Bulletin Daily Paper 03-03-14

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Serving Central Oregon since190375

MONDAY March 3,2014


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bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD

Snowpack has gained, but still just 'mediocre'


Oscel's —"Grav-

ity" seemed to have the Academy in its grasp — until the announcement of Best Picture.A7

in natiOnal neWS — California's evacuation orders lifted after storm thrashes through the parched state.A2

By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin

A snowy February boosted the snowpack in the

Deschutes/Crooked River Basin, but more is neededto

• Fun fact: There'onl s y1 coal plant in the state, but coal isour 2nd-leading source

bring the amount of snow in the mountains to normal.

"It basically just improved

the snowpack to mediocre

By Dylan J. Darlinge The Bulletin The Sun —Nothing's been done to address the possibility that a solar flare could disable the U.S. power gridA3

atbest," said Julie Koeberle, snow hydrologist with the

You turn the switch and the light comes on.

Natural Resources Conservation Service in Portland. At the end of January, the basin's snowpackwas at 32

But where the power we use in Central Oregon comes fromisa hard question to answer.

Tale of a tooth —Scientists used to scrape off dental plaque like ahygenist would. Now they learn from it.A3

Animal crimes —Hlgh Desert Musem visitors learn about tracking, poaching and more in newexhibit. AS

And a Webexclusive

— Mormon womenhavea new way to describe their aspirations — "mother and a businesswoman." besdbslletin.com/extras


Need ause for yarn and fishing line? By Robert F. Service Science/AAAS

The latest high-tech gizmos usually spring from advances made with exotic

— and expensive — materi-

percentof normal, according tothe agency. At the dose of

Statewide data and information about the biggest

Februaryitwas at57percent.

Automated snowmeasuring sites amund Bend recorded

power provider here give clues as to what sources

morethan double the typical

are powering Central Oregon: mostly power-

amount ofprecipitation for February, Koeberle said.

producing dams and coal-burning power plants.

"A lot of that did fall as

snow," she said.

The biggest power provider into the company's system, in the region is PacifiCorp, which powers homes in which operates Pacific PowO r e gon, California, Idaho, er in the Northwest. The Ut ah , Washington and Wyprivately held company has o m i ng. The system doesn't 72,744 customers in have a way to deterCrook, Deschutes and inSI"e mine w h ere the power • A map Jefferson counties ends up, said Bob of power G r a vely, Pacific Power and supplies power to most people living so u rces and spokesman. in Bend. PacifiCorp a lo ok at the "It is all kind of like companies, if you had 70 hoses has an array of AS power sources, from filling a bathtub and coal-burning plants you took out a cup and in Wyoming to wind farms ask e d, 'What hose did this in Eastern Oregon. The water come from?'" he said. sources all put electricity SeePower/A8

The snow and rain have

improved what was looking tobe a dire situation for reservoirs in the Crooked River

system, while triggeringincreasedreleasesfrom some reservoirs in the Deschutes River system to make sure

they don't overflow, said Jeremy Giffin, Deschutes Basinwate~ er f o r the

Oregon Water Resources Department.

See Snow/A6

A new hitch in inmate

WhereOregongets its yower Oregonians use power created inside and outside the state. Hydro is the No. 1 source, with coal second, despite there only being one coal-burning power plant in Oregon. Most of the coal power comes into the state from other parts of the West.



Cogeneration 1%

Petroleum ........ 0.12% Geothermal....... 0.12% Landfill gas .......0.09% Solar...............0.02%

Biomass 1% Nuclear 3%

By Diane Jennings The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — The road to romance is rarely smooth. But Texas prison inmates wanting to tie the knot

Other............... 0.13%

als. Not this time. An international team of research-

Wind 5%

ers report that they've spun common plastic fishing line and sewing

Natural gas 12%

*Percentages do not add upto 100percent due to rounding.

have hit a particularly rocky patch after legislators banned most marriages by proxy last year. For decades, inmates have been able to marry

thread into the most pow-

erful artificial muscles ever created. Synthetic

their significant others

muscles arealready being explored for use in prosthetic limbs, RoboCop-like

exoskeletons for soldiers, and humanoid robots. So

a sharp drop in price could propel progress in all of

by signing an affidavit to obtain a license and having a third party stand in for them during the ceremony.

Hydroelectric 45

Coal 33% Source:Oregon Department of Energy

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Some of North Texas'

most notorious convicts have done it.

these technologies and

many others.


The term "artificial muscles" is actually a bit


of a grab bag that refers to materials that contract, expand or rotate when

heated, zapped with electricity, or hit with some other stimulus. The materials return to their

The Kremlin engages intest Of will ever Ukraine

original shape when the

By Steven Lee Myers

stimulus is reversed. One

New York Times News Service

common approach to making artificial muscles uses materials called

shape memory alloys, such as a mixture of nickel and titanium.

But these alloys can cost up to $5,000 per kilogram. Even more powerful artificial muscleshave been made from yarns spun from hollow carbon fibers called single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs). But because there is no cheap way to make these nanotubes on an industrial scale, their

cost is off the charts. SeeMuscle/A4

MOSCOW — President

That strategy has been So far, the Kremlin has pursued aggressively by sub- shown no sign of yielding to terf u ge, propaganda and bald international pressure — but

Vladimir Putin has left little doubt he intends to

mil i t a r y threat, taking aim as much at the United inSl"e States and its allies

it also has not taken the most

provocative step yet, openly

cripple Ukraine's new ordering Russian troops to government, forcing it • Updates in Europe as Ukraine reinforce those already in to make concessions or o n the its e lf. The pivotal ques- Crimea and expand its incurface the de facto partiis s ues, A4 tion now for Kiev and sion into southern or eastern tion of areas populated Western capitals, is Ukraine. predominantly by ethnic how b o ldly Putin continues Asked on Sunday about Russians, from the Crimea to p ush his agenda, risking President Barack Obama's to Odessa to the industrial a mor e heated military and suspension of preparations to heartland in the east. diplomatic conflict. attend the Group of 8 summit

TODAY'S WEATHER Rain likely. High 49, Low36 Page BS

scheduled for June in Sochi — along with Canada, France and Britain — Putin's spokes-

man, Dmitry Peskov, replied cuttingly and dismissively.

"It's not a minus for Russia,"

he said. "It will be a minus for the G-8." Putin has yet to make

public remarks on the crisis in Ukraine, leaving his ultimate goals uncertain and unpredictable. Yet with a strategy aimed at

INDEX Calendar A5 Crosswords Classified C 1 - 6Dear Abby Comics/Pu zzles C3-4 Horoscope

C4 Local/State A 5-6 SportsMonday B1-8 A7 Movies A 7 Tee to Green B 7 A7 Nation/World A 2 T elevision A7

The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 112, No. e2, 22 pages, 3 sections

blunting the impact of a popular uprising that sought to push the country away from Russia and deepen ties with Europe, Putin has already left the fledgling government disorganized, discredited and forcedtocompromise

on terms that would keep the country firmly within Russia's sphere of influence, especially regarding the Crimea peninsula. SeeUkraine/A4



//jf/e use recyc/ed newsprint

IIIIIIIIIIIII 8 8 267 02329



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Nxrrox +




nian se rai ame or e

By Andrew Jacobs and Chris Buckley

bring stability to th e ethni-


cent months that have claimed

cally divided region that has been convulsed by mounting KUNMING, China — The violence. group of about 10 attackers, Although no group has dressed in black and wearing claimed responsibility for the cloth masks, arrived in front attack, officials Sunday deof Kunming Railway Station scribed the killings as an act

more than 100 lives, nearly all

in southwest China on Satur-

of terrorismplanned and per-

day night and began slashing at employees and commuters, sometimes repeatedly plunging their long knives and daggers into people too stunned or slow to flee.

petrated by separatists from Xinjiang, where members of the Uighur minority are increasingly at odds with the government.

against unarmed protesters. "As a single incident, you

New York Times News Service

By the time the police shot

According to th e X i nhua news service, President Xi Jin-

of them ethnic Uighurs. The killings have alarmed human rights advocates and

Uighur exiles who say security forces have been using

can say that this is the most

brutal, cruel incident we've seen from Xinjiang," Rohan Gunaratna, a

p r o fessor at

Nanyang Technological University in Singapore who stud-



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SuiCide dambing in PakiStan —Twosuicide bombers blew themselves up at acourt complex in the Pakistani capital on Monday, killing 11 people andwounding dozens in arare terror attack in the heart of Islamabad, officials said. Initial reports suggested two men wearing explosive vests rushed into the court complex, threw hand grenadesandstarted shooting, then blew themselves up, said Islamabad Police Chief Sikander Hayat. Heput the death toll at11 as did another police official and a hospital spokeswomanwhere the dead were taken.


Elon Glucklich ...................541-617-7820


RiOtS iiI Lidya —Dozens of armed rioters stormed into the Libyan Parliament in Tripoli on Sunday, setting fire to the grounds, looting furniture and wounding a lawmaker in aspasm of anger at the chaotic transition after the ouster of MoammarGadhafi. Less than two weeks after a vote to elect an assembly charged with writing a new constitution, the bedlam at Parliament dampenedhopes of renewed momentum for the transition, or even of a breakfrom the violence. Security guards outside the building encouraged the rioters, witnesses said, and looters running amok suspendedthe symbolic white chair of the parliamentary leader from a lamppost. Later, they set the chair on fire.

EPA tO Set new rule —The Environmental Protection Agency plans to unveil a major new regulation Monday that forces oil refiners to strip out sulfur, a smog-forming pollutant linked to respiratory disease, from American gasoline blends, according to people familiar with the agency's plans. Whenburned in gasoline, sulfur blocks pollution-control equipment in vehicle engines, which increases tailpipe emissions linked to lung disease, asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, aggravated heart disease, and premature births and deaths. Proponents of the rule say it will be President Barack Obama's most significant public health achievement in his second term, but opponents, chiefly oil refiners, say it is unnecessarily costly and an unfair burden on them.



PakiStan airStrikeS —The Pakistani government on Sunday suspended its airstrike campaign against militants in the country's northwestern tribal regions in response to aTaliban cease-fire, raising the prospect that peacetalks between the two sides will be revived. Theannouncementofthesuspensionwasmade bythe Pakistani interior minister, Nisar Ali Khan, on Sundayevening, and came hours after military gunships targeted militant positions in the northwestern Khyber tribal area in retaliation for an attack on health workers trying to vaccinate Pakistanis against polio. Officials said that notwithstanding the suspension, they would continue to respond to provocations by militants.

that crashed in a mountainous region of northern Nevadawas killed in the mishap, the Navysaid Sunday. Theplane, an F/A-18CHornet on loan from the Marine Corps to the Navy for "Top Gun" pilot training, crashed Saturday afternoon east of the NavalAir Station in Fallon, Nev. Theplane was atotal loss, the Navy said. Rescueteams from the Navy andthe Lander County, Nev., Sheriff's Office took hours to reach the site in a remote, rugged areaSaturday. An overnight snowstorm hindered search efforts.


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many children watching a soccer match, in a series of deadly bomb blasts in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri on Saturday, officials said. The Islamist group BokoHaramwas blamedfor the attacks, which were the deadliest in months in the sect's birthplace. Gunmen from the group also struck a nearby village, Mainok, at the same time Saturday evening, a local official said, storming in on trucks, burning houses andkilling at least 51. The death toll from the two attacks was more than100 and rising, officials said.

'TOP GIIII' PilOt trainee killed —Thepilot of a military plane

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Nigerian terrOriSt attaCk —Dozenswere kiled, including

excessive force, sometimes

dead four assailants and end- ping deplored the attack and ies terrorism in Asia, included the slaughter, the square called for "an all-out effort to ing China, said. a nd ticket sales hall at t h e punish the terrorists." During several days in July station were strewn with bodResidents in K u n ming, 2009, at least 200people, many ies and moaning survivors the capital of Yunnan prov- from the Han majority, died in in pools of blood. According ince, said they were stunned ethnic bloodshed in Urumqi, to the state news media, 29 that the city, best known as a the regional capital of Xinjipeople were killed and 143 warm, leafy tourist destina- ang. In the days that followed wounded. tion, could suffer such a spasm the rioting, an unknown numThe police captured one of bloodshed. ber of Uighurs are said to have "It happened too suddenly," died in vigilante attacks. of the assailants, but several "Absolutely, it's an i ntelliothers were said to be still at Du Zhenwu, a 48-year-old reslarge. Witnesses said that at ident who lives near the train gence failure," Gunaratna said least one of the attackers was station, said. "I don't think of the Kunming attack. "But awoman. anybody saw it coming." this is a natural progression The attack, which the auThe widespread revulsion of the developments in Xinjithorities said was carried out and fear unleashed by the at- ang, because I would estimate by assailants from the Xin- tack are likely to intensify the that in the last 12 months there jiang region in China's far government's crackdown in have been over 200 attacks west, was an alarming rebuff the region, which has led to a there, maybe even more. It is to the government's vows to seriesofbloody clashes in re- getting worse."

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MiSSiOnary releaSed —An Australian missionary arrested in North Korea last month for distributing Christian pamphlets is to be released, Pyongyang's state-run media said Monday. JohnShort, 75, had confessed to his "criminal behavior," and wasbeing freed partly on account of his age, according to North Korea's official news agency KCNA.Short traveled to North Korea from his home in Hong Kongwith fellow missionary Wang Chong, before being detained Feb.18.

@+'4; .

Demonstrators use agiant slingshot to launch stones at Bolivarian National Guards during clashes in Caracas, Venezuela, onSunday. Tens of thousands of students and other opponents of the Venezuelangovernment filled the streets of the capital, putting a damper onPresident Nicolas Maduro's hopes that amandated holiday might bring a respite from weeks of protests. Themarch originated at four points near universities in Caracasthat

Rodrigo Abd/The AssociatedPress

havebeenoppositionhotbedsandconvergedonthe Chacaito barrio, where opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez wasarrested Feb. 18after being accused of incitement to violence. Since mid-February, anti-government activists have beenprotesting high inflation, shortages of food and medicine, andviolent crime in a nation with the world's largest proven oil reserves. — From wire reports

ParchedCalifornia survivesa drenching, bLit it's unfortunately no 'drought-buster' The Associated Press

red-carpet arrivals at the AcadR esi- emy Awards, but rescue teams dents in three California foot- and deanup crews were still hill communities headed home busy. Sunday after a powerful storm A swift water-rescue team LOS ANGELES —

that threatened to unleash mud on neighborhoods beneath unstable hills scarred by recent wild&es. With the storm reduced to

sprinkles, residents in the Los Angeles County cities of Glendora and Azusa were allowed

back into their homes. Monrovia residents were allowed back late Saturday, officials said.

OSCar PiStOriIIS trial —The murder trial of Oscar Pistorius, set to open Monday, marks the start of a dramatic new chapter in the life of the double-amputee athlete who ran at the Olympics and became aglobal star before he shot his girlfriend to death. Prosecutors charged the 27-year-old Pistorius with murder in Reeva Steenkamp's death andsay it was with premeditation. They saythey will seek a life sentence if Pistorius is convicted, the sternest punishment available in South Africa. South Africa no longer has the death penalty. The intense public interest in the Pistorius trial is shown by the launching Sunday night of a 24-hour cable channel devoted to covering the court case. — From wire reports

impeded the search for him. Hall said the cause of his death

was under investigation, but there were no signs of foul play. High surf breached a sand plucked four hikers from rising berm in Long Beach late Saturwaters in a risky overnight res- day during an unusually high cue Sunday in Malibu. tide, said Will Nash, a spokesThehikers, who weretrapped man for the Long Beach Fire between a high wall and the Department. rising waters in Mahbu Creek As of Saturday evening, the State Park, were whisked out storm had dropped more than 4 by helicopter uninjuml but cold inches of rain in downtown Los and exhausted. California State Angeles and almost 12 inches at Parks rangers citedthe four Cogswell Dam in the Angeles men for "unsaferecreational National Forest, according to

The storm — the largest since activities." 2010 — kept emergency planIn San Diego County, search ners and rescue crews busy, but and rescue teams discovered it didn't produce enough rain to the body of a 55-year-old man pull California out of a crippling whose kayak was found upside drought that has grown to crisis down Saturday at Lake Sutherproportions for the state's vast land Dam in Ramona. farming industry. The man, whose name has The precipitation will bring not been released, was found the Los Angeles region to about dead about 10 a.m. Sunday, half its normal rainfall for the sheriffs Lt. Jason Vickery said. season, Bill Patzert, a dimatoloSearchers also found Sunday gist for the Jet Propulsion Labo- morning the body of a 34-yearratory in La Canada Flintridge, old mountain biker along a told the Los Angeles Times. ~c h o f the Cleveland ¹ "Thisis no drought-buster,but tional Forest. Riverside County it's a nice, fat down payment" in sheriffs Lt. Zachary Hall said thewaterbank, he said. Andres Marin was reported In downtown Los Angeles, missing Saturday evening, but the skies deared in time for the bad weather and rough terrain

UnreSt iiI ISrael —Hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews took to the streets of Jerusalem onSunday afternoon to express anger over attempts by Israel's political leaders to force them to serve in the military. Local media outlets estimated crowds at the "million-man march" to number more than 300,000, while organizers put the figure closer to 500,000. Police did not provide anexact figure, but spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said hundreds of thousands of men, womenand children were present. It was one of the largest demonstrations in the country since 2011,whenabout 200,000 Israelis protested the high cost of living.

the National Weather Service.

The storm wasn't all bad news, though. Ski resorts were delighted with fresh snow that promised

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Monday, March 3, the 62nd day of 2014. Thereare303 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS Ukraine —U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry travels to Kiev to prepare for a meeting with Ukrainian leaders.A4 EPA rlllSS —The Environmental Protection Agency finalizes a major new regulation on oil refiners.


ou a ian sun areun u ar Our advancing technology takes a lot of things into consideration. But nothing's really been done to address the possibility that a portion of the United States' power grid could become disabled. There was a glimpse of what could occur back in 1989. And now, some physicists are saying that we need to prepare for the potential of another 'Carrington event.'

HISTORY Highlight:In1974, a Turkish Airlines DC-10crashed shortly after takeoff from Orly Airport in Paris, killing all 346 people on board. A faulty cargo door had blown open, resulting in sudden decompression that caused part of the jetliner's floor to collapse, severely damaging the plane's control cables. In1845, Florida becamethe 27th state.

In1849, the U.S.Department of the Interior was established. In1894, British Prime Minister William Gladstone submitted his resignation to QueenVictoria, ending his fourth and final premiership. In1913, more than 5,000 suffragists marched down Pennsylva niaAvenueinWashington D.C., aday before the presidential inauguration of Woodrow Wilson. In1923,Time magazine, founded by Briton Haddenand Henry Luce, madeits debut. In1931, "The Star-Spangled Banner" becamethe national anthem of the United States as President Herbert Hoover signed a congressional resolution. In1934, bank robber John Dillinger escaped from the Lake County Jail in Crown Point, Ind., along with another prisoner, Herbert Youngblood. In1943, in London's EastEnd, 173 people died in acrush of bodies at the Bethnal Green tube station, which wasbeing used as awartime air raid shelter. In1945,the Allies fully secured the Philippine capital of Manila from Japaneseforces during World War II. In1969, Apollo 9 blasted off fromCapeKennedyonamission to test the lunar module. In1985, coal miners in Britain voted to end a year-long strike that proved to bethe longest and most violent walkout in British history.

In1991, motorist Rodney King was severely beaten by Los Angeles police officers in a scene captured onamateur video. Twenty-five people were killed when aUnited Airlines Boeing 737-200 crashedwhile approaching the Colorado Springs airport. Tenyearsage:Multnomah County beganissuingsame-sex marriage licenses.TheWalt Disney Co.'sboardvoted to strip Michael Eisner of hischairman's post while retaining him asCEO. Fiveyears ago:U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, during a visit to Israel, promised to work with the incoming government, but said movement toward establishment of a Palestinian state was "inescapable." SydneyChaplin, Charles Chaplin's son andhimself a Tony-winning actor, died in Rancho Mirage, Calif., at age82. One yearage:Vice President Joe Bidenledcivil rights leaders and national political figures in a ceremonial crossing of a bridge in Selma,Ala., where voting rights marcherswere beaten bylawofficers in1965. The SpaceXcompany's Dragon capsule madegood onits latest shipment to the International Space Station, overcoming earlier mechanical difficulty to deliver a ton ofsupplies.

BIRTHDAYS Movie producer-director George Miller is 69. Singer-musician RobynHitchcock is 61. Actor Robert Gossett is 60. Olympic track and field gold medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee is 52.Actress Jessica Biel is 32. Rockmusician Blower (AKAJoeGarvey) (Hinder) is 30. — From wire reports

By Rick Montgomery

tronomer Richard Carrington,

The Kansas City Star

who charted the 1859 solar burst.



When the sun got ornery in 1859,American telegraph operators saw sparks fly. A huge solar flare belched a doud of charged partides into

Still other researchers, such

as NASA's Hathaway, point out that for an event that big, the statistics are too flimsy to

Scientists today regard what happened in 1989 as a mere


sun-to-Earth wakeup call, an

The uncertainty rests in the

electromagnetic puff, though strong enough to knock out power inQuebec and parts of

relatively brief span of time in which scientists have recorded

ing telegraph lines, the electro- the Northeast. magnetic collision caused little Hathaway said the Big One, stir in the world. Carrington-style, "could be Nobody back then had yet catastrophic," leaving much of switched on a decent light bulb, North America without juice much less charged an iPhone. for months or years. Yet the sun hasn't changed its A 2009 study by the National ways, and that worries Univer- Academy of Sciences warned shy of Kansas physicist Adrian that a massive geomagnetic Melott, among others. What if assault on satellites and interthe remnants of a similar solar connected power grids could flare struck the planet today? result in a blackout from which "Gee, I'd be without cable the nation may need four to 10 TV,"Melottdeadpanned. years to recover.

electromagnetic fluctuations on Earth — the first being Car-

Earth's path. But other than fry-

Without email too, some fear.

No heating or cooling. No electric grid. This is the scenario rolling out from a growing network of scientists, policymakers and survivalists. Not quite dooms-

day, because life itself would continue, but a silent natural disaster that could unplug us from all we depend upon. "It's happened before, as recently as 1989," said astrophysi-

a link between sunbursts and rington's observations on Sept. 1, 1859. And even then, the

world knew about it only because an emerging technology went haywire.

"Telegraph systems, the In-

ternet of that age," said Daniel Baker, directorof the University

of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. Sparks shocked telegraph operators and set fire to their paper. According to n ewspaper accounts, the Northern Lights

"The earth is in peril, and

people love that," said Benjamin Radford, deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine. "There is this certain human fascination with disaster. "This one's a little eccentric.

But given a world so intercon-

could be viewed as far south

as the Caribbean, the result of electrically charged particles

John Sleezer/Kansas City Star

A 2012U.S. Geological survey estimated a 6 percent chance that a solar flare powerful enough to disrupt the nation's power grid would occur within the next decade.

from the sun entering Earth's

atmosphere. But beyond the aurora sightings and the telegraph fires, pable of shorting out satellites the 1859 CME passed without around the globe and frying much notice. "Without technology being electric lines across a continent, might be a once-in-a-century our antenna to collect the efevent. fects of a geomagnetic storm, In May 2012, a U.S. Geologi- we'd have no way of knowing" cal survey report estimated a 6 if one ever arrived, Baker said. percent chance of another CarNor could we know whether rington event occurrmg in the or not the Carringon event was next decade. asbad as sunstorms get.

nected and dependent on tech-

nology, with all our cellphones and computers, there's some scientists say it's inevitable that legitimate scientific concern Earth will, on rare occasion, get about this." bonkedbywhat they call a"corcist David Hathawayof NASA's Odds of anelectronics Arma- onal mass ejection." Marshall Space Flight Center in geddon anytimesoon are far A doud of solar plasma, deHuntsville, Ala. "That geomag- from dear. pendingon themagneticm akenetic stormtook out abigtransBecause solar storms occur up of its electrons, could penformer in New Jersey." regularly, with magnetic loops etrate and shake the planet's Still, it was no "Carrington flaring and twisting around magnetic field. event," named for British as- sunspots, government weather Some say a super CME, ca-




• •

uncover a 'time capsule' By Deborah Netbum Los Angeles Times

Scientists have discovered the DNA of millions of tiny

organisms entombed in the ancient dental plaque of four

medieval skeletons. The findings, published in the j ournal N ature Ge-

netics, have implications for research into what our ancestors ate, how they inter-

acted, and what diseases they fought, the authors write. "I feel like we discovered

how to access it." Over the last decade, scientists had started to look at

ancientplaque samples under a microscope, hoping to find ner, who has a background in extracting DNA from bones and teeth, wanted to know

ty of Oklahoma and the lead

whetherithad also preserved

author of the study. "This is a game changer."


To find out, she scraped the mineralized plaque off the

versity of York, a co-author on the paper, put it this way:

teeth of four skeletons from a

"What we found is a microbi-

Germany, and

al Pompeii." C alcified plaque is t h e rough, bumpy stuff you might notice coating your teeth if you have skipped too many dental appointments. Today, dentists scrape plaque offour

ing the samples with various chemicalsand enzymes, she put them through a machine that separates cell debris

medieval convent in Dalheim, •


a f ter t r eat-

from DNA. The result, she said, was thrilling.

"When you get DNA from dental cleanings. Before the bones, it is so damaged and days of modern oral care, it there is so little of it left," she could grow layer upon lay- said. "When we analyzed the er, until sometimes the hard dental calculus we got 100 to plaque covering a tooth was 1,000 times more DNA fragteeth as part of our regular

thicker than the tooth itself.

ments than we would have c a lcified from a bone."

From those DNA fragments

that also live in our mouths — turning them into small

Warinner and an international team of colleagues deter-

fossils even when we are alive. And when we die, these

mined that the bacteria associated with human periodon-

dense, calcified microfossils

tal disease have not changed

remain intact, even as most of the rest ofus decomposes.

much in 1,000 years, even as dental hygiene and diet have.

• •

could allow it to resist low-level antibiotics, just as some of

our oral bacteria has today. the process of cleaning them. And they found bits of plant But recently, it has become DNA in the plaque, which clear that calcified plaque is a provides direct evidence of reservoir of information. the ancient diet.

• • •

• •


• •



~ •



• •

I '



I /

• ' '



s• •











0 I NV E S T M E N T S E R V I C E S

Throughout most of the his- They also found that ancient tory of archaeology, research- oral bacteria had a gene that removing it from skeletons in

tion there. The challenge is

Warinner, a molecular anthropologist at the Universi-

plaque disposable — often

al community," Collins said. "There is so much informa-

whole time," said Christina

ers have consideredcalcified


right next door to a microbi-

microscopic bits of food stuck in its hard matrix. But Warin-

The layers of plaque entomb the bacteria


"People are realizing that you have this rich bacterial community living on the surface of your teeth, and if your gums are bleeding, you have an open vascular network

a time capsule that has been right under our noses this

Matthew Collins of the Uni-


s s•





Continued fromA1 The Kremlin's pledge to pro-

Continued fromA1 combat, with TDCJ officials Dallas rapist Guy Marble before it was debated in the wed twice while behind bars; Legislature. murderer Diane Zamora of He said he told them the Crowley married an inmate change would still allow inshe never met in a "double mates to receive licenses but proxy" ceremony; and the that both the bride and groom nuptials of George Rivas, who had to be present for the cerkilled an Irvingcop, tookplace emony. Riling said he also three hours before his date made it dear that because a

tect compatriots in U k raine

from suppression of a Western-minded majority mirrors Russia's role in other disputed territories of the former Soviet republics over the years, including Abkhazia and South Ossetia.


I ' 'P

P x 5 C 0 I

Those two breakaway re-

with the needle.

gions of Georgia survived in a diplomatic limbo after

tion for military personnel in

1987 Supreme Court decision

Those marriages would dedared inmates have a right not happen today because the to marry, TDCJ would be vistatute that took effect Sept. olating their rights if they did 1 requires both parties to be not allow weddings. "The response from them present at the ceremony, and department policy prohibits was: 'We have no intention of weddings in prison facilities. changing our policy,"' Riling That puts the state on a colli- said. "It absolutely amazed

the collapse of t h e S oviet Union with overt and covert

Kremlin pressure until war erupted in 2008 and Russia

routed ill-prepared Georgian troops. R ussia

law, which makes an excep-

b r u s he d as i d e

sion course with the U.S. Su-

me they're sticking with the

strong warnings from the

preme Court, which has ruled policy."

United States an d o t h e rs Maurico Lima i New York Times News Service at the time and recognized Simferopol, the Crimean capital, is written on a national flag as protesters gather et Independence them as independent coun- Square during e rally opposing Russian incursion, in Kiev, Ukraine on Sunday. Russie's move to seize tries — and paid little price the Crimean Peninsula brought e warning from Ukraine against further incursions. Ukraine's premier for it in the long run. Putin said Sunday that the nation wes on the "brink of disaster."

inmates, like all citizens, have

appears to be calculating again that Russia is too important for other countries to

ganda that served a trans-

respond moreforcefully,despite warnings like those by Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday that the Unit-

parent p olitical p u r pose but appeared now to reflect

ed States would consider an array of sanctions that could

for Ukraine and for Russia,"

the actual worldview of the Kremlin. "It's a catastrophe he said. "The problem is that

quite a few people in Russia travel of senior officials here. don't understand the conse"As brilliant as the man is, quences. They believe the he has only one pattern," said country is strong and can do includefreezing assets and

Nina Khrushcheva, a profesthe New School in New York

whatever it wants to do." How Putin perceives these e vents remains central t o

and the great-granddaugh-

what happens next, experts

sor of international affairs at ter of

N i k i t a K h r u shchev, said. Does he believe he has

whose decision to cede

already succeeded by making clear that Rus-

C rimea to K i ev's j u -

risdiction instead of Moscow's in 1954 is a disputed legacy at the heart of Russia's claims in Ukraine. "It's a clever pattern, but he

s ia has the w il l

Pu tin


the means to force its agenda in U k r aine? Or does he feel the job is only half done and that h aving s t oked

has only one."

Russian nationalism, he has

Any escalation of Russia's military i n tervention, espe-

no choice but to plow ahead? The deployment of Rus-

cially if it meets resistance sian troops across Crimea and bloodshed, will a l most — which Peskov refused to certainly rattle investors and acknowledge — has already plunge Russia's unsteady effectively severed Crimea economy into free fall. With from Ukrainian control, even the value of the ruble already as it provoked tense confronfalling, there was quick spec- tation with Ukrainian troops ulation of a rocky start when at some bases. It allowed a the stock market opens today. new regional leader to plead For now, such calculations for Russia's protection and appear to be secondary to gave the Kremlin the prethe fury that the toppling of tense to oblige. Yanukovych's government Ethnic Russian supporthas caused inside the Krem- ers — abetted by Russia's lin. Ukraine has deep his- secretservices, according to torical, social and religious Ukrainian and foreign officonnections to Russia that cials — are now mounting are often underestimated in demonstrations in other citthe United States, especial- ies, including Kharkiv and ly. More significantly, Putin Donetsk, that could lead to and the close circle of aides similar c a ll s f o r R u s sian he relies on most, view the intervention. overthrow o f Y a n u kovych The unanimous vote by as a coup orchestrated by the Russia's upper house of ParWest to undercut Russia's vi- liament on Saturday night to authorize an intervention, after a debate that v i l ified the Department o f S t r ate- t he United States in w a y s gic Assessment, part of the reminiscent of the darkest Russian Academy of Sci- periods of the Cold War, took ences, said that the relent- place after the first Russian l ess anti-Americanism o n reinforcements had already talinterests.

Sergei Utkin, the head of

state media was in the past dismissed as crude propa-

begun arriving, according to Ukrainian and other West-

SuPPOrt fOr Ukraine in NeW Yark —Theconfrontation be-

tween Russia andUkraine reverberated Sunday through NewYork City's tight-knit ethnic enclaves, from southern Brooklyn to the pulpits of Ukrainian church services in theEastVillage to the Russian consulate on theUpperEast Side, where protesters shouted their opposition to Russia's military involvement in Ukraine at the four-story building's drawn curtains and silent stone. At aprotest in Midtown Manhattan, more than 200people sangthe Ukrainian national anthem, drowning out for a moment the sounds of Frank Sinatra from an ice-skating rink steps away.They held yellowand-blue Ukrainian flags, and signs with slogans in Russian used by Red Squareprotesters in1968 — "For our freedom andyours" — as well as unflattering images of President Vladimir Putin, mustachioed asHitler. GrOuP Of SeVen uPdate —The U.S.andsix other nations say they are suspending participation in the planning for an international summit in Russia this summer. TheWhite House issued the joint statement on behalf of the Group ofSeven. That's the U.S., Canada,France, Germany, Italy, Japan,andthe United Kingdom. The nations also participate in theGroup of Eight economic group, which includes Russia. In the joint statement, the countries say they condemnRussia's "clear violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine." Theysay Russia's advances in Ukraine violate the "principles andvalues" on which the G-7and G-8 operate.

a right to marry. The state of Texas is"probablygoingtoget dingedin court and probably be ordered to allow prison marriages in some way, shape or form," said Jessica Dixon Weaver, assistant professor of law at Southern Methodist University. The Texas Inmate Families

has led some county derks to deny marriage licenses. Scott tion, which offers support for Riling, chief of staff for Mte Rep. Trent Ashby, R-Lufkin,

families and works with the Legislature on behalf of in-

who authored the bill, said if county clerks are refusing to issue licenses, they are misinterpreting the law. But it's

mates, said her members are

Texas prison officials who are

icate that's proving to be the

December. He suggested a diplomatic resolution would begin with a return to the terms of those

military operation to protect

"citizens and compatriots" in Ukraine, as Putin said in telephone conversations with

a greements.


w ou l d

tary General, Ban Ki-moon,

the United States and others

according to the Kremlin.

have already endorsed and the return of Yanukovych, who appeared Friday at a surreal news conference in

mean the dismissal of the Obama and the U.N. Secre- new interim government that Peskov said that Putin had not yet ordered the operation

but now had "the full array of options available to him" if the the Russian city of Rostovcrisis worsened. He empha- on-Don after dropping out of sized that Russia supported a sight for a week. "He may be the last man to unified Ukraine, but also argued that the country's new presenthimselffor the presleaders had violated the agree- idency," Peskov said, reflectment brokered by the foreign ing the greatly diminished ministers of Germany, France reputation of Yanukovych in and Poland to establish a unity Moscow now, "but he is the government that would leave

encountering problems at the

courthouse. "It's being able to register the marriage certif-

at fault, he said, for forbidding barrier," she said. Weddlllgs. Clay said she and her fiance "There was no intent, whatsoever, with the bill to make it

harderforinmates togetmarried," Riling said. "We were trying to wipe out all potential fraud associated with marriagebyproxy." Talia Clay was ready to marry the father of her young-

house in Beaumont last fall to

hand to play, threatening a much larger conventional

'We don't allowit altogether."'

