Serving Central Oregon since1903 75l t
WEDNESDAY January 2,2013
ese in i curesa i s
Mount Defiance
OUTDOORS• D1 TODAY'S READERBOARD Brrrrrrrrrr —Theforecast is for continued chilly
weather — badnewsif you're a pipe, but good news if you're a winter
sports enthusiast.B1
And since it's gonnade
Celd —Here's how to make an igloo.D3 P
• The House passed the bill by a vote of 257-167 as both sides look to what's next Bulletin wire reports WASHINGTON — Ending a climactic fiscal showdown in the final hours of the 112th Congress, the House late Tuesday passed and sent to President Barack Obama legislation to avert big income tax increases on most Americans andprevent large cuts in spending for the Pentagon and other government programs.
The measure, brought to the House floor less than 24 hours after its passage in the Senate, passed 257-167, with 85 Republicans joining 172 Democrats in voting to allow income taxes to rise for the first time in two decades, in this case for the highest-earning Americans. Voting no were 151 Republicans and 16 Democrats.
First passed by the Senate early Tuesday, the deal will head off the most severe effects of the "fiscal cliff" by averting a dangerous dose of austerity but still leaves the economy vulnerable to both immediate and more distant threats. The agreement fails to defusethe prospect ofa catastrophic national default two
Where's Chip headed?
— NFL open-
Ings increase the speculation.C1
months from now. The deal does not raise the debt ceiling, leaving the Treasury to use what it calls "extraordinary measures" as long as it can to pay the government's bills. And already Tuesday, both sideswere maneuvering for the next round in a seemingly ceaseless struggle about taxes and spending. SeeFiscal /A3
with each project. 6 First Street Rapidsbridge May 2013 6Ponderosa Park improvements Late spring 2013 6 Miller's LandingPark August 2013 0 Phase I at PineNursery Park (Includes two restrooms, two picnic
E Pire Ire
shelters, fieldhouse) End of 2013
Q Phase II at PineNurseryPark (Includes roads andparking lots) Spring
New York Times News Service
Energy drinks are the fastest-growing part of the beverage industry, with sales in the United States reaching more than $10 billion in 2012 — more than A mericansspent on iced tea orsports beverages like Gatorade. Their rising popularity represents a generational shift in what people drink, and reflectsa successful campaign toconvince consumers, particularly teenagers, that the drinks provide a mental and
as again giving away too much,A3
Bulletin staff report The number of flu cases in and around Bend is on the rise, a not-so-subtle reminder to get your flushot beforethe season really peaks in February, local health experts said Monday. Lisa Goodman, spokeswoman for St. Charles Health System, said the number of tests administered at hospitals in Bend, Redmond and Prineville has doubled over the last month. An increase in tests means doctors and clinicians are seeing more cases they suspect could be influenza. "It's a good pulse of what's going on, and that's about all you can do with the flu, unless we see a novel strain," said Patty Thomas, communicable disease supervisor for Deschutes County Health Services. "And we're not seeing that this year." The actual number of flu cases, particularly influenza A, rose appreciably in Bend in December. Two patients tested positive for influenza B and none tested positive for the A strain in November, out of 78 tests administered, according to recordsprovided by the health care system. But in December, three patients tested positive for the B strain and 35 tested positive for A, out of 167 tested. SeeFlu/A5
Projects withgreen numbers were funded by the Nov. 6 bond measure. Projects with rodnumbers are planned or under way but are not part of the bond. Estimated date of completion is included
By Barry Meier
Republicans resisted the deal,A3 • Points of interest in the bill's final form,A3 • The left sees Obama
yet to hit
Continuing andupcomingBendpark projects
Little proof is found in energy drink claims
• In the GOP, a newbreed of
with peak
galization as the only option.A6
The danger of prescription painkillers may havebeen undersold, andthedamagemay have beenvast.
audacious and illegal trade in
And a Wed exclusive-
the plan; read our
Bend flu
Poachingprodlem —An smuggled rhino horns is so devastating, somepoint to le-
Inside • Walden voted for
Q Bridge to GopherGulchSpring 2014 Q Field lighting at PineNursery 2014 Q Colorado Dam safepassage Possibly
Neff Rd.
2015; no work before July 2014
6 Two dasedall/softdall diamondsat Pine Nursery(Part of Phase I) 2015 ©i SimpsonAvenue ice rink andevent center(Working with OSU-Cascadeson
Gr nwood Ave. n v.
master plan) Date to be determined
Bear Creek R.
© Four soccer/multipurposefields at Pine Nursery(Funded in partnership with Oregon Rush)Date to bedetermined © Road access, parkingandtrailhead ~ at GopherGulchDateto be determined Q3Deschutes RiverTrail dridge at southurban growthboundaryDateto be
nAv ReedMarke RII. MILES
© Larkspur Parkexpansionand
f /2
renovations, includingeight pickledall courtsDate to be determined Q Acquisition of approximately 25 acres of future community parkland insoutheast BendDate and sites to be determined, so
no location is indicated on
A first from
the map at right Andy Zeigert i The Bulletin
Source: Bend Park & Recreation District
By Scott Hammers
physical edge. The drinks are now under scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration after reports of deaths and serious injuries that may be linked to their high caffeine levels. But however that review ends, one thing is clear, interviews with researchers and a review of scientific studies show: the energy drink industry is based on a brew of ingredients that, apart from caffeine, have little, if any benefit for consumers. "If you had a cup of coffee you are going to affect metabolism in the same way," said Robert Pettitt, an associate professor at Minnesota State University in Mankato, who has studied the drinks. Energy drink companies have promoted their products not as caffeine-fueled concoctions but as specially engineered blends that provide something more. SeeEnergy drinks/A5
Nearly two months after winning voter approval for a $29 million bond, the Bend Park 8 Recreation District is figuring out how to tackle a long list of promised land acquisitions and park improvements. Thursday, members of the district board of directors will be meeting in a daylong retreat to discuss priorities for the coming year, with the staging of the bond-funded project near the top of the agenda. Last month, the board formally established the Bond Capital Projects Fund, a bank account of sorts
for keeping and spending the proceedsfrom the bond sales.Als o in December, the district relaunched
TODAY'S WEATHER Clear and cold HIgh 30, Low 15
Page B6
a state: an
water play area for kayakers and a safe passage for river floaters. will be spent Bruce Ronning, the district's direcPine Nursery Deschutes tor of planning and development, 5% River Trail and said design had been on hold since parks last summer, pending the outcome Southeast 46% of the bond election. parks The bond funds may not be 13% available until July 1, Ronning said, the start of the next budgetary year. However, he said the Colorado district will likely borrow from Damsafo Recre ion- its non-bond capital projects passage Edncatfon fund in order to get some of the 17% Center 19% improvements promised during the bond campaign under way Source Bend Park & Recreation District this spring. Andy Zeigert /The Bulletin Two bond-funded projects are considered "the low-hanging the designprocess forthe Colorafruit," Ronning said, and should do Dam project, a reshaping of the be in motion by early in the year. current spillway to create a whiteSeeParks/A5
The Bulletin
Business Calendar Classified
C6 Comics/Pu zzles E3-4 Horoscope 06 O utdoors 0 1-5 C1-5 B2 Crosswords E4 Local & State B1-6 Sports Ef -6 Dear Abby 06 Obituaries B5 TV/Movies 06
all-female delegation By Katharine Q. Seolye New York Times News Service
Most states are red or blue. A few are purple. After the November election, New Hampshire turned pink. Women won the state's two congressionalseats.Women already held the state's two Senate seats. When they are all sworn into office on Thursday, New Hampshire will become the first state in the nation's history to send an all-female delegation to Washington. And the matriarchy does not end there. See New Hampshire/A5
The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper
Vol. 110,No. 2, 30 pages, 5 sections
+ .O We userecycled newsprint
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a is animii an s sa ai
RllllaWay Oll rlg —One of Shell Oil's two Arctic drilling rigs is beached on anisland in the Gulf of Alaska, threatening environmental
By Salman Masood
IVOry COaSt Stampede —A crowd stampededafter leaving a New Year's fireworks showearly Tuesday in Ivory Coast's main city, killing 61 people — many of themchildren andteenagers — and in-
men on a motorcycle who followed a van taking the workISLAMABAD — Continu- ers home and then opened fire ing a militant campaign of on it with assault rifles, the poviolence against aid workers lice said. The victims worked in Pakistan, gunmen on Tues- for the private Pakistani aid day shot dead seven Pakistani group Support With Working teachers and health workers, Solution, which works in the six of them women, police of- health and education sectors. " They opened f i r e a n d ficials said. There was no i m mediate killed six f emales and one claim of responsibility. But the m ale," Javed A k h t ar, t h e shooting, in the Swabi district group's executive d i rector, of the northwestern province said in a telephone interview. "One child, aged 7 to 8 years, of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, fit a pattern of attacks against miraculously survived." c harity a n d a i d wor k e rs The aid group was founded across the country in recent in 1991 and, in conjunction weeks that officials have at- with other aid g roups, has tributed to the Pakistani Tal- focused o n K h y b er-Pakhiban. The militant offensive t unkhwa Province and o n has brought a wave of inter- South Waziristan in the tribal national outrage, particularly region. Five of the dead were because it has focused on vac- young women who worked cination and health workers as teachers at a primary-level in a country where polio and school the charity ran in the measles have made troubling area, Akhtar said. The other gains. two were health workers. The attack o n T u esday, While Akhtar said that his near the village of Sher Afzal organization had received no Banda, was conducted by two prior warning or t hreat, he New Yorh Times News Service
and other Pakistani officials said they believed that the attack was part of the broader Pakistani Taliban campaign against ai d w o r kers. L a st month, at least nine Pakistani volunteers in an internationally supported polio vaccination drive were killed by militants across the country. Pakistan is one of just three countries inthe world in which polio remains endemic, and the country has also struggled with aresurgence of measles. Saghir A h med, th e h ealth minister for Sindh Province, fired five health department officials after si x c h i l dren were reportedto have died of measles on Monday alone. In the city of K arachi, at least four people were killed and more than 40 wounded Tuesday in a bombing that appeared politically motivated. The bomb, detonated by remote control, ripped through several buses returning from a political rally, the p olice said.
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn
Tuesday night are:
Q 4Q <S®i ©SI44I©O The estimated jackpot is now $39 million.
to see the fireworks. It was only the secondNewYear's Eve fireworks display since peace returned to this West African nation after a bloody upheaval over presidential elections put the nation on the
brink of civil war and turned this city into a battle zone.Thecause of the stampede was unknown.
Syria ClaSheS —Clashes between government troops and rebels on Tuesday forced the international airport in Aleppo to stop all flights in and out of Syria's largest city, while fierce battles also raged in
the suburbs of the capital, Damascus. Therebels have beenmaking inroads in the civil war recently, capturing a string of military bases and posing a stiff challenge to the regime in Syria's two major cit-
ies — DamascusandAleppo. The opposition trying to overthrow
authoritarian President Bashar Assad has been fighting for control of
Aleppo since the summer,and it has captured large swathes of territory in Aleppo province west andnorth of the city up to theTurkish border. Egyptian COmedian iII trOIIdle —Egyptian prosecutors launched an investigation on Tuesday against a popular television satirist for allegedly insulting the president in the latest case raised by
Islamist lawyers against outspoken mediapersonalities. Lawyer Ramadan Abdel-Hamid al-Oqsori charged that TV host Bassem Youssef insulted President Mohammed Morsi by putting the Islamist leader's
image on apillow and parodying his speeches. Thecaseagainst Youssef comes asopposition media andindependent journalists are growing increasingly worried about press freedoms under anewconstitution widely supported by Morsi and his Islamist allies. NOrth KOrean OVerture —North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Tuesdaycalled for an end to the "confrontation" with rival South Korea in what appeared to be an overture to the incoming South
sexual abusescandal. The Republican governor of Pennsylvania scheduled anewsconferencetodayonthePennStatecampustoannounce the filing in U.S. District Court in Harrisburg.
India welfare —India will pay billions of dollars in social welfare money directly to its poor under a new program that aims to cut out the middlemen blamed for the massive fraud that plagues the sys-
tem. Previously officials only handedout cash to the poor after taking a cut — if they didn't keep all of it for themselves — and were known
to enroll fake recipients or register unqualified people. The program inaugurated Tuesdaywould see welfare money directly deposited into recipients' bank accounts and require them to prove their identity with biometric data, such as fingerprints or retina scans.
ChiCagO hOmiCide jump —Chicago endedthe year with 506 homicides, according to an unofficial tally released Tuesday, making Matt McCiam/ For The Wasmngton post
Darcia Anthony, left, and Dani Williams, of Baltimore, celebrate their marriage just after midnight on
Eve parties, as gay marriage became legal in the first state south of the Mason-Dixon Line on New Year's
Jan. 1. Six other same-sex couples also werebeing
married at City Hall. Ceremonies were taking place in other parts of the state as well.
Same-sex couples in Maryland weregreeted with cheers and noisemakers held over from NewYear's
2012 the first year the city has hadmorethan 500 homicides in four years, and marking an increase of more than t6 percent over last year's total. Crime experts caution not to read too much into year-to-
year increases in homicides, especially since 201 1's and 2010's 435
In total, nine states and the District of Columbia
have approved same-sexmarriage. The other states are Connecticut, lowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New
homicides were the lowest the city had seen in more than 40 years. But Chicago's tally in 2012 was the highest since 2008 and the sec-
ond highest since 2003.
Hampshire, New York, Vermontand Washington.
OSCar VOte deadline —Growing concern that problems with the new electronic Oscar voting system could lead to record-low turnout has prompted the motion picture academy to extend the deadline for members to vote for Oscar nominations. But with next week's highly
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juring more than 200, rescue workers said. Thousands had gathered at the Felix Houphouet Boigny Stadium in Abidjan's Plateau district
against Penn State University in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky child
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more than t50,000 gallons of diesel fuel and lubricants from spilling onto the rocky shoreline.
PeIIII S'tate SaIICtlOIIS —Gov.TomCorbett said Tuesday he plans to sue theNCAAin federal court over stiff sanctions imposed
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vessel, 266 feet in diameter, to prevent further damage and keep its
father, Kim Jong II, who died in December2011.
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late Tuesday. The Coast Guard was leading an effort to stabilize the
policy statement on New Year's Day, following a tradition set by Kim's grandfather, North Korean founder Kim II Sung, and continued by his
Home deliveryandE-Edition:
mer. The condition of the rig, the Kulluk, which broke free from atow shipinstormyseasand ranagroundMo ndaynight,wasunknown
Korean president, Park Geun-hye, asshewas cobbling together South Korea's newpolicy on the North. North Korea issued amajor
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damage from a fuel spill and calling into question Shell's plans to resume drilling in the treacherous waters north of Alaska in the sum-
Clinton on blood thinnersfor clot The Associated Press WASHINGTON — S ecretary of State Hillary Clinton continuesto recover in a New York hospital where she's being treated for a blood clot in her head. Her doctors say blood thinners arebeing used to dissolve the clot and they are confident she will make a full recovery. Clinton didn't suffer a stroke or neurological damage from the clot that formed after she suffered a concussion during a fainting spell at her home in earlyDecember, doctors said in a statement Monday. Clinton, 65, was admitted to N e w Yo r k -Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday when the clot turned up on a follow-up exam on the concussion, Clinton spokesman Phillipe Reines said. The clot is located in the vein in the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear. She will be released once the medication dose for the bloodthinners has been established, the doctors said. In their statement, Dr. Lisa Bardack of the Mount Kisco Medical Group and Dr. Gigi ElBayoumi of George Washington University said Clinton was making excellent progress and was in good spirits. Clinton's complication "certainly isn't the most common thing to happen after a concussion" and is one of the few types of blood clots in the skull or head that are treated with blood thinners, said Dr. Larry Goldstein, a neurologist who is director of Duke University's stroke center. He is not involved
in Clinton's care. The area where Clinton's clot developed is "a drainage channel, the equivalent of a big vein inside the skull. It's how the blood gets back to the heart," Goldstein said. Blood thinners usually are enough to treat the clot and it should have no long-term consequences if her doctors are saying she has suffered no neurological damage from it, Goldstein said. Clinton returned to the U.S. from a trip to Europe, then fell ill with a stomach virus in early December that left her severely dehydrated and forced her to cancel a trip to North Africa and the Middle East. Until then, she had canceled only two scheduled overseas trips, one to Europe after breaking her elbow in June 2009 and one to Asia after the February 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Her c o ndition w o r sened when she fainted, fell and suffered a concussion while at home alone in mid-December as sherecovered from thevirus. This isn't the first time Clinton has suffered a blood clot. In 1998, midway through her husband's second term as president, Clinton was in New York fundraising for the midterm elections when a swollen right foot led her doctor to diagnose a clot in her knee requiring immediate treatment. Clinton had planned to step down as secretary of state at the beginning of President Barack Obama's second term. Whether she will return to work before she resignsremains a question.
Democrats are privately if not publicly speculating: How might her illness affect a decision about running for president in 2016'? Afterdecades inpolitics, Clinton saysshe plans to spend the next year resting. She has long insisted she had no intention of mounting a second campaign for the White House four years from now. But the door is not entirely closed, and she would almost certainly emerge as the Democrat to beat if she decided to give in to calls by Democratic fans and run again. Her age — andtherebyhealth — would probably be a factor under consideration, given that Clinton would be 69 when sworn in, if she were elected in 2016. That might become even more of an issue in the early jockeying for 2016 if what started as a bad stomach bug becomes a prolonged, public bout with more serious infirmity. Not that Democrats are willing to talk openly about the political implications of a long illness, choosing to keep any discussions about her condition behind closed doors. Publicly, Democrats reject the notion that a blood clot could hinder her political prospects. "Some of t hose concerns could be b orderline sexist," said Basil Smikle, a Democratic strategist who worked for Clinton when she was a senator. "Dick Cheney had significant heart problems when he was vicepresident,and people joked about it. He took the time he needed to get better, and it wasn't a problem."
anticipated announcements looming, the extension is only for a day, until Friday. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences said Monday that any votes received after the new deadline will not be
counted. ClaSheS ilI WeSt Bank —An arrest raid by undercover Israeli soldiers disguised asvegetable vendors ignited rare clashes in the northern West Bank on Tuesday, residents said, leaving at10 Palestinians wounded. Israeli army raids into Palestinian areas to seize
activists and militants are fairly common. Theraids are normally coordinated with Palestinian security forces, and suspects are usually apprehended without violence.
VeneZuela OO edge —Supporters and opponents of President Hugo Chavezalike nervously welcomed the newyear Tuesday, left on edge by shifting signals from the government about theVenezuelan leader's health three weeks after cancer surgery in Cuba. Chavez has not been seen or heard from since the Dec. 11 operation, and officials
have reported a series of upsand downs in his recovery — the most recent, late Sunday, announcing thata respiratory infection had put the president in a "delicate" state.
Apple Store roddery —Armed robbers on NewYear's Eve got away with what initial reports said was some $1.3 million of products
from an Apple lnc. store in Paris. The robbery, carried out by four or five armed and masked individuals, occurred in the late evening, about three hours after the store had closed, the reports say.
Hef gets hitched —Hugh Hefner's celebrating the newyear as a married man onceagain. The 86-year-old Playboy magazine founder exchanged vows with his "runaway bride," Crystal Harris, at a private Playboy Mansion ceremony onNewYear's Eve.Harris, a 26-year-old "Playmate of the Month" in 2009, broke off a previous engagement to
Hefner just before they were to bemarried in 2011. FreIICh Cal'S dUrll —A NewYear's Eve tradition for some in France of torching empty, parked cars hascontinued. Interior Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday that t,t93 vehicles were burned overnight around the country, where the stunt began in the1990s. There
was no way to compare this figure to recent onesbecausetheconservative government of former President Nicolas Sarkozy stopped making the numbers public while he was in office. IlllllOIS pellSIOIIS —As lllinois lawmakers head back to work this week, Gov. Pat Quinn is seeking to use the practical advantages of
a lame duck legislative calendar to fix the state's pension systems — the most underfinanced in the nation — in a matter of days. Over the years, leaders here have fretted over the shortfall even as they
watched it grow andgrow, nowreaching, by some estimates, $96 billion. Quinn, a Democrat, has come to describe the situation as the state's "rendezvous with reality" and lllinois' own "fiscal cliff." — Fromwirereports
TODAY It'sWednesday, Jan.2,the
second day of 2013.Thereare 363 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS Markets —They reopen with a deal having been
TOP TORY: Fiscal cliff
Anew ree in Gopresiste
The bill'sfinal form
By Jonathan Weisman
10 years comparedwith tax
reached on theso-called fiscal cliff. Asian markets had risen on the deal early today.
StOrm —A vote on relief for superstorm Sandy could take place in the U.S.House.
HISTORY Highlight:1788,Georgia became the fourth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. In1893,the U.S. Postal Service issued its first commemorative stamp to honor the World's Columbian Expedition and the quadricentennial of Christopher
Columbus' voyage. In1900, Secretary of State
John Hayannounced the "Open Door Policy" to facilitate trade with China. In1921, the play that coined the term "robot," "R.U.R."
(Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Capek,wasfirst per-
ing th e nation's economy into New Yorh Times News Service a potential tailspin under the Just a few years ago, the tax w e i ght of automatic tax increasdeal pushed through Congress es and spending cuts. i n the early hours on Tuesday The latest internal party would have been a Restruggle on Capitol Hill p»hcanfs«f t asy a ANALYSIS surprised even many sweepingbillthatlocks in Senate Republicans, virtually all of the Bushwho just hours before era tax cuts, exempts almost all v o ted overwhelmingly for a deal estates from taxation and en- h a she d out in large measure by shrines the former president's t h eirl eader, Mitch McConnell of credo that dividends and capital K e ntu cky. The bill passed 89-8, gains shouldbetaxed gently. with only five of the Senate's 47 But times have changed, Republicans votingno. President George W. Bush is Twenty-one hours later, the g one, and before the bill's final s a m emeasure was opposed by passage late Tuesday, House 1 51of the236Republicans voting Republican leaders struggled i n the House. Itwas further proof all day to quell a revolt among t h at H ouse Republicans are a Republicans who threatened to new b reed,less enamored oftax blow up a hard-fought compro- c uts per se than they are driven mise that they could have eas- t o shrmk government through ily framed as a victory. Many s t eepspending cuts. Protecting House Republicans seemed nearly99 percent of the nation's determined to put themselves in households from an income tax position to be blamed for send- i n crease was not enough if taxes
rose on some and government spending was untouched. A party that once disputed that there was any real "cost" of tax cuts encountered sticker shock when the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that enactingthem in place of the "fiscal diff' provisions would cost $4 trillion over 10 years. "I personally hate it," Rep. John Campbell, R-Calif., said of the bill. "The speaker the day after the election said we would give on taxes, and we have, but we wanted spending cuts. This bill has spending increases. Are you kidding me?" The bill's heft was confirmed on Tuesday by the Congressional Budget Office, which said it would add an estimated $4 trillion to the federal deficit compared with where the government would be if Congress did nothing to halt the automatic tax increases and spending cuts.
• The measurewould raise taxes by about $600 billion over policies that were due to expire at midnight Monday. It would
also delay for two months across-the-board cuts to the budgets of the Pentagon and
numerousdomesti cagencies. Other points include:
•Incometaxrates:Extends decade-old tax cuts on incomes up to $400,000 for individuals, $450,000 for
couples. Earnings abovethose amounts would be taxed at a
rate of 39.6 percent, up from the current 35 percent. • Estate tax:The biggest estates would be taxed at a top rate of 40 percent, up from 35
percent. • Alternative minimum tax: Permanentlyaddresses the alternative minimum tax and indexes it for inflation to prevent
nearly 30 million middle- and upper-middle incometaxpayers
from being hit with higher tax bills averaging almost $3,000.
The tax wasoriginally designed to ensure that the wealthy did
not avoid owing taxes byusing loopholes. • Other tax changes:Extends
for five years Obama-sought expansions of the child tax credit, the earned income tax credit, and an up-to-$2,500 tax credit for college tuition.
• Unemploymentbenefits: Extends jobless benefits for
the long-term unemployed for one year. • Social Security payroll tax cut:Allows a 2-percentagepoint cut in the payroll tax
first enacted two years ago to lapse, which restores the payroll tax to 6.2 percent.
• Across-the-board cuts: Delays for two months $109 billion worth of across-the-
board spending cuts set to start striking the Pentagonand domestic agencies this week. Source The AssociatedPress
formed in Czechoslovakia. In1935, Bruno Hauptmann went on trial in Flemington,
N.J., on charges of kidnapping and murdering the 20-month-
old son of CharlesandAnne Lindbergh. (Hauptmannwas found guilty, andexecuted.) In1942, the Philippine capital
of Manila wascaptured by Japaneseforces during World War II. In1959,the Soviet Union
launched its spaceprobe Luna 1, the first manmade object to
fly past the moon, its apparent intended target. In1960, Sen. John E Kennedy of Massachusetts launched his successful bid for the presi-
dency. In1971, 66 people were killed in a pileup of specta-
tors leaving a soccer match at Ibrox Stadium in Glasgow, Scotland. In1974, President Richard M. Nixon signed legislation requiring states to limit highway speeds to 55 miles an hour.
(Federal speedlimits wereabolished in1995). In1981,police in Sheffield,
England, arrested PeterSutcliffe, who confessed to being the "Yorkshire Ripper," the se-
rial killer of13 women. In1983, the musical play "An-
nie" closed onBroadwayafter a run of 2,377 performances. In 2006, 12 miners died in a
methane gasexplosion at the Sago Mine inWest Virginia, WVa., but one miner, Randal
McCloy Jr., waseventually rescued. Ten yearsago:President George W. Bush,seekingto counter Democratic criticisms
that his economic policies favored the rich, said the eco-
nomic stimulus plan hewasgoing to unveil the following week would focusonjobsandtheunemployed. SydneyOmarr, the astrologer to thestars whose horoscopes appearedin more than 200 newspapers, died in
Santa Monica, Calif., at age76. Fiveyearsago:TheJustice Department opened a full criminal investigation into the destruction of CIA interrogation
videotapes. (Aspecial prosecutor later cleared the CIA's
former top clandestine officer and others.) One yearago:A gaspipeline in central Syria exploded; the government blamed "terrorists"
while the opposition accused officials of playing onfears of religious extremism and ter-
rorism to rally support behind President Bashar Assad. No. 3 Oklahoma State beat No. 4
Stanford 41-38 in overtime in the Fiesta Bowl. No. 6Oregon beat No. 9 Wisconsin 45-38 in
the RoseBowl.
BIRTHDAYS Former HouseSpeaker Dennis Hastert is 71. TV host Jack Hanna is 66. Actress Wendy
Phillips is 61. Actress Gabrielle Carteris is 52. Retired MLB AllStar pitcher David Cone is 50.
Actor CubaGooding Jr. is 45. Model Christy Turlington is 44. Actor Taye Diggs is42. Rock
musician Scott Underwood (Train) is 42. Rock singer Doug Robb (Hoobastank) is 38. Actor Dax Shepard is 38. Actress Paz Vega is 37. Actress Kate Bosworth is 30. Jazz
singer-musician Trombone Shorty is 27. — From wire reports
economy continues to struggle. It permanently holds down the death tax for small-business own-
Our congressman'stake U.S.Rep.Greg Wal den,R-Hood River,voted
ers, farmers andranchers. It permanently patches
fortheplanpassedTuesday bytheHouseofRep-
the alternative minimum tax and extends the higher child tax credit. The plan does away with a
resentatives, 257-167. The plan halts automatic tax increases set to take effect on middle-class
taxpayers, while imposing higher rates on those making $400,00 or more.
new entitlement program created in 'Obamacare,' and stops the president from giving members of
Walden issued a statement: "Tonight the House
Congress apayincrease asthe president proposed. Finally, it extends theexisting farm bill for one year
passed a plan to permanently extend tax relief for Oregon families andsmall businesses and to stop
as Congress works on a new long-term farm bill. "Now that tax relief has been extended, it's time
our government from going over the fiscal cliff. The plan isn't perfect, but I would not sit by as
for the president to work with Congress to get our nation's fiscal house in order byaddressing the underlying problem, which is spending. The national debt is currently $16 trillion and climbing, over $50,000 for every American. Wemust cut spending andgrow oureconomy toavoidpassing on an evenbigger debt burden to our children and
taxes go up onall Americans, including more than $3,000 this year for the average Oregon family. I
didn't come to Washington to seetaxes go up on middle-income Americans, and weacted to stop that permanently.
"The plan passedtonight locks into place current tax rates for middle-class families asour
Fiscal Continued from Al In a statement after the vote, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said, "Now the focus turns to spending. The American people re-elected a Republican majority in the House, and we will use it in 2013 to hold the president accountable for the 'balanced' approach he promised, meaning significant spending cuts and reforms to the entitlement programs that are driving our country deeper and deeper into debt." Obama, meanwhile, hailed the end of the fiscal crisis but to set out a marker for the next one. "The one thing that I think hopefully the new year will focus on is seeing if we can put a package like this together with a little bit less drama, a little less brinkmanship, and not scare the heck out of folks quite as much," he said. But he warned Republicans against trying to use a forthcoming vote on r aising the debt ceiling to extract spending concessions. "While I will negotiate over many things, I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether or not they should pay the bills they've already racked up t h rough the laws they have passed," he said. "Let me repeat, we can't not pay bills that we've already incurred."
grandchildren." — Bulletin staff report
% of taxpayers unaffected gb receivingtax increase
r essthan $10,000 10,000-
20,000 20,00030,000
724 MS
50,00075,000 14
The impact
on taxpayers Although the deal approved by the U.S. Senate and House would prevent income tax rates from increasing for all but the wealthiest Americans, most householdswould see a higher tax bill in 2013 because of the expiration of the payroll tax holiday.
J s,sos
*Almost 2% at this level would get anaveragetax cut of $287
200,000500,000 500,000-
1 million More than 1 million
fS, OSS 171,330
Source: Tax Policy Center
accomplished. And the package, no doubt, has its benefits. It is likely to prevent the nation from dipping back into recession. It cancels massive tax increases facing middle-class and poor Americans. And it delays deep and blunt government spending cuts for two months. And while the agreement does nothing to reduce joblessExperts cautious ness,it renews unemployment Michael Feroli, chief U.S. benefits that would have otheconomist at J . P . M o rgan erwise expired, offering vital Chase, cautioned that the deal help to the jobless and avertis a stopgap measure at most. ing another blow to economic "What's challenging is that activity. we're still going to have some And finally, by r aising a slowing in g r owth b ecause little more than $600 billion of the tax hikes," said Feroli, in fresh tax revenue from the who estimated Tuesday that wealthy, the deal takes a step the deal would subtract I per- toward bringing spending and centage point from a l ready taxes into line for the next few meager growth. "What's not years — though economists good is that deficits are still stress that much more needs going to be large and it doesn't to be done over the long run. begin to touch the longer-term Tax effects horizon." Vincent Reinhart, chief U.S. Only th e m o s t a f f l uent economist at Morgan Stanley, American households would said the agreement does not pay higher income taxes this even relieve the anxiety of year under the terms of the businesses and consumers be- deal, but most households will cause so many economic chal- face higher payroll taxes belenges are left unresolved. causethe deal does not extend "There's an immediate fiscal a 2-year-old tax break. drag, and there's no offsetting The legislation will g rant bonus in confidence because most Americans an instant fiscal uncertainty is still con- reversal of the income tax insiderable," he said. creases that took effect with Despite the drawbacks, the the arrival of the new year. bipartisan deal may well have Only about 0.7 percent of been the heaviest lift a deeply households will be subject to divided Congress could have an income tax increase this
The Washington Post
year, according to th e T ax Policy Center, a nonpartisan
research group in Washington. The increases will apply almost exclusively to households making at least half a million dollars, the center estimated in an analysis published Tuesday. But lawmakers' decision not to reverse a scheduled increase in the payroll tax that finances Social Security, while widely expected, still means that about 77 percent of households will pay a larger share of income to the federal government this year,according to the center's analysis. The tax this year will increase by t w o p e r centage points, to 6.2 percent from 4.2 percent,on all earned income up to $113,700. "It's a huge hit," says Joel Naroff, president of N aroff Economic Advisors. "It hits people whether they're mak-
ing $10,000 or they're making $2 million. It d o esn't matter who you are ... The lower y our income, the m ore o f
your income you're (spending). So if you're taxes go up, it's going to come out of your
On the left, complaints that Obamaagain gave awaytoo much By Peter Baker New York Times News Service
WASHINGTON — For President Barack Obama, the fiscal deal passed by Congress on Tuesday finally ends four years of debate with R epublicans about raising tax rates on the wealthy. But it seemed to reopen a debate within his party about the nature of his leadership and his skills as a negotiator. While Obama got most of what he sought in the agreement, he found himself under withering criticism from some in his liberal base who accused him of caving in to Republicans by not taxing therichmore. Justas House Speaker John Boehner has been under pressure from his right, Obama faces a virtual tea party of the left that sees his compromise as capitulation. The main difference is that in the Obama era, the Democratic establishment has beenlessinfluenced, or intimidated, by the left than the Republican establishment has been by the right. Liberals have not mounted sustained primary c h allenges to take out wayward incumbents the way conservatives have. All but three D emocrats voting in t h e Senate and 16 in the House supported the compromise on Tuesday, even as most House Republicans balked, giving Obama more room to operate than Boehner. But the wave of grievance from liberal activists, labor leaders and economists suggested that the uneasy truce between Obama and his base that held through the campaign season had expired now that there was no longer a threat of a Mitt Romney victory. It also offered a harbinger of the president's next four years. The criticism has irritated the White House, which argued that Obama held true to principle by forcing Republicans to r aise i ncome tax rates on t h e wealthy andextend unemployment benefits and targeted tax credits. Obama also quashed Republican demands to trim the growth of e n titlement b e nefits. Aides dismissed armchair criticism from those who have never had to negotiate with intractable opposition.
"There's some frustration that over time you would think everybody would have a better understanding of the parameters of this," said Robert Gibbs, a longtime adviser to Obama who once called such critics "the professional left." "But he understands nowprobably better than at any other point in his presidency what it means to be a leader, what it means to have to do things that are good not just for one party but good for the country." The criticism from the left mirrors past complaints when Obama included tax cuts in his stimulus package, gave up on a government-run option in health care negotiations and temporarily extended Bushera tax cuts for the wealthy two years ago. Liberals said Obama should have capitalized on his re-election victory and the expiration on New Year's Day of all of the Bush tax cuts to force Republicans to accept his terms. "The president remains cluelessabout how to use leverage in a negotiation," said Adam Green, a co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a liberal advocacy "Republicans organization. publicly admitted they lost the tax debate and would be forced to cave, yet the president just kept giving stuff away." Robert Reich, the former labor secretary, said that Obama "has stiffened his tactical resolve" but that "he's still the same President Obama who wants a deal above all else and seems willing to compromise on even the most basic principle." Richard Trumka, the president of the AFL-CIO, said in a Twitter message on Monday that the agreement was "not a good fiscal cliff deal if it gives more tax cuts to 2 percent." Sen. Tom H arkin, D -Iowa, said on the floor on Monday that "this looks like a very bad deal."
