orlando ran past Milwaukee. Bobcats110, Lakers100: LOS ANGELESAl Jefferson tied a career high with 40 points, 16 of them in the fourth quarter, and grabbed

18 rebounds to help Charlotte send floundering Los Angeles to its sixth straight defeat. Hawks 125, 76ers 99: PHILADELPHIA-

Mike Scott and Elton Brand scored 18 points points and 16 rebounds. Kevin Martin had 14 apiece to lead seven Hawks in double figures points for the Timberwolves, who lost for just and Atlanta routed Philadelphia. the secondtime in seven games. Mavericks 107, Kings 103: DALLAS — Dirk "We had our chances in the end and had Nowitzki scored 34 points and Dallas held off some really, really great looks. We just didn't Sacramento, handing the Kings their sixth convert," Love said. straight loss in another game without leading Randolph did. He scored six points during a scorer DeMarcus Cousins. 9-2 Memphis run that turned a one-point defiRaptors 100, Nuggets 90: DENVER — Decit into a 91-85 lead with 59.6 seconds to play Mar DeRozan scored 19 points, Terrence and later added two free throws. Ross had 18 and Toronto ended a decade-long "He's the man, he's the go-to player. He's drought in Denver by beating the short-handa proud man, he's an extremely competitive ed Nuggets. the second half, Love led Minnesota with 28

— D e r i ck

StephenCurry made eight 3-pointers in scoring a season-high 44 points, leading Golden

RALEIGH, N.C. — Jeff

Skinner scored the goahead goal in the second period of Carolina's victory over St. Louis.

Predators 3, Devils 2: NASHVILLE, T e nn. Shea Weber scored his sec-

ond goal of the game at 1:29 of overtime and Nashville rallied late in beating New Jersey. Jets 4, Canucks 3: WINNIPEG, Manitoba — Devin

S etoguchi scored t w o goals, including the tiebreaker with 2:56 remain-

ing,and Winnipeg edged slumping Vancouver.



n ewevens owac a


m ic s

• Three mixedevents, four men'sevents andfive women's events will be making their debut in Sochi

Rick Bowmer /The Associated Press

Kerstin Joensson /The Associated Press

Newspower Press

Koji Sasahara/The Associated Press

Japan's Sara Takanashi

Germany's Tobias Wendl, top, and Tobias Arlt

Russia's Olga Zaitseva, left, and Alexey Volkov





Venue:Sanki Sliding Center in RzhanayaPolyana (40 miles northwest of Sochi) How it works: Eachcountry sends three sleds down the track, oneafter the other, so it's not a relay in a pass-the-baton sense. Participants are usually chosen based ontheir performances in their individual events. The first sled down the track is a competitor from women's singles, followed by men's singlesand doubles.W heneachsled reaches the finish line, the competitor sits up andslaps a time pad hanging over the track. Thecombined time of the three sleds is the winner. Outlook:Badstarts can wreck a team's chances. ThathappenedtotheGerman team onthehome ice in Winterberg, where theU.S. team won asilver medal. Still, the Germansarethe team to beat. Also in the mix: Italy, Canada and Austria.

Venue:Laura Biathlon and SkiComplex in Krasnaya Polyana(37 miles northeast of Sochi) How it works: Biathlon hadmen's andwomen's relays in previous Games.Themixed relay team consists of two menandtwo women. Thewomen ski three laps of six kilometers and thementhree laps of 7.5 kilometers, with two rounds of shooting (prone and standing). Thestart order is womanwoman-man-man. Inthehandoverzone,competitors must touch the hand of the next teammateto ski. Outlook:Thefirst mixed relay at the World Cup level was held just this past November, so there couldbesome surprises.TheCzechswonthat event in November, but theGermans havealso won gold. Watch France,Austria, Norway — andthe host country.

Venue:Iceberg Skating Palace How itworks: The competition begins with10 countries using six skaters apiece performing short programs: men's andwomen's singles, pairs and ice dancing. Thecountries with the top five combined scores move on tothe long programs to determine the medals. Countries do not haveto use the sameskaters in the long program asthey did in the short program. Theteam event will be held before the individual events. In fact, the short program phasetakes place the day before Opening Ceremonies. Outlook:The United States took the gold medal in 2009 and 2013team world championship events. But the Americans maynot be asstrong in all four disciplines. Canadaand Japanare teams to watch, and so, of course, are theRussians.

Venue:RusSki Gorki Jumping Center Howit works: Just like men's ski jumping: Athletes get one jump, andthose with the top scores get a second jump. Thetop aggregate score wins. Outlook:SaraTakanashi has almost a clean sweep of World Cupgold medals this season, andshe should be the favorite. Russia's Irina Awakumova and Germany's CarinaVogt should also be inthe hunt. The United States, which led adecades-long push for the inclusion of the sport, will be represented by former world champion LindseyVanand reigning world champion SarahHendrickson, who is returning to competition after tearing her ACL, MCL and meniscuslastAugust.

M adison Chockand Evan Bates ofthe U.S.


Rick Bowmer /The Associated Press

Michael Ciaglo/The Colorado Springs Gazette

Jacques Boissinot/The Canadian Press

Lyman Currier of the United States

Nick Goepper of the United States

Cheryl Maas of the Netherlands

Freestyleskiinghalfpipe (NIW)

Freestyleskiingslopestyle (N8W) Snowboardingslopestyle (N8W)

Venue:Rosa Khutor Extreme Park, Krasnaya Polyana How it works:It's like halfpipe snowboarding (think Shaun White) but on skis. Skiers try many of the same maneuvers — flips, grabs, somersaults and twists — as yousee in thesnowboarding event. Each skier gets two runs in aqualifying heat, and the top scorers advance to the final, whereagain each gets two runs. This is ascored event; judges look for difficulty and execution, but also canconsider the overall impression of the performance. Outlook:American Devin Loganis atop the World Cup leaderboard, followedclosely byteammate Maddie Bowman. Infact, five of thetop ninespots in the women's standingsareheld byAmericans. On themen'sside,CanadianJustinDoreyhasacommanding leadoverAaron Blunck ofthe United States.

Venue:RosaKhutor Extreme Park, Krasnaya Polyana How it works:Competitors perform on a slope with a variety of obstacles — rails, quarter-pipes and jumps. Theevent follows an elimination format: two runs each round, with semifinals and finals. Judges look for overall impression, weighing execution, difficulty and variety, among other things. Outlook:TheU.S. women have astrong contingent, led by Keri Hermanand Devin Logan, but Germany's Lisa Zimmermannhasdominated the World Cup season.American Nick Goepper is tied for the World Cuplead with Jesper Tjader of Sweden; 80 points separate them from third-place Bobby Brown, another American.

Venue:RosaKhutor Extreme Park, Krasnaya Polyana How it works:Competitors are judged on tricks performed over jumps on adownhill course. Outlook:Mark McMorris — sometimes called the next ShaunWhite — is atwo-time X Games gold medalist in this event. Hewill have to beat the current ShaunWhite, among others. On the women's side, American JamieAnderson, a four-time X-Games champion, is the one tobeat.


For complete coverage of the 2014 Winter Olympic games, goto bandbulletin.cam/alympics

Maze Continued from C1 "AAAAAAUUUUUUUUU! ¹Cortina¹victory¹ican¹iwill," she wrote on 7witter.

-F cis.'s

Marco Trovati /The Associated Press

Snowboarding parallel special slalom (NhW) Venue: RosaKhutor Extreme Park, Krasnaya Polyana How it works:Athletes compete in pairs, hence the "parallel." They must maneuver around tightly spaced flags, hencethe "slalom." And it's new this year, hence the "special." Outlook: Lukas Mathies of Austria, France's Sylvain Dufour and Alexander Bergmann ofGermany are among the top competitors in the men's event, but Vic Wild — a former American turned Russian citizen — will be the crowd favorite. Patrizia Kummer of Switzerland andCaroline Calve of Canada are among thefavorites in the women's competition. Justin Reiter is the loneAmerican entrant.

"When thingsdo not work for me, I get closed up and I (am) completely inaccessible. Maybe it's my fault, maybe

— Tragee Pete/SOn,The WaShingtanPOSt

left Maze sobbing in the finish area in Lenzerheide, Switzerland.

Maze's emotions were equally apparent in December when leaving downcast and without speaking after

"When you win a lot you don't learn

this is my protection. That is just who I am. I certainly do much," Maze said ata news confer"With my ups and downs, it's a not want to be rude." ence.

land, where she won two races in her title-winning season.

lot of learning." The kind of knowledge, perhaps, that came from doing jigsaw puzzles growing up in Crna.

concentration," her Italian coach and — Tina Maze boyfriend Andrea Massi said then. "It's not technical, it's not physical, it's

a super-G race in St. Moritz, Switzer"We have a lot of problems with the

not (ski) materiaL It's too much presmark by 434. sure. It's only this problem." in a blog posting this week to help Maze also proved a big-event perThe next day, Massi was absent explain her improving form with one former again, getting at least one through a reported illness when Maze more World Cup stop, in Kranjska medal from her fourth straight major skied angry in the GS and completed Gora in her native Slovenia this week- championships since taking giant sla- her third-place finish with a d eterend, before heading to Russia. lom silver from the 2009 worlds. mined fist punch. "How many puzzles will we put to"When things do not work for me, Two Olympic silvers, in GS and sugether, will have to wait, but the pieces per-G,followed atthe 2010 Vancouver I get closed up and I (am) completely are opening up and setting in the right Games, and she upgraded to GS gold inaccessible," Maze wrote in a Jan. place," Maze wrote. "Describing the and super-combined silver at the 2011 4 blog posting. "Maybe it's my fault, way the whole things are taking place worlds. maybe this is my protection. That is in a poetic way is close to my heart." A five-title sweep was even talked just who I am. I certainly do not want Maze displayed her artistry off the about at the 2013 worlds in Schald- to be rude." slopes last year with a hit song in her ming, Austria, when Maze won the That aspect of her p ersonality home country, "My way is my deci- opening super-G race skiing directly was evident in Cortina ahead of her sion," that seemed in tune with her before Vonn, who crashed out horri- breakthrough win. Asked if she was performances on skis. bly landing a jump. Maze eventually on track for Sochi, she offered little A decade after her Olympic debut at settled on that one gold and two more insight. "More orless," Maze said curtly. the 2002 Salt Lake City Games, Maze silvers in GS and super-combined. had matured from giant slalom speStill, her disappointment when losIf the answer did not fully convince cialist into a genuine threat in all five ing was difficult to mask, as when sur- at the time, it made sense by Saturday Alpine events. rendering the season-long World Cup afternoon when she told media how She found the right balance of slalom title in the final race to Mikaela she had recaptured a winning style. "That was really good because Anspeed and technique to win at least Shiffrin. one World Cup race in each event last The American teenager's sensation- drea was always saying to ski without season while amassing 2,414 pointsal second run to overhaul a 1.17-second feelings," Maze said. "But sometimes racing past Lindsey Vonn's year-old deficit and claim the crystal trophy that's not possible." Maze shared her childhood pastime

Tina Maze speeds down the course during an alpine ski World Cup women's downhill in Cortina O' Ampezzo, Italy, last week.

Filip Horvat/The Associated Press

Lukas Mathies of Austria



Ravenspic uplMCHy ri winoverStorm COUGARS BEATPANTHERS

Bulletin staff report Ridgeview set the tone early

were outscored 11-5 in the third quarter to fall behind 3425, but La Pine battled back

Friday night, racing to an 11-2 first-quarter lead on its way

games. McKenzie Hidalgo added

to within four points in the fourth. The Tigers, however, converted12of 15 freethrows to secure the Class 4A Sky-Em League win and remain unbeaten in league play. Samuel Wieber posted a game-high 16 points to go along with three assists and two steals for La Pine, which dropped its third

nine points and Mattie Watt

straight to fall to 1-3 in the

and Marta Rodes scored eight apiece for the winners. "They just outplayed us on both ends of the floor," said Summit coach Ryan Cruz.

Sky-Em and 9-9 overalL Also

to a 49-38 Intermountain Hy-

brid girls basketball victory at Summit High. Chloe Ross scored 13 points

to lead the Ravens (10-6 overall), who never trailed in winning for the fourth time in five

for the Hawks, Adam Ramirez contributed eight points and


"All the credit goes to Rid-

geview. They were the better team tonight." S ummit, which had w o n

Tyress Turnsplenty finished with eight rebounds. Cottage Grove 52, Sisters 47 (OT): COTTAGE GROVE — Sisters rallied in the fourth


three in a row and beat Ridgeview 59-55in Redmond in mid-January, was led by Sarah Heinly with 13 points.



Coach IC, Boeheim in classic matchup By John Kekis The Associated Press


dents have been camped at Boeheimburg outside the Carrier Dome for nearly two weeks in bitter cold,

with a few fans having paid for their Syracuse season tickets by making the shrewd financial decision

quarter to force overtime, but

to sell their seats for home

the host Lions made 10 of 10 free throws in the extra ses-

Sarah Reeves had 11 points,

Sky-Em League win. Justin Harrer scored 14 points and

game No. 13. The head coach simply shrugs. "I've coached 1,000 games. That's too many

five rebounds and four steals for the Storm (12-5), and Raja Char added 11 points.

Hayden Martinez added 12 for

games to get excited about

the Outlaws (1-3 Sky-Em, 3-14 overall). Harrer also had eight Sisters, which trailed throughout the first three quarters but

one game," said Jim Boeheim,head coach oftheunbeaten No. 2 Orange. "It's a 31-game regular season and every game is import-

outscored CottageGrove 15-8

ant, every game counts the

in the final period for a 40-40 tie at the end of regulation four boards, and Emily Eidler a 39-27 halftime lead before play. finished with eight points and sealing t h e In t e rmountain Gladstone 57,Madras 49: eight rebounds. Hybrid win w ith a 22-point MADRAS — Jered Pichette Hosanna Christian 46, North fourth quarter. Jacob Parsons scored a game-high 29 points, Lake 37: KLAMATH FALLS paced Bend (10-5 overall) with but the slumping White Buf— Kendra Murphy posted 16 17 points, Jaylin Robinson had faloes lost at home to remain points and 18 rebounds, but 15 points, and Wyatt Beau- winless in Class 4A Tri-Valley the Cowgirls fell in the Class marchais logged 10. For the Conference play. Down 27-20 1A Mountain Valley League visiting Cowboys (2-14), An- at halftime, Madras pulled to

same, and you have to ap-

sion to claim the Class 4A


In other Friday action: GIRLS BASKETBALL

Bend 58, Crook County 14: PRINEVILLE — Bend coach T odd Ervin s aid t h e L a v a

rebounds and three assists for RobKerr/The Bulletin

Redmond sophomore Maddie Edwards intercepts a pass intended for Mountain View senior Brianna Williams, left, and Tara Maxwell, center, during Friday night's game in Bend. Related story, C1.

Bears played consistently against the Cowgirls in an In- Sky-Em League victory. Pettertermountain Hybrid matchup, son finished with 12 points for as the visiting Lava Bears (12- the Outlaws (1-3 Sky-Em, 5-11 4) built a 32-point lead at the overall), who were led by Saend of the first half thanks to vannah Spear with 13 points. a 21-3 first quarter. Lisa SylLa Pine 43, Junction City 40: vester led Bend with 14 points.


LA PINE — McKenna Boen

Kelsie Smith had five points scored 20 points, grabbed sevfor Crook County (6-11). en rebounds and blocked five Gladstone62, Madras 40: shots to lead the Hawks to the contest. Karrah Davidson had GLADSTONE — Turnovers Class 4A Sky-Em League vic- 13 points and seven boards for and defensive rebounding tory. La Pine made just 5 of North Lake, which dropped to proved costly for the White 16 free throws as the Tigers 5-2 in conference play and 11-5 Buffaloes in the first half. managed to stay close until overall. Madras gave the ball away the end. Holli Glenn added BOYS BASKETBALL 14 times in the first two quar- eight points, six steals and five Mountain View 77, Redmond ters and allowed six offensive assists for La Pine, which im- 37: REDMOND — The Courebounds that led to 12 sec- proved to 3-1 in Sky-Em play gars racked up a 27-point lead ond-chance points in the Class

4A Tri-Valley Conference loss. Vanessa Esquivel poured in 23 points for Madras (2-2 TVC, 11-7 overall), while Mariah Stacona contributed 10 points. Cottage Grove 48, Sisters 38 (OT): COTTAGE GROVE — The Outlaws' Jacobie Petterson was fouled as she drove

through the lane with eight seconds left in the game, then hit two free throws to tie the

game 36-36 and force overtime. In the extra period, however,the host Lions outscored

Sisters 12-2 thanks to good foul shooting, sealing the Class 4A

and 10-9 overall. Trinity Lutheran 46, Triad 42: After a b ack-and-forth first half, the host Saints claimed

drew Sofich led the way with

within three points at the end

19 points, while Blake Bartels of the third quarter. But the and Nate Jones finished with Buffs (0-4 TVC, 7-11 overall) 15 and 10 points, respectively.

could get no closer and lost

Ridgeview 70, Summit 54: their seventh in a row. "We REDMOND — Th e Ravens had opportunities, but we gave were able to shut down the up too many easy baskets," S torm's offense early on t o said Madras coach Allen Hair, take the Intermountain Hy- who added that the Gladiators

at the half en route to a Class brid contest against the vis5A I n termountain C o nfer- iting Storm. "We had a good

ence contest. Redmond (0-5 start tonight and that's been IMC, 1-13 overall) managed our Achilles' heel," Ridgeview an 11-point advantage in the to increase the intensity in the coach Nathan Covill said. "It third quarter before the Tim- second half but could not stop was good to play a full game berwolves began chipping Mountain View's offense. Da- from tipoff to the final buzzer." away at the lead with 3-point- vis Holly led the Cougars (3-1, Ridgeview's George Mendazoers. Trinity Lutheran held on, 11-3) with 18 points, and Ments na wasthe leading scorerfor however, and dealt Triad its Haugen and G a rrett R o th the night with 26 points to go first Class 1AMountain Valley racked up eight points each for along with six steals, five asLeague loss of the season. Ka- the winners. Michael Belmon- sists and four rebounds. Jack tie Murphy paced the Saints tes paced the Panthers with Bowman logged 10 rebounds (6-2 MVL, 11-7 overall) with a 16 points, followed by Taylor and four assists for the Ragame-high 19 points, five as- Brown with 10 points. vens (8-8). Nick Moyer led the sists, four rebounds and three Bend 73, Crook County 57: Storm (9-7) with 18 points. blocks. Megan Clift added The Lava Bears poured in 25 Junction City 50, La Pine 39: eight points, five assists and second-quarter points to grab LA PINE — The host Hawks

proach it that way."

Maybe for the coaches, but not the fans. This upstate New York city is abuzz as it awaits the arrival of No. 17 Duke — the n ew Georgetown on t h e

Syracuse schedule. Yes, the Carrier Dome will be o verflowing tonight on the eve of the Super Bowl, and this key Atlantic Coast Conference game is a big deal. It will feature two Hall of Fame coaches — and

two good friends who have twice won Olympic gold together as c o l leagues

made his team pay for most of its 21 turnovers. Pichette made three 3-point baskets for the White Buffaloes, who got 10

— with a combined 1,914 wins: Duke's Mike Krzyze-

points from Devon Wolfe. Hosanna Christian 71, North

Division I.

wski (974) and Boeheim (940), the top two all time in

Lake 49: KLAMATH FALLS — Ethan Murphy scored 14

They're also the only coaches in history to win more than 900 games

points and pulled down nine

a t one school, with

rebounds, but the Cowboys

69-year-old Boeheim ahead

missed16of25 free throws in the Class 1A Mountain Valley

in that category at 940 in 38 years at his alma mater

League loss. Nathan Gilbert

and Krzyzewski at 901 in

had 11 points for North Lake (4-4 MVL, 6-10 overall), Cam-

34 years at Duke.

eron McCord added 10 points, and Matt Henkel hauled in 10



When Syracuse faced Connecticut in the 2012 Big East quarterfinals, Boe-

heim and former Huskies coach Jim Calhoun had a combined 1,760 wins. "It will b e a n h i storic

game," Krzyzewski, soon


relay. Ben Brockman posted victories as well as the 100 fly to pace the Storm, in the 200 IM and the 100 breaststroke, and the freshman Lava Bear swam the

Continued from C1 On the boys' side, Bend High edged first leg of the winning 200 freestyle reSummit 122-116thanks inpart to its two lay team as well as the anchor leg of the teams placing second and third in the runner-up 400 free relay squad. night's final event — the 400 freestyle Tommy Brewer took the 50 freestyle

John Hartmeier won the 100 backstroke,and Jeremy Moon placed first

For Mountain View, which was third as a team with 66 points, Brandon

Deckard logged a victory in the 100 in the 200 freestyle. Taj Mercer added a freestyle and also placed second in the victory in the 500 free, and Summit re- 50 freestyle. Jonathan Davami was

over 1,900 games, it's never

corded winsin the 200 medley and 400

third in the 500 free, and Nate Cox took

cause we worked together

freestyle relays.

third in the 200 freestyle.

the past 10 years with USA

PREP SCOREBOARD Boys basketball Class SA IntetmountainConference Mountain View77, Redmond37 Mountain view pr) —DavisHoly18, Haugen 8, Roth 8,Albin7, Lannin6, Cheney5, Corrigan 5, Vance3, Houston3, Johnson3, Catel 3, Vansise2, Hjelm 2, wilcox 2, Kurzynowski z Totals 32 21-26 77.

Redmond I37) — MichaelBelmon tes 16, T. Brown10,Moss4, D.Brown3, Aamodt 2, Bensonz Totals 14 4-1237. Mountai nView 17 17 14 29 — 77 Redmond 6 1 13 17 — 37 Three-pointgoals—Mountain View:Holly 4, Roth2, Cheney ,Vance;Redmond:Belmontes2,T.Brown, Moss, D. Brown. Istermoustais Hybrid Ridgeview70, Summit54 summit (54) —NickMoyer 18,Michalski u, McCormick8, Garcia 3, Cherry 3, Mecefee3 Reeves 3.Totals1912-19 54. Ridgeview (70) — GeorgeMendazona 26, Albrecht u, Alvarez 9, 0'Neal7, Bowman5, Manselle 4, Stiles 3. Totals 2516-21 70. Summit 15 6 14 19 — 54 Ridgeview 21 15 16 20 — 70 Three-point goals — Summit: Moyer, Michalski, Reeves ;Ridgeview;Mendazona2,Alvarez,Stanton. Istermoustain Hybrid Bend 73,CrookCounty57 CrookCounty(57) —AndrewSofich19, Bartels 15, Jones 10, Kes si 7, Tavernia4, Parker2. Totals 20 13-19 57. Bend (73) —JacobParsons17,Robinson15, Beaumarchais10,Scott 7, Holliday6,Warinner5, Harmeson 4,Johnson4, Kearsley 3,Spitler 2.Totals 2615-1973. Crook County 12 1 5 12 18 — 57 Bend 14 25 12 22 — 73 Three-poingoal t s— CrookCounty: Sofich3, Kessi; Bend:Beau marchais 2, Holliday2, Robinson, Johnson. Class 4A Sky-EmLeague Junction City50, La Pine39 Jsnstion City (50) —DevonLocke13, JoeVan Ras13,Brown9, Hstchinson 8,Galt 6,Osburn1. Totals1616-26 50. LaPine (39) — Samu el Wieber 16, Ramirez8, Smith 5,Brown3, Johnson3, Taylor 2,Turnsplenty 2. Totals 146-8 39. JsnctiosCity 14 9 1 1 1 6 — 50 La Pine 614 5 1 4 — 39 Three-poingoal t s— JunctionCity: Locke,Brown;La Pine:Wieber3, Johnson, Brown. Class 4A Sky-EmLeague Cottage Grove52, Sisters47 (OT)

Sisters (47) —Jsstin Harrer14, Martinez12, Schaab 8, Moore8, Kaping3, Gil 2. Totals19 6-8

Class 4A Sky-EmLeague CotlageGrove48, Sisters38 (OT) CottageGroveI52) —Garrison King14, Tucker Sisters(38) — Savann ah Spear 13, Petterson 11, Mueller u, Gipson 8, Boyce5, parent 3. Totals 12, Henson 1, Moore2, Arruda2, Mann2. Totals 1618-23 52. 14 9-15 38. Sisters 5 8 12 15 7 — 47 Cotlage Grove(48) — Conner Borigo17, Erner Cotlagearove 9 9 1 4 8 12 — 52 10, Dean7,sayles5,Dawson5,cardwell2,siscoz Three-pointgoal— s Sisters:Moore2,Harrer; Cottage Totals1810-26 48. 9 9 6 1 2 2 — 38 Grove;Parent, Tucker. Sisters Cottagearove 10 4 9 1 3 12 — 48 Class 4A Three-poingoal t s— Sisters:Spear; CottageGrove: Tri-Valley Conference Erner2. Gladst one57,Madras49 Gladstone I57) —RyunGibson19, Galvin 14, Class 4A Sky-EmLeague Thompson10, Fowler9, Browning3, Fridell z Totals 2016-23 57. La Pine43,Junction citr 40 Madras I49) —JeredPichette29,Wolfe10,BryJunction City (40) — McKennaStraube 11, ant 5,Rehwinkel 3, Hollidayz Totals181015 49. Devora k8,Graten7,Gambee6,LenHouse4,ThompGladstone 16 11 11 19 — 57 son 2,Hansenz ToIals163-440. Madras 11 9 15 14 — 49 La Pine(43)— McKenna Boen20,Glenn8, Three-pointgoals—Gladstone:Thompson; Madras: Mickel 7,Pierce4, Parrish4.Totals18 5-1643. Pichette 3. Junctios City 10 7 1 3 10 — 40 La Pine 11 10 10 12 — 43 Three-point goals — Junction City: Straube2, Girls basketball Graten;LaPine:Glenn 2. Class 5A Class1A IstermoustainConference Mountain Valley League Mountain View53, Redmond44 TrinityLutheran46, Triad42 Redmond(44) — Chantel Dannis 21,Edwards Triad (42) — SarahEstabrook16, Powless9, E. 12, Hamilton 6, Bergum5. Totals17 71644. Mountain View(53) — Emma Platner23,Van Estabrook 8, Hamel 4, Stiler 4, Borror1. Totals 14 9-24 42. der Zwiep7, J. Goetz5, Skoog4, McClain 6, Weber TrinityLutheran (46) —KatieMurphy19, Clift 2, H. Goetz 2, Serbus2, Bailey1, Wiliams1. Totals 14 19-28. 8,Eidler8,M.Murphy4,Spencer4,Sample2,Cowan 1. Totals1712-2446. Redmond 13 10 15 6 — 44 7 8 16 11 — 42 MountaIn View 2 0 9 1 4 10 — 53 Triad Three-poingoal t s—Redmond: Edwards2, Hamilton; TrinityLutheran 8 1 0 1 4 14 — 46 Three-pointgoals— Triad: Powless3, S. Estabrook MountainView:Platner 6. 2;TrinityLutheran:none. IntermountainHybrid Bend 58,CrookCosntr 14 Swimming Bend (58) —usasylvester14, crook11,parker 7,Kramer6,McClay6,Hayes6,Wheeler4,Jackson City of BendHighSchool Invitational 2, Burnham 2. Totals 2211-15 58. At JuniperSwim 5Fitness Center CrookCounty(14) —Kelsie Smith 5, Malott 3, Bannon 3,Sappington3.Totals44-1014. BOYS Bend 21 15 9 13 — 58 Teamscores— Bend122,Summit116,MounCrookCounty 3 1 4 6 — 14 tain View 66. Three-point goals — Bend:Crook2, Sylvester 2, Topthree finishets Parker;CrookCounty:Malott, Sapp. 200 medleyrelay —1, Summit A(JohnHartmeier,TajMercer,Tommy Brewer, Adrien Calmels), IntermountainHybrid 1:43.19. 2, MountainViewA, 1:46.13. 3, BendA, 1:48.43. Ridgeview49, Summit38 Ridgeview (49) — ChloeRoss 13,Hidalgo9, 200freestyle —I, JeremyMoon, S,I:55.28. 2, Watt 8,Rodes8, Durre 5, Wilcox4, Wilder 2.Totals Jsstin Gilette,B,2:02.42.3, NathanCox, MV,2:02.62. 1616-29 49. 200 individualmedley —I, BenBrockma n, Summit (38) —SarahHeinley13, Char11, B, 2:03.40. 2,BaxterHalligan, S,2:06.83. 3, Austin Reeves11, Manley2, Naegele1. Totals145-838. Snyder-Jewsbury, B,2.16.15. Ridgeyiew 11 11 6 21 — 49 50freestyle —I, TommyBrewer, S, 21.49. 2, Summit 2 12 9 15 — 38 BrandonDeckard, MV2219.3, PaulRogers,B,2337. Three-pointgoals —Ridgeview:Hidalgo; Summit: 100 bstterlly —1, TommyBrewer, S,53.33. 2, char 3,Heinleyz NathanBrown,B,57.49. 3,JeremyMoon,S,58.71. 100freestyle —1,BrandonDeckard, MV,48.25. 47.

to be 67, said. "The fact that Jim and I, total, have won

2, JohnHartmeier,S,49.63.3, PaulRogers, B,53.49.

500freestyle —I, Taj Mercer,S, 5:06.81.2, GarrettRoss,B, 5:24.48.3, JonathanDavami, MII 5:28.79. 200 freeslyle relay — I, Bend A(BenBrockman,Jaden Boehme,Nathan Brown,PaulRogers), 1:34.21. 2,Summit A, 1:34.5t 3, MountainViewA, I:35.57. 100 backstroke —1, JohnHartmeier,S, 55.24. 2, BaxterHalligan,56.49. 3, ChristianOffenhauser, B, 1:02.99. 100 breaststroke —1, Ben Brockman,6, I:05. 05.2,TajMercer,S,I;05.89.3,MaxCook,S, 1:09.24.

400freestylerelay — 1, Summ it A(Baxter Halligan,Jerem y Moon, TajMercer, Tommy Brewer), 3:25.69. 2,BendA,3:28.40. 3,BendB,3:46.30.

GIRLS Teamscores — Summit151.5,Besd84.5, MountainView68. Topthree finishers 200 medleyrelay — 1, Summit A(Elli Ferrin, Ali EppleHa , nnahPeterson,AbbySorlie),i:57.67. 2, Mountai nViewA,I:59.95.3,BendA,2:03.97. 200freestyle —1, Jennifer Robeson, B,1:59.77. 2, MerrittAllen, S, 2:01.60.3, ElizabethCobb,MV, 2:13.69. 200 individual medley — 1, AliEpple,S, 2:16.63. 2,ChynaFish, B,2:27.10. 3, Julia Gorman, MV, 2:31.66. 50 Ireeslyle — 1, Elli Ferrin,S,26.29. 2, Chyna Fish, B,26.39. 3,Julia North,B,26.53. 100 butterlly — 1, MackenzieHalligan, S,59.13. 2, JenniferRobeson, B, 1:00.29. 3, Merritt Allen,S, I:00.63. 100freestyle —1,HannahPeterson,S,5793. 2, AbbySorlie, S,1:0003.3, Alexwinslow,B,1:Oz31. 500 freestyle —1, Mackenz ie HIlligan, S, 5:10.93. 2,BellaWiener, B,5:51.50. 3, Julia Gorman, MV, 6:00.60. 200freestylerelay —1, Summ it A (Elli Ferrin, SarahBrewer, Mackenzie Halligan, Merritt Allen), I:44.86. 2,BendA, 1:45.10. 3, MountainView,

IWisners,otherMadrastisishersI 200 medley relay — 1, Madras A(Keaton Hart man,BrandonHunt,lanGoodwin,RyanGoss), I:57.88; 2,MadrasB(Garrett Webb, VanceSchierling, Brady Tucker,JoshHocker),1:57.96. 200 freestyle—I, BrandonHunt, Mad,2:01.35; 3,vanceschierling,Mad,2:2z25. 200 individual medley—I,lanGoodwin,Mad, 2:05.07. 50freestyle —1,GarrettWebb, Mad,25.17; 4, BlakeSchierling, Mad,28.7I; 9, JacobRIjdd, Mad, 34.42.

100 bstlerlly —I, VanceSchierling, Mad,


100treestyle —I, JoshHocker, Mad,54.91; 8, JacobRudd, Mad,I:16.80. 500fr eestyle— 1,RyanGoss,Mad,6:12.48;2,

Blakeschierling, Mad,6:56.3z 200freestyle relay — 1,MadrasA(lanGoodwin, Brandon Hunt, Garrett Webb, BlakeSchierling), 1:43.36;2, MadrasB(BradyTucker,JoshHocker,Ryan Goss,KeatonHartman),1:44.01. 100 backsltoke —1, KeatonHartman,Mad, 1:09.81.

100breaststroke —I, BradyTucker,Mad,


400 freeslyle relay — I, Madras B(lan Goodwin, Brady Tucker,JoshHocker,JacobRsdd),3:57.80; 2, Madras A(Garrett Webb,RyanGoss,VanceSchierling, Brandon Hunt), 3:58.27.

GIRLS Teamscores— Henley100,Madras62;Henley u5, Mazam a 38; Madras94,Mazama50. IWinners,otherMadrasfinishers) 200 medleyrelay —1, HenleyA, I:59.74; Madras A(MelissaField, SophieGemelas, ElyseBagley, MayaHoaglin), 2:19.11. 200freestyle —I, JennyKirschner, H,2:01.44; 2, AuroraGerhardt, Mad,2:05.96; 5, CIrelle Frank, Mad,2:39.08. 200 individualmedley —1, SophieGemelas, Mad, 2;19.98;6,MayaHoaglin,Mad,2;55.50. 50 freestyle —1, Lexi Healy, H, 25.30;5, Elyse Bagley,Mad,35.74;7,ShawntanaSmith,Mad, 1:48.25. 39.65. 100 backslroke — 1,Elli Ferrin,S, 59.84.2, 100 buttesfly — 1,AunikaTorres, H,1:05.67; 2, Hannah peterson,s,I:Oz64.3,KennedyBright,Mv, AuroraGerhardt, Mad,I:05.84; 4, ElyseBagley,Mad, 1:05.9t 1:33.82. 100 breaststroke —1, TeresaCobb, MV, 100freestyle —I, JennyKirschner,H,56.39; I:09.74. 2, Ali Epple,S,I:0.71. 3, PhoebeWeedman, 3, Melissa Field, Mad,1:04.14;5, Cirelle Frank,Mad, MV, 1:1 7.45. 1:10.05; 8,ShawntanaSmith, Mad,1:34.18. 400 Ireeslylerelay—1, Summit A(HannahPe500freestyle —I, SophieGem elas, Mad, terson,Ali Epple,Merritt Allen,MackenzieHalligan), 5:38. 47;4,MayaHoaglis,Mad,7:21.09. 3:49. 28.2,BendA,3:57.33.3,SummitB,4:30.34. 200 freeslylerelay —I, HenleyA,I:49.08; 2, MadrasA(AsroraGerhardt, Cirelle Frank,MayaHoaglin, Elyse Bagley),2;05,05, Madras/Hesley/Mazama Double Dual Meet 100 backstroke —1, Melissa Field, Mad, At MadrasAquatic Center 1:1z37; 3,ReicieSimtustus, Mad,1:25.01. ThursdayResults 100 breastslroke —I, HaleySteiner,H,1:15.41; ReicieSimtustus,Mad,1:45.26. BOYS 400treestylerelay—I,MadrasA(SophieGeTeamscores— Madras95,Henley40;Henley melas,AuroraGerhardt, MelissaField, Cirelle Frank), 75, Mazam a32; Madras97, Mazama28. 4;09.91.

been done. He and I talked about it this summer be-

Basketball, that every time we go on the court, it will be something special." Despite those imposing numbers, the two coaches have squared off against one another just twice, and each has one victory. Duke won the last meeting, 8067, in the 1998 NCAA tournament's South Regional, and Syracuse won the first, 78-76, in the 1989 ACC-Big

East Challenge in Greensboro, N.C.

With Syracuse in the ACC now, the teams will double that total this sea-

son in a three-week span when th e O r a nge v i sit Cameron Indoor Stadium later this month.

"Coaching is such a com-

petitive f i eld,"

B o eheim

said. "You're not going to have a lot of friends in

coaching because you're trying to beat each other's brains in for the most part."

These two are different. As the architect of the U.S. Olympic basketball team, Jerry Colangelo has a pretty good idea of why the two teams have played each other only twice in the past 25 years. "There are a lot of rea-

sons why schools play each other and p ersonalities have something to do with

it," Colangelo said. "There is so much respect in this relationship that it proba-

bly has a bearing on why they haven't played. They want to d o

t h i ngs their

own way. Why compete with a friend? Why get involved in your own backyard against one of your best friends?"




Wilson Continued from C1

o o e:NFLaimstoex an a o • Proposal that would have 14teamsreachthe postseason toget 'very seriousconsideration' By Zach Berman The Philadelphia 1nquirer

NEW YORK — NFL commis-

sioner Roger Goodell said the NFL is looking to expand the postseason by two teams, from 12 total teams to 14. That would provide one addition-

al team to each conference's playoffs. Goodell said it will get "very serious consideration" by the league's competition committee. "There's a lot of benefits to doing that," Goodell said. "We think we

can makethe league more compet-

juana. Although recreational mari- free lifetime health benefits. Goodjuana is now legal in Colorado and ell said the health benefits were imWashington — the home states of

proved during the most recent labor

both Super Bowl teams — Goodell said marijuana remains an illegal

negotiations, and that they were collectively bargained.

Any change would need to be approved by owners. Eagles owner substance on a national basis, and Jeffrey Lurie said that he is curious that its illegality was collectively about the scheduling part of it. He bargained with the players. said a change is a "possibility," but Goodell said the positive effects of he would want toknow when the marijuana remain questionable, but games would be played for com- that there is "very strong evidence" petitive purposes. He also wants about the negative effects. "Our experts right now are not to guard against too many playoff games. indicating that we should change "We always got to keep it in terms our policy in any way," Goodell said. of a ratio of scarcity," Lurie said. "We are not actively considering "We don't want to become like oth-

that at this point in time. But down er sports where it's too easy to make the road sometime that is something

the playoffs. Adding one team would we would nevertake off the table if it matchups more competitive towards not put us in a counter-productive could benefit our players at the end the end of the season. There will be situation. But when would you play of the day." more excitement, more memorable the games is very important, so that Health and safety remains an moments for our fans. That's some- the following games, you have virtu- ongoing issue. San Francisco 49ers thing that attracts us. We think we ally equally time to prepare." tight end Vernon Davis was present can do it properly from a competiOne part of the NFL that will not at Goodell' s news conference and tive standpoint." change is their stance toward mari- asked whythe NFL does not offer itive. We think we can make the

Goodell was later asked why re-

ported concussions were down 13 percent this year despite improved diagnostic tools and sideline doctors. Goodell citedthe changes tothe rules and equipment. "The culture is changing and changing for the better," Goodell said. "The game is safer, it's more exciting and it is more popular than ever." The commissioner skirted around

a question about the Washington Redskins name, citing polls that suggest that most Native Americans

and those in the general population support the name. "We are being respectful of people who disagree," Goodell said, "but let's not forget this is the name of a football team."

It is harder to explain how and why he

has succeededin reaching the big stage against Manning's Denver Broncoshowever removed from the spotlight he

has been — in his second National Football League season, before Andrew Luck and Robert Griffin III, the two darlings of the 2012 draft.

Yes, a good deal of that accelerated progression has to do with location, lo-

cation, location. Wilson, selected in the third round with the 75th overall pick, landed on the Seattle Seahawks, a team

with a formidable defense, Sherman included. Still, Wilson has been an audacious playmaker and a record-setter,

winning more games as a starter than any other quarterback in his first two seasons during the Super Bowl era. The casual fan, in deciding what to m ake of theraging Sherman debate,m ay have missed the best part of the Wilson

saga — that3 / years ago, he was jettisoned as the starting quarterback at North Carolina State when coach Tom

O'Brien inserted Mike Glennon ahead of Wilson on the depth chart while Wilson was playing minor league baseball in the Colorado Rockies organization. Wilson transferred to W isconsin, where he set university records and led the Badgers to the Big Ten title in his fifth

year of NCAA eligibility. O'Brien wound up being fired in 2012. Who knows how much the Wilson decision had to do with O'Brien's firing, if at all? Glennon played well enough to be drafted, like Wilson, in the third round,by theTampa Bay Buccaneers last spring. Glennon started 13 games with Tampa

Seahawks hold final

Bay this season. He fits the more conven-

tional quarterback profile — a rangy 6 feet 6 — and may have a future. But the

practice for

little man, Wilson, became the story with

more gravitas, one that should have been a boldface headline to kick off the week. It is a powerful tale of upward mobility

Super Bowl

that is dissimilar only in circumstances

to the inspirational one Sherman could have told — Compton, Calif., to Stanford to the Super Bowl — without screaming

The Associated Press

in America's face.