Jennifer Erschabek, ex-

— From wire reports

ident until new elections in

can regulate it to a certain extent. But they can't just say: ecutive director of the Texas Inmate Families A s socia-

the Jefferson County Court-

Yanukovych in place as pres-

The law allows TDCJ "to dictate the when, the how, the where," Weaver said. "They

wording in the law because it

est son last fall. Her fiance, in

ertheless gave Putin a strong

time before the American Civil Liberties Union or another group files suit.

Ammation faults confusing

Kerry headS tO KieV —Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Kiev to meetwith Ukrainian leaders on Monday to offer support as Russian troops occupy the nation's Crimea region. "The secretary will reaffirm the United States' strong support for Ukrainian sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and the right of the Ukrainian people to determine their own future," Jen Psaki, a Kerry spokeswoman, said in anemailed statement.

ern officials. The vote nev-

Weaver, the SMU law professor, said it's only a matter of

are disappointed they weren't

able tomany. "It really upset him because he said he figured stuff like that would make our bond doser," she said. She'd marry him today, she said, but will wait until he's released from his 12-year sentence. Waiting is an option for

prison for auto theft, had final- Clay. It wasn't for Lori Wally matured during his latest lace Wilson of Tomball, whose stint behind bars, she said, husband is serving two life andtheywanted to make their sentences for aggravated sexfamily officiaL ual assault and assault on a But when Clay, 37, went to

public servant.

They met when she was 14 and datedoffand on fortw o obtain a marriage license, she years before losing touch. Afwas rebuffed. t er two failed m~ s, s h e 'They said it was too late,"

looked him up on the Internet

shesaid. and was shocked to find him Riling said she should have inprison. Shewrote, thenvisitbeen able to get a l icense. ed him in January of last year. 'They're not reading the law," The old spark quickly reighesaid. nited, even though they canBut even if she had obtained

not touch during visits or

a license, Riling said, it's the talk on the phone because of Texas Department of Crim- his custody restrictions. inal Justice that would have They decided to marry by preventedthemarriage. proxy in July 2013, on the 'We do not allow marriage 36th anniversary of their ceremoniesto take place and

first date.

do not have any immediate plans to change that," said Jason Clark, a spokesman for the department. Riling said he discussed the

Wilson, 53, said she's glad they married before the law changed. "I feel like I was actually born to be his wife," she said. •


Continued fromA1 Ray Baughman, achemist

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S WN T y a r ns.

Along the way, he and his students learned that if they twist their yarn until it coils, they

can make a powerful rotating motor. The effect is similar to the way a twisted rubber band

turns the propeller on a toy plane. But in this case, Baughman's team could zap the yarn

with an electric current to w ind the motor back up. That success got Baughman and his students thinking. In their yarns, most of the SWNT

Courtesy University of Texas at Dallas


Courtesy Science/AAAS

LEFT: University of Texas et Dallas researchers have made erti-

ficial muscles of various sizes by twisting and coiling ordinary fishing line. Pencil end paper clips are included for perspective. RIGHT: An international teem of researchers report that they've

fibers were aligned along the spun commonplastic fishing line and sewing thread into the most length of the yarn. That con- powerful artificial muscles ever created. This photo compares sistent orientation is critical, because it ensures that when

muscles made by coiling different sizes of nylon 6 monofiiement fibers.

an electrical stimulus changes the length of one nanotube fi-

ber, all of its neighbors change that the yarns contracted by Baughman says. Producing in the same way, causing the up to 50 percent, a result they thisforce requires only offyarn to contract or expand.

reported Feb. 21 in Science.

That same alignment also ex- And cooling the plastic musists in conventional plastic fi- cles returns them to their origbers, such as those made from nylon, where the individual

polymer chains in the plastic line up along the length of the fiber. So Baughman and his students decided to explore whether everyday plastic fibers could act as artificial muscles. They succeeded beyond their wildest hopes. Baughman, along with colleagues in Texas, Australia and Chi-

inal length. Natural muscles,

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inexpensive materials and ba-

larger than a human hair, produces acoiled polymer mus-

sically turned them into a gold mine."

cle that can lift 7.2 kilograms,

the team found. Operated in parallel, an arrangement that i ncreases their p ower a n d is similar to the way natural

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Third of three:Patrick Lanning, currently Yamhill Valley Campus president in McMinnville and chief academic officer of instruction andstudent services for theChemeketa Community CollegeDistrict. Scheduled tovisit COCC's Bend campustoday.

Deschutes County Commission — The commission is expected to meet in awork session at1:30 p.m., at the Deschutes County Services Building,


• f)

1300 N.W. Wall St., in

Bend. Commissioners are likely to discuss a request from the 911 service district to hire three new telecommunicators, who takecalls at the dispatch center. The addition would cost about $224,000, but


Experienced native looks to return-

district officials say it

would help dispatchers and would, among other

and to lead

things, allow the district

to assign dispatchers to fire channels during busytimesand move dispatchers off of12hour shifts.

By Tyler Leeds The Bulletin

Patrick Lanning, one of three finalists to be Central


Bend CityCoun-

Cll —The council is expected to meet beginning at 5:30 p.m., first in a work session, executive session and then in business meeting at council chambers

Photos by Joe Kline/The Bulletin

Luke Pokorny, 6, of Bend, and great aunt Barbara Newell, of Madison, Wisc., look at a display board showing products made from endangered animals and materials as part of the "Wildlife Forensics: Detection and Discovery in the Animal World" exhibit on Sunday at the High Desert Museum in Bend.

A Prineville native, Lanning

useum'H ues Hen eI

in City Hall, 710 N.W.

Wall St. On theagenda are discussions about renaming Murphy Road to OldMurphyRoadand amending city code to allow for the increased room tax rate.

Deschutes County Commission — The commission is expected to meet in awork session at1:30 p.m., at the Deschutes County Services Building, 1300 N.W. Wall St., in Bend. Commissioners are likely to discuss adjustments to the county's weed ordinance. The county is considering allowing the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to issue citations for property owners who don't comply with the rules. Contact:541-383-0354,

news©bendbulletin.com. In emails, please write "Civic Calendar" in the subject line. Include a contact name and number. Submissions may be edited. Deadline for Monday publication is noon Thursday.

Oregon Community College's nextpresident, was described by acolleague as"arealcom munity college success story."

8 0 &l

i e orenSiCS

graduated from Crook County High Schoolbefore goingto Lane Communi-

ty College. After transferring to the University of Oregon on a track scholarship, Lanning

Lann ing

became the first

inhis familyto graduate from college. He has since earned a doctorate and returned to

• Displays teach about crimes againstanimals, using lessonson tracking, poaching andmore

Lane, first as an instructor and later rising to be an associate

vice president. Lanning is currently chief academic officer of instruction and student

services fortheSalem-based Chemeketa Community College District and president of its Yamhill Valley campus in McMinnville. He hopes his

By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

amantha Heyerman couldn'tun-

next step will be to come home

derstand why anyone would want

shoot a cougar. SButtothere it was, lying in front of the

and succeed COCC President

5-year-old Bend resident Sunday at the

college for a decade. "COCC is a really solid college with a great faculty and staff," Lanning said."It's not broken. Theyneed someone

Jim Middleton, who will retire this summer after leading the

High Desert Museum, surrounded by a series of cryptic clues that might be pieced together to pinpoint a culprit. The cougar was a fake, part of a new exhibit at the museum called "Wildlife Forensics: Detection and D i scovery in the Animal World." The exhibit of-

fers kids and adults a glimpse into the Mason Kelly, 7, and mom, Jessica Jacks, of Tumalo, check out a wildlife crime scene world of crimes against animals, and display as part of the "Wildlife Forensics: Detection and Discovery in the Animal the forensic scientists who work to World" exhibit on Sunday at the High Desert Museum in Bend. bring poachers and animal smugglers

who can focus on what's most important, and I think I can do that. But also, I was born and raised in the district, my fam-

ily's there, and it's an exciting opportunity to come home." SeeCOCC/A6

to justice.

EVENT CALENDAR TODAY HOUSE CONCERTSIN THE GLEN: Pianist Radoslav Lorkovich performs, with Hilst andCoffey; bring dish or beverageto share; $15 donation, reservation requested; 7p.m., doors open 6 p.m.for potluck; The Glen atNewport Hills, 1019 N.W. StanniumDrive, Bend; 541-480-8830or ja@prepprofjles.com. TUESDAY GREENTEAMMOVIE NIGHT: Ascreening of the 2013 documentary"Gasland II" about oil industry fracking; free;6:30-8:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230N.ENinth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. SUMMITEXPRESSJAZZ BAND: Celebrate Mardi Gras with Dixielandjazz; $4 plus fees; 7p.m., doors open 6 p.m.;TowerTheatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700or www. tcweltheatre.org. WEDNESDAY

THE CHANGINGFACEOF AMERICA:IMMIGRATION THENAND NOW:Actor and author Judith Sloan discusses herperformance of "Crossing theBLVD"and its relevance tooursociety oftoday;free,reservation requested;noon-1 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, WilleHall, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7412. TEXASHOLD'EM POKERTOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER: Featuring dinner, beverages,prizes andraffles; proceedsbenefit the medicalexpensesof two employeeswith cancer; $50 to play,$20suggested donation towatch; 5:30-10 p.m.; DeschutesBrewery & Public House,1044

Looking at different strands of animal hair through a microscope, Dylan Bolger, Il, was intrigued. "It's crazy how everything you do

looked at hair samples to try to spot the

Central Oregon visiting friends and de-

difference between a common goat, a rabbit and an endangered Tibetan An-

cided to check out the museum. Many

kids gatheredaround High Desert's telope in another. furrier attractions Sunday, such as the leaves a trace," Bolger said. A display case showed different otter display and an up-close look at a The exhibit was inspired by the U.S. products made from poached animals, porcupine. Fish and Wildlife Service's forensic things such as snakeskin belts and hair But Geitz made a point of guiding Jalab in Ashland, which solves crimes combs made from a sea turtle. cob through the forensics display, to see threatening wildlife around the world. The cougar crime scene revealed what impression it would make. "It's an engaging exhibit," she said. The lab is the only one of its kind in the several pieces of evidence — a bullet country. Before it opened in 1988, an- casing, a footprint, a discarded beer can "It's always good when you can show imal investigators had to rely mostly — and asked guests to try to find all the kids how science affects the world." on witness testimony, which often is different clues. The animal forensics exhibit opened unreliable.

P arents, such as M a rie Geitz of

High Desert Museum guests Sunday tried to match a slew of animal

Portland, said they appreciated the thought-provoking exhibit.

tracks with their owner in one area, and

Geitz and her son, Jacob, 8, were in

N.W. BondSt., Bend;541382-9242 orwww.jJnp/ HoldCancer. "CROSSING THE BLVD:STRANGERS, NEIGHBORS,ALIENSIN A NEWAMERICA":Judith Sloan presents thehuman stories of the reasonswhy immigrants andrefugees have migrated tothe U.S; free; 6 p.m.;Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600N.W.CollegeW ay, Bend; 541-383-7412. "THEMETROPOLITAN OPERA:PRINCE IGOR" ENCORE:A presentation of Borodin'3 Russian epic abouta conflicted hero; operaperformance transmitted live inhigh definition; $24,$22seniors, $18 children; 6:30p.m.; Regal OldMill Stadium 16& IMAX,680S.W. PowerhouseDrive, Bend; 54 I-3 I2-2901. "THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS": A screening ofthe 2001film directed byWesAnderson, with a costumecontest; free; 7 p.m.;TheOld Stone, 157 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-322-7273or www.bit.ly/WAnders. VIASOL: Thefunk-fusion

band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenaminsOld St. Francis School, 700 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 54 I-382-5174 orwww. mcmenamins.com. THURSDAY LATEMODELRACECAR VIEWING: View a race car signed byCentral Oregon veterans orsign it if you are aveteran; T-shirt sales benefit race car maintenance; free; 8 a.m.; Elks Lodge,151N. Main St., Prineville; 541447-5304 or kjm.phjljjppO co.crook.or.us. CENTRALOREGON SPORTSMEN'SSHOW: Featuring vendors and resources for outdoor recreation, a head and horns competition, a kids' trout pond, camp cooking demonstrations and more; $10, $5 ages 6-16, free ages 5 and younger, $15 for a two-day pass; noon-8 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair and Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 503-552-5003 or www.OTshows.com. "FOOTLOOSETHE MUSICAL": TheRedmond High School drama department presents

its winter musical; $12, $10seniors jn advance; $15, $12seniors at the door; $8 students; 7 p.m.; Redmond HighSchool, 675 S.W.RimrockWay; 541-923-4800 or www.rhs. redmond.k12.0r.us. BURNINGQUESTIONS AND BEERWITH LINSEY CORBIN:A Q-and-A with the jronman Champion; free, reservation requested; 7 p.m.; FootZone, 842 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-3568 or www.footzonebend. com/events. HANZ ARAKI DUO:The Portland Celtic band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamjns OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. NATHANIEL TALBOT:The folk-pop artist performs, with Jeffery Martin and Anna andthe Underbelly; $10; 7 p.m.; TheBelfry, 302 E. MainAve., Sisters; 541-815-91 22or www. belfryevents.com. "THEWORLD GOES 'ROUND":Aplay about celebrating life andthe fighting spirit; $22, $19for students andseniors; 7:30

at the High Desert Museum this week-

end and runs through June 8.

p.m.; 2nd StreetTheater, 220 N.E Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. FRIDAY LATINODANCEFESTIVAL: Learn Latin dances in various workshops; proceeds benefit Latino Club scholarships; $5 per day;; Central Oregon Community College, Wjlle Hall, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend;541-318-3726. CENTRALOREGON SPORTSMEN'SSHOW: Featuring vendors and resources for outdoor recreation, a headand horns competition, a kids' trout pond, campcooking demonstrations andmore; $10, $5 ages6-16, free ages 5 andyounger, $15 for a two-day pass; noon-8 p.m.; DeschutesCounty Fair and ExpoCenter, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; 503-552-5003 or www.OTshows.com. FIRST FRIDAYGALLERY WALK:Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wineand food in downtown Bend and the OldMill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend.

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucjtlich@bendbulletin.com

HONG KONGBANANA: Garage rockfrom a member of Hillstomp; free; 6 p.m.; Crow's Feet Commons,875 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-728-0066 or www. crowsfeetcommons.com. "FOOTLOOSETHE MUSICAL": The Redmond High School drama department presents jts winter musical; $12, $10 seniors in advance; $15, $12 seniors at the door; $8 students; 7 p.m.; Redmond HighSchool, 675 S.W.Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or www. rhs.redmond.k12.or.us. "CAPTAINPHILLIPS": A screening of the2013 film (PG-13)starring Tom Hanks; free, refreshments available; 7:30 p.m.; RodriguezAnnex,Jefferson County Library,134 S.E E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www.jcld.org. "THEWORLD GOES 'ROUND":A play about celebrating life andthe fighting spirit; $22, $19for students andseniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd StreetTheater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com.

First:DanaYoung, currently president of Treasure Valley Com,t' munity College in Ontario. Visited COCC'sBend campus Feb.24. Second:Sheila Ortego, currently interim president of the community campusatPimaCommunity College in Tucson, Ariz. Visited COCC's Bend campusFeb.26.

TRIAGE: Theimprov comedytroupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org. SUNNYLEDFURD:The North Carolina country artist performs; $15 plus fees; 9-11:30p.m.; Maverjck'3 Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 orwww. maverickscountrybar.com. SATURDAY LATINODANCEFESTIVAL: Learn Latindancesinvarious workshops;proceedsbenefit Latino Clubscholarships; $5 per day" CentralOregon Community College, Wile Hall, 2600N.W.CollegeWay, Bend; 541-318-3726. 50TH ANNIVERSARY COMMUNITYOPEN HOUSE: Hosted by the Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District Volunteer Firefighters Association, fire fighters from Cloverdale, Sisters-CampSherman, Crooked River Ranchand Redmond FireDistricts will be demonstrating

equipment andgiving tours of emergency apparatus; 10a.m.-1 p.m.; Sisters RodeoGrounds, 67637 U.S. Highway20; 541-549-0121. CENTRALOREGON SPORTSMEN'SSHOW: Featuring vendors and resourcesfor outdoor recreation, a headand horns competition, a kids' trout pond, campcooking demonstrations andmore; $10, $5 ages6-16,free ages 5 and younger, $15 for a two-day pass; 1 0 a.m.-8 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair andExpo Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond;503-5525003 or www.OTshows. com. GRIN AND BEARIT RUN: 5K, 10Kand1-mjle runl walks plus afamily fun fair to benefit Healthy Beginnings; costsvary, see website for details, freefor spectators;10 a.m.;Les SchwabAmphitheater,344 S.W. Shevlin HixonDrive, Bend; 541-383-6357or www.myhb.org. Contact:54t -383-0351, communitylifeObendbullelin.com or "Submit an Event" online at www.bendbulletin.com. Entries must be submitted at least 10 days before publication.





Nore snow,morewater

Continued from A5 Having worked at two dif-

ferent community colleges, Lanning said the differences between schools are just as important as the similarities.

ning said he would make being involved in the community a priority. "I'd connect with superintendents and school districts, to help our local high school students who want to get degrees or transfer to a university," Lanning said. "But it's also

As of Jan.30

Inches of water stored in snow KEY

To help himself understand the particulars of COCC, Lan-

Hefty snowfall in the mountains aroundCentral Oregon inFebruary boosted the snowpack. The snowpack went from less than athird of normal for this time of year at the end of January to morethan half of normal at theend of February. Snowpackshown aswaterequivalent nnd as n basin-wide percentage of the1981-2010 median:

As the snowpackbuilds, so doesthe amount of water it stores. The snowfall in February morethan doubledthe amount of water inthe snowpack compared towhatwas heldat the endof January.




2014 2013 2012 — 2011 — Median 1981 to 2010


P Less than 50%

benefit from." Lanning said tailoring the college to the needs of the re-

• Salem


















Hood, Sandy, Low

fill the reservoirs, so they are less dependent on rainfall and

ortland• Salem

in Salem, as something that would help him get the region

Continued from A1 snowpack. They're in better "It has helped tremendously shape despite a dry November, for Ochoco and Prineville res- December and January. Giffin ervoirs," he said. said he expects Wickiup and As of Friday, Ochoco Res- Crane Prairie reservoirs to fill ervoir was 37 percent full, ac- before April 1, when growcording to the Bureau of Rec- ing season typically starts in lamation. The reservoir can CentralOregon. He'sbeeninhold44,247 acre-feet ofw ater creasing releasesfrom theres-

and college the state support

and was at 16,190 acre-feet. e r voirs recently to avoid them

they need. "COCC doesn't need an

An acre-foot is enough water fillingtoosoon. to submerge an acre of land a C r e scent Lake likely won't foot deep in water. f ill, bu t it sti l l Prineville Reservoir should have a good sup ply of w ater. was at 68percent full We are Still Friday, with 100482 61fey gAgrI M/e G tffm dtdn't fore acre-feet. The reser- jt see any water re-

infusion of new ideas, but it

would be important to focus on attracting new resources," Lanning said. "I've served on committees looking at the funding formula for colleges,

voir can hold 148,640

Id f


strictions for grow-

state's work on dual enrollment. I already have these

acre-feet.Inlate Jan- IOOking at uary, Ochoco Reser- phe p>Sp feI/I/ voir was 23 pecent

ers dr a wingirrigatio n water from the

relationships with Salem established, and I think that firm

full and P r ineville Reservoir was at 54

As of F r iday, Wickiup Reservoir

connection to the state would help." While Lanning emphasized that COCC is operating


and also been involved in the

from a position of strength,

he did suggest the recruitment of international students as

something he would want to explore. "In order for it to be success-

ful, you have to engage the whole campus," Lanning said. "I've been involved nationally in looking at this conversation,

and I would be able to lead it at

While the reser-

voir supply situation for the Crooked Riv-


Kathie Dello


atilla, Walla Walla, Willow Gran de Ronde, Powder, Burnt,, 85% Imnaha

92% John Day



57% Upper Deschutes, . Crooked Bend 57%

• Eugene


61% Burn

Lake County Goose Lake

Rogue, Umpqua








30% Medford Klamath Falls

• Lakevie

Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service

pregon Climate was 9 4 P e rcent ruary snow and rain, Central Service at OSU full, according to Oregon remains in drought, the Bureau of Rec- according to the U.S. Drought

lamation. The res- Monitor. Released Thursday er system is better now, Giffin e r v oir can hold 200,000 acre- by the National Drought Mitsaid there probably still wil l fe e t of water and is at 187,413 igation Center, the weekly be some growers there going acre-feet. Crane Prairie was at monitor shows the northern

without irrigation this growing 86 percent Friday, with 47,393 acre-feet. It can hold 55,300 season. "I expect to be doing a con- acre-feet. Crescent Lake was siderable amount of regulation 77 percent full. The lake can in Crook County this year," he hold 86,900 acre-feet and was



. 8

Greg Cross / The Bulletin



20% 20% Klamat

Note: Water years begin in October Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service

After earning his master's, he returned to Central Oregon

aided by his current location

71% B s

More than 150%

both students and industry.

grow up here to have to move away for work," Lanning said. He cited his deep connections to the state government,

32% . B e nd



gion would be important for

but was unable to find a job. "I don't want students who



about knowing what shortterm training is needed, what skills the community could



Greg Cross / The Bulletin

Drought Council is set to meet

early this month to consider the request. The governor has declared drought emergencies in Malheur, Harney, Lake and Klamath counties so far this

year. "We are still drier than we

portions of Deschutes and Crook counties in moderate

should be, looking at the past

drought and the southern por-

few months," said Kathie Del-

March is expected to start snowy and wet in Central Oregon. A small amount of snow

fell in some areas this weekend, and more precipitation is forecast for the coming week in Bend, Redmond, Prineville

and otherparts oftheregion. "It looks like just rain be-

yond this weekend," said Ann

tions in severe drought. Crook lo, deputy director of the Ore- Adams, an assistantforecastCounty declared a drought gon Climate Service at Oregon er for the National Weather sald. at 67,296 acre-feet. emergency Feb. 19 and is ask- State University in Corvallis. Service in Pendleton. On the D eschutes River Desp i te the improved water ing Gov. John Kitzhaber for "But February (was) gteat to — Reporter: 541-617-7812, system, groundwater helps outlook brought by the Feb- a state declaration. The state us e ddarling@bendbulletin.com

COCC. It can be a great thing

if done well. It provides for a diversity of interactions for students, and more and more

we're in a global economy. Even if you live in Prineville or La Pine, you can be touched

by the globaleconomy." Lane Community College President Mary Spilde, who described Lanning as "a real community college success story," praised his leadership style. "He's very collaborative and respects multiple perspectives," Spilde said. "He does a really good job of honoring multiple viewpoints but get-

ting to a conclusion where you can move forward to some action."

Bob Baldwin, Lane's classified staff union president,

echoed this sentiment, saying, "even if he didn't agree with me, he would listen and un-

derstand me, and was always clear about why he was making the decision he made." David H a llett,

e x ecutive

dean for general education and transfer studies at Cheme-

keta,characterized Lanning as a "servant leader." "What I mean is Patrick is

very astute at knowing the strengthsand needs of those around him," Hallett said. "He

looks for ways to help foster the individuals around him to reach their own goals." Lanning said his leadership style would benefit from the size of COCC.

"I like to really know the faculty and staff, to build those relationships," he said. "Hav-

ing worked at two of the largest community colleges, I'd be excited to work somewhere

not too big, not too small, but the right size." If hired for the COCC job, Lanning said he'll be here to stay. eYou don't see the three- to

five-year turnover of presidents here," he said. "I'm at the point where I can commit and

focus on this college for the long run." — Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleeds@bendbulletin.com

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AT HOME TheBulletin


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Utilizing to be on my feet an day. I would come home and couldn't wait to get my shoes off body-heat it is proven to releasecircu- the special negative-anion technology, and put my feet up. They were hot, swollen and sometimes I got "pin pricks" for lation-boosting Ions. they comfortably increaseblood flow hours at a time. It became a dally issue and I startedto avoid walking whenever and oxygen to tissues. "My feet felt Ieven stopped walking my dogs everyday because my feetwere so The 3D-weavetechnology used in wonderful, cool, and I never got that possible. the material has been comparedto in- pins and needles feeling anymore. I love wrecked at the end of the day. It wasn't even two days of wearing the socks when frared light therapy to help revitalize my Bambusa~ socks," says Nancy, I felt an amazing difference. I got home and my feet just didn't hurt. Itook my dogs stiff and sore muscles. The manufac- &om NJ. for a walk for 45 minutes and my feet still felt great. And when I took my shoes turer, who also makes a back and wrist off my feet weren't sweaty. I wear my Bambusa™socks everyday. I know my dogs sleeve, says the material provides alThey are ideal for diabetics andthose are as happy as my feetl Thank you!s - Tom F., New Jersey most instant relief to any part of the suffering from neuropathy or injury body it touches,making it ideal for dia- from repeti tive use. Bambusa~ socks "1 went out on the golf coursefor 18 IDEAL FOR: betics, athletes,inflammation, stiffness can also bring comfort to tired legs • Neuropathy and swelling. within minutes of putting them on, en- holes of golf, and when I got home my • Raynaud's Syndrome ergizing individuals who spend long feet weren't swollen, they weren't sweating and my feet didn't hurt," says • Cramping Anne M. from California agrees. hours ontheir feet. Lou B. from New York. • Cold Feet "Bambusa socks areabsolutely the most comfortablesocks I have ever worn! 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After wearing for only minutes there is an increase ter blood flow equals ln temperature dueto the increased blood flow, resulting in improved comfort lesspain.Thismicrofiberwo rks much and reduced swelling. Twenty minutes after using the anion-fiber infused socks, the same way." patient has betltsr blood flow and less numbness.

Receive 2 Free Pairs of Socks!


This pmduct has eot bees approved by the Food aed Drug Administration. It is not intended to cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Individual results will vary. Dr. Ronald Jabser is compensatel for his opisioes.




'12Yearsa ave'an t e u 0 ' r avi TV SPOTLIGHT 86th ACademy AWardS —Thecritically acclaimed hit"Gravity" picked up themost wins with seven, but "12Years aSlave" came awaywith the top Oscar. "American Hustle," on the other hand, closed the night empty-handed.

By Jake Coyle The Associated Press




wood named the brutal, unshrinking historical drama "12 Years a Slave" best picture at the 86th annual Academy

• BEST PICTURE:"12 Years a Slave" • BEST DIRECTOR: Alfonso Cuaron, "Gravity" • BESTACTOR: Matthew McConaughey, "Dallas Buyers Club" • BESTACTRESS:CateBlanchett, "Blue Jasmine" • BESTSUPPORTING ACTOR: Jared Leto,"DallasBuyersClub" • BESTSUPPORTING ACTRESS: LupitoNyong'o,"12YearsaSlave" • BESTADAPTED SCREENPLAY: "12 Years a Slave" • BESTORIGINAL SCREENPLAY: "Her"


Steve McQueen's slavery odyssey, based on Solomon Northup's 1853 memoir, has

been hailed as a landmark corrective to the movie indus-

See a list of all winners at oscar.go.com. Source: oscar.go.com

try's virtual blindness to slav-

ery, instead creating whiter tales like 1940 best-picture winner "Gone With the Wind."

"12 Years a Slave" is the first best-picture winner directed by a black filmmaker. "Everyone deserves not just

John Shearer/ Invision /The Associated Press

Director Steve McQueen, left, celebrates with the cast and crew of "12 Years a Slave" as they accept the award for best picture during Sunday night's Oscar telecast. "Gravity" and the starry 1970s

visual effects.But history beM cQueen, who dedicated the caper"American Hustle." longed to "12 Years a Slave," honor to those, past and presThose two films came in as a modestly budgeted drama ent, who have endured the leading nominee produced by Brad Pitt's proslavery. " This i s t h e getters. David Russell's duction company, Plan B, that "American Hustle" went has made $50 million worldmost important legacy of Solomon Northup." home em p ty-hand- wide — a farcry from the T he normally r e ed, but "Gravity" tri- more than $700 million "Gravserved McQu e en umphed as the night's ity" has hauled in. promptly bounced up Cuaron top awar d- w i nner. Ellen DeGeneres, in a nimand down on stage, latCleaning up in tech- ble second stint as host that er matter-of-factly explaining nical categories like cinema- seemed designed as an anhis joy physically took over: tography and visual effects, it tidote to the crude humor of "So, Van Halen. Jump." earned seven Oscars includ- Seth MacFarlane last year, A year after celebrating ing best director for Alfonso summarized the a cademy's Ben Affleck's "Argo" over Cuaron. The Mexican filmoptions in her opening monoSteven Spielberg's "Lincoln," maker is the category's first logue: "Possibility number one: 'l2 Years a Slave' wins the Academy of Motion Pic- Latino winner. "It was a transformative ex- best picture. Possibility numture Artsand Sciences opted for stark realism over more perience," said Cuaron, who ber two: You're all racists." the plainly entertaining can- spent some five years making DeGeneres presided over didates: the 3-D space marvel the film and developing its a smooth if safe ceremony, to survive, but to live," said

punctuated by politics, pizza Jasmine," her second Oscar. and photo-bombing. Freely Accepting the award, she circulating in the crowd, she challenged Hollywood not to had pizza delivered, appealing think of films starring women to Harvey Weinstein to pitch

as "niche experiences": "The

in,and gathered starsto snap a selfie she hoped would be

world is round, people!" she declared to hearty applause. Draped in Nairobi blue, Lupita Nyong'o — the Cinderella

a record-setter on Twitter. gt

was: Long before midnight, the photohad been retweeted

yearsofthebestanimated feature category. (Pixar, which awards around. The starved Disney owns, has regularly stars of the Texas AIDS dra- dominated.) The film's hit sinma "Dallas Buyers Club" were gle, "Let It Go," won best origfeted: Matthew McConaughey inal song. "We're all just trying to for best actor and Jared Leto for best supporting actor. make films that touch people," Cate Blanchett took best said co-director Chris Buck actress for her fallen social- backstage. "Once in a while, ite in Woody Allen's "Blue you get lucky."

Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX,6BOS.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264

• There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject fo change after press time. I

Dear Abby: Is it too late for me to

go back to school and get a degree and pursue a career I would enjoy? I'm 53, married and the mother of two children, 19 and 23. I didn't finish college, and I don't know what

to do with my life. The only jobs I have ever had were as a retail saleswife. I have come to believe that my much heloves me. He gets home be- person. Where would I go to find ex told our daughter about our de- fore I do most nights, has a glass of answers about returning to school cision out of spite because I told her wine and a hot bath waiting for me, at my age,choosing a major and about the affairs when she was old and cooks dinner while I'm in the finding the money to pay for it? Any enoughto understand since she may tub. He's amazing! The only prob- advice wouldbe appreciated. have a half-sister. Should I ask my lem is, I was with sooo many of the — Too Old 4New Tricks? daughter about this or let it go? wrong men for years, I have forgotDear Too Old?: Contact the near— Furious in Illinois ten howto spoil a man in return. est university or college and ask if Dear Furious: Why do you think I want him to know how much I it offers career counseling and aptiyour ex spilled the beans to your appreciate and love him, but I don't tude testing to determine what you daughter? Has she been behaving know how. I just want him to know would need to complete your educadifferently toward you? Why do you he's the one I want to sit on the porch tion and find a careeryou'd be suited think she "may" have a half-sister? withone day,w atching our grand- for. Many schools offer this service. Are you sure it isn't more than one children play. Please help. As for it being too late to do this — Knows aGood Thing at 53 — it's never too late. People in — or a brother or two? The fact that you terminated a

fn New Jersey

their 90s have earned degrees and

pregnancy before your daughter's Dear Knows: When your boy- been enrichedbyit, and so canyou. birth has nothing to do with her. If friend does something for you, — Write to Dear Abbyat dearabbycom you think there is something fester-

thank him for it. Tell him you love

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFOR MONDAY, MARCH 3, 2014:This yearyou might not always be comfortable with what

happens. Youregocouldtakeabeating. Curb a tendency to overindulge, especially when you're upset. Learn to take in the big picture. If you are single, use care when dating, as you might be prone to meeting emotionally unavailable people this year. Before commitStars showthe kind ting, get to know ofdayyou'llhave someone well. The ** * * * D ynamic best period for ** * * Positive meeting someone ** * Average of significance will ** So-so be through July * Difficult 2014. If you are attached, the two of you might not always be on the same emotional frequency. When you are, you have a great time together. ARIEScan get you riled up!

or P.o. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)


** * You have the strength to continue like the Energizer Bunny. Just the same, By Jacqueline Bigar someone could throw a boomerang in your path. Jump over it, and don't let it trip Is it possible thatyou are channeling some you up. Be aware of what others are askof your distress about another situation ing, but don't interfere with the completion into this one? Try to look at the long term. of a project. Tonight: As you like it. Tonight: Get into a lighthearted pastime.