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Thelieo pi, an other in inities By Natalie Angier
Earth with a person in Santa Cruz sitting at this colored After the new year, a time desk, with every atom, every that fetishizes finitude, that re- wave function exactly the minds us how rapidly our own same, if the universe is infiearthly time share is shrink- nite, the answer has to be yes." ing, allow me to offer the modIn short, your doppelgangest comfort of infinities. ers maybe out there and many Yes, infinities, plural. The variants, too, some with much popular notion of infinity may better hair who can play Bach be of a monolithic totality, the like Glenn Gould. A far less ultimate, unbounded big tent savory thought: There could that goes on forever and sub- be a configuration, Aguirre sumes everything in its path said, "where the Nazis won — time, the cosmos, your com- the war." plete collection of old Playbills. Given infinity's potential Yet in the ever-evolving view for troublemaking, it's small of scientists, philosophers and wonder the ancient Greeks other scholars, there really is abhorred the very notion of it. "They viewed it with suspino single, implacable entity called infinity. cion and hostility," said AW. Instead, there are infinities, Moore, professor of philosomultiplicities of the limit-free phy at Oxford University and that come in a vast variety of the author of "The Infinite." shapes, sizes, purposes and The Greeks wildly favored charms. Some are tailored tidy rational numbers that, by for mathematics, some for definition, can be defined as cosmology, others for theol- a ratio, or fraction — the way ogy; some are of 0.75 equals '/4 and such recent vinyou're done with it — over patterntage their fonta- jf I aS k, will nels still feel soft. theye bea less i n finitums T here ar e fl a t the square ke Earth like infinities, hunchroot of 2. back I n f InItIes, Wi t h a p erson On Pythagobubbling infini- j r i $a r i ta Cruz ... ras' T able o f ties, hyPerboloid Opposites, "the infinities. There wjth every atom, finite" was listed are in f i nitely eVery Wave along with maslarge sets of one fu i 7Ctjpi7exactly culinity and othkind of number, er good things and even bigger, the Same,jf in life, while "the InfinItely large t h e u n i Verse infinite" topped sets of another jS jrifjajte, the t he column o f kind of number. b ad traits l i k e has tp There are the femininity."They infinities of the be y e S ." saw it as a coseveryday, as mic fight," Moore ny Aguirre, said, "with the e xemplified b y niversity of finite constantly the figure of pi, with its endless California, Santa Cruz having to subjupost-decimal tail gate the infinite." of nonrepeating A ri s t o t l e digits, and how about if we helped put an end to the ramjust round it off to 3.14159 and pant infiniphobia by drawing then serve pie on March 14 at a distinction between what 1:59 p.m.? Another stalwart of he called "actual" infinity, infinity shows up in the math- something that would exist ematics that gave us moder- all at once, at a given moment nity: calculus. — which he declared an im"All the key concepts of possibility — and "potential" calculus build on infinite pro- i nfinity, which w ould u n cessesof one form or another fold over time and which he that take limits out to infinity," deemed perfectly intelligible. said Steven Strogatz, author of As a result, Moore said,"Arthe recent book "The Joy of x: istotle believed in finite space A Guided Tour of Math, From and infinite time," and his One to Infinity" and a profes- ideas held sway for the next sor of applied mathematics at 2,000 years. CornelL In calculus, he added, Newton and Leibniz began "infinity is your friend." monkeying with notions of Yet worthy f r iends can infinity when they invented come inprickly packages,and calculus, which solves tricky mathematicians have learned problems of planetary moto handle infinity with care. tions and accelerating bodies "Mathematicians find the by essentially breaking down concept of infinity so useful, curved orbits and changing but it can be quite subtle and velocities into infinite series quite dangerous," said Ian of tiny straight lines and tiny Stewart, a mathematics re- uniform motions. "It turns out to be an incredsearcher at the University of Warwick in England and the ibly powerful tool if you think author of "Visions of Infinity," of the world as being infinitely the latest of many books. "If divisible," Strogatz said. youtreat infinity like a normal With his majestic theory number,youcan come up with of relativity, Albert Einstein all sorts of nonsense, like say- k nitted together time a n d ing, infinity plus one is equal space, quashing old Aristoto infinity, and now we sub- telian distinctions between tract infinity from each side actual and potential infinity and suddenly naught equals and ushering in the contemone. You can't be freewheel- porary era of infinity seeking. ing in your use of infinity." A notheradvance came in the Then again, a very differ- 1980s, when Alan Guth introent sort of infinity may well duced the idea of cosmic inflabe freewheeling you. Based tion, a kind of vacuum energy on recent studies of the cos- that vastly expanded the size mic microwave afterglow of of theuniverse soon after its the Big Bang, with which our fiery birth. known universe began 13.7 New theories suggest that billion years ago, many cos- such inflation may not have mologists now believe that been a one-shot event, but this observable universe is rather part of a runaway projust a tiny, if relentlessly ex- cess called eternal inflation, panding, patch of space-time an infinite ballooning and embedded in a greater univer- bubbling outward of this and sal fabric that is, in a profound possibly other universes. sense, infinite. It may be an Relativity a n d i n fl ation infinitely large monoverse, or theory, said Aguirre, "allow it may be an infinite bubble us to conceptualize things bath of infinitely budding and that would have seemed iminflating multiverses, but infi- possible before." Time can be nite it is, and the implications twisted, he said, "so from one of that infinity are appropri- point of view the universe is a ately huge. finitethingthat is growinginto "If you take a finite physi- something infinite if you wait cal system and a finite set forever, but from another point of states, and you have an of view it's always infinite." infinite universe in which to Or maybe the universeis sample them, to r andomly like Jorge Luis Borges' fastidiexplore all the possibilities, ously imagined Library of Bayou will get duplicates," said bel, composed of interminable Anthony Aguirre, an associ- numbers of hexagonal gallerate professorof physics who ies with polished surfaces that studies theoretical cosmology "feign and promise infinity." at the University of California, Or like the multiverse as Santa Cruz. envisioned in Tibetan BudNot just r o ugh c o pies, dhism, "a vast system of 10 to either. the 59th power universes, that " If th e u n iverse is b i g together are called a Buddha enough, you can go all the Field," said Jonathan Gold, way," Aguirre said. "If I ask, who studies Buddhist philosowill there be a planet like phy at Princeton. New Yorh Times News Service
By Dan Zak The Washington Post
NEWTOWN, Conn. — The first 911 call arrived at 9:35 a.m. in theemergency communications center at the Newtown Police Department on M ain Street. Gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Shots fired. The tw o d i spatchers on duty initiated the department's active-shooter policy. Every officer, off duty and on patrol, was notified via radio. The station emptied out. It's a 2.3-mile drive from the Newtown station to Sandy Hook Elementary School: a c ,'.. r left, a right and another right. The first on the scene were nine Newtown officers, divided into three teams of three, including the police chief. They were the first, after the shooter, to force Shannon Hicks/Newtown (Conn) Beevia TheAssociated Press their way into the school, via A police officer leads two women and a child from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., the front lobby and the rear shortly after Adam Lanza opened fire, killing 27 people, including 20 children and himself, on Dec. 14. dool. I nside: silence. Th e a i r A woman holding smelled like the department's and killed two Hell's Angels in her children emfiring range: spent gunpowder. an actthat was deemed self-debraces a firefighter By that time, 1,000 feet down fense. Before Dec. 14, the last outside Sandy the road from the school, Wil- local crime to draw continuous Hook Elementary liam Halstead, the chief of national news coverage was School on Dec. 14. Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire an airline pilot's murder of his While the people and Rescue, knew something wife; he disposed of her body of Newtown do was wrong. From his desk, he via a wood chipper near Lake their best to cope had heard the sirens as the first Zoar in 1986, and the trial lastwith loss and presquad cars passed — a typical ed for weeks. serve the memosound for this stretch of Route ries of their loved 6, which connects Newtown's Two ghastlyscenes ones, another Main Street with I n terstate Those incidents pale in comclass of residents 84 — but he thought nothing parison to what happened two is also finding it of it until the noise began to weeks ago, Kehoe said. Since difficult to move compound. then, his department has been on: the emergency More sirens, as Connecticut consumed by the two ghastly responders who State Police and other New- crime scenes, the first being saw firsthand the town officers zoomed by. that of the shooter's mother, terrible aftermath More sirens,as ambulances by attempts at defrauding or oflast nlonh's arrived from the Newtown Vol- violating the privacy of the vicschool shooting. unteer Ambulance Corps and tims' families, by a battery of Danbury Hospital. media requests and intrusions Frank Becerra Jr The (White Plains, N.Y.) And then the fire chief and that have encouraged a noJournal News via The four others — including his comment policy for now. ConAssociated Press daughter, the station's captain necticut State Police officials of emergencymedical services, aren't talking about the event, and a firefighter whose son at- and last week, a judge in Dan- ficers that Sunday night, and thought of: these poor cops that tended Sandy Hook — hopped bury Superior Court extended this guy was a tough cookie, walked into the classroom" and in a rescue truck for the short the seal on five related search and you could see his eyes were saw "bloody little kids, bodride up the hill. A small army warrants for another 90 days as all red from crying." ies blown apart," said Keegan, of volunteer f i rst r e spond- the investigation continues. The area's previous mass- founder of i . E .A.R.T. 9/11, a ers — two dozen EMTs from Kehoe will speak only broad- casualty event, as recalled by group that helps communities Newtown's ambulance corps ly about Dec. 14 and its effects R obert Grossman, was t h e cope with disasters and related alone — flocked to the scene. on his team. 1965 crash landing of a pas- trauma. "Nobody knows what "I thinkthere's a general con- senger jet outside Danbury that looks like until you see it... Everyone's pagers and radios had alerted them to the situ- cern about law enforcement following a mid-air collision. . It's all just horrifying. It's stuff ation, and neighbors raced to officers, EMS, f i r efighters," Grossman, who is president they'll never forget." help neighbors. Kehoe said. "We all see horrific of the volunteer ambulance Counselors have been conDozens of units from sev- things in our daily jobs ... Cer- corps' administrative body and tinuously available to first reeral jurisdictions would follow, tainly, at all times we are really a former trauma surgeon, was sponders in Newtown. Kehoe barreling up Dickinson Drive concerned about first respondat that scene and remembers has urged his officers to stay toward the school, where the ers who saw u n imaginable the severity of the passengers' home if they need to. Collins initial report indicated an ac- things that day ... We tell offi- burns. There were more than said volunteer EMTs are watchtive threat and multiple casual- cers, 'Feel free to see the clini- 50 people to evacuate and save ing each other for signs of trauties. But the reality that greeted cian of your choice and get the from that scene. On Dec. 14, ma-related stress.Halstead is most first responders was con- help you need for you and your none of Newtown's EMTs en- planning another meeting for founding: There were people to families.' " tered the school. his firefighters soon. And first evacuate but none to save. The tovm's gratitude is visresponders are continuing to Triage tarps were laid out in ible. Outside the station, a big Difficult debriefing do their jobs, which for now in"There's the feeling of inade- clude looking after the victims' the parking lot anyway. sign fixed to a tree on a neighStretchers and backboards boringproperty says, "THANK quacy, that they were unable to families. were unloaded and lined up for YOU FIRST RESPONDERS." do anything," Grossman said. At the Dec. 19 funeral of 7nobody. Lessthan amile up Main Street, "And many of them for the next year-old Daniel Barden, a phaentire walls of the Newtown number of days were unable to lanx of firefighters (some from 'It was horrific' Volunteer Ambulance Corps' sleep. And had trouble eating. out of state) lined the entrance to EMTs and firefighters stood station are papered with thank- Typical post-traumatic stress the church, and hundreds were like sentinels outside the school, you cards and e-mail printouts disorder." present for the burial. Since the waiting to be useful, even after from far-fl ung people expressThe day after the shooting, massacre, two state troopers a paramedic exited the build- ing their awe, thanks and best there was a meeting for all first have kept watch over the Barden ing and told Chief Halstead that wishes ("I would like to wish responders at the volunteer fire family, turningfirst response into everybody who was still inside you a safe journey"). From this hall near the school. Federal a continuous response, said Danwould not be coming out. station, 70 unpaid EMTs take emergency-response officials iel's father, Mark "As I wr ite this," emailed Newtown, for a first respond- turns serving60 square miles laid out what Newtown's police er, is a motor vehicle accident and responding to 150 to 200 officers and personnel would be Mark Barden on Friday eveon oneofthe area's270 milesof calls a month. feeling and when, told them it ning, "Trooper Tamia Tucker roads. Newtown is a heart atOn Thursday afternoon at was normal and advised them and my niece Lauren are sittack at one of its senior-citizen 3:30, EMT Mike Collins reon how to addresstheirgrief ting on the floor playing dolls communities. It's an episode of turned to the steepled station, and trauma. Volunteer firefight- with my ll -year-old daughter domestic abuse or petty larce- located on a former gas-station ers had their own meeting the Natalie. Trooper Dennis Keny. It's brush fires and downed plot, after attending a single- following Tuesday. ane is sitting at the kitchen "It's a debriefing from a table with my wife Jackie and wires and abdominal pain. Oc- vehicle accident on the highcasionally, it's a car wreck that way (driver dozed off, injuries messed-up scene, from a bad h er siblings, having a n i c e requires extrications or a house were minor). With 2'/2 hours call," said Halstead, a 48-year visit. They have transcended fire with a couple of victims. It is left in his 12-hour shift, Collins veteran of f i refighting who, their role as state-appointed not a rifle-powered massacre. considered the conundrum of since 1978, has been chief of the assistance and will forever be "You know, it was horrific." arriving at a scene that can't volunteer company, speaking family to us." This is Newtown's chief of be triaged. On Dec. 14, the am- Friday at his desk at the station. Kehoe tempers the trauma of police, Michael Kehoe, two bulance corps was adrenalized "The idea is, get people's feel- Dec. 14 with the notion that his weeks after the shooting at and ready to serve. Collins was ings out there ... I don't care who team of nine stopped the masSandy Hook. halfway to Sandy Hook in his you are, how big of a depart- sacre from continuing, but he "... absolutely horrific ..." own vehicle when word came ment you are. You're not ready hesitates to call himself a first He's been a police officer in over the radio that the ambu- for that amount of death." responder. "The first responders were town for 34/2 years, chief since lanceswere being sent back to Still-life tableau of death 2001. He was one of the first the station. the teachers and the students," nine offlcers into the school on He sat in the station for the A single call can transform he said at his desk, in front of Dec. 14. next 10 hours as his fellow a firstresponder's li fe, says a framed painting of the town "... to believe that somebody EMTs returned, visibly shaken William Keegan, a retired lieu- flagpole frozen at half-staff. "Their actions clearly saved would do that ..." from responding to a t r a g- tenant with the Port Authority Kehoe sat at his desk Friday, edy of such magnitude and Police Department who was a lives ... From the shooter being calm and cordial and som- irreversibility. night operations commander confronted by staff, from teach"In my mind, it's a nonviber, a green-and-white ribbon for the World Trade Center ers closingdoors, from teachpinned by a tiny gold angel to sual, it's an imaginary scene," rescue-and-recovery teams af- ers hiding students and going his crisp white dress shirt. His said Collins, 61, who joined the ter the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist into training they're drilled on team was trained and ready for corps in 2005, when he moved attacks. — all those were precious moan active-shooter scenario, but from California to Newtown A routine morning. A 2.3- ments that took up extra time there hadn't been one in New- for the peace and quiet. "Other mile drive to an incident. A and allowed us to get there. town in decades — perhaps not people saw the real scene.... It still-life tableau of murdered They weren't equipped to deal since 1975, when the proprietor was a heavy load on all those first-graders. with this at all. They're the true "That was the first thing I of the Sandy Hook Hotel shot guys. I saw one of the police ofheroes."
u esssmu ersma er inosa ar e By Jeffrey GettlemaneNew Yorlz Times News Service KRUGER NATIONAL PARK, South Africa-
They definitely did not look like ordinary big-game hunters, the stream of slender young Thai women who showed up on the veld wearing tight blue jeans and sneakers. But the rhinoceros carcasses kept piling up around them, and it was only after dozens of these hulking, relatively rare animals were dead and their precious horns sawed off that an extravagant scheme came to light. The Thai women, it ends up, were not hunters at all. Many never even squeezed off a shot. Instead, they were prostitutes hired by a criminal syndicatebased 6,000 miles away in Laos to exploit loopholes in big game hunting rules and get its hands on as many rhino horns as possible — horns that are now literally worth more than gold. "These girls had no i dea what they were doing," said Paul O'Sullivan, a private investigator i n J o h annesburg who helped crack the case. "They thought they were go-
also Irish gangsters, Vietnamese diplomats, Chinese scientists, veterinarians, chopper pilots, antiques dealers and recently a U.S. rodeo star looking for a quick buck who used Facebook to find some horns. Driven by a common belief in Asia that ground-up rhino horns can cure cancer and other ills, the trade has also been embraced by criminal syndicates that normally traffic in drugs and guns. They have branched into the underground animal parts business because it is seen as "low risk, high profit," U.S. officials say.
than crack cocaine, and conservationists worry that this "ridiculous price," as one wildlife manager put it, could drive rhinos into extinction. Here in South Africa, home to the majority of the world's last surviving 28,000 or so rhinos, the government is throwing in just about everything it has to stop the slaughterthousands of rangers, the national army, a new spy plane, even drones — but it is losing. T he n u mber o f rh i n o s poached in South Africa has soared in the past five years, from 13 killed in 2007 to more "Get caught smuggling a than 630thisyear.The prehiskilo of cocaine, you will re- toric, battleship-gray animals ceive a very significant prison are often found on their knees, sentence," said Ed Grace, a bleeding to death from a gapdeputy chief with the U.S. Fish ing stump on their face. "Ever seen a dead rhino?" and Wildlife Service. But with a kilogram of rhino horn, he said Philip Jonker, who works added, "you may only get a for a private security firm that ing on safari." fine." has gone into wildlife protecThe rhino horn rush has The typical rhino horn is tion. "It's worse than going to gotten so out of control that it about 2 feet long and weighs a funeral." has exploded into a worldwide 10 pounds, much of it formed The only answer, some concriminal enterprise, drawing from the same substance as tend, is to legalize the trade, in asurreal cast of characters fingernails. Yet it can fetch which would flood the mar— not just Thai prostitutes, but nearly $30,000 a pound, more ket with rhino horns, lower the price and dissuade rhino poachers from risking their F lives — or so the argument /' goes. Rhino horns regenerate, and the horns can be shaved down every few years and tQ sold off without significantly hurting the animal. But many wildlife groups say legalizing the rhino trade would be a disaster. .,sra c "The consuming p o w er in my country is growing so r rapidly that the supply would never meet the needs," said Jeff He, spokesman for the Chinese branch of the International Fund for Animal WelTitan, a young rhinoceros, feeds from a bucket at a ranch northfare. "And besides, it'll always west of Johannesburg. be cheapertopoach an animal
y 4v 9
',s* '".
Photos by Joao Silva/New YorkTimes News Service
A veterinarian and ranch workers help raise a sedated rhino after its horns were removed at a ranch northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa. Some contend that the only way to reduce rhino poaching, which has become a worldwide criminal enterprise, is by allowing the horns, which can regenerate, to be removed and sold legally. than raise it." Kruger National Park, an enormous wildlife refuge in South Africa's northeast, is where many rhinos are being poached. The park lies on the border of M ozambique, a much poorer country still scarred from years of c ivil war. Park rangers say Mozambican gunmen are pouring through Kruger's chain link fences, downing rhinos left and right. Some sophisticated poaching rings use helicopters to spot the a nimals and v eterinarians to dart them with t ranquilizers. O t h er s d o n women's shoes, to leave misleading tracks. "At any one time, there are
up to 10 groups operating inside the Kruger," said Ken Maggs, a South African National Parks official. "These guys are trying new methods daily." Scientists say that maybe 1 million rhinos once roamed the Earth, and for some reason, humans have been fascinated with the horn for ages. The
ancient Persians thought rhino horn vessels could detect poisons. The Chinese thought rhino horn powder could reduce fevers. The Yemenis prized the
ing the loophole that the Thai prostitutes sauntered through. Hunters must agree to keep the horn set (rhinos have a large front and smaller back horn forcoming-of-age dag- horn) as a trophy and not sell gers, presented to teenage boys it, and hunters are allowed to as a sign of manhood. kill only one white rhino evIn Asia, faith in traditional ery 12 months. (Black rhinos cures runs strong, fueling are critically endangered and demand as Asian economies very few are hunted in South grow, though there is no scien- Africa.) tific proof that rhino horn can A ccording to South A f r i cure cancer. can law enforcement officials, In 2008, a Vietnamese diplo- gang leaders in Thailand and mat in South Africa's capital, Laos decided that to m axiPretoria, was caught on cam- mize the number of r h inos era receiving rhino horn — in they could kill, they would enthe parking lot of the embassy. list Thai prostitutes who were Around the same time, a Chi- already in South Africa with nese company opened a se- valid passports, which were cretive rhino breeding center used for the hunting permits. in China's Hainan province, The womenthen tagged along reportedly to produce rhino- on thehunts,often dressed in based medicine. catchy pinks and blues, but In the past 50 years, the somebody else — usually a overall rhino population has professional hunter — pulled plummeted by more than 90 the trigger. "I don't know whose idea percent, despite an international ban on the trade in rhi- it was to use the ladies, but no parts since 1977. it was a d am n g ood one," But in South Africa, it is said O'Sullivan, the private legal to hunt r h inos, creat- investigator.
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arge s t u r n iture f
It t
• M ~AT T R E S S G ~alle r y - B e n s l i
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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5
Weather, B6
Few Dijll arrests in Central Oregon Oregon State Police troopers in Central
Oregon arrested three people on suspicion of driving under the influ-
ence of intoxicants over the last two days, according to a police news release. Meanwhile, the
Bend Police Department arrested two people on suspicion of DUII on New Year's Eve. State troopers made 39 DUII arrests across
the state from Monday through 6 a.m.Tuesday, according to police. A majority of the arrests — 26 — occurred between midnightand 6
Morecol will elightwintersportslovers Bulletin staff report Cold and more cold is the order of the day — in fact, of the coming week, according to the National Weather Service. But that can mean an absolute boom in Bend, where people love cold-weather sports. Just ask Valerie Collins, retail salesassociate atThe Powder House, a ski and snow sports store on Century Drive. "It's been so busy the past week, we ran out of crosscountry (skis) and snowshoes, oh, yeah," she said Tuesday. "Once the snow starts really flying and sticking in town, and (it starts) getting super cold, people really freak out and they really love it."
A full moon on the weekend before New Year's Day brought snowshoers and cross-countryskiers out for nighttime excursions, despite the chill, she said. Cold, clear and dry conditions should prevail through the weekend, with temperatures slightly below normal, said weather service meteorologist Robert Cramp, of Pendleton. Snow on the
ground and a low-hanging sun arepartly responsible for the chilly temperatures. "Clear skies at night, particularly with snow on the ground, doesn't allow it to get real warm," he said. "We're essentially looking at a dry fore-
cast down there for several days — no warm south winds to mix things up, nothing to give us an air mass change. "The air gets cold and stays cold for a while," he said. A high-pressure system is
keeping skies clear, Cramp said. No strong system appears lined up behind it, he said. The only change might be low clouds making their way over Bend from the Columbia River valley. Expect "some low clouds and fog," he said. "We could be talking into the first part of next week," Cramp said Tuesday. "We're not seeing any substantial system until early next week." See Cold/B2
ne '* Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Water from the Deschutes River freezes on the spillway structure on the Colorado Avenue bridge in Bend on Monday morning. Single-digit low temperatures are in the forecast.
a.m.Tuesday. Sgt. Dan Ritchie of the Bend Police Depart-
ment said the relatively low number of arrests might be the result of
publicity around increased police patrols aimed at deterring
people from driving under the influence during the holidays.
Police looking into assault An assault involving
two victims took place on New Year's Eve,and neither of them suf-
fered life-threatening injuries, but Bend police
are not releasing any further details of the incident because it is under investigation and
the suspects havenot been arrested, Sgt. Dan Ritchie said Tuesday.
"Our detectives are
actively investigating it and we still have
suspects outstanding," Ritchie said. "Until we
get those suspects in custody, we're not going to release anything right
Deadman Pass
• Portland:Charities
struggling to feed hungry kids. • DeadmanPass: Survivors of bus crash gather belongings and
prepare to moveon. • Corvallis:Student
athletes get help navigating the real world. Stories on B3
Well shot!
11" -WB C
ers m e a coun
By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin
It was shortly after 9 a.m. on New Year's Day at Hoodoo Ski Area, and the temperature was around 20 degrees, under a cloudless sky. Stephen Shunk came to a stop on his cross-countryskis and the two people with him, C hristine Elder and Jake Schas, also stopped and grew silent. Shunk whistled low and short, the call of a Northern pygmy owl, in an attempt to attract other birds. The owls eat different species of birds, Shunk said, so the sound of an owl often attracts flocks of small birds that will harass the owl in an attempt to force it to leave. "If we don't hear anything, sometimes
we whistle (like a) pygmy owl," Shunk sa>d. Shunk repeated the callfor a few minutes, and the group scanned the landscape, hoping to see birds or hear a response. Nothing. The only sounds were the wind and the faraway whine of snowmobiles. Undeterred, the b i r ders continued along the Hoodoo trails, stopping several more times to make the owl call. The group did not spot any birds along this particular trail, although they did find a gray jay in the parking lot. However, by the end of the day, multiple groups of birders had identified 29 species in the Santiam Pass area and a total of approximately 200 birds, Shunk wrote in an email. Shunk, Elder and Schas are members of the East Cascades Audubon Society, and the Santiam Pass bird count was the last local event in the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count. Events in other areas of Oregon continue through Saturday. Several species that the group spotted or heard on Tuesday had only been identified during a few previous counts in the area. These included the Northern pygmy owl, the Williamson's sapsucker, the red-breasted sapsucker, the downy woodpecker and the American robin. The National Audubon Society organized the first Christmas Bird Count in 1900, in response to hunting competitions that were, at that time, a Christmas tradition. Scientists and other observers were worried about declining bird populations, according to the Audubon Society website. See Birds/B2
reader photos • We want to see your best photos capturing fun in sno-parks for another special version
On theWed
of Well shot! that will
run in the Outdoors section. Sendyour best
For more information about the East CascadesAudubon Society,
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Members of the East Cascades Audubon Society, from left, Christine Elder, Jake Schas and Stephen Shunk, listen and scan the trees for birds while conducting the society's annual bird count Tuesday at Hoodoo Ski Area.
workto readerphotos@ by today, with "sno-parks" in the subject line, and
we'll pick the best for publication.
Ski team captain also atop student
By Megan Kehoe The Bunetin
Submissions: • Civic Calendar notices: Email event information to, with"Civic Calendar" in the subject, and include acontact nameatt dphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354
• Obituaries, Death Notices: Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825, obits©
Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Bend High School ski team captain Mitchell Cutter, seen here Monday after practice, has earned a 4.3 GPA and is a national merit semifinalist. He begins his ski racing season Saturday in the giant slalom.
Mitchell Cutter believes you don't have to be smart to get a 4.3 GPA, do well in a rigorous academic program or be a national merit semifinalist. No, all you need to be a good student, the Bend High School senior said, are some decent balancing abilities and, above all, a good attitude. "If you're going to do
something, do it," said Mitchell, 17. "Don't just slog through it and do it halfway. Get everything you can out of it. That's a good motto my dad's always saying to me." Over the past four years, Mitchell has gotten a lot of chances to test his
philosophy. He plays football, lacrosse, and serves as captain of Bend High's alpine skiing team while maintaining his GPA in
the school's International Baccalaureate program. Alpine skiing is one of Mitchell's biggest
passions. H e's been captain of the varsity ski team since his sophomore year. Despite never having won a race, Mitchell continues to work hard to win one. This winterbreak, he's spent most of his vacation training at Mt. Bachelor. See Captain /B2
OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational news and
activities, and local kids and their achievements. • School Notes submission info B2
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
JUDE GOLD: The rock artists perform; CANCELLED;$27; 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www. THE DIRTY HANDFAMILY BAND: The California-based country act performs, with Angel and the Badman; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or thehornedhand.
TODAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. FRANCHOTTONE: The Californiabased pop-rock act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.
THURSDAY SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. THE CLUMSYLOVERS: The Canadian folk act performs; $9; 6:30 p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-6336804 or JEFF CROSBY8I THEREFUGEES: The Americana band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or thehornedhand.
Submitted photo
Cirque Ziva will be performing Sunday and Monday at the Tower Theatre in Bend.
LES TROYENS": Starring Deborah Voigt, Susan Graham and Bryan Hymel in a presentation of Berlioz's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541382-6347. INDOOR SWAP MEET:Featuring 70 local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541317-4847. SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations FRIDAY to dramatic environmental shifts in the High Desert, featuring SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: live animals; $6 plus museum Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the admission, $4 for members plus High Desert, featuring live animals; museum admission;11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, $6 plus museum admission, $4 for members plus museum admission; 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway THE POOLPARTY BAND: The San 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. Diego-based hip-hop act performs; $8; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. artist talks, live music, wine and Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or food indowntown Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend.
KNOW MONEY:REAL-LIFE BURIED TREASURE: Discover gold prospecting, metal detecting,
treasure hunting, rock collecting and more, with an interactive gold panning demonstration; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. KNOW MONEY:STRETCHING YOUR FOODDOLLARS: Learn how to work within your food budget to create a week of tasty, healthy meals; free; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-3121032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. NOTABLES SWING BAND: The big band plays swing, blues, Latin, rock'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-6397734 or www.notablesswingband. com. CIRQUE ZIVA: A performance of tumbling, balancing and dexterity by the Golden Dragon Acrobats; $27-$40 plus fees; 3 and 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.
TUESDAY Jan.8 HISTORY PUB: A screening of the documentary "Green Fire — Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time," about the conservationist Aldo Leopold; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.
WEDNESDAY Jan.9 "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: UN BALLO IN MASCHERA": Starring Sondra Radvanovsky, Marcello Alvarez and Stephanie Blythe in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347.
Jan. 10
CIRQUE ZIVA: A performance of tumbling, balancing and dexterity by the Golden Dragon Acrobats; $27-$40 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.
AUTHOR! AUTHOR!: Jennifer Egan, author of "A Visit From the Goon Squad" and "The Keep" speaks; $20-$75; 6 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-312-1027 or STU HAMM, BOBBYROCK AND
Continued from B1 Shunk, who also owns a tour guide business in Sisters called Paradise Birding, led the Santiam Pass count and compiled a list of the species seen or heard by groups that spread out in the area. These groups met later in the day at The Lodge at Suttle Lake to share their data. This was the 17th annual count at Santiam Pass, Shunk said. Elder said sound plays an important role in identifying birds. "The main way they identify them is by song," she sard. Birders also use color, size, shape and behavior to identify species. In order to minimize the chance that birds are counted more than once, participants note the direction in which a rare bird or a large flock is flying, in case another group spots the same birds, Elder said. Shunk said it also helps that most small birds
Continued from B1 Low temperatures could dip as low a s 1 0 degrees overnight; highs may reach the mid-30s. "We're going to be in this pattern for a while," Cramp said. With frigid temperatures e xpected every night, t h e Humane Society of Central O regon urged o w ners t o
Ryan Brei neckeI rhe Bulletin
Christine Elder scans the trees with binoculars while conducting an annual bird count Tuesday morning at Hoodoo Ski Area. have small territories. T he Santiam P ass b i r d count drew dedicated birders from both sides of the Cascades. Shawna Harvey drove from Corvallis, where she is an academic advisor for the Oregon State University Department of Zoology. Harvey is also a member of the local
Audubon Society chapter in Corvallis. "What a great way to celebrate the new year," with the perfect combination of sun, snow and birds, Harvey said. "It's nice to get out in the field again and do something." — Reporter: 541-617-7829,
PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit
CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-3753 Web: • Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb:
U.S. House of Representatives • Rep. Greg Waldett, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730 W eb: http:I/
STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kltzhaber, D 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Web: • Secretary of State Kate Brown, D 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax:503-986-1616
Email: oregon.sos© • Treasurer Ted Wheeler, 0 159Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer© Web: • Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, D 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Web:
LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-District 30 (includesJefferson,portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., 8-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: Web: • Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: Web: • Sen. Doug Whltsett, R-Dlstrlct28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303
Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett© Web:
House • Reit. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger© Web: • Reit. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: Web: • Rep. Mike McLatte, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1455 Email: Web: • Rep. Gene Whlsnant, R-Dlstrlct 53 (portion of DeschutesCounty) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant© Web:
DeWolf and Sharon Morgan read from their book "Gather at the Table: The Healing Journey of a Daughter of Slavery and a Son of the Slave Trade"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. TRIAGE: Thecomedy improvisational troupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. DAVID JACOBS-STRAIN: The Oregon blues man performs; $15$20 suggested donation 8 p.m. FRIDAY doors open 7 p.m.; HarmonyHouse, 17505 Kent Road, Sisters; 541-548Jan. 11 2209. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Tom STRANGLEDDARLINGS: The DeWolf and Sharon Morgan read Portland-based alternative act from their book"Gather at the Table: performs; $5; 9 p.m.; The Horned The Healing Journey of a Daughter Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., of Slavery and a Son of the Slave Bend; 541-728-0879 or www, Trade"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., thehornedhand. Redmond; 541-526-1491. DANNY BARNES: Theexperimental banjoist performs; $10; 7 p.m., TUESDAY doors open at 5:30 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815- Jan. 15 9122 or "A CORNISH FAMILY IN "FARGO": A screening of the1996 GEORGETOWN, COLORADO, R-rated murder-comedy by the 1875-1912":Bend Genealogical Coen Brothers, starring William H. Society presents a program by Macy and Frances McDormand; $10 Marilyn Burwell on research plus fees; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, methods and townspeople; free; 10 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 0700 or N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 MCDOUGALL: The Portland-based or bend-gs. folk act performs, with Sassparilla; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 LOUDONWAINWRIGHT III: The N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541folk artist performs, with Dar 728-0879 or www.reverbnation. Williams; $35-$45 plus fees; 7:30 com/venue/thehornedhand. p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.
Jan. 12
CENTRAL OREGON WEDDING8t EVENT SHOW:Explore wedding services, with a gown fashion show and prizes; a portion of proceeds benefit the Bend Ronald McDonald House; $5 or four cans of nonperishable food; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-317-0450 or www. POLAR BEARWALK/RUN: 5K and 10K races; proceeds benefit St. Thomas Academy; $25-$35; 10 a.m.; St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-5483785 or www.redmondacademy. com. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Tom
Jan.16 "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: AIDA": Starring Liudmyla Monastyrska, Olga Borodina and Roberto Alagna in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. GIRAFFE DODGERS:The Portland-based folk and bluegrass act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.
take extra care of household pets. They're best kept inside when temperaturesare
need special attention, too, the Human Society advised. Make sure they have clean, below 32 degrees;dogs and dry bedding and their water cats can get frostbitten ears, does not freeze. noses and feet. Booties and Back in Bend, Collins said dog jackets and sweaters do she's braced for more winmore than look good; they ter sports enthusiasts, even actually keep th e a n i m al as the holidays wind down. warm and p r event i njury "Even today, when people from ice. were all hung over, we still Not just household pets, had quite the push," she said but l i vestock l i k e h o r ses Tuesday.
reaction was telling of his leadership qualities. "He wasn't so much disapContinued from B1 Mitchell is a third-genera- pointed for himself and his tion skier, and has been ski- i ndividual r esults," T i m m ing since he was old enough said. "He was disappointed to walk. Both of his parents because he felt he'd let his went to Bend High before teammates down. It showed him and competed in sports. just how m uch h e c a r ed "It's cool to have that kind about the team." of legacy and that familiarTimm said the first thing ity with the family name at that most people will say school," Mitchell said. about Mitchell is that he's While s p orts c o nsume a "brainiac," but Mitchell's much of his time, Mitchell's smarts go way beyond good first priority is academics. grades, his coach said. "He's got world smarts," A side from hisgrades, he's also one of just a handful Timm said. " He has a n of students in the district to awareness with people and be named a national merit relationships that's a l i ttle s emifinalist fo r h i s h i g h more advanced than most PSAT scores. kids his age." Mitchell says he'smost inMitchell plans on taking terested in math and science, both his book an d w o rld specifically, anything that has smat1:sto college next year. to do with the environment. He's applied to 12 schools, His interest in the outdoors with his top choices being started at a young age when S tanford U n i versity a n d his mother would take him Whitman College. He's conto the High Desert Museum. sidering studying the enviMitchell loved the museum so ronment or pre-law. much, he started volunteering In the near future, Mitchthere during middle school. ell's goals are to maintain his Now, he's a volunteer team GPA, win the Mr. BHS pagleader with the museum, or- eant, which he was nominatganizing and scheduling vol- ed for earlier this year, and unteer shifts for others. most of all, win a ski race. "I just love competing," Ski coach Greg Timm said that Mitchell leads by exMitchell said. "It's a great ample with his diligence and way to show what's in your dedication. His coach recalls heart — to show all the good one time last season when effort you have." Mitchell didn't do as well in — Reporter: 541-383-0354, a race as he hoped. Mitchell's
Hovv tosubmit Teen feats: Kids recognized recently for academic achievements or for participation in clubs,
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Crash survivors prepare to go home By Jonathan J. Cooper The Associated Press
PENDLETON — Some of the survivors of a fatal bus crash on a rural Oregon highway retrieved their passports and other belongings Tuesday so they can finish their journey to Canada. At least 14 survivors remained hospitalized in three states after t h e w e e kend crash that killed nine people and injured 38. State police escorted other survivors one by one to collect their property, which was strewn across a hillside as the tour bus careened 200feetfrom a partly icy roadway Sunday. The bus was returning to Vancouver, British Columbia, on the final leg of a nine-day tour of the Western United States. The trip w a s o rganized by a British Columbia travel agency to carry tourists traveling in small groups. Most of the passengers were Korean. The Red Cross said some of the survivors were too terrified to get on another bus, so a nearby Ford dealer offered to drive them in smaller passenger vehicles. Some were expected to begin the trip on today. State police and National Transportation Safety Board investigators were expected to finish an inspection of the
J '.j
a Randy L. Rasmussen/The Oregonian
Workmen move the bus Monday that plummeted 200 feet down an embankment in rural Eastern Oregon on Sunday, killing nine people and sending others to hospitals. On Tuesday, survivors were preparing to continue their journey to Canada today. bus Tuesday. Oregon State Police identified one of the nine victims as a 57-year-old Washington man. Authorities said Dale William Osborn, o f S p anaway, was killed in the Sunday crash and his wife, Sue Osborn, remained hospitalized in Pendleton. H is dau g hter , Jen n i fer Sherman, o f C o l orado Springs, said she was told her father was hit in the head by a rock, while her mother was thrown into a riverbed. She last spoke to her father two
weeks ago.
"He was very happy," Sherman said. "He's a very good man." Authorities have not yet releasedthe names of the other eight people who died, but police said the four men and four women were of A sian descent and one female victim may be a juvenile. Two families are expected to arrive from South Korea l ater this w eek, said V i ce Consul Chul Ho Choi, who came to Pendleton from Seattle to help authorities translate, identify victims and notify relatives. Relatives of all
victims have now been notified, he said. Chris Huxoll, sales mana ger at Legacy Ford in L a Grande, said the dealership will probably use new sportu tility v e hicles w it h f o u r wheel drive to be sure survivors cansafely make the 420mile trip to Vancouver. "We are extremely sensitive to the fact that these kids and adults don't want to get on a bus," said Casey WhiteZollman, a volunteer spokeswoman for the Red Cross. Police said Monday they still weren't sure how fast the bus was travelling before the crash. It could take a month or more to determine whether the driver, a 54-year-old man from Vancouver, was at fault and whetherhe'llface charges, Oregon State Police Lt. Gregg Hastings said. The bus was traveling west in the left lane of Interstate 84 when it hit a concrete barrier, veered across both westbound lanes an d p l u nged t hrough the g uardrail a n d 200 feet down the embankm ent, Hastings s aid. T h e NTSB said the bus rolled at least once. The interstate links Boise, Idaho, and Portland, winding through the Blue Mountains and the Columbia River
AROUND THE STATE MiSSing COuple fOund —A76-year-old Springfieldman who had been missing since Fridayhasbeenfound. A LaneCounty sheriff's search teamfound the manlying in a roadside ditch on Monday afternoon. He was suffering from moderate hypothermia. The Register Guard reports Leslie McAdams was found a few hours after his wife
wasfoundbyaWeyerhaeuseremployeeinthesamegeneralarea.The couple's pickup truck was also found in the area. Leslie and Juanita McAdams were taken by ambulances to Sacred Heart Medical Center
at RiverBend inSpringfield for treatment. Thecouple appeared to be disoriented and could not explain why they had driven to the area.
Man Whu left gun in theater Charged — A manhasbeen arraigned ononecharge of recklessly endangering another person after leaving a loaded gun at a Tillamook movie theater. The Oregonian
reports 61-year-old GaryWarrenQuackenbush appeared inTillamook County Circuit Court on Monday to hear the misdemeanor charge. He then asked for a court-appointed attorney, which Judge Jonathan Hill
denied after determining that hedidn't qualify for one. Quackenbush went to a screening of "The Hobbit" at the Coliseum Theatre with his wife and a1941 model Beretta. The gun slipped out of his holster. Two
seventh-graders on aschool field trip on Dec.19 discovered the gun when one of them pushed the seat down and it fell out.
WaterShed PrOjeCtS Planned —Two watershed projects are set to begin in Albany: native planting in the flood plain this winter and dam removal in the spring. The Democrat-Herald reports the
dam removal from CoxCreekwill improve fish habitat. Fish in Cox Creek include Chinook salmon, winter steelhead, lamprey and others. Cox Creek and the Willamette River meet in that area and officials say
the dam removal will help the fish take refuge from the strong winter flows of the Willamette. Although there will be an initial release of water as the pool behind the dam is drained, the flow in Cox Creek
shouldn't be appreciably higher once thedam is gone.
Car hits, kills woman taking out trash —Authorities saya Cottage Grove-areawomantaking her garbage out was hit by acar and killed. The Register-Guard says Oregon State Police Lt. Rob Edwards identified the woman killed Monday afternoon as 60-year-old
RamonaBerg.Edwardssaysasouthboundvehiclecrossedthecenter line of London Road and hit Berg as she stood near her driveway on the shoulder of the road. The officer says the vehicle then drove
through a ditch and aneighbor's yard before returning to the road and driving off. State police say they later found the driver, interviewed
and released her. Hercar was seized for investigation. — From wire reports
a riies,sc oossru e o ee By Sara Hottman
tribution has jumped 41 percentsince 2008. Last year, the PORTLAND — S nowCap network gave out more than Community Charities used to a million food boxes; on averreceive much of its food pan- age 92,000kids eatfrom those try supply from school food boxes each month. More than drives. Now it sends more food half the state's students are to schools than it takes in. now poor enough to qualify for Lynch Meadows Elemen- federally subsidized meals. tary School in east Portland In the face of more poverty used to h ol d c a nned food and fewer resources, schools drives. Administrators stopped have become hubs for chariwhen they realized kids were table programs, where churchdonating food from their par- es, government agencies and ents' cupboards, and parents charities deliver donations and were picking it up again at services directly to children. SnowCap. Organizations are more agSince the 2008 financial cri- gressively trying to reach chilsis, the number of Lynch Mead- dren and their needy families ows students from low-income who don't otherwise receive families has climbed from half help because oflack of transto 83 percent of its 500 kids. At portation, instability at home SnowCap, east M u ltnomah or other problems. County's leading charity, food But that creates a sharp pantry visitors doubled, from learning curve for both schools 4,000 per month to 8,000. and charities as they try to figThat's just a snapshot of the ure out how to distribute food persistently increasing need to homes. "We've always had people schools and charities everywhere have seen over the past come to us," said Judy Alley, four years — a need they have executive director of SnowCap struggled, a n d so m etimes for 22 years. But in the past two failed, to meet. years, Alley said, the charity Statewide, the Oregon Food has been trying to take food to Bank Network's food box dis- the people — a huge logistical The Oregonian
School administrators stopped holding food drives when they realized kids were donating food from their parents' cupboards, and
parents were picking it up again at SnowCap (Community Charities).
un r i s
but their key mission is feeding minds. "It's a moral dilemma," said Laura Fendall, Lynch Meadows principaL "We focus on what we're experts at." Ben Egbers, Oliver Elementary principal, says he daily
grapples with providing both change.
that day," said Rusty Simms, "We're still transitioning," SnowCap board member and she said. Centennial Learning Center And SnowCap and other teacher. "Food boxes helped to organizations are struggling. alleviate the need a little bit." M ore kids than ever are on free His middle schoolers put and reduced-price lunches. In together the food boxes that the '90s, less than a third of the off-duty bus drivers delivered state's students ate federally to schools. One Friday each subsidizedlunches, according month, kids took th e f o od to the Oregon Department of home. Education. That climbed to 41 But during the seven-month percent by 2003, and hovered effort, schools failed to return there until 2007. In 2008, it the receiptsSnowCap uses to jumped to 47 percent, and has track its inventory, a requiresince reached 53 percent. ment for U.S. Department of D ecember wa s t h e l a s t Agriculture support. month SnowCap providedfood School officials admit they boxes to 40 families at high- didn't prioritize the receipts. poverty C entennial S chool But they also worked hard to District elementary schoolsget the food home with kidsLynch Meadows, Lynch Wood, stuffed backpacks with food, Parklane and Oliver. sent the box with a friend of the "Many kids in our district, family, or had counselors drop when they come to school it's it off at homes. the only meal they might get They tried to feed bellies,
education and basic needs for his students. Oliver is a long-time Title I school that receives federal funding for its high rate of lowincome families, about 85 percent. The Oregon Department of Education also has labeled it a priority school, meaning it ranks among the bottom 5 percent of Title I schools for academic achievement. "I know my focus needs to be on improvingstudentlearning," Egbers said. "I know there are more basic needs to be filled." The food bank survey released in October found the poor are getting poorer: Nearly two-thirds of respondents said their m onthly i n come has dropped over the past two years, and 74 percent reported income below the federal poverty line. P rograms such a s M u l t-
nomah County's Students Unit-
ing Neighborhood program, or SUN, address some of that need, providing social services as well as academic programs in high-poverty schools. All four Centennial elementaries are SUN schools. But principals say the food boxes provided an extra boost to needy families. "One of the greatest gifts you can give kids is predictability," Egbers said. "Food boxes were a constant." But so were problems. In the midst of itstransition, SnowCap facesa $75,000 budget shortfall — the cost of trying to deliver rather simply supply food. "I feel l ik e w e 're l osing ground," said Alley. "We're trying to make the world a better place, and I feel like our best efforts aren't sufficient." Simms i s f r u strated t he
schools' food box program didn't work out. "What I have seen in the past four years is chronic need," he said. "I see people's families from school at SnowCap. I see former students of mine at SnowCap for help. It breaks my heart."
