Bulletin Daily Paper 1-3-13

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $

THURSDAY January 3,2013








City wants businesses to clean up

Food falsehoods —For instance, organic cured meats may still contain nitrites. What

other food decisions are questionable?D4

By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

Vermicompost —The worm-produced soil additive trumps other fertilizers and

composts, research says.A3

Progress andprotest — The third-largest dam in the

world is being built in Brazil, and a fisherman breaks the law to live in its shadow.A6

Odituary —Patti Page, gossamervoiced singer of 1950s hits.BS

Danger inGatorade?

— Some consumers question an additive deemed safe

by regulators and usedfor decades.01

And a WedexclusiveMetropolitan Community

Churches onceserved as alone spiritual refuge for openly gay Christians. As other denomina-

tions grow moreaccepting, MCC ponders its mission bendbulletin.com/extras

WASHINGTON — Say goodbye to the "fiscal cliff" and hello to the debt ceiling. On Wednesday, as the implications of last minute votes in the Senate and House of Representatives to avoid sending the U.S. economy plunging over the so-called fiscal cliff sank in, members of Oregon's congressional delegation began to look ahead to the next possible showdown. "These next few months are not going to be for the faint-hearted," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. Thanks to a convergence of three financial deadlines, congressionalleaders may find themselves back at the negotiating table in a matter of weeks, dealing with the same issues they were unable to solve during the latest round of maneuvering. First, the "fiscal cliff" deal postponed the automatic cutstodefense and discretionary spending known as sequestration for only two months, meaning they will go into effect March I

The last time the country hit the debt ceiling, party leaders were unable to strike a grand bargain on deficit reduction, and the resulting deal created sequestration's mandatory cuts. Third, the continuing resolution that funds government operationsexpires March 27. Without Congress authorizing additional funds,the federalgovernment could face a possible shutdown.

"These next few months are not going to be for the fainthearted." — Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.

"It's going to be a very intense period trying to forge this path. If we're going to avoid another (crisis followed by a short-term

solution), we're going to have to have a coherent plan." — Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.

"It's time for the president to

work with Congress to get our nation's fiscal house in order

by addressing the underlying problem, which is spending." — Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River

without additional action by

Congress. Second, the government is on the verge of hitting the debt ceiling, the limit on how much money it is authorized to borrow. President Barack


Obama has said he will not negotiate over raising the debt ceiling, which is necessary for the government to honor its existing debts, but it does give Republicans some bargaining leverage.

Medicare and taxes For Wyden, the short-term deal provides a small window for Congress to address two main issues: Medicare and tax reform. Because of shifting demographics — over the next decade-plus, 10,000 Americans a day will turn 65 — and rising health care costs, Medicare threatens to dwarf other potential deficit reduction efforts, he said. "If you duck Medicare, you're basically ducking budget reform," Wyden said. "Absent reform, it will eventually engulf the federal

budget." See D.C. /A4

Incomedistribution inBend,Oregonandthe U.S. As part of the new legislation passed Tuesday to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff," the tax rate for households earning more than $450,000 ($400,000 for individuals) will increase from 35 percent to 39.6 percent. The legislation also kept in place most of the Bush-era tax cuts for

households making less than $450,000. What the legislation did not do, however, is prevent a Social Security payroll tax break from expiring. The payroll tax break was enacted in 2011 and renewed in 2012, and reduced the Social Security tax paid by workers by 2 percent, or about $1,000 in 2012 for a household making $50,000 a year. In addition, households making more than $250,000 a year will see a new tax of 3.8

By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

The city of Bend plans to begin talking with business owners this month about a new program to encourage them to reduce the amount of pollution in the wastewater they send into city sewers. The program, which is still being designed, will also charge businesses closer to the actual cost for the city to treat higher levels of waste in water discharged by businesses such as hospitals, restaurants, grocery stores, breweries and auto repair shops. Currently, these businesses do not pay more, despite putting more waste into the system. Bend Business Advocate Carolyn Eagan said city workers will begin visiting businesses later this month to discussthe program the city is developing and answer questions. The city organized a group of business owners and other citizens to make recommendations to the city, and this committee would like the new wastewater program to apply to all businesses, Eagan said. "We really are doing what we can to talk to people ahead of time," Eagan said. SeeWastewater/A4

percent on investment income aspart of Obama's 2010 health care law. Below, a breakdown of income distribution estimates based on the 2011 American Community Survey conducted by the Li.S. Census Bureau.

In prison, extorting from outside By Rhonda Cook Atlanta Journal-Constitution

ATLANTA — First there was a picture sent to Jimenna Whitner's cellphone of her brother, who was bloody and beaten. Next, she got a text message fromsomewhere inside Baldwin State Prison 950 miles from her home in Michigan, demanding $1,000. Otherwise her inmate brother, Thomas Maher, would be killed. "From the pictures and stuff we knew they weren't playing," said Whitner, who earns $800 to $900 a month cleaning rental mobile homes for new tenants. "We don't have money." But Whitner found a way to pay the inmates who had allegedly punched and kicked her brother, a convicted rapist, for about two hours in a cell block shower. SeePrison /A5

TEW iDTTY Total households:64,678 Median household income: $46,984 Mean household income: $63,064

PERCENTAGE OFHOUSEHOLDS BY ANNUAL INCOME The 2011 poverty threshold, according to the U.S. Department of Health 8 Human Services, was $23,022 for a family of four. One in five Bend households earns less than $24,999 annually. 15.5

Bend MSA 6.2%

12.1 11 4 10 r

Oregon 8.3% U.F 7.8%

Note: The mean is the average of all incomes, while thc median is the income at which half of households make more and half make less


19.0 18.0

By Bettina Boxall

15.1 15.1 13.9


11 611 7

11.3 10.6

Bend actually has significantly fewer


Li.S. average. 6 o S.s 4.4


LESS THAN $10,000 $10,000 T O $14,999

$15,000 TO $24,999

$25,000 TO$34,999

$35,000 TO $49,999

$50,000 TO $74,999

$75,000 TO$99,999




$100,000 $ 1 50,000 M ORETHAN TO $149,999 TO $199,999 $200,000

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

Business leaders are critical of 'cliff' deal WASHINGTON — A day after Congress managed to avert the "fiscal cliff," businessleaderswarned thatthe agreement will hurt sales and hiring, won't unlock investment and leaves the economy riddled with con-

TODAY'S WEATHER Increasing clouds High 28, Low 13

Page B6

gressionally imposed land mines for months to come. Markets responded much more favorably, relieved that the worst of the potential crisis had passed. The Standard & Poor's 500 stock index rose 2.5 percent on Wednesday, its best single-day gain since last summer, after the House

OR7 takes to California, still lonely Los Angeles Times

households than the

The Washington Post

In a story headlined "Park district readies bondfunded projects," which appeared Wednesday, Jan. 2, on Page Al, outdated information was used to describe the relationship between Bend Ice and the Bend Park & Recreation District. Bend Ice has not committed to helping the park district fund the construction of a seasonal ice rink at the old Mt. Bachelor Park and Ride.

Total households:114,991,725 Median household income: $50,502 Mean household income: $69,821

high-income earning

By Jim Tankersley



OREGON Total households:1,516,979 Median household income:$46,816 Mean household income:$62,778

approved a compromise bill to avert most of the tax increases and spending cuts that were scheduled to begin taking effect in the new year. But analysts warned that the gains could evaporate, especially once lawmakers move on to their next economically perilous battle over raising the

federal borrowing limit — a battle the "cliff" agreement did nothingto resolve. "This relief rally in the market today, I don't think it's going to last very long," said Ian Shepherdson, chief economist for Pantheon Macroeconomics. SeeImpact/A5

California's sparsely populated northeast. The first wild wolf documented in California in nearly 90 years, he has roamed as far south as Tehama County — about halfway between the border and Sacramentosearching for other wolves, and a mate. "I guess he's being the Lewis and Clark of wolves in California," said wolf advocate Amaroq Weiss. State and federal biologists are using a tracking collar to follow OR7 — his official designation — and they're impressed. SeeWolf/A5

4 P We userecycled newsprint

INDEX 01-5 Obituaries Busines s/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Heal th Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 H o roscope 06 Sports Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby 06 Loc al & State B1-6 TV/Movies

LOS ANGELES — Like many out-of-state visitors, the lone gray wolf that trotted across the border from Oregon has taken a liking to California. He went back and forth between the two states a handful of times after his initial crossing into Siskiyou County on Dec. 28, 2011. But since spring, the young male has remained in the Golden State, loping across forests and scrublands, up and down mountains and across rural highways in


B5 C1-4 06

Vol. 110, No. 3,

s sections


88267 0232 9






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ormreie ina ion an ersre ion's

CliutOII Out Of hOSPital —Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was released from a NewYork hospital on Wednesday, three days after doctors discovered a blood clot in her head. Clinton's medical

team advised herW ednesdayeveningthatshewasmakinggood progress on all fronts and said they are confident she will fully recover, said Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines. Doctors had been treating Clinton with blood thinners to dissolve a clot in a vein that

runs through the spacebetween the brain and the skull behind the right ear.

Targeted killing —A federal judge in Manhattan refused

• Boehner says someaid will advance Friday

advance a portion of the legislation Friday, providing $9 billion for f l ood i nsurance. By Marc Santora why th e A m e rican people The rest of the package would New Yorh Times News Service hate Congress." come up for a vote by Jan. 15. "Getting critical aid to the Elected officials from the And Rep. Michael Grimm, New York area erupted with a Republican from Staten Is- victims of Hurricane Sandy outrage Wednesday after the land, said the failure to vote should be the first priority in was a "betrayal." He urged the new Congress, and that House refused to take up a federalaid package for states that action be taken as soon was reaffirmed today w ith t hat sustained d amage i n as possible. members of the New York "It's not about politics," he and New Jersey delegations," Hurricane Sandy, and even local Republicans attacked said. "It's about human lives." Boehner said in a joint statetheir congressional leaders Last week, the Senate ad- ment issued with House Mafor their inaction. opted a $60.4 billion aid pack- jority L eader E ri c C a ntor, "I'm s aying r i gh t n o w , age, and New York and New R-Va. "The House will vote a nyone from New York o r Jersey officials said they had Friday to direct needed reNew Jersey who contributes been promised th e H o u se sources to the National Flood one penny to congressional would vote on the measure Insurance Program. And on Republicans is out o f t h eir Tuesday night. January 15th, the first full legminds," Rep. Peter King, a Wednesday, as the outcry islative day of the 113th ConLong Island Republican, said over theHouse's decision not gress, the House will consider during an interview on CNN to hold a vote on the measure the remaining supplemental on Wednesday morning. "Be- intensified, President Barack request for the victims of Hurcause what they did last night Obama issued a s t atement ricane Sandy." was put a knife in the back of calling for an immediate vote. King said t ha t s chedule "When t r a gedy s t r i kes, would be acceptable. New Yorkers and New Jer" This procedure t hat i s seyans. It was a n a bsolute Americans come together to disgrace." support those in need," Obama laid out is fully acceptable," Gov. Chris Christie, a New said. "I urge Republicans in he said. "Fact is, we are getJersey Republican, accused the House of Representatives ting what New York and New the congressional leadership to do the same, bring this im- Jerseyneeds,and that iswhat of his own party of "duplicity" portant request to a vote to- counts." and "selfishness," and called day, and pass it without delay Christie and Gov. Andrew the decision not to hold a vote for our fellow Americans." Cuomo of New York, a Demoon the storm-relief measure Speaker John Boehner, R- crat, released a joint state"irresponsible." He said the Ohio, met Wednesday with ment condemning the decilegislation had fallen victim Republican lawmakers from sion not to vote on the storm to "palace intrigue," and "it's the region and p ledged to aid bill this week.

Business ............................ 541-363-0360 City Desk Joseph Ditzler.....541-363-0367 Community Life, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541-383-0353 Family, AtHome Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 GD! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News EditorJan Jordan....541-383-0315 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SportsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359


Wednesday to require the Justice Department to disclose a memorandum providing the legal justification for the targeted killing of a

U.S. citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who died in a drone strike in Yemenin 2011.The ruling,by Judge Colleen McMahon, was marked by skepticism about the anti-terrorist program that targeted him, and frus-

tration with her own role in keeping the legal rationale for it secret. Al JaZeera duyS Current TV —Al Jazeera on Wednesday completed a deal to take over Current TV, the low-rated cable channel that was founded by Al Gore and his business partners seven years ago. Current will provide the pan-Arab news giant with

something it has sought for years: a pathway into American living rooms. Current is available in about 60 million of the100 million homes in the United States with cable or satellite service. Rather

than simply use Current to distribute its English-language channel, called Al Jazeera English and based in Doha, Qatar, Al Jazeera will create a new channel, called Al Jazeera America, based in New

York. OPPOSitian queStiOnS ChaVeZ —Amid rising uncertainty about whether Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is healthy enough to remain in office, opposition leaders Wednesday demanded that the cancer-stricken leader's administration say whether he

expects to be sworn in Jan. 10. If Chavez is too ill to return from Cuba, where last month he underwent his fourth cancer-related surgery since June 2011, then the government should follow con-

stitutional guidelines and call an election within 30 days, opposition leader RamonGuillermo Aveledo said at a newsconference in Caracas, the capital.

NeWSpaper hireS guardS —A newspaper based in White Plains that drew nationwide anger after publishing the names and

addresses of handgun permit holders last month is being guarded by armed security personnel at two of its offices, the publisher said

Wednesday. The increasedsecurity comes asthenewspaper,The Journal News, has promised to forge aheadwith plans to expand its interactive map of permit holders to include a third county in the suburbs of New York City, and local officials there have vowed to

block the records' release. PennSylVania gOVernar SueS —In a bold challenge to the NCAA's powers, Pennsylvania's governor claimed in a lawsuit Wednesday that college sports' governing body overstepped its authority and "piled on" when it penalized Penn State over the Jerry

Sandusky child molestation scandal. Gov. TomCorbett asked that a federal judge throw out the sanctions, which include an unprec-

edented $60 million fine and afour-year ban on bowl games, arguing that the measures haveharmed students, business owners and others who had nothing to do with Sandusky's crimes.

New school for shooting survivors —Thechildren who escaped last month's shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., will be returning to classes in a neighboring

REDMOND BUREAU Street addreSS.......226N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756 Mailing address....PO. Box786 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541-504-2336 .................................54t-546-3203

town in a refurbished school now namedafter their old one, school officials said Wednesday. Newtown Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson announced that the students' new school, the for-

mer Chalk Hill Middle School in Monroe, has been renamedSandy Hook Elementary School. She said the Sandy Hook staff made that


CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If yoo know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.

Theater shooting relatives angry —Relatives ofthe major-


"disgusting offer" that came at a terrible time — right after the first Christmas without their loved ones. The parents, grandparents,

ity of people killed in a Colorado movie theater rejected an invita-

tion on Wednesday to attend its reopening this month, calling it a

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cousins and widow of nine of the12 people killed said they were

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asked to attend an "evening of remembrance" followed by a movie when the Aurora theater reopens on Jan. 17. They released a letter

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sent to the theater's owner, Cinemark, in which they criticized the Plano, Texas-based company for not previously reaching out to them to offer condolences and refusing to meet with them without AndoniLubaki/The Assoaated Press

Syrian rebels gather around afire Wednesday as they plan patrols in the Saif al-Dawlah neighborhood

Central AfriCan RepudliC unreSt —Rebelforces halted

of Aleppo, Syria.

ports and pushing the fight closer to President Bashar

their advance on Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic,

The United Nations estimated Wednesday that more than 60,000 people have been killed in Syria's

Assad's stronghold in Damascus, the government responded with deadly airstrikes on restive areas

on Wednesday and said they were prepared to enter into peace talks withthegovernment. The announcement, made by rebelspokes-

around the capital.

men, heralded the possibility of a peaceful resolution to a conflict

A missile from a fighter jet hit a gas station in the suburb of Mleiha, killing or wounding dozens of

that has driven thousands of civilians from their homes and into the dense Central African forest, seeking refuge from the violence that

people who weretrapped in burning piles of debris,

has accompanied similar uprisings in recent years.

21-month-old uprising against authoritarian rule, a toll one-third higher than what anti-regime activists had counted. The U.N. human rights chief called the

toll "truly shocking."

The day's events illustrated the escalating violence

t777S.W.ChandlerAve.,Bend,OR 97702. Periodicals postage paid at Bend,OR.

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:

Q 18 D 20028Q 35 Q53 ©i The estimated jackpot is now $60 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Wednesday night are

Q7Q12Q 14 Q 28 Q 38 Q48 The estimated jackpot is now $7.6 million.


that has made recent months the deadliest of the conflict: As rebels pressed a strategy of attacking air-

NEWS Q&A •Guards at the Auschwitz •concentration camp have been triedand convicted for their crimes. Were any of the prisoners who assisted the Nazis ever tried? •There were several trials •in the 1950s-60s involving Jewishprisoners who collaborated with their German captors, a spokeswoman with Jerusalem's Ya d Va s hem, which describes itself as the "World Center for Holocaust Research, Education, Documentation an d C o m memoration," told Q-and-A on the News in an email. Auschwitz kapos — including Emil Bednarek, Josef Windeck and B ernhard Bonitz — were convicted of many crimes, including murder, in the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials in the 1960s. Bednarek was sentenced to life imprisonment after being found guilty of 14 counts of murder. Windeck and Bonitz also received life sentences. Kapos are d escribed by the Jewish Virtual Library as "trustee inmates who supervised the prisoners.... These trustees carried out the will of the Nazi camp commandants and guards, and were often as brutal as their SS


— From wire reports

activists said.

IT'S IN THE BAG! LUNCHTIME LECTURES AT OSU-CASCADES Do you haveaquestion about nation or world news? Submit it to Cox News Service editors in Atlanta

at q8 a©ajc.com. Include name, phoneandcity. counterparts." An article titled "Punishing International Cr imes C ommitted by the Persecuted: The Kapo Trials in Israel (1950s1960s)," published in the Journal of International Criminal Justice in March 2006, states there were about 40 trials of kapos from 1951-64.

Explore the range of researchand scholarship underway at OSU-Coscades. 0 0 0 I I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 II I I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I I II I I 0 0 I I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I I II I II 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I I II 0 0 0 I I 0 I 0 I I II 0 I I II I II I II 0 0 I I I I 0 I 0 I 0 I I


mentoring teachers Becoming a teacher involves learning from experienced teachers. Senior teachers serve as mentors, coaches and evaluators to the student teachers, but often have little formal education in these areas. Kathleen Cowin will explore student teachers' feedback on this important learning period and examine how the experience can be shaped to best prepare new teachers to educate our children.


• A recent article about . Pepsi stated that Diet Coke still uses only aspartame. Didn't Coca-Cola begin using Splenda in the past few years? • Coca-Cola began sell• ing Diet Coke with the sugar substitute Splenda in 2005, in conjunction with its regular Diet Coke line, which is flavored with aspartame. It's packaged differently than regular Diet Coke, with the words "Sweetened wit h S p l enda" on the label with the Splenda logo. It's more difficult to find because the demand isn't as high, a C o ca-Cola spokeswoman said.

Kathleen cowinl Assistant Professor, Teacher and Counselor Education



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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Thursday, Jan. 3, the third day of 2013. There are 362 days left in the year.


in ano

COngreSS —The112th Congress disbands, andthe new U.S. House will vote on a speaker, with John Boehner




New research suggests that vermicompost, a soil additive created by earthworms, helps plants grow

ShOOting —Children from Sandy Hook Elementary re-

with more vigor and makes them more resistant to disease and insects than those grown with other

turn to school at a facility in a neighboring town.

types of composts and fertilizers.

Fossilsmay help define earliest life on Earth By Devin Powell Speciai To The Washington Post

FieSta BOWI —No. 5 Oregon faces No. 7Kansas State at 5:30 p.m. with the game televised on ESPN.C1

HISTORY Highlight:In 1938, the March

of Dimes campaign to fight polio was established by President Franklin D. Roos-

evelt, who himself had been afflicted with the crippling

disease. In1521, Martin Luther was

excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Leo X. In1777, Gen. George Washington's army routed the British in the Battle of Princeton, N.J. In 1861, more than two weeks

before Georgia seceded from the Union, the state militia seized Fort Pulaski at the order of Gov. Joseph E. Brown. The

Delaware Houseand Senate voted to oppose secession from the Union. In1868, the Meiji Restoration re-established the authority of

Japan's emperor and heralded the fall of the military rulers

known as shoguns. In1911, the first postal sav-

ings banks were opened bythe U.S. Post Office. (The banks

were abolished in 1966.) In1959, Alaska became the 49th state as President Dwight

Eisenhower signed aproclamation. In 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower announced the United States was formally terminating diplomatic and consular relations with Cuba. In1967, Jack Ruby, the man who shot and killed accused

presidential assassin LeeHarvey Oswald, died in a Dallas hospital. In 1980, conservationist Joy Adamson, author of "Born Free," was killed in northern

Kenya by aformer employee. In1990, ousted Panamanian

leader Manuel Noriega surrendered to U.S. forces, 10 days after taking refuge in the Vatican's diplomatic mission.

In1993,President George H.W. Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the

START II missile-reduction treaty in Moscow. (However, the agreement ultimately fell

apart.) Ten years ago:Taking a brief timeout from his two-week

vacation, President George W. Bush visited Fort Hood in Texas, where he rallied Army troops as the nation faced the

prospect of war with Iraq. Five yearsago:Sen. Barack Obama won Democratic caucuses in lowa, while Mike

Huckabee wonRepublican caucuses. Oneyear ago:Thelowa Republican Party held its caucuses; although Mitt Romney

By Jim Robbins New Yorh Times News Service

SONOMA, Calif. — Under rows of old chicken sheds, Jack Chambers has built an empire of huge metal boxes filled with cattle manure and millions of wriggling red worms. "My buddies all had planes and boats," said Chambers, 60, a former airline pilot. "I have a worm farm." Chambers' two decades of investment in what he calls an "underground movement"may be paying off. New research suggests that t h e p r o duct whose manufacture he helped pioneer, a worm-created soil additive called vermicompost, offers an array of benefits for plants — helping them grow with more vigor, and making them more resistant to disease and insects, than those grown with other types of composts and fertilizers. The earthworm's digestive process, it turns out, "is a really nice incubator for microorganisms," said Norman Arancon, an assistant professor of horticulture at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. And these microbes, which multiply rapidly when they are excreted, alter the ecosystem of the soiL Some make nitrogen more available to plant roots, accounting forthe increased growth. The h ig h d i versity and numbers of microbes outperform those in the soil that cause disease. By contrast, Arancon said, soil that has been heavily exposed to synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides lacks microbial richness and diversity, qualities that can be restored naturally by adding the microbes from worms. Some experts and entrepreneurs hope earthworms can also help with anotherproblem: the growing piles of animal waste from dairy farms and other agricultural operations. Worm Power, a company in Avon, N.Y., transforms 10 million pounds of manure from a single dairy herd each year — about 40 percent of the cattle's output — into 2.5 million pounds of vermicompost. Tom Herlihy, a former municipal waste engineer who founded the companyin2003, says ithas raised more than $6 million in venture capital and $2 million in grants for research, much of it at Cornell University. Here in Northern California, Chambers' Sonoma Valley Worm Farm produces about half a million pounds of similar compost, an amount he plans to increase in the spring. He loads a long metal bin with cow manure and 300,000 to 400,000 Eisenia fetida, or red wigglers — weighing 300 to 400 pounds. In their wake, the worms leave cattle waste that has been processed intorich and crumbly castings that look like fine peat moss.


Photosby Ramin Rahimian / New York Times News Service

Jack Chambers, a former airline pilot, helped pioneer the manufacture of vermicompost, a highly valued soil additive produced by earthworms. Chambers owns Sonoma Valley Worm Farm in California, where he produces an estimated half-million pounds of vermicompost annually.

Chambers holds a handful of red wiggler worms, which are used to manufacture vermicompost at Sonoma Valley Worm Farm. It takes six months for a vermicompost bed to become fully mature, by which time I million worms roam the manure. Chambers continues to add two yards of manure and harvest one yard of worm compost weekly. The finished product is shaved, an inch at a time, off the bottom of the bin. An established bed can go on this way for years. B oth ope r ations pr e compost theirmanure before they fork it over to the worms. That means piling it up and allowing it to get naturally hot enough to kill unwanted seeds and pathogens like E. coli. The properties of worm compost are different from fertilizer or manure. "It's interesting and complicated," said Rhonda Sherman, an extension specialist at North Carolina State University who has taught vermicomposting around theworld formore than 30 years and who holds an annual conference on the subject. "Certain plants might react well to v ermicompost from dairy manure," she said, "and other plants might react better to food-waste vermicompost." That has led to "boutique composting," with different blends for different kinds of plants.

A West C oast company, California Soils, uses worms to break down cardboard waste fibers that are too short to be recycled. The glue used to bind the paperserves isan important source of nitrogen for the worms. "It's a really good product for nut farmers and stone fruit farmers," Mitch Davis, a company spokesman, said of the compost, adding that it also helps control nutgall, a fungal disease that afflicts walnut trees. Worms were said to be Darwin's favorite organism, and for good reason: It seems they can break down most anything. Studies have shown they can detoxify soil with cadmium, lead and other heavy metals. Another product made from worm waste is a concentrate, sometimes called tea, t h at Chambers extracts using an aerator. Arancon said even a I percent solution of the extract had the same propertiesas vermicompost. At Cornell, Eric Nelson, a plant pathologist, is studying how compost suppresses disease. Worm Power's product, he says, does a better job than traditional compost, perhaps because theworm compost is

highly uniform. "The key is understanding why these microbes do what they do," Nelson said. The worm compost is considered valuable enough to fetch almost 10 times the price of other composts. Still, the i ndustry suffers from image problems. "It's hard to bring it out of the 'It's cute to have a worm box in my backyard' approach and put it on par with other strategies for waste management," said Allison Jack, who earned her doctorate by studying vermicompost at Cornell and is now teaching at Prescott College in Arizona. The quality of products varies widely,and because there are no i n dustry standards, anyone can call a p r o duct verm>compost. For a time, the worm business was a haven for swindlers. Companies would sell worms to growers, who were told they could raise more worms and produce vermicompost,which they could then sell back. Some of these offers turned out to be Ponzi schemes. Still, the properties of vermicompost have long been recognized by growers. Jeff Dawson, the curator of gardens at the Round Pond Estate winery in the Napa Valley, swears by Chambers' castings, w hich he has used for more than a decade. "A cup or half a cup in the hole as we plant each vine increases the vine's ability to establish itself at a much faster pace," Dawson said. "And it creates a healthier plant." This being California, some of Chambers' customers are medical marijuana growers, and he likes the way growers do business. "They hand you cash," he said.

Scientists an al y z ing Australian rocks have discovered tracesof bacteria that lived a record-breaking 3.49 billion years ago, a mere billion years after Earth formed. If the find withstands the scrutiny that inevitably faces claims of fossils this old, it could move scientists one step closer to understanding the first chapters of life on Earth. The discovery could also spur the search for ancient life on other planets. These tracesof bacteria "are the oldest fossils ever described. Those are our oldest ancestors," said Nora Noffke, a biogeochemist at Old Dominion University in Norfolk who was part of the group that made the find and presented it last month at a meeting of the Geological Society of America. Unlike dinosaur bones, the newly identified fossils are not petrified body parts. They're textures on the surfaces of sandstone thought to be sculpted by once-liv-

ing organisms. Today, similar patterns decorate parts of Tunisia's coast, created by thick mats of bacteria that trap and glue together sand particles. Sand that is stuck to the land beneath the mats and thus protected from erosion can over time turn into rock that can long outlast the living organisms above it. Finding the earliest remnants of thisprocess required a long, hard look at some of the planet's oldest rocks, located in Western Australia's Pilbara region. This a n cient l a n dscape was once shoreline. Rocks made from sediment piled up billions of years ago are now exposed and available for examination. Relatively pristine in condition, such outcrops, along with others in S o uth A f r i ca, have long been a popular place to look for traces of life from the Archean eon, which ended 2.5 b i llion

years ago. There are older rocks on Earth, said Maud Walsh, a biogeologist at L ouisiana State University in Baton Rouge. "But these are the best-preserved s e dimentary rocks we know of, the ones most likely to preserve the really tiny structures and chemicals that provide evidence for life." "It's not j ust f i n ding this stuff that's interesting," says Alan Decho, a geobiologist at the University of S outh Carolina's Arnold School of Public Health. "It's showing that the life had some organization to it."

was originally considered the winner by an extremely narrow eight-vote margin, officials later said that Rick Santorum had in fact beaten

Romney by 34 votes; however, the party refused to declare a winner, saying that eight precincts had never turned in



Why not set docks for dayligbt time year-round? Clean Up

certified results. By C. Claiborne Ray

BIRTHDAYS Record producer Sir George Martin is 87. Actor Robert Loggia is 83. Actor Dabney Coleman is 81. Journalistauthor Betty Rollin is 77. Hockey Hall-of-Famer Bobby Hull is 74. Singer-songwriter-

producer VanDykeParks is 70. Musician Stephen Stills is 68.Rock musician John Paul

Jones (Led Zeppelin) is 67. Actress Victoria Principal is 63. Actor-director Mel Gibson

is 57. Actor Nicholas Gonzalez is 37. — From wire reports

New York Times News Service

a scientific reaQ •• Issonthere that adopting yearr ound daylight-saving t i me would not be feasible? • There is no reason that • any time plan cannot be adopted by human beings, but whether year-round daylightsaving time would achieve its


chief goal — saving energy — is another question. A later sunset time leaves a shorter time between darkness and bedtime foruse of lights and appliances. In many places, such energy saving does occur. A study done by California in 2 001

found small but significant energy savings in both winter and summer with a later sunset. Another study, h owever, published in 2008 after Indiana switched the whole state to daylight time, concluded, "Our main finding is thatcontrary to the policy's intent — DST increases residential electricity demand." W hile l i g hting u s e d e creased, use of energy f or heating and cooling increased. After a 2008 report by Energy Department officials, some researchers said t hat e v en though e xtending d a ylight time had helped save energy nationally, regional variations

made it impossible to predict whether year-round daylight time would do so. The study also listed po-

tential nonenergy problems

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with extended daylight time, including children having to travel to school in darkness and higher rates of crime and traffic accidents.



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thing from Chinese food deliveries to expensive joyrides.

Continued from A1 Eagan said recently that in similarprograms across the country, "they really are trying to get at the types of businesses that put more down their drains than a normal household would." The city has tw o g oals

Only problem? They're illegal

for a new program, Eagan

in the state.

said. One is t o encourage these types of businesses to treat wastewater onsite to remove as much pollution as possible before sending it into the sewer system. Some businesses are already doing this. D eschutes Brewery r e moves solids from its wastewater and treats the remaining water to ensure it has the correct pH beforereleasing it into the city sewer system, said brewery utilities manager Craig Horrell. Ranchers feed the spent grain to cattle, and other solids are hauled away and applied to farm fields. In A u g u st , D e s chutes Brewery also began using an automatic system to hold i ts wastewater during t h e day and release it into the s ewer system d uring t h e

weir artso t e ea By Brad Plumer

3. Cheaper office space for New York City, used for every-

The Washington Post

Goldman Sachs. WASHINGTON — By now, Section 328 extends tax-exwe've heard all about the big empt financing for the "Libstuff in the "fiscal cliff" bill erty Zone," the area around that finally passed on Tuesday. the former World Trade Center The Bush administration tax in New York City, for another cuts will become permanent year. This provision was supfor all individual income below posed tohelp fund reconstruc$400,000 (and family income tion after 9/ll. Yet a r ecent below $450,000). The sequester Bloomberg investigation found spending cuts will be delayed the bonds have mostly helped two months. And so on. finance new l u x ur y a p artBut Congress also man- ments, not to mention the conaged to stuff all sorts of cor- struction of the new Goldman porate tax breaks and other Sachs headquarters. Developa rcane provisions into t h e ers say the bonds have helped bill, covering everything from revitalize downtown Manhatelectric scooters to NASCAR tan, but there's a fierce debate racetracks to taking the sub- over how they've been used. way to work. Most of these tax breaks already existed 4. Help N ASCAR b uild — they're just being extended racetracks. again for another year or two, The so-called N A S CAR at a total cost of roughly $77 loophole allows anyone who billion. builds a racetrack to receive a Here are 10 of the more curi- small tax benefit through acous tax provisions in the "fis- celerated depreciation. This cal cliff" bill: tax break cost roughly $43 million the past tw o y ears 1. A $ 9 b illion"sop for and will get extended for anWall Street banks and major other year.Supporters claim multinationals." the break is necessary so that Section 322 of the bill allows NASCAR can compete on a manufacturers and banks to level playing field with other defer taxes when they engage theme parks. in a special type of financial transactions known as "active 5. Treat coal from Native financing." The break costs American lands as an "alterna$9 billion per year, and critics tive energy source." The "fiscal cliff" deal has claim it encourages firms to create jobs overseas. But it's a ton of provisions for clean a lobbying priority for com- energy — notably, it extends a panies like General Electric key tax credit for wind power and JPMorgan, who say that for one year, thus preventing it helps them compete abroad, the U.S. wind industry from and it will get extended anoth- downsizing next year. (That er year. credit will cost about $1.2 bilNow, there are a ton of other lion per year for 10 years.) costly business tax breaks in But the production tax credthe deal, too, from tax cred- it isn't just for renewable eneritsfor research and develop- gy sources like wind. There's ment to bonus depreciation also a provision, section 406, (which studies have found are to keep subsidizing coal proineffective at stimulating the duced on Native American economy). lands at about $2 per ton. This isn't a huge deal (it will only 2. A rum tax for Puerto Rico. cost about $1 million). But it's Congress currently levies a reminder that not all of the an excise tax worth $13.50 per clean-energy provisions in the gallon on rum produced in or bill are entirely green. imported to the United States. Most of that money is trans6. Promote plug-in electric ferredto Puerto Rico and the scooters. Virgin Islands to support their For years, Congress has rum industries. In 2009, this been trying to promote electax raised some $547 million. tric cars through various tax The cliff deal would extend breaks and subsidies. But what this a r r angement a n other about electric scooters? Secyear. (By the way, Puerto Ri- tion 403 extends a credit for "2co's non-voting representative or 3-wheeled plug-in electric in the House, Pedro Pierluisi, vehicles." The New York Obthinks this tax set-up is too fa- server recently reported that evorable to rum distillers.) bikes are running rampant in

Deschutes Brewery utilities manager Craig Horrell checks pH levels Wednesday in the main storage tank of the brewery's waste treatment facility. The brewery removes solids from its wastewater and treats the remaining water to ensure it has the correct pH before releasing it into the city sewer system


7. Repair the railroads. Section 306 will extend a hefty tax credit to railroads for maintenance work. Congress originally passed this credit because there was a w orry that many of the hundreds of "short line railroads" would abandon their small sections of track, which would fracture the national shipping network. This credit costs about $165 million per year and will survive another year. 8. Subsidize Hollywood films. The "fiscal cliff" bill renews "special expensing rules for certain fil m a n d t e levision productions," at a cost of some $75 million per year. Studios can deduct up to $15 million of their costs if more than threefourths of the movie's production takes place in the United States. (They can get up to $20 million in deductions if they produce the film in a low-in-

come community.) 9. Crack down ontax fraud in pl'Ison. The Internal Revenue Service has long worked with state and federal prisons to crack down on fraud among prisoners who are filing tax returns.But as more states have been contracting out their jails and prisons to for-profit companies, the IRS has had difficulty sharing data with private contractors. Section 209 allows the IRS to share its files with private prisons. 10. Provide incentives for commuters to take the bus or

train. For the past year, the tax code has subsidized driving to work over taking transit. If you drove, your employer could cover up to $240 per month in parking expenses tax-free. If you took the bus, your employer could only cover $125 in expenses per month tax-free. The t w o b e nefits were set at equal levels for a brief period after the stimulus bill, and they've just been set at equal levels again for 2012 and 2013. There's some evidence that this change induces more people to take transit to work. This item will cost $220 million.

Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin

members of t h e a d v isory committee voiced s i m ilar concerns. "What it does look like, from the way we currently have the program set up, is we do have the residences picking up some of the costs," said Matt T h omas, co-owner of Subaru of Bend and a member of the advinight and early morning, sory committee. when demands upon the city The city created an induswastewater treatment plant trial wastewater program in are lowest, Horrell said. the early 1980s, but it only "We've been working applied to a handful of busic losely with t h e m a s w e nesses that used more than grow," he said. 1,000 cubic feet of water per Garrett Wales, a partner at month when the p rogram 10 Barrel Brewing Co., said was created. The City Counthe brewery's new produc- cil voted to put the existing tion facility also includes a industrial wastewater propre-treatment system. Simigram on hold in May 2012, lar to the Deschutes Brewery and that moratorium will exsystem, 10 Barrel's equippire at the end of June. "There are only 12 busiment separates solids and treats wastewater to obtain nesses, at 15 locations, in the the correct pH. current program that's been Pre-treatment costs monput on hold," Eagan said. ey, but "from our perspecBefore the program was tive, it was j ust th e r i ght halted, it r a i sed $150,000 thing to do," Wales said. "We a nnually. Operation of t he put a lot into the sewer sys- city sewer system, including tem, use a lot of water and wastewater treatment and put a lot back in." maintenance of the system, is A nother purpose of t h e expected to cost $16 million new city program is for busi- in the current budget year, nesses to pay the cost of which ends June 30, Eagan treatinghigh-strengthwaste- said. She did not know how water they produce, Public much the city spends specifiWorks Director Paul Rheault callyon sewer operations resaid at a recent meeting of lated to businesses that prothe advisory committee. duce more polluted water, for At t h e s a m e m e eting, example treating more pol-

• •

D.C. Continued from A1 Members of both parties understand the numbers, so it's less a question of substance than of finding the political will to make tough decisions, he said. On taxes, there is common ground on simplifying the tax code by "cleaning out a lot of the ridiculous tax preferences and special interest loopholes" in order to broaden the tax base and keep rates low and progressive, he said. "Tax reform is very hard because special interest groups pound our members hard to keep their preferences," he sard. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., said the new Congress needs to hit the ground running after it is sworn in. "It's going to be a very intense period trying to forge this path. If w e're going to avoid another (crisis followed by a short-term solution), we're going to have to have a coherent plan," he said. On the surface, it's clear the "fiscal cliff" deal will not have a major impact on the deficit, he said. The tax increase on individuals and households that earn more than $400,000 and $ 450,000, respectively, w i l l generate $600 billion in revenues over 10 years. But $60 billion ayear represents roughly 6 percent of the annual $1 trillion deficit, Merkley said.

framework to i n crease revenues and cut spending until those numbers gradually converge, he said. "We know if we close that gap too quickly, we send the country into r ecession," he said. Economists have suggested that the $1.2 trillion of mandatory spending cuts would do just that, so sequestration s hould be r eplaced with a combination of revenue and cuts, Merkley said. Because the "fiscal cliff" deal increased revenues by raising taxes on the wealthy, some members will say the next deal has to be all cuts, he predicted. In a message tosupporters W ednesday explaining h i s decision to vote in favor of the "fiscal cliff" deal, Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, said he was frustrated that nothing was done to effectively cut

Democrats voted against the measure, and three ofthose — Reps. Earl Blumenauer, Peter DeFazio and Kurt Schrader — are from Oregon. DeFazio said he voted no because the deal hinders Congress' ability to deal meaningfully with the deficit and bur-




a five-tiered system based on how much pollution is in the wastewater a business discharges into th e sewer system. Wales, of 10 Barrel, had w anted to know w hat t h e company's sewer costs would be under the new program as envisioned so far, but Eagan said at a meeting in December that would be difficult. "The difficulty is the variance from one of our 2,900 commercial accounts is so great," Eagan said. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

I g



Win and tise it for:

geoning debt. "The Senate plan pushes dumb, across-the-board spending cuts back just two months, creating yet another fiscal cliff crisis that coincides with the debt ceiling limit," he said in a prepared statement. "This sets the stage for a massive attack on Social Security and Medicare underthe guise of fiscal responsibility. Republicans are

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the Medicare eligibility age to 67 and cut the cost of living adjustment for Social Security and veterans' benefits." Schrader said that after the spending. resultsof the November elec"The p la n t h a t p a s sed tion, he hoped for a thoughtwasn't perfect — in order to ful discussion in Washington balance the budget, we need about how to intelligently enact to do more to cut spending and a mixture of tax reform, entitlegrow our economy. But my ment reform and some discreprinciple has always been to tionary cuts. "The 'fiscal cliff' was desecure tax relief for the most number of Americans as pos- s igned accidentally and o n sible. And yesterday I voted to purpose to make sure that we do that," Walden wrote. actually protected and grew "Now that tax r e lief has this country going forward," he been extended, it's time for the said. "We did none of that with president to work with Con- what we did yesterday." gress to get our nation's fiscal Liberal Democrats who inhouse in order by addressing sist that Medicare and Social the underlying problem, which Securitycan't be touched are is spending. The national debt simply putting their heads in is currently $16 trillion and the sand and creatingproblems All cuts climbing, over $50,000 for ev- for future generations, he said. "I strongly believe they are The last time the govern- ery American. We must cut ment's revenues and expen- spending and grow our econ- going insolvent. They need to ditures were in balance, they omy to avoid passing on an be fixed," he said. "The presiwere both around 21 percent even bigger debt burden to our dent is going to have to exert of thegross domestic product, children and grandchildren." tremendous leadership an d he said. Now, revenues have tell Democrats that we have shrunk to about 15 percent of Three Oregonians to do entitlement reform.... I The "fiscal cliff" deal passed, think Democrats need to get an the GDP, while spending has grown to about 23 percent, with bipartisan support, 89education." creating a g r o wing d eficit. 8 in the Senate and 257-167 — Reporter: 202-662-7456, Congress needs to create a in the House. Only 16 House aclevenger@bendbulletin.com

sory group have suggested



luted water. Finance Director Sonia Andrews wrote in an email Wednesday that the city does not know the cost to collect and treat the dirtier wastewater. Kelly Graham, p rogram manager for i n dustrial pretreatment, said a utility rate consultant working for the city is currently calculating this number. The advisory group will likely ask the City Council to extend the m oratorium on the existing i ndustrial w astewater rates until t h e end of 2013. Eagan said the group wants to coordinate changes in the rate structure with other potential sewer rate modifications, w h ich the city might seek to pay for sewer system improvements to serve all customers. M embers o f t h e a d v i -

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The Associated Press file photo

A hunter's trail camera captured an image of what is believed to be OR7 in November 2011. The 3'/s-year-old wolf has traveled more than 3,000 miles since leaving his pack in northeastern Oregon.

Wolf Continued from A1 Not only has he traveled more than 3,000 miles since leaving his pack in northeastern Oregon, he's demonstrated exceptional homing abilities. "He can find the same locations (after) weeks, sometimes a couple of months, coming back from a completely different direction," said Karen Kovacs, wildlife program manager for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. S ince summer, OR7 h a s s pent most of h i s t i m e i n western Plumas and eastern Tehama counties on a mix of public and private lands, with some jaunts into neighboring Butte County. He seems to dine mostly on mule deer, following their seasonal migrations from mountains to lower elevations. Fortunately for him, he has avoided people and livestock. The wolf was accused of killing a cow and her calf and some other livestock, but Kovacs said investigations found no evidence that OR7 was the culprit. The cow died giving birth to the calf, which was either born dead or died soon after birth and was then eaten

biologists expect more wolves to follow. The Fish and Wildlife Department intends to prepare a wolf management plan forthe state,and conservationists have formed an alliance topromote wolf recovery on the West Coast. "It's a different environment" in t h e P acific Coast states than i n t h e i n t erior West, said Weiss, Northern California representative of the California Wolf Center. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming authorized gray w olf hunts a f te r t h e no r t hern Rocky Mountain population was removed from the endangered specieslist. Hundreds of wolves have been shot and trapped in the last couple of years, including the popular alpha female from a Yellowstone National Park pack who wandered outside the park. OR7 "was smart enough to come here instead of Idaho," Weiss said. "The Pacific Coast may be the only area in the U.S. where wolves are allowed to survive and thrive."

cal effects on both businesses and consumers of watching Continued from A1 lawmakers war again and "Because we're going to again in the coming months be slugging this out u n t il over taxes an d s p ending, February or M a r ch, w hen under the cloud of a possible the government finally runs sovereign default if they fail out of money." He predicted to reach agreement. a "bloody, messy, appalling "There's nobody holding spectacle" among lawmakers celebrations today over this that will depress consumer agreement," said John Engler, and business sentiment. the president of the Business Business gr o up s ex- Roundtable. "There's a bit of pressedreliefon Wednesday a reaction of, 'Is that all there that lawmakers had at least is'?' Because there's a lot that avoided catastrophe with the remains to be done." last-minute accord. The deal Engler complained t h at preserved lower income and the bill did little to reduce the investment tax rates for most pace of government spending Americans, extended a pack- and stabilize national debt age of business tax breaks levels. So did Martin Regalia, and bought atwo-month de- chief economist at the U.S. lay in pending defense and Chamber of Commerce, who domestic spending cuts. also worried that the deal But business lobbyists said — by locking in current marthat because it does not stabi- ginal tax rates — will comlize rising federal debt levels, plicate congressional efforts the deal could u ndermine to reduce rates and eliminate economic growth. They also deductions as part of a broad worried about the psychologi- tax reform package.