EAST RUTHEFORD, N.J. With all hands healthy, the Seattle Seahawks held their f i nal

to racial stereotypes aside, it was not the

Harsh reactions of those who resort rant that was the main problem; it was the result.

major practice for the Super Bowl

Sherman detracted from the most s ignificant Seahawks victory in t h e

against the Denver Broncos.

The Seahawks practiced for 77 minutes at the New York Giants'

Pete Carroll era. He obscured Wilson's

practice facility Friday, opening the five doors at the Quest Diagnostics Center to simulate the mid-

35-yardtouchdown pass for the ages to Jermaine Kearse on a fourth-and-7 play

30s temperatures expected Sun-

the fourth quarter, as well as his own positional brilliance in deflecting Colin

to take the lead from San Francisco in

day night. The NFC champions will hold a walk-through practice today. Coach Pete Carroll felt the practices have gone well for the Sea-

Kaepernick's end-zone pass to Michael

Crabtree and producing the interception that clinched the NFC title. That is why Carroll talked Sherman

hawks, who are seeking their first

Super Bowl title. "And now, we wait," Carroll told

Jeff Roberson/The Associated Press

Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll roams the field as his players warm up during practice on Friday in East Rutherford, N.J.

a pool reporter. Second-year quarterback Russell Wilson appeared crisp in his

Seattle is healthy entering the

plored him, for the sake of the collective,

to moderate the brashness, at least until

game. All 61 roster and AA6 ADW,' We t ice all week after beexecution of the offense. practice squad p l ay- ~gjt " ing short with the me"Russell is exactly where he's al- ers participated fully in dia. Left tackle Russell — Seahawks Okung wore fullback ways pictured he'd be in life," Car- practice. Wide outs Perroll said. "He prepares impeccably, cy Harvin (concussion) co ach Pete CarrollMichael Robinson's No. and he has prepared like that this and Doug Baldwin (hip) 26 and Robinson floatweek. I think he is ready to play a ran freely for the third ed in Okung's No. 76. very good game." straight day. Friday's work began with speThe Seahawks installed their Four players switched jerseys cial teams practice, field goals game plan for the Super Bowl last for practice. Right tackle Breno Gi- by kicker Steven Hauschka and week at home in Renton, Wash. acomini squeezed into Marshawn punts by Jon Ryan. The team pracThis week has been spent going Lynch's No. 24, while Giacomini's ticed red-zone plays on both sides over it in practices without pads.

into walking back the me-first commentary early last week and no doubt imthe Seahawks hit the field Sunday.

ed practice-squad quarterback B.J. Daniels, his second pick of the nization and the staff at the train-

There certainly is much room on any team for diverse styles and personalities, for Sherman to keep talking or for the reticence of the Seahawks' star running back, Marshawn Lynch, who said of his

ing facility for cooperating with the Seahawks. "The Giants have been fantas-

just here so I won't get fined, boss." For the more loquaciously inclined, it


Carroll praised the Giants orga-

tic in opening their doors to us.

They've treated us great," Carroll said. "Anything we've needed we've gotten.

"So we're grateful to them for Lynch, who has had fun at prac- play, Richard Sherman intercept- everything they've done." No. 66 looked like a mini-dress on o f t h e ball as welL In scout team

mandated Wednesday interview, "I'm

is a matter of knowing when the time is right, when to lead with the mouth or by

example and action. J.R. Sweezy, a Seattle offensive lineman and a former teammate of Wilson's at North Carolina State, said this was the unquantifiable measure of the quarter-

back that O'Brien apparently did not get or did not think enough of to delay Glennon's promotion.

Fox saysBroncosreadyfor Sunday's game after easypractice session

"He's just a natural leader," Sweezy said. "Summer conditioning, he was always the one to say, 'Come on, we can do

this, we can work harder.' I know people had doubts about him, said he was too small. Honestly, I always got the impression that he didn't listen to any of it. That

he believed he was going to play in the NFL."

The Associated Press FLORHAM PARK, N.J. — After putting his team through its final full practice of the sea-

son on Friday afternoon, Denver Broncos coach John Fox declared his team ready to go for the Super Bowl. The Broncos used the indoor field at the New York Jets practice facility for their nearly 90-minute practice after Fox determined that the

outdoor synthetic field was too hard. Yet the regimen came with another twist: Fox used the outdoor field for the 30-minute walk-

"We talk about the mental

Montee Ball, the Broncos' rookie running back from Wisconsin, recalled some apprehension when Wilson was handed the Badgers' starting quarterback job in

preparation. They're going to continue to go through their playbooks, iPads, whatever information source they have, and continue to review. Now it's mostly just reviewing and visualizing what

2011. "We knew about his history, how he'd

done really good things at N.C. State," Ball said. "But we were all waiting to see

how he was. Once things calmed down, we could see that he had it. You could

their job is."

through before the practice, allowing for more — Broncos coach JohnFox exposure to the type of wintry elements that could be in play on Sunday night at MetLife Stadium. "I just wanted to see what shape the field was whooped and hollered, pending the outcome of in," Fox said. "We came back in here, just for the a given play. same reason as yesterday. It was a little too hard, As Fox talked after practice, a handful of playso we came back in." ers provided background noise as they engaged As was the case after the two previous full in post-practice banter in the end zone. practices this week, the Broncos didn't suffer Fox turned and said, "They like each other." any injury setbacks. Such camaraderie might also explain the diOf the 53 players on the active roster, defen- version that came during the walk-through, sive tackle Sione Fua was the only non-partici- when a small aircraft flew over the field with pant. Fua is nursing a calf injury and is listed as a message banner that read: "MEET BRONdoubtful for Sunday's game. COS AARON BR E W E R T O NITE AT TIME All other players are probable, and none were SQUARE" limited in Friday's work. Brewer is Denver's low-profile, second-year "I feel good about where we are," Fox said. long-snapper. "Our guys have worked hard all week, and the The plane flew over the field twice, and was preparation's been good. Excited to play the reminiscent of a similar stunt that highlighted game." special teams captain Keith Burns when the The team will have a walk-through session to- franchise last played in a Super Bowl. "It was a little gag," Fox said. "They have no day at the Super Bowl game site. Friday's session — part of which was observed more appearances. That was just to gag him a by team owner Pat Bowlen, who stood along the little bit." sideline — was spirited. Fox said that he has been pleased with his During team drills pitting the starting of- players' professionalism and focus. He said the fense and defense, and in others with the start- team has not had a single case of any players ers facing scout teams, players cheered, jeered, breaking curfew this week.

feel it and see it. A lot of stuff he did off the field, too, the way he carried himself


in meeting rooms, like he was in control. It's a lot like Peyton is, to tell you the truth." Mark Humphrey/ The Associated Press

Denver Broncos cornerback KayvonWebster grabs a pass during practice Friday in Florham Park, N.J.

"I couldn't ask for more, for the way they've

done it," Fox said. "We've been on par. Very focused." Still, after Friday's practice, there were still

more than two days before kickoff. With the practice work completed, Fox is hop-

ing that players will strive for an even sharper focus. "We talk about the mental preparation," Fox

said. "They're going to continue to go through their playbooks, iPads, whatever information

Wilson has a long way to go to be anything like Manning, but the game Sunday begins 0-0, with Wilson looking to even the score in Super Bowls won. And because Super Bowl week always feels like a talk-show telethon, and Sherman has piped down some, the crowds have become deservedly bigger around Wilson.

On Wednesday, he recalled the times when people told him to forget playing professional quarterback — O'Brien in his own way at N.C. State — and focus on the game, baseball, for which he was built.

"I had this itch to play the game of

football," Wilson said. "I believed that

To minimize distractions, the Broncos will

I could go to the Super Bowl and win multiple Super Bowls and do all of those things." This might have sounded like Sher-

leave their hotel where they have stayed all week — and where family and guests of players are

manesque boasting, but taken in context, it was not. Four days before the game,

staying — and move to another hotel tonight and

Wilson was entitled, and his timing was just right.

source they have, and continue to review. Now

it's mostly just reviewing and visualizing what their job is."

remain sequestered overnight.



O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugetin.com/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.


N ASDAQ ~ 1 0 25





1 880

Saturday, February 1, 201 4

Auto sales

1,820 "

Analysts have predicted that demand for new cars and trucks in the U.S. will slow this year. But a J.D. Power and LMC Automotive forecast suggests demand remained strong in January, driving sales to a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 15.9 million units. That would be up from 15.2 million units a year ago. U.S. automakers are due to release their January sales figures on Monday.




10 YR TNOTE 2.65%+


Sstp 500

16,560 "

Close: 1,782.59 Change: -11.60 (-0.6%)


1,760 ' " " " ' 10 DAYS




2 1p


Close: 15,698.85 Change: -149.76 (-0.9%)


15,600" ""' 10 DAYS " '















StocksRecap NYSE NASD

Vol. (in mil.) 3,949 2,197 Pvs. Volume 3,465 2,053 Advanced 1 159 7 6 6 Declined 1931 1824 New Highs 55 71 New Lows 86 43




HIGH LOW CLOSE C H G. 15847.19 1561 7.55 15698.85 -149.76 DOW Trans. 7343.24 7220.12 7289.18 -1 2.82 DOW Util. 507.52 499.05 506.26 + 3 .86 NYSE Comp. 10028.49 9908.03 9967.65 -81.04 NASDAQ 4124.93 4067.61 4103.88 -1 9.25 S&P 500 1793.88 1772.26 1782.59 -11.60 -5.84 S&P 400 1321.44 1305.17 1313.08 Wilshire 5000 19223.78 18991.99 19105.24 -112.98 -8.48 Russell 2000 1137.97 1124.67 1130.88


%CHG. WK MO QTR YTD -0.94% -5.30% L -0.18% -1.51% 40.77% L L L +3.20% -0.81% -4.16% -0.47% -1.74% -0.65% -3.56% -0.44% -2.19% L -0.59% -3.05% -0.74% -2.82%

: "'."" Chevron stock slides Chevron

est. 6.7%








2013 2 0 14 Source: Facteet

+ -.74 '



StoryStocks January ended with a thud for stocks Friday after the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell for the fifth time in the last seven days. The index closed out its first down January since 2010, and it has posted three straight weekly losses. Energy stocks had some of Friday's sharpest drops, hurt by weaker prices for crude oil and natural gas. Companies that sell non-essentials to consumers also struggled. They were hurt by a report from online retailer Amazon.com that showed weaker revenue growth than analysts expected. Of the 10 sectors that make up the S&P 500, seven fell. Utilities, telecoms and technology stocks were the only ones to rise. NFLX

Close:$409.33 L4.66 or 1.2% Moody's raised its outlook on the video service provider's credit following its strong quarterly results earlier this month. $450 400 350



Close:$75.68 V-4.08 or -5.1% The payment networks company fell short of Wall Street expectations for the fourth quarter, though profits moved higher. $85 80 75

N D 52-week range

J $412.40

$159.00 Vol.:3.4m (1.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$24.26 b

N D J 52-week range $50.74~ $ 84.75

PE: 221.3 Vol.:23.3m (3.2x avg.) PE: 30.0 Yield:... Mkt.Cap:$87.64 b Yield: 5.8%



Alaska Air Group A LK 45.77 ~ 82.08 79. 0 7 + 1.19+1.5 T L L +7.8 +70 . 0 86 8 1 1 0. 8 0 Avista Corp A VA 25.18 ~ 29.26 28.8 3 +. 1 7 + 0 .6 L L L +2.3 +15. 6 36 6 18 1. 2 2 +7.6 +49 . 0135876 17 0 . 04 Bank of America B AC 10 . 98 ~ 17.42 1 6. 7 5 -.18 -1.1 L L L Growing trade gap? BarrettBusiness B BS I 3 8 . 15 ~ 102.2 0 78 . 4 1-2.47 -3.1 T T T -15.5 +1 03.5 105 3 2 0 .72f The U.S. trade deficit fell to its Boeing Co BA 7 3 .00 ~ 144. 5 7 12 5.26 -1.27 -1.0 T T T -8.2 +72.2 9629 21 2.92f lowest level in four years in T T CascadeBancorp CA CB 4 .66 o — 7.18 48 . 2 -.16 -3. 2 -7.8 -27.3 14 4 November. T T ColumbiaBnkg COL B 19.56 ~ 2 8.5 6 26.11 -.40 -1.5 T -5.0 +3 3.5 2 2 3 2 1 0 . 48f Gains in energy production and ColumbiaSportswear COLM 47.75 ~ 80. 04 74.35 -1.96 -2.6 T T T -5.6 +5 1.9 9 9 27 1. 0 0 f stronger sales of American-made CostcoWholesale COST 98.95 ~ 1 26 .12112.36 -.37 -0.3 L T T -5.6 +11.1 2044 24 1 . 24 airplanes, autos and machinery Craft Brew Alliance B R EW 6.33 ~ 18.70 1 5. 1 2 -.61 -3.9 T T T -7.9 + 132.7 1 55 c c lifted exports to an all-time high. FLIR Systems F LIR 23.00 ~ 34.19 31. 7 2 - 1 .05 -3.2 T L L +5.4 +36. 6 1 5 35 2 1 0. 3 6 L L +3.6 +81. 8 12800 11 0.58 The Commerce Department Hewlett PacKard H P Q 1 6 .03 — 0 30.13 29.80 -.25 -0.9 L 6.03 14.50 -.12 -0.8 T T - 2.7 +13.2 40 dd 0. 2 4 reports its latest data on trade on Home FederalBncp ID HOME 10.84 ~ 1 I NTC 20.10 ~ 27.12 2 4.5 4 -.20 -0.8 T T T -5.5 +20.0 25968 13 0 .90 Thursday. Economists anticipate Intel Corp Keycorp K EY 9 .14 ~ 14.14 1 2. 7 6 -.21 -1.6 T T T -4.9 +40.6 11156 13 0 .22 the trade gap expanded in Kroger Co K R 2 7 .46 ~ 43.85 3 6. 1 0 -.32 -0.9 L T T -8.7 +33.4 5750 1 2 0 . 66 December. L L 45.3 +31. 8 55 4 83 Lattice Semi LSCC 4.17 ~ 6.07 5.78 -.07 -1.2 T LA Pacific L PX 14.51 ~ 22.55 1 7.5 3 -.56 -3.1 L T T -5.3 -7.2 2575 10 Trade (goods and services) seasonally adjusted, in billions MDU Resources MDU 22 .67 — o 32.07 32 .04 -.03 -0.1 L L L + 4.9 +41 . 4 83 3 4 9 0 . 71f EN T 1 3.21 ~ 24.31 2 0. 8 0 -.23 -1.1 T T T - 13.6 +23.9 6 3 8 2 3 0 . 18 -$36.3 MentorG raphics M Microsoft Corp MSFT 2 7 .10 — o 38.98 37 .84 + . 98 +2.7 L L L +1.1 +35 . 8 84442 14 1 . 1 2 Nike Inc 8 N KE 53.27 ~ 80.26 72.8 5 - 1 . 09 - 1 .5 L T T -7.4 +3 9.5 4 213 25 0 . 96f -10 NordstromInc J WN 52.16 ~ 63.72 57.4 5 +. 1 2 +0 .2 T T T -7.0 + 5 . 3 1 623 1 5 1 . 20 Nwst Nat Gas N WN 39.96 ~ 46.55 41.5 6 +. 0 7 +0 .2 T T T -2.9 - 4.3 14 3 1 9 1 . 8 4 -20 PaccarInc PCAR 45.81 ~ 60.1 7 56. 0 0 - 1 .45 -2.5 T T T -5.4 +22.8 3367 18 0.80a Planar Systms P LNR 1 52 ~ 2 93 2 51 -.08 -31 T L T -1 2 +599 70 dd -30 Plum Creek PCL 42.71 o — 54.6 2 43. 07 + . 0 5 +0.1 L T T -7.4 -7.4 1052 32 1 . 76 Prec Castparts PCP 180.06 ~ 274. 9 6 25 4.75 +1.09 +0.4 T T T - 5.4 +37.5 9 5 7 2 2 0 . 1 2 Safeway Inc S WY 18.97 ~ 36.90 31. 2 4 +. 3 5 +1.1 L T T -4.1 +65.3 5037 1 7 0 . 80 Schnitzer Steel SCH N 23.07 ~ 3 3.3 2 26.42 -.31 -1.2 T T T -19.1 - 4.6 25 2 d d 0 . 75 J A S 0 N D Sherwin Wms SHW 153.94 ~ 198. 4 7 18 3.26 -.48 -0.3 T L T -0.1 +14.4 1075 2 5 2 . 00 2013 StancorpFncl S FG 37.96 ~ 69.11 64. 2 5 - 1 .44 -2.2 L T T -3.0 +71.3 5 2 9 1 2 1 . 10f Source: Facteet StarbocksCp SBUX 52.52 ~ 82.50 7 1. 1 2 -.79 -1.1 T T T -9.3 +30.0 5791 3 0 1 . 04 T T Triquint Semi TQNT 4.31 ~ 9.05 8.30 -.10 -1.2 T -0.5 +65.7 1948 dd Umpqua Holdings UM P Q 11.45 ~ 1 9.65 1 7. 5 6 -.44 -2.4 T T T -8.3 +48.1 1568 19 0.60a T T The unemployment rate US Bancorp U SB 31.99 ~ 41.86 3 9. 7 3 -.39 -1.0 T -1.7 + 2 3.7 6 948 1 3 0 . 9 2 WA F D 15.79 ~ 2 4.3 5 21.88 -.41 -1.8 T T T - 6.1 +29.8 3 9 5 1 5 0 . 40 Economists expect the government WashingtonFedl WellsFargo & Co WF C 3 4.52 ~ 4 6.8 4 45.34 -.71 -1.5 T T -0.1 +34.3 26925 12 1 . 20 will report on Friday that the Weyerhaeuser W Y 2 6.38 ~ 33.24 2 9. 8 8 -.89 -2.9 T T T -5.4 + 5 . 7 6 329 2 6 0 . 88 national unemployment rate held steady in January. The jobless rate slipped to 6.7 DividendFootnotes:5 - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. 5 -Liquidating dividend. 5 -Amount declaredor paid in last12 months. i - Current percent in December, with much annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent dividend wasomitted or deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend of the decline coming from an announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash exodus of about 347,000 unemvalue on ex-distributioa date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is 5 closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months. ployed workers who stopped looking for new positions. Employers added just 74,000 jobs in December, the fewest in three Chevron was the biggest loser in the The nation's second-biggest oil company years and far below the average of 214,000 added in the previous Dow Jones industrial average Friday. earned $2.57 per share, a penny less than The oil company's shares fell 4 percent analysts polled by FactSet had expected. four months. after it reported a 32 percent decline in Chevron has been championed by Unemployment rate fourth quarter earnings. investors in recent years for providing the seasonally adjusted, percent Chevron reported net income of best growth among major integrated oil 7 5P% $4.93 billion on revenue of $53.95 billion companies. But growth stalled last year for the final three months of 2013. and the company said Friday that 7.25 That's down from net income of $7.25 production would rise less than 1 percent billion on revenue of $56.25 billion during in 2014. Better growth is now expected in 7.00 the same period of 2012. 2015 and 2016. 6.75




NorthwestStocks NAME



Dow jones industrials "




CMG Close:$551.96 %58.00 or 11.7% Comparable-store sales jumped more than 9 percent at the Mexican restaurant chain, which earned $79.6 million last quarter. $600 550 500

Manitowoc MTW Close:$28.45 A3.69 or 14.9% Growing sales of food service gear, as well as a lower tax rate, helped to offset falling demand for the company's signature cranes. $30 25 20







52-week range

52-week range

$303.50 ~

$5 68.90

Vol.:2.1m (5.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$17.08 b

PE: 55 . 8 Vol.:16.2m (6.0x avg.) P E : 2 4.3 Yield:... Mkt.Cap:$3.8 b Y ield: 0.3%


MAT Close:$37.84T-5.17 or -12.0% Sales of big-name toys like Barbie and Fisher-Price slid during the holidays, leaving investors in the toy maker disappointed. $50 45

$1618 ~

$ 29 39


AMZN Close:$358.69T-44.32 or -11.0% After the online retailer dominated

the holiday season, quarterly profit and revenue fell short of Wall Street expectations. $450 400





52-week range $36.75~

52-week range $48.48


$4 08 .06

Vol.: 20.2m (7.2x avg.) P E : 15.6 Vol.:16.2m (5.2x avg.) PE:1236.9 Mkt. Cap:$12.81b Yie l d: 3.8% Mkt. Cap:$164.18 b Yield : ...


GOOG Close:$1,180.97 %45.58 or 4.0% Profit and revenue soared 17 percent during the fourth quarter despite flagging prices for advertising at the search engine. $1200


ZNGA Close: $4.40 %0.84 or 23.6% The gamingcompany is buying NaturalMotion and cutting staff as it attempts to catch up to users migrating away from laptops.


1100 1000


N D 52-week range

52-week range $758.10

Vol.:5.6m (2.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$326.8 b

$1,186.54 $2.50 ~ PE:29.7 V ol.:170.2m (7.3x avg.) Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$2.9 b

$4 .55 PE: . . . Yield: ...

SOURCE: Sungard




The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.65 percent Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.



3-month T-bill . 0 1 .0 1 6-month T-bill . 0 5 .05 52-wk T-bill .09 .09 2-year T-note . 3 3 .3 4 5-year T-note 1.50 1.51 10-year T-note 2.65 2.69 30-year T-bond 3.60 3.63







Friday's close: $111.63

T ~

.07 .11 .13

-0.01 T



-0.01 T -0.04 T -0.03 T


L .88 L 1.99 T 3.17



Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.42 3.44 -0.02 T T Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.90 4.91 -0.01 L T $111 128 Barclays USAggregate 2.33 2.32 +0.01 T T Price-earnings ratio (Based on trailing 12 month results):10 PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.61 5.63 -0.02 L T *: 9% 10-Y R*: 14% An n. dividend: $4.00 Div. yield: 3.6% Y TD return: -10% 3 - Y R 5-YR *: 14% RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.44 4.43 +0.01 L T *Annualized AP Total returns through Jan. 31 Source: FactSet YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.71 1.72 -0.01 T T 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 3.11 3.09 +0.02 T T 1 YRAGO3.25 .13 AmdFoctgs SelectedMutualptgnds

Chevron (CVX)




2.76 4.00 1 91 . 5.77 3.93 1 13 . 2.8 3


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 AmericanFunds BalA m 23.8 5 - . 1 8 2.3 +14.8 +11.4+15.4 A A A CaplncBuA m 56.72 -.20 3.1 +8.3 +8.5+12.4 C A C CpWldGrlA m 43.85 -.29 3.2 +16.2 +9.5+16.1 C C C EurPacGrA m 47.87 -.29 4.1 +11.1 +5.7+14.7 8 8 8 FnlnvA m 49. 9 9 - .44 3.8 +20.7 +12.4+18.9 C C 8 Zynga 1562484 4.40 + . 84 GrthAmA m 42.12 -.41 2.0 +25.4 +13.9+19.1 8 8 C BkofAm 1358762 16.75 -.18 Putnam MultiCapGrA m PN O PX IncAmerA m 20.26 -.87 1.9 +12.4 +10.5+15.4 8 A A iShEMkts 993537 38.19 +.06 InvCoAmA m 35.68 -.20 2.8 +23.6 +12.7+17.3 A C 0 Microsoft 844419 37.84 +.98 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m36.10 -.29 3.9 +16.4 +10.6+18.0 8 8 8 Facebook 840481 62.57 +1.49 WAMutlnvA m38.88 -.31 3.4 +22.2 +14.6+17.9 8 A C 8 iPVix rs 666606 49.51 +3.85 FordM 634294 14.96 -.29 Dodge & Cox Income 13.7 1 + .81 +1.3 + 2.0 + 4.7 +7.3 A 8 8 e SPDR Fncl 496343 21.06 -.25 Q IntlStk 4 1.17 - . 1 8 -4.3 +15.1 +6.9+18.6 A A A iShR2K 432735 112.16 -.84 Stock 163.3 2 -1.29 -3.3 +28.1 +15.6+21.3 A A A Fidelity Contra 93.99 - . 5 2 -2.2 +26.2 +14.8+19.5 B 8 C Gainers GrowCo 119 . 88 -.63 -0.1 +32.0 +17.2+23.8 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G LowPriStk d 47.80 -.21 -3.4 +23.6 +14.9+22.5 B A 8 Fidelity Spartan 50 0 ldxAdvtg63.22 -.41 -3.5 +21.5 +13.9+19.2 C 8 B Solazyme 1 2.97 + 3 . 2 0 +3 2 .8 500ldxlnstl 63 . 22 -.41 -3.5 + 21.5 N A N A C SiebertFn 2 .94 +.69 +30 . 7 «C LilisEngy 3 .05 +.70 +29 . 8 53 FrankTemp-Frank li n IncomeC m 2.42-.81 -0.8 +9.6 +8.3+15.0 A A A Zynga 4 .40 +.84 +23 . 6 IncomeA m 2. 39 -.81 -0.8 +9.8 +8.8+15.6 A A A CmptrPr 6 6.82 + 9 . 9 8 +1 7 .6 Intl I 473 Oakmark 25.40 -.88 -3.5 +16.8 +10.5+22.6 A A A EchelonC 4 .06 +.59 +17 . 0 RisDivA m 18 . 87 -.12 -4.3 +16.1 +11.3+15.3 E 0 E Morningstar OwnershipZone™ Oppenheimer CSVxSht rs 9 .59 +1 . 3 8 +1 6 .8 RisDiv8 m 16 . 88 -.10 -4.4 +15.1 +10.3+14.3 E E E PUVixST rs 8 7.53 $ . 12.53 +1 6 .7 OeFund target represents weighted RisDivC m 16 . 78 -.10 -4.3 +15.3 +10.5+14.5 E E E RetOpp wt 2 .46 +.35 +16 . 6 average of stock holdings SmMidValA m43.10 -.21 -2.8 +25.6 +10.0+19.4 A E 0 Accuray 1 0.65 + 1 .4 1 +1 5 .3 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings SmMidValB m36.30 -.18 -2.9 + 24.5 +9.1+18.4 8 E E Losers CATEGORY Large Gro wth T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 31.5 5 - . 3 0 -3.9 +18.4 +12.3+18.9 0 C A NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR GrowStk 51.6 3 - . 50 -1.8 +31.7 +16.6+22.5 A A A RATING™ ** 1 y1y1y HealthSci 61.1 2 - . 66 +5.7 +48.6 +31.6+28.9 8 A A -3.05 -28.9 DFC Glbl 7.52 BiP Lead 41.36 -9.86 -19.2 ASSETS $3,519 million Vanguard 500Adml 164.47 1.86 -3.5 +21.5 +13.9+19.2 C 8 8 -2.90 -17.8 InterMune 13.35 500lnv 164.45 1.87 -3.5 +21.3 +13.8+19.1 C 8 8 EXP RATIO 1.08% GreenOot 22.52 -4.21 -15.8 CapOp 46.55 -.33 +0.8 +33.6 +16.0+22.2 A A A MANAGER Robert Brookby -.48 -15.3 AtlPwr g 2.65 Eqlnc 28.57 -.20 -4.0 +18.5 +15.4+19.1 0 A A SINCE 201 0-04-30 IntlStkldxAdm 26.68 -.26 -4.7 +6.1 +3.2 NA E E RETURNS 3-MO +5.8 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 29.39 -.10 -2.0 +29.9 +17.7+23.8 A A A YTO -1.6 TgtRe2020 26.66 -.11 -1.7 +10.8 +8.4+13.9 A A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +27.6 Tgtet2025 15.43 -.87 -2.0 +12.1 +8.8+14.9 8 8 C -14.30 -.34 Paris 4,165.72 3-YR ANNL +13.3 TotBdAdml 10.70 +.81 +1.5 +0.1 +3.6 +4.9 C 0 E London 6,510.44 -28.01 -.43 5-YR-ANNL +19.5 Totlntl 15.95 -.16 -4.8 +6.0 +3.2+13.8 E E C -67.00 -.71 Frankfurt 9,306.48 TotStlAdm 45.24 -.28 -3.1 +22.6 +14.2+20.2 8 A A Hong Kong22,035.42 -1 06.19 -.48 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT -.31 Google, Inc. Class A TotStldx 45.22 -.28 -3.1 +22.5 +14.1+20.0 8 8 A Mexico 40,879.75 -1 28.55 3.37 Milan 19,41 8.34 +6.79 + . 04 USGro 27.88 -.12 -2.8 +24.9 +14.9+19.5 C 8 C 3.21 -.62 Apple Inc Tokyo 14,91 4.53 -92.53 Welltn 37.36 -.14 -1.5 +13.9 +10.5+14.6 A A B 1.92 Stockholm 1,304.45 + 1.62 + . 1 2 Honeywell lnternational, Inc. Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, or redemption 1.87 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or Sydney 5,190.00 +1.90 + . 04 Priceline.com, Inc. Zurich 8,191.33 -13.63 -.17 United Technologies Corp 1.87 redemption fee.Source: Morningstar.

Putnam Multi-Cap has been a strong performer in a surging Marhetsummary market, but Morningstar says Most Active caution is warranted because NAME VOL (ggs) LAST CHG its record in downturns isn't as S&P500ETF 1645269 178.18 -1.05 strong.




The price of natural gas fell for a second straight day in what's been a volatile week. On Wednesday, it hit its highest settlement price since 2010. Crude oil's price also fell.

Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal)

Foreign Exchange

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6432 -.0045 -.27% 1.5859 Canadian Dollar 1.1 1 24 -.0051 -.46% . 9 976 USD per Euro 1.3486 -.0065 -.48% 1.3574 -.37 -.36% 9 1.38 JapaneseYen 102.32 Mexican Peso 13. 3421 -.0307 -.23% 12.7212 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5160 +.0246 +.70% 3.7096 Norwegian Krone 6 . 2803 +.0299 +.48% 5.4650 South African Rand 11.0882 -.1006 -.91% 8.9305 Swedish Krona 6.5 5 2 7 + .0285 +.43% 6.3541 Swiss Franc .9079 +.0045 +.50% . 9 098 ASIA/PACIFIC 1.1435 +.0052 +.45% .9583 Australian Dollar Chinese Yuan 6.0605 -.0000 -.00% 6.2235 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7638 -.0027 -.03% 7.7556 Indian Rupee 62.490 -.085 -.14% 53.275 Singapore Dollar 1.2767 +.0023 +.18% 1.2371 South KoreanWon 1083.22 +3.68 +.34% 1088.53 -.04 -.13% 2 9.55 Taiwan Dollar 30.30

The dollar rose against the euro and British pound amid worries about tumult across emerging-marke t economies. But the dollar also lost ground against the

Japanese yen.

55Q QD


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 97.49 98.23 -0.75 -0.9 -2.2 1.87 1.89 -0.79 3.28 3.22 + 1.94 + 6 . 6 4.94 5.14 -1.32 +1 6.9 2.63 2.66 -1.33 -5.7

CLOSE PVS. 1240.10 1242.20 19.11 19.14 1375.70 1382.30 3.22 3.24 703.00 706.65

%CH. %YTD - 0.17 + 3 . 2 -0.03 -1.2 - 0.48 + 0 . 3 -0.54 -6.4 -0.52 -2.0


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.42 1.42 - 0.34 + 5 . 3 Coffee (Ib) 1.25 1.20 +4.33 +1 3.1 Corn (bu) 4.34 4.34 + 0.12 + 2 . 8 Cotton (Ib) 0.86 0.86 - 0.23 + 1 . 4 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 353.80 358.90 -1.42 -1.8 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.43 1.40 + 2.04 + 4 . 5 Soybeans (bu) 12.83 12.75 +0.61 -2.3 -8.2 Wheat(bu) 5.56 5.54 +0.41 1YR.

© www.bendbulletin.com/business


BEST OFTHE BIZ CALENDAR MONDAY • iPad for Business: Discover ways touseiPads to work moreefficiently; registration required;$69; 9 a.m.-noon;COCCChandler Building, 1027N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend;541-383-7270. • Build Your Website with Dreamweaver:Learn to create a website with Dreamweaver; registration required; $89;1-4 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270. TUESDAY • Beginning InDesign: Learn to useAdobe InDesign to createsinglepage advertisementsand fliersto complexmultipage color publications; registration required;$89; 1-4 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College,2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • What's Brewing? Bend's Town Hall:Building Bend: What havewe learned and where are we headed? Presented bythe Bend Chamber ofCommerce; $15 for members,$20 for nonmembers; 5p.m.; Volcanic TheatrePub,70 S.W. Century Drive,Bend; 541-323-1881 orwww. bendchamber.org/chamberevents/whats-brewingbends-town-hall-tbd-2/ WEDNESDAY • BusinessStart-up Class: Learn to run abusiness, reach yourcustomers, find funding options, calculate amount neededto start and legalities involved; registration required;$29; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.;Central Oregon Community College, 2600N.W.CollegeW ay, Bend; 541-383-7290. • Website Hot Seat: Panel of onlinemarketing, SEO, brandingandother professionals to review and critique business websites in front of alive audience; preregistration required; $5-10donation suggested; freefor Central Oregon Community College andOregonState University-Cascades Campus students; 6-8:45 p.m.; COCC, Wille Hall,2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270 orhttps:// selfservice.cocc.edu:8002/ flexibleregistration/index. jsp?frc=CLMAIN&q=17899 • Hew teSelect theRight FranchiseWorkshop: Learn whetherfranchise ownership is rightforyou, howto chooseafranchise and arrangefinancing; registration required; free; 6-9 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend;541-383-7290. • Typography, Communicatingwith Fonts: Learn howthe conscious and unconsciousmessages received throughfonts can influence buyinghabits and perceptionsabout your business; registration required; $89; 6-9 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600N.W.College Way, Bend;541-383-7270. THURSDAY • OregonEmployer Council CentralOregon Business Seminar: Wil cover pre-employment backgroundchecks,drug testing, social media investigations, appropriate and inappropriate interview questions andvideo surveillance; registration required byFeb.4; $50 per person; 7:30a.m.; The RiverhouseConvention Center, 2850N.W.Rippling River Court, Bend;541-6883024, denise.a.pollock@ state.or.us orwww.oec.org/. •Holdin gEmployeesand Others Accountable: Learn to help eachperson onyour team do his orher jobwell; registration required;$95; 8 a.m.-noon; CentralOregon Community College,2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbendbugetin.com/bizcal

Correction An item in People on the Move, which appeared Saturday, Jan. 25, on PageC6, incorrectly identified Andy Smith's credential. He is now ISA TreeRisk Assessment Qualified. The corrected item appears in today's People onthe Move. The Bulletin regrets the error.

E icAircra re aresto irea itiona em oyees By Joseph Ditzler

Epic CEO Doug King stated

The Bulletin

in the announcement. "This is an exciting, new era for our

Epic Aircraft announced

plans Friday to hire more than 24 new employees to bolster its drive to certify its brand-name

turboprop by mid-2015. The company listed a need for workers in several catego-

ries, from assembly to technical writing to welding. Epic, based at the Bend Municipal

Airport, plans a Career Information Day on Feb. 8 for interested candidates. Applicants

should bring a resume and cover letter "describing why they have the 'right stuff' for

a careeratEpic,"according to thecompany announcement. "We are seeking aviation-experienced individuals locally and nationally to support our certification efforts,"

company." King said Friday these are good-paying jobs with benefits, including health insurance coverage. The company is well-financed, he said, and not seeking capital to fund its airplane development along the way. He expects that many workers with experience in aviation are still underem-

ployed locally. Epic must certify its aircraft

and design of our certified airplane," King said Friday. The company sells about six kit airplanes each year; it ex-

Get Hired What:Epic Aircraft Career Information Day When:10a.m. to1 p.m. Feb.8 Where:22550 Nelson Road,Bend, site of the former Columbia/ Cessna building For more information, contact Kelly Strunk at kellys©epicaircaft. com or visit www.epicaircraft.com.

pects to sell 50 of its certified

airplanes eachyear, King said. A Russian company, Engineering LLC, purchased Epic in March 2012 for an undisclosed sum. Reorganized under bankruptcy protection

in 2011, Epic has grown un-

velopment for Central Oregon. At its peak, Cessna employed

has held their market well;

employees to 50 to more than 85 today. Epic in late 2012

about 700, but vacated Bend

other airplanes," he said. The E1000 is powered by a single, 1,200-horsepower turboprop engine, holds six

der its new owners from 27

for its Kansas base in 2009

purchased the former Cessna

with about400 employed here,

through the Federal Aviation Administration before it may

Aircraft manufacturing plant, a 204,000-square-foot facility

he said. Although the market for

be sold fully assembled rather

at the Bend airport.

general aviation aircraft suf-

than as a kit. But Epic already

has about 30 orders pending, King said. "(W)hat we've been doing is perfecting our techniques

"This has got to be, really, the biggest hiring numbers since Cessna was at the air-

port," said Roger Lee, executive director of Economic De-

they never went as low as the

adults and can carry 1,200

pounds with a full load of fuel. fered even before the 2008 re- It's listed on the company webcession dampened enthusiasm site for an introductory price for high-ticket items, King said of $2.75 million. his dass of airplane defied — Reporter: 541-617-7815, expectations. "The turboprop jditzler@bendbulletin.com


Debt limit solution

predicted by senator


By Kathleen Hunter Bloomberg News


Senate's third-ranking Republican predicted his party may provideenough votes to raise the U.S. debt limit in February without conditions, such as

defunding Obamacare, that members sought in the past. Courtesy Compass Commercial Real Estate

Neff Place, a commercial development that's expected to be built at1500 N.E. Cushlng Ave., Is said to be anchored by a new Jackson's Corner restaurant. The manager says to expect all the accoutrements of the restaurant's original location.

"I suspect that with Dem-

ocrats, there are probably enough Republicans in the Senate that would vote for

a clean debt limit increase,"

e ai eveo men comin By Rachael Rees

think there's a market for a

restaurant, market, bar and

The Bulletin

medical office by the hospital long term, in the short term, we're phasing the project." The first phase of the project is constructing the retail building, he said. The second phase allows for a 15,000-square-foot,

coffee house. Powderly said he is still looking for other

Construction on an

8,000-square-foot retail and restaurant building located

between St. Charles Bend and Bend Memorial Clinic is expected to start this month.

The developers, including Darren Powderly, Erich Schultz and Steve Toomey of

Compass Commercial Real Estate, are also co-owners of the 1.6-acre lot on which

the commercial development called Neff Place will be

two-story building that has

the potential for offices, other retailers or medical uses. "We went out to the com-

munity and said, 'What do you need most right now?'" he said. "There was an over-

whelming response from emPowderly said the project, ployees and patients, but also which is estimated to cost from the neighborhoods.... about $2.5 million, has been They all get in their cars and in the works since 2006, drive to The Forum (Shopping but has undergone some Center), but said they'd be transformation. better off if they could walk "Originally, we were going and have some really good to build a 70,000-square-foot healthy-eating options." medical office building," PowJackson's Corner is anderly said. "Now that the mar- choring the development on ket changed, we scaled down Northeast Cushing Drive, our vision. While we still with a 4,000-square-foot built.

restaurants and retailers to

fill the remaining space. Palmer Noble, who will be

the general manager of the eastside Jackson's Corner, said opening a second location in east Bend makes perfect sense for the company.

Neff Place Construction on the 8,000square-foot retail and restaurant property is expected to start this month.

he said. "What better place

to bring sustainable, local, organic food that's sourced



geff Place ark

He said the menu and ex-

perience will be the same as the current Jackson's Corner on Northwest Delaware Avenue. "It's not a separate entity. It's not eastside Jackson's

Corner, westside Jackson's Corner," he said. "We're still

PEOPLE ONTHEMOVE • Andy Smith, joined the Central Oregon certified arborist, team of Cobalt Mortgage with Spring River as a senior mortgage Tree Service Inc., is banker. Thomashas now ISATreeRisk 12 years of lending Assessment Qualified. Smith Bachman Curley Kohal Brooks experience inCentral • Ray Bachmanhas Oregon andwill focus joined TheGarner on new construction, Group RealEstate LLC conventional, jumboand in Bend as alicensed niche portfolio loans. broker. Bachmanhas • Anthony Fletcherhas 12 years of real estate joined the Central Oregon experience in thearea. ggett S chultz T homas F l etcher M c Vay team of Cobalt Mortgage • Steven Curleyhas as a sales manager. joined Central Oregon Fletcher has 21years of in home building and Coachwell Inc., as the Community Collegeas interior design. managing director. Piggott, experience in banking and director of the Small lending and previously who has five years of • Shana Brooks,MPT, Business Development spent16 years as abranch management exp er i en ce, CMDT, of Focus Physical Center. Curley, previously manager andloan officer will focus on overseeing Therapy, recently a small business owner, operations and providing for Wells Fargo. attended acourse serves on theboardsof leadership to the staff. • liilelissa llilcVayhasbeen Economic Developmentfor entitled "Pain, Plasticity and Rehabilitation." The • Kristi Schultzhas Central Oregon, theBend promoted to senior vice Economic Development course, developed bythe joined Coachwell Inc., as president for Bank of the Neuro Orthopedic Institute the systems coordinator. Advisory Board and Cascades. McVay,who Opportunity Knocks. of Australia, provides Schultz has morethan has more than14 years insight in targeting pain in 18 years of experience in ~ Maureen Kohalhas of experience in financial patients with neurological software systemsandWeb services, will continue her joined TeamDeLayasa impairment. development. broker. Kohal hasmore role of district manager in • Robb Thomashas than 22 years ofexperience • Kate Piggotthas joined Central Oregon.