Administrator prepsBeaversfor real-world By Joce DeWltt
leadership initiatives within the Everyday Champions proCORVALLIS — In 2010, for- gram, which helps to prepare mer Oregon State University student athletes for post-graduwide receiver Taylor Kavan- ation success, and the Title IX augh walked into Marianne Parade of Champions, which Vydra's office and presented celebrates a c complishments the senior associate athletic of former OSU female athletes director with an ambitious pro- every five years. posal: He wanted to coordinate The programs receivestatean international service project wide attention. But for Vydra, for student athletes at OSU. who is t h e h i ghest-ranking The project — Beavers woman i n m a nagement of Without Borders — would re- OSU's athletics program, the quire extensive planning and job isn't about attention, it's f undraising, but V y dr a r e - about fostering success. "We think young people sponded the way she typically does whenever a student ap- have the ability to change the proaches her with an idea: world," Vydra said. "Why not?" A native of Springfield, Mo., Since then, dozens of OSU she graduated with a bachelor's student athletes have ventured degreein biology. She received to diverse regions of the world a master's in education from i ncluding Ethiopia a n d the University of Maine, where Macedonia — to build houses she worked with the men's basfor families in need. ketball and hockey teams. "If a student has energy, you Although Vydra's associaget out of their way," Vydra tion with sports dates back past said. her coll ege experience as a volBeavers Without Borders leyball setter, she never anticiis one of several projects in pated holding a management which she has played a sig- position in athletics. "I call it my accidental canificant role since 1998, when she accepted her job as associ- reer," Vydra joked. "I didn't ate athletic director and senior know this is what I wanted to do." women's administrator. Other projects have included But the position turned out Corvallis Gazette-Times
that's all you do you're in real trouble. That's why Marianne is so widely respected." She has found that spreading the stories of an athlete's journey through school and career through programs such as Everyday Champions is invaluable to their success. "We have to figure out a way to highlight the other being," she said. Vydra's empathy for student athletes was evident to her colleagues even before she took on the role as associate athletic director, while she still was servugh agreed. ing as an academic counselor. "There was always that culOSU's Director of A t hletture in the Athletics Depart- ics Bob De Carolis chalks up ment, Marianne especially, in Vydra's success to "the genuine taking an interest and invest- caring that the Athletics Dement in making sure athletes partment can make a signifiare well taken care of,"he said. cant impact in the lives of all "Marianne is someone who student athletes." makes things happen." She brings "boundless enerBeaver football games at- gy and is totally optimistic on tractmore than 40,000 specta- all fronts," De Carolis said. tors and bring millions of dolVydra called tapping into a lars to the university, but Vydra student athlete's academic and sees student athletes in a larger professional potential "shepcontext. herding the investment." And "Teams are going to win and athletes are different from othteams are going to lose — that's er students, she said. "Student athletes are good a given," Kavanaugh said. "But it's seeing light in the fact that, at failing," she said. "They get after you're a student athlete, if right back up and go on." to be a remarkable fit. "I get to solve all sorts of p roblems. My position is a problem-solving position," she said. Vydra's responsibilities as senior associate athletic director include strategic planning meetings and overseeingthe budget. But she emphasizes student success. "I bring the student-athlete piece to the table," she said. "This is the part that, once people tap into it, brings a lot of meaning." As a former athlete, Kavana-
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The Bulletin
Protectcou budgets f'rom prisonreforms
C ~
BETsY McCooc
Goaoott BEAEE
Fditur in-Cltirf Editor of Ednorials
Iro H
matilla County officials fear the governor's propos-
als to save money on prisons could cost counties more for probation and related services. It's a concern legislators need to consider as they study the proposals resulting from Gov. John Kitzhaber's Commission on Public Safety. If reforms send more work to the counties, additional funds for counties must be provided. Kitzhaber's budget does include increases in funding for community corrections, according to The Associated Press, and his public safety commission has proposed grant programs that would funnel more funds to counties. But Umatilla is concerned it won't be enough, especially for rural counties. Oregon's prison population has been forecast to grow by 2,300 beds in 10 years, at an additional cost of $600 million. But the governor asked an expanded safety commission to recommend ways to stem the cost, and the 20D Legislature is expected to consider a variety of proposals. The goal is to save money on prisons while investing more in programs that prevent crime and reform criminals. Not all members of the commission agreed with its proposalssome of which would require voter approval — so they were reported to the governor without a recommendation that they be enacted. They include:
• Giving judges discretion in some cases that now have mandatory sentences under Measure ll and Measure 57. • Relaxing requirements related to marijuana and driving with a suspended license. • Letting prisoners' and probationers' behavior cut their sentences and supervision time. • Cutting the cost per inmate by reducing costs of running the prisons. • Sending additional funds to counties that send fewer convicts to prison. Many of the proposals are sensible, not just to save money, but also to improve public safety, but they are also controversial. Clackamas County District Attorney John Foote, for example, believes the focus should be primarily on the costs of prison administration and labor,not on the number of prisoners. Umatilla's question is narrower, however, and could easily get lost in the heated debate sure to take place in the Legislature. As they consider proposed changes, legislators need to be sure there's no shift in costs to counties without funds to cover them.
Disclose who isspending the moneyon campaigns embers of Congress are not puppets controlled by their campaign donors. But decisions can be colored by the knowledge that an organization with a multimillion dollar war chest is poised to launch anonymous attack ads if a senator or representative votes the "wrong" way. U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, are crafting legislation that they hope will, at least, make it clearer who is spending money. They w rote about it recently in T he Washington Post. Federal law requires only quarterly finance reports. So, it can be months after an election before the public learns who dumped millions into television ads before the election. The senators' proposal is to require that credit and debit card donations be reported within 48 hours of receipt. Donations by check would be reported before the check is deposited, in no case later than 10 days after receipt. The proposal doesn't stop there. It increases the triggering level for disclosurefrom a $200 contribution to a $500 contribution. That's to focus attention on more significant expenditures. T he proposal also aims t o
capture the financial activity for corporations and other business entities, labor unions, 501(c) taxexempt entities and unincorporated associations. If they spend in excess of $500 on "election-related activity," they must report it. Republicans in the Senate filibustered a similar bill in 2012, the DISCLOSE Act. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., gave aseriesofspeeches defending political giving as free speech. He said groups such as the NAACP, Sierra Club and the Chamber of Commerce wouldbe forced to subject their members to public intimidation and harassment because of the reporting requirements of the DISCLOSE Act. Wyden and Murkowski proposed some protection in their new concept. Members of organizations that are supported by dues would be able to dedicate up to $500 per member to election activity without a requirement to disclose the identity of the individual members. The idea of increasing transparency in campaign contributions in this proposal helps. It's not going to stop all the sleaze and shenanigans. But people may know better where it's coming from.
M Nickel's Worth Ban assault weapons, high-capacity clips now
At the end of school, they would return home, on the bus, with their guns. It never crossed anyone's mind to do anything other than hunt geese. The guns were carried in plain sight through the city streets. But imagine that h a ppening t oday. There would be p olice cars all over. Things have changed in the last 50-plus years, and it's not that peo-
Ban assault weapons now. Ban ammunition clips h olding m ore than 10 rounds now. There is no reason why civilians need these weapons, and it is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned in the Second Amendment. "Meaningful action" means gun control. It means making assault
weapons illegal. The suggestion by ple own guns. Rep. Dennis Richardson, R-Central Point, that we should arm schoolteachers or someone in schools is appalling. There is a place for people who want to shoot automatic weapons, and it is in the military or the police, not in our schools. We are not at the apocalypse, but the pro-gun lobby would like to get us there. I pray that reason and respect for human decency will prevail. Pierre Kolisch Redmond
Dorothy Judd Sisters
Politicians squander our tax dollars
ports about how budget cuts had grounded or eliminated most of the state's air tanker fleet. I'm oldenough and naive enough to believe that one of the only roles government should have is to protect its citizens. Air t a nkers do that. Fancy, unneeded office buildings don't. Yet look which one the politicians bought, and the citizens of Oregon get to pay for! Paul Bianchina Bend
Make companies pay penalty for outsourcing
I do not question the freedom of a corporation to outsource jobs. I'm absolutely sick to death of H owever, several t h i ng s h a p the way that politicians squander pen when they outsource, and I our tax dollars without any regard think those things should have for common sense. We see itday tax an d c a mpaign contribution in and day out, to the point that I consequences. think all of us have become numb Unemployment i n creases and to it. But this time I couldn't help payroll taxes decrease, giving the but speak out. outsourcers an unfair advantage Driving down U.S. Highway 97 over true U .S. companies, and at the north end of Bend, I noticed questions arise as to the actual some of the finishing touches be- U.S. identity of t h e o utsourcing ing put on ODOT's big new palace. companies. I propose that a penW orkers were wrapping up t h e alty should be levied for five years stone and wrought iron fence out to offset the increase in unemployfront — noordinary fence for these ment payments caused by the outkings and queens of the state's sourcing. I suggest the outsourcers roadways! be charged continued payments While all of u s m ere mortals of the employer portion of payroll are struggling to put food on the taxes to be put into the Social Setable and gas in the tank, our free- curity/Medicare fund to even the spending Salem bureaucrats are playing field with companies hirthrowing it around as usual. But ing U.S. citizens. Further, I contend what really got to me was thinking that such corporations should no back to last summer, as I sat on my longer be considered U.S. "perpatio in southeast Bend. I watched sons" for purposes of qualifying to the smoke f ro m a f a s t-moving make donations to U.S. elections. wildfire rising behind my home, Ann Kelly while reading the newspaper reBend
Guns, even in schools, used tobe commonplace In response to the cry of banning guns I'd like to tell you a story. I graduated from high school in 1958 in Salem. I went to a Catholic all-girls school and there was also an all-boys high school. Fifty years later, 2008, there was a reunion being planned together. One of the fellows told about how they would carry their shotguns with them to catch the city bus to school. Upon arriving at school, they put their shotguns in their lockers. At noon, they would take them out and the priests would take them all outside to shoot geese.
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Psychological perspective on Newtown shooting By Don Hartsough
one who is genuinely intending to commit suicide as a person who is trying to solve a deeply personal and emotional problem. For the moment, he has narrowed his options to killing himself and little else. If there is an opportunity to communicate with that individual, to hear his desperation and pain, then there is ing suicide intervention, l N My also the opportunity to help yl EW him find a less destructive and h o stage n egotiation with a major urban police solution to the problem that department. is making him so miserable. First, it is useful to view the recent In my opinion, it is not wise to shooter'sactions as a form of suicide t hink o f s u i cidal i n dividuals as preceded bymass homicide.Second, merely "mentally ill" (although some, one must consider the potential le- in fact, may present that additional thality (another term for "dangerous- challenge to a helper). The general ness") of the means that the suicidal rule is deal with the suicidal threat individual chooses. Some means for first, then with other psychological inflicting self-harm are more lethal or psychiatric problems later. The urthan others; for example, shooting gent call for more mental health seris much more deadly than taking 30 vices that is now being heard in legaspirin. islatures and repeated by the media In my view, it helps to view some- is thus way too broad if it is intendhe tragic school shooting in Connecticut has t h e n a tion searchingfor an answer to the H question, How do we prevent this from happening again?" I would offer Bulletin readers the perspective of a psychologist who has specialized in crisis intervention, includ-
ed to prevent mass shootings. The young man who killed so many was, in my view, a deeply troubled person, but he was not psychotic; as a former FBI behavioral analyst said, "He knew exactly what he was doing." To be effective, added mental health resourcesshould be devoted primarily to crisis and suicide intervention. The hope is that early intervention will assist the potential shooter in finding another way of resolving his emotional issues. Then there is the matter of lethality. If you are trying to help a family, for example, with a seriously suicidal family member, you insist that they make the likely means of committing suicide unavailable to the troubled person. Remove guns and knives and potent drugs from easy access. Make sure trips in the family car are accompanied by other adults. You get the idea. Inflicting pain on self or others with a baseball bat may cause
It is not wise to think of suicidal individuals as merely "mentally ill." The general rule is deal with the suicidal threat first, then with other psychological or psychiatric problems later. The urgent call for more mental health services that is now being heard in legislatures and repeated by the media ts thus way too broad tf it is intended to prevent mass shootings. harm, but much less than an assault weapon. In monitoring access to lethal means, individual privacy, of course, should be honored, but the person's daily moods and actions should also be observed. Psychologists will readily admit that identifying a specific individual as a potential mass shooter — picking him out among all the troubled people in our nation — is nearly impossible. Instead, here is what we, as a nation, can do:
1. Limit access to weapons whose only function is to fire deadly ammunition in rapid fire bursts in limited time (so-called "assault weapons") — this reduces lethality. 2. Increase the likelihood that potentially suicidal mass killers will have the opportunity to come in contact with an experienced helper who can help them solve their problems beforethey create a tragedy. — Don Hartsough is a psychologist. He lives in Bend.
Rita Levi-Montalcini,'l03, won Nobel in medicine sII+g
By Emily Langer
R ita Levi-Montalcini w as born April 22, 1909, in the Rita Levi-Montalcini, a No- northern Italian city of Turin. bel Prize-winning neurosci- Her mother, Adele Montalcini, entist who began her seminal was a painter; her father, Adaresearch on cell development mo Levi, was an engineer and while dodging bombs and subscribed to the then-prevailfleeing Nazi persecution dur- ing view that women were best ing World War II, died Sunday suited to the domestic life. at her home in Rome. She was She discovered her affinity 103. forscience in herearly 20s and Gianni Alemanno, the city's gravitated toward medical remayor, announced her death search because she had lost a in a statement to international beloved governess to cancer. media. The cause was not Levi-Montalcini r e ceived a disclosed. medical degree in 1936 from Levi-Montalcini was widely the University of Turin, where regarded as one of the most her classmates included the fui nfluential scientists of h e r ture Nobel laureates Salvador generation, and her accom- Luria and Renato Dulbecco. plishments were particularly Levi-Montalcini began her notable because of the handi- career as an assistant to her caps and obstacles faced by professor, the eminent Italian women throughout the world neuroscientist Giuseppe Levi when she began her career. (no relation). In 1938, the fascist Her rise to the highest reach- government handed down the es of scientific achievement was anti-Semitic racial laws. She made even more difficult be- soon set up a laboratory in her cause she embarked on her ca- home, reserving much of her reerunder the fascistregime of bedroom to house the chicks Benito Mussolini, who expelled she usedin her experiments. her and her fellow Jews from Food was so hard to come the Italian academic world. by, Time magazine reported, She shared the 1986 Nobel that L evi-Montalcini somePrize in medicine for her dis- times made the leftover yolks covery of a substance known into omelets. as the nerve growth factor, a When the b ombardments naturally occurring p r otein of Turinbecame too fierce,she that helps spark the growth of and her family fled to the highnerve cells. She launched that lands outside the city and then groundbreaking research in to Florence, where they eluded a makeshift bedroom labora- fascist persecution by assuming tory during the war and deep- false identities. At the end of the ened it in the 1950s at Wash- war, Levi-Montalcini did mediington University in St. Louis, cal work among war refugees. where she worked alongside In 1947, she received an inviher co-Nobelist, the American tation from Viktor Hamburger, biochemist Stanley Cohen. a German-born embryologist In essence, Levi-Montalcini's whose writings had sparked discovery helped explain how the idea for her bedroom laboembryonic nerve cells grow ratory experiments. He asked into a fully developed nervous her to join him at Washington system and, more broadly, how University for a monthslong a damaged nervous system fellowship. She became a full might be repaired. Cohen was professorand stayed for three credited with the identification decades, holding dual Italianof the epidermal growth factor, American citizenship. a similar substance that helps Levi-Montalcini also estabregulate the growth of skin and lished an institute for the study other cells. of cell biology in Italy, where Together, those a dvances she was recognized about a "opened new fields of wide- decade ago as a senator-forspread importance to basic sci- life. Her American honors inence,"the NobelAssemblyat the cluded the prestigious Lasker Karolinska Institute declared in Award for basicmedical reawarding the prize to the two search in 1986 and a National scientists. The nerve growth Medal of Science in 1987. factor is considered a foundation Her autobiography, "In for modern research into treat- Praise of Imperfection," was ment of Alzheimer's disease and r eleased in 1 988. She e x has alsoinfluenced research on plained in the book why she cancer, Parkinson's disease and decided not to marry or have muscular dystrophy. children. "My experience in c h ildWritingin the journal Science in 2000, Levi-Montalcini attrib- hood and adolescence of the uted her success to "the absence subordinate role played by of psychological complexes, the female in a society run entenacity in following the path I tirely by men," she wrote, "had reputedto be right, andthe habit convinced me that I was not of underestimating obstacles." cut out to be a wife." The Washington Post
Photos by Genaro Molina/ Los Angeles Times
Aaron Pole, a wildlife technician with the Hoopa Tribal Forestry Department, walks inside the forest where marijuana growers left piles of trash after vacating the area on the Hoopa Indian Reservation, in California's eastern Humboldt County. Pole and Mark Higley, a wlldllfe biologist on the reservatlon, suspect that the huge marljuana grows are kllllng wlldllfe In the area.
IOWerS wrea in avOC
0 Oll
a i ornia envirOnmen
By Joe Mozingo • Los Angeles Times EUREKA, Calif.
California scientists, grappling with an explosion of marijuana growing on the North Coast, recently studied aerial imagery of a small tributary of the Eel River, spawning grounds for endangered coho salmon and other threatened fish. In theremote, 37-squaremile patch of forest, they counted 281 outdoor pot farms and 286 greenhouses, containing an estimated 20,000 plants - mostly fed by water diverted from creeks or a fork of the Eel. The scientists determined the farms were siphoning roughly 18 million gallons from the watershed every y ear, largely at th e t i me when the salmon most need it. "That is just one small w atershed," s a i d Sc o t t Bauer, the state scientist in 8k charge of the coho recovery on the North Coast for the Department of Fish and Game. "You extrapolate that for all the other tributaries, just of the Eel, and you get a lot of marijuana sucking up a lot of water. Marljuana grower George Unsworth tends to hls crop on hls property In Covelo, Callf. Resldents can This threatens species we grow 25 plants If they purchase $25 zlp-tles from the sheriff for each one and let a deputy Inspect are spending millions of their gardens. Unsworth was one of 12 people to sign up the first year. He says he grows his crop for dollars to recover." medicinal reasons. The marijuana boom that came with the sudden rise of medical cannabis in Cali- A boom in marijuana growing is Scientists suspect that nutri- juana floods the market and fornia has wreaked havoc causing environmental damage ent runoff from excess potting pricesdrop, many farmers are on the fragile habitats of soil and fertilizers, combined cultivating ever bigger crops in some sensitive California the North Coast and other with lower-than-normal river to make a profit. They now cut watersheds. parts of California. With flow due to diversions, has huge clearings for industrial2mile r, ' ORE.;-.I~ little or no oversight, farmcaused a rash of toxic blue- scale greenhouses. With no . Pa ers have illegally mowed g reen algae blooms in t h e permits or provisions for run" 301 ' down timber, graded mounNorth Coast rivers over the off, the operations dump tons 101 taintops flat for sprawling last decade. of silt into the streams during 96 greenhouses, d is p ersed Crescent' T he c y a nobacteria o u t - the rainy season. urok..e poisons an d pe s t icides, breaks threaten public health Scanning Google Earth in Reyervatl drained streams and polfor swimmers and kill aquatic his office recently, Bauer came luted watersheds. invertebrates that salmon and upon a "mega grow" that did Pacific Because marijuana is unsteelhead trout eat. Now, of- not exist the year before — a Ocean regulated in California and ficials warn residents in late 4-acre bald spot in the forest seervatto illegal under federal law, summer and fall to stay out of with 42 greenhouses, each 100 lamaih, most growers still operate certain stretches of water and feet long. j'Rivet-', in the shadows, and scienkeep their dogs out. Eleven Figuring a single greentists have little hard data on .+ Trinitj< ,' dogs have died from ingesting house that size would hold 80 their collective effect. But plants, and each plant uses 255 , iver-1 the floating algae since 2001. they are getting ever more The effects are dishearten- about 5 gallons of water a day, 299 . Fo Eure r,'ugly snapshots. ing to many locals because he estimated the operation KlamathA study led by researchhealthier salmon runs were would consume 2 million galiver ' ers at the University of Calisignaling that the rivers were lons of water in the dry season fornia, Davis, found that a gradually improving from the and unleash a torrent of sedirareforestcarnivore called damage caused by more than ment in the wet season. ~+W F„ ltil e e ".. . + s "There has been an exploa fisher was being poisoned a century of logging. "Now with these water di- sion of this in the last two in Humboldt County and near Yosemite in the Sierra versions, w e're p o t entially years," he said. "We can't keep Nevada. . g, Garb vllle -.. slamming the door on salmon up with it." The team concluded in its recovery,"said Scott Greacen, But it's not just the big crimJuly report that the weasel• • A , -;jjf director of Friends of the Eel inal groups skirting the rules. like animals were probably River. Tony LaBanca, senior envieating r o denticides t h at JV In June, Bauer and other ronmental scientist at Fish and 1 marijuana growers employ agency scientists accompa- Game in Eureka, said less than Source: ESRI, TeleAttas, USGS to keep animals from gnawnied game wardens as they 1 percent of marijuana growGraphic: Julie Sheer, Lorena Elebe ing on their plants, or they executed six search warrants ers get the permits required to Los Angeles Times were preying on smaller 20 " on growers illegally sucking take water from a creek, and rodents that had consumed water from tributaries of the those who do usually do it af© 2012 McClatchy-Tribune News Service the deadly bait. Forty-six of Trinity River. At one, he came ter an enforcement action. 58 fisher carcasses the team upon a g r oup o f 2 0 -someResponsible growers could analyzed had rat poison in The insecticide is lethal to things with Michigan license e asily get permits, with n o their systems. humans in small doses, replates on their vehicles, camp- questions asked about what Mark Higley, a wildlife quires a special permit from ing next to 400 plants. He fol- type of plant they're watering, biologist on the Hoopa In- the EPA and i s b anned in lowed an irrigation line up to a LaBanca said. They just need dian Reservation in eastern other countries. Authorities creek, where the growers had to be set up to take their water Humboldt who worked on are now regularly finding it at dug a pond and lined it with in the wet season and store it the study, is i n credulous large-scale operations in some plastic. in tanks and bladders. "I started talking to this guy, over the poisons that grow- of California's most sensitive Fish and Game wants to ers are bringing in. ecosystems. and he says he used to be an step up enforcement, but the "Carbofuran," he said. "It It is just one in a litany of Earth First! tree-sitter, saving staff is overwhelmed, he said. seems like they're using that p ollutants seeping into t h e the trees," Bauer said. "I told The agency has 12 scientists to kill bears and things like watershed from pot f a r ms: him everything he was doing and 15 game wardens in the that that raid their camps. fertilizers, soil amendments, here negates everything he entire four counties on the So they mix it up with tuna miticides, rodenticides, fungidid as an environmentalist." North Coast, covering thouor sardine, and the bears cides, plant hormones, diesel The man was a small-timer sands of mountainous square eat that and die." fuel, human waste. in this new gold rush. As mari- miles.
. ~M74im~~~~
River prodlems
Deaths of note from around the world: Rlchard Rodney Bennett, 76: British composer who in a long, distinguished career moved with ease among classical concert music, jazz and film. Died Dec. 24 in New York, where he had lived since 1979. Mlke Hopklns, 53: Oscarw inning sound editor w h o shared Academy awards with editing partner Ethan Van Der Ryn in 2006 for "King Kong" and in 2003 for "The Lord of
the Rings: The Two Towers." They were also nominated in 2007 for "Transformers." Died Sunday in a rafting accident in New Zealand. Jane Holmes Dlxon, 75:The second woman to be elevated to bishop in t h e E piscopal Church. Dixon was a former elementaryschool teacher and h omemaker when she w as ordained a priest in her 40s. Died Christmas Day in Washington, D.C. — From wire reports
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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013.
Today: A clear and sunny day,
Tonight: Low temperatures below the average for early
tures staying chilly.
CHANNE Kvvz.cow
Jan u ary.
30 WEST Mostly sunny skies are expected today.
, As toria 47/3
Higsboro POrt a"d ~N • 38/29 Tigamook• • Sa n dy 50/3i 35/29 McMinnvige J 49/33
8; Blggs
I 3«2 •8 3
• Hermiston 24/tz
Arlingt 724 • 29/20 o WaSCO 25/20
W II PendletOn 25/i3 • 29/i 6 • Meacham
Patchy freezing fog early; otherwise, skies will be partly to mostly sunny today.
30/19 Union
• pprayza 3
Warm Spr'»gs•
• Madras
EAST 51/38
Coos Bay Lake g
Cr eSCent• FOrtROCk28n6
• Bandon
2 5/1 2
Port Orford
• 5«4i g
• Beach
• 39/29•
• Brooking
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
Chr i stmas Valley 29/i 7
Frenchglen 30/8
• 55'
erwise, skies will be cloudy to partly cloudy.
32/1 3
North Bend
36/1 5
o amath
• -12
• Lakeview 33/8
aIIs 33/1 3 ~
39/30 ~
Grants Pass
5j lv e r
IT4 oHamgton
La Pine 27/74
UntariO Freezing fog at 24/10 times today; oth-
• Paulina 23ns
Sunriver• Bend
m/39 •
o www m Vancouver • 41/34
•Cal ar 33/27
•sea i.
(in the 48 contiguous states):
+ +
Thunder Bay 22/1 0 H!.
ai ax 13/7
8 ortland~
• 81'
Opa Locka, Fla.
• -22'
Park Rapids, Minn
• 4.01 w
52/43 ~
I k'
Oklahoma City Iy ~ 4
25/13 ~
Galveston, Texas
N h ill
Tijuana 63/40
54 741 • ii •
Chihuahua 56/35
La Paz 66/56» a77/67 dan •
Os Anchorag
throughout the day.
rlando 79/60 • Miami 80/70
Monterrey .
A cloudy but dry day.
near aver-
34 20
32 21
35 22
39 19
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrise today...... 7:40 a.m. MOOn phaSeS SunsettodaY......439p.m, Last New F i r st Full Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:40 a.m. • Sunset tomorrow... 4:40 p.m. Moonrisetoday...10:30 p.m. Moonsettoday ...10:13 a.m. Jan.4 Jan. 11 Jan.18 Jan.26
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:13 a.m...... 3:53 p.m. Venus......6:13 a.m...... 3:10 p.m. Mars.......9:07 a.m...... 6:32 p.m. Jupiter......204pm......506a.m. Satum......2:31 a.m.....12:57 p.m. Uranus....11:22 a.m..... I1:36 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low............... 30/7 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........59m1964 Monthtodate.......... 0.00" Recordlow........ -16in1979 Average monthtodate... 006"
Average high.............. 40 Year to date............ 0.00" Average low .............. 23 Average year to date..... 0.06" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.39 Record 24 hours ...0.79 in1948 *Melted liquid equivalent
The Associated Press
SEATTLE — The number of illegal immigrants in the Pacific Northwest removed from the country has fallen dramatically over the past couple of years, according to new numbers from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They show that 6,733 immigrants were removed in fiscal year 2012 from Washington, Oregon and Alaska, compared with a recent high of more than 10,800 immigrants expelled in 2010. The 2012 numbers also show that for the first time in five years, the number of illegal immigrants with criminal records declined. The data show that 4,557 ofsuch immigrants were removed in 2012, compared with 5,272 the previous year. A fiscal year runs from September to October. These removals also include voluntary departures, which is when an illegal immigrant chooses to leave the country on his own. In recent years, ICE has made removing illegal immigrants with criminal records one of its top priorities. Nationally, the total number of removals stood at nearly 410,000, with nearly 70 percent of those with criminal records. The decline of removals from the Pacific Northwest can be attributed to fewer people being transferredfrom out of state to the Tacoma Detention Center, where some i m migrants are processed and held
Yesterday Wednesday Thursday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hourtotals through4 p.m.
for solar at noon.
Astoria ....... .42/33/0.00.....47/34/s.....48/37/sh Baker City..... ..20/3/0.00.....25/8/pc.....25/12/pc Brookings..... .49/36/0.00.....53/41/f......52/41/( Burns......... 12/-12/0.00..... 25/-1/s......25/4/pc Eugene .39/3070.00.....38727ls......44733/c Klamath Falls .. 28/3/000 ...33/13/pc ...34/15/pc Lakeview...... . 30/-2/0.00 ....33/8/pc.....30/11/pc La Pine....... ..30/5/0.00.....27/I 4/s.....34/I 8/pc Medford .46/32/0.00.....39/29/s.....43/30/pc Newport . 46/32/0.00..... 50/36/s..... 50/36/sh North Bend.... ..55/34/NA.....51/38/s......50/37/c Ontario....... ..21/4/0.00.....24/1 0/s.....26/1 0/pc Pendleton..... .28/25/0.00.....29/16/c......31/22/c Portland .40/23/0.00.....38/29/s.....42/36/sh Prinevige .. 30/6/0.00....27/1 9/pc......37/1 9/c Redmond ..28/9/0.00....33/1 7/pc......38/1 6/c Roseburg . 51/34/0.00..... 41/35/1......45/34/< Salem 41/24/0 00 ..40/26/s ...43/34/sh Sisters........ .25/1 5/0.00....28/1 7/pc......35/I 8/c The Dages..... .32/28/0.00....36/23/pc......38/27/c
Snow accumulation in inches
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .50-53 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .39-73 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .88-117 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .90-112 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 97 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0.0......64-67 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 -0 . . . . . . . 113
L 0
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .44-82
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . .22-25 Mammoth Mtn., California.....0.0...133-1150 ParkCity, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . .35-52 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . .63-1 21 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-53 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 15 . . . . . .43 50 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .20-23 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: or call 511 i s-sun,pc-partialclouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace Legend:WweatherPcp-precipitation,
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
r evp + • oo+5++
r d 44 vd
* *
* * *
i* * * * *
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
YesterdayYyednesdaythursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/YY Hi/Lo/YY Abilene, TX......44/31/000...47/24/s. 47/22/pc Grandiapids... 26/19/0.00 ..28/22/pc. 28/22/sn RapidCity........31/7/000..26/10/sn.. 33/17/s Savannah.......7074470 00..63749/sh.57/42/sh Akron..........45/25/003 ..26/I3/pc. 29/11/sn Green Bay.......14/6/0 00 ..17/13/pc... 23/8/sf Reno...........30/16/000 ..31/I7/pc. 34/17/pc Seattle..........41/27/000... 42/31/s. 42/37/sh Albany..........35/19/000..29/12/pc... 29/5/c Greensboro......48/43/013..49/33/pc. 42/28/pc Richmond.......47/41/003... 41/25/s. 42/27/pc Siovx Falls........21/7/000... 24/2/sf.. 11/5/pc Albuquerque.....36/15/000 ..35/16/pc.35/18/pc Harnsburg.......39/35/000... 31/17/s. 31/20/pc RochesterNY....34/11/001..26/18/sn.31/18/sn Spokane........23/9/trace...27/16/c.. 29/17/c Anchorage......38/32/000 ..33/24/sn .. 32/22/c Hartford, CT.....37/27/000 ..32/14/pc. 30/17/pc Sacramento......52/32/000... 53/31/s .. 54/34/s Springfield, MO ..34/21/000 .. 37/19/pc.. 30/16/s Atlanta.........54/47/092.. 55/37/pc. 52/32/pc Helena...........29/9/0 40... 28/8/pc.. 38/I 5/s St. Louis.........32/21/000 ..31/24/pc .. 30/16/s Tampa..........75/55/000 ..76/63/pc .. 75/61/c AtlanticCity.... A4/38/0.00...38/27/s.38/30/pc Honolulu........73/66/0.00...80/68/s.. 81/69/s Salt Lake City....27/I67000 ..29/14/pc. 31/18/pc Tucson..........53/30/000...59/34/s.. 60/35/s Austin..........55/4$/020..48/34/pc.. 51/33/c Houston........67/49/013..51737/pc..54736/c SanAntonio.....61/46/015 ..50/37/pc .. 51/35/c Tulsa...........38/28/000..42/20/pc.. 40/20/s Baltimore ...... 44/34/000...39/29/s. 40/30/pc Huntsville.......52/44/1.48 ..43/28/pc.. 48/25/s SanDiego.......60/46/000...63/44/s .. 67746/s Washington, DC..45/38/000...38/25/s. 41/27/pc Billings.........32/18/001 ...33/6/pc .. 34/18/s Indianapolis.....31/19/001 ..25/15/pc. 26710/pc SanFrancisco....53/44/000... 54/41/s.. 56/42/s Wichita.........28/19/003 ..36/15/pc.. 29/17/s Birmingham.....55/51/1 19 ..47/36/pc .. 47/28/s Jackson, MS.... 61/46/I 86 46734/pc49/31/pc SanJose........55/37/000.. 56/36/s.. 58/38/s Yakima.........30/27/000..27/17/pc.. 32/22/c Bismarck.........17/0/000..21/4/pc...18/9/s Jacksonvile..... 76/44/000 71/53/sh 59/52/sh SantaFe.........31/9/000.... 29/6/s 29/11/s Yuma . . . . .60/40/000... 60/41/s .. 63/41/s Boise...........24/10/000..27/11/pc.. 29/16/s Juneau..........43/35/0 00.. 38/24/rs.. 35/29/c INTERNATIONAL Boston..........37/26/000 ..31/16/pc.29/20/pc KansasCity.......23/9/0.00 ..31/13/pc.. 24/12/s Bndgeport, CT....39/30/000 ..34/20/pc. 34/24/pc Lansing.........25/17/0.00..26/16/pc. 28/18/sn Amsterdam......48/43/088 45/43/sh 48/45/c Mecca..........91/70/000 . 83/65/s .. 84/67/s Buffalo.........33/18/000..26/20/sn. 31/19/sn Lasyegas.......48/29/000..51/33/pc.. 52/34/s Athens..........55/42/005 ..55/45/pc.. 56/46/c Mexico City .....73/45/000 .58/41/sh.. 68/44/s Burlington,VT....33/13/003 ..17/4/sn... 22/9/c Lexington.......34/32/020...33/22/s. 34/19/pc Auckland........73/59/000..73/63/sh.75/65/sh Montreal.........28/7/002...17/5/pc... 10/8/c Caribou,ME......2073/003.. 5/12/pc.... 6/0/c Lincoln...........20/4000..29710/pc... 23/9/s Baghdad........60/42/0.00..61/48/pc .. 63/46/s Moscow........32/25/0.07..25/15/pc..28/25/sf Charleston, SC...68/45/000 ..61/46/sh. 55/42/sh Little Rock.......41/37/0.00...41/28/s .. 48/24/s Bangkok........88/72/000... 94/74/s .. 93/79/s Nairobi.........77/61/1.29 ..77/56/sh. 77/54/pc Charlotte........50/4S/022 ..52/40/pc. 46/29/pc LosAngeles......61/44/0.00...66747/s .. 66/48/s Beiyng..........27/10/000... 15/ I/s... 13/6/s Nassau.........77/68/000... 77/72/c...77/71/t Chattanooga.....49/43/0.80...48/31/s .. 50/28/s Louisville........37/32/0.07 ..33723/pc. 34/19/pc Beirvt..........68/54/000...62/53/s .. 63/54/s New Delhi.......59/39/000...68/47/s. 68/52/pc Cheyenne........24/2/0.00...25/7/pc.. 29/15/s Madison, YYJ.....15/-7/0.00 ..21/15/pc.. 21/7/pc Berlin...........46/41/000 .. 42/39/rs. 44738/sh Osaka..........45/30/000 .. 42/32/sf..37/29/sf Chicago.........25/13/000 ..27/22/pc. 29/17/pc Memphis....... 45/36/030 ..41/30/s .. 46/26/s Bogota.........68/4370.00...66745/s.. 66744/s Oslo............37/23/0.00 ..31/27/pc. 32/26/pc Cincinnati.... 35/30/000 .28/16/pc. 29/16/pc Miami . . . . 79/70/000 80/70/s 81/66/pc Budapest........277257000...32728/c. 367327pc Ottawa..........21/3/000...17/5/pc. 17/14/sn Cleveland.......32/23/000 ..27/17/pc. 30/14/sn Milwaukee.......18/7/0.00..22/20/pc. 25/14/pc BuenosAires.....70/50/011... 74/59/s .. 82/64/s Paris............48/37/0 52 ..45743/sh.. Sl/47/c Colorado Spnngs.29/12/000...32/7/pc. 40/I7/pc Minneapolis.....15/5/0 00 ..24/I0/sn .. 14/5/pc CaboSanLucas ..68/61/000 ..73/56/pc.. 74757 /s Rio de Janeiro...100/82/000... 87/74/t...79/73/t Colvmhia,MO...25/14/000 ..33/20/pc. 27/13/pc Nashville........43/38/0.35...40/26/s .. 45/22/s Cairo...........68/52/000... 67/51/s.. 69/50/s Rome...........54/32/000..53/50/sh. 57/45/pc Colvmhia,SC....56/49/064..56/43/pc. 50/35/pc New Orleans.....78/57/023 ..54/41/pc. 51/39/pc Calgary.........32/18/0.00... 33/27/s.. 34/19/s Santiago........88/57/0.00... 69/60/s.. 68/61/s Columbus, GA...70749/000 ..57/45/pc. 53/31/sh New York.......40/32/0.00 ..34724/pc. 35/25/pc Cancun.........82/75/0.00... 82/72/t...82/74/t Sao Paulo.......88/72/0.00... 77/64/t...68/64/t Columbus, OH....34/23/004 ..25/13/pc. 27/14/pc Newark,NJ......41/33/000 ..34723/pc.. 35/23/s Dublin..........43/36/000... 55/52/c .. 52/41/c Sapporo ........I8/19/010... 25/8/sn .. 22/9/sn Concord,NH.....33/17/000...23/1/pc .. 23/7/pc Norfolk,VA......49/44/0 04..42731/pc. 43/33/pc Edinhurgh.......45/36/000... 49/46/r. 47/45/sh Seoul...........32/12/000...14/4/pc... 8/4/pc Corpus Christi....71/58/006 ..52/39/pc.. 54/38/c OklahomaCity...36/28/0 00..40723/pc.. 42/21/s Geneva.........45/30/0.22... 39/28/c. 36/35/pc Shanghai........50/28/0.00 ..35/27/pc.. 33/30/c DallasFty/onh...467377001...45/29/s. 48/27/pc Omaha..........21/I/0.00 ..27/11/pc... 21/9/s Harare..........82/637000 ..74/64/sh...70/61/r Singapore.......88/75/311 ..88778/sh. 87/77/sh Dayton .........32/21/002..25/13/pc.27/14/pc Orlando.........78/51/0.00..79760/pc.. 74/61/c Hong Kong......63/507000...637537c.66/57/pc Stockholm.......43/37/000..34/29/pc...36/33/i Denver...........27/5/000...30/7/pc. 35/11/pc PalmSprings.... 60/39/0.00. 64/38/s .. 66/38/s Istanhul.........50/397000...47/44/c.52742/pc Sydney..........79/68/000 ..87/64/sh.72/64/pc DesMoines.......16/I/O00..26/10/pc.. 19/5/pc Peoria......... 23/13/0 00..25/I6/pc ..27/11/sf lerusalem.......60/50/0.00... 59/45/s ..60746/s Taipei...........57/55/0.00 .. 61/53/sh. 56/53/sh Detroit..........30/16/000..24/16/pc.29/19/sn Philadelphia.....42/36/000...36/26/s. 36/25/pc Johannesburg....77/61/054 ..75/61/sh.79/63/sh TelAviv.........70/48/000...66/52/s .. 68/52/5 Duluth..........14/9/000...20/8/sn .. 15/4/pc Phoenix.........57/35/000... 61/36/s .. 63/37/s Lima...........79/70/0.00... 75/67/c .. 74/67/c Tokyo...........48/37/0.00... 52/29/s.40/28/pc El Paso..........46/29/000... 50/26/s. 45/25/pc Pittsburgh.......32/25/0 06 ..23/12/pc .. 29/18/c Lisbon..........59/50/000 56/45/s 60/44/s Toronto.........28/14/000 .28722/c.. 27720/c Fairhanks....... 44/16/000... 7/9/pc...4/14/s Portland,ME.....32/17/000....22/3/s. 21/13/pc London.........48/39/002 ..50/48/sh.. 51/44/c Vancovver.......34/30/003...41/34/s. 39/32/pc Farg0..........21/12/000.. 24/2/sn... 9/5/pc Providence......37/28/000..33716/pc.31/23/pc Madrid .........48/36/014 ..51/38/pc.. 55/38/s Vienna..........36/28/000..36/32/sh. 38/36/sh Flagstaff........30/1/000....31/8/s... 34/9/s Raleigh.........50/43/011..48733/pc.44/30/pc Manila..........84/77/007 ..86/76/pc. 85/74/sh Yyarsaw.........45/30/000... 34/32/c ..35/33/rs
Northwest deportations continued dropping in2012 By Manuel Valdes
A few rays of sunshine,
Yesterday's extremes
Mostly cloudy and
La Grande•
CamP 32722h
Enterprisq o
30/i 3
26/1 2
24/1 7
River The
Lincoln City
oCannon Beach
Increasing clouds
"I don't view this as a big victory in the total scheme of things; those numbers appear to havejust been moved to otherjurisdictions."
Meanwhile, on the day removal numberswere released, ICE director John Morton announced a new policy on when agents should hold in custody immigrants suspected of being in the country illegally. The policy reinforces ICE's priority of going after people with criminal records and brings its detainment policy in line with prosecutorial guidelines released in 2010. "The new detainer policy further illustrates the Obama administration's refusal to enforce immigration law as written by Congress, opting only to enforce the law against aliens deemed a 'priority,'" argued the Federal for Immigration Reform, a group that pushes for stricter immigration rules. Stolz said the new detainment policy is positive step. "Hopefully, it'll have an impact on the overall numbers of deportations in the future, such as folks pulled over for a broken taillight," he said. "However, the change does not address the f u ndamental p r oblems created by enlisting local law enforcement in federal immigration enforcement activities, including concerns over racial profiling, undermining trust in law enforcement."
