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Startup weekend —It's

Investigators piece scene of shooting together

back in Bendfor an encore performance starting Friday.C6

Mail delivery —Aneffort is afoot that would keep the sorting facility in Bend open. B1

By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

An AIDS cure? —Notyet, but with early treatment, some

• SENTENCES: 9 yearsfor TamiSawyer; 2 years, 3 monthsfor I(evin Sawyer

people seemable to kill the virus before it can sink deeply into their bodies.A3

GOlf —Joe Daley's long, hard road to the Players Championship.C1

in an index that measures 20 U.S. cities.C6

morning-after pill moves over the counter to those15 and

Kevin Sawyer,former Bend Policecaptain

Pleaded guilty in January to all 21 counts against her, includ-

Pleaded guilty in January to one count of making false

ing wire fraud, bank fraud and

statements to a financial institution.

money laundering. Seefull list on Page A5.

HOme priCeS —Big growth

In national news —The

Tami Sawyer,former real estate broker

• RESTITUTION:Coupleorderedto pay$5.82 milion in real estate schemes


And a WedexclusivePension advances — pitched

as an answer toevery money worry — are having devastating consequencesfor a growing number of older Americans. bendbulletin.com/extras

Montana Marlatt allegedly turned a shotgun on his brother after fatally shooting a man in a deserted area southeast of Madras on Sunday, according to documents filed in Jefferson County Circuit Court. Marlatt, 24, is being held on charges of murder and manslaughter in the death of 19-year-old Devon Moschetti of Madras. A grand jury returned an indictment against Marlatt on both charges late Tuesday; he is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday. In an affidavit laying out the case for Marlatt's arrest, Jefferson County Sheriff's Sgt. Jason Erickson described the version of events investigators were able to piece together on the afternoon of the shooting. According to the affidavit, Marlatt was at the Tiger Mart on Madras' south side Sunday afternoon when he met his brother — McKenzie Brown — and Derick Summerhalder, both 19, and Moschetti. SeeShooting/A4


Co leges turn on ine to ease burdens

Bangladesh citizens turn

into rescuers By Chris Blake The Associated Press

By Tamar Lewin New York Times News Service

SAN JOSE, Calif. Dazzled by the potential of free online college classes, educators are now turning to the gritty task of harnessing online materials to meet the toughest challenges in American higher education: giving more students access to college, and helping them graduate on time. Nearly half of all U.S. undergraduates arrive on campus needing remedial work before they can begin regular credit-bearing classes. That early detour can be costly, leading many to drop out, often in heavy debt and with diminished prospects of finding a job. Meanwhile, shrinking state budgets have taken a heavy toll at public institutions, reducing the number seats available in classes students must take to graduate. In California alone, higher education cuts have left hundreds of thousands of college students without access to classes they need. To address both problems andkeep students on track to graduation, universities have begun to blend the new massive open online courses, created to deliver elite college instruction to anyone with an Internet connection, into their curriculum. SeeOnline/A4 -

Amanda L. Smith/For The Bulletin

Tami and Kevin Sawyer walk into federal court Tuesday morning in Eugene. A federal investigation into the Sawyers' real estate dealings began in 2009, and the two pleaded guilty in January.

What ledtothis Fedruary 2009 —BendPolice Capt. Kevin Sawyer is placed

• Victims, judge and Sawyersspeak out at the sentencing

on paid leave after Police Chief Sandi Baxter is told an FBI inves-

By Sheila G. Miller

been launched. He retires with pension from the department a

The Bulletin

EUGENE — More than four years after their money was stolen in a case of multimillion-dollar real estate fraud, victims watched Tuesday as the couple responsible left a federal courtroom with a U.S. marshal to begin serving prison time. Former real estate broker Tami Sawyer was sentenced to serve nine years in prison, and her husband, former Bend Police Capt. Kevin Sawyer, will serve 27 months in prison for their roles in bilking 33 investors out of more than $4 million. They must also pay restitution of more than $5.82 million to the victims. "(The Sawyers) are both well-educated, sophisticated and more important, they held positions of trust," U.S. Chief District Judge Ann Aiken said."The onlyway Ican describe how this case reads and appears is that the defendants preyed upon their friends and community members, and exploited relationships to obtain funds." The federal government began investigating the Sawyers' real estate dealings in early 2009. They were indicted in October 2010. Tami Sawyer pleaded guilty in Janu-

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 60, Low 32

Page B6

ary to all 21 counts against her, including wire fraud, bank fraud and money laundering; Kevin Sawyer pleaded guilty to one count of making false statementsto a financial institution. According to court documents, the couple solicited investments of morethan $7millionfor real estate projects, then used the money for personal expenses and to pay back other investors. T hree v ictims s poke d u r ing t h e sentencing. Ann Marie Amos told the judge how Tami Sawyer called her out of the blue in 2008 to offer her an opportunity to invest with her company. "Kevin told me he would sell all he had before he'd let me lose a dime," she said. "These promises were false." Amos invested $837,468 with the Sawyers, including with a planned housing development in G reensburg, Ind., for Honda employees. That projectnever materialized. "They caught me at a low point in my life," she said. "They made me feel like family, like they cared about me.... They have nevermade any attempt to pay me back." SeeSawyers /A5

tigation into his businesses has month later. April 17, 2009 —Kevin and Tami Sawyer hold ameeting with investors to try to work out a

repayment plan.

SAVAR, Bangladesh — The heat in the rubble was sweltering. It closed in on his body like the darkness around him, making it hard to breathe. Working by the faint glow of a flashlight, he slithered through the broken concrete and spotted a beautiful young woman, her crushed arm pinned beneath a pillar. She was dying, and the only way to get her out was to amputate. But Saiful Islam Nasar had no training, and almost no equipment. He's a mechanicalengineer who just days earlier rushed hundreds of kilometers

(miles) from his hometown

May18, 2009 —TheSawyers invoke their right to remain

silent during a debtor exam, refusing to answer questions or produce documents related to themoney loanedthem by investors David and Laurie Redwine.

octoder 2009 —Deschutes County Circuit Judge Stephen Forte declares the couple in

contempt of court for refusing to answer questions in the debtor exam. Forte revokes the

couple's passports and orders Tami Sawyer to jail until she

complies. She appeals the jail sentence. SeeTimeline/A5

The Bulletin

INDEX Busines s/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Horoscope 0 5 Outdoors Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 Lo c al/State B1-6 sports Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D5 Ob i tuaries B5 TV/Movies

D1- 4 c1-4 D5

in southern Bangladesh when he heard the Rana Plaza factory building had collapsed and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of garment workers were trapped. He also understood that maimed women can be cast from their homes. "I asked her, 'Sister, are you married?' She said 'Yes.' I asked her, 'If I cut off your arm, will your husband take you again?' She said, 'My husband loves me very much.' And then I started to cut," he said. SeeBangladesh/A4

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AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 110,No. 121, 30 pages, 5 sections


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ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

southern Russia last year, then scrambled to find him when he suddenly disappeared after police killed a Canadian jihadist, a security

official told TheAssociated Press. U.S. law enforcement officials have been trying to determine whether Tamerlan Tsarnaev was indoctrinated or trained by militants during his visit to Dagestan, a Caspian

Sea province that has becomethe center of a simmering Islamic insurgency.

Syria COnfliCt —President Barack Obamasignaled Tuesday

D.B. Cooper case —The manwho packed the parachutes used by infamous skyjacker D.B.Cooper morethan four decades ago

President Barack Obama on Tuesday renewed his pledge to closethe prison forterrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but the i mpediments that have thwarted him thus far remain. At a White House news conference, Obama said he would tryto persuade Congress to end restrictions that have prevented him from closing the facility. The president's comments followed the arrival Monday of medical reinforcements at the U.S. naval prison to help deal with a hunger strike by about 100 of the 166 detainees there. The forced feeding of detainees has refocused human rights concerns on the issue. "I don't want t hese individuals to die," Obama told reporters. He added that the situation was "not sustainable" and that hehad asked advisers to review it. He also said he would press

he would consider U.S. military action against Syria if "hard, ef-

has been identified as the victim of a homicide in Washington state.

fective evidence" is found to bolster intelligence that chemical

However, authorities say they have noreason to think the death of 71year-old Earl Cosseywas linked to the Cooper case.

weapons have been used in the 2-year-old civil war. Among the potential options being readied for him: weapons and ammunition

for the Syrian rebels. Despite such planning, Obama appealed for patience during aWhite House newsconference, saying he neededmoreconclusiveevidenceabouthow andwhenchemical weapons detected by U.S. intelligence agencies wereusedand who deployed them.

POISOII letterS —Ricin was found in the former martial arts studio of the man suspected of sending poison letters to President

Barack Obamaand other public officials, and was also discovered on a dust mask andother items he threw in the trash, federal prosecutors said in a court document madepublic Tuesday. Florida teen slaying —The former neighborhood watch leader

the issue with lawmakers. "I'm going to re-engage with Congress to try to make the case that this is not something that's in the best interest of the American people," he said. Obama first vowed to close the prison while campaigning for president ahead of his 2008 election. But after Congress passed restrictions on the transfer of detainees to the United States and other countries, the p r esident largely abandoned the issue. Obama h a s t r a n sferred many prisoners from Guan-

tanamo to o t her c ountries and has called for moving the remaining detainees to maximum security facilities in the United States. But the lawmakers, mostly Republican, w h o bl o c k ed Obama's push to close the facility in his first term remain no less committed to keeping it open and there is no public clamor to do so. Lawmakers opposing the closure have express concern about security and have argued that the rules of civilian courts are not appropriate for terrorism prosecutions.

charged with fatally shooting a Florida teenager told a judge Tuesday that he agrees with his defense attorneys' decision not to seek an im-

munity hearing under the state's "Stand YourGround" self-defense law. Under questioning from Circuit Judge Debra Nelson, George

Zimmerman repeatedly said "yes" to a series of questions asking if he was aware hewasgiving up the right to a hearing before his seconddegree murder trial in June.

Tainted orange juice —A California woman faces attempted murder charges after police say shetried to sneak orange juice bottles spiked with a lethal amount of rubbing alcohol inside a

Starbucks. SanJose Police arrested Ramineh Behbehanian, 50, late Monday. A customer reported seeing the woman take two bottles of

orange juice from her bagand placethem in an open-air refrigerated display case at aStarbucks in San Jose. Koma telISIOIIS —All the remaining South Korean factory managers in an industrial park in North Korea returned homeearly Tuesday, as political tensions drove the two Koreas to sever their last economic ties. The withdrawal of the 43 factory managers meant that

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BOStoll bomblllIJ —Russian agents placed the elder Boston bombing suspect under surveillance during a six-month visit to

The Associated Press

By Desmond Butler





Kaesong, was emptied out except for seven South Koreans who will

remain for a fewdays to sort out a dispute over unpaid wages. MideaSt peaCe talkS —Secretary of State John F.Kerry on TuesdayembracedaproposalbytheArabLeaguetorevivepeace talks between Israel and thePalestinians as "avery big step forward,"

HumanResources Traci Donaca......................54f -383-0327 1•'



the Kaesong Industrial Complex, in the North Korean border town of

but initial reactions suggested that the new initiative might have dif-

Business Tim Doran..........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367

ficulty penetrating the years-long impasse.

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Libya mllltlas —Gunmen swooped in on trucks mounted with anti-aircraft guns and surrounded Libya's Justice Ministry on Tues-

day, cutting off roads andforcing employees out of the building in the latest instance of powerful militiamen showing their muscle to

press their demands onhow Libya should be run morethan ayear after MoammarGadhafi's ouster. Over the past three days, militiamen stormed the headquarters of the Interior Ministry and state-run TV and besieged the Foreign Ministry while publicly calling for the

removal of Gadhafi-era officials from government posts. — From wire reports

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Emilio Morenatti /The Associated Press

Alex, 42, carries his son Abel, 4, on his shoulder

Tuesday asthey stand outside the Royal Palace in downtown Amsterdam. Millions of Dutch people dressed in orange flocked

to celebrations around theNetherlands Tuesdayin honor of a once-in-a-generation milestone for the

country's ruling House ofOrangeNassau: after a 33-year reign, Queen

lem-Alexander has assumed the throne at a time of Although the Dutch monarchy is largely ceremo-

nial, he immediately staked out acourse to preserve its relevance in the21st century. "I want to establish ties, make connections and exemplify what unites us, the Dutch people," the freshly

minted king said at anationally televised investiture

Beatrix abdicated in favor of her eldest son, Willem-Alexander, left. At 46, King Willem-Alexander is the

ceremony in Amsterdam's 600-year-old New Church, held before the combined houses of Dutch parliament.

youngest monarch in Europeand the

between the people and their government, maintain

first Dutch king in123 years, since Willem III died in1890. Like Beatrix before him, Wil-

Spectacular Ocean Views From Every Room.

social strains and economic malaise.

"As king, I can strengthen the bond of mutual trust

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our democracy andserve the public interest." — The Associated Press 'S

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MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn

Tuesday night are:

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By Lauran Neergaard

The FDA s aid T uesday's The Associated Press decision was independent of The government is moving the court case and wasn't inthe morning-after pill over the tended to address it. Technicounter but only those 15 and cally, the FDA approved Teva's older can buy it — an attempt application to sell Plan B in this to find middle ground just days manner. before a court-imposed deadThe J ustice D e partment line to lift all age restrictions on remained mum on whether it the emergency contraceptive. planned to appeal Korman's Today, Plan B One-Step is decision, and the White House sold behind pharmacy coun- had no immediate comment. ters, and buyers must prove The women's group that they're 17 or older to buy it with- sued over the age limits said out a prescription or else see a Tuesday's action is not enough, doctor first. Tuesday's decision and it will continue the court by the Food and Drug Admin- fight if necessary. istration lowers the age limit to Lowering the age limit "may 15 — and will allow the pill to reduce delays for some young sit on drugstore shelves next to women but it does nothing to condoms and spermicides or address the significant barriers other women's health products. that far too many women of all But customers must prove their ages will still find if they arrive age at the cash register. at the drugstore without identiTeva Women's Health, which fication," said Nancy Northup, makes Plan B, said it would be- presidentof the Center for Regin over-the-counter sales in a productive Rights. few months. The FDA said the Plan B The question i s w h ether One-Step will be packaged with Tuesday's action settles a larger a product code that prompts the court fight. Earlier this month, cashier to verify a customer's U.S. District Judge Edward Ko- age. Anyone who can't provide rman of New York blasted the such proofas a driver's license, Obama administration for im- birth certificate or passport posing the age-17 limit, saying wouldn'tbe allowedto complete it had let election-year politics the purchase. In most states, trump science and was making driver's licenses, the most comit hard for women of any age to mon form of identification, are obtain the emergency contra- issued at age 16. "These are daunting and ception in time. He ordered an end to all age sometimes in s u rmountable restrictions by Monday, for Plan hoops women are forced to B and its generic versions. jump through in time-sensitive

c ircumstances, and we w i l l continue our battle in court to remove these arbitrary restrictionson emergency contraception for all women," Northup said.

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Wednesday, May1, the 121st day of 2013. There are 244 days left in the year.




MRls may predict math tutoring effec tiveness

Library —The GeorgeW. Bush Presidential Library and Museum opens to the public.

Sllopplllg bags — A ban on plastic bags takes effect in

Eugene stores.B3

HISTORY Highlight:1963,James W. Whittaker became the first

American to conquerMount Everest as he and Sherpaguide Nawang Gombureachedthe summit. In1707,the Kingdom of Great Britain was created as a treaty merging England and Scotland took effect. In1786, Mozart's opera "The

Marriage of Figaro" premiered in Vienna.

In1898,CommodoreGeorge Dewey gavethe command, "You may fire whenyou are ready, Gridley," as anAmerican naval force destroyed aSpanish squadron in ManilaBayduring the Spanish-American War. In1911,the song "I Want a Girl (Just Like the Girl That Married

Dear OldDad)," byHarry Von Tilzer and Will Dillon, was first published. In 1931, New York's 102-story Empire State Building was dedicated. Singer Kate Smith made her debut on CBS Radio on her 24th birthday. In1941, the Orson Welles motion picture "Citizen Kane"

premiered in NewYork. In1960,the Soviet Union shot

down anAmerican U-2 reconnaissance planeover Sverdlovsk and captured its pilot,

Francis GaryPowers. In1961,the first U.S. airline hijacking took place as Antulio Ramirez Ortiz, a Miami electri-

cian, commandeered aNational Airlines plane that was en route to Key West, Fla., and forced the pilot to fly to Cuba. In1963,the Coca-Cola Co. began marketing TaB, its first

low-calorie beverage.

In1971, the intercity passenger rail service Amtrak went into

operation. In1982,the World's Fair in

Knoxville, Tenn.,wasopened by President Ronald Reagan. In1992, on the third day of the Los Angeles riots, a vis-

ibly shakenRodney Kingappeared in public to appealfor calm, pleading, "Can we all get along?" Ten yearsago:President George W.Bush,co-piloting an S-3BViking,landed onthe deck

of the carrier USSAbraham Lincoln off the Southern California coast; standing below a

banner strung across theship's bridge proclaiming "Mission Accomplished, " Bush declared

that major combat in Iraqwas over, butalso said "difficult

work" remainedahead. Amagnitude 6.4 earthquake killed 177

people in Turkey. Five yearsago:Three dozen people were killed in a double suicide bombing during a wed-

ding procession in BaladRuz, Iraq. A military jury at Fort Hood, Texas, acquitted Army

Sgt. LeonardTrevino of premeditated murder in the death

of an unarmed Iraqi insurgent. A U.S. missile strike in central Somalia killed the reputed leader of al-Qaida in Somalia.

One yearago:In a swift and secretive trip to theAfghan war zone,PresidentBarack Obama

signed anagreement vowing long-term ties with Afghanistan after America's combat forces returned home. Hundreds of

activists across theU.S.joined worldwide May Day protests, with Occupy Wall Street mem-

bers in several cities leading demonstrations and in some

cases clashing with police.

BIRTHDAYS Country singer SonnyJames is 84. Singer Judy Collins is 74. Actor Dann Florek is 62.

Singer-songwriter Ray Parker Jr. is 59. Country singer Tim McGraw is 46. Movie director Wes Anderson is 44. Actress

Kerry Bishe (Film: "Argo") is 29. — From wire reports

San Jose Mercury News

There is no way of knowing which HIV patients might kill the virus before it sinks deeper into their bodies, but experts agree on the clear benefits of early treatment. By Donald G. McNeil Jr.

the secret might be that some people have an"imbalanced" immune response that defeats the wily virus: They produce antibodies that neutralize HIV, but don't get i n flammation, which increases CD4 cells. That reaction may be more common in babies, he speculated, because their immune responses are muted in t he womb so they don't attack their mothers' cells. And even the M ississippi baby had progenitors, he said. Since the 1990s, about 20 ba-

New York Times News Service

What to make of all the recent "cured of A IDS" headlines? An American in Berlin, a baby in Mississippi and 14 patients in France are all alive without treatment. Is a cure at hand? No. But in unusual cases, some people seem able, with temporary help from antiretroviral drugs, to kill the virus before it can sink into reservoirs deep in their bodies — or to at least force it to stand at the doorways of their cells, unable to get in. "I'm excited about this," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "Not that we've got a cure, but things are falling into place that tell us what goes into the process of infection. So we're learning whom we can potentially take off treatment." Does that m ean d octors should now encourage HIV patients to stop treatment? Absolutely n o t , ex p e rts agree. There is no way to tell which patient might get lucky, and a vast majority will not. And "drug holidays," which

Heidi Schumann / New York Times News Service

bies who supposedly cleared

Timothy Ray Brown claimed a place in medical history when doctors wiped out his bone marrow and replaced it with marrow from a donor who had the same rare mutation Brown did. Last week, doctors at the University of Minnesota performed the same procedure on an unnamed 12-year-old boy with both HIV and leukemia.

the virus have been reported in medical journals, but each case had doubters. T he Mississippi baby i s more convincing because that case was "much betterstudied," McCune said. A nother h y p othesis, h e said, is t hat some patients are "cured" because they got weaker virus. By deliberately i n fecting monkeys, it has been shown that less-robust viral strains are controllable with drugs. "But," McCune added, "as you can imagine, no one wants to do that study in humans."

out his bone marrow and gave him marrow from a matching donor who also had the rare "delta 32 mutation" that makes CD4 cells, the virus' favorite target, impervious to HIV. Last week, doctors at the University of Minnesota performed thesame procedure on an unnamed 12-year-old boy with both HIV and leukemia, using umbilical cord b lood were in vogue a few years ago from a newborn with the same among patients tired of side ef- mutation. It will b e m onths fects, worked out badly when before they know whether it they were tested in clinical worked. trials. Brown, 47, may still have a But several experts say the hidden viral reservoir, but apreportedcures — ifconfirmed parently it cannot infect his by others — do suggest that blood cells. some AIDS policies should But typical patients can't change in at least two ways. follow his lead. Wiping out First, instead of waiting for bone marrow normally carthe infected to wander into ries a 40 percent risk of death, testing clinics, health authori- and Brown had to have it done ties ought to be aggressively twice. His doctor later told him seeking them out. that he thought he had a 95 Second, those who test posi- percent chance of dying the tive ought not to dither about second time. taking medication. By contrast, th e M i ssisE arly treatment now h a s sippi baby was put on full anthree clear benefits for pa- tiretroviral treatment, rather tients: They may live longer, than just a typical lower-dose may be 96 percent less likely prophylactic regimen, just 30 to infect anyone else and may hours after it was born about turn out to be among the lucky three years ago, and stayed few who can stop later. on it for 18 months before the "We should seek out, test mother, for her own reasons, and get people into treatment stopped it for five months. At as soon as we possibly can," the next doctor's appointment, Fauci said. "That way, you can the baby — astonishinglyget people into the position the appeared cured. Visconti cohort is in." In follow-up research, no ("Visconti cohort," for Viromatter which cells Dr. DeboImmunologic Sustained Con- rah Persaud of Johns Hopkins trol After Treatment Interrup- Children's Center tested, she tion, is a shorthand way of could not find any viral RNA. referring to the patients stud- All she found, she said, were ied by the Pasteur Institute, in "graveyard sequences" of nonFrance.) working D NA , p r esumably The virus' march into the remnants of the initial infecbody now looks less unstop- tion. (The child is still apparpable. HIV doesn't just hide ently healthy.) Some scientists behind cell walls, as flu virus- remained skeptical, saying es do. It splices a copy of itself that the baby might have a right into the genes of certain reservoir in cells so deep in the white blood cells, adding per- body that they could be tested manent new rungs to each only in an autopsy. cell's DNA ladder. Later, it does In this country, it is unusual the same to cells in the bone for an infected pregnant wommarrow, lymph nodes, nerves an to not see a doctor even and organs. once before delivery. But in AfScientists now can biopsy rica, the problem is common. various cells and force them to If the Mississippi baby's expespit out some viral RNA, prov- rienceisrepeated — probably ing that they are infected. by chance, because it would be "We're getting better at de- unethical for a doctor to advise fining the reservoirs," said Je- a mother to take her infected rome Zack, an immunologist child off antiretrovirals — it at the David Geffen School may become routine for babies of Medicine at the University in such circumstances to get of California, Los A ngeles. an aggressive drug regimen, "But there are still arguments not just the prophylactic one. among scientists about whethBy contrast, th e F r ench er thereare places deep in the patients went o n t r eatment tissues that treatment doesn't within weeks or months after reach, and whether or not viinfection and stayed on for rus is still replicating there." a year or more. Later, some The Berlin patient, Timothy — but only about 15 percent of Ray Brown, is in his own cate- them — were able to stop their gory. A Seattle native formerly drugs. living in Germany, he had been Catching patients early is on drugs for 11 years when he difficult. Not all get the first developed leukemia, a blood temporary signs of HIV infeccancer. That led to the proce- tion — fever, sore throat, swoldure that earned him a place len glands and a rash. Comin medical history: In 2006, plicating matters, those symphis German doctors wiped toms resemble mononucleosis,

Epstein-Barr virus and the flu, said Dr. Eric Rosenberg, an HIV researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital. While there is no clear indicator of what makes one patient more "curable" than another, Dr. Mike McCune, chief of experimental medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, speculated that

S TANFORD, Cali f . — When it comes to math, MRIs may be better than IQs — and even past math scores — at showing whether a tutor can help a child m aster everything f r o m trapezoids to trigonometry. A new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine says that the size and circuitry of certain parts of children's brains are excellent predictors of how well they'll respond to intensive math tutoring. The researchers' most surprising finding was that children's IQ and math scores had no effect on tutoring outcomes,yetbrain scanimages "predicted how much a child would learn," said Vinod Menon, a Stanford professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences who was the study's senior author. The researchers found that the kids who responded the best to tutoring tended to have a larger and more active hippocampus. Named after the Greek word for "seahorse," the spirally hippocampus is known to play an important role in learning and memory. But its role in mastering specific skills — like math — hadn't been explored until now.

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Brown with the shotgun. Brown Continued from A1 pointed a pistol Marlatt had been waiting at Marlatt and for a bus to Redmond, but insaid something stead joined the group to go Mariatt si mil a r to "what shooting. The four stopped the f-- did you do?" E r i ckson at Bi-Mart to purchase ammunition and headed out U.S. wrote. With that, Highway 26 toward a large Marlatt dropped rock wall in the Crooked Rivthe shotgun and er National Grassland. r an off t o t h e Upon arrival, Marlatt exMoschetti southeast. ited the vehicle and climbed to Sheriff'sdeputhe top of the rock wall, three ties located and detained Marto four stories above the sur- latt shortly after 2 p.m., about rounding terrain. The other 40 minutes after dispatchers three men took turns shooting received a 911 call reporting two shotguns and a handgun. the shooting. When M a r latt r e t u rned Kathie Rohde, aunt to both from climbing, he got a shot- M arlatt and B r own an d a gun from Summerhalder. He friend of the Moschetti family, turned and looked at Mos- said: "None of this makes any chetti, and according to the af- sense to us." "This is totally out of charfidavit, said something similar to "who are you?" and fired. acter for Montana," she said M arlatt f i r e d a se c o nd Tuesday. shot as Moschetti fell to the Rohde said Marlatt until ground, the affidavit states. recently had worked at the Moschetti was struck in the Brightwood wood p r oducts face and the chest, though it is plant in Madras. She said he'd unclear which shot was fired been living in the Madras area first, according to Erickson. for the last year, and has a 4M arlatt t he n t u r ned o n year-old daughter.



"All through his life I think he was a good kid," she said. "I didn't know him to have any tendencies to do anything like this, as his aunt." A review of state court records indicates Marlatt had a handful of run-ins with the law in recent years. In June 2010 in W heeler County, he was charged with fourth-degree assault, strangulation and menacing, but the charges were dropped a month later. Marlatt was under a restraining order stemming from the same incident for 10 months, until the woman who had requestedthe order had it withdrawn. The same woman initiated a formal separation from Marlatt in January 2012, then halted the proceedings two months later. Also in June 2010, Marlatt was charged with felony possession of methamphetamine in Jefferson County. Criminal charges were dismissed when he successfully c o mpleted drug court diversion in August 2011.

Owner in COurt —Atop Bangladesh court on Tuesday ordered the government to "immediately" confiscate the property of acoi-

Continued from A1 He had brought a syringe loaded with painkiller — his father was a village medic, and had taught him how to give injections — and he cut through her arm with a small surgical blade. It was easier than he expected because the arm had already

lapsed buiiding's owner, as thousands of protesters demanding the death penalty for the man clashed with police, leaving 100 injured.

A two-judge panelalso askedthe central bank to freeze the assets

of the owners of the five garment factories in the building, and use the money to pay the salaries and other benefits of their workers. — The Associated Press

Hemaet Ali, a 50-year-old construction worker who came He pointed a t f a d ing to volunteer, told the people specks of blood staining his around him that his identity vest and pants. He began to card, with his home address, cry. was in his shirt pocket. "There was no alterna"If I die inside, please make tive," he said. sure that my body reaches my Bangladesh is well-versed family," he told them. in tragedy, a country where Nasar came to Savar with floods, ferry sinkings, fires 50 other men from the small and cyclones strike with volunteer organization he runs, cruel regularity. But with Sunte Ki Pao. Normally, they state services riven by dys- assist people who have been in function an d c o r ruption, traffic accidents, offering basic often the only hope is the first aid, securing valuables and person beside you. contacting relatives. During It is a country that makes seasonal floods, they help howheroes out o f e v e ryday ever they can when the waters citizens. rush into town. Nothing had Many of the first respond- preparedthemto workthe front ers at Rana Plaza were men line of their country's largest inlike Nasar — neighborhood dustrial accident. residents, fellow garment w orkers, relatives of t h e missingand charity workers — and they repeatedly took some of the most dangerous work. Using little more than hammers, hacksaws and their bare hands, they crawled into tiny holes in the wreckage, breakingthrough concrete and steel bars and working around the clock to drag out the victims. They knew they w ere risking their lives.

"It was beyond imagination," he said Monday, six days after the collapse,when the search for survivors had given way to the searchfor bodies, and heavy equipmenthad replaced the rescuers. Thin and lanky, the 24-yearold was well-suited for crawling through the tight tunnels he cut. At first, he had only his mobile phone to light the tiny spaces. He could seeshattered chairs and tables. Sewing machines and fabric. And the battered bodies of the men and women who were crushed when the walls and ceilings came crash-

been so badly damaged.

— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammersCbendbulletin.com


terials, and how much from the shift to classroom sessions

ingdown. "I could just fit my shoulders in," he said. "I often felt like I would die and I would call out to my God."



courses like Udacity's for lower-level classes, which could Continued from A1 focusing on small group proj- be expanded to serve many While the courses, known ects, rather than lectures. more students at low c ost. I f '• I I as MOOCs, have enrolled milSaid Junn, " We want to T raditional teaching will be lions of students around the bring all the hyperbole around disappearing in five to seven world, most who enroll never MOOCs down to reality, and years, he predicts, as more a start a single assignment, and really see at a granular level professors come to realize t ~;i : . very fewcomplete the courses. that's never before been avail- that lectures are not the best So to reach students who are able, how well they work for route to student engagement, not ready fo r c o l lege-level underserved students." and cash-strapped universi.-' +o work, or struggling with inUntil now, most of the mil- ties continue to seek cheaper '+' ' ~ B B troductory courses,universi- lions of students who register instruction. See us for FREE LiteRise® "There may still be face-toties are beginning to add extra for onlinecourses could not cordless lifting system supports to the online materi- earn credit for their work. But face classes, but they would upgrades and $25-$100 I:.i als, in hopes of improving suc- that is changing, and not just at not be in lecture halls," he said. mail-in rebates on select "And they will have not only cess rates. San JoseState.The three leadYacbars, Oregon . Hunter Douglas products. At San Jose State, for exam- ing providers, Udacity, EdX course materialdeveloped by Receive 20% off room rate ivhen you bring this ad and ple, two pilot programs weave and Coursera,are alloffering the instructor, but MOOC madonate acan of food for.each night ofyour stay. material from the online class- proctored exams, and in some terials and labs, and content es into the instructional mix cases, certification for transfer from public broadcasting or Valid.Sun-Thurs, Now - May 23, 20I3. — and allow students to earn credit through the American corporatesources. But just as COVERINGS credit for them. 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Timeline Continued from A1 I AJ

NOV. 11, 2009 —The Oregon Court of Appeals agrees to stayTami Sawyer's



jail time while considering the validity of the contempt-of-court decision.


OCI. 21, 2010 —TamiandKevin Sawyer are indicted on 21 federal counts.

NOL 8, 2010 —The Sawyersenter not guilty pleas to the federal charges.

Fed. 16, 2011 —The OregonCourt of Appeals sides with Tami Sawyer in her

contempt appeal. Jul)f 6, 2011 —TamiSawyer is indicted by the statefor first-degree criminal

Submitted photos

The Sawyers solicited money for a number of uses, even across the country. The federal case alleges, for example, that the Sawyers promised to develop a22acre field in Greensburg, lnd., (above) into townhomes (below), but that they instead diverted that money to cars, bills and the construction and decoration of their vacation home in Mexico.

mistreatment and first-degree aggravated theft related to allegedly misusing more

Whole In Bag

than $202,000 from thetrust of an inves-

Beef Tri-Tips

tor and family friend.





t ld


p 5l d

Bulletin file photo

July10, 2011 —Tami Sawyer is arrested and briefly jailed on a warrant related to the felony charges filed days before.


Federal charges

Aug. 8, 2011 —The Oregon RealEstate Agency orders Tami Saw-

$2.98/lb. So. Boneless Skinless

Fryer Breasts

•«~ CE

(Approx. 10ib. Bag)


• Count1: Conspiracy

yer's real estate license revoked. According to federal court documents,

to commit wire fraud • Counts 2 through10: Wire fraud • Count 11: Bank fraud • Count12: False statement to financial institution • Counts 13 through 15: Wire fraud • Counts 16 through

Sawyer is appealing this revocation. June 4, 2012 —Tami Sawyer pleads not guilty to state criminal mistreatment and aggravated theft charges

Jan. 15, 2013 —On the daythey're due to begin federal trial in Eugene, Tami Sawyer pleads guilty to all 21 counts against her, and Kevin

Sawyer pleads guilty to one charge of providing false information to a financial institution.

April 30, 2013 —Sawyers appearin Eugeneandare sentenced onfed- >

Whole Boneless

Pork Loin (Cut Free)


21: Money laundering

eral charges. They are being held in a local jail before being sent to federal



life of luxury?" Assistant U.S. AttorneyAmy Continued from A1 Potter asked Aiken to show Ondi Hibbs, the office man- Kevin Sawyer, a retired police ager for Sawyer's businesses, officer, no leniency. "If he wanted to use his stasaid she invested an inheritance she was going to use to tus to lull investors and enjoy put her daughter through col- the lifestyle and a house in lege, and loaned the Sawyers Mexico, don't use that status money from a line of credit. now as an excuse to not go to She never got the money back. jail," she said. "It's not the real "We willnever recover. We estate market. It's not your do not have the time to make wife. You got yourself here." it up now," Hibbs said. "The D efense attorneys M a r c thought of never retiring is Blackman and Shaun McCrea very real." addressed Aiken on their cliHibbs said working as Saw- ents' behalf. yer's employee was also very Kevin Sawyer was not indifficult. volved in the day-to-day busi"I listened to her tell lies ev- ness, McCrea said, and was ery day," she said. "I watched not well-versed in real estate or both of t h e m s pend other trying to lure investors. "He believed in (his wife); he people's money, and I watched people get hurt." trusted her and believed in her Lori Maunder, a property and believed when things startmanager from November 2007 ed to go south that the economy until late 2008, first noticed would recover," McCrea said. problems with the Sawyers' "When he was given papers to business practices in summer sign, he signed them." 2008; she went to the FBI in DeMcCrea also noted that Sawcember 2008. yer was currently working, in "All these other real estate an effort to pay restitution. "He knows that will probably companies and mortgage brokers were struggling to put take him the rest of his life, but their next meal on the table, and it's important to him because Tami and Kevin's lives were he is a black-and-white person," flourishing," she said after the she said. "He took his vows to sentencing Tuesday. "I knew upholdthe Constitution when he they weren't selling homes, but became apolice officer seriously, there was money coming in. So and he still believes in those." I started putting it together. I McCrea also said Kevin Sawknew something wasn't right." yer hadalready suffered, in reAnd Maunder said the vic- signing from his job and his motims forged bonds as a result of torcycle club, and losing his repthe long investigation. utation. And she asked whether "I was sobbing in the court- sending the former police officer room. My heart breaks. And I to prison is a safe thingto do. can't say I'm thrilled and excit"Putting him in prison will ed, I'm really not.... The judge not help the victims. It may said it was just money, but for a make them feel better for a day lot of us it was much more than or two," she said, "but they're that." better off if he is continuing to In a p r epared statement, work and help pay restitution. Dave and Debbie Middleton ... He wants to pay to make saidthey were pleased toha ve them whole." the judge "finally put rumors Summing up , B l a ckman to rest" in the sentencing. painted the situation as the re"This was never about a bad sult of Tami Sawyer's optimism economy and bad investments and determination to survive as the Sawyers claimed," they the real estate collapse. "It is her greatest strength and wrote by email. "We look forward to the day when we can obviouslyhergreatestweakness, put (the state case) behind us. she can't admit defeat," he said. Meanwhile our family has a Instead of giving up, he said, she great sense of peace knowing made increasingly more risky both Kevin and Tami will be bets to try to help get the money serving federal prison time for back for her investors. "She was indeed trying in their crimes." The Sawyers had claimed her own way to find a project the investors' financial losses that would make everything stemmed from the real estate healthy again," he said. market's collapse during the When the Sawyers deterrecession. But Assistant U.S. mined they wouldn't be able Attorney Scott Bradford dis- to salvage their businesses, agreed in his closing statement. they offered judgments to their "It's hard to blame the real investorsand then created a estate market if you didn't in- workout plan that they pitched vest the money as you prom- to their investors, Blackman ised," Bradford said. said. But, he said, the investors He called the Sawyers brash wouldn't agree to the plan. "That's not the kind of reand manipulative and said that while letters in support of the sponsibility somebody who is Sawyers pointed to acts of com- self-indulgent or disinterested passion, that wasn't evident in or unconcerned about the peotheir treatment of investors. ple she borrowed money from "Where's the compassion would take," he said. when you take their money?" Before learningtheir fate, the he asked. "When they're suf- Sawyers addressed the court. "When they loaned me the fering and you're enjoying a

money I told them I would pay themback, and I can assure you that to this day as long as there is a breath in my body they will be paid back," Tami Sawyer said. "I think that the faster that I can do that the better." She cried as she told Aiken her husband was a good man and she would gladly take his sentence. "I will serve it, because he trusted me," she said. "He trusted me." Kevin Sawyer also spoke, mostly of his service to the police department. "It breaks my heart I cannot be involved in the service clubs I used to be with, family drug court and the boys and girls clubs, and the charitable organizations," he said. "I feel awful about what's happened here, and I stand with my wife on making restitution to all of these people." But Aiken chastised Tami Sawyer for referringtothe money as borrowed. People don't loan out their life savings, Aiken said,theyinvestthem. Aiken said the lesson for the public was to perform due diligence before handing over money to

people; the judge pledged to do whatever she could to ensure restitution was paid. "You can leave knowing these people were held accountable," she said. "This is not about anything other than being held accountable for really sophisticated — over a long period of time — conduct. If they'd just been doing the right thing we wouldn't be here because the economy fell apart. W e are here forthose other actions and conduct." Kevin Sawyer has requested to do his time at the federal prison in Sheridan, while Tami Sawyer wants to be sent to a facility in Dublin, Calif. McCrea told the judge she objected to Kevin Sawyer's sentence.

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Beef Back Ribs

Lean Ground Beef



(4I/SO 2lb. Bag) IQI:

(4I/So 2lb. Bag) IQI:, Tail On

Raw Prawns

Cooked/Peeled Prawns



Cattle land


Beef Patties

Beef Tenderloins



Whole In Bag CAB Boneless IOlb Box

New York Strips or Rib E y e S

Bulk Sliced Bacon

(Cut Free)



the (sentencing ranges)," Aiken said. The Sawyers took off their watches and other valuables and handed them to a U.S. marshal, who handed them to Tami Sawyer's daughter on the way out of court. The pair will be held in a local jail before heading to federal prison. After the sentencing, Bradford said he was pleased with the judge's understanding of the facts of the case. And he said the victims' perseverance made it worthwhile. "This went under investigation in December 2008 and January 2009, and t h ey've persevered through a possible trial and the pleas and a sentencing process," he said. "It's not easy to relive this time and time again. This was a team effort.... It shows we can come together as a community and get a just result." — Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com


"The Bulk Foods Sale is Not Available in Att Locations."

Frozen Turkey Breasts

Whole In Bag Naturewell


New Yorks or Rib Eyes (Cut Free!)

Frozen Whole Fryers



Smoked Sausages (6ib. Box) $I.37/lb

Bone In Ham Portions $I.29/lb

CS K Beef Jerky (2ib. Bag) $I9.77ea

Hill 5lb. Link Sausages $2.77/lb

Frozen Wild Pacific Salmon Fillets $4.TI/lb

Gusto Bone-In Ham Steak $2.77ea •

P~ e



Bendl Sistersl Prinevittel Redmond •



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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5


MAY 21 ELECTION Events Another spring election is just ahead. The May 21 ballot car-

ries contests extremely close to home, from school boards to parks and recreation directors to water districts. Bond

measures andtax levies for new school build-

ings, fire equipment and emergency dispatch services are also atstake. The Bulletin will publish a daily calendar of election-related events,


i aimso a By Lauren Dake

one Bend address to another will travel about 340 miles, despite a final destination that could be only a mile away. Tuesday, a handful of state lawmakers joined U.S. Rep. Peter Defazio, D-Springfield, on the state Capitol steps to show support for legislation he's pushing to curtail cuts to the U.S. Postal Service. Part of his plan is to give the Postal Service more flexibility to raise rates and introduce


SALEM — As of last Saturday, the thank-you card to your neighbor down the street for hosting the lovely dinner party will first travel to Portland before landing in their mailbox. The initial phase of shutting down Bend's mail processing facility, on Northeast Fourth Street, kicked off last weekend. That means a letter sent from


CuS O new products. At one time, DeFazio said at the rally on Tuesday, the Postal Service was innovative. It's time, he said, to unshackle it from federal regulations and give it "21st century tools," including allowing it to ship wine andbeer. The Bend processing center is one of 229 centers slated to close across the country to save $1.2 billion in annual operating costs. In Bend, two-full

time employees will see their job description or location change and seven temporary employees will no longer have jobs. Postal Service spokesman Peter Hass said that in the last five years, the post office has seen mail volume drop by 25 percent and it continues to decline. He said consolidating the processingcenters should not affect delivery times. SeeUSPS/B3

including candidate forums and issue-related town halls. Areyou planning an event? Please

The Bulletin



com, or by conventional



mail to P.O. Box 6020, Bend OR 97708-6020.

To qualify for pub-


lication in The Bulletin calendar, the event

' =~


must be open to the general public by free admission. Fundraising events do not qualify,

.lIIIw= i.j




nor do strictly partisan

gatherings. I

Key dates

.Today:Last day to reg-


isterto vote • May 3: Ballots will be mailed out • May 21: Election Day

Who's running A complete list of

candidates for Crook, Deschutes and Jef-

ferson counties can be found at www.bendbulletin.com/ may21 candidates

Measures audlevies operating levy • Bend-La Pine School bond • La Pine Fire District

operation and equipment levies • Culver school bond

• Crook County school bond

Read ourstories Coverageleading up to the election is at www.bendbulletin.com/ election2013

Andy Tullje/Ttie Bulletin

Nine speech and debate team members from Mountain View High School in Bend are heading to nationals. Pictured are, front row from left, Molly Coehlo, 17, Caitlin Pratt, 18, Brian McGinnis, 17, Alex Sullivan, 18, back row from left, David Creach, 18, Courtney Welch, 17, Justin Germain, 17, Haden Kingrey, 16, and Justin Hurworth.

oun ain iew a ers o o n a on com e on By Megan Kehoe

team qualified to compete at The National Forensic League NaTwo students qualifying for tionalSpeech & Debate Tournathe nationals is a good year for ment. Students Justin Germain, a high school speech and debate Molly Coehlo, Caitlin Pratt, Dateam. vid Creach, Haden Kingrey, JusFive students is a landmark tin Hurworth, Brian McGinnis, OUR SCHOOLS, year. Courtney Welch and Alex SulOUR STUDENTS But nine students qualifying? livan will attend the competition That's practically unheard of. in Birmingham, Ala., in June. Educational news and "They're among the most sucOnly about 50 Oregon stuactivities, and local kids cessful of any t eams Oregon dents qualify for the national and their achievements. has ever had," said Mountain speech and debate competition • School Notes and View Speech and Debate coach each year by winning their catsubmission info,B2 Michele Clements. "The fact egories at the national qualifier that nine of them are going is competition in March. unprecedented." Michele Clements has been This spring, n ine s tudents coaching Mountain View's team f rom M o untain V i e w Hi g h along with her husband, teacher School's Speech and D ebate Joel Clements, for about 11 years. The Bulletin

Have astoryidea Or SudmISSIOR?

Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond........541-548-2186 Sisters.............541-548-2186 La Pine ........... 541-383-0367 Sunrlyer ......... 541-383-0367 Deschutes ..... 541-383-0376 crook ............. 541-383-0367 Jefferson .......541-383-0367

Nine of t h ose years, Mountain View has sent students to nationals. Clements says the team's success stems from the fact that unlike other Central O regon high schools, speech and debate is offered as an actual class at Mountain View, rather than just as an extracurricular activity. In addition, she says the studentto-teacher ratio allows students to get plenty of one-on-one time with their coaches. "As much as anything, it just shows what students can accomplish if the class size is low and there areenough teachers,"Michele Clements said. SeeDebaters/B6

Salem ..............541-554-u 62 D.c..................202-662-7456 Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education ...... 541-383-0367 Health ..............541-383-0304 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831

April 2013weatherfor Bend DAILY HIGHS AND LOWS Average temperature: 44' (0.2' above normal)

HH Sudmissions: • Letters and opinions:

69 61

H H H KI H H KI E3 E H H E H E HEEIE3EHE3E3K3 H H H KHH E R E i K 3 E I KI 3H 6 5 6 8 62

Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin©bendbulletijt.com


48 6 2 4 7 58 60



4 7 42




60 58



53 62



7 1 76



25 25



24 24




32 34



22 24




42 46



• Civic Calendar notices: Emaileventinformation to ttewsObettdbulletitt.com, with "Civic Calendar" lnthe subject, ajtd include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354

32 35

3 3 3 6 40




24 26


Historical averageprecipitation for the month: 0.65


T= Trace



Correction In a story headlined

"Madras pool levy is


temperature ~

Lowest tempe rature

Average high

Average low Monthly average


Lowest recorded temperature

Monthly average

back on ballot," which

appeared Tuesday,April 30, on PageB1,Michelle Gemelas' namewas

for the month:

for the month:

through the years:

through the years:





on April 28, 1987

on April 1, 1936

spelled incorrectly.

The Bulletin regrets the error.

water project By Hillary Borrud

submit your notice to bulletin©bendbulletin.

• Deschutes 911 • Madras Aquatic Center

ready for fighton

Highest recorded


* Monthly averages calculated from 1928 through 2005, Western Regional Climate Center Sources: NOAA, Western Regional Ctimate Center, Bend Public Works Department

high temperature

low temperature

The city ofBend is preparing for the possibility of another legal fight over the Bridge Creek water project. More than a week remains until the public comment period on the Forest Service environmental report on the project ends May 10. In the report, called an environmental assess-

ment, the agency proposes to issue a permit for the city's $20 million water pipeline and intake project. A final decision from the Forest Service on whether to issue the permit is at least a couple of months away. After that decision, opponents will have the option of filing a federal lawsuit if they disagree with it. "I'm pretty sure that LandWatch would appeal if the Forest Service approves what's proposed by the city," Central Oregon LandWatch Executive Director Paul Dewey said Tuesday. "But we're only in the comment stage and it's kind of

confusing." See Water/B3


Vote could shake up school board By Leslie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin

No matter the outcome of the Sisters School Board election May 21, four of the five seats could be filled by directors with little or no experience. Only board Chairman Don Hedrick, running for Position 1, and current director Andrew Gorayeb, whose term does not expire until 2015, have been on the board more than a handful of months. Two directors running in this election were appointed only last year. "I don't know what to expect," said Sisters Schools Superintendent Jim Golden, "When I started this

job four years ago, I had a pretty experienced board." Money as a concern will likely dominate the next fouryears forthe School Board, Golden said, Iust as it will for districts all around the state — although Sisters is better off than many.More than 10 percent of its roughly $11 million budget comes from a local option levy repeatedly approved from Sisters voters. Without it, nearly 25 percent of the district's employees, including teachers, would have to be cut, or an equivalent number of school days, according to Golden. SeeSisters /B5

May 21election Coverage leading upto

Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

the election is at www. bendbulletin.com/ election2013





THE IRRESISTIBLE PULL OF THE LAST FRONTIER: Cultural and environmental anthropologist Lucy "IT'S IN THEBAG"LECTURE Marino explores what makesAlaska SERIES:Michael Giamellaro presents irresistible; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown the lecture "Science: Out of the Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Classroom and Into the RealWorld"; Wall St.; 541-312-1033 or www. free; noon-1 p.m.; OSU-Cascades deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. Campus,CascadesHall,2600 N.W . "SHOOTINGSTAR": Cascades College Way,Bend;541-322-3100, Theatrical Company presents the info©osucasades.edu or www. osucascades.edu/lunchtime-lectures. romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in anairport; $24, "BRIDGINGCULTURES: MUSLIM $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; JOURNEYS":Kick-off reception Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. with presentation by KambizGhanea Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389Bassiri on "Muslim Journeys and the 0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. Making of American History"; free; CHARLES PHOENIXBIG RETRO 3:30-5:30 p.m., presentation at 4:30 SLIDE SHOW:Thehumorist, author p.m.; Central Oregon Community andshowman performs aone-man College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W.College comedy show kicking off National Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. Preservation Month; $14 plus $1 STEPINTO SPRING FASHION Historic Theatre Restoration fee; 7:30 SHOW:Afashion show, with live and p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall silentauctions and food; proceeds St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. benefit Bend AreaHabitatfor towertheatre.org. Humanity; $30 in advance, $35 at the door; 5 p.m.auction,6 p.m.show; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 THURSDAY Country Club Drive; 541-815-2400, realestate©myragirod.com or www. CINCO DEMAYO CELEBRATION: centraloregonwcr.org. With a Mexican buffet, silentauction,


Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vvvvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

live music and entertainment and raffle; sponsored by Sisters Hispanic Coalition; $20, $10ages12 and under; 6-9 p.m.; FivePine Lodge & Conference Center, 1021 Desperado Trail, Sisters; 541-549-2091 or www. sistersrecreation.com. ROBERTSAWYER:BEND'S FIRST CONSERVATIONIST:Learn about Central Oregon's early conservation history; free for members; $3 nonmembers; registration requested; 6 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. THE UGLY DUCKLING:An adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's tale abouta homely bird born deaf, signed and spoken simultaneously; recommended for ages5-10; $12, $8 children 12 andyounger, plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. THE NORTHSTAR SESSION:The California based roots-rock band performs; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.FrancisSchool,700 N.W .Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174. "SHOOTING STAR": Cascades

Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedyabout two former lovers who reunite in anairport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. "WAITWAIT...DON'TTELL ME! LIVE": A live screening of the National Public Radio news quiz hosted by Peter Sagal, with scorekeeper Carl Kasell; $22; 8 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347 or www.fathomevents.com. LAST COMICSTANDING:Final round of the comedy competition; $15; 8 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www.lastcomicstandingbend.com. TONY FURTADO BAND: The Portland indie rock band performs with Kenny White; $15 at the door; 8 pm, doors open at 7 p.m.; TheBelfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122. VAMPIRATES: The Nevada-based rock act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. facebook.com/thehornedhand.