CANCER (June21-July22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)

** * * You might want to let go of plans ** * * Pressure seems to build to an un- and let your spontaneous personality take precedented level. The unexpected could over. Passionconsumes muchofyour occur when dealing with a key associate. A time, whether it be a certain topic, person, partner might get very controlling as well. pastime or sport. Consider incorporating Keep your cool, and know that everything more passion into your daily life. Tonight: could change quickly. Tonight: In the Kick up your heels. limelight. CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) LEO (July23-Aug. 22) ** * * You'll want to understand what is ** * * You tend to be present in the happening withacloseloved one.Youcan moment while still gaining an overview of push and prod to get answers, but know the situation. Someone might push you that this manipulation could backfire. hard to get his or her way. The results will Though you might find it difficult to play ARIES (March21-April 19) it loose with this person, you'll need to. ** * * Don't be surprised to wake up in a be thatyou distance yourself from this cranky mood, as your dreamtimeoccurred person. Honor a change of pace. Tonight: Tonight: Happiest at home. Letyour imagination run wild. under some hard planetary vibes. Try not AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.1B) to act on your feelings. A discussion with VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * Keep communication open, and someone very similar to you could open ** * * Deal directly with someone whom try not to make any judgments. Listen to up an interesting issue. Tonight: All's well you care a lot about. You might want to tap what others are saying, and imagine what that ends well. into your creativity when dealing with this it must be like to be in their shoes; your understanding will evolve as a result. A person.Pushcomes toshovewitha new TAURUS (April 20-May20) boss or parent could be touchy or with** * * You could be strong-willed about friendship. Someone could be jealous of drawn. Tonight: Be available. a personal matter and end up bullying ev- the time you spend with your new friend. Tonight: Opt for togetherness. eryone into his or her respective corners. PISCES (Feb.19-March20) Is that what you really want? By late after- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22) ** * * Keep reaching out to someone noon, once you havecalmed down, you ** * * You might need to defer to a at a distance. You might not like what will need to act. Tonight: Someone close to key person in your life. An effort to work you hear at first, and you'll wonder what you might not be anxious to talk. together could seem feasible initially, but would be best to do. Keep aconversation you'll need one person to be in charge; let lively yet open. Refuse to replay a difficult GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * Zero in on whatyou want. A it be the other person. Use your intuitive situation over and over again in your head. sense with a health or work matter. ToTonight: Make it your treat. partner could become controlling, which might provoke quite a response from you. night: Say "yes" to a suggestion. © King Features Syndicate




• 3 DAYS TO KILL (PG-13) 1, 3:45, 7:20, 10:05 • 12YEARSASLAVE(R) 6:10, 9:25 • AMERICANRUSTLE(R) 1:35, 4:50, 8 • ANCHORMAN 2:THE LEGEND CONTINUES SUPERSIZED R-RATED VERSION(R) 1:25, 4:40, 7:55 • DALLASBUYERSCLUB(R) 3:25, 9:45 • ENDLESSLOVE(PG-13) 9:50 • FROZEN(PG)1:15, 4:10, 7:10 • GRAVITY3-D (PG-13)1:05,6:40 • THE LEGO MOVIE(PG) Noon, 3:10, 6:25, 9:05 • THE LEGO MOVIE 3-D (PG) 12:20, 3:30 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 12: I0, 6:35, 9:30 • THEMONUMENTS MEN (PG-13)11:40a.m.,2:50,6:05,9 • NON-STOP(PG-13) 12:40,3:55, 7:30, 10:10 • THE NUTJOB(PG) 3:20 • PHILOMENA(PG-13) 12:50, 6:45 • POMPEII(PG-13)12: l5, 9:40 • POMPEII 3-D(PG-13)3:05,6:55 • RIDE ALONG (PG-13) 3:35, 9:35 • ROBOCOP (PG-13) 1:30,4:30, 7:40, 10:15 • SON OFGOD(PG-13) 11:30a.m., 2:45, 6, 9:10 • STALINGRAD IMAX3-D (R) 12:30, 4, 7, 10 • THE WINDRISES(PG-13) 11:50a.m., 3, 6:15, 9:15 • Accessibility devices areavailable for some movies. •

player Juan Pablo Galavis. The women who definitely won't be getting the last rose from him spill their feelings to host Chris

Harrison. B p.m. on(CW), "Star-Crossed"

assigned to film the project, and

the tortured slave Patsey. Dis-

Dear Abby: Before my ex-hus- ing between you and your daughter, band andIwere marr ied,Ibecame my advice is to clear the air before it pregnant with his baby. We decided gets worse. together that we weren't ready for Dear Abby: My boyfriend and I the responsibility and made the mu- have been together since August tual decision to end the pregnancy 2012 and have lived together since marry eventuall y and way. He wakes me had a baby girl a few every morning with years ago who is now a smile and a kiss and DF P,R in college. pours me a cup of tea. We divorced many He never goes anyyears ago because where without letting of his many affain, me know he thinks including one with his best friend's I'm beautiful and telling me how

gle dadandformer prosoccer

— somewhat remarkablythe studio's first win in the 14

One participant, Meryl Streep, giddily exclaimed: "I've never tweeted before!" But in celebrating a movie year roundly considered an exceptionally deep one, the Oscars fittingly spread the

Awaro wor s on a er ivorce last summer. He is perfect in every

Bp.m. on29,"The Bachelor" — As with the previous editions of the reality series, this special "The Women Tell All" edition reunites the 23 candidates who didn't reach the final two slots. They dish furiously, and often wickedly, about the man who cut them loose — in this case, sin-

ney's global hit "Frozen" won best animated film, marking

best supporting actress for her indelible impression as


early in the first trimester. We did

10 a.m. on VH1, "Big Morning Buzz Live" —Nick Lachey ("The Sing-Off") adds a new gig to his resume as host of this morning show airing from the NewYork studio where his wife, Vanessa, once presided over "Total Request Live." News, celebrity interviews, performances and lifestyle segments are the order of the day, and Lachey is excited to be doing it live.

— As the town prepares to mark the10th anniversary of Arrival Day with a tribute to the fallen soldiers, Gloria (Victoria Platt) pickssome human teensto spend a day in the sector and see what being an Atrian is like.

of the awards season — won

more than 2 million times and momentarily crashed 7t/vitter.)

him andgivehim aff echon in abundance. Express how fortunate you feel to have him in your life. Look for things you can do that will make his life easier, and put forth an effort to reciprocate the many thoughtful things he does for you.




McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THEHUNGER GAMES: CATCRING FIRE (PG-13)5:30 • NEBRASKA(R) 9:15 • After 7p.m.,showsare21andolderonly.Youngerthan 21mayattend screenings before 7 p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • A FIELD INENGLAND(no MPAArating) 8 • THE PAST(PG-13)3:15 • SOME VELVET MORNING (noMPAArating) 6 I


Emery (AimeeTeegarden) is when Grayson(GreyDamon) offers to help, Roman (Matt Lanter) tells her he doesn't want her going inside the sector in the new episode "Our Toil Shall Strive to Mend." 9 p.m.on A8 E,"Bates Motel" — As the "Psycho" prequel returns for a new season, Norman

(Freddie Highmore)can't stop thinking about Miss Watson's death, while changing plans for the bypass have Norma (Vera Farmiga) fretting about the motel's future. Bradley (Nicola Peltz) takes extreme steps to track down her father's killer in "Gone but Not Forgotten." Max Thieriot also stars. 9 p.m. on TNT, "Dallas" — John Ross (Josh Henderson) is determined to proceed with his plans for Ewing Global despite pushback from Bobby (Patrick Duffy).

Sue Ellen(LindaGray) suspects John Ross of infidelity. Emma (Emma Bell) seeks help from her grandmother (Judith Light) when her father (Mitch Pileggi) re-enters the picture, and Bobby and Ann (Brenda Strong) uncover some shocking information about his release from prison in the new episode "Trust Me." cr zapet

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Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • 3 DAYS TO KILL (PG-13)4,6:30 • THELEGO MOVIE (PG)4:30,6:45 • NON-STOP(PG-13) 4:15, 6:45 • SON OFGOD(PG-13) 4:15, 7:15 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-B800 • 3 DAYS TO KILL (PG-13) 6: I5 • THEMONUMENTS MEN (PG-13)6:15 • PHILOMENA(PG-13) 5:45 • SON OFGOD(PG-13) 6 r)~ t

Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • 3 DAYS TO KILL (PG-13) 4:45, 7:10 • THELEGO MOVIE (PG)4:40,7 • THEMONUMENTS MEN (PG-13)4:05,6:40 • NON-STOP(PG-13) 5, 7:20 • SON OFGOD (PG-13)3:30,6:30 •

Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • THE MONUMENTS MEN(Upstairs — PG-13) 6:15 • PHILOMENA(PG-l3) 6:30 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.


Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GO! Magazine

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' Beautiful' sponge threatens Florida reefs TPQT Dg/ P P By Ken Kaye Sun Sentinel (Fiorida)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — It's such a vibrant orange that divers think it's part of South

Florida'scolorfulcoralieefs. But it's a destructive sponge

that Ibr the past decade has been spreading and thieatening corals, which aheady aie deterioratingattoundthe Caril)bean. "It's a beautiful orange

sponge, but it is an excavating sponge, able to bore inside the coral," said Andia Chaves-Fonnegra, a Ph.D. student at the

Normally, reefs have ~ defenses. Yet, the ~ mor -

fiedasanimah, eventhoughthey don't have circulatory, digestive

tality rale for local teels has been

or nervous systems. They sur-

high because of seaborne dis- vive on the power of water floweases and warmer waters. That ingthroughtheirbodiesto obtain has given the orange spongefood and oxygen. whichcan reproducetlueetofive Chaves-Fonnegra, with help times per year — more room to fmm others at NSU, ~ gitow, said Chaves-Fonnegra. discovered the orange sponge, 'The sponge is not what we ~y ca l led "Cliona delitrix," call an invasive species, but it is is proliferating bemm its larvae a stmng competitor, specifically attach to dead parts of corals. with coral," she said. Thataspect of ks attackhadgone For now, the sponge's sptead undetected, even though it was is being monitoted. But to slem widely known the sponge could its ~ Chav e s-Fonnegrabedeadly. "The sponge makes holes insaid oceanpollutionshouldbete-

Nova SoutheasternUniversity Oceanographic Center in duced, as itisnurttnedbysewage Dania Beach, who is heading and othermaterials. up a research project into the Often crusty and p ockscourge. ~ sea s p onges aie dassi-



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side the coral and dissolves the

calcium carbonate," she said. "It erodes the coral's three-dimensional structure."

Oregonpowersources Power sources around the state range from wind farms along the Columbia River Gorge to power-producing dams in Central Oregon. Not all the power created in Oregon is used here, and not all the power used in the state comes from Oregon.



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Q Hydroelectric QWind • Natural gas QWaste P Biomass Q Geothermal QCoal

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aih Fallti Source: Oregon Department of Energy

Power Continued from A1 The Oregon Department of Energy annually collects data on the mix of sources used by utilities supplying power around the state, showing

what spigots are feeding the different hoses. Oregon's source of choice is hydropower, water turning turbines, according to the Department of Energy data collected from 2010 to 2012.

Of the power supplied to consumers in the state, 45 percent

is from hydro. Second is coal, making up 33percent of the

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Central Oregonpowerproviders PacifiCorp is the largest power provider in Central Oregon. The private held companyhas72,744 customers in Central Oregon55,116 in Deschutes County, 8,292 in CrookCounty and9,336 in Jefferson County. Central Electric Cooperative, PacifiCorp

according to data from 2010.


JEFFERSON COUNTY Central Electric Cooperative, WascoElectric Cooperative, PacifiCorp


Central Electric Cooperative — Member owned, 25,214mem-


bers. 371,579 MWh sold in 2012.


PacifiCorp — Private company, 560,099 customers. More than 12 million MWhsold in 2012. WascoElectricCooperative— Member owned,4,633 members. 107,307 MWhsold in 2012.




*MWh = One megawatt hour, enough electricityto power about 45 homes. •

Central Electric is the sec-

ond-largest power provider in Central Oregon. Unlike PacifiCorp, — which is owned by a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet's holding company — Central

The company produces 90 percent of its own power and Electric, Midstate Electric and buys 10 percent on the open Wasco Electric, which also power market. Of the power provide power in Central OrePacifiCorp produces for itself, gon, are all cooperatives. They 67 percent comes from coal, areowned by theirmembers. 16 percent from natural gas, Not having a power source 8.5 percent from hydro, 6 per- system as PacifiCorp does, cent from wind and the rest

Central Electric Cooperative, Midstate Electric Cooperative, PacifiCorp

Source: Oregon Department of Energy, Oregon Public Utility Commission 2012 Utility plant-based fuel — by 2020, Statistics, Pacificorp said Steve Corson, spokesman for PGE. The rest of Oregon's coalpower comes from elsewhere around the West. es include wind and solar, and plant in Washington. The reAfter hydro and coal, there some forms of hydro. maining 6 percent is power is a wide mix of other power The 2007 Legislature cre- bought on the open market sources in Oregon, including ated therenewable standard from a variety of sources, innatural gas, wind and nucle- that set the targets for utilities cluding coal, natural gas and ar. Natural gas accounts for in Oregon. Smaller utilities, wind. "It's a vast mix of things," 12 percent, wind 5percent and such as Central Electric Coopnuclear3percent.The remain- erative, are required to have at Johnson said. der comes from a combina- least 5 percent of their power Not all hydro projects are tion of biomass, geothermal supply coming from renew- considered renewable, said and other sources. able sources by 2025. Margi Hoffmann, energy pol-

The Department of Ener-


Midstate Electric Cooperative — Memberowned, 18,215 mem-

gy also has a power source breakdown for PacifiCorp, which provided nearly 30 percent of the power in the state,


even though there is only one coal-burning plant in Oregon. Mostly owned by Portland General Electric, the plant is in Boardman along the Columto biomass — wood or other

bers. 647,089 MWh* sold in 2012.

be closed or switch from coal

power supplied in the state,

bia River Gorge and is set to

Central Electric and the other

icy adviser for Gov. Kitzhaber.

c •



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• •

Beaman said Central Electric is on track to meet the re-

newable power source targets set by state lawmakers.

As the state's energy portfolio changes with the push for

more renewable power over the next decade, there will

probably be a move from coal to natural gas, Hoffmann said.

from a mix of biomass, geo- electric cooperatives rely on

Although natural gas is not considered a renewable eneristration for their power. gy, it does put out less pollu" Our p o we r a l l co m e s tion than coal and is currentpower portfolio is changing, with deadlines approaching from the BPA," said Jeff Bea- ly an inexpensive fueL It isn't to hit targets for more renew- man, spokesman for Central free of controversy, however, able power, and Gov. John Electric. with environmental groups Kitzhaber is specifically pushA federal nonprofit agency, raising concerns about fracking for more wind power. the Bonneville Power Admin- ing, or the hydraulic fractur"We made quite a bit of in- i stration draws most of i t s ing of rock to release undervestment in wind in the last electricity from power-pro- ground pockets of natural six years," said Gravely, the ducing dams along the Co- gas. Still, power companies PacifiCorp spokesman. lumbia River, said Doug John- are pickingnatural gas over He said the company is in son, BPA spokesman. The coal. "Right now, today, it seems good shape to meet the state's agency then sells the power to renewable requirements. The the cooperativesthrough 20- more prudent and less risky goalforcompanies the size of year contracts. for utilities to invest in natural PacifiCorp is to have 25 perAbout 82 percent of the gas rather than new coal gencent of their power coming power from the BPA comes eration," Hoffman said. from renewable power sourc- from hydro and 12 percent — Reporter: 541-617-7812, es by 2025. Renewable sourc- comes from a nuclear power ddariing@bendbulletin.com thermal and other sources. The state and PacifiCorp's

the Bonneville Power Admin-

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IlV THE BACI4: WEATHER W College hoops, B3 Motor sports, B4 NBA, B6 THE BULLETIN • MONDAY, MARCH 3, 2014

O www.bendbulletin.com/sports

The week ahea

A rundown of gamesand events to watch for locally, regionally and nationally from the world of sports:






NBA basketball, LosAngeles Lakers at Portland, 7 p.m.(BlazerNet): With no KobeBryantandno hopeofmaking the playoffs in the Western Conference, the Lakers are not much of anattraction these days. TheBlazers, meanwhile, look to stay hot; also this week, they have a homegameagainst Atlanta on Wednesday night before embarking on a five-game road trip that starts Friday night at Dallas.

Outdoors, Central OregonSportsmen's Show &Boat/RV Show, Redmond: Hunters, anglers, campers, boaters, hikers and moreare sure to enjoy this annual show attheDeschutesCounty Fair & ExpoCenter. Hours are noon-8 p.m. on Thursday andFriday, 10a.m.-8 p.m.on Saturday,and 10a.m.-4p.m.on Sunday. Admission is $10for adults, $5 for juniors, free for kids age 5and under. Info: www.thesportshows.com.

Alpine skiing, OregonSchool Ski Association state finals, Mt. Bachelor ski area Cliffhanger run: Thearea's top high school alpine skiers convenefor giant slalom racing on Fridayandslalom competition on Saturday, starting at10 a.m. both days. BendHigh is the reigning season champion in the boys, girls and combined categories.

Nordic skiing,JohnCraig Memorial Ski, McKenziePass,9a.m.:Staged annually in honor of apostmaster who died while attempting to ski mail over the pass more than100 yearsago,the John Craig Memorial is a13.2-mile out-andback cross-country ski to theDeeWright Observatory via theMcKenziePass. For more info: www.conc.freehosting.net/ newsletters.html.

Running, Grin &Bear It 5Kand10K Run/Walk, Bend,10a.m.:This12th annual event is a fundraiser for Healthy Beginnings12-Point Kid Inspections and includes a1-mile family fun run. All races start and finish at the LesSchwab Amphitheater in the OldMill District. For more information or to register: www. myhb.org.



Area teamsget playoff seeds


Mountain View,Bend and Summit high schools have securedspots in the Class 5Aboys basketball postseason —starting with Summit onTuesday

Handicaps not just for


members anymore stablishing an official handicap seems so easy



... at least for members

of golf clubs. For a fair portion of other golfers, those who roam from course to course each summer in search of the best deal, getting a handicap has always been decidedly less < C o mPlete clear-cut.

straight automatic berth

list of

oregon golf clubs:www. egon officially oga.org/index. began over To sign up for the weekend a handicap: whenthe www.oga.org/ Oregon Golf index.php/ Association handicapfiguratively flippedthe ping /details/ Thegolf

switch on the


• Special Olympicto s kick off this week

handicapping season. Every shot from here


on out — from 300-yard bombs to lip-outs to shanks — will

now count toward a golfer's handicap index. But where does a golf nomad who has no interest in the com-

2014 SpecialOlympics

mitment that goes along with


joining a single club go to get a handicap'? After all, per United

When:Friday through Sunday Where:Mt. Bachelor ski area Wbe:Special Olympic Oregon chapters from across the state Cost:Free for spectators Web:www.soor.org

States Golf Association rules a

golfer must be a member of a club to get an official handicap. Well, the answer has gotten

simpler in recent years, thanks in part to an initiative by the OGA to modernize the process

SCHEDULE Friday:Practice day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday:Cross-country skiing and snowshoe competitions, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; alpine skiing and snowboarding, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sundatt:Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; alpine skiing andsnowboarding, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

of joining a club by making some available to the general public informally through the OGA's own website, www.oga. org. "We tried to remove some

roadblocks that people might have and make it a little bit easier for those people who

are doingit this way (through the web)," says Kelly Neely, the OGA's senior director of

handicapping and course rating. "And that is certainly not

everybody." Most golfers get their handicap through traditional meth-

ods: Join a club at a local golf course and let that club handle the handicapping service. Nothing wrong with that.

But in an increasingly informal culture the OGA wanted to knock down some of the

barriers to getting a handicap. Through the OGA's website,

a golfer can signup online to join any one of several Oregon clubs, sight unseen. In Central Oregon, clubs at Aspen Lakes Golf Course in Sisters, Eagle Crest Resort in

Redmond, River's Edge Golf Club in Bend and Sunriver Resort are participating. See Handicap/B7

Inside • Offseason update with Prineville Golf Club,Bl • Paula Creamerhits a 75-foot putt on the second playoff hole for her first LPGAtitle since 2010, B7 • Russell Henley wins four-man playoff at HondaClassic, B7

The top eight teams in the final OSAArankings earned automatic bids to the first round, while teams ranked 9-24 compete in play-in games for a chanceto advance to the state playoffs. No. 3 Mountain View (19-3) and No. 7Bend High (16-7) earnedautomatic bids to the state playoffs and will host first-round gameslater this week. It is the second


for the Intermountain Conference-champion Cougars, who are riding a10-game winning streak and looking to place at the state tournament for the fourth time in the past five seasons. The LavaBears won five of their final six regular-season games and seek areturn trip to the tourney's final site — Eugene's Matthew Knight Arena —for the first time since placing fifth there in 2011.

Summit (11-12) will visit Hermiston for a 6 p.m.play-ingameon Tuesday. TheStorm, who dropped their last three games of the regular season, are looking to get back to the state tournament for the first time since finishing sixth in 2010.

The first round of the state playoffs is scheduled for Saturday. The state tournament in Eugene begins March13. — Bulletin staff report


Texas cowdoy

earns $1.1 million

ARLINGTON,Texas — Texas cowboy Richmond Champion earned $1.1 million Sunday in The American, whose $2 million purse made it the richest one-day rodeo ever staged. Champion won the bareback atAT&TStadium to earn $100,000 and took the $1 million bonus offered to a qualifier who won anevent against the top10 in the National Finals Rodeoor Professional Bull Riding World Finals. "Words can't even express how I feel right now," Champion said. "What does a21-yearold do with a million dollars? There will never be another poor day." Champion hadan 84 to tie for third in the first round Sunday, then he won the shoot out, scoring 90 points on Assault. The idea for The American washatched by Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, and Randy Bernard, CEO of Rural Media Group Inc. —TheAssociated Press





TODAY Time TV/Radio noon FS1


MLB, L.A. Angels at Arizona BASKETBALL

Men's College, Notre Dameat North Carolina 4 p.m. E S PN Women's College, Connecticut at Louisville 4 p.m. E SPN2 Men's College, SavannahSt. at N.C. Central 4 p.m. E SPNU Men's College, Xavier at Seton Hall 4 p.m. FS1 Women'sCollege,TexasTechatOklahoma 5 p.m. Roo t Men's College, KansasState at OklahomaState 6 p.m. E S PN Men's College, North Carolina State at Pittsburgh6 p.m. E SPNU 7 p.m. BlazerNet, NBA, L.A. Lakers at Portland 1110 AM, 100.1 FM

HOCKEY NHL, Buffalo at Dallas

5 p.m. NBCSN


Tuesday Boys basketball: Summiatt Hermiston, 7p.m. Friday Girls basketball: Summ it, Bendin5Astateplayoffs, first round, TBD;4Astateplayoffs, first round,Madras atSutherlin,TBD Alpine skiing:OregonSchool SkiAssociation alpine statechampionships (giant slalom)at Mt.Bachelor, Cliffhangerrun,10 a.m. Saturday Boysbasketball: MountainView,Bendin 5Astate playoffs,first round,TBD Alpine skiing:OregonSchool SkiAssociation alpine statechampionships(slalom)atMt. Bachelor, Cliffhangerrun,10a.m.



6 p.m.


Boston Montreal Tampa Bay Toronto Detroit Ottawa Florida Buffalo

BASKETBALL Pacific-12 Conference All times PST


MLB, Texas at L.A. Angels College, Stanford at California

noon 6 p.m.


P a c-12


Men's College, Michigan at lllinois Men's College, lowa State at Baylor Men's College, Floridaat South Carolina Men's College, GeorgiaTechat Syracuse Men's College, Creighton at Georgetown Men's College, Alabama atKentucky Men's College, Florida State at Boston College Men's College, Marquette at Providence Men's College, ArizonaState at Oregon

4 p.m. E S PN 4 p.m. E SPN2 4 p.m. E SPNU 4 p.m. Roo t 4 p.m. FS1 6 p.m. E S PN 6 p.m. E SPNU 6 p.m. FS1 8 p.m. FS1 1110 AM, 100.1 FM


5 p.m. NBCSN

Arizona UCLA ArizonaSt. Colorado Stanford California Oregon Utah Washington Oregon St. WashingtonSt. SouthernCal

W 14 11 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 2 1

L 2 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 14 15


W L 27 2 22 7 21 8 20 9 18 10 18 11 20 8 19 9 16 13 15 13 9 19 10 19

Arizona79, Stanford66 UCLA 74,OregonSt. 69

Tuesday'sGames Arizona St. atOregon,8p.m. Wednesday'sGames Coloradoat Stanford, 6p.m. Utah atCalifornia, 8 p.m. Arizonaat OregonSt., 8p.m. Thursday'sGames UCLAatWashington,6p.m. Southern CalatWashington St.,8 p.m. Saturday'sGames Utah at Stanford,11:30 a.m. Arizonaat Oregon,1 p.m. ArizonaSt. atOregonSt., 1:30p.m. Southern CalatWashington,1:30 p.m. Colorado at California, 3:30p.m. UCLA atWashington St.,8 p.m. Sunday'sSummary


UCLA74, OregonSl. 69


Moreland2-32-66,Brandt4-90-1 9,Cooke1-11 0-0 3, Morris-Walker 3-51-1 8, Nelson6-107-823, Duvivier 0 0222,Gomis1-1 1-23,Schaftenaar 0-1 0-00, Collier7-111-315. Totals 24-5114-2369.

OREGON ST.(15-13)

OSlj's Ietzler shines In season debut —Pitcher BenWetzler was impressive in his first start of the seasonfor Oregon State on Sunday, leading the Beavers to a13-2 win over Wright State at Goss Stadium in Corvallis in the finale of a four-gameseries. Sidelined for the first11 games of the season by an NCAAsanction, Wetzler limited the Raiders (3-8j to four hits and onerun over 7'/ innings. Thesenior left-hander struck out five andwalked one enroute to his 25th career victory at OSU.Michael Conforto, whose sacrifice fly gaveOregon State a 2-1 lead in the fifth inning, added arun-scoring double in a five-run sixth inning that broke thegameopen. TheBeavers scored five more in the seventh with the help of atwo-run single by Caleb Hamilton and atwo-run double by Michael Howard. OSUplays host to Portland on Tuesday.

FullertOn COmpleteS SWeep OfDuCkS—Aaron Payne's twoout RBI single in the bottom of the ninth inning got Oregonwithin a run, but the rally endedmoments later when Paynewas thrown out attempting to steal second base,andthe Ducks came out on the short end of a 5-4 score against CalState Fullerton (7-3) on Sunday at PK Park in Eugene.Thedecision gave theTitans a sweep of the three-game series betweentwo preseason favorites to contend for College World Series berths this spring. Payne finished with three hits and two RBls for Oregon (8-3), which led 2-0 before Fullerton scored three runs in the fourth inning. Four Titans pitchers combined to strike out12; winning pitcher Phil Bickford fanned seven in 2'/ innings of shutout relief. Oregon hosts Seattle on Tuesday.

TENNIS DeldOniSWinS1St ATP title at BraZil Open —Argentine Federico Delbonis won his first ATPtitle by defeating Paolo Lorenzi of Italy 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 in the Brazil Openfinal on Sunday. Delbonis broke Lorenzi's serve to start the decisive set andheld on to close the match in 2 hours, 6 minutes after converting on his secondmatch point. The 23-year-old Argentine wasplaying only in his second ATP final. He hadlost to Fabio Fognini of Italy last July after upsetting Roger Federer in the semifinals in Hamburg. Lorenzi won the first set after breaking Delbonis' serve at 3-3, but the hard-hitting Argentine started serving well andwas never broken again, finishing with12 aces and nodouble faults. It was the first time since 2007 that the Brazil Openwasn't won by a Spanish player.

SLED DOGRACING Iditarod gets underway In Alaska —ANewzealander was the first musher en route to the town of Nome when the Iditarod Trail SledDog RacebeganSunday.CurtPeranoand68 othermushers began the world's most famous sled-dog race bycrossing frozen Willow Lake about 50 miles north of Anchorage. Amongthose in the field are Mitch Seavey, last year's champion, and his son, Dallas Seavey, the 2012 winner. Adding to the uncertainty of this year's race is an influx of Scandinavian mushers, including two-time champion Robert Sorlie.el don't think we're trying to take it over," Sorlie said. Instead, there are so manyScandinavians herebecausethe Iditarod is the world standard for long-distance dog races, hesaid. The influx of five Norwegians, or "invasion" as YvonneDabakk ofOslodescribed it, is likely just a coincidence, shesaid. Dabakk said she believes all had independent plans to racethe Iditarod, eand it was this year." She is a rookie this year, andshewants the prize given to all first-year mushers to finish the race: abelt buckle. — From staffand wire reports

UCLA(22-7) D. Wear3-3 0-1 6, T. Wear2-6 1-2 6, Adams

8-14 6-6 24,Powell2-8 2-2 7, Anderson3-118-8 14, LaVine 3-8 0-0 7, B.Alford 1-5 4-46, Allen 0-0 0-0 0, Parker 2-4 0-04, Wiliams 0-00-0 0. Totals 24-59 21-28 74.

Halftime—OregonSt. 38-29. 3-PointGoals—Oregon St.7-21(Nelson4-6, Morris-Walker1-3, Brandt 1-4, Cooke1-7,Schaftenaar0-1), UCLA5-13(Adams 2-5, T.Wear1-1, Poweg1-2, LaVine1-2, Anderson 0-1, B.Afford0-2). FouledDut—Brandt. ReboundsOregon St. 36(Moreland13), UCL A31(Anderson9). Assists —Oregon St. 14(Cooke,Nelson 5), UCLA19 (Anderson 5). Total Fouls—OregonSt. 20, UCLA19. A—9,873.

Sunday'sScores East Georg eWashington66,GeorgeMason58 Harfford67, UMBC56 lona 97,Rider81 Maine 73,NewHampshire69 Manhattan 68, Canisius 63 Marist103,Quinnipiac72 Siena 70,Monmouth(N.J.) 54 St. John'72, s DePaul 64 St. Peter's71,Niagara67 StonyBrook73,Albany(N.Y) 68 Vermont92, Binghamton 82,OT Villanova73, Marquette 56 Wisconsin71,PennSt. 66 South Charlotte74,Old Dominion 63 Clemson 77,Maryland73,20T FIU 73,Tulane47 FloridaSt. 81,GeorgiaTech71

Louisiana Tech67,UAB58 Louisiana-Lafayette102,SouthAlabama76 Marshal64, l EastCarolina 61 SouthernMiss. 60,FAU49 Midwest Indiana72, OhioSt. 64 lowa83,Purdue76 Southwest Tulsa72, UTSA70,OT UTEP74, NorthTexas54 Far West Arizona79, Stanford 66 NewMexico 72, Nevada58 UCLA 74,OregonSt. 69

Wo m en's college Sunday'sScores East Canisius66,Rider63 Fairfield74,Niagara62 Fordham 58,Saint Joseph's53 Hofstra60,Drexel58 Marist 79,lona67 Monmouth(NJ)80, Siena57 Northeastern54, Delaware53 Towson75,Coll. of Charleston 63 Midwest Akron80,KentSt.66 BowlingGreen63, Ohio 39 Cent. Michigan 80, Toledo 77 E. Michigan 54, N.Illinois45 lllinoisSt.69,Loyolaof Chicago61 IndianaSt. 73,Bradley60 lowa81, llinois 56 MichiganSt.76, Indiana56 Minnesota 74, OhioSt. 57 N. lowa99, Drake97,OT Northwestern77,Wisconsin73,OT Purdue82,Nebraska66 S.DakotaSt.99,SouthDakota88 Saint Louis87,UMass68 Southwest Arkansas 72, Missouri70 OralRoberts80, SamHouston St.50 WestVirginia71, Baylor 69 Far Wesl Oregon90,Arizona78 Oregon St.66, ArizonaSt.43 SouthernCal66,Colorado59 UCLA62,Utah52

Standings All TimesPST


Conterence Overall



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Spring Training

Sprint Cup-TheProfit on CNBC600Results



Cleveland KansasCity Oakland Seattle Baltimore Houston Minnesota Detroit NewYork Toronto Chicago TampaBay Boston Los Angeles Texas

W 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1

L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2

NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Washington 3 0 Miami 3 1 Pittsburgh 3 1 Cincinnati 3 2 Milwaukee 3 2 Arizona 3 3 Los Angeles 2 2 SanFrancisco 2 2 Colorado 1 2 St. Louis 1 2 Philadelphia 1 4 Atlanta 0 5 Chicago 0 3 NewYork 0 3 SanDiego 0 4

P ct . 7 50 . 7 50 . 7 50 . 7 50 . 6 67 . 6 67 . 6 67 . 6 00 . 6 00 . 6 00 . 5 00 . 5 00 . 3 33 . 3 33 . 3 33 P cf 1.000 . 7 50 . 7 50 . 6 00 . 6 00 . 5 00 . 5 00 . 5 00 . 3 33 . 3 33 . 2 00 . 0 00 . 0 00 . 0 00 . 0 00

Sunday'sGames N.Y.Yankees8,Toronto2 Houston 7,Atlanta(ss) 4 Atlanta(ss)0, Detroit 0,tie, 10innings St. Louis7, N.Y.Mets 1 TampaBay6,Minnesota3 Pittsburgh 4, Philadelphia 1 Boston8, Baltimore 6 Washington10, Miami3 SanFrancisco5,Arizona3 L.A. Dodgers 3, SanDiego(ss) 3,tie KansasCity5, ChicagoCubs3 Chicag oWhiteSox9,Texas7 Cleveland 6, Seattle 3 Oakland 3, LA. Angels 2 Cincinnati15,SanDiego(ss)4 Milwaukee 6, Colorado5 Monday'sGames N.Y.Metsvs. AtlantaatKissimmee, Fla.,10:05a.m. Minnesota(ss)vs. BaltimoreatSarasota, Fla., 10:05 a.m. Bostonvs. PittsburghatBradenton,Fla.,10:05 a.m. St. Louisvs.Detroitat Lakeland,Fla.,10:05a.m. Washington vs. N.Y.Yankeesat Tampa, Fla., 10:05 a.m. Toronto vs.Minnesota(ss)at FortMyers, Fla., 10:05 a.m. Philadelphiavs. Tampa Bay at Port Charlotte, Fla., 10:05a.m. Houston vs. MiamiatJupiter, Fla.,10:05a.m. Kansas Cityvs. ChicagoWhite Soxat Glendale, Ariz., 12:05p.m. L.A. Dodgersvs.OaklandatPhoenix,12:05p.m. San Diegovs. SanFrancisco at Scottsdale, Ariz., 12:05p.m. Coloradovs.Seattle(ss) atPeoria,Ariz.,12:05 p.m. Seattle(ss)vs. Cincinnatiat Goodyear, Ariz., 12:05 p.m. Cleyefand vs.Texasat Surprise,Ariz.,12:05 p.m. Chicag oCubsvs.MilwaukeeatPhoenix,12:05p.m. L.A.Angelvs. s ArizonaatScottsdale,Ariz.,12:10p.m. Colorado vs.Arizonaat Scottsdale, Ariz.,610 pm. Tuesday'sGames Pittsburghvs.Detroit atLakeland,Fla.,10:05a.m. TampaBayvs.Bostonat Fort Myers, Fla.,10:05a.m. Minnesota vs. MiamiatJupiter, Fla.,10:05a.m. Washington vs.Atlantaat Kissimmee,Fla.,10:05a.m. Houstonvs.N.Y.Mets at PortSt. Lucie, Fla., 10:10 a.m. Arizonavs.SanDiegoat Peoria, Ariz.,12:05 p.m. Cincinnativs. KansasCity atSurprise, Ariz., 12;05 p.m. Milwaukee vs.Oakland(ss) atPhoenix,12:05 p.m. Oakland (ss)vs. ChicagoCubsat Mesa,Ariz., 12:05 p.m. Seattlevs.L.A.Dodgersat Glendale, Ariz.,12:05p.m. Chicago White Soxvs. ClevelandatGoodyear, Ariz., 12:05p.m. Texasvs. L.A.Angels atTempe,Ariz.,12:05 p.m. SanFranciscovs.Colorado at Scottsdale, Ariz.,12:10 p.m. Torontovs.Philadelphia atClearwater,Fla.,3:35 p.m. Baltimorevs. N.Y.YankeesatTampa,Fla.,4:05 p.m.