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2 from Oregondieclimbing in Argentina The Associated Press 22,841-foot peak in the Andes. PORTLAND — R e l atives Eric Nourse of Colorado also and friends say an Oregon man died during the expedition. Eric's twin b r other, Greg and a climbing partner who grew up in Oregon have died Nourse, of Portland, survived. during a climb of Mount AconThe Oregonian reports that cagua in Argentina. Eric and Greg Nourse grew up The Oregonian and KGW-TV in Gold Beach. report that 42-year-old David Reinhart was a managing diReinhart, of the Portland sub- rector of Portland-based Felton urb of Lake Oswego, died last Properties, a commercial propweekend while climbing the erty company. Felton Proper-
ties' chief executive Matt Felton says Greg Nourse called last week by satellite phone to say that Reinhart had altitude sickness. Felton adds that both Eric and Greg Nourse eventually went to try to find help. Craig Reinhart, a brother of David Reinhart, has traveled to Argentina. He said the climbers loved the outdoors, each other and their families.
— Rich Stolz, Seattle-based immigrant advocate before removal, the agency said in a statement. The agency also said another factor contributing to the drop innumbers isthe increase in immigration cases of people who are not detained at Tacoma. Ingeneral,those cases tend to take longer, even years, to work through the immigration court system. For Rich Stolz, executive directorof OneAmerica, a Seattle-based immigrant advocacy group, the drop in local numbers is nothing to cheer about. "I don't view this as a big victory in the total scheme of things; those numbers appear to have just been moved to 0ther jurisdictions," he said, adding that the more than 225,000 immigrants removed without a criminal record nationally nreflects hundreds of thousands of families being torn apart." Stolz said immigrant advocates continue to be troubled by ICE's definition of crimes counted toward its tally of illegal immigrants with criminal records removed. He said people who c ommit t r affic violations can be caught in the dragnet of programs ICE employs with local jurisdictions, such as one c alled Secure Communities.
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IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Hockey, C2
College football, C4
izin u
Big East unwilling to deal with Boise NEW YORK — The Big East tried to work
e new earin o
a deal to keepBoise State on board, but was "unwilling" to give the Broncos the deal that kept them in the Mountain West. "We worked hard with Boise," Big East Commissioner Mike Aresco told The Associ-
ated Press in aphone
By Doug Ferguson
interview Tuesday. "We explored a lot of different ways to keep them. No question. Ultimately, we were unwilling to do the things they wanted.
The Associated Press
of its games to other networks. The deal will
KAPALUA, Hawaii — Even without the top four players in the world around to kick off the season, every new year in golf is shrouded in mystery like clouds over Molokai across the channel from Kapalua. Among the m ost p ressing questions: What will Bubba Watson serve for dinner at the Masters'? "When you show up for dinner on Tuesday night, that's when you'll find out," Watson said. One problem. The press is not invited. "That's what I mean," Watson said. With a wink and a smile, he walked over to the first tee and smashed the first of what figures to be several400-yard tee shots. There were 67 tee shots that went at least 400 yardslastyear on the PGA Tour, and 41 of them were on the Plantation Course at Kapalua. There aremore serious issues going into 2013. What follows is the front nine of what to look for in the new season.
allow teams thatappear
1. European Captain
Our membership was unwilling to make the deal the Mountain West made with them." Boise State had committed to play football in the Big East, starting in 2013. But the school an-
nounced Mondayit was reversing course and staying in the Mountain West. The Mountain West recently re-worked its television contract with CBS Sports Network to allow the con-
ference to sell packages
on national TV more often to make more
money. Also,theleague agreed to sell Boise State home games ina separate package. The Mountain West
also agreed to allow teams in its conference that play in BCS games and the equivalent when
the new postseason
Paul Connors /The Associated Press
Oregon head coach Chip Kelly laughs as he answers a reporter's question during media day for the Fiesta Bowl Monday in Scottsdale, Ariz. Oregon is scheduled to play Kansas State on Thursday in Glendale.
The biggest news in Abu D habi later this month will not necessarily be the first showdown between Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods. This is where the European Tour traditionally selects its Ryder Cup captain, and the choice became a little more complicated when the Americans went back in time by picking Tom Watson. Watson is beloved in Scotland, site of the 2014 matches. SeeGolf /C5
system starts in 2014 to keep half the money. The rest of the conference will split the other half. In most leagues, all
bowl money is shared equally. — The Associated Press
Upcomingbowls Today 5:30 p.m., Sugar Bowl, Florida vs. Louisville, ESPN Thursday
5:30 p.m., Fiesta Bowl,Kansas State vs. Oregon, ESPN Friday
5 p.m., Cotton Bowl,Texas A8 M vs. Oklahoma, Fox
Saturday 10 a.m., BBVA
CompassBowl, Pittsburgh vs. Mississippi, ESPN
Sunday 6 p.m., Bowl, Kent State vs. Arkansas State, ESPN
Monday 5:30 p.m., BCS National
Championship,Notre Dame vs. Alabama, ESPN
A roundup of Tuesday's New Year's Daygames,
• With plenty of openings in the proranks, the spotlight shinesbrightly on the innovative coach By John Marshall
The Associated Press
Currentheadcoach openingsinthe NFL
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — One of the first questions University of Oregon football coach Chip Kelly was Cleveland Browns asked after arriving in Arizona for Philadelphia Eagles the Fiesta Bowl was about the posArizona Cardinals sibility of coaching in the NFL. Buffalo Bills The a r e -you-going-to-the-NFL Chicago Bears questions have not let up in the five San Diego Chargers days since and only figure to pick up after seven NFL coaches were fired Kansas City Chiefs on Monday. Deflection has been Kelly's defense since the rumors started, and the Fiesta Bowl. That's the biggest it was no different after all those thing in my life. If I allowed other things to get into my life, then they NFL openings cropped up. "I've got a game to play," Kelly would be distractions, but there said during the Fiesta Bowl's media aren't.Our focus 100 percent is on the Fiesta Bowl." day on Monday. "We're playing in
Kelly has been a n i n t r iguing candidate for NFL teams for a few years. The 49-year-old coach is known as an offensive innovator and his fast-paced, high-scoring offense has led to the most successful stretch in
Oregon's history. The fourth-ranked Ducks have gone to four straight BCS bowl games, a run that includes a trip to the 2011 national championship game, Oregon's first Rose Bowl win in 95 years last season, and Thursday night's Fiesta Bowl against No. 5 Kansas State at University of Phoenix Stadium. The speculation over the past few years has been that Kelly has his eye on an NFL job and he even talked to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers last year before saying he had unfinished business in Eugene. SeeKelly/C4
including Stanford's Rose Bowl victory over
I(ansas Stateassistant helpe mol
I(lein into HeismanTrophy inalist By Kellis Robinett
So Klein did. He has since guided the Wildcats to a 21-4 record as a full-time SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Before he starting quarterback. And on Thursday was a Heisman Trophy finalist and one night, he will lead them into a Fiesta of the best quarterbacks ever to play at Bowl matchup with No. 4 (BCS) Oregon. "I wouldn't be the player I am today if Kansas State, Collin Klein spent three Kl e in years in anonymity. it wasn't for his (Miller's) investment," After being the star at his high school in Klein said Sunday during a Fiesta Bowl news Loveland, Colo., Klein burned three years at conference. "He supported me and believed in Kansas State changing positions. No one was me from the beginning when it was uncertain sure where he would end up. what my career was going to look like. I owe a Doubts entered his mind, but one person kept lot to him. I appreciate the heck out of him." him upbeat. Miller,62, has been coaching for 40 years, Del Miller, the K-State quarterbacks coach with stops at Iowa, Oklahoma State, San Diego and co-offensive coordinator, reminded Klein State and Kansas State as an assistant and at to keep pushing and aim high. Miller told Klein Missouri State as a head coach. But his tutelage that good things — maybe even great things of Klein might be the finest work of his career. — would happen if he continued working hard. SeeKlein /C4 The Kansas City Star
Nextup Fiesta Bowl,
Price,right, scores during Tuesday's game.
Oregon vs. Kansas State • When: Thursday,
Blazers get win over Knicks
5:30 p.m. • TV:ESPN
Portland starts a road
KICE-AM 940, KBND-AM 1110
Portland's Ronnie
trip by beating New York,105-100,C3
• Radio:
Jack Dempsey/The AssociatedPress
The Atlanta Falcons and the Denver Broncos, led by quarterback Peyton Manning, left, finished the regular season with the NFL's best records at 13-3.
Super Bowl titles usually owned by the underdogs By Arnie Stapleton The Associated Press
DENVER — The Denver Broncos and Atlanta Falcons, who tied for the league's best record at 13-3, are well aware of one of the NFL's biggest truisms: More often than not, the regular season is for suckers. Over the past decade, just two of the 13 teams that had the best regular-season record — or tied for the best mark — went on to win the Super Bowl: the 2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the 2003 New England Patriots. The last eight teams to enter the playoffs with the best record bowed out before they could put their fingerprints on the Lombardi Trophy and revel in a rain of confetti. Both theBroncos and Falcons are promising to practice like champions this week and not allow rest and relaxation to turn into rust and ruin.
SeeUnderdogs /C5
BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Michigan
11:30 a.m.:English Premier League, Sunderland AFC at
at Northwestern, ESPN2.
Liverpool FC,ESPN2. BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Davidson
4 p.m.:Men's college, Northeastern at GeorgeMason,
Today Boys basketball: CentralLinnatCulver, 6.30p.m. Girls basketball: CentralLinnatCulver,5 p.m.
at Duke, ESPN2. 4 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Toronto Raptors, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. 5p.m.: Men's college, South Florida at Central Florida, CBSSN.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Gonzaga
Thursday Boys basketball: Gilchristvs.RogueValley Adventist at Gilchrist, 7p.m. Girls basketball: Gilchrist atRogueValley Adventist, 5:30 p.m. Wrestling: MountainViewat CrookCounty,5:30 p.m.,MadrasatLaPine,6p.m.
7 p.m.:Men's college, Utah at
FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:College, Fiesta Bowl, Oregon vs. KansasState, ESPN.
Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,UTEPat
at Pepperdine, Root Sports.
6:30 p.m.:Men's college, Utah at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.
8 p.m.:Men's college, California at UCLA, Root Sports.
Colorado State, CBSSN.
FOOTBALL 5:30p.m.:College, Sugar Bowl,
IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers O 2013 Steve Moore. Drst. by Unrversal Uclrck www gocomrcs comhnthebleachers
SergiyStakhovsky,Ukratne,def.RubenBemelmans, Belgium,7-6(7),7-6(5).
Shenzhen LonggangGemdaleOpen Tuesday At LonggangTennis Center Shenzhen,China Purse: $500,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round Zhou Yi-Mlao,China,def. JessicaPegula, United
Friday Boys basketball: La Ptneat CrookCounty, 7 Madras at Cascade, 7 p.m.; Sisters at Molala, 7:15 p.mxHorizonChristian, HoodRiverat Central Christian,3:30p.m.;ButteFallsat Trinity Lutheran, 5:30 p.m. Girls basketball: CrookCountyat La Pine,7 p.m.; Madrasat Cascade, 5:30 p.m.; Sisters at Molaga, 5:30 Central Christianvs.HorizonChristian, HoodRiveratCrookCounty MiddleSchool, 2p.m.; ButteFallsatTrinity Lutheran,4 p.m. Wrestling: Culver atJo-HiTournam ent in Joseph, 11a.m.
Florida vs. Louisville, ESPN.
States,6-4, 6-2.
Li Na(1), China,def. MandyMineffa,Luxembourg,
SecondRound Klara Zakopalova(5), CzechRepublic, det. Elina Svitolina,Ukraine,6-4,6-3. Bojana Jovanovski (8),Serbia, def.DuanYing-Ying, China,6-3,6-1. MonicaNiculescu,Romania, def.LauraRobson(7), Britain, 6-2,6-3. AnnikaBeck,Germany, def. HsiehSu-wei (4), Taiwan,6-3,6-0. PengShuai(6), China,def. AyumiMorita, Japan,
Boys basketball: Arlington atCentral Christianat CrookCountyMiddle School, 2 p.m.;Trinity Lutheran atPaisley,2:30 p.m.; Culverat Waldport, 4
ON THE AIR:RADIO TODAY BASKETBALL 4:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Toronto Raptors, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
THURSDAY FOOTBALL 5:30p.m.:College, Fiesta Bowl, Oregon vs. Kansas State, KICEAM 940, KBND-AM 1110.
Girls basketball: Culverat Waldport, 2:30p.m. Swimming: Bendat LebanonInvtte, TBD;Summit, Ridgeview,Redmond, Madras, MountainViewat Jay RowanInvitational at CascadeAquatic Center, 10 a.m. Alpine skiing: OSSA at Mt. Bacheor, Giant Sialom, Cliffhanger/1-5,TBD Nordic skiing: DISRAjamboree at Diamond Lake,
Wrestling: Ridgeview,Gilchrist, Sisters at La Pine Invite, 10a.mzCulver at JosephHi Tournament in Joseph,11a.m.
"Cool it, Dewey! You've already got one technical. One more and you're gone!!"
FOOTBALL 5:30p.m.:College, Sugar Bowl, Florida vs. Louisville, KICE-AM 940.
Listings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes madeby Tllor radio stations.
goal attempts. Hehadalready
Playoff Glance Wild-cardPlayoffs Saturday,Jan.5 Cincinnati atHouston, I:30p.m.(NBC) MinnesotaatGreenBay,5 p.m. (NBC) Sunday,Jan.6 IndianapolisatBaltimore,10a.m. (CBS) SeattleatWashington,1:30 p.m.(Fox) Divisional Playoffs Saturday,Jan. 12 Baltimore,Indianapolis or Cincinnati atDenver,1:30
worked out once for the Niners on Nov. 27 before they invited
Washington,Sea tle orGreenBay atSanFrancisco, 5
for Packers —Charles
him back this time, asHarbaugh
Washington,Seattie orMinnesotaat Atlanta, 10 a.m
Woodson has been cleared to play again, and theGreen Bay Packers are counting on the
initially chose to stick with Akers. Now, Akers and Cundiff will
Baltimore,Indianapolis or Houstonat NewEngland,
defensive backto provide a lift
team's NFC divisional playoff
Woodsoncleared to play
compete to seewho kicks in the
in Saturday night's playoff game game in prime time Jan. 12at against the Minnesota Vikings. Candlestick Park. SanFrancisco Woodson deferred to team phy-
will play Green Bay, Seattle or
sician Dr. Pat McKenzieand gave his broken collarbone asmuch
time to heal as possible, sitting
BASEBALL Indians, Myers agree to
out Sunday's regular-season finale at Minnesota. Hewas injured on Oct. 21 and has missed
deal —Free agentBrett Myers
is getting a fresh "start" with
1:30 p.m. (CBS) ConferenceChampionships Sunday,Jan.20 AFC,TBA(CBS ) NFC,TBA(Fox) Pro Bowl Sunday,Jan.27 At Honolulu AFCvs.NFC,4 p.m.(NBC) SuperBowl Sunday,Feb.3 At NewOrleans AFCchampionvs NFCchampion,3p.m.(CBS)
dinator; Reid neXt? —The
Arizona Cardinals officially have begun their coaching search with a formal interview of
contract with a club option for 2014 with Cleveland, which will give him a chance to win a starting job after he pitched in relief
defensive coordinator RayHor-
last season for Houston andthe
ton. The interview, conducted
Tuesday by teampresident
Chicago White Sox. Myers' deal is contingent on the 32-year-old
Michael Bidwill, was the first in
passing a physical.
the team's search for a replacement for Ken Whjsenhunt, who
was fired Mondayafter sjx seasons onthejob.Theteam has reached out to Andy Reid but
TENNIS U.S. deats France at Hop-
had not scheduled aninterview.
man Cup —The United States
Reid was fired Monday after14
rallied past France 2-1 Tuesday, with John Isner and Venus Wjl-
seasons as headcoach in Philadelphia.
49ers sign kickerGundiff
liams capturing the decisive m ixed doublesto win asecond straight series at the Hopman
— The SanFrancisco 49ers
Cup. Francewon the opening
signed kicker Billy Cundiff on Tuesday to compete with strug-
singles when Jo-Wjlfrjed Tsonga overwhelmed Isner 6-3, 6-2. Williams then tied it after trailing byasetand 4-1 to defeat Mathilde Johansson 3-6,7-5,
gling veteran David Akers. The team announcedthemovea day after coach Jim Harbaugh said that the NFC West champion Niners (11-4-1) — off this week as the NFC's No. 2 seed
6-4. The Americans won the mixed doubles 6-7 (5), 6-210-8 by taking sjx of the last seven
— planned to try out kickers be- points in the match tiebreaker. cause of Akers' prolonged funk. The U.S., which defeated South Cundiff was released by the Africa in its opening series, next Washington RedskinsonOct.9 plays Spain. after missing five of his 12 field-
— From wire reports
First Ouarter Stan Young16run(Wiffiamsonkick),11 24. Stan—Taylor 3 run(Wiffiamsonkick), 6:35. SecondOuarter Wis — M.Baff11run (Russeffkick), 9:05. Stan—FGWilliamson 47,6.19. Wis — Fredrick 4 passfrom Philips (Russeffkick), :19.
Fourth Ouarter Stan—FGWilliamson 22,4:23. A—93,359. W is
First downs Rushes-yards Passing Comp-Att-Int ReturnYards Punts-Avg. Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
S t an
17 17 45-218 35-187
83 157 10-17-1 13-20-0 7 1 7-44.6 6-45.5
RAVENS Seahawks
6 .5 6 . 5 2 .5 2 . 5
3 0 7 0 — 10 7 7 3 1 4 — 31 First Ouarter
FSU —Pryor 60run (Hopkins kick), 5.28. NIU — FGSims25,1:41.
Colts States,6-1, 6-3. REDSKINS Agnieszka Radwanska (1), Poland,def. GretaArn, Hungary,6-2,6-2.
1 45
8 8 Friday, Jan. 4 Cotton Bowl 35 4
Texas ABM
Arkansas St
Thursday,Jan.3 Fiesta Bowl
Saturday,Jan. 6 CompassBowl 2
Sunday,Jan.6 Go Daddy.comBowl Monday,Jan.7 BCSChampionship 8 5 9.5
Brisbane International
Tuesday At QueenslandTennis Centre Brisbane, Australia Purse: Men,$486,000(W T250);W omen,$1 million (Premier) Oklahoma Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Pittsburgh Men First Round Denis IstominUzbeki , stan,def. Martin Klizan(8), Kent St Slovakia,6-1, 6-2. John Migman,Australia, det.TatsumaIto, Japan, Kansas St
TENNIS ProfessionaI HopmanCup Tuesday At Perth Arena Perth, Australia Purse: $1million (ITFExhibition) Surface: Hard-Outdoor RoundRobin Group B United States 2, France1 Jo-WilfriedTsonga,France, def.JohnIsner, United
States,6-3,6-2. VenusWiliams,UnitedStates, def. MathildeJohansson, France,3-6,7-5,6-4
WilliamsandIsner, UnitedStates, def. Johansson and Tsonga, France,6-7 (5),6-2, 10-8.
SecondQuarter FSU —Greene6passfrom Manuel (Hopkins kick),
Oatar Open Tuesday At The Khalifa International Tennis 0Squash Third Quarter Complex SouthCarolina33, Mtchtgan28 FSU —FGHopkins 25,11:48. Doha, Qatar Rose Bowl NIU—Mart.Moore11 passfromLynch(Simskick), Purse: $1.11 million (WT250) Stanford20,Wisconsin14 9:55. Surface: Hard-Outdoor OrangeBowl Fourth Ouarter Singles FloridaState31,Northern fflinois10 FSU —Manuel 9run(Hopklnskick), 14:56. First Round FSU —Pryor 37run (Hopkins kick),10:33. M ikhail Youzhny (4), Russia, def BenjaminBecker, Today, Jan. 2 A—72,073. Germany, 4-6, 7-6(3), 6-1. Sugar Bowl LukasRosol, CzechRepublic, def. PabloAndujar Florida (11-1) vs. Louisville (10-2), 5:30 p.m. N IU F S U (8), Spain6-2, , 7-6(2). (ESPN) First downs 17 23 LukasLacko,Slovakia,def.GuiffermoGarcia-Lopez, Thursday, Jan. 3 Rushes-yards 32-83 37-243 Spain,6-1,2-6,6-4. Fiesta Bowl Passing 1 76 29 1 Mohamed Safwat, Egypt, def.JaborMohammedAli KansasState(11-1) vs. Oregon(11-1), 5:30p.m. Comp-Att-Int 15-41-1 26-38-0 Mutawa, Qatar, 6-0, 6-0. (ESPN) ReturnYards 6 20 Daniel Brands, Germany, def. JeremyChardy (5), Friday, Jan. 4 7-42 1 5-36.8 Punts-Avg. France,6-4,6-4. Cotton Bowl 1-1 1-1 Fumbles-Lost GaelMonfils,France,def.MousaShananZayed, TexasABM(10-2) vs. Oklahoma(10-2), 5 p.m. Penalties-Yards 5 -40 8 - 9 6 Qatar,6-0, 6-3. (Fox) Time ofPossession 25:52 34:08 RichardGasquet(2), France, def. JanHernych, Saturday, Jan. 6 Czech Republic, 6-3,6-4. BBVACompassBowl INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS TobiasKamke,Germany, def. RubenRamirez HiPittsburgh (6-6) vs. Mississippi (6-6), 10 a.m. RUSHING —N. Illinois: Lynch 23-44, Maxwe l dalgo,Spain,6-1,6-2. (ESPN) 1-35, Daniels3-15, Lewis2-9, J Wegs1-1, Team1David Ferrer(1), Spain, deLDustin Brown,GerSunday,Jan. 6 (minus1), DBrown I-(minus 20). Florida St4 Pryor many,5-7,6-3, 6-2. GoDaddy.comBowl 5-134, Wilder11-52, Freeman14-30, Manuel6-26, LukaszKubot, Poland,def. FelicianoLopez(7), Kent State(11-2) vs. ArkansasState (9-3), 6 p.m. Dent1-1. Spain,6-4,6-2. (ESPN) PASSING —N. Illinois: Lynch 15-41-1-176. Monday, Jan. 7 Florida Stu Manuel2638 0 291. ChennaiOpen BCSNational Championship RECEIVING —N. Illinois: l.ewis 5-61, Mart Tuesday Notre Dame (12-0) vs. Alabama(12-1), 5:30 p.m Moore4-29,Ashtord4-19, Daniels2-67. Florida St 4 At SOAT Tennis Stadium (ESPN) Shaw6-61, Greene5-45, Freeman3-43, Dent3-42, Chennai, India R.Smith 3-41, Pryor3-17, O'Leary2-29, Benjamin Purse: $460,000(WT250) 1-13. Surface: Hard-Outdoor Tuesday'sSummaries Singles Rose Bowl First Round Betting line MathiasBachinger,Germany, def Yen-hsun Lu(7),
6-4,6-1. AlejandroFaffa,Colombia, def.JesseLevine, United
States,6-1, 7-6(8). TommyRobredo, Spain, def. RyanHarrison, United States,6-4, 7-6(4). JurgenMelzer(7), Austria,det. Denis Kudla, United States,2-6,6-4, 6-4. DavidGoffin,Belgium,def.MatthewEbden, Australia, 6-2,6-2. Grigor Dimitrov,Bulgaria,def. BrianBaker, United States,6-3, 7-6(8). LleytonHewitt, Australia, det.IgorKunitsyn, Russia, 6-3,4-6,6-2. Women SecondRound DanielaHantuchova, Slovakia,def. SaraErrani (5), Italy, 4-6,6-1,7-5. AnastasiaPavlyuchenkova,Russia, def. PetraKvitova (6),CzechRepublic, 6-4,7-5. Kseni aPervak,Kazakhstan,det.UrszulaRadwanska, Poland,3-6,6-2,7-6(6). SerenaWiliams(3), UnitedStates, det. AlizeCornet,France,6-2,6-2.
No. 8 Stanford 20, Wiscottsift14 Wisconsin Stanford
ASB Classic Tuesday At ASBBankTennis Centre Auckland, NewZealand Purse: $236,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round HeatherWatson, Britain, def.SoranaCirstea (5), Romania6-3, , retired. YaroslavaShvedova(6), Kazakhstan, def. LaraArruabarrena-Vecino,Spain,6-3, 6-2. RominaDprandi, Switzerland,def.NudnidaLuangnam,Thailand,6-0,6-2. MonaBarthel(8), Germany,def. GraceMin, United
College MarinaErakovic, NewZealand,def. Stephanie Du(Home teamsin Caps) Canada6-2, 6-1. Open Current underdog bois, Julia Goerges (2), Germany,def. Anastasija SevasToday tova, Latvia,6-3 6-4. SugarBowl
Bengals Vikings
4.5 8
4 -40 6 - 4 8 Mississippi 29;52 30:08
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Wisconsin: M.Bag 24-100, Phillips 5-64,Gordon9-51, White 6-4, Doe1-(minus 1) Stanford: Taylo20-88, r Hogan7-54, Wilkerson5-31, Young1-16Hewitt1-0,TeamI-(minus 2). PASSING —Wisconsin: Phillips 10-16-1-83, Stave0-1-0-0. Stanford: Hogan12-19-0-123,Terrell 1-1-0-34. RECEIVING —Wisconsin: Abbrederis 3 44, White2-5,Ameson1-9,Ped ersen1-9, MBa01-7, Doe 1-5, Fredrick1-4. Stanford: Ertz3-61, Montgomery 3-26, Taylor3-17,Terreff2-20, Patterson1-34, Wilk-
N. Illinois Florida St.
Tuesday'sGames Heart of Dallas Bowl Oklahoma State58, Purdue14 Gator Bowl Northwestern 34, Mississippi State20 Capital OneBowl Georgia45, Nebraska31 OutbackBowl
5 8
No. 13 Florida Sl. 31, No. 16 N. IllinoiS10
FBS BowlGlance Subjectto Change All TimesPST
the lndians. Theveteran right-
Cardinals interview coor- hander has agreed to aone-year
Sunday,Jan. 13
France,6-7(4),6-2,6-3. Benoit Paire(5), France,def. FlavioCipoffa,Italy, 6-3,6-4. RobertoBautistaAgut, Spain,def. BlazKavcic, Slovenia,7-6(6), 6-2 SomdevDevvarman,Indta,def.JanHalek,Czech Republic,6-3,6-3. Dudt Sela,Israel, def.RaleevRam,United States,
0 14 0 0 — 1 4 14 3 0 3 — 20
(Home teamsin Caps) Cedrik-MarcelStebe,Germany, def. IgorSijsling, Favorite O p e n Current UnderdogNetherlands, 6-4, 6-4. Saturday Prakash Amritraj, India, def. GuiffaumeRufin,
BASKETBALL Men's college Tuesday'sGames
EAST StonyBrook50, Manhatan 44 SOUTH Clemson92,TheCitadel 51 FAU61,Hofstra 57 Maryland81, IUPUI63 MIDWEST lowa St.80,Yale70 Marquette82, Uconn76, DT
Women's college Tuesday'sGame
SOUTHWEST TexasABM80, Rice57
DEALS Transactions FOOTBALL National Football League BUFFALOBILLS —Promoted Russ Brandonto presidentandchief executive otficer. CINCINN ATI BENGALS—SignedWRJustin Hilton to thepracticesquad. NEWENGLANDPATRIOTS— SignedDLTracyRobertson tothepractice squad. SANFR ANCISCO49ERS—Signed KBilly Cundiff. COLLEGE SETDN HALL—Announced sophomore GFreddie Wilsonhaslett the men's basketball programto pursue transferopportunities.
NHL makescounteroffer to players' union at short meeting By Ira Podell The Associated Press
NEW YORK — The proposals are flying back and forth between the NHL and the players' association. Whether significant progress is being made in the process still isn't all that clear. The league made a counteroffer on Tuesday night in response to one it received from the players on Monday and now the NHL is waiting for another answer. A full day of smaller group meet-
ings wrapped up with a full bargaining session that lasted about 30 minutes Tuesday night. The union took the league's latest offer back to its headquarters to begin reviewing it. "They didmake a comprehensive response to what we gave them yesterday," executive director Donald Fehr said. "We asked a couple of questions, and now what we have to do is go through the document, try to make some sense out of it, compare it and see what the appropriate thing is to do next." Fehr said he will get back in touch with the NHL early today, and add-
ed he anticipates the sides will get back together during the day. "I am reasonably certain of it," Fehr said. NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman declined to provide details of the league's latest offer, but said it addressed specificareas the union requested. "There were certain things that the players' association asked for that we agreedto,there were some things that we moved in their direction, and there were other things that we said no," he said. "That's part of the process." But it's a process that has limited time to be completed. Bettman said Monday the NHL has told the union a deal needs to be in place by Jan.
11 so a 48-game season can begin eight days later. It is unclear how many issues still need to be resolved and how far apartthe sides are in key areas. "Nobody is counting," Bettman said. "We're not trying to keep score, we're trying to get an agreement." B oth sides agreed that i t i s a positive sign they are getting into
for informational purposes. "Those were more technical," Bettman said. "There were a variety a rhythm of talking and meeting of issueswhere there weren't what and exchanging ideas on a regular I would call negotiations. It w a s basis. understanding what each side was "It is better to be meeting than looking for, explaining what the isnot. I am not saying anything more sues werethat were being discussed about it," Fehr said. just to make sure there was a comThe only way to bridge the gaps to mon Understanding." a deal that would save the season is There is a l i t tle less than tw o to keep working at it together. weeks left to reach an agreement "The fact that we're involved in and hold one week of training camp a continuous process is something b efore starting t h e s e ason. A l l that I a m g lad to see, but we're games through Jan. 14 have been clearly not done yet," Bettman said. canceled, claiming more than 50 "It's up to the players' association percent of the original schedule. to come back to us now in response The NHL is the only North Amerto what they have been given this ican professional sports league to evening." cancel a season because of a labor Small groups from each side met dispute, losing the 2004-05 camand conferred by conference calls paign to a lockout. A 48-game seaall afternoon about provisions of son was played in 1995 after a locka potential collective bargaining out stretched into January. The NHL was supposed to be celagreement. A full meeting of the negotiating teams didn't begin unebrating its annual outdoor Winter til 9 p.m. and wrapped Up relatively Classic between the Toronto Maple quickly after the NHL presented its Leafs and Detroit Red Wings on counterproposal. Tuesday — the 108th day of the lockThe afternoon sessions were more out — at Michigan Stadium. But that
game was canceledlong ago along with the All-Star game. When the s ides met M o nday, for the first time since Dec. 13, the union brought a condensed counterproposal in response to the NHL's 288-page contractoffer.There were some discussionsbetween the negotiators and some time spent apart in internal meetings. It is still p ossible this dispute eventually could be settled in the courts if the sides can't reach a deal on their own. The NHL filed a class-action suit this month in U.S. District Court in New York in an effort to show its lockout is legal. In a separate move, the league filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board, contending badfaith bargaining by the union. Those moves were made because the players' association took steps toward potentially declaring a "disclaimer of interest," which would dissolve the union and make it a trade association. That would allow players to file antitrust lawsuits against the NHL.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2013 • THE BULLETIN Portland Trail Blazers' Damian Lillard, right, holds off New York Knicks' Pable Prigioni during the third quarter of Tuesday's game in New York. The Trail Blazers won 105-100.
Game not known for ferocity claimsa casualty who was
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Bill Kostroun /The Associated Press
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The Associated Press NEW YORK — A m are Stoudemire stood up from the bench and the fans rose with him, a booming ovation filling Madison Square Garden as Stoudemire walked to the scorer's table to enter a game for the first time this season. The cheers turned to boos just a few minutes later when the Knicks couldn't stop the Portland Trail Blazers. The Trail Blazers overcame Carmelo Anthony's season high-tying 45 points and spoiled Stoudemire's season debut, beating New York 105-100 on Tuesday
Stoudemire finished with six points on three-of-eight shooting and one rebound in 17 minutes off the bench in his return from knee surgery. He said he nearly shed a tear with the loud appreciation the fans showed him when he checkedin,but he couldn't give them anything to keep the cheers going in the first half. "I felt good," Stoudemire said. "The game felt like it was going 100 mph that
first half. Had a couple of easy-looking shots, open shots, just a little bit rusty, wasn't able to knock those down. But the second half was better than my first half. Hopefully my second game will be better than my first game." Nicolas Batum scored 26 points, rookie Damian Lillard had 21 points, six assists and five rebounds, and LaMarcus Aldridge had 19 points and 14 rebounds for Portland, which avenged a 121-79 loss here last March 14. "When we came last year, that was the biggest loss of my career. Down 42, that was real embarrassing," Batum said. "The only thing on my mind when I came in was just put (down) the stat sheet from last year. That was my motivation for tonight." Anthony shot 14 of 24 and nearly led the Knicks back from 19 points down after missing two games with a knee injury, but the Trail Blazers had too many options. J.J. Hickson scored all of his 18 points in the first half as Portland won for the third time in four games. "This was big time for us. I think we're gaining confidence every day," Lillard said. "Every day that we see ourselves on film, we see the improvements that we've been making and we're getting better. We're starting to trust each other more and we're jelling a lot better than we were
NBA ROUNDUP and it's showing." Anthony had missed the previous two games with a hyperextended leftknee. The Knicks are still without point guard Raymond Felton because of a broken pinky finger and struggled to get their offense going until too late, losing for the third time in four games. J.R. Smith had 28 points and 11 rebounds for the Knicks, but Jason Kidd was scoreless and missed all five shots in 33 minutes. Stoudemire had surgery on Oct. 31 to clean up tissue in his left knee and de-
cided to play after going through a couple of practices this week, though adding he wasn't yet 100 percent. The former All-Star who has battled injuries in recent yearswas clearly rusty but showed he can still finish at the rim when set up
properly. Coach Mike Woodson wouldn't say how long Stoudemire would remain a reserve.Stoudemire and Anthony have struggled to play together and the Knicks have a losing record when both play, but Woodson has said the Knicks need both of them on the floor to have a shot at a
championship. "We got him some easy shots tonight. A little rusty but that was expected, he expected that tonight," Anthony said. "Then once he settled down, we got him in the right situations, got him in the right positions, he made some shots. That's going to take some time for him just rebuilding that confidence being back out there on the basketball court, but for the most part the ball's going to find him." Stoudemire was already done for the night when the Knicks made a late run, cutting an 11-point deficit with 3:16 remaining to 100-97 on Anthony's 3-pointer with 57 seconds left. Lillard answered with a 3-pointer, but the Knicks got it right back down tothree again when Anthony converted a three-point play with 29 seconds to go. The Knicks forced a jump ball and Smith won it, but Anthony missed a 3pointer. Wesley Matthews, back after missing four straight games with an injured left hip, made two free throws with 13 seconds left to close the scoring. Stoudemire checked in with 3:31 remaining in the first quarter to the ovation
he saidwas unlike he'd ever experienced in his career. The Knicks went right to him in the post, but he stepped on the baseline while making his move. The cheers turned to boos, not heard often this season during the Knicks' 12-2 start at home, just a few minutes later. In other games on Tuesday:
Nuggets.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..92 C lippers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 DENVER — Danilo Gallinari led six Nuggets players in double figures with 17 points and Denver stopped the Los Angeles Clippers' franchise-record winning streak at 17 games. The Clippers' streak was the longest in the NBA since the Boston Celtics won 19 in a row from Nov. 15-Dec. 23, 2008. Kenneth Faried added 14 points and ll rebounds for the Nuggets, who won their eighth in a row at home. H awks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 H ornets...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 NEW ORLEANS — Josh Smith scored 10 of his 23 points in the third quarter to lead Atlanta to the win. Al Horford added 20 points, Kyle Korver had 14 and Zaza Pachulia 12 for the Hawks. Mavericks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 W izards ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 WASHINGTON — Vince Carter scored 23 points, O.J. Mayo and Darren Collison had 15 apiece and Dallas snapped a six-game losing streak. Chris Kaman scored 12 points for Dallas, and Shawn Marion had 11 points and a season-high 14 rebounds. Pistons..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 K ings...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 AUBURN HILLS, Mich. — Greg Monroe had 18 points and 11 rebounds, and Detroit held on for its first three-game winning streak of the season. Sacramento cut a 16-point fourth-quarter deficit to one, and Detroit led 100-97 when Austin Daye made a 3-pointer with the shot clock running down with 11.5 seconds left. 76ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 L akers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 LOS ANGELES — Jrue Holiday had 26 points and 10 assists, Evan Turner added 22 points and 13 rebounds, and Philadelphia beat the Los Angeles Lakers. The Lakers (15-16) have matched their worst start after 31 games since the 2002-03 season, when they began defense of their third straight NBA title with a 12-19 record.
NBA SCOREBOARD Standings ConferenceGlance All Times PST
EASTE RN CONFERE NCE W L Pct GB d-Miami 21 8 724 d-New York 2 t 1 0 .6 7 7 1 Atlanta 20 10 . 6 67 tt/t d-Indiana 18 13 .5 8 1 4 Chicago 16 13 . 5 52 5 Milwaukee t 6 t 3 552 5 Brooklyn 16 15 . 5 16 6 Philadelphia 1 5 17 46 9 71/2 14 16 .4 6 7 71/2 Boston Orando 12 19 . 3 87 10 Toronto 11 20 . 3 55 11 Detroit 12 22 . 3 53t tt/t Charlotte 8 23 258 14 Cleveland 7 25 .2 1 9 15t/t Washington 4 2 5 .1 3 8 17 tNESTE RNCONFERENCE W L Pct ae d-Oklahoma City 24 6 BOO d-L/t. Clippers 25 7 .78 t d-SanAntonio I/2 25 8 758 Memphis 19 9 .67 9 4 GoldenState 21 10 . 6 77 31/2 Houston 17 14 .5 4 8 71/2 Denver 18 15 . 5 45 71/2 Portland t 6 t 4 533 8 Minnesota 14 13 . 5 19 8t/t L.A. Lakers 15 16 . 4 84 91/2 Utah 15 17 .4 6 9 10 Dallas 13 19 . 4 06 12 Sacramento tt 20 355 13tnl Phoenix tt 2t .34 4 14 NewOrleans 7 24 226 t7t/t
Dallas t03,Washington94 Portland105,NewYork100 Detroit103,Sacram ento97 Atlanta95, NewOrleans 86
Denver92, l A. Cippers 78 Philadelphiat03, LA. Lakers99 Today's Games Sacramento at Cleveland,4 p.m. Portland atToronto, 4ft.m. WashingtonatIndiana, 4p.m. ChicagoatOrlando,4 p.m. Memphisat Boston,4:30p.m. Dallas atMiami,4:30 p.m. NewOrleansat Houston, 5p.m. Brooklynat OklahomaCity, 5p.m. Sait Antonioat Milwaukee,5p m. PhiladelphiaatPhoenix, 6p.m. MinnesotaatUtah,6p.m. LA. C ippersat Golden State,7:30 p.m. Thttrsday's Games Saft Antonioat NewYork, 4:30 p.m. MinnesotaalDenver, 6p.m.
Summaries Tuesday'sGames
Blazers105, Knicks100 PORTLAND (105)
Aldridge8-193-619,Batttm7-136-726, Hicksoit 9 t10118, Matthews3 62 28, Lillard 9 t91-22t, Jeffries t-t 0-02, Claver0-2 0-00, Price2-30-05, Babbitt 2 6 0-0 6,Barton0-1 0-0 0. Totals 41-81 12-18 105.
NEW YORK(100) Anthony t4-24 12-14 45, Thomas0-0 0-0 0, Chandler4-72-210, Kidd0-50-00, Brewer2-4 0-0 5, J.smith t0-22 4-628,Novak0-5 0-0 0, Prigiofti 1-3 0-0 2,Stoudemire3-80-2 6,Copeland 1-50-02, Camby 1-10-0z Totals36-8418-24100. Portland 30 28 20 27 — 105 New York 23 24 24 29 — 100 3-Poinl Goal— s Portland 11-33 (Bati/m 6-tZ Babbitt 2-5, Lillard 2 8,Price1-2,Aldridge 0-1,Barlon 0-1, Claver0-1, Matthews0-3), NewYork10-37 (Anthony5-1t, J.Smith 4-12, Brewer1-1, Prigioiti 0-2, Copeland0-3, Kidd0-4, Novak0-4). Fouled Ottt —None. Rebottnds—Portland 53 (Aldridge 14), NewTorlt 47 (J.Smith 1t). Assists — Portland
22 (Lil ard,Batum6), NewYork t8 (J Smith5). Total Fouls —Portland 22, NewYork t9. A—19,033 (19,763).
Nuggets 92, Clippers78 LA. CLIPPERS (78) Butler 3-90-0 7, Griffin 4-114-712, Jordan4-4 3-1011, Paul 4 9t-t 10, Green1-9 00 2, Crawford 2-115-69, Bames 4-100-29,Odom 2-60-1 4, Turiaf 1-2 0-2 2,Bledsoe5-70-012, Hollins0-00-00. Totals 30-7813-2978.