SPRING BAZAAR: A community marketplace with many homemade products; free; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Christmas Valley Community Hall, Christmas TreeRoad;541-480-1261. COLLECTIVEARTSALE FUNDRAISER:Music and art by local high school students to benefit refugee camps in Syria; donation accepted; 5 p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe, 135 N.W.Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-749-2010. FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine andfood in downtown Bendandthe OldMill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. EOWYN IVEY: Author of "The Snow Child" speaks aspart of the ANovel Idea .. ReadTogether program; tickets required; SOLDOUT;7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. org. "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy about two former

lovers who reunite in an airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical. org. LE HAVRE: Ascreening of a French film, with subtitles; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex,134 S.E. E St., Madras; 54 I-475-3351 or www. centraloregonshowcase.com. LAST COMIC STANDING:Final round of the comedy competition; $15; 8 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www.lastcomicstandingbend.com. WEEKOFWONDERS:The Seattlebased garage-pop band performs, with All You All andThe Kronk Men; $5; 8 p.m.; TheHornedHand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.facebook.com/ thehornedhand. WIL KINKY:CD-release show for the Portland-based rock'n'soul artist, with Guy Dilly & ThePowers Trio; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331.

Giannioses, Margaret Balcom, Timothy McCloud, Devinne Fagen, Bronwyn Bailey, Nicholas Vora, Rachel Kirkendol, Josse Harry, Philip Deenik, Adam Davis, Crystal Toney, Michael Lizardy, Andrew Zaiser, Kathy Fish, Jordann Whitehurst, Erika Whitehurst and Kyle Pickard, all of Bend, Paulette Banducci, of La

Pine, Meagan Fine, Ryan Brunner, Tyler Bruck, Joshua Roth, Brianna Fessler and Melissa Curtis, all of Madras, Jason Carr, Paige Buswell, Karen Hood, Cole Griffin and Patricia Villagomez, all of Prineville, and Aaron Jones, Janelle Mclntosh, Garth Brown andJacob Barber, all of Redmond.


SCHOOL NOTES DeLance, Felipe Delatorre, Gayle Deroo, Mary Derryberry, Christopher Deutsch, Jonathon Diefendorf, Bend Hlgh School class of1973will Nicholas Dietz, ZoeDitmore, Tarrin hold a reunionAug.9-10;5:30 p.m.Aug. Dodge, Ashley Dougherty, Rene 9; Crux Fermentation Project, 50 S.W. Dow, William Downing, Tyler Downs, Division St., Bend;free; 5:30p.m.Aug. Zachary Dowty, Paris Draheim, 10; BendGolf and Country Club; 61045 Benjamin Dralle, Sally Drutman, Emily Country ClubDr.;$35, $40after June1; Dudley, Lindsay Duffy, Christopher registration required; contact Jennifer Duke, Gaybrielle Dunham,Dana Stenkamp, 541-548-0711,Facebook Dunlap, Tina Dunlap, JaimeDunn, page "BendHighSchool Class of1973" Aaron Duran, Aundria Duran, Yuridi or https://reunionmanager.net/reunion Durantes, Sharon Durkee,Acacia Dyer. registration.php?class id=142545&reu Amanda Easterly, Mckyeli Eastland, nion=BEND+SENIOR+HIGH+SCHOOL& Karen Eberle, Nicholas Ellenbecker, class of=1973. Leslie Elliot, RamanEllis, Taylor Rory Emerson, Kathryn Eng, MILITARY NOTES Ellson, Noelle Ensz,ShenaErcanbrack, Cassandra Ereman,Brian Erickson, Air Force Airman Rylea Erickson, Scott Eubank, Diana CodyJohnson Everly. graduated from Amy Falkenrath, AleshaFaris, Brian basic military Farmer, Robert Faulkner, Cynthia training at Joint Ferris, Michael Fief, Erin Fields, Base SanAntonioRebeccaFigueroa,Samuel Fisch, Lackland in San MeganFlavion,Jacob Fletcher,Jacob Antonio. He is a Johnson Flick, Urbanie Flores, MeganFloyd, 2012 graduate of Rodrick Foran, Wendi Forsberg, Redmond High Calder Foss, Sierra Foster, James School and the son ofWendy Miller, Fowler, Mitchell Fox, Thomas Frainey, of Redmond. Laura Frame,Douglas Franz, Shana SarahFrench, Rachel Freshour, COLLEGE NOTES Freed, Brittany Frisby, Michael Fuchs. Tara Gabriel, DianaGallegos, Ruben The following students were namedto the 2013 winter semester dean's list at Gamboa, JaimeGarcia, Skye Gardner, Central OregonCommunity College: Sandra Garrett, TheadaGasperetti, Michael Gaston, Benjamin Gaultier, Heather Abendroth, Jennifer Guy George, Walter Gerardo, Rebekah Abernathy, Jo'ElAdams,Ashley Gerdes, Alyssa Giamanco, TJGienger, Alexander, Lawrence Allen, Timothy Allen, Elizabeth Allison, Tisha Allison, Virginia Gier, Jared Gillen, McKenzie Gillespie, Jerin Gillett, Carissa Glenn, Sarah Amen,Alyson Anderson, Kayla Tiffany Gomes,Jason Gonzales, Anderson, Mark Anderson, Chris Charlotte Good, Phil Gordon, Todd Anthony, David Ardon, David Arnold, Gottfried, David Grady, Mckenzie Sherrie Arsenault, Molly Arvin, Peter Graf, Brandy Graham,David Graham, Askew, Deborah Atkinson, Michelle Misty Gravem, Andrew Greenstone, Auker, Heather Austin, Jarret Avery. Greenstone, Peter Gregg, Peri Lisa Baertlein, Trisha Bahr, Samantha Scott Gregory, Steven Griffin, Christopher Bainbridge, RoyBaker,Catharine Griffith, Amalia Grijalva, Jeremy Groth, Baker Beardslee, DesireeBallard, Michael Grover, Tierra Grubbs. Kenneth Ballard, Justine Bandy, Rich Hafner, DevonHaglund, Jordan Kimberly Banner, ChelseaBarnes, Haglund, RandallHamilton, Thomas Lisa Barnett, Jamie Barrett, Sy Hamlik, Stan Hammett, Janell Bartels, Christopher Barth, Alex Hamrick, James Hanauska, Shanda Bauman, AiyannaBearchum-Dunn, Handsaker, Travis Hanford, Kevin Madison Beebe, BrookeBeerkircher, Hanlon, Molly Hansen, Benjamin Joshua Beith, Peter Belizi, Sean Hardin, Brandon Hargous, Olivia Bell, Lillian Bemrose, Kathline Haro, April Harris, Brooke Harris, Benitez, Jill Bernard, Shawn Bias, Cambria Bittinger, Marnie Bjur, Elena Kimberly Harris, MakenaHarris, Lacey Hartill, Anders Hatlestad, Janessa Blackman, JoshBlok,Kay Bloking, Daniel Blood, Elizabeth Bluhm, Rachel Haugen, Quincy Hayden,Brynn Hayes, JacobHayes,Angela Haynie,Holly Boatright, Daniel Boelk, Isabella Hayter, Christopher Healam,Rachelle Bonanno, Tatiana Bonanno, Lucas Hedges, BrookeHein, Allen Heinly, Boskovich, Sherry Bouris, Angelica Briana Helmholtz, Ryan Heltemes, Bouska, Katie Bowens,SarahBowers, Robert Henderson, Suzanna Joshua Bowles, Andrew Boyd, Henderson, Mark Henry, Janelle Reema Bradburry, Katie Braman, Hernandez, Socorro HernandezAnthony Brande, Leigh Brandt, Orea, Peter Herrmann, LaceyHice, Rachel Breadon, Joe Brenner, Tyler Brian Hickey, Spencer Higbee,Tyler Brewer, Connor Briggs, Atlee Brink, Higgins, Bryan Hildebrandt, Mary Elijah Brito, Jason Brocius, Sherry Hildebrandt, Gregory Hill, Jacklyn Brooke, Carolyn Brooks, Michael Hill, Tiffany Hill, Derek Hines, Linda Brooks, ShannenBrouner, Amanda Hinton, Kimra Hite, Thomas Hockett, Brown, Austin Brown, Christopher McKayla Hockman, DanielHodges, Brown, Ethan Brown, Jessica Brown, Lindsey Brown, Phillip Brown, Renee Ruth Hoffman, Alexander Hogen, land, Brown, Shelley Brown, Zachery Bruce, RebeccaHolguin,Damon Hol Jaycie Holland, Jeff Holland, Michelle Molly Buce, Heather Buell, Margaret Holliday, Carl Hollinger, Karrie Holmes, Burger, Brandon Burgess, LaceyBurk, Stephanie Holmes, BrookeHoover, Christian Burkert, Jennifer Burkhart, Josanne Burnette, Jared Burton, Cody Cherry Horton, ReneeHoughton, Buss, Erin Butler, JamesButler, Robert BlayneHouston,David Houston,Ryan Houston, Stephanie Howe,Tiffany Butler, Kari Byrd. Howell, Tina Howell, Christine Huber, Shawna Cable, Kristina Caldwell, Bryce Hughes, Brett Hulstrom, Rachel John Calkins, Kellie Calkins, Laurie Humphrey, Jordan Hunt, Sunnie Hunt, Callaghan, Benjamin Camel,Christian Nicole Hurley, DanaHurtado, Karma Campbell, Christina Campbell, Jessica Hurworth, Devin Hutchins. Campbell, MirandaCampbell, Tracie Glenn lacovetta, Darwin Ikard. Campbell, Lydia Campbell-White, Dortha Campo, Brandon Carey, Kevin Jessica Jackovich, LauraJackson, Alina Jacobs, Jennifer Jacquard, Carlin, Linda Carlin, ShannonCarlton, Vito Carmosino, DebraCarrell, Gerald Chelsea James,TaraJames, Sean Carrell, Lana Carrell, Delores Carroll, Jameson, KeliJanosek,GraceJen, Jeff Carter, Matthew Carter, Natalie Brett Jenning, Roarke Jennings, Jensen,JessicaJensen,Nicole Carter, Rachel Cartrette, Starla Cater, Alexis Jensen, SarahJensen, Kaitlynn Michelle Chain, JoshuaChambers, James Chapel, QuinnChastain, Anna Jeppsen, Krystina Jermaczonak, Cherry, Jackie Christensen, Kesslea Gregory Jewett, Baylie Johnson, James Johnson, Lydia Johnson, Christensen, AndreaCisneros, Sally Claridge, TaraClasen, Judy Clemmer, Samuel Johnson, SarahJohnson, Christian Coerper, LindseyConard, Tabitha Johnson, Dylan Jolley, Austin Allen Cone,Hollie Conger, Dustin Jones, David Jones, RyanJones, Svetlana Jones, KarenJordan, Hailey Conklin, ShaneConklin,Shaun Jorgensen. Conley, Lorinda Conner,CodyCook, Terri Cook, Nikita Cooley, Pamela Justine Kargol, Nicole Karr, Maxwell Cooley, CelinaCoons, Travis Coons, Katzarski, Linda Kau, HaleyKeillor, Alexandra Copeland, BlaineCorey, Brian Keister, Kameron Keller, Antonio Cornelio, Brittany Corr, Vivienne Kelley, Heather Kennedy, Jessica Corrales, MathewCorwin, Kelli Kennedy, Robert Kerley, Kyle John Cowin, Patricia Cowles, Lacey Kerr, Nicolle Ketchum, Brynn Kiesow, Cox, Jess Craig, Tricia Creekmore, Austin Kihs, Cassie Killam, Kurt Chad Crossgrove, BradCruikshank, Killinger, Nolan King, EricaKite, Daniel Sebastian Culbertson, Jenna Klaassen, August Klingman, Laura Culpepper, Marissa Cummings, Allie Knapp, Stacy Knoke, Lori Knowles, Cummins, AmyCunningham, Stefany Jessica Knox,JohnKnox,Elizabeth Cunningham, Andrew Curtis, Deann Kofford, Paul Koos, RyanKozlowsko, Curtis, MeganCurtis, Catherine Elmer Kremer, Bryon Krieger, Jamie Cuthbert, ShaneCutright. Kruse, Jessica Kubat, Dillon Kuiava, Armando Kuri. Amy Dach, Marianne Danaher, Brock Davis, Eli Davis, JacobDavis, Nichole Matthew Lachance, NathanLaflin, Davis, Anna-Theresa DeRoover, Angella LaFontaine, Justin Lagrimas, Trista Deane, Jacob DeHaan,Joseph


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Schnitzer, Joy Schnur, Phillip Schreffler, Trudie SchreinerWood, Casey Schuder, DemianScott, Ansel Scott-Evans, Ronald Scurlock, Annie Segal, JosephSegalla, Jordan Selb, Rami Shehadeh, Stevie Shelton, Jessica Sholes, Charlotte Sholin, Jaclyn Silver, Nathan Simkowski, Israel Simpson, Clifford Sleeth, Alison Smith, Andrea Smith, Jackson Smith, Jesse Smith, Kelly Smith, Lori Smith, Meranda Smith, Gabriel Soliz, John Sopher, JoshuaSprague, Joslyn Stanfield, Marlow Stanton, Mary Starnes, Austin Steimer, Lynne Steinke, Dusty Stenkamp, Stefanie Stewart, Emerson Stoery, Kayla Stokes, Alisha Stone, Jeanelle Stone, Jeffrey Strang, AmieStrassmaier, Ashley Stratton, Jessica Strecker, Garth Strome, Patricia Suing, Bradley Sullivan, Kailey Sutton, Cody Swartz, Ronald Sylvester. Ryley Taliaferro, CodyTaylor, Shirine Taylor, Christopher Tenbusch, Michelle Tetz, RyanThayer, Jacob Theno, Linda Thompson, Melissa Thompson, Danielle Thrasher, Audrey Tillinghast, Jennifer Timm, JanneTolentino, Paul Tolentino, Erica Tosdale, Kym Townsend, Jessica Treas,Steven Tronsdal, AmandaTrumpf, Judith Tugwell, Emily Tuma, Jordyn Turner, Christina Turnipseed. Samuel Utley, Mark Uzeta. Katherine Valladao, RebeccaVallie, Sara Vandecar, DavidVander Hoek, Brett Vanhouten, Emily Varco, Andy Velasquez, DickVeldsma, Olivia Veldsma, Kaitlin Vernon, Justin Vilhauer, Hugo Villasaldo, Kaylee Vincent, Colin Visage, Samantha Voeller, AmyVogele, Patrick Votaw. Joeseph Waggener,Jessica W aggoner, MarciW agnon,Anthony Waite, StephenWaite, Jacob Walimaki-Miller, Emily Warchol, Daniel Ward, David Ward, Jarid Warfield, Michelle Warner, Andrew Warrenburg, RachelWarrenburg, JesseWashburn,CathyW eigum, Evangeline Weiss, AndrewWells, Hayden Wester, Michael Wharton, Katie Wheeler, Patrick Whelan, Tara White, Lisa Whitney, HannahWieber, Ronda Wiederholt, Sarah Wiggers, Sarah Wilder, Michael Willet, Amanda Williams, Katy Williams, Samuel Williams, DarleneWillingham, Cammie Wilson, Patricia Wilson, Chris Winans, Willard Wisler, Jennifer Wisniewski, Alexandra Witmeyer, Jennifer Witmeyer, Maria Witmeyer, Larry Wood, KateWorthing, Brianna Wright, Charissa Wright, Tonya Wright, Heather Wyke. Breanne Yasi, Stephanie Yopp, Sheena York, DeboraYoung, JonYoung, Michele Young,VandyYunker. Lauren Zacha, lan Zatarain, Devon Zeller, SerenaZendejas, Leslee Zenich, Nicole Zettel, Carly Ziegler, DeWayne Zimmerman, Kristi Zinniker, Joseph Zivkovich and Nicholas Zollman. The following students were named to the 2013 winter term dean's list at Eastern Oregon University: Theo

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The Bulletin




House OKs immigrant driver's card By Lauran Gambino The Associated Press

SALEM — Tens of t housands of immigrants living in Oregon without legal permission will be able to get four-year driver's licenses starting Jan. 1 under a bill given final legislative approval by the House on Tuesday. The House passed the measure in a 38-20 vote following more than an hour of debate. Gov. John Kitzhaber said he will sign it today. Supporters say the proposal will improve public safety because more drivers would be trained and i nsured. Opponents saythe licensingprogram grants privileges to people who are breaking the law and will encourage illegal immigration. "We are rewarding bad behavior," said Republican Rep. Sal Esquivel, who voted against the bill. Esquivel said in testi-

mony that the legislation angered members of his family who had immigrated legally to the U.S. Immigrants and others who don't have documents proving they are in the country lawfully, including elderly and homeless people, could apply for the driver's licenses if they've lived in Oregon for at least a year and meet other requirements. The license would be valid for four years — half as long as a standard Oregon licenseand could be used only for driving privileges. It cannot be used to vote, board a plane or purchase a firearm. The restricted driver's licenses would be marked "Driver's Card" to distinguish it from a standard Oregon license. Supporters made the point that the measure is intended to make Oregon's roads safer, not to address immigration


"It's simply the behind-thescenes processing and disContinued from B1 tributions that are being conHass pointed out that the solidated into Portland." Bend post office is not shutDeFazio was also collectting down its retail or other i ng signatures on a p e t i operations. Rural post offices tion to the White House on across the state at one point Wednesday. W it h 1 0 0,000 were slated to close, includ- signatures, the Obama ading those in Antelope, Broth- ministration would have to ers and Fort Rock, but they answer whether they s upwere spared and th e U . S. port DeFazio's Postal Service Postal Service currently has Protection Act, or HR 630. In no plans to close any post addition, the act would also offices. ensure six-day delivery and "Whether for retail or P.O. end a requirement that the box delivery, the buildings Postal Service pre-fund retiraren't closing," Hass said. ees' health care.

problems. "When we have uninsured, untested drivers, there's a cost to society," said Democratic Rep. Jessica Vega Pederson, a sponsor of the bill. Vega Pederson said the state's insurance premiums would go down as a result of having fewer uninsured drivers on the road. In Oregon, a person cannot purchase insurance without a driver's license. The measure, however, does require driver's card recipients to buy insurance. The bill was crafted over the course of two years by a governor-appointed task force that knit together a strategic alliance among Republican and Democratic lawmakers and interest groups representing law enforcement, agriculture and insurance companies. The bill was a hard call for several lawmakers, including

Oregon H ouse M a j ority Leader Val Hoyle, D-Eugene, spoke in favor of DeFazio's plan, pointing out the state has a unique relationship with the post office, because of the state's vote-by-mail system. In Oregon, Hoyle said, every post office is a ballot box. "And I do not want my ballot going from Eugene, Ore., to Springfield up to Portland and back before my ballot is counted," Hoyle said. "And for rural districts, this is even more of an imposition." — Reporter: 541-554-1162, Idake@bendbulletin.com

AROUND THE STATE Grinder death — A cleaning worker was killed when he fell into a running grinder ata meat-processing plant, the ClackamasCounty Sheriff's Office said. Deputy NateThompson identified the worker as

Republican Rep. Dennis Richardson, who emailed a survey to his constituents for feedback. His final decision to oppose the bill was based in part on the responses he received. Republican Rep. Vic Gilliam, who acknowledged this as a tough political vote, said he supported the legislation because it addresses the reality that there are thousands of immigrants living and working in the state without legal permission. "It does encourage a way into the daylight for honest workers, for safer highways. And, in my view, it leverages some of the good guys to get better," Gilliam said. The l i c ensing p r o gram, which would begin Jan. 1, 2014, is expected to pay for itself with fees.A driver's card would cost $64 and $44 to renew. A standard license costs $60 and $40 to renew.

Water Continued from B1 Forest Service officials in Washington, D.C., changed the public comment and appeal processforthe environmental reports in March, and lawyers on all sides have been scrambling to understand the changes. City councilors are scheduled to vote this evening on a contract amendment to allow the city to spend up to $90,000 more on legal services from the firm Perkins Coie, LLP. The amendment would extend the contract through June 30, 2014. The original contract ended June 30, 2012, and the city has extended it

Hugo Avalos-Chanon, 41, of Portland. He worked for DCS Sanitation Management, a cleaning company that has a contract with Interstate

Meat Distributors. Paramedics andsheriff's deputies were called around11:45 p.m. Friday, after Avalos-Chanon was found entangled in the machinery. Another worker had hit an emergency stop button,

but it was too late, Thompsonsaid. Firefighters returned the following day to dismantle the machine and remove the body. Thompson said investigators believe it the death is a "tragic industrial accident" and

do not suspect foul play. POliCe Shaating Settlement — Portland is ready to paymore than $2 million to settle a federal lawsuit filed on behalf of a man

mistakenly shot by apolice officer. The Oregonian newspaper reports that city attorneys and the lawyer for William Monroe reached the

agreement Monday in amediation session. If City Council approves, the $2.3 million settlement would be the largest in Portland history. Officer Dane Reister shot Monroe in June 2011 with a shotgun he thoughtwas loaded with beanbag rounds.Monroe, who was 20 at the time, nearly died. He had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Bag hall —A ban on plastic bags takes effect Wednesday in Eugenestores.Thebanwasapprovedsixmonthsagobythecity council as anenvironmental measure. KVALreports shoppers can bring their own reusable bags or buypaper bagsfor a nickel. Thin plastic bags will still be available in Eugene grocery stores for meat

and produce. — From wire reports

a couple of times. The current maximum amount of the contract is $189,500. As of the end of January, the city had spent more than $165,000 on legal services. "The reason we're doing another legal services contract is in the event there is an appeal, we have special counsel again, specialized (National Environmental Policy Act) counsel," Bend City Attorney Mary Winters said Tuesday. Previously, the city used Al Ferlo, a lawyer with Perkins Coie in Washington, D.C., to assist in defending against a federal lawsuit by Central Oregon LandWatch. LandWatch, in its lawsuit against the Forest Service

and the city, alleged the agencies failed to adequately consider how the water project might impact fish and wetlands. The city dropped its previous Bridge Creek water plan last year and submitted a new plan for Forest Service review. That plan is the subject of the latest Forest Service environmental report. Ferlo is a former U.S. attorney. "I use him sparingly and only when we really need the specialized (National Environmental Policy Act) knowledge," Winters said. "I am do-

ing everything possible and Perkins Coie is, too, to keep the costs down." — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

NEws OF REcoRD the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree POLICE LOG Lane. DUII — Amanda DawnCatron, 30, The Bulletin will update items was arrested on suspicion of driving in the Police Log when such under the influence of intoxicants a request is received. Any at10:58 p.m. April 25, in the area new information, such as the of North U.S. Highway 97and dismissal of charges or acquittal, Northwest Sixth Street. must be verifiable. For more Theft — A theft was reported at 7:59 information, call 541-383-0358. a.m. April 26, in the 4500 block of Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. Redmond Police Theft — A theft was reported at 8:13 Department a.m. April 26, in the 800 block of Burglary — A burglary was reported Northwest Eighth Street. at11:51 a.m. April 22, in the1600 Theft — Atheft was reported at11:19 block of North U.S. Highway 97. a.m. April 26, in the100 block of Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Southeast Glacier Avenue. reported at12:29 p.m. April 22, in the 200 block of Northwest Elm Avenue. Theft — Atheft was reported and arrests made at1:18 p.m. April 26, Vehicle crash — Anaccident was in the 800 block of Southwest11th reported at1:10 p.m. April 22, in the Street. 600 block of Northeast Larch Avenue. Theft — Atheft was reported at1:33 Theft — A theft was reported at 3 p.m. April 26, in the 2500 block of p.m. April 22, in the 800 block of Northwest CedarAvenue. Southwest 17th Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 3:26 Theft — A theft was reported at 4 p.m. April 26, in the 900 block of p.m. April 22, in the1700 block of Northwest17th Street. South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — Atheft was reported and Vehicle crash — Anaccident was arrests made at 3:34 p.m. April 26, reported at 5:11 p.m. April 22, in the in the 300 block of Northwest Oak area of North U.S. Highway 97 and Tree Lane. Northwest Maple Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at 3:39 Burglary — A burglary was reported p.m. April 26, in the 300 bl Northeast at 8:31 a.m. April 23, in the 4100 Kilnwood Place. block of Southwest Rhyolite Place. Theft — Atheft was reported at 5:41 Criminal mischief — An act of p.m. April 26, in the1400 block of criminal mischief was reported at South U.S. Highway 97. 11:43 a.m. April 23, in the 2000 block Theft — A theft was reported at 5:57 of Northwest Elm Avenue. p.m. April 26, in the1900 block of Theft — A theft was reported at 2:40 Northwest Larch Spur Court. p.m. April 23, in the1800 block of DUII — Matthew Dean Morkert, Southwest 26th Street. 21, was arrested on suspicion Theft — A theft and an act of criminal of driving under the influence of mischief were reported and arrests intoxicants at1:58 a.m. April 27, in made at1:11 a.m. April 24, in the the area of Southwest12th Street and 2500 block of Northwest Elm Avenue. Southwest Black Butte Boulevard. Theft — A theft was reported at Theft — Atheft was reported at 7:51 12:27 p.m. April 24, in the 900 block a.m. April 27, in the 200 block of of Northwest Canal Boulevard. Southwest12th Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 2:11 Theft — Atheft was reported and an p.m. April 24, in the 2300 block of arrest made at 9:08 a.m. April 27, in South U.S. Highway 97. the 300 block of Northwest OakTree Lane. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 3:16 p.m. April 24, in Vehicle crash — Anaccident was the area of U.S. Highway 97 and reported at 4:39 a.m. April 28, in the Southwest Evergreen Avenue. 1000 block of Northwest Canyon Drive. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at DUII — Dylan D. Clark, 21, was 3:55 p.m. April 24, in the 200 block of arrested on suspicion of driving Northwest 28th Street. under the influence of intoxicants at Theft — A theft was reported and an 4:39a.m. April 28, inthe1000 block of Northwest Canyon Drive. arrest made at 5:46 p.m. April 24, in the1700 block of South U.S. Highway Criminal mischief — An act of 97. criminal mischief was reported at Theft — A theft was reported at 7:06 8:24 a.m. April 28, in the1000 block of Southwest CascadeAvenue. a.m. April 25, in the 300 block of Northwest OakTree Lane. Theft — Atheft was reported and an Theft — A theft was reported at 8:29 arrest made at11:07a.m. April 28, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans a.m. April 25, in the1900 block of Way. Southwest 35th Place. Theft — Atheft was reported at11:12 Criminal mischief — An act of a.m. April 28, in the 3100 block of criminal mischief was reported at 10:30 a.m. April 25, in the1800 block Southwest Salmon Avenue. of Southwest Canal Boulevard. Theft — Atheft was reported at11:35 a.m. April 28, in the 2900 block of Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at11:04 a.m. April 25, in the Southwest lndian Circle. area of Southwest Highland Avenue Vehicle crash — Anaccident was and Southwest Rimrock Way. reported at12:47 p.m. April 28, in the 1500 block of Northwest Fir Ave. DUII — Derrick JamesBecker, 40, was arrested on suspicion of driving Criminal mischief — An act of under the influence of intoxicants at criminal mischief was reported at 8:21 p.m. April 25, in the area of West 12:52 p.m. April 28, in the1000 block state Highway126 near milepost102. of Southwest CascadeAvenue. Theft — A theft was reported and an Theft — A theft was reported at 7:26 arrest made at 9:24 p.m. April 25, in p.m. April 28, in the1200 block of

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Southwest Juniper Avenue. Prineville Police Department DUII — Brian lngraham, 44, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:15 p.m. April 29, in the area of Northeast Ochoco PlazaDrive. Theft — Atheft was reported at 11:01 p.m. April 29, in the area of Northwest10th Street.

I •I

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Oregon State Police Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at10:37 p.m. April19, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97 near milepost166.

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BEND FIRE RUNS Friday 17 — Medical aid calls. Saturday 12:17 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 333 S.E Wildcat Drive. 2:57 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 20480 Cooley Road. 4:26 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 60629 Ranger Way. 29 — Medical aid calls. Sunday 2:54a.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire, in the area of Butler Market Crossing. 3:20p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 1707 S.E. Bronzewood Ave. 10:12 a.m.— Building fire, 1793 N.W. 57th Way. 12:26 p.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire, in the areaof Southwest 43rd Street. 17 — Medical aid calls. Monday 5:23 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 18820Tumalo Reservoir Road. 20 — Medical aid calls.

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REDMOND FIRE RUNS April 22 6 — Medical aid calls. April 23 1:49 p.m.— Chimney or flue fire, 319 N.W. Fir Ave. 10 — Medical aid calls. April 24 1:02 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, in the area of Southwest Glacier Avenue. 12 — Medical aid calls. Thursday 16 — Medical aid calls. Friday 14 — Medical aid calls. Saturday 5:03 p.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire, 1508 W.Antler Ave. 9:36 p.m.— Building fire, 8425 N.W. 18th St. 14 — Medical aid calls. Sunday 10:13 a.m.— Building fire, 1793 N.W. 57th Way. 12:30 p.m.— Brush or brushand-grass mixture fire, 2052 S.W. Helmholtz Way. 10 — Medical aid calls.

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The Bulletin



ic orris, ua or roo oun sc oo oai'



Gottoott Bcnctt


JOHtt Cosmn

Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials





nly two races for the Crook County School Board

t fN

are contested on the May ballot. In Zone 3, we urge voters to choose incumbent Patti Norris, 51, who is


beingchallenged by Ray Graves,56.N orristeaches business classes for Central Oregon Community College and has lived


in Crook County for 10 years. She has ser ved on the board for

.feekl' %g

four years and been its chairwoman for two. Her involvement goes back much longer, however, to when she started a ttending s chool board meetings when her now sixth-grade daughter was a preschooler. Her biggest surprise after joining the board, she said, was how different things look from the other side. Norris is well-informed on the complex issues facing schools in generaland Crook County in particular, and she clearly has a commitment to education. In addition to her school board work, she is on the library board, the higher education advisory council and is involved with the Crook County Kids Club, among other civic activities. In Zone 5, the candidates are Mike Stuart, 67, Gwen Carr, 33, and Brad Peterson 58. Our endorsement goes to Stuart because of his background in education, particularly his focus on vocational issues. After beginning hi s c a reer as an electronic technician in the Apollo space program, Stu-

art earned adegree in education from Oregon State University. He taught vocational courses, earned additional education degrees and served asa principal before moving to Crook County two years ago. His experience with school boards fro m t h e a d m i nistrative side and his background in critical vocational issues would provide valuable insights on the school board. We were also highly impressed with Carr, who runs a medical transcription business from her home. She'sbeen involved on the facilities committee and worked to support the district's construction bond. She thinks better communication is needed between the board, staff, faculty and the superintendent, and we hope she'll stay involved and help address that concern in other ways. Unopposed candidates on the ballot are Scott Cooper for Zone 2 and Walt Wagner for Zone 4. The Zone 1 seat is held by board Vice Chairman Doug Smith, whose term expires in 2015.

M IVickel's Worth Junior Achievement does great work

Vote Pennington for Crook County park board he Crook County Parks 8 Recreation District has battled the budget blues ever since the recession that began in 2008 and brought with it a decline in revenue from infrastructure systems development charges. That it has survived as well as it has, with a broad range of recreation programs for all age groups, surely is in part due to the strength of its governing board. Two positions on that board are up for election in May, and incumbents hope to be elected to fill both of them. Forest Carbaugh is running unopposed for the Position 1 slot, while Barbara Pennington faces a challenge from Scott Smith in Position 3. Pennington, 53, was first elected to the board in 2009. As have other members ofthe board, she has spent considerable time on district affairs ever since. The board may be unusual in that way, for its members take an active role in spring cleaning of district parks and other events. District officials are working

to create a trail system that coordinates with those created by the city and other organizations. Yet the biggest challenge the district faces, Pennington believes, is keeping the outdoor swimming pool, built i n 1 9 54, operating during the summer months. She would like to see it open again on Saturdays, as well, at least for a few hours. P ennington i s o p posed by Smith, a 46-year-old who is Prineville's street supervisor. Though w e believe Pennington is t h e stronger of the two, Smith has the kind of knowledge and drive that would make him a strong choice against a less well-qualified candidate. District officials would be wise to try to find a way to use his expertise in another way. Pennington brings a full term of experienceto the board, and that should not be undervalued. In a district strapped for cash and with an aging swimming pool on its hands, having board members who need not start from scratch is a very good thing.


and educators, I invite The Bulletin to learn more about the great work Junior Achievement is doing locally to ensure the success of Central Oregon students.

livestock. Killing these experienced amentors,n the younger wolves are more likely to disperse and prey on While I was initially encouraged livestock to survive. by the youth finance education story Wolves aregoodfor our ecosystem. headline in the April 20 Bulletin, Gary O'Connell, Advisory Board Chair, They limit coyote impact and overthe article text was disappointing, Junior Achievement of Central Oregon population of herbivores destructive with Junior Achievement lumped Bend to vegetation and streams affecting into the c ategory o f i n effective beaver, elk, fish and waterfowl. programming. HB 3452 is not right for Oregon. Housebill on wolves Junior Achievement program not right for Oregon It sets up an extreme and unjustifiefficacy has been measured over able approach to wildlife. Instead we many years in ongoing survey reHouse Bill 3452 permits the killing should work on ways to co-exist and sults. JA high school students rou- of a wolf on "suspicion of harassment share this landscape. tinely score over 10 percent higher or damage."No evidence is required. Janet Conklin than peers on financial literacy asWolf predation has a minuscule Portland sessments. JA programming also impact on the livestock in Oregon. supports improved graduation rates Out of 1.3 million head of cattle, Ford for COCC board with 82 percent of teachers and 8 there is only one cattle death this out of 10 JA students saying that JA year. Tens of thousands of livestock Local voters should re-elect David reinforces the importance of stay- die yearly from weather, birthing, Ford to the Central Oregon Commuing in school. A personal anecdote is injury and disease. Many times more nity College Board of Directors. He that my own career path in banking are killed by dogs and other preda- is a tireless, generous volunteer and was chosen because of participation tors than by wolves. an established community servant. in a JA job shadow program back in Ranchers can manage livestock Ford and I have worked together the 1980s. in a way that minimizes conflict on multiple Bend-La Pine School Some might contend that finan- — burying bones and carcasses, re- committees. He is always well-precial literacy and education is not moving the vulnerable, providing pared, listens respectfully and works the most important topic for today's birthing sheds, fencing and guard hard to solve problems in a fair and classroom. I would respond by say- dogs, even fladry and shepherds. thoughtful way. ing that, especially after emerging And biologically sensitive, unfenced Ford and I both value the imporfrom the worst financial crisis in our public lands can be removed from tant partnership between Bend-La lifetimes, investing time to teach our livestock use. These nonlethal mea- Pine Schools and COCC. We acstudentshow to become responsible sures work to greatly reduce preda- knowledge the benefit of working financial stewards and future lead- tion while allowing wolves to live. together to provide a variety of highers of our community has never been Idaho accelerated opportunistic value educational opportunities for more critical. killing in 2012 and predation instudents and teachers. I know that For almost 100years, supported creased 75percent.Yet, in Oregon, Ford is well-respected throughout the exclusively by private donations, Ju- where wolves have been protected, region, and we are fortunate to have nior Achievement has successfull y ranchers and agencies relied on non- his leadership on the COCC board. educated youth on financial literacy, lethal measures and predation de- Please join me in voting this May to work readiness and entrepreneur- creased significantly. Stable, unex- return Ford to the COCC Board of ship, partnering with schools and ploited packs with experienced hunt- Directors. parents to improve students' and our ers teach the young hunting skills, Peggy Kinkede, communities' financial futures. their natural prey, and pack cohesion Bend-La Pine School Board In support of our local classrooms and territory keeps them away from Bend

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Funds from license plate help abused, neglected kids B y Bill Davidson hild abuse and neglect is a problem in our community. In 2011, according to the Oregon Department o f H u m a n S e r vices n2011 Child Welfare Data Book," over 450 Central Oregon children were abused or neglected, most of them by their own families. Research shows that up to three times as many additional children live with the secret pain of abuse and neglect without ever being investigated as possible victims of abuse. Most of these children are younger than 6 years old, a critical time of social, emotional and cognitive development. Science tells us that toxic stressors in a child's environment (the kind of stress caused by long-term, persistent factors such as maternal depression, extreme poverty and abuse or neglect) can affect the architecture

of the developing brain. Too much stress is bad for anyone and can be devastating to child development. Abuse and neglect often have lifelong consequences for a child, including a greater chance of delinquency, youth v i olence, criminal involvement, drug addiction, teen pregnancy,chronic health problems, mental health issues and an overall drop-off in productivity of the individual as a functioning member of our community. The full cost of child abuse is nearly impossible to calculate, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently estimated the lifetime cost for each victim of child maltreatment to be $210,000, resulting in nearly $95 million of accrued expense for Central Oregon in 2011. The ACE study, conducted by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente, estab-

IN MY VIEW lished a strong link between adverse childhood experiences, including abuse and neglect, and later-in-life health problems such as cancer, heart disease,high blood pressure and diabetes. Young children's well-being is first definedby their experiences athome. We know most parents do the best they can for their children, but many

factorscan also be exacerbated by a limited or nonexistent circle of extended family or friends to share the

load. It's not enough to know about the problem; we have to pay attention to the problem and addressitsconsequences, and we have to pay attention to the kinds of efforts that will prevent it from happening in the first

place. The actions we take to promote

families need help becoming suc- healthy child development are the cessful parents while also handling the daily struggles of life. Economic struggles, domestic violence, addiction and mental illness, parental isolation, stress, limited understanding of a child's emotional and cognitive needs and frustration regarding ineffective parenting techniques are the risk factors that can lead to child neglect and m altreatment. These

very actions that help prevent child abuse and neglect. We can help insure that parents in our community have more access to parenting education, home visitation services, relief nursery services and substance abuse and mental health programs, all of which help keep our children safe. Communities that work to create good school systems, have af-

fordable, quality child care and come together to ensure that affordable housing is available in good, safe neighborhoods are less likely to see stressed, isolated families who don't know where to turn in times of need. You can help transform our community to a place where children a re nurtured, born h e althy a n d enter school ready to learn, by purchasing a "Keep Kids Safe" license plate. Revenue from the sale of the "Keep Kids Safe" license plate will come back to our community to fund vital child abuse prevention programs. Learn more at www.ctfo. org/kkslicenseplate. Please give Central Oregon's child ren the opportunity to b e b o r n healthy, nurtured and enter school ready to learn by purchasing a "Keep Kids Safe" license plate. — Bill Davidson lives in Bend.


William Clifton 'Bill' Graham

Feb. 16, 1958 - April 27, 2013

Jan. 22, 1936 - April 25, 2013

Carmen L y n ette "Moss" Foss died at her h ome on A pril 2 7 , 2 0 1 3 , a f t e r a battle with cancer B orn o n Fe b r u ar y 1 6 , 1958, as Carmen L y n ette M oss, in Bend, OR, a t S t . Charles Ho s p i t al , sh e spent her l i f e i n S i s t ers, O R. Carmen l oved r i d i n g horses i n t h e w i l d e r ness and on the beach. She also loved camping, hunting, and p l anting h er f lower b a skets. Sh e w a s i nvolved in t h e g i r l ' s 4 - H h orsemanship a n d o t h e r activities. She l o ve d h e r j ob at H oyts H a r d w a re , w h e r e she worked 25 years. She will be deeply missed b y al l o f h e r f a m i l y & friends. S he w a s pr e c e ded i n d eath b y h er p ar e n t s , A lvin M o s s a nd Nel l i e (Curtis) M o ss , g r a n dparents, George and Genieve Curtis, and Ella Moss, and brother, Art Moss. S he is survived b y h u s band, Rick Foss of Sisters; two sisters, Carole Choin of Madras, Vi r ginia ( G inger) Offield of Sisters; two d aughters, L y n na ' E l l i o t t of Bend an d T r i st a J ackson of La Pine; three step c hildren, R i ck y o f B e n d , a nd Brady Foss and M ck i nzie P a t t erson o f Red mond; f iv e g r a n dchildren and a sixth due in October. A graveside service w i l l be at 11:00 a.m. Saturday May 4, at th e T e rrebonne Cemetery an d a C e l ebrat ion of he r l i f e w i l l b e a t "Cowboy The Ba rn Church", ® 9 1 s t S t r eet H wy 1 2 6 . P a s to r C r a i g Downing will officiate. Autumn Funeral Home of R edmond, Oregon, will b e in charge o f a l l a r r a n gements.

Lois Ann Prince March 18, 1922 - April 19, 2013 Lois Ann Prince, age 91, p assed away on A p r i l 1 9 , 2013, in Eugene, OR. A nn w a s b o r n at t h e original E u g ene H o s p ital March 18, 1922, to Herbert and A n d ree St aples. She was r aised i n Eugene, Portland and Bend, OR, where she graduated fr om Bend Hieh Lois Ann PrinceScgool Ann attended the University of Oregon where she s tudied art . Sh e w a s a member of t h e Del ta Gamma sorority. A nn m a r r ie d F r a n k R . P rince Jr . f r o m B e nd , i n 1946. They m oved to Eu g ene, w h er e s h e w a s a m ember o f t h e Eug e n e W elfare L e a g ue , w hi c h l ater b e came t h e J u n i o r L eague. A n n w a s a s u p porter of the Eugene Symp hony Guild . S h e w a s a d og lover, a n a v i d p i a n o p layer, needle p oint, a n d petit point designer and a g ifted artist i n t h e m e d i u ms of o i l , c h a r coal a n d pastel. After he r f i r s t h u s band, Frank, p a s sed a w a y i n 1 988, A nn r emar r i e d Arthur D. Stump in 1994. A nn i s s u r v ived b y h e r husband, Art; her brother, James Staples from Redm ond, OR; and he r t h r e e c hildren, D e b o ra h f r o m Seattle, WA, Charles from S alem, O R , a nd D av i d from Eugene, OR. The f a m i l y w i s h e s t o t hank C a s c ad e M a n o r ' s H ealth C ar e C e n te r a n d Sacred Heart H o spice for t he l o v in g c a r e s h e r e ceived in th e l ast m o n ths of her life. A g r a v esit e c e r e m ony was held April 23, 2013, at R est Haven C emetery, i n Eugene, OR. A rrangements w e r e b y M usgrove F a m il y M o r t u ary, in Eugene, OR.




H erburger

D a v id L. Newman S i SterS

board meetings for more than a year;he said he's interested Continued from B1 in becoming more involved to H ere's a l o o k a t t h e make sure the district uses tax candidates: dollars wisely and broadens offerings in vocational and techPosition1 nical education. Veteran board member Erick Pronold, 32, is also a Don Hendrick, 78, sees the veteran who's completed two levy as only one advan- overseas deployments w i th tage the Sisters district has the Marines. He and his family — the other is volunteers. A have lived five years in Sisters; retiredteacher and adminis- Pronold, who has a degree in trator who moved to Sisters horticulture, is a range techni11 years ago who is running cian for the Forest Service. for his second term on the Other than sitting on the board, Hendrick lauds the board for Little League of Siscommunity's volunteer base ters, his main community inas key to its success. volvement is with his church, "I've never seen anything adding "faith is the cornerstone like it in my career," he said. of my life." "The levy allows us to have Pronold said he thinks the programs and staffing lev- Sisters district is a strong one els we couldn't afford oth- and he wants to make sure erwise but the volunteers it stays that way, adding "it's make it happen." hard to talk bad about a sysNot that m o ney i s n't tem where teachers are so still a challenge, especially committed." with declining funds from Ensuring t h a t e v e r yone the state, Hendrick said. — students, parents, teachers He points to Golden as an — feel heard and valuable is viexample, pointing out that tal, he said. "I feel that I'm good the superintendent serves at reaching out to people on an all roles at the district level individual level and getting to — curriculum, special ser- the root of the problem at the vices, elementary principal most basic level," he said. — because the district cannot afford to fill all those Position 2 positions. Justin Durham has served "We can't keep that up one year with the Sisters disforever," Hendrick said. trict as the appointed Position Enrollment has declined 3 director. His former opponent in Sisters since the reces- for the Position 3 seat, Richard sion began, so promoting Cole, is on the ballot but has economic d e velopment withdrawn from the race. — encouraging job growth Durham, 32, attended all 12 through business — is an grades in the Sisters district. important facet of d r awHe graduated from Concordia ing kids to the district and University with a b achelor's something the board needs degree i n in t e rdisciplinary to be tied into, he said. studies and returned to SisDavid Marlow, 66, has ters to take over as CEO of his served on the Sisters Plan- family's business, Sisters Cofning Commission for five fee Co. "Our school is our biggest years and keeps involved with schools by volunteer- asset and I want to make sure ing with the Sisters Science it stays well-positioned and Club. A veteranwho worked moves forward," he said. at the Port of Portland enIf elected, his main concerns gineering department for would be maintaining Sister's more than 30 years, Marlow excellent cadre of teachers, he has been attending school says, continuing the district's

Sept. 24, 1958 - April 25, 2013

D avid Lee Newman w a s born September 24, 1958, W illiam Cl i f t o n (Bill) in Bend, Oregon, to R o bGraham, a l o ng-time resie rt a n d Do n n a (D a v i s ) dent of Bend, passed away Newman. He passed away a t the age of 77 . H e w a s peacefully i n h i s h ome b orn A p r i l 2 2 , 1 9 3 6 , t o w ith hi s G ladvs an d C l i f to n G r a wife, ham in Karen, by Prescott, h is si d e A rk. Bi l l o n Apr i l m oved t o 25, 2013. Bend with his family at the age by hi s of 7 . He mother, graduDonna David Newman Newman; a ted fr om B end S e h is s i ster, V i c k i e ( N e w Bill Graham n ior H i g h m an) G u n t h er , b r o t h e r i n 1955, and w e n t o n t o i n-law, John G u nther; h i s earn a Bachelor's degree in nephew, John Robert, and t eaching f r o m So u t h e r n niece, Alexa Gunther, and O regon C o l lege. A f t e r a step-son, Co d y Sh ane long, successful career, Bill Pearson. r etired f r o m t e a c hing a t David married Karen RePilot B u t t e J r . Hi g h i n n ae (Melton) Pearson o n 1 995, where h e w a s w e l l J une 17 , 2 0 10, a f te r 1 8 respected and loved by his years of companionship. colleagues and students. David wa s a c a r p enter/ B ill m a r r i e d h is h i gh c abinet maker a n d w o o d school sweetheart, Donna carver. Animals loved him Mae Lund, on Feb. 2, 1957. and he loved animals, naThey w e r e ma r r i e d 36 ture, quiet s u n r ises, suny ears. Together t hey h a d sets, laughter and f i shing. seven children. He i s surH e was a h a r d w o r k i n g , v ived b y a so n , B i l l J r . good h e a rted m a n w h o ( Kelly); d a u g h ter , L e s a ; will be greatly missed and s on, T r ac y ( H o l l y) ; a n d never f o r g o tte n by al l d aughter Je n n i fe r W i l - whose lives he touched. liams (Raymond). G r andG reat a p p reciation a n d c hildren i nc l u d e Ty l e r , gratitude is given to the St. Elizabeth, Justyne, Brandy, Charles Cancer Center and Cody, Lacey and K eegan. P artners I n C a r e f o r t h e He was preceded in death w onderful su p p o r t an d by his wife, Donna; daughc are given t o D a v i d , a s ters, Elizabeth and Susan well as all his fr iends and Marie; and son, Scott Allen. neighbors for t h eir l o v i ng He is also preceded by his fa- thoughts and k i n d g e nerther, Clifton, mother, Gladys, osity. sisters, L o u is e Ed w a rds, A graveside service w i l l Elizabeth Gr a h a m and be held on Thursday, May Carolyn Cantrell. 2, 2013, at I:00 p.m. at P7Bill w a s a p r o f e ssional lot Butte Cemetery, Bend, h orseshoe p i t c h er , c o m - O regon. Directed by N i s peting against the best at wonger-Reynolds F u n eral t he 1988 W o r l d T o u r n a - Home. m ent w h e r e he p l a c e d F lowers/Plants ar e w e l 1 6th. He was also an O r come or donations may be egon State Doubles Chammade t o T h e S h e pherd's pion and inducted into the H ouse at 1 85 4 N E D i v i Oregon State Hall of Fame sion St., Bend, OR. 97701 i n 1997. Bill w a s a lso a n or a local homeless shelter accomplished high s chool i n the name of D avid L e e q uarterback w h o s h o w ed Newman. Please sign ou r romise, and was offered a online gu e s t b oo k at u ll ride to OSU w h e n h e www.niswonger-reynolds. was a junior. However, he com w as injured during the f i nal game of the season at B SH. He later went on t o coach 8th grade football. B ill w a s a ve r y l o v i n g a nd c a rin g h u s b and, f a t her and g r a n dfather. H e By Steve Chawkins enjoyed s p e n d in g t i me Los Angeles Times with his grandchildren and LOS ANGELES — J a ck t elling t h e m s t o r ies. T h e l ion hunt st ory w a s a f a - Shea, a Hollywood veteran vorite. B i l l en j o y e d oi l who directed popular sitcoms p ainting an d d r aw i n g . such as "The Jeffersons" and Mountains, deer and trees who, as president of the Direca ll would c ome t o l i f e i n tors Guild of America, forcehis paintings. He also enfully argued for minority hirj oyed tak ing t r i p s o u t t o ing and local production, has the desert to hunt artifacts a nd m eta l d e t ecting. H e died. He was 84. transferred woo d i n to Shea's death Sunday at a c lowns w it h a k n i f e . H e Los Angeles care facility was was a s k i l l e d c a r p enter, caused by complications from and always had a p r o j ect Alzheimer's disease, a family g oing. B i l l sp e n t m a n y spokesman said. h ours f i s h in g a n d l a n d His first TV directing gig scaping. He bowled league, came when he was 27, a frightHand loved to play cribbage. ened novice who suddenly was Chapter 2 brought along a s e c on d w i f e , Su s a n asked to fill in when the direcGoldsmith; a l o n g - haired tor of the game show "Truth or Consequences" called in sick. Dachshund named Beauty, Over the years, he directed 110 and three cats. Bill and Susan enjoyed taking d r iv es episodesof"The Jeffersons,"91 and sightseeing, as well as of "Silver Spoons," 15 of "Santrips to the Oregon Coast. ford and Son" and episodes of Other survivors >nclude his many others, including "Des tep-children, W y n n G i l - signing Women," "Growing b ertson (Candy), Leif G i l b ertson, D a r c y Br o k a w , Pains" and "The Waltons." He also directed 10 Bob Levy Newton, and Chance Hope Christmas specials, ofGilbertson (Rhonda); stepgrandchildren, Sheri, Nick, ten rehearsinghis exuberant Ashley, D i l l i on , S t e r l ing, casts aboard th e a i rplanes Dakota, Shayanne, Jimmy, that took them to U.S. military D anielle, J e ssee, A i d e n , posts around the world. Cole; t w o s t e p - grandkitAll the w h ile, Shea held ties, Boy Cat, Girl Cat; and l eadership positions i n t h e 12 great-grandchildren. A s ervice w i l l b e h e l d Directors Guild and in various Catholic organizations. 1:00 p.m., Friday, May 3, at In 1992, he and his wife, Patt Nativity Lutheran Church, Shea, a TV screenwriter who 60850 Brosterhous Rd., in Bend, Oregon. worked on "All in the Family" M emorial g i f t s m a y b e and other programs, helped m ade to th e S p ina B i f i da form Catholics in Media AsFoundation, Humane Soci- sociates, a group that seeks to e ty of Redmond, or to t h e honor films and TV shows exOHPA. pressing spiritual values. "He loved his family and God and the Directors Guild, t hough no t n e cessarily i n

J o n es

FEATURED OBITUARY that order," said his daughter, Shawn Shea, who, like two of her brothers, is also a guild member. John Francis Shea Jr. was born in New York City on Aug. I, 1928, theson of atravel agent and his bookkeeper wife. He was a scholarship student at New York's Regis High School and, in 1950, graduated from F ordham University with a bachelor's degree in history. A participant in student productions who soon realized his greater talent lay behind the scenes, Shea started out at NBC as a stage manager on the "Philco-Goodyear Television Playhouse." In 1952, he signed on for two years with the Air Force and was shipped to Los Angeles, where he made instructional films that included a lesson on proper toothbrushing technique. Shea later said he couldn't believe his good fortune at be-

Position 3 Longtime Sisters resident Melvin Herburger, 51, said his two grown children attended school in Sisters and he has no quarrel with the way the district does business. With no experience on elected or appointed boards or commissions, Herburger owner of Melvin's Fir Street Market — says he'stired of being an armchair quarterback. "I want to be part of the system and make sure the district continues at the level it has been," he said. "I don't believe in begrudging someone making a decision if I didn't help and don't know the information behind that decision." While Herburger does feel Sistersschools are a draw for the community, the shortage

of family-wage jobs and affordable housing can keep families with school-age children from living there, a shortcoming he feels a strong economy will improve. Attempts to reach Herburger's opponent Edie Jones were unsuccessfuL

Position 5 Kay Grady, 64, was appointed to the Sisters board last year. A retirededucator,she moved to Sisters nearly six years ago after decades of working in a variety of school settings. "I've seen a lot of different school systems all over the country, and seen the ways curriculum is delivered," she said. "I think my experience is an asset." Grady is appreciative of the strong base of volunteers in Sisters and the district's willingness to be open-minded about challenges, as well as accommodating the needs of different students to the best of its ability.