Sunday At PhoenixInternational Raceway Avondale, Ariz. Lap length: 1miles (Starl position inparentheses) 1. (13) KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, 312laps,149.9 rating,48points,$260,048. 2. (5) DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 312,122.5,42, $172,240. 3. (1) Brad Keseloski w, Ford, 312, 115.9, 42, $180,673. 4.(2)JoeyLogano,Ford,312, 1243,41,$159641. 5. (17) Jeff Gordon,Chevrolet, 312, 108.1,40, $159,326. 6.(4) JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet, 312,111.8,38, $152,266. 7. (15) RyanNewman, Chevrolet, 312, 98.8,38, $104,380. 8.(23)CarlEdwa rds, Ford,312,96.5,37,$117,330. 9.(7) KyleBusch,Toyota,312,101 5,35 $132871. 10. (3) Jamie McMurray,Chevrolet, 312,93.5, 34, $122,444. 11. (11) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 312, 78.4,33, $101,430. 12.(19)MattKenseth,Toyota,312,90,32,$130,266. 13. (14) Clint Bowyer,Toyota, 312, 83.2, 32, $118,671. 14. (18) CaseyMears, Chevrolet, 312, 71.2,30, $108,513. 15. (9)AricAlmirola,Ford,312,88, 29,$119,066. 16. (20) TonyStewart, Chevrolet,312, 81.7,28, $114,963. 17.(6)GregBiffle, Ford,312,80.8,27,$120,480. 18. (21)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford, 312,62.7, 26, $115,605. 19. (12) DennyHamlin, Toyota, 312, 79.9, 25, $87,480. 20. (8) Kyle Larson,Chevrolet, 312, 74.7, 24, $108,200. 21. (29) MarcosAmbrose, Ford, 311,62.6, 23, $105,250. 22. (27)MartinTruexJr., Chevrolet, 311,66.4, 22, $106,538. 23. (22) PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 311, 68.1,21, $105,594. 24. (24) AustinDilon, Chevrolet,311, 55.1,20, $123,466. 25. (16) Brian Vickers,Toyota, 311, 67.1, 19, $110,680. 26.(25) A JAgmendinger, Chevrolet, 310,64.4,18, $93,938. 27.(31)ColeWhitt,Toyota,310,44 2,17,$74355. 28.(30)DavidRagan,Ford,310,53.5, 16,$99,588. 29. (28) David Gilliland, Ford, 309, 52.4, 16, $96,863. 30. (43) JustinAllgaier, Chevrolet, 309,46.3,14, $96,002. 31. (39)ReedSorenson, Chevrolet, 308,38.5, 13, $76,790. 32.(32)BrianScott,Chevrolet,308,429,0,$76105. 33. (26) MichaelMcDowell, Ford, 307,42.5,11, $73,480. 34. (41)MichaelAnnett, Chevrolet, 307,43.2, 10, $73,355. 35. (34)RyanTruex,Toyota,307,34.1,9, $73,230. 36. (33) Danica Patrick, Chevrolet,306,51.7, 8, $81,075. 37. (37)BlakeKoch,Ford,306,30,0, $72,946. 38. (40)Travis Kvapil, Ford,302,30.2,6, $68,380. 39. (10)KurtBusch,Chevrolet, engine,292,73.6, 5,$64,380. 40. (38) Joe Nem echek, Toyota, 292, 25.9, 0, $68,380. 41.(35)AlexBowman,Toyota, brakes, 230,40.6, 3, $56,380. 42.(36)ParkerKligerman,Toyota,engine,226,29.4, 2,$52,380. 43.(42)MorganShepherd,Toyota, brakes,28,25.3, 0,$48,880. Race Statistics AverageSpeedof RaceWinner:109.229 mph. Time ofRace:2 hours,51minutes,23seconds. Margin of Victory:0.489seconds. Caution Flags: 8 for38laps. Lead Changes:14amongBdrivers. Lap Leaders: J.Logano1-37; D.Gililand38-39; B.Keselowski40;J.Logano41-73; K.Harvick 74-110; BKeselowski111-112;KHarvick113-190;JLogano 191; K.Harvick192-236; C.Edwards 237; J.Gordon 238-241;R.Newman242-247; C.Bowyer248; K.Harvick 249-31 2. LeadersSummary (Driver, TimesLed, Laps Led):K.Harvick, 4 timesfor 224laps;J.Logano,3 timesfor71laps;R.Newman,1 timefor6 laps;J.Gordon,1 time for4 laps;B.Keselowski, 2timesfor 3laps; DGigiland,1 time for2 laps; CEdwards,1 timefor1 lap; C.Bow yer,1 timefor1 lap. Wins:D.EarnhardtJr., 1; K.Harvick, 1.

Atlantic Oivision GP W L OT Pls GF GA 60 38 17 5 81 188 137 62 34 21 7 75 159 152 61 34 22 5 73 177 156 62 32 22 8 72 185 191 60 28 20 12 68 159 165 61 27 23 11 65 174 199 61 23 31 7 53 151 197 60 18 34 8 44 122 180

Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pls GF GA Pittsburgh 60 40 16 4 84 192 149 Philadelphia 62 32 24 6 70 174 180 N.Y.Rangers 62 33 26 3 69 162 157 Washington 62 29 23 10 68 184 186 Columbus 60 30 25 5 65 178 169 New Jersey 62 26 23 13 65 148 153 C arolina 6 1 2 6 2 6 9 61 151 173 N.Y.lslanders 63 23 32 8 54 173 215 WesternConference Central Oivision GP W L OT Pls GF GA St. Louis 60 40 14 6 86 200 139 Chicago 62 36 12 14 86 213 166 Colorado 61 39 17 5 83 188 164 Minnesota 61 33 21 7 73 150 148 Dallas 60 28 22 10 66 170 169 Winnipeg 62 30 26 6 66 174 178 Nashville 61 26 25 10 62 150 185 Pacilic Division GP W L OT Pls GF GA A naheim 6 2 4 3 1 4 5 91 202 150 S anJose 6 2 3 9 17 6 84 188 151 Los Angeles 62 34 22 6 74 150 133 Vancouver 63 28 25 10 66 150 166 Phoenix 61 2 7 2 3 11 65 169 180 C algary 60 2 3 3 0 7 53 139 182 E dmonton 62 2 0 34 8 48 154 204 Sunday'sGames Philadelphia5,Washington 4, OT SanJose4, NewJersey2 Florida 5,N.Y.Islanders3 Ottawa 4, Vancouver2 Boston6, N.Y.Rangers 3 Colorado6,TampaBay3 St. Louis4, Phoenix 2 Anaheim 5, Carolina3 Today'sGames Columbus atToronto,4 p.m. BuffaloatDalas,5 p.m. Calgaryat Minnesota, 5p.m. Montrealat LosAngeles,7:30p.m. Tuesday'sGames FloridaatBoston,4 p.m. Detroit atNewJersey, 4p.m. Dallas atColumbus,4p.m. ColoradoatChicago,5p.m. TampaBayatSt.Louls,5p.m. Pittsburghat Nashyiffe, 5p.m. N.Y.IslandersatWinnipeg, 5p.m. Vancouverat Phoenix, 6p.m. Ottawa at Edmonton, 6:30p.m. CarolinaatSanJose, 7;30p.m.

TENNIS Professional ATPWorld TourBrasil Open Sunday atGinasio doIbirapuera, SaoPaulo Purse: $539,730(WT250) Surlace: Clay-Outdoor Singles Championship FedericoDelbonis,Argentina,def. PaoloLorenzi, Italy, 4-6,6-3, 6-4.

SKIING World Cup Womea's results Sunday At CransMontana, Switzerland 1. Andrea Fischbacher,Austria,1:34.00. 2. AnnaFenninger, Austria,1:34.15. 3. TinaMaze, Slovenia,1:34.47. 4. Elisabeth Goergl, Austria,1:34.49. 5. EditMiklos,Hungary,1:34.82. Also 18. JuliaMancuso, UnitedStates,1:36.34. 21. Stacey Cook, UnitedStates,1:36.76. 30. Laurenne Ross, UnitedStates,1:37.42. 31. Jacquefinee Wiles, UnitedStates,1:37.96. 38. JuliaFord,UnitedStates,1:38.94. 40. Leanne Smith, UnitedStates,1:39.74. World CupDownhill Standings {Afler eight races) 1. MariaHoefl-Rlesch,Germany, 504points. 2. AnnaFenninger, Austria, 424. 3. TionaWeirather, Liechtenstein,400. 4.TinaMaze,Slovenia,393. 5. Marianne Kaufmann-Abderhalden,Switzerland,389. Also 13. Stacey Cook, UnitedStates,143. 16. JuliaMancuso, UnitedStates,134. 30. Leanne Smith, UnitedStates,49. 34. Laurenne Ross, UnitedStates, 32. 36. Lindsey Vonn,UnitedStates, 24. 38. Jacqueline Wiles, UnitedStates,18. 46. JuliaFord,UnitedStates,10. Overall WorldCupStandings (Afler 25 events) 1. MariaHoefl-Riesch, Germany,1 )08. 2. AnnaFenninger, Austria, 951. 3. TinaWeirather, Liechtenstein,943. 4. TinaMaze, Slovenia, 814. 5. LaraGut,Switzerland,796. Also 21. JuliaMancuso, UnitedStates,240. 23. Stacey Cook, UnitedStates, 223. 50. Leanne Smith, UnitedStates,97. 63. Lindsey Vonn,UnitedStates, 69. 78. Laurenne Ross, UnitedStates, 43. 88. ResiStiegler, UnitedStates, 25. 93. Jacqueline Wiles, UnitedStates, 20. 100. Megan McJames, UnitedStates,13. 106. JuliaFord,UnitedStates,10.




Cooperforassignment. KANSAS CITYROYALS—Announced theretirement ofRHPGuigermoMota. National League

LOS ANG ELES DODGERS — Traded INFJustin Sellers toClevelandfor cashconsiderations. BASKETB ALL National Basketball Association CHARLOTTE BOBCATS— WaivedGBenGordon. CHICAGO BULLS—SignedGJimmer Fredette for the remainder oftheseason. DALLAS MAVERICKS— RecalledGShaneLarkin and FJaeCrowder fromi Texas(NBADL).

Austria'sFisc ac erwins ea e women's own i race By Daniella ltflatar The Associated Press

CRANS-MONTANA, Switzerland — Andrea Fischbacher of Austria was the surprise winner of the de-

Today it was just 'go down and do what you can.' "Today it was flat light so it was really difficult. You just have to iet your

skis go and go down really fast." layed women's World Cup downhill Fenninger, who is the only realison Sunday, claiming her first victory tic challenger to overall leader Main four years. ria Hoefl-Riesch, instantly ran over Fischbacher skied down the new with the rest of her teammates after Mont-Lachaux slope in 1 minute, 34 seeing Fischbacher beat her time and seconds, beating compatriot Anna the group fell over into the snow in an Fenninger by 0.15. embrace. "It's just a great feeling," Fisch"I t h ought, 'what's happening bacher said. "It's been a hard time now?' " Fischbacher said. "And then I these past few years. I had some realized I was first."

trian podium as she edged out Elisa- downhill," Fenninger said. "But I was beth Goergi by just 0.02. really happy for Andrea because she Hoefl-Riesch was ninth as home had a tough time and in the team you favorite Lara Gut and Marianne can tell she was really fighting for it Kaufmann-Abderhalden both skied ... It was a good race for me today for out.

It was Fischbacher's first win since claiming gold in the Super-G at the 2010 Winter Olympics. The 28-yearold skier's success comes almost exactly five years after her last World Cup victory. Fenninger moved 157 points behind Hoefi-Riesch in the overall tabie, attd 80 points off the German in

the downhill standings. "It was a special moment because I ... I was always skiing but my head 0.47 seconds behind Fischbacher. wasn't free, I was thinking too much. Maze narrowly prevented art all-Aus- was in the lead and had never won a problems with my back artd knee

Tina Maze of Slovenia was third,

a World Cup after the Olympics. But it's also really furt artd exciting and

There was disappointment for

there was a good crowd here, so it's fun to come back and race." Only Mancuso andStacey Cook qualified for the downhill at the World Cup Finals in Lenzerheide.

the American contingent in the first

Leattne Smith will join the duo in the

the overall," Fenninger said.

downhill after the Olympics. Super G at the event. "Each of these athletes has the The highest finisher was bronze medalist Julio Martcuso, who ended 18th, 2.34 behind. Bend's Laurenne

ability to ski well on this type of ter-

rain and in these types of conditions, Ross finished 30th. but we just didn't execute," U.S. Ski "I was going for it and made some Team women's speed Head Coach big mistakes. It happens," Mancuso Chip White said. "We only had one said. "It was hard to see and the snow training run and it was a few days was difficult, it's just a tough hill. ago, so that didn't help, but it's not art "It's always hard to come back to excuse."




With hands-off rule change,offenseshave




room to maneuver

eB, OSe

2012-13, but field-goal percentage and3 pOintperCentage are When Duke point guard u p slightly from last season Quinn Cook bent at the waist as well, according to NCAA andpreparedto dribble against statistics. "More of the scoring inaGeorgia Techdefender,there was something astonishing crease is generated from the By Ray Glier

New Yorh Times News Service


about the scene near the top of f i eld than from the free-throw

• Oregon State, up by11 at halftime, goescold in second half against Bruins

line — you can see it in the the key. There was spacebetween stats,"Adams said."Turnovers Cook and the defender, who

a r e d own because you can't

was playing m an-to-man. beat the guy up." Cookwasnotbeingswarmed Ad a m s said games were bythe defender's hands, arms slightly over-officiated early andchestbeforehecouldeven in theseason when referees bouncetheball. Itis anincreas- clamped down on hand-checkingly typical sight in college ing. Players adjusted when basketball this season: free- they realized they could be dom of movement. sitting on the bench in the first

The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — U C L A c o a ch Steve Alford showed up at his postgame

news conference Sunday night without a jacket. He said he removed it at halftime while dressing down his team for a

"A defensive player just can't h a l f with foul trouble. Accord-

poor first-half effort. "He just let us know that offensively,

jam an offensive player any ing to NCAA statistics, the avmore, and now the offensive erage number of fouls called

we had to get better ball movement and

player has the advantage — the per team dropped to 18.8 in the defender has to show first half of Febru-

get better shots," Kyle Anderson said. "In the first half, we shot the ball too quickly. We did a better job in the second half." Jordan Adams scored 20 of his 24

his hands," Cook said. He added, "It's TH6 NCAA still a physical game mpljeg fh6

ary, from 20.2 in November.

in some ways, but

points after halftime, Anderson added

14 points, nine rebounds, five assists and four steals, and UCLA rallied from an 11-point deficit to beat Oregon State

74-69 Sunday night to snap its only twogame losing streak of the season. "It was a very interesting halftime. I

was not happy with our effort at all in the first half," Alford said, and understandably so. After taking a 19-14 lead,

the Bruins went cold, settling mostly for jump shots and seldom connecting. With Roberto Nelson scoring nine Mark J.Terrill /The Associated Press points and Devon Collier adding six, the Oregon State's Devon Collier tries to shoot while being defended by UCLA's Tony PerkBeavers went on a 24-10 run to finish the half for a 38-29 lead.

er, left and Jordan Adams during the first half Sunday in Los Angeles.

second half, and that's what made the difference,"Alford said. "We got 11


"Our effort was much better in the In other games Sunday: No. 3 Arizona 79, Stanford 66: TUC-

Oregon State beat UCLA 71-67 in

steals, had nine in the transition game, Corvallis four weeks ago.

SON, Ariz. — Aaron Gordon, almost

got to the free throw line, ran a better

certainly playing his final home game of

The Bruins trailed 42-31 early in the

offense." second half when they suddenly came While outscoring the Beavers 45-31 alive, outscoring the Beavers 21-6 for a in the second half, the Bruins commit- 52-48lead,andtheywere on top therest ted only one turnover to give them a to- of the way. A 3-pointer by Adams with tal of just six overall while Oregon State 7:19 left made it 59-53, and the Beavers committed 10 of its 16 turnovers. weren't closer than four points after By winning, the Bruins (22-7, 11-5 that. Two foul shots by Bryce Alford and Pac-12) kept Oregon State from sweep- another pair by Anderson made it 67-58 ing them for the first time since 1988. with 58.9 seconds left. UCLA leads the series 90-36 and is 51-7 The Bruins shot 40.7 percent from the against the Beavers in Los Angeles. floor but made 21 of 23 free throws. The Adams and Anderson returned to ac- Beavers shot 47.1 percent but were just tion after being suspended for Thursday 14 of 23 from the foul line. night's 87-83 double-overtime loss to "The difference tonight was our turnOregon for an undisclosed violation of overs and points off turnovers," Oregon team rules. State coach Craig Robinson said. "I Without prompting, Adams apolo- thought we defended well. But between gized to the fans, his teammates and the 50-50 balls we did not get and our coaching staff "for our issues." turnovers and the missed foul shots, "I'm just proud how our guys came this game was an opportunity lost." out and competed," he said. "It was a B ryce Alford, coming off a c a learning experience. I'm glad our team reer-high 31-point outing against Orefought, which showed a lot about their gon, missed all four shots he attempted character." in the first half. He finished 1 of 5 and Nelson, the Pac-12's leading scor- scored six points. The 31 points is the er, led the Beavers (15-13, 7-9) with 23 second-most ever scored by a UCLA points. Collier added 15 points and Eric freshman, behind the 41 points scored Moreland had 13 rebounds to lead Or- by Don MacLean against North Texas egon State to a 36-31 advantage on the 25 years ago.

a one-and-done freshman season, scored

19 points and grabbed a career-high 15 rebounds to help Arizona clinch the Pac12 regular-season title.

No. 8 Vilienove 73, Marquette 56: PHILADELPHIA —

D a r ru n H i l liard

S 8 teams that can score, score.Ilikethefree- I'6gBrCArlg dom of movement." gBfly College basketball, usually marginalized ~ N until March by the Ou f. Of PI76 casual fan, may be yu16 Qppg'S regaining some apj peal because guards P~ like Cook can show WIl6E'6 It WBS their skill. In a sig- B 'gu>y61<rl6 " nificant rule change P made last May, the NCAA moved the kt l6 m Blri f6XP Ianguage regarding WQ6r6 If IS Bri hand-checking out u of the rule book's ap- B~SP u 6 pendix, where it was yOur handS a "guideline," and p f l B Qylgg16I

Thenewrulehas madehighlyskilled point g u ards more diffic u lt to defend in isolation. Once they get by the first defe n der, they barrel to t h e hoop to sco r e or create contact to draw a foul.

Personal fouls have ris en to 1 9.3 per team this season, from 17.7 in 201213, not just because

(Rule 10-1.4), where Brld I < IS B it is an absolute: Put fOUI. your hands on a drib-

of t h e h a nds-off po l icy but because big men are having to defend more dribb l ers at the rim. "If you are a guy who can c reate your own shot, you are going to have a field day just get-

bler, and it is a foul.

ting to the basket,"

put it in the main text




This season,pointsper game Duke's Cooksaid. perteam(71.0throughFeb. 16) B y r d , the Belmont coach, are at their highest since the

u n d erstandsthatissue. Sodoes

consin offense as the Badgers won their

2001-2 season. Turnovers are Adams, the NCAA coordinator down compared with 2012- ofofficials. "I wonder if we have made 13, presumably because ball handlers are not getting raked it too hard to guard an isolaacross the arms. It is a game of tion of a really good driver of skill again, more than a game the basketball," Byrd said. "It's of muscle. hard to guard a guy who flies

seventh straight. No. 20 lowa 83, Purdue 76: IOWA

"If we can continue to tweak i n t o your body parts to try and it, it will do what everyone was d r aw a foul. It needs to be an-

CITY, Iowa — Roy Devyn Marble scored I ndiana 72, No. 2 2 O h i o S t . 6 4 : BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Kevin "Yogi"

hopeful it would do, which is alyzed more, because those stop the downward spiral to- calls are going the way of the w ard games having an average offense alotm ore." score in the 50s," said Belmont Ad a ms said: "If you don't coach Rick Byrd, who is the give players a chance to legally

Ferrell scored 20 points and Will Shee-


hey added 19 for Indiana, which one its

ball rules committee. the balance incredibly in favor More fouls are being called, of the offense. Two things we

scored a career-high 26 points and Villanova set a schoolrecord forregular-season wins with 26.

No. 14 Wisconsin 71, Penn St. 66: STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Josh Gasser

scored 15 points to lead a balanced Wis-

21 points and Iowa snapped a threegame losing streak.

second game against a ranked opponent in the past four days. No. 25 New Mexico 72, Nevada 58:

but John Adams, the NCAA

b l ock shots, you have altered ha v e worked on all year in in-

coordinator of officials, said structional videos is to allow

RENO, Nev. — Cameron Bairstow

that was not the only reason

scored22 points as New Mexico over-

that scoring was up. Foul shots give ground and don't automatper team are up to 22.5 per icallycallthemforafoulwhen game this season, from 19.8 in all they are doing is retreating."

came an early 14-point deficit to win its

fifth straight.

l e gal defenders to back up and


enaorSwinou oor ame a e i n oorS The Associated Press VANCOUVER, British Columbia

— Cody Ceci is trying to help his team while helping his own cause. Ceci's second-period goal stood as the winner as the Ottawa Senators topped the Vancouver Canucks 4-2

beforea crowd of more than 50,000 Sunday in the Heritage Classic.



"It means a l o t," said Ceci, a

20-year-old rookie from Ottawa. "These are points that we need right now going down the stretch, and it

season, recording 29 saves as Van-

closed as Vancouver and

TON — Vincent Lecavalier scored

Ottawa take the

Sharks 4, Devils 2: N EWARK, N.J. — Matt Nieto scored the go-

opening fece-off Sunday

ahead goal at 6:20 of the third peri-

at the Heritage

means a lot to me. I'm just trying to earn my spot here." The Senators (27-23-11) posted their first win in three games and kept pace in the race for the final

Classic. Darryl Dyck / The Canadian Press

couver outshot the Sens 31-28.

In other games Sunday: Flyers 5, Capitals 4: WASHINGat 2:45 of overtime as Philadelphia rallied from a two-goal deficit.

od and Alex Stalock made 21 saves

for San Jose. Panthers 5, Islanders 3: UNIONDALE, N .Y. — Scottie Upshall scored twice in the third period as part of a four-goal Florida surge. Bruins 6, Rangers 3: NEW YORK — Tuukka Rask made 19 saves in a one-sided first period, and defense-

playoff berth in the Eastern Con-

ference. The Canucks (28-25-10)

The roof of the B.C. Place is



man Dougie Hamilton had a goal

suffered their ninth loss in 10 games and remained on the bubble in their

and two assists to lift Boston to its first season sweep of New York in

quest for eighth place in the West-

31 years. Avalanche 6, Lightning 3: DEN-

ern Conference.

The game was designed as a tribute to the 1915 Stanley Cup final se-

VER — Nick H olden scored two

"I was glad (organizers) had the

game after the Olympic break. Ceci goals and Ryan O'Reilly had a goal ries between the eventual-champion option to close it, because it probawent minus-2 in the loss. and an assist for Colorado. "It's great to be young," Senators Vancouver Millionaires and Ottably would have ruined the game if fore Ceci decided put Ottawa ahead Blues 4, Coyotes 2: GLENDALE, wa Senators. The Canucks wore it was raining out," Ottawa's Jason in the second and Greening closed coach Paul MacLean said. "They Ariz. — Patrik Berglund scored maroon and cream-colored replica Spezza said. "The ice got bad as it out the scoring in the third. have short memories." twice during St. Louis' four-goal "I think it was huge that we tied Millionaires jerseys while the Sena- was with it closed." Clarke MacArthur, Erik Karlsson rally in the third period, and Ryan tors sported duds similar to those of Ceci putthe Senators ahead 3-2 the game before going into the in- and Colin Greening — into an emp- Miller made 23 saves in his Blues their predecessors. midway through thesecond. The termission," Ceci said. "That was ty net with 1:33 left in the gamedebut. The NHL's outdoor series was defenseman moved up, took a pass big for us, just because we've had alsoscored forOttawa. Ducks 5, Hurricanes 3: ANAforced to go indoors as the B.C. from Spezza, and fired in a shot it tough lately before the (Olympic) Jason Garrison and Zack KasHEIM, Calif. — Corey Perry had Place Stadium roof was closed due from right wing on a 3-on-2 rush. break and the game right after it." sianscored forthe Canucks before t wo goals and a n a s sist i n t h e to rain. The weather teased VanHe helpedthe Senators make a The Senators bounced back Ottawa goaltender Craig Anderson first period, and Andrew Cogliacouver and Ottawa players who had huge comeback as they scored four from a humiliating 6-1 home loss shut them out the rest of the game. no scored a short-handed goal for hoped the roof would remain open. unanswered goals after trailing 2-0 to Detroit on Thursday in their first Anderson posted his 20th win of the Anaheim. in the first five minutes. The score was tied at 2 after the first period be-




WI By John Marshall

was third and Penske Racing teammate Joey Logano fourth. AVONDALE, Ariz. — KevJeff Gordon rounded out the in Harvick had a nice send-off top five on a warm and partly with Richard Childress Rac- doudy day after downpours ing, winning his penultimate wiped out the final 32 laps of The Associated Press

race with the team at Phoenix International Raceway. Back at Phoenix four months

IX Keselowski to pull up behind Harvick. He dropped back a couple times and fought back to get Harvick within his sights again, but didn't have enough

Kevin Harvick celebrates in

but, like everyone else, didn't have the speed to keep up with

Victory Lane with his crew after winning


"They beat everybody be"I've got to congratulate Kev- fore they came to the track


to track him down.

Saturday's Nationwide race,

won by Kyle Busch

Erwin at the helm, Keselowski ran near the front all day,

Photos by Ross D. Franklin /The

in. Those guys were two-tenths

today," Keselowski said. "It's a

Harvick won a t P h oenix faster than everyone all weekduring the Chase for the Sprint end in practice. They were just Cup championship in the fall, phenomenal," Earnhardt said. ning the second race with his giving him an outside shot at "To be able to runwith them all new team — doing it on the catching Johnson for the series day was abig confidence buildsame weekend he celebrated title in his final season with er for us."

great combination. They were prepared for the weekend. To me, Randy Childers is like a rubber-stamp, carbon-copy of

later, he stamped his arrival at Stewart-Haas Racing by win-

Associated Press

Paul Wolfe. He's a great crew

chief and it was just a mathis 13th wedding anniversary, RichardChildress Racing. He With team engineer Brian ter of time before he found a noless. came up short, but the victory Wilson and its Nationwide Se- combination that he excelled Yeah, Harvick kind of likes and a third-place finish in the ries competition director Greg with." it here in the desert. standings gave him a bit of moDisappointed at the Daytona mentum heading into for his 500 after a last-lap crash,Har- first seasonwith Stewart-Haas. vick bounced back quickly by Harvick had a solid finish in charging to the front and dom- his sights at Daytona last week inating the rest of the way Sun- beforealast-lap crash dropped day to win consecutive races at himto 13th. PIR with different teams. At Phoenix, Harvick just "Man, this i s a w esome," missed the final stage of Harvick said. knockout qualifying, nipped












Harvick won the fall race

by 0.001 seconds, but had the fastest car in Saturday morning's final practice session. fuel at the white flag. He needed no help Sunday. He had notroublemaking Harvick had the fastest car his way through the field after in practice and kept it rolling in the green flag dropped in the the race, charging to the front race, passing Keselowski on after starting 13th and pretty the apron, then Logano for the much staying there. He led 224 lead on lap 74. Harvick mainof 312 laps on the odd-shaped tained the lead coming out of mile oval and pulled away on green-flag pit stops with just several late restarts for his fifth under 200 laps left and again NASCAR Sprint Cup victory with about 70laps left. at PIR, passing Jimmie JohnA seriesof cautions came afterCarl Edwards ran out of

son for the most at the track.


out late in the race and Harvick

Not bad for someone who's easily pulled away each time to still trying to feel his way earn a quick win with SHR a around with a new team nice capper to his anniversary and new crew chief Rodney weekend with wife DeLana. "I'm just the lucky guy who Childers. "It took long enough," SHR gets todrive around the race co-owner Gene Haas joked. track when they have dialed "This is phenomenal. I think in like they did today," Harvick there was a lot of skepticism said. "We were able to put it last year about what myself altogether." and Tony (Stewart), what we Earnhardt had a whirlwind were up to, was there a lot of week after winning his second madness to this. Quite frankly, Daytona 500, needing his girl-


/v. n

I •





it's a great team, there's a lot

friend to get him extra clothes of synergy at the shop, people while he went on a media tour.

working together. I don't know

He had a solid follow-up, put-

what we did, but I think we put

ting the distractions aside to



808tlHV ShOW®

together a great organization."

qualify fifth. Earnhardt worked his way Earnhardt Jr. finished second, up in the opening third of the pole sitter Brad Keselowski race, passing Logano and



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Patrick finishes36th after crash, patchwork Los Angeles Times

job of Danica Patrick's car

throughout the race even though they couldn't get their Fords past the Chevrolets of Harvick and s econd-place

e nded and t h e b l ac k r e -

Dale Earnhardt Jr.

pair tape holding it together

Keselowski and Logano finished third and fourth, respectively, though Harvick said he fretted about one of the Penske cars slipping past him on

started. Patrick's No. 10 Chevrolet

was collected in a multi-car crash midway through Sunday's NASCAR Sprint Cup

rick into a spin that put her farther behind.

"All we have for luck is

e rs I QT





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Presented by • •

one of the restarts late in the


' •



• I'



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as lowas








hind the leaders. After her Keselowski said it was "evpit crew taped up the car's erything we could do to get up crumpled body during sev- there and get third. Nobody eral pit stops, she was able to had anything for Kevin." rear tire was cut, sending Pat-

llk~ "" ~ e

race. "We had a really good car, gaier and Travis Kvapil also just not as good as" Harvick's were involved. No. 4 Chevy, Logano said. She was running about "That No. 4 car was just so

continue. But 15 laps later her left

be chargedper bensastion.


Series race at Phoenix International Raceway. Justin All-

25th at the time, one lap be-

Children 5 & under FREE Fred Meyer Rewards card 0iscounfe may cr editoerdstrrersom e.$1reetss not be combined.


By Jim Peltz AVONDALE, Ariz. — By the time the race ended, it wasn't clear where the paint


f4 loe ras 8f& s rre ~d i 4 IIcgtpr

See trsat tbeshowibr one oispp sonttohticketsdaly.

Rehil ValueS15,325


Thu~ri ...12noon-8 p.m. Adults..........................$10 COUppNatparticipating Baxter Saturday.....10am.-SPm. 2-day Pass.................$15 Aut p d stores LesSchwabTire Sunday........10 a.m.-4 p.m. Juniors (6-16) ........--- ®6 Centers, Si-Mart stores or by using your

145RB Trailer Danica Patrick makes a pit stop during Sunday's race.


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Visit your local branch.

' I o

Rookie test There are several rookies in the Cup series this year and they mostly struggled Sunday at the one-mile Phoenix Inter-

bad," Patrick said over her

national oval, where passing is team radio. known to be difficult. She finished 36th in the 43Kyle Larson, who wound up car field, six laps behind win- 20th, was the only rookie to ner Kevin Harvick.

finish on the same lap as the

Stout Team Penske

leaders. Among the other first-year

The two drivers for Team Penske, Brad Keselowski and

drivers: Austin Dillon finished 24th, Cole Whitt was 27th and

Joey Logano, were strong

Allgaier finished 30th.



Thurs-Fri ......12 noon — 8 p.m. Adults.............................$10 Saturday ....... 10 a.m.—8 p.m. 2-day pass ....................$15 Sunday.......... 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Juniors (6-1 6)..................$5 Children 5 & under.......FREE


Credit cards welcome.$1 ibe wil be chargedper transaction.



Thurs-Fri ......12 noon -8 p.m. Adults.............................$10 Saturday ....... 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 2-day pass ....................$15 Sunday.......... 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Juniors (6-16) ..................$5


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OMMU1VITY P O RTS HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM: MBSEFhigh school program; ages14 and older;through March;www.mbsef.org. ELKS SPRINGTRAINING CAMP: Three-day MASTERS PROGRAM:M BSEF masters camp for boys and girls, grades 3-5;March program; ages 21 and older;through March; 7, 13 and14 (no school days), 8:30-11:30 a.m.; at Bend Fieldhouse; $60 for three days, www.mbsef.org. $43 for two days, $23 for one day; www. MIDDLE ANDHIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS: bendparksandrec.org. Bend Endurance Academy;Wednesdays in April,1:30-4:15 p.m.; transportation to school and back provided by BEA; $80; CLIMBING www.bendenduranceacademy.org MIDDLE AHIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS: SHE'SON SKIS:MountBachelor'swom en's Bend Endurance Academy;Wednesdays, only nordic program;Wednesdaysor March23-April 23,1:30-6 p.m.; $200; Saturdays;six-week and 12-week programs designed for beginners to intermediate available; at the Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; levels; transportation to school www.mtbachelor.com. and back provided by BEA; www. DAWN PATROLS: Nordic dawn patrols bendenduranceacademy.org. with Dave Cieslowski; Wednesdays,1011:30 a.m.;through March 5;limited to15



advancedskiers; sfoster©mtbachelor.com.