Galliftari 6-15 2-417, Faried5-t 1 4-414, Kottfos 2-5 0-0 4,A.Miler 6-90-012, Igttodala5-101-5 t Z
McGee5-100-211,Brewer5-140-0 t0, Mozgov1-3 2-24, Hamilton0-1 2-22, Fournier2-40-26, Randolph 0-00-00 Totals 37-8211-21 92. LA. Clippers 19 2 4 16 19 — 78 Denver 21 27 27 1t7 — 92
Hawks 95, Hornets 86 ATLANTA (95) Korver4-8 2-214, Jo.Smitht1-20 0-023,Horford 10170020,Teague28024, Wiliams413029, Pachulia5-82-2 t2, Jenkins3-4 0-0 7, Tolliver 2-5 0-0 6.Totals41-83 4-8 95.
1-5 2-2 5,Johnson2-60-0 4, Fredette4-t0 3-3 t4, Brooks2-82-2 7, Robinson1-30-0 2,Hayes0-0 0-0 0,Outlaw 2-42-46 Totals36-8616-2197.
DETROIT(103) Prince5-8 0-010, Maxiel 3-61-2 7,Monroe613 6-8 18, Knight8-13 2-3 20, Singler 2-5 0-0 4, Drummond3-61-2 7, Daye5-10 t-t t3, Byttum 4-9 6-615, Villanueva 3-5 0-09. Totals 39-75 17-22 103. Sacramento 28 20 19 30 — 97 Detroit 27 31 22 23 — 103
Mavericks103, Wizards 94 DALLAS(103) Carter9-143-423, Marion5-70-0 11,Kaman 6tt 0-0 t2, Collison4-136-7 15,Mayo6-10 0-0 15, Crowder0-0 0-2 0, Nowitzki5-7 0-0 t 1, Brand2-8 0-04,Douglas-Roberts O-t2-22,Beaubois 2-60-2 5, Da.Jones2-50-05. Totals41-8211-17103. WASHINGTO(94) N Webster 4-11 4-4 14, Nene2-10 3-3 7, Okafor 5-10 4-614, Temple1-6 3-4 6, Beal7-16 4-7 22, Vesel yt-20-0 2,Seraphin4-8 2-210,Mack3-50-0 7, Crawford4-90-0 9, Martin1-2 0-0 3.Totals 327920-26 94. Dallas 23 25 35 20 — 103 Washington 29 23 19 23 — 94
Thomas 1-30-02, Davis4-91-49, Lopez5-90-0 76ers103, Lakers 99 10, Vasqttez715 2417, Rivers15 00 3, Gordon 5-t 71-411,Anderson9-15 0-0 23,Aminu 0-2 0-00, PHILADELPHIA (103) Roberts 0 t 000, Jasmith1-30 02, Mason330 0 Turner8-144-722,TTouftg6-150-012, Allen5-8 9 Totals 36-82 4-1286. 0-010, Holiday10-194-426, Richardson4-110-29, Atlanta 22 22 28 23 — 95 Brown0-10-00, N.Young0-31-21, Hawes5-93-4 Neworleatts 26 2 4 14 22 — 86 13, Wright3-6t-t t0. Totals 41-8613-20103.
Pistons103, Kings97 SACRAME NTO(97) Salmons4-9 0-0 10, Thompson6-10 4-6 16, Cousins t0-211-2 21, Thomas4-10 2-212, Garcia
By Mike Tierney New York Times News Service
National Basketball Association
Bryant 14-297-10 36, Gasoi2-t2 7-8 11, Howard t-75107, Nash61t 0012, Morris04343, World Peace 6-t 7 0013, Hill 58 O-t 10,Meelts3-6 0-0 7. Totals37-9422-33 99. Philadelphia 28 2 6 27 22 — 103 LA. Lakers 25 25 23 26 — 99
Christie Moore Freel lost count of the nights her husband, Ryan, arrived home from the ballpark with a tale that added to her growing concern over his health. "I don't know how many times he would talk about sliding into second or third b ase and blacking out or seeing stars," she said Saturday in a telephone interview from her home in JacksonAl Behrman /The Associated Press file ville, Fla. Ryan Freel of the Cincinnati While his peers and fans Reds poses for a photo in praised Freel's headfirst ap- Sarasota, Fla., in 2007. proach throughout an eightyear career in the major leagues, which he deemed pitalized with a concussion. necessary t o c o m pensate She advised him to exerfor a lack of size and talent, cise more caution. "Some of the person closest to him be- it was joking: 'If you are gocame tormented by it. ing to play center field, please "I cringed that that's who use a helmet,'" said Christie he was — all-out, full throtMoore Freel, who had three tle," she said. "It was very d aughters with h i m , n o w hard to watch." ranging in age from 4 to 8. An accumulation of conBut Ryan Freel knew no cussions, as well as mood other way, even while cogniswings and troubling inci- zant that his daredevil ways dents, left relatives — and exacted a price. "He knew he was causing Freel himself — apprehensive about his well-being. harm to himself," she said, Still, she was surprised then quoted his sermons to to learn that Freel, 36, was youngsters aspiring to befound dead in his Jackson- come big leaguers: "I don't ville residence on Dec. 22. have the size and the power, Authorities concluded that but I have the heart. Anythe cause was a self-inflicted body can have that." shotgun wound. Pleas from his mother "I know a lot o f people to scale back, which might say they weren't shocked have extended his career, by it, but I really was," said also went for naught. "I asked him: 'Why do you Christie Freel, who had been divorced from Ryan since play like that? Nobody else April after 11 years of mar- plays like that,' " Norma Varriage, and had spoken to gas said. "He told me: 'This is him briefly on the eve of his the reason I'm playing ball. death. "I really thought, at You don't understand. I don't some point, the answer to all have the size, but I have the of this would come along for energy to play this game. him. It just never did." People are not coming to see Now his family will seek me play if I change the way I play.' " answers postmortem. Freel's former wife said she A spate of suicides and diagnosed cases of dementia found no fault with his teams involving retired N ational or their medical staffs, conFootball League players has cluding that they diagnosed prompted researchto deter- his condition properly and mine whether there is a cor- insisted that he abide by the relation between constant stipulated recovery period. "He used to get angry at blows to the head, which are endemic to football, and a them, wanting to come back degenerative brain disease sooner than what they recknown as chronic traumatic ommended," she said. encephalopathy. A collision with a CincinTesting of brain samples nati Reds teammate resulted drawn from deceased former in 30missed games because players by the Boston Uni- of a concussion that was acversity Center for the Study companied by memory loss. of Traumatic EncephalopaFreel's last head i njury thy has found that 33 from may have occurred early in the NFL, along with 17 who 2009, his final season, from competed at other levels, suf- being struck by a p i ckoff fered from CTE. throw. He was placed on the With Freel, the center en- disabled list and closed out ters the realm of baseball, a his playing days in the minor sport not usually associated leagues. with head trauma. His parFreel had consulted with ents approvedthe donation of doctors and had undergone tissueto search for evidence examinations, mostly psyof CTE, which might partly chological, according to his explain his decline as a con- former wife, and even besequence of the injuries. came aware of the CTE stud"I'm very hopeful," Chris- ies. "He sought answers to tie Moore Freel said. "We his problems,"she said. c ertainly believe there i s Yet he did so reluctantly, some sort of connection." according to his mother. She Based on t h e r e collec- indicated he would not altions of the player's mother ways heed her advice to seek and Ryan Freel's own state- help from doctors or counments, his stepfather, Clark selors and was especially reVargas, estimated that Freel luctant to carry through with may have suffered 15 con- follow-up appointments. "It was very difficult to get cussions, 10 as a professional ballplayer. him to do anything like that," "He was a hard driver," she said. Vargas said by phone. "It was Freel's mother d r opped not a career to him. It was a by his home on the Friday game that he played hard." before Christmas and, noThat mindset had roots ticing that he was not feelin F r eel's o v erly a c t i ve ing well, urged him to visit childhood, according to his a counselor. He agreed to do mother, Norma Vargas. She so the next Monday, she said. remembered him falling off His body was discovered the bicycles, tumbling out of a next day. bunk bed and careening into Both women eagerly await the side of a water slide. Some the test results for CTE. "We accidents left bumps on his want to see if that had somehead or required stitches. thing to do with what he was "He was always very care- going through," Vargas said. Christie Moore Freel acless," she said. "No fear." By the time he was an knowledged that the head inadult, a r e ckless style of juries might not fully explain play marked by crashes into why her f o rmer h usband fences,seats and other play- took his life. "Ryan had a lot ers helped Freel gain entry of battles, fought a lot of deto the majors but may have mons," she said. hastened his exit. He was arrested at least He would dive after balls once for d r unken driving in insignificant spring train- and on another occasion for ing games. His former wife disorderly intoxication. witnessed a winter league Freel was buried Thursday game in Venezuela in which in Jacksonville after a funerhe smashed through an out- al at which the pallbearers field wall and had to be hos- wore baseball jerseys.
Continued from C1 The rumors began to pick up this season and followed him to the desert, where he has been asked about the NFL every day he has been here and has given a different version of the same answer every time. "My heart is to win today and that's it," Kelly said. "I know everybody wants to hear a di fferent answer. And I know that at times when I don't give you guys the answer that you guys want, then I'm being evasive. I'm not being evasive." One reason that Kelly's stock is so h igh i s t h at NFL teams are starting to embrace the hurry-all-thetime offense he has nearly perfected in Eugene. In college, coaches have latched onto the no-huddle offense, with teams across
No. 13 FloridaStategets Orange Bowl victory over No. 16 Northern Illinois The Associated Press MIAMI — Anxious to avoid an Orange Bowl shocker, the Florida State Seminoles kept getting tricked. An onside kick fooled them, as did afake punt, and a pooch punt by Northern Illinois' star quarterback. But the final score was no surprise. Florida State had too much speed and depth for the Huskies andpulled away for a 31-10 victory Tuesday night. Senior fullback Lonnie Pryor, voted the game's outstanding player, ran for a career-high 134 yards and two scores in only five carries. Senior E.J. Manuel threw for 291 yards, while the Seminoles stuffed Huskies' QB and all-purpose threat Jordan Lynch for most of the night. "We came out hereand did what we had to do," Pryor said. The victory wa s a c o nsolation prize for the No. 13 Seminoles (12-2), who began the season with national championship hopes. They've won five consecutive bowl games, but the victory was their first in a BCS bowl since 2000, when they beat Virginia Tech for the national championship. For 16th-ranked Northern Illinois
the country employing a version of it. NFL teams have always seemed to be reluctant to borrow from th e college ranks, sticking to smashmouth football for y ears even while college offenses had unprecedented success with the spread. The mi n d se t has changed, at l east some, over the past few years as teams have looked for ways to get ahead of the defenses. Several NFL teams have gone the high-octane route on offense, including New England, Seattle, Washington an d G r e en Bay, to a certain extent. Kelly has been the standard-bearer for the redline approach in college. His Ducks have ranked no lower than sixth in the country in rushing yards since he became offensive coordinator in 2007 and have been in the top 10 in scoring and total offense every year but one. With success like that, it is no wonder he has become a popular target for NFL teams. "My whole thing since I've been here is that I'm going to do the best job I
(12-2), playing in a BCS bowl for the
Lenny Ignelzi/The Associated Press
Stanford running back Stepfan Taylor breaks away from Wisconsin defensive back Nate Hammon (14) during the second half of Tuesday's Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif. Stanford won 20-14.
e ense comesu as an or isconsin
can every single day," Kelly said. "If that's good enough that other people look at me sometimes, I don't really care about that. I think too many people live in the future. We live in the moment." The key this week will be keeping the Ducks in the moment as the rumors swirl. Kelly is reported to be the top candidate to replace Pat Shurmur with the Cleveland Browns and w ould be a popular choice for the Philadelphia Eagles now that Andy Reid is gone. Arizona, Buffalo, Chicago, San Diego and Kansas City also are without coaches and could come calling on Kelly as well. W hatever K ell y d o e s behind the scenes, he has tried to make sure it does not become a distraction for his team as it prepares to play another team that had n a t i onal-championship hopes that lasted deep into the season. "I never said a word to our guys about it," Kelly said. "They u n derstand what the task is at hand. I don't think about it. They don't think about it, so ... " So far, it seems to be working. K elly's p l ayers h a v e taken to his stick-to-what'si n-front-of-you men t a l ity when it comes to games and have done the same t hing w it h t h e r u m o r s about their coach possibly
"It's not really distracting," Oregon running back De'Anthony Thomas said. "Our main focus is j u st winning this game right now and just celebrating as a team."
By Greg Beacham
The Associated Press
PASADENA, Calif. — Although Stanford didn't score many style points in the 99th Rose Bowl, the Cardinal could celebrate because they didn't let Wisconsin score any points at all after halftime. Stepfan Taylor rushed for 89 yards and an early touchdown, Kevin Hogan passed for 123 yards, and No. 8 Stanford won its first Rose Bowl since 1972, beating the Badgers 20-14 on Tuesday night. Usua Amanam made the decisive interception near midfield with 2:30 to play as the Pac-12 champion Cardinal (12-2) ended their four-decade drought in the Granddaddy of Them All with arguably the biggest bowl win yet dur-
ing the long-struggling program's recent renaissance. "We knew this was going to be a battle, and we wouldn't expect it any other way," Stanford coach David Shaw said. "We know it's going to be tight, it's going to be close, and we're going to find a way to win. That's the way it's been all year." Stanford clamped down on the Big
Ten champion Badgers (8-6), who lost the Rose Bowl in heartbreaking fashion for the third consecutive season. Montee Ball rushed for 100 yards and his FBS-record 83rd touchdown, but Wisconsin managed only 82 yards in that scoreless second half. With impressive defense of its own, Wisconsin still stayed in position for an upset in the one-game return of Hall of Fame coach Barry Alvarez, who was back on the Badgers' sideline in his red sweater-vestseven years afterhanging up his whistle. "This group of kids has been through a lot, and they competed extremely hard against a very high-quality team," Alvarezsaid."We've played three very
good football games (at the Rose Bowl). These guys played hard. In fact, most people would like to get here once. But we just didn't get it done." Kelsey Young rushed for a score on
Klein Continued from C1 When Klein came to Kansas State, he had the size, toughness and leadership skills necessary to guide the Wildcats to big wins. But he was hardly a finished product. His throwing motion needed work, he had to learn how to read college defenses, and he had to figure out when to take chances downfield and when to tuck the ball and fight for yards on the ground. Still, Miller saw a future star. "When I first started with Collin I told him, 'Collin, you have the ability
Stanford's opening possession, and Taylor scored on the second. Wisconsin kept the Cardinal out of the end zone for the final 51 minutes, holding them to three points in the second half, but Stanford's defense didn't need any more help in the Cardinal's eighth straight victory. "We knew coming in, it was going to
be a physical game," Taylor said. "We knew they know how to play against power as well as us. They did a great job. It was our defense keeping us in the game that enabled us to get this win." After winning the Orange Bowl two years ago and losing the Fiesta Bowl last season, Stanford earned its first conference title and its first Rose Bowl berth in 13 years. The Cardinal finished with 12 victories for just the second time in school history — and the second time in the past three years. The Cardinal ousted top-ranked Oregon on the way to the biggest season yet in the improbable surge of success started by Jim Harbaugh and Andrew Luck. Many Pac-12 observers expected a sharp decline at Stanford this season — but Shaw and Hogan, who took over as the starting quarterback in November, have accomplished something even Harbaugh and L uck c ouldn't manage. "I think it served as some motivation for us throughout the year," Amanam said. "I think it's just a testament to our program and how we train and prepare every season." When Bret Bielema abruptly left Wisconsin for Arkansas after winning the Big Ten title game, Alvarez agreed to coach his fourth Rose Bowl before handing off his program to new coach Gary Andersen, who met with Alvarez on the field before the game. But the Badgers' third straight Rose Bowl appearance ended in much the same way as the past two: With the offense failing to get the late score the Badgers desperately needed.
to be every bit as good as Tim Tebow. You maybe don't know that right now, but you can be,' " Miller said. "I believe that he has done that." What did he need to reach such a high level? Three things: a tweak to the angle of his release, which added velocity to his throws, encouragement and time. "There were a few mechanics we had to work on," Miller said. "But the great thing with Collin is he is almost the perfect player to work with. When you give him something to work on, he will work on it and then some. At that time he was doing some mirror throws to change his throwing mo-
tion a little bit. He did that every day on a regular basis." Miller watched, offering advice when he could and repeating his favorite phrase: "Play fast, play with confidence." Klein always listened. "Coach Miller cares so much," Klein said. "He really does have a heart for each one of his players and
is very demanding like Coach (Bill) Snyder. He has helped me so much in my knowledge of the game of football, top to bottom." C o-offensive coordinator D a n a Dimel has watched Klein and Miller build a relationship during their time
first time, the defeat snapped a 12game winning streak. The Huskies came in as two-touchdown underdogs and fell to 5-28 against top 25 teams. "We knew that they was going to play us tough," Florida State coach Jimbo Fisher said. "But our kids, it's another step in which we handled the big platform, and I'm very proud of them." Pryor scored the first touchdown on a career-long 60-yard run, then ran 37 yards for a clinching touchdown with 10 minutes left. They were the two longest rushes allowed by Northern Illinois all season. "I'm glad I'm a 'Nole, and I'm glad the seniors went out with a bang," Pryor said. "I always wanted to be MVP of a bowl, and I told myself that every time I get the ball, to try to
make a big play." Manuel went 26 for 38, threw for one score and ran for another.
"We just kept playing," he said.
"Now we're going to enjoy ourselves." The Huskies were widely derided as unworthy of a BCS bowl berth, and didn't do enough to silence the doubters. They were outgained 534 yardsto 259. In other Tuesday bowl games: CAPITAL ONE BOWL
No. 6 Georgia.......... . . . . . . . . . ..45 N o. 23 Nebraska...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ORLANDO, Fla. — Aaron Murray threw five touchdown passes to set a Georgia bowl record, including two in the fourth quarter, to lead the Bulldogs past Nebraska in the Capital One Bowl. Murray shook off two first-half interceptions, including one returned for a touchdown, and passed for 427 yards — also a Bulldogs bowl record — against the nation's top-ranked passing defense. He was named the game's most valuable player. Georgia (12-2) reached 12 wins for the third time in school
BOWL ROUNDUP history. Nebraska (10-4) lost its third consecutive bowl game and finished the season with two straight woeful defensive performances. The Cornhuskers lost the Big Ten championship game to Wisconsin 70-31. OUTBACK BOWL No. 11 South Carolina...... . . . . . . . . 33 No. 19 Michigan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 TAMPA, Fla. — Connor Shaw led South Carolina to the brink of victory and Dylan Thompson carried the Gamecocks over the hump in the Outback Bowl.Thompson came off the bench to throw a 32-yard touchdown pass with 1 1 seconds left, enabling South Carolina (11-2) to tie a school record for victories. Thompson replaced Shaw during the winning drive, covering the final 43 yards. Devin Gardner's third touchdown pass of the game had given Michigan a 28-27 lead. Shaw threw for 227 yards and two touchdowns. G ardner passedfor 214 yards in his fifth start for Michigan (8-5) since Denard Robinson injured his right elbow late in the season. Robinson took some snaps at quarterback and attempted his first passes since Oct. 27, but he lined up mostly at running back and rushed for 100 yards on 23 carries. GATOR BOWL No. 21 Northwestern...... . . . . . . . . . 34
Mississippi State.......... . . . . . . ..20 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Behind huge interceptions early and late, Northwestern beat Mississippi State in the Gator Bowl and snapped college football's longest postseason los-
ing streak. The Wildcats (10-3) earned their first bowl win since 1949, ending a nine-game losing skid that was tied for the longest in NCAA history. Quentin Williams returned an interception 29 yards for a touchdown on the third play of the game and Nick Vanhoose set up a late touchdown with a 39-yard interception return. Northwestern's two- q uarterback
system kept the Bulldogs (8-5) off balance most of the day. Scrambler Kain Colter ran for 71 yards, making up for his two interceptions. Backup Trevor Siemian threw for120 yards and an interception and also ran for a score. HEART OF DALLAS BOWL Oklahoma State..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Purdue ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 DALLAS — C l in t C helf t h rew three of Oklahoma State's five touchdown passes and the Cowboys shook off a disappointing Big 12 finish by dominating Purdue in the Heart of Dallas Bowl. The Cowboys (8-5), a year removed from a Fiesta Bowl win that capped the best season in school history, forced five turnovers and had another short touchdown drive after a 64-yard punt return by Josh Stewart. With former Purdue quarterbacks Drew Brees and Kyle Orton watching, Robert Marve did not get to 100 yards passing until Oklahoma State led 45-0 as Purdue (6-7) fell to 0-4 on New Year's Day.
Alan Diaz/The Associated Press
Florida State quarterback E.J. Manuel (3) rushes 9 yards for a touchdown during the second half of Tuesday night's Orange Bowl against Northern Illinois in Miami.
together. It is so strong that Klein invited Miller to the Heisman Trophy ceremony in New York, and they regularly talk about various topics. "He is very professional with his players and he is very detailed with them," Dimel said of Miller. "He has
been around so many programs and experienced success. He has brought that with him here. He is very detailed, has great understanding for what the quarterback needs to know in the run game and the pass game. ... He and Collin have a really personable relationship. They respect each other a lot and work well together." Their time together is almost over,
though. As soon as the Fiesta Bowl ends, Miller will turn his full focus to grooming Klein'ssuccessor. He has been working with backup quarterback Daniel Sams for two years but will soon welcome highly touted junior-college transfer Jake Waters to campus. Miller is ready. Helping quarterbacks like Klein reach his full potential is not only his job, it is his passion. "That's what has kept me in coaching all these years," Miller said. "I enjoy watching young men develop, not just from a quarterback standpoint but also as young men. That is very
NFL Zone-blocking schemes have allowed Seattle's Marshawn Lynch, left, to become one of the top running backs in the NFL in 2012.
Continued from C1 Does that mean Europe needs to answer with a larger-than-life figure for its captain? That has led to suggestions that Colin Montgomerie would return as captain, though Darren Clarke and Paul McGinley were said to be next in line. Clarke would seem a better fit when the matches return to America at Hazeltine in 2016, though McGinley might be dwarfed by Watson's presence.
2. Rory and the swoosh ' „rrprrKS
Elaine Thompson irhe Associated Press
Players changing equipment companies is nothing new. It is different when that player is No. I in the world. Nike is not likely to announce its deal with McIlroy until he starts his season in Abu Dhabi, and that is when the scrutiny begins. Mcllroy gives Nike another world-class athlete in its stable. But whatever recognition his clubs receive might be akin to an offensive lineman who gets his name called only when he has been flagged for a penalty. Remember, McIlroy is known to have a bad patch or two. Even last year, when he won five times and swept all the major awards, he missed four cuts in five starts in the summer. When he plays poorly, critics will blame the equipment. And when he plays great, well, he's Rory McIlroy.
3. Short season
At eticism, e t ma e ea aw s i erent rom21 team
The PGA Tour season might feel more like a sprint than a marathon this year. The season, in effect, ends with the Wyndham Championship on Aug. 18, the cutoff for qualifying for the FedEx Cup playoffs. And once the playoffs end at the Tour Championship, the 2013-14 season starts in October. That might mean more players competing more often, which could put the squeeze on Q-school and Tour graduates by limiting the number of tournaments they can play to try to qualify for the playoffs. The motto always has been, "Play better." A tweak might be in order this year. "Play better, now."
4. Anchors away By Tim Booth
The Associated Press
RENTON, Wash. — Pete Carroll w as thrilled to be in the postseason but knew it was a mirage. Two seasons ago, in his first venture back in the NFL from the college game, Carroll guided the Seattle Seahawks into the postseason with the dubious distinction of being the only team in NFL history to win a division title with a losing record. Seattle at least showed itself worthy of the playoffs by upsetting New Orleans but was quickly dispatched at Chicago in the second round. He knew the Seahawks needed to be younger, faster, more athletic and deeper. A makeover was needed. "We'rejustso much deeper now and we've raised these guys in the program and I just think there's a common feel that we're on the same page," Carroll said this week.
When the Seahawks (11-5) face Washington on Sunday in their playoff opener, they will do so with 33 new faces on the 53-man roster from just two seasons ago. The moves were drastic in some areas and subtle in others. No matter what the changes were, they have made Seattle a far better and more deserving team for this postseason trip. Carroll said he believes the type of success the Seahawks found in reaching at least 11 wins for just the third time in franchise history should have come sooner. Ultimately, it was the decision to draft quarterback Russell Wilson from Wisconsin in the third round of the 2012 draft that final-
Underdogs Continued from C1 In the past seven seasons, three No. 6 seeds and a No. 4 seed ended up winning it all, giving hope to the likes of the Ravens, Redskins, Bengals and Vikings in this year's playoff pool. A year ago, the Green Bay Packers rested their regulars in the season finale and lost their edge, becoming the f irst 15-1 team to lose its first playoff game — to a New York Giants team that was 7-7 in mid-December and went on to win it all. "That's kind of what it was for us when I was in Indy," Broncos wide receiver Brandon Stokley said of the 2005 Colts, who went 14-2 but lost to Pittsburgh in the divisional round. "We kind of rested the last week, then we had a bye. It's too much. So, I like just grinding every week, just playing football." That is exactly what Peyton Manning's new team did, securing the AFC's top seed Sunday with its 11th straight win. Along with the Falcons, Patriots and 49ers,the Broncos get a break this week, one that can prove a pitfall as much as a profit. "We've just got to practice like we'replaying thisweek," Denver receiver Eric Decker said. While the Broncos stormed into the playoffs, the Falcons, who already had the NFC's top seed secured, gained no momentum Sunday, losing to Tampa Bay. "Before this game was played, we were the No. I seed in the playoffs, at the end of the game, nothing has changed," Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez reasoned. "We're a very good team; we'll just use this as a wake-up call." Says another Atlanta veteran, cornerback A s a nt e S a m uel: "We're going to p r actice like champs. And we're going to play like champs from now on."
ly made them a legitimate contender. "I feel like I wish so much that we had got it done last year," Carroll said. "We didn't capture it quickly enough. It just didn't come around like we wanted it to. But we'll take it. We'll take it where we are. It's been three terrific years for us in retooling the program and the roster and the staff and getting everything right. We really feel the momentum in the youth and the hopefulness for the future is there." When that 2010 playoff appearance came the Seahawks' way, they were a flawed team, fortunate to play in what at that time was the worst division in football. Carroll's defensive philosophies were still being implemented and the offense was a jumbled mess. There was little continuity on the offensive line. Marshawn Lynch had arrived in a trade from Buffalo, but Seattle had yet to figure out the best ways to use its new bruising back. Most important, the quarterback position was unsettled, with Matt Hasselbeck the entrenched veteran and Charlie Whitehurst the upstart. They were rarely competitive, falling by an average margin of 21 points in their nine losses. Only one of their seven regular-season wins came against a team that finished with a winning record. While still having some flaws, this Seattle team is far more complete. The defense finishedthe season as the No. 1 scoring defense in the NFL, giving up just 15.3 points per game. They wereNo. 4 in the league overall, the highest year-end ranking for Seattle in team history.
So will the Broncos. Coach John Fox is using the bye week to stay sharp, calling for short, crisp practices today, Thursday and Friday and a mandatory weightlifting session Saturday, mainly to keep the team "focused, not concerned with flights to other states and those type of things, especially close states." Like Nevada, where oddsmakers have made the Broncos the favorite to win the Super Bowl. Of course, the Packers were in this position last year. It's not just in the NFL where the season's best team usually falters in the playoffs. In the past 10 seasons, only two teams in each of the other major pro sports leagues parlayed the best regular-season record into a championship, according to STATS, LLC. They were: the 2007 Boston Red Sox and the 2009 New York Yankees in baseball, the 2002-03 San Antonio Spurs and the 2007-08 Boston Celtics in the NBA, and the Detroit Red Wings in the NHL in 2001-02 and 2007-08. Since the first Super Bowl, the team with the best regular-season record has won just 21 of 46 championships, or 46 percent, which is more than in the NHL
(42 percent), NBA (41 percent) and MLB (28 percent), according to STATS. "Everyone wants to have the best record, win the division and play at home for the playoffs, but in my opinion, the team that is playing the best has the best opportunity," said NFL N etwork analyst Kurt Warner, a former MVP and Super Bowl champion. "This game is always about confidence and momentum. If you have it, you're tough to beat, nobody wants to play you and it gives you a distinct advantage. It starts in the regular season and you want to be playing well down the stretch." With that in mind, here is how the dozen playoff teams rank from hottest to coolest:
Offensively, the Seahawks have morphed offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell's system around what Wilson does best, using his athleticism and quickness as a threat to complement Lynch's violent running. Lynch's success is largely because of the zone-blocking schemes putin place by assistant head coach Tom Cable and finding linemen who fit what Seattle wants to do. From the playoff win over New Orleans in 2010 to now, the Seahawks will have 15 different starters on the field against the Redskins. "We're young and we're fast and we're tough and we've created a physical nature about us that we're really proud of. It goes from offense todefense to special teams," Carroll said. "We're just going to try to keep getting better. We've got a long ways to go." Wilson tied Peyton Manning's rookie record with 26 touchdown passes on a thirdquarter scoring pass in Sunday's win over St. Louis. He had a chance to hold the record himself but instead ran for a I-yard touchdown with 1:39 left to give Seattle a 20-13 victory. Wilson finished the season with a 100.0 passer rating, the highest in franchise history. He passed for 3,118 yards, added another 489 yards rushing, had 30 combined touchdowns running and passing, and became the first rookie quarterback in NFL history to go 8-0 at home. "Did Peyton go to the playoffs his first year? No," Seattle fullback Michael Robinson said after Sunday's win. "OK. Then you know who I think is better."
1. Broncos (13-3) — They have
8. Vikings (10-6) — Although
Adrian Peterson came up just short of breaking Eric DickerManning got his bearings and son's single-season rushing refound a comfort zone with his cord, he carried the Vikings into new teammates. the playoffs with wins in their 2. Redskins (10-6) — They last four games. have won seven straight games 9. 49ers (11-4-1) — San Fransince coach Mike Shanahan's cisco lost to division rivals St. comments about playing for next Louis and Seattle in December, season after a loss to Carolina on but Colin Kaepernick and MiNov. 4 dropped them to 3-6. chael Crabtree put the 49ers into 3. Patriots (12-4) — Their only the playoffs with some muchloss in their past 10 games was needed momentum with d a zto San Francisco two weeks ago, zling performances in a win over a setback that snapped their 21- Arizona on Sunday. game home winning streak in 10. Falcons (13-3) — Atlanta December. Even in defeat, Tom lost two of its last four, but the Brady was spectacular as New Falcons did not rest their reguEngland nearly became the first lars Sunday, when they lost to the team since 1980 to win a game Buccaneers and also lost two key after trailing by 28 points. defensive players to injuries in 4. Seahawks (I 1-5) — Forget the pass rusher John Abraham and "Fail Mary" t ouchdown/touch- cornerback Dunta Robinson. back ending that gave Seattle a 11. Ravens (10-6) — B a ltidisputed win over the Packers more lost four of its last five and in Week 3 and hastened the re- changed offensive coordinators turn of the regular officials. The in December. The Ravens used real robbery was the selection of their regular-season finale at quarterback Russell Wilson in Cincinnati to rest their regulars, the third round of the draft. He sitting banged-up playmakers has guided the Seahawks to five Anquan Boldin, Haloti Ngata straight wins. and Terrell Suggs while pulling 5. Bengals (10-6) — Cincinnati Joe Flacco and Ray Rice after matched the best finish in club only two series. history, winning seven of its last 12. Texans (12-4) — For much eight games behind Andy Dalton of the year, they were the NFL's darlings behind J.J. Watt, Andre and A.J. Green, who will nowtry to secure the Bengals' first play- Johnson and Arian Foster, but off win since 1990. they caved in December, losing 6. Colts (11-5) — Indy won nine three of their last four and falling of its last 11 despite a soft defense, from the top seed in the AFC to rallying around assistant coach the third. Instead of a bye week to Bruce Arians, who took over rest up, they get a short week to while head coach Chuck Pagano play Cincinnati. was treated for leukemia. Pagano All of this is not to say the hotis back, and the Colts have gotten test team will be crowed chamover their breakup with Man- pion or the coolest one has no ning and moved on with rookie shot. Andrew Luck. "I think there are a lot of for7. Packers (11-5) — Green Bay mulas," said the Broncos' Fox. "If you look at history, there are won nine of its last 11 but could not close out the season with a plenty of different scenarios. At win at M i nnesota that would the end of the day, you want to be have ensured them a first-round playing your best football in Janbye. Maybe that's a good thing uary so you can get to February. for a team that won it all as a wild That's really the only formula I card two years ago. know that's 100 percent." not lost since a 31-21 setback at New England on Oct. 7, before
The R8 A and USGA announced late last year that anchored strokes used for the belly putter and long putter will be banned starting in 2016. The question is whether the PGA Tour, which has the right to set its own rules, will enact the new rule much sooner. There already is evidence of a stigma attached to those who anchor their putters — Keegan Bradley said a fan called him a cheater at the World Challenge last month — and it might be in the best interest of the tour to make the change quickly. But when? At the end of the FedEx Cup, meaning a player can use a belly putter in September but not October? At the start of 2013, meaning the rule would change in the middle of a season'?
5. Masters invitations For the past six years, the Masters has been awarding invitations to winners of PGA Tour events that offer full FedEx Cup points. The Fall Series did not count, nor did the events opposite a major or World Golf Championship. One problem. Starting later this year, there is no Fall Series. When the tour goes to the wraparound season, there will be an additional six tournaments that under the previous policy would award the winner a spot in the Masters. The concern for Augusta National is keeping a small field — it has not had more than 100 players since 1966. The question is whether the tour's change will mean an end to tournament winners driving down Magnolia Lane.
6. All-male clubs Just because Augusta National now has two women in green jackets does not mean the debate over all-male clubs is going away. If anything, it might be more intense than ever when the British Open returns to Muirfield. There are no female members in the "Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers," no rare there any female members of the Royal & Ancient Golf Club. That received cursory criticism over the years, though most of the scrutiny was on the Masters. Now that the British Open is the only major played in which the host club has no women on its membership rolls, R8r.A chief executive Peter Dawson might have some explaining to do — if he's not too busy talking about changes to the Old Course.
7. Distance debate Those concerned that distance is ruining the
game and making golf courses obsolete might appreciate a prediction in Golf Illustrated magazine that if the "carrying power of golf balls is to be still further increased all our golf courses will be irretrievably ruined as a test of the game." That was in 1910, and the game has been evolv-
ing since. The R8 A and USGA have leaned on their "Joint Statement of Principles" in 2002 when it comes to distance. Even so, R8 A's Dawson sounded an ominous tone while announcing the ban on anchored strokes. "We haven't shelved distance. It's very much on the radar," Dawson said. "Anchored strokes are separate.Just because we're doing one doesn't m ean we have taken our eye offthe other." Stay tuned.
8. Minors vs. majors With the PGA Tour starting a new season in October, the only way to earn a card will be through a series of four tournaments called "The Finals" that will include the top 75 players from the Tour and the next 75 players from the PGA Tour who fail to qualify for the FedEx Cup playoffs. Privately, the brass at PGA Tour headquarters is curious to see how the Tour players will fare against the second-tier PGA Tour players who faced stiffer competition and tougher golf courses all year.
9. Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus were talking about rivalries a decade ago when Nicklaus told him it was important to always be part of the conversation. That has never been a problem for Woods. Even with McIlroy assuming the role of golf's No. I player, Woods is part of every conversation in golf. The only difference is the context. Can he end a four-year drought in the majors? Can he get back to No. I? Will he ever dominate as he once did? The new season should provide some answers.
Manufacturing outlook mixed Some manufacturers are hunkering down, others are marching on and afeware moving out of their comfort
zones. This mixed pattern is likely to stretch through the middle part of this year, when the
fog of uncertainty is expected to lift. In the interim, many manu-
facturers appear to be stalled.
"Thereisabitof disconnect between manufacturing in 2012 and 2013," said Adolfo
Laurenti, deputy chief economist at Mesirow Financial. Heexplained that the past year's
momentum largely has hit a wall. Manufacturers worry that expiring tax cuts, the possibility of
tax hikes andgovernment spending cuts could push the U.S. into another recession. Manufacturers that
ei o r 0 0 see sex ansion Proposed NorthWest Crossingexpansion
By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
Developers of Bend's NorthWest Crossing neighborhood have started planning to push home construction west of Mt. Washington Drive for the first time. The development group filed a land use application with the city of Bend in December outlining plans to add between 200 and 250 home lots on 98 acres north of Summit High School. The plans also call for a new park, called Discovery Park, on the land. Actual construction is still at least a year away, said David Ford, general manager of West Bend Property Co., which has been developing NorthWest Crossing. Ford said developers would likely start readying the land to develop home lots in late 2013. "We've got quite a bit of earth work to do out there," Ford said. The land used to be a pum-
CHD ~~ "" Q+
00 Summit High School
Area of proposed expansion
Skyliners Rd
B 0 ekdr
eedMarke d
Greg Cross/The Buuetrn
ice mining site, he said, so crews will need to dig up and then repackthe land to ensure it is stable enough to build homes on. The Bend-La Pine school district paid $7 million to fix Summit High School's
athletic fields after a 2006 storm created large sinkholes. Developers also need a green light from the city to incorporate the area into NorthWest Crossing's current zoning plan, which would allow home-
building. The 98-acre parcel is currently zoned as forestland. But Ford said the zoning change should be routine, putting developers on track to lay out a plan for new roads at the site next spring. The development group has owned the parcel since 1999, according to Deschutes County property records. "We should be submitting a more detailed tentative plan around March," Ford said. The blueprints filed in December show a plan for at least 10 new roadwayswestward extensions of High Lakes Loop, Colter Avenue, Lemhi Pass Drive and Shields Drive, as well as the creation of new, unnamed streets. Several rows of new homes would start at Mt. Washington Drive andstretch west before giving way to the planned Discovery Park. Part of the land, just north of Summit High School, could be zoned for multifamily housing, like
apartments, according to the planning documents. If all goes well with the zoning process, Ford said, developers could break ground in early 2014, and possibly complete homes in late 2014. The new development would complete the 483-acre NorthWest Crossing plan first drawn up by developers in 2000. Across the neighborhood, about 700 homes have been built, as well as retail and commercial areas and Compass Park. Ford said about 200 lots in the existing NorthWest Crossing area are still undeveloped. He expects that number to be much smaller by the time the final section of the neighborhood comes onto the market. "When we're all said and done, we anticipate that we'll probably have about 1,100 homes," Ford said. — Reporter: 541-617-7820,
export also aredealing with Europe's economic such as China and Brazil.
Auto sales
weak," Laurenti said. "We don't have one
crisis and the slowdown
of emerging economies, "Overall, the entire global economy is still growth engine."
— From wire reports
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Know Digital Books: 9:3011 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N.Cedar St.; 541-3 I2-1070. • Know Coffee, Know E-books: Learn about e-readers andhow to download e-books and audiobooks from Deschutes Public Library; e-readers areavailable or bring your own; free; 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Bellatazza Coffee, 869 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7083. • Business Network International BendChapter weekly meeting: Visitors are welcomeandfirst two visits are free;7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789. THURSDAY • Know Digital Books: 10:30 a.m.-noon; La Pine Public Library,16425 First St.; 541-536-0515. • Business Network International Wildfire Chapter weekly meeting: Visitors arewelcomeand first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; BendHonda, 2225N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. FRIDAY • Know Digital Books: 2-3:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121050. • Central Oregon Real Estate lnvestment Club: Free;11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 SockeyePlace, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere. com. SUNDAY • Know Money, RealLife Buried Treasure: Gold prospecting talk including metal detector and gold panning instruction; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. • Know Money, Stretching Your Food Dollars: Learn howto work within your food budgetto create healthy meals; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-3121070. MONDAY • Oregon alcohol server permit training: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commissionto obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; RoundTable Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.
For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbulietin.comlbizcal
in 2012
By Katharine Q. Seelye New York Times News Service
JAY PEAK, Vt. — At this remote outpost by the Canadian border, Bill Stenger is overseeing what he says is the biggest economic development project Vermont has ever seen. He is expanding Jay Peak ski resort, which he coowns, but he is also building a biomedical research firm and a window manufacturing plant, extending the runway at the airport and rehabilitating much of the nearby town of Newport, where he lives. There, he is developing the waterfront, adding the town's first hotel and a conference center and rebuilding an entire downtown block. He is also creating what he says is the largest indoor mountain bike park in the world and a state-ofthe art tennis center. The price tag for the entire project, which Stenger says will create 10,000 direct and indirect jobs over several years, is $865 million. But even more unusual than the size of the undertaking is the method by which Stenger and his business partner, Ariel Quiros, are financing it. They have tapped into a federal program that
gives green cards, or permanent residency, to foreigners who invest at least $500,000 in an American business — the reward for the investment is a chance at U.S.