Executives have long complained, in testimony to Congress and anecdotal reports to the Federal Reserve, that policy "uncertainty" is keeping them from using more of their record profits on capital expenditures and hiring new workers. Regalia said the agreement t hi s w e ek did nothing to change that calculation. "No one can tell me that

funding the government and,

"Our members are frustrated that Congress keeps setting up these showdown moments," said David French, senior vice president of government relations at the National Retail Federation, "because what happens when you precipitate these crises is you get shocks to consumer confidence." Several business leaders said they had not seen much impact from the payroll tax cut in the first place and didn't expect much effect from it expiring. When it comes to car sales, for example, "I think it may affect choice for the consumer, but I don't think it will affect volume," said Tammy Darvish, vice president of Darcars Automotive Group.


with a cellphone and a threat are followed with instructions

Continued from A1 She raised the money from relatives and paid the inmates through "Green Dot" c ash cards that carry VISA or MasterCard logos. Seeing the pictures, "I threw up. I was in shock for a minute," she said. Georgia inmates have found a way to reach beyond metal doors and bars, concrete walls and razor wire to victimize those on the outside, family members and prisoners say. Corrections oNcials say they have found nothing to support individual claims of extortion. But they concede the ongoing problem with cellphones, which are not allowed in prison, makes it easy for inmates to continue to prey on others. Three families of inmates in two Georgia prisons told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution their extortion stories. In each instance, a brutal picture taken

to pay up.

said, 'OK. We have it.' My son called the next morning. He never saw them (his alleged attackers). "They just stole $300 from us. The DOC s ays m ultiple i nvestigations h av e f o u n d little evidence to support the claims. Ricky Myrick, director of the Office of Investigations and Compliance at the Department of C orrections, said there have been 25 to 30 reports of extortion. In some cases, inmates would not cooperate with i nvestigations, he said. In other instances "the only thing we've been able to verify is some of the inmates themselves are willing participants," Myrick said. "The true catalyst behind our problem still reverts back to the cellphones," Myrick sard. Myrick said th e a gency has tried unsuccessfully to persuade federal regulators and the cellphone providers

to support a "low-cost solution to a serious public safety issue. That would stop ... all types of fraud. Not just extortion,"No one — not even employees — are allowed to bring cellphones into a prison. Yet inmates can buy them, at inflated costs, from staff willing to smuggle them in for a price. Myrick said DOC employees who had been caught selling cellphones to inmates were paid via Green Dot cards, transactions that require only the number on the cards but not an ID to deposit or to withdraw funds. That is the same method inmates allegedly are using to extort money from people outside prison walls. "They move this m oney card to card and ... you can lose the money in a couple of days and never know where it came from," Myrick said. "This is the new way they do things. That's what's driving the contraband trade."

"His right eye socket looked to be punched in," Whitner said."He told me his teeth were loose. His nasal passage on his right side was punched in." Brenda Keck of Rossville said she got a similar demand last August in a call that came at 2:30 in the morning. Keck said inmates at Hays State Prison in northwest Georgia sent an image of her son tied up, blindfolded and at knifepoint. They wanted $500 but she persuaded them to drop their demand to $300 after explaining that she and her husband were disabled. She had an hour to go to a nearby Wal-Mart in Walker County to buy a Green Dot card. "Theytalkedtomethewhole time while they are threatening to kill my son," said Keck. "I had to give them the number on the card. Then they hung up and called me back and

most important, raising the debt limit. Retailers, i n pa r t i cular, worry that future Washington brinkmanship will d i ssuade their customers from


this (deal) should make the CEO of a major corporation say, 'We're going to hire more, we're going to invest more, we're going to build more, because we see a demand building out there for our product,'" he said. The largest lingeringuncertainty remains the question of whether lawmakers can come together in time to solve big problems. The agreement leavesseveral of those problems for the months ahead,

including passing a budget,

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by coyotes. There have been a number of reported sightings of the 3/2 year-old wolf, but only a few havebeen confirmed. One was in a state wildlife area in November, when a man hunting with his daughter saw a group of deer emerge from a woodland. Behind it was a single deer running from what appeared to be a wolf. The animal broke off the chase, looked in the direction of the hunters and trotted away. The excited pair reported the sighting, and radio signals placed OR7 in the area. "The timing, the behavior, the location; we're pretty sure it was OR7," Kovacs said. Although he has journeyed much farther from his home pack than is typical, the wolf is doing what young males do, searching for a mate and other wolves with which to form a pack. He returns to areas wherehe has lefthis scent, hoping to find signs of other wolves. It is possible that other gray wolves without radio collars have crossed into the Northern California wilds from Oregon, where there are a number of packs. But biologists have found no evidence of them, and Kovacs said the chances are slim that OR7 will find a mate in California. But he has found food and remote country and appears to be healthy. "Being an apex predator in a landscape that hasn't had one for a pretty long time — he's got it pretty good right now," said Steve Pedery of Oregon Wild, an environmental advocacy group. Gray wolves in California are protectedunder the federal Endangered Species Act. After OR7's arrival, several conservation o r g a nizations petitioned the Fish and Wildlife Department to place the species on the state endangered list; and the department is now preparing a report on the matter. Boards of supervisors in severalnorthern counties oppose a state listing, and ranchers in the rural areas where OR7 is roaming have not exactly rolled out the welcome mat. "Clearly there are some who are wolf lovers and some who are wolf haters," said Kovacs, who has made wolf presentations at public meetings. Regardless of whether OR7 stays in California, wildlife





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rivers in the Amazon system. Where the Amazon descends just 80 meters over its length of almost 4,000 miles, the Xingu drops 90 meters over a 60mile segment here. And it is special for another reason, da Silva says. "Getting close now," he says. He putters past another sign, this one bobbing in the water: Do not enter.

Zl, Si

Dam will be built in stages

WI By Matthew Teague eLos Angeles Times SANTO ANTONIO, Brazil-

The wind blows in from the river, mingling with the scent of the day's last meal in the kitchen. The smells of work and home for Valcione da Silva. He sits on a worn bench and Matthew Teague / Les Angeles Times

watches children play on the floor, laughing. Somewhere outside, a siren begins, long and loud. Da Silva reaches beneath his bench to retrieve two knives, double-edged like daggers. They're not weapons, he says, clattering them together. They're special fishing tools. "Only wood," he says. He ignores the siren. He pulls out what appears to be a string of plastic Coke bottles dangling from a belt. "Look," he says, pressing into the side of a bottle. It flexes open along a slit in the plastic. When he lets go, it springs closed again. "Very simple. I can keep them alive in here." His fish are delicate, he says. A moment later a boom shakes the little home, and a concussion rolls the air like a wave on the river. Dirt dances onthe floor.The nearly bare shelves rattle. Another boom, and outside in the yard, the leaves of da Silva's mango tree flicker green and silver. Da Silva walks to his doorway with his wooden daggers, and looks like a man standing at the edge of the world. During the past year, the villagers around him have packed up and left. A few days ago the school closed, because all but da Silva's children had left. His wife was the teacher, so she continues their lessons at home. Santo Antonio would look like a ghost town, except that bulldozers have leveled all the empty homes. Da Silva watches the trucks as they rumble past, carrying countless tons of earth, blown with dynamite from the hillsides where he was born. "I want to stay and fish," the 36-year-old says. But it's early December, and he'll have to leave soon; clever men with clipboards have outmaneuvered him. In the morning, he says, he will do the only thing within his power. He'll break the law.

Resisting progress Progress and the past are colliding at da Silva's doorway. His small home sits at the foot of the Belo Monte dam site, where a con-

sortium is building the third-largest dam in the world, almost four miles across the Xingu River, a $16 billion construction project in the heart of the Amazon basin. Indigenous tribes and environmental groups have cried out against the dam for reasons local and global; the tribes depend on the mighty Xingu River — one of the Amazon's largest tributaries — for transportation, and their livelihoods. Environmental groups say the dam will destroy rain forest that the world needs to breathe. The builders counter that millions of Brazilians need the electricity, and construction continues. There had always been talk of a gigantic dam. During the dictatorships of the 1970s, important men had m ade speeches about the riches ofthe Amazon, waiting to be discovered. In 1972, President Emilio Medici had shown up with a construction crew just outside Santo Antonio. The president cut down a Brazil nut tree — a symbol of the rain forest — and stood on its fresh stump to make a speech about bringing industry, roads and population to the Amazon. Part of the plan, starting in 1975, was to build a massive hydroelectric dam. There's a pattern, in Brazilian history, of industries focusing on one natural resource, stripping it, and moving on to another. When Portuguese colonials arrived, the Brazil nut tree was so plentiful the explorers named the country after it. Now the trees are endangered. Later prospectors found so much gold they named an entire state Minas Generais, or General Mines. The gold is dwindling too. The same happened with the rubber trees, and the diamonds. The A m a zon's r i ve r s y s tem, though, seemed to resist progress for many years. The first bridge in the entire Amazon basin wasn't built until 2010. The area was too difficult to

Valcione da Silva holds a tiny fish he caught in the Xlngu River in Brazil. A planned dam of the river will force da Silva from his home. reach. Too wild a riverbed. Populated by too wild a people. The dictator's workers symbolically paved the top of the stump where Medici stood to make his speech, and today it stands shrunken and cracked. Now an enormous concrete power pole looms over the stump. It's one of an endless series of identical towers, marching electricity to the reawakened site of the dam called Belo Monte: the Beautiful Mountain.

Who gets the power? M en came to Da Silva's door a cou-

ple of years ago and knocked. We are subcontractorsto Norte Energia, the head man told him. We are building the dam. They entered his home with a clipboard, writing a list of all his meager possessions. He followed them from one small room to another, as questions tumbled through hi s m i n d: What on earth is Norte Energia? And why do these men have a clipboard? Life in Santo Antonio had stayed quiet for the past three decades, but elsewhere in Brazil a revolution had been under way: an industrial, financial and cultural revolution. The country hadrecently surpassed Britain to become the sixth-largest economy in the world. And the Brazilian machine needs electricity. "Electricity is development," said Joao Pimentel, director of institutional relations for Norte Energia, a consortium of private and state-held companies that plans to begin operating Belo Monte in 2015. "Without electricity we will go nowhere." "If all the electricity went to homes, the dam would provide power for 60 million people, Pimentel said. It won't do that, exactly. Seventy percent of the dam's power will flow to public utilities, sold on the national grid forbusiness and domestic consumption. The other 30 percent will

be divided between shareholders. So how many Brazilian citizens will receive electricity once it trickles down'? "It's difficult to say," Pimentel said. "That's a lie," said professor Rodolfo Salm, who researches ecology at the federal university in Altamira, the largest town near the dam site. "This energy is not for homes, it is for mining." As Brazil expands its economic reach in the world, Salm said, it exports more goods. Aluminum, for instance. "It takes a lot of energy to produce aluminum," he said. "In Japan, theyneed aluminum but have an energy shortage. So what we are really doing is exporting energy."

A furtive fishing trip Da Silva's brother-in-law, Alessandro da Silva, joins him, and they sling their equipment in packs over their shoulders. They climb onto da Silva's off-road motorcycle. He fires it up, and the two scoot intothe rumble of transfer trucks. Dust coats the men, and the tires of the other vehicles tower above them. Gigantic machines scrape and gouge and dynamite rock and dirt and load it into the trucks, which haul it to other sites, where they unload and repeat. Da Silva and Alessandro weave through a landscape that stopped resembling the rain forest long ago; now it looks lunar. Off a side road they pass the village's empty church, and the demolished houses of their former neighbors. As they get closer to the Xingu River the signs start appearing: Do not enter, they say. This land is now protected by the law. Do not enter. The two men drop on their motorbike over the riverbank, out of sight. Working quickly, they slide down the bank to their dugout canoe, crank its small motor and then navigate into the Xingu. The Xingu is special, among all

The Belo M o nte p r oject i tself was deemed illegal, briefly, by the Brazilian federal court. In mid-August, the court intervened to halt all construction. Two weeks later, the Supreme Court reversed the decision. Civil rights and environmental groups cried out against the decision, claiming the courts had bowed to pressure from Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, whose 2011 election was underwritten in part by the companies interested in building the dam. The dam is a complex, multi-stage affair, but it will work like this: The Xingu flows downhill from Altamira to Santo Antonio — Valcione da Silva's village — where the water will crank the dam's turbines. Between those two points, though, the river swings through what locals call the Big Bend. It's a wide loop where botanists, zoologists and anthropologists study life of all sorts; it's also flat, so the river loses much of its valuable energy. So a support dam will shunt most of the Xingu directly from Altamira to the dam, through a man-made canal.It will cut out the Big Bend — and slowly lower the river there.

Beneath the surface Valcione da Silva steers his dugout boat around a final bend. He will take the settlement, he says. He has no choice. Norte Energia alone cannot cast him from his home, butthe government can. He will have to take the money — about $20,000, he says — and move from his home. But he will hold out as long as possible. He stops the boat at the center of the river, and Alessandro throws out the anchor. At the center of the boat, da Silva takes the cover off a funny old engine, which looks like something salvaged from a steam ship. It's bright yellow, all gears and wheels and chains. It sputters to life. "Air compressor," Da Silva says. Two plastic tubes run from the engine, and the two men each place the free ends in their mouths. They pull on goggles, strap the Coke bottles around their waists, and tuck the wooden daggers into their belts. They leap. Slowly he finds them — the beautiful fish. Ornate, tiny fish. Rare fish. At the market in Altamira he can sell them for $2 or $3, although they will sell for a hundred times that much eventually. He doesn't know the scientific names, or the ones they'll have by the time they reach aquariums in Tokyo or New York. But here they're called the zebra, the old black man, the tiger. They resist, hiding under the river rocks. But his daggers eventually, inevitably, sweep them from their homes.

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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5



Deschutes OKs deputies' pact Deschutes County commissioners on Wednesday approved a new three-year contract for the Deschutes County Sheriff Employees

Association. The contract will

feature annual cost-ofliving wage increases ranging from 1.5 percent to 3.5 percent, de-

pending on the national average. It also requires theemployeestopaya percentage of the actual cost of their health in-

surance, rather than a flat rate. Employees will now pay 7.5 percent, up to $140 per month; that

amount will increase annually by1 percent and $15 a month in the

second and third years of the contract. The contract will

begin July1 and run through June 30, 2016.


o ass eters ma in moreroom

Bank sues to recover

By Sheila G. Miller

The shelter has 32 men in its proThe Bulletin gram, house manager Gary Chastain Bend's shelters are filling fast as sin- said, as well as room for up to 15 men gle-digit temperatures continue to chill w h o can sleep on mats for emergency the area. shelter. "We've been f u l l e v er y n i g ht," Bethlehem Inn Executive Director Gwenn Wysling said the shelter on h e s a id."It's a lot of people passing North Highway 97 has seen an . through and stuff. Most of the influx of people since tempera- " people we have on our emergentures have dipped well below 'W"e"e cymatsarefromout of t own or o nd freezingoverthe past week. are new to the area." ood and "We are at capacity for famiWysling said she'd also heard sheite" lies and we have a waiting list," of propertyowners discovering S2 Wysling said. "We are filling anddestroyinghomelesscamps up (each night) for men and recently. "It's just a questionable time of year women, but we definitely continue to make room for those that are in need t o be doing that," she said. of shelter." The chilly weather is expected to get The shelter has an official capacity w o r se today before easing up over the of 68single men and women, and room weekend. for up to five families. But it's still makA cco r d ing to the National Weather ing space for additional people in need. S e rvice, Bend can expect snow flurries Shepherd'sHouse on Northeast Di- or frozen drizzle and patchy freezing Andy Tullie/The Bulletin v ision Street is also filled with home- f o g . People queue up at the Bethlehem Inn in Bend less people looking to warm up. for dinner Wednesday.

Deschutes board picks new chair


Deschutes County

commissioners on Wednesday approved a new chairman and vice-

31.3M in loans By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

Bank of the Cascades has suedlocalrestaurateur Hao "Howie" Long, claiming he and his companies owe the bank more than $1.3 million. According to the lawsuit, Long, through his companies HDTL Inc. and Lonka LLC, borrowed the money from the bank beginning in 2008, and during 2012 stopped making payments on the loans. The bulk of the funds in question stems from a $1.265 milhon construction loan the bank gave Lonka in 2008 for a property at Southeast Bridgeford Boulevard. According to Deschutes County property records,

one of Long's companies bought the building in 2006 for $475,000. The property is now worth slightly more than $669,000. The building, surrounded largely by industrial and commercial properties and largely empty, has a sign out front advertising it as for sale or lease. Long, according to city business license applications, is owner or co-owner of downtown Bend spots La Magie Bakery, 5 Fusion & Sushi Bar, and Soba Asian Bistro; Level 2, a bar in the Old Mill; Szechuan Restaurant in northeast Bend and Tomo Japanese Restaurant on the south end of Bend. He also owned Boondocks Bar & Grill before it closed in April; the space now holds Liquid Club &

chairwoman for the

three-member board. Commissioner Alan

Unger was unanimously named chairman. Unger has served on the comm ission since 2009.He

was re-elected to his seat in November. The board also

elected Commissioner Tammy Baney asvicechairwoman. Baneyhas served on the commission since 2007. More briefingand News of Record, B2

STATE NEWS • 9&rla d

Lounge, and one of Long's

clackamas Salem

associates operates that bar. Long did not return calls for comment. After receiving the construction loan in 2008, Long's company provided the bank with a promissory note for $1.25 million in August 2011, with a maturity date of August 2016. Over 59 months, payments were tobe almost $8,000. Long's company has stopped making those payments, the lawsuit alleges. The bank sent two letters,in September and November, calling the loan. But as of Dec. 10, 2012, Long's company still owed the bank nearly $1.3 million. That's not the only loan problem plaguing Long and his companies. Through his company HDTL, Long receiveda $150,000 loan from the bank in October 2008. That note is due in January 2015, but the lawsuit


• Medford:Some Jackson County farmers are seeking a public vote on whether genetically modified crops should be banned from the

Photos by Reb Kerr /The Bulletin

Construction workers talk in the recently renovated hallway at Redmond High School on Wednesday. A remodel in progress has opened up areas that will become commons. Increased use of glass has added light to many areas of the school.

county. • Salem:Lawmakers are considering a per-mile tax for electric and hybrid

vehicles to replace gas-tax revenue losses from vehicles that

don't use muchgas. • Clackamas:Friends and supporters of Clackamas High's baseball coach turned out to mourn his 7-

year-old son, who died in an auto accident this

week. • Portland:Officials have identified three

more people who were killed Sunday when their tour bus went offInterstate

84 and rolled down an embankment. The crash is still under

investigation. Stories on B3

Well shot! reader photos • We want to see your best photos capturing

fun in sno-parks for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors

section. Sendyour best workto readerphotos© bendbulletin.com by

today, with "sno-parks" in the subject line, and we'll pick the best for


• RedmondHigh'srenovation isn't complete but returning studentswill notice the difference By Ben Botkin

Workers take down former

The Bulletin

REDMOND — Students returning to Redmond High School from winter break Monday will have a renovated wing of classrooms awaiting them. Redmond High's estimated $93 million renovation is giving students at the school a totally different look — with more windows, natural light and better acoustics. The east wing has been finished and students will learn in its nine classrooms as renovations continue in the west wing for the rest of the school year. To accommodatethe ongoing work, some classes are being shuffled around. Students who had classes in the west wing of the building during fall will move to the east wing. The school's office staff is printing new class schedules for returning students, said assistant principal Tony Pupo. Even though the project isn't finished, students will benefit from the completed portions of the renovation, he said. "They're going to come back and be able to live in this new space so even though we'll be under construction, they'll at least feel like they're in a new area," Pupo said. The finished portion contains a careercenter — a new feature forthe school. The center offers students resources for looking up information

classrooms Wednesday at Redmond High School. While work is ongoing in one wing of the school, another wing of renovated classrooms is ready for students when class returns next week.

needed for their post-high school plans, such as financial aid and college scholarship resources. Counseling offices are next to the center and the school's offices are nearby, providing a centralized spot for administrative staff. Before the renovation, administrative staff were scattered throughout the building, Pupo said. The interior classroom walls of the school, built in 1971, will be thicker. That will bring an end to past problems of students hearing noise from neighboring classrooms, Pupo said. Faith Irick, 17, a junior at the school, dropped by Wednesday and saw the new wing. She said the windows and spacious atmosphere are a welcome change. "Now it's very open," she said. "It's just

amazing." When the project is completed, the renovated west wing will have 11 classrooms and two computer labs. While construction proceeds, the school is using 10 modular classrooms to provide needed space. The renovation should be finished in the spring, possibly by April, Pupo said. The school won't need to use modular classrooms when classes resume in fall 2013, he said. The renovation is covered by funds from a $110 million bond that voters approved in 2008 to build Ridgeview High School and provide for school improvements throughout the district. — Reporter: 541-977-7185; bbotlzin@bendbulletin.com.

alleges Long has stopped paying on that loan as well, and still owes more than $71,000. Included as an exhibit in the lawsuit is a letter from Bend attorney Martin Hansen stating Long has no assets available to pay the bank. "My clients had previously provided the Bank with financial statements that show that none of the borrowers or guarantors has the ability to pay either the loan on this building or any deficiency that may be generated," Hansen wrote in October. "The Bank has previously proposed to take a deed in lieu of foreclosure on the building." Hansen did not return a call for comment, nor did Peter Hicks, attorney for Bank of the Cascades. But a November letter from an attorney for Bank of the Cascades said the bank is not willing to accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure. SeeSuit/B2





masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9 SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the IMAX,680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. High Desert, featuring live animals; INDOOR SWAP MEET: Featuring 70 $6 plus museum admission, $4 for local vendors, with new and used members plus museum admission; items, antique collectibles, crafts 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 54197, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. 317-4847. highdesertmuseum.org. SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: THE CLUMSYLOVERS:The Canadian folk act performs; $9; 6:30 Learn about animal adaptations to p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. dramatic environmental shifts in the Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for www.bendticket.com. members plus museum admission; JEFF CROSBY&THE REFUGEES: 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert The Americana band performs; free; Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.reverbnation. highdesertmuseum.org. THE POOLPARTYBAND: The San com/venue/thehornedhand. Diego-based hip-hop act performs, with Mosley Wotta; $10 at the door; 6:30 p.m.; The Sound Garden, 1279 FRIDAY N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-6336804 or www.bendticket.com. SURVIVOR:ANIMALS ADAPT!: Learn about animal adaptations to dramatic environmental shifts in the SUNDAY High Desert, featuring live animals; $6 plus museum admission, $4 for KNOW MONEY:REAL-LIFE members plus museum admission; BURIED TREASURE:Discover 11 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; High Desert gold prospecting, metal detecting, Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway treasure hunting, rock collecting 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. and more, with an interactive gold highdesertmuseum.org. panning demonstration; free; FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312artist talks, live music, wine and 1034 or www.deschuteslibrary food indowntown Bend and the .org/calendar. Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; KNOW MONEY:STRETCHING throughout Bend. YOUR FOODDOLLARS: Learn how to work within your food budget to create a week of tasty, healthy SATURDAY meals; free; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312"THE METROPOLITANOPERA: 1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. LES TROYENS":Starring Deborah org/calendar. Voigt, Susan Graham and Bryan Hymel in a presentation of Berlioz's NOTABLES SWINGBAND: The


BRIEFING Continued from 81

Special education event set for Jan. 17 An event to help families understand the Individual-

ized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and lndividualized Education Program (IEP) for special education students has beenscheduled for Jan.17from 6to8

p.m. at the High Desert Education Service District's Manzanita Building in

Redmond. The building is at1212 N.E. Fifth St.

The event, sponsored


Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at MIMIw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

big band plays swing, blues, Latin, rock'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-6397734 or www.notablesswingband .com. CIRQUE ZIVA:A performance of tumbling, balancing and dexterity by the Golden Dragon Acrobats; $27-$40 plus fees; 3 and 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org.

MONDAY CIRQUE ZIVA:A performance of tumbling, balancing and dexterity by the Golden Dragon Acrobats; $27-$40 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org.

TUESDAY HISTORYPUB:A screening of the documentary "Green Fire - Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time," about the conservationist Aldo Leopold; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com.

WEDNESDAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: UN BALLO IN MASCHERA": Starring Sondra Radvanovsky, Marcello Alvarez and Stephanie Blythe in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347.

THURSDAY Jan.10 AUTHOR! AUTHOR!:Jennifer Egan, author of "A Visit From the Goon Squad" and "The Keep" speaks; $20-$75; 6 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-312-1027 or www.dplfoundation.org. STU HAMM, BOBBYROCK AND JUDE GOLD: The rock artists perform; $27; 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-6336804 or www.bendticket.com. THE DIRTY HANDFAMILY BAND: The California-based country act performs, with Angel and the Badman; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand.

Continued from 61 Shepherd's House, Bend:541-388-2096, meals,cold weather While the low temperatures shelter are expected to hover around Bethlehem Inn, Bend:541-322-8768, meals, cold weather shelter 16 degrees, wind chill could Bend's Community Center:541-312-2069, meals make it feel as low as minus l. Patchy freezing fog is exFamily Kitchen, Bend:312 N.W. Idaho Ave, meals pected to co ntinue through La Pine Community Kitchen:541-536-1312, meals Saturday and t e mperatures Oasis Soup Kitchen, Prlnevl!Ie:541-447-7727, meals will remain cold. On Friday,the Prlnevllle Police Department:541-447-4168, cold weather high is expected to reach about shelter 31 degrees before cooling overHighland Baptist Church, Redmond:541-548-4161, cold night to about 17 degrees. On weather shelter Saturday, Bendcould warm up to 34 degrees before dropping Madras GospelMission:, 541-475-2064, meals, cold weather at night to about 22degrees. shelter By Sunday, daytime highs could reach 39 degrees. But that's still aw f ully co ld f o r "We all complain about how r i g h tnow." — Reporter:541-61 7-783l, someone spending all day out- cold it is, but we're indoors," side, Wysling said. Wysling sa i d. "It's brutal smillerC<bendbulletin.com

To register for the event,

go online to www .thedatabank.com/ dpg/394/donate.asp?form id= meet8 c=5779271.

Suit Continued from 61 "While your clients and the bank's re presentatives may have discussed any number

Redmondpaving project postponed

of options for addressing the Lonka LLC and HDTL Inc. loans, with due respect to your clients, Bank ofthe Cascades is not willing to accept a 'deed in lieu of foreclosure' of the

collateral securing the loans in satisfaction of your clients' obligations to the bank under the two loans." — Reporter:541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletirLcom


Construction that was

scheduled to resume Monday on Sixth Street in

For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/officials.

Redmond has beenpostponed a weekbecauseof poor weather conditions.

The paving, part of a year-long construction project to rebuild Sixth

Street, has beenrescheduled to begin Jan.14.

Scholarship program opens for juniors The Center Foundation has opened its annual co!lege scholarship program for high school juniors. Several $1,500 college scholarships will be avail-

able to Central Oregon high school juniors who excel in academics, activities and

community service efforts. The program is open to juniors planning to attend an accredited college or university in the fall of 2014 and who have a GPA of

3.5 or higher. Applications must be received by5p.m.

CITY OF REDMOND 716 S.W.Evergreen Ave. Redmond, OR 97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 Fax: 541-548-0706

City Council • Mayor George Endicott Phone: 541-948-3219 Email: George.Endicott©ci.redmond .Qr.us • Jay Patrick Phone: 541-508-8408

Email: Jay.Patrick©ci.redmond.or.us • Margie Dawson Phone: 541-604-5400 Email: Margie.Dawson@ci.redmond. or. Us

• JOe CeIItanIII

Phone: 541-923-7710 • Shirlee Evans Phone: 541-604-5401 Email: Shirlee.Evans@ci.redmond .Qr.us • CamdenKing Phone: 541-604-5402 Email: Camden.K!ng@ci.redmond .Qr.us • Ed Onimus Phone: 541-604-5403 Email: Ed.0nimus@ci.redmond.or.us

on Feb. 22 to be consid-


ered. Applications are avail-

520 E. CascadeAvenue RO. Box 39 Sisters, OR 97759 Phone: 541-549-6022 Fax:541-549-0561

able at al! Central Oregon

high school counseling offices.

Completed applications should be returned to The Center Foundation, 2200 N.E. Neff Road, Suite 300, Bend, OR, 97701. For more information about the scholarship program, visit

www.centerfoundation.org or call 541-382-3344, ext. 2718. — Bulletin staff reports

City Council • David Asson Phone: 503-913-7342 Email: dasson©ci.sisters.or.us • WendyHolzman Phone: 541-549-8558 wholzman©ci.sisters.or.us • LonKellstrom Phone: 541-480-9975 Email: Ikellstrom@ci.sisters.or.us • Pat Thompson Phone: 541-610-3780 Email: pthompson©ct.sisters.or.us • Sharlene Weed Phone: 541-549-1193

Email: sweed@ci.sisters.or.us

CITY OF LA PINE RO. Box 3055 16345 Sixth St. La Pine, OR97739 Phone: 541-536-1432 Fax: 541-536-1462

City Council • Kathy Agan Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: kagan@ci.la-pine.or.us • Ken Mulenex Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: kmulenex@ci.la-pine.or.us • Don Greiner Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: dgreiner@ci.la-pine.or.us • Dan Varcoe Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: dvarcoe©ci.la-pine.or.us • Stu Martinez Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: smartinez©ci.la-pine.or.us

CITY OF PRINEVILLE 387 N.E. Third St. Prineville, OR 97754 Phone: 541-447-5627 Fax: 541-447-5628 Email: cityhall@cityofprineville.com Web: www.cityofprineville.com

G!ty Gottnc! I • Betty Roppe Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: broppe©cityofprineville.com

• Jack Seley

Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: jseley@cityofprineville.com • Stephen Uffelman Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: suffelman@cityofprineville.com • Dean Noyes Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: dnoyes©cityofprineville.com • Gordon Gillespie Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: ggillespie©cityofprineville.com • Jim MacDonald Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: jmacdonald©cityofprineville.com

Jan. 12

free; 9 p.m.; HideawayTavern, 939 S.E. Second St., Bend; 541-312-9898 or www.hideawaytavernbend.com. STRANGLEDDARLINGS: The Portland-based alternative act performs; $5; 9 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand.

TUESDAY Jan. 15 "A CORNISHFAMILYIN GEORGETOWN, COLORADO,18751912":Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Marilyn Burwell on research methods and townspeople; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 or www. orgenweb.org/deschutes/bend-gs. LOUDONWAINWRIGHT Hl: The folk artist performs, with Dar Williams; $35-$45 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org.

WEDNESDAY Jan. 16 "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: AIDA":Starring Liudmyla Monastyrska, Olga Borodina and Roberto Alagna in anencore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541382-6347. GIRAFFEDODGERS:ThePortlandbased folk and bluegrass act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 orwww. mcmenamins.com.


Food &Shelter

Oregon Disability Supinformation about special education services.


CENTRAL OREGON WEDDING& EVENT SHOW: Explore wedding services, with a gown fashion show and prizes; a portion of proceeds benefit the Bend Ronald McDonald House; $5 or four cans of nonperishable food; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; The RiverhouseConvention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-317-0450 or www. thecoshow.com. POLAR BEARWALK/RUN: 5K and 10K races; proceeds benefit St. Thomas Academy; $25-$35; 10 a.m.; St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-548FRIDAY 3785 or www.redmondacademy. com. Jan.11 AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Tom AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Tom DeWolf and Sharon Morgan read DeWolf and Sharon Morgan read from their book"Gather at the Table: from their book "Gather at the Table: The Healing Journey of a Daughter The Healing Journey of a Daughter of Slavery and a Son of the Slave of Slavery and a Son of the Slave Trade"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Trade"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. HoodAve., Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., Sisters; 541-549-0866. Redmond; 541-526-1491. TRIAGE:The comedy DANNY BARNES:The experimental improvisational troupe performs; banjoist performs, with Matt Sircely; $5; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; $10;7 p.m., doors open at5:30 Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www. 0803 or www.cascadestheatrical. OI'g. mcmenamins.com. "FARGO":A screening of the1996 DAVID JACOBS-STRAIN:The R-rated murder-comedy by the Oregon blues man performs; $15Coen Brothers, starring William H. $20 suggested donation;8 p.m ., Macy and Frances McDormand; $10 doors open 7 p.m.; HarmonyHouse, plus fees; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 17505 Kent Road, Sisters; 541-548835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3172209. 0700 or www.towertheatre.org. DANNY BARNES: Theexperimental MCDOUGALL:The Portland-based banjoist performs, with Matt Sircely;

by Family and Community Together and the Central port Network, will feature

folk act performs, with Sassparilla; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand.

CITY OF MADRAS 71 S.E. D Street Madras, OR97741 Phone:541-475-2344 Fax:541-475-7061

Clty Council • Mayor Melanie Widmer Phone: 541-475-2344 Email: mwidmer@ci.madras.or.us • Tom Brown Phone: 541-475-2344 Email: thbrown@ci.madras.or.us • Royce EmbaIIksJr. Phone: 541-475-2344 Email: rembanks©ci.madras.or.us • Jennifer Flowers Phone: 541-475-2344 Email: jflowers©ci.madras.or.us • Richard Ladeby Phone: 541-475-2344 Email: rladeby@ci.madras.or.us • Jon Young Phone: 541-475-2344 Email: jyoung©ci.madras.or.us • Kevin O'Meara Phone: 541-475-2344 Email: komeara@ci.madras.or.us

CITY OF CULVER 200 W. First St. Culver, OR97734 Phone: 541-546-6494 Fax: 541-546-3624

Clty Council • Nancy Diaz, Laura Dudley, Amy McCully, Wayne Johnson, J.B. Schumacher, ShannonPoole Phone:541-546-6494

POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Pr! nevil!e Police Department

Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at11:22 a.m. Dec.31, in the area of Northeast Seventh Street. Oregon State Police DUH —Torrey Lee Dunn, 34, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3:03 a.m. Dec. 29, in the area of U.S. Highway 97near milepost 125. DUH —RyanM. Gowdy, 23, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at2:25a.m. Dec.29, inthearea of East U.S. Highway 20and Northeast Purcell Boulevard in Bend. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at1:24 p.m. Dec. 29, in the area of EastU.S.Highway 20 near milepost 7. DUH —Bryce N. Deller,26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:34 p.m. Dec. 31, in the areaof Northeast Wells Acres Roadand Northeast Daggett Lane in Bend. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 8:30 p.m. Dec. 31, in the area of U.S.Highway 97near milepost181. DUH —Nicole R. Perky,39, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:51 a.m. Jan. 1, in the areaof U.S. Highway 97near milepost 137. DUH —James M. Brundage, 43, was arrested onsuspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:56 a.m. Jan. 1, in the area ofWest U.S. Highway 20 and Seventh Street in Bend. DUII —Traci D. Castillo, 38, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:42 p.m. Jan. 1, in thearea of West U.S. Highway 20near milepost 9.

BEND FIRE RUNS Friday 14 —Medical aid calls. Saturday 8:33 a.m.— Building fire, $150,000 loss, 1290 S.W.Silver Lake Blvd, 23 —Medical aid calls. Sunday 7:10 a.m.— Confined cooking fire,1801 N.E. Lotus Drive. 14 —Medical aid calls. Monday 2:58 a.m.— Chimney or flue fire, 64951 Highland Road. 10:07 a.m.—Authorized controlled burning, 21517Bear Creek Road.

SelfReferrals Welcome


Hear Ceoter

HOME INTERIORS 70 sw century Dr, suxe145 Bend, QR 97702 t' 541 322 1337


11:45 a.m.— Passenger vehicle fire, 20752 Canterbury Court. 17 —Medical aid calls. Tuesday 9:46 a.m.—Chimney or flue fire, 1863 N.E. Providence Drive. 22 —Medical aid calls.

REDMOND FIRE RUNS Dec. 24 2:47 a.m.— Smoke odor reported, 10790 N.W. 27th Street, Redmond. 7 —Medical aid calls. Dec. 25 9:52 p.m.— Building fire, 5197 North U.S. Highway 97,Redmond. 4 —Medical aid calls. Dec. 26 5 — Medical aid calls. Dec. 27 12 —Medical aid calls. Friday 10:34 a.m.— Authorized controlled burning,11366 North U.S. Highway 97, Terrebonne. 8 —Medical aid calls. Saturday 1:18 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 3730 N.W.Poplar Drive, Redmond. 7 —Medical aid calls. Sunday 7:01 p.m.— Passenger vehicle fire, in the area ofN.W.Sixth Street, Redmond 5 —Medical aid calls.

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Jac son Coun aImeIs see an By Jeff Barnard


3 rescued after crad doat runs aground — Thecoast Guard says acrab boat has run aground near Coos Bay,and three fishermen havebeen rescued. TheCoast Guard said a helicopter hoisted the three to safety early Wednesday from the vessel about 400 yards off Cape Arago. Rocks thwarted crews that responded by

boat. The 39-foot vessel namedthe Robert Henry was reported to

The Associated Press

G RANTS PASS — S u p porters of a local ban on genetically modified crops filed signatures with the Jackson County clerk on Wednesday in Medford to put a measure on the county ballot. Supporters carried s igns and drove a tractor outside the Jackson County Courthouse r«1ll tr before filing 6,710 signatures with the county clerk. To get r / on the ballot, 4,662 will have I to be certified. Barring a speM P R O T E C TINGO U K cial election, the next ballot cM0 EQ QD E/t«RMERS it could get on would be May, /p AND EUTURE 2014. The measure would b an '«'/r>/if' anyone from raising genetic ally engineered plants i n er!«rl «««r«« Jackson County, with exemptions for scientific research. Jamie Lusch / Medford Mail Tribune via The Associated Press It also calls for the county to December Tueller, of Ashland, left, Caroline White, of Central Point, and Brand Schilling, of Ashland, conduct inspections and alprotest genetically modified organisms Wednesday on the steps of the Jackson County Court House lows enforcement t h r ough in Medford. Supporters of a local ban on genetically modified crops filed signatures with the Jackson citizen lawsuits. County clerk to put a measure on the county ballot. C hief p e t i tioner Br i a n Comnes, a retiree from Ashland, said his group wants to rounded here," he said. protectorganic farmers whose Jackson County Farm Bucrops could be contaminated reau President Ron Bjork says by pollen from genetically enhe thinks most farmers in the gineered crops, such as sugar county believe in coexistence 't'« : beets and alfalfa. and would oppose an outright 'i f« "If someone is growing ban. "This ballot measure they GMO alfalfa next to your or/u' ganic alfalfa, the whole burhave, as far as I'm concerned, den is on you not to get crossthey should be talking about pollinated," he s a i d. "The coexistence with th e o t her g uy who g r ow s th e G M O f armers, and not t r y ing t o e s tuff doesn't have to d o a separate everybody," he said. "We believe in coexistence, thing." Noting genetically modithe county F a r m B u r e au ,/ fied canola and sugar beets does. h ave been an issue in t h e Comnes said the owners of Willamette Valley, State Rep. 90 farms, 230 businesses and Peter Buckley, D -Ashland, four granges in the area have said he has drafted bills to Bob Pennell / Medford Mail Tribune vfa The Associated Press signed a statement in support r equire c o mpensation f o r Chuck Burr grows bor kale and chard at his Restoration Farm off of the ban. farmers who s u ffer l osses the Old Siskiyou Highway near Ashland. Burr says he had to throw Organic s ee d pr o d ucer from contamination by geaway $4,700 in chard seed after learning it may have been contami- Chuck Burr of Ashland said he netically modified crops, and nated from a nearby GMO field. had to destroy his chard seed to assure that if a county encrop after learning that genetiacts a ban, it would be able to cally engineered sugar beets enforce it. industry. lated sugar beets genetically were growing near enough to "We have our Right to Farm Co-petitioner Chris Hardy, m odified to w i t h stand t h e have cross-pollinated with his Law in Oregon," he said. "It's a an Ashland organic farmer, weed k i ller R o undup l a st chard. "I can't legally sell a seed I question, and I want to make said certified organic seeds July, they can be planted anysure we are on s olid legal grown in the Rogue Valley where, and are grown all over cannot guarantee would grow footing." are sold all over the country the Rogue Valley, including a true to type," he said. "I have Buckley added he expected through v a r i ous c o opera- location across the road from an absolute right to conduct s trong opposition from t h e tives. Since the U.S. Depart- his farm. commerce on my farm in my "We're pretty m uch s u r- county where I live." genetically engineered crops ment of Agriculture deregu-

Ng EfL5 5%

have about 4,000 pounds of catch and 400 gallons of fuel on board. The Coast Guard says investigators from Astoria will assess the

potential for pollution and work with the owner to develop asalvage plan.

Man who jumped to his death identified —Authorities have identified a man they say was apparently high on illegal mushrooms when he jumped to his death from the11th story of a Portland

apartment building. Nicholas lan Sylvester, 21, wasidentified by the Oregon State Medical Examiner as the man who jumped without warning at about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday. Sylvester had apparently told

friends at a party earlier that he hadconsumed the mushrooms. IIlegal mushrooms often cause hallucinations.

Officials discusswhat to dowith washed-updock — Agencies dealing with a dock that washed ashore near Forks met W ednesday to plantheirnextmove.The dockwashed ashore on a wilderness beach last month and is thought to be debris that drifted across the Pacific from the March 2011 tsunami in Japan. The dock

has some markings in Japanese,but they are not conclusive. A spokeswoman for the state marine debris task force, Virginia Painter of the Parks Department, says officials are planning to return to the dock to deal with what might be invasive marine life and to start look-

ing at ways to removethe debris from the wilderness beach.

NeW Year'S draWI leaVeSman injured — Washington County authorities say aNewYear's Dayfight left a 36-year-old man with cuts on his faceand hands, andthey're looking for a second manwho drove away in a pickup truck. The Sheriff's Department says Brian

O'Neel of Forest Grovewas cut seriously, but his injuries were not

life-threatening. The sheriff's department says he was involved in a fight with Delaney Van Loo of Gales Creek at an apartment in Gaston.

Rodin most-sighted dird in Ashland area —Forthethird


Girl, 11,amongdead as police ID bLjsvictims By Steven DuBois

ties with translations and to notify relatives, said five of PORTLAND — Authori- the victims were South Koties say an 11-year-old girl rean citizens. f rom S o ut h K o r e a w a s An additional 38 people among the nine people killed were injured, including bus in a bus crash on Interstate driver Haeng Kyu Hwang, 84 in Eastern Oregon. 54, of Vancouver, B.C. At Oregon State Police of- least 10 remained hospitalf icials identified t h e g i r l ized Wednesday afternoon at Wednesday as Youmin Kim, facilities stretching from Boiwho was visiting relatives se, Idaho, to Portland. State in British Columbia before troopers have been going to the nine-day bus tour of the hospitals with photographs western United States. of unclaimed property, inPolice also released the cluding purses and luggage, names of three other victims in an effort to return items of the Sunday crash, includ- found at the scene. ing a woman from WashingThe cause of the crash has ton state and a Korean couple yet to be released, and powho had been staying with lice have said it could take a relatives in Washington. month or more to determine They were identified as whether the driver was at 75-year-old Yongho Lee of fault. The investigative team Lynnwood, Wash., 67-year- includes police and three Naold Oun Hong Jung ofSouth tional Transportation Safety Korea and his 63-year-old Board inspectors. wife, Joong Wha Kim. The crash occurred near a The crash occurred as the spot on the interstate called bus was returning to Van- Deadman Pass, at the top of a couver, British Columbia, on steep, seven-mile descent from the final leg of the vacation the Blue Mountains. There tour. The crash was Oregon's were icy spots, but nothing deadliest since 1971. unusual for this time of year. "The crash happened on a The trip wa s organized by a British Columbia trav- pretty straight stretch before el agency that has yet to they head down the hill," said comment. Tom Strandberg, a spokesSix of the people who were man for the Oregon Departkilled remain unidentified. ment of Transportation. Authorities previously said Despite i t s fo r eboding Dale Osborn, 57, of Span- name — coined in pioneer a way, Wash., died i n t h e times long before the autocrash. mobile — the pass had not Lt. Gregg Hastings of the been deadly in the 21st cenOregon State Police said the tury. In the past 10 years, identification process has there had been 59 accidents, been slowed by factors such but no deaths, on that stretch as the availability of legal of highway, Strandberg said. identification, fi n g erprint TransportationDepartment and medical records. records show Sunday's crash Vice Consul Chul Ho Choi, to be the state's deadliest since who traveled to Pendleton a two-car collision in Portland from Seattle to help authori- killed nine in October 1971. The Associated Press

year in a row, the robin was the most-seen bird in an annual count by

birdwatchers around Ashland. More than 6,700 robins were spotted in an area with a15-mile diameter during the Christmas Bird Count. Second was the dark-eyed junco with more than1,800 and third was

the golden-crowned sparrow with more than700. TheMedford Mail Tribune reported three dozen birdwatchers in nine groups tallied a total of more than16,000 birds in119species. The count is sponsored

by the National AudubonSociety. Results from 2,200 counts around the country are compiled at Cornell University. Organizer John Bullock said the number of starlings around Ashland has declined — from more than 2,500 in 2011 to less than 600 in the latest count.

OffiCialS lOOkintO Salem Strip mall dlaZe —TheSalem Fire Department says heavyequipment removedportions of a collapsed roof Wednesday to help investigators find the cause of a New Year's Eve fire that damaged five businesses in a strip mall. The

three-alarm fire burned into Tuesdaymorning at Academy Square, with flames shooting through the roof in places. The department says the fire damaged a tax accountant's office, meat market, nail shop,

game shop andpaint store.

New Year's DUI enforcement nets 39 arrests —Oregon State Troopers stepped upenforcement efforts this NewYear's Eve. Troopers say that effort resulted in 39 arrests for driving under the influence between Dec. 31 and 6 a.m. on New Year's Day. Twenty-six of

those arrests were after midnight. Troopers say since theNewYear's holiday enforcement effort began at 6 p.m. Friday, 73 arrests were made for driving under the influence. That compares with 53 arrests

during the sameperiod last year.