Separately, House Republicans ended a policy retreat in Maryland on Friday without deciding on their strategy for the debt limit debate, said two people who attended the private discussions and sought anonymity. Party memdefault isn't an option, one of the people said. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has said Congress should raise the debt ceiling as soon as possible, and that the United States will reach

its borrowing limit by late February. A dispute over raising the

than near a hospital, which

is Central Oregon's largest employer."

conducted a formal vote

bers chastened from prior debt-limit fights realize that

~BE 0

"We feel the east side is

greatly underestimated, that people are scared of it,"

said South Dakota Sen. John Thune. He said he hadn't

Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

one, we have the same goals.

We'll continue to work as one big family, just in two different buildings." Noble said he hopes the eastside location will be open

by early fall. — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletirLcom

debt limit was among the

issues that led to the 16-day partial government shutdown in October. House Republi-

cans tried repeatedly to attach policy provisions curbing the Affordable Care Act and

promoting the Keystone XL pipeline in exchange for raising the debt cap and funding the government.

Court decisionstill leaves someBoA claimspending By Michael Corkery

Banking analysts estimate

New York Times News Service

that Bankof America could

NEW YORK — A New York state Supreme Court justice on

have to paymore money to settlethose daims, but the amount

Fridayapproved an $8.5billion settlementbetween Bankof America and a group of mortgage securities investors, but the ruling contained a caveat

is unclear. Theysaidthe ruling

that could create newproblems

murky legal situation even murkier," said Mike Mayo, a banking analyst at CLSA. The ruling Friday involves mortgages issued by Country-

forthebank Justice Barbara Kapnick blessed the 2011 agreement to

cover some of the investors' mortgage losses, but she also

was areminder that thebanks

were far from putting mortgage problems behind them. "This just made the bank's

wide Financial, which Bank of

Americaboughtin2008. Bank daimsbythe investors were ex- of America has spentyears in duded fromthe settlement. court dealing with investors Those daims cover potential- who boughtbonds backed by lybillions of dollars of mortgag- Countrywide loans that went es that were modified to help into default, causing huge borrowers stay in their homes. losses. said that some of the legal


Recreation acii a'si e oor'toc urc By Mary Meehan

Pastor Todd Lester, left, and Recreation director Lee Rainwater are

Lexington Herald Leader


— Todd Lester, pastor of Forks of Elkhorn Baptist Church

near Midway, Ky., knows people don't always come to


church through the front door.

Forks of Elkhorn Baptist Church's $3.5 million

In fact, he understands the sentiment so well his congregation is investing millions of dollars in a recreational facility to rival many commercial gyms, hoping that people who come to play will stay to pray in his rural Kentucky

recreation facility, which

is under construction In

Midway, Ky.


Pablo Alcala Lexington HeraldLeader

The church is building a 61,300-square-foot addition that will include an elevated

walking track, two basketball courts, a workout room, that the little chapel was in temple." weight rooms and all manner business down Duckers Lane, The new church building of classes and athletic leagues. north of M i dway, south of — scheduled to open in late Lester said the new CROSS Frankfort, Ky., and surround- spring or early summercenter — w hich stands for ed by farmland. has provided the church with C hristian R e creation O u t Lester doubled the church's some experience in tackling a reach Strengthening Souls membership in the first few big project. As a sign of com— is an amped up version of a years. Since then, Forks of mitment to the effort, the projtool he's used for years in his the Elkhorn Baptist Church ect, which cost $3.5 million in ministry — the church basket- has grown to 2,000 members, 2003, was paid off in six years, ball or softball league. and in2003 the congregation said Lester. Lester hopes it will both be moved into a new, modern And the church has hired a service to, and an invitation church building. a recreational director, Lee for, the community. The planning for the recre- Rainwater, who had worked in "They might come in ation center began about four physical education at Asbury t hrough the b ack d oor o r years ago, Lester said. At the University for 16 years. side door," he said, "hopeful- time, in the midst of the reThe center will have state ly we will get them into the cession, the economy didn't of the art equipment but a desanctuary." seem ripe for a large building cidedly different atmosphere Lester knows show to at- campaign.But heand the con- than most gyms, Rainwater tract people to church, his gregation were rapidly out- explained. A dress code with church most s p ecifically. growing the church's space an eye toward modesty will When he started at Forks of and needed a larger area for be enforced and families will Elkhorn about 15 years ago, children's ministry. Church be encouraged to participate the congregation had 35 mem- members agreed there was a together. "We don't want anybody bers who were meeting in the recreational need to be met, same small building where it too, and it could be a way to to feel intimidated," Rainwahad begun services more than reach out to the community. ter said, adding he plans to "The body is the temple of work with local schools, such 200 years ago. He built a sandwich board God," said Lester. "When we as Georgetown and Midway sign to place out on U.S. High- give our lives to Christ, we colleges, to offer internships way421 just to letpeople know have to try to take care of the to students majoring in recre-

ation or related fields. Church members will be able to use the facilities for free, Lester said, and members of the community will

pay a nominal fee, though the specifics haven't been determined. There won't be a hard

sell on gym membership, both men say. Instead, as people get to know each other while

working out, it's possible that an invitation to Sunday wor-

ship services might be extended, Lester said. The theme of tending to

body, mind and spirit will become more evidentthroughout the church as the opening of the center nears, Lester

said. And even as the physical space occupied by the church grows, the small-town heart of

the church will be preserved, he added. Plus, you're likely to see Lester out on the basketball court because he doesn't want to be the guy "in a suit on Stm-

day morning at the pulpit." "I still go out there and play," he said.

SUPPORT GROUPS Thefollowing listcontainssupport group information submitted toTheBulletin. Submissionsmust beupdatedmonthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant detailsto communitylife©bendbulletin. com. ABILITREE PEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYADISABILITY: 541-388-8103. ABILITREE YOUNG PEER GROUP:541388-8103ext. 219. ABILITREE BRAIN INJURYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. ADHDADULTSUPPORTGROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVE PARENTSUPPORTGROUP: 541-389-5446. ADULTCHILDRENOFALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8189. AGE WIDE OPEN(ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT, COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT): 541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www.centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA):541548-0440or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORT GROUP:541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'8ASSOCIATI ON: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'8ASSOCIATI ON CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIACAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP:541-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCEGROUP OF CENTRALOREG ON:541-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-I787. BEND8-ANON FAMILYGROUP: 888-285-3742. BENDZENMEDITATIONGROUP:541382-6122or541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ ADULTSAND CHILDREN:541-383-3910. BEYONDAFFAIRSNETWORK: Apeer groupfor victims ofinfidelity, baninbend© yahoo.com. BRAININJURYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. BRAINTUMOR SUPPORT GROUP: 541-350-7243 BREAKUPS ANDDIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP:541-610-3060or phoeni xcounselingbend@gmail.com. CANCERFAMILYSUPPORTGROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCERINFORMATION LINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: 541610-3060or phoenixcounselingbend© gmail.com CELEBRATE RECOVERYBEND:Faith ChristianCenter,541-383-5801;Westside Church,541-382-7504;centraloregoncr. org CELEBRATEREO CVERYLAPINE: GraceFellowship,541-536-2878; High LakesChristianChurch,541-536-3333; Living WatersChurch,541-536-1215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYMADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center,541-4752405or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATE RECOVERYREDMOND: RedmondAssemblyof GodChurch,541548-4555 orcentraloregoncr.org.


www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI REDMONDFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: namicentraloregon©gmail.com. NAMIREDMOND CONNECTIONS:541382-3218or 541-693-4613. NEWBERRYHOSPICEOF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGONCOMMISSION FORTHE BLIND:541-447-49 I5. OREGON CURE:541-475-2164. OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-3081orwww.oregonlyme.org. OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541-3066844or www.oa.org. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF CHILDREN AFFECTED BYAUTISM SUPPORT GROUP: 541-771-1075or http:// coregondevdisgroupaso.ning.com. PARENTSOFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 541-410-7395. PARISHNURSESAND HEALTH MINISTRIES: 541-383-6861. PARKINSON'S CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASESUPPORT GROUP: 541-280-5818. PARTNERS INCARE:Homehealth and hospiceservices;541-382-5882. PAUL'S CLUB:Dadsandmale caregiver supportgroup;541-548-8559. PFLAGCENTRALOREGON: For parents, familiesandfriends oflesbians and gays;541-317-2334 orwww. pflagcentraloregon.org. PLANLOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNED PARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMSACCESS LINE:800-222-4767. PREGNANCYRESOU RCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334;Madras,541475-5338; Prineville,541-447-2420; Redmond,541-504-8919. PULMONARYHYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP: 541-548-7489. RECOVERINGADDICTS IN THEADDICTIONFIELD: phoeni xcounselingbend©gmail.com. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORTGROUPS: Bend,541-382-4420;Redmond,541504-2550,ext.1; Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMASUPPORT GROUP: 541-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUPANDSUPPORT: Formourners; 541-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-3253339 orwww.insightcounselingbend. com. SUPPORTGROUPFOR FAMILIESW ITH DIABETIC CHILDREN:541-526-6690. SURVIVORSOFSUICIDELOSS SUPPORTGROUP: 541-610-3060 or phoeni xcounselingbend©gmail.com. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPSOR:Bend,541-388-5634; Culver, 541-546-4012;Redmond,541-923-0878. TYPE2DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANS HOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or818-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peer supportgroup; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSIN MEDICINE: 541-330-9001. W OMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0747 WOMEN SURVIVINGWITH CANCER SUPPORTGROUP: 541-706-5864. YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEERGROUP:831-402-5024. ZENMEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin© bendbulletin.com or call 541-383-0358. ANTIOCH CHURCH:Guest speaker Dr. John Perkins, distinguished professor and civil rights leader; Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Redux Q-and-A after; BendHigh School, 230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor DaveMiller; "Seasons: Part III"; Sunday at10 a.m.; 4twelve youth group; Wednesdays at 7 p.m.;19831 Rocking HorseRoad, Bend. BENDCHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; "Overcome"; Sundayat10:15 a.m., 1270 N.E.27th St., Bend. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH:Pastor DaveDrullinger; "A Radical Call to Change," based on Mark1:16-20 and 2:13-17; Sunday at10 a.m.; Adult Bible study at 9 a.m.; 334 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONT CHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "The Priority of the Gospel" based onActs14:7-21,1 Corinthians1:17, 2:2, 9:16-23 and as part of the series, "TheEternal Gospel"; Sunday at 9and10:45 a.m.; 62425 EagleRoad, Bend. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOF GOD:Missionary Amy Silvernail will speak about her experiences in Europe; Sunday at 9and10:45 a.m.; Youth Group;Wednesdays at 7 p.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend. THE FELLOWSHIPATBEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "Wisdom, work and the great equalizer," based on Ecclesiastes 2:12-26; Sunday at10 a.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Pastor Steven Koski; "Living Well: Dying and Living Well"; Sundayat 9and10:45 a.m.; 230 N.E.Ninth St., Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH: The Rev.Thom Larson; "Embody Beatitude Living," based on Micah 6:6-8 and5:1-12; Sunday at 9 and11 a.m; 680N.W.Bond St., Bend. FOUNDRY CHURCH:"A new chapter in a long story"; Sundayat 10:15 a.m.; 60 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend. GRACEFIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "So How HappyAreYouReally?" and "Tail Wagging"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 2265 N.W. Shevlin Park Road,Bend. JOURNEY CHURCH:Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "Rhythm OfRest"; Sunday at10 a.m. and6:30 p.m.; pizza servedat6p.m.;70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; Sunday at 9 and11 a.m.; Bible study; Wednesdays at10 a.m. and Thursday at 6 p.m.; Celebration of Rolf and Lois Schuhr's 60th wedding anniversary; Sundayat 12:15 p.m.; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend. NEW HOPE CHURCH: Pastor Randy Myers; "Growing Through Life' sChallenges,"based onanew series on the book ofJames;today at 6 p.m., Sunday at 9and10:45 a.m.; 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCHOF CHRIST:Minister DeanCatlett; "God Is ForYou," based onPsalm 118:5-9; Sundayat10:45 a.m.; 554 N.W. NewportAve., Bend. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor MikeYunker;A message from the series, "Jesus' Judean and Perean Ministry: Denouncing Pharisees"; Sunday at 8a.m., 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.; 2880 N.E.27th St., Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OF THE CASCADES: Community gathering andpotluck; Sunday at 5:15 p.m.; held atThe Old Stone Church,157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. SPRINGSOFLIFEMINISTRIES: Evangelist and Bible teacher Eddie Cienda;Wednesdaysat7 p.m.; ongoing; TheSoundGarden

Studio, 1279 N.E.Second St., Bend. TRINITYEPISCOPAL CHURCH: Sunday at 9 a.m.; St. Francis Church, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH: The Rev. Patrick Rooney; "BlessedAre theHaughty,"basedonMatthew 5:1-12; Sunday at 8a.m. (guitar-led worship) and11 a.m. (organ/piano-led worship); A celebration of milestone marriages will be held at the11 a.m. service; 2550 N.E.Butler Market Road. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPOF CENTRAL OREGON: The Rev.Alex Holt; "The Four Great Questions: What is MyGift to the Earth?"; part four of a four-part series aboutWayne Mu ller'sbook,"How, Then, Shall WeLive?"; Sunday at11 a.m.; at the OldStoneChurch,157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDECHURCH: PastorSteve Mickel; "Built for Life"; today at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8, 9and10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Builtfor Life"; today at 6:30 p.m. andSunday at 8, 9and10:45 a.m.; 1245 S.E.Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Builtfor Life"; todayat6:30 p.m.and Sunday at8, 9 and10:45 a.m.; 442 Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINECAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Builtfor Life"; today at 6:30 p.m. andSunday at 8, 9and10:45 a.m.; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: Guest Speaker Erwin McManus; todayat 8:30 a.m.; Heirborne radio show on KBND,AM II10. COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Rob Anderson; "Touching Hearts andTransforming LivesThroughA Common Vision" based on 2Corinthians 5:11-21; Sunday at 9and11 a.m.; 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond. EMMAUS LUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev.David Poovey; "Delivered to a Future," based onLuke2:29-32; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond. GRACELUTHERANCHURCH AT EAGLE CREST: Pastor Randy VanMehren; "Christ Controls Eventhe Forces of Nature Forthe Sakeof His Church"; Sundayat10:30 a.m.; 7525 Falcon Crest Drive, Redmond. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "Respect towhom Respectis Due,"based on Romans13:1-7; the fourth Sunday after Epiphany; Sundayat10:30 a.m.; 1108 W.Antler Ave., Redmond. ZIONLUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Eric Burtness; "Esther: TheDiva God Used," as part of the series, f Reboot Your Life: SecondChances for Discouraged Believers"; Sunday at 8:30 and11 a.m.; 1113Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. VERTICALCHURCH OF GOD: Pastor Jeremy Seibert; Sundayat10:30 a.m.; youthnight;W ednesdayat6 p.m.; 52460 Skidgel Road, LaPine. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Guest speakerJess Joles of the Community Bible Church; "God'sChain ofCommand,"based on Hebrews 2:5-8 and aspart of the series, "Better — TheSupremacy of Christ"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 1Theater Drive, Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev.Willis Jenson; "Christ isthe High Priest of Men toAbsolve Men of Sin and to Save," based onHebrews 2:17; Sundayat11 a.m.; held at Terrebonne GrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. TAIZECHOIR OF CENTRAL OREGON: Meditative nondenominational Taize music andsilence at monthly ecumenical service; 7 p.m.Thursday; St. Francis Catholic Center (St. Clare Chapel), 2450 N.E.27th st., Bend; 541-383-4179 or elnhammondO gmail.com. TEMPLEBETHTIKVAH'S "A TASTE OF JUDAISM"LECTURE SERIES: RabbiJohanna Hershenson; "Mechanics of Jewish Sacred Literature"; $6, high school students and younger are free; Feb. 24from 7-8:30p.m.;St.CharlesBendevent room; 2500 N.E.Neff Road, Bend; Ann Rosenfield at 541-388-8826 or www.bethtikvahbend.org/education/ adult-education.

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"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism

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You Are The Most lmportaftt Part of our Services

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service 8 Sunday SchooL 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided. Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Fri.: 11 am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon• 2 pm

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"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confuaanism



"Star 8 Crescent" Islam

FAITH CHRISTIAN CKNTER 1049 NE 11th St.• 541-382-8274

This Sunday at Faith Christian Center, Pastor Mike Jahnson will share his message titled "Preparing for Greater Things" Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM.

Rellglon of the Lightand Sound ofGod


Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish Office: 541.536-3571 HOLY REDEEMER, LA PINE

16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday8 Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass - 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00-4:00pm

Childcare is provided in our Sunday HOLV TRINITY,SUNRIVER morning service. Restored Youth 18143 Cottonwood Rd. Ministries and Family Night is on Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Wednesdays at 7 pm. A number of Faith Sat. Vigil Mass 5;30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Joumey Groups meet throughout the Confessions: Thurs. 9;00- 9:15 am week in small groups, please contact the OUR LADV OF THE SNOWS, church for details and times. The church Gilchrist is located an the corner of Greenwood 120 Mississippi Dr Avenue and Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00- 12:15 pm NE 11th Street. www.bendfaith.com

Spiritual Experiences Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel Introductory presentation & discussion Saturday, February 22 3:00 pm at the East Bend Library 62080 Dean Swift Rd., Bend Try a spiritual exercise, explore the possibilities of learning from your dreams and past Iives and leam what soul travel means.

541-728-6476 •


1865 W Antler• Redmond 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS Moming Worship 8:30 am 8 10:30 am

Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM

Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt

www.redmondag.com •

EASTMONT CHURCH "Displayingthe Reality ofChrist in UndeniableWays"

62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822 www.eastmontchurch.com

Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email 0eastmontchurch. com InfoC FOUNDRV CHURCH (FORMKRLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the

Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am

This Sunday at Foundry Church, "A new chapter in a long story."


Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631 NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 PM - Misa en Espanol

Reconciliation Saturday 3;00 PM - 4:45 PM HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH

Corner of NW Franklin F Lava Masses Saturday 8:00 AM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday- Friday 7:00AM812:15 PM Exposition 8 Benediction Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) 5:00 PM-6:00 PM

Reconciliation Tuesday 7;30 AM - 8:00 AM ST. THOMAS CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor M ~sch~dl : ~

Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am(English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from

Sunday School for all ages Kidmo• Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hallingsworth, Yauth Pastor



3100 SWHighland Ave., Redmond• 541-548.4161

Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, I I:00 am Sunday Life Groups 9:30am8 11:00am Saturday Worship 7:00 pm Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org


20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site: ccbend.org Sundays: 8:30 8 10:30 am W ednesday NightStudy:7pm YouthGroup:Wednesday 7pm Child Care pravided Women's Ministry, Yauth Ministry are available, caff for days and times.

"Teaching the Word of God, Boak by Book"

Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays Potluck 6 pm Music and the Word 7 pm Sunday Worship Services 8:30am-10:15am- II am Nursery 8 Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy Osbome and Glenn Bartnik 13720 SWHwy 126, Powell Butte 541-548-3066 www.powellbuttechurch.com REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am



(Jewish Community of Central Oregon) A Warm and Welcoming Community Serving Central Oregon for 24 years. We welcome newcomers, interfaith families and encourage involvement. Our dedicated Synagogue Building is located at: 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend.

Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994 We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in learning the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at:

230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!

For information, call 541-385-6421. Or visit: www.jccobend.com

Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday momings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include:

Rabbi Jay Shupack — Bend's first resident Rabbi Rebbitzin Judy Shupack February 7: Friday Evening Service - 6:00 PM February 9: Sunday School February 9: 3:30 to 5:00, and Each Sunday for 8 weeks: ''Jewrsh Roots of Chnstramty" taught by Rabbi Jay Shupack, Trinity Episcopal, Dawntown BendCall 389-9854 for details February 22: Saturday Moming Torah Service• 10AM February 23: Sunday School TEMPLK BKTH TIKVAH

• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385.5439 LIVING TORAH FELLOWSHIP C0 La Roca Church 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00 - 3:00 pm Worship/Dance - Study-

Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth

Rabbi Johanna Hershenson Saturday, February 15• 9:00 am - Munch 8 Torah 10:30 am - Torah Service


All arewefroeeIhrou¹hourreddoors Sunday Services in St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave February 2nd: I service at 9:00 am with The Rt. Rev. Nedi Rivera, Bishop of Eastem Oregon The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector

Friday, February 287:00 pm • Kaballat Shabat Services

BEND CHURCH OF THK NAZARENE 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren

Living Well Living and Dying Well 9:00 am contemporary 10:45 am traditional Sunday School: 3 years to 6th grade Nursery-care provided Enneagram Workshop February 22, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. A way to understand oneself and to compassionately relate to others. Led by Eileen and Michael Heaton Spacious Christianity Lent Study and Worship Pastor led teachings by Steven Koski, Jenny Wamer and Ron Wemer Wednesdays March 12•April 16, 5:30-7:00pm Simple dinner, teaching, discussion and worship. Adults and children welcome.

Wednesday Noon Worship followed by 12:30pm Contemplative Prayer Youth Events http://www.facebook.com/ bendyouthcollective Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend

www.bendfp.org http://www.facebook.com/bendfp 541 382 4401


"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" We are a Welcoming Congregation February 2, 2014 at 11:00am: "The Four Great Questions: What is My Gift to the Earth?" -Rev. Alex Holt, Interim Minister

Series 2 - A Taste of JudaismSUNDAY "Mechanics of 9:00 am SundaySchool for all ages This is the last of four services on Jewish Sacred Literature" questions posed by Wayne Muller in Monday, February 249:00 am Hispanic Worship Service his book How,Then, Shall WeLive?This 7-8:30 pm, St Charles Medical Center 10:15 am Worship Service service speaks to the idea of service to Explore the dynamic evolution of Jewish the larger world and our community.. www.trinitybend.org• 541-382-5542 literary independence The idea af "gifting" will include social Nursery Care 8 Children's Church in order to grasp how it is that the Maih 469 NW Wall St justice, a physical presence in the world, "Study of Torah" is the key ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all and maintaining spiritual practice. to Jewish continuity. Worship Services We are grateful for the generosity of St. We have childcare for infants and "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM Francis Church, the United Methodist toddlers, and religious education Discover the rhythms embedded in 8:30 am Sunday Church and the communities of Bend, classes for children Pre-K through Jewish practice for the purpose of Grade 8. Redmond, Sisters and Sunriver as we making our time on the planet more worship again at home. WEDNESDAY meaningful; special days of the week, Meeting place: month, and year; life cycle passages, 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THE OLD STONE CHURCH and the thematic structure of the THURSDAY 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Jewish prayer service Mail:PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709 THE SALVATION ARMV 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study www.uufco.org 541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend WEEKLY For the complete schedule of (541) 385-3908 541-389-8888 Life Groups Services 8 Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org Please visit our website for a complete SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP ALL PEOPLKS listing of activities for all ages. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 541 NE Dekalb For information about our Religious www.bendnaz.org What does progressive Education programs, Sunday School 9:45 am Christianity look like? call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826 Children 8 Adult Classes Worship free of dogma, Worship Service —11:00 am full of concem for service to the All services are held at the SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH needy, compassion for all and love of First United Methodist Church community near and far. Following Christ Meeting at the Golden Age Club Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene 680 NW Bond Street means all of the above without checking 40SE5th St., Bend 541-388-8826 in your brain at the door. NEW HOPE KVANGELICAL Just 2 blocks SW ofBend High School 20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436 All Peoples meets on the first Sunday Worship 10:00 am and third Sundays of each month. Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated CONCORDIALUTHERAN Find us in the meeting room of Celebrate New Life MISSION (LCMS) to worshiping God and teaching the The GreenPlow CoffeeShop, at New Hope Church! Themissionofthe ChurchisIo forgive sins 436 SW 6th in Redmond, Bible truths recovered through the throughtheGospelandIhereb¹ (across from Diego's). Reformation. Call for information about Saturday 6:00 pm grant eternallife. other meetings Worship with us Sunday, February 2nd Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, (St, John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession at 11 a.m., or 541-420-1667 XXVIII.8, 10 come early at 10 a.m. for 10 am Sunday School www.sovereigngracebend.com Pastor Randy Myers Bible Bookworms11 am Divine Service adult discussion time. •

• •


February I 8 2, 2014 at Westside Church —WESTCampus Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Built for Life" at 6:30pm tonight and at 8, 9 and 10:45am Sunday at Westside Church, 2051 NWShevlin Park Rd, Bend. February 2, 2014 at Westside Church —SOUTH Campus Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Built for Life" at 6:30pm tonight and at 8, 9 and 10:45am Sunday at Westside South Campus, 1245 SE 3rd St., Bend. February 2, 2014 at Westside Church —SISTERSCampus Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Built for Life" at 6:30pm tonight and at 8, 9 and 10:45am Sunday at Westside Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters.

The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 8286 11th St. (Grange Haff) Terrebonne, OR

I •


CHRISTIAN LIFK CENTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241

www.lutheransonline.com/ concordialutheranmission

Sunday Morning Worship 8:45 am 8 10:45 am

Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541.325.6773 GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH

2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862

Wednesday Mid-Week Service Children 8 Youth Programs 7:00 pm Nursery Care Provided for All Services Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241 www.clcbend.com

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m. Women's Bible Study, Tuesday 9:15 a.m. Men's Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 a.m.

COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 529 NW 19th Street (3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor


Worship in the Heart of Redmond

9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children 8 Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education I I:00 am Traditional Worship

Sunday Worship Services at 8:30am 811:00am Sunday School for all ages 10:00 am

Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of warshipers. Youth Groups Everyone Welcome - Always. High School - Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm February I 8 2, 2014 at Westside Church A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich Middle School - Wednesday and diverse music program for aff ages —ONLINE Campus 6:00-7:30pm Coffee, snacksandfelowship Join us at our online campus where 541-312-8844 after eachservice Associate Pastors Pastor Steve Mickel will share the Mondays Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson message "Built for Life". M.W.F Women's Exercise 9:30 am 6:30 pm Centering Prayer "Loving people one at a time." You can find us at www.westsidelive Wed. Bible Study at noon www.real-lifecc.org with services at 6:30pm tonight and 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study Wednesdays I:00 pm at 9 and 10:45amSunday 5:30 pm Prayer Service 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner EASTMONT COMMUNITV SCHOOL Youth and Family Programs February 2, 2014 at Westside Church "Educating and Developing the Whole Active Social Outreach Small Groups Meet Regularly — ON THE RADIO Child for the Glory of God" (Handicapped Accessible) Pastor Erwin McManus will share an Pre K• 5th Grade 1113 SWBlack Butte Blvd. Please visit our website for a complete 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541-382-2049 inspirational message on the Heirbome Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466 radio show at 8:30amSunday morning listing of activities for all ages. Principal Lonna Carnahan Pastor Eric Burtness www.eastmontcommunityschool.cam on KBND-AM 1110. www.zionrdm.com www.redmondc c.or (No child care) 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor• Mike Yunker-

Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Lead Pastor


Children Welcome www.livingtorahfellowship.com

Friday, February 21Family Shabat Service8 Potluck

Westside Church invites you to join us at any of our weekend services. No matter 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm what your expectations are, we hope your time spent with us brings you a little closer to understanding, knowing and CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF RKDMOND growing in a relationship with JesusChrist. 536 SW 10th, Redmond In our opinion, that's what really matters. 541-548-2974 Contact us at 541.382-7504 or www.redmondchristian.org www.westsidechurch.org Sunday Worship 9:00 am8 10:45 am

For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org



near Chrlstnxas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm


is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Coming in 2014: Oregon Regional Our monthly activities include: Seminar, "Travel the Road to Services, religious education for Spiritual Freedom" children 8 adults, Hebrew school, Torah March 7-9 at the Unity Center of Portland study, social action projects and social activities 8 the Portland Eckankar Center. For More Information www.eckankar.org www.eckankar-oregon.org

On February 16th, All Peoples meets again. For details and

possible help with car-pooling, email: allpeoplesucc@gmail.com •


(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 Everyone isWelcome! Rev. Thom Larson Sermon Title: "Embody Beautitude Living" Scripture: Micah 6:6-8 Matthew 5:1-12 9:00 am Contemporary Service Sunday School during 9am service 11:00 am Traditional Service Childcare provided *During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson firstchurch@bendumc.org

CHURCH 6 SYNAGOGUE DIRECTORY LISTING Effective May l, 2013 4 Saturdays and TMC: $115 5 SaturdayS and TMC: $138 The Bulletin: EVery Saturday On the

church page. $23 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each




FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIKNTIST 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100 0








month. $23 COPy ChangeS: by Monday I week prior to publication

Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynCh@bendbulletin.COm





Continued from D1 "We're looking for an American yarn, and your brand keeps coming up," he told her. Carver later learned that the Polo representative

By Nicholas Lund Slate

alert. What's more, scientists suspect that some birds use

had visited a luxury yarn

W ASHINGTON — W h en I talk to people about birds,

USWS to sleep while in flight. OK, so birds don't sleep in

store in New York, where

he'd been told of Imperial Stock Ranch and its Imperi-

can sit? Well, hawks and ea-

gles follow the same rule: anywhere they want to. Big raptors don't have to worry about

cash flow to bring it in.' Yarn

one misunderstanding comes their nests. Let's get more speup again and again, one thing cific than that. There are a lot that everyone seems to get of different kinds of birds, and wrong: Birds don't sleep in they roost in different ways. So you'll be able to really daztheir nests. They don't. T h e m e ntal zle 'em at your next cocktail image is a cute one — a little party, here's how a bunch of bird, tuckered outafteran ear- different families ofbirds really morning of worm-getting, ly do prefer to roost. peeling back a tiny leaf blan• Geeseand ducks: A coyket in its cozy little nest — but ote would love nothing more

stores aresmall businesses

it's just not the case. Nests (for

than to run up on a big, fat, de-

like the rest of us, and you

licious, sleeping goose. Their bigness and fatness, along with their webbed feet, make

they can find and use USWS

ples and mailed it to New

birds that even make nestsmany of them don't) are for keeping eggs and chicks in place. When nesting season is over, nestsarea m ess— splattered in the droppings of the fledglings and, in some cases,

predators so long as they're off the ground, so they'll usually just find a tree branch somewhere. Owls also sleep in trees, usually during the day, either in dense foliage (to keep the light out) or, for certain species, in tree cavities. • Grouse and quail:Sleep is perhaps most dangerous for these guys — all fat and juicy and, typically, with a poor abilityto fly. Everything eats them. They sleep in the safest places

York the next day. After, "(Robert) was in

a dead chick. These messes can attract parasites and pred-

touch with me every few days, sometimes daily," asking more questions and for more samples, shesaid. On a Thursday in August

ators, and birds just don't need also sleep during the night, the nests anymore. and any predator swimming So where do birds sleep'? after the birds would send Lots of places. When birds vibrations through the wasettle down to sleep, it's called ter, waking them up. Small "roosting," and th e m a in islands work, too. Waterfowl things they're looking for are also sleep on the shore, usualsafety and warmth. Songbirds ly standing on one leg (tuckhave tokeep offthe ground ing the other one up into the to avoid cats and things, and warmth of its feathers). out of the open to avoid owls. • Herons and egrets:These Dense brush or foliage does big wading birds really have fine. Bigger birds have more only equally large predators options and can sleep on the to worry about: alligators and water, on a branch, or even eagles. Sometimes herons and just right on the ground. egrets roost in the shallows, Few roosts are completely relying on vibrations in the safe, though, so some birds water to warn them of reptiles, have developed the ability to but they're most often seen literally sleep with one eye roosting in large flocks in waopen. The eyes of most birds terside trees. (unlike in humans) send infor• Shorebirds: Spe n ding mation to only one side of the most of their time out on open brain. Unihemispheric slow- beaches, birds like sandpipers wave sleep (USWS) allows and plovers are vulnerable to birds to slide one hemisphere dive-bombing raptors even of their brain into a deep sleep when they're awake. Not bewhile leaving the other hemi- ing equipped to sit in trees or sphere awake and alert. Birds float on the water, sleeping is can turn USWS on and off an even more dangerous propdepending on how safe their osition. Shorebirds simply do roost is: For example, when a the best they can, roosting on largeflock of ducks is roost- open beaches in large flocks ing on an open lake, the birds (to help raise alarm) and alin the safety of the center of most certainly using USWS to the flock may shut down com- keep alert. pletely, while the more vulner• Hawks, eagles and owls: able birds at the edge of the You know that old joke about flock may enter USWS to stay where the 800-pound gorilla

al Yarn.

"I tracked (the store) down

later, and what's ironic i s that they were not our customer, and the owner of the

shop said, 'I've been lusting after your yarn for a long time, but I haven't had the

sometimes have to wait a

long time." The night after the call, Carver assembled an information kit with yarn sam-

2012, Carver learned that

a design team from Ralph L auren would like t o v i s -

it the ranch the following Tuesday.

Imperial Stock Ranch I Submitted photo

Dan and Jeanne Carver ownImperial Stock Ranch in Shaniko.

Above other possible wool

producers Ralph L auren could have used, "We had

got a production order for this project. A very signifi-

There's this growing interest in doing that."

made it that far in the sift-

cant order. But we still did not know what it was for,"

Now, interest in Imperial

ing, if you will ... they were interested enough (in) our she said. story — who we were, our Finally, in early 2013, the material and our sample Carvers learned the nature yarn — to make an on-site of the project. "And of course visit," Carver said. we had a c onfidentiality At this point in their con- agreement," Carver said. "My focus was on delivering versations, the Carvers still didn't know the nature of a quality product." the project. American clothing de"We just hosted a design signers had been showing team for a special project. i nterest in I m p erial Y a r n That's all we knew," she even before the call from said. "We entertained the Ralph Lauren that summer designers on the knitwear day. "They were finding us for what ultimately became the Olympic Apparel Project the same way Ralph Laufor Ralph Lauren. ren did," Carver said. "They O ver th e m o n th s t h a t were going online, searchfollowed, Carver's Impe- ing for American yarns, and r ial Yarn w o uld w or k o n Imperial Yarn and Imperial meeting the Ralph Lauren Stock Ranch were coming designers' color and gauge up. They were talking about specifications. coming home to America to By December 2012, "we manufacture. It's wonderful.

wool and yarn is higher than ever. This year, "We have more than a dozen apparel designers we're working with potentially for production fo r f a l l -winter 2 0142015," Carver said.

"Today, we raise far (fewer) sheep than the ranch historically did, but we still

have a viable commercial operation. When you sheer the wool and sell it as a com-

modity, as we did for 130 years, there are no jobs associated with the wool once

you harvest it and sell it down the road. "Today, I have five women on the ranch that work in

the Imperial Yarn business in a r ural, remote setting.

Those are jobs." — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper@bendbulletin.com

it impossible for waterfowl to and camouflage in their desleep in the safety of a tree. fense. Birds that live where Most of the time, geese and

there aretrees,like spruce or

ducks sleep at night right on the water. Eagles and hawks

ruffed grouse, will fly up and sleep on tree branches. Where

aren't a threat because they

there aren't trees but o n ly

smaller vegetation, birds like willow ptarmigan will sleep in the vegetation.

• Woodpeckers:Most woodpeckers roost in tree cavities, either ones they've used as

nest holes or sometimes ones they've chiseled out just for sleeping. Lots of birds roost in tree cavities, or really any hole orcovered area,for that matter.

• Crows, swallows, swifts, starlings: These birds aren't closely related, but they share

some incredible communal roosting behaviors. Some species,for social or safety rea-

sons or for warmth, choose to sleep together — sometimes in gigantic flocks. The spectacle of these flocks gathering at dusk is amazing to some people, eerie to others, but impos-

sible to look away from. • Pretty much everything else: The bulk of the remain-

ing birds — more than half of all bird species — are perching birds from the order Passeriformes. Classic bird-birds: sparrows, warblers, cardinals, jays, buntings, etc. For the most part, all these perching birds use dense vegetation — bushes, hedges, trees — to

sleep. They just fly in at dusk, grab hold of an appropriately sized twig, and conk out.

VoLUNTEER SEARGH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information On the types of help needed, goonline to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton©state. or.us or call 541-693-8988.



SERVICES ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (GOCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory© cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA:www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BEND PARK8( RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madrasi. BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott©scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS 5GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIRE USA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire©bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED

SPECIALADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. GIRCLEOFFRIENDS: Beth, beth© acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY@ deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:SteveGuzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS:541-389-8146. GIRLSON THE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr.org. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENSVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening©jbarj.org or 541-389- I409. JUNIPERSWIM 5 FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER:Lisa Weare, Iweare© kidscenter.org, 541-383-5958. LAPINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert©bend.k12.0r.us or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, 541-6 I7-9576. M OUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE:541548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNG LIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-355-4158. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND E NVIROMMEN T BENDSPAY5 NEUTERPROJECT: 54 I-617-1010. BRIGllTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer@brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE, ADOPTION 5 FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTES LANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 54I-330-00I7. DESCHUTES NATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EASTCASCADESAUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 54 I-24 I-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EGUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or loan©equineoutreach.com or 54I-4 I9-37 I7. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, lennifer©hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOFTHE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. PRINEVILLE BLM:www.blm.gov/orl districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, Imcallister@cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER5 OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl, 541-416-6859.

475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon©gmail.com. NEWBERRYHOSPICE:541-536-7399. PARTNERSIMCARE:www. partnersbend.org or SarahPeterson at 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE:Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLES IN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.


88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIOSTATION:info©kpov.org or 54 I-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRAL STATION: 54 I-617- I3 I7. CASCADES THEATRICAL COMPANY: 54 I-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCllUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat 541-617-7047. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info© highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGHDESERT MUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer©latca.org or HEALTH 541-382-4366. THE NATUREOFWORDS: AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: www.thenatureofwords.org or Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. 541-647-2233. AMERICANREDCROSS: REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE 54 I -749-41 I1. LIBRARY:541-312-1060. THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. INTERCULTURAL thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman REDMOND EXCHANGE (R.LC.E.): Barb, at h.berkman@thebloomprolect.org or bonitodia@msn.com or 541-241-8845. 541-447-0732. DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTH TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, 541-317-0700. Tuesday Johnson@co.deschutes. or.us or 541-322-7425. HUMAN SERVICES HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. ABILITREE:volunteer©abilitree.org org or Volunteer Coordinator at or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. 54 I-548-7483. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee Randall, 541-388-1793. Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL 541-389-2075. HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz©mvhd.org or 541BEND COMMUNITYCENTER:

volunteer@bendscommunitycenter. org or 541-312-2069. BETHLEHEM INN: www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGING GAPS:bendbridginggaps@ gmail.com or 541-314-4277. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGON VETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@ state,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLED AMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt©bendcable.com or 541-610-6511. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION: Marie, info@ hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq@neighbor impact.org or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRAL OREGON:www.pflag centraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president© sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER 5 VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382- I943. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.



CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACREDARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.


GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. GITY OF BEND:Cheryl Howard, choward©ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCllUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info@ drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSON COUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARD DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrict neighborhood.com. SCORE:BruceMichalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE:541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.



A campai nem racestrans en erissues


Library Continued from 01 The affiliation would allow Stonewall and T h e S m ith-

By Jacob Bernstein

have not.

ian model, in its ad campaign

sonian to share information

New Yorh Times News Service

As he puts it in the catalog: "What is between my legs is not thoroughly who I am. If gender is black and white, I'm gray." The idea for the campaign was hatched by D e nnis Freedman, who is in charge of Barneys ad campaigns and was formerly the cre-

along w it h s e veral o t h er n on-transgender mod e l s.

a nd loan on e

Arin Andrews and Katie Hill do not look out of place in the new B a rneys New

York campaign. Both have nonexistent hips, are r ight in the ballpark of 6 feet tall


and aren't yet old enough for a legal drink. But there's one

marked difference between them and the models you ordinarily see on runways and in the pages of Vogue and Elle: Andrews, 17, was born a

girl, and Hill, 19, a boy. They are just two of nearly 20 transgender models photographed by Bruce Weber who will appear in the new Barneys catalog and magazine campaign, wearing clothes from designers like Ann Demeulemeester, Balenciaga,Lanvin and Manolo Blahnik. Alongside p h otographs of the subjects, many taken with family members, pets and other members of their support networks, the catalog also features excerpts f rom i nterviews w it h t h e

participants by the journalist Patricia Bosworth, a contrib-

uting editor at Vanity Fair and the biographer of Diane Arbus.