Grady is running unopposed.

Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Mail: Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

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ing posted to a place where "everyone was walking around smiling." "I didn't see how they got any work done," he told the National Catholic R eporter in 2002. "I decided California was for me."



move into proficiency-based education,and deepening the ties between the community and the schools.

— Reporter: 547-548-2786, IPugmire@bendbulletin.com

Shea was

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5mEld tk r m

Edna Louise Settelmeyer October 6, 1918 — April

24, 201 3

Our lovingmother,grandmother and sister,Edna Louise Settelmeyer, Passed away on APril 24 ,2013 at 94 yearS Old With her grandSOn PreSent. She Will be laid to reSt On Friday, May 3,2013 at I:00 P.m. With

a graveside service at Pilot Butte Cemetery in Bend, Oregon; followed by a reception in the 'Three SiSterS ROOm' at the RiVerhOUSe HOtel R COnVentiOn Center in Bend. Edna WBSbOrn On OCtOber 6,

1918 in PrineVille, OregOn, the OldeSt Of three, and Only daughter OfJoe and GraCe BrySOD.She greW UP On the Central OregOn high deSert On Bear Creek atthe family ranCh, firSt attending SChOOI in a One

room schoolhouse at Pringle Flats, then high school in Prineville. While a young girl, Edna developed her many talentsfor cooking, sewing and gardening, as well as helping with the everyday ranch work. In 1938, she married her forever best friend and sweetheart, Jacob Paul Settelmeyer, together moving to the Settelmeyer RanCh OutSide BrOtherS, OregOn. In the SPirit Of the true ranCh Wife, in 1940 While

helPingwith cattle branding,she gave birth one day later to a son at St Charles HosPital in Bend. Later She WOuld haVe adaughter and anOther Son, and COntinued her helP to WOrk the ranCh. In the enSuing yearS, the family WOuld eVentually Sell the ranCh and mOVeintO Bend, baCk to BrOtherS briefly, Where She WBSthe POSt miStreSS, then to Eugene and NeWPOrt, OregOn, and finally to Terrebonne, OregOn, Where

her husband and childrencontinued the ranching traditions.After a brief interim in the hardware and restaurant business, Edna and Jake finally retired and traveled extensively throughout the west, enjoying their eaSier gOing lifeStyle Of CamPing, fiShing, lOVing nature, ViSiting family, regularly SPending WinterS in Warmer ClimateSand enjOying triPS to Reno. Edna and Jake SettleddOWn fOr a quieter retirement in

Obituary policy

Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254




Carmen "Moss" Foss





Newberg, Oregon.After 62 years of an incredibly loving and devoted marriage,Jacob Passed away in 2000. A yearlater,Edna's youngest son, Max ofTigard,Oregon also died. In herfinalyears,Edna would enjoy gardening, reading, and ViSiting her Children and grandChildren. She eVentually remained ITIBOiSe, Idaha after a sudden imPairing health event where her oldest son,jerry and wife, and grandson, Scott and family reSide.Whilethere She SO enjOyed her great-grandSOn, NiChOlaS and the family PetS.Edna iSSurViVed by a brOther, Claude BrySOn Of Emmett, IdahO; a brOther, HarOld BrySOn Of HermiSton, Oregan; a Son,Jerry

and his wife,lanioe Settelmeyer of Boise, ldaho, daughter, Norita Donaldson ofAloha, Oregon, daughter-inlaw, Susan Settelmeyer ofTigard, Oregon; eight grandchildren, their sPouses; nine great-grandchildren; and ~u

m e r OUS nieCeS and nePheWS. PleaSe Sign Our Online gueSt book at WWW.niSWOnger-reynoldS.COm


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San Diego-Tijuana set to make bid SAN DIEGO — Horrendous waits to enter the United States. A

lack of sporting venues. Scarce hotel rooms during peak tourist season. As they mount a longshot bid to host the 2024 Summer

Olympics, San Diego and Tijuana areplaying down their shortcom-

s n.

ings by playing up anew spirit of cross-border clwc pnde.


San Diego Mayor Bob Filner said he and his Ti-

By Eric Olson

juana counterpart, Carlos Bustamante, hope to name across-border planning committee

/ter+~w::-.'.W.:-::pr s

season is rounding third and heading for home, and while many teams will spend the nextthreeweeksjockeying for position in the NCAA tournament, five have shown they are a cut above the rest.


sss n

and unveil a logo. For Filner, the bid is

part of a broader effort to build closer ties with a Mexican border

North Carolina (41-4), Vanderbilt (39-6), LSU (39-6), Virginia (38-8) and Oregon

city separated by an overwhelming presence of Border Patrol agents

and two fences. A bid


would force the cities to examine their strengths Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Summit's Dylan Seefeldt dives for a loose ball as Isaiah Glatz attempts to scoop it up during the first half of Tuesday night's High Desert League game against Sisters at Summit High School. The Storm beat the Outlaws10-6.

(33-10) are in the running for the last three. While teams like the Tar Heels and Commodores have done what was expected of them since January, there have been some big disappointments.

mer congressmanwho was elected to a four-

year term in November. Bustamante, who leaves office at the end announced it at a cer-

emony in February to open a city of SanDiego office in Tijuana. The

Mexican leader said a bid would enhancethe region's image. "Obviously we would

need infrastructure on both sides of the border, but it seems very fea-

sible," Bustamante said last week.

TheU.S.Olympic Committee is talking to 10 cities about a possible bid, including San

Diego-Tijuana. Scott Blackmun, the chief executive, said last week that the committee had not looked carefully at

the cross-border proposal but that it would "have its challenges." — The Associated Press


Minnesota Wild's Pierre-Marc Bouchard, left, and Chicago Blackhawks' Patrick Kane (88) race for the puck during Tuesday night's game in Chicago.

Stanford (23-15), led by

• Summit beats Sisters to finish the High Desert Leagueseasonwith a 6-0 record Bulletin staff report Summit High capped a perfectHigh Desert League boys lacrosse season Tuesday with a 10-6 home victory over Sisters. The Storm, who finished

league play 6-0, clinched a fifth consecutive HDL championship — their first outright

since 2009 — behind Quinn Rasmussen's three goals and Griffin Reinecke's two scores and one assist. "I'm proud of the boys, they've worked hard and they're getting better every week," said Summit coach Jeff Melville, whose squad improved to 10-7 overall with the win. "But we've still got a lot of potent>al to reahze.

Sisters' Drew Corrigan, front, gets tangles up with Summit's Seth Millard during the first half of Tuesdsay night's gameat Summit High School.

Seven different players scored for the Storm, who led 7-2 at halftime. The Outlaws

(6-9, 3-2) made it 7-3 by the end of the third quarter and trailed 7-4 early in the fourth before Summit put the game away with three goals in the final period. "We played two outstanding quarters and two flat quarters," Melville said. Eli Simmons led the Storm defensefrom hisgoalkeeper position, recording seven saves. Summit concludes its regular season Friday with a nonconferencehome match against Hood River Valley. SeeStorm /C4

Lava Bearsdown Panthers in IMCaction Bulletin staff report Bend High edged out Redmond for the second time this season, besting the Panthers5-3 on Tuesday in Class 5A Intermountain Conference girls tennis action. Kaylee Tornay defeated Redmond's Kendall Marshall 6-2, 6-1 in No. 1 singles and Allison Daley and Riley Palcic topped the Panthers' Miranda Schmidt and Charli Chalker in the top doubles match at Bend High, but no Lava Bear came up bigger than Sarah Perkins. The Bend High sophomore rallied back against Redmond's Johanna Bailey in No. 4 singles, 1-6, 7-5, 10-6 to give

PREP GIRLS TENNIS the Bears the decisive victory in the dual match. "She definitely came up big after being down quite a bit," Bend High coach Kevin Collier said about Perkins, who trailed 3-0 in the second set before mounting her comeback. Sierra Winch (No. 2 singles) and the doubles team of Zoe Raiter and Jessie

Johnson (No. 3 doubles) added wins for the Lava Bears, who conclude the regular season at Mountain View on Thursday. Nicole Hoffman and Heidi Gasperetti

paced Redmond with a 6-4, 6-3 victory at No. 2 doubles, holding off Bend's Ellis Clair and Ruby Ladkin. Other Panther winners Tuesday were Jessica Brunot at No. 3 singles and Alex Stellar and Leah Murphy in the No. 4 doubles match. "We're having the season I've hoped for," said Collier, whose team heads to Hermiston next week for the 5A Special District 1 championships with Redmond, Mountain View, Summit, Hood River Valley, The Dalles Wahtonka and the host Bulldogs. "Definitely as some of these seniors' careers end, they're finish-

ing strong."

Blackhawks win series opener Chicago starts the playoffs with a 2-1 overtime victory over Minnesota,C4



homa for Big 12 supremacy, is under.500 because of a maddeningly impotent offense. A look at the national scene heading into May: Biggest surprise:Virginia is the runaway winner in this category. Picked third in the Atlantic Coast Conference's Coastal Division, the Cavaliers are enjoying the fruits of 10th-year coach Brian O'Connor's masterful makeover after losing two weekend starters, the anchor of its bullpen and three starting infielders. Scott Silverstein is the only returnee from the 2012 weekend rotation, and he's 7-1aftergoing 2-5. Freshman left-hander Brandon Waddell (4-1) has struck out 63 in 61 innings. The versatile Nick

Howard (5-4) has adjusted to the starter's role after coming out of the bullpen, and he's moonlighting at third base and batting.338. Kyle Crockett has three wins and 10 saves as closer. Mike Papi has rebounded from an injury that knocked him out the second half of last season to bat a team-best .373. See Tourney/C4


- Golfer takeslong, hardroad to PlayersChampionship By Doug Ferguson The Associated Press

Denver now down 3-2 to Golden State in the Western Conference

playoff series,C3

MLB Seattle rookie pitcher struggles in a 7-2 loss to Baltimore,C3

star pitcher Mark Appel, is in danger of being on the outside looking in when the NCAA tournament field is announced May 27. Texas (2220) is alone in last place in the Big 12 and must win the conference tournament to avoid missing the NCAAs for the second straight year. TCU (2023), picked to challenge Okla-


Nuggets cut into Warriors' lead

Orioles top M's

State (34-8) look to be locks fornational seeds.There are eight of those coveted seeds, and Cal State Fullerton (36-7), North Carolina State (34-1 1), Florida State (35-9), South

Carolina (33-12) and Oregon

"Even if we lose, we win," said Filner, a for-

of this year, embraced the idea whenFilner

The Associated Press

College baseball's regular


within the next week

and weaknessestogether and assess infrastructure in a region of about 5 million people.

As tourney looms, Beavers, Ducks a cut above

Gene J.Puskar/The Associated Press

Joe Daley hits his tee shot on the sixth hole during the third round at the Senior Players Championship golf tournament last June in Fox Chapel, Pa. Daley returns to TPC Sawgrass next week, at 52 the oldest player to make his debut in The Players Championship.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Joe Daley learned at rookie orientation that as a PGA Tour member, he had access to the vast TPC network. He was at tour headquarters that week and wasted no time taking advantage of this perk, sneaking out to play the TPC Sawgrass and holing out from the 10th fairway for eagle. That was December 1995. Ben Crenshaw was th e M asters champion. Tiger Woods was a twotime U.S. Amateur champion in his second year at Stanford. Daley could not have imagined it

would take him more than 17 years to get back to Sawgrass, and certainly not under these circumstances. He finally returns next week, at 52 the oldest player to make his debut in The Players


"I've played a lot of courses between then and now," Daley said. The most significant course was Fox Chapel in Pittsburgh, where last July he won the Seniors Players Championship by two shots over Tom Lehman to earn a spot in The Players Championship, the tournament with the strongest field and richest purse. See Players /C4



SPORTS ON THE AIR TODAY SOCCER UEFA Champions League, semifinal,


FC Barcelona vs. FC Bayern Munich

11:30 a.m.


BASEBALL MLB, Washington at Atlanta MLB, Baltimore at Seattle HOCKEY

4 p.m. 7 p.m.


NHL, playoffs, Toronto at Boston

4 p.m.

NHL, playoffs, N.Y. Islanders at Pittsburgh

NHL, playoffs, San Joseat Vancouver

4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.


BASKETBALL NBA, playoffs, Bostonat New York

4 p.m.

NBA, playoffs, Atlanta at Indiana NBA, playoffs, Houston at OklahomaCity

5 p.m. 6:30 p.m.




European Tour,ChinaOpen LPGA Tour, Kingsmill Championship PGA Tour,Wells Fargo Championship BASEBALL MLB, Washington at Atlanta or Miami at Philadelphia HOCKEY NHL, playoffs, Ottawa at Montreal NHL, playoffs, N.Y. Rangersat Washington

NHL, playoffs, Los Angeles at St. Louis NHL, playoffs, Detroit at Anaheim BASKETBALL NBA, playoffs, Brooklyn at Chicago NBA, playoffs, Denver at Golden State SOFTBALL

College, TexasTechat Baylor BOXING Mauricio Herrera vs. Ji-Hoon Kim SOCCER MLS, New England at Portland

TV/Radie 6 a.m. Golf 9:30 a.m. Golf Noon Golf

4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

6:30 p.m. 7 p.m.


5 p.m.


7:30 p.m.

5 p.m. 7 p.m.




7:30 p.m.


Listings are themostaccurate available. The /3u//etinis not responsible for late changesmade by TVor radio stations.

ON DECK Today Baseball: Bend atCrookCounty,4:30 p.m.; Ridgevrewat Summit, 4:30p.m..; MountainViewat Redmond,4:30p.m.; SistersatJunction City, 4.30 p.m.; Culver atCentral Linn, 2 p.m.; LaPineat Elmira,4:30p.m. Softball: CrookCountyatBend(DH),3 p.m.; Summit at Ridgeview (DH), 3 p.m.; Redmondat Mountain View (DH), 3p.m.; JunctionCity at Sisters,4:30 p.m.; Culver atCentral Linn, 2 p.m.; LaPineat Elmira,4:30p.m. Track: Ridgeview atRedmond, 3p.m., MountainView at Bend,3:30p.m.; MadrasandMolala at LaSage, TBA Girls golf: Ridgeview, CrookCountyat Eagle Crest,1 p.m.; Mountain ViewatQuail Valley,TBD Thursday Baseball: MadrasatGladstone,5 p.m. Softball: Gladstone atMadras,430 p m. Boys golf: Class5ASpecial District1 tournamentat EaglePointGof Club, 11a.m..; Sisters, LaPineat GlazeMeadow,TBD Girls golf: Class5ASpecial District1 tournamentat EaglePointGolf Club, 11am.; Sisters at Tokatee Memorial,TBD Track: CulveratEastLinn inLebanon 4p.m. Boys tennis: Redm ondat Ridgeview, 4p.mcMountain View atBend,4p.m.; Summit atCrookCounty, 4p.m.;EstacadaatMadras, 4p.m. Girls tennis: Bend at Mountain View, 4 p.m.; Ridgeview at Redmond, 4 p.m.; CrookCounty at Summit, 4p.m.,Madrasat Estacada 4p.m. Friday Baseball: CrookCountyat Bend,4:30p.mcSummit at Ridgeview,4:30 p.m.; Redm ond at Mountain View,4:30p.m.;Junction0ity atSisters, 4.30p.m.; CountryChristianatCulver, 4:30p.m.;Elmiraat La Pine, 430p.m. Softball: Bend atCrookCounty 430 pm4Ridgeview at Summit4:30 , p.m.;MountainViewat Redmond, 4:30 p.m.;SistersatJunction City,4:30 p.m.;Country ChristianatCulver,4:30 p.m.;ElmiraatLaPine, 4:30 p.m. Track: Sisters, La Pine,Gilchrist at SistersRotary Invite, 2p.mxRidgeviewat LaPineTwilght, TBD MountainViewat DeanNrce Invitatronal in Gresham, 2:15p.m.; BendatRobAllenInvite inLebanon, 4:30 p.m.;Summit, Redmondat Nike/Jesuit Relays, 230 pm.;MadrasatStaytonTwilght, TBA Boys golf: Class5ASpecial District1 tournamentat EaglePoint GoltClub,11a.m. Girls golf: Class5ASpecial District1 tournamentat EaglePoint GoltClub,11a.m. Boys lacrosse: Sistersat Harney,5:30 p.m.; Hood RiverValleyatSummit, 8 p.m.

PREP SPORTS Baseball Tuesday's result Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference


LaSalle Madras

(8 innings)

011 050 08 — 15 14 2 100 210 30 — 7 11 1


BASEBALL Ducks get win over Seattle — FreshmanMitchell Tolman

went 3-for-4 with seven RB)s to

lead Oregon toa12-7 nonconference win overSeattle in aTuesday night's game in Everett, Wash. Tolman finished with the most

Searce with two counts of misdemeanor assault, and Costello with one count of misdemeanor assault. NASCAR cited "actions detrimental to stock car racing. Involved in an altercation with

another competitor after the race had concluded," as reason for their punishment.

RB)s by aDuckplayer sinceJack Marder had eighth vs. Nevada on March 9, 2010. Ryon Healy added

three RBlswhile going2-for-3 with two runs scored before leaving the game in the fourth inning after he was hit in the face by wild throw. Brett Thomas and Aaron Payne both scored four runs with

Payne going2-for-4 at the plate with a walk, while Thomas was 1-for-2 with two walks.

CYCLING DOCtor SentenCed to One

FOOTBALL Jaguars receiver susPended — Justin Blackmon's latest violation of the NFL's

substance-abuse policy will cost him money — maybelots of it. The leaguesuspended Blackmon on Tuesday for the first four

games of the 2013season for his second violation in less than a year. He will not get paid for the four-week hiatus. Maybe more

importantly, the suspension

year — The doctorat the heart of cycling's Operation Puerto doping scandal hasbeen

triggers language in his contract that voids future guarantees.

convicted, but the key evidence that could implicate more

without having to pay about $10 million that remains on a four-

Now, the Jaguars could cut him

athletes is set to bedestroyed year, $18.5 million contract. — preventing sport agencies from uncovering other cheaters. Spanish doctor Eufemiano FuenBOXING tes was found guilty Tuesdayof endangering public health and FraZier'S gym getS hiStorgiven a one-year suspendedjail iC SiBIIIS — The Philadelphia sentence in the Operation Puerto

gym where former heavyweight champ Joe Frazier lived and

case. Fuentes also wasbarred from medical practice in sports trained has beennamedto the for four years and ordered to pay National Register of Historic Places. Preservation officials say a $6,000 fine. they were notified Tuesday of the

GOLF Singh Cleared ln dOPing CaSe — Vijay Singh no longer faces any sanction for using deer antler spray. The PGATour

designation by the National Park Service. They say it will help pro-

tect the building andcommemorate Frazier's legacy. Frazier converted the three-story north

Philadelphia building into a gym in 1968. He lived upstairs and

said Tuesday it was dropping trained downstairs. For decades the case against the three-time after his retirement, the space major champion. Tour commis- served as aneighborhood ansioner Tim Finchemsays new chor. But Frazier sold the building information from the World Anti- in 2008, and it's now partially ocDoping Agency indicates that

using deer antler spray is no longer considered prohibited. The tour confirmed that the spray Singh used contained IGF-1, an

insulin-like growth hormone that is on the tour's list of banned

cupied by a furniture store. The gym sign is still visible.

SOCCER FIFApresident cleared

substances. Singh wasappealing tour sanctions under the

OfWrOngdaing — Despite

anti-doping policy when WADA clarified its position.

part in one of FIFA's biggest cor-

being labeled "clumsy" for his ruption scandals, SeppBlatter was cleared of any criminal or unethical wrongdoing in acase involving millions of dollars in


The reputation of Blatter's

SuSPended — NASCAR has suspended the two Richard Childress Racing crew mem-

predecessor as FIFA president, Joao Havelange, wasfurther damaged, however. The96-year-

bers arrested for fighting with

old Brazilian, who led FIFA from

Nelson Piquet Jr. at Richmond.

1974-98, was forced to step down as honorary president due

Thomas Costello and Michael

bribes for World Cupcontracts.

Searce were both suspended to his involvement in the case. for four Nationwide Series races A report issued Tuesday byFIFA and fined $15,000 each.They ethics court judge Joachim Eckwere also placed onprobation ert said Havelange's conduct had been "morally and ethically reuntil the end of the year for the altercation in the motorhome proachable" for accepting bribes lot after Friday night's race.

Henrico County police charged

from ISL from 1992-2000. — From wire reports

Tuesday's result Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference Madras LaSalle

(8 innings)

0 00 000 21 — 3 5 2 2 00 000 00 — 2 5 2

Track and Field Girls Summit, CrookCounty, Gilchrist three-way At Summit Teamscore s— Summit92,CrookCounty75, Gilchrist13 400-meter relay — 1, Summi(Kent, t Hager, Withers,Reynolds), 45.50; 2, CrookCounty (Lopez, Broughton,Zemp,Santiago), 45.82; 3, Summit (Warmenhoven,Carter,Hasenoehrl, Barber),45.83.1,600 relay 1, Crook County(Lopez,Munn,RIvera, Santrago),3:40.54;2,Summit(Hasenoehrl, Anderson, Morgan,Wilson),3:42.53;3, Summit (Kennedy, Naegele, Parton,Axten), 3:51.54.100 — 1,Wilson, S, 11.59. 2,Santiago,CC,12.26. 3, Lybarger,S,12.26. 200 — 1,Wilson,S,23.42;2(tie), Lopez,CC,23.88; Lybarger,S,23.88. 400 — 1, Lopez,CC,53.18. 2, Santiago,CC,54.363,Anderson,S54.48 800—1, Munn,CC,2:00.81. 2, Axten,S,2:14.53. 3, Carmack, CC, 2:15.43.1,500 — 1, Parton, S,4.27.84. 2, Ro vera, CC, 4:2806. 3, Pickhardt, CC,4:36.84 3,000 — 1, ulrich, S, 10:48.94.2, George,CC,10:54.58. 3, Glass,CC,12:13.08 100hurdles — 1,Borchard I I, S, 191 2, Wolt,G,19.13 3, Abrams,CC,20.44 300 hurdles — 1, Maunder,S,43.96. 2, Abrams, CC 44.3.3,Borchardlll, S,45.25. High jump — 1,Menefee,S 6-04. 2, Wolf,G, 5-04. 3,Krtthau,CC,5-02. Discus — 1, Sutfin, CC, 139-03. 2, Shelton, S,130-07. 3, Link, G, 130-05. PV — 1,Bracelin,S, 12-00.2, Schaeter, S,11-06. 3, Barber,CC,11-06. Shot— 1,Anderson, G,47-10.5 2, Sutfin, CC, 45-06.5. 3, Smith,CC,42-04. Javelin — 1, Aylward,S, 151-04.2, Sutfin, CC,147-00. 3, Barber,S,133-09.Long jump—1,Woodward, CC, 19-02 2, Parks, S, 18-07. 3,Zemp,CC, 17-10.75. Triple jump — 1, Warm enhoven, S, 38-03.5. 2, Barber,CC,35-02. 3, Kitthau,CC,35-01.5.

Boys Summit, CrookCounty, Gilchrist three-way At Summit Team scores —Summit101, CrookCounty 66,

Gi christ12. 400-meter relay — 1, Crook County (Michael, Bernard,Berlin, Bernard), 52.93. 2, Summit

(Reininger,Roberts, Dare, Monson),53.30;3, Gilchrist (James,Newton, Longbotham,Shuey), 55.44.1,600 relay — 1,Summit(Walker, Cornett, Shunk,Johnson), 4:28.50; 2,Summit (Reininger, Edwards, Hyde, Wicker), 4:28.96; 3,CrookCounty(Bernard, Berlin, Peer,Kaonis),4:41.77.100 — 1, Berlin, CC,13.1, 2, Monson, S,13.2; 3, Bernard,CC,13.5. 200 1, Wicker ,S,28.71;2,Michael,CC,29.25;3,Shuey,G, 29.26. 400 — 1,Bernard,CC,64.24; 2, Reininger, S, 64.43.800 — 1,Johnson, S,2:25.78; 2, Walker, S, 2:29.56; 3,Shunk,S, 2:36.29. 1,500 — 1, Cor-

nett, S, 5:3790; 2, Martin, S,5:48.48; 3,Smiley,S, 5:52.43.3,000 1, Martin, S,13:02.75; 2,Lee,CC, 13:39.31 110 hurdles — 1,Edwards, S,17.74; 2, Hignell-Stark, S, 17.78; 3, Longbotham,G, 18.33. 300 hurdles — 1, Berlin, CC,49.40; 2, HignellStark, S,4949; 3,Edwards, S,52.20. High jump — 1,Taylor, S,5-03;2, Danek,S,410; 3, Meeuw sen,S, 4-08. Discus — 1,Kooker,G, 108; 2,Viles, CC,104 08;3,James,G,102-06 Pole vault — 1, Srdor, S,11-00; 2, Michael, CC,8-06; 3, Martin, S,7-06. Shot —1, Kaonis, CC,37-01, 2 Troutman,CC,34-02.5; 3, Harter,S, 33-01.Javelin — 1, Troutman,CC,115-06; 2, Mingus,S, 110-08; 3, Edwards,S,102-02. Longjump—1, Berlin, CC, 16-03 2 Monson,S, 14-01.5, 3, Nelson,S, 13-11. Triple jump — 1,Brown,S,33-11.25; 2, Danek,S, 31-03,3, Troutman, CC,31-00.5.

Tennis Girls Class 5A Summit 6, Mountain View2 At Mountain View Singles — Brodeck, S, d.Alexander, MV,6-1, 61; Steele, S,d. Mays,MV,3-6, 6-2, 10-1;Roy,S, d. Walters,MV,6-3, 6-2;Ausland,S,d. Murphy,MV,60,6-3. Doubles —Handey/Evans, S,d. Wells/Cole, MV, 6-3,7-5;Horrell/Coplin, MV,d. Colis/Nichols, S, 2-6, 6-2,11-9,Meeuwsen/Todd, S,d. Gradila/Johnson, MV,6-3, 6-3; Foran/Finley,S, d. Morelli/Weborne,6-1,6-4.

IntermountainConference Bend 5, Redmond 3

At Bend High Singles — Tornay,8, d. Marshall, R,6-2,6-1; Winch, 8, d.King,R,6-0,6-0; Brunot,R,d.Petersen, 8, 6-1, 6-3; Perkins, 8, d. Bailey, R,1-6, 7-5, 106. Doubles Daley/Riley, 8, d.Schmidt/Chalker, R, 6-2, 6-4; Hoffman/Gasperetti, R, d.Clair/Ladkin, 8, 6-4, 6-3;Raiter/Johnson,8, d. Smits/Wagner,R, 6-0, 6-4, Stellar/Murphy,R,d. Watkins/Combs, 8, 6-1, 6-2.

Class 4A/3A/2A/1A Special District 5 Ridgeview 7, CrookCounty1 At CrookCounty Singles Fraser,CC,d Carr,RV,3-7, 7-6,10-3; Clarrdge,RV,d. Rutz, CC,6-1, 6-0; Ridgeviewwins No. 3 and 4 singles byforfeit. Doubles —Wellege/ Jordison,RV,d. Bowers/Nelson, CC,1-6, 6-3,10-6; Goodwin/Hottman,RV,d. Slawter/Puckett, CC,3-6,

6-2, 11-9.

Boys Class 5A IntermountainConference Bend 4, Redmond (Bendwins 9-0 onsets) At Sam JohnsonPark. Redmond Singles Powell, R, d. Puga, 8, 6-2, 6-1; Fitzsimmons,R,d.Colier, 8,6-4,6-1; Witherow,R,d. Basquer-G)enn,8,6-2,7-5; Johnston, R,d.Johnson, 8, 1-6, 6-4,11-9.Doubles —Woodland/Tulare, 8, d. Biondr/Camper,7-5, 6-4; Miller/Hite, 8, d. Escamilla/Rollins, R,6-2, 6-4; A.Chopra/Ainsworth, 8, d. R. Powell/Schmidt,R,6-0, 6-1; James/Boehme,8, d. Hyte/Koutsopoulos,R,6-3,6-3. Summit 8, Mountain View 0 At Summit Singles — NicholsS, , def. Bileter, MV,6-0, 6-0; Wimberly, S,det. Mahr,MV,6-3, 6-3; Steele,S, def. Wolfenden,MV,6-0, 6-0; Sherpa,S,def. Smith, MV, 6-1,6-1. Doubles —Parr/Hall, S,def. Miler/I'ipton, MV,6-2,6-0 Mickel/Holt, S,def. P.Atkinson/S. Atkinson, MV,6-0, 6-7, 10-8;L'Etoile/Calande,S,def. Larraneta/Kolodzajacyk,MV,6-4, 6-4; Maitre/Valentine, S, det.Silberman/Schoenborn,MV,6-7,6-0,10-8.



(x-if necessary) (Best-of-7)

EASTERNCONFERENCE Miami 4, Milwaukee0 Sunday,Apnl 21: Miamr)10, Mrlwaukee87 Tuesday,April 23:Miami98, Milwaukee86 Thursday,April 25:Miami104, Milwaukee91 Sunday,April 28 Miami88,Milwaukee77 New York 3,Boston1 Saturday,April 20:NewYork85, Boston 78 Tuesday, April 23:NewYork 87,Boston 71 Friday,April 26:NewYork 90,Boston 76

Sunday,April 28.Boston97, NewYork90(OT) Today,May1:BostonatNewYork, 4pm. x-Friday,May3:NewYorkat Boston, TBA x-Sunday,May5:Boston atNewYork, TBA Indiana 2, Atlanta 2 Sunday,April 21: Indiana107,Atlanta90 Wednesday, April 24:Indiana113, Atlanta98 Saturday,April 27:Atlanta90,Indiana69 Monday,April 29:Atlanta102, Indiana91 Today,May1:Atlantaat Indiana,5 pm. Friday,May3: IndianaatAtlanta, TBA

x-Sunday,May5:Atlanta atIndiana, TBA Chicago 3, Brooklyn 2 Saturday,April 20:Brooklyn106, Chicago89 Monday,April 22:Chicago90, Brooklyn 82 Thursday,April 25:Chicago79, Brooklyn76 Saturday,April 27:Chicago142,Brooklyn134,30T Monday,April 29:Brooklyn110,Chicago91 Thurs day,May2:BrooklynatChrcago,5p.m. x-Saturday,May4: Chicagoat Brooklyn, TBA

WESTERNCONFERENCE OklahomaCity3, Houston1 Sunday,April 21:OklahomaCity120, Houston91 Wednesday,April 24: OklahomaCity 105,Houston 102

Saturday,April 27:OklahomaCity104, Houston101 Monday,April 29:Houston105,OklahomaCity103 Today,May1:Houston atDklahomaCity, 6:30p.m. x-Friday,May3:OklahomaCity atHouston,TBA x-Sunday,May5.Houstonat OklahomaCity, TBA San Antonio 4, L.A. Lakers0 Sunday,April 21:SanAntonio 91,L.A.Lakers79 Wednesday,April 24: SanAntonio102, L.A. Lakers 91 Friday,April 26:SanAntonio120, L.A. Lakers89 Sunday,April 28:SanAntonio103, L.A.Lakers82 Golden State 3,Denver2 Saturday,April 20:Denver97,Golden State95 Tuesday,April23: GoldenState131, Denver117 Friday,April26: GoldenState110, Denver108 Sunday,April28 GoldenState115,Denver101 Tuesday,April 30:Denver 107,Golden State100 Thurs day,May2:DenveratGoldenState,7:30p.m. x-Saturday,May4 Golden Stateat Denver,TBA Memphis 3, L.A. Clippers 2 Saturday,April 20:L.A. Clippers112, Memphis 91 Monday,April 22:L.A.Clippers93,Memphis 91 Thursday,Aprrl 25:Memphis 94, L.A.Clippers82 Saturday,April 27:Memphis104, L.A.Clippers83 Tuesday,April 30:Memphis103, L.A. Clippers93 Friday,May3: L.A.Clippers atMemphis, TBA x-Sunday,May5:Memphis at L.A.Clippers, TBA


Nuggets107, Warriors100 GOLDEN STATE(100) Barnes7-174-4 23,Jack7-164-420, Bogut1-4 0-0 2, Curry7-19 0-015, Thompson8-17 0-019, Ezeli1-1 6-9 8,Landry3-5 3-49, Green1-1 1-23, Bazemor e 0-1 0-00,Machado0-0 0-0 0,Jefferson 0-0 1-2 1, Jones0-0 0-0 0. Totals 35-81 19-26 100. DENVER (107) Chandler6-14 2-219, Faried5-8 3-413 McGee 4-9 2-410, Lawson5-14 7-1019, Iguodala10-17 2-2 25,Brewer1-112-24, Koufos3-6 0 06, A Mil er 4-10 3-3 11 Randolph0-00-0 0, Stone0-0 0-00. Totals 38-89 21-27 107. Golden State 22 2 4 23 31 — 100 Denver 36 30 20 21 —107

Grizzlies103, Clippers 93 MEMPHIS(103) Prince6-101-315, Randolph11-21 3-525, Gasol 6-14 9-921,Conley5-1310-12 20, Allen 3-90-06, Bayless3-82-29, Dooling1-20-0 2,Arthur 2-40-0 4, Pondexter0-31-21, Davis 0-10-00, Wroten0-0 0-0 0. TotaIs 37-85 26-33103. L.A. CLIPPERS (93) Butler 2-50-05, Grittin 2-70-0 4, Jordan3-7 0-1 6, Paul 11-2411-1135, Bilups1-2 0-1 3, Crawford 6-1 42-2 15,Barnes2-5 2-2 6,Odom2-51-2 5, Hollins 2-20-04, Bedsoe 2-42-47, Turiat1-21-23. TotaIs 34-7719-25 93. Memphis 26 28 19 30 — 103 L.A. Clippers 28 2 0 17 20 — 93


(Best-of-7) (x-if necessary)

EASTERNCONFERENCE New YorkIslanders vs. Pittsburgh Today,May1: NYIslandersat Pittsburgh,4:30 p.m. Friday,May3:NYIslandersat Pittsburgh,4 p.m. Sunday,May5:Pitsburgh atNYIslanders9a.m. Tuesday,May7: Pitsburgh at NYIslanders, 4p.m. x-Thursday,May9: NYIslandersat Pittsburgh, 4p.m. x-Saturday, May11: PittsburghatNYIslanders, TBD x-Sunday,May12 NYIslandersat Pittsburgh, TBD Ottawa vs. Montreal Thursday,May2: Ottawaat Montreal 4p.m. Friday,May3:Ottawaat Montreal, 4 p.m. Sunday,May5:Montreal atOtawa, 4 p.m. Tuesday,May7. Montreal atOtawa,4 p.m. x-Thursday,May9:Ottawaat Montreal, 4 p.m. x-Saturday, May11:Montreal atOtawa,TBD x-Sunday,May12: ONawaat Montreal, TBD New YorkRangers vs. Washington Thurs day,May2:NY RangersatWashington,4:30

p.m. Satur day,May4:NY RangersatWashington,9:30 a.m. Monday, May6:WashingtonatNY Rangers,4:30p.m. Wednes day,May8.WashingtonatNYRangers,4.30 p.m. x-Friday,May10: NV Rangers at Washington, 4:30


x Sunday,May12: Washington atNYRangers, TBD x-Monday, May13: NyRangersatWashington, TBD Toronto vs.Boston Today,May1:Torontoat Boston,4 p.m. Saturday,May4: TorontoatBoston, 4p.m. Monday,May6: BostonatToronto, 4 p.m. Wednes day,May8:BostonatToronto,4p.m. x-Friday,May10:Torontoat Boston,4 p.m. x-Sunday,May12: BostonatToronto, TBD x-Monday, May13. Torontoat Boston,TBD WESTERNCONFERENCE Chicago1, Minnesota0 Tuesday,April 30:Chicago2,Minnesota1(OT) Friday,May3: Minnesotaat Chicago, 6:30 p.m. Sunday ,May5:ChicagoatMinnesota,noon Tuesday ,May7ChicagoatMinnesota,6:30p.m. x-Thursday, May9: Minnesotaat Chicago,TBD x-Saturday, May11: Chrcagoat Minnesota,TBD

x-Sunday,May12: MinnesotaatChicago,TBD Anaheim1, Detroit 0 Tuesday, April 30: Anaheim3, Detroit1 Thursday,May2: Detroit atAnaheim, 7p.m. Saturday, May4:AnaheimatDetroit, 4:30p.m. Monday,May6:Anaheimat Detroit,5 p.m. x-Wednesd ay, May8: Detroit at Anaheim, 7p.m. x-Friday,May10:AnaheimatDetroit, TBD x-Sunday,May12: Detroitat Anaheim,TBD San Josevs. Vancouver Today,May1. SanJoseatVancouver, 7.30p.m. Frid ay,May3:SanJoseatVancouver,7p.m. Sunday,May5 VancouveratSanJose,7p.m. Tuesday,May7:Vancouverat SanJose, 7p.m. x-Thursday, May9: SanJoseat Vancouver,7 p.m. x-Saturday,May11:Vancouverat SanJose,TBD x-Monday,May13. SanJoseatVancouver,TBD St. Louis1, LosAngeles0 Tuesday, April 30:St.Louis2, l.osAngeles1(OT) Thurs day,May2:LosAngelesatSt.Louis,6:30p.m. Saturday,May4:St. LouisatLosAngeles, 7p.m. Monday, May6:St.LouisatLosAngeles,7 p.m. x-Wedne sday,May8:LosAngelesatSt.Louis,TBD x-Friday,May10.St. LouisatLosAngeles,TBD x-Monday,May13: LosAngelesat St.Lours,TBD


6-3,4-6, 6-2. Victor Hanescu,Romania,det. RuiMachado, Portugal, 6-4,6-4.

TommyRobredo (8), Spain,def DanielGimenoTraver,Spain,2-6, 7-5, 6-3. Robin Haase,Netherlands, def. PabloAndujar, Spain 4-6 6-2 6-3 GastaoElias, Portugal, det. HoracioZeballos(7), Argentina,6-3, 6-4

Women First Round PengShuai, China,def. MarionBartoli (1),France,

6-0,1-6, 6-4. MonicaNiculescu,Romania, def. TamiraPaszek, Austria, 6-1,6-3. GalinaVoskoboeva,Kazakhstan,def. SofiaArvidsson, Sweden, 6-3,6-4.

AnastasiaPavlyuchenkova(3), Russra,def.Shahar Peer,lsrael,6-4, 6-4. RominaDprandi, Switzerland, def. Kiki Bertens, Netherlands,6-3, 6-2. Kaia Kanepi, Estonia, dei. Kristina Mladenovic, France,6-4,6-3. Estrella CabezaCandela, Spain, def. Aravane Rezai,France,5-7, 6-1,6-3. Francesca Schiavone, Italy, det.LourdesDominguezLino,Spain, 6-2,4-6, 6-3. MonicaPuig, PuertoRico,def JuliaGoerges(8), Austria,7-6 (3), 6-2. UrszulaRadwanska, Poland, def. DominikaCibulkova(2), Slovakia,2-6,6-4, 6-4 BMWOpen Tuesday

At MTTCIphitos

Munich Purse: $609,300(WT250) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles First Round Radek Stepanek,CzechRepublic, det. Mikhail Youzhny (7), Russia,6-4, 5-7,6-4. ErnestsGulbis, Latvia,def.JarkkoNieminen,Finland, 6-4,6-2.

GregaZemtja, Slovenia, def. JohnMilman, Aus-

tralia, 6-2,6-2. Viktor Troicki, Serbia, def. Matthias Bachinger,

Germany, 6-3, 6-2. Alexandr Dolgopolov (5), Ukraine, dei. Sergiy Stakhovsky,ukraine,6-4, 6-2 Florian Mayer(6), Germany, def. LukaszKubot, Poland,7-6 (2), 4-6,7-5. Evgeny Korolev,Kazakhstan,def.MarcosBaghdatis Cyprus,7-5,7-6 (3). GaelMonfils,France,def.JurgenMelzer (8), Austria, 6-3, 6-3.


Thursday'sGame NewEnglandat Portland,7:30 p.m.


Seattle FC at Phrladelphra,1 p.m. NewYorkat Columbus, 1p.m. MontrealatSanJose, 1p.m. TorontoFCatColorado, 6p.m. VancouveratReal Salt Lake,6p.m.

Sunday'sGames ChrvasUSAat Sportrng KansasCrty,2 p.m. Housto natLosAngeles,8 p.m.

BASEBALL College Pac 12 Standrngs All Trmes POT

Conference Overall W 34 34 28 28 28 24 21 16 20

L 8 10 12 13 14 15 23 27 20

14 28 16 23


x-TCUat USC,6pm Friday's Games California atOregonState, 5:35p.m. x-TCUat USC,6p.m. Utah atUCLA,6 p.m. OregonatWashington State, 6p.m. Washington atArizona,6 p.m. Stantord atArizonaState, 7 p.m. x=nonconference

GOLF PGA Tour FedExcupLeaders Through April 28 Rank Player Points YTD Money 1. TigerWoods 1,740 $4,139,600 2. Brandt Snedeker 1 , 397 $3,150,564 3. Billy Horschel 1,205 $2,567,891

8. Graeme McDowe I 838 9. Phil Mickelson 813 1 0. DustiJohnson n 810 11. SteveStricker 795

12. RusselHenl l ey 775 1 3. Webb Srmpson 7 5 9 1 4. CharleHo s well III 7 4 4 15.JasonDay 715 1 6. Hunter Mahan 69 3 17. BrianGay 684 18 ChrisKirk 681 1 9. Keegan Bradle y 6 7 4 20. Jimmy Walker 665 21. Bill Haas 633 22.JustrnRose 626 23. MichaelThompson 623 24. JohnMerrick 613

48. K.J.Choi

49. CharlieBeljan 50. CharlSchwartzel

$ 1 ,079,080 $ 1 ,185,200 $ 1 ,069,009 $97 2,175 $ 1 ,003,678 $8 5 5,033 $9 9 1,715 $ 1 ,055,090 $8 86,932 $8 0 0,325 $72 7,021 $87 2,443 $9 5 3,544 $8 8 8,192 $8 9 6,110 $8 7 5,273 $8 86,912 $8 8 9,080 $7 8 3,583 $69 0,021 $8 8 7,295 $ 1 ,021,993 $7 7 3,536 $6 3 8,271 $8 36,702 $7 5 5,129


Portugal Open Tuesday At Estadio Nacional Oeiras, Portugal Purse: Men,$609,300(WT250);Women, $220,000(Intl.) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Men First Round PabloCarreno-Busta,Spain,def.Julien Benneteau (5), France, 6-3,6-4. AbertRam os, Spain, def. CarosBertocq, Argentina, 7-6(4), 2-6, 6-3. AlejandroFalla,Colombia, def.AndreyKuznetsov, Russia,7-5,6-4. Paolo Lorenzi, Italy, dei. Neils DeseinBel , gium,

4. MattKuchar 1,069 5 . KeviStreel n man 9 1 5 6. Adam Scott 870 7. D APoints 854

46. SergioGarcia 47. CharleyHoffman

582 563 541 499 498 496 496 478 478 476 476 473 469 468 448 445 436 429 426 419 413 407 389 388 385 384



W L OregonState 14 4 Oregon 16 5 ArizonaState 11 7 UCLA 11 7 Arizona 9 9 Stanford 9 9 Califomia 9 12 SouthernCal 8 13 WashingtonState 7 11 Washington 6 12 Utah 5 16 Tuesday's Games x-Pepperdine 9, USC5 x-Stanford 9,Saint Mary's1 x-UCLA8, UcIrvine1 x-ArizonaState7,Arizona 5 x-calrfornia13,Pacitic2 x-0regon12,Seattle7 Today's Game x-Oregon at Seatle, 4p.m.