Legislature mullshow to tax electric and hybrid vehides

— From wire reports

Hundreds mourn coach's son The Associated Press

The Associated Press SALEM — O r egon state

consumers to buy these new cars," said Paul Cosgrove, a officials are proposing an lobbyist for the Alliance of Aualternative ta x f o r d r i v ers tomobile Manufacturers. who have bought efficient or AAA reports the average Oregon set up a task force electric vehicles that seldom price of a gallon of gasoline in 2001 and did a pilot study or never stop at the gasoline in Oregon is $3.37. in 2006,which raised privacy pump, where government has concerns — the government That's 6 cents lower than traditionally collected money could track cars as they use a month ago and 2 cents to build and fix roads. private roads or leave the state. lower than ayear ago. But the auto industry calls Whitty said the options drivSome metro prices from the idea of mileage taxes aners would have in the new proWednesday's AAAsurvey: other roadblock for its efficient posal address those concerns. Portland: $3.35 vehicles, the Salem Statesman A second pilot project has Salem:$3.38 Journal reports. involved about 50 participants, Eugene-Springfield:$3.42 In its upcoming session, the mostly state transportation ofOregon Legislature is expectficials and lawmakers. They Medford-Ashland:$3.42 ed to consider a bill to require pay 1.56 cents per mile and get — The Associated Press drivers with vehicles getting a credit for any gasoline tax at least 55 miles per gallon of they paid at the pump. gasoline or its equivalent to Oregon Transportation Com"Everybody uses the pay a per-mile tax after 2015. missionerMary Olson tracked Because it raisestaxes, such road, and if some whether she would be charged legislation would need approvfor miles on private roads by al by three-fifths votes in both pay and some don't:, comparing resultsfrom her the House and Senate. then that's an unfair odometer and the GPS-based The tax would be based on situation that's got to mileage reporting device. "It was scary accurate," she mileage reports that c ould be made in a variety of ways, be resolved." said. "I was very pleased." such as via smartphone app T he pe r - m il e ch a r g e — Jim Whitty, or global positioning system Oregon Department wouldn't apply to mileage on technology. Drivers could also of Transportation private or out-of-state roads. just pay a flat annual fee. A similar bill that applied to L awmakers w o ul d h a v e electric vehicles and plug-in to decide on the rates. The hybrids didn't make it to the proposed bill leaves that part don't, then that's an unfair situ- House floor in 2011. blank. ation that's got to be resolved," The new bill resolves unOregon transportation ofsaid Jim Whitty of the Depart- certainties about the per-mile ficials have been working for ment of Transportation. charge, said Rep. Vicki Berger more than a decade to figure Other s t a tes, i n c l uding of Salem, top Republican on out how to pay for roads as Washington, have looked at the House Revenue Commitcars get extra efficient with per-mile charges. A Washing- tee and amember of the Road gasoline, or use batteries. ton law that would charge elec- User Fee Task Force, "There's a basic unfairness Those developments upset tric car owners an annual fee the usual taxation scheme of goes into effect in February. around that tax, and everycharging taxes by the gallon at Opponents of the Oregon one is looking for the magic the gasoline pump, an approx- proposal say it will hurt a new way to at least get the ball imate way of charging more industry. rolling on a different way of "It will be one more obsta- doing this, one that reconfor greater use of the roads. "Everybody uses the road, cle that the industry and auto n ects mileage w it h t a x e s and if some pay and some dealers will face in convincing paid," Berger said.

Declining gas prices

CLACKAMAS — Hundreds of people gathered spontaneously at the Clackamas High School baseball field after t hey l e arned about the death of the 7year-old son of the baseball coach. Jacob Arntson was riding with his father, John Arntson, on Interstate 84 Monday afternoon when their pickup slid on ice over the guardrail and into the Columbia River near Mosier, east of Hood River. The 40-year-old driver wasn't able to save his son and swam to shore. Divers recovered the boy's body Monday night in about 40 feet of water. Assistant baseball coach Tom Bohlman told KATU that many high school students knew Jacob. They left balloons, flowers and toys on the baseball field Tuesday in an improvised memorial. "They loved him. Everybody was drawn to Jake," Bohlman said. "All the high school kids out here liked to play with Jake. Jake would get into, like I said, mischief. Get into the dirt and rocks and mud and go home, and Mom and Dad would have to clean him up." He was a student at Oregon T r ai l E l e mentary, where his principal, Khaliyah W i l l iams-Rodriguez, remembered him as a child who loved reading, sports andtoys. " He's going to b e r e membered by his smile, his laughter and his hard work," she said.



The Bulletin





Goaoott BEAEE



Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials


tart worrying. The Oregon Legislature is going to be considering a new kind of tm when it meets this year. There is a proposed bill circulat- for the Legislature will be setting ing to levy a mileage tax on some the tax rate at the "right" level. cars that get more than 55 miles It's going to be tricky. per gallon. The state needs to get it Whitty said the average gas tax right to ensure those drivers aren't per mile for cars in Oregon is about thrown under the electric bus. 1.5 centspermile. The taxrate could Gas taxes in Oregon basically be set there. But imagine if you are pay for road repair and construc- a Prius owner. Some models get tion. As more people drive hybrids about 47 miles per gallon and pay or alternative fuel vehicles, there about 0.61 cents per mile in gasoline could be a problem. taxes, Whitty said. If a Prius owner Theproposal is focused on apart upgraded to a model that got more of that issue, capturing revenue than 55 miles per gallon, he would from electric or plug-in hybrids. be paying more in gas tax. There are atleast three good That would be weird, Whitty ideas embedded in the plan for the sard. system — privacy, flexibility, and it The tax rate should also be set starts small. so that it covers actual road repair Oregonians aren't going to like and construction needs. It should it if the government is tracking ev- not be set just to keep ODOT's reverywhere they go. So the Oregon enue where it is now. Department o f T r a nsportation ODOT sent us some numbers plans to provide options for driv- on gasoline taxes and state reveers to stay disconnected from any nue over the past 10 years. They do GPS tracker. not clearly prove much of anything James Whitty, who is working about the impact of hybrids or alon the plan for ODOT, says drivers ternative fuel vehicles. There are a will also be able to choose among host of other variables in play — a providers of the service, including tax change, gas price changes and private sector companies, from a the recession. list certified by ODOT. He said priOne headsmacking statistic vate companies will likely be able ODOT did send along is a decline to provideservices more cheaply. in the average miles per gallon for The mileage-based system is all vehicles on Oregon roads. It starting small — with the dozen or was 18.1 mpg in 2001 and 16.9 mpg so types of vehicles that get more in 2010. than 55miles per gallon. That cutoff The proposed legislation is likepoint was pickedbecause 54.5miles ly a move toward taxing all Oregon per gallon is the fleet standard that drivers on mileage rather than per automakers must hit by 2025. gallon. The Legislature needs to One of the most difficult tasks ensure it doesn't drive us crazy.

'Cliff' may be averted, but critical problems remain


residentBarack Obama and the 112th Congress have failed us again. Yes, they averted many of the scariest immediate aspects of the "fiscal cliff." And we agree with U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, that a "yes" vote was the right move in the last few hours of the latest battle. The risks of stalemate, including the chance of fallinginto another recession, were too extreme. But it's another stop-gap measure. Our leaders addressed none of the underlying problems, and we now face battles in the next few months on the debt ceiling and the expiring government spending bill. In the short term, the resulting uncertainty hurts our efforts to climb out of our current slowgrowth economy. Businesses don't expand, jobs don't get created, and people don't spend more when they don't have confidence in the consistency and stability of economic decision-making. And the immediate expiration of the payroll tax cut means workers face

a 2 percent loss of income, which could further slow the economy and increase unemployment. Ironically, the vast majority of the Bush tax cuts were made permanent with this legislation, something Republicans might have cheered a few years ago. But now we face the reality of deficits that have grown dramatically in the last few years, with no end in sight. The most important failure, h owever, starts with a l ack of honesty. By framing the conflict around the supposed failure of the rich to pay enough, the president avoids the critical conversation. We need to face up to the fact that the nation has made promises about low taxes and high benefits that it can't keep. There simply aren't enough rich people to pay the bill, no matter how high their tax rate. Voters like the idea of high benefits with someone else paying the bill, but the numbers don't add up. Until the president is willing to deal honestly with this reality, the nation remains at risk.

N© H (

M Nickel's Worth Our own form of terrorism With all the carnage, fear and now serious debate about assault rifles and mass killings, al-Qaida seems to have lost its effect on America. It seems we have our very own f orm o f t e r r orism w i t hout a l -

Qaida's help. We're trying to cope and learn how to deal with daily fear and danger. Arm the teachers? B ullet-proof backpacks fo r k i n dergarteners?This sounds like an effective form of terrorism that alQaida must be very pleased with. More AK-47s for everyone. Has America gone mad? I'm seriously starting to think so.

schools, even during Christmas. School libraries refuse to shelve Bibles. Many schools have even banned the word "Christmas." Even the City of Bend now erects a "holiday" tree. And in the world according to Hollywood, there is no God and all Christians are fools. Before we spend untold billions on arming schools, may I suggest we lower the wall a bit that fences God out? The holiness and love of God and the civilizing nature of Christianity made this country the shining light of virtue it once was and can do so again, if given the chance.

John Shepherd

Ken Beemer



Take a look at ourselves

Oppose evil with God and good

This is written in response to Ann Byers and her letter "Guns kill children" in the Dec. 20 Bulletin. Guns actually don't do anything themselves and they certainly don't have the ability to pull their own trigger. We, as a society, always like to blame someone or something whenever anything goes wrong. That's the easy way out and it's simple. But maybe we should take a look at ourselvesand see ifm aybe we are to blame. We have raised a generation of children who don't have the respectthey should for non-violence and the reverence for life. How have we done this — you, me, our neighbors? We have let them watch violent movies and TV, left them home unsupervised while we both worked to pay for all of the toys we have, turned a blind eye to their drug use, and let them play violent video games instead of playing and exercising outdoors.

How do we address the Newtown school shooting'? Is it a mental health issue? A gun rights issue? A violent-movie-and-games issue'? A schoolsecurityissue? I believe it is a moral issue on a national scale. Newtown, along with all the other senseless shootings, exposes a rising tide of evil in our culture. We used to oppose evil with God and with good. Evil is not something that can be medicated or legislated away. Evil is something from which we must turn away by turning to God, the source of all

good. But instead of turning to God, our nation is walling him off, using the fictitious constitutional wall of separation of church and state to remove God further and further from the public square. God is nowhere to be seen in

Have we honestly provided them with a good example? When was the last time you heard of some old person shooting up a school or any other situation or even young

people 50 years ago? These are hard questions and the answers are not as simple as banning guns or assault weapons. It's time to take a closer look at ourselves and not jump to simple but incorrect conclusions. Jim Persing Redmond

Precious preborns slaughtered As we all consider the horror of the massacreof the 27 at the grade school in C o nnecticut, we h ave corporate grief being shared all throughout this nation — indeed, the whole world. I am seriously concerned about a nation, however, that can so easily dismiss the taking of many thousands of little lives every month right here in our United States. How, you ask? Precious preborn little ones are being slaughtered in the name of convenience every single day. It isn't as if these little ones have done anything wrong or are unwanted by plenty of couples who are barren. Self-centeredness and fearare often the cause ofthis enormous loss of life. Let us grieve in a uniform pattern! Any female who can conceivecan deliver a child, even if not for her own parenting. To kill the little one living in the womb is no different than killing the precious little ones and their teachers in Connecticut. Charlotte Kolzow Bend

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Better solutions needed to keep our schools safe By Cameron Scott ith all t h e c haos occurring today and our nation becoming increasingly divided on security in our schools and gun control, something has

ber here is the criminal perpetrator typically spends a great amount of time and goes to great lengths planning the event. The restricting or banning of guns will not change this underlying criminal t o be done. Politicians are l N M y F u r thermore, yl EW behavior. jumping on the gun-control gun control, once implebandwagon, some possimented, will only begin bly seeing this as an opportunity to our journey as a nation down a slippush their agenda(s) on an emotional pery slope of stripping responsible nation. Americans of their constitutional Don't get me wrong, I'm just as rights. heartsick as a nyone about these Think about it. What will be next'? recent tragedies. There is nothing Freedom of r eligion? Freedom of more tragic than a child's death and speech? Freedom from unreasonable we should all resolve to honor those search'? Even the strictest gun control small victims as well as the adults laws are not going to stop a persistent who selflessly gave their own lives in criminal. an attempt to protect them. We need What tends to be downplayed is to strengthen our resolve to protect the fact that both the Newtown and one another. It's always easier said Clackamas shooters committed prethan done. meditated criminal acts of stealing The important thing to remem- these weapons prior to their shooting


rampages. In no way did they go out and legally obtain these weapons. According to reports, the Newtown shooter appeared to have tried to purchase a weapon from Dick's Sporting Goods and was turned down. He then apparently murdered a responsible, legal gun owner to obtain his goal of procuring a weapon — his own mother, no less. No gun law in the world is going to stop this type of determination. How could this horrible tragedy have happened and how could it be mitigated? In regards to mental health, we are now r ealizing the long-term lack of resources and degradation of family values and morals. We are facing a generation of adults desensitized to graphic violence and respecting no one. These are people who cannot, will not, or are unable to articulate or differentiate the issues of morals, accountability, reality

and responsibility — or, as I call it, "MARR." It can be argued when we had God and the Bible in our schools, we had a positive moral compass and foundation from which to develop. Whether or not one believes in the Bible is not the issue. Common sense dictates that when you build upon a solid foundation of what's right and w r ong, you get positive results. t I m the first one to admit we need more security in the schools. The modern world we live in is dangerous. But regardless of what plan gets implemented, it's going to cost money. I propose, rather t han h aving armed guards (the first target of a shooter) at schools, we use what might be a win/win situation? Use an effective, kid-friendly, nonlethal force in the form of trained

dogs and volunteer handlers (who could be teachers, staff and volunteers, or someone else). The advantage would be that threat response time would be negligible. In addition, a shootout with the criminal could be avoided while the dog neutralizes the threat — or, at the very least, provides a barrier between the criminal and victims, slowing down the criminal and allowing extra time for escape. Trained dogs would also be able to locate and be alert to the presence of drugs, explosives, weapons and other potential threats to safety. With students exposed to these protective service animals rather than more guns, a result could be the development of a school servicea nimal t r a i ning p r o g ram f r o m which children would benefit while giving back to the community. n

— CamerOn cam o SCOtt liVeS in Bend.




BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Betty Faye (Braaten) Foppiano, of Bend Jan. 7,1928- Dec. 28,2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home, 541-382-0903, www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: At her request, there will be no service. Contributions may be made to: Baja Animal Sanctuary, PMB626, PO Box 439060, San Diego, CA 92143-9060 www.bajaanimalsanctuar y.org

Edward Lee Coatney, of Prineville April 21, 1938 - Dec. 31, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals -Redmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services to be held. Contributions may be made to:

Humane Society of the Ochocos, 1280 Tom McCall Rd., Prineville, OR 97754

'Goose' Johnson, of La Pine Feb. 5, 1936 - Dec. 31, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, OR. 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, January 5, 2013, at 1:00 p.m., at Baird Memorial Chapel, located at 16468 Finley Butte Road in La Pine. Reception to follow. An Urn Committal with Military Honors will take place on January 11, 2013, at 11:00 a.m., at Willamette National Cemetery in Portland. Contributions may be made to:

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to either Partners In Care Hospice,2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-5882; or Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, P.O. Box 6062, Albert Lea, MN 56007-6662, www.wish.org, 1-866-880-1382.

Rodney Dean Prewitt, of Redmond Jan. 6, 1959 - Dec. 29, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals -Redmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Celebration of Life: 1:00 p.m., Sat., Jan. 5, 2013, at theRedmond Grange, 707 SW Kalama, Redmond (behind Fred Meyer)

Roger Stuart Hogue, of Redmond Mar. 24, 1935 - Dec. 27, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592 www.deschutesmemorial chapel.com Services: 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. Gathering and Visitation at Redmond Memorial Chapel, 717 SW 6th, Redmond. Funeral 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013, at St. Jacob Orthodox Church, 1900 NE Division St., Ste. 109, Bend, OR. Contributions may be made to:

St. Jacob Orthodox Church, 1900 NE Division St., Suite 109, Bend.

Ruth Agnes Carlson, of Bend Sept. 20, 1912 - Dec. 30, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds.com

Services: There are no services planned at this time. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701 or Central Oregon Humane Society, 6117027th St., Bend, OR 97702.

'Enrique' E. Monzalvo, of Bend Dec. 18, 1961 - Dec. 27, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592 www.deschutesmemorial chapel.com Services: A gathering of friends and family was held on Sunday, December 30, 2012.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Lloyd Elliott, 94: President of Ge o r g e Was h i ngton University for more than two decades until his retirement in 1988. He played a key role in transforming the university from a commuter school to a selective residential university. Died Tuesday in Washington, D.C. — From wire reports

William M. Johnson III July 21, 1925- Dec. 9, 2012 William Maxson Johnson III of Bend passed away December 9, 2012 at the age of 87. William was born July 21, 1925 in Camd en, New J e rsey t o W i l l iam M. Johnson Jr. an d Frances


Johnson. He w as r aised > n t he C a m den PhiladelWilliam M. p hi a area Johllsoll lli and at tended R i d le y T o w n s h ip H igh S c h ool i n Fo l s o m , PA. W illiam served t w ic e i n the Army. H e was a radio operator with the 89th Rec onnaissance T r oo p d u r ing World War II. I n 1948, he r e e n listed a n d w as h onorably d i s c harged i n 1952 at the rank of Corporal. W illiam relocated to L o s Angeles after hi s m i l i t ary service and attended L.A . City College and UC B er k eley before settling i n t o h is 30+ y ear c a reer w i t h t he S o u t her n C a l i f o r n i a Gas Company. H e h e lped program f i r s t g e n e ration computers, eventually working his way up to supervisor o f t h e c o m p uter systems r esearch d e partm ent. H e al s o m e t h i s w ife, A ud r e y (Siedler), there and they w ere m arried in 1970. W illiam r el o c a te d to B end w it h h i s f a m i l y i n 1 983 and r e t ired t h e f o l lowing year. W i l l i a m enjoyed gardening, spending e very summer t e nding t o his roses and nurturing the nearly 100 trees he planted o n his small acreage. Wi l liam also e nj oyed t r aveling, genealogy, reading the Wall Street Journal, shari ng h i s dr y wi t , an d spending t i m e w i t h hi s family. H e i s s u rvived by his d a u g h ters, J e n n i f er (and Craig) Letz of B e nd, a nd M a r y ( and T o m ) Mokry of Long Beach, CA; niece, P a tt y Si e d le r of Redmond; and two gr andc hildren. He w as pr e c eded in death by h i s b eloved wife. A Celebration of Life will b e held n oo n J a nuary 5 , 2013, a t A s p e n H a l I i n Bend.


Page hadbiggest hit witb 'TennesseeWaltz' By Chris Talbott

Two other hits, "I Went To Your Wedding" and "Doggie NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Un- in the Window," which had a forgettable songs like "Ten- second life for decades as a nessee Waltz" and " (How children's song, each spent Much Is That) Doggie in the more than two months at No. Window" made Patti Page 1. Other hits included "Mockthe best-selling female singer in' Bird Hill," "Hush, Hush, of the 1950s and a star who Sweet Charlotte," and "Alwould spend much of the rest legheny Moon."She teamed of her life traveling the world. with George Jones on "You When unspecified health Never Looked That Good problems finally stopped her When You Were Mine." decades of touring, though, Page was one of the last surPage wrote a sad-but-reso- viving American singers who lute letter to her fans late last was popular in the pre-Elvis year about the change. Presley era when songs on "Although I feel I still have the pop charts leaned more tothe voice God gave me, physi- ward innocence than rock 'n' cal impairments are prevent- roll's overt obsession with sex. ing me from using that voice Pageprovedherself something as I had for so many years," of amatch fortherockers,conPage wrote. "It is only He who tinuing to place songs on the knows what the future holds." charts into the 1960s. Page died on New Year's Page never kept track, but Day in Encinitas, Calif., ac- was told late in life that she'd cording to publicist Schatzi recorded more than 1,000 Hageman, ending one of pop songs. That's not what she music's most diverse careers. had in her mind growing up She was 85 and just five as young Clara Ann Fowler. "I was a kid from Oklahoma weeks away from being honored at the Grammy Awards who never wantedto be a singwith a Lifetime Achievement er, but was told I could sing," Award. she said in a 1999 interview. Page achieved several ca- "And things snowballed." reer milestones in American Her popularity transcendpop culture, but she'll be re- ed music. She became the membered for indelible hits first singer to have television that crossed the artifi cial programs on all three major categorizations of music and n etworks, i ncluding " T h e remained atop the charts for Patti Page Show" on ABC. months to reach a truly naIn films Page co-starred tional audience. with Burt Lancaster in his "Tennessee Waltz" scored Oscar-winning appearance the r ar e a c hievement of of "Elmer Gantry." reaching No. 1 on the pop, She also starred on stage country and Rtf.B charts si- in the musical comedy "Anmultaneously and was offinie Get Your Gun." cially adopted as one of two In 1999, after 51 years of official songs by the state of performing, Page won her Tennessee. Its reach was so first Grammy for traditional powerful, six other artists pop vocal performance for "Live at Carnegie Hall — The reached the charts the following year with covers. 50th Anniversary Concert." The Associated Press

In California, recklessdoctors prescribe narcoticsunchecked By Lisa Girion and Scott Glover Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES — Kamala Harris has a powerful tool for identifying reckless doctors, but she doesn't use it. As California's attorney general, Harris controls a database that t r acks p r escriptions f o r pa i n k i llers and other commonly abused drugs fromdoctors'offices to pharmacy counters and into patients' hands. T he system, known a s C URES, wa s c r eated s o physicians and pharmacists could check to see whether patients were obtaining drugs from multiple providers. Law enforcement officials and medical regulators could mine the data for a different purpose: To draw a bead on rogue doctors. But they don't, and that has allowed corrupt or negligent physiciansto prescribe narcoticsrecklessly foryears before authorities learned about their conduct through other means, a Los Angeles Times investigation found. P rescription d ru g o v e rdoses have increased sharply over the last decade, fueling a doubling of drug fatalities in the U.S. To help stem the loss of life, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that states use prescription data to spot signs of irresponsible prescribing, and at least six states do. California is not one of them. By monitoring the flow of prescriptions, authorities can get an early jump on illegal or dangerous conduct by a doctor. Among the telltale signs: writing an inordinate number of prescriptions for addictive medications or for combinations of drugs popular among addicts. Harris' office keeps CURES off-limits to the public and the news media. But information from a commercial database containing the same kind of data illustrates how valuable CURES could be as an investigative tool. Private f i rm s p u r chase prescription data from pharm acies and sell it t o d r u g companies for use in marketing their products. The Times obtained a list from such a database ranking the most prolific prescribers of narcotic painkillers in the Los Angeles area for June 2008. Of the top 10 doctors on the list, six were eventually convicted of drug dealing or similar crimes or were sanctioned by medical regulators. One of them was a cocaine addict. Some had been prescribing narcotics in high volume foryears before authorities caught up with them. At least 20 of their patients died ofoverdoses or related causes after taking drugs they prescribed,according to coroners' records. Had officials been tracking the doctors' prescriptions in CURES, some of those deaths might have been prevented. Harris, a career prosecutor who was elected attorney general in 2010, declined repeated requests to be interviewed for this article.

Liz 0 Baylen / LosAngeles Times

A federal agent removes a computer as evidence from a physician's office. Data the state already collects could help authorities move sooner to stop reckless prescribers. "We don't have the horses or the ability to do that kind of work," he said. T he Medical B o ard o f California, w hich l i censes and oversees physicians, has appealed to the public to report instances of excessive prescribing, a step it took in response torecent Times articles on overdose deaths. But the board does not use CURES to identify doctors whose prescribing poses a danger to patients. "We don't have the resources," said executive director Linda K. Whitney.

noon in 2003, Carmen Pack was taking her children to buy Slurpees in the Bay Area suburb of Danville. Troy, 10, was on his scooter. Alana, 7, was riding her bike. Heading toward them in a gold Mercedes was Jimena Barreto, a nanny for wealthy families in the area. She had

been drinking and popping pills.

The Mercedes careened across two lanes oftraffic. Alana was killed instantly. Troy died a few hours later. E vidence emerged t h at Barreto was a "doctor shopper" who had obtained preSelling prescriptions scriptions f o r pa i n k i llers Dr. Tyron Reece was one from half a d o zen p hysiphysician who would have cians at the same hospital. tripped an alarm early on, When the doctors testified at if officials had been watch- Barreto's trial, each said they i ng h i s p r e scriptions i n didn't know about the others' CURES. prescriptions. T he In g l ewood fam That exposed a problem ily practitioner ranked fourth that Bob Pack, the children's among prescribers of oxyfather, set out to remedy. codone and hydrocodone in Pack, a t e chnology enthe Los Angeles area in June t repreneur, l e a rned t h a t 2008, accordingto the com- California ph ar m a cists mercial database. Reece's were required to submit decustomers paid for nearly all tailed data to the state on those prescriptions in cash, the controlled substances the data show. they dispensed. The inforThe pharmacies that filled mation includes the name of Reece's prescriptions were the patient and the prescribrequired by law t o r e port ing physician, as well as the them to CURES. drug and dosage. But Reece was not stopped The information is stored until 2011, and then only be- in the Controlled Substance cause federal authorities in- Utilization Review and Evaluvestigating a drug smuggling ation System — CURES. The ring stumbled upon evidence system has been in operation that implicated him. Dozens in various forms since 1939. of prescription vials bearing Real-time access the doctor's name had been found in the trash at a susWhen Pack began studypect's home. ing CURES, doctors or pharConfronted by i nvestiga- macists who suspected a pators, Reece admitted that he tient of abusing drugs could regularly sold prescriptions call or fax requests to review for cash to patients he had the patient's history of filling never examined. He pleaded prescriptions for n arcotics. guilty to drug dealing and is But it could take weeks beawaiting sentencing. fore they received the desired Nathan Kuemmerle, a West information. Hollywood psychiatrist, was Pack devised a plan for busted in 2010 after narcotics real-time access to the datadetectives arrested a suspect base. He and some Silicon for selling prescription pills on Valley friends helped design Craigslist. The suspect identi- an Internet portal that would fiedKuemmerle as the source allow medical professionals of the drugs, court records to review a patient's history show. of medication use while conDuring t h ei r i n v estiga- sidering whether to prescribe tion, d etectives r equested or dispense new drugs. a CURES report on KuemPrescription m o n i toring merle in 2009 and found that systems are most effective he was the No. 2 prescriber of when they focus on doctors narcotic painkillers in Cali- rather than on patients, said fornia and the No. I prescrib- Len Paulozzi, a public health er of the highest-dose form of physician at the Centers for the stimulant Adderall, ac- Disease Control and Prevencording to court records. tion who specializes in preKuemmerle p rescribed scription drug abuse. nearly four times as many of Paulozzi said CURES could the Adderall pills as the next be used for more than generLack of resources doctor on the list, the CURES ating lists of top prescribers. Nathan Barankin, her chief report showed. A medical ex- Officials could, for example, of staff, said Harris wants pert said Kuemmerle wrote search forinstances of pato improve CURES so more an average of 15 prescrip- tients driving long distances doctors can use it to identify tions per day for controlled to see a particular doctor, he drug-seeking patients, and to substances over a four-year said. They could also look help prosecutors pursue deal- period,a "remarkably high" for physicianswho prescribe ers and other drug offenders. figure, court records show. high dosages of commonly She has not proposed usKuemmerle pleaded guilty abused drugs. "Whether you are talking ing CURES to detect signs of in 2011 to drug dealing and excessive prescribing. was sentenced to three years' about firemen, policemen or Barankin said f i n ancial probation. doctors, somebody needs to constraints limit the attorney Investigators e x p r essed be looking at what they are general's options. CURES is amazement that Kuemmerle doing," he said in an inter"on lifesupport" because of was able to get away with view. "I don't see anything state budget cuts and is barely such high-volume prescribing wrong with that." able to fulfill its primary mis- while his prescriptions were Dr. Allen Frances, a prosion of helping doctors and being reported to CURES. fessor emeritus of psychia"If a doctor is prescribing try at the Duke University pharmacists track patients' use of medications, he said. in a way that could be con- School of Medicine and an Even so, the database, as sidered unreasonable, there authority on misuse of preis, could be used to look for is nothing from CURES to scription drugs, said credit signs of improper prescrib- say, 'This might be a prob- card c o mpanies m o n itor ing. "It certainly has that lem,'" said Redondo Beach customers' purchases more capacity, as I understand it," Police Det. Robert Carlborg, closely tha n m o s t s t ates Barankin said. who worked on the case. "If monitor prescribing of adHe added, however, that there had been,Kuemmerle dictive medications. "This is life and death," if Harris di d b egin u sing would have been caught way CURES to monitor doctors, sooner." Frances said. "If you can do the state Department of Jusit for a $100 credit card purtice lacks the resources to fol- Doctor shopping chase, why can't you do it for low up on leads. On a warm October after- prescriptions?"



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013.


Today: Increasing ciouds. CHANNE

Tonight: Freezing fog is possible again overnight.






Asto r i a'.ii

5 x s vr7/37 x x



Seasidee'~~~ 46/41 •.Cannon Beach


River The

• • Hermiston 30/22 . ~2 9 Dag e s Biggs 33,27• N t kdington • PendletOn 27/13 •, 33az • 33/26 H jiislioro POrt and ~ ~ • • vWasco 37/32 29/26 37'30 • Tigamook• • Sa n dy 29/22 • Meacham • 37/31 Ruggs 34n 4 47/34 Maupin McMinnville 30/22 J • La Grande• gvzz 38/32 • Governmentx 33/19 Umon Camp 35/25h Lincoln City 30ii 7 S~l~m 46/34 •

' 44/38

Enterprisq u 27/13


30/I 9





Redmond 28I15 Sunriver Bend •






Cr eSCent• port Rock 2603 g



Port Orford

• 52/38


• Beach


Jordan Valley



Frenchglen 23/8


• 56o

I 9/0



Yesterday's state extremes


33/1 5

Grants Pass



Chn s tmas Valley

• 5iiver I.ake



30/I 8


23/1 0



Coos Bay Lake g

• John

• Paulina 2i/12

26/1 4


EAST Mostly cloudy with unity 19/2 ntario fog in the north. 24/11 Sunny to partly Valee 25/9 • cloudy elsewhere.

Mth li

• Prineville 25A6 25A6





• Madras

23/1 2


Increasing clouds and seasonably chilly.

230 0

Warm Spr'»gs•






WEST Increasing clouds with a few showers in the north late.

• -12

• 4u30 •


• Brookings 52/4 1

Ashland ~


• Lakeview 30/1 1

a Ils 34/1 4 ~

2/27 ~



2 2/-10 ~



o www m ancouver 42/36

• Calgary Saskatoon 40/23m ~ 27/zp 2 /20


(in the 48 contiguous states):

ortland~ 37/32

(}uebec 8/1




• 82'





Bigin s




P,+ dx Torontomauffalo I De'troi't jt27/23 129/23•M '39' 28/20 f


Rapid Gty W t mrs 34/37W

• -28'

m m m

Angel Fire, N.M



• 0.68 w Greenville, N.C.



35/1p p

Ka nsas City

H •


30S • Louisviue •

~ ~

• 48/31


o CD




Honolulu ~ 81/71


ewY or


&H tpS I

4 t or tland 21/15 I



+Boise 29/12

Marathon, Fla.

Tijuana 66/45






4OSg r


'2I ~



Atlanta • Birmingham 51/33

48/31 6 New Orleans I 52/38 • H ouston i



• 54/37 v

Chihuahua , 40/29- .

Orlan o 75 7

• Miami 81/69


os 7oB1st 78/68


20s I



Juneau /3




Still dry with more clouds.

peaks of





31 17

35 20

35 22

38 25

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrise today...... 7:40 a.m. MOOn phaSeS SunsettodaY......440P.m. I.ast hlew p i rst Full Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:40 a.m. • Sunset tomorrow... 4:41 p.m. Moonrisetoday...11:36 p.m. Moonsettoday ... lp:4p a.m. Jan. 4 Jan. I1 Jan. 18 Jan.26 •



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:16 a.m...... 3:56 p.m. Venus......6:15 a.m...... 3:11 p.m. Mars.......9:05 a.m...... 6:32 p.m. Jupiier......159pm......501 a.m. Satum......2:27 a.m.....12:53 p.m. Uranus....11:18 a.m..... I1:32 p.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low............... 16/I 2 4 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........56in1964 Monthtodate.......... 0.00" Recordlow........ -10in1979 Average monthtodate... 011"

Average high.............. 40 Year to date............ 0.00" Averagelow ..............23 A verageyeartodate..... 0.11" Barometricpressureat4p.m30.39 Record24hours ...1 44in1936 *Melted liquid equivalent




The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Yesterday Thursday F riday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

for solar at noon.

Astoria ........48/34/0.00....47/37/sh.....46/34/pc Baker City......19/13/0.00.....20/8/pc.....28/12/pc Brookings......56/35/0.00....52/41/sh.....53/38/pc Burns......... 14/-12/000.... 17/-2lpc......28/5/pc Eugene........ 38/21/0.00.....47/31/c.....45/27/pc Klamath Falls .. 25/0/000 ...34/14/pc ...37/18/pc Lakeview....... 28/-8/0.00 ...30/11/pc.....34714/pc La Pine........ 33/ 7/0.00....25/11/pc.....33/I 5/pc Medford.......49/22/0.00....44/30/pc.....44/33/pc Newport.......48/34/0.00.....48/36/c.....49/35/pc North Bend.....55/36/0.00.....51/37/c.....51/39/pc Ontario........23/10/0.00....24/11/pc.....26/14/pc Pendleton......29/24/0.00.....29/26/c......34/21/c Portland .......41/32/0.00.....37/32/c.....41/31/pc Prineville........ 30/2/0.04....25/1 6/pc......36/20/c Redmond.......18/12/0.00....33/16/pc......38/19/c Roseburg.......34/28/0.00....47/34/sh......47/35/c Salem ....... 4472470 00....42/31/c ...44/28/pc Sisters..........13/5/0.00.....26/1 4/c......32/1 6/c The Dages...... 32/29/0.00.....33/27/c......37/29/c

Snow accumulation in inches







ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires

Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .50-53 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .39-73 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .82-114 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .89-108 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 95 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0.0......64-67 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . 108

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .44-82 Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . .21-24 Mammoth Mtn., California.....0.0...133-1150 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .35-52 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . .63-1 21



y est erday, s extremes

A few

Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-53 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . .40 47 Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . .20-24 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-fog,dr-drizzle, tr-trace


33/I 6


More cloud cover is




•++t v

4 4 4

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain

++ Flurries S now


Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......48/25/0.00...48/24/c. 44/30/pc Grand lapids... 27/22/0.00 ..28/20/sn.. 34/22/s RapidCity.......31/21/000...34/I7/s.. 42/I7/s Savannah .......64/58/0.01...59/40/c.. 59/40/s Akron..........42/10/000..28/21/sn.. 27/16/s Green Bay........22/8/000.. 23/11/sf.. 26/14/s Reno...........30/I1/0.00..36/I2/pc.. 32/15/s Seattle..........43/30/0.00..43/37lsh.. 45/35/c Albany...........26/5/0.00...24/19/c. 33/22/pc Greensboro......48/41/0.07 ..44/29/pc .. 49/29/s Richmond...... 44/37/0.11 ..41/27/pc.. 46/27/s SiouxFalls........31/1/0 00...I5/8/pc.. 31/10/s Albuquerque.....36/11/000 ..35/18/pc.37/20/pc Harnsburg.......33/26/0.00..32/22/pc. 32/22/pc Rochester, NY.....27/8/0.03 .. 29/25/sn.33/25/sn Spokane ........26/22/0.00...27/20/c.. 30/20/c Anchorage......40/37/000 ..30/22/sn .. 27/21/c Hartford, CT.....32/15/0.00..24/20/pc. 37/18/pc Sacramento......54/26/0.00... 52/32/s .. 54/35/s Springfield, MO ..36/14/0.00...31/12/s .. 37/24/s Atlanta.........52/41/003..51/33/pc.. 52/33/s Helena...........17/I/060...42/18/s. 37/13/pcSt Louis.........33/15/000..31/17/pc.. 35/21/s Tampa..........76/61/0.00... 73/56/c .. 69/52/c Atlantic City.....36/26/000 ..37/27/pc .. 40/28/s Honolulu........73/67/0 00... 81/71/s .. 81/70/s Salt Lake City....24/1 plppp...28/14/s .. 30/15/s Tucson..........61/34/0.00...59/35/c .. 56/34/s Austin..........45/35/000 ..50/36/pc.. 49/35lc Houston........46/42/0 00 .54737/pc.. 54740/c San Antonio.....47/39/0.00..51/37/pc.. 50/36/c Tulsa...........39/17/000... 42/19/s .. 44/28/s Baltimore .......37/30/0.00 ..37/29/pc.. 41/27/s Huntsville.......40/35/0.00...48/26/s .. 42/26/s SanDiego.......63/42/0.00... 66/45/s.. 67/47/s Washington, DC.40/33/0.00 .. 38/31/pc.. 41/27/s Billings.........59/21/000...37/19/s. 42/19/pc Indianapolis......225/000...27/lllc.. 27/17/s SanFrancisco....55/37/0.00.. 56/43/pc.. 56/44/s Wichita.........36/10/0.00... 29/11/s .. 36/21/s Birmingham.....45/38/000...47/28/s.. 45/27/s Jackson, MS.....41/36/000..51/29/pc 50/33/pc SanJose........58/31/0.00.. 58/41/pc.. 60/40/s Yakima.........29/25/000...27/20lc .. 31/23/c Bismarck........30/20/001....21/is..29/12/s Jacksonvile......74/53/005...62/43/c.63/41/pcSantaFe.........29/5/000..29/10/pc.33/14/pc Yuma...........61/45/0.00... 63/41/s .. 66/41/s Boise...........23/16/000...29/12/s. 29/16/pc Juneau..........36/34/0.08...37/34/c .. 37/35/c INTERNATIONAL Boston..........30/17/0.00 ..26/24/pc. 38/20/pc KansasCity.......33/9/0.00...28/12/s .. 35/23/s Bndgeport,CT....31/20/000 ..33/26/pc. 35/21/pc Lansing.........26/19/0.00..28/18/sn.. 33/20/s Amsterdam......46/41/0.02 50/49/sh 45/40/c Mecca..........91/70/000 84/67/583/64/s .. Buffalo.........27/19/000 ..29/23/sn. 32/24/sn LasVegas.......52/29/000...50/33/s .. 49/32/s Athens..........59/37/000..57/44/pc.54/44lpc Mexico City .....64/52/0.00 70/42/pc 67/44/sh Burlington,VT.....16/1/005 .. 16/13/sf. 31/19/sn Lexington.......34/23/000...35/23/s .. 33/21/s Auckland........77/57/000..75/67/sh .. 71/61/s Montreal.........7/2/002 ..14/10/pc..29/14/sf Caribou, ME......7/5/000.... 7/2lc..15/1/sn Lincoln..........35/11/000....22/7ls .. 31/13/s Baghdad........60/44/0.00... 63/47/s .. 62/49/s Moscow........34/27/0.03 ..28/25/sn.. 29/21/c Charleston SC...64/55/0 00...57740/c.. 59/37/s Little Rock.......39/30/0 00...45/23/s .. 43/27/s Bangkok........95/73/0.00... 93/75/s. 96/76/pc Nairobi.........77/63/0.00... 74/54/c .. 77/54/s Charlotte........50/46/015 ..48/31/pc.. 51/29/s LosAngeles......62/44/000...66/48/s .. 68/47/s Beiiing...........18/9/0.00... 13/-4/s... 14/9/s Nassau.........82/63/0.00 ..77/70/pc. 76/71/pc Chattanooga.....43/39/000...49/28/s .. 45/25/s Louisville........35/24/0.00 ..37/23/pc.. 35/23/s Beirut..........66/57/0.00... 63/52/s .. 62/51/s New Pelh/.......48/43/0 00 .. 66/48/pc.. 67/50/s Cheyenne.......24/17/000...34/15/s.. 39/13/s Madison Wl.....23/12/000.. 20/10/sf..25/14/s Berlin...........41/37/0.0048/43/sh .. .. 42/40/c Osaka..........54/34/0.00 39/29/pc .. ..37/35lsf Chicago.........30/10/000 .. 28/16/sf.. 34/23/s Memphis....... 36/26/0 00 44/27/s .. 41l32/s Bogota.........70/41/0.00..66/46/pc.. 67/43/s Oslo............25/I6/0.00 ..34/32/pc..37/28/0 Cincinnati.......33/20/000 ..33/16/pc.. 31/17/s Miami . . . . 81/65/0 00..81/69/pc. 80/69/pc Budapest........34/27/0.00..36/30/pc. 40731/pc Ottawa.........12/-4/0.02 .. 15/14/sf .. 30/18/sf Cleveland.......21/10/000 ..29/21/sn. 28/19/pc Milwaukee.......26/7/000 .. 23/15/sf.. 29/20/s Buenos Aires.....75/50/0.00 ...82/64/s.. 88/70/s Paris............46/37/0.00... 53/50/c .. 50/41/c Colorado Spnngs..33/7/0 00...34/12/s .. 44/I8/s Minneapolis.....20/I4/001 ..14/10/pc .. 29/I3/s CaboSanLucas..75/55/0 00..73/59/sh.. 75/55/c Rio de Janeiro....93/78/0.00.. 74/71/sh...80/73/t Columbia,MO....32/6/0 00...28/13/s .. 35/21/s Nashville........36/28/000...43/24/s .. 40/26/s Cairo...........68/52/0.00.. 68/51/s.. 67/50/s Rome...........57/43/0.00...57/45/c.. 55/45/c Columbia,SC....58/52/015...52/35/c .. 55/30/s New Orleans.....53/46/0 00..52/38/pc. 54/40/pc Calgary.........28/12/000.. 40/23/s. 30/20/pc Santiago........84/57/0.00... 67/59/s .. 68/59/s Columbus GA....62/51/002 ..55/35/pc.. 55/33/s New York.......33/22/000 ..34/29/pc. 37/26/pc Cancun.........82/72/0.00..82/76/pc.. 81/73/c Sao Paulo.......77/64/000..70/64lsh. 75/64/sh Columbus OH....24/13/000..31/17/pc. 27/14/pc Newark NJ......35/24/000..35/24/pc.. 37/26/s Dublin..........54/43/0.00... 55/45/c .. 50/46/c Sapporo ........23/18/0 00.. 25/10/sn.. 21/13/sf Concord,NH..... 24/3/000 ..19/13/pc. 32/18/pc Norfolk VA......42/37/023..42731/pc.. 45/31/s Edinburgh.......54/41/0.00 .. 51/47/sh.. 47/44/c Seoul............l9/3/0.00....8/7/pc. 18/I3/pc Corpus Christi....51/43/013...54/42/c.. 54/44/c Oklahoma City...43/26/000...38/23/s. 44/28/pc Geneva.........45/28/0.06 ..36/35/sh.39/35/pc Shangha/........45/32/0.00...33/30/c..35/33/rs DallasFtWorth...42/31/000..48/31/pc.. 49/34lc Omaha.........34/10/000...19/10/s .. 30/16/s Harare..........77/64/000 ..71l60/sh...80/65/r Singapore.......86/73/0.30...87/79lr...87/77/r Dayton ..........23/9/000 ..28/13/pc.27/13/pc Orlando.........81/55/000... 75/57/c.. 68/54/c Hong Kong......66/61/000 ..66/53/pc. 67755/pc Stockholm.......37/30/0.00..34/33/sn.. 32/30/c Denver..........32/14/000...35/10/s.. 41/14/s PalmSprings.... 66/45/000...62/39/s .. 64/40/s Istanbul.........52/39/0.00...47/36/c .. 48/42/c Sydney..........73/64/0.00..72/67/pc.78/67/pc Des Moines.......28/9/0.00...21/9/pc.. 30/18/s Peoria...........26/6/0.00...26/10/c .. 29/lms lerusalem.......60/48/0.02... 61/46/s ..59/44ls Taipei...........68/59/0.00..56/53/sh. 61/61/sh Detroit...........24/7/000...28/20/c. 28/19/pc Philadelphia.....35/27/0.00 ..35/25/pc.. 37/25/s Johannesburg....75/59/0.43..79/62/sh.. 85/61/s TelAviv.........68/52/0.02...68/53/s.. 66/52/s Duluth..........19/13/000...12/6/pc... 28/9/s Phoenix.........63/37/0 00 ..63/41/pc .. 62/41ls Lima ...........79/68/0.00..76/67/pc.76/68/pc Tokyo...........57/43/0.00..41I2Npc..3N30/s El Paso..........49/28/000 ..37/25/sh.43/27/pc Pittsburgh.......25/15/0 00..29/20/pc. 31/I5/pc Lisbon..........57/46/0 00.. 60/42/s 57/43/s Toronto.........27/19/000 27/23/c.. 28/22/c Fairbanks.........21/5/000... 6/12/s..5/10/pc Portland,ME......24/9/000..21/15/pc. 34/21/pc London.........52/36/0.00...53/49/c.. 49/40/c Vancauver.......41/27/0.00..42/36/sh.. 37/35/c Fargo............29/8/000....15/7/s... 28/8/s Providence......31/16/0 00 ..28/23/pc. 35/19/pc Madrid .........52/32/0.00...53/37/c.. 55/43/s Vienna..........41/28/0.02..3N35/sh.. 43/39/c Flagstaff........31/12/000...30/7/pc...37/8ls Raleigh.........49/40/025 ..46729/pc.. 49/30ls Manila..........91/75/0.07..85/77/sh. 83/76/sh Warsaw.........41/30/000.. 36/33/sf..37/33/rs


California areawill be 59th national park By Richard Simon

evelt designated a monument in 1908. W ASHINGTON — P i n Sen. Barbara Boxer, who nacles National Monument in sponsored the Senate bill central California is set to be- with fellow California Democome the 59th national park cratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, under a bill headed to Presi- said it would ensure that Pindent Barack Obama's desk. nacles "gets the recognition it The Pinnacles National deserves while also boosting Park Act cleared the Senate the area's tourism economy." "Pinnacles is a unique during a rare Sunday session of the lame-duck Congress. American landscape that will T he House approved it i n become even more popular July. with visitors as a national The bill is aimed at rais- park," added Paul Spitler, diing the national profile of rector of w ilderness policy the Soledad-area site, which at the W ilderness Society. President Theodore Roos- "Republicans and Democrats Los Angeles Times

dr vt W Iptt


• tt • tt

• twt


:p tP •tt


• •




may not see eye-to-eye on all issues, but they do agree that a Pinnacles National Park will help boost tourism dollars in a tough economy." The 26,000-acre site, which includes towering rock formations and talus caves created by falling slabs of rock, has played a critical role in the recovery of the California condor. It has been called a volcanic wonderland and a climber's paradise. The House bill was sponsored by Reps. Sam Farr, D-Calif., and Jeff Denham, R-Calif.


Rick Bowmer/The Associated Press file photo

The massive Sumpter dredge was one of three that took some nine tons of gold from the Sumpter ValIey before finally shutting down in 1954. The dredge is the centerpiece of a state park on the south end of Sumpter, a one-time boomtown that faded in the early 20th century. The area's past is part of a Syfy network show focusing on mining and ghost hunting.