INTRO TO SKATESKIING: Skate skiing clinics;Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays; four-week sessions; $120 for clinic and trail pass; $160 for clinic, trail pass and rentals; at Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; sfoster© mtbachelor.com. INTRO TO CLASSIC SKIING: Classic skiing clinics; Fridays or Sundays; four-week sessions; $120 for clinic and trail pass; $160 for clinic, trail pass and rentals; at Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; sfoster© mtbachelor.com.

PPP TRAINING:Specific training for the Pole Pedal Paddle; Wenzel Coaching; www.


INDOORCLASSES: Individualized, power-based workouts at Bowen Sports Performance; Mondays, We dnesdays and Fridays at noon; Tuesdays, Thursdays at 6:30 a.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8:30

a.m.; enduranceSundaysession, 8-11 a.m.; bowensportsperformance.com or 541-977-1321.



and Spa Tournament; March7-9; men's

NORDIC SKI SKATE SKICLINIC: Designed for novice skiers;March 7,9:45 a.m. at Meissner Snow-park; $10; bring your own skis; angela©footzone.com, 541-317-3569. COMPETITIVE NORDIC PROGRAM: For athletes14 and over; five or six days a week; $2,200;or $1,500through May1; www.


YOUTH PROGRAM: MBSEFStevenson Youth Program; ages 7-11; through March; www.mbsef.org. MIDDLESCHOOL PROGRAM: MBSEF middle school program; ages11-14;through March; www.mbsef.org.

doubles, women'sdoubles,m ixed doubles; $20 registration, $5 per event; Contact Bob Harrington at 541-593-7890 or bharrington© destinationhotels.com for more info.

RUNNING GRIN ANDBEAR IT SK/10K:Grin and Bear It 5K/10K in Bend;March 0,10 a.m.; start and end at Les Schwab Amphitheater; www. myhb.org/events/grin-bear-it-run. ST. PATRICK'SDAYDASH: 5K fun run; March16, 10:05 a.m.;costumes encouraged; starts and ends at Deschutes Brewery 8 Public House; www. BendStPatsDash.com




Email events at least 10days before publication to sports@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. For a more complete calendar, visit www.bendbulletin.com/comsportscal.

PROPER FORM CLINIC: Good Form Running clinics;March13,5:30 p.m.; drills and videos to work on form; RSVPto

LEARN TORUN GROUP RUN: Wednesdays, 5:30p.m.;meetatFootZone,downtown Bend; conversational-paced runs of 2-3 angela©foot zonebend.com. miles; beginners and all paces welcome; 541-317-3568. PERMORMANCE ANDBIOMECHANICS STRENGTH:Rebound Physical Therapy's GROWLER RUN:Group run of 3-5 miles; westside Bend clinic hosts strengthening Thursdays, 5:30 p.m.; leave from Fleet Feet class for runners; Thursdays, 5:30 p.m.; and finish with a shared growler of beer from through March 20; $96; info©reporegon. Growler Phil's; free. com or 541-419-8208. CORK WEEKLYPERFORMANCE RUN: SNOWSHOERUNNINGGROUP: Saturday Thursdays;5:30 p.m.; locations vary; call morning snowshoe running group;through Roger Daniels at 541-389-6424 for more March 15; 3-6 miles; SnowshoeWithLaura@ information. gmail.com. FUNCTIONALSTRENGTH FOR RUNNERS: ADVENTURE RUNNING: Runs from 3.5 Thursdays;6:15 p.m.; WillPower Training Studio,155 S.W. Century Drive, Suite to 5 miles long over trails, roads, parks at10- to12-minute-mile pace; first and 110, Bend; weekly workouts for runners, triathletes and cyclists; $5; 541-350-3938. thirdWednesdaysof each month, 6 p.m.; run location changes,email laura© SATURDAY GROUPRUN: Leave from Fleet footzonebend.com. for locations; dress Feet; 5-7 mile runs;Saturdays,8:30 a.m.; warm and bring a headlamp. free. REDMOND OREGON RUNNINGKLUB SUNDAYGROUPRUNS: Leave from Fleet (RORK):Weekly run/walk; Saturdays Feet;Sundays,2 p.m.; free. at 8 a.m.; all levels welcome; free; for FUNCTIONALSTRENGTH FOR more information and to be added to a ENDURANCE RUNNERS: Produced by weekly email list, email Dan Edwards FootZone and Athlete Wise Performance at rundanorunf9INyahoo.com; follow Coaching; Wednesdays, 7:15-8:15 p.m. and RedmondOregonRunning Klubon Thursdays,7:15-8:15 a.m.; at FootZone; $5; Facebook. kraig©footzonebend.com. REDMONDRUNNINGGROUP: Weekly runsonTuesdays at6:30 p.m.;meetat314 S.W. Seventh St. in Redmond for runs of 3-5 miles; all abilities welcome; free; pia© ALPINE SKIING/ runaroundsports.com; 541-639-5953. SNOWBOARDING MOVE IT MONDAYS: Mondays at5:30 MBSEF RACEPROGRAMS: Runsthrough p.m.; carpool from FootZone to trailhead when scheduled (first and third Mondays of March;www.mbsef.org. each month); all other runs start and finish DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM:MBSEF at FootZone, downtown Bend; 3-5 miles; development for freeskiers and paces 7-12 minutes per mile; melanie© snowboarders; through March; www. footzonebend.com; 541-317-3568. mbsef.org. PERFORMANCE RUNNINGGROUP: 5:30 COMPETITIONPROGRAMS: MBSEF p.m.on Tuesdays;with Max King; locations competition programs for freeskiers and vary; interval-based; all ability levels; maxe snowboarders; through March; www. footzonebend.com; 541-317-3568. mbsef.org. REFLECTIVERUN:Group run of 3-5 miles; FREESKIERAND SNOWBOARD Wednesdays,5:30 p.m.; bring lights and PROGRAMS:MBSEFfull-time program for reflective gear, leaves from Fleet Feet; free. freeskiers and snowboarders; through April; www.mbsef.org. NOON TACORUN: Wednesdays atnoon; meetat FootZone, downtown Bend; order FULL-TIMEALPINE PROGRAM: a Taco Stand burrito before leaving and MBSEF winter and full-time program for it will be ready upon return; teague© alpine ski race program;through March; footzonebend.com; 541-317-3568 www.mbsef.org.

COMPETITIONPROGRAMS: MBSEF freeride and snowboard competition programs;through March;www.mbsef.org. MASTERSPROGRAM: MBSEFalpine masters ski racing program;through March;


SOCCER LOCAL YOUTHLEAGUE: Bend FC Timbers spring developmental league; school-based, divided byage and gender;games Saturdays and Sundays;mid-March-May19; www. BendFCTimbers.com or 541-749-0462.

SOFTBALL 50+ SENIORLEAGUE: Sign-upsforBend 50+ Senior League; 18-game season for players born in1964 or earlier; April 28-July31;Mondays at Skyline Sports Complex; $75 (free for players 75 and over); registration closes March14; Robert Johans, robert.seniorsoftballclgmail.com, 541-323-6920; Tim Fissori, tfissori©gmail. com, 541-408-7407. BEND PARK ANDRECSIGN-UPS: Bend Park 8 Rec girls league; ages 6-14; March 31-June 5;registration deadline is March12; $60-$91 depending on ageand district or indistrict residents; www.bendparksandrec.


YOUTH TRYOUTSAND OPEN GYM: High Desert YellowJackets10-and-under and 12-and-under softball tryouts; ages 8-12; call Jeremy at 541-325-3689 (12U coach) or Shane (10U coach) at 541-728-1276 for

more info.

TABLE TENNIS BEND TABLE TENNIS CLUB: Evening play Mondays;6-9 p.m. (setup 30 minutes prior);

beginner classesavailable, cost $60; at Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Oregon; drop-in fee, $3 for adults, $2 for youths and seniors; club membership available to those who donate $100 or more; Jeff at 541-480-2834; Don at 541-318-0890; Sean at 267-6146477;bendtabletennis©yahoo.com; www. bendtabletennis.com.


COMMUNITY SPORTS FENCING Area SWOrdSman WinSjuniOr natiOnS —Bend's Tristan Krueger is a national champion, having wonthe Cadet Men's Epeeat the 2014 Junior Olympic FencingChampionships in Portland on Feb.16. Krueger, who competes with the HighDesert Fencing Club,won15-14 in thechampionship final of his 256-man bracket. C.O. CIIIh WinS team eVent —The High Desert Fencing Club won the mixed teamepeeevent Feb.. 22 at theWinter Epee Extravaganza in Salem. Bendathletes Jacob Brown, Michael Coffman and Xunan Smith represented HDFC in the competition. The HDFC'sY12team placed third in the mixed epeecategory at the same competition. That squad was made up of Olivia Barnesand Michele Bodon.

Special Olympians totake to the mountain Meet theHighDesert SpecialOlympians

By Beau Eastes The Bulletin

No one has more fun on the mountain

1. Adam Fullerton, 31, cross-country skiing 2. Andrea Gifford, 25, cross-country skiing 3. Roy Ritter, 34, alpine skiing 4. Michaela Young, 19,alpine skiing 5. Melissa Murray, 30, alpine skiing 6. Shawna Ross, 28, snowshoeing 7. Jordan Estrada, 28, snowshoeing 8. Mary Stevens, 27,showshoeing 9. Tiffany Reynolds, 26, alpine skiing 10. Tanisha Reynolds, 26, alpine skiing 11. Misty Holloman, 23, alpine skiing 12. Eric Cain, 44, alpine skiing 13. John Paul Monroe, 34, snowshoing 14. Sharla Gibson, 25, cross-country skiing 15. Nicole Harder, 25, snowboarding 16. Eric Fullerton, 32, cross-country skiing 17. Josh Arnold, 38, alpine skiing 18. Kelly Spurlock, 34, snowshoeing 19. Michelle Swager, 44, snowshoeing 20. Ryan Shields, 19, alpine skiing 21. Bob Arata, 58, alpine skiing 22. Kristel Wieglenda, 32, snowshoeing

than these guys and gals. Special Olympics Oregon (SOOR) hosts its 2014 Winter State Games — the

snow sports version — this weekend at Mt. Bachelor ski area. From Friday

throughSunday more than 200 competitors from across the state, including 25 athletes from SOOR's High Desert chap-


ter, will vie for medals in alpine and nordic skiing, snowboarding and snowshoe

MBSEF SendSnine to JuniOr NationalS —TheMt. Bachelor


Sports Education Foundation is sending nine nordic skiers to the 2014 Junior National Nordic Ski Championships in Stowe, Vt., which started Saturday and runs through March 8. Sierra Foster, Emily Hyde,Emma Malmquist, Skyler Kenna, LeoLukens, Max Millslagle, ZebMillslagle, Casey Shannon, andAlec Wiltz are all expected to ski in Vermont this week.

"These guys learn very quick," says

Bend's Sadie Knowles, a volunteer snow-

board and ski coach with the High Desert chapter. "Some of them are better skiers than I am. They just take it slow and steady and they get down the mountain

Bend SkierS finiSh Birkie —A pair of Bend skiers posted top-25 finishes at the 2014American Birkebeiner in Hayward, Wis., on Feb.22. Bend's Sarah Maxtook10th in the women's 50K skate race andMatthew Briggs placed 25th in the men's 50Kskate.

faster than I do." The Special Olympics athletes practice for a minimum of eight weeks in

their specific events, many participating in dryland drills weeks before they be-


ing their snow workouts. For the last two

LOCal qualifieS fOr RatianalS —Tanner Lujan, a skier for the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation, is currently competing at the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA)Under18 Nationals at Copper Mountain, Colo., which started Friday and runs through March 6.

asts have been hitting the runs and trails want to get on the bus in the morning,

Nine MBSEFSkierS headed to U16 regiOnalS —Ninealpine ski-

by the end of the day they're super happy they came," Knowles says.

months, the High Desert snow enthusi-

ers from theMt. BachelorSports Education Foundation havebeenselected to compete intheU.S.Ski andSnowboardAssociation (USSA)Western Region Under16 Championships,March18-23. CarinaBracy,ErinSmith, Ashley Lodmell, SophiaSahm,MinamCravens, Charlie Stuermer,Walter Lafky, and lan Lafky will all ski atthe regional meet inJackson Hole, Wyo.

SKATING RedmOndrink CIOSeSfOr winter — TheRedmond IceSkating Rink has closes for the seasondue to warmweather conditions, the Redmond Area Parkand Recreation District announcedThursday. The rink will re-open in November. — Bulletin staff report

at Mt. Bachelorevery Sunday morning. "Even the stubborn ones who don't

"The ultimate goal is to provide sports Participants, who have various skill On Friday, athletes will have a full day training and competitive opportunities levels, are placed in divisions based on to practice on the runs and trails of their for individuals that couldn't otherwise gender, age and ability. Last year, Bend's specific events. Cross-country skiing have those opportunities," adds Janet Misty Holloman not only competed in and snowshoeing kick off the competiCapetty, SOOR's senior vice president of the Special Olympics Oregon Winter tion Saturday morning at 9 0'clock. Sunfield services. State Games, she also qualified for and day's action also gets underway at 9 a.m. "It's huge for them to have that reCapetty, a nordic skier herself, helps raced in the Special Olympics World rtm the cross-country ski competitions Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South ward and opportunity to go for a medduring the Winter State Games. Korea, where she earned a silver medal al," Knowles says. "I've had athletes "Someone asked metovolunteer years in alpine skiing's super-G event. that have never skied, but by the end (of ago," Capetty says, recalling her initial "Ultimately, (Special Olympics) ath- training and the State Games) they come Special Olympics experience while she letes can and will often compete in citi- out with a medal. "And even if t hey don't medal," was still in college. "It just expanded zen races," Capetty adds. "They're prefrom there.... I love (cross-country ski- pared and get great training from our Knowles adds, "they still feel great." ing) so much, I wanted my athletes to volunteer coaches who train and work — Reporter: 541-383-0305; beastes@ have a great time too."

with them."


COMMUNITY SCOREBOARD Bowling Leagueleadersandhigh scores Lava Lanes,Bend Feb. 10-16 CASINO FUN —The Gang;Frank McDonald 235/649;EdieRoebuck202/499 Hls ANDHERS— Timeto Spare; JaymeDahlke 276//86; carolywi nrth 252/577 GUYSANDGALS — Kelly rrs Sports Bac Mike caiss e248/666;AmyAnderson220/547 LAVALANESCLASSIC — Mo andPops; Dave Grimes 300/708; MoniqueMccleary194/545 TEATIMERS—BendVFW; Hazel Keaton197/581 LATECO MERS—NoThreat; janesupnet 216/577 FREE BREATHERS— Ah Shucks;Jim Whitson 279/737;SueSnedden203/525 ORAFT —Mama 's Boys; Wilie Sernett 213/625; Susan Waltosz225/519 HAVE-A-BALL — Team 4; RyanPierce 235/562; AlexisHill-PierceGruenberg199/532 GREASED LIGHTENING— SlowRollers; Rueben Pierce223/609;vonnieGreen182/521 REJECTS — PinSweepers;DougGray247/713;Gail Kirk199/522

non Grimes 216/589 pRQGRE sslvE — u-Duh-Man;BryanMeek er

257/735 T.G.I.F.— Man On; BryanMeeker248/737;Christine Jacobe 236/579

RimrockLanes,Prinevule Week 24 50+

Team highs — Scratchseries: HotShots,1,882; Scratchgame: Fireballers,644; Handicapseries: Easy 4,2,371;Handicapgame; It's aUTurn,839. Men's highs—Scratchseries: BuzzStringer 573; Scratchgame : Kyle McKenzie, 225; Handicap series: BobFreeman,635;Handicapgame:RickMayers,234. Women'shighs—Scratchseries:LauraHawes, 546;Scratchgame: Iris Carlson,168; Handicapseries: MargieBrinkley,628;Handicapgame: SusanLee,212.

Week 25 GrizzlyMountainMen'sLeague Team highs —Scratchseries: NoBoundaries, 3,169;Scratchgame: KBWEngineering, 991; Handicap series:JandLAuto, 3,311; Handicap game:Kiler WhaleAudio,1,084. Men's highs —scratchseries: JakeMcclennen, wEDNEsDAY Iuc — DentureIn; Matt Ayers 748;Scratchgame:RoyFuller,278;Handicapseries:Ed 279/786;JoshCurley 289/761 733;Handicapgame:CharlesBeck,289. TNT — "MadeYaLook"; DaveGrimes237/665;shan- Whale,

Joe Kline i The Bulletin

The High Desert Special Olympics team on Sunday at Mt. Bachelor.





ar er's re urn

The Bulletin welcomescontributions to its weekly local golf results listings nndevents calender. Clearly legible items should be fexed to the sporls deparlment, 541-3850831, emailed to sportsdgbendbulfetin.com, ormailedtoP.O.Box5020;Bend,OR97708.

16or first180teams.Formoreinformation orto request an entry form,call 541-549-4653,541-595-1294or 541-923-4653; orvisitwww.aspenlakes.com, blackbutteranch.com, orwww.eagle-crest.com. Mey 6-8:CentralOregonSenior Spring Tour ProAm is forteamsand individuals throughtheOregon Chapter ofthePGA.This three-dayevent is held at CrookedRiver Ranch, theRidgeCourseat EagleCrest Club Results Resort inRedmond,andGlaze Meadowat Black Bute Ranch.Golferswil competein anet Stableford, gross CROOKED RIVERRANCH and netstrokeplayand onegrossandtwonet formats. Central OregonWinter Series, Feb.21 Golfersmustbe50yearsoldorolder. Cost is $960per Better Bell First Flight — Gross: 1, RosieCook/Zach team.Contact:800-574-0503orwww.orpga.com. May12: CentralOregonSeniorsGolf Organization Lampert,64. 2, HarryPaik/BobGorham,65. 3 (tie), event atCrookedRiver Ranch. Theformat is individual Pat Hufler/MarcBeebe, 66; JasonPigot/DonOrrell, 66.Net I, TomWimberly/FredJohnson,58.2, Craig grossandnet best ball, aswell asteambest ball. Cash Chastain/StevePriborsky, 61. 3(tie), HankMcCauley/ prizesawardedat eachevent. Tournamentseries is open RickMangels,62;SeanRemer/RonaldHostetler,62. 5 to men'sclub membersat hostsites, andparticipants (tie), PaulNemitz/Robert Holloway,64;PatO'Gorman/ must haveanOregon Golf Association handicap.Cost fortheseasonplus a$5per-event fee.Formore Tim Swope, 64; TomMacDonald/Jim MacDonald, 64; is $150 information,contactTedCarlin at541-604-4054or vptPaulQuinn/RigoMontes, 64. .com. Second Flight — Gross: 1(tie), Phil Garrow / cargntbyahoo May 12:OregonGolf AssociationTour partner Daryl H)eresen,74; Dewey Springer/GeorgeLienkaemper,74.3, FranklinEarls/JerryHarris, 76.4,George seriestournament at Bend Golf andCountry Club.Tee Mitchener/BigFuffhart, 77.Net:1(tie), HowardZan- timesbeginat 8:30a.m.OGATour eventsareopento with aUSGAhandicapand include open and gari/DennisBrockman,61; TonyAshcraff/TomHatch, any golfer 61. 3, JoePerry/JimKelly,63.4 (tie), Bill Daw/Vene senior divisions.Costfor this eventis$79for OGA Dunham 64; TomGilkey/TomJorgensen, 64. 6 (tie), membersand$99 for nonmembers. Deadline to enter Roger Ferguson/BobBengtson,65;JaySnavely/Wyli e is May5.Formoreinformation orto register, visit www. oga.orgorcall theOG Aat503-981-4653. Harrell,65;DaveRalzlaff/Mark MacLeod,65. May13:OregonGolf Association TourpartnerseKPs — 0-12 handicaps:JamesChrisman, No.4; ent attheMeadowsCourseat Sunriver ReBrandonKearney, No. 11. 13 andhigher: MarkMa- ries tournam sort.Teetimesbeginat10:30a.m. OG ATour eventsare cLeod, No.7;DaveRatzlaff rNo.16. Skins— Gross:Wimberly/Johnson,No.12. open toanygolfer witha USGAhandicapand include Nek McCauley/Man gels, No.2; Chastain/Priborsky, openandsenior divisions. Costforthiseventis $79for No.3;Nemitz/Holloway,No.5;O' Gorman/Swope,No. OGAmembers and $99 for nonmembers. Deadline to 6; Scott/Palmer,No.7; Zangari/Brockman, No.11; enter isMay6.For moreinformation orto register, visit Wimberly/Johnson, No.12. www.oga.org or call theOGAat 503-981-4653

The Associated Press Tony Parker had 22 points and seven

assists in his return from a six-game absence, leading San Antonio's balanced attack in a 112-106 victory over

the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday night. Parker played with his usual relentlessness, finishing 10 for 15 from the field on a series of breakneck drives. He also had just one turnover in 32 minutes, and the Spurs had six players score in double figures. "I thought Parker looked great again coming off a nice little 10-day break they can afford to give him," Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki said. "And he just comes in and looks great." Despite a series of injuries, San Antonio (43-16) remains 1 z/z games behind Oklahoma City (45-15) for the top seed in the Western Conference.

DESERT PEAKS ThursdayMen'sClub, Feb.20 Net StrokePlay 1, DeanDitmore,73.2, Al Dupont,77.3, Dean Hunt,79. KP — Al Dupont. SundayGroupPlay, Feb.23 Stroke Play Gross: 1,DennyStory,77. Nek1,KenBlack,70; Jim Wyzard, 70. KP — Trimble Cannon. LD —DennyStory.


Tim Duncan scored 17 points, Kawhi Leonard added 16 and B o ris D i aw

had 13 points and 10 rebounds for San Antonio. Manu Ginobili had 15 points and sev-

en assists as the Spurs extended their winning streak to three games. Nowitzki scored 22 p oints, Vince Carter added 21 and Monta Ellis had 17 for the Mavericks, who have lost eight

straight to the Spurs. Parker looked refreshed after not playing since Feb. 10 for what San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich officially listed as "rest," but unofficially was due to a series of lower body maladies.

"I think it was a little bit of (a physical and mental rest)," Parker said. "Pop, I trust his judgment. I didn't want to admit it to myself. But maybe I was tired

Eric Gay/The Associated Press

San Antonio's Tony Parker makes an off-balance shot while being defended by Dallas' DeJuan Blair. Parker had 22 points and seven assists in the Spurs'112-106 win Sunday.

he's that good and he was obviously "For Tim and Tony, it's been a while, fresh tonight. He hit shots that were the more than a month, probably without shots that were there. You've got to give all three playing," Ginobili said. "It feels him credit for that and we needed to be good. As I said the last two games, it's a little bit better on our coverages." very important for us to be healthy, to The Spurs visibly frustrated Nowitz- start feeling confident, to start playki, who continually yelled at officials. ing with each other again over the last Popovich alternated Splitter, Diaw and stretchof the season." Leonard defensively on Nowitzki, who In other games Sunday: shot 9 of 17.

"It was just to give him a different

mentally. It's a lot of basketball the last look," Popovich said of the rotations. three years with no break; the (French) "He's such a great player. Nobody stops national team and NBA. It definitely him. At least giving him a different helped, I felt fresh." look makes me feel better like I'm tryThe French point guard made his ing, like I'm doing something." first shot, and on the ensuing possesNowitzki also committed two early sion, drove into the heart of the paint fouls. "The first one was stupid," he said. "I to draw the defense and fired a pass to Leonardforan open 3-pointerthatgave saw the ball, kind of reach for it. By the San Antonio a 5-2 lead. time I reached for it, the ball was gone "I just try t o p enetrate and make and I hit his arm. I missed my first two stuff happen," Parker said. "Obviously, shots. I think I was a little anxious; I reI want to score; but I want to do both. I ally wanted to play well. By the time I want to create shots for my teammates. settled in in the second quarter, I was

Myself and Manu (Ginobili), we can create alot of offense, we have great

little too hyped up." C arter kept the M avericks in t h e

Bulls 109, Knicks 90: CHICAGO-

Chicago's Joakim Noah had 13 points, 12 rebounds and 14 assists for his fifth ca-

reer triple-double. Raptors 104, Warriors 98:TORONTO — DeMar DeRozan scored 32 points,

Kyle Lowry had 13 and Toronto beat Golden State for its first victory in eight

tries against Warriors guard Stephen Curry. Thunder 116, Bobcats 99: OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma City's Kevin

Durant scored 28 points and teammate Russell Westbrook had 26. Suns 129, Hawks 120: PHOENIX -

Gerald Green hit 5 of 6 3-pointers in the first half to help Phoenix score 79 points before halftime, the most in the NBAthis

shooters all around us. I can't remem- game almost single-handedly in the season. ber the last time we had everybody." first half, as Dallas trailed just 48-47. Magic 92, 76ers 81: ORLANDO, Fla. Parker punctuated his return with a Ginobili scored eight straight points, — Tobias Harris scored a career-high left-handed layup from the right side of including a pair of 3-pointers, as the 31 points as Orlando extended Philadelthe rim to avoid Dalembert's reach with Spurs opened a 78-67 lead with a min- phia's losing streak to 14 games. 45 seconds remaining. ute remaining. Pacers 94, Jazz 91: INDIANAPOLIS "He's been an MVP candidate, really Ginobili, who was 2 for 5 on 3s, — David West scored 25 points, Paul each of the last three, four, five years," was energized by the team's return to George added 22, and Indiana won its Dallas coach Rick Carlisle said. "Look,


fifth straight.


Summaries Sunday'sGames

All TimesPST

EaslernConference W L 46 13 42 14 33 26 33 26 31 28 28 29 27 32 26 32 24 37 23 36 21 39 20 40 19 43 15 45 11 47

d-Indiana d-Miami d-Toronto Chicago Washington Brooklyn Charlotte Atlanta Cleveland Detroit NewYork Boston Orlando Philadelphia Milwaukee


d-Oklahoma Cit y d-San Antonio Portland d-L.A.Clippers Houston Golden State Phoenix Dallas Memphis Minnesota Denver NewOrleans Utah LA. Lakers Sacramen to d-divisionleader

DALLAS (106)

Pct GB .780 .750 2'Iz .559 13 .559 13 .525 15 .491 17 .458 19 .448 19'/~ .393 23 .390 23 .350 25'/~ 333 26r/2

,306 28N .250 31'Iz .190 34'/~

W L Pct GB 45 15 .750 43 16 41 18 41 20 40 19 36 24 35 24 36 25 33 25 29 29 25 33 23 36 21 38 20 39 20 39


Chicago109,NewYork90 Toronto104,GoldenState98 Orlando92,Philadelphia 81 Indiana94, Utah91 Oklahoma City116, Charlotte99 SanAntonio112,Dallas106 Phoenix129,Atlanta120

Today'sGames MemphisatWashington,4 p.m. Chicago at Brooklyn,4:30p.m. Charlotteat Miami,4:30 p.m. NewYorkatDetroit, 4:30p.m. Utah atMilwaukee,5p.m. Minnesota at Denver,6 p.m. LA. Lakers atPortland, 7 p.m. NewOrleansatSacramento, 7p.m. Tuesday'sGames GoldenStateat Indiana,4 p.m. SanAntonioat Cleveland,4p.m. Miami atHouston,5p.m. PhiladelphiaatOklahomaCity,5 p.m. LA. Clippers at Phoenix, 6p.m. NewOrleansatL.A.Lakers,7:30p.m.

SPurS112, MaveriCkS106

729 fr/2

.695 3'/~ .672 4'Iz 678 4'A .600 9 593 91/2

.590 9'/2

.569 11 .500 15 .431 19 .390 21'A ,356 23'/z .339 24'/2

.339 24'/~

BtlllS109, KitiCkS 90

Marion2-70-05, Nowilzki 9-174-522,Dalembert 3-72-2 8,Calderon4-11H 8, Ellis 7-152-317, Blair 3-50-06, Carter9-160-021, Harris3-91-28, Wright 4-60-28, Egington140-03. Totals45-979-14106.

Leaders Through Saturday'sGames


Durant,OKC 58 605 494 1834 31.6 Anthony,NYK 56 557 338 1577 28.2 James, MI A 54 536 303 1450 26.9 SANANTONIO(112) Love, MIN 55 468 389 1457 26.5 Leonard 6-91-116,Duncan5-117-917, Splitter4-9 51 376 385 1247 24.5 10-151-1 22,Green2-80-05, Ginobili Harden,HOU 0-1 2-22, Hardaway Jr. 5-142-214, Smith 6-12 3-311, Parker LAC 61 550 366 1477 24.2 1-213, Stoudemire7-80-014, Clark0-1 0-00, 2-79-1015,Diaw6-141-214,Migs1-5003, Belinegi Griffin, L 56 462 225 1338 23.9 1-42-25,Baynes2-20-04. Totals 39-8424-28112. Curry,GO Brown0-1 0-0 0, Tyler2-2 0-04, Murry1-21-1 Aldridge, PO R 54 525 231 1283 23.8 Dallas 22 25 23 36 — 106 3.Totals 35-79 15-18 90. D eRozan, T O R 56 444 335 1272 22.7 SanAntonio 25 2 3 30 34 — 112 CHICAGO (109) George,IND 58 446 279 1312 22.6 Dunleavy 4-9 1-1 10, Boozer6-13 2-2 14, Cousins,SAC 50 396 322 1114 22.3 Noah 4-10 5-8 13, Hinrich 4-6 0-0 11, Butler Pacers 94, Jazz 91 Nowitzki, DAL 58 451 251 1247 21.5 5-13 9-14 19, Augustin 7-10 5-6 23, Gibson Irving, CLE 58 448 245 1246 21.5 6-151-213, Snell 2-40-0 4,Murphy0-2 0-00, UTAH (91) Lillard,POR 59 411 264 1249 21.2 Fredette1-2 0-0 2, Shengelia0-0 0-0 0.Totals Jefferson 1-2H2, Wigiams230 05, Favors610 Dragic,PH X 54 392 243 1112 20.6 39-84 23-33 109. 5-917, Burke 5-9 4-416, Hayward8-153-3 21, Burks Thomas,SAC 59 413 277 1212 20.5 New york 16 32 20 22 — 90 5-161-211, Ka n t e r 6-130 012, E v a ns2 60-04, G a rr e t Jefferson, CH A 49 438 125 1003 20.5 Chicago 37 22 21 29 — 109 1-4003, Gobrt00000. e Totals36-7013-1091. Gay,SAC 53 403 221 1082 20.4 INDIANA (94) Davis,NOR 51 393 245 1032 20.2 George6-169-1022, West11-173-425, Hibbert Wall, WAS 59 424 257 1178 20.0 1-9 0-0 2,Wa tson 5-81-213, Stephenson4-12 2-2 Thunder116, Bobcats 99 FG Percentage 11, Mahinmi 3-43-59, Turner2-93-58, Sloan0-1 FG FGA PCT CHARLO TTE(99) 0-00, Scola 2-60-04. Totals 34-8221-2894. Jordan,LAC 246 370 .665 Kidd-Gilchrist 0-21-2 1,McRoberts 2-5 2-2 6, Utab' 20 26 24 21 — 91 Drummond,DET 343 558 .615 Jefferson10-165-825,Walker3-130-06, Hender- Indiana 21 24 30 19 — 94 Howard,HOU 403 684 .589 son 2-7 5-7 9,Zeger2-36-7 10, Neal2-56-7 12, James,MIA 536 924 .580 Tolliver 5-123-3 17,Biyombo2-2 1-2 5, Ridnour Horford,ATL 238 420 .567 1-1 2-2 5,Douglas-Roberts 1-10-03,Pargo0-10-0 Magic 92, 76ers 81 Wade,MIA 321 578 .555 0. Totals30-6831-4099. Diaw, SAN 225 412 .546 PHILADELPHIA (81) OKLAHOM ACITY(116) C 385 705 .546 Thompson 0-30-00, Young13-250-029, Sims Ibaka,OK Durant 8-2412-12 28, Ibaka5-8 4-615, Ad244 448 .545 ams 2-2 0-0 4,Westbrook10-12 2-2 26, Jones 4-6 4-612,Carter-Wiliams7-203-417, Anderson Johnson,TOR Gortat, WAS 316 586 .539 2-6 0-0 4, Thabeet0-0 0-0 0, Lamb2-8 2-2 7, 1-7 0 0 2,Mullens2 6 00 5, Wroten 5 141-2 12, Williams 0-1 2-2 2, Va rnado 0-0 2-4 2, Ma ynor 0-4 Jackson7-14 2-217, Collison2-3 3-4 7,Fisher 0-0 0.Totals32-86 12-1881. Rebounds 2-31-2 6, Roberson1-2 0-0 2.Totals 41-02 G OFF DEF TOTAVG ORLANDO (92) 26-30 115. Jordan, LAC 61 246 603 849 13.9 Harkless4-91-210, Harris11-209-931,VucevCharlotle 25 30 26 18 — 99 Love, MIN 55 173 549 722 13.1 ic 7144 718, Price0 7 000, Oladipo3 1034 9, OklahomaCit y 3 1 30 24 31 — 116 Drummond,DET 59 318 443 761 12.9 Moore4-103-411, O'Quinn4-6 0-08, Thomas1-5 59 196 539 735 12.5 1-1 3,Nicholson1-20-02.Totals35-8321-2792. Howard,HOU 50 151 428 579 11.6 Philadelphia 27 1 9 23 12 — 81 Cousins,SAC Noah, CH I 56 209 434 643 11.5 Suns129, Hawks120 Orlando 20 15 23 26 — 92 Aldridge,PO R 54 126 483 609 11.3 51 145 389 534 10.5 ATLANTA (120) Bogut,GO L Raptors104, Warriors 98 Jefferson, CH A 49 99 409 508 10.4 Carroll2 54-610, Scott8-181-320,Brand4 6 5-613, Teague14-211-329, Korver 6-100-018, Randolph,MEM 56 182 397 579 10.3 GOLDEN STATE(98) Williams3-77-815, Muscala2-6 0-04, Schroder 0-0 0-0 0,Mack5-11 0-011. Totals 44-04 18Iguodala 2-44-48, Lee8-184-420, Bogut2-40-2 Assists 4, Curry13-274-6 34,Thompson4-152-2 12,Bames 26120. G AST AVG 4-82-211,Green140-02, Blake1-3(H)3, Crawford Curry,GO PHOENIX (129) L 56 496 8.9 Tucker4-70-010, Frye4-70-09, Plumlee1-3 1-30-02,Speights1-2002. Tolnls37-0816-2098. Lawson,DEN 45 396 8.8 TORONTO (104) 0-0 2, Dragic6-13 5-819, Green9-1410-10 33, Wall, WAS 59 515 8.7 Fiel ds4-50-08,Johnson4-91-29,Valanciunas Rubio,MIN Smith 3-52-2 8, Mark.Morris5-8 9-1021,Marc. 58 495 8.5 Morris 8140 018,Randolph1-30-02, Goodwin 5-6 0-010,Lowry3-134-4 13, DeRozan10-16 11-12 Jennings,DET 57 453 7.9 0-0 0-0 0,Barbosa3-6 0-0 7. Totals 44-80 26- 32, Vasq uez5-130-012, Salmons1-50-02, Paterson Lowry,TOR 58 446 7.7 4-102-212,Hansbrough2-22-36, DeColo 0-000. 30129. Teague, ATL 54 376 7.0 Atlanta Totals38-7920-23104. Nelson,OR L 56 386 6.9 Phoenix Golden State 20 22 28 20 — 98 James,MIA 54 348 6.4 Toronto 25 30 20 29 — 104 Williams,Bro 41 263 6.4