25. BooWeekley 26. MartinLaird 27. TimClark 28. JoshTeater 29. RickieFowler 30. LukeGuthrie 31.FreddieJacobson 32. AngelCabrera 33. NickWatney 34. BrendondeJonge 35. Came ronTringale 36. ScottBrown 37. RoryMcllroy 38. JimFuryk 39. RobertGarrigus 40. LukeDonald 41. ScottPiercy 42. Bubba Watson 43. KevinStadler 44. BrianStuard 45. HenrikStenson

$2,469,773 $1,646,743 $2,100,469 $1,898,938 $1,910,654 $1,764,680 $1,748,907 $1,935,340 $1,525,734 $1,565,192 $1,393,806 $1,695,583 $1,563,129 $1,229,969 $1,251,331 $1,430,347 $1,227,787 $1,318,533 $1,313,890 $1,31 0,709 $1,375,757

ThroughApril28 Trn

1. InbeePark 2. StacyLewis 3. SuzannPetersen

8 7

6. SoYeonRyu

6 7 8

4. BeatrizRecari 5. LizetteSalas

7. I.K Kim 8. NaYeonChoi 9.Jiyai Shin 10. YaniTseng 11. Ai Miyazato

12.JessicaKorda 13. PaulaCreamer 14. CarolineHedwall 15. KarrieWebb 16. CarlotaCiganda 17 GiuliaSergas 18. Pomanong Phatlum 19. AngelaStanford 20. HaejiKang 21. CristieKerr 22. MoriyaJutanugam 23. HeeYoung Park 24. CatrionaMatthew 25. MoMartin 26.ShanshanFeng 27.Jodi EwartShadoff 28. KarineIcher 29. AnnaNordqvist 30. GerinaPiler

31.HeeKyungSeo 32. ChellaChoi 33. AzaharaMunoz 34. JanePark 35. LexiThompson 36. DanielleKang 37. CandieKung 38. JeeYoungLee 39. NicoleCastrale 40. AmyYang 41. JenniferJohnson 42. SandraGal

43. Se RiPak 44. VickyHurst 45. BrittanyLincicome 46. JulietaGranada 47. StacyPrammanasud 48. KatherineHull-Kirk 49. JacquiConcolino 50. JennyShin


Money $841,068 $636,803 $514,440 $463,615 $361,130 $353,548 $348,842 $309,216 $308,505 $225,947 $225,510 $223,916 $223,642 $215,835 $201,141 $192,212 $191,084 $189,238 $167,569 $163,564 $159,506

$150,936 $140,688 $137,642 $135,940 $131,273 $128,312 $120,399 $115,385 $115,380 $107,853 $107,422 $104,300 $103,029

$96,845 $96,085 $94,205

$92,035 $86,646 $80,521 $71,993 $70,625

$65,309 $63,258 $58,556 $57,463 $55,278 $53,797 $52,399 $51,926


MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Standings AH TimesPDT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Boston 18 8 NewYork 16 10 Baltimore 16 11 TampaBay 12 14 Toronto 10 17 Central Division W L Detroit 15 10 Kansas City 14 10 Minnesota 11 12 Cleveland 11 13 Chicago 10 15 West Division W L 17 9 Texas Oakland 16 12 Seattle 12 17 Los Angeles 9 17 Houston 8 19

Pct GB .692 .615 2 .593 2'/t

Pujolsdh 5 0 0 1 S.Smithlf 4 1 2 3 Trumo1b 4 1 1 1 Cespdscf 4 1 2 4 H amltnrf 4 0 1 0 Moss1b 4 0 I 0 HKndrc2b 4 0 I 0 Dnldsn3b 4 0 0 0 Congerc 3 0 1 0 Reddckrf 4 0 0 0 BHarrs3b 4 0 0 0 DNorrsc 3 2 2 0 Shucklf 3 2 2 0 Sogard2b 4 2 2 0 lannettph 1 0 0 0 Cousinslf 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 6 6 9 6 Totals 3 210108

fifth inning, then connected for a

go-aheadhome runintheseventh that sent Toronto over Boston. The Blue Jaysended afour-game losing streak and avoided the first 18-loss April in club history.

L os Angeles 0 0 1 0 2 0 300 — 6 Oakland 000 234 01x — 10 E—Aybar (3), Rosales (1), Donaldson (3). DP — Oakland 1. LOB —Los Angeles 8, Oakland7. 28 — Trout (9), Conger(2), Jaso(4), S.Smith(7),



DnMrp2b 3 1 1 0 Ruggincf 3 0 0 0 I .Davis1b 3 0 1 0 Ozunarf 3 0 1 0 R eckerc 2 0 0 I Olivoc 3000 Lagarscl 3 0 0 0 NGreenss 2 0 0 0 Hefnerp 3 0 0 0 Sioweyp 2 0 0 0 L yonp 0 0 0 0 Webbp 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 1 2 5 2 Totals 3 56 136 Coghln ph 1 I 1 0 Colorado 1 00 001 000 — 2 Totals 2 9 1 4 1 Totals 2 72 5 1 Los Angeles 2 2 2 0 0 0 Ogx— 6 N ew York 000 0 1 0 0 00 — 1 DP — Colorado 1, Los Angeles 1. LOB—Colo- Miami 0 00 000 002 — 2 rado 5,LosAngeles 9. 28—Cuddyer (7), H.Ramirez No outswhenwinning runscored. DP — New York 2, Miami 1. LOB—New York 2, (1), Ethier (5). HR —C.Gonzalez (5), H.Ramirez (1). SB Fowler(4). SF—Ad.Gonzaiez. Miami 4. 2B —Duda(5), Dan.Murphy(8). S—Pierre. Recker. Colorado IP H R E R BB SO SF — J.DeLaRosaL,2-3 4 11 6 6 2 I New York IP H R E R BB SO Escalona 2 1 0 0 0 3 HefnerL,0-3 8 4 2 1 0 8 Belisle 1 0 0 0 1 2 LyonBS,1-1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Brothers 1 1 0 0 0 1 Miami Los Angeles Siowey 8 4 1 1 0 8 RyuW,3-1 6 3 2 2 2 12 WebbW,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Belisario 1 1 0 0 1 1 Hefnerpitchedto 2baters in the9th. Jansen 2 1 0 0 0 0 Lyon pitched to 2batersinthe 9th. T—3'02 A—47602(56 000) HBP—byHefner(N.Green).WP—Lyon.PB—Recker. T—2'25.A—15,018 (37,442).

Escaln p 0 0 0 0 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 W heeph r 1 0 0 0 Ryu p 30 1 1 Belislep 0 0 0 0 Belisarip 0 0 0 0 Brothrsp 0 0 0 0 L.cruz3b 1 0 0 0 JDLRsp 1 0 0 0 Brignc ss 2 0 1 0

Toronto eb r bbi ab r bbi Ellsurycl 3 1 2 0 Lawrie3b 5 1 1 0 Navarf 5 1 0 0 RDavisdh 1 3 1 0 Pct GB Pedroia2b 4 1 2 1 Lindph-dh 1 0 0 0 .600 .Ortizdh 5 I 2 4 Bautistrf 2 2 I I .583 '/z Cespedes(2), Moss(2). 38—T rout (2), Cespedes D 4 0 0 0 Encrnc1b 4 2 2 4 .478 3 (1). HR —Trumbo (5). SB—Aybar (1), D.Norris (2). Napoli1b Carplf 2 1 1 1 Mecarrlf 4 0 0 0 .458 3'/t S—Rosales. SF—Cespedes. ph-If 2 1 1 1 Arencii c 4 1 2 1 .400 5 Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO JGoms Sltlmchc 2 0 0 0 Mlztursss-2b 3 0 0 0 RichardsL,1-2 5 2 - 3 87 7 2 4 Mdlrks3b 4 0 0 0 Rasmscf 4 0 2 1 Pct GB Maronde 0 0 2 2 2 0 .654 11-3 2 1 1 2 2 Drewss 4 1 1 0 Bonifac2b 3 0 0 0 Enright Kawskss 1 0 0 0 571 2 D.De La Rosa I 0 0 0 I 0 T otals 3 5 7 9 7 Totals 3 29 9 7 .414 6'/t Oakland Boston 0 00 211 300 — 7 .346 8 ParkerW,1-4 6 6 4 3 3 4 103 020 21x — 9 Giants 2,Diamondbacks1 .296 gr/t 2-3 3 2 2 0 0 Toronto Scribner E—Saltalamacchia (2), Kawasaki (2). DP—ToBrewers12, Pirates 8 Doo ittle H,3 11- 3 0 0 0 0 2 —Boston 6,Toronto 4. 2B—DOrtiz (6), Tuesday'sGames Ballour I 0 0 0 I 0 ronto1. LOB PHOENIX — Pablo Sandoval hit Bautista(4),Arencibia(7). HR —DOrtiz(3), Carp(1), N.Y.Yankees7, Houston 4 Parkerpitchedto1 batter inthe7th. MILWAUKEE — Brewers pitcher J.Gomes(1), Encarnacion 2(9). SB—R.Davis (6). a two-run homer with one out in Toronto 9,Boston7 Maronde pitched to2 baters inthe6th. Yovani Gallardo hit one of five CS — E ll s bury (2). S — M .lz t u ri s . Detroit 6,Minnesota1 the top of the ninth to lead San Enrightpitchedto2 baters inthe8th. IP H R E R BB SO Cleveland14 i Philadelphia2 HBP —by Parker (Conger). WP—Richards 2, Ma- Boston home runs for Milwaukee, which Francisco to a win over Arizona. Lester 6 6 6 5 2 5 Texas10,ChicagoWhite Sox6 ronde,Parker2. went back-to-back twice in a rout TazawaL,2-1 BS,2-2 1 1 2 2 1 2 Arizona starter Trevor Cahill left KansasCity8,TampaBay2 T—3:39. A—14,764(35,067). Hanrahan 1 2 1 1 0 0 after allowing a leadoff single to of Pittsburgh. Oakland10,L.A.Angels 6 Toronto Baltimore 7, Seattle 2 Angel Pagan, the Gi a nts' fourth hit Today'sGames Morrow 5 6 3 3 3 7 Pittsburgh Milwaukee Rangers10, White Sox6 11-3 2 3 2 0 2 against the right-hander. Loup H,4 Minnesota(Diamond1-2) at Detroit (Ani.Sanchez3ab r hbi ab r hbi DelabarW2-1 BS1-1 2-3 1 1 1 1 1 1), 10:08a.m. SMartelf 5 2 3 3 Aokirf 5010 OliverH,4 I 0 0 0 I I L.A. Angels(C.Wilson2-0) at Oakland (Milone 3-2), ARLINGTON,Texas — Yu Darvish RMartnc 5 1 2 1 Segurass 221 1 Arizona JanssenS,7-7 1 0 0 0 0 0 Sen Francisco 12:35 p.m. M cctchcf 5 1 4 2 Braunlf 5 230 overcame a shaky start for his ab r hbi ab r bbi HBP by Lester(RDavis). Houston(Bedard 0-2) at NY. Yankees(D.Phelps 1-1), GJonesrf 5 1 1 0 Lucroyc 4 2 2 1 Pagan cf 4 I 2 0 Pollock cf 3 0 0 0 fifth victory in April and Texas T—3:14.A—22,915(49,282). 4:05 p.m. GSnchz1b 4 1 1 2 Weeks2b 4 3 3 5 Scutaro 2b 3 0 1 0 Prado 3b 4 0 1 0 Philadelphia(Lee2-1) atCleveland(Bauer 0-1), 4:05 backed him with plenty of big hits P Alvrz3b 4 0 0 0 CGomzcf 3 I 2 I Sandovl3b 4 1 2 2 Gldsch1b 4 0 0 0 p.m. Inge2b 4 1 1 0 YBtncr3b 5 1 1 1 Romop 0 0 0 0 C.Rossrf 3 0 0 0 in a win over the Chicago White Boston(Buchholz5-0) atToronto (Buehrle 1-1), 4:07 Barmesss 4 0 2 0 Maldnd1b 3 1 1 2 P oseyc 3 0 0 0 MMntrc 4 0 1 0 p.m. Sox. Darvish (5-1) struck out nine Royais 8, Rays2 J McDnlp 2 0 0 0 Estradp 2 0 1 0 P encerf 4 0 1 0 AMartell 3 0 0 0 Chicago White Sox(Sa e2-2) atTexas(Tepesch2-1), T abataph 1 1 0 0 Lalliph 1000 in six innings, but the gamewas GBlancIf 4 0 0 0 JoWilsn 2b 3 1 1 1 KANSAS CITY, Mo.— James 5:05 p.m. M azzarp 0 0 0 0 Kintzlrp 0 0 0 0 Bcrwfrss 3 0 0 0 Pnngtnss 3 0 1 0 tied when he threw the last of his TampaBay(Heilickson1-2) at KansasCity (Mendoza Morrisp 0 0 0 0 Badnhpp 0 0 0 0 Shields made a stellar first start B elt1b 3 0 0 0 Cahillp 2 0 0 0 0-1), 5:10p.m. 108 pitches. S niderph I 0 0 0 Grzlnyp 0 0 0 0 mgrnp 2 0 0 0 Putzp 00 0 0 against his former team, andMike B Baltimore(WChen2-2) at Seatt e(Harang0-3), 7:10 Watsonp 0 0 0 0 KDavisph 1 0 0 0 HSnchzph 1 0 0 0 MtRynlp 0 0 0 0 p.m. Moustakas hit a two-run homer to JHughsp 0 0 0 0 Axlordp 0 0 0 0 Scasiilp 0 0 0 0 Chicago Texas Thursday's Games LSchfr ph 1 0 0 0 SRosari p 0 0 0 0 eb r hbi ab r bbi spur Kansas City to a victory over Tampa BayatKansasCity,11:10 a.m. Hndrsnp 0 0 0 0 Arias3b 0 0 0 0 DeAzalf 3 0 0 0 Kinsler2b 5 2 2 2 Bostonat Toronto,4:07 p.m. Tampa Bay. Shi e lds (2-2) allowed Totals 4 0 8 148 Totals 3 6 121511 T otals 3 1 2 6 2 Totals 2 91 4 1 C.Welislf 1 0 0 0 Andrusss 5 1 2 1 Chicago WhiteSoxatTexas, 5:05 p.m. P ittsburgh 102 0 2 3 0 00 — 8 a two-run homer to Matt Joyce in S an Francisco 000 000 002 — 2 Greene2b 5 1 1 0 Brkmndh 3 1 1 0 Detroit atHouston,5:10 p.m. Milwaukee 031 3 0 1 1 3x — 12 Arizona 0 00 000 010 — 1 Riosrf 5 1 1 1 Beltre3b 4 1 1 2 the first inning, but only allowed Baltimoreat L.A.Angels, 7:05 p.m. E—G.Jones (1). DP—Pittsburgh I, Milwaukee DP — SanFrancisco1, Arizona1. LOB—SanFranA .Dunn1b 4 1 1 1 N.cruzrf 4 1 1 1 three more hits over the next six. cisco 4,Arizona4. HR—Sandova (4), Jo.Wilson(1) 1. LOB—Pittsburgh 6, Milwaukee9. 28—S.Marte K onerkdh 5 0 I I JeBakrlf 4 I 2 I (6), Lucroy(2), Weeks(6), C.Gomez(6), Maldonado SB — Pagan(4). S—Scutaro, Cahil G illaspi3b 3 0 1 0 DvMrplf 0 0 0 0 He struck out seven in the kind of NATIONALLEAGUE —S.Marte (2), R.Martin (6), Mccutchen(3), A IRmrzss 4 1 1 0 Sotoc 3100 San Francisco I P H R ER BB SO (4). HR East Division dominant performance that the G.Sanchez(4), Segura(3), Weeks(2), Y.Be tancourt Gimenzc 3 1 0 0 Morind1b 3 1 3 1 Bumgamer 7 3 0 0 1 2 W L Pct GB W isecf 4 1 4 2 Gentrycf 2 1 0 0 Royals were hoping for when (6). SB —C.Gomez2(4). CS—Aoki(3), Weeks(1). 2-3 1 1 1 they S Casilla Atlanta 17 9 .654 Pittsburgh IP H R E R BB SO LMartnph-cf 2 0 0 0 S.RosarioW,1-0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 acquired him in December. Washington 13 14 ,481 4'/z Totals 3 7 6 105 Totals 5 8 7 7 5 3 3 510128 RomoS,10-11 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ja McDonald Philadelphia 12 15 444 51/2 Chicago MazzaroBS,1-1 0 3 1 1 0 0 2 00 002 110 — 6 Arizona NewYork 10 15 .400 6r/t Kansas City Morris L,0-1 2 2 1 1 0 1 Texas 000 226 Ogx — 10 TampaBay Cahill 8 4 1 1 1 5 Miami 8 1 9 .296 9'/z ab r hbi ab r hbi Watson 1-3 2 3 3 1 0 E—De Aza (2), Greene(1). DP—Chicago 1. Putz L,2-1BS,4-9 2-3 2 I I 0 2 Central Division Jnnngs cf 4 1 1 0 Gordon If 5 0 1 0 J.Hughes 2-3 0 0 0 I 0 LOB —Chicago 8, Texas5. 2B—Gillaspie (3), Wise Mat Reynold s 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 W L Pct GB J oycelf 4 I 2 2 AEscorss 5 I I 0 Cahill pitchedto1 batter inthe9th. Milwaukee (1), Kinsle(6), r Moreland(7). 38—Greene(1). HRSt. I.ouis 15 11 .577 Estrada 5 7 5 5 1 6 A.Dunn(6), Wise(1), Beltre(5), N.cruz(6), Je.Baker Z obristrf 4 0 0 0 Butlerdh 4 0 1 1 T—2:37. A—20,319(48,633). Milwaukee 14 11 .560 '/z (2) SB Rios(6). Longori3b 3 0 0 0 Hosmer1b 4 2 1 0 KintzlerH,3 2-3 2 2 2 0 I Pittsburgh 15 12 .556 t/t B adenhop BS1-2 1-3 2 1 1 0 0 L oneylb 4 0 3 0 L.caincf 4 2 2 I Chicago IP H R E R BB SO Cincinnati 15 13 .536 1 GorzelannyW,1-0 1 1 0 0 0 1 ss 4 0 1 0 Mostks 3b 3 1 2 3 Quintana 5 8 4 4 I 2 YEscor Braves 8, Nationais1 Chicago 10 16 385 5 AxfordH,6 1 2 0 0 0 1 LindstromL,1-2 1- 3 0 1 1 1 0 S cottdh 4 0 0 0 Francrrf 4 1 2 1 West Division Henderson I 0 0 0 0 I Veal 0 1 1 1 0 0 JMolinc 4 0 0 0 S.Perezc 4 0 2 1 ATLANTA — Tim Hudson was a W L Pct GB Badenhop pi t ched to1batter i n the7th. RRorts2b 3 0 1 0 EJhnsn2b 3 I 2 0 N.Jones 2-3 3 4 4 1 1 Colorado 16 11 .593 Heath 2 0 0 0 I 0 Totals 3 4 2 8 2 Totals 3 68 147 dual threat in his 200th career win, Mazzaropitchedto 3batters inthe 6th. Arizona 15 12 556 I HBP— by Ja.McDonald (Segura), by Wafson T ampa Bay 2 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 2 combining with Anthony Varvaro Texas SanFrancisco 15 12 .556 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 1x — 8 (C.Gom ez). DarvishW,5-1 6 7 4 4 3 9 Kansas City Los Angeles 13 13 .500 2'/t E — J. M ol i n a (2), S.Pe rez (3). LO B — T am p a B ay 6, on a three-hitter while hitting a T—3.40.A—24,154 (41,900). Scheppers 1 1 1 1 0 1 SanDiego 10 16 .385 5r/t KansasCity8. 2B—Loney(8), Hosmer (4), Francoeur homer and a double to lead Atlanta Kirkman 1 2 1 1 0 2 (5). 38 —Francoeur (1). HR —Joyce(5), Moustakas R.Ross I 0 0 0 0 I 7 Tuesday'sGames (1). SB —A.Escobar (6), L.cain (3), E.Johnson(2). to a win over Washington. Hudson Padres13, Cubs Veal pitched to I batter inthe 6th. Miami 2,N.Y.Mets1 SF — B ut l e r, Moust a kas. HBP —by R.Ross (A.Dunn). WP—N.Jones 2, Kirk(3-1) dominated the Nationals Cleveland14,Philadelphia2 CHICAGO — Carlos Quentin Tampa Bay IP H R ER BBSO through seven innings, striking man. Atlanta 8,Washington1 CobbL,3-2 52-3 10 4 4 0 5 T 3:16. A 40,646(48,114). homered and drove in three runs SanDiego13,ChicagoCubs7 J.Wright 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 out six and walking two while Milwaukee 12,Pittsburgh8 and San Diego battered Cubs B.Gomes 1 3 3 3 1 2 giving up one run. St.Louis 2,Cincinnati 1 C.Ramos I 1 1 I 1 0 starter Edwin Jackson in awin Yankees 7, Astros 4 San Francisco 2,Arizona1 Kansas City Atlanta over Chicago. EdinsonVolquez L.A. Dodgers 6, Colorado2 ShieldsW,2-2 7 5 2 2 1 7 Washington Today'sGames ab r hbi eb r bbi NEW YORK — Hiroki Kuroda K.Herrera 1 1 0 0 0 1 (2-3) was good enough to beat Spancf 4 0 1 0 Smmnsss 5 3 3 I N.Y. Mets(Gee1-4) at Miami (LeBlanc0-4), 9:40 settled in after a rocky start to G.Holland I 2 0 0 0 I the Cubs for the fifth time in his Espinos2b 4 0 0 0 CJhnsn3b 5 2 2 I a.m. WP —Cobb. pitch four-hit ball through seven Harperrf 3 0 0 0 J.uptonlf 2 1 0 0 Pittsburgh(J.Gomez1-0) at Milwaukee(Burgos1-0), T 2:49. A 12,738(37,903). career, working 5/a innings and LaRoch1b 4 0 0 0 FFrmn1b 5 0 3 3 10:10a.m. innings, Travis Hafner had three allowing four runs while striking D smndss 4 0 1 0 Gattisc 4 0 2 2 Cincinnati (H.Baiiey1-2) at St. Louis (Lynn4-0), RBI singles and the New York TMoorelf 3 I 1 0 uggla2b 4 0 0 0 10:45a.m. out three in his first outing against Monday' slategame Tracy3b 3 0 0 0 Buptoncf 2 0 0 0 Philadelphia(Lee2-1) atCleveland(Bauer 0-1), 4:05 Yankees usedsmall ball to beat Chicago while with San Diego. WRamsc 3 0 0 1 RJhnsnrf 4 0 0 0 p.m. Athletics10, Angels 8 GGnzlzp 0 0 0 0THudsnp 3 2 2 I Washington(Zimmermann 4-1) at Atlanta(Maholm Houston. Jayson Nix had an RBI San Diego Chicago Berndnph 1 0 0 0 JFrncsph 1 0 0 0 3-2), 4:10p.m. infield single and Brennan Boesch (19 innings) ab r hbi eb r hbi D ukep 0 0 0 0 Varvarp 0 0 0 0 San Diego(Cashner 1-1) at ChicagoCubs(Feldman a run-scoring fielder's choice for Evcarr ss 4 2 1 0 DeJess cf 5 1 1 1 Lmrdzzph 1 0 0 0 1-3), 5:05p.m. — Two games in Denorficf-rf-If6 0 1 1 Scastross 5222 OAKLAND, Calif. HRdrgzp 0 0 0 0 San Francisco(Lincecum2-1) at Arizona(Mccarthy the banged-up Bronx Bombers, eadly3b 6 1 2 1 Rizzo1b 4 0 3 1 0-3), 6:40 p.m. one.Brandon Moss hithis second Totals 3 0 1 3 1 Totals 3 58 128 H who bounced back f r om a l oss t o W ashington 0 0 0 0 1 0 000 — 1 Q uentinlf 4 3 3 3 ASorinlf 2 0 1 0 Colorado(Nicasio3-0) at L.A.Dodgers(Beckett 0-3), the Astros on Monday. home run of the game with two Venalerf 0 0 0 0 Loep 0000 Atlanta 220 130 Ogx — 8 7:10 p.m. Aionso1b 5 2 3 2 Sappeltph-If 2 0 0 0 E—WRamos(2). LOB—Washington4,Atlanta10. Thursday'sGames outs in the bottom of the19th K otsayrf 3 2 1 0 Schrhltrf 3 0 0 0 2 8 — TMoo re(4), C.Johnson (7), G a t i s (6), THud s o n San Diego atChicagoCubs,11:20 a.m. Houston New York inning to give Oakland avictory Miami atPhiladelphia,4:05 p.m. ab r hbi ab r hbi (1). 38 —Desmond(2). HR —Simmons(2), THudson Amarstcf 1 0 0 0 Hairstnph-rf 1 0 0 0 G yorko2b 4 1 2 2 Castilloc 4 I 1 0 Washington atAtlanta, 4:10 p.m. Grssmncf 3 1 1 0 Gardnrcf 4 1 0 0 over the Los AngelesAngels early (1) CS B.upton(3). Washington IP H R E R BB SO Hundlyc 5 2 3 3 Valuen3b 3 1 1 2 St. LouisatMilwaukee,5:10p.m. Altuve2b 5 0 2 2 ISuzuki f-rf 5 2 3 0 Tuesday in the longest major Volquezp 3 0 1 1 Barney2b 3 1 1 0 G .Gonzal e z L,2-2 4 7 5 5 5 9 Jcastroc 5 0 2 0 Cano2b 5 1 2 0 leaguegame oftheseason. Duke 3 4 3 3 1 1 Thayer p I 0 0 0 EJcksn p 1 0 0 0 C.Pena1b 3 I 1 0 Hafnerdh 4 0 3 3 American League Guzmnph 1 0 0 0 Borbonlf 2 0 0 0 HRodriguez 1 1 0 0 0 Carter dh 4 1 1 2 Boesch rf 3 0 0 1 Thtchrp 0 0 0 0 HRndnp 0 0 0 0 Atlanta Ankielrf 4 0 0 0 VWellsph-if 2 0 0 0 Los Angeles Oakland Orioies 7, Mariners 2 E rlinp 0 0 0 0 Campp 0 0 0 0 T .Hudson W , 3 -1 7 3 1 1 2 6 D mngz3b 4 0 1 0 J.Nix3b 4 0 1 1 eb r bbi ab r bbi R ansmph 1 I I I B Barnsll 3 0 0 0 Overaylb 4 I I I 2 0 0 0 0 1 B ourjoscf 4 I 0 0 Crispcf 6 2 1 0 Varvaro Totals 4 3 131713 Totals 3 6 7 117 G.Gonzalez. SEATTLE — Nate McLouth led off M Gnzizss 4 I 1 0 Nunezss 4 I 3 0 Shucklf 2 0 1 1 Freimn1b 2 0 0 0 WP — San Diego 021 0 6 1 130 — 13 C Stwrtc 4 1 2 1 Troutif-cf 8 1 1 0 S.Smithdh-lf 8 0 2 0 T—2:32. A—19,243(49,586). the game with his second homer Totals 3 5 4 9 4 Totals Chicago 0 00 040 102 — 7 3 97 157 Pujolslb 8 3 4 3 Lowriess 9 2 2 I E—E.Jackson (2), Castillo (3). DP—San Diego of the season, Baltimore battered Houston 0 00 000 022 — 4 Hamltnrf 8 0 0 1 Cespdsll-cf 8 1 1 1 2. LOB —San Diego 8, Chicago 6. 28—Headley (4), New York 101 020 03x — 7 Trumodh 8 1 3 3 Moss1b-rl 8 3 3 3 rookie Brandon Maurer for four Cardinals 2, Reds1 Quentin 2(5), Gyorko(7), Hundiey(8), Rizzo3 (6), DP — Houston1. LOB —Houston 8, NewYork10. HKndrc2b 9 0 2 0 Dnldsn3b 7 1 3 2 C astillo (6), Barney(4). 3B—Ev.cabrera(2). HRruns in the first inning and the 28 — Altuve (7), J.castro (8), Ma.Gonzalez (5), Nunez BHarrsss-3b 9 I 2 0 Jasoc 20I 1 Quentin(2), Alonso(3), Hundley(3), DeJe sus (4), 2 (3). HR Carter(6), Overbay(4). SB Gardner(2), lannettc 6 0 0 0 DNorrsph-c 5 1 0 0 ST. LOUIS — Matt Holliday Orioles beat Seattle. McLouth's S.castro(3),Valbuena(5), Ransom(3). SB—Alonso I.Suzuki(2). CS—Altuve(2). LJimnz3b 3 1 1 0 Reddckrf 3 0 0 0 hit a two-run homer, Jaime homer kept up a torrid stretch for (1), Rizzo (3), Sappelt (2). SF—Quentin. Houston IP H R E R BB SO AnRmnss 5 0 I 0 CYoungph-rf-cf40 2 I San Diego IP H R E R BB SO Garcia continued his mastery 6 9 4 4 2 2 the Orioles' leadoff hitter. Over his HumberL,0-6 Andrsnp 0 0 0 0 V olquez W, 2-3 5 2 - 3 7 4 4 3 3 WWright 13 1 0 0 0 0 Blevins p 1 0 0 0 of Cincinnati with eight strong past10 games, he is hitting .485 ThayerH,4 11-3 1 1 1 1 0 Peacock 2-3 3 3 3 0 0 Sogard 2b 2 0 0 0 i nnings and St . Loui s snapped a Thatcher 1 0 0 0 0 I R.cruz 1 2 0 0 0 1 and has scored14 runs. Rosalesph-2b6 0 I I Erlin 1 3 2 2 0 0 New York Totals 7 0 8 158 Totals 7 1 101610 three-game losing streak with a Chicago KurodaW,4-1 7 4 0 0 4 8 LosAngeles110040100000 0010000 — 8 Baltimore Seattle win over the Reds. Garcia (3-1) E.JacksonL,0-4 4 2 - 3 11 8 8 2 6 D.Robertson 1 2 2 2 0 2 Oakland 000101 041 000 0010002 —10 eb r hbi ab r hbi Loe 11-3 2 1 I 0 2 Kelley 2-3 3 2 2 0 1 gave up onerun onseven hits, Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. McLoth If 4 1 1 1 MSndrs cf 5 0 0 0 H.Rondon 2 4 4 4 1 0 RiveraS,10-10 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 I E Pujols (2), 8Harris(2), Lowrie(5). DP Los struck out three and did not walk Machd3b 5 I 2 0 Seager3b 5 0 1 0 Camp 1 0 0 0 0 0 Peacock pitchedto 3baters in the8th. Angeles2. LOB —LosAngeles 14,Oakland11. 28Markksdh 4 1 1 0 KMorlsdh 4 0 2 0 HBP —byH.Rondon(Ev.cabrera). WP —Humber 4. Trumbo(8), B.Harris (4), Lowrie(11). 38—C.Young a batter. A .Jonescf 4 0 0 0 Morserf 4 1 2 1 T—3:28.A—31,303 (41,019). (1). HR —Pujols 2 (4), Trumbo (4), Moss 2 (4). C.Davis1b 4 2 1 0 Baylf 3 1 I 0 T—3.22. A—34,301(50,291). SB — Crisp (8), Moss(1), Donaldson(2). S—Bour- Cincinnati St. Louis Wietersc 4 0 2 2 Enchvzph-If 1 0 0 0 ab r hbi eb r hbi jos. SF —Hamilton. Hardyss 5 1 2 1 Smoak1b 3 0 2 0 Tigers 6, Twins1 Interleague Los Angeles IP H R E R BB SO Choocf 4 0 1 1 Jaycf 300 0 Flahrty 2b 4 1 1 0 Ackley 2b 4 0 2 0 Hanson 6 5 2 2 1 6 Cozartss 4 0 0 0 Beltranrl 4 1 3 0 Dickrsnrl 5 0 3 2 Shppchc 3 0 0 I indians14, Phiiiies 2 DETROIT — Miguel Cabrera and Roth I 3 3 3 0 0 Votto1b 4 0 1 0 Holiidyll 41 1 2 Ryan ss 2 0 0 0 D.De LaRosaH,3 2-3 1 1 1 1 1 Phillips2b 4 0 2 0 Craig1b 3 0 0 0 Ibanez ph 1 0 0 0 Prince Fielder each hit a two-run CLEVELAND — Ryan Raburn SDowns 0 1 0 0 0 0 Brucerf 4 0 1 0 YMolinc 3 0 1 0 Andino ss 0 0 0 0 homer, Justin Verlander pitched Frieri BS,1-4 11- 3 1 1 I I 2 Frazier3b 3 0 0 0 Mcrpnt3b 3 0 0 0 Totals 3 9 7 I3 6 Totals 3 5 2 I0 2 homered twice for the second Williams 6 4 1 0 2 2 Mesorcc 3 0 1 0 Kozmass 3 0 1 0 B altimore 400 00 2 1 0 0 — 7 seven strong innings and Detroit straight game and Cleveland hit 2 0 0 0 0 4 DRonsnlf 3 1 1 0 Descals2b 3 0 1 0 Seattle 0 00 002 000 — 2 beat Minnesota for its fifth straight Kohn Enright L,0-1 12 - 3 1 2 2 1 2 Arroyop 1 0 0 0 JGarcip 300 0 DP — Baltimore 2. LOB—Baitimore 11, Seattle seven home runs in all, routing Clztursph 1 0 0 0 Mujicap 0 0 0 0 Oakland 10. 28—Machado 2 (11), Wieters(3), Flaherty(3), victory. Verlander (3-2) allowed Philadelphia. The lndians set a 42-3 7 6 6 1 6 Lecurep 0 0 0 0 Straily Smoak(4). HR—McLouth (2), Morse(8). CS—Dick- a run and five hits. He struck out 21-3 1 1 1 1 2 Totals 3 1 1 7 1 Totals 2 927 2 major league high this season for Neshek erson(1) I 2-3 I 0 0 I I C incinnati 000 01 0 000 — 1 Resop Baltimore IP H R E R BB SO eight and walked two. homersinagame.Clevelandhas 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 St.Louis 000 002 Ogx — 2 Doolittle HammeiW4-1 5 7 2 2 3 5 won three in a row, outscoring DP — Cincinnati 2, St. Louis 1. LOB —CincinDetroit Ballour 2 2 0 0 1 2 Tom.Hunter 1 1 0 0 0 0 Minnesota ab r hbi ab r hbi Cook 1 0 0 0 0 1 nati4,St Louis4 28—Choo(8).HR—Holliday(3) Patton 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 opponents 33-5 in that span. 5 1-3 3 1 1 2 5 C S — Ph i l i ps (I). S — A rro yo. O'Day Anderson I I 0 0 0 2 EEscor2b 5 0 0 0 AJcksncf 4 0 1 0 Cincinnati I P H R ER BB SO M auerc 4 0 1 0 TrHntrrf 4 1 I 1 B levins W 2-0 1 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 Matusz 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 Cleveland ArroyoL,2-3 7 6 2 2 1 0 Philadelphia W inghdh 3 0 I 0 Micarr3b 4 2 I 2 Roth pitched to3 baters inthe8th. Seattle ab r hbi ab r hbi Lecure 1 1 0 0 0 0 S.Downspitchedto I batter inthe8th. MaurerL,2-4 4 6 4 4 2 2 Mornea1b 3 1 1 0 Fielder1b 4 1 2 2 R ollinsss 3 0 0 0 Brantiylf 5 1 1 2 St. Louis Parmelrf 4 0 1 0 VMrtnzdh 4 0 3 0 HBP —byStraily (Bourjos). PB—lannetta. Beavan 21-3 6 3 3 2 1 Galvisss 0 0 0 0 Kipnis2b 5 1 2 0 J.Garcia W,3-1 8 7 1 1 0 3 Ploulfe 3b 3 0 0 0 DiKelly pr-dh 0 0 0 0 TW:32. A 11,668(35,067). O.Perez 11-3 1 0 0 2 2 MujicaS,5-5 1 0 0 0 0 3 MYong3b 3 0 0 0 Acarerss 4 0 1 2 Medina 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 A rcialf 3 0 0 0 Dirks f 4 0 2 0 Utley2b 3 1 1 1 Avilesss 1 0 1 0 T—215. A—37,535(43,975). WRmrz cf 3 0 2 1 JhPerlt ss 4 0 1 0 Hammel pitchedto3 baters inthe6th. Frndsn2b 1 0 0 0 CSantnc-1b 2 1 1 2 National League F lormnss 3 0 0 0 Avilac 311 1 HBP—byO'Day(Shoppach). WP—Maurer 2. Howardlb 4 0 I 0 Giambidh 4 2 2 0 Doumitph 1 0 0 0 Infante2b 3 1 1 0 T—3:35.A—13,629 (47,476). Marlins 2, Mets1 DYongdh 3 1 2 1 MrRynl1b 4 2 2 2 Totals 3 2 1 6 1 Totals 3 46 136 Dodgers 6, Rockies 2 Brownlf 3 0 0 0 YGomsc 1 0 0 0 M innesota 010 0 0 0 000 — 1 Ruizc 4 0 0 0 Chsnhll3b 4 1 1 2 MIAMI — Juan Pierre scored Detroit 210 030 Bgx — 6 LOS ANGELES — Hyun-Jin Ryu Mayrryrf 3 0 1 0 Raburnrf 4 3 3 3 Athletics10, Angels 6 DP —Minnesota 2, Detroit 1. LOB —Minnestanding up on a wild pitch with Reverecl 3 0 0 0 Stubbscf 4 3 3 1 had a career-best12 strikeouts in sota 9,Detroit 6. 28—W.Ramirez(2), Tor.Hunter (8), Totals 3 0 2 5 2 Totals 3 8141714 none out in the ninth, and Miami VMartinez(5). HR —Mi.Cabrera(4), Fielder (7), Avia six innings andHanley Ramirez OAKLAND, Calif.— Yoenis P hiladelphia 0 1 0 0 0 1 000 — 2 (3) came from behind in the final homered in his first start of the C leveland 400 4 4 0 2 0x — 14 Cespedes drove in four runs, Seth Minnesota IP H R E R BB SO DP — Philadelphia 2, Cleveiand 2. LOB—Phiiainning for the second consecutive WorleyL,0-4 42- 3 10 6 6 1 1 season, leading LosAngeles over Smith knocked in three with a delphia 5,Cleveland4. 28—Howard (8), Giambi(2) 2 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 Colorado. Carlos Gonzalez game to beat the reeling New gave HR — utley (5), D.Young (I), Brantley(I), C.Santana bases-l oaded doubleandOakland Swarzak Pressly 1 2 0 0 1 1 York Mets. The Mets have lost a (5), Mar.Reynolds(8), Chisenhall (3), Raburn2 (4), the Rockies a1-0 lead in the first beat the LosAngeles Angels. Detroit S tubbs (2). SB—Kipnis (5), Stubbs(4). CS—Kipnis season-worst six games in arow. VerlanderW,3-2 7 5 1 1 2 8 with a homer — but it didn't last. The A's had afew problems (2) Smyly 1 1 0 0 1 1 They were beaten Mondaywhen Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SD defensively but looked just fine Alburuuerque 1 - 3 0 0 0 2 0 Colorado Los Angeles HalladayL,2-3 32 - 3 9 8 8 2 3 Miami scored twice in the15th Benoit 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 at the plate while beating Los ab r hbi eb r hbi Durbin 11-3 4 4 4 0 1 PB—Avila.Balk—Alburquerque. inning to win 4-3. Fowlercf 4 1 1 0 H rstnJr f 5 2 3 1 Valdes 2 2 2 2 I 4 Angeles for the fifth consecutive T—2:53. A—31,748(41,255). Rutledg2b 4 0 1 0 P unto2b 5 1 2 I Aumont 1 2 0 0 I 0 time this season. CGnzlzif 2 1 1 1 K empcf 5 0 2 1 New York Miami Cleveland Cuddyr rf 4 0 1 1 AdGnzl1b 3 0 1 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi M cAl ister W, 2 -3 7 5 2 2 1 4 Blue Jaysg, RedSox7 Los Angeles Oakland Pachec lb 4 0 0 0 H Rmrzss 4 I 2 I Baxterrf 4 0 0 0 Pierrelf 3 I 00 Hagadone I 0 0 0 2 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Arenad 3b 4 0 0 0 E thier rf 3 1 1 0 RTejad ss 4 0 0 0 DSolan2b 4 0 2 1 Aibers 1 0 0 0 0 0 TORONTO — Edwin Encarnaci on Torreal c A .Ellisc 3 0 0 0 DWrght3b H BP — by M cA i l s ter (D.Yo u n g). WP —Aumont. A ybarss 4 2 1 0 Jasodh 3 2 1 1 3000 4 0 0 0 Polanc3b 3 0 0 0 T—2:34.A—10,841(42,241). Troutcl 4 1 2 4 Rosalesss 2 2 0 0 hit an upper-deck homer in the JHerrrss 2 0 0 0 u ribe3b 3 1 I 0 DudaIf 3 0 2 0 Dobbs 1b 3 0 1 0 .462 6 .370 8'/z


David Zarubowski /The Associated Press

Golden State Warriors center Festus Ezeli (31) goes up for a shot while forward Wilson Chandler (21) defends in the fourth quarter of Tuesday night's game in Denver. The Nuggets won 107-100.


hold off Warriors The Associated Press DENVER — K e n neth Faried put his foot down 48 hours after putting his size-16 sneaker t h rough the wall i n t h e v i s iting locker room in Oakland, sparking a debate about

dirty play.

The fiery f orward energized the Denver Nuggets, wh o r e d i scovered their toughness in time to stave off elimination Tuesday night with a 107-100 win over the Golden State Warriors. T he N u g gets ne v e r trailed, piled up points in the paint, slowed down the Warriors' guards, jumpstarted t h ei r tr a n sition game and got under Andew Bogut's skin. They jumped outto a 22point lead before weathering the Warriors' frenetic fourth quarter rally to cut their series deficit to 3-2 and force a Game 6 Thursday night at Oracle Arena. W arriors coach M a r k Jackson accused the Nuggets of trying to hurt Ste-

phen Curry, his banged-up sharpshooter who was just 1 for 7 from long-range and finished with a series-low 15 points. "Some dirty plays early," Jackson said. "It's playoff basketball, that's all right. We own it. But make no mistake about it, we went

up 3-1 playing hard, physical, clean basketball — not trying to hurt anybody." mentioned Jackson Faried setting some "great screens and some great illegal ones, too." "He did his job. Hey, I played with guys like that. They get paid to do that. Dale Davis, Anthony Davis, Charles Oakley. You get paid to do it. So give them credit," Jackson said.

"As an opposing coach, I see it, and I'm trying to pro-

tect my guys." Jackson com p l ained about one screen in particular on Curry being ea shot at his ankle, clearly. That can't be debated." He added, "I got inside information that some people don't like that brand of basketball and they clearly didn't co-sign it. They wanted to let me know they have no parts in what was taking place. Let the best team win. And iet everybody with the exception of going down with a freak injury, iet everybody leave out of here healthy. That's not good basketball." Also on Tuesday: Grizzlies103, Clippers 93: LOS ANGELES — Zach R andolph scored 1 0 o f his 25 points in the fourth quarter and Memphis capitalized on Blake Griffin's ankle injury to beat the

Los Angeles Clippers, taking a 3-2 lead in their firstround playoff series. Mike Conley added 20 p oints for the Grizzlies, who will try to wrap it u p Friday night at home. Chris Paul ied Los Angeles with 35 points, tying a career play-

off high.