E. Oregon reali TV show mixes ghost hunting, mining By Jayson Jacoby

reached a population of about 3,000 during the peak of the BAKER CITY — A ghost- hard-rock mining period in themed reality TV show that the decade or so before the was made last summer near First World War. Sumpter is scheduled to debut But the mines mainly played Jan. 16. out, and then a massive fire in "Ghost Mine" will air at 7 August 1917 destroyed almost p.m. PST on the Syfy network. all of the town's buildings. The n e t work , fo r m erly Sumpter's current populaknown as the Sci-Fi Channel, tion is about 200, and its mainis available in about 98 million stay industry is neither mining homes. nor ghost-hunting but rather The new show, as its name tourism — hiking, ATV riding, i mplies, combines both t h e hunting and fishing during ghost hunting for which Syfy summer and fall, and snowis known — t h e n etwork's mobiling in winter. roster of programs includes Another draw is the Sump"Ghost Hunters," which airs ter dredge, a monstrous majust before "Ghost Mine" on chine that scoured the SumpJan. 16 — and mining. ter Valley for gold before shutT he l atter t o pi c m a k es ting down in 1954. The dredge Sumpter a logical choice for is the centerpiece of a state the show's setting. park on the town's south end. The town, about 28 miles According to Syfy's website southwest of Baker City on the (www.syfy.com/ghostmine) opposite site of the Elkhorn "Ghost Mine" was filmed at Mountains, was the largest of the Crescent Mine. the mining towns in its area LeAnne Woolf, a Sumpter during the late 19th and early city councilor, said in an inter20th centuries. view last summer that the seSumpter, which celebrated ries was filmed mainly at the its 150th birthday this year, Buckeye Mine group which is Bczlzer City Herald

near Bourne, about six miles north of Sumpter along Cracker Creek. Woolf said Jay Bluemke, a producer for "Ghost Mine," told her that Sumpter should expect an influx of tourists after the show airs on Syfy. The localeconomy already receiveda boost from the program, as the cast and crew stayed in local homes and lodging establishments, and patronizedother Sumpter businesses, during production this summer. Here's how Syfy describes "Ghost Mine": "In the remote woods of Oregon lies one of the richest gold mines in the United States that was abandoned 80 years ago when aseries of tragedies gave it an infamous reputation for being haunted. Now, a new owner has decided to take on the notorious legend and reopen the mine, assembling a colorful team of minersboth seasoned and new — to battle the elements along with a pair of experienced paranormal investigators, in hopes of finding a fortune."

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$' I r •

t .'J p

~PNNZ&i~d i't' kh ' 4i.1Ii: 4.'f .

II' '.

IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Sports in brief, C2 College basketball, C2


College football, C3, C4

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Bend skier third at nationals SOLDIER HOLLOW, Utah — Bend skier Dakota Blackhorse von Jess placed third in

the men's classic sprint race Wednesday

iesa ow se or rimemac u • No. 5 Oregon and No. 7 ICansas State were both a win away from playingfor a national championship

Oregon RB Kenjon Barner The Associated Press

$ ] ®„'

on the first gone. Disappointing? Certainly. Ev- tL ery team goes into the season hopSCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Kansas ing to play for a national championState and Oregon were in perfect ship, and to have it snatched away position at the start of Nov. 17, Nos. so late in the season is unques1 and 2 in the BCS standings, seem- tionably a letdown. ingly on a crash course toward the Unlike many teams in colnational championship game. lege football, Kansas State By day's end, the Wildcats had and Oregon ended up with a been run over by Baylor, the nice consolation prize: A trip Ducks lost a heartbreaker to to the Valley of the Sun to face each Stanford, and both of their na- other in the Fiesta BowL tional title hopes were all but See Fiesta/C4

Championships. Blackhorse von Jess, who skis with the Bend

Endurance Academy, advanced through his qualifier and quarterfinal races on the 1.3kilometer course, then came from far behind to survive his semifinal heat and advance to the final. In the six-man final,

. r, e/ ~ '

Nextup Fiesta Bowl, Oregon vs. Kansas State

Blackhorse von Jess

• When:Today, 5:30 p.m. •TV:ESPN • Radio: KICE-AM 940, KBND-AM1110

was part of a four-wide sprint to the finish, where he finished third behind winner Torin

Koos, a former Bend


resident and threetime Olympian now skiing with the Bridger Ski Foundation of Bozeman, Mont., and Michael Sinnott, of Sun Valley, Idaho.


Super Bowl or bust?

Blackhorse von Jess is one of a number of Central Oregonbased skiers who are

Playoff teamsall


have flaws to fix

among the 430-plus

cross-country racers


from around the nation competing in the

~ ~ p

championships. Freestyle distance races are


scheduled for Friday, /

classic distance races are set for Sunday, and freestyle sprints close out the competition on

Tuesday. — Bulletin staff report


Voucher program benefits MBSEF Vouchers good for discounted lift tickets

at Mt. Bachelor ski area are available through the Mt. Bachelor Sports


Education Foundation


as part of a fundraising program for the Bend-

based sports training organization.

The vouchers can be exchanged for $25 lift tickets and can be used Jan. 7-11 and Jan. 14-18 at Mt. Bach-

elor. Vouchers can be reserved via email to

molly©mbsef.org or by calling MBSEF at 541388-0002. Participants

pick up the vouchers

where they will pay the


The Associated Press

ing at the U.S. Cross Country Ski

at the MBSEF office in Bend, 563 S.W. 13th St., Suite 201, and redeem them at a ticket window at the ski area,


By John Marshall

day of rac-

Kansas State QB Collin Klein

Alessandro Vezzoli i Submitted to The Bulletin

Maarty Leunen, a Redmond High graduate, is averaging 8.6 points and 3.8 rebounds this season for Mapooro Cantu of the Italian Serie A league.

$25 to Mt. Bachelor.

By Arnie Stapleton

two months after coughing

The Associated Press

up the ball before replacing

The NFL's dandy dozen is set — and truth be told, a little scared. Nobody's perfect, and all the teams that made the playoffs face potential pitfalls that could derail their dreams of partying down Bourbon Street in February. The Denver Broncos are riding a league-best 11-game winning streak as Peyton Manning seeks to cap his incredible comeback with another championship. Manning insists the Broncos remain a work in progress, lacking enough time together to suit the perfectionist in him, "but I think we've done the best job of being the best we can possibly be in a short period of time." Like the rest of the field, the Broncos could end up being the NFL's best without being at their best. The Broncos, Patriots, Falcons and 49ers all get a little more time to fix their flaws after earning first-round byes, although they'll also have to make sure all that R&R they get this weekend doesn't turn into rust and ruin when they suit up again. Here's a look at the Achilles' heel of each of the 12 teams still hoping to hoist the Lombardi Trophy in New Orleans on Feb. 3:

an injured Willis McGahee in November. And rookie Ronnie Hillman didn't see the field after his fumble Sunday led to the scary sight


All proceeds from the voucher program

Denver:Odd as it sounds, the ball just hasn't bounced the Broncos' way this season. They're minus-1 in turnover differentiaL Trindon Holliday has two return TDs but five fumbles. Knowshon Moreno was deactivated for

will be donated back to MBSEF as part of Mt.

Bachelor's annual Charity Ski Weeks. — Bulletin staff report

of Manning chasing down a cornerback to save a TD. "Me, I'm telling him to get out of the way," Champ Bailey said. "But the competitive nature of him is telling him to make the tackle. He stuck his neck out there." His four-time surgically repaired neck, by the way. New England:The Pats are as close to perfect as there is, but they, too, have blemishes, including RB Stevan Ridley's fumbles. Despite rushing for

a career-high 1,263 yards and 12 TDs in his second season, Ridley fumbled four times, putting him in line for one of coach Bill Belichick's notorious rants.

"We're trying to play

perfect football. That's impossible, of course," Ridley said. "But when you make a mistake, you best believe that this is one place it's not

going to slide." Houston:The Texans lost three of their past four, and the main culprit is third down travails. They have converted just 15 of 49 thirddown attempts in their past fourgames and theirdefense has been unable to make stops. Andrew Luck threw a 70-yard touchdown pass on third-and-23 in the fourth quarter Sunday to put the game out of reach. "Hopefully, being at home, the noise, all those things, we can do a better job," said coach Gary Kubiak. See NFL/C4


Upcomingbowls Friday

5 p.m., cotton Bowl,Texas A8 M vs. Oklahoma, Fox

Saturday 10 a.m., BBVA

CompassBowl, Pittsburgh vs. Mississippi, ESPN

Sunday 6 p.m., Gooaddy.com Bowl, Kent State vs. Arkansas State, ESPN

Monday 5:30 p.m., BCSNational Championship,Notre Dame vs. Alabama, ESPN

• Former Redmond Highand University of Oregon star Maarty Leunen isright at home playing pro basketball in Italy By Mark Morical The Bulletin

Maarty Leunen has spent most of the past four years settling into a quiet family life in the Italian countryside. Now in his fifth year as a professional basketball player overseas, the 27-year-old from Redmond still considers the NBA a possibility — but he would be perfectly content to stay in Europe, wherehe plays for Mapooro Cantu of the Italian Serie A league, regarded as one of the better leagues in the world outside of the NBA. The 6-foot-9-inch Leunen, a former star at

Redmond High and the University of Oregon, said herealized after a couple of seasons overseas that he would not mind playing in Europe for a long time. "My ultimate goal is to play in the NBA as I dreamed as a kid, but I'm at the point in my career where I have built a strong reputation in Europe to play at a very high level," Leunen said via email from Italy this week. "So if I ever do have the option to play in the NBA, I would have to weigh my options and what would be best for

me and my family." SeeLeunen/C3

Joe Mahoney/The AssociatedPress

Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Brandon Flowers, left, reaches to recover a fumble by Denver Broncos running back Ronnie Hillman (21) during the first quarter of Sunday's game in Denver. The Broncos have turned the ball over more than they have taken it away heading into the playoffs.



ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Michigan at Northwestern, ESPN2.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Northeastern at George Mason,

Tournament of Champions, first round, Golf Channel.

HOCKEY 4:30 p.m.:College, Colorado College at Nebraska-Omaha,



6p.m.:Men's college, Gonzaga

BASKETBALL 5p.m.:NBA, Chicago Bulls at

at Pepperdine, Root Sports. 6:30 p.m.:Men's college, Utah

Miami Heat, ESPN.

at Arizona State (taped), Pac-12 5 p.m.: NBA, Portland Trail Network.

8 p.m.:Men's college, California at UCLA, Root Sports.

FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:College, Fiesta Bowl, Oregon vs. KansasState, ESPN.

FRIDAY FOOTBALL 2 p.m.:High school, Under Armour All-American Game, ESPN. 5p.m.: College, Cotton Bowl, Oklahoma vs. Texas A&M, Fox.


GOLF 2:30 p.m.:PGA Tour, Hyundai

Blazers at Memphis Grizzlies, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.

5 p.m.:Men's college, MemphisatTennessee, ESPN2.

5 p.m.:Women's college, Cal at Utah, Pac-12 Network.

7 p.m.:Women's college, Stanford at Colorado, Pac-12 Network. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Los Angeles

Lakers at Los Angeles Clippers, ESPN.

BOXING 7 p.m.:Rances Barthelemy vs. Arash Usmanee, ESPN2.


ON DECK Today Boys basketball: Gilchristvs.RogueValleyAdventist at Gilchrist, 7 p m. Girls basketball: Gilchrist atRogueValeyAdventrst, 5:30p.m. Wrestling: Mountain ViewatCrookCounty,5:30p.m., MadrasatLaPine,6pm.

IN THE BLEACHERS n the eachers o 2013 steve Moore. rhst. by Unrversal Uchck www gocomics com/inthebleachers

Friday Boys basketball: La Pineat CrookCounty, 7p.m., Madras at Casca de, 7 p.m.; Sisters at Molaffa, 7:15 p.mxHorizonChristian, HoodRiver at Central Christian,3:30p.m.; ButteFalls atTrinity Lutheran, 5:30p.m. Girls basketball: CrookCountyat La Pine,7 p.m.; Madrasat Cascade, 530 p.mxSisters at Moala, 5:30 p.m.;HorizonChristian, HoodRiver at Central Christian, 2p.m.; ButteFalls at Trinity Lutheran,4





Wrestling: Culver at Jo-HiToumament in Joseph, 11a.m.

Saturday Boys basketball: Arlington atCentral Christian, 2 p.mz TrinityLutheranat Paisley, 4:00p.m.; Culver at Waldport, 4 p.m. Girls basketball: CulveratWaldport, 2.30p.m.;Trinity Lutheran at Paisley, 5:30p.m. Swimming: Bendat LebanonInvite, TBD;Summit, Rrdgeview,Redmond, Madras, MountainVrewat Jay RowanInvitational at CascadeAquatic Center, 10a.m. Alpine skiing: OSSA at Mt. Bachelor, Giant Slalom, Clrffhanger/1-5, TBD Nordic skiing: OISRAjamboree at Diamond Lake,


Wrestling: Ridgeview,Gilchrist, Sisters at La Pine Invite, 10a.m.;Cuverat JosephHi Tournament in Joseph,I1a.m.

Women's college





r A little help!"

Girls basketball Wednesday'sresult

FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:College, Fiesta Bowl,

FOOTBALL 5p.m.:College, Cotton Bowl,

Oregon vs. Kansas State, KICEAM 940, KBND-AM 1110.

Oklahoma vs. Texas A&M, KICEAM 940.

BASKETBALL 5 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Memphis Grizzlies, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes madeby Tllor radio stations.


at least 40 career sacksand30 interceptions.

Gulver girls winleague Opener —Culver outscored Central Linn12-2 in the fourth quarter to top the visiting Cobras

44-35 on Wednesday inwhat

was both teams' Tri-River Con-

ference leagueopener. Bulldog senior guard Lori Sandy ledall

scorers with 23 points as Culver

(1-0 TRC,3-8 overall) dominated the final period of agamethey trailed 33-32 at the end of three quarters. Fellow senior Chantelle

Seehawer addedeight points and freshman Hannah Lewis chipped in six.nln winning time, the fourth quarter, we shut them down," Bulldog coach Scott Fritz

said. Culver continues league play on Saturday with aTRC game at Waldport.

Kelly won't have much time to restafter the Fiesta Bowl. On Friday, Kelly has an interview scheduled with the Buffalo Bills

for their coaching vacancy, a person familiar with the coach's

plans confirmed lateWednesday night. The interview will take place in Arizona, a day after the fifth-ranked Ducks play Kansas State in the Fiesta Bowl. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because the Bills

and Kelly haven't revealed the meeting will take place. According to the Bills' website, the team

interviewed ArizonaCardinals

coach Ken Whisenhunt, who was

Conference openeragainst Central Linn before falling to theCobras 61-29. The Bulldogs trailed 33-18 at halftime before Central

fired Monday.Kellyalso has been reported as a top candidate for the Cleveland Browns (seestory, C4)and the Philadelphia Eagles.

Cards, Chiefs target

Linn outscored Culver 30-11 in

Reid —The Arizona Cardinals havecompletedanextensive

the second half. The loss drops the Bulldogs to 0-1 in league

interview that spread over two days with defensive coordinator

and 5-6 overall. WarrenSmith led the Cobras (1-0, 7-5) with a

Ray Horton in the search for a

game-high 23 points. Culver is at

Waldport on Saturday.


Boys basketball Wednesday'sresult Class 2A Tri-River Conference Central Linn 12 19 21 9 — 61 Culver 9 9 5 6 — 29 CENTRAL LINN (61) — WarrenSmith 23, Walker10, P.Meyr10, Petner9,Wil Smith5, Vaughn 2, Heraly 2,Rhodes,Debban, Shrock, som,D Meyr Totals 23 8-1061. CULVER (29l — ClayGibson8, JoeDaugherty 8. Gonzale5, z Slaght4, McDonald 2, LeQuieu 2, Beeler, Fritz, Leeper, Loftin Totals 124-14 29. Three-pointgoals: Central Linn:WarrenSmith 5, Will Smith,Walker;Culver: Daugherty.


Playoff Glance Wild-cardPlayoffs Saturday CincinnatiatHouston,1:30 p.m.(NBCj Minnesotaat GreenBay, 5p.m. (NBCj Sunday IndianapolisatBaltimore,10a.m.(CBS) SeattleatWashington,1:30p.m.(Foxj Divisional Playoffs Saturday,Jan. 12 Baltimore,Indianapolis or Cincinnati at Denver,1:30


Washington, Seatle orGreenBay at San Francisco, 5 p.m.(Foxj Sunday,Jan. 13 Washington,SeaffleorMinnesotaat Atlanta, 10 a.m. (Foxj Baltimore,Indianapolis or Houstonat NewEngland, 1:30p.m.(CBS)

defensive coordinator Ray Hor-

son and JoeDaugherty scored the second half of its Tri-River

Three-porntgoals: None.

Kelly —Oregon coach Chip

ton on Wednesday, aday after meeting with former Arizona

Culver struggled offensively in

8, Kazmerek 5, McDermontt 4, Wright 4, Dannen2, Robinson, Lester, Prim.Totals156-1136. CULVER(44) — Lori Sandy 23, Seehawer 8, Lewis 6,Fritz 4,Slaght2, McKinney1, Retano,Hoke. Totals 19 6-1844.

Bills to interview IIO's

Culver doys fall —clay Gibeight points apiece, but host

Class 2A Tri-River Conference Centra(Linn 11 10 12 2 — 35 Culver 9 12 11 12 — 44 CENTRAL LINN(35) — Belcastro10, Vaughan

replacement for fired coach Ken Whisenhunt. Next up is Andy

Reid, the longtime Philadelphia Eagles coach whowas among seven NFLheadcoaches who gottheaxeon Monday.Reid's


Wednesday'sGame Sugar Bowl Louisville 33,Florida23 Today, Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl KansasState (11-1) vs. Oregon(111), 5:30 p.m (ESPN) Friday, Jan. 4 Cotton Bowl Texas ABM(10 2)vs. Oklahoma(10 2),5pm. (Foxj Saturday, Jan. 5 BBVACompassBowl Pittsburgh(6-6j vs.Mississippi(6-6),10 a.m.(ESPNj Sunday,Jan.6 GoDaddy.comBowl Kent State(11-2j vs. ArkansasState (9-3), 6 p.m. (ESPN) Monday, Jan. 7 BCSNational Championship Notre Dame (12-0) vs. Aabama(12-1), 5:30 p.m. (ESPN)

interview, while not formally

Races at DiamondLake

— The Nordic Ski Jamboree,an all-ages event supported by the Central Oregon Chapter of the

scheduled, couldcometoday. Cardinals President Michael Bidwill has identified Horton, Reid

Oregon Nordic Club, is set for

and Denver Broncos offensive coordinator Mike McCoyas

Saturday at Diamond Lake. Start time is set for12:30 p.m. for race

candidates to replace Whisenhunt, who was dismissed after

options that include a4-kilome-

six seasons. KansasCity Chiefs

ter classic, a 4K skate and an BK Hot Pursuit. For skiers younger

chairman Clark Hunt was meeting with Reid in Philadelphia

than age14, race distances are

Wednesday, aperson familiar

2K and 1K. The event is free. For more information, call 541-

with Reid's plans told The As-

389-2849 or email to vmartin© bendcable.com.

was fired by the Chiefs this


sociated Press. RomeoCrennel

HOCKEY Sides meet late —Afederal

Lewis spent17 seasons instilling

mediator rejoined negotiations

fear in his opponents while serv- between the NHL and the players' ing as an inspirational leader for association that stretched into poised andeager to becomea full-time dad. Lewis announced


(Hometeamsin Caps) Favorite Open Current Underdog Saturday TEXANS 5 4.5 Bengals RAVENS Seahawks


7. 5


6 .5 2 .5

7 3

(Home teamsinCaps) Open Current Underdog Today


Fiesta Bowl Oregon 8 8. 5 Friday Cotlon Bowl TexasA8M 3 .5 3 . 5 Saturday Compass Bowl Mississippi 2 3. 5 Sunday Go Daddy.comBowl ArkansasSt 2 4

Monday BCSChampionship


8 .5 9 . 5

KansasSt Oklahoma Pittsburgh Kent St


TENNIS Professional HopmanCup Wednesday At Perlh Arena Perlh, Australia Purse: $1million (ITFExhibition) Surface: Hard-Outdoor RoundRobin Group A Italy 2, Germany1 Tommy Haas, Germany, def. AndreasSeppi, Italy, 7-6 (3),7-6(7). Francesca Schiavone, Italy, del. TatjanaMalek, Germany,3-6, 6-3,6-3. SchiavoneandSeppi, Italy, del. Malekand Haas, Germany, 6-4, 7-5. Serbia 2, Australia 1 BernardTomic, Australia, def. NovakDjokovic, Serbia,6-4,6-4. Ana IvanovicSerbi , a,def.AshleighBarty,Australia, 6-2,6-3. IvanovicandDjokovic,Serbia,def. BartyandTomic, Australia,6-4,6-7(Bj, 10-6.

Oatar Open Wednesday At The Khalifa International Tennis &Squash Complex Doha, Qatar Purse: $1.11million (WT260) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles SecondRound NikolayDavydenko,Russia, del. Mikhail Youzhny (4), Russia7-5, , 6-3. PaoloLorenzi,Italy,def. LukasRosol, CzechRepub-



Daniel Brands,Germ any, del. Mohame d Safwat, Egypt,4-6,6-3, 6-2. LukasLacko,Slovakia, def.Viktor Troicki (6), Serhia, 6-3,7-5. SimoneBoleffi, Italy, def. LukaszKuhot, Poland, 2-6,6-4,6-4. GaelMonfis, France,def.Philipp Kohlschreiber(3), Germany, 6-4,2-6, 6-4. RichardGasquet (2j, France, del. GregaZemlja, Slovenia,6-7(7j, 6-4, 7-6(3). David Ferrer(1), Spain,def.TobiasKamke, Germany,6-3, 6-2. ChennaiOpen Wednesday At SDAT Tennis Stadium Chennai, India Purse: $450,000(WT250) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles SecondRound AljazBedene,Slovenia,def. RobinHaase(6j, Netherlands,7-5,6-3. Go Soeda (Bj, Japan,def. PrakashAmritraj, India, 7-6 (2),3-6,6-4. JankoTipsarevic (2), Serbia, def. Edouard RogerVasselin,France,6-2, 6-3. StanislasWawrinka (4), Switzerland,def. CedrikMarcelStebe,Germany,6-4, 6-3.

Shenzhen LonggangGemdaleOpen Wednesday At LonggangTennis Center Shenzhen,China Purse:$600,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles

SecondRound ZhouYi-Miao, China,def. ChangKai-chen, Taiwan, 4-6, 6-2,7-6(3). Li Na (1),China,def. Julia Cohen,UnitedStates, 6-3, 6-4.

MarionBartoli (2), France,def. StelanieVoegele, Switzerland, 7-5, 6-4. ASB Classic Wednesday At ASBBankTennis Centre Auckland, New Zealand Purse: $235,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles SecondRound KirstenFlipkens,Belgium,def. PauineParmentier, France,6-2,6-2. Yanina Wickma yer (3), Belgium, def. Romina OprandiSwi , tzerland,6-3, 6-0. MonaBarthel(8), Germ any, def. Eleni Daniilidou, Greece, 7-6(6), 6-2. ElenaVesnina, Russia,def YaroslavaShvedova(6), Kazakhstan,6-2,6-3. Johanna Larsson, Sweden,def. Julia Goe rges (2), Germany,7-5,6-7(1),6-3. JamieHam pton, UnitedStates, def. MarinaErakovic, New Zealand,6-1, 7-6(5j. Kiki Bertens,Netherlands, def. HeatherWa tson, Britain,6-4,3-6,6-3.

Agnieszka Radwanska(1),Poland,def.SimonaHalep, Roma nia, 6-3,6-1. BrisbaneInternational Wednesday At OueenslandTennis Centre Brisbane, Australia Purse: Men,$486,000(WT250);Women,$1 million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men SecondRound GiffesSimon(3), France,def. AlejandroFaffa,Colombia,7-6(5j, 7-6(5). MarcosBaghdatis, Cyprus,def. Florian Mayer (6), Germany, 6-4, 6-2 Kei Nishikori (5), Japan,def. TommyRobredo, Spain,6-3,6-3. AlexandrDolgopolov(4), Ukraine,def. JarkkoNieminen,Finland,6-2, 4-1,retired. Women SecondRound AngeliqueKerber(4), Germany, def. MonicaPuig, PuertoRico,3-6,6-4,7-6(7j. SloaneStephens, UnitedStates,def. SofiaArvidsson,Sweden,6-3, 6-4. Lesia Tsurenko,Ukraine, def. Jarmila Gajdosova, Australia,1-6,6-1,6-4. VictoriaAzarenka(1), Belarus, def. SabineLisicki, Germany, 6-3, 6-3.

BASKETBALL Men's college Wednesday'sGames

EAST Albany (NYj65, UMBC48 Buckneff 72,Cornell56 Columbia66,Colgate59 Harfford71,Binghamton68 Lafayette83,NJIT66 Maine63,BostonU.58 Syracuse78,Rutgers53 Vermont64,NewHampshire51 Viffanova 98,St.John's86,OT SOUTH Alabama A&M78,GramblingSt.53 Alabama St.70,JacksonSt.66 AlcornSt.68,Prairie View54 Auburn78,FloridaSt.72 Campbel86, l East Carolina81, OT Charlotte71,UNCAsheville 63,OT Delaware St.53,Marshall 51 Drexel77,GeorgiaSt.60 Duke67,Davidson50 FIU88,FloridaA8M72 Geor giaTech74,Chattanooga58 Jacksonvile85,Lipscomb71 James Madison58,OldDominion55 Kent ucky90,E.Michigan38 Louisville80,Providence62 Mercer77,FloridaGuffCoast 70,OT Miami76,LaSale 59 N. Kentcuky65,NorthFlorida52 NC A8T 81,Radford77 NC Cen tral 64,Winthrop 57

EAST Albany(NYj87,UMBC33 Bingham ton46,Hartford44 BostonU.72,StonyBrook61 Brown48,Army45 Buckneff 64,Cornell39 Delaware 60,St. John's59, OT George town66,Temple58 Harvard85,UMass59 Lehigh66,Mount St.Mary's57 Rutgers54,LaSale 50 SacredHeart 67,Yale62 Vermont63,NewHampshire 60 OT SOUTH Aabam aAffM78, GramblmgSt.56 Alabama St. 76,JacksonSt.62 Chattanoog a66,UAB57 EastCarolina71,GeorgeMason53 FAU79,Louisiana-Lafayette44 FIU70,FloridaA&M69 FloridaGulf Coast70, Mercer41 Hampto n60,BostonCollege57 Jack sonville58,Lipscomb45 NorthFlorida59,N.Kentucky55 Pittsburgh 55,OldDommion54 PrarrieVrew64, AlcornSt. 52 SC-Upstate90,ETSU79 SouthernU.72,TexasSouthern60 Stetson57,KennesawSt.52 Winthrop81,William&Mary70 MIDWEST E. Illinois72,LoyolaofChicago69 lowa St.73,Texas65,OT Kansas 72, KansasSt.63 KentSt.73,Bethune-Cookman55 Marquette78,Cent. Michigan74 Nebraska 70, Wisconsin52 Purdue 67,llinois 66,OT SOUTHWES T Baylor74,TCU35 MVSU 71,Ark.-PineBluff 64 Middl eTennessee72,ArkansasSt.70 NorthTexas87,Troy71 Oklahom a71,West Virginia68 SamHoustonSt.75,HoustonBaptist58 TexasTech64,OklahomaSt 59 FAR WEST BoiseSt.61,Coll. ol Idaho47 SanDiegoSt.72,SavannahSt.51 UtahValey 70,Air Force60


American League

TAMPABAYRAYS Agreed to termswith LHP

DavidPriceonaone-yearcontract. National League CHICAGO CUBS—Agreedtotermswith RHPEdwin Jackson onafour-year contract. NEWYORKMETS—Agreedto termswith OFAndrewBrownonaminorleaguecontract.

BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NBA —FinedDetroit F Charlie Viffanueva$25,000 for a flagrant foul duringTuesday's game. GOLDENSTATEWARRIORS Recalled G-FKent BazemoreandF-CJeremyTyler fromSanta Cruz (NBADLj. FOOTBALL National Football League ATLANTA FALCONS Re-signed offensive coordinator DirkKoetterto acontract extension. BALTIMOR ERAVENS—Announcedtheretirement of LBRayLewis, effectiveafter the Ravenslast playoff

game CHICAGO BEARS—Signed DEChetaOzougwuto areserve/futurecontract. NEWYOR KJETS— SignedWRJosephCoffrns, DE ClaudeDavis, WREmmanuel Arceneauxand SBret Lockett toreserve/futurecontracts. OAKLAND RAIDERS—Signed GJasonFoster, LB JerreffHarris, DBAkwasi Owusu-Ansah, WRTravionte Session,TEMrckeyShuler andTJasonSloweyto reserve/future contracts. PHILADEL PHIA EAGLES — Signed DEEverette

BrownandCBTrevard Lindley totwo-year contracts. HOCKEY

National HockeyLeague

BOSTON BRUINS— Reassigned F Jared Knight and FTyler RandeffIrom Providence(AHL)to South Carolina(ECHL). DETROIT RED WINGS— Reassigned RWAndrej NestrasilfromToledo (ECHL) toGrandRapids (AHL) OTTAW A SENATORS — Reassigned F Darren KramerIromBinghamton(AHL) to Elmira (ECHL). COLLEGE EASTERN MICHIGAN — Dismissed G Miranda Tatee fromthewomen's basketball team. TEXAS A&M—NamedTerrySchweikert director of soltbaffoperations. UTAH — AnnouncedDEJoe Kruger wil enterthe

No. 7 Syracuserolls, Boeheim gets win No. 903


Ray Lewis to retire —Ray

the Baltimore Ravens. Now he's

Betting line



lic, 6-O t 6-4.

FBSBowlGlance Subject toChange AU TimesPST

Richmond 91,Air Force68 SC-Upstate 68,Hampton49 SouthFlorida65,UCF56 SouthernU.63,TexasSouthern57 Stetson70,KennesawSt.60 Towson 79, UNCWilmington74 UAB65,GeorgiaSouthern61 VCU109,ETSU58 VMIII0, Shen andoah54 Vanderbilt64,Wiliam&Mary50 WakeForest 66,Xavier59 MIDWEST Akron91,CoppinSt. 63 Ba ISt.62,Norlolk St.61 Bradley66,S. Ilinois 60 Butler70,Penn57 Creighton79,fflinois St. 72 Evansville62,Missouri St. 59,OT IPFW68, Navy63 Bl. -chicago65,YoungstownSt.60 Indiana St. 65,N.Iowa61 KentSt.72,ClevelandSt.55 Loyola ofChicago63, Valparaiso54 OhioSt.70,Nebraska44 Purdue 68,1 inors61 SetonHall73,DePaul 72 UMass 70,Miami(Ohioj 69 W.Illinois39,SavannahSt.35 WichitaSt.75,Drake63 SOUTHWES T Ark.-PineBluff79,MVSU64 BoiseSt.64,Texas-Arlington46 Tuls a63,Buff alo57 Wyoming59,SMU56 FAR WEST ArizonaSt.55,Utah54,OT ColoradoSt. 62,UTEP58 SanDiegoSt.72CSBakersfield57 SantaClara 74,SanFrancisco69

the early hours of this morning but still haven't produced a deal

to get hockey back onthe ice.

Wednesday he will end his brilliant NFL career after the Ravens

After a series of meetings during the day Wednesday in New York,

complete their 2013 playoff run.

the sides reconvened atnight

Lewis has been sidelined since Oct. 14 with a torn right triceps. The13-time Pro Bowl middle linebacker intends to return Sunday to face the Indianapolis Colts

and were together until nearly1

in what will almost certainly be

self-imposed midnight deadline.

his final home game. "Everything that starts has an end,n the

Commissioner Gary Bettman has told the union that a deal must

a.m. Eastern. Thebiggest news to come out of the talks was that the union apparently did not decide to disband before a

37-year-old Lewis said. "For me, be in place byJan.11 in order for a 48-game season to beplayed today, I told my team that this will be my last ride." Lewis is the beginning eight days later. — From wire reports only player in NFLhistory with

The Associated Press SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Jim Boeheim notched his 903rd career victory, breaking a tie with Bob Knight for secofnd all-time among Division I men's coaches, and No. 7 Syracuse rolledpast Rutgers 78-53 on Wednesday night in the Big East opener for both teams. Boeheim, in his 37th season at his alma mater, trails only Duke's M i k e K r z y zewski, who has 940 victories after his top-ranked Blue Devils beat Davidson 67-50.


son-high 25 points, hitting five of sevent 3-point attempts, and added six assists to lead Syracuse. Michael Carter-Williams finished with 12 points and 10 assists, his e ighth double-double. Also on Wednesday: No.1 Duke.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Davidson... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 C HARLOTTE, N . C . Ryan Kelly scored 18 points to help Duke (13-0) remain one of only four undefeated teams Syracuse (13-1, 1-0) has won in Division L 33 straight home games, the No. 4 Louisville.... . . . . . . . . 80 longest active streak in the na- Providence..... . . . . . . . . . . . 62 tion, and has beaten Rutgers LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Russ (9-3, 0-1) 13 straight times. Smith scored 23 points and The Orange's last home loss Louisville (13-1, 1-0) shot 53 was to Georgetown, 64-56, on percent to roll to victory in the Big East Conference opener Feb. 9, 2011. Brandon Triche had a sea- for both teams.

Conference). N o. 17 Butler..... . . . . . . . . . . 70 P enn ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 INDIANAPOLIS — Roosevelt Jones scored a careerhigh 24 points to lead Butler (11-2) to its eighth consecutive victory. No. 19 San Diego State......72 Cal State Bakersfield..... . . . 57 SAN DIEGO — J a m aal Franklin had 18 points afnd 12 rebounds, and Chase Tapley scored 14 to lead San Diego

N o. 6Ohio State..... . . . . . . . 70 N ebraska.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Deshaun Thomas outscored Nebraska in the first half 18-17 and finished with 22 points to lead Ohio State (11-2, 1-0). P urdue.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 No. 11 Illinois..... . . . . . . . . . . 61 WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Terone Johnson scored a career-high25 points afnd D.J. State (12-2). Byrd scored nine of his 15 dur- A rizona State ..... . . . . . . . . . 55 ing a key 19-3 second-half run, U tah..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 TEMPE, Ariz. — Arizona sending Purdue (7-6, 1-0 Big Ten) past Illinois (13-2, 0-1). S tate freshman Jahii C a r N o.16 Creighton ..... . . . . . . 79 son sank a 3-pointer to send I llinois State...... . . . . . . . . . . 72 the game into overtime, then N ORMAL, I1L — E t h a n made a driving layup with 35 Wragge was six of nine from seconds leftfor what proved 3-point r ange a n d s c ored to be the game-winner as the 18 points to lead Creighton Sun Devils (12-2) beat Utah (8(13-1, 2-0 M i ssouri V a lley 5) in the teams' Pac-12 opener.



ConferenceGlance AH TimesPST

EASTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-Miami 22 8 .733 d-New York 21 10 677 t r/t Atlanta 20 10 .667 2 d-Indiana 19 13 .594 4 Chicago 17 13 .567 5 Milwaukee 16 14 .533 6 Brooklyn 17 15 .531 6 Philadelphia 15 18 .455 Bt/t Boston 14 17 452 Br/r Toronto 12 20 .375 11 Orlando 12 20 .375 11 Detroit 12 22 .353 12 Charlotte 8 2 3 258 14N Cleveland 7 2 6 .212 I 6r/t Washington 4 2 6 .133 18 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-Dklahoma City 24 7 774 I/2 d-SanAntonio 26 8 .765 d-L.A.Clippers 25 8 758 t/r Memphis 20 9 .690 3r/t GoldenState 22 10 688 3 Houston 18 14 .563 7 Denver 18 15 545 71/2 Portand 16 15 .516 Br/t Minnesota 14 14 .500 9 Utah 16 17 .485 9t/t L.A. Lakers 15 16 .484 9t/r Dallas 13 20 .394 I 2r/t Sacramen to 12 20 .375 13 Phoenix 12 21 364 13t/t NewOrleans 7 2 5 .219 18 d-divisionleader


Sacramento 97, Cleveland94 Toronto102,Portland79 Indiana89,Washington 81 Chicago 96, Orlando94 Memphis93,Boston83 Miami119,Dallas109, DT Houston104,NewOrleans92 Brooklyn110,OklahomaCity 93 SanAntonio117,Milwaukee110 Phoenix95, Philadelphia89 Utah106,Minnesota84 GoldenState115, LA Clippers94 Today's Games SanAntonioatNew York,4.30p.m. Minnesota at Denver,6p m.

Friday's Games

ClevelandatCharlotte, 4p.m. SacramentoatToronto, 4p.m. BrooklynatWashington, 4p.m. Atlanta atDetroit, 4:30p.m. Portlandat Memphis, 5 p.m. Philadelphiaat OklahomaCity, 5 p.m. Indianaat Boston, 5p.m. Chicago at Miami,5 p.m. Houston at Milwaukee,5:30p.m. Utah atPhoenix,6 p.m. L.A.LakersatLA Clippers,730p.m.

Summaries Wednesday'sGames

Raptors 102, Blazers79 PORTLAND (79) Batum4-122-210, Aldridge7-120-014, Hickson 1-4 0 02, Lillard 6 135 618,Matthews4 72 312, Freeland4-63-311,Claver1-20-1 2,Price1-20-02, Babbitt 1-41-1 4,Barton010 00, Paviovic1 30-0 2, Smith1-40-02. Totals 31-7013-1679. TORONTO (102) Pietrus0-40-00, Davis9-121-419, Gray0-00-0 0, Calderon0-1 0-00, DeRozan11-171-1 24,Johnson 7-123-317, Anderson2-90-04, Lowry0-20-0 0, Fields3-41-1 7, Ross8-14 4-6 26,Acy0-0 2-2 2, Lucas1-20-03. Totals 41-7712-17102. Portland 17 22 22 18 — 79 Toronto 24 31 23 24 — 102 3-Point Goal— s Portland 4-22 (Matthews 2-4, Babbitt 1-4, Lillard1-5, Ciaver0-1, Pavlovic0-2, Batum 0-6),Toronto8-23(Ross6-9, Lucas1-2, DeRozan 1-3, Calderon 0-1, Anderson0-2, Lowry0-2, Pietrus 0-4). FouledDut—None. Rebounds—Portland 38 (Aldridge10),Toronto45(Johnson, Davis, Fields7). Assists —Portland 19(Lilard 7),Toronto34 (Calderon 13).TotalFouls—Portland 18, Toronto20. Technicais—Acy.A—18,117(19,800).

Bulls 96, Magic 94 CHICAGO (96)

Deng8-165-623, Booter13-225-731,Gibson8125-621, Hinrich2-92-47, Hamilton2-60-04, Mohammed 0-2 2-2 2,Belinegi 1-30-02, Robinson2-7 0-06, Butler0-00-00.Totals36-7719-2596.

ORLANDO (94) Jones2-4 0-04, Nicholson3-50-0 6, Vucevic 814 4-6 20,Nelson11-204-4 32,Afflalo 7-133-419, Redick 3-120-07,Ayon2-20-04,O'Quinn0 00-00, Turkoglu0-30-00, Smith0-1 0-00, McRoberts1-4 0-0 2.Totals37-78 11-14 94. Chicago 29 25 28 14 — 96 Orlando 28 18 25 23 — 94

Kings97, Cavaliers 94 SACRAMENTO (97) Garcia 6-13 0-0 14, J.Thompson 8-16 3-4 19, Cousin s 7-17 4-4 18,Thomas 3-8 2-3 8,Salmons 3-6 0-0 7, Brooks6-10 1-2 13, Fredette1-54-5 6, Johnson2-64-5 8, Robinson1-20-0 2, Hayes1-5 0-0 2.Totals38-88 18-23 97. CLEVELAND (94) Gee5-105-616, TThompson4-121-29, Zeiler372-28, Irving8-185-622, Mies4-133-312, Walton 2-7 0-0 5,Waiters8-193-320,Livingston 0-12-22, Jones0-00-00. Totals34-8721-2494. Sacramento 28 24 22 23 — 97 Cleveland 25 28 18 23 — 94

Pacers 89, Wizards 81 WASHINGTON (81)

Webster0-3 0-0 0,Nene6-13 3-3 15, Dkafor2-6 0 04, Templ0 e 30 00, Beai6150 014, Crawford 7155 720,Seraphin8130 016, Martin2 6004, Vesel y 0-0 0-00,Mack2-60-0 4,Srngleton2-30-0 4.Totals 35-83 8-10 81. INOIANA(89) George9-198-829, West3-13 2-2 8, Hibbert 6-11 1-113, Augustin4-9 9-1018,Stephenson3-9 0-06, Green1-4 0-0 3,THansbrough0-3 2-42, Mahinmi 3-5 3-4 9,B.Hansbrough0-3 1-21,Young0-10-00.


Totals 29-7726-31 89. Washington 18 21 19 23 — 81 Indiana 31 16 20 22 — 89

PHILADELPHIA (89) Turner6-161-213,TYoung6-102-214, Allen511 0-010, Holiday6-163-416, Richardson2-4 0-0 4, Hawes 3-11 0-0 6,Wright 6-90-014, N.Young3-7 4-412, Ivey 0-00-00 Totals 37-8410-1289. PHOENIX (95) Tucker 5-100-0 10, Scola7-14 7-8 21,Gortat 5-8 1-1 11, Dragic7-135-9 20, Dudley3-8 1-2 8, S.Brown6-120-0 12, Morris4-8 0-0 9, Teliair 0-1 0-0 0, O'Neal1-70-0 2, Beasley1-40-0 2. Totals 39-85 14-20 95. Philadelphia 24 2 51 7 23 — 89 Phoenix 31 17 27 20 — 95

Spurs 117,Bucks110 SANANTONIO(117)

Leonard2-60-04, Duncan11-20 6-728, Splitter 2-22-26, Parker10-232-223,Green3-50-09, Diaw 4-4 0-0 9,Ginobili 5-124-616, Jackson4-8 0-2 8, Neal 3-5 0-0 7 Bonner2-3 0-0 5, Blair 0-1 0-0 0, De Colo0-0 0-2 0, Mills 0-0 2-2 2. Totals 46-89 16-23 117. MILWAUKEE (110) Daniels1-43-45, Mbah aMoute1-42-44, Sanders 2-4 2-2 6,Jennings13-26 4-431, Ellis 7-184-6 18, Dunleavy7-12 2-219, I yasova1-50-03, Udoh 0-2 2-2 2, Henson10-110-0 20, Lamb1-2 0-02, Harris 0-00-00. Totals 43-88 19-24110. SanAntonio 33 36 24 24 — 117 Milwaukee 22 30 29 29 — 110

Heat 119, Mavericks109 (OT) DALLAS(109) Carter 5-164-4 15, Marion2-8 2-2 6, Kaman613 2-214, Coilison4-92-311, Mayo12-212-2 30, Nowitzki 7-153-419, Da.Jones1-41-2 4,Brand3-4 1-1 7,Bea ubois 1-40-03, Douglas-Roberts0-00-00, B.James 0-0 0-00. TotaIs 41-94 17-20109.

MIAMI (119)

L.James11-20 9-1132, Hasiem2-4 0-04, Bosh 7-10 2-317,Chalmers3-8 2-29, Wade9-21 8-9 27, Battier 2-50-0 6,Anthony0-12-4 2, Allen5-102-2 15, Cole2-7 0-04, Miler 1-3 0-0 3, Harrellson0-0 0-00.Totals 42-8925-31119. Dallas 30 22 27 24 6 — 109 Miami 22 28 31 22 16 — 119

Nets110, Thunder 93 BROOK LYN(110)

Evans0-21-41, Wallace2-52-2 6, LopezI t-t7 3-325, Williams 5-126 619, Johnson11-196-633, Humphries4-103-411, Bogans1-2 2-2 5, Blatche 4-7 2-210,Taylor0-20-0 0, Brooks0-00-00, Teletovic 0-0 0-0 0,Shengelia0-0 0-00. Totals 38-76 25-29 110. OKLAHOMA CITY (93) Durant 11-173-4 27, Ibaka6-131-1 14, Perkins 1-31-2 3,Westbrook11-193-426,Sefolosha2-5 0-0 5, Martin3-102-211, Cogison1-32-24, Thabeet0-1

0-00, Lamb 0-00-00, Jackson0-1 0-00, Jones1-1 1-2 3. Totals 36-7313-17 93. Brooklyn 33 28 15 34 — 110 Oklahoma City 1 9

2 6 27 21 — 93

Grizzlies 93, Celtics 83 MEMPHIS(93) Gay6-15 5-619,Randolph3-80-26,Gasol1-7 3-4 5, Conley8-154-4 23, Allen6-8 3-415, Speights 4-6 2-210, Bayless0-00-00, Arthur4-70-010, Ellington2-50-05, Wroten0-00-0 0, Haddadi 0-00-0 0 Totals 34-71 17-2293. BOSTON (83) Pierce 6-141-217, Garnett 5-142-5 12, Collins 1-1 0-02,Rondo4-113-411, Bradley2-60-04, Bass 3 53 39, Terry3 50 08, Sullinger1-60 02, Green 4 5 0-010,Lee3 42 28 Totals 32-7111-1683. Memphis 25 25 25 18 — 93 Boston 26 15 18 24 — 83

Rockets104, Hornets 92 NEWORLEANS (92) Thomas1-20-02, Davis4-110-28, Lopez6-12 0-012, Rivers1-51-64,Vasquez6-15 t-t 15, Aminu 3-8248, Mason 0-2000, RAnderson6-154418, J.Smith6-100-012 Roberts4-73-311, McGuire1-3 0-0 2. TotaIs38-90 11-2092. HOUSTON (104) Parsons5-9 0-010, Morris 2-70-0 5 Asik 8-14 5-821, Lin3-102-29, Harden11-237-931, G.Smith 1-21-23, Douglas3-42-28, Patterson7-80-015, Delfino1-6 0-0 2. Totals 41-83 17-23 104. NewOrleans 23 2 1 22 26 — 92 Houston 21 28 25 30 — 104

Warriors115, Clippers 94 L.A. CLIPPERS (94) M.Bames8-141-1 19, Griffin 2-11 6-1010, Jordan1-32-64, Paul6-1210-1223,WGreen2-100-0 5,Crawford8-17 4-4 24,Odom 2-4 0-0 4,Bledsoe 0-7 2-2 2,Turiaf 0-23-43, Hollins 0-00-0 0.Totals 29-80 28-3994. GOLDEN STATE(115) H.Barnes5-132-3 13,Lee9-16 6-624, Ezeli 1-2 2-2 4, Curry11-163-4 31, Thompson7-14 0-0 19, Biedrins0-00-00, Jack4-12 3-311, Landry3-71-2 7, D.Green 0-10-00, Jenkins 1-20-02, Bazemore0-0 2-22, Tyler1-1 0-02. Totals42-8419-22115. L.A. Clippers 24 2 5 15 30 — 94 GoldenState 33 2 92 0 33 — 115

Jazz 106, Timberwolves 84 MINNESOTA (84) Kirilenko4-7 4-4 12,Love4-14 5-5 13, Pekovic 4-9 3-4 11,Ridnour4-110-0 8, Shved3-10 5-6 13, Barea1-82-2 4, Stiemsm a 1-20-0 2, Cunningham 2-90-04, DWilliams253 47,Amundson4-80 38, L Hayward0-12-22 TotaIs29-84 24-3084. UTAH(106) Ma.Wigiams4-10 2-2 11, Milisap 7-8 0-0 14, Jelferson6-13 0-0 12, Tinsley6-8 0-0 12,Foye14 2-3 4, Favors4-6 0-0 8,G.Hayward 6-12 2-2 17, Watson1-40-0 2, Carroll 1-60-0 2, Kanter 5-105-6 15, Burks 2-64-48, Evans0-01-21. Totals43-87 16-19 106. Minnesota 24 21 21 18 — 84 Utah 23 30 20 27 — 106

a orsrou azers The Associated Press T ORONTO — T h e l a st time they played Portland, the Toronto Raptors were at their worst. On Wednesday night, they showed just how much they have turned things around. Terrence Ross scored a career-high 26 points,DeMar D eRozan had 24 an d t h e Raptors snapped an eightgame losing streak against Portland by beating the Trail Blazers 102-79. "This team beat us by a lot last time," Ross said. "We had to get our revenge." Ross and the Raptors were bent on reversing what happened in their most recent meeting with the Blazers: an 18-point loss at Portland on Dec. 10, the final game in an 0-5 road trip in which starters Kyle Lowry and Andrea Bargnani left injured, Amir J ohnson wa s e j ected f o r throwing h i s m o u thguard at a referee and the Blazers won despite setting an NBA record for shooting futility, missing all 20 of their 3-point attempts. "They hit b o ttom w h en they came to Portland," Blazers coach Terry Stotts said before the rematch.