Ranging in age from 17 to "early 30s," their races, socioeconomic positions and plac-

es on the transgender spectrum vary.

G isele Xtravaganza i s Hispanic and grew up in the Bronx. Max N eu, who

And since 2009, Luis Venegas has published Candy, which bills itself as a "transversal style magazine" and is published twice a year. (One issue had James Franco in drag, photographed by Ter-

a n other a r -

tifacts and traveling exhibitions, according to Alma Douglas, national outreach

manager. Douglas toured Stonewall and met with Jobin last fall

but declined to comment further because the application

ry Richardson. Another had ative director of W m a g a- the transgender performer zine, where he oversaw enve- Connie Fleming as Michelle

is under review.

lope-pushing features that included showing the designer

in the cap for South Florida,"

Tom Ford with sex toys and

Obama.) Venegas called the decision by Barneys to do an

Brad Pitt nearly naked.

entire campaign devoted to

for museums in Latin Amer-

transgender people, many of said that the campaign was them nonmodels, "big news." a chance to create awareness He also applauded the of a community that has in decision to have the cammany ways been left behind paign shot by Weber, who as gay men and lesbians have is perhaps the pre-eminent all-American fashion phomoved further and further into the mainstream. tographer, having worked "I was exquisitely aware with Calvin Klein, Ralph that in the last decade, the Lauren and Abercrombie 8 L GB c o m m unities h a v e Fitch, saying it sends a powmade extraordinary advanc- erful message. "He makes things look es, and the transgender community has not shared in that healthy and beautiful," VenBruce Webervia New York Times News Service progress," Freedman said. egas said. "There's no darkModels Katie Hill, left, who was born a boy, and Arin Andrews, 17, The fashion world has not ness in his images. Everywho was born a girl, are featured in a Barney's New York adverbeen terribly quick to em- thing is a safe place where tisement. Andrews and Hill are just two of nearly 20 transgender brace transgender people in nothing goes wrong." models who will appear in the new Barneys ad campaign. imagery, although there are None of the models appear exceptions. to be complaining. De Hingh In 2007, Carine Roitfeld put said, "In this capitalist conis white, is from Hamburg, Martin Margiela and Comme Andre J., an African-Amer- sumerist society, things only Germany. des Garqons, have fully tran- ican party promoter with an b ecome a cceptable w h e n Some, like Hill and Valen- sitioned and undergone gen- ample beard, legs for days they become marketable. " tijn de Hingh, a 23-year-old der reassignment surgery. and a penchant for slinky The campaign, she added, t ransgender w oman f r o m Others, like Ryley Pogen- dresses, on the cover of "was done so honestly and so Amsterdam who has already sky, a party promoter who French Vogue. In 2010, Ric- beautifully and with so much done a handful of modeling was born female and now cardo Tisci of Givenchy cast integrity. It's a really importgigs for brands like Maison identifies as "gender queer," Lea T, a transgender Brazil- ant, big project." In an interview, Freedman

The Smithsonian designation "would be a real feather Jobin said. John Coppola, consultant ica, agreed the designation would put Stonewall "on a

bigger stage." "It would be the only LGBT m useum that

w o ul d h a v e

such a designation," said Coppola, former head of exhibits at the Smithsonian. "This is part of the development process and growth process of getting (Stonewall) itself out there. This is a sign of the seriousness of their intentions to be a significant player." The center's start can be

traced back to 1973, when 19-year-old Florida Atlantic University student Mark Sil-

ber began gathering books and m agazines t o

b e t t er

understand his h omosexuality. The collection became a lending library that grew throughout the years, eventually moving into the former Gay and Lesbian Community Center in F ort

Lauderdale. In 2009, the center relo-

cated to its current home, 1300 E. Sunrise Blvd., and changed its name to reflect

The purloinedpicture: Visual artists confront Internet piracy By Samantha Melamed The Philadelphia Inquirer

For a few months last fall, Hannah Price was famous. More precisely, she was Inter-

net famous. In October, the website the Morning News posted a

feature on "City of Brotherly Love," a series of photographs

"There's a lot of benefits that can come out of your self-promoting online. It can also lead to people misusing your work. The tricky part is that it is out of your control. Unless you can capitalize on that 15 seconds of fame on the Internet, it cango right by you." — Andrew DeGraff, artist

Price, 27, had taken of men

who catcalled her after she moved to Philadelphia in 2009. Only the site displayed Price's ambiguously titled w orks under a more pointed, but click-catching, headline: "My Harassers." Online news outlets from

"That's been effective," he said. But he worries that one

vulnerable with it, and that's

their watermark. Artists serious about pro-


Vol u n teer

Lawyers for the Arts, a nontecting an image should also profit under the umbrella consider registering it with of the Greater Philadelphia A photographer in Phila- the copyright office for $35, Chamber of C o mmerce's delphia's West Mount Air y Corcoran said. If a w o rk Arts and Business Council, Slate to Jezebel to Buzzfeed Still, DeGraff doesn't reneighborhood, Brad l ey is registered within three sees about 100 inquiries a took the bait. More than gret the attention. His own Maule, 37, for one, has filed m onths of r e lease to t h e year from visual artists con15,000 articles and blog posts website's traffic increased half a dozen lawsuits — at public or prior to infringe- cerned with copyright issues, followed. a hundredfold nearly over- least three of which have ment, artists may recoup up according to the council's leAnd what came out of all night, and the limited-edition been settled — against com- to $100,000, plus attorney's gal-services director, Miriam that attention for Price? Gal- prints he was offering for$85 panies and individuals who fees. Without either a water- DeChant. "As we grow up on the Inlery invitations? Photo sales? apiece sold out within three he claims over the last decade mark-tampering claim or regCommissions? days. have nabbed images from his istration, artists can collect ternet, we have more of that "Nothing, really," she said. His work also caught the blog "PhillySkyline.com." only the money they actually earlier in an artist's career," " It kind o f s t ayed o n t h e attention of executives at DisDefendants include a car lost due to the infringement, she said. Internet." ney and other movie studios, dealership, Stephen Colbert, which may not amount to In some cases, she can When music, for example, who contacted him about The Inquirer'sformer parent much. connect artists with lawyers "The problem is, most art- who work on a pro bono or goes viral, the benefits can be commissioning works f or company Philadelphia Mevery real — see the Philadel- their offices. dia Holdings, and Philadel- ists don't know that. They're reduced-contingency basis. phia-based label Mad Decent, If DeGraff had kept his phia District Attorney Seth not c o pyright l a wyers," Corcoran said that copyr ight-infringement ca s es whose single "Harlem Shake" work offline, those opportu- Williams. Corcoran said. "But in a city sold hundreds of thousands nities might not have come Since Maule licenses his like Philadelphia, designs are usually are litigated on conof downloads on inmes last Up. images for a fee, he said, he brazenly stolen from individ- tingency, meaning artists pay "You have to watch out and has to protect his livelihood. year and was due even more ual artists all the time." lawyers a percentage of any in YouTube royalties. protect yourself. But you also To do so, he often puts subHe mentioned P h iladelaward rather than up-front For visual artists, the perks have to allow yourself to be tle watermarks on his images phia-based Urban Outfitters, fees. of online celebrity are less clear. And the downsidesday it won't be. "The problem is that really backing up that threat is tough and expensive."

just part of the game," he said.

of cityscapes — for example, which has been named in Photoshopping in buildings more than two dozen copythat don't yet exist, or adding right-infringement suits since his website information to a 1995, some of which were billboard within the photo. settled out of court (although His lawyer, Conor Corcor- in most cases, the alleged inan, said such watermarks are fringement originated with crucial, not just because they an outside vendor, not withcan help prove ownership of in Urban Outfitters' design an image. Under the Digital department). Millennium Copyright Act, Urban Outfitters did not reartists can get damages up to spond to multiple requests for $25,000ifsomeone removes comment.

Not everyone shares that sentiment.

from images taken out of con-

about 6 ,000-plus a r t i facts of cultural and political in-

terest, such as the gavel that hammered the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" mili-

tary policy against gays and lesbians in 2011.

As Jobin sat in his office on a recent morning, he showed off items people have donated to the center: Autographed orange pants worn by one of the cast members of the for-

mer Showtime series, "Queer as Folk." Red boots worn by a ctor Billy Porter from t h e

Broadway musical, "Kinky Boots." Boxes of gay novels and magazines, and at least

one framed Boston Globe front page with a 2003 article on the legalization of gay marriage in Massachusetts. "We have people who are downsizing their apartment

or condo and bring us their book collections," Jobin said. Stonewall plans to launch

its new gallery space in March — w i t h a n e x h i bit on Time m agazine stories well-known to LGBT and mainstream readers. Covers feature personalities such as

sexologist Alfred Kinsey and entertainer Ellen DeGeneres.

"It is our hope," Jobin said, "that as we get more people through the door at the gallery, we can also have a conversation with t hem a bout the significance of what we have in terms of the archives

and the library."

A Free Public Service

text to copyright infringement — are painfully evident. "There's a lot o f

a national focus. It houses

b enefits

that can come out of your self-promoting online. It can also lead to people misusing your work," said Andrew DeGraff, 35, an artist based in Philadelphia's Northern Lib-

erties neighborhood whose work has been ricocheting around the blogosphere for the last year. "The tricky part is that it is out of your control.

Unless you can capitalize on that 15 seconds of fame on the Internet, it can go right by you." DeGraff first caught the attention of film bloggers in De-

Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, from 36 Counties

cember 2012 with his series of

intricate "movie maps," visualizations of the plots of films like "Star Wars."

The work appeared on Slashfilm.com, the blogs of Wired and Fast Company magazines, and numerous




lesser-known sites.

Some got his permission, but not alL Worse, he found sites selling

u n a uthorized

prints of his works made from screen shots. DeGraff was upset about the piracy, but

even more dismayed to see his name on shoddy, low-resolution prints.

He now has a cease-and-desist form letter on hand, which threatens a lawsuit if the sales

aren't stopped immediately.

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Foxem racesteun nown or i ame TV SPOTLIGHT By George Dickie Zap2it

ing around New York City

eI like the element of may-

that there's a Super Bowl that

be surprise or the element of


just the unknown," Buck adds,

"and going into a game like strange as it might sound, is that and kind of girding for the the unpredictable Northeast weather. If it snows, I think it's w inter weather, which w as great. eI think the only thing that the sourceof some controversy when the site was chosen scares anybody in and around three years ago. Some argue the game is ice,e Buck continues, "and if it's not just iced in, that foul weather might not put the league's product in the if it snows and it's cold, then best possible light on its big- it's football and that's fine. In gest day, but Fox is embracing my opinion, that just comes the possibility of snow or cold with the sport. You know, if as another character in the we were playing in these constoryline. ditions and it was baseball, "It's a very viewer-friendly they'd call the game. Not to go story," Entz says. eSo even if into a George Carlin routine, you go back to the wild-card but it's a different sport, it's a game (in the 6-degree cold of different time of year, it's part Lambeau Field on Jan. 5 be- of the game." tween the Green Bay PackAs for the possibility of the ers and San Francisco 49ers), elements disrupting the teams' which broke all types of re- passing games, Buck says, cords, watching the guys play "then run the ball better, then in the elements makes for play better defense. I mean, compelling television. When that's just a part of dealing there'srain orsnow orsleetor with what you're handed, and hail, it makes for compelling both teams will play in it, and television. so I feel like that's just the way "So we want the weather it goes." to be just good enough so the So no matter if it's snowy people in the stadium are en- and 20, rainy and 40 or sunny joying it but also so people at and 60, the show will go on in home can see the elements. and around New York, and It'd be the perfect combina- like the players themselves, the tion. We had one of the most people at Fox will play with the memorable games of all time cards they're dealt — happily. "If you're going to close this year, that was played in a heavy snowstorm (Detroit Li- d own T i me s S q uare, t h e ons at Philadelphia Eagles on event's got to be pretty legitiDec. 8), and yeah, people just mate," Buck says, "and I can't loved watching it. It's incredi- think of anything bigger than bly visually compelling." Super Bowl XLVIII." A nother o pportunity,

First, let us dispense with

the obvious. Yes, Super Bowl XLVIII is

being played at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., t he f irst m o dern-era N F L

championship game to be held outdoors in a cold-weather locale.

And yes, if it snows, rains, blows or ices, the people on the

eueee eewe


field and in the stands will get

cold, wet and maybe even frozen. Passing games could be disrupted, and players' footing Submitted image might not be great. Such is life Super Bowl XLVIII airs from MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, when you hold a football game N.J., Sunday on Fox. in February in the northern

half of the country. But if you're the people at

"But having it in, in my esti- programming. Traffic will be mation, the greatest city in the closed off to part of the Crossseason-ending title game be- world, that has everything to it roads of the World on Sunday, Fox, which b r oadcasts the

tween the D enver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks on Sun-

and to stage this event all over that area — it's not just obvi-

day you're also looking at this ously in Jersey, it's in down-

but John Entz, executive vice

president of production for Fox Sports, wonders if that might

be the only indication to New over the place. So to me it's ex- Yorkers that the big game is you're using New York — and citing, and when you get New nearby. "I'll be really interested to all that entails — as your back- York involved and you get drop, a rich canvas on which New Yorkers involved, I just see,e Entz says,eif you're walklocation as a tremendous opportunity. Tremendous in that

town, it's in Manhattan, it's all

to work. "It's just di fferent there,"

think it i ntensifies the spot-

ing around the most active/

light, and people want to check busy city in the world, if you'll says Joe Buck, who will pro- out what's going on." be able to tell that there's a vide play-by-play alongside Much of what's going on Super Bowl there that week. analyst Troy Aikman and with in the Big Apple, at least on I've been to New York events reporter Pam Oliver onthe Fox the Fox end, will be held at a plenty of times, and you know game telecast, "and I get it with broadcast compound creat- what'? It's another event that's New Orleans, and I get it with ed for the occasion in Times a couple of streets over. New Arizona. I understand having Square, which will be used York can sort of swallow an this kind of block party feel is as the home base for much of event, and I'll be really curigreat for the Super Bowl. the pregame and game-day ous to see if it's obvious walk-


TV TOOAY 5p.m. on TCM,eAndthe Oscar Goes To" —Kicking off the classic movie channel's annual e31 Days of Oscar" celebration, this new documentary revisits memorable moments from 85 years of Academy Award presentations. Film historian and veteran TCM host Robert Osborne is among those offering commentary. 7:15p.m. enHBO, Movie: "Epic" — A star-packed voice cast again fuels an animated fantasy, with Amanda Seyfried speaking the words of a teen

who's magically shrunkdown

to enter the world of a tiny populace. The residents are trying to protect their home from arrow-firing enemies. Beyonce Knowles, Steven Tylerand Pitbull represent the music world among the voices. 8 p.m.on29, Movie:"Blades of Glory" —Whatever it takes, right? Will Ferrell and Jon Heder star as Chazz and Jimmy, two former skaters who were banned from singles competition. In order to get back in the game, they partner up to compete in the pairs competition. Now if only they actually liked each other .... Will Arnett, Jenna Fischer, Craig T. Nelson and William Fichtner co-star, with pro skater Scott Hamilton as a sports anchor. Bp.m.en58,"BestofLateNight With JimmyFallon Primetime Special" — As Jimmy Fallon pre-

pares totakeoverfor JayLenoas

host of "The Tonight Show," this new special presents memorable moments from his run as host of "Late Night." With five years in that gig under his belt, he certainly has plenty of material worthy of a highlight reel. 8:30 p.m. on 6,eMome —Ever

have oneof those dayswhere

istortsreait o we in s

MOVIE TIMESTOOAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. e

Dear Abby:Why is a wedding cially independent. They pay for always about the bride? Why is the their own weddings and plan them groom often ignored and the oc- as partners. casion not about BOTH of them'? I Dear Abby:I'm a senior in high find this offensive as a man who, by school who is already taking college tradition, is supposed to "take care classes. I have told my mom I plan to of her," but is ignored as a partner become aspecialeducation teacher. in the relationship. I have been an aide in The whole deal the special ed class about the day being for three years now, DFP,R about the bride is and I love it. ABBY as far as Fm My mother and concerned. T e l evig randmother a r e sion shows like "Brinot supportive. They dezillas" make men look like idiots keeptryingtotalkme outof goingto who haveno value in a marr iage. college to do what I love. They say I What are your thoughts? shouldbe a nurse, so I can earn bet— Man Who Matters in Florida ter money, and they tell me I won't Dear Man Who Matters: These be able to find a job if I become a shows you refer to depend on special ed teacher. What should I do shock value to attract and sustain when theykeep bringingthis up?

telligent ways to get a glimpse of what will be in store for you if you choose to go into that field. Dear Abby:I have kids who play

an audience. Please don't mistake

ents teach their children by model-

reality TV for reality because nothing could be further from the truth. Much has changed regarding marriage customs in the last decades. Traditionally, weddings

— Thinking About My Future Dear Thinking: Let me first tell

you what not to do. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into an argument over this. As much as you are thinking about your future, so are were paid for by the parents of the your mother and grandmother. bride. There was little monetary Becauseyou are taking college input from the groom's family, and classes, talk with a counselor at the they did not expect to assist in the school about the kinds of job openplanning of the event. Today, how- ings there are for special education ever, many couples postpone mar- teachers. Visit the library and do riage until they are older and finan- some research. Both would be in-

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORSATURDAY, FEB. 1, 2014:This yearyou have an opportunity to develop a long-term interest or talent. You most likely will be

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

rewarded byfinancial compensation. As a result, you'll feel appreciated. If you are single, you have aunique quality that draws others to you. Know what kind of relationship you desire when deciding which person to Starsshewthe kind date. If you are of day you'll have attached, the two * * * * * y" . ' ' Ofyouwillenjoya ** * * Positive common venture, study or hobby.

You alsoarechanging; what bothered you about your sweetie in the past no longer is an issue. PISCES often is emotional.

ARIES (March21-April19) ** * Use your imagination to push a project forward. Emphasis will be on both your personal and professional lives. You also might be looking at a change with your home or a real-estate investment. You will make anadjustment if necessary. Tonight: Not to be found.

TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * You'll zero in on your long-term goals professionally and within your community. Be responsive to calls, as a lot of friends and associates could be looking for you. Make plans that involve being around crowds, and you will be happier as a result. Tonight: Where the gang is.

GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * You could become more involved in a situation that has to do with a parent or loved one. This person most likely is older and can cause you alot of problems. Your perspective about this person could

change enormously in the next few days. Tonight: Up till the wee hours.

CANCER (June21-July22) ** * * You might want to rethink a personal matter involving someone at a distance. You could be overtired and withdrawn from a recent upset, which will

force you tomakean even stronger impression. Your creativity flourishes when you are with others. Tonight: Use your imagination.

LEO (July23-Aug. 22) *** * Your contentmentcomesfrom thecompany aroundyou.Youwillbehappiest with one special person, so plan your day accordingly. Your sense of connection is already tight, and it only can grow from here. Be careful about changing plans. Tonight: Go with someone's request.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sspt. 22) ** * * Defer to someone whom you care a lot about. You will get an invitation involving a party or get-together. You tend

to enjoy one-on-oneinteractions, yet you'll discover how much friends can bring to your life and the moment. Go for the e healthy mix. Tonight: Sayeyes.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22) ** * You might be more concerned with a project than you are with having a fun day. In fact, until you complete it, you won't be able to relax. Allow greater give-andtakebetween you and aloved one.This person might volunteer to pitch in. Why not?Tonight:Relax whenyouare done.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nev.21)

sports. As I sit in the stands and

watch the games, I am disgusted by the negative attitudes and

bad-mouthing I hear coming from the parents in the crowds. How do

p a rents teach good

sportsmanship and compassion when the adults they see around them behave worse than the kids'? — Sports Mom in Mountain Top, Pa.

Dear Sports Mom: Positive reinforcement usually works better

than name-calling and belittling. Kids are like sponges. They imitate the behavior they see the adults around them exhibit. Effective paring behavior they want to encourage in their children. The parents you describe may be trying to relive their youth vicariously through their children. Many times, it's not possible for the

children to do as well as — or better than — the parents, and the result is the children end up disliking the sport. — Write to Dear Abbyat dearabbycom or P.o.Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069

** * * Your imagination will travel around some wild corners, and it could surprise you. Realize that you don't need to indulge every fantasy, but giving in to one or two might be fun, depending on

who you choosetojoinyou.Communication sizzles. Tonight: Opt for something different.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Oec. 21) ** * Pressure builds within your immediate circle. Listen to your inner voice about how to release tension. Onceyou do, you might choose to deal with the problem, but it will be in a wayyou might not had thought of. Use care with your finances. Tonight: At home.

CAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan.19) * *** Pick upthe phoneand calladear friend to catch up on his or her news. You might think of this person often, but you don't act on it. Consider changing that pattern, and you both will be a lot happier.

Onceyoudecidetomakeachange,itisas good as done. Tonight: Hang with friends.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18)

** * * Watch a tendency to overindulge and get a little wild. You might want to let off some steam, so choose afavorite winter sport. You'll be surprised at how good you feel afterward. Buy a token of affection for a loved one whenyou get a chance. Tonight: Your treat.

PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * * * All eyes turn toyou, asyou seem tobe apeoplemagnettoday!You might want to choose your company with care; realize that you have many choices. You like to be around people who inspire you or help you to relax. Tonight: Be imaginative. © King Features Syndicate




Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • AMERICANHUSTLE(Rj 12:15, 3:20, 8:45, 9:50 • AUGUST:OSAGE COUNTY (R)1:25,4:40,7:50 • FROZEN(PG) 1:10, 3:50, 6:55, 9:40 • FROZENSINGALONG(PG) 12:30 • GRAVITY IMAX3-D(PG-13)1:35, 4, 7,9:25 • THEHOBBIT:THEDESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 7:55 • THEHOBBIT:THEDESOLATION OF SMAUG 3-D(PG-13) 3:30 • THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHINGFIRE (PG-13) 3:10, 6:20, 9:40 • I, FRANKENSTEIN (PG-13) I:45, 4:10, 6:35, 9:05 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)12:40,3:40, 7:10, 9:55 • LABORDAY(PG-13) Noon, 3, 6:30, 9:15 • LONE SURVIVOR (R) 11:45 a.m., 2:45, 6, 9 • THE NUT JOB(PG) 12:10, 4:45, 7:20 • THE NUT JOB3-0 (PG) 2:30, 9:35 • RIDE ALONG (PG-13j 12:55,4:30, 7:40, 10:05 • THE SARATOV APPROACH(PG-13) 12:45, 4:25, 7:15, 9:45 • SAVING MR.BANKS(PG-13) 11:55 a.m., 6:10 • THESECRET LIFE OFW ALTER MITTY (PGj11:55a.m., 6:10 • THATAWKWARD MOMENT (R) I:05,3:55,7:30,10 • THEWOLF OF WALL STREET (R)12:25,4:15,8 • Accessibilitydevices are availableforsomemovies. •


everyone and everything gets on your nerves? Christy (Anna Faris) knows all about that; everyone she knows is testing her patience. At her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, another attendee (Mimi Kennedy) suggests that if everyone is giving her a hard time, maybe she needs to look at her own attitude. Allison Janney also stars in "Loathing and TubeSocks." 9 p.m.enSTARZ, "BlackSails" — As the series continues, Flint (Toby Stephens) unmasks a thief on his crew. Silver (Luke Arnold) hides out in a brothel with Max (Jessica Parker Kennedy). Eleanor (Hannah New) has adifficult decision to make.ZachMcGowan also stars in this new episode. © Zap2it


I '


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McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THE BOOKTHIEF (PG-13) 6 • LAST VEGAS (PG-13j 9:15 • WALKINGWITH DINOSAURS(PG)11:30 a.m, 2:30 • After 7p.m.,showsare21andolderonly.Youngerthan 2f may attend screenings befoie 7 p.m. ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • THE CRASHREEL(no MPAArating) 6:30 • THEGREAT BEAUTY (no MPAA rating)3:30 • 2014OSCARNOMINATED LIVEACTION SHORTS (no MPAA rating) 9 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • I, FRANKENSTEIN (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 11:15a.m.,1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • THENUTJOB(PG)11a.m.,1,3,5,7,9 • SAVING MR.BANKS(PG-13) 11a.m., 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • 12 YEARSASLAVE(R) 1:45 • DALLASBUYERSCLUB(R) 7 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)3,5:30,7:45 • LABORDAY(PG-13) 2:45, 5:15,7:45 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 2:30, 5, 7:30 • NEBRASKA (R) 4:30 Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • I, FRANKENSTEIN (PG-13) 3, 7:20 • I, FRANKENSTEIN3-0 (PG-13) 12:50, 5:10, 9:25 • JACK RYAN: SHADOWRECRUIT (PG-13) 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 • LONE SURVIVOR (R) 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 • THE NUT JOB(PG) 12:20, 2:35, 4:40, 6:45,8:50 • THE WOLFOFWALLSTREET(Rj 12:10, 3:40, 7: IO •


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Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • AMERICANHUSTLE(Lipstairs — R) 1:10, 4:10, 7:15 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 1, 4, 7 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.


Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GO! Magazine


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t hese maintenance-free h omes s t ar t


$795,750 and as low as $424,750 elsewhere in the neighborhood. Call Stephanie at 541-948-5196 or Jordan at 541-420-1559.

Estates to learn more today.


b e l o v e a t f i r s t s i ght w h e n y o u


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Eachyear,COB Arecognizes members who have madegreat professional contributions to their communities during theprior year.Theseindividuals and companiewere s awardedduring a recentawardsevent. Builder ol the Year

Woodhill Homes Commerclal BuBderoftheVear CS Construction 6reen Builder oltheVear Solaire Homebuilders Associat eoftheYear Randy Miller, AttorneyatLawLLP Remorleler oftheVear Neil Kelly Developer ofthe year HaydenHomes—TheWatson Company Materials Supplier ofthe Vear Milgard Suh Contractor of the Vear Taylor Northwest Realtor of theVear The GarnerGroup MembershipRecruiter of the Vear Debbie Baldwin GaryBungerMemorlalAward for Industry Loyalty AmeriTitle President'sAward

Photos courtesy ofWoodhlll Homes

Woodhill Homes recognized by COBA as 2014 Builder of the Year.

in the

the number of homes they build each year. After a peak in 2006, the company, along with nearly everyone else in the building industry, felt the effects of the troubled economy.

by Bridget McGinn, for The Bulletin Advertising Department

Local development company Woodhill Homes has an established list of core values that employees are committed to, and at the top of that

"However, in the last three years we have seen

a steady incline in the number of homes built," said Campbell."In the future we'd also like to expand our market and continue to be diversified, which I think is the key to our success." Another key element to the company's success may also be the leadership.

list is the word"Integrity."This won't come as a

surprise to their professional peers and fellow members of the Central Oregon Builders Association, who recently recognized Woodhill Homes as the 2013 Builder of the Year.

of active builders in the region.

"They are builders who do things right, with great integrity. And they have a quality product,"saidTim Knopp, executive vice president of COBA."There are a lot of great builders in this area, but I can't think of anyone more deserving

The Athletic Club of Bend Illew Member ol the Year

Franklin Brothers PuhBcDfflclal of the Year Scott Ramsay,BendCity Councilor CommitteeChalr of the Vear Debbie Baldwin

"Jay is a leader in the industry and at COBA,"

The COBA Annual Excellence Awards accepts

nominations from members, and a group of 25 s aid Knopp."A lot of people look up to him, and to 40judges chosen from a cross-section of the he's someone you could seek advice from. Our membership vote independently to select the a w ard winners represent the'all-stars'in our infinal award recipients. Involvement and contri- d u stry and Jay is one of these people that have

of this award than Woodhill Homes."

bution to the community and the association, as

Founded in2002 by Jay Campbell and George Hale, Woodhill Homes has focused on finding innovativeways to change the home buying and home building experience in Central Oregon. Over the years the company has built homes geared toward the entry level and move up markets as well as high end custom homes. With offices in Bend and Portland, the company builds

well as professional achievements are included ing industry."

with sustainability in m i nd. In f act, Woodhill

cording to Campbell, the Builder of the Year

Building Partners for Affordable Housing, building several green-certified homes for the program. "We are proud of our participa-

award is the truly coveted honor.

tion in the Building Partners

"We are extremelyexcited and proud to be chosen for this award," said Campbell."It is a

gram," said Campbell. "We

CommitteeMember ofthe Year

Greg Blackmore,First AmericanTitle Volunteer of theYear Stacy Hardt,Washington Federal Illon ProStPartner of theVear Neighborlmpact,Scott Cooper

t r u l y invested their lives and careers in the build-

in the award criteria.

BELOW:Woodhlll Homes founders Jay Campbell (left) and George Hale/Bulletin File Photo

Woodhill Homes has a long history of involvement in the annual Tour of Homes presented

Liletime AchievementAward

William SmithProperties CommerclalSafetyAward Central Oregon Heating 8 Cooling ResidenfralSafetyAward Sun ForestConstruction

by COBA, and has won more than20Tour of

Homes awards over the years. The company is also committed to the community, and has participated with the local non-profit

Homes was honored as a previous COBA Green Builder of the Year award winner. However, ac-


very important honor and there are a lot of other

good people who could have won and we were lucky enough to be the ones."

commuoitt throuSh that program."

The award, presented at the annual COBA

membership meeting, came as a surprise to Campbell and carries extra meaning for him because the winner is chosen by voting from fellow COBA members. According to Knopp, COBA has nearly600 members representing the bulk

Campbell's vision for cludes continuing their recent trend of doubling

GreenRemodeler ofthe Year

~ 11 gg+Q Il l g~~'

Sun ForestConstruction GreenBuBdlnpDeveloperoftheYear CalderaSprings BuBrlinpGreenCouncil (BBC) CommercialBuB rler ol the Vear SunwestBuilders B6C Materials Supplier ofthe Vear Miller Lumber B6CSubContractoroftheVear NorthwestQuality Roofing B6C Assoclate ofthe Vear Mark Kramer,Connection Depot B6C Volunteer ol theVear Mark Kramer,Connection Depot


11IIII' < ', =: ~ t i i aiiil!I I 'f'ii" ~.




" liygf g]1• II I




f+]I ii • ii If4lll •ha


~ • I &lrrnn

If you are a Rental Property Owner, Iinvite you tocall me. •

2 Beds+ loft, 2 baths,secludedsinglefamily homein thecountry on beautiful maturedacreageat theendof a quiet cul-de-sac. Spaciou s2124 Sq.Ft.homeoff erspl entyofspaceto makeyour own with acozyloft. Woodstoveto keepyouwarmfor the cold winters. Fullyappliancedkitchen. 2CarGarage, extra RVparking.

3 Beds 2.5 baths, 1975 Sq.Ft. neutral toned home conveniently

located verynear st. charles Medical center. spaciouskitchen has granite throughout and isfully applianced.Doublecar garage. ,. Slate fireplace,wonderful soaking tub, utility room,w/o included.


3Beds2.5Baths.Greathomeon Bend'sNorlhEastside.Beaurtful dark hardwood floors inthe living areawith atiledgahrtreplace,largebonusroom for plentyof extraspace,beautifully landscaped front yardwithunderground sprinklersandalarge backyardthat is fullyfenced!Fullyappliancedkitchen, W/D hook ups,double cargarage

• I •


3Beds 2.5Balhs.1450sq. Ft.,craftsman tlyle shtrr 2 hom eoifert abehItrtful gasfireplacesurroundedbyabuilt-in entertainment center.ManywindowsItd recessed lighting invite thenaturalligMinside.Master bathroom hasdoublesinksand granitetIuntertops.

catralingupslaits,exceptforbathrooms sutilityroom,largeunderstairwayclosetr slorage, ulilily roomindudesslackingW /D, MunterILshelving. Athtched 2cargarage.

3 Beds2 Baths,home in the Country! 1737Sq. ft. single


level houseont1 acreswith an openlayoutanda covered back patio. Partially fenced, • Full mud roomwith utility sink, W/O hook-ups,built-in china =. cabinet in dining room.

2 Beds 2.5 Baths.FULLY FURNISHED t 650sq. Ft.,end unit townhouse inthe in theCedar CreekTownhomes!Fully applianced with glasscooktop, large open living roomwith fireplace,

w/o includedand ajacuzzi tub, detached,singlecargarage,w/s/G and landscapingpaid.

3 Beds 2Baths. Lovely t144 square faothomeiothe Glacier RidgeCommunity in NEBend! Doublecarattachedgarage. Has gasforced air heatingas well as agasfireplace anda beautiful baywindow.Kitchen features tile flooring &gascook top, laundryroomwith W/O.

• •



g •


I •

I pledge to strongly represent your management interests cnd surpass your expectations ... Always. You have my word on it.