OT goal leadsChicago to win over Minnesota The Associated Press CHICAGO — All a great regular season got the Chicago Blackhawks when the

playoffs began Tuesday night was a lot of extra work. At least they started the playoffs on a winning note. Bryan Bickell scored in overtime on a t w o-on-one rush, and the Blackhawks escaped with a victory after dominating the regular season, beating the Minnesota Wild 2-1 Tuesday night. Corey Crawford settled down after allowing a weak goal in the opening minutes. Marian Hossa also scored, and the Blackhawks took the early lead in this first-round series. Game 2 is Friday at the United Center. "We just needed to stay patient," Bickell said. "We were getting our opportunities. Not odd-man rushes like they were, but we got the one, and to capitalize on it is huge. With our speed, through the whole season a lot of teams were trying to shut us down and let us get frustrated." The Blackhawks finally put this on e away w h en Johnny Oduya chipped the puck off the boards up to Viktor Stalberg on the right side. Stalberg then dished it on the two-on-one rush to Bickell, who was all alone for the winning backhander at 16:35. Big things are expected in Chicago after a spectacular regular season that included a record start and the team's first Presidents' Trophy since 1991. The Blackhawks are eyeing a ru n t o t h e S tanley Cup for the second time in four years. They have been eliminated in the first round the past two seasons after beating Philadelphia for the championship in 2010, and they realize that for all they a ccomplished thus fa r i n 2013, they'll ultimately be

judged by what happens in the playoffs. "Everybody's patting our-

Storm Continued from C1 The Storm then play in the SistersAnnual Lacrosse Invitational (SALI) b efore hosting a second round Or-


selves on the back and we've got to prove it," coach Joel Quenneville said. "That's where we're at. I think that (being) satisfied with what we achieved doesn't do anyt hing. I think w e w ant to make sure that we're looking for bigger goals and that's playing better each and ev-

ery game here and pick up the level of intensity for the

playoff." They seemingly caught a break before the game when M innesota g oalie N i k l a s Backstromwas scratchedbecause of a leg injury suffered while reaching for a puck in

the pregame warm-ups. Josh Harding r e placed him and more than held his own after being limited to just five games following a multiple sclerosis diagnosis last summer. Harding made 35 saves. "Phenomenal," coach Mike Yeo said. "It's hard to sit here and try to paint an a ccurate picture o f w h a t

he's gone through, because

I have no idea, we have no idea. He's a guy that, certainly, for m a n y r e asons you're rooting for." Also on Tuesday: Blues2, Kings1:ST. LOUIS — Alex Steen stole the puck from goalie Jonathan Quick behind the net and scored a short-handed goal to give St. Louis a victory over defend-

ing Stanley Cup champion Los Angeles. Steen scored unassisted on a backhander at 13:26 of overtime less than a minute after Blues defenseman Kevin Shattenkirk was whistled for a double-minor high sticking when he cut Dustin Penner. Ducks 3, Red Wings 1: ANAHEIM, Calif. — Teemu Selanne scoredthe tiebreak-

ing power-play goal early in the third period, Jonas Hiller made 21 saves, and Anaheim returned to the postseason with a victory over Detroit. Nick Bonino also scored a

power-play goal, and Francois Beauchemin added an empty-netter for the secondseeded Ducks.

egon High School Lacrosse Association playoff game. " This i s the t oughest schedule Summit has ever played," Melville said. "We're looking forward to a state playoff run."



ummit o s, irsscore wins in t ree-team meet Bulletin staff report Summit sent off its seniors with a pair of victories Tuesday as the Storm boys and girls both finished atop the overall standings at their three-team track and field meet with Crook County and Gilchrist. Summit, which was hosting its Senior Night, won the boys meet with 92 points, holding off the Cowboys (75 points) and Grizzlies (13). Michael Wilson, who has committed to run at Duke University next season, won the 100-and 200-meter dashes to pace the Storm. Chance Sutfin scored well for Crook County, taking first in the discus and second in the shot put and javelin. Gilchrist senior Zane Anderson continued his impressive season with a win in the shot, tossing a lifetime best of 47 feet, 10'/2 inches. Anderson, who took fifth at the IA state meet last year in the shot, is the favorite in the event this year, having the best throw in IA this season by more than 4 feet. While the Summit girls scored 101 points to win the meet — Crook County was second with 66 points and Gilchrist was third with 12 — Cowgirl sophomore Laken Berlin stole the show Tuesday by posting victories in the 100, 300 hurdles and long jump. Storm junior Dani Taylor cleared 5-3 to win the high jump and Miranda Brown, in her first triple jump experience ever, went 33-11'/4 to add another Summit victory. Paige Kooker and Ashley James shined for the Grizzlies in the discus as Kooker won and James placed third. Also on Tuesday: GIRLS GOLF

all four doubles matches but after losingallfour singles matches in straight sets, Stayton won the match by winning 10 of 18 sets. Madras' No. 3 doubles team of Colby Jack-Parks and Kody Turner won 6-0, 6-2 and its No. 4 doubles team, Oved Felix and Jared Pichette, won 6-0, 6-1. But the Buffs' No. I doubles team of Caleb Freshour and Alex Penaloza, and their No. 2 squad, Carlos Garcia and Jordan Gemelas, both lost first sets en route to three-set wins. That provided the difference for Stayton. GIRLS TENNIS Madras 6, Stayton 2:MADRAS — The White Buffaloes won three singles matches and added three more wins in doubles to topple visiting Stayton in a Class 4A/3A/2A/IA Special District 2 matchup. Megan Foristall (6-1, 2-6, 62), Itzel Romero (6-1, 6-1), and Jessica Gonzalez (6-0, 6-3) all won their matches. Mercedes Lawrence and Kaitlyn Carter (6-1, 6-1) added a win at No. I doubles, as did Jenny Young and Sophie Gemelas (6-3, 6-0) in No. 2 doubles, and Lorena Alonsoand Wendy Galan (2-6,7-5,64) in the No. 3 doubles competition. Ridgeview 7, Crook County 1:PRINEVILLE — Sally Claridge won her No. 2 singles match 6-1, 6-0 and the Ravens two doubles teams swept the Cowgirls as Ridgeview won three of the four matches played. Crook County forfeited the No. 3 and 4 singles and doubles matches. Cowgirlsenior Annie Fraser posted a 3-7, 7-6, 10-3 victory over Caitlin Carr in the No. I singles match for Crook County's lone win. Summit 6, Mountain View 2: The Storm won all four singles matches en route to the Sample posts second win in regular-season Intermountain Conference victory. Lindsey finale: MCKENZIE BRIDGE — Trinity LuBrodeck, Ariel Steele, Brenna Roy and Mimi theran sophomore Victoria Sample fired a Ausland reeled off singles wins for Summit. 9-over-par 81 to win the Ken Robinson Me- Lauren Handley and Kacie Evans added a morial Tournament at the Tokatee Golf Club, win at No. I doubles, as did the Storm's No. her second victory of the year. McKenzie's 3 doubles squad of Sydney Meeuwsen and Sydney King took second with an 83 at the Andreia Todd. Courtney Horrell and Jasmine seven-person event. Sample, playing in her Coplin paced the Cougars with a 2-6, 6-2, 11-9 final tournament of the regular season before victory at No. 2 doubles. BOYS LACROSSE next week's Class 4A/3A/2A/IA Special District 5 at Brasada Ranch, started play on the Bend 10, Harney County 5:The Lava Bears back and shot a 38 before finishing up with a led 5-0 at halftime en route to the High Des43 on the front nine. ert League victory. Bend improved to 5-1 in league play and 9-5 overall. BOYS TENNIS Summit8, Mountain View0:The Stormsingles SOFTBALL did not drop a set as Summit swept the CouMadras 3, La Salle 2 (8 innings):MILWAUKIE gars in an Intermountain Conference match. — The White Buffaloes took advantage of a pair No. I singles player Parker Nichols cruised to of errors to score the tying run in the seventh a 6-0, 6-0 win and No. 4 singles Elliott Sherpa and the winning run in the eighth to topple Triimproved to 12-0 on the season with a 6-1, 6- Valley Conference foe La Salle. Alicia Moran I win over Mountain View's Quintan Smith. knocked in Keely Brown with a single to make In doubles, the No. 2 team of Hudson Mickel it 2-1 in the seventh, and moments later pinch and Stephen Holt outlasted Philip and Seth runner Soraya Mendez scored when Shelby Atkinson in a 10-8 third set. The Storm's No. 4 Mauritson's swinging bunt was bobbled by La team, Josh Maitre and Lindsay Valentine, also Salle to tie the game. Caitlin Hulsey singled in earned a third set win over the Cougars' Aus- the eighth and scored from second with two tin Silberman and Chad Schoenborn. outs on Jamie Moe's fly ball that fell between Bend 4, Redmond 4 (Bend wins 9-8 on sets): three fielders. Jasmyn Reese pitched a complete REDMOND — The Lava Bears won all four game with six strikeouts for Madras, which imdoubles matches and the Panthers took all four proved to 13-9 overall and 5-6 in league play. singles matches, but Bend's Isaac Johnson won BASEBALL the dual by claiming a set from Blake Johnston La Saiie15, Madras 7:MADRAS — The Falin the No. 4 singles competition. Redmond's cons scored eight runs off six hits in the top of Johnston won the match 1-6, 6-4, 11-9, but with the eighth inning to top the White Buffaloes. Johnson avoiding the sweep, the Bears won Madras (10-10 overall, 4-7 Tri-Valley Conferthe Intermountain Conference dual. ence) left 12 runners on base. Austin RaschenStayton 4, Madras 4 (Stayton wins 10-8 on burg led the Buffs by going 2-for-2 with a dousets):STAYTON — The White Buffaloes won ble and two runs batted in.

kee Open in 1996 when a 20year-old making his pro debut — Woods — had a hole-inone. And, in 2000, he became the image of all that can go

kitchen, later as a waiter — he decided to put his college studies to use. Daley's specialty was credit management, a career that

Open — so he toiled in the minor leagues. If he ever felt on a friend in Virginia Beach, Va., an accountant who left a

and every tournament. After winning the Senior Players, he said in his press conference, "I'm my own competition. Have been for

wrong at Q-school, which

was going along fine except

standing offer of a job along


even now might be what Daley is remembered for the most. He rapped in a 4-foot par putt that dropped into the bottom of the cup at such an angle that it popped back out. Daley was so stunned that he flung his cap to the ground. qualify for Champions Tour He wound up missing his card events. He finally got his big by one shot. "I've had people overseas break with a 66-64 weekend in the Senior PGA Champi- says, 'I know you.' And that onship to tie for fourth, which happened 12 years ago," Dalmake him eligible for the Sen- ey said with a laugh. ior Players. There are other highlights And here he is. only Daley would appreciate. "It's a lot of years of hard Like the time he joined a work, man," he said. "It's pret- group that included Woody ty cool." Austin and Doug D unakey To put some of that into per- for a tour into South America, spective, the winner of The where the prize money was Players Championship gets paid in cash in the back room $1.71 million. That's nearly of a pro shop. He remembers as much as Daley's earnings his first U.S. Open at Pebble ($1.96 million) in two decades Beach in 2000, where he folplaying the PGA Tour, the lowed an 83 with a 69 and Champions Tour and what is still missed the cut. Looking now called the Web.com Tour. for a place to play a few years Other than his two wins in ago when he turned 50, Daley the minor leagues and his one played a developmental tour big win o n t h e C hampions in Carolina and tied for third Tour, the highlights have been while walking and carrying limited. his own bag. "We still love the journey," Daley, who didn't start chasing his dream until he was 32, he said. "And it's been a cool remembers the first time he journey." This much can be said of played a PGA Tour event. He was a Monday qualifier for Daley: He devotes all his enthe old Anheuser-Busch Clas- ergy into whatever he is dosic at Kingsmill, made the cut ing, and it took him awhile and wound up getting paired to realize that all he wanted w ith Curtis Strange in t h e was to play golf for a living. third round. He was a walk on for the golf " I ha d t o r e m ember t o team at Old Dominion and breathe on the first tee," he earned hisdegree in finance. Having spent so much time said. He was playing in the final around country clubs as a kid round at the Greater Milwau- — first as a caddie, then in the

that he didn't have much time to play amateur events. In an era of hostile takeovers, his c ompany was b ought a n d then streamlined. Daley hated

Continued from C1 That he never played Sawgrass except for that casual round is not surprising. Daley only had two full years on the PGA Tour. He spent 10 full years in the minors, long enough to play under three u mbrella sponsors — N i k e T our, B uy.com T ou r a n d Nationwide Tour. When he turned 50, he had to Monday

like giving up, Daley leaned

with a subtle hint. "He said, 'If you ever get tired of that, I'll put you to work. But there are millions of people who would love to the idea of laying off people, do what you're doing,' " Daley so he quit and worked for a said."After every year, Iasked small company as a c r edit my wife, 'Are you cool with manager. this, honey?' And she always "I still wanted to play golf said yes." for a living," he said. "I figDaley made just over $1 ured out I needed to be in bet- million in all his years in the ter shape. So I saved up some minor leagues, not much conmoney and quit my job in '92, sidering all the hotel rooms got on a flight and flew to Van- and the miles he put on four couver and qualified for the used cars. Canadian Tour. I went broke He was driven by pure pasand went back to Florida." sion. He learned the value of His wife, Carol, was a teach- workinghard, eating right and er. Daley took a job as a ban- getting plenty of rest. He studquet waiter at night, allowing ied other players and was honhim to play, practice and go to est about his own shortcomthe gym in the day. ings as a player. For 20 years, He tried (and failed) Q- he tried to figure out how to school. He w ent t o S o u th get betterafter every round America and South A f rica, w herever he c ould f i n d a Mountain Medical place to play. His two years on the PGA Tour (1996 and Immediate Care 1998) brought h i m c a r eer 541-3SS-7799 earnings of $155,532 — about 1302 NE 3rd St. Bend what Marcel Siem earned for www.mtmedgr.com his tie for 10th in the Texas

Heartlaqd Paiqtiqg "Quality painting Inside and Out"


Continued from C1 Biggest bust:No oneprojected inthe preseason thatTexas would be a national seed-caliber team, but neither did anyone expect the Longhorns to struggle this much. Texas (22-20) is just 5-13 in the Big 12 after getting swept at Baylor. The Longhorns have lost nine straight Big 12 series going back to last season and could finish last in their conference for the first time since 1956. Veteran coach Augie Garrido is feeling the heat for an offense whose 3.8 runs a game ranks 271st out of 296 Division I teams. The Longhorns have let outstanding pitching performances go to waste, going 11-14 in games decided by two runs or less.

Vandy is dandy: Vanderbilt is on track to be the most dominant Southeastern Conference team in decades. The Commodores are 19-2 in SEC play, the best 21-game record in league history, and they could challenge the mark for best conference record since the conference expanded to a 30-game schedule in 1993. South Carolina had a 25-5 record in 2000. T he C o mmodores h a v e won 11 straight series going into this week's trip to South Carolina. Young guns:There has been

no shortageof great perform ances by f r e shmen a n d sophomore pitchers. First, the freshmen: Arizona State's 6-foot-5, 220-pound R yan Kellogg is 10-0 in 11 starts after being a 12th-round draft pick by Toronto last year; Fullerton's Justin Garza is 9-0; and Missouri State's Jonathan Harris is 8-0. As fo r t h e s o phomores, Vanderbilt's Tyler Beede has a nation-leading 11 wins in 11 starts and boasts a 1.63 ERA; LSU's Aaron Nola is 8-0 with a 2.14 ERA; and North Carolina State's Carlos Rodon is 5-2 with a nation-leading 105 strikeouts in 67 innings after turning in another dominant performance against the rival Tar Heels on Saturday. Manaea mania: Few pitchers came intothe season more hyped than I ndiana State's Sean Manaea. The left -hander dominated the Cape Cod League last summer, and everyone expected a big encore. The 6-foot-5, 235-pounder still is projected as a top-10 pick in next month's draft on the strength of his mid-90s fastball and an a bove-average slider. But a hip i njury has taken some of the shine off Manaea's season. He's 5-3 with a 1.57 ERA.

Big Bopper Bryant: San Diego's Kris Bryant started the week with 22 home runs — more than the total hit by 217 of Division I's 296 teams. With at least 12 games left, Bryant is one behind the 23 hit by national leader Brandon Miller of Samford last year.


Such is the nature of golf, and why Daley loves this game so much. One of the greatest appeals of golf is the process of getting better. It's what keeps him going even at 52. He knows that a positive attitude and





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Wednesday, May b 2013

Gone mobile Facebook reports its first-quarter results today. A key focus for investors will be mobile advertising. The socialmedia company only began showing ads on its mobile apps in early 2012. It's estimated that more than 27 percent of Facebook's worldwide advertising revenue will come from mobile this year. The company also is expected to update its user numbers, including the number of people who access the service using a mobile device. $40






S&P 500


Close: 1,597.57

1 ,520

Change: 3.96 (0.2%)




14,400 '

1,440 '


1 360

12,800 "



Vol. (in mil.) 3,588 1,880 Pvs. Volume 2,837 1,541 Advanced 2022 1493 Declined 1 020 9 6 9 New Highs 3 28 155 New Lows 15 23



'13 $6








C H G . %CHG. WK MO OTR YTD +0.14% L L +13.25% +0.45% L L +16.42% +0.20% +18.59% +0.34% +9.87% +0.66% L +10.24% +0.25% +12.02% +0.89% +13.68% +0.33% +12.47% t11.55% +0.53%



Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Source. Factset Barrett Business Boeing Co

ALK 31 .29 ~ AVA 22,78 — Dividend: none BAC 672 ~ BBSI 19 1 0 ~ BA 66 . 82 ~ CascadeBancorp CACB 4.23 ~ Columbia Bnkg CDLB 16.18 Spotlight on Comcast Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 Comcast has proven that it's Costco Wholesale COST 81.98 better than other cable companies Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 at keeping TV subscribers and FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 recruiting broadband users. Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 The nation's largest cable com- Home Federal BncpID HOME 8.67 pany, due to report first-quarter Intel Corp INTC 19.23 earnings today, is projected to Keycorp K EY 6 . 80 have lost a comparable number of Kroger Co KR 2 0 .98 cable TV and broadband subscrib- Lattice Semi LSCC 3.17 LA Pacific L PX 8 . 36 ers as in the same period last MDU 19.59 — year. Investors will be tuning in for MDU Resources MENT 12,85 — the latest subscriber count. They'll Mentor Graphics MSFT 26.26 — also see how advertising trends at Microsoft Corp Nike Inc 8 NKE 42,55 — NBCUniversal are faring under Nordstrom Inc JWN 46.27 Comcast's control. Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.01 OfficeMax Inc DMX 4.10 CMCSA $41.30 $42 PaccarInc PCAR 35,21 — $30.28 Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 Plum Creek PCL 35.43 35 Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 Safeway Inc SWY 14.73 '13 Schnitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 o28 Sherwin Wms SHW 114,68 — Operating Stancorp Fncl SFG 28.74 — EPS Starbucks Cp SBUX 43,04 — 1 Q '12 1Q ' 1 3 Triquint Semi T QNT 430 ~ Price-earnings ratio: 18 UmpquaHoldings UMPQ 11.17 ~ based on trailing 12 months' results US Bancorp USB 28.58 WAFD 14.30 ~ 1 Dividend: $0.78 Div. yield: 1.9% Washington Fedl Wells Fargo & Co WFC 29.80 — Source: FactSet Weyerhaeuser WY 1860 ~


0 0

0 0




0 0

4y -


64.55 61.64 +. 48 t 0 . 8 28,11 28.05 +.12 +0.4 L 12 94 12.31 -.07 -0.6 w L 59 32 52.94 -1.13 -2.1 w L 93.38 91.41 -.49 -0.5 w L 7.18 5.97 +.09 +1.5 V 22.08 21 .47 L 61.68 58 .60 24 -0.4 V L 09.75 108.43 -.20 -0.2 w L 8.92 7 .5 2 +.10 +1.3 L ~ 27.16 24 .31 +.16 + 0.7 L w 25.40 20 .60 +.10 +0.5 L V 14.00 12 .18 +.13 +1.1 L w 29.27 23.95 +.19 t0 .8 L L 1 0.26 9 . 9 7 +.06 +0.6 L L 35.24 34 .38 -.07 -0.2 L L 5.71 4 .6 5 07 -1.5 w w 22.55 18 .12 04 -0.2 L V 25.00 24 .95 +.55 +2.3 L L 18.40 18 .26 -.12 -0.7 L L 32.84 33 .10 +.49 t 1 .5 L L 62.81 63 .60 +.97 +1.5 L L 58.44 56 .59 +05 +01 w L 50.80 44 .47 03 -0.1 L L 14.92 11 .51 + . 47 +4.3 51.38 49 .78 -.05 -0.1 V 2.36 1 .7 1 -.01 -0.6 w 53.68 51.54 -1.76 -3.3 V V 196.00 191.29 +3.88 +2.1 L 28.42 22 .52 -.99 -4.2 V V 40.54 24 .53 + . 5 9 t 2 . 5 184.78 183.11 +.40 +0.2 V L 43.79 43 . 18 + . 2 3 +0 .5 L L 60 92 66 .84 + . 26 +0,4 L L 6 10 5 84 + 36 +6 6 L L 13.8 8 1 2. 0 0 -.12 -1.0 w v 35.46 33 .28 -.01 . . . L w 8.42 17.1 7 +. 2 3 + 1.4 L V 38.20 37 . 98 + . 1 0 +0 .3 L L 3200 3051 + 08 + 0 3 w v

w +43 0 +79 9 606 14 L + 16 . 3 +1 0 .0 278 21 1.22f L t 6 0 t 50 5 86793 29 0. 0 4 L + 39 0 t 16 9 1 78 30 0 . 52 L +21 . 3 t 21 . 3 4618 17 1. 9 4 V - 4.6 + 4 .6 5 46 w +19 . 7 +7. 5 302 17 0 . 40 L +9.8 +22. 9 98 19 0 . 88 L +9.8 + 31. 6 1502 24 1.10a L +1 6.0 -5.5 24 58 w + 8.9 +6.9 1588 16 0 .361 V + 44.6 -15.0 14912 dd 0.581 w -2.0 +18.7 17 cc 0.24a L +16.1 -13.2 40039 12 0 .90 L +18.4 +24 .7 12824 11 0 . 2 0 L

+ 32.1

+49 . 8 2 5 96 1 2 0. 6 0

w +16 . 5 -14.0 1713 dd V -6.2 +9 9.3 1656 9 5 w +17. 5 +9.5 924 0.69 L +7.3 +26. 8 1 2 86 1 6 0. 1 8 L +23.9 +4.7 7 2 612 17 0. 9 2 L + 23.3 +14 .6 4 9 79 2 5 0. 8 4 L +5 8 +2 9 1008 1 6 1 2 0 f L +0.6 +1.6 170 20 1.8 2 + 17.9 +127.9 1802 2 0.0 8 V +1 0.1 + 17.6 1802 1 7 0.80a w + 1 9.6 -7.0 2 9 dd V +16 2 +3 12 1 8 95 3 6 1 6 8 L +1.0 +5.7 960 21 0.1 2 V + 24. 5 +1 6 .5 10655 9 0.7 0 -19.1 -38.1 383 3 8 0 . 7 5 L +19 0 +5 24 56 7 2 8 2 0 0 L +17.8 +13 . 5 27 0 13 0. 9 3f L + 13,4 +6,8 36 8 0 3 1 0, 8 4 L +20 9 +15 4 41 7 0 d d w +1.8 -7.5 75 6 1 3 0 .40f w +4.2 +5.1 57 5 7 1 1 0. 7 8 W +1.8 -1.8 1200 13 0.36f L +11.1 +14 . 9 19627 11 1 . 20f w +9 7 +490 38 9 7 3 4 0 8 0 f

Pickup in spending? Wall Street anticipates that Visa's

latest quarterly earnings improved from the same quarter last year. Stepped up usage of credit and debit cards helped drive a 25 percent jump in Visa's earnings in the last three months of 2012. Investors will be looking for details on consumers' use of Visa-network cards in the January-March period today, when the credit-card processor reports financial results for its second fiscal quarter.

Pfizer euts 2013 forecast::;";;" ." Pfizer weighed down the Dow Jones n i dustrial Even so, the results still fell short of Wall Street's average Tuesday after the drugmaker lowered its 2013 expectations. Pfizer, which is based in New York, said profit forecast by 6 cents to $2.14 to net income was $2.75 billion, or 38 $2.24 per share. cents per share, down from $1.79 The company also released billion, or 28 cents per share, a year first-quarter results. Pfizer's net earlier. income rose 53 percent despite Excluding one-time items, adjusted income was 54 cents per share, a growing generic drug competition. The world's second-largest penny less than the forecast of financial analysts surveyed by drugmaker benefited from a gain related to a joint venture with China. FactSet.

Pfizer (PFE) Tuesday's close:$29.07 Total return YTD: 17%


$21 ~ 1 - YFD 32%




3 -Y R*: 25%


FundFocus Morningstar gives this fund a "Neutral" rating, citing mixed Marketsummary performance since its current Most Active manager took over in 2008. The NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG fund's holdings must meet socially SiriusXM 1127077 3.25 + . 18 responsible investing criteria. 159.68 12.31 7.05 33.10 29.07 43.29 11.84 32.78 16.29

+ . 38 -.07 Calvert EpuityA m CSIEX —.07 +.49 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH -1.36 + . 61 cC o —.11 00 0O + . 54 6L + . 68 6L

Gainers NAME TransitnT g DigitAlly rs Repros wtB PainTher s MultimGm Meritor CGI g DilStates ChinaHGS



cC 00

C H G %C H G

3 .10 +.85 6 .00 +1 . 5 8 1 7.72 +4 . 2 3 4 .12 +.85 2 4.66 +4. 4 8 5 .80 +1 . 0 5 3 1.66 +4 . 9 3 8 9.36 + 1 2.82 1 0.90 +1 . 5 5 9 7.20 + 1 1.78


LAST 5.11 NuanceCm 19.04 7.24 AlphaDmg PitnyBw 13.67 MecoxLn rs 3.33 AVED PI1


+37 . 8 +3 5 . 7 «C +3 1 . 3 00 +26 . 0 «C +22 . 2 4o +2 2 . 1 Morningstar OwnershipZone™ +1 8 . 4 +1 6 . 7 O o Fund target represents weighted +16 . 6 average of stock holdings +1 3 .8 • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings

Losers CHG %CHG -2.33 -31.3 -4.26 -18.3 -1.36 -15.8 -2.53 -15.6 -.59 -15.1


RATING™ *** y ryr ASSETS $1,562 million

EXP RATIO 1.22% MANAGER Paul Marshall SINCE 2009-03-27 RETURNS3-MD +4.1 Foreign Markets YTD +8.8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +9.7 Paris -11.93 -.31 3,856.75 3-YR ANNL +10.1 London 6,430.1 2 -27.90 —.43 5-YR-ANNL +5.1 Frankfurt + 40.21 + . 5 1 7,913.71 Hong Kong 22,737.01 + 156.24 + . 6 9 TOP 5HOLDINGS Mexico 42,266.98 + 356.45 + . 8 5 Qualcomm, Inc. Milan 16,767.66 -162.02 —.96 Tokyo -23.27 —.17 CVS Caremark Corp 13,860.86 Stockholm 1,198.99 + .88 + . 0 7 Google, Inc. Class A Sydney +60.30 +1.18 Apple Inc 5,168.60 Zurich 7,906.21 + 4.48 + . 06 Allergan, Inc.


Source: FactSet



S&P500ETF 1046111 BkofAm 867927 SprintNex 850519 Microsoft 726121 Pfizer 658860 iShEMkts 654757 MetroPCS 581918 Oracle 427155 RschMotn 422043

(trailing 12 months): 22

Market value: $208.9 billion

10 - Y R*: 3%

total returns through April 30

Price-earnings ratio

Annual div.: $0.96 Yield: 3.3%

PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 AmericanFunds BalA m 22.18 +.02 +9 .2 +14.5 +11.6 +6.4 A A A B ondA m 12. 9 8 +0.9 t4.4 +5.7 + 43 D C E CaplncBuA m 57.34+.17 +9.6 +15.7 t10.7 + 38 A A 8 CpWldGrlA m 46.88 +.15 +10.4 +19.1 +9.5 + 20 A C C EurPacGrA m 43.84 +.24 +6.4 +13.4 +6.5 + 06 D C A FnlnvA m 4 5.3 0 +.15 t1 1.4 +17.4 +11.6 + 40 8 C C GrthAmA m 37. 9 3 +.13 +10.4 +16.4 +10.7 + 38 A C D IncAmerA m 19 .64+.64 +9 . 7 +16.3 +11.8 +61 A A A InvCoAmA m 33.90+.11 t1 2.9 +17.7 +10.8 + 45 8 C C NewPerspA m 34.09 + .14 t 9 . 1 +16.0 +10.5 + 40 8 8 B WAMutlnvA m 35.08 +.07 +13.0 +17.3 t13.5 + 52 D A B Dodge & Cox In c ome 1 3.94 .. . + 1 . 3 + 5 . 5 + 6.0 +6.9 C C 8 IntlStk 37.38 +.12 + 7 .9 + 18.7 +6.8 +0.4 8 C A Stock 138.26 -.10 + 13.9 +24.2 +11.9 +3.8 A 8 C Fidelity Contra 85.45 +.28 +11.2 +12.6 +12.7 +5.6 8 A 8 G rowCo 103 . 4 5 +.31 +11.0 + 9.6 +13.8 +6.9 C A A LowPriStk d 44 . 85 +.32+ 13.5 +19.3 +13.5 +8.2 8 A A Fidelity Spartan 500ldxAdvtg 5 6 .64 +.14 +12.7 +16.9 +12.8 +5.2 B A B FrankTemp-Frankli n lncome A m 2.37 +.61+7.9 +16.2+10.4 +6.0 A A 8 Income C m 2.3 9 . .. +7. 6 + 1 5.4 + 9.7 +5.5 A A 8 Oppenheimer RisDivA m 19.2 1 +.06 +10.7 +12.2 +11.2 +4.0 E C C RisDivB m 17.3 9 +.65 + 10.3 +11.2 +10.1 +3.1 E D D RisDivC m 17.3 1 +.66 + 10.4 +11.4 +10.3 +3.3 E D D SmMidValA m 36.82 +.24 +13.6 +16.7 +8.2 +1.4 D E E SmMidValB m 31.01 +.21 +13.3 +15.8 +7.3 +0.6 E E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.3 4 . . . + 1. 7 +7 . 2 + 6 .5 +7.5 B 8 A T Rowe Price Eq t y lnc 29.75 +.68 + 13.0 +20.1 +11.2 +5.1 A C 8 GrowStk 41.37 +. 22 + 9 .5 + 9 . 3 +12.4 +5.9 C 8 B HealthSci 48.97 -. 01 + 18.8 +30.8 +23.5+15.6 8 A A Vanguard 500Adml 147.39 +.37 t12.7 +16.9 +12.8 +5.2 8 A 8 500lnv 147.37 +.36 t12.7 +16.7 +12.6 +5.1 8 A 8 CapDp 46.04 -.63 +19.1 +29.4 +11.6 +6.9 A 8 A Eqlnc 27.41 +.02 t14.2 +19.4 +15.6 +6.9 8 A A GNMAAdml 16.90 +0.8 t2.1 +5.1 t5.7 C A A STGradeAd 16.83 +.61 +0.8 t3.4 +3.3 t4.1 8 8 B StratgcEq 24.60 +.10 t14.7 +20.1 +14.5 +6.4 8 A C Tgtet2025 14.67 +.64 t7.9 +12.6 +9.5 +4.6 8 8 A TotBdAdml 11.08 -.61 +0.9 +3.6 +5.4 t5.7 D D D Totlntl 15.92 +.11 +6.5 +14.5 +6.2 -1.1 C D C TotStlAdm 46.07 +.13 t12.9 +17.1 t12.9 t5.9 8 A A TotStldx 46.06 +.14 t12.9 +17.0 +12.7 +5.8 8 A A USGro 23.42 +.11 +10.2 +10.9 t11.7 t5.4 C 8 8 Welltn 36.83 +.63 t9.5 +14.7 +10.8 +6.5 A A A FAMILY


PCT 4.43 4.02 3.83 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 3.69 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 3.6 redemption fee. Source: Morn1ngstar.






Close:$25.99L1.79 or 7.4% The electronics retailer is selling its stake in a European joint venture to its partner, Carphone Warehouse Group, for $775 million. $30

Fresh Del Monte








52-week range $11.20~


Close:$25.41 V-2.18 or -7.9% The fruit and vegetable company said that its first-quarter profit fell 34 percent as weaker demand led to lower banana prices in Europe. $28




52-week range $26.62

$22.28 ~


VolJ23.3m (1.9x avg.) P E: . . . VolJ 542.4k (2.9x avg.) P E: . . . Mkt. Cap:$8.8 b Y i eld: 2.6% Mkt. Cap:$1.47 b Yiel d : 2. 0 % DPZ

Close:$55.20 A2.25 or 4.2%

New stores and lower costs helped the pizza seller's first-quarter net income rise 66 percent. The results beat analyst expectations. $60

Avon Products

AVP Close:$23.16 %0.92 or 4.1% The direct-seller of beauty products reported a first-quarter loss, but its adjusted results beat Wall Street's expectations. $25


F M 52-week range $28.17~


52-week range $56.45

$13.70 ~


Vol.:1.3m (2.4x avg.) P E: 28 .9 Vol.:11.2m (2.2x avg.) P E: .. . Mkt. Cap:$3.12 b Yiel d : 1 .4% Mkt. Cap:$10.01 b Yiel d : 1. 0%


CMI Pfizer PFE Close:$106.39 V-6.86 or -6.1% Close:$29.07%-1.36 or -4.5% The maker of diesel engines and The drugmaker posted first-quarter power-generation equipment said its results that fell short of Wall Street first-quarter net income fell 38 perexpectations and the company cut centas demand softened. its 2013 profit forecast. $130 $32 120











52-week range

52-week range $122.54

$21.40 ~


Vol.:5.9m (3.3x avg.) P E: 12 . 3 Vol.:70.0m (2.2x avg.) PE: 23.1 Mkt. Cap:$20.19 b Yiel d : 1. 9% Mkt. Cap:$208.89 b Yi e ld:3.3%



Close:$29.29 V-0.86 or -2.9% The maker of bank teller machines and security systems reported a first quarter loss and said it is cutting 700 jobs to cut costs. $32

Spirit Airlines SAVE Close:$26.70 %1.34 or 5.3% The airline'6 first-quarter net income jumped 30 percent as tickets and fees helped push the results above Wall Street expectations.





20 F M 52-week range

$27.58~ Dividend Footnotes: 2 Extra - dividends were paid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. 8 - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current annual rate, which was mcreased bymost recent dividend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dwuend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pad th>$year, a cumulative issue with dividends m arrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. 7 - Declared or paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, appro70matecash value on excustribution date. Fe Footnotes: q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds aa d4I - Loss in last12 months

+ -1.04 '

Stock indexes rose modestly Tuesday after fluctuating throughout the day betweengains and losses.Technology stocks had some ofthe market's biggest gains after a report showed that consumer confidence increased in April more than economists expected. On the losing side were health care stocks, which had the biggest losses among the 10 sectors that make up the Standard & Poor's 500 index. A weaker-than-expected profit report from drugmaker Pfizer helped drag down the industry. The SB P 500 index closed April with its sixth straight month of gains. It's the index's longest winning streak since a seven-month run in 2009.

Domino's Pizza


based on trailing 12 months' results


Best Buy


1Q ' 1 3

Price-earnings ratio:



4 Q '12

Change: 21.05 (0.1%)

1 0 DAY S

14839.80 14734.47 14839.80 +21.05 6177.95 6105.10 6177.95 +27.92 537.86 535.08 5 37.32 + 1 . 07 9276.88 9205.62 9276.88 +31.66 3328.79 3298.58 3328.79 +21.77 1597.57 1586.50 1597.57 + 3 . 96 1160.02 1146.79 1160.02 +10.20 16864.43 16743.41 16864.43 +55.06 947.46 947.46 + 5 . 03 939.30

DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000


Close: 14,839.80

1 2 000


+ +.02


Dow jones industrials


,l 14,440

1,280' . "N" ' " ' D" ' " " 'J"

GOLD $1,472.20 ~

14,660 " """.

10 DA Y S



10-YR T-NOTE 1.67%

3 96


A $40.07

F M 52-week range


$15.64 ~


Vol.:1.9m (2.3x avg.) P E: 22 .9 Vol.:853.3k (1.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.86 b Yiel d : 3. 9 % Mkt. Cap:$1.94 b

PE: 1 7 .9 Yield: ... AP

SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note held steady at 1.67 percent Tuesday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

. 05 .04 . 0 8 .08 .10 .10

2-year T-note . 22 .21 5 -year T-note . 68 .68 1 0-year T-note 1.67 1.6 7

30-year T-bond 2.88 2.88


+0 .0 1 L







+0 . 0 1 W W ... V W ... W T


w w

The price of crude oil rose fell on expectations that supplies are growing. When a commodity's supply rises, its price tends to fall. Natural gas and copper also fell, while gold rose.

Foreign Exchange The dollar fell against the euro,Japanese yen and other currencies. Both the Federal Reserve and

European Central Bank are meeting this week on interest-rate policy rates.

h5N4 QG

T .26 T .81 W 1.92

w 3.1 1


Barclays Long T-Bdldx 2.59 2.58 +0.01 w BondBuyerMuni Idx 4.01 4.03 -0.02 W Barclays USAggregate 1.73 1.73 . . . W PRIME FED B arclays US High Yield 5.28 5.35 -0.07 w w RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.69 3.67 t0.02 w YEST 3.25 .13 B arclays CompT-Bdldx .94 .95 -0.01 w 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 2.59 2.59 ... w 1 YR AGO3.25 .13


.08 .14 .16

w w W L W W w w w w w w w

2.61 4. 52 2.0 8 7.1 2 3.95 1. 0 3 3.2 9

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 93.46 94.50 - 1.10 + 1 .8 Ethanol (gal) 2.58 2.57 -0.08 + 17.8 Heating Dil (gal) 2.87 2.90 -0.94 -5.6 Natural Gas (mm btu) 4.34 4.39 - 1.12 t 2 9 .6 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.80 2.83 -0.94 -0.4 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1472.20 1467.40 24.14 24.12 1507.20 1507.40 3.19 3.23 696.70 698.10

%CH. %YTD +0.33 -12.1 +0.09 -20.0 -0.01 -2.1 -1.18 -12.5 -0.20 -0.9

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -1.2 1.28 1.28 +0.55 1.35 1.34 +1.01 -6.2 6.84 -0.11 -2.2 Corn (bu) 6.83 Cotton (Ib) 0.86 0.84 +2.31 +13.8 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 345.50 348.50 -0.86 -7.6 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.41 1.43 -1.26 +21.8 Soybeans (bu) 14.68 14.72 - 0.27 + 3 . 5 Wheat(bu) 7.22 -7.2 7.10 +1.69 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5534 +.0042 +.27% 1 .6232 C anadian Dollar 1.0 0 76 —.0035 —.35% .9873 USD per Euro 1.3158 +.0061 +.46% 1 .3243 —.50 —.51% 79.81 Japanese Yen 97.51 Mexican Peso 12. 1 355 —.0303 —.25% 13.0352 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3. 5851 —. 0033 —. 09% 3.7615 Norwegian Krone 5.7696 —.0447 —.77% 5.7196 South African Rand 8. 9746 —. 0064 —. 07% 7.7775 6.4854 —.0605 —.93% 6.7186 Swedish Krona 0071 —. 76% Swiss Franc . 9300 —. .9073 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9650 -.0006 -.06% . 9 596 Chinese Yuan 6.1668 -.0027 -.04% 6.2805 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7603 -.0005 -.01% 7.7582 Indian Rupee 53.686 -.510 -.95% 52.655 Singapore Dollar 1.2323 -.0016 -.13% 1.2370 South Korean Won 1101.82 -1.88 -.17% 1130.20 Taiwan Dollar 29.48 + .02 +.07% 29 . 17

© www.bendbulletin.com/business


isein ome ricesa - ear


Apple selling $17B in bonds: report Apple Inc. is selling $17 billion in bonds

on Tuesday, according to a published report. That would make it the

largest corporate bond issue ever. Apple is selling the bonds in its first debt issue since the 1990s.

The company is raising the money to give to shareholders through

dividend paymentsand stock buybacks. The company has

By Ruth Mantell

up 9.3 percent from the same period in the prior year, the largest annual growth since May 2006. February's monthly growth was the largest since August. After seasonal adjustments, prices rose 1.2 percent in February. All 20 cities saw year-overyear gains in February, with accelerating growth in 16 cities.


WASHINGTON — Signaling continued momentum, an index of home prices for 20 U.S. cities posted the largest year-over-year growth in more than six years, according to data released Tuesday. The S&P/Case-Shiller 20city composite index rose 0.3 percent in February, before seasonal adjustment, and was

Areas that were particularly hard hit by the housing market's meltdown are seeing large gains. Phoenix, for example, posted the largest year-over-year price growth at 23 percent, while New York had the lowest at 1.9 percent. Two cities saw record yearover-year price growth. In Atlanta, annual prices were up 16.5 percent, the highest rate since 1992. In Dallas, annual

prices were up 7.1 percent, with these data going back to 2001. After the data's release, D ean Baker, co-director ofthe Center for Economic and Policy Research, warned about local market bubbles. "Many of the areas most affected by the housing bubble and subsequent crash are seeingextraordinary price increases," Baker wrote in

a research note. "The end of this round of speculation is not likely to be much prettier forthe areas affected than the end of the last round." With ongoing low interest rates, increasing demand and constrained inventory have been supporting prices. The Federal Reserve is expected to keep its interest rate target at near-zero levels when it decides on rates today.

$145 billion in cash,

more than enough for

money sits in overseas accounts, and the company doesn't plan to

Eurozone jobless

bring it to the LI.S. until the federal corporate tax rate is lowered.

rate still

the $100 billion cash

return program it announced last week. However, most of its

Cyprus approves loan agreement



Cyprus's international

rescue loan dealwas approved by aslim ma-

By David Jolly

jority in the nation's parliament Tuesday, with 29 lawmakers voting in favor and 27 against. Cypriot President

New York Times News Service

The eurozone jobless rate rose to a record 12.1 percent in March, a sharp reminder that unemployment remains


Nicos Anastasiades agreed on March 25

among the region's biggest

to a $13.2 billion loan




from the euro areaand


the International Monetary Fund in return for


++ — EST


vttttc ttlr


measuresincluding a tax on bank deposits of more than100,000

euros at the country's



N ~


two biggest banks,


wage and pension cuts and the sale of assets


and gold. Those concessions were demanded by creditors in a bid to shrink what European and IMF officials called

an oversized andunsustainable banking sector.







Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Co-founders of Perfect Menu Aviv Hadar, from left, Lorenzo Aiello, and Colton Fent, created their business during Bend Startup Weekend in November. Another co-founder, Darren Buckner, is not pictured.

Lawmakers earlier Tuesdayapproved a property tax increase and further public-sector pay cuts as required by

• Event will give entrepreneurs chance a to build their businessinjust 54 hours

the troika of the IMF, Eu-

By Rachael Rees

ropean Central Bankand European Commission. — From wire reports

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR THURSDAY • Women on Boards and in Leadership Positions: Part of the Women's Roundtable Series; registration required; $25 for members, $35 for nonmembers; noon-1:30 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-382-3221 or www. bendchamber.org. • Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council executive committee meeting: Free; 4-5 p.m.; city of Redmond Public Works Training Room, 243 East Antler Avenue. • Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council board meeting: Free; 5:30-7 p.m.; city of RedmondPubli cW orks Training Room, 243East Antler Avenue. FRIDAY • Driving Innovation: Fourth event in the Karnopp Petersen Business 20/20 Executive Breakfast Series; keynote speaker Wilfred Pinfold; $25 includes breakfast; 7:30-9:30 a.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.kpbusiness2020. com. • Coffee Clatter Business Gathering: Hosts: Deschutes County 4-H and Wicker Restoration; 8:309:30 a.m.; RedmondSenior Center, 325 N.W.Dogwood Ave.; 541-923-6603. • COBA Homeand Garden Show: Free; noon-6 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 54 I -548-2711.

For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbulletin.comlbizoa/



R '

The Bulletin

n 54 hours, Aviv Hadar and his team created an online menu-building application for restaurants and a c o rresponding b u siness during Bend's first Startup Weekend in mid-November. Since then, the startup — Perfect Menu — has incorporated and added board members and shareholders. It also has customers in 17 countries. "The experience was phenomenal. I think everyone should go through it," Hadar said, referring to Startup Weekend. Starting Friday, Central Oregon entrepreneurs will have another opportunity. The next Bend Startup Weekend, scheduled to be held Friday-Sunday at the


offices of online-marketing company G5, will be the city's second, and one of many more tocome, organizers hope. The Tech Alliance of Central Oregon has decided to hold the event in Bend twice a year, said Jim Boeddeker, chairman of the board at Tech Alliance. "We're trying to make it part of the Bend startup ecosystem," Boeddeker said. "It's a great way for companies to get traction on their ideas." Bend's Startup Weekend is one of more than 1,000 across the globe. The program is an affiliate of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, a Kansas City, Mo., nonprofit dedicated to entrepreneurship. Each weekend follows a similar template, but has

a different "personality" because of the variety ofparticipants and business ideas, Boeddeker said. Attendeesrange from students and young entrepreneurs, to people who have been thinking about an idea for years. Their business conceptsalsovary, from technology, to retail and recreation companies. On the first day, up to 100 participants share their business ideas. The ideas are voted on, and about 20 are selected.Teams of entrepreneurs spend the weekend developingbusiness concepts, and present them to a panel

of judges on Sunday. Boeddeker said he believes Startup Weekend will join with business incubator FoundersPad and the Bend Venture Conference to attract startups, helping them progressfrom concepts to successful businesses. Hadar of Perfect Menu

On theWeb To learn more visit http://bend.


saidhiscustomer base has more than doubled since November, prompting his now four-person team to develop a new version to keep up with demand. He expects the new version to launch in June. While Hadar attributes the birth of his company to Bend Startup Weekend, he gave one piece of advice: "As an

entrepreneur, you're going to hear like 15 people, mentors and advisers, telling you what you should do. At the end of the day, it's really up to the individual entrepreneur and their vision ... You have to follow your gut and follow your instincts." — Reporter:541-617-7818, rreesltbendbulletin.com

problems. The unemployment rate in the 17-nation currency union ticked up by one-tenth of a percentage point from February, when the previous record was set, Eurostat, the statistical agency of the European Union, reported from Luxembourg. A year earlier, the rate was 11 percent. A separate report Tuesday from Eurostat showed that inflation dropped sharply, well belowthe European Central Bank's target rate of 2 percent a year.The annualized rate of inflation for consumer prices was 1.2 percent in April 20D, down from March, when it was 1.7 percent. The reports, along with other recent data that suggested that the economy was healing more slowly than many hadhoped,could prompt the European Central Bank to take action at its policy meeting Thursday. The central bank could cut its key interest-rate target, already at a record low of 0.75 percent, by a quarter point, economists said, though the impact of such a move would probably be slight because banks remain less than eager to lend. "Stabilizing the peripheral eurozone countries will take at least until the end of 20D," said Ralph Solveen, an economist with Commerzbank in Frankfurt. As a result, he said unemployment would probably keep rising "until next spring." For the 27-nation EU, the jobless rate was unchanged in March, at 10.9 percent. Eurostat estimated that 26.5 million were unemployed in Europe.

Digital fees pay off for 2 top-selling newspapers The Associated Press NEW YORK — The Wall Street Journal remains the top-selling U.S. daily newspaper, but The New York Times has surpassed USA Today for second, thanks to an expansion into digital subscriptions, accordingto a reportreleased Tuesday by an industry group. The Journal's weekday

circulation averaged 2.38 million from October through March, the period covered by the report from the Alliance for Audited Media. That was a 12 percentincrease from the same period a year ago, the AAM said. Most of the growth came in digital subscriptions, which accounted for nearly 900,000, or 40 percent, of the total circu-

lation at the newspaper, which is owned by News Corp. The New York Times began charging for unlimited access to its heavily trafficked website two years ago. The move has helped boost its paid circulation by reeling in more subscribers who are willing to pay for unlimited digital access to the newspaper's content.The

Times' weekday circulation averaged 1.87 million during the latest period, an 18 percent increase from last year. The figure included digital circulation of 1.13 million, a 32 percent increasefrom lastyear. AAM's rules allow publications to count as multiple subscriptionsthe same person's paid usage on multiple outlets,

such as a paper newspaper, a website and a tablet computer. AAM's methods for tracking circulation have changed in the past few years as newspaper publishers attempt to counter a decline in paid readership of their print editions and an even sharperdrop in the advertising sales that bring in most of the industry's revenue.

BANKRUPTCIES Chapter 7 Filed Aprll 23 • Deanna L. Shoemaker, 1231 S.W. 33rd St., Redmond • Sheila R. Griffin, 1360 N.W. Cumberland, Bend • Ronald L. Wood, P.O.Box 9280, Bend • Jack A. Young, 3052 S.W. Obsidian Lane,Redmond Filed April 24

• Joyce E. Campbell, 60923 Ridge Drive, Bend • Lycia A. Bailey, 19923 Quail Pine Loop,Bend • Aslan-Harold P. Mooney II, 61354 Blakely Road No. 39, Bend • Keith K. Monaghan, 744 N.E. Ninth St., Bend • JoAnn D. Kotzamichalis, 14121 S.W. Stallion Drive, Crooked River Ranch

Filed Aprll 25 • Marylou Harvey, 60248 Pawnee Lane, Bend • David K. Hamasaki, 21030 Scottsdale Drive, Bend • Martin D. Stockton, 1152 S.W. 17th St. No. 10, Redmond • Charles D. Platt,488 East Jackson St., Burns Filed April 26

• Teresa L. McGuire, 61415 U.S. Highway 97 No. 6, Bend • Gregg A. Andrick, 835 N.E. Sixth, Bend • Christopher R. Whitman, 2151 S.W. 23rd, Redmond Filed April 28 • Richard S. Windlinx, 61240 Kwinnum Drive, Bend Filed April 29 • Laurel L. Speck, 811 N.E.

Oak Place, Redmond • Steven Lakey, P.O.Box 6737, Bend •LeeR. Hubbard,1531 N.W. Cliffside Way, Redmond •LeviV.Holiday,3733 Tommy Armour Lane, Redmond •Michael W.Bagley,657 N.W . 24th St., Redmond • Douglas J. Brutsch, 60301 Zuni Road,Bend

• Debra H. Redwine, 21575 Stub Place, Bend Chapter 13 Filed April 23 • Tracy Stephens, 2221 S.W. 31st St., Redmond Filed April 29 • Pedro R. Davila, 19195 Kiowa Road, Bend • Vernon A. Yeager, P.O.Box 2507, La Pine

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Reader photo, D2 Fishing report, D3 Outdoors Calendar, D4 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 2013

O www.bendbulletin.com/outdoors




For snow conditions

A creek makes for pleasant company

at Oregon ski resorts,

see B6


Prescribed burns in Ochoco forest

"'Tr- gc-

Prescribed burns are taking place over roughly1,575 acres of


the Ochoco National Forest over the next few


By Alandra Johnson

weeks, according to forest officials.

The Bulletin

' "a

I don't often hike alone. I walk though my neighborhood or up Pilot Butte by myself, sure. But I rarely trek in the wilderness for a couple of hours by myself.

Ignitions will take '!r

place as weather allows. The prescribed burns are meant to reduce fuel loads in the forest as

well as improve wildlife

Right or wrong, hiking,

habitat and range conditions. Forest roads in

the area may beaffected by smoke during the burns, but no road clo-

sures are expected. About1,000 acres

spread over theeast side of the Maury Mountains are included in the burn area. The East

Maury Jackpot burning

Mark Morical / The Bulletin

Dustin Gouker, of Bend, rides the Peterson Ridge West trail near an overlook last week.

project is about12-15 miles southeast of Post.

Other burns scheduled to start or finish last week included the

S ster Village Green City Park

500-acre Zaneburning project15 miles south of Mitchell and east of

Big Summit Prairie, and project15 miles northFor more information, visit www.fs.fed.us/r6/



Peterson Ridge trailhead

the remaining 75 acres of the Squirrel Ridge east of Prineville in the Mill Creek drainage.

To Redmond


Peterson Ridge, trails




— Mountain bike trail — Forest road


National Forest

Forests to spray invasive plants

e t r ailhead

Eagle Rock

The Deschutes and

Ochoco national forests and Crooked River Na-

tional Grassland areset to begin herbicide and manual invasive plant treatments of 112 sites

on 2,475 acres starting Monday. Most of the treat-

ments will be spot applications of the her-

bicide Transline along road shoulders using backpack sprayers and

• The PetersonRidgenetwork features milesof trails with spectacularmountain viewsand light bike traffic

off-highway vehicles,

according to a release from the Deschutes National Forest. But

if the dominant plant community is invasive

plants, "application may be completedby broadcast spraying," the release says. "Hand pulling will occur within protected areas, suchas stream buffers, and as a follow-up treatment at some sites." For maps and alist of sites, visit www.fs.usda. gov/detail/centralore-

gon/landmanagement/ ?cid=stelprdb5302243. Contact: Deb Mafera, 541-41 6-6588. — From staff reports


Spirit Circle iewpoin




options. I made the d r ive from Bend to the Peterson Ridge trailhead in Sisters last week with Dustin Gouker, who has ridden plenty on trails closer to home in Bend but had never been to Peterson Ridge. He was impressed nearly right away, noting the gradual climb, the open space, and the views. Spring and fall are the best times of year toride atPeterson Ridge, as some of the trails become dusty in the summertime, much like the Phil's Trail network west of Bend. The trail network in Sisters consists basically of two main trails — Peterson Ridge Trail West and Peterson Ridge Trail East — with about a dozen smaller trails that connect the two sides. The network is well-marked with signs on nearly every trail connector. (The trailhead kiosk is usually stuffed with detailed maps that show every numbered junction in the network.) We decided to ride the west trail up the ridge and the east trail back down for a ride of about 14 miles and a duration of 2 hours, 20 minutes. See Peterson Ridge/D4


to the P eters on Ridg e Trail system I end up wondering why I don't ride there more often. Sure, hundreds of miles of singletrack exist closer to Bend, but there is just something about Peterson Ridge that makes it a pure joy each time. Maybe it's the distance, a 30-minute drive from Bend, that makes the heart grow fonder. Or maybe it's the spectacular views of the Three Sisters. Then again, maybe it's just the fact that the Peterson Ridge Trail system is a sweet network of singletrack built by devoted volunteer mountain bikers from the Sisters Trail Alliance and the Central Oregon Trail Alliance. Put simply, they knew what they

were doing. Once merely a lone 10-mile trail with a small loop on the south end, the Peterson Ridge Trail network near Sisters has in the last few years evolved into a vast network of trails to entice mountain bikers of any skill level. The system now includes 30 miles of expertly designed singletrack and myriad loop

The hike I left around noon on Friday for this hike that follows Paulina Creek. It's one of those trails that probably should be more popular than it is. Despite the gorgeous weather, I saw no one on my 5-mile roundtrip hike. The trail starts in the Ogden Group Campground and winds its way all the way to Paulina Lake. I chose to do an easy portion

from the group camp up

Editor's note:Mountain Bike Trail Guide, by Bulletin sports and outdoors writer Mark Morical, features various trails in Central Oregon and beyond. The trail guide appears in Outdoors on alternating Wednesdays through the riding season. SISTERS-

for me, is almost always a joint activity. Thankfully, that changed last week as I headed out for a solo hike along the Peter Skene Ogden Trail in the Newberry National Volcan>c Monument. Prepping for the trip, I wondered how I would take the aloneness. Would I miss a hiking buddy — someone to banter with and share the experience, good or bad'? Turns out, the time away from my busy home and busy toddler felt restorative. Also, I learned a creek can make alovelycompanion.