Johnson scored a season-high 33 points, Deron Williams added 19 points and 13 assists, and Brooklyn snapped Oklahoma City's 1 2-game h ome winning streak in a game featuring the first ejection of Kevin Durant's career. Durant scored 27 points and Russell Westbrook had 26 points and 10 assists for Oklahoma City. Grizzlies...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Celtics ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 BOSTON — Mike Conley had 23 points and nine assists to help Memphis send Boston to its fourth consecutive loss. Spurs ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Bucks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 MILWAUKEE Tim Duncan had 28 points, 13 rebounds and six assists, and San Antonio beat Milwaukee for its seventh consecutive victory. Brandon Jennings p aced Milwaukee with 3 1 points. Suns ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 76ers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 PHOENIX — L uis Scola scored 19 of his 21 points in saw (in December). It's crazy the second half and Phoenix when I watched the video this beat Philadelphia to end a morning and then watched six-game losing streak. Jrue the game tonight. This is a Holliday had 16 points, 10 renew team." bounds and 10 assists for his Toronto jumped out to a 10- second career triple-double Things sure have changed. 0 lead and led 24-17 after one for the 76ers. This was Toronto's eighth win thanks to 10 points each from Jazz...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 in nine games, a surge that Davis and DeRozan. Timberwolves....... . . . . . . 84 "We didn't play well from has wiped out talk of coachSALT LAKE CITY — Goring changes and locker room the opening tip," Stotts said. d on H ayward s c ored 1 7 "We were on our heels the points and Utah beat Minnedlscold. "That was one of our low whole night." sota to snap a three-game lospoints of the season," RapRoss hit 3-pointers on three ing streak. tors coach Dwane Casey said consecutivepossessions mid- Rockets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 of the December blowout in way through the second, then Hornets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Oregon. "Two star players made his fourth on a buzzer HOUSTON — James Hardgetting hurt, everybody kind beating shot to give Toronto a en had 31 points and seven of looking at each other cross- 55-39 lead at the half. assists to lead Houston over ways, the whole organizaAlso on Wednesday: New Orleans. Pacers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 tion, everybody talking about Warriors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 firings. Clippers......... . . . . . . . ..94 Wizards ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 "That was a crossroads for OAKLAND, Calif. — SteINDIANAPOLIS — Paul us," Casey continued. "Our phen Curry scored 25 of his 31 George had 29 points and guys looked in the mirror, we points in the first half, David 13 rebounds, D.J. Augustin all did, and decided 'Hey, we Lee finished with 24 points scored 18 points, and Indiana can't continue this way.' We and 13 rebounds and Golden beat Washington. started playing the game the State coasted past Los Ange- Kings ............ . . . . . ... 97 right way, sharing the bas- les.Jamal Crawford scored Cavaliers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 ketball, putting more focus 24 points off the bench for the C LEVELAND — J a s on on the defensive end. "We're Clippers. Thompson scored 19 points a totally different team today, Heat...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 and DeMarcus Cousins addMavericks ...... . . . . . . . . . 109 ed 18, leading Sacramento with our approach, than we were then." MIAMI — LeBron James over Cleveland for its second Ed Davis had 19 points and scored 32 points and finished road win of the season. Amir Johnson 17 in Toronto's one assist shy of a triple-dou- Bulls ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 first victory over the Trail ble, Dwyane Wade scored 27 Magic ............ . . . . . ... 94 Blazers since a 116-109 dou- and Miami rallied both early ORLANDO, Fla. — Carlos ble-overtime win on Jan. 13, and late before beating Dallas Boozer had a season-high 31 2008. in overtime. O.J. Mayo scored points and 11 rebounds, Luol Ross had a c a r eer-best 30 for the Mavericks. Deng scored 23 points and six 3-pointers as the Raptors Nets...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Chicago beat Orlando. Jaopened their s e ason-high Thunder...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 meer Nelson scored a seasonsix-game homestand in style, OKLAHOMA CITY — Joe high 32 points for the Magic.

never trailing and leading by as many as 25. "They were a lot more aggressive," Portland's Damian Lillard said. "Guys were in attack mode from start to finish. They played with a lot of confidence. They've been on a streak and you can tell that they're starting to believe." Davis and DeRozan were the only two starters to score for the Raptors. Along with Landry Field (seven points), Johnson and Ross, no other Toronto player scored until the fourth quarter. Jose Calderon had 13 assists and Kyle Lowry had nine for Toronto. Lillard led Portland with 18 points while L aMarcus Aldridge had 14 points and 10 rebounds. Wesley Matthews had 12 points and Nicolas Batum scored 10 for the Trail Blazers, who were coming off a 105-100 victory at New York on Tuesday night. "This is a different team," Batum said of the Raptors. "This is not the same team I

fundamentally sound forward with perimeter skills, he has never been considered a quick,

high-flying slasher.

IIN aarea I tvs

Submitted photo

Maarty Leunen is pictured with his family, including 4-year-old Gavin, left, wife Caitlin, and 2-year-old Prestin, right, in Italy. Leunen has played professional basketball in Cantu, Italy, for the past four years.

Cantu (9-4) is currently in fourth place in the 16-team Serie A. "I now play for one of the best teams in Europe, and obviously Italy," Leunen said. "I think we've got a great chance

to win the Italian league. The last three years we were battling for the title every year but always came up short." Leunen said his style of play is suited perfectly to European

Louisville upsets Florida in Sugar Bowl By Brett Martel

Frank Gunn / The Canadian Press vra The Associated Press

Leunen Continued from C1 And that family is growing. Leunen has two sons, Gavin, 4, and Prestin, 2, with his wife, Caitlin. His family lives with him in Italy during the season, which runs from mid-August to May or June. They return to their home in Redmond for the summers. "The kids love coming to the games and cheering for me," Leunen said. Leunen is a v eraging 8.6 points and 3.8 rebounds in 10 games in his fourth season with Cantu, and he has made 17 of his 35 three-point attempts, shooting nearly 50 percent from beyond the arc. Last season, he averaged 9.5 points and 4.8 rebounds.

COLLEGE FOOTBALL Toronto Raptors' DeMar DeRozan (10) keeps the ball away from Portland Trail Blazers' Wesley Matthews during the first quarter ofWednesday night's game in Toronto.

Suns 95, 76ers 89


basketball — which, he observed, has a slower pace to the game thanthe NBA — and to the season, as teams typicallyplay only once per week. While Leunen isregarded as a

"Players (in Europe) are not so athletic and I feel like you have to understand the game better," Leunen said. "So I feel like I translate very well for Europe. 1 understand the game very well, I'm skilled and can shoot the ball very well." Leunen led Redmond High to the 2003 big-school state c hampionship and took t h e Panthers back to the title game in 2004. AtUO he played on two NCAA tournament teams, including the Duck squad that advanced to the Elite Eight in 2007. He received Pac-10 postseason honors in his junior and senior seasons. In 2008, Leunen was selected by the Houston Rockets with the 24th pick in the second round of the NBA draft, the 54th selection overall. In his first year out of college he played for a team in Istanbul,

Turkey, averaging 12.1 points

and 6.2 rebounds. He played for the Rockets' Summer League team in 2008 through 2010, but he never got a roster spot with Houston's NBAteam. In 2009, L eunen moved from Istanbul to Cantu, where he has remained since. He noted that while he does not make the $1 million or more per season that some top Eu-

The Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — Louisville safety Calvin Pryor predicted th e C a r dinals would "shock the world" against Florida in the Sugar BowL Brave words that he and his teammates backed up from start to finish. Terell Floyd returned an interception 38 yards for a touchdown on the first play, dual-threat quarterback Teddy B r idgewater directed a handful of scoring drives and No. 22 Louisville stunned the fourthranked Gators33-23 in the Sugar Bowl on Wednesday night. By the end, the chant, "Charlie, Charlie!" — for third-year Louisville coach Charlie Strong, the former defensive coordinator for the Gators — echoed from sectionsof the Superdome occupied by red-clad Cardinals fans. "They kind of t hought we were going to c ome in and lay down and give them the game," Floyd said. "But Coach Strong always preaches that we're better than any team in the nation if we come out and play hard. Coach Strong believed in us and our coaching staff believed in us and we came in and believed in ourselves." S haking of f a n e a r l y hit that flattened him and knocked off h i s h e lmet, Bridgewater was 20 of 32 passing for 266 yards and two touchdowns against the heavily favored Gators. Among his throws was a pinpoint, 15-yard t i ming toss that DeVante Parker acrobatically grabbed as he touched one foot down in the corner of the end zone. His other scoring strike went to Damian Copeland from 19 yards one play after a surprise onside kick by the Gators had backfired badly. Jeremy Wright had a short touchdown run that gave the t w o-touchdown u nderdogs from th e B i g East a 14-0 lead from which the Gators never recovered. Florida never trailed by more than 10 points this season, and t h e S o utheastern Conference power had lost only once going into this game. The defeat dropped SEC teams to 33 this bowl season, with Alabama, Texas A8 M and Mississippi still left to play. Louisville and F l orida each finished at 11-2. Gators quarterback Jeff Driskel, who had thrown only t h ree i n terceptions all season, turned the ball over three times on two interceptions — both tipped passes — and a f u mble. He finished 16 of 29 for 175

yards. Down 3 3 -10 m i d way through the fourth period, Florida rallied, but came up short.

which is just 30 minutes away. He said the language barrier has never been much of an issue because his coach and all his teammates speak English. "But unfortunately a f t er four years my Italian still isn't very good just because I really don't have to speak it," Leunen noted. While he said he is closest to his American teammates, ropean players are paid, he Leunen also this season has d oes earn enough t o " l i ve teammates from Georgia (the comfortably." country), Bosnia, U r uguay, Cantu sounds like an easy Czech Republic, Austria and place in which to do so. LoItaly. "The great t h in g a b o ut cated just north of Milan, Italy, and just south of Switzerland, playing in Europe, I have had Cantu has a p o pulation of the opportunity to play with 40,000 and isframed by the players from different counSwiss Alps. tries and create great relation"It's very different in its own ships," Leunen said. "I have way but it is very similar to Or- adapted toevery place I have egon," Leunen said of Cantu. gone to and have embraced "The country is very green the experience. 1know playing with a lot of trees and lakes." basketball is only a small part Leunen said he enjoys the of my life so I try to do my best Italian food, the "relaxing and to make the most of it." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, peaceful" lifestyle, and the history and architecture of Milan, mmorical@bendbulletin.com





Browns have sights set on Oregon's Kelly


(7) runs as


By Tom Withers

@+ j+4 g

The Associated Press

Q,w+: tt ~ j~~c~ '

The CLEVELAND Browns may strike quickly to get Chip Kelly, Oregon's coach who does everything in


a hurry. Kelly, whose up-tempo, fastpaced offense has captured the imagination o f s e veral NFL teams and maintained the Ducks' status as a national power, appears to be near the top of Cleveland's list of candidates to replace Pat Shurmur, fired earlier this week after going 9-23 in two seasons. A ccording to s everal r e ports, Browns CEO Joe Banner is already in Arizona and intends to interview Kelly, who is preparing the fifth-ranked Ducks fo r t o n ight's Fiesta Bowl against Kansas State. An interview could take place as early as Friday. Kelly has been deflecting questions about hi s f u t u re all week. He did so again on W ednesday when h e w a s asked if he expects to be contacted by NFL teams in the days ahead. "I don't expect anything," said Kelly, 45-7 in four years at Oregon. "I said this a million times. I'm never surprised by anything. I do not know what the future holds. I do know we have a football game tomorrow night and I'm going to be there." After that, his next stop isn't certain. The Philadelphia Eagles are also believed to be interested in Kelly, who came close to taking Tampa Bay's job last year. Browns safety T.J. Ward knows the 49-year-old Kelly as well as anyone. Ward, who walked on with the Ducks, believes his former coach is ready to make the leap to the pros. "I think the players in the NFL would respect him and they will respect how he approaches you," Ward said. "He lets you do your job. In college, he treated us like pros. I think that's what players respect and appreciate about him."

Oregon State's Brandin Cooks teammate Colby Prince (82) blocks during the Beavers' loss to Texas in last week's Alamo Bowl. Four of the seven Pac-12 teams in bowls have lost their games. Eric Gay/The Associated Press

Continued from C1 Baltimore:Surprisingly, the Ravens' weakness is their defense. Baltimore has long relied uponthis unit to win, but this season they've battled injuries (Terrell Suggs, Ray Lewis, Lardarius Webb and Bernard Pollard), and Ed Reed is having an average year. And Lewis will pull off his No. 52 jersey for the last time after the Ravens lose or claim their second title. "Everything that starts has an end," Lewis said Wednesday in announcing his retirement. Indianapolis: Youth. The Colts hit the road with the worst turnover margin of any team in the

playoffs (minus 12), the fewest takeaways (15) and the least experienced team. More than two doz-

en players, including Luck, will

QF BC- , I SLl • With the conference going 3-4 in bowl gamesthis postseason,Oregonwill try to eventhe league's record

"We understand more than most people do how unpredictable bowls are," York said. "It's an exhibition where youtake a month offbefore you

By Bob Clark

go play.

The (Eugene) Register-Guard

S COTTSDALE, A r i z. — Pac-12 teams have lost more bowl games than they have won. The Big 12 is 2-0 in matchups this postseason with the Pac-12. And does any of it matter as Oregon prepares to meet Kansas State tonight in the Fiesta Bowl? "Too much is made of that," said Steve Greatwood, Oregon's offensive line coach and a veteran of 15 bowl appearances by the Ducks. "I used to get worked up about that, but it's all about matchups." Does a team with superior receivers find itself playing an opponent whose secondary has been decimated by injuries? Is a team susceptible to giving up large amounts of rushing yardage trying to defend a pass-oriented offense'? And there is always this: How important is the bowl to the team playing in it? "A lot of it is how bad do your kids want to be there'?" Greatwood said. "I'm feeling really good about our group right now. They're excited to

play and I like how they're handling themselves. "It's excitement, but it's a businessas-usual attitude." This is not only the eighth consecutive season in which Oregon has played in a bowl, but the fourth consecutiveyear the Ducks have been in a Bowl Championship Series game. There have been two Rose Bowls, and in between was the national title game,

played at the same site as tonight's game against Kansas State. "We know how to get ready for a big stage like this, we know what we have to do and what should be done," Oregon senior linebacker Michael Clay said. "You feel a lot more comfortable." The Ducks have watched seven other Pac-12 teams play their bowl games, and there is some disappointment in the overall results of their conference. "I think we have pride, not just with the conference, but most of the guys come from one part of the country and we'd like it to be successful," said injured senior Duck offensive lineman Carson York. "If it's Oregon State or anybody (from the Pac-12), I've been pulling for Pac-12 teams." "We all root for the Pac-12 to do well," Clay added. "It's disheartening

to see them lose games (because) everybody here is a Pac-12 fan. "I was rooting for Oregon State even though they're our rivals." The reality of the bowl pairings over the past three weeks is that with Oregon and Stanford both in BCS games, it meant the other Pac-12 teams all moved up a step in the pecking order of the selection process. That could have made adifference in outcomes. As it was, while UCLA and USC put on disappointing performances, it would not have taken much to alter outcomes in other games involving Pac-12 teams. It can, indeed, be a fine line between winning and losing a bowl game.

"You have so much time to prepare. If one team chooses to utilize that and the other team doesn't ... it may not reflect the kind of team they were during the year." Oregon State lost a close game to Texas, after UCLA had been thumped by Baylor, resulting in the conference's 0-2 record against the Big 12. "The Oregon State game was going back and forth, then Texas was able to make more plays at the end, but I can't really say that means anything," UO cornerback Ifo Ekpre-Olomu said. "I don't know how a team prepared for every game, so you can't say how much that (result) matters. "It always matters how your momentum is ... (a team) could right now not be playing its best football." Neither of the Fiesta Bowl opponents hashad great success in bowl games. Kansas State is 6-9 in the postseason and has not won a bowl since 2002, dropping its past four. Oregon is 10-15 in bowls, a winning percentage of.400 that ranks as the lowest in the Pac-12. Even in the recent run of success, the Ducks have not fared well in the postseason, going 3-6 in bowls over the past decade and 1-2 in Chip Kelly's tenure as head coach. But what does it really mean? It's almost like the warning on buying stocks:past performance doesn't necessarily guarantee future results. As Greatwood reminded: "All we can control is our outcome (in the Fiesta Bowl). That's all I'm worried about."

get their first taste of the playoffs Sunday at Baltimore. They've also been much betterathome than on the road. "We'll play in the parking lot," linebacker Dwight Freeney said. "We just want to go out there and play football and be in this dance." Cincinnati: Andy Dalton. The young QB has made it in Cincinnati. Now, can he make it in his hometown? As a rookie last season, he took the Bengals to the playoffsand faced the Texans back in Houston — he grew up in suburban Katy. He had one of his worst games with three interceptions, including one that J.J. Watt returned 29 yards for a TD. "He's a guy that's grown," off ensive tackle A n drew W h i t worth said of Dalton. "He's matured. I think he's ready for his opportunity."

NFC Atlanta:Ground(ed) game. The Falcons earned the top seed in the NFC despite ranking 29th running the ball. They made up for that lack of success and a 23rd-ranked defense thanks to QB Matt Ryan, who threw for 4,719 yards and 34 TDs even with spotty protection. Their loss to Tampa on Sun-

day, though, snapped an 11-game home winning streak. "We really thought we were going to pull it off," cornerback Asante Samuel said. "But we have bigger fish to fry."

San Francisco:The 49ers' kicking game is suddenly a big question mark for the two-time defending NFC West champions after David Akers' prolonged funk a year after his near-perfect season. A kers wasjust29 for 42 this season and found himself in a competition with Billy Cundiff this week to see who will be kicking in the


Fiesta Continued from C1 "This game could have been for the national championship," Oregon linebacker Boseko Lokombo said. "A couple weeks ago, that's where we were both headed." They are headed to the desert instead, setting up one of the most anticipated games this bowl season. A year ago, the Fiesta Bowl hit it big with Oklahoma State and Stanford, two high-profile programs that did not disappoint, putting on an offensive show won by the Cowboys 41-38 in overtime. This year's game, tonight at University of Phoenix Stadium, has the potential to be even better. Oregon (11-1) is in its fourth straight BCS bowl game under fourth-year head coach Chip Kelly, following a trip to the 2011 BCS championship game and two Rose Bowls, including the program's first win in the Granddaddy of Them All in 95 years last season. The Ducks fly fast, overwhelming opponents with where-did-they-allcome-from speed, their touchdown drives measured not in minutes, but seconds. Oregon has one of the nation's most explosive running b ack t a ndems in Kenjon Barner and De'Anthony Thomas, both threats to score on every touch,and redshirt freshman quarterback Marcus Mariota played well beyond his years while proving to be a dynamic force in his own right. The Ducks were second nationally with 50.83points and 323.25 yards rushing per game and fourth in total offense at 550.08 yards. "Basically, only one team stopped them the entire year and that was Stanford," Kansas State defensive coordinator Tom Hayes said. "It's a challenge. We need to meet the challenge if we have any wishes for a victory." It does not figure to be any easier

"Kickers go through, at times,

FiestaBowlpreview No. 7 KansasState (11-1) vs. No. 5 Oregon (11-1), 5:30 p.m. PST(ESPN) University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz. Line:Oregon by8t/2. Series record:First meeting.

WHAT'S ATSTAKE Once national championship front-runners, KansasState and Oregon get anice consolation prize by playing in one of the bowl season's most anticipated games. The Wildcats (5) and Ducks(4) are both in the top 5 of the BCSstandings and have two of the nation's most dynamic offenses, setting up what should be a second straight marquee Fiesta Bowl matchup after Oklahoma State outlasted Stanford 41-38 in overtime last year.

KEY MATGHUP Oregon's speedvs.KansasState'spower.TheDucksplayatapacelikefew teams in college football and often score quickly, with 44 of their 80 TD drives

this season coming in two minutes or less, including 22 in 60seconds or less. The Wildcats are a bit more methodical and will need to Use their ball-possession

ways to keepthe ball away from Oregon's offense. PLAYERSTOWATCH Kansas State:QBCollin Klein. A dual-threat quarterback, he became Kansas State's second Heisman Trophy finalist (with Michael Bishop in 1998) after throwing for 2,490 yards, rushing for 890 more and accounting for 37 TDs. Oregon:RB Kenjon Barner. A threat to score every time he touches the ball,

Barner helped theDucks overcomethe loss of all-time leading rusher LaMichael James, now playing in the NFL. Barner ran for1,624 yards and 21 TDs, combining with De'Anthony Thomas to give Oregon one of the most explosive

running back tandems in college football. FACTS 8 FIGURES Kansas State is in its 16th bowl in school history and 14th under coach Bill Snyder. The Wildcats are in a BCS bowl for the second time after playing in the 2004 Fiesta Bowl.... Oregon is in its fourth straight BCS bowl under Chip Kelly after playing in the 2010 Rose Bowl and the 2011 BCS national championship game and winning the Rose Bowl last year for the first time in 95 years.... Oregon QB Marcus Mariota set the Pac-12 freshman record for TD passes with 30.... The Wildcats have lost their past four bowl games, including 29-16 to Arkansas in last year's Cotton Bowl. Kansas State's last bowl win was 34-27 over Arizona State in the 2002 Holiday Bowl.... Barner and Thomas are the only

Oregon players since1965 to score TDsrushing, receiving and on punt and kickoff returns in a career.

bowl game in his second season, 10 wins a year ago and all the way back to national prominence this season. Fitting the mold of their 73-yearold coach, the Wildcats are meticu-

lously prepared and run Snyder's

schemes to near perfection. Kansas State does not play nearly for Oregon going against Kansas as fast as the Ducks but can put up State (11-1) in its second resurrec- points in a hurry — ninth nationally tion under veteran head coach Bill with 40.67 per game — and is led by Snyder. a Heisman Trophy finalist, do-evThe studious coach orchestrated erything senior quarterback Collin one of c ollege football's greatest Klein. turnarounds during his first stint at This is the Wildcats' 14th bowl K-State, turning a program that had appearance under Snyder, and with lost more games than any other into a win over Oregon, they can fina national championship contender. ish with the first 12-win season in After a t h r ee-year r etirement, school history. "Obviously, you can't help as a Snyder again lifted the Wildcats out of the doldrums, leading them to a coach (but) admire what Coach Sny-

der has done," Oregon's Kelly said. "He had an opportunity when he first got to K-State that he created a legacy that I don't think anybody could ever imagine when he first took over that program, what one man could do to a university. Retired for a couple years, then came back and is building upon that legacy. "It's really a special story in col-

lege football that will (have him) go down, like I said, as one of the top coaches in the history of the game." Snyder's quarterback has a pretty good story, too. Lightly recruited and switched to receiver early in his college career, Klein had a superb first season as Kansas State's starter, passing for 1,918 yards, rushing for 1,141 more and accounting for 40 touchdowns as a junior.

He became a bona fide star in his final season in Manhattan. A fifth-year senior, Klein earned the moniker Optimus Klein for his grittiness and ability to grind out victories any way he could, seem-

ingly topping himself every game. A sturdy 6 feet 5 and 226 pounds, Klein became the first quarterback in the BCS era to run for at least 20 touchdowns and throw for 10 in consecutive seasons, and he broke the FBS record for rushing touchdowns by a quarterback in tw o seasons with 49. He was a Heisman Trophy finalist, the Big 12 player of the year, and he won the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award. Whatever happens tonight, Klein will leave Kansas State as one of the greatest and most popular players in school history. "He's very good, he runs that of-

fense efficiently, he's a poised guy, appears to be a very smart football player,"Oregon defensive coordinator Nick Aliotti said. "He knows what they want him to do in their game plan." Many of those attributes could be used to describe Mariota, too. The first freshman to start at Oregon since Danny O'Neil in 1991, he was consideredone of the few question marks for the Ducks heading into this season. Mariota answered any questions and then some, showing poise beyond his years while leading a veteran, talent-laden team. A bit more wiry than Klein at 6 feet 4 and 211 pounds, Mariota is an athletic dual-threat quarterback who is a better passer but can use his speed to break off long runs. Mariota passed for 2,511 yards a nd 30 touchdowns, ran for 6 9 0 yards and four more scores, and cemented his place as Oregon's quarterback of the future. "He does so many things from the skill standpoint, his quickness, his speed, ability to throw the ball accurately two out of three times," Snyder said. "He's gifted from a physical standpoint. I think as much as anything, the fact that for a very young person on the field playing in some very highly c ompetitive environments, he seems to be a very, very

poised young guy, doesn't seem to get ruffled." Between the tw o star q u arterbacks and all that talent on both sides of the ball, it should be a fun Fiesta Bowl.

slumps. You see a guy go through it and sometimes he'll come out of it quickly and sometimes it lingers a little bit," coach Jim Harbaugh sa>d. Green Bay: The Packers also have problems putting the ball through the uprights, but coach Mike McCarthy has steadfastly stuck with Mason Crosby, who was a less-than-impressive 21 for 33 this season. During one stretch he missed 12 of 24, including all seven triesfrom 50 yards or longer. But he has made his last four, including two from 50-plus. "Theselasttwo weeks I've been putting them through the uprights and that's what I've got to keep do-

ing," Crosby said.

Washington: The Re d skins' bend-but-don't-break defense has been bowing so much it's bound to snap, right? Opponents converted third downs an NFL-high 44.2 percent of the time against the Redskins, who finished 28th in total defense and 30th in pass defense and had to rely on Robert Griffin III and Alfred Morris to make up for all these defensive doldrums. "We're good enough, right?" defensive tackle Barry Cofield said. "Good enough to get to the playoffs.Good enough to win seven games in a row." Seattle:The Seahawks were the only team in the league to go 8-0 at home. The problem is they're hitting the road in the playoffs, where they were 3-5. They won't have their ear-piercing crowd nor will they have history on their side Sunday atWashington. The Seahawks haven't won a road playoff game since upsetting Dan Marino in Miami after the '83 season. "If you want to be a good team you definitely got to be able to win on the road," pass-rusher Red Bryant said. Minnesota: Yes, the V i k i ngs have Adrian Peterson, but their

passing game is putrid. They were next-to-last in the league in total yards passing and in yards per pass attempt, and until Christian Pondercompleted a 65-yard pass on Sunday, they had just one completion longer than 45 yards all season, a 54-yarder on Nov. 11 against Detroit.

"He's definitely playing more

consistent," Peterson said of Ponder. "He's playing faster football, not thinking as much as much."

C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.


NASDAO 13,412.55




S&P 500




Thursday, January 3, 2013

Auto sales

1 420 .

Americans rebuilding in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy are buying cars to replace those lost in the storm. That trend gave auto sales a boost in November and is expected to have done so again last month. J.D. Power and LMC Automotive are forecasting that L.S. auto sales grew 14 percent in December from a year earlier. Look for the final figures today when automakers

report December sales figures.

10 YR T NOTE 1.84% ~

36 23


S&p 500


1,360 '





$1,687.90I +13.10

1 3 1 40

1 0 DA Y S



12,840 '







Close: 1 3,41 2.55

Change: 308.41 (2.4%)

1 0 DA Y S "

13,800 13,500


13,200 1,400 12,900 1,360

12,600 J



StocksRecap NYSE NASD

Vol. (in mil.) 4,058 2,046 Pvs. Volume 3,136 1,522 Advanced 2832 2203 Declined 2 89 3 3 1 New Highs 4 61 2 4 8 New Lows 4 17

DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000

HIGH LOW CLOSE 13412.71 13104.30 13412.55 5460.12 5307.64 5435.74 461.86 453.29 461.46 8632.01 8571.08 8632.01 3112.65 3083.49 3112.26 1462.43 1426.19 1462.42 1046.42 1020.43 1046.32 15380.61 14995.11 15380.41 873.42 873.99 849.35



CHG. +308.41 +128.97 +8.37 +188.49 +92.75 $-36.23

+25.89 +385.30 +24.07


%CHG. WK +2.35% +2.43% +1.85% +2.23% +3.07% +2.54% +2.54% +2.57% +2.83%






+2.35% +2.43% +1.85% +2.23% +3.07% +2.54% +2.54% +2.57% +2.83%


Fed meeting minutes The Federal Reserve is scheduled today to release minutes of a meeting held by its policymakers last month. After the two-day meeting in early December, the central bank announced plans to keep interest rates ultra-low at least until the national unemployment rate drops below 6.5 percent, a threshold the bank beli eves may notbe crossed until the end of 2015. Will the minutes of the Fed's meeting help Wall Street glean any new insights into the central bank's strategy?

ALK 31.29 — 0 45.15 43 .94 + . 85 + 2.0 L A VA 22.78 ~ 28.05 24.5 7 +. 4 6 +1 .9 L BAC 5 . 62 11.69 12 .03 +.42 +3.6 L BBSI 15.68 39.49 38 .95 +.86 $-2.3 L BA 66. 8 2 77.83 77 .07 +1.71 $.2.3 L L CascadeBancorp CACB 4.12 6.74 6 .8 1 + 55 +8 8 L CascadeCp CASC 42.86 65.45 64 .32 +.02 . . . L Columbia Sporlswear COLM 43.26 58.47 53 .17 19 -0.4 L V CostcoWholesale COST 78.81 105.97 101.45 +2.72 +2.8 L Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 8.92 7.28 + .80 +12.3 L FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 27.06 23.46 +1.14 $.5.1 Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 30.00 15.02 +.77 +5.4 Home Federal BucpID HOME 8.67 — 0 12.49 13.22 +.79 $.6.4 Intel Corp INTC 19.23 29.27 21.38 + .76 $-3.7 L Keycorp K EY 6 . 8 0 ~ 9.12 8 .78 +.36 + 4 .3 L Kroger Co K R 2 0 .9 8 ~ 27.11 26.3 7 +.3 5 +1 .3 L Lattice Semi LSCC 3. 17 ~ 7.12 4.04 +.05 $. 1.3 L LA Pacific L PX 7 , 66 — 0 19,34 19 .70 + . 3 8 +2,0 L $yMDU Resources MDU 19.59 23.21 21 .72 + . 48 +2.3 L Mentor Graphics MENT 12,85 — 0 17,37 17 .37 + . 35 +2,1 L Microsoft Corp M SFT 26.26 ~ 32.95 27.6 2 +. 9 1 + 3 .4 L Nike Inc 8 NKE 4 2.55 ~ 57.41 51.8 4 +. 2 4 +0 .5 L $yNordstrom Iuc JWN 46.27 58.44 53 .63 + . 13 +0.2 L Nwst Net Gas N WN 41.01 ~ 50.80 44.8 5 +. 6 5 +1 .5 L OfficeMux Iuc DMX 4.10 10.62 9 . 6 9 .07 -0.7 PeccurIuc PCAR 35.21 48.22 46 .54 +1.33 +2.9 Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 2.60 1.4 7 +. 0 4 +2 .8 Plum Creek PCL 35.43 — o 44.99 45 .40 +1.03 +2.3 Prec Custperts PCP 150.53 — 0 189.58 192.98 +3.56 +1.9 Sefeway Iuc SWY 14.73 23.16 18 .35 + . 26 +1.4 Schuitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 47.45 31 . 31 + . 9 8 $ .3.2 Sherwin Wms SHW 90.21 — o 15 9.80156.68 +2.86 +1.9 Staucorp Fucl SFG 28.74 41.99 37 . 63 + . 9 6 +2 .6 SterbucksCp SBUX 43.04 62.00 55 .00 +1.37 +2.6 L Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 7.26 5.1 2 +. 2 9 +6 .0 L Eye onunemployment UmpqueHoldings UMPQ 11.17 13.88 12 .39 + . 60 +5.1 L Economists are expecting that US Buucorp USB 27.21 35.46 32 .97 +1.03 +3.2 applications for unemployment WashingtonFedl WAFD 14.22 18.42 17 .05 + . 18 +1.1 L benefits increased last week. Wells Fargo &Co W FC 27.94 ~ 36.60 35.0 5 +.8 7 +2 . 5 The consensus forecast calls for W est CoastBcp OR WCBD 15,33 — 0 23,00 22 .68 + . 53 +2,4 L unemployment claims to be up less Weyerhueuser W Y 1 8 .50 ~ 28.82 29.1 5 + 1.33 +4.8

Alaska Air Group Avistu Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co



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0 . 84f

0 . 36 0. 7 8 03 2 0 .88 0.2 0 0 . 68f

than 2 percent to 355,000 from the DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, hut are not included. h - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amountdeclared or paid in last12 months. f - Current previous week. Weekly applications annual rate, whuh was mcreased bymost recent divuend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends pud after stock split, no regular rate. l - Sum of uvidends pud tus year. Most recent was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pud rus year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend for unemployment benefits, due out uvuend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. r - Declared or paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approx>matecash value on exsustribution date.pE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no 8/6 rauo shown. cc - 8/6 exceeds 99. d$I - Loss in last12 months today, have mostly fluctuated this year between 360,000 and 390,000. They are a proxy for layoffs. Unemployment remains high and companies remain Shares of Zipcar soared 48 percent to close at went public in 2011 and posted net income of $850,000 reluctant to ramp up hiring. $12.20 Wednesday. Investors jumpedon news that in the first nine months of this year. Avis Budget Group will buy the car Combining with the Avis fleet will help sharing service for $491.2 million. Zipcarmeet high demand on weekends Initial jobless claims Car sharing has become a popular and will also help Avis compete with Weekly total in thousand • et Global Holr$ gs hichhasus alternative to traditional rentals in zipcacco metropolitan areas and on college own car sharing service, Hertz on Iv campuses, allowing members to get Demand. a vehicle quickly for short trips. Avis will pay $12.25 per share, which l4I w/$ao o oo Zipcar, which was founded in 2000, is a 49 percent premium to Zipcar's a has more than 760,000 members. It closing price on Friday. est. 355 Avis(CAR) Price-earnings ratio 52-WEEK RANGE (Traiiing 12 months): 17 Wednesday's close:$20.77 $11 ~ ~ ~ ~ 21

Avis buyingZipcar l;.l;"l

340 • Nov. I 23


Total return 2012: 5%

Dec. 7




3-YR*: 15%

5-YR*: 9%

total returns through Dec. 31


10-YR: 5%


Market value: $2.2 billion SOURCES: Morningstar; FactSet

Source: Factaet


SelectedMutualFunds PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 20.73 +.33 +1.6 +16.0 +10.8 + 43 A A A 12.9 3 - .02 -0.1 + 5.7 + 6.5 + 39 D C E 53.48 +.71 +1.3 +1 3.3 +8.2 + 1.4 8 8 C 37.92 +.72 +1.9 +21.4 +6.5 - 02 8 D C 41.96+.74 +1.8 +21.4 +4.7 - 1.0 8 C A FnlnvA m 41.7 0 + .92 $2.3 +19.8 $-10.3 + 1.7 8 C C GrthAmA m 35. 16 +.81 $2.4 +23.4 +9.6 + 1.7 A C C IhcAmerA m 18 . 30 +.24 $ 1.3 +13.4 $-10.3 + 36 C A B InvCoAmA m 30 .88 +.72 +2.4 +1 8.4 +8.8 + 1.6 C D C NewPerspA m 31.86 +.60 +1.9 +23.1 +8.6 + 1.9 A 8 A WAMutlnvA m 31.85 +.64 $.2.1 +14.8 $.11.7 + 24 D A B Dodge 8 Cox Inco me 13.85 -.01 -0.1 + 7 .9 + 6.6 +6.9 8 C 8 IntlStk 35.34 +.70 + 2 .0 + 23.5 + 5.7 -1.4 A 8 A Stock 125.45+3.55 + 2 .9 + 25.6 +11.0 +0.6 A 8 D Fidelity Contra 79.52+1.95 + 2 .5 + 19.2 +11.6 +2.6 B 8 8 GrowCo 95.93+2.55 + 2 .7 + 21.8 +13.9 +4.5 A A A LowPriStk d 40 . 14 +.64 + 1 .6 + 20.4 +13.3 +5.4 B 8 A FrenkTemp-Fruukliln ucome A m 2.27 +.03+1.3 +15.2+10.2 +4.7 A A 8 RisDivA m 17.8 4 + .44 + 2 . 5 + 1 5.5 +10.2 +2.0 D C C Oppeuheimer RisDivB m 16.1 8 +.40 + 2 .5 + 14.5 +9.2 +1.1 E D D RisDivC m 16.1 0 +.40 + 2 .5 + 14.7 +9.4 +1.3 E D C SmMidvalA m 33.10 +.69 + 2 .1 + 11.8 +7.6 -1.8 E E E SmMidval8 m 27.95 +.58 +2.1 +10.9 +6.7 -2.6 E E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 2 - .02 -0.2 + 9 .7 + 7.3 +7.7 A 8 A T Rowe Price Eq t ylnc 27.05 +.60 + 2 .3 + 19.9 +11.1 +2.3 8 8 8 GrowStk 38.78 + 1.00 + 2 .6 + 22.1 +12.2 +3.4 A A 8 Healthsci 42.31 +1.09 +2 .6 +35.4 +20.5+10.6 A A A Vanguard 500Adml 134.74+3.37 +2.6 +18.9 +11.8 +2.5 8 A 8 500lnv 134.74+3.37 +2.6 +18.8 $.11.7 $2.4 8 A B CapDp 34.41 +.79 $.2.3 +21.1 +8.1 +3.0 A E 8 Eqlnc 24.70 +.55 $.2.3 +16.1 +13.8 +3.9 D A A GNMAAdml 10.93 +.02 +0.2 +2.6 +5.8 +5.9 C A A MulntAdml 14.38 0.0 +5.8 +5.9 +5.5 8 8 8 STGradeAd 10.82 -.01 -0.1 $-4.5 +3.9 +4.0 8 8 8 StratgcEq 21.96 +.51 +2.4 +21.7 +14.3 +3.2 A A C Tgtet2025 13.82 +.23 +1.7 +15.2 +9.3 +2.9 C 8 8 TotBdAdml 11.06 -.03 -0.3 +3.9 +6.0 +5.7 E D C Totlntl 15.27 +.29 $-1.9 +20.4 +4.6 -2.6 C C 8 TotStlAdm 36.57 +.92 +2.6 +19.4 $-12.3 +3.1 8 A A TotStldx 36.56 +.92 +2.6 +19.3 +12.1 +3.0 8 A A USGro 21.83 +.57 $2.7 +21.6 +10.4 +2.8 A C B Welltn 34.34 +.50 $.1.5 +14.2 +9.6 +4.6 8 8 A WelltnAdm 59.31 +.86 $1.5 +14.3 +9.7 $4.7 8 A A

Morningstar analysts give this FUND European stock fund a gold-medal FAMILY American Funds BalA m rating, citing its low fees and Most Active BondA m low-volatility approach. However, CaplncBuA m VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG its 2012 return trails about 80 CpWldGrlA m 2220635 12.03 +.42 percent of its peers. EurPacGrA m

Marketsummary NAME BkofAm S&P500ETF 1620466 iShEMkts 972595 iShR2K 942835 SiriusXM 836542 FordM 732610 SPDR Fncl 673132 Facebook n 669684 NokiaCp 544155 PwShs QQQ 516666

146.06 +3.65 45.23 + . 88 86.80 +2.48 3.02 + . 13 13.20 +.25 16.87 + . 48 28.00 +1.38 4.11 + . 16 67.20 +2.07




cC 0 $$

$a $L

Gainers NAME Cyclecel pf

LAST 9.00 Zipcar 12.18 BioFuel rs 4.91 Stereotx rs 3.27 BostPrv wt 3.70 ChiYida rs 3.93 Torm rs 3.69 SynrgyP wt 2.88 Apco08 Gs 14.73 RepubAir 6.79

CHG %CHG +4.00 +3.94 +1.23 +.72 +.73 $-.72 +.64 +.48 +2.42 +1.11


+ 8 0 .0 + 4 7.8 «C + 3 3.4 $$ + 2 8 .2 «C + 2 4 .6 + 2 2 .4 $1$ Mornihgstar OwnershipZone™ + 2 0.8 + 2 0 .0 O o Fund target represents weighted + 1 9 .7 average of stock holdings + 1 9 .5 • Represents 75% offuhd'sstock holdings

CATEGORY Europe Stock NAME LAST CHG %CHG MORNINGSTAR RATING™ -29.6 BarcShtC 1 1 . 18 -4.71 U nivBus h 3 . 4 5 -1.10 -24.2 ASSETS PrUVxST rs 16.07 -4.83 -23.1 EXP RATIO 1.41% CSVS2xVx rs 7.39 -1.95 -20.9 MANAGER Katrina Dudley -.48 -14.3 C mtyWest 2 . 87 SINCE 2007-01-31 RETURNS3-MD Foreign Markets YTD NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR Paris $.92.86 +2.55 3,733.93 3-YR ANNL London 6,027.37 +129.56 +2.20 5-YR-ANNL Frankfurt 7,778.78 +166.39 +2.19 Hong Kong 23,311.98 +655.06 +2.89 TOP 5HOLDINGS Mexico 44,307.29 +601.46 +1.38 A.P. M$ /ITller-Maersk Milan 16,893.39 +620.01 +3.81 Zurich Insurance Group AG Tokyo + 72.20 + . 7 0 10,395.18 Stockholm 1,129.96 $-25.23 $-2.28 Novartis AG Sydney +58.28 +1.25 Royal Dutch Shell PLC Class A 4,722.88 Zurich 6,822.44 -40.11 —.58 HSBC Holdings PLC

LVS Close:$48.75L2.59 or 5.6% Casino revenue in Macau, where the casino operator owns four properties, rose 13.5 percent last year to a record $38 billion. $50

Marriott Int'I


Oose $38.79%1.52 or 4.1% An analyst at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey upgraded the hotel operator's stock rating to "Buy" from "Neutral" citing its valuation. $40 38



N 52-week range

$$4&2 ~


52-week range $$2 $$

$2$.7$ ~


Volu15.4m (2.3x avg.) PE: 28.5 Vol3 4.0m (1.5x avg.) PE: 2 4.9 Mkt. Cap:$40.14 b Yiel d : 2. 1% Mkt. Cap:$12.24 b Yiel d : 1. 3% MT Close:$17.85 %0.38 or 2.2% The steel company will sell a 15 percent stake in one of its iron ore operations to an Asian-led consortium for $1.1 billion. $18 i$-


ZIP Close: $12.18 X3.94 or 47.8% Avis Budget Group is expanding its offerings from traditional car rentals

by buying the car sharing company

for $491.2 million. $15 10




EURO 1.3178+ -.0014

+1.30 '

The Standard& Poor's 500 index had its bestday Monday since December 2011 on relief that most workers will avoid steep tax hikes this year. Congress reached a compromise over the new year holiday that holds income-tax rates steady for singles that earn less than $400,000 and for married couples making less than $450,000. Without the compromise, rates would have jumped on all taxpayers in 2013, and economists worried that could help lead the economy into a recession. The compromise, though, came only after a protracted partisan battle and economists say more are approaching in the coming months that could again unnerve investors.





Las Vegas Sands

12,300 . " J




Dow Jones industrials

C l o se: 1,462.42 Change: 36.23 (2.5%)


1 320



PCT 3.39 2.43 2.4 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 2.35 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 2.34 redemption fee. Source: Mornngstas


N 52-week range



D $2$ $2

N 52-week range

$5.90 ~

SGYP Close:$6.21 L0.95 or 18.1% The New York-based drug developer said that its treatment for chronic constipation outperformed a placebo in a late-stage study.



Vol35.3m (0.9x avg.) P E: 6 . 5 Volu12.5m (20.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$27.86 b Yiel d : 5 .3% Mkt. Cap: $487.97 m

Synergy Pharma.


PE : 64.1 Yie l d: ...

Parexel Int'I PRXL Close:$31.12 A1.53 or 5.2% A Citi Research analyst raised his rating on the pharmaceutical research contractor's stock, saying its core business is improving. $34


32 4



N 52-week range



Volu4.2m (9.1x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$410.52 m



PE: . Ye i ld: .


SKUL Close:$6.80 V-0.99 or -12.7% A Jefferies analyst downgraded the headphone and iPhone accessories maker to hdnderperform" from "Buy" citing increased competition. $15 10

N 52-week range



$$$7 $

Volu1.6m (2.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.83 b

P E: 27 .3 Yield:...