New Listings

Com m ercial/Investment Properties for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Broken Top j $400,000 Large river meadows 3 Bdrm, 2 bath home on 2241 NW Awbrey Rd., $500,000 I The Ridge BEND PARK Park-like Downtown Bend j • 2041 sq.ft. townhome In beautiful Central Orhome on .6 acre lot. 4.89 acres in the high Bend. Hand crafted At Eagle Crest. Cas- setting. Main dwelling $699,000 • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath Ad ¹1302 desert. Ad ¹1282 home with attention to cade and Smith Rock plus guest • 2593 sq.ft. egon, city of LaPine, • On 9th Fairway detail on a l l f i nish views, e x c eptional house/rental on a to- • 2 master suites this 9 unit motel is a TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn • MLS 201400233 High Desert Realty High Desert Realty work. This is a must s econd h o me, 2 tal of 0 .55y acres. • Historic charactergreat investment with Jerry Stone, Broker 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 preview pr o perty. master suites, 2 bdrm Main dwelling floors renovated chance to grow 8 ex541-390-9598 www. BendOregon www. BendOregon Solid fir doors, cus- w/ bonus room, very are engineered hard- • MLS 201301793 pand. Beautiful mtn & RealEstate.com RealEstate.com tom clear vertical fir private. 541-946-3371 wood in living, dining, Diane Robinson, 630 meadow views. 2 of cabinets & ceiling fans www.rinehartdemp& bedrooms. MitsubBroker, ABR the units are bachelor Wonderful 2100+ sq.ft. Almost 1800 sq.ft., 4 Rooms for Rent in all rooms. Great sey.com ishi electric heating & 541-419-8165 u nits rented o n a home in .8 acres. bdrm home in south room floor plan with Windermere C e n tral c ooling syst e m . weekly o r m o nthly Ad ¹'l402 Bend. Nice large room and wood floors & a fire- Oregon Real Estate Kitchen has fantastic MORRIS rate. Owner is in pro- TEAM Birtola Garmyn b ath, W /D , $ 3 2 5 , ACI¹1472 place surrounded by cabinets with Corian cess of putting in new 541-977-7479 REAL ESTATE TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty cabinetry. 3 bedroom, $579,900 I Powell Butte countertops. Adjacent carpet 8 li n oleum. IA p A Q y ~ M ~ 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty Home On Acreage. 2.5 bath, large masguest house and main MORRIS Right on the busiest 632 541-312-9449 www.BendOregon t er b e droom w i t h 3275 sq.ft. home. Pri- h ome together f o r REAL ESTATE Gilchrist j $154,500 hwy in Oregon. Lots RealEstate.com www. BendOregon Apt./Multiplex General • 1872 walk-in v ate 3 0 A c res. 4 closet, $510,000 sq.ft. of parking & next to all RealEstate.com bdrm, 3 bath, 2 mas- MLS¹201309647 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath conveniences. A must Bend's exclusive mtn Just bought a new boat? built-ins & bath with all ter CHECK yOURAD suites. Incredible Downtown Investment high community. the extras. Mature Bobbie Strome, • .88 acre of privacy see for the serious inSell your old one in the P roperty - 5 un i t s landscaping with outdoor living. 40X60 Principal Broker Acl¹1622 • MLS 201400251 vestor. $ 1 ,250,000. classifieds! Ask about our across from the river paver paths. Close to shop. 541-480-7183 John L Scott Real Darryl Doser, MLS 2712469. Cas- TEAM Bir!ola Garmyn Super Seller rates! Barbara Myers, on 1st St. & 1509 NW downtown Bend & has Estate 541-385-5500 High Desert Realty Broker, CRS cade Realty, Dennis 541-385-5809 2nd St. Original vin541-312-9449 plenty of parking for Broker 541-923-4663 541-383-4334 Haniford, Princ. Brotage 1917 home reuests & toys. Windermere Central www. BendOregon Custom Home with Big BREATHTAKING ker 541-536-1731 Oregon Real Estate modeled in 2007. 3 RealEstate.com 479,000 CASCADE VIEWS. on the first day it runs Shop on Fenced 1.4 •Neil Hudson Designed Bdrm, 3 bath, gourto make sure it is corAcres! $26 5 ,000 MLS¹201308330 2 Unit duplex in NW $599,900 I T u s cany home met kitchen, h ardBobbie Strome, Condo/Townhomes AD¹1522 rect. "Spellcheck" and Bend. Ad ¹1332 Style i n Br a detich• 4015 sq.ft. & 1 0 40 w ood, g r anite 8 Principal Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn human errors do oc• for S a l e MORRIS TEAM Birtola Garmyn Park. 2 9 1 0 sq . f t. John L Scott Real sq.ft. shop & w i ne 4-level elevator. Main cur. If this happens to High Desert Realty High Desert Realty REAL ESTATE home, single l evel rooms kving with v a cation Estate 541-385-5500 541-312-9449 your ad, please con$324,900 Beautiful 541-312-9449 living, 2 master suites, • 4 Bdrm, 3.5 bath rentals which will prowww. BendOregon tact us ASAP so that turnkey townhome in www.BendOregon $ 299,900 I G reat I n .46 acre lot, gorgeous • Fantastic entertaining duce most income. RealEstate.com corrections and any Forest Ridge. 2 mas RealEstate.com NE Bend j $329,900 vestment Opportunity. kitchen. Eric Andrews, home Attached va c ation adjustments can be • 2358 ters, 1 on main level, 36 Acre estate, Bend People Lookfor Information sq.ft. Pahlisch Midtown location, two Broker 541-771-1188 rental is 1 B drm, 1 Danielle Snow, made to your ad. both with king beds & built C e n tral Broker 541-306-1015 About Products and houses on on tax lot, Windermere bath, great room & 541 -385-5809 Cascade Nursery. master bath with gar bedroom, 2.5 bath Oregon Real Estate huge deck, separate Ad ¹'l122 Services Every Daythrough p rofessionally m a n John L. Scott The Bulletin Classified •• 4 den tub & shower, 3rd Rock fireplace, wood entrance, heating, etc. Real Estate, Bend Birtola Garmyn The Bvllefin Classifieds aged, 100% tenant $7800 I 1986 Redtail bedroom with bunks & TEAM floors occupied. Hunter Le MLS ¹ 20 1 309397. www.johnlscottbend.com High Desert Realty 634 trundle. • MLS 201400209 H awk Drive, ¹17 D .54 Acre overlooking vison Group, $1,500,000. 541-312-9449 MLS¹201308059 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Jim & Roxanne Farewell Bend Park. 541-305-0479 or R VVE, 2 b d rm , 2 Bring your toys! AdorCall Ainslie www.BendOregon Eagle Crest Properties, Cheney, Brokers 541-977-'I 852. bath, fully furnished, 5 able Contemporary on Reynolds, Principal Ad ¹10'l2 RealEstate.com 541-408-4204 Call for Specials! 541-390-4050 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Windermere C e ntral week per year, frac- 1 a cre, b eautifully Broker Limited numbers avail. 541-390-4030 tional. Des c hutes landscaped lot. 1628 High Desert Realty Oregon Real Estate ReMax Key 3 bdrm, 2~/~ bath, 1871 Tumalo Home on 5 AC, 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Incredible Mtn Views! River and E asterly 541-312-9449 Properties. sq. ft. condo in Eagle sq. ft., master on the W/D hookups, patios $329,900 I M o untain views, enjoy Eagle main with 2 b a ths, 541-410-1054 Cell Crest resort. Owner $489,000. AD¹1042 www. BendOregon or decks. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Views. 2 59 0 s q . ft. Crest amenities all RealEstate.com 541-728-0033 added upgrades inopen floor plan, 25 ft. N/OVNTAIN GLEN, High Desert Realty stunning log home on year. Jeanette Brunot, Office cluding central vac, custom Remodeled getaway, 4 1.87 acres, large open Broker, 541-771-1383 ceilings, 541-383-931 3 541-312-9449 MORRIS whole house woodwork and cabinProfessionally bdrm, 2 bath, chalet. Elkhorn Ridgej www.BendOregon living areas, great for Windermere C e n tral etry, 2 baths down stereo/amp to each REAL ESTATE OWC Acl ¹1442 managed by Norris & $375,000 RealEstate.com entertaining, beautiful Oregon Real Estate room & outdoor patio, upstairs loft, bedroom, IA~ tly ~ ~ ~ TEAM Birtola Garmyn • 2245 sq.ft. home Stevens, Inc. decking and hot tub new Italian d i ning Immaculate and well office half bath with High Desert Realty $799,900 I 69173 Bay geothermal h eating • 4 bedroom, 3 bath area, newer roof, heat room lights, top of the Skyliner Summit j cared for 2000 sq.ft. 541-312-9449 656 pump and furnace, Drive. Wonderful re- and cooling. 2 car ga- • Landscaped,fenced line Hunter Douglas $465,000 ranch rambler. www. BendOregon RV parking and hook- treat at the end of the rage plus extra ga- yal'cl Houses for Rent • 2355 sq.ft. new ups ilhouette blin d s Ad ¹'l072 RealEstate.com road. Open kitchen rage/shop with one • MLS 201308088 Ups. w/remote control & TEAM Birtola Garmyn dated SW Bend Brandon Fairbanks, Gail Rogers, Broker dining area, large liv- door, half bath, oil • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath the list goes on! UnBen d s' High Desert Realty $145,000 I Broker, SRES, ing room and deck. 541-604-1649 believable High End • Covered porch, landWestside. 2 R e n oheat, tons of storage SW Bend, walk to DRT 541-312-9449 GRI, CDPE Laura Gibons, Broker Large barn and shop, Furnishings & Furnivated 2 bdrm condos. and Old Mill. Master scaped and work space. 2 www.BendOregon 541-383-4344 storage sheds. 971-221-8061 ture Package is InHigh end f i nishes, RV hook ups, tons of on main, pool, hot tub, • MLS 201400224 RealEstate.com Bill Kammerer, Broker $2 6 5 ,000. stack W/D, stainless Windermere Central tennis. Yard maint. Shelly Hummel, Broker, cluded! parking!! MLS¹ 541-410-1200 Oregon Real Estate MLS 201 3 07064. Custom home, huge CRS, GRI, CHMS appli., near COCC 201310429 incl. No pets. $2,000. Windermere Central shop, priced to sell! John L Scott Realty, and Newport M kt. bendriverwild.com 541-383-4361 $249,900 Ad ¹1642 His t oric Oregon Real Estate Call Ainslie Reynolds, 541-548-1712 P rofessional m a n -$339,000 I Ranch On 9 AC, MORRIS TEAM Birtola Garmyn aged and well main658 Principal Broker 745 Bend. 3-4 bdrm, 2 $829,000 I Sh e v linReMax High Desert Realty REAL ESTATE tained. Jake 8 L o rKey Properties. Houses for Rent Ridge Stunner. R.D. 541-312-9449 Homes for Sale etta Moor h ead, bath, 1 9 5 9 sq . ft., 541-410-1054 Cell Redmond 36X28 3 ba y s h op Building and design 541-728-0033 Office www.BendOregon Brokers MORRIS Enjoy th e B e a utiful New co n s truction, building. 24X2 5 Potential Sub dividable RealEstate.com 541-480-6790 or REAL ESTATE B oulder Broo k s equipment c a rport. 3553 sq.ft. and 42x16 Cascade Mountain Quiet country setting across from river. Ad Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 541-480-2245 Community. Time to w/arazii n views. 1 bdrm ¹1102 and 1032 Windermere C e n tral Completely f e nced RV garage, 3 bdrm, Views j $569,000 b ath Ranch on A l enjoy life and come 1bath,672sqfthome in with corals. Borders 2.5 bath, bonus room • 2709 sq.ft. Iog home TEAM Birtola Garmyn Tanglewood j most 1 Acre, Oregon Real Estate enjoy Boulder Brooks NE Redmond. $600/mo+ BLM, MLS¹ plus office. High Desert Realty • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath $350,000. AD¹1002 security dep. Taking ap$398,500 well maintained com$ 159,000 I M ov e i n 201306096 John Taylor, Broker • 9.59 acres, 4 acres ir541-312-9449 TEAM Birtola Garmyn munity. If you want to plications - 541-419-1917 • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Ready. Convenient Dave Disney, Broker 541-480-0448 www.BendOregon rigation • Hardwood floors, High Desert Realty Southwest Redmond travel or just sit and 541-388-0404 Windermere Central • MLS 201400079 RealEstate.com 541-312-9449 659 cherry cabinets enjoy the b eautiful location, recently re- Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate Cathy Del Nero, • .21 acre lot, 3-car ga- Home / Shop and guest www.BendOregon furbished, new sinks, Central Oregon sunOregon Real Estate Houses for Rent Broker, CSP studio on fenced .5 rage RealEstate.com sets, come check us c ounters, ligh t s , ALMOST THREE Sunriver 541-410-5280 • MLS 201400230 acre. ¹1452 flooring, s p r inklers.360' BREATHTAKING out. Susan Pitarro, ACRES Log accent home and Michael J Hopp, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn Broker, 541-410-8084 1279 Sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 VIEWS! • Zoned MUA; Hwy 97 horse property on 40 VILLAGE PROPERTIES 541-390-0504 High Desert Realty bath. • Sisters, Oregon Windermere C e n tral frontage acres. Ad ¹1252 Sunriver, Three Rivers, 541-3'I 2-9449 Oregon Real Estate Janelle Christensen, • 105 acres • All utilities in place TEAM Birtola Garmyn La Pine. Great www.BendOregon Broker 541-815-9446 • Border BLM • Manufactured home High Desert Realty Selection. Prices range RealEstate.com MORRIS Windermere Central • Bring offerscan be purchased USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-312-9449 $425 - $2000/mo. Oregon Real Estate •MLS ¹ 201102205 REAL ESTATE $649,000 Frame built, shop and www.BendOregon View our full Door-to-door selling with MORRIS Kellie Cook, Broker $125,000 guest house on 1 RealEstate.com inventory online at $177,999 I Northwest 541-408-0463 REAL ESTATE Faye Phillips, Broker acre. Ad ¹1482 fast results! It's the easiest Village-Properties.com Redmond. 3 Bdrm, 2 John L. Scott 541-480-2945 CASCADE MTN TEAM Birtola Garmyn Duplex on large lot and bath, 1418 sq.ft., new way in the world to sell. 1-866-931-1 061 Real Estate, Bend adjacent duplex for John L. Scott VIEWS! $359,000 High Desert Realty carpet, and l a rge sale too. ¹1382 www.johnlscottbend.com Real Estate, Bend • 6.38 Acres, 1.7 acres Tumalo Acreagej 541-312-9449 The Bulletin Classified 693 kitchen island, sepaTEAM Birtola Garmyn www.johnlscottbend.com irrigation, 2371 sq.ft. $1,071,720 www.BendOregon rated master suite, $400,000 - 18 Modoc, 541-385-5809 Office/Retail Space • 59.54 acres High Desert Realty • 5 Bdrm, 2 bath, counRealEstate.com 36x14 g a te d RV Sunriver. Newly Re- Aspen Rimj $429,900 541-312-9449 • Cascade Mountain try home for Rent p arking, close t o modeled Home. 3 • 3030 sq.ft. RenaisGREAT BEND 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, craftswww.BendOregon • 2 Pastures, 2 outviews WESTSIDE man stylehome. parks and schools. master suites, exten- sance built • Irrigation equipment RealEstate.com buildings, private well 500 sq. ff. upstairs Cheryl Tanler, Broker LOCATION! Ad ¹1182 sive remodel in 2011. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath included • 64160 Pioneer Loop office on NE side of 541-410-7434 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Just bought a new boat? 1902 sq.ft. owner oc- • Earth Advantage Cer- Kathy Caba, Principal • 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1872 town, private bath, all • MLS 201400237 Sell your old one in the Windermere Central sq.ft. High Desert Realty cupied or v acation tified Broker, ABR util. paid. $500 month Darrin Kelleher, Broker classifieds! Ask about our Oregon Real Estate • Large .50 acre lot 541-312-9449 r ental. Close to a l l • MLS 201310605 541-771-1761 plus $500 deposit. The Kelleher Group Super Seller rates! • 2 car garage, www.BendOregon 541-788-0029 John L. Scott 541-480-4744 18145 Ashwood Lane, Sunriver has to offer. Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, 541-385-5809 RealEstate.com $332,900 CRS, GRI, CHMS Real Estate, Bend Sunriver. Great home 541-410-8084 Susan Ellen Clough, for the price of new on the market in Pitarro, Broker 541-610-9427 www.johnlscottbend.com Energy efficient SE 2 Homes Broker one on 1.5 acres. 541-388-0404 Bend Home on 3 Sunriver. Just in timer '- 9%@RaRa 541-480-7180 Ad ¹1212 CRYSTAL CLEAR MTN for all the winter rec- Windermere C e ntral Acres. Ad ¹1142 John L. Scott VIEWS! IWP MIQ MORRIS TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn reation. This 3 bdrm, Oregon Real Estate Real Estate, Bend High Desert Realty • 20 X 6 4 B arn with www.johnlscottbend.com 2 bath home boasts REAL ESTATE High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 shop 541-312-9449 many updates includ- $449,500 I Single level, MORRIS www.BendOregon • 20 min. to Costco ing granite, tile floors, huge shop. 1920 sq.ft. GREAT HOUSE www.BendOregon REAL ESTATE RealEstate.com • 37 acres RealEstate.com molding, w i n dows, home on 072 acres IN NE BEND 732 d~ A 25 0 0 sq.f t . i nterior doors a n d l ot, www.johnlscott.com • Open living area with Commercial/Investment Remarkable Deschutes River view Condo. Mt. shop/garage/studio, /745io cabinets. It's cozy and fireplace Beautiful & Bachelor Village. R iver 8 Cany o n Properties for Sale just the right size for a high en d f i n ishes, Jean Nelsen, Broker • Built in 2007, 2207 Spacious. 719 Views! $ 1 ,200,000. 20% Equity share. paver entrance and primary residence or sq.ft. property with 541-420-3927 ACI ¹1552. patios, in town, near Beautiful Real Estate Trades PRIME COMMERCIAL AD¹1222 vacationhome. When • 3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, + TEAM Birtola Garmyn spaces John L. Scott shopping and medi- comfortable PROPERTY, this TEAM Birtola Garmyn you're ready to esReal Estate, Bend loft for varied family interHigh Desert Realty Desert Realty ALASKA LAND FOR charming Ma d r as High cape and get away for cal. Mike Everidge, ests. Exquisite teak• $249,900 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 Broker 541-390-0098 SALE - 5acres Hay- building is updated, a retreat, this is the Detroit Lake Stunning Candice Anderson, wood flooring in foyer, www.BendOregon www.BendOregon stack Mountain on SE located on Hwy. 97, place for you. Plenty Windermere C e ntral living area and gour- c ustom-built 201 0 Broker RealEstate.com RealEstate.com Oregon Real Estate Slope, near r i ver, Cat 5 wire system, 541-788-8878 of room for all your met kitchen. Kitchen Detroit Lake h o me great sun, hardwood hardwood floors & off 2100 Sq.ft., C l assic toys. MLS John L. Scott Pre-sold home on has granite counter- that's perfect for large People Lookfor Information f orest. $20,000 o r st. parking. $119,900. Home on Edge of ¹201310977 Real Estate, Bend Aubrey Butte with tops, large i sland, gatherings, quiet estrade for land in Or- MLS¹ 201305319 Pam About Products and Canyon, $ 1 79,900. ReMax Key Properties. capes or year-round www.johnlscottbend.com great views. p lanning desk a n d egon. 701-580-5453 Lester, Principal BroAD¹1412 541-410-1054 Cell Services Every Dsythrough Ad ¹1322 numerous oak cabi- living. A short walk Hurry-Alot of home for ker Century 21 Gold TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-728-0033 Offi ce The Bulletin Classifieds nets. Master b e d- from the marina, town the price! 726 Country Realty, Inc. High Desert Realty High Desert Realty room on main level or lake. This home •Redmond $19,000 I Bring Your single level 541-504-1338 541-312-9449 man y Timeshares for Sale 541-312-9449 $469,000 I River Front with luxurious bath- b oasts s o Builder. 1.14 t o t al home www.BendOregon www.BendOregon amenities that photos Condo, D o w ntown room an d p r i vate acre. Lots 61, 62 and ~4 bdrm, 2 bath RealEstate.com RealEstate.com $6,000-$46,000 Enjoy USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! B end. Ope n f l o or deck. Large won't do i t j u stice!• 1920- sq.ft. 63. Power and septic plan. MLS¹201308216 Eagle Crest all year Fresh p a int. f amily/media r o o m approval. Rock out•Traditional s ale, or Commer- Pristine large family as a fractional owner. Door-to-door selling with Residential counters. Two and game/rec room. $549,000. Poss i bilities, home or vacation get- croppings and valley Granite $159,500 Call Debbie McCune, Benefits of being an fast results! It's the easiest cial balconies. Detached $542,500 MLS¹ away. Ad ¹1272 views. Just minutes to Tom Roth, Broker, $269,900. AD¹1162 Principal Broker Eagle Crest Owner at way in the world to sell. TEAM Prineville Reservoir. garage. 541-771-1168 201303078. Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn BPOR a "fraction" of the cost. ReMax Key Eric Andrews, Broker Bobbie Strome, High Desert Realty High Desert Realty Jeanette Brunot, Bro541-771-6549 Properties. Home-ID FRAC 541-388-0404 Principal Broker 541-312-9449 The Bulletin Classified 541-312-9449 ker 541-771-1383 John L. Scott 541-647-0052 Cell Eagle Crest Properties John L Scott Real www.BendOregon www.BendOregon Windermere C e n tral Windermere Central Real Estate, Bend 541-385-5809 541-728-0033 Off i ce 866-722-3370 Oregon Real Estate Estate 541-385-5500 RealEstate.com www.johnlscottbend.com RealEstate.com Oregon Real Estate

. 0 0











SAT. 12-3 PM SUN. 11-2 PM Location-Location-Location! This home is located in such a terrific LOCATION - close io the NW Canyon with various views available - all new homes will surround this new consruct ion home. The home itself is a single level with 2020 SF and triple cal garage - what a nice 3088 NW17th St., Redmond

floorpan - very open with great room and kitchen to the eating bar and nook. Kitchen has large walkin pantry, comer sink, wrap around

Directions:North on Hwy 97, le/f on QuinceAve,,righton NW /0th eating bar with knotty Alder natural St, left on Nff'Spruce Ave, right cabinets. There is full landscaping on 17th St. Bouse on right past and a fenced yard. Teakwood. Hosted by:


BRUCE DUNLAP Pn'ncipal Broker

541-604-4200 Listed by:



I g •


THURS. - SUN. 12PM - 4PM Beautiful Pahlisch Homes community featuring amazing neighborhood amenities: pool, hoi tub, clubhouse, sports center, gym, game room 208fj2 Golden GatePlace, Bend and more! Come tour a Direcfioes:from Iheparlruiay, east Market,south on 15th,then variety of single level and on Reed 2-sioiy floor plans. follow signs.

Homes Starting HOSted byr


Homes start under $200,000. Brand new homes in Bend with the quality Pahlisch is known for - s t ainless steel appliances, laminate wood floors, solid surface -" Chroma quartz counters (even in baihs) wiih under2078$ QK Qotnet mount stainless steel sink in kitchen, extra attention given Directions:North ori Boyd Acres, "


to allow for tons of natural Righr on Sierra,frlr'on Black Potuder, light a much more Come Righion Comet/ane. Loo/r forsigns. by the model home for more statting under


TEAM DELAY Edie, Sam, 4/oe



Broker R 8 A L T 0




a E A 1 T 0 R s


SAT. R SUN. 1PM - 4PM One leve lhome on a large com er lot in Newport Hills. This home features a 3-cu garage, great room w/breakfast bar island, wood flooring and formal living with gas fireplace and vaulted ceilings. Master suite w/garden tub it 1233 NW 18th ST. separat e shower.A greatvalue for a desirable location. Directionsi Take /ieirporr Ave.

Hosted Sat. by: BRIAN HILTS Principal Broker Hosted Sun. by: JUSTIN IAVIK Principal Broker Listed by: BRIAN LADD Principal Broker


West, le ft on NW Newport Hills Dr, le/f on 18th, home on theight.

$415,000 Cascade Sotheby's




RRAL1iickout, CLC. Adding Vahae MReaLEgute 6 7


SAT. 9 — NOON SUN. 12 - 3PM Immaculate Glacier Ridge single level home with 2-car arage. 3 bedrooms t 2 aths, great room with nice light, vaults, bay window, gas fireplace. Paver patio and deck with private 5332 NE Palmer Dr master entrance. Come see! Direcfions: From east on Ne ff, right on Glacier Ridge Rd, le Hosted Sat. by: ft on BRIAN HILTS XEPalmer. Principal Broker Hosted Sun. by: GREG BARNWELL Principal Broker Listed by: B RIAN IA D D

Principal Broker 541-408-3912





Homes for Sale



Homes for Sale

Keystone Ter r ace. MOUNTAIN VIEWS! Three fully occupied • Single-level home 3182ysf tri-plexes lo- • 2.43 acres - between cated just a few Bend and Sisters blocks from shopping • Many upgrades & the facilities of Juni- www.jackson-Anderson. per Park. Exterior of com buildings have vinyl Barbara Jackson, siding and are neat Broker 541-306-8186 and attractive. John L. Scott $325,000 for each triReal Estate, Bend www.johnlscottbend.com plex. MLS ¹201309427, NE Bend j $204,900 201309433, • 1384 sq.ft. 201309444 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Bobbie Strome, • New carpeting Principal Broker • MLS 201311092 John L Scott Real Johnson, Broker Estate 541-385-5500 Debbie 541-480-1293 La Pine j $154,900 1704 sq.ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1 acre, near La Pine State Park MORRIS MLS 201310343 REAL ESTATE Rachel Lemas, Broker I&~ dy~ ~ ~ d 541-383-4359 541-896-1263 NE Bend j $249,500 • 1728 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .16 acre corner lot • MLS 201309188 Amy Halligan, Broker MORRIS 541-410-9045 REAL ESTATE

• H o mes for Sale •

Home s for Sale

South Deerfield Parkj $258,900 • Franklin Brothers 1800 sq.ft. • New Construction, single level • Landscaped front 8 back • MLS 201308645 Carolyn Priborsky PC, Broker, ABR, CRS, GREEN

Homes for Sale

Nor t heast Bend Homes

Super nice. Well cared for 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1502 sq.ft. This one owner home has new carpet, interior paint, light fixtures, sink faucets, high quality distressed ha r dwood 541-322-2417 laminate in k itchen, dining & utility rooms. Nice t i le d k i t chen counters, tiled floors 541-383-4350 and counter in bathMORRIS rooms. Nice w orkREAL ESTATE MORRIS bench and cabinets in dpp ~ REAL ESTATE garage. Extraordinary l~ y~ ~ pp d landscape & w a ter U PSCALE SIN G L E feature in vinyl fenced MORRIS LEVEL 4.47 ACRES! USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! back yard. U nderREAL ESTATE • Newer 4 bdrm, or ofground sprinklers front Door-to-door selling with fice, 2.5 bath and b a ck . MLS • Stainless island fast results! It's the easiest Stunning Ranch on Aw- kitchen with raised ¹201308584 brey Butte - 4 Bdrm, 3 way in the world to sell. John L. Scott Real granite bar bath home w/open • Dining Estate 541-548-1712 room w/ winreat room design. The Bulletin Classified dows all around 3 bdrm 2 bath, 1258 sf, lose to river, trails, • Vaulted, 541-385-5809 beamed ceilupgrades, vaulted, culdedowntown, NW ings, great room sac. 2574 NE Cordata Pl. C rossing & m o r e! Whispering Pines. 3 $189,900. 541-815-3279 Formal dining area, owww.johnlscott.com/ bdrm, 2 bath property 59154 or 541-81 5-3241 beautiful stone firehas complete perimPeggy Lee Combs, place o p en s to eter fencing and is Peace & Quiet in NE Broker breakfast a re a & neat and well main- Bend - $259,900. 2.26 541-480-7653 gourmet kit c hen, tained with trees and acres, detached gaJohn L. Scott cherry cabinets, gran- Real s hrubs. Home h a s rage/shop area, overEstate, Bend i te, h a rdwood & www.johnlscottbend.com been lightly lived in sized l a undry/utility 6-burner gas and has a wonderful room, freshly painted stovetop. Very private sunroom and appeal- throughout. New apJust bought a new boat? Views of the Rrver! with mountain views. ing floor plan with Sell your old one in the pliances, large bonus • 4 Bdrm, 2 bath MLS ¹ 20 1 3 09435 classifieds! Ask about our l arge deck, s h o p room. MORRIS • 2392 sq.ft., 1.5 acres Super Seller rates! $750,000. building is a p prox. MLS¹201310659 • 3 Separate tax lots, 4000 sq.ft. w/ 4 12x12 REAL ESTATE Call Debbie 541-385-5809 Call Jim Hinton, motivated seller! I&~ dy~ ~ op d McCune, Principal d oors and a m a n 541-420-6229 La Pine.82 Acre j www.Jackson Broker door. The is a comCentral Oregon Realty $149,900 NE Bend j $272,000 -Anderson.com ReMax Key piete office w/bath, Group, LLC Overlooks Little Des- • 2151 sq.ft. Candice Anderson, Properties. r ec, k i tchen a n d • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, chutes River Broker 541-788-8878 541-647-0052 Cell m eeting r oo m i n - People Look for Information 1352 sq.ft. A-frame den/office John L. Scott 541-728-0033 cluded in the 4000 About Products and • RV parking, large 2 bedroom, 1 bath Real Estate, Bend Office sq.ft. This property is MLS 201309302 backyard www.johnlscottbend.com a must preview, must Services Every Daythrough • MLS 201308521 Gary Rose, STUNNING SMITH see facility. The shop The Bulletin Classifieds Minda McKitrick, ROCK VIEW! West Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 dwelling have Broker, GRI 750 3 Spacious bdrms, 2 bath, in 4040y sq.ft., and separate electric 541-280-6148 bath Redmond Homes delighfful w e s tside m eters. Shop a n d Built in 2005, 1704 home with panoramic d welling share t h e sq.ft. C ascade and c i t y water meter, $199,000 - One of the Private backyard on .4 views on a spacious Avion 2nd gar a ge/shop finest chalets at Eagle MORRIS acre, Terrebonne lot with high desert 1025 sq.ft. $499,500. Crest. Beautiful views $174,900. REAL ESTATE MORRIS natural landscaping. MLS ¹201400070 of the 14th fairway on MLS ¹ 201307479 REAL ESTATE the Ridge C ourse. Two gas fireplaces, Bobbie Strome, Angie Cox, Broker one in living room and Principal Broker Has never been in the IA p M d y ~ M O~ d Large Home on 541-213-9950 rental pool. Freshly one in master bed- John L Scott Real Acreage - Mt Views NE Bend j $649,000 John L. Scott room. Master bedpainted exterior and Estate 541-385-5500 Master on main • Custom 2152 sq.ft. Real Estate, Bend newly stained decks. room has c offered 4 Bdrm, 3 baths • 3 bedroom, 2 bath www.johnlscottbend.com ceiling and slider to 746 MLS¹201309403 On 4.8 acres • 3.59 acres, 3600 sq.ft. Eagle Crest upper deck with hot Northwest Bend Homes Sunriverj $320,000 Large heated shop shop tub. Master bath has Properties Light & cheerful and RV area • MLS 201306453 866-722- 3370 deep soak tub, large 1526 sq.ft. www.LoveBendOreGreg Miller PC, t iled s h ower a n d 3 bedroom, 2 bath gon.com Broker, CRS, GRI 70' RV parking! New 3 double sinks. Great MLS 201303490 Kendall Couney, Broker 541-408-1511 bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. room is light and airy 541-576-4742 Jackie French, Broker ft. home coming soon! with expansive city 541-480-2269 John L. Scott Pick your colors! Gas and Cascade views. Real Estate, Bend fireplace, upgraded Kitchen is efficiently $349,000 www.johnlscottbend.com appliances and cabilaid out with granite New ConstructionLAZY RIVER SOUTH nets, t i l e flo o rs, MORRIS tile counters, newer Ideal west side,c/ose Re modeled 3535 y f enced an d la n d REAL ESTATE appliances, p a ntry to river & parkway! MORRIS Sq.ft. home with 4 3 BR+ office/bedroom or scaped, and more! I&~ dy~ ~ pp d and hardwood floorREAL ESTATE bdrm + office and 3 ing. Triple garage with den, 2.5 BA, 1889 SF. $189,900. too new for baths. Master bath NOTICE: Ultimate floor. Wired Open floor plan with MLS¹ P a m Lester, with large jetted tub & All real estate adver- Sunriverj $549,000 Brok e r , for security system. many upgrades. Wood P rincipal new tile shower. Me- tised here in is sub- 2264 sq.ft. Gol d Wired for stereo with floors, tile, granite, stain- C entury 2 1 dia room, family room, ject to th e Federal 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath less appliances, wired for Country Realty, Inc. s peakers on m a i n 541-504-1338 h uge kitchen w i t h F air Housing A c t , .30 acre hot tub & vacuum. 20246 floor i n 4 zo n e s. handcrafted cabinets which makes it illegal MLS 201400042 5-zone heating sys- NW Bronze St., Bend. The Washington, NW Courtesy to Brokers & granite counters, to advertise any preftem. Two levels of ceJack Johns, Redmond. Main floor Built bywalk-in pantry, sunerence, limitation or d ar d ecking p l us Broker, GRI master suite w/sitting Steve Elder Construction room with hot t ub. discrimination based paver patio. Plumbed 541<80-9300 Ventures, LLC room, walk-in closets Home has cedar eves on race, color, reliin humidification sys- LeeRae Call Ronda Wiltse, in all rooms, 3 bed, with copper accents. ion, sex, handicap, t em. $610, 0 0 0 541-647-4444 2.5 bath, 2147 sq ft. E xterior siding o n jamilial status or naMLS¹ 201301639 4p home, garages & tional origin, or intenJust bought a new boat? MLS¹2013'I 0072. Bobbie Strome, $ 297,900. Call J i m storage bldg have just tion to make any such Sell your old one in the Principal Broker MORRIS been painted. Watch preferences, l i mitaclassifieds! Ask about our Hinton, 541-420-6229 John L Scott Real Central Oregon Realty REAL ESTATE the wildlife from the Super Seller rates! tions or discrimination. Estate 541-385-5500 Group, LLC wrap-around deck or We will not knowingly 541-385-5809 go to your private ac- accept any advertisc ess to 300y ft o f ing for real estate Little Deschutes River which is in violation of frontage for fishing, this law. All persons swimming or floating. are hereby informed $495,000 that all dwellings adMLS¹¹201309267 vertised are available Bobbie Strome, on an equal opportuPrincipal Broker nity basis. The BulleJohn L Scott Real tin Classified Estate 541-385-5500 Premier Prineville LIVE THE RESORT Neighborhood LIFESTYLE! • 3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath Price Reduced! • 1985 sq.ft., bonus Home in Eagle Crest room W/relaxing views • Central AC - central 2818 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, vac 3 bath • Close to pool, park Chef kitchen, open and playground floor plan Shelley Arnold, broker Bring an offer! 541-771-9329 $510,000 John L. Scott Faye Phillips, Broker Real Estate, Bend 541-480-2945 www.johnlscottbend.com John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend People Lookfor Information www.johnlscottbend.com About Products and ocation Location, Lo- Services EveryDaythrough c ation! 5 B d rm, 2 The Bvlletin Classiffeds b ath, 1 6 0 0 sq . f t. manufactured home Private, Gated Estate j $1,890,000 with add-on's nestled on 6.5 acres. Living • 4801 sq.ft. home room, dining room, • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath kitchen and master • 19.54 acres suite hav e n e w er• MLS 201305564 laminate flo o ring. Odette Adair, Broker, S.T.A.R. Ideal for starter home, 541-815-4786 rental property, temporary home, while building a new home. A great private county setting. Shared well, 2 storage buildings, 400 MORRIS AMP service to home REAL ESTATE and 100 AMP service IAO A dy ~ ~ ~ d to pump house. This Ridge At Eagle Crest j is a m ust p review $234,000 property, if you do, you will see its poten- • 1419 sq.ft. Townhome tial. $212,000. MLS • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • On the Creek ¹201400038 • MLS 201302108 Bobbie Strome, Diane Lozito, Broker Principal Broker 541-548-3598 John L Scott Real 541-306-9646 Estate 541-385-5500 MANUFACTURED HOME Affordable park living Space rent includes MORRIS water & sewer REAL ESTATE New floors, windows, IAO & dy ~ & O~ d Purchas eprice$350,000,20% down,Loanamount$280,000,30yearfixed. carpet and countertops SE Bendj $319,900 Theresa Ramsay, • 2496 sq.ft. Broker • 3 bedroom, 3 bath 541-815-4442 • .19 acre, fenced yard Jumbo purchaseprice /value $s00,000 — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. John L. Scott • MLS 201309521 Offer valid as of date of ad, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. On Approved Credit. Real Estate, Bend Craig Long, Broker www.johnlscottbend.com 541-480-7647 MASTER ON MAIN • I • • I• - 2 STORY •I• I• Large 3/4 bedrooms Separate living upstairs with bonus MORRIS Gas fireplace REAL ESTATE Fenced yard IAO A dy ~ ~ ~ d Theresa Ramsay, n Broker Skyliner Summitj ou re never at'one avhen uyene doiny yocu" Eun ... 541-815-4442 $429,900 John L. Scott • 2525 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscottbend.com • .11 acre lot = 201309912 MIDTOWN CHARMER • MLS Darryl Doser, • 2 Bdrm, 1 bath MORTGAGE CORPORATION Broker, CRS Quality workmanship 541-383-4334 Gorgeous wood floors, custom cabinets casey NMIstlts445 jennifer NMIS288550 MLS ¹201310894 aura Hilton, GRI, ABR, CORPORLIC.fML-2421 CORPNMI-S>3113 541-306-1800 MORRIS John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend REAL ESTATE SW Bendj $224,900 • 1702 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .84 acre lot • MLS 201309806 Kelly Neuman, Principal Broker 541-480-2102

West Hills Beauty j $499,000 • 3109 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Cascade Mountain views • MLS 201305542 Craig Smith, Broker •

gealtor of the Year


-jI-.I:gii "yv



• 0




• Central courtyard • Large great room • Master on main level • Bright interior • Priced at$849,900 OIRECTIONS: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NWCrossing 0r., left on NW Lemhi PassDr.

2175 NW Lolo Dr. • Elegant & spacious

• Main floor abovestreet • Master on main level • Central courtyard • Pnced at$789,900


DIRECTIONS: West on Skyliners Rd., right on Mt. Washington Dr., right on NW Lolo Dr.


• l •

NorthWest Crossing LOT S



A limited number of residential lots are available jn the neWeSt PhaSe of NOrthWeSt CrOSSing. LOtS are lOCated jn the SOutheaSt COrner of the neighbOrhOOd near Skyjjn6rS Rd.

jf you are dreaming abOut aCuStOmhOmejn thiS aWardWinning Planned COmmunity, here'S anOPPOrtunity to eXeCute yOur ViSiOn. W8CanintrOduCeyou to qualified builderS and deSignerS or you Can WOrk With yOur 0Wn.

oH/. j



Bend R. Central Oregon 1900 NW Monterey Pines Dr. • Charming cottages • 2 & 3 bedroom plans • High end finishes • Central location • Homes pricedfrom$829,900 DIRECIIO!fs:West on NWNewport Ave./NW Shevlin Park Rd., right on NW

Pence Ln., left on NW Monterey Pines Dr. Property on right.

1472 NW Portland Ave. 'dl

. Ody


• Ready for 5.8 kWsolar array • Bright southern exposure • Fully remodeled, updated • View of city & Paulinas • Priced at$488,000



4 L


3 0 year fixed AP R

DIRECTIONS: West on NWNewport Ave., right on NW11th St., left on NW Portland Ave.

19492 Century Dr. • Striking architecture • Master on mainlevel • 11-ft great room ceiling • On road to Mt. Bachelor • Priced at$524,909 DIRECTIONS: From Parkway exit right on Colorado Blvd., left on SW Century Dr., watch for frontage road on right.

15year fixed A P R

19036 Mt. Shasta Dr. • Three Pinesluxury • Master on main level • Large openkitchen • Courtyard & patio • Priced at$814,900

4.375y/o 4.566y/o 3.375y/o 3.599y/o Jumb030yearfixed4.875% APR5.065%





541 323 2191

M O~


19121 Chiloquin Dr. • Absolutely like new • 4-car garage • Luxurious finishes • Bonus room & office • Priced at$549,900 DIRECTIONS: West on MWShevlin Park Rd.,dghtonNW Park Commons Dr., right on MWChiloquin Dr.





WWWaeademymot'tgage. <Om

371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite1,Bend, OR 97702

IA p M d y ~

DIRECTIOMS: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on MW Park CommonsDr., left on Mt. Jefferson Pl., right on Mt. Shasta Dr.


• •






A •



e • •


I ~ Expansive northeasterly views of the Ochoco

• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing tonational forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking or dining and shopping Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com

Mountains and Pilot Butte

• .29 of acre lot in Rivers Edge ~ This homesite offers 120 feet in widt h

providing opportunity for many design options

• Near river trail, golf, shopping and schools

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

• Beautiful home in Summer Creek, 2 bed, den, 2 bath

• Spacious great room w/gas fireplace • Gorgeous custom kitchen w/abundant cherry

cabinets, granite counters & SS appliances • French doors lead to large, private rear deck • Double garage with storage • Lots of curb appeal & yard maintenance provided! MLS¹201309892

Call Sue Price, Broker l 541-408-7742

CallBr!8 Ladd, PrincipalBroki i 541-408-3912




New Master-Planned Townhome PahlischHomes Development in Midtown! • 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $252,500 • 4 unitsnow underconstruction • Price includes custom level finishes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energy e%cient construction • Locationsupportsthe active Bend lifestyle with easy accessto parks trails river and downtown www.sthStreetCottages.com

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

' •s

• e 8• 8

• • 8 •

Il' ,tl

• This desirable single level home is located in Mountain High • Spacious open floor plan with wonderful golf course views • The living room features large view windows and cozy gas fireplace. • The kitchen is light and bright with a wonderful breakfast nook/sitting area • Expansive outdoor living space is perfect for entertaining MLS¹20131118 Call Shelly Swanson, Brokeri 541-408-0086




• 4 bed, 3 bath, 1903 SF • Updated appliances and windows • Clean & well maintained; large fireplace • Upstairs loft with built-in bunk style beds • Perfect vacation rental property • Sold fully furnished MLS¹201400495 Deb Tebbs, Broker/President l 541-419-4553 debtebbsgroup@ bendluxuryhomes.com i www.debtebbsgroup.com

I •



Call Myra Glrod, BrokJPi 541-815-2400JP Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

• '. • •

Call CJ Neumann, Broker 541%10-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Broker 541-610-9697 www.CJLisa.com www.bendpropertysource.com• br!anebendpropertysource.com

a e



• Stunning NW architecture • 4 bedrooms, 4 baths • Five acre home site with sweeping Cascade Mountain views • Oversized 3-car garage, room on the property for shop, RV storage • Immaculate mature landscaping, grounds MLS¹201308171

11 Unit Apartment Complex Near St. Charles • Great rental history • Terrific investment

• 90% occupied MLS¹201310762

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSi 541408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist


S •

• •

• 4 bedrooms 2.5 baths, 2822 SF • Gourmet kitchen and formal dining room • Master on the main • Wood/slate floors with granite counter tops • Two living areas plus huge bonus room • Lovelyfrontporch and private fenced backyard 1857 NW Remarkable


Call Myra Glrod, Brokerl 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767 myra. amteam@cascadesir.com

• • •

• New construction on level 1+ Acre lot • Stunning Northwest style w/

high end finishes • Open great room floor plan, comfortable yet elegant • Master+ Den on main level, 3 additional bedrooms up • Oversized 3-car garage & 3 outdoor living areas • Gated community w/tennis courts, clubhouse & trails MLS¹201303701

• 102 acres with 100 acres COI Irrigation • Custom home 3611 SF, 3 bed, 3.5 bath with quality finishes • Cascade Mountains Smith Rock views • 3-car garage with upstairs office & finished 4-car garage • Shop with RV storage • 4 stall barn with corrals and outdoor arena • 2nd home 1156 SF, 3 bed, 2 bath MLS¹201304005

San%y Koh!moos, Broker, GRI, CRSi 541-408-4309

R . .R Call Pam Mayo Phillips & Isrook Havens, Principal


Brokers i 541-923-1376 www.desertvalleygroup.com

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist




• 8200 SF situated on 18+ acres, joins BLM land • 6 bedrooms, 4.5 baths • 4 ponds, water feature, paver walks and patios • Stunning perennial gardens • 12,000 bottle wine cellar • Barn with guest quarters, stalls, paddocks, corrals • Also available: Cinder Lakes Ranch Equestrian Facility, 160 acres MLS¹201307124

Call Ron Davis, Principal Brokerl 541480-3096


Call Kelly HoWon, IIroker l 541-508-9163

• Rare development opportunity • 75 acres near Bend • Approved 2400 ft. grass airstrip • Two hangars, large barn, shop • 2136 SF 3 bedroom, 3 bath home in beautiful setting • Potential to build four additional homes





, ITiI


• • •

• Perfect as a principal I~Lsg% ~ residence or a 2nd home wg • 3095 SF, .34 acre • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Master suite and den on the main level • Many upgraded features, premium appliances • Oversized 3-car garage MLS¹201306975 Sandy Kohlmoos,Broker,GRI,CRS l541-408-4309


Call Mary Stratton, Broker, GRIi541-419-6340



• Don't miss this stunning end unit townhome in NW Crossing - hasonly been used asasecond home •Lotsofupgradeshavebeenadded to make thisawarm inviting homefor the demanding buyer,2220SF • Master on mainlevel, 2 nice sized bdrms &full bath upstairs •Home hasamplestorageand aniceoversized 2-cargarage •NW Crossinghasniceparks,easyaccesstoschools& downtown MLS¹201311030 2499 NW Crossing

myra. amteam©cascades!r.com

• Stunning Shevlin Ridge • One levelhome • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3456 SF • Mountain inspired custom home • Upscale popular neighborhood • Gorgeous craftsmanship • Large kitchen, living space • Large 3-car garage MLS¹201310941 Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541<08-3912

• 4 bedrooms, 3 baths • 3040 SF immaculate condition • Built-ins + Upgrades • Huge loft area • Two patios - fire pit + water feature • Community pool & park MLS¹201310897

61277 Splendor • 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Beautiful slate entry and wood floors throughout! • Craft room, office, bonus room, plus exercise room • Formal dining and separate kitchen dining area! • Great room with gas fireplace! • Huge, private, fenced, manicured yard - lots of flowers! • Tandem 4-car garage - room for toys & shop! MLS¹201310596



Exceptional Offering! • 160 ac. world class equestrian center • 117 stalls, Cascade Mountain views • 2 indoor arenas - cutting and reining • 36 stall heated Mare Barn • 40 ac. hay and 20 ac. Triticale • 40 ac. COI Irrigation, shared well • 2 caretaker homes on the property MLS¹201307133

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker,CRSi 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

• • • • • •


7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River 8< golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000

www.crosswaterriverretreat.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales 541-408-3912 l brianebendpropertysource.com





16293 Green Forest Rd, La Pine( $129,900

• '' as

Sunstone Solar Townhomes ) $165,000

• 3 bedroom, 2 baths, built in 1999 • 1512 SF,1.05 acres • Privacy & serenity are yours! • Great manufactured home sits at the end of a quiet street & borders large densely covered acreage • 2 exterior storage sheds and a fenced backyard.


2855 SW 31stSt,Redmond

• Uniquetownhomeoffering passive solardesign • Contemporary style with privatesun deckandfencedbackyard • Open kitchen andliving areawith southfacingorientation • Hardwood floors andvaulted ceilings • 3 bd, 3 ba, double carattached garagewithspaciousdriveway • Near Costco,Medicalandschools


( $198,000




719 NE Quince Ave, Redmond ~ $169,000 • 1665 SF, 3bed, 2bath home • Office and formal dining that is currently usedasabedroom • Large masterwith walk-in closet • Sunk-in living room with gasfireplace • Coffered ceilings inmasterand formal diningroom • Short sale subjectto 3rdparty approval MLS¹20140063B

• 3 bed, 2 bath immaculate home • Large open floor plan • Meticulously landscaped fenced .21 acre lot • Auto sprinklers, hot tub

hookups and garden shed • Across from Umatilla Park MLS¹201400110

Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR,Green l 541-7884861 www.silviaknight.com bendluxuryhomes@ gmaiLcom

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

Call Chamese Christianson, Brokerl 541-279-9879

Call Chamese Christianson, Brokerl 541-279-9879



Glacier Ridge: 3332 NE Palmer Dr. I $210,000

Lot in Super Hot Tetherow ( $235,000

69322 Hackamore ( $236,500

5330 SE Hilltop Rd, Prineville ) $239,000

• Open bright floor plan,

Lot 33 on Cozy Dryer Court • Flat, easy to build lot is tucked into the eastern edge of Tetherow, called The Glen, allowing for privacyand quiet but close enough to all the amenities Tetherow has to offer • Tetherow community is more than an award winning golf course, it offers open spaces, miles of trails and direct access to Deschutes National Forest just minutes from downtown Bend! MLS¹201310156


• 3 bed + 2 bath, 1200 SF • Gas fireplace, bay windows • Master w/backyard sliding dooi

• Great Pilot Butte views • Close to hospital &


Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541408-3912

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164

www.bendpropertysource.comz brian¹¹bendpropertysource.com


More Than A Place To Live ~ $279,900





Rhondagarri son.cascadesothebysrealty.com


Newport Hills: 1233 NW18th St. ( $415,000

60481 Coffee Ct. ( $464,750

garage • Open kitchen, great room

• Single level home 1864 SF ' • 3 bed + 2 bath • Close to college, shopping .