By Brad Plumer The Washington Post
' tlrr f
«~ mv
Caleb Kenna/ New York Times News Service
Workers are busy on the roof of a new building at Jay Peak Resort in Jay, Vt., on Dec. 5. Developers with big plans for Jay Peak and nearby Newport have secured millions in financing through a program that gives foreigners a green card in exchange for an investment of at least $500,000. citizenship. Stenger has attracted 550 foreign investors from 60 countries to put up $275 million for the first phase: a hotel at the Jay Peak ski complex, an indoor water park the size of a football field, an ice hockey arena, condominiums, restaurants and stores. The second and third phases, now under way, require 1,000 additional foreign investors to put up $500 million to overhaul Newport and to develop the nearby Burke
Mountain ski area. Stenger and Quiros are
putting up $90 million themselves. But even at $785 million, this is one of the single biggest projects in the country financed under the investor program. But the sweeping overhaul has created concerns. Some worry that Newport will become gentrified and too expensive, especially for olderresidents.They expect traffic jams. And some say that however beneficial the
project may be in creating short-term jobs, it will never attract enough business to sustain itself because the region is so remote. "There's a level of nervousness — watching Bill spend money is like watching my grandson spend Monopoly money," said Chris Braithwaite, publisher of the local newspaper, The Barton Chronicle. "But Bill has been here a long time and has a real commitment to this community."
WASHINGTON — It's not too much of an exaggeration to say the U.S. economy was powered by car sales in 2012. Auto companies are now expected to have sold 14.5 million new vehicles in 2012, according to Kelley Blue Book. That's a 13 percent rise over last year and the highest number of sales since the financial crisis hit. If cars hadn't been flying out of dealerships, the year would have looked considerably bleaker. Vehicle purchases by consumers alone accounted for roughly 30 percent of all economic growth in the first half of the year, according to Credit Suisse. And what made this carbuying frenzy so striking is that 2012 also happened to be a terrible year for car recalls. As auto analyst Jim Gorzelany reports, automakers had to recall some 14.3 million vehicles over the past year. But that didn't slow down car sales one bit. Indeed, as Gorzelany explains, Toyota and Honda had to issue the greatest number of recalls in 2012 — Toyota with 5 million, Honda with nearly 3.4 million. Yet bothcompanies increased their market share this year: Toyota's sales were up some 17.3 percent over last year, while Honda's were up nearly 25 percent.
AIG's message to America: Thanksfor the bailout! By Neil Irwin The Washington Post
The giant insurance company that became the recipient of one of the biggest — and least popular — bailouts in historyhas a message for the American taxpayer: Hey, thanks a lot! Just weeks after the Treasury sold off its final stake in AIG and closed out one of the
ugliest chapters of the 2008 financial crisis, the recipient of $180 billion in capital injections and loans is launching a new public relations offensive to try to rebuild a, shall we say, strained relationship with the average consumer. The advertising campaign is titled "Thank You America," the company said in a news release Monday, and it debuted
New Year's Day. It spotlights the insurers' employees "telling AIG's story and sharing their pride in the company," and showing how the company has helped America rebuild after devastation — such as in Joplin, Mo., after a devastating tornado and in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Look for the ads in college football bowl
games, NFL playoff games
and news shows including "The Today Show," "Good Morning America"and "60 Minutes." Now that taxpayers have sold off their stake in the company — and made a tidy $22 billion profit in the process — it is perhaps not surprising that AIG wants to recast its image. It is reminiscent of the memorable Clint East-
wood Chrysler commercial in last year's Super Bowl that managed tomake buying a car from another bailed-out
company (and one now run by Italians) feel like a patriotic duty. "This country can't be knocked out with one punch," Eastwood growled. "We get right back up again, and when we do the world is going to hear the roar of our engines."
BANKRUPTCIES Chapter7 Filed Dec. 24 • Russel W. Hisaw, 11322 N.W.Grizzly Road, Prineville Filed Dec. 26 • John E. 7arosinski, 456
N.E. Hawthorne Ave., Bend
• Howard A. Phillips, P.O. Box 8241, Bend Filed Dec. 27 • Christine D. Chappell, • Sarah A. Hodgskiss, P.O. 19611 Baker Road, Bend Box 773, Redmond • Patricia A. Ewell, 2017 • Kevin Lewis, 64670 Full Moon Drive No. L-1, Sylvan Loop, Bend Bend
• Pamela D. Chambers, 60811 Windsor Drive, Bend • Joy L. Tedrow, P.O.Box 3181, La Pine Filed Dec. 28
• Michael S. Edwards,
2140 S.W. 36th Court, Redmond • Amy S. Gregory, 8050 N.W. Grubstake Way, Redmond • Louis T. DeGaetano, 60459 Umatilla Circle,
Bend Filed Dec. 31
• Landrie N. Bossemeyer, 21354 Livingstone Drive, Bend Chapter 13 Filed Dec. 26
• Vance W. Sherfield, 60555Diamond T Road, Bend Filed Dec. 28
• James H. Maxham, 2530 N.E. Fifth St.,
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Reader photo, D2 Outdoors Calendar, D4 Bird Watch, D4 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2013
For snow conditions
asin e
at Oregon ski resorts,
u es awa — on a s e
Sunriver area may get newpath The DeschutesNational Forest is propos-
ing to build anapproximately 6-mile paved path from Sunriver to the Forest Service's Lava
Lands Visitor Center. A
• Need a cure for cabinfever?Tryatrip to theWanogaSnoplayArea
Sarah Cato, of Brookings, and daughter Jordan,8, cruise down the hill while sledding at
By David Jasper I'm cranky! Maybe you're cranky, too, if you've also been stuck inside too much. I blame the frigid temperatures, working through the holiday and the cold I've been
Wanoga Snopark, west of Bend, on Sunday.
public comment period
on the project's environmental assessment
On my daily commute, I brood and mutter at all the
The Bulletin
shiny, happy people in cars sporting roof racks loaded with boards and skis as they head up Century Drive to collect their reward for living right — and for not buying a Mt. Bachelor Four Pack, to which blackout dates apply. I hate being stuck inside so much I made a DIY stand-up workstation atop my desk,
nursing. Even going for a walk in town is an ankle-threatening ordeal. Shovel the sidewalk around your home! It's the law! See? Cranky.
Joe Klein The Bulletin
will continue through Jan.11.
partly so I can see out the windows from my cubicle. On sunny days, people close the blinds and I replace the sun's glare with my own. So what's a cranky outdoor lover supposed to do when weather, mild sickness, blackout dates or other fates conspire to keep you staring out the window like a desperate
puppy. SeeOuting/D4
If approved,the path would create asafe passage for bicyclists and pedestrians traveling from Sunriver to the Lava Lands Visitor Center, the Deschutes River Trail and recreation sites around the Benham East
• •
Day Usearea. Other proposed changes includeadditional parking spaces at the Sunriver bound-
aryand more parking, a vault toilet and a bike rack at the visitor center. The path project is located in the Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District, roughly18 miles south
of Bend andnortheast •
of Sunriver. The district office is at 63095 Des-
I 4
chutes Market Roadin Bend.Public comments
can be madeover the phone, in writing or in person. Contact: 541-3834769 or 541-383-4712.
Free snowshoe tours at Bachelor Rangers with the U.S. Forest Service will be
offering free snowshoe
tours of the Mt. Bachelor area at10 a.m. and
he Mount Defiance Trailoffers a steep, challenging ascent over loose shale to the highest point in the Columbia River Gorge. While the sheer verticality of the route might turn off many runners and even hikers, Dan Howitt believes the unique nature of the trail should lure more endurance athletes to the Gorge. Howitt, who lives part time in Bend and part time in Portland, holds what he believes is the fastest ascent time of Mount Defiance (I hour, 38 minutes) and the fastest round-trip time up and down the mountain (2:55). But he says those times could easily be broken by others. "It seemed to be a very unique challenge that not
1:30 p.m. onweekends and school breaksuntil March 31. The tours, which are
open to anyone10and older, start at the Forest
Service's snowshoehut in Mt. Bachelor's West Village and last about 90 minutes. People should
dress for theweather and wear warm boots. Snowshoes will be provided.
The Forest Service is also offering one-hour ski and snowboard tours from the top of Mt. Bachelor's Pine Marten lift at
2 p.m. on theweekends. People need to provide their own equipment and lift tickets, and be able to
maintain control while on their skis or snowboards.
For more information or to schedule agroup
At 4,960 feet, Mount Defiance, seen above from the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge, is the highest point in the Gorge. Part-time Bend resident Dan Howitt, seen at right at the summit, thinks the sheer verticality of the trail to the top should be attracting more endurance athletes. Submitted photos
many people are doing, and
tour, contact Karen Gentry at 541-383-4771
that kind of surprised me," says Howitt, 43, who made his
or email karen.gentry©
MARK MORICAL~ round-trip record run on Nov. 16. "I was confused why more people aren't running this trail. Even the steepest races in the country, it's pretty much twice the elevation grade compared to those." Located near Starvation Creek State Park just west of Hood River in the Columbia River Gorge, about a threehour drive north from Bend, Mount Defiance is the Gorge's tallest point at 4,960 feet in elevation. Some claim that climbing the nearly vertical trail to the Defiance summit is more difficult than scaling Mount Hood — Oregon's highest peak at 11,239 feet — according to www See Defiance/D5
— From staff reports
Odeyno-parkingsigns Parking at sno-parks right now is a safety concern. Parking areas atMeissner and Wanogasno-parks were overflowing
SND-PARKSNOWDEPTHS: Virginia Meissuer: 28-30inches
Swampy V i sta Butte: Edison
34-38 inches
Lakes: 62-6 4 inchesButte: 36- Flat: 72-74 46-52inches 38inches i n ches
D u tchman
Updates on sno-parks nearSisters andCrescent, D2
flies for winter steelhead
during the past weekend, which led to
roadways being blocked. If an ambulance
or fire truck had been needed, it would not have been able to get into the lot. Recreationists should keep in mind that for the
safety of all sno-park users, no-parking areas should be respected andleft clear. It'sagoodideatohaveasecondandeven
Sflo-Park 6,350 ft.
Swampy Virginia Lakes Meissner Sno-park Sno-park
Vista Butte
DON'T GETCAUGHTUNPREPARED Go prepared. Packthe 10 essentials: 1. Navigation (map andcompass) 2. Sun protection (sunglasses/sunscreen) 3. Insulation (extra clothing)
elieve that when swinging for steelhead, the fly matters ess than the presentation. That said, an angler can pick
the wrong fly and go fishless
Wanoga Sno-park
5,900 ft.
sno-parks. General winter conditions are
Mt /3aehelor
ing weekends.
which is good news for the snowpack. Conditions should remain fair to good at
en Cascade Lakes Hwy.
a third sno-park choice in mind for com-
GHILLYWEATHER MEANS GOOD TRAILS The forecast for the week ischilly,
High Water OrIOVV , the beSt
5,500 ft.
Edison Butte
Sno-park 5,034 ft.
Sunriver Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin
4. Illumination (headlamp/flashlight) 6. First-aid supplies
6. Fire (waterproof matches/lighter/candles) 7. Repair kit and tools
8. Nutrition (extra food) 9. Hydration (extra water) 10. Emergency shelter SeeTrail update/D2
when a considered approach is likelyto produce more grabs. We try to plan those precious days on the water to the best conditions and optimum run timing, but the reality is the river can change from one day to the next. In a pounding rainstorm,a steelhead stream can go from low and clear to near flood stage. What fly to use? Think about it. A steelhead won't eat it if he can't see it; the visibility of a fly in the water changes with turbidity and light. To get the
latest thinking for which style of fly to swing in various water conditions, I asked guides and
the guys in fly shops. LOWand COld When the water is low and cold, 40 degrees and below, fish won't move as far or as fast to take a fly. Jay Bouchet, from Fin and Fire in Redmond, likens these conditions to a typical winter day on the John Day River. SeeLewis/D5
Trail update Continued from D2
I ' I
Be especially wary if going into
' I I
the backcountry, particularly on
very cold days. Temperatures may dip into single digits on andoff this week.
Canyou work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Submit your color or black-and-white outdoors photos at and tell us a bit about where and when you took them. All entries will appear online, and every week we'll run a stellar local photo in this section. Once a month, we'll publish a whole photo page on a specific topic.
TRAILS INTOPSHAPE Ninety percent of winter trail and boundary signs are nowin placeatDutchman Sno-park and
Submission requirements: Include in your caption as much detail as possible — who, what, when, where, why; any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
above, and trail groomers are working hard to keep upwith fresh snowfall.
Avalanche danger increases andnavigationbecomes more difficult when winter storms blow through, so check weather
forecasts before heading into the backcountry.
Othersno-parks Skyliner:16-18inches Six Mile:10-12inches Ten Mile:10-12inches
Lower ThreeCreek: 10-12 inches
Upper ThreeCreek: 28-30 inches Crescent Junction: 36-38inches
CrescentLake: 36-38 inches For Chris Sabo's full Dec. 28 report:Visit
centraloregon and click on Check Current Conditions under "I Want To." near state Highway 46 may affect
LOGGING ACTIVITIES snowmobile trail 5 this winter. Use Winter logging operations in the extra caution as trails may remain Lava LakeandSnowCreekarea open but could be partially plowed.
s cQ : „
"IIl'I, t
HOT CHOCOLATE TIME! Hilary Kenyon, of Bend, used an Oiympus 760 to capture this image of the shelter at Virginia Meissner Sno-perk while on e nordic skiing excursion around Christmastime. Joe Kline /The Bulletin file photo
Sunlight shines through trees at Virginia Meissner Sno-park on a December afternoon.
oun aina ven ures osui eve as e • California's San Gabriel Mountains have a little bit of everything, from shopping anddining to hiking andskiing
and shatter the silence by setting off a riot of ravenous waterfowl. Later on, maybe you'll take a child to enjoy the carousel and miniature golf in the village's Lollipop Park. O r p e rhaps you'll duck into LeRoy's Board Shop (Suite C-100) to buy a $16 adult ticket for a 50-minute cruise on th e 6 5-passenger Arrowhead Queen. Tiny Lake Gregory — small enough to circle on a long family walkk — is less than 10 miles away in Crestline.
s l
By Christopher Reynolds
e .n
Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — Where is the John Muir of the San Gabriel Mountains? The Ansel Adams of the San Bernardinos? The Donner Party of the San Jacintos? All right, maybe one Donner Party was enough. But Muir, Adams and company are among the reasons the inland mountains of Southern California have never quite matched the attention won by their taller northern neighbors, the Sierra Nevada. Still, hikers, board-riders, skiers and snowball-tossers in Southern California find no shortage of peace and exhilaration. Peaks and forests, lakes and trails, cabins and creeks. And m ost w i n ters, there's a fair amount of snow. Here's a quick introduction to Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead
and Idyllwild.
Don't omit the overlook One of the best things about a local mountain trip is getting there. Yes, driving those twolane roads takes your full attention, but there are views to cherish asyou creep into the San Bernardino Mountains on State Route 330 (or, depending on traffic and your destination, State Route 18 or State
Route 38). If you're on the 330, notice all those turnouts on the way? Use them, not only to let tailgaters pass, but also to savor the views of the constantly rearranging clouds and ridges bristling with pines. At sunset, even basin smog can look heavenly from here. In about 15 miles, most of your climbing will be done. To celebrate, pause for a snack at Rocky's Roadhouse (32150 Hilltop, R u nning S p r ings). From here, if there's enough
snow, you can go skiing or snowboarding at Snow Valley (35100 State Route 18, Run-
ning Springs). Or if you're on a group retreat, perhaps you'll find yourself brandishing a bow and arrow at the Pali Mountain Retreat & Conference Center (30778 State Route 18, Run-
sr Christopher Reynolds / Los Angeles Times
Big Bear Lake's Boulder Bay features a deck and many upscale waterfront homes.
ning Springs).
a deflating series of national For a more direct lake view, f ranchises along i t s m a i n head about 2 miles west to Skis, boards and gravity drag. (More info: www.big- Boulder Bay Park (39148 State F or s k i er s a n d sn o w - Route 18, Big B ear L a ke), boarders, there's good news. Besides skiing andboarding which has picnic tables, a Thanks to December's storms in winter, it offers all sorts of covered pavilion and a little (and furious snowmaking), hiking, boating and fishing in fishing dock. But your real Bear Mountain ( w w w.bear summer. You can start with a w orkout is w a iting a l i t t l e and Snow comfort-food breakfast at Ted- farther west along Big Bear Summit (w ww.snowsummit. dy Bear Restaurant (583 Pine Boulevard,about 500 feet becom) at Big Bear Lake and Knot Blvd., Big Bear Lake), yond Talbot Drive. (There's a Snow V a lley ( w w w .snow- then browse a few shops in the turnout on the lake side of the a t
Run n i ng neighboring Village (www.
Springs are all open. Running Springs is about 85 miles east of Los Angeles; Big Bear Lake, 15 miles farther. Check individual resorts for info on snowfall and openings. For more details: www.onthesnow. com. All of these operations are modest compared with the ski resorts at Lake Tahoe and Mammoth Mountain but are, of course, much closer.
The Blob and the Anchorage If you're a young boarder on the way to Bear Mountain, stop at the gritty Grizzly Manor Cafe (41268 Big Bear Blvd., Big Bear Lake) to load up on calories with menu items such as the Blob and the Mess, and to check out the bumper-sticker collection. (Over the stove: "Friends don't let friends join
Sierra Club.") If you're an old-school skier, maybe you'd rather wind
up the day by digging into a
Y ou might o r m i ght n o t want a look at the Big Bear Alpine Zoo, formerly known as the Moonridge Animal Park,
a long-standing, homespun facility with about 180 animals, most of them orphaned or injured in the wild, including a bison, a few bears and eagles and a bunch of timberwolves whose howls will excite the h airs on th e back o f y o u r neck. Boosters are hoping to move to a new location soon. Until then, some people might be unsettled by the chain-link enclosures and the pudgy mountain lions. ("No," says a sign, "our mountain lions are not pregnant. Help us obtain some exercise equipment for them.") But read the other signs: If 90 percentof these creatures are returned to the wild, as they say, that's a pretty good batting average. C ap off your day w ith a Mexican dinner in the Village at El Jacalito (535 Pine Knot Ave., Big Bear Lake).
steak near the big stone fireplace at Captain's Anchorage (42148 Moonridge Road, Big Bear Lake), which dates to the 1940s. If you're renting a Walking and hiking cabin, check the many rental agencies listed at w w w .big Wake in your woodsy unit aces-to-stay/ at Sleepy Forest Cottages (426 private-homes-cabins/. S. Eureka St., Big Bear Lake; fireplaces and Jacuzzi tubs), Big Bear and other beasts then stroll a few blocks in the Big Bear Lake (population, adjacent Eagle Point neighabout 5,000; altitude, 6,750 borhood. Here, along Eureka feet) is a mountain town with Drive, Eagle Drive and Meada 7-mile-long lake next door, ow Park, you see massive and a batch of vintage cabins and classic cabins with big lake lodges on its side streets and views.
paddleboards, kayaks, canoes, bass boats and speedboats. And the Alpine Pedal Path that runs alongside the north edge of the lake is a g reat spot for walking or riding. For more walking or riding, there's the nearby Stanfield Marsh boardwalk and wildlife preserve (at Big Bear Boulevard and Stanfield Cutoff).
Lake Arrowhead
That's the Castle Rock trailhead, the beginning of a path that climbs for a mile to a high jumble of granite with wide views of the lake and mountains. It's pretty steep — about a 500-foot altitude gain which makes the payoff view that much better. A fterward, cool off w i t h a beer at Big Bear Mountain B rewery (40260 Bi g B e a r Blvd., Big Bear Lake). Or, if the weather outside isn't nice
Right away, you'll see this is not Big Bear. The lake is privately owned, which means the only people allowed to put boats on it ar e A r r owhead Woods homeowners and their guests. And even those people are banned from windsurfing, kneeboarding or us-
The Idyllwild life If you live to ski or snowboard, stay away from Idyllwild — nothing for you here. But everybody else, including rock-climbers, listen up. Idyllwild (population 3,500; altitude 5,300 feet) sits in the San Jacinto Mountains, fairly bursting with artsiness. Mountain Mike's (54360 t/~ N. Circle Drive, Idyllwild) has been selling custom leather work , h a ts, m o ccasins, straight-edge razors, holsters
and elk hides ($10 a square
foot) for more than 30 years (For $400, you can have a pair of slippers hand-sewn of sheepskin, elk skin and deer hide, with bull-hide soles.) Candy Cupboard (54250 N. Circle Drive, Idyllwild) is atiny space full of taffy, chocolate and 28 flavors of shaved ice. ing jet skis. Cafe Aroma (54750 N. Circle As you may have surmised, Drive, Idyllwild), which often the roughly 11,000 folks who has live music on weekends, live here earn about twice as has tasty f oo d ( m aple-leaf much money as those in Big duck breast, anyone? Garlic for walking, choose perhaps Bear (so says the Census Bu- bisque?) and a patio area that the most refreshment-friendly reau). Lake Arrowhead Vil- fills up whenever there's mild indoor sport ever: bowling. lage (28200 State Route 189, weather. For years, the big, red Bowling Lake A r r o whead), a l most While the sun's still shinBarn (40625 Lakeview Drive, entirely rebuilt in faux Tudor ing, head to Humber Park, at Big Bear Lake) has been a style in the 1970s, is basically the northeast end of Fern Valmainstay of summer and win- an outdoor mall with specialty ley Road, for its breathtaking ter merry-making. And locals and outlet stores such as Bass, views of 8,750-foot Tahquitz will tell you the adjacent Sweet Coach, Izod and Pendleton, Peak to the east and Suicide Basil Bistro (40629 Big Bear along with the Lake Arrow- Rock to the north. From there, Blvd., Big Bear Lake) is an ex- head Resort 8 Spa. (Resort two trails will take you into cellent dinner choice too. guests have beach access.) the landscape — the more You could rent a vacation challenging Devils Slide Trail, Fawnskin home in or near Arrowhead which climbs to a mountain On the quieter, lazier side of through AAA Resort Rentals saddle, and the flatter Ernie Big Bear Lake is the commu- (www.lakearrowheadrentals. Maxwell Scenic Trail. nity of Fawnskin. To lie low, com) or Arrowhead Property Before hiking, buy an Adsleep in the Inn at Fawnskin Rental (www.arrowheadrent. venture Pass ($5 for a day) at (880 Canyon Road, Fawnskin), com). But maybe you'll bunk the U.S. Forest Service San which is the big log cabin Lau- just up the road from the vilJacinto Ranger District office ra Ashley would choose if she lage at the Saddleback Inn (54270 Pine Crest, Idyllwild). were in the neighborhood. Lo- (300 S. State Route 173, Lake When it's time to crash, one cals will recommend at least Arrowhead), which dates to source for cabins is Idyllwild one meal at the North Shore 1917 and offers 10 handsome Vacation Rentals (www.idyll Cafe (39226 N ort h S h o re rooms and 24 cottages., w h i ch Drive, Fawnskin). Then meander down to the handles about 40 homes. Or In summer, you'll have all village, take in the calm water you could tr y t h e F i reside manner of aquatic options at and pine-studded surround- Inn, which has eight cottages Captain John's Fawn Harbor ing slopes, and buy a bag of and cabins on the main drag 8r Marina (39369 North Shore duck food for 50 cents at Pine and eight more on the edge of Drive, Fawnskin) — stand-up Cone Coffee Co. (Suite E-100) town.
In Idaho, the oddsof
bagging a moose may get longer By Eric Barker Salt Lake Tribune
QAs yoo place the blocks,trim and shapethem with your hands, a
Idaho moose hunting permits have always been a coveted draw with the longest of odds. But it's getting even more difficult to land one of the desirable tags. In response to declining moose numbers, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is proposing to reduce the number of moose tags in many of the Clearwater Region's hunting units. If approved by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission, it will be a continuation of a trend that has seen the number o f C l e arwater R egion moose permits plummet over the last decade. In 2004, the department offered262 moose permits in the
large knife or hatchet. Keep leaning them inward as you go higher to
region. If the agency's propos-
Building an igloo to survive might seem like a stretch, but knowing how to make one could make all the difference if you get stuck in the mountains ... or it could just make for a fun afternoon in the snow. Cut blocks from either side of your pit,
0Find an area of hardpacked snow.
making sure they're of a sizeandweight that you can carry. The larger the blocks, the fewer you'll need. Move them to an
Dig to the harder, icier
area where youcanshape them. They will harden as youcut more.
0ijse a kit or bring apole andstring to create the circumference for the first row of blocks. From there, you havechoices:
create a domeshape. If you have help, a person inside the igloo can remove snow from the floor, digging several feet down but leaving a ground-level ledge asa sleeping area. Do this before the
walls get too high; otherwise,
/ /
snow removal is difficult. Some builders cut their
r~ Lg
remaining blocks from
the igloo floor.
v i
Q Build the first row at one level, then trim down
at an angle with a saw,knife or hatchet. Place the next row of blocks on the ramp at the lowest point and continue upward toward the top, leaning the
Q Or build one row completely around the circle at one level, then addanother row, staggering the joints and leaning blocks inward.
blocks inward andstaggering the joints. OThe person inside the igloo shapesthe last rows and helps form the dome. If using a kit, the plastic form that was used to make
snow blocks is nowattached to asupport
pole so that the crew outside can dump snow on top to round out the structure. If
you're not using a kit, cut the final snow
block from the inside, wedge it through the hole, shape it and drop it back into the hole
to cap the dome. Q Pack all joints and uneven areas with snow to seal anyleaks, and makethe igloo
Q Dig a trench away from the opening, then build a tube structure over the trench. This will keep thesnow andwind out of the igloo and giveyou storage space.
as airtight as possible.
Q Smooth the inside wall by hand so that any
Q Make the opening by cutting a
Q Cut a couple of small holes in the top of the igloo
drips flow down the contoured walls, not onto you. The walls will harden at night, when it's
semicircle on the downwind side of the igloo. Then dig down to the level of the
for air circulation. This is to prevent asphyxiation.
floor inside.
Sources: Tim Neville, Scott Weber and The Bulletin file graphic
OWa Ia eS Wit By John Eligon ELKHART, Iowa — M i ke Wilson g l a re d de j ectedly through the mist on his silver-
frame glassesat the soggy field of tall, dense brush, tilting the barrel of his 12-gauge shotgun toward the gray clouds. "All I want to do," he said, "is see a bird at this point." More than two hours into this pheasant hunt, the colorful rooster that one of Wilson's hunting partners had s h ot that morning was now a distant memory. Only one other pheasant had graced the skies since, and it was too far off to even try a shot. The pheasant, once king of Iowa's nearly half-billiond ollar hunting i n dustry, i s vanishing from the state. Surveys show that the population in 2012 was the second lowest on record, 81 percent below the averageover the past four decades. The loss, pheasant hunters say, is both economic and cultural. It stems from severalyears of excessively damp weather and animal predators. But the factor inciting the most emotion is the loss of wildlife habitat as landowners increasingly chop down their brushy fields to plant crops to take advantage of rising commodity prices and farmland values. Over the last two decades, Iowa has lost more than 1.6 million acres of habitat suitable for pheasants and other small game, the equivalent of a 9mile-wide strip of land stretching practically the width of the state. And these declines have been occurring nationwide.
e aSant- untin eCine passed down, from generation to generation, 'How much can you get outof this land?'" said Wilson, the pheasant hunter, a 49year-old former naval officer who hunts about three times a week. "'Yes, you've got to take care of it — blah, blah,blah — buthow much can you make for your family out of this piece of land?' It's not about 'Is little Billy
New York Times News Service
al for the 2013-14 seasons is approved, only 98 hunters will draw tags. "It's been a fairly precipitous drop and it's been fairly steady over the last 10 years or so," said Dave Koehler, a wildlife biologist with the department at Lewiston. The agency doesn't have hard data on moose numbers. Instead it relies on the success of hunters and anecdotal field sightings to gauge the health of the moose herd. By those measures, moose are strugg ling, particularly i n u n i t s south of the Lochsa River. Koehler said th e d epartment prefersto have moose hunt success rates at or above 75 percent. After falling short of that goal, the department started cutting the n umber of tags offered in many of its hunt areas. " You would expect — i f things worked the way you want them to when you cut permits — you would see a jump in hunter success," he said. "Hunter success has pretty much been stable over time and therehave justbeen fewer permits." The decline isn't confined to Idaho. Moose numbers have been falling across the West and in th e upper Midwest. Wolves are an obvious culprit. But Koehler said while predators are part of the problem, they may not be the most important factor. Scientists say habitat c h anges, p a rasites and warmer temperaturesrelated to climate changes are believed to be major drivers of the decline. It's not all bad news for moose and moose hunters in the region. The department is proposing to increase permits in Units 8 and 8A. Hunter success rates in the two units have been at or near 100 percent for more than a decade. The department will hold an open house meeting from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 3 at the Clearwater regional office to take comments on its moose proposal. Those who attend will be able to visit with department personnel about the proposed changes and provide their written comments. Those unable t o a t t end the open house can c o mment at h t t p://fishandgame., or by calling the Clearwater regional office at 208-799-5010. Comments can also be submitted via email to, or by mail to Moose, Goat, Sheep Comments, c/o Idaho Fish and Game, P.O. Box 25, Boise ID 83707. Comments are due by Jan. 14. The proposed changes will be submitted to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission for consideration and action during its annual meeting Jan. 1618 in Boise.
going to grow up to be a
hunter?' anymore." Bruce R o h wer , t he I' president of the Iowa Corn ~ «1lc Growers Association, said he believed that farmers were as concerned as ever about being good stewards of the land and allowing natural habitats to bloom Daniel Acker l New York Times News Service where they would prevent Jared Wiklund, of Pheasants Forever, and his dog, Dakota, hunt pheasants in Paul Errington Marsh in soil erosion and water conElkhart, lowa, on Dec. 15. Once king of lowa's nearly half-billion-dollar hunting industry, the pheasant tamination. But f a r mers is disappearing from the state, and the loss is both economic and cultural. also have to contend with economic realities, he said. "As much as some people The overall amount of land Each of the top seven pheasFederal w i l dlife o f f i cials have romantic ideas that enrolled in t h e A g r iculture ant hunting states have seen say the money that sportsmen farming is just something Department's C o n servation sizable reductions in the num- and women pump into the lo- that happens," he said, "it is Reserve Program has dipped ber of pheasants shot and the cal communities is vital. More the way in which we make to 29.5 million acres this year number of pheasant hunters than $33.7 billion was spent on a living, so you have to confrom a peak of 36.7 million in overthe lastfive years,accord- hunting in 2011, including $2.5 sider all factors." 2007. Under the program, the ing to data provided by Pheas- billion on small game, which government pays owners a ants Forever, a group advocat- includes pheasants. "In these times of fiscal recertain rate to plant parts of ing for the expansion of wildtheir land with grass and other life habitat and land for public straint, when budgets are bevegetation that create a wild- hunting.Last year, there were ing slashed, we need to do all life habitat. more than 1.4 million pheasant we can to make sure hunting Land in the program is most hunters nationally, a drop of and fishing remain viable passuitable for p h easants and about 800,000 in two decades. times," Daniel Ashe, the direc"We're at a tipping point, tor of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife other upland game, and ownYou may beentitled to a paymenttrom ers often make it available for and we havetodecide how im- Service, said in an email. the National Morlgage SeNlement. hunting. But as the price of portant it is to keep traditions In Iowa, the issue essentially corn and other crops has risen, for upland bird hunting alive has pitted the interests of the OREGONHOMEOWNERSUPPORT.GOV so have land values, and the and into the future," said David state's recreational industry rates paid by the government Nomsen, thevice president of against its biggest economic • -• • I -•• under the program have been government affairs for Pheas- driver, farming. unable to keep up. ants Forever. Among farmers, "it's being
U TDOORS FISHING CENTRALOREGONBASSCLUB: Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at Abby's Pizza in Redmond; 7 to 9 p.m.; new members welcome; DESCHUTESCHAPTEROFTROUT UNLIMITED:Meets on the first Monday of each month at the ONDA offices in Bend; meeting starts at 6:45 p.m. for members to meet and greet, and discuss what the chapter is up to; 541-306-4509; communications©; BEND CASTING CLUB:The Bend Casting Club is a group of local fly anglersfrom around Central Oregon who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Orvis Casting Course in Bend's Old Mill District; 541-306-4509 or bendcastingclub@ THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 7 p.m. at the Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center (SHARC); contact www. THECENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERSCLUB: Meetsonthe third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; contact:
HUNTING LEARN THEARTOFTRACKING ANIMALS:Guided walks and workshops with a certified professional tracker; learn to identify and interpret tracks, sign, and scat of the animals in Central Oregon; two or more walks per month all year; $35; ongoing, 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633-7045;
A L E NDAR; THE BENDCHAPTER OFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: MeetsthesecondWednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the King Buffet at the north end of the Wagner Mall, across from Robberson Ford in Bend; contact: THE OCHOCOCHAPTER OF THE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Prineville Fire Hall, 405 N. Belknap St.; contact: 447-5029. THE REDMONDCHAPTER OFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Redmond VFW Hall.
MULTISPORT THE URBANGPSECO-CHALLENGE: Trips on paths and trails along Deschutes River through Old Mill District shops and Farewell Bend Park daily at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; like a scavenger hunt with clues andcheckpoints;$65,includes guide, GPS and instruction, water, materials; 541-389-8359, 800-9622862;
Email events at least 10days before publication to, or click on "Submit an Event"at Contact: 541-383-0351.
Great horned owlsrange far and wide Scientific name:Bubovirginianus Characteristics:Averagesize is22 inches long with a 44-inch wingspan. This is a large, fiercelooking owl with prominent ear tufts, gray or brown mottled undersides with dark barring, a reddish-brown facial disk, large yellow eyes with black pupils and a white throat patch.
Breeding:Nests in rocky caves or ledges; abandoned hawk, magpie or ravennests; or tree cavities. Eggs may be laid in early winter
large mammals, from mice to rabbit-sized creatures, including skunks, porcupines and occasionally domestic cats. Also preys on birds, reptiles, amphibians, bats and insects. Bird facts:Females tend to be larger and
more heavily marked thanmales; some birds have pale plumage.Song is aseries of deep hoots that have anup-and-down cadence represented by "Who's Awake? Me Too." Males have a deeper pitch than females. Owl
(January and February).
pellets contain remains of previous meal.
Haditat:Widespread, from urban areas to deserts, lowland forests and up to alpine woodlands across most of North and South
Sources:Oregon Department of Wildlife Resources and David Sibley's "The Sibley Guide to Birds." — Damian Faganis a birder, writer and past president of theEast CascadesAudubon Society. He can bereached
America. Food:Although mostly nocturnal, may hunt during the day.Preys onsmall to roll session and can be done online at; contact or call 541-389-7665.
BEND BOWMEN INDOORARCHERY LEAGUE:Traditional league W ednesday evenings,callLenny KAYAKING CLASSES:Sundays,4-6 at 541-480-6743 for information; p.m.; for all ages; weekly classes and open pool; equipment provided indoor 3-D league Thursday to those who preregister, first-come, evenings at 7 p.m., call Bruce at 541-410-1380 or Del at 541-389first-served otherwise; Cascade 7234 for information. Swim Center, Redmond; $3; 541548-7275; COSSAKIDS:The Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association's NRA KAYAK ROLLSESSIONS: At Juniper Youth Marksmanship Program Swim & Fitness Center in Bend; every Sunday afternoon from 4:15 to is every third Saturday of the 6 p.m, through the end of May; fee is month from10 a.m. to noon at the $12 per boatfor in-district residents COSSA Range; the range is east and $16 for out-of-district residents; of Bend off U.S. Highway 20 at pre-registration is available milepost24; contact Don Thomas, beginning the Monday prior to each 541-389-8284.
BEND TRAPCLUB:Trap shooting, five-stand and skeet shooting are all open Thursdays andSundays from10 a.m. to 2 p.m; located east of Bend off U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 30; contact Bill Grafton at 541-383-1428 or visit www. CENTRAL OREGONSPORTING CLAYSANDHUNTING PRESERVE: 13-station, 100-target course and 5-stand open Saturday andSunday from10 a.m. to dusk, and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday andFriday from 11 a.m. to dusk (closed Wednesday); located at 9020 S. Highway 97, Redmond; or 541-383-0001. REDMONDROD& GUNCLUB:Three miles east of Redmond on the north side of state Highway126; archery, pistol, rifle, skeet, sporting clays, and trap; visit for
further information, open hours and contact numbers; club is open to all members of the community and offers many training programs. PINEMOUNTAIN POSSE: Cowboy action shooting club that shoots at the Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range on U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 24; second Sundayof each month; 541-318-8199 or HORSE RIDGEPISTOLEROS: Cowboy action shooting with pistols, rifles and shotguns at the Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range on U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 24; first and third Sunday of each month at10 a.m.; 541-408-7027 or
Rob Kerr The Bulletin file photo
BACHELOR: Jan. 7-11 and Jan. 14-18; vouchers from nonprofit organizations can be redeemed for a $25 full-day lift ticket; Mt. Bachelor contributes all proceeds back to the nonprofit organization; vouchers available at MBSEF, Sparrow Club, Saving Grace, Oregon Adaptive Sports or CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children); www.mtbachelor. com. HOODOO TELE-FEST:Jan. 12, at Hoodoo Ski Area; billed as the premier telemark and alpine touring event on the West Coast; includes demos, tele group clinics, free-heel racing, free-heel big air and lots of prizes; all proceeds from the sale of Three Creeks beer will be donated to Lane County Parks and Rec Adaptive Sports Program; www.
Plan nowfor
Outing Continued from 01 When life gives you lemons, you have to dress for the weather and make lemonade — in this case, frozenlemonade. Sick or not, on Sa turday morning, Itossed our toboggan, sled and kid-sized snowboard in my wife's van, rounded up two of our three daughters and headed for the hills, away from ali that no-piaying, dull-making, indoor-standing — you get the idea — to the aptly named
Great horned owls are fierce predators that can be found in a variety of environments, from urban areas to alpine woodlands.
Western vacations in 2013
!' •a
Wanoga Sno-park.
By Lynn O'RourkeHayes
I'd meant to seize the day, telling everyone that we'd be departing early to b eat the holiday weekend traffic. Then I slept till 8 a.m. After the usual
The Dallas Morning News
As you plan travel for the new year, consider these three Western destinations where history, character and adventure combine for family fun. 1. Telluride, Colo.: This National H i storic L a n dmark district, tucked within a box canyon and protected by towering, 14,000-foot peaks, provides a breathtaking setting for a family getaway any time of year. Top-ranked alpine skiing gives way t o f l y -fishing,
parental nagging and slow hunt for snow pants, gloves, hats and coats, we made it out the door shortly before 10. Right before w e r eached Century Drive, I noticed the van needed gas. We headed to a fuel purveyor. One attendant on duty. A two-minute transaction stretched to five, six, tick, tick, tick. Strange that we the people aren't allowed to pump our own gas, but we are ailowed to drive around in large vehicles full of the stuff. Finally, we made itonto Century Drive and found our way into the long line of westbound cars. The car infront of us turned into Virginia Meissner Sno-park, popular with crosscountry skiers. A mile later, we reached more egalitari an Wanoga. Here, snowshoers, crosscountry skiers recreating with their dogs, snowmobilers and sieddersalike manage tocoexist, just as the bumper stickers you see on some people's cars instruct. We slow-crawled past a line of idling rigs lined up to get into the already-stuffed snowmobile iot, and made our way to Wanoga Snopiay Area. The lot nearest theiong, wide sledding hill was already peppered with vehicles, but we managed to find a spot. I grabbed the toboggan and left behind the plastic sled and snowboard that my kids have really outgrown but that I keep wishing they'd try. W e made our way up the icy, snowy road to a less crowded patch of hill. Up w e h iked, a longside the n atural r u n s that develop from repeated usage. Other people's footsteps/ postholes made natural steps we could take. The snow was dense and well-packed — not too fluffy, not too frozen. Just about perfect, in other words, for flying down. About three-quarters of the way up, I plopped the toboggan down. "OK, who's goin'?" I asked. The two hopped right on, my indoorsy, bookish daughters
Photos by Joe Khne/The Bulletin
Tim King, of Bend, and son Jakob, 4, hike up the hill on a busy Sunday afternoon at Wanoga Sno-park west of Bend, above. The trip back down the hill, below, was a lot easier — and faster.