Qualcomm QCOM Close:$64.75 %2.89 or 4.7% An analyst at Citi Research added the mobile phone chip maker to its Top Picks Live list citing the ffrm's opportunities in China. $65 60


N 52-week range

$$55~ Vol33.3m (5.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$187.28 m



N 52-week range


$17&$ $53.0$ ~ $$$.$7 P E: 6 . 7 Volu16.8m (1.4x avg.) PE: 21.2 Yield :... Mkt. Cap:$110.34b Yi e l d: 1.5% AP

SOURCE: Sungard



3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 1.84 percent Wednesday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

. 0 7 .06 + 0 .01 w . 1 1 .11 ... w .13 .14 -0.01 V

w w

w w

.02 .05




2 -year T-note . 26 .26 ... V 5-year T-note . 77 .75 +0 . 0 2 L 10-year T-note 1.84 1.75 + 0.09 L 30-year T-bond 3.04 2.95 +0.09 L



.24 .83 1.88 2.89



Barclays Long T-Bdldx 2.64 2.53 +0.11 L L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.10 4.10 . . . L Barclays USAggregate 1.74 1.73 +0.01 W L PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 6.13 6.14 -0.01 L W RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 3.67 3.62 +0.05 W L YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.03 .98 +0.05 L L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 2 . 7 1 2.68 +0.03 W L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13

Commodities Crude oil rose $1.30 to $92L12 per barrel, its highest settlement price since Sept. 18. Relief that the U.S. economy will not fall off the fiscal cliff raised expectations for demand.

Foreign Exchange The dollar rose against the Japanese yen, continuing a trend that began in October. A weaker yen

helps Japanese exporters by making their products cheaperto foreign buyers.

h5N4 QG


2.42 4.84 2.26 8.3 4 3.79 1.00 3. 7 6

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 93.12 91.82 + 1.42 + 1 . 4 -0.5 Ethanol (gal) 2.18 2.19 +0.05 Heating Dil (gal) 3.05 3.05 + 0.48 + 0 . 0 -3.5 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.23 3.35 -3.52 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.80 2.81 +1.19 -0.6 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1687.90 1674.80 30.95 30.17 1565.10 1538.70 3.72 3.64 707.25 702.65

%CH. %YTD + 0.78 + 0 . 8 + 2.58 + 2 . 6 $ -1.72

$ - 1 .7

+ 2.29 + 0.65

+ 2 .3 + 0.7

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.32 1.30 + 0.05 + 1 . 9 1.49 1.44 + 3.89 + 3 . 9 6.91 -1.1 Corn (bu) 6.98 -1.07 Cotton (Ib) 0.75 0.75 + 0.29 + 0 . 3 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 378.00 373.90 + 1.10 + 1 . 1 -0.3 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.16 1.16 -0.30 Soybeans (bu) 14.06 14.19 -0.93 -0.9 Wheat(bu) 7.55 -2.9 7.78 -2.92 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6251 +.0008 +.05% 1 .5501 Canadian Dollar .9858 —.0070 —.71% 1.0202 USD per Euro 1.3178 —.0014 —.11% 1.2929 Japanese Yen 8 7.14 + . 3 8 + . 44 % 76 . 9 1 Mexican Peso 12. 7 740 —.1205 —.94% 13.9336 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3. 721 5 —. 0135 —. 36% 3.8198 Norwegian Krone 5.5468 —.0188 —.34% 5.9890 South African Rand 8.5081 +.0493 +.58% 8.0904 6.4936 —.0074 —.11% 6.9082 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9185 +.0022 +.24% .9403 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9533 -.0091 -.95% . 9 781 Chinese Yuan 6.2350 -.0000 -.00% 6.3011 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7508 -.0000 -.00% 7.7672 Indian Rupee 54.360 -.325 -.60% 53.308 Singapore Dollar 1.2203 -.0013 -.11% 1.2977 South Korean Won 1062.70 -.60 -.06% 1155.41 -.10 -.34% 3 0 .31 Taiwan Dollar 28.99

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



Google exec to visit N. Korea SAN FRANCISCOEric Schmidt, Google's

ambassador in chief, is going where few Internet executives have

gone: North Korea. Google's executive chairman will take part in a private trip led by

former NewMexico Gov. Bill Richardson, sources told The Associated

Press on Wednesday. North Korea does not have diplomatic relations with the United States, and it has some of the tightest restric-

tions of any country on citizens' access to the Internet.

Buffett utility

buyssolar projects

e w omes anne a iver's By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

The developer of the Riverhouse Convention Center and River's Edge golf course wants to build 15 new homes along the golf course in northwest Bend, the first phase of what could amount to several hundred homes over the next six years. The development would mark the first home-building activity there since before the 2008 housing market crash, and could be the first of several new construction phases, according to Gary Cox, a partner with River's Edge Property Development, LLC. The plan follows a July settlement between River's Edge Investments, LLC and the

city of Bend, stemming from a 2007 lawsuit filed by River's Edge manager Wayne Purcell over development rights and city sewage capacity. City officials were concerned that existing sewage capacity couldn't meet the demand from the full, 349-home plan filed by River's Edge. The new plan calls for construction of 269 homes, with a 2019 development deadline. River's Edge filed a preliminary application for the 15-home development with the city last month, though Cox said he wasn't sure when construction would begin. The new lots would be platted on the west side of Northwest Clubhouse Drive, along its intersection with Mount

Washington Drive, near the Deschutes River Trail. Across the entire residential development, the new homes will be phased in over time, to ensure adequate water and sewer supply for the properties. "We're moving forward as quickly as we can," Cox said, referring to the first phase. "We think the (housing) market conditions are improving." Dozens of homes have already been built around the golf course, though much of that building activity took place in the 1990s, according to Deschutes County property records. Purcell's family has owned the land on the eastern flank of Awbrey Butte for decades. He oversaw the creation of the

Riverhouse Convention Center in the mid-2000s. The new homes would likely be aimed at the middle of the housing market, priced between $350,000 and $450,000, Cox said. The 15-lot phase "will be the first of many," Cox said. "Economic conditions will dictate when we go through with others." The area's development plan could be open to future home construction along other sections of the golf course, including Fairway Heights Drive. The development plan also calls for eventual construction of a new street, between the two sections of Fairway Heights Drive. — Reporter: 541-817-7820; egluchlich@bendbulletin.com


New lotsproposed D evelopers of the Riverhouse

Convention Center filed an application with the city to develop 15 home lots on Northwest

Clubhouse Drive, alongside the River's Edgegolf course. I

Deschutes ' River Trail

y New lots yroposed I-Ri erhou


River's~ p t

i Epge~


onv e n t

gen t er/


Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin

NEW YORK —Warren Buffett's MidAm-

erican EnergyHoldings agreed to spendas much as $2.5 billion to build two solar projects in California that are set to be

the world's largest photovoltaic development. MidAmerican ac-

quired the 579-megawatt Antelope Valley

projects in Kern andLos Angeles counties from SunPower, according to astatementWednesday. MidAmerican will pay SunPower $2 billion to $2.5 billion for the proj-

ects and a three-year contract to build them. — From wire reports

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Know Digital Books: 10:30 a.m.-noon; La Pine Public Library,16425 First St.; 541-536-0515. • Business Network International Wildfire Chapter weekly meeting: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. FRIDAY • Know Digital Books: 23:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W.Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. • Central OregonRealEstate InvestmentClub:Free;11 a.m.; ServiceMasterClean, 20806 SockeyePlace,Bend; 541-610-4006 orbobbleile© windermere.com. SUNDAY • Know Money, RealLife Buried Treasure: Gold prospecting talk including metal detector and gold panning instruction; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. • Know Money,Stretching Your Food Dollars: Learn howto work within your food budget to create healthy meals; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070. MONDAY • Oregon alcohol server permit training: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; RoundTable Pizza, 1552 N.E Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www. happyhourtraining.com. TUESDAY • Worried about making house payments?: Workshop provided by HomeSource of Neighborlmpact to help you learn about options for house payments; reservations required; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Redmond Area Parkand Recreation District, Activity Center, 2441 S.W.Canal Street; 541-323-6567 or www. homeownershipcenter.org. • Small business counseling: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one-on-one small business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown BendPublic Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www. scorecentraloregon.org.

For the complete calendar, pickup Sunday's i3uiletin or visit bendbuiietin.comlbizoal

Manufacturing expands after reaching 3-year low

rin i — in

esi • New technology offers businesses a low-cost option

By Shobhana Chandra By Ronald D. White

Bloomberg News

Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — Manufacturing in the United States expanded in December at a pace that shows the industry is stabilizing after reaching a three-yearlow a month earlier. The Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index climbed to 50.7 last month from November's 49.5, which was the weakest since July 2009, the Tempe, Ariz.based group's report showed Wednesday. Fifty is the dividing line between expansion and contraction. The median forecastof economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for a rise to 50.5. Sustained growth in the U.S., in part due to a housing rebound, and steadying overseasmarkets are helping underpin factory orders and

What does a business do if the vintage aircraft part a customer needs hasn't been made in decades? For a solution, Airflow Systems of Capistrano Beach, Calif., turned to Rapid Tech at University of California, Irvine. Through the use of Rapid Tech's cutting-edge 3-D manufacturing technology, the aircraft parts manufacturer got what it needed in exchange for the cost of the materials required to do the work. "I believe that small entrepreneurial businesses like ours will be the backbone of manufacturing innovation in the U.S.," said Bill Genevro, president of Airflow Systems. "But we can only do this with the help of entities like Rapid Tech." Rapid Tech is in the UCIrvine Engineering building and has been funded by Saddleback College and grants from the National Science Foundation. The nonprofit's primary function is teaching students advanced manufacturing techniques, but it also provides low-cost help for businesses. "We do hundreds of projects each year, dozens of outreach and training events," said Ben Dolan, director of design and engineering research projects at Rapid Tech. Rapid Tech's specialty is a form of modeling in which a printer uses digital input from a computer to create three-dimensional solid objects, thin layer by thin layer. The printer head extrudes a small amount of plastic or other material, making several passes before the form begins to take

PhotoshyAllenJ.Schahen/Los Angeles Times

Ben Dolan, director of Design and Engineering Research Projects, operates a three-dimensional printer at Rapid Tech, a National Science Foundation National Center housed in the Engineering Tower at the University of California, Irvine.

A three-dimensional printer creates a plastic object through extrusion from a 3-D model at RapidTech, a National Science Foundation National Center, at the Engineering Tower at the University of California, Irvine. a recognizable shape. The process enables users to quickly design and refine prototypes without resorting to the more costly and time-consuming process of having a metal part forged and repeating that procedure to correct imperfections. Each of the projects uses one of the more than 20 3-D digital printers and other

equipment at Rapid Tech. Because they have become increasingly refined and sophisticated, these so-called desktop factories are being referred to as the third manufacturing revolution. "After the digital revolution, this type of engineering work was considered lowbrow," said UC-Irvine mechanical engineering professor Marc Madou.

"Now we're helping to create the supply chain of the future." But the process demands considerable computing power, so much so that when Dolan needed new desktops, the only kind that came ready to use, without extensive upgrades, were some of the world's fastest boutiquegame computers, such as those made by Alienware. The best 3-D printers cost $50,000 to $1 million. This is what puts the technology out of reach of many small- to medium-sized businesses and even some of the largerand more established ones. Genevro's Airflow Systems is a small firm that has

been designing, building and selling FAA-certified aircraft equipment, such as engine intercoolers, since 1987. Genevro says he has used Rapid Tech's help to save weeks and sometimes months of production time.

keeping manufacturing from faltering. While lawmakers moved to extend tax cuts for about 99 percent of households, corporate confidence in the expansion will take time to build as Congress prepares to debate spending cuts and the debt ceiling. "We finishedthe year on an uptick, but there isn't a firm rebirth of confidence on the part of businesses," said Tim Quinlan, an economist at Wells Fargo Securities in Charlotte, N.C., who projected 51 for the December factory index. "We could face a little bit of a bumpy period before turning to slow growth in manufacturing." The median forecast was based on projections from 71 economists in the Bloomberg survey. Estimates ranged from 48 to 52. For all of last year, the factory gauge averaged 51.7, down from 55.2 in 2011 and 573 in 2010.

'Responsive'websites fit screens big andsmall By Walter Pacheco Orlando Sentine(

Matt Sanders, pastor of family ministries at Journey Christian Church in Apopka, Fla., said navigating the church's old website on his iPhone and iPad was an ordeal. "The website was built for a desktop-computerscreen,but everyone is on their cellphones or tablets these days," said

28-year-old Sanders. "When you read it on an iPhone, the text was too small. You had to scroll all over the place to see the content because it didn't fit on the small screen. It didn't represent who we were as a

growing church." Church leaders looking to grow their 1,800-member congregation in innovative ways turned to a Web-devel-

opment agency for a solution. The company built the church what's known as a responsive website, which shapes itself to the screens of all personal computersand mobile devices "The new website is more enjoyable," Sanders said. "There's less clutter, and it's easier to see on a phone without having to fight to get to it." As the shift toward mobile

continues to fuel the development of hundreds of smartphones and tablets of varying screen sizes, Web designers are working to craft websites that fit perfectly on any device "I strongly believe it's the future of the Internet," said 35-year-old Web developer Jody Resnick, founder of Ocoee, Fla.-based Trighton Interactive, which created Jour-

ney Christian Church's site. "I think apps have a shelf life of a couple more years because they are so fragmented. It's also easier formost companies to address all devices at once with a responsive website instead of

an app for every platform." Resnick said that more than 25 percent of the Web traffic the church receives comes from tablet users.

PERMITS City of Bend LeviW. Miller, 2095 N.E. 11th, $232,781

Alegrialnc., 61737 Daly Estates, $241,195 PalmerHuber Revocable

Trust, 2654 N.W.Crossing LLC, 21193 Keyte, Drive, $194,878 $219,851 Tennant Developments Br ookswood Bend

LLC, 19687 Hollygrape, $287,503 Tennant Developments

LLC, 21205 Keyte, $228,684 Deschutes County

BartS. Gernhart, 55553 Big River Drive, Bend, $331,062.48

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Money, D2 Medicine, D3 Nutrition, D4 Fitness, D5 THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 2013

O www.bendbulletin.com/health

eWel' ami SOW


econom By Heidi Hagemeier The Bulletin

In 2007, a year before the nation's economic nosedive, 2,042 babies came into the world at St. Charles Bend. It was a decade high for the hospital. ut the MEDICINE boom is now over. Mirroring trends in the state and nation, Central Oregon is experiencing a drop in birth rates. Through November 2012, just 1,410 babies were born during the year at the Bend hospital. Mountain View Hospital in Madras went from 226 in 2007 to 134 through October 2012. Both locally and nationally, experts have pinned the decrease at least in part to the languishing economy, as people have become more reluctant to take on the financial cost of parenthood. "It's really driven by the

poor economy and high unemployment," said Karen

lllustrationbyGreg Cross/The Bulletin

Shepard, chief financial officer for St. Charles Health System. The birth rate, which is the annual number of births per 1,000 women in the prime childbearing ages of 15 to 44, is at its lowest nationally since tracking began in the 1920s, according to a Pew Research Center report released in November. For 2011, it was at 63.2 births per 1,000 childbearing women. The well-known baby boom from 1946 to 1964 includes the nation's highest birth rate since tracking began, which, according to the Pew report, was 122.7 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age in 1957. The report says the rate slipped down from that high but stabilized from the 1970s through 2007. From 2007 to2010, the number of U.S. births shrank by more than300,000,the report says. SeeBirths/D3

Hospital dirths inCentral Oregon Annual hospital births from 2007 to 2012

St. Charles Bend


Coping with too much

~ ~


St. Charles Redmond Mou ntain View Hospital, Madras Pio neer Memorial Hospital, Prineville (PMHstoppeddelivering babiesafter 2009)


1,804 1,663

1,777 1,659


1,410 1,000

• Managing stress is essential to our long-term health By Anne Aurand •The Bulletin


amie Colson generally handled life's stresses in stride — until recently.





Colson, 42, is a nurse and a super visor at St. Charles Bend, which in itself can be a stressful job. She has a 2-year-old. Over the past year, she's faced some overwhelmingly sad events. Two of her beloved uncles died. Her sister gave birth to a stillborn.

172 2 007

CHELMSFORD, Mass. — It's hard work being one of Dr. Damian Folch's diabetic patients. If a lab test shows high cholesterol, Folch is quick to call or email. No patient can leave the office without scheduling an annual eye exam, a key preventive test. A missed appoint-



200 9



201 2*

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Consumerscrutiny turns to su stance

use or eca es By Stephanie Strom Joe Kline /The Bulletin

To train herself to breathe deeply into her belly during times of stress, Jamie Colson uses a biofeedback monitoring program called n neuroinfinityn at the Freedom Wellness Center in Bend. She watches readouts of her breath and her heart rate on a screen and tries to coordinate the two.

New payment model being closely watehed Tribune Washington Bureau


"Through Oct. for Mountain View Hospital, through Nov. for aii others

New York Times News Service

Sarah Kavanagh and her little brother were looking forward to the bottles of Gatorade they had put in the refrigerator after


By Noam N. Levey



Sources: St. Charles Health System, Mountain View Hospital

"2012 has been horrible," Colson said. Late last summer, the panic attacks started. They gave her pains in her chest and her stomach. "Anxiety is what I described it as. Overwhelming, and it never went away," she sard. Colson has been managing her stress through an arsenal of coping tools: exercise, an improved diet, antidepressants, massage, chiropractic care and new skills in deep belly breathing, a meditative practice that helps her focus her mind. "The combination of everything makes a difference," she said."It'shuge." And it's a good thing to get a grip on, because chronic stress over time triggers a cascade of physiological responses that can increase a person'srisk of heart disease, chronic pain, fatigue, digestive problems, depression, obesity, inflammatory arthritis, Type 2 diabetes and possibly certain cancers. SeeStress/D5


ment leads to another call. "We are a real pain in their necks,"joked

sands of physicians in Massachusetts whose pay depends on how their patients fare, MON Eg Fo lch, a primary not just on how many times care physician they see them. If patients stay in suburban healthy and avoid costly mediBoston. "We track them cal care, he gets more money. down. This simple shift in how That kind of attention has health care is paid for — long always been good medicine. seen as key to taming costs — has been occurring in For Folch, 59, it's now good business. He is among thoupockets of the country. But

nowhere is it happening more systematically than in Massachusetts, the state that blazed a trail in 2006 by guaranteeing its residents health insurance. Now Massachusetts, a model for President Barack Obama's 2010 national health care law, may offer another template for national leaders looking to control health spending. SeeCosts/D2


doors one hot, humid afternoon last month in Hattiesburg, Miss. But before she took a sip, Sarah, a dedicated vegetarian, did what she often does and checkedthe labelto make sure no animal products were in the drink. One ingredient, brominated vegetable oil, caught her eye. "I knew it probably wasn't from an animal because it had vegetable in the name, but I still wanted to know what it was, so I Googled it," Sarah

said. "A page popped up with a long list of possible side effects, including neurological

disorders and altered thyroid hormones. I didn't expect that." She threw the product away and started a petition on

Change.org, a nonprofit website, that has almost 200,000 signatures. Sarah, 15, hopes her campaign will persuade PepsiCo, Gatorade's maker, to consider changing the drink's formulation. Jeff Dahncke, a spokesman for PepsiCo, noted that brominated vegetable oil had been deemed safe for consumption by federal regulators. "As standard practice, we constantly evaluate our formulas and ingredients to ensure they comply with federal regulations and meet the high quality standards our consumers and athletes expect — from functionality to great taste," he said in an email. SeeAdditive/D4





EVENTS CLASSES HEALTHANO WELLNESS EXHIBIT: Learn about St. Charles' programs for support and healthy lifestyles; 4:30-5:30 p.m. Jan. 10; St. Charles Bend conference center, 2500 N.E. Neff Road, Bend, or www.scmc.org or 541-382-4321. NUTRITIONAND LIFESTYLE TALK: Dr. Miles Hassell talks about "Choosing Good Health: Which Diet and Lifestyle Choices Really Matter?"; free; 5:30 p.m. Jan. 10; St. Charles Bend conference center, 2500 N.E Neff Road, Bend, or www. scmc.org or 541-382-4321. WELLNESSEXPO: Local businesses and professionals with a focus on health and wellness share information and offer door prizes, with a raffle; free admission;10 a.m. Jan.12; St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; www.redmondacademy.com or 541-548-3785.

How to submit Health Events: Email event

information tohealthevents© bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at

www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of

publication. Ongoing class listings must be updated monthly and will appear at

www.bendbulletin.com/ healthclasses. Contact: 541-383-0358. People: Email info about local people involved in health

issues to healthevents@ bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358.

Survey: State

employees are getting healthier The Associated Press SALEM — Oregon's state workers are getting healthier, and universityemployees are the healthiest among them, according to a survey conducted by the Public Employees' Benefits Board. The survey found a decline in the number of workers who reported smoking or b e ing overweight over the last three years, the Statesman Journal reported. Oregon has made a strong push over the past year to improve the health of public employeesand tamp down on rising health care costs. A new wellness program known as the Health Engagement Model requiressmokers to pay a higher deductible while offer-

ingfreecoverage forsmoking cessation and weight-loss programs. Gov. John Kitzhaber also banned smoking on all property surrounding state offices, and college campuses have banned it as well. The report doesn't explicitly link the improved health to the wellness efforts. T he proportion o f s t a t e workers who reported smok-

ing dropped from 9 percent in 2009 to 4 percent this year. F ifty-seven percent of a l l state workers were overweight or obese this year, down six points from three years ago. But there was a wide variance between university workers and employees ofother state

agencies. Among

a gency

workers, 64 percent were overweight, while fewer than half of university employees were. Those differences appeared in other areas as well. Seventy-seven percent of university e m ployees s a id their jobs i nvolved "mostly sitting," while 84 percent of state agency workers did. And women were much more likely than men to have chair-bound

jobs. State agency workers were more likely than u niversity workers to have arthritis, to have missed work for health reasons in the past month, and less likely to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. University w o rkers w e re far more likely to report having access to a gym, to stairs at work, to bike racks and to having discounted public transit.

ec wor erssensea o or uni • Health care law expected to create thousands of ITjobs

Many of the students already had more than 10 years' experience in either health care or information technology and are using the classes to get the expertise they lack in the other area, Morganti said. Of those students, 17 percent had a master's degree and 39 percent had a bache-

By Jeff Green Bloomberg News

NEW YORK — John Tricas said he heard opportunity knocking and learned n etworking s o f tware t w o d ecades ago, when it w a s the "next big thing." Now he senses a similar opening as the health care overhaul law takes effect. In September, the information-technology worker took a job solving problems that doctors, nurses and other users have with a new government-funded, electronic records system ata health care company inRaleigh, N.C. "Normally I wouldn't have taken this, because I have done things at a higher level," said Tricas, 56. "But I said 'I'll take it' because that gets my foot in the door." With P r e sident B a r ack Obama's re-el ection ensuring that his 2010 law will be implemented, companies are scouting for workers like Tricas to fill hundreds of thousands of

lor's degree.

J. Gregory Raymond/Bloomberg News

Norwalk, Conn.-based Xerox Corp. is one of several companies working with states to help set up insurances exchanges required by the federal Affordable Care Act. Companies like Xerox are hunting for workers with the skills to run systems needed to meet the requirements of the new law. for workers in support fields such as IT, already in short

An urgent need


federal funding add urgency.

"It's a cross th e e n t i r e landscape," said Guillermo Moreno, vice president in Kissimmee, Fla., at Manpower's Experis Healthcare Practice unit. "It's a growing concern and a growing issue. There's huge fracture at all levels." On the IT front, health care systems, data companies and other industries in need of talent all are competing for the same workers, he said. The U.S. economy may create as jobs handling everything from many as 758,800 new comrunningrecordssystemstocre- puterand IT jobs,a 22 percent ating and servicing new insur- increase, from 2010 to 2020, ance exchanges and entering the Bureau of Labor Statisthousands of additional codes tics said in its outlook on job for health care treatments. growth, released in March. The federal g overnment A growing portion of those projects that under the law, tech positions will be in what 30 million more Americans the BLS calls "health care will start getting coverage in and social assistance," which 2014 through expanded state will account for about 28 perMedicaid programs or private cent of all new jobs in the U.S. insurers, or pay a penalty. A economy by 2020. The indusstudy published this month in try, which includes public and the Annals of Family Medi- private hospitals, nursing and cine found that the newly inresidential-care facilities, and sured will contribute to rising individual and family servicdemand formedical services, es, may increase by a third, or requiring an estimated 8,000 5.7 million new jobs, twice as more doctors over 12 years. many as any other industry, They also will c reate jobs the report said.


L ooming d eadlines a n d The shift to electronic medicalrecords is being driven by $20 billion in stimulus spending. In 2015, Medicare reimbursement rates will be cut by 1 percent for doctors not meeting the federal standards for those records. Responding t o d e m and, the industry i s r e - educating workers for the new IT r equirements, said N o r m a Morganti, executive director of the Midwest Community College Health Information Technology Con s o r tium. Morganti, based at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, coordinates one of five regionsin an 82-school federally funded national effort. The program is designed to train at least 10,500 new specialists in a curriculum that typically can be completed in six months or less. The Midwestern consortium, which coordinates 17 c ommunity c o lleges f r o m Minnesota to Ohio, has enrolled6,700 students, Morganti said. More than 3,700 have graduated, toward a goal of 5,000 by March 31. Data is not yet available on placements.

Caswell, president of the Reston, Va., company's health c are segment, which p r o vides administrative support to government health plans. Maximus expects to begin adding employees next year to help states manage their exchanges, he said. Once the insurance mar-

ketplaces begin operating

in October 2013, thousands of customer-serviceand adInsurance exchanges slat- m inistrative w o r kers w i l l ed to come online in 2014 are be needed, Caswell s a id. a dding demand for IT a n d As many as 900 call-center other workers, said Les Funt- jobs per state will be needed, leyder, president of Poliwogg particularly for those with a in New York, who has written high number of uninsured, he a book on investing in health said. Caswell declined to say care. how many workers Maximus The online marketplaces, plans to hire. Employment which will link customers to in the company's health-serinsurance plans, will n eed vices unit rose 16 percent to c omputer programmers t o 5,634 at the end of September build them a n d c u stomer from the same period a year support staff to run them, he ago. sa>d. Coders needed "The s econd these e x changes go up, they are going Another requirement unto need to hire," Funtleyder der the law, the switch to a said. "This could create a ton more sophisticated method of jobs." of coding for reimbursement Companies su c h as of care, is also creating new IBM and X erox ar e l o ok- jobs, said Drea Howze, health ing to b u ild states' insur- care product manager in Bayance exchanges. Armonk, ville, N.J., for staffing comN.Y.-based IBM is working pany Kelly Services Inc. The with Maryland and Minneindustry is c h anging from sota on theirs and acquired a standard that used 17,000 Curam Software of Ireland codes to a new system with last year for technology to 141,000 codes. "If you can't bill for servichelp develop the programs. Xerox, based in N o r w alk, es,you can'tget paid for serConn., said in September it vices," she said. "We're seewon a $72 million contract ing a huge increase in need from Nevada. Neither comfor coders from insurance pany would comment on companies." how many employees they With the demand for new are adding or h ave workcoders,IT professionals and ing on the health-insurance the clinicians and t r ainers exchanges. needed to support them, the Accenture of Dublin won a shortage of workers may be $359 million contract in June more than 300,000, said Melifrom California to create its sa Bockrath, vice president, program. Americas Product Group for Maximus is among com- IT at Troy, Mich.-based Kelly panies staffing up, said Bruce Services.

Setting up exchanges

ers and elected officials are i ncreasingly hopeful t h ey

are reams of s preadsheets, creasedfrom 61 percent to 82 s pending i n c reased m o r e updated constantly, that out- percent. The share of patients slowly for t h e B l u e C r oss Continued from 01 are making headway. line how each of his patients is with c a rdiovascular c ondi- medical practicescompared " There have b een f e w "Whether this is sustain- faring, which tests they have tions managing their choles- with others. Patients were greaterperiods of change in able remains to be seen," taken and which are due. With teroljumped from 75 percent hospitalized less and u s ed American medical history, said James Roosevelt Jr., bonus payments from Blue to 89 percent. And last year, all fewer expensive services like and this is th e epicenter," president of T u fts H ealth Cross, he has hired new aides of Folch's diabetic patients suc- advanced imaging. "These said Dr. Kevin Tabb, a forPlan, one of the state's larg- and installed a new computer cessfully managed their cho- results suggest that g l obal mer chief medical officer at est insurers. "But there is s ystem to b etter t r ack h i s lesterol and had their yearly budgets with pay-for-perforStanford Hospital and Clin- a broad consensus that it patients. diabetic eye exams. mance can begin to slow un"We had to change the way "If he sees something he derlying growth i n m edical ics in Northern California makes more sense to pay for who now heads Beth Israel health care this way." we practiced," Folch said. doesn't like, he contacts me spending w h il e i m p r oving Deaconess Medical Center, The building block of the right away," said Bill Wooster, qualityof care," the researchone of Boston's leading hos- Massachusetts experiment is A'dramatic reorientation' a 59-year-old sales representa- ers concluded. It's unclear whether other pitals. "It is striking how difa contract between insurers Change has not come easily tive who began seeing Folch ferent Massachusetts is from and groups of doctors known around the state, particularly after having a s t r oke four states, especially those where the rest of the nation." as a global payment. In such for hospitals that depend on years ago. "I'm his patient, but political resistance to the naIn the last threeyears, com- contracts, physicians receive filling beds, not on keeping pa- I feel like more of a friend." tional health l a w r e m ains mercial insurers in the state a budget to care for a cohort tients healthy enough to preThose resultsare mirrored fervent, will f o llow M assahave moved nearly 1 million of patients. If doctors can vent hospitalizations. e lsewhere. S t atewide, t h e chusetts' lead on cost control. "It's a dramatic reorienta- quality of care provided by "Much of the rest of the counpatients into health plans care for their patients more that reward doctors and hos- economically, they keep a tion," said Dr. Tom Lee, an ex- physicians in a B lue Cross try is still battling over the pitals that control costs while portion of the savings. If pa- ecutive with Partners Health contract like Folch's — known meritsof covering everybody," improving quality. tient care exceeds the bud- care, the state's dominant hos- as an Alternative Quality Con- said Alan Weil, president of About 180,000 Massachu- get, they pay a penalty. pital group. tract — outpaced that of other t he National A cademy f o r setts seniors are on t rack That is supposed to enM edical p r a c tices l i k e medical providers,according State Health Policy. to get care from physicians courage physicians to keep Folch's are already making to an analysis by H a rvard I n M a ssachusetts, h o w paid this way by Medicare their patients healthier and significant strides, however. Medical School research- ever,the reforms remain very through a new initiative in- direct them t o l o wer-cost Between 2008 and 2011, the ers published in the journal popular. "This has allowed me cluded in the national health hospitals and specialists. percentage of Folch's patients Health Affairs. to be a better doctor," Folch law. And this summer, state If poorly designed, the ar- gettingrecommended colorecAlthough the cost savings said. "And it's better for my lawmakers passed legisla- rangement can create a fi- t al c a ncer s c reenings i n - w ere modest, health c a r e patients." tion aimed at moving 1.7 mil- nancial incentive to skimp on lion government employees care.That perceived problem and Medicaid recipients into undermined earlier experisimilar health plans. ments with global payments Within a few years, close and provoked a b acklash to half of the state's 6.5 mil- against managed care in the l ion residents could be in 1990s. "The m ost w i d espread a health plan that pays for medical care in a fundamen- attempts to do this failed," For the Education & Benefit of our Valued Senior Citizens tally different way. a cknowledged A ndr e w Dreyfus, president of Blue Friday, January 11, 2013 I Noon to 1:00 pm An important experiment Cross Blue Shield of MassaKEY POINTS: M assachusetts' move t o chusetts, the state's largest reshape how health care is health plan and a l eading • Computer Fraud financed is still in its infan- proponent of the new gener• Identity Theft, assess your risk cy. And the state continues ation of global payment conto have the nation's high- tracts. "There was no quality • Mi sleading Information est medical costs, spending measurement. It was really • Consumer Fraud, protect yourself nearly 50 percent more per just about dollars." • Ab use person than t h e n a tional In a k e y c h ange, Blue average. Cross now links its contracts PRESENTER: That has fueled skepticism to dozens of quality metrics f rom c o nservatives w h o that track whether patients Lt. Scott Beard, Deschutes Co. Sheriff's Office see too much government get the right screenings and involvement and from liber- exams, whether doctors and Rsvp I coNTAcT: als who say the state should hospitals prescribe the corSeating is limited. Lunch Provided with RSVP. more aggressively set medi- rect drugs — even whether "I don't see how Call Lisa H. at: 541-382-5882 cal prices. patients are satisfied with In Care we can relyon market forc- their care. That means a docOr email her at: lisamh@partnersbend.org 2075 NE Wyatt Court es," said Nancy Turnbull, as- tor who withholds care in 1 contact hour upon approval sociate dean of the Harvard hopes of saving money faces Bend, OR 97701 School of Public Health. a penalty if patients suffer or Location: Partners In Care; large conference room 541-382-5882 B ut early r e search i n are unhappy. 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend Oregon Massachusetts suggests the In Folch's suite outside www.partnersbend.org approach may be slowing Boston,these measurements health spending. And medi- have been transformational. cal providers, business leadOn a shelf in his tidy office •




e nanxie in erru sc i



Study: Depression can fade in teens This might be tough

By Jane E. Brody New York Times News Service

Is it any wonder so many children are anxious? As the recent horror in Connecticut d emonstrates, children t o day may be confronted with unthinkable realities, events that their parents and grandp arents could n ever h a v e conceived. But much of what children fear is not rooted in reality: strange noises, dark rooms, monsters under the bed. Parents often are called upon to help ease these anxieties, and the job is not easier just because they spring from the imagination. One of the most common childhood fears involves separation from parents. Separation anxiety is a normal developmental stage that typically starts around 9 months and ends at about age 3. However, for Daniel Smith, author of "Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety," the trauma of parental separation exploded at age 4 and continued through

Root of the problem

Ginsburg explained t h at childhood anxiety disorders typically result from an interaction between biology and environment. For some, like Smith, there is a strong hereditary component. His mother, Marilyn, who age 13. became a p s y chotherapist, "I would become hysteri- suffered acutely from anxical, nauseated, unable to en- ety her entire life, although joy anything whenever I was she ultimately learned how to separated from my parents," keep it under wraps most of he recalled in an interview. "I the time. had a pit in my stomach and Even without a hereditary icicles in my chest. Although i nfluence, G i n sburg s a i d , I had wanted to go to camp, "Some children are born with when my p a rents dropped a certain temperament that me off, the counselor had to increases their risk of develdrag me out of the car by my oping an a n xiety d i sorder. ankles." They may b e b e haviorally Of course,some fears are inhibited — s hyer, reticent functional, l ik e t h ose t h at a bout a p p roaching n o v el keep children from t a k i ng conditions." But only half of such risks as r unning into those children end up with an traffic or touching a hot stove. anxiety disorder, she added, But when anxiety interferes while some children who are with a child's ability to lead not inhibited do develop these a normal life — go to school, conditions. sleep at a friend'shouse, learn Ginsburg said that parental to swim or ride a bike, cross behavior also has an effect, a street — it morphs into a especially parents who "moddisorder that often warrants el" anxiety, communicating treatment. verbally or behaviorally that According to Golda Gins- something is dangerous. burg, an expert on childhood S he cited p a r ents w h o anxiety at J o hn s H o pkins are overprotectiveor overly University School of M e dicontrolling, who constantly cine, anxiety disorders affect identify dangers in the child's I in 5 U.S. children. world that are not real threats "Even though we are do- — warning a child, for i n ing a better job of identifying stance, not to touch a handanxiety disorders in children rail on a staircase because it and have effective methods is full of germs. to treat them, they are still In describing how g enes underdiagnosed and under- and behavior can i n teract, treated," Ginsburg said. Daniel Smith wrote that "a

Births Continued from 01 A St. Charles analysis of birth r a tes, Shepard s aid, shows that Central Oregon in the past five years has experienced a steeper drop than the state as a whole. While Oregon went from a birth rate of 66 per 1,000 to 60, Central Oregon slidfrom 76 per 1,000 to 61. "We actually have had a bigger drop," she said, "but we've had higher unemployment in Central Oregon." Central Oregon c ounties have experienced high unemployment during the recession. Crook County had the highest unemployment rate in the state from October 2008 through this past November, according to the Oregon Employment Department. "If you talk to the economists, it's going to be a very slow recovery," Shepard said. It wasn't that long ago that St. Charles Bend expanded its birthing center, adding 12 rooms for a total of 26. The expansion was completed in 2007. While the birthing suites at area hospitals are quieter these days, the slumping birth rate isn't at present triggering significant changes. St. Charles Health System will keep its birthing centers open in Bend and Redmond, as well as in Madras, which came under the St.Charles umbrella as of Tuesday. The hospital system closed Pioneer Memorial Hospital's birthing center in Prineville a t the end of 2009. At t h e

time, it cited a shortage of family practice physicians in the area and difficulty in recruiting new physicians. Last summer, administrators at St. Charles brought up the possibility of closing the Redmond hospital's birthing center as part of an overall, systemwide review of services provided at the organization's hospitals. D r. M i chel B o ileau, t h e system's chief clinical officer, said the idea was discussed in the context of a l a r g er overview of the future of the St. Charles system. He said system leaders recognize that such discussions are sensitive for area c ommunities and their hospitals. "We had never made a decision to do that," he said of closing the Redmondbirthing center. "It was only part of a

discussion in a much bigger context of St. Charles in a coordinated health care system,

as opposed to simply a collection of regional hospitals." He said it might become a point of discussion in the future, but it's not being talked about presently. "It's not our i n tention to move all deliveries to Bend right now," he said. St. Charles in 2005 comm issioned a r eport o n t h e birthing centers in Bend and Redmond that looked at both closing Redmond's center and expanding its services. The hospital system at the time decided against any closure and subsequently renovated the center. The number ofbabies delivered at St. Charles Redmond

She has created a "master plan" fo r h e lping children gain control over their anxiety: • E mpathize w i t h you r child. Resist the temptation to tell the child there is nothing to worry about, and instead acknowledge the child's concerns and theeffect they have. •Describe the problem as coming from "the worry brain" that jumps to conclusions and cannot be trusted. G ive worry a na m e , l i k e "brain bug." This takes the focus from the child's particular fear and makes anxiety itself the problem. • Rewire and r e sist. Ask lllustration by Yvetta Fedorova/ New York Times News Service your child what she is really worried about and what she thinks might happen. Then "Even though we are doing a better job of ask her t o c h eck w h ether these thoughts really make identifying anxiety disorders in children and Help her f in d i n ner have effective methods to treat them, they are sense. strength, the voice that tells still underdiagnosed and undertreated." worry it is not the boss. • Teach relaxation t e c h — Golda Ginsburg, expert on childhood anxiety, n iques to t emper th e b i o Johns Hopklns Unlversity School of Medlclne logical alarm to fight or flee whenever fear takes over. • Help the child focus on child registers who's raising or dysfunctional thoughts and what he wants to do and what him." actions with rational ones. he would do if worry were not " It was no t u n ti l I w a s In one multicenter study of in charge. nearly twenty, deep into my 488 childrenaged 7-17 suffer• F inally, r e i n force y o u r own way with anxiety, that ing from separation anxiety, child's efforts, praising her my mother spoke to me ex- generalized anxiety or social for getting through a tough plicitly about her anxiety and phobia, CBT and Zoloft used situation. the grief it caused her. But by individually sig n i f i cantly For those in need of prothat time she was essentially reduced the severity of anxifessional help, between 10 talking to herself. I'd become ety, but combining the two and 20 sessions of CBT can her," Smith wrote. worked even better. produce "meaningful clinical U nlike people wit h p s y improvement in 50-75 perchoses,who fear nonexistent Offering relief cent of children," Ginsburg risks l ik e m i c rophones in Tamar Chansky, a psycho- said. "Anxiety is a c h ronic their molars, "the anxious therapist who treats anxious illness that can emerge in fearactual risks: disease, dis- children and adults and wrote times of environmental crises memberment, assault, humil- a practical guide, "Freeing or change," she said. "Preiation, failure," Smith wrote. Your Child From A n x iety," vention is important. I want He describedchronic anxiety said the goal was not to put parents to be proactive rather as the "drama queen of the down children's fears but to than reactive. A minor adjustmind." Danger lurks at every help them see that their fears ment can prevent re-emergturn, no matter how remote a re unwarranted and t h at ing anxiety from interfering the odds that anything bad they canovercome them. with a child's life." actually will happen. As with adults who suffer from anxiety disorders, the most successful, scientifically validated treatment for overly anxious children is cognitive behavioral therapy (commonly called CBT), sometimes in combination with an antidepressant drug like Zoloft (sertraline). In effect, CBT reprograms the brain, using words and behavior to replace irrational •

has increased in the last few years, although that jump is attributable in part to the closure of the Prineville birthing center. The number of babies born at the Redmond center went from 261 in 2007 to 255 in 2009,and to 335 as of the end of November for 2012. In Madras, stopping deliveries isn't even something that is on the table, Boileau said. Mountain View Hospital serves mothers traveling from the far reaches of Jefferson County and the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. The distances to Redmond or Bend would be too far. I n t h e me a n t ime, S t . Charles is investing in services for expectant mothers. It recently added two more physicians to the Redmond obstetrics an d g y n ecology staff. It's also considering expanding its anesthesia services in Redmond, Boileau said. That would aid the birthing center as well as other parts of the hospital. The birthing center in Bend recently added a second operating room. Boileau said that prevents rolling an expectant mother to the hospital's main operating rooms when the birthing center room is occup>ed. At some point, albeit perhaps a way down the line, birth numbers are expected to rise again in the region. The St . C h a rles s y stem's b irthing c enters a t ti m e s serve mothers from as far away as Lakeview, John Day and Klamath Falls. — Reporter: 541-617-7828, hhagemeier@bendbulletin.com

Weekly Arts 5 EnteWainment


their children's every problem, but a study found that half of the

teenagers who screened positive for depression got better in six weeks without treatment.

Two aspects of the teenagers' conditions seemed to predict whether the depression would ease without treatment: the severity

of the symptomsand whether the symptoms persisted for six weeks, the researchers, led by

Dr. Laura Richardson of Seattle Children's Research Institute, said

in an article published this week in the journal Pediatrics.

The researchers looked at other factors,

including substance abuse, family history and abuse, but"they did not predict which

adolescents would stay depressed," Richardson, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington, said

in a statement. The issue is important because theU.S.Preventive Services Task Force

recommended in2009 screening adolescents for depression in primary care settings. Thegoal is to avoid unnecessary treatment for those with

transient symptoms. The researchers noted there's a need to figure

out which youngpeople need treatment and which just need "watchful waiting" after their

primary care provider identifies depression. — Los Angeles Times

• re r -


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Weight-control system takes measure of portion control With two-thirds of U.S. adults overweight, it's not rocket sci-

ence to conclude that wedon't haveaclueabouthow much to eat. But now there's a countertop gadget that looks a little like a kid's cooking set — perhaps not for nothing — that is meant to

help with portion control. It's called Lifesize and was created by Myles Berkowitz, who'd had it with being overweight, and trainer Stephen Kates, who says,"You have to eat less food — that's the

whole secret."

"Don't change whatyou eat; change how muchyou eat" sums up the idea behind Life-

size, a set of plastic measuring vessels marked for meats, toppings, saucy dishes andother categories of food. Six portions aday,thesameformenand women, plus a snackare allowed. Fruit and vegetables are

generally unlimited. Lifesize launched last year and is available for $79.99 online

at www.lifesizeportions.com. It

includes the containers, a chart, videos and other information.

Berkowitz, a filmmaker, was


they wanted without developing

weight problems. Berkowitz says hewas more

unhappy with his weight and his poor health when he went to see

than skeptical and thought por-

Kates, who has astudio in Santa

tion control was too complicated. But he gave it a try, making

Monica, Calif. Kates told him he didn't need to limit his consump-

clay containers to figure out the right amounts of various kinds

tion of his favorite food, ribs, to twice a year. Hecould have ribs

of food. The system worked. He

whenever he wanted; he just needed to limit the amount.



Og -;.... ILI~"=:-(

got to eat plenty of the food that he wantedand found thathewas


satisfied, and helost 46 pounds

Kates' theory was basedon decades of observing people who seemed toeat whatever

that he's kept off for five years. Kirk McKoy/ Los Angeles Times — By Mary Maellean, The Lifesize weight-control system provides portion-based Los Angeles Times measuring tools designed for different categories of food.

ettin t e nLitritiona recor strai t By Jane E. Brody New Vorlz Times News Service

Let's start the new year on scientifically sound foot-

ing by addressing some

James Edward Bates/ New York Times News Service

Sarah Kavanagh, 15, started an online petition asking for the removal of brominated vegetable oil from PepsiCo's Gatorade.

Additive Continued from 01 In fact, about 10 percent of drinks sold in the United States contain brominated vegetable oil, including Mountain Dew, also made by PepsiCo; Powerade, Fanta Orange and Fresca from Coca-Cola; and Squirt and Sunkist Peach Soda, made by the D r P e pper Snapple Group. The ingredient is added often to citrus drinks to help keep the fruit flavoring evenly distributed; without it, the flavoring would separate.

stances "generally recognized as safe" in 1970, after the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association revoked its approval of it. The group's expert panel is the primary body for evaluating the safety of flavoring substances added to food; if it rules something is "generally recognized as safe," the FDA

goes along.