• Desirable westside location

Yardley Estates Craftsman ( $364,000 • Beautifully crafted new construction • Single-level with great bedroom layout • Flexspace+ amplestorageon lower level • Extensi ve use ofwoods tile & granite • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2052 SF • MLS¹201 309371

• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse • RV hookups inside & out, 100 amp breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend

• Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV • MLS¹201105898

Call Joanne McKee, Brokerl 541%80-5159

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers


541-312-4042 l www TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Fully Rented 4-Plex ) $495,000

On the Rim Whychus Creek "Sisters" f $645,000

• All units 3 beds,1.5baths, 124BSF • All units have single or double

•Cus tom home,3bed,2.5bath • Single level2773SF • Open floorplanw/upgrades • Stunningviews,2.5acres • Largebackdeck • Oversized 2-cargarage MLS¹20131 0275

garage • All units remodeledin the past 6 years •Clo setohospitalandshopping • Solid investment • 1851 NE Witchita Way MLS¹201310&15

Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker 541-948-5196 www.PointswestBend.com

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352 ken.renner¹¹sothebysrealty.com


1265 NW Remarkable Dr. ( $829,900

New Home in Tetherow! ) $869,000

Located on Mirror Pond! ( $1,299,000

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912 www.bendpropertysource.com• brian¹¹bendpropertysource.com

• 4bed,3bath,3381 SF • 10 irrigated acres w/wheel line • Cascade views • Shop 1 - 2 car garage+ office

• RemarkableAddress.. Rem arkableView • 3524SF,4bed,3bathhomesitsontopof the world witha180degreeviewof the CentralOregonHighDesert • 1'ravertineentryleadsupto expansiveviews ,' • Ifftchen w/cheri cabi y netry&aformal diningarea • Outsideiswrap-aroundfront deck • Masteronmain level withsoakertub • Downstairsareawith bararea • 3-cargarage,fencedbackyardw/hottub


• Shop 2 - 5 cargarage • 2 ponds MLS¹201308637

17940 Parkway Lane ( $350,000

• New construction,luxurytownhome • 4bedroom,3.5bathroom • 2540 SF &2-carattached garage • Granite, hardwood &tile throughout • Easyliving in apark-likesetting • Ownerprivilegesat Seventh Mountain Resort • Next to WidgiCreek&theDeschutes RiverTrail MLS¹201307670

• Large corner lot, 3-car

:%lj' 'Q,

Nvandenborn¹¹gmail .com

Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812

Call Rhonda Garrison, PrincipalBrokerl 541-279-1768

Close to Town Country Living ( $815,000

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Brokerl 541-508-9581

541-480-4186 l melanie¹¹melaniemaitre.com

• 4bedroom,3 bath, 2394SF • Large entertainment areadownstairs • 2,5 acres fenced&crossfenced • 10x20storageshed&loafing shed • ConcreteRVpad &alarge driveway • Bring thehorsesor4-Hprojects MLS¹2013039B1



Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO

Whispering Pines! ( $296,500

• 2092 SF, 3 bed, 2.5 bath • Great room w/gas fireplace • Bonus room with vaulted ceiling and window seat • New upgraded siding & paint • Covered patio/fenced backyard .n;::-'p =. MLS¹201400383

• Light, biight1971 SFhome, 3beds,2 baths on5acres,roomfor RV , ffrepit • Gardentubin mastersuite • Greatroomw/vaulted ceilings, Mt. Bachelorviewsfromkitchen • Woodstove&bonusroomcomplete w/ pool table,bar&stools • 36x48finishedshop,12' RVdoor, workbench &shelves • Greenhouse,shedw/concrete ffoor, playhouse w/bunkbeds, playstructure, dog kennelDecks . on3sides.

• Great home inTollgate in Sisters, OR • 3 bedroom,1466SFsingle level home • New roof, new flooring, new windows, large great room,new septic onwonderful lot that backs to National Forest : • Community offers clubhouse, pool, basketball courts &endlesstrails MLS¹201304627



Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812

• Stones throw from downtown Bend

• 3,078 SF., 3-car garage • Backs to 12th fairway w/ private and treed yard

• Elegant finishes, 3 bedrooms, 4 baths • Remodeled down to studs in 2006 • 10 NW Drake Rd. • MLS¹201306173 Call for a Personal Tour!

• Includes full membership to Tetherow a

• February completion 1

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019



www.bendpropertysource.com• brianf¹bendpropertysource.com


/• •

• Cute single level home

• Unbeatable location in town, on river

in newer community

• 2 bed/2 bath+ office, 1960 SF

• 3 bed, 2 baths • Nice family room with fireplace • Formal living Br dining room perfect for family gatherings and entertaining • Slate entry Br fireplace surround • Oversized 3-car garage MLS¹201310187 .R

• Covered garage parking + carport space • Also boasts Cascade Mountain & park views • Recently remodeled contemporary style • Large deck with room tci BBQ & dine



• 4 bedrooms (2 main level suites), 3 baths • 3299 SF, .24 acre • One owner custom home with many quality features • Open, inviting great room, additional family room • 3-car tandem garage/ 2 with storage • Surround sound, radiant in-floor heat, heat pump, central A/C, wired for security. Call for more info!


Call Greg Yeakel, Principal Brokerl 541-408-7733 or Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406

8 •8



Call Laura Blossey, Brokerl 949-887-4377 laura.blossey¹¹sothebysrealty.com

• 8• 8

• Beautifully upgraded and maintained • More than 1200 SF of decking • Quiet cul-de-sac on Awbrey Butte • Jaw-dropping mountain views • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 4470 SF MLS¹201400706 H

Call Silvia KnighVBroker, ABR,SFR,Green l 541-7884861 www.silviaknight.com bendluxuryhomes@ gmail.com

Call The Norma DMBois & Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 www TeamNormaAndJulie.com

• 8•

Peaceful Sunriver Location ( $439,900

• 1761 (¹1 3 0)Sparks Lane,Sunriver • 4 bed/2.5 bath,23B5SF •Deckson l evelsand lotsofpaved parking area • Charming greatroom design • Lava rock fireplace,vaulted wood ceiling • Close to SHARC aquatic & the



Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 www.gregsellscentraloregon.com

• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade View • Gourmet kitchen, built-lns • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator MLS¹201311003

• 5 bedroom,5.5baths, 7071SF on 1 acre •Breathtaking Cascade Mtn views from this luxuryhome • Great room'svaulted ceiling and fireplacearematchedbychef's kitchenw/separate entertainer's island andtheff nestappliances •Master on main boastssitting room andspaciousbath • Grand theater room,winecellar, fitness roomw/steam shower, private luxury guestsuite, full bar andrec roomfor fungatherings • Large viewdeckonfront MLS¹201307313

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

Call Laura Blossey, Brokerl 949-887-4377

www.bendpropertysource.comz brian¹¹bendpropertysource.com


• 8






eI I

¹I I

8 Quail - Sunriver ) $515,000 • Complete Remodel • Great room • Sun room • Master on Main Level • Hardwood • SS Appliances • 2 decks, patio, hot tub • Terrific rental history • MLS¹201303390


Jffl '

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352 ken.renner¹¹sothebysrealty.com

a I




• '

• •

eI I


e •

The Winter EditiOn Of our MagaZine available now OnStandS or Online at









Recreational Homes • Lots Lots Acreages & Property Northwest Contempo 80' RV parking! 1616 NEW HOME, 3 bdrm, 145040 Hw y 31 Want to move in and 15002 R o b er t Rd. Ridge At Eagle Crest j Beautiful and peaceful rary w/p a noramic sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath 2.5 bath + office, 1936 $135,000. 5 ac, 2 bd, enjoy life? This Ma- 18745 Clear Springs $ 69,900. 8.54 a c , waterfront property, $99,900 views. Walls of win home with dbl. gasq. ft., gas heat, gas 36x40 shop, sheds. dras home is loaded Way - Panoramic Mtn well, cleared sites. • .38 acre lot 21 acres with Casdows and luxurious rage, gas fireplace, range, gas fireplace, High Lakes Realty & with upgrades. Well views set the stage for High Lakes Realty & • Views to north and cade m t n vi e w s. finishes t h roughout pantry, split bedroom fenced, insulated ga- Property M a n age- maint. and boasts a this 1-level woodsy Property M a n age- east $450,000. MLS this gorgeous custom floorplan with great rage door w/opener. ment 541-536-0117 large tiled entry way, retreat. Ideal for fam- ment 541-536-0117 • Close to upper ath201310537. John L. home. $799,900 MLS room concept. $229,900. MLS¹ 145055 Birchwood ceiling fans, recessed ily looking for extra letic facility Scott Rea l E s tate ¹201307976 Pam ighting, large l o f t space & privacy. 3.7% 5 1881 Fordham D r . • MLS 201307552 541-548-1712 $179,900. MLS 201309300 Nice 840SF, larea, $ 25,000. Ready t o Eagle Crest Properties 201309527 Pam Lester, Principal Bro- $49,950. a master bdrm Greg Floyd PC, Broker assumable loan build. High Lakes Re2 bd, new well. High 866-722- 3370 Lester, Principal Bro- ker Century 21 Gold Lakes Realty & Prop- with w a lk-in closet, makes 541-390-5349 it even USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 8 Property ManCentury 21 Gold Country Realty, Inc. window cov e rings sweeter. S e p arate alty erty Man agement Spacious & P r i vate! ker, agement Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 throughout. Garage is Door-to-door selling with 541-536-0117 BONUS a p artment $154,500. Sun-filled, 541-504-1338 s finished with ceiling (576 sq) above 3-car 541-536-0117 fast results! It's the easiest expansive deck, 2.31 N ice and q uiet N W BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS storage rack and you garage creates a livacres. Large kitchen, B uild Y o u r Dr e a m Redmond property. 3 way in the world to sell. E state living i n T h e have great views from Search the area's most ing space of o v er MORRIS Home 2584 sf 2 impressive m a ster bdrm, 2 bath, 1576 Highlands at Broken back deck. VA as- 2500 sf. Many upREAL ESTATE bathroom. story home w/4bd/2ba sq. ft. on 2.8 acres. comprehensive listing of the The Bulletin Classified sumable if e l igible. grades including oak Top 10 acres, gated, MLS¹201310389. Updated w/laminate Beautiful mature land- classified advertising... private well, utilities at 541-385-5809 $124,500 MLS¹ floors 8 ca b inets, lot, app fo r c ap-fill Call Gail Day, floor, ne w c a r pet, scaping and yard. 48' real estate to automotive, 201304344 Ridge At Eagle Crest j 541-306-1018 modern kitchen, Blaze x 24' two bay insu- merchandise to sporting Heather Hockett, PC, granite countertops, septic. $53 5 ,000. Prineville j $99,000 $99,900 S/S appliances & a Central Oregon Realty K ing stove & n e w lated and heated shop goods. Bulletin Classifieds Broker, Century 21 2012 0 0937 • Cascade Mountain • 2.04 acres w oodstove. La r g e MLS¹ composition roof on w/220V. Recent paint appear every day in the Group, LLC Pam Lester, Principal Gold Country Realty, picture windows exviews • Cascade Mountain print or on line. & attached car- too! Plenty of room for B roker Century 2 1 • .32 to .36 acre lots 541-420-9151 views Updated! Owner will home tend the length of this Gold Property con- h orses, RV's a n d Call 541-385-5809 Country Realty, carry - 3 b d rm, 2 port. • Golf, pool, tennis & • Crooked River views 3 bed 2 bath home. A sists of 62 acres, 51 MLS www.bendbulletin.com • MLS 2704850 bath, 1440 sq.ft., on acres of COI flood ir- toys! 757 trails must see! $360,000. Inc. 541-504-1338 ¹201308783 .34 acre. Large deck r igation. S W • MLS 201301147 JJ Jones, Broker Crook County Homes MLS¹ 201306185. R e d The Bulletin Great Investment j 541-610-7318 and oversized garage/ mond w/good access John L. Scott Real Sening Central Oregonsince19IB Christy HartmanCall Linda Estate 541-548-1712 $249,900 shop. $119 , 900. to Hwy 97. DeCourcey, Broker 541-788-3678 Recently r e modeled, (541) 815-0606 145055 Birchwood • Deschutes River & MLS¹ 201 3 08373 ¹201309549. $799,000 Roomy single l e vel Cascade Realty clean and well laid out $49,950. Nice 840SF, Pilot Butte views Pam Lester, Principal John L. Scott Real home on large lot in 2 bd, new well. High single level home on a • Build in Bend's best B roker Century 2 1 Estate 541-548-1712 S tonehedge. O p e n Lakes Realty & Prop- very private 4.6 acre kept secret Gold Country Realty, lot. New paint in and Lots floor plan with vaulted Ma n agement • .37 acre lot Inc. 541-504-1338 Cascade mountain view living room, f amily erty out, newwer laminate, MORRIS 541-536-0117 • MLS 201307954 this charming 3 room, kitchen feaMORRIS carpet & flo o ring,$25,000 - $65,000. Corner lot 1380 sq. ft., 3 form REAL ESTATE Bonnie Savickas, bedroom, 2 bath 146532 Old Cabin REAL ESTATE bdrm, 2 bath, vaulted home on .51 acres. tures plenty of cabin- $160,000. 3 bd, 2 ba, Stainless appliances, S pectacular lots i n I&~ tly~ ~ ~ d Broker, EPRO, SRES ceilings, gas heat, and Good etry, eating counter, heat pump, hot tub. centra heat, l a rge Yarrow s u bdivision, 541-408-7537 cond i tion. the newer developWest Powell Butte Espantry, dining concrete patio. Fully double car garage. $194,300. MLS large Shevlin Commons Lot tates, gated commuLakes Realty & landscaped yard, at- ment in the east hills area with access to High $156,900. MLS 201308901. John L. M a n age- tached double garage of Madras. Very near j $239,000 nity, mtn. views, prihuge back deck. Property 201309158 Rea l E s tate the • .25 acre lot vate well, paved roads and detached shop the new aquatic CenPam Lester, Principal Scott Master bed r o om ment 541-536-0117 541-548-1712 • Cascade Mountain with access to BLM. separation from addi- 14746 C a mbium with large atached ter, middle school and B roker Century 2 1 view MORRIS MLS $169,000 Gold Country Realty, Custom Built Home on tional two bedrooms. $110,000. 3 bd+ den, carport/RV area, stor- COCC campus. Home • Close to Shevlin Park ID YARROW Eagle REAL ESTATE 201305077 . Pa m 698 Acres - 2692 sf 4 Two offices or hobby multiple outbuildings. age shed on top of Inc. 541-504-1338 • MLS 201301093 Lester, Principal BroProp e rties home w/lots rooms. Landscaped High Lakes Realty & 5000 g al . p o t able Crest Just bought a new boat? bd/3bath Don Kelleher, Broker, ker Century 21 Gold of windows providing front and back with Property M a n age- water concrete cis- 866-722-3370 Sell your old one in the 541-480-1911 Hager Mountain Estates Country Realty, Inc. t ern. Al l o n fu l l y LOTS FOR SALE classifieds! Ask about our Cascade mountain & fenced back yard that ment 541-536-0117 541-504-1338 Smith Rock v iews. has lots of trees for fenced lot with auto- AD ¹3132 - 1/2 Acre 4 lots, $25,000 each loSuper Seller rates! Hackamore matic gate. $215,000. near Big Deschutes cated in Silver Lake. Only 6 m i les f rom privacy. Forced air 151628 541-385-5809 $244,900. C u s t om Underground power Redmond. 40 acres of gas with central air MLS 201309890 w/wo r k John L Scott Realty, River The Greens at Red- flood & wheel line ir- cond. $199,900. MLS 1 325 s f and conduitfor phone Manufactured/ AD ¹3142 - .51 Acre and internet. Views of shops.. High Lakes 541-548-1712. mond. Large bonus rig. All set up for cattle 2 01310177 John L . MORRIS Mobile Homes corner lot septic ap P r o perty room, canal v iews. w/cross fences 8 cor- Scott Rea l E s tate Realty & Hager Mountain. SepREAL ESTATE proved. Management Golf comm u nity rals. Private pond. 541-548-1712 tic feasibility for stanAD ¹3152 1.4 Acre FACTORY SPECIAL 541-536-0117 $279,000. MLS¹ Call a Pro d ard system. T h e Seclusion & privacy + New Home, 3 bdrm, fully fenced and gated area is a sportsman's SHEVLIN RIDGE 201308079 wildlife on this prop- Single Level Home in 152671 Long PrairieWhether you need a A D ¹3172 - 5 A c r e $46,500 finished 17,000 Sq.ft. Iot, apVicci Bowen paradise. erty. ¹ 20 1 301950. SW Redmond - Open $249,000. 4 bd, 3.55 on your site. backs BLM and mtn proved plans. More 541-410-9730 great room, ample ac, horse barn, arena. fence fixed, hedges Bobbie Strome, $560,000. J and M Homes views details and photos on Central Oregon Realty kitchen cabinets, spa- High Lakes Realty & trimmed or a house Principal Broker John L. Scott Real 541-548-5511 AD ¹3042 - 2. 1 Acre craigslist. $149,900. cious back yard. Property Group, LLC John L Scott Real Estate 541-548-1712 M a n age- built, you'll find riverfront p r o perty, Estate 541-385-5500 541-389-8614 $149,900. ment 541-536-0117 LOT MODEL $189,000 - Wonderful professional help in OWC MLS¹201311058. LIQUIDATION c halet w it h gr e a t USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Tetherow Lot j AD ¹3192 15951 Tallwood Ct .63 Acre L ot 1 0 Call Jim Hinton, The Bulletin's "Call a Gr o s s D r . Prices Slashed Huge views of 2 fairways & $299,000 canyon rim, S m ith $49,500. 1 acre just $214,900. 3 bd, 3 ba, Service Professional" 541-420-6229 Savings! 10 Year the mountains. Wood Door-to-door selling with Central • .43of an acre bonus room, shop. Rock views. Oregon Realty outside Sunriver. High conditional warranty. burning fireplace, ex- fast results! It's the easiest the 13th Directory AD ¹3072 - .55 Acre High Lakes Realty & Group, LLC Lakes Realty 8 Prop- • Overlooking Finished on your site. hole pansive deck & knotty way in the world to sell. Property M a n age- 541-385-5809 Awbrey Butte, great erty Man a gement• Cascade ONLY 2 LEFT! pine finishes throughviews S ingle s tory h o m e ment 541-536-0117 views. 541-536-0'I 17 Redmond, Oregon out. MLS¹ 201307239 • MLS 2809519 The Bulletin Classified loaded wit h upAD ¹3022 - 39 Acres 541-548-5511 Eagle Crest 762 Deborah Benson PC, grades. 1550 sq.ft., 3 1 6045 Strawn R d with exquisite views! Lot 22 Gray Squirrel541-385-5809 2 bd, 1 ba, Homes with Acreage AD ¹3012 - 8.89 Acre JandMHomes.com Properties Broker, GRI, bdrm, 2 bath, plus an $73,000. $22,000. Nice treed .6 866-722- 3370 Preview Specialist Custom Home on 5.91 o ffice/den. Lan d - .84 ac, ready for TLC. fully f enced h o rse acre lot near river. Lakes Realty & Motivated Seller! Nice property 780 541-480-6448 with garden High High Lakes Realty & $244,000 - Recreate all Ac, P owell B u tte. scaped Property M a n ageMfd Jllllobile Homes 36x4 0 area. $169,900 MLS¹ 3 bdrm ranch- style AD ¹3162 - 8.34 Acre Property M a n ageyear round when you $ 339,900. ment 541-536-0117 woodstove 8 201308225 Pam house with a nice floor NE Bend homsite with Land ment 541-536-0117 own this lovely 3 bed, shop, plan, country kitchen, AD ¹3182 - .21 Acre in 2.5 bath Forest Green Jacuzzi tub, main floor Lester, Principal Bro- 16160 Amber Lane suite. ker Century 21 Gold $139,900. 3 bd beauty nice brick fireplace, West Bend Lot 2 C h apman St. 2 Mfd. homes currently townhome. Fully fur- master Realty, Inc. High Lakes Realty & nestled on 4+ acres AD ¹3122 - 9 Acre pris $ 69,000. 2.8 6 a c . MORRIS used a s ren tals. n ished 8 r e ady t o MLS¹201307493 Call Country 541-504-1338 tine Tumalo lot Vicci Bowen, Property M a n age- Powell Butte q u iet Water, elect, campProperty has a ton of move-in! REAL ESTATE 541-410-9730 TEAM Birtola Garmyn ment 541-536-0117 country lane. Fenced, sites. High Lakes Repotential. First home MLS¹201310566 Central Oregon Realty Spacious Home in The 1643 High Desert Realty alty 8 Property Manis built i n 1 973, 2 Eagle Crest Yoke Rd. corral, shed, s hop 541-312-9449 Cliffs I $ 2 79,000 Group, LLC 773 along with storagement bdrm, 1 bath, and the Properties $369,500. 2188 sf, 10 area, Light & bright interior, www.BendOregon age rooms. 2 acres ir541-536-0'I 17 866-722- 3370 Acreages second home is built Golf Course Home huge walk-in pantry, acres, 40x60 shop. rig., mtn and Smith RealEstate.com in 1998, 2 bdrm, 2 Aspen Lakes, 3366 sq three car tandem ga- High Lakes Realty 8 $263,900 - A great 2 Rock views. Local Nice flat lot in Terrebbath. The homes are 32.42 Acres in Urban ft on golf course a Property M a n age$135,000 Prime lot, rage. MLS b edroom 2. 5 b a t h fabulous home! MLS small Powell Butte easy to build. Smith onne, .56 a c res, Growth B o u ndary, on a t otal o f 4 . 15 ¹ 201308975. Call ment 541-536-0117 home to relax in while Charter School. Cen- R ock views & M t . p aved street, a p - Adjacent t o The acres. Storage buildVicci Bowen, 16565 Beesley Pl staying at Eagle Crest ¹201309707. tral location commut- Hood on a clear day. proved fo r c a p -fill Greens, kitty corner to ings, carports. Nice 541-410-9730 Resort. Enjoy all the $829,000 3 bd, 2.5 ing distance to Bend, Enjoy Central Oregon septic, utilities at lot new Ridgeview High clean property. MLS John L. Scott Real Central Oregon Realty $209,000. amenities Eagle Crest Estate ba, 1800 sf, 2 car gar. Prineville & Redmond. living $42,000. MLS School. $ 7 5 0,000. ¹201306120. 541-548-1712 at Eagle Crest ¹line. Group, LLC has to of fer! High Lakes Realty & Not a bad package at Resort. 2012001172 P a m MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 $139,900 MLS¹201306058 Great Location South of The Davis, NW RedProperty M a n age- $ 279,900! 1052 5 MLS¹201310588 Lester, Principal Bro- Pam Lester, Principal Cascade Realty, Eagle Crest Town - Great bones in mond - Open great ment 541-536-0117 F leming Rd. Cal l ker, Century 21 Gold Broker, Century 21 Dennis Haniford, Eagle Crest Properties t his 3bdrm 2 b a t h room, tons of cabinet 1715 Mare C ourt Heather Hockett, PC, Country Realty, Inc. Gold Country Realty, Principal Broker Properties 866-722- 3370 h ome. 1920 s q f t space in kitchen, 2nd Broker, Century 21 541-504-1338 541-536-1731 Inc. 541-504-1338 866-722-3370 $145,000. 1809 SF, 3 utility room floor laundry room, 3 Ig bd, 30x60 shop. Gold Country Realty, $265,000 I Greens At w/large w hich could b e a Redmond. G o l fing (den or 4th bed- High Lakes Realty & 541-420-9151 room too. bed community. S i n g le computer room), 2.5 bath, 1929 Property M a n age-Overlooking Step down vaulted the level with bonus room. living room w/wood- sq ft. $291,000. ment 541-536-0117 Crooked River Gorge, 1850 Sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 stove. Attached large Call Jim Hinton, 2.78 acres with a darImmaculate home on 541-420-6229 bath, R V sp a c e. & 2-car garage. Central Oregon Realty ling cabin finished on the rim features a Backs to 5th tee box. shop the inside with knotty spacious & open great 5 41-977-7756 D e e Oil monitor for heatGroup, LLC w/above ground pine. 2 bedrooms, 1 room design, a large Baker, Broker ing oil tan k . MLS The Jefferson - NW full bath. Living room bonus room with a full 541-923-4663 201306715. $299,000 Redmond - $299,000. & kitchen. Has pull bath, a spa c ious Windermere C e n tral John L. Scott Real ka1 Desirable NW neigh- down ladder to attic or master, large guest Oregon Real Estate Estate 541-548-1712 borhood, single level, loft; propane heater + bdrms, newer paint, $325,000 - Our finest of Large Bonus Room 3 bdrm, 2. 5 b a th, wood stove that would carpet and flooring inthe chalets with a ga- $ 224,900. Lots o f 2020 sq ft. need to be removed side and new exterior rage! Many upgrades, natural light. 4 Bd, 1 MLS¹201306374 by the buyers. 2 car paint, a circular drive, built-ins of knotty pine. Ba, spacious rooms, Call J i m Hi n ton, 24x36 garage, shop immac. landscaping Immaculate condition freshly painted. Dual 541-420-6229 area plus 10x20 stor- with irrigation system, with extra large deck p antries. C a l l J i m Central Oregon Realty age shed and new a fenced and irrigated facing east and on the Hinton, 541-420-6229 well house. 1.78 acres garden area, chicken Group, LLC 10th fairway of t he Central Oregon Realty fully fenced. coop, attached gaRidge. MLS¹ T he W i ndsor, N W $129,000. MLS¹ rage with shop space, Group, LLC 201302668 Redmond - Main floor 201304905. Cascade central heat, pellet Eagle Crest Needs some TLC! 3/2, den/4th bedroom, lots Realty, Dennis Hani- stove and excellent Properties 1136 sq. ft . s i ngle of natural light, eating ford, Princ. Broker privacy. MLS 866-722- 3370 story home on almost bar in kitchen, land- 541-536-1731 ¹201308441 1/3 acres lot, vinyl scaping, 3 bedroom, John L. Scott Real $359,900 - Northwest windows, dbl. garage, 2.5 baths, 2235 sq ft. 51375 Evans Way C raftsman home i n $69,500. A- f r ame, Estate 541-548-1712 $305,000. plenty of room for RVs private gated commu- $99,900. outbldgs, RV hook-up. Call Jim Hinton, MLS nity at Eagle Crest. 201310719. High Lakes Realty 8 541-420-6229 Pam Reverse-living f l oor Lester, Principal Bro- Central Oregon Realty Property M a n ageplan thoughffully de- ker, Century 21 Gold ment 541-536-0117 Group, LLC signed to capture gor- Country Realty, Inc. Whi s pering geous views of the 541-504-1338 Too many upgrades to 52360 Pines - $105,000. 4 mtns, landscape 8 list! in this 1946 sq. ft. bd/2 ba, 1755 sf, 1.27 360' View/Top of Butte tree tops. NEW CON STRUC- 3 b d rm, 2 y 2 b a t h High Lakes Re- in Terrebonne. Home, MLS¹201309730. TION! Split m aster home. Landscaped, ac. & Property Man- shop, mansion building Eagle Crest floor plan, 3 bedroom, fenced, in a q u i et alty site. 2% to broker. See: Properties 2 bath, 1640 sq.ft., tile cul-de-sac. $239,900. agement 541-536-0117 bend.craiqslist.org/reo/ 866-722- 3370 floors/backsplash. RV MLS 201 3 10535. 4277186021.html parking. $ 1 84,900. 5 2817 Bridge D r Pam Lester, Principal 360 Acres of Fenced MLS¹ 201 3 0 1880 Broker, Century 21 $174,500. 1809 SF, 3 Extremely well mainRangeland - Only 20 Pam Lester, Principal Gold Country Realty, bd, private 1.2 acres. tained 3 bdrm, 2 bath miles from Madras. Broker Century 21 Inc. 541-504-1338 High Lakes Realty & 2208 sq. ft . s i ngle Flat to s teeper toCountry Realty, Property M a n age- story home on 4.9 flat pography w/natural Gold Inc. 541-504-1338 Very motivated seller. ment 541-536-0117 acres. rock fireplace, grass vegetation. PoAt EVergreen Home LOanS, We're PaSSiOnate abOut hOme Beautiful home in SW dbl. garage, gas firetential for a stock well New construction 3 61746 Rock V i ew Redmond with very & the property has bdrm, 2 bath, 1705 motivated seller. This $99,700. Home, shop, place, central air & finanCing. We knoW yOur home iS muCh mOre than a rOOf $36 5 ,000. electricity to it. Moti- sq. ft, 23 acre lot, tile 4 bedroom, 2 b ath super clean! H i gh more! MLS201310722 Pam vated seller w/pos- floors, tile backsplash, home is ready for its Lakes Realty 8 Propover your head — it's the place where memories are made. sible terms. landscaped, fenced. new owners. Small erty Man a gement Lester, Principal Bro¹201301211. $200,000. $179,900. ker, Century 21 Gold MLS¹ • We're a lOCal, direCt lender foCUSed eXCluSiVely shop with hot tub and 541-536-0117 Country Realty, Inc. John L. Scott Real 201209125 Pam gazebo in backyard. 8 6890 G o lden L n , 541-504-1338 Estate 541-548-1712 Lester, Principal Bro- MLS 201308103 On home lOanS $95,000. G orgeous ker Century 21 Gold John L. Scott Real 3 b d rm, 2~/~ bath views, 40 acres. High Great horse property, 4 Country Realty, Inc. Estate 541-548-1712 3005 sq. ft. home to 541-504-1338 Lakes Realty & Prop- stall loafing shed with • Full range Of PrOduCtS inCluding thoSe to helP be built. Includes dayerty Ma n agement auto watering, opens light basement, office, New construction in NW Looking for your next 541-536-0117 firSt-time homebuyers to fenced area, apfamily & bonus rooms, Redmond. $182,900. emp/oyee? prox. 40x80 shed for Move in ready! Very upgraded c a binets, 3 /2, 1556 s q . f t . , Place a Bulletin help • We Originate, fund and SerViCe home lOanS well cared for with a hay or what have you. near new high school Stainless appliances, wanted ad today and lot of extra improve- Fenced and c r oss & more! $ 349,000. pantry, plumbed for reach over 60,000 in neighbOrhOOdS near you ments. Living Room f enced with m a ny Too new for MLS¹ AC, fully landscaped, readers each week. plus a large Bonus s eparate areas. 2 Pam Lester, Principal sprinkler sys t e m, Your classified ad R oom, 2 Mas t e r bdrm, 2 bath with skyBroker, Century 21 oversized garage door will also appear on Bedrooms, 1 on each lights, walk-in closets, Gold Country Realty, w/opener. $179,900 bendbulletin.com TWO lOCatiOnS SerVing all Of Central OregOn level. Elect. F/A and dining area with built Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS¹ 201 3 05675. which currently rein hutch. Large living w oodstove. Com S c h arlund, ceives over $564,000 I F a bulous Jeanne pletely l a ndscaped room and wood stove. Broker, 541-420-7978 1.5 million page MLS Home In SW Red- Central with deck, covered $179,900 Oregon Realty views every month 201108032. Cascade mond. 4 73 0 s q . ft. Group, LLC patio and f ire p i t. at no extra cost. 685 SE 3rd Street, Bend, OR 97702 ML-32!3-III home on 4.32 Acre. 6 $290,000. MLS Realty, Dennis HaniBulletin Classifieds Bdrm, 5 bath. Out- New Construction 201304282 Cascade ford, Princ. Broker Get Results! 541-536-1731 standing m o u ntain Single story 3 bdrm, Realty, Dennis HaniCall 385-5809 or views. Very versatile 2bath, 1724 s q f t ford, Princ. Broker place your ad on-line home. Rid g eview move-in ready! Land541-536-1731 763 at High School district. scaped with s p rin220 NW MeadOw LakeS Drive, Prineville, OR 97754 ML-32!3-5 Recreational Homes Very clean, well-mainbendbulletin.com 5 41-480-7183 B a r - klers an d f e nced. tained 3 bedroom 2 & Property bara Myers, Broker $189,900. MLS¹ bath frame home on 2 541-923-4663 201304779 Pam 755 acres. Built in 2002, it 141038 Crescent Moon Windermere C e n tral Lester, Principal Bro2080 sq ft, living Dr., Crescent Lake. Oregon Real Estate ker, Century 21 Gold Sunriver/La Pine Homes has & great rooms, large Seller willing to i nCountry Realty, Inc. Rus t ic clude the lot next door $599,000 - 4 bedrooms, 541-504-1338 1303 Elk Dr - $182,500. b edrooms. 3 baths, 3-car atQuality thru-out. 4 bd, outdoor fireplace for at the right price. 3 tached garage make Newer large home on 2224 SF. High Lakes evening gatherings. bdrm, 2 bath home NhAlS 3182 up this Energy Star almost 1/4 acre. 3000 Realty & P r o perty Home is on 1 acre sleeps 6 comfortably rated home. Comes sq.ft., 3 b d rm, 2 .5 Management and additional acre lot with a detached gawith great room con- bath, landscaped 8 541-536-0117 located next lot over r age plumbed f o r cept, gas fireplaces in fenced with RV gates. (15952 Deedon Rd)is bathroom with an ex© 2013EverqreenHomeLoansisa registeredtradenameof EverqreenMoneysourceMortqaqe family room and one MLS¹ 2 0 1 304622138118 Hillcrest St all included in the sale tra garage door for Company'NMLS ID3182.Trade/service marksarethe property of Evergreen HomeLoans. AII rights in great room. MLS¹ $299,900. Pam $109,999. 3 bd, 2.5 price. $250,000. MLS snowmobiles. Make 201309632 Lester, Principal Bro- ba, 1157 SF, Gilchrist. 201310801. Cascade an offer. $299,000 reserved.Licensedunder: Oregon Mortgage Lending LicenseML3213.11/13. Eagle Crest ker Century 21 Gold High Lakes Realty & Realty, Dennis Hani- MLS 201302853. Call Properties Country Realty, Inc. Property M a n age- ford, Princ. Broker Linda (541) 815-0606 866-722- 3370 541-504-1338 ment 541-536-0117 541-536-1731 Cascade Realty Redmond Homes

Redm o nd Homes

• Redmond Homes • Sunriver/La Pine Homes

Jeffer son County Homes




There's nothing quite like a home when it comes to inspiration.

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Enjoy The Beautiful Boulder BrooksCommunity

$390,000 116 Modoc, Sunriver 4I


•3mastersuites • Extensive remodelin 2011 • 1902 SF owner occupied or vacation rental • Close to all Sunriver

has to





541 -41 0.8 0 8 4

$394,500 I Must See!


$124,900 I Updated Farmhouse

• Open floor plan • Fully fenced acre • Circular driveway • Large garage • Parklike setting


• 0.81 AC parcel • 1232 SF • 3bed,1bath • Nicely updated home! • MLS¹ 201310879

• MLS¹ 201306933


$449,000 I Riverfront Condo, DowntownBend

$599,000 I 61557 Tall Tree

• River CanyonEstates • 2550 SF • 3 bed, 2.5 bath • 3 car tandem garage Water feature

$185,000 I AGreat Home InLa Pine!

Time toenjoylife & comeenjoy BoulderBrookswellmaintained community. Ifyouwantto travel or just sit &enjoythebeautiful Central Oregon sunsets comecheck us out.



541 -41 0.8 0 8 4

- e•

$599,900 I Tuscany Style OniiaAcre

• Open floor plan • Fresh paint • Granite counters • Two balconies • Detached garage

• 4 bed, 3 bath • 2628 SFon a0.3 AClot • Custom finishesthroughout • Greatbackyardfor entertaining • Situated at the end

• 2910 SF • Single levelliving • Stunning kitchen


• Two mastersuites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous open floor plan






ofa cul-de-sac

541 8 4 8


541 6 3 3

$449,500 I SingleLevel & HugeShop

$1 75,000 I Professional Office In Redmond


shopping & medical

541 $390 $00 9 8

t $


541 - 4 2 0 - 3 4 2 3


$249,900 I Stunning Cascade Mtn Views


$259,900 I 2074 SF Home With RV Parking

• 5AC 8 2.51 COIIrrigation • OverlooksSmith RockValley • Upscale neighborhood

• Awesome views

$564,000 I Great SW RedmondLocation •2mastersuites • 4730 SFhome • 6 bed, 5 bath • 4,32 AC • Cascade mountain views

541 -48 0 - 7 1 83


$339,900 I The Ridge At Eagle Crest

• 3 bed & 2 bath • Great room • 12X20 bonus room • 31X23 attached three car



• 4.65 AC parcel in NEBend with1836 SF manufactured home • Severaloutbuildings &mtn views • 1.5AC of COI irrig. & sprinklers

541 $41 0 $1 200 BILL KAMMERER, BROKER


$220,000 I View Property

• Gently sloping0.48AC AwbreyButtelot readyto build on • Sits between 2 existing homes • Backs Mt. Washington Drive • HOA $120 ayear

541 -4 1 9 . 7 8 5 8

$225,000 I 64004 Deschutes Market Road

• Commerciause l approved • 5 car parking • Updatedinterior • Low downpayment8 financing available • Vacant& ready to move in

• 1920 SFhomeon.72 AClot •2500SFshop/garage/studio • High endfinishes • Paver entrance&patios • In town, minutes from

541 $771 $1168


• 3 bed, 2 bath • Slab quartz counter tops • 2097 SF • Old growth junipers • HAC lot • MLS¹ 201305597

g r3j(

garage • 22X48 concrete RV

parking • MLS¹ 201 309455


541 -48 0 - 7 1 83

$829,000 I Shevlin Ridge Stunner


$255,000 I Beautiful HomeWith City Views

$229,000 I 3347 NE Xenolith Street • Gorgeous panoramic views of Smith Rock • 4.9 buildable acres • 2.5 AC of COIflood irrigation • Horse friendly • Septic feasibility approved; power boxat street

• R.D. building & design • New construction • 3553 SF & 42X16RVgarage • 3 bed (2 full) & 2.5 bath, bonus room plus office


il '

$319,000 I Custom Home, 5 Acres & NearBLM

• 2137 SF home • 4 bed, 2 bath • Vaulted ceiling • Newly remodeled kitchen • Slab granite, heated slate floors • 2 patios, fenced with mature landscaping

• 3 bed, 2 bath • Knotty hickory cabinets • Vaulted ceilings • Formal dining

• Large

nl t ' . master

bedroom suite

541 -480 . 9 8 8 3 AUDREY COOK, BROKER

$460,000 I Beautiful, Remodeled Sunriver Home


• Extensively remodeled • New roof, kitchen & more • New energyefficient furnace • Large, private deck with hot tub

541-610-5672 541-480-6790







$145,000 I Bends Westside $ 3 2 9 , 900 I AmazinVi gews! Ama zingLogHome!

Questions about Real Estatep

Call our Bend or Redmond office! We have answers...


• eea

Available 7 days a week


• 3 bed, 2 bath, 2500+ SF &on 1.87 AC • Lots of flex space, so much potential • Incredible indoor 8 outdoor living • Large master with sauna & private balcony • Shop & RV areaswith 220, beautifully maintained, amust see!


• 2 renovated 2 bedcondos • High end finishes • Stack W/D & stainless appliances • Near COCC & Newport Market • Professionally managed &Well maintained

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Rinehart, Dempseg EtPhelps Exp • rttt •

Patty Dempsey 541-480-5432 Andrea Phelps • 541-408-4770 Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100 w ww.rine h a r t d e m p s e y . c o m


$189,999 I Great Investment Opportunity


• Fully occupied duplex • Blocks from Sage Elementary • 1834 SF, 4 bed & 2 bath

Why Windertnere...

$1,020,000 I Stellar Investment Property!

$237,500 I Investment Property • Spacious duplex in NE Bend • 2 bed, 1 bath with single car garages • Light & bright open floor plans • Professionally managed




$299,900 I Rare Investment Opportunity! •Two homes on onelotin Midtown • Tenant occupied & professionally managed • Unit B is a two story built in 2003 • 5 bed & 2.5 bath

• Pacific Northwest largest real estate company • Prequalified buyers waiting to buy yOur home • If you are selling call us today • Open 7 days a week

• 11 unit townhome complex • 2 bed, 1.5 bath with attached garages • Professionally managed & well maintained

541 -30 6 . 0 4 7 9 CH RISTIN HUNTER, BROKER 541 -97 7 - 1 85 2 TONY LEVISON, BROKER


I' I' o.