NEWYORK(gg) Shumpert 1-6 0-0 3, Anthony8-173-3 21, Chandler3-5 2-4 8, Felton2-104-4 8, Prigioni


HondaClassic Sunday At PGA National ResortandSpa,The Champion PalmBenchGardens,Fle. Purse: $6million Yardage:7,140;Par70 Final (x-won onfirst playoff hole) RussellHenley(500), $1,080,00064-68-68-72—272 RussellKnox(208), $448,000 70-63-68-71—272 RoryMcffroy(208), $448,000 63-66-69-74—272 Calendar RyanPalmer(208),$448,000 68-66-69-69—272 The Bulletin welcomes contributions to Billy HurleyIII (110),$240,000 70-67-67-69—273 its weekly local golf events calendar. Items DavidHearn(95), $208,500 67-70-70-67—274 (95), $208,500 67-68-69-70—274 should bemailedtoP.O.Box6020,Bend,OR Will MacKenzie 97708; fexed tothe sporls department et 541- StuartAppleby(78),$168,000 69-69-65-72—275 LukeDonald(78), $168,000 67-68-68-72—275 385-0831; oremailed to sportsdbbendbuttetin. SergioGarcia(78), $168,000 72-68-68-67—275 com. DavidLingmerth(78), $168,000 69-68-68-70—275 PUBLICLEAGUES March 10: TheCentral OregonEvery Woman's KeeganBradley(54), $94,800 69-68-66-73—276 Golf Associationis hostingamember recruiting event PaulCasey(54), $94,800 72-68-69-67—276 at CentralOregonIndoorGolf, 1245S.E.Third Street Martin Flores(54), $94,800 69-70-68-69—276 in Bend.Eventbeginsat 4:30 p.m.andis opento FreddieJacobson(54), $94,800 69-69-67-71—276 any CentralOregonwoman interested in golf. Event Chris Kirk(54),$94,800 69-67-72-68—276 oManassero,$94,800 67-71 -71-67— 276 includes appetizers andnineholes ofgolf onanelec- Matte tronic simulator.Costis $15andincludesa$20mem- GeorgeMcNeil (54),$94,800 70-67-69-70—276 A ndres Romero(54), $94,800 70-68-71-67—276 bershipdiscountto theEWGA, which during thegolf season hostsweeknightleagueeventsandSaturday AdamScott (54), $94,800 68-69-70-69—276 Chris Stroud (54), $94,800 69-66-73-68—276 play.Formoreinformation: www.ewgaco.com. March 25: Ladies of theGreensgolf club at DanielSummerhays(54),$94,800 70-65-69-72 —276 Jhonattan Ve ga s(54), $94,800 70-66-66-74—276 The Greens at Redmond is hosting a freemembership brunch for anywomaninterested in joiningthe Matt Every(43),$45,400 66-73-65-73—277 group, whichholdsweeklytournamentsonTuesdays GonzaloFdez-Cestano(43), $45,400 71-69-68-69—277 throughout thegolf season.Brunchbegins at10 a.m. RickieFowler(43), $45,400 69-69-69-70—277 at TheViewrestaurant at Juniper Golf Clubin Red- LukeGuthrie(43), $45,400 67-73-65-72—277 mond.Formore information: 541-419-9769. ChessonHadley(43), $45,400 73-66-69-69—277 Central OregonSenior Men:TheCentral Ore- PatrickReed(43), $45,400 71-67-70-69—277 gon SenioG rolf OrganizationmeetsonaMondayeach BrianStuard(43),$45,400 72-68-65-72—277 monthatgolfcoursesacrosstheregion.Series isopen TyroneVanAswegen(43), $45,400 67-71-68-71—277 to men'clsub membersof hostsites. Costis $150for NickWatney(43),$45,400 71-69-70-67—277 theseasonplus$5perevent.SeasonbeginsMarch DerekErnst(35), $30,375 66-69-71-72—278 31. Formoreinformation: TedCarlin at541-604-4054 ZachJohnson(35), $30,375 67-70-68-73—278 or vptcarlin@ya hoo.com. BrooksKoepka,$30,375 7 1-68-68-71—278 Central OregonGolf Tour: Acompetitive series Seung-YulNoh(35),$30,375 69-68-72-69—278 held atgolfcoursesthroughoutCentral Oregon.Gross RorySabbatini (35),$30,375 65-71-68-74—278 and netcompe titions opento amateur golfers of all BrendanSteele(35), $30,375 69-66-71-72—278 abilities.Prizepoolawardedweekly andmembership JoshTeater(35), $30,375 70-68-71-69—278 not required.Formoreinformation orto register: 541- NicholasThompson(35),$30,375 68-70-66-74 —278 633-7652, 541-318-5155, orwww.centraloregongolfJasonKokrak(28), $22,200 70-66-70-73—279 tour.com. TedPotter,Jr. (28), $22,200 71-66-67-75—279 CameronTringale(28), $22,200 69-69-66-75—279 TOURNAME NTS CamiloVilegas(28), $22,200 71-68-69-71—279 March 7: CentralOregonWinter Seriesevent at BooWeekley (28),$22,200 68-67-73-71—279 EagleCrestResort in Redmond. Shamble tournament ThomasB)orn, $15,600 6 9 -66-70-75—280 beginswithan11a.m.shotgun.Two-personteamswith JamesDriscoll (21),$15,600 68-71-70-71—280 no morethan oneprofessionalallowedperteam.Cost is Graeme McDowell (21),$15,600 70-67-72-71—280 $30 forprofessionals,$50for amateurs. Costincludes TroyMerritt (21),$15,600 68-69-72-71—280 grossandnetskinscompetitions. Cartcosts extra. Ag Carl Pettersson(21), $15,600 72-67-68-73—280 play ersmustsignupbynoonontheWednesdaybefore JohnSenden(21), $15,600 72-63-73-72—280 the event.Toregisterorfor moreinformation, call Pat LeeWestwood(21), $15,600 68-65-73-74—280 Huffer,headproat CrookedRiverRanch, at541-923- Charlie Wi(21),$15,600 69-71-68-72—280 MarkWilson(21), $15,600 67-69-73-71—280 6343 oremail himatcrrpatecrookedriverranch.com. March 14:CentralOregonWinter Series event at JamieDonaldson,$13,680 65-69-72-75—281 JuniperGolfClubin Redmond. Triple-six tournam ent CharlesHowell III (15),$13,680 72-68-69-72—281 beginswithan11a.m.shotgun.Two-personteamswith Tim Wilkinson(15), $13,680 70-69-67-75—281 no morethan oneprofessionalallowedperteam.Cost is StewartCink(12), $13,320 69-68-69-76—282 $30 forprofessionals,$50for amateurs. Costincludes DerekFathauer,$13,320 67-71-69-75—282 grossandnetskinscompetitions. Cartcostsextra.Ag BrianHarman(12), $13,320 67-72-69-74—282 play ersmustsignupbynoonontheWednesdaybefore D.A.Points(10), I13,020 70-69-70-74—283 fford (10), $13,020 67-71-68-77—283 the event.Toregister orfor moreinformation, call Pat HudsonSwa —284 Huffer,headproat CrookedRiverRanch, at541-923- BrendondeJonge(7), $12,660 66-64-76-78 K en Duke (7), $12,660 6 8 -71-72-73 —284 6343 oremail himatcrrpat@crookedrfverranch.com. (7), $12,660 70-70-71-73—284 Merch15: PolarBearOpenatMeadow LakesGolf Justin Hicks Coursein Prinevige.Individualstroke-playtournament Vi)aySingh(7), $12,660 69-71-68-76—284 tees off with a 10a.m, shotgun, Cost is $20perteam TrevorImmelman(4), $12,300 69-69-72-75—285 (4), $12,300 69-71-71-74—285 plus $25per-persongreenfee.To registerorfor more Jeff Overton information, call theMeadowLakesgolf shopat 541- BenCrane(2), $12,120 6 9-68-71-78—286 447-7113. Made Cut, did not finish March15-16: The Kah-Nee-Ta Spring Invitational MarkCalcavecchia(1), $11,700 69-70-73—212 E rik Comp ton (1),$11,700 7 0 -68-74 —212 at Kah-Ne e-TaHighDesertResort ontheWarmSprings IndianReservation is presentedbytheOregonChapter DayIsLoveIII (1), $11,700 6 9 -71-72 —212 of thePGA . Formoreinformation, call 541-553-4971or WilliamMcGirt (1), $11,700 65-69-78 —212 visit www .orpga.com. Scott Brown(1), $11,220 71 - 69-73 213— 6 6 -71-76 213— March 21:CentralOregonWinter Series event at BriceGarnett(1), $11,220 PronghornClub'sNicklausCoursenear Bend.Scramble JamieLovemark(1), $11,220 69-68-76 —213 71-68-74—213 tournament beginswith an11a.m.shotgun. Two-per- Y.E.Yang(1),$11,220 son teams with nomorethanoneprofessional allowed HeathSlocum(1), $10,920 7 1 -68-75 —214 per team.Cost is $30for professionals, $50for amateurs.Costincludesgrossand net skins competitions. HSBCWomen's Champions Cart costsextra.Agplayersmust signup bynoonon Sunda the Wed nesdaybeforetheevent. Toregister orformore At SentosaGolf Club(ZerapongCourse) information, call PatHufer, headpro atCrookedRiver Singep ore Ranch,at541-923-6343oremail himatcrrpatbcrookPurse: $1.4million edriverranch.com . yardage:gzg1 1; Per:72 March29: CrossCountry tournament at Meadow Final a-emate LakesGolf Coursein Prinevige.Individual stroke-play tournament forces golfersto takea newpath around Creamerwononseco Meadow Lakesover12holes. Teetimesbeginat 8a.m. PaulaCreamer,$210,000 Flightedfield includesboth grossandnet payouts and AzaharaMunoz,$133,681 KP comp etitions. Costis $20plus reducedgreenfeeof KarrieWebb, $96,976 $15. Formoreinformation orto register, call theMead- MorganPresse ow Lakes proshopat541-447-7113. March 29: SecondAnnual Spring Invitational Bestball atBendGolf andCountry Club.Teambest bal is opento thepublic andbegins at10 a.m.shotgun. Two-person teams can include oneprofessional and teamma tescan not have morethana10-strokespread betwee nhandicapindexes.Bothmenandwomenare welcome. Cost is $120perteam,andincludesgolf cart for the first 34teamto RSVP, prizesandhosted beer. Deadline to enteris March15andfield is limitedto 45 teams.For moreinformation or to register: 541382-28 78,bendgotfshop@ bendgolfctub.com,orwww. bendgolfclub.com . March 31:Central OregonSeniors Golf Organization eyentatEagleCrest Resort inRedmond.Theformat is individualgrossandnetbest ball, as well asteam best ball.Cashprizesawarded at each event. Tournamentseriesis opentomen'sclubmembersat host sites, and participants must havean OregonGolf Association handicap.Costis $150for theseasonplus a $5pereventfee.Formoreinformation, contactTedCarlin at 541-604-4054 orvptcarlin©yahoo.com. April 4: CentralOregonWinter Serieseventat BrasadaCanyonsGolf Club in Poweg Butte. Shamble tournament beginswith an11a.m.shotgun. Two-person teams with nomorethanoneprofessional allowed per team.Cost is $30for professionals, $50for amateurs.Costincludesgrossand net skins competitions. Cart costsextra.Agplayersmust signup bynoonon the Wed nesdaybeforetheevent. Toregister orformore information, call PatHufer, headpro atCrookedRiver Ranch,at541-923-6343oremail himatcrrpatbcrookedriverranch.com . April 19-20:TheIcebergOpenat CrookedRiver Ranchis atwo-personscrambleon Saturdayand two-personbest ball onSundayGrossandnet divisions alongwithclosest-to-the-pin andlong-drivecontests.9 a.m.shotgunbothdays. Entry feeis $300perteamand includesgreenfees, lunch, cart, rangebagsand raffle prizes.PracticeroundFridayfor $40,including cart. For moreinformation, calltheCrookedRiver Ranchpro shop at541-923-6343. April 21:Central OregonSeniorsGolf Organization event at Kah-Ne e-Ta High Desert Resort nearWarm Springs.Theformatis individualgrossandnetbestball, as well asteambest ball. Cashprizesawarded at each event.Tournament series is opento men'sclub members athostsites, andparticipantsmust haveanOregon Golf Associationhandicap. Cost is $150for theseason plus a $5 per-eventfee.Formoreinformation, contact TedCarlin at541-604-4054orvptcarlfn@yahoo.corm m April 25-27:TheCentral OregonShootout is a two-person teamevent heldatAspenLakesGolf Course in Sisters,BlackButte Ranchand EagleCrest Resort in Redmond.Thetournament wil featurescramble, best ball andChapmanformats. Costis $580perteamand includesgreenfees, carts, rangeballs, teegift, continentalbreakfastandlunch. Deadline to register is April





Offseason update: Prineville GC

The Associated Press

SINGAPORE Paula Creamer sank a 75-foot ea-

By Zack Hall

gle putt on the second playoff hole against Azahara Munoz

The Bulletin

to win the HSBC Women's

This is the latest installment of a weekly

Champions on Sunday for

Tee To Green feature in which we check in via email with Central Oregon golf facilities for an offseason update. This week we contacted Lane Jorgenson, the newly named

her first LPGA title since the 2010 U.S. Women's Open.

Jorgenson has been a m ember at Prineville for 10 years. This is what he had

Creamer's put t c u r l ed across the 18th green and then rolled slowly down the slope and directly into the hole. She ran across the

to say about the current business of golf and

green, then fell to her knees

club president of Prineville Golf Club.

about Prineville Golf Club, Central Oregon's second-oldest golfcourse:

Q • How was business in 2013?


• Our membership was down slightly in • 2013.

Q •• facility during the last year?

Were any changes of note made to the

• There were no major changes last • year.

75-foot putt on secondplayoff hole gives Paula Creamerherfirst LPGAtitle in nearly four years

By Justin Bergman




• We are changing our tees from men's • and ladies to forward and back tees. That should give players more options. a recession that began in Q •• After 2007, how have your golf operations changed in recent years? • We cut back where we could. • Are the local golf facilities doing • enough to attract and foster local play? If not, what more can be done? • I think for the most part the local facil-

A• ities do a good job of attracting locals.

— Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbulletin.com.


Henley was in a three-way

and put her head on the ground, laughing and pounding the grass. "It's one of those putts where if you just get it in the right spot, it's going to fall down," she said. "But I could stand there all day long and

~i. Wwe~sy~r.

of the flag on the par-5 18th in regulation, when he chunked a chip so badly that it got only halfway to the hole. He


had to two-putt for par, and then watched as Rory McIlroy

nearly made a great escape



from an otherwise bad afternoon. McIlroy, who lost a two-

putt that and I don't think get it within 6, 7 feet." Creamer and Munoz finished 72 holes tied at 10-un-

shot lead, hit a 5-wood from 236 yards to just inside 12 feet

Karrie Webb, who led after Paula Creamer reacts after hitting a 75-foot putt on the second playoff hole Sunday

two-putted from about 40 feet

finish third.

to win the HSBC Women's Champions in Singapore.

for birdie. Ryan Palmer missed a 10-foot birdie putt. McIlroy

"It might be one of my fa-

Joseph Nair/The Associated Press

vorite wins.... It's been almost

Big swingsput Russell Henley40 feet from the hole onsecondchanceduringfour-manplayoff

three years and so much has happened," Creamer said. "Holding that trophy, gosh, it was so nice." For much of the day, it appeared as if Webb, not Creamer, would take the trophy home. But after avoiding trouble on a tricky Serapong course at Sentosa Golf Club for much of the week, the

scramblefor par,and Russell Knox laid up and missed a 20foot birdie attempt.

Woods abruptly quit after 13 to his car. He later said he had lower back pain and spasms and was unsure if he could

play at Doral next week. Palmer misseda 5-footpar

veteran Australian stumbled

in regulation that would have

late. First, Webb's three-foot par

won it. He closed with a 69, the only player in the last six groups to break par. Knox needed a birdie on the last

edge of the hole and curled away. Then she hooked her

hole, but he went from the fair-

way bunker to the rough, well over the green and then made

tee shot left on the 15th, gri-

macing as it dropped into the water. She settled for bogey

a par putt just inside 10 feet for

a 71 to get in the playoff. McIlroy shot 74. It was his second

on both.

She came undone on the 18th when another errant tee

straight tournament in stroke

shot ended up in a bunker. She took a big swing at the

play that he played in the final group and shot 74. In other play Sunday:

ball and it hit the lip of the

bunker, plopping back down

Fisher wins fifth title: CENTURION, South Africa — En-

into the sand to lead to anoth-

er bogey. "I'm a bit in my head right now," Webb said after the round. "Just not a lot of good

gland's Ross Fisher won the Tshwane Open for his fifth EuWiifredo Lee/The Associated Press

Russell Henley celebrates tying for the lead on the14th hole Sunday at the Honda Classic. Henley won the tournament in a four-man playoff.

ropean Tour title, closing with a 2-under 70 for a three-stroke vlctory.

be a certain ability," Neely adds. "It's for everybody."

the OGA'swebsite has attracted some to the participating clubs.


there is evidence that making

m emberships more accessible cost includes OGAmembership through the OGA's website has and handicapping service with attracted some to the participatlittle or no commitment to actu- ingdubs. "The program has worked allyplay golf at the courses. "We were just trying to anbeautifully for the last two swer people who were looking years," says Troy Eckberg, to use a credit card and a very director of golf at River's Edge, quick way to join," says Neely. which started using the OGA "It wasn't meant to replace the

site in2011.

way people traditionally join. "The cool thing is that it

The memberships have helpedintroducemore golfers to River's Edge, Eckberg says. And about half of the golfers who have joined through the website have become even more active members.

allows that person who is shop-

ping and doesn't knowwhere they want to be, it gives them a place to land for their handi-

cap," she adds. The number of golfers with handicaps through the OGA has largely remained flat in recent years, Neely says. But

That certainly provides a

benefit to River's Edge. For those who do not become more active, well, that is still

fine with Eckberg. The idea, after all, is to make handicaps more accessible and in the process make golfers more familiar with a certain golf course. "To me, it's a win-win," Eck-

Favotlte Golf Course

OPEN HOUSE EVEN T Saturday, March 15th 11am-5pm Rivef's Edge Golf Course 400 NW Pro Shop Ddve • Rivef's Edge Ciub Membership $59 saveup to 40'/oofF green fees

handicap because they do not

honestly." Accessible or not, many golf-

oftenplay in formal tournaments, Neely says.

John Day

ers still feel they have little need

"There are all kinds of tour-

for a handicap. Perhaps they donot. Handicaps do help track the progress of an individual golfer.

naments, from the most casual to a qualifier for a national

And the bottom line is that the

handicap system creates equity between golfers who may play at different skill levels. So even in an informal

Wednesdaygame between

event to something that is a

state event," Neely says. "People just get rigid about it, and they a really fun event at their local club. "Don't assume that it's a se-

rious thing or that you have to


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who do it. And I hope for more,

until Ap ri l 30'", 2015 ~c

— Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbulletin.com.

Pure. &md.6 t"o.

Bend Redmond

as row as


instant calculations.) Still, often the more nomadic


golfers dismiss the idea of a

berg says. "I know it works for us, and I appreciate the folks


GOLF DIGEST Rated 4.5 Stars

friends, a handicap can provide wants to make the traditions of value. (This has been made eas- golf less daunting. ier by the Golf Handicap and A simple online initiative Information Network's mobile helps break down at least one phone application that provides barrier.

I '

686 NW York Drive, Ste.150 Bend,ORI 541-306-3263

That last line is precisely the

point. The entire golf industry

of the OGA's program, and the

CALL: 541-389-2828 tiversedgegolf.com

went from the back bunker to the front collar and had to

holes and was driven straight

There is evidence that making memberships more accessible through

Continued from B1 All four area clubs cost $54.95 annually to join as part

for an eagle and the win. But his putt narrowly slid by. In the playoff, Henley was the only player to reach the 549-yard hole in two, and he

every round but bogeyed three of her last six holes to give up a three-shot lead and



good on his second chance at the 18th hole Sunday and won the Honda Classic after a wild day that began with Tiger Woods walking off the course with a back injury and ended with a four-man playoff. The closing hour at PGA National was a series of blun-

tie for the lead, 40 yards left

putt on the 13th caught the

Number ef holes: Nine Status:Openyear-round, weather permitting Location: 7120 OchocoHighway, Prineville Proshop: 541-447-7266 Head golf professional:None Course stats:Men's tees: par 32, front nine; par 33, back nine; 4,959 yards total. Women's tees: par 33, front; par 35, back; 4,531 yards total Course designers: Bob Hogan,Eddie Hogan, TedLongworth, Larry Lamberger (1950) Extras:Driving range, putting green, practice bunker, bar andrestaurant Website:www.prinevillegolfclub.com

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — Russell Henley made

ders by the contenders — and even the winner.

der 278, one stroke ahead of any changes and/or improvements Q •• Are to the facility scheduled for 2014?

The Associated Press

5195 SW Clubhouse Rd• Crooked River Ranch, OR • crookedriverrattch.com


225~9 q •8»

l1IRL~ollc . Fl


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Musical Instruments Kohler Digital 165 Piano, all the bells 8 whistles, hardly used, glossy black. $5000 obo. 541-633-8235 Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809 260


Falcon 4-w h eel power scooter with accessories, gently used, in mint condit ion. $ 400. C a l l 5 41-389-1821 f o r details.


Craftsman electric or pull-start, 29" wide, 9HP, 5 forward

2 reverse speeds. $400 cash. 541-815-6319

Full size power adjustable bed w/memory foam mattress, $800. Portable wheelchair, 4 leg walker, Quadri-Poise cane, bathroom assist chair, all for $200. Call 541-526-5737

For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 To place an ad, call 541-385-5809

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4' x 4' x 8'


Building Materials La Pine Habitat RESTORE

Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 52684 Hwy 97 541-536-3234

Open to the public . Just too many collectibles?

WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft.

Servin9Centrel Ongon since fgle

• Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include species & cost per cord to better serve our customers.


Lost & Found

The Bulletin

Servlng Central Oregonsince f90$ Prineville Habitat ReStore Building Supply Resale 1 Cord dry, split Juniper, 1427 NW Murphy Ct. $190/cord. Multi-cord541-447-6934 discounts, 8 t/2cords Open to the public. available. Immediate

Sell them in The Bulletin Classifieds

Misc. Items

delivery! 541-408-6193

541-385-5809 In s pirational, Reloading equipment & Books: Christian, $1-$2 each. supplies, Sonic cleaner, 541-639-6656 presses, primers, cartridges, numerous acBuylng Dlamonds cessories. 541-678-5740 /Gold for Cash Fine Jewelers SIG P938 with crimson Saxon's 541-389-6655 trace, black with rose Medical Equipment red grip, 3 clips. $750 BUYING 16e Breezy Ultra 541-604-4203. Lionel/American Flyer w heelchair, H u g o trains, accessories. Elite walker, Invac541-408-2191. are electric hospital Stag Arms AR-15: BUYING & SE LLING bed, power-lift reModel Stag15, 5.56/223, Stainless All gold jewelry, silver cliner, Optlec Clearand gold coins, bars, view+ viewer, tub/ steel barrel. Lerounds, wedding sets, shower chairs, walkupold Firedot G class rings, sterling sil- ers, all new condi3-9X40 Scope, ver, coin collect, vin- tion. In Bend, call MagPul PRS tage watches, dental 541-480-6162 buttstock, Hogue gold. Bill Fl e ming, grip, Bipod. $1875 541-382-9419.


REMEMBER:If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society Bend 541-382-3537





or Craft Cats 541-389-8420.

All Year Dependable Heating & Stoves 266 Firewood: Seasoned; Lodgepole 1 for $195 Sales Northeast Bend NOTICE TO or 2 for $365. Cedar, ADVERTISER del. Bend: 1 for Since September 29, split, $175 or 2 for $325. ** FREE ** 1991, advertising for 541-420-3484. used woodstoves has Garage Sale Kit Place an ad in The been limited to mod269 els which have been Bulletin for your gaGardening Supplies rage sale and recertified by the O regon Department of ceive a Garage Sale & Equipment Environmental QualKit FREE! ity (DEQ) and the fedKIT INCLUDES: eral E n v ironmental BarkTurfSoil.com • 4 Garage Sale Signs Protection A g e n cy • $2.00 Off Coupon To (EFA) as having met PROMPT DELIVERY Use Toward Your smoke emission stan541D89-9663 Next Ad dards. A cer t ified • 10 Tips For "Garage w oodstove may b e Sale Success!" identified by its certifiThe Bulletin's cation label, which is Call 541-410-3568 "Call A Service 262 permanently attached PICK UP YOUR Cemetery space: al Commercial/Office to the stove. The Bul- Professional" Directory GARAGE SALE Kn at double depth interis all about meeting Taurus PT140 Millen- i ment grave space I Equipment & Fixtures letin will not know1777 SW Chandler nium Pro, 40 cal. SS with outer b u rial ingly accept advertisyour needs. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 over Black, 4 maga- container built in, Sharp Fax & P h one, ing for the sale of Call on one of the zines, custom holster, i located in Meadow- Model UX105, w/manual, uncertified The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 1909 professionals today! case and papers, 200 park area of Des- $20. 541-383-4231 woodstoves. rounds. $425. i chutes M e morial 541-639-6401 i Gardens, $900. Call Wanted: Collector seeks hit h quality fishing items upscale bamboo fly





e rods. Call 541-678-5753,




or 503-351-2746

Clothing boys size 10-14, $1-$2.

Winchester Model


70 - SA.308 Win. Classic Featherweight, Monte Carlo Stock, Burris 3x9 scope and case. Very clean and well cared for. $875. 541-420-4183

skir t s P r e s s es,6x




Compaq computer

monitor, works like new n 19 $10 541-548-6642 FIND YOUR FUTURE HOME INTHE BULLETIN


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Jewelry: rings, earring, necklaces, bracelets, watches 541-639-6656

IjI 'I

Natural gas Ruud tankless water heater, brand new! 199 Btu, $1800. Also brand new 80 gal. electric water heater, $500. In Sunriver area. 530-938-3003 Shoes

wm r t


SJI - 1 0

boots,dr es sy ,62prs u tJUJ1-639-6 6 5 6

Your future is just apage away. Whetheryou're looking for a hat or aplace to hangit, The Bulletin Classified is your best source. Suguttlctt Every daythousandsof buyers andsellers of goods Sunvision Pro and services dobusinessin 28LX Tanning Bed these pages.They know Has only 300 hours, you can't beatThe Bulletin (lamps have average Classified Section for Itfe of 800-1000 hours selection andconvenience of effective tanning - every item isjust a phone usage). 1 owner, call away. great condition, includes manual, The Classified Section is goggles & head easy to use. Eveiy item pillow. $900. is categorizedandevery Call fosee! cartegoIy is indexed on the 541-385-9318 in Bend section's front page. Whether youarelooking for Wanted- paying cash a home orneeda service, for Hi-fi audio & stuyour future is inthe pagesof dio equip. Mclntosh, The Bulletin Classified. JBL, Marantz, D ynaco, Heathkit, Sansui, Carver, NAD, etc. The Bulletin ServingCn t sl Oregon srnce l90$ Call 541-261-1808





atsette stke e ' - ' 'Iiv r @ranes'bctn' a ne tttttts dcetet LONJ'' 'M canic tc bike. Noel '

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tttss tgtttt.




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AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • • • • .Noon Mon. 604 Storage Rentals Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. For rent, 8'x20' container secure facility. Dry, Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. inclean, only $90/mo. Call Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • •• 11:00 am Fri.