John Halligan, senior adviser and generalcounsel to the organization, said that during the late 1960s and early 1970s, the expert panel was reviewing many older additives that had been grandfathered into Controversial for decades "generallyrecognized as safe" Use of the substance in the status when the federal law United States has been debated was changed. "They came to BVO and for morethan three decades, so Sarah's campaign most likely there had been some new studis quixotic. But the European ies done which weren't definiUnion has long banned the tive," he said."The panel looked substance from foods, requir- at data and said it doesn't look ing use of other ingredients. like we have an adequate daJapan recentlymoved todo the tabase here to conclude this same. substance isgenerally recogBrominated vegetable oil nized as safe, so they revoked contains bromine, the element its status." found in b r ominated flame Subsequently, Patricia Elretardants, used in things like Hinnawy, a spokeswoman for upholstered furniture and chil- the FDA, wrote in an email, the dren's products. Research has agency asked the association to found brominate flame retar- do studies on brominated vegdants building up in the body etable oil in mice, rats, dogs and and breast milk, and animal pigs. She said that the organizaand some human studies have tion made "several submissions linked them to n eurological of safety data" to the FDA while impairment, reduced fertility, those studies were going on, changes in thyroid hormones roughly from 1971 to 1974. "FDA determined that the and puberty at an earlier age. Limited studies of the effects totality of evidence supported of brominated vegetable oil in the safe use of BVO in fruitanimals and in humans found flavored beverages up to 15 buildups of bromine in fatty tis- parts per million," El-Hinnawy sues. Rats that ingested large wrote. quantities of t h e s ubstance That ruling, made in 1977, in their diets developed heart was supposed to be interim, lesions. pending more studies, but 35 Its use in foods dates to the years later it i s u nchanged. 1930s, well before Congress "Any change in the interim staamended the Food, Drug and tus of BVO would require an Cosmetic Act to add regulation expenditure of FDA's limited of new food additives to the re- resources, which is not a pubsponsibilities of the Food and lic health protection priority Drug Administration. But Con- for the agency at this time," Elgress exempted two groups of Hinnawy wrote. additives, those already sanctioned by the FDA or the Ag- 'Abysmal' testing riculture Department, or those Meanwhile, no further testexperts deemed "generally rec- ing has been done. While most ognized as safe." people have limited exposure The secondexemption creat- to brominated vegetable oil, an ed what Tom Neltner, director extensive article about it by Enof the Pew Charitable Trusts' vironmental Health News that food additives project, a three- ran in Scientific American last year investigation into how year found that video gamers food additives are regulated, and others who binge on sodas calls "the loophole that swal- and other drinks containing lowed the law." A company can the ingredient experience skin create a new additive, publish lesions, nerve disorders and safety data about it on its web- memory loss. site and pay a law firm or conMichael Jacobson, co-foundsulting firm to vet it to establish er and executive director of the it as "generally recognized as Center for Science in the Pubsafe" — without ever notifying lic Interest, said some studies the FDA, Neltner said. show that BVO collects in fatty About 10,000 chemicals are tissues, raising questions about allowed to be added to foods, what its effect might be durabout 3,000 of w h ich have ing weight loss. Jacobson, who neverbeen reviewed for safety looked intothe research on broby the FDA, according to Pew's minated vegetable oil after beresearch.Of those,about 1,000 ing asked about it by The New never even hit the FDA's radar York Times, concluded, "The screen unless someone has a testing of BVO is abysmal." problem with them; they are He said the longest studies of declared safe by a company the ingredienthe could findcovand its handpicked advisers. ered only four months, while The FDA is aware of the most food additives are usually controversy surrounding bro- tested for two years, making it minated vegetable oiL It took impossible to establish a safe the ingredient off its list of sub- level of consumption.

nutritional f a l sehoods that circulate w idely in cyberspace, locker rooms, supermarkets and health food stores. As a r e sult, m i l lions of people are squandering hard-earned dollars on questionable, even hazardous foods and supplements. F or starters, w hen d i d "chemical" become a d i rty word? That's a qu e stion raised by one of C anada's brightest scientific m i n ds: Joe Schwarcz, director of the Office for Science and Society at McGill University in Montreal. Schwarcz, who has received high h o nors from Canadian and American scientific societies, is the author of several best-selling books that attempt to set the record straight on a host of issues that commonly concern health-conscious people. I've read two of his books, "Science, Sense and N on-

sense" (published in 2009) and "The Right Chemistry" (2012), and recently attended a symposium on the science of food that Schwarcz organized at McGill. What follows are tips from his books and the symposium that can help you make wiser choices about what does, and does not, pass your lips in 2013.



Many sandwich lovers buy organic versions of their favorite processed meats to avoid potentially harmful nitrites. But many of those organic meats contain an ingredient that can produce nitrites. tives, these foods may not be protected from bacterial contamination. And despite their labels, they may contain nitrites. According to Schwarcz, organic processed meats labeled "uncured" may be preserved with highly concentrated, nitrate-rich celery juice treated with a bacterial culture that produces nitrites. If you'rereally concerned about your health, you'd be wise to steer clear of processed meats — organic,nitrite-free or otherwise. High saturated fat and salt content place them low on the nutritional totem pole.

Meat glue

Never heard of it'? You may have eaten it, especially if you dine out often. At WD-50 in Curedmeats New York, the chef, Wylie Many hea l t h-conscious Dufresne, makes his famous people avoid cured meats like shrimp noodles with the enhot dogs and bacon because zyme transglutaminase, aka the nitrites with which they meat glue. It binds protein are preserved can react with molecules, gluing t ogether naturally occurring amines small pieces of fish, meat or to form nitrosamines. Nitro- poultry. samines have produced muThe Japanese use meat glue tations in cells cultured in the to create artificial crab meat laboratory and cancer in ani- from pollock. Others use it to mals treated with very high combine lamb and scallops, doses. or to make sausages that hold As an a lternative, sand- together without casings. wich lovers often buy organic S ound f r i g htening? I t versions ofprocessed meats shouldn't. The enzyme is clasor products without added sified by the Food and Drug nitrites. Without p r eserva- A dministration a s "gener-

pay a premium for? Until th e 2 0t h c e ntury, Schwarcz wrote, all farming was "organic," with manure and compost used as fertilizer and "natural" compounds of arsenic, mercury and lead used as pesticides. Might manure used today on organic f arms c ontain

disease-causing microorganisms? Might organic produce unprotected by i nsecticides harbor cancer-causingmolds? It's a possibility, Schwarcz said. But consumers aren't

thoroughly cooked, dangerous bacteria that originally contaminated the meat could r emain v iable w i t hi n t h e fused product.

looking beyond the organic

sales pitch. Also questionable is whether organic foods, which are Trans fats certainly kinder to the enviThe removal of heart-damronment, are more nutritious. aging trans fats from pro- Though some may contain cessed foods is a much-bal- slightly higher levels of eslyhooed boon to health. But sential micronutrients, like "not all trans fats are fiends," vitamin C, the difference beSchwarcz notes. Certain ones tween them and conventioncan legally, and healthfully, ally grown crops may depend be added to dairy products, more on where they are promeal-replacement bars,soy duced than how. milk and fruit juice. A further concern: Organic The word "trans" refers to producers disavow genetic the arrangement of hydro- modification, which can be gen and carbon atoms in a used to improve a crop's nufatty acid. The trans forma- tritional c o ntent, e n hance tion linked to heart disease is resistance to pests and diformed when vegetable oils minish its need for water. A are hardened to prolong shelf genetically modified tomato life in a manufacturing pro- developed at the University of cess called hydrogenation. Exeter, for example, contains Natural trans fats, like those nearly 80 times the antioxiin meat and dairy products, dants of conventional tomatake a slightly different form, toes. Healthier, yes — but it resulting in an entirely differ- can't be called organic. ent effect on health. The most widely consumed Farmed salmon "good" trans fat is conjugated Most of the salmon conlinoleic acid, which research sumed nowadays is farmed. has shown can help weight- Even if we all could afford the consciouspeople lose fat and wild variety, there's simply gain muscle. Various stud- not enough of it to satisfy the ies have suggested that CLA, demand for this heart-healthy now widely sold as a supple- fish. ment, also can enhance imThere may be legitimate mune function and reduce concerns about possible polatherosclerosis, high b lood lutants in farmed salmon, but pressure and inflammation. one concern that is a nonissue involves that "salmon"

Organic or not?

color, produced by adding

Wherever I shop for food these days, I find an ever-widening array of food products labeled "organic" and "natural."But are consumers getting the health benefits they

astaxanthin to fish feed. This commercially made pigment is an antioxidant found naturally in algae, and it is carried up the food chain to give wild salmon its color, too.


a lly r e c ognized a s safe," and there is no r eason t o t h i n k o therwise. O u r bodies produce it to help blood clot, Schwarcz points out. W hen c o nsumed, i t breaks down like any protein into its component amino acids in our digestive tracts. There is, however, one possible indirect hazard: If gluedtogether animal protein is not




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FITNESS Stress Continued from D1

The stress response If stress is short lived — say, the adrenaline rush from a near-miss of a potential car accident — it usually serves a purpose and is not harmful. When s t r es s be c omes chronic and the body's stressresponse system is engaged for durations of time, it becomes unhealthy. C h ronic stress can stem from work, unemployment, finances, relationship problems, taking care of an elder, a loved one's death, moving or any number of other things. I n r e sponse t o str e s s — whether there's a real or perceived threat — the body secretes the hormones adrenaline and cortisol to prepare a body for the "fight or flight" response.This is often narrated in thepredator-prey scenario: Picture a zebra on the Serengeti when a hungry, predatory lion is stalking. In zebras as well as humans, stressincreases the heart rate and blood pressure, so more oxygenated blood can reach the major muscles required to fight or flee. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, can increase blood sugar, or glucose, which can be used for energy. Cortisol also dampens some biological functions that could interfere with a body's urgent "fight or flight" needs. While escaping the proverbial lion, for example, a body doesn't need to be nourishing its immune, digestiveor reproductive systems, so those systems are shut down. Zebras return to a normal physiological state once the threat of the lion is gone. "What makes humans different than zebras in Africa is that humans have imaginations," said Pam Cobbs, a chiropractorand owner of the Freedom Wellness Center in Bend. "We have the ability to keep ourselves in that stressed state when i t ' s c o mpletely unnecessary." Humans are not as frequently faced with physical threats as we are with psychological threats, said Gene Kranz, a psychologist at St. Charles Behavioral Health, "but the brain doesn't distinguish between

psychological and physical threats, so the cascade ofreaction happens regardless." Human bodies can cope with this stressed state if it takes place about 10 percent of the time, Cobbs said, but most of us exist in a state of stresscloser to 90 percent of the time.

A source of disease "Anxiety and depression are usually the first signs of chronic stress," Cobbs said. "That shows up before disease." Chronic suppression of the immune system can lead to autoimmune disorders or allergies, Kranz and others said. And c h ronically i n c reased blood pressure, or hypertension, can lead to heart disease. A recent analysis of six studies involving nearly 120,000 people found that those who perceivedthemselves as having a high level of stress had a 27 percent higher risk of deaths or of "incidents" (described as a diagnosis or hospitalization) fro m c o ronary heart disease,compared with participants who said they had a low level of stress. The study, led by Columbia University Medical Center researchers, was recently published in the American Journal of Cardiology. The researchers also found that the stressed older people in the study were more likely to have heart problems than the younger ones. The authors suggested that might be from the physiological effects of stress compounding over time. A different study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, points t o st r e ss-generated inflammation as a culprit in causing disease. The research team, ledby Sheldon Cohen, a psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University, found chronic psychological stress was associated with the body losing its ability to regulate i nflammation. C h ronic i n flammation is believed to promote theprogression of some diseases. " Inflammation i s pa r t l y regulatedby the hormone cor-


sants,chiropractic care and

massage, she's also learning

how to deep belly breathe, Oregon ranks high in health with the help of a high-tech, Oregon is not the healthiest state in the nation, but at least biofeedback monitoring proby some measures, it's far from the worst. gram called "neuroinfinity" at The 23rd annual America's Health Rankings, a state-bythe Freedom Wellness Center. state assessment of national health published by United The program helps her train Health Foundation, American Public Health Association and her brain and her body to work Partnership for Prevention, ranked Oregon as the13th healthitogether — to marry her heart est state overall this year; it was 8th in 2011. rate and her breath, both of In the category of physical activity, Oregon took fourth place. which are monitored through — Anne Aurand, TheBulletin sensors and registered on a computer screen. On a recent day, after work, she showed up at the center and first got a quick, gentle HEALTH Q&A Joe Kline/The Bulletin chiropractic treatment which Iamreadytoget making time for it. The idea A computer screen shows Jamie Colson's breathing and heart rate included a cranial sacral ad• a start on my New is to gradually integrate more from a biofeedback program at Freedom Wellness Center in Bend. justment from Pam C obbs, Year's resolutions, but I don't physical activity into your which looks like a head maswant to fall into the same trap day-to-day life so that it is sage. Then, moving into anof starting out strong and manageable, yetyields retisol, and when cortisol is not the term "mindfulness-based other room, she wrapped a belt then failing to follow through. sults. Onceyou discover how allowed to serve this function, stress reduction" over "medita- around her middle that would Any advice? much better you look and inflammation can get out of tion," because of the religious monitor the expansion of her . Robert Hopper is a feel, you'll find yourself procontrol," said Cohen in a news implications associated with belly with each inhalation. A • former swimming tecting your exercise time. Min d f u lness, heart rate monitor was taped release. Prolonged stress alters "meditation." champion andexercise • Lose yourself in the zone the effectiveness of cortisol in on the other hand, is taught in to her finger. She was instructof continuous improvement. physiologist and author of regulating the inflammatory hospitals and includes educa- ed to coordinate her breath "Stick With Exercise for a Athletes know of the addicresponse because it decreases tion and coping skills. and her heart rate with a yelLifetime: How to Enjoy Every tive power of improvement, tissue sensitivity to the horNo matter what it is called, it low ball that moved across the Minute of It!". how it keeps themgrowing mone, Cohen said. refersto being aware of one's computerscreen in an upside"Health and fitness are and getting better. Hopper Cohen's e a r l ie r work breath, physical sensations down "V." It's taken a couple of not the overt goals of this calls this the "Getting Better showed thatprolonged stress and thoughts only in the pres- weeks, but Colson has got this program; rather, theyare the Cycle," a loop that keepsyou was associated with a higher ent moment. mastered. The lines that meanatural byproducts of it," he enticed and involved in exerlikelihood of people developMeditation is often a part sure her breath and her heart says. His steps include: cising for a lifetime. ing colds when exposed to a of yoga and is also taught in rate generally match. She does • Have fun. It's all about • Win atchampionship virus. classes in Central Oregon. In- this for 10 to 15 minutes before whatyou enjoy doing, so moments. Weall know the It adds up to bad news for formal groups meet regularly getting a massage. summon your passionsin feeling — you're doing "I thought it was weird at the health of those who live to share a meditation pracchoosing lifetime activities. well and suddenlyyou're hit chronically stressed lives. tice. Research suggests that first," she admitted. As high• Get a coach. Thi nk onl y with the temptation to start Take police officers,for meditation may help for those tech as it looks, she said, it's the Michael Phelps of the slacking off on your routine. example. One study in Buffeeling stressed, anxious or basically just learning how to world have coaches? Think This is what Hopper calls the falo, N.Y., found that the daily depressed. meditate through deep belly "championshi p moment," again. Your most valuable psychological stresses associAllison Suran, a physical breathing. asset,a coachis any teacher, a term coined when he was "It's able to c onnect my ated with police work there therapist with Healing Bridge instructor or class leader coaching college athletes. put officers at significantly Physical Therapy, said deep mind to my breathing, to help who guides the development He offers four essential higher risk than the general belly breathing changes the me focus on something beof your lifelong exercise strategies for triumphing population for a host of long- blood flow in the brain. Under sides anxiety," she said. over that little voice that program. term physical an d m e ntal stress,blood goes to parts of The biofeedback practice is • Getonateam ...evenif urges you to hit the couch health effects including obe- the brain associated with im- probably about 50 percent of they don't call themselves with a bag of chips. These what's effectively lowered her sity, suicide, sleeplessness and mediate reactive responses, one. Working with a formal include the psych-up, the cancer. which could explain why a stress and anxiety, she figures. team or league, joining a self-con, mental toughness person under stress may strug- Practicing with the program class or getting involved and visualization. Individual responses to stress gle with memory or creative is training her brain how to with a group of people who • Lastly, allow room for Some people seem better thinking. Deep diaphragmatic respond to stress and how to exercise together offers com- mistakes, and don't throw equipped to handle stress than breathing will restore blood to ward off a panic attack. panionship, support and an in the towel becauseyou are "It has worked," she said. "It others. Some people might the higher centers of the brain, opportunity to socialize. having one badday. work for decades on a police the cortex, which is involved doesn't happen automatically, • Take time. Maki n g — By Majrie Gilliam, force orin emergency health with problem solving and cre- but I know I have the ability to exercise a priority means Cox Newspapers care beforefeeling any effects ativity, she said. go there when I have anxiety." of the stress. Others might Stress can d ecrease the — Reporter: 541-383-0304, crumble after a week. blood circulating to the hands, aaurandC<bendbufletinicom "For one person, the mortfeet and arms when it pushes gage is stressful for a variety blood flow in the body's core of reasons. For someone else, for self-protection, Suran said. it's not. It might be related to Deep breathing can increase resources ... their ability to that circulation back into one's communicate, exercise, reliperipheral parts and stimulate gious beliefs, their ability to the parasympatheticresponse use breathing skills and relax," system — the "rest and digest" said Kranz, the St. Charles system — and halt the "fight psychologist. or flight" response. It also depends on each inSuran teaches the impordividual's perspective, he said. tance of "just breathing," as opDo they believe they can't posed to diaphragmatic deep handle the stress, or do they belly breathing, which sounds redirect their thinking to more more complicated. What matpositive thoughts? These skills ters, she said, is paying attenare largely learned, he said, tion to the breath and the senstarting from childhood. sations within the body. "How did y our c aregiver Just two hours of weekly deal with certain situations? meditation for e ight w eeks As kids, we soak up how our may have an effecton brain caregivers handled stress," he function that lasts even when said."Ifyou see your caregiver someone is not m editating, (namely, parents) deal with according to a study funded stress by yelling and anger by the National Center for and throwing, you probably Complimentary and Alternawill, too." tive Medicine, of the National One study also suggested Institutes of M e dicine. Rethat growing up in a stressful searchers scanned the brains household may affect how a of healthy adults before and child's brain works and conafter study interventions that tribute to the youngster be- included two groups who tried coming an anxious adult. different kinds of meditation High levels of family stress and a control group that did during infancy are linked to not meditate but engaged in different brain function and s ome health education. I n increased anxiety in teenage the meditators, researchers girls, according to a long-run- observed increased activity ning study by University of in the amygdala in the brain. W isconsin-Madison sc i e n - Participants also completed tists. The study, published in questionnaireson depression Nature N euroscience, said and anxiety before and after babies who lived in h omes t heir i nterventions, and i n with self-reportedly stressed one of the meditation groups, mothers were more likely to increased amygdala activahave higher levels of cortisol tion correlated with decreased Trial Periods with in their saliva as preschool- depression. ers. Then, 14 years later, brain Other studies have said scans on these same girls mindfulness can improve psyshowed reduced connections chiatric stress and pain. Some between the amygdala — the suggest t h a t mi n d f ulness starting at and part of the brain involved with practices can reduce physioregulating emotion, memory, logical inflammation. Meditaattention and response to fear tion has been shown to reduce — and the ventromedial pre- the activity of certain proteins frontal cortex — a part of the that shape immune cell gene brain also involved with emo- expression, which is linked to tional regulation. inflammation. And both of those factors Kranz also suggested other — high cortisol levels in pre- i mportant c o m ponents o f school and d i f ferent brain stress management: positive activity as young teens — pre- self-talk, any kind of physical n dicted higher levels of anxiety activity and social support. in these girls at age 18. Worth Dealing with issues that have Helping the World Hear Better. 1' noting: Boys and men in the been avoided is also helpful study did not show these same — communicating with a co541-3S9-9690 • 141 SE 3rd St. • Bend patterns. worker who did something to Michael k. Denise offend you, for example. (Comer of 3rd k, Davis) Underwood Meditation to manage stress Colson, the B en d n u r se T he Web i s f i l l e d w i t h whose stress levels led to anxitips on how to reduce stress. ety, has taken a multifaceted Many suggest p r acticing approach to her stress man"mindfulness." agement. Along with lifestyle Many professionals prefer changes, some a n tidepres-


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'is in

Shain, a former prom king whose jobs have included col-

lecting garbage, angles for a

By Trip Gabriel New York Times News Service

date by asking, "Cara, you ever been mudding?" To its creators, the show is a good-natured romp by exuberant young people. "The show lets them do their thing, which of young people prone to fightis wild and awesomely crazy ing, swearing, careening in allat times, but it's also got a lot terrain vehicles and wallowing, of heart," said John Stevens, scantily clad, in the mud. an executive producer. He said The series, "Buckwild," will that he had no intention of mafill the MTV slot vacated by MTV via New York Times News Service ligning West Virginia, and that "Jersey Shore." Like that series, A scene from MTV's "Buckwild." Like "Jersey Shore," whose slot the show was set there by hapthe new show has aroused an- it is filling, "Buckwild" is drawing criticism for what some consider penstance. "They're just a lovger over what some consider the exploitation of stereotypes. able group of kids we found," the exploitation of broad culhe said. tural stereotypes. But here in the state capital, "It doesn't help the lousy repHe accused the show's pro- The final episode was shown and in Sissonville, a rural comutation we already have," said ducers of encouraging cast on Dec. 20. munity 15 miles north where Greg Samms, 31, a dishwasher m embers, who a r e y o u ng The tone of "Buckwild" is the show is mainly set, the on a break at the Charleston adults, to misbehave for the set by the saucy drawl of a mood was critical. Town Center Mall. eYou go sake of ratings. "You preyed on cast member that is heard in Ashley Somerville, 18, a senwest of Ohio, west of Ken- youngpeople, coaxed them into the trailer. "West Virginia is a ior at Sissonville High School, tucky — people think we're displaying shameful behavior place founded on freedom. For said none of her female friends — and now you are profiting me and my friends, that means liked what they had seen so hillbillies." Kent Carper, the president from it," Manchin wrote. "That the freedom to do whatever" far. Seated at lunch with her of the Kanawha County Com- is just wrong." we want, she says, adding an boyfriend at Tudor's Biscuit mission here, said dryly, "Some MTVdeclinedtomake Fried- expletive. World on Sissonville's main folks in West Virginia wear man available to comment, and The trailer cuts to shots of road, which is lined with fastshoes, believe it or not." the series is set to begin tonight a young woman throwing a food outlets and dollar stores, Based on a tw o - m inute at 10. drink can at another's face, a Somerville said, "That's not trailer and other snippets that West Virginia officials are young man running nude, and how girls act." The "reality" of the series MTV has released online, Sen. well aware that in condemning a fiery explosion.There are Joe Manchin III, D-WVa., la- the show they risk increasing crude stunts involving earth- is open to question. Melissa beled the show a " travesty" its chances of gaining viewers. moving equipment, body lick- Whitman, who lives with her and called on MTV to cancel From the time it began in ing and necking. family across the street from a "I have this rule," says one house that MTV rented for four it. "This show plays to ugly, 2009, "Jersey Shore" was also inaccurate stereotypes about attacked f o r per p etuating young woman in the nine- of the women in the cast, said the people of West Virginia," stereotypes — in its case, of member cast. "If a guy can't she observed careful staging Manchin wrote in a letter last Italian-Americans. rotate my tires and change my of scenes. For a scene in which month to Stephen Friedman, The show became a huge hit oil at least, we're just not going a neighbor complains about a MTV's president. and a defining series for MTV. to work." noisy party, Whitman said, "I CHARLESTON, WVa. — Even though it has yet to be broadcast, a reality TV series set in this corner of Appalachia has created a stir for its portrait

at er-son reconciiation sta s out

saw one of the crew talk to the lady, tell her exactly what they wanted her to do, then they filmed it over and over until they got it exactly the way they wanted." The Kanawha County prosecutor'soffice ha s a more serious concern. It is investigating whether producers gave alcohol to underage cast members, a misdemeanor punishable by up to 10 days in jail. An MTV spokesman, Jake Urbanski, said the network had a strict policy against providing alcohol to cast members of its shows. Stevens, the producer, said that no alcohol was offered during the making of "Buckwild." One cast member, Ashley Witt, 20, said she and the others had been told not to speak with the news media. "I'm not allowed to make comments on

anything," she said. But her mother, Violet Meadows, opened the door of the small home on a steep slope in Sissonville where Witt grew up before recently moving away. Meadows said people she did not know had attacked her on Facebook as a poor parent. Her daughter, she said, "is a wonderful young person," and "Buckwild" accurately depicts how she and her friends blow off steam. "The kids inthis area, they're from the country, they go mudding, they build bonfires, they hunt, they swim in the river," she said.

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional feefor 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. I

Dear Abby:I cut my father out of my lifeyears ago, after he declared he could not support my decision to adopt three children from a Russian orphanage with my longtime companion. The adoption announcement coincided with my " coming o u t " to Dad, who is now • EAR married to his third wife. It must have been a lot for him to take in at one time. He told me plainly that he could not support my decision because he could not "understand" it. He has never met our children, and does not acknowledge them as his grandchildren. This year on Father's Day, I sent him a card and he replied by email that he was glad to hear from me and he hoped for a reconciliation, but was not sure how to go about it. I responded by email that I was cautiously optimistic that we could reignite a respectful relationship. I haven't heardbackfrom him and I suspect it's because he saw that I had changed my last name from his to my husband's, a decision I made after our marriage. My father was not aware that I had gotten married. I think I have overwhelmed him

again. Please advise me on how to

of it long distance except for the last proceed. two years. — Prodigal Son in California I couldn't understand her change Dear Son:Call your father, tell him of heart, and I tried with all my you love him and that you would like might to find some middle ground. to schedule a visit with him — but After getting no reason for calling would liketo send him off the wedding, I began texting her some reading materi- foran answer, only to be arrested for al before you do. Then cyberstalking. I know in my heart contact PFLAG (Par- from letters sent back and forth that ents, Families and this wasn't Claudette's idea, but I Friends of Lesbians can't let go. I know she's the one for and Gays). The phone m e. We made great a couple,buther number is202-467-8180 and you'll mother couldn't stand the fact that find them on the Internet at www. w e were so close. How do I let her


pflag.org. They will be happy to pro- goo vide you with literature for your dad to help him "understand." Whether your name change overwhelmed him or not is irrelevant. The ball is now in your court, so if you want tohave a hope of a relationship with your father, YOU will have tomake the next move. Dear Abby:Two years ago, I proposed to the woman who changed me for the better. I love her with all my heart, but after we had been en-

gaged for only four days everything came to a stop. Her mother was against the marriage, and my fiancee wasn't strong enough to follow her heart. We had been in a relationship for more than nine years, most

— Grieving in Florida Dear Grieving: You may not believe this, but you're a lucky man. It may take the help of a psychologist for you to disengage emotionally and move on. Given that you wound up in trouble with the law, this would be a wise decision. It might also help to envision what it would have been like being married not only to Claudette, but also to her mother — because they appear to be joined at the hip, and the part that's doing the thinking isn't your former fiancee. This may be the reason that her first marriage failed. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:W ORLDS AWAY (PG)1:40 • CIRQUE DU SOLEIL:WORLDSAWAY3-D (PG) 11:15a.m., 4:30, 6:50, 9: IO • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 10:50 a.m., 12:35, 2:30, 4:10, 6:05, 7:45, 9:40 • THE GUILTTRIP(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 1:45,4:25, 6:55, 9:35 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) 10:40 a.m., 6:20, 10 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)10:35 a.m., 2:15, 6:15, 9:55 • THEHOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 2:25, 6:25, 10:05 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3) 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, IO: I5 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2, 4, 6, 7:30, 9:30 • LIFE OF PI (PG)3:25 • LIFE OF Pl3-0 (PG) 11:05 a.m., 7, 10:05 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:10 a.m., 2:30, 6,9:20 • MONSTERS,INC.(G) 1:25 • MONSTERS,INC.3-D (G)11a.m., 3:45, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 10:55 a.m., 1:50, 4:40, 7:15, 10:20 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)1:05, 3:35 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 6:10, 9:25 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:45, 3:50, 6:55, I0: I0 •THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PGI3) 2:20 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. i




THURSDAY, JAN. 3, 2013:This year you can bevery practical one moment, and then unexpectedly switch to being idealistic. When dealing with certain people, you often tend to find that one-onone relating can Stars showthe kind push you over the of day you'll have ed ge. Be careful ** * * * D ynamic if you sense ** * * P ositive yo ur frustration ** * A verage bui l ding. If you ** So-so are single, your * Difficult diverse personality attracts many potential suitors; they find you exciting. If you are attached, your sweetie will have the experience of not knowing for sure which side of you he orshewill encounter. Don't worry — this seesaw behavior will be short-lived. LIBRA is the ultimate romantic. ARIES (March 21-April19) ** * You have a lot to accomplish. Many of you will be dealing with backed-up email andotherrequests.Adelayed message or package will surprise you. Newsand/or information might draw a strong reaction because of avital fact that is left out. Tonight: Say "yes" to an offer.


SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)

does not sound right. You'll revitalize and feel much more like yourself. Tonight: Lighten up the moment.

** * * Don't just think about whatyou want — take action toward that result. No one else can readyour mind or do this for you. You might be surprised at how newscould tosswhatseemed to bea well-organized plan into chaos. Tonight: Consider getting some extra Rand R.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21)

By Jacqueline Bigar

** * * M ake an effort to reach out to someone who might needyour attention. A boss or older family member continues to act erratically, as he orshe often throws you a curveball. You canonly duck so many times. Consider alternatives. Tonight: Straighten out a misunderstanding.

** * * C onsider taking a different approachwhen dealing with someoneyou believe to be rather shifty yet important to your life. Your sense of humor will help you handle the situation. Do not let anyone interfere with your plans. Tonight: Finally, some easy time with friends.

LEO (July23-Aug. 22)

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19)

** * * You could be feeling drained and atyour wits'end. You might not be sure what to do with a loved onewho seemsto be acting as if there is no tomorrow. A oneon-one discussion could reveal an unusual or surprising outlook. Allow more giveand-take. Tonight: In the whirlwind of living.

** * * You might be open to change, if you could just understand the reason for it. Should you feel as if you arebeing manipulated, you aremaking too much of the situation. The unexpected remains a theme. Keepthat in mind in your dealings. Tonight: Burn the midnight oil.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 10)

** * * Afamily member makes it clear that he or shewants your time. Youcan handle this request, but it might involve a postponementofplans.The unexpected TAURUS (April20-May20) keeps tossing your day into chaos. Donot ** * * Your ingenuity helps prevent what could be a problem. While others scramble overspend; instead, opt for a shortcut. Tonight: Deal with a financial matter. to put a situation together, you'll figure out a LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) new solution or procedure. Becareful not to miss an important fact or step. Tonight: Off ** * Stand back and say little right now, as muchisgoing on behindthe scenes. to the gym or squeeze in a walk. You might want to observe rather than act. GEMINI (May21-June20) You'll learn much moreabout the people ** * * L eaving your cocoon could take a around you as aresult. Tonight: Once more, major effort, but you will have somehelp. a close associate's actions stop you in your A meeting or forthcoming news could jolt tracks. you into action. Something you hear simply

** * Be forthright in your dealings. You might not know which wayto go with someone's request. It might not make a difference, either. This person is so driven thatyour mere presence could be an obstacle right now. Getout of the way. Tonight: Followthe music.

PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * Defer to others, but makesure that you are not being held responsible for their choices. Atrusted partner whispers in your ear, and you finally will get the full story. Tonight: Have dinner, and chat with friends and loved ones. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate

5:30 p.m. onESPN,"2013 Tostitos FiestaBowl" — University of Phoenix Stadium is the scene as the Oregon Ducks take on the Kansas State Wildcats in the Fiesta Bowl. Both teams had their sights on the national title game twomonths ago,buton Nov. 17 they lost their first and onlygames oftheseasonwhen Stanford beat Oregon and Baylor trounced K-State. The Wildcats' Heisman finalist quarterback Collin Klein and Oregon's unusual uniforms should at least make for an entertaining consolation game. 8 p.m. on f3, "The BigBang Theory" —Here's a sentence you probably never thought you'd read: Sheldon (Jim Parsons) is accusedofsexualharassment. Not only that, he gets Leonard, Raj and Howard (Johnny Galecki, Kunal Nayyar, Simon Helberg) in hot water in the process in the new episode "The EggSalad Equivalency." 8:31 p.m. onE3, "Two anda Half Mon" —Alan (Jon Cryer) makes an investment in Kate's (Brooke D'Orsay) fashion line — using Walden's (Ashton Kutcher) money — while Walden starts to feel the strain of living a double life in the new episode "Welcome to Alancrest." 9:31 p.m. on H 53, "Parks and Recreation" —Jonathan Banksand Glenne Headly guest star as Ben's (Adam Scott) divorced parents, who are about to meet a very nervous Leslie (Amy Poehler) for the first time. Jean-Ralphio (Ben Schwartz) helps Tom (Aziz Ansari) prepare his business pitch for Ron (Nick Offerman). Chris (Rob Lowe) deals with complicated emotions in "Ben's Parents." 10 p.m. onBRAVO, "Kathy Griffin: KennedieCenter On-Hers" — In this new comedy special, Kathy Griffin discusses her uniquely inappropriate encounters with celebrities ranging from Miley Cyrus to Celine Dion while bringing her audienceuptodate on "The Real Couples Therapy Beyond Scared Housewives."

10:01 p.m. onE3, "Elementary" — Sherlock and Joan (Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu) investigate the death of a luxury hotel's general manager whose body is found inside a machine in the facility's laundry. AsJoan'sassignment with Sherlock is about to end, he offers her an apprenticeship so they can continue to work together in the new episode "Dirty Laundry." ©Zap2it


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Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ANNA KARENINA (R) 3:15, 6:45 • ARGO (R) 11:45 a.m., 3, 7:15 • HITCHCOCK (PG-13) 12:15 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:30, 6 • A ROYAL AFFAIR (R) 2:45 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:45, 6:30 • SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 5:35 I




McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • WRECK-ITRALPH(PG) 11 a.m., 2 • TheFiestaBowlscreens at530 (doors openat4:30) tonight. • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than 2f mayattend screenings before 7pm. ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • GREGORYCREWDSON: BRIEFENCOUNTERS (noM PAA rating) 3:30 • HOLYMOTORS(no MPAArating) 6 • SAMSARA (PG-13) 8:30 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54'I -548-8777 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 12:30, 3:45, 7:15 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7:05 • JACKREACHER(PG-13) 1:15,4:15, 7:15 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45

Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt,541-549-8800 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2:30,6 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 3:30, 6:30 • LES MISERABLES (PG- I3) 2:45, 6:15 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG) 2:I5,4:30,7 ri

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Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R) I:30,4:50,8:20 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) I2:50, 4:30, 8:10 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 1:20, 4, 6:40, 9:20 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG) I2:35,2:50,5:05,7:20,9:40 • THIS IS 40(R) 1:10, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 •

4' b m

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 3:20, 7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 4, 7:10 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibi/ity.



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8th Street Artisans Wanted- paying cash DRY JUNIPER $185/ for Hi-fi audio 8 stu- split, or $165 rounds Saturday Market ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 -Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - ExerciseEquipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health andBeautyItems 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, StereoandVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 -Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools

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10 a.m. -4 p.m. 1036 NE 8th St., Bend behind 7-11 store.

Shih-Mas and Dachshund babies, beautiful puppies, $350 & $300. delivered part way 541-530-9490 charley2901Ogmail.com

Support local craftsmen! 541-977-1737 246

Guns, Hunting & Fishing

dio equip. Mclntosh, J BL, Marantz, D y naco, Heathkit, Sansui, Carver, NAD, etc. Call 541-261-1808

per cord. Delivered.

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Farm Equipment & Machinery


286 2005 John Deere On a classified ad Gardening Supplies Sales Northeast Bend 790 tractor w/box go to • & E q uipment MorePixat Bendbulletin.com blade, loader, for all firearms & www.bendbulletin.com quick-connect forks, Siamese kittens, raised ammo. 541-526-0617 to view additional ** FREE ** only 143 hrs, in home. Gorgeous! photos of the item. For newspaper Bersa 22LR semi-auto only $15. 541-977-7019 $12,500. Garage Sale Kit delivery, call the pistol, ammo & case, 263 Circulation Dept. at Place an ad in The Wolf-Husky pups, $325; $200. 541-647-8931 541-350-3921 541-385-5800 Bulletin for your gapure Sibenan Husky pup, Blaser Tactical 2 .338 Tools To place an ad, call rage sale and re$400. 541-977-7019 Lapua, Mint less than 541-385-5809 ceive a Garage Sale Bill-Jax 5-ft 8 3-ft scafYorkie AKC pups, small, 100 rounds fired. or email Kit FREE! ready now! Health guar., With M u zzle b r e ak,fold sets, 10-ft aluminum classifiednbgbdbulletin.com p l ywood s c affold shots, potty training, pixs Leopold Mark 4 LR/T 8 KIT INCLUDES: avail,$650. 541-777-7743 4.5-14 Scope 8 Mark boards, casters, levelers The Bulletin • 4 Garage Sale Signs SererngCentral Oregon since igOS 4 Tactical Rings. Over 8 braces, nice set, paid • $2.00 Off Coupon To Yorkie, beautiful 5 year $ 5,000 Inve s t ed $3600, asking $2000. Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, Use Toward Your old female, needs lots of $3,700 Call 541-350-3921 Next Ad virtually new, less than 5 SUPER TOP SOIL love 8 space to run, $600 541-504-3386 www.hesghe sotlandbarkidbm • 10 Tips For "Garage hrs. $7500 new; asking firm. 541-460-3884 New Accuset 2" brad Screened, soil & com- Sale Success!" $5000. 541-421-3222 CASH!! nailer $50 post m i x ed , no 210 For Guns, Ammo 8 541-447-0317 Call The Bulletin At rocks/clods. High huReloading Supplies. Furniture & Appliances 541-385-5809 PICK UP YOUR mus level, exc. f or 541-408-6900. 265 flower beds, lawns, GARAGE SALE KIT at Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Colt SP1 AR15, manuf'd 1777 SW Chandler gardens, straight Building Materials A1 Washers&Dryers 1968, low ser no's $2500 At: www.bendbulletin.com s creened to p s o i l . Ave., Bend, OR 97702 $150 ea. Full warobo.Other Mil. rifles; call Bark. Clean fill. DeREDMOND Habitat ranty. Free Del. Also for list. 541-410-2225 Thc Bulletin liver/you haul. wanted, used W/D's RESTORE Hay, Grain & Feed 541-548-3949. 208 541-280-7355 OREGON'S LARGEST Building Supply Resale GUN & KNIFE SHOW Quality at Wanted: Irrigated farm Pets 8 Supplies Jan.5&6, LOW PRICES ground, under pivot irg Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 1242 S. Hwy 97 Sales Other Areasg riq a tion, i n Ce n tral Adult companion cats • Lo s t 8 Found ADM: $10.00 541-548-1406 OR. 541-419-2713 FREE to seniors, disPortland Expo Center Open to the public. LOST: D bl . s t r and abled 8 veterans! Tame, Dgvlun NOTICE 358 1-5 Exit 306B altered, shots, ID chip, pearl bracelet, senVisit our HUGE Remember to remove For Info: 503-363-9564 Farmers Column more. Will always take timental, 12/24. Re266 home decor your Garage Sale signs www.wesknodelgunback if c i rcumstances ward! 541-760-6150 store. (nails, staples, etc.) Heating & Stoves shows.com change. 389-8420. Visit HAVANESE p u p pies consignment 10X20 STORAGE New items after your Sale event Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, AKC, Hypoallergenic BUILDINGS Wanted: Collector arrive daily! is over! THANKS! NOTICE TO info: www.craftcats.org. & N on-Shed, U T D for protecting hay, seeks high quality 930 SE Textron, From The Bulletin / Want to Buy or Rent ADVERTISER fishing items. firewood, livestock Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, shots/wormer, $850. Bend 541-318-1501 and your local utility Since September 29, etc. $1496 Installed. Call 541-678-5753, or Wanted: $Cash paid for all colors, starting at Call 541-460-1277. www.redeuxbend.com companies. 1991, advertising for 541-617-1133. 503-351-2746 vintage costume jew- $250. Parents on site. ~po used woodstoves has CCB ¹t 73684. elry. Top dollar paid for Call 541-598-5314, GENERATE SOME ex- Winchester 12g M 101 been limited to mod- LOST little black female The Bulletin M ore P jxal e t tixj j l f l e tj n co m kfjbuildersOykwc.net Gold/Silver.l buy by the 541-788-7799 citement i n your 0/U shotgun, Waterfowl els which have been dog (Schipperke), went Estate, Honest Artist Special Ed., adj chokes, c ertified by the O r - missing Mon 12/31 O www.bendbulletin.com Wanted: Irrigated farm neighborhood! Plan a Barn/shop cats FREE, Elizabeth,541-633-7006 garage sale and don't $1250. 541-647-8931 egon Department of 9pm near NW Portland 8 ground, under pivot irsome tame, some not. Environmental Qual- Awbrey Rd 707-292-2335 rigation, i n C e n tral WANTED: Tobacco forget to advertise in Winchester 20g Model We d eliver! F i xed, Take care of OR. 541-419-2713 classified! pipes - Briars, Meer1200 pump shotgun, ity (DEQ) and the fedshots. 541-389-8420 Labradoodles Mini & 541-385-5809. eral E n v ironmentalLost Pekingese, 11 yr old shaums and smoking $200. 541-647-8931 your investments med size, several colors accessories. Protection A g e ncymale, b ronde w/black Want to impress the 541-504-2662 Ottoman, loveseat and WANTED: RAZORSface, 12/23 on Tumalo (EPA) as having met relatives? Remodel Find exactly what with the help from www.alpen-ridge.com couch, tan, new! $500 Gillette, Gem, Schick, Rd. 541-408-3289 smoke emission stanyour home with the you are looking for in the obo. 541-408-8611 etc. Shaving mugs dards. A cer t ified Maremma Guard Dog The Buiietin's help of a professional Lost tan male Chihuaand accessories. CLASSIFIEDS w oodstove may b e pups, purebred, great Washer/dryer HD front Fair prices paid. h from The Bulletin's identified by its certifi- hua since 12/27, off "Call A Service d ogs, $ 30 0 e a c h , load stackable option, Dustin/Burgess in Call 541-390-7029 Boxer/English Bulldog 541-546-6171. 255 cation label, which is "Call A Service $200. 541-410-4112. between 10 am-3 pm. (Vaney Bulldog) puppies, permanently attached L aPine $ 1 0 0 0 r e - Professional" Directory Professional" Directory Computers Norwich Terriers, AKC. 'o,bi o i & ward. 541-410-8295 K CR C~ Washer/dryer Whirlpool to the stove. The Bulfawns, 1st shots. $900. Rare! Only 2 females left. stack, Irg. cap., many T HE B U LLETIN r e - letin will no t k n owDelivery available. Items for Free 541-325-3376 options, works great! ingly accept advertis$2000. 541-487-4511 or $350. 541-416-0296 quires computer ad8 s o m e k ittens sharonm@peak.org regon vertisers with multiple i ng for the s ale o f 32" JVC TV, great pic- Cats uncertified roun ADwILLREcEIYEcLosE To 2,00A000 thru rescue group. People Look for Information ad schedules or those woodstoves. ture, w/remote, FREE! avail. Classified Pet Carrier, Large, EXPOSURESFORONLY $2SO! selling multiple sysYou haul. 541-330-5683 Tame, shots, altered, ID About Products and $50. chip, more. Sat/Sun 1-5; tems/ software, to disAdvertising Ontot Classrfirgadrr I srag grina t rsa srnrrr %hr Oegot graspagr pabgsarrsAsrsrral os 541-447-0317 Services Every Daythrough call re : o t her d ays. 267 close the name of the Weekof December 31, 2072 541-598Network 5488, POODLE PUPS, AKC The SulletinClassiifeds business or the term Fuel & Wood Pets 8 Supplies 389-8420. Map, photos 8 toys. Small, friendly, 8 "dealer" in their ads. info at www.craftcats.org, loving! 541-475-3889 Private party advertisThe Bulletin The Bulletin recomWHEN BUYING recommends extra ers are defined as Serving Central Oregon since 1903 POODLE, Toy, 4 mo. mends extra caution I oa i • ne. p. those who sell one FIREWOOD... old male. Very social! 541-3S5-5S09 when purc h aschasing products or • computer. To avoid fraud, $300. 541-520-7259 ing products or serservices from out of I The Bulletin vices from out of the the area. Sending y Queensland Heelers recommends payarea. Sending cash, Musical Instruments standard & mini,$150 & cash, checks, or ment for Firewood checks, or credit in- Chihuahua Pups, asup. 541-280-1537 l credit i n f o rmation n only upon delivery f ormation may b e sorted colors, teacup, rightwayranch.wordmay be subjected to 1923 Chickering 5'6 DIVORCE$155. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, and inspection. subjected to fraud. 1st shots, w ormed, Baby Grand, beautiful press.com l FRAUD. For more • A cord is 128 cu. ft. property andbills division. Nocourt appearances. Divorcedin1-5 weekspossible. For more i nforma- $250, 541-977-0035 information about an s tone & action, $3000. 4' x 4' x 8' Save/donate your de503-772 -5295.Iegalalt@msn.com. tion about an adver541-504-4416 advertiser, you may l • Receipts should posit bottles/cans to lo- e call the tiser, you may call Or e gon e 260 include name, cal all volunteer, non- ' State the O r egon State Att or n ey ' profit animal rescue, to phone, price and Attorney General's Misc. Items l General's O f f i ce help with cat spay/neuter kind of wood purOffice C o n sumer Protec- • costs 8 other vet bills. Consumer chased. Protection hotline at Bend's Indoor Swap DRIVER: $0.01 increaseper mileafter 6 months and 12 months. Ghooseyour t ion ho t l in e at I CRAFT's Cans for 1-877-877-9392. Meet - A Mini-Mall full • Firewood ads DACHSHUND PUPS See hometime.$0.03Quarterly Bonus.Requires3monthsrecentexperience. 800-414-9569 l 1-877-877-9392. Cats trailer at: Jake's MUST include speof Unique Treasures! AKC mini longhaired Diner, 2210 E Hwy. 20, cies and cost per www.drivekriight.com The Bulletin 3rd St. 8 Wilson Ave. 8M $500 gxF$600 Sewing Central Oregon srnre t903 Bend, thru 12/31. Petco, cord to better serve 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. 541 -598-741 7 by Applebee's, Bend, our customers. DRIVERS:ExperiencedD!Ivers-$1,000Sign-onBonus! ExcellentRegionalTruckload 1/1-1/14. Eagle Crest O Buying Diamonds BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! Opportunities inYourArea! BeHomeEvery Week. RunUpto 2,000miles/week. private clubhouse, /Gofd for Cash The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are 1 /1 5-1/28. Donate O The Bulletin Sen ng Central Oregon ance tggs www.driveffe.com866-333-1021 Saxon's Fine Jewelers still over 2,000 folks in our community without Smith Sign, 2nd/Olney, 541-389-6655 permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift open hrs. M-F; or at TuDRIVERS:GOR DON TRUCKING- CDL-A Drivers Needed! Dedicatedand OTR camps, getting by as best they can. BUYING malo sanctuary anytime. 1 cord dry, split Juniper, Positions Now Open! $1000 Sign on Bonus. Consistent Miles, Time Off! The following items are badly needed to www.craftcats.org, Face- Comm. plates (6) Wil- Lionel/American Flyer $190/cord. Multi-cord liamsport F o u ndry, trains, accessories. help them get through the winter: book, 541-389-8420. Full Benefits, 401k,FOE,Recruiters Available 7days/week! 866-435-8590 discounts, 8 t/gcords $85. 541-617-5771 541-408-2191. available. Immediate @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ Need to get an New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. The Bulletin reserves BUYING & S ELLING delivery! 541-408-6193 a/ / / e WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. ad in ASAP? the right to publish all All gold jewelry, silver AH Year Dependable and gold coins, bars, ads from The Bulletin You can place it PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Sp lit, Del. SAWMILLS from only $3997.00. MAKE 8 SAVE MONEYwith your newspaper onto The rounds, wedding sets, Firewood: THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER online at: Lod g epole, class rings, sterling sil- Bend. Bulletin Internet webown bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. ver, coin collect, vin- Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 www.bendbulletin.com site. For Special pick up please call tage watches, dental for $350. Cash, Check FREEinfo/DVD:www.NorwoodSawmills.com, 800-578-1363 ext. 300N. Ken @ 541-389-3296 gold. Bill Fl e ming, or Credit Card OK. The Bulletin 541-385-5809 PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Serving Centrat Oregon since lgog 541-382-9419. 541-420-3484.