Far overlook

~ Hawk's Flight MILES 0



to McKay Crossing Campground. Typically, this area can still be covered with patchy snow this time of year. But this year's warm weather meant the trail was in perfect condition, no snow in sight. Better yet, Friday's temperatures soared into the 70s, giving me ideal weather for my trip. McKay Crossing Campground is not supposed to open until next weekend, but I met a couple very happy campers out basking in the glorious weather. See Hike/D2

Greg Cross i The Bulletln

PetersonRidge DIRECTIONS From Bend, take U.S. Highway 20 to Sisters. Make a left on Elm Street and park at the

Village GreenPark to the left. The trailhead is three blocks north off Elm Street.

LENGTH Loop options of 2 to 18 miles.

RATING Technically intermediate, aerobically easy.

TRAIL FEATURES Thirty miles of singletrack. East side offers unique trail with banked corners and small technical areas. West side is a bit more technical, with commanding views of Middle and North Sister along the ridge.

Alandra Johnson/The Bulletin

The Peter Skene Ogden Trail in Newberry National Volcanic Monument follows Paulina Creek.

Phil's trails, including the trail to Benham

Falls and BlackRock Trail, are in good shape. On-leash requirements start today for all users with dogs. Bikers need to be cautious on trails

and are urged to yield to other users. Tumalo Falls road ac-

cess openedlast week. Users will still encounter

increasing snowfarther up the trails. The Mrazek Trail to the north of Tumalo Falls is scheduled for

heavy equipment work near Road 4601 starting next week. South Twin, North Twin and Fall Creek

lakes are snow-free. See Trails /D3

Prospecting for pronghorn: archery and black powder By Gary Lewis For The Bulletin

ccording to the numbers, about 2,200 hunters goafield forantelope each season. A lot more would-be pronghorn hunters stay home. With 2,075 applicants vying for 125 tags last year, the most sought-after antelope tag was the Steens Mountain hunt. Without a great deal of luck, it takes 12 or 13 years of trying to draw that rifle hunt. Many of the hunts are harder to draw. A hunter holding out for the Hart Mountain hunt




will probably have to wait 19

years. For the hunter who chooses the black powder or bow and arrow option, an antelope hunt comes along a lot more often. Accordingtothe 2013 Oregon Tag Guide, a muzzlel oader hunter that applies for the Paulina Unit this year has a 43 percent chance of drawing a tag with only six preference points. The East Fort Rock tag can be drawn with just five points. The odds are even better for

the bow hunter. Oregon offers 12 archery antelope hunts this year, and last year three of

them had fewer people apply as a first choice option than there were tags available. That means a hunter could, in theory, chase pronghorn with a stick and string almost

everyyear. See Lewis /D3

Gary Lewis/ For The Bulletin

A lone pronghorn buck stands in tall sagebrush in the Juniper Unit. Oregon offers six muzzleloader hunts and 12 archery hunts. The controlled hunt application deadline is May15.



Helping kids discoverawe

I ' I

in nature

k • I' ' • I

Can you work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us abit about it? Submit your color or black-and-white outdoors photos at bendbulletin.com/wellshotand tell us a bit about where and when you took them. All entries will appear online, and every week we'll run a stellar local photo in this section. Once a month, we'll publish a whole photo page on a specific topic. This month, the topic is TRAINING FOR THE POLE, PEDAL PADDLE.

By Renee Enna Chicago Tribune

Tight budgets or c omplicated schedules — or b o th — can put a damper on family vacations. Even if you can't swing a trip to t h e G r and Canyon, there are so many ways to help childrenembrace nature and the abundance it offers as teacher, therapist and guru. In "The Kids' Outdoor Adventure Book: 448 Great Things to Do in Nature Before You Grow Up" (Falcon Guides), Stacy Tornio and Ken Keffer lay out all the amazing opportunities that kids 13 and

Submission requirements:Include in your caption as much detail as possible — who, what, when, where, why; any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.


younger — as well as grownup kids — can pursue throughout the year. In their array of examples (write on rocks, plant at least three different veggies, build a sandcastle, paddle a canoe, fly a kite), the authors encourage participants to put all of their sensory skills to work and see even ordinary activities with a fresh perspective. Each sugg estion has a n "adventure scale"to help parents choose age-appropriate activities, and the authors provide information and resources for pursuing favored choices in greater depth. As the authors write in their introduction, their c ompendium doesn't aim to compete with technology (as if) — nor is this a "teaching" book. I nstead, they w r i te , i t ' s about "discovering the awe of something in nature for the first time, the second time, or even the 102nd time. And it's about connecting with Mother Nature as a family."





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NICE DAY FOR A CLIMB A warm summerlike weekend drew large groups of climbers and hikers to Smith Rock on Sunday. Juiien Havac, of Bend, used a Nikon camera and 35mm Nikon lens to capture this early morning scene.


Find It All Online bendbulletin.com


The Fur IsStarting To

Fly During Our




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.bendbulletin.com/yetyah Alandra Johnson /The Bulletin

Pauiina Creek keeps things interesting on the Peter Skene Ogden Trail.

Look for your pet's photo online at bendbuLLetin.com //petpals and in the PetPals Keepsake Guide Book,pubLishing May 11th. Get MoreYotes:Login to Pet Palsusing yourFacebook username and passwordforaccess to share your Pet Pal with your friends and folLowers on Twitter and Facebook for more votes.

Hike Continued from D1 F rom th e g r ou p c a m p ground parking lot, I scaled a small rocky berm to find the trail. There was a small wooden bridge crossing the creek. From there, the trail roughly follows the creek as it curves and snakes upstream. The surrounding scenery is classic High Desert fare, with giant ponderosa pines above and dry s c rub d ir t b e low. Grass along the creek was not yet green, though I imagine it will turn bright and lush in no time. The trail headed uphill, but the elevation gain was slow and steady. Within a mile, the creek, which bubbled with crystal clear w ater, passed over a series of small falls. Throughout the hike, the creek kept things interesting for me. It curved and twisted, it rushed and plummeted. As I approached the turnaround point for my hike, the trail changed. The walls of the creek climbed and grew until I was walking along the top of a canyon, looking down on the creek below. Right before McKay Creek Campground the creek p lummeted over

large, lovely falls. On my return, I found what I dubbed "the most perfect picnic spot in the history of mankind" (and I don't think I'm overselling it too much). It wasn't hard to find an idyllic place to eat my snack. Around seemingly every turn of the trail, I found myself thinking, "That would be a good picnic spot; oh wait, that would be a


To Bendg

Peter Skeffe



Ogden Group Camp A

ttewberry National VolcanicMonumeni ~ East Lake rea of detail Pat/ling' Lake

'a '

<Paulna Peak

If yougo What:Peter SkeneOgden Trail Getting There:From Bend, take U.S. Highway 97 south to the turnoff for the Newberry National Volcanic Monument. Turn left and drive for several

miles until you seeOgden Group Camp on the left. From there, the traiihead is a short drive down an

unpaved road. Difficulty: Easy

Cost:Recreation pass required Contact:541-383-4000

and sun. The one I ultimately picked included a small flat rock, almost like a tiny, rocky stool, which served as a perfect perch for me to sit on while I staredatthe creek rushing by. As I ate my string cheese good picnic spot." and watched the sun skipping Most of this section of creek on the top of the water, I felt a is bordered by flat,grassy pang of luck. This day was a banks with a mi x o f shade gift.

McKay Crossing campground



To Paulina Lake East Lake Greg Cross/The Bulletin

During the solo hike, I had time to think for myself. I read recently that if you want to come up witha good idea,go on a long walk by yourself. This rang true for me. I didn't come up with any great new inventions or insights into my soul, but I did have a chance for quiet reflection — something of a rarity for me. But the mind is a funny thing that is hard to control. I tried hard to forget my to-do list and let things go, to be at peace. But grocery lists, home projects and work duties kept intruding into my mind. Or I found myself humming hit songs from eight years ago that I never really liked to begin with. Oh, and my daughter's favorite: "Baby Beluga." I would clear my mind and then, next thing I knew, I would find myself involuntarily singing, "Is your water warm'? Is your mama home?" Despite this, the solitude felt good. Being alone in nat ure m akes c o ming b a ck home to all of those lists better somehow. — Reporter: 541-617-7860, ajohnson@bendbulletin.com

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TO ENTER BYMAIL Mail your entryto: PetPals Contest, TheBulletin, P.O. Box6020, BendOR97708-6020 Includeyourpet's nameandyour contact informationincluding emailaddress. Makeyour checkpayableto: TheBulletin/Pet Pals

The Bulletin bendbulletin.com F QR INFQ CALL %4i-385-5 8 0 0








G o rss s oa t p r s t t ATTORNEY AT LAW I

tr s






ut oo ims or rivers,

For the water report, turn eachday to the weather page, today on B6 Here is the weekly fishing report for selected areas in and around Central Oregon, provided by fisheries biologists for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife:

ploys a spot of red gets my


attention. Red definitely gets the trouts' attention. The Red

ANTELOPEFLAT RESERVOIR: The roads leading to the reservoir are clear. Fishing has been fair due to the turbidity but anglers are reporting catching large trout. BEND PINENUSERY POND: Although the most recent stocking was in late September, it is likely that many fish overwintered. BIG LAVA LAKE: Ice-free and accessible. CRANE PRAIRIE RESERVOIR: Icefree and accessible. CRESCENTLAKE: Opportunities for rainbow and brown trout are good. CROOKED RIVERBELOW BOWMAN DAM: Fishing will probably be slow with the current flow conditions. Fishing will be better once the flows are lower and stable during the irrigation season. Thetroutmay bespawning now so anglers are reminded to be careful if wading so as to not trample the redds. The use of bait is prohibited until May 2013. Trout over 20 inches are considered steelhead and must be released unharmed. EAST LAKE: Inaccessible. HAYSTACK RESERVOIR: Fishing has been excellent for large trout and kokanee. HOOD RIVER: Anglers are catching good numbers of winter steelhead; the fishing will continue to get better as the spring gets into full swing. Anglers are reporting the best success on bait due to the

FLY-TYING CORNER Any fly pattern that em-

Mike Stahlberg

Spot Shrimp uses aspot of fluorescent wool to suggest a with a small round worm. Freshwater shrimp are an

important year-round food RyanBrennecke/The Bulletin source on many trout streams Red Spot Shrimp, tied by and in some lakes. This pattern, when fished dead-drift

Pete Ouelette.

great choice in the spring and again in the fall when a trout's

gold wire. Build the body with olive dubbing with a center

menu options are limited.

spot of fluorescent red wool.

Tie the Red Spot Shrimp with olive thread on a No. 8-16

Pull the back over the body and finish with the gold wire

scud hook. Begin by weight-

rib. To simulate legs, pick

ing the fly with lead wire. Tie

out the body dubbing with a bodkin. — Gary Lewis

beneath a strike indicator, is a

cold water temperatures. Spring chinook season opened on the Hood River on April15, 2013 and will remain open until June 30, 2013. LAKE BILLY CHINOOK: Fishing for bull trout has been good. Catch rates are up compared to this time lastyear. The Metolius Arm is open to fishing again and there are good numbers of legalsized bull trout. Atribal angling permit is required in the Metolius Arm. Please check the special regulations for this area. METOLIUS RIVER: Trout fishing has been good. Insect hatches should offer lots of opportunities

held in early September. During that portion of the season, Overall, Oregon salmon anglers will be permitted to anglers can expect another retain an y l e gal-size coho season similar to last year, caught, without regard to finfishery managers say, with clip status. t he ocean outlook a b i t Coho fishing will be allowed brighter than in 2012, but Sept. 1 and 2, then Thursdays prospects for in-river fishthrough Saturdays for the baling down slightly. ance of September, or until the H atchery-reared c o h o quota is filled. salmon areexpected to be A harvest quota of 16,000 more abundant in Oregon fish will be in effect from Cape coastal waters this year, not going to be lightsFalcon to just south of Humallowing the sport-fishing bug Mountain. out fishing, though, l harvest quota for that speLast year, the quota for the wouldn't think." cies to be increased. September portion of the seaAlso, thanks to the pro— Jeff Ziller, fish biologist, son was 11,800- and it was that jected return of 1.55 milOregon Department largeonly because the harvest lion chinook salmon bound of Fish and Wildlife during the July segment was for the Sacramento and less than half the target, so Klamath rivers, chinook some of the quota was carried fishing on the central and over to September. southern coast looks espe- several other spots w i t hin Ocean fishing for chinook cially promising for both Eugene-Springfield. and all other salmon species recreationaland commerThe Pacific Fisheries Man- except coho runs from midcial fishermen. agement Council set ocean March through the end of SepOn the other hand, the seasons and regulations for tember south of Cape Falcon. W illamette River ru n o f 2013 at a meeting earlier this Sport and commercial fisherspring c h inook s a l mon month. men alike have been report— already well under way For the popular coho salm- ing good success from Newin the Portland area — is ex- on fishery, the council again port to Bandon, according to pected to total about 60,000 adopted a split season for Chris Kern, ODFW salmon fish this year, according to south of Cape Falcon, near manager. Oregon Department of Fish Tillamook. Meanwhile, anglers along and W i l dlife b i o logists. The f i rst s egment, July the Oregon Coast north of That's down about 5,000 1-31, will be an "all salmon Cape Falcon also can expect fish from the run observed mark-selective coho fishery" good returns of chinook to the last year. in which anglers will be alColumbia River, but quotas Of the total spring chilowed to retain only coho with will be similar to last year. n ook r u n , "somewhere a clipped adipose fin. A maxiThere will be a two-week around 3 6,000 o r so" mum harvestof 10,500 silvers recreational season for finshould make it through the will be allowed between Cape clipped chinook north of Cape fish passage at Willamette Falcon and the Oregon-Cali- Falcon starting early in June. Falls, said Jeff Ziller, an fornia border. Fishing will be Oregon Department of Fish halted if that quota is met beand Wildlife fish biologist fore Aug. 1. in Springfield. Last year's July quota was He said that means "an 8,000 coho. The second phase 541-548-2066 OK run" in the upper Wilof coho season will be a "nonAdjustable mark-selective coho fishery" lamette watershed. "That's certainly enough to provide a decent fishery in all the locations up here — the South Santiam, the I HI G H DESERT BANK I North Santiam, the McKenzie and the Middle Fork MXtTREss Willamette. But it's not goG allery- B e n d ing to be lights-out fishing, I II • • i • o 541-330-5084 though, I wouldn't think." Ziller is more optimistic about the local outlook for the spring chinook's smaller cousin, summer steelhead. Early steelhead counts at Willamette Falls have been good and another run of 20,000 to 30,000 steelhead is expected, he said. Good numbers of fish are already being caught in the South Santiam River. Nursing Home costs range detween The biologist is curious to see if a steelhead fishery $4000.00 and $6000.00 per Month! develops near the Belt Line Bridge over the Willamette • Does your Trust protect you from the Nursing Home? River, as 30,000 steelhead smolts were released from • Can we keep our Home and Money? the gravel bar below the • We do not qualify for nursing home insurance, bridge two years ago and what do we do? returning adults from that release might congregate Come andgetthe answers to these and many more near the release point. questions by a Qualified Elder Law Attorney. The (Eugenel Register-Guard

freshwater shrimp parasitized

in a clear plastic or latex over body and tie in a length of

ri tens ort eocean

for good dry fly fishing. Angling for post spawning bull trout should be excellent. Large streamer flies fished in the deeper pools and slots are the best bet. OCHOCO RESERVOIR: Fishing for trout has been good. Anglers are reporting trout up to18 inches long. ODELL LAKE: Ice -free and accessible. Fishing should be good for kokanee and lake trout. PAULINA LAKE: Inaccessible. PRINEVILLE RESERVOIR: Fishing has been slow but the trout that were caught were large. SOUTH TWIN LAKE: Fishing should be excellent for rainbow trout.

"That's certainly enough to provide a decent fishery in all the locations up here — the South Santiam, the North Santiam, the McKenzie and the Middle Fork Willamette. But it's


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WILSONSof Redmond


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I 'i,S Photos by Gary Lewis/For The Bulletin

A pronghorn buck shadows a small herd of does in sagebrush country east of Burns.

Continued from 01 Contrast that with the rifle hunter who has to wait up to 14 years and more between antelope hunts. There weresix muzzleloader options in this year's regulations book and two based close to Bend with high percentages of public land available. Bend-based wildlife biologist Corey Heath said the intent of these hunts was to offer a bit more opportunity to the archeryand muzzleloader user groups without taking a way from c e nterfire r i f l e hunts in the Paulina Unit and in the North Wagontire. Both the archery and muzzleloader hunts take place after the rifle seasons and run concurrently. "The challenge in the Paulina Unit is locating the antelope," Heath said. "There are a fair number of them north of Highway 20. It is heavily junipered country with not a lot of high spots to look from. We have juniper flats and juniper ridges with little groups of antelope scattered between Bend and Powell Butte." An animal that makes a liv-


l 6


Practicing for an upcoming hunt, 16-year-old Mikayla Lewis checks her accuracy on a lifesize antelope target.

don't have a tag this year, use the time to scout for water and look for the little heart-shaped tracks on the trails that skirt the ridge tops. "You will have the place to yourself," Heath said. Only six muzzleloader and six archery hunters will draw tags in the Paulina Unit this year, but most of them, Heath said, will opt to hunt the sagebrush country south of Highway 20, toward Fort Rock, which is more like the typical antelope hunt. ing in the sagebrush, prongBounded on the west by the horn are right at home in this Paulina Unit, the North Waghabitat. The key i s f i n ding ontire hunt starts a couple of t heir water sources. If y o u miles east of Millican and the

open area includes all of the Wagontire Unit north of Lake County Road 5-14. Out in the North Wagontire, the big, low sage flats and playas are home to good numbers of antelope and over the last four years, antelope fawn survival has increased. With mosaics ofbig sage and low sage and small stands of junipers in 1,500 square miles of pronghorn habitat, Heath says, this section of the Wagontire Unit is managed conservatively and has the reputation

of producing trophy bucks. The lucky few that draw an antelope tag this year can expect a dry summer with little water on the desert. Dry conditions tend to group the animals around the remaining water sources. Oregon's controlled hunt application deadline is M ay 15. ODFW offers six muzzleloader hunts and 12 archery hunts. With early August and early September starts, the blackpowder and bow and arrow options offer the chance to draw more tags and spend more days in the field. — Reporter: Gary Lewisis the host of Adventure Journal and author of "John Nosler — Going Ballistic," "Fishing Central Oregon," "Hunting Oregon" and other titles. Contact Lewis at www.GaryLewisOutdoors.com.


The Metolius River area will have

urged to avoid until there are drier

increased use with good conditions.

Continued from 01 Peter Skene Ogden Trail is still blocked by snow near the Paulina

Be aware of ticks in the area. Black Butte Trail is accessible with about half of the trail snow-free. Pole

conditions. CascadeLakesHighwayis open

Creek Fallsarea.Road21into the Newberry Calderaareais scheduled

Creek arearoadclosures arestill in effect with hazard tree clean-up. Access to various trails will open in

near Lava Lakes, but closed north to Dutchman Flat Sno-park due to

plowing operations.Completeopening is scheduled for Memorial Day

weekend.McKenziePass Highwayis still closed tovehicles due to plowThe Suttle Lake area is in good ing operations. Bikersandhikers condition with a small number Horse Butte Trail, Swamp Wells should becautious of operations. of down trees.Theroad around campgroundandtrail and the Crescent Lake isopen, but Crescent WINTER TRAILS Peterson Ridgeareaare in good All sno-parks andtrail grooming shape with dusty, sandy conditions. Ranger District has limited access. The Metolius-Windigo Trail is snow- are donefor the seasonexcept at Prescribedburning season isin DutchmanFlat,whichhasgood free. effect with various plumes in the spring conditions. Boundary lines in area. Trailheadinformation boards Most wilderness trails above the sno-park will bemodified later will have updated information when 4,600 feet have approximately1 to appropriate. 10 feet of blocking snow.Usersare in the weekdueto plowing. to open May10. There is limited

recreation site accessdueto various snow levels.

the coming weeks.





"It ought to"

They could help supple-

ment the "in-town" steelhead fishery created by the release of smolts at

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4 '

~ /'

Mother"'s-Dag Support COCOA'S Services for Seniors Honor, remember or say "Happy M o th er's Day" to that special woman in your life w it h a gift to the Council On A g i ng. Your donation of j ust $50 will help provide important independent living services to seniors in the tri-county area including Meals-On-Wheels and other nutrition programs, in-home care services, information and referral and much more. Visit COCOA's website at www.councilonaging.org/contribute to take part i n this year's Mother's Day Recognition Event. A special notice wil l b e published in The Bulletin on Mother's Day — Sunday, May 12th. Donation forms are also available by calling 541-678-5483.

Deadline for inclusioni n Th e Bulletin is Monday, May 6, 2013, but donations of any size are always gratefully accepted.

The Bulletin

Serv>ng Centrai 0 ego s>nce 1903

COCOAis a501(c)3



U TDOORS BIRDING DEAN HALEWOODPECKER FESTIVAL:Participants have a choice of attending 12 different guided field trips in search of11 different species of woodpeckers and more than 200 other types of birds that have made the forests and burn areas of Central Oregon a birding hot spot; East Cascades Audubon Society sponsors the festival; Sisters, June13-16; full-day trips are $30 while half-day trips are $20; for more details or to register visit www.ecaudubon.org.

CYCLING BEND BICYCLEFILM FESTIVAL: Experience Bend's rich cycling culture through locally produced short films at the fifth annual film fest at the Tower Theatre on May 22; doors open at 6 p.m., show starts at 7 p.m.; the show highlights filmmakers and riders who share a passion for all kinds of cycling; tickets are $12 pre-sale at the Tower Theatre box office and website and $15 at the door on the night of the show; all proceeds benefit the Bend Endurance Academy, a local nonprofit offering programs in cycling, nordic skiing and rock climbing; www.towertheatre.org; www.bendbicyclefilmfestival.com.



anglers from around Central Oregon who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth Wednesday of eachmonth, from 6 to 8 p.m., location TBA; 541306-4509 or bendcastingclub© gmail.com. THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 7 p.m. at the Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Center (SHARC); contact www. sunriveranglers.org. THE CENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERSCLUB: Meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Bend Senior Center,1600 SE Reed Market Road; contact: www.coflyfishers.org.

HUNTING LEARN THEARTOFTRACKING ANIMALS:Guided walks and workshops with a certified professionaltracker;learn to identify and interpret tracks, sign, and scat of the animals in Central Oregon; two or more walks per month all year; $35; ongoing, 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633-7045; dave©wildernesstracking.com; wildernesstracking.com. THE BENDCHAPTEROFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: MeetsthesecondWednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the King Buffet at the north end of the Wagner Mall, across from Robberson Ford in Bend; contact: ohabend.webs.com. THE OCHOCO CHAPTER OFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Prineville Fire Hall, 405 N. Belknap St.; contact: 447-5029. THE REDMONDCHAPTEROFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Redmond VFW Hall.

HEALTHYHORSEDAY:Afree event to promote healthy and effective care and training of equines through demonstrations, presentations and vendors; Charley Snell will be the headliner and will give a demo; May 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; at the Rafter J Ranch, 65950, 93rd Street, Bend; centraloregontrailhorse.com. MULE TRAININGCLINIC: Brad Cameron Mulemanship Clinic will teach the basic techniques of lowstress cattle handling with your mule; May 31-June 2;atW eston Equine Services, 68810 Holmes Road, PADDLING Sisters; horses are welcome, too; contact Kathryn Godsiff at kgodsiff© SPRING PADDLEFEST: Tumalo gmail.com or 541-350-3085. Creek Kayakand Canoewill hold its annual event May 3-5 in Bend; festivities include two-hour kayaking lessons on Friday afternoon at the FISHING store for $20 per person; Saturday CENTRALOREGONBASSCLUB: features boating representatives Meets on the first Tuesday of each from major kayak, canoeand monthatAbby's Pizzain Redmond; paddleboard companies offering 7 to 9 p.m.; new members welcome; demos of the latest models at www.cobc.us. Riverbend Park; Sunday will include more lessons; contact 541-317-9407 DESCHUTESCHAPTEROFTROUT or tumalocreek.com. UNLIMITED:Meets on the first Monday of each month at the ONDA KAYAKING CLASSES:Sundays, 4-6 offices in Bend; meeting starts p.m.; for all ages; weekly classes at 6 p.m. for members to meet and open pool; equipment provided and greet, and discuss what the to those who preregister, first-come, chapter is up to; 541-306-4509; firstserved otherwise; Cascade communications@deschutestu.org; Swim Center, Redmond; $3; 541548-7275; www.raprd.org www.deschutestu.org. BEND CASTINGCLUB:The Bend KAYAK ROLLSESSIONS: At Juniper Casting Club is a group of local fly Swim & Fitness Center in Bend;

Email events at least 10days before publication to communitylife@bendbulletin.com, or click on "Submit an Event"at www.bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0351.


The sun'sdisruptive power The sun hasbeenhaving coronal mass

One of the largest coronal massejections ever recorded happened in1859. The plasmareleasedbythesun'sCMEwasso

ejections — CMEs — for the past 4.5 billion years. It's normal and the activity picks up

it shocked telegraphers andset their papers

By Bill Logan For The Bulletin

when we are inthe middle of the11-year sunspot cycle. The sun rotates onceevery 25.38 days

at the equator, but 30-35 days at the poles. This "differential rotation" causes the sun's electromagnetic lines to become twisted.

When these lines becomevery twisted, they break like rubber bands. If these CMEs break while facing earth, it sends ionized plasma

toward earth much like ashotgun blast. Plasma from these CMEs travels at about 700 km/second, arriving into the Earth's

magnetic field three days later. Normally, we experience harmless, beautiful auroras, but

big that when it hit the Earth's magnetic field, on fire. Auroras of brilliant reds, greens and purple lit the skies as far south as the Carib-

bean. On March 6,1989, a coronal massejection was so severe that it sent Quebec,

Canada, into a massive blackout three days later. Higher than normal voltages were in-

Courtesy NASAiSDO

duced by the plasmainto high-tension power lines, tripping circuit breakers anddestroy-

A coronal mass ejection as viewed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory on June 7, 2011.

ing a few large custom-made transform-

ers. On March10, a very large, X15-class, solar flare occurred. Threeand a half days later, on March13, a severegeomagnetic

and I'll add you to my "Solar Storm Alert"

list. You canunsubscribe at anytime.)

storm struck Earth. The storm began with

extremely intense auroras at the poles. The satellites, the electrical grid, cause cellphone aurora could beseenas far south as Texas and Florida. andemergencycommunicationsoutages, (If you would like to beadvised of CMEs aeronautical and nautical navigation errors and auroras, email me atthe address below and the loss of GPS.

— Bill Loganis an expertsolar observer and volunteer amateur astronomer with the Vniversity of Oregon's Pine Mountain Observatory. He livesin Bend. Contact: blogan082t©gmail.com

if the CME is really massive, it can take out

every Sunday afternoon from 4:15 to 6 p.m, through the end of May; fee is $12 per boat for in-district residents and $16 for out-of-district residents; pre-registration is available beginning the Monday prior to each roll session and can be done online at register.bendparksandrec.org; contact www.bendparksandrec.org or call 541-389-7665.

SHOOTING BEND BOWMEN INDOORARCHERY LEAGUE:Traditional league W ednesday evenings,callLenny at 541-480-6743 for information; indoor 3-D league Thursday evenings at 7 p.m., call Bruce at 541-410-1380 or Del at 541-3897234 for information. COSSA KIDS:The Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association's NRA Youth Marksmanship Program is every third Saturday of the month from10 a.m. to noon at the COSSA Range; the range is east of Bend off U.S. Highway 20 at milepost24; contact Don Thomas, 541-389-8284. BEND TRAP CLUB:Trap shooting, five-stand and skeet shooting are all open Thursdays andSundays from10 a.m. to 2 p.m; located east of Bend off U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 30; contact Bill Grafton at 541-383-1428 or visit www. bendtrapclub.com. CENTRAL OREGONSPORTING CLAYSANDHUNTING PRESERVE: 13-station, 100-target course and 5-stand open Saturdayand Sunday from10 a.m. to dusk, and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday andFriday from

11 a.m. to dusk (closed Wednesday); located at 9020 South Highway 97, Redmond; www.birdandclay.com or 541-383-0001. REDMOND ROD &GUN CLUB: Three miles east of Redmond on the north side of state Highway126; archery, pistol, rifle, skeet, sporting clays, and trap; visit www.rrandgc. com for further information, open hours and contact numbers; club is open to all members of the community and offers many training programs. PINE MOUNTAINPOSSE: Cowboy action shooting club that shoots at the Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range on U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 24; second Sundayof each month; 541-318-8199 or www. pinemountainposse. com. HORSE RIDGEPISTOLEROS: Cowboy action shooting with pistols, rifles and shotguns at the Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range on U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 24; first and third Sunday of each month at10 a.m.; 541-408-7027 or www.hrp-sass. com.

Lodge from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.; event starts at noon; visit www. mtbachelor.com. GERRY LOPEZBIGWAVE CHALLENGE: The Mt. Bachelor Big Wave Challenge is about surfing a snowboard through a unique and special course built specifically for the event; each rider will be judged on creative choice of lines through the features, degree of difficulty of individual maneuvers and overall style and flow through the run; Saturday, May11; entry fee is $25; visit www.mtbachelor.com.

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THE RETURN OFKINKO DE MAYO: A rail jam at Mt. Bachelor open to all snowboarders; Pat Bridges, of Snowboarder Magazine, will be giving out the final Superpark17 Superpass invite at Kinko de Mayo; Saturday, May 4; helmets required; riders under18 need a parent/ guardian signature; registration at lower level of West Village

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presented by

SUNRIVEF Dustin GoukeriThe Bulletin

Bulletin reporter Mark Morical approaches a man-made feature on the Peterson Ridge trail system near Sisters last week.

Peterson Ridge Continued from D1 The trail starts out flat and easy, and the west trail becomes increasingly dynamic as it climbs the ridge. As we climbed higher, the trail became a bit more steep and noticeably more technical, with sectionsof lava rock. Most of the trails in the PetersonRidge area are not technically demanding or particularly strenuous. Dustin and I decided to try a section of trail called Eagle Rock, which was built to provide a more technical option for those who seek out that style of riding. The trail climbs a rocky mound

rode down the r ock-strewn t rail, walking our b i kes in some of the more challenging sections, back to the west trail. Peterson Ridge Trail West includes ridgeline riding with still mo r e m a j e stic v i e ws of Middle Sister and North Sister. We rode to the middle over-

look along the ridge, finding

some rocks on which to sit and take a m u ch-needed break while gazing at the dramatic views of the Cascade peaks. We couldhave continued another few miles to the far overlook at the south end of the trail network, but we were more than ready for some downhill riding. (Eagle Rock) and then deWe took the connector from scends the other side. the middle overlook and rode A short b u t c h a llenging to Peterson Ridge Trail East, climb took us to the top of a trail that was designed and Eagle Rock, from where the built in just the last few years. Three Sisters, sparkling white We followed it through open with snow, glowed against sagebrush country and back a bright blue spring sky. We down into the pondcrosa pine

forest. The east trail features a section of banked corners and up-and-down dips through an old canal, an incredibly fun section that displays the forethought and ingenuity of the volunteers who built the traiL After that section, the trail steepened and w e c r u ised back down along the smooth, rhythmic path to the trailhead in seemingly no time. Another perk of Peterson Ridge: We saw just one other mountain biker on the entire ride. Sure, it was midweek, but I would bet that the trails closer to Bend were much more crowded on that fine spring




day. Yet another perk of Peterson Ridge: Three Creeks Brewing Co. in Sisters. One chicken bacon tater later, I was ready to stomach an afternoon back in the office. —Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmoricaf@bendbulletin.com




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e oun wan ers co an aone TV SPOTLIGHT

w hole business was and I kept laughing during takes," By Jen Boyer he said. "I was eventually Los Angeles Times chucked off the set." GLENCOE, Scotland— The Still, McCann was inspired Hound is alive and well in the by the experience, and he North. At least for now. sought an agent in Glasgow. R ory M c C a nn , kn o w n But acting work was hard to to fans of HBO's "Game of come by for a then-untrained Thrones" as S a ndor "The actor, and he spent the next Hound" Clegane, strolls into several years working as a the parking lot of a popular forester, tree surgeon, bouncer climbers' haunt in the heart and even a painter on the iconof town. The large Scotsman ic Forth Rail Bridge. looks every bit t h e r u gged Finally, he got a call from outdoorsman coming in from Scott's Porage Oats, which a Highland winter, dressed M cClatchy-TnbuneNews Service was looking for an actor to in layers of wool, goose down Rory Mccann says he was portray the man on its packand tweed. Yet his demeanor destined to play the Hound in age in a series of television warms when he smiles, ex- "Game ofThrones" on HBO. commercials. A dead ringer, plaining the m o rning's ad- "My name Mccann actually McCann soon f o und l o cal venture in his native Scottish translates from 'canis,' or 'cafame as the strapping Porage brogue. nine.' l am a hound." Oats man, strutting around "My car won't start. I had to wintry scenes in a kilt — and park it back there on a hill so I sometimes less — kept toasty can get it going on the roll," he forced to be a bodyguard for by his porridge. said. "I may need a push." someone he doesn't like. I A few years later he landed Born and raised in Glasgow, can't say I relate, much," he h is first real break, a r o le McCann, 44, is home in the said and laughed. "Though it in t h e BA F T A -nominated northern Scottish Highlands, was meant to be. You know, Scottish comedy "The Book even mooring his sailboat in a my name McCann actually Group." The show was the region known as Wester Ross translates from 'canis,' or 'ca- brainchild of American film— almost the identical name of nine.' I am a hound." maker Annie Griffin, whom the fictional continent, WesteMcCann's path to bad-boy McCann once took climbing. ros, at the center of HBO's hit sworn shield is the stuff strug- While in the mountains with fantasyseries.Yet beyond his gling actors envy. Broke and Griffin he shared tales of his size, a nomadic lifestyle and hitchhiking through Llanberis outdoor adventures, including solitary tendencies, he doesn't Pass, Wales, in 1987, he came the dramatic story of his nearsee many parallels with his across the "Willow" movie set fatal accident in 1990. fearsome character, long a fan and an extra casting call for Climbing solo, he'd g otfavoriteof the popular genre two tall men to play drunks. ten stuck on an overhanging drama based on the writings At 6 feet,6 inches, McCann rock face in Yorkshire, holdof George R.R. Martin. got a spot. ing on until his strength gave "The Hound is a tortured " Unfortunately, I di d n ' t out. He dropped more than 70 soul, bullied as a child and understand how serious the feet, breaking both ankles, an

arm, a wrist and fracturing his skull. With the help of a friend who saw the fall, he lived to tell the tale. Months after their climb, Griffin sent him a script for the newly developed show, inviting him to play the part of Kenny McLeod, a former climber who became a paraplegic in a fall. " Reading t h e sc r i pt , I couldn't believe it. Those were my stories,my experiences, my fall, but with an alternate outcome," McCann said. "Of course I took the part." A self-describedman's man, he chooses to live a mostly lone, transient l i festyle, a choice that allows him to fully enjoy the stunning hills, glens and lochs of the region. He says one acting job can sustain him for a year or more as he moves between his sailboat and trailer, hiking, climbing and camping wherever the mood takes him. "This place feeds my soul," he said, leaning forward to look up at Buachaille Etive M or, covered ina fresh coat of January snow. "I'm blessed." As for "Game of Thrones," most of what happens in Season 3 remains shrouded in mystery. While his character is in one of many story threads slowly unspooling this season, McCann hints the H ound's

role is just getting going and will later include an actionpacked fight scene that required daily practice for near-

Mans ou comeoutat ewa Dear Abby: My oldest son came out to me as a gay man in a private conversation. I have no problem with him being gay; however, I DO have a problem with the fact that he has asked me not to tell anyone. He isn't ready to come out to anyone else. I tried to advise him DEAR that until he is true to ABBY himself, he won't be

happy. My son says if he comes out to anyone else, it would "hurt so many

people." I will keep his secret, but there is a young woman he is living with and planning to marry, and I do not believe this is fair to her or her child.

He isnothappy being a gay man, and that's why he's choosing to live a lie. He was raised in church and feels like he is betraying God by be-

ing gay. My son is so confused. How do I help him and keep his secret at the same time? — Anonymous

Dear Anonymous:Your son may not be "happy"being agay man,but that is who he is. For him to keep a secret like this from his fiancee, who plans to share the rest of her life with him, will be MORE hurtful to her if

he goes through with the wedding than telling her now. Help him by encouraging him to seek counseling through an LGBT community center. He has already crackedopen hisclosetdoor by disclosing his sexual orientation to you. This tells me that on some level he wants to open it all the way. He is fortunate that he has a parent who is as accepting and wise about life as you. Continue talking to him and encourage him to talk more with you. It may help him to become more comfortable opening up and to accept reality. Dear Abby:I live in a small town where traffic isn't much of a problem. Recently, though, a young man was killed in a car wreck. He ran into a semi because he was texting while driving. His final text was to a friend who had asked if they could get together for a night of fun. As a rule, we look down on people who drink and drive, as this is unacceptable in today's world. But we do nothing to drivers who text and drive. Please advise your readers that no message is worth dying over. Last night there was ANOTHER

traffic accident caused by the same thing! — Robert in Kilgore, Texas Dear Robert: Sadly, that "night of fun" will have to be postponed indefinitely. Sometimes it takes a

tragedy (or two) to wake people up becausethey're operating under the delusion that they are the exception to the rules of the road or are invincible. Dear Abby: My mother is in her mid-90s and in good health. She has no intention of dying soon, but asked me an interesting question. She has mileage points with a major airline and was wondering if she can use them for the "final trip" back to her home state for burial when the time comes. Do you know the answer? — One-way Ticket Dear One-way: Your question is not only an interesting one, but it's a first. Icontacted a spokesperson for a major airline who responded that his company does not accept mileage points as a form of payment for any type of "shipment." For her last flight, your mother would no longer be considered a passenger; she would be cargo, which is why her points idea won't fly. — Write to DearAbbyat dearabbycom orP0. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069

ly three weeks. "You'll be seeing a lot more of the Hound, big time," he said of the series, which airs the season's fifth episode Sunday. "They've developed him a lot slower and made him a bit softer on the show than in the books, but I quite like how it's all unfolding. There's a good story now, and it definitely gets more exciting with big fights and a lot more horse riding. These are the Hound's

biggest scenes yet, and you'll definitely get to know him a bit more." In a hint about a climactic flaming sword fight with Beric Dondarrion, he added: "Let's just say I end up slightly singed. Not great. A big, an-

gry, singed dog." McCann began reading Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series around the time o f his audition, taking t h e first book i nt o t h e w o o ds where "you're meant to read it, around a fire, at night, in the drizzle," he said. "It's a wonderful, magical, epic series, and I'm totally honored to be a part of it." He's read as far as book four, "A Feast for Crows," and suggests there will be more surprises for fans. "I see the show p eeling away from the books "he said "I don't think you really know who will go now or what will happen. There are whole new extra scenes that don't exist in the books."

MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • There may beanadditional fee for3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to change after press time. I



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 42(PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 • THE BIGWEDDING(R) 1:40, 4:25, 7:35, 10:10 • THE CROODS (PG) 12:20, 3:20, 6:20, 9:20 • THE CROODS 3-D (PG)1:15, 3:50 • EVIL DEAD (R) 1:55, 4:50, 7:50, 10:25 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION(PG- l3) 12:15, 6:15 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION3-D (PG-13) 3:05, 9:05 • GIRL RISING(PG-13) 1:30, 7:15 • HOME RUN (PG-13) 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:15 • THE HOST (PG-13) I:20, 4:15, 7:20, 10:10 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) 4:35, 9:45 • JURASSICPARK3-D(PG-13) Noon, 3, 6, 9 • OBLIVION (PG-13)12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 7:10,9:35, 10:05 • OBLIVION IMAX (PG- l3) 1, 4, 7, 10 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 1:10, 4:10, 7:25, 10:15 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)3:l5,9:15 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3-D(PG)12:05,6:05 • PAIN 5 GAIN(R)I2:50,3:55,6:55,9:50 • SCARY MOVIE (PG-13) 5 2, 4:55, 7:55, 10:20 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. I



Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E U.S.Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • THE COMPANY YOUKEEP(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:30 • EMPEROR (PG-13) 12: I5, 6:15 • GINGER ANDROSA(PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15 • MUD(PG-I3) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15 • THE PLACE BEYOND THEPINES (R) Noon, 3, 6 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 1, 4, 6:45 • TRANCE (R) 3:15

TV TODAY 8 p.m. on (CW), "Arrow" —Oliver (Stephen Amell) has trouble making amends with Tommy and Diggle (Colin Donnell, David Ramsey), so hedecidestofocus his attention elsewhere. Malcolm (John Barrowman) reveals details about his wife's murder to Robert Queen and FrankChen (Jamey Sheridan, Chin Han) in the new episode "The Undertaking." 8 p.m. on HBO, Movie: "Manhunt" — This new documentary from Greg Barker chronicles the U.S. intelligence community's effort to take down Osamabin Laden and his terrorist network — an effort that began years before the 9/11 attacks. Journalist Peter Bergen, on whose book the film is based, recalls his chilling television interview with bin Laden in which he revealed his intention to attack the United States. 8:30 p.m. on H Cl, "Family Tools" —A heart attack forces a handyman(J.K.Simmons, "The Closer") to turn the family fix-it business over to the family foul-up, his son Jack (Kyle Bornheimer). Comedy ensues. Leah Remini, Edi Gathegi and Johnny Pemberton also star in this new sitcom based on a British series. 9 p.m. on, "NOVA" —Hosted by Richard Smith, the final installment of "Australia's First 4 Billion Years" focuses on how Australia's many unusual creatures tell a tale of isolation, change and resilience. Australia's long history has seen mountains rise and fall, seas come and go, and whole kingdoms of life triumph and disappear. "Strange Creatures" races down the last 65 million years to the present day. 10 p.m. on DISC, "The BigBrain Theory: PureGenius" — Kal Penn ("House") hosts thls new competition series that pits highly intelligent people against one another in a series of high-tech challenges. In this episode, the contestants have half an hour to preventtwo trucks full of explosives from colliding. 10 p.m. on FX, "The Americans" —The debut season of the Cold War spy drama concludes with another pulse-pounding episode. Philip and Elizabeth (Matthew Rhys, Keri Russell) discover unexpected truths about their relationship when they are ordered to go through with a meeting that could be a setup, while Stan's (Noah Emmerich) investigation gets him and the FBI even closer to learning their true identities in "The Colonel." ©Zap2it

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McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFOR WEDNESDAY, MAY1, 2013:This year your birthday gives you unusual power and strength. Should you decide to accomplish something, it is as good as done. You demonstrate your innate leadership Stars showthe kind characteristics. of dayyou'll have Yo u also attract ** * * * D ynamic many admirers. ** * * P ositive If you are single, ** * A verage one of these ** So-so people easily could * Difficult become more than just a casual acquaintance. If you are attached, do not forget the importance of your significant other; otherwise, he or she could feel left out. AQUARIUS throws you into the limelight.

agree. Tonight: Laugh and relax.

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

and ready to handle nearly anything. You do have a lot on your plate. Tonight: Schedule some downtime with a friend.

CANCER (June21-July22) ** * * Y our playfulness emerges. A loved one who has been uptight as of late might adopt a new, more upbeat attitude as a result of your lightness. Recognize that this attitude probably is only a temporary change. Enjoy it! Tonight: Meet friends. Go until you can't go any longer.

LEO (Joly23-Aug. 22)

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21) ** * * * Y our smiling manner attracts a different response than anticipated. As a result, others seem to open up more. Know that a lot is going on around you. Try not to slip into negativity, as you will see the difference in how others respond. Tonight: Say "yes" to a suggestion.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) ** * L isten to news with an open mind and aneye to being more responsive.You are more than willing to rethink a decision with those involved. A power play is a different story, and you might not want to get involved. State those limits. Tonight: Hang out with friends.

** * * O t hers seekyou out, so much CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) so that you might need to screen your ** * * S uddenly, your mind will turn calls. You have to take care of your muston like a light bulb. You'll see many other ARIES (March 21-April19) do errands first. Plans could change. options open up as a result. You might be ** * * F ocus your energy less on taking somewhat tense about heading toward a thelead and more ongaining aconsensus A discussion with a respected friend needsto happensoon.Tonight:So many dynamicchange.Recognizewhatcould regarding a key matter. You could see a possibilities — decide whatyou want to happen if you do not take a risk. Tonight: situation far differently after having talked do! Check in with a child and/or a loved one. to various people. Whatyou thought you VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) were sure of might no longer be the case. AauARluS (Jan.2O-Feb.18) ** * Listen to suggestions, but do not ** * * You are in your element today. Tonight: Takea m idweekbreak. allow them or your social life to stop you You know it, and you feel it. Confusion TAURUS (April 20-May20) from completing what must be done. A surrounds a personal issue. Give yourself ** * * Tension could escalate if you call will be coming in during the next few time to think through the possibilities. Try continue on a non-negotiable path. Toss days,whichcould open thedoorto new to revise a situation and eliminate some of stubbornness to the wind, and you'll find possibilities. Tonight: Relax by getting your innate judgments. Tonight: Make the that your stress level will drop almost involved in afavorite pastime. most of the moment. immediately. You might want to justify your stance on an issue, but is it really worth it? Tonight: Do your own thing.

GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * You might want to take some time away from an issue and look at it later. Try to detach. Plan a mini-vacation if possible. You will come back revitalized

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

PISCES (Fed. 19-March20)

** * * Y ou could become involved in a situation that you normally would prefer to walk away from. Others find your logic to be quite wise. A close loved one might give you an earful. Just listen to what this person has to say; you do not need to

** * You might not want to share so much with others. You could feel misunderstood, and you likely will be right. Take some much-needed time for yourself, and try to sort outyour feelings. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate

• THEINCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (PG-l3)6 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 9 • After 7 p.m., shows are2f and older only. Younger than 21 mayattend screenings before7 p.m. ifaccompanied bya legal guardian.

Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • The "SpaghettiWestern"will screen at630 tonight (doors open at 6 p.m) andincludes anall-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. I












Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I-548-8777 • 42(PG-13) 3:30, 6:15 • THE CROODS (PG) 3:45, 6:15 • OBLIVION (PG-13)4:10, 6:45 • SCARYMOVIE 5(PG-13) 5:30, 7:30

iPPure Crradk Co.

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Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800

John Day

• 42(PG-13) 6 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) 6:15 • OBLIVION (PG-13) 6 • TRANCE (R) 6:30 Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • 42(PG-13) 4:10, 6:50 • THE CROODS (PG) 5:15 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) 7:25 • OBLIVION(PG-13) 4: l5, 7 • PAIN & GAIN (R) 4, 6:40 • SCARY MOVIE (PG-13) 5 5:20, 7:15

Burns Lakeview

See us for retractable

awnings, exterior solar screens, shade structures. Sun ehen you eantit, shade ehen you needit.

Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., 541-416-1014

A Ii I V V C I

• OBLIVION(UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 6:30 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 6: I5 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.







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Shipping Dept. Loader

Full-time position, Insurance Billing/ Collections in Madras dental office. Dental experience preferred, but will train for long-term c ommitment. A t tractive ben e f it package offered. Job ref e rences/ letters req u ired with resume. Fax to 541-475-6159



Bright Wood Corporation in Madras Oregon is seeking an experienced forklift driver/loader to help in our growing demand. A valid driver license is required. Good a t t endance and a safe driving record are a must. Starting wage DOE. Please apply in the Personnel D e partment at the address below. Benefits include medical/dental/life insurance. Vis ion a n d Afl a c a vailable t o pu r chase. EOE/On site pre-employment drug screening required. Bright WoodCorp., 335 NW Hess St., Madras, OR 97741.