Y o t T r u • t I Co $ $ tt $ e n t Yo u V a l u •




I 'I l 'l


Call Today!




' '


•0 $


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i i '


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.1 11


• • e I -


I • el II I

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•• II



!'.. I'.I"„, 'ml .1 ee


TENNISANYONE?I $500,000 bath LYNNECOHNELLEY • 1921 sq.ft, 4 bedroom, 3 BROKER , CRS • 30 acres, full tennis court • 21810 EastmontDrive

541-408-6720 • MLS 201305128

RIVERRIM I $324e900 ' 1799 sq.ft, 4 bedroom JUUAIUCKIAHD, BROKER , ABR, • Vaulted ceiling, maple ffoors • 19529 Fishhawk Loop ALHS,CRS, GRI 541-719-8444 • MLS 201309843

• 40 acres, Cascadeviews

' 2952 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 3bath • 48x36 RV garage/shop • MLS 201400366


• 3172 sq.ft. farmhouse style • 4 bedroom,5.5 bath • Gourmet kitchen,mainlevelmaster • MLS 2013071 18


• Franklin Brothers Construction


3.69ACRE ES TATEI $1,000,000



1801 sq.ft., 3 bedroorn, 2bath 11182G eDi • MLS 201305442

SE BEND I $825,000 '4072 sq ff



' 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath • 20 acres with views • MLS 201301102


• 4 bedroom 3.5 bath • On river across fromColumbia Park

541-322-1500 • MLS 201305668


SUNRISE VILLAGEI $670~ IN JOHNS ON • Remodel@3705 sq.N • ' 4 b edroom 3 5 bath BROKER • Office 541-639-6140 • MLS 201306633




TUMAL OHOME/VIEWSI I S624900 • 4 bedroom,3.5 bath, 2606sq.lt. ' 64 acres

• Huge Cascade Mountain views • MLS 201307561

LANE KNOlls ESTATESI $589,900 Custom 2580 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom,office, 3 bath


CNHS,RCC 541-420-7080


• 2.24 acres, Mt Bachelor view

• MLS 201307975


TUMALORANCHI $549,000 • 2 homes,multiple outbuildings • 33.12 acres,fenced,cross.fenced

• Ca scade Mountain views • MLS 201400239


—.1 R

• Theater, oNce,mainlevel master • Built in 2011, on 3" Green

• MLS 201400172

SISTERS I $625,000 • 3 bedroom, 4 bath • 1.03 acres, guest house, greenhouse

• MLS 201309672



5 ACRE SWITHVIEWSI $4794OI • 2261 sq.ft. Iog home • 3 bedroom,lolt, 2 bath


• MLS 201400333


BROKEN TOP I $1,225e000 • 4652 sq ft 4 bedroom 4 bath

• Unobstructed Cascade views


NE BENDI $329,900 • 2358 sq,ft. Pahl!sch built • 4 bedroo~, 2.5 bath


SKYLINER SUMMIT I $465 000 • 2355 sq.ft. ~ewlyupdated 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath • Covered porch, landscaped

• MLS 201400224




SKYUNERSUMMIT I$429,900 • 2525 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom,3.5 bath


• .11acre lot

541-610-7318 • MLS 201309912

BRASADA RANCH I $429,000 JQRH HHr S lff BR OKE IL • 171 I sq.ft, furnishedcabin MBA,ABR,CRS,GRI 541-312-7273i • Granite counters, hardwoodfloors 541-948-9090 • MLS 201310654



ELKHORN RIDGEI $375,000 • 2245 sq.ft. home • 4 bedroom, 3 bath

JIM I ROKANNE CHENEY BRpKER S 541 390 4050 541-390-4030

• Landscaped, fencedyard

• MLS 201308088

• Rock frreplace, wood floors

• MLS 201400209


• Pahlisch built, under warranty

• 2088 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath 541-977-5811 • MLS 201400402 '


r+ t

I EBP,'. n1



• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, den/office • RV parking, large backyard 541-948-5880 • MLS 201308521 '

BROKEN TOP I $269,000


SHERR YPERRIGAN, ' 1731 sq.ft., 3 bedroom • Open cathderal great room BROKER • Insulated 3-bay shop 541-410-4938 • MLS 201306446 '


• .45acre lot • Backs nondevelopmentzone • Flatterrain

541-410-5280 • MLS 201400288


• Turn-key business opportunity • 2 bedroom, 2bathliving quarters • HWY 97 frontage

I 541-815-0436 • MLS 201203037


RIDGE ATEAGLECRESTI $203 900 • 1328 sq.ft. chalet • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .05acre on thepond

541-771-6996 • MLS 201400300

! «t. xpe„" J!'


NW REDMONDI $185 000

CANYON POINTI $199,500 DEBMEHLR5HEY g • 3 bedroom,den/office BROKER , CRS, GRI • Move-in ready 541-420-5170 • MLS 201400448


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Open ffoor plan, gas fireplace

541-359-0432 • MLS 201310817


• 1108 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath

• .15acre cul-de-saclot

541-480-7355 • MLS 201310233


. "!„I ..~ s t'' ..s.:"!



• CRESCENT I $159,900 JUDYMEY ERS, • '2502 sq ft BRQKERGRI CRS • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath • 1.14 acre RES 541-480-1922 • MLS 201309153

' ++


• 1094 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroorn, 2 bath • .23 acre

• MLS 201400261


• 320 acres of privacy • Well, power, barn, fenced • LOP tags

541-480-2966 • MLS 201400050


• 1.84 acres • Riverfront • Year+ound road maintenance

• MLS 201400377

• THREE RIVERSSOUTHI $159,900 LESIER FRIEDMAHPC, BRQKER ABR CSP • 3 bedroom, 2 bath EPRO, S.l;A.R. • ' I o cre l<>t 541-330-8491 • MLS 201310807




FOR LEASE $6930/month

• COMMER CIALBUILDING$1.80/sf PAULAVANVLECK • Excellent visibility • ' 27 00 sq,ft, BROKER

• MLS 201310861

541-280-7774 • MLS 201310084

• 6300 sq.ft. restaurant e 28 ft fk 12 ft hoods • Busy Bend intersection

• Bank, credit union or fast food


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2014 • •




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CASH for dressers, dead washers/dryers 541-420-5640

W ANTED: A goo d couch, cheap! Call Ann, 541-389-9977 205

Items for Free

Queen bed, box spring & mattress. You haul. 541-678-5605

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Pe ts & Supplies


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Pets & Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Furniture 8 Appliances

Antiques &

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poodle puppy. Call

541-892-0933 or 541-891-8791 Yorkie pups AKC, 2 boys, 2 girls, potty training, UTD shots, hea!th guar., $600 8 up. 541-777-7743 People Look for Information About Products and

Services Every Daythrough German Shepherd The Bulletin Clnssifinds pups, parents on site. 210 Ready now! $500 ea. Due to family illness Furniture 8 Appliances we must find homes for parents as well. Only serious inquiries A1 Waehers&Dryers $150 ea. Full warplease. 541-280-2118 ranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's g. 541-280-7355 n



HAVANESE PUPPIES AKC, Dewclaws, UTD shots/wormer, non-shed, hypoallergenic, $850 541-460-1277.

Lab pups purebred AKC registered, $500. Born

Armoire for sale, Cherry/wrought iron Perfect condition, handmade, solid wood.

12/12/13. 2 ye l l ow fem., 1 choc fem., 1 69 ex39nx23.5". blk fem., 3 blk males. $650. Contact Me g O kcaravelliOgmail.com 541.420.0296.

Labradors AKC - 4 left! Whites & yellows, shots, wormed, health/ hip guar. Adult barn/shop cats, The Bulletin recom- f ixed, s h ots, s o m e 541-536-5385 mends extra caution friendly, others not so www.welcomelabs.com when purc h as- much. No fee & free deMaltese-mix white male ing products or ser- livery. 541-389 8420 vices from out of the puppy, $450. In Maarea. Sending cash, Just bought a new boat? dras, 503-881-8541 checks, or credit in- Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Advertise your car! f ormation may b e Super Seller rates! Add A Picture! subjected to fraud. Reach thousands of readers! 541-385-5809 For more informaCall 541-385-5809 tion about an adverAussies, Mini AKC The Bulletin Classifieds tiser, you may call red/blue merles, blue the O r egon State eyes, parents on site. POMERANIAN PUPS Attorney General's 541-598-5314 tiny male 8 tiny female Office C o nsumer 1 black, 1 wolf/sable. Protection hotline at Border Collie/New ZealCall 541-390-2468 1-877-877-9392. and Huntaway pups, great or 541-383-3995. dogs, working parents, The Bulletin $350. 541-546-6171. Serving Centrel Oregon stnceSggg Queensfanrt Heelers Standard & Mini, $150 Cockatiels, lovebirds, & up. 541-280-1537 Adopt a rescued kitten parakeets, and finch. www.rightwayranch.wor or cat! Fixed, shots, Breeders and babies dpress.com ID chip, tested, more! call for availability and Rescue at 65480 78th prices. Everything Rottweiler pups, $400 for St., Bend, Thurs/Sat/ must go including males; $350 for feSun, 1-5, 389-8420. cages! 541-279-3578 males. 541-923-2437 www.craftcats.org

A v e .

C rt a n d t e r

Donate deposit bottles/ cans to local all vol., non-profit rescue, for feral cat spay/neuter. 264- Snow Removal Equipment Cans for Cats trailer 265 - Building Materials at Jake's Diner; or 266- Heating and Stoves donate M-F at Smith 267- Fuel and Wood Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers at CRAFT, Tumalo. 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment Call for Irg. quantity pickup, 541-389-8420. 270- Lost and Found www.craftcats.org

Pete & Supplies

Want to Buy or Rent

i zg ~

B ar stools, 3 oak in good cond., $75/all 541-678-5605

People Lookfor Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The BngntinClassifieds

neighborhood! Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 541-385-5809.

9 7




5' Showcase, oak 8 glass, w/sliding doors, $475 541-382-6773 280


Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend People Lookfor Information About Products and Estate Sale Services Every Daythrough Carpenter 2205 NE Wintergreen ** FREE ** The Bulletin Clnssiffeds Dr., Bend Fri-Sat, 9-4 Garage Sale Kit is in gated comAntiques wanted: tools, Sale Place an ad in The munity; no entrance 24 hrs. to cancel furniture, marbles,early until Bam. Early sign-in Bulletin for your gayour ad! B/W photography, rage sale and reat front door. toys, decoys, jewelry. ceive a Garage Sale 3 bedroom home & Oak Futoncouch, mat541-389-1578 Kit FREE! garage. Very nice furtress w/cover. $100. niture, decor & house541-420-4303 KIT INCLUDES: Mid-Century Unique hold items! See de• 4 Garage Sale Signs scriptions & pix at • $2.00 Off Coupon To farmhouseestate USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Use Toward Your sales.com Next Ad Door-to-door selling with • 10 Tips For "Garage Sale Success!" fast results! It's the easiest Find exactly what way in the world to sell. you are looking for in the Head & Footboard, with wood-grain look, CLASSIFIEDS PICK UP YOUR The Bulletin Classified double size has no GARAGE SALE Kll at 541-385-5809 side rails. Could be 1777 SW Chandler 284 repurposed into a Ave., Bend, OR 97702 S ewing t a ble, w / 4 garden bench, or a Sales Southwest Bend The Bulletin drawers. Great cond. unique item. Use Serving Central Oregon since 1903 your imagination! $100. 541-213-2333 MOVING SALE Asking$75. Queen pillow top bed, 541-419-6408 Broyhill dresser 8 nite Sofa beautiful Ethan stands, oak desk, LGood classified ads tell Allen 8', exc. cond. $2700 new, reduced The Bulletin reserves s hape desk, 4 b a r the essential facts in an stools, Sony 38" TV, $995. 541-593-4099. the right to publish all interesting Manner.Write ads from The Bulletin small antique f u rn. from the readers view - not newspaper onto The pieces, Kenmore HD the seller's. Convert the The Bulletin Bulletin Internet web- front load W/D, kitchen facts into benefits. Show recommends extra ' items, decor, lots ga- the reader how the item will site. l caution when purrage items, yard 8 outchasing products or > The Bulletin d oor, p l ants, c o l - help them insomeway. Serving Centret Oregon sinceSggg This services from out of I lectibles, office items, advertising tip the area. Sending I storage cabinets, lots 215 misc! Fri. 8 Sat., 9-4, brought to you by cash, checks, or Coins & Stamps numbers Fri., 8 a.m. l credit i n f ormation The Bulletin Take Brookswood to may be subjected to Serving Cenlrel Oregon sinceSetg NEED TO CANCEL YOUR AD? The Bulletin Classifieds has an "After Hours" Line Call 541-383-2371




Il l Bed frame, beautiful Cali King, solid brass, l FRAUD. For morel $200. 541-508-2250 about an I I information advertiser, you may l ,


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Children's Items

Just bought a new boat? Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the Redmon Weigh to Grow, Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our dig. baby scale, up to classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! Super Seller rates! 44¹, $20. 541-388-3879 541-385-5809 541-385-5809


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Remember to remove your Garage Sale signs (nails, staples, etc.) after your Sale event is over! THANKS! From The Bulletin and your local utility companies.

e ROW I N G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

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Includes UP Item Priced af: to 40 words • Under $500 ----. of text, 2 u in length, • $soo to $eee ....

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The Bulletin 541- 5 - 5

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541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com






Guns, Hunting & Fishing


Misc. Items


Fuel & Wood

T HE BULLETIN r e How to avoid scam Newln box, WHEN BUYING quires computer adand fraud attempts or nearly new Have an itemto vertisers with multiple HBe aware of internaFIREWOOD... Craftsman Tools: ad schedules or those tional fraud. Deal loTo avoid fraud, • 10n Stationary sell quick? selling multiple syswhenever posThe Bulletin radial arm saw, tems/ software, to dis- cally If it's under recommends payModel ¹315.220100, close the name of the sible. Watch for buyers ment for Firewood $375. s500 youcan place it in business or the term trwho offer more than only upon delivery • 10n Stationary table "dealer" in their ads. and inspection. asking price and saw w/guide rails, The Bulletin Private party advertis- your • A cord is 128 cu. ft. who ask to have model ¹315.228590, ers are defined as 4' x 4' x 8' money wired or Clessifieds for: $325. those who sell one • Receipts should handed back to them. • 6-1/8 n Jointer computer. include name, Fake cashier checks planer "Professional" '10- 3 lines, 7 days and money orders phone, price and model ¹351.227240, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! kind of wood are common. '16- 3 lines, 14days $250 obo. v'Nevergive out perpurchased. Door-to-door selling with Call 541-504-6413 (Private Party ads only) • Firewood ads sonal financial infordaytime hours. fast results! It's the easiest MUST include mation. way in the world to sell. sr'Trustyour instincts species & cost per Stag Arms AR-15: cord to better serve and be wary of USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Model Stag15, The Bulletin Classified our customers. someone using an 5.56/223, Stainless 541485-5809 escrow service or Door-to-door selling with steel barrel. Leagent to pick up your fast results! It's the easiest The Bulletin upold Firedot G Serving Central Oregon sinceSal 258 merchandise. way in the world to sell. 3-9X40 Scope, Travel/Tickets MagPul PRS The Bulletin Place a photo inyourprivate party ad Servrng Central Oregon s nce1903 PRIVATE PARTY RATES USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! The Bulletin Classified buttstock, Hogue for only$15.00par week. Advertise V A CATION Starting at 3 lines * REDUCE YOUR 541-385-5809 grip, Bipod. $2000 SPECIALS to 3 mil- CABLE BILL! Get an Door-to-door selling with Call 541-410-3568 *UNDER '500in total merchandise OVER'500 in total merchandise lion P acific N o rth- All-Digital fast results! It's the easiest Sa t e llite 264 westerners! 29 daily 7 days.................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 way in the world to sell. installed for Taurus PT 24/7 G2, newspapers, six systemand Equipment 14 days................................................ $16.00 program- Snow Removal 7 days.................................................. $24.00 .45 cal, $350. states. 25-word clas- FREE The Bulletin Classified s t arting a t *illiust state prices in ad 14 days .................................................$33.50 30-40 Krag, Sold. sified $540 for a 3-day $ming 24.99/mo. FRE E 541-610-6019 541-385-5809 28 days .................................................$61.50 a d. Ca l l (916) HD/DVR Garage Sale Special upgrade for vis i t new callers, Two Gen 3 Glock 23's, 2 88-6019 o r 4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00 (call for commercial line ad rates) SnOM/blOM/er SO CALL 1 cord dry, split Juniper, one Gen 3 Glock 27- www.pnna.com for the NOW (877)366-4508. Craftsman electric or $190/cord. Multi-cord Pacific Nor t hwest (PNDC) $500 each. also pull-start, 29" wide, discounts, & t/gcords Daily Co n nection. 1000 rds .40 practice 9HP, 5 forward 2 reavailable. Immediate A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: The Bulletin Offers a mmo; Glock g u n (PNDC) verse speeds. delivery! 541-408-6193 Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. light/laser; .40 to 9mm People Lookfor Information FreePrivate Party Ads $400 cash. • 3 lines - 3 days conversion ba r r el; About Products and 541-815-6319 People Lookfor Information BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) • Private Party Only misc. spare parts & About Products and REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well d efensive am m o . Services Every Daythrough • Total of items adverServices EveryDaythrough tised must equal $200 The Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin's 503-585-5000 as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Belleiin ClassiBeds or Less "Call A Service bendbulletimcom 260 reserves the right to reject any ad at FOR DETAILS or to USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Professional" Directory Aff Year Dependable PLACE AN AD, Misc.ltems any time. is located at: Firewood: Seasoned; is all about meeting Door-to-door selling with Call 541-385-5809 Lodgepole1 for $195 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Fax 541-385-5802 your needs. fast results! It's the easiest I A double depth in~ or 2 for $365. Cedar, Bend, Oregon 97702 way in the world to sell. I terment Call on one of the split, del. Bend: 1 for gra v e USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! $175 or 2 for $325. space with o uter professionals today! The Bulletin Classified I burial container built 541-420-3484. Door-to-door selling with PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction 541-385-5809 in, located in Meadfast results! It's the easiest Snow blower, Yard Mais needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these Wanted: Collector seeks owpark area of De- I way in the world to sell. chine, used 1 season, Pine & Juniper Split Memorial 5.5hp, electric/pull start, newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party high quality fishing items I schutes Gardens, $ 1000. PROMPT DELIVERY Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. The Bulletin Classified $200. 541-771-1252 8 upscale bamboo fly I Call 541-389-1821 542-389-9663 rods. Call 541-678-5753, 541-385-5809 265 or 503-351-2746 240 240 242 246 Wanted- paying cash Building Materials Well over a cord - split Crafts & Hobbies Crafts & Hobbies Exercise Equipment Guns, Hunting 247 Air conditioning mani- for Hi-fi audio 8 stuseasoned lodgepole, & Fishing Sporting Goods fold gauge set, new dio equip. Mclntosh, 17' aluminum plank, max d ehvered. $195 . $25. 541-388-1686 AGATE HUNTERS - Misc. J BL, Marantz, D y- load 250 Ibs, $100. 4x8 541-480-5335 Brother Industrial Gazelle Glider lumber rack, like new, 7MM reloading supPolishers • Saws naco, Heathkit, SanSewing machine& Elliptical 269 •s plies, cases, bullets, O'Brien Vortex Gen- People Lookfor Information sui, Carver, NAD, etc. $175. 541-383-7603 tabie About Products and Dillon shell p l ate, Call 541-261-1808 erators Comp Shredder Gardening Supplies Repair & Supplies REDMOND Habitat Redding dies. Call for wakeboard, nice! $20. Services EveryDaythrough s s & Equipment t RESTORE prices. 541-728-0445 54'I -388-3879 The Bulletin ClassiBeds WHEN YOU SEE THIS Building Supply Resale Armalite 33 8 L a p ua 253 Auto Accident Attorney Quality at BarkTurfSoil.com NightForce Sx32x56; USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! INJURED I N AN LOW PRICES Low-impact workout TV, Stereo 8 Video M OreP I X a t B e n d b iil l e t i l i . C O m 200 Lapua Brass, 165 AUTO A C CIDENT? 1242 S. Hwy 97 for less stress and Brother L S 2 -B837 On a classified ad are loaded, 500 Si- DirectTV 2 Year Sav- Call InjuryFone for a Door-to-door selling with 541-548-1406 PROMPT DELIVERY strain on your body. foot, needle go to erra Match b ullets, ings Event! Over 140 free case evaluation. 542-389-9663 Open to the public. fast results! It's the easiest walking Folds quickly for fed industrial leather www.bendbulletin.com 500 Federal primers, only $29.99 Never a cost to you. way in the world to sell. to view additional sewing m a chine. easy storage, but we 5 lbs. RL 22 powder. channels Just bought a new boat? Don t wait, call now! a month. O nly DiM achine i s t a b le lust don't have room photos of the item. Sell your old one in the $5500. 541-350-3811 For newspaper 1-800-539-9913. recTV gives you 2 The Bulletin Classified forit. $99 mounted. When last classifieds! Ask about our delivery, call the (PNDC) 261 Bend local pays CASH!! YEARS of s a vings 541-419-6408 used it was in exSuper Seller rates! 541-385-5809 Circulation Dept. at for all firearms & and a FREE Genie Medical Equipment cellent working conBuylng Dlamonds 541-385-5809 541-385-5800 ammo. 541-526-0617 upgrade! Call dition. Add i tional /Gofd for Cash To place an ad, call 1-800-259-5140. Steel Building Bargains pictures upon reSaxon's Fine Jewelers CASHII 541-385-5809 Falcon 4-w h e el (PNDC) Allocated Discounts quest. $1500 OBO. 541-389-6655 For Guns, Ammo & or email power scooter with 541-213-2333 We do deals classified@bendbulletimcom Reloading Supplies. DISH T V Ret a i ler. Just bought a new boat? accessories, gently 30x40, 50x60, 100x100 541-408-6900. Starting at Sell your old one in the used, in need of and more. The Bulletin $19.99/month (for 12 classifieds! Ask about our new battery (orderJust bought a new boat? rerving Central Oregon sinceSga Total Construction and Alderwood Quiltworks mos.) & High Speed Sell your old one in the Super Seller rates! ing info avail.) Call Life Fit R91 Blueprints Available machine quilting I nternet starting at classifieds! Ask about our 541-385-5809 5 41-389-1821 f o r www.gosteelbuildings.com Recumbent Bike270 frame for sale, locally $14.95/month (where Super Seller rates! details. Absolutely like new Source ¹18X BUYING made in Prineville, 541-385-5809 available.) SAVE! Ask Lost & Found DO YOU HAVE with new battery541-227-6921 easy to use, makes About SAME DAY In- Lionel/American Flyer SOMETHING TO operates perfectly! trains, accessories. quilting a dream! 241 stallation! CALL Now! The Bulletin's Clean, always SELL WANTED: 24" r o und L ost at east end o f 541-408-2191. Comes with Handi 1-800-308-1563 Bicycles 8 FOR $500 OR "Call A Service housed inside home. concrete st e p ping Maple St. bridge area, handles, includes. (PNDC) Redmond - pure black $2100 new; LESS? Just bought a new boat? Professional" Directory stones. 541-408-0846 Accessories manual, exc. shape, fixed cat, heavy, 2-3 selling for $975. Non-commercial Sell your old one in the is all about meeting y rs. o ld , l e f t e a r only used to quilt 4 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! classifieds! Ask about our Great Christmas gift! advertisers may 266 tops, like new. your needs. clipped. smallish Super Seller rates! 541-647-2227 place an ad Heating & Stoves Door-to-door selling with head, 541-280-4825 $600. 541-549-1273 541-385-5809 with our Call on one of the or 541-419-2160 fast results! It's the easiest BUYING di SE LLING "QUICK CASH LOST KEYS! 1 remote, Just bought a new boat? NOTICE TO SPECIAL" way in the world to sell. All gold jewelry, silver professionals today! 1 Honda key, 2 silver Sell your old one in the ADVERTISER People Lookfor Information 1 week3lines 12 classifieds! Ask about our and gold coins, bars, Since September 29, keys on red/pink caraAbout Products and or' The Bulletin Classified 2005 Maverick ML7n Super Seller rates! rounds, wedding sets, Full size power biner clip. REWARD 1991, advertising for Services Every Daythrough M ountain Bike, 1 5 541-385-5809 ~ae eke ae! class rings, sterling sil541-408-4949 541-385-5809 adjustable bed used woodstoves has Ad must frame (small). Full ver, coin collect, vinw/memory foam The Belleiie Classiffeds been limited to modmen's w edding include price of Mitsubishi 60" light pro- tage watches, dental mattress, $800. Porsuspension, Maverick Schwinn stationary exerels which have been Lost ring, Tungsten & gold, in le iiem oi $500 n~ lection TV, works well, you gold. Bill Fl e ming, table wheelchair, s hock, SRAM X O cise bike, good cond, certified by the Orin Sportsman's Ware$125. 541-306-3011 or less, or multiple haul. $150. 541-504-9613 541-382-9419. drivetrain & shifters, 9 4 leg walker, egon Department of house, Bend. Sat., items whosetotal speed rear cassette, Weslo inversion flex Quadri-Poise cane, REDUCE YOUR Environmental QualGuaranteed Income For Dec. 14th. Call, REdoes not exceed 34-11, Avid Juicy disc CABLE BILL!* Get a ity (DEQ) and the fed- WARD! 541-408-453'I Your Ret i rement. bathroom assist Meet singles right now! brakes. Well t aken table, like new $100. $500. chair, all for $200. whole-home Satellite eral E n v ironmental 541-420-1921 Avoid market risk & No paid o perators, c are o f. $950 . Call 541-526-5737 system installed at Protection A g e ncy get guaranteed inlust real people like 541-788-6227. Call Classifieds at 245 NO COST and pro- come in r etirement! (EPA) as having met you. Browse greet541-385-5809 ramming starting at CALL for FREE copy smoke emission stan- REMEMBER: If you 263 ings, exchange mes- Bike, girls pink Magna • G olf Equipment www.bendbulletin.com 1 9.99/mo. FRE E of our SAFE MONEY dards. A cer t ified have lost an animal, sages and connect 20" 6 s peed, $75. Tools HD/DVR Upgrade to w oodstove may b e GUIDE Plus Annuity don't forget to check live. Try it free. Call 541-420-1921. CHECK YOUR AD Kahr PM9 9mm comnew callers, SO CALL identified by its certifiQuotes from A-Rated 6hp air compressor, 125 now: 877-955-5505. The Humane Society pact s tainless/black NOW cation label, which is Companies! (PNDC) Bend Ib max, 240V, like new, 242 polymer pistol w/ two 1-866-984-8515. attached 800-908-7035. 541-382-3537 asking $625. Delivery permanently mags, box, & manual. (PNDC) to the stove. The BulJust bought a new boat? Exercise Equipment (PNDC) available. 541-385-9350 Redmond $500. 541-977-3173 TV 46" Samsung flat letin will not knowSell your old one in the 541-923-0882 Just bought a new boat? People Lookfor Information ingly accept advertisclassifieds! Ask about our Bowflex XLT with Lat Check out the p i e sle screen, f t/a yr old, w/ Sell your old one in the bar, g oo d s h ape, on the first day it runs Super Seller rates! ing for the sale of About Products and classifieds online 541-447-ttta; Magnavox B lu-Ray classifieds! Ask about our to make sure it is cor541-385-5809 $195. 541-389-2167 uncertified Services Every Daythrough n www.fgegtdbtgffetigt.cogtt or Craft Cats Super Seller rates! player, all for $400 rect. Spellcheck" and 541-389-8420. updated daily 541-385-5809 The Bulletin CfessiBeds woodstoves. obo. 541-923-8349. human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. Call 54 I -3 85-5809 541-385-5809 to romote our service The Bulletin Classified


Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • • • • • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed.

Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

•... . . . .

3 :00pm Fri.

• • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri •

The Bulletin







GOLFCLVBSl Putters: Ping - Master Roll - Olimar - Master Roll grip! Others M/edgesr Ping - Taylor Made carbite. Cobra 9' D r iver, M speed, 50R shaft; Bazooka 9' Driver, Hot launch R and Cobra D river: P in g G - 1 5 15.5' 3-wood, i ron covers, full set. All in ood-to-great shape! all let's deal - Come to look!! Call Bill at 541-548-9880 or leave message.

NOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY law requires anyone SERVICES. Home 8 who con t racts for Commercial Repairs, construction work to Carpentry-Painting, be licensed with the Pressure-washing, Construction ContracHoney Do's. On-time tors Board (CCB). An promise. Senior active license Discount. Work guarmeans the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 is bonded & insured. or 541-771-4463 Verify the contractor's Bonded & Insured CCB l i c ense at CCB¹181595 www.hirealicensedcontractor.com or call 503-378-4621. People Lookfor Information About Products and The Bulletin recommends checking with Services EveryDaythrough People Look for Information the CCB prior to con- The Belleiin ClassiBeds About Products and tracting with anyone. Services EveryDaythrough Some other t rades also req u ire addi- Lsndscsping/Yard Care The Bulletin Classileds tional licenses and NOTICE: Oregon Land- Lady's, tall, full s et. certifications. scape Contractors Law Great shape $ 175 (ORS 671) requires all obo. 541-548-9880 businesses that adDebris Removal vertise t o pe r form Landscape Construc- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! JUNK BE GONE tion which includes: Door-to-door selling with l anting, deck s , I Haul Away FREE ences, arbors, fast results! It's the easiest For Salvage. Also water-features, and in- way in the world to sell. Cleanups & Cleanouts stallation, repair of irMel, 541-389-8107 rigation systems to be The Bulletin Classified l icensed w it h th e 541 485-5809 Landscape ContracDomestic Services tors Board. This 4-digit number is to be inMint condition A ssisting Seniors a t cluded in all adverupgraded senior Home. Light house tisements which indikeeping 8 other ser cate the business has shafts, head covers &new grips. vices. Licensed & a bond, insurance and Bonded. BBB Certi workers compensa- Drivers: Ping G10 fied. 503-756-3544 tion for their employ- 13.5 T-Made Super ees. For your protec- fast 12'. tion call 503-378-5909 Hybrids: Cobra DWS or use our website: 4-5-6 irons; CleveHandyman www.lcb.state.or.us to land HB 3, 7-8-9 and check license status P/W; Ping G156 I DO THAT! before contracting with iron green dot; Home/Rental repairs the business. Persons Cleveland XLi S/W, Small jobs to remodels doing lan d scape Wedgesr Ping G15, Honest, guaranteed maintenance do not gap S/W, lobb. work. CCB¹151573 r equire an LC B l i 951-454-2561 Dennis 541-317-9768 cense.

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DAILY BRI DG E C LU B sa~urday, Feb~~ 1,2014

Finish the round

ACROSS 1 Gut-busting side 11 Port. title 1SAlternative to 1-Across 16Some GPS suggestions, informally 17Shooting star? 18College figs. 19It means little in the Lowlands 20Trimminggizmo 21 Like floppy disks, e.g. 22vinode (Spanish wine designation) 23 Red shade 24 Santa Ana wind soUrce 27 It may be up against the wall 29 Bring out 30 1975 hit song about "tramps like us" 33 Like Athena

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

One difference between a good amateur golfer and a professional is that when an amateur is two under par, he tries to hang on. The pro wants to make even more birdies. W hether you're playing golf o r bridge, finish what you start. You're today's declarer. You and North bid aggressively to slam. (His 2NT response was an a r tificial forcing raise; your t hree hearts showed slam interest.) West leads the king of diamonds, and you play low, win the next diamond and ruff your last diamond in dummy.

one spade and he rebids two hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: On e i n dication of maturity in a bridge player is the refusal to fight a misfit. Your partner has shown at least six hearts with minimum values. It's possible you have a better spot than two hearts, but to look for it would court disaster. Pass and hope for no worse than a small minus. South dealer N-S vulnerable NORTH

4A Q 105 9 Q1085 0J7 4AQ5

DISCARD You then lead the queen of trumps, and West d i scards. You f i n i sh drawing trumps and will finesse in spades next. If the spades come in, you will get a discard for your losing club. But what card do you lead at the eighth trick? Finish right. Lead the nine of spades and let it ride. You can lead the jack next to get your four spade tricks. If you carelessly lead the jack first, you must win the second spade in dummy and will have no way back to your hand for a third finesse.

WEST 4K862 Q None

EAST 473 99763 O8532 4K74

0 KQ109


South 19 3 'v)

Wes t Pass Pas s


Nor t h 2 NT 69

DOWN 1 Slight pushes 2One at the U.S. Mint? 3 Jonathan's wife in "Dracula" 4A.L. East team, on sports tickers 5 Like many

pregnant women 6 Where to get a cold comfort? 7 ¹1 spoken-word hit of 1964 8"My Son Is a Splendid Driver" novelist, 1971 9 Castle of (Hungarian tourist draw) 100ld map abbr. 11Likesome pills and lies 12 Dilly 13 Bait 14 Listing on I.R.S. Form 8949 21 Summit success 22 Front runners 23 Engine buildup 24 Sound like a baby 25 Cartoon pooch 26 Hunky-dory 27 Rather informal? 28 Printer part 30 Port on the Adriatic 31Like Bill Maher, notably 32 Supporter of shades

East Pass Al l Pass

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org.










56Questionfrom a bully




Youhold: 4 K 8 6 2 9 None Opening lead — 0 K 0 K Q 1 09 + 9 8 6 3 2. Yo u r partner opens one heart, you respond (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC


55 Abstainers


SOUTH 4J94 Q AKJ 4 2 0 A64 4 J 10


34 Sharon's predecessor 35 Fig. for I, 0 or U, butnotAorE 36 It may be said while wearing a toga 38 Manual series 39 Phoenix suburb larger than the Midwest city it's named for 40 Break through 41 Princess of ballet 43 Like red bell peppers 44Orders 45 Key ring? 47 Scoutmaster, often SOThemoment that 51 It's not drawn due to gravity 53Co-starin the U.S. premiere of '1Naiting for Godot," 1956 54 Pride and joy









No. 1228

















22 24






30 35




39 41












7 52


34 Unembellished 37 Stock to put stock in 38Verbal alternative to a head slap 40Go for a car-cramming


41 Anciently

48Talentshow lineup

record, say

42 Tunisian money


Bones G'wine Rise Again" (spiritual)

p res t o

45 Devotional period? 46 Insignificant

51 Important card source: Abbr.

47Twain's "celebrated jumping frog"

52 Deterrent to lateness or cancellation

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554.

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT8T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.



icE C 0¹i

AYLq fruit,d, or

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.





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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Sign with a sting?



8 Anatomical blade

w p'



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22 Bar order 23 Certain tlfbutes E-mail:bholbrook1@gma1.00m




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a it2vie. Iv(+h4'- Ovt', Veise..I

17 Stacked

19 Sub 21 Yahoo! rival

)' ~ g/

© 14 by King Features yndicat6, Inc. World rights reserved

15 Key keys for many secretaries 16 "Guess again!" 18 Free-spirited locale?



8ovaef;ea1 I

27 Fitness brand 30 Big name in Tinseltown tittletattle

~,.~„z. e




0 o


That's no+ ~ 5a.q I




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51 COuSin Of COm THAT SCRAIHBLED WORD GANIE by DSVld L Hart 666 Jelf Knun4


Unscramble these four Jumblss,


One letter to eaCh Square, to fOrm fOur OrdinaryWOrdS.

Chan<e tO make One Ilke that


69014 76bune Content Agency,LLC All RlgMs Reservad.







lccKt4e TE%BA1L eerw5EN

YHE UpfueHr5 To WN THE


U|'l k k l u 8 ,2 M 4

"If I've gotta do typing and stuff like that, I want more money!"

Answer here: (A08wer8 Monday) U NITY OBLONG A R MORY Answer: The pennant company w88 having8BANNER YEAR

y6816168y8 ~ Jumbles: EAGLE

53 Bud abroad 55 Where Superman made his debut 61 Red wood, perhaps 64 Asana accessory 65 Maltha'8

Vineyard paper since 1846 66Train 67 Like some Thanksgiving turkeys 68 Old-fashioned


&AME WA5 Hle-

Now arrange the circled letters 10 form th6 surprise answer,88 suggested bythe above cartoon. ~

40 Trio preceding an 58 Theater giant? 59 "The Curious exchange 43 Tighten8, as a C aS e Of


Benjamin Button" tx)-star Blanchett

45 Sign of

displeasure 60 S o me Fr. martyrs 47 Take a turn 61 L i c . number 9 Staples staple 52 Beside oneself 6 2 Shell mover 10 "Hold on !" 63 S e e 1-Down 11 Source of a slow 54 Heavy hitter leak, perhaps 8 White


12 Sub finisher? 13 Butx)lic spot 14 A r a npc Irish

DR A W L A U N T Y N Y S T O C K O O S R E L F R A Y MC A N K E L B A C K 39 Tbree-time 25 Lead on E S A I H E MCDonald'8 26 Dark 'n' (rum D I M E A D O Z E N LPGA and ginger beer SN I P S A S O Championship cocktail) LA X AP P S winner 27 Kept occupied S T B E D E K 41 Like the vb. 28 Four-armed deity "have" 29 Favorable track Q U A R T E R F I N B I PE D M R B I 42 LOSer'8 metaphor position 44 Subject of weekly 31 Outlet ST E W S A I M T ratings 33 Nevada city xwordeditoriaol.com

46 Make lovable 48 Bolted down 49 Well-sinewed 50 Face-tO-face contest


35 Verb in first-year 56 Storable sacks Spanish 57 It may be heard 3 6 Patient request: in O r e l Abbr. arguments

RE T IM O 32 Soften Camer P EN 34 "Arrow-maker's 20 Physician daughter" in a married to Tonya O R E P I L Longfellow poem Gromeko ET O 24 "A Bronx Tale" 37 Score directive N I C 38 A rizona director


g~h. ~


4 Pro with a tow truck 5 Uptight type 6 Gilbert and Sullivan operetta that satirizes Parliament 7 "Children of Men" star Clive

DOWN 1 With 63-Down, toy from Tibet 2 Froyo holder 3 Old Persian poet


















D L E R E L O T O P S B S A S HO E S T A X E S A L R O S E S K E X T S N E E I N E C T A L C U T G A T E O N E D 02/01/14 12





19 23 2 4


27 2 8


30 31

32 33 88






51 52 57

8 1 82


88 5 9




By Doug Peterson (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC





Sutioku High Fives How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-

bers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.

The Bulletin

Serving Central Oregonsince f903



6 3 9 8 4 5 4 5 1 8 6 2 5 2 7 19 7 1 8 3 3 9 2 6 7 8 6 9 5 1 3 5 7 4 5 1 3 4 7 5 4 8 1 2 7 6 1 4 2 9 6 9 8 9 5 2 8 1 7 1 1 63 1 2 4 5 6 8 7 1 7 3 4 3 5

pp 306

Farm Equipment & Machinery


Looking for Employment

60" Brush hog, good condition, $550; and 60" adjustable blade for t ractor, S OLD. 541 -923-9758 People Lookfor Information About Products and Services EveryDaythrough The Bulletin Clessiffeds

Personal Assistant Professional-creative Exp'd in corp world. Bookkeeping-cookingdecorating? Get your household running smoothly. Local since 2006 Shenanagain59@ yahoo.com (775)750-420t

N ew H o lland 2 5 5 0 Just bought a new boat? swather, 1 4' header Sell your old one in the with conditioner, cab classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! heat/A/C, 1300 orig.

hrs. $29,000 obo. 1486 International, cab heat/A/C, 5 4 0/1 000 Pto, 3 sets remotes, nice tractor. $18,000. 541-419-3253 325

Hay, Grain & Feed Alfalfa Hay 1st, 2nd, 3rd cutting, Hay tests on request. delivery avail. $200 ton. Mitchell, OR 541-482-31 56

Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809

541-385-5809 476

Employment Opportunities

Add your web address to your ad and readers on The Bullefin's web site, www.bendbulletin.com, will be able to click through automatically to your website.

Call 541-385-5809

or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory is all about meeting

your needs. Call on one of the professionals today!

Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

1 3


8 2 7 6 8 9 © JFS/KF

2 3 1 9 6 6 7 5 8 3 2 6 5 8 4 7 2 1




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

2 3 4 1 6 9 5 7 8

6 7 8 4 5 3 2 9 1

5 1 9 7 8 2 4 3 6

9 5 1 3 4 6 8 2 7

4 8 2 9 1 7 6 5 3

3 6 7 5 2 8 9 1 4

8 9 3 6 7 5 1 4 2

3 5 6 3 5 8 6 9 1 2 7 4

7 2 6 5 3 4 8 1 9

4 1 9 7 2 8 3 5 6

5 7 3 9 4 2 1 6 8

9 8 2 1 6 5 4 3 7

1 6 4 8 7 3 9 2 5

8 9 7 3 1 6 5 4 2

Sales andMarketing Representative - Inside Sales

• Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal • Sales and marketing experience of a technical nature • Mechanical aptitude • A passion for sales and the ability to identify and pursue new markets

Desiredqualifications include: • Bachelor's degree in engineering, business or marketing • Interest in automotive racing and motorsports • Ability to interpret CAD / mechanical drawings • Experience in internet marketing / e-commerce Work location is central Oregon. We offer competitive pay and an excellent benefits package including group health insurance, 401K, flex spending account, paid vacation, PTO and more.