If yougo Getting there:From Bend, take Century Drive
approximately15 miles west and follow signs to Wanoga Sno-park. Difficulty: Easy
Cost:Sno-park permit required; $5 daily, $23 annually Contact:541-383-5300
— Liliy in the front, holding the reins, Lucy tucked behind her. "What could go wrong?" I thought, not rhetorically, as I watched other people zipping down the hill on either side of us. I wouldn't know the answer till I iet go, so I did. And there it was: that sound like no other, a whoosh of gravity and friction that only sleds sliding on snow seem to make. I watched them go, thankful for the toboggan. For a couple of years afterwe moved to Bend from Florida, my mom sent us gifts ordered from the L.L. Bean catalog. The toboggan even has a little tag with our kids' names on it. Unlike the snowshoes she once sent ail of us, it's held up through multiple winters. Of course, the fact that the last time the girls used it was four years ago has probably added to its lifespan. Now, they're older and big-
ger, and far better suited to hiking up the hill unassisted — which they did in a hurry, after they popped off the toboggan at the bottom, and turned toward me bearing large, identicai grins. I feltmy cranky, grinchyheart thaw a little. That snowboard stuck inside the van (well, maybea newer, larger one) might get used somedayafteraii. In the meantime, it's the toboggan. While it la cked the zip and air time of other sleds we saw, its fine, lovingly handcrafted pine hull — or whatever overwritten language the L.L. Bean catalog writer used to entice my mom — makes for safer, more stable going, more so than the zippy, petroleumbased discs and other aerodynamic-looking things that looked like they were designed by formerBoeing engineers. I saw one tyke on a purple
disc rotate backward, then get pitched, his head snapping back onto the snow, whereas our 5-foot-long, heavyweight
toboggan clung just enough to the hill, flexing over both natural dips. We didn't test it on any of the ramps that wannabe Knieveis made in direct defiance of Deschutes National Forest's rule against them. In ail, we probably made a total of 10 or 12 runs. The girls took turns riding solo, then again in pairs. Eventually, we had to share our run with a group of young adults who pretty much took over the one we'd picked. Ah, well. We were almost done anyway. When the girls said they'd had enough fun, I
jogged back up and enjoyed one last ride, a moment's respite from parenting, although, as I slid down, I looked for them as they played around in a little snow fort someone had dug at the foot of the hill. As I waited for some hot chocoiates at the concession
trailer in the parking lot, I saw
a boy go off a jump, flip off a sled that had raised legs and land upside down. He iay there crumpled. "Dad," as the concessionaire calls himself, heard my sympathetic "Oof!" or something to that effect. He asked how bad the spill was; he just knew somehow what had transpired. Of course he knew somehow. He's probably seen it ail from his little window. We started talking about the ramps people build in the hillside, how the Forest Service doesn't like people making them. Dad said the Forest Service knocks them down, only for new ones to pop up like weeds. M eanwhile, the k i d w a s still sitting there. Two adults walked over to check on him. Eventually, he s a t u p r ight. From a distance, he looked pretty dazed. I was grateful for our successful sled outing: all fun, no lacerations,fractures, concussions or contusions. Back in the van, Lucy sipped her hot chocolate,then piped up, "That was fun. I'm glad we went." "Yeah, that was really fun," Lilly agreed. We even managed to misplace cranky dad for a f ew hours. He was missed by no one during his absence. — Reporter: 541-383-0349,
hiking and biking amid wildflowers come summer. It's also a cultural haven, with year-round festivals celebrating film, music and art. At 9,500 feet, the enclave is home to the Teliuride Ski Resort. Contact: vis i t teliuride. com. 2. Red Lodge, Mont.:Sample authentic Westernhospitaiity when you spend time in this historic community best known as a gateway to Yellowstone National Park. Set out for the spectacular Beartooth Highway, a wind-
ing, cliff-hugging 68-miie stretch that delivers on its promise to provide some of the most stunning vistas in America. In addition to several local galleries, the town hosts a skijouring competition in winter and pig races during the summer. Contact: 40 6-446-4402; 3. Cody, Wyo.: Summer
means nightly calf-roping a nd bronc-riding at t h i s small town's popular rodeo. Offering outdoor adventures including hiking, biking, horseback riding and blue-ribbon trout fishing, Cody is also home to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, where five museums provide plenty to interest every family member. Spend the night at the Irma, a colorful inn on the main drag, built by Buffalo Bill himself and named for his daughter. Contact: 1-800-393-2639;
Continued from 01 B ouchet likes to c ast a l ighter sink tip or a M O W
Forthewaterreport,turneachday totheweatherpage,today onB6
tip (designed by McCune, O'Donnell and Ward) — a floating line with a l ooped sink tip that "hinges" to work small holding lies. When the water is low and I'm swinging slots upwards of 40 to 60 feet out and five or six feet deep, with nice bouldery patches, I can be more precise with a MOW tip and a lightly weighted fly like a Kilowatt. The Kilowatt, in blue or purple, is one ofBouchet'sfavorite flies to use off a MOW Tlp. "It is kind of like a woolly bugger on steroids tied on a jig-style hook with l i ght dumbbell e y es," B o u chet said. "When the line hinges with the sink tip, the hook rides hook up, which is great for bouncing off the boulders and river bottom."
a;.! .,Qi'iIIrti f N
Low, clear and dropping Steelhead are more active when the water temperature climbs to 42 degrees and above. In January, February and March, anglers fishing the Sandy, Clackamas and coastal rivers should be ready to tap fish holding in deeper water. These fish are likely to be suspended higher in the water column. Jeff Perin, who owns the Fly Fisher's Place in Sisters, likes to go prepared with a floating line and a sinking poly leader. "I don't want to get too deep, so I like Speyt ype flies with little or n o weight." The clear water requires a stealthy approach, which means lengthening the leader and tippet. "Fish a fly that gets their attention but doesn't spook them," Perin said. "Generally speaking, go with black and blue patterns." One of Perin's favorites right now is Johnson's Lady Gaga Intruder, a Travis Johnson pattern from Montana Fly Company. "Blue is particularly good for winter fish."
Photo courtesy Roh Crandall
« '4 ' ~r
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e j~~.,i 0 c t ,
Photo courtesy Don Lewis
Rob Crandall took this February steelhead, top, with a big, bushy swinging fly. On the Deschutes in October, above, Don Lewis and Rob Crandall show off another steelhead that took a swinging fly. Steelhead may be a bit sluggish right now, as they tend to be more active when the water temperature climbs to 42 degrees and above.
ter. Select a fly with tinsel in the wing and body. One of Perin's favorites is Berry's Rambulance, tied in orange. With a d o wn-and-across Steelhead green presentation, it is important When the river is on the to slow the fly. Because an drop a f te r a hig h - water intermediate line rides below event,the color changes from the f aster-moving s u rface brown to what we call "steel- currents, Perin suggests a head green." slow-sink main line paired "From above, the river has with a sink-tip. a green tint to it. When you wade in, up to thigh deep, you High and brown "The trick is to not be incan still see your feet on the bottom," Perin said. timidated by h i gh , h eavy In these conditions, water flows," says Rob Crandall, of temperature, clarity and in- Water Time Outfitters. Cranfused light make steelhead dall fishes the Clackamas more active. This is when River year-round and sees Perin opts for a heavy sink the river in all its moods. " The heavy flows in t he tip. "I like black and purple middle push fish to the edges. leech patterns: string style, As they are coming up the tube style, whatever, the color river, they will be in shallowis more important. Very often er water than you will ever the colors that really move imagine." them are red and orange." Crandall recommends flies In these conditions, the with movement, in brighter more light in the flies, the bet- colors lik e p i n k , c h erise,
chartreuse and orange. In this water, the fish require more time to see or sense the fly. Fish it slowly, right into the shoreside willows. "Lighten your s ink t i p ," Crandall says, "and lighten your offering to swing it all the way into the soft water." Go armed with patterns matched to the conditions. Think blues and purples, reds and oranges when the water conditions are ideal. Plan for low and clear water with soft, unweighted marabou-winged flies. When the
water is high, go big, bulky and dark. Think like a fish, looking up through a window at the sky, then tie on something they can see. — Gary Lewis isthe host of"Adventure Journal"and author of "John Nosler — Going Ballistic," "Fishing Central Oregon," "Hunting Oregon" and other titles. Contact Lewis at
At the end Ofthe Earth, there's beer By Lauren Krause
Chicago Tribune
KODIAK, Alaska — On a 7 cool evening before the onset of winter, beer drinkers met to toast to the latest installation of the Kodiak Island Brewing Co. With Xtratuf b oots and windbreakers still on, these n craft-brew lovers sampled the likes of Liquid Sunshine, NightWatch Porter and the 'I ever-cheeky Sarah Pale Ale — all beers that can't be found Lauren Krause / Chicago Tnbune anywhere else. Ben Millstein, of Kodiak Island Brewing Co., runs a green tapL aunched i n 2 0 03, t h e room that includes recycled metal siding, reclaimed wood for the newly located and expanded bar and a copper door that serves a backsplash. brewery is the first and only in the remote fishing town of Kodiak. The overwhelming comdoesn't bottle or ship its beer munity response was what off the island. This limited Kodiak Island Brewing Co., prompted its recent move to a distribution allows Millstein 907-486-2537 or larger locale. to better serve the local Ben Millstein is the man munity while minimizing his behind the mission. Having carbon footprint, he said. "If every l o cal b r ewery started home-brewing while ski-bumming i n Cre s t ed also specializes in making his tried to ship their beer," he Butte, Mont., he moved to Ko- brews organic and unfiltered. explained, "we would have diak and has set up shop with For the brewery's decor, he beer stores as big as WalMart. a very green approach. recycled metal siding from an That can be fun, but that's not "I never had athought about old cannery, reclaimed wood what I do." the business; it was about the for the bar and a copper door The brewer hopes his brewbeer and community first," he to serveas a backsplash to the ery will become a destination: said, sipping on his own brew. wooden taps. Visiting Kodiak is part of the Though Mi llstein orders But what makes this brew- deaL "There's something wonyeast, hops and other ingre- ery unique? Well, i t i s n 't dients from the Pacific North- cheap. If you're in the Lower derful about going to a place west — part of doing busi- 48, a taste test will cost you and knowing that you can't ness in Kodiak, he said — all about $1,000 — the price of a buy this beer in t h e n ext water comes directly from round-trip ticket to Kodiak. town," he said. "That's what the island. The brewmaster In other words, the brewery makes it special."
Here is the weekly fishing report for selected areas in and around Central Oregon, provided by fisheries biologists for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife:
CENTRAL ZONE ANTELOPEFLATRESERVOIR: Fishing has been fair. The changing weather may make travel difficult, so be prepared for muddy or snowy road conditions. Anglers should be very careful when venturing onto the ice and follow safety procedures. BEND PINENURSERYPOND:The most recent stocking was in late September with a number of onepound rainbow released. CRESCENTLAKE:Opportunities for rainbow and brown trout are good. CROOKED RIVERBELOW BOWMAN DAM:Fishing for trout has been good. Water levels have been consistent and fish are feeding on small mayfly and midge nymphs. It appears the whitefish spawn is tapering off. The use of bait is prohibited until May. DESCHUTESRIVER (MOUTH TO THE PELTONREGULATING DAM): Summer steelhead fishing on the lower Deschutes is fair, as water clarity has improved significantly. Fish are now well dispersed throughout the river, with good numbers of fish found by anglers from the mouth upstream to the Warm Springs Area. Trout fishing remains good for trout downstream from the Warm Springs Reservation Boundary. Best trout fishing typically occurs around midday, as the best light reaches the canyon floor. Fly anglers will find best success with nymphs along with egg patterns for trout and whitefish. Anglers are reminded trout angling is closed upstream from the Warm Springs Reservation Boundary. FALL RIVER: Fishing is good. The river below the falls closed on Sept. 30. The river above the falls is open all year. Fishing is restricted to flyfishing with barbless hooks. HOOD RIVER:The bulk of the summersteelhead run haspassed the fishery in the Hood River, although a few late fish may be present. Anglers may encounter a few stray, fin-clipped coho in
Defiance Continued from 01 Because Mount D efiance stays snow-free in the summer months, s o m e mountaineers climb it to train for climbing Mount Hood. The Defiance Trail gains nearly 5,000 feet of elevation over its 5-mile length, with an average elevation grade of about 20percent. By comparison, the trail to the summit of South Sister in the Cascade Range just west of Bend gains about 5,600 feet in elevation over 6.25 miles. Max King and Ryan Bak, elite distance runners from B end, claim they ow n t h e f astest known t im e t o t h e top of South Sister (I:26:18), which they achieved in October 2011. They needed 2:41 for the round trip. "That was the first time I ever tried to ascend something as fast as I could," Bak says of the South Sister experience. "It was fun and new to me. There's definitely a whole crew of people who are very into that. It's very different than just going out for a run in the mountains. The way it fatigues your muscle groups is different when you're using the same muscle groups for two to three hours during an ascent." Howitt says h e b e lieves Bak could easily break his Defiance Trail r ecord. But Howitt is not so much interested in keeping his record as he is in getting the word out about Mount Defiance to the trail-running community around the Northwest. "There's so many incredible trail runners in Bend," Howitt says. "Seems like it would be a great personal challenge to see what they could do. It's such a rare thing to have this amount of elevation gain on a trail that's not technical.
"(Bak) would be much fast-
er than me. It would be embarrassing if he was shockingly faster, but I think that might be the case." Bak, 31, says he had never even heard of M ount Defia nce until h e s p ok e w i t h Howitt about it this year. He hopes to make a trip there this spring. "I'm definitely intrigued by it," Bak says, adding that he believes the Defiance Trail can be run and not just hiked. " Coming f ro m a r un n i n g background, that's the stuff I look for in a challenge like
Ryan Brennecke / For The Bulletin
Little Black Winter Stone, courtesy of Phil Fischer. In late winter on the Middle Deschutes and the Fall River, a little-known hatch takes place when little black stoneflies crawl from beneath their rocks and head for shore. That is
find on the surface. Fish them
when they arevulnerable to op-
dry-fly hook. For theabdomen, use black Superfine dubbing.
portunistic trout. But some of the bestaction is on top ofthe
water. Be readywith a selection of Little Black Winter Stones.
dead drift to rising trout. Don't
ignore the runs closest to shore. Cast close to the bank before wading in. Tie this pattern on a No.18
For the wing, use medium dun elk hair. Finish with a dark dun or black hackle undersized by
Carry various sizes to match one or two hook sizes. the size of the adult stones you
the lower river, but success will be limited. Anglers have reported encountering a few early winter steelhead, but the bulk of the run is still far off. LAKE BILLY CHINOOK:Fishing for bull trout has been good. Anglers are reminded that there are small numbers of spring chinook and summer steelhead in Lake Billy Chinookas part of the reintroduction effort. Please release these fish unharmed. The Metolius Arm closed to fishing Oct. 31. METOLIUSRIVER:Trout fishing has been good. Insect hatches should offer lots of opportunities for good dry-fly fishing. Angling for post-spawning bull trout should be excellent. Large streamer flies fished in the deeper pools and slots are the best bet. NORTHTWIN: Excellent fishing
— Gary Lewis
opportunities are available. OCHOCO RESERVOIR: Recent sampling shows there are plenty of trout available, ranging from 8 to16 incheslong.Low waterma ym ake launching a boat difficult. PRINEVILLE YOUTH FISHING POND: Trout are still available to be caught as long as the pond is not covered in ice. Due to safety concerns, no one is allowed to be on the ice if it's present. SHEVLINYOUTH FISHING POND: Shevlin Pond is fishing well and typically fishes well throughout winter if not iced over. SUTTLELAKE:Recent fish sampling showed excellent trophy brown trout opportunity. Kokanee fishing is poor. WALTONLAKE: Fishing has been fair. Anglers should be very careful when venturing onto the ice and should follow safety procedures.
WASHINGTON bia River Gplttn1
Hood River Starvation Creek State Park
Mount Defiance
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
"It's such a beautiful trail. It cuts through this incredible forest. Youjust have such a remote feel when
duplicate the ruggedness of the Defiance Trail. The narrow, precipitous trail includes vast sections of loose rock. "You really have to look at every foot placement when you run, especially running you're way up there. down," Howitt says. It overlooks the Descending the Defiance Trail can be more arduous (Columbia) river." than ascendmg tt. "It's just so steep, and so — Runner Dan Howitt, about the Mount Defiance Trail hard to run d own," Howitt says. "It's pretty much just c ontrolling th e g r a v it y o f that. I think it's kind of (How- your weight." itt's) secret spot that he wants Howitt squeezed in his reeverybody to k n o w a b out, cord runjustbefore the heavy and that's a great thing." snowfall of winter that makes Howitt, who works for Au- the trail largely impassable tism Research and Resources until spring. But snowshoeof Oregon, has a background ing opportunities in the area in speed climbing, and he has currently abound. climbed Mount Hood, as well Come spring, Howitt wi l l as Washington's Mount Rain- be found once again on the ier and Mount Adams. steep terrain of Mount DefiHowitt says he has spent ance, with, he hopes, a numlots of time networking with ber of o t her t r ai l r u n ners trail runners and clubs but along for the experience. has found it difficult to find Says Howitt: "I really don't trail enthusiasts who are in- think there's any trail run in terested in Mount Defiance. the country that really match" People do t ons o f r u n - es it." ning routes in the Gorge, but —Reporter: 541-383-0318, t hey just r eally avoid t h i s particular one," Howitt says. "It's such a beautiful trail. It cuts through this incredible forest. You just have such a Weekly Arts Sr remote feel when you're way Entertainment In up there. It overlooks the (Columbia) river." Howitt says he trains for his Mount Defiance climbs MAGAZHUE on Bend's Pilot Butte, making several ascents and descents I• TheBulletin in one outing. But it is hard to
Where Buyers And Sellers Meet 1000's Of Ads Every Day d
e sine o ea or ,no a a TV SPOTLIGHT By Luaine Lee McClatchy-Tribune News Service
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. You could never tell by looking at this dapper Englishman who plays the stalwart Earl of Grantham on "Downton Abbey," but when he was 7 years old Hugh Bonneville hurled a sledgehammer through the family's kitchen window. It was no t i n d icative of things to c ome, Bonneville insists. "I'm not prone to temper tantrums. I used to be a bad sulker. We're not a s h outy family, and nowadays I can forgive but I don't forget," he says. "I'm a Scorpio. If you have a go at a Scorpio they can get you back sometime," he laughs, easing into a wingchair in a hotel meeting room here. The occasion of the sledgehammer was prompted by his older sister's teasing. "She was annoying me. So I chased her through the garden, and she went back inside, shut the k i tchen door a n d went, 'Nah, nah' through the kitchen window. And I saw a sledgehammer and popped it through the window. Cut to my dad chasing me round the garden andIgotabig smacked bottom. That changed my life. That was a big lesson." Bonneville has been acting for 26 years, but it took the mysterious alchemy of an -
~ I.,i) 1.
Courtesy Carnival Film & Television Limited
As Lord Grantham, Hugh Bonneville (at center right) leads an ensemblecaston "Downton Abbey." absorbing script, astute producers and a dream cast of "Downton Abbey" to elevate him to star status. That doesn't really m atter because, like every actor, Bonneville says he still worries where the next job is coming from. " 'Downton A bbey' i s a
hire," he says. He didn't always want to be an actor. At one point Bonneville desperately longed to be a lawyer. "For a long time in my late teens I thought I wanted to be a barrister, a lawyer. I even went so far as to shadow a barristerin the courts for a few
hugely popular show and I
days and ended up getting so
love it, but it will end at some point and then I need to find work. We're all waiting for
excited about it and thinking where do I sign up? The best advice I was given by this sen-
ior lawyer — he said, 'Look, you haven't even gone to university yet, just calm down and come back and see me in four years time and I'll bet you won't want to be a lawyer.' "I said, 'No, I will. I WILL.' He said, 'Just go and have some fun, and do your plays.' That was the best advice, because I realized that really what I was enjoying was the theatricality of the courtroom. "I would've been a terrible advocate thinking on my feet. I can improvise in a rehearsal situation, but when someone's liberty is at stake or a point of law — I saved the legal profession from a lot of headaches." The phenomenal success o f "Downton A b bey" s u r prised everyone and fans are hotly awaiting the premiere of Season 3 on PBS stations on Sunday. "I've not been in a show that's had the impact 'Downton Abbey' has had around the world," says Bonneville, 49. "But the work is the same discipline, and I have the same approach to the work as I do with any other project. For the show to have it hit in a way we all find overwhelming, in a lovely way, is quite humbling, really. Because most of the time it doesn't happen." He says it has changed his life in a peculiar way. "Getting through customs is h a rder now. They think, 'Oh, you think y ou're so-and-so,' so they give me a bit of a hard
Bisexual is oftwo mindsabout comingout Dear Abby:After years of denial I have come to realize that I am bisexuaL I'm happily married to a straight man, and we have a great marriage I wouldn't change for the world. He is my soul mate, and we plan to be together for many years to come. I just hap-
Dear B.I.T.D.S.:Bisexuality is havly party, and ever since, my brotherin-law has continued to ask to use it ing an attraction to people of both sexes, and yes, it is possible to be for my sister. bisexual without having acted upon Abby, letting others use my disit. count is strictly forbidden. Although However, being married means the store may never find out, this you are (happily) involved in a mo- goes against my morals. nogamous r elationM y sister's birthday is i n s i x pen to be physically ship. To a n nounce weeks, and today I told him we can attracted to women, that you are bisexual split the cost for the item she wants. DEAR too. and/or put it on the I offered because I felt pressured. I Some people say Internet would be a have now decided that I can't go I can't be bisexual if mistake, in my opin- against my morals, plus the item I've never been with ion, not only because is pretty expensive even with my a woman; I say they're wrong. Am it would shock your family, but also discount. I correct? because it might seem like you were How do I tell him no? I have told How do I deal with this in social advertising that you are "available." him before that it's against compasituations? I'm afraid to put it on Unless you are promiscuous, you ny policy, but the message isn't getmy social media profile for fear of are NOT available. Most married ting through. — Feeling Used fn Georgia a backlash from my family. I'd like people agree to be committed to my friends to know, but it doesn't their spouses regardless of whether Dear Feeling Used: Tell your feel proper to just come out and say, they are straight, gay or bi. brother-in-law that even with the "I'mbt." If you choose to confide your discount, splitting the cost of the I was hoping some of your read- diverse sexual orientation to your birthday gift is too much for you. ers might be able to give me some close friends, that is your business. Then reiterate firmly that doing this input. How does one "come out" But if you do, please remember that is against company policy and could without overdoing it o r c o ming once two people know something, cost you your job. It's the truth. across the wrong way? Is there a there's a strong likelihood of the While the conversation may not right way? Should I continue keep- news spreading faster than the flu. be pleasant, it's important to deliver ing it a secret? I'm not sure what to P.S. If you do decide to divulge, be the message now so he can make do with my revelation. I have pon- sure to tell your husband first. other arrangements to pay for that dered it for some time now, and felt Dear Abby: I work in a jewelry expensive piece of jewelry your sisI could trust you to give me tactful, store where the associates get gen- ter is expecting. — Write to Dear Abby at unbiased advice. erous discounts. I mentioned the — Bi fn the Deep South amount of my discount at one famior P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069
year you couldexperienceunusual tension involving your work andits direction. The wise Goatwould take aclass or two in order to fine-tune his orherspecialization even more. You'll want to Stars showthe kind become more of an of day you'll have ex pert in your field ** * * * D ynamic and increase your ** * * P ositive a b i lities. If you are ** * A verage sin g le,you will be ** S o-so drawn to aforeigner * Difficult or someonequite bohemian. Wha tan interesting bond! If youareattached, the two of you might choose a new mutual hobby or pastime. You'll enjoy eachother and makea point of spending moretimetogether. VIRGO can get fussy with youwhen heor sheis tired. ARIES (March21-April 19) ** * * You finally are ablerecuperate. to You might beanxious to get into aproject, yetyou enjoy the return to anormal pace. Don't forget to touch basewith an important person with whomyouhavenot beenableto spend time this past holidayseason.Tonight: Nice andeasy.
TAURUS (April20-May20) ** * * * You go with the flow, and your good intentions comethrough. Don't indulge in an overserious conversation, especially ifyou are working through someissues. Sometimes peopletalk too much abouta situation and ruin thenaturalness of abond. Tonight :Addsomespice.
time. They check far m ore thoroughly than ever before. "Just coming here yesterday at Heathrow they had to empty everything out of my bag. It's great because I found a pen I've been missing. It's a privilege to be so thoroughly searched," he grins. While he's no d a redevil, B onneville admits t hat h e loves the challenge of performing a role to which he feels inadequate. "But that's thrilling when you're sent a script or invited to audition for a project and you think, 'I CAN'T do this. It's outside my r a nge, my compass.' And when they say, 'Well, you're going to play the part,' you get terribly nervous. And then you raise your game. If you do manage to do it with any degree of credibility, then you think, 'Maybe I have gotten better.' "A couple o f p r o jects I thought, 'No one is going to cast me in t h is.' 'Daniel Deronda,' Tom Hooper, who directed 'The King's Speech' directed that and cast me. I loved it because it wasn't the sort of part I played before. Similarly in ' I ris' with Kate Winslet. I thought it was way out of my league and ability. I didn't pull it off, but it's something I'm proud of. "So occasionally s o m ething comes along where you think, 'Oh, I can't do this.' And they're received OK and you think, 'Well, maybe I can.'"
MOVIE TIMESTOOAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. t
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:W ORLDS AWAY (PG)1:40 • CIRQUE DU SOLEIL:WORLDSAWAY3-0 (PG) 11:15a.m., 4:30, 6:50, 9:10 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 10:50 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 4:10, 6:05, 7:45, 9:40 • THE GUILTTRIP(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 1:45,4:25, 6:55, 9:35 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13) 10:40 a.m., 6:20, 10 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)10:35 a.m., 2:15, 6:15, 9:55 •THE HOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 2:25, 6:25, 10:05 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3) 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, IO: I5 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2, 4, 6, 7:30, 9:30 • LIFE OF PI (PG)3:25 • LIFE OF Pl3-0 (PG) 11:05 a.m., 7, 10:05 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:10 a.m., 2:30, 6, 9:20 • MONSTERS,INC.(G) 1:25 • MONSTERS,INC.3-0 (G) 11 a.m., 3:45, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 10:55 a.m., 1:50, 4:40, 7:15, 10:20 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)1:05, 3:35 • SKYFALL (PG-13) 6:10, 9:25 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:45, 3:50, 6:55, I0: I0 • THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG13) 2:20 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. i
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 54'I-382-6347 • ANNA KARENINA (R) 3:15, 6:45 • ARGO (R) 11:45 a.m., 3, 7:15 • HITCHCOCK (PG-13) 12:15 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:30, 6 • A ROYAL AFFAIR (R) 2:45 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:45, 6:30 • SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 5:35 I
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
are not a signthat can stay inthe sameplace mentally for any length of time.Tossplans in the air andregroup. Tonight: Get enough sleep.
CANCER(June21-Jnly 22) ** * * * R eturn calls, and finalize details involving the end ofthe holidays. Onceyou clear up all of the issues athand,you finally will be able to relax. Aserious conversation with a child might berather uncomfortable, but it is necessary.Tonight: Visit with a friend.
LEO (July23-Aug.22)
** * * Be sure to take stock of your financial standing in order toassess what youhavetooff er.Rethinkhow you handle your budget in thenearfuture. Be direct when dealing with anassociate or partner.Your serious moodemerges, to others' dismay! Tonight Stay within your budget.
VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * * You have a few remaining calls and thank-you notes tocomplete. Your feelings toward aneighbor or sibling emerge. Could it be this person's energy thatevokes a reaction? Onlyyou candecide. Makesure you leave alot of time for a child or loved one. Tonight Make it easy.
LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22)
** * Your pace isabout to radically change. You might want to takeadvantage of the slow period right now. Adepression or a senseof being off can be combated by getting some GEMINI (May21-June20) exercise. Consi d eryourself in transition. ** * * You'll enjoy relaxing right now, but Afamily memberneedstotalk. Tonight: youalsom ightexperiencean uneasiness,as Postpone adecision. boredom could appear onthe horizon. You
SCORPIO(Oct.23-Nov.21) ** * * T r yto relax with friends. Remember, it is not often that youhaveso many peoplearound you.Fatigue could play into this situation. Schedule a few extra days off, if possible. Yourcommunication style is concise whendealing with others. Tonight: Only where thefun is.
SAGITTARIUS(Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * O thers demandandexpect a lot from you. Canyou meet their expectations? You know what youwill not do, but onthe other hand, you might not want thealternative either. Usecarewhencommitting any funds at present. Tonight: Aforceto be dealtwith.
CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * Reach out to someone knowledgeablefor an opinion. You could be investing too much in a situation that involves a friend. Tryassuming amorelaidback position. Youmight needsomedistance from the here-and-now.Tonight: Put on afavorite piece of music.
AQUARIUS(Jan.20-Feb.18) ** * * Don't keep switching from one subject to another.Focus onone person and one topic at atime, evenif your mind seems to berunning awayfrom you. An older friend or associate demandsmore of your time. Followyourinstincts. Tonight: Talkand dinner.
PISCES (Feb.19-March 20) ** * * Defer to a partner, family member or dear friend. Youhavebeenvery active, and nowyou needsometime just foryou. Say no to an invitation, unlessyou really want to be there. Honoryour desires, andletsomeone else carry the responsibility. Tonight: You know whatyou want. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
TV TODAY 5:30 p.m. onESPN, "2013 Allstate SugarBowl" —TheSugar Bowl tonight at the Louisiana Superdome in NewOrleans has the BCS No. 3Florida Gators from the SEC taking on the No. 21 Louisville Cardinals from the Big East. Second-year headcoach Will Muschamp led theGators to an11-1 record and their first BCS bowl since 2009. The10-2 Cardinals won the BCS berth with the best record in the Big East, and star sophomore quarterback Teddy Bridgewater hopes to lead them to an upset over the favored Gators. 9p.m.onH C),"ModemFamily" —The whole family pitches in when Jay and Gloria (EdO'Neill, Sofia Vergara) hold a yard sale to help with Manny and Luke's (Rico Rodriguez, Nolan Gould) school fundraiser. Phil (Ty Burrell) feels obligated to buy aswell as sell, and Manny finds an old trunk that hides one of his mother's secrets. Mitch and Cam(JesseTyler Ferguson, Eric Stonestreet) help Claire (Julie Bowen) evaluate the new boy in Alex's (Ariel Winter) life in "Yard Sale." 9 p.m. onE3, "Criminal Minds" — Horror icon Robert Englund ("A Nightmare on ElmStreet") guest stars in this episode as a detective who assists Rossi (Joe Mantegna) and the teamwith a case right out of a horror movie: the ritualistic murders of several people in Oregon. Juliet Landau ("Ed Wood") also guest stars in "Heathridge Manor," which was directed by series star Matthew Gray Gubler. 9 p.m. onFOOD, "Restaurant: impossible" —In this new episode, Robert is in Keyport, Wash., to help Pat and Karan, now on the verge of losing all they've worked for at their restaurant, the Whiskey Creek Steakhouse Getting the food and decor up to snuff will be the easy part of this project, as he also has to root out the employee he suspects of stealing from the business. 10 p.m. onE3, "CSI: CrimeScene Investigation" —Russell (Ted Oanson) and the team investigate when a police dog is blamed for the death of his partner, and they discover this isn't simply a caseof a K-9 cop gone rogue. Finlay and Morgan (Elisabeth Shue, Elisabeth Harnois) try to determine who killed a divorce lawyer who had a long list of enemies in "Play Dead." George Eads also stars. 10 p.m. onFX, "American Horror Story:Asylum"— The Monsignor (Joseph Fiennes) has aconfrontation with the devil in this new episode, as Dr.Arden's (James Cromwell) experimenting comes to a surprising conclusion. Dr. Thredson (Zachary Quinto) makes a reunion happen for Kit (Evan Peters) in "The NameGame." ©Zap2tt
In-Home Care Services Care for loved ones. Comfort for au. 541-389-OOOG www.evergreentnhome.rom
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • RED DAWN (PG-13) 6 • SEVENPSYCHOPATHS (R) 9 • WRECK-ITRALPH(PG) Noon, 3 • After 7 p.m., shows are2f andolder only. Youngerthan 2f may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. i
n'bm C
send Memorial Clinic i~
for appointments
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • Thetheater will host "Spaghetti WesternNlednesdays" at530 tonight (eventincludesaspaghetti dinner).Asof presstime, the Westernfilm has not beenselected. I
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) I2:30, 3:45, 7: I5 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7:05 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3) 1:15, 4: I5, 7:15 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court,541-549-8800 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2:30,6 • JACKREACHER(PG-13) 3:30, 6:30 • LES MISERABLES (PG- I3) 2:45, 6:15 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 2:15, 4:30, 7
neighborhood on Bend's westside.
Madras Cinema 5, 1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R) I:30,4:50,8:20 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13) 12:50, 4:30, 8:10 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 1:20, 4, 6:40, 9:20 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG) I2:35,2:50,5:05,7:20,9:40 • THIS IS 40 (R)1:10, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 •
Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., 541-416-1014 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 3:20, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 4, 7:10 • The upstairsscreening roomhaslimited accessibi/ity.
ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin
Create or find Ctassifieds at THE BULLETIN • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2013
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C h a n cf f e r
Pets & Supplies
Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing
Misc. Items
DON'TMISSTHIS ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 -Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - ExerciseEquipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health andBeautyItems 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, StereoandVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 -Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
264-Snow RemovalEquipment 265 - Building Materials 266- Heating and Stoves 267- Fuel and Wood 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers 269- GardeningSupplies & Equipment 270 - Lost and Found GARAGE SALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales Northwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Northeast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292- Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses and Equipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375- Meat and Animal Processing 383 - Produce andFood 208
Pets 8 Supplies 0
00 i Want to Buy or Rent
Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, all colors, starting at $250. Parents on site. Call 541-598-5314, 541-788-7799
Barn/shop cats FREE, some tame, some not. We d eliver! F i xed, shots. 541-389-8420
WANTED: Tobacco pipes - Briars, Meershaums and smoking
Gillette, Gem, Schick, etc. Shaving mugs
and accessories. Fair prices paid.
Boxer/English Bulldog (Vaney Bulldog) puppies, C~KC Re '0, 0 n iee 5 fawns, 1st shots. $900.
Non-commercial advertisers may place an ad with ouI'
"QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week 3 lines 12 ~ 2 k 2 0i Ad must include price of single item of $500 or less, or multiple items
whose total does not exceed $500.
A v e .
Shih-Mas and Dachshund babies, beautiful puppies, $350 & $300. delivered part way 541-530-9490
~ OO
MorePixat Wolf-Husky pups, $400; pure Sibenan Husky pups $400. 541-977-7019
advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12 or ~2
Yorkie AKC pups, small, ready now! Health guar., shots, potty training, pixs avail,$650. 541-777-7743
Yorkie, beautiful 5 year old female, needs lots of love 8 space to run, $600 firm. 541-460-3884 210
2 0!
Ad must include price of 2 i $500 or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500. Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809
Furniture & Appliances Want to impress the relatives? Remodel $150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also your home with the wanted, used W/D's help of a professional 541-280-7355 from The Bulletin's "Call A Service GENERATE SOME ex- Professional" Directory citement i n you r neighborhood! Plan a garage sale and don't OREGON'S LARGEST forget to advertise in GUN & KNIFE SHOW Jan.5&6, classified! Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 541-385-5809. ADM: $10.00 Ottoman, loveseat and Portland Expo Center 1-5 Exit 306B couch, tan, new! $500 For Info: 503-363-9564 obo. 541-408-8611 www.wesknodelgunW hirlpool stac k e d washer & dryer set, Wanted: Collector large capacity, many seeks high quality options, works great! fishing items. $350. 541-416-0296 Call 541-678-5753, or 503-351-2746 TheBulletin recommends extra Winchester 12g M101 0 • 0..I 0/U shotgun, Waterfowl chasing products or • Special Ed., adj chokes, services from out of I $1550. 541-647-8931 A1 Washers&Dryers
Iy the area. Sending y
• B en d
Wanted- paying cash for Hi-fi audio 8 studio equip. Mclntosh, J BL, Marantz, D y naco, Heathkit, Sansui, Carver, NAD, etc. Call 541-261-1808
Gardening Supplies • & E q uipment
between 10 am-3 pm.
For newspaper
Sales Northeast Bend
Hay, Grain & Feed Wanted: Irrigated farm ground, under pivot irriqation, i n C e n tral OA. 541-419-2713
Garage Sale Klt
delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at
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rage sale and receive a Garage Sale
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• 4 Garage Sale Signs • $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Next Ad
• 10 Tips For "Garage Sale Success!" PICK UP YOUR GARAGE SALE KIT at
1777 SW Chandler www.hetahe Screened, soil & com- Ave., Bend, OR 97702 post m i x ed , no MADRAS Habitat The Bulletin rocks/clods. High huRESTORE mus level, exc. f or Building Supply Resale flower beds, lawns, Quality at gardens, straight LOW PRICES s creened to p s o il. 84 SW K St. Bark. Clean fill. De541-475-9722 liver/you haul. Open to the public. 541-548-3949. Building Materials
Call 541-385-5809
or place your ad on-line at
Check out the classifieds online Updated daily
Since September 29, 1991, advertising for Lo s t & Found used woodstoves has • been limited to models which have been LOST: Dbl. s t rand c ertified by the O r - pearl bracelet, sentimental, 12/24. Reegon Department of Environmental Qual- ward! 541-760-6150 ity (DEQ) and the fed- Lost Pekingese, 11 yr old eral E n v ironmentalmale, b l onde w/black Protection Ag e n cyface, 12/23 on Tumalo (EPA) as having met Rd. 541-408-3289 smoke emission standards. A cer t ified R EMEMBER: If you w oodstove may b e have lost an animal, identified by its certifidon't forget to check cation label, which is The Humane Society permanently attached in Bend 541-382-3537 to the stove. The BulRedmond, letin will no t k n ow541-923-0882 ingly accept advertisPrineville, ing for the sale of 541-447-7178; uncertified OR Craft Cats, woodstoves. 541-389-8420.
** FREE **
tererng Central Oregon trnte 1902 Bill-Jax 5-ft & 3-ft scaffold sets, 10-ft aluminum & p l ywood s c affold Prompt Delivery boards, casters, levelers Rock, Sand & Gravel & braces, nice set, paid Multiple Colors, Sizes $3600, asking $2000. Instant Landscaping Co. 541-350-3921 541-389-9663
Vermont Castings wood255 • c ash, c h ecks, o r • stove, Aspen m odel, Call Classifieds at Just bought a new boat? Computers $300. 541-420-4825 i credit i n f o rmation 541-385-5809 Sell your old one in the may be subjected to classifieds! Ask about our i FRAUD. For more T HE B U L LETIN r e 267 Super Seller rates! information about an g quires computer adFuel & Wood I P ets 8 Supplies 541-385-5809 advertiser, you may I vertisers with multiple Cats & s ome kittens I call t h e Ore g onI ad schedules or those ' State Att or n ey ' selling multiple sysWHEN BUYING The Bulletin recom- avail. thru rescue group. tems/ software, to disi General's O f f i c e mends extra caution Tame, shots, altered, ID FIREWOOD... close the name of the chip, more. Sat/Sun 1-5; Consumer Protec- • when purc h asLabradoodles - Mini & To avoid fraud, call re : o t her d ays. business or the term t ion ho t l in e at I ing products or sermed size, several colors The Bulletin 5488, "dealer" in their ads. 541-504-2662 i 1-877-877-9392. vices from out of the 541-598recommends payPrivate party advertisarea. Sending cash, 389-8420. Map, photos 8 ment for Firewood ers are d efined as checks, or credit in- info at, only upon delivery those who sell one f ormation may b e People Look for Information and inspection. computer. subjected to fraud. About Products and • A cord is 128 cu. ft. For more i nformaServices Every Daythrough 4' x 4' x 8' 257 tion about an adverAntiques & The Bulletin Classifleds • Receipts should Musical Instruments tiser, you may call Collectibles include name, r////li ... the O r egon State n Guard Dog phone, price and 1923 Chickering 5 ' 6 Attorney General's Chihuahua Pups, as- Maremma pups, purebred, great The Bulletin reserves Baby Grand, beautiful kind of wood purOffice Co n s umer sorted colors, teacup, d ogs, $ 30 0 1st shots, w ormed, 541-546-6171. e a c h , the right to publish all tone & action, $3000. chased. Protection hotline at ads from The Bulletin 541-504-4416 • Firewood ads $250, 541-977-0035 1-877-877-9392. newspaper onto The MUST include spePOODLE PUPS, AKC Bulletin Internet webcies and cost per 260 toys. Small, friendly, & site. cord to better serve Misc. Items loving! 541-475-3889 our customers. 5ereng Central Oregon srnte l902 Buying Diamonds POODLE, Toy, 4 mo. Adult companion cats /Gold for Cash old male. Very social! gen ng central oregon ance 2903 FREE to seniors, dis- DACHSHUND PUPS $300. 541-520-7259 Saxon's Fine Jewelers abled & veterans! Tame, AKC mjnj ionghajred 541-389-6655 Guns, Hunting altered, shots, ID chip, gbM$500 @F $600 Queensland Heelers Find exactly what more. Will always take & Fishing BUYING 541 598 7417 standard & mini,$150 & back if c i rcumstances Lionel/American Flyer you are looking for in the up. 541-280-1537 change. 389-8420.Visit Dachshund pups, mini, rightwayranch.word- Barrett M99 .50 Cal. Mint trains, accessories. CLASSIFIEDS Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, smooth. Permanent love less than 100 rounds 541-408-2191. i nfo: f o r t h e N e w Ye a r . fired; $250 ea, 541-815-3799 Mark 4 4.5-14, BUYING & S E LLING 1 cord dry, split Juniper, S ave/donate your d e- Leopold custom fit Pelican case; All gold jewelry, silver $190/cord. Multi-cord BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! posit bottles/cans to lo- 240 rounds of new fac- and gold coins, bars, 8 2/2cords The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are cal all volunteer, non- t ory a m mo , ov e r rounds, wedding sets, discounts, available. Immediate still over 2,000 folks in our community without profit animal rescue, to class rings, sterling sil- delivery! 541-408-6193 $6,000 inve s ted, help with cat spay/neuter $3,800. 541-504-3386 permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift ver, coin collect, vincosts & other vet bills. camps, getting by as best they can. watches, dental AH Year Dependable See CRAFT's Cans for Bend local pays CASH!! tage The following items are badly needed to gold. Bill Fl e ming,Firewood: Sp lit, Del. Cats trailer at: Jake's for all firearms 8 help them get through the winter: 541-382-9419. Bend. Lod g epole, Diner, 2210 E Hwy. 20, ammo. 541-526-0617 @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 Bend, thru 12/31. Petco, What are you for $350. Cash, Check New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. by Applebee's, Bend, CASH!! e WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. 1/1-1/14. Eagle Crest O or Credit Card OK. For Guns, Ammo & looking for? 541-420-3484. private clubhouse, Reloading Supplies. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT 1 /1 5-1/28. Donate O You'll find it in 541-408-6900. THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER DRY JUNIPER $185/ Smith Sign, 2nd/Olney, 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. open hrs. M-F; or at Tu- Colt SP1 AR15, manuf'd The Bulletin Classifieds split, or $165 rounds For Special pick up please call malo sanctuary anytime. 1968, low ser no's $2750 per cord. Delivered. Ken @ 541-389-3296, Face- obo.Other Mil. rifles; call Call 541-977-4500 or 541-385-5809 PLEASEHELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. book, 541-389-8420. for list. 541-410-2225 541-678-1590 Call 541-390-7029
O r e g o n
Farmers Column 10X20 STORAGE BUILDINGS
Farm Equipment & Machinery
for protecting hay, firewood, livestock etc. $1496 Installed.