~ OO

Bend local pays CASH!!

RB Bztfc


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EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools and Training 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - Employment Opportunities 486 - Independent Positions

FINANCEANO BUSINESS 507- Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528- Loans and Mortgages 543- Stocks and Bonds 558- Business Investments 573- Business Opportunities



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Employment Opportunities


Roommate Wanted

WARNING Share cozymobile home The Bulletin recomin Terrebonne, $275+ t/a mends you use cau- utils. 503-679-7496 tion when you pro630 vide personal information to compaRooms for Rent nies offering loans or credit, especially A q uiet r o o m n e a r those asking for addowntown 8 College. vance loan fees or No smoking or drugs. companies from out of $350 incl. util. $100 state. If you have dep. 541-815-9938

concerns or ques-

tions, we suggest you Studios & Kitchenettes consult your attorney Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. or call CONSUMER Utils & l inens. New HOTLINE, owners. $145-$165/wk 1-877-877-9392. 541-382-1885

PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday.

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Loans & Mortgages

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

Look at: 634 Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of AptiMultiplex NE Bend Area Real Estate for Sale e GREAT WINTER 8 BANK TURNED YOU DEAL! DOWN? Private party 2 bdrm, 1 bath, will loan on real es- $530 & $540 w/lease. tate equity. Credit, no Carports included! problem good equity FOX HOLLOW APTS. is all you need. Call (541) 383-3152 now. Oregon Land Cascade Rental Mortgage 388-4200. Management. Co. LOCAL MONEY:We buy 636 secured trustdeeds 8 note,some hard money Apt./Multiplex NW Bend loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13. Nice, quiet, upper level 2 Bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, 573 W/S/G/cable pd, laundry Business Opportunities facils. $650mo $500 dep. No smkg. 541-383-2430

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbuHetin.com FIND YOUR FUTURE HOME INTHE BULLETIN

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0 DEHRM@ •


682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 748


Northeast Bend Homes


Sweetest 4 bdrm, 2 bath Nice flat lot in Terrebin Bend! 1635 sq ft, great onne, .56 a c res, neighborhood, lovingly p aved s t reet, a p upgraded for 7 years. proved fo r ca p -fill O pen f l oorplan, R V septic, utilities are at parking, garden, hot tub, the lot line. $42,000. & so much more. For MLS 3 2 0 12001172 details & photos go to Pam Lester, Principal 732 www.tangocreekhome.com B roker, Century 2 1 Commercial/Investment Gold Country Realty, 750 Call a Pro Properties for Sale Inc. 541-504-1338 Redmond Homes Whether you need a The Bulletin Prime Hwy 97 commerfence fixed, hedges To Subscribe call cial updated in 2006, NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., 541-385-5800 or go to trimmed or a house 850 sq.ft., plenty of parking in rear, cen- triple garage, office, www.bendbulletin.com built, you'll find tral a i r . $1 0 9,900. bay f ront w i ndow, professional help in MLS ¹ 201 0 03034 large patio, mature The Highlands at BroThe Bulletin's "Call a Pam Lester, Principal landscaping, fenced ken top, 10 a cres, yard. $128,000. MLS gated, private well, B roker, Century 2 1 Service Professional" 201207127 Gold Country Realty, utilities at lot, app for Directory Pam Lester, Principal cap-fill septic. Inc. 541-504-1338 B roker, Century 2 1 541-385-5809 $535,000. MLS Gold Country Realty, ¹ 201200937. Pam 745 Inc. 541-504-1338 Lester, Principal BroSmall studio close to liHomes for Sale ker, Century 21 Gold brary, all util. pd. $550, Country Realty, Inc. $525 dep. No pets/ BANK OWNED HOMES! 541-504-1338 smoking. 541-330FREE List w/Pics! 9769 or 541-480-7870 www.BendRepos.com a



bend and beyond real estate 20967 yeoman, bend or



Apt./Multiplex Redmond Seller Financing Avail! Not Bank-ownedYour future is just a page Get your 0 0 Not a Short Sale! CHECK YOUR AD bdrm, 1 bath duplex away. Whetheryou're looking 2 unit, 11185 Desert Sky Lp. Please check your ad $550 mo.+ $635 business for a hat or aplace to hangit, 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,350 sq. on the first day it runs d ep. 1326 SW O bAUTOMOTIVE The Bulletin Classified is ft., 1-level home in desir- to make sure it is cors idian, Avail Feb. 1 . The Bulletin your best source. Ridge at E agle rect. Sometimes in541-728-6421. 4 :ROW I N G able ROBBERSON I Recommends extra Crest Resort. Beautiful s tructions over t h e Every daythousands of caution when purfully furnished home with phone are misunder658 buyers andsellers of goods chasing products or I with an ad in hot tub & gas fireplace. stood and an e rror and services dobusiness in Robberson Ford is ex- services from out of • Houses for Rent Move-In ready! $179,900 can occur in your ad. The Bulletin's these pages. Theyknow 421 panding service de- l the area. Sending Redmond Call Peter for more "Call A Service If this happens to your partments at both Bend c ash, c hecks, o r you can't beat The Bul l etin Schools & Training into at 541-419-5391 ad, please contact us and Prineville locations. l credit i n f o rmation Classified Section for Professional" 2326 sq.ft. deluxe www.gorillacapital.com the first day your ad Accepting applications l may be subjected to selection andconvenience Newer Oregon Medical TrainThe Bulletin is your home, 3/3, gas fireDirectory now for a n e x peri- FRAUD. - every item isjust a phone appears and we will ing PCS - Phlebotomy Need help fixing stuff? place, 7500' lot, fenced be happy to fix it as enced full time Employment call away. For more i nformaclasses begin Jan. 7, yard, 1655 SW SaraCall A Service Professional s oon a s w e ca n . 2013. Registration now Service Technician tion about an adversoda Ct. $ 1195/mo. NOTICE The Classified Section is find the help you need. Deadlines are: WeekTop pay and full ben- l tiser, you may call Marketplace * 0: ~ * "* 541-350-2206 easy to use. Every item All real estate adver- www.bendbulletin.com days 11:00 noon for medicaltrainin .com efits are offered. the Oregon State tised here in is subi s categorized and every next day, Sat. 11:00 541-343-3100 Email resume to: Call l Attorney General's 687 caitegory is indexed onthe ject to t h e F e deral serviceorobberson.com Office a.m. for Sunday and C o n sumer x Looking for your next F air H o using A c t , section's front page. TRUCK SCHOOL Commercial for or apply in person at Monday. Protection hotline at l 5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9 emp/oyee? which makes it illegal www.llTR.net Robberson Ford, ask I 1-877-877-9392. Rent/Lease 541-385-5809 Whether you are looking for Place a Bulletin help to advertise any prefRedmond Campus for Duane Thank you! a home or need aservice, wanted ad today and to advertise. erence, limitation or Student Loans/Job 2100 N.E. 3rd Street, LTlaeBXilletttT The Bulletin Classified your future is in thepagesof Spectrum professional discrimination based reach over 60,000 Waiting Toll Free Bend, OR 97701. building, 3 5 0 ' -500', The Bulletin Classified. readers each week. race, color, reli1-888-387-9252 Robberson Ford is a www.bendbulletin.com $1.00 per ft. total. No on Your classified ad drug-free workplace. gion, sex, handicap, 775 N NN. C a l l And y , will also appear on 476 The Bulletin familial status or naEOE. TURN THE PAGE 5en ag centva orevansmce i903 541-385-6732. Manufactured/ bendbulletin.com tional origin, or intenhttp://www.robberson. Employment For More Ads which currently reMobile Homes com/employment/ tion to make any such Serving Central Oregon since 1903 Opportunities ceives over index.htm preferences, l i m itaThe Bulletin Independent Contractor 1.5 million page Mobile home for sale by tions or discrimination. views every month owner, in a park, $6000. We will not knowingly CAUTION READERS: at no extra cost. Terms available. DO YOU NEED accept any advertis* Supplement Your Income* 541-279-0109 or Sales Bulletin Classifieds ing for r ea l e state A GREAT Ads published in "Em541-617-2834 Get Results! which is in violation of EMPLOYEE ployment OpportuniCall 385-5809 or this law. All persons Independent Contractor Sales RIGHT NOW? t ies" i n c lude e m are hereby informed place your ad on-line Call The Bulletin We are seeking dynamic individuals. ployee and at that all dwellings adbefore 11 a.m. and i ndependent pos i bendbuHetin.com vertised are available DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? get an ad in to pubtions. Ads for posion an equal opportu• OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE lish the next day! tions that require a fee • PERSONABLE 8 ENTHUSIASTIC nity basis. The Bulle541-385-5809. Good classified ads tell or upfront investment tin Classified •CONSISTENT 8 MOTIVATED VIEW the must be stated. With the essential facts in an Classifieds at: any independent job interesting Manner. Write Single level on 1 acre, 3 from Our winning team of sales 8 promotion opportunity, p l ease www.bendbulletin.com the readers view - not bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 professionals are making an average of investigate thorsq.ft., master separa- the seller's. Convert the Find them in oughly. $400 - $800 per week doing special tion, office, fenced, facts into benefits. Show Licensed Tax Preparer events, trade shows, retail 8 grocery the reader how the item will The Bulletin f lower garden, R V (LTC preferred) for Use extra caution when We are looking for independent constore promotions while representing BUSY La Pine office. parking. $ 1 3 5,000. help them in someway. applying for jobs onClassifieds! tractors to service home delivery THE BULLETIN newspaper This MLS ¹ 201 0 07848. are seeking a line and never pro- We team-player for uproutes in: advertising tip as an independent contractor Pam Lester, Principal vide personal infor- coming tax s eason. brought to you by B roker, Century 2 1 mation to any source Salary DOE. Please WE OFFER: Gold Country Realty, you may not have re- send resume & cover The Bulletin Inc. 541-504-1338 •Solid Income Opportunity" Must be available 7 days a week, early morner ng cenaaoregonince eta searched and deemed to: i nfo©cen*Complete Training Program* ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. to be reputable. Use letter *No Selling Door to Door * extreme caution when traloregontax.com r esponding to A N Y *No Telemarketing Involved* Please call 541.385.5800 or online e m p loymentRemember.... *Great Advancement Opportunjty* 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or A dd your we b a d * ad from out-of-state. * Full and Part Time Hours apply via email at dress to your ad and online © bendbulletin.com The We suggest you call readers on FOR THE CHANCE OF A the State of Oregon Bulletin' s web site Call54I-3855809topromote yourservice Advertisefor 28daysstarting at'Iffitneeecapackageanoimailableonw wetae LIFETIME, Consumer Hotline at will be able to click Call Adam Johnson 1-503-378-4320 through automatically 541-410-5521, TODAY! to your site. For Equal Opportunity Building/Contracting Handyman • Land s caping/Yard Carel L aws: Oregon B ureau of Labor 8 In- BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS NOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY N OTICE: O RE G O N dustry, C i vil Rights Search the area's most law req u ires any- SERVICES. Home 8 Landscape Contraccomprehensive listing of Division, one who c o n tracts Commercial Repairs, tors Law (ORS 671) classified advertising... 971-673-0764 for construction work Carpentry-Painting, r equires a l l bus i real estate to automotive, to be licensed with the Pressure-washing, nesses that advertise merchandise to sporting If you have any quesC onstruction Con Honey Do's. On-time to p e rform L a n dgoods. Bulletin Classifieds tions, concerns or tractors Board (CCB). promise. Senior scape C o nstruction appear every day in the comments, contact: A n active lice n se Discount. Work guar- which inclu d es: print or on line. Classified Department means the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 p lanting, dec ks , The Bulletin Call 541-385-5809 i s bonded and i n or 541-771-4463 fences, arbors, 541-385-5809 Bonded & Insured w ater-features, a n d www.bendbugetin.com s ured. Ver if y t h e contractor's CCB CCB¹181595 installation, repair of c ense through t h e irrigation systems to sen eg cenlral omgans nce s03 The Bulletin CCB Cons u mer Margo Construction be licensed with the LLC Since 1992 Website Landscape Contracwww.hirealicensedcontractor. • Pavers• Carpentry t ors B o a rd . Th i s Press Supervisor com • Remodeling • Decks FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck 4-digit number is to be The Bulletin is seeking a night time press suor call 503-378-4621. • Window/Door included in all advercan haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, pervisor. We are part of Western CommunicaThe Bulletin recom- Replacement • Int/Ext tisements which indiand a tough V8 engine will get tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group mends checking with Paint • CCB 176121 GOLDENRETRIEVERPUPPIES, the job done on the ranch! ~QUAINTCABIN ON 10 ACRES! cate the business has consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon the CCB prior to con541-480-3179 a bond, insurance and We are three adorable, loving and two in California. Our ideal candidate will I Modernamenitiesandall thequiet tracting with anyone. workers c ompensapuppies looking for a caring manage a small crew of three and must be able ,'you will need. Room to grow in,' Some other t r ades I DO THAT! tion for their employto learn our equipment/processes quickly. A home. Please call right away. ,'your ownlittle paradise! Call new.,' also req u ire addi- Home/Rental repairs ees. For your protechands-on style is a requirement for our 3 t/a tional licenses and Small jobs to remodels tion call 503-378-5909 tower KBA press. Prior management/leadercertifications. Honest, guaranteed or use our website: ship experience preferred. In addition to our work. CCB¹151573 www.lcb.state.or.us to 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous Dennis 541-317-9768 Debris Removal check license status commercial print clients as well. In addition to a before con t racting competitive wage and benefit program, we also with th e b u s iness. provide potential opportunity for advancement. JUNK BE GONE Home Improvement Persons doing landIf you provide dependability combined with a I Haul Away FREE scape m a intenance positive attitude, are able to manage people and Kelly Kerfoot Const. For Salvage. Also do not require a LCB schedules and are a team player, we would like Cleanups & Cleanouts 28 yrs exp in Central OR! to hear from you. If you seek a stable work enQuality & honesty from license. Mel, 541-389-8107 vironment that provides a great place to live and carpentry 8 handyman Just bought a new boat? raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact eijobs, to expert wall cov- Sell your old one in the ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & OpUSE THECLASSIFIEDS! ering install / removal. classifieds! Ask about our erations Director at kfoutz@wescompapers.com Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Super Seller rates! or anelsonowescompapers.com with your Licensed/bonded/insured 541-385-5809 Door-to-door selling with





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fast results! It's the easiest way in the world tosell. The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

Painting/Wall Coveringl Autumnridge Const. Quality custom home Now is an excellent time improvements No job for interior painting! too big or small. Vet& Sr. Jeff A. Miller Painting Discounts! CCB¹t 98284

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T h ursday,Jauu ary3, 2013


Extra chance


weapons s Brasserie list


11 Buster Keaton

Tribune Media Services

In the quarterfinals at the 2012 World Bridge Games, the U.S. Open team (Nickell-Katz, Hamman-Zia, Meckstroth-Rodwell) f el l b e hind S weden early b u t r e c overed i n today's deal. At one table, South for Sweden opened three diamonds, passed out. At the other, where Bob Hamman also opened three diamonds, Zia responded three spades. The Daily Bulletin called that a try to improve t he contract; i t w a s r e a ll y a n undertaking to reach game. When South rebid four diamonds, North raised.

he rebids two diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner has a six-card or seven-card diamond suit. His o pening h i g h-card v a l ues a r e minimum, but if he holds K 4, A 3, AQ 1 0 8 6 5 4 , 6 5 , y o u m aymake 7 NT. To b l ast d irectly i nt o s i x diamonds might work. If you prefer to investigate, bid tw o h earts or perhaps three clubs — a forcing bid in a new suit. East dealer Neither side vulnerable

NORTH 4A J 1062 Q 975 4 OK 4AKQ

SPADE RUFFS Hamman ruffed the second heart and took the king of trumps, then cashedthe ace of spades and ruffed a spade. (Maybe starting the spades at Trick Three would be better.) He next took the ace of trumps. No queen appeared,but Hamman led a club to dummy, ruffed a spade, led a club to dummy and ruffeda spade. Had he needed a club discard, dummy's good spade might have provided it. Plus 400, six IMPs to the U.S. But they eventually lost by four IMPs: l ike losing by an extra point i n football.


missile 14 Notable time span 1s Malaria may cause these 1s "The Fair Maid of the (Renaissance comedy) 17The library in an old mansion may have one 19Initials seen at a checkout counter zo Doe in a Disney film zt One thrown from a horse? zz Peek33 Penne vodka zs '60s protest sign 37 Besmirches zs Check information


EAST 4753

Q QJ 6

I vt AK10 3 2

0 Q 1 03 4972

O62 II1 J 104

C A J9 8 7 5 4 +8653 South

distance, briefly 4s Having firm control s4 Simple ss Direction in a bartender guide ss Like Braille characters ss Numerical prefix ss C.PA., at times: Abbr. so Reassuring wordS... Oi'

a hint to 17-, 25-, 35- and 48-Across sz It may make the face turn red s3 Not act subtly


4t 8 ~vt 8

Pass 3O Pass 4O All Pass

43 Certain jelly 47 Brief race



E ast

zs State of France 3o Top of a wardrobe 3s Extent to which you may do as you please 41 Dragon in a 2008 best seller 43 Demanding sort

W est Pass

Nor t h 3 41



Youhold: 4A J 106 2 9 9 7 5 4 Opening lead — 9 Q 111A K Q. Your partner opens one diamond, you bid one spade and (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 0 K






DY I S s I X S T I E T O T


64 Readies






14 17









26 28

town paper, informally






1o Night school subj. 11 Old-time bowling alley worker 13 1040 figure 13 Get dressed 18 Q neighbor zz Law schoolsanctioning org. 34 Sci. major zs du c o mbat 3o Actress Benaderet 31 Place for parking 32 Many a time 33 Amateur film subject, maybe 34 Sign of success 3s Prepare a plaque,


22 25


clue: Abbr. s Silverstein of kid-lit s "State of the Union" director, 1948 7 "Let's take it from the top" s Charge 9 Where crowns

11 16


4 Unlike this








1 "Take your chairs" z Like many a restaurant drive-thru 3 Small-

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO


ss Louis Malle's Amants" ss Foundation layer s7 Sporty 1990s Toyota

go. ii29






















54 57









58 61


37 Ancient land around today's

s3 Drops on the

44 Stitch up

field? 4s Safari sightings Suffix with s7 Co-star of

Jordan 3s Some furniture bombard sets It might whet 39 Like a mushy your appetite banana, say Some iPods 4o Catchphrase of Jean-Luc Picard s1 "I'll second on "Star Trek: that" T.N.G." Steel city of 43 Attack Germany

DiCaprio in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape"

eo J.F.K. or F.D.R. e1 Constellation next to Scorpius

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information.

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every row, column and


3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.

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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis


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Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter 10 each square, 10 form four ordinary words.

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff KIIurek

How are you ever I I'8 be patient and going to steal it? I follow him until just the rlght moment.

KILSY 02013 Tnbune Meea services, Ihc. „ All Rights Reserved.


iF THE PICK C WAS c7OIN& rO 5TEAL THE MAN'5 PC7cKEr WATCH, HE WOLILt2 NEEP TD —Now arrange the circled letters io form the surprise answer, 88 suggested by the above cartoon.

"The odd-numbered caves are on the other side of the gorge."

Y I d


32 Air France fleet 46 V otes in member 49 Dressing Facebook 33 Imply extreme? 2 Swift strength 37 Incline 50 Two trios and a 3 Time off, briefly 38 Pinafore opening duo 4 The Archbishop 39 Decolletage 51 Sti n ks Df Canterbury, revelation 53 -dieu e.g. 41 Spring (from) 54 Gh a na's neighbor 5 Big name in small 42 Uncle Remus title to t h e east planes 44 Rare hit for most 5 5 Vietnamese 6 First line of a catchers celebration 45 "Ben-Hur" Oscar 5 6 Tool that's swung Seuss classic 7" ... maids all in winner 57 Navigator's guide

1 Approves, on


8 Contemporary of Nadia 9 Bankrupt baker 10 Increases a few notches 11 Nonexpert 12 2011 Hiroshima Art Prize winner 13 Go astray 21 Work for 22 Taj Mahal locale 25 Chevy SUV 26 Place to learn in Lyons 27 Postgame staple


30 Wane 31 Pasta often served alla vodka

D S C S U H U H D I R E S L I L P E L O F I X R I S T E T H I N D A N T A R C S U P E R US A I R RO C I N C O D E M L O N E R S A A N I M A L N xwordeditor@aol.com



29 Prepping place







(Ahewere tomorrow) I Jumbles: IMAGE V E RG E D R A GON A D RORA Answer: The storm heading toward the cemetery created — GRAVE DANGER

58 Univ. drilling gp. 59 Pre-deal request 60 Glorify 61 " Plenty 0' Nuttin"'. Gershwin













23 29

33 37










39 42












55 5 6





R E T R Y 01/03/13

24 28

31 3 2



55 Buccaneers' home



ACROSS 1 Old Italian capital 5 "See ya!" 9 Head lights 14 Land with a red, white and green flag 15 Monroe of the NBA 16 One whose land has a red, white and green flag 17 King whose true height is the subject of much dlscussion 18 Urban hazard 19 Watch from hiding 20 Critic's complaint about the new restaurant "Godof'? 23 Clooney/Damon film about the oil industry 24 Like some German nouns 28 Critic's complaint about the new restaurant "Charley Horse"? 31 Druid or Wiccan 34 Baseball stats 35 Ad trailer? 36 Like two, say 37 Biblical queendom 39 Cuba libre ingredient 40 Tiny gripe 41 Seaman's saint 42 Censor 43 Critic's complaint about the new restaurant "Moon"? 47 Snare 48 The Beatles' Rigby 52 Critic's complaint about the new restaurant "Double Faulf'?


49 5 0






62 Nerd 63 Conical abode 63 64 64 Ages 65 They aren't exact: By Donna S. Levin Abbr. (0)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.



01/03/1 3






S 0

2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras

oQll ij




. .







Antique & Classic Autos


The Bulletin


Aircraft, Parts & Service

Chevy C-20 Pickup ¹512698 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; RU. auto 4-spd, 396, model g@ i S UBA SUBBRUOPSENDCOM CST /all options, orig. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend owner, $22,000, 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


seva 1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718




Rid g eline

RTL 2006, 4 D o o r, V6, a u to , l e a ther, moon roof, running BOATS &RVs boards, tow pkg., very clean. Was. $18,999. 805- Misc. Items Now $ 15,450. V i n 850 - Snowmobiles


Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' $10,000 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, 541-719-8444 too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Snowmobiles U Ads published in Wa- Dennis, 541-589-3243 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade tercraft" include: Kay600 w/513 mi, like new, aks, rafts and motorvery fast! Reduced to ized personal • T r a vel Trailers • $6295. 541-221-5221 watercrafts. For " boats" please s e e COACHMEN Class 870. 1979 23' trailer 541-385-5809 Fully equipped. Arctic Cat (2) 2005 $2000. F7 Firecats: EFI 541-312-8879 Snowpro & EFI EXT, or 541-350-4622. excellent cond, FIND IT! $2800 ea; SUY IT! 541-410-2186 SELL IT! The Bulletin Classifieds



I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1

860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles

ton dually, 4 s pd. 935 trans., great MPG, Sport Utility Vehicles Automobiles Automobiles could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, VW Beetle, 2002 541-389-6998 new brakes, $1950. Jeep Wrangler Unl imited X 200 8 , 5-spd, silver-gray, black Chrysler 300 C o upe 541-419-5480. Sport Utility, 6 speed, leather, moonroof, CD, 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, 880 hard top, p r emium loaded, 115K miles, auto. trans, ps, air, well-maintained wheels, running Motorhomes 1 /3 interest i n w e l l- frame on rebuild, reSnowmobile trailer boards, lo w m i les. (have records) Springdale 2005 27', 4' equipped IFR Beech Bo- painted original blue, extremely clean, 2002, 25-ft InterWas $26,999. Now BMyLittle Red Corvette" nanza A36, new 10-550/ original blue interior, slide in dining/living area, $4650 obo. state & 3 sleds, $23,988. Vin ¹572535 1996 coupe. 132K, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 prop, located KBDN. original hub caps, exc. 541-546-6920 $10,900. 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. S UB A R U . $65,000. 541-419-9510 chrome, asking $9000 obo. 541-408-3811 SUSBSUOPSEND COM 541-480-8009 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L $12,500 541-923-1781 or make offer. hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend AIRPORT CAFE WHEN YOU SEE THIS 541-385-9350 (Bend Municipal Airport) am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 877-266-3821 860 541-420-3634 /390-1285 Dlr ¹0354 Country Coach lntrigue NOW OPEN under ~00 Motorcycles & Accessories 2002, 40' Tag axle. new management! Nissan Armada SE M ore P ixa tBendbuletin,com Come & see us! Just too many 400hp Cummins DieSport Utility 2007, On a classified ad Harley Davidson Softsel. two slide-outs. Open Monday-Friday 8-3 Chrysler SD 4-Door collectibles? auto, power windows, Nissan Sentra, 2012go to Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, 1930, CD S R oyal 41,000 miles, new Call 541-318-8989 power locks, leather, 12,610 mi, full warranty, www.bendbulletin.com white/cobalt, w / pas- tires & batteries. Most slide,Bunkhouse style, Standard, 8-cylinder, Sell them in Executive Hangar fully loaded, very nice. to view additional senger kit, Vance & body is good, needs options.$95,000 OBO PS, PB, AC, & more! sleeps 7-8, excellent at Bend Airport Was $16,999. Now $16,000. photos of the item. The Bulletin Classifieds Hines muffler system 541-678-5712 some r e s toration, 541-788-0427 condition, $1 6 ,900, $13,988. Vin ¹700432 (KBDN) 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. runs, taking bids, 541-390-2504 60' wide x 50' deep, 541-383-3888, c ond, $19,9 9 9 , ~OO 541-385-5809 S UB A R U . w/55' wide x 17' high 541-389-9188. 541-81 5-331 8 Looking for your MorePixat Bendboletin.com bi-fold door. Natural next employee? 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Harley Heritage 935 gas heat, office, bathPlace a Bulletin help 877-266-3821 Softail, 2003 room. Parking for 6 Sport Utility Vehicles wanted ad today and Dlr ¹0354 $5,000+ in extras, c ars. A d jacent t o reach over 60,000 $2000 paint job, Porsche 911 1974, low Frontage Rd; g r eat each week. 30K mi. 1 owner, mi., complete motor/ readers visibility for a viation Your classified ad Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 For more information trans. rebuild, tuned bus. 1jetjock©q.com will also appear on weatherized, like please call suspension, int. & ext. Econoline RV 1 9 89, 29', FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, bendbulletin.com 541-385-8090 n ew, f u rnished & 541-948-2126 refurb., oi l c o o ling, which fully loaded, exc. cond, door panels w/flowers currently reor 209-605-5537 ready to go, incl WineP iper A r cher 1 9 8 0, shows new in & out, 35K m i. , R e duced ard S a t ellite dish, based in Madras, al& hummingbirds, ceives over 1.5 milp erf. m ech. c o n d. Porsche Cayenne 2004, HD Screaming Eagle $16,950. 541-546-6133 Buick Enclave 2008 CXL white soft top & hard lion page views 26,995. 541-420-9964 ways hangared since Much more! AWD, V-6, black, clean, 86k, immac, dealer Electra Glide 2005, every month at new. Ne w a n n ual, top. Just reduced to mechanicall $28,000 541-420-2715 y sound, 82k maint'd, loaded, now 103 N motor, two tone CAN'T BEAT THIS! $3,750. 541-317-9319 no extra cost. Bulleauto pilot, IFR, one miles. $20,995. $17000. 503-459-1580 candy teal, new tires, Look before you or 541-647-8483 tin Classifieds piece win d s hield. Find It in Call 541-815-1216 23K miles, CD player, buy, below market —• -"Qw< Get Results! Call Subaru Baja Turbo Fastest Archer hydraulic clutch, exvalue! Size & mileThe Bulletin Classifiedst 385-5809 or place Chevy Sub u rban 2006, Spo rt u tility, a round. 1 75 0 t o t a l cellent condition. aqe DOES matter! 541-385-5809 your ad on-line at 1500 LT Z71 P kg fully loaded, tow pkg., t ime. $68,5 0 0 . Highest offer takes it. Class A 32' Hurri- Weekend Warrior Toy 541-325-3556 bendbulletin.com 2004, t o w pkg. , moon roof, l eather. PORSCHE 914 1974, 541-480-8080. cane by Four Winds, Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, leather, running Was $17,999. Now 2007. 12,500 mi, all fuel station, exc cond. T-Hangar for rent Roller (no engine), boards, 3rd row seat, $13,788. Vin ¹103218 amenities, Ford V10, sleeps 8, black/gray at Bend airport. lowered, full roll cage, Ford Galaxie 500 1963, Was $13,999. Now Softail Deluxe Ithr, cherry, slides, i nterior, u se d 3X , Call 541-382-8998. 5-pt harnesses, rac- The Bulletin recoml 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, $9988. Vin ¹212758 2010, 805 miles, like new! New low 4 @ S U B A R U. $24,999. ing seats, 911 dash & mends extra caution I 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & Black Chameleon. price, $54,900. 541-389-9188 radio (orig),541-419-4989 pu r c hasing i S UB A R U . 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend instruments, d e cent when 541-548-5216 $17,000 Trucks & shape, v e r y c o ol!i products or services 877-266-3821 Ford Mustang Coupe Call Don @ NE Hwy 20 • Bend $1699. 541-678-3249 from out of the area. Heavy Equipment Dlr ¹0354 Looking for your 1966, original owner, 2060877-266-3821 541-410-3823 G ulfstream Sce n i c i S ending c ash , next employee? V8, automatic, great Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Place Dlr ¹0354 checks, or credit inToyota Camrys: Bulletin help shape, $9000 OBO. Cummins 330 hp die- wanteda ad formation may be I Vans today and 7984, $1200 obo; 530-515-8199 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 i subject toFRAUD. reach over 60,000 4x4. 120K mi, Power 1985 SOLD; iBoats & Accessories in. kitchen slide out, For more informaeach week. seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Ford Ranchero 7 986 parts car, new tires,under cover, readers i tion about an adverYour classified ad row seating, e xtra 1979 $500. 7 3'Smokercraft '85, hwy. miles only,4 door tiser, you may call will also appear on tires, CD, privacy tintfridge/freezer iceDiamond Reo Dump with 351 Cleveland Call for details, I the Oregon State I good cond., 15HP bendbulletin.com ing, upgraded rims. modified engine. maker, W/D combo, Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 541-548-6592 i Attorney General's I which currently reFantastic cond. $7995 gas Evinrude + Interbath t ub & Body is in yard box, runs good, Office C o n sumer Contact Timm at ceives over 1.5 milMinnkota 44 elec. excellent condition, shower, 50 amp pro$6900, 541-548-681 2 Chevrolet G20 Sports541-408-2393 for info Toyota Corolla 2004, i Protection hotline at motor, fish finder, 2 pane gen & m o re! lion page views ev$2500 obo. man, 1993, exlnt cond, 1-877-877-9392. or to view vehicle. auto., loaded, 204k ery month at no extra seats, trailer, 541-420-4677 $55,000. $4750 541-362 5559 or miles. orig. owner, non extra cost. Bulletin ExK E A T 541-663-6046 extra equip. $2900. 541-948-2310 smoker, exc. c o nd. Espprnv Central Oregon MOCS1903 Classifieds Get ReSay sgoodbuy 541-388-9270 $6500 Prin e ville sults! Call 385-5809 to that unused Chevy Astro 503-358-8241 or place your ad Hyster H25E, runs TiCk, TOCk 17' 1984 Chris Craft Cargo Van 2001, on-line at item by placing it in well, 2982 Hours, - Scorpion, 140 HP pw, pdl, great cond., bendbulletin.com $3500,call Tick, Tock... The Bulletin Classifieds business car, well inboard/outboard, 2 541-749-0724 ...don't let time get maint'd, regular oil depth finders, trollGMC b ton 1971,Only changes, $4500. ing motor, full cover, away. Hire a 5 41-385-580 9 $19,700! Original low EZ - L oad t railer, Please call mile, exceptional, 3rd professional out 541-633-5149 $3500 OBO. owner. 951-699-7171 C hevy T ahoe L S 541-382-3728. of The Bulletin's Sport Utility 2004, 1994 G20 c us"Call A Service 4x4, power windows, Chev van, 1 2 8k, Peterbilt 359 p o table power locks, cruise, tomized Professional" 3 50 motor, HD t o w 1000 1000 water t ruck, 1 9 90, tilt, al l o ys , Was e quipped, seats 7 , Directory today! 3200 gal. tank, 5hp $12,999. Now $9799. sleeps 2. comfort, utilLegal Notices Legal Notices U p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, Vin ¹ 216330 Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 ity road ready, nice camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000.Plymouth or ed.k e ith@desby Carriage, 4 slideB a r racuda LEGAL NOTICE cond. $4000?Trade for 541-820-3724 BARU. chutes.org . Proposouts, inverter, satel1966, original car! 300 © i SUSUBBRUOPBENDCOM Old broken couch & 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 mini van. Call Bob, als must be received lite sys, fireplace, 2 hp, 360 V8, center- 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-318-9999 bed, old towel, used Volvo Penta, 270HP, Hunter's Delight! Packby 4:00 P.M. January flat screen TVs. lines, (Original 273 pants broken lamp, low hrs., must see, age deal! 1988 Win877-266-3821 Utility Trailers • Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 o ld ca r o i l , p o t , 25, 2013 and can be eng & wheels incl.) $60,000. $15,000, 541-330-3939 nebago Super Chief, Dlr ¹0354 7 -pass. v a n wit h g lasses. 541-480-3923 541-593-2597 sent to Ed Keith at the Larr y 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t p ower c h a i r lif t , 714-369-7290. Sale Deschutes Co u n ty shape; 1988 Bronco II PROJECT CARS:Chevy =qc Ford Explorer 4x4, $1500; 1989 Dodge Road D e p artment, Jan. 30, 2013 1690 =p=@ 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & 1991 - 154K miles, Turbo Van 7 pass. 61150 SE 27th Street, NE Lotus, Bend. mostly towed miles, Chevy Coupe 1950 Big Tex Landscap20.5' 2004 Bayliner rare 5-speed tranny has new motor and Bend, OR 97702. nice rig! $15,000 both. rolling chassis's $1750 ing/ ATV Trailer, 8 manual hubs, t rans., $1500. I f i n 205 Run About, 220 541-382-3964, Ieave PUBLIC NOTICE ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, dual axle flatbed, clean, straight, evHP, V8, open bow, terested c a l l Jay msg. complete car, $ 1949; eryday driver. Was 7'x16', 7000 lb. 503-269-1057. exc. cond., very fast Cadillac Series 61 1950, LEGAL NOTICE BRPD Fleetwood Wilderness GVW, all steel, now $1900! w/very low hours, I 2 dr. hard top, complete $2200; REQUEST FOR Com rehensive Plan 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, $1400. Bob, 541-318-9999 lots of extras incl. w /spare f r on t cl i p ., U date Available for PROPOSALS rear bdrm, fireplace, 541-382-4115, or tower, Bimini & • Au t o mobiles $3950, 541-382-7391 Review 541-280-7024. AC, W/D hkup beaucustom trailer, Ford Explorer XLT CONTRACTORS FOR tiful u n it! $30,500. $19,500. 90N'I IISS I HI S 2006, Pow e r w i nHAZARDOUS FUELS The Bend Park and 541-815-2380 541-389-1413 Recreation District indows, power locks, tilt REMOVAL Walton 14' dump Jayco Seneca 2007, VW Karman Ghia cruise, running ON DESCHUTES vites public review of trailer, power 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy Have an item to 1970, good cond., and comment on an b oards, r oo f r a c k , COUNTY PROPERTY up/power down, 5500 d i e s el , toy new upholstery and sell quick? Was $12,999. Now AND PRIVATE LANDS u pdate to its 2 0 05 7,000 Ib tandem axhauler $13 0 ,000. convertible top. WITHIN DESCHUTES Parks, Rec r eation $7788. Vin ¹A18448. 541-389-2636. les, used very little, BMW Z4 Roadster If it's under $10,000. 20.5' Seaswirl SpyCOUNTY and Green Spaces new $11,900; mine 2005, 62K miles, ex541-389-2636 S UB A R U . '500 you can place it in Comprehensive Plan. der 1989 H.O. 302, cellent cond. $14,000. $7200. 285 hrs., exc. cond., 541-604-9064 Notice is hereby given The purpose of the 541-350-3921 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend nrl.s The Bulletin that Deschutes "Plan" is to p rovide stored indoors for 877-266-3821 Buick Lucerne CXL Classifieds for: life $11,900 OBO. County is a ccepting c omprehensive a n d Dlr ¹0354 Where can you find a 2009, $12,500, low 541-379-3530 per specifi- strategic planning dilow miles; 2000 Buick proposals • ~ » helping hand? '10 - 3 lines, 7 days cations until 4:00 P.M. r ection through a n Century $2900. You'll January 25, 2013 for extensive needs asAds published in the From contractors to Immaculate! '16 - 3 lines, 14 days not find nicer Buicks the treatment or resessment and com"Boats" classification Beaver Coach Marquis VW Thing 1974, good One look's worth a yard care, it's all here (Private Party ads only) moval of h azardous munity input process include: Speed, fish- 40' 1987. New cover, thousand words. Call cond. Extremely Rare! in The Bulletin's fuels on D eschutes and a thorough evaluing, drift, canoe, new paint (2004), new Only built in 1973 & Bob, 541-318-9999. property and ation of al l e xisting house and sail boats. inverter (2007). Onan "Call A Service for an appt. and take a County 1 974. $8,000. GMC Envoy 2002 4WD lands in Des- district facilities and For all other types of 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, drive in a 30 mpg car! private Professional" Directory 541-389-2636 $6,450. Loaded, c hutes County. N o f uture needs, p a rk watercraft, please see parked covered $35,000 Leather, Heated proposals will be re- and facility developobo. 541-419-9859 or 933 Class 875. seats, Bose sound ceived or considered ment, administration 541-280-2014 541-385-5809 Pickups system. Ext. roof rack K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 Automotive Parts, • after that time. and finance, operaslide, AC, TV, awning. Service & Accessories (21 8) 478-4469 tions, and recreation NEW: tires, converter, The purpose of this programming. Jeep Liberty Limited batteries. Hardly used. Studded snow t i r es, "UB S~wW solicitation is to cre2007, auto, leather, $15,500. 541-923-2595 Chrysler Sebring2006 ate a pool of contrac- The U2012 Plan Up2 50/60R16 on L e s moon roof, roof rack, Fully loaded, exc.cond, tors qualified to treat date" is a limited reS chwab whee l s . alloys, Was. $13,999. l YoURBQAT... l very low miles (38k), and remove hazard- view and revision of $100. 541-447-0317 N ow $ 10,988. V i n with ou r spe c i al Monaco Dynasty 2004, always garaged, ous wildland fuels on the 2005 ComprehenFord 250 XLT 1990, ¹646827 rates for selling your l loaded, 3 slides, dieWe Buy Junk transferable warranty a pproximately 2 6 00 sive Plan, not a wholly 6 yd. dump bed, sel, Reduced - now l boat or watercraft! Cars 8 Trucks! incl. $8100 obo acres of D e schutes new plan. It updates 139k, Auto, $5500. $119,000, 5 4 1 -923i S U B A R U . Cash paid for junk 541-848-9180 © County property and materials contained in 541-410-9997 8572 or 541-749-0037 l Place an ad in The vehicles, batteries & private lands located the 2005 Plan includMONTANA 3585 2008, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend B ulletin w i t h ou r catalytic converters. DON'TMI SSTHIS in Deschutes County. ing the district populaexc. cond., 3 slides, 877-266-3821 l 3-month package Serving all of C.O.! ~ Some of these prop- tion estimate, facility IjMI5 cl king bed, Irg LR, ArcDlr ¹0354 i which includes: Call 541-408-1090 • are vacant lots inventories, a ssessQ PP tic insulation, all opFord Crown V i ctoria erties most will have homes ment o f r e c reation tions $37,500. 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., Jeep Wrangler 4x4, l *5 lines of text and i m p rovements. programming and a 541-420-3250 V 8, o r i g . own e r , and 1997 6-cyl, soft top, a photo or up to 10 Antique & The County will desf orecast o f fut u r e Ford F350 2008 Crew 70,300 mi., studs on, roll bar, front tow l lines with no photo. Southwind 35.5' Triton, Nuyya 297LK Hitchignate qualified conneeds. The 2012 Plan Classic Autos Cab, diesel, 55K miles, reat condi t ion. bar, new tires, *Free online ad at 2008,V10, 2 slides, Dutractors who will reUpdate also includes Hiker 2007, 3 slides, fully loaded, $32,000. 3000. 541-549-0058. chrome rims, 103K I bendbulletin.com pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 32' touring coach, left '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn main in a "qualified new community sur541-480-0027 miles, gd cond, *Free pick up into Bought new at pool" for a period of vey information and kitchen, rear lounge, PROJECT car, 3 50 $5700 obo. l The Central Oregon $132,913; Honda Civic LX many extras, beautiful small block w/Weiand F ord F 3 5 0 Kin g one year. During such planning methodolo541-504-3253 or asking $93,500. Ranch Super Cab 2008, like new, l Nickel ads. cond. inside & o ut, dual quad tunnel ram one-year period the gies developed since 503-504-2764 Call 541-419-4212 always garaged, $32,900 OBO, Prinev- with 450 Holleys. T-10 2004, l eather, t o w C ounty w il l a w a rd the 2005 Plan was I Rates start at $46. l ille. 541-447-5502 days 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, pkg., bed liner, much loaded. 27k mi., multiple service con- written. & 541-447-1641 eves. Call for details! Weld Prostar whls, more. MUST S EE!! one owner. tracts to contractors in What are you extra rolling chassis + Was $25,999. Now such pool, based on The draft 2012 Plan 54'I -385-5809 $13,500. looking for? extras. $6000 for all. $23,788. Vin ¹A34788 "best value" propos- Update is posted on 541-550-0994. 541-389-7669. als for the particular the district website, You'll find it in 4g®SUBARU. iThc Bullct ttt property to be treated. www.bendparksanAdvertise your car! The Request for Pro- drec.org, for public reWinnebago It a s ca 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend The Bulletin Classifieds Add A Prcture! 877-266-3821 posal will be re-pub- view and c omment. GENERATE SOME ex- Sundancer 26' 1987, Reach thousands of readers! lished annually as per Written comments on citement in your neig- 51K mi., exc. cond. P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h Dlr ¹0354 Call 541-385-5809 1921 Model T 541-385-5809 Deschutes C o u nty the draft Plan Update borhood. Plan a ga$8000. 541-419-9251 The Bulletin Classifieds wheel, 1 s lide, AC, FORD RANGER XLT Delivery Truck Code 2.37.130. will be taken through rage sale and don't TV,full awning, excel1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 Jeep Wran g ler Mercedes Benz 2005 Restored & Runs 5:00 p.m., January 11, forget to advertise in Garage Sales lent shape, $23,900. speed, with car alarm, Unlimited X 2 0 07, CLK-Class, silver, $9000. This is not a p ublic 2013. T h e di s t rict classified! 385-5809. 541-350-8629 CD player, extra tires Sport Utility, 6 speed, only 39k mi., $15,995 541-389-8963 works contract subBoard of Directors will Garage Sales on rims. Runs good. running boards, preject to ORS 279C.800 receive verbal comClean. 92,000 miles SerVing Central Oregan EDCS1903 mium wheels, off road t o 279C.987 or t h e ments during t h eir Garage Sales o n m o tor. $ 2 6 00 tires, tow pkg. Low Davis-Bacon Act (40 regular busi n ess Oregon OBO. 541-771-6511. miles. Was $25,999. Used out-drive U.S.C. 276a). meeting at 7:00 p.m. Find them AutoSorrrce parts - Mercury GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy Now $2 2 ,788. V i n ¹tzss11 541-598-3750 on Tuesday, January in OMC rebuilt maDuty Camper Special ¹147938 15, 2012. It is anticiaaaoregonautosource.com To obtain a f ull rePilgrim In t e rnational rine motors: 151 The Bulletin 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, © 1S UBARU . quest fo r p r oposal pated that the revised SUBBRUOPSENDCOM 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, auto., 40k miles on Mitsubishi 3 00 0 G T package please con- BPRD C o mprehen$1595; 3.0 $1895; Classifieds Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 too many extras to list, new eng., brakes & 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 1999, a uto., p e a rl tact Ed Keith, Des- s ive Plan w i l l b e 4.3 (1993), $1995. 877-266-3821 Fall price $ 2 1,865.$8500 obo. Serious buy- tires good. $ 2495. w hite, very low m i . chutes County For- adopted by the board 541-389-0435 541-385-5809 541-312-4466 ers only. 541-536-0123 541-504-3833 Dlr ¹0354 ester at 541-322-7117 on February 5, 2013. $9500. 541-788-8218. Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $7,000 OBO, trades, please call









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