Pre-employment d r u g scr e e n and non-competition agreement required. E.O.E. Join a winning team! Submit your resume, with work history, cover l etter a n d s a lary requirements to hr©fuelsafe.com

Our winning team of sales 8 promotion professionals are making an average Df $400 - $800 per week doing special events, trade shows, retail & grocery store promotions while representing THE BULLETIN newspaper as an independent contractor M/E OFFER:


* Solid Income Opportunity * Complete Training Program * No Selling Door to Door * * ND Telemarketing Involved * * Great Advancement Opportunity * * Full and Part Time Hours * FOR THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, Call Adam Johnson 541-410-5521, TODAY!

EPIC AIRCRAFT CAREER DAY BRING YOUR RESUME Saturday, February 8th, 70 am - 1 pm 22550 Nelson Rd., Bend, Oregon Immediate openings available for aviationexperienced professionals in manufacturing, engineering, purchasing, QA & admin. Current job postings include:

Assembly Aviation Mechanic (A&P)

Director ofDevelopment, Oregon University Advancement

For further information, please see the full position announcement, including minimum and p referred q u alifications, e ducation requirements, and application procedure on the UO website at http://hr.uoregon.edu/jobs/. UO is an AA/Eo/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity

Avionics Bonding CNC Operations

Composites Document Control

Engineering Checker General Administration

Information Technology Liaison Engineer

Machine Shop Materials & Process Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

Quality Control

Research 8 Development Sub-Assembly Technical Writer

Tooling Trim 8 Drill


For more information, Contact Kellysoepicaircraft.com or visit the company website at www.epicaircraft.com

4 9 3 7 5 2

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3 1 8 9 4 8 1 4 6 7 5 6 2 3 9 2 7 5 1 3 5 47 8 2 6 4 7 5 3 1 2 3 1 6 9 8 5 9

7 2 3 8 5 1 9 4 6

6 4 5 2 3 9 8 7 1

8 1 9 5 2 3 7 6 4

4 7 2 6 1 8 5 3 9

5 3 6 9 4 7 1 8 2


5 9 8 2 6 7 4 3 1

6 1 3 4 9 8 2 5 7

2 3 5 6 7 4 9 1 8

8 4 1 3 5 9 7 2 6

9 6 7 8 2 1 5 4 3

FINANCEAND BUSINESS 507- Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528- Loans and Mortgages 543- Stocks and Bonds 558- Business Investments 573 - Business Opportunities




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

These positions provide mental health nursing care including medication oversight, medication r e lated t r e atment, f o llow physician's prescriptions and procedures, measure and record patient's general p hysical c ondition s uc h as pul s e , temperature and respiration to provide daily information, educate and train staff on medication administration, and e nsure documentation is kept according to policies. This position works with the treatment team to promote recovery from mental illness. This position includes telephone consultation and crisis intervention in the facility.

Qualified applicants must have a v alid Oregon Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of hire, hold a valid Oregon driver's license and pass a criminal history background check. Wages dependent upon education and experience, but will be between $48,000 to $72,000. Excellent benefit package, including signing bonus. Please visit th e O r egon Employment Department or the Community Counseling Solutions website for an a pplication or contact Nina Bisson at 5 4 1-878-9161, nina.bissonogobhi.net, or P.O. Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836. Pressroom

Njght Supervisor

The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Oregon is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc. which is a small, family-owned group consisting of 7 newspapers: 5 in Oregon and 2 in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a small crew of 3 and must have prior press experience. The candidate must be able to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for our 31/s tower KBA press. Prior management/leadership experience preferred. I n ad d ition t o our 7-day-a-week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. Besides a competitive wage, we also provide potential opportunity for advancement. If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude, are able to manage people and schedulesand are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live and raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager at anelsonowescom a ers.com with your complete resume, r eferences an d s a l ary history/requirements. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE.

Paint & Body Work


1 2 5 8 3 4 7 9 6 3 9 6 4 5 8 1 1 4 2 7 3 2 5 8 4 8 7 6 9 1

EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools andTraining 454- Looking Ior Employment 470- Domestic 8 In-Home Positions 476 - Employment Opportunities 486 - Independent Positions

semngcentral oregonsince rsts


7 4 6 2 9 1 3 8 5 2 7 9 6 4 1 2 5 9 7 8 3

Can be found on these pages:

Sales Telephone B2B prospecting posiConstruction Labortion for important Executive Deputy Flooring ers needed for underprofessional s e rDirector Established floorOffice A s s istant v ices. round utility work. Ba s e + DL preferred. Com- The C o nfederated i ng company i n needed for growing commission. War m co. in La Pine, OR. petitive pay & local T ribes o f Redmond, needs Health and Dental Springs, OR , is Experience in Genwork. Benefits and licensed subconInsurance after 180 seeking an Execueral Office duties in401 k available. tractor with hardDeputy Director cluding c u s tomer days. Other benEquipment Operators tive wood floor laying efits. B end west service. Must be proneeded for u n der- to oversee the GM's experience to help ficent in Quickbooks, side loca t ion. round utility work. & Directors. Report install pr e engithe Excel and Internet Sales experience a DL preferred. Com- directly to neered and solid Secretary/Treasurer A pplications. A c - plus, but will train petitive pay & l ocal -CEO. B a c helor's flooring in high-end counting and shipthe right person. work. Benefits and homes. S a nding degree in Business ping experience a 401 k available. F ax resume t o A dministration o r experience a plus. plus. Must have a Pre-employment drug 541-848-6395. positive attitude, orrelated field. Ten Pay DOE. screen & background years' experience in ganizational s k i lls Call Doug at check required. and be a team player USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-410-7859. C-2 Utility Contractors, the Tribal Adminisin a small office atinc l uding LLC is an EOE. Mail tration mosphere. Door-to-door selling with resume to PO B ox E nterprises, t h e ir People Lookfor Information Please send resume fast results! It's the easiest 7585 Bend, OR 97708 operation Policies & About Products and to:bmyers0057©aol. Procedures, budget or fax 541 -389-8445 way in the world to sell. and stru c t ure. Services Every Daythrough com or SMI Po Box 1410, La Pine, OR MUST be a t r ibal The Bnllelin Classiffeds The Bulletin Classified Good classifiedadstell 97739 member. C o ntact: co. seeks Pub541-385-5809 the essential facts inan Jake Suppah/Lynn Media for B2B sales in Davis at lisher interestingManner. Write high end Bend magazine. 541 -553-3232. Residual comm., training from thereaders view- not Registered Nurses provided, autonomy. the seller's. Convertthe Check out the Send resume to: facts into benefits. Show classifieds online afloodo Community Counseling Solutions is the readerhowthe itemwil tsrww.eendrsuaetitLcom bestversionmedia.com recruiting for Registered Nurses to work Updated daily (no hyphens) help them insomeway. at Juniper Ridge Acute Care Center locatedinJohn Day, OR. This Sales advertising tip Juniper Ridge is a S e cure Residential brought tc youby Independent Contractor Sales Treatment Facility providing services to We are seeking dynamic individuals. individuals with a severe mental illness. The Bulletin

The University of Oregon seeks applications for a r e gional Director of D evelopment position to be located in our Portland, Oregon, 346 White Stagg building offices. Reporting to the Livestock & Equipment Assistant Vice President Oregon Regional Development, the director is responsible for 4-H Pigs born on Jan. the strategic identification, cultivation, and 5th & 12th. Breed is solicitation of prospects with the capacity to Hamp, York, Duroc, make gifts of $100K or more in the Oregon $175. Ready to go in r egion. Additionally, the director will be March. Call or t ext expected to build and successfully manage a 541-777-7144 portfolio of philanthropic partners, as well as work collaboratively with the advancement 356 team, university leaders, faculty, and unit Farmers Column development officers to coordinate donor cultivation and solicitation strategies. This 1 OX20 Storage Buildings position is f i eld-oriented, requiring direct for protecting hay, contact with donors and donor prospects. The firewood, livestock etc. director will b e r e sponsible for meeting St 496 Installed. f undraising goals as t hey r elate t o t h e (other sizes available) strategic needs of the university. This position 54t-617-1 t33. will involve regular travel (60% of time) to work CCB ¹173684 with gift prospects. kfjbuildersoykwc.net University Advancement is c ommitted to 376 providing a fair, equitable, and inclusive work Neat & Animal Processing environment. We welcome applications from candidates that will promote and value our Buermann's Ranch culture and exercise teamwork and collaboraMeats, Burns Oregontion when working with diverse groups, donors, We deliver to Bend area! volunteer groups, and coworkers. /2hog or whole lamb, $200 fully processed. Search will remain open until filled. Review of Now taking orders for applications will begin on Feb. 25, 2014. ranch-raised grain-fed Salary is commensurate with experience and beef, half or whole, $3/Ib will range from $85-t 00K. The university fully processed. offers an excellent package of employee Call 541-573-2677 benefits. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS!



Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing and Fuel Safe Systems is looking for an experienced sales First quality Orchard/Tim- and marketing professional. We are an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer of fuel containothy/Blue Grass mixed hay, no rain, barn stored, ment systems for the motorsports, aerospace $250/ton. Patterson Ranch and military industries. Sisters, 541-549-3831 Requirements for theposition include:

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results!

4 5 9

@ 20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uclick for UFS


/ 0 0

2 38 2 4

General The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturday night shift and other shifts as needed. We currently have openings all nights of the week, everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11130 p.m. and endbetween 2:00 a.m. and 3230 a.m. All

positions we are hiring for work Saturday nights. Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts are short (1 1:30 - ti80). The work consists of loading inserting machines or stitcher, stacking product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup and other tasks. For qualifying employees we offer benefits including life insurance, short-term& long-term disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is required prior to employment. Please submit resumes to keldredobendbulletin.com or complete an application at the front desk. No phone call s please. EOE.

The Bulletin serwng cenvaf oregon sincelsos

Surgical Services RN

Wallowa Memorial Hospital Located in Enterprise, OR Part-time 24 Hours

plus. Variable shifts/days - Shift differential applies to nights and weekends. CPR/ACLS Required PALS preferred. Prior Pre-Op Care, PACU& scrubbing experience preferred. Excellent benefit package. Visit our website at www.wchcd.org Contact Linda Childers at

r.=.-"-,.— .v products or g I chasing services from out of • I the area. Sending I c ash, checks, o r I credit i n f ormationI • may be subjected to I FRAUD. I For more information about an adver- I I tiser, you may call I the Oregon State I Attorney General'sI C o nsumer s I Office Protection hotline at I I 1-877-877-9392. I

LT""'-B" .="-'"""-J

The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory is all about meeting yourneeds.

541-426-5313 EOE

Call on one of the professionals todayi

Senior Project hfanager Oregon State University (OSU) - Cascades in Bend invites applications for a f u ll-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, Professional Faculty position as Senior Project Manager. Duties include, but are not limited to, planning the design and construction of the new physical facilities of Oregon State University Cascades' campus. This includes providing timely, cost e ffective, and p r ofessional services that enhance the i nstructional, research, and service goals of the University. A minimum requirement includes a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Architecture, Engineering or Planning. P r eferred qualifications include experience working within higher education. The anticipated start date is in February, 201 4. To review additional minimum and preferred qualifications, and to apply for this position, please go to http://oregonstate.edu/jobs/ and view posting number 0011870. The closing date is 2/4/14. OSU is an AA/EOE. Nurses

Partners /n Care A career with countless rewards. A career with Partners In Care Hospice and Home Health is more than a job. It's an opportunity to make a powerful and lasting difference in the lives of your community members. Rediscover the patient-centered care that drew you to your profession in the first place. The following positions are currently available at Partners In Care:

• Hospice RN Case hfanager- (fufl-time) Primary responsibilities include providing day-to-day care to hospice patients in their homes / facilities while being the point person for the patients case management team. • Hospice RN Support - (fulf-time) Support RNs primary responsibilities include providing day-to-day care to hospice patients in their homes / facilities. • Home Health RN Case Nfanager (Fulf time, 4 days/32 hours a week) Primary responsibilities include providing day-to-day care to home health patients in their homes / facilities while being the point person for the patients case managementteam. • Home Health/Hospice RN S upport (Casuaf) Support RNs primary responsibilit ies include providing day-to-day care t o home health/hospice patients in their homes / facilities. • On-Call Certified Nurse Assistant (Casual Status) Responsibilities include providing patient care in our inpatient facility covering vacations. Position is on-call from 7:00pm to 7:30am, as needed. • Hospice Nursing Supervisor (Fulf time) Primary responsibilities include supervising and directing nursing care and all related activities in the Hospice Home Care department according to p o licies, procedures, philosophy, and objectives of the department and organization. The H ospice Nursing Supervisor is responsible for day to day s upervision of H o spice R N s t af f a n d processes while ensuring quality patient care and outcomes. Partners In Care offers wages and benefits competitive with the local market including health/dental/life insurances, disability coverage, retirement plan with company match on contributions, and paid time off.

If you are interested, please send a cover letter, employment application and resume via email to HR©partnersbend.org or submit via regular mail to: Partners In Care, Attn: HR, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend OR 97701 Please visit our websithttp//www.partnersbend.org to download an application.



Moto rcycles & Accessories







882 Fifth Wheels


HDFatBo 1996






Fifth Wheels

Aircraft, Parts & Service

Antique & Classic Autos


Nj •




Completely Rebuilt/Customized 2012/2013 Award Winner Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.

Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE,





DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call Oregon Land Mortgage 541-388-4200. LOCAL MONEY:Webuy secured trust deeds & note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.1 8. S TRUGGLING W I T H YOUR M O R TGAGE and worried a bout foreclosure? Reduce your mortgage & save money. Legal loan modification services. Free co n sultation. Call Preferred Law 1-800-335-6592. (PNDC) USE THE CLASSIFIEDSI

Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell.

Business Opportunities


Arctic Fox 2003 Cold Weather Model 34 5B, licensed thru 2/15, exlnt cond. 3 elec slides, solar panel, 10 gal water htr, 14' awning, (2) 10-gal propane tanks, 2 batts, catalytic htr in addition to central heating/AC, gently used, MANV features! Must see to appreciate! $19,000. By owner (no dealer calls, please). Call or text 541-325-1956.

Fleetwood Wilderness N.W. Edition 26' 2002, 1 slide, sleeps 6, queen bed, couch, stove/oven, tub/ shower, front e lec. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! jack, waste tank heatGulfstream S u ne rs, s t abilizers, 2 Door-to-door selling with sport 30' Class A prop. t a nks, no 1988 new f r idge, smoking/pets, winter- fast results! It's the easiest TV, solar panel, new ized, good c o n d. way in the world to sell. refrigerator, wheel$8500 OBO The Bulletin Classified chair l ift. 4 0 00W 541-447-3425 g enerator, G ood 541-385-5809 condition! $12,500 CHECK YOURAD obo 541-447-5504

Triumph Daytona 2004, 15K m i l e s, perfect bike, needs nothing. Vin ¹201536. $4995 Dream Cer People Look for Information Auto Sales About Products and 1801 Division, Bend DreamCarsBend.com Services Every Daythrough 541-678-0240 The Bulletin Clessifieds Dlr 3665

KOUNTRY AIRE 1994 37.5' motor-

V ictory TC 9 2 ci home, with awning, and one slide-out, 2002, runs great, Only 47k miles 40K mi., Stage 1 and good condition. Performance Kit, $25,000. n ew tires, r e a r 541-548-0318 brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. (photo aboveis of a 541-771-0665 similar model & not the

KeystoneLeredo 31'

RY 20 06 w ith 1 2'

on the first day it runs slide-out. Sleeps 6, to make sure it is corqueen walk-around rect. "Spellcheck" and bed w/storage underhuman errors do ocneath. Tub & shower. cur. If this happens to 2 swivel rockers. TV. your ad, please conAir cond. Gas stove & tact us ASAP so that refrigerator/freezer. corrections and any Microwave. Awning. adjustments can be Outside sho w er. made to your ad. Slide through stor541-385-5809 a ge, E a s y Li f t . The Bulletin Classified $29,000 new; Asking $18,600 Just bought a new boat? 541-447-4605 Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809

actual vehicle) 865


Layton 27-ft, 2002

The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 573

Fleetwood D i scovery Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 40' 2003, diesel mo- 2004, 35K, loaded, too torhome w/all much to list, ext'd warr. options-3 slide outs, thru 2014, $49,900 Densatellite, 2 TV's,W/D, nis, 541-589-3243 etc. 32,000 m i les. 881 Wintered in h eated Travel Trailers shop. $84,900 O.B.O.

Honda TRX 350 FE 2006, 4 wheel drive, electric start, electric s hift, n ew tire s , $2500, 541-980-8006.

A Classified ad is an EASY W A Y TO REACH over 3 million USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Pacific Northwesterners. $5 4 0/25-word Door-to-door selling with c lassified ad i n 2 9 fast results! It's the easiest daily newspapers for way in the world to sell. 3-days. Call the Pacific Northwest Daily The Bulletin Classified Connection (916) 541-385-5809 288-6019 or e m ail elizabeth©cnpa.com 870 for more info (PNDC) Boats & Accessories Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the 17' Fishrite u i de classifieds! Ask about our Model drift boat,G 54" Super Seller rates! beam, great shape! 541-385-5809 $3800. 541-610-3183 Extreme Value AdverThe Bulletin's tising! 29 Daily news"Call A Service papers $540/25-word classified 3- d ays. Professional" Directory Reach 3 million Pais all about meeting cific Northwesterners. yourneeds. For more information call (916) 288-6019 or Call on one of the email: professionals today! elizabeth©cnpa.com for the Pacific Northwest Daily Connection. (PNDC) Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, Super Seller rates! inboard motor, g reat 541-385-5809 cond, well maintained, $8995 obo. 541-350-7755

Front & rear entry doors, bath, shower, N aylon R V 20 0 8 , queen bed, slide-out, Sprinter chassis 25'. oven, microwave, air Mercedes Benz diesel, conditioning, patio 24,000 miles, pristine awning, twin procond., quality throughpane tanks, very out, rear slide-out w/ nice, great floor plan, queen bed, d e luxe $8495 captain swivel f ront 541416-1 388 seats, diesel generator, awning, no pets/ smoking. $77,500 or make USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! an offer. 541-382-2430 Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell.

Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-480-2019 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:

The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

Orbit 21' 2007, used

only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $14,511 OBO. 541-382-9441 People Lock for Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough

The Bulletin Clessifieds



Pegasus 2008 24' w ith slide. A/ C , queen bed, sleeps 4, 2 door fridge, microwave, awning, & more! Non-smoker, exc cond, $11,295 541-390-1755

Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest 21' Sun Tracker Sig. se- way in the world to sell. ries Fishin' Barge, Tracker 50hp, live well, fish fndr, The Bulletin Classified new int, extras, exc cond, 541 485-5809 850 Just bought a new boat? $7900. 541-508-0679 Sell your old one in the Snowmobiles classifieds! Ask about our Ads published in the Super Seller rates! "Boats" classification 1994 Arctic Cat 560 541-385-5809 include: Speed, fishEXT, in good condition, $1000. ing, drift, canoe, Located in La Pine. house and sail boats. RV Call 541-408-6149. For all other types of CONSIGNMENTS PHAETON QSH watercraft, please go TIFFIN WANTED 2007 with 4 slides, CAT 860 to Class 875. We Do The Work ... 350hp diesel engine, 541-365-5809 Motorcycles & Accessories You Keep The Cash! $125,900. 30,900 miles, On-site credit new Michelin tires, great approval team, cond! Dishwasher, w/d, Serv>n Central Ore on since 1903 web site presence. central vac, roof satellite, Obrien towable 2 per- aluminum wheels, 2 full We Take Trade-Ins! son tube, HD, exc. slide-thru basement trays Free Advertising. $40. 541-388-3879 & 3 TV's. Falcon-2 towBIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 bar and Even-Brake in875 2013 Harley Redmond: cluded. Davidson Dyna Watercraft 541-548-5254 Call 541-977-4150 Wide Glide, black, only 200 miles, ds published in "Wa The Bulletin's brand new, all stock, tercraft" include: Kay "Call A Service plus after-market aks, rafts and motor exhaust. Has winter Ized personal Professional" Directory cover, helmet. watercrafts. Fo is all about meeting Sprinter, 35' 2008 Selling for what I "boats" please se your needs. Rear living, large owe on it: $15,500. Class 670. refrigerator, walk-in Call anytime, Call on one of the 541-365-5809 shower, queen bed, 541-554-0384 professionals today! lots of storage inside Serv>ng Ceneral Ovegonsince 1903 & out, newtires, People Lookfor Information electric jack, Tioga 24' Class C 880 About Products and excellent condition, Motorhome only used 3 times. Services Every Daythrough Motorhomes Bought new in 2000, Call foseei The BufietiuClessifieds currently under 20K 541-318-6919 miles, excellent shape, new tires, Harley Davidson 2009 professionaly winterSuper Glide Custom, ized every year, cutStage 1 Screaming off switch to battery, Eagle performance, plus new RV battertoo many options to COACHMAN ies. Oven, hot water list, $8900. Freelander 2008 heater & air condi541-388-8939 32' Class C, M-3150 tioning have never Pristine - just 23,390 been used! Tango 29.6' 2007, miles! Efficient coach $24,000 obo. Serious Rear living, walkhas Ford V10 inquiries, please. around queen bed, w/Banks pwr pkg, Stored in Terrebonne. central air, awning, 14' slide, ducted furn/ 541 -548-51 74 1 large slide, AC, flat screen TV, $12,000. 16' awning. No pets/ 541-280-2547 or smkg. 1 owner541-815-4121 Harley Davidson a must see! $52,500. 2011 Classic Lim541-548-4969 ited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint Looking for your "Broken Glass" by next employee? Nicholas Del Drago, Winnebago Aspect Place a Bulletin help new condition, 2009- 32', 3 slidewanted ad today and heated handgrips, reach over 60,000 outs, Leather inteauto cruise control. rior, Power s eat, readers each week. $32k in bike, locks, windows, Your classified ad Fleetwood Bounder, only $20,000 or best Aluminum wheels. will also appear on 2000 - Great ameni17" Flat Screen, offer. 541-318-6049 bendbulletin.com ties! 34', special exteSurround s o u nd, which currently rerior coating, side by camera, Queen bed, ceives over 1.5 milside fridge, corner USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! china Foam mattress, Awlion page views evcabinet, queen ning, Generator, Inery month at no bed, tub/shower, 1 Door-to-door selling with verter, Auto Jacks, extra cost. Bulletin large living room slide fast results! It's the easiest out, air leveler, warm Air leveling, Moon Classifieds Get Reway in the world to sell. & cozy interior. Ford roof, no smoking or sults! Call 385-5809 or place your ad V10 Triton 44,000 p ets. L i k e ne w , The Bulletin Classified miles. $25,000 $74,900 on-line at 541-318-7473 541-480-6900 bendbulletin.com 541-385-5809

The Bulletin

The Bulletin

Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001

2 slides, ducted heat 8 air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo.

Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Top living room, 2 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, entertainment center, fireplace, W/D, garden tub/shower, in great condition.$36,000 or best offer. Call Peter, 307-221-2422, in La Pine ) ILL DELIVER RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do the Work, You Keep the Cash! On-site credit

Dramatic Price Reduction Executive Hangar at Bend Airport (KBDN) 60' wide x 50' deep, w/55' wide x 17' high bifold dr. Natural gas heat, offc, bathroom. Adjacent to Frontage Rd; great visibility for aviation business. 541-948-2126 or email 1jetjockOq.com

Price Reduced! Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K orig. miles, runs great, exc. cond.in/out.$7500 obo. 541-480-3179

Hangarfor sale at Redmond Airport - not a T Hangar -$39,000. 541-420-0626

People Lookfor Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Clnssifieds

GMC 8 ton 1971, Only $10,500! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 760-965-4016 ll~

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV

FORD XLT 1992 3/4 ton 4x4

matching canopy, 30k original miles possible trade for classic car, pickup, motorcycle, RV $13,500. In La Pine, call 928-581-9190

pMt N! I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 spd. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480.

Save money. Learn GMC Sierra 1977 short bed, exlnt o r iginal to fly or build hours The Bulletin's cond., runs 8 drives with your own air541-548-5254 "Call A Service great. V8, new paint c raft. 1966 A e r o and tires. $4750 obo. Professional" Directory Commander, 4 seat, 541-504-1050 150 HP, low time, 885 is all about meeting full panel. $23,000 Just bought a new boat? yourneeds. Canopies & Campers obo. Contact Paul at Sell your old one in the 541-447-5184. classifieds! Ask about our Call on one of the Cabover Conestoga Super Seller rates! professionals today! camper, fits 8' bed, 541-385-5809 stove, heater. Quick sale, Just bought a new boat? $200. 541-771-1252 Sell your old one in the T oyota Tundra 2011 classifieds! Ask about our Crew Max LTD 42k Super Seller rates! USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-385-5809 Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest J@ep CJ5 1979, way in the world to sell. 541-598-3750 Original owner, 87k miles, only 3k on new www.aaaoregonautoThe Bulletin Classified source.com 258 long block. Clutch 541485-5809 package, Warn hubs. Superhawk935 Excellent runner, very Only 1 Share dependable. North- Sport Utility Vehicles Available man 6'A' plow, Warn o Economical flying 6000¹ winch. $7900 in your own or best reasonable IFR equipped offer. Cessna 172/180 HP for 541-549-6970 or only $13,500! New 541-815-8105. Garmin Touchscreen avionics center stack! AM General Hummer Exceptionally clean! H1 1996; $ 48,500; Hangared at BDN. pics at ebay or email 908 Call 541-728-0773 bmartin029@aol.com Aircraft, Parts 916 & Service Plymouth B a r racuda PeoPle Look for Information About Products and Trucks & 1966, original carl 300 360 VS center Services EveryDaythrough Heavy Equipment lines, 541-593-2597 The Bulletin Clussifieds Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:

Call Dick, 541-480-1687.

1/3 interest in Columbia 400, $150,000 (located I Bend.) Also: Sunri- Peterbilt 359 p otable ver hangar available for water truck, 1 990, Rolls Royce 1992 Sil- BMW X3 2 0 07, 9 9 K sale at $155K, or lease, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp ver Spur II, excellent! miles, premium packpump, 4-3" h oses, Midnight Blue exterior, I $400/mo. heated lumbar 541-948-2963 cam!ocks, $25,000. Parchment leather inte- age, seats, pan541-820-3724 rior, 15-inch chrome RR supported oramic moo n roof, wheels, Alpine Sirius Bluetooth, ski bag, Xe929 DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS The Bulletin's non headlights, tan & navigation system, Automotive Wanted black leather interior, "Call A Service 77,200 miles, dealern ew front & re a r Professional" Directory ship maintained, alDONATE YOUR CARbrakes I 76 K miles, ways garaged. New, is all about meeting FAST FREE TOWone owner, all records, 1/3 interest i n w e l labout $250,000; sell very clean, $16,900. yourneeds. equipped IFR Beech Bo- ING. 24 hr. Response $19,500. 541-480-3348 541-388-4360 Tax D eduction. nanza A36, new 10-550/ Call on one of the BRE A ST prop, located KBDN. U NITED USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! professionals today! $65,000. 541-419-9510 CANCER FOUNDATION. Providing Free Door-to-door selling with M ammograms & The Bulletin's Breast Cancer Info. fast results! It's the easiest "Call A Service way in the world to sell. 886-592-7561. Professional" Directory (PNDC) is all about meeting Chevy Suburban The Bulletin Classified 1500 LT 2009 your needs. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin's Keystone Challenger 5.3L V8 Flex fuel. "Call A Service 2004 CH34TLB04 34' Call on one of the 4wd Heavy Duty tow 933 fully S/C, w/d hookups, professionals today! Professional" Directory pkg., Cargo Racks, Pickups new 18' Dometic awis all about meeting running boards, ning, 4 new tires, new leather interior, your needs. Kubota 7000w marine power locks, XM diesel generator, 3 Call on one of the satellite, OnStar slides, exc. cond. inmulti-disc MP3, professionals today! s ide 8 o ut . 27" T V 1966 Ford F250 Bluetooth. Summer dvd/cd/am/fm entertain 3/4 ton, 352 V8, 2WD, and new studded 931 center. Call for more P/S, straight body, tires. 81,000 highdetails. Only used 4 1/5th interest in 1973 Automotive Parts, runs good. $2000. way miles. $25,000 times total in last 5~/~ Cessna 150 LLC 541-4'I 0-8749 OBO. 541-460-8231 years.. No pets, no 150hp conversion, low Service & Accessories smoking. High retail time on air frame and 14" Multi-fit rims, 5-lug $27,700. Will sell for engine, hangared in pattern, $60. $24,000 including slidBend.Excellent per541-279-8906 ing hitch that fits in formance & affordyour truck. Call 8 a.m. able flying! $6,000. 932 to 10 p.m. for appt to 541-410-6007 Antique & see. 541-330-5527. Ford F250 Camper Spe- Chevy Tahoe 2001, 5.3L Classic Autos cial 1966, AT w/limited V8, leather, air, heated slip rear end. A few is- seats, fully loaded, 120K, Laredo 2009 30' sues but runs good. Full $7500 obo. 541-460-0494 steel rack w/drs. $1950 firm, cash. 541-420-0156 Fleetvvood Wilderness 2000 model, 26', 1 slide, good condition, with awning and A/C, $7500. 541-363-8270



overall length is 35' has 2 slides, Arctic package, A/C,table & chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at bendbulletin.com



1974 Bellanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO, 160 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner

1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-3B9-B963

for 35 years. $60K. In Madras, call 541-475-6302

Buick Skylark 1972 Please see Bend Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, People Lookfor Information Craigslist for details and 2 slides, AC, recliners, About Products and more photos. walk-around queen bed, Services EveryDaythrough $19,900. sliding glass door closet, The Bulletin Clessifieds 541-323-1898 new tub & 10-gal water heater, good tires. Brand new 20' screen room available. Super clean, 1 owner, n o n -smokers. $13,499. 541-447-7968

People Lookfor Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The BufietinClessifieds

Ford Bronco 114x4, 1989, high miles, runs Ford Supercab 1992, auto, good. $1700. brown/tan color with 541-633-6662 m atching ful l s i z e canopy, 2WD, 460 over drive, 135K mi., USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! full bench rear seat, Door-to-door selling with slide rear w i ndow, bucket seats, power fast results! It's the easiest seats w/lumbar, pw, way in the world to sell. HD receiver & trailer brakes, good t ires. The Bulletin Classified Good cond i tion. 541-385-5809 $4900. 541-389-5341

• ii MONTANA 3585 2006, exc. cond., 3 slides,

king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 541-420-3250 Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809

zolkl SkiS

OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awninq. Like new! 541-419-0566

Lig Y uaed SkiS and b'indings in greatshapa no 2 Msssiis cf use @rslissor dings iri ths >sss siid frsshlywe ani) tunedfortheM+ " $4ss eBO

s41 ccp-000

The Bulletin

ServingCentral Oregon since 19tB

541-385-5809 Some restrictions apply

RePlaCe that Oldtired SetOfSkiSyou got frOmyOur Ski BumBuddy! • • • •

Under $500 $500 to $99 9 $1000 to $2499 $2500 and over

$29 $39 $49 $59

Includes up to 40 words oftext, 2" in length, with border, fullcolor photo, bold headline and price. • The Bulletin, • Central Oregon Marketplace

• The Cent ralOregonNickel Ads + bendbulletin.com

'Privatepartymerchandiseonly - excludespets&livestock, autos,RVs,motorcycles,boats, airplanes,andgaragesalecategoiies.



• 8 ~ I •

BOATS 8 RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890- RVs for Rent

• •














Cadillac Deville DHS 2000. Most options, exc. cond. 93,000 mi.. New tires. $6,500. 541-233-8944.

AUTOS8ETRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles



Sport Utility Vehicles

Sport Utility Vehicles


Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible with hard & soft top, silver with black interior, all original, very low mileage, in premium condition. $19,900. 702-249-2567 (car is in Bend)


Vehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Ask about our "WheelDeal"! for private party I advertisers

Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e Get your phone are misunderstood and an error business can occur in your ad. If this happens to your 940 bought a new boat? ad, please contact us Just Sell your old one in the a ROW I N G Vans the first day your ad classifieds! Ask about our appears and we will Super Seller rates! with an ad in be happy to fix it as G H E AT 541-385-5809 The Bulletin's s oon as w e c a n . "Call A Service Ford Windstar van, 1996, Deadlines are: Weekdays 12:00 noon for 1 owner, only 68,100 Professional" next day, Sat. 11:00 miles, new tires, always Directory a.m. for Sunday; Sat. serviced, no smoking/ 12:00 for Monday. If pets. Like new, $3950. 541-330-4344 or we can assist you, Nissan Altima 3.5 SL please call us: 541-420-6045 2007 mocha, 58,500 Ford Thunderbird 541-385-5809 mi. $17,995. ¹440752 2004 The Bulletin Classified Convertible Honda Odyssey with hard & soft top, 1999.Very good BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS silver with black cond. Runs well, Search the area's most interior, 541-598-3750 Two sets of tires on comprehensive listing of all original, www.aaaoregonautorims - summer and very low mileage, classified advertising... source.com winter. $2500. in premium condition. real estate to automotive, 541-593-2312 merchandise to sporting $19,900. or 541-977-7588 Find exactly what 702-249-2567 goods. Bulletin Classifieds (car is in Bend) you are looking for in the appear every day in the print or on line. 975 CLASSIFIEDS Call 541-385-5809 Automobiles People Lookfor Information www.bendbulletin.com About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin SernngCentral Oregon sinsn iggg The Bnlletin Clnsstyieds

L'"" " " '


Subaru Legacy 2.5i iphato ror illustration only) Premium 2012, 6 4 Subaru Outback 3.0 R C yl, a u to , AW D , VDC Wagon 2005, power seat, a l l oy H6, 3.0 Liter, auto, wheels. AWD, leather, dual moon roofs, roof rack, Vin ¹040619 alloy whee l s.Vin $17,988



Lincoln Aviator, 2004 Light tan/gray metallic, all wheel drive, V8 engine, heated leather seats, 3rd

Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

Corvette Coupe

row seat, 131K miles, very well maintained. $7777. 541-389-9829

1996, 350 auto, 135k, non-ethanol fuel/synthetic oil, garaged/covered. iphoto for illustration only) Bose Premium Gold Subaru Forester XT system. Orig. owner Limited 2007, 4 Cyl., manual. Stock! People Lookfor Information auto, AWD, leather, $10,500 OBO. About Products and moon rof, p r ivacy Retired. Must sell! Services EveryDaythrough glass, roof rack, alloy 541-923-1781 The Bulletin Clessileds wheels. Vin¹710326 $15,488


Corvette 1979

L82- 4 speed. 85,000 miles Garaged since new. I've owned it 25 years. Never damaged or abused.


Dave, 541-350-4077

s u a A Ru

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Range Rover HSE, 2011

Super clean, loaded, running boards, luxury 8 towing packages. Up top pod, 43,000 miles, $45,000. 541-593-9116

Super winter car! Find exactly what Audi 4000CS Quattro, you are looking for in the 1986, close ratio 5 spd, fun car to drive, CLASSIFIEDS new tires, runs great, needs paint, 187k miles. $2500. 541-771-8661.

Audi A4 2001 1.8T 4 door, rebuilt trans, newer clutch, brakes, manifold, etc. Subaru Tribeca 2009, H6, 3.6 Liter, auto, High-performance. ExThe Bulletin's tras, receipts, excelAWD, roof rack, pri"Call A Service vacy glass, a l loy lent mpg. $5,800 obo. 541-390-6004 Professional" Directory wheels. Vin ¹405069 is all about meeting $17,988 Buick CX2005 your needs. S Ua A R U . silver, 61,000 miles, Call on one of the good condition. Ex2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. cellent care. $7,000 professionals today! 877-266-3821 OBO, 541-419-9669. Dlr ¹0354 (photo forillustration only)


The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory is all about meeting your needs. Call on one of the professionals today!

Jaguar XJ8 2004 4-dr (longer style) sedan, silver,black leather, 4.2L V8, AT, AC, fully loaded + moonroof. Runs great, reliable, always garaged, 116K miles; 30 mpg hwy. Front/side airbags, non-smoker. $7900. 541-350-9938





Dlr ¹0354

iphoto for illustration only)

Subaru Legacy 3.0 R Limited 2008, 6 Cyl., auto, AWD, leather, m oon r o of , re a r spoiler, alloy wheels. Vin ¹207281 $23,988


s u a A Ru

BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin Sunng CUNrnl Oregonsince ata

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

go to www.bendbulletin.com to view additional photos of the item.

Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges new factory Porsche trimmed or a house motor 6 mos ago with GT 2200 4 cyl, 5 built, you'll find 18 mo factory warspeed, a/c, pw, pdl, ranty remaining. Mazda Nliata 1997 professional help in nicest c o n vertible $37,500. M-edition The Bulletin's "Call a 541-322-6928 around in this price Mica Green, 5-spd, This range, new t i res, Service Professional" original interior 8 advertising tip wheels, clutch, timexterior. All power Directory Just bought a new boat? brought toyouby ing belt, plugs, etc. options, leather, Sell your old one in the 541-385-5809 convertible boot, 111K mi., remarkclassifieds! Ask about our The Bulletin able cond. i nside Tonneau Cover Snrnng Central Oregon srnsn fgta Super Seller rates! 114K miles, synand out. Fun car to 541-385-5809 Bulletin recoml thetic oils, new timdrive, Must S E E! The mends extra caution I ing belt © 81K, $5995. R edmond. when p u rchasing s & more! $5995. 541-504-1993 f products or services 541-548-5648 from out of the area. ash , People Lookfor Information f S ending c s checks, or credit in- s About Products and Call a Pro iphato ior illustration onlyi I formation may be I Whether you need a (Photo for lllustration only) Subaru Outback 3.0 Services EveryDaythrough J subject toFRAUD. Subaru impreza 2.5i 2005, H6, 3.0 Liter, The Bulletin Clnsstyieds For more informafence fixed, hedges 2011, 4 C y l., auto, auto, AWD, m o on about an advertrimmed or a house AWD, running lights, roof, leather, alloy Toyota Prius 2009 PK3 f tion tiser, you may call n ice w heels. V i n silver, 77,187 mi. built, you'll find wheels. Vin ¹203121 Oregon Statef ¹507659 $13,995. ¹824445 I the $18,488 Attorney General's e professional help in $16,488 Office C o nsumer The Bulletin's "Call a I Protection hotline at ® s u a A Ru © s u a A Ru Service Professional" 1-877-877-9392. NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 877-266-3821 541-598-3750 Directory 877-266-3821 www.aaaoregonautoDlr ¹0354 Serving Centra/ Oregon sincetgag 541-385-5809 Dlr ¹0354 source.com Porsche Carrera 911

2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles,

Good classified adstell the essential facts in an interesting Manner.Write from the readers view not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader howthe item will help them insomeway.


f f

CORVETTE COUPE Glasstop 2010

Grand Sport -4 LT loaded, clear bra hood 8 fenders. New Michelin Super Sports, G.S. floor mats, 17,000 miles, Crystal red. $42,000. 503-358-1164.

goytaCO DygaStY

2pps L~OADEo'



I f

The Bulletin

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2004 Hyundai Elantra 4-Door

2007 FordFocusSE

Auto, CD,Great Condition,94K Niles


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2012Subaru Legacy 2.5i Premium Sedan 2010Subaru Outback 2.5i Premium Wagon


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MSRP $35,759.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,730 VIN: E4400688.ETD-01 Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.

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$25,995 2004 VW Touareg AWD

MSRP $28,761. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,362 VIN: E9601079.EZE-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not induded.



15,000 Niles,Leather, AWD,Panorama Roof,



4-Door, Auto, Premium ItYheels

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2009 AcuraTL-SHAWD


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2012Subaru Outback 3.6R Limited Wagon 2013Subaru Outback 3.6R Limited Wagon Auto 5-Speed, AWD,All Weather Pkg, Harman Kardon Sound, Leather, HeatedSeats, Dual Power Seats, Roof Rack, Alloy Wheels l~

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SpecialEdition.Auto5-Speed, AWD,All WeatherPkg, HarmanKardon Sound,Navigation, BlueioothWireless, Saddle BrownLeather,Moonroof, RoofRack,PremiumWheels, Heate dSeats,DualPowerSeats, BackupCamera VIN; 02232022,Stk.¹42786,r








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Sale endsFebruary 3,2014







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