Housework needed, also Found Pre s criptionsome light yard work. 541-408-2191. glasses in La Pine on $9.90/hr. 541-389-0034. 541-647-8931 541-419-9822 DO YOU HAVE BUYING & SE L LING Federal Rd, on 4/24, Want to Buy or Rent laying on For Sale Just bought a new boat? SOMETHING TO 500 rounds of 7.62x39 All gold jewelry, silver The Bulletin Sell your old one in the SELL ammo, $250. and gold coins, bars, sign. 541-643-5105 Wanted: $cash paid for recommends extra classifieds! Ask about our 541-480-9912 FOR $500 OR rounds, wedding sets, FOUND ring downtown vintage costume jewI o a.to. n e p. Super Seller rates! LESS? class rings, sterling silBend parking lot 4/9. elry. Top dollar paid for chasing products or • BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS ver, coin collect, vin541-385-5809 Non-commercial Gold/Silver.l buy by the Please email to identify services from out of I Search the area's most advertisers may tage watches, dental foundrin inbendor2013 Get your Estate, Honest Artist 476 I the area. Sending I comprehensive listing of gold. Bill Fl e ming, place an ad with Elizabeth,541-633-7006 O hotmail.com business ' cash, c hecks, o r ' Employment 541-382-9419. our classified advertising... with subject line, RING. f credit i n f ormation real estate to automotive, WANTED: Tobacco "QUICK CASH Opportunities may be subjected to pipes - Briars and SPECIAL" merchandise to sporting Electric scooter 250W Lost Boston Terrier, 6 yr a ROW I N G smoking accessories. f FRAUD. For more goods. Bulletin Classifieds 24V w/ 110v charger, male, "Sammy." Had red DETAILER 1 week 3 lines 12 Fair prices paid. information about an g appear every day in the $100. 541-389-1922 collar, 4/18 on Canal Rd Full-time 2 e eke 2 0 t o ~ I advertiser, you may I off SE 55th Place, in Call 541-390-7029 with an ad in Ad must include Detailerneeded print or on line. Wanted- paying cash Redmond. 541-815-0285 Interior between 10 am-3 pm. I call t h e Ore g onI for Bend location. Comprice of single item The Bulletin's Call 541-385-5809 for Hi-fi audio 8 stu' State Attor ney ' pay and benefits. of $500 or less, or "Call A Service equip. Mclntosh, Lost three banded gold petitive / General's O ff i ce www.bendbulletin.com dio Apply in person at 63500 multiple items w edding r in g w i t h J BL, Marantz, D y I I t e ms for Free Consumer P r otec- • N. Hwy 97, Bend, OR. Professional" whosetotal does The Bulletin naco, Heathkit, San- diamonds and rubies. t ion ho t l in e at I ServingCentral Oregon trnte f903 not exceed $500. S entimental va l u e. Directory sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Stone Lodge R e tire541-475-7799 i 1-877-877-9392. Reward. DO YOU NEED Bend local pays CASH!! Call 541-261-1808 ment home is looking Call Classifieds at 541-678-0709 A GREAT for a donation of a for all firearms & Remember.... I The Buj.letin > ammo. 541-385-5809 Serrrng Central Oregon trnte 1903 261 541-526-0617 EMPLOYEE bird bath and feeders www.bendbulletin.com Lost white gold wedA dd your we b a d Medical Equipment ding band in alley on RIGHT NOW? for their garden area. dress to your ad and Bushmaster AR-15 rifle, The Bulletin If interested please SW Metolius in RedCall The Bulletin readers on The I Recommends extra ~ mags, ammo 8 scope, P ower chair with a t m ond. Rewar d . before 11 a.m. and call 541 - 383-2059; Labradoodles - Mini & Bulletin' s web site caution when purNIB $1300. 541-647-8931 med size, several colors t achments, $325 . 541-318-6337 ask for Bill. get an ad in to pubwill be able to click chasing products or I 541-504-2662 541-388-3789 CASH!! lish the next day! through automatically services from out of ~ www.alpen-ridge.com BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS For Guns, Ammo & 541-385-5809. to your site. wanted: furnif the area. Sending 263 Pets & Supplies Reloading Supplies. Search the area's most Miniature Pinscher AKC Antiques VIEW the ture, marbles, beer c ash, checks, o r 541-408-6900. comprehensive listing of puppies, red males only. Tools Classifieds at: cans, early B/W pho/ credit i n f ormation Champion b l oodlines, tography, classified advertising... www.bendbulletin.com Call a Pro old hardware/ C Z 0/ U 1 2 G a u ge The Bulletin recom- vaccinated 8 w ormed. ~ may be subjected to ~ real estate to automotive, fixtures. 541-389-1578 FRAUD. mends extra caution $400. Call 541-480-0896 Shotgun Re d h ead Whether you need a merchandise to sporting Deluxe. $550. HOUSEKEEPERFor more informawhen purc h asThe Bulletin reserves goods. Bulletin Classifieds fence fixed, hedges HEAD POSITION tion about an adver- ~ ing products or ser- POODLE AKC Toys. the right to publish all 541-81 5-9291 appear every day in the Full-time. trimmed or a house / tiser, you may call Must be able vices from out of the Loving, cuddly com- ads from The Bulletin print or on line. panions. 541-475-3889 to work weekends and the Oregon State area. Sending cash, built, you'll find newspaper onto The DOHIT MISSTHIS Call 541-385-5809 holidays. Experience professional help in I Attorney General's checks, or credit inQueensland Heelers Bulletin Internet webTroy-bilt 24" s n ow www.bendbulletin.com required. Prefer bilinOffice Co n s umerf f ormation may b e Standard & Mini, $150 site. blower, u s e d 3 gual. Please apply in The Bulletin's "Call a Protection hotline at I subjected to fraud. & up. 541-280-1537 DO YOU HAVE times. $300. Dave The Bulletin For more i nforma- www.rightwayranch.wor The Bulletin person at the Best Service Professional' I 1-877-877-9392. SOMETHING TO @ 541-948-2216. gen ng Cent al 0 egonente 1993 Western Ponderosa tion about an adverdpress.com SELL Directory R EMEMBER: If you tiser, you may call Shih Tzu mix, very tiny, Lodge, 500 Hwy 20 gT}ie BitlletttT 245 FOR $500 OR have lost an animal, 541-385-5809 265 W, Sisters, OR 97759 the O r egon State gorgeous. $300 each. LESS? don't forget to check Golf Equipment Attorney General's Non-commercial Building Materials 541-977-0035 The Humane Society Office C o n sumer advertisers may in Bend 541-382-3537 Housekeeping Protection hotline at Siberian Husky pups 8, Electric Back Caddy, place an ad La Pine Habitat Part-time p o s ition, u sed t w ice, $ 3 7 5 Redmond, Husky-Wolf-Mal. p u ps A CUSTOMER SERVICE A 1-877-877-9392. with our RESTORE some hotel resort OBO 541-389-9804 541-923-0882 $400 ea. 541-977-7019 "QUICK CASH Building Supply Resale cleaning exp. preREPRESENTATIVE Prineville, The Bulletin Siberian puppiesAKC Titleist carry bag, $70. Quality at ferred. Must be able SPECIAL" Immediate o p ening i n the Cir c ulation Ser lng Central Oregon enre 1903 541-447-7178; Taylor RBZ irons, 4-P, Ready now! $1000 1 week3lines 12 LOW PRICES to work weekends. department for a full time entry level Customer OR Craft Cats, $375. Taylor R11 3 wood, 541-306-0180 OI' 52684 Hwy 97 Call 5 4 1 -923-3564 Service Representative. Looking for someone 541-389-8420. Adopt a nice cat from $120. Taylor R11S driver, 541-536-3234 ask for Dennis or 2 e ek e 2 a t ~ to assist our subscribers and delivery carriers Tumalo sanctuary, $275. Ping i15 irons, 3-W Ad must Open to the public . Tammy. with s u bscription t r ansactions, a c count P etSmart, o r Pe t c o ! plus 52', 56' & 60', $425. include price of questions and delivery concerns. Essential: Fixed, shots, ID chip, Cleveland 588 wedges, 267 Positive a t t itude, s t r on g se r v ice/team tested, more! Sanctuary 50', 54' & 5 8 ' , $ 225. a~le te o l $900 t Kkl M R or less, or multiple Housekeeping Fuel 8 Wood orientation, and problem solving skills. Must open Sat/Sun 1-5, other Part-time p o s ition, have a ccurate t y ping, c o mputer e n try items whosetotal days by a ppt. 65480 does notexceed some hotel resort experience and phone skills. Most work is 78th, Bend. Photos, map SPRING PUPPIES. WHEN BUYING cleaning exp. pre$500. done via telephone so strong professional at www . craftcats.org Frenchtons. Put deferred. Must be able 541-389-8420, or like us FIREWOOD... communication skills and the ability to multi posit down for MothCall Classifieds at to work weekends. on Facebook. task in a fast paced environment is a must. ers Day. $700 to To avoid fraud, 541-385-5809 Call 5 4 1 -923-3564 Work shift hours are Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 $800. 541-548-0747 160 rnds of factory .308 The Bulletin Adult barn/shop cats, IoIMore ask for Dennis or 325 a.m. to5:00 p.m.,and Saturday 6:00 a.m. to Pix at Bendbulletin.o ammo, Nl B, $ 180. www.bendbulletin.com f ixed, s h ots, so m e recommends payTammy. noon with an occasional Sunday shift and friendly, others not so 541-647-8931 ment for Firewood Hay, Grain & Feed 210 holidays required. Never fired, new KAHR only upon delivery much. No fee 8 free deSend resume to: PO Box 6020, Bend OR, Furniture 8 Appliances 200 rnds of .223 faclivery. 541-389 8420 compact carry 9mm, 1st quality grass hay, and inspection. Laborer t ory b r ass a m m o, $500 541-771-7021 97708, attn: Circulation Customer Service Mgr. 70-lb. bales, barn stored, • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Cat (Gray Tabby)- Free $190. 541-647-8931 or e-mail to ahusted Obendbulletin.com BRIGHT WOOD x 4' x 8' $250/ton. Also big bales! to good home, 6 yrs. A1 Washers&Dryers 200 rnds of .380 fac- R emington 30-0 6 , • 4' EOE/Drug free workplace CORPORATION Patterson Ranch, Receipts should $150 ea. Full warold, friendly and cute. Sisters, 541-549-3831 Hiring for entry level t ory a m mo , NlB , model 742 semi-auto include name, Call 541-306-9055. ranty. Free Del. Also $500 541-771-7021 positions in all pro$100. 541-647-8931 phone, price and wanted, used W/D's ductions plants at kind of wood Looking for your Remington Wingmaster The Bulletin's 541-280-7355 200 rnds of factory .556 our corporate headModel 8 7 0L W 20 purchased. next employee'? "Call A Service brass ammo, $190. quarters location in • Firewood ads gauge shotgun, $250. Place a Bulletin 541-647-8931 Dining chairs: 4 exc. oak Professional" Directory Madras. Looking for Advertising AccountExecutive Call Eric MUST include help wanted ad dark plum p a dded, individuals with good is all about meeting 2 Rugers 10/20 wood species & cost per 541-639-7740 f or today and $195. 503-577-1367 a ttendance and a stock $275ea; W i nThe Bulletin is looking for a professional and yourneeds. cord to better serve pictures/details. reach over strong work e thic. GENERATE SOME ex- chester 22 model 72A our customers. driven Sales and Marketing person to help our 60,000 readers Please apply in perCall on one of the Wanted: Collector citement i n your $ 250; 50 c a l . S / W customers grow their businesses with an each week. seeks high quality son at 335 NW Hess neighborhood! Plan a H andiRifle $300 ; professionals today! expanding list of broad-reach and targeted The Bulletin Your classified ad fishing items. St. M a d ra s Or. Pre-1964 Winchester gerrrng Central Oregon 3nte 3903 garage sale and don't products. This full time position requires a will also Starting wage Chihuahua puppies, (2) forget to advertise in model 97 30/30 $475; Call 541-678-5753, or background in consultative sales, territory 503-351-2746 appear on $10.00 per hr. BenRaven .25 cal. pistol. r eally c u te ! $ 2 5 0. classified! All Year Dependable management and aggressive prospecting skills. bendbulletin.com e fit p a ckage i n 541-771-2606 541-385-5809. Call 541-740-8121. WILL BUY YOUR FLY Firewood: Seasoned Two years of m edia sales experience is cludes medical, which currently FISHING GEAR AND Lodgepole, Split, Del. preferable, but we will train the right candidate. dental and life insurreceives over Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 EQUIPMENT! a nce. Vision a n d 1.5 million page Fly Fishing tackle & for $335. Cash, Check A flac available t o The p o sition in c ludes a comp e titive views every Access. C as h or or Credit Card OK. purchase. EOE/On compensation package including benefits, and 541-420-3484. month at no C redit toward N e w site pre - employ- rewards an aggressive, customer focused extra cost. Product. A c c epting ment drug screensalesperson with unlimited earning potential. 269 items through M ay Bulletin ing required. 10th. Gardening Supplies Classifieds Bright Wood Corp., Email your resume, cover letter Trouf Bum FlySwap Get Results! 8 Equipment 335 NW Hess Sf., and salary history to: May 11th & 12th Call 541-385-5809 Madras, OR 97741. Jay Brandt, Advertising Director 288 35 SW Century, Bend or place your ad 541-475-7799 jbrandt@bendbulletin.com 541-318-1616 BarkTurfsoil.com on-line at Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend or bendbulletin.com Livestock Truck Driver drop off your resume in person at Follow b a l loons to Clearance! Garden tiller, GARAGE/ESTATE SALE PROMPT D E LIVERY Must have CDL,2yrs exp, 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; Hot Tubs & Spas • 61441 Cultus Lake Ct.. mtn bike, e xercise ** Sat. Only ** Bam-3pm 541-389-9663 341 progressive co., 401k, Or mail to PO Box 6020, Bend,OR 97708; (The Parks at Broken bike, tool belt, shop Lots of tools, kids' items, Horses & Equipment $50,000/yr, insurance No phone inquiries please. Top) F r i .-Sat., 9-4. vac, backpack, cartop knickknacks, women's Beautiful almost new NW only 541-475-6681 glass top dining set, rack, trailer hitch, lots items, something for ev- large 6-person spa, For newspaper Free R eg . Qu a rter tools, more! of yarn, ol d d o lls, eryone! 61326 Wood- paid $6000. $2500 you EOE / Drug Free Workplace delivery, call the Horse, older but good Manager kitchen/dining equip., bury Lane, (off Broster- haul. 541-548-5667 Circulation Dept. at trail horse, to good hous Rd & Foxborough) 266 baby trees, plant pots, Now hiring Quality 541-385-5800 home. 541-923-1766. unique bird houses, Moving Sale, Multi-famAssurance Manager Sales Northeast Bend To place an ad, call Computers elect. heater, room for m a n ufacturing 541-385-5809 Web Developer ily: Furniture, antiques, Need to get an fan, wine racks, hike company in Sisters, 4-FAMILY SALE! Color email sleds, snowshoes, Avon T HE B U LLETIN r e - claggifiedObendbulletin stix, kayak p addle. com ad in ASAP? Oregon. Experience lectables Trivia, PostAre you a technical star who can also commuSat. May 4, 9-4. NO lates, 16' ski boat 8 10' quires computer adr equired. Str o n g nicate effectively with non-technical execucards, Good Kid You can place it SALES BEFORE 9! ishing boat with motors, vertisers with multiple The Bulletin communication skills clothes games and tives and employees? Would you like to work gerrrng Central Oregontrnte 2903 household items, linens, online at: toys Furniture, Dishes End of F indlay Ln. May 3-4, Fri-Sat, 9-4, ad schedules or those needed (oral and hard, play hard in beautiful Bend, OR, the rec(64568) off 64410 Deselling multiple syswww.bendbulletin.com written) a b l e to and other misc items. schutes Market Rd. reation capital of the state? Then we'd like to 61562 East Lake Dr. Husqvarna s e lf-prop. tems/ software, to disFriday, May 3 and manage a team of talk to you. n cut, like new, used 21 close the name of the Saturday May 4, 3-4 employees and 290 541-385-5809 4 hours, $340 firm. business or the term 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. maintain a constant Our busy media company that publishes nuSales Redmond Area ** FREE ** "dealer" in their ads. 541-548-8500 2021 NE Bluebird Ct. MINIATURE DONKEYS state of control as merous web and mobile sites seeks an experiPrivate party advertisOff Shepard Rd Garage Sale Kit registered, bred f or outlined in 21 CFR enced developer who is also a forward thinker, F ri.-Sat. 9 - 3 . Gu n s , ers are defined as Prompt Delivery Follow the signs. Place an ad in The confirmation and 111 & U S P 1 0 75, creative problem solver, excellent communiboating t o ys , RC Rock, Sand 8 Gravel those who sell one Multiple Colors, Sizes Bulletin for your ga795. Please send cator, and self-motivated professional. We are show. 541-548-5216 planes, Honda Trail computer. resume to redesigning all of our websites within the next Instant Landscaping Co. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! rage sale and re90s, etc. 4980 SW 345 ceive a Garage Sale wendy@metabolic couple of years and want you in on the ground 541-389-9663 McVey Ave. See our 257 Kit FREE! Livestock & Equipment maintenance.com floor. Door-to-door selling with ad under craigslist Musical Instruments Riding Mower Troy-Bilt for further informafast results! It's the easiest KIT INCLUDES: 1733'2 h p, 42 " Munchkins Market Place! c u t , Feeder Calves 400-900 tion regarding this Fluencywith PHP, HTML5, CSS3, IQuery and way in the world to sell. • 4 Garage Sale Signs auto., good cond. Sat., May 4, 12 noonlbs., vaccinated, del. full-time position with JavaScript is a must. Experience integrating • $2.00 Off Coupon To 3pm. Redmond's l ar ges t $600. 541-604-6599 avail. 541-480-1719. benefits' p a ckage, third-party solutions and social media applicaUse Toward Your The Bulletin Classified 1-day sale of gently used after 90-day review tions required. Desired experience includes: Next Ad Ready to work! SUPER TOP SOIL 541-385-5809 baby 8 children's items! XML/JSON, MySQL, Joomla, Java, respon• 10 Tips For "Garage WNtW.herghe Soilandbark.Com Registered y e arling period. Multiple local families sive web design, Rails, WordPress. Top-notch Sale Success!" Screened, soil & com- Angus bulls, gentle, participating. Some sellAnnual Multi household skills with user interface and graphic design an post mi x ed , no good Rare Chickering Player disp osition. ers will be accepting BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS added plus. Sale, Burnside Ave. & rocks/clods. High huPiano. Solid oak conPopular, proven bloodcredit cards. Free admisSearch the area's most 1 3th St., Fri. 8 S a t . PICK UP YOUR lines, $1400 each, de- comprehensive listing of Background in the media industry desired but sion! 1720 NW 19th St., struction. Exc. cond., mus level, exc. for 9-4pm. Scrapbooking, GARAGE SALE KIT at corner of 19th 8 Maple. 70+ piano rolls plus flower beds, lawns, livery available. classified advertising... crafts, por t -a-crib, 1777 SW Chandler not required. This is a full-time position with straight 541-480-8096, Madras real accessories. Asking gardens, estate to automotive, benefits. If you've got what it takes, e-mail a office chairs, lamps, Ave., Bend, OR 97702 s creened to p s o i l . $2800 OBO. Call Tom Replacement-quality merchandise to sporting quilt fabric 8 kids stuff. cover letter, resume, and portfolio/work sample Bark. Clean fill. Deat 541-410-2662 • Sales Other Areas • The Bulletin purebred y e arling goods. Bulletin Classifieds links a n d/or re p ository ( GIIHub) t o liver/you haul. Angus heifers, Final Cascade Chorale appear every day in the resumeOwescompapers.com. 541-548-3949. GARAGE/FARM SALE Fundraising Yard Sale Answer and Danny print or on line. Fri-Sat, 8-4, Misc. Items • Boy bloodlines. Good Just bought a new boat? Fri./Sat. 8:30-4. Tools! This posting is also on the web at www.bendCall 541-385-5809 TURN THE PAGE fishing, farm, s nowdisposition. Raised in www.bendbulletin.com 2116 NE Monterey Ave. Sell your old one in the bulletin.com long-established herd. Chairs, lamps, household, classifieds! Ask about our mobile, & horse tack 3 Custom Budget Blinds For More Ads sports, outdoors, clothes, Super Seller rates! 8 supplies! 677 SW $100 certificates. sell $1000 ea. Del. avail. EOE/Drug Free Workplace The Bulletin The Bulletin jewelry, kitchen 8 a sink! Parrish, Powell Butte. $60 ea. 541-388-0865 541-480-8096 Madras aerrng Central Oregon rrnref993 541-385-5809

Washer/Dryer, stacking 400 rds of 9mm factory Kenmore, $150. a mmo, Nl B, $ 2 0 0



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The Bulletin




541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com



Motorcycles & Accessories


T r a vel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Aircraft, Parts & Service HD Screaming Eagle Ads published in "WaNuWa 297LK H i tchElectra Glide 2005, tercraft" include: KayHiker 2007, 3 slides, Executive Hangar 103" motor, two tone 32' touring coach, left at Bend Airport (KBDN) aks, rafts and motorcandy teal, new tires, Ized personal kitchen, rear lounge, 60' wide x 50' deep, many extras, beautiful w/55' wide x 17' high bi23K miles, CD player, watercrafts. For " boats" please s e e c ond. inside & o u t , fold dr. Natural gas heat, hydraulic clutch, excellent condition. Class 870. Prowler 2009 Extreme $32,900 OBO, Prinev- offc, bathroom. Adjacent 541-447-5502 days to Frontage Rd; great Highest offer takes it. 541-385-5809 E dition. Model 2 7 0 ille. 541-480-8080. RL, 2 slides, oppos- 8 541-447-1641 eves. visibility for aviation business. Financing availing in living area, ent. able. 541-948-2126 or center, sep. bedroom, email 1jetjock@q.com Wilderness 16.5' Kayak, 2 ne w e x tra t i res, yellow, compass, spray hitch, bars, sway bar Piper A rcher 1 9 80, cover, day pack, paddle included. P r o-Pack, based in Madras, al& paddle float, PDF, anti-theft. Good cond, ways hangared since rack, lots of s torage, c lean. Re g . 'til Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th RoadKing Classic new. New annual, auto used very little. $800 obo. 4/20/15. 819, 9 00. wheel, 1 s lide, AC, 2000 22K mi, 1550 541-389-7749, after 6pm. 541-390-1122 TV,full awning, excel- pilot, IFR, one piece stage II EFI, SEI2 lent shape, $23,900. windshield. Fastest Arskslra@msn.com cam, new heads/Ig 880 cher around. 1750 to541-350-8629 valves, Revtech tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. Motorhomes digital fuel optimizer, RV 541-475-6947, ask for Samson true dual RV CONSIGNMENTS Rob Berg. CONSIGNMENTS headers, Hooker WANTED I~~ mufflers, HD tourWANTED We Do The Work ... Check out the ing seat/handlebars, We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! classifieds online backrests, lots of You Keep The Cash! On-site credit www.bendbuiietin.com extras, excellent On-site credit approval team, condition. $9700 Updated daily approval team, web site presence. 2003 Fleetwood DisCall for more info web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! covery 40' diesel mo541-788-3004 We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. torhome w/all Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Trucks & options-3 slide outs, BIG COUNTRY RV 865 Bend: 541-330-2495 Heavy Equipment satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: ATVs etc. 3 2 ,000 m i l es. Redmond: 541-548-5254 Wintered in h e ated 541-548-5254 shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 541-447-8664 •

1''tI 'xA

AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 pm Fri •

Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mona Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Tuess a

The Bulletin

Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon Wed. Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 pm Fri. • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Sunday. • • • •


PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines

Place a photoin your private party ad for only $15.00 per week.

"UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER s500in total merchandise

7 days .................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days..................................

(caii for commercial line ad rates)

A Payment Drop Box is available at Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( *) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at any time.

CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

*Must state prices in ad


The Bulletin

Yamaha Banshee 2001, custom built 350 motor, race-ready, lots of extras, $4999/obo 541-647-8931 870


is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702



Boats & Accessories

32' Fleetwood Fiesta 2003, no slide-out, Triton engine, all amenities, 1 owner, perfect, only 17K miles, $21,000. 541-504-3253

0 D

Springdale 2005 27', 4 slide in dining/living area sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811

Four Winds Class A 32' H u r ricane


'Ij Ij

Diamond Reo Dump Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 yard box, runs good, $6900, 541-548-6812 I

G K E AT Aircraft, Parts & Service

%%%.JY T Hyster H25E, runs

well, 2982 Hours, THIS! Look before Weekend Warrior Toy $3500, call 14' 1982 Valco River you buy, b e l ow 541-749-0724 Sled, 70 h.p., FishHauler 28' 2007, Gen, market value! Size Finder. Older boat but & mileage DOES fuel station, exc cond. PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is price includes trailer, matter! 12,500 mi, sleeps 8, black/gray I needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or aaxe 3 wheels and tires. All all amenities, Ford interior u s e d 3X aI reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher f or $1 5 00 ! Cal l $19,999 firm. V10, I thr, c h erry, shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days 541-416-8811 541-389-9188 slides, like new! New 1/3 interest in Columbia will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 17' 1972 Silverline open low price, $54,900. 400, $150,000 located m541-548-5216 I S u nriver. H o u rlyPeterbilt 359 p o table bow, Bimini c o ver, 476 746 Fifth Wheels rental rate (based upon water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, seats six, o utboard • Employment Northwest Bend Homes RV Tow car 2004 approval) $775. Also: 3200 gal. tank, 5hp m otor needs w o rk pump, 4-3" h o ses, S21 hangar avail. for Opportunities Honda Civic Si 5 spd $1500. 541-536-7497 Bend OR Awbrey Glen, set up for flat towing sale, o r le a s e O camlocks, $ 2 5,000. single story, 3 bdrms, $15/day or $325/mo. 541-820-3724 with base plate and Tile / Flooring Installer 2 master suites, 2.5 541-948-2963 tow brake, 35k mi, Experience necessary. 931 baths, 3 gas fireplace, Full-time, local work. new tires, great cond 3-car garage, 2384 Find exactly what Automotive Parts, Start immediately! $11,000. Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 sq.ft., built 1999, out541-288-1808 Call Brian, 541-719-8889 by Carriage, 4 slides, you are looking for in the Service 8 Accessories d oor l i v i ng , gol f 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 inverter, satellite sys, CLASSIFIEDS 627 course views (4) P195/60R-15 Optimo Volvo Penta, 270HP, fireplace, 2 flat screen Transportation $570,000 Vacation Rentals Snowmobiles • H727 tires on wheels, low hrs., must see, TVs. $54,950 Maintenance 541-325-1876 $400. 541-706-9347 8 Exchanges $15,000, 541-330-3939 541-480-3923 Specialist 2 - Adef 2000 A rctic C at ODOT is searching Wonderful home with le- (2) Z L580's EFI with n e w 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, for an experienced ocean front house, gal apt. 3000 sf 4 bdrm, covers, electric start w/ Seneca 34', 2007 Antique & person to join us as each walk from town, 4.5 bath, 3-car garage, reverse, low miles, both 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 Jayco level yard, great loca- excellent; with new 2009 hp Bowrider w/depth 28K miles, 2 slides, Du member of a mainClassic Autos 2 bdrm/2 bath, TV, ramax diesel, 1 owner 1 /3 interest i n w e l l tion near NW Crossing. Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, finder, radio/CD player, t enance crew t o Fireplace, BBQ. $85 equipped IFR Beech BoFSBO - $410,000. rod holders, full can- excellent cond, $89,995 p erform an y re per night, 2 night MIN. Call nanza A36, new 10-550/ Rick 541-647-8206 drive off/on w/double tilt, vas, EZ Loader trailer, Trade? 541-546-6920 quired manual labor 208-342-6999 lots of accys. Selling due exclnt cond, $13,000. Laredo 2009 30' with 2 prop, located KBDN. or equipment operato m edical r e asons. slides, TV, A/C, table 707-484-3518 (Bend) $65,000. 541-419-9510 750 tion necessary to 630 $6000 all. 541-536-8130 8 c h a irs, s a t ellite, 1921 Model T maintain, repair and/ Redmond Homes Arctic pkg., p o wer Rooms for Rent Delivery Truck Arctic Cat ZL800, 2001, or reconstruct roadawning, Exc. cond! Restored 8 Runs short track, variable way/highway, free$28,000. 541-419-3301 Studios & Kitchenettes Looking for your next $9000. exhaust valves, elecway, bridges and/or Furnished room, TV w/ 541-389-8963 Monaco Dynasty2004, tric s tart, r e verse, rest area facilities. cable, micro & fridge. Placeemp/oyee? a Bulletin help loaded, 3 slides, diemanuals, rec o rds, $2662-$3838/month Utils & l inens. New sel, Reduced - now new spare belt, cover, + excellent benefits. owners.$145-$165/wk wanted ad today and 1/5th interest in 1973 reach over 60,000 heated hand g rips, 18' Larson Classic $119,000, 5 4 1-923For details on mini541-382-1885 Cessna 150 LLC readers each week. nice, fast, $999. Call 1971 Tri- hull with 165 8572 or 541-749-0037 ANTIQUE mum qualification re 150hp conversion, low Your classified ad 634 Chev/ Mercruiser, 4.5 quirements, how to Tom, 541-385-7932, 1921 Model T MONTANA 3585 2008, time on air frame and will also appear on HP outboard, dinette/ RV apply and supple- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Delivery Truck • Yamaha 750 1999 exc. cond., 3 slides, engine, hangared in bendbulletin.com sleeper plus standup mental requ i reCONSIGNMENTS Restored & Runs Mountain Max, $1400 king bed, Irg LR, Bend. Excellent perwhich currently recanvas for camping. WANTED ments, please visit **No Application Fee ** • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Arctic insulation, all formance& afford$9000. ceives over Eagle Fish f inder. We Do the Work... www.odotjobs.com 2 bdrm, 1 bath, options $35,000. EXT, $1000. able flying! $6,500. 541-389-8963 1.5 million page $2400 541-382-7515. You Keep the Cash! or cal l (866) $530 8 $540 w/lease. • Zieman 4-place 541-420-3250 541-382-6752 views every month On-site credit ODOT-JOBS (TTY Carports included! trailer, SOLD! at no extra cost. 503-986-3854 for approval team, All in good condition. Bulletin Classifieds t he h e a ring i m - FOX HOLLOW APTS. web site presence. Located in La Pine. Get Results! We Take Trade-Ins! paired) for (541) 383-31 52 Call 541-408-6149. Call 385-5809 or Free Advertising. Announcement Cascade Rental place your ad on-line Management. Co. BIG COUNTRY RV ODOT13-0342OC. 860 at Bend: 541-330-2495 Application and re18'Maxum skiboat,2000, Call for Specials! bendbulletin.com Motorcycles & Accessories inboard motor, g r eat Redmond: quired supplements Limited numbers avail. Call54I 385 5809tcpramoteyour service Advertisefor 28dcysstarting at 'I4! tns eecalpakogeswteatatleonsawetse 541-548-5254 must be received by cond, well maintained, 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. 11:59 p.m. PST: $8995 obo. 541-350-7755 762 W/D hookups, patios May 1, 2013. or decks. Homes with Acreage ODOT is an AA/EEO +I l I Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Carel MOUNTAIN GLEN, Employer, commit541-383-9313 Baker City 3 Bdrm, 3 ted to building Professionally NOTICE: Oregon state Nelson bath, 3 1 00 + s q . ft. workforce diversity. law req u ires anymanaged by Norris & semi secludedhome, 1988 ATK 406, refurLandscaping & bished by American Dirt Stevens, Inc. one who co n t racts on 5 acre lot w/many Southwind 35.5' Triton, Maintenance Zccrt't'd gaaE/iI 1 hour running time 1996 Seaswirl 20.1 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du- for construction work p onderosa pin e s . Bike, Serving Central on complete overhaul. 636 Cuddy, 5.0 Volvo, exc to be licensed with the 45'x24' Morton built pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Zauxr grb e /',c. Good classified ads tell Oregon Since 2003 cond., full canvas, one C onstruction Con - More Than Service Bought new at Apt./Multiplex NW Bend insolated metal shop, $1495. 541-504-7745 Residental/Commercial the essential facts in an owner, $6500 OBO. $132,913; tractors Board (CCB). $395,000. interesting Manner. Write BMW Dual Sport 2012, Peace Of Mind 541-410-0755 asking $91,000. A n active lice n se Sprinkler Small clean Studio 541-523-2368 from the readers view - not F650GS, ABS, 3700 mi, Call 503-982-4745 means the contractor Downtown area, $495 Activation/Repair like new. Skid plate, oil Spring Clean Up the seller's. Convert the i s bonded an d i n mo.; $475 dep. all 763 Back Flow Testing filter guard, low 8 high •Leaves facts into benefits. Show utilities paid. No pets, Recreational Homes seats, center s tand, s ured. Ver if y t h e •Cones the reader how the item will contractor's CCB no smoking. 541- 330Maintenance hand guards, 3000 mile 20.5' 2004 Bayliner • Needles help them in someway. 8 Property 9769 or 541-480-7870 c ense through t h e • Thatch 8 Aerate service com p leted. 205 Run About, 220 • Debris Hauling This CCB Cons u m er • Spring Clean up $11,400. 541-231-8613 HP, Vs, open bow, advertising tip Website •Weekly Mowing exc. cond with very Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' Weed Free Bark Cabin in forest, hunting, B MW K100 L T 1 9 8 7 brought to youby & Edging 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, www.hireaiicensedcontractor. hours, lots of 8 Flower Beds com f ishing, stream, 7 5 • Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly 52k miles, b r onze, low too much to list, ext'd or call 503-378-4621. extras incl. tower, The Bulletin miles. 541-480-7215 extra wind s hield, Maintenance ar ngcental0 egonsme sa warr. thru 2014, $54,900 The Bulletin recom- Lawn Renovation Bimini 8 custom trailer hitch, battery Dennis, 541-589-3243 trailer, $17,950. mends checking with Aeration - Dethatching •Bark, Rock, Etc. charger, full luggage TRUCK DRIVER 541-389-1413 Overseed the CCB prior to con881 771 hard bags, manuals ~Landsca in wanted must have tracting with anyone. Compost •Landscape and paperwork. AlTravel Trailers doubles endorsement Lots Top Dressing Some other t rades Construction ways garaged. $3200. Truck is parked in also req u ire addi•Water Feature Madras, OR. Veteran seeking to buyt/a Don, 541-504-5989 tional licenses a nd Landscape Installation/Maint. 705 Local run. Call to 1-acre size utility- Electric scooter 250W certifications. •Pavers 20.5' Seaswirl SpyMaintenance 541-475-4221 ready buildable lot, in or Real Estate Services w/ 110v charger, der 1989 H.O. 302, Full or Partial Service •Renovations near Bend, from private 24V Aladdin 16' 1968 $100. 541-389-1922 • Irngations Installation •Mowing ~Edging Drywall Services 285 hrs., exc. cond., Boise, ID Real Estate party. 951-255-5013 camper trailer, Remodels 8 Repairs. No • Pruning «Weeding indoors for Senior Discounts For relocation info, Harley Davidson Soft- stored $700. job too small, free ex- Sprinkler Adjustments Where can you find a call Mike Conklin, Tail De l uxe 2 0 0 7 , life $11,900 OBO. Bonded & Insured 541-389-6990, act quotes. CCB¹ 541-379-3530 white/cobalt, w / pas541-815-4458 208-941-8458 helping hand? afternoons only. 177336 541-408-6169 Fertilizer included LCB¹8759 Silvercreek Realty senger kit, Vance & with monthly program From contractors to 21' Crownline 215 hp Hines muffler system in/outboard e n g ine 745 yard care, it's all here & kit, 1045 mi., exc. Child Care Services Weekly, monthly BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS c ond, $16,9 9 9 , 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin Homes for Sale in The Bulletin's or one time service. sleeps 2/ 3 p e ople, Search the area's most 541-389-9188. ALL ABOUT KIDS "Call A Service portable toilet, exc. comprehensive listing of CHILD CARE has 6 Bdrm, 6 bath, 4-car, cond. Asking $8,000. Harley Heritage EXPERIENCED classified advertising... 4270 sq ft, .83 ac. corner, Professional" Directory openings newborn to 528 OBO. 541-388-8339 Commercial real estate to automotive, Softail, 2003 view. By owner, ideal for age 12. Licensed, Flagstaff 30' 2006, with $5 000+ in extras & Residential merchandise to sporting Loans & Mortgages extended family. 773 Ads published in the slide, custom interior, like First Aid & CPR, 6 yrs $2000 paint job, goods. Bulletin Classifieds $590,000. 541-390-0886 "Boats" classification exp. 541-777-7489 n ew. Reduced n o w Acreages 30K mi. 1 owner, appear every day in the WARNING include: Speed, fish- $10,000. 541-598-7546 For more information Senior Discounts print or on line. The Bulletin recomNOTICE ing, drift, canoe, please call 541-390-1466 mends you use cauDebris Removal Call 541-385-5809 All real estate adver- CHECK YOUR AD house and sail boats. 541-385-8090 tion when you proSame Day Response www.bendbulletin.com tised here in is subFor all other types of or 209-605-5537 check your ad vide personal JUNK BE GONE ject to t h e F e deral Please watercraft, please see N OTICE: OREGON on the first day it runs information to compa- F air H o using A c t , I Haul Away FREE Class 875. Landscape Contracanagcewralo gansnces03 make sure it is cornies offering loans or which makes it illegal to 541-385-5809 For Salvage. Also tors Law (ORS 671) Sometimes incredit, especially E to advertise any pref- srect. Cleanups 8 Cleanouts r equires a l l bu s i tructions over t h e Fleetwood 31' Wilderthose asking for adSPRING CLEAN-UP! erence, limitation or Mel, 541-389-8107 nesses that advertise Aeration/Dethatching are misundern ess Gl 1 9 99, 1 2 ' vance loan fees or discrimination based phone to p e r form L a n dslide, 2 4 ' aw n ing, service companies from out of on race, color, reli- stood and a n e r ror scape C o nstructionWeekly/one-time occurin your ad. Harley Limited 103 2011, queen bed, FSC, outBonded, insured. state. If you have Handyman gion, sex, handicap, can which incl u des: avail. If this happens to your side shower, E-Z lift Free Estimates! concerns or quesmany extras, stage 1 & air familial status or nap lanting, deck s , s tabilizer hitch, l i ke Lawn Maint. tions, we suggest you tional origin, or inten- ad, please contact us cushion seat. 18,123 mi, I DO THAT! fences, arbors, COLLINS the first day your ad new, been stored. Ca/I 541-480-9714 consult your attorney tion to make any such $20,990. 541-306-0289 Home/Rental repairs w ater-features, a n d $10,950. 541-419-5060 Small jobs to remodels and we will or call CONSUMER preferences, l i mita- appears installation, repair of happy to fix it as HOTLINE, Beautiful h o u seboat, Honest, guaranteed tions or discrimination. be ALLEN REINSCH irrigation systems to s oon a s w e can . 1-877-877-9392. $85,000. 541-390-4693 work. CCB¹151573 We will not knowingly Deadlines are: WeekYard maintenance & be licensed with the www.centraloregon Dennis 541-317-9768 accept any advertisclean-up, thatching, Landscape ContracPeople Look for Information ing for r eal e state days 11:00 noon for houseboat.com plugging 8 much more! t ors B o a rd . Th i s day, Sat. 11:00 About Products and Call 541-536-1 294 which is in violation of next 4-digit number is to be People Look for Information a.m. for Sunday and Services Every Day through this law. All persons Monday. included in all adverHD Fat Boy1996 About Products and are hereby informed tisements which indiThe Bulletin Classifieds Completely customized 541-385-5809 Services Every Day through Keystone Sprinter Need to get an that all dwellings adcate the business has Must see and hear to Thank you! 31', 2008 The Bulletin Classifieds vertised are available The Bulletin Classified a bond, insurance and ad in ASAP? BANK TURNED YOU appreciate. 2012 King size walkworkers c ompensaDOWN? Private party on an equal opportuAward Winner. You can place it around bed, electric Boat loader, elec. for ERIC REEVE HANDY tion for their employwill loan on real es- nity basis. The Bulle17,000 obo. awning, (4) 6-volt online at: pickup canopy, extras, SERVICES. Home & ees. For your protectate equity. Credit, no tin Classified 541-548-4807 775 batteries, plus many $450, 541-548-3711 Commercial Repairs, tion call 503-378-5909 www.bendbulletin.com problem, good equity more extras, never Manufactured/ HD Screaming Eagle GENERATE SOME exCarpentry-Painting, or use our website: is all you need. Call USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! smoked in, first Electra Glide 2005, Pressure-washing, www.lcb.state.or.us to Mobile Homes Oregon Land Mort541-3B5-5809 citement in your neigowners, $21,500. Door-to-door selling with 103" motor, two tone Honey Do's. On-time check license status gage 541-388-4200. borhood. Plan a gacandy teal, new tires, rage sale and don't promise. Senior before co n t racting fast results! It's the easiest FACTORY SPECIAL Call 541-410-5415 23K miles, CD player Discount. Work guar- with t h e bu s iness. FULL-TILT CLEAN-UP LOCALMONEY:We buy way in the world to sell. New Home, 3 bdrm, forget to advertise in Soil - Bark - Gravel hydraulic clutch, exanteed. 541-389-3361 Persons doing landsecured trust deeds & $46,500 finished classified! 385-5809. cellent condition. P ioneer 23 ' 19 0 F Q or 541-771-4463 scape m aintenance Debris Hauling note,some hard money The Bulletin Classified on your site. 6-yard Dump Truck loans. Call Pat Kelley J and M Homes Highest offer takes it. 2006, EZ Lift, $9750. Bonded & Insured do not require a LCB 541-385-5809 541-382-3099 ext.13. 541-548-5511 541-480-8080. ServingCentral Oregon since 1903 541-548-1096 CCB¹181595 license. CALL 541-419-2756 2007. CAN'T BEAT



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2OI3 w ednesday,May1,


Beyond dispute

i Where some commuters drink 2 Chuckle sound io Trash site i4 Pique is Better than normal iz s yst e m is Light is Where 36-Down is 2o Silly

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

Cy the Cynic is typical of many players: He says it's good to question authority, just not his. Players cherish their own opinions about bridge, but some matters are beyond dispute. Today's West led the seven of spades against 3NT, and dummy played low. East knew not to take his ace: he played the nine. When it won, East led the jack of hearts, but South won and lost a club finesse. He won East's heart return and was home with three clubs, three hearts and three diamonds.

you open one club. Your partner bids one heart. The opponents pass. What do you say? ANSWER: It is usually correct to take a second bid with any normal opening bid, and many players would open this hand in first position. Still, the hand is full of losers, and it's hard to imagine any game succeeding. I'd pass to discourage partner, but I'd accept a bid of 1NT. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

22 "That's

enough!" 24 Hospital fluids 28 "The Price Is Right" announcer Johnny 3o Tater 32 Squabble 33 Like many arenas 3s What you may call it?



tvi K 8 2

"We can beat it," West grumbled. "Play the three on the first spade." "Sez you , " East said d isputatiously. S hould h e ha v e accepted West's authority? East can apply the "Rule of 11" at Trick One. He subtracts West's spot, the seven, from 11. The remainder is the number of higher spades that dummy, East and South hold. Since East can see all four — the ace, king and 10-9 — he knows South can't beat the seven. If East plays low, West leads another spade, and the defense wins five tricks.

0 Q 1 08 AA872 WEST 4Q J87 964 C 9 65 2 4643

Wes t Pass

N orth 3 NT



Ea s t All P ass

Youhold: 4 K 5 2 9 K 8 2 Opening lead — 4 7 0 Q 10 8 4 A 8 7 2. Your partner passes, the next player passes and (Cl 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO



43 Resorts 44 Small piano

i Ole Miss rival 2 Warlike deity 3 Cookers for chickens and franks 40ne who puts on a show, maybe s" see it..." 4 Summary 2 Ignores others' advice BIrving Bacheller's " Holden" 9 Stocks in great demand io Puts off ii Longtime news inits. 22 Damage i3 Start of school? is Provider of directions? 2i Perch 23They're unique 2sVicissitudes of life, as for the inventor named in the circled squares? 2sConcern 22 Sunshine State vacation spot 2s Pontiac's tribe

ss Felipe or Fernando ss Not as longwinded



















4s Herbicide target 4s It's in the air soTennis's Agassi si Size up s3 Engaged in some histrionics ss Made believe sv Santa Calif. soHidden water menace 63 Swab target es Island near Tahiti



47 "That'll be the day!"















37 41









35 40












55 61


















ss Lumberjack, e.g. worst 34 Bank customer, 49 Actress eo Where: Lat. Charlotte at times s2 Balkan resident ei San Francisco 36 Land abutting hill name Tibet s4 That is 29 Jungle vines

47 Best... or

3i Craggy hill

ss Possible reason e2 Rap's Dr. for an R rating ss Meat seasoning 44 Imitate

4o Latest

sensation 4s By mistake

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-81 4-5554.

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. ATBT users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nyiimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.


lx l s o gllv!44ach 95~4


Nhat'C with IIou avtd the bloodltaivtd, a11 th.e time'?

5'I Is

ss Surgeon's aid


SOUTH 464 QAQ53 OAKJ 4Q J 109 S outh 1 NT


EAST 4A1093 Q J1097 0743 4K5

32Auto additive with a red oval logo ss Swabbie 39 Ring separator 4i Brunched, say 42 "Wheel of Fortune"

No. 0327



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3>L J ~u~ X

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, One letter 10 eaCh Square, to fOrm faur Ordinary WOrdS. E


Can this oo out with the reqular Om nOt Oenino any sleep.That cat's upsel. I didn't knOW ViVlan would need so many dl898I'5.


02013 Tnbune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.





E 6


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15Atsv tuzDUGHT —-

Now arrange the CirCled letterS to farm the SurPriSe anSWer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

0 Lauohnostock Internahonal Inc, Dist Dy universal Uclick for UFS, 2013

"She got a black belt after her first lesson."

(AnoWero tamarrOW) Jumbles: PRUNE I R O N Y OU T AG E DR O WSY Answer: When he talked about the advantages of using 8 spear, he made some — GOOD POINTS

15 Biblical prophet 16 "En garde" weapon 17 Louis of MGM 18 Taps 20 General outline components 22 Actor Aykroyd 23 SFO hrs. 24 They may grade univ. papers 27 -di-dah 30 Shell-shocked 33 Ad time 35 Steamed 37 *16th/1 7thcentury dramatic nickname 39 Scrawny sort 41 First person in France? 42 "Shrek" ogress 43 *2009-'10 Lady Gaga hit 46 Distance measures 47 2003 self-titled folk album 48 Lawless TV role 50 Dr. with Grammys 51 Composer Rorem 52 Windy City rail and bus org. 54 "Community" network 56 Cruise ship game ... or how to start each of the answers to starred clues? 62 Go motoring 65 Studio sign 66 Operating system developed at Bell Labs 67 Sandusky's lake 68 Short and

probably not sweet 69 Like the Nissan Cube 70 Swabbing site 71 Pounded the


DOWN 1 Door part 2 Banned orchard


3 "Miss Independent" R&B singer 4 Can't contemplate 5 "Michael, Row the Boat Ashore" river 6 Schism group 7 Peter or Paul, but not Mary 8 Ship's lowest 70-Across 9 Consults 10 Son of Cronus and Rhea 11 "Angry Birds,"

34 Inexperienced

56 Quite the fox 57 Abbr. in a bank



36 Zip 38 Yahtzee need 40 "Tricked you!" 44 Turned from

58 Onionlike veggie 59 "To serve, not to be served" group 60 Ascent 61 Stowe antislavery novel 62 Place to unwind 63 Year in Madrid 64 Puffed cereal with a Berry Berry variety

green to red, perhaps 45 Kin of -trix 49 Costello's partner 53 Blazing 55 Brooklyn's Island


S P E R P E R I 12 New beginning? A K E R B 13 Japanese dough 19 Hit the road R A P 21 Intentionally fail t0 RO S A S invite A C M E S T O 24 Recorded, L O A D A B L nowadays 25 Sorry sort L L C I C E 26 Obama left it in O O H D E S O November, 2008 TR I M E S T E 27 Capital WSW of N A E D Madrid 28 Game sanctuary.'P S T E T S O N 29 Kept together, as P R A T B E E sheep CA G E I R A 31 Doll's cry A Y E S T O T 32 Place with a chee named for it xwordeditorteaol.com
















A S T I T T O P T O R O I R E D L M A W K S A O L T A O M E L T U R A S S I S E S C K E T A Y L A L E S T 05/01/1 3

10 1 1





16 19



22 27






















46 49




38 41


62 6 3


50 55


59 6 0









By Erik Agard (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.




Antique & Classic Autos

Antique & Classic Autos

S p o rt coupe, 34,400 orig. miles, A/C, PW, PL, new t ires, b r akes, hoses, belts and exhausts. Tan with tan interior. I mmaculate! $ 5295. C a l l da y s 5 41-322-4843 e v e s 541-383-5043


Automobiles •


1 988 T - BIRD

Chevrolet Cameo Pickup, 1957, disassembled, frame powder coated, new front sheet metal, cab restored. $9995 firm. Call for more info, 541-306-9958 (cell)

Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 Ram 2500HD 2003 hemi, 136K, auto, CC, engine, power every- 2WD, $7000 obro. thing, new paint, 54K am/fm/cd. 541-680-9965 /390-1285 original m i les, runs great, excellent condition in & out. Asking Titan 2 0 0 7 4x4 $8,500. 541-480-3179 Off-Road, beautiful inside and out, metallic black/charcoal leather, loaded, 69k mi., $19,995 obo. 541-410-6183.

GMC 1966, too many

BMW 740 IL 1998, orig.

~ Qo

M orePixatt)e t n(tj)oletin.com Wouldn't you really like to drive a Buick? Bob has two 75,000 mile Buicks, priced fair, $ 2,000-$6000. Remember, t h ese cars get 30mpg hwy!

Chevy 1955 PROJECT car. 2 door wgn, 350 small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar wheels, extra rolling chassis + extras. $6500 for all. 541-389-7669.

GMC ~izton 1971, Only $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171

Porsche 944 Turbo 1987 108k, white/maroon, garaged. 541-926-1412 for appt., runs & looks great, $7,000. 541-526-1412

Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales


Find them in The Bulletin


$2600 OBO.

Mercedes 450SL, 1977 113K, 2nd owner, ga raged, b o t h tops $11,900. 541-389-7596

Chevy Malibu 2009 43k miles, loaded, studs on rims/ Asking $12,900.