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Boats & Accessories

A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbulletimcom reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702


ds published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go TIFFINPHAETON QSH 2007 with 4 slides, CAT 749 to Class 875. 350hp diesel engine, 541-385-5609 Southeast Bend Homes $125,900. 30,900 miles, Michelin tires, great Nottingham Square 1300 ervin Central Ore on since 1903 new cond! Dishwasher, w/d, sq ft nicely updated 3/2, central vac, roof satellite, backs to canal, 2 car gar. 875 aluminum wheels, 2 full 20747 Canterbury, FSBO, Watercraft slide-thru basement trays $204,900. 541-390-1579 & 3 TV's. Falcon-2 toweWa ds published in bar and Even-Brake in771 tercraft" include: Kay cluded. Lots aks, rafts and motor Call 541-977-4150 Ized personal SHEVLIN RIDGE watercrafts. Fo Tioga 24' Class C 17,000 Sq.ft. Iot, ap"boats" please se Motorhome proved plans. More Class 670. Bought new in 2000, details and photos on 541-385-5609 currently under 20K craigslist. $149,900. miles, excellent 541-369-6614 shape, new tires, ervin Centrat O~egon since 1903 S~ 775 professionaly winterized every year, cut880 Manufactured/ off switch to battery, Motorhomes Mobile Homes plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water 2003VW / Winnebago heater & air condiFACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, Rialta 22-ft motorhome, tioning have never 48,400 miles, $39,500. $46,500 finished been used! 541-389-4638 on your site. $24 000 obo Serious J andM Homes inquines, please. 541-548-5511 Stored in Terrebonne. 541-548-5174

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Mfd JMobile Homes with Land

AptlMultiplex NE Bend

3 bdrm, 2 bath mobile

home for sale or rent. along COI cafireplace, garage, water/ Private, nal. 541-389-2636 landscaping paid. NE quiet location. $800 mo., $1000 security & first month rent. No pets, no :g. smoking. 541-460-3010 2 bdrm, 2t/~ bath duplex,



Dodge Brougham 1978, 15', 1-ton, clean, 69,000 miles. $4500. In La Pine, call 541-602-8652


Houses for Rent PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction SE Bend is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party N ewer 4 b d r m S E , 850 master main l evel, Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 2100 SF, large yard, Snowmobiles very nice. $ 1 595. 476 528 541-480-9200 Arctic Cat 580 1994, Employment Loans 8 Nlortgages EXT, in good 656 Opportunities condition, $1000. BANK TURNED YOU Located in La Pine. Houses for Rent DOWN? Private party Call 541-408-6149. SW Bend Looking for your next will loan on real esemployee? tate equity. Credit, no 860 Place a Bulletin help problem, good equity Prime location on Bend's llllotorcycles & Accessories wanted ad today and is all you need. Call west side! S pacious reach over 60,000 Oregon Land Mort- floorplan features great 476 readers each week. gage 541-368-4200. room design. 3 over- Harley Davidson 2009 308 sized bdrms, 2.5 baths, Super Glide Custom, Your classified ad Employment Farm Equipment near schools, Tetherow will also appear on Stage 1 Screaming Opportunities Golf Club, Mt. Bachelor, & Machinery bendbulletin.com Eagle performance, LOCAL MONEYt We buy Riyer Trail & shopping; which currently too many options to secured trustdeeds & adjacent to park. Move(4) 5'x12' horse panels, Add your web address receives over 1.5 list, $8900. note,some hard money in ready; yard maint. incl. $75/ea. Assorted wa- to your ad and read541-388-8939 million page views loans. Call Pat Kellev 19424 SW B rookside ter and feed tubs, call ers on The Bu//etin's every month at 541-382-3099 ext.19. Way. No pets considered. for prices. web site, www.bendno extra cost. $1495. 541-408-0086 bulletin.com, will be 541-923-9758 Bulletin Classifieds able to click through Get Results! automatically to your Call 385-5809 website. or place your ad on-line at Driver The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Orbendbulletin.com Night Driver needed egon is seeking a night time pressman. We Harley Davidson Apply at Owl Taxi, are part of Western Communications, Inc. 2011 Classic Lim1919 NE 2nd St., which is a small, family owned group consistited, Loaded! 9500 ing of 7 newspapers, 5 in Oregon and 2 in 9N Ford with 2N miles, custom paint California. Our ideal candidate will have prior Sherman2-speed Rmijicel "Broken Glass" by web press experience and be able to learn rear end, 52" snow ® l38RflliM© Nicholas Del Drago, our equipment (3 t/a tower KBA Comet press) machine, Estate new condition, and processes quickly. In addition to our Series 300E, heated handgrips, 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous I chasing products orI subcompact, auto cruise control. commercial print clients as well. In addition to • services from out of • $3400. $32k in bike, a competitive wage, we also provide potential i the area. Sending ln La Pine, call only $20,000or best opportunity for advancement. If you provide c ash, checks, o r 541-602-8652 offer. 541-316-6049 dependability combined with a positive attii credit i n f ormation tude and are a team player, we would like to • may be subjected to 528 hear from you. If you seek a stable work enviPeople Look for Information I FRAUD. ronment that provides a great place to live, let Loans & Mortgages For more informaAbout Products and us hear from you. tion about an adverServices Every Daythrough Contact James Baisinger, Operations Manager WARNING you may call The Bulletin Classifieds i tiser, 'baisin erowescom a ers.com the Oregon State The Bulletin recomwith your complete resume, references and mends you use cauGeneral's N ew H o lland 2 5 5 0 ia Attorney Harley Davidson salary history/requirements. No phone calls tion when you proC o n sumer a swather, 14' header l Office Dyna Wide Glide please. Drug test is required prior to employvide personal Protection hotline at l with conditioner, cab 2013, black, only information to compaI 1-877-877-9392. heat/A/C, 1300 orig. 200 miles, brand nies offering loans or The Bulletin hrs. $29,000 obo. Serving Central Oregonsince igeg new, all stock, plus credit, especially 1486 International, cab LThe Bulletm g after-market exEqual Opportunity Employer those asking for adheat/A/C, 5 4 0/1000 haust. Has winter vance loan fees or Pto, 3 sets remotes, cover, helmet. Take care of companies from out of nice tractor. $18,000. Selling for what SALES state. If you have 541-419-3253 your investments I owe on it: $15,500. concerns or quesSeekin Ex erienced Call anytime with the help from tions, we suggest you 325 541-554-0384 consult your attorney l The Bulletin's Hay, Grain & Feed or call CONSUMER "Call A Service HOTLINE, First quality Orchard/Tim1-877-877-9392. HDFat Bo 1996 othy/Blue Grass mixed Professional" Directory hay, no rain, barn stored, $250/ton. Patterson Ranch • Reliable • Money Motivated Sisters, 541-549-3831 Auto Renew Coordinator • Professional • Team Player Immediate opening in the Circulation depart• Goal Oriented • Consistent ment for a full time Auto Renew Coordinator. Looking for your Job duties primarily encompass the processCompletely next employee? lf so, come join a winning team of positive ing of all subscriber Auto Renew payments Rebuilt/Customized Place a Bulletin through accounting software, data entry of new Sales/Promotion Men 8 Women 2012/2013 Award help wanted ad credit card or bank draft information, and making "$600-$800 Per Week" Winner today and resolution with customers of declined Auto working FULL TIME covering sponsored Showroom Condition reach over Renew payments, as well as, generating subspecial events & trade shows Many Extras scriber renewals and refunds. Other tasks in60,000 readers Low Miles. each week. clude entering employee subscription adjustWE OFFER: $17,000 ments, transferring funds from subscriber Your classified ad More Advancement Opportunity 541-548-4807 accounts for single copy purchases, dispatchwill also Weekly Awards and Bonuses ing of all promotional items associated with appear on Full Training 8 Support new subscriptions and upgrades, as well as bendbulletin.com tracking/ordering Circulation office supplies. Opportunity for Growth which currently Responsibilities also include month end billing, receives over invoicing and collections for Buffalo Distribuif you wanta serious opportunity, 1.5 million page tion and back up to the CSR and billing staff. andyou can close the sale, views every Ability to perform all these tasks accurately and Call I-F 10am-3pm, 541-410-5521 month at no with attention to deadlines is a must. extra cost. Work shift hours are Monday through Friday Triumph Da ytona Bulletin 8:00 AM to5:00 PM. Please send resume to: 2004, 15K m i l es, Registered Nurses Classifieds ahusted@bendbulletin.com perfect bike, needs Get Results! nothing. Vin Call 541-385-5809 Communlty Counseling Solutions Is ¹201536. Serving Central Oregon since Sgog

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Travel Trailers

KeystoneLaredo 31' RV

20 06 w i th 1 2'

slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub 8 shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove 8 refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Li f t . $29,000 new; Asking$18,600 54'I -4947-4605

i i i i i i

Orbit 21'2007, used

only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $14,511 OBO. 541-382-9441

BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, Say ngoodbuy" merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds to that unused appear every day in the item by placing it in print or on line. The Bulletin Classifieds Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com 5 41-385-580 9 The Bulletin Serving Cenfral Oregonsince ete

„a Fleefwood Discovery 40' 2003, diesel, w/all options - 3 slide outs, satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, etc., 32,000 m i les. Wintered in h e ated shop. $84,900 O.B.O. 541-447-8664

Forest River Sunseeker Class C, 24-ft -Double bed, roomy bath/shower, lots storage, oak wood, dining area slide-out w/ new awning. Micro, air, new flat screen TV & RV batt. On-board gen/low hrs, arctic pkq, full cover. Ford 450 V109,36,300 mi, tow pkg, leather seats, no smoking/pets, sleeps 5-6 $31,500. 541-419-6176

r.=.-"-,.— .v I


Moto r homes

The Bulletin

Place a photo inyourprivate party ad foronly$15.00per week.




Gulfstream S u nsport 30' Class A 1966 new f r idge, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, 4000W generator, w h eelchair lift avail. Good cond. $11,500 obo

Winnebago Aspect 2009 - 32', 3 slideouts, Leather inte-

rior, Power s eat, locks, win d ows, Aluminum wheels. e 17 Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or p ets. L ik e n ew, $74,900 541-480-6900

WINNEBAGO BRAVE 2003 • 34D, 2 slides • Tires 80% • Just completely serviced • 39,000 miles • No trades • $'48,000 firm 541-815-3150 R

'W al •


Winnebago Suncruiser34' 2004, 35K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $49,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243


We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:


1976Silver Streak Here itis! Perhaps the cleanest original yintage 30-ft trailer, in incredible condition! A/C, full bath, kitchen, twin beds, many extras. Call for details. $12,700 obro. Daye 208-255-2407 (in Terrebonne). Startyour memoriestoday!

To the community of Bend, OregonI, Bryan Bliss, with good heart, apologize for any wrong doings and trespasses I have in the past committed. I ask you, the community, for forgiveness. To my parentsI am truly sorry, I knew better. Love and light.




or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com 341

Horses 8 Equipment Rowell-built work saddle, 16o seat, 7/8 double rig, $250 obo. 541-389-5741 358

Farmers Column 10X20 Storage Buildings for protecting hay, firewood, livestock etc. $1496 Installed. (other sizes available) 541-617-1133. CCB ¹173664 kfjbuilders©ykwc.net

The Bulletin is your

Employment Marketplace Call

5 41- 3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 to advertise.


The Bulletin

gerving Central Oregon since tgta

The Bulletin

EOE/Drug free workplace

The Bulletin Serving Centra(Oregon since 1903

Home Delivery Advisor The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time position and consists of managing an adult carrier force to ensure our customers receive superior service. Must be able to create and perform strategic plans to meet department objectives such as increasing market share and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can work both in the office and in their assigned territory with minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. S t rong customer service skills and management skills are necessary. C o mputer experience is required. You must pass a drug screening and be able to be insured by company to drive vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we believe in promoting from within, so advancement within company is available to the right person. If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and you are energetic, have great organizational skills and interpersonal communication skills, please send your resume to:

The Bulletin

c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97706-6020 or e-mail resume to: kmugerobendbugetin.com No phone calls, please. The Bulletin isa drug-free workplace. EOE

recruiting for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper Ridge Acute Care Center locatedInJohn Day, OR.

$4995 Dream Car Auto Sales 1801Division, Bend Juniper Ridge is a S e cure Residential DreamcareBend.com 541-678-0240 Treatment Facility providing services to Dlr 3665 individuals with a severe mental illness.

These positions provide mental health Find exactly what nursing care including medication oversight, you are looking for in the medication r e lated t r e atment, f o llow CLASSIFIEDS physician's prescriptions and procedures, measure and record patient's general p hysical c ondition s uc h as pul s e , temperature and respiration to provide daily information, educate and train staff on medication administration, and e n sure documentation is kept according to policies. This position works with the treatment team to promote recovery from mental illness. This position includes telephone consultation and crisis intervention in the facility.

Qualified applicants must have a v alid Oregon Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of hire, hold a valid Oregon driver's license and pass a criminal history background check. Wages dependent upon education and experience, but will be between $48,000 to $72,000. Excellent benefit package, including signing bonus.

V ictory TC 9 2 ci 2002, runs great, 40K mi., Stage 1 Performance Kit, n ew tires, r e a r brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. 541-771-0665 870

Boats & Accessories

Please visit th e O regon Employment Department or the Community Counseling Solutions website for an application or AIR contact Nina Bisson at 5 4 1-676-9161, 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, nina.bissonogobhi.net, or P.O. Box 469, inboard motor, g reat cond, well maintained, Heppner, OR 97836. $6995 obo. 541-350-7755

KOUNTRY AIRE 1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.



(photo aboveis of a similar model & not the actual vehicle)


I RK & f

National RV Tropical, 1997,

35-ft, Chevy Vortec engine, new tires, new awnings, 12-ft slide-out, queen bed, Italian leather couch and recliner, excellent condition. Ready to travel„ towing hitch included. $19,900. 541-815-4811

Navion RV 2008, Sprinter chassis 25'. Mercedes Benz diesel, 24,000 miles, pristine cond., quality throughout, rear slide-out w/ queen bed, deluxe captain swivel front seats, diesel generator, awning, no pets/ smoking.$77,500 or make an offer. 541-362-2430

Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-480-2019 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:


Call 54 I -385-5809


ro mote o ur service

Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care NOTICE: Oregon state law requires anyone who con t racts for construction work to Serving Central be licensed with the Oregon Since 2003 Construction ContracResidental/Commercial tors Board (CCB). An active license Sprinkler means the contractor is bonded & insured. Activation/Repair Verify the contractor's Back Flow Testing CCB l i c ense at Maintenance www.hirealicensedoThatch & Aerate contractor.com • Spring up or call 503-376-4621. oWeekly Clean Mowing The Bulletin recom- & Edging mends checking with •Bi-Monthly & Monthly the CCB prior to contracting with anyone. Maintenance Some other t rades •Bark, Rock, Etc. also req u ire addi~Ceneeoe in tional licenses and •Landscape certifications. Construction oWater Feature Debris Removal Installation/Maint. •Pavers JUNK BE GONE •Renovations I Haul Away FREE •Irrigations Installation For Salvage. Also Senior Discounts Cleanups & Cleanouts Bonded & Insured Mel, 541-389-8107 541-815-4458 LCB¹8759 Domestic Services NOTICE: Oregon Landscape Contractors Law A ssisting Seniors a t Home. Light house- (ORS 671) requires all keeping & other ser- businesses that advertise t o p e r form v ices. L icensed 8 Landscape ConstrucBonded. BBB Certition which includes: fied. 503-756-3544 p lanting, deck s , fences, arbors, Handyman water-features, and installation, repair of irI DO THAT! rigation systems to be Home/Rental repairs l icensed w it h th e Small jobs to remodels Landscape ContracHonest, guaranteed tors Board. This 4-digit work. CCB¹151573 number is to be inDennis 541-317-9768 cluded in all advertisements which indiERIC REEVE HANDY cate the business has SERVICES. Home & a bond, insurance and Commercial Repairs, workers c ompensaCarpentry-Painting, tion for their employPressure-washing, ees. For your protecHoney Do's. On-time tion call 503-378-5909 promise. Senior or use our website: Discount. Work guar- www.lcbistate.or.us to anteed. 541-389-3361 check license status or 541-771-4463 before contracting with Bonded & Insured the business. Persons CCB¹181595 doing lan d scape maintenance do not USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! r equire an LC B l i cense. Door-to-door selling with Aeration/Dethatching fast results! It's the easiest 1-time or Weekly Services Ask about FREEadded way in the world to sell. svca w/seasonal contract! Bonded & Insured. The Bulletin Classified COLLINS Lawn Maint. 541-385-5809 Ca/l 541-480-9714





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S "Oops-a-daisy" 9 Hypermasculine 14See 2-Down 15Duet minus one jack 16Patriot Ethan of 47 Brian who the Revolutionary composed "Music War for Airports"

Tribune Content Agency

If your partners are like mine, they seldom put down the cards you want to see in dummy. In the Board-aM atch Te a m s at the Fal l Championships, N o rt h h a d hi s partner covered. When East opened one club,the two-diamond overcall b y S o u t h, George J a c obs, c o n v entionally showed length in both major suits. West, w i t h 1 2 po i n t s o p p osite partner's opening bid, staked a claim to the deal by doubling. After two passes, Jacobs was sure (and North-South had the agreement) that his partner had shown diamonds. So Jacobstrustingly passed.

spade and he bids two clubs. What do you say? ANSWER: This case is close. The answer depends in part on partner'3 style. If his opening bids are known to be sound, bid 3NT; you will have a chance. If h e o f ten o pens light, s hapely hands, a bi d o f 2 N T i s e nough. Li ght o p ening b id s a r e popular, but a sound style is a better basis f o r a c c urate c o nstructive bidding. East dealer N-S vulnerable

17 *Flying




4J9654 QA6 OAJ8 AQ103



I %K J87 2

SOUTH 4«KQ1087 9 K 1 08 5 4 0 10 A64 East 1 4« Pass


Sou t h W est 20 Dbl Pa s s(!)

North Pass

Youhold: 4 « J 9 6 5 4 9 A 6 Opening lead — A 3 0A J 8 A Q 1 0 3 . Your partner opens one heart, you respond one (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking 8 friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.b8ndbridgo.org. BIZARRO


69 "America's Finest News Source," with "The" 70 Car parts that have caps 71Hotel and hospital features

48The aL" of LA.



















48 4 9

36 40








37 42

51 54


58 61








29 32 3 3


19 21





DOWN 1 Shower unit 2 and




51 Squabbles 52 *Piece of 14-Across furniture that document (reliable) might be under a 3 Surrounding 21 aNo idea" chandelier glows 23 Mormons, in brief 55 " There i s , 4 Risks Miss America" 24 "One placed 5 It's between Can. between warring 5$ Epic work by and Mex. Virgil parties 6 l an e 29 Ivy League 59Quick school in Philly 7Kindof acid in 61 Hybrid kind of soapmaking battery 30 Encountered 8 World Series of 63 Vacation lodging 31 Doc grp. Poker game purchase ... or 32 *Contestant's an arrangement 9 X-Men villain help on "Who between the two Wants to Be a 10Coeur d' halves of the Millionaire" answer to each Idaho starred clue? 11 1963 Elizabeth 36 Like some Taylor role cereals 66 Desert flora 12Guys ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 13 First number dialed when Z OM B I E SWA M P E D calling long A N O M A L Y S O S U EM E dlstance G E T I N T O W R I T E I N 18 Push back, as an attack A T O S OD A D A I N T Y T OR A N EWT ON S 22 Hawaiian strings for short R O C C O L O A F M S G S A MY T A N L P GA U L U 25 "Idylls of the King" lady T AC I T U S S OB E RU P Dom i ni E NL SM OG D E L E T E 26 D YE S B OOB S H E E R 27 Mideast bigwig: Var. T E S T B A N I N N S stage of U NL O C K S N E E O F T 28 Early industrial work, R A I N O U T D R L A U RA for short N UT E L L A S T I N G E R 29 Mexican money S TE R I L E S A S H E S 32Had a crush on

QJ9 0 K 976 5 4 3 2

West led a club, and North, Steve B eatty, tabled dummy w i t h t h i s comment: " After a l l the bad dummies I have given you, you better appreciate this one." Jacobs refused the first club. The defense shifted to trumps, stopping a club ruff in declarer's hand, but when Jacobs took the ace of c l ubs, he guessed well to let the jack of hearts ride. He lost two clubs, two trumps and a heart for plus 180 and, as it turned out, a win on the deal.

67 Battery 68 Port of Yemen

19"Silly" birds 20 Renter's



3$ Colored part of the eye 39 Softly, in music 42 Born and 435ervingon a skewer 45 King, queen or

No. 0127












33 Resident of Tehran

55 Digging tool 56 Put on the payroll 57 Perfect places conspicuous 60 III-fated captain 46 Pitchers 61 Sgt., e.g. 49 Mined metal 62 Suffix with 50 Hilarious person, Dickens in slang 64 Cubs and White 53 aFar out!" Sox org. 54 Fond farewell 65 Windy City trains 41 Green science: Abbr. 44Notbe

34Eponymof a number series that begins 1, 1, 2 ,3,5, 8 , . . . 35 Munchkin

37 Kindergarten basics 40Bit of pasta, for short

For answers, call 1-900-285-5858, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554.

Annual aubacriptions are available for the best of Sunday croaswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT8T users: Text NYTX Io 386 Io download puzzles, or visit nylimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriplions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nylimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nylimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nylimes.com/learning/xworda.



a«al«ok441«/Blsarr«C«mi4 WisiBIBEf98«6

...then. Whitlo«'lt made a motioYL that we cell the doYLfereYLde t,alle aYId dhairC avtd buq a hot tub.

(t(,(. .:

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.

~~ 7

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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce NicholsLewis


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C 2014 by King FeatureS yndiCate, InC. WOrl rightS reSerVed

//' E-mail:bholbrook1@gmail.Com






am14 Isabella Banrerman Ilx ollx Ia«14 IQngFealures syndtcate, aa



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A igIEEififSPF IN tiOglZ




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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hayt and Jeff Kaarek


Unscramble these four Jumbles,

ane letter to each square,


to form four ordinary words.



84, haw waa your d«77

.p', /


8 was busy We had four ianerala r m«l ad«aaa home.

a«014 T«aune content Agency, LLc All Righa Reesnred.


ACROSS 1 Rosary counters 6 Fall faller 10 Long hike 14 Review of business books 15 Girl in a J.D. Salinger short story 16 Wound-up fire engine item 17 Jim who sang aYou Don't Mess Around With a Jim 18 Prohibition-Bra saloon 20 Budget accommodations 22 Chafing dish heaters 23 Basilica recesses a 25 Spanish "a 26 John Kerry'8 domain 33 Flirt with 34 Tops, as cupcakes 35 Stephen of "The

Crying Game" 36 From the U.S. 37 Dwindled 39"The Wizard of Oza lion Bert 40 Little, in Lyons 41 Fictional plantation 42 In fertilization 43 Supermarket convenience 47 Tolkien giant 48 Le , France 49 Rodeo rider, at times 53 Put on an extra sweater, say 57 Complete




Now arrange the circled letters

to form the surprise answaa a« suggested by the above cartoon.

C I gl

ga k lN M

I . • a b yU

"Did you win?"

4 4



Ans. here:

I UCI k f a a 20 a

Satuday« ~

(Answer« tomorrow) <UPPY O EFUSE I O RA<E J umbles: OPERA Answer. Their view of the Grand Canyon wa«"GORGE-OUS"

DOWN 1 Composer of

fugues 2 Multinational

currency 3 Big fusses 4 Absolute ruler 5 Increase the slope of 6 Tenant 7 Psychic'8 claim 8 lowa State home 9 Showcased 10 Aries 11 Chestnut horse 12 Petro-Canada rival 13 Janitor's janglers 19 Adoptive parents of Superman 21 '608 hallucinogen 24 Popeye'8 favorite veggie 26 Physical condition 27 ait takes a licking ..." Watch 28 Wolfed down 29 King beater 30 Muse for a bard 31 India'8 first prime minister 32 Fortunetelling card l




37 Opposite of thrifty 38 Horace's " Poetica" 39 "Ditto" 41 Choir member 42 DVD forerunner 44 Take exception to 45 Boxer "Marvelous" Marvin














F L B E A S I N H O T N U E S N L E E R A T U U P R R I E F A N S H A 10

P I T O N Y L A P I N E T U B I T C S T A H R L E A L L Y E L S A DO G E R A R K S 03/03/14







le 19



23 26

46 Adam's mate 49 Roman moon goddess 50 Perched on 51 "Quit it!" 52 Repetitive learning 54 Actor Alda 55 Kinfolk: Abbr. 56 "Goodness gracious!" 58 Single in a wallet







37 sa

36 40



42 45



59 Alvin of dance 49 5 0 5l 60 Midday 61 Re a d er: alternative media 57 digest 60 62 Sunday song 63 63 PDA entry 64 Lewd look 65 Itty-bitty By Davld Poole



52 58

54 5 5 59





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Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809







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iphoto for illustration only)

Lariat Supercrewcab! Iess than 53k miles heated seats Vin¹D04934

$32,977 ROBBERSON LlllcoLN ~


541-382-4521 DLR¹0205


Chevy 1500 Extended cab 1997, bed liner, tow pkg, alloy wheels. Vin ¹196866. $6,988



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Dlr ¹0354 940



2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Chrysler Town & Country LXI 1997, beautiful inside 8 out, one owner, nonsmoker,. Ioaded with options! 197,892 mi. Service rec o rds (photo for illustration only) Chevy Silverado 1500 available. $4 , 950. Mike, (541) 8152001, Extended cab, Call Bed liner, tow pkg., 8176 after 3:30 p.m. alloy wheels. V i n¹ 185489 TURN THE PAGE $8,888


2013 S u percrewGIJBARu cab! Iess than Sk mi., 5.01 V8, 4WD. 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 877-266-3821 Vin¹E12866 Dlr ¹0354 $30,977 ROBBERSON ~

T-Hangar for rent at Bend airport. Call 541-382-8998.

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend.

FORD F-150 2010



mams ~

541-382-4521 DLR¹0205 (photo for illustration only)


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Honda Odyssey

1999. Very good cond. Runs well, Two sets of tires on rims - summer and winter. $2500. 541-593-2312 or 541-977-7588 975


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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

of or parties in possession or c laiming any right to possession of the Real Property commonly known 20860 Pony Avenue, Bend, O R 9 7 7 0 1; DOES 3-4, being the unknown heirs and devisees of Kenneth R. Theobald and also all other persons or unknown parties claiming any r i ght, title, lien, or interest in t he p r operty d e scribed in the Complaint herein; LESLIE ANN THE O BALD; ANGELA T HEOBALD; M E L ISSA MYER; LINDSAY FARINA; AND JESSICA THEOBALD; Defendants. C a s e No. 13CV1132FC. SUMMONS. TO:DEFENDANTS LESLIE ANN

CorvetteCoupe 1996, 350 auto, 135k, non-ethanol fuel/synthetic oil, garaged/covered. Bose Premium Gold system. Orig. owner manual. Stock! $10,500 OBO. Retired. Must sell! 541-923-1781

Audi A4 2001 1.8T 4 door sedan, rebuilt trans w/19K miles, newer clutch, brakes, manifold, extras & receipts. Excellent mpg; Carfax. $5,800. 541-390-6004

T HEOBALD, AN D DOES 3-4: IN THE NAME O F THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the above case w i thin thirty days after the first date of publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and defend, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded i n th e complaint. Th e o bject of the complaint and the demand for relief are: The plaintiff seeks to foreclose its trust deed on the

684-3763 or toll-free

staff report should be m ade avail able 7 days 452-7636. H E RSH- prior to the date set NER HUNTER, LLP, for t h e hea r ing. By/s/Nancy K. Cary, Documents are also Nancy K. Cary, OSB a vailable online a t 902254, Of Attorneys www.deschutes.org. for Plaintiff, 180 East Deschutes C o u nty 11th Avenue, P .O. encourages persons Box 1475, Eugene, w ith d isabilities t o Oregon 97440, Tele- participate in all programs and activities. chutes County, fore- phone: closing the interests of (541)686-8511, Fax: This event/location is accessible to people all defendants in the (541)344-2025, with disabilities. If you real property with the ncary@hershnerFir s t need a c commodaproceeds applied to h unter.com. satisfy Plaintiff's lien. Publication Date: Feb- tions to make participation poss i ble, The real property is ruary 24, 2014. please call the ADA described as follows: Coordinator at (541) Lot Twenty-Nine (29), LEGAL NOTICE 388-6584. Block One (1), FIRST NOTICE OF PUBLIC ADDITION TO HEARING PUBLIC NOTICE WHISPERING PINES ESTATES, recorded The Desc h utes T he Bend Park & D i s trict A pril 12, 1 9 68, i n C ounty B oard o f Recreation Board of Directors will Cabinet A, Page 157, County Commission- meet in a work sesDeschutes C o unty, ers will hold a Public Oregon. Commonly Hearing on Monday, sion Tuesday, March 4, 2014, beginning at known as 20860 Pony March 17, 2014, at p.m., at the disAvenue, Bend, OR 10:00 a.m. in the Bar- 5:30 97701. NOTICE TO nes a n d Sa w yer trict office, 799 SW DEFENDANT: READ Rooms of the Des- Columbia, Bend, OrT HESE PAP E R S chutes Serv i ces egon. The board will commercial CAREFULLY! Center, 1300 NW Wall discuss di s trict You must "appear" in St., Bend, to consider naming o f this case or the other the following request: parks and facilities, a draft memorandum of side will win automati- F ILE NUMB E R : c ally. T o "appear" TA-14-3. SUBJECT: understanding you must file with the Adoption of an ordi- agreement with Bend court a legal paper nance to prohibit the Ice, and review a draft called a "motion" or use of any building, 2014-19 Capital Im"answer." The "mo- structure, l o c ation, provement Plan and receive project uption" or "answer" must premises or land for be given to the court any marijuana busi- dates. The board will not conduct a regular clerk or administrator ness or the sale of within 30 days of the any federally prohib- business meeting. date of first publica- ited substance in any tion specified herein Deschutes C o u nty T he a genda a n d a long with th e r e - zone under Title 18. s upplementary r e ports are posted on q uired filing fee. I t APPLICANT:Desmust be i n p r oper c hutes Coun t y . the district's website, form and have proof STAFF C O NTACT: www.bendparksano f service o n t h e Nick Lelack, Nick.Le- drec.org. For more information call plaintiff's attorney or, lackodeschutes.org. if the plaintiff does not Copies of the staff re- 541-389-7275. have a n a t t orney, port, application, all proof of service on the documents and eviNeed to get an plaintiff. If you have dence submitted by or ad in ASAP? questions, you should on behalf of the applisee an attorney im- cant and applicable You can place it mediately. If you criteria are available online at: need help in finding for inspection at the an attorney, you may Planning Division at www.bendbulletin.com call the Oregon State no cost and can be Bar's Lawyer Referral purchased fo r 25 541-385-5809 S ervice a t (503) cents a page. The

LEGAL NOTICE subject real property IN T H E CI R CUIT described in the comCOURT O F THE plaint as d e scribed STATE OF OREGON below in the amount FOR D E SCHUTES of $183,964.91, plus C OUNTY. WA S H - interest, late charges, INGTON FEDERAL, costs, advances, and fka W A SHINGTON attorney's fees, and to FEDERAL SAVINGS; cause th e s u bject Plaintiff, v. DOES 1-2, property to be sold by being the occupants the Sheriff of D es-



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Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1968 A e r o Commander, 4 seat, 150 HP, low time, full panel. $23,000 obo. Contact Paul at



Dodge Durango 2005, 4WD, V8 5.7L, Tow pkg., running boards. third row seat, moonYour future is just apage away. Whetheryou'rs looking roof. Vin¹ 534944 forahatoraplacstohangit, $10,999 The Bulletin Classified is S UBA Ru your best source. SUMRUOHIRND ODM 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Every dsythousandsof Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, 877-266-3821 2 slides, AC, recliners, Peterbilt 359 p o table buyers andsellers of goods Dlr ¹0354 walk-around queen bed, water t ruck, 1 9 90, and services dobusiness in these pages.Theyknow sliding glass door closet, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Ford Expedition new tub & 10-gal water pump, 4-3" h oses, you can't beatTheBulletin Classified Section for Limited 2012 heater, good tires. Brand camlocks, $ 2 5,000. new 20' screen room 541-820-3724 selection andconvenience available. Super clean, 1 -every item isjust a phone owner, n o n -smokers. call away. 932 $12,995. 541-447-7968 Antique & The Classified Section is easy to use.Everyitem Classic Autos is categorizedandevery less than 25k mi., csrtegoryisindexed onthe heated leather ssction's front page. seats, Vin¹F01898 Whether youare lookingfor $41,944 1921 Model T a home orneedaservice, MONTANA 3585 2008, ROBBERSON y exc. cond., 3 slides, Delivery Truck your future is in thepagesof LI II c 0 I5 ~ I M RDR The Bulletin Classified. king bed, Irg LR, Restored & Runs Arctic insulation, all $9000. 541-382-4521 options $35,000 obo. The Bulletin 541-389-8963 DLR¹0205 541-420-3250



Jaguar XJ8 2004 4-dr Hummer H22006 Toyota Celica (longer style) sedan, Converfible 1993 silver, black leather, 4.2L V8, AT, AC, fully loaded + moonroof. Runs great, Nj reliable, always garaged, Ford F250 Camper Spe116K miles; 30 mpg hwy. Olds 98 Regency 1990 cial 1966, AT w/limited Front/side airbags, exc. shape, runs as Buick Skylark 1972 slip rear end. A few isaaaorenon-smoker. $7900. sues but runs qood. Full SUT au t o 4 - spd. 541-598-3750 new, one owner, 20 Please see Bend gonautosource.com 541-350-9938 GT 2200 4 cyl, 5 mpg in town. New Craigslist for details and steel rack w/drs. $1950 6.0L V-8, less than firm, cash. 541-420-0156 88k mi., 4x4, leather speed, a/c, pw, pdl, battery, stud snow more photos. seats. VIN¹ 101123 nicest c o nvertible tires. $2000. $18,900. Cadillac Deville $26,977 around in this price 541-389-9377 541-323-1898 Ford Ran er XLT DHS 2000. Most range, new t ires, options, exc. cond. R OBBER N wheels, clutch, tim93,000 mi.. New Porsche 911 I I N0 c LI ~ snsaa ing belt, plugs, etc. tires. $6,500. Carrera 993 cou e 111K mi., remark541-382-4521 541-233-8944. iphoto for dlustratron only) able cond. inside DLR¹0205 Kia Forte SX Hatchand out. Fun car to back 2013, 4 Cy l , drive, Must S E E! 2011 S u percrewm oon r o of , re a r $5995. R e dmond. cab! less than 12k Jeep Wrangler 2011 spoiler, alloy wheels. 541-504-1993 mi., 4WD, Ford certiRubicon Unlimited Vin¹684485 fied. Vin¹PA76782 $17,988 1996, 73k miles, $21,947 Cadillac Tiptronic auto. © s u a aau transmission. Silver, Eldorado, 1978 ROBBERSON i Chevy C r uz e LT 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. blue leather interior, New brakes, tires, Sedan 2012, 4 Cyl., moon/sunroof, new axles, needs paint & 877-266-3821 Turbo, auto, FWD, vinyl top. Very good quality tires and 541-382-4521 Dlr ¹0354 Fully loaded, 4 door, running lights, alloy condition. $2200 battery, car and seat iphoto forillustration only) DLR¹0205 V6, tow p ackage, wheels. Vin ¹103968 obo, cash. Call for covers, many extras. Volkswagen Jefta 2.0L hard top and soft full details! $13,988 Recently fully serMazda3 2012 2013, 4 Cyl., Turbo top, silver, excellent 541-678-5575 viced, garaged, diesel, 6 speed w/tipcondition, 2 4 , 000 ® s u a aau looks and runs like tronic, FWD, moon miles. $30,000. new. Excellent conHwy 20, Bend. roof, alloy wheels. Call (541) 306-8711. 2060 NE dition $39,700 877-266-3821 Vin ¹356856 541-322-9647 Dlr ¹0354 $22,988 Ford Supercab 1992, Jeep Wrangler2011 Price Reduced! Sport, 5 spd, leather © s u a aau brown/tan color with Unlimifed Rubicon Porsche 911 Turbo seats, hatchback, Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 m atching ful l s i z e 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. FWD. 68,398 mi. engine, power every- canopy, 2WD, 460 877-266-3821 thing, new paint, 54K over drive, 135K mi., vin¹532282 4ff!!i Dlr ¹0354 orig. miles, runs great, full bench rear seat, $17,977 exc. cond.in/out. $7500 slide rear w i ndow, Good classified adstell ROBBERSON obo. 541-480-3179 bucket seats, power Corvette 1979 the essential facts in an seats w/lumbar, pw, LINCOLN~ IM saa Leather trimmed L82- 4 speed. interesting Manner. Write 2003 6 speed, X50 HD receiver & trailer seat, 4 spd auto, 85,000 miles 541-382-4521 from the readers view -not added power pkg., brakes, good t ires. Vin¹611550 Garaged since new. DLR ¹0205 the seller's. Convert the 530 HP! Under 10k Good cond i tion. $32,977 I've owned it 25 miles, Arctic silver, facts into benefits. Show $4900. 541-389-5341 years. Never damgray leather interior, the reader howthe item will ROBBERSON i aged or abused. new quality t ires, help them insomeway. GMC Sierra 1977 short Nfazda CX-Ti 2011 $12,900. and battery, Bose This bed, exlnt o r iginal Dave, 541-350-4077 p remium sou n d advertising tip 541-382-4521 cond., runs & drives stereo, moon/sunbrought to youby DLR¹0205 great. V8, new paint roof, car and seat ' ~ I ~ I and tires. $4750 obo. covers. Many extras. The Bulletin 541-504-1050 servlng central oregonsince Ir03 rn j FORD XLT 1992 Garaged, p e r fect 3/4 ton 4x4 condition, $69,700. Sport, 5 spd, Bluematching canopy, 541-322-9647 tooth, remote pwr 30k original miles, locks, less than 25k possible trade for mi., vin¹368668 COUPE classic car, pickup, Jeep Wrangler Unlim- CORVETTE Porsche Carrera 911 $17,977 Glasstop 2010 motorcycle, RV 2003 convertible with Grand Sport - 4 LT ited Sahara 2 007, Plymouth B a rracuda hardtop. 50K miles, V olvo S40 T 5 2 0 0 5 $13,500. ROBBERSON Automatic, hard top, loaded, clear bra 1966, original car! 300 new factory Porsche AWD, sunroof, lux/winter In La Pine, call ueeoar~ ~~ t ow pk g . , all o y hood & fenders. motor 6 mos ago with pkgs, new tires, more! hp, 360 V8, center928-581-9190 wheels, running New Michelin Super 18 mo factory war- $6775 obo.541-330-5818 lines, 541-593-2597 541-382-4521 Sports, G.S. floor boards. Vin ¹120477 ranty remaining. DLR ¹0205 $25,988 mats, 17,000 miles, $37,500. Get your Looking for your Crystal red. 541-322-6928 business next employee? $42,000. 503-358-1164. Place a Bu! Ietin help 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. wanted ad today and Want to impress the 877-266-3821 a ROWI N G reach over 60,000 Dlr ¹0354 relatives? Remodel Rolls Royce 1992 Silreaders each week. your home with the ver Spur II, excellent! L exus GX 460 2010 Your classified ad with an ad in Midnight Blue exterior, help of a professional 4WD, Premium Sport. will also appear on The Bulletin's Mazda Miata 1997 Parchment leather intefrom The Bulletin's bendbulletin.com M-edition rior, 15-inch chrome RR "Call A Service "Call A Service which currently reMica Green, 5-spd, wheels, Alpine Sirius ceives over 1.5 milProfessional" original interior & Professional" Directory DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS Dodge Avenger S E lion page views exterior. All power navigation system, Directory Sedan 2012, 4 c y l , every month at options, leather, 541-598-3750 77,200 miles, dealerS ubaru Legacy 2012 auto, FWD, MP3. no extra cost. Bulleconvertible boot, www.aaaoregonautoship maintained, alVin ¹293948 tin Classifieds Tonneau Cover ways garaged. New, source.com $12,988 Get Results! Call 114K miles, synabout $250,000; sell 385-5809 or place oils, new tim$19,500. 541<80-3348 I nternational Fl a t © s u8USARUOBSEMD.OOII a aau thetic Lincoln MKZ 2009 ing belt @ 81K, your ad on-line at Bed Pickup 1963, 1 & more! $5995. bendbullefin.com 933 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. ton dually, 4 spd. 541-548-5648 541-598-3750 877-266-3821 trans., great MPG, Pickups www.aaaoregonautoDlr ¹0354 could be exc. wood source.com I The Bulletin recoml hauler, runs great, mends extra caution g new brakes, $1950. Garage Sales when p u rchasing • 541-419-5480. Leather seat, Bluei products or services tooth, auto 6 spd, from out of the area. F WD 54 k mi l e s 935 I i S ending c ash , vin¹613915 Sport Utility Vehicles Chevy 3500 Crew checks, or credit in$15,977 formation may be I Cab, 2005 4x4 Dually Ford Thunderbird (photo for illustration only) Duramax Allison, 4' ROBBERSON Subaru Legacy 3.0 R i subject toFRAUD. 2004 lift, Edge Chip, only Limited 2008, 6 Cyl., For more informaConvertible o. ~ ~maaaa 66,000 miles. LS trim auto, AWD, leather, i tion about an adverwith hard& soft top, Find them in pkg, split-bench front 541-382-4521 m oon r o of , re a r tiser, you may call silver with black seat, tow pkg, brake DLR¹0205 interior, The Bulletin spoiler, alloy wheels. I the Oregon Statel controller. Very good s Attorney General's s all original, Vin ¹207281 BIIIIW X3 2 0 07, 99K condition - looks Classifieds! I Office C o n sumerI very low mileage, $22,988 miles, premium packgood, pulls better! i Protection hotline at in premium condition. Original owner needs age, heated lumbar S UBA R u 1-877-877-9392. $19,900. SUMRUOHIRND ODM to sell - $35,000. supported seats, pan702-249-2567 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-408-7826 oramic mo o nroof, (car is in Bend) 877-266-3821 Bluetooth, ski bag, XeServing Centra/ Oregon since 1%8 Dlr ¹0354 non headlights, tan 8 Call The Bulletin At black leather interior, fphoto forillustration only) 541-385-5809 n ew front & re a r Subaru Forester X T brakes © 76K miles, Limited 2007, 4 Cyl., Place Your Ad Or E-Mail one owner, all records, auto, AWD, leather, At: www.bendbulletin.com very clean, $1 6,900. moon rof, p r ivacy 541-388-4360 glass, roof rack, alloy Chevy Ext. Cab 1991 wheels. Vin¹710326 with camper shell, $15,888 good cond., $1500 OBO. 541-447-5504. © s u a aau


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2 ~ Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show 2014 ~ Thursday-Sunday, Narch 6-9


s • i

Gear up for outdoor adventure at Central Oregon's only big outdoor adventure show!

