Bulletin Daily Paper 05-03-14

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SATURDAY May 3,2014

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bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD

NS,= MAY20 ~


Andy Hickmall —TheBend actor and storyteller bounces back from a bikeaccident. O1

In DA race, examining campaign promises

MetrO MeteOr — A retired racehorse that has taken up painting is making asplash. O1


VOiCe OfSatire — An Egyptian columnist finds himself blacklisted after criticizing the government.A6

Flower lobby — After controversy, the White Househas started to avoid using imported cut flowers.A5

And a Web exclusiveContraception, cohabitation, divorce, remarriage andsamesex unions: Vatican prepares to take up divisive issues this fall. bendbnlletin.com/extras

By Shelby R. King

By Scott Hammerse The Bulletin

Plus: KentuckyDerbyA preview of today's race, and a look at the animal cruelty scandal overshadowing it.C1

The Bulletin

Deschutes County District Attorney Patrick Fla-

A ruling in federal court in California this week could unravel the U.S. Forest Service's system

herty unseated longtime DA Mike Dugan in 2010 after a hotly contested race in which Flaherty criticized

of charging fees to visitors, with the judge ruling the agency has no authority to charge those who don't use restrooms, picnic tables or other developed facilities at a Forest Service site.

Dugan oneverything from his prosecutorial discretion

Senior U.S. District

to the environment among employees in the DA's of-


Judge Terry Hatter ruled Monday the fee system used in four national for-

fice. Flaherty promised to

change the DA's office if elected. Among the promises Flaherty made: He'd keep politics out of the office, allow his deputy DAs more flexibility and freedom, charge appropriately for



ests in California violates

the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, a 2004 law that explicitly

bars the Forest Service from charging for parking. Regardless of the intent

the crimes committed and fix the "toxic" climate in the office. The Bulletin asked Flaherty and Hum-

of the fee, if a visitor uses no facilities aside from the parking lot, it's a parking

mel to address each of these promises and weigh in on how successful Flaherty was in his first term at keeping his word.

fee, Hatter wrote.

"If a visitor does nothing

other than park, the fee is


solely for parking and is, therefore, plainlyprohibited by the REA," he wrote.

U.S. actor in China: More than a stereotype


Flaherty has had more

Appeals, which also found

than three years to implement the changes he promised, and thinks he's come through for voters.

the Forest Service cannot

Flaherty in 2010 came

charge visitors for parking.

down hard on Dugan for his advocacy of hot politi-

Hatter' sdecision referenced a 2012 decision in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of

Kitty Benzar, president

of the group that helped

cal issues and candidates.

bring the suit, the Western

He promised that, if elected, he wouldn't politicize

Slope No Fee Coalition, said between Monday's ruling and the 9th Circuit

the office. SeeDA/A4

ruling, it's clear the Forest By Simon Denyer

Service is on the wrong

The Washington Post

side of the law and needs to start retooling its fee sys-

BEIJING — The Amer-

ican soldier roars down a crowded Chinese street in his Jeep, knocking an elderly woman to the ground. He jumps out and tosses some money in the

old lady's direction. "Here you go, granny, but you shouldn't have been in the

"If they want to keep playing the game lawsuit by lawsuit, they can do that, but it's going to be very costly for everyone involved," she said Thursday. Benzar said there's no obvious answer as to how

street anyway," he barksbefore being beaten up by a group of enraged Chinese patriots.

the Forest Service should

The scene, in a script for a Chinese TV series, wasn't

vehicles. She said some people have suggested creating separate parking areas at Forest Service sites,

exactly subtle, and American actor Jonathan Kos-

Read wasn't impressed. Fluent in Mandarin, he has made his name playing Westerners in Chinese

films and television shows for the past 14 years. "I turned that role down," he

said. For many Chinese people, the 41-year-old KosRead is a familiar face, even if he is virtually unknown in the West. He has

acted in about 100 films and TV programs here, playing everything from

plan to park and hike into the woods, and a paid area for those who will be using the facilities. SeeForest /A4

tion with life in the United

States and Europe, and in-


W~ >

By C.J. Chivers and Noah Sneider New York Times News Service


.Isr ' ~

SLOVYANSK, Ukraine — Two days after

Ukraine's interim government declared itself all but helpless to control



events in the eastern part

of the country, Ukrainian military and police forces

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Dan Smith, of Bend, walks near cars parked along the Deschutes River at the Meadow Camp DayUse Area on Friday. A judge has ruled that Forest Service fees for users who park their cars but use no other facilities at visitor sites are illegal.

Friday resumed their effort

to retake this rebel-controlled city, forcing armed separatists from the city's

outskirts with armored vehicles, helicopters and ground troops — and seemingly pushing ever

The other unemployment crisis:teens By Lydia DePillis broad main streets of High

revealing a complex mix of national pride, fascina-

~ ~

a free area for users who

The Washington Post

attitudes toward the West,


permits posted in visitors'

designer to a gun-slinging, tobacco-chewing cowboy. Typically, Kos-Read is roles. They provide a window into China's evolving


collect user fees to fund maintenance if not through

a bisexual Italian fashion

offered four or five stock

Fighting in Ukraine kills dozens

tem across the country.

For most of the year, the Point, N.C., are quiet and emp-

restaurants. That's the international furniture market:

Still a huge economic driver, even after most factories have fled the area. Back in the late 1990s, that

ty, much like any other faded post-industrial town. But for

would cause problems for

10-day long stints twice a

Dwain Waddell, the drop-

year, the empty showrooms fill with the latest upholstery

out prevention coordinator at High Point Central High

fashions, and home furnish-

School — students used to

ings buyers from around the world pack the town's few

skip class to earn a few dollars boxing up purchases and

closer to a confrontation with Moscow.

The assault beganbefore dawn, and by early morningchurchbells sounded a general alarm. With helicopters flying along the city's edge, troops and armored personnel carriers approached the city from multiple sides. The fighting wasbrief and then sporadic,

shining shoes. But things have And the furniture stores and changed. factories have kind of gone "They don't even do that down some, so there's probaanymore. I don't think the opblynotasmuch help needed." portunities are there," says the From an educator's perspecbow-tied administrator, whose tive, kids staying in school windowless office walls are is a good thing. But Waddell covered with his victorieshas put his finger on a bigger pictures of kids who went on shift in the labor market that to graduate, rather than fading doesn't bode well for young away. "It seems like because people: Far fewer of them are the adults need more work, working at all these days. they're occupying those jobs. See Teens/A5

however, and clashes sub-

sided by early afternoon, before resuming at night. SeeUkraine/A4

security about the West. For example,there is a

role that Kos-Read calls "the wrong guy," the Western man who falls in love

and pursues a Chinese woman. SeeActor /A5

TODAY'S WEATHER Partly cloudy High 65, Low37 Page B6

The Bulletin

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virus oun in . . or irs ime By Donald G. McNeil Jr.


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about a third have been fatal. from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to (The numbers are inexact beChicago via London on April cause of delays in laboratory 24, and then reached Indiana confirmations.) by bus. He fell ill on April 27 The virus is thought to have the patient's contacts. He flew

New York Times News Service

A new virus that has killed more than 100 people in the Middle East has been found in the United States for the first time, in an Indiana health care

and was hospitalized the next

worker who recently returned from Saudi Arabia, federal health officials said on Friday. and the patient is not known The man, whose name, age to have infected anyone else. and exact occupation have Airline passenger lists will be not been released, is in stable used to contact everyone who condition in an Indiana hos- sat near him. But because bus companies pital, said Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of respiratory diseas- often do not know who bought es atthe Centers for Disease tickets or who sat where, "that Control and Prevention. He bus ride may be a challenge," is in isolation and receiving said Tom Skinner, a CDC oxygen. spokesman. A single American case of MERS is a coronavirus simthe virus — called MERS, for ilar to SARS, or severe acute Middle East respiratory syn- respiratory syndrome, which drome — is "a very low risk," killed hundreds of people, Schuchat said. The CDC is not mainly in China, in 2002 and recommending that anyone 2003.

breaks within families and in hospitals, where patients have

infectedparamedics, nurses and doctors. For unknown reasons, cases began surging in Saudi Arabia in March. The classic symptoms are fever and shortness of breath,

which indicates pneumonia, but there have been mild cases and unusual symptoms. The

WHO suggests that hospitals test any patient who has returned from the Middle East

within 14 days. There is no cure. Patients may be put on ventilators and

given antibiotics to prevent reported in 2012 in Saudi Ara- secondary b a cterial i n f ec-

change travel plans to the Middle East.

Si sil.AvL

originated in bats, but it is also

day. widespread in camels. While it The typical incubation pe- has not spread easily between riod for MERS is five days, humans, there have been out-

The newer virus was first

But a team from the agency bia. Since then, about 400 cas-


will travel to Indiana to assist in treatment and to r etrace



. ~


immune systems will slowly

Returned palitiCal dOnatiOnS — TheDemocratic National

World Health Organization;

defeat the virus.

Committee, facedwith the possibility that it had accepted illegal campaign contributions from straw donors, decidedThursday to return sizable donations madelast fall in the names of thechildren of a Florida cardiologist whose lucrative medical practice hascaught the attention of Medicare regulators. Thedoctor, Asad Qamar,50, himself a Republican, sent substantial donations to theDemocratic committee in the names oftwo of his three children, one ofwhomwas16.

' '


' : ' ;

. .


, „



Syria VialellCS —In the latest strike in a series of attacks on children and other civilians in Syria in recent days, two car bombs exploded in the central province of HamaonFriday, killing at least 19 people, including at least eight children, Syrian state mediaand anti-government activists reported. Thebombings came evenas a cease-fire deal was reported in the battered city of Homs. Insurgents, security officials and pro-government media said abudding agreement would allow the last remaining insurgents in the OldCity of Homs to flee. Thedeal was brokered in Turkey by Iranian officials and the insurgent Islamic Front.

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:


The estimated jackpot is now $92 million.

— From wire reports

The World's Top ~ Heritage Films Compete The only event of its kind in the Western Hemisphere!

MAY 9- I 3 RECITAL HALL • The Shedd Institute '



BellghaZi illpuiry —House Republicans on Friday escalated their battle with the White Houseover the continuing investigations into the 2012attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, ensuring that the issue will not recede in the midst of a fierce partisan fight for control of Congress. In amovethat conservatives had long pressured him to make,SpeakerJohn Boehnerannouncedthathe would call a vote to establish a select committee to examinewhether the Obamaadministration misled Congress about how it responded to the attack and its aftermath. With Republicans in the majority, Boehner is expected to succeed.

tions, in the hope that their


Street address.......226N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR 97756 Mailing address....P.O.Box788 Redmond, OR 97756 Phone................................541-504-2336 Fax ....................................541-548-3203

BOtCllell OkllllOm8 SXSCIltlOll —President Barack Obamaon Friday called the botchedexecution of an Oklahoma inmate "deeply troubling" and announced that he's going to askthe attorney general to analyze problems surrounding the application of the death penalty in the United States. In his first public comments on thecase of convicted murderer Clayton Lockett, the president, who formerly taught constitutional law, expressed conflicting feelings about the death penalty and said Americans need to "ask ourselves some difficult and profound questions around these issues." Obama said the death penalty is warranted in somecases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, andsaid Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias andeventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

es have been reported to the

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........54f-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337

AlaSka trOOperS deathS —The shooting deaths of two Alaska State Troopers devastated their colleagues, whoface thesame dangers and vulnerabilities as they patrol a tough terrain and remote villages dotted throughout the state. Theslayings of Trooper Gabriel Rich, 26, andSgt. Patrick Johnson, 45, on Thursday in the isolated community of Tananaunderscored the challenges law enforcement faces in this huge state. Like manytroopers assigned to patrol multiple villages, Rich andJohnson were not based in the interior community of 238 people. Theyworked out of the troopers' Fairbanks rural service unit130 miles to the east, and they had to reachTanana by plane. A19-year-old manhasbeenarrested in connection with the killing of Rich andJohnson, both of whom hadappeared on acable TV reality show about the AlaskaState Troopers.



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Ahmad ZubairI The Associated Press

Afghans search for survivors Friday after a massive landslide buried a village in Badakhshan prov-

ince, northeastern Afghanistan, which Afghan and U.N. officials say left hundreds dead and missing.

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Weeks of steady rain soft-

ince, near the borders with China and Tajikistan. Officials said one part of the hill gave way around 11 a.m., burying about 300 houses — by some estimates nearly half the vil-

The United Nations, which

is helping coordinate the relief effort, said humanitarian supplies in the area were adequate, and emergency funds would be available if more was needed. Afghan officials said that 130

lage — in a mass of sodden mud. Neighbors who rushed to help were buried when a second part of the hill slid a short

tons of flour, 60 tons of rice and

time later.

day with cash to aid displaced families.

"I believe it is beyond human capability to even remove all

N ore thanjust a pafio.........

t'~I o~ OutdOOr ROOm!

10 tons of sugar were headed to the area and that senior officials would fly there SaturNatural disasters are a par-

ticularly cruel feature of life in Waliullah Adeeb, the governor Afghanistan, which is already of Badakhshan. "It will take contending with a deadly insurmonths for machinery to com- gency, crippling poverty and a plete the search for bodies." flaggingeconomy. AvalanchInitial reports on the toll from es, floods and landslides daim the landslide were sketchy. dozens oflives eachyear. "There have now been more Government officials said up to 2,500people could have been Afghans killed through natural buried. The United Nations disasters in the past seven days of the dead bodies," said Shah

said late Friday that the death toll was at least 350. The extent of the devasta-

than all of 2013," said Mark Bowden, the U.N. humanitari-

an coordinator in Afghanistan. tion was also unclear, in part With some areas difficult to because it was difficult to com- reach, the extent of the damage municate with the areabecause from the landslide Friday may the landslides had knocked not be known for some time, down cellphone towers, offi- the organization said. cials said. Aid efforts began The northern part of the almost immediately. Surviving country has been plagued by villagers were moved to neigh- flooding in recent weeks, with boringareas for safety.Presi- more than 100 people dead or

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ByAzam Ahmedand Haris Kakar dent Hamid Karzai ordered his nussmg and thousands dfssecond vice president, as well placed before Friday. Officials KABUL, A f ghanistan as the army, the directorate of said villages in the Argo district Huge landslides caused by local government and officials and elsewhere remained at risk heavy rainfall buried hundreds in Badakhshan, to take every for landslides, and the governof houses in a remote area of available action to aid the af- ment was working to evacuate northeastern Afghanistan on fected families. the most vulnerable residents Friday. As many as 2,500 peoFrom the White House Rose to temporary housing in tents, ple were said to be missing in Garden, President Barack while heavy equipment was the disaster, one of the worst to Obama said,"Just as the United moved to Abi Barak. New York Times News Service

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, May 3,the123rd day of 2014. Thereare242 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS WaShingtOn — Politicians and members of the mediawill gather with celebrities at the White HouseCorrespondents' Dinner.D4

KentuCky Derby — The



orna o seasons: ' oomor

In the heatof the night


Scientists are puzzled by the changing frequency of tornadoes. While there are fewer days each year on which tornadoes occur, there are more days on which many are spotted.

race will be held for the 140th time at Churchill Downs in Louisville.C1

By C. Claiborne Ray New York Times News Service

When I'm havinga

• hot flash, does my Q core body temperature ac-


tually rise, or does it only

Highlight:In1944, U.S. wartime rationing of most grades of meats ended (however, rationing returned byyear's end). In1791, Poland adopted anational constitution. In1802,Washington,D.C., was incorporated as a city. In1916, Irish nationalist Padraic Pearseandtwo others were executed by theBritish for their roles in theEaster Rising. In1933, Nellie Ross became the first female director of the

feel that way'?

A• able rise in core body A small but measur-

temperature usually comes

before a hot flash, which is a mechanism fordispersing heat. A small, rigorous study, reported in 1996 in the journal Fertility and Ste-

rility, detected hot flashes by measuring the skin temperaturesof women sleep-

ing in a temperature-controlled laboratory.

U.S. Mint.

In1948, the SupremeCourt ruled that covenants prohibiting the sale of real estate to blacks or members of other racial groups were legally unenforceable. In1952, the Kentucky Derby was televised nationally for the first time on CBS;the winner was Hill Gail. In1960, the HarveySchmidtTom Jones musical "The Fantasticks" began anearly 42-year run at NewYork's Sullivan Street Playhouse. In1973, Chicago's 110-story Sears Tower (now theWillis Tower) was toppedout after two years of construction, becoming the world's tallest building for the next 25 years. In1979, Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher was chosen to becomeBritain's first female prime minister as the Tories ousted the incumbent Labor government in parliamentary elections. In1984, Michael Dell founded Dell Computer Corp. while a student at the University of Texas in Austin. In1986,in NASA's first post-Challenger launch, an unmanned Delta rocket lost power in its main engine shortly afterliftoff,forcing safety officers to destroy it by remote control. In1999,some 70 tornadoes roared across Oklahomaand Kansas, killing 46 people and injuring hundreds. Tee years age: TheU.S. military said it had reprimanded seven officers in the abuseof inmates at Baghdad's notorious Abu Ghraib prison, the first known punishments in the case; two of the officers were relieved of their duties. Former postmaster general Marvin Runyon died in Nashville at age 79. Five years age:Mexican President Felipe Calderon told state television a nationwide shutdown and anaggressive informational campaign appeared to havehelpedcurtail an outbreak of swine flu in Mexico. Ricardo Martinelli won Panama's presidential election. One year age:President Barack Obama castMexico as a nation ready to take "its rightful place in theworld" and move past the drug battles and violence that haddefined its relationship with the United States; the president then headed to Costa Rica, where he told a press conference he didn't foreseeanycircumstance requiring the U.S.to send ground troops into Syria. Gunmen killed Chaudhry ZuIfikar, Pakistan's lead prosecutor investigating the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, as hedrove to court in the capital.

BIRTHDAYS Singer Frankie Valli is 80. Sports announcer GregGumbel is 68. Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore., is 65. Actor Bobby Cannavale is 44. Actress Christina Hendricks is 39. Actor Dule Hill is 39. DancerCheryl Burke is 30. — From wire reports

A majority of t h e h ot

flashes were preceded by a small but significant elevation of core body tem-

perature, as measured by a tiny, remotely read thermometer that the subjects

were asked to swallow. (The increase had been too small to measure with

conventional instruments.) The r esearcher, Robert

Freedman ofWayne State University, concluded that

Danny Johnston / rhe Associated Press file photo

Vilonia, Ark., was hit hard by a tornado Sunday for the second time in three years. Until the recent outbreak, the U.S. as a whole had by

such an increase was one

far the quietest start of the year for tornadoes. Longer trends show more tornado clusters recently.

trigger for a flash. Hot flashes are clearly

By Seth Borenstein The Associated Press


thing strange is happening with tornadoes lately in the

United States and it's baffling meteorologists. It's either un-

usually quiet or deadly active. Until this weekend's outbreak, the U.S. had by far the

quietest start of the year for tornadoes. By the beginning of last week, there had been

"It's boom or bust."

The 12-month period before vere Storms Lab in Norman. last May set a record for the

In the early 1970s, there

Greg Carbin, warning meteo- was a single tornado about rologist for the Storm Predic- 150 days a year. Now it's about tion Center in Norman, Okla.

B ut th e

100, said Harold Brooks, a me-

gen levels around menopause, but the exact mech-

wind speeds and direction at

n u mber o f s u - high and low altitudes. Wind

fewest significant tornadoes. per-busy days with 30 tornaBut two years earlier, the na- does or more has gone up. In tion also set a record for the the 1970s, they came once evmost in 12 months. ery two years or so. Now we Tornadoes can occur any get those days three times a time of year. All it takes is the year, Brooks said. "Something has been hapright conditions. It varies by location, but the season tends to pening and we're not sure yet run from spring to mid-sum- why," he said. mer, with the biggest hotspots One possibility raised, but

only 20 significant tornadoes in Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and none of them that big. Florida and Nebraska. There was also a slow start In the past few decades, the four years ago. And after a U.S. has averaged annually busy January, last year was about 1,250 tornadoes of all e xceptionally quiet u n ti l a sizes. Longer trends also show May outbreak that included a more tornadoclusters recentsuper-sized tornado that killed ly. The number of days with at 24 people in Moore, Okla. least one significant tornado is "When we have tornadoes, gomg down. we have lots of them," said

related to declining estro-

teorologist at the National Se- shear, created by different

far from proven, is climate

anism is not understood.

shear provides the rotation

For example, Freedman

and organization for t orna-

does, Trapp said.

noted in a 2 0 0 1 r eview article in Th e A m erican

While storminess should increase with warming, over-

Journal of Human Biology that estrogen levels did not

all wind shear is projected to decrease, Trapp and Brooks said. However, because wind shear is expected to decline only on certain days, global warming could possibly mean fewer days with tornadoes, but

differ between women who

had flashes and those who did not. Research suggests that the sympathetic nervous system is more active in

change. Studies have shown through more on those days, Brooks computer simulations that as sard. the world warms, the United Or the tornado clusters States should see slightly more "could be random" with no thunderstorms that p r ovide cause — just chance — bethe instability needed for tor- cause tornadoes are small nadoes, said Purdue Universi- events that n aturally v a ry, ty meteorologyprofessor Jeff said meteorology professor Trapp, who co-authored one of Howard Bluestein at the Unithe studies. versity of Oklahoma. But the other key ingredient Carbin calls tornado bunching "a puzzle that keeps going." in tornado formation is wind

women who have hot flash-

es, with even a small temperature change touching off symptoms. A 2013 MRI

study led by Freedman also found that activity in the brain stem increased

even before a hot flash.

Find It All Online

Hobbyistsope h to reawakenold NASAprobe By Mark K. Matthews Orlando Sentinel

WASHINGTON W hen N A S A l a u nched a space-weather probe c a lled ISEE-3 in 1978, Jimmy Carter

agency isn't spending any netic field, so ISEE-3 was dismoney on the project. Dwayne patched to a stable orbit about Brown, a NASA spokesman, said in a statement that "re-con-

tacting ISEE-3 would have little scientific value" for NASA.

was president, the CommoStill, supporters argue that dores' "Three Times a Lady" any new data could be helptopped the charts and sci-fi ful and that reviving the craft fans had seen only one "Star could help get the public excitWars" movie: the original. ed about space. That's why the Thirty-six years and five team is trying to crowd-fund "Star Wars" movies later, the the project — having so far NASA craft, unused by the raised about 60 percent of the agency since 1997, is again the goal of $125,000. The "vast majority of the talk of the space world. A group of garage engineers donations are $10 or $50, (but) — ranging from a 23-year-old pocket change in large numformer University of Central bers can turn into something," Florida student to an 81-year- said Keith Cowing, editor of the old ex-NASA official — wants NASAWatch website and one to get the bookshelf-sizedprobe of the project's directors. working again when it whips Adding to the pressure is by the moon this summer. lack of time. Unless the team The aim i s t o r e start its can get the probe working mission of monitoring space again bymid-June — and alweather and — if the group can ter its current flight path — the pull it off — send it to study an spacecraft willsailbythe moon incoming comet in 2018. in August and disappear into "This is something that has space. It won't come dose to never been done before," said Earth again until 2029, said Robert Farquhar, a f o r mer Dennis Wingo, another project NASA manager who worked director. "It's do or die," Wingo said. w ith the spacecraft i n t h e "Every day is precious. Every 1980s. But waking a NASA probe hour is precious right now." It's a strange new chapter inspacefornearlyfourdecades is no easy task. Not only do for aspacecraftlast seen on team members have to figure Earth on Aug. 12, 1978, the day out how to "talk" to the space- NASA launched ISEE-3 from craft and give it commands, but Cape Canaveral Air Force Stathey'll also have to do it without

tion on a mission to study space


"hearing" signals from the spacecraft and

t r ansmitting

commands that would allow take measurements. Equipped the probe to fire its thrusters with instruments advanced for and change course. the time, ISEE-3 gathered data So Cowing,Wingo and vol"atthe rate of once every 40 unteers nationwide have been 930,000 miles from Earth to

minutes," according to NASA — about 10,000 times slower

thancurrentspacecraft. A few years into that initial mission, however, NASA

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and how to control it.

officials, including Farquhar,

Jacob Gold is part of the effort. The former University of

commandeered the craft for

Central Florida student said he

an entirely different mission: chasing comets. So in the

has been developing a virtual

See us also for:

model of ISEE-3.

His computer image will alspacecraft' s thrusters and sent low the team members to test it to follow a comet known as the power and timing of the Giacobini-zinner. craft's maneuvers so that when Thehuntwas successful, and the time comes, they can set it in 1985 the craft made history on the right course. He's also by becoming the first probe helping to rebuild the craft's to fly past a comet — getting "mission control" center, which as close as 5,000 miles from — in a sign of how far technolothe core of Giacobini-zinner. gy has come — will total as few There it made measurements as two or three computers. "I'm actually pretty optimisthat confirmed scientists' suspicions that comets essentially tic about this working," said were space's "dirty snowballs". Gold. early 1980s, NASA fired the

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fast objects comprised of ice,

rock and gases. A year later, ISEE-3 did a similar flyby of Halley's Comet andafterward spent several years studying the sun until NASA stopped operating it in 1997.

But the spacecraft remained "alive," albeit barely. A2008 test

found ISEE-3 was still sending out signals, and subsequent

NASA funding. weather. tests in r ecent weeks have NASA is helping the camNASA wanted to better un- come to the same condusion. paign by releasing related doc- derstand solar wind and how Still, the team says there's uments, but the cash-strapped it interacted with Earth's mag- a major difference between

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Sergei Poliakov/The Associated Press

A firefighter puts off burning rubbish outside the burnt trade union building where more than 30

people died trying to escape during clashes in Odessa, Ukraine, on Friday.


NATO military SPending — Defense Secretary ChuckHa-

Continued from A1 When


stopped, th e U k r a inian troops had advanced, capturing and holding separatist checkpoints and posting infantry and armored vehicles on a bridge overlooking rail lines by the city's southern border. Violence also erupted Fri-

day in the previously calmer port city of Odessa, on the Black Sea, where dozens of

people died in a fire related to clashes that broke out between protesters holding

gei made aforceful case Friday for European members of NATO to increase their military spending, calling Russia's intervention in Ukraine a "clarifying moment" for the alliance. "In recentyears, one of the biggest obstacles to alliance investment has been asensethat the end of the ColdWar Ushered in anendof history, an end to insecurity, at least in Europe, and theend of aggression by nation-states," Hagel said in a speech at theWoodrow Wilson Center in Washington. "But Russia's actions in Ukraine shatter that myth." Hagei's comments, referring to Russia's recent annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine andefforts by pro-Russian forces since then to takecontrol of more of the country, came as violence intensified betweenUkrainian forces andpro-Russian militants in eastern Ukraine. NATO's Eastern Europeanmembers havesaid they are increasingiy nervous about Russia's actions in Ukraine and the alliance's ability to counter them.

— New YorkTimesNews Service a march for Ukrainian unity and pro-Russian activists. The fighting itself left four dead and 12 wounded, the use of force by the cur- troops. Ukraine's Interior Ministry rent leaders in Kiev. Earlier, as the first round said. Ukrainian and Russian The U.S. a mbassador, of fighting d ied d own, media showed images of Samantha Power, accused Ukrainian troops were postbuildings and debris burn- Russia of spreading lies and ed at their newly captured ing, fire bombs being assem- described Ukraine's reaction positions in the villages of bled and men armed with to Russian provocation as Bylbasovka and Andreyev"reasonable." pistols. ka on the city's perimeter, "The Ukrainian people where residents flocked to The deaths expand the increasingly violent struggle and government have em- argue with them and urge for control over U k r aine's barked on an effort today to them not to fight. Black Sea port, which had reclaim one city in the eastMuch of eastern Ukraine been quiet until last week, ern part of their country," slipped beyond the control when seven people were she said. "Their response is of the authorities in Kiev as wounded in a ro a dside reasonable, it is proportion- pro-Russian militants began bombing. al, and frankly it is what any taking control of a string of The government's actions one of our countries would official buildings more than in Slovyansk drew an imme- have done in the face of this three weeks ago. The sepadiate and indignant protest threat." ratists have also captured a from th e K r e mlin, w h i ch The Ukrainian army units German-led team of military said Ukraine had effectively in Slovyansk did not seem observers affiliated with the destroyed a plan negotiated eager to engage the militants Organization for Security last month with the United fully and appeared to limit and Cooperation in Europe. States, Russia, Ukraine and their activities for the day to Both sides gave competing the European Union intend- tightening a cordon around accounts about the fighting ed to de-escalate tensions. the militant stronghold. The Friday, agreeing only on the Blaming th e

a u thorities city's center remained under

unverified claim that at least two Ukrainian helicopters

in Kiev, Ukraine's capital,

the control of anti-govern-

a spokesman for President Vladimir Putin o f R u ssia, Dmitry Peskov, told Russian news agencies that "the Kiev

ment militias, who manned had been hit by ground fire. barricades as streets fell The Defense Ministry in nearly silent ahead of what Kiev said two Mi-24 attack

residentsfeared could beregime orderedcombat air- come a generalassault. "They are coming at us craft to fire at civilian towns and villages, launching a pu- from all sides," said one nitive operation." fighter in camouflage and Moscow r e p eated it s s neakers, who gave h i s warning that it reserved the name as Sergei, and who right to intervene to pro- held a Kalashnikov assault tect its interests and Rusrifle and said he was a vetersian-leaning residents of an of the Soviet Army.

helicopters had been shot down, killing at least two

eastern Ukraine. But there

on showed the separatists had outside support.

Both the government and

were no signs of an immi-

the separatist forces said two nent move across the border. helicopters were brought Russia's U.N. ambassa- down in the fighting, with dor, Vitaly Churkin, speak- at leastone crew member ing in New York, described killed. These reports could Ukrainian military opera- not be verified, and hours tions as "punitive" and said later the wreckage had not there were English-speak- been found by independent ing foreigners among what observers.

airmen. The Ukrainian domestic

intelligence agency, SBU, said that one helicopter had

been brought down with a heat-seeking, shoulder-fired missile and suggested that the presence of such a weapBy night in Ukraine, nei-

ther side had shown clear

evidence of h eat-seeking missiles or downed aircraft, although one pro-Russian television station

s h owed

footage of what it said was a captured pilot. Vyachislav Ponomaryov, he called " u ltranationalist L ate at n igh t , the groups" in Slovyansk. He Ukrainian government said the self-appointed mayor of accused his Western rivals two members of an airborne Slovyansk, said four or five of double standards, noting brigade had been killed, members of the city's anthat while they had called on apparently in the brief but ti-government militias had Ukraine's former president, intense evening clash at been killed and at least three Viktor Yanukovych, to exer- the bridge, which by day others wounded. His figures cise restraint, they condoned had been held by airborne could not be corroborated.

Continued from A1 "I have followed through a nd what we call the admissi- i n telligent prosecutors stagnatwith my promise to focus on ble evidencestandard during mg in their professional develjustice, not politics," Flaherty the grand jury orientation. We o pment," Flaherty said. wrote in a T h ursday email. make dear to the grand jury Hummel said he supports "Thepeople wantedtheir DAto their constitutional screening "empoweringpeople to exerbe a prosecutor working in the function and power." cLse discretion in their jobs," DA's office and courtroom, not Dugan on Friday said Ore- b ut worries that Flaherty alcampaigning for other politi- gon law only requires the pros- lo wing the DDAs to make imcians orballotmeasures." ecution to present its side of p ortant decisions could result He said the district attorney the case to grand jury to get an in unfairness in charging and should go to bat for political i ndictment. The DA is not re- sentencing. "An experienced execuissues that directly affect pub- quired to present any evidence lic safety. He said he actively to defendthesuspect ti ve manager and leader un"We complied with Oregon derstands there is a fine line campaigned against House Bill 3194, which would have law," Dugan said. "The under- b etween staff discretion and changed the mandatory mini- lying bottom line about grand unfairness to customers. In mum sentencing guidelines for jury is that if the DA submits a t he case of an elected DA, the certain sex abuse crimes. bunch of evidence that's customers are the pub"Otherwise, I believe the DA not admissible in court, lic," he said. "I have the should focus on the DA's office," then what h a ppens executive management he said. when you go to trial? experience and skills to Dugan came under fire for You don't have anything enable my staff to exerpublicly supporting tax Mea- toback it up." cise discretion within sures 66 and 67 and campaignDugan said his office Fiaherty the bounds of clearly aring for his wife, then-state Rep. charged appropriately ticulated guidelines and Judy Stiegler, D-Bend. Flaherty and his deputy district policies to ensure justice assured voters he would not attornies did not try to is administered fairly." campaign from the DA's office, persuade grand jurors Hummel, during his and he maintains he hasn't to indict. He said they campaign to unseat Fladone so. John Hummel, who is cam-

presented the evidence and instructed jurors on Hummei

paigning against Flaherty for

what the law requires for

the DA's seat, doesn't agree. "Flaherty has no credibility with this daim," he said. "He

an indictment.

slammed Dugan for involving politics in the office, yet as part of his campaign he seems to enjoy talking incessantly about social andpolitical issues."

Sentencing and juries Hummel said his personal views are unimportant and

that, if elected, he will follow the law without letting his political opinions into the DA's of-

fice. Flahertysaidit's important voters know where candidates

stand on issues such as mandatory minimum sentencing for Measure 11 crimes and Jessi-

ca's Law. Measure 11 and Jessica's Law deal with certain serious

crimes — such as child sex abuse, rape, murder and assault — in which convictions

carry mandatory minimum sentences. These laws are designed to protect victims and

reduce an offender's ability to re-offend. 'Voters are entitled to know

Deschutes National Forest collected just under $610,000 in user fees last year. Mainte-

exempted from paying. "Short of having guard stations and gates that swing

Continued from A1 "They have to find some nance and repairs consumed open and all that wonderful way to allow people to access $155,000, he said, visitor ser- stuff, how are you going to a trail without paying to park vices such as staffing at the manage that?" Woodward their car — it's up to them to

Lava Lands Visitors Center

said. "I don't know how you

figure out how to implement $314,000, with the remainder manage that." the fee, not me," she said. moved into a carry-over fund Woodward said cheating Locally, the Deschutes ¹ used to pay for larger capital the system has become a bit tional Forest charges visitor improvements. of a tradition in Central Orfees at more than 50 sites, Knappenberger said that egon, with forestgoers rounearly all of which include although the Forest Service tinely lending a Northwest restrooms and other ame- won't comment on the Cal- Forest Pass to friends or rollnities that require regular ifornia lawsuit, its effect on ing the dice by not paying upkeep. None of the sites in Forest Service operations the day-use fee. Given the the Ochoco National Forest could be short-lived. The Rec- small number of Forest Serrequire user fees. r eation E nhancement A c t vice law enforcement officers Visitors may pay $5 per is due to expire this year, he and the enormous number vehicle per day to access a said, and people are already of feesites acrossthe region, user-fee site in the Deschutes looking at ways to change or Woodward said, a two-tiered National Forest,or$30 ayear clarify how user fees work. system probably would open for unlimited access to Forest Bob Woodward, a long- the door to even more wideService sites in Oregon and time trail builder and trails spread cheating. "It just wouldn't work, it's Washington with a North- advocate in Bend, said he has west Forest Pass. a hard time imagining how gotta be fee or no fee," he Tom Knappenberger, with the Forest Service could col- sard. the Portland office of the lect user fees from anyone if — Reporter: 541-383-0387, U.S. Forest Service, said the a large swath of visitors were shammers@bendbulletin.com

herty, has often said he

believes F1aherty uses

intimidation tactics on lus staff. He said he's talked

H ummel argues that Fla- t o DA employees who say the environment is "toxic" in the c harging offenders o f ten office. Coincidentally, during enough, alleging F1aherty de- Fl aherty's bid for the DA's ofdines to prosecute 40 percent fi ce in 2010, he is quoted in a o f the cases presented to him, Bulletin article as saying, "I while DA'sofficesinotherparts t hink there's some very fine of the state have a dedine rate p rosecutors in the office, and I herty's administration i sn't

of less than 10 percent.

feel badly for them that they're

Accordingto a December in a toxic environment." 2013 letter from Deputy DisWhen Flaherty took office in trict Attorney Steve Gunnels to 2 011, he cleaned house, getting Hummel's campaign manager, ri d of three DDAs he said he Erin Foote Marlowe, since Sept. b elieves contributed to the tox1 4, 2012 the DA's office has de- i c ity. The prosecutors he chose dined to prosecute on 30 per- n ot to reappoint sued him for cent of cases presented from lo- wrongful termination, among cal law enforcement agencies. o ther things, and settled out of "When prosecutorial discre- court for $710,000, far less than tion is abuse, public safety is the $22 million they originally put at risk," Hummel said. "Fla- asked for. Flaherty has said he herty is either allowing dan- w as surprised by the litigation gerous people to go free or he's and regrets it happened, but d erelict in not working with w ould not change his decision law enforcement to help them to let them go. "Certainly, not appointing sync their police work with his chargingphilosophy." the three DDAs who filed lawHummel said his campaign suits dramatically improved team called every DA's office in the state to ask at what rate

the chemistry in our office," he wrote. "I'llbe blunt about Hum-

their offices declined to prose- m el's claim that the office enviour personal opinion about the cute cases. He said many didn't r onment is 'toxic' — he is not laws district attorneys are ob- keep the data and some didn't b eingtruthful." ligated to enforce each day," he respond. Six of the 35 DA's ofMcIver said one of the DDAs wrote. "Understanding a can- f ices responded, and their de- F laherty chose not to reappoint didate's view on, (for example) dine rates were between 3 and w as largely to blame for the Jessica's Law, allows one to rea- 10 percent, Hummel said. toxicity in the office. "I spent 10 years flying for sonably infer whetherthe candidate willpursue a convictionun- Managing prosecutors the Navy," he said. "And I conder Jessica's Lawor apleadeal." F1aherty is known as a tough sider the three years I spent Hummel dedined to explain prosecutor — he's gotten con- working under (her) as the his personal views on man- victions on all five murder most difficult of my life." datory minimum sentencing, cases that have come across Hummel has said he's talked instead reiterating that his job his desk as DA — and a tough to about four DA employees, as DA wouldn't be to make the boss, but Deputy District Attor- out of about 40 total staff, who laws, but to enforce them. ney Evander McIver, who has say the office environment is "I find it disturbing that worked for both Dugan and unpleasant. "Flaherty seems to believe Hummel is quick to answer Flaherty as a deputy district questions about political mat- attorney, said the office under that the louder one shouts the ters that have little or nothing to Flahertyoff ers a lotm ore op- m ore eff ective leaderthey are," do with the DA's function in the portunities to flourish. He said he said. "This is a common trait criminal system, like asserting during Dugan's administration of i n experienced executive that he believes in providing the moreseasoned deputy dis- managers." in-state tuition to foreign na- trict attorneys were regularly McIver said Flaherty has tionals, but refuses to answer assigned the more serious cas- high expectations of his DDAs questions about Jessica's Law," es, while the novices handled and doesn't dote on them with Flaherty wrote. the easier ones. praise, but said Flaherty is alWhen a crime is committed, In an April 2010 artide in ways asking what the DDAs the arresting officer makes The Bulletin, Flaherty said need to help them better perthe first criminal charges, but that, as DA, he planned to give form their duties. "Let's be honest, Patrick is the DA decides the criminal his deputiesmore freedom and charges on which the defen- flexibility to make decisions on not very savvy in the ways of dant will be indicted. Flaherty cases without needing approv- socializing, and I think he'd be has accused his predecessor al from higher-ups. the first to admit that," McIvof "overcharging" on certain "There was a severe problem er said. "But we've never had crimes, saying he's refined Du- with the organization of the a better group and whenever gan's practice of filing a crim- teams in the office that I im- I hear morale is toxic I think, inal charge when there was mediately corrected," Flaherty 'Not here.'" "probable cause" rather than wrote. "Nearly every decision — Reporter: 541-383-0376, belief of "guilt beyond a reason- to charge or negotiate a case sking@bendbulletin.com able doubt." had to be 'staffed' or run up a Flaherty explained that pros- convoluted chainofcommand." ecuting attorneys are allowed He said this led to a backlog to charge for crimes in which of casescoming to court for there is a reasonable suspicion, plea entry only to be set over to or probable cause,thatacrime a later date because the deputy


has been committed. But, in


case to persuade the grand jury s ary decision. "It was not only horribly inthe focus to the burden of proof e fficient but resulted in several to indict," he wrote. "I brought

district attorney didn't have the

order to gain a conviction, the authority to make the necesprosecutor must prove criminal activity beyond a reasonable doubt, which is much more difficult to prove. "District attorneys may file

a criminal charge when they have probable cause to believe a person committed a criminal

offense," he wrote."Too often, if we issue a charge upon proba-


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ble cause or 'good reason to be-

lieve'we end up with a case that isovercharged,onethatshould have beenreturned forfurther

investigation or dedined for prosecution."

Flaherty said his administration instructs grand juries



to only indict defendants on

charges they believe a Deschutes County jury would determine the defendant to be

guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. "Under the previous admin-

istration, some of the prosecutors allowed the grand jury to consider evidence that would not have been admissible at tri-

al and some would argue their

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White Houselearnsthere's a lobby for everything — evencut flowers By Marian Burros

a Democrat from bloom-pro-

New Yorh Times News Service

ducing California, wrote in WASHINGTON — T h e re a thank-you note to Michelle was something different about Obama afterthe French dinner. the iris and quince blossoms How American flowers had in the flower arrangements a star turn in the arrangements at the state dinner for France — including weeping willow at the White House this year: branches from New Jersey and They were grown in the United Scotch broom from Virginia States, not overseas. that hung from enormous "floThe change is a result of ral chandeliers" in the dinner pressure on the White House tent — is a Washington tale from the determined American of politics, trade deals and the cut-flower lobby, which argues fruits of chatting up President that if Michelle Obama is going Barack Obama on Air Force to showcase locally grown food One. (There are cut flowers and American wine, she can do there, too.) "It took work to make this the same for the hundreds of flowers, traditionally changed happen," said Kathleen Merriweekly, in the White House's gan,a former deputy secretary state rooms, West Wing and of agriculture who took on cut private quarters and, when it is in use, at Camp David. Al-

er farmers out ofbusiness. Now the vast majority of flowers sold i n

t h e U n ited

States arrive daily in Miami from South American growers, who benefit from the consis-

tently warm equatorial climate and lower labor costs. Jeffrey Serafini, the purchasing manager of Potomac Floral Wholesale Inc., a company in Silver Spring, Md., that sells flowers to the White House, said that

California spray roses currently cost him 60 percent more

than spray roses from South America, although the South American roses have shorter

stems. The White House, which dedined to release its annual

flower budget, would not say to

flowers as a cause.

American flower growers' though at least one Washing- troubles began in 1991, the year ton-area wholesaler says the the United States signed free White House tries to use Amer- trade agreements with several ican flowers when possible, for South American countries. The several decades the tiny White U.S. cut-flower industry was House flower shop, tucked devastated, particularly in Calaway on the ground floor, has ifornia, where most American been heavil y dependent on im- flowers are grown. ported blooms. Kasey Cronquist, the chief "I was so pleased to see that executive of the California Cut

what extent it uses American flowers now or will in the fu-

the dinner included blue and

ture.ButMe rrigan said shehad been told that the state dinner was "not a one-off event."

The cut-flower industry is


missioned the school in 1926, Timco, an airline services wanting to give High Point the company. There's even the grandest educational institu- odd new furniture factory, like

Continued from A1 The employment-t o-popu16 and 19 years old went from

and upholstery factories, old High Point mill. an all-time low of 25.6 percent whichdidn'trequireany more But if you're a young perin January 2012, according to education to make a comfort- son, there are two problems the Bureau of Labor Statis- able living. with manufacturing's nascent tics, and has only rebounded But since the 1980s, those r e turn. slightly since. That's dramat- industries have nearly disapO n e : Advanced manufacically worse than the employ- peared, as companies sought turing is tougher to figure out ment rate for the population cheaperlabor overseas.Some than the20th centuryversion. at large, which rose faster of the attendant retail has died Even old facilities are highthrough the 1990s and didn't as well; the town's tech now, requiring fall as far (it's now at 58.9 per- main mall has all some previous excent). While some of that may but closed. On top "YOu're mOre pe rience and spehave to do with the fact that likely tOSee a ciahd . t raining. And m High Pont, fewer kids are dropping out of r al de~ e, el'" there are plenty of high school to enter the work- the rec e ssion gI'aridmot/I " force, a lot more of it comes dealt the area a a t t h e peoplewho'vebeen from the fact that fewer jobs staggering blow: / g CDOria/Q'S la i d off o ver the are available. E ven a s No r t h last decade ready And having a job as a teen Carolma gained WiridoW tl7arI to shine up t h eir turns out to matter. A lot. e m p I o y m e n t a t e e n a ger. skill s and step into "They're also very im- during the 2000s, /t'S rea//y any jo b s that come the "triad," as the portant predictors of w h at back. " g Connie S m i t h, happens when people be- Greensboro-High come adults," said Andrew P oint - W i n s t o n who ~s h~ m Chrlspayne Sum, director of the Center Salem region is director, UNC for Labor Market Studies at k o~, Io~ 90,000 Greens'boros Japanese demical Northeastern University, who net jobs. That left Center for Youth company with a a high of 50 percent in 1978 to

c o-authored a r eport w i t h

a core of knowl-

Institution o n

p l u mmeting

at the center of the table are as

is correlated with not having a

fresh, sustainable and local as the food during a state dinner

job as a 20-something, which leads to depressed earnings

shows great support to our family flower farms," Cron-

over the long term — b ad

purple irises grown in my own tradedealshad forced asm any state," Sen. Dianne Feinstein,

qUlst SRld.

news for the economy as a High Point Central stands w h o'd be able to run a control whole. For the last few years, on the dividing line between room," Smith says. "I don't economists have worried that two types of neighborhoods: think you're going to find the today's youth are a "lost gen- To the north sit m u ltimil- s k i l l s that theyneedrightoff eration," doomed to own little lion-dollar homes and broad the street." lawns, and to the south, there

and achieveless forthe restof their lives.

while three-quarters of Chinese people admire the United and a Chinese suitor, but in the States for its technological and end, the actor said, she always scientific advances, less than makes "the right choice." That, half have a favorable view of of course, is not him. American people. Another role is what he calls The Chinese fascination "the fool," a character who with the West is evident in comes to China but is disdain- a character Kos-Read often ful of the local culture. Even- plays, whom he calls "the citually, as he learns more about pher." "That is when the ChiChina,the foreigner changes n ese scriptwriter w ants t o his mind. make some comment about "Chinese people don't nec- his own culture, but feels it essarilyneed to approve of would have more weight comAmerica, but they need Amer- ing from a foreign mouth," the icato approve of them," he said. actor said. His character might, China's film industry, which for example, appear in a scene w as shut down d uring t h e mainly to interject something C ultural Revolution o f t h e like, "In my country, people late 1960s and 1970s, is now

flourishing. China boasts the third-largest movie industry in the world measured by number of films produced and is the second-largest market according to box-office receipts.

stick together." In a similar vein, there is the

"bestfriend,"ortheWe sterner as status symbol. "The main

(Chinese) character has to be an international player, so he has got to have a foreign friend, Its soap operas attract massive or even better, a foreign emtelevision audiences. ployee," said Kos-Read. But state censorship continBut lately he has been playues to be heavy, with contro- ing a new kind of characterversial political issues studi- "the real person, a character ously avoided — meaning that who is a person before he is a historical subjects are often foreigner." After decades in safer ground than plots set in which Americans were impemodern times. rialist running dogs and then While the TV script with symbols of a wealthy but still the soldier may have reflected not entirely trusted superpowa stereotype of overbearing er, now they can sometimes be Americans, Kos-Read is rare- plain old people. ly asked to play villains from That may be due in part to the United States these days. growing familiarity with WestQuite simply, the Japanese are erners. When Kos-Read began overwhelmingly the bad guys his acting career here, very few in modern Chinese entertainment media as the two nations

Chinese scriptwriters knew

anyone from abroad. "They would say, 'I read a time territories. book about foreigners' — not And while the Communist Americans or French people, government once churned out but foreigners, the way we do reams of anti-American pro- with Asians," Kos-Read said. paganda, the U.S. relationship Nowadays, with the increase in with China is today much more Westerners moving to China, complex and nuanced. many scriptwriters have a forBeyond politics, the portray- eign buddy or two, he said. al ofAmericans and EuropeA native of the Los Angeans on TV and in the cinema les area, Kos-Read studied reflects the diverse, multilay- film and acting at New York ered attitudes in China toward University before switching the West. When this country his major to molecular bioloopened to the outside world gy. A desire for adventure, "to lock horns over disputed mari-

more than three decades ago, its people found much to ad-

live the life of a movie charac-

filled mostly with upper-in-

b o r o's Center for B usiness

where education levels are lowest. White people tend to

come white kids, as well as a and E conomic Research, free and reduced-price lunch notes that the new activity programforwhich 70percent isn't making up for what's

be much better off than Af-

of students qualify. But when

rican Americans, and teens

it comes to side jobs, says Prin- nity colleges, there's been this

b e en lost. "With the commu-

azine editor and the father of

halls of High Point Central, a

opment officials are starting

two young daughters, KosRead is better known here by his Chinese stage name Cao Cao. Throughout his career, he

Collegiate Gothic edifice with gold-leaf titles on its dass-

to see glimmers of recovery. ager," says Chris Payne, direcThey speak proudly about tor of the University of North

room doors and an auditorium

the growing aviation indus-

Kos-Read lives in China and gets lots of acting roles, sometimes playing an American with a disdain for Chinese culture who changes his mind and learns to appreciate China.

She is torn between him

tional Baccalaureate classes of N orth Carolina-Greens-

language. Married to a Chinese mag-

Photocourtesy Jonathan Kos-Read via The Washington Post

Continued from A1

lows. The school serves both t o . Andrew Brod, a senior reof them, with AP and Interna- s e arch fellow at the University

from high-income households cipalBobChristina,there'sno l a ser-like focus on the challenges of worker retraining, more oftenhadjobs than teens waytobridge the gap. "It appears that those who and many textile workers can from low-income households. Accordingly, places like Oma- have resources are able to be retrained asbiotech techha, Neb.; Des Moines, Iowa; find jobs a little bit easier nicians," he says. "But that and Ogden, Utah, are doing all than the kids who come from doesn't employ many people." right. the low-income families that Tho s e t w o f a ctors have High Point and neighbor- don't have the resources and pushed older people who ing Greensboro, though, are the connections to get in," c a n 't get rehired down into among the worst areas in the says Christina, who works in t h e jobs that used to be the excountry:Teen employment a cluttered office just off the clusive province of teens and in that metro area dropped main attendance desk. "Stu- young adults: Even fast-food from 43.8 percent in 2000 to dents in poverty can't afford r e staurants will often opt for a 18.5 percent in 2012, the fourth to have ajob, because they 55-year-oldovera 17-year-old, lowest in the country. A dos- have to help around the house. if given the option. Nationally, er look shows us where that Buses don't run very often. So a higher percentage of people comes from, what it means, guess what? It's pretty tough over the age of 55 had jobs in and what — if anything — can for you to get a job as a youth 2011 than were working in in this area." 2000. "You're more likely to be done to help. There's a heavy irony in the The triad's economic devel- see a grandmother at the Mc-

American actorJonathan Kos-Read isseenon the poster for the Chinese TV series "Out of Time."

But a recent survey by the Pew Research Center showed that

A nd t w o: The industry that

are blocks full of broken down does come back doesn't bring cars and dilapidated bunga- with it as many jobs as it used

Teen joblessness isn't distributed equally: According to the Brookings analysis, it's worst in inner cities, areas with large populations of recent immigrants and areas


and pamiiy Production facility

edge-intensive psrtnershps m High Pont, says her plant used to furniture design businesses in High hire more kids right Point, as well as some high-in- out of high school. Now, kids comeprofessionalswhoprefer don't really cut it. "Our focus the suburbs to neighboring overthelast10ormoreyears Greensboro. And then there's has been to find skilled labor, and we're looking for folks everybody else.

scholars from the Brookings employmentforyoung people. Not having a job as a teen

as half of the country's cut-flow-

tion in the state. For decades, the Belgian Buzzispace, which the school pumped graduates r ecently announced it would into jobs in the textile mills s t art a production unit in an

lation ratio for kids between

ecstatic. "Having the W h ite House ensure that the flowers

Flower Commission, said the


D o n ald's window than a teenC a r olina-Greensboro's Center f o r Youth and Family Partner-

filled with hardwood seats. A try, with Honda's new aircraft local furniture magnate com- manufacturing facility and

s h ips. "It's really striking."

said, he has wrestled with the

question of whether he is betraying his own culture by reinforcing stereotypes. "It is a question all minority actors run up against," he said, including African American and Asian actors in Hollywood, "because on one level you are a representativeofyour race."

Kos-Read said aminority actor has to draw his or her own line in the sand. But he won-

ders if turning down the role of the evil American soldier really made much difference. "Somebody else did it — a Russian actor who couldn't care less about how Americans are

• •

0 •


Ukraine. "You can't work (as an actress playing Western roles) if you are not blonde," he said. If Kos-Read is wary of West-

ern stereotypes, he is also critical of the one-dimensional Asian characters who appear in Western productions such

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C.E. Lovejoys

when showing things taking place in another country, in


as "The Karate Kid, Part II" or "House of Cards." "This is an

to pay a little more attention

I- -

portrayedon Chinese TV." There are just a handful of foreign actors getting regular work in China. The top women areallblonde,hesaid,from the United States, Russia and


19530 Amber Meadow Drive, (541) 38S-118S 59800 South Highway 97 (541) 382-4754

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Occasionally, Kos-Read tries to persuade directors to add a little more nuance or accuracy

to his roles. Once, he tried to gently point out — without the director losing face — that the

Jewish character he was playing would probably not seek repentance for visiting a prostitute by kneeling and praying to Jesus. But there is, he said, "a limit to how much debate you

can have on a movie set, both for the sake of your career and

ter," brought him to China in because there is limited time." mire in the West's economic 1997 with very little Chinese. He lost the argument about and technological progress. He eventually mastered the the Jewish character.


Ieap '

g5 Ngtpggs RESOLVE suslainablesolutions Foullrp 4 GameSicd

Spse>ally Produe4s




EAT ' Shlgg g

The Bulletin

p h o t o g ra p hy


Merkel: Gaps


Voiceo issentmu e, utnotsience remain with U.S. By Mayy El Sheikh



C r i t ic s h e r e



called his films "vulgar" and "damaging to the public's t aste." When

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New York Times News Service



th e M u slim 4 ge


spoken critic of the Mubarak government, started an inde-


gpiriglr, iq hlPT h S'WNc/

Brotherhood came to power last year, one Islamist preacher called him "Satan's prayer caller." But after two decades of mocking the powerful

Ibrahim Eissa, then an out-


— rtgl'AiiliNfA



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aneev eaw q


His offense was a news-

paper column he wrotein February ridiculing the proDavid Degner/New YorkTimes News Service

el-Sissi — the military leader who ousted Egypt's first dem-

Belal Fadl, blacklisted for writing a newspaper column that ridiculed the promotion of a top-ranking Egyptian military official,

ocratically elected president,

inspired a generation to voice its dissent. But after a wave of na-

Mohammed Morsi — to the

tionalism swept the country in the wake of last summer's military takeover, his satirical style has faced criticism.

even though he has never entered a battlefield. Fadl has likened el-Sissi, ernment has filed criminal who has since resigned from charges against intellectuals, the military to run for presi- like Emad Shahin and Amr dent, to Hosni Mubarak, who

was forcedfrom the presidency in 2011, and Morsi, who was ousted last year by the

field marshal himself. "They are all politically responsible for shedding Egyptian blood," Fadl wrote in October.

Satirical style A leader of Egyptian political satire, Fadl has inspired a generation to voice its dissent more vividly than Egyptians had dared during Mubarak's rule. But the irreverent style

And it has jailed journalists

spirits to be controlled by the

from news outlets the government contends support the Iszeera television. But Fadl, who is no friend

impact of my writing, I would have been in a ward for the insane by now," he chuckled. "I'm only expressing my opinion," he said, and readers

to the Muslim Brotherhood,

"can either read it or throw it

cism is far sharper than oth-

ers in the Egyptian news media. Even his friend Bassem Youssef,a comedian celebrat-

ed in the West as Egypt's Jon name has now run afoul of Stewart, is more circumspect the hypernationalism that in his criticism of the top miliswept Egypt after last sum- tary leaders. mer's military takeover. "Dancing over the corpses His column on el-Sissi may of adversaries does not build a lso have irked one of t h e an advanced homeland," Fadl newspaper's owners, whose wrote in January. "It creates long-ago writings Fadl quot- a chicken coop for the sancthat made him a household

tification o f t h e v i c torious rooster." Pro-military co m m enta-

despite Fadl's national following, no other publication has been willing to hire him after he quit in protest over

tors call Fadl a "traitor," part of a "fifth column" plotting to

destroy the country, and call his trimmed beard evidence

the refusal of th e n ewspa-

per, Shorouk, to publish the column. Fadl is hardly the only critic of the government to come under pressure. The gov-

of hidden I slamist a f f i lia-


Turning on the Brotherhood

Though he initially supported the protests in June

Barack Obama addressed ment fell through after the the tensions between the two sides could not agree two countries caused by on the scope of the deaL the disclosure in October The German government, that the National Security U.S. officials said, insisted Agency had eavesdropped that the United States not on Merkel's phone calls. At conduct any espionage on the time, Merkel said that German soil, something it "spying between friends is has not agreed to with many simply unacceptable," and other close allies. that there had been a breach Merkel pointedly did not

to remove Morsi from office,

of trust that would have to

and even cheered when the military did so, Fadl quickly

be repaired. whether the personal trust Speaking in th e Rose between her and Obama Garden after a meeting with had been restored. Obama, Merkel said, "We Obama an d Me r k el have a few difficulties still to displayed more unity on overcome," noting in partic- Ukraine, and appeared to ular a difference "on the is- set a new trigger for much sue of proportionality." broader sanctions against Obama, trying to put a R ussian i n d u stry , not good face on the situation, ing that t h ese m easures said, "We have gone a long would be imposed if Rusway to closing some of the sia disrupted an election in gaps, but as C hancellor Ukraine planned for May

Fadl wasted no time turning his pen against the country's new elite, writing that they "read the events with their bottoms, not their minds."

noticed similarities between

A simple background

he wrote after the military takeover. But he noted that

F adl, 39 , w o r r ie s l i t t l e he was nonetheless comabout appearances: He wore pelled to defend the rights of the same brown shirt, jacket Islamists against the governand pants to two interviews ment's repression. "I detest in the same week. He lives you exactly like I detest those in a congested middle-class who kill you in cold blood," neighborhood in downtown Fadl wrote. "I detest you all Cairo. He spends his spare because you are exactly the time telling profane jokes same as each other." with friends at cafes where Fadl marveled at what apthick Turkish coffee sells for peared to be the unanimity about 15 cents a cup. of public commentators who Born to a Y emeni father appear to support the miliand an Egyptian mother, Fadl tary-backed government. "Everybody is singing in grew up in relative poverty in the coastal city of Alexan- the same martial band," Fadl dria, sharing a house with 10 said in the interview. "They siblings. After moving to Cai- have the entire public, the ro to study journalism in the media and the businessmen behind them," he added. "So

why are they so annoyed by thesefew differentvoices?"

soon to return to "business ment has impeded efforts as usual" between the two

to repair the r ift b etween

allies. At a joint news confer-

the two countries over the eavesdropping on Merkel's phone calls. Efforts to reach an agree-

ence at the White House, both Merkel and President

answer a

Merkel said, there are some

q u estion about


"It is very much up to the gaps that need to be worked through." Russians which road we will "These are complicated embark on," Merkelsaid, issues," the president said, "but we are firmly resolved as he looked over at Merkel. to embark on that road." "We're not perfectly aligned While Obama and Merkel yet, but we share the same have tried t o m end t heir values, and we share the personal ties, they worked same concerns." closely to devise a common "Angela Merkel is one response to R u ssia's anof my closest friends on nexation of Crimea and agthe world stage, somebody gression against Ukraine. whose partnership I deeply In regular phone calls, the value," Obama said. "It has two leaders have agreed on pained me to see the de- sanctions against Russian gree to which the Snowden officials with ties to Presidisclosures have

c r e ated dent Vladimir Putin.


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, ' E'j,

• • e • •a

• •

to any country. The failure to achieve such an agree-

0 • • •

and warned that it was too

• • e •

the issue of surveillance,

that the government should be proud ofits care for the mentally ill: "Egypt is the only country that allows the mentally challenged to reach decision-making circles."

• • • e

e • • •

ters as "donkeys" and wrote

"There is no need to take it personally," he added.

tions. Fadl "stabbed Egypt in early 1990s, he wrote freethe heart with his poisoned lance articles to cover his exdagger," wrote Dandrawi Al penses. In 1995, the journalist

e•• • • e e••

ed States did not offer that kind of blanket protection

the two governments. "God knows, I detest you," he said, addressing the Muslim Brotherhood in a column

c r edible away."

voice: His writing is funny and accessible, and his criti-

ed to criticize el-Sissi. But

Hawari, a columnist for the

cellor Angela Merkel of Ger- tion had offered Germany many said Friday that there a so-called no-spy agreewere still significant differ- ment, saying that the Unitences between G ermany and the United States over

president and t h e M u s lim Brotherhood came to power,

Hamzawy, who h ave c r iticized the military takeover.

has a p otent an d

f r a n kness s t u nned


Egyptian readers. He r eferred to government minis-

When Morsi was elected

newspaper Youm el-Saba. But Fadl, sipping tea at a crowded streetcafe,laughed off their jabs. "If I allowed my

lamist opposition, like Al-Ja-

The president, however, denied that the administra-

colloquial Egyptian dialect.

screenwriter, only now has Belal Fadl been blacklisted.

exalted rank of field marshal

strains in the relationship."

New York Times News Service

"two slaps on the face" in the


as a popular columnist and

motion of Gen. Abdel-Fattah

By Mark Landler

it "Alameen," meaning "two

pens" in formal Arabic and


over surveillance

pendent newspaper and hired Fadl, eventually giving him his own column. Fadl called


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BRIEFING Horses seized; owner cited Five horses were seized by the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office near Bend on Thursday afternoon, and their owner cited for animal neglect. Lance H. Lupton, 62, of Bend, faces five counts of second-degree animal neglect. The Sheriff's Office had been monitoring the horses for a year, and moved in to seize the animals after observing a noticeable decline in their health, including parasitic infestation and severe undernourishment.


ae By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Deschutes County is still trying to sell the Bethlehem Inn building to the nonprofit

that has operated there since 2007.

Those discussions have been going on for years. But with the Bethlehem Inn's

lease set to expire June 30, the talks figure to take on

Con inue added urgency. The shelter's executive di-


million for the motel property building. But as June 30 draws on Northeast Third Street in see the shelter purchase its

rector hopes to meet with De-

closer, a lease extension seems

2007. The purchase came just

schutes County administra-

more likely. "We haven't come to what

as Bend real estate values began spiraling down from the dizzying heights of the housingboom.

tors and commissioners this month to talk options. There are likely just two: negotiate a price for Bethlehem Inn to buy the former Econo Lodge motel property from the county, or extend the lease. Both sides say they'd rather

those terms would be with the county," Bethlehem Inn Executive Director Gwen

At this point, it's not certain

Wysling said this week. "But we're staying here one way or another." Deschutes County paid $2.5

how much of the $2.5 million Deschutes County could recover from a sale. See Inn/B5

Fishermen rescued Deschutes County Search and Rescue volunteers helped with two overnight rescues Thursday, bringing two men to safety early Friday. At Wickiup Reservoir, crews responded to a report of an overdue fisherman at around 9 p.m. Thursday. The fisherman, 86-year-old Don Sorenson, had last been seen in his 12-foot driftboat

a few hours earlier. Searchers spotted Sorenson at 6:30 a.m. Friday. Hewas in good condition and told rescuers he had seen helicopters and search boats through the night, but having no means to signal them or navigate safely in the dark, he'd tied up his boat to a buoy and laid down in the bottom to stay warm through the night. Thursday evening at the Crooked River Gorge, SAR responded to assist a man who injured his leg while fishing. Twenty SAR volunteers worked with Crooked River Ranch firefighters and a Jefferson County Sheriff's deputy to rescue Nick Inman, 22, of Crooked River Ranch. Crews pulled Inman from the gorge around 7:30 a.m. Friday, after moving him approximately1,000 feet over terrain ranging from 45 degrees to vertical. Inman was taken to St. Charles Redmond for treatment of injuries that were not life-threatening.

Pauiina Lake road nowopen The road to Paulina Lake is now open, the Deschutes County Road Department announced Friday. Travelers are advised that icy spots remain on the road, and many side roads are notyet open due to snow. Large vehicles traveling pastPaulina Lakemay find it difficult to turn

around, and not all resorts and services at the lake are open. — Bulletin staff reports Nore briefing, B6 News of Recorrf, B3

~" - ' F; x ~. T

Photos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

High Desert Middle School math club members Hadley Woolsley, left, and Maggie Lewis, both13, get help from math club teacher Ingrid Hoban during a "Barbie Bungee" math lesson Thursday. The club, which is 46 students strong, received gold-level status from the National Math Club recently.

High Desert Middle School club

DESCHUTESCOUNTY • District Attorney Patrick Flaherty is seeking re-election, and Bend attorney John Hummel has also filed to run for the position as well. • Commission seats held by TonyDeBone and TammyBaneyare up for election. DeBone, a Republican, hasfiled to run againandfaces a primary challenge from Richard Esterman.Jodie Barram, now aBendcity councilor, has filed as the Democratic candidate. • Circuit Judge Barbara Haslingerhas announced she'll retire. Herseat on the benchwill be upfor election. RandyMiller and ThomasSpearare vying for the position. • Circuit Judge Stephen Forte is upfor re-election. • The county assessor position is on the ballot. • A five-year local option fire levy would tax property owners 20 cents per $1,000 in assessed property value. The fire department currently receives acut of $1.18 per $1,000 in assessed property value from the city's permanent tax rate of $2.80 per $1,000. CROOKCOUNTY • The commission seat held by SethCrawford is up for election. Crawford has filed to runagainand faces a primary challenge from Prineville City Councilor JackSeley. • The county assessor position is ontheballot. • A measure to makenonpartisan thepositions of Crook CountyJudgeand county commissioners will also be onthe ballot. • Commission seats held by MikeAhern and John Haffield are upfor election. Ahern isseeking re-election andfacesa challenge fromFloyd Paye;TomBrown, Mae Huston andMikeThroop havefiledforthe otherseat. • Lake ChinookFire8 Rescue isproposing a $660,000 generalobligation bond tobuild anew fire station. Theaverage annual tax ratefor the 30year bond isestimatedat 50.9 cents per$1,000 of assessedvalue.

• Group attains prestigious gold-level statusfrom National Math Club By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin

A group of girls spent their lunchtime playing with Barbies in one of High Desert Middle

School's science dassrooms Thursday. The girls brushed the dolls' hair, played with their shoes and traded out Barbie outfits.

Thenthe girls wrapped several rubber bands and a long piece of string around the dolls' legs, suspended them upside down in midair and broke out rulers, yardsticks and

calculators. "Math isn't really my favorite subject," said Maggie Lewis, 13, a seventh-grader. "But I have fun here. It's anice place to come duringlunchtogetaway from the regular lunchroom, which can get really loud." Thursdays at lunchtime

"It's nice to have something like this where kids can learn that math ts fun." — Ingrid Hoban,mathteacher andoneof the club's organizers is when High Desert's math

tional Math Club — one of only

club meets. And although the

two schools in Oregon to do

thought of math dub might conjure up images of students

so. To reach gold, students had to complete anintensive proj-

hunched over their desks,

ect and create a PowerPoint

diligently solving complicated algebra problems, what actually occurs during club sessions

presentationto submit to the national committee. The threemonth project challenged studentstofocuson severaleveryday items and apply 12 math

couldn't be more different.

"It's nice to have something

CROOK/JEFFERSON • Circuit Judge Daniel Ahern andCircuit Judge Gary LeeWilliams are running unopposedfor re-election.

like this where kids can learn

problems to them, determining

that math is fun," said Ingrid

things such as circumference

Math club memberMaggie Lew-

Hoban, math teacher and

and volume. About half the stu-

one of the dub's organizers. "The goal is to put math in the spotlight."

is, 13, bottom, gets assistance from math club teacher Ingrid

dents constructed gingerbread houses forthe project, while the Hoban, top, while measuring, other half used slices of pizza marking and recording distancand cups of soda. es as part of a "Barbie Bungee" SeeMath /B5 lesson.

Recently, the club attained

gold-level status from the Na-

$11M in aidwill flow National Guard squadron into Klamath Basin returns from Afghanistan By Andrew Clevenger WASHINGTON — With drought conditions worsen-

In a story headlined "Redmond budget begins to bounce back," which appeared Thursday, May1, on Page B1,the datefor the next Redmond Budget Committee meeting was incorrect. The meeting is at 6 p.m. on May7, at Redmond City Hall. The Bulletin regrets the error.

The May 20election will serve as aprimary for a variety of statewide offices. Local races and measures will also be on the ballot.


The Bulletin




ing in the Upper Klamath Basin, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced

Comprehensive Agreement which they, along with the Klamath Tribes, signed in April. The Klamath Basin is 16,000 square miles that drain intothe Klamath River as it

Friday it will provide $11 million over the next fiveyears

wends more than250miles

forwater conservation,water

ern Oregon through North-

quality and fish habitat restoration efforts there. The funding is part of an effort to easedisagreements

ern Californiatothe Pacific Ocean. The demands on the

over water and natural re-

from its headwaters in South-

basin's water outstrip supply. In March 2013, after 38

years of litigation, the Oregon

source issues, and is designed Water Resources Department to help ranchers and farmers adjudicated competing claims live up to their commitments to the water. in the Upper Klamath Basin

See Klamath/B5

By Hillary Borrud

air force. NATO troops are

The Bulletin

preparingtowithdraw from Afghanistan by the end of

Officers from the Bendbased Oregon Army National Guard 1-82 Cavalry Squadron have returned from an air force base in western Afghanistan,

the year, unless leaders in the

country sign an agreement with the U.S. to keep international forces in the country.

where they met with the troops The 1-82 is training this they will replace whentheybe- weekend at the Clackamas gin a nine-month deployment armory, and there willbe an scheduled tobegin in August. event to help families of solSquadron Commander Lt. diers prepare for deployment, Col. Dan Miner said Thursday Miner said. the officers learned new inforOn May 20, the squadron mation about the squadron's will begin three weeks of trainupcoming role in shutting ing at Gowen Field near Boise down portions of Shindand Air with a focus on individual solBase, where the American-led diers' skills. coalition is training the Afghan See Guard /B6

VOTINGINFORMATION • If you haven't yet received avoters' guide in the mail, you canview it online or request onebe mailed to you. • The Webversion is at sos.oregon.gov/voting. • For a physical copy to be mailed, call your county clerk or theSecretary of State's elections office in Salem. Deschutes..... 541-388-6546 Crook.............541-447-6553 Jefferson....... 541-475-4451 Salem .............503-986-1518

• The deadline for new voters to register or change political party affiliation for the May primary has passed. READ OURSTORIES • Coverage leading up to the election is online at bendbnlletin.com/ elections ELECTIONCALENDAR Are you holding anevent to educatevoters inthe lead-up to theMayelection? Submit the information toelections@bend bnlletin.com. Wewil not publish information about political fundraisers.


\ RIJfJf

Ducks fans in east Bend have their bills delivered into a helmet.


West Bend residents get a kick out of this tiny carousel.

• Bulletin photographerRyanBrennecke shares acollection of eclectic mailboxes he found onthe streetsof Central Oregon


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,„J( Horseshoes and metal anvils give a feeling of the Old West along O.B. Riley Road in Bend.

A boatanchorweighs down a boxonKingstonAvenue inBend.



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And finally, Mickey Mousegreets passers-by along the Old Redmond-Bend Highway.

This dog can sit, it can stay,and even wait, but it doesn't roll over. A group of students made it for its owner in east Bend.




imsnow ac me in By Jeff Barnard

Lllc across the southern half of the state, with exceptional drought

The Associated Press

GRANTS PASS — Record warm temperatureshave acc elerated the melting of an

in southern Klamath and Har-

already skimpy snowpack in most of Oregon, particularly in

the north, and Washington

ney counties. Precipitation improved to state had snowpacks near or above normal through

the south. The Klamath Basin had the state's lowest snowpack on Fri-

the Cascades and across the

eastern part of the state. The Olympic Peninsula was the

day, just 18 percent of normal. The Willamette Basin is at 51 percent, Central Oregon at

low point for the state at 88

50 percent. The northeastern corner of the state is best off,

tor showed severe drought to

percent. The drought moni-

with basins around Enterprise

Andrew Mariman/Klamath Falls Herald and News file photo

and Baker City at 120 percent A cowboy drives cattle in 2007 near Fort Klamath, where record of normal, and basins around warm temperatures have accelerated snowmelt. Much of Southern Pendleton 97 percent. Snow Oregon is experiencing drought after a skimpysnowseason. that accumulates over the winter and melts in the spring is a major sourceof water storage dicts water resources. the melting with cooler temOregon and the West. Only 40 percent of the au- peratures, but not add to snow "We are definitely going to tomated s now-measurement accumulations. end up with one of the lowest sites around the state still had After a wet September last years on record," said Julie snow, and only two had tem- year, most of Oregon suffered Koeberle, hydrologist for the peratures above freezing, she through a dry winter, and inNatural Resources Conserva- said. National Weather Ser- creased precipitation in early tion Service, a division of the viceforecastsfor storms mov- spring could not make up the U.S. Department of Agricul- ing through the state over the gap. The U.S. Drought Moniture that measures and pre- weekend would likely slow tor showed extreme drought

abnormally dry c onditions persisting across Eastern Washington.

AROUND THE STATE GaS expOrt deal —Canadian authorities have approved sending natural gas to anOregon terminal where it would be liquefied for export overseas. TheOregonian reports the National Energy Board of Canada hasapproved a 25-year natural gas export license for Oregon LNG, whoseterminal would be nearthe mouth of the Columbia River, in Warrenton. TheCanadian board determined that the quantity of gas to be sent to Oregon is surplus to Canadian requirements, and the gasresourcebaseinCanadacanaccommodate foreseeableCanadian demand. Baby assaulted —Oregon State Police detectives arrested a Klamath Falls manwho they say seriously injured his 3-month-old daughter. Lt. GreggHastings says 29-year-old LandonSelf was booked into jail Friday on charges of assault and criminal mistreatment. The investigation beganwhen a doctor at a hospital examined the baby anddiscovered afractured leg.

to ranchers after the Klamath Tribes and downstream farm-

DOwn SyndrOme abuSe —Authorities have accused aSouthern Oregon couple of mistreating a manwho has Downsyndrome. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office says the investigation started about a month ago when 48-year-old a man was brought to a hospital with extensive sores, bruising andweight loss. OnThursday, deputies arrested the victim's brother, a 55-year-old manwhose nameappears inrecordsasbothLelandJosephCrumpton andJosephLeland Crumpton. Also arrested wasCrumpton's girlfriend, 58-year-old Ginger Gramberg. They're from Tiller, southeast of Roseburg.

ers invoked newly recognized senior water rights.

Student SeXually abuSed —Hilsboro police arrested ahigh

In t h e

K l a m ath B a sin,

stream flows were expected to be a little less than last year,

when irrigation was shut off

I n C entral

O r egon, t h e

Crooked River was flowingbelow average, prompting some holders of junior water rights on smaller tributaries tobe told to stop irrigating.

school teacher accused of sexually abusing a17-year-old female student. A police spokesmansays Liberty High teacher GreggJensen was arrested at homeFriday and later booked into the Washington County Jail on charges of sexabuse, luring a minor and encouraging child sex abuse. — From wirereports

NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log whensuch arequest is received. Anynewinformation, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMEMT Theit —Atheft was reported at 8:16 a.m. April 29, in the 900 block of Northwest Greenbriar. Theit —A theft was reported at 2:52 p.m. April 29, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Thsft —Atheft was reported at1:47 p.m. April 30, in the 61100block of U.S. Highway97.

EVZNT TODAY STILLMEMORIAL WEEKEND: Featuring three equestrian endurance rides, two trail challenge rides, a dinner, demos and more; visit website for details; free to spectators; Skull Hollow CampandTrailhead, Lone Pine Roadand Forest Road 5710, Redmond; 541-330-8943 or www.mustangtotherescue.org. GARAGESALEBENEFIT: The Seven PeaksSparrow Club hosts a garage sale; proceeds benefit its Sparrow Sarah; free; 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; Seven PeaksSchool, 19660 S.W. Mountaineer Way,Bend;541-3827755 or www.sevenpeaksschool.org. BEND HIGHGRAD PARTY GARAGE SALE:Proceeds benefit BHS; 9 a.m.5 p.m.; Bend Factory Stores, 61334 S. U.S. Highway 97; 541-355-3700. STEEL STAMPEDE: A vintage motorcycle rally for riders and spectators; proceeds benefit Crooked River Ranch service clubs and organizations; $10; 9a.m.; field across from Trading Post, Southwest Chinook Drive andCommercial Loop Road, Crooked River Ranch; 541923-2679orwww.steelstampede. OI'g.

DIALOGUEAND BEATS:TWO SECRETS OFCOMPELLING WRITING:Central Oregon Writers Guild Critique Workshop, with authors Paty Jager and Lindy Jacobs, registration suggested; $12 for

non-members,freefor members;

9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E.College Loop, Redmond; 541-408-6306 or

PRIMEVILLE POLICE CIVIL SUITS DEPARTMENT Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at6:15 a.m. May 1, in the areaof North Main Street.

BEND FIRE RUNS Wednesday 11:16 a.m.— Unauthorized burning, 3017 N.E Quiet CanyonDrive. 23 —Medical aid calls. Thursday 9:06a.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire, in the areaof Pinebrook Boulevard. 6:41p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 409 N.W. Franklin Ave. 19 —Medical aid calls.

Filed April 15 14CV0276 — Holly Heimbruch, as personal representative ofthe Estate of Betty JaneLoeffler, deceasedv. Allan JonesandLillian Jones, ascopersonal representatives ofthe Estate of LawrenceHubert Loeffler, deceased, complaint, $615,000 Filed April 16

14CV0277 — Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Matthew C.Parker, Sally A.Parker,the unknown heirsandassigns of Dewayne C. Parker,the unknowndevisees of Dewayne C.Parker, the unknown heirs and assigns ofGwindolyn F.Pippins, the unknowndeviseesof Gwindolyn F. PippinsandSunriver Owners Association, complaint, $420,699.83 14CV0278 — Brett Miller v. Johnny Rae Sampley, complaint, at least$25,000

Filed April 17

14CV0280 — Unifund CCR, LLC, assignee ofPilot Receivables Management, LLCv.HeatherG. Murdock, complaint, $14,644.92 14CV0281 —Midland Funding, LLCv. Nanette Sharpe,complaint, $11,812.48 14CV0283 — Tamera Uriz v.Virginia C. Griffiths, complaint, at least$36,000 Filed April 18 14CV0284 — Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. Arthur C. Pratt, complaint, $17973.03 14CV0285 —Follansbee &Associates, Inc., v. David A.Gauntlett doing business as Gauntlett & Associates, complaint, $25,000 plus interest, costs andfees Filed April 21 14CV0286— Midland Funding,LLCv. Michael Olarrea,complaint, $29,682.21 14CV0287— New YorkCommunity

Bankv. Robert T.Ludwickand Duncan L. Osborne,complaint, $110,553.11 14CV0288 — Mary Kathleen Lakev. Brandi LaneWanker,complaint, at least $50,000 14CV0289 — Michelle C.Wells v. Kyle Weston Rynearson,complaint, at least $50,000 14CV0293 — OregonState Barv. Marc T.Andersen,complaint,$2,963.35 Filed April 22 14CV0291 — Rishanne Harper and Michel AlanHarper v.ShaneS. Stonemanand Shante T.Stoneman, complaint, $23,951.92 14CV0292 — ElmaConway v. Taylor Roofing, LLC,complaint, $15,000 Filed April 23

14CV0294 — U.S. BankNational Association v.Michael C.Frost and Deanna L.Frost, complaint, $104,495.66 14CV0295 — State of Oregon,

by and throughits Department of Transportation, v.ClarenceF.Lamping, complaint, $8,050.00 14CV0296 — Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but solely astrustee for the Primestar-HFundI Trust v.Joseph K. Morin also knownasJosephKenneth Morin, complaint, $207,602.14plus interest, costs andfees 14CV0297 —Nationstar Mortgage, LLC v.Brent Newman,Tiffany Newman, JPMorganChaseBank, NAand Selco Community Credit Union,complaint, $167,348.38 14CV0298 —Nationstar Mortgage, LLC v. Scott R. Schmitzalsoknown asScott Schmitz, CypressFinancial Recoveries LLC andCapital OneBank(USA), NA, complaint, $136,640.53 14CV0299 —Miler Nash, LLPv. Robert Jessen andRogerCruser, complaint, 13,193.00

ENm a play, tickets go on sale April 22; $5-$25; noon; Trinity Lutheran Church 8 School, 2550 N.E.Butler Market Road, Bend; 541-382-1850 or music©saints.org. BIKE RODEO:Featuring cargo bike competitions, demos, live music, food and more; free; noon-4 p.m.; Bend Electric Bikes, 223 N.W. Hill St.; 541-410-7408 or www. bendelectricbikes.com. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Author of "The Dog Stars," Peter Heller, presents; free; 1 p.m.; Sisters High School,1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4045 or www. deschuteslibrary.org. BARKS &RECREATION:Featuring beer, dogs,tacos,dumplingsand live music, with contests and prizes; proceeds benefit Bend Spay 8 Neuter Project; free for spectators, $10 single contest entry fee, $5 for additional entries; 1-5 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 N.W. Riverside Blvd., Bend; 541-617-1010 or www.bendsnip.org. LATINOFILM FESTIVAL:Showing "Chico and Rita" and "El Regreso"; free, open to public; 2 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7700. "WILLY WONKA": Trinity Lutheran High School presents Roald Dahl's play, tickets go on sale April 22; $5-$25; 4 p.m.; Trinity Lutheran Church 8 School, 2550 N.E.Butler Market Road, Bend; 541-382-1850 or


B-FESTFASHION SHOW: Bhuvana, Cowgirl Cash andCrows Feet Commons are showing their latest spring trends for boys, girls, bikes cowgcritique©gmail.com. and beer; free; 5-8 p.m.; Riverfront AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY Plaza, on Brooks Street at the BARK FORLIFE:A fun dayfordogs Breezeway, Bend; 541-815-8996, and their human families. Theevent rebecca©cowgirlcash.com or www. includes a demonstration by the getcowgirlcash.com. Deschutes County Sheriff's Office "THE MOMENT:MAYWEATHER K-9 unit, contests like best catch, VS. MAIDANA":A screening of loudest bark, largest and smallest dog, best costume and more; $15 per the film about the12-round world family; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Heritage Park, championship bout, broadcast live from the MGMLasVegas; $25; 6 1st Streetand Huntington Road, La p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 Pine; bfllapine©gmail.com. IMAX,680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, COBA HOMEAND GARDEN Bend; 541-312-2901. SHOW:Featuring more than 200 YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL companies and vendors; free;10 a.m.-6 p.m.;DeschutesCounty Fair OREGON:TheSingers'School, Premiere and Debut choirs perform & Expo Center, 3800 S.W.Airport a spring concert; $10; 7 p.m., doors Way, Redmond; 541-389-1058 open 6:30 p.m.; Bend High School, or www.connectiondepot.com/ oregon/bend-redmond-sunriver/ 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-385-0470 or coba-spring-home-and-garden-show. www.ycco.ol'g. "BLEMISHED,A MUSICAL": "WILLY WONKA":Trinity Lutheran High School presents Roald Dahl's Playwright competition winner

Katelyn Alexander's play about

an ex-cabaretperformer anda

minister is produced; $19, $16 for students andseniors;7:30 p.m.;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "I REMEMBERYOU": A play by Bernard Slade about a lounge pianist-singer who meets a young beautywho resembles awoman from a past love affair; $19, $15 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical. OI'g.

HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC SERIES:The season finale features Thunder Egg Consort; $35, $10 students and children18 and

younger; 7:30p.m., doorsopenat 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.highdesertchambermusic. com. THE CARAVANOFGLAM: The Portland gay cabaret show comes to Bend with burlesque, acrobats, live singers and more; $10; 8

p.m., doorsopenat 6p.m.; Seven Nightclub, 1033 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-760-9412.

SUNDAY STILLMEMORIAL WEEKEND: Featuring three equestrian endurance rides, two trail challenge rides, a dinner, demos and more; visit website for details; free to spectators; Skull Hollow Campand Trailhead, Lone Pine Roadand Forest Road 5710, Redmond; 541-3308943 or www.mustangtotherescue. OI'g.

STEELSTAMPEDE:A vintage motorcycle rally for riders and spectators; proceeds benefit Crooked River Ranch service clubs and organizations; $10; 9 a.m.; field across from Trading Post, Southwest Chinook Drive and Commercial Loop Road, Crooked River Ranch; 541923-2679orwww.steelstampede. OIg.

COBA HOME ANDGARDEN SHOW: Featuring more than 200 companies and vendors; free;10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-389-1058 or www. connectiondepot.com/oregon/bendredmond-sunriver/coba-springhome-and-garden-show.



EDj To

The Bulletin


e-e e ae as esc ues' IS I'I a orne

~ dE Ff' M H"" ~ag Gc,Dd ~


l yC



our years ago, Patrick Flaherty scored a landslide victory to become the Deschutes County district attorney, winning 61 percent to 39 percent on a promise of change over then-DA Mike Dugan. It was a clear mandate from voters to alter the trajectory of the DA's office, which had been under one man's sway for 25 years.

L x

John Hummel, a good man e c u ting crime, assisting juvenile and Flaherty's opponent in th e c o u rt, enforcing victims' rights election that is upon us, wants to a n d screening out cases for insufrevoke that mandate, but has not f i c ient evidence. made a convincing case. There are other requirements Flaherty, a challenging per- f l o ating t hrough statutes, said sonality to be sure, should be H a r cleroad, a former district atre-elected. torney in Lane County, but proseMany charges an d c o unt- cution is No. 1. er-charges have sparked This squares with Flah erty's view a s h e e x this campaign, but if there is one dominant issue, it is , ~ ~~ , pre ssed it to The Bulletin, the costs and turmoil of Fla" ~Q and w i th his experience. herty's early days as district • ' The most eggective preattorney. Indeed, without vention is engorcement og " this question, which is an Flaherty the law," said plaherty, who imPortant one, it is hard to ,, h a s invested over 2p years see a compelling rationale >' .::: ' ! in c r i m inal p r o secution for Hummel's camPaign. -,:: and defense law in Central Heading i n t o of f i c e, Oregon. Flaherty declared that he C ompared w i t h th a t , would not reaPPoint several Hummel has handled one individuals who held case since 2007, inlong-established, atvolving a restraining will Positions. He re- After a rocky start order in Multnomah cently told The Bul:

; .

letin's editorial board h e "couldnt have had any changes with Mike's (Dugan's) team."

t hat

Hummel told The B ulletin that the DA



: : .

(patrlck Fiaherty)'s bu i lt an effeCtiye hands. In thls perlm anagement od, amo ng other gine te am A n work, he was getting an advanced degree aCCprdlng tp a C Ou«y


and working on social and criminal jus-

has the right to em- au dlt Of 2012, PloY his own team, he ImprpVed but Flaherty botched the pperatl pns

ticeis s uesinLiberia.

the job, costing taxPayers more than a

budget of more than S5miiiionayearwit

of theo ffice. . '

million dollars in le- Np tWlthStanding gal fees and emPloY- (John) Hummel's

vast experience

In addition to the gap with Flaherty

But that is noth-

ing like overseeing a m«« h a n 4 p ploy e es, including 18

Pr o secutors

T he tips o f t h e s Pear a r e t ho s e prosecutors. herty's actions were beCauSe Of ItIf the Primary task the subject of bar Hu m m el wants to is prosecution, who complaints an d a I'edefi ne the Jpb should lead, keeping state i n v estigation. in m i nd that both FlaNone found wrong tO fit hiS reSume. herty's opponentsdoing by Flaherty. /t ' S aVery gppd Dugan and Hummel The issue, it would reSume. It S juSt have sald Flahert t hen seem, i s n o t not a pl'OSeCutol'S is an accomplished about principle, but litigator? cost, and of course, If you agree that Flaherty's approach. prosecutor is the priHummel has said . mar y r o l e, plaherty is the best he knows how to do it the right choice ontheballot. way, and even if sued, he'd win. Four years ago, The Bulletin Or, we would hoPe, he and the endorsed plaherty's opponent. Public's rePresentatives would And in the early days og his tenconsider the value of settlement ure, plaherty's actions, charitably against the escalating costs of described as fractious, made our a labor brawl with n o c ertain choiceappearprescient. outcome. So, why does The Bulletin enChange is difficult, Particular- g o rse plaherty in this election? ly when a leader has been selectThere are several reasons. ed to alter the course of an organization, loaded with lawyers, that After a rocky start, he's built has been entrenched for decades. an effective management team. Coukl plaherty have done it for And according to a county interless money andcommotion? per- nal audit of 2012, he improved the haps. And, frankly, The Bulletin operationsoftheoffice. was out front of his toughest critNotwithstanding Hu m m el's ics on this question. vast experience gap with Fl aBut could it have been done for herty — orperhaps because of it — Hummel wants to redefine the no money andno commotion'?We are not that na'ive. Only a rook- j o b to fit his resume. ie manager could be certain that It's a very good resume. It's just this kind of major organizational not a prosecutor's resume. course correction could be done The problem with Flaherty, he without a personnel fight. told the editorial board, is that he Without a li k e e x p erience sees himself as a prosecutor only. in his resume, it's impossible to BY contrast, Hummel seeks gauge whether Hummel is that a role as a communitY leader for rarest og leader — the one with Public safetY, though he could not the pergect, unblemished touch in identify anY countY in Oregon personnelchallenges. that fully embraces his concept. Looking forward, the defining For want of a better term, it's a question is which og the candiminister of justice role. It's a good dates on the baiiot is best suited to role for an honorable man, but not lead the district attorney's oggice for the job of DA. for the next four years. ThereisareasontheBendPoDoug Harcleroad, the executive director og the Oregon Dis- liceofficers and sheriff's officers trict Attorneys Association, tokl suPPort Flaherty, as we do. The Bulletin there are a few key The j o b on the ballot is proseresponsibilities of the job: pros- c u tor,atwhichheexcels. settlements with ive in ivi uas , pl a -

— pr perhaps

M 1Vickel's Worth SupportSpear

concerns raised by John Hummel's miss three staff attorneys, as was opponents. his prerogative. Then he got side-

I have been a legal secretary and legal assistant for over 30 years. I have known Thomas "T.J." Spear

The first is that Hummel is not

ways with this newspaper over the

qualified as a prosecutor. I would point out that in order to earn a Ju-

release of personal employment information. That w a s

f o llowed

by the legal challenge and state worked as a deputy district attorney a person does not study prosecu- review of the staff dismissals. The in Deschutes County, his reputation tion, or defense; he studies the law. dismissals were s u bsequently for the last 14 years. When Spear

ris Doctorate and pass the bar exam

with the lawyers I worked with was

No one has tried to claim that Hum-

found permissible, but

u n fortu-

excellent. He was tough but fair. His mel is not an excellent attorney. As nately the state compensated each word was good enough to facilitate such, I am confident his experience of those dismissed with a handresolutions, and if his cases went to will serve him well in the role as our some cash payment. Following that trial, he most likely won. More re- county's chief prosecutor. rough start, however, Flaherty's cently, I've had the opportunity to The experience Hummel has performance has been professionobserve his excellent work as a pri- clearly demonstrated is his role as al and fiscally responsible. Fiscal vate practice attorney. a manager and organizer of peo- moderation in a public official is an I know he does more than pre- ple. In this role it seems clear that important characteristic. pare cases for trial; he goes to trial. he is head and shoulders above The challenger, John Hummel, He has tried many cases, and Spear his opponent. Patrick Flaherty has has a record of civic service as a is the only candidate who has tried done such a terrible job as man- Bend councilman. One of his aca case to a jury in Deschutes Coun- ager of the office that he has cost complishments was the Bend Area ty or any circuit court in the state of us, the taxpayers, $L5 million in Transit system. Bend business inOregon, and he has done so many lawsuits successfully settled by his terests approached Hummel with a times. former employees. These were "at request for a transit system. Their Spear's knowledge of the law and will" employees, meaning that only employees were missing work becourtroom procedures is excellent. gross mishandling of their termi- cause of transportation problems. He handles the most complex and nation would result in successful Although voters denied bus funddifficult cases and does so with lawsuits. ing three times, Hummel persisted great composure, even under the The second concern is that Hum- by funding the bus system out of most difficult situations. Working mel has his sights on "higher office." existing city revenues. Had Humwith a litigation law firm, we un- To this I would ask a simple ques- mel exhibited a little financial rederstand how important it is for our clients to have an experienced trial

attorney as our next circuit court judge. Finally, Spear was appointed by the Oregon Supreme Court as circuit court judge pro tem — he has the real-life experience of presiding over cases for seven years. This type of experience is invaluable. Please

tion: If this were true, what would be the result? It seems obvious that

straint, he would have simply told

to serve us as an outstanding DA in

provide their own transportation.

order to hold up that experience toward any future pursuits. I hope you will join me in voting for Hummel for Deschutes County district attorney. Barb Campbell

Bend pays about $1 million annually for the bus service; this


to Hummel's poor fiscal acumen. So the next time your car bounc-

the business interests to increase he would have all the more reason their workers' pay so they could

join me in voting Spear for judge. PettI Miller Bend

Vote for Hummel I am w r iting to address some

Re-elect Flaherty Patrick Flaherty's term as dis-

trict attorney got ogg to a rocky

diverts funds from other city de-

partments, such as street maintenance. Our present street pothole problem can be attributed in part es through a pothole or swerves

around it, just consider that a reminder to re-elect Flaherty. Jared Black

start. His initial action was to dis-


Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: letters©bendbulletin.com Write: My Nickel's Worth/ In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Spear t e c oice or ju e IN MY VIEW

By Jonathan Ash ve been a practicing trial at-


perspective from his experiences as a deputy district attorney, de-

torney for over 40 years. I'm termining the outcome. writing this letter in s upport Whether the issue involves a of Thomas "T.J." Spear for circuit traffic ticket or a more serious civil court judge. It is i mportant that or criminal matter, the judge lis-

fense attorney and civil litigator.

you, the voter, weigh the respective tening to the case is all important. qualifications and experience of Please spend some thought on your

clients in family matters and suc-

the two candidates.

clients with their complex civil lit-


Both candidatesare members of Why, you ask, why Spear over the Oregon State Bar — the mini- Randy Miller? Because not only is mum qualification required to run Spear qualified, as importantly, he for the position. Both are longtime has the experience! Miller, who I'm Bend residents, family men and fa- sure isa nice man, has spent very thers and have served honorably little time in court trying cases in our armed services, Spear as an — whether to a jury or to a judge. officer in the U.S. Navy aboard a Miller has participated in one jury fast-attack submarine.

trial in his entire career and in that

Spear has tried hundreds of cases

— both prosecuting and defending major criminal cases, representing cessfully representing numerous igation needs. Perhaps most importantly, Spear has sat on the Deschutes County Circuit Court bench as a judge pro tem for the last seven years. In

2007, Spear was appointed by the Oregon Supreme Court as a judge and has presided over hundreds of cases.

Why is it important to consider

case, as a co-counseL This is re-

Because of all th e above rea-

the candidate's experience prior to

markable for someone who wants

voting? Many people in our society never have contact with our court

to sit on the bench and preside over trials himself.

sons, please join me in supporting and voting for the only candidate experienced enough to sit on the

Deschutes County Circuit Court, experience and temperament of been a litigator and successful tri- Thomas Spear! the judge handling the case is one al attorney in Deschutes County — Jonathan Ashis an attorney of the most important factors in de- for years. Spear has the balanced who lives in Bend. system, but for those who do, the

Spear, on the other hand, has



July 4, 1952 - April 30, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Celebration of Tom's Life will be held on Sunday, May 4, 2014 at 1:00pm at the American Legion Post 45, located at 52532 Drafter Rd., La Pine. Contributions may be made to:

American Legion Post 45 PO Box 590 La Pine, OR 97739

Donald "Dona E. Bauman, of La Pine Dec. 25, 1935 - April 29, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine www.bairdmortuaries.com

Services: A Memorial Service will be held Saturday, May 17, 2014 at 1:00pm at High Lakes Christian Church located at 52620 Day Rd. in La Pine. Don will be laid to rest at Willamette National Cemetery in a ceremony at a later date. Contributionsmay be made to:

American Legion Post 45, PO Box 590, La Pine, OR 97739 and/or La Pine Moose Lodge ¹2093, PO Box 776, La Pine, OR 97739.

Barbara Clevenger May 4, 1934- April 24, 2014 Barbara Clevenger of La Pine, Oregon passed away Thursday. A family memorial will be held Saturday, M ay 3 r d . Ba r b a r a w a s b orn M a y 4, 1934, in Omaha, Nebraska, the daughter of Roy a nd V i r 'nia Mitchell) Bisnett. Barbara She Clevenger ated fro m M o u n t S h a sta High in R e dding, Californ ia in 1 952 an d l a ter a t tended A l a sk a B u s i n ess


praised the announcement

Continued from B1

the Upper Klamath Basin

as "spectacular news" for

community. "From addressing the curprinciple of first in time, first in right, the Klamath Tribes rent drought to conserving E ssentially, u n de r t h e

w ere awarded to p


DEATH 1VOTIt ES Thomas uTom u R. Harmon, of La Pine


David Martin Allen, of Terrebonne May 4, 1957 - April 29, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A Celebration of Life will take placeMonday, May 5, 2014at1:00 PM at Highland Baptist Church, located at 3100 SW Highland Avenue in Redmond, Oregon;

preceded by a public

viewing from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Autumn Funerals, located at 485 NW Larch Avenue in Redmond. A graveside service will immediately follow the Celebration of Life at Terrebonne Pioneer Cemetery.

Lawrence William

Copley, of Madras (formerly Culver, OR) May 19, 1915 - April 30, 2014 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592; www.deschutesmemorialchapetcom

Services: 3:00 PM, Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at Deschutes Memorial Gardens, 63875 N. Hwy 97, Bend. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701.

Mable E. Miller, of La Pine Dec. 19, 1914 - April 22, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: Mable requested there be

no formal services.

Contributions may be made to:

funds will produce a stronger economy and healthier tributaries. rivers, helping to meet the During droughts, there economic andenvironmenis not enough water to go tal goals of both the agriaround. culture community and the In 2001, the last time a Klamath Tribes," he said. drought triggered major calls "This award recognizes the on water rights, the Klam- hard work of stakeholders ath Project, a federal water to create a vibrant vision management program, did for the future of the entire

Goodsonwasamong U.S. aces inWWII By Adam Bernstein

c l a i m water into the future, these

on much of Upper Klamath Lake and portions of its

hi's "bit to stamp out Nazism."

The Washington Post

not deliver water to all of the

Sr., the U.S. ambassador

farmers and ranchers in its Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., coverage area. The follow- h as said he p l ans t o i n ing year, 30,000 adult salmon troduce legislation soon died in the lower Klamath that would f ormalize last River. In 2006, severe limita- month's agreement. "This is a great example tions were imposed on ocean fisheries off the Oregon and of how the federal governCalifornia coasts because ment can be a constructive of decimated stocks in the partner to the people of the

H e went on to become a leadJ ames Goodson wanted to i n g Army Air Forces ace in the see the world in the summer of E uropean theater, with 15 aeri1939, so he boarded a ship and al kills and another 15 strafing made his way across the Atlan- ki 'lls of enemy aircraft on the tic to Europe by working as a gr ound. His success brought pantryboy. hm the nickname "King of the A few months after Good- S trafers," said Roy Heidicker, son arrived, Joseph Kennedy an Air Force historian.

to England, urged all American expatriates

A fter the

w ar , t h e

to return home because

newly formed Air Force counted only air-to-air victories in tallying aces.

of the looming threat of

Francis Gabreski, with

Klamath Basin. Through the Natural Re-

work with my colleagues to pass a long-term solution for

Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.,

Math Continued from B1 "It made the subject a lit-

of American pilots. By the sum-

the ship wept for their missing m er of 1942 — many months p arents and many adults were a f t er the United States entered inconsolable. One woman said t he war — the Eagle squadrons she saw two children fall from w ere incorporated into the 4th a lifeboat as it was lowered into F ighter Group of the U.S. Army thechillywater. Theywerenev- An' Forces. er seen again. Goodson was on Goodson recorded two kills t he Athenia's deck when the as an Eagle squadron memtorpedo struck, and he recalled b er, but he had his best-known assisting with rescue efforts exp loits with the 4th Fighter as the ship listed and its lights G roup under the hard-driving,

mouth among the students, as well as the fun math-re-

lated projects the

c l ub

at the same time, it showed students that there's serious work involved in math," Hoban said. "We made them

For example Thursday, students were starting the

collect a lot of data before

which w ill culminate next week with students attach-

The students learned last

month their project had received national recogni-

first part o f

a tw o - week

"Barbie Bungee" lesson,

ing a cord to a Barbie and tossing the dolls from the second floor ofthe school.

tion and that their club was

This week, students measured out how much twine

one of fewer than 200 mid-

they would need so t h at

Barbie w o uldn't t o u ch recognized. They received the ground or get injured a trophy and last week cel- during her bungee jump. ebrated with a party. Their Hoban said it i s p rojclub was also entered into ects like these that really a drawing for a $500 gift bring the subject to life for card. students, and why H i gh "It's really cool," said Desert's math program is Hadley Woolsley, 13, a sev- becoming more and more enth-grader. "It's cool be- popular. "The idea is that students cause we get to show everyone all the different things can make these connecwe do in math club." tions to their own lives usThe club has more than ing math," Hoban said. "Our doubled its m embership motto here really is 'Play dle school math clubs to be

Partners In Care Hospice

p eople trapped in the main t enure, the 4th Fighter Group section, and I saw dead bod- ra cked up one of the most reies swooshing around in the m ar kable records of the war, water," he later wrote. " I was destroying a total of 1,016 enp lunged into the whole war e my aircraft on the air and on thing, if you like, in a matter of t he ground, Heidicker said. minutes. I suppose Americans Goodson's wife of 62 years, looked at the European war t he former Gwendolyn Rice, May 4, 1957- April 29, 2014 a s something that didn't much d 'ed i in April. Survivors include a son, James Goodson Jr. of D avid M a r t i n A l l e n o f concern them." Terrebonne , Or ego n , The sinking of the Athenia M arshfield, Mass.; and three p assed away on A p r i l 2 9 , — an early victim in the Battle g randchildren. Goodson had 2014, at his home. He was o f the Atlantic — helped turn pneumonia and died at a hospi56. world opinion against Ger- t al in Plymouth, Mass., his son A Celebration of Life will many. For Goodson, it was the s aid. Goodson was a resident of take place moment when hedecided to do D uxbury, Mass. Monday,

David Martin Allen

t his year, from about 20

s tudents last year to i t s current roster of 46. Hoban

Obituary policy

with your math.'" — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mkehoe®bendbulletin.com.

"I think both the Bethlehem Inn and th e county w ould

Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on anyof these services or about the obituary policy, contact

Continued from B1 like some more certainty for "It's premature to say the future, so (the shelter) can at this point," Deschutes make longer-term plans and County A dmin i strator the countycan reconcile our Tom Anderson said Friday. accounting for that transac"At this point, it's going to tion," he said. take working with them.

They've been a good community partner for some

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbulletin.com

time, and I don't see that

changing." Still, a sale would give the Bethlehem Inn some

flexibility to meet a growing population of homeless and low-income Central


Oregonians. The number of people seeking shelter

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries mustbereceived by5p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. MondayforTuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.

at Bethlehem Inn is up 10

percent from this time last year, Wysling said. The 78 single beds and five family rooms are almost always booked. The Bethlehem Inn has

Open to all residents, property owners 8t business in the Mtn View

Even without a purchase

soon, both sides say there's no chance the shelter will m ove. Bethlehem Inn i s

Phone: 541-617-7825

Email: obits©bendbulletin.com

Central Oregon's largest homeless shelter, and it's

Fax: 541-322-7254


o t h e r s h e lters

could find enough space for their clients.

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708

B ut Anderson said a

sale will have to come eventually.


operated out of the Econo Lodge property since 2007 but didn't start paying a lease until 2011.

5 •

A •

John Andersch

541%19-7078 NMLS¹302845

bendbulletin.com T e u l etm

attributes this to word of

works on.

gingerbread house."

t aciturn commander, Donald Blakeslee. During Blakeslee's


tle more approachable, but

they were allowed to eat the

2075 NE Wyatt Ct. Bend, OR 97701 www.partnersbend.org

Find It All Online

need it the most, while I

conservation devices and

farmers. the basin into law." In a prepared statement, — Reporter: 202-662-7456,

Goodson and other survivors fl ew in one of three "Eagle" squadrons, RAF units made up

May 5, 2014, at 1:00 p.m., DEATHS College i n A nc h o rage, a t H ig h A laska. B a r bar a m a r r i e d land ELSEWHERE Gerald (Jerry) Clevenger Baptist on November 30, 1957 in Church, Sparks, N evada. B a r bara located at Deaths ofnote from around w as a s e c r etary f o r t h e 3 100 S W David Allen the world: D epartment o f E n e rg y i n Highla~d Nicholas Martin, 75: An acA nchorage, A l a s ka . S h e A venue in R e d mond, O r w orked fo r S u n r i ver R e - egon; preceded by a pub- t or-turned-director wh o r a n sort i n S u n r i v er , O r egon lic viewing from 9:00 a.m. two important Massachusetts and for many years was a t o 11:00 a.m., at A u t u m n theater companies and earned l oving m o m , w if e , an d F unerals, l o cated a t 4 8 5 a Tony Award nomination homemaker . Bar b ar a N W L a r c h A ve n u e i n for directing "Vanya and Sol oved t o coo k , e n j o y e d R edmond. A gr ave s i d e nia and Masha and Spike" k nitting, c r o cheting, a n d service w i l l i m m e d i ately on Broadway last year. Died spending t i m e w i t h her f ollow th e C e lebration o f f amily a n d fr i e n ds . H e r L ife a t T e r r e b onne P i o - Wednesday at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. friends described her as a neer Cemetery. Herbert Hyman, 82: Foundvery caring an d g i v i ng D avid was b or n M a y 4 , er of The Coffee Bean & Tea lady. 1 957, in Oregon City, O r Survivors i n c l u d e her e gon, to R i chard an d E s - Leaf in the 1960s and saw the 'Bernice' (Fowler) premium coffee chain grow to son, Rocky Clevenger and ther wife, Pam of Oregon; her A llen. He, along w it h h i s hundreds of stores around the d aughter, Jerri L am b a n d f amily l i v e d i n t h e c o m - world. Died Monday in Southhusband, Jon of Texas; her munity of T er r e b o n ne, ern California. d aughter, T r i n a B is h o p where he owned and operManfred von Richthofen, a nd h u s b and, B r u c e o f ated Central Oregon LandAlaska; Tom Rogers of Ors caping a n d L a w n Te n - 80: The honorary president of Germany's national Olympic egon, daughter-in-law, Siders for 17 years. federation who presided over rid Davis of O r egon; her He enjoyed the outdoors our brothers, Roy Bisnett hunting, f i shing, f a mily a shake-up in German sports o f Fl orida, V o l l ie , C l y d e gatherings and hved life to management. Died Thursday and Richie Bisnett of Calithe fullest. in Berlin. fornia; 1 1 g r a n d children, H e i s s u r v i ve d b y hi s Juan Formell, 71: Cuban Angel, Rocky, Sean, Neil, wife, Jill A l l en; daughters, musician who for more than Nick, Todd, Ryan, H o l lie, K ristina A l l e n a n d K a t i e four decades was the driving Josh, Dale and Dalyn, and (husband, Jason) Williams. force behind the big band salsa 19 gr ea t - g r andchildren Other survivors include his and m a n y n i e c e s an d m other, B e r n i c e A l l e n - orchestra Los Van Van. Died nephews. F ickardt; t h r e e si b l i n g s Thursday. S he w a s pr e c e ded i n Cindy H e m p hill , R i c h ard Assi Dayan, 68:Actor, direcdeath by her husband of 43 A llen, Steven A l l en ; a n d tor and Israeli cultural icon who years, Jerry Clevenger, her two grandchildren, Taylor was known for both his trails on, Guy C l evenger, a n d Allen, Emily Williams. blazing films and troubled perparents, Roy and V i r g inia D avid w i l l al w a y s b e sonal life. Died Thursday in his Bisnett. loved a n d r em e m b ered. T he family w ould l ik e t o D avid e n r i ched s o m a n y Tel Aviv home. He was 68. Stefanie Zweig, 81: Author thank B a r b a r a' s s p e c ial lives beyond measure with of "Nowhere in A f r i ca," a n eighbors o f L i t t l e D e s - his friendship and love, he best-selling autobiographical chutes Lodge II, the loving never forgot anybody. staff of Prairie House in La A utumn Fu n e r a l s of novel about the life of a Jewish P ine, Oregon fo r t h e l o v - R edmond i s i n cha r g e family in Kenya after their esing care of our M om , Sis- of t he ar r an g e m ents, cape from Nazi Germany. Died 541-504-9485. ter, and Nana. The family on April 25 in Frankfurt. w ould also l i k e t o t h a n k www.autumnfunerals.net — From wire reports Mary, Chaplain Scott, Pam & C i nd y o f S t . C h a r l e s Hospice and Diane, Diana, and Chaplain Sue of Heart 'n H om e H o s p ice o f L a P ine fo r t h e I o v i n g c a r e t hey g av e h e r a n d her family. B a r b ar a w i l l be greatly missed by many. Baird M e m o r ia l C h a p el of La Pine is in c h arge of a rrangements. M e m o r i a l contributions may be made to St. Charles Hospice or Heart 'n Home Hospice.

B a sin," W y d en

said in a prepared statement. "This funding will provide

with the installation of water methods for ranchers and

Athenia, which on Sept. 3, 1939, wi 'th 40 hits. was torpedoed and shelled by Goodson, who was Amera German U-boat off the Scot- i can-born and was raised in tish coast. More than 100 of the T oronto by British parents, roughly 1,300 passengers and h ad been among the first U.S. crew members perishedbefore v olunteers to enlist in Britain's rescueboats arrived. Royal Air Force. He initially

went dark. " I went to see if there were

K lamath

sources Conservation Service, the USDA will provide a short-term safety net to $4.5 million this year to help farmers and ranchers who

31 kills (including three Goodson, who died Goodso n o n the ground), was the Thursday at 93, booked leading Army Air Forces passage on one of the last ships a ce in Europe during the war; 'chard Bong, an Army Air to leave England before Europe convulsed into world war. The F orces pilot in the Pacific, was v essel was the ill-fated liner t he highest flying ace overall,

w ere taken to port in Galway, I reland, where children from

Klamath Basin."

Neighborhood. Monday, May 5th 6:30pm - Spm Hollinshead Barn Guest Speakers: FIRE LEVY EXPLANATION Larry Langston Fire Chief SLOWER SAFER BEND Barb Campbell SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE MASTER PLAN City of Bend Pizza & Beverages

will be served! 541-241-2119 mtnviewneighborhoodo gmail.com Facebook.com/mountainviewneighborhood


W A .W W



W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc. ©2014







HIGH f95'

ALMANAC Yesterday Normal Record 85' in 1937 14'in 1964


24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" 0.36"in 1932 Record M onth to date (normal) O.o ooo(0.05oo) Year to date (normal ) 3.83 (4.18 ) Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 29 . 9 5"

Saturn Uranus

4 N(~ 7

Set 9: 0 0 p.m. 4: 2 4 p.m. 4 : 5 5 a.m. 1 : 0 8 a.m. 6: 3 8 a.m. 5 : 3 5 p.m.

Mostly cloudy with a couple of showers

2 p.m. 4 p.m.

~ 7~ N 4

35 Moderate; 6-7 High;8-10 VeryHigh; 11+ Exirsms.

POLLEN COUNT T r ee s Wee d s Hi ~gh A bse n t

Source: OregonAllsrgyAssocistss 541-683-1577


High: 87' at Rome Low: 30' at Lakeview

In inches as of 5 p.m.yesterday

Ski resort New snow Base 0 10 1 -150 Mt. Bachelor M t. Hood Meadows 0 114-1 3 4 0 85- 1 59 Timberline Lodge Aspen / Snowmass, CO 0 0-0 0-0 Park City Mountain, UT 0 Source: OuThsSnuw.cum




H i/Lu/Prsc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 58/54/0.01 58/50/r 57/47/r 82/36/0.00 68/37/pc 63/37/I 59/52/0.00 59/50/pc 57/48/sh 82/31/0.00 70/41/pc 62/37/pc 73/48/0.00 63/46/pc 60/46/sh 78/36/0.00 67/38/pc 60/36/c 79/30/0.00 69/37/pc 62/37/pc

Continuedfrom Bf

Board suspends local nurse The Oregon State Board of Nursing suspendedthe nursing license of Heather L. Shawof Bend for a minimum of14 days for refusing to cooperate with a board investigation. In December2013,Shawwas reported to the board for allegedly diverting narcotics from adevice that allows patients to administer their own pain medication. ShedBclinad to respond to the letters sent to her by theOSBNgiving her an opportunity to appearbefore the board or respond to theallegation, according to board documents.

Graniteu 63/36

'Baker C 68/37


• John




66 / 4 0

7 50

Valeu 78/50

C i ty Ls Grande Ls Pine M sdiord N ewport N orth Bend O n tario P endleton




Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lo/Pruc. Hi/Lu/W Hi/Lo/W

Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lo/Prsc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lu/W

City 81/ 43/0.00 67/42/pc 63/40/I Portland 73/32/0.00 61/36/pc 56/35/c Prinevills 83/4 8/0.00 71/48/pc 66/46/c Redmond 55/5 2 /0.00 57/50/sh 55/48/r Rossburg 5 9 / 54/0.00 59/50/pc 58/49/r Salem 84/41/0.00 79/50/pc 73/46/pc Sisters 83/ 5 3/0.00 70/46/pc 66/44/I The Oslles

76/5 4/0.0063/51/sh 62/49/sh 76/ 4 2/0.0066/40/pc56/36/ sh 80 / 39/0.0065/39/pc 60/36/c 77/ 5 1/0.0067/48/pc 63/48/ c 73/48/0.00 63/49/sh 61/47/c 76/39/0.00 64/39/pc59/36/ c 79 / 51/0.0068/49/pc 66/48/c



~ t o s ~ 208 ~ 30s ~ dos ~ 50s ~ 608 ~ 708 ~a os ~9 0s ~toos ~ttos x x x x x x wui

48 contiguousstates) National high: 106 at Death Valley,CA National low: 16 at Eagle Nest, NM Precipitation: 3.37" at Sarasota, FL


5 x 5 x x x x Qusb gy Bismarck


> > > > Smiui(s



uliiux 408




Hi/Lo/Prsc. Hi/Lo/W 82/48/0.00 94/59/s 56/46/Tr 63/42/sh 63/40/0.01 65/43/sh 75/41/0.00 81/56/s 68/38/0.00 65/45/s

decoy working with the OLCC rafused to sell to the minor.

Candidates identified for Buckinghamprincipal jod

Community members are invitad to meet the four finalists for Buckingham Elementary School Tan of12 businesses in principal at a public forum at 5p.m. Prineville and Powell Butte refused Tuesday in theschool's library. to sell alcohol to a minor during The four candidates are Lisa a recent enforcement operation Birk, assistant principal at Bear conducted by theOregonLiquor Control Commission. In a news release, theOLCC said its underagevolunteer succassfully purchased alcohol at Ranchero Mexican Restaurant andLamontaRoadhouse,both in Prineville. In 2013, 84 percent of businesses visited by anunderage

2 Crook Countybars fail OLCCsale-to-minor test

Abilene Akron Albany Albuquerque Anchorage Atlanta 73/52/0.00 Atlantic City 66/55/0.12 Austin 83/47/0.00 Baltimore 70/49/0.00 Billings 68/51/0.00 Birmingham 72/52/0.00 Bismarck 63/46/0.00 Boise 83/48/0.00 Boston 69/52/0.01 Bridgeport, CT 66/52/0.04 Buffalo 49/42/Tr Burlington, VT 62/46/0.01 Caribou, ME 59/40/0.17 Charleston,Sc 69/62/Tr Charlotte 69/47/0.00 Chattanooga 71/49/0.00 Cheyenne 70/35/0.00 Chicago 53/46/Tr Cincinnati 60/44/0.00 Cleveland 58/48/0.04 ColoradoSprings 73/29/0.00 Columbia, Mo 63/46/0.00 Columbia, SC 71/55/0.01 Columbus,GA 74/54/Tr Columbus,OH 59/48/0.00 Concord, NH 65/40/0.23 Corpus Christi 83/58/0.06 Dallas 82/50/0.00 Dayton 57/46/0.00 Denver 77/38/0.00 Oss Moines 68/41/Tr Detroit 58/47/Tr Duluth 51/35/0.01 El Paso 77/45/0.00 Fairbanks 72/40/0.00 Fargo 63/41/Tr Flagstaff 71/28/0.00 Grand Rapids 50/44/0.06 Green ssy 51/43/0.03 Greensboro 69/49/0.00 Harrisburg 64/45/0.00 Hsrffurd, CT 69/47/0.01 Helena 76/48/0.00 Honolulu 86/70/0.00 Houston 81/51/0.00 Huntsville 70/49/0.00 Indianapolis 52/42/Tr Jackson, MS 75/50/0.00 Jacksonville 65/61/0.61

76/55/s 66/52/pc 92/52/s

71/49/pc 57/40/sh 78/52/s 57/34/pc 79/53/pc 67/49/sh 65/48/pc 56/39/I 64/45/sh 61/41/sh 79/55/pc 76/50/pc 77/50/s 76/45/s 66/46/pc 70/47/pc 61/42/pc 80/47/s 74/52/pc 80/52/pc 80/54/s 68/46/sh 68/42/pc 88/58/s 90/59/s 66/45/pc 80/49/s 70/47/pc 62/42/sh 52/30/pc 84/61/s 68/40/s 55/31/pc 74/40/s 61/37/c

96/80/pc 70/49/s 85n2/pc 57/41/pc 66/50/c 63/39/c 70/57/s 92/68/s 102/83/c 45/31/sn 87/74/sh 60/47/sh 59/44/sh 63/35/s 76/49/s 84/71/c 71/58/sh

ssnz/pc 73/51/s 75/62/pc 82/61/s 65/42/pc 75/50/s


ing task. Theselected finalist will assume the role July1.

Creek Elementary School; David Cory, principal at Maywood Middle School in Corning, Calif.; Sunshine Dandurand, assistant principal at the International School of Panama; andVanessa Tobolski, assistant principal at Buckingham Elementary. The public forum is the final step in a daylong process that includas formal interviews, teacher observation, feedbackand awrit-

Redmond School District selects newtech director The RedmondSchool District announced Friday it has hired Jeremy Macdonald asdirector of technology and innovation. Macdonald is currently Bend La Pine Schools' integrated technology systems coordinator.

Litiis Rock Lus Angeles Louisville Madison, Wl Memphis Miami

75/44/Tr 96/62/0.00 62/47/0.00 55/45/0.02 71/49/0.00


Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New YorkCity Newark, NJ Norfolk, VA

52/47/Tr 59/42/Tr






facilities as compared with

providing base and airfield

squadron will fly to Fort Bliss, security. "As we transition to the AfTexas, for additional training. Miner said that after meeting ghan army and air force aswith the troops currently in suming responsibility for opAfghanistan the 1-82 will re- erating in the country, without place, "I'm very confident we as much U.S. support, then have a good plan to prepare the building areas and the inour soldiers, both individually frastructure where the U.S. and as a unit." forces have been living, that The future of NATO's pres- will be in some measure taken ence in Afghanistan is still un- down and shipped back to the clear as the country prepares states or disposed of," Miner for a presidential runoff elec- said. "There's housing areas, tion. President Hamid Karzai there's dining facilities, gyms, refused to sign the status of just that whole gamut of kind forces agreement. Howev- of life support so to speak, and er, Afghans voted for a new we're not just going to drive president April 5, and the two off the base and leave it there." candidates who received the Oregon Military Departmost votes are now tentatively ment spokesman Stephen scheduledfora runoffJune 7. Bomar said the soldiers could Both of the remaining presi- be among the last internadential candidates have said tional troops in Afghanistan, they will sign the agreement to "especially if the status-ofallow U.S. forces to stay in the forces(agreement) doesn't go country after 2014. through." Miner said he expects the — Reporter: 541-617-7829, 1-82 Cavalry will serve a full hborrud@bend)714lletirLcom

Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate ••


sgn7/o.oo 87n2/1 58/38/pc 68/43/0.00 77/52/s 75/59/0.00 80/61/s


Pittsburgh Portland, ME

80/71/0.75 75/61/I 102/66/0.00 104n2/s 59/47/0.00 69/46/pc 69/56/0.02 70/51/pc 95/67/0.00 98/74/s ssn4/s 55/48/Tr 63/46/sh 61/38/pc 66/45/0.13 63/44/pc 58/40/sh

Providence Raleigh

Rapid City Rsno Richmond Rochester, NY

Sacramento SI. Louis Salt Lake City Ssn Antonio Ssn Diego Ssu Francisco Ssu Jose Santa rs Savannah Seattle Sioux Falls Spokane Springfield, Mo Tampa Tucson Tulsa W ashingt on,OC Wichita

Yskims Yums S

67/48/Tr 66/49/pc 66/43/sh 69/51/0.00 75/52/pc 81/54/s 63/35/Tr 62/41/pc 68/44/pc 86/47/0.00 79/50/pc 75/48/pc 70/57/0.00 76/52/pc 80/53/s 56/47/0.01 60/39/I 54/38/c 89/51/0.00 63/48/Tr 78/47/0.00 83/53/0.00 91/65/0.00 73/54/0.00 84/54/0.00 72/27/0.00 69/61/0.01 69/54/0.00 65/34/0.01 79/50/0.00 65/37/0.00 77/71/3.08 90/55/0.00 73/37/0.00 72/55/0.00 74/35/0.00 85/44/0.00 98/65/0.00

78/48/pc 73/51/s

76/54/pc 84/55/pc 80/57/pc 82/54/pc 92/56/s 92/60/s 79/61/s 70/59/pc 64/52/pc 64/52/pc 74/50/pc 72/51/s 78/45/s 81/45/s 79/54/pc 85/59/s 60/49/sh 60/47/sh

62/41/pc 59/41/pc 65/45/pc 60/42/I 78/51/s 86/57/pc 76/65/I 82/67/s 93/65/s 94/66/s 88/57/s 90/62/s 73/53/pc 73/50/pc 87/54/s 95/58/pc 71/45/pc 70/41/I 101//2/s ggnO/s


Mecca Mexico City

108/84/0.00 106/78/s 107/82/s 79/57/0.10 77/52/pc 77/52/I Montreal 54/46/0.02 62/45/sh 54/42/I Moscow 59/52/0.00 54/35/pc 54/39/r Nairobi 79/59/0.19 79/61/I 80/62/I Nassau 86/75/0.12 88/76/pc 87/71/pc New Delhi 108/82/0.00 110n7/pc 108/79/pc Osaka 75/57/0.00 69/44/pc 71/53/pc Oslo 52/28/0.00 57/31/c 53/35/c Ottawa 57/45/0.01 57/44/sh 56/39/I Paris 61/50/0.02 60/41/c 62/42/s Riu de Janeiro 82/70/0.00 82/71/pc 84/73/s Rome 64/50/0.52 64/51/c 69/47/pc Santiago 59/52/0.00 68/45/pc 70/46/s Ssu Paulo 79/61/0.00 77/62/pc 83/66/s Sspporo 64/47/Tr 63/47/r 61/46/s Seoul 77/48/0.04 66/47/s 63/42/sh Shanghai 84/65/0.00 73/63/c 68/53/r Singapore 90/81/0.02 89n9/I 90/78/I Stockholm 48/28/0.01 53/36/sh 48/32/sh Sydney 72/57/0.12 61/48/sh 66/46/pc Taipei 82/68/0.02 82/72/c 87/69/r Tel Aviv 77/61/0.00 89/68/s 94ng/pc Tokyo 75/63/0.00 78/54/pc 69/57/pc Toronto 54/45/0.01 56/41/I 55/36/c Vancouver 68/54/0.01 57/49/sh 57/49/r Vienna 72/45/0.03 60/43/sh 61/41/pc Warsaw 48/37/0.04 47/33/r 57/34/pc

Before that, hBwasa teacher and instructional technology coachat Klamath Falls City Schools. In the past, the school district has sourced its technology sarvices through the HighDesert Education Service District. The district recently decided to create in-house ITpositions baginning July1 to meet its growing instructional technology needs. — Bulletin staffreports










Continued from B1 "We have a bunch of new "In the end, I do not believe equipment we're receiving, various types of weapons we'll that 1-82 cav or the other units be training on, in some cases in the 41st will come home for the first time at our annu- early," Miner said. Rather, the al training," Miner said. "So status-of -forces agreement or that's going to be a focus, en- lack thereof could affect the suring we're completely com- amount of time the 1-82 spends petent on those." breaking down U.S. military

85/60/s 74/52/pc 62/37/pc

HiRo/W 62/35/s 80/57/pc 56/35/pc 94n4/s 77/50/pc 77/51/pc 86/58/s 77/58/pc 78/55/pc 58/35/pc 87/63/s 84/71/pc 55/37/pc 54/41/pc 84/59/s 84/63/s 64/48/sh 68/46/sh 78/56/s 93/60/s 71/49/pc 85/61/s 96/67/s 65/44/pc 68/47/pc

70/57/0.01 67/50/pc 68/60/0.00 72/56/pc 75/43/0.00 90/57/s

Omaha Orlando Palm Springs Psoris Philadelphia Phoenix



Hi/Lo/Pruc. Hi/Lo/W 66/46/0.00 61/33/s 68/41/0.00 76/53/pc 52/44/0.04 61/36/c 95/61/0.00 95ns/s 61/43/0.00 74/48/pc 78/38/0.00 77/48/pc

400-day tour regardless of whether the next Afghan president signs a status-of-forces agreement.

After a June 17 mobilization ceremony in Bend, the


Yesterday Today Sunday

city Juneau Kansas City Lansing Lss Vsgss Lexington Lincoln

84no/pc ssnz/pc

Amsterdam Athens




Eugene Klsmsih Falls Lsksview Wuathur(W):s-sunny,pc-psitlycloudy,c-cloudy, sh-showers,t-thundsrstoims, r-rsin, sf-snowflurries, sn-snowI-ics,Tr-irscs,Yesterday data ssoi 5 p.m. yesterday

Shaw was one of 32nurses and nursing assistants across the state subjected to OSBN discipline during the board's most recent meeting on April 23.


• 7/44 • Mitch 6 63/40

• Burns Juntura 76/44 Fort Rock Riley 70/41 Cresce t • 66/36 70/41 60/36 Bandon Roseburg • Ch ristmas alley Jordan V Hey 61/50 Beaver Silver 68/37 Frenchglen 67/48 73/43 Marsh Lake 74/40 60/35 66/37 Gra • Burns Jun tion • Paisley 9/ a 77/46 Chgoquin Medfo d '66/38 Gold ach es Rome u7'/48 58/ 79/47 Klamath • Ashl nd • FaNS • Lakeview Mcoermi Bro ings 64/45



• • 66/40


City Asioris Baker City

Meac am Lostl ne 3 66/40 Enterprise

Grove Oakridge

NATIONAL Ac r e feet Ca pacity EXTREMES (for the 545 8 5 99% YESTERDAY



Joseph Grande • 67 42 Union

He ppner

Condon 7/43

• 66




53/42/c 75/58/pc 68/62/c




Sunshine andpatchy clouds

Yesterday Today Sunday

54/50/0.00 55/36/pc 58/38 x s 4.s s s s s xxx S usiu n 79/54/0.00 72/61/pc • xxm 82/41 /49 +,s 0, 63/46/0.00 70/56/pc olsu ;Qs Auckland York Baghdad 100/70/0.00 97/68/s .'e'e> 0 us /52 Bangkok 95n5/o.i4 95/80/I Salt a Oma 7 0/47 iiadulphiu seijing 73/53/0.00 73/48/pc 80/5 74/48 Beirut 73/63/0.00 78/66/s h h c lscc 7 84/52 Berlin 43/40/0.20 56/42/s ingiuu WWt Denver ous nle 7 Lus V us 66/54/0.06 65/48/r WWW'e Bogota SO/49 98/78 K unsa Cny Si. uu 74/ 5 2 Budapest 72/45/0.22 71/51/r 78/53 +.++ 78/8 BuenosAires 73/55/0.00 70/57/pc • ushvn churlu Los An lee Csbo SsnLucss 90/62/0.00 91/68/s 77/5 * • ~ I • L' c%WW Cairo 86/64/0.00 97n7/s Phosu x Anchurug Albuque ue kluhomu C • AH tu oWWW Calgary 41/37/0.34 32/30/sn • 98/74 8 8 X X X X '+ 85/4 u 0 81/86 9 78/55 Csncun 90/81/0.14 88/75/sh Blr ingha • nana Juneau Dublin 52/46/Tr 55/49/r ss/ss st/SS 1 Edinburgh 52/43/0.04 57/43/c Geneva 59/46/0.43 59/38/pc Hsrsre 79/48/0.00 76/48/s Orleans: 'e 'eX Hc siuu Hong Kong 82/74/0.00 83/74/pc .e< Huuululu Chihuahua /ss Istanbul 66/55/0.01 66/55/pc 84/50 cWW WW W W X x Miami Jerusalem 72/59/0.00 83/65/s Iuon ey 87/rs.SS/57 Johannesburg 76/53/0.00 76/49/s Lima 74/63/0.00 77/63/pc Lisbon 82/55/0.00 79/61/s Shown are today's noonpositions of weather systemsand precipitation. Temperature bandsare highs for the day. London 55/48/0.00 58/41/s T-storms Rain S h owers Snow Flurries Ice Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 72/54/0.00 76/46/s Manila 97/82/0.01 94/80/I


As of 7 s.m. yesterday

Reservoir C rane Prairie 95'yo Wickiup 190080 Crescent Lake 7 5 1 39 86% Ochoco Reservoir 34566 78% Prinevige 150425 101% River flow St a tion Cu. ft.lsec. Deschutes R.below CranePrairie 300 Deschutes R.below Wickiup 712 Deschutes R.below Bend 99 Deschutes R. atBenhamFalls 1710 Little Deschutes near LaPine 174 Crescent Ck. belowCrescent Lake 24 Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 223 Crooked R.below Prineville Res. 269 111 Crooked R.nearTerrebonne Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRes. 0

dl +„ • 70/





87/61/s 84/58/s 66/46/pc 86/57/s 85/56/s

• 66/49 Gove nt •




87/58/s 77/52/s 68/47/pc 80/52/s 76/53/I


Yesterday Today Sunday

The highertheAccuWssursr.rxrmUVIndex number, the greatertheneedfor eyssndskin protscgon.0-2 Lcw,

G rasses Moderate •


58/35/pc 74/51/pc 68/45/pc 69/46/pc 67/45/sh



he Daa


UV INDEX TODAY 10 a.m. Noon

andy •

lington 74/47

M ay21 M ay28

8:36 p.m. 4:50 a.m.




Last d

THE PLANETS T he Planets R i se Mercury 6:14 a.m. Venus 4:25 a.m. Mars 5:12 p.m. Jupiter 9:48 a.m.


Mc innvie



May6 M ay14




CampSer an Red n WEST: Anapproaching g sine storm systemtoday 65/50 • Prineville will bring clouds and 66/40 • Pa lina some rain in the Flor en e • Eugene • Be d Brothers 63 38 northwest, mainly in 58/49 Su were 65/37 the afternoon. • 62/ Ham on e La pine '

Today Sun. 5:54 a.m. 5: 5 3 a.m. 8:11 p.m. 8: 1 2 p.m. 9:2 7 a.m. 10 :21 a.m. none 1 2 :23 a.m. Fu l l l o

56' 33'


Cloudy; showers around, breezy andcooler

Partly cloudy with a passing shower late

Portland esses


CENTRAL: Breezy and cooler today with '"t rv I f I ud Lincoln and sunshine Some 67/49 clouds atnight.





Hi/Lo/W 94/61/s 57/37/pc 57/41/sh 85/56/s 63/46/s 83/60/s 68/49/pc 91/56/s 71/45/pc 67/44/c 84/60/s 55/39/pc 75/48/pc 64/46/sh 64/45/sh 52/38/sh 55/42/I 56/38/r 85/61/s 83/55/s 84/57/s 80/44/pc 55/39/sh 71/48/pc 55/38/pc 85/48/pc 82/54/pc 87/57/s 85/59/s 61/44/sh 61/37/sh 85/61/s 91/63/s 63/43/sh 84/49/pc 66/46/pc 61/39/pc 55/34/pc 91/65/s 67/42/pc 54/39/pc 72/44/s 57/36/pc 57/33/pc 82/56/s 65/40/pc 64/40/sh 66/43/I


Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset

59' 35'

Shown is today's weather.Temperatures are today's highs andtonight's lows. Umatiaa Hood 74/49 RiVer Rufus • ermiston


EAST:Breezywith clouds andsunshine today. A shower or two 67//I across Uie northeast- Cannon ern part of the state.




Bend through 5 p.m.yesterday 77 48'

LOW 37'


Partly sunny, breezyand cooler

I f' I


TheB u lletin

'w tifiIlti

.lOH P'








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Bachelor park set to open July11 Mt. Bachelor ski area has announced plansto open its chairlift-served downhill bike park on July11 and to offer daily operations through Sept. 1. The resort is offering a limited number of $299 season passesfor the park during a 96hour period beginning Thursday at noonand ending on May12 at noon.

i ar winsi or a z ers

rg+; '

• Portland advances to the second round after a last-second 3-point shot tllE -

The Associated Press

PORTLAND — Damian Lillard hit a 3-pointer at the buzzer and the Portland Trail Blazers stunned

Full-day lift tickets

will cost $34, and a four-day pass for $99 will also be offered. A twilight ticket good on Fridays andSaturdays — valid from 3 to 7 p.m. — will cost $19. Beginning Sept. 3, the bike park will be open Fridays through Sundays through Oct. 12. For more information, visit www.mtbachelor. com. — Bulletin staff report

HOCKEY Bruins distance team from tweets

Greg WahPStephens/The Associated Press

Houston Rockets' Jeremy Lin (7) defends against Portland Trail Blazers' Damian Lillard (0) during the first half of Friday night's game in Portland.

Boston Bruins and Mayor Marty Walsh condemned racist slurs about P.K. Subbanthat hit social media after the Montreal defenseman scored in the second overtime of their playoff game Thursday night. Bruins President Cam Neely issued a statement Friday calling the tweets "racist" and "classless." He said they came from an "ignorant group of individuals" who do not reflect the organization. Walsh said in astatement that the tweets were "a disgrace. These racist comments are not reflective of Boston, and are not reflective of Bruins fans. I've said before that the best hockey in the world happenswhen the Bruins andCanadiens play eachother, and there is no roomfor this kind of ignorance here." Subban, who is black, scored twice and the Canadiens won4-3 to take a1-0 lead in the best-of-seven Eastern Conference semifinals. Boston coach Claude Julien and several Bruinsalsocondemned the tweets. "It's just poor judgment, poor taste, and we don't associate ourselves with people like that," Julien said

Friday, "and people who think that way arenot what we call our fans. They may think they are, but we certainly don't a shame that this is still going around in this day and age." He noted that one of the Bruins players is Jarome Iginla, who is black.

to the second round since 2000.

Dwight Howard made four consecutive free throws to tie the game at91 before making a bank shot that put Houston ahead with 3:04 to go. Robin Lopez scored on a tip shot to give the Blazers a 94-93

lead with 2:15 left, setting up a wild finish. See Blazers/C4

NBA PLAYOFFS 9 98 13 111 7 83

Ravens take district victory over Cowgirls

greeted by teammates at the plate after a home fUll dUflng

at Mountain View High School in Bend.

Bulletin staff report

Joe Kline / The Bulletin

REDMOND — Ridgeview

was outhit 9-8 by visiting Crook County on Friday. But

by logging timely hits and capitalizing on runners in scoring position, the Ravens secured a 7-2 softball victory. With the Class 4A Special District 1 win, Ridgeview

edged Crook County 2-1 in the season's three-game series to earn at least a spot in the

Class 4A play-in round. The Cowgirls (1-2 SDI, 13-5 overall) posted a run in the top of the first only to be answered by two Ridgeview runs in the bottom half of the inning. The Ravens (2-1, 12-4) plated four more runs in the third and one in the sixth to all but seal their seventh win

in their last eight games. Zoe Lash was 2 for 3 with Bulletin staff report Summit played a little long ball Friday afternoon at Mountain View High. Home runs by Josh Cherry,

win completed a sweep of the

Cal Waterman and Noah Yunker helped the Storm to a 10-2 Intermountain Confer-

week's three-game series for Summit, which won its fourth

Tyler Mullen surrendered

jam in the bottom of the sev-

both Mountain View runs but pitched effectively for five in-

enthand preservethewin for

in a row overall.

nings to earn the victory. He

mature as a team," said Alan Embree, the Storm's first-

the Storm's offensive attack. Darryl Fristedt pitched 1

"The boys are starting to

Mariners fall to Astros in11 inns. Houston rookie George Springer hits a late single to lead theAstros to a 5-4 victory over Seattle,C3

also contributed three hits to

year head coach. "They're ence baseball victory over the gelling and playing well right

1/3 innings of scoreless relief,

crosstown rival Cougars. The

out to escape a bases-loaded

now. It's really fun to watch."

and Colby Scott got the last

Summit. No statistics were available for Mountain View. With the victory, Summit

improved to 5-4 in IMC play, 10-7 overall. The Cougars (0-3, 5-12) dropped their third in a row.

two RBIs to pace Ridgeview, which received contributions

from the leadoff spot (Shawna Marshall scored once) to the No. 9 hitter (Paige Davis drove in arun). Crook County was led by Jena Ovens, who went 2 for

4 with a run scored, while Emily Benton added a 2-for-3

performance with an RBI.

HORSE RACING: 140TH KENTUCKY DERBY lifornia Chrome is the early 5-2 favorite for the 140th Kentucky Derby. After that, nothing is for sure in what appears a wide-open race. Keiitilgpy Qef py fle/g Ca Rosie Napravnik will try to become the first female jockey to win the first leg of the Triple Crown. NOTE: The field has






spot in the starting gate will be empty and the horses H o r s e V i car's In Trouble Harry's Holiday unc l e Sigh will useposts 2 T r a iner M ike Maker Mike Maker Gar y Contessa through 20. Jockey Rosie NapravnIk C o rey Lanerie Ira d Ortiz Jr. Odds 20-t 50-1 30-1

ghpe © Wildcat Red Jose Garoltalo Luis Saez 15-1


(4 )






0 "y

Danza Cali f ornia Chrome Sam raat We Miss Artie Ge n eral A Rod Tod d pletcher Art S herman Ric k Violette Jr. Tod d pletcher Mic h ael Maker Joe Bravo Vic t or Espinoza Jos e Ortiz Jayi er Castellano Jo e l Rosario 8-1 5-2 te-t 50-1 te-t

Vin c eremos Tod d pletcher Joe Rocco Jr. 30-1

(15 )

D a nce With Fate Chitu Medal Count Tayiture Intense Holiday Commanding Curye C a ndY SoY Rid e On Curlin Wic ked Strong Dale Romans S t e ve Asmussen T o d d Pletcher Dal l as Stewart John Sadier Pet er Eurton Bob Baffert Williym g, gqwgn gymee A, Jerkena Cor ey Nakatani M a rtin Garcia R o bby Albarado Ricardo Santana Jr. John Velazquez Shaun Idgmohan Br G a ry Stevens Calv in Borel Rajiv Maragh e-t 20-t 20-1 20-1 12-1 50-1 15-1 1s-t 6-1

Source: Kinetic.thsTschnologyAgsncy


Scandal castsshadow over grandeur of Derby By Joe Drape

day in May a holiday for anyone

drugs to horses for nontherapeutic

New York Times News Service

who has brushed a horse, or

purposes and having a jockey use about the investigations. an electrical device to shock horses The Derby "is a once-in-a-life-

today, the horses for the 140th running of the Kentucky Derby will saunter onto the racetrack as a capacity crowd at Churchill Downs

climbed atop one, or taken $2 to a betting window because of the appeal of a horse's name. But in recent years, this rite of spring has been accompanied by

serenades them with a full-throat-

a new dimension: scandal. The



Game1: Blazers122, Rockets120, OT Game 2: Blazers 112,Rockets 105 Game 3: Rockets 121,Blazers 116, OT Game 4: Blazers123, Rockets120, OT Game 5: Houston108, Portland 98 Game 6: Portland99,Houston98


Summit's Noah Yunker, right, is

— The Associated Press

Nets Raptors

eliminated in the first round in its

last six trips, and hadn't advanced


support that at all. It's

avericks Spurs

the Houston Rockets 99-98 to take their playoff series in six games and advance to the Western Conference semifinals for the first time in 14 years. In the raucous postgame celebration, Lillard took the public address microphone and shouted "Rip City!" Portland, making its first playoff appearance since 2011, had been


• The Mavericks force a Game 7 after beating the Spurs,C4

Friday's game


Blazers Rockets


By Anne M. Peterson

ed "My Old Kentucky Home." It promises to be a stirring tableau of America's oldest sport, showcasing

its history and grandeur and the beautiful athletes at its center. It is what makes the first Satur-

has refused to answer questions

into running faster.

time opportunity, and that's where

Asmussen is here and will saddle the filly Untapable, which won

the focus is," he said. The official scrutiny of Asmussen was prompted by a fourmonth undercover investigation by PETA. His presence here has repulsed many horsemen.

the Kentucky Oaks on Friday, as

latest involves Steve Asmussen,

well as a colt named Tapiture today in the Derby. He fired his long-

the trainer with the second-most

time assistant, Scott Blasi, whose

career victories, who is under state and federal investigation over

voice was prominent on a video recorded with a hidden camera by

accusations of various forms of

People for the Ethical Treatment

cruelty, including administering

of Animals (PETA), but Asmussen

Kentucky Derby When:Today, 1 p.m. (Post time 3:24 p.m.) TV:NBC


• Kentucky Oaks goesto and thehorse racing business at Untapable,C4 See Derby/C4 But others say that Asmussen




TODAY SOCCER EPL, Manchester United vs Sunderland EPL, Everton vs Manchester City MLS, D.C.United at Portland A-League, GrandFinal, Brisbane Roarvs. Western Sydney AIITO RACING ARCA Series Racing, Talladega NASCAR,Sprint Cup,Aaron's 499, qualifying NASCAR,Nationwide Series, Aaron's 312

Time TV/Radie 7 a.m. N BCSN 9 a.m. C N BC 7:30 p.m. Root 10 p.m.


8 a.m. 10 a.m. n oon



College, LSUatTexasA8M MLB, St. Louis at ChicagoCubs MLB, Seattle at Houston College, Arizona atOregon MLB, Detroit at KansasCity College, OregonState at California College, Stanford at UCLA GOLF PGA Tour,Wells Fargo Championship PGA Tour,Wells Fargo Championship LPGA Tour,North TexasShootout

10 a.m. E SPN2

10 a.m. FS1 1 p.m. Root, MLB 3 p.m. P a c-12 4 p.m. FS1 7 p.m. 940-AM 7 p.m. E SPNU 1 0 a.m. noon noon

Go l f CBS Golf

1 p.m.



Kentucky Derby BASKETBALL

NBA Playoffs, Atlanta at Indiana NBA Playoffs, Memphis at OklahomaCity NBA Playoffs, Golden State at L.A. Clippers

2:30 p.m. T NT 5 p.m. TNT 7:30 p.m. T NT


NHL Playoffs, Montreal at Boston NHL Playoffs, Los Angeles atAnaheim

9:30 a.m. NBC 5 p.m. NBCSN

SUNDAY SOCCER EPL, Arsenal vsWestBromwich Albion EPL, Chelsea vsNorwich City MLS, Columbus atSporting KansasCity

Time TV/Radie 5:30 a.m. NBCSN

8 a.m. NBCSN 1 p.m. NBCSN


NASCAR,Sprint Cup,Aaron's 499 United SportsCar Championship, LagunaSeca United SportsCar Championship, LagunaSeca

9 :30 a.m. F o x 10 a.m. FS1 2 :30 p.m. F S 1


NBA Playoffs, Brooklyn at Toronto NBA Playoffs, Dallas at SanAntonio

1 0 a.m. AB C 12:30 p.m. ABC


PGA Tour,Wells Fargo Championship PGA Tour,Wells Fargo Championship LPGA Tour,North TexasShootout

10a.m. noon noon

Golf CBS Golf


MLB, SanFrancisco at Atlanta College, LSUatTexasA8M MLB, Seattle at Houston College, OregonState at California College, Arizona atOregon MLB, St. Louis at ChicagoCubs

10:30 a.m. MLB 11 a.m. ESPNU 1 1 a.m. R o ot 1 p.m. 940-AM 4 p.m. P a c-12 5 p.m. E S PN


NHL Playoffs, Minnesota at Chicago NHL Playoffs, NewYork Rangers at Pittsburgh WHL, Edmonton at Portland

noon NBC 4:30 p.m. NBCSN 5 p.m. Roo t


Arena Football, Spokane atLosAngeles

4 p.m.


Listings are the most accurate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for late changesmadeby Tvror radio stations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF BASEBALL BeaverS di'ud CalifOrnia —DylanDavisdrove in four runs Friday night to lead OregonState to a 10-4 victory over California in the opener of a three-gamePac-12Conference series at Evans Diamond in Berkeley, Calif. Jeff Hendrix added athree-run homer in the ninth inning, Andy Peterson scored three runs, and Michael Conforto had two RBls for the Beavers in their eighth consecutive win over Cal. Ben Wetzler was the winning pitcher, allowing five hits and one earned run with six strikeouts over 7N innings to improve his record to 8-1. Hendrix and Michael Howard hadthree hits apiece for Oregon State (15-4 Pac-12, 32-8 overall). Derek Campbell homered in the seventh inning for the Bears (7-12, 19-22) to account for the only run against Wetzler. Thesecond game of the series is set for today starting at 6 p.m.

DuCkS take SerieS OPener frOm AriZOna —Shaun Chase belted two homeruns and hadthree RBls to lift Oregon to a6-1 win over Arizona in the first game of athree-game Pac-12Conference series Friday night at PKPark in Eugene. Mark Karaviotis had two hits and knocked in two runs for the Ducks (11-8 Pac-12,32-13overall). Winning pitcher TommyThorpe checkedthe Wildcats (7-15, 28-26) on five hits over 7/s innings, allowing five hits and anearned run while striking out five batters andwalking two. Theseries resumes today; game time is 3 p.m.

FOOTBALL Seattle bringingdackSchofield, adding JeffersonLinebacker O'Brien Schofield and cornerback A.J. Jefferson have both agreed to terms to join the SuperBowl champion Seattle Seahawks. Schofield announced onhis Twitter pageFriday that hewas re-signing with the Seahawks. Jefferson's agent also tweeted about the cornerback joining the Seahawksafter hewas released last November by Minnesota following an arrest. TheSeahawks confirmed later Friday that both players hadagreed to terms with the team.Seattle also announced it would not pick up the fifth-year contract option on former first-round pick JamesCarpenter, making him eligible to be a free agent after the 2014season.

BASKETBALL StiViano SPeakS adout Sterling, reCOrding — V.Stiviano says Los AngelesClippers owner Donald Sterling is confused and traumatized after the NBA banned himfor life for racist statements he made during a recorded conversation with her. Stiviano told Barbara Walters on ABC's "20/20" that Sterling feels aloneand not supported by those around him, but addedthat he should "absolutely" apologize for telling her to not post online photos of herself with black people, including basketball great Magic Johnson. Therecording, which an attorney for Stiviano said wasleaked by athird party, led to public outcry across the country and sponsors to drop the Clippers. — From wire reports

ON DECK Today Boys tennis:Bend,Red mond, Summit, Mountain View, Ridgeview,CrookCountyat CD Duals in Redmond,TBD Girls tennis:5A OregonDual Match Cha mpionships,Semifinals:Summit vs.Corvallis atJuniper, 11 a.mcConsolationquarterfinals: Ridgeviewvs. Ashlan datJuniper,8:30a.mcBendvs.TheDalles Wahtonka at BendHigh, 8:30a.mcConsolation semifinals: MountainViewvs. Lebanonat Summit, 8:30a.mcRedmond at Pendleton atMountain View,8:30a.m. Boyslacrosse:CanbyatBend,1p.m.;Redmondat Hermiston,1p.m.

Sunday Girls lacrosse: Marist atCentral Oregon,noon

Tomas Berdych(1), CzechRepublic,def. Leonardo Mayer,Argentina,3-6,6-4r6-4. CarlosBerlocq,Argentina, def. Milos Raonic(2), Canada, 7-5r 6-4. DanielGimeno-Traver, Spain, def. MarcelGranollers (3),Spain,6-1, 6-2. Victor Hanescu,Romania, def. Gastao Elias, Portugal, 6-1,7-5. Women Semifinals CarlaSuarezNavarro (1), Spain,def. Irina-Camelia Begu,Romania, 7-6(3), 6-1. SvetlanaKuznetsova(7), Russia,def.ElenaVesnina (8), Russia6-3, , 6-1.


Wells Fargo Friday At QuailHollowClubCourse Charlotte, NrCr NBA Playoffs Purse:$6.9million Yardage:7,562; Par:72 NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION SecondRound AR TimesPDT 67-68—135 Martin Flores 66-69—135 AngelCabrera FIRSTROUND 69-67—136 JustinRose (Best-of-7;x-if necessary) 69-68—137 Shawn Stefani 70-67—137 J.B. Hol m es Friday'sGames 72-66—138 KevinKisner Brooklyn97,Toronto83,seriestied3-3 69-69—138 MartinKaym er Dallas113,SanAntonio111, seriestied3-3 68-70—138 StewartCink Portland99,Houston98, Portlandwinsseries4-2 72-67—139 Geoff Dgi l y y Today'sGames 69-70—139 Martin Laird Atlantaat Indiana,2:30 p.m. 68-71—139 JonathanByrd MemphisatOklahoma City, 5p.m. 71-69—140 Michae lThompson GoldenStateatL.A. Clippers, 7:30p.m. 70-70—140 R etief Goo s en Sunday'sGames 71-69—140 RobertStreb BrooklynatToronto,10a.m. 73-67—140 JasonBohn DallasatSanAntonio,12:30 p.m. 69-71 — 140 CharlesHowell III 71-70—141 Roberto Ca s t r o Friday'sSummaries 72-69—141 Jim Furyk 71-70 — 141 ZachJohnson Blazers 99, Rockets98 WebbSimpson 68-73 — 141 Chris Kirk 71-70—141 HOUSTON(98) RyanMoore 70-71—141 Parsons7-170-0 16,Asik 1-22-24, Howard 10- DerekErnst 73-68—141 18 6-1126,Beverley1-4 0-0 2, Harden9-15 12-12 ScottLangley 70-71 — 141 34, Lin4-132-411, Daniels 0-20-0 0,Jones2-4 1-2 KevinStreelman 72-69 — 141 5. Totals34-75 23-3198. JohnMerrick 71-70—141 PORTLAND (99) Vijay Singh 69-72—141 Batum4-100-09,Aldridge10-2610-1030,Lopez KevinNa 69-72 — 141 5-10 2-212, Lillard8-143-325,Matthews4-13 2-4 HidekiMatsuyam a 69-72 — 141 12, Williams1-31-1 3,Robinson3-5 2-28, Wright MichaelPutnam 73-69—142 0-1 0-00.Totals36-82 28-2299. Cameron Tringale 74-68—142 Houston 29 29 21 19 — 98 RorySabba tini 74-68—142 Portland 28 28 22 21 — 99 Phil Mickelson 67-75—142 3-PointGoals—Houston 7-19 (Harden4-6, Par- Brendon deJonge 80-62—142 sons 2-4, Lin1-6, Beverley0-1, Daniels0-2), Port- DanielSum merhays 70-72—142 land 9-24(Lillard 6-10, Matthews2-8, Batum1-6). DannyLee 71-71—142 Foule dDut— Asik.Rebounds— Houston58(Parsons WesRoach 71-71—142 12), Portland 40 (Aldridge13). Assists—Houston BudCauley 71-71—142 19 (Harden 6), Portland14(Batum 7). Total FoulsJasonKokrak 75-68—143 Houston20, Portland20.Technicals—Houstondefen- ErnieEls 76-67—143 sive three second.A—20,204(19,980). KevinChappeg 73-70—143 MikeWeir 72-71—143 GaryWoodland 71-72 — 143 Nets 97, Raptors83 DavisLoveIII 75-68—143 S ang-Moon B a e 72-71—143 TORONTO (83) Will Wilcox 71-72 — 143 Ross3-90-06, A.Johnson2-6 0-04, Valanciunas BrianHarman 70-74—144 4-51-2 9, Lowry 4-161-211, DeRozan8-1810-11 Pettersson 73-71—144 28, Salmons 2-31-1 6, Patterson3-91-28, Hayes0-0 Carl Brown 71-73—144 0-0 0, Vasquez 4-10 0-0 9, Novak0-2 0-0 0, Hans- Scott Brendan St e el e 72-72 — 144 brough 0-02-22. Totals 30-7816-2083. BenMartin 71-73 — 144 BROOK LYN(97) AndrewSvoboda 72-72—144 J.Johnson5-127-917, Pierce4-92-212, Garnet David Hea rn 70-74—144 5-7 3-413,Wiliams8-163-423,Anderson4-101-2 RickyBarnes 72-72—144 9, Blatche4-8 0-0 8, Kirilenko0-2 2-2 2, Thornton MarkWilson 72-72—144 2-61-2 5, Livingston 3-4 0-06, Teletovic1-3 0-02, Pat Perez 73-71 — 144 Plumle e00000.Totals36-7719-2697. Jim Herm a n 76-68—144 Toronto 19 22 18 24 — 83 Bronson La C ' a ss i e 71-73—144 Brooklyn 34 26 19 18 — 97 TedPotter,Jr. 72-73—145 Johnson Wagner 75-70—145 74-71—145 Mavericks113, Spurs111 JustinHicks KevinTw ay 73-72—145 Jim Rennre 71-74—145 SANANTO NIO(111) 72-73—145 Leonard4-93-412, Duncan7-9 2-2 16,Splitter JoshTea ter 77-68—145 4-711-1219,Parker10-231-222,Green7-71-217, HeathSlocum 74-71—145 Diaw3-52-2 9,Ginobili1-84-4 6, Mills 4-60-010, KyleStanley 75-70—145 Belinelli 0-1 000,Bonner0 00 00,Ayres0 00 00. Bill Haas HunterMahan 72-73—145 Totals 40-7624-28111. 69-76—145 DALUIS(113) RoryMcgroy 74-71—145 Marion3-61-3 7, Nowitzki11-200-022, Dalem- RickieFowler 73-72—145 bert34006,Calderon590012, Ellis11-2246 RobertAgenby 73-72—145 29, Carter4-6 3-413, Blair 3-104-710, Harris4-8 Y.E.Yang 74-71 — 145 3-4 11, Crowder 1-2 0-0 3. Totals 45-87 16-24 BrianDavis 113. Failed toqualify 75-71—146 San Antonio 26 2 6 29 30 — 111 RichardH.Lee 75-71 — 146 Dallas 34 24 18 37 — 113 GregChalmers 74-72 — 146 BrianGay 78-68—146 GeorgeMcNeil HOCKEY 71-75—146 Jeff Overton 78-68—146 JamieLovemark 72-74—146 Billy HurleyIII NHL Playoffs 72-74—146 F ielding Brew bak er NATIONALHOCKEY LEAGUE 72-74—146 BrianStuard All TimesPDT 72-74—146 Stephen Ames 73-73—146 JohnRogins SECOND ROUND 74-72—146 Jhonattan V e gas Friday'sGames 71-75—146 Blixt N.Y.Rangers3, Pittsburgh2 (DT), N.Y.Rangers lead Jonas 74-72—146 ScottGardiner series1-0 77-70—147 Bo VanPelt Chicago 5, Minnesota2, Chicago leadsseries1-0 74-73—147 Spencer Le vi n Today'sGames 74-73—147 Austin Montrealat Boston,9:30a.m., Montreal leadsseries Woody LeeWestwood 71-76—147 1-0 ThorbjornOlesen 75-72—147 Los Angeleat s Anaheim,5 p.m. 75-72—147 Chris Stroud Sunday'sGames Nicolas Col s aerts 75-72—147 Minnesota atChicago, noon JamesDriscoll 75-72—147 N.Y.RangersatPittsburgh,4:30 p.m. ChadCollins 72-75—147 ScottMccarron 75-72—147 Seung-Yul Noh 76-71 — 147 BASEBALL LeeWiliams 73-74 — 147 AndrewLoupe 77-70—147 College DavidLingmerth 76-72—148 Pac-12Standings BenCrane 75-73—148 All TimesPDT D.H.Lee 76-72 — 148 Joe Ogilvie 76-72 — 148 Conference Overall JohnPeterson 72-76—148 Oregon State 15-4 32-8 TroyMerritt 71-77—148 17-5 30-11 PeterMalnati Washington 75-73—148 ArizonaState 12-9 24-18 D.A. Points 72-76—148 12-10 24-19 IJSC Jimmy W a lk er 74-74—148 Oregon 11-8 32-13 Darren Cl a rke 76-72—148 UCLA 10-9 23-19 Todd 71-77—148 9-10 19-22 Brendon WashinqtonState 75-73—148 Stanford 7-12 19-20 NickWatney N icholas Th om p son 73-75—148 7-12 19-22 California 73-75—148 Arizona 7-15 28-26 RobertKarlsson 3-16 13-26 SteveMarino 76-73—149 Utah Friday'sGames Will MacKenzie 75-74—149 Washington 8, Utah4 StuartAppleby 77-72—149 Oklahoma State8, ArizonaState5 BenCurtis 79-70—149 WashingtonState5, USC2 ScottStallings 76-73—149 UCLA 7, Stanford 2 TrevorImmelman 78-71 — 149 Oregon 6, Arizona1 Tim Wilkinson 78-71 — 149 Oregon State10, California4 Dustin Bray 72-77 — 149 Today'sGames LucasGlover 75-74—149 Washingtonat Utah,11a.m. HarrisonFrazar 72-77—149 Arizona StateatOklahomaState,1 p.m. JasonGore 74-75—149 USCatWashington State, 2p.m. Morgan H o ff ma n n 73-76—149 Arizona at Oregon, 3p.m. JamieDonaldson 75-74—149 OregonStateat California, 6p.m. K.J. Choi 77-73—150 StanfordatUCLA, 7p.m. A ndres Ro m er o 78-72—150 Sunday'sGames ArizonaStateatOklahomaState,11 a.m. PadraigHarrington 72-78—150 Washingtonat utah, 11a.m. 78-72—150 HaroldVarnerIg Washingtonat Utah, 11a.m. GonzaloFdez-Castano 74-76—150 USCatWashingtonState, noon BriceGarnet 71-79—150 Oregon Stateat California,1 p.m. CharlieBeljan 74-76—150 StanfordatIJCLA,I p.m. 73-77—150 CharlieWi Arizona at Oregon,4 p.m. 77-73—150 HudsonSwafford 73-77—150 KevinFoley 76-74—150 H unter Gre en TENNIS 75-76—151 SeanO'Hair 78-73—151 RusselHenl l ey Professional 79-72—151 RodPerry 74-77—151 BMWOpen Matt Jones 76-76—152 Friday TommyGainey 78-74—152 At MTTCIphitos TyroneVanAswegen 73-79—152 Munich CamiloVilegas 77-76—153 Purse:$590,000(WT250) J.J. Henry 75-78—153 Surface:Clay-Outdoor FrankLickhter8 78-75—153 Singles Kelly Mitchum 75-78—153 Quarterfinals ChessonHadley 79-74—153 FabioFogmni(1), Italy, def.ThomazBegucci, Bra- TroyMatteson 78-76—154 PaulGoydos zil, 6-2, 6-2. 75-80—155 Tommy Haas(2), Germany, def. AndreasSeppi (7), WilliamMcGirt 76-79—155 James Hahn Italy, 6-3,3-6,6-3. 79-80—159 Ben Kohl e s MartinKlizan,Slovakia,def. DenisIstomin, uzbekistan,7-6(3), 1-6,6-1. Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany,def.RicardasBerankLPGA Tour is, Lithuania,4-6,6-3,6-4. NorlhTexasShootout PorlugalOpen Friday Friday At LasColinasCountry ClubCourse At Estadio Nacional Irving,Texas Oeiras,Portugal Purse:$1.3million Purse: Men,$590,000(WT258);Women, Yardage:6,410; Par.71 $250,000 (Intl.) SecondRound Surface:Clay-Outdoor a-denotesamateur Singles Meena Lee 70-64—134 Men CarolineMasson 67-67—134 Quarterfinals StacyLewis 71-64 — 135


NatalieGulbis ChristinaKim JulietaGranada DewiClaireSchreefel Dori Carter CristieKerr Suzann Pettersen Kim Kaufm an MoiraDunn Felicity Johnson

Megan Mcchrystal Azahara Munoz Pornanong Phatlum ThidapaSuwannapura KatherineKirk

JennyShin SarahKemp InbeePark Tiffany Joh Ji Young Dh HaruNom ura P.K.Kongkraphan AmeliaLewis MichelleWie Na Yeon Choi JenniferJohnson JeeYoungLee VictoriaElizabeth BrittanyLang LexiThompson SunYoungYoo JodiEwartShadoff Julilnkster Xi YuLin MinaHarigae KarineIcher JenniferSong Pat Hurst Jessica Korda Sarah JaneSmith StaceyKeating Sydnee Michaels LorieKane MeganGrehan ChristelBoeljon BrookePancake AlenaSharp GerinaPiler AmyAnderson Sue Kim Joanna Klaten PaolaMoreno Angela Stanford PazEcheverria DanielleKang RyannOToole ChellaChoi MiHyangLee CydneyClanton LauraDiaz EmmaJandel BeatrizRecari Pernilla Lindberg JenniferRosales Ayakouehara AustinErnst NicoleJeray AlejandraLlaneza AlisonWalshe KarenStupples HaejiKang Failed toqualify IreneCoe LizetteSalas ChieArimura HeeYoungPark EricaPopson MorganPressel JeongJang PaulaReto Ashleigh Simon JaclynSweeney CarlotaCiganda gheeLee Mo Martin Katie M. Burnet Brianna Do MiJungHur HannaKang AshleyKnoll Giulia Sergas MarinaAlex Hannah JunMedlock CatrionaMathew CandieKung SeonHwaLee Sandra Gal JenniferKirby JennySuh GiuliaMolinaro HeatherBowieYoung NicoleCastrale MariaHernandez Jimin Kang KatieFutcher JaneRah a-Sammi Stevens KarinSjodin JayeMarieGreen a-MaddieSzeryk Kris Tamulis LouiseFriberg Silvia Cava geri LisaMccloskey BeckyMorgan BelenMozo LauraDavies Eun-HeeJi Se RiPak AnyaAlvarez Caroline Westrup Alex Stewa rt CindyLacrosse DanahBordner ReilleyRankin Hee-WonHan KellyTan KathleenEkey MoriyaJutanugarn Veronica Felibert KristyMcPh erson PerrineDelacour Julia Boland MindyKim a-BrittanyFan SandraChangkija MariaMcBride VickyHurst a-AnnikaClark I.K. Kim Lindsey Wright ChristineSong

70-65—135 67-69—136 71-66—137 71-66—137 67-70—137 67-70—137 66-71—137 72-66—138 70-68—138 70-68—138 70-68—138 70-68—138 70-68—138 70-68—138 69-69—138 69-69—138 71-68 — 139 71-68—139 74-66—140 73-67—140 70-70—140 68-72—140 68-72—140 67-73 — 140 72-69 — 141 71-70 — 141 71-70 — 141 70-71 — 141 70-71 — 141 70-71—141 70-71 — 141 69-72 — 141 69-72—141 68-73—141 74-68 — 142 73-69 —142 73-69—142 72-70—142 72-70—142 72-70—142 71-71—142 71-71—142 69-73 —142 76-67—143 73-70—143 73-70—143 73-70—143 72-71—143 71-72—143 71-72 — 143 71-72—143 71-72 — 143 71-72 — 143 70-73—143 70-73—143 70-73 — 143 69-74 —143 69-74—143 67-76—143 77-67—144 74-70—144 74-70—144 73-71—144 73-71 — 144 73-71—144 72-72 — 144 72-72—144 72-72 —144 72-72—144 71-73—144 69-75 — 144

LarryMize BrianHenninger MorrisHatalsky Jeff Sluman BobGilder AhmadBateman BobbyWadkins TomByrum BlaineMccallister DuffyWaldorf Kohki Idoki CoreyPavin Hal Sutton DavidMerriman DonPooley RogerChap man BradFaxon CraigStadler KennyPerry TomKite BruceVaughan D.A.Weibring JohnCook DavidFrost Nick Price PaulWesselingh DanaQuigley AndyNorth FuzzyZoeger MarkCalcavecchia Jim Gallagher,Jr. CurtisStrange JohnHarris BobbyClampett JohnRiegger BenCrenshaw

76-70—146 76-70—146 75-71—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 74-72 —146 74-72—146 74-72—146 73-73 — 146 73-73—146 73-73—146 72-74—146 72-74—146 76-71—147 76-71—147 74-73—147 73-74—147 72-75—147 72-75—147 72-75—147 71-76—147 79-69—148 77-71—148 76-72—148 75-73—148 74-74 —148 74-74—148 74-74—148 73-75—148 71-77—148 79-70—149 79-70—149 79-70—149 76-73—149 76-73—149 76-73—149 73-76—149 73-76—149 75-75—150 73-77—150 71-79—150 70-80—150 78-73—151 78-73—151 77-74—151 77-74—151 76-75—151 75-76—151 73-78—151 78-74—152 76-76—152 79-74—153 77-76—153 77-77—154 77-79—156 81-82—163 74 —WD 79 —WD 88 —WD

MINNESOTA TWINS — Placed OF Aaron Hicks onth e7-dayDL.RecalledLHP LoganDarnegfrom Rochester (IL). TORONT OBLUEJAYS— Recalled CErik Kratz from Buffalo(IL). OptionedRHPChad Jenkins to Buffalo. NationalLeague ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS—Recalled OFAlfredo MartefromReno (PCL). Optioned OFTonyCampanatoReno. ATLANTA BRAVES— Agreed to termswith 3B Chris Johnson onathree-year contract from2015-17. COLORADOROCKIES— PlacedINFJoshRutledge on the 15-dayDL, retroactive to April 28. RecalledINFRyanWheeler fromColoradoSprings

36-37—73 37-36—73 37-36—73 36-37—73 36-37—73 36-37—73 37-37—74 36-38—74 38-36—74 36-38—74 36-38—74 37-37—74 37-37—74 37-37—74 37-38—75 36-39—75 37-38—75 39-36—75 39-36—75 37-38—75 40-36—76 39-37—76 39-37—76 37-39—76 38-38—76 39-37—76 36-41 — 77 38-39—77 36-41—77 39-38—77 38-40—78 41-37—78 41-39—80 45-35—80 44-36—80 45-37—82


Today'sGames NewEnglandatTorontoFc,10a.m. SanJoseat Vancouver,4 p.m. RealSaltLakeat Chicago,5:30 p.m. Los Angeleat s Colorado,6 p.m. PhiladelphiaatSeatle FC,7p.m. Housto natChivasUSA,7:30p.m. D.c. Unitedat Portland,7:30p.m. Sunday'sGames NewYorkat FCDallas, noon Columbus at Sporting KansasCity,1p.m.


AmericanLeague BALTIMOREORIOLES — Optioned RHP Evan Meek toNorfolk(IL). RecalledRHPBrad Brachfrom Norfolk. CLEVELAND INDIANS— Placed2BJasonKipnis on the 15-dayDL.Recalled INFJose Ramirezfrom

Columbus (IL). DETROIT TIGERS — Agreedto termswith RHP Joel Hanrahan on aone-year contract andplaced him on the15-dayDLSentRHPMikeBelfiore outrightto Toledo (IL). 74-71 — 145 HOUSTO NASTROS—Agreedto termswith LHP 74-71—145 TonySipponaone-year contract. DptionedRH PPaul 73-72 —145 72-73—145 Clemensto Oklahom a City (PCL). TransferredRHP 72-73 — 145 JesseCrainto the60-day DL. 72-73 — 145 KANSAS CITYRDYALS—PlacedLHPBruceChen 71-74—145 on the15-dayDL Recaled RHPAaron Brooksfrom 71-74—145 Omaha(PC L). 71-74—145 LOSANGELES ANGELS— Recalled INF Grant 71-74—145 GreenfromSalt Lake(PCL).

Champions Tour InsperityInvitational Friday At TheWoodlandsCC The Woodlands,Texas Purse:$2million Yardage:7,002; Par:72(36-36) First Round 32-34—66 Bart Bryant 35-31—66 BernhardLanger 34-33—67 Esteban Toledo 34-34—68 Joe Daley 33-35—68 Jeff Magge rt 34-34—68 FredFunk 34-35—69 SteveLowery TommyArmour RI 36-33—69 35-34—69 StevePate 32-37—69 BobTwa y MarkO'Meara 35-34—69 FredCouples 35-34—69 JoeySindelar 35-34—69 MarkBrooks 35-35—70 GeneSauers 37-33—70 WesShort, Jr. 36-34—70 Willie Wood 35-35—70 Jay Haa s 36-34—70 DanForsman 35-35—70 MikeGoodes 35-36—71 RodSpittle 36-35—71 GaryHallberg 36-35—71 Gil Morgan 36-35—71 PeterSenior 35-36—71 Colin Montgom erie 33-38—71 MarkWiebe 36-35—71 RoccoMediate 34-37—71 Olin Brown e 34-37—71 RussCochran 35-36—71 MarkMcNulty 37-34—71 MichaelAllen 34-37—71 BradBryant 36-36—72 34-38—72 TomPurtzer 35-37—72 Billy Andrade 37-35—72 Scott Simpson 36-36—72 Jim Rutledge 35-37—72 TomPerniceJr. 37-35—72 LorenRoberts 35-37—72 Mike Reid 38-35—73 PeterJacobse n 38-35—73 ChienSoonLu Jim Thorpe 35-38—73 37-36—73 WayneLevi


LOS ANGELESDODGERS — Recalled INF-DF ChoneFigginsand RHPJoseDominguezfrom Albuquerque(PCL). PlacedLHPHyun-Jin Ryuon the 15-dayDL,retroactivetoApril 28.AssignedLHPPaco Rodriguezto Albuquerque.Dptioned RH PRed Patter-

son toAlbuquerque. MILWAUKEE BREWERS— PlacedRHPJim Henderson onthe 15-dayDL.Recalled OFCaleb Gindl fromNashville (PCL). SANDIEG OPADRES—Agreedto termswith RHP

Odrisamer Despaigneonaminorleaguecontract.

BASKETB ALL NationalBasketballAssociation NBA — Suspended MemphisFZach Randolph one game for punching OklahomaCity CStevenAdams inthejawduring a May1 game. FinedBrooklyn coachJasonKidd$25,000for public criticismof the officiating. ORLAND OMAGIC— Exercisedteamoptions and extended thecontracts of general manager Rob HenniganandcoachJacqueVaughnthroughthe2015-16 season. FOOTBA LL NationalFootballLeague NFL —Suspended Carolina DEFrankAlexander for thefirst fourgamesof the2014regular seasonfor violatingtheleague'ssubstanceabusepolicy. CINCINNATI BENGALS — Waived QB Zac Robinson. CLEVELAND BROWNS — Exercisedthe2015option onDLPhil Taylor. MIAMIDOLPHINS — Waived/injured OTJason Weaver. SAN FRANCI SCO49ERS— Exercisedthe2015 contractoptionon LBAldonSmith. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — Named Wil Harriger offensiveassistant, ChrisMorganassistant offensive line coachandChad Morton assistant specialteams coach.AnnouncedNate Carroll will assumethe role of assistantwide receiverscoachandJohn Glenn uality control/defense coach.Agreedto termswith LB 'BrienSchofieldandCBA.J. Jefferson.Declined to exercise GJamesCarpenter's fifth-yearcontract option for the2015season. TENNE SSEETITANS— Agreed to termswith WR BrianRobiskieonaone-yearcontract. WASHINGTONREDSKINS— Exercised2015option onLBRyanKerrigan. HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague NEWYORKISLANDERS— NamedBrentThompson coach of Bridgeport (AHL). MOTORSPORTS INDYCAR — Fined Andretti Autosport-HVM $2,000for infractions byrookie Carlos Munoz'spit road crewduring theApril 27 raceat Barber MotorsportsPark. OLYMPICSPORTS USADA —Announced sprinter TysonGayaccepted aone-year suspensionandreturnedthesilver medal hewonin themen's400-meter relayattheLondon Olympicsafterhetestedpositive for aprohibitedsubstance .Theone-yearbanbeganlastJune23,theday his samplewascolected at theU.S. championships. Gayacceptedlossof results datingtoJuly15,2012. COLLEG E COKER — Announcedretirement of softball coach DavidHanna. DUKE— Announcedfreshmanmen'sbasketballF SeanObi is transferringfromRice. LASALLE— PromotedSeanNealtomen' sassistant basketballcoach. MARYLAND — Grantedmen' ssophomorebasketball GSethAllenhisrelease. N.C.STATE—Announcedtheresignation ofwomen's tenniscoachHansOlsen. SANJOSESTATE— NamedMikeLeporeandTyler Ojanenmen'sassistant basketball coaches.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movement of adult chinook,jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiver damslast updated onThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd Bonneville 14,011 66 2 37 8 The Dalles 6,911 1 3 2 12 0 John Day 4,127 62 7 2 -1 McNary 3 600 69 6 upstreamyear-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadand wild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd Bonneville 92,673 1,874 3,904 1,177 T he Dalles 41,283 557 3 7 3 14 2 John Day 27,603 42 5 2 ,764 1,095 McNary 13,579 1 8 1 52 5 317




Baltimore NewYork Boston Tampa Bay Toronto Detroit

Kansas City Chicago Minnesota Cleveland Oakland

East Division W L 15 12 15 13 14 16 14 16 13 16

Central Division W L 15 14 14 12 12

9 14 16 15 17

18 16 14 12 10

11 13 14 15 19

West Division W L

Texas Los Angeles Seattle Houston

Pct GB .556 .536 '/r

467 2~/r .467 2'/z .448 3

Pct GB .625 .500 3 .467 4 .444 4'/r .414 5'/r

Pct GB

.621 .552 2 .500 3'/2 .444 5 .345 8

Friday's Games Cleveland12,ChicagoWhite Sox5 Tampa Bay10, N.Y.Yankees5,14 innings Pittsburgh 6,Toronto5 Boston7,Oakland 1 Baltimore 3, Minnesota0 Detroit 8,KansasCity 2 Houston 5, Seatle 4,11 innings Texas 5, L.A.Angels2 Today'sGames Tampa Bay(Odorizzi1-3) at N.Y.Yankees(Tanaka3-0), 10:05a.m. Oakland(Milone0-2) at Boston(Lester2-4), 10:35 a.m. Baltimore(W.chen3-1) at Minnesota(Correia 0-3), 11:10a.m. Seattle(Iwakum a0-0) at Houston (Keuchel2-1),1:10 p.m. Chicago WhiteSox(Carroll1-0) at Cleveland(Masterson 0-1),3:05p.m. Toronto(Dickey2-3) at Pittsburgh(Liriano 0-3), 4:05 p.m. Detroit (Smyly1-1)at KansasCity (Duffy 1-1), 4;10 p.m. Texas (M.Harrison 0-0)at L.A.Angels (Richards2-0), 6;05 p.m. Sunday'sGames ChicagoWhiteSoxat Cleveland,10:05 a.m. Tampa Bayat N.Y.Yankees,10;05 a.m. OaklandatBoston, 10:35a.m. TorontoatPittsburgh,10:35a.m. Baltimore atMinnesota,11:10a.m. Detroit atKansasCity,11:10 am. Seattle atHouston, 11:10a.m. Texasat L.A.Angels,12:35 p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE

Atlanta Washington NewYork Miami Philadelphia

Milwaukee St. Louis Cincinnati Pittsburgh Chicago SanFrancisco Colorado Los Angeles SanDiego Arizona

East Division W L

17 11 17 12 15 13 15 14 13 14

Central Division

Pct GB .607 .586 '/z .536 2 .517 2H .481 3'/z

W L 21 9 15 15 13 16 11 18 10 17

Pct GB .700 .500 6 :448

18 11 18 13 17 13 13 17 10 22

.621 .581 1 .567 I'/r

West Division W L

379 91/2 370 9'/2

Pct GB

433 5 1/2 .313 9'/2

Friday's Games Chicago Cubs6, St.Louis 5 Pittsburgh 6,Toronto5 Washington 5, Philadelphia3 Miami 6,L.A.Dodgers3 Milwaukee 2,Cincinnati 0 San Francisco 2, Atlanta1 Colorado 10, N.Y.Mets 3 Arizona2,SanDiego0 Today'sGames St. Louis(Wacha2-2) at ChicagoCubs (Arrieta0-0), 10:05a.m. Toronto(Dickey2-3) at Pittsburgh(Liriano 0-3), 4:05 p.m. Washington (Roark2-0) at Philadelphia(Burnett1-1), 4;05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Maholm1-2) atMiami(Ja.Turner0-0), 4:10 p.m. Milwaukee (Galardo 2-0) at Cincinnati (Cueto2-2), 4:10 p.m. San Francisco(Vogelsong0-1) at Atlanta(Teheran 2-1),4:10p.m. N.Y.Mets(Mejia3-0) at Colorado(Morales 3-1), 5:10 p.m. Arizona (Mccarthy0-5)at SanDiego (Kennedy2-3), 5:40 p.m. Sunday'sGames L.A. Dodgers atMiami,10;10 a.m. SanFranciscoatAtlanta, 10:35a.m. TorontoatPittsburgh,10:351.m. Washington at Philadelphia,12:05 p.m. Arizona at SanDiego,1:10 p.m. Milwaukee atCincinnati,1:10 p.m. N.Y.MetsatColorado,1:10 p.m. St. LouisatChicagoCubs,5:05p.m.

American League

Astros 5, Mariners 4(11innings) HOUSTON — George Springer singled homethe winning run in the11th inning to give Houston a victory over Seattle. Thetouted rookie camethrough after starting the nightzero for 5 with four strikeouts. Seattle

ab r hbi MSndrsrf 41 1 0 BMigerss 5 0 2 0 Cano2b 4 1 0 0 Hartdh 5 0 1 0 Seager 3b 5 1 2 2 Smoak1b 4 0 0 0 AckleyIf 4000 Zunino c 4122 Almontcf 3 0 0 0


ab r hbi Altuve2b 5 2 3 0 Fowlercf 6 1 2 0

Jcastroc 4 1 1 0 Hoespr 0 0 0 0 Corprnc 0 0 0 0 Springrrf 6 0 1 1 Kraussdh 3 0 2 2 Guzmn1b 5 0 0 0 Presleylf 4 1 0 0 MDmn3b 3 0 1 0 MGnzlzpr-3b 1 0 0 0 Vigarss 4 0 1 1

Totals 3 8 4 8 4 Totals 4 1 5 114

Seattle 000 0 2 2 000 00 — 4 Houston 002 0 1 0 010 01 — 0 TampaBay New York No outswhenwinning runscored. ab r hbi ab r hbi E—Almonte2(5). DP—Houston2. LOB—Seattle Zobrist 2b 8 1 1 0 Ellsury cf 6 0 4 1 5, Houston14.28—Seager (5), Altuve(7). HR —Zu- DJnngscf 6 2 1 1 Lerouxp 0 0 0 0 nino (4). SB —Seager (2), Altuve(10), Vilar 2 (6). L ongori3b 6 1 3 1 Jeterss 7 0 0 0 CS—Zunino(1).S—Corporan. Myersrf 7 2 3 2 Beltranrf 7 0 2 0 IP H R E R BBSO SRdrgzlf-1b 6 2 3 1 Teixeir1b 6 1 2 1 Seattle L oney1b 4 0 3 1 ASorinlf 7 2 3 1 FHernandez 5 5 3 2 3 6 Guyerpr-If 1 1 1 1 Mccnndh-c 7 1 2 2 WilhelmsenH,3 1 1 0 0 1 1 Forsythdh 1 0 0 1 BRorts2b 6 1 3 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Joyceph-dh 4 1 0 0 Solarte3b 6 0 1 0 BeimelH,3 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 YEscorss 6 0 3 1 JMrphyc 3 0 1 0 LeoneH,1 MedinaBS,1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 JMolinc 4 0 0 0 KJhnsnph 1 0 0 0 DeJessph 1 0 0 0 Kelleyp 0 0 0 0 Farquhar 2 1 0 0 1 4 FurbushL,0-3 0 3 1 1 0 0 Hanignc 2 0 2 1 ISuzukiph 1 0 0 0 Warrenp 0 0 0 0 Houston Gardnrph-cf 1 0 0 0 Peacock 62-3 7 4 4 4 7 Sipp 12-3 0 0 0 0 2 Totals 56 102010 Totals 58 5 185 Qualls 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 TampaBay 010 210 001 000 00 — 10 BassW,1-0 2 0 0 0 0 1 Newyork 020 000 021 000 00 — 5 E—H.Bell (1). DP —Tampa Bay 2, NewYork 5. Furbushpitchedto 4baters in the11th. LOB —TampaBay 13,NewYork13. 2B—S.Rodriguez HBP —byFHernandez(J.castro). T—4:02. A—15,771(42,060). 2(5), J.Murphy (1). 3B—Longoria (1). HR —De.Jen-

Rangers 5, Angels 2 ANAHEIM, Calif.— Shin-Soo

ChooandAlexRioshomeredin the sixth inning against winless Hector Santiago, andTexasbeat theLosAngelesAngelstoenda four-game losing streak. Texas

Los Angeles

eb r hbi ab r hbi Choolf 4 1 3 2 HKndrc2b 5 0 1 1 D Rrtsnlf 0 0 0 0 Troutcf 5 0 1 0 Andrusss 5 0 1 1 Pujols1b 4 0 2 0 ABeltre3b 3 0 0 0 Ibanezdh 4 0 0 0 Fielder1b 4 1 1 0 Freese3b 1 1 1 0 Riosrf 4 1 2 2 IStewrt3b 1 0 0 0 DMrph2b 4 0 0 0 Greenph-3b 1 0 0 0

Kimbrel 1 0 0 0 0 2 Cleveland broke asix-game losing WP —Lincecum. streak with a winover theChicago T—3:08.A—29,469 (49,586). White Sox. Cleveland's struggling offense, which scored13 runs on Diamondbacks 2, Padres 0 an 0-6 road trip, finally broke loose. SAN DIEGO — Bronson Arroyo Chicago Cleveland and two relievers held punchless ab r hbi ab r hbi San Diego to three hits andAaron E atoncf 2 0 0 0 Bourncf 5 0 1 1 JrDnkscf 1 0 0 0 Aviles3b 5 2 2 0 Hill hit a two-run single to lead GBckh2b 4 0 1 0 Swisher1b 3 2 1 1 Arizona to a victory in a matchup LeGarc2b 1 0 0 0 CSantndh 4 3 2 2 of the bottom two teams in the NL JAreu1b 5 1 1 1 Raburnrf 2 1 1 2 A.Dunndh 4 0 1 0 DvMrpph-rf 1 1 0 0 West. Viciedorf 3 1 0 0 Brantlylf 5 2 3 3 AIRmrz ss 4 1 2 0 Acarerss 4 0 1 0 DeAzalf 4 2 2 1 JRmrzss 0 0 0 0 Semien3b 4 00 0 YGomsc 4 1 2 2 Nietoc 4 0 3 1 EIJhns2b 4 0 0 0 Totals 3 6 5 103 Totals 3 7 121311 Chicago 030 011 000 — 5 Cleveland 511 0 1 4 Ogx— 12

7 4 2 1 ClrLee Mi.AdamsL,1-1 BS,2-20 3 3 3 Diekman 1 2 0 0 Bastardo 1 1 0 0 Mi.Adams pitchedto 3baters inthe8th.

2 0 1 1

5 0 3 1

WP—Strasburg. T—3:11. A—31,945(43,651).

Brewers 2, Reds0 CINCINNATI —Wily Peralta doubled home two runs — the first RBls of his career — andrepeatedly escaped trouble during his eight innings, leading Milwaukee to a victory over Cincinnati.

San Diego eb r hbi eb r hbi GParrarf 3 1 1 0 Ecarerss 4 0 0 0 Milwaukee Cincinnati Prado3b 4 0 1 0 Venalerf 4 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Gldsch1b 4 1 1 0 S.Smithlf 4 0 0 0 CGomzcf 4 0 1 0 Heiseylf 4 0 1 0 Monterc 3 0 0 0 Gyorko2b 4 0 1 0 Gennett2b 4 0 0 0 Votto 1b 3 nings (3),Teixeira(4), A.Soriano(5), Mccann(4). E—G.Beckham (2), Sem ien (5), EI.Johnson 2 Hill2b 4 0 2 2 Alonso 1b 3 0 1 0 Lucroyc 4 0 3 0 Frazier3b 4 00 11 00 3 0 1 0 Amarstcf 2 0 0 0 SB — Zobrist (3), De.Jennings2 (6), Ellsbury (9), 2). DP —Chicago1, Cleveland3. LOB—Chicago8, C.Rosslf A rRmr3b 3 0 0 0 Brucerf 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Petersn3b 3 0 0 0 B.Roberts(4). SF—Forsythe. leveland 7. 28—Nieto (2), Swisher(8), C.Santana Owingsss Overay1b 4 1 1 0 B.Penac 4 0 0 0 cf 4 0 1 0 Rivera c 2 0 0 0 IP H R E R 0000 (4), Y.G omes2(5). HR—J.Abreu(11), C.Santana(4), Inciart KDavislf 4 0 0 0 Cozartss 3 0 0 0 Arroyo p 3 0 0 0 Stauffr p 0 0 0 0 TampaBey Brantley(5). SB—Aviles(4). CS—A.cabrera(1). Gindlrf 3 0 1 0 Berndncf 3 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 Maybin ph 1 0 0 0 Price 7 8 2 2 0 8 IP H R E R BBSO Ziegler Segurass 3 1 0 0 RSantg2b 2 0 0 0 Echavz ph 1 0 0 0 Thayer p 0 0 0 0 Jo.PeraltaBS,1-1 1 3 3 3 0 0 Chicago WPerltp 3 0 1 2 Leake p 2 0 0 0 p10 0 0 OviedoBS,1-1 2 - 3 1 0 0 0 0 Joh.Danks L,2-2 5 10 8 8 3 3 A.Reed p 0 0 0 0 Cashnr FrRdrg p 0 0 0 0 N.Soto ph 1 0 0 0 Hundly ph-c 2 0 1 0 B.Gomes 2 1 0 0 0 0 Downs 1-3 2 3 2 1 0 Ondrskp 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 2 7 2 Totals 3 0 0 3 0 H.Bell W,1-1 21 - 3 4 0 0 1 0 Cleto 12-3 1 1 0 1 0 3 00 3 0 Arizona 0 02 000 000 — 2 Totals 32 2 7 2 Totals Lueke 1 1 0 0 0 0 Lindstrom 1 0 0 0 1 1 M ilwaukee 0 0 0 0 2 0 000 — 2 Sen Diego 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 0 New York Cleveland C incinnati 000 0 0 0 000 — 0 E—Arroyo(1), Montero(5). DP—Arizona1, San Nuno 4 2-3 5 4 4 3 2 SalazarW,1-3 5 7 5 3 3 6 E—Segura(4), Cozart(1). DP—Milwaukee1, Cin—Arizona 7,SanDiego4. SB—G.Parra Betances 11 3 2 0 0 0 3 Rzepczynski 2-3 1 0 0 1 1 Diego1.LOB cinnati 2.LOB—Milwaukee5, Cincinnati 5. 28—Lu—G.Parra(2). Claiborne 1 1-3 0 0 0 2 ShawH,5 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 (3). CS .Peralta(2), Votto (7), Frazier (7). IP H R E R BBSO croy (11),W Thornton 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 C.Lee 1 1 0 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO Arizona Dav.Robertson 1 2 1 1 0 1 Outman 1 1 0 0 0 1 Milwaukee A rroyo W, 2 -2 7 3 0 0 1 6 Kelley 2 1 0 0 0 3 Allen 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 7 ZieglerH,3 1 0 0 0 0 1 W.PeraltaW,4-1 8 Warren 2 4 0 0 0 2 Salazarpitchedto1batter in the6th. S,14-14 1 0 0 0 0 1 A.ReedS,7-8 1 0 0 0 0 1 Fr.Rodriguez LerouxL,0-1 1 5 5 5 2 2 WP — Cleto,Shaw.PB— YGomes. Cincinnati Sen Diego Jo.Peraltapitchedto1batter in the9th. T—3:26. A—15,518(42,487). 8 7 2 2 2 5 CashnerL,2-4 6 4 2 2 3 1 LeakeL,2-3 HBP —by H.Beg (Teixeira), by Thornton (Loney). 1 0 0 0 0 1 Stauffer 2 1 0 0 0 2 Ondrusek WP — Nuno. T — 2: 3 5. A — 32,759 (42 ,319). Thayer 1 2 0 0 0 1 National League T—5:49.A—33,580 (49,642). WP—Arroyo,Cashner. PB—Montero. T—2:24.A—27,032 (42,302). Marlins 6, Dodgers 3 Cilbs 6, Cardinals 5 Arizona

LMartncf 4 1 1 0 Aybarss 4 0 0 0 Choicedh 2 1 0 0 Congerc 3 0 0 0 Morlndph-dh1 0 1 0 Cowgillrf 3 0 1 0 A renciic 4 0 0 0 Shucklf 4 1 2 1 Tigers 8, Royals 2 Totals 35 5 9 5 Totals 3 5 2 8 2 MIAMI — Surprising TomKoeRockies10, Mets 3 Texas 0 00 003 200 — 5 CHICAGO —Anthony Rizzo hit Los Angeles 01 0 100 000 — 2 KANSASCITY, Mo. — Rick Porcel- hler outpitched Josh Beckett, a two-run single in the first that DP—LosAngeles 1. LOB—Texas6, LosAngeles lo cruised through seveninnings, DENVER — Charlie Blackmon and Miami extended its home ended Adam Wainwright's score9. 28 — Pujols (8). HR —Choo(3), Rios(2)r SB—H. the Tigers battered JamesShields winning streak to sevengames by homered among his three hits, Kendrick(7),Cowgig(1), Shuck(2). CS—Rios(4). less streak at 25 innings, and the Jorge De LaRosapitched effecIP H R E R BBSO once again andDetroit rolled to a beating the LosAngeles Dodgers. Chicago Cubs beat St. Louis for its Texas victory over KansasCity to open tively for six innings andColorado third win in four games. Koehler (3-2) allowed three hits LewisW,2-1 52- 3 7 2 2 1 6 beat the NewYork Mets for its 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 their three-gameset. Victor MartiPoredaH,2 seven scoreless innings. The FrasorH,5 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 nez had a pair of doubles anddrove in sixth win in sevengames. St. Louis Chicago right-hander began the year with CottsH,3 1 0 0 0 1 0 in two runs, andJ.D. Martinez and ab r hbi ab r hbi OgandoH,6 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 a career record of 5-11, made the Mcrpnt3b 3 2 1 1 Bonifac2b-cf 4120 New York Colorado SoriaS,7-7 1 0 0 0 0 1 Alex Avila also drove in two runs JhPerltss 4 1 2 3 Valuen3b 4110 eb r hbi eb r hbi rotation as a fifth starter and now Los Angeles apiece astheTigers won their H ogidylf 4 0 1 0 Rizzo1b 3 2 2 3 Lagarscf 5 1 2 0 Blckmncf 5 3 3 2 H.SantiagoL,0-5 6 7 5 5 2 5 has an ERAof 2.41. Craig1b 4 0 1 0 Scastross 4 1 1 0 DnMrp2b 5 0 1 0 Arenad3b 4 2 1 0 Jepsen 2-3 1 0 0 0 2 fourth straight against the Royals. Y Molinc 4 1 1 0 Schrhltrf 3 1 1 0 DWrght3b 4 0 20 Tlwlzkss 4 2 3 3 Maronde 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles Miami Jaycf 4 0 0 0 Sweenycf 3 0 2 1 CYounglf 3 1 1 0 Culersnss 0 0 0 0 Morin 11-3 1 0 0 1 3 Detroit KansasCity ab r hbi ab r hbi Grndrsrf 4 1 2 2 Mornea1b 4 1 2 2 Grichkrf 4 0 1 0 Barney2b 1 0 0 0 Frieri 23 0 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi D Gordn2b 5 1 3 1 Yelichlf 3 1 1 1 M.Ellis2b 3 1 0 0 Castilloc 4 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Rosarioc 3 0 1 2 H.Santiagopitchedto 2battersin the7th. K insler2b 4 1 2 0 Aokirf 4 0 0 0 Puigrf 3 0 1 1 Dietrch2b 3 1 0 0 Satin1b D escalsph 1 0 0 0 Kalishlf 3 0 0 0 dArnadc 4 0 1 0 Dickrsnlf 3 0 0 1 HBP —byLewis(Freese). TrHntrrf 5 2 2 0 Infante2b 4 1 2 0 HRmrzss 4 0 0 0 Stantonrf 4 0 1 1 W nwrgp 1 0 1 0 Oltph 1000 Tejadass 3 0 0 0 Barnesrf 4 1 1 0 T—3:14. A—42,989(45,483). Micarr1b 5 1 1 1 Hosmer1b 3 0 0 1 AdGnzl1b 3 00 0 McGeh3b 4 0 2 1 Choatep 0 0 0 0 HRndnp 0 0 0 0 ZWhelrp 1 0 0 0 LeMahi2b 3 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 5 1 3 2 BButlerdh 4 1 1 1 Ethiercf 3 0 1 0 Sltlmchc 3 2 2 1 Bourjosph 1 0 0 0 TWoodp 3 0 0 0 EYongph 1 0 0 0 JDLRsp 1 1 1 0 AJcksncf 5 0 1 0 AGordnlf 3 0 0 0 Kempph-cf 1 0 0 0 GJones1b 4 1 3 1 Lyonsp 0 0 0 0Grimmp 0 0 0 0 Familip 0 0 0 0 Stubbsph 1 0 0 0 Red Sox 7, Athletics1 D.Kelly3b 5 0 1 0 S.Perezc 3 0 0 0 Olivoc 4 1 1 0 Ozunacf 4 0 0 0 BAreuph 1 0 0 0 CMartnp 0 0 0 0 S iegristp 0 0 0 0 Schlittrp 0 0 0 0 JMrtnzIf 4 1 2 2 Hayes c 0 0 0 0 Crwfrdlf 4 0 0 1 Hchvrrss 4 0 1 0 MAdmsph 1 0 0 0 Lakeph-If 1 0 0 0 CTorrsp 0 0 0 0 Belislep 0 0 0 0 Avilac 3 1 1 2 Mostks3b 3 0 1 0 Figgins3b 2 0 0 0 Koehlerp 2 0 0 0 BOSTON — Dustin Pedroia hit a Totals 34 5 8 4 Totals 3 4 6 12 6 Frnswrp 0 0 0 0 RWhelrph 1 0 1 0 AnRmnss 4 1 1 0 AEscorss 3 0 0 0 JDmngp 0 0 0 0 RJhnsnph 1 1 1 1 St.Louis 0 02 100 020 — 0 Quntnllph 1 0 0 0 Kahnlep 0 0 0 0 grand slam for his100th career Dysoncf 3 0 0 0 VnSlykph 1 0 0 0 Marmlp 0 0 0 0 203 010 ggx — 6 Totals 3 4 3 9 2 Totals 3 3101310 Chicago home run andClayBuchholz Totals 4 0 8 147 Totals 3 0 2 4 2 Beckettp 2 0 0 0 MDunnp 0 0 0 0 E—S.castro (5). DP—St. Louis 1, Chicago1. N ew York 100 0 0 2 0 00 — 3 Detroit 0 02 300 300 — 8 JuTrnr3b 1 1 1 0 Solanoph 1 0 0 0 —St. Louis 4, Chicago6. 28—Jh.Peralta (6), picked up his first win at homeas Colorado 420 1 0 0 3 0x — 10 LOB K ansas City 1 0 0 1 0 0 000 — 2 Cishekp 0 0 0 0 E—Tejada (2). DP—New York 1, Colorado1. Y.Molina(8), Grichuk(1), Valbuena(4), Sweeney(2), Boston beat Oakland. Pedroia had E—Moustakas (3). DP—Kansas City 1. LOB Totals 33 3 7 3 Totals 3 3 6 11 6 LOB — N e w Y or k 8, Col o rado 4. 28 — L ag are s (6), Castillo 3 (6). HR —Jh.Peralta (7), Rizzo(5). CSDetroit 7,KansasCity 2.28—MiCabrera(8),VMartiyet to homer this season before Los Angeles 00 0 000 021 — 3 Morneau(9), Barnes(3). HR—Granderson(2), Black- Bonifacio(3). S—Wainwright. n ez 2 (5), J. M arti n ez 2 ( 3), M ous t a kas (5). 38 — In fan te — 0 Miami 010 100 40x IP H R E R BBSO on (6). CS —Dan.Murphy (1). S—J.De La Rosa. driving an 0-2 pitch out to left field (3). HR —Avila (1), B.Butler (1). SF—Hosmer. E—Dietrich (5). DP—Los Angeles 1, Miami1. m SF — Rosario, Dickerson. St. Louis IP H R E R BBSO LOB in the sixth inning to put Boston —LosAngeles 7, Miami 6. 28—Ethier (2), G. W ainwri g ht L,5-2 5 10 6 6 2 4 IP H R E R BBSO Jones 3(5), Hechayarria(7).38 —Olivo (1),Yelich(3). Choate 1 1 0 0 0 2 up 6-1. Thecushion was plenty for Detroit York PorcegoW4-1 7 4 2 2 0 6 HR — Saltalamacchia(6). SB—D.Gordon(16), Puig2 New 1 0 0 0 0 0 Z.WheeleL,1-3 r 4 7 7 6 2 1 Lyons Buchholz (2-2), who shut down Krol 1 0 0 0 0 0 (4). CS —D.Gordon(2), Yelich (1). Familia 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 Siegrist 1 0 0 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO C.Torres the team with the top record in the E.Reed 2 5 3 3 0 2 Chicago KansasCity Los Angel e s TWoodW2-3 7 6 3 2 0 6 Farnsworth 1 1 0 0 0 0 American League. ShieldsL,3-3 61 - 3 12 87 1 3 BeckettL,0-1 62- 3 8 4 4 1 8 GrimmH,2 1-3 2 2 2 1 0 Colorado 12-3 2 0 0 0 2 J.Dominguez K.Herrera 11 - 3 32 2 1 1 J.De LaRosaW,3-3 6 8 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 4 SchlitterH,4 Oakland Boston Mariot 1 0 0 0 0 0 Miami H .Rondon S, 2 -2 1 0 0 0 0 0 C.Martin 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP—byShields(Kinsler). WP—Shields. ab r hbi ab r hbi KoehlerW,3-2 7 3 0 0 2 4 Belisle 1 1 0 0 1 0 T—3:08. A—28,160(41,072). T—2:41.A—28,021(37,903). Crispcf 4 0 0 0 Pedroia2b 3 2 2 4 Marmol 13 2 2 2 1 0 Kahnle 1 0 0 0 0 1 Lowriess 4 0 1 0 Victornrf 4 0 1 0 M.Dunn 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 WP—C.Torres,J.DeLaRosa. Dnldsn3b 3 0 1 0 D.Ortizdh 5 0 1 0 Interleague Cishek 1 2 1 1 0 1 T — 3: 0 2. A — 42,04 0 (50, 480). Orioles 3, Twins 0 Moss1b 4 0 0 0 Napoli1b 3 0 1 1 HBP —by J.Dominguez(Dietrich), by Koehler(Ad. Pirates 6, Blue Jays5 C espdslf 3 0 1 0 GSizmrlf 5 1 1 0 Gonzalez).WP—Marmol. MINNEAPOLIS — UbaldoJimenez T—3:08. A—20,722(37,442). Nationals 5, Phillies 3 Callaspdh 3 0 0 0 Bogartsss 4 1 2 0 Reddckrf 3 0 0 0 Przyns c 4 2 2 1 struck out a season-high 10over PITTSBURGH — Pedro Alvarez hit Gentryph 1 0 0 0 Mdlrks3b 4 0 0 0 PHILADELPHIA —AdamLaRoGiants 2, Braves1 a tying two-run homer off Sergio Jasoc 2 1 2 0 BrdlyJrcf 2 1 1 1 seven-plus scoreless innings for che's tiebreaking single in the DNorrsph 1 0 0 0 his first win with Baltimore, and Santos in the ninth inning and Sogard 2b 2 0 0 0 ATLANTA —Michael Morse eighth inning helpedWashington Nelson Cruz hit a two-run home Starling Marte following one out Puntoph-2b 2 0 0 0 and Angel Paganhomered, Tim rally from an early deficit to beat Totals 3 2 1 5 0 Totals 3 47 117 run to pad the lead for the Orioles later with a winning drive into the Lincecum allowed onerun over Oakland 0 01 000 000 — 1 in a victory over Minnesota. Philadelphia. Cliff Lee outpitched bullpen in left-center, giving PittsBoston 020 004 01x — 7 six innings andSan Francisco beat Stephen Strasburg, but the Philfrom E—Jaso(1), Buchholz (1). DP—Oakland1, Bos- Jimenez dropped his ERA burgh a win overToronto. ton1.LOB— Oakland8,Boston10.2B— Cespedes 6.59 to 5.19, after leaving with one Atlanta. San Francisco spoiled the lies' bullpen struggled again. Mike (8), Pedroia(10), D.Ortiz (5), G.Sizemore(4), Bradley out in the eighth following Eduarseason debut of Bravesstarter Toronto Pittsburgh Adams (1-1and j Jake Diekman Jr. (9). 38 —Jaso(1). HR—Pedroia(1). SB—Pedroia ab r hbi eb r hbi Mike Minor with its seventh victo- allowed three runs andfive hits in (2) do Escobar's double. Reyesss 5 1 1 0 Tabatarf 4 0 1 0 IP H R E R BBSO ry in eight games. an inning. Mecarrlf 5 0 1 0 Sadlerp 0 0 0 0 Oakland Goself 0 0 0 0 JHrrsnph 1 0 0 0 Baltimore Minnesota Straily L,1-2 41- 3 4 2 2 3 3 Ssn Francisco At l anta Bautistrf 5 1 2 1 Melncnp 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Washington Philadelphia 2-3 0 0 0 1 2 Markks Abad eb r hbi ab r hbi Encrnc1b 4 0 1 1 NWalkr2b 4 3 3 0 rf 4 0 1 0 Dozier 2b 4 0 1 0 ab r hbi eb r hbi 1-3 2 3 3 1 1 Machd3b 4 1 1 0 Mauer1b 4 0 0 0 Otero Pagancf 4 1 1 1 Heywrdrf 5 0 3 0 Frncsc3b 3 1 1 0 AMcctcf 5 0 3 2 Spancf 5 1 1 1 Reverecf 4 0 0 0 1-3 2 1 1 1 1 Cook Pencerf 4 0 1 0 BUptoncf 5 0 1 0 Cecilp 0 0 0 0 PAlvrz3b 5 1 2 2 N.cruzlf 4 2 2 2 Plouffe3b 4 0 1 0 Rendon3b 5 1 1 1 Rollinsss 2 0 0 0 21-3 3 1 1 1 2 A.Jonescf 4 0 1 0 Colaegrf 4 0 0 0 Pomeranz Posey1b 4 0 0 0 Fremn1b 4 0 1 1 Santosp 0 0 0 0 GSnchz1b 4 1 1 0 Werthrf 4 1 3 0 Utley2b 4 1 2 0 Boston Romop 0 0 0 0 J. u p t o nl f 3 0 0 0 Lawrie2b-3b 4 1 2 0 I.Davisph 1 0 0 0 W ietersc 3 0 2 1 Kubellf 4 0 0 0 LaRoch1b 4 0 1 1 Howard1b 4 1 1 0 BuchholzW2-2 61-3 3 1 1 3 5 H ardyss 3 0 0 0 Pintodh 4 0 0 0 Morself 4 1 2 1 CJhnsn3b 4 0 0 0 M cLothpr-If 0 0 0 0 Byrdrf 4 1 2 3 R asmscf 4 1 1 2 SMartelf 5 1 4 1 AMiller 23 0 0 0 0 2 DYongdh 4 0 0 0 KSuzukc 3 0 0 0 J.Perezlf 0 0 0 0 Smmnsss 4 0 1 0 D smndss 5 0 1 1 DBrwnlf 4 0 0 0 Tholec 4 0 0 0 TSnchzc 4 0 2 0 Mujica 1 2 0 0 0 0 P earce1b 4 0 1 0 Fuldcf 3 0 1 0 Sandovl3b 4 0 1 0 R.Pena2b 3 0 0 0 E spinos2b 4 0 1 0 Ruizc 3 0 1 0 Morrowp 2 0 0 0 Mercerss 4 0 0 0 Breslow 1 0 0 0 1 1 Schoop2b 4 0 1 0 EEscorss 2 0 1 0 H Snchzc 4 0 1 0 Lairdc 3110 S tTllsnph 1 0 1 1 Colep 1000 TMoorelf-1b 4 2 2 1 Asche3b 4 0 2 0 WP — Buchholz 2. B .Hicks2b 3 0 1 0 Minorp 2 0 1 0 Delaarp 0 0 0 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 9 3 Totals 3 2 0 4 0 Loatonc 3 0 0 0 CI.Leep 2 0 0 0 T—3:37. A—34,850(37,499). Getz2b 1 0 0 0 Sniderph-rf 2 0 1 0 B altimore 000 1 0 2 0 00 — 3 Bcrwfrss 3 0 1 0 Doumitph 1 0 0 0 Strasrgp 0 0 0 0 GwynJph 0 0 0 0 Totals 38 5 105 Totals 4 0 6 175 M innesota 000 0 0 0 000 — 0 Linccmp 1 0 0 0 Thomsp 0 0 0 0 Frndsnph 1 0 0 0 Mayrryph 1 0 0 0 Adrianzph 0 0 0 0 Varvarp 0 0 0 0 Toronto 1 00 211 000 — 0 E—Schoop (5). DP—Minnesota 1. LOB —BalBarrettp 0 0 0 0 MAdmsp 0 0 0 0 Rays10, Yankees 5(14 innings) timore 011 0 1 0 0 03 — 6 6,Minnesota6. 28—N.cruz(6), Wieters(5), Affe ldtp 0 0 0 0 JWaldnp 0 0 0 0 Blevi nsp 0 0 0 0 Diekmnp 0 0 0 0 P ittsburgh Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. Pearce(3), Plouffe(12), E.Escobar(4). HR—N.cruz C asillap 0 0 0 0 Kimrelp 0 0 0 0 W altersph 1 0 0 0 Bastrdp 0 0 0 0 NEW YORK — Wil Myers and E—G.Sanchez(1). DP—Toronto 3. LOB—ToronClipprdp 0 0 0 0 Galvisph 1 0 0 0 (8). SB —Dozier(9), Fuld(3), E.Escobar(1). S—Har- Beltph-1b 1 0 0 0 Gattisph 1 0 0 0 Totals 3 2 2 8 2 Totals 3 51 8 1 RSorinp 0 0 0 0 to 8, Pittsburgh10. 28 —Bautista 2 (6), Encarnacion Tampa Baybroke loose in the 14th dy. IP H R E R BBSO San Francisco 100 001 000 — 2 Totals 36 5 105 Totals 3 3 3 8 3 (10), Francisco(1), Lawrie(2), Tabata (3), N.W alker inning while holding DerekJeter Atlanta 0 00 010 000 — 1 W ashington 0 0 1 0 1 0 030 — 0 2 (4), A.Mccutchen (9). 3B—St.Tolleson(1). HR Baltimore DP — Atlanta1. LOB—SanFrancisco7,Atlanta12. P hiladelphia 3 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 3 Rasmus(6),PAlvarez(7), S.Marte(2). SB—Reyes(1), to the worst hitting performance JimenezW,1-4 7 1 - 3 3 0 0 1 10 HR — P a g a n(3), M o rs e(7). SB — B .up to n(6), J.upton E — W ert h (2), Utley (1). DP — W as hington 2, Z.BrittonH,5 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Encarnacion(2), A.Mccutchen(4). of his career, outlasting the New IP H R E R BBSO —Lincecum,Adrianza. Philadelphia 1. LOB —Washington 9, Philadelphia Tom.HunterS,8-9 1 1 0 0 0 2 (4). S York Yankeesfor a wild win. Jeter IP H R E R BBSO 6. 2B —Span (4), Desmond (5), Asche(4). HR —T. Toronto Minnesota Moore(2), Byrd(4). SB—Span (4), Espinosa(4). Morrow 5 113 3 1 2 NolascoL,2-3 9 9 3 3 1 6 Ssn Francisco went zero for 7 for the first time T—2:29.A—24,165 (39,021). Lincecum W,2-1 6 6 1 1 3 4 S—Strasburg. DelabarH,6 1 2 0 0 0 1 and grounded out with the bases 2-3 1 0 0 0 2 AffeldtH,3 IP H R E R BBSO Cecil H,B 2 1 0 0 0 3 1 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 Casilla H,5 Washington S antos L,0-2 BS, 3 -8 2-3 3 3 3 0 1 loaded to finish the13th. It was Indians12, White Sox5 RomoS,B-B 1 1 0 0 1 1 Strasburg 6 6 3 0 1 5 Pittsburgh already a crazygame bythen, and Atlanta Barrett 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Cole 5 7 4 4 1 6 Minor L,0-1 6 7 2 2 0 4 BlevinsW,2-1 2 - 3 0 0 0 0 0 Ju.Wilson 1 2 1 1 0 0 Yankee Stadium wasnearly empty CLEVELAND — Michael Brantley Thomas 1-3 0 0 0 2 0 ClippardH,6 1 1 0 0 1 2 Sadler 2 1 0 0 1 2 when it finally endedafter 5 hours, homered anddrove in three runs, Varvaro 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 R.SorianoS,6-6 1 0 0 0 1 0 Melancon W,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 49 minutes. Carlos Santanaalso homeredand J.Walden 1 1 0 0 0 1 Philadelphia HBP —byDelabar (N.Walker). WP—Morrow, Cole2,