Ford Explorer Limited 2006, RV Tow 541-610-6834. Vehicle, Exc. Cond. Flat Tow, R emote Start M&G Air Tow Chevy Wagon 1957, Oldsmobile Alero 2004, ~0 ~ ' "" CERTIFIED . 4-dr., complete, B rake Syst e m , classic 4-dr in showroom Cars-Trucks-SUVs~ $7,000 OBO, trades. condition, leather, chrome Lights Wired BreakPlease call away switch, Roadwheels, 1 owner, low 541-389-6998 master Tow H i tch miles. $7500. 541-382-2452 3M Clearguard, AlChrysler 30 0 C o u pe ways Garaged, 32k 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, mi., Camel Leather auto. trans, ps, air, Interior $17 , 995. frame on rebuild, re541-480-7837 2012 Chrysler 300C. painted original blue, white, 18,500 miles original blue interior, ¹196028 $33,988 original hub caps, exc. B a r racuda Vans chrome, asking $9000 Plymouth 2012 Toyota Venza 1966, original car! 300 • or make offer. hp, 360 V8, centerXLE AWD wagon 541-385-9350 lines, 541-593-2597 ChevyAstro ¹031994 $ 32,9 9 5 Cargo Van 2001, Call The Bulletin At 2010 Lexus GS 350 PROJECT CARS: Chevy pw, pdl, great cond., 541-385-5809 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & ¹026220 $33, 9 95 business car, well Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Chevy Coupe 1950 2009 Toyota Corolla maint'd, regular oil At: www.bendbunetin.com rolling chassis's $1750 metallic red, 63k mi. changes, $4500. ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, ¹050342 $12, 9 9 5 Please call complete car, $ 1949; 541-633-5149 AAA Oregon Auto Cadillac Series 61 1950, Source 541-598-3750 2 dr. hard top, complete w/spare f r on t cl i p .,Ford 1-ton extended van, Corner 97 & w. Empire aaaoregonautosource.com 1995, 460 engine, set-up $3950, 541-382-7391 f or co n tractor wi t h shelves & bins, fold-down FAST66 Ranchero! ladder rack, tow hitch, 180K miles, new tranny& $7500 invested, brakes; needs catalytic sell for $4500! I converter & new windCall 541.382.9835 shield. $2200. Chrysler Sebring 2004 541-220-7808 VW BUG 1972 rebuilt 84k, beautiful dark gray/ eng, new paint, tires, Ford Aerostar 1994 brown, tan leather int., chrome whls, 30 mpg, Eddie Bauer Edition $5995 541-350-5373


Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

L e g al Notices and further described

COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES C HUTES. J PMorgan Cha s e Bank, National Association, successor in interest by purchase from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver of Washington Mutual B ank, Plaintiff, v s . SCOTT C. DENNEY; CATHY C. DENNEY;





PM k (I'/JI


f J


f I f

The Bulletin


gypfR Njt.tf <

surface coun~ersmicro, fd e,convectionrn er 'ceb'It-inwasher/drye, 7J,O UD, ramictiiefloor,7J, satellitedish,airleveli ng, storage ass-through d kingsizebed tray,ana -Allforonly $149,000 541-000-000

©PgetAL' Ad runs until it sells or up to 12 months (whichever comes first!)


4mPg Ad„ "'pffo an nterestingf o howmuch girl could h ar ffke th;,

$12 5po 541 P(I0

Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, full color photo, bold italics headline and price. • Daily publication in The Bulletin, read by over 76,000 subscribers. • Weekly publication in Central Oregon Marketplace — DELIVERED to over

31,000 non-subscriber households • Weekly publication in The Central Oregon Nickel Ads - 15,000 distribution throughout Central and Eastern Oregon

* A $290 value based on an ad with the same extra features, publishing 28-ad days in the above publications. Private party merchandise ads only, excludes pets, real estate, rentals, and garage sale categories.


successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaint iff/s, v . P a trick O . Conley; Occupants of the Premises, Defend ant/s. C as e N o.: 11CV1088. NOTICE OF SALE U N DER WRIT O F

E X E C U-

TION - REAL PROPERTY. N o t ic e is hereby given that I will on May 23, 2013 at 10:00 AM in the main l obby of t h e D e s chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public o ral auction to t h e h ighest bidder, f o r cash o r cas h ier's check, the real property commonly known as 1675 NW Galveston A v e nue, Bend, Oregon 97701,

the true point of beginning. Said sale is Feet of Lot Eight (8) made under a Writ of and the West One Execution in ForecloH alf (W1/2) of L o t sure issued out of the Seven (7) i n B lock C ircuit Court of t h e Twenty-Five (25) of State of Oregon for Bonne Home Addithe County of Destion, City of Bend, De- chutes, dated March schutes County, Or22, 2013, to me d ie gon. Said sale i s rected in t he made under a Writ of above-entitled action Execution in Foreclo- wherein GMAC Mortsure issued out of the gage, LLC, its sucC ircuit Court of t h e cessors i n i n t erest State of Oregon for a nd/or assigns a s the County of Desplaintiff/s, recovered chutes, dated April 4, General Judgment of 2013, to me directed Declaratory Relief and in the above-entitled Deed of Trust Foreaction wherein Wells closure and Money Fargo Bank, NA, its Award on January 14, successors in interest 2 013, a gainst T h e a nd/or assigns a s U nknown Heirs o f plaintiff/s, recovered Randi D. Bellew, RusGeneral Judgment of sel L. Bellew, Frank Foreclosure Against: H. Baker, Trustee of (1) Patrick O. Conley the Frank H. Baker (2) Occupants of the R evocable T rus t Premises; and Money U/T/A June 29, 1994, Award Against Patrick Oregon Department of O. Conley on March Human Services and 4, 2 0 1 3 , ag a i nst Occupants o f the Patrick O. Conley and Premises, as defenOccupants o f the d ant/s. BEFO R E Premises as defen- BIDDING A T THE d ant/s. BEFO R E SALE, A PROSPECB IDDING A T TH E TIVE BIDDER SALE, A PROSPEC- SHOULD INDEPEN-

Scott C . Den n ey. BIDDER NOTICE TO DEFEN- TIVE DANT: READ THESE SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY I N V ESTIPAPERS CAREGATE: (a)The priority Toyota Camry 1 992, FULLY! A lawsuit has of the lien or interest tune it up 8 drive it, or been started against t h e jud g ment parts car. Transmission & you in the above-en- of engine work; body rough, titled Court by JPMor- creditor; (b)Land use good i nterior. $ 450. gan Chase Bank, Na- laws and regulations the 541-771-6266 tional Ass o ciation, applicable t o successor in interest property; (c)Apby purchase from the proved uses for the Toyota Camrys: property; (d) Limits on Federal Deposit Infor e st 1984, SOLD; surance Corporation, f arming o r 1985 SOLD; as Re c eiver of practices on the propof Washington M u t ual erty; (e) Rights 1986 parts car Bank, Plaintiff. neighboring property only one left! $500 Plaintiff's c l ai m i s owners; and (f)EnviCall for details, ronmental laws and stated in the written 541-548-6592 regulations that affect Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the the p roperty. P u bCo u n ty lished in Bend BulleToyota Corolla 2004, Deschutes You tin. Date of First and auto., loaded, 204k Courthouse. miles. orig. owner, non must "appear" in this Successive Publicasmoker, exc. c ond. case or the other side tions: April 24, 2013; $6500 Prin e vine will win automatically. May 1, 2013; May 8, To "appear" you must 2013. Date of L a st 503-358-8241 file with the court a le- Publication: May 15, VW Jetta 1995, runs gd, gal paper called a 2013. Attor n e y: body/interior needs TLC, "motion" or "answer." Michael T h ornicroft, special tires/wheels,5-spd The "motion" or "anOSB ¹981104, RCO $750. 541-771-6266 swer" must be given Legal, P.C., 511 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 400, to the court clerk or administrator w i t hin Portland, OR 97205, Looking for your 30 days along with the 503-977-7840. Condinext employee? required filing fee. It tions of Sale: PotenPlace a Builetin help must be i n p r o per tial bidders must arwanted ad today and rive 15 minutes prior form and have proof reach over 60,000 to the auction to allow o f service o n t h e readers each week. $3800. 541-233-7272 plaintiff's attorney or, the Deschutes County Fully Loaded, Your classified ad if the plaintiff does not Sheriff's Office to re933 Mint Condition! will also appear on have a n at t o rney, view bidder's funds. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, bendbulletin.com Runs Excellent! Pickups proof of service on the Only U.S. c urrency door panels w/flowers which currently re$3000. cashier's plaintiff. The object of and/or & hummingbirds, ceives over 1.5 mil54 I -350-1201 t he complaint is t o checks made payable white soft top 8 hard G MC Sierra S L T lion page views to Deschutes County foreclose a deed of top. Just reduced to 2006 - 1 500 Crew every month at Little Red Corvette1996 Sheriff's Office will be Just too many trust dated November $3,750. 541-317-9319 Cab 4x4, Z71, exc. no extra cost. Bulleconv. 350 auto. 2 1, 2003 a n d r e - accepted. P a y ment collectibles? or 541-647-8483 tin Classifieds cond., 82 k m i les, 132K, 26-34 mpg. corded as Instrument must be made in full $19,900. Get Results! Call $12,500 541-923-1781 No. 2003-81885 given immediately upon the 541-408-0763 Sell them in 385-5809 or place by Cathy C Denney close of t h e s a l e. your ad on-line at The Bulletin Classifieds LARRY B L A NTON, on p roperty c o mbendbulletin.com Co u n ty monly known as 5000 Deschutes Sheriff. Blair SW 58th Place, Red541-385-5809 Barkhurst, Field mond, OR 97756 and The Bulletin recoml Dat e : Ford Galaxie 500 1963, I nternational Fla t legally described as: T echnician. 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Ford Taurus wagon 2004, mends extra caution e P arcels 1 and 2 o f April 23, 2013. 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & ton dually, 4 s p d. p u r chasing ~partition P l a t No. very nice, pwr everything, when radio (orig),541-419-4989 trans., great MPG, 2001-17, Deschutes LEGAL NOTICE 120K, FWD, good tires, f products or services could be exc. wood $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 from out of the area. County Oregon. The IN T H E CI R CUIT Ford Mustang Coupe hauler, runs great, J S ending c ash , c omplaint seeks t o COURT O F THE 1966, original owner, new brakes, $1950. L umina Va n checks, or credit inforeclose and termiSTATE OF OREGON 19 9 5 , TURN THE PAGE V8, automatic, great 541-419-5480. formation may be I DESCHUTES nate all i nterest of X LNT c o nd., w e l l For More Ads shape, $9000 OBO. / subject toFRAUD. Scott C. Denney and C OUNTY. GMA C cared for. $2000 obo. 530-515-8199 The Bulletin For more informaM ortgage, LLC, i t s all other interests in 541-382-9835. f tion about an advert he p r operty. T h e successors in interest Hyundai Accent 2012 tiser, you may call "motion" or "answer" and/or assigns, PlainFord Ranchero Nissan Quest 2000, GLS, 17k mi., ¹142857 I the Oregon State I (or "reply") must be tiff/s, v. The Unknown 1979 7-passenger mini $13,998 General's e ~ Attorney given to t h e c o u rt H eirs of R a ndi D . with 351 Cleveland van, red, new tires & Office C o nsumer clerk or administrator B enew; Russel L . modified engine. license, decent f Protection hotline at Benew; F rank H. within 30 days of the N issan Pickup 1 9 9 1 cond., lowprice of Body is in 1-877-877-9392. date of first publicaBaker, Trustee of the 2WD/4Cyl Auto. Runs Oregon excellent condition, $2495.Check this tion specified herein Frank H. Baker RevoAutoSource great. Extras. $3700. $2500 obo. one out. a long with th e r e - cable T rust U / T /A 541-316-1367 Serving Central Oregonsince 1903 541-420-4677 541-598-3750 541-318-9999 quired filing fee. The June 29, 1994; OrKSMore pix at Bendbunetin.c aaaoregonautosource.com date of first publica- egon Department of tion of the summons Human Services; and is April 17, 2013. If Occupants o f the you have questions, Premises, you should see an D efendant/s. C a s e attorney immediately. No.: 11CV1100. NOIf you need help in TICE OF SALE UNfinding an a ttorney, DER WRIT OF EXyou may contact the ECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Ser- hereby given that I will on May 16, 2013 at vice onl i n e at www.oregonstatebar. 10:00 AM in the main org or by caning (503) l obby of t h e D e s 684-3763 ( in t h e chutes County Portland metropolitan Sheriff's Office, 63333 area) or toll-free else- W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public where in Oregon at o ral auction t o t h e (800) 452-7636. Attorney for Plaintiff, /s/ h ighest bidder, f o r Kelly D. Sutherland. cash o r ca s hier's Kelly D. S utherland check, the real propLittle Red Corvette ¹87357 erty commonly known [ksutherland O logs.co as 127 SW Canyon m] SH A PIRO 8 , Drive, Redmond, Oregon 97756, and furSUTHERLAND, LLC, 1499 SE Tech Center ther described as, A p,¹ P lace, S u it e 2 5 5 , parcel of land in Block Vancouver, WA "A" of the replat of Dyrtas y 98683, part o f Re d mond Cofyete LgpoE Townsite Company's Avert b ( 360)260-2253; F a x solid (360)260-2285. S&S first addition, City of "pe 350 a t, No. 12-110828. Redmond, Deschutes 4-dr "'" »2m;, •

Legal Notices

CIR C U IT as, The Easterly 35







Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 18 mo factory warranty remaining. $37,500.




Buick Invicta 1959! 2 door hardtop, 99.9% Ford Explorer 2002, complete in 8 out. XLT A u t o 4 Wheel Asking $16,000. Leather, Power Roof 541-504-3253 Trailer pkg, one owner n on s m oker, n e w Buick LeSabre 1996. Michelins plus set of Good condition, studs brakes differen121,000 miles. tial guar a nteed. Non-smoker $6400 Jack 541-815-7393


Legal Notices

$13,500. 541-788-0427

$7900. 541-706-1897

$7500 obo. Serious buy- Sport Utility Vehicles ers only. 541-536-0123

Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969, an orig. Turbo 44; auto 4-spd, 396, model CST /ali options, orig. owner, $19,950, 541-923-6049

Nissan Sentra 2012 Full warranty, 35mpg, 520 per tank, an power.

owner, exc. c o n d. 101k miles, new tires, loaded, sunroof.

County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corn er o f B l o c k "A"; t hence S o ut h 0 0 ' 2 0'45" East a di s tance of 95.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence cont inuing S o ut h 00 ' 2 0'45" East a d i s tance of 24.00 feet; t hence S o ut h 8 9 ' 3 0'00" West a d i s tance of 100.00 feet; t hence S o uth 0 0 ' 2 0'45" East a di s tance of 81.66 feet; t hence S o uth 8 9 ' 07'14" West along the South edge of a rock wall, a d i stance of 97.18 feet to the North right of way of Black Butte Avenue; thence along said right of way North 46' 25'23" West a distance of 60.00 feet; thence leaving said right of way North a distance of 64.57 feet; thence North 89' 3 0'00" East a di s tance of 240.00 feet to

Legal Notices

(15) South, Range

Thirteen (13), East of the Willamette Meridian, eschutes Cou n ty, O regon; Sect i o n Fifteen (15); a portion of t h e Nor t hwest Quarter, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North Line of "E" Street in Oregon Trunk Addition to the City of Redmond, which point is 822.825 feet East of the intersection of the N orth Line o f "E" Street with the West L ine o f Sect i o n Fifteen (15); thence North on a line at right angles to the North Line of "E" Street, a distance of 291.1 feet; thence East on a line parallel to the North line of "E" Street, a distance o f 7 7 . 075 feet; thence South on a line at right angles to a point on the North Line of " E " S t reet; thence West along the N orth Line o f "E" Street, a distance of 7 7.075 feet t o t h e

b e ginning; the GATE: (a)The priority following: Beginning of the lien or interest at a point on the North of t h e j ud g ment Line of "E" Street in creditor; (b)Land use the O regon T r u nk laws and regulations Addition to the City of applicable t o the Redmond, which point property; (c)Apis, 822.825 feet East proved uses for the of the intersection of property; (d)Limits on the North line of "E" f arming o r for e s t Street, with the West practices on the prop- Line of Section Fifteen of (15); thence North on erty; (e) Rights neighboring property a line at right angles owners; and (f) Envito the North Line of "E" Street, a distance ronmental laws and regulations that affect of 200 feet; thence the property. PubEast on a line parallel lished in Bend Bulle- to the North Line of "E" Street, a distance tin. Date of First and Successive Publica- of 77.075 feet; thence tions:April 17, 2013; S outh on a l i n e a t April 24, 2013; May 1, r ight angles to t h e 2 013. Date o f L a st N orth Line o f "E" P ublication: May 8 , Street, a distance of 2013. Attorney: 200 feet to the North Michael T h ornicroft, Line of " E " S t reet; OSB ¹981104, RCO thence West along the Legal, P.C., 511 SW N orth Line o f "E" 10th Ave., Ste. 400, Street, a distance of Portland, OR 97205, 7 7.075 feet t o t h e 503-977-7840. Condipoint of b e ginning. tions of Sale: Poten- Said sale i s m a de tial bidders must arunder a Wr i t of rive 15 minutes prior Execution in to the auction to allow Foreclosure i s s ued the Deschutes County out o f t h e C i r cuit Sheriff's Office to re- Court of the State of view bidder's funds. Oregon for the County Only U.S. c urrency of Deschutes, dated and/or cashier's March 18, 2013, to checks made payable m e directed in t h e to Deschutes County above-entitled action Sheriff's Office will be wherein Wells Fargo accepted. P a yment Bank, N. A, its must be made in full successors in interest immediately upon the a nd/or assigns a s c lose of t h e s a l e. plaintiff/s, recovered LARRY B L A NTON, Stipulated G e n eral Deschutes C o u nty Judgment of Sheriff. Blair Foreclosure and Barkhurst, Field Shortening of T echnician. Dat e : Redemption P e riod April 15, 2013. Against Defendant: 1) Anthony S. Jones on LEGAL NOTICE September 4, 2 0 12, IN T H E CI R CUIT a gainst Anthony S . COURT O F THE Jones as defendant/s. BEFORE B I DDING STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES A T TH E S A LE, A PROSPECTIVE COUNTY, Well s B IDDER SHO U L D Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest INDEPENDENTLY and/or assigns, Plain- INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien tiff/s, v. Anthony S. J ones; an d O c c u- o r i nterest o f th e pants of the Premises, judgment creditor; (b) D efendant/s. C a s e Land use laws and regulations applicable No.: 11CV0861. NOTICE OF SALE UNto the property; (c) Approved uses for the DER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL property; (d)Limits on for e st P ROP ERTY. Notice is f arming o r hereby given that I will practices o n the property; (e)Rights of on May 9, 2013 at 10:00 AM in the main neighboring property l obby of t h e D e s - o wners; a n d (f) chutes County E nvironmental l a w s Sheriff's Office, 63333 and regulations that W. Highway 20, Bend, affect the p r operty. Oregon, sell, at public P ublished i n B e n d o ral auction t o t h e Bulletin. Date of First and Succ e ssive h ighest bidder, f o r cash o r ca s h ier's Publications: April 10, 2013; April 17, 2013; check, the real property commonly known April 24, 2013. Date of as 411 Southeast Ev- Last Publication: May ergreen Ave n u e, 1, 2 0 13 . A t t orney: Redmond, O r e g on Michael T h ornicroft, 97756, an d f u r ther OSB ¹981104, RCO Legal, P.C., 511 SW described as, PARCEL 1: Beginning at 10th Ave., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97205, a point on the North line of E Street in the 503-977-7840. Oregon Trunk Addi- Conditions of S a l e: t ion to th e C ity o f Potential bidders must Redmond, which point arrive 15 minutes prior is 822.825 feet East of to the auction to allow the intersection of the the Deschutes County North Line of E Street, S heriff's O f fice t o review bidder's funds. with the West line of Section Fifteen (15), Only U.S. c urrency cashier's Township Fifteen (15) and/or South, Range Thir- checks made payable teen (13) East of the to Deschutes County Willamette Meridian, Sheriff's Office will be Deschutes C o unty, accepted. P a y ment Oregon, thence North must be made in full on a l i n e a t r i g ht immediately upon the angles to the North close of t h e s a l e. LARRY B L A NTON, line of E Street a distance of 200.00 feet; Deschutes Co u n ty Blair thence East on a line Sheriff. Barkhurst, Field parallel to the North Dat e : line of E Street a dis- T echnician. tance of 77.075 feet; April 8, 2013. thence South on a line at right angles to the North line of E Street a distance of 200.00 feet to the North line of E S h eet; thence West along the North line of E Street a dis) tance of 77.075 feet to the point of beginning, an in and according to the official plat of said Addition on file in the office of the County Clerk of D eschutes County; all being in the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Fifteen (15) South, Range Thirof ads daily teen (13), East of the Thousands in print and online. Willamette Meridian, Deschutes C o unty, Oregon. PARCEL 2: In Township Fifteen DENTLY

point of



Where buyers meet sellers Classifjeds •





Le g al Notices LEGAL NOTICE

Legal Notices Foreclosure

Leg a l Notices •

i s sued owners; and (f)Envi-


DESCHUTES COUNTY. OneWest Bank, FSB;, its successors i n i n t erest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v . Un k n own H eirs of G e rald K Matthews; Sharon R. Matthews; Robert D. Matthews; Roberta J. Grizovic and O ccupants of the Premises, D efendant/s. C a s e No.: 11CV 1 0 48. AMENDED NOTICE O F S AL E U N D ER WRIT O F E X ECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. N o t ic e is

hereby given that I will on May 16, 2013 at 10:00 AM in the main l obby of t h e D e s chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public o ral auction t o t h e h ighest bidder, f o r cash o r ca s h ier's check, the real property commonly known as 18 6 9 0 Riv e r Woods Drive, Bend, Oregon 97702, and further described as, Lot Eighty-One (81), Block ZZ, Deschutes River Woods, Deschutes County, Or-

egon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the C ircuit Court of t he State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated February 15, 2013, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein One W est Bank, FSB, its suc-

cessors i n i n t erest a nd/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure Against: (1) Unknown Heirs of Gerald K M a tthews; (2) Occupants of the Premises; And Money Award Against The R eal Property L o cated at 18690 River Woods Drive, Bend, O regon 9 7702 o n J anuary 3 , 201 3 , against Unk n own H eirs of G e rald K Matthews and the Occupants of the Premises as defendant/s. BEFORE B I D DING A T TH E S A LE, A PROSPECTIVE BID-


TIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d) Limits on f arming o r for e s t practices on the propof erty; (e) Rights neighboring property owners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. P u blished in Bend Bulletin. date of First and Successive Publications:April 17, 2013;

April 24, 2013; May 1, 2013. Date of L a st P ublication: May 8 , 2013. Attor n ey: Michael T h ornicroft, OSB ¹981104, RCO Legal, P.C., 511 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97205, 503-977-7840. Condi-

tions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. c urrency and/or cashier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. P a yment must be made in full immediately upon the close of t h e s a l e. LARRY


Deschutes Co u n ty Sheriff. Blair Barkhurst, Field T echnician. Dat e : April 15, 2013. LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CI R CUIT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES C OUNTY. GMA C M ortgage, LLC, i t s successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Larry E. Peters; Donna Mae Peters; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0601. NOTICE OF SALE U N DER WRIT O F E X E CUTION - REAL PROPERTY. N o t ic e is hereby given that I will on May 30, 2013 at 10:00 AM in the main l obby of t h e D e s chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public o ral auction t o t h e h ighest bidder, f o r

cash o r ca s hier's check, the real property commonly known as 1518

N o rthwest Lower Bridge Way, Terrebonne, Oregon 97760, an d f u r ther described as, Lot Six (6), Block Two (2), Crawford's Corner II, R ecorded April 2 9 , 1986, in Cabinet C, Page 193, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in



Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

on or after May 13, LEGAL NOTICE 2 013, at t h e D e s NOTICE OF COURT O F THE COURT O F THE LIBRARY COUNTY DESCHUTES COUNTY chutes County Board of Co m missioners' STATE OF OREGON STATE OF OREGON SERVICE DISTRICT BUDGET COMMITTEE Office, 1300 NW Wall of Deschutes, dated lished in Bend Bulle- DESCHUTES DESCHUTES BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING April 16, 2013, to me tin. Date of First and Street, Bend, Oregon, COUNTY. GMAC COUNTY. Wells MEETING directed in the Successive Publica97701, between the M ortgage, LLC, i t s Fargo Bank, N.A., its A public meeting of above-entitled action tions:April 17, 2013; successors in interest successors in interest A public meeting of the Deschutes County hours of 8 a.m. and 5 wherein GMAC Mort- April 24, 2013; May 1, and/or assigns, Plain- and/or assigns, Plain- the Budget Commit- Budget C o mmittee, p.m. Monday through gage, LLC as 2 013. Date o f L a st t iff/s, v. Her m a n tiff/s, v. John Epper- tee of the Bend LiDeschutes C o unty, Friday. F o r f u rther plaintiff/s, r ecovered P ublication: May 8 , Lovell; Marilyn Lovell; son, aka John A ninformation, c o ntact brary County Service State of Oregon, to Corrected Stipulated 2013. Attorney: and Occupants of the thony Eppe r son; District, De s c hutes discuss the budget for Teri Maerki, Financial/ General Judgment of Michael T h ornicroft, Premises, Sherry A. Epperson, County, State of Or- the fiscal year July 1, B udget Analyst, a t Foreclosure Against OSB ¹981104, RCO D efendant/s. C a s e aka Sherry Annette egon, to discuss the 2 013, to J u n e 3 0 , (541)388-6536. Defendant: 1) Larry E. Legal, P.C., 511 SW No.: 12CV0204. NO- Epperson; C hestnut budget for the fiscal 2014, will be held at Peters; and Money 10th Ave., Ste. 400, TICE OF SALE UNPark H o m eowners year July 1, 2013, to the Deschutes SerLEGAL NOTICE Award Against Defen- Portland, OR 97205, DER WRIT OF EXA ssociation; O c c u- June 30, 2014, will be vices Center, 1300 NOTICE OF RURAL dants Larry E. Peters 503-977-7840. CondiECUTION REAL pants of the Premises; held at the Deschutes NW W a l l Str e e t, LAW ENFORCEMENT and Donna Mae Pe- tions of Sale: PotenPROPERTY. Notice is and the Real Prop- Services Center, 1300 Bend, Oregon. The DISTRICT ters But Solely Ential bidders must arhereby given that I will erty located at 20280 NW W a l l Str e e t, m eeting w i l l tak e (DI STRICT 2) forceable I n Re m rive 15 minutes prior on May 30, 2013 at Morgan Loop, Bend, Bend, Oregon. The p lace on M a y 2 0 , BUDGET COMMITTEE A gainst t h e Rea l to the auction to allow 10:00 AM in the main Oregon 97701, Dem eeting w i l l tak e 2013, beginning at MEETING Property Located at the Deschutes County l obby of t h e D e s - fendant/s. Case No.: p lace on M a y 2 0 , 10:00 a.m. The pur1518 North w est Sheriff's Office to rechutes County 12CV0705. NOTICE 2013, between 9:00 pose of the meeting is Lower Bridge Way, view bidder's funds. Sheriff's Office, 63333 OF SAL E U N DER a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to receive the budget A public meeting of Budget CommitTerrebonne, Oregon, Only U.S. c urrency W. Highway 20, Bend, WRIT O F E X E C U- The purpose of the message and to re- the tee of the Rural Law 97760, on December and/or cashier's Oregon, sell, at public TION - REAL PROP- meeting is to receive ceive comment from 28, 2 0 12 , a g a inst checks made payable o ral auction t o t h e ERTY. N o t ic e is the budget message the public on the bud- Enforcement District District 2 ) , Des Larry E. Peters as to Deschutes County h ighest bidder, f o r hereby given that I will and to receive com- get. This is a public (chutes County, State defendant/s. BE- Sheriff's Office will be cash o r ca s h ier's on May 23, 2013 at ment from the public meeting where delib- of Oregon, to discuss FORE BIDDING AT accepted. P a y ment check, the real prop- 10:00 AM in the main on the budget. This is eration of the Budget the budget for the fisTHE SALE, A PROmust be made in full erty commonly known l obby of t h e D e s - a p u b li c m e e ting Committee will t ake year July 1, 2013, SPECTIVE B I DDER immediately upon the as 16326 Carrington chutes County where deliberation of place. A n y p erson cal to June 30, 2014, will SHOULD INDEPEN- c lose of t h e s a l e . A venue, Bend, O r Sheriff's Office, 63333 the Budget Commit- may appear at t he held at the DesDENTLY I N V ESTI- LARRY B L A NTON, egon 97707, and fur- W. Highway 20, Bend, tee will take place. meeting and discuss be chutes Serv i c es GATE: (a)The priority Deschutes C o u nty ther described as, IN Oregon, sell, at public Any person may ap- the p roposed p r o1300 NW Wall Blair of the lien or interest Sheriff. TOWNSHIP TWENTY o ral auction to t h e pear at the meeting grams with the Bud- Center, of t h e j ud g ment Barkhurst, Field (20) SOUTH, RANGE h ighest bidder, f o r and discuss the pro- g et Committee. A Street, Bend, Oregon. creditor; (b) Land use T echnician. Dat e : TEN (10), EAST OF cash o r cas h ier's posed programs with copy of th e b udget The meeting will take laws and regulations April 15, 2013. THE W I L LAMETTE check, the real prop- the Budget Commit- document may be in- p lace on M a y 2 2 , 2013, beginning at applicable t o the MERIDIAN, DES - erty commonly known tee. A c opy of the spected or obtained 9:00 a.m. T h e purproperty; (c)ApCHUTES C O UNTY, as 2 0280 M o rgan budgetdocument may on or after May 13, LEGAL NOTICE pose of the meeting is proved uses for the 2 013, at t h e D e s IN T H E CIR C U IT OREGON, SECTION Loop, Bend, Oregon be inspected or obreceive the budget property; (d)Limits on COURT O F THIRTY-FOUR (34). 97701, an d f u r ther tained on or after May chutes County Board to THE and to ref arming o r for e st STATE OF OREGON THAT PORTION OF d escribed as , Lo t 13, 2013, at the Des- of Co m missioners' message comment from practices on the prop- DESCHUTES THE NO R T HEAST Forty-Seven, Chestchutes County Board Office, 1300 NW Wall ceive the public the buderty; (e) Rights of COUNTY. QUARTER OF THE nut Park, Phase One, of Co m m issioners' Street, Bend, Oregon, get. This on Wells is a public neighboring property Fargo Bank, N.A., its NORTHEAST QUAR- City of B end, Des- Office, 1300 NW Wall 97701, between the where delibowners; and (f)EnviStreet, Bend, Oregon, hours of 8 a.m. and 5 meeting successors in interest TER (NE1/4NE1/4) chutes County, Orof the Budget ronmental laws and AS e gon. Said sale i s 97701, between the p.m. Monday through eration and/or assigns, Plain- DESCRIBED will take regulations that affect tiff/s, v. Deepak Jolly; FOLLOWS: BEGIN- made under a Writ of hours of 8 a.m. and 5 Friday. Th e Budget Committee place. A n y p erson the property. Pub- Carina L. Brando; and NING AT THE Execution in Foreclo- p.m. Monday through Committee will also m ay appear at t h e lished in Bend Bulle- O ccupants o f P r e - NORTHEAST CORsure issued out of the Friday. F o r f u rther hold meetings and meeting and discuss tin. Date of First and mises, D efendant/s. NER OF THE C ircuit Court of t h e information, c ontact accept public testithe proposed proSuccessive Publica- Case No.: 12CV0390. NE1/4NE1/4; State of Oregon for Teri Maerki, Financial/ mony beginning at with the Budtions: May 1, 2 0 1 3; N OTICE O F S A L E T HENCE WEST - the County of DesB udget Analyst, a t 9 :00 a.m. o n M a y grams g et Committee. A May 8, 2013; May 15, U NDER WRIT O F ERLY ALONG THE chutes, dated April 4, (541)388-6536. 21st, May 22nd, and udget 2 013. Date o f L a st EXECUTION - REAL NORTH L I N E OF 2013, to me directed May 23rd. If needed, copy of th emayb be inLEGAL NOTICE Publication: May 22, N E 1 /4NE1/4, in the above-entitled an additional meeting document PROPERTY. Notice is SAID spected or obtained 2013. Attorney: hereby given that I will 990 FEET; THENCE action wherein Wells NOTICE OF BLACK to approve the budor after May 13, Michael T h ornicroft, on May 30, 2013 at BUTTE RANCH S OUTHERLY A N D Fargo Bank, N.A. as get may take place on on 013, at t h e D e s OSB ¹981104, RCO PARALLEL TO T H E plaintiff/s, recovered SERVICE DISTRICT May 24th beginning at 2 10:00 AM in the main chutes County Board COMMITTEE Legal, P.C., 511 SW 9:00 a.m. For further of l obby of t h e D e s - EAST LINE OF SAID General Judgment of BUDGET Co m missioners' MEETING 10th Ave., Ste 400, NE1/4NE1/4, 660 Foreclosure Against: information, c o ntact chutes County 1300 NW Wall Portland, OR 97205, Teri Maerki, Financial/ Office, Sheriff's Office, 63333 FEET TO THE POINT (1) The Real Property Street, Bend, Oregon, 503-977-7840. Condi- W. Highway 20, Bend, OF B EGI N NING; located at 20280 Mor- A public meeting of B udget Analyst, a t 97701, between the tions of Sale: Poten- Oregon, sell, at public THENCE EASTERLY gan Loop, Bend, Or- the Budget Commit- (541)388-6536. hours of 8 a.m. and 5 tial bidders must ar- o ral auction to t h e AND PARALLEL TO e gon 9 7 701; a n d tee of the Black Butte p.m. Monday through LEGAL NOTICE rive 15 minutes prior h ighest bidder, f o r THE NORTH L I NE Money Award Against Ranch Service DisNOTICE OF Friday. F o r f u rther Desch u tes to the auction to allow cash o r SAID the Real Property lo- trict, cas h ier's OF County, State of Or- DESCHUTES COUNTY information, c o ntact the Deschutes County check, the real prop- NE1/4NE1/4, 165 cated at 20280 MorEXTENSION Teri Maerki, Financial/ Sheriff's Office to re- erty commonly known F EET; THEN C E gan Loop, Bend, Or- egon, to discuss the AND 4-H SERVICE B udget Analyst, a t view bidder's funds. as 700 N E Q u ince S OUTHERLY A N D egon 97701 on March budget for the fiscal DISTRICT (541)388-6536. Only U.S. c urrency Avenue, R e d mond, PARALLEL TO T H E 11, 2013, against the year July 1, 2013, to COMMITTEE and/or cashier's Oregon 97756, and EAST LINE OF SAID Real Property located June 30, 2014, will be BUDGET MEETING checks made payable further described as, NE1/4NE1/4, 330 at 2 0 28 0 Mo r g an held at the Deschutes LEGAL NOTICE to Deschutes County Lot Thirty-Eight (38), F EET; THEN C E Loop, Bend, Oregon Services Center, 1300 NOTICE OF Sheriff's Office will be Diamond Bar Ranch, WESTERLY, A ND 97701 as defendant/s. NW W a l l Str e e t, A public meeting of SUNRIVER LIBRARY Budget Commitaccepted. P a y ment Phase 1, Deschutes PARALLEL TO THE BEFORE B I DDING Bend, Oregon. The the COUNTY SERVICE m eeting w i l l tak e tee of the Deschutes must be made in full County, Oregon. Said NORTH L IN E OF A T TH E S A LE, A DISTRICT County Extension and immediately upon the sale is made under a THE SAID PROSPECTIVE BID- place May 20, 2013, 4-H Service District, BUDGET COMMITTEE b etween 9:00 a . m . c lose of t h e s a l e . Writ of Execution in NE1/4NE1/4, 165 DER SHOULD INDEMEETING Deschutes C o u nty, LARRY B L A NTON, Foreclosure i s sued F EET; THEN C E PENDENTLY INVES- and 10:00 a.m. The Deschutes C o u nty out o f t h e C i r cuit N ORTHERLY A N D TIGATE: (a)The purpose of the meet- State of Oregon, to public meeting of Sheriff. ing is to receive the discuss the budget for A Blair Court of the State of PARALLEL TO THE priority of the lien or the Budget CommitBarkhurst, Field Oregon for the County EAST LINE OF THE interest of the judg- budget message and the fiscal year July 1, tee of the Sunriver LiT echnician. Dat e : of Deschutes, dated NE1/4NE1/4, 330 ment creditor; (b)Land to receive comment 2 013, to J u n e 3 0 , brary County Service April 29, 2013. FEET TO THE POINT use laws and regula- from the public on the 2014, will be held at April 16, 2013, to me District, De s c hutes the Deschutes Serdirected in t he OF BEGINNING. Said tions applicable to the b udget. T h i s i s a vices Center, 1300 County, State of Orpublic meeting where LEGAL NOTICE sale is made under a property; (c)Apabove-entitled action egon, to discuss the d eliberation o f th e NW W a l l Str e e t, budget for the fiscal IN T H E CIR C U IT wherein Wells Fargo Writ of Execution in proved uses for the Bend, Oregon. The Budget Committee will COURT O F T HE Bank, N,A,, its sucForeclosure i s s ued property; (d) Limits on tak e year July 1, 2013, to STATE OF OREGON cessors i n for e st take place. Any per- m eeting w i l l i n t erest out o f t h e C i r cuit f arming o r 30, 2014, will be son may appear at the p lace on M a y 2 0 , June DESCHUTES Court of the State of practices on the propa nd/or assigns a s held at the Deschutes meeting and discuss 2013, between 9:00 COUNTY. Wells plaintiff/s, recovered Oregon for the County erty; (e) Rights of Center, 1300 proposed pro- a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Services Fargo Bank, N.A., its Corrected G e n eral of Deschutes, dated neighboring property the NW W a l l St r e e t, grams with the Bud- The purpose of the successors in interest Judgment of Foreclo- April 16, 2013, to me owners; and (f)EnviBend, Oregon. The and/or assigns, Plain- sure A g ainst: (1) directed in the above- ronmental laws and g et Committee. A meeting is to receive m eeting w i l l ta k e t iff/s, v . D a v i d T . Deepak Jolly (2) Ca- entitled action wherein regulations that affect copy of the budget the budget message p lace on M a y 2 0 , and to receive comdocument may be inWheeler; O n e West rina L. Brando (3) Oc- GMAC Mor t gage, the p roperty. P u bment from the public 2013, between 9:00 Bank, FSB as SucLLC, its successors in lished in Bend Bulle- spected or obtained on cupants of the Prethe budget. This is a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on or after May 13, cessor in Interest to i nterest and/or a s tin. Date of First and mises; and M o ney p u b li c me e ting The purpose of the Indymac Bank, FSB; A ward Against t h e signs as plaintiff/s, re- Successive Publica- 2 013, at t h e D e s - a meeting is to receive Denise Dawn Property Located at c overed Gene r a l tions:April 24, 2013; chutes County Board where deliberation of budget message of Co m m issioners' the Budget Commit- the Wheeler; and Occu- 700 Northeast Quince Judgment of Foreclo- May 1, 2013; May 8, and to receive compants of the Premises, Avenue, R e d mond, sure Against: 1) Her- 2013. Date of L a st Office, 1300 NW Wall tee will take place. ment from the public Street, Bend, Oregon, Any person may ap- on the budget. This is D efendant/s. C a s e OR, 97756 on Janum an L o v ell; an d Publication: May 15, pear at the meeting No.: 11CV0663. NO- ary 3, 2013, against Money Award Against 2013. At tor n e y: 97701, between the p u b li c m e e ting hours of 8 a.m. and 5 and discuss the pro- a TICE OF SALE UNDeepak Jolly; Carina H erman Lovell o n Michael T h ornicroft, where deliberation of posed programs with p.m. Monday through DER WRIT OF EXJ anuary 3 , 201 3 , OSB ¹981104, RCO L. Brando; and Occuthe Budget CommitFriday. F o r f u rther the Budget CommitECUTION - REAL pants of the Premises against Herman Lovell Legal, P.C., 511 SW will take place. information, c ontact tee. A c o py of the tee PROPERTY. Notice is as defendant/s. BEas defendant/s. BE10th Ave., Ste. 400, Any person may apdocument may hereby given that I will FORE BIDDING AT FORE BIDDING AT Portland, OR 97205, Teri Maerki, Financial/ budget be inspected or ob- pear at the meeting B udget Analyst, a t on May 16, 2013 at THE SALE, A PRO503-977-7840. CondiTHE SALE, A PROtained on or after May and discuss the pro10:00 AM in the main SPECTIVE B I DDER (541)388-6536. SPECTIVE BIDDER tions of Sale: Potenposed programs with 13, 2013, at the Desl obby of t h e D e s - SHOULD INDEPENSHOULD INDEPEN- tial bidders must arAdvertise your car! chutes County Board the Budget Commitchutes County DENTLY I N V ESTI- DENTLY I N V ESTI- rive 15 minutes prior Add A Picture! of Co m missioners' t ee. A copy o f t h e Sheriff's Office, 63333 GATE: (a)The priority GATE: (a)The priority to the auction to allow Reach thousands of readers~ Office, 1300 NW Wall budgetdocument may W. Highway 20, Bend, of the lien or interest of the lien or interest the Deschutes County Call 541-385-5809 Street, Bend, Oregon, be inspected or obOregon, sell, at public of of t h e jud g ment Sheriff's Office to ret h e jud g ment The Bulletin Classifieds 97701, between the tained on or after May o ral auction t o t h e creditor; (b) Land use creditor; (b)Land use view bidder's funds. hours of 8 a.m. and 5 13, 2013, at the Desh ighest bidder, f o r LEGAL NOTICE laws and regulations laws and regulations Only U.S. c urrency p.m. Monday through chutes County Board cash o r ca s h ier's applicable t o NOTICE OF the and/or cashier's the applicable t o Co m missioners' Friday. F o r f u rther of check, the real prop- property; (c)Approperty; (c)Apchecks made payable COUNTYWIDE LAW Office, 1300 NW Wall information, c o ntact erty commonly known proved uses for the ENFORCEMENT proved uses for the to Deschutes County Teri Maerki, Financial/ Street, Bend, Oregon, as 382 North Maple property; (d)Limits on property; (d) Limits on Sheriff's Office will be DISTRICT 97701, between the B udget Analyst, a t L ane, Sisters, O r f arming o r for e s t accepted. P a y ment (DISTRICT 1) f arming o r for e st hours of 8 a.m. and 5 (541)388-6536. egon 97759, and fur- practices on the prop- practices on the prop- must be made in full BUDGET COMMITTEE p.m. Monday through t her d escribed a s , MEETING erty; (e) Rights of immediately upon the of erty; (e) Rights Check out the Friday. F o r f u rther Parcel 2 of Partition neighboring property neighboring property close of t h e s a l e. information, c o ntact classifieds online Plat No. 2006-5, beowners; and (f)EnviLARRY B L A NTON, A public meeting of owners; and (f)EnviTeri Maerki, Financial/ www.bendbulletin.com ing a partition of Lot ronmental laws and Deschutes Co u n ty the Budget Commitronmental laws and B udget Analyst, a t Updated daily Eleven (11) in Block regulations that affect regulations that affect Sheriff. tee of the Countywide Blair (541)388-6536. Three (3), of Edge 0' the p roperty. P u bthe property. Pub- Barkhurst, Field Law Enf o rcement The Pines Addition, District (District 1) , lished in Bend BulleT echnician. Dat e : lished in Bend BulleCity of Sisters, Des- tin. Date of First and tin. Date of First and April 23, 2013. Deschutes C o unty, Legal Notices • LEGAL NOTICE chutes County, OrState of Oregon, to NOTICE OF Successive PublicaSuccessive Publicaegon. Said sale is discuss the budget for LEGAL NOTICE SUNRIVER SERVICE t ions: May 1, 2 0 1 3 ; tions: May 1, 2 0 1 3; made under a Writ of the fiscal year July 1, NOTICE OF DISTRICT May 8, 2013; May 15, May 8, 2013; May 15, Execution in Foreclo- 2013. Date of L a st 2 013. Date o f L a st FIND YOUR FUTURE 2 013, to J u n e 3 0 , DESCHUTES COUNTY BUDGET COMMITTEE sure issued out of the Publication: May 22, HOME IN THE BULLETIN 9-1-1 COUNTY MEETING Publication: May 22, 2014, will be held at C ircuit Court of t h e Attorney: Your future is just a page the Deschutes Ser- SERVICE DISTRICT 2013. Attor n e y: 2013. State of Oregon for A public meeting of Michael T h ornicroft, Michael T h ornicroft, away. Whether you're looking vices Center, 1300 BUDGET COMMITTEE the County of Des- OSB ¹981104, RCO OSB ¹981104, RCO NW W a l l Str e e t, MEETING the Budget Commitfor a hat or a pl a ce to hang it, chutes, dated March tee of th e S unriver Legal, P.C., 511 SW Bend, Oregon. The Legal, P.C., 511 SW The Bulletin Classified is 22, 2013, to me d im eeting w i l l tak e A public meeting of Service District, Des1 0th A venue, S t e . 10th Avenue, Suite your best source. rected in the 4 00, P o rtland, O R 4 00, Portland, O R p lace on M a y 2 2 , the Budget Commit- chutes County, State above-entitled action 97205, 503-977-7840. 97205, 2013, beginning at tee of the Deschutes of Oregon, to discuss (503) Every daythousandsof wherein Wells Fargo Conditions of S a l e: 977-7840. Conditions buyers and sellers of goods 9:00 a.m. T h e purCounty 9-1-1 County the budget for the fisBank, N.A., its sucof Sale: Po t e ntial pose of the meeting is Service District, Des- cal year July 1, 2013, Potential bidders must and services do business in cessors i n i n t erest arrive 15 minutes prior bidders must arrive 15 these pages.Theyknow to receive the budget chutes County, State to June 30, 2014, will a nd/or assigns a s to the auction to allow minutes prior to the ycu can't beat TheBulletin message and to re- of Oregon, to discuss be held at the Desceive comment from the budget for the fis- chutes Serv i c es plaintiff/s, recovered the Deschutes County auction to allow the Classified Section for Stipulated G e n eral Sheriff's Office to reDeschutes C o u nty selection and convenience the public on the bud- cal year July 1, 2013, Center, 1300 NW Wall Judgment of Foreclo- view bidder's funds. Sheriff's Office to re- - every item isjust a phone get. This is a public to June 30, 2014, will Street, Bend, Oregon. sure and Shortening Only U.S. c urrency view bidder's funds. meeting where delib- be held at the DesThe meeting will take call away. of Redemption Period and/or eration of the Budget chutes Serv i c es p lace on M a y 2 0 , cashier's Only U.S. c urrency The Classified Section is Against Defendants: checks made payable and/or cashier's Committee will t a ke Center, 1300 NW Wall 2013, between 9:00 easy to use. Every item 1) David T. Wheeler to Deschutes County checks made payable place. A n y p erson Street, Bend, Oregon. a.m. and 10:00 a.m. is categorized andevery o n D e cember 2 8 , Sheriff's Office will be to Deschutes County may appear at t he The meeting will take The purpose of the cariegory is indexed on the meeting and discuss p lace on M a y 2 2 , meeting is to receive 2012, against David accepted. P a y ment Sheriff's Office will be scction's front page. T. Wheeler as defen- must be made in full accepted. P a yment the p roposed p ro- 2013, between 11:00 the budget message d ant/s. BEFO R E immediately upon the must be made in full Whether youare lookingfor and to receive comgrams with the Bud- a.m. and noon. The BIDDING A T T H E close of t h e s a l e. immediately upon the a home orneed aservice, g et Committee. A purpose of the meet- ment from the public copy of th e b udget ing is to receive the on the budget. This is SALE, A PROSPECLARRY B L A NTON, close of t h e s a l e. your future is in the pagesof TIVE BIDDER Deschutes document may be in- budget message and a p u blic m e e ting Co u n ty LARRY B L A NTON, The Bulletin Classified. SHOULD INDEPEN- Sheriff. spected or obtained to receive comment where deliberation of Deschutes Co u n ty Blair DENTLY I N V ESTI- Barkhurst, on or after May 13, from the public on the the Budget CommitField Sheriff. Anthony RaThe Bulletin GATE: (a)The priority T echnician. 2 013, at t h e D e s - b udget. T h i s i s a tee will take place. Dat e : guine, Civil Techniof the lien or interest April 29, 2013. cian. Date: April 29, chutes County Board public meeting where Any person may apof t h e j ud g ment of Co m missioners' d eliberation o f th e pear at the meeting 2013. creditor; (b) Land use Office, 1300 NW Wall Budget Committee will and discuss the prolaws and regulations Street, Bend, Oregon, take place. Any per- posed programs with What are you Need to get an ad applicable t o the 97701, between the son may appear at the the Budget C USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! looking for? hours of 8 a.m. and 5 meeting and discuss property; (c)Apin ASAP? Door-to-door selling with proved uses for the p.m. Monday through the p roposed p r oYou'll find it in fast results! It's the easiest Friday. F o r f u rther grams with the Budproperty; (d)Limits on The Bulletin Classifieds f arming o r for e st Fax it to 541-322-7253 way in the world io sell. information, c o ntact g et Committee. A Teri Maerki, Financial/ copy of the budget practices on the propThe Bulletin Classified The Bulletin Classifieds erty; (e) Rights of B udget Analyst, a t document may be in541-385-5809 541-385-5809 neighboring property spected or obtained (541)388-6536.

t h e Ci r c uit ronmental laws and CIR C U IT out o f regulations that affect COURT O F THE Court of the State of Oregon for the County the property. PubSTATE OF OREGON IN

Legal Notices • LEGAL NOTICE









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