8 Boat/RV Show® jll gedmond '""""'" The Bulletin Get ready for the Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show! Thursday-Sunday, March 6-9 • Bank of fhe Cascades Center I Deschutes Fair I Expo Center THURSDAYRFRIDAYI MARCH 6-7

REDMOND, Ore. The Central Oregon Sportsmen's trailers. Discover top-notch camping and backpacking Show and Boat/RV Show® returns to the Bank of the Cas- equipment, optics, outdoor clothing and vacation packagcades Center and Deschutes County Fair R Expo in 2014 es. Plus, enjoy fantastic features such as the annual Head

Noon to 8 p.m.


with more gear and more fun for outdoor sports enthusi-

and Horns Competition, the much-loved Kids' Trout Pond,

asts of all ages, gear fanatics and families!

the Fresh Water Demo Tank, Camp Cooking DemonstraNow in its 15th year, this exciting Central Oregon tradi- tions and back by popular demand, the X-Treme AirDogs! tion is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to discover cutting-edge Hundreds of vendors and top local and national outsporting and outdoor equipment, get the best information door experts will fill the Bank of the Cascades Center and and to meet the industry's most renowned experts — all Deschutes Co. Fair 5 Expo with the best in outdoor tools, in one place. Plus, it's a boat show and RV show, offering tips and gadgets. Enjoy free demonstrations, seminars and everything from the latest watercraft and fishing boats to interactive displays and the most up-to-date information

10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

SUNDAYI MARCH 9 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ADMISSION: $10 for adults, $5 for juniors ages 6-16; children under 5 free. Special Two-Day Pass - $15. (Free Parking!) Credit cards are welcome; a $1 fee will be charged per credit card transaction. DISCOUNTS:Discount coupons are are available

tent trailers and motor homes.

There is truly something for everyone at the 2014 CenPlus, connect with guides and outfitters from excittral Oregon Sportsmen's Show! ing locations throughout the Northwest and around the The Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show and Boat/RV world. Show is Central Oregon's only big outdoor adventure show, Here are some of the displays and showcases schedfeaturing the most extensive resources on fishing and boat- uled for this year's show: ing, shooting sports, hunting, camping and much more. Grab the latest gear. Browse boats, campers and tent Continued on Page 4

at Baxter Auto Parts stores, Les Schwab Tire Centers, Bi-Mart stores and at www thesportshows.com, or

get $2 off Thursday and Friday and $1 off Saturday and Sunday by using your Fred Meyer Rewards Card. Discounts may not be combined.


for outdoor enthusiasts of every kind.



Bank of the Cascades Center 8 Deschutes Fair & Expo Center I


Fred Meyer Camp Cooking Demonstrations

Head 8t: Horns Competition

utilize the versatile Dutch oven both in the outdoors and

Trout Fishing Pond

The 2014 Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show invites the

public to bring in head and horns or antlers to vie for reTake your camp cooking to the next level with the cords, bragging rights and valuable prizes provided by ATK most delicious recipes plus the latest tips, tools and tricks Federal, Bushnell, Fort Knox Safes and Ruger at the annual presented by expert camp chefs including members of Head 8r Horns competition. Bring your trophy, past or presDutch Oven Cuisine at the Crooked River Ranch, Herb ent, for official measurement! Entrants pay a $25 deposit Good and Tiffany Haugen! These seasoned experts will that's refunded to those whose entries don't make the oflead daily cooking demos for aspiring campfire chefs and ficial record book. Plus, don't miss this year's "Northwest grilling gurus of all experience levels at the Fred Meyer Tour of Big GameAnimals" display featuring an impressive Camp Cooking Demonstrations, sponsored by Franz and mountain lion, bear and wolf along with a display of the Camp Chef. Learn how to cook family friendly meals such biggest mule deer ever harvested in Oregon! as camp pizzas and delicious desserts, as well as how to at home with amazing results. And don't miss out on the samples!

The Kids' Trout Fishing Pond is one of the show's most popular and enduring attractions, and it's completely FREE,

courtesy of Baxter Auto Parts. Unplug for the day and join us at the Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show,where kids ages 12 and under can try their hand at catching a live trout — tokeep or release. Over the years, thousands of children have caught their first fish at the Sportsmen's Shows, sobring your camera and don't miss out on a truly memorable experience.

RV Show The first RV show of the season rolls into town as part of

the Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show. Shop and compare a huge selection of new and pre-owned RVs in one place, saving you time and money. Local dealers providing local service will be on hand with the best prices on cargo trailers, trucks, ATVs and accessories. The RVShow is sponsored by Selco Community Credit Union.

Fresh Water DemoTank

X-Treme AirDogs Back by popular demand, don't miss the high-flying X-Treme AirDogs competition! This exciting sport features man's best friends showing off their amazing jumping skills as they launch into a massive swimming pool at high speeds. Spectators will enjoy cheering on teams of all levels, from novice to experienced. Plus, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday during the show attendees can sign up to try this exhilarating sport with their own pups. Don't miss it!

The 40-foot-long Fresh Water Demo Tank, sponsored by Bi-Mart, will feature seasoned experts sharing their knowledge of the Northwest's best freshwater fishing opportunities and the latest techniques. Expert anglers will demonstrate fishing strategies and techniques in hourly "through-theglass" presentations. Plus, be sure to check out the Bi-Mart retail area at this year's show, located on the main floor of the Bank of the CascadesCenter.

Casting Pool and Fly Tying Theater Are you ready to take your interest in fly-fishing to the next level? Then come over to the casting pool and fly tying theater for some personal instruction. Fly-fishing is a lifelong pursuit and can be learned at any age. The experts will show you how.

Free Seminars

Boat Show

Dozens of experts will be at the show offering hundreds ofhours ofeducational seminars sponsoredby TheBulleiin. premier boat show. Your Sportsmen's Show admission pro- Topics include game calling, many types of fishing, horse vides full access to the boat show, which is sponsored by and mule packing, and the list goes on and on. Learn all the Selco Community Credit Union. Discover incredible deals on best tips and tricks in one place at the Central Oregon Sportspersonal watercraft, ski, wakeboard and fishing boats, kay- men's Show! Check our website for a complete list of semiaks, canoes, plus a hugeselection of accessories, fishing gear nars and demos at http://www.thesportshows.com/coss/ and more. The Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show is also the area's


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Take your camp cooking to the next level with the most delicious recipes plus the latest tips, tools and tricks presented by the camp chefs of the 2014Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show®. With over 100 years of outdoor cooking experience combined, skilled chefs and experts including members of Dutch Oven Cuisine at the Crooked River Ranch, Herb Good and Tiffany Haugen will lead daily cooking demos designed for aspiring campfire cheS and grilling gurus alike at the Fred MeyerCampCooking Demonstrations, sponsored by Franz and Camp Chef.

DUTCH OVENCUISINEATTHE CROOKEDRIVERRANCHBeginning Dutch Oven Cooking: Breakfasts,Main Dishes& Desserts

HERBGOOD - Outdoor Cooking: Quick &Easy;Salmon: Filleting, Grilling, Canning and Smoking

Local members of Dutch OvenCuisine at the Crooked River Ranch will be back at the show for 2014 to provide beginners and experienced chefs with an excellent grasp ofhow to usethe mighty Dutch oven to cook tasty meals and desserts alike. This versatile cookware is acamp cooking must-have, but it's also very useful at home, in the backyard or even at a tailgate party! Plus, the recipes theseproswill share

TIFFANYHAUGEN—Camp Pizza; Wild GameCookingTips Oregon-based author and sustenance lifestyle guru Tiffany Haugen,

Known asthe "Camp Cook Improv King" for his creative food sub-

one of the nation's leading outdoor

cooking columnists, will share tips and recipes on turning a variety of game animals into delicious meals. She'll also share her secrets to making delicious camp pizzas that are sure to delight every member of the family. Tifing water to preparing delicious salmon, to the latest meth- fany is the author of 11 cookbooks and hundreds of newsod for preserving fish — the pouch. Famous for his humor paper and magazine columns on everything from cooking are a sure-fire hitwith the whole family. So come to the show and and common sense tips, Herb will explain the "whys" and game birds, salmon and seafood, to smoking, grilling and get the basics, discover great recipes, and learn how to improvise "hows" of basic camp cooking and provide simple guidelines sweets. with delicious results. Andofcourse, attendees will have achance for questions such as, "How much salt should I add?" That's Seepages 12-13 for a complete schedule. easy, says Herb. "To taste!" to sample some of this extremely tasty fare! stitutions, Herb Good has been a

guide and outfitter for more than 30 years. This perennial camp cooking favorite returns to the show with a new bag of tricks as he demonstrates the basics and beyond — everything from boil-

Lookfor us at the Sportsmens Show!


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6 ~ Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show 2014 ~ Thursday-Sunday, Narch 6-9

Matching Set of Folding Knives

Browning Silver Sporting Micro 12 Gauge Receiver: lightweight aluminum alloy. Vented rib 3" chamber Walnut stock gloss finish 5 chokes


Summer Hours: Off 9th St. (across from south side of Bend High) 9 AM - 5PM Tuesday - Saturday

Burlwood Handle Fixed Biade

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• •


Do you have a trophy in hiding? The 2014 tition is 6 p.m., Saturday, March 8. The winCentral Oregon Sportsmen's Showe invites ning entries will be on display at the show you to bring heads, horns or antlers to the on Sunday, March 9. Bank of the Cascades Center and Deschutes The grand prizewinner will be selected County Fair 5 Expo, March 6-9 to vie for from the 2014Washington, Pacific Northwest records and prizes at the highly anticipated and Central Oregon Sportsmen's Shows and Head R Horns competition.


will receive a brand new Fort Knox Protector Hunters are invited to bring head and Safe — Model 6031! Additional prizes will be horns to the show for scoring by Boone and awarded at each show. These valuable prizCrocket and Pope and Young representatives. es are provided by ATK Federal Premium, Entrants pay a II25 deposit that's refunded Bushnell, Fort Knox Safes and Ruger! to those whose entries don't make the offiIn addition to the competition, don't cial record book. Horns must be attached to miss this year's "Northwest Tour of Big the skull, found within the states of Oregon, Game Animals" display featuring an imIdaho, Washington or Montana, and killed pressive mountain lion, bear and wolf along under fair chase conditions. Prizes are

with a display of the biggest mule deer ever awarded in two separate categories: "past harvested in Oregon! harvest" for those taken prior to 2012 and "current harvest" for those taken during the 2013 hunting season. "It's always fun to see what people bring in, whether the trophies were recently harvested or have been collecting dust in the at-

2014 Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show Participants:

Welcome toRedmond! Onceagain we arepleasedto welcome you to the Bank of the Cascades Center and Deschutes Fair R Expo and the region's biggest sportsmen's show. Central Oregon is known for the number of outdoor activities that are available here

— camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, rock andmountain climbing, and boating. All of

tic," said display and competition organizer David Morris. "The top entries go on display during the show, and we'll be on the lookout for potential record setters for inclusion in future editions of my 'Record Book' series." Prizes are awarded for all three methods of harvest :rifle,archery and black powder. The top pastentriesforeach ofthebig game categories will be on display throughout the show. Official entry deadline for the compe-

this contributes to the economy of the enbre region, and this show is important in that vendors and visitors come from this area and, in some cases, from around the world to

Do you have atrophy in hiding?TheCentral Oregon Sportsmen'sShowinvites you to bringheads, horns and antlers tothe Deschutes County Fair R ExpoCenter to vie for recordsand prizes at the highly anticipated Head R Hornscompetition.

ygr ~P Q

participate. There issomething here for everyoutdoor enthusiast. I have attendedseveral timesmyself. The variety of exhibits, guides, vendors, and activities makefor an exciting time whenever I visit. I personally like the gametrophy exhibits, even if I will never havean animal on display! It is alwaysinteresting to see new products andservices showcasedatthis show. I evenpurchased an RVoneyear as a result of seeing aspecial one at theshow. I alwaysfind the food excellent and am amazedatthemanywaysgame andothermeatcanbeprepared. In closing, I wish to onceagain welcomeyou to the show.Enjoyyourself and take advantage ofthe amenities offeredboth at the showandthe surrounding area. Sincerely,

GeorgeEndicott, Mayor —City of Redmond

SRi ®%~,"'. Bank of the Cascades Center & Deschutes Fair & Expo Center j 7

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Bank of the Cascades Center 8 Deschutes Fair & Expo Center ~ 9

Luxury h1otor Coo<hes

Backbypopulardemand,theX-Treme AirDogs return for the 2014 Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show!

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Come see us at fhe Cenfral

a •

Oregon Sporfsmens Show! March 6'" - 9'" 10 j Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show 2014 j Thursday-Sunday, March 6-9

Back by popular demand at the Central Oregon Sportsmen's Showe, catch the high flying X-Treme AirDogs competition, featuring three exhilarating sports for experienced dogs as well as the Give It A Try™ program, which brings new competitors into the sport. This electrifying and entertaining sport for spectators and participants alike features man's best friends launching themselves into a massive swimming pool at high speeds. Each day of the show will feature various competitions, training and demo sessions, ensuring there's never a dull moment. Daily activities include three sports: X-Treme Air, a long jump for dogs; X-Treme Vertical, a last-dog-standing high jump; and X-Treme Retrieve, a race against time for the bumper. Competitions include four divisions: Novice, including Give It A Try jumping between 0 and 10 feet; Amateur, jumping 10 to 15 feet; Semi-Pro, jumping 15 to 20 feet; and Pro, dogs jumping over 20 feet, including some dogs who jump upwards of 27 feet! Awards will be given per competitor, including trophies in Novice, Amateur, and Semi-pro divisions, and cash prizes for the Pro division.

World-class competitors and dogs from around North America will be in Redmond to compete during the show, however, this exciting feature is not just for the pros. XTreme Air's Give It A Try program is designed for everyone. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday during the show, Dog owners are invited to bring any dog over the age of

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h,i, I.

Aii our machines PJt, are built to stand out. Eventhecamoones.


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W e buil deveryCan-Ame ATV andside-by-side' vehicle with the sameDNA: industry-leading performance, precision-engineered handling and a rider-focused design. And our camouflage models add even more to the hunting experience with innovations like the LinQ quick-attach system available on the Outlander and Outlander MAX, and our Dual-Level'" cargo box, standard on the Can-Am Commander. So no matter which model you pick or how you choose to accessorize it, it's bound to stand out to everyone but the wildlife.




Anil thn Pndthnt'Irighttlr gdnHt ennemhrg Hmn. •




e hmt Aw I h *I


six months that loves the water and enjoys playing fetch — regardless of breed, size, shape or ability. Dog owners must be seven years or older. All dogs are welcome, and dog owners new to the sport can get tips from X-Treme AirDogs staff on coaching and encouraging their pooches. For more info and competition schedules, including Give It A Try schedules,


check w w w.thesportsshows.com/coss or www.facebook.com/x.tremeairdogs. northwest.challenge, or contact Mike Allen at 541-914-8402. Cost to participate is $20 per wave for Amateur, Pro and Semi-pro categories, meaning two jumps for the dog, or $15 for junior handlers age seven to sixteen. Those who want to Give It A Try with their own dogs can do so for only $10!



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Central OregonSportsmen'sShow f DeschutesCounty Fair &Expo, Redmond, OR THURSDAY-FRIDAY, MARCH 6-7


....... X-TremeRetrieve Finals (Semi/Finals)

Preliminaries/ Exhibitions at Consequin Main Stage


........ X-Treme Vertical Finals

11 a.m.-l p.m..... Give It ATry/Training Demos 2-3 p.m...............Give It ATry/Training Demos


5-6 p.m.................X-Treme AirDog Wave¹1-¹3

9-10:45p.m............................ ..........Give ItATry

7-8 p.m.................X-Treme AirDog Wave¹2-¹4

11 a.m.-Noon ........................Last ChanceWave

SATURDAY, MARCH 8 Semi/Finals at Consequin Main Stage 9-11 a.m............................................Give I ATry 11 a.m.-Noon.............X-Treme AirDog Wave ¹5

1-2 p.m.......................S-TremeAirDogWave¹6 3-4 p.m.......................X-TremeAirDog Wave¹7


X-Treme Air Finals Day

12:30p.m....................................... To Follow...................................Amateur Finals To Follow.................................. Semi-Pro Finals 2:30-3:30 p.m.*................................... approximaletime

Event 8 Series Registration: www.northwestchallenge.com

Full Line Honda Equipment Dealer - EU Series generators represent the leading edge of portable power technology. These totally enclosed, super quiet generators are ideal for recreational and home back-up applications.


"We will match or

beat any pricein store or on-line."


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Bank of the Cascades Center 8 Deschutes Fair & Expo Center l 11




Fl Castin Pond

Fl Castin Pond

Fl Castin Pond

1:00 Arnie Gidlow 3:00 Scott(ook/ Fly &FieldOutfitters 5:00 BradHanson

MontanaGuideCasting Tips Fly Casting for Distance CastingfromRodBuilder's Perspective

Fl Tin Theater 1:00 KellyLaatsch 2:00 BradHanson 3:00 ArnieGildow 4:00 Brian O'Keefe 5:00 Fly &FieldOutfitters 6:00 Kelly Laatsch

7:00 Arnie Gidlow

DownriggerTrolling Tacticsfor Trout, Kokanee and Salmon Fly Fishing Spring CreeksandTailwaters

GPSNavigationin the Backcountry BasicHuntingDogTraining FieldDressingandSkinning BigGame MuleDeer:YourBest Hunting SeasonEver2014

CallingElkfor ArcheryandRifle Season CallingAll Predators Extreme Weather Wall Tenting

SpringChinookTechniquesfortheColumbia River and Tributaries ATVandSnowmobile Information Deschu tesRiverFishPassageUpdate Routin eandBasicBoatMaintenance BasicKayakFishing

2:00 CrookCountySheriff 3:00 JamesBartlett/PGE 4:00 GeoffWollaston 5:00 TumaloCreekKayaks &Canoes ejacketsFloat.DoYou?" 6:00Desc hutesCountySheriff"Lif

FreshWaterDemoTankandSeminarSeries 1:30 MichaelGibney 2:30 GaryMiralles 3:30 GaryLewis/ Gary'sGuideService 4:30 JohnGarfiison 5:30 GaryLewis/ The Bend Buletin 6:30 SteveLeonard

BasicsforBassFishing TroutandKokaneeTechniques HowtoCatchFallChinookonaFly SpinFishingTechniques SeasonalSpinFishing Rigging Techniques BobberFishingfor SalmonandSteelhead

Cam Cookin 1:00 HerbGood 2;00 TiffanyHaugen 3:00 RayandTara Kelsey 4:00 HerbGood 5:00 TiffanyHaugen 6:00 MikeRea/BobEvans

1;00 Arnie Gidlow 2:00 KellyLaatsch 3:00 Fly &FieldOutfitters 4:00 Brian O'Keefe 5:00 BradHanson 6:00 KellyLaatsch

Multi-OptionalFlies BeginningFlyTying Steel headTubeFlies CentralOregonLakeFlies SteelheadNymphs Laatsch'sBritish ColumbiaLakePatterns

1:00 GaryLewis/ Gary'sGuideService 2:00 JohnGarrison 3:00 Arnie Gidlow 4:00 KellyLaatsch 5:00 JeremyJahn 6:00 ScottCook 7:00 Edlman

HowtoCatchFall Chinookon aFly FishingCentral Oregon Fly FishingSpfiingCreeksandTailwaters CutthroatDreams:BC'sElk, StMaryandBull Rivers Kokanee Troling Techniques Fly FishingCentral Oregon NorthwestWaleyeSecrets


Red Theater: Niarine Education 1:00 SteveLeonard


Blue Theater FishingCentral Oregon Kokanee Troling Techniques LakeFlyFishingTechniques: Chironomids NorthwestWalleyeSecrets Fly Fishing forTrophyTrout in Central Oregon

GreenTheater 12:30 Blake Miler 1:30 LarryLee 2:30 ScottHaugen 3:30 GaryLewis/ TheBendBulletin 4:30 Dan Kloer 5:30 GaryMadison 6:30 JohnAldrich

CastingfromaRodBuilder's Perspective FlyCastingforDistance

Fl Tin Theater Fly Tyingwith Foam SteelheadNymphs AddingLivingCharacteristics CentralOregonLakeFlies Steel headTubeFlies UpperColumbiaRiverFlyPaterns

Blue Theater 1:00 JohnGardison 2:00 JeremyJahn 3:00 Kelly iaatsch 4:00 Edlman 5:00 Scott(ook/ Fly &FieldOutfitters 6:00 GaryMiralles

1:00 BradHanson 3:00 Scott Cook/ Fly &FieldOutfitters 5:00 Arnie Gidlow

Salmon:Fileting, Gfiiling, Canning, andSmoking Wild Game Cooking Tips Dutch Oven:PorkButtwithRedBeansandRice Outdoor Cooking:QuickandEasy CampPizza Dutch Oven:DutchOvenOuting

12:30 GaryMadison 1:30 ScottHaugen 2:30 GaryLewis/ TheBendBulletin 3:30 DanKloer 4:30 LarryLee 5:30 BlakeMiller 6:30 ScottHaugen

Coyotes:SpeakingTheirLanguage SpringTurkeyHunting BlackBear:BestHuntsfor theSpring andFall CallingElkforArcheryandRifle Season DosandDon'ts ofHunting DogTraining Wilderness Survival FieldDressingandSkinning BigGame

Red Theater:Niarine Education 1:00 Crook CountyShertff 2:00 GeoffWollaston 3:00 Tumalo(reekKayaks &Canoes 4:00 SteveLeonard

What toTakeWith You Routin eandBasicBoatMaintenance BasicKayakAngling

Salmon andSteelheadTechniquesfrom DriftBoat and JetSled Float. DoYou?" 5:00 Deschutes County Shediff "Lifejackets 6:00 GeoffWollaston Routin eandBasicBoatMaintenance

FreshWaterDemoTankandSeminarSeries 1:30 SteveLeonard 2:30 MichaelGibney 3:30 GaryLewis/ The Bend Bulletin 4;30 GaryMiralles 5:30 JohnGarrison 6:30 GaryLewis/ Gary'sGuideService

BobberFishingforSalmonandSteelhead Basi csforBassFishing SeasonalSpinFishing Rigging Techniques TroutandKokaneeTechniques Spin FishingTechniques Howto CatchFall ChinookonaFly

Cam Cookin 1:00 TlffanyHaugen 2:00 MarkandSueSchneider 3:00 HerbGood 4:00 ii fa fnyHaugen 5:00 CarrieWalsh/ RonCornoyer 6:00 HerbGood

CastingfromaRodBuilder's Perspective Fly Casting:Start toFinish Montana Guide'sCastinglips Fly Casting:Start toFinish

Fl Tin Theater 11:00 ArnieGidlow 12:00 KellyLaatsch 1:00 Fly & FieldOutfitters 2:00 BradHanson 3:00 Kelly Laatsch 4:00 Bfi ianO'Keefe 5:00 Arnie Gidlow 6:00 Fly & FieldOutfitters

AddingLivingCharacteristics BeginnerFlyTying Steel headTubeFlies SteelheadNymphs Fly Tyingwith Foam CentralOregon LakeFlies Multi-OptionalFlies Steel headTubeFlies

Blue Theater 11:00 Jeremy Jahn 12:00 ArnieGidlow 1:00 Edlman 2:00 JohnGarfiison 3:00 Scott(ook/ Fly &FieldOutfitters 4:00 GaryLewis/ Gary'sGuideService 5:00 Kelly Laatsch 6:00 GaryMiralles

Kokanee Trolling Techniques TechniquesforUniquePhotos Trout FishingforKids FishingCentral Oregon Fly FishingforTrophyTrout in CentralOregon How toCatch Fall ChinookonaFly LakeFlyFishingTechniques- Chironomids DownriggerTrolling Tacticsfor Trout,Kokanee andSalmon

GreenTheater 10:30 DanKloer 11:30 GaryLewis/ The Bend Bulletin 12:30 ScottHaugen 1:30 JohnAldfiich 2:30 BlakeMiler 3:30 GaryMadison 4:30 iarryLee 5:30 ScottHaugen 6:30 GaryLewis/ The Bend Bulletin

CallingElkforArcheryandRifle Season HogHunting:BdingHometheBacon FieldDressingandSkinning BigGame Extreme Weather Wall Tenting GPS Navigationin the Backcountry SeasonalCaling for Coyotes BasicHuntingDogTraining SpringTurkeyTactics Mule Deer:Your Best Season Ever2014

RedTheater:MarineEducation 11:00 James Bartlett/PGE 12:00 TumaloCreekKayaks &Canoes 1:00 SteveLeonard

DeschutesRiverFishPassageUpdate BasicKayakAngling

SpringChinookTechniquesforthe(olumbiaRiver andTdibutaries 2:00CrookCountyShediff Let SomebodyKnowYour Plans Float. DoYou?" 3:00 Deschutes County Sheriff "Lifejackets 4:00 Geoff Wollaston RoutineandBasic Boat Maintenance 5:00Cro ok(ountySheiiff PreparefortheUnexpected

FreshWaterDemoTankandSeminarSeries CampPizza Dutch Oven:Let'sMakeUpaRecipe Outdoor Cooking:QuickandEasy Wild Game CookingTips Dutch Oven:BeginningDutchOvenCooking Salmon:Fileting, Griling, Canning, andSmoking



1:00 Steens Wilderness HorseandMule Packing Adventures 3:00 BackcountryHorsemen Leav eNoTraceBehindAwarenessWorkshop of CentralOregon 5:00 SteensWilderness Horse andMulePacking Adventures

1:00 SteensWilderness HorseandMulePacking Adventures 3:00 BackcountryHorsemen LeaveNoTraceBehindAwarenessWorkshop of CentralOregon 5:00 Ste ensWilderness HorseandMulePacking Adventures

12 / Central Oregon Sportsmen's Show 2014/ Thursday-Sunday, March 6-9

11:00 BradHanson 1:00 Scott Cook/ Fly &FieldOutfitters 3:00 Arnie Gidlow 5:00 Scott Cook/ Fly &FieldOutfitters

11:30 JohnGarfiison 12:30 GaryLewis/ Gary'sGuideService 1:30 MichaelGibney 2:30 GaryMiralles 3:30 GaryLewis/ The Bend Bulletin 4:30 SteveLeonard 5:30 MichaelGibney 6:30 Kelly Laatsch

Spin FishinT gechniques HowtoCatchFallChinookonaFly Basi csforBassFishing TroutandKokaneeTechniques SeasonalSpinFishing Rigging Techniques BobberFishingforSalmonandSteelhead Basic sforBassFishing Fly Fishingwith Streamers

Cam Cookin 11:00 JoanMcFadden 12:00 HerbGood 1:00 TiffanyHaugen 2:00 Mark andSueSchneider 3:00 Herb Good 4:00 TiffanyHaugen 5:00 Jim Miller/Sue Schneider 6:00 Herb Good

Blue Theater DutchOven:Oriental ChickenNoodle Soup Salmon:Fileting, G(illing, CanningandSmoking Wild Game Cooking Tips Dutch Oven:BeginningDutchOvenCooking Outdoor Cooking:QuickandEasy CampPizza DutchOven:Pineapple UpsideDownCakeand CrookedRiverMud Salmon:Fileting, Gdiling,Canning&Smoking

Horse andMule Packing 12:00BackcountryHorsemen LeaveNoTraceBehindAwarenessWorkshop of CentralOregon 2:00 SteensWilderness Horse andMulePacking Adventures 5:00 Steen sW ilderness Horse andMulePacking Adventures

SUNDAY, MARGH9 Using YourRodMore Effectively Fly Casting for Distance CastingfromaRodBuilder's Perspective

Fl Tin Theater 11:00 KellyLaatsch 12:00 BradHanson 1:00 Arnie Gidlow 2:00 Fly &FieldOutfitters

BeginnerFlyTying SteelheadNymphs Multi-OptionalFlies Steel headTubeFlies

Horse andNiule Packin FishingCentralOregon How toCatchSpring Chinookon aFly Fly FishingCentral Oregon DownriggerTrolling TacticsforTrout, Kokanee, and Salmon

12:00 BackcountryHorsemen Leave NoTraceBehind AwarenessWorkshop of CentralOregon 2:00 Steens Wilderness HorseandMulePacking Adventures

Green Theater 10:30 Gary Madison l :30 Dan Kloer 12:30 ScottHaugen 1:30 Larry Lee 2:30 Gary Lewis/ The Bend Bulletin


Predators:Responding toaCal CallingElkfor ArcheryandRmeSeason Field DressingandSkinning BigGame DosandDon'ts of Hunting DogTraining BlackBear.BestHuntsin Spding andFall


Red Theater: Niarine Fducation 11:00 Tumalo CreekKayaks &Canoes 12:00 SteveLeonard 1:00 GeoffWollaston 2:00 CrookCounty Sheriff

Fl Castin Pond 11:00 ArnieGidlow 12:00 ScottCook/ Fly &FieldOutfitters 2:00 Brad Hanson

l :00 JohnGarrison 12:00 GaryLewis/ Gary'sGuideService 1:00 ScottCook 2:00 Gary Miralles

BasicKayakAngling Salmon andSteelheadTechinquesfrom aDriftBoat and JetSled RoutineandBasic Boat Maintenance Hug aTree


I '



FreshWaterDemo Tankand SeminarSeries 11:30 Gary Miralles 12:30 KellyLaatsch 1:30 MichaelGibney 2:30 SteveLeonard

TroutandKokaneeTechniques ChironomidFlyFishingTechniques Basic sforBassFishing BobberFishingfor SalmonandSteelhead

CampCookin 11:00 TiffanyHaugen Wild Game CookingTips 12:00 Markand SueSchneider Dutch Oven:MountainManBreakfast 1:00 HerbGood OutdoorCooking: QuickandEasy 2:00Ti fan f yHaugen C amp Pizza

ro~ TumaloCreek Kayak 6 Canoe Learn more about Hobie's MirageDrive system which leaves your hands free to ffsh and has everything you need to enhance your angling experience! Visit our booth in the South Sister Hall or our retail store: 805 SW Industrial Way, Suite 6, Bend OR 97702 541.317.9407







Bank ofthe Cascades Center & Deschutes Fair 8 Expo Center ~13

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