2005 John Deere
541-617-1133. CCB ¹t 73684.
790 tractor w/box
blade, loader, quick-connect forks, only 143 hrs, $12,500.
Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at:
541-385-5809 Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, Wanted: Irrigated farm virtually new, less than 5 g r ound, under pivot irhrs. $7500 new; asking rigation, i n C e n tral OR.541-419-2713 $5000.541-421-3222
i i
t The Bulleting
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
wed '"g rn 6 eue. <igE. NL on twtce, atches.Ca PEIS, 2 lurrfbreu go Cn'e. ea. er. elN0 i 0 Cute, .tn nlatrig cnineeeienttte aa n' " . 0 Patio aiea, 2 200 teo ettte 20 0 f 19
„te".i Littte
wdnkle K enterta 00, 2001 H Stk hfng OLID OA < ~ Pa>d $12o $750, Cag
COLOR $20, boorn y s btcy ,' house p 5 rnany +' j I Ke otter ~, ovtngb
t/I o vlng
The Bulletin
There'sgood stuff in here. Shouldn't YOU
be looking.
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541-385-5809 or go to
AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 pm Fri •
Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mone Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Tuese
Spectrum professional building, 3 5 0 '-500', $1.00 per ft. total. No RENTALS N NN. C a l l An d y , 603- Rental Alternatives •
Roommate Wanted
Sharecozy mobile home in Terrebonne, $275+ t/e utils. 503-679-7496
Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon Wed. 630 Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. Rooms for Rent q uiet r oo m n e ar Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • A downtown & College. 732 No smoking or drugs. Commercial/Investment Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 pm Fri. $350 incl. util. $100 Properties for Sale dep. 541-815-9938 • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Studios & Kitchenettes Prime Hwy 97 commerSunday. • • • • Furnished room, TV w/
cable, micro 8 fridge. Utils & l inens. New owners. $145-$165/wk
Starting at 3 lines
Place a photoin your private party ad for only $15.00 perweek.
"UNDER '500in total merchandise
OVER '500in total merchandise
7 days .................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00
Garage Sale Special
4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
4 lines for 4 days..................................
(call for commercial line ad rates)
*Must state prices in ad
Commercial for Rent/Lease
541-382-1885 634
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend e GREATWINTER 8
DEAL! 2 bdrm, 1 bath,
cial updated in 2006, 850 sq.ft., plenty of parking in rear, central a i r . $1 0 9,900. MLS ¹ 201 0 03034 Pam Lester, Principal B roker, Century 2 1 Gold Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 745
Homes for Sale
) •
604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
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$530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! BANK OWNED HOMES! FOX HOLLOW APTS. FREE List w/Pics! A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: (541) 383-31 52 bend and beyond real estate Cascade Rental Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. 762 771 773 20967 yeoman, bend or Management. Co. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( *) Homes with Acreage Lots Acreages Call for Specials! NOTICE REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well Limited numbers avail. All real estate adver- 12-peak huge Cascade Nice flat lot in Terrebas any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Gor g eous onne, .56 a c res, CHECK YOUR AD tised here in is sub- views. 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Please call us immediately if a correction is 636 familial status or na- Central Oregon Realty Inc. 541-504-1338 If this happens to your needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or Apt./Multiplex NW Bend tional origin, or inten- Group, LLC ad, please contact us reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher 773 the first day your ad shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days Nice, quiet, upper level 2 tion to make any such Acreages preferences, l i mitaappears and we will will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. Bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, tions or discrimination. 764 be happy to fix it as W/S/G/cable pd, laundry We will not knowingly 4 .38 Acre v i e w l o t s oon as w e c a n . 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ACROSS i Goose egg 6 "Major" beast io Porter's regretful Miss i4 From Basra, say is Time to stuff stockings is [sigh]
Sweden wins the gold By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
Sweden won the Open Teams at the 2012 World Championships in L ille, France. England took t h e Women's title. Hungary won the Seniors event, beating the United States in the final. In the Open, Sweden ousted the U.S. in a quarterfinal match in which the U.S.chucked away many points. In today's deal, East for the U.S. opened one heart, and Sweden's South doubled, ignoring his skimpy values and the adverse vulnerabilty. He was made sorry when West redoubled. After two passes,South rescued himself to one spade, but the mission failed: West doubled. South managed four tricks, minus 800.
o pens one h eart, y o u b i d t w o diamonds, he rebids two hearts and you try three clubs. Partner next bids three diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: I wouldn't be eager to rush into 3NT: If partner has a hand such as 3 2, K Q J 5 4, A 4 3, Q J 4, t hat contract w o ul d h a v e l i t t l e chance. Still, game prospects are too good to pass. Your best call is three spades, showing something in the suit but doubt about notrump. East dealer N-S vulnerable
OTHER TABLE WEST 4A97 97 O K Q J65 4K763
EAST 4Q83 9 AQ J 103 2 OA 4 1095
SOUTH 4oK J54 95 098432 AAQ2
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Youhold: 4 A 9 7 Q 7 0 KQ J65 A K 7 6 3 . Y ourpartner (C) 20!3 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
4i Kitty
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43 Alternative to
se Link with sy Fictional Flanders and Devine ss Kind of day for a competitive cyclist ss Historic English county
20 23
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NORTH 4 10 6 2 QK9864 O 107 4 J 84
That looked like a U.S. gain, but at the other table East for S weden opened two hearts, 10 to 15 points ... and South for the U.S. doubled! W hy players at t hi s l e vel o f competition won't exercise a little discretion in obvious situations is a mystery. This time South ended at two spades doubled, minus 1,100. And Sweden gained seven IMPs in a match the U.S. eventually lost by four.
ss Outgoing flight stat 36 The rest of the algebra problem
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48 The "It Girl" Bow 5 8 www connection 49 Georgetown option hoopsters 59 Go (for)
S E S ! L V E Q Y E A R S R T E N A P E S P A A C M E S L ! P R E A D E N A M E L A A T R I L O C E T S D E T R Y S T E D A A H T ! M E R C A O R A N O T T P E N D 5
S P 0 S N S S E 0 RO L E S L A M PIA S DUB SS Q U A R E LU N G E D EA 01/02/13 10
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46 Hot-rodder's
3>L ~ u ~ X
by David L. Heyt and Jeff K«urek
Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter 10 each square, to form four ordinary words.
We need to oet out of here That storm looks serious.
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THE 5TORM HEAPING TOWARP THE cEMETERY CREATEt2 —Now arrange the circled letters lo form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
v « " 4 j ' ) oi'p 62
"Slx years ago he started putting up a towel rack."
(Anowere tomorrow) J umbles: AWAIT RA T I O PAL A C E THR A S H Answer: Even though he no longer had8 uoe for hio comb, he wasn't going to — PART WITH IT
familiarly 57 Annual Mexican celebration 60 Trivial picking point 61 Not exactly social butterflies 62 "I don't give !" 63 NFL snapper 64 Jaguar or impala 65 Tweed's caricaturist 66 "Hurrah!"
27 32
golfing Spaniard,
02013 T«bune Media Services, On z „ Ao Rights Reserved.
52 American competitor, as it was once known 55 Chewy candy brand 56 Memorable
29 3 0
42 45
46 52 5 3 57
47 4 8
50 56
By Robert Cirillo (0)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
01/02/1 3
Boats & Accessories
oQ00 Snowmobiles 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, very fast! Reduced to $6295. 541-221-5221
Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Firecats: EFI Snowpro & EFI EXT, excellent cond, $2800 ea;
13' Smokercraft '85, good cond., 15HP gas Evinrude + Minnkota 44 elec. motor, fish finder, 2 extra seats, trailer, extra equip. $2900. 541-388-9270
Waterc r a ft
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
$10,000 541-719-8444
Ads published in "Watercraft" include: Kayks, rafts and motorIzed personal watercrafts. For • " boats" please see ing motor, full cover, Class 870. EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. • 541-385-5809
17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, troll-
The Bulletin
Fifth Wheels
Hunter's Delight! Package deal! 1988 Winnebago Super Chief, Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t 2004, onry 34K, loaded, Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slideshape; 1988 Bronco II too much to list, ext'd 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K warr. thru 2014, $54,900 outs, inverter, satellite sys, fireplace, 2 mostly towed miles, Dennis, 541-589-3243 nice rig! $15,000 both. flat screen TVs. 881 541-382-3964, leave $60,000. Travel Trailers 541-480-3923 msg.
Jayco Seneca 2 007, 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy 5 500 d i e sel, to y hauler $130 , 000.
Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009
low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939
Country Coach Intrigue Just too many 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins Diecollectibles? sel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new Sell them in tires & batteries. Most 860 The Bulletin Classifieds options.$95,000 OBO Motorcycles & Accessories 541-678-5712
Harley Davidson Soft- 541-385-5809 Tail D e luxe 20 0 7 , white/cobalt, w / passenger kit, Vance & Hines muffler system 20.5' 2004 Bayliner & kit, 1045 mi., exc. Run About, 220 c ond, $19,9 9 9 , 205 HP, V8, open bow, 541-389-9188. exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, Get your lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & business custom trailer, $19,500.
~ OO
Econoline RV 19 8 9 , fully loaded, exc. cond, 35K m i. , R e d uced $16,950. 541-546-6133
Harley Heritage Softail, 2003 $5,000+ in extras, $2000 paint job, 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information please call 541-385-8090 or 209-605-5537
20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO.
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Class 875.
HD Screaming Eagle Electra Glide 2005, 541-385-5809 103" motor, two tone candy teal, new tires, 23K miles, CD player Serving Cenlral Oregon since 1903 hydraulic clutch, exGENERATE SOME excellent condition. citement in your neigHighest offer takes it. borhood. Plan a ga541-480-8080. rage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809. Softail Deluxe 2010, 805 miles, Black Chameleon. Ser mg Central Oregon srnce 1903
The Bulletin
$17,000 Call Don @ 541-410-3823
Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At:
Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435
Tick, Tock Tick, Tock...
Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales Find them in
away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!
'QolI I
Springdale 29' 2 0 07, 541-815-2380 slide,Bunkhouse style, sleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $ 1 6 ,900,
Aircraft, Parts
& Service
K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 slide, AC, TV, awning. NEW: tires, converter, batteries. Hardly used. $15,500. 541-923-2595 Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 29', weatherized, like n ew, f u rnished & ready to go, incl Wineard S a t ellite dish, 26,995. 541-420-9964
MONTANA 3585 2008, III W
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $37,500.
91 ~NN i
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
a v v t Hyster H25E, runs 1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718
well, 2982 Hours, $3500, call 541-749-0724
1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963
Peterbilt 359 p o table water t ruck, 1 9 90, 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, 1/3 interest i n w e l l- 3200 gal. tank, 5hp too many extras to list, equipped IFR Beech Bo- pump, 4-3" h o ses,$8500 obo. Serious buynanza A36, new 10-550/ camlocks, $ 2 5,000. ers only. 541-536-0123 prop, located KBDN. 541-820-3724 $65,000. 541-419-9510 Find It in
Utility Trailers
Th e Bulletin Classifieds!
(Bend Municipal Airport)
NOW OPEN under new management! Monaco Dynasty 2004, Weekend Warrior Toy 541-420-3250 Come 8 see us! loaded, 3 slides, dieOpen Monday-Friday 8-3 Big Tex LandscapHauler 28' 2007, Gen, sel, Reduced - now Nuyya 297LK H i tching/ ATV Trailer, fuel station, exc cond. Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Call 541-318-8989 $119,000, 5 4 1-923541-385-5809 dual axle flatbed, 8572 or 541-749-0037 sleeps 8, black/gray 32' touring coach, left : ~ e . =:M '::~ - ~ m f 7'x16', 7000 lb. i nterior, u se d 3X , kitchen, rear lounge, Executive Hangar Chevy C-20 Pickup GVW, all steel, FIND IT! $24,999. at Bend Airport CAN'T BEAT THIS! many extras, beautiful 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 541-389-9188 $1400. BVY ITS L ook before y o u (KBDN) c ond. inside & o u t, auto 4-spd, 396, model 541-382-4115, or buy, below market SELL IT! $32,900 OBO, Pnnev- 60' wide x 50' deep, Advertise your car! CST /all options, orig. 541-280-7024. value! Size & mile- The Bulletin Classifieds ille. 541-447-5502 days w/55' wide x 17' high Add A Prcture! owner, $22,000, age DOES matter! Reach thousands of readers! & 541-447-1641 eves. bi-fold door. Natural 541-923-6049 n . Class A 32' HurriCall 541-385-5809 gas heat, office, bathcane by Four Winds, Walton 14' dump room. Parking for 6 II I g i . The Bulletin Ctasstfieds 2007. 12,500 mi, all trailer, power c ars. A d jacent t o amenities, Ford V10, up/power down, Frontage Rd; g reat Looking for your Ithr, cherry, slides, 7,000 Ib tandem axvisibility for a viation next employee? like new! New low bus. 1jetjock© les, used very little, Place a Bulletin help Southwind 35.5' Triton, price, $54,900. 541-948-2126 new $11,900; mine, 541-548-521 6 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du- wanted ad today and P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h Chevy Wagon 1957, $7200. reach over 60,000 wheel, 1 s lide, AC, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 4-dr., complete, 541-350-3921 readers each week. Bought new at TV,full awning, excel- P iper A r cher 1 9 8 0, G ulfstream Sce n i c $7,000 OBO, trades, Your classified ad based in Madras, allent shape, $23,900. $132,913, please call Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, will also appear on ways hangared since 541-350-8629 asking $93,500. 541-389-6998 Cummins 330 hp new. Ne w a n nual, Call 541-419-4212 sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 Automotive Parts, • which currently reauto pilot, IFR, one 300 C o upe in. kitchen slide out, ceives over 1.5 milpiece win d s hield. Service & Accessories Chrysler 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, new tires,under cover, lion page views evFastest Archer auto. trans, ps, air, hwy. miles only,4 door ery month at no around. 1750 t o t al ~ We Buy Junk frame on rebuild, refridge/freezer iceextra cost. Bulletin time. $ 68,50 0 . Cars & Trucks! painted original blue, maker, W/D combo, Classifieds Get Re541-325-3556 Cash paid for junk original blue interior, Pilgrim In t e rnational Interbath t ub & sults! Call 385-5809 vehicles, batteries 8 original hub caps, exc. 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, shower, 50 amp proor place your ad T-Hangar for rent catalytic converters. chrome, asking $9000 Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 pane gen & m o re! Sundancer 26' 1987, on-line at at Bend airport. Serving all of C.O.! or make offer. 51K mi., exc. cond. Fall price $ 2 1,865. Call 541-382-8998. $55,000. Call 541-408-1090 • 541-385-9350 541-312-4466 541-948-2310 $8000. 541-419-9251 The Bulletin Classifieds
The Bulletin
'55 Chevy 2 dr . wgn P ROJECT car, 3 5 0 small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel rim with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Diamond Reo Dump Weld Prostar whls, ex Truck 19 7 4, 1 2-14 tra rolling chassis + yard box, runs good, extras. $6000 for all. 541-389-7669. $6900, 541-548-6812
Fleetwood Wilderness 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, rear bdrm, fireplace, AC, W/D hkup beautiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500.
...don't let time get
with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, new paint (2004), new inverter (2007). Onan 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, parked covered $35,000 obo. 541-419-9859 or
Springdale 2005 27', 4' slide in dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811
'10 - 3 lines, 7 days '16 - 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only)
BOATS & RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent
Have an item to sell quick? If it's under '500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classifieds for:
COACHMEN 1979 23' trailer Fully equipped. $2000. 541-312-8879 or 541-350-4622.
18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP,
• 8 ~
!II,, r'<--
o ar e o r n e m em"
a s"-
and yOur ad aPPearS in PRINTand ON-LINEat denddulletin.COm
g M
ALL 541-385-5809 F R Y URFREE LA IFIED AD "Excludes all service, hay, wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets, weapons, rentals and employment advertising, and all commercial accounts. Must be an individual item under $200.00 and price of individual item must be included in the ad.
The Bulletin
Ask your Bulletin Sales Representative about special pricing, longer run schedules and additional features. Limit1 ad per item per 30 days.
a a
Antique & Classic Autos
DON'TMISSTHIS Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CD S R oyal RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Standard, 8-cylinder, hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, body is good, needs am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. some r e s toration, 541-420-3634/390-1285 runs, taking bids, 541-383-3888, 935 541-815-3318 Sport Utility Vehicles
Ford Crown V i ctoria 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., V 8, o r i g . own e r , 70,300 mi., studs on, reat condition. 3000. 541-549-0058.
Honda Civic LX 2008, like new,
Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean, m echanicall y sound, 82k miles. $20,995. Call 541-815-1216
Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 4x4. 120K mi, Power seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd row seating, e xtra tires, CD, pnvacy tinting, upgraded rims. Fantastic cond. $7995 Contact Timm at Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 541-408-2393 for info 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, or to view vehicle. 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & radio (orig),541-419-4989 Ford Explorer 4x4, Just bought a new boat? 1991 - 154K miles, Sell your old one in the 5-speed tranny classifieds! Ask about our rare 8 manual hubs, Super Seller rates! clean, straight, ev541-385-5809 eryday driver. Was Ford Mustang Coupe $2200; now $1900! 1966, original owner, Bob, 541-318-9999 V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO. 530-51 5-8199 Jeep Wrangler 4x4, 1997 6-cyl, soft top, Ford Ranchero roll bar, front tow 1979 bar, new tires, with 351 Cleveland chrome rims, 103K modified engine. miles, gd cond, Body is in $5700 obo. 541-504-3253 or excellent condition, 503-504-2764 $2500 obo. 541-420-4677
Mercedes Benz MClass 2011 ¹709224 9k mi., $48,998
Oregon AutoSource GMC V~ ton 1971, Only 541-598-3750 $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171
Porsche Cayenne 2004, Plymouth B a r racuda 86k, immac, dealer 1966, original car! 300 maint'd, loaded, now $17000. 503-459-1 580 hp, 360 V8, centerlines, (Original 273 940 eng & wheels incl.) 541-593-2597 Vans PROJECT CARS: Chevv 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Chevy Coupe 1950 rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, complete car, $ 1949; Cadillac Series 61 1950, Chevrolet G20 Sports2 dr. hard top, complete man, 1993, exlnt cond, w/spare f r ont cl i p ., $4750. 541-362-5559 or $3950, 541-382-7391 541-663-6046
DON'l MISSIHIS VW Karman Ghia 1970, good cond., new upholstery and convertible top. $10,000. 541-389-2636
VW Thing 1974, good cond. Extremely Rare! Only built in 1973 & 1 974. $8,000 . 541-389-2636
Chevy Astro Cargo Van2001, pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well maint'd, regular oil changes,$4500. Please call 541-633-5149
Roller (no engine), lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, racing seats, 911 dash & instruments, d ecent shape, v e r y c o ol! $1699. 541-678-3249
Toyota Camrysr 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592 Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS Toyota Corolla 2004, auto., loaded, 204k miles. orig. owner, non smoker, exc. c ond. $6500 Prin e ville 503-358-8241
Chev 1994 G20 cus- VW Beetle, 2002 tomized van, 1 2 8k, 5-spd, silver-gray, black 3 50 motor, HD t o w leather, moonroof, CD, e quipped, seats 7 , loaded, 115K miles, well-maintained sleeps 2. comfort, utility road ready, nice (have records) cond. $4000?Trade for extremely clean, mini van. Call Bob, $4650 obo. 541-318-9999 541-546-6920
Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 Looking for your 7 -pass. v a n wit h next employee? p ower c h a i r lif t , Pickups Place a Bulletin help $1500; 1989 Dodge Turbo Va n 7 - pass. wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 has new motor and t rans., $1500. I f i n - readers each week. Your classified ad terested c a l l Jay will also appear on 503-269-1057. 975 which currently reFord 250 XLT 1990, ceives over 1.5 mil6 yd. dump bed, Automobiles lion page views 139k, Auto, $5500. every month at 541-410-9997 no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at BMW Z4 Roadster 2005, 62K miles, exFord F350 2008 Crew cond. $14,000. Cab, diesel, 55K miles, cellent 541-604-9064 I The Bulletin recoml fully loaded, $32,000. mends extra caution i 541-480-0027 Buick Lucerne CXL when p u r chasing I FORD RANGER X LT 2009, $12,500, low i products or services low miles; 2000 Buick 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 from out of the area. speed, with car alarm, Century $2900. You'll i S ending c ash , not find nicer Buicks CD player, extra tires checks, or credit inOne look's worth a on rims. Runs good. formation may be I thousand words. Call Clean. 92,000 miles toFRAUD. o n m o t or . $2 6 0 0 Bob, 541-318-9999. i subject more i nformafor an appt. and take a i For OBO. 541-771-6511. tion about an adverdrive in a 30 mpg car! tiser, you may call GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy I the Oregon State I Duty Camper Special Attorney General's i 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, Office C o n sumer auto., 40k miles on
i i
new eng., brakes & tires good. $ 2495. 541-504-3833
I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 t on dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-41 9-5480.
I i
i Protection hotline at
ChryslerSebring 2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond, very low miles (38k), always garaged, transferable warranty incl. $8100 obo
The Bulletin
Say "goodbuy" to that unused 541-848-9180 item by placing it in People Look for Information The Bulletin Classifieds About Products and Services Every Daythrough 5 41 -385-580 9 The Bulletin Classifieds
C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON one owner. CHUTES COUNTY. $13,500. Wells Fargo Bank, 54 I -550-0994. NA dba A mericas Servicing Company, Mitsubishi 3 00 0 G T its successors in 1 999, a u to., p e a r l interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. w hite, very low m i . Robert T. Seliger; $9500. 541-788-8218. NW 9th Street, LLC; and Occupants of Take care of the Premises, Deyour investments fendant/s. Case No.: 11CV1047. NOwith the help from T ICE O F SAL E The Bulletin's UNDER WRIT OF "Call A Service EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Professional" Directory Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 17, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County Sheriff's Off i c e, 63333 W. Highway "My Little Red Corvette" 20, Bend, Oregon, 1996 coupe. 132K, sell, at public oral 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. auction to the high$1 2,500 541-923-1781 est bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 3032 Northwest 9th Court, R e d mond, Oregon 97756, to wit, Lot Thirty-Nine Nissan Sentra, 2012(39), PINE TREE 12,610 mi, full warranty, MEADOWS PHASE PS, PB, AC, & more! Deschutes $16,000. 541-788-0427 2, County, O r e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Porsche 911 1974, low for the County of mi., complete motor/ Deschutes, d a ted trans. rebuild, tuned December 10, 2012, suspension, int. & ext. to me directed in the refurb., oil c o oling, bove-entitled a c shows new in & out, a wherein Wells perf. mech. c o n d. tion Fargo Bank, NA dba Much more! Americas Servicing $28,000 541-420-2715 Company, its sucPORSCHE 914 1974, cessors in interest
always garaged, loaded. 27k mi.,
FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, door panels w/flowers 8 hummingbirds, white soft top 8 hard top. Just reduced to $3,750. 541-317-9319 or 541-647-8483
Legal Notices •
An important premise upon which the principle of democracy is based is thatinformation about government activities must be accessible in order for the electorate to make well-informed decisions. Public notices provide this sort of accessibility fo citizens who want to know more about government activities. Read your Public Notices daily in The Bulletin classifieds or go and click on "Classified Ads"
The Bulletin
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
o f service o n t h e Plaintiff's attorney or, if the Plaintiff does not have a n at t orney, proof of service on the Plaintiff. The subject of this a judicial foreclosure of real property commonly known as 55080 Pinewood Ave, Bend, OR 97707 for non-payment of mortgage debt. If you have questions, you should see an attorn ey immediately. I f y ou need h elp i n finding an a t torney, you may call the Ore gon S t at e B a r's Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800)
I nc.; an d O c cupants of th e P remises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0043. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on January 17, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Off i c e, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 4 52-7636. DA T E D : 19546 Mea d owDecember 28, 2012. brook Drive, Bend, / s/ K atrina E . Gl - O regon 97702, t o ogowski, OSB wit, Lot Eight (8), ¹035386, Glogowski Westbrook M e adLaw Firm PLLC, 506 ows P.U.D., Phase 2nd Ave. Ste. 2600, 3, Deschutes Seattle, W A 9 8 1 04 County, State of Or(206) 903-9966. Fax egon. Said sale is made under a Writ (206) 405-2701. o f E x ecution i n LEGAL NOTICE Foreclosure issued IN TH E C I R CUIT out of t h e C i rcuit C OURT O F T H E Court of the State of STATE O F OROregon f o r the DESEGON C ounty o f Des CHUTES COUNTY, chutes, dated NoWells Fargo Bank, vember 28, 2012, to N.A., its successors me directed in the in interest and/or a bove-entitled a c assigns, Plaintiff/s, tion wherein Fedv. Guy Thus; and eral National MortO ccupants of t h e A s sociation, Premises, D e f en- gage its successors in dant/s. Case No.: interest and/or as11CV0784. NOsigns, as plaintiff/s, T ICE O F SA L E recovered General UNDER WRIT OF Judgment of ForeEXECUTION closure Against: (1) REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r e by Christopher Jacobson, (2) Sandra Jagiven that I will on cobson, (3) West January 31, 2013 at Brook Homeowners 1 0:00 AM i n t h e Association, Inc., (4) main lobby of t he O ccupants of t h e Deschutes County Premises; and S heriff's Of fi c e , Money Award 63333 W. Highway Against Christopher and/or assigns, as 20, Bend, Oregon, Jacobson; and Sanp laintiff/s, re c o v- sell, at public oral dra Jacobson, on ered General Judgauction to the highOctober 30, 2012, ment o f F o r eclo- est bidder, for cash against Christopher sure Against: (1) or cashier's check, Jacobson, S andra Robert T. S eliger, the following real J acobson, Wes t (2) NW 9th Street, property, known as Brook Me a dows LLC; and M o ney 6 0869 J asm i ne Homeowners AssoAward Against: In P lace, Bend, O r c iation, Inc., a n d R em T h e Rea l egon 97702, to wit, O ccupants of t h e Property Located at Lot 5 in Block 4 of Premises as defen3032 Northwest 9th GOLDEN MANTLE dant/s. BE F O RE Court, R e d mond, THIRD ADDITION, B IDDING AT T H E Oregon 97756 on Deschutes County, SALE, A PRONovember 13, 2012, Oregon. Said sale is S PECTIVE BIDagainst Robert T. made under a Writ DER SHOULD INSeliger and NW 9th o f E x ecution i n DEPENDENTLY Street, LLC, as deForeclosure issued INVESTIGATE: (a) fendant/s. BEFORE out of t h e C i rcuit The priority of the B IDDING AT T H E Court of the State of lien or interest of the SALE, A PROOregon f o r the judgment c r editor; S PECTIVE BID C ounty o f Des (b)Land use laws DER SHOULD INchutes, dated Deand regulations apDEPENDENTLY cember 12, 2012, to plicable to the propINVESTIGATE: (a) me directed in the erty; (c)Approved The priority of the a bove-entitled a c uses for the proplien or interest of the tion wherein Wells e rty; (d) Limits o n judgment creditor; Fargo Bank, N.A., farming o r f o r est (b) Land use laws i ts successors i n p ractices o n th e and regulations apinterest and/or asproperty; (e) Rights plicable to the propsigns, as plaintiff/s, of neig h boring erty; (c)Approved recovered General property o w n ers; uses for the propJudgment of Foreand (f) Environmene rty; (d) Limits o n closure on July 24, tal laws and regulafarming o r f o r est 2012, against Guy tions that affect the p ractices o n th e Thus as p roperty. L A R RY property; (e) Rights d efendant/s. BE B LANTON, D e s of neig h boring FORE BIDDING AT c hutes Coun t y property o w n ers; THE SAL E , A Sheriff. Ant h o ny and (f)EnvironmenPROSPECTIVE Raguine, Civil tal laws and regulaBIDDER SHOULD T echnician. D a t e: tions that affect the INDEPENDENTLY December 13, 2012. p roperty. L A R RY INVESTIGATE: (a) Published in Bend B LANTON, D e s - The priority of the Bulletin. D at e of c hutes Coun t y lien or interest of the First and S uccesSheriff. Ant h o ny judgment c r editor; sive P u b lications: Raguine, Civil (b) Land use laws December 19, 2012; Technician. D a te: and regulations apDecember 26, 2012; December 13, 2012. plicable to the propJanuary 2 , 2 0 1 3. Published in Bend erty; (c)Approved Date of Last PubliBulletin. D at e of uses for the propc ation: January 9 , First and Succese rty; (d) Limits o n 2013. Attorney: Tony sive P u b lications: farming o r f o r est Kullen, OSB December 19, 2012; p ractices o n th e ¹ 090218, Rou t h December 26, 2012; property; (e) Rights January 2 , 2 0 1 3. of neig h boring Crabtree Olsen, PC, Date of Last Publiproperty o w n ers; 511 SW 10th Ave nue, S uite 4 0 0 , c ation: January 9 , and (f) EnvironmenPortland, OR 97205, 2013. Attorney: Erik tal laws and regula(503) 459 - 01 01. Wilson, OSB tions that affect the Conditions of Sale: ¹ 095507, Rou t h p roperty. L A R RY Potential bi d d ers Crabtree Olsen, PC, B LANTON, D esmust arrive 15 min5 11 SW 1 0th A v c hutes Coun t y u tes prior t o t h e e nue, Suite 4 0 0 , Sheriff. Ant h o ny auction to allow the Portland, OR 97205, Raguine, Civil Deschutes County (503) 459 - 0104. Technician. D a t e: S heriff's Office t o Conditions of Sale: December 20, 2012. review bidd e r's Potential bi d ders Published in Bend f unds. Only U . S . must arrive 15 minBulletin. D at e of c urrency and / o r u tes prior t o t h e First and S uccesc h e cks auction to allow the sive P u b lications: cashier's m ade payable t o Deschutes County December 26, 2012; Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o J anuary 2 , 2 0 1 3 ; Sheriff's Office will review bidd e r's January 9 , 2 0 1 3. be accepted. Payf unds. Only U . S . Date of Last Publiment must be made c urrency and / o r cation: January 16, in full immediately cashier's ch e c ks 2013. Attorney: Erik upon the close of m ade payable t o Wilson, OSB the sale. Deschutes County ¹ 095507, Rou t h Sheriff's Office will Crabtree Olsen, PC, LEGAL NOTICE be accepted. Pay5 11 SW 1 0th A v IN TH E C I RCUIT ment must be made e nue, S uite 4 0 0 , C OURT O F T H E in full immediately Portland, OR 97205, STATE O F O Rupon the close of DES(503) 459 - 0104. EGON the sale. Conditions of Sale: CHUTES COUNTY. Potential bi d d ers G MA C M O RTLEGAL NOTICE G AGE, L L C , it s IN T H E CI R C UIT must arrive 15 minsuccessors in interCOURT O F THE u tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the est and/or assigns, STATE OF OREGON Deschutes County Plaintiff/s, v. Laura FOR THE COUNTY S heriff's Office t o Horrell; Craig HorOF DESCHUTES US review bidd e r's rell; and Occupants Bank, National Assof unds. Only U . S . of th e P r e mises, c iation, P laintiff, v . and / o r Defendant/s. Case Mark W. Kennedy, et c urrency ch e c ks No.: 12C V 0283. al, Defendants. Case cashier's m ade payable t o NOTICE OF SALE No.: 12CV1031 UNDER WRIT OF SUMMONS BY PUB- Deschutes County EXECUTION LICATION N O T ICE Sheriff's Office will be accepted. PayREAL PROPERTY. TO DE F ENDANTS ment must be made Notice i s h e r eby R EAD THESE P A in full immediately given that I will on PERS CAREFULLY! January 15, 2013 at You must "appear" in upon the close of 1 0:00 AM i n t h e this case or the other the sale. main lobby of t he side will win automatiLEGAL NOTICE Deschutes County c ally. T o "appear" IN TH E C I RCUIT S heriff's Offi c e , you must file with the C OURT O F T H E 63333 W. Highway court a legal paper STATE O F OR20, Bend, Oregon, called a "motion" or EGON DESsell, at public oral "answer." The "mo- CHUTES COUNTY. to the hightion" or "answer" must Federal Na t i onal auction est bidder, for cash be given to the court Mortgage Associaor cashier's check, clerk or administrator tion, its successors the following real within 30 days of the in interest and/or property, known as date of first publica- assigns, Plaintiff/s, 3401 Northeast Wild tion, January 2, 2013, v. Christopher JaRivers Loop, Bend, a long with t h e r e - cobson; Sandra JaO regon 97701, t o q uired filing fee. I t cobson; West Brook Th i rteen must be i n p r o per Meadows H o m e- wit, L o t TASMAN (13), form and have proof owners Association,
L e g al Notices RISE, PHASES AND II, Deschutes County, O r e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a t ed November 26, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC, its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure Against: (1) L aura Horrell ( 2 ) C raig Horrell A n d Money Awar d A gainst th e R e a l Property Located at 3401 Northeast Wild Rivers Loop, Bend, Oregon 97701-0000 o n O c t ober 11 , 2012, against Laura Horrell and C raig Horrell as d e f end ant/s. BEF O RE B IDDING AT T H E SALE,
S PECTIVE BID DER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b)Land use laws
and regulations applicable to the prop-
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n
farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e
property; (e) Rights
of neig h boring property o w n ers;
and (f)Environmental laws and regula-
tions that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Des-
c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: December 10, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive P u b lications: December 12, 2012; December 19, 2012; December 26, 2012. Date of Last Public ation: January 2 , 2013. Attorney:Chris Fowler, OSB ¹ 052544, Rou t h C rabtree Ols e n , P.C., 511 SW 10th A ve., S t e . 400 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 517 - 9776. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's c h e cks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Travis Skinner; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0852. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 15, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 20772 Liberty Lane, B end, Oreg o n 9 7701, to w it ,
Twenty (20), Majestic Phase II, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 26, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mortgage A s sociation, its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered S t i p ul ated Gene r a l Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendant: 1) Travis Skinner, on O ctober 8, 2012, against Travis Skinner as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT T HE SA L E , A P ROS P ECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;
(b)Land use laws
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
and regulations apPotential bi d ders plicable to the propmust arrive 15 minerty; (c)Approved u tes prior t o t h e uses for the propauction to allow the e rty; (d) Limits o n Deschutes County farming o r f o r est S heriff's Office t o p ractices o n th e review bidd e r's property; (e) Rights f unds. Only U . S. of neig h boring c urrency and / o r property o w n ers; cashier's ch e c ks and (f)Environmenm ade payable t o tal laws and regulaDeschutes County tions that affect the Sheriff's Office will p roperty. L A R RY be accepted. PayB LANTON, D esment must be made c hutes Coun t y in full immediately Sheriff. Ant h o ny upon the close of Raguine, Civ il the sale. Technician. D a t e: LEGAL NOTICE December 10, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE OF Published in Bend DISSOLUTION Bulletin. D at e of Cascade Med i c al First and S uccesLLC, an sive P u b lications: Transports, Oregon limited liabilDecember 12, 2012; ity (the "Company"), December 19, 2012; was dissolved on DeDecember 26, 2012. cember 1, 2012. The Date of Last PubliC ompany filed a r c ation: January 2 , ticles of d i ssolution 2013. Attorney: Tony with the Oregon SecKullen, OSB retary of State on De¹ 090218, Rou t h cember 20, 2012. This Crabtree Olsen, PC, notice is being pub511 SW 10th Avlished in accordance e nue, S uite 4 0 0 , with ORS 63.644. The Portland, OR 97205, Company r e quests (503) 459 - 0101. t hat p e rsons w i t h Conditions of Sale: c laims against t h e Potential bi d d ers Company pr e s ent must arrive 15 minthem in accordance u tes prior t o t h e with this n otice. A auction to allow the claim must include the Deschutes County following information: S heriff's Office t o (a) the name, mailing review bidd e r's address, and t e l ef unds. Only U . S . phone number of the c urrency and / o r (b) the name cashier's c h e cks claimant; or title of t h e i n dim ade payable t o vidual w h o m t he Deschutes County Company may conSheriff's Office will tact about the claim be accepted. Payand, if different from ment must be made the telephone numin full immediately ber of the claimant, upon the close of the telephone numthe sale. ber of such individual; LEGAL NOTICE (c) the facts supportIN TH E C I RCUIT ing the claim; and (d) C OURT O F T H E any other information STATE O F ORthat may assist the DESEGON Company in evaluatCHUTES COUNTY. ing the c laim. The US Bank National claim may be sent to: Association, as Cascade Med i c al Trustee for B AFC Transports, LLC, 1224 2007-4, its succesNW Fort Clatsop St., sors i n int e rest B end, O R 977 0 1 , and/or ass i gns, Attn: G avin N o ble, Plaintiff/s, V. MD. A claim against L awrence Lan e ; the Company will be Jackie Lane; Hawk's barred unless a proRidge Owner's Asceeding to enforce the sociation; and Occlaim is commenced cupants of the Prewithin five years after mises, Defendant/s. the publication of this Case No.: notice. DATED AND 11CV0780. NOP U BLI SHED this 2nd T ICE O F SA L E day of January, 2013. UNDER WRIT OF PUBLIC NOTICE EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
BRPD Notice i s h e r eby Com rehensive Plan given that I will on U date Available for January 10, 2013 at Review 1 0 00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he The Bend Park and Deschutes County Recreation District inS heriff's Of fi c e , vites public review of 63333 W. Highway and comment on an 20, Bend, Oregon, u pdate to its 2 0 05 sell, at public oral Parks, Rec r eation auction to the highand Green Spaces est bidder, for cash Comprehensive P/an. or cashier's check, The purpose of the the following real "Plan" is t o p rovide property, known as c omprehensive a n d 2485 Nor t h west strategic planning di Todds Crest Drive, r ection through a n B end, Oreg o n extensive needs as97701, to wit, Lot 2, sessment and comHawk's Ridge munity input process Phase One, Desand a thorough evaluchutes County, Oration of al l e xisting egon. Said sale is district facilities and made under a Writ f uture needs, p a rk o f E x ecution i n and facility developForeclosure issued ment, administration out of t h e C i rcuit and finance, operaCourt of the State of tions, and recreation Oregon f o r the programming. C ounty o f Des chutes, dated NoThe "2012 Plan Upvember 26, 2012, to date" is a limited reme directed in the view and revision of a bove-entitled a c the 2005 Comprehent ion w herein U S sive Plan, not a wholly Bank National Asnew plan. It updates sociation, as materials contained in Trustee for B AFC the 2005 Plan includ2007-4, its succesing the district populasors i n int e rest tion estimate, facility and/or assigns, as inventories, a ssessp laintiff/s, re c o vment of r e c reation ered General Judgand a ment of F o r eclo- fprogramming orecast o f fut u r e s ure on J uly 3 1 , needs. The 2012 Plan 2012, against Update also includes L awrence La n e , new community surJ ackie Lane a n d vey information and Hawk's Ridge planning methodoloOwner's A s s ocia- gies developed since tion as defendant/s. the 2005 Plan was BEFORE BIDDING written. AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE The draft 2012 Plan BIDDER S H OULD Update is posted on INDEPENDENTLY the district website, INVESTIGATE: (a) www.bendparksanThe priority of the, for public relien or interest of the view and c omment. judgment creditor; Written comments on (b) Land use laws the draft Plan Update and regulations apwill be taken through plicable to the prop5:00 p.m., January 11, erty; (c)Approved 2013. T h e di s t rict uses for the propBoard of Directors will e rty; (d) Limits o n verbal comfarming or f o rest receive ments during t h eir p ractices o n th e regular busi n ess property; (e) Rights meeting at 7:00 p.m. of neig h boring on Tuesday, January property o w ners; 15, 2012. It is anticiand (f) Environmenpated that the revised tal laws and regulaBPRD C o mprehentions that affect the ive Plan w i l l b e p roperty. L A R RY sadopted by the board B LANTON, Des on February 5, 2013. c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: December 10, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive P u b lications: December 12, 2012; December 19, 2012; December 26, 2012. Date of Last Public ation: January 2 , 2013. Att o r ney: Find them jn Calvin Knic k erbocker, OSB The Bulletin
Garage Sales
Garage Sales
Garage Sales
¹ 050110,
Rout h
C rabtree
Ols e n ,
P.C., 511 SW 10th
A ve., S t e . 40 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0140. Conditions of Sale: