Serving Central Oregon since1903 75| t
SATURDAY March 2,2013
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Dinner'S ready —Hotbars are a hot trend, with a grow-
ing number of grocery stores doing the cooking for their
A new heart —Twoweeks
u tisit t
after her transplant, 9-yearold Lindsey
on future
of pond
Bingham is ready to start the next chapter of her life.B1
By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
Bend residents appear to be split down the middle on whether Mirror Pond should remain a pond or be transformed into a freeflowing river, according to the results of a questionnaire released Friday. Nearly 1,900 people completed the online questionnaire created by the Mirror Pond Steering Committee, a group assembled by the Bend City Council in 2009 to determine what, if anything, should be done to address silt that has been accumulating in the pond since it was last dredged in 1984. Project manager Jim Figurski stressed that the results are not scientific. Statistically valid surveys use random sampling to discern the opinions of the larger community; while the questionnaire participants opted into the process by visiting the mirrorpondbend .com website and electing to complete the 18-item questionnaire Survey participants were disproportionately from the northwest quadrant of the city — 46 percent — and primarily long-time residents of Bend. Just 18 percent of participants reported having lived in Bend five years or less, while 27 percent have lived here 10-20 years and 36 percent for 20 years or longer. See Mirror Pond/A5
Startup contest —Two Central Oregon companies have a shot at competing for
angel-investment funds in a statewide contest.C6
Stick figures —wherethe average person sees aplain old branch, a Bendartist sees a colorful character.D1
RighteOuSWaVeS — "How many 87-year-old Catholic
priests do you knowwho play banjo and surf?" D2
In national news —Anew environmental impact report
doesn't offer any conclusive reasons to blockthe Keystone XL pipeline.A2 ,s
For federal workers, hostility as well as cuts
- 91i
'l/ j
By Marc Fisher The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — No one would mistake Mantua, a leafy section of Northern Virginia's Fairfax County where houses sell in the $700,000 range, for a factory town, but where Jenny Foo lives, almost everyone's paycheckcomes from the same place. Foo, who spent her career at the State Department, livesacross from someone who worked at the Food and Drug Administration and another who had a careerwith the U.S. Geological Survey and just up from a couple of military families. Around the corner, there's a National Park Service historian, a Pentagon analyst and a Foreign Service diplomat. In Mantua — 14 miles west of Washington's Federal Triangle area, which has offices of several government agencies — the sledgehammer of budget cuts that hit Friday are a threat to financial stability, an unnecessary reminder of a political system that seems unable to solve problems and, perhaps worst of all, a symbol of how dramatically perceptionsofgovernment work have shifted. For most of their lives, federal workers in Mantua say, having "United States Treasury" atop their paycheck meantsecurity, prideand a sense ofmi ssion. Things change: Now it means having to defend yourself against arguments, from strangers and even from your own relatives, that you're an overpaid and underworked leech. See Employees/A4
Inside • Selected results from the Mirror Pond questionnaire,A4 r -r r, ,I'
.it '
Colorado debates DUI rules for pot
s )
By Brady Dennis Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Damien Carre, of Portland, ascends the Big Tree, a ponderosa pine, in La Pine State Park last week. Carre is a member of Ascending the Giants, a nonprofit that climbs and measures champion trees, which are the tallest trees of a species.
By Marieile Gallagher •The Bulletin
t often does a defect catapult something to greatness. But in the case of the Big Tree, a ponderosa pine in La Pine State Park, it's likely a scar near its base that saved it from harvest, allowing it to grow to be among the largest of its species in the United States. "More than likely all the trees that were (the Big Tree's) cohorts went into the timber industry and this tree survived because of its defect," said Jason Morrow, executive director of Ascending the Giants, a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding and recording Oregon's largest trees. It is presumed that the Big Tree will claim champion status as the biggest ponderosa pine in the U.S. in the next edition of the National Register of Big Trees, com-
piled by American Forests. Currently, the tree is ranked in first place. The final deadline for tree measurement submissions is March 15. American Forests bills itself as the oldest national nonprofit conservation organization in the country, according to its website. This is not officially the giant yet ... I'm 99.9 percent sure until I hear back from the national registry," said Brian French, co-founder of Ascending the Giants. SeeTree/A5
Qo Story in photos —Measuring a giant, B2 Q Video online —
TODAY'S WEATHER Rain possible High 61, Low 27
Page B6
The Washington Post
DENVER — When is someone too stoned to drive? The answer, it turns out, has been anything but simple in Colorado, which last fall became one of the first states in the country to legalize marijuana. Prosecutors and some lawmakers have long pushed for laws that would set a strict blood-level limit for THC, the key ingredient in cannabis. A driver over the limit would be deemed guilty of driving under the influence, just as with alcohol. Such legislation has failed several times in recent years in the face of fierce opposition. SeePot/A5
4 P We userecycled newsprint
INDEX Busines s/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 DearAbby D6 Obituaries Calendar B3 CommunityLife Df-6 Horoscope D6 Sports Classified E 1 - 6Crosswords E4 Lo cal & State B1-6 TV/Movies
and T.W. Farnam
B5 C1-4
vol. 110, No. 61,
6 seotiot)s
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FIOrida SinkhOle —In a matter of seconds, the earth opened under Jeff Bush's bedroom andswallowed him up like something out
i ves no reason
of a horror movie. About the only thing left was the TV cable running down into the hole. Bush, 37, was presumed dead Friday, the victim of
a sinkhole — ahazard so common inFlorida that state law requires home insurers to provide coverage against the danger. The sinkhole,
0 ro I I o l
I e lne
New York Times News Service
541-383-0348 N EW S R O O M
541-385-5804 N EW S R O O M
Business ..... business© City© CommunityLife communitylife© Sports..............sports©
By John M. Broder
1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR97702 P.o. Box6020 Bend, OR97708
WASHINGTON The State Department issued a revised environmental impact statement for the 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline Friday, which makes no recommendation about whether the project should be built but presents no conclusive environmental reason it should not be. The lengthy document also draws no conclusions on whether the pipeline is in the United States' economic and energy interests, a determination to be made later this year by President Barack Obama. But it will certainly add a new element to the already robust climate change and energy debate around the $7 billion
proposed project. smuoo Aw. DcsuuesRe
ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337
The study will help guide the president's decision, but it does not make the politics any easier. Environmental advocates and landowners along the route have mounted noisy protests against the project
— including a large demonstration in Washington last month — and view Keystone as a testof Obama's seriousness about addressing global warming. The presidentfaces equally strongpressure from industry, the Canadian g overnment, many Republicans and some Democrats in Congress, local officials and union leaders, who say the project will create thousands of jobs and provide a secure source of oil that will replacecrude from Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and other potentially hostile suppliers. The draft report, which updates a 2011 study that essentially gave the project a green light, weighs the impact of the pipeline, which would carry about 800,000 barrels a day of heavy crude oil from tar sands formations in Alberta across the Great Plains to Gulf Coast refineries. The new impact statement says that extracting, shipping, refining and burning oil from
the tar sands produces more climate-altering g r eenhouse gases than most conventional oil but less than many of the p roject's critics claim. T h e State Department study says that tar sands oil produces 5 percent to 19 percent more greenhouse ga s e m i ssions than other crude, depending on what oil wa s compared a nd w h o pe r f ormed t h e calculations. It says that Canada and its oil industry partners will probably continue to develop the oil sands even if the Keystone XL pipeline is not built. It states that building or not building the pipeline will have no significant impact on demand for heavy crude in the United States. Publication of the document next week starts a 45-day public comment period and then a protractedreview before a final impact statement is issued, meaning a presidential decision on the project is still months away.
estimated at 20 feet across and 20feet deep, caused the home's concrete floor to cave in around11 p.m. Thursday.
Kerry criticizes Turkish PM —secretary of state JohnKerry said on Friday that Turkey's prime minister had made "objectionable" remarks when he cast Zionism as a crime against humanity in comments earlier this week. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said
at a U.N. meeting in Vienna onWednesday, "Just as with Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism, it has become necessary to view Islamophobia as a crime against humanity." Kerry indirectly chastised the
Turkish leader for the statement in his opening remarks following a meeting with Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, saying that it was important for all leaders to encourage a spirit of tolerance.
BangladeSh unreSt —The death toll from violent clashes between protesters and security forces in Bangladesh reached at least 44 on Friday, oneday after a special war crimes tribunal handed down a death sentence to an Islamic leader for crimes against humanity committed 42 years ago, during the country's 1971 war of indepen-
dence from Pakistan. Theverdict against Delawar Hossain Sayedee, a leader of Jamaat-e-lslami, an Islamist party, was celebrated by the hundreds of thousands of young protesters who have taken to the
streets in recent weeks to condemnJamaat anddemandjustice in the war crimes casesagainst other party leaders. Japan rape CaSe —A Japanesecourt sentenced two U.S. Navy sailors to lengthy terms on Friday after they pleaded guilty to the rape
of a woman onOkinawalast year, a casethat outraged local residents and forced the U.S.military to impose acurfew on all its personnel in Japan. The court in Naha, the capital of Okinawa, sentenced one sailor, Christopher Browning, 24, to 10 years in prison, and the other,
Skyler Dozierwalker, 23, apetty officer third class, to nine years for the October 2012 rape.
China droadcasts smugglers' last hours —In anunusual action that quickly sparked debate online, Chinese authorities showed a live broadcast Friday of four foreign drug smugglers in their last
hours before execution for killing 13 fishermen. Ashocking and apparently unprecedented form of reality TV for China, the program on state-run television featured all the staples of modern current events
coverage —experts, pundits, instant analysis. It cut away asthe convicted men were being led from their cells, hands tied up with rope, toward their lethal injections.
DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 CirculationandOperations Keith Foutz ......................... 541-385-5805 FinanceHolly West...........54f -383-032f
Malaysia, Philippines clash —Anobscure, centuries-old ter-
HumanResources Traci Donaca ......................
an effort to remove themfrom a remote coastal village they hadoc-
ritorial dispute between Malaysia and the Philippines erupted in vio-
lence Friday, leaving at least12 deadandstraining relations between the close Southeast Asian neighbors. Malaysian security forces battled Friday with about180 Filipinos, some of whom were armed, in cupied for two weeks in the northeastern Malaysian state of Sabah.
POIBr b88r prutBCilOII —A federal appeals court has rejected
Business ...................,........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 CommunityLife, Health
the state of Alaska's attempt to remove polar bears from the threat-
ened species list. Friday's decision by the U.S.Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia hasmajor implications, becausepolar bears
JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541-383-0353 Family, AtHome Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860
were the first species to be listed solely on the basis of threats to their survival from global warming. The D.C. appeals court affirmed
a lower court ruling supporting the U.S.Fish andWildlife Service's
GD! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News EditorJanJordan ....54f -383-03f 5 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SporlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359
decision to put polar bears on the federal threatened list.
SpaceX capsule —A commercial craft carrying a ton of supplies for the lnternational Space Station ran into thruster trouble shortly after liftoff Friday. Flight controllers managed to gain control, but were
REDMOND BUREAU Street address.......226N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756 Mailing address....Po. Box 788 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541-504-2336 .................................54f -548-3203
CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.
forced to delay its arrival at the orbiting lab. Theearliest the Dragon capsule could show up isSunday, afull day late, said top officials for NASAand the private companySpaceX. F,
Hussein Malla/The Associated Press
Nihal, 9, puts olive tree branches inside a wooden ians are making use of the country's wealth of ancient and medieval antiquities to protect themselves from the country's two-year-old war. They are built of thick
Independence Party. Such deep inroads into the Conservative vote, if sustained at a general election in two years' time, could oust the
airstrikes by Syrian government forces, in Jabal alZaweya, Syria.
stone that has already withstood centuries, andare
Conservatives from power andusher the Labour Party back into No.
often located in strategic locations overlooking towns
10 Downing St. Observers attributed the lndependence Party's surge to its relentless campaigning on two issues that have a powerful
Across northern Syria, rebels, soldiers, and civil-
and roads.
resonance among right-of-center voters: high levels of immigration and Britain's membership in the 27-nation European Union. — From wire reports
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:
1 ©0®8©3®1©O + The estimated jackpot is now $26 million.
tion showed surging support for the right-wing United Kingdom
stove at an underground Roman tomb which she and others use as shelter from shelling and
Home deliveryandE-Edition:
One month: $14.50 By mall outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $18 E-Edition only:Onemonth: $13
BfltISh 8ISCtlOIIS — Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives took a harsh pummeling on Friday after results of a by-elec-
Michiganmayappoint emergency manager to takecontrol of Detroit By Corey Williams
of an emergency financial
the power under state lawto demanager both stabilizes the velop financial plans, renegotiDETROIT — Michigan Gov. city fiscally and supports our ate labor contracts, revise and Rick Snyder said Friday that restructuring initiatives, which approve budgets to help control unless Detroit's fortunes sud- improve the quality of life for spending, sell off some city asdenly and miraculously imour citizens, then I think there sets and suspend the salaries of prove, he will appoint an emer- is a way for us to work to- elected officials. "The role here is to be that gency manager to take gether," Bing said in an control of the city that emailed statement. supportive partner and to work was once one of the naDetroit has a $ 327 on projects where we could retion's most prosperous million budget deficit allymake a difference,"Snyder manufacturing centers. and faces more than said, adding there is no "big If the governor fol$14 billion in long-term bailout coming" from the state. lows through with his Sn y der debt. It has been makDetroit would be the largp lan, D e troit w o u l d i ng ends meet on a est city in the United States to become the largest city in the month-to-month basis with the come under state oversight, United States to have its financ- help of bond money held in a according to James Hohman, es placed under state control. state escrow account. The city assistant director o f F i scal " In many respects, I d e has also instituted mandatory Policy at the Mackinac Center scribe today as both a sad day unpaid days off for many city for Public Policy, a free-market ... saying there's a financial workers. think tank based in Midland, emergency in Detroit, but also Those troubles, along with Mich. a day of optimism and promise underfunded city services such In Michigan, Detroit would because it's time to start mov- as police and fire departments be the sixth city placed under ing forward and solving these and the absence of legitimate state oversight. Pontiac, Flint, problems," Snyder told The As- turnaround plans from Bing Ecorse, Allen Park and Benton sociated Press ahead of a com- and the City Council, forced Harbor already have managmunity forum at Wayne State his hand, Snyder said. ers, as do public school districts "Citizens are no t g etting in Detroit, Highland Park and University. Mayor Dave Bing, who has the services they deserve and Muskegon Heights. long opposed the appointment need, public safety, lighting, A review team first looked of a manager, said Friday that transportation — all those ar- into Detroit's books in Decemhe would look at the impact of eas need help, and it's time to ber 2011 but stopped short of Snyder's decision and other call all hands on deck and say declaring a f i n ancial emerlet's all work together." options to determine what to gency. A second team began do next. He has a 10-day apSnyder said he has a top to pore over the city's finances peal period in which to pres- candidate picked out for the again thi s p ast D e cember ent a better turnaround plan or emergency manager job, but and gave Snyder a report last point out flaws in a report by he would not elaborate except month that said the city's aca review team that spent two to say the person had "strong cumulated deficit as of June 30, months delving into the city's financial" and "strong legal 2012, would have topped $900 books. knowledge." million if leaders in previous "If, in fact, the appointment Emergency managers have years had not issued bonds. The Associated Press
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Saturday, March 2, the 61st day of 2013. There are 304 days left in the year.
Activity of
ShOPPlllg —The Portland Saturday Market reopens for
its 40th season.
Iditarod —The world's most famous sled dog race kicks off with a leisurely11-mile trot
through the streets of Anchorage, Alaska. The real competi-
tion begins Sunday.
gene cited
A grocerystore used to be a place where people,you know, bought groceriesto take home formaking
in girls'
dinner. These days, grocery stores are our de facto home kitchens, too, turning out hot meals that, when combined with all other prepared supermarket foods, account for billions of dollars in sales.
greater skill
By Tim Carman The Washington Post
Highlight:In1943, The three-
day Battle of the Bismarck Sea began in the southwest Pacific during World War II. In1793, the first president of the Republic of Texas, Sam
Houston, was born near Lexington, Va. In1836, the Republic of Texas formally declared its indepen-
dence from Mexico. In1861,the state of Texas, hav-
ing secededfrom the Union, was admitted to the Confederacy. In1877, Republican Rutherford Hayes was declared the
winner of the1876 presidential election over Democrat Samuel Tilden, even though Tilden
had won the popular vote. In1917,Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship as President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones-Shafroth Act. In1933, the motion picture
"King Kong" had its world premiere at New York's Radio City Music Hall and the Roxy. In 1939, Roman Catholic Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was elected pope on his 63rd birthday; he took the name Pius XII. In1951, the East beat the West,111-94, in the first NBA All-Star Game, which took place at Boston Garden. In 1962, Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points for the Phil-
adelphia Warriors in a game against the New York Knicks, an NBA record that still stands. (Philadelphia won, 169-147.) In1972, the United States
launched the Pioneer10 space probe, which flew past Jupiter in late 1973, sending back im-
ages and scientific data. In1989, representatives from the 12 European Community
nations agreed to banall production of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) by the end of the 20th
century. Ten yearsago:Iraq crushed another six Al Samoud II mis-
siles, as ordered byU.N.weapons inspectors. Landlocked
Not about to miss out on the gravy train, supermarket chains continue to jump into the prepared foods market — or expand the line they've already launched. R otisserie c h i cken ha s been commonplacefor years, but now you can find a vast world of r eady-to-eat foods at your grocery store: slowsmoked barbecue, artichoke flan, Chinese stir-fries, pork scaloppine, Vietnamese pho, spaghetti a n d mea t b alls, grilled tofu with cranberrychili g l aze, entire s preads based on Indian cuisine, even menus catering to seasonal holidays, whether Thanksgiving or Mardi Gras. "People eat with their eyes," says Chuck Berardi, regional executive chef for the Pennsylvania division of Wegmans. "I think they really have a difficult time walking by a bar that has hot food displayed when it's so appetizing and the aromas are in the air. To me, you can't walk by it." What Berardi's saying, in other words, is that the hot bar may be the latest impulse purchase atthe supermarket, the contemporary equivalent of snagging a Snickers bar or a copy of People magazine in the checkout lane. Which might explain why g r ocery chains are hot for hot bars. Wegmans and WholeFoods Market are among the leaders in prepared foods: They hire chefs and prep teams for their stores and occasionally contract with third-party vendors to fill their massive collective of steam tables; together, the in-house and outside crews prepare dozens of dishes daily, breakfast through dinner. By comparison, chains such as Safeway, Giant and Harris Teeter tend to have more modest offerings, typically favoring comfort foods and relying heavilyon the deep-fryer.
Switzerland became the first
Lifestyle choices
European country to win the
But is buying a meal at the s upermarket merely an i m pulse purchase, something that's not planned ahead of time'? Feeding oneself dinner, after all, doesn't seem to merit the same "impulse" tag as, say, grabbing a National Enquirer dedicated to actresses who look bad in bikinis. Something more must be driving the sales of hot meals, which, together with all prepared foods, were expected to generate about $19.5 billion for supermarkets in 2012, up by nearly $5.5 billion from the previous year's projections, according to the research company Packaged Facts. The term " l ifestyle" pops
America's Cup as Alinghi swept
Team New Zealand in five races. Five yearsago:Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin's
hand-picked successor, scored a crushing victory in Russia's presidential election. Four adults and two children were slain in a shooting and stabbing
rampage at aMemphis, Tenn., house; three children survived.
(Jessie Dotson, brother of one of the victims, was convicted of six counts of murder and
sentenced to death.) One yearago: Some40 people were killed by tornadoes in
Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. President
Barack Obamamade asupportive phonecall to law stu-
By Michael Balter SciencetVOW
r, Pw~
Linda Davidson /TheWashington Post
The hot bar's hopping at lunchtime at a Whole Foods Market in Washington. Hot bars have morphed from a consumer convenience to a standard industry fixture. up regularly i n d i scussions about the trend toward hot foods in supermarkets — as in, the modern lifestyle doesn't always afford people time to cook dinner. That's not exactly a new idea. Joe Spinelli, a former supermarket consultant and now president of Restaurant Consultants,remembers how Boston Market tapped into the budding carryout segment in the late 1980s, when the company was known as Boston Chicken. Spinelli labels these types of hot, freshly made foods "home-replacement products." Supermarkets have found ways to cater to and expand on the market of eaters. Hot bars are "not just for the lunch trade anymore," Spinelli says. "Those gourmet products are more for the dinner crowd than th e l u nch c r owd. They've elevated the product. It's not just meat and potatoes. It's gourmet foods." Executives at Whole Foods certainly want t o r e i nforce that gourmet notion. Yes, they have heard the l ong-standing rumors that Whole Foods conductssome sort of nefarious bait-and-switch campaign at its stores: enticing you with good-quality i n gredients in the grocery aisles but serving you hot meals made with inferior ones. It's just not true, they
say. "This is kind of a myth that's out there: that the prepared foods team is buying from the Syscos of the world and the big food vendors," says Scott Crawford, Whole Foods' prepared foods coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic region. "I share the same vendors with my produce counterparts. I share the same vendors with my seafood counterparts. The standard is one across the
store. There isn't a cheaper piece of chicken coming out of prepared foods, as far as the quality standards, as what y ou're going to buy a t t h e counter. "There's one quality for the whole store," Crawford adds. "So the Bell & Evans chicken that we sell in the meat department, it's the same chicken I use on my hot bar."
Schaeffer says. "That's an area that's just exploding for us." The future of hot foods at your local grocer would appear boundless. Whole Foods, for one, has already greatly expanded the o f f erings at two D.C. area stores in recent years, for example; around two years ago, the number of hot-bar items one store increased by about 70 percent, notes Crawford. Healthy options If a W h ol e F oods store One c onsumer d e m and doesn't have a hot bar, it's driving the future of hot foods "purely because of space," is the desire for more-health- says Paul White, the chain's ful options. Wegmans and senior g l o ba l c o o r dinator Whole Foods have tackled the for prepared foods. "It sureissue head on. In 2009, Whole ly wouldn't be because we don't want them there. And it Foods introduced the Health Starts Here program, which, wouldn't be because our cusamong other things, offers tomers don't want them. It's mostly plant-based hot foods something we definitely know with minimal salt and little that our customers want." fat. In 2010, Wegmans went so It would seem that superfar as to send a team of chefs markets are i nching closer to Haus Hiltl in Zurich, Swit- to the Wal-Mart Supercenter zerland, considered Europe's model, looking to cater to all oldest vegetarian restaurant, your dining needs in one stop. to learn how to cook veggies You can grab a loaf of fresh better. bread, a bottle of wine and a "They just really, as we do to-go container of your favorat Wegmans, take vegetable ite hot-bar items, probably for preparation very seriously, " less than you'd spend at a local says Jim Schaeffer, the com- restaurant. "It's like going to a Costco. pany's operationsdirector of food preparation. "There was You can get about everything a time in America 20 years you want," says consultant ago, if someone preferred Spinelli. "You can probably vegetables, it would be simple get your car fixed one day." steamed vegetables or maybe sauteed vegetables. People would spend more time on the Mountain Medical center of the plate, the protein, than on the vegetable preparaImmediate Care tion. There are so many things 541-388-7799 you can doto make vegetables 1302 NE 3rd St. Bend craveable — through spices, through different preparation methods." At almost any Wegmans, a customer strolling through the hot bar area can find 30 to 40 vegetable-baseddishes,
need for birth control coverage, baugh on Feb. 29(Limbaugh apologized to Fluke on March
3). Major LeagueBaseball expanded its playoff format to10 teams, adding a second wild-
card in each league.
BIRTHDAYS Author Tom Wolfe is 83. For-
mer Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev is 82. Singer Lou Reed is 71. Actress Cassie
Yates is 62. Actress Laraine Newman is 61. Former Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., is 60.
Interior Secretary KenSalazar is 58. Singer Jay Osmond is 58. Pop musician John Cowsill
(The Cowsills) is 57. Rock singer Jon Bon Jovi is 51. Actor Daniel Craig is 45. Rock
singer Chris Martin (Coldplay) is 36. Actor Robert ller is 28. — From wire reports
Probes spythird band of radiation By Brlan Vastag
cations for proposed human deep-space missions. WASHINGTON — Happy In 1958, early NASA satelaccidents litter the annals of lites recorded two zones of scientific discovery. dangerous electron and proHere's a n o ther: NASA ton radiation extending 12,000 probes that are exploring the miles beyond Earth. Named treacherous twin Van A l len for scientist James Van Allen, radiation belts encircling the the dual donut-shaped regions Earth spied a t h i rd, unex- were the first major discovery pected band of radiation that of the space age. burst into view and then disL ast A u g . 3 0 , NA S A appeared, scientists reported launched the twin Radiation Thursday. Belt Storm Probes — since reThe NASA probes spotted named the Van Allen Probes the temporary band of high- — to provide a deeper underenergy electrons just t hree standing of the region. A radays after launch. diation-detection instrument The discovery has stunned was scheduledto be switched scientists and is forcing a re- on a month later, but mission think of the radiation environ- scientists decided to turn it on ment above Earth, with impli- early. The Washington Post
suggesting that young girls learn language faster and earlier than boys. W ondering i f FO X P 2 played a role in these possible sex differences, a team led by psychologist J. Michael Bowers and neuroscientist Margaret McCarthy, of the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, started off by
looking at young rat pups. The team concludes that in both rats and humans, what it calls "the more communicative sex" has higher FOXP2 levels, as might be expected ifthe gene and its protein do play a major role in the ability to vocalize. "We are highlighting a previously unreported sex difference in a gene that is generating great excitement for its potential role in the evolution of language," McCarthy said.
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dent Sandra Fluke, who'd testified before Congress about the only to be called a "slut" on the air by talk show host Rush Lim-
Despite recent progress toward s exual e q uality, it's still a man's world in many ways. But numerous studies show that when it comes to language, girls start off with better skills than boys. Now, scientists studying a gene linked to the evolution of vocalizations and language have for the f i rst t im e f ound clear sex differences in its activity i n b o t h r o dents and humans, with the gene making more of its protein in girls. But some researchers caution against drawing too many conclusions about the gene's role in human and animal communication from this study. Back in 2001, the world of language research was rocked by th e d i scovery that a gene called FOXP2 appeared to be essentialfor the production of speech. During this same time period, a number of studies have confirmed past research
Three days after launch, and just a day after the instrument powered up, the third belt appeared. "We initially thought, 'This looks odd, maybe something's screwed up with our instrument,'" said Shri Kanekal, a mission scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "But as days went by (the third belt) just stood there. We checked our instrument and became more and more confident there was not something wrong." T he t h i r d b e l t , wh i c h f ormed b etween t h e t w o known b e lts, d i s appeared about a month later when a blast of energy from the sun blew past Earth
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The future of federal work
Employees Continued from A1 And in these days of political paralysis, it means that p aycheck suddenly isn't so secure. "I can't even be sure that my pension check will get here," said Foo, who recently retired after 36 years at State, working on passports, issuing travel warnings, handling sensitive cases of Americans in trouble abroad. "People at OPM (the Office of Personnel Management) have to cut the checks, and if t h ey're on f u rlough, maybe thechecks don'tcome through. It's going to affect everybody.... No pension, no spending. It all trickles down." As worried as many federal workers are about what a furlough might do to their monthly budgets, some are equally bothered by the growing sense that the careers they chose may now seem unattractive, even unworthy. For the coll ege-educated o f Man t u a , the federal government was a place to put their smarts to work in service of country. But many of their children have decided that government work isn't worth the aggravation. Foo's son scrapped public service after a summer internship in the government; he works for Dell now. Her daughter is a teacher overseas. "I don't know if people will want to go into the government the way it's thought of now," Foo said. "For us in the '70s, it wa s about security and availability. It wasn't the highest paid of jobs, but the pay was guaranteed and you couldn't get laid off." "It's an extremely threatening and highly insulting condition to find myself in," said a National Defense University professor who lives in Mantua and spoke on the condition of anonymity because of his high-level security clearance. "It's one thing to hear the constant negative drumbeat directedatfederal workers from people outside Washington. It's another thing to have the threat of denial of livelihood."
Obama calls cuts 'just dumb' President Barack Obama and congressional leaders failed on Friday to stop deep, automatic cuts in federal spending that will
immediately shrink the sizeand ambition of government, even as they vowed anendto the rolling fiscal battles that have repeatedly threatened government shutdowns and economic crisis over two
years. Emerging from anOval Office meeting with the lawmakers, the president called the cuts "just dumb." He said they would slow the
economic recovery and spokeemotionally about their impact on people who would feel the consequences of government layoffs and disruptions in public services.
"I don't anticipate a hugefinancial crisis, but people are going to be hurt," Obamasaid during a35-minute news conference at the White House, in which he acknowledged that his campaign of highlighting fallout from the cuts had failed to persuade Repub-
licans to consider tax increases aspart of a package to avert the $85 billion in reductions over the next seven months. — New York TimesNewsService
he would go into public work. And for three decades, he's loved his job teaching the nation's future top brass, despite the expectation that he work from 7a.m. to 7 p.m. every day. He gets the frustration that people beyond the District of Columbia region feel with politicians. But on a recent visit to Missouri, he got fed up with ritual denunciations of federal workers, and he put a group of complaining citizens through a tough line of questioning: "You don't want the highways? You're against food inspections? You farmers don't need the help from the Agriculture Department? You want to get rid of the people who protect you from terrorists?" That felt pretty good, but he's under no illusion that he changed minds. Federal workers say they share the rest of the country's frustration with declining standards of living, dim prospects for the next generation and political division. But they don't see what good could come of putting federal workers on furlough when the economy's in such a fragile state. The professor has already cut back in anticipation of the forthcoming budget slashing: He told a carpenter who was going to build bookshelves in the living room that the $5,000 job will have to be put off, and
he told his doggie day-care
Hard work In his family, after four generations of military service, there was little question that
provider that he'll have to go without that service when the furloughs kick in. Even those workers who
don't expect to take a direct hit are feeling the pain of the automatic cuts that Congress set up in a failed effort to get themselvesto address the nation's budget woes. "My understanding is that there's no impact on my employment this year," said Ray-
mond Won, an engineeri ng manager at the Energy Department'sOffice of Science, the nation's largest supporter of thebasic research in physical sciences that can result in innovations in the private sector. "But there's immediate impact on the work I do. What sequestration is doing is preventing the start on new-generation equipment that will create the next wave of American jobs." Won, a federal worker for 31 years, is resentful of the notion,now commonplace on talk radio and websites devoted to bashing the government, that federalworkers carry a lighter load than their for-profit counterparts. " My batting average" i s a thousand, he said. "I take great pride in that, and I am relentless in delivering on time and below cost estimates. Of course, there are things the government could probably do without. There's always waste and fraud. But there are parts of the government that conduct work with extreme excellence. And be careful how much you bash federal workers, because if you don't attract good talent, then don't be surprised if government becomes much worse than it is today."
Older workers worry about what comes after the bashing. Garret Albert, a retired government engineer whose wife still works at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, understands that pensions, once routine, have become a wild luxury in the private sector, and that makes many Americans frustrated. "I realize that since the government doesn't produce money-making things, it's easier to disparage the work," he said. "But it seems so shortsighted to allow a very small minority of vociferous people to sway politicians into taking such discouraging actions." W orking fo r U n cle S am was never meant to be a path to prosperity, and in Mantua, the ranches and split-levels, good-sizehouses on large lots, make it hard to recall that this kind of 1960s enclave development stretched the idea of what a m i ddle-class salary could buy. Today, the workers' children couldn't possibly afford to live here, especially those who joined the military or civilservice. The younger generation is more likely to be at the wrong end of a tougher, longer commute. Such is the price of the affluence that pumped Fairfax r eal estate prices into t h e stratosphere over th e p a st quarter-century. But in Mantua, in what is
rapidly becoming a NORC (a naturally occurring retirement community), the older federal workers and recent retirees aren't content to think about how much value their properties have gained through the years. Rather, they look back on their years of service and wonder if this is the end, a pivot away from the idea that working for your country is something honorable and stable. Jenny Foo spent her last y ears at State working on tough cases, such as bringing home the remains of American contractors who had been taken hostage in I r aq. The work involved late nights and extra days, but it was work that she thought her fellow Americans would want her to be doing. "It was never eight hours' work," she said.
Reaction in U.S.could change courseof politics By David Lightman
according to the Pew Research Center. W ASHINGTON — T h e T hat amplifies th e u r fallout from federal spending gency for the parties to try cuts over the coming weeks to define the budget cuts might alter the nation's po- on their terms. It also exlitical landscape for years to plains why President Barack come. Obama spent the last two Already, a decade of bud- weeks pushing the idea that get deficits run up in war and the reductionsare cruel and economic crisishas saddled thoughtless. He needs people the government with a $16 aware and angry to bolster trillion debt, a bill that will his argument for more taxes force the country to come to and fewer spending cuts. grips with how much govThe $44 billion that's being ernment it wants and how trimmed over the next seven much it wants to pay for it at months is a less-than-ideal the very time the aging baby test for either party. boomers put new strains on Created bythe Obama adthe budget through such vast ministration and Congress programs as Medicare and in 2011, sequestration was Social Security. meant to be painful. They Now the government is thought that the threat of about to start cutting spend- automatic cuts would force ing in some programs, of- them to find a better alternafering a first look at how the tive. It didn't. American people will react. Democrats insist on addIf people feel the sting of ing tax increases and leaving the so-called sequestration more spending untouched. with fewer teachers at their Republicans want the same schools, more time in airport amount of spending cut, but security lines and smaller would prefer it in different checks for t h ose w i thout places. Democratsare aware that jobs, they might rise up and send a clear signal that the their strategy ha s p e rils, country really wants to keep chiefly that the reality won't all of the government it now match the hype. "People will gets and perhaps feed a de- see long lines at airports, but mand that the government they always think the lines charge more in the form of are long," said Rep. Bill Pashigher taxes. crell, D-N.J. If, however, the majority R epublicans also k n ow of Americans don't feel any that t h ei r t a c tics m i g ht pain from the cuts, if they backfire. either don't see an impact or Pew found last month that don't empathize with federal 62 percent saw the party as employees enduring unpaid out of touch with the Amerifurloughs, they'd likely invite can people, and 52 percent more moves to cut spend- branded it as too extreme. ing. That would bolster the Democrats had fa r l o w er Republicans. numbers. And Obama has Either way, it's a h i gh- the bully pulpit: No Repubstakes gamble for the two lican is as recognized, and major parties, with the win- no one Republican speaks ner likely to dominate the for the party the way Obama debateand perhaps elections speaks for the Democrats. for years. Somehow, Virginia Gov. So far, Americans aren't Bob McDonnell said, "we paying much attention. Just h ave to find w ays to c u t one in four were following spending, but do it in a way the news closely last week, that's seen as reasonable." McClatchy Newspapers
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Sunday, May 12
. 'The Bulletin
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Mirror Pond
2012 a record year for Amtrak
Continued from A1 "We're not extrapolating this to all of Bend. These are the values of those who participated in the questionnaire," he said. The questionnaire was developed to determine what residents value about Mirror Pond and how they use it — as opposed to what ought to be done in th e f uture. Where participants could weigh in on the pond versus river question, a sharp split
By Ashley Halsey III
day, came a day after conThe Washington Post gressional leaders said they WASHINGTON — Perhaps planned to craft a major fundsparked by highway conges- ing reauthorization for r ailtion or the hassle of air travel, roads later this year. Amtrak's passenger rail serAmtrak turns a profit on vice has been the n ation's only four of it s m ore than fastestgrowing mode oftrans- 40 routes, the study showed, portation, according to a new a ll of t he m i n t h e N o r t hreportthat urges Congress to east corridor,a shortcoming push forward with a coordi- that raised the h ackles of nated national rail plan. some Republicans in the last The government-subsidized Congress. railway carried a record 31.2 For more than a year, Rep. million people last year, a 55 John Mica, R.-Fla., then chairpercent increase since 1997, man of the House Transportaaccording to a study by the tion Committee, repeatedly Brookings Institution. called Amtrak a "Soviet-style The study, released on Fri- railroad" before relenting to
Tree Continued from A1 O n Feb. 23, w i t h s n ow swirling around the Big Tree, French and Damien Carre, board member o f A s cending the Giants, attached their harnesses and climbing gear
and began inching upward on a rope toward the top of the tree. Only occasionally did the climbers, both arborists from Portland, reach out to lightly touch the tree in order to steady or reposition their stance. French and Carre's mission was to measure the Big Tree to verify it has the highest score of any ponderosa pine in the country. The National Big Tree Program uses a scoring system to recognizechampion trees. Each score is based on a combination of t h ree measurements: height, circumference and crown spread, with circumferencecarrying the most weight in the final score.
Pot Continued from A1 Marijuana advocates and defense lawyers claim a onesize-fits-all standard doesn't work for marijuana because it affects the body differently than alcohol. On both sides, passions run
high. "I haven't had a car accident since I was 18, and I've had marijuana in my system for most of that time," said Paul Saurini, 39, one of numerous marijuana activists who spoke o ut against setting a f i r m blood-level limit during a public hearing in the state capital this week. "We have to create some standardstoprotectpublic safety. Not doing so, in my opinion, is reckless public policy," said John Jackson, the police chief in nearby Greenwood Village. "Any time you legalize things like this, you'll have more of it on the roadway. If we had vending machines with Oxycontin,there'd be more people on Oxycontin driving on the roadways. And that's not safe." Since the passage of Amendment 64 in November, Colorado has been wrestling with the many questions of how to regulate the new marijuana reality, from how to tax it and monitor its growth to where people can buy it, sell it, smoke it and advertise it. But drugged driving looms as one of the most critical and controversial issues. The outcome of Colorado's struggle to shape marijuana-related DUI laws could have f ar-reaching implications, as a growing number of states approve marijuana for medical use and others consider legalizing the drug altogether.
From the canopy of the tree, French sent a measuring tape down the length of the trunk to determine the height as 167 feet. Back on the ground, French and Carre wrapped the measuring tape around the circumference ofthe tree at breast height, which is 4'/z feet from the ground, to get 348 inches. They finished by ascertainingthe crown spread, or widest width of the tree's branches, as 68 feet. Those measurements give the Big Tree afinal score of532. Until recently, the Big Tree was ranked second to what was thought to be a higher scoring ponderosa pine in the El Dorado National Forest in California. But DNA testing of the tree in California proved it's a different variety, opening up the stage for the Big Tree to claim the No. I ranking. "DNA testing on the tree said it wasn't a ponderosa. It was a Pacific ponderosa, so we moved it over to another
of the Colorado-based Medical Marijuana Industry Group. Though research and opinions vary widely, studies have shown that smoking marijuana tends to affect spatial perceptions. Drivers might swerve or follow other cars too closely, as well as lose their concentration and suffer from slowed reaction times. Such findings have led some r esearchers to conclude that driving high doubles the chances for an accident, and that smoking pot and drinking before driving is a particularly dangerous mix. Every state bars driving under the influence. But convictions in drugged-driving cases
concede that it might be acceptable if only it could turn a
profit. He suggested selling off the Northeast corridor service to private firms. M ica's successor as chair of the influential committee, Rep. Bill Shuster, R.-Pa., struck a more conciliatory tone in a speech to state transportation officials on Thursday. "I think there's a need for passenger rail in this country," Shuster told The A m erican Association of S t ate H i ghway and Transportation Officials, suggesting that Amtrak needed to"get closer to break even."
s pecies," e x plained S h e r i Shannon, coordinatorfor the National Big Tree Program.
The program recognizes three varieties of ponderosa pine: Pacific ponderosa pine
(pinus ponderosa var. benthamiana), ponderosa pine (pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa) and Rocky Mountain
ponderosa pine (pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum). In the fall 2012 edition of the National Register of Big Trees, Oregon had 25 national champion trees. Florida had the most with 130 champions. "We've got a lot of people out there that are so passionate about big trees and it's almost like the bigfoot hunters," said Morrow. "These people go out on their weekends and drive all over God's creation looking for giant trees and knock on farmhouse doors, and none of this would be possible without them." — Reporter:541-383-0361or mgallagher®
The individual or the population?" he asked. Still, some in Colorado are concerned about drawing a bright line between impaired and unimpaired when it comes to marijuana. The state Senate's majority leader, Democrat Morgan Carroll, said research suggests that impairment can occur with a nywhere from two to 20 nanograms per milliliter of blood. "My number one problem is that you could convict someone at five nanograms who wasn't actually impaired," she said.
emerged. At public meetings and in comments submitted by questionnaire participants, a significant number of people have called for removing the Newport Avenue Dam that created Mirror Pond more than 100 years ago. By most estimates, the dam generates electricity for fewer than 500 homes, and Pacific Power representatives have said the company is not necessarily committed to leaving the dam in place long-term. A sked i f M i r r o r P o n d should look like it did before the dam was built, 51 percent of q u estionnaire p a r t icipants placed themselves in the strongly agree or agree column, while 49 p ercent
f rom th e C o lorado D a m was last, with 9 percent giving it most attractive marks and 14 percent opting for attractive. The questionnaire a l so found broad agreement on a handful of matters. Just 28 p ercent agreed or strongly agreed with the idea that "the water in Mirror Pond is very clean," while 91 percent of p a rticipants agreed or strongly agreed with the idea "water quality in Mirror Pond should be improved." Present-day Mirror Pond is regarded as "beautiful to look at" by 86 percent of respondents, while 83 percent
agreed or strongly agreed
it is a good place to watch birds, ducks, geese, otters and other wildlife. Addressed more specifically, ducks and geese did poorly in the eyes of questionnaire participants. Just I p ercent o f r e spondents ranked geese and ducks in the pond and the park as the feature they value the most, while 39 percent put geese and ducks as the feature they value least. Figurski said consultants working with the steering committee are planning on creating four alternative visions of the area in the fuopted for strongly disagree ture. He expects they will be or disagree. ready to share illustrations In another segment of the as well as cost estimates with questionnaire, participants the public by late April. were asked to rank four phoEach of the alternative vitographs of different sections sions will be designed to be of the Deschutes River in f unctional whether or n o t order ofpreference — most the dam remains in place, attractive, attractive, some- F igurski said, and will b e what attractive and l east presented to the public in two attractive. parts to reflect dammed and An image of rapids that un-dammed scenarios. appears to be upstream of Figurski said the group Bend — Figurski said he's responsible for drafting the not sure of the locationalternatives will be "walking ranked highest, with 40 per- a tightrope" due to the divide cent rating it most attractive between the maintain-theand 33 percent attractive. A pond and let-the-river flow present-dayimage of Mirror factions. But he expects it Pond resembling the Mirror will create designs that apPond Pale Ale label came peal to members of b oth in second, with 37 percent groups. "Because people haven't choosing most attractive and 18 percent attractive. seen the a lternatives yet, Rapids near Sawyer Park people think its an a ll-orranked third, with 15 pernothing thing," he said. "It's cent most attractive and 35 not, it doesn't have to be." percent attractive, while a — Reporter: 541-383-0387, shot of the area upstream
Mirror Pond puestionnaire The Mirror Pond Steering
Committee's questionnaire, posted online, invited Bend residents to answer18
general questions about Mirror Pond. It is not scientific; it is the results from1,817 people who chose to visit the website and answer the questions.
Here are some ofthe responses. WHO RESPONDED • Many of the respondents
(36 percent) havelived in Bend for morethan 20 years. • Almost half (46 percent) live on the city's northwest slde.
ABOUT THEPOND • Almost half (44 percent) visit the pond at least once a month.
• More than half (59 percent) think the pond symbolizes the quality of life in Bend. • Walking is the most popular activity at the pond
(87 percent). • Few (28 percent) think the water is clean. • There's an almost even split on whether having
geese andducks at the park is "good" (47 percent yes, 53 percent no). But more people (39 percent) identified the geese as the least valued aspect of the
pond over anything else. THE POND'S FUTURE • Few (10 percent) want to see more boating or fishing opportunities.
• About half (51 percent) think the pond should look
as itdid before the dam was built.
• More (53 percent) want all of the silt removed,
changing the shape of the river channel and pond.
Fewer (42 percent) want the silt removed, repeated as needed to keepthe pond as it is now. • Few want nothing done
(12 percent). The full results can be found
Working on a compromise
Lawmakers ar e w o r k ing on a compromise to break cers'observations rather than the long-standing impasse. A blood tests. The White House bill backed by King and other in a drug policy paper last year legislators would set five nanocalled on states to adopt blood- grams as the legal limit, but a limit laws in an effort to reduce test indicating that level would drugged-driving incidents by not automatically result in a 10 percent by 2015. DUI conviction. Instead, peoBut different states have tak- ple accused of driving under en different approaches. the influence would be able In Ohio and Nevada, where to argue in court that they medical marijuana is legal, the weren't impaired. The measure limit for driving is two nano- is working its way through the grams per milliliter of blood. In statehouse and appears likely Washington state, that limit is to pass. five nanograms. A dozen other Carroll is still not fond of states, including Illinois, Iowa the five-nanogram limit but and Arizona, have zero-toler- says she and others might be ance policies for driving under swayed by the provision that the influence of marijuana and would allow d efendants to various controlled substances. make their case in court. "It gives the accused the opporProof of impairment tunity to come in and offer In Colorado, both s i des proof," she said. agree that people shouldn't At Tuesday's hearing, a d rive impaired; the fight is string of law enforcement ofover what should be used as ficials and a state toxicologist proof of impairment. testified in favor of the legislaMarijuana advocates argue tion. Ed Wood, whose son was that, unlike with alcohol, trac- killed in a car accident caused es of the drug remain in the by a drugged driver, said he bloodstream long after an insupported the bill but wants dividual has smoked pot, and an even tougher standard. "We that a THC test can mistak- believeColorado deserves betenly suggest a person is high, ter," he said. Caution vs. freedom especially in a regular smoker But Saurini and other mariState Sen. Steve King, a Re- who has built up tolerance to juana activists voiced their oppublican who supports a THC the drug. But officials who fa- position, with some arguing limit, insists that driving high vor a blood-level limit say tests that marijuana often induces is no different than driving exist that can pinpoint "active" paranoia and causes people drunk. "You're a threat and THC in the bloodstream in the to drive abnormally slowly, as a hazard," he said. "The con- hours immediately after mariopposed to alcohol, which can sensus should be to err on the juana usage. provide the "liquid courage" to side of safety for the traveling People on both sides cite drive irresponsibly. public." the work of Dutch researcher King, the lawmaker who has Michael Elliott and other Jan Ramaekers, who found long pushed for a legal limit, marijuana advocates argue that marijuana users gener- grows agitated at the suggesthat marijuana affects di f- ally are impaired at a level of tion by some marijuana advoferent people differently, and five nanograms, but that many cates that they drive as well or that setting a THC limit would cannabis users do d evelop even better high. It's a reason, free prosecutors from hav- higher tolerances. he said, to put a limit in place ing to prove their cases and Ramaekers, in an interview, as soon as possible. "I heard that argument 25 could lead to wrongful DUI said he supports the five-nanoconvictions. gram limit, noting that law- years ago with alcohol," he "When it comes to criminal makers have long set a legal said. "If you want to smoke law, we err on the side of pro- limit for alcohol in the name marijuana, smoke marijuana. tecting the freedom of our citi- of public safety, even though But smoke and walk, smoke zens and holding the criminal people have different toler- and get a ride, smoke and take justice system to the highest ances and impairment varies a cab. Don't smoke and drive standards of proof," said Elliott, by person. — that's the point we're trying "Who should the law serve? to make." a lawyer and executive director
generally rely on police offi-
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Calendar, B3 Obituaries, B5
Weather, B6
Final stair climb fundraiser today The final Bend Firefighter stair climb fundraiser to support the
Leukemia 8 Lymphoma Society will take place from 2 to 6 p.m. today
in front of FredMeyer in Bend. The event is the
final practice run before the Scott Firefighters Stair Climb challenge
in Seattle on March 10. Participating Bend firefighters will climb Seattle's tallest building, the Columbia Center, in about 60 pounds of
gear as afundraiser for the Leukemia Society. Last year, the event
drew more than1,550
re airo ena
By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin
It's no secret that Bend is behind on its street maintenance. Bend Streets Manager Hardy Hanson said Thursday that to bring the street system up to good condition would cost roughly $80 million, yet the city had only about $2 million in the current budget year for street maintenance. So when the city does pave a street, residents are often upset to see utility workers cut into it to install new lines, Public Works Director Paul Rheault told city councilors in January. "That's the number one
complaint we get, 'You just put a new road in, now
they're digging it up,'" he
sa>d. The city needs stricter standards for the pavement patches and other repairs that utilities make after they dig into streets to install gas lines, telecommunications cables and other infrastructure, Hanson said Thursday. Utilities are doing a better job on these repairs than they did during the construction boom, but there is still much room for improvement, he said. The requirements for these repairs also vary widely from one utility to another,
depending upon the language in each company's franchise
agreement with the city. "Quite often we press the utilities, the different franchises, to put in the best patch possible so that the road is not deteriorating, and they're always reluctant because it costs more money," Hanson said. "It's my contention that if they don't have the ratepayer pay for the street, then I have to use taxpayer money to fix the same street. We're chasing the same dollar around." Bend Mayor Jim Clinton also said the situation has improved somewhat since the construction boom, but utilities can do more to minimize damage to streets. See Utility/B5
0 4
Joe Kline i The Bulletin
Northwest Metal Fab & Pipe workers, from left, Jeremiah Otis, Mark Johnston, and foreman Mike Romine work on replacing an old steel natural gas line with a new medium-density polyethylene pipe and connecting it to the main gas line along Northwest GalvestonAvenue inBend on Wednesday.
firefighters and brought in $1.2 million for blood-
cancer researchand patient services. Those who would like to donate to the or-
Robocalls target I(nopp on Columbia bridge
ganization can do soby attending today's event,
or by donating online at www.firefighterstair «« l:!«'Q
St. Francis hosts open house St. Francis School in
Bend will host anopen house Tuesdayfor prospective students.
The openhousewill be held from 9 a.m. to
1 p.m. at theschool on Northeast 27th Street. Parents and students
By Lauren Dake
are encouraged tovisit and learn moreabout
SALEM — A former state lawmaker is behind thousands of automated calls to DesI chutes County • voters urging them to contact Sen. Tim Knopp with
The Bulletin
the programs St. Francis School offers for chil-
dren from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade.
For more information, call 541-382-4701. — From staff reports
IN the hopes the SALEM R ' publ tc»
League of Women Voters of Deschutes County First Thursday Luncheon: Dr. Rebecca Johnson, vice president of Oregon State University-CascadesCampus,
7 -
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willspeak aboutthe
progress of the school's four-year university project; 11 a.m. to1
p.m. Thursday; Black
Submitted photos
Lindsey Bingham shows off a wall of visitor stickers from Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in a snapshot from the family's apartment at the Ronald McDonald House. Jason and Stacy Bingham saved their stickers for every day they spent in the hospital, from waiting for a donor through her heart transplant.
Bear Diner, N.E Third Street, Bend; 541-382-
2660 or kimsmith© — Contact:541-383-0354, In emails, please write "Civic Calendar"in the subject line. Include a contact name andnumber.
Well shot! reader photos • We want to see your best photos capturing local wildlife for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best work at www.bendbulletin. com/wellshot/wildlife, and we'll pickthe best for publication.
Have a story idea or sudmission? Contact us! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-383-0348 Deschutes ......541-617-7e37 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-21e4 Salem..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456
Business........541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
By Heidi Hagemeier • The Bulletin
fter 264 days of hospitalization, 9-year-old heart transplant recipient Lindsey Bingham finally received the green light Thursday to pack her things and rejoin the rest of her family in the outside world. Her mother, Stacy Bingham, said Lindsey breezed through her hospital floor and the cardiovascular intensive care unit on Thursday afternoon to say goodbye, visiting with staff at the Palo Alto, Calif., facility and giving many a simple, "I'm outta here!" "She was very excited," Stacy said Friday. "She would have sprinted out of there if she could have." The Eastern Oregon family got word early Thursday afternoon that Lindsey's test results were solid enough to allow her to leave Lucile Packard Children's Hospital forthe nearby Ronald McDonald House, which the rest of the family has called home for roughly nine months. They will know more about the results of a biopsy today, Stacy said. Lindsey's dischargecame 14 days after an operation that went on through the night to give her a new heart. "We are just elated that
Lindsey is doing so well," said Stacy, "and we're ready to start the next chapter of our lives." The family knows, however, that the next chapter will have its challenges. Lindsey received a transplant due to dilated cardiomyopathy, an enlargement of the heart muscle that causes it to weaken. Two of her siblings have also been diagnosed with it. The youngest of the five Bingham children, Gage, 4, received a pacemaker in June and is taking medications to stem its progress. The eldest, 13-year-old Sierra, also underwent a heart transplant in 2006. At the time, the rest of the family tested negative for DCM and doctors believed it was an isolated case. The other two siblings remain healthy, but newly available genetic tests show that they also carry the genetic markers for DCM. See Lindsey/B5
Lindsey Bingham,9, cuts off her hospital identification bracelet Thursday. The transplant recipient left the hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., Thursday, two weeks after the surgery to give her a new heart. "We are just elated that Lindsey is doing so well," said her mom, Stacy Bingham, "and we're ready to start the next chapter of our lives."
senator from Bend will vote against the Columbia River Crossing project. In response, Knopp said, voters have flooded his office with calls of concern. The majority of whom, he said, are confused by the robocalls and wonder why he is voting in favor of a gas tax.
"They are leading people
to believe this is a gas tax, or will lead to one," Knopp said of the automated calls. Knopp said he is undecided on the vote, but leaning in favor of the Columbia River Crossing project. The Senate is scheduled to vote Monday. The House overwhelmingly authorized the $450 million in bonds the state will have to kick in for its share of replacing Interstate 5 between Portland and Vancouver. The state has struck a deal with Washington and will sell bonds only if its neighbor to the north also ponies up $450 million. The federal government would contribute $1 billion. Opponents have voiced concerns about where the funding will come from. Proponents have discussed an overall transportation package in 2015 that could include tolling fees, or a gas tax. "For me, there are two issues at play," Knopp said. "Is there a replacement bridge needed? Is there an alternative to the (ideas) we have been presented with?" He believes a new bridge is necessary and has yet to see an alternative. JeffKropf, a former state representative from Sublimity who served in the House with Knopp in the early part of the decade, said he's spent his personal cash to call as many as 100,000 voters in hopes the project fails. Kropf founded a nonprofit, which he runs, called the Capitol Watch Foundation; its mission it is to educate taxpayers on how their money is spent. See Robocalls/B5
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Amid snowfall and freezing temperatures, members of Ascending the Giants — a nonprofit that finds and records Oregon's biggest trees — climbed a rope into the crown of La Pine State Park's Big Tree in an effort to verify its title as the largest ponderosa pine in the United States. If no greater score is submitted from elsewhere by March 15, the Big Tree will officially be the
Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Damien Carre, one of the Ascending the Giants arborists, climbs a rope past branches on the way to the top of the Big Tree in La Pine State Park last Saturday.
largest of its species in the country.
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Brian French took this photo of Carre from more than 150 feet above ground. Although the two climb trees for work, French said ascending giant trees is special. "I try to not take it for granted and take it in," French said.
The team took measurements of three kinds. Jason Morrow, left,
measured the height (167 feet); Brian French, below, wrapped the tape around the tree at "breast height" to determine the circumference
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spread, or the spread of its branches at their widest (68 feet).
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Joe Khne /The Bulletin
Joe Khne /The Bulletin
Schools face automatic budget cuts By Lauren Gambino
A wide variety of other Oregon programs from the fedThe Associated Press eral government also could SALEM — Oregon school be diminished as $85 billion districts warned Friday that in budget cuts are phased in. automatic federal budget cuts Those include Crater Lake, would likely carve deepest forestland firefighting, child into their programs for poor, immunizations and air traffic disabled a n d no n - English controllers at small airports. speaking students. Officials cautioned that the Education budgets aren't exact nature of the cuts is still likely to see a hit before the unknown and they could be end of this school year, but changed or averted if Conas students return from sum- gress and President Barack mer vacation, Head Start pre- Obama reach anagreement to school, full-day kindergarten avoid them. and special education are all In the meantime, however, at risk, officials said. schools are preparing budgets "What we think would be for next school year and must impacted are some of the ar- be prepared to g o w i t hout eas that provide services to some of their federal funding. students with t h e g r eatest Oregon schools get most of needs andthe greatest vulner- their money from the state. abilities," said Kerry Delf, a Federal dollars help beef up spokeswoman for the Eugene funding for higher-needs stuSchool D i strict. "Students dents through programs like with special needs, students Head Start, a l o w - income living in poverty." p reschool program; Title I ,
and Jonathan J. Cooper
E VENT TODAY BACHELORBUTTEDOGDERBY: A trophy race for sled dogs and skijoring, with up to 30 dog teams; free for spectators; 8:30 a.m.; Wanoga Sno-park, Century Drive, Bend; VFW BREAKFAST:A community breakfast; $8.50; 8:30-10:30 a.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: PARSIFAL":Starring Katarina Dalayman, Jonas Kaufmann and Peter Mattei in a presentation of Wagner's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tt IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347. SPRING BOOK SALE: The Friends of the Bend Public Libraries hosts a sale featuring books, CDs, audio books and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7047. KNOW SHAKESPEARE:INHO WERE SHAKESPEARE'SWOMEN?: Portland State University professor Amy Greenstadt explores Shakespeare' s mostmemorable women and how theychallenged gender stereotypes of Elizabethan England; free; 3 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1032 or www. COMEDYWITH MIKEWALLY WALTER: The comedian performs; $10 includes a drink; 6:30 p.m.; The Original Kayo's Dinner House and Lounge, 415 N.E.Third St., Bend;
which boosts funding at lowincome schools; and special education. The Oregon D epartment of Education estimates that the state will lose $23 million in federal education f unding, risking jobs for dozens of teachers and aides. Schools stand to lose $10.2 million in funding for high-poverty primary and secondary schools and $6.4 million in f ederal funding for special education, according to the department's estimates. Districts are required by law to p r ovide services to students with disabilities, so special-education cuts would likely be offset by cuts to other educational programs, Oregon officials said. Funding for teacher education an d E n g l ish-language learners could be cut by about $3.5 million, state officials estimate, and h u ndreds of
AL E N D A R 541-323-2520. "LEGALLY BLONDE:THE MUSICAL": The Redmond High School drama department presents the musical about sorority girl Elle Woods, who enrolls at Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; 7 p.m.; Redmond High School, 675 S.W. Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or www.redmond. "THE BROTHERSGRIMM SPECTACULATHON" AND "GOLIDLOCKS ONTRIAL": The Summit High School drama department presents two back-toback plays that put a modern spin on classic fairy tales; $5; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-3223300. THE NEWSBOYS:The Christian pop-rock band performs, with Building 429, All Things New and Campbell; $20-$75 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair& Expo Center, Hooker Creek Event Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; "WORKING": Thoroughly Modern Productions and Stage Right Productions present the musical depicting the working lives of everyday people; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or DIVISI AND ON THE ROCKS: The University of Oregon a cappella groups perform, with the Dynamics; $8; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; BendHighSchool,230 N.E Sixth St.;541-383-6309,bendchoir© or www.bendhighchoir. com.
students are expected to be removed from pre-schoolprograms such as Head Start and Early Head Start, which will lose $3 million. If the a nticipated 5 p e rcent funding cut holds, about 600 Oregon students will be dropped from Head Start, said Annie Soto, director of Lane County's Head Start program. The Salem-Keizer School District already has 200 students on a waiting list for Head Start, said Sue Rieke-Smith, the director of instructional services. "It's certainly no t g o i ng to get any easier to meet the needs of those kiddos," RiekeSmith said. Portland P ublic S c hools says 340 students attended summer schoollastyear based on Title I funding, and administrators may have to scale back summer school offerings this year.
AROUND THE STATE POCket dial drug duSt —Police in Molalla say a dispatcher received a cell phonecall and overheard adrug deal taking place. A phone in awoman's pocket inadvertently dialed 911early Tuesday and dispatchers heard a conversation with a man about drugs. KGW reports police tracked the GPS signal to a car in an alley about a block
away. An officer who arrived at the scenecould be heard over the phone by dispatchers. The officer found methamphetamine and ar-
rested a 25-year-old man onmultiple drug charges. The25-year-old woman was cited for possessing marijuana andhung up her phone. Dug IluglSCt PISBS —Twowomen accused of animal neglect in the housing of nearly150 dogs found malnourished, filthy or sick at a warehouse in Brooks have pleaded not guilty to 20 counts of animal neglect. The Statesman Journal said 21-year-old Merissa Noonan
and19-year-old AmandaOakley entered their pleas Thursday in Marion County Circuit Court in Salem. The two were arrested in January by sheriff's officers after the dogs were seized from Willamette
Animal Rescue. Prosecutors say thedefendants hadadministrative roles in the rescue group. Alleged diaS attaCk —A man outwalking his pink poodle in the Portland suburb of Hillsboro says a stranger pulled into a nearby parking lot, got out and hit him. The victim says his attacker then
grabbed a pipe orwrench and hit him again on the back of the head. The attacker reportedly shouted a gay slur. KGW-TV reports that Hillsboro police are calling the Friday afternoon attack a "bias crime."
Police spokesmanMike Rouchessaysthe stranger was driving a late 90s Land Rover. The unidentified victim refused medical attention. Police are looking for a man in his 30s with a thin build, wearing a
baseball hat and akhaki vest. — From wire reports
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Submitted photo
Redmond High School's drama department presents "Legally Blonde: The Musical" tonight at 7. IMPROV:The comedy improvisational troupe Triage performs; $5;7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. HILLSTOMP:The Portland-based punk-blues duo performs, with Mike Brown; $10; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; TRIAGE:The Portland-based dubstep crew performs, with III-Efekt, Lyfe, Prajekt, Rada and Critical Hit; $4; 8 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or www. THE KINKYBROTHERS:The Portland-based funk-rock act performs, with Keez; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541388-8331.
SUNDAY BACHELORBUTTE DOGDERBY: A trophy race for sled dogs and skijoring, with up to 30 dog teams; free for spectators; 8:30 a.m.; Wanoga Sno-park, Century Drive, Bend; PIONEER QUEEN'SDINNER: Potluck meal in the museum events center features stories from Crook County Pioneer Queens; bring a dish and table service; free; 1 p.m.; A.R. Bowman Memorial Museum, 246 N. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-3103. SPRING BOOKSALE:The Friends of the Bend Public Libraries hosts a bag sale featuring books, COs,audio booksand more;free admission, $4 and up per bag; 1-4 p.m.; Oeschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7047.
KNOW SHAKESPEARE:INHO WERE SHAKESPEARE'SWOMEN?: Portland State University professor Amy Greenstadt explores Shakespeare' s mostmemorable women and howthey challenged gender stereotypes of Elizabethan England; free; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-3121032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. NOTABLESSWING BAND:The big band plays swing, blues, Latin, rock 'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734 or KEVIN EUBANKSANDSTANLEY JORDAN: The guitar virtuosos perform; $32-$47 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.
WEDNESDAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: RIGOLETTO": Starring Diana Oamrau, Oksana Volkova and Piotr Beczala in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347. THE BLACKBERRYBUSHES STRINGBAND:The Seattle-based alternative folk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. RYAN STILESAND FRIENDS: The improvisational comedian performs, with Northwest improv all-stars; $50 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. JOHNNY OUTLAWANDTHE JOHNSONCREEKSTRANGLERS: The Portland-based country act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.
TUESDAY KNOW SHAKESPEARE: SHAKESPEARE ONSCREEN:A screening of the1996 PG-13 rated film "Hamlet"; free; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend; 541-312-1032 or www. GREEN TEAM MOVIENIGHT: Featuring a screening of "Surviving Progress," a documentary film about the implications of human progress; free; 6:30-8:15 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504.
THURSDAY AUTHOR! AUTHOR!:Stephen Greenblatt, Pulitzer Prize winning author of "The Swerve" and "Will in the World: How Shakespeare became Shakespeare" speaks; $20-$75; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E Sixth St.; 541-312-1027 or www.
NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Burglary — A burglary was reported at 11:57 p.m. Jan. 20, in the 1200 block of Southeast Wilson Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at3:29 p.m. Feb.15, in the 300 block of Southwest Powerhouse Drive. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 7:28 a.m. Feb. 16, in the 61200 block of U.S. Highway 97. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 7:41 p.m. Feb. 16, in the 300 block of Northwest Franklin Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at3:06 p.m. Feb.17, in the 1100 block of Northwest Redfield Circle. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:31 p.m. Feb.19, in the1200 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 3:15 p.m. Feb. 20, in the 2200 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 10:51 a.m. Feb. 25, in the19800 block of Ponderosa Street.
Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at 4:45 p.m.Feb.25,in the 300 block of Northeast Second Street. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:58 a.m. Feb. 26, in the 2400 block of Northeast Twin Knolls Drive. Burglary — A burglary was reported at 3:19 a.m. Feb. 27, in the 1400 block of Southeast Reed Market Road. Burglary — A burglary was reported at 2:49 p.m. Feb. 26, in the 2600 block of Northeast U.S. Highway 20. Theft — A theft was reported at1:27 p.m. Feb. 20, in the 100 block of Southwest Roosevelt Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:57 p.m. Feb. 16, in the 61300 block of Blakely Road. Theft — A theft was reported at 10:34 p.m. Feb. 19, in the 20200 block of Reed Lane. Theft — A theft was reported at 2:09 p.m. Feb. 25, in the 63100 block of Nels Anderson Road. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at12:20 p.m. Feb. 26, in the 900 block of Northwest Wall Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 1:32 p.m. Feb. 26, in the 62000 block of Quail Run Place. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at12:35 a.m. Feb. 27, in the
20500 blockofEmpire Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered and items stolen at 8:50 a.m. Feb. 28, in the area of Mill Terrace Place and Crystal Creek Court. DUII — Jeffrey Scott Nivison, 38, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 11:50 p.m. Feb. 25, in the 61300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Oregon State Police DUII —Ernest W. Ryan, 59,
was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9 a.m. Feb. 28, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 145. DUII —Heather Alicia Miller, 22, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 1:40 a.m. March 1, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost128.
BEND FIRE RUNS 17 — Medical aid calls.
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The Bulletin
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hen wildfires break out on private forest land, the
state of Oregon is there to help. Landowners pay
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for that help, though the current method of calcu-
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lating the bills has, in recent years, meant that landowners have
picked up the full tab for fires covering more than 10 acres. It's a formula that the state Department of Forestry says is unfair and should be changed, and that is just what House Bill 2050 would do. The proposed changes make sense. Currently, the state and landowner split the cost of small fires, under 10 acres, evenly. That is not going to change under this bill. The change is on the larger fires. Private landowners now pay the first $10 million of firefighting costs for larger fires on private land. The state picks up the next $15 million of the tab, and an insurance policy kicks in at $25 million. The fact is, fires on private land have not hit that $10 million mark in the last decade, meaning that private landowners have borne the full cost of fighting the most expensive fires. If HB 2050 is approved, over the next three biennia, the system will shift to one in which the cost of
might think such a high threshold for passing a bill would be great, with the view that less government is better government, as the saying goes. But gridlock is not what we need or what Kennemer says he's seeking: "Requiring a two-thirds vote to pass a bill forces us all to work together toward better, more broadly supported public policy and law." The representative has plenty of legislative experience. Before earning his House District 39 seat in 2008, he was a Clackamas County commissioner for 12 years and an Oregon state senator for 10. He's no stranger to the challenges of finding consensus to govern. And he doesn't seem to expect this measure to pass, saying, "At the very least, receiving a hearing on HJR 27 will give us the opportunity to talk about how we might improve the process." We share Kennemer's interest in improving the legislative process, whether it's in Salem or — more visibly of late — in Washington, D.C. But until there's a proposal with more promise of success than this one, we think the legislature should focus on issues like pension reform, education and tax policy, among others.
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M Nickel's Worth Tuition bill is alarming
Requiring superrnajority won't fix legislative issues tate Rep. Bill Kennemer says he wants to increase cooperation in the Legislature. It's a worthy goal, though we can't see how his proposal would get us there. The Clackamas County Republican's bill would require a twothirds vote in the House and the Senate to pass any legislation. It would establish a supermajority threshold for everything. The change would r equire amending Oregon's Constitution, so it would need voter approval. Kennemer's news release for House Joint Resolution 27 says it would promote the kind of cooperation that existed during the 20112012 legislative sessions when the House of Representatives was tied with 30Democrats and 30 Republicans. Nothing could get done unless somebody crossed the aisle in theHouse, even though Democrats controlled the Senate. In t oday's D emocratic-controlled House and Senate, in contrast, no Republican votes are needed to move most legislation forward ifDemocrats can agree among themselves. Kennemer's move can be seen first and foremost as a power grab for the party out of power. It would give Republicans more leverage. And government critics
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fighting large fires on private lands also is split evenly with the state. In addition, the forestry department is asking for $1.6 million. That does three things. It beefs up its inventory of firefighting equipment to increase the chances of putting out fires while they are still small. It also enables the department to lower insurance rates for East Side forestland owners. They pay higher rates because of drier conditions but also make less money because they produce less timber per acre. And third, the increased money for initial attack would also drop the state's insurance policy deductible to $20 million from the current $25 million. The changes wouldbenefiteveryone. Firefighting costs would be split more evenly, a boon to private landowners. And, presumably, better equipment and better early response would work to prevent larger fires that are more expensive to extinguish. Pass HB 2050.
have elected to the House, Senate, and the Executive branches of our Amazing and very alarming. The government — continue to not do Oregon House of Representatives the job, feeling that they are earnpassed House Bill 2787, called the ing our loyalty by passing tempo"tuition equity" bill by a margin of rary fixes every couple of months. 38 to 18. This bill gives special treat- Most Americans realizeour sysment to certain illegal aliens who tem is broken, and repairing it rewish to attend college in Oregon. quires sacrifice,through reduced I thought our representatives and services and higher taxes, with the senatorswere elected to represent hope that responsible leadership the interests of the citizens of Or- will lead us out of this quagmire. egon and here they are representLike the rest of us, these electing the interests of a select group ed officials who have asked us of illegal aliens and making law to for this responsibility should be benefit these select illegal aliens. placed on probation, facing loss of Some of the perpetrators of this jobs and pensions if they continue activity are Rep. Michael Demto underperform and shirk their brow, D-Portland, Rep. John Huff- sworn duties. They need to be held man, R-The Dalles and Rep. Betty accountable. Komp, D-Woodburn. What kind of David Brock representation is this? Let's hope Prineville the majority of senators vote no on this, thereby preventing Gov. John Concealed weapons Kitzhaber from signing it into law. and gun safety Dennis Harrison Redmond The recent report from the Oregon state Legislature regarding Elected officials need four proposals to be considered by the judicial committee was at to be held accountable least a step in the right direction. ln my younger years, I was en- We were glad to note that while amored by the charisma and deci- schools were considered, it struck siveness of John F. Kennedy, and in us that our state legislators includmy first election voted Democratic ed their facility as a place where for Jimmy Carter, who was, and a concealed weapon would not be is, a very decent man. As I began allowed. to experience the world, and lived As for the rest of us, going to abroad in d e signated socialistic malls, theaters, grocery stores (you countries, my a t titude and v otget the idea), we're left to fend for ing began to swing progressively ourselves.Just exactly how do we toward th e c o nservative ranks. define the line between where the Socialism has many positive attrineed for gun safety applies and butes, but it seems to drain away does not apply? individualism and personal drive Dennis and Valerie Wood from many of its practitioners. Sunriver I look at the state of America today, and can no longer claim alProblem with tire fee legiance to any political party. I am an American, first and last. I am responding to the person The people who have asked for our who said there should be a studded votes and support — the people we tire fee. It seems that people who
give these arbitrary opinions don't think them through. First, I would assume that a large percentage of the people, like myself, who use studded tires are seniors who want to feel safe when they are driving on icy roads and would find it difficult or impossible to put on chains every time the roads were icy. Many of thosesame seniors are living on fixed incomes, so they would be hard-pressed to pay a fee in addition to the cost of studded tires. Also, many of those seniors probably don't drive as much as the general public and are more inclined to drive the speed limit, thereby not doing as much damage to the roads as all the speeders out there. If we had more traffic police stopping all the speeders, we would have plenty of money for road repairs. Darlene Ashley Redmond
It'sjust3 cents on the dollar As recently printed in The Bulletin, National Review editor Rich Lowry has cut through the media hysteria surrounding the budget sequester. "Over the next 10 years, the sequester amounts to a $1.6 trillion cut, or roughly 3 cents on every federal dollar." That's out of "the biggest budget the world has ever known." That'sright, 3 cents. Three percent. Three centavos. Three pence. Three whatevers. I guess if it's not Armageddon, the media must make it so. So sleep soundly. You will awaken to sunshine, birds singing and the fools in Washington groping in the dark and the media all atwitter over the next trumped-up crisis. Pete Stoefen Bend
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Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or in My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickei's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©
limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Change Bend'S SeniOr Center ta be mOre WelCOming By Patty Rosen ver the past few years, I've been a frequent visitor to our senior center. In those years I've seen a few changes in administration and in the dynamics of the attending seniors. The recent hullabaloo between the United Senior Citizens of Bend and the Bend Park & Recreation District caught my attention because of the complaints and the inability for some folks to talk with the park board in a productive way. Until everyone in charge can calmly talk out their frustrations, I would like to make a couple of points: First, the only programs that seem to have gone missing, that I noticed, that were well attended, are the twice monthly Sunday Bingo game and the daily lunches. Many seniors, with limited
mobility, attended both of these activities and both are taking place in other venues. Which brings me t o m y o t h er point: I don't think the problem with attendance at the senior center is related to the age of those attending, as suggested by USCB, but more related to the physical ability of some seniors and their capability to get to the senior center. For less-mobile seniors there are programs: book discussion, many choices of cards and games and knitting and rug hooking, just to name a few. For active seniors, there are too many classes and activities to name. Why? For starters, active seniors usually drive, so they can easily get to the senior center. It's also because active seniors want to stay active. They want classes that will enhance and support their physi-
IN MY VIEW cal and emotional well-being. Many classes for these seniors are filled to capacity. Most of us who visit the senior center know that the building has several design flaws: Very high ceilings and small cut up rooms that make heating and cooling the place a nightmare. The layout is poorly planned so it is crowded in the back and empty in the front. The kitchen is huge and fully equipped but seldom used, and several other rooms are so small that their use is limited. Lastly, but most importantly, the front entrance lacks a feeling of warmth, that wonderful feeling you get when you walk into a place that is inviting. This is not the fault of the friendly, personable staff. This is not the fault of anyone. It is
what happens when a building is architecturally planned and then reality hits when it is opened and it just doesn't work. Personally, I would love to walk into a main meeting room that is cozy, yet expansive, always open and always welcoming. Perhaps warm and cold drinks could be available. I'd love small tables with comfortably padded chairs to sit in (they currently have couches but those can be a devil to get up from), public computers, and Wi-Fi at theready. Maybe even have some soft, age-appropriate music playing in the background, music that causes us to pause because it's familiar and fills us with memories that make us feel good. And yes, it would have to be soft enough so that it doesn't interfere with anyone's ability to hear. I look forward to the day when
Everyone who uses the senior center must help tt
grow and change. our senior center is the place to go, not for an activity or class, but solely for the purpose to meet friends for a cup of coffee, to work on a computer, perhaps work a puzzle, to chat, or to meet before a walk in the beautiful surrounding park. Everyone who uses the senior center must help it grow and change. Not by being critical and finding fault but by offering ideas for new and innovative ways of doing things. It is up to us, the seniors in Bend, to help nour" place continue to grow and change. — Patty Rosenlives in Bend.
james R. Owen Dec. 4, 1934 - Dec. 22, 2013
James R. Owen, of Palm Springs, CA Dec. 4, 1934 - Dec. 22, 2012 Services: No service is planned at this time. Contributions may be made to:
Cannon Beach Arts Association in Jim Owen's name.
James R. Owen died December 22, of complications from a broken ankle. He was 78 years old. Trained as a n e l e ctrical engineer, Jim c o uld s olve nearly any problem with a quadrille pad and a number t wo p e n cil. Jim
,')I put
Allan Charles Martin Dec. 31, 1963- Feb. 19, 2013 Allan Charles Martin, of B end an d K i m b e r ly , O r egon, passed away T u e sday, February 19, 2013, after a brief, but devastating battle w ith c a n cer. He w ill be deeply missed, but n ever forgotten. A m emor ial ser v ice, f o l Allan Martin l owed b y a re c eption, will be held for A l l an at 1 1:00 a . m. , S a t u rday, M arch 2 , a t th e Sp r a y Assembly of God church in Spray, OR. A llan was born a t G o o d Samaritan H os p i t a l i n P ortland, a n d r a i s e d i n Bend, where h e a t t ended Pilot B u t t e El e m e n t ary School, Pilot Butte Junior High, C e n t ra l Chr i s t i an A cademy; an d h e g r a d u a ted from M o u ntain V i ew H igh S c h o o l i n 1982 , ( where he w a s a n h o n o r s tudent, f o o t b al l p l a y e r , and mu sician). F ollowing bible college in Eugene, he a ttended C OC C a n d b e c ame a j o ur n e y m a n plumber, s oo n e s t a blishing P r e cision P l u m b i n g , and (later) E l e c t r i cal, where he worked, trained, and employed others. I n 1 9 8 8 , h e mar r i e d M ichelle R e a n n B ai l e y , who s u r v i ve s h i m , an d who b l e ssed h i m w it h J osiah ( 2 4) , S a r a h ( 2 2 ) , Bethany (20), C aleb ( 16), and Charity (10). Allan attended the Christ ian Lif e C enter i n B e n d , (and later, the Assembly of God church in Spray, OR). On several o ccasions, he d id ove r s ea s m is s i o n s work. H e d esigned a n d b u i l t houses, including a h o u se a nd sho p i n B e n d , a n d l ater, p u r c h a se d an d developed a cattle ranch in Kimberly, OR. He en j o y e d hu nt i n g , f ishing, an d camp i n g ; buying, f i x i n g u p, an d driving Mo p a r v e h i c l es; and spending time with his family and friends. He was bright, hardworking, wise, p ractical, an d l i v e d w i t h integrity. The can c e r cam e recently, u n ex p e c tedly, and painfully, sapping his strength a n d fr u s t r a ting his physicians. His last few w eeks were spent i n t h e company of his loved ones, who are grateful for the 49 y ears God l o aned hi m t o us. A lso surviving A l lan a r e his parents, Morris Martin, of Bend, and Janis Kosinski Paschall, of Redmond; sister, Katherine Martin, of Redmond; brother and sist er-in-law, Ro n a n d R u t h M artin, o f Chi c a go , I L ; n ephews, N a t h aniel a n d Ruslan Martin, o f Chi cago, IL; and many others. He was preceded in death by his gr andparents, Carl and O ra Mar t i n , an d Charles and Gladys Kosinski, all of Raymond, WA.
self through college and earned James Owen the attent ion o f a local girl at a dance. H e m a r r ie d M a r y A n n Owens in 1957. The newl yweds m o ve d t o M a r y land, Colorado, California and Oregon, from 1958 to 1966, giving birth to a son at each stop. In Oregon he joined Ford I ndustries w h e r e h e l p e d grow the company to more than 400 employees, led a management buy-out and renamed it C o de-A-Phone Corporation. Meanwhile he and Mary A nn raised four w i l d O r egon boys, coping with the chaos that couldn't be contained on a quadrille pad. J im r e t ired i n 1 9 9 1 , t o s tart h i s n e xt ch a p t e r building fine English cabin ets, p a i n t in g in oi l s, c ooking F r e n c h cu i s i n e and p u b l i shin g a b ook about global energy. J im i s s u r v i ved b y h i s wife; four sons; and three grandchildren. His accoml ishments were borne of i s head an d h a n ds, b u t also h is devo t e d and loving wife, who never left his side. In lieu of f l owers, please m ake d o n a tion s t o th e Cannon Beach Arts A ssoc iation i n Jim Ow en ' s name.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Dr. Jane Wright, 93: Pioneering oncologist who helped elevate chemotherapy from a last resort for cancer patients to an often viable treatment option. Died Feb. 19 at her home in Guttenberg, N.J. Bruce Reynolds, 81: Mastermind of the so-called Great Train Robbery in 1963. One of the most audacious and lucrative heists in English history, it netted the modern equivalent of $40 million; he considered the episode his "Sistine Chapel ceiling" in a career of thievery. Died Feb. 28.
Continued from B1 "There really ought to be a way to have citywide standards for anybody cutting into the roads, that require them to go underneath without disturbing the pavement whenever possible, and specifications for pavement when they do have to cut into the road," Clinton said. "That's something the public works g uys should bring t o t h e council whenever they can, and have us talk about it." Some cityfranchise agreements do not specify how the utilities must repair city streets and other infrastructure.For example, the agreement with Cascade Natural Gas states, "Whenever (the utility) shall disturb any of the streets, alleys, avenues, roads, highways, thoroughfares, parking, bridges, and/
Lindsey Continued from B1 R ecently, after y ears of being r elatively c omplication-free, Sierra's antibodies started rejecting her donor heart. In the last month, Sierra has begun undergoing treatment to combat the rejection. The plasmapheresis cleans the damaging antibodies out of her plasma and then returns the blood to her body. She then receives new anti-
or all sidewalks in said City for the purposes aforesaid,it or they shall restore the same to good order and condition as soon as practicable and without unnecessary delay." The Cascade Natural Gas agreement a l s o s p e cifies that the utility must file a plan with the city showing the location of any existing mainline pipes, and the proposed location of extensions of those pipes, before the utility can build them. The city manager must review these proposals. Mark Hanson, a spokesman for C a scade Natural Gas, said the company is working with the city to ensure quality r epairs. "We partner with the city to follow its requirements, to make sure the condition is repaired either the same o r b e tter than it was before our project was started," Hanson said
Friday. "If the city decides to increase standards or do some other types of requirements, we would certainly follow their lead to do what's required becausethat'spart of our agreement with the city." When the C it y C o uncil briefly discussed the issue at the January financial meet-
bodies from an intravenous drlp. Sierra was slated for her last plasmapheresis treatment Friday and t o l e arn whether shecan move from the hospital's school back to her regular one. Doctors will know if the effort is working in several weeks. Lindsey, for the time being, will continue attending the hospital school, Stacy said. She must return to the hospital regularly during the next two to three months for various
checkups and tests, as well. Lindsey's medications are also in the process of adjustment, Stacy said. Right now, that means Lindsey's energy and mood aremore variable. Stacy said she remembers the same experience after Sierra's transplant. "Sometimes she's herself,
Coal-train dustdata too sparse,report says The Associated Press PORTLAND — Industry data is too scant to gauge the health effects of coal dust blowing off of trains headed from the Great Plains to export terminals along the West Coast, according to a review by Multnomah County's health department. County C h airman J eff Cogen, a coal export opponent, requested the report on health effects, The Oregonian reported. Local governments can't stop the export projects, he said, but "the burden should be on the coal companies and the train companies to prove that this is not going to damage the health of our residents." One in nine Multnomah County residents lives within a third of a mile of potential coal-train routes, the report said. Three of the five terminals
being considered for coal exports could send trains through Portland — one in Coos Bay and two along the Columbia River in Longview, Wash., and at a Port of St. Helens industrial park near Clatskanie. The analysis looked at the impact if all three projects succeed, bringing up to 90 million tons of coal through the county on 16 to 19 trains each day. But some of the traffic might be on the Washington side of the river, and two of the terminals haven't applied for permits. The report says the federal government should do a regional study of export proposals, a c a l l s i m i lar to one made by Gov. John Kitzhaber. The dust contains harmful metals, including cadmium. But little is k n own about how it's dispersed or the size of the particles.
the city are doing so. Tom Hickmann, the city engineer and assistant public works director, said that one option the city has not pursued thus far is a moratorium on allowing utilities to cut into streets. "That is a policy decision," Hickmann said, and the decision is up to the City Council. If there ing, City Manager Eric King were a moratorium on cutsaid some c it y f r a n chise ting into the pavement, utiliagreements donot require a ties would have to bore holes city inspection after the util- underneath the streets. ity has patched up the road. Hanson said he would not Community Development recommend a m o r atorium Director Mel O b erst said, on cutting into newly paved "Historically it hasn't been streets. Instead, Hanson said done and they don't often utilities should be required finish their work and com- to repair the new pavement plete it t o c it y s t andards." so that it still has a 20- to 30However, Oberst said the city year life. "If they're cutting is working with utilities on into brand new pavement, an individual basis to ensure they need to do more than streetsare properly repaired, the minimum," Hanson said. and even those utilities that — Reporter: 541-617-7829, are not required to work with
happy and giggling," Stacy said. "Then in the next moment she can be frustrated." As Lindsey climbed into t he f a mily S u b urban o n Thursday, Stacy wrote on
their blog, she asked her m other t o c r a n k u p th e music. She was greeted to signs on the door of the Binghams' apartment at the Ronald McDonald House made by her grandmother an d b r o ther Hunter, 6. The signs together said, "Welcome home brave Lindsey Lou!" "The waiting i s f i n a lly over," Stacy said. — Reporter: 541-617-7828,
not have to go through the Ways and Means CommitContinued from B1 tee, Kropf said, sets a bad B ut, h e s a i d , h e fe l t precedent. "Ways a nd M e ans i s strongly enough about this project to dip into his per- where things get vetted for sonal coffers.He's targeted their ability to be financially three senators he sees as sound," he said. possible "swing votes" on The Oregon Department the project. of Justice and Secretary of I n addition t o K n o p p, State had not received any he's calling c o nstituents complaints Friday. "I will tell you, this was of Sens. Jackie Winters, of Salem, and Bill Hansell, of meant to s care th e y o uAthena, both Republicans. know-what out of seniors," Winters said her office has said Charles Richards, 70, received hundreds of calls of Salem, who received the in response to the robocalls, call more than once. particularly from seniors. A Richards, who sits on the 94-year-old woman called governor's commission on her office very upset. s enior services, said t h e "Think about it, you're a call invoked " a s ense of senior ... your hearing is not urgency." that good and you get this Knopp said he will vote call," Winters said. in the way he thinks is "best Kropf s ai d i t ' s i m p o r- for Oregon." "This is no t a r e v enue tant people know what an "unmitigated disaster" this raising bill, there is no tax project will be. i ncrease," he s a i d. "The "Anybody who votes for truth of the matter is every this thing w il l b e t a r r ed second or third legislative with it for the rest of their session there is a gas tax political career," said Kropf, or road funding (package) who as a H ouse member introduced, and that would sat on the Transportation be the case regardless of Committee. whether this passed." The fact that the "boon— Reporter: 541-554-1162,
doggle" of the project did
— From wire reports
Franklin portrayedmom in 'OneDayat a Time' By Douglas Marlin New York Times News Service
Bonnie Franklin, whose portrayal of a pert but determined Ann Romano on the televis ion sho w
FEATURED "One Day at QBpUARy a Time" in the 1970s and '80s
spun laughter out of the tribulations of a divorced woman juggling parenting, career, love life and feminist convictions, died Friday at her home in Los Angeles. She was 69. The cause was complications of pancreatic cancer, family members said. They had announced the diagnosis in
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They maybesubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. MondaythroUgh Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.
Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
September. Franklin also acted on the stage and in movies and for years sang and danced in a nightclub act. But she was most widely known in the role of Ann Romano, one of the first independent women to be portrayed on TV wrestling with issues like sexual harassment, rape and menopause. Franklin — green-eyed, red-haired, button-nosed and 5-foot-3brought a buoyant comic touch to the part. S ome saw th e s how a s helping feminism enter t he mainstream. "I know it's just a television show, and I don't think that I am changing the waythe world is structured," Franklin told The Washington Post in 1980, but she allowed that "sometimes we strike chords that do make people think a bit." "One Day at a Time" ran from December 1975 to May 1984, and its ratings ranked in the top 20 in eight of those seasons and in the top 10 in four. Franklin was nominated for an Emmy Award and twice for a Golden Globe. The show's topicality fell squarely in the tradition of its developer, Norman Lear, who had gained renown for introducing political an d s o cial commentary to situation comedy with "All in the Family" and othershows. Its co-creator was Whitney Blake, a former sitcom star who, as a single mother,had reared the future actress Meredith Baxter. Like Archie and Edith Bun-
ker in "All in the Family," Ann and her daughters, Julie and Barbara Cooper Franklin (Mackenzie Phillips and Valerie Bertinelli), used comedy in the service of grappling with serious, and thorny, real-world matters. As a divorced mother who had reverted to her maiden n ame and relocated to I n dianapolis, Ann f ought her deadbeat ex-husband for child support, for example. Or she dealt with a daughter deciding whether to remain a virgin. Some story lines continued for up to four weeks, as when Julie, to Ann's consternation, dated a man more than twice her age. In one plot twist, Ann's fiance is killed by a drunken driver. Later she marries her son-in-law's divorced father. Comic relief came from the frequent visits of the building superintendent, Dwayne Schneider (Pat H arrington). But Franklin was said to have pushed the producers toward greater realism, urging them to take on issues like teen pregnancy and avoid letting the show lapse into comic shtick. In her 2009 memoir,"High on Arrival," Phillips, who had come to the show after gaining notice in the 1973 George Lucas film "American Graffiti," said Franklin did not want "One Day at a Time" to be "sitcom fluff." "She wanted it to deal hon-
estly with the struggles and truths of raising two teenagers as a single mother," Phillips wrote. By the time the show ended in 1984, Ann's daughters had grown and married and Ann herselfhad remarried and become a grandmother. In interviews, Franklin said she had refused to do anything that might diminish her character's integrity. In particular, she said, it was important for Ann not to rely on a man to make decisions. But each year she found herself fighting the same fights. "And I'm not working with insensitive men," she told The Boston Globe in 1981. "But the men who produce and write the show still don't believe me when I present them with the women's point of view. "After seven years," she continued, "I just want to say, 'C'mon guys, I'm an intelligent person, why don't you just trust me?' I'm so tired of fighting. But you can't give up." Bonnie Gail Franklin was born in Santa Monica, Calif., on Jan. 6, 1944, one of five children. Her father was an investment banker while her m other pushed her children toward the performing arts. The family later moved to Beverly Hills, where Franklin graduated from Beverly Hills High School. An excellent tap dancer by 9, she danced on "The Colgate Comedy Hour" in 1953. The next year, she played Susan
Cratchit on "A Christmas Carol" on the CBS variety show "Shower of Stars." In 1956 she had uncredited roles in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Wrong Man" and the comedy "The Kettles in the Ozarks." She turned down an offer to be a M ouseketeer on Disney's "Mickey Mouse Club" television show. After attending Smith College inMassachusetts, Franklin transferred to the University of California, Los Angeles, where she graduated with a major in English in 1966. Her marriage to Ronald Sossi, a playwright, ended in divorce in 1970. She had her breakthrough as a performerthe same year, when she was nominated for a Tony for her 10-minute songand-dance performance on Broadway as a chorus gypsy in "Applause," which starred Lauren Bacall. Franklin also acted in episodes of other television shows as well as in regional theater and movies, mainly ones made for television, notably playing MargaretSanger,the women's rights and birth-control advocate, in "Portrait of a Rebel: The Remarkable Mrs. Sanger," a movie on CBS. On the Sanger set,she met themovie' sproducer, Marvin Minoff. They were m arried for29 years before his death in 2009. The couple had no children. She went on to speak to hundreds of thousands of women at an abortion rights march in Washington in 2004.
W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013.
• •
Today:Dry for most of the day, very
Tonight:A bit of light snowfall overnight, no accumulatio n .
warm, rain CHXLNNE
possible late in the day.
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Yesterday's state extremes
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• Brookings
• Lakeview
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50 29
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SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrise today...... 640 a.m
MOOn phaSeS F i r st Full
Last New
Sunset tomorrow... 5:57 p.m Moonrisetoday...1154 p.m. Moonsettoday .... 9:pp a.m. Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar.19 Mar. 27 •
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:25 a.m...... 6:08 p.m. Venus......6:33 a.m...... 5:20 p.m. Mars.......7:06 a.m...... 6:46 p.m. Jupiter.....1012 a.m...... 1:17 a.m. Satum.....l0;43 p.m...... 9:10 a.m. Uranus.....7:34 a.m...... 7:56 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 63/39 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........67m1985 Monthtodate.......... 0.00" Recordlow......... -6in1960 Average monthtodate... 0.03" Average high.............. 48 Year to date............ 1.80" Average low .............. 25 Average year to date..... 2.65" 6arometric pressureat 4 p.m30.34 Record 24 hours ...0.90 in1970 *Melted liquid equivalent
Cooler, rain will become light snowfall
Yesterday Saturday Sunday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m
Astoria ........ 55/50/0.03..... 52/39/r.....48/37/sh Baker City......40/32/0.00.....50/32/c..... 42/23lrs Brookings......58/47/0.00....55/40/sh.....55/39/sh 6urns..........56/27/0.00....53/27/sh.....41/21/pc Eugene........ 64/49/0.00..... 56/38/r.....50/35/pc Klamath Falls .. 53/27/0 00 ....54/29/c ...47/23/pc Lakeview.......54/27/000 ...51/31/sh.....44/23lrs La Pine........59/32/0.00....58/23/sh.....43/24/sh Medford.......65/46/0.00.....59/37/c.....54/33/pc Newport....... 54/50/0.00..... 51/39/r.....49/35/sh North Bend...... 57/48/NA..... 54/39/r.....50/35/pc Ontario........47/33/0.00....58/39/pc.....50/31/sh Pendleton......62/45/0.00.....57/41/c.....51/30/pc Portland .......61/54/0.00.....57/41/r.....50/38/sh Prineville....... 61 /34/0.00.... 58/28/sh..... 50/24/sh Redmond.......63/32/0.00.....58/28/c.....40/26/pc Rosehurg....... 64/46/0.01 .... 58/38/sh..... 53/37/sh Salem ....... 63/51/000 . . 56/39/r .. .51/34/pc Sisters.........60/32/0.00....59/26/sh.....46/22/sh The Dages...... 61 /45/0.00.....59/38/c.....52/29/pc
for solar at noon.
Snow accumulation in inches
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth AnthonyLakes ..... . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . 78 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 81 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .74-112 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . .115-122 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . 110 Mt. HoodSki6owl...........0.0......69-76 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . 149
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .42-95 Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . .38-47 Mammoth Mtn., California.....0.0. . . . .87-185 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .48-63 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . .24-95
Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-53 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .60 73 Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . 47 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-iog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
• 92'
little to no
CENTRAL Mostly cloud and
EAST Mostly cloudy and seasonable.
Baker City
ei a z
WEST Rain becoming likely, with snow above 6,DDDfeet.
mild conditions.
48 / 26
• Mitchell eoag
La Grande•
44 Aibany~ 4Wa r m SPrlngs ~o 4 5 / 38 4 4 4 42' 4 2 oMadrasI ' ~4 OTVallc 1$4 4 4 4CampShermano
•v ~'
~ 4gag
Nevv Ort • 4 44 5i/39
Wallowa • PendletOn gel/28 • Enterprise 57/41 • Meacham 49/33
60/3 5
4 4
5 /33
' 4
4 54/37 0,4 4 Gov e rnment Ca mP 4024 Lincoln City„ " ",Sale~ 4
• Hermiston 56/34
• Arl i ngton »36
Sunny skies and rebounding
4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Tillamookl,,p v
Some early morning snowfall,
39 25
I I 4
+ vt 4 4 4 • ++e ee 3 4 4 4 t a e
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain
* * * *** * '* * * * * * +*
F l urries Snow
Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......62/28/0 00..63/38/pc.. 75/48/s GrandRapids....30/25/0 00..31/I5/pc.29/13/pc RapidCity.......47/I7/0.00..59/35/pc.. 58/35/c Savannah .......52/41/0.00..51/34/pc.. 51/30/s Akron ..........30/27/002...30/I7/c.. 30/16/c GreenBay.......26/21/000...26/7/pc.. 28/I2/s Reuo...........68/31/0 00..66/40/pc. 58/30/pc Seattle..........59/51/0.22 ... 54/39/r. 48/36/sh Albany..........41/33/003..39/26/sn. 39/24/sn Greensboro......45/37/0.00...45/28/c.45/24/pc Richmond.......48/37/0 00... 46I28/c. 45/27/pc SiouxFalls.......25/18/0.00..3II20/pc. 36/26/sn Albuquerque.....60/34/000...59/36/s. 65/38/pc Harusburg.......42/37/0.00...39/26/c. 36/24/pc Rochester, NY....34/26/0 05.. 29/18/sn. 26/I9/sn Spokane ........51/37/0.04...51/35/c..44Q9/rs Anchorage ......34/25/0 02..32/21/pc.. 30/21ls Hartford CT.....48/34/0 00...44Q9/c..42/26/rs Sacramento......73/41/000 ..73/50/pc. 69/41/pc Springfield, MO ..30/27/0.00.. 35/19/pc. 48/31/pc Atlanta ........ 44/35/0.00...43/29/c.. 47/28/s Helena..........55/33/0.00..53/34/pc..41/27lrs St.Louis.........34/30/0.08..34/24lpc ..40/28/c Tampa..........64/52/0 00... 62/41lc. 61l40/pc Atlantic City.....46/31/0.00...44/30/c..41/27lc Honolulu........81/71/0.00...81/68/s.. 81/67/sSalt Lake City....45/33/0.00..49/35/pc...45/28lr Tucson..........95/33/000... 80/47/s. 80/51lpc Austin..........70/26/0.00..62/35/pc.. 71/49/s Houston ........65/36/0.00..53/37/pc..62/50/s San Antonio.....73/33/0.00..66/37/pc.. 72/Nys Tulsa ...........40/34/0.00..42/24/pc. 56/40/pc Baltimore ...... 45/3$000...45/29/c. 42/25/pc Huntsville.......41/36/000..40/25/pc.41/23/pc SanDiego.......80/52/0.00... 76/55/s.69/56/pc Washington, DC..46/41/0.00...46/30/c. 43/28/pc 6illings.........62/31/000..63/35/pc..53/30/rs Indianapolis.....34/30/002..33/20/pc.34/21/pc SanFrancisco....71/46/0.00..63/47lpc. 60/44/pc Wichita .........34/29/0.00..43/26/pc.50/35/pc Birmingham.....44/36/000 ..41/26/pc. 44/24/pc Jackson, MS.... 48/29/000. 44/27/pc50/32/pc SanJose........70/45/000..69/47lpc 65/41/pc Yakima .,,,,..,.68/37/0 00 58/34lc..52/29/s Bismarck........29/20/000 ..44/25/pc.. 39/24/c Jacksonvile......59/46/000..55/33/pc.. 56/32/s SantaFe........52/25/0.00... 51/32/s.56/34/pc Yuma...........82/47/0.00...86/55/s. 85/55/pc Boise...........56/35/000 ..59/39/pc. 46/28/sh Juneau..........40/35/024...37/27lc. 37/23/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........41/34/000 .. 44/32/rs ..42/31/rs KansasCity......30/26/0.00 ..34/16/pc .. 43/31/c BudgeportCT....47/37/000...43/30/c .. 40/27/c Lansing.........29/24/0 00..29/13/pc. 27/11/pc Amsterdam......41/36/001 .. 39/35/c 45/30/pc Mecca..........93/75/000 95I77/pc .. 99/75/s Buffalo.........31/26/000..28/15/sn. 26/16/sn Lasvegas.......74/44/000...72/53/s. 73/50/pc Athens..........53/39/0.00.. 55/47/pc...52/42/r Mexicocity .....72/45/000 60/34/pc.. 67/37/s Burliugton,VT....38/30/000..37/25/sn. 36/21/sn Lexington.......37/32/005 ..34/24/pc. 36I22/pc Auckland........73/66/000... 75/64/c.77/63/pc Montreal........34/30/0.05 .. 32/32/sn.. 37/30/c Caribou,M/E.....34/26/002..33/27/sn. 34/28/sn Lincoln..........33/24000 ..38/24/pc.. 44/30/c Baghdad........69/55/0.00 ..76/59/pc.. 82/67/c Moscow........34/27/0.38....16/6/c. 15/11/sn CharlestonSC...54/39/000...51/34lc.. 50/30/s Little Rock.......42/32/000..43/25/pc. 52/35/pc Bangkok........97/82/0.00 ..98/76/pc...96/78/t Nairohi.........88/61/0.00... 83/56/s .. 83/57/s Charlotte........48/26/000...45/28/c .. 4!/26/5 LosAngeles......81/54/0 00... 75/55/s. 69/53/pc Beiling..........43/27/0 00 .. 45/27/pc. 51/37/pc Nassau.........75/70/0 00 .. 73/63/sh. 72/59/sh Chattanooga.....42/37/0.00 ..42/28/pc. 45/25/pc Louisvile........39/33/0.07..36/25/pc. 40/25/pc Be/rut..........61/54/0.1864/58/pc .. .. 80/56/c New Delh/.......73/50/0.00...79/54ls ..81/56/s Cheyenne.......43/22/000 ..51/31/pc.. 61l27/c MadisonWl.....27/18/001...30/9/pc .. 32/12/c Berlin...........43/27/0.00 ..42/33/pc. 34/25/pc Osaka..........61/39/000 ..44/33/sh. 45/38/pc Chicago.........30/25/002 ..30/17/pc. 32/20/pc Memphis....... 38/35/000 38/25/pc 45/35/pc Bogota.........66/54/0.05... 73/52/t...71/50/t Oslo............43/28/0.00 38/24/pc .. .. 32/20/c Cincinnati.......37/33/000..36/23/pc.36/22/pc Miami,,,.......66/63/000..,69/48lc. 67/45/pc Budapest........41/30/0.00...44/30/s .. 46/29/s Ottawa.........32/27/0.03 .. 25/25/si ..34/23/si Cleveland.......30/26/003...28/18lc. 28/18/sn Milwaukee..... 27/25/000 ..30/16/pc. 30/18/pc Buenos Aires.....82/66/0 00... 80/66/t. 74/52/pc Paris............39/36/0.00 ..44/29/pc.. 3I29/s ColoradoSpnngs.42/21/000..59/30/pc. 61/29/pc Minneapol/s.....31/24/000 ..30/16/pc .. 34/18/c Cabo580Lucas ..82/64/000... 81/63ls .. 82/61/s Rio de Janeiro....81/72/0.00... 82/70/t .. 85/72/s Columhia,MO...32/28/001 ..33/17/pc. 41Q9/pc Nashville........40/34/001 ..35/24/pc. 40I24/pc Cairo...........68/52/0.00..84/68/pc 86/53/pc Rome...........55/41/0.00 ..60/40/sh.. 56/46/s ColumhiaSC....56/31/000...47/30/c .. 49/27/s New Orleans.....61/43/000 ..50/36/pc .. 51/42/s Calgary.........50/30/000..54/28/pc 28/18/sn Santiago........75/50/0.00... 88/65/s .. 86/62/s Columbus, GA....54/38/0.00... 48/32/c .. 52/30/s New York.......45/36/0.00...44/32/c .. 42/31/c Cancun.........75/70/0.10..75/59/pc.69/59/pc SaoPaulo.......81/64/0.00... 78/65/t...82/65/t Columbus, OH....34/30/000 ..34/22/pc. 33/20/pc Newark,Nl......47/34/0.00...45/30/c .. 44/29/c Dublin..........48/27/0.00...43/39/c .. 46/36/c Sapporo ........34/27/0.00 ..32/15/sn.. 27/15/si Concord,NH.....37/25/000 .. 41/23/rs. 39/23/sn Norfolk VA......50/38/000...46/31/c.44/30/pc Edinburgh.......48/30/0.00...43/36/c ..48/33lc Seoul...........43/28/0.00 35I28/pc. .. 36/33/pc CorpusChristi....76/41/000..64/47/pc.. 69/56/s OklahomaCity...44/24/000..47/29/pc. 61/42/pc Geneva.........39/25/0.00..44/31/pc.. 43/37/s Shangha/........57/37/038 ..43/36/pc. 48/35/pc DallasFtWorth...56/33/000 ..56/34/pc.. 65/47/s Omaha.........29/24/000..34/23/pc.. 41/29/c Harare..........88/63/0.00... 76/60/t...77/60lt Singapore.......91/77/1.1 3.. 91/77/sh...88/76/t Dayton .........34/30/000..35/21/pc.33/20/pc Orlando.........65/50/000..62/39/pc.61/39/pc Hong Kong......77/68/0 00.. 73/60/sh.66/61I pc S tockholm.......39/25/0 05.. 38/22/sn.. 25/17/si Denver..........37/20/000 ..54I31/pc. 58/32/pc PalmSprings.... 84/53/0.00. 82/56/s. 82/53/pc Istanhul.........46/32/0.00... 48/39/s.45/39/sh Sydney..........68/63/000 ..70/68/sh. 73/68/sh DesMoines......30/26/001..28/15/pc.. 32/24/c Peoria..........32/26/0 01..33/14/pc. 35/22/pc lerusalem.......55/46/000.. 71/59/pc.. 80/50/c Taipei...........81/59/000 ..56/54/sh. 59/56/pc Detroit..........31/27/000 ..28/18/pc. 27/14/pc Philadelphia.....46/31/0.00...45/29/c .. 41/26/c Johannesburg....72/59/0.34...72/56/t...77/588 Tel Aviv.........66/54/0.00 ..75/59/pc.. 88/57/c Duluth..........21/14/000..29/16/pc.31/13/pc Phoeuix.........80/46/000...83/57/s. 81/57/pc Li/m...........882/72/.00... 80/71/t.7I71/pc Tokyo...........63/48/0.00... 48/32/s.49/38/pc EIPaso..........63/34/000...66/40/s. 74/51/pc Pittsburgh.......33/29/000..33/20/su. 30/18/pc Lisbon..........57/39/000..53/46/pc 60/50/c Toronto.........28/23/000 . 28/18/si 28/18/pc Fairhanks.........14/1/000 .. 21/9/pc..23/13/s Portland,ME.... 37/32/000 .. 39/29/rs. 39/26/sn London.........45/36/0 00 .. 43/32/pc. 47/32/pc Vancuuver.......52/45/0.59... 46/37/r. 48/34/sh Fargo............25/6/000...28/16/c.30/20/pc Providence......49/36/0.00 .. 45/30/rs ..42/28/rs Madrid .........55/37/0.00 .. 56/42/pc.43/36/sh Vienna..........39/36/0.00 ..43/33/pc. 40/26/pc Flagstaff........54/16/0.00...56Q5/s.55/24/pc Raleigh.........49/28/0.00...46/29/c..47Q6ls Manila..........90/73/000..92/74/pc. 88/71/pc Warsaw.........41/32/000... 36/32/c ..34/23/rs
Still The Oldest A Largest Furniture Store in Central Oregon!
I t t
M IATT R E S S G~aller y - B e n I
d I
I 6>
Sports in brief, C3
Golf, C3 Prep sports, C4 Tee to Green, C4
ou arSreaC Sae ourne
Bend girls, Summit boys on top early
By Beau Eastes The Bulletin
Laurenne Ross, of Bend, speeds down the course during a women's World Cup super-G, in GarmischPartenkirchen, Germany, Friday. Ross finished in ninth.
Down seasons just do not exist at Mountain View. The Cougars knocked off two-time defending state champion Corvallis, 6251, on Friday in a first-round state playoff contest at Mountain View. And now the Cougars are headed back to the Class 5A boys basketball championship tournament in Eugene despite having to replace 10 seniors from last year's squad that placed fourth at state.
Inside • Summit, Madras and Ridgeview boys all lose first-round state playoff games,C4 Cougar junior Grant Lannin had the game of his career. The 6-foot-4-inch wing scored a game-high 18 points — all of which came in the second half — in addition to recording 11 rebounds, three assists, three blocks and two steals. With Lannin exploding after the break, Mountain View rallied back from a 25-21 halftime deficit to advance to the 5A state
tourney for the sixth time in seven years. The Cougars (21-3 overall) will face Wilsonville (18-8), which upset Redmond 59-47 on the road Friday, at 3:15 p.m. on Wednesday at the University of Oregon's Matthew Knight Arena. "People don't understand how hard it is to get back to Matt Court," Mountain View coach Craig Reid said. "We've had so much successhere in footballand basketball, and sometimes I think people take that for granted."
Bulletin staff report MOUNT BACHELOR — Bend and Summit high schools dominated both the girls and boys competitions during the first day of the Oregon School Ski Association state championships on Friday. Competing in giant slalom on the Thunderbird run at Mt. Bachelor ski area, the Lava Bear girls and Storm boys hold leads over the Summit girls and Bend boys, respectively, heading into today's slalom competition. Powered by Charlie Stuermer's victory, the Summit boys combined to post a time of 5 minutes, 21.8 seconds. That was enough to lead the Lava Bears, who are less than two seconds behind (5:23.14). Stuermer won the state title in GS with a tworun time of 1:43.51, more than five seconds ahead of Bend's Mitchell Cutter
See Cougars/C3
Bend's Ross 9th
Germany — Bend's Laurenne Rossraced to a ninth-place finish
on Friday in awomen's alpine skiing World Cup super-G event.
Ross clocked a time of1 minute, 20.57 seconds to claim her third top-10 World Cup plac-
ing of the season. Tina Weirather of Liechtenstein secured her first World Cup
victory, edging Julia Mancuso of the United
States on asteep and fast course. Mancuso and Slovenia's Tina
(1:49.11). See Alpine /C4
Maze tied for second on the 1.42-mile Kan-
dahar course in sunny
• Results from Friday's alpine and
nordic events,C4
Maze, who has already clinched the season's overall title, became the first skier to make19 podiums in a
single season. Weirather was third out of the gate and
Storm have strong first day at state
covered the course in 1:19.82 to beat Mancuso
and Maze by0.12 seconds. AnnaFenninger of Austria was fourth. Ross, 24, continues her solid World Cup
Photos by Rob Kerrr The Bulletin
Redmond's Matt Dahlen goes up for a shot during Friday night's Class 5A state playoff game against Wilsonville in Redmond.
season. Shewas eighth in downhill and11th in
super combined at the
Bulletin staff report MOUNT BACHELOR — Strong starts for Summit's boys and girls teams highlighted Friday's first day of the Oregon HighSchool Nordic (OHSNO) State Championships on Mt. Bachelor ski area's nordic trails. Storm skier Emily Hyde successfully defended her individual skate state title from 2012, winning the girls 7.5-kilometer skate race in 23 minutes, 57.8 seconds. South Salem's Vivian Hawkinson took second in 24:11.4, while Hyde's teammates Olivia Moehl (24:34.2) and Emma Su (24:56.3) finished third and fourth, respectively. With three of the top five finishes on the opening day of competition, the Storm enter today's final day of the state meet in first place with eight points. See Nordic /C4
World Championships in Austria last month. She
is scheduled to compete today in a World Cup downhill race. — From staff wire reports
• Third-seeded Redmondfalls at hometo Wilsonvile By Grant Lucas
of times," Redmond coach Jon Corbett said. "We knew what we were up REDMOND — P l ayoff experience against experiencewise." can go a long way. Perhaps it was the difference in playOn Friday night, Redmond High, off familiarity between the two prowhich has not advanced past the first grams, or maybe it was the Panthers' round of the boys basketball state play- 10-day layoff since their regular-season offs since 2004, faced the challenge of finale against Bend High on Feb. 19, a taking on Wilsonville, a program that 56-37 loss. has placed fifth or better at the Class 5A "We just wanted to come out and play state tournament each of the past four our game," said Matt Dahlen, who finseasons. ished with a game-high 18 points to go Despite erasing an eight-point deficit along with six rebounds and five assists. to even things up 40-40 in the second "We knew they were an in-your-face, half, the No. 3-seeded Panthers were up-tempo team. We haven't played in 10 out-gunned by the veteran Wildcats, days or so, so the layoff, I guess ... (we) a sixth-seeded team that used a subse- came out flat." quent 10-1 run to break the tie and pull Redmond never led and trailed for away for a 59-47 5A first-round upset three quarters. But late in the third, the victory. Panthers made one last push. "They've been through the fire a lot See Panthers /C4 The Bulletin
---: i Ys
Miami Heat's LeBron James, left, drives to the basket during Friday night's game.
Grizzlies can't keep upwith Heat Miami beats Memphis forits 13th straight victory,C3
Redmond'sMason Rodby shoots during Friday night's game. Rodby had eight points and nine rebounds for the Panthers.
Coursesstarting to perk up after mild winter By Zack Hall
The Bulletin
Rookie takes PGA Tourlead Luke Guthrie, above,
takes a one-stroke lead after Friday's second round,C3
Chris Condon is already seeing the first signs of spring at Bend's Tetherow Golf Club, where he serves as course superintendent. By Central Oregon standards, this has been a relatively dry and mild winter. That, combined with Condon's practice of protecting the fescue-carpeted track by top-dressing it during the cold-weather months, has Tetherow's turf beginning to green up in some places well ahead of normal. "It's looking really good," says Condon, who plans to start up the course's irrigation system in the coming week. "There is very minimal disease from moisture and the snow. So that's good." As March begins, superintendents across the region are getting a feel for how their golf courses are coming out of winter. Central Oregon's varied microcli-
mates produce different conditions for different locales. But the signs appear to be overwhelmingly positive for most golf courses. Even normally snowy Crosswater Club in Sunriver, located at an elevation some 500 feet higher than Bend, is clearing well ahead of schedule. "It's been a really easy winter, it really has," says Bill St. Jeor, Crosswater's superintendent. St. Jeorsays several factors have played into the region's hands. First, his course was blanketed in December with snow, helping to insulate the turf from freezing temperatures and disease. Then a relatively warm, mild stretch began in January without the freezing-thawing cycles that can wreak havoc on sensitive areas on a course, particularly putting greens.
See Courses/C4
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Paul Rozak uses a sweeper to clear debris from the fairway near a patch of ice along the first hole of Bend's Widgi Creek Golf Club on Friday.
ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY GOLF 6 a.m.:EuropeanTour/Sunshine Tour, TshwaneOpen, third round, Golf Channel. 10a.m.:PGATour, Honda Classic, third round, Golf Channel. Noon:PGA Tour, Honda Classic, third round, NBC. 3:30 p.m.:LPGA Tour, HSBC
Women's Champions, third round, Golf Channel.
FISHING 6a.m.:Bassmaster Classic, day 1 (taped), ESPN2. SOCCER
BASKETBALL 1:30 a.m.:Men's college,
Wyoming at NewMexico (sameday tape), Root Sports. 3:30 a.m.:Men's college, Pepperdine atSanDiego (sameday tape), Root Sports. 9 a.m.:Women's college, Southern Miss at Tulane, CBSSN. 10a.m.: NBA, Miami at New York, ABC.
10a.m.:Men's college, Purdue at Wisconsin, ESPN. 10:30a.m.:W omen'scollege, Vanderbilt at Georgia, ESPNU.
11 a.m.: Men's college, Florida
D.C. at Houston, NBCSN.
State at North Carolina, CBS. 11 a.m.:Women's college, St. Joseph's at Dayton, ESPN2. 11 a.m.:Women's college, Rhode Island at Virginia
LACROSSE 8 a.m.:Men's college, Maryland
12:30 p.m.:NBA, Oklahoma City at L.A. Clippers, ABC.
6:55a.m.:English Premier
League, ManchesterUnitedvs. Norwich City, ESPN2.
5 p.m.:Major LeagueSoccer,
at Duke, ESPNU.
BASKETBALL 9a.m.:Men's college, Louisville at Syracuse, CBS. 9a.m.:Men's college, Alabama
12:30 p.m.:Men's college, Washington State at
Washington, Root Sports. 12:30p.m.:W omen'scollege, Tennessee at Kentucky, ESPNU.
1 p.m.:Men's college, Michigan
9a.m.:Men's college, Army at
Carolina at Duke, ESPN2.
State at Michigan, CBS.
1 p.m.:Women's college, North
Lehigh, CBSSN.
2 p.m.:Men's college, Utah at
10 a.m.:Men's college, Memphis at Central Florida, Root Sports. 11 a.m.:Men's college, West
Stanford, Pac-f 2 Network. 3 p.m.:Men's college, North Carolina State at Georgia Tech, ESPNU. 5 p.m.:NBA, Chicago at lndiana, ESPN.
11 a.m.: Men's college, Notre Dame at Marquette, ESPN. 11 a.m.: Men's college, Wichita State at Creighton, ESPN2.
11 a.m.:Men's college, George Mason at Delaware, NBCSN.
11 a.m.: Men's college, UMassat Xavier, CBSSN.
Noon:Women's college, Stanford at Washington State, Pac-12 Network.
Noon:Men's college, Arizona State at USC, Root Sports.
Noon:Men's college, Valparaiso at Green Bay, ESPNU.
1p.m.:Men'scollege,Kentucky at Arkansas, CBS.
1 p.m.: Men'scollege,Texasat Oklahoma State, ESPN. 1 p.m.:Men's college, UNLV at Nevada, NBCSN.
1 p.m.: Men's college, Simon Fraser at Western Washington, CBSSN. 2 p.m.:Men's college, Portland
at Gonzaga, RootSports. 2 p.m.:Men's college, Colorado at Cal, ESPNU.
3 p.m.:Men's college, Miami at Duke, ESPN.
3 p.m.:Men's college, Harvard at Penn, NBCSN.
4 p.m.: Men's college, Kansas State at Baylor, ESPN2. 4 p.m.:Men's college, South Carolina at Texas A& M, ESPNU.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Arizona at UCLA, ESPN.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Vanderbilt at Auburn, ESPN2.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Rutgers at Georgetown, ESPNU.
7 p.m.: NBA, Minnesota at Portland, Blazer Network (Ch.
39). 8 p.m.: Men'scollege,BYUat
FISHING 4a.m.: Bassmaster Classic, day 2 (taped), ESPN2. BASEBALL 6 a.m.: MLB, spring training, Detroit at New York Yankees
(taped), MLBNetwork. 10a.m.:MLB, spring training, Toronto at Philadelphia, MLB Network. 1 p.m.:MLB, spring training, New York Yankees at Boston
(taped), MLBNetwork. 5 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Detroit at Atlanta (taped), MLB Network. 8 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Chicago White Sox at San Diego
(taped), MLBNetwork. GOLF 6a.m.:European Tour/Sunshine Tour, Tshwane Open, final round,
Golf Channel. 10a.m.: PGATour, Honda
Classic, final round, Golf Channel. Noon:PGA Tour, Honda Classic, final round, NBC. 4p.m.: LPGATour, HSBC
Women's Champions, final round, Golf Channel. MOTOR SPORTS 9a.m.: Motorcycle racing, AMA
Supercross World Championship (taped), CBS. 11:30a.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Subway Fresh Fit 500, Fox.
HOCKEY 9:30a.m.:NHL, Chicago at Detroit, NBC. 4:30 p.m.:NHL, Montreal at Boston, NBCSN.
9:30a.m.: Bull riding, PBR
WINTER SPORTS 9:30 a.m.:Snowboarding, U.S.
Open, NBCSN.
BASEBALL 10a.m.:MLB, spring training, Miami at New York Mets, MLB Network.
Dickies Iron Cowboy IV(taped), CYCLING 10a.m.:Paris-Nice, prologue (same-day tape), NBCSN. SOCCER 10a.m.:Major LeagueSoccer,
1 p.m.: MLB, spring training,
Montreal at Seattle, NBCSN.
Philadelphia at Toronto (taped, MLB Network.
4:30p.m.:Major LeagueSoccer,
GYMNASTICS 10a.m.:American Cup,NBC. 2 p.m.:Women's college,
Noon: Skiing, U.S. Freeskiing
Arizona State at Arizona, Pac-12 Network.
MOTOR SPORTS 1:30p.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Dollar General 200, ESPN2.
WRESTLING 4 p.m.:College, Pac-12 Championship, Pac-12 Network.
ON DECK Today Girls basketball: Class 4Afirst round, Sistersat Mazama, 7 Class4Afirst round, Madrasat La Grande,5 p.m.; Class5Afirst round, Summit at Corvallis, 5 p.mzCass 5Afirst round,Marist at Bend,2p.m. Alpine skiing: OSSA Championships/Finals at Mt. Bachelor,slalom,Thunderbird run,10 a.m. Nordic skiing: OHSN Ostatechampionships at Mt. Bachelornordicarea,10a.m.
New Yorkat Portland, ESPN2.
WINTER SPORTS Grand Prix (taped), NBCSN. TRACK & FIELD 1 p.m.:USA Indoor Championships, NBCSN.
GYMNASTIGS 2 p.m.:Women's college, Alabama atArkansas (taped), ESPN2.
VOLLEYBALL 7 p.m.:College, USCat Stanford,
Semifinals Carla Suarez Navarro (2), Spain,def. Silvia SolerEspinosa,Spain,6-2, 6-1. SaraErrani(I), Italy, dei.AlizeCornet(3), France, 6-2, 6-1.
Eastern Conference Atlantic Division
Men's college
GP W L OT Pts GF GA Pittsburgh 21 13 8 0 26 70 58 NewJersey 20 10 6 4 24 49 52 P hiadephia 22 10 11 1 2 1 64 67 N.Y.Rangers 19 9 8 2 20 48 49 N .Y. Islanders 21 8 11 2 1 8 61 73
Friday's Games
East Brown84,Cornell 65 Columbia59, Yale46 Dartmouth69, Penn64 lona 90,Loyola(Md.) 86 Manhattan34, Fairfield 31 Marist 76,Siena74 Princeton58, Harvard53 South Sc-Upstate88, ETSU56
Montreal Boston Ottawa
Toronto Buffalo
Pacific-12 Conference All Times PST
Commonwealth, CBSSN.
at Florida, ESPN. 9a.m.:Men's college, Butler at Virginia Commonwealth, ESPN2.
Virginia at Kansas, CBS.
Oregon UCLA
Arizona Califomia Colorado ArizonaSt. SouthernCal Washington Stanford Utah OregonSt. Washington St.
W 12 11 11 11 9 9 8 7 7 3 3 2
L 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 12 13 13
W L 23 6 21 7 23 5 19 9 19 8 20 9 13 15 15 13 16 13 11 16 13 16 11 17
Today's Games ArizonaStateatUSC,noon Colorado at California, 2p.m. Arizonaat UCLA, 6p.m. Sunday's Games Washington StateatWashington,12:30 p.m. Utah at Staniord 2 p.m.
Norlheast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA 20 13 4 3 29 58 43 17 13 2 2 28 51 36 21 12 6 3 27 49 39 22 13 9 0 26 64 55 21 8
1 2 1 17 Southeast Division GP W L OT Pts Carolina 19 1 0 8 1 21 Winnipeg 20 10 9 1 21 TampaBay 20 9 1 0 1 19 Florida 2 0 6 9 5 17 Washington 19 7 1 1 I 15
54 67
GF GA 54 55 55 61 71 64 51 73 52 59
Western Conference Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Chicago 21 1 8 0 3 39 St. Louis 20 1 1 7 2 24 Detroit 2 1 1 0 8 3 23 Nashville 21 9 7 5 23 Columbus 21 5 1 2 4 14 Northwest Division GP W L OT Pts Vancouver 19 10 5 4 24 Minnesota 20 10 8 2 22 Edmonton 20 8 8 4 20 Colorado 19 8 8 3 19 Cagary 1 9 7 8 4 18 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts Anaheim 19 15 3 1 31 Da as 2 1 1 0 9 2 22 Los Angeles 18 10 6 2 22 San Jose 19 9 6 4 22 Phoenix 20 9 8 3 21
68 40 59 57 60 57 45 52 47 65
GF GA 54 52 45 49 49 54 49 58 53 66
HankKuehne StewartCink BrianGay EmieEls FreddieJacobson Y.E.Yang GregChalmers JamieDonaldson DarronStiles BenKohles Vaughn Taylor KevinStreelman Kyle Stanley JasonDufner RusseIHeney George McNeil Brendan Steele BenCrane RetiefGoosen JasonBohn Justin Hicks StevenBowditch NicolasColsaerts BrandtJobe Scott Stallings BradFritsch PatrickReed SteveMarino DavidLynn TigerWoods TrevorImmelman Matt Jones MatteoManassero Failed to puafify DickyPride CamiloVillegas TedPotter,Jr.
KenDuke Troy Kelly Seung-YulNoh Harris English CharlieBeljan HenrikStenson BenCurtis MikeWeir Sang-MoonBae AndresRomero RobertoCastro JoeySnyderIII RobertAllenby Will Claxton
67-72 — 139 68-71 139 67-72—139 69-70—139 70-69—139 67-72 139 68-71—139 73-66—139 71-68—139 66-73 139 71-68 — I39 71-68 — 139 70-69 — 139 69-70 — 139 68-71 — 139 71-68—139 72-67—139 70-69—139 72-67—139 70-69—139 71-68—139 70-69—139 69-71—140 69-71—140 74-66—140 68-72—140 67-73 — 140 71-69 — I40 72-68—140 70-70—140 73-67—140 67-73—140 73-67—140 70-71 — 141 64-77 — I41 69-72—141 71-70 — 141 70-71 141 66-75—141 70-71—141 71-70 — 141 73-68 — 141 70-71—141 71-70 — 141 72-69 — 141 75-67 142 72-70—142 69-73—142 72-70—142 71-71 142 70-72—142 69-73—142 73-69—142 73 69 142 70-72—142 72-70—142 70-72—142 74-68—142 70-73—143 69-74—143 69-74—143 74-69—143 69-74—143 72-71 — I43 71-72 — 143 71-72 — 143 69-74 — 143 71-73 — I44 74-70 — 144 73-71 — 144 72-72 — 144 74-70 — I44 72-72 — 144 71-73 — 144 69-75 — 144 72-72—144 71-73—144 72-73 — 145 72-73 145 71-74 — I45 69-76 — 145 72-73 — 145 76-70 — 146 73-73—146 70-76 — 146 71-75 — 146 73-73 146 73-73—146 75-72—147 75-73 — 148 78-70 — 148 72-76 — I48 73-75 — I48 70-78 — 148 73-76 — 149 74-75 — 149 75-74 — I49 78-77 — 155 79-79 — 158 70 —WD 78 —WD
ChezReavie DavidHearn BudCauley StephenAmes Women's college KevinNa John Merrick Friday's Games JonasBlixt East Wittenberg Brown58, Cornell 51 NOTE:Twopoints ior a win, onepoint for overtime Casey Martin Flores Canisius51,Niagara36 loss. John Huh Harvard58,Princeton55 Friday's Games WesShort,Jr. Loyola(Md.)56, Fairfield 48 St. Louis 4,Edmonton 2 ChadCampbel Marist 79,St. Peter's50 Chicago4, Columbus3, OT Matt Every Penn55, Dartmouth45 Anahei m 3,Minnesota2 Justin Leonard Rider72,Siena52 Today's Games StuartAppleby Yale 66,Columbia49 Ottawaat Philadelphia, 9a.m. RickyBames Midwest TampaBayatBoston,10a.m. David Lingmerth Bradley77,S. Illinois 61 NewJerseyat Buffalo, noon MichaelBradley Indiana St. 71, Missouri St 63 Washington at Winnipeg, noon BrianHarman N. Iowa70, Evansville 57 Pittsburghat Montreal, 4p.m. TroyMatteson Far West Florida atCarolina, 4p.m. Colorado60,Oregon49 Anaheim atPhoeni x,5 p.m. Paul Scaletta Oregon St. 54, Utah46 Los Angelesat Vancouver, 7p.m. JasonKokrak SouthernCal74, Arizona62 Nashville atSanJose,7:30 p.m. Martin Laird UCLA58,ArizonaSt.50 Sunday's Games RorySabba tini Chicagoat Detroit, 9:30a.m LukeList OttawaatN.Y.Islanders, noon J ames Ha hn ColoradoatColumbus,noon TENNIS Jerry Kelly St. Louisat Dallas,noon Colt Knost CarolinaatFlorida, 3p.m. Professional JohnsonWagner Montreal atBoston, 4:30 p.m. LouisOosthuizen Dubai Championships Buffalo atN.Y.Rangers, 4:30p.m. Scott Langley Friday Edmontonaf Minnesota, 5p.m. WilliamMcGirt At Dubai TennisStadium VancouveratCalgary,5p.m. TagRidings Dubai, United ArabEmirates Scott Gardiner Purse: $2.4 million (WT500) BASEBALL Cameron Tringale Surface: Hard-Outdoor GregOwen Singles Lee Wi l i a ms Semifinals MLB Alexander Noren NovakDjokovic(1), Serbia,def.JuanMartin del MAJORLEAGUEBASEBALL Ryo Ishikawa Potro (4),Argentina,6-3,7-6(4). Spring Training DavidDuval TomasBerdych(3), CzechRepublic, def. Roger JesperParnevik Federer(2), Switzerland,3-6,7-6(8), 6-4. Friday's Games Jeff Maggert Doubles Toronto 5,Tampa Bay4 J.B. Holmes Semifinals Baltimore6, Pittsburgh(ss) 5 TommyGainey Mahesh Bhupathi, India, and Michael Llodra, Philadelphia10,N.Y.Yankees5 John Mallinger France ,def.RohanBopanna,India,andRaleevRam, Minnesota8, Miami 7 Tim Herron UnitedStates,6-3,6-7(2), 10-5. PaulCasey Robert Lindstedt, Sweden,and NenadZimonjic Houston8, St.Louis8, tie N.Y. Mets6, Detroit 2 DavidMathis (3), Serbia,def JonathanErlich, Israel,andMikhail KansasCity3, Cincinnati 2 RoryMcllroy Youzhny, Russia, 7-6(2), 76(2). San Diego 7, L.A. Dodgers (ss) 5 BrianDavis Arizona6,Chicago Cubs2 Delray BeachInternational L A. Angel s 16, L A. Do dgers (ss) 8 Friday LPGA Tour San Francisco13,Oakland9 At Delray BeachStadium & Tennis Center Cleveland9, ChicagoWhite Sox7 HSBCWomen'sChampions Delray Beach, Fla. Seattle 8,Texas6 Friday Purse: $619,775(WT260) Colorado5, Milwaukee2 At SentosaGolf Club(SerapongCourse) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Washington6,Atlanta5 Singapore Singles Boston 5,Pittsburgh(ss) 2 Purse:$1.4 million Guarterfinals Yardage: 6,606; Par:72 ErnestsGulbis, Latwa,def. Daniel Munoz-dela SecondRound Nava,Spain,6-1,6-4. GOLF 67-66 — 133 Tommy Haas(2), Germany, def.IvanDodig, CroaStacyLewis 69-66 — I35 Na YeonChoi tia, 7-6 (6),2-6, 6-1. PGA Tour 69-66 — 135 Ariya Jutanugarn EdouardRoger-Vassein, France,def. Ricardas 68-67—135 Berankis,Lithuania,6-4, 6-3. Honda Classic ChegaChoi 68-67—135 John Isner(1), UnitedStates,def. KevinAnderson Friday PaulaCreamer 67-68 — I35 At PGANational (Champion Course) SunYoungYoo (6), SouthAfrica, 6-2, 7-6(1). 65-70—135 Palm BeachGardens, Fla. AzaharaMunoz 68-69—137 Brazil Tennis Cup Purse:$6 million DanielleKang 67-71—138 Yardage: 7,110;Par: 70 Pornanong Phatlum Friday 70-69—139 At FederacaoCatarinense deTenis SecondRound HaejiKang 70-69—139 Florianopolis, Brazil LukeGuthrie 68-63—131 CatrionaMatthew 67-72—139 MichaelThompson 67-65—132 Karin Sjodin Purse: $236,000(Intl.) 72 68—140 BooWeekley 66-67 133 JessicaKorda Surface: Hard-Outdoor 71-69—140 Singles Graham Del.aet 65-68—133 HeeKyungSeo 71-69 — 140 Lee Wes t w ood 66-68—134 Jiyai Shi n Semifinals 70-70 — 140 Monica Niculescu,Romania, def. Kristina Mlad- GeoffOgilvy 68-66—134 CarolineHedwall 69-71 140 enovic (7),France,6-0, 6-2. DougLaBelleII 66-68—134 NicoleCastraie 67-67—134 Jodi EwartShadofl 69-71—140 Dlga Puchkova, Russia, def. VenusWiliams (1), CharlesHowell III 69-71—140 SeanO'Hair 66-68—134 CandieKung United States, 4-6, 6-4, 7-5. 69-71—140 Justin Rose 68-66—134 AmyYang GraemeMcDowell 67-68—135 MoriyaJutanugarn 73 68—141 Malaysia nOpen Friday RobertStreb 65-70—135 Lexi Thomp son 73-68—141 At Bukit Kiara Epuestrian tkCountry Resort BrianStuard 66-69—135 KarineIcher 70-71—141 NicholasThompson 69-66—135 MorganPressel 70-71—141 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia LucasGover 69-66—135 Chie Arimura 69-72 141 Purse: $236,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor TomGilis 67-68—135 YaniTseng 68-73—141 Billy Horschel 66-69—135 Lizette Sal a s 67-74—141 Singles DanielSummerhays 69-67—136 BrittanyLang 73-69—142 Guarterfinals Ayumi Morita(4), Japan,def. LuksikaKumkhum, Chris Kirk 68 68—136 InbeePark 73 69 142 Thailand,6-7(7),6-4, 6-1. KeeganBradley 68-68—136 MeenaLee 71-71—142 Karolina Pliskova,CzechRepublic, def. Patricia RickieFowler 65-71—136 GerinaPiler 71-71 — 142 Mayr-Ach eitner, Austria, 7-5, 6-1. Jeff Klauk 67-69—136 KarrieWebb 71-71 — 142 65-71—136 ShanshanFeng 69-73 142 AnastasiaPavlyuchenkova(3), Russia, def.Ash- BrandenGrace leigh Barty,Australia, 6-2,6-0. JamesDriscoll 69 68—137 BrittanyLincicome 69-73—142 BethanieMattek-Sands,UnitedStates, def. Hsieh RossFisher 71-66 — 137 SuzannPetersen 73-70—143 Su-wei(2),Taiwan,7-5, 6-2. CameronPercy 71-66 — I37 StacyPrammanasudh 73-70—143 DustinJohnson 66-71—137 Hee-WonHan 72-71—143 MexicanOpen Martin Kaym er 71-66—137 AnnaNordqvist 72-71—143 Chris Stroud 67-70—137 Beatriz Recari 71-72 — I43 Friday At The FairmontAcapulcoPrincess Erik Compton 69-68—137 JennyShin 71-72 — 143 Acapulco, Mexico KevinStadler 67-71—138 VickyHurst 73-71 — 144 Jeff Overton 67-71—138 RheeLee 70-74 — 144 Purse: ATP,$1.35 million (WT500); WTA, Bob Estes 69-69—138 Katherine Hul l Ki r k 75-70 — I45 $236,000 (Intl.) GaryWoodland 68-70—138 JulietaGranad a 74-71 — 145 Surface: Clay-Outdoor MarkWilson 70-68—138 JenniferJohnson 72-73 — 145 Singles Men RyanPalmer 69-69—138 KatieFutcher 70-75 — 145 Semifinals D.A. Points 67-71—138 MomokoUeda 78-68 — I46 David Ferrer(1), Spain,dei. FabioFognini, Italy Brendon deJonge 70-68—138 Eun-Hee Ji 72-74 — 146 6-3, 6-7(5),6-1. Charl Schwartzel 70 68—138 MichelleWie 71-75 — 146 69-69—138 CindyLacrosse 70-76 — 146 RafaelNadal(2), Spain,def. NicolasAlmagro(3) MarcLeishman 71-67 — I38 77-70 — I47 Spain,7-5, 6-4. PeterHanson Julilnkster Women FabianGomez 66-72—138 Mika Miyazato 76-71 — 147 GF GA 67 50 57 62 47 42 45 43 57 55
75-72 — 147 74-73—147 72-75—147 70-77 147 72-76—148 74-77—151 76-76—152 75-77—152 80-78—158 75-WD WD
Giulia Sergas CristieKerr
HeeYoungPark I K. Kim
MinaHarigae MiJungHur AngelaStanford SandraGal ChristabelGoh NatalieGulbis Ai Miyazato
Today's Games SportingKansasCity atPhiladelphia,1 p.m. TorontoFCat Vancouver, 3:30p.m. DC Unitedat Houston 5p m Colorado atFCDallas,5:30 p.m. Columbus at ChivasUSA,7:30p.m. Montrealat Seatle Fc, 7:30p.m. Sunday'sGames Chicag oatLosAngeles,2p.m. NewYorkat Portland, 4:30p.m. Real SaltLakeatSanJose,7p.m.
MO TOR SPORTS NASCAR Sprint Cup Subway FreshFit 500 After Friday pualifying; raceSunday At Phoenix International Raceway Avondale, Ariz. Lap length: 1 miles
(Car number inparentheses)
1. (55)MarkMartin, Toyota, 138.074mph. 2. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet,137.862. 3. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,137.804. 4. (18)KyleBusch, Toyota,137.673. 5. (24)Jeff Gordon,Chevrolet,137.164 6. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet, 137.143. 7. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, 137.075. 8. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota,136924. 9. (20)MattKenseth, Toyota,136.882. 10. (39)RyanNewman,Chevrolet,136.861. 11. (2)BradKeselowski, Ford,136.835. 12.(17) RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,136.731. 13.(15) ClintBowyer,Toyota,136.654. 14.(56) MartinTruexJr.,Toyota,I36.602. 15.(99)CarlEdwards,Ford,136.483. 16.(27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 136.364. 17.(16) Greg Biffle, Ford,136.291. 18. (43)AricAlmirola, Ford,136.266. 19. (I) JamieMcMurray,Chevrolet,135.936. 20. (31)JeffBurton, Chevrolet,135.89. 21. (88)DaleEarnhardtJr., Chevroet,13587. 22.(9) Marcos Ambrose, Ford, 135.44. 23. (51) AJAllmendinger, Chevrolet,135.44. 24. (34)DavidRagan,Ford, 135.267. 25. (78)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,135.247. 26. (7)DaveBlaney,Chevrolet,135.1. 27. (36)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet,135.064. 28. (95)ScottSpeed,Ford,134.917. 29. (42)JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet,134.821. 30. (93)Travis Kvapil, Toyota,134.705. 31. (38)DavidGigiland, Ford,134695. 32. (22)JoeyLogano,Ford, 134.373. 33. (47)BobbyLabonte, Toyota,134.343. 34. (83)DavidReutimann,Toyota,133.814. 35. (19)MikeBliss, Toyota,133.774. 36. (35)JoshWise,Ford,133.591. 37 (30)DavidStremme Toyota Owner Points 38. (33)LandonCassil, Chevrolet,OwnerPoints. 39. (44)ScottRiggs,Ford,Owner Points. 40. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,OwnerPoints. 41. (87)JoeNemechek, Toyota, Owner Points. 42. (32)KenSchrader,Ford, Owner Points. 43. (13)CaseyMears, Ford,Owner Points.
American League TEXASRANGERS Promoted general manager Jon Danie s to presidentof basebaI operations/general managerandchief operatingofficer RickGeorge to presidentofbusinessoperations. National League CINCINNATIRED S—Agreed to termswith RHP Mark Prior on aminor leaguecontract. PITTSBURG H PIRATES—Agreed to terms with RHPVicBlack, INFChased'Arnaud, RHPJeanmar Gomez,INFJosh Harrison, RHPJared Hughes, RHP Phil Irwin, RHP Chris Leroux,LHPJeff Locke,OF Starling Marte,RHPVin Mazzaro, C MichaelMcKenry, RHPKyle McPherson, RHPMark Melancon, INF Jordy Mercer,RHPBryanMorris, LHP Andy Oliver,RHPStolmy Pimentel, OF Alex Presley, INF Clint Robinson, CTonySanchez, OFJerry Sands, OF TravisSnider, RHPHunter Strickland, LHPTony Watson,RHPDukeWelkerandLHPJustin Wilsonto
BASKETBALL National Basketball Association MIAMIHEAT AssignedFJarvisVarnadotoSioux Falls (NBALD). FOOTBALL
National Football League
ARIZONACARDINALS—Released LB Stewart BradleyandCBWilliam Gay. ATLANTA FALCONS— ReleasedRB MichaelTumer, DE John AbrahamandCBDuntaRobinson. BUFFALO BI.LS—Designated FSJairus Byrdas their lranchiseplayer. CINCINNATIBENGALS—Designated DEMichael Johnsonastheir franchiseplayer. CAROLINAPANTHERS—Released DT Ron Edwards. INDIANAP OLISCOLTS—Designated PPatMcAiee as theirfranchiseplayer. NEWYOR KJETS—Signed DTJunior Aumavae, DB EricCrockerandWRThomas Mayo. HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague CAROLINAHURRICANES— Reassigned F Zac Dalpe to Charotte(AHL). COLUMBUSBLUEJACKETS— Recalled D Dal ton Prout from Springfield (AHL). DALLASSTAR S—Announced F fom Wandel cleared waiversandwasassignedto Texas(AHL). PHOENIX COYOTES RecalledFChrisBrownand FRobKlinkhammer lrom Portland (AHL) TAMPABAYLIGHTNING—ReassignedF Richard
Panik toSyracuse(AHL). VANCOUVERCANUCKS— Claimed LW Tom Sestito off waiversfrom the Philadelphia. ReassignedF AndrewEbbettto Chicago(AHL). COLLEGE NCAA —Placed Saint Mary's (Calif.) on fouryears of probationfor a "failure to monitor its men'sbasketball program."Theprogramwil havea reduction in scholarshipsirom 13to 11 for the2014-15 and 2015-16 seasons.GaelscoachRandyBennett wil be suspended for thefirst fiveWest Coast Conference gamesnextseason. AUBURN —DismissedDTDevaunteSigler for violating undisclosed teamrules. CALIFOR NIA—Signedfootball coachSonny Dykes to a five-yearcontract ST. JOHN'— SSuspendedsophomore basketball G D'AngeloHarrisonfortherest ofthe season. TENNES SEE—Named Robert Gillespie running backscoach.
Pac-12 Network.
BASEBALL BASEBALL 1 p.m.:College, Bryant at Oregon 1 p.m.:College, Bryant at Oregon State (doubleheader), KICE-AM State, KICE-AM 940. 940. 7 p.m.:NBA, Minnesota at Portland, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
Blackbawksearn point in 21ststraight game The Associated Press CHICAGO — Brent Seabrook scored on a 2-on-1 break at 3:23 of overtime and the Chicago Blackhawks extended their NHL-record, season-openingpoint streak to 21 games with a 4-3 win over the Columbus Blue Jackets on Friday night. Patrick Sharp and Bryan Bickell scored 59 seconds apartlate in the second period, and Viktor Stalberg also connected
in regulation for Chicago (18-0-3), which Listings are the mostaccurate available. The Bulletin/s not responsible for late changes made byTll or radio stations
won its eighth straight overall and has earned 39 out of a possible 42 points this season.
to Nashville. In other games on Friday: Ray Emery made 19 saves for the win. B lues..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ryan Johansen scored with 7:37 left O ilers .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 in regulation to tie it at 3 for Columbus, ST. LOUIS — Vladmir Sobotka put St. snapping his 37-game goal drought. Vin- Louis ahead early in the third period and ny Prospal and Artem Anisimov also had added an assist for the Blues, who rallied goals for injury-depleted Columbus (5-12- from two goals down to beat Edmonton. 4), which has a league-low 14 points. D ucks ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Blackhawks posted their 10th con- W ild ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 secutive win against the Blue Jackets, ANAHEIM, Calif. — Teemu Selanne dating to Feb. 18, 201L Chicago also has a scored his 669th NHL goal, Jonas Hiller point in its past 26 regular-season games made 31 saves, and Anaheim held off since a regulation loss on March 25, 2012, Minnesota's late surge.
C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.
S&P 500
NASDAQ ~ 3,169.74
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Factofy slowdown? Economists anticipate that orders to U.S. factories declined in January from the previous month. Factory orders have been up and down for several months, reflecting uncertainty over the economy, which contracted in the last three months of 2012 even as housing and business investment posted gains. The Commerce Department reports January factory orders on Wednesday.
3 52
S&P 500
1,480 '
1 0 DA Y S
Close: 1,518.20
1 3 980
Change: 3.52 (0.2%)
-.04 '
Clos e : 1 4,089.66
Chang e : 35.17 (0.3%)
14,400 14,000
13,600; 1,450 13,200 -. 1,400:.
12,800 . '
Vol. (In mil.) 3,607 1,826 Pvs. Volume 3,689 1,903 Advanced 1690 1388 Declined 1320 1045 New Highs 1 62 107 New Lows 45 36
DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
12,400. ".S.
HIGH LOW C LOSE C H G. 14107.09 13937.60 14089.66 +35.17 -8.45 6004.58 5923.49 5984.90 481.47 476.79 481.39 + 0 . 98 8881.09 8779.84 8874.19 + 5 . 48 3171.50 3129.40 3169.74 + 9 . 55 1519.99 1501.53 1518.20 + 3 . 52 -4.49 1102.64 1085.99 1098.15 16040.28 15844.93 16028.27 +34.56 915.72 914.73 + 3 . 62 899.31
%CHG. WK Mo OTR YTD +0.25% L L +7.52% -0.14% +1 2.78% +0.20% +6.25% +5.10% +0.06% +0.30% +4.98% +0.23% +6.45% L T -0.41% +7.62% +0.22% +6.89% +0.40% +7.70%
NorthwestStocks NAME
CRM Signet Jewelers S IG Close:$182.00%12.78 or 7.6% Close:$59.69V-1.53 or -2.5% The customer-management softA Citi analyst downgraded shares of ware provider's fourth-quarter loss the jewelry retailer, which operates widened to $20.8 million, but its reKay Jewelers stores, to a "Neutral" rating from 0 Buy. sults still beat expectations. $200 $65 8
D J 52-week range
Alaska Air Group AvistaCorp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co
ALK 31 .29 ~ AVA 22 78 ~ BAC 672 ~ BBSI 16 50 — BA 6 6 . 82 — CascadeBancorp CACB 4.23 ~ CascadeCp CASC 42.86 — Columbia Sporlswear COLM4 5.37 ~ CostcoWholesale COST 81.98 ~ Craft BrewAlliance BR EW 5 62 ~ FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 ~ Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ~
0 0
51.96 52.40 +.85 $.1.6 28 05 26.20 +.81 . . . 4 4 12 42 11.34 +.11 +1.0 w w 46 36 44.61 +.93 +2.1 78.02 77.28 +.38 +0.5 7.18 6.14 +.11 +1.8 V V 65.45 64 .51 +. 2 6 +0.4 58.63 55.9 4 +. 4 1 $ -0.7 105. 9 7 10 1.42 + . 13 +0.1 w 8 92 6 71 + 10 + 1. 5 V 2 7.16 2 6.2 1 -.12 -0.5 w 26.61 2 0. 1 5 +. 0 1 4.0 0 11.82 +. 38 $.3.3 L w 29.27 21.83 +.15 +0.7 4 V 9.64 9.33 -.81 -0.1 w w 2952 29 . 53 + , 3 2 +1 ,1 4 i 6 89 4 53 -.15 - 3 2 w w 22,13 21 .31 + . 34 +1 ,6 4 4 24.35 24 .20 +. 8 4 +0.2 w L 17.91 16 . 80 -.91 -5.1 V W 32.95 27.9 5 +. 1 5 +0 .5 X 4 57.41 54.8 2 +.3 6 +0 .7 4 4 58.44 54 .87 -.15 -0.3 4 w 50.80 45. 7 3 +. 1 8 + 0.4 w v 1 4.92 1 1.9 5 -.02 -0.2 w 4 48.75 4 6. 9 7 -.48 -1.0 4 W 2.60 1.94 +.83 + 1 .3 w 4 49 69 48 .69 +. 1 9 +0,4 4 4 94.9 5 18 5.81 -.78 -0.4 > w 24,43 24 .10 + . 24 +1 ,0 A i 47.00 27.75 -.86 -3.0 w w 16 7 ,27162.48 +.89 +0.6 4 V 41.99 39.25 -.56 -14 w 4 62.00 54.87 +.82 . . . 4 V 7.26 4.64 85 -1.1 x w 13.88 12.53 02 -0.2 V V 35 46 3 481 +.03 +0.1 4 4 18.42 17 . 43 -.12 -0.7 w v 36.6 0 35.39 +.31 +0.9 w 4 24,06 23 .48 -.82 -0.1 V V 31.74 2 9.5 7 +.16 + 0.5 4 w
+ 21.6 +48 3 8 2 9 1 2 +8.7 +10. 8 25 9 2 0 w -2.3 +38.9184244 44 +17.1 tt59.6 4 1 23 +2.5 + 4 . 7 5 999 1 5 V -1.9 + 4 .3 3 dd + 0.3 +19.1 86 14 + 4 8 +13 6 1 3 4 1 9 a +2. 7 +28 .3 17 47 25 4
t3 5
$2 6
1. 2 2f 0 . 04 0.52 1 .94f 1. 4 0 088 1 .10a
+17 4 + 0 5 9 88 18 0 2 8 +41.4 -21.1 20217 dd 0 .53 w -4.9 +17.4 23 91 0. 2 4a 4 +2.0 -20.1 44882 10 0 .90 x +10 . 8 +1 5 .4 10463 11 0 . 20 4 + 13 5 +25, 1 4 2 17 2 4 0, 6 0 4 +13 5 -303 728 d d 4 +10.3 + 1 53.9 2427 c c L +13.9 +13 .1 1 1 36 0.69 V -1.3 +16.4 4942 14 X +4.6 -10.1 34449 15 0 . 92 4 + 6.2 +3.2 37 5 3 2 3 0. 8 4 4 +1.1 +2.3 23 0 4 1 5 1 . 20f 4 +3.5 +1.8 125 20 1. 8 2 x +22. 4 + 1 06.3 2133 3 0.0 8 4 + 3.9 +5.5 20 1 8 1 5 0 . 80a x +35.7 -8.8 27 dd 4 + 9,7 +28, 2 80 5 3 9 1,6 8 w - 1.9 +11.3 4 4 0 2 0 0 . 1 2 A +33,2 +14 ,7 5 4 71 1 0 0, 7 0 w -8.5 -36.0 40 6 4 1 0. 7 5 4 +5.6 +59. 5 91 0 2 5 2. 0 0f x +7 0 +24 281 13 093 f 4 +2.3 +13. 7 4 1 42 3 0 0. 8 4 w -3.9 -28.4 3365 4 +6.3 +2.9 466 13 0.3 6 4 +6.5 +19. 2 8 2 88 1 2 0. 7 8
Vol.:6.7m (4.2x avg.)
P E: .. .
o J F source Factset AP
riday ' s close: $17.16
NAME BkofAm S&P500ETF 1500954 SiriusXM 839771 BariPVix rs 756073 Groupott 611909 Facebook o 530933 SPDR Fncl 512486 iShEMkts 491772 iShR2K 473392 Intel 448818
1 52.11 t . 5 0 3.14 + . 03 24.33 + . 36 5.10 + . 57 2 7.78 t . 5 3 17.64 + . 05 43.31 $ .11
90.89 +.41 21.03 + . 15
Gainers NAME GMX Rs rs MGIC ClovisOnc PranaBio DeckrsOut
LAST 3.10 3.79 21.81 2.44 46.62 Curis 3.08 Trulia tt 27.18 Nanosphere 2.22 Broadwd rs 3.82 AnacorPh 3.94
CHG %CHG +.69 +.81 +2.95 +.33 +6.21 t .39
+3.34 t .27 +.45 +.45
+ 2 8 .6 + 2 7 .2 + 1 5.6 + 1 5 .6 + 1 5 .4 +1 4 . 5 + 1 4.0 +1 3 . 8 + 1 3 .4 + 1 2 .9
Losers NAME AtlPwr g
LAST 7.12 WrlsRon rs 3.18 20.22 FosterWhl Icahn Ettt 60.05 McDrmlnt 10.70
CHG %CHG -2.85 -28.6 -1.10 -25.7 -3.84 -16.0 -11.44 -16.0 -2.02 -15.9
Foreign Markets LAST CHG %CHG -23.09 -.62 3,699.91 London 6,378.60 + 17.79 + . 2 8 Frankfurt -33.54 —.43 7,708.1 6 Hong Kong 22,880.22 -140.05 -.61 Mexico -.31 43,982.16 -138.83 Milan 15,675.37 -245.88 -1.54 Tokyo + 47.02 + .41 11,606.38 Stockholm 1,199.21 -.19 -.02 Sydney -19.50 -.38 5,100.88 Zurich 7,601.99 + 8.32 + . 1 1 NAME Paris
$40.74 ~
Vol.:2.0m (2.6x avg.)
P E: .. .
Yield: ...
Mkt. Cap:$5.2 b Y i eld: 0.8%
BBY Close:$17.16%0.75 or 4.6% The electronics chain said that its fourth-quarter loss narrowed on better sales in the U.S. Its results beat expectations. $20
Groupon GRPN Close:$5.10 %0.57 or 12.6% The online deals company said that it fired Chief Executive Officer Andrew Mason after it reported another disappointing quarter. $6
15 D J F 52-week range $11.20 ~ $27.95
D J 52-wcek range $2.60 ~
Vol.:32.7m (3.2x avg.) P E: . . . Vol.:62.2m (3.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$5.8 b Y i eld: 4.0% Mkt. Cap:$3.33 b
Deckers Outdoor
DECK Close:$46.62 A6.21 or 15.4% The footwear maker said that its fourth-quarter net income fell 23 percent, but expects sales of its Ugg boots to improve this year. $50
P E: . . . Yield:...
WEN Close:$5.51 V-0.19 or -3.3% A Morgan Stanley analyst lowered his rating on the hamburger chain, saying it may take the company more time to reach its goals.
$6.0 5.5
D J F 52-week range $28.83 ~ $80.88
Vol.:9.3m (4.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.64 b
D J 52-week range $4.08~
F $8.88
P E: 11 .6 Vol.:13.9m (3.5x avg.) P E : 551.0 Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$2.15 b Yiel d : 2. 9 %
Foster Wheeler
FWLT Close:$20.22 V-3.84 or -16.0% The engineering and construction company said that its fourth-quarter net income fell 84 percent. Its results missed expectations. $30 25
Icahn Enterprises IEP Close:$60.05 %-11.44 or -16.0% The investment firm of investor Carl Icahn is offering 3.2 million depositary units in a stock sale priced at a 12 discount. $150 100 50
D J 52-week range $18.26 ~
F $27 13
Vol.:9.9m (9.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$2.19 b
P E:.. Yield: ..
D J F 52-week range $37.22 ~ $80.78 Vol.:2.1m (25.2x avg.) P E: . . . Mkt. Cap:$6.3 b Y i eld: 6.7% AP
SOURCE: Sungard
NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3 -month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 1.84 percent Friday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.
. 1 0 .10 . 1 2 .12 .15 .15
2 -year T-note . 24 .24 5-year T-note . 7 4 .76 10-year T-ttote 1.84 1.88
30-year T-bond 3.05 3.09
... ... ...
w w ~
... V -0.02 V
L L i
L w V
.06 .11 .15
.29 .89
-0.04 w
T - 0.04 w w
Commodities The price of oil fell to its lowest level of the year amid worries about weakening demand. Manufacturing growth in China, the world's second-largest economy, slowed last month.
Foreign Exchange The dollar rose against the euro,Japanese yen and British pound. At one point during trading, the dollar reached its highest level against the euro since Dec. 11.
h5N4 QG
> 2.03
a 3.1 5
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 21.33 +.05 $4.6 +11.4 t11.5 + 58 A A A 12.9 8 +.81 0.0 +4.2 +5.8 + 41 D D E 54.29 +2.9 +9.8 +9.5 + 31 A 8 C 38.68 +.82 +4.0 +11.7 +8.9 + 1.6 8 C C 42.15 -.82 +2.3 +7.6 +6.6 + 05 C C A FnlnvA m 43.1 2 + .89 $5.7 +1 2.4 t11.7 + 36 8 C C Schwab FUSLgclul d SFLNX GrthAmA m 36. 21 +.12 +5.4 +12.7 +10.9 + 36 A C D IncAmerA m 18 . 76 +.81 $3.9 +11.2 t11.3 + 55 A A B VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH InvCoAmA m 31 .81 +.84 $5.5 +11.4 $.10.2 + 36 C D C 43 o NewPerspA m 32.70 +.10 +4.6 +12.4 +10.4 + 38 A 8 B cC O 00 WAMutlnvA m 33.18 +.06 $.6.1 +12.2 $.13.3 + 46 C A B CD $L Dodge &Cox Inc o me 13.92 +.81 + 0 .4 + 5 . 3 + 6 .3 +6.9 C C 8 IntlStk 35.78 -.81 + 3 .1 + 9 . 8 + 7 .3 +0.6 A 8 A Stock 138.75 +.41 + 7 .3 + 17.7 +12.2 +3.1 A 8 C 6L cC 00 Fidelity Contra 81.22 +.29 + 5 .7 + 10.1 +13.0 +5.2 8 8 8 C3 GrowCo 97.97 + .63 + 5 .1 +6 . 2 +14.7 +7.3 D A A LowPriStk d 41 . 63 +.81 + 5 .4 + 11.3 +13.5 +7.3 D C 8 Fidelity Spartan 50 0ldxAdvtg 53 . 95 +.13 +6 .9 +13.0 +13.1 +5.0 B A B «C 00 FraukTemp-Fraukliulncome A x 2.2 7 - . 01 +2 .8 + 11.3 +10.8 +5.9 A A 8 Oppeuheimer RisDivA m 18.5 8 +.83 + 6 .8 + 9 . 9 +12.0 +4.4 D 8 C «C RisDivB m 16.8 2 +.83 + 6 .6 + 9 . 0 +10.9 +3.4 E C D 470 RisDivC m 16.7 4 +.83 + 6 .6 + 9 . 1 +11.1 +3.6 D C D Mornirtgstar OwnershipZone™ SmMidValA m 35.42 -.86 +9.3 +10.5 +9.4 +1.3D E E o Fund target represents weighted O SmMidVal8 m 29.88 -.84 +9.2 +9.7 +8.5 +0.5 E E E average of stock holdings PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 4 +.01 + 0 .3 + 7 . 4 + 6 .6 +7.2 A 8 A • Represents 75% of futtd's stock holdings T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 28.38 +.85 $ 7 . 3 + 1 5.3 t12.7 $4.7 A 8 8 CATEGORY Large Value GrowStk 39.79 +.16 +5 .3 +9 . 2+13.8 +6.1 8 A B MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 45.48 +.37 +10.1 +27.0 +21.6 +13.9 A A A RATING™ * ** * y r Vanguard 500Adml 148.38 +.33 +6.9 +13.0 +13.2 +5.0 8 A 8 ASSETS $2,118 million 500lnv 148.35 +.33 +6.8 +12.9 +13.0 +4.9 8 A 8 CapOp 37.17 +.21 +10.6 +20.2 +10.5 +6.1 A D 8 EXP RATIO 0.35% Eqlnc 26.82 +.84 $7.7 +15.4 +15.8 +6.5 A A A MANAGER Ron Toll GNMAAdml 18.88 +.82 +0.1 t2.3 +5.2 +5.6 C A A SINCE 2009-02-28 18.84 +.81 +0.4 $-3.5 +3.5 +3.8 8 8 8 STGradeAd RETURNS3-MO +10.1 StratgcEq 23.37 +.89 +9.0 +14.4 +15.9 +6.0 8 A C YTD +8.3 Tgtet2025 14.12 +.82 $3.9 +8.8 +10.0 +4.5 8 8 A 1- YR +15.5 TotBdAdml 11.84 +.81 -0.1 $3.4 +5.4 t5.5 D D C 3-YR ANNL +13.5 Totlntl 15.30 +.81 $2.1 +6.1 +6.0 -0.9 D C 8 5-YR-ANNL +6.9 TotStlAdm 38.17 +.88 $7.1 +13.0 t13.5 t5.7 8 A A TotStldx 38.15 +.87 +7.0 +12.9 t13.4 $5.5 8 A A TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT USGro 22.63 +.88 +6.4 +8.9 +12.5 +6.0 8 8 B Exxon Mobil Corporation 5.57 Welltn 35.41 +.88 +4.6 +10.7 +10.6 +6.0 A A A Chevron Corp 2.57 WelltnAdm 61.16 +.13 +4.6 +10.8 +10.7 +6.1 A A A AT&T Ittc 2.05 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption Bank of America Corporation 1.91 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or General Electric Co 1.77 redemption fee. Source: Morn1ngstar.
This low-cost offering differs from FAMILY FUND most index funds that weigh their American Funds BalA m holdings based on the market Most Active BondA m value of each stock. The focus here CaplncBuA m VOL (Dgs) LAST CHG is on fundamental measures of CpWldGrlA m 1842440 11.34 + . 11 size, such as a company's sales. EurPacGrA m
Barclays LoogT-Bdldx 2.77 2.81 -0.04 w w BondBuyerMuni Idx 4.03 4.03 ... W L $11 ~ ~ ~ ~ $28 Barclays USAggregate 1.84 1.86 -0.02 W W Price-earnings ratio (Based on past12 months' results):Lost money PRIME FED Barcl ays US High Yield 5.78 5.85 -0.07 w w w Total return this year: 45% 3-YR*: -20% 5-YR *: -15% 10-YR *: 0% Dividend: $0.68 Di v . yield: 4.0% RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.84 3.85 -0.01 w w *annualized AP Total returns through March 1 SOURCES: Morningstar; FactSet YEST 3.25 .13 B arclays CompT-Bdldx 1.04 1.05 -0.01 w w 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 .74 2.75 -0.01 w w 1 YR AGO3.25 .13 FundFocus SelectedMutualFunds
Best Buy (BBY) F
D J 52-week range
Best Buy
Home Federal Bucp ID H OME 8.67 ~ 1 Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ Keycorp K EY 6 .80 ~ Kroger Co KR 209 8 — 0 Lattice Semi LSCC 3 17 ~ LA Pacific L PX 7 , 73 — o MDU Resources MDU 19 . 59 — o Consumer credit Seasonally adtusted, 173bu1ans M entor Graphics ME N T 12.85 ~ s20 Microsoft Corp M SFT 26.26 ~ 18.7 Nike Iuc 8 NKE 4 2.55 ~ 4yNordstrom Iuc JWN 46.27 Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.01 ~ t 5.9 OfficeMax Iuc OMX 4. 10 ~ PaccarIuc PCAR 35.21 ~ 15 14.6 Planar Systms P LNR 1.12 ~ 139 Plum Creek PCL 35,43 — 0 Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 ~ 1 11.7 Safeway Iuc SWY 14,73 — 0 Schuitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 10 Sherwin Wms SHW 100.00 — 0 A s Staucorp Fucl SFG 28.74 source: Factset StarbucksCp SBUX 43.04 Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 UmpquaHoldings UMPQ 11.17 US Baucorp USB 2826 ~ Jobless rate report W ashington Fedl W A F D 14.30 ~ i +3.3 +9.9 830 1 3 0. 3 2 The nation's unemployment rate WellsFargo& Co WF C 2 9.80 ~ 4 +3.5 +15. 0 2 0216 11 1 . 00f remains persistently high, despite West CoastBcpOR WCBO 16,39 — o 4 +6.0 +41. 5 68 21 0.20 an improving job market. Weyerhaeuser W Y 1 8 .60 ~ 4 +6.3 +43. 1 3 9 95 4 1 0. 6 8 Employers added 157,000 jobs DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, t70t are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amount declared or paid in last t2 months. f - Current rate, whutt was mcreased bymost recent div>dendannouncement. i - Sum ot dividends pud after stock split, no regular rate. l - Sum of d>vidends pud tus year. Most recent in January and hiring turned out to annual duuend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pud tu$ year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. 7 - Declared or paid in precedmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, appro70matecash be healthier than previously value on ex-distrittution date.PE Footnotes:u - Stock is a closed-end fund - no 8/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months thought at the end of 2012, but the jobless rate still ticked up to 7.9 percent from 7.8 percent in Spotlight December. Economistsexpect data due out Friday will show the Best Buy said a deadline passed without a to the resignation of CEO Brian Dunn due to an unemployment rate held steady buyout offer from its former chairman, inappropriate relationship with a female staffer. last month. Richard Schulze. Schulze was given until Feb. 28 to make an offer Schulze, who co-founded the for the company, but none materialized, Best Buy Unemployment Rate electronics retailer in 1966 and is its said Friday. Seasonally adtusted largest shareholder with a 20 Best Buy also said its fourth-quarter loss narrowed 8.0% percent stake, had been as better sales in the U.S. helped offset weakness est considering a bid or selling abroad, particularly China and Canada. For the year, 7.9 7.9 7 7u his stake since resigning losses totaled $249 million, or 73 cents per share. That in June, following an compares with a loss of $1.32 billion, or $3.57 per investigation that led share, in the prior year. 7.8 7.8 7.8
The Dow Jones industrial average rose closer to its record high on Friday following encouraging economic reports. Manufacturing growth accelerated in February, and the pace topped economists' expectations. Consumer sentiment in February also was healthier than what economists expected. The reports came out a half hour after trading began, and they helped flip stocks from losses into gains. Health care stocks and companies that sell discretionary items to consumers had the day's biggest gains. They offset a drop for energy stocks, which were hurt by the falling price of crude oil. The Dow is less than 1 percent below its record high, set in 2007.
Mkt. Cap:$26.65 b
Americans typically step up their borrowing in December for the holiday season, then ease back a month later. Economists predict that the trend held true in January. They forecast that the Federal Reserve will report on Thursday that consumer borrowing rose $13 billion in January from December. That's less than the $14.6 billion increase in December from a month earlier.
Eye on debt
+ -1.37 '
Dow jones industrials
[ ., 10 DAYS
+ +.05
> 2.67 L 4 .58 > 2.1 0 6.99 L 3 8.0 > 1.0 9 L 3 2.8
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 90.68 92.05 -1.49 -1.2 Ethanol (gal) 2.41 2.40 t9.9 Heating Oil (gal) 2.93 2.97 -1.02 -3.8 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.46 3.49 - 0.86 + 3 . 1 Unleaded Gas(gal) 3.13 2.91 +0.58 +11.3 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE
CLOSE PVS. 1571.90 1577.70 28.45 28.40 1573.50 1583.50 3.48 3.53 718.65 732.60
%CH. %YTD -0.37 -6.1 +0.20 -5.7 - 0.63 + 2 . 3 -1.30 -4.4 - 1.90 + 2 .3
CLOSE 1.30 1.43
PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.28 + 0.08 + 0 . 0 1.43 +0.18 -0.6 7.24 Corn (bu) 7.20 + 0.66 + 3 . 7 Cotton (Ib) 0.84 0.84 +0.14 +11.4 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 395.40 380.30 + 3.97 + 5 . 8 - 5.03 + 4 . 1 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.21 1.27 Soybeans (bu) 14.65 14.74 - 0.66 + 3 . 2 Wheat(bu) 7.13 -8.3 7.08 +0.78
Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5018 —.0155 -1.03% 1.5953 C anadian Dollar 1.0 2 85 —.0014 —.14% .9857 USD per Euro 1.3017 —.0046 —.35% 1.3316 Japanese Yen 93.58 + . 8 9 + . 95% 81 . 08 Mexican Peso 12.7 693 + .0111 +.09% 12.7353 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.7237 +.0109 +.29% 3.7860 Norwegian Krone 5.7574 t .0213 t . 3 7% 5.5777 South African Rand 9.0643 +.0491 +.54% 7.4590 6.4353 —.0255 —.40% 6.6220 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9436 +.0069 +.73% .9059 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9811 + .0027 +.28% .9 2 63 Chinese Yuan 6.2275 +.0012 +.02% 6 .3022 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7546 -.0002 -.00% 7.7553 Indian Rupee 54.910 t.539 t . 98 % 4 9 .185 Singapore Dollar 1.2406 +.0024 +.19% 1 .2491 South Korean Won 1089.25 +3.65 +.34% 1116.40 Taiwan Dollar 29.71 + .01 +.03% 29 . 43
s a u s s i in runnin or inves ors
Judge slashes $1B Applepayout A federal judge Friday weakened the blow from
Apple's legal victory in a patent caseagainst
Samsung, cutting more than 40 percent off the
damages ajury awarded last year. But the judge's
decision left open the possibility that some
of the damagescould be restored through a new trial, a sign that
one of the most closely watched legal cases in the technology industry will continue to drag on.
In her review of the jury's decisions, which originally awardedApple more than $1 billion
By Rachael Rees
active is currently located in The Dalles, but Clattenburg Two startup companies out plans to move it to Bend. of five from the region remain The Oregon Entrepreneurs in the running to compete in Network, which puts on Angel next month's Angel Oregon Oregon, would not release the investment conference. list of remaining companies If the two companies make Friday. But the three other the cut on Monday, they will be Central Oregon companies named finalists and compete who made it to the semi-finals April 17 in Portland. confirmed they are no longer Nick Clattenburg, founder in the competition. of th e h o l ographic-technolEven if they didn't make it ogy company ARInteractive, to finals, participation in the and Carol Doyel, founder of state's first, and one of the bigSisters-based Living Better at gest, investment conferences 50+, are competing in the con- still benefits new companies, cept stage, a competition for said Ruth Lindley, marketing companies with an idea and manager for Economic Develbasic business plan. ARInter- opment for Central Oregon, The Bulletin
which manages the Bend Venture Conference. Each investment event has different criteria and different investors, she said, so EDCO encourages local entrepreneurs to attend other conferences throughout the state. "We hear over and over from Bend Venture Conference participants that the experience is valuable whether they win or not," she said. "They get all the coaching help leading up to their final presentation. They learn how to present in front of a large audience, and when there's a Q-and-A they get to learn how to think on their feet."
The investors often provide feedback, she said, and the entrepreneurs get to build their investment network. Bart Mitchell, co-founder of Bend-based GoodKid! Foods,
agreed. "We weren't selected (to compete for the finals), but we accomplished our goal," he said. "It was about honing our business plan and getting the opportunity to meet with business mentors." Clattenburg said Angel Oregon isn't his first investment conference, and probably won't be his last. "You get different crowds each time, so you're able to
generalize your presentations as much as possible, and you also get to refine it for a certain kind of conference," he said. Clattenburg declined an invitation to apply for the Bend VentureConference lastyear. He wanted to "refine his pitch and business plan" first, he said. However, he hopes to compete atBend's conference this year and eventually move his business to the city. "It seems like a town where people would want to come live in, so it would be good when trying to attract talent," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7818,
for patent violations by
Samsung in its mobile products, Judge Lucy Koh of the U.S. District Court in San Jose, Calif.,
Corporate reporting of cyber attacks up
e snow
knocked those damages down by $450 million, to $599 million.
Facebookplans News Feedupdate Facebook is updating its News Feed,the main
stream of updates from
friends, companies and media sources on the
world's largest social network, as it seeks
more ways to draw revenue from more than 1 billion users.
4-, ~'
The company will hold a press event on
••• I
'P(,,P f'r' QL
g,q %%h
March 7 at its headquar-
ters in Menlo Park, Calif., according to a press
~"' il
invitation sent Friday.
openness among corpora-
News Feed,which now includes advertis-
ing spots, has become a key part of Facebook's monetization efforts, including on handheld
devices. — From wire reports
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR SUNDAY • Remodelingsustainably: Presented bylocal sustainable development professionals; Lawrence Schechter, keynote presenter; the process and options ofcosteffective and sustainable remodeling; free; 3-4:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room,601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7040. TUESDAY • YoungProfessionals Network:5:30 p.m.; Cross Creek Cafe, 507 S.W. Eighth St., Redmond; 541-548-2883 or www. WEDNESDAY • Leader Lunch: Bend Chamber members and leadership lunch centered around what's happening in your industry, what's happening in Bendand how the chamber can help; cost of lunch plus gratuity; noon; Awbrey GlenGolf Club, 2500 N.W.Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541-3888526. • Women's Rottndtable Series KickoffBash: Networking, music, food and cocktails; registration required; $10 for members, $15 for nonmembers;5:307:30 p.m.; Studio 3, 50 S.E Scott St. Suites1 and 2, Bend; www.bendchamber. org. • LaunchYourBusiness: For local companies that are just starting up; participants work with a business adviser, as well as with peers in the classroom;course combines four one-hour coachingsessionswith three three-hour evening classeson March6, March 20 and April 3; registration required; $89; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290. To find freeincome tax preparation help, visit the Events Calendar at www. bendbulletin.comlevents.
For the complete calendar, pickup Sunday's /3ulletin or visit bendbuiietirtcomrbizoal
The Washington Post At least 19 financial institutions have disclosed to investors in recent weeks that their computers were targets of malicious cyberattacks last year, a sign of growing
JaimeGreen I wichita Eagle
Dave Franklin, of Franklin's Lawn Care, clears a sidewalk of snow in Wichita, Kan., with his wife and two sons. The family had 37 customers to get to on one day this week during a winter storm.
• When badweather hits, workersmust decidewhether to braveit By Diane Stafford The Kansas City Star
owling wind. Snowclogged streets. Other drivers ... who can't drive. What a great day to stay home. But the boss is at work. Customers or clients might be at the door. Some of your coworkers will make it in. And who wants to burn another vacation day or, worse, take an unpaid day off? When conditions scream "Take a snow day!" many workers struggle with the decision. Even when employers say they stress safety first, there can be pressure to show up if the workplace is open. As Kansas City, Mo., Mayor Sly James said this week, authorities can suggest — but not order — businesses to close in the interest of public safety. But the fact is, the wheels of commerce will keep turning, even if some are stuck in the snow. And,
like it or not, some workers have to work. "That's why the best places to work talk about these decisions ahead of time," said Leigh Branham, anemployee engagement consultant. "They know who are mission-critical employees and they know how those people can get to work." Some hospitals are good at that. They bring in cots or reserve hotel rooms and have transportationprocedures to get and keep essential employees on site. St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, for example,housed more than 300 employees in last week's Midwest storm. Engineering firm Burns & McDonnell, which has earned a national "best places to work" award, told its Kansas City employees to use discretion about coming to work this week after the storm, but did plan to be open for business. Spokesman
Roger Dick said the company has tried to make it easier for people to work from home with a new computer access network. As forwhether employees might feel subtle pressure to come to work, Dick said, "As a company, we emphasize safety. I can't imagine some individual feeling pressured to come in just because a couple of their co-workers did." Still, for many workers who are not mission-critical, snow day decisions are tough. "How committed are you to your job?" said Lee Bolman, leadershipprofessor at the Bloch School of Business at the University of MissouriKansas City. "How vulnerable do you feel if you don't show up? What kind of other pressures,like child care options, do you have? What's your commute like'?" For most workers, the first order of snow-day business is to check in with the employer.
Often, in this service economy, there's scant productivity loss if employees are able to work well from home. The work pressure is different for manufacturing and retail operations. Most major manufacturers have regularly updated hotlines for employees to call when bad weather hits. Those recordings relay shift-by-shift decisions. Employers, in general, present three options: Temporarily close. Open with a skeletal staff. Tell employees who can to work remotely. Staying home is a nobrainer for workers who have the luxury of remote access. Others, including hourly workersand part-timers, struggle with a financial hit: If they don't show up, they don't get paid. That's especially true for restaurant and retail workers. Needing a paycheck is a powerful incentive. "For some people in this economy, a day or two without pay adds to the catastrophe," Bolman said.
tions about the breadth of cybersecurity incidents plaguing the private sector. In their annual financial reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission, major banks such as Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase, along with smaller institutions, have reported that their systems were hit with computer disruptions or intrusions. Almost all reported that they were targeted in last year's highly publicized "distributed denial of service attacks" — efforts to disrupt access to websites by barraging servers with computer traffic. The assaults, which are ongoing, made headlines in the fall when U.S. officials said they believed they were the work of the Iranian government. The disclosures are significant in that for years, companies, including banks, have been loathe even to acknowledge that they have been victims of such incidents. But it appears that SEC guidance issued in October 2011 making clear that companies needto report significant computerized theft or disruption, combined with greater public attention to the issue, is forcing more disclosure. Also, the fact that the banks hit by the DDOS attacks have been named in media accounts has made ignoring them more difficult. "It's almost naive for most large companies in the critical infrastructure sector to say that they aren't subject to attack," said Paul Smocer, president of BITS, a financial services trade organization.
PEOPLE ON THE MOVE • Cyndi Zollner,anescrow officer with Deschutes County Title Company,hasjoined the Central OregonChapter of the Women's Council of Realtors. Zollner beganher real estate career as anescrow assistant in1997 andmovedinto an escrowofficer position in 2000. • RodRay,CEOand chairman of the board of BendResearch, has joined theOregonAdaptive Sports board of directors. Ray has abachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Oregon State University and a master's degree and doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Colorado —Boulder. He is alicensed
professional engineer in Colorado andOregonand holds 2 I U.S. patents and has 41 scientific publications. Ray has beenwith Bend Research since 1983. • David Rosell,president of Rosell Wealth Management in Bend, wasfeatured in two financial publications, Financial Advisor and Financial Planning Magazine. Thefeature articles discussed the growth of his practice,processesthat have been utilized andthe emphasis Rosell Wealth Management places on client service. • Michael Palmerhasjoined WIN Home Inspection Bend as part of the inspection team.
of the Cascades in Bend,has been namedvice president, manager of the Small Business Administration government guaranteed loandepartment. Zollner Ray Rosell S n lppen H e ndrlx Her responsibilities will include leading development activities in Oregonand Idaho, The lastfive years Palmer salesproduction. The award administering loans and has been anactive duty goes to the top15 percent customer service. Hendrix marine, and hewas honorably of all Coldwell Banker sales discharged in December2012. associates andrepresentatives has been in the lending and commercial real estate Sincethenhehasbeentaking worldwide. Snippenhas financing industries for classes and training with WIN an MBAfrom Marylhurst 28 years. She received the Home Inspection to get his University, and a bachelor's U.S. SBAFinancial Services license andcertification. degree in business from Advocate of theYearaward for Oregon State University. He John Snippen,a broker with the region containing Oregon, has been abroker at Coldwell Coldwell Banker Morris Real Washington, Idaho andAlaska, Banker for more than seven Estate, received theColdwell and the U.S.SBALender of Banker lnternational Diamond years. Excellence awardfor the state • Cathlene Hendrix,of Bank Society Award for his 2012
of Oregon. • Larry andJeannie Vierra have joined the BNIWildfire Networking chapter. Larry is the president of AdvancedPC Solutions LLCandJeannie is an associate broker for ITEX. Theyhavebothcompleted the BNI Members Success Program. • BNI Wildfire Networking chapter president,Andrew Untermeyer,Senior Account Manager for KFXO-TV,has just attended andcompleted Powerful Presentations, Effective Communication Skills and Howto Spell Success, by S.T.A.R. Strategies ToAttract and Retain.
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer Search, D5
Get readyto (veggle)garden The OregonState University ExtensionService and Central Oregon Chapter of OSU Master
Gardeners will hold a series of free, two-hour
vegetable gardening classes beginningTuesday and running through April.
Classes will beoffered in Bend, Redmond, Madras and Prineville,
and will cover suchtopics as climate, site selec-
tion, soil preparation and gardening inCentral Oregon. Introductory and
advancedlevelcourses will be held in Bend, Redmond and Prineville.
The introductory-level class in Madras will be taught inboth Spanish
and English. The class is offered at the following locations
andtimes: INTRODUCTORY Tuesday: Madras, Central Oregon Community College; 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Wednesday:Redmond, Sage ElementarySchool;
r Y
Bill and Joyce Scott, at their home in Bend, craft characters out of found juniper branches. Bill forms the wood and Joyce assembles the accessories for the Y's Guys, named for the Y-shaped legs and torsos.
6:30-8:30 p.m. March12:Prineville, COCC; 6:30-8:30 p.m. March16:Bend, COCC;
9-11 a.m. March26:Madras, COCC; 6:30-8:30 p.m.(Spanish) ADVANCED March19:Prineville, COCC; 6:30-8:30 p.m. March 21:Redmond,
Sage ElementarySchool; 6:30-8:30 p.m. April 10:Bend, COCC; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration is required. For more information, visit http://extension. deschutes/gardenclasses orcall 541-5486088.
Deschutesseeks Health Heroes
• Bill and Joyce Scott havespent a decadeturning twisted twigs of juniper into a cast of characters By David Jasper •The Bulletin
This is an att-points bulletin! Be on the lookout for so-calted "Y's Guys," which have been spotted in the east Bend home of Bitt and Joyce Scott. The Y's Guys may took like wide-eyed innocents, but they're tough as gnarled juniper. Their known associates: limericks.
Deschutes County is seeking nominations for
its annualHealth Hero awards, which recognize county residents, businesses andorganizations thatadvocate for health initiatives.
A Health Heromay have been instrumental in developing health
policies, or hasworked to promote better health in the community. The per-
son or entity mayhave worked on efforts for mental, physical, spiritual
or social health. The nomination deadline is 5 p.m. Friday via
email. Theawardswill be determined March 27. Contact:
Diane.Skinner@ or 541-322-7410.
St. Paddy'sfete to help veterans Dinner, live music and
dancing areall onthe agenda for the first annual
Central OregonVeterans Outreach(COVO)St. Patrick's celebration and fundraiser, to be held
from 6 p.m.to10:30 p.m. March 9, at Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. 5th St. The evening includes a full Irish meal, no-host bar and silent
auction aswell as entertainment from the Moon Mountain Ramblers and Wild Rye. The event costs
$50 per person,which includes themealand entertainment. Registration is required by Friday.
Purchasetickets online at, orin
ill Scott stumbled on what he's come to call his "Y's Guys" 10 years ago, when he and his wife, Joyce, visited one of their two sons, who was working as a professor in Kentucky at the time. The Bend couple and their son took a drive to Berea College, a free liberal arts college for academically promising students from Appalachia. "The art people do (artworks) and they put them in their gift shop, and they sell them," Bill says. "I saw something like one of "It has some these, and I thought, 'Well, that's cool.' " really weird When he got home, Bill shapes. That's began sculpting and paintkind of what's ing similar wood figures using found juniper. fun about it." While those he saw in — Joyce Sc«t Kentucky were beanpoles on the juniPer she made from taller, thinand her husband, Bill, ner limbs, he uses thick, use for raw materials stocky branches he finds scattered on the High Desert floor east of his home near 27th Street on the eastern fringe of Bend. If a fallen branch has what look like legs and a torso, Bill can make use of it. "It's tough. It doesn't split real easy," he says of the wood. "It has some really weird shapes. That's kind of what's fun about it. He goes out and finds a branch and he knows, 'This is going to be ...,' " says Joyce, who doesn't finish the thought. "I'm thinking, 'OK.' " See Y's /D4
Bill Scott presented this Y's Guy — or Y's Gal — for Valentine's Day this year to his wife, Joyce. Bill included flowers and chocolate. The candy box says "To Joyce, From Your Y's Guy." Bill Scott, in his home workshop in Bend, says he does most of his branch shaping with this hand-held Dremel tool.
person at COV0123 N.W.
Franklin Ave., inBend,or call 541-383-2793. — From staff reports
Juiie Johnson's column will retum.
Photos by Rob Kerr • The Bulletin
ries esses su, enri es i By Tom Berg The Orange County Register
H UNTINGTON B E A C H , Calif. — The story goes that in 2011 a holy man saved the "Gathering o f t h e T r i b es" longboard contest at Trestles beach. The day was cloudy and b reezy. Th e w a v e s w e r e small. Then an elderly man in a robe and sandals stepped onto the beach. "He blesses the waves and t he sun p ops t h rough t h e
BEND CHURCH OFTHE NAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; "Reasonsto Celebrate"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; 1270 N.E.27th St., Bend.
COMMUNITY OF CHRIST:Teacher Roschell Farnsworth; "Thirst for God," based onPsalm63:1-8; Sunday at11 a.m., following 10:45 a.m. praise singing; 20380Cooley Road, Bend.
Chuck Linnen, 76, of Huntington Beach, Calif. "And then the waves come
Photos by Leonard Ortiz/Orange County Register
Franciscan brother and priest Christian Mondor walks along the surf with hls banjo and surfboard in Huntlngton Beach, Calif. that there was an 80-yearold priest who d idn't criticize you for skipping church. Who didn't act offended if a bad word slipped from your mouth. Who didn't mind if you simply called him, "Mondor." By 2008,the Diocese of Orange heard about all this and asked to have a word with this surfing priest of Surf City.
Asenseof fun, a sense ofjoy 4
The Diocese wanted him to 'L. try a bold experiment, called .sk
banjo: Sometimes I have an old whiskey, And I fall asleep in my chair, And I dream that I'm a man Muchyounger thanIam The answer is: One. Which is why word recently spread of a surprise honor for this man. The surfing priest of Surf City.
A Hollywood childhood Richard Mondor was born in Hollywood in the Roaring '20s. When the family got too big, Dad sold their home to a vaudeville couple desperate to get their daughter into the movies. "She eventually landed the lead role in 'The Wizard of Oz' — Judy Garland," Friar Christian says. T he Mondors m oved t o Westwood where two influences alteredthe course of young Richard's life. One was the ocean where he bodysurfed every day of the summer. The other was St. Paul the Apostle Church, where he biked each Sunday to hearthe sermons of a charismatic young priest favored by celebrities like Bing Crosby and Loretta Young. "Father Fitzgerald was my idol," says Christian, who became an altar boy, "and one of the reasons I became a priest." The i n f l uence w a s so strong that by ninth grade, Richard was attending the Los Angeles Day Seminary and by 10th grade, he'd joined a Franciscan monastery in Santa Barbara. It was a few y ears later, while teaching at St. Francis B oarding Seminary i n O r egon, that he discovered another life-altering i nfluence
To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin© or call 541-383-0358. ANTIOCH CHURCH:Senior pastor Ken Wytsma; anewseries on Colossi ans;Sundayat9:30a.m.; Redux Q-and-Aafter the service; BendHighSchool,230 N.E.Sixth St., Bend.
clouds,"says surfing legend
People looked at each other like: Who is this guy'? It's a question often asked about the Rev. Christian Mondor — a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest at Sts. Simon & Jude Parish in Huntington Beach. Not because of miracles. But because of his accepting, non-judgmental and, some say, enlightened ways. "How many 8 7-year-old Catholic priests do you know who play banjo and surf'?" asks the Rev. Peggy Price, a minister at the Center for Spiritual Living, in Seal Beach, Calif. You might also ask: How many 87-year-old C atholic priests call God "the Great Kahuna?" Or pray in public for "righteous and tubular" waves? Or sing songs like this on
Father Christian Mondor, carrylng his surfboard near the Huntington Beach pier, learned to surf at age 70, and spearheads the annual Blesslng of the Waves each October.
(get ready for this) .
ing into a bit of a gentle rebel himself.
A troubadour of his faith
Gone surfin'
It was 1962. The nation was astir with civil rights, rebellion and a new s o cial c o n sciousness. Folk music gave it voice. Christian wanted to get his students involved. "I thought, 'Wow, I've got a banjo at home.' So I asked the kids, 'Anyone know how to
On his 70th birthday, Fr. Christian bought himself a gift — a $100 surfboard. "I thought, my gosh, I'm in Surf City, I've got to learn how to ride a board." Like his experience with the banjo, he took to it right away, loving the thrill of the sport and its innate spirituality. "Water is a powerful symplay guitar?' " No. But that hardly matbol of life," he says. "We know tered. Soon, he had a folk band life originated in the water with three guitars, a bass and millions of years ago. We canbanjo, which he learned to not live without water. And play in the barn, "so I wouldn't Jesus chose water as a symbol drive people crazy." of life that would come from It started as fun, but they baptism." got better and better. They He began surfing B olsa played in downtown Portland; Chica, then San Onofre with won music competitions in parishioners. He had his share Vancouver, Wash.; and cut a of scares, wipeouts and getrecord that got radio play. ting hit by the board. "One of the first things you He named them the Troubadours ofSt.Francis — after learn surfing is to respect the the founder of his order. power of the ocean," he says. "St. Francis was a poet who "But it can be very contemplacalled himself a troubadour of tive. When you're out alone, the Lord because he loved to between waves, you experising and pray aloud," Chris- ence a beautiful calm. (At tian says. least), I do." But Francis of Assisi was W hen he speaks of t h e more than that. He also was tranquility, t he peli c a ns a rebel — a " gentle rebel," swooping low, the dolphins Father C h r i stian p u t s it rising high, he almost sounds — who vigorously opposed like St. Francis, who so rethe church's military crusade joiced in all of God's creatures to retake holy shrines in the a nd nature that he now i s Holy Land, saying violence called the Patron Saint of the went against the teachings of Environment. "I know a lot of surfers," the Bible. St. F r a n ci s es c h ewed Christian says. "This is their wealth and power, choosing way of praying. They don't to live among the common come tochurch,but they're out people. on the sea thanking God for In his own way, Christian the great gift of the ocean." was doing the same, growOver the years word spread
"The Blessing of the Waves." It was a way to reach out to those who surf, swim and love the ocean. It started small. But over the past five years it has gained i n ternational p r ess and now attracts more than 2,000 people each October, with leaders of several faiths
giving prayers and blessings. " There's a s ense of f u n and a sense of joy that comes through," Christian says. That much is obvious in his own prayer, which gives thanks for t h e s m allest-tolargest creatures in the ocean before adding: "But keep the Great Whites always in their space and not ours." For all t h is, the D iocese recently g a t hered s e veral friends to present Christian with a hand-shaped ceremonial surfboard. As thanks. Newly installed Bishop Kevin Vann wrote a letter of thanks — promising to attend next year's event. And Huntington Beach City Councilor Joe Carchio said: "Fr. Christian is probably more important to the city than (professional surfer) Kelly Slater. You are someone we look up to for inspiration." Back in his office, where the new surfboard will hang (along with three banjos, a rack of s w i m ming m edals and a July 4th Grand Marshal
award) Christian plays banjo a nd fi nishes singing " O l d Bones:" But I love life, I'd like to live it again, Though I m i ght no t b e muchmore Than I've ever been. And it becomes clear that while he's been honored for leading The Blessing of the Waves for five years, his real accomplishment has been to t each a community how t o live, how to embrace life like a gentle rebel. Not with judgment, but with
DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Dave Drullinger; "In the RealWorld," based onJohn 4:4-26; Sundayat10 a.m.; 334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend.
held at TheOld StoneChurch, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. SPRINGS OFLIFEMINISTRIES: Evangelist and Bible teacherEddie Cienda; We dnesdaysat7 p.m .;The Sound GardenStudio,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPOF CENTRALOREGON: The Rev. AlexHolt; "Source V:The Spirit of Humanism"; Sunday at11 a.m.; at the OldStone Church,157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend.
WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Jim Stephens; "Signs of Life, Part 5 — Is It Really You?"; today at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8, 9and10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road,Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Scott McBride; "Signs of Life, Part5 — Walking onWater"; Sundayat 9 a.m. and10:30 a.m.;1245 S.E. Third St., Bend. EMMAUSLUTHERANCHURCH:The Rev. David Poovey;"Pardon";Sunday at10:30 a.m.; and "What Is It You Have Done?,"based onJohn18:35; W ednesday at7p.m.;2175 S.W . Salmon Ave., Redmond.
EASTMONT CHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "Sovereign," from the series "God Is" basedon Romans 8:28-31 andHebrews1:3; Sunday at 9 and10:45 a.m.; 62425 GRACELUTHERANCHURCHATEAGLE CREST:Pastor Randy VanMehren; Eagle Road,Bend. "We Either Justify OurselvesEven When Wrong or We Justify God and FATHER'SHOUSECHURCH We're Right andAre Given Eternal Life OF GOD: Pastor Randy Wills; in Christ Jesus"; Sundayat10:30 a.m.; "Followers Are Committed," Eagle CrestBanquetandConference as part of the series, "AreYou Facility, 1522Cline Falls Road, Crazy"; Sundayat10 a.m.; 61690 Redmond. Pettigrew Road, Bend.Theyouth groupmeetsW ednesdayat7p.m. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "Compelling THE FELLOWSHIPATBEND: Evidence," based onLuke11:14-28; Pastor Loren Anderson; communion service; Sunday at10 "Celebrities, Servants and the a.m.; Southwest12thAvenueand Scum of theWorld," based on1 Forest Avenue, Redmond. Corinthians 4:1-13; Sundayat10 a.m.; Summit High School, 2855 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend. Eric Burtness; "What to DoWhenYou Don't Know What to Do," aspart of the FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: series "Psalm 23: NewTime With an Lead pastor Steven Koski; Old Friend"; Sunday at8:30a.m. and11 "Simplifying the Soul: Mind"; a.m.;1113 BlackButte Blvd., Redmond. Sundayatthe9a.m.,10:45 a.m . and 5:01 p.m. services; 230 N.E. SHEPHERD'SVALLEYCOWBOY Ninth St., Bend. CHURCH:Pastor Jordan Weaver; Sunday at 9a.m. and10:30 a.m.; FIRSTUNITED METHODIST in the cafe ofTheRim Rock Riders CHURCH: The Rev.Thom Larson; Equestrian Facility, BrasadaRanch, "The High Way," based onLuke 17037 S.W.Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte. 13:1-9 and Isaiah 55:1-9; Sunday at9and11 a.m.; 680 N.W.Bond AGAPE HARVESTFELLOWSHIP: St., Bend. Pastor JeremySeibert; youth and family service; Wednesday at 6p.m.; FOUNDRYCHURCH(FORMERLY 52460 Skidgel Road, LaPine. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH): Pastor Bryon Mengle; "Christ's Vision COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH for Church Unity," as part of the series "1 Mind: AJourney Through AT SUNRIVER:Pastor Glen Philippians"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; Schaumloeffel; "Hope in theGospelof Grace," based on1 Corinthians15:160 N.W.OregonAve., Bend. 11, as part of the series "Growing Up God's Way";Sundayat9:30a.m.;1 GRACEREFORMED Theater Drive, Sunriver. PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor Dan Dillard; "The Light of the CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: World," based onGenesis1:3,14TheRev.W illisJenson;"Men Escapea 19; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 62162 Perishing World andEnter Life Eternal Hamby Road, Bend. Through theGospel," based onLuke 13:4-5; Sundayat11 a.m.; and "The JOURNEYCHURCH:Pastor Gospel Restores the Imageof Godin Keith Kirkpatrick; "Greater! Men and, Thereby,SavesandGivesLife Dream Bigger —Start Smaller"; Eternal," based onJohn17:3; Sundayat Sunday at 9a.m. and10:30 a.m; 1 p.m.; held atTerrebonneGrange Hall, W ednesday at6:30 p.m.;70 N.W . 828611th St., Terrebonne. Newport Ave., Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; "Tree, Manure and Ministry," based on Luke13:1-9; Sunday at 9a.m. and11 a.m.; andHolden evening prayer service; Wednesday at6:30 p.m. after a soupsupper at 5:30 p.m.; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend. NEW HOPE CHURCH:Pastor Randy Myers; "Words of Substitution," as part of the series "WhenGraceSpeaks";todayat6 p.m. and Sundayat 9and10:45 a.m.; 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend.
CONCERTANDLITURGY WORKSHOP:Catholiccom poser and author David Haas;concert is $10for adults, $7for students and seniors or $25 perfamily; workshop is $25, includes lunch; 7:30 p.m. Friday, concert; 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday, workshop; St. Francisof Assisi Catholic Church, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend; for more information or to register: www.stfrancisbend. org or 541-280-9744 or www.
REAL LIFECHRISTIANCHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "The Birth of Jesus" based onMatthew1:18-25; Sunday at 8, 9:30and11 a.m.; 2880 N.E. 27th St., Bend.
SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITYOFTHE CASCADES: Guest speakerJonWaldrup;"The Astrology of 2013 —Tension and Transformation"; Sunday at 9a.m.;
•r I
What is the light seen innear-death experiences?
C orn r n u n i t y
Living Christ Loving Children Learning Together orne re rrre
The Kansas City Star What is the light seen in near-death experiences?
God's beckoning Pastor Emeritus Raymond Davis Jr.,Greater Corinthian Church of the Christ, Kansas City, Mo.: M artyrs of t h e f a ith a r e known to have near-death experiences.But the kind where the person sees a "light" while in the midst of dying is not treated in Scripture. That's not to saythat such an experience has never been experienced. Having never been in such a situation, I don't reject such a claim; neither do I endorse it. It's a gray area for me. However, theremustbe something to this idea and kind of experience. Death is a religious experience, and for this near-death story to have such a hold on the
mind of people there must be a stronghold of meaning for those who stand in belief of it. This thing of a "light" experiencenear death was scripted in the movie "Tombstone." As Wyatt Earp's brother Morgan lay dying on the pool table from a gunshot wound he referenced this "light" s cenario to h i s brother as something not experienced by him. Morgan said to his brother — "It's not true." Still, that's a movie, and we don't live in movies or die in them. A person's faith in and love for God can reveal this kind of solace in dying. The light is God's way of saying — "Enter into my rest."
Pure enlightenment Lama Chuck Stanford,Rime Buddhist Center & Monastery, Kansas City: At the moment of death, our
bodies cease to function and begin to deteriorate. However, our mind/consciousnessdoes not die and continues on even after death of the body. It is amazing that so many people from not only different faiths, but even atheists have reported experiencing such a light afternear-death experiences. In the death experience, the senses and subtle elements dissolve along with all of our negative emotions of anger, attachment an d i g n orance. Eventually, nothing is left to obscure the true nature of our mind, and what is left is the primordial ground of our true nature that, as Sogyal Rinpoche has said, "is like a pure and cloudless sky." From the Buddhist perspective, this is referred to as the "clear light of death" that all beings e x perience s h ortly
And acceptance.
after clinical death. As Buddhists we believe that t his white light is the actual fundamental nature of wisdommind also called Dharmakaya and is enlightenment itself. Most of us are not prepared for its sheer vastness and its utter non-dualistic simplicity. Because of many lifetimes of habitual patterns and negative emotions, many will not be able to make this recognition and therefore will wander endlessly in samsara (cycle of rebirths). But through persistent spiritual practice in this lifetime, we may be able to recognize this clear light of death for what it is — our Buddha-nature or enlightened mind. — Send questions for our religion columnists to Darryl Levings a The Kansas City Star, I 729Grand Blvd., Kansas City MO, 64108. Send email to
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Open enrollment for PK3 to 5th grade begins at 6 pm.
Monday, March 4 vvvvvv.eastmonfschool,corn 62425 Eagle Rd., Bend 541-382-2049
SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013 • T HE BULLETIN D 3 "Celtic Cross" Christianity
"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism
"Star of David" Judaism ST. THOMAS CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541 -923-3390
You AreTheMost Important Part of OIJrServices
Father Todd Unger, Pastor MassSchedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Ash Wednesday Services: 10:00 am, 12:10 pm and 6:00 pm Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanishl Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm
and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm
"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism
"Star 8
"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confuctanism
FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1049 NE 11111 St. • 541-382-8274 SUNDAYS:
10:30 am Morning Worship
541-593-8341 Beaver at Theater Drive, PO Box 4278, Sunriver, OR 97707
This Sunday at Faith Christian Center, Pastor Mike Johnson will share his message titled "The First Day of the Rest of Your
"Transforming Lives Through the Truth of the Word" All are Welcome!
9:30am Sunday Educational Classes
(Spiritual) Life" in the Sunday service, beginning at 10:30 am. Childcare is provided in our Sunday morning service. On Wednesdays "Restored Youth" service begins at 7:00 pm A number of Faith lourney Groups meet
throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler • Redmond 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS
Morning Worship 8:30 am F 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM
Coffee Fellowship - 10:45 am Bible Education Hour - II:15 am Nursery Care available The church is located at Beaver and Theater Drives in Sunriver Everyone is welcome. •Women'sBibleStudy -Tuesdays,10 am • Awana Kids Club (4 yrs - 6th gr.) Sept. - May • Youth Ministry(gr 7-12) Wednesdays 6: 15 pm • Men'sBibleStudy -Thursdays9 am • Home Bible Studies are also available Preschool for 3 8 4 year olds Call for information Senior Pastor: Glen Schaumloeffel Associate Pastor: Jake Schwarze visit our Web site Listen to KN LR 97. 5 FM
at 9:00 am. each Sunday to hear "Transforming Truth" with Pastor Glen.
Pastor Duane Pippitt
I•• EASTMONT CHURCH NE Neff Rd., I/2 mi. E. of St. Charles Medical Center
Sundays 9:00 a.m. F 10:45 a.m. Worship Services
Sundays 6;00 p.m. Hispanic Worship Service Weekly Bible Studies and Ministries for all ages Contact: 541-382-5822 Pastor John Lodwick FOUNDRY CHURCH
(FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the
Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel SUNDAY
9:00 AM Sunday School for everyone 10: 15 AM Worship Service This Sunday, Bryon Mengle will continue our study of the book of Philippians. Join us as we pursue Christ's vision for church unity.
20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site: Sundays: 8:30 & 10:30 am WednesdayNight Study: 7pm YouthGroup:Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times. "Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"
Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor Parish Office: 541-536-3571
3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond • 541-548-4161
8.00 am, 9.30 am, 11:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9:30am6 11:00am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor
AmericanMissionary Fellowship Near Highland and 23rd Ave. 2378 SW Glacier Pl. Redmond, OR 97756 Wepreach the goodnewsoflesas Christ, singgreathyinnsof faiih, and searclitheScripturestogether. Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am Bible Study- Thursday, 10:30 am Teaching from the KJV and NKJV Bible
Minister - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844 Associate Pastors Don Henderson & Mike Sweeney "Loving people one at a time." •
EASTMONT COMMUNITY SCHOOL "Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K - 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541-382-2049 Principal Lonna Carnahan
FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100
(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am W ed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided. Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Fri.: 11 am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm
Experience an Eckankar Community HU
18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9: 15 am
Learnhow tosing HU, a love song to God: a loving, uplifting, Spiritual Exercise. HU, pronounced like the word hue, is sung for about 20 minutes and is followed by a brief period of sacred contemplation. Followed by a discussion. OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist Regardless of your beliefs or religion, 120 Mississippi Dr singing HU can bring you greater Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm happiness, love, and understanding. Confessions: Sundays 12:00 - 12;15 pm Singing HU can draw us closer in our state HOLY FAMILY, of consciousness to the Divine Being. It near Christmas Valley has helped people of many different faiths 57255 Fort Rock Rd open their hearts more fully to the uplifting Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm presence and security of God's love. Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm
Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff Parochial Vicar Rev. Iuan Carlos Chiarinoti
NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street
Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM 8 7:00 PM Domingo 12:30 PM -M isa en Espanol
Saturday3:00 PM -4:45 PM -English Thursday6:00 PM -7:00 PM -English o Espanol Domingo 11:15 AM- 12:15PM- Espanol CAPILLA DE SANTA CLARA
Stations of the Cross Friday 7:00PM - English HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava
Masses Sunday 4:30 PM Monday- Friday 7:00AM & 12:15 PM Saturday 8:00 AM Exposition F Benediction Monday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Tuesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Wednesday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Thursdayafter 7:00 AM Mass -6:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Reconciliation Tuesday7:30AM -8:00 A M -English o Espanol Saturday8:30AM -9:30 AM -English o Espanol
Pastor Ed Nelson
full child care 11 am Service (Full child carel For information, please call ...
BEREAN BIBLE CHURCH In Parinersfiipwith
Sunday Services 8 am Traditional Service (No child care for 8 am service) 9:30 am Contemporary Service with
Religion of the Light andSound of God
Jueves7:00 PM -M isa en Espanol For complete calender:
REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th
Reconciliation / Reconciliacion Sunday Worship Services:
POWELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays Potluck 6 pm Music and the Word 7 pm Sunday Worship Services 8:30am- 10:15 am-11 am Nursery F Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy Osborne and Glenn Bartnik 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541 -548-3066
16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday S Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass — 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00 pm
For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862
Sunday School for all ages Kidmo • Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor
Estaciones de la Cruz Viernes 7:00 PM - Espanol
Serving Central Oregon for 20 Years, We Are a Non-Denominational Egalitarian Jewish Community Our Synagogue is located at 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend, Oregon 541-385-6421 Resident Rabbi Jay Shupack Rebbetzin fudy Shupack Shabbat and High I-Ioliday Services Religious Education Program Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training Weekly Torah StudyEvery Sat @ 10 am Adult Education
Singing HU can help you experience: • Comfort, peace, joy • Expanded awareness • Inner light and/or sound • A subtle sense of Divine Love • The healing of a broken heart • Solace during times of grief • A release offears • Answers to your questions For more information please visit or or call 541-728-6476. •
TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542
*Torah Study meets every Saturday at 10:00 am that there is not a service*
Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include social functions, services, religious education, Hebrew school, Torah study, and adult education
Sunday Worship Service 8:30 am Contemporary 11:00 am Liturgical Sunday School for all ages at 10.00 am Wednesdays m LentSoup Supper 6:15 8 Service 7:00 pm Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages
M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm 3rdTues.Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach
Friday, March 8 at 6:00 pm Family Shabbat
Central Oregon Community Sunday School Congregation Shalom Bayit 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend Annual passover Community Seder M onday, March 25 at6:00 pm For information S reservations:
MISSION (LCMS) The missionof!heCiiarcii is!o forgivesinsthrough the Gospe(and thereby grant eternal life (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession XXV111.8, 10) 10 am Sunday School 11 am Divine Service 3/3: Vespers. I:00 PM. 3/10: Vespers. 100 PM. 3/17: Vespers. I:00 PM. 3/28: Divine Service: The Festival of Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM. 3/29: Divine Service: The Festival of Good Friday. I:00 PM. The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor. 8286 11th St (Grange Hall), Terrebonne, OR
Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994
Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include:
0 Celebration Church 63830 Clausen Rd Ste 102, Bend Saturday 10:30 am - 2 pm Worship/Dance-StudyFood/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337
Children's Program
BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1270 NE 27 St. • 541-382-5496 Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY
9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service Nursery Care S Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday WEDNESDAY
THURSDAY 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study WEEKLY Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages.
382-6862 •
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m.
Sunday School 9:45 am Children & Adult Classes Worship Service - 11:00 am Major's Robert F Miriam Keene NEW HOPE EVANGELICAL
20080 Pinebrook Blvd. 541-389-3436 Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church! Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers
W omen's Bible Study Tuesday 9:15 a.m . M en'sBible Study Wednesday 7:30 a.m.
541-420-1667 Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241
NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Chris Kramer 60850 Brosterhous Rd. Bend, OR 97702 (541) 388-0765
Sunday Morning Worship 8:45 amF 10:45 am W ednesday Mid-Week Services Children F Youth Programs 7:00 pm
9:00 am - Informal Worship Service 9:15 am- Junior Church II:00 am - Formal Worship Service
Nursery Care provided for all services.
Wednesdays Bible Study at 10:00 am Soup Supper at 5:30 pm and Holden Evening Prayer at 6:30 pm (during Lent) Sermon by Pastor Chris Kramer "Tree, Manure and Ministry" Gospel Luke 13:1-9 IChild care provided on Sundays.) Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241
COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 529 NW 19th Street (3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367
Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor 9.00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children S Youth Sunday School 9;30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship
CHURCH S SCHOOL LCMS 2550 NE Butler Market Road Bend, OR 97701 541-382-1832
Youth Groups High School - Sunday 11:00am- 12:30pm MiddleSchool — Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm
Wednesday Noon Silence F Supper Worship 12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer Youth Events See Youth Blog: Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week
March 3, 2013 at 11:00 am:
"Source V: The Spirit of Humanism"- Rev. Alex Holt We continue our exploration of the Six Sources of Unitarian Universalism this morning with a service on the spirit of humanism in our association and its possible future. Childcare and religious education for children is available. See our website for more information Meeting place: THE OLD STONE 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Maih PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709 (541) 385-3908
with Rev. Jane Meyers Youth Program Provided The Unity Community meets at 62855 Powell Butte Hwy (near Bend Airportl Learn more about the Unity Community of Central Oregon at or by calling 541-388-1569
Imagine worshiping liketheFirst Century Christians... small groupsgathering in businesses and homes. All Peoples walksin their fooisiepswith a 21st Centuryprogressiveviewpoint. Share Ihe fourney wiihus. Worship with us Sunday, March 3rd at 11 a.m. in the Community Room of Redmond'sRay's Market, 900 SW 23rd Street, just off of Hwy 126. Or, come early at 10 a.m. for discussion of The Last Week by Borg and Crossan. All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month. On March 17th, All Peoples hosts a special guest preacher in the Community Room of Redmond's Ray's Market. For details, directions and possible help with car-pooling, email: or call: 541-390-6864 •
Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshipping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Reformation. Call for information about other meetings
THE SALVATION ARMY 755 NE 2nd Street, Bend 541 -389-8888 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 541 NE Dekalb
LentenService Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Lent Sermon Series; Simplifying The Soul Money,Body, Mind,Schedules, Relationships, Prayer Continues through March 24
UNITY COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL OREGON Join the Unity Community Sunday 10:00 am
Visit us on the web at or contact us at 541-385-5439
6.30 pm Ladies Bible Study condordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773
Simplifying The Soul: Mind 9;00 am contemporary 10:45 am traditional 5:01 pm relaxed Sunday School. 3 yrs to 6th grade Nursery care provided
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF CENTRAL OREGON "Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" We are a Welcoming Congregation
Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Lead Pastor
For more information about our education programs, please call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826. All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street
(Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!
230 NE Ninth Street, Bend 541 -382-4401
• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy
For the complete schedule of Services 8 Events go to: www bethtikvahbend org
1113 SW13lack Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness
We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in learning the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at:
Rabbi Glenn Ettman
Sunday Schedule 8 am Holy Eucharist 9:15 am Education for All Ages 10:15 am Holy Eucharist (w/nursery care F Godly Play) The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector All are welcome through our red doors
ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Worship in the Heart of Redmond
Coffee,snacksand fellowship afier eachservice
Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery W ednesdayNITE LiveKids Youth Group
CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND 536 SW 10th, Redmond 541-548-2974 SundayWorship 9:00 am F 10:30 am
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH In the Heart of Down Town Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541-382-1672 Everyone isWelcorne!
Rev. Thom Larson Sermon Title: "The High Way" Scripture: Luke 13:1-9 Isaiah 55;1-9
9:00 am - Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9 am Service 11:00 am - Traditional Service Childcare provided on Sunday *During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music & Fellowship
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson firstchurch©
4 Saturdays and TMC: $110 5 Saturdays and TMC: $132 The Bulletin: EVery Saturday On the ChurCh
page. $22 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday
CO Marketplace: The FirSt TueSday Of eaCh month.
8 am Guitar Led Worship 9:30 am Education Hour for all ages 11 am Organ/Piano Led Worship Church Website: School Website: Pastors: Rev. David Carnahan Rev. Patrick Rooney Principal: Mrs. Hanne Krause
Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer
S22 Copy Changes: by Monday
Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service
I Week PriOr to PubliCatiOn
Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages.
Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynCh@bendbulletin.COm
'Jack theGiant Slayer' may be year'sfirst major bomb By Amy Kaufman Los Angeles Times
r, e r jt
Photos by Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
A bucket of wood in the home workshop of Y's Guy artist Bill Scott awaits character development.
Y's Continued from D1 "Once in awhile I just see one that I know immediately what it's going to be," Bill says. For instance, the stick that became the cowboy. "It was
kind of bow-legged," he says. His carved-wood creations include a d a n c ing c o uple straight from a 1 950s sock
hop, a cowboy, a group of pirates making merry, a sword swallower and on e n a med Earl, an old coot grinning at the Social Security check he's found in the mailbox. Bill, 77, retired nearly 20 years ago from Bend-La Pine Schools. During his career, he worked as a teacher and principal at Marshall High and Buckingham and R.E.Jewell elementaries. Joyce, too, worked for the school system an d r e t ired from Jewell, where she'd been a secretary. "It feels like a lifetime ago," she says of t h eir w o r king days. Bill estimates that over the years, he's made about 15 Y's Guys. He has nine at home and has given away six others to friends and family. "We don't have room for them," he says. Joyce says people "marvel" at the Y's guys when they see them. "Well, I don't know if they 'marvel,' " Bill says. "Yes they do," she says. "It's one of t h ose things where people say, 'Wow, you could sell them,'" Bill says. "They never say, 'Boy, I'd like one in my house.' " He works on the Y's Guys mostly during the winter, devoting summers to keeping up the large yard surrounding their home. T he amount o f t i m e h e
,,f "" o<
This Y's Guy character named Earl is getting a Social Security check from his mailbox located in the fictitious town of "Nowork, OR."
who's holding his nose and wielding a tray. The piece doubles as a toilet paper holder. "I made that for him specifically," Bill says. "For one thing, he's the only one I know with a bathroom big enough to put something like that (in). Secondly, he has the kind of sense of humor that would appreciate it, and third, he doesn't have a wife to say, 'I'm not having that monstrosity in the house.'" B ill h a s b e gu n m a k i ng up limericks to accompany each of the newer Y's Guys, including Lance, the sword swallower: A swallower of swords says. named Lance B ill r e t urns c a r r ying a For fortune and fame, here's sanded-smooth branch whose his chance torso, if you will, seems like He needsa firm grip it is leaning, or reeling, back For if he should slip He'll ruin the seat of his over its legs. "The one thing I came up with was a boxer, pants spends making each Y's Guy and somebody's just hit him. Perhaps his best limerick, varies, "But (generally) I can But I didn't really want to do however,is the one he dreamt make one a week if I'm work- that. So I came up with some- up for the small Y's Guy he ing at it a fair amount of time," thing different — it's going to gave to Joyce on Valentine's he says. "Something technical involve somebody hitting him, Day. takes a little longer." though." A young man whosefriends For example, th e s w ord In addition to dressing and called him Willy, swallower. " He d r ops h i s accessorizing the Y's Guy's, Thought true love was s word an d i t co m e s o u t Joyce also comes up with a something quite silly, through the rear of his pants," name for each of them. But then he met Joyce "I don't know why I come up Joyce says. And she t/t/as his choice "Something like that takes a with them. It's just what I do," Now they share a love that's a dilly. little longer, because you have she says. to figure out the details," exThey gave her brother one — Reporter:541-383-0349, plains Bill, who chiefly uses a she dubbed Bentley, a butler bandsaw, a sander and a Dremel rotary tool in his work. Bill heads out to his shop for a minute, and while he's gone, Joyce says, "We've been marriedfor 55 years this summer, and I told him this morning, 'Honey, I just can't believe (it). Every day you come up with something new, and I think you are so creative, and it's taken me 55 years to figure it out.'" The project is not s olely his, however. Joyce makes the outfits for those that wear clothes. "I help him out a little bit. I like making the clothes, or deciding what kind of jewelry — that kind of stuff," she
Male heroesstill easier sell ontelevision By Alyssa Rosenberg Slate
WASHINGTON — Producer Mike White is making the press rounds to drum up support for a renewal of his HBO show "Enlightened." Loosely, the show is about corporate d r o ne-turned-do-
gooder Amy Jellicoe (played brilliantly b y L a u r a D e r n) and her struggle to make positive change in her life and the world while contending with the worst of her own nature. But that doesn't really describe it, because "Enlightened" is so unlike anything else airing on television right now that it's almost impossible to categorize it. While a show about an activist w it h g o o d i n tentions who manages to annoy or antagonize almost everyone was
probably always going to be a tough sell, White recently told Vulture that he sees another thread in his career that's made his work less popular: his fondnessforfemale leads.
"If I have a male protagonist, it's a studio movie, and if it's a female protagonist, it's an indie movie," White said. "That's just how it is. It's not about the studios. It's about A m erica and who goes to see movies. Women are interested in men and women, andmen aren'tinterested in the woman's story. They just aren't." I heard something similar from FX president John Landgraf at January's Television Critics Association press tour. "I thinkthat male antiheroes are somethingthat's more easily acceptable," Landgraf said. "I don't mean that a female antihero can't be done, but I just do think that somehow it's a more easilyaccessible character to have a male antihero." Landgraf was referring to Patty Hewes, the manipulative lawyer played by Glenn Close in the legal drama "Damages," which ran on FX before transferring to the Dish Network. Hewes is a great anti-hero, but it's true that she didn't find the
same audience on FX that a show like "Sons of Anarchy," about a violent and all-male biker gang does. FX is experimenting again with "The Americans," a period drama about Soviet spies that co-stars Keri Russell, and had ordered "The B r idge," a murder mystery in which Diane Kruger will play a cop investigating a body found on the U.S.-Mexico border. But those shows, like Showtime's "Homeland," havefemale leads operating in what White refersto as"the male sphere." "There are so many people in this world who are in their own way little heroes, people who are cleaning up the messes created by the guys with the guns," White told Vulture. "There is a little part of me that feels like I have a little bit of creative capital, and I'd rather use it to put a different face forward asthe center of the world."The current center of the world, however, is yet to respond.
L OS A NG E L E S Fee-fi-fo-fum — Hollywood smells the blood of a box-office bum. Bryan Singer's nearly $200 million production of "Jack the Giant Slayer" is set to debut with a disappointing $25 million this weekend, according to those who have seen pre-release audience surveys. The 3-D f antasy adventure, which stars newcomer Nicholas Hoult, has received generally positive r eviews but has not attracted nearly the kind of moviegoer interest that it needs to become a domestic hit. No new release is poised to make a major splash at theaters this weekend. "21 8 Over," the R-rated teen comedy from the writers of "The Hangover," is likely to start with a decent $15 million. The low-budget horror sequel "The Last Exorcism Part II" could take in a so-so $10 million on its first weekend, while the Cold War thriller "Phantom" will probablytank with a dismal $2 million. Based on the classic fairy tale, "Jack the Giant Slayer" centers on a young farmhand caught in a war with an army of giants. Co-financed by Warner Bros.' New Line division and Legendary Pictures for roughly $190 million, the movie required costly special effects and a 100-day shoot outside London in 2011. The film was originally set for release in June but was postponed because the filmmakers needed more time to complete the digital effects. Even if the picture generates strong word of mouth, it will have to face off against a nother family f i l m n e x t weekend - "Oz: The Great
and Powerful" — which may s u r p rise hit in 2010, when it have a massive opening of at o p ened to $20.4 million and least $75 million. ultimately collected $41 milWarner Bros. is banking l i o n f o r L ionsgate.CBSFilms on "Jack" performing well a c q u ired the $4-million seoverseas,whereitseemstobe q u e l from the film's producgenerating a decent amount e r s a t Strike Entertainment of interest, particularly i n l a s t year for around $3 milRussia and Britain. The film l i o n . Even though the second debuts in Hong Kong, South f i l m d oesn't seem likely to Korea and Taiwan this week- m a k e nearly as much as the end but will open in most ma- o r i ginal, CBS probably will jor international markets in e n d u p i n d ecent financial mid-March. shape because its investment "21 and Over" is the direc- i n the movie was so low. torial debut for Jon Luca s The s equel, not screened in and Scott Moore, who also a d v ance of its release for critco-wrote the film. The movie i c s, follows a young woman shares a h a n d( Ashley B e ll) ful of similarities possessed by an w ith t h e r a u n - /f- SUri /lk~/Y evil force. " Phan t o m , " chy comedy that fpcff clriy Pf made the duo sucstarring Ed Har/>S~ W<<k<rid.S r is an d D a v i d cessful — 2009's
"The Hangover." OS Car WinnerS Both films follow yyi// Sgg /7Ugg three guys over g U m S > f f /I <
Duc h ovny, center s on a Russian sub m a rine that
the course of a
threatens to start an international
drunken n i ght ~ P X Pff/C~ full of debauch- QgCgUSg mpS( ery, but "21 & /I> y < ~ < <rl /r I
nu c lear incident. The m o v ie, be-
Over" is set on a
ing released by i ndep e n d e n t
college campus r~/~~S~ fpl w hile "The Hang- g] /ggS) ]W p
distr i butor a n d
over" takes Place production commprI)QS at a La s Vegas pany RCR Media bachelor party. Group, couldpost T he movi e one of the lowest f eatures th r e e openings ever for new young a ctors, M i le s a f i l m debuting nationwide. Teller, Skylar Astin and JusM ean w h i le, it's u n likely tin Chon. It w a s f i nanced t h a t any of l ast weekend's f or around $13 million b y Os c a r wi n n er s w i l l se e distributor Relativity Media h u g e bumps at the box ofand a consortium of Chinese f i c e because most have been companies,includingHuaxia i n r e l ease for at least two Film Distribution Co. In ex- m o n t h s." Argo," which took change for the Chinese fund- t h e b est picture prize, hit ing, a version of the film that t h e aters in October and has includes scenes painting the s i n c e collected an impresAmerican college experience s i ve $130 million. Still, Warin a questionable light wil l ne r B r o s . i s hopingthemovsoonbe released inthe Asian i e s t ill has a bit more gas in country. the tank and is expanding it The original " Th e L as t f r o m 802 theaters to 985 this Exorcism" wa s a m o d est we e k end.
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PublishingDate: Monday, May 13
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U.S. BANK POLE PEDAL PADDLE THEGUIDETOTHELARGEST SINGLE SPORTINGEVENTIN CENTRAL OREGON. The Pole Pedal Paddle is a tradition in Bend that serves as a fundraiser for Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). MBSEF is the leading nonprofit sports training organization dedicated to promoting positive core values to the Central Oregon youth community. The guide includes the schedule of events, descriptions of the race legs, course maps, and highlights of this signature event.
CASCADE CYCLING CLASSIC THEGUIDETOTHESTAGESAND COURSESOFTHELONGEST STANDINGCYCLINGSTAGERACEIN AMERICA. The Cascade Cycling Classic is a six-day event with a iong list of American cycling stars among its past winners. Staged in Bend,The Cascade Cycling Classic serves as a fundraiser for the Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEFj. This guide provides information on race stages and locations.
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PublishingDate: Wednesday, Saturday, July 13
SUPPORT GROUPS The following list contains support GLUCOSE CONTROLLOW CARB
VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, go online to Changes, additions or deletions should be sent to1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Lin.H.Gardner© or call 541-693-8988.
CHILDREN, YOUTH AND EDUCATION SERVICES ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory@ or 541-318-3788. ALYCE HATCHCENTER: Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BEND PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, or 541-382-4647. BOYS &GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON:, info© or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: or 541-382-4682. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Beth, bethO or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH:, COPYO or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS:541-389-8146. GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENSVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell at the Oregon Parent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening© or 541-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER: Rachel Kane,541-3835958, ext. 274. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert©bend.kf or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK MANOR:Peggy Kastberg, 541-382-7025. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY: 541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE:541-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: http://extension. or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER: Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNG LIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-322-3261. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY) or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON: 541-385-0470.
541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EAST CASCADESAUDUBON or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND:www.equineoutreach. com or joan© or 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER:Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. HUMANE SOCIETYOF REDMOND: volunteer© or 541-923-0882. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING:LexaMcAllister, Imcallister© or 541-9 I4-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER& OBSERVATORY:541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS:TomMottl, 541-416-6859.
HEALTH AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4111. DESCHUTESCOUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT:Tuesday Johnson, Tuesday Johnson@co.deschutes. or 541-322-7425. FRIENDSWITH FLOWERS OF OREGON: www. or 541-480-8700. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAIN VIEWHOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregonO NEWBERRYHOSPICE:541-536-7399. PARTNERS INCARE:www. or Sarah Peterson at 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE:Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND
ABILITREE: volunteer© or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCELEAGUEOF BEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: Sherry Fisher, volunteer@ or 54 I -312-2084. BETHLEHEMINN: www. or 541-322-8768. CENTER FORCOMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLYPEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH:© or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Lin Gardner, 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: ValerieDean,541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILY KITCHEN: Cindy Tidball, or 541-610-6511. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 54 I-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, info© or 54 I -385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 54 I -536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: or 54 I -317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 54 I -318-4950. SAVING GRACE: 541-382-9227 or 54 I -504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF, president@
MISCELLANY CENTRAL OREGONLOCAVORE: or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGH DESERTSPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www. or Kendall Cook at 541-848-9390. SACRED ARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179. TUMALO LANGLAUFCLUB:Tom Carroll, 541-385-7981.
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TV SPOTLIGHT "The Bible" 8 p.m.Sunday, History Channel
By Kate O'Hare © Zap2it
Each Christmas and Easter season, History and other cablenets air a number of documentarieson various aspects of the Bible, usually featuring talking-head experts and iffylooking dramatic re-creations. Often t h ese p r oductions take a skeptical look at the historicity or accuracy or veracity of biblical accounts, as if the last thing in the world a docum entary would want t o b e seen doing is taking anything in the Bible at face value. But skepticism was the last thing on the minds of reality TV mogul Mark Burnett ("The A p prentice," "Survivor") and hi s w i fe, actress Roma Downey ("Touched by an Angel"), when they set out as executive producers of "The Bible," airing Sundays from March 3 to March 31, which is Easter Sunday this year. Joined by their faith and a love for the sacred writings of Judaism and Christianity, they have spearheaded a 10-hour, five-part dramatic series that spans the Old and New Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation, capturing the full sweep of the biblical narrative. On a recent Sunday afternoon at their seaside home in
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Diogo Morgado (front) stars as Jesus in "The Bible," premiering Sunday on History. Malibu, Calif. — between attending the National Prayer Breakfast i n Was h i ngton, D.C., and the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles — the spouses sat down over mugs of hot Irish tea to talk about the series, starting with an anecdote from Roman Catholic Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga — one of t h ose eligible to vote on the replacement for outgoing Pope Benedict XVI. Recalls Burnett, "He said, 'Thank you. It's about this time that Discovery Channel, History Channel will put things on that sow doubts in the minds of people who do believe in the Bible. I'm so grateful for History Channel and to you
and Roma for putting this on during Holy Week. It's the opposite of what's traditionally being done around this time.' "So that was nice." Says Downey, "We started with the premise that the Bible is the truth. These are true stories, and it was our job to bring them to life on th e screen. We're not saying, 'Maybe this happened,' or 'According to the Bible,' we're just telling the story as written." "So," adds Burnett, "someone who believes will r e cognize it and love it for that. Someone who doesn't, and isn't going to, will still feel the emotional pull of the story and will be informed in a different way, without being talked at."
Shot in Morocco — at the same location where Burnett once did an i n stallment of his "Eco-Challenge" adventure race — the production features a large international cast, and a score by Hans Zimmer, who reunites with singer Lisa Gerrard for the first time since they collaborated on the theme to "Gladiator." Playing some of the more famous Bible figures are David Rintoul as Noah; Peter Guinness as Nebuchadnezzar; Jake Canuso as Daniel; Nonso Anozie as Samson; William Houston as Moses; Downey as Jesus' mother, Mary; Daniel Percival as John the Baptist; Simon Kunz as Nicodemus; and Portuguese newcomer Diogo Morgado as Jesus. Keith David provides voice-over narration. O ne might w o nder w h y anyone would bother revisiting stories as familiar as those in the Bible, which have influenced not only religious t hought bu t u l t i mately a l most everyaspect of Western culture. But these days, assuming biblical literacy would be a mistake, as Downey found out when she forwarded production stills to an ad agency em-
Dear Abby: I am a 14-year-old female from the West Coast. I am home-schooled and d o n't h a ve many friends because I score high in tests, meaning I retain more information than the average person. On the rare occasion that I m i n g le w ith c h i ldren m y DEAR own age, they call ABBY me unpleasant names, play pranks on me an d o t herwise torture me. I had to change my emergency cellphone number and start using my sister's because there have been so many immature and insulting prank calls. I hate it. I can't help that I am smart, and I refuse to degrade myself by dumbing down my actions and speech because they can't handle their insecurities.
schooling parents so their children can socialize with peers. If your parents haven't done this, I recommend you discuss it with them. You might also meet more intellectu-
She says, "The photographs that we t h ought, 'Anybody could have glanced at these and said, "This was Abraham," or "This was Moses" — nobody knew anybody." But, people who don't know
ally advanced young people if you joined special-interest groups for older students.
This year you listen more carefully to your instincts, as you will be unusually perceptive and intuitive. If your sixth sense points you toward a different path, follow it. You Stars showthe kind sometimes get so of dayyou'll have s erious and locked ** * * * D ynamic into a certain idea ** * * P ositive th a t you can't see ** * A verage the big picture. ** S o-so Letgo, and you * Difficult will be pleased with the result. If you are single, you are very attractive to others. Summer holds many romantic possibilities for you. If you are attached, the two of you start acting like new lovers. SCORPIOsees through many of your defenses. ARIES(March 21-April 19) ** * C onversations with a loved one will be animated and informative. You might want to be serious, but you can't with everything that is going on around you. Resist overthinking, and refrain from putting words in someone else's mouth. Tonight: Be a duo.
TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * You might want to have more say in what is happening, but it is obvious that others are going to take the lead. Get together with friends and loved ones, and frolic along with them. Tonight: Do not even consider some quiet alone time — be where the action is.
GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * You will get more done than you realize is possible if you simply focus and make a list of your priorities. Do not let a
planning a wedding. I want to say yes, but I love the
Your high IQ might way things are right now, and I
be less threatening to the students who have given you trouble if you volunteer to tutor some of them who need help with their schoolwork. (Just don't fall into the trap of doing it FOR them.) Dear Abby: I have been with my boyfriend, "Dan," for almost five years. He's wonderful and we have a great relationship. We have talked about spending our lives together, but had mutually agreed in —High IQ the beginning that marriage wasn't Dear High IQ: Being "different" a priority for either of us. He has isn't easy, and clearly you are very said for years that he never wanted intelligent. But you and your par- to marry — which is fine with me. ents should understand that crank I now suspect that he's planning callsare not "pranks" — they are to propose to me on our fifth annia form of b u l lying and should versary.(He has never been great have been reported when they at hiding surprises.) I'm thrilled that he w ants to happened. Most parents who home-school make that kind of commitment, also network with o ther home- and I want nothing more than to
spend the rest of my life with him, but the thought of marriage scares me. I don't know if it's nerves about the pending proposal or that I have never planned on marriage and now I have to think about all the stress and strife that comes with
know that marriage will change things. What, if anything, do I say to him? — Cold Feet? In Salt Lake City Dear Cold Feet?:I wish you had mentioned why you think being married to Dan w ould "change things." If you've been happy together for five years, it's unlikely that making a formal commitment would damage the special relationship you have together. Perhaps this is "old school," but I feel that if couples plan to bring children into the world, they should be married. Because you want nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with Dan, and are concerned about the stress of planning a wedding, when he pops the question, I suggest you say, "Yes — why don't we elope?" — Write to Dear Abby at orP0. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
project get more complicated right now; do only whatyou must.Tonight:Choosea favorite form of relaxation.
** * * * Y ou have many different sides to your personality. Some of the people around you know that. Be aware that your sharp words could startle someone who has not seen that aspect of your personality. Tonight: What makes you smile.
CANCER (June21-July22)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Oec.21)
By Jacqueline Bigar
** * * * A t tempting to show someone the error of his or her ways might not prove successful. This person's response is mainly a reaction to your words and/or actions. Go out for a walk or watch a movie in order to remove yourself from the situation. Tonight: Forget the here and now.
** * T ake your time, and refuse to be cornered into someone's off-the-wall idea. Be good to yourself, as you might not feel100 percent. Take action in order to feel better. This might involve a nap, calling a friend or some other stressbuster. Tonight: Play it low-key.
LEO (July23-Aug. 22)
** * * S o meone's terms could be nearly impossible to agree to. As a result, you might want to verbalize a resounding "no." What happensnextcouldamaze you. Know thatyou can't predict others' reactions. Tonight: Say "yes" to living.
** * Family matters could be overwhelming you right now. You can create a better situation only if others willingly go along with your plan. Unfortunately, a rigid individual remains firm in his or her beliefs. Tonight: Make plans that amuse you.
CAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan. 19)
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed.18)
** * * Take charge, and know full well what is happening with a friend or loved ** * * * O t hers remain responsive to one.Seek feedbackfrom others,asyou might not be sure what to do or which your ideas and feelings. If you decide to way to go. Laughter surrounds plans cut off some negativity or a person who embodies this type of thought, you will be as you decide to bring certain friends together. Tonight: Let it all happen. more effective. You also will feel free to toss yourself into life as you would like to. PISCES (Fed. 19-March20) Tonight: At a favorite haunt. ** * * M ake an important call to someoneata distance.Beforeyou know LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) it, you could be planning a special trip ** * Take a hard look at your budget. to see this person. Allow your feelings Pay bills first, then make adecision about to flow naturally, and hold back any a long-desired purchase. Even if you judgments. Tonight: Add some music into nix the idea now, you will have another the mix. chance later on. Tonight: Visit with a favorite person.
VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)
©20t3 by King Features Syndicate
6 p.m. on COM, Movie: "Id-
iocracy"— Most science fiction envisions a future where we've all gotten smarter. But the way things are going, a dumbed-down future is more likely. That's the premise of this spot-on 2006 satire from Mike Judge ("Office Space," "King of the Hill"). A soldier and ahooker (Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph), both of average intelligence, are cryogenically frozen and awaken centuries later to discover they're the smartest people alive. Scary? Yes, but hilarious.
the stories don't want to be bored hearing them for the first time, and people who do know the stories want them to be interpretedin a fresh way. "I think the faithful will find this," Downey says. "It speaks to the center of a belief system. It's done beautifully. It delivers through the emotional climax, and you're left with a feeling of upliftment and hope. You feel loved. It's deeply satisfying on that leveL "From a point of view of people being able to learn from it, it's exciting, it's compelling, and it's dynamic — because nobody wants to be taught." But even with a big budget, a huge crew, and dozens of theologians and advisers, sometimes th e u n expected still happens. Downey recalls filming a scene between Jesus and Jewish religious leader Nicodemus (Gospel of John, Chapter 3, Verses 1-21), in which Jesus speaks of being reborn in the spirit, saying, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you don't know where it comes from or where it goes. And so it is when the spirit enters you." Describes Downey, "Out of nowhere, on the stillest evening, a huge, sustained wind whistled through the village, took Jesus' hair, Nicodemus' robes ... thankfully, the actors held in their roles. There was no wind machine." "We've had a lot of H oly Spirit experiences."
ployingmany young people.
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7:50 p.m. on SHO, Movie: "Real Steel" — Hugh Jackman is the nominal star, but the main attraction in this involving 2011 combination of parent-child reunion tale andfantasy-adventure is a robot. In a near-future when the masses are entertained by bouts between mechani cal machines, Jackman plays a fight promoter whose previously unknown young son (Dakota Goyo) involves him in refurbishing a cyborg to make its mark in the ring. Sugar Ray Leonard, who certainly knowsthe game, was a consultant on the boxing. 8 p.m. on E3, "Hawaii Five0" — Ed Asner reprises a role he played on the original incarnation of the series in this episode: diamond smuggler August March. McGarrett and Chief Fryer (Alex O'Loughlin, Tom Sizemore) ask him to help arrange a sting operation to clear McGarrett's sister (Taryn Manning) of a smuggling charge. 8:15 p.m. on TCM, Movie: "West Side Story" — One of the great movie musicals, this Oscarwinning 1961 version of the stage hit — an update of "Romeo and Juliet" — casts Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer as young lovers Maria and Tony. Their romance intensifies the rivalry between two New York street gangs, the Jets and the Sharks. Co-stars Rita Moreno and George Chakiris earned supporting Oscars for their roles.
MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • There may beanadditional fee for3-0 andIMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. f
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 ff IMAX,680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 21 AND OVER (R) I:20, 4:35, 7:35, 10:05 • DARK SKIES (PG-l3) 1:30, 4:05, 7:25, 9:50 • OJANGO UNCHAINED (R)9:30 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 3:30, 9:10 • ESCAPEFROM PLANET EARTH 3-D(PG) I:IO,6:30 • A GOOD DAYTODIEHARD(R) 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:15 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) I2:15, 3:50, 6:35, 9:25 • JACK THE GIANTSLAYER(PG-13) 12:30, 3:40, 6:45 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER3-D (PG-13) 12:45, 3:55, 7, 9:45 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYERIMAX (PG-13) I, 4:15, 7:15, 10 • THE LASTEXORCISMPART II (PG-13) 12:55, 4:40, 7:50, 10:15 • LIFE OF PI(PG)12:05 • LIFEOFPI3-0(PG) 3,610,9: I5 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:10, 6:25, 9:40 • THEMETROPOLITAN OPERA: PARSIFAL (noM PAA rating) 9 a.m. • PHANTOM (R) Noon, 3:15, 6:55, 9:20 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 12:40, 3:45, 7:10, 9:55 • SNITCH(PG-13) 12:25, 3:25, 6:15, 9:40 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) I:40, 4:25, 7:40, 10:10 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 4:30, 7:55 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. f
9 p.m. on H, "Chicago Fire" — As Dawson (Monica Raymund) attempts to help her brother (Jon Seda) figure out the details of his drug and gang investigation, she goes behind his back for assistance. Casey and his mother (Jesse Spencer, Kathleen Quinlan) try to adjust to their new relationship. As a favor to Lt. Whaley (Shane McRae), Severide (Taylor Kinney) visits a figure from his past in "Nazdarovya." ©Zap2tt
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Bend Redmond
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347
• AMOUR(PG-I3) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 8:55 • ARGO (R) 12:30, 3, 6, 9 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) Noon, 4, 7:20 • QUARTET(PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 7, 9:15 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 1, 3:45, 6:45, 9:10 • SILVERLININGS PLAYBOOK (R)12:45,3:30,6:30,9:05 I
John Day Burns Lakeview
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562 • THE GUILTTRIP (R) 9:15 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 6 • RISEOFTH EGUARDIANS (PG)Noon,3 • After7 p.m., showsare2f and older only. Younger than2f mayatt endscreeningsbefore 7pm.ifaccompaniedbya legal guardian.
IM l
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • BARBARA (PG-13) 5:30 • SOUNDCITY(no MPAArating) 8 I
G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-6777 • 21 AND OVER (R) 11:15a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)Noon,2:15,4:30,6:45,9 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-13) 11:15a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 1:30, 4, 6:30 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 11a.m., 9 Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • CHASING ICE(PG-13) 3:15, 5:15, 7: I5 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) 2:45, 5:15, 7:30 • JACKTHE GIANT SLAYER (PG-I3)2:45,5,7:30 • QUARTET (PG-13) 3,5, 7 t/
Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH3-D (PG) I2:50, 3,5:05, 7:10, 9:15 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)4:30,9 • JACKTHE GIANT SLAYER (PG-I3) I:45,4:25,7,9:30 • PHANTOM (R) 12:40, 2:50, 5:10, 7:20, 9:35 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 1:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 2:20, 6:40 •
Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-l3) 1, 4, 7 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (UPSTAIRS — R)Noon, 3:40, 7:15 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.
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Welcome to a neighborhood that's built on the incomparable Tetherow Golf Club and framed by the snow-covered Cascades. At Tripleknot Townhomes, one an d t w o-story fl oorplans deliver the ultimate in elegance and the utmost in energy-efficiency, all just moments from downtown Bend. Best of all, a maintenance-free lifestyle means chores never get in the way of fun. Priced from the low $500,000s, Open house Saturday and Sunday, 12-4. Take Century Drive to Tetherow, turn right on Meeks Trail. Call Judy at 541-390-1411 or Shelly at 541-408-0086.
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Whether moving down the street or moving to another state, getting a lifetime's worth of possessions packed into appropriate containers, into a truck, and then back out again can be a daunting task. While each move can a be little different depending on what types of things need to be movedand how far,there aresome things that can be done to make the process go a bit smoother along the way.
Plan Ahead Bryan Murphy, general manager of Prestige Moving and Storage, says that planning as far in advance of the move as possible is the first and most important step. "Whenever moves happen last minute, there tends to be more mistakes made and greater cost to the shipper," said Murphy. "There are a lot of details that need to be tended to — like what types of items can't be moved like fuels or even houseplants if it's an interstate move." Nancy Lynch, co-owner of United Van Lines, agreed that time for prep and planning is the most important thing. "You need one month minimum for an in-town move, and probably more like two months if you are moving out of state," said Lynch. "A lot of things can come up during the move process, and time can run out pretty quickly, so it's best to have extra time."
Moving requires goodplanning and hard work. Here are five ways tomake movingout of one home and into a newone a little more bearable.
Get Rid of It According to Lynch and Margo DeGray, broker with Coldwell Banker Morris Real Estate, getting rid of some things before you start packing means less packing and less
by Christopher L. Jngersoll, The Bulletin Advertising Departm ent
shipping. "Get rid of as much stuff as you can," Lynch said. "It will seriously cut back on your overall costs and effort." Depending on the usability of belongings thatare no longer needed, many can be donated to local thrift shops. The Bend Area Habitat for Humanity ReStore, the Humane Society Thrift Store and the Bend Community Center Thrift Store are just a few places where donations benefit local organizations that provide assistance to people in Central Oregon.
Know Your Mover
When selecting a moving company, it is important to do your homework to find a company that is operating legally and ethically. "There are a couple of things you want to check beforeyou sign any sort of contract with a moving company," said Murphy.
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According to Murphy, when researching moving companies, people should check with the Oregon Department of Transportation to make sure the company is licensed to operatein Oregon. People can also referto the Better Business Bureau to see if the company has good customer reviews. "When it comes to moving, you don't want to take chances with a company that is cutting corners and not taking care of your belongings," said Murphy. "I would also avoid any company who is not willing to come to your house, look at the project and give you an estimate." Degray added the importance of confirming the moving company is licensed and bonded.
Pnt it in Writing Afteryou have selected a reputable moving company, it is important to thoroughly discuss the expectations for yourself and the movers, and always document them. "Whether you are packing yourself or having a company pack for you, there are going to be a number of things you have to take care of— preferably before the movers arrive," said Murphy. For example, a lawnmower that hasn't had the gas and oil drained cannot be moved by a moving company. Similar details can slow things down and add stress to the move. "Likewise, having the boxes labeled on the sides and knowing where you want them to go at the new house will ensure that you only have to move things once," said Murphy.
Wrap It Up Packingand moving means a large quantity of packing materials. One way to keep costs down is reusing boxes and packing materials. "You cankeep an eye out for people getting rid of their packing materials and get them for less money than buying new stuff," said Lynch. "Also, you can sell or give away your materials to the next guy when you arrive to your new home and unpack." Margo DeGray added that many Realtors have access to recycled boxes as welL Be sure toask friends and neighbors as well as your real estate professional. Doing a little research and taking the extra time to organize belongings by packing a little each day, well in advance of your move, can save you hundreds of dollars and a lot of stress. The planning you do up front is a worthwhile investment.
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Homes for Sale
Widgi Creek j $685,000 • 2930 sq. ft., 2.5 bath • 2 suites, 1 on main • On 5th green & 6th fairway • MLS 201301021 Craig Smith, Broker
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Upscale Duplex. Now is 12445 NW Rainbow $265,000 Home w ith $ 179,900 Ama z i ng Amazing Golf Views! the time to purchase Private Setting on 5 H uge 72x60 S h o p Views ...Park-like set- Situated perfectly bei ncome property t o Acres Backing Public MLS¹201209007 ting with 2.39 acres. hind Broken Top's first take advantage of in- Land. $348,000 Linda Lou Day-Wright, Home fully r emod- green with approach creasing rental rates TEAM Birtola Garmyn Broker, 541-771-2585 eled, new metal roof, shot a n d fa i r way and historically low High Desert Realty Crooked River Realty windows, c a b inets, views from the Mas541-312-9449 i nterest rates. T h i s doors & ter Bedroom, Living, 2 0355 Murphy - B e n appliances, townhome styled duwww. BendOregon wrap a r ound and Dining r ooms. efits of Large Country large 541-322-2417 plex is located in deck! 30x40 worth your time Lot w/City Amenities. garage/shop ... fully Well We never stop moving: p ire Village and i s 19717 Mt. Bachelorto view t hi s B r and $99,900 close to three schools, Recently Updated Mt. TEAM Birtola Garmyn i nsulated & 32x 3 6 New remodel with Exparks and shopping. B achelor RV/boat s h ed . A c ellent Attention t o Vill a g e High Desert Realty Each unit features 3 beautiful gazebo sur- D etail U pdates i n Condo. $169,000 541-312-9449 bdrm, 2.5 baths, open TEAM Birtola Garmyn rounded by m a ture clude a com p lete www. BendOregon kitchen with i s land, High Desert Realty landscaping. S usan functional master bath g as f ireplace a n d Pitarro, Broker restructure, new MORRIS 541-312-9449 541-410-8084 or floonng t h roughout, single garage. Lo$84.900 - 3 bd, 2 ba, REAL ESTATE www. BendOregon cated on a nice cor1.03, garage, wood 541-389-7910 new granite counters, Indcpendcntly &mcd and Opcraied ner lot with fenced s tove, vaulted c e il Hunter Properties LLC new stainless energy back yards and land- 3456 NE 45th - Counings. efficient a ppliances, Gated $180,000 732 scaping. 20830 Nova t ry Living Close to MLS¹201208375 finely refinished cabiCommunity... Downtown Redmond. Call Melody Curry netry, interior/exterior Commercial/Investment Loop. $309,947. Charming & well 541-771-1116 Gary Everett, CCIM $149,499 paint, hybrid gas asProperties for Sale cared for home. Light sist/wood Principal Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn Crooked River Realty bur n i ng & Bright, vaulted ceil- fireplaces in the 541-480-6130 High Desert Realty living 16461 William Foss, La 60235 Ridg e v iew i ngs, s kylights, a i r 541-312-9449 Joan Steelhammer, room a n d ma s t er Pine, OR. $379,900. Woodside Ran c h conditioning & l arge www. BendOregon Broker bedroom, and an outFormerly We s t ern Home, 2. 3 A c r es, deck. Amenities in541-419-3717 standing 500+ bottle Title b l dg . Q u a lity Shop. $340,000 c lude front yard & Remax cellar. Make this c ommercial off i c e 19558 Greatwood TEAM Birtola Garmyn common area mainte- wine unique home a priorHigh Lakes Realty & Bend Westside River High Desert Realty nance, pool, s ports to view today. RE740 Property Ma n ageRim Home on Corner 541-312-9449 c ourt, & s n o w r e - ity DUCED $649,000. ment 541-536-0117 Condo/Townhomes Lot. $245,000 www. BendOregon moval. Susan Pitarro, Neil McDaniel, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn Broker 541-410-8084 for Sale 541-350-9579 High Desert Realty or 541-389-7910 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS 59774 Cheyenne - Re Hunter Properties LLC Fred Real Estate Group 541-312-9449 Search the area's most $259,900 Rarely used modeled 4 Bedroom www. BendOregon comprehensive listing of & never rented, like Attractive Home Inside H ome in Bend . 1 Acre with studio classified advertising... new 3 bedroom, 2.5 & Out $156,000 $164,900 - La Pine real estate to automotive, bath Creekside town- 3546 SW 3 5 t h-Large TEAM Birtola Garmyn S tick built h o me, 3 3 b d rm , 1i/2 bath merchandise to sporting home. Backs to com- 4 000+Sq.ft. Hom e High Desert Realty beauty, sunny remodbdrm/2 bath, woodgoods. Bulletin Classifieds mon area/BLM with w/Wine Cellar. 541-312-9449 stove + shop. Guest eled Kitchen & baths. appear every day in the Cascade M o untain $477,000 www. BendOregon quarters with b a th, Tile & Pergo floors. print or on line. v iews. Great r o o m TEAM Birtola Garmyn kitchen & pellet stove Colorful, sequentiallyfloor plan, master on High Desert Realty Call 541-385-5809 on ow n d r i veway. blooming flower Beds. 18920 Baker Custom the main, 2 additional 541-312-9449 Open floor plan, Cedar-Milled Log MLS¹201207856 bedrooms, loft area & www. BendOregon l i g hting. Ra m s ay, temporary H ome on 1 Ac r e . Theresa full b a t h up s tairs. The Bulletin Environmentally Broker, 541-815-4442 Ser ng<entaioegon~mcel9l8 $289,000 Tons of upgrades & friendly heating. John L. Scott in TEAM Birtola Garmyn very private setting. 17225 Indio - Cabin Jett Blackburn Real Real Estate, Bend the Woods on i/2 Acre 16480 William Foss, La Home-ID 837 High Desert Realty Estate, 541-573-7206 Lot. $131,000 Pine, OR. 1800 sq.ft. Eagle Crest Properties 541-312-9449 TEAM Birtola Garmyn former family medical www. BendOregon 866-722-3370 $274,500 P r id e Of Awbrey Butte j High Desert Realty facility with home & O wnership! Gre a t $450,000 541-312-9449 shop. $178,000. High Outdoor room floor plan, ine n t husiasts! www. • 2475 sq. ft. 26720 Horsell - 120 Pri BendOregon Lakes Realty & Prop- R esort Living w i t h cludes family room, 3 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath vate Acres of Central erty Man a gement easy access to out2 baths. Cus- • Custom Gary Laursen O regon Beau t y . bdrms, 541-536-0117 tom features include built doors. Main floor with 17075 Oxnard - Won- $420,000 tile, faucets & an in- • MLS 201300794 t wo s e parate e n - d erful 2 0 0 2 Bui l t TEAM Birtola Garmyn 51847 Hwy 97 . 1 . 64 trances. Condo has s ulated/heated g a - Shelly Hummel, Broker, home on i/2 Ac r e . High Desert Realty acre commercial on everything you need! $209,900 rage. Lo w m a inteCRS, GRI, CHMS 541-312-9449 H wy i n La Pin e . $69,000 nance landscape w/ MLS TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-383-4361 www. BendOregon $675,000. High Lakes ¹201300532 Trex decking. Back of We never stop moving: High Desert Realty Realty & Pr o p erty home is located next Paula Mellon 541-312-9449 Management 541-977-4009 $110,000 S t ick b u i lt to greenway. Debbie www. BendOregon 541 -536-01 1 7 Dutch barn. T allman, Brok e r Central Oregon Realty cs MLS¹201300648 541-390-0934 or Group, LLC Business Opportunity 704 S E Du n ham Call Linda Lou 541 -389-791 0 395.77 Acres Nestled j $149,000 Day-Wright, Hunter Properties LLC Price Reduction! This MORRIS • Tropical Beach TanA top B ea r Cr e e k Broker, 541-771-2585 condo will make for a 39+ Acre Ranch j REAL ESTATE ning Butte. $382,000 Crooked River Realty g reat g e taway o r Ind p d ndy ~ d and Op rat d • NW Bend, near COCC smart $695,000 inv e stment. TEAM Birtola Garmyn 1491 NW Promontory- • 3731 sq. ft. • Established clientele High Desert Realty Close to d o wntown Awbrey Butte • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • MLS 201205145 541-312-9449 Awbrey Butte j and the ever popular Charmer on 1.05 Acre • 5 minutes to Costco Paula Vanvleck, Broker $875,000 Old M i l l Dis t r ict. www. BendOregon lot, Owner T e rms.• MLS 201204031 541-280-7774 • 4293 sq. ft. Amenities inc l ude $625,000 Lynne Connelley, • 4 bedroom, 4 bath We never stop moving: pool, tennis c ourts 61681 Woodriver - 2 TEAM Birtola Garmyn EcoBroker, ABR, CRS • Beautiful, landscaped and trails accessing Lots Total .77 Acres High Desert Realty 541-408-6720 lot the Deschutes River. Adj 2 Lots For Sale 541-312-9449 We never stop moving: • MLS 201208244 Only $99,900! Too! $450,000 www. BendOregon Rosemary Goodwin Grant Ludwick, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn Broker, Certified 541-633-0255 or High Desert Realty cs Negotiator MORRIS 64444 Collins - 4.9 541-389-791 0 541-312-9449 541-706-1897 Hunter Properties Fenced Acres in Tu www.BendOregon REAL ESTATE We never stop moving: malo, Owner Financ I dcpcdcnlyO cd dopc icd MORRIS ing. $175,000 744 ¹9 S a n dhill -Resort TEAM Birtola Garmyn REAL ESTATE Multiple Business Open Houses Home Near Fort Rock cs High Desert Realty r dcpc dcnlyO cda dopewrcd Opportunity! $200,000 Park i n Sun r iver. 541-312-9449 Great business opporNew Listing $315,000 www. BendOregon tunity w/separate livSneak Preview! TEAM Birtola Garmyn Call a Pro MORRIS ing quarters facing 0 enSunday 12-3pm High Desert Realty Whether you need a REAL ESTATE city park. Shop previ903 N W N e w port 541-312-9449 1 d p d vyo d a do p r d ously used as meGreat Bend Westside fence fixed, hedges www. BendOregon c hanic s hop, h a s Location on Large Lot. trimmed or a house Awbrey Butte j many options. G i ft $150,000 built, you'll find 16010 Green Forest - TEAM Birtola Garmyn $899,000 shop etc. Clean & • 3811 sq. ft. R emodeled 4 B d rm professional help in cozy rooms. Will conHigh Desert Realty • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath Home, Owner Financ sider Trades. 541-312-9449 664 Hillwood Ct. Bend The Bulletin's "Call a • Mountain and city ing. $159,000 Jett Blackburn Real www. BendOregon 3 Bdrm/2 bath dbl. Service Professional" TEAM Birtola Garmyn views Estate, 541-573-7206 garage. $185,000. • MLS 201204524 High Desert Realty Directory Directions: East Reed 11.27 Acres j $644,000 541-312-9449 Margo Degray, Redmond j $2,500,000 Mkt, left o n B r ook541-385-5809 • 3790 sq. ft. Iog home Broker, ABR, CRS • Established Car Wash swood, left o n H i ll- www. BendOregon • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath • Central location wood Ct. 3 bd/2ba, 1 99 9 Mf g We 541-480-7355 • Direct BLM access • Consistent sales 8 never stop moving: home i n C r e scent. Peggy Lee Combs, $47,500 - 1 3740 SW • MLS 201206478 profit Broker, Canyon Drive. 1.22Fenced, front & back Susan Agli, • MLS 201206492 deck. Detached gaJohn L Scotf, Bend acre l ot . Cr o oked Broker, SRES Steve Payer, cs 541 -480-7653 River rage with partial sec541-383-4338 Broker, GRI tion of the garage finMLS¹201105164 541-408-3773 541-480-2966 Call Melody Curry ished. $69,900 MLS 745 -
50rj0~ •
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RENTALS 603 -RentalAlternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627 Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Roomsfor Rent 631 - Condominiums &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Moltiplex General 634- Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 636 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for Rent General 650 - Houses for Rent NEBend 662 - Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656 - Housesfor Rent SW Bend 658 - Housesfor Rent Redmond 669 - Housesfor Rent Sunriver 660 - Housesfor Rent La Pine 661 - Houses for Rent Prioevllle 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 664- Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 -Moblle/Mfd.Space 682 - Farms, Ranches andAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 736- Multlplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 744 - Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 - SouthwestBendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast Bend Homes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 766 - Jefferson County Homes 767 - Crook County Homes 762 -Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational Homesaod Property 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Modile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land
Awbrey Butte j $1,800,000 • 7148 sq. ft. • 5 bedroom, 5.5 bath • Cascade Mountain views • MLS 201301084
Shelly Hummel, Broker, CRS, GRI, CHMS 541-383-4361 We never stop moving:
MORRIS REAL ESTATE 1 depc dcntlyO wedandopcmrcd
Black Butte Ranch j $599,900 • 2470 sq. ft. • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • .46 acre lot • MLS 201300725
Gary Rose, Broker
541-588-0687 We never stop moving.'
MORRIS REAL ESTATE 1 d p ndeniv 0 w d a d op mted
Glacier View j $425,000 • 2434 sq. ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 1.78 acres, 1 irrigated • MLS 201300939
Deborah Benson, P.C., Broker, GRI 541-480-6448 We never stop moving. cs
MORRIS REAL ESTATE Indepcndcnvy 0 acd and opentcd
Golden Butte j $409,000 • 2481 sq. ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Cascade Mountain views • MLS 201300768 Greg Miller, P.C., Broker, CRS, GRI
541-408-1511 We never stop moving:
Houses for Rent General
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Vacation Rentals & Exchanges
:) ocean front
house, beach walk from town, 2 bdrm /2 bath, TV, Fireplace, BBQ, $85 per night, 2 night MIN. 208-342-6999
NOTICE REAL ESTATE All real estate adverI dcpc dc ilyO cda dopcmrcd tising in this newspaper is subject to the SE Bend j $1,485,000 F air H o using A c t • Gleneden II subdiviwhich makes it illegal sion to a d v ertise "any • 27 lots preference, limitation • 4100-5300 sq. ft. Iots or disc r imination• MLS 201300979 based on race, color, Darrin Kelleher, Broker The Kelleher Group religion, sex, handi541-788-0029 cap, familial status, marital status or na- We never stop moving: tional origin, or an intention to make any
Cg such pre f erence, limitation or discrimination." Familial sta630 tus includes children MORRIS Rooms for Rent under the age of 18 REAL ESTATE living with parents or Studios & Kitchenettes legal cust o dians, 1 dcpc dcwlyO cd d o p c i cd Furnished room, TV w/ pregnant women, and cable, micro & fridge. people securing cus- People Look for Information About Products and Utils & linens. New We never stop moving: MORRIS of children under Services Every Day through We never stop moving: 541-771-1116 201209344 owners. $145-$165/wk tody Homes for Sale 18. This newspaper Crooked River Realty Cascade Realty, REAL ESTATE 541-382-1885 will not knowingly ac- The Bulletin Classif/eds Dennis Haniford, I dcpc dc nyo cd, d opcmrcd 60818 Windsor - SE 61250 King Solomoncept any advertising Princ. Broker 634 SE Bend j $825,000 B end Home o n i/2 Updated Kings Forest real estate which is • 4072 sq. ft. 541-536-1731 Awbrey Glen j Apt./Multiplex NE Bend for Acre. $145,000 3 b edroom Home. in violation of the law. • 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath $599,000 TEAM Birtola Garmyn MORRIS 60674 Rocking $285,000 MORRIS O ur r e aders a r e • 2516 sq. ft. new con• 20 acres with views 8 GREATWINTER S High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn Horse Ct. hereby informed that • MLS 201301102 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE struction 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty Traditional sale! Nestled • 3 bedroom + den, 2.5 DEAL! all dwellings adverI dcpc dmtlyO cda dopcmicd Sue Conrad, I dcpc dc vy 0 cd d opc tcd www. BendOregon 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 541-312-9449 in the pines this home bath tised in this newspaBroker, CRS www. BendOregon offers a great open $530 & $540 w/lease. 1188 NE 27th St. ¹113 per are available on level, 3-car ga541-480-6621 738 Carports included! Immaculate home with floor plan, 3 bdrm, 2 • Single an equal opportunity We never stop moving: rage i/2 extensive upgrades in bath, 1639 sq. ft. with • MLS 201209414 Multiplexes for Sale 17360 Brant - Large FOX HOLLOW APTS. basis. To complain of Fordham - Gor Acre Lot Near Big De- 51863 Snowberry V i l lage, 12 ft. ceilings. Newer discrimination cal l (541) 383-3152 geous Craftsman 3 Diane Robinson, one of Bend's finest v inyl windows a n d Investment Opportunity! schutes. $242,900 HUD t o l l-free at Cascade Rental bdrm + Office Loft. Broker, ABR TEAM Birtola Garmyn Trane heat p u mp. 55+ parks. This home 1-800-877-0246. The Duplex! $166,000 Management. Co. 541-419-8165 $189,900 High Desert Realty Spacious .34 acre lot offers 1512 sq.ft., 2 NE Redmond duplex, toll f re e t e l ephone TEAM Birtola Garmyn We never stop moving: Call for Speciafs! 541-312-9449 Bdrm/2 bath + den/of- with plenty of room for number for the hearsingle level 1250 sq. High Desert Realty MORRIS RV parking and all Limited numbers avail. fice w it h c a t hedral ft., 2 b d r m, 2 b ath www. BendOregon ing im p aired is 541-312-9449 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. ceilings. A l l new your toys. A definite REAL ESTATE 1-800-927-9275. each, gas fireplace. www. BendOregon cs W/D hookups, patios kitchen a p p liances, must see!. I dcpc dcmlyO cd d o p c <cd Single car g a rage, or decks. 835-837 3rd St. In lighting, ceiling fans & Maralin Baidenmann, 659 landscaped,fenced Tumalo j $245,000 MOUNTAIN GLEN, come Inv e stment5 30 N E Sh o s hone- m uch m o re . T h i s Broker 541-325-1096 Paula Mellon Houses for Rent MORRIS • 4.8 acres 541 -383-931 3 m o ve-in John L. Scott 541-977-4009 Property in High Traf 4bedroom Home on 2 home is Sunriver • Cascade Mountain Real Estate, Bend Professionally fic Area. $300,000 REAL ESTATE Central Oregon Lots, La n dscaped. ready. views managed by Norris 8 TEAM Birtola Garmyn $199,000. I d p d |l y O d dO p r d Realty Group, LLC VILLAGE PROPERTIES • Flat 8 fenced with Stevens, Inc. High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn 6989 Maralin Baid- Affordable Living in SW Sunriver, Three Rivers, power 541-312-9449 enmann Broker High Desert Realty Terrific Investment. Awbrey Glen Beauty. Bend 636 La Pine. Great • MLS 201300942 www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 541-325-1096 Tri-Plex, SW Red1 998 M.H. c l ose t o Live in beautiful AwSelection. Prices range Cathy Del Nero, Broker Apt./Multiplex NW Bend www. BendOregon John L. Scott mond, Great location brey Glen situated on d owntown and O l d the $425 - $2000/mo. 541-410-5280 Real Estate, Bend 1-3 bdrm, 1550 SF/3 17th fairway! 4 Mill. 3 b e droom, 2 View our full We never stop moving.' Drake Park luxury apt., 7780 NW 93rd11 Acre bdrm, 1270 SF/2 bedrooms, 3 baths, + Hwy 20 East b ath, 1080 s q . f t . den. inventory online at 1 bdrm, w /d , d / w , bdrm, 1131 SF/1 Homesite w / V iews,2 3475 2625 sq. ft. 3567 Acre Bend Cas $129,000 - 2 bedroom, Open floor plan, large NW McCready, cable, $950 / m o. Fin a ncing. 36+ bdrm. Garages, Patio, Owner Bend. cade Nursery. 2 bath on 1.12 acres. backyard with huge 1 -866-931-106f 541-788-0087 cs $129,900 $235,500 $579,000. D a n ielle deck, carport. $24,900 $749,000 MLS¹201203821 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn MLS¹ 201209269 Broker Call Linda Lou Teresa Brown, Bro- Snow, Small studio close to li- Just bought a new boat? Jim Hinton High Desert Realty 541-306-1015 Day-Wright, ker 541-788-8661 brary, all util. pd. $550, Sell your old one in the High Desert Realty MORRIS 541-420-6229 541-312-9449 John L. Scott $525 dep. No pets/ classifieds! Ask about our 541-312-9449 Broker John L. Scott Central Oregon Realty www. BendOregon Real Estate, Bend Super Seller rates! REAL ESTATE smoking. 541-330541-771-2585 Real Estate, Bend www. BendOregon Group, LLC 541-385-5809 1 d p d nl) 0 w d a d Op mi d 9769 or 541-480-7870 Crooked River Realty •
SAT R SUN NOON — 4PM Brand new 2162 sq. tt. P ahlisch home i n T h e Bridges! Great room with cozy fireplace, kitchen with stainless appliances. Large master suite wi th 61168 Lot 75 Sydney huge walk-in closet. Big g uest rooms & B o n u s Harbor Dr, Bend Room loft area. Two-oar Directions: From the Parkuay, garage, fenced yard. Just eas/on Reed Market, sor¹h on /5ih d own th e s t r eet f r o m le(easr). the amazing community 5rreet, Io community on ft amenities.
with 44' RV insulated
63880 Quail Haven Dr. Directions: //wy 20 towards Sisters, turn on Old Bend/ Redmvnd H~, right on Rogers, righton 2nd Quail Haven Dr.
$6OO,OOO Hosred 6 Listed by:
Hosted 6 Listed by EDIE DEIAY Principu/ Brvker
N ew
In T u m a l o . Ver y welcoming u p dated 2 563 sq . f t . h n m e
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Co nstruction
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3 bcdrooms, 4.5 3485 sq ft
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Listed by:
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Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Awbrey Highlands j Convenient Gorgeous home! Historic District j Located on a c o rner New Listing! $147,250. Country Living Private backyard geta cre with a 4 c a r e Over 2000 sq. ft. in this $575,000 $696,000 • 2695 sq. ft. Quiet, close to Bend ... away! .21 Acre Lot, 2 • 3872 sq. ft. garage is this 3bd/2ba 3+ bedroom, 2 bath • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath acreage with l a rge bdrm, 2 bath w/pond/ • 5 bedroom, 3 bath home. Large kitchen home. Treed fenced • Breathtaking Cascade pond, gated, fenced den/office, 1758 sq. • 1 block from Drake with oa k c a b inets, lot with RV parking, views and c ro s s-fenced. ft.,a 3 - car g a rage Park new dishwasher just large deck and double • MLS 201300951 • MLS 201206543 Home and large shop w/shop. $199,900 i nstalled. Home i s garage. Quiet area TenBroek - Hilber all one building. GranMLS¹201208130 Scott Huggin, very spacious with close to s h opping, Group, LLC ite kitchen, insulated Call Virginia, Broker, GRI large front deck & pa- schools & medical. 541-550-4944 shop, many e xtras. Principal Broker 541-322-1500 t io. $ 170,000 M L S 541-350-3418 We never stop moving: We never stop moving: 201300307 258 Peggy Lee harona. Redmond RE/MAX Cascade Realty, Combs, Broker 541-480-7653 MLS¹201209064 Land & Homes Dennis Haniford, Sharon Abrams, CRS, Real Estate Princ. Broker John L. Scott Ca Ca 541-536-1731 P rincipal Brok e r , Real Estate, Bend 541-280-9309 Need to get an John L. Scott Lots o f pos s ibilities MORRIS MORRIS ad in ASAP? Real Estate, Bend h ere! 0.26 L ot , 3 New Listing! 4 Bdrm REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE You can place it $134,900 Bdrm, 1 Bath, freshly I d p d « l r o d d op «d I d p d «lr o d d op t d Bedroom, 2.5 bath, online at: painted interior, wood 4 double Crooked River Ranch garage. Large floors, R5. $99,000 Home w/a Guest BANK OWNED HOMES! 6031 SW Tarpon, 3/2, window i n ki t c hen MLS¹201208899 Cottage! $98,900 FREE List w/Pics! 1 620 s q . ft. , 5.1 4 makes it light, bright, Call Virginia, Loads of character & acres, 28x30 shop/ga541-385-5809 inviting! Separate utilPrincipal Broker bend and beyond real estate charm, 3 bd, 1398 sf rage, w e l l . MLS ity, large fenced treed 20967 yeoman, bend or 541-350-3418 home has hard wood ¹201204594 Great home with workbackyard. Floors, fire p lace, Redmond RE/MAX Teri Cravens, Broker Black Butte Ranch j able floor plan, in an Land & Homes 541-647-0910 older, w e l l es t a b- built-in cabinets. 528 $489,900 Peggy Lee Combs, Real Estate Fred Real Estate Group lished neighborhood sf guest cottage w/ all • 2034 sq. ft. B roker, GRI, C R S, the comforts. Great • 4 bedroom, 3 bath at the end of a dead Realtor 541-480-7653 Custom Homes in Lots to Offer! $29,900 location on dead end • Furniture included end s treet. M a ture John L. Scott Three Pines street w/ view of the Property needs some • MLS 201208783 landscaping and RV Real Estate, Bend Immaculate 3529 sq. ft. TLC but lots of Possivalley. Pat Palazzi, Broker 4 Bdrm, 3 bath home parking too. D o n't Jett Blackburn Real b ilities. 3 b d r m , 1 th si one! 541-771-6996 close to Shevlin Park. miss Estate, 541-573-7206 b ath, 1162 s q . f t . . Nice home i n B e nd. MLS¹201209288 We never stop moving: G reat r o o m wit h $51,900 Wood floors, l arge Oak cabinets, island Rogue River s tone D & D R ealty Group Horse Property - 7085 living area, located on in kitchen, extra insuKent Lane, Culver. 39 fireplace, Br a z ilian LLC 541-923-8664 lot next to park. l ation a dded, n e w Acres w/37 acres of corner Ca cherry wood floors & Jett Blackburn Real laminate f l oo r in NUID w ater r i g ht. 27' cathedral ceilings. Great Value on 4 Bdrm Estate, 541-573-7206 kitchen an d d i n ing Flood irrigated from a Chef's kitchen w/SS Home. Get ready to room, large open livMORRIS GE Monogram appli- pack and move in this Ig. pond w/gated pipe. ing area, cozy wood 1782 s q . ft . MFD Just too many a nces. 2 mas t e r REAL ESTATE spacious 4 bdrm stove, heat pump A/C suites, tandem 3-car home at a n a f ford- home. 4 bdrm/2 bath, collectibles? I nd p d pdy O«d p d Op « d & electric forced air barn & 4-stall garage. a ble price. It is l o - shop, heat. Home has gutbarn. Outside arena cated at the end of a Sell them in ters and carport, large w /attached pen s . Get your hellyarnold. dead-end street and covered deck, chain & c a nyon The Bulletin Classifieds MLS¹201208803. features a main level Mountain business l ink f e nced y a r d . views. $632,400 Shelley Armaster suite plus de- MLS¹201207831. $55,000 MLS nold, Broker luxe kitchen with ss 541-385-5809 ¹201208196 $360,000 541-771-9329 appliances, cook isG ROW I N G John L. Scott Real EsJohn L. Scott Real John L. Scott land & pantry. There Estate tate 541-548-1712 541-548-1712 Mountain River Estates Real Estate, Bend is a neat parlor with with an ad in cozy a fireplace and Large craftsman style 19748 Dry Canyon. 3/3, NOTICE 2735 sq.ft., Jess AlThe Bulletin's upstairs are 3 bdrms, home. 2703 sq. ft. 4 All real estate adverDobbin Acres j way Custom Home"Call A Service huge family room and b edroom 3 ba t h s . tised here in is sub$275,000 Must See ! MLS large la u n dry/craft $159,000 ject to t h e F e deral Professional" • 1987 sq. ft. ¹201207933 room. The owner just MLS¹201203228 F air H o using A c t , • 4 bedroom, 3 bath John Furrow, Broker Directory installed new carpet Call Don Chapin, Browhich makes it illegal • 2.2 acres, 1.5 acres 541-647-0910 and all n e w p a int. ker, 541-350-6777 advertise any prefirrigation Fred Real Estate Group to Broken Top j There is a fenced yard Redmond RE/MAX erence, limitation or • MLS 201202322 $1,175,000 p lus this is one o f Land & Homes based Sydne Anderson, • 3814 sq. ft. Move-in ready 3bd/2ba discrimination several homes that Real Estate on race, color, reliBroker, CRS, WCR, • 3 bedroom plus den, that was just painted gion, sex, handicap, will be available on CDPE, GREEN inside, laminate floor- familial status or na3 bath this street. 21179 SE Where can you find a 541-420-1111 • Golf Course Views ing, slate entry, tiled tional origin, or intenP hilly A v e. , B e n d . helping hand? We never stop moving: • MLS 201204424 k itchen, laundry & $239,950. tion to make any such From contractors to David Gilmore, Broker bathrooms. Has front preferences, l i m itaGary Everett, CCIM & back decks & over- tions or discrimination. 541-312-7271 yard care, it's all here Principal Broker Ca sized single car ga- We will not knowingly We never stop moving: 541-480-6130 in The Bulletin's rage. $129,900 MLS accept any advertisJoan Steelhammer, "Call A Service 201300412 Broker ing for r ea l e state MORRIS Cascade Realty, 541-419-3717 Professional" Directory Ca which is in violation of Dennis Haniford, REAL ESTATE Remax this law. All persons Lava Ridges Princ. Broker I dcr«dc«lyo p d d o r « « d are hereby informed Historic District j 20919 Kodiak Ct. 3/2.5 541-536-1731 MORRIS that all dwellings adDowntown riverfront for $649,000 + Bonus room, triple vertised are available REAL ESTATE • 2119 sq. ft. English $99,000. garage, RV parking NE Bend j $169,900 on an equal opportuInd p d «lyr«« d * d o p «« d In the center of every- cottage H20 features. MLS • 1708 sq. ft. nity basis. The Bullething that you l ove • 3 bedroom, 2 bath ¹201300397 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath tin Classified Broken Topj $220,000 about Bend, this 650 • Across from Drake Holly Garner, Broker • Sits high on .13 of an • 2 unit townhome s q. ft. condo is l o Park 541-480-4208 acre Good classified ads tell • Furnished cated directly over the • MLS 201205806 Fred Real Estate Group • MLS 201300131 the essential facts in an • 1248 sq. ft. D eschutes Riv e r . Lester Friedman, Patti Geraghty, Broker interesting Manner. Write • MLS 201209307 Located in Seneca, OR. Keep in th e r e ntal P.C., Broker 541-948-5660 2 bdrm cute home w/ all from the readers view - not John Snippen, Broker, 541-330-6491 pool or bring your deWe never stop moving: MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI signer and personal- We never stop moving: the necessities. the seller's. Convert the Knotty pine, n ewer 541-312-7273 facts into benefits. Show ize this home to re541-948-9090 siding & v i nyl w i nthe reader how the item will flect your style. Gated Ca dows. Covered front & We never stop moving: help them in someway. parking along w i th Ca side deck. F e nced y ear-round pool & This yard, garage, Plus 2 spa. Tom Eilertson, advertising tip MORRIS storage sheds. Only Ca Broker 541-350-8097 brought to you by MORRIS $45,000! Jett BlackREAL ESTATE John L. Scott REAL ESTATE burn R ea l E s t ate, l dcr«dc dyO cdp dopc««d The Bulletin Real Estate, Bend Independently 0 «pd ppd Or«««d 541-573-7206 MORRIS
REAL ESTATE I dp d « lr o
do p t d
Door-to-door selling with Build your DREAM Home! fast results! It's the easiest Private hidden commu- way in the world to sell.
nity in B end. Cascade View Estates. The Bulletin Classified Beautiful juniper trees 541-385-5609 on flat t e rrain. 4 .9 acre parcel. Only 5 Do you love t o p l ay mi. f ro m B r a sada g olf? H o w abo u t Ranch Resort. walking out your back $189,000 Nadine Ash, d oor o n t h e 1 0 t h Broker 541-390-4017 g reen of Glaz e John L. Scott M eadow a t Bla c k Real Estate, Bend B utte Ranch? T h is immaculate 3738 sq.ft. h om e o ff e rs Cabin in the Woodsmany amenities, a La Pine fireplace in the F urnished t u r n ke y gas living room, wonderrental opportunity or 2nd h o me . See ful ambient lighting in vrbo¹356290. 4 bdrm, every room, built-in system, in2 bath, large living speaker se c u rity r oom plus a lof t . tercom & a b u ndant Wood stove for warm systems, wo n derful cozy nights. On 1.05 storage, of the beautiful acres. Fully fenced. views P onderosas & s u r Shop w/1 bay. L orounding landscape. cated in the heart of Central Ore g on's $998,000 John L. Scott Real recreation area and less than an hour from Estate 541-548-1712 Mt. Bachelor - Marci Eagle C rest b e h ind Schoenberg, Broker, gates & on 11th fair541-610-7803 way. Great room open John L. Scott to dining w/covered Real Estate, Bend deck access 8 cook's kitchen w/alder cabinetry, granite counter Casa Mariposa j tops & tile floor, over$3,990,000 looking golf course & • 8676 sq. ft. m tn. vistas . S p a • 7 bedroom, 7.5 bath cious master suite & • Bachelor to Jefferson luxury bath w/see-thru views fireplace & deck ac• MLS 201106412 cess to hot tub. InVirginia Ross, Broker, door/outdoor speakABR, CRS, GRI ers, intercom, central 541-480-7501 vac & solar hot water We never stop moving: systems. Fi n i shed b asement, bon u s r oom a bove 1 0 6 0 sq.ft., triple garage. MLS¹201203992 $529,900 MORRIS John L. Scott Real
REAL ESTATE I dcr«dp«lyo c d
East Bend Acreage 23095 Alfalfa Mkt Rd. Cascade Mountain 4/2, 2.94 acres, 1751 Views sq.ft., RV storage + Beautiful single l evel MLS home on over 1 acre. shop. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ¹201300137 Daria Nelson, Broker upgraded gra n i te 541-771-4483 kitchen. Detached office/studio. 2-car ga- Fred Real Estate Group rage, la n dscaped,Fabulous mou n tain freshly painted, spar- views, rural property kling c l e a n and 3479 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. move-in ready. Room 2 .5 baths. L ots o f to build a shop. Can- shop area! $475,000. dice Anderson, BroMLS ¹201207007 ker 541-788-8878 Call Jeanne Scharlund, John L. Scott Principal Broker, Real Estate, Bend 541-420-7978 Redmond RE/MAX Land & Homes Close to the River! Real Estate 2002 MH, .98 acres w/garage/shop, water Good i n vestment feature, fi r e pit, Home is in the 100 greenhouse. New year flood plain. It flooring - t r avertine, needs some TLC but tile, d o ors, l i g hts, sits on a wonderful lot sinks, paint & MORE! a nd could make a Call f or deta i ls! good investment or $136,900! Lisa M cfirst home. Possible Carthy, Broker, SRES owner terms. John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend
OG'~ ~ ~@ O %8nWHX j. «
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E4 SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
NW Redmond j $169,900 • 2160 sq. ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath
Price Reduction!!! Pan- SE Bend j $265,000 oramic Views! Great • 2015 sq. ft. location 3 miles NW of • 4 bedroom, 3 bath Redmond. Views of • Cul-de-sac location • 3-car tandem garage Smith Ro ck & • MLS 201300386 • MLS 201200354 O chocos. Cus t o m Sue Conrad, Debbie Hershey, built 2478 sq.ft. home Broker, CRS Broker, CRS, GRI on 4.74 acres. 1800 541-480-6621 541-420-5170 sw.ft. shop w/RV bay. We never stop moving: 4.74 a c r es . MLS We never stop moving:
TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 745
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Southwest Bend Homes
Redmond Homes
Redm o n d Homes
Redm o n d Homes
Sr. Condo Backs to National Forest River Village c ondo, 1681 sq. ft., fully furnished. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Cedar ceilings, wood burning fireplace. Private pool for owners. Steps to the Deschutes River.
Three Pines j $595,000 Near Old Mill District 3 $599,900 Outstanding $599,900 It's all about 3 bedroom, 2 b a t h, • 3488 sq. ft. bdrm, 2 typ bath, 2398 detail in design and the views! Stunning 1730 sq ft home, gas • 3 bedroom, 4.5 bath s q. ft ., coun t ry c onstruction o f t h i s Smith Rock and city fireplace, huge • Top of the line finishes kitchen, maple cabi- beautiful 4 bedroom, views from this incred kitchen, fenced. • MLS 201300652 nets. 6970 sq. ft. Iot. 3.5 bath, 3717 sq. ft. ibly built 3 bdrm, 3.5 MLS¹201300635. Jim & Roxanne $180,000. MLS¹ Sage Builders home. b ath, 3250 s q . f t . $154,000. Pam Cheney, Brokers 201208231 Located on the 18th home! Enloy the cov Lester, Principal Bro541-390-4050 Pam Lester, Principal hole of the Challenge ered patio with those ker, Century 21 Gold 541-390-4030 B roker Century 2 1 Course at Eagle Crest easterly views back Country Realty, Inc. Gold Country Realty, Resort. Floor to ceil ing to common area 541-504-1338 We never stop moving: ¹201202726 MLS¹201300163. Inc. 541-504-1338 ing windows bring the and short distance to outside in for bright sports center, swim 3 b edroom, 2 b a t h , $397,000! $298,000. Traditional Sale! Coun- and o p e n liv i ng. ming pools, s pray 1822 sq ft home on John L. Scott Real Cy try living but just minEstate 541-548-1712 6693 Home-ID 352 park. Home-ID 989 one acre, fenced, and utes to Bend. New Eagle Crest Properties Eagle Crest Properties Shelley Arnold, Broker 2 shops! MLS¹ t o o MORRIS carpet, ne w s t ove, 541-771-9329 866-722-3370 866-722-3370 Quail Run new...$191,900 Pam MORRIS MORRIS REAL ESTATE and vaulted ceilings. Q uality b u il t ne w e r John L. Scott Lester, Principal BroREAL ESTATE I dcpc dc ttyo cd d o pcmtcd REAL ESTATE Relax on your deck Real Estate, Bend homes. Open f loor ker, Century 21 Gold Look at: Indcpcndcndytnntcd nnd Opctntcd Indcp nd ntly ~ c d nnd Opccctcd overlooking your very plans w/s p acious Shevlin Ridge Beauty 2 -Story home in N W Country Realty, Inc. s ecluded acr e l o t ! kitchens. F i replace,West side custom Redmond. Large 1705 541-504-1338 Tumalo Acreage Old Mill District Sunriver Gem! Exten- 6 4474 DRW home also for Complete Listings of loft, all appliances insq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath. C oyote R u n . This 61392 Elkhorn St. 3/3, cluding w asher/dry- Skyline Ranch Rd. - 4 sive Remodel... on a s its back f rom t h e Area Real Estate for Sale Knotty alder cabinets, Beautiful 2-Story 3 bath, 2900 SF, 4/2.5+ Bonus room, 5 1 681 s q .ft., c o m - ers. 3 & 4 bedrooms bed/3 large corner lot. Furroad. $109,000 SS appl i ances, bdrms, 3 baths, 1918 Stainless steel, granacres, o u tbuildings, Mike Wilson, Broker petely rem o deled, available. nishing are beautiful, Large ite, cherry cabinets. front/back land- sq. ft., stainless appliamazing kitchen. MLS $220000 This is not a Move in Ready! MLS fenced 541-977-5345 or b a c kyards. Courtyard off master, this is a m ust see! ¹201209378 scaped with irrigation. ances, gas fireplace. short sale. Very pri ¹201209180 Fully furnished priced Holly Garner, Broker 541-389-7910 Close in to shopping huge bonus room. $187,900. Jim Hinton Landscaped with irrivate setting, Creek John Furrow, Broker at $447,000 UnfurHunter Properties LLC a nd schools. B a r - Ed Green, Broker 541-420-6229 gation $191 , 900. 541-480-4208 s ide V i llage t o w n 541-647-0910 nished p r iced at Fred Real Estate Group bara Jackson, Broker Central Oregon Realty MLS¹201208280 541-598-5666 home s it s b e s ide Fred Real Estate Group 541-306-8186 748 $435,000 Call today Group, LLC Jim Hinton, John L. Scott for more details. Su- Very nice home with Northeast Bend Homes pond & creek, in im John L. Scott 541-420-6229 Real Estate, Bend maculate c o ndition, Opportunity K n ocks... san Pitarro, Broker 3bd/2b in Christmas Real Estate, Bend Central Oregon Realty a nd s h o w s tru e Will Yo u A n s wer? 541-410-8084 or V alley. Ha s op e n S QUEAKY CLEA N pride-of-ownership. Group, LLC 3086 NE Wav e r ly Corner Lot, .27 acre, 541-389-791 0 k itchen with lots o f Check out the Large 1980 sq. ft. NE Premium up g r ade Court, Bend Clean & close to al l C entral Ranch of the Canyon Hunter Properties LLC storage, family room, B end h ome. S p a classifieds online ran c h Beautiful city views from 3 bdrms, 2.5 c omfortable Oregon has to offer. Tuscan style custom double garage, newer c ious l i ving r o o m package, s q . ft. b aths, 1871 sq . f t . style home on a large this 2 60 0 Smith Rock & beyond home with views of www.bendbulletidLcom SW Bend j $465,000 heat pump. Set up for w/gas f ireplace, 3 lot in a great neigh3bd/2.5 bath E agle Paver deck w/wrought City views... Remodel Smith Rock and the Updated daily • 2500 sq. ft. horses with fencing bdrm, 2.5 bat h iron railing. Home-ID borhood. Home feaCrest home. H u ge s tarted... J us t a d d Cascade Mountains. • 3 bedroom, 3 bath a nd o p e n bar n . $186,900. tures a fenced yard, price reduction! MLS¹ Sisters j $549,000 877 your personaltouches This extraordinary 3 • Widgi Creek town$109,900. MLS MLS¹201280332 sp r i nkler 201206886 $449,000. Eagle Crest Properties skylights, for th e c o mpletion! bedroom, 3.5 b ath- • 3000 sq. ft. home 201200121 C all J i m Hin t o n system, mature trees, John L. Scott Real Es866-722-3370 1440 sq.ft, 3 bdrm, 2 room 4324 sq. ft. has • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • MLS 201300263 Cascade Realty, 541-420-6229 RV parking, attached tate 541-548-1712 • 6.75 acres, barn bath, office and open a Jackie French, Broker Dennis Haniford, ch e f' s dre a m • MLS 201205094 Central Oregon Realty double garage, lamiliving dining, kitchen & k itchen, 541-480-2269 Princ. Broker $264,500 Bright, open w i t h dis - Mark Valceschini, P.C., Group, LLC nate flooring, walk-in Beautiful custom home living room. Detached tressed wood plank 541-536-1731 We never stop moving: Great Room plan w/ c loset, m ai n f l o o r all on 1 level. Large Broker, CRS, GRI single garage. MLS floors, built-in library, floor to ceiling win750 master, formal dining windows for 541-383-4364 Very spacious 1994, ¹ 201208907. New dows, gas fireplace & room & m aster bedr o o m We never stop moving.' bre a kfast light/bright c o m fort. Redmond Homes 4bd/2ba 1755 sq. ft. price: $69,500. cs built-in buffet opens to nook. Location offers Huge master s uite overlooking one of the Mfg. home that sits on John L. Scott Real large deck overc ommunity lake s 1.27 acres. L i ving$550,000 One of Sage alooking access to the w/vaulted ceilings & Estate 541-548-1712 first green quick along amazing views hospital and Costco is skylights. Cozy family room, family r oom, Builders award win- of t h the cs e Ch a l lenge of t h e mo u ntains. MORRIS a short distance from room w/gas fireplace ning homes. Facing dining area & u tility Course. 4 bedroom, the Find exactly what C overed patio a n d REAL ESTATE nei g hborhood- open t o kit c hen. room. Large 2 car ga- east and on the ¹17 3.5 bath, 2074 sq. ft. move-in ready! MLS ¹ 201209073 I dcpc dc tlyO c d d O p c tcd rage listed at $79,900. fairway of the Chal$209,900 you are looking for in the MLS¹201300090 MORRIS Home-ID 951 John L. Scott Real EsMLS¹201208542 MLS¹201300535 l enge Course. L o CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE Crest Properties tate 541-548-1712 $725,000 John L. Scott Real Call The Bulletin At Cascade Realty, cated behind the pri- Eagle I d p d tl yO d dO p t d 866-722-3370 D & D Realty Group Estate 541-548-1712 Dennis Haniford, vate security gate as 541-385-5809 LLC 541-923-8664 O utstanding Val u e ! Princ. Broker you enter the Ridge. Snowberry Village ¹70 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail O ver 3 0 0 0 sq. f t . 541-536-1731 Offers 3 b e drooms, $69,500 At: house that has great Ridge At Eagle Crest j 3.5 baths, 3376 sq. ft. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, Very well maintained 3 p otential, and i s i n $219,900 Home-ID 941 a ttached 2-car g a - TERRANGO GLEN home lending, lOCally grOWn bedroom, 2 bat h Eagle Crest Properties very good condition. 2 • 1345 sq. ft. r age. 1248 sq . f t . 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths manufactured home Level house. Daylight • 2 bedroom, 2 bath 866-722-3370 1993 Silv e rcrest. in 2 2 76ysf o n a on over an acre. Has basement. Has huge • Sun Forest built Large living r o om, 13,500ysf lot. Tiered double detached ga- $ 199,900 Enjoy t h i s UMPQUA • MLS 201300668 possibilities. dining area. Vaulted landscape & stairs to rage. $84,900 B A N K MLS¹201207709. Dana Miller, Broker b eautiful view f r om ceilings, sunny winMLS 201004467 541-408-1468 Canal level gathering John L. Scott Real the Sisters to Smith dows. FA heat & heat area w/firepit & picnic Cascade Realty, Estate 541-548-1712 We never stop moving: Rock on the deck of pump (A/C). F ront grove. Open 2 story 541-536-1731 this townhome. This 2 porch and large back floor plan with great Pointswestj $549,000 bdrm, 2 b ath, 1419 deck. Marilyn Rohaly, room living space that • 3035 sq. ft. townhome sq. ft. townhome feaUmpqua's home lenders are local experts cs FOR SALE Broker 541-322-9954 is light & bright with • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath tures, wal l - to-wall John L. Scott m any w i ndows & When buying a home, • Close to the river trail windows, built- in enequipped with an array of options for your Real Estate, Bend custom lights. Granite • MLS 201203181 tertainment c e n ter, MORRIS 83% of Central tile countertops, Oregonians turn to purchase, refinance or new construction. Plus, Karin Johnson, Broker propane fireplace and REAL ESTATE steel appli541-639-6140 large great room for South Deerfield Park j stainless Indcpcndcntly (Pntcd nnd Opctntcd we'll stick with you every step of the wayances & porcelain ceentertaining. We never stop moving: $235,000 ycrnnp Central Qrcgnnnnrc t903 ramic tile. Gas fireHome-ID 796 • New construction beCauSe that'SWhat good neighbOrS do. Riverfront Home j place with s t acked Call 541-385-5809 to Eagle Crest Properties • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, rock surround, wood $1,149,000 866-722-3370 cs 1500 sq. ft. place your • New 2800 sq. ft. mantle & buil t - in • Model home Real Estate ad. • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath bookcases & c a b i$449,900 Gour m et • MLS 201300465 • Elevated deck to dock nets on either side. kitchen, new granite MORRIS Julia Buckland, TURN THE PAGE • MLS 201207905 L arge m a i n fl o o r counter tops, master Broker, ABR, ALHS, REAL ESTATE For More Ads Lisa Campbell, Broker master bedroom & suite + 2 guest bed CRS, GRI I dcpc dcndyO cdn dOpc.tcd 541-419-8900 bath. Formal dining rooms & bathrooms The Bulletin 541-719-8444 room & guest powder on the main floor with We never stop moving: We never stop moving: Powell Butte Estate room too. Loft family a huge loft overlook Woodside Ranch 1 0888 P o well B u t te room w i t h bu i l t-in60590 NE Mayberry Ct. ing the great room, •• 0 H wy. 4 / 4 .5 , 4 7 0 0 computer/desk unit. cs 3 /4, 2516 sq.ft, 7 7 and an expansive trex cs sq.ft., on large acre$315,000 MLS acre lot on Mountain deck, ideal for enter age, hayfields, huge ¹201209150 d• d dd d d . P• • . • • d • High Golf C o urse. taining. 3 bedroom, 3 mountain views. Bobbie Strome, b ath. 2680 s q . f t . d • •d• d• • n d • d MORRIS MLS ¹201209416 MORRIS Teri Cravens, Broker Principal Broker Home-ID 718 Daria Nelson, Broker d d ••P • I d I I • • • d REAL ESTATE 541-647-0910 REAL ESTATE John L Scott Real Eagle Crest Properties 541-771-4483 I • dd dt • dd • R• I • • Indcpcndcndy (nntcd nnd Opccctcd Fred Real Estate Group Estate 541-385-5500 866-722-3370 l dcpc dc tlyo c d d O p c tcd Fred Real Estate Group
good neighbors
make great lenders
The Bulletin
Time to declutter? Need someextra cash? Needsomeextra spacethe garage?
n se t',/
•W • I&
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• sw •I
Classifieds for three days for FREE. PLUS, your ad appears in PRINT and
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To reCeiVe yOurFREECLASSIFIED AD, Call 385-5809 or ViSit The Bulletin OffiCe at: 1777 SW Chandler AVe. (0II Beffd'S WeStSide) *Offer allows for 3 lines of text only. Excludesall service, hay, wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets, weapons, rentals aiid employment advertising, aiid all commercial accounts. Must be anindividual item under $200.00 aiid price of individual item must beincludediii the ad. Ask your Bulletin SalesRepresentative about special pricing, longer riin schedulesandadditional features. Limi!1 ad per item per30 daysto be sold
To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809
f •
.very ho'rnefis a masterpiece. '4
• Great getaway place on a I • 56B56 Enterprise Dr. ¹D5
'' MLS¹201209343
Call Chris Sperry, Principal BrokerI 541-550-4922
Call Jordan Haase, Principal BrokerI 541-420-1559
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222 I
55885 Hashknife Road, Bend ~ $199,000
Greens at Redmond ~ $197,500
• Ranch sits on both banks of the Little DeschutesRiver MLS¹201101407
Call Deb Tebbs Group, BrokersI 541-419-4553
• Home offers privacy & aconvenient location within the community • Large view windows embrace the High Desert Landscapefrom many areas in the home. • Recently updated with beautiful hard wood floors, high endEuropean pellet stove & energy efficient water heater
Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086 Call Judy McCombs, BrokerI 541-390-1411
( $229,000
7 Muskrat Lane, Sunriver
• Move in ready with nice finishes, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath + bonusroom, 1795 sq.ft. • Open floor plan, fireplace, central air/heat • Home backs to golfcourse • RV parking & large storage shed • Not a short sale! MLS¹201301419
• 2.99 acre lot in ThreeRivers South • Bui d yourhomeat Vandevert Ranch • Gatedcommunity16milessouth of Bend • Owners share350acres of common
• Situated on .86 acres on one of the largest homedites in AwbreyGlen
time living in the woods • Desirable development • Close to the Big Deschutes MLS¹201206233
• Fencedyard, andscapedfrom &back MLS¹201300&30
Awbrey Glen Champion Circle/ $489,900
• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1224 SF • Very comfortable home for weekend getaways or full
cozy gasfireplace
Stunning Views of Cascades( $238,000 • Views from Bachelor to Mt. Jefferson ononeof the few
• Cute Sunriver cabin
• 2 BD/2 BA,1090SF • New furnace windows & roof • Excellently located near SHARC ~„• 2 decks, carport ' MLS¹201209274
remainin g custom home siteson
Awbmy Butte • Gentle slope with large old growth pines • Open andspacious • Wester y views - beautiful sunsets MLS¹201301017
Call Rod Hatchell, BrokerI 541-728-8812
Call Kelly Winch, Broker I 541-390-0398
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSI 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
Fabulous Property on 1.9 Acres ~ $289,000
61067 Snowberry ) $315,000
Quality Single Level ( $369,000
One-of-a-Kind Tetherow Homesite( $375,000
Deb Tebbs Group I Like us on6
storage area
CanyonEstates • Gorgeouskitchenw/maple cabinets,
Ks-' ,''I. [!
• 24x32 finished shop
v I!.
• Great outdoor living
granite countenops&SSappliances, nook andbeautiful hardwoodffoors • Spaciousmasterretreat with walk-in closet andensvite with soaking tub • Formal living & dining,fantastic great room &vaulted ceilings
• Open floor plan
, .
• Spacious kitchen w/tonsof
• Triple car garage &central A/C
Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO
541-480-4186 I
Call Natalle Vandenborn, Broker I 541-508-9581
Luxury Townhomes ~ Offered from $424,750
Single Level Tumalo Home( $325,000
.„„®Q ® g • Two distinct Westside
I • Offering one & two story floor plans • 2-4 bedroom, 2.5-4.5 baths • 1960-2956 SF
Call Carol Osgood/Korren Bower, BrokersI 541-504-3839
Sunriver - Fully Furnished( Coming Soon!
• Original price $710 000
1700 NW lowa ( $460,000
West Side Park-like Setting ( $495,000
• West Hills contemporary home in the pines • 3180 SF on adouble lot
• Desirable community of Rimrock West • Community access to the
Deschutes River • 1904 SF lodge style home
• Contemporary floor plan and finishes • Water features, inside and out
• Upstairs loft can be studio or 3rd bedroom • Wrap-around deck to enjoy the sound of the river
• Mature old growth pine trees,
beautiful landscaping. Mustsee! MLS¹201208025
Call Bryan Hilts, Broker I 541-771-3200
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSI 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
Absolutely Stunning Setting ( $579,900
Westside Charmer ~ $550,000
Heart of NorthWest Crossing ~ $569,000
• 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 30BB sq. ft.
• 4 bedroom, 4 baths • 2 master suites • Great open floor plan • Stainless appliances • 4 skylights Pricing in the low $500K range
exceptional privacy • Gated area - end of cul-de-sac
Call Judy McCombs,Broker I 541-390-1411
Judy McCombs 8 Shelly Swanson,BrokersI 888-274-2317
• Fabulous mountain, water, and terrain views • Unique site offering
• Great room floor plan • Kitchen with pantry • Front & rear landscaping w/sprinklers • Mountain views from front bedrooms • Room to build a shop
• Expansiv e,one acre homesite • Elevated, overlooking ¹3, ¹4, ¹5 & ¹6 fairways
Sandy & John Kohlmoos, BrokersI 541-480-4309
• 3 bdrms, 2 baths, 1B00 SF
• With Fairway, mountain and )
• Located on Bend'swest side • Large (.21 acre)landscapedlot • 2 bedrooms, 2 baths,plus den • Great room f oor plan, open & light • Many upgrades, professionally decorated • Includes appliances,A/C, water feature MLS¹201300837
• Lovelyli,ke newhomein desirable River
• 3 bedrooms+ offi ce,2.5bath • 2-car garage+ 3rd bay finished
I v=
• 55149 Forest Lane
• Minutes to the Old Mill , . MLS ¹201301032
• Master bdrm w/walk-in closet
+d a
Powder Village Creampuff ) $74,900 • Sunriver • 1 bedroom, 1 bath • Very well maintained and
• Open floor plan w/high ceilings • 2 bed, 1 bath, 1050 SF • Spacious kitchen w/dining area • Wood burning fireplace • Fenced yard w/sprinkler
• Open kitchen w/hickory cabinets • Living room w/vaulted ceilings &
IIt r' .
I d I I I
Gem in the Rough / Three Rivers South/ $165,000
SE Bend ( $149,900
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222
• Located in a cul-de-sac • Cute single levelhome,3 bdrm, 2 baths • Full size laundryroom &2-car
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSI 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
Desirable Bradon Park ~ $138,000
• Enclosed garage • Excellent vacation rental • The ultimate opportunity for a Central Oregon retreat!
Call Myra Glrod, Principal BrokerI 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, BrokerI 541-788-6767
• Pristine and private setting with expansive river views • 3 suites • Granite and stainless kitchen
We need more Listings to Sell. Quality service is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent and skillful execution. For quality representation call us!
• Beautiful 3/4 acre pintreed e lot • 3400 SF, 3-car garage • Hugebonus/family room • Formal living & dining, 3 fireplaces • One owner homew/lots of extras • Wonderful decking, private backyard w/water feature • Very popular location! 1684 NW City View
• 2.47 acres, 1 acre irrigation • Located right in heart of Bend!
• Tast efully updated
• Incredib e landscape front & back • Master on the main floor
cloudnine© c
• 3bed/2 5 bathlocated onCompass Park inheart of NWX • Charming 2734SFbuilt byGregWelch E/
• Den/officecnmainfloor off formalentry
• 3bedrooms upalong w/open bonus area & laundryroom • Master bathw/soakngtub, walkm shower & large closet • Front porch overlooks CompassPark
MLS ¹201209457
Call C.J. Neumann, Broker, CRSI 541-410-3710 Llsa Lamberto, BrokerI 541-610-9697
Call Mary Stratton, BrokerI 541-419-6340
Call Mary Stratton, BrokerI 541-419-6340
Call Chris Sulak, Broker I 541-350-6164
Custom Home &Shop / $595,000
Westside Craftsman with RVGarage ( $625,000
Tetherow Contemporary ~ $699,900
• Terrebonne • 2897 SF, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath • 4.7 ac w/3.6 ac of irrigation • Huge shop, guest quarters • Cascade Mtn. views • Horse/livestock property MLS¹ 201300375
• • jd
[I •
• 4bds,2.5baths,3174SF,0.32acre lot • 26'x40' RV Garage &2-car attached garage • 6 characterhardwoodfloors • Stainlessappliances • Spaciousmastersuite • Dcn/office
• 19527 Mirror Lake Place • Stunning 4 bedroom sophisticated Craftsman
Call BrookHavens,Broker, Desert Valley GroupI 541-604-078B
Call Ken Renner, Prlnclpal BrokerI 541-280-5352
Call Brlan Ladd, BrokerI 541-408-3912
Single Level in Tetherow ( $769,000
Broken Top Classic ~ $945,000
HAVE BUYERS. NEED LISTINGS. If you are " thinking of
• Overlooking 10thfairway& green • Custom home completely remodeledin 2004-05 byMelroseConstruction • Kathy & Kaml Niemi interior plan/design with quality &detail - 4476SF • 5bed, &5 bath,mainlevel master • Great room design. Wonderful indoor and outdoorlivingspacious,quiet cu -desac location
Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086
Equestrian Estate ( $925,000
22954 Moss Rock, Bend ~ $1,395,000
• Lux urious master suite • Hardwood &travertine floors
• Chef's kitchen,4-cargarage • PanoramicCascadeMtnviews • 19 acres,16acirrigation
Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker I 541-480-2356 blockrem©
d • •
• 61698 Tam McArthur Loop • Perfect for entertaining & casua family living
• 4623 SF, 4(or 5)bdrms, 4 baths • Open great room,fantastic kitchen • Theatre room,den, family room • Huge deck, hottub, 3-cargarage •Lg,treed homesiteon 4thtcebox
• Unobstructed mountain views
Call Joanne McKee, BrokerI 541-480-5159
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS I 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
Broken Top Beauty! ( $889,000
• Stunning finishes
• 3bed,2,5bath,3,432SF
• I
• Extensivewindowsconnectto outdoor
• Brasada Ranch • 5400SF onfat.75 acre! • 5 fireplaces! • Green built, efficient solar system • Finely crafted Gary Norman built
d •
'" "
15631 SW Mecate Lane ~ $1,545,000
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086
MLS¹201301024 Llsted by The Norma DuBols and Julie Moe Team, BrokersI 541-312-5151
• Sing e levelcontemporarywithdetachedstudio d glt& p g t Vi g • Private mastewi r ng; highestquality finishes throughout
ample storage ' Near National forest, on the way to Mc Bachelor yetso close to dowmown Bend
courtyard • Co-listed with Geoff Groener 541-390-4488
• Oversized double car garage w/shop area 8
' NW chalet style nestled into the hillside with spectacular mountain views • Private backyard with sunny southern exposure • Beautifully maintained add loaded w/upgraded • 4 bedroom, 3 baths plus den/office
• 19321 SW Brooksde Way
• Immaculate interior • No H.O.A/s • Heated parking • Cascade Mountain views • Walk to Old Mill/Downtown MLS¹201207761
• To bebuilt bypremierebuilder, Copperline
Deb Tebbs Group I Like us onR
• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF
Call Deb Tebbs Group, BrokersI 541-419-4553
• Qual i ty finishes, appliances • Landscaping
Call Kelly Horton, Broker I 541-508-9163
storageinloft I mpeccab elandscapingfor entertaining water feature MLS¹201 205571
Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker, GRII 541-480-3096
• 3-car garage
Contemporary City Living ~ $820,000
home call me
<Masteronmainw/sauna;bvi t-in wine
• Huge drivethrv RV barn/shop w/guest quarters, office.Quality barn,210x140 arena,shelters &paddocks MLS¹ 201301029
Call Sllvia Knlght, BrokerI 541-788-4861 or Judy McCombs, BrokerI 541-390-1411
selling your
Stunn ing Homew/SweepingBackyard I 3bedrooms, 3.5baths, 3556SF I Pronghorn homew/govrmet kitchen& Wolf range I AlderIlcors & cabinetry; grand,moss rock fireplace
• Beautifully remodeled2936SF,3bed, 2bath home
acre lot • Directions: Mt. Washington, west on Metolius, left on Devils Lake, right on Blue Lake Loop, right on Davis Lake, right on Mirror Lake
2406 NW MomingwoodWay MLS¹201301105
Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086
• 2,686 sq, ft., large .21
i Paver patiow/outdoorfirepace,waterfeature
• Brand new single level 3bedroom, 3.5 baths,currently under construction • Seamlessintegration of indoor and outdoor space,openIloor plan • Private courtyardandcovered back patio w/mountainviews • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room 8studyallow for maximum versatility MLS¹201208865
• Will feature 3054 SF • 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths
dI I
d •
dI I
• •
dI I
E6 SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013 • THE BULLETIN Redmond Homes
Redm o n d Homes
Redm o n d Homes
Sunriver/La Pine Homes
Homes with Acreage
Homes with Acreage
Homes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage
H o mes with Acreage
Beautiful home in Great New Construction - 3 condition $184,900 bdrm, 2 b ath, 15 48 Single level, 3 bdrms, 2 s q.ft., vaulted, g a s baths, office, 1792 sq. furnace-range-water ft. , NEW Stainless heater, fenced, landsteel appliances, large scaped. $16 2 ,900 kitchen with e a ting MLS ¹ 20 1 2 08875 bar. New blinds, fresh Pam Lester, Principal paint in & out. B roker, Century 2 1 Jim Hinton Gold Country Realty,
16033 C a scade $309,900 Powell Butte 10 A C R ES/CUSTOM$238,500 C r a ftsman8996 SW Panorama Rd Custom built home with Looking for your next $114,900 1538 sq. ft. 5 .58 acres w it h 3 HOME/ S H O P in style 4 b edroom, 3 C ustom 2034 sq ft , 4 hardwood floors, upemployee? 3 bdrm, 2 bath, over- bdrm, 2 b ath, 2391 Powell Butte! Unique bath home w/views. b edroom, 2. 5 b a t h graded lighting and Place a Bulletin help sized garage, High sq. ft. h o me. C as floor plan w / indoor R elax in s w ing o n h ome built i n 2 0 06 appliances. Recently wanted ad today and Lakes Realty & Prop- cade Mountain and spa room, wide hall- covered front porch! 2 w ith Mtn v i ews o n painted and n i cely reach over 60,000 erty Man a gement Smith Rock views. All ways, single l evel. b edrooms on m a i n 1.53 acres. Many upmaintained home on readers each week. 541-536-0117 stainless appliances $365,000. MLS level/open floor graded features in2+ acres. Watch the Your classified ad in kitchen. Beautiful 201108648 Call Virplan/cozy f i r eplace clude: hickory cabi- sunset and w i ldlife will also appear on 756 master suite with walk ginia, Principal Bro- /great kitchen. Bonus nets, granite counter f rom y o u r dec k ! ker 541-350-3418 space u pstairs/triple t ops, alder t ri m & MLS¹201208145 Jefferson County Homes in closet, jetted tub in which currently re541-420-6229 Inc. 541-504-1338 bath, double vanity Redmond RE/MAX car garage/large back doors, hardwood & tile $237,000 ceives over Central Oregon Realty Land & Homes deck/patio/fenced floors. The m a ster D&D Realty Group LLC Close to schools! Nice 3 with marble and trav 1.5 million page 866-346-7868 Group, LLC ertine thr o ughout. Real Estate yard. bath has a garden tub NEW Construction! 3 bdrm home in town views every month Tack room, hay stor MLS¹201300385 Call with tile surround & Landscaped with a bdrm, 2 b ath, 1700 12250 NW Dove Rd at no extra cost. Great Country home FANTASTIC VIEWS sq.ft, 23 acre lot, tile fenced y a rd , RV a ge, f e nced a n d Custom cedar s ided VIRGINIA, P r incipal separate tile shower. Bulletin Classifieds has fenced property cross-fenced for h ome with f loor t o Broker, 541-350-3418 of city and Smith parking too! $79,900 $250,000 floors, tile backsplash, Get Results! for animals. Wonder541-788-3480 Rock. Large h o me landscaped, fenced. horses. Home-ID 988 MLS¹ 201208347 MLS¹201106963 c eiling windows t o Call 385-5809 or ful location and a nice Redmond RE/MAX Juniper Realty, with huge great room. $169,900 D&D Realty Group LLC Eagle Crest Properties take in the mtn. views. place your ad on-line shop area. Ready for 866-722-3370 541-504-5393 Easy access to Bend MLS201209125 866-346-7868 Land & Homes Immaculate 1841 sq. at a family wanting to Real Estate and Sisters. Pam Lester, Principal f t., 3 b drm, 2 b a t h 464 Pinney St., 2400 9.33 acres in P owell live on acreage and N ewer home with 4 $180,000. B roker, Century 2 1 sq.ft., 5 .5 4 a c r es, with tongue & groove Butte - 4 bdrm, 2.5 have room to spread large bedrooms, 2 MLS¹201201489 Gold Country Realty, vaulted ceilings, gas b ath, 1928 s q . f t . , out. MLS¹201209328 755 baths, split floor plan, shop. $250,000. High free-standing stove, Call Travis Hannan, Inc. 541-504-1338 3-car garage, barn, workable Lakes Realty & Prop- wood accents. New $249,900 Principal Broker, Sunriver/La Pine Homes large Man a gement shop, with RV door. Ir- D&D Realty Group LLC kitchen, and plenty of erty 541-788-3480 New construction! SW h ardwood floors & 541-536-0117 rigated. $35 9 , 000 866-346-7868 room for a large famRedmond RE/MAX Redmond $161,900 8 Butternut, Sunriver. new swimming pool. MLS ¹ 20 1 2 037129 ily. Nice size yard too. 1 6249 South D r . Land & Homes 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1466 $294,900 3 bdrm, 2 On completely fenced Horse property with a 360 View / Top of Butte Pam Lester, Principal MLS ¹ 201202015 Real Estate sq. ft. 2-story home, bath, built i n 2 0 00, $76,000 $595,000. 6.27 acre 4.81 acres. $385,000 in Terrebonne. Home, B roker, Century 2 1 spectacular mountain High Lakes Realty & horse property with gas fireplace in great MLS¹ 201101447 shop, mansion building Gold Country Realty, view. Surrounded by Realty Group LLC g orgeous 2 92 2 s f Gentlemen Farm 8 Re- room. Ma n age- D&D L a ndscaped Property Juniper Realty, large farms and sets site. 2% to broker. See: 541-475-3030, Inc. 541-504-1338 t irement. Cus t o m with sprinkler system ment 541-536-0117 541-504-5393 h ome, shop. H i g h atop a knoll in Ma home ove r looking MLS¹201207534 Lakes Realty & Propreo/3599168220.html dras area. You can 1 6060 W r i ght Av e . Priced to Sell! AffordBETWEEN BEND & SW Deer Willow Creek w/CasMan a gement, 12851 Jim Hinton a ble l i v ing, g r e at erty REDMOND see forever! Shop has $102,000. Triple wide Crossing. Remodeled cade Mtn. views. 2892 3 b edroom, 2 b a t h ,Terrific location - 4 541-420-6229 stalls & plenty of room with detached garage. starter or investment. 541-536-0117 3 bedroom, 2 bath, SF 1-level home w/in- Central Oregon Realty 1716 sq ft home on High Lakes Realty 8 bdrm, 1 ba th in f or hay 8 t a ck. O r $49,900. 1440 sq. ft. home on 4.45 door pool, 3360 SF 52505 Meadow Ln. 3 acres. P rivate Group, LLC Property Ma n age- MLS¹201208170 sq.ft. home on bring your toys that 3.5 acres, 2 tax 2.29 acres. G ranite well & l a rge shop. 2,888y shop, 2nd home & ment 541-536-0117 D&D Realty Group LLC Brdm, 5.75y acres. A don't require f ood! c ounters, hick o ry MLS¹201300092. o ther b l dgs. 6 9 . 8 lots, shop. $129,900. Country feel but close With over 6 a c r es cabinets, bam b oo $299,999. High Lakes Realty & acres w/62 acs of ir- Garage Sales 56811 Besson. 3 rental 866-346-7868 Pam t ow n a m enities. there's plenty of room. r ig. Home has t o o units, great h istory. View of Mt. Jefferson Property Ma n age- wood f l oors, v i n yl Lester, Principal Bro- to Super fireplace w/rock This custom b right windows, the list goes $234,900. High Lakes ment 541-536-0117 many features to list. Garage Sales Century 21 Gold surround for a m b i- home has many upWonderfully loc a ted on. Garage, carport ker, Adjoins BLM. Realty & Pr o p erty h ome with a c o m Country Realty, Inc. a nce, plus a L o p i grades, great f l oor Huntington, Riv- and R V cov e red 541-504-1338 Management MLS¹201206931 Garage Sales manding view of Mt. 52625 Woodstove that can plan, large r o oms, erfront property, 20.39 parking. $1 0 9 ,000 541-536-0117 $795,000 Jefferson and the sur- acres. $525,000. High MLS 201204401 heat the whole house. fireplace & so much Find them $55,000 Close to John L. Scott Real Es5 2261 Stea r ns rounding area. Beau- Lakes Realty & Prop$210 , 0 00 Great room floor plan more. Juniper Realty, Prineville Reservoir tate 541-548-1712 in $34,000 G o r geous tiful well kept home erty w/living r o o m & MLS¹201105983 Man a gement 541-504-5393 Older manufactured with spacious rooms. D8D Realty Group LLC acre, owner will carry. kitchen having 541-536-0117 The Bulletin home on 1+ ACRE Gorgeous mo u ntain 14198 SW Nine Peaks MLS¹201206924 High Lakes Realty & wide-plank floors of 866-346-7868 LOT, Idleway Acres. views! 36y acres IrriProperty Ma n age- $239,000 D&D Realty 1204 C h eryl D r i ve. Pl - Mtn views from Classifieds reclaimed pine. DisCall Virginia, gated w/small cabin, 1 Group LLC ment 541-536-0117 Gorgeous Home on 2 this 1 960 sq. ft., 3 tressed maple cabi- New Construction - 3 Principal Broker bedroom, 1 bath, pos- 541-385-5809 866-346-7868 bedroom, 2 bath bdrm, 2 bath, 1748 acres with shop. High nets in Kitchen with 1 55515 Gross Dr. Great 541-350-3418 sible OWC! $225,000. Lakes Realty & Prop- home on 1.16 acre. 1 /2 thi c k slat e sq.ft., on 1.49 acres, rental o r va c a tionWOW! Look at t hese Redmond RE/MAX MLS ¹ 20 1 2 01125. U pdated wit h n e w granite counters, SS erty Man a gement counters. If you like a views! Cascade mtns 541-536-0117 Land & Homes Call Charlie, Desig- Newer Single S t ory home. $94,900. High carpet & vinyl flooring appliances, fireplace cozy country f e el. Lakes Realty & PropReal Estate from your living room. nated Broker, home, 3 b d rm, 2 .5 interior has been You've got it!! Beau- with custom mantel. Man a gement Home has been up- 52240 Pine Forest, La and 541-350-341 9 bath, office, sunroom, erty freshly painted. 936 MLS tiful Cascade Moun- $329,000 541-536-0117 2260 sq.ft, 60 acre, dated with newer heat Pine 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Redmond RE/MAX sq. ft. garage has a Pam tain Views. 2 corrals, ¹ 201209128 Tick, Tock Land & Homes mtn & S m ith R o ck Cascade Truck and Ve- p ump and al l n e w l arge s h op , 1. 2 4 shop area, 2 bays & Lester, Principal Bropond, shared lake, 3 views. $269,000. MLS floors as well. Great acres. $187,500. High Real Estate hicle Wash. 1 7 071 50 amp power for an ker, Century 21 Gold acres of irrigation, 2 ¹ 201206306 Pa m Tracy, Country Realty, Inc. $395 , 000. ranch-style home with Lakes Realty & Prop- R V. S e parate R V Tick, Tock... stall barn. $375,000 Lester, Principal Brolots of room to play. erty Man a gement 541-504-1338 Terrific High Lakes Realty & covered storage and Great Home ...don't let time get MLS ¹201205878 541-536-0117 carport. $139,500 Condition! $167,500. ker, Century 21 Gold Property Ma n age- $179,000 Bobbie Strome, away. Hire a NW REDMOND 3 MLS¹201208213 MLS¹ 201208272 Corner Lot, 2016 sq. Country Realty, Inc. ment 541-536-0117 Principal Broker D&D Realty Group LLC bedroom, 2.5 b a th. Juniper Realty, professional out ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths, 541-504-1338 Take care of John L Scott Real 1 6103 E agles N e s t. 866-346-7868 Built-ins, tile kitchen 541-504-5393 open floor plan, famEstate 541-385-5500 M fd. h o me , wel l of The Bulletin's your investments c ounters, ga s f i r eily room, living room, Newly renovated home maintained, 1 a c r e, 1620 SF home adjoins "Call A Service 762 place in t h e l i ving patio, la n dscaped, in the heart of down- garage, $75,000. High with the help from Complete Package! 90-acre pasture with room. $126,500 fenced RV area. town Redmond, close Lakes Realty & Prop- Homes with Acreage Professional" Great place 15 miles 2-mile walking trail. The Bulletin's MLS¹201209508 Jim Hinton to dry canyon trails, erty from town for someMan a gement Heat pump, propane Directory today! 541-420-6229 3 bdrm, 2 bath, custom "Call A Service o ne w/ h o rses o r Call TRAVIS HANNAN, C entennial Park & 541-536-0117 stove, dbl gar + boPrincipal Broker, home, huge shop, Central Oregon Realty downtown amenities. small herd of cattle. nus rm . $ 1 39,900. 5 Acres In Paradise Professional" Directory 541-788-3480 $299,000 160 acres with 158 Group, LLC Features refurbished 14752 Birds Eye - ImMLS¹20120766 Acres $425,000 Redmond RE/MAX MLS¹201203307 pine hardwood floor- m aculate home i n acres good n a tive Call Nancy Popp Perfect small acreage p asture w / Land & Homes Pines, Julie Fahlgren, Broker, 152674 Long P r airie, bu n c h Investment Opportunity ing, laminate flooring Pond 541-815-8000 just outside of Burns. grass. Nice 3 bdrm, Real Estate 1755 sq. ft. with ga$209,000. High Lakes 541-550-0098 3 b d rm, c h a rming in the kitchen 8 din3 bdrm, 2 bath beau- 1 '4 bath M H w i t h rage and shop on 5.2 Crooked River Realty Realty & Pr o perty Crooked River Realty Bungalow style home, ing room, new paint t iful n e we r h o m e . nicely Butte! 10 Acre! Management acres. $145,000. High 1 6751 SW Dove R d . inside & out, master lan d scaped Powell in d owntown R e dViews! $815,900. 3 bdrm, 2 bath horse Lakes Realty & Prop- B eautiful cust o m Cathedral archways & yard. 1200 sq.ft. shop mond. Detached ga- s eparation, din i ng 541-536-0117 vaulted ceil i ngs. Spacious 3863 sq. ft. property w/barn and erty Man a gement 2,500 sq.ft. Iog home 240 sq.ft. ofrage, lot of off street area and formal din- 1 715 Mare Ct . 1 8 0 9 Hardwood flo o r s, w/new custom home, gorincredible views. 541-536-0117 on 4.9 acres. Gouring room, a b o nus fice & lean-to. 3 bay p arking. Zoned f o r sq.ft., 3 large bdrms, geous kitchen, 560 $139,000 met kitchen w/cherry Solid hickory cabin- machine shed with 2 home office, residen- room/solarium, n ew 30x60 shop, $249,900 - 5-Cascade c abinets, MLS¹201203441 gran i te etry. Dble car garage horse stalls & lean-to, sq. ft. office, RV bldg., t ial, could b e c o n- landscaping, fenced $165,000. High Lakes View acres borders counters, & farmer's w/ extra room & work- corrals with holding shop, & more. Ask for Call Julie Fahlgren, verted to commercial back yard, RV parkRealty & Pr o perty Broker, bench area. Also a Extensive Fe a t ure 541-550-0098 BLM, 3 bdrm, 2 bath sink. Great room has use. $265,000 $99,900. ing, alley access, de- Management custom home, dbl gar floor to ceiling win- 40 x 60 shop w/ office, pens. Sheet $815,900. Crooked River Realty tached garage w/shop 541-536-01 1 7 Jett Blackburn Real MLS¹201206148 bathroom, 3 lofts. Full MLS¹201106428 + 2 shop areas. 2 strg dows w/mtn v iews. Estate, 541-573-7206 Call Kelly Starbuck, area & storage along 84040 Carlon Lane, Log bldgs, propane heat RV hookup. Fenced Call Virginia, Hickory hardwood & w/ central h eat/AC. 51875 Fordham Dr. 4 Principal Broker, Principal Broker home on 2.33 acres stove, granite, tile. pasture for your anitile f l oors. R a diant Call Today! $189,900 bdrm, 3 b ath, den, 541-350-3419 Need help fixing stuff? MLS¹201300187 541-350-3418 2206 sq. ft. $194,500. 360 degree v iews. floor heating. mals. Property that Call A Service Professional MLS¹201208379 Redmond RE/MAX Redmond RE/MAX Call Nancy Popp High Lakes Realty & High Lakes Realty & $499,999 MLS has it all! Land & Homes John L. Scott Real Esfind the help you need. Ma n age- Broker, 541 815-8000 Jett Blackburn Real Land 8 Homes Property M a n age- Property 201208751. J u niper tate 541-548-1712 Real Estate Real Estate ment 541-536-0117 Crooked River Realty Estate, 541-573-7206 ment 541-536-0117 Realty, 541-504-5393
G tf
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W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: publishes annually Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Nl-38S-SBO O
Homes with Acreage
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
Priced to Sell $199,900 Lot 10 Gross Drive, 1 Driveway in place. 7981 139716 Dorothy Lane Sundance j $199,000 SW River Rd. Exc. view Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 t/~ acre just outside SunSW High Cone. Located on C r escent CHECK YOUR AD • 4.1 acre parcel from top of property. Snowberry Village 63730 Cascade Village bath home in High- river. $49,500. High $29,900. Creek. This charming Please check your ad • Cascade Mountain 2.79 acres w alking ¹46. Dr. Very open plan, land Ranch Estates Lakes Realty & PropMLS¹201003931 2 bdrm, 1 bath home on the first day it runs views distance to the Des$88,900. 3 b d r ms, with french doors off on 1.08 acres. Spec- erty Man a gement Call Melody Curry boasts 120' of creek to make sure it is cor- • Near BLM & National chutes River & Steel- 2 baths, 1600y sq. ft. l iving r o o m ar e a , tacular view. M a ny 541-536-0117 541-771-1116 frontage, cov e r ed rect. Sometimes inForest head Falls. Hike, bike, 1994 Silv e rcrest. beautiful upd a t ed • MLS 201207453 updates win d ows, Crooked River Realty deck, wood s t ove, s tructions over t h e ride horses, fly fish. Living room, separate k itchen, n ic e s i z e Bu i l d y o u r hardi-plank siding 8 $ 79,000 new paint inside and Jim Moran, Broker Quiet & natural setare misunderdining room 8 large dining area, l a r ge home on this Nice flat lot in Terreb- out, new roof and new phone metal roof. Nice patio Dream 541-948-0997 ting is ideal for vaca- kitchen with e a ting covered front porch, 2 stood and a n e r ror onne, .56 a c r es, kitchen o ff th e h u g e r e c . .41 acre flat lot. Per cabinets. tions or year round We never stop moving: occur in your ad. area. Pellet s t ove, bdrm, 2 bath and den. building site with p aved s t reet, a p - Plenty of storage with can room. D b l . garage fect living. $49,000 MLS¹ Huge covered BBQ Turn-key mov e -in c a p -fill w/d hookup, covered If this happens to your t he b ac k o f yo u r proved fo r plus 20x36 shop 8 3 201009429 ad, please contact us deck. Large laundry c ondition with n i c e house overlooking the septic, utilities are at bay carport. RV parking are and Juniper Realty, the first day your ad Cg r oom a n d 2-ca r outside e n tertaining babbling creek, morn the lot line. $42,000. m inutes f ro m W i l Jett Blackburn Real 541-504-5393 appears and we will attached garage. p atio and f i r e p i t . ing sun an d p e ek MLS 3 2 0 12001172 l amette S k i Estate, 541-573-7206 s s , be happy to fix it as Call Marilyn Rohaly, $54,950. -a-boo mtn views from Pam Lester, Principal clear lakes and Pa SW Shad Rd. Located trails. s oon as w e c a n . MORRIS B roker, Century 2 1 Broker, Cascade Village Price Reduction!!! Pan- the front. All utilities on a p aved street. $275,000. Deadlines are: Week- REAL ESTATE 541-322-9954 Homes N.W. LLC oramic Views! Great on the property line. Gold Country Realty, MLS¹ 201207074 This 2.7 acre parcel days 11:00 noon for 541-388-0000 John L. Scott Real location 3 miles NW of This is the perfect lot!! Inc. 541-504-1338 Indepcndently 0 ctcd nnd Opetntcd has Mt. Jefferson 8 Call Kerry at next day, Sat. 11:00 Estate, Bend Home-ID 973 Redmond. Views of The Highlands at BroSmith Rock v i ews. 541-815-6363 a.m. for Sunday and The Bulletin Smith Rock 8 Eagle Crest Properties Want to impress the ken top, 1 0 a c res, Cascade Realty, The lot is level with Monday. To Subscribe call O chocos. Cu s t om 866-722-3370 many building sites. Suntree Village ¹94 relatives? Remodel gated, private well, 541-536-1731 541-385-5809 built 2478 sq. ft. home 541-385-5800 or go to utilities at lot, applica$44,500 Crooked River Ranch Thank you! your home with the 208 2nd Ave, Culveron 4.74 acres. 1800 tion for cap-fill septic. 32.42 Acres in Urban The Bulletin Classified water and power is • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths help of a professional sq. ft. shop w/RV bay. L evel city lot in t h e Growth Bo u n dary, • 1661 sq.ft. Fuqua $535,000. MLS available at the street. of Culver. All SW Canyon Dr. from The Bulletin's 4 .74 a c r es . ML S heart The Pam Adjacent t o Septic was previously • Extensively updated u tilities ar e a t th e ¹ 201200937. ¹201202726 Greens, kitty corner to Lower Bridge Estate j 1.13 acres with access approved. $78,500 "Call A Service • All new paint-in and Lester, Principal Brostreet ready to be infrom two streets pro$397,000! ker, Century 21 Gold new Ridgeview High MLS¹ 201208266 out! Professional" Directory $399,000 stalled. This lot just v iding y o u man y John L. Scott Real EsSchool. $5 9 9 ,000.• 20.25 acres • Newer heat pump Realty, Inc. Juniper Realty, needs y o u r new Country building site options. tate 541-548-1712 MLS ¹ 201 2 03193• Cascade & Ochoco • Newer wood laminate 541-504-1338 541-504-5393 home. $38,200 Owner terms availVillage ¹119 Pam Lester, Principal views floors 8 n e w v i nyl, •Snowberry Serenity and Privacy on MLS¹ 201203505. Three 9148 sq.ft. FLAT able. $58,500 3 bedrooms, 2.5 B roker, Century 2 1 Tumalo j $275,000 • Backs BLM land n ew s h ower an d Juniper Realty lots, cul-de-sac, utili- Gold Country Realty, MLS¹ 201106385 4.62 acres. Comfortbaths, 1920 sq. ft. • 5 acre parcel more! • MLS 201209210 541-504-5393 able 3 b e droom, 2 ties stubbed into PUE, Inc. 541-504-1338 Juniper Realty, • 2000 Silvercrest - Tri• Cascade Mountain • Vaulted ceilings-new Diane Lozito, Broker 541-504-5393 b ath home an d a $96,000 Ochoco Moun close to West Canplewide views windows 541-548-3598 30x40 shop with over- tains v iews, l a r ge yon Rim Park and ac- $39,900 - 1.46 acre, flat • Living room, family SW Chinook Dr. • Flat lot with CUP 541-306-9646 Call Marilyn Rohaly, cess to the Dry Cansized RV door. Build 13,585 sq. ft. corner building lot a d joins We never stop moving: Crooked room, dining room R i v e r 8 • MLS 201200062 Broker, 541-322-9954 your custom h ome trail. $35,000, to • Remodeled kitchen, g reenbelt. Wat e r/ mountain views from Judy Meyers, Broker, on the yon John L. Scott Real MLS¹ with brea t htaking homesite $50,000. power available at w/breakfast bar t his 5.68 acres l oGRI, CRS Estate, Bend side of Eagle 2 01207687, 92 a n d I oad. views of the Cascade Ridge • Private master suite c ated on a pa v e d 541-480-1922 Crest Resort. 3 golf mtns. or enjoy as is. c ourses, indoor & 94. Pam Lester, MLS¹201207930 w/walk-in closet street. Num e rous We never stop moving: $249,000 Principal Broker, CenCall Nancy Popp, 20737 Livingood Way. • Master bath w/garden trees & many building outdoor tennis, pools, tury 21 Gold Country 541-815-8000 Newer 2003 3 Bdrm, tub & double shower MLS¹201205440 sites. $225,000 MLS¹ r a c quet Realty, MORRIS D&D Realty Group LLC basketball, Inc. Crooked River Realty 2 bath turnkey home. • Gas FA heat PLUS 201106408 ball, a day spa, res 541-504-1338 Cg 866-346-7868 New appliances, lots AC 8 fireplace REAL ESTATE Juniper Realty, t aurants 8 mor e . 4 38 Acre v i e w l o t I dp d t l y O d d apc « d of upgrades, custom • Immaculate - too Three Rivers South j 541-504-5393 Close to D eschutes Single level on 1 acre, 3 backs BLM, Cascade window c o v erings, many upgrades to list! $8,000 River, Mt. B achelor bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 mtn & S m ith R o ck SW Chinook Dr. MORRIS Mountain Views! front and back decks. $129,900 sq.ft., master separa- and Hoodoo. All re • .50-acre lot views. Corner lot, apCrooked River, Smith $103,000 Pristine fenced courtCall Marilyn Rohaly, ESTATE in • Bring your RV tion, office, fenced, sort amenities proved for standard 3.39 acres with crazy Rock & mou n tain REAL yard entry. Very open Broker, 541-322-9954 Ind p d ntly~ d c d t yp uted cluded. Home-ID 847 • Close to lakes f lower garden, R V septic. $199,000. MLS mountan views. Owner terms views! concept with close to John L. Scott Real parking. $ 1 4 5,000.Eagle Crest Properties • MLS 201206354 ¹2809381 Pam Owner will carry. available. 6.9 acres 1500 sq.ft. $74,300. Estate, Bend 775 Becky Brunoe, Broker MLS ¹ 20 1 0 07848. 866-722-3370 Lester, Principal Browith septic, power 8 MLS¹201100748 Cascade Village 541-350-4772 Manufactured/ Pam Lester, Principal $55,000 Seller offering ker, Century 21 Gold w ell i n stalled. I n Call Travis Hannan, Homes N.W. LLC We never stop moving: B roker, Century 2 1 Country Realty, Inc. cludes custom home Principal Broker, Mobile Homes 541-388-0000 Snowberry Village ¹16 xcellent t erms t o 541-504-1338 Gold Country Realty, e 541-788-3480 plans. $189,000 Enjoy the carefree lifqualified buyer. Great FIND IT! Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS¹ 201008671 Redmond RE/MAX Snowberry Village ¹70 estyle at Bend's prelocation on J u niper $49,900 - 5 Acre corJuniper Realty, BQY fTI mier 55+ community Land & Homes $69,500 Glen Circle. Flat lot Spectacular views of ner lot. Near public 541-504-5393 Real Estate • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, SELL IT/ n ear m edical a n d next to walking trail. the Cascade Mtns & land 8 river. Level for shopping. Immacuattached 2-car garage The Bulletin Classifieds SW Chipmunk Rd. D eschutes Riv e r . Eagle Crest is a Re building. Neighboring NW Dove Rd., TerrebMORRIS • 1248 sq. ft. 1993 Sillate 3 b e d room, 2 Level 5.19 acres with Custom home s itu- sort Destination with well. Pwr to property. onne. Private w ell, 20774 LivingWay. Like bath features sepaREAL ESTATE mountain views. Well vercrest ated on 2 . 3 a c res three sports centers, MLS¹201109114 p ower & septic i n - treed • Large l iving r oom, New 3 Bdrm, 2 bath r ate d i ning r o o m, w it h s e v eral w/300' of river front- three 18 h o l e g o lf Indepcndcntly 0 ctcd nnd Opetntcd Call Nancy Popp, stalled! L e v e l 5 . 12 home is loaded with huge kitchen with isdining area possible buil d i ng a ge. 2937 s q . f t . courses and central to 541-815-8000 acres with s e veral upgrades, i n cluding n Vaulted c e i lings, land, master suite with w/hardwood, c r o wn Bend, Redmond, and Say ngoodbuy Com m unity• Crooked River Realty building sites with Mtn sites. c ustom paint, n e w g arden t u b , sta l l water 8, power avail- Sunny windows moulding, wainscot- Sisters. Home-ID 963. to that unused views. All it needs is lighting, skylight and shower, Vaulted ceil$58,000 Westerly Cas- your dream h ome. able at t h e s t r eet.• FA heat & heat pump custom ing & m uc h m o re! Eagle Crest Proper deck i ng. ings, wood laminate cade view 1 acre lot (A/C) ties 866-722-3370 item by placing it in Owner terms availMLS¹201208388 MLS¹ Oversized 2 car ga$96,500 • Front porch and large floors, FA heat 8 AC. with wat e r/power able. $69,000 MLS¹ $699,000 J oh n L. rage with storage and C overed Fordham Drive. The Bulletin Classifieds dec ks . back deck a vailable a t roa d . 20120135 201106095 Scott R ea l E s t ate51881 Juniper Realty, area. $94,500. Call Manlyn R eady to b u ild a t Call Marilyn R ohaly, workshop Standard septic apJuniper Realty, 541-548-1712 541-504-5393 $84,700. C rescent Cree k . 5 41 -385-580 9 R ohaly, Brok e r , Broker, 541-322-9954 proval. 541-504-5393 Cascade Village 541-322-9954 $29,000. High Lakes John L. Scott Real View Property MLS¹201205389 Powell Butte j SW D O V E R D . M t. Homes N.W. LLC Pr o perty John L. Scott RE Estate, Bend 2.49 acres between Realty & Call Nancy Popp, 773 $249,000 541-388-0000 Washington & Three Bend & R e d mond, Management 541-815-8000 • 19.46 acres Sisters views from this 541-536-0117 Acreages 780 1998 home, dbl gaCrooked River Realty • Cascade Mountain Livingood Way. 6.1 acre property with Snowberry Village ¹98 20780 rage, insulated heated N orth P o w el l B u t t e B rand n e w 201 3 Mfd./Mobile Homes views power installed. Close Lot 1200 Beal Road. 40 $59,900 - 1.62 acre flat $79,500 /cooled office/ work- Acreage 3 LOTS! home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath. with Land l ot with s om e i m - • Private & secluded to t h e De s c hutes• 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. acres surrounded by room with f ull b a th great room • MLS 201204825 3 buildable, rare, North River and Steelhead • 1 404 sq. ft . 1 9 9 9 Features p rovements for R V separate from house, P owell B utte C a s - BLM. $89,900. High design with very large 5 ACRES with mounStrell, Broker, Falls. $99,500 MLS¹ Silvercrest Concrete RV pad and cade Mountain views. Lakes Realty 8 Prop- u se. P e rfect, f l a t Jane ABR, open kitchen, walk-in tain views. 3 bdrm, 2 GRI 201205646 • Vaulted ceilings erty Man a gement building site. Adjoins s everal hook - u p Quiet area. Call pantry. Iots of tile, Co- b ath, 1 62 0 h o m e , 541-948-7998 541-536-0117 Juniper Re a lty, greenbelts. designer colors spots. $180,000 rian c enter i s land, 36x40 shop, fenced, We never stop moving: Vicci Bowen 541-504-5393 MLS¹201205397 • Gas heat and A/C. MLS¹201205184 Three acres flat propstainless appliances, irigated, ext. sprinkler 541-41 0-9730 Call Nancy Popp, Elevated corner lotCall Kelly Starbuck, large master bath with system. erty perfect to build SW Geneva View Rd. $2 7 9 ,000. Central Oregon Realty 541-815-8000 nice views Principal Broker, T errebonne. Le v e l • Attached 2-car ga- soaking tub and walk MLS 2809225. Pam on. $59,900. Cg Group, LLC Crooked River Realty 541-350-3419 in all tile shower. DeMLS¹201205386 1.14 acres that will be Lester, 541-504-1338 shop area Redmond RE/MAX $ 75,000 - N i c e m t n . Call Julie Fahlgren, easy to build on. Well • rage+ signer colors and win- C entury 2 1 , Go l d Front deck and rear Land 8 Homes Have an item to views. 5.64 acres. Lodow coverings. LandBroker, 541-550-0098 treed with an abunCounty Realty MORRIS patio Real Estate cated in a cul-de-sac. Crooked River Realty dance o f wil d l ife scaped and f e nced sell quick? Marilyn R ohaly, with large attached REAL ESTATE MLS¹2609088 passing thro u gh. Call Advertise your car! Nice mountain views, 763 If it's under Broker, 541-322-9954 I dp d d y O d d epc t d Call Linda Lou $41,500 MLS¹ garage. $94,500. Add APicture! 3.09-acres. $95,950. John L. Scott Real Reach thousands of readers! Recreational Homes Day-Wright, Cascade Village 201102002 '500 you can place it in MLS¹201101554 Estate, Bend Prtnewlle j $99,000 Call 541-385-5809 Broker, 541-771-2585 Juniper Realty, Homes N.W. LLC 8 Property Call Linda Lou The Bulletin • 2.04 acres The Bulletin Classifieds Crooked River Realty 541-504-5393 541-388-0000 Day-Wright, Broker, • Cascade Mountain Classifieds for: $169,900 - Chalet on $39,900 B e c r e ative! 541-771-2585 views 5.98 acres. Finished Build to fit your new Crooked River Realty • Crooked River views daylight b a s ement, business. Lot adjoins '10 - 3 lines, 7 days • MLS 2704850 wood fireplace, forced 18-hole golf course. $106,500 Over 7 acres '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Megan Power, air heat, deep garage, Great visibility! Well of p rivate p r operty Broker, GRI, CDPE views. (Private Party ads only) private, park-like set- traveled paved road, with 541-610-7318 MLS¹201106739 ting. Perfect vacation in business area at Call J u li e F a h lgren,8589 S W P a n orama We never stop moving: home. CCR. Broker, 541-550-0098 MLS¹201209404 Road. 1.169 a cres, MLS¹201207332 Crooked River Realty Call Nancy Popp mtn. views and close Call Nancy Popp, cs Broker, 541 815-8000 G randfathered-in R V to pasture. $40,500. 541-815-8000 Crooked River Realty ,500 MLS¹201105165 l ot, come camp o r Crooked River Realty People Helping People Buy Homes Since 1987 b uild y o u r dr e a m C all M e lody C u r ry MORRIS 123653 Holcolm Drive. $39,900 - Lot 141 SW 541-771-1116 home. Septic/Power/ a 3-story custom built, C rater Loop. W e l l W ater. REAL ESTATE $57,9 0 0 Crooked River Realty log-sided home with T reed Lot ! t dcpe dcntly (hmcd nnd Opcmtcd MLS ¹ MLS¹201207367 685 SE Third St, Bend, OR 97702 j 541-318-5500 j NMLS¹89511/ML-3213-10 s pectacular v ie w s 201105162 Breathtaking Views Linda Lou DayWright, from every window, 2 C all M e lody C u r ry Broker, 541-771-2585 105+ acres with 360 Redmond - $97,000 bdrm, 2 bath, on main 541-771-1116 degree views of Cas- 2.59 acres close to I ,' Crooked River Realty I I I floor with a loft bed- Crooked River Realty cade Moun t ains, t own. O w ne r wi l l r oom, and 2 a d d iR EADY T O BUI L D ! Smith Rock and Can- carry. tional sleeping areas, $45,000 - O w ner will 5.07 acres, flat l ot, yon Rim views from MLS¹201100751 on third floor. Enter- carry, fantastic 1 / 2 mature trees, paved the t o p of t his Call Travis Hannan, one-of-a-kind Sisters t aining deck, s k y - acre l o t w/v i ews. road, 1/3 interest in Principal Broker, lights thr o u ghout, MLS¹201008725 well, applied for stan- a creage! Listed a t 541-788-3480 wood floors and much Call Julie Fahlgren dard septic. $99,900. $699,000. Bring an Redmond RE/MAX more. $274,900. MLS 541-550-0098 MLS¹ 2 012 0 4695 offer! Land & Homes 201204307. Crooked River Realty Pam Lester, Principal Real Estate Call Kerry at B roker, Century 2 1 /kelliecook Canyon City, Oregon 541-815-6363. Gold Country Realty, Kellie Cook, Broker SE Bend Acreage j Investment opportunity. Inc. 541-504-1338 Cascade Realty 541-408-0463 $249,000 4 city tax lots totalling John L. Scott • 9.06 Acres 1bd/1ba frame home in 14.07 acres. Zoned $48,900, 1-acre. MounReal Estate, Bend • Cascade Mountain tain views. the town of Gilchrist. R1. It's possible to views MLS¹201206664 Make this your home vide the lots further. • Borders BLM land Call Linda Lou or a getaway cabin for Power, city water & Cascade Views in Ter- • MLS 201205047 Day-Wright, Broker, the Central Oregon sewer at the paved rebonne. $192,500 Sherry Perrigan, Broker 541-771-2585 recreations. street. Mtn. & valley Breathtaking views, De541-410-4938 Crooked River Realty $39,999 MLS schutes River Canviews. Many possible We never stop moving: 201206628 - Dennis b uilding s ites. L o - 5 acres adjoins public yon, and farming valHaniford, Principal ley below, 5 usable cated in the city limits land over Deschutes Broker, 541-536-1731 of Canyon City near acres with well Ideal River. Short walk to Cg Cascade Realty building site with unJohn Day. (Sellers are river. $74,900. licensed Oregon Real o bstructed v iew s MLS¹201102328 Make this old home- Estate brokers). MLS¹201205208 Call Linda Lou MORRIS stead your getaway $99,900 Day-Wright, Broker, Gail Day 541-306-1018 retreat, original home REAL ESTATE Central Oregon Realty Juniper Realty, 541-771-2585 that was built in 1940, I dp d d yO d d Opc t c d 541-504-5393 Group, LLC Crooked River Realty along with original ga,
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rage 8 storage shed. Home is very clean 8 still ha s i t un i q ue traits. 1.63 acres with room for horses behind home in open f ield. $79,900 M L S 201300544
Cascade Realty, Dennis Haniford, Princ. Broker 541-536-1731
Yellow Jacket Cabin $295,000 Just short drive from Burns, OR this completely rem o deled cabin ha s it all ! Comes c o m pletely furnished, 1030 sf, 2 bd plus loft, 'Ad bath. Sleeps 11. Propane heat plus Stone fireplace. Large covered deck. Solar p ower. Located on 1.5 acres. Rare opportunity to own this kind of recr eational retreat o n Yellow Jacket Reservoir! Jett Blackburn Real Estate, 541-573-7206 764
Farms & Ranches Ranch in Powell Butte $925,000. Pride of ownership/Borders BLM. Feed Lot, hay Barn, Equip. Shed MLS¹201206082 Vicci Bowen 541-410-9730
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mma I
AWBREY BUlTE j $1,450,000 SHELLY HUMMEL, • 5780 sq. ft. BRQKER,CRS, GRI, • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath • Unsurpasseddetails CHMS 541-383-4361 • MLS 201301119
• 3057 sq, ft, • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath
• .43 acre lot
TENBR OEK- HILBER ' 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath GROUp,LLC $ • Breathtaking Cascade views
• MLS 201301287
541.550-4944 g ' MLS 201300951
• 3153 sq. ft. MINDAMCKITRICK • 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROKER,GRI • Palisch built 541-280-6148 • MLS 201301046
FOREST HILLSj $349,000 • 1806 sq. ft.
• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Convenient Westside location
• MLS 201301118
sr i,": 4r'." , r~m'
Q'~"',r $~ SUNRIVER j $239,900 • 1806 sq. ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Completely furnished 541-588-0687 • MLS 201301283
~ • SHEY LIHSM CO ONM SlPTj $239,000 ppNKEL LEHER g ••.25 acreloMountain t Cascade view BROKER '
ose to Shevlin Park mm!IIjmmeejg• 'MLS Cl 201301093
• Cascade Mountain views
MARKVA LCESCHINI • .32to.36 ac« lots pC, BROK ER, • Golf, pool, tennis & trails CRS'GR! 541-383-4364 • MLS 201301147
SISIIRSI 0024,000
541-719-8444g ' MLS 201200880
541-480-7355 • MLS 201204524
• On the Deschutes River
$ I fIS'«0
0 Deschutes River frontage
541-408-7537g 0 MLS 201009509
• Mountain and city views
YA «
541-639-6140 • MLS 201202960
wsi ',
J • g SUNRISEVILLAGEj $745,000 q" QNNIESAV ICKAP,' ' " " 4 bedroom, 4 bath BRpKLR
BROKER ABRAL H ' S • 4 bed'oo", 4.5 both • 20 acres CRSGRI
AWBREY BUlTE j $899,000 • 3811 sq, ft. MARGOpEGRAY BROKER, ABR , CRS ' 4 bedroorn, 3.5 bath
4'0: =.Rsm
KARINJOHNSON, • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROKER '
g . 2PINP +4 ,' ~
3.68 Acres j $1,350,000
TOPj $739,QQQ g BROKEN " 'q I L DAWNULR ICKSOII, '•"3 bed«sc», 4.5 bath BRQKER,CRS, I 17 th fairway, pond & green GRI,SFR 54IL61p-9427 g ' MLS 201301156
WIDGI CREEKlODGEHOMEj $685,000 • 2930 sq. ft., 2.5 bath
• 2 suites, I on main • On 5th green & 6th fairway
• 3 bed«om, 3 bath
541-322.2417 • MLS 201301021
• .46 acre lot
541.588.0687 • MLS 201300725
-oTaon iaI ; >
«' «
AWBREY GLENj $599,000
• 2516 sq. ft. new construction
• 3 bedroom, den, 2.5 bath • Single level, 3<ar garage • MLS 201209414
• MLS 201209443
AWBREYVILLAGE j $444,000 • 2818 'q. ft.
SW BENDj $465,000
BLACK BUTTERANCH j $489,900 • 2034 sq, ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath
NW BENDj $495,000 • 40 acres • TumaloCreekflows throughproperty • Borders National Forest
p • 2500 sq, ft. JACKIEFRENCH, • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BROKER • Widgi Creek townhome 541-480-2269 • MLS 201300263
• Furniture included
541-771-6996 • MLS 201208783
' 4 bed«>r», 2 bath • Earth Advantage
541.41p.528p I • MLS 201 300043
Rg R
IIHl 6 «
l llll g g m
• SW BEND 4-PLEXj $439,500 DEBBIE JQHNSQN • 1138 sq. ft. each • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath ROKER
+hi> mjjjjjjijj y
I • /I ~'
g• V ILLAGE WIESTORIA j $425,000 NICOLE TTEJONEP • 3 bed«>c», 3 bath BROKER «
• Single-car garages
• Custom Built
41.480.1293 • MLS 201300943
541-241-0432 • MLS 201208464
STONEGATE j $425,000
NE BENDj $369,000
MINDAMCKITRICK, • 5 b~droom,2.5 bath BRpKERGRI • Palisch built 541-280-6148 • MLS 201301046
• Two Duple es • Excellent rental history • Close to hospital
• 3 bedroorn, 2.5 bath • .50acre lot 541-480-2102 • MLS 201201006
541-322-1500 • MLS 201300512
; K Kl 4
' wiailmBIBE
SUND ANCE j $329,000
• 4 bedroorn, 3 bath • 2.96 flat acres 541-948-0997 • MLS 201209541 BROKER
• 1745 sq, ft, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath
BROKER, ABR GRI • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • .13 acre lot
541-408-1511 g ' MLS 201300499
ouble wall construction pppIII!Ippnei 0• D MLS 201207629
• .59 acre lot
541.948-7998 g ' MLS 201106138
541-390-5349 • MLS 201208685
SOUTHDEERFIELDPARKj $224 950 ' 00 ' q' DARRINKELLEHER, • 3 bed«om, 2.5 bath BROKER
NE BEND j $264,900
• New Construction
GREG MllER, P.C BRQKLR, CRS , GR! ' 2 bed«>r», 2 bath
DESERT SKIES j $269 000
lllde I i
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t!74m * 0
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I 2.14 ACRES j $199,900
Ne 1 655 sct. ft. • 4 bedroorn, 2.5 bath 0 21174 capella Place ppimmIjpmeep0 MLS 201209504 541 48Q 1911 •
SE BEND j $223,500
RRAN DQNFAIRBANKS BRpKER , gREg,GRI, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Cppf ' • Cascade Mountain views 541-383.4344 • MLS 201301157
MADRAS j $194,900 • 1962 sq, ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Beautiful hardwood floors 541-383-4334 • MLS 201209025
~ ~ ~I~?~
~~~ ~~~ I
~ ~b~ ~~h~
I ~~
NE BENDj $189,900
NE BENDj $192,000 • 1206 sq, ft. • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • 1'urn key property 541.410-9045 • MLS 201204680
~ ~ ~
HRI TYHRTMAH• 3 bedroom, 2 bath DECQUR CEY , • Sits high on .13 of an acre BROKER
541.312.7263 / • MLS 201300131
z NE BEND j $185,000 RAY BACHMAN, • 3 b~d~~~m, 2 bath BROKER,GRI
PC BROKFR AIIR ' • Beautiful CascadeMountainviews • Gently sloped property 541 383 435p • MLS 201205095
• .15 acre lot
41-312-4044 • MLS 201208886
NE BENDj $154000
SE BENDj $121,000 TENBR OEK. HILBE • 2 bedroom, I bath GROUP,LLC
DEBORAH BENSO • 3 bedroom, 2 bath PC, • Convenient location BR'OKFRGRI 541-48'P 6448 • MLS 201 300944
• Mid-town location
541-550.4944 • MLS 201202090
10 ACRES j $115,QQQ plANELQZITQ BRpyg 541.548.3598 54'1.3p6-9646 '
• NE Bend • Cascade Mountain views
• Adjoins BLM • MLS 2800613
BROKER ' 541.61p 731
+ 41.788-367II
• 2.04 acres • Cascade Mountain views • Crooked Riverviews
• MLS 2704850
RIVERS EDGE VILLAGEj $80,000 • .47 acre lot • Golf Course & eastern views • Easy access to Hwy97
541-390-9598 • MLS 201204299
~- 3 83-4342
PRINEVILLE j $69,000 • 1.48 acres
• Backs Deschutes National Forest • Big Deschutes River
• MLS 201209006
I w x «+B+lw4',.'' 0« PRINEVILLE j $99,000
NICPI.ETTE JONES, • On Crooked River Canyon Rim BROKER • Cascade Mountain views
541-241-0432 • 201205258
g ' AY ~ m9 g lT
THREE RIVERSSOUTH j $19,950 • • • 541-480-9300 •
I acre, le~el lot Bu1ld your dream retreat Deschutes River &National Forest
MLS 201208695
ON PAGES 3&4.COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin
Create or find Classifieds at THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013
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C h a n ci i e r
A v e .
Pets & Supplies
Furniture & Appliances
Bicycles & Accessories
• B en d
O r e g o n
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Misc. Items
Misc. Items
Advertise V A CATION Men's brand new winRecliner/Loveseat SPECIALS to 3 m i lter hooded coat sz XL Rossi single shot 12 sofa, $300. Queen 17" Well equipped mnt lion P acific N o rth- $40. 541-508-3886 bike. Great deal $200. gauge, great cond. 4-post bed frame 8 ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment westerners! 30 daily Pendleton vintage plaid 541-480-5950. $125. 541-948-2646 m attress, $30 0 . 1-541-954-1727 newspapers, six 201 - NewToday 265 - Building Materials Vintage 5 - d rawer knockabouttoga sz M 242 Ruger 10/22 Butler Creek states. 25-word clas- $75. 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves Poodle pups AKC toys. d resser 8 mi r r or 541-475-1091 Hot Lips 25-rd mag, NIB, sified $525 for a 3-day Loving, cuddly compan- $200. Elect. exerExercise Equipment 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood $65. 541-647-8931 a d. Cal l (916) The Bulletin Offers ions. 541-475-3889 204- Santa's Gift Basket cise bike, $50. 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers vis i t Free Private Party Ads Gold's Gym multi-train- Ruger Mini 14, 223 cali- 2 88-6019 o r 205- Free ltems 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment P OODLE pups T o y, Text 541-639-2479 • 3 lines - 3 days ing door gym. never ber ranch-style l i ke dark colors, 4 males, 208- Pets and Supplies 270 - Lost and Found $12. new, scope m ount, ising pndc.cfm for the • Private Party Only 1 fe m ale. $2 5 0 . Recliner, small green, assembled. 210- Furniture & Appliances Nort h west • Total of items adverGARAGESALES sling, h ea t s h r oud, Pacific Ready 3/24 call or text $25. Redmond, you 541-318-6368. 211 - Children's Items Daily Con n ection. tised must equal $200 flash surpresser, 4 275 Auction Sales Julie 760-504-8725 Weider ProStack 550lb. haul, 503-860-8974 212 - Antiques & Collectibles (PNDC) or Less 280 - Estate Sales press. 2 be n c hes, c lips, $ 9 0 0 firm , 215- Coins & Stamps FOR DETAILS or to Refrigerator: Whirlpool $200 541-419-4195. 541-447-6879. Bend's Indoor Swap Find exactly what 281 Fundraiser Sales PLACE AN AD, 240- Crafts and Hobbies and Amana over-theMeet - A Mini-Mall full you are looking for in the 282Sales Northwest Bend R uger Mini 1 4 SS , Call 541-385-5809 241 - Bicycles and Accessories range microwave, hardly 243 of Unique Treasures! CLASSIFIEDS w/scope, 2 maqs (25 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. Fax 541-385-5802 284- Sales Southwest Bend used, white, $400 both. 242 - Exercise Equipment Ski Equipment & 40 r nds) $1000. 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. 541-848-9080 286- Sales Northeast Bend 243 - Ski Equipment Wantedpaying cash 541-480-2265. Queensiand Heelers 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend 1 00cm K 2 Kah u na Buying Diamonds for Hi-fi audio & stuCheck out the standard 8 mini,$150 8 290- Sales RedmondArea powder skis w/bind- Shepherd scope, LTD dio equip. Mclntosh, 245 - Golf Equipment up. 541-280-1537 classifieds online /Gold for Cash i ng, $99. I ike n e w 3x9x40 zoom, $150. Saxon's Fine Jewelers J BL, Marantz, D y 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas 541-389-2363, 6-9pm 541-647-8931 541-389-6655 naco, Heathkit, San247- Sporting Goods - Misc. FARM MARKET Updated daily sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 248- Health and Beauty Items BUYING 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery Rodent control experts Stove: Jenn-Aire con- 158cm Rossi B4 pow- SKS 4570 trap door, Call 541-261-1808 der skis w/bindings, Mack 91 AK, REM 03, Lionel/American Flyer 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs (barn cats) seek work 316 - Irrigation Equipment vection, self c l ean, used twice $199. 251 - Hot TubsandSpas in exchange for safe trains, accessories. WHEN YOU SEE THIS SHARP 45-70, BRWN 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 541-389-2363, 6-9 p.m. shelter, basic c are. $125. 541-848-9080 541-408-2191. 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 300, WIN auto, H&R 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies Fixed, shots. Will de- Washer/dryer Irg cap. BuffaloClassic 45-70, BUYING & SE L LING ~Oo 255 - Computers 245 341 - Horses and Equipment liver! 541-389-8420. Amana, white, n ew, Good choice of shot- All gold jewelry, silver 256- Photography Golf Equipment 345-Livestockand Equipment $700. 541-848-9180 Seniors 8 Veterans! guns and handguns. and gold coins, bars, 257- Musical Instruments On a classified ad 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals H & H Firearms & Tack rounds, wedding sets, Adopta companion cat Washer, dryer Westing- Golf club hand cart, 258 - Travel/Tickets go to 541-382-9352 350 Horseshoeing/Farriers from Tumalo rescue, fee class rings, sterling sil259- Memberships house, almond, $100. collapsible, $15. waived! Tame, fixed, ver, coin collect, vin358Farmer's Column 541-548-6642 to view additional 260- Misc. Items Redmond, you haul, Call The Bulletin At shots, ID chip, tested, tage watches, dental 375- Meat and Animal Processing 261 - MedicalEquipment more! 389-8420. Photos 503-860-8974 gold. Bill Fl e ming, photos of the item. Golf travel cases (2) hard 541-385-5809 383 - Produce andFood 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 541-382-9419. etc: shell, black, exclnt cond, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail The Bulletin Like us on Facebook. $90 both. 541-382-5045 263- Tools DISH Network. Starting Medical Equipment At: extra To good home, tabby I recommends at $19.99/month (for 246 ca.tia h e . p Wanted: Collector spayed, sweet, mostly chasing products or, 1 2 mos.) & Hi g h Rolling walker, w/seat, Pets 8 Supplies • Pets & S upplies • Guns, Hunting seeks high quality i ndoor c a t . Li k e s services from out of I Speed Internet start- brakes 8 basket, good fishing items. & Fishing 0 dogs. 541-419-2502. ing at $14.95/month cond, $65. 541-241-0237 Australian She p herd l the area. Sending t Call 541-678-5753, or (where av a i lable.) Yorkie pup small fe- cash, checks, or minis, purebred, no pa503-351-2746 7.62x39 AK-47 ammo, S AVE! A s k Ab o u t male, shots, docked, l credit i n f o rmation pers, 1 blue female, 1 red 120 r ounds, $75. Wolf .223 Rem. ammo, SAME DAY InstallaTools 8 weeks, ready for may be subjected to male. 541-604-6060 541-647-8931 ion! C A L L Now ! great home! $ 6 50. l FRAUD. For more NIB, 240 rds, $200. t1-866-947-7995. 20' alum. extension 541-536-3108. Bengals TICA R e g., information about an t AK47, 75 rnd drum, 2-30 541-647-8931 (PNDC) ladder. Werner. $100. Champion lines, tak- Doxie pups! Adorable rnd mags, bi-pod, book, advertiser, you may 210 503-860-8974 10-wk-old short hair. ing deposits NOW! GENERATE SOME I call the O r egon / box. $1000; a mmo A few red's and wild Furniture & Appliances State Attor ney ' avail. 541-350-3335 EXCITEMENT Sporting Goods 2hp 8 gal compressor w/ ~ Want to Buy or Rent $800-$1200. Ready boar/red & chocolate IN YOUR l General's O f f i ce AK-47 Romanian Special Porter-Cable brad nailer, Misc. 4/5. Call Kim mix. Asking $300. Call 8 x12 area rug, e x c . Consumer P r otec- • Forces, NIB, lots of exNEIGBORHOOD. $150. obo. 541-330-6175 Wanted: $Cash paid for 5 03-860-8974, R e d 5 41-508-2167 if y ou quality, like new $200. t ion ho t l in e at I tras, 2 30-rd clips, $1000 Yakima Skybox, com- Plan a garage sale and vintage costume jew- mond. are ready to give one 541-815-1523. 265 don't forget to adverl 1-877-877-9392. obo. 541-771-9902 plete w/racks & locks, elry. Top dollar paid for of these little ones a tise in classified! Building Materials Gold/Silver.l buy by the Dachshund AKC minia- good home! Bend local pays CASH!! $350. 541-678-2906 A1 Washersa Dryers 541-385-5809. Estate, Honest Artist ture, b l ac k for all firearms 8 8 tan $150 ea. Full warlam i nate Elizabeth,541-633-7006 long-hair male, $325. GET FREE OF CREDIT Harmonics ammo. 541-526-0617 ranty. Free Del. Also DO YOU HAVE 6172sf box CARD DEBT NOW! floonng Info/pix, 541-420-6044 wanted used W/D's • Comp u t ers Advertise your car! $100. 541-382-8389 SOMETHING TO WANTED: Tobacco Cut payments by up 541-280-7355 Add A Picture! SELL Antiques & pipes - Briars, Meer- Dachshund AKC mini pup REDMOND Habitat Reach thousands of readers! T HE B U LLETIN r e - to half. Stop creditors shaums and smoking FOR $500 OR Collectibles from calling. RESTORE quires computer adBakers rack, black metal Call 541-385-5809 accessories. LESS? $350. 541-508-4558 Building Supply Resale w/brass trim, cstm glass The Bulletin Classlfieds vertisers with multiple 866-775-9621. WANTED: RAZORSNon-commercial ad schedules orthose (PNDC) shelves, 80x60x16, beau- Books Sale Mar. 2 & 3; Quality at Gillette, Gem, Schick, advertisers may CASH!! Land s tiful cond, very elegant. e xample: selling multiple sys- Highspeed Internet EVLOW PRICES etc. Shaving mugs place an ad with For Guns, Ammo & downe Birds of West $950. 541-923-5089 tems/ software, to dis- ERYWHERE By Sat1242 S. Hwy 97 and accessories. oui' Reloading Supplies. $30. close the name of the ellite! Speeds up to 541-548-1406 Fair prices paid. "QUICK CASH Display shelf, 6', 4 glass Coast 541-408-6900. 901-299-6485. business or the term Open to the public. Call 541-390-7029 shelves, heavy, $200. 12mbps! (200x faster .,I, SPECIAL" "dealer" in their ads. Colt 357 Python, 8" barbetween 10 am-3 pm. 541-728-0105 Boy & girl baby dolls, than dial-up.) Starting 1 week 3 lines 12 TURN THE PAGE Dachshund Mini AKC anatomically c orrect! r el, w/ s c ope, 5 0 Private party advertis- at $49.95/mo. CALL ~ 2 k 2 0! FREE you pick up Satrounds, cleaning kit, ers are defined as WANT TO RENT OR Choc. long-haired F. $200. 541-317-5154 NOW 8 G O F A ST! For More Ads Ad must include urday: corner desk & BUY: Garage size n ever fired. Al l i n those who sell one $600. 20% off if w i ll 1-888-718-2162. price of single item chair, filing c a binet,The Bulletin reserves locking case. $3300. computer. The Bulletin space for my woodspay. 541-598-7417 (PNDC) of $500 or less, or bookcase (2), TV, sleigh the right to publish all 541-771-4970 turning shop, need multiple items bed, overstuffed chair & ads from The Bulletin 220. 541-389-3992 Diamond Dog Food whose total does ottoman. 10 gal. fish newspaper onto The 246 Lamb & Rice notexceed $500. tank. 541-389-2664 Bulletin Internet webGuns, Hunting 40 lbs. - $26.99 Fridgidaire range needs site. Quarry Ave. Hay & & Fishing I Ite m s for Free Call Classifieds at oven element, olive Feed. 541-923-2400 541-385-5809 green, $30 31" Toshiba TV + 150 rounds of .223 541-504-0707 ammo, $140. version box, works fine. Yard art: side del. rake Doberman AKC pups 541-647-8931 Sisters, 541-588-6070 on iron wheels, $195. champion lines, black English Bulldogs AKC 541-389-8963. reg. & chipped, two & rust, 1 male red, 6 What are you V 280 286 288 wks now ready 3/24. males 4 yrs., need to Dgvltzn I Pe ts & Supplies 215 looking for? $2000F, $1800M. find good home, $500 Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend Visit our HUGE Coins & Stamps ea. or $ 90 0 b oth. home decor You'll find it in 541-659-9058 541-420-9950. The Bulletin recomMini Estate Sale Friday Huge Moving Sale, Fri., consignment store. The Bulletin Classifieds March 1 t o S unday ** FREE ** 8 S at., 9 4 , t o o ls, mends extra caution New items March 3. House full of Garage Sale Klt when purc h as- Donate deposit bottles/ FREE Male Black Lab camping/boating/RV, arrive daily! furniture, cookware, sil- Place an ad in The toys, hous e hold, ing products or ser- cans to local all volun- (9 yrs) & Male Chiwe930 SE Textron, teer, non-profit rescue, to nee (6 yrs) both neu541-385-5809 ver, antiques, china, Bulletin for your gavices from out of the clothes. Off Ward Rd. Bend 541-318-1501 help w/cat spay/neuter tered, current shots. too much to list. Ev61275 Lane Knolls Ct. area. Sending cash, vet bills. Cans for Cats sale and reLeupold scope 3x9x40 e rything m us t go ! rage checks, or credit in- trailer at Grocery Outlet, Moving 8 can't take ceive a Garage Sale New ln Box $200. with us. Must go to5 41-382-3192 1 3 7 1 f ormation may b e SE 3rd/Wilson, 2/26HELP YOUR AD GENERATE SOME exKit FREE! 541-647-8931 NW Vicksburg Ave, Multi-family Sale Fri/Sat subjected to fraud. 3/1 2. Donate M-F © gether!! 541-233-3534 citement i n stand out from the you r Bend. Follow the signs. 8 to 4 , com p uter For more i nforma- Smith Signs, 1515 NE Labradoodies - Mini & rest! Have the top line M ag-Pul 3 0 rou n d KIT IN CLUDES: neighborhood! Plan a equip, books, dvds, in bold print for only • 4 Garage Sale Signs tion about an adver- 2nd; CRAFT, Tumalo any med size, several colors garage sale and don't mags, New In Box. tools, lots of stuff. • $2.00 Off Coupon To tiser, you may call time. 541-389-8420; $2.00 extra. $40. 541-647-8931 forget to advertise in 541-504-2662 900 SE Sunwood Ct. the O r egon State Use Toward Your classified! DPMS AR-15 556 rifle Next Ad Attorney General's 541-385-5809. Servmg Central Qregon anre l903 w/2 mags & ammo, NIB, 10 Tips For "Garage Office C o n sumer BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! classifieds!Askabouto(jr •Sale 541-385-5809 $1400. 541-647-8931 set, twin, like Success!" Protection hotline at The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are Mattress Sales Other Areas new. $150. Private collector buying MEC9000 shotshell 12 1-877-877-9392. still over 2,000 folks in our community without 541-480-5950 p ostage stamp a l - ga. reloader, RCBS permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift PICK UP YOUR NOTICE camps, getting by as best they can. Microwave E m e rson bums 8 c o llections, model scale, $400. GARAGE SALE KIT at sen vg central oregan s nce 19tU Remember to remove or b rand 9 0 0W , e x c . world-wide and U.S. 541-389-8563 1777 SW Chandler The following items are badly needed to 284 (local, your Garage Sale signs shape $28. 573-286-4343 Ave., Bend, OR 97702 help them get through the winter: cell ¹) (nails, staples, etc.) Sales Southwest Bend Adopt a nice CRAFT cat 541-382-3106. Military Spec. m e t al @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ after your Sale event or kitten from Tumalo AR-15 30 rnd mags, 240 NEED TO CANCEL is over! THANKS! sanctuary, Pet Smart, or New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. All Church Rummage $35 while they last. YOUR AD? Crafts & Hobbies From The Bulletin Petco! Fixed, shots, ID Sale - New Hope 8 WARM CLOTHING: 541-601-7858, Bend The Bulletin and your local utility Church, Fri-Sat, 1st & People Look c hip, t e sted, m o r e! Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. for Informati o n Classifieds has an 541-389-8420. Open Sat/ Rockhound Equipment R emington 700 S P S 2nd of March, 9-3. New companies. "After Hours" Line Sun 1-5pm 65480 78th St PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT & supplies. Saw, grind, Varmint 204 R uger, Hope Church, 20080 About Productsand THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Call 541-383-2371 sand & polish. Lor- $550!. Remington 700 Photos 8 info at Pinebrook Blvd. We ServicesEveryDaythrough Serving Central Oregon s>nce 1903 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. 24 hrs. to cancel tone & Highland Park bdl . 22-250 S O LD. have a ton of stuffThe Bulletin Classirieds 8 like us on Facebook. PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Bend.541 280-5574 541-948-2646 come check it out! your ad! Labrador Pups, AKC Chocolate/Yel!ow/White Hips OFA guaranteed. $300-$400.
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FAA • Loan processing exp. is Independent Positions Business Opportunities approved p r ogram. a plus Financial aid if quali- • Strong attention to detail Sales A Classified ad is an fied - Housing avail- To apply, send resume EASY W AY TO Daytime Inside able. Call Aviation In- to recruiterOprincREACH over 3 million Sales stitute of Pacific NorthwesternWill hire t w o s a lesMaintenance. ers. $5 2 5 /25-word Look at: people to work from 1-877-804-5293. c lassified ad i n 3 0 The Bulletin (PNDC) daily newspapers for p er office f o r t h e for Complete Listings of 528 3-days. Call the Pa470 Newspaper In Educacific Northwest Daily Area Real Estate for Sale tion sales campaign. Loans & Mortgages Domestic & Connection (916) This is a part-time, inRemember.... 2 88-6019 o r e m a il In-Home Positions Place a photoin your private party ad WARNING dependent contractor PRIVATE PARTY RATES A dd your web a d The Bulletin recomfor only $15.00 perweek. Starting at 3 lines to your ad and sales position, and for more info (PNDC) Exp. Caregiver needed dress mends you use cauyou will not be emreaders on The "UNDER '500in total merchandise for elderly bedridden OVER '500in total merchandise tion when you proployees of The BulleBulletin' s web site tin. We offer a short Where can you find a lady. SE Bend. vide personal 7 days .................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 will be able to click Mon.-Tues. 2-5 p.m., information to compahelping hand? paid orientation prothrough automatically 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 Wed. 7:30-11:30 a.m nies offering loans or gram. The average From contractors to to your site. *Must state prices in ad 14 days .................................................$33.50 & 1-4:30 p.m. Backcredit, especially s alesperson e a r ns yard care, it's all here ground 8 drug test. those asking for ad28 days .................................................$61.50 $400 to $ 7 00 p e r Garage Sale Special Call 541-419-3405 The Bulletin vance loan fees or in The Bulletin's week, for a 27-hour (call for commercial line ad rates) 4 lines for 4 days.................................. I Recommends extra work we e k . T h e companies from out of "Call A Service 476 caution when purstate. If you have code is casual chasing products or I dress Professional" Directory Employment concerns or questhis is soft, reA Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: services from out of ' and tions, we suggest you Opportunities laxed b usiness t o I the area. Sending business sales. We consult your attorney Extreme Value AdverBend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. c ash, c hecks, o r tising! 30 Daily newsor call CONSUMER a background BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( *) i n f ormation prefer HOTLINE, papers $525/25-word CAUTION READERS ) credit in "business to busi1-877-877-9392. classified, 3-d a ys. I may be subjected to ness" selling. This is REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well FRAUD. Reach 3 million PaAds published in "Emnot ad or s ubscripas any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin more i nformacific Northwesterners. Need to get an ployment Opportuni- For tion sales, however, if For more information reserves the right to reject any ad at t ies" i n c lude e m - tion about an adverad in ASAP? you have p r evious you may call call (916) 288-6019 or ployee and I tiser, experience in adverany time. is located at: You can place it email: i ndependent pos i - the Oregon State tising sales, I will give General's 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. online at: tions. Ads for posi- I Attorney you priority considerOffice C o n sumer e the Pacific Northtions that require a fee Bend, Oregon 97702 ation. I'm looking for for Protection hotline at I west Daily Connecor upfront investment motivated, energetic, I 1-877-877-9392. tion. (PNDC) must be stated. With articulate people with 541-385-5809 PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is any independent job excellent communicaic Bullcttg FIND YOUR FUTURE opportunity, p l ease gTl needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or tion skills. Call Mela- BANK TURNED YOU investigate thorreject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher nie at 541-383-0399. DOWN? Private party HOME INTHE BULLETIN oughly. shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will loan on real esYourfutureis justapageaway. Looking for your next will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. tate equity. Credit, no Whetheryou're lookingfor ahat or employee? Use extra caution when Sell an Item problem, good equity a Bulletin help aplacelo hangit, TheBulletin applying for jobs on- Place is all you need. Call wanted ad today and line and never proC all a P r o Classifiedis yourbestsource. now. Oregon Land reach over 60,000 Fuel & Wood vide personal infor- readers each week. • Mortgage 388-4200. Whether you need a E very daythousandsof buyersand mation to any source gg fence fixed, hedges Your classified ad Meet singles right now! LOCAL MONEYrWe buy sellersofgoodsandservicesdo you may not have reWHEN BUYING will also appear on No paid o perators, trimmed or a house secured trust deeds 8 searched and deemed businessinthese pages. They If it's under$500 just real people like FIREWOOD... note,some hard money knowyoucan't beatTheBulletin built, you'll find to be reputable. Use which currently you. Browse greetloans. Call Pat Kellev professional help in extreme caution when you can place it in To avoid fraud, ClassifiedSectionfor selection receives over 1.5 541-382-3099 ext.19. ings, exchange mes- The Bulletin's "Call a r esponding to A N Y The Bulletin The Bulletin million page views sages and connect and convenience - everyitemis online e m p loyment recommends payevery month at live. Try it free. Call Service Professional" Classifieds for: ad from out-of-state. just phone a call away. ment for Firewood Get your Directory no extra cost. now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. 316 only upon delivery Bulletin Classifieds business T he Cl a ssi f i e d Se ctionis easy 5 41 -385- 5 8 0 9 (PNDC) We suggest you call and inspection. Irrigation Equipment $10 • 3 lines, 7 days Get Results! to use.Everyitemiscategorized the State of Oregon • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Call 385-5809 andeverycategoryis indexedon 4' x 4' x 8' $16 • 3 lines, 14 days a ROW I N G 3-inch 8 4 - inch pipe, Consumer Hotline at or place • Receipts should Nelson 100 Big Gun wl 1-503-378-4320 the section'front s page. your ad on-line at (Private Party ads only) include name, cart, 3hp pump 8 control with an ad in W hether you are look ingfor ahome panel, misc. All $3200 For Equal Opportunity phone, price and or need aservice, yourfuture is in obo. 541-420-2382 L aws: Oregon B uThe Bulletin's kind of wood purreau of Labor & In- MeChcal the pages of TheBulletin Classfied. chased. "Call A Service 325 dustry, C i vil Rights Call 54/-3 85-5809 • Firewood ads Professional" Division, to r o m ote our service MUST include speHay, Grain & Feed The Bulletin 971-673-0764 Directory cies and cost per PaCi fiCSourCe to better serve 1st quality grass hay, IBuilding/Contracting LandscapingNard Care cord HEALTH PLANS 70- Ib bales, barn stored, If you have any quesour customers. Teaching tions, concerns or $250/ ton. Also big bales! NOTICE: Oregon state Health Services Representative IIConcordia University's MBA program in Bend, Patterson Ranch, comments, contact: The Bulletin Sisters, law req u ires anyPharmacy Oregon, seeks a part-time business faculty 541-549-3831 Classified Department one who co n t racts member to teach a graduate level Finance The Bulletin Zudf:f: Z gaadriP for construction work Our Pharmacy team is growing and we are course in Bend starting in May, 2013. Class 541-385-5809 1 cord dry, split Juniper, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS to be licensed with the Zacudga e 7,. seeking a Pharmacy Technician or Assistant to meeting times are once per month on Friday $190/cord. Multi-cord Search the area's most C onstruction Con - More Than Service join our team. If you have strong pharmacy evening and all day Saturday. The course discounts, & Ia cords comprehensive listing of tractors Board (CCB). The Bulletin and customer service skills this may be the uses case-based methodology and Harvard Peace Of Mind available. Immediate classified advertising... A n active lice n se opportunity for you! Business School materials. MBA or masters in delivery! 541-408-6193 real estate to automotive, means the contractor Spring Clean Up a related field required. S ignificant experimerchandise to sporting All Year Dependable DO YOU NEED i s bonded an d i n This position coordinates pharmacy services ence in Finance required. Proven success in •Leaves goods. Bulletin Classifieds Firewood: Seasoned s ured. Ve r ify t h e A GREAT and benefits; communicating benefit determicollege-level teaching strongly desired. Single •Cones appear every day in the Lodgepole, Split, Del. contractor's CCB EMPLOYEE nation, serving as a liason between internal course contract basis. • Needles print or on line. Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 c ense through t h e RIGHT NOW? and extern customers, claims processing, •Debris Hauling for $335. Cash, Check Call 541-385-5809 CCB Cons u m er Call The Bulletin claims audits, etc. This position interfaces diTo apply, please send a letter of interest, Facor Credit Card OK. Website before 11 a.m. and rectly with members, pharmacies, physicians, ulty Employment Application Form, resume or Weed free Bark 541-420-3484. www.hireaticensedcontractor. get an ad in to puband benefit management companies. vita, and contact information for three profes8 flower beds com The Bulletin Seasoned Juniper, SerengCentei Oregon «nce i903 lish the next day! sional references via email to Tom Daniels, or call 503-378-4621. $200 spilit & delivTo review the full job description and apply, MBA P r o gram Di r e ctor, Be n d , at 541-385-5809. The Bulletin recom- Lawn Renovation ered. 541-977-2040 VIEW the please visit us online at tdaniels© For a CU Faculty mends checking with Aeration - Dethatching Looking for your http:I/ Employment Application f or m a n d to Classifieds at: the CCB prior to conOverseed next employee? learn more a b out C o ncordia University, Compost tracting with anyone. Gardening Supplieeg Place a Bulletin please vis i t our websi t e at: EOE Some other t r ades Top Dressing help wanted ad http:I/• & E q uipment • FINANCIAL also req u ire additoday and ment.cfm. Sr. Business Lender tional licenses and Landscape reach over General SUPER TOP SOIL Bend, OR certifications. Maintenance www.hershe soilandbarlccom For information about Concordia's MBA pro60,000 readers CROOK COUNTY Craft3 is a n o n-profit Full or Partial Service Screened, soil & comgram in Bend, contact Tom Daniels, Program each week. Community D e v elopEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Debris Removal • Mowing «Edging post mi x ed , no Director, at ( 5 41 ) 3 5 0-3553. Concordia classified ad ment Financial Institution •Pruning Weeding rocks/clods. High hu- Yourwill University, Portland is a regionally accredited, (CDFI) with a mission to Crook County Commission on also JUNK BE GONE Sprinkler Adjustments mus level, exc. for strengthen e c onomic, private university that specializes in underChildren and Families appear on I Haul Away FREE flower beds, lawns, and family regraduate and graduate programs of profesDomesticViolence Project Coordinator ecological For Salvage. Also Fertilizer included gardens, straight silience in Pacific Northsional study grounded in a strong Lutheran $18,598 - $19,160 DOE Cleanups & Cleanouts with monthly program s creened to p s o i l . which currently west communities. We Liberal Arts tradition. Part-time, no benefits receives over Mel, 541-389-8107 Bark. Clean fill. Dedo this by providing loans (approx. 20 hours perweek) 1.5 million page Weekly, monthly liver/you haul. and assistance to entreConcordia University does not discriminate in Closes: March 8, 2013 at 5r00 p.m. Excavating views every or one time service 541-548-3949. preneurs, non-profits, inthe employment of individuals on the basis of month at no dividuals and others, in- Position Overview: Job responsibilities include race, color, national or ethnic origin, disability, Levi's Dirt Works cluding those who don't coordination of interagency domestic violence/ extra cost. EXPERIENCED sex or age. However, Concordia University is for all your dirt & excavanormally have access to Commercial Bulletin an institution of The Lutheran Church-Missouri sexual assault intervention project; work with tion needs. Concrete, financing. & Residential Classifieds Synod and, to the extent allowed by law, agency partners on policy and procedure; Driveway GradingFound: Car Keys, on P~ o sitio P o s e : Get Results! Concordia University reserves the right to Low cost! ccb¹ 194077 development of community education materiResponsible for gener2/22/13, at River Trail, Free Estimates give preference in employment based upon 541-639-5282 541-385-5809 ating and underwriting als; and completion of data collection and b etween Archi e Call Senior Discounts religion. or place your ad reporting. Funding is for 3 years with the new business loans and Briggs an d A r chie 541-390-1466 Handyman on-line at servicing a loan portfolio option for reapplication. Briggs cut-off. Call Same Day Response that meets Craft3's mis541-322-0682 to Independent Contractor I DO THAT! sion, financial and risk Applications and full job description can be Home/Rental repairs N OTICE: O R E G O N identify. found at Please apply at goals. The primary lend341 Small jobs to remodels keys, off China ing focus targets micro, the Crook County Treasurer's/Tax Office at Landscape Contrac- Found * Supplement YourIncome * Hat Rd near Mtn High, Honest, guaranteed Horses & Equipment small and medium busi- 200 NE 2 n d S t . , P r ineville, OR 9 7 754; tors Law (ORS 671) call to I.D., 541-382-1490 work. CCB¹151573 541-447-6554. nesses in central and r equires a l l bus i Dennis 541-317-9768 pres c riptionHorse Boarding in NW eastern Oregon, specifinesses that advertise Found Monthly cally those owned by miERIC REEVE HANDY to p e rform L a n d- tinted glasses on side Redmond. rates starting at $195 nonties, women, immi- M Ch I SERVICES. Home 8 scape C o n struction of road, Hwy 20 W horse. Paddocks, rants, and low-income. Commercial Repairs, which inclu d es: and Old B end/Red- per with t u rnouts ocated in our new Bend, Carpentry-Painting, ++++++++++++++++++ p lanting, deck s , mond Hwy. The case stalls office, this posiPaCifiCSOurCe b r o ke n but avail., indoor/outdoor Oregon Pressure-washing, fences, arbors, was tion will also p rovide riding arenas, trainer HEALTH PLANS glasses appear intact. Honey Do's. On-time w ater-features, a n d marketing assistance in logo says "29 Below" on site. 541-504-4282 the eastside Oregon area promise. Senior installation, repair of Senior Nurse Care Manager Coffman Vision Clinic. Discount. Work guar- irrigation systems to and be responsible for Help us change healthcare! If you have a Call 541-388-7510. anteed. 541-389-3361 be licensed with the Craft3 branding efforts. broad clinical background and would like to Farmers Column • To learn about Craft3, or 541-771-4463 Landscape Contrac- Found sunglasses in lead a team that enhances patients' quality of Bonded 8 Insured t ors B o a rd . Th i s dressing room at Lydi's visit life and maximizes health plan benefits, this CCB¹181595 4-digit number is to be Place, call to i dentify, Rafter L F Ranch & Complete the application; position may be the opportunity for you! We are looking for independent conFarm Svcs.- Custom htt s:I/ . included in all adver541-385-3102 Margo Construction PacificSource Health Plans is seeking a leader Haying & Field Work com/recruit/? id=3970901 tractors to service home delivery tisements which indiLLC Since 1992 Call Lee Fischer, Hirinq decision is sched- for our case management team. cate the business has Lost male orange tiger routes in: • Pavers• Carpentry 541-410-4495 short hair, Scottsuled for 3/1 3. a bond, insurance and cat, • Remodeling • Decks This position is responsible for oversight of dale Dr. area, Bend. Shy, Craff3is an equal workers compensa• Window/Door defined Health Services programs, services, lovable; answers to 375 opportunity employer; tion for their employ- but Replacement • Int/Ext Must be available 7 days a week, early mornBarney. 541-330-6923 or functions which may include, but not be women and minonfies Meat & Animal Processing ees. For your protecPaint • CCB 176121 limited to, c o ndition/disease management ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. are encouraged io apply. tion call 503-378-5909 REMEMBER: If you 541-480-3179 program, complex case management, UM/CM, or use our website: have lost an animal, All Natural g rain-fed Please call 541.385.5800 or beef $2.88/lb. hang- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! claim review, and/or policy/procedure writing. don't forget to check LandscapingNard Care to Position requires RN license and 5 years ing wt, half or whole 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or check license status The Humane Society of varied clinical experience. Supervisory before co n t racting in Bend 541-382-3537 to b e pro c essed Door-to-door selling with apply via email at SPRING CLEAN-UP! mid-march. $500 dep. fast results! It's the easiest experience preferred. with th e b u s iness. Redmond, Aeration/Dethatching online © Half Hog Sale, $190 inPersons doing land541-923-0882 Weekly/one-time service T o a p ply, p l ease v i si t u s on l in e a t cludes cutting wrap- way in the world to sell. Prineville, avail. Bonded, insured. scape m a intenance ping and cure. 541-447-7178; Free Estimates! do not require a LCB The Bulletin Classified WHILE THEY LAST! OR Craft Cats, COLLINS Lawn Maint. license. EOE 541-573-2677 541-385-5809 541-389-8420. Ca/i 541-480-9714
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2,2013 s a turday,March
Running hot and Cold
27 Worried about ss Clear thinker's in slang asset 32 What repeats in s7 American tribe solemn hymns that lent its but isn't in name to a state hymnals? ss Non-profit 34 One who snaps concerns? as First-ever 36 "Indeed, mate" DOWN as Shaking z Monkey as Pianist Gilels launched into space in 1958 4o Prepare for a 2 Repeated cry long drive from Mercutio 42 Falls off in "Romeo and 44 Maxwell rival Juliet" 4s "The strain seemed doubly 3 Arizona natives 4 City whose dear, / Yet name is sweet": Spanish for Wordsworth "flat" so Butler who s Mayflower man played Grace Kelly e 100 fils 22 Ode title 7 Winged it? opener sa Setting for the swing set? s Activia maker 23 Receipt to redeem a credit sa Thor's group 9 Standard 24 Place of s4 She told sudoku groupings, e.g. imprisonment Willy Wonka "Loompaland? zo No-spin in book and film There's no such particles place" ze With 20-Across, aa It includes the Conan's domain ss Signs of spring extradition clause 22 It's between ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Laredo and S C O T P E C K S SO B Nuevo Laredo T HR E E F O R O N E A R I 13 Performance R A I NB O W R O O M D O G with nearly perfect pitch? I RO N A G E T I S S U E A L L EY R U S S C O R A 24 What a broke person is down T I ER P O R E O I N K S to E ES D O U B L E BO G E Y 24 Feeling no MO R T A L S I N physical S T R U C K A N O T E CM D attraction? C H E S S G I N S C A A N zs Prepare to fire Y ET I S E V E SO R T A into the sky TR I C K Y S I T S O U T 27 Kind of earring requiring H AN I N T H E F U T U R E twisting E PA S T E A L S BA S E S zs 1919-33, in D Y E S H E L F R E S T German history
a Rainbow event ao Given orally, at law zs Maureen of "Tarzan the Ape Man" ae Russian princess who was Nicholas II's only niece z7One of a chain owned by Wyndham as Platte River natives zs"Unfaithful" Oscar nominee zo See 26-Across za "Come on down!" announcer
By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
Unlucky Louie, who has raised a houseful of kids, says that one way to keep them out of hot water is to put some dishes in it. Louie was today's declarer at 3NT. He took the ace of spades and then got himself into some seriously hot water when he led a diamond from dummy. East rose with the king and returned a spade. West captured Louie's jack and led a third spade, forcing out the king. Louie next cashed four hearts and the king of clubs and led another club. East discarded, and Louie had to settle for eight tricks. How would you play 3NT?
doubles, and the next player bids two hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: This is ajudgment call, but the hand seems clearly worth four spades or a game-invitational jump to three spades. If your partner has a suitable minimum such as A Q 6 2, 8, Q 6 5, A 8 7 5 4, you might take as many as 1 2 t r i c ks. Yo u c o uld compete with a bid of two spades if your hand were significantly weaker. North dealer Both sides vulnerable
QAJ9 0 Q 1 06 5 4
Louie simply failed to count his tricks.He has two spades, four hearts and two clubs, and a textbook safety play in clubs will provide one more. Louie leads a club to his ace at Trick Two and returns a club, planning to play the nine from dummy if West follows low. (I f W est discarded, Louie would take the king and lead a third club toward his jack.) So Louie can make sure of his game w i t h ou t att a c kin g the diamonds.
WEST 4Q652 9 85 3 O72 4 Q10 8 7
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W e st
I Q 3 NT
Pass All P ass
Youhold: 4 1 0 8 7 4 3 Q 7 6 4 Opening lead — 4 2 0 A K 8 3 A 6. The dealer, at your left, opens one heart. Your partner (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
I'Yrr gorrvJ. All of' ou,r
durreYLt Ctodk ha< two dulog.
Zg i/
c c
fi tiSQ OIFItllg
No of26 9
24 27
38 41
29 Pre-takeoff
37 Mae West
aoOne side in the Bay Bridge Series rivalry
reputedly said this "is good to find"
4s Sounds that make frogs disappear? 47 "Jezebel" star
as Military hut
4s Coeur d'
aa Southeast Asian 4a AsPartame developer observance 43 Tiny groove 33 Medieval love poem 4s Ensure
4e They go down when it's cold
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information.
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SUDOKU Complete the grid so that
every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.
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DIFFICULTY RATING: '4 '4 'iww"iww'4+ 'iww'
LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and JOyCe NiCholSLewis / 3-2
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ACROSS 4 Requiem Mass 1 Installment in a hymn word modern series 5 Sub base? 9 Thing tp be 6 Bye lines? cracked 7 Did a nurse's jpb 15 Loge 8 Versipn's 16 Purchase beginning? provider 90neof U.S. 17 Olympic winner banki n g's Big 18 Hero with a Four 1 0" It's hard tp tell" memorable yeII 19 Bird that dines on 11 Longhaired pet stingers 12 Nut-producing 20 Bug tree 21 PC debut of 1981 13 Like some change 23 Leans 14 Uses Zipcar, say 24 Truffles, e.g. 22 Milan's La 28 Unit in una zona 2 4 Keep from residencial happening 30 Most suitable fpr 2 5 Wreck service 26 Light element 27 "Straight Outta 31 In danger of snapping Comptpn" genre 37 "Whatever" 29 She has your 39 1959 Cornelius back Ryan best-selle r 3 1 Maj o r about the 32 Modern Normandy entertainment invasion, with 33 Maleficent 34 Vena he 35 "Fast Food 40 Its Nasdaq symbol is CAR Nation" author 41 Keister Schlosser 42 Prepare for a 1 2 3 4 5 ll
36 Work area
48 Fail to say 49 Simoleons 51 Petitions 53 Answer from the unwilling 54 Medicine Hat's
38 Top choice 42 Apparel for the
slopes 43 Now, in
Nogales 44 Checked Dut badly? 45 Ring 47 Seven-time
55 Homeowner's burden 56 Some TV
French Open
D Y E 03/02/1 3 13
game, as Jenga
BltfJ'5LXE X
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by DavidL. Hoyt and JeffK nurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter 10 each square, to fOrm faur Ordinary WOrdS.
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Do you need me to grab it aoain7 ~. i '1'7
Cua Let s 07 It one more time.
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02013 Tnbune Media services, ec. „ All Rights Reserved.
blocks 43 They may generate interest: Abbr. 46 38-Down option 50 "Hysterical" 52 On balance 57 Gpd wed tp his sister 58 Rather wicked 59 Say 60 Not barred 61 Good guys? 62 Many characters on "The L Word"
20 21
Roeeelzv ~ ,
Now arrange the CirCled letterS to farm the SurPriSe anSWer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
Ans: A 4 LauohngotOCk InternatiOnal InC, DiSt by unVerSal UC1Ck far 058, 200
"I am still waiting for my 18 cents change!"
(Anowero Monday) J umbles: VIXEN SW U N G FEL O N Y MiS H A P Answer: Aii the recent construction wao turning the street into — AN "AVE-NEW"
31 3 2
34 3 5
40 41
43 4 4
DOWN 50 1 Place pf development 2 It has about a 35- 57 inch blade 59 3 Saint whp wrote the earliest 61 history pf England By Julian Lim
46 4 7 51
(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
49 53 5 4
58 60 62
Boats & Accessories
Motor h o mes
E 0
Antique & Classic Autos
•J~ •
22' Custom Weld Jet, Southwind 35.5' Triton, 2002, 350 Vortec, 210 2008,V10, 2slides, Duhrs, garaged, loaded. pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Snowmobiles Bought new at 541-923-0854. $132,913; 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade Ads published in the asking $93,500. 600 w/513 mi, like new, "Boats" classification Call 541-419-4212 now reduced to $4500. include: Speed, fishCall 541-221-5221 ing, drift, canoe,
house and sail boats. (2) 2000 A rctic C at For all other types of Z L580's EFI with n e w covers, electric start w/ watercraft, please see Class 875. reverse, low miles, both 541-385-5809 excellent; with new 2009 Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, drive off/on w/double tilt, lots of accys. Selling due to m e dical r e asons. $8000 all. 541-536-8130
The Bulletin
Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243 881
BOATS & RVs 805- Misc. Items Dodge R a m 2500 850 - Snowmobiles Chevy C-20 Pickup 2005, Quad Cab SLT 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories Aircraft, Parts 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 4X4, very nice. 865 - ATVs Vin ¹716973. auto 4-spd, 396, model & Service 870 - Boats & Accessories CST /all options, orig. $17888 owner, $22,000, 875 - Watercraft ~©1 S U B A R U . 541-923-6049 880 - Motorhomes 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 881 - Travel Trailers Just too many 877-266-3821 882 - Fifth Wheels Dlr ¹0354 collectibles? 885- Canopies and Campers 1/3 interest in Columbia 890 - RVs for Rent Sell them in 'M'
400, $150,000 located The Bulletin Classifieds @ Sunriver. H o urly
rental rate (based upon approval) $775. Also: 541-385-5809 S21 hangar avail. for s ale, o r l e ase O '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn $15/day or $ 325/mo. PROJECT car, 3 50 541-948-2963 small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar wheels, extra rolling chassis + extras. $6000 for all.
Automobiles Ford 250 XLT 1990,
6 yd. dump bed,
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Buick LeSabre 2004,
30 mpg, 75k, heated seats, nice wheels, a utomatic, whi t e , rates for selling your I RV CONSIGNMENTS leather, Almost like I boat or watercraft! WANTED new of course! Bring Hyundai Sonata 2012, Volkswagen Jetta S E We Do The Work ... $6000 and it's yours. very low miles, power Sedan 2011, Power I Place an ad in The You Keep The Cash! International Fla t 541-508-9133. B ulletin w i t h ou r windows, power door window, power lock, On-site credit Bed Pickup 1963, 1 I 3-month package locks and cruise. tilt and cruise. approval team, 1 /3 interest i n w e l l - 541-389-7669. t on dually, 4 s p d. Vin ¹ 322715. $15,999. Vin ¹369761. $14888 I which includes: web site presence. equipped IFR Beech Botrans., great MPG, CHECK YOUR AD a~ We Take Trade-Ins! nanza A36, new 10-550/ j~v,y ~ could be exc. wood Please check your ad fqkm®SUBARU. S UBA RU. I *4 lines of text and Free Advertising. SUBARUOPBEND COM SUBARUOPBENDCOM prop, located K BDN. hauler, runs great, • Yamaha 750 1999 on the first day it runs 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy a photo or up to 10 BIG COUNTRY RV $65,000. 541-419-9510 20, Bend. new brakes, $1950. Mountain Max, $1400 I lines with no photo. to make sure it is corBend: 541-330-2495 877-266-3821 541-419-5480. 877-266-3821 • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 rect. Sometimes in*Free online ad at Redmond: 541-548-5254 Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 EXT, $1000. s tructions over t h e I • Zieman 4-place Chevy Wagon 1957, phone are misunder*Free pick up into Find It in 4-dr., complete, trailer, SOLD! stood and a n e r ror I The Central Oregon $7,000 OBO, trades. All in good condition. I Nickel ads. can occur in your ad. The Bulletin Classifieds! Please call Located in La Pine. If this happens to your 541-385-5809 541-389-6998 Call 541-408-6149. ad, please contact us 1/5th interest in 1973 I Rates start at $46. I first day your ad Cessna 150 LLC Chrysler 300 C o upe RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L the 880 Call for details! Springdale 2005 27', 4' 44 0 e n g ine,hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, appears and we will 541-385-5809 Volkswagen Jefta SE slide in dining/living area, 150hp conversion, low 1967, Motorcycles & Accessories be happy it as time on air frame and auto. trans, ps, air, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. s oon as towfix Sedan 2012, auto 6 sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 e ca n . frame on rebuild, reengine, hangared in 541-420-3634/390-1285 speed w/sport shift, Deadlines are: WeekCRAMPED FOR gThe Bulleting obo. 541-408-3811 painted original blue, Bend. Excellent per23k miles. days 12:00 noon for CASH? original blue interior, The Bulletin formance& affordVin ¹072251 Mercedes Benz CLK next day, Sat. 11:00 Use classified to sell original hub caps, exc. able flying! $6,500. To Subscribe call >i II 320 Coupe, 1999. sun$15988 those items you no GENERATE SOME ex- l•~~5 $ a.m. for Sunday; Sat. chrome, asking $9000 541-382-6752 541-385-5800 or go to citement in your neigroof, dark blue with 12:00 for Monday. If longer need. or make offer. S UBA R U . -J borhood. Plan a gagrey leather, chrome Call 541-385-5809 Executive Hangar we can assist you, 541-385-9350 rage sale and don't Weekend Warrior Toy at Bend Airport (KBDN) rims, o rig. o w ner,2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. please call us: 104k, exc. cond, very forget to advertise in Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, 60' wide x 50' d eep, 877-266-3821 PR(dFRFOlldFO/ The541-385-5809 clean. classified! 385-5809. $5,500. fuel station, exc cond. w/55' wide x 17' high biBulletin Classified Dlr ¹0354 541-306-0499 Pi c kup, Harley Davidson Herisleeps 8, black/gray fold dr. Natural gas heat, Chrysler SD 4-Door Toyota 4x 4 tage S oftail C l assic, EBIPIDECentral Oregon BIDIB PEIP3 i nterior, u se d 3X , offc, bathroom. Adjacent 1983, 8000-Ib Warn Take care of Mercedes E-class E430, WHEN YOU SEE THIS to Frontage Rd; great 1930, CD S Royal 2006. Black cherry pearl/ winch, 2 sets of tire $19,999 firm. 2002, AWD 4-dr sedan, your investments visibility for aviation busiStandard, 8-cylinder, b lack p e a rl , ext r a 541-389-9188 chains, canopy, 22R Special Edition, $15,000 ~Oo Used out-drive ness. Financing availbody is good, needs chrome, stage one tune, motor, 5-spd transwith the help from obo. Call 12-5pm (Iv M parts - Mercury able. 541-948-2126 or some r e s toration, mission, $1795 obo. ore P ixa tBendbuletin,com Vance & Hines pipes. The Bulletin's OMC rebuilt maemail On a classified ad runs, taking bids, excellent condM always 541-350-2859 rine motors: 151 go to "Call A Service g araged, never l a i d Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, 541-383-3888, 541-815-3318 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 935 down. 4100 mi, $11,900. based in Madras, alVehicle? Professional" Directory to view additional Home, 541-548-2258; 4.3 (1993), $1995. ways hangared since Sport Utility Vehicles Call The Bulletin Cell, 503-970-3328 photos of the item. 541-389-0435 new. New annual, auto and place an ad toWind River 250 RLSW pilot, IFR, one piece Buick Enclave CX 2010 day! Harley Davidson Soft2011 4-season pkg, windshield. Fastest ArAWD, incl factory warTail D e luxe 20 0 7 , 875 Ask about our dual pane windows, Looking for your around. 1750 tor anty, like new, 3 1 K "Wheel Deal"! white/cobalt, w / paslarge picture window in cher Watercraft next employee? tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. miles, white e x terior/ senger kit, Vance 8 for private party rear, super slide, Place a Bulletin help 541-475-6947, ask for beige interior, seats 7, advertisers Hines muffler system Ads published in UWafoam/air sofa sleeper, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, wanted ad today and factory loaded + extras. Rob Berg. 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. 26" LCD TV. Garaged. tercraft" include: Kayreach over 60,000 door panels w/flowers Excelient cond, always Chevy Aveo LT 2010, c ond, $16,9 9 9 , aks, rafts and motormiles, very clean. & hummingbirds, readers each week. ~ Oo garaged. You will be 2nd lowVin 541-389-9188. ¹129701. Ized white soft top 8 hard owner of t his beauty! Your classified ad personal Trucks & More P ixa t B e n d b u lle ti l i , com $9988. will also appear on watercrafts. For top. Just reduced to $31,500. 541-312-2393 Harley Heritage $25,900. 541-408-2111 Heavy Equipment "boats" please see $3,750. 541-317-9319 'eV Softail, 2003 S UB A R U . II Class 870. or 541-647-8483 which currently re$5,000+ in extras, ceives over 1.5 mil541-385-5809 $2000 paint job, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend lion page views 30K mi. 1 owner, 877-266-3821 every month at For more information ECIMDgcentral EEegco since 1903 Dlr ¹0354 no extra cost. Bulleplease call 541-385-8090 Nissan Sentra 2012 tin Classifieds 880 Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, Full warranty, 35mpg, or 209-605-5537 Get Results! Call Diamond Reo Du m p most options, new paint Motorhomes 520 per tank, all power. 385-5809 or place Truck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 8 tires, 159K mi., $4250. $13,500. 541-788-0427 your ad on-line at yard box, runs good, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, Call 541-233-8944 Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 $6900, 541-548-6812 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & by Carriage, 4 slideradio (orig),541-419-4989 F ord F reestyle S E L V6, AWD, AT, AC, Chrysler Sebnng 2004 outs, inverter, satelGarage Sales Ford Mustang Coupe 2006, FIND IT! front & side airbags, 25 84k, beautiful dark gray/ lite sys, fireplace, 2 1966, original owner, BUY 17' 3rd row seating, brown, tan leather int., flat screen TVs. Harley Limited 103 2011, Garage Sales V8, automatic, great mpg, pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, $5995 541-350-5373 SELL ITr many extras, stage 1 & air 2003 Fleetwood Dis$60,000. shape, $9000 OBO. traction control, new tires cushion seat. 18,123 mi, covery 40' diesel mo541-480-3923 Garage Sales Nissan Versa S 2011, The Bulletin Classifieds 530-515-8199 & brks, maintained ex$21,990. 541-306-0289 Power ev e r ything, torhome w/all t remely well, runs & CHECK YOUR AD Find them very clean. HD Screaming Eagle options-3 slide outs, Ford Ranchero drives exlnt,148K hwy mi, The Bulletin recom- I Vin ¹397958. in Electra Glide 2005, satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, $6700. 541-604-4166 1979 mends extra caution I $11788 103 U motor, two tone e tc.32,000 mile s . The Bulletin with 351 Cleveland when p u r chasing ~ candy teal, new tires, Wintered in h e ated modified engine. S UBA R U . f products or services Classifieds "My Little Red Corvette" 23K miles, CD player, shop. $89,900 O.B.O. SUBARUOPBEND COM Body is in from out of the area. 541-447-8664 1996 coupe. 132K, hydraulic clutch, ex2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. J Sending excellent condition, cas h , Please check your ad 541-385-5809 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. cellent condition. 877-266-3821 $2500 obo. checks, or credit inon the first day it runs Highest offer takes it. $12,500 541-923-1781 Dlr ¹0354 541-420-4677 formation may be I to make sure it is cor541-480-8080. rect. Sometimes in- G K E A T Honda CRV 2004, T oyota Avalon X L S , / subject to FRAUD. $10,495. structions over the 2005, all XLS options For more informaCall 541-610-6150 or see including n avigation. f tion about an adverphone are misATVs 32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, understood and an error $14,200. 541-548-1601 tiser, you may call Hysfer H25E, runs /cto/3617273265.html no slide-out, Triton eng, can occur in your ad. I the Oregon Statef well, 2982 Hours, all amenities, 1 owner, If this happens to your Attorney General's I $3500 call Lexus RX 2010 crossToyota Camrys: perfect, only 17K miles, Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 Ford Taurus wagon 2004, Office C o nsumer ad, please contact us 541-749-0724 over SUV, 44,354 mi. 7984, SOLD; very nice, pwr everything, $21,500. 541-504-3253 eng, power everything, the first day your ad f Protection hotline at $38,995. ¹019757 120K, FWD, good tires, 1985 SOLD; new paint, 54K original 1-877-877-9392. appears and we will $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 miles, runs great, ex1986 parts car be happy to fix it cellent condition in & only one left! $500 as soon as we can. Yamaha Banshee 2001 .(I) U3 SerVing Central Oregan IMIP 1903 out. Asking $8,500. Oregm If we can assist you Call for details, custom built 350 motor 541-480-3179 AurnPPource race-ready, lots of extras please call us: 541-548-6592 541-598-3750 541-385-5809 $4999/obo 541-647-8931 Peterbilt 359 p o table The Bulletin Classified Country Coach Intrigue water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 0 2002, 40' Tag axle. 3200 gal. tank, 5hp R Honda CR-Z EX coupe IBoats & Accessories 400hp Cummins Diep ump, 4 - 3 hoses, Wo~ ber! 2011, Hybrid VTEC, sel. two slide-outs. camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. CVT trans, low miles. 41,000 miles, new 541-820-3724 GMC V~ ton 1971, Only Vin ¹010255. tires & batteries. Most Subaru wagon 929 $19,700! Original low options.$85,000 OBO $16788 1991 Loyale 4x4, Toyota Corola 2011, mile, exceptional, 3rd 541 -678-571 2 Automotive Wanted 5-spd, updates, Keyless entry, cruise Laredo 2009 30' with 2 ) SUBA R U . owner. 951-699-7171 © $1950 obo. and tilt. slides, TV, A/C, table DONATE YOUR CAR2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Vin ¹630707. LEGAL NOTICE & c h airs, s a t ellite, 541-420-3277 16' SeaSwirl 1980 Fast Free Towing 24 877-266-3821 Foreclosure Notice, Arctic pkg., p o wer $13988 1990 4-Stroke 45hp hr. Response Tax Dlr ¹0354 Brosterhous S t orawning, Exc. cond! Honda Outboard, S UBA R U . Deduction U N I T ED $28,000. 541-419-3301 age, 61380 BrosterToyota 4Ru n n er $3000. Text B REAST C A N CER hous Road, Bend 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 9 7702. Notice o f 541-639-2479 297LK H i tch- F OUNDATION P r o - Jeep Comanche, 1990, 4WD, V6, 5 speed, Econoline RV 19 8 9 ,Nuyya 877-266-3821 Hiker 2007, 3 slides, foreclosure sale on fully loaded, exc. cond, 32' touring coach, left viding Free Mammo- original owner, 167K, t ow pkg., plus 4 Dlr ¹0354 17' 1984 Chris Craft S aturday Mar c h 35K m i. , R e duced kitchen, rear lounge, grams & Breast Can- 4WD, 5-spd, tags good studs tires on rims, <IRV - Scorpion, 140 HP cer Info 888-785-9788 till 9/2015, $3900 obo. Toyota Corolla 2004, 16th at 9:00 AM to r uns great. W a s $15,250. 541-546-6133 many extras, beautiful 541-633-7761 inboard/outboard, 2 (PNDC) auto., loaded, 204k satisfy lien against $ 5500, no w o n l y Hyundai Sonata 2012, c ond. inside 8 o u t , depth finders, trollorig. owner, non the following unit: $4000.541-659-1416 Four Winds Class very low miles, power miles. $32,900 OBO, Prineving motor, full cover, smoker, exc. c ond. Brad H e n dershott A 3 2 ' Hu r r icane ille. 541-447-5502 days windows, power locks Automotive Parts, EZ - L oad t railer, $6500 Prin e ville ¹514 (Small pickup 2007. CAN'T BEAT 8 541-447-1641 eves. and cruise. 940 503-358-8241 $3500 OBO. truck). Service & Accessories THIS! Look before Vin ¹321163. 541-382-3728. Vans y ou b u y , b e l o w Need help fixing stuff? $15999 market value! Size Call A Service Professional 4 C o n tinental t i r e s S UB A R U . 225/601 5 95%. $200. Plymouth 8 m i leage D OES find the help you need. B a r racuda 96 Ford Windstar & 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, 541-480-5950 matter! 12,500 mi, 1966, original car! 300 2000 Nissan Quest, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 all amenities, Ford Eclipse all season tires, hp, 360 V8, centerboth 7-passenger 877-266-3821 hp Bowrider w/depth V10, Ithr, c h erry, P235/60R-16 99T, (4) lines, (Original 273 Dlr ¹0354 finder, radio/CD player, vans, 160K miles, slides, like new! New eng & wheels incl.) $150. 541-678-2906 low prices, $1200 & rod holders, full canlow price, $54,900. 541-593-2597 vas, EZ Loader trailer, $2900, and worth 541-548-5216 Kenwood KAT 7285 60 In The Bulletin's print and exclnt cond, $13,000. every cent! PROJECT CARS: Chevy i ~l w att amplifier. $ 6 0 707-484-3518 (Bend) 541-318-9999 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & online Classifieds. obo. 541-382-0805 Gulfstream Scenic Coupe 1950 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th Studded tires, fits Merc Chevy rolling chassis's $1750 Cummins 330 hp die- wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Sable 205/75/14, $5 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, Chevy Astro TV,full awning, excel- ea. 541-475-1091 Hyundai Elantra Lmtd sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 complete car, $ 1949; Cargo Van 2001, in. kitchen slide out, lent shape, $23,900. 2012, very clean, satCadillac Series 61 1950, pw, pdl, great cond Studless snow tires, 225/ 541-350-8629 ellite radio, bluetooth, new tires,under cover, business car, well 60R-17, fit '13 Subaru 2 dr. hard top, complete hwy. miles only,4 door navigation. w/spare f r on t cl i p ., maint'd, regular oil Outback,less than 2500 Vin ¹271938. $20488 fridge/freezer ice$3950, 541-382-7391 18'IE' G l astron 2005, changes, $4500. miles, exc. cond. $350! Volvo V6, h i gh-end maker, W/D combo, 541-536-1789 Please call ~ S UBUBARUOPBEND BA RCOM U. 933 Interbath tub 8 equipped, less than 60 541-633-5149 Stud tires P265/70R16, Pickups 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. hrs, garaged, as close shower, 50 amp propane gen 8 more! l ow mi., l i k e n e w 877-266-3821 to new as you can get! $45,000. Sil v eradoC hevy L umina 1 9 9 5 Dlr ¹0354 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, $12,500. 541-550-7189 Pilgrim In t e rnational $400. 541-815-1523. Chevrolet 7 -pass. v a n wit h 541-948-2310 2001 4WD Reg. Cab. 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, We are three adorable, loving p ower c h a i r lif t , 2 500HD A .C , T o w Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Tick, Tock $1500; 1989 Dodge puppies looking for acaring home. package, Glass Tite Fall price $ 2 1,865. 541-312-4466 canopy, clean and re- Turbo Va n 7 - pass. Tick, Tock... Please call right away. $500. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner l iable, 167,300 m i , has new motor and 205 Run About, 220 t rans., $1500. I f i n RV CONS IGNMENTS $5150. 541-480-4136 ...don't let time get Add HP, V8, open bow, terested c a l l Ja y WANTED away. Hire a exc. cond., very fast We Do The Work ... 503-269-1057. Monaco Dynasty 2004, Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 Full Color Photos w/very low hours, Keep The Cash! professional out loaded, 3 slides, die- YouOn-site 1921 Model T 1971 new trans, 2 lots of extras incl. 975 credit For an additional sel, Reduced now new t i r es , ne w of The Bulletin's tower, Bimini 8 Delivery Truck approval team, Automobiles $119,000, 5 4 1 -923brakes, 2nd owner, s15 per week * custom trailer, Restored & Runs "Call A Service web site presence. 8572 or 541-749-0037 r uns/drives g o o d. $19,500. $9000. We Take Trade-Ins! Professional" '40 for 4 weeks* Make good wood 541-389-1413 RV CONSIGNMENTS 541-389-8963 Free Advertising. truck. $1995 OBO Directory today! WANTED BIG COUNTRY RV ('Specfai private party ratesapply to merchandise 541-350-2859 We Do The Work ... Bend: 541-330-2495 and automotive categories.) You Keep The Cash! Redmond: 541-548-5254 On-site credit Chevy Sil v erado BMW 740 IL 1998 orig approval team, 20.5' Seaswirl Spy2000, 1/2 ton, V-8, o wner, exc. c o n d Hyundai Sonata 2007 web site presence. Canopies & Campersi der 1989 H.O. 302, 8' box, bed liner, std 101k miles, new tires GLS, 64,700miles, We Take Trade-Ins! 285 hrs., exc. cond., cab, auto, 4x4, 54k loaded, sunroof. excellent cond, good Free Advertising. Canopy, fits '99-'07 Ford 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, mi., e xc . stored indoors for co n d ., $8900. 541-706-1897 tires, non-smoker, To place your ad, visit BIG COUNTRY RV 7-ftbed, white, exc cond, too many extras to list, $9000. life $11,900 OBO. new tags, $9500. or call 385-5809 Bend: 541-330-2495 call for details, $1100 $8500 obo. Serious buy- 541-977-6653 ~ Oo 541-379-3530 541-280-7352 Redmond: 541-548-5254 obo. 541-593-3331 ers only. 541-536-0123 MorePixatBendbulletil!,Com 800 Polaris, less than 250 mi, like new. 700 Polaris with less that 900 mi, like new. RMK; tag good until 2015. Asking $6000 for both, you will not believe how nice they are. (541) 350-6865
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There are a lot of reasons to love spring in a Subaru, including the great deals you can get on one. Find yours. Now through April 1.
IQ+I S U B A R U . C onf i d e n c e i n M o t i o n
FORESTERS 0.0% FINANCING UP TO 63 MONTHS 2013 S u b a r u Im p r e z a 2 .0 i P remium C V T
2013 S u b a r u X V Crosstre k 2.0i Premium CVT
All Weather Pkg, Heated Seats, Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Alloy Wheel Pkg. Leather -Wrapped Steering Wheel & Shift Knob. Navigation System, GPS Navigation w/LCD Touchscreen, XMSatellite Radio and XM NavTraffic, HD Radio, Rear Vision Camera, Popular Pkg ¹2: Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homlink, Bumper Applique Sedan, Cargo Tray 4D, All Weather Floor Maps
Navigation System: GPS Navigation w/LCD Touchscreen, XM Satellite Radio and XM NavTraffic, HD Radio, Rear Vision Camera. Popular Pkg. ¹2: Seat Back Protector, Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, Rear Bumper Cover, Splash Guard, All Weather Floor Mats
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installed options not included. Down payments cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit. DRB-10
installed options not included. Down payments cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit. DDA-Ol
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2013 S u b a r u Fore s t e r 2 .5 X T P remium 4 A T
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i 6MT
Auto Dim Mirror/Compass w/Homelink Splash Guard Kit, Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Tray
Standard Model. Rear Seat Back Protector.
MSRP $29,067. VIN: DH407964. Cap reduction $2,564.08. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 54% $15,696.18. No Security Deposit. Includes $450 Subaru Lease Cash.*Tier I financing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. & doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit. DFM-Ol
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Standard Model. Rugged Package ¹1. Aero Cross Bars. Rear Bumper Cover. Luggage Compartment Cover.
Power Moonroof. Auto-Dimming Mirror, Rear Vision Camera, Roof Rails. Front Bumper Underguard. Rear Bumper Cover. 7 Passenger
Automatic MSRP $29,067. VIN: DH407591. Cap reduction $2,564. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 54% $15,696.18. No Security Deposit. *Tier I linancing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8. doc, and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit. DFM-01
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3,095:":.-. 4S
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Automatic MSRP $35,729. VIN: D4400115. Cap reduction $3,258.5Z. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 45% $16,078.05. No Security Deposit. Includes $450 Subaru Lease Cash. *Tier I financing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic.IL doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit. DTD-04
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VIN: CH239954
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MarCh 2 - 8, 2015 lj tl,'
'All-Star Celebrity Apprentice'
-,.ti ~
Trace Adkins is a contestant on "All-Star Celebrity Apprentice" Sunday at 9 p.m. on NBC.
S '-
'Criminal Minds'
Jeanne Tripplehorn stars in "Criminal Minds" Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on
William Houston stars iin
"The Bible," premiering Sunday at 8 p.m. on History.
'Fashion Star' Nicole Richie is a celebrity mentor on "Fashion Star" Friday at 8 p.m. on NBC. . •
'4 4k
Py 4i„v
ames Sttdoktt Htgh Ft+eS
Howtoettw:SudokuiedhFivesconsistsottive reduiarSudokuoridssharindonesetots bv 3boxes. Eachrowcolumnandsetots bv3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 8 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.
3 4 9 5 3 6 1 8 2 7
8 2 6 1 7 3 9 7 4 8 2 5 5 4 1 9 3 6
S E S I W I N N O N A F 0 L I V E D E V I L S T E E D
S A I L 0
Guide to the
TV grids
TV Ratings: 'G': Generalaudience 'Y': Young children '7': Childrenover7 '14': Childrenover14 'PG': Parentalguidance 'M': Matureaudience only
Solution to last week's puzzle.
TV Crossword ACROSS 1. Mr. Saget 4. "Upstairs, Downstairs" star Jean 9. Cookie holder 12. "Wheel of Fortune" buy: 2 wcls. 13. 1979's "The — Syndrome" 14. Use plastic 15. Bruce Willis movie, "Alpha —" 16. Indiana basketballer 17. Josh Brolin's "Jonah —" 18. "—, humbug!" 20. Rosario's boss on "Will & Grace" 22. Actor Kevin 25. Ross and Rigg
28. Superhero film, "Green —" 30. 1970s series, "Love, American 31. "The Ice Storm" director Lee 32. Mayday signal 34. Mr. Young 35. "The X-Files w actor Pileggi 38. Marcia of "The Bob Newhart Show" 41. Luke Wilson's dolcl —" 43.
worker 44. Throw out 46.Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo 47. Debate position 49. Song of praise 51. "—: Miami"
54. George Clooney movie, wUp in the —"
55. Sidestep 56. "Jeopardy!" champ Jennings 57. Animated hit, "— Story" 58. Direct elsewhere 59. Actor McKellen
DOWN 1. "The — News Bears" 2. Sean Lennon's mom 3. With "The," u nerdy wsitcom: 3 wds. 4. Katharine of "Smash" 5. "Bingo!" 6. Humphrey
Bogart's "Casablanca" role 7. Golfing great Sam 8. Richard or Ed 9. He's Leonard on 3 Down: 2 wds. 10. Shock and11. He played Professor Henry Higgins 19. Emulate Olivier 21. 2006's wHow to
— Fried Worms" 22. Hits hard 23. Jodie Foster's "— Room" 24. Annual measurements of time: abbr. 26. "Brady Bunch" housekeeper 27. Rock musician Bob 29. Vietnam movie,
"Apocalypse —" 33. Down in the dumps 36. "Cougar Town" star 37. Actor Dennis 39. Thinner 40. Dog breed, for short 42. "— It to Beaver" 45. Table extender 47. Mr. Morita 48. Michael Caine film "Blame It on —" 50. Summery drink 52. Discovery Channel's "Bering — Gold" 53. Ingrid Bergman's "The — of the Sixth Happiness"
25 29
32 36
39 43
45 49
46 50
44 47
© 20 1 3 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS
Common symbols: A: In stereo «; Closed captioning iTV: Interactive TV program N: Program is new PA: Parental advisory DVS: Descriptive video service El: Educational/ instructional D: Dialogue L:Language S: Sexual situations V: Violence HD scheduling, please note: Schedulesarebased on standard-definition (SD) channels. High-definition (HD) channelsmay vary by threehours when aWestCoast programming feedis not available toyourTV provider. Please refer to your provider's interactive TV guidefor detailed HD channelschedules
TV • PAGE 3 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
c II
Good Morning America (N) «
Today Author Sandra Boynton; comfort food.(N) n cc
KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «
Jack Hanna's Wild OceanMysteries Born to Explore 'G' Recipe RehabHoli- Food for Thought Sea Rescue 'G' « Countdown Wi t h Jeff Corwin«(DVS) daySides 'G' (DVS) The Chica Show Pajanimals (El) 'Y Poppy Cat (El) 'Y' Justin Time (El) 'Y' Gymnastics AT&T American CupFromWorcester, Mass.(N) n (Live) cc
(5:00) CBS This Morning: Saturday Doodlebops (El) Doodlebops n (El) Busytown Myster Busytown Myster- College Basketball Louisville atSyracuse(N)(Live) « College Basketball WestVirginia at "l' cc 'Y' cc (CBS) (N) n cc ies n (El) 'Y' ies n (El) 'Y' Kansas(N)(Live) cc Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries Born to Explore 'G' SeaRescue'G' «Recipe Rehab Holi Food for Thought Steel Dreams Cars. TVSEMA KOHD 0 0 0 Q Pa id Program Animal Adven- Good Morning America (N) « 'Q' cc tures With Jeff Corwin «(DVS) Show 'PCi' cc (ABC) Countdown (DVS) day Sides'G' Nutrisystem Suc 10 Minute Trainer Shaun T's InsanityCook with No KFXO ID~ IE) lEf IE) Paid Program Paid Program Awesome Adven. Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco Companyn Teen Kids News Paid Program mals 'G' cc (El) 'G' cc (N) 'G' cc (FOX) tures'G' the Wild 'G' cess Flame 'G' Super Why! n (El) SciGirls n 'G' cc Cyberchase n 'Y' Fetch! With Ruff The Victory Gar- P. Allen Smith's Sewing With Sew It All n 'G' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (5:00) MasterpieceDaniel Tiger's C u rious George 'Y' Cat in the Hat 'Y' cc Neighborhood cc (DVS) Kno w s a Lot cc(DVS) (PBS) Classic n Ruff man 'Y' den Light 'G' Garden Home Nancy 'G' « NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N) « LazyTown n (El) Poppy Cat (El) 'Y' Justin Time (El) 'Y' Gymnastics AT&T American CupFromWorcester, Mass.(N) n (Live) « KGW 'Y' cc (NBC) AM(N) « Justice League Dragon Ball Z Kai WWESaturday Yu.Gi-Oh! n Yu.Gi-Oh! Zexal KTVZDT2IE) Q Q Q Paid program WEN Hair Care Rescue Heroes Rescue Heroes Sonic X n 'Y7' cc Sonic X n 'Y7' cc Transformers 'Q' cc 'Q' cc 'Y7' cc (N) n 'Y7' cc Prime 'Y7' Unlimited 'Y7' Morning Slamn 'Y7' cc (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 B B C Newsnight Washington Asia Biz Great Decisions Scully: World I n side Wash'ton McLaughlin Tru th-Money W e althTrack B i z Kid$ n 'G' F reedom Riders: American KBNZ
Criminal Minds InHeat J.J. meets acol- Criminal Minds MayhemTerrorist Criminal MindsReidand Prentiss are Flip This House Arun-downthree-bed- Flipping Boston Twonewproteges league. n '14' cc bombing. n '14' cc taken hostage. n '14' cc room colonial. 'PG' cc have much tc learn. 'PG' cc The Rifleman 'G' «The RiflemanThe The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman The Rifleman 'G' «The RiflemanThe The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman 'AMC 'PQ' cc Marshal 'G' Bloodlines 'PG' Prodigal'G' *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Big Cat Diary 'G' Big Cat Diary 'G' Pit Boss Surprise, Surprise n '14' M u st Love Cats n 'PG' cc Dogs101 n'G' cc Dogs101 Most Extreme 'PG' cc Cat s 101 n 'G' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Top Chef: Seattle Finale'14 Top Chef: Seattle Finale '14 The Rachel Zoe Project '14' « The Rachel Zoe Project '14' « The Rachel Zoe Project '14' « The Rachel Zoe Project '14' « CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG CMT Music n 'PG CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Social Hour n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 CNBC 54 36 40 52 CookSafe TRIA Agele$$ Cooking Say No to Botox! Paid Program Shaun T's Cook Safe Wei ght Loss Kit chen Trainln10! Sex i est Bodies of 2013! CNN 55 38 35 48 Sat. Morning Y o ur Bottom C N N Saturday Morning (N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Asylum Paid Program Cindy Crawford ** "Police Academy" (1 984)Steve Guttenberg, KimCattrall. cc ** "Semi-Pro"(2008, Comedy)Wil Ferrell, WoodyHarrelson. cc COM 135 53 135 47 Zumba Fit COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal U.S. BorderSecurity (N) (8:40) Dr. OzSpeaks to Governors Attorney Gen. (9:50) Assault WeaponsBan (N) 'DIS 87 43 1439 Octonauts n ' Y' MickeyMouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Sofia the First Never Land Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie D o g With a Blog J essie n G Jes s ie G « *DISC 156 21 16 37 GetSubD Insanity Workout Zumba Dance Paid Programn Paid Programn Paid Programn Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc The Devils Ride BadOut'14' cc *E! 136 2 5 Ge t Sub D Cin d y Crawford Kourtney and Take Kim Miami '14' Kourtney and KimTakeMiami '14' Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14' E! News (N) Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc College GameDay(N) (Live) cc College Basketball Alabamaat Florida (N) (Live) College Basketball ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Fishing BassmasterClassic, Day1 English Premier League Soccer: ManchesterUnited vs Norwich City College Basketball Butler atVirginiaCommonwealth(N)(Live) College Basketball *** "Gunnin' for ThatNo. 1 Spot" (2008, Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 "Push:Madison Versus Madison" (7:15) TheStreet StopsHere n 'PG' « Second ChanceSeason cc H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 Interruption NB A Tonight H- L ite Ex SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter acc *** "SpyKids2: TheIsland of Lost Dreams" (2002),CarlaGugino FAM 67 29 19 41 Insanity! Insanity Workout Boy Meet World Boy MeetWorld *** "Spy Kids" (2001)Antonio Banderas Carla Gugino.Premiere FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00)FOXandFriendsSaturday B u l lsandBears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin' In (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Journal Editorial FOX News *FOOD 17762 98 44 PaidProgram Be s t Thing Ate Best Dishes B'foot Contessa Giada at Home Fifty Shades of Barbecue Addi. Guy's Big Bite Best- Made B e s t Dishes Pioneer Wo Trisha's Sou FX 131 TRIA Insanity Workout How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 176 49 33 43 Cindy Crawford Insanity Workout Disaster DIY 'G' Leave-Bryan Buying and Selling 'G' cc Property Bro P r operty Bro Bath Crashers Bath Crashers Yard Crashers Kitchen Crash. *HIST 155 42 41 36 HealthForum Fat Loss Modern Marvels BibleTech 'G' Bible Battles 'PG' cc America's Greatest Feud:The History of the Hatfields & McCoys'PG' LIFE 138 39 20 31 GetSubD Paid Program Montel Williams Kitchen Muffin Top? 'G' Zumba Fit Dancer's Body Drop Lbs! PaidProgram WEN Hair Care Dance Moms ByeByeBaby'PG' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Chris Hayes(N) Mel i ssa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) MSNBCLive (N) MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Failosophy '14 Failoophy s '14' Teen Mom 2LoveHurtsn 'PG' Snooki NICK 82 46 24 40 Peter Rabbit 'Y' Peter Rabbit 'Y' Odd Parents O d d Parents Sp o ngeBob Sp o ngeBob Spongegob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut Dr. Philn'PG' « Home Made Simple (N)'G' « Solved Broken Vowsn '14' « Solved ShatteredSilence'14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Dr. Phil Drug addict in jail. n 'PG' D r . Phil n 'PG' « Pac-12 Playbook Pac-12 Playbook Pac-12 Playbook Pac-12 Playbook PAC12 47 31031031012 Best: Socc College Basketball WashingtonState at Arizona SPIKE 132 31 34 46 WeightLoss Say No to Pain Cook Safe CleanHome P a id Program n Insanity Workout Xtreme 4x4'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' « M u s cleCar 'G Bellator MMALive n ** "Growth" (2009,Horror) MirceaMonroe,Christopher Shand SYFY 133 35 133 45 Cook Safe Paid Program No Defrosting Zumba Fit No D efrosting Cook Safe Stranded Star Island'PG' TBN 205 60 130 The Lads TV (El) Auto B. Good 'G Come onOver Mary.Hopkins Lassie 'G' cc D a vey I Goliath Ishine Knect 'G' Insp. Station V e ggieTales 'Y' 3-2-1 Penguins! God Rocks! 'Y' Monstertruck Married... With Married... With Home Improve- Home Improve- Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry's MeetAre WeThereYet? According to Jim King of the NerdsPhysicsdetermine ** f Manofthe Year" (2006)RobinWil 'TBS 'PG' n 'PG Children n 'PG' ment 'G' cc ment'G' «Ho use of Payne the Browns The Pass'PG' the NerdWarwinner. '14' liams, LauraLinney. « (5:30) **** "ElmerGantry" (1960)Burt Lancaster, JeanSimmons. Accn man *** "Inherit theWind"(1960, Drama)Spencer Tracy,Fredric March,GeneKelly (10:15) **** "Some Like ltHot" (1959) TonyCurtis, Jack Lemmcn.Twc gang TCM Bible orator andliberal lawyer debate Darwinism. « land murderwitnesses disguise themselvesas women. « joins an evangelist sister in the 1920s Midwest. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Paid Program n Zumba Dance Paid Program n TRIA Jillian Michaels Pretty Women Moving Up n 'G' « Moving Up n 'G'e« s Moving Up n 'PG' « Law & OrderReturn Amurdersuspect Law & Order Racially chargedmurder Law & Order AmendsNewevidence Law &OrderThinIceA hockeycoachis Dallas BlameGameAn outsider threat Monday Mornings Thesurgeonsare *TNT flees to Israel. n '14' investigation. '14' «(DVS) revives 20-year-oldcase.'14' found beaten todeath. '14' ens the Ewingfamily. '14' divided. '14' « *TOON 84 Looney Tunes LooneyTunes Scan2Go (N)'Y7' Johnny Testn Beyblade: Metal Pokemon:BW Ben 10 Star Wars: Clone Green Lantern Young Justice Tom andJerry Tom and Jerry *TRAV 179 51 45 42 PaidProgram Consumer Whe n Vacations Attack 'PG' « Mys t eries at the Museum 'PG Best Parks Ever Best Parks Ever Ultimate RVGetaways 'G' « RV Crazy! 'G' « 3's Company TVLND 65 47 29 35 3'sCompany (7:12) Three'sCompany'PG'cc 3 ' s Company 3 ' s Company Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 CookSafe Sexiest Bodies Cook Safe Zum ba Fit Dee p Clean Say No to Botox!Cheers n 'PG Psych Henryfights for his life. 'PG' White Collar The Original 'PG' Oce a n's Thirteen VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown (N)'PG' Top 20 Video Countdown (N) 'PG' * * * "Dirty Dancing" (1987) n *A&E 130 28 18 32 lnsamtyWorkout TheCelebrlty Bucket List
City Slickers ll-Curly's Gold" (9:20) *** "Casper"1995 Christina Ricci. n 'PG (9:45) **"HomeA/one2: Lostin New york"1992, ComedyMacaulayCulkin. 'PG' « 34 UFC: Munozvs. Weidman UFC: Struve vs. Miocic 28 301 27 301 EuropeanPGATour Golf TshwaneOpen, Third RoundDarren Clarke is amongthose expected to compete. FromSouth Africa Golf Central P G A Tour Golf Honda Classic, Third Round(N) (Live) HALL 66 33 175 33 I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' I Love Lucy 'G' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls *** Class(2010) PG « HBO 425 501 425501 ** "Kingpin"1996,ComedyWoody Harrelson. n 'PG-13' cc Tower Heist Bobby McFerrin ** "Battleship" 2012,ScienceFiction Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' cc Parade's End 'MA' « IFC 105 105 (4:45) ** "The LastLegion" ThreeStooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Portlandia '14' Portlandia '14' Portlandia '14' Portlandia '14' Portlandia '14' MAX 400 508 508 (5:30) *** "The LongRiders" (7:10) *** "Parenthood" 1989Steve Martin. n 'PG-13' cc (9:15) ** "Green Lantern" 2011RyanReynolds. n 'PG-13' cc (11:15) ** "TcroWeeksNotice" NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Bill Dance Bass 2 Billfish Saltwater Fish Hunt/Big Fish Saltwater Exp. Into the Blue 'G Charlie Moore Snowboarding BurtonU.S.Open2013(N) (Live) College Basketball Wicked Tuna: Hooked Up'14 Diggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG Diggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG' NGC 157 157 * * * "K illing Lincoln" (2013)Bily Campbell, JesseJohnson. '14 Diggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG NTOON 89 115189115 Supah Ninjas 'G Supah Ninjas 'G' Power Rangers Power Rangers NFL RushZone Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen n Dragonball GT Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Penn'sBig Trevor Gowdy Velvick'sEyes Spanish Fly OUTD 37 307 43 307 Zona's Show H o o k.N-Look Gold Fever Alaskan Alaska Outdoors Major LeagueFishing ** "New york, /Love You"2009Shia LaBeouf. 'R' SHO 500 500 U nion Square (6:45) ** "EarthGirlsAre Easy"1989 GeenaDavis. 'PG' e«s (10:15) "TheOther FWord" 2011,Documentary n 'NR' « SPEED 35 303 125 303Gearz'G' Hot Rod TV 'PG' Hot Rod TV 'G' Guys Garage Trackside At... (N) (Live) NASCARRacing NASCARRacing NASCARLive ** "XXX: Stateolthe Union" 2005Ice Cube. « That's My Boy STARZ 300408300408 (5:35) ** "ConnieandCarla" n (7:15) *** "Winnie the Pooh"2011 n 'G' « (8:20) *** "Arthur Christmas" 2011 n 'PG' « TMC 525 525 (4:45) TheForger *** "The Parent Trap"1961 HayleyMils. Premiere. n 'G' « (8:40) ** "Adventuresin Babysilfing"1967 ElisabethShue. 'PG-13 (10:25) ** "Dickie Roberts: FormerChild Star" n *WE 143 41 174118 Insanity Workout Zumba Dance Joan 8 Melissa: Joan Joan & Melissa: Joan The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
106 401 306401(5:50) ** "Nadine"1967 Jeff Bridges. 'PG' «
104204104120 TheLost World
(7:20) ** "KindergartenCop"1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger.'PG-13 FernGully: TheLast Rain/orest" ** * " Voyage to the Bottom olthe Sea"1961 Walter Pidgeon. 'PG
THE BULLETIN «MARCH 2 — 8, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
Portable Cook The Bachelor SeanTells All Seantalks Say No to Botox! Cash Cab n top 'G' 'PG' 'PQ' cc about his journey sofar. 'PG' (ABC) KTVZ O O O O PGA Tour Golf Honda Classic, Third RoundFromPalmBeach Gardens, Fla. (N) n (Live) cc Christina is 58, Looks 42! 'G'
ESPNSports Saturday (N)
l l
KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News (N)n cc Extra(N) n PG cc
Fat Loss for Food LazyTown n (El) Noodle and Paid Program Y cc Lovers G Doodle (El) 'Y' (11:00) College Basketball WestVir- College Basketball Kentucky at Arkansas(N) (Live) « Exploration Wl Explore the North- Paid Program Paid Program The Sprinkle Diet CBS Evening KBNZ (CBS) ginia at Kansas(N)(Live) cc Jarod Miller west News (N) cc Sports Stars of Today's Hom- KEZI 9 Newsat ABC World News KOHD O O O O DermaWand 'G' Derm Exclusive! The Bachelor SeanTells All Seantalks ESPNSports Saturday (N) 'PG' about his journey sofar. 'PG' Tomorrow 'Y7' eowner (ABC) 5:00 (N) « Paid Program CSE MiamiJust OneKiss Murderona KFXO IIg IEI @ IEI ** "Brother Bear 2"(2006)Voicesof Patrick Dempsey,MandyMoore.Animated ** "Flightplan"(2005,Suspense)Jodie Foster, PeterSarsgaard, ErikaChris- Paid Program (FOX) A bear helps afriend travel throughthe wilderness. tensen. Afrantic widowsearches for her daughter onanairplane. beach. n '14' « RoughCut — Hometime 'G'« Ask This Old This Old House n The Lawrence KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Fons & Porter's Quilting Arts n Simply Ming n America's Test Sara's Weeknight MotorWeekCadil Woodwright's 'G' cc 'Q' cc 'Q' cc Kitchen lac ATS(N)'G' Shop n 'G' Welk Show 'G' (PBS) Love of Quilting Meals 'G' Woodworking House 'G' cc PGA TourGolf HondaClassic, Third RoundFromPalmBeach Gardens, Fla. (N) n (Live) « Mom Is 57, Looks Noodle and T h e Chica Show Pajanimals (El) 'Y NewsChannel 8at NewsChannel8at KGW 27! Doodle (El) 'Y' (N) (El) 'Y' (NBC) 5PM (N) « 5:3 0 PM (N) T y ler Perry's Tyler Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's Meet *** "District 9" (2009,ScienceFiction) SharltoCopley, JasonCope. SouthAfrica KTVZDT2IEI ~ gy @ ChatRoom n (El) On the Spot n (El) Star Wars: The Clone WarsPersonal Tyler Perry's 'Q' cc 'Q' cc attachments. 'PG' House of Payne House of Payne the Browns the Browns assigns a restricted areafor extraterrestrial refugees. « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 F r eedom Riders: American Wild! Man Among Lions 'G' cc Nature 'PG' «(DVS) Inside Nature's Giants 'PG' Richard Essential Pepin Cooking Class
Southie Rules Southie Rules Southie Rules(N) Southie Rules (N) Southie Rules (N) Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars '14' cc '14' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Who's the Boss? '14' cc (N) cc The Rifleman 'G' «The RiflemanSkull The Rifleman 'G' «*** "Appa/oosa" (2008,Western) Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen Renee Zellweger.Twolawmencontend *** "Braveheart"(1995, Historical Drama)Mel Gibson, SophieMarceau. A Scot'AMC 'Q' cc with a malevolentrancher. « tish rebel rallies hiscountrymenagainst England. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MyCatFromHellBitten'PG'cc America's Cutest Cat2010 n 'PG' America's Cutest Pet 'PG' cc Too Cute! ExtraSpecial Pets n 'G' Too Cute! Pool Puppies'PG' « Too Cute! n'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Rachel Zoe Project '14' s« s T h e Rachel Zoe Project '14' « The Rachel Zoe Project '14' « VanderpumpRules '14' VanderpumpRules LastCall '14' H o usewives Sh a hs of Sunset CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30) Hot 20Countdown (N) n 'PG' cc (2:15) Reba'PG' (2:45) Reba'PG' (3:15) Reba 'PG' (3:45) Reba 'PG' (4:15) Reba 'PG' (4:45) "National Lampoon'sEuropeanVacation" n CNBC 54 36 40 52 Mom Looks 27 Insanity Workout Get Sub D Jill ian Michaels WEN Hair Care Paid Program Paid Program Insanity Workout Money in Motion How I, Millions American Greed CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:00)CNNNewsroom(N) Sanjay Gupta CNN Newsroom(N) The Situation Room CNN Newsroom(N) Waco-Faith, Fear andFire *** "BadSanta" (2003)Bily BobThornton, TonyCox. cc ** "National Lampoon's Van Wilder" (2002)RyanReynolds. cc COM 135 53 135 47 ** "ScaryMovie4" (2006, Comedy)AnnaFaris, Craig Bierko. cc COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (9:50) Assault WeaponsBan(N) News Politics and Public Affairs Digital Privacy (N) Communicators First Lady MarthaWashington (N) Rosa Parks 'DIS 87 43 14 39 DogWithaBlog DogWithaBlog Jessie 'G' « Jes s ie 'G' « Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Good-Charlie G o od-Charlie Good-Charlie D og With a Blog *DISC 156 21 16 37 AuctionKings Pick-Off Special'PG Auction Kings Auction Kings Property Wars Property Wars Silver Rush Odyssey'sVictory 'PG' Dual Survival n '14' cc Dual Survival TwinPeaks n '14' *E! 136 2 5 Fas hion Police The Soup '14' Giuliana & Bill 'PG' Giuliana 8 Bill 'PG' Giuliana 8 Bill BabyMama?'PG' G i uliana & Bill Surgery Day'PG' Giuliana & Bill 'PG' ESPN 21 23 22 23 College Basketball College Basketball Texas at OklahomaState (N) (Live) College Basketball Miamiat Duke(N)(Live) College GameDay(N) (Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CollegeBasketball Countdown N A SCAR Racing Nationwide Series: DollarGeneral 200(N)(Live) College Basketball KansasState at Baylor (N) (Live) *** "Throughthe Fire" (2005, Documentary) « **** "Hoop Dreams"(1994)Wiliam Gates. Profiles twoChicago NBAhopefuls fromage14 to 18. « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (11:00) SecondChanceSeason ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N)(Live)s« s SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "Race toWitchMountain" (2009, Adventure) DwayneJohnson *** "Alicein Wonderland" (1951), EdWynn FAM 67 29 19 41 ** "AliensintheAttic" (2009) Carter Jenkins. Premiere Lady & Tramp FNC 57 61 36 50 Stossel America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17762 98 44 Chopped MakeNo Mi stake Sugar DomeDangersof the Deep Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout Diners, Drive Diners, Drive I r on Chef America Flay Vs. Wexler *** "Taken" (2008,Action) LiamNeeson,MaggieGrace ** "TheKarateKid" (2010,Drama)JadenSmith FX 131 Two/Half Men * * * "Salt" (2010, ActioAngel n) inaJolie, Liev Schreiber. HGTV 176 49 33 43 House Crashers House Crashers Love It or List It 'G' « Island Hunters Island Hunters Hawaii Life 'G' Hawaii Life 'G' Hawaii Life 'G' Hawaii Life 'G' Hawaii Life 'G' Hawaii Life 'G' *HIST 155 42 41 36 PawnStars'PG' PawnStars'PG' Hatfields& McCoys(Part1of3)'14' cc Hatfields & McCoys(Part 2 of 3)'14' cc Haffields & McCoys '14' cc LIFE 138 39 20 31 ** "FifteenandPregnant" (1998, Drama)Kirsten Dunst. '14' « ** "MyBaby lsMissing" (2007,Drama)Gina Philips. '14' « ** "SomeoneElse's Child" (1994)Lisa HartmanBlack. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (11:00) MSNBCLive(N) Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Video Vigilantes Lockup New Mexico *** "FreedomWriters" (2007) Hilary Swank.n MTV 192 22 38 57 Snooki 10 onTop 'PG' Catfish:TheTV Show n Caffish: The TVShowReunion n BabyTalk 2 Teen Mom 2LoveHurtsn 'PG f NICK 82 46 24 40 Odd Parents S p ongeBob Po wer Rangers SpongeBob Odd Parents O d d Parents ** * ffugratsin Paris: TheMovie" (2000) n « Victorious n 'G' iCarly n 'G' cc Solved TheDark Side '14' « Solved PoisonedbyLoven '14' Solved Lost Decades n '14' « Solv ed Last Man Standing n '14' S o l ved Writtenin Blood '14's«s OWN 161 103 31 103 Solved Burden ofProof'14' « PAC12 47 310310310 Women's College Basketball Stanford atWashingtonState (N) (Live) Women's CollegeGymnastics ArizonaState at Arizona(N)(Live) College Wrestling Pac12Championship (N) (Live) *** "Batman Begins" (2005)Christian Bale.Bruce Waynebecomes GothamCity's DarkKnight. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 * "Skyline"(2010,ScienceFiction) Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson.n Auction Hunters Auction Hunters ** "Outlander" (2008,Action) JamesCaviezel, Ron Perlman. « SYFY 133 35 133 45 *** "Splinter"(2008, Horror) SheaWhigham,Paulo Costanzo Species:TheAwakening" (2007) Helena Mattsson, BenCross TBN 205 60130 Paws & Tal Chr. World News Praise the Lord 'Y' « In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley es Heroes &LegendsofBible Gaither: Precious Memories *** "Bladesol Glory" (2007, Comedy)Wil Ferrell, Jon Heder, Wil Arnett. Rival Everybody Loves Friends n '14' cc Friends n '14' cc Friends n '14' cc Friends n '14' cc (1 1:00) ** "Man ofthe year" (2006,Cornedy) RobtnWi 'TBS 16 6 27 1 11128 28 Iiams Laura Linney cc male skaterscompete as apair. «(DVS) Raymond (10:15) "SomeLike *** "TheFortuneCookie" (1966) JackLemmon,Walter Matthau. A litigious (2:45) **** "TheApartment" (1960,Comedy-Drama)Jack Lemmon,Shirley MacLaine, FredMacMur **** "Aroundthe World in60 Days" TCM lt Hot" « brother-in-law urgesaninjured TVcameramanto sue. « ray. A corporateclimber lets his boss andothers usehis home. « (1956) DavidNiven. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Moving Up Desi gnDivas'PG's «s Cellblock 6: FemaleLock Up'14 Cellblock 6: FemaleLock Up'14' C e llblock 6: Female Lock Up'14' C e llblock 6: Female Lock Up'14 Cellbl ock6:FemaleLockUp'PG Sout ad abe Wsdispatc sys Boston's Finest OfficerJennPenton Forensic Files *** "CatchMeil you Can"(2002, Comedy-Drama)Leonardo DiCaprio, TomHanks, Christopher Walken. Ateenagescam ** "NationalTrea *TNT '14' cc sure"(2004) tem breaksdown. n '14' cc patrols Boston. '14' « artist poses as apilot, surgeon andlawyer. «(DVS) *TOON 84 Johnny Test n Johnny Test n Johnny Test n Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball MAD 'PG' Incredible Crew Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show *TRAV 179 5145 42 Manv.Food'G' Manv.Food'G Man v Food M a n v Food Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Mys t eries at the Museum 'PG' Mys t eries at the Museum 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The CosbyShow ** "Underworld: Rise oltheLycans" (2009)Michael Sheen. « *** "Terminator 3: Rise olthe Machines" (2003), Nick Stahl « USA 15 30 23 30 (11:30) *** "Ocean's Thirteen"(2007)GeorgeClooney. « VH1 191 48 37 54 (11:00) *** "DirtyDancing" (1987)Jennifer Grey. (1:40) MobWives n '14' cc (2:45) La La's Full Court Life 'PG' La La's Life (3:50) Black InkCrew n '14' (4:55) Love &HipHop n '14' *A&E 130 28 18 32 FIIPPtng Boston House with a nosyneighbor. 'PG'buyersclash
106401 306401 "City Slickersll-Curly'sGold" (1:05)*"GetCarter"2000, Suspense SylvesterStallone. n'R' « (2:50) ** "TheRecruit" 2003Al Pacino. n 'PG-13' ** "TheX-Files: I Wantto Believe" 2008David Duchovny. 'PG-13 104204104120 * "Me, Myself & Irene"2000,ComedyJim Carrey, ReneeZellweger. 'R' s«s
(4:45) *** "Dazed and Contused" 1993'R' « FXM Presents * * * "Cast Away" 2000 'PG-13
UFC: Franklin vs. LeRichFranklin vs. CungLe. FromMacau, China. UFC: Baraovs. McDonald 28 301 27 301 PGATour Golf HondaClassic, Spotlight Coverage(N)(Live) Feherty Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf HSBCWomen's Champions,Third Round(N) ** "Personally yours" 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33 (11:00) *** "C/ass" (2010) 'PG Notes From the Heatt Healer" (2012, Drama)Genie Francis. 'PG' « SecondHoneymoon" (2001)RomaDowney,Tim Matheson.'PG'« HBO 425501 425501 Parade's End 'MA' « ** "JohnsonFamily Vacation" 2004 'PG-13' cc Parade's End 'MA' « Parade's End 'MA' « Parade's End 'MA' « (5:45)Battleship Rising" 2009, Action MadsMikkelsen. 'NR *** "ThePerfect Storm" 2000 IFC 105 10 5 P o rtlandia '14' P ortlandia '14' Portlandia '14' Portlandia '14' P ortlandia '14' P ortlandia '14' *** "Valhalla ** "HallPass" 2011 OwenWilson. n 'R' cc ** "The Hangover Part ll"2011 MAX 400 508 508 (11:15) ** "Two WeeksNotice" (2:45) **** "MillionDollarBaby" 2004, DramaClint Eastwood. n 'PG-13' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 College Basketball College Basketball UNLV at Nevada(N)(Live) College Basketball Harvard atPennsylvania(N) (Live) MLS Soccer: United atDynamo Diggers 'PG Diggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG' Diggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG Alaska StateTroopers'14' Alaska StateTroopers '14 NGC 157 15 7 D i ggers 'PG Diggers 'PG' NTOON 89 115189115 Avatar: Air Avatar: Air T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard NFL RushZone Planet Sheen n T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Odd Parents O d d Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 Fishing Univ Lindners Fish Hook-N-Look Buccaneers Bottom Feeders Familiar Waters Outdoors Flyrod Outdoors Team Journal Outdoors Ste v e's Outdoor *** "Primary Colors"1998, Comedy-Drama John Travolta. n 'R' « SHO 500 50 0 In s ide Comedy Mumford & Sons: Road NobelSon"2007,SuspenseAlan Rickman, BryanGreenberg. n 'R SPEED 35 303125303 NASCARRacing Monster Jam On the Edge(N) Rolex Sports Car SeriesRacing AustinFromCircuit of TheAmericas in Austin,Texas. (N) SPEEDCenter STARZ 300 408300408 (11:45) * "That's My Boy" 2012AdamSandler. 'R' (1:45) ** "Colombiana" 2011,Action ZoeSaldana. n 'PG-13' « Starz Studios n (3:50) *** "Arthur Christmas" 2011 n 'PG' « Man ol House ** "Fall Time"1995 Mickey Rourke. 'R' « ** "Touchback" 2011'PG-13 TMC 525 525 (12:05) *"TheTrouble WithBliss" 2011 n 'PG-13' (1:45) *** "MyLeft Foot"1989 DanielDay-Lewis. 'R' « *WE 143 41 174118 TheGolden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Joan & Melissa: Joan Joan & Melissa: Joan Joan 8 Melissa: Joan 34
TV • PAGE 5 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
c II
KATU Newsat 6 Johnny Cash, Jeopardy! 'G' « Wheel of Fortune Once Upon aTime Searching for Gold's 20/20 n 'PG' « KATU Newsat11 Castle Nikki Heat n 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc Hank Williams (ABC) (N) n cc son in NewYork. 'PG' « (N)n cc KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel21NBCNightly NewsJeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune American Ninja Warrior Tackling a Chicago Fire Nazdarovya!Dawsontries Saturday Night Live Host LouisC.K.; NewsChannel 21 (11:29) Saturday 'Q' cc (NBC) at 6 (N) cc (N) cc challengingobstacle course. 'PG' to help herbrother. n '14' Fun performs. n '14' « at11 (N) « Nig h t Live '14' Burn Notice Do NoHarmMichael helps New Adventures New Adventures Hawaii Five-0 KaleleMcGarrett's sister Golden Boy PilotWalter is interviewed 48 Hours Awomanhelps locate her KOIN Local 6at11 (11:35) Baggage KBNZ '14' cc lover's wife. (N) n cc (CBS) a desperatefather. 'PG' of Old Christine of Old Christine is arrested. n '14' « about his career. 'PG' cc (N) cc Onc e Upon a Time Searchingfor Gold's 20/20 n 'PG' « KEZI9Newsat Best SexEver'PG' KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment Tonight (N) n « (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « son in NewYork. 'PG' « 11:00 cc Hell's Kitchen Theteamsmust cook MindsL.D.S.K.Broaddaylight. Cops (N) n (PA) Cops n (PA) The Following TheFall Carroll's true News Channel 21 Two and aHalf KFXO l(g g) @ g) Bones Mummy in theMazeAHalloween Criminal n '14' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (FOX) killer. n '14' cc intentions arerevealed. '14' First on FOX M en '14' cc four lambdishes. n (PA) '14' City andthe My Family Harper As Time GoesBy New TricksDisappearanceofphysics Masterpiece Mystery! Zen:VendettaA KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (5:30)TheLaw- LastoftheSum Art Wolfe's Trav- Rick Steves' Eu- Globe Trekker Panama 'PQ' cc vs Harper (PBS) rence WelkShow mer Wine n 'G' elstotheEdge rope 'G' «Panama Canal.n 'PG' professor. n cc man seeksrevenge.'PG' NBC Nightly News Trail Blazers HomeNBA Basketball MinnesotaTimberwolves at PortlandTrail Blazers Fromthe RoseGarden in Portland Chicago Fire S a turday Night Live HostLouisC.K NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday KGW Court Nazdarovya! '14' Fun performs. n '14' « Night Live '14' (NBC) (N) cc Ore. (N)(Live) 11(N) cc Cheaters Adulation from unavailable Cops n '14' cc Cops LasVegas, That '70s Show n That '70s Show n The Jeremy Kyle Show(N) n 'PG' cc KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ * "DeathWishIII" (1985) CharlesBronson,DeborahRaffin, Ed Lauter. Paul '14' « 'PQ' cc Kersey goesafter a murderous NewYork street gang. « men. n '14' « Nevada n '14' (CW) *** "Champagnefor Caesar" (1950)RonaldColman, CelesteHolm. OPBPL 175 17 3 M i dsomer Murders 'PG' « Music Makers Underground X e rox Rochester Intl. Jazz Festival Austin City Limits n 'PG' cc KATU
Flipping Boston Petegets creativewith (11:01) Flipping Vegas Anunholy 3 28 1 8 32 Flipping Helcc pfulDaveputsa hot a Flipping Vegas'PNasty FlippingatVegas s charitableact a tiny condo.(N)'PG' « listing onBoston hold. 'PG' filthy condo. G' « surprises await in Flipping infestedVegas home.'PScott G' ccpurchasesa mold- comes acost. Scott' 'PG' cc stench won't goaway. 'PG' cc (4:00) *** "Braveheaif"(1995, Historical Drama)Mel Gibson, SophieMarceau. A *** "The Lordofthe Rings: TheTwoTowers" (2002, Fantasy)Elijah Wood, lan McKellen, Liv Tyler. Premiere. Membersof a fellowship battle evil Sauron andhis 'AMC Scottish rebelrallies hiscountrymenagainst England. « pawns. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 TooCute! n'PG' « Too Cute! KittenBeauties n 'G' To o Cute! Mighty Munchkins(N) 'G Pit Boss GoodbyeAshley (N)'14 Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG Pit Boss GoodbyeAshley n '14 BRAVO 13 ** "EatPrayLove"(2010, Drama)Julia Roberts,JamesFranco 4 4 (5:45) Shahs ofSunset '14' (6:48) Shahs ofSunset '14 (7:48) Shahs ofSunset '14 (8:48) Shahs ofSunset '14 ** "BlueCollar ComedyTour: TheMovie" (2003)Jeff Foxworthy. n CMT 190 32 42 53 "National-European My Big RedneckVacation (N) 'PG' SwampPawnThe CajunWay'PG My Big RedneckVacation n 'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheSuzeOrmanShow(N) « Princess Diana Princess Katelyn American Greed The SuzeOrmanShow « Princess Diana Princess Katelyn Asylum Workout Montel Williams CNN 55 38 35 48 The Jodi Arias Trial Ben Affleck H e r Destiny CNN Presents 'PG' « The Jodi Arias Trial CNN Newsroom CNN Presents 'PG' « *** "Ell"(2003, Comedy)Wil Ferrell, JamesCaan. Premiere. scc s Tosh.0 '14' Tosh.0 '14' The Ben Show Tosh.0 '14' COM 13 53 135 47 ** "Idiocracy" (2006,Comedy)LukeWilson, MayaRudolph. « COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The YogaShow Talk of the TownLocal issues CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Rosa Parks (6:35) Actor RobReiner (N) (7:45) AbrahamLincoln (N ) Rosa Parks Statue Dedication Act o r Rob Reiner (10:40) AbrahamLincoln House Hearing 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Phineas, Ferb P hineas, Ferb * * * "B olt"(2008) Voices of JohnTravolta. n « Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « A.N .T. Farm 'G *DISC 15 21 16 37 Dual SurViVal CaStaWayS Yukon MenFeast or Famine'PG' Y u kon Men New Kidin Town'PG' YukonMen FeastorFamine'PG' '14' cc Yuk On Men LaSt ChanCeVilagera ruSh tOStOC kup On SalmOn. n 'PG' *E! 13 25 Giu l iana&Bill'PG After Lately '14' The Soup '14' * * "T here's SomethingAbout Mary" (1998)CameronDiaz, Matt Dilon, BenStiler Burning Love(N) After Lately '14' Chelsea Lately ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeBasketballArizonaatUCLA(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball Vanderbilt at Auburn(N) (Live) Basketball SportsNation (N) SportsCenter (N) NBA Tonight (N) Basketball The Fab Five « *** "Elevafe" (2011,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 *** "Elevate"(2011, Documentary) « SEC Storied cc 30 for 30 cc Manute Bol H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express(N) (Live) FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:45) *** "Lady and the Tramp" (1955,Fantasy) ** "Gn omeo andJuliet" (2011)Voices of JamesMcAvoy. Premiere (9:25) *** "Despicable Me" (2010,Comedy) Voicesof SteveCarell. *** Bolt FNC 57 61 36 50 JuetiCeWithJudgeJeanine(N) Ge r aldOatLargen'PG'cc Journal Editorial FOX News Jus t ice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 WorstCooksinAmerica Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Iron Chef America FlayVs. Wexler ** "Transformers:Revengeolthe Fallen" (2009, Science Fiction)Shia LaBeouf, MeganFox. FX 131 (4:30) ** "TheKarateKid" (2010, Drama)JadenSmith, JackieChan. Anger BrandX With HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I H ou s e Hunters Renovation 'G' Love Itor Listlt'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 (5:00) Haffields &McCoys'14' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG (11:02) Big RigBounty Hunters '14' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "Playdale"(2012, Drama)Marguerite Moreau, Richard Ruccolo. « TheSurrogate" (2013)CameronMathison. Premiere. '14' « "The WifeHeMefOnline" (2012) Cameron Mathi son PG « MSNBC 59 59128 51 Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup: RawViolence BehindBars Lockup: RawPushingthe Limits *** "CoachCarter" (2005)SamuelL.Jackson. Ahigh-school basketball coachpusheshisteamto excel MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:30) *** "FreedomWriters Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob We ndell-Vinnie Marvin Marvin Supah Ninjas 'G' Wendell-Vinnie See DadRun n The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Solved ImpedimenttoRiches'14' l y anla, Fix My Life Recharged 'PG' Blackboard Wars (N) n 'PG Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal '14 lyanla, Fix MyLife Recharged 'PG OWN 161 103 31 103 Solved GonebutNot Forgotten '14 PAC12 47 31031031012 Best: Socc. Women's College Basketball Stanford atWashingtonState College Basketball Utah atCalifornia College Basketball OregonState at Oregon The 12 Best SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters SavageDiggers Savage Diggers Savage Di ggers Savage Diggers *** "Contact" (1997,ScienceFiction)Jodie Foster. Premiers. Ascientist seeks alien life in deepspace SYFY 13 35 133 45 (4:00) Outlander ** "The Mist" (2007)ThomasJane. A deadly fog engulfs terrified townspeople. « TBN 205 60 130 Hour of Power Billy GrahamClassic Crusades Love's UnendingLegacy Love's Unfolding Dreams Live at OakTree Virtual Memory The King of The King of T h e King of Family GuyJungle The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang King of the NerdsPhysicsdetermine 'TBS Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' Love n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' the NerdWarwinner. '14' " Burt Lancaster (5:00) **** "Aroundthe Worldin 80 Days"(1956)DavidNiven, Cantinflas. A (8:15) **** "WestSide Story" (1961, Musical) Natalie Wood,Richard Beymer,RussTamblyn. Tragedyclouds the romance *** "The Train(1965) TCM Victorian bets that hecan circle the globe in 80 days. « of two younglovers. « Paul Scofield. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Cellblock 6: Female Lock Up 'PG' Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14 Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' D a teline: Real Life Mysteries '14' D a teline: Real Life Mysteries '14 Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14 (5:30) ** "NationalTreasure" (2004,Adventure) NicolasCage, HunterGomez.A ** "Sherlock Holmes"(2009,Action) RobertDowneyJr., JudeLaw,Rachel McAdams.The detective *** "Inception" (2010) Leonardo DiCaprio. Athief enters *TNT 17 25 15 27 people's dreamsandsteals their secrets. « man tries to steal theDeclaration of Independence. «(DVS) and his astutepartner face astrange enemy. «(DVS) *TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show * * * "Surl's Up" (2007)Voices ofShiaLaBeouf, Jeff Bridges Venture Bros. Family Guy '14' Family Guy 'PG' Cleveland Show Black Dynamite The Boondocks *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Mysteries at the Museum 'PG' M yst e ries at the Museum 'PG Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Gho s t Adventures 'PG' « Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« 43)TheCosbyShow 'PG'cc The Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 2935 The CosbyShow TheCosbyShow The Cosby Show (7: * "G.l. Joe:TheRise of Cobra" (2009,Action) ChanningTatum, Dennis Quaid. « "BootCamp"(2007)Mila Kunis USA 15 30 23 30 Terminator 3 * * " F ast & Furious" (2009, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. « ** "Liar Liar"(1997)JimCarrey. A fast-talking lawyer cannottell a lie. Guns 'n' Roses: 02 Arena VH1 191 48 37 54 SaturdayNightLiven'14'cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc *A&E
** "TheLonely Guy"1984 SteveMartin. 'R' « 106401 306401 Dazed & Cont. * * * "Dead MenDon't WearPlaid"1982'PG' « (9:35) ** "The Jerk"1979SteveMartin. 'R' « (11:10)"Bringing Downthe House FXM Presents *** "Cast Away"2000,DramaTom Hanks,HelenHunt,NickSearcy.'PG-13'« FXM Presents * * "L iving OufLoud"1998'R 104204104120(5:00) *** "Cast Away"2000TomHanks.'PG-13' 34
UFC Prefight Show(N) (Live)
UFC: Silva vs. StannWanderlei Silvavs. BrianStann; Mark Huntvs. StefanStruve. FromSaitama, Japan. (N)
UFC Post Fight Show(N) (Live)
U F C Post Fight Show
28 301 27 301 LPGATour Golf PGA Tour Golf Honda Classic, Third Round Golf Central (N) ** "Lovi ng Leah"(2009)LaurenAmbrose,Adam Kaufman.'PG'« HALL 66 33 175 33 (5:00) "Personally yours" 'PG' « "The Magicol Ordinary Days"(2005, Drama)Keri Russell. 'PG' « SecondHoneymoon"(2001) 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (5:45) ** "Battleship"2012 Taylor Kitsch, Rihanna. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Sherlock Holmes: AGameoi Shadows"2011 'PG-13' cc (10:15) *** "Harry Potterandthe Deathly Hallows:Part 2" 2011n IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "ThePerfect Storm" 2000'PG-13 (7:45) "OpenWater2: Adrift" 2006, SuspenseSusan May Pratt. 'R' (9:45) *** "ThePerfect Storm" 2000,SuspenseGeorge Clooney. 'PG-13 ***"The Long KissGoodnight" 1996,Action GeenaDavis. 'R' cc MAX 400 508 508 Hangover II (6:45) *** "Bridesmaids"2011,ComedyKristen Wiig, MayaRudolph. n 'NR' cc Banshee n MA cc NBCSN 27 58 30209 (5:00)MLS SoccerD.C.United atHouston Dynamo Bo xing '14 Poker After Dark'PG' cc Darts Poker After Dark 'PG' cc Wicked TunaSharkAttack'14 Wicked TunaSharkAttack'14' Alaska StateTroopers '14' Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC 157 15 7 W i ckedTunaFishFight'14 Wicked TunaFishFight '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Legend-Korra Legend-Korra W ild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Alien Dawn 'PG' Alien Dawn 'PG' Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 30743 307 Wild Skies Trophy Quest Best of West E x pedition SafHeartland Bow Speargun Hunter Ted Nugent Am e rican Archer Furtakers Tracks, Africa Magnum TV Best of West SHO 500 500 * * " Payback"1999, Action MelGibson, Gregg Henry. Premiere. 'R' Boxing Sharif Bogerevs. RichardAbril (N) (7:50) ** "RealSteel" 2011,Action HughJackman. n 'PG-13' « SPEED 35 303125303 NASCARRacing NASCARRacing Rolex Sports CarSeries RacingAustin FromCircuit of TheAmericasin Austin, Texas Unique Whips '14' *** "TheAmazingSpider-Man"2012AndrewGarfield. Premiere. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 300408300408 (5:30)**"Manofthe House" n (7:15) ** "XXX:State ol the Union" 2005Ice Cube. n 'PG-13' « Colombianaacc ** "Timeline"2003,AdventurePaul Walker. n 'PG-13 * "Candyman3: Dayoithe Dead"1999Tony Todd. TMC 525 525 (5:00)**"Touchback"2011 (1035) *"TheBleeding"2009Vinnie Jones. n 'R' *WE 14 41 174118 Joan & Melissa: Joan Joan 8 Melissa: Joan Joan & Melissa: Joan Joan & Melissa: Joan Joan & Melissa: Joan Joan 8 Melissa: Joan
THE BULLETIN «MARCH 2 — 8, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
c II
Good Morning America (N) «
KATU News This Morning - Sun(N) n «
Your Voice, Your NBA Countdown NBA Basketball MiamiHeat at NewYork Knicks FromMadisonSquare Garden in Vote (ABC) (N) (Live) New York. (N) (Live) « KTVZ 0 Q I Q Pa id Program Fat Loss for Food Today Closets;actorStephenBaldwin Meet the PressRep.John Boehner (R The Chris Mat- NHL Hockey ChicagoBlackhawksat Detroit RedWings FromJoe Louis Arenain Detroit. (N) n (Live) (NBC) Lovers 'G' (N) n cc Ohio). (N) « thews Show G cc The Joy of FishingCBS NewsSunday Morning KenPerenyi; HollandTaylor Face the Nation Sen.LindseyGraham Motorcycle Racing Bull Riding PBRDickies IronCowboyIV College Basketball Florida State at KBNZ From Arlington,Texas. North Carolina(N)(Live) cc (CBS) (N) n cc Sen. JohnMcCain.(N) cc This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopou Today's Hom- NBA Countdown NBA Basketball MiamiHeat at NewYork Knicks FromMadison SquareGarden in KOHD 0 0 0 Q Pa id Program Paid Program Good Morning America (N) « eowner (ABC) los (N) 'G' « (N) (Live) New York (N)(Lwe)« KFXO Itg IE) @ IE) Paid Program Paid Program Animal Rescue n The RealWinning FOX NewsSunday With Chris Wallace Paid Program Fat Loss for Food Paid Program Paid Program Outdoorsman/ NASCAR Racing n 'PG' cc (El) 'G' cc Edge 'G' (FOX) Lovers 'G' Buck McNeely Thomas & FriendsBob the Builder 'Y Rick Steves' Eu- Art Wolfe's Trav Nature Theelephantmatriarch Echo. n NOVA Earthquakeandtsunamistrikes KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Betsy's Kinder Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' Daniel Tiger's 'PG' cc Neighborhood Neighborhood nY cc(DVS) rope 'G' cc (PBS) garten Next els to the Edge (DVS) Japan. n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 8 atSunrise (N) « N e wsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N) « Meet the PressRep.John Boehner(R- NHL Hockey ChicagoBlackhawksat Detroit RedWings FromJoe Louis Arenain Detroit. (N) n (Live) KGW CC (NBC) Ohio). (N) cc Mom Is 57, Looks 10 Minute Trainer Animal Science n Elizabeth's Great KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Gcl Paid Program paid program paid program pa id program pa id program In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Vic- Key of David 'G' 'PG' cc (El) 'G' cc tory OverFear'G' « 27! Big World (CW) OPBPL 175 173 o r ganic-michele Changing Seas The Aviators 'G' Saving-Ocean Between, Lines The Back Page Just Seen It 'PG' **** "His Girl Friday" (1940)Cary Grant. (11:03) MasterpieceClassic 'PG KATU
Say No to Pain'G' Criminal Minds MayhemTerrorist Criminal Minds ReidandPrentiss are Criminal Minds CatchingOut Serial Criminal Minds The Instincts Abduction *** "Casino" (1995) Robert DeNiro bombing. n '14' cc taken hostage. n '14' cc killer jumpstrains. n '14' cc of a boy inLasVegas. '14 Sharon Stone.Premiere. cc of Heaven" (2005,Historical Drama)Orlando Bloom,EvaGreen, JeremyIrons. A young knight protects Mad Men ALittle Kiss PeteandRoger Mad Men A Little Kiss Peteand Roger The Killing Missing Sarahand Holder *** "Kingdom 'AMC butt heads. '14' « buttheads. 14 « search for Jack. '14' « Jerusalem from invaders. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Most Extreme Most Extreme Weird, True We i rd, True Un t amed and Uncut n '14' cc Dogs101 n 'PG' « Dogs101 n 'PG' « Bad Dog! n 'G' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Ka t hy Margaret Cho; JohnnyWeir . Shahs of Sunset Reunion'14' Jers eylicious 'PG' The Millionaire Matchmaker '14' The Millionaire Matchmaker '14' Jerseylicious 'PG' CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' Luke Bryan C M T Music 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 CNBC 54 36 40 52 Paid Program I nsanity! TRIA Paid Program Weight Loss C l eanHome Paid Program Shaun T's Zumba Fit Ins a nity! Healing Power of Juicing 'G' CNN 55 38 35 48 StateoftheUnion Fareed ZakariaGPS(N) Reliable Sources(N) « State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom The Next List (N) *** "BadSanta" (2003) cc * "Let's Go toPrison" (2006, Comedy) DaxShepard, Wil Arnett. cc COM 135 53 135 47 HOPE Fit Zumba Fit Sex i est Bodies of 2013! (8:15) TheHalf Hour TheoVon'14' COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers(N) W ashington ThisW eek W ashington ThisW eek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Octonautsn'Y Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Never Land So f ia the First P hineas, Ferb Gravity Falls 'Y7' Good-Charlie J e ssie 'G' « ***"Bolt" (2008) n cc *DISC 156 21 16 37 MontelWilliams Key of David P aid Program n Michael Youssef Joel Osteen 'PG' (8:27) In Touch Bering Sea Gold Dirtville '14' cc Ber ing Sea Gold n '14' cc Yukon MenNewKidin Town'PG' *E! 136 2 5 Cin dy Crawford PaidProgram ** "The Women" (2008,Comedy-Dr ama)MegRyan,AnnetteBening,EvaMendes. Fashion Police SarahSilverman;Nina Garcia. '14 E!News(N) ESPN 21 23 22 23 OutsideLines Sports Reporters SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc College Basketball Purdue at Wisconsin(N) (Live) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Fishing BassmasterClassic, Day1 Outside Lines Sports Reporters NASCAR Now(N)(Live) « Cheerleading From Orlando, Fla. Cheerleading (N) Cheerleading (N) Women's CollegeBasketball ESPNC 23 2512325 (5:00)30for30 Unguarded cc SEC Storied cc SEC Storied cc The Announcement'PG' « 30for30 cc H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 H-Lite Ex. NBA Tonight SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "Race loWitchMountain" (2009, Adventure) DwayneJohnson. FAM 67 29 19 41 Joseph Prince Sunday Mass Boy MeetWorld Boy Mts. World ** "Aliensin the Attic" (2009)Carter Jenkins,Austin Butler FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00)FOXandFriendsSunday(N) News HQ Hou secall (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's News Headquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 17762 98 44 Tota!Gym Say No to Botox! Rachael Ray'sW eekinaDay'G Giada at Home Trisha's Sou. P i oneer Wo. B e s t Dishes No t My Mama Guy's Big Bite SandwichKing Best- Made ** "Spider-Man 3"(2007,Action) TobeyMaguire. PeterParkerfalls under theinfluenceof his darkside ** "TheKarateKid" (2010) FX 131 Say No to Pain Total Gym Smarter Smarter HGTV 176 49 33 43 WENHairCare Cindy Crawford Buying and Selling 'G' « Buying and Selling 'G' cc Buying and Selling 'G' cc Buying and Selling 'G' cc Property Brothers'G' cc *HIST 155 42 41 36 PaidProgram Superfood Modern Marvels 'G' « Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 138 39 20 31 MomLooks27 Bra Secrets In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Cindy Crawford David Jeremiah Joel Osteen 'PG' Zumba Fit The Client List '14' « The Client List Turn thePage'14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Chris Hayes(N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) Meet the Press cc *** "Freedom Writers" (2007)Hilary Swank, Patrick Dempsey.n MTV 192 22 38 57 Failosophy '14' Failosophy '14 Made Dream Date: Emily n 'PG Made PageantQueenn 'PG' Made ToughMudder: Shane'PG NICK 82 46 24 40 Rugratsn'Y' R u gratsn'Y Odd Parents O d d Parents PowerRangers SpongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob T eenageMut. Teenage Mut. Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc OWN 161103 31 103 Dr. Philn'PG' cc Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Super Soul Sunday n 'PG PAC12 47 310310310 Women's College Basketball Stanford atWashingtonState Women's CollegeGymnastics ArizonaState at Arizona College Basketball Utah atCalifornia The 12 Best SPIKE 132 31 34 46 PaidProgramn Total Gym Pa i d Program nGet Fit Fast n Paid Programn Insanity Workout Xtreme 4x4'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' « M u s cleCar 'G' Bar Rescue Bikini Bust n 'PG' SYFY 133 35 133 45 Paid Program Shaun T's Pai d Program Sexiest Bodies Paid Program Paid Program Continuum A Stitch in Time« Continuum FastTimes « Continuum WastingTime « TBN 205 60 130 Kingdom Conn David Jeremiah Kenneth Hagin Winning Walk Miracle For You Redemption 'G Love/Finding I n Touch 'PG' PowerPoint It I s Written 'G' Bayless Conley Time-Change Married... With Married... With Home Improve Friends n '14' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n '14' cc Friends n '14' cc Cougar Townn ** "Paul Blarf:Ma/ICop" (2009, Comedy)Kevin James.Asecurity officer con 'TBS n 'PG Children n 'PG' ment 'G' « '14' cc fronts badguysat a suburban NewJersey mall. «(DVS) **** "Topkapi" (1964,Suspense) MelinaMercouri, Peter Ustinov. Awoman and *** "It's a Mad, Mad,Mad, MadWorld" (1963, Comedy) (3:30) *** "The Greatest Story Ever Spencer Tracy, EdieAdams,Milton Berle. (11:45) "ThePink TCM Told"(1 965)Maxvon Sydow. her lover conspire tosteal apriceless dagger. Travelers end up in a madcap racefor a hidden fortune. Panther" *TLC 178 34 32 34 Montel Williams CleanHome Fa i t h-Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Paid Program n Insanity Workout Four Weddings n 'PG' « Four Weddings n 'PG' « Four Weddings n 'PG' « Law & Order 3DawgNight Someone Law & Order Prejudice Thedeathof a Law & Order The Collar A priest is killed Law & OrderUndercoveredAninsur- Law & Order DR1-102 A murder sus- Law & OrderTheWheel Asian girl's *TNT shoots a nightclubber. n '14' publisher. '14' «(DVS) during aconfession. n '14' ance executive ismurdered. '14' pect takes ahostage. n '14' smolderingcorpse. n '14' *TOON 84 Looney Tunes Looney Tunes Dragons: Riders NinjaGo: Mstrs Beyblade: Metal Pokemon: BW Ben 10 Star Wars: Clone Green Lantern Young Justice Tom andJerry Tom and Jerry *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Insanity Workout Montel Williams When Vacations Attack 'PG' « Myst eries at the Museum 'PG Off Limits Seattle 'PG' « Dangerous GroundsColombia'PG' Mysteries at the Museum'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' (6:36) Roseanne (7:12) Roseanne n 'PG'cc (7:48) Roseanne (8:24) Roseanne Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' *** "Terminator 3: Riseofthe Machines" (2003) Arnold Schwarzenegger. « USA 15 30 23 30 PaidProgram Zumba Fit Pai d Program D avid Jeremiah Atmosphere J o e l Osteen 'PG ResidentEvil VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG Jump Start n 'PG Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG Saturday Night Live n '14' cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc *A&E 130 28 18 32 PaidProgram
106 401 306401(610) ** "TheRecruit" 2003, SuspenseAl Pacino. n 'PG 13' « (8:10) ** "BringingDowntheHouse" 2003Steve Martin. 'PG-13' « 104204104120(6:15) ** "TheSweetRide"1968, DramaTonyFranciosa. 'R (8:15) ** "SecretWorld"1969,DramaJacqueline Bisset. 'PG' « 34 UFC Post Fight Show Boxing From Sept. 14, 2002.'PG' B o xing n 'PG' cc UFC Prefight Show
The Pillars of the Earth 'MA' cc The Pillars of the Earth 'MA' cc *** "TheE/fecl of GammaRays on Man-in-lhe-Moon Marigolds"
UFC: Silva vs. Stann 28 301 27 301 EuropeanPGATour Golf TshwaneOpen, Final RoundDarrenClarke is amongthose expectedto compete. FromSouthAfrica Golf Central P G A Tour Golf Honda Classic, Final Round(N)(Live) HALL 66 33 175 33 ILove Lucy'G' I LoveLucy'G' I Love Lucy'G ILoveLucy 'G' I Love Lucy'G' I LoveLucy'G' The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls ** "Persona//y yours" 'PG' « *** "Harry PO!!erandthe PriSOnerOfArkaban" 2004 Daniel RadCI!ffe. n 'PG' cc HBO 425 501 425501 * "Alvin andthe Chipmunks: Chipwrecked" 2011 (7:45) *** "NapoleonDynamite" 2004JonHeder. n 'PG' cc IFC 105 105 (4:15)TheSpirit Dilbert n 'PG' D i l bert n 'PG' Dilbert n 'PG' D i lbert n 'PG' D i lbert Y2K 'PG' Arrested Dev Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. * * "Unrest" 2006 Corri English ** "OfficeSpace"1999 RonLivingston. 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 (6:05)***"Pussin Boots"2011n'PG' cc (7:40) ** "J. Edgar" 2011,BiographyLeonardoDiCaprio, NaomiWatts. n 'R' cc TheTerminator NBCSN 27 58 30209NorthtoAlaska SportFishing Fishing/Martin Good Fishing FLW Outdoors 'G Cycling Tour ofOman Cycling Paris-Nice,PrologueFromHouiles. (N) Wicked TunaSharkAttack'14 NGC 157 15 7 W i cked Tuna: Hooked Up'14 Mudcats LooseCannon'14' Lords of War L ords of War Lords of War L o rds of War L o rds of War Lords of War NTOON 89 115189115 NFLRushZone Dragonball GT Power Rangers Power Rangers Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheenn Planet Sheenn Monsuno n'Y7' Dragonball GT Avatar: Air. Avatar: Air. OUTD 37 30743 307 Lindners Fish. L.L. Bean Guide Spanish Fly Bi l l Dance Salt Facts of Fishing American Archer The Choice W a rdens Operation CheckPoin t Bu c kmaster Clsc Trophy Hunt MagnumTV SHO 500 500 Boxing 'PG' Inside Comedy (4:05) ** "Flypaper"2011'NR' (7:15) * "ln theMix" 2005,Comedy-DramaUsher. n 'PG-13' « SPEED 35 303125303Guys Garage My ClassicCar My Classic Car Chop-Rebuild Richard Petty: A Racer's Life SPEEDCenter NASCAR RaceDay(N) (Live) AMA Supercross f ** "ViewFromthe Top" 2003Gwyneth Paltrow. STARZ 300 408 300408 (6:05) ** "Co/ombiana" 2011,ActionZoe Saldana. n 'PG-13' « (9:40) ** Man ofthe House"2005TommyLee Jones. 'PG-13' « AmazingSpdr TMC 525 525 (6:15) "SnowBuddies" 2008Dominic Scott Kay.'G (7:45) ** "Turner &Hooch"1989 TomHanks. n 'PG' « (9:25) ** "Georgeof theJung/e 2" 2003 'PG' « (10:55) ** "JudgeDredd"1995 *WE 143 41 174118 WEN Hair Care Tracy Anderson Joan I Melissa: Joan Joan & Melissa: Joan Mary MaryEssenceof the Conflict Mary Mary NewBeginnings Mary MaryBeginningof the End
TV • PAGE 7 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
NBA Basketball: NBA Basketball OklahomaCity Thunder at LosAngeles Clippers FromStaples Center in LosAngeles. Cash Cabn 'PQ' cc Heat at Knicks (ABC) (N) (Live) « Paid Program KTVZ O O O O PGA Tour Golf Honda Classic, Final RoundFromPalm BeachGardens, Fla. (N) n (Live) cc
Cash Cabn
This WeekWith George Stephanopou KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News 'PQ' cc los (N) 'G' « (N)n cc Hometime 'G' cc Trout TV 'G' The Outdoors- Castle SuckerPunchInvestigating an man'G' (NBC) Irish mobster's death. n 'PG' (11:00) College Basketball Florida StateCollege Basketball MichiganState at Michigan(N) (Live) « Gary Lewis' Ad- Exploration W/ Explore the North Derm Exclusive Paid Program CBS Evening KBNZ at North Carolina (N) « venture Journal Jarod Miller (CBS) west Forget Surgery! News (N) cc City Thunder at LosAngeles Clippers FromStaples Center in LosAngeles. JudgeJudy n Judge Joe Brown Inside Edition omg! Insider (N) KEZI 9 Newsat ABC World News KOHD O O O O NBA Basketball: NBA Basketball Oklahoma 'PQ' cc n 'PG' Heat at Knicks Weekend 'PG' cc (ABC) (N) (Live) « 5:00 (N) « KFXO Itg IKI @ g) (11:30) NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup:SubwayFreshFit 500FromPhoenix International Racewayin Avondale, Ariz. (N) n Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSE MiamiAshesto Ashes A priest is (FOX) (Live) cc shot to death in hischurch. '14' BBC Newsnight European Journal Religion & Ethics To the Contrary Moyers &Company ZackKopplin; KOAB gy gy ~ gy Great Performances at the Met Otello Verdi's opera"Otello." n 'PG' « n 'G' cc cc Newsweekly With Bonnie (PBS) Susan Jacoby. n 'G' « PGA TourGolf HondaClassic, Final RoundFromPalm BeachGardens, Fla. (N) n (Live) « Supersmile for Dr. Ordon's Private Practice Pulling thePlugNaomi NewsChannel 8 at5PM(N) cc KGW Brighter, Whiter Secret! (NBC) makes adiscovery. n '14' Made in Hollywood GerardButler; Jes- *** "Sky Captain andthe Worldof Tomorrow"(2004)GwynethPaltrow, Jude ** "Jimmy Neutron:BoyGenius" (2001)Voicesof MeganCavanagh.Animated. KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Gc! LiveLifeandWin! MadeinHolly 'Q' cc wood: Teen sica Biel. n 'PG' cc Law. Anaviator and areporter fight gigantic robots. « Tykes raceinto spaceto rescuetheir parents. « (CW) Cook's Country Test Kitchen OPBPL 175 173 (11:03) MaSterpieCeClaSSiC'PG' N OVA n 'PG' cc Growing Bolder My Generation Burt Wolf Stev es' Europe Globe Trekker 'G' «(DVS) KATU
ShippingWars 30281832(11:00)***"Casino"(1995,CrimeDrama)Robert DeNiro,SharonStone,JoePesci.Premiere.AmobemployeemakesaShippingWars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc play for power in1970sLasVegas. cc *** "Bravehearl" (1995,Historical Drama)Mel Gibson, SophieMarcsau, PatrickMcGoohan.A Scottish rebel rallies his countrymenagainst England. «
Shipping Wars Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
Shipping Wars Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
*** "The Lord ofthe Rings: TheTwoTowers" (2002)Elijah Wood, lan McKellen. Members of afellowship battle evil Sauronandhis pawns. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 BadDog! NaughtybyNature'PG' F i n dingBigfoot:FurtherEvidenceFinding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Gator Boys: Xtra Bites '14' cc Gator Boys: Xtra Bites 'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Va n derpump Rules '14 VanderpumpRules LastCall '14 Real Housewives TopReunion Shahs of Sunset Reunion'14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc My Big RedneckWedding n '14' S w amp Pawn SwampJaws 'PG' CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30) Hot20Countdownn'PG' cc SwampPawnBayouFaceoff'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 Insanity! DeepClean Insanity Workout Paid Program WEN HairCare SuperFood John Denver I n sanity Workout Princess n On t he Money Shadow Billionaire CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) The Bully Effect: Anderson *** "El/"(2003) Will Ferrell. ** "Bssr/est" (2006)Jay Chandrasekhar, KevinHeffernan. cc * "Let'sGo fo Prison" (2006,Comedy)DaxShepard, Wil Arnett. cc COM 135 53 135 47 (11:00) *** "BadSanta" (2003) COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Outdoors V i sions of NW City Club of Centra I Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Q & A AuthorBill Steigerwald. (N) 'DIS 87 43 14 39 (11:00)Bolt n P h i neas, Ferb Gravity Falls 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Austin & Ally n Austin & Ally n A.N.T. Farm 'G' Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' « Sha ke It Up! 'G Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 GoldRushn'PG' cc Amish Mafia n '14' cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Amish Mafia n '14' cc Amish Mafia n 14 cc *E! 136 2 5 Th e Soup '14' B u rning Love K o urtney and Take Kim Miami'14' Kourtney and KimTakeMiami '14' Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14' Kourtney and Kim Take Miami'14' E! Special '14' There's-Mary ESPN 21 23 22 23 Bowling PBATour LeagueQualifier, Round 4 FromAllen Park, Mich SEC Storied (N) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « NBA Basketball: Bulls at Pacers ESPN2 22 24 21 24Women'sCoff egeBasketball Women's College Basketball NorthCarolina atDuke(N)(Live) Women's CollegeGymnastics Alabamaat Arkansas M L S Soccer NewYork RedBulls atPortland Timbers ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (11:30)30for30 cc Kobe: Doin' Work cc The Fab Five cc SEC Storied cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) SportsNation S portsCenter S portsNation S p ortsCenter ©c *** "Alicein Wonderland" (1951), EdWynn FAM 67 29 19 41 ***"Boll"(2008, Comedy)Voicesof John Travolta, MileyCyrus (3:45) *** "Lady and theTramp"(1955) Voices of PeggyLee Gnomeo-Ju/iel FNC 57 61 36 50 Journal Editorial FOX News Ame rica's News Headquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17762 98 44 Chef Wanted With Anne Burreff Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Mystery Diners Mystery Diners ** "Tron: Legacy" (2010,ScienceFiction) Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund,Olivia Wilde FX 131 (11:00) ** "TheKarateKid" (2010, Drama)JadenSmith, JackieChan,Taraji P. Henson Transformers:Revenge HGTV 176 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G' « Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins *HIST 155 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG LIFE 138 39 20 31 TheClientListToughLove'14' "Crad/e o/Lies" (2006,Suspense) ShannonSturges, DylanNeal. « "StolenChild" (2011)Emmanuelle Vaugier, Corbin Bernsen. « TheC lientListRingTrue'14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 MSNBCLive(N) Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera MTV 192 22 38 57 FreedomWriters Snooki & JWOWWn '14' Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Teen Mom 2ANewDirection 'PG' T een Mom 2 n 'PG' Teen Mom 2Breakdownn 'PG' Te e n Mom 2 n NICK 82 46 2440 Odd Parents Odd Parents Winx Club ' Y7' SpongeBob Monster High: Skull Shores Monster High: WhyDoGhouls Monster High: Fright On! 'Y7' cc M o nster High: Scaris The Best of the OprahShow'PG' Our America With Lisa Ling 'PG' O u r America With Lisa Ling n '14 Our America With Lisa Ling 'PG' O u r America With Lisa Ling 'PG' OWN 161 103 31 103 Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « PAC12 47 310310310 College Basketball OregonState at Oregon The 12 Best College Basketball Utah atStanford (N) (Live) 12 Best: Socc. College Wrestling Pac12Championship SPIKE 132 31 34 46 BarRescuen'PG' Bar RescueTurtle on Its Back 'PG' BarRescueBeachBummer'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue Bikini Bust n 'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' SYFY 133 35 133 45 Continuum Ascientist is murdered. Continuum A Test of Time Continuum Time's Up« Continuum Trustandloyalty Face Off Make It Reign'PG' « Face Off HeroicProportions 'PG' TBN 205 60130 King IsComing Kingdom Conn. John Hagee MarriageToday JosephPrince Gregory Dickow T.D. Jakes'G' Joyce Meyer Leading theWay The Blessed Life Joel Osteen 'PG' Kerry Shook oirt"(2001,Comedy)DavidSpade,DennisMiller,BrittanyDanie!.Amullet** "You,Meand Dupree" (2006,Comedy)OwenWilson, KateHudson, MattDil *** "Fun WithDickandJane"(1977,Comedy)JaneFonda,George Segal.A 'TBS 627 11 2 8 * " Joe headed janitor relateshis personaltale of woe. « lon. A joblessbuddymovesin with two newlyweds. « couple turn tocrimeto support a lavish lifestyle. « (11:45) *** "The PinkPanther" (1964,Comedy)Peter Sell- (1:45) **** "Fiddleron the Roof"(1971,Musical) Topol, NormaCrane, Leonard Frey. Poor Jewish milkman, wife andfive daughters in czarist **** "Annie Hall" (1977, Comedy) TCM Russia. Woody Allen, DianeKeaton. ers, DavidNiven, RobertWagner. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddingsn'PG' « Borrowed, New Borrowed, New Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14 Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14' U n t old Stories of the E.R. n '14' U n t old Stories of the E.R. n '14 *** "Inception" (2010,ScienceFiction) LeonardoDiCaprio, JosephGordon-Levitt, Ellen Page. Athief enters people's Law & OrderMother's Day Ateen is hit Law & Order ChosenGambling opera- Law & Order Under GodA vigilante *TNT and killed by avehicle. n '14' tion. n '14' «(DVS) priest kills a drugdealer. n '14' dreams andsteals their secrets. cc *TOON 84 *** "ChillOut, Scooby-Dool" (2007,Comedy) Big TopScooby-Doo!" (2012, Comedy) Regular Show Regular Show Incredible Crew Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « Biza rre Foods America 'PG' « Hot Hotel Sets PG « Motor Homes Motor Homes R V 2013 'G' cc Extreme Rys G cc PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The Cosby Show TheCosby Show The CosbyShow The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne ' ** "Fast & Furious" (2009,Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. « * "G.l. Joe:TheRise o/Cobra" (2009, Action) ChanningTatum, DennisQuaid. « USA 15 30 23 30 (11:30)*"ResidentEvil: After/ife"(2010) « VH1 191 48 37 54 SaturdayNightLiven'14'cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s n 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s n 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s n 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s n 'AMC
106401 306401 The Pillars of the Earth 'MA' cc The Pillars of the Earth 'MA' cc 104204104120 ** "LivingOul Loud"1998,Comedy-DramaHolly Hunter. 'R' «
(1:50) ThePillars of the Earth 'MA' (2:50) ThePillars of the Earth 'MA' (3:50) ThePillars of the Earth 'MA' (4:50) ThePillars of the Earth 'MA' *** "BlackSwan" 2010 'R *** "Change/ing" 2008AngelinaJolie. A womaninsists that another boyhasreplaced her son.'R' « 34 (10:00) UFC:Silva vs. Stann UFC Tonight (N) UFC Roundtable AMA Supercross RacingAtlantaFromthe GeorgiaDomein Atlanta. AMA Supercross RacingSt. Louis 28 301 27 301 PGATour Golf HondaClassic, Spotlight Coverage(N)(Live) The HaneyProject Golf Central (N)(Live) LPGA TourGolf HSBCWomen's Champions, Final Round(N) ** "Lov ingLeah"(2009)LaurenAmbrose,Adam Kaufman.'PG'« HALL 66 33 175 33 (11:00) "Personally Yours" 'PG' The Magico/Ordinary Days"(2005, Drama)Keri Russell. 'PG' « Followthe Stars Home"'PG' cc HBO 425501 425501 Beyonce: Life Is but a Dream n 'MA' « Real Time With Biff Maher n 'MA' ** "Cowboys &Aliens" 2011 Daniel Craig. n 'PG-13' cc (4:45) ** "I, Robot" 2004 Will Smith. 'PG-13' cc ***"TheThing"1982,Horror Kurt Russell, A. Wilford Brimley. 'R IFC 105 105 (11:00) ** "Unrest" 2006'R' (3:15) ** "TheFaculty"1998, HorrorJordanaBrewster, Clea DuVall, Laura Harris. 'R ** TheOmen *** "Hanna" 2011Saoirse Ronan.'PG-13' cc MAX 400508 508 (11:30) *** "TheTerminator"1984 n 'R' cc (1:20) *"Taxi"2004QueenLatifah. n 'PG-13' cc ThePresence" 2010Mira Soivino. 'PG-13' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Skiing Track and Field USAIndoor Championships FromAlbuquerque, N.M. Adventure Boxing '14' NHL Live (N) NHL Hockey MontrealCanadiensat BostonBruins (N) Inside the GreenBerets '14 Wicked Tuna:Hooked Up(N) '14 NGC 157 157 L o rds of War L o rds of War Lordsof War L o rdsof War L o rdsof War L o rdsof War Lords of War Lords of War NTOON 89 115 189 115 Avatar: Air. Ava t ar: Air. T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard NFL RushZone Planet Sheen n T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Odd Parents O d d Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 Buccaneers S p eargun Hunter Bottom Feeders Major LeagueFishing The Bass Pros Tracks, Africa Mathew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hunt Adventure Wildgame Nation *** "The King's Speech" 2010Colin Firth. n 'R' acc *** "October Sky" 1999'PG' SHO 500 50 0 * * * " Big Easy Express"2012 (1:10) ** "Casino Jack" 2010,DocudramaKevin Spacey. n 'R' « SPEED 35 303125303 AMASupercross National Arenacross Series Racing Ferrari Challenge Dreams NASCARV.L. The10 'PG' SP EED Center(Li (N) ve) Wind Tunnel N A SCAR V.L * "Ultraviolet" 2006Milla Jovovich. n 'PG-13' « **"Underworld: Awakening" 2012 n 'R' « STARZ 300408300408 (1135) ***"The AmazingSpider Man"2012AndrewGarfield. « (5:05) ** "ViewFromthe Top TMC 525 52 5 J u dgeDredd'R'(12:35)**"Beaches"1988, DramaBetteMidler.n'PG-13' « (2:45) ** "The FinalCul" 2004RobinWiliams. n 'PG-13 (4:20) ** "Adventures o/Power" 2008Ari Gold. n *WE 143 41 174118 MaryMary Crossroads CSE Miami PresumedGuilty n '14' CSE Miami Sink or Swim'14' ©c C S h Miami Shocking discovery. '14' CSE Miami Flight Risk '14' cc CSE MiamiTargetSpecific n '14
THE BULLETIN 0 MARCH 2 — 8, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
c KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc c II
America's Funniest HomeVideos A Once Upon aTime MaryMargaret RedWidow Pilot; TheContactMarta'sloving husbandismurdered. (N) rr'PG' «KATUNewsat11 (11:35) Castlerr 'PQ' cc beach wedding proposal.(N)'PG' (ABC) searchesfor the dagger. (N)'PG' (N)o cc KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21NBC Nightly News Betty White's Off Betty White's Off Dateline NBCPeople whohave wonthe All-Star Celebrity Apprentice TheWolf in Chargeof the HenHouse The celebri- NewsChannel 21 Everybody Loves (NBC) at 6 (N) cc (N) cc Their Rockers Their Rockers lottery. (N) n cc ties sell meatballs. (N) rr 'PG' « at11 (N) cc R a ymond Burn Notice Do NoHarmMichael helps 60 Minutes FormerMarine Clay Hunt; The Amazing Race The racers tackle a The GoodWife Jordanhelps Peterwith The Mentalist An elderly heiress's re- KOIN Local6at11 (11:35) Cold Case KBNZ 'PQ' cc Zhang Xin. (N) n cc "shemozzle"race.(N)'PG' mains arefound. (N)'14' « (CBS) a desperatefather. 'PG' debate prep.(N) n '14' cc (N) cc Red Widow Pilot; TheContact Marta's lovinghusband is murdered. (N) rr 'PG' «KEZI 9 News at Health Forum KOHD O O O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 Newsat America's Funniest Home Videos A Once Upon a TimeMaryMargaret (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « bea c h wedding proposal (N) 'P . G' s e arches for the dagger. (N)'PG' 11pm (N) « Family GuyRat- Bob's Burgers (N) News Channel 21 Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang KFXO IIg g) @ g) Bones Theteaminvestigates roadside The Simpsons The Cleveland The Simpsons (N) The Cleveland n 'PG' (FOX) remains. A '14' « Show (N) n '14' n 'PG' Show (N) t1 '14 ings Guy t1 '14' rr 'PG' First on FOX Men '14' cc The ory n '14' Theory n '14' Antiques RoadshowLetter signed by Extraordinary WomenMadameChiang Masterpiece Classic Little Dorrit Mrs.Clennam. n (Part1 of 5) 'PG' « Masterpiece Classic JohnChivery pro KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Oregon Art Beat Oregon Field rr 'G' cc Abraham Lincoln. 'G' cc Kai Shek n G cc (PBS) Guide 'G' cc poses toAmy.'PG' cc NBC Nightly NewsThe Chris Mat- Betty White's Off Betty White's Off Dateline NBCPeople whohave wonthe All-Star Celebrity Apprentice TheWolf in Chargeof the HenHouseThe celebri- NewsChannel 8 at (11:35) TheChris KGW thews Show 'G' Their Rockers Their Rockers l ottery. (N) n « ties sell meatballs. (N) n 'PG' « Matthews Show (NBC) (N) cc 11(N) cc T he King of * * * "U nhitched" (2005, Romance-Comedy)Stuart Townsend, AmySmart. A lose Seinfeld The Big Seinfeld The R u les of Engage. Rules of Engage KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q AreWeThere Yet?Are We ThereYet? The King of 'PG' 'PG' ment '14' Queens n 'PG Queens rr 'PG' helps his best friendwin thewomanof hisdreams. « Salad 'PG' « PledgeDrive'G' ment '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 D o c Martin The Departed n 'PG' Seeking the Greatest Good n 'G' The Choreographer n Moyers & Company n 'G' cc Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women KATU
*A&E 13 28 18 32 Shipping 'PQ' cc Wars
Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
StorageWars 'PQ' cc
(11:01)Storage Wars 'PG' cc
(11:31) Storage
W a rs 'PG' cc
Clear (N)'MA' « The Walkrng DeadClear MA « (4:00) *** "The Lord of theRings: TheTwoTowers" (2002) Elijah Wood.Mem- The Walking Dead Rickandthe group The Walking Dead (10:01) TalkingDead(N) « 'AMC bers of a fellowshipbattle evil Sauronandhis pawns. must makeachoice.'MA' *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Gator Boys:Xtra Bites'14' cc Wild West Alaska n '14' cc Wild WestAlaska(N) n '14 Gator Boys(N) n 'PG' Finding Bigfoot (N) n 'PG' Gator Boys n 'PG' BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Shahs of Sunset (N)'14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta W h at Happens Shahs of Sunset ** "Overboard" (1987,Comedy)Goldie Hawn,Kurt Russell. rr CMT 190 32 42 53 Swamppawnn'PG' SwampPawnCrawmageddon'PG' Swamp Pawn n 'PG' SwampPawnThe Cajun Way'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 Billions Behind Bars American Greed 60 Minutes onCNBCRenegades Ultimate Fighting: Fistful of Dollars American Greed TRIA Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 The Jodi Arias Trial CNN Newsroom(N) The Bully Effect: Anderson The Jodi Arias Trial CNN Newsroom The Bully Effect: Anderson *** "GetHimtothe Greek" (2010,Comedy) JonahHil, Russell Brand. cc Tosh.0 '14' Wor kaholics '14' The Jeselnik OffSouth Park 'MA' cc COM 13 53 135 47 (5:00) *** "Ell"(2003) cc COTV 11 Talk of the TownLocal issues Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions ofNW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Prime Minister RoadtotheWhiteHouse Q & A AuthorBill Steigerwald. Prime Minister Road to the White House W ashington ThisW eek *** "Tangled" (2010)Voices of MandyMoore. n 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin &Ally'G' (6:25)***"TheLion King"(1994) n « Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « Dog With a BlogGood-Charlie S h ake It Up! 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Amish Mafia Fall FromGrace '14' A m ish Mafia Holy'1 War 4' cc Amish Mafia AmishExorcismEstherandJohnperform anexorcism. '14 (10:05) AmishMafia EstherandJohn performan exorcism. '14' cc *E! 13 2 5 (5:30) ** "There'sSomethingAbout Mary" (1998)CameronDiaz Kourtney and KimTakeMiami '14 Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14' Burning Love K ourtney and Kim TakeMiami '14' The Soup '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketballChicagoBullsatlndianaPacers(N) Spo r tsCenter(N)(Live) cc SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 MLS Soccer: RedBulls at Timbers Fishing Bassmaster Classic, ChampionshipFromGrove, Okla. « Basketball NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at LosAngeles Clippers (N) NBA Basketball *** "Elevate" (2011,Documentary) « *** "OneDayinSeptember" *** "OneDayin September" (1999)AnkieSpitzer. « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 *** "Elevate"(2011, Documentary) « H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Li t e Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter « SportsCenter H - Lite Ex ESPNFCPress Pass *** "Encha nted"(2007,Fantasy)AmyAdams,PatrickDempsey,JamesMarsden FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:30) ** "GnomeoandJuliet"(2011), Emily Blunt (7:25) *** "Despicable Me" (2010,Comedy)Voices of Steve Carell. FNC 57 61 36 50 FoxNewsSunday Geraldo at Large(N) n 'PG' cc Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Worst Cooks in America CupcakeWars SanDiegoZoo (N) Worst Cooks in America (N) Iron Chef America (N) Chef WantedWith Anne Burrell ** "The A-Team" (2010) LiamNeeson, Bradley Cooper. FormerSpecial Forcessoldiers form arogue unit ** "TheA-Team" (2010 Action) FX 131 (5:00) ** "Transformers:Revengeol theFallen" (2009), MeganFox HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I H ou s e Hunters Hunters Int'I YouLivernWhat'? (N) G « Hawaii Life 'G' Hawaii Life 'G House Hunters Renovation 'G' House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' The Bible (SeriesPremiere) (N)'14' cc Vikings Rites ofPassage(N)'14 (11:01) Vikings '14' cc LIFE 13 39 20 31 "TheSurrogate" (2013) CameronMathison, AmyScott. '14' « TheSurrogacy Trap" (2013,Drama)AdamReid. Premiere. « Home Invasion"(2011, Suspense)Haylie Duff, LisaSheridan. « MSNBC 59 59128 51 To Catch a Predator Florida6 To Catch a Predator Florida 7 Lockup: Raw NeveraDullMoment Lockup: RawLivingthe Life Lockup: RawKiler NextDoor Meet the Press cc MTV 192 22 38 57 (5:30) TeenMom 2 n 'PG Teen Mom 2Under Pressure 'PG' Teen Mom 2Love Hurts n 'PG Snooki & JWOWW n '14 Catfish: The TVShow Reunion n R i diculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Wendell.yinnie See Dad Run(N) ** "National Lampoon'sEuropean Vacation" (1985)ChevyChase. Premiere. n cc (11:33) Friends Our America With Lisa Ling 'PG' Oprah's Next Chapter n 'PG' Oprah's Next Chapter (N) n 'PG' O p rah Presents Master Class 'PG Oprah's Next Chapter n 'PG' OWN 161 103 31 103 OurAmerica With Lisa Ling 'PG PAC12 47 310310310 Wrestling Wom e n's Soccer College Volleyball USC at Stanford (N)(Live) The12 Best College Basketball Utah atStanford 12 Best: Socc. Volleyball SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bar Rescue TurtleonIts Back'PG' BarRescue BeachBummer'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar RescueTearsfor Beers'PG' (11:01) CarLot Rescue(N) n 'PG SYFY 13 35133 45 FaceOff'PG'cc FaceOffEyeCandy'PG'« Face Off cc Face Off BuggingOut 'PG' cc Face Off Howl attheMoon Face Off Creatingmonsters '14 TBN 205 60 130 Believeryoice C reflo Dollar 'G St. Paul of Tarsus Secrets-Bible T h e Well cc Behind Scenes C. Billingsley ** "TalladegaNights: TheBallad ol RickyBobby"(2006,Comedy)Wil Ferrell, *** "Wedding Crashers"(2005,Comedy)OwenWilson, VinceVaughn, Christopher Walken.Partygo- *** "WeddingCrashers" (2005,Comedy)OwenWilson 'TBS John C. Reily. ANASCARdriver has anew rival. «(DVS) ers spend awild weekendwith a politician's family. «(DVS) VmceVaughn. « (DVS) (5:00)****"AnnieHall"(1977)Woody**"TheLandlord"(1970,Comedy-Drama)BeauBridges,Pearl Bailey,Diana ** "Heaven's Gate"(1980, Western)Kris Kristofferson,ChristopherWalken,Isabelle Huppert. Aneducated marshal defends TCM 014410129 Allen, DianeKeaton. Sands. Ayoungmantries to renovate aghetto apartmentbuilding. Wyomingsettlers against cattle barons. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14' U n t o ld Stories of the E.R. n '14' G y p s y Sisters n '14' « Gypsy Sisters (N) n '14' « Welcome toMyrtle Manor (N) '14' Gypsy Sisters n '14' « eJeopardy"(1999,Suspense)Tommy LeeJones,AshleyJudd.JailedSouthland BabelLAPD'sdispatchsys (6:15) ** "Sherlock Holmes"(2009, Action) Robert DowneyJr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams.Thedetective and his astute *** "Doubl *TNT partner face astrangeenemy. «(DVS) for her husband'smurder, awomanlearns helives. « tem breaksdown. rr '14' cc *TOON 84 *** "Surl'sUp" (2007)Voices of Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges. Incredible Crew Looney Tunes The Oblongs '14' King of the Hill King of the Hill Cleveland Show Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Luxury Yachts'G' « ExtremeHouseboats'PG'« Tricked Out Trains (N) 'G' « Tricked Out Trailers 'G' « Mega RVCountdown 'G' « Killer RV Upgrades'G' « PG' Roseanne 'PG' Hot inCleveland HotinCleveland Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 2935 Roseanne ' USA 15 30 23 30 Law&Order:SpecialyictimsUnit L aw&Order: SpecialyictimsUnit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit * "R esident Evi Afterlife" l: (2010) VH1 191 48 37 54 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s n * * "L iar Liar" (1997) Jim Carrey. Afast-talking lawyer cannot tell a lie. Mob Wives NoLoveLostn '14 Mob Wwes(N) n 14 cc Mob Wives n '14' cc ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
** "Slargale"1994, ScienceFiction Kurt Russell. rr 'PG-13' « 106401 306401(5:50) ** "The Rookie"1990,Action Clint Eastwood.rr 'R' « (10:05) **"StrikingDistance" 1993BruceWilis. rr 'R' « FXM Presents * * * "Changeling" 2008, DramaAngelina Jolie. 'R' « 104204104120(5:00) ***"Black Swan" 2010 FX M Presents *** "BlackSwan" 2010,DramaNatalie Portman. 'R' « 34 The Ultimate Fighter n '14' The Ultimate Fighter n '14' UFC: Silva vs. StannWanderlei Silva vs. BrianStann; MarkHuntvs. StefanStruve.FromSaitama, Japan. UFC Tonight
UFC Roundtable 28 301 27 301 LPGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf Honda Classic, Final RoundFromPalmBeach Gardens, Fla. (N) Golf Central (N) ** "TheLost Valentine" (2011)Jennifer Love Hewitt. 'PG' « ** "Lovi ng Leah"(2009)LaurenAmbrose,Adam Kaufman.'PG'« HALL 66 33 175 33 (5:00) "Followthe Stars Home" Frasier'G' « Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (4:45) I,Robot Girls (N) n 'MA' Enlightened 'MA' Girls 'MA' « Enl i ghtened 'MA' Girls 'MA' cc Enlightened 'MA' (6:45) ** "SherlockHolmes:AGameol Shadows" 2011Robert DowneyJr. n 'PG-13 IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:30) ** "The Omen" 2006, Horror Liev Schreiber. Premiere. 'R Portlandia '14' Out There '14' * * "T he Omen" 2006,HorrorLiev Schreiber. A diplomat's adoptedsonis pureevil. 'R ** Exorcismus ** "A VeryHarold &Kumar3DChristmas" 2011 MAX 400 508 508 (4:30) Hannan (6:20) ** "From DuskTil Dawn" 1996 n 'R' cc (8:15) *** "EdwardScissorhands" 1990JohnnyDepp. 'PG-13' « Girls in Bed NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHL Hockey: Canadiensat Bruins NHL Live (N) A dventure Track and Field USAIndoor ChampionshipsFromAlbuquerque, N.M Poker After Dark 'PG' « Darts Wicked Tuna: Hooked Up'14' Inside the GreenBerets '14' NGC 157 157 W i cked Tuna(N)'14 Mudcats CannibalCatfish (N)'14' Wicked Tuna'14 Mudcats CannibalCaffish '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Alien Dawn 'PG' Alien Dawn 'PG' Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Realtree Outdoor Truth Hunting Friends of NRA Bone Collector Spring Expedition Saf. Hunt Adventure Realtree Outdoor WildgameNation Steve's Outdoor Mathews West. Extremes SHO 500 500 Shameless n 'MA' « House of Lies Californication Shameless (N) n 'MA' « House of Lies Californication Shameless n 'MA' cc (5:00) *** "OctoberSky" 1999 SPEED 35 303125303 Faster Than F a s ter Than My Classic Car Car Crazy 'G' SPEEDCenter Wind Tunnel N A SCAR V.L. Faster Than Faster Than Unique Whips '14' ** "Underworld:Awakening" 2012 n 'R' sccs STARZ 300408300408 ViewFromTop (6:40) *** "TheAmazing Spider Man" 2012, Action AndrewGarfield. n 'PG-13' « Spartacus: War of the Damnedn Spartacus: War ** "TheIron Lady" 2011Meryl Streep. Premiere. rr 'PG-13' « ***"TheEnglishPatient" 1996Ralph Fiennes. Premiere. rr 'R TMC 525 525 (5:50) ** "Beyond Borders" 2003,DramaAngelina Jolie. rV'R *WE 14 41 174118 CSE Miami n 'I4' cc CSE Miami Chip/Tuck '14' cc CSE Miami PresumedGuilty n '14' CSE Miami Sink or Swim'14' cc CSE Miami Shockingdiscovery. '14' CSE Miami Flight Risk '14' cc
MARCH 2 — 8, 2013
• II
TV • PAGE 9 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' I I I I II I I II I
4:30 KATUNewsThis Mornin Good Mornin America AM Northwest The View Live! With Kell and Michael KATU NewsChannel 21 atSunrise Toda Toda Toda Live! With Kell and Michael KTVZ Let's Make aDeal KOIN Local 6 at6am CBS This Mornin The Price Is Ri ht The Youn and the Restless KBNZ KEZI 9 NewsThis Mornin Good Mornin America Rachael Ra The View Katie KOHD First Business A Da NewsChannel 21 atSunrise The Jeff Probst Show The Dr. OzShow Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram KFXO I Varied Pro rams Wild Kratts Curious Geor e Cat in the Hat Super Wh ! Din osaur Train Sesame Street Daniel Ti er Sid the Science WordWorld Ba r ne, Friends KOAB NewsChannel 8 atSunrise Toda The Jeff Probst Show KGW The Dail Buzz HouseofPa ne HouseofPa ne TheSteveW ilkosShow The Jerem K le Show The Wend Williams Show TVZDT2 OPBPL 175 173 Heartland Gre ener World Newsline Sit and Be Fit Varied Pro rams *A&E 13028 18 32 Varied Pro rams Boun Hunter Bount Hunter Do the Bount Hunter Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams CSI: Miami Va r ied Pro rams Wei ht Loss Battle Hair Loss Sexiest Bodies Nopalea with TotalG m Sa No to Pain 15 ** Hackers 1995Jonn Lee Miler. Teencomputer freaks vs. embezzler. « Bi Trouble Paid Pro ram Sa No to Pain Dancer's Bod No alea with TotalG m Cind Crawford Freakshow *** Crimson Tide1995,Sus enseDenzelWashin ton,GeneHackman.« Hair Restoration Mom Looks 27 Nopalea with Montel Williams Sa NotoPain Debb Boone (:15) ** Code of Silence1985, CrimeDramaChuck Norris, Hen Silva. cc Shan hai Noon AMC 10240 39 Wei ht Loss TotalG m Montel Williams WEN Hair Care Paid Pro ram Behind Enem Lines II: Axis of Evil 2006, ActionMatt Bushell. « ** The Poseidon Adventure Th Roasts Eas Amazin Grace Paid Pro ram Sexiest Bodies No.1Kitchen Cind Crawford Paid Pro ram Freakshow Fr e akshow **** Aocal se Now Redux 2001,WarMarlon Brando.« *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Oran utan Isle Chim Eden Bi CatDia Bi Cat Diar Do s101 The Crocodile Hunter I Shouldn't Be Alive Miami Animal Police Varied Pro rams BRAVO 137 44 CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music C MT Music Mo v i e CMT 19032 42 53 Squawk onthe Street Fast Mone Halftime Report Power Lunch Street Si ns CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Around the World CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN 55 38 35 48 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Entoura e Com ed CentralDail Show Col bert Re ort Varied Pro rams COM 13553 35 47 The Yo a Show The Yo a Show Desert Cookin Ore on The Yo a Show The Yo a Show Bod Workout Bod Workout Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram COTV Public Affairs Varied Pro rams Public Affairs Varied Pro rams CSPAN 61 20 12 (4:00) Washin ton Journal 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Little Einsteins Chu in ton Mi c ke Mouse Never Land Micke Mouse Varied Pro rams Doc McStuffins Never Land MickeMouse Octonauts Gas ard & Lisa Octonauts *DISC 156 21 16 37 Varied Pro rams Creflo Dollar Varied Pro rams James Robison Jo ce Me er P aid Pro ram I(Almost) Got Awa With It Fatal Encounters I(Almost) Got Awa With It *El Varied Pro rams WEN Hair Care Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Varied Pro rams 136 25 S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter ESPN 21 23 22 23 Mike and Mike in the Mornin First Take First Take Numbers Never Mike and Mike ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Varied Pro rams Basketball Var i ed Pro rams Colle e Basketball Varied Pro rams ESPNC 23 25 23 25 NB A Toni ht Mi k e and Mike in the Mornin SVP & Russillo ESPNN 24 63 24203 Interru tion Jo ce Me er V a riedPro rams Bo MeetWorld Bo MeetWorld Bo MeetWorld Bo MeetWorld Bo MeetWorld 700/Interactive The700Club Gilmore Girls FAM 67 29 19 41 America's Newsroom Happenin Now America Live FNC 57 61 36 50 *FOOD 17762 98 44 Varied Pro rams Good Eats Unw r a ed Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams Movie FX 131 Varied Pro rams HGTV 176 49 33 43 'HIST 15542 41 36 Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Balancin Act Varied Pro rams Will & Grace W ill & Grace F r asier Frasier Frasier Frasier Old Christine O ld Christine LIFE 138 39 20 31 The Dail Rundown Jansin and Co. MSNBCLive NOWWith Alex Wa ner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation MSNBC 59 59 128 51 MTV Jams AMTV AMTV Varied Pro rams MTV 19222 38 57 Full House Fu l l House Teena e Mut. S on eBob S on eBob M a x & Rub Te a m Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Dora Ex lorer Dora Ex lorer Bubble Gu ies Bubble Gu ies NICK 82 46 24 40 Rachael Ra The Best of the OprahShow The Best of the OprahShow Dr. Phil Dr. Phil OWN 16110331 103 The Nate Berkus Show PAC12 47 310310310 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams SPIKE 13231 34 46 Varied Pro rams Montel Williams Varied Pro rams SYFY 13335 133 45 Creflo Dollar J o hn Ha ee Jo s e h Prince This Is Your Da Believeryoice Varied Pro rams Behind Scenes Varied Pro rams James Robison Toda TBN 05 60 130 *TBS 16 27 Married... With Married... With M Name Is Earl M Name Is Earl Fresh Prince F r esh Prince H o use of Pa ne Meet, Browns We There Yet2 Fresh Prince E n a ement En a ement 28 ** Between TwoWorlds1944 JohnGarfield, Paul Henreid *** Pride of the Marines 1945JohnGarfield, Eleanor Parker We-Stran ers (5:45) ** Saturda 's Children 1940 15 **M Pal,Wolf1944Shar nMoffett 45 ** Behave Yourself1951Farle Gran er 15 ** It's a Do 's Life1955 Jeff Richards 45 **Goodb e, M Lad 1956, Phil Harris ** Win s for the Ea le1942 AnnSheridan ** Shine On, Harvest Moon1944AnnSheridan, Dennis Mor an ** Nora Prentiss 1947 TCM 101 44 10129 W *** Torrid Zone1940JamesCa ne * Panama Flo1932, DramaHelenTwelvetrees ** A Wicked Woman1934 Th (:15) ** The SeaBat1930 CharlesBickford (:15) ** Valle of the Giants1938, Action « (:45) Ni ht Son Sta e Fri ht * * T ension 1949 Richard Basehart 15 *** The Narrow Mar in 1952,CrimeDrama ** S lit Second 1953Ste hen McNall ** Man rn the Att>c1953 *TLC 17834 32 34 Varied Pro rams Bab 's First Da Rm-Multiples A Bab Sto A B a b Stor A B a b St o A Ba b Stor Varied Pro rams Four Weddin s *TNT 17 26 15 27 Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural *TOON 84 L oone Tunes Hero:108 Ben1 0 Be blade-Metl Pokemon BW Movie Johnn Test S c o ob Scoob Loone Tunes *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams ExtremeHomes Extreme Homes FastFoodsGoneGlobal Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams DickVan D ke Dick VanD ke Dick Van D ke Dick VanD ke I Love Luc I Lo ve Luc And Griffith A n dGriffith TVLND 65 47 29 35 Varied Pro rams NCIS NCIS NCIS Varied Pro rams NCIS USA 15 30 23 30 Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Bi Mornin BuzzLive Varied Pro rams VH1 19148 37 54 5:40 Movie Varied Pro rams ENCR 106401306401 FMC 104204104120 5:50 Movie V a ried Pro rams :45 Movie Movie Varied Pro rams FUEL 34 Varied Pro rams Mornin Drive Varied Pro rams GOLF 28 301 27 301 Mornin Drive HALL 66 33 175 33 ILoveLuc I Love Luc I Love Luc I Love Luc H o me & Famil Marie Varied Pro rams Mad Hun r Ma d Hun ** Ma'or Lea ue: Back to the Minors1998 n ** Con o1995, Action D lanWalsh, Laura Linne . rr « (:45) * Speed 2: Cruise Control 1997,ActionSandraBullock, Jason Patric. rr « Hard Times: Lost on Lon Island * * Brokedown Palace1999 Claire Danes. n What to Watch ** Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows2011, Action n « 15 **Cowbo s &Aliens HBO 25501425501 W Off Air Pra er for a Perfect Season n cc *** Forrest Gum 1994, Comed-DramaTom Hanks, RobinWri ht. n cc ** Arthur 2011 Russell Brand. Th ** Kin pin1996 Wood Harrelson,Rand Quaid. rr « *** Harr Potterand the Deathl Hallows: Part22011 rr « Lar Crowne * * A lon Came Poll 2004 Ben Stiller. n « * Alvin and the Chi munks: Chi wrecked 2011 n Co n chords *** John Grisham's TheRainmaker 1997Matt Damon. n ss Mak. Battleshi * * Tower Heist 2011 Ben Stiller. n a« IFC 105 105 5:00 Movie V a riedPro rams Mrs. Henderson (:45) **** 2001: A SpaceOd sse 1968 Keir Dullea, Ga Lockwood. rr « (:15) Lovewrecked2006AmandaB nes. n ss (:40) *** Backdraft 1991Kurt Russell. n cc 5:35 ** Moon Over Parador1988 n « 20 * Problem Child 1990 40 ** Problem Child 21991 JohnRitter. n « 15 *Su ercross: The Movie2005n « 35 Safe House MAX 00508 508 W 4:45 The Debt:40 *** Bi Miracle 2012 JohnKrasinski. Premiere. n cc *** Win Win 2011Paul Giamatti, Am R an, n cc 20 ** Two Weeks Notice2002n cc * Foolish 1999Eddie Griffin. Premiere. n « *** Craz, Stupid, Love. 2011 Steve Carell, R anGoslin . n « The Terminator (:10) *** Splash 1984 TomHanks, Dar I Hannah. n « 10 ** Daff Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island ** Matinee1993 JohnGoodman. n a« 10 ** The Chronicles of Riddick 2004Vin Diesel, ColmFeore. n a« Green Lantern NBCSN 27 58 30 209 The DanPatrick Show The Box Score Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Alaska State Troopers Border Wars Wild Justice NGC 157 157 I n vader ZIM Ad v en./Jimm A d ven./Jimm A d ven./Jimm P l anet Sheen I nvader ZIM In v ader ZIM Ba ck, Barn ard Back, Barn ard Planet Sheen T.U.F.F. Pu NTOON 89 115189115 Invader ZIM OUTD 37 307 43 307 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams (5:00) Loosies * * * Serenit 2005 NathanFillion, GinaTorres, AlanTud k. o « ** Happ Accidents 2000Marisa Tomei,Vincent D'Onofrio. rr « ** Snow Fallin on Cedars1999 EthanHawke 5:05 *** Deceived1991 « The RainbowTribe 2008 DavidJames Elliott. n Fallout1998, ActionDaniel Baldwin. n « 15 ** Peter and Vand 2009 JasonRitter. n Ca tain Corelli 5:20 ** Gan in Blue1996 n * Go i n Overboard 1989 Peter Ber . n cc 45 ** A ent Cod Banks 2003 FrankieMuniz. Premiere. n cc *** Alwa s1989 RichardDrefuss. Premiere. n SHO 00 500 ** Union Square 2011Mira Sorvino. A « Within These Walls 2001Ellen Burst n. n cc ***Bi Eas Express2012rr (:15)**EarthGirlsAre Eas 1989GeenaDavis.o « 15 *** White Fan 2: M th of the White Wolf 1994Premiere. n 05 Lebanon, Pa.2010Josh Ho kins. n m 45 ** Peter and Vand 2009 JasonRitter. n 05 ** Snow Fallin on Cedars SPEED 35 303125303 Pim M Ride Pi m M Ride P ass Time Pa s s Time Pai d Pro ram V aried Pro rams STARZ 00408300408 (5:50) Movie V a ried Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams Movie ** That Darn Cat1997 Christina Ricci. n « **** That's What I Am2011 EdHarris. n « 15 The LastPla at Shea2010Narratedb Alec Baldwin. n « ** La Mission 2009 n « *** Toast 2010 HelenaBonhamCarter. n cc 45 ** Adventures in Bab sittin 1967 ElisabethShue. n cc Breakawa 2011 RusselPeters. l Premiere. n cc 15 ** The Deceivers1988 TMC 25 (5:15) Breakawa 2011n cc * Prisoner of Zenda, Inc. 1996 rr cc 525 (:45) ** Spoken Word2009 KunoBecker, RubenBlades. o « (:45) ** Suburban Girl 2007SarahMichelle Gellar 05 ** M Father, the Hero1994 n « 35 Gentle Ben: Terror on the Mountain 2003n 05 **ThelronLad 2011 Th ** New York Stories1989, Comed NickNolte. n « Elvis Has Left * * Geor e of the Jun le 22003, Comed n cc ** Turner & Hooch1989TomHanks. n m 45 ** Crime S ree2003Gerard Deardieu, Renaud.nm An els Crest n *WE 143 41 174118 Varied Pro rams Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne 20/20 on WE Varied Pro rams 20/20 on WE Varied Pro rams The Locator V a r ied Pro rams
THE BULLETIN «MARCH 2 — 8, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 10 • TV
i i g g gi~i ~ ~ « ~ gg~ The Chew General Hos ital
~8 ~
~ «
~ g ~i
+IKii i+®g~i
The Ricki Lake Show The Dr. OzShow KATU NewsFirst at Four KATU Newsat 5 World News Anderson Live Da sofourLives Dr. Phil The Dr.OzShow The Ellen DeGeneresShow News Ni htl News KTVZ Kristi Miller Bol d/Beautiful The Talk Little House on the Prairie And Griffith A n d Griffith I Love Luc I Lo ve Luc News Evenin News KBNZ The Chew General Hos ital Jud e J. Brown Jud e J. Brown Katie Jud e Jud Jud e Jud KEZI 9 News World News KOHD TMZ Extra America's Funniest HomeVideos The Doctors The Ricki Lake Show The People's Court Friends Friends KFXO Varied Pro rams Charlie Rose Clifford-Do Bo b the BuilderMartha Speaks Cat in the Hat Arthur WordGirl Wild Kratts Electric Comp KOAB NewsChannel 8 Be a Millionaire Da sofourLives Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow Your Four O'Clock News NewsChannel8 Ni htl News KGW Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams TheSteveW ilkosShow The Bill Cunnin ham Show Meet, Browns Meet, Browns We ThereYet? We ThereYet? TVZDT2 OPBPL 175 173 Varied Pro rams Tavis Smile Journal Ni htl Business PBS NewsHour Varied Pro rams *A&E 13028 18 32 CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams The First 48 Varied Pro rams The First 48 The First 48 *** Faro1996 Frances McDormand,Steve Buscemi.« (11:45) ** Bi Trouble in Little China1986 (:45) ** Eddie and the Cruisers 1983,MusicalTomBeren er, Michael Pare. « ** Marked for Death 1990StevenSea al, Basil Wallace. « *** The Fu itive 1993Harrison Ford. Aninnocent manmust evadethelawas he ursues a kiler *** A Few Good Men1992 ** The Transporter 2002,ActionJasonStatham, ShuQi, es CSI: Miami Show Stopper cc CSI: Miami Die b the Swordn AMC 10240 39 (11:30) *** Shan hai Noon 2000Jackie Chan,OwenWilson. 68 *** The Usual Suspects1995, Suspense Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel B rne. « ** The Cave2005, Horror ColeHauser, Morris Chestnut h (11:00) ** The Poseidon Adventure1972 « 10:00 **** A ocal se Now Redux 2001,WarMarlon Brando, RobertDuvall. « ** Predator 21990 Dann Glover. Policeofficers lock hornswith a bloodthirst alien. *** Predator 1987 « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Miami Animal Police Miami Animal Police Miami Animal Police Pit Bulls and Parolees Swam Wars Varied Pro rams The Rachel ZoePro'ect The Rachel ZoePro'ect Varied Pro rams BRAVO 137 44 Movie Varied Pro rams :18 Reba CMT 19032 42 53 Closin Bell Closin Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Mone Varied Pro rams Mad Mone The Kudlow Report Varied Pro rams CNBC 54 36 40 52 The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:00) CNN Newsroom Varied Pro rams Movie Comed Central:22 Futurama 4:53 Futurama Alwa s Sunn COM 13553 35 47 Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram J o of Fishin A d v Journal G e t Outdoors V isions of NWCit Edition Pa i d Pro ram COTV Public Affairs Capitol Hill Hearin s CSPAN 61 20 12 (9:00) Public Affairs 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Little Einsteins Movie Phineas, Ferb Varied Pro rams Do With a Blo Varied Pro rams *DISC 156 21 16 37 FBI: Criminal Pursuit Auction Kin s Auction Kin s M hBusters V a ried Pro rams *El E! News Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Varied Pro rams 136 25 Outside Lines First Take NFL Live Around the Horn Interru tion S or tsCenter Basketball Var i ed Pro rams ESPN 21 23 22 23 Baseball Ton. Dan Le Batard SportsNation NFL32 Around the Horn Interruption Colle e Basketball ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Varied Pro rams Colle e Basketball Varied Pro rams 15) Boxin ESPNC 23 25 23 25 (11:30) Colle e Basketball Var ied Pro rams S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsNation V a ried Pro rams S ortsCenter V ariedPro rams S ortsCenter ESPNN 24 63 24203 S ortsCenter Full House Fu l l House Full House Fu l l House Reba Reba Reba Reba That'70sShow That '70sShow That '70sShow That '70sShow FAM 67 29 19 41 Studio B With ShepardSmith Your World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOX Report With ShepardSmith The O'Reill Factor FNC 57 61 36 50 *FOOD 17762 98 44 Best Dishes B'foot Contessa Varied Pro rams Dollar Dinners Secrets 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Best Dishes Varied Pro rams 10:30) Movie Varied Pro rams FX 131 House Hunters Hunters Int'I Varied Pro rams HGTV 176 49 33 43 'HIST 15542 41 36 Varied Pro rams Old Christine O l d Christine H ow I Met How I Met Gre 's Anatom Gre 's Anatom Wife Swap Wife Swap LIFE 138 39 20 31 TheC cle Martin Bashir Hardball With Chris Matthews Pol i ticsNation Hardball With Chris Matthews The Ed Show MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Varied Pro rams MTV 19222 38 57 PeterRabbit Max&Rub Do raEx lorer DoraEx lorer S on eBob S on eBob S on eBob R ocketMonke s OddParents OddParents S on eBob S on eBob NICK 82 46 24 40 Dr. Phil Varied Pro rams OWN 16110331 103 Dr. Phil PAC12 47 310310310 Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams SPIKE 13231 34 46 Varied Pro rams SYFY 13335 133 45 (11:00) Movie The 700Club John Ha ee V a ried Pro rams Praise the Lord Varied Pro rams Potter's Touch Behind Scenes Varied Pro rams TBN 05 60 130 *TBS 16 27 Accordin -Jim Love-Ra mond American Dad American Dad Wipeout Cou ar Town Friends Friends Friends Friends Kin of Queens 28 ** Reflections in a Golden E e1967, DramaElizabeth Ta lor **** Goodb e, Mr. Chips (11:45) ** We WereStran ers 1949 (:45) *** The RedBad e of Coura e1951, War Goodb e-Lad : 4 5 * * Coura e of Lassie1946 Elizabeth Ta lor, FrankMor an 45 ***Old Yeller1957 Doroth McGuire 15 NowPla in March2013 *** Good News 1947 ** Silver River 1948,Western Errol Fl nn, AnnSheridan Kim Novak: Live TCM 101 44 10129 W (11:00) ** Nora Prentiss 1947 * * T h e Unfaithful 1947, M ste Ann SheridLew an, A res *** Sealed Car o1951 DanaAndrews ** Can-Can 1960,Musical h (11:45) ** Ni ht Son 1947 DanaAndrews (:15) **Sprin Reunion1957, Drama Bett Hutton, DanaAndrews Man in the Attic ** Second Chance1953Robert Mitchum * Dan erous Mission 1954Victor Mature *** Suddenl 1954, Sus enseFrankSinatra **** Rome, 0 en Cit 1946 *TLC 17834 32 34 What Not to Wear A Bab Sto A B a b Stor Varied Pro rams *TNT 17 26 15 27 Bones Bones Bones Bones Varied Pro rams *TOON 84 Loone Tunes Loone Tunes Tom 8 Jerr Tom and Jerr Scoob -Doo Johnn Test Jo h nn Test Va r ied Pro rams Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Pro rams Bourdain: NoReservations Tastiest Places to Chowdown Biz arre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food And Griffith A n dGriffith Gu n smoke Gunsmoke Bonanza And Griffith A n dGriffith An d Griffith An d Griffith TVLND 65 47 29 35 NCIS NCIS NCIS Varied Pro rams USA 15 30 23 30 Varied Pro rams VH1 19148 37 54 11:30 Movie Varied Pro rams ENCR 106401306401 FMC 104204104120 Movie Varied Pro rams Movie FUEL 34 Varied Pro rams Golf Central V a r ied Pro rams GOLF 28 301 27 301 PGA Tour Golf Varied Pro rams HALL 66 33 175 33 Golden Girls G o lden Girls G o lden Girls G o l den Girls Ha Da s Ha Da s Ha Da s Ha Da s Ha Da s Ha Da s Brad B unch Br a d Bunch ** Battleship 2012 Ta lor Kitsch,AlexanderSkars rd. n « ** The Luc One 2012ZacEfron. n « Larr Crowne (:15)** RacetoSpace 2002JamesWoods,AnnabethGish.n « 11:15 Cowbo s & Aliens 2011 n :1 5 Mel Brooks Strikes Back! n : 1 5 * * Johnson Famil Vacation 2004 Cedric the Entertainer. n *AThousand Words 2012Eddie Mur h . n Harr Potter HBO 25501425501 W 11:00 **Arthur2011n cc *** Game Chan e 2012,DocudramaJulianne Moore. n cc **I, Robot2004Will Smith, Brid et Mo nahan.n cc Be once: Life Is but aDreamn h ** The Luc One 2012 ZacEfron. n « Witness « *** Napol eon D nam ite2004JonHeder.n Har Potter (:45) ** Larr Crowne 2011 TomHanks,Julia Roberts. n « 15 **Chea erb the Dozen2003SteveMartin.n « ** Stuck onYou2003MattDamon,Gre Kinnear.n « ** Battleshi 2012 Ta lor Kitsch,AlexanderSkars rd. n « IFC 105 105 11:45 Movie V ariedPro rams Movie (10:40) ***Backdraft1991n ***Greenber 2010BenStiller, GretaGerwi, Rh s Ifans. n « (2:50) ** Clean Slate1994DanaCarve . n cc (:40)*Be ond2011 Jon Voi ht. n « 11:35 ** Safe House 2012,Actionn « *Ste hen Kin 's Thinner1996, Horrorn « 05 ***RisinSun1993SeanConne, Wesle Snies.n « 15 ** Alien vs. Predator 2004 MAX 00508 508 W ** Jo ful Noise 2012QueenLatifah. Premiere. n es *** The Lon Kiss Goodni ht1996, Action GeenaDavis. n cc **** Million Dollar Bab 2004, Drama Clint Eastwood. n « h (11:30) *** The Terminator 1984 n « ** Final Destination 5 2011 (:20) * A Sound of Thunder 2005 n « (:05) *** Hanna 2011,ActionSaoirse Ronan, Eric Bana. n « 11:30 ** Green Lantern 2011 R anRe nolds. n *Be ond2011 JonVoi ht, TeriPolo.n « 05 Dra on E es 2012Jean-ClaudeVanDamme 40 *Taxi2004 Queen Latifah.n « NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Varied Pro rams Adventure The DanPatrick Show Pro Football Talk The Crossover The Crossover Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams NGC 157 157 Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Iro n Man: Armor Voltron Force Dra onball GT Avatar: Air. Avatar: Air. Pla net Sheen P l anet Sheen NTOON 89 115189115 Fanbo -Chum Fanbo -Chum Avatar: Air. OUTD 37 307 43 307 Varied Pro rams Snow Fallin Nobel Son2007,SuspenseAlanRickman,B anGreenber.n * The Reunion 2011JohnCena. n cc (:45) * A Low DownDirt Shame1994 KeenenIvo Wa ans. n 11:45 ** Ca tain Corelli's Mandolin 2001,DramaNicolas Ca e **Fl a er2011PatrickDem se.n « Ten Inch Hero2007 ElisabethHarnois. n « :15 The Other F Word2011n 10:30 Alwa s : 4 5 ** The Dan erous Lives of Altar Bo s 2002Kieran Culkin *** Mansfield Park 1999EmbethDavidtz. Premiere. n cc *** Your Sister's Sister 2011Emil Blunt. n SHO 00 500 h *Apollo182011Llo dOwen. n « *** Prima Color s1998,Comed -DramaJohnTravolta,EmmaThompson.n « **Gu X2005JasonBi s.n« Scarlet Let. 11:05 Snow Fallin on Cedars n : 1 5 ** Pee World 2010Michael C. Hall. n « 45 ** Fl a er 2011 Patrick Dem se . n cc 15 * In the Mix 2005 Usher, ChazzPalminteri. n « SPEED 35 303125303 Monster Jam On the Ed e V a ried Pro rams Cho -Rebuild Gearz NASCARHub Varied Pro rams Pass Time Pa s s Time Var ied Pro rams STARZ 00408300408 (11:30) Movie Varied Pro rams (:05) Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams 11:00 ** La Mission 2009 ** An els Crest 2011Thomas Dekker.n cc 35 ** The Prince & Me2004Julia Stiles, LukeMabl . n « ** Saved! 2004JenaMalone,Mand Moore.n 11:15 ** The Deceivers n One Wa to Valhalla 2009Gabriel Macht, cc 45 ** New York Stories1989, Comed Nick Nolte, HeatherMcComb. n cc ** Power and Beaut 2002 « TMC 25 Suburban Girl The Green 2011,DramaJason Butler Harner. « 525 (:05) ** Daisies in December1995 n cc (:45) ** Touchback 2011,DramaBrian Presle, Kurt Russell, Melanie L nske . n « h 11:05 **ThelronLad n Dino Wolf 2009,Horror Maxwell Caulfield. n « *** American Heart 1992Jeff Brid es, EdwardFurlon . n « The Man onthe Train 2011DonaldSutherland. n 11:30 ** An els Crest 2011 n : 05 * * * The Constant Gardener 2005Ral h Fiennes. n cc 15 ** Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star 2003David S ade.n * The Cha rone 2011 cc *WE 143 41 174118 Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Gho st Whisp. V a ried Pro rams Charmed Charmed Varied Pro rams KATU
TV • PAGE 11 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
c II
II Jeopardy! (N)n
(10:01) Castle ProbableCause EvidenceKATU Newsat 11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc n '14' cc (N) n 'G' links Castle to amurder. 'PG' Kimmel Live (N) (ABC) (N) n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Biggest Loser MakeoverContestant makeoverswith TimGunn. (N) n cc (10:01) DeceptionRobertsuspects NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) Joannasmotwes.(N) n 14 « at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock MamaMia How IMet Your Rules of Engage- 2 Broke Girls n (9:31) Mike &Moll Hawaii Five-0 Chin iskidnappedandleft KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Mother n '14' ment 'PG' in prison. n '14' cc David Letterman (CBS) (N) cc KOHD O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News at Entertainment omg! Insider (N) n The Bachelor TheWomenTell All Memorablebachelorettes confront Sean. (N) (10:01) Castle ProbableCause EvidenceKEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy 'PQ' cc n '14' cc 'PG' links Castle to amurder. Kimmel Live (N) (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) n 11:00 (N) cc The Big Bang Bones TheSurvivor in the SoapRe- The Following Ryan suspectsJoeCar- News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guyn FamilyGuyRoad KFXO I(g g) @ g) TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n 'PG' Theory n '14' (FOX) mains found in abarrel. (N) '14' roll has aplan. (N) n (PA)'14' First on FOX to Germany'14' A 60s Pop Flashback: Hullabaloo (MyMusic) PeterNoonehosts a look backat ADD and Mastering It! Patrick McKennapresents 36ways to Rick Steves' Deli KOAB ~ gy gy gy ThisOldHousen NightlyBusiness PBSNewsHour(N) nm 'Q' cc (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' the series "Hullabaloo." n 'G' cc manageADDandADHD. n 'G' cc cious Europe NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) TheBiggestLoserMakeoverContestantmakeoverswithTimGunn.(N)n cc (10:01) Deception Robertsuspects NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc Joanna'smotives. (N) n '14' « (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules of Engage. The Carrie Diaries Harlantalks Tominto 90210 Life's a BeachLiamdecides to Cops n '14' cc Seinfeld TheFrog- Rules of Engage. That '70s Shown KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Gcl The King of '14' cc 'PG' cc ment '14' ger n 'PG' ment '14' Queens n 'PG a double-date.(N) n '14' open a surfboard shop.(N)'14' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 M y Family 'PG' Time Goes By Sound Tracks: Music-Borders Great Performances n 'G' cc World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc
Wheel of Fortune The Bachelor TheWomenTell All Memorablebachelorettes confront Sean. (N)
Gangsters: America's Most Evil Albert Gangsters: America's Most Evil Beyond ScaredStraight A teenshares (11:01) BeyondScared Straight Hamp 3 28 1 8 32 Gangsters: America's Most Evil King Gangsters: America's Most Evil 'PQ' cc "Alpo" Martinez. '14' cc 'PQ' cc Blood: Luis Felipe '14' cc a cell with hercousin. '14' ton Roads, Va. '14' cc ** "Marked for Death" (1990,Action) StevenSeagal, BasilWallace. A former *** "A FewGoodMen" (1992, Drama)TomCruise, Jack Nicholson, DemiMoore. ANavy lawyer defendstwo Marines in a (11:01) *** "The Fugitive"(1993)Har'AMC DEA agenttries to stop aJamaican drugring. « comrade's death. « rison Ford. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 GatorBoysAlligatorFace-Off'PG Gator Boys n 'PG Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot n 'PG Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence BRAVO 13 44 Bev erly Hills Social (N) The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly VanderpumpRules Reunion'14' L A Shrinks (N) What Happens Housewives CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:55) Reba'PG' (6:31) Reba 'PG' (7:09) Reba n 'PG'cc (7:46) Reba'PG' (8:23) Reba'PG ** "TheKarateKid" (1984)Ralph Macchio. AJapanese handymanteaches ateenager to defendhimself CNBC 54 36 40 52 Crime Inc. Art for theTaking American Greed Mad Money Crime Inc. Art for theTaking American Greed Sexiest Bodies Montel Williams CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:26) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Na t han for You The Ben Show (8:58) Futurama (9:29) South Park (9:59) South Park South Park 'MA' Daily Show Co l bert Report COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 First Ladies: Influence & Image Abigail Adams' life. Pol i tics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today " Voicesof MaeWhitman. n 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie 'G' « ** "Tinker Bell(2008) Good-Charlie Austin & Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G' « Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 FastN'Loudn'14'cc The Devils Ride (N) n '14' cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Fast N' Loud:Recharged(N) '14' Fast N' Loud (N) n '14' cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc *E! 13 25 Kou rtney and Kim Take Miami '14' E! News (N) Chasing The Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14' Burning Love(N) After Lately '14 Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeBasketball BayloratTexas(N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Tennis BNPParibas Showdown:Juan Martin del Potrovs. RafaelNadal NFL Lwe (N)cc Basketball NAS CAR Now NBA Tonight (N) NFL Ljve cc SportsNation ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Network Stars PBA Bowling cc SportsCentury cc Boxing cc College Basketball FromMarch1, 2003. cc College Basketball (N) H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "A LofLikeLove" (2005)Ashton Kutcher, AmandaPeet. FAM 67 29 19 41 America'sFunniestHomeVideos Switched at Birth n '14' « Switched at Birth Uprising(N)'14' The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive ** "GhostRider" (2007)NicolasCage. Amotorcycle stuntmanis a supernatural agentofvengeance. ** "Ghost Rider"(2007, Action) FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« Love It or List It 'G' cc Love It or List It Ethier 'G' cc Love It or List It (N) 'Q' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It, Too (N) 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers (N) 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG (11:02) Vikings '14' cc LIFE 13 39 20 31 **"TheFantasiaBarrino Story: Life ls Nol aFairy Tale"(2006)'PG' The Bible '14' « "PastorBrown"(2009) Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Nicole Ari Parker. cc MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Fri endzone 'PG' Friendzone 'PG Catfi sh:TheTV Show Reunionn Teen Mom2 Under Pressure 'PG' Teen Mom 2Love Hurts n 'PG' Teen Mom2 (N) n 'PG' (11:01) World of Jenks n 'PG NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob D r ake & Josh n Wendell.yinnie Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline onOWN(N) n '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Sins & Secrets Newry'14' « Sins & Secrets Chicago '14' « Pac-12 Playbook(N) Pac-12 Playbook PAC12 47 310310310 Women's College Basketball The12 Best C o l lege Basketball Arizona UCLA at College Basketball Coloradoat California *** "Kick-Ass" (2010)AaronJohnson,Christopher Mintz-Plasse. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:30) ** "Super Troopers" (2001) n cc (7:45) *** "Dodgeball: A TrueUnderdogStory" (2004,Comedy)Vince Vaughn. n SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:30) ** "Outlander" (2008) JamesCaviezel, Ron Perlman. « Continuum Playtime(N) Being Human(N) « Lost Girl (N) n « Continuum Playtime TBN 205 60 130 Kingdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' cc Live-Holy Land Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord Joel Osteen 'PG' Perry Stone The King of Seinfeld TheTape Seinfeld TheYada Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Family Guy PTVn Family Guy n Family Guyn Family Guyn Family Guy n Family Guy n Conan (N) '14' cc 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG 'PQ' cc Yada'PG' ** "Remember?"(1939, Comedy)RobertTaylor. Analready- ** "WhenLadies Meet" (1941,Romance-Comedy)JoanCrawford, RobertTaylor *** "Pride and Prejudice" (1940)Greer Garson.Sisters (5:00) **** "Goodbye, Mr. Chi p s" TCM 01 44 101 29 engagedwomanfalls for aworkaholic. Other manintroduceswriter to her lover's wife. seek husbandsin 1800sEngland. (1939) RobertDonat. *TLC 17 34 32 34UndercoverBossChi quitan 'PG' Undercover Boss7-Elevenn 'PG' Undercover Bossn 'PG'« Undercover BossDirecTV n 'PG Undercover BossCanada(N) 'PG' Undercover Boss DirecTV n 'PG Castle OnceUpona Crime Fairytale- Castle Castle and Beckett investigate a Castle AlwaysBuyRetail Strangemur Dallas Bobbyenlists the help of his Monday Mornings Tinaperformsa risky (11:01) Dallas Bobbyenlists thehelp of *TNT themed murders. n 'PG' cc murder. n 'PG' cc der scene. n 'PG' cc brother. (N) « procedure. (N)'14' « his brother. « *TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Regular Show MAD (N) 'PG' King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food'G' Bizarr eFoodsAmericalowa'PG Bizarre FoodsAmerica (N) 'PG Hotel Impossible (N) 'PG' « Armed & Ready Man v. Food *A*S*H TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:48) M'A'S*H (6:24) M The CosbyShow The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland King of Queens King of Queens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISPettyofficerismurdered.'PG' NCISWitchHuntn'PG'« WWE MondayNight RAWWWEOld School RAW.Featuring Flair, MeanGene, Rhodes,JR. (N)'PG' « (11:05) NCIS:Los Angeles n '14 La La's Life La La's Life Lov e & Hip Hop n '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 Love&HipHopn'14 Love & Hip Hop n '14 Love & HipHop(N) n '14' Black Ink Crew(N) n '14 *A&E
106 401 306401(6:05) * "Jack" 1996,Fantasy RobinWiliams. n 'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * 104 204104120"Night-Smithsonian
*** "Friday Night Lights" 2004 Bily BobThornton. n 'PG-13' « (10:05) *** "TheLord o/the Rings: TheReturno/ the King" 2003 "N ight aftheMuseum:Battle of the Smithsonian"2009 'PG' « FXM Presents * * "Walk Hard: The Dewey CoxStory" 2007JohnC.Reily. 'R' «
34 (4:00) UFC:Silva vs.Stann XFighters 2012Review X Fighters 2012Preview(N) UFC Unleashed AMA Supercross RacingAtlanta Fromthe Georgia Domein Atlanta. 28 301 27 301 TheHaneyProject(N) Feherty(N) Golf Central The HaneyProject Feherty The Golf Fix HALL 66 33 175 33 Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch NUMB3RSBreaking Point n 'PG' NUMB3RSPower n 'PG' « Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (5:45) ** "Larry Crowne"2011Tom Hanks. 'PG-13 Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' ** "Battleship" 2012, ScienceFiction Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' cc John Guare (11:15) ** "AmericanWedding" *** "TheTrumanShow" 1998,Comedy-DramaJim Carrey. 'PG IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00)***"The Truman Show" (7:15)***"SuicideKings"1997,CrimeDramaChristopher Walken,DenisLeary. 'R Suicide Kings * "NewYear's Eve" 2011 Halle Berry. Premiere. n 'PG-13' cc ** "The Chronicles ol Riddick" 2004 Vin Diesel. n 'NR' cc MAX 400 508 508 (6:15) *** "The Rundown" 2003 TheRock. n 'PG-13' cc NBCSN 27 58 30209 NHL Hockey:Lightning atPenguins NHL Live (N) The Crossover Pro Football Talk NHL Overtime Cycling Paris-Nice,Stage 1(N) Skiing Adventure Are You Tougherthan a Boy NGC 157 157 A l aska State Troopers (N)'14 Inside CombatRescue(N) '14 Alaska StateTroopers '14' Inside CombatRescue'14 Supercarrier: USSRonald Reagan NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Heartland Bow Fisher's ATV SnowTrax cc B o t tom FeedersOutdoorsman Best of West Elite Tactical Unit Hotwire Fisher's ATV B o ttom Feeders SnowTrax « W a r dens SHO 500 500 Homeland TheClearing'MA' « Californication House of Lies Shameless n 'MA'acc Inside Comedy House of Lies (6:15) *** "TheCompanyMen"2010 BenAffleck. n 'R' cc SPEED 35 303125303 Faster Than F a s ter Than Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Pinks - All Out 'PG' Faster Than F a ster Than Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Unique Whips '14' ** "XXX: State o/the Union' n STARZ 300408300408 DangerMethod (6:45) ** "John Carter"2012, ScienceFiction Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' « Spartacus: War of the Damnedn Spartacus: War of the Damnedn *** "50/50"2011 JosephGordon-Levitt. 'R' « TMC 525 525 (6:15) ** "Drones" 2010 Jonathan M. Woodward. n 'R' « (9:40) **"DickieRoberts: FormerChild Star" 2003David Spade.n Cheer/eader *WE 14 41174118Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG'
THE BULLETIN «MARCH 2 — 8, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 12 • TV
v II
II Jeopardy! (N)n
Wheel of Fortune Celebrity Wife SwapCoolio's and Mark TheTast eSeductionThecooksmust Body of Proof LostSouls Acouple KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' McGrath'smates.(N) n 'PG' claim their childwasmurdered. '14' Kimmel Live (N) (ABC) create a sumptuousdish. '14' (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Betty White's Off Betty White's Off Go On Double The New Normal nSmashTheRead-ThroughIvymeetsherNewsChannel21 TonightShow KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc '14' « (N) n'G' (NBC) Their Rockers Their Rockers Down (N)'PG' new co-star.(N) n '14' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodWho Wants toBe New Adventures 30 Rock Kidney NCIS PrimeSuspect Gibbs' barber NCIS: Los Angeles Sam'swife must Golden BoyThePrice of RevengeClark KOINLocal6at11 Late Show With KBNZ (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Now! '14' cc and Arroyobutt heads. 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) comes tohimfor help. (N) n 'PG' resumeher CIAcover. (N)'14' (N) cc omg! Insider (N) Celebrity Wife SwapCoolio's andMark TheTasteSeductionThecooksmust Body of Proof LostSouls Acouple KEZI 9 News at (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 Newsat Entertainment McGrath's mates.(N) n 'PG' (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Ton i ght (N) n cc create a sumptuousdish. '14' claim their childwasmurdered. '14' 11:00 (N) « Kim mel Live (N) The Big Bang The Big Bang American Idol1st10 Semifinalists PerformLIVE - The malesemifinalists perform News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guyn Family Guy n KFXO iDc Q |Ef IEI TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf '14' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (N) n '14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' First on FOX Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) nacc Pioneers of Television FunnyLadiesStand-upcomicsand John Denver Rocky Mountain High Live in Japan n 'G' «Ed Sullivan's Top Performers1966KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Ask This Old female sitcomstars. n 'PG' « (PBS) House 'G' cc Report (N) n 'G' 1969 (MyMusic) 'PG' cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) Betty White's Off Betty White's Off Go OnDouble The New Normaln SmashTheRead-ThroughIvymeetsherNewsChannel8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc '14' « 6:30PM(N) Their Rockers Their Rockers new co-star. (N) n '14' (NBC) 6PM (N) « Down (N)'PG' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld The Rules of Engage. Hart of Dixie Zoegetsoverly protective Beauty and the Beast Heatherfalls for Cops n '14' cc Seinfeld TheMaid Rules of Engage. That '70s Show n KTVZDT2 (EIQ Q Gc! The King of '14' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc ment '14' Joe's youngerbrother. n 'PG' ment '14' Queens n 'PG Couch n 'PG' of Rose. (N) n 'PG' « (CW) OPBPL 175 1 7 3 Ne W TriCkS n cc In Her Power n American Masters AuthorLouisa MayAlcott. n 'PG' World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc
Storage WarsDr. Storage Wars Storage Wars (11:01)Storage (11:31) Storage 'PG' « 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc W a rs 'PG' cc Strangebid Nicolas Cage, Angel i na Jol i e, Gi o vanni Ri b i s i. A reti r ed thief (10:31) ** "The Transpoi fer" (2002,Action) Jason Statham, (5:00)***"A Few GoodMen"(1992, Drama)TomCruise, Jack Nicholson. A *"Gonein SixtySeconds" (2000,Action) 'AMC Navy lawyerdefendstwo Marinesin a comrade's death. « must steal 50cars tosave his brother. « Shu Qi, FrangoisBerleand. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Gator Boys:Xtra Bites'PG' cc Wild West Alaska n '14' cc Frozen Planet n 'PG' cc Frozen Planet Winter 'PG' cc Frozen Planet n 'PG' cc Frozen Planet n 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 The Millionaire Matchmaker '14' The Millionaire Matchmaker '14' T h e Millionaire Matchmaker '14' The Millionaire Matchmaker '14' T h e Millionaire Matchmaker '14' What Happens Housewives/Atl CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:55) Reba 'PG' (6:32) Reba 'PG (7:09) RebaHouseRules n 'PG' (7:46) Reba'PG' (8:23) Reba'PG ** "lntheArmyNow" (1994,Comedy) Pauly Shore, AndyDick. n (11:15) * "Son-in-Law"(1993)n CNBC 54 36 40 52 Treasure Detectives (N) The CarChasers (N) Mad Money Treasure Detectives The CarChasers P90X Zumba Fit CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Tos h.0 '14' Tos h .0 (N) '14' The Jeselnik OffDaily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53135 47 SouthPark'14' Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show Th e Jeselnik Off Tosh.0 '14' Tosh.0 '14' COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Redmond City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie 'G' « ** "TinkerBell and theLost Treasure" (2009)n Good-Charlie Austin & Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G' « Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Aus t in & Ally 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 DualSurvivalTwinPeaksn'14 Dual Survival TheGreenHell '14 Dual Survival: UntamedFiji (N) '14 Dual Survival (N) n '14' cc Yukon Men:Revealed (N) n cc Dual Survwaln 14 cc *E! 13 2 5 (4:30) *** "KnockedUp"(2007) E! News(N) After Lately '14' After Lately '14 Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14' Kourtney and KimTake Miami '14 Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeBasketbal!OhioStateatlndiana(N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 TheFabFive cc NFL Lwe (N)cc NFL Live cc SPortsNation N BA Tonight (N) NASCARNow Basketball ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boxing cc Boxing Heavyweigthtitle bout, fromNov. 6, 1993 College Basketball FromFeb. 18,2010 (N) College Basketball cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. FAM 67 29 19 41 America'sFunniestHomeVideos Pretty Little Liars n '14' « Pretty Little Liars (N) n '14' « The Lying Game (N) n '14' « Pretty Little Liars n '14' « The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChoppedTime&Space'G' Chopped MyWay Chopped Marrowly WeRoll Along Chopped SunnySideApps'G' Chopped(N) Chopped Oui,Oui, Confit 'G * "TheWaterboy" (1998,Comedy)AdamSandler, KathyBates FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men The Ultimate Fighter (N) n '14' Justified TheHatchet Tour(N) 'MA The Americans COMINT 'MA HGTV 17 49 33 43 Property Virgins Property Virgins Hunters Int'I House Hunters Property Virgins Property Virgins Income Property (N) n 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Income Property Dan &Tania 'G' *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Top GearAdam'sShow(N)'PG' Vikings Rites ofPassage'14' cc (11:02) UltimateSoldier Challenge LIFE 13 39 20 31 Dance Moms'PG'acc Dance Moms'PG' cc Dance MomsByeBye Baby'PG' Dance Moms(N)'PG' « Double Divas (N) Double Divas Double Divas D ouble Divas MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (6:58) World of Jenks n 'PG Teen Mom 2Love Hurts n 'PG' Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' True Life Standing upto girlfriends Nikki & Sara T r ue Life n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob D r ake & Josh n Wendell.yinnie Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny'PG Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends Our America With Lisa Ling 'PG' Our America With Lisa Ling n '14 Blackboard Wars n 'PG' OWN 161 103 31 103 Married-Mobster Married-Mobster Married-Mobster Married-Mobster Our America With Lisa Ling 'PG' Pac-12 Playbook PAC12 47 310310310(5:30) CollegeWrestling Pac12Championship College Swimming &Diving Pac12 Women's Championships The 12 Best ** "Eddie Murphy Raw" (1987) SPIKE 132 31 34 46 "Dodgeball: Underdog (7:15) *** i ffick-Ass" (2010,Action) AaronJohnson. Anordinary teendecides to becomeasuperhero. n The Joe SchmoShow(N) n '14' SYFY 13 35133 45 FaceOff Face Off BuggingOut 'PG Face Off Howlat the Moon Face Off It's Better in theDark(N) Robot CombatLeague (N) Face Off It's Better in theDark TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince Rod Parsley Praise the Lord 'Y' « ACLJ This Week Full Flame cc Secrets-Clement Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord The King of Seinfeld TheNose Seinfeld TheMil- Seinfeld The Mas- The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Cougar Town(N) The Big Bang Conan (N)'14' cc 'TBS n '14' cc Queens n 'PG Job 'PG' lennium n 'PG' seuse 'PG' The o ry n '14' T h eory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Way"(1942, Drama)IdaLupino, DennisMorgan,Joan Leslie *** "Limelight" (1952, Comedy-Drama)Charles Chaplin, Claire Bloom,Sydney Chaplin. An aging *** "A Day althe (5:00) *** "GoodNe s"(1947)June *** "The Hard TCM 101 44 101 29 Allyson, PeterLawford. Schemeruses mento get her sister-in-law on Broadway. vaudevillian saves ayoungballerina fromsuicide. Races" *TLC 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium The ManWith Half a Body n 'PG' The Man With the 200lb Tumor n TheMan Who LostHisFace'PG' Bubble SkinMann 'PG'« The ManWho LostHisFace 'PG' NBA Basketball: NBA Basketball LosAngeles Lakersat OklahomaCity Thunder FromChesapeakeEnergyArena in Inside the NBA(N) (Live) cc Castle 47 Seconds A bombkills protest- Castle TheLimeyInvestigating with *TNT Celtics at 76ers Oklahoma City. (N)(Live) « ers at a rally. n 'PG' « another detective. n 'PG' « *TOON 84 Adventure Time Adventure Time Johnny Test 'Y7' Wrld, Gumball Looney Tunes Adventure Time KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'G' Bizarre Foods America Miami'PG Extreme Rys 'G' « Armed & Ready Armed & Ready Extreme Houseboats 'PG' « Cleveland HotinCleveland KingofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M *A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit White Collar In theWind(N)'PG' Law & Order: Special Victims Unit La La's Life La La's Life 10 0 Sexiest Artists Hour 1 n '14 Mob Wives n '14' cc VH1 191 48 37 54 BlacklnkCrewn'14 Love & Hip Hop n '14 100 Sexiest Artists Hour1 n '14 *A&E
3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars «Storage Wars « Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
** "For LoveorMoney"1993MichaelJ.Fox.'PG' 106401 306401McHale's Navy TheDead Pool (6:20) *** "Aifhur"1981 DudleyMoore. 'PG' « (9:40) *** "TheRiverWild"1994Meryl Streep. n'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * * "Zodiac" 2007 Jake Gyllenhaal. TheZodiac Kiler terrorizes SanFrancisco in the 1960sand'70s. 'R' FXM Presents ** "FinalDestination" 2000 'R' 104 204104120(4:00) *** "Zodiac" 2007'R' 34 AMA Supercross RacingSt.Louis UFC Tonight (N) UFC Insider BC One2012 BC One 2011 X Fighters 2012 Preview The Ultimate Fighter n '14 UFC Tonight U FC Insider 28 301 27 301(5:00) PGA Tour Golf Golf Central G o l f Academy Feherty The HaneyProject Golf Academy Golf Academy HALL 66 33 175 33 Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch Frasier 'G' « Fra sier n 'PG' F rasier 'G' « Fra sier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (5:30) *** "Harry Pollerand thePrisoneroi Azkahan" 2004 n 'PG ** "Sherlock Holmes: A Gameo/ Shadows" 2011 n 'PG-13' cc Michael Buffer Girls 'MA' cc ** "Love & OtherDrugs" 2010 *** "Thir teen"2003,Drama Holly Hunter,Evan RachelWood.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "GroundhogDay (7:15) *** "GroundhogDay"1993, Romance-ComedyBill Murray, Chris Elliott. 'PG (11:45)Thideen ** "ThePool Boys" 2009MatthewLilard. 'R' cc ** i RomyandMi ** "Safe House"2012,Action DenzelWashington. n 'R' cc MAX 400 508 508 (5:15) ** "Alienvs. Predator" n chele'sHighSchoolReunion"'R NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHL Hockey: Flyers at Rangers NHL Live (N) The Crossover Pro Football Talk NHL Overtime Cycling Paris-Nice,Stage 2FromVimory to Cerily Poker After Dark 'PG' « Adventure ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
Diggers (N)'PG' Diggers 'PG' NGC 157 157 D oomsday Preppers(N)'14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' Diggers'PG' D i ggers 'PG DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut DoomsdayPreppers '14' NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Avatar: Air Avatar: Air Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Avatar: Air Alien Dawn 'PG' Alien Dawn 'PG' OUTD 37 307 43 307 Hunting, Country Most Wanted Hunting TV Spring West. Extremes Hunt Adventure Truth Hunting Hunting, Country Driven TV Spring Bow Madness Grateful Nation SHO 500 500 House of Lies Californication Shameless n 'MA' « (5:15)"TheOther F Word" 2011n (6:55) History of the EaglesExploringthe evolution and enduringpopularity of TheEagles. 'MA SPEED 35 303125 303 Dreams Dreams Translogic (N) The List (N) G e arz 'PG' Ge a rz 'G' Dreams Dreams Translogic The List Unique Whips '14' **"TheHauntedMansion"2003EddieMurphy *** "TheAmazingSpider-Man"2012,Action AndrewGarfield. n 'PG-13' « That'sMy Boy STARZ 300408300408 ** "30 Mi nutes orLess"2011 Jesse Eisenberg.'R "TheTortured" 2010 Erika Christensen. n 'R' cc TMC 525 52 5 P o wer, Beauty (6:45) ** "TheStoryof Us"1999Bruce Wilis. n 'R' « I WillFollow" 2010 Salli Richardson-Whitfield. 'NR' BlackDeath 'R' *WE 14 41 174118 CSEMiami Killer Date n ©c CSE Miami Recoil n '14' cc CSE MiamiVengeance'14' cc CSE Miami Whacked n '14' cc CSE Miami Sex 8Taxes'14' cc CSE Miami Killer Date n cc
TV • PAGE 13 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
v II
II Jeopardy! (N)n
The Neighbors (N)Modern Family n (9:31) SuburgatoryNashville Raynamakesa discovery KATU Newsat 11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (N) n 'G' (N) n 'PG' about Deacon. n 'PG' cc Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) (N) n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Whitney Lost in Whitney n '14' cc Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago Fire Leavingthe Station NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) Transition '14' Twenty-FiveActs '14' «(DVS) Severide's injury is aggravated. '14 at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock Season 4 Survivor: Caramoan — Fans vs. Favor Criminal Minds TheBAUtracks an CSE CrimeScene Investigation Karma KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ n '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine to Burn '14' cc (DVS) David Letterman (CBS) ites Kill or BeKiled (N) cc escapedprisoner. n '14' (N) cc omg! Insider (N) The Middle n The Neighbors (N)Modern Family n (9:31) SuburgatoryNashville Raynamakesa discovery KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (N) n 'PG' Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « Toni ght (N) 'PG cc about Deacon. n PG « 11:00 (N) cc Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang American Idol 2nd 10Semifinalists Perform -LIVEThefemale semifinalists per News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guyn Family Guy n KFXO I(g IE} IEI IEI Twoanda Half '14' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n 'PG' Theory n '14' (FOX) form. (N) n '14' cc First on FOX NOVA EarthFromSpace Satellite data of theearth. n 'G' «(DVS) Nature AnimalOddCouples Cross-species relationships. n KOAB ~ gy gy gy Burt Wolf: Travels Nightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n acc 'G' cc(DVS) (PBS) & Traditions R e port (N) n 'G' NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) Whitney Lost in Whitney n '14' cc Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago Fire Leavingthe Station NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) Transition '14' Twenty-FiveActs '14' «(DVS) Severide's injury isaggravated. '14 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show Seinfeld TheGym- Rules of Engage. Arrow Trust butVerify Theathinks Moira Supernatural KevinandMrs. Tranbuild Cops n '14' cc Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules of Engage. That '70s Show n KTVZDT2 @ ~ g) Gcl The King of 'PG' cc ment '14' ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG' Angie 'PG' « nast n 'PG' is having anaffair. '14' « ademonbomb n 14 « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 O u tnumbered n Last of the Wine Adventures of Sherlock Holmes D o c Martin The Departed n 'PG' World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc
Wheel of Fortune The Middle n
DuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynast y FrogDuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty(N) Duck Dynasty (N) (11:01)Duck Dy- (11:31) Duck Dy3 28 1 8 32 The 48'1A 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « scrapFirst yard. 4'man cc is shot deadin a Samurai Si 'PG' 'PG' cc in One 'PG' CSU Miami IntheWind Eric Delko C SI: Miami L.A. Evidence-tamperingac- *** "WillyWonkaand the Chocolate Factory" (1971, Fantasy)GeneWilder, JackAlbeitson, Peter (10:31) *** "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (1971) 'AMC returns. n '14' cc cusations. n '14' cc Ostrum. Afamousconfectioner offers a grand prize to fivechildren. « Gene Wilder, JackAlbeitson. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 GatorBoysn'PG' « River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG' River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG North WoodsLaw: Onthe Hunt n North Woods Law: Onthe Hunt n River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Re a l Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly The Rachel ZoeProject (N) '14' Br a d World Duk es of Mel W hatHappens Rachel ZoeProj. CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:53) Reba'PG' (6:31) Reba 'PG' (7:09) Reba SafeDating 'PG' cc (7:46) Reba'PG' (8:23) Reba'PG * "Son-in-Law" (1993,Comedy)Pauly Shore,Carla Gugino.n (11:15) MyBig RedneckVacation CNBC 54 36 40 52 Aff-Star Celebrity Apprentice Thecelebrities sell meatballs. 'PG' « Mad Money Aff-Star Celebrity Apprentice Thecelebrities sell meatballs. 'PG' « Insanity Workout 21st Century CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 South Park '14' Tosh.0 '14' Col b ert Report Daily Show Wor kaholics '14' South Park 'MA'South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Workaholics '14' Kroff Show '14' Daily Show COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session B end City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie 'G' « ** "TinkerBell andthe Great Fairy Rescue" n Pixie Hollow A u s tin & Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'GJessie ' n cc Good-Charlie Austin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Amish Mafia Fall From Grace '14' A m ish Mafia Holy War '14' cc Amish Mafia EstherandJohnperform anexorcism. (N) n '14' cc Weed Country Rippers(N) n '14' Amish Mafia n 14 cc *E! 13 25 Giu l iana & Biff Surgery Day'PG' E ! News (N) Kourtney and KimTakeMiami '14' Burning Love B urning Love The Soup '14' The Soup '14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketbaff ChicagoBullsatSanAntonioSpurs(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball WestVirginia at Oklahoma(N)(Live) College Basketball Stanford atCalifornia(N) (Live) « Basketball NBA Tonight (N)NASCARNow NBA Tonight ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) USFL FromJuly 14, 1985. 3 0for 30 'PG' « Long WayDown cc College Basketball cc College Basketball Played2/3/00. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "Twilight"(2008, Romance)Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Bily Burke. FAM 67 29 19 41 **"AliceinWonderland"(2010,Fantasy)Johnny Depp,Mia Wasikowska. The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren T h e O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G' FX 131 Anger Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * "Knight andDay" (2010, Action) TomCruise, Cameron Diaz, Peter Sarsgaard The AmericansTrust Me(N)'MA' The Americans Trust Me'MA' HGTV 17 49 33 43 IncomePropertyMarli8 Toby'G' Income Property Karen 8Kevin 'G Cousins on Call Cousins on Call Property Brothers (N) 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers 'G' cc *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG The Bible '14' cc (11:02) AmericaUnearthed 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 WifeSwapn'PG' « Wife Swap n 'PG' « Wife Swap n 'PG' « Wife Swap n PG « America's Supernanny(N)'PG' (11:01) DanceMoms'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Fri endzone 'PG' Friendzone 'PG' Failosophy '14' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness *** "8 Mile"(2002)Eminem.A Detroit mantries to achieve successas a rapper. n Washington Heights(N) n '14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob D r ake & Josh n Wendeff -Vinnie Fuff House'G' Fuff House 'G' Fuff House'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends Behind Mansion Walls '14' cc Undercover Boss n PG « Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n '14' « Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc OWN 161 103 31 103 Behind Mansion Walls '14' « PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12Playbook College Basketball UCLAat WashingtonState (N) (Live) College Basketball USCat Washington (N)(Live) The12 Best College Basketball ** "Fantastic Four" (2005,Action) loanGruffudd, JessicaAlba. Premiere. n ** "TheGuardian (2006) Kevin SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:30) ** "TheGuardian" (2006)KevinCostner, Ashton Kutcher. n Costner. n SYFY 13 35 133 45 Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector (N) Stranded Seaview Terrace (N) Haunted Collector TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince End of the Age Left Behind 'PG' AlwaysGood J esseDuplantis EasterExper. C refloDoffar'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord The King of Seinfeld TheAlter- Seinfeld The MuffinSeinfeld n 'PG' cc Family GuyPatriot The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan (N)'14' cc 'TBS Queens n 'PG nateSide'PG' Tops 'PG' Games '14' The ory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG' *** "The Man Withe th Golden Arm" Novak: Live Fromthe TCMClas *** "Picnic" (1955, Drama)Wiliam Holden, KimNovak. Adrifter provokes TCM 101 44 I 01 29casts ** "Bell, Book e"Franci (1 958, JamesStewart, KimNovak. Awitch Kim a love speland l onCandl aSan scoComedy) publisher. sic Film Festival dreams for abeautyandothers in a Kansastown. (1955, Drama)FrankSinatra. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14' M y A ddiction M y A ddiction Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « Hoarding: Buried Alive (N) n 'PG' My Addiction M y Addiction Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « (4:00)"TheBourne *** "TheBourneUltimatum" (2007,Action) Matt Damon,Julia Stiles, Joan Allen. Jason Bournecontin Boston's Finest Thefugitive unit cases Southland Under the BigTop Lydia and Boston's Finest Thefugitive unit cases *TNT Identity" ues to lookfor clues to unravel histrue identity. «(DVS) the streets. (N) '14' « Reubensearchfor a kiler. '14' the streets. '14' « *TOON 84 Wrld, Gumbaff Wrld, Gumbaff Wrld, Gumbaff NinjaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Incredible Crew King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy 'PG' Family Guy 'PG' *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G' FoodTruckParadise'G'« Feed the Beast Feed the Beast Cheese Paradise (N) 'PG' « Hamburger Paradise G « Cleveland HotinCleveland King TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M *A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love.Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in ofQueens King ofQueens USA 15 30 23 30 NCISAblindphotographer.n'PG' N C ISDefiancen'PG'« NCIS Kill Screen n 'PG' « NCIS Devil's Triangle n '14' Psych Gusgets agirlfriend. 'PG (11:01) White Collar 'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 (5:55)MobWivesn'14' cc Mob Wives n '14' cc 100 Sexiest Artists Hour 1 n '14' 1 0 0 Sexiest Artists Hour 2 n '14' ** "Fame"(2009, Drama)Asher Book, Kristy Flores. Premiere. n *A&E
** "Absolute Power" 1997,SuspenseClint Eastwood. n 'R' « (10:10) ** "Conspiracy Theory" 1997Mel Gibson. n 'R' « **"Blo w"2001,DramaJohnnyDepp,PenelopeCruz,Franka Potente.'R' acc * "Deception" 2008,SuspenseHughJackman. 'R' « 34 (5:00) UFCReloaded Reliveall the action fromUFC146. Prizefighter Boxing World MMAAwards '14 BC One2011 BC One 2012 English PremierLeagueSoccer 28 301 27 301 Feherty The HaneyProject Golf Central In s ide PGA Tour The Golf Fix On the Range Inside PGATour Learning Center HALL 66 33175 33 Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Frasier n ' PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier 'PG' Fr a sier 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' *** "TheDescendants" 2011,DramaGeorge Clooney. n 'R' cc HBO 425501 425501 Beyonce: Life * * * " ForrestGump"1994, Comedy-Drama Real TimeWith Biff Maher n 'MA' TomHanks, RobinWright.n'PG-13' cc ** "Tee h" t2007,ComedyJessWeixler,JohnHensley,JoshPais.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** "Transporter 3" 2008 (7:15) *** "Signs" 2002,SuspenseMelGibson, Joaquin Phoenix. 'PG-13' Last King-Scot ** "HallPass" 2011 OwenWilson. n 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 (6:15) *** "Riseolthe Planetol the Apes"2011 JamesFranco. n Banshee n 'MA' cc (10:45) ** "TheDayAfter Tomorrow"2004 'PG-13 NBCSN 27 58 30 209 NHL Hockey: Avalanche atBlackhawks NHL Live (N) Pro Football Talk NHL Overtime Cycling Paris-Nice,Stage3 (N) Poker After Dark 'PG' « Adventure Inside CombatRescue'14' Highway Thru Hell '14' NGC 157 157 A l aska State Troopers'14 Lords of War(N) Lords of War(N) Alaska StateTroopers '14' Lords of War L ords of War NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Av a tar: Air Avatar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Elite Tactical Unit Sig Academy Am e r. RiflemanShooting Gallery 1911 Best Defense Elite Tactical Unit Sig Academy Shooting USA cc Gun Stories S h ooting Gallery SHO 500 500 Shameless n 'MA' « 60 Minutes Sports (N) '14' cc Californication House of Lies 60 Minutes Sports n '14' « (6:15) ** "Payback" 1999,Action MelGibson, Gregg Henry. 'R' SPEED 35 303125 303Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Am. Trucker A m . Trucker St u ntbusters S t u ntbusters '14 Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Am. Trucker A m . Trucker Unique Whips '14 ** "Underworld: Awakening" 2012 n 'R' « ** "Priest" 2011 PaulBettany. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 300408300408 (515)**"Colombiana"2011n (710)**"TheFog"2005, Horror TomWelling.n'PG13' « "A Ge!2Gelher" 2005,ComedyB. Cole. n 'NR' « TMC 525 525 (6:15) ** "RumbleFish" 1983,DramaMatt Dilon. n 'R' « Budz House" 2012Wesley Jonathan. 'R' « (11:15) ** "JudgeDredd"1995 *WE 14 41 174118(5:00) ** "Overboard"1987Goldie Hawn.'PG The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Fix My Family (N) CSU Miami BigBrother '14' cc CSU Miami Bait n 14 cc ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
106401 306401(6:15) ** "StrikingDistance"1993 BruceWilis. n 'R' « 104 204104120(5:00) ** "Blow" 2001JohnnyDepp. 'R' «
THE BULLETIN «MARCH 2 — 8, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 14 • TV
c II
Grey's Anatomy Richardavoids Wheel of Fortune Zero Hour ChainLaila looksfor a (10:02) Scandal Davidlearns thetruth KATU Newsat 11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' about Cytron. n '14' « Kimmel Live '14' chanceto escape.(N)'PG' « Cathenne's advances. '14' « (N) n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Community (N) n Parks andRecre The Office 'PG' cc (9:31) 1600Penn (10:01) Law &Order: Special Victims NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc 'PG' « (N) n 'G' (N) 'PG' cc ation n '14' (DVS) Unit AcceptableLoss n '14' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock Into the The Big Bang (8:31) Twoand a (9:01) Person of Interest Cluesleadthe (10:01) Elementary Acollege professor KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Crevasse n '14' Theory (N) 'PG' Half Men (N)'14' team to acoastal town.(N) '14' is murdered. n 'PG' « David Letterman (N) cc Grey's AnatomyRichardavoids KEZI 9 Newsat KEZI 9 News at Entertainment omg! Insider (N) Zero Hour ChainLailalooksfor a (10:02) Scandal Davidlearns thetruth KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy cc 11:00 (N) cc Kimmel Live '14 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) n chanceto escape.(N)'PG' « Catherine's advances.'14' « about Cytron. n '14' « The Big Bang American Idol FinalistsAnnouncedThetop tenfinalists are Glee The gleeclub sings asongfrom a News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc Family Guy Go gi) g} IK) g) TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n '14' Theory n '14' revealed. (N) n '14' cc movie. (N)'14' «(DVS) First on FOX Stewie Go'14' Oregon Experience: Eccentric OregonVortex; Rajneeshpuram;Beervana LegendsofFolk:TheVillageScenen 'G'« ~ gy ~ gy Passport to Ad- Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n acc KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc
Jeopardy! (N)n
venture n 'G' Report (N) n 'G' NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) Community (N) n Parks andRecre The Office 'PG' cc (9:31) 1600Penn (10:01) Law &Order: Special Victims NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc ation n '14' (N) 'PG' « Unit Acceptable Loss n '14' (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) (DVS) 11 (N) « With Jay Leno That'70sShown Seinfeldn'PG' cc Rulesof Engage. The VampireDiaries RebekahlooksforBeauty and the Beast OnThin Ice Cops Alaska n Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules of Engage. That '70s Show n KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ TheKingof '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc ment '14' ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG' a new ally. n '14' « Vincent is confiicted. n 'PG' « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 T i me Goes By My Family 'PG' Speedy Delivery n 'G' « Adopted: For the Life of Me n 'G' World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'PG' cc PBS NewsHour n « KGW
The First 48 BirthdayGirl Gunmenopen After the First 48 Stabbingdeath of a (11:01) TheFirst 48 Drive-byshooting 3 28 1 8 32 The First First 48'1A4'woman is shot andthen The First 48 Fatal public. '14'48 ccAmanis beaten todeath in The immolated. « an apartment complCall ex. Fatal 'PG' shooting in fire at a birthdayparty. '14' Honduranimmigrant. (N) '14' victim in Dallas. 'PG' cc ** "Christine" (1983,Horror) KeithGordon,JohnStockwell. A teenager rebuilds a The Walking DeadWildfire Rick leads Comic BookMen Freakshow(N)'14' Immortalized (N) Comic Book Men Freakshow '14' Immortalized 'PG' 'AMC 'PG' demonic auto inStephenKing'stale. ac c the group tothe CDC.'14' Con Men'PG' Con Men'PG' *ANPL 68 50 26 38 WhaleWarsCounterstriken'PG Whale WarsTargetAcquired'PG' S aving Rhino Phila (N) n 'PG Battleground: RhinoWars(N)'14' North Woods Law (N) n 'PG' Battleground: RhinoWars n '14' BRAVO 13 Shahs of Sunset (Part 2 of 2)'14' V anderpump Rules '14 VanderpumpRules LastCall '14' V a nderpump Rules Social (N) What Happens Kathy 44 Sha hs of Sunset Reunion '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:55) Reba 'PG' (6:32) Reba 'PG (7:09) Reba AMoment in Time 'PG' (7:46) Reba'PG' (8:23) Reba'PG *** "Clear and PresentDanger" (1994) Harrison Ford. CIAchief combatsColombian drug cartels. n CNBC 54 36 40 52 AmericanGreed: TheFugitives American Greed(N) Mad Money American Greed:TheFugitives American Greed Insanity! Hair Restoration CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront The Ben Show Nathan for You Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53135 47 SouthPark'MA' Tosh.0'14 Colbert Report Daily Show Al w ays Sunny Always Sunny Workaholics '14' Tosh.0 '14' COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « «Secreto/Ihe Wings"(2012), LucyHale n « Good-Charlie A u stin & Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G' « Goo d-Charlie A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G' cc *DISC 15 21 16 37 Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Pick-OffSpecial 'PG Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Property Wars Property Wars Auction Kings Auction Kings *E! 13 25 Kou rtney and Kim Take Miami '14' E! News (N) 'G E! Special '14' * * "There's Something About Mary" (1998) CameronDiaz, Matt Dilon, BenStiller Chelsea Lately E! News 'G' ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeBasketbal!WisconsinatMichiganState(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball Oregon atColorado(N) (Live) College Basketball LongBeachState at UCDavis (N) (Live) Basketball NAS CAR Now NFL Live (N) cc ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights n 'PG' « Friday Night Lights MudBowl 'PG' Car Auctions Car Auctions College Basketball FromFeb. 5, 1992. cc College Basketball From2/3/94 H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "Char/ie Sl. Cloud" (2010,Drama)Zac Efron, AmandaCrew. FAM 67 29 19 41 Melissa & Joey ** "Twilight" (2008, Romance)Kristen Stewait, Robeit Pattinson, Billy Burks The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren T h e O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Chopped Step Right Up! Sweet Genius Electric Genius Chopped FarFarOut! 'G Chopped Untrained,Undaunted Chef WantedWith Anne Burrell (N) Worst Cooks in America * "Grown I/ps" (2010, Comedy)AdamSandler, KevinJames FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Anger Anger Archer (N)'MA' Legit (N) 'MA' BrandX With Russell Brand 'MA' HGTV 17 49 33 43 Selling NY S ell i ng NY Hunters Int'I House Hunters West End Sal. West End Sal Rehab Addict 'G' Rehab Addict 'G' House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hawaii Life 'G' Hawaii Life 'G' *HIST 15 42 41 36 Big Rig BountyHunters'14' cc Swamp People 'PG' cc SwampPeopl eFloatingDead'PG' SwampPeople BadMojo(N) 'PG' Big Rig Bounty Hunters (N)'14' Larry the CableGuy LIFE 13 39 20 31 Dance MomsByeBye Baby'PG' Dance Moms'PG' « Project RunwaySenior Fling'PG Project Runway A Sticky Situation (N)'PQ' cc Double Divas Double Divas D ouble Divas MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Fri endzone 'PG' Friendzone 'PG' Failosophy '14' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Failosophy '14' Ridiculousness Failosophy '14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob D r ake & Josh n See DadRun n See Dad Runn Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends The Will: Family Secrets Revealed Dateline on OWNn '14' « Dateline onOWN(N) n '14' NYERn'14' NYERn'14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 TheWill: Family Secrets Revealed PAC12 47 310310310 Women's College Basketball Basketball Rep. Women's CollegeBasketball Basketball Rep Women's CollegeBasketball SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:25) ** "Fantastic Four" (2005)loanGruffudd, Jessica Alba.n iMPACTWrestling (N) n '14' « Bellator MMALive (N) n (Live) '14 SYFY 13 35 133 45 Paranormal Witness cc Paranormal Witness Paranormal Witness « Paranormal Witness « Paranormal Witness '14' cc Paranormal Witness « TBN 205 60130 JosephPrince Hillsong TV Praise the Lord 'Y' « Live-Holy Land Turning Point With David Jeremiah Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord The King of Seinfeld TheRed Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld The Con- Family Guy n Family Guy Sibling The Big Bang The Big Bang King of the NerdsMazeof Terror, trivia; Conan (N)'14' cc 'TBS '14' cc Queens n 'PG Dot n 'PG' version 'PG' Rivalry '14' Theory n 'PG Theory n '14' final challenge (N) '14' cc ) ** "Can-Can" (1960)FrankSina (7:15) **** "Love MeTonight" (1932)Maurice Chevalier, Jeanette MacDonald *** "Foiies-Bergerede Paris" (1935,Musical Comedy)Mau- *** "Roberia" (1935) Irene Dunne.AnAmerican football TCM 101 44 101 29 5i00 Singing Paristailor woosprincess at castle. rice Chevalier, AnnSothern. Premiere. heroromancesaRussiannoblewoman. tra, Shirley MacLaine. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Island Medium Island Medium Borrowed, New Borrowed, New Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress SayYes,Dress Say Yes,Dress What NottoWearAndreaY.'PG' Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress (5:00) NBABasketball OklahomaCity Thunder at NewYork NBA Basketball LosAngelesClippersat DenverNuggetsFromthe PepsiCenter inDenver. (N)(Live) Inside the NBA(N)(Live) cc The Mentalist Aingavite BaaIdentifying *TNT CC Knicks (N)(Live) « a womanwith amnesia.'14' *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Annoying Inc r edible Crew Regular Show KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14' *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G Man v. Food 'G' Mysteries at the Museum'PG Mysteries at the Museum(N) 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum 'PG Mysteries at the Museum'PG M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show Cleveland HotinCleveland KingofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' The CosbyShow Love.Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in USA 15 30 23 30 NCISAdistraughtnavalofficer.'14' N C ISDesignatedTarget'14'« NCIS Asuivivalist is wanted. 'PG NCIS CorporalPunishment n 'PG' N CIS Stakeout n '14' « Psych Gusgets a girlfriend. 'PG' VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:25)**"Fame"(2009) n 100 Sexiest Artists Hour 1 n '14' 100 Sexiest Artists Hour 2 n '14' 1 0 0 Sexiest Artists Hour 3 n '14 Love & Hip HopReality Check'14' Love & Hip Hop n '14' *A&E
* * * f Under theTuscanSun" 2003DianeLane. n 'PG-13' «
** "Home Fries" 1998DrewBarrymore. 'PG-13 ** Red Dawn ** "Daddy Day Care" 2003, ComedyEddie Murphy. 'PG' « ** "Mumiord "1999,ComedyLorenDean,HopeDavis.'R' « 34 UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed(N) The Ultimate Fighter n '14 Best of PRIDEFighting UFC Tonight UFC Insider T h e Ultimate Fighter n '14' 28 301 27 301(5:30) PGA Tour Golf WGCCadilac Championship,First Round Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) PGA Tour Golf PuertoRicoOpen,First Round HALL 66 33 175 33 Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch F r asier n 'PG' F rasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' F rasier 'G' cc Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (5:45) *** "Harry Potterand theDeathly Hal/ows: Parl 2" 2011 cc ** "TheLucky One"2012Zac Efron. 'PG-13' cc Admission: 1st Girls 'MA « Enlightened 'MA' Cathouse: Three Real Sex 'MA' f IFC 10 105 Hilchhiker'sGuide-Galaxy (7:15) ** "TheOmen"2006 LievSchreiber. A diplomat's adopted sonis pure evil. 'R (9:45) ** "The Hilchhiker's GuideIothe Galaxy" 2005Martin Freeman,MosDef. 'PG ** "MeettheFockers" 2004 Robert DeNiro. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Volcano"1997 TommyLeeJones. n 'PG-13 MAX 400508 508 Final Desi 5 (6:35) ** "Lake Placid"1999 Bill Pullman. 'R' cc Serena NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Countdown to F1 Heads-Up Poker 'PG The Crossover Pro Football Talk NHL Overtime Cycling Paris-Nice,Stage4 (N) Poker After Dark 'PG' « Countdown to F1 Highway Thru Hell '14' NGC 157 157 D o omsday Preppers'14 Mudcats: Downand Dirty (N) '14 Mudcats DeepTrouble '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14 Mudcats: Downand Dirty '14' NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Ali en Dawn 'PG' Alien Dawn 'PGPlanet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 30743 307 MajorLeague Fishing Bow Madness Ult. Adventures Bottom Feeders Cuddeback's The Crush Bon e Collector Cuddeback's U l t . AdventuresAlaska Outdoors Trophy Quest SHO 500 500 Women WhoKill n 'MA' « Gigolos n 'MA' Gigolos n 'MA (5:45) *"TheScarlet Letter"1995 DemiMoore. Premiere. n 'R' « (8:05) ** hgeiAmi"2012RobertPattinson. Premiere. 'R SPEED 35 303125303 Wrecked '14' W r ecked '14' Pi n ks '14' Pinks '14' Car Warriors Cutlass'14' Wrecked '14' W r ecked '14' Pinks '14' Pinks '14' Unique Whips '14' f STARZ 300 408 300408 (5:40) *** "Arthur Christmas" 2011 n 'PG' « (7:20) ** Man oitheHouse" 2005'PG-13' acc (9:05) *** "FriendsWithBenefits" 2011 Justin Timberlake. 'R' « Spartacus: War of the Damnedn ** "TheIron Lady" 2011,BiographyMeryl Streep. n 'PG-13' « *** "Perfect Sense"2011EwanMcGregor. 'R TMC 525 525 (6:15) *** "50/50" 2011JosephGordon-Levitt. n 'R' « (11:35) *Brake *WE 14 41 174118 Braxton Family Values 'PG' Braxton Family Values 'PG' Braxton Family Values '14 Braxton Family Values 'PG Braxton Family Values '14 Braxton Family Values 'PG ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
106 401 306401(5:40) *** "Open Range"2003,Western Robert Duvall. n 'R' «
104204104120 * "Mannaduke" 2010,ComedyVoices of OwenWilson. 'PG' «
TV • PAGE 15 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
c II
II Jeopardy! (N)n
Shark Tank A workout program.(N) n (10:01) 20/20 n 'PG' cc KATU Newsat 11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (N) n 'PG' Cou ntry (N) 'PG'PG' «(DVS) Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) (N) n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Fashion Star ShowstoppersThe first Grimm FaceOff Nick must investigate Rock Center With Brian Williams NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) runwayshow.(N)'PG' his owncnme.(N) '14' « (N) n cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodWho Wants toBe New Adventures 30 Rock Stone Undercover Boss SquawValley Squaw Golden Boy YoungGuns Arroyo threat Blue Bloods Bankrobbersdisarm an KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Mountain n '14' Vallet CEOAndyWirth. (N) off-duty cop.(N) n '14' cc David Letterman (CBS) ens Clark. (N) n 14 cc (N) cc omg! Insider (N) Last Man Standing (8:31)Malibu Shark Tank A workout program.(N) n (10:01) 20/20 n 'PG' cc KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 Newsat Entertainment ' P G' «(DVS) (N) n 'PG' Cou ntry (N) 'PG (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Ton i ght (N) n cc 11:00 (N) « Kim mel Live '14 The Big Bang Kitchen Nightmares Ramsayvisits Mil Touch BrokenCalvin offers Lucya trou News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family GuyPeter- Family Guy n KFXO iD< Q |EI Q) TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf The Big Bang Men '14' cc Men '14' cc Th e ory n '14' Theory n '14' (FOX) Street Bistro. (N) '14' bkngdeal. (N) n 14 « First on FOX a ssment 14 14 c c Albert King With Stevie RayVaughanin Session n 'G' «Joseph Campbell & the Power of MythHero'sAdventure; the Messageof the Myth; the First Story KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Trave!WithKids Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) nacc ' G ' cc (DVS) (PBS) Report (N) « Heroes; creationstories. n 'G' cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) « Inside Edition (N) Fashion Star Showstoppers Thefirst Grimm FaceOff Nick must investigate Rock Center With Brian Williams NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc 6:30PM(N) (NBC) 6PM (N) « runwayshow.(N)'PG' his owncrime.(N) '14' « (N) n cc 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show n Seinfeld TheSoup Rules of Engage. Nikita ReunionAmandaplans tokidnap Cult Being Billy Jeff finds avisitor at CopsNewJersey SeinfeldTheClip RulesofEngage. That'70sShow KTVZDT2 (ElQ Q Gcl The King of '14' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc ment '14' Ari's sonStefan.(N) n '14' Nate's place.(N) n '14' « Show'PG' «ment 'PG' T h e Relapse '14' Queens n 'PG (CW) OPBPL 175 173 A d ventures of Sherlock Holmes Masterpiece Mystery! n 'PG' «(DVS) On Story n 'G World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc
3 28 1 8 32 Dog Hunter A cc late-night lead the on aBounty difficult case. 'PG'
Wheel of Fortune Last Man Standing (8:31) Malibu
Duck Dynasty «Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty
DuckDynasty «Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty
(11:01) DuckDy- (11:31) Duck Dy-
'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc nasty 'PG' cc nasty cc anline"(2005,Fantasy)KeanuReeves,RachelWeisz,ShiaLaBeouf.A manwhoseesde- The Walking DeadClear 'MA Comic Book Men Freakshow '14 (5:00) *** "Predator" (1987,Action) ArnoldSchwarzsnsg- ** "Consl 'AMC ger, CarlWeathers, JesseVentura. acc mons helps a policewomanprobe hersister's death. « Con Men'PG' *ANPL 68 50 26 38TankedMidwestZest'PG'« Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG Tanked: Unfiltered (N) n 'PG' Tanked NuclearFamily n 'PG' Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta ** "NextFriday" (2000,Comedy)Ice Cube, Mike Epps,Justin Pierce ** "NextFriday" (2000,Comedy)Ice Cube,Mike Epps, Justin Pierce CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:55) Reba'PG' (6:32) Reba 'PG' (7:09) RebaTheFeud'PG' « (7:46) Reba'PG' (8:23) Reba'PG Them Idiots Whirled Tour '14 SwampPawnTheCajun Way'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheCarChasers American Greed Mad Money Treasure Detectives The CarChasers WEN Hair Care Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront ** "TommyBoy" (1995)cc COM 13 53 135 47 (5:55) South Park (6:26) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:57) Tosh.0 '14' (8:28) Tosh.0 '14' (8:58) Tosh.0 '14' (9:29) Jeff Dunham:Spark of Insanity '14' cc COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e ssie'G' « A.N . T. Farmn'G' « Jessie 'G' « Jes sie (N) n Je s sie n 'G' « Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm'G' Shake It Up! 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Bering Sea GoldDirtville'14' cc Bering SeaGold n '14' cc YukonMen HellFreezesOver'PG' Gold Rush -TheDirt (N) n 'PG' Y u kon Men Hell Freezes Over'PG' Bering SeaGold(N) n '14' cc *E! 13 25 The Soup '14' B u rning Love E ! News (N) 'G Kourtney and KimTakeMiami '14' E! News Special The Soup '14' Fashion Police (N)'14' Chelsea Lately E! News 'G' ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketbaffAtlantaHawksatBostonCeltics(N) NBA B asketbaff HoustonRocketsatGoldenStateWarriors(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Boxing FridayNightFights(N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) s« s NBA Tonight (N) NFL Live (N) « NBA Tonight ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Friday NightLights MudBowl'PG' Sporting Chance cc SEC Storied cc Sporting Chance cc SEC Storied « Her Story cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. FAM 67 29 19 41 America'sFunniestHomeVideos America's Funniest HomeVideos America's Funniest HomeVideos America's Funniest HomeVideos America's Funniest HomeVideos The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive ** "The Proposal" (2009)SandraBullock Awomanpretendstobeengagedtoevade deportation ** "DateNight" (2010, Romance-Comedy) SteveCarell, TinaFey. FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H un t ers Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Best Ever: Log Homes(N)'G Extreme Homes(N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 ModernMarvels'PG' cc American Pickers Keep Out! 'PG' American Pickers MotorCity 'PG American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc (11:02) AmericanPickers 'PG LIFE 13 39 20 31 Hoarders'PG' « Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc Hoarders 'PG' cc (11:01) Project Runway'PG' cc MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) Lockup InsideSanQuentin Lockup Return toRiker's Island Lockup NCWomen's Prison Lockup UtahState Prison Lockup InsideWabash MTV 192 22 38 57 Fri endzone 'PG' Friendzone 'PG' Failosophy '14' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness ** "Gsf Rich orDieTryin'" (2005) Curtis "50Cent"Jackson. n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut Fuff House 'G' Fuff House'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends of MaricopaCounty Police Womenof Dallas (N) n '14 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' OWN 161 103 31 103 Police Women of Maricopa County Police Women 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' Po l ice Women of Dallas n '14 PAC12 47 310310310 Women's College Basketball Basketball Rep. Women's CollegeBasketball Basketball Rep. College Basketball ** "The Transporter 2" (2005)JasonStatham,AmberValletta. n ** "Transporter 3" (2008,Action) JasonStatham,Natalya Rudakova. Premiere. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:51)Ganglandn'14'cc Beffator MMA SYFY 13 35 133 45 (4:00) "B/ackForest"(2012, Fantasy)TinselKorey, BenCross. « WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) n « Merlin With All My Heart (N) « Bemg Human « TBN 205 60 130 The Harvest Ever Increasing Israel: Journey of Light « Creflo Dollar 'G Behind Scenes Best of Praise Pe r ry Stone Pra ise the Lord 'Y' cc The King of S e i nfeld The Sui- Seinfeld The S e infeld The Stall FamilyDeep Guy Family Guy Peter ** "Failure to Launch"(2006)MatthewMcConaughey.Aman's parents hatcha The Office Inner The Office n 'TBS 'PG' « '14' « Queens n 'PG' cide 'PG' « Bub ble Boy 'PG' Throats n '14' o t ica n '14' plan to movehimout of the house. «(DVS) Circle 'PG' « * "Wild Guitar" (1962,Drama)Arch Hall (5:00) **** "Rome, Open Ci t y" (1946) *** "Paisan" (1946, War) Carmel a Sazi o , Robert Van Loon, Dots M. Johnson (9:15) *** "Germany Year Zero" (1948, Drama) Ernst Pi t tschau, Erich Guhne TCM Aldo Fabrizi, AnnaMagnani. Allied troopsmeet Italian citizens in sixepisodes. Germanyreverts to astate of barbarismandmurder. Jr., William Watters. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL S ay Yes: ATL S ay Yes: ATL F o ur Weddings(N) n'PG' « Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL B o rrowed, New Borrowed, New Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL The Mentalist Ball of FireJane is kid- The Mentalist Red MoonA triple homi- *** "ing/ourious Bas/erds" (2009,War) Brad Pitt, MelanieLaurent, ChristophWaltz. Soldiers seekNazi scalps in German-occupiedFrance. cc Dallas cc *TNT napped. n '14' « cide involvingtwo cops. '14' (DVS) *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show Cartoon Planet 'G KingoftheHiff KingoftheHiff AmericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14' *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' « Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' « The DeadFiles (N) 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « *H *A*S*H Cleveland HotinCleveland KingofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:38) M'A'S (6:16) M The CosbyShow The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love.Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSE Crime SceneInvestigation n VH1 191 48 37 54 100SexiestArtistsHour2n'14' E ven ingguzz L aL a 'sLife 100 Sexiest Artists Hour 3 n '14' 1 0 0 Sexiest Artists Hour 4 n '14 Best WeekEver Jenny McCarthy 100 Sexiest Artists Hour 4 n '14
'PQ' cc
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'PQ' cc
106 401 306401(5:50) *** "Jurassic Park"1993SamNeill. n 'PG-13' « * "Ghost Rider: Spirit o/ Vengeance"2012'PG-13' Hearfbrk Ridge (9:40) *** "Full Metal Jacket" 1987MatthewModine. n 'R' « FXM Presents * * * "X2: X-Men United" 2003,Fantasy Patrick Stewart, HughJackman. 'PG-13' « FXMPresents * f MaxPayne"2008'PG-13' « 104 204104120(5:00) *** "X2: X-MenUnited" 2003 'PG-13' « 34 X Fighters 2012Review X Fighters 2012Preview Red Buff X-Fighters 2013:MexicoCity (N) (Live) BC One2012 Strangers UFC Unleashed 28 301 27 301(5:30) PGA Tour Golf WGCCadilac Championship,SecondRound Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) PGA TourGolfPuertoRicoOpen,SecondRound HALL 66 33 175 33 Brady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch B r ady Bunch "The SweeterSideo/Life" (2013) KathrynMorris, JamesBest. « Frasier 'G' cc Frasier n 'PG Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (6:15) ** "Tower Heist" 2011,ComedyBenStiler. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Wanderlust" 2012Paul Rudd. n 'R' cc Real Time With Biff Maher n 'MA' Game, Thrones Real TimeWith Biff Maher (N)'MA' ** "Turistas" 2006,Horror JoshDuhamel, Melissa George. 'R *** "Boogie Nights" 1997 'R' IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (3:45) *** "Boogie Nights" 'R Out There '14' Out There '14' Out There '14' Out There '14' MAX 400508 508 (4:40) * Taxin (6:20) ** "A VeryHarold &Kumsr3DChristmas" (7:50) ** "The DayAfter Tomorrow"2004Dennis Quaid. 'PG-13' « Banshee 'MA' MAX Quickies Banshee 'MA' Girls in Bed NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (4:30) College HockeyMaineat NewHampshire (N) The Crossover Pro Football Talk NHL Overtime Cycling Paris-Nice,Stage 5(N) Poker After Dark 'PG' « The Grid 'G' NGC 157 157 G o ld Rush Ghost Ships: Revealed Diggers 'PG Diggers 'PG' GoldRush GhostShips:Revealed Diggers 'PG' D i ggers 'PG' G h ost Ships of the BlSea: ack Re Finding Atlantis 'PG NTOON 89 115189115 Avatar: Air. Ava t ar: Air. Alien Dawn 'PG Alien Dawn 'PG' Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Ali e n Dawn 'PG' Alien Dawn 'PG' Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Arrow Affliction Grateful Nation Best Defense Elite Tactical Unit Sig Academy G u n Stories Shooting Gallery 1911 Impossible Eli t e Tactical Unit Sig Academy S h o oting USA SHO 5 00 50 0 * * "C asino Jack" 2010, DocudramaKevin Spacey. n 'R' cc The Wrath o/Cain"2010 VingRhames.'R' « Boxing (9:25) * "TheSamaritan" 2012 Samuel L. Jackson. SPEED 35 303125303 NASCARRacing NASCARRacing SprintCup:LasVegas, Qualifying The Hendrick RacingStory NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:LasVegas, Qualifying Unique Whips '14 STARZ 300408300408 Benchwarmsrs (6:40) *** "The AmazingSpiderMan" 2012, ActionAndrewGarfield. n 'PG-13' « Spartacus: War of the Damned(N) Spartacus: War of the Damned n Spartacus: War of the Damned n * "Hotel California" 2008Erik Palladino. 'NR' cc TMC 525 525 (5:00) * "The Chaperone"2011 * * " T imeline" 2003, AdventurePaul Walker. n 'PG-13 (10:40) "TheGrind" 2009 C.ThomasHowell. n 'NR *WE 14 41 174118(5:00) *** "Erin Brockovich" 2000,DramaJulia Roberts. 'R *** "Erin Brockovich" 2000,DramaJulia Roberts, Albert Finney,Aaron Eckhart. 'R' CSE Miami BloodMoon'14' cc
PAGE 16 • TV
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