t:abrera heads to weekend tied for lead Chicago beats Minnesota to The Associated Press



Cabrera never knows when he's going to play his best golf. This could be shaping up as one of those weeks at the Wells Fargo Championship. On a Quail Hollow course that lets the Argentine hit driver on just about every hole, two exquisite

short-game shots late in the second round carried Cabrera to a 3-under 69 on Friday and a share of the lead

with Martin Flores going into the weekend.

With one of the most powerful

and reliable swings in golf, the mystery about the 44-year-old Ar-

Late run has Langer in contentiorn THE WOODLANDS, Texas — Bernhard Langer birdied the ftnal six holes for a share of the lead with Bart Bryant in the Champi-

gentine is that his only two on the PGA Tour are majors — Oakmont

ons Tour's Insperity Invitational.

forthe U.S.Open,and Augusta Na-

der 66 at The Woodlands Country Club. Pittayarat up one stroke in Singapore: SINGAPORE — Thailand's

tional when he won the Masters in

Langer matched Bryant at 6-un-

aplayoff in 2009. Also on Friday: Lee, Masson top leaderboard Panuphol Pittayarat birdied two in North Texas: IRVING, TexasMeena Lee shot a season-best 64

of his last three holes to maintain

a one-stroke lead after the second that included a nine-hole stretch round of The Championship at It was the first time Cabrera had without a par and Caroline Masson Laguna National.Panuphol had at least a share of the 36-hole lead had her second straight 67 to share a 4-Lmder 68 for a two-round total on the PGA Tour since the 2007 U.S. Open at Oakmont. The last

time he was part of the lead after any round was in the 2013 Masters.

the lead in the North Texas LPGA Shootout. At 8-under 134, Lee and

of 13-under 131. American David

Lipsky (68) was tied for second Masson were a stroke ahead of Tex- with Australia's Scott Hend (65) an Stacy Lewis and Natalie Gulbis. and Chile's Felipe Aguilar (67).

take early seriesadvantage The Associated Press


CHICAGO — Patrick Kane scored

two goals for Chicago in the third period, including a terrific dash through the Minnesota zone for the tiebreaking score, and the Blackhawks beat the Wild 5-2 in Game 1 of the Western

Conference semifinals Friday night. Bryan Bickell also scored twice for

the Blackhawks, who have won five in a row after losing their first two playoff games. Marian Hossa had a goal and an assist as the defending Stanley Cup champions made the most of two costly high-sticking penalties on Minnesota defensemanJonas Brodin. Game 2 of the best-of-seven series is

Sunday. Clayton Stoner and Kyle Brodziak scored in the third period for Minnesota. Also on Friday: Rangers 3, Penguins 2: PITTSBURGH — Derick Brassard scored 3:06 into overtime to give the New York

Rangers a victory over Pittsburgh in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference semifinals. Play continued after Bras-

sard's goal, with Benoit Pouliot pumping a shot past Marc-Andre Fleury seconds after Brassard's shot. A review

showed Brassard's flip from in front beat Fleury cleanly.





ummi oes - a Bulletin staff report REDMOND — Not only did Summit book matching 8-0

boys tennis wins over Hermiston and Hood River Valley

lays, Summit junior Matthew

C.O. Duals at Sam Johnson

Branson earned the win for

Maton not only blew away the

each had four hits for Bend

Park. The No. 1 doubles team (6-3 IMC, 12-6 overall). Kaitlin Ridgeview (3-0 SD1), allowing of Garen Gasparovic and Ross led Redmond (3-6, 6-14) five hits and two runs over Liam Hall went 3-0 for the with a triple and two RBIs. four innings of work. George Storm, as did the No. 2 tandem Mountain View 12, Summit Mendazona went 4 for 4 with a of Hudson Mickel and Thom- 8: The Cougars battled back pair of doubles and three RBIs as Wimberly and the No. 4

doubles duo of Nick Berning and Peter Rutherford.

Layton scored two runs. Dylan

Maton completed the event in

Allen Invite: LEBANON — The

High to advance to the semifi-

Blasius went 2 for 2 to lead the Bend boys placed second at the Cowboys (0-3, 4-13) and Trevor Rob Allen Invitational at Lebasponded with five runs in the Slawter hit a solo home run. non High. The Bears were led third. The Cougars (3-0 IMC, Sisters 2, Elmira 0: SISTERS by Logan Blake's win in the 10-8 overall) were led by Han- — Jardon Weems threw all 400, while Braden Bell placed nah Wicklund, who pitched all seven innings for the Outlaws, second in the 200 and third in seven innings and went 4 for 5 striking out seven and allow- the 100. Brandon Gilbert and with a double. Ivy Vann was 2 ing just two hits to help Sisters Noah Haines added runner-up for 3 with a two-run double for pick up a Sky-Em League vic- finishes in the 110- and 300-meMountain View, and Baylee tory. The Outlaws (10-0 Sky- ter hurdles, respectively. The Leonard had two hits. Sum- Em, 16-2 overall) benefited Bend girls ended the day in mit (0-9, 2-15) was paced by from a hit batsman with the third place. Samantha McGee Morgan Watts, who was 2 for bases loaded to push across led the Bears with a victory in 5 with a double. Keylee Floyd the first run of the game. In thepole vault, while four others and Malia M o r eland b oth the bottom of the sixth inning, took second: Macey Burgess went 2 for 4 for the Storm. after Alex Olivier reached on a (200), Sarah Curran (800), SarSweet Home 12, La Pine 0: bunt single, Sisters grounded ah Perkins (1,500) and Meagan LA PINE — The Hawks com- into a double play that allowed Bakker (300 hurdles). mitted seven errors in their Olivier to score en route to the Cougar boys, girls third at six-inning Sky-Em League shutout win. Dean Nice: GRESHAMloss to the Huskies. Keara ParSweet Home 6, La Pine 3: Mountain View's boys and rish took the loss for La Pine, SWEET HOM E — Ca s ey girls teams each placed third which fell to 0-10 in league Schneider pitched a five-hit at the 13-team Dean Nice Inplay and 6-14 overall. complete game to keep the vitational at Gresham High. Elmira 21, Sisters 1: ELMI- Hawks in it, but Sweet Home Marist of Eugene won the RA — The Outlaws dropped to prevailed to keep La Pine win- boys meet with 107 points 1-9 in conference play follow- less in Sky-Em League play. while Gresham (91 points) and ing a Sky-Em League loss to Tristan Cox had an RBI dou- Mountain View (81) finished the Falcons. Sisters (1-17 over- ble, Josh Simmons hit a pair of second and third. Gabe Wyllie all) scored its lone run in the singles, and Kevin Ferns drove and Sam King went 1-2 in the third inning after Haylie Hud- in a run for the Hawks (0-10 800 and Dantly Wilcox won son reached base on an Elmira Sky-Em, 1-19 overall). Defen- the 300 hurdles and placed

nals. The Lava Bears came out

error. Hudson later scored on

over Hood RiverValley after

falling to Sprague 7-1. Kurt Halligan was a part of two winning doubles teams for the Lava Bears, once with Luke Hogstad and again with Jesse James. Ridgeview and Mountain View both went 2-0

at Ridgeview High. Each defeated St. Mary's 6-2, while the

Ravens bested Crook County 7-1 and the Cougars swept The Dalles Wahtonka 8-0. T.J. Smith went 2-0 in sin-

gles play to pace Ridgeview, and Philip Atkinson won both

matches at No. 1 singles to lead Mountain View. The Cowboys,

who topped The Dalles 5-3, were led by Garrett Harper's 2-0 mark in singles play. In other Friday action: GIRLS TENNIS

Storm on top after first day: Summit knocked out Hermiston 7-1 in the first round of the

5A Oregon Dual Match Championships before edging Ashland 10-9 in sets at Summit

sively, while La Pine commit-

third in the 110 hurdles. Wy-

strong with a win over Pend- an RBI single by Anja Gnos. leton in sets, but Bend fell to BASEBALL Wilson of Portland 6-2 in the Bend11, Redmond 4: J.J. Spquarterfinals at Bend High. itler and Creighton Simmonds Competing at Juniper Park, combined to limit the Panthers Ridgeview walked away with to just five hits in the Intera 5-3 victory over Summit's JV mountain Conference contest, squad in the first round but fell w hile Eilliot W i lly h i t t w o

ted four errors, Dean Lewansowski played well in center

llie, Wilcox, King and Christian VanSise combined to win

field with six putouts. GIRLS LACROSSE

the 1,600-meter relay as welL

2: Central Oregon remained

a mas was second with 8 3

7-1 to West Albany in the quar-

v ictory o ve r

doubles, recorded two RBIs

IntermountainConference Bend 430 2401 — 1416 7 Redmond 100 0 400 — 5 6 5 Class SA IntermountainConference Mountai nView 200 8101 — 12 10 5 Summit 005 003 0 — 8 12 8 Class 4A

Derby Continued from C1 largewere thetargetsofan activist group that wants to shut

the sport down. If a picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes, a videotape is worth a million of them.

The videotape shows Blasi acknowledging that shockwave therapy is excruciatingly painful to horses. It shows how often injections are given and how frequently and haphazardly tranquilizers, painkillers and supplements are dis-

pensed. It is deeply uncomfortable to watch for even the most seasoned horsemen.

The reason is that they know it goes on in far too many barns

Special District1 Crookcountr 1001000 — 2 9 2 Ridgeview 20 4 001 x— 7 8 1 Class 4A Sky-EmLeague (6 innings) Sweet Home 140 133 — 12 12 0 LaPine 000000 — 0 0 7 Class 4A Sky-EmLeague (5 innings)

two games in Houston, then

Nicolas Batum made a 3-pointer and Robinson had

claiming one of a pair in Portland, the Rockets staved off elimination with a 108-

Sisters Elmira

0 01 00 — 1 3 1 0 0(14)5 2x 3 — 21 151

Baseball Class SA IntermountainConference 001 0102 — 4 5 2 232 202 x — 11 10 4

team won back-to-back NBA

Class 4A Special Dislrict1

Untapadle runsawaywith KentuckyOaks LOUISVILLE, Ky.— Untapable's dominant effort in the Kentucky Oaks gaveRosieNapravnIk big momentum in her bid to become the first female jockey to win the Kentucky Derby. Whether she follows Up aboard Vicar's In Trouble today in the 140th Run for the Rosesand becomesthe eighth rider to complete the Oaks-Derby double remains to beseen, but Napravnik is making the Oaksher domain. Untapable gaveNapravnik her second Oakswin in three years and put her on the brink of history by surging past My Miss Sophia entering the stretch and rolling to a4~ /~-length victory Friday in the

in a 123-120 Blazers win.


Mavericksdown Spurs to force seventhgame The Associated Press DALLAS — Monta Ellis scored 12 of his 29 points to

ing between the teams, but now the second Game 7 be-

tween these teams is Sunlead a fourth-quarter come- day in San A n tonio. The

won the 200 and Madie Chof-

back, Dirk Nowitzki added

Mavericks won th e o ther

fel finished first in the high jump while Ciara Jones (800), Madison Leapaldt (3,000) and Jill Roshak (javelin) added runner-up finishes for Mountain View. The Cougars also placed third in the 400 relay

22 and the DallasMavericksforced a seventh game

one there in 2006.

and second in the 1,600 relay.

Ridgeview CrookCounty

(5 innings) 103 0(11) — 15 13 1 011 01

to lead the heavily favored

game in its first-round series

Spurs, who are stuck in a tossup series after they

by beating the Toronto Raptors. Despite appearing to

won all four games against Dallas during the regular

hurt his left foot or ankle early in the third quarter, Wil-

season. San A n t onio

nine-game winning streak

liams dominated his matchup with Kyle Lowry and helped the Nets put it away

against the Texas rival into the sixth postseason meet-

with a 3-pointer with 1:13 left that made it 92-79.

— 37 6

Sky-Em League LaPine 001 2000 — 3 4 4 SweetHome 1 12110x — 6 5 3

Elmira Sisters

The Mavericks kept the

series alive on the same with top-seeded San Anto- floor where Vince Carter nio, beating the Spurs 113- had given them a 2-1 series 111 on Friday night. lead and sent the crowd into The eighth-seeded Mav- hysterics with an improbaericks bounced back from ble winning 3-pointer. consecutive losses by handAlso on Friday: ing the Spurs their first Nets 97, Raptors 83: NEW road defeat when leading YORK — Deron Williams a fter three q u arters t h i s scored 23 points, shaking season. off a second-half injury, and Tony Parker scored 22 Brooklyn forced a seventh in their f i r st-round series



back-to-back baskets early in the fourth to give the Blaz-

98 victory on Wednesday ers an 85-81 lead. night to narrow Portland's Howard traded shots with advantage in the series to Lopez, who put Portland 3-2. Howard had 22 points ahead 89-87 with six minutes and 14 rebounds, and Jer- left. He added free throws to emy Lin redeemed himself cushion the lead to 91-87. from a poor performance in Aldridge helped the BlazGame 4 with 21 points off ers steal the first two games the bench. in Houston, scoring 46 points James Harden led the in a 122-120 overtime Game Rockets on Friday night with 1 win, then 43 in a 112-105 34 points. Howard had 26 victory. The Rockets claimed points and 11 rebounds as the first of two in Portland, Houston — which earned the 121-116 in overtime, led by nickname "Clutch City" back Harden with 37 points. The in the mid-1990s when the series' third OT game ended


Portland in front 54-50 with about two minutes left, but

unbeaten in South League points and the Cougars took play with the lopsided home third with 82. Briana Bolster T h u r ston o f

in a best-of-seven playoff series and advance.

with 25 points. Portland will face the winner of the series between

Wilsonville topped the girls Central Oregon 21, Thurston field with 110 points. Clack-

terfinals. Redmond lost both of and scored three runs to pace Springfield at Summit High its matches, falling to West Al- the Lava Bear offense. Spitler, School. Cayley Allan led Cenbany 8-0and Summit JV 6-2 at Bend's starter, pitched four in- tral Oregon (7-0 South, 8-2 Juniper. Mountain View also nings, striking out three while overall) with five goals and dropped two straight matches: allowing two hits and only one three assists, while Kyra Ha5-3 to The Dalles Wahtonka in run. Simmonds closed out the jovsky chipped in with five the first round and 8-0 to Sher- game and the Bears improved goals. Lauren Gallivan scored wood. For today's matchups, to 7-2 in league play and 15-5 four times and had two assists,

come back from a 3-1 deficit

the Rockets led 58-56 at the San Antonio and Dallas. The half. Harden had 24 points Mavericksforced a decid- and was 10-for-10 from the ing Game 7 with a 113-111 free-throw line in the half. victory over the Spurs on Howard, wh o c o l lected Friday night. There are five three fouls in the first half, first-round playoff series that dunked to put the Rockets up 66-58 in the third quarter. have gone to seven games. LaMarcus Aldridge led Houston held on to the lead the Blazers with 30 points but Aldridge narrowed it to 77-66 with a dunk late in the and 13 rebounds. After losing the opening period.

field in the 1,500, he smashed the top time in the nation.

3:48.94, besting the previous mark of 3:51.73 set by Sydney from a 5-2 deficit in the fourth to pace the Raven offense. GidabudayofEl Modena, Cainning on their way to the In- Mitchell Springer contributed lif., according to dyestat.com. termountain Conference road a double and a single and Cody Bend boys second at Rob

Also playing at Sam John- victory over the Storm. Mounson Park, Bend High went tain View scored twice in the 1-1 on Friday with a 6-2 win first inning, but Summit re-

Continued from C1 Howard's layup and foul

96-94 before Nicolas Batum's The Rockets went up 27f adeaway jumper tied i t 17 in the first quarter, led again with 39.9 seconds left. by Harden with 13 points. Chandler Parsons scored on Portland closed the gap with a reverse layup with 0.9 sec- an 11-2 run to close out the onds left to give Houston the quarter, pulling within 29-28. lead. The Blazers went ahead 34L illard p r e vented t h e 32 on Thomas Robinson's 16series from going back to foot jumper, but the lead was Houston with his 3-pointer short-lived. as time ran out. He finished Lillard's 3-pointer put

o verall. Hunter Smith a n d and Ally Hand was credited SOFTBALL Darren Ross each had a hit with four saves in goal. Bend 14, Redmond 5: RED- and an RBI for Redmond (4-5 TRACK AND FIELD MOND — Th e L ava Bears league, 9-11 overall). Storm runner blows away completed th e t h r ee-game Ridgeview 16, Crook County field: PORTLAND — He alsweep over the Panthers, total- 3: PRINEVILLE — The Ra- ready owns the 16th-best time ing 16 hits against Redmond in vens improved to 16-2 over- in the 800 in the nation as well the Intermountain Conference all with a five-inning victory as the No. 3 mark in the 3,000. contest. Awbrie Elle Kinkade over the Cowboys in Class 4A At the Nike/Jesuit Twilight Re-

Special District 1 play. Will

championships — failed to become the ninth team to

shot put the Rockets back up

see page C2.

on Friday, the Storm edged Sprague of Salem 71-64 in games after tying 4-4. Summit finished 3-0 after the first day of the 11-team and Alexis Hill-Gruenberg


Class 4A Sky-Em League 000 000 0 — 0 2 3 000 011 x — 2 4 2

took a

groups, has endorsed federal

more than 200 horsemen have sure his horses are sound.

legislation that would put the

pledged to make their veteri-

U.S. Anti-Doping Agency in charge of the sport.

nary records available for two unbelievably beautiful sport," weeks before graded stakes he said. "So often you see so-

Many trainers and veteri-


"The paradox is that it's an

phisticated people at the top

narians are already demonstrating that they are putting

Finley, the owner of Com- rung of other businesses who manding Curve, is one of them. fall in love with these animals.

their horses first. In the wake of the Asmussen investigation,

He has kept an eye on treat-

It's tough to reconcile. We're in

ment, doing his best to make abind. We have to dig out."


140th Oaks at Churchill Downs.

0 •

"We got the first half completed, so we're moving on to thesecond half of the double," Napravnik said. The overwhelming favorite in the $1million race for 3-year-old fillies earned, Untapable racedher third straight victory and fifth in seven starts. — llre Associated Press

agree to a regimen of up to 26 bar horse abusers and cheaters argument most often raised to drugs — including thyroxine to from its racetracks. "We have to show the pubdefend Asmussen is that every raise his metabolism and acetreatment he employed, every promazine to calm himself? Is lic that we care for the horses," drug he dispensed, was within there one who would agree to said Frank Stronach, the comthe rules of the sport. multiple injections a week to pany's owner, who is a breeder "Anyone in our business who joints and musdes or undergo and a horse owner. "We have doesn't tell you they are con- shock-wave therapy to get one to prove to the public that we flicted isn't telling the truth," more inning, one more quarter are run straight. We are not said Terry Finley, managing or one more match out of a sore corrupt." partner of West Point Thor- body? There are powerful economoughbreds, which owns DerThe Stronach Group, which ic reasons to eradicate the perby contender Commanding owns seven tracks, induding vasive drug culture that has Curve. Santa Anita Park in Southern put horses and riders at risk. There has been some prog- California and Pimlico Race The money wagered in North ress on drug reform, but it has Course in Baltimore, the home America has fallen precipitousbeen slow and cautious. Of the of the Preakness Stakes, has ly overthe past seven years,to 38 states that have racing, six promised to put a pharmacy about $11 billion from nearly have formally adopted a na- at each of its tracks to regulate $15.5billion in 2007. tional program that allows 26 medications prescribed and How to dean up the sport therapeutic medications. administered. It would monitor and restore public confidence Is there a human athlete, m edical recordsand havethem is the subject of an acrimonieven one who is paid millions examined by anindependent ous debate. The Jockey Club, of dollars annually, who would team of veterinarians. It would one of racing's most influential in American racing. In fact, the




O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugetin.com/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.


NASDAQ ~ 4,123.90





2 54

1 920

S8$P 500

Media marvel


Wall Street projects that Walt Disney's latest quarterly earnings improved versus a year ago. The mediacompany, which countsESPN, Disneyland and the Lucasfilm and Marvel Studios among its holdings, is due to report fiscal second-quarter results on Tuesday. Investors will be listening for an update on the health of Disney's many high-profile media properties.

Close: 1,881.14 Change: -2.54 (-0.1%)

1,840' " ""'10 DAYS

Saturday, May 3, 2014

10 YR TNOTE 2.59%



16460 .











1,880 "











1,760 N


StocksRecap NYSE NASD

Vol. (in mil.) 3,092 1,803 Pvs. Volume 3,295 2,012 Advanced 1758 1326 Declined 1318 1250 New Highs 132 43 New Lows 16 60





HIGH LOW CLOSE 16620.06 16488.31 16512.89 DOW Trans. 7772.43 7691.56 7698.84 DOW Util. 555.54 541.33 543.81 NYSE Comp. 10676.42 10614.06 10629.98 NASDAQ 4145.06 4115.89 4123.90 S&P 500 1891.33 1878.50 1881.14 S&P 400 1371.21 1357.78 1361.57 Wilshire 5000 20068.67 19939.84 19965.98 Russell 2000 1137.80 1126.39 1128.80



CHG. -45.98 -20.18 -11.73 +0.64 -3.55 -2.54 +3.00 -1 0.56 +2.83

MO QTR YTD L L -0.38% +4.03% L L +10 . 85% L L +2.2 1 % T L -1.26% L L +1.7 7 % T L +1.4 2 % +1.32% -2.99% T T



Wendy's reports financial results for the January-March quarter on Thursday. The restaurant operator's latest earnings and revenue are expected to decline from a year ago. Like other fast-food companies, Wendy'shas been facing tough competition from restaurant operators such as Chipotle, which have amore upscale image and are able to charge higher prices.

Chevron (CVX)

Friday's close: $124.72


$109 AP

$3.18 last year. Analysts had expected earnings of $2.54, on average, according to FactSet. Chevron and other major oil companies are struggling to maintain production as they drain oil and gas from their fields around the world. At the same time, the cost of exploring new fields is rising as they have to venture into more extreme and remote conditions to access hydrocarbons.


P/E ratio" Di v . yield 11 : 3.4%

T o t al returns through May 2 "Based on trailing 12 month results


Total return CVX S&P 500

* 1 0- YR* YTD 3 - YR 0.7% 8 . 3 14.2 2.6 13 . 9 7.7


Source: FactSet


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 BalA m 24.7 7 - . 8 1 +1.9 +13.6 +11.2+15.1 A A A CaplncBuA m 59.94 -.85 +4.0 +9.4 +8.6+13.2 C A 8 CpWldGrlA m 46.56 +.84 +3.1 +17.0 +9.1+15.4 8 8 C EurPacGrA m 49.50 +.86 +0.9 +14.1 +4.6+13.2 8 C C FnlnvA m 51. 6 5 - .86 +0.6 +18.7 +11.5+17.5 D D C Oi SA 699641 1.05 +.12 GrthAmA m 43.89 -.84 +0.2 +21.1 +12.5+17.0 C 8 D BkofAm 676570 15.25 +.16 PRIMECAPOdysseyAggGr POAGX IncAmerA m 21.35 -.83 +4.2 +12.6 +10.4+15.8 8 A A iShEMkts 596443 41.61 +.23 InvCoAmA m 37.79 -.82 +3.4 +21.4 +13.1+17.0 8 8 D SiriusXM 535503 3.24 +.02 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m37.54 -.86 -0.1 +16.1 +9.2 +16.5 C 8 C Facebook 529388 60.46 -.69 WAMutlnvA m40.27 -.87 +2.6 +20.0 +14.1+18.5 C A 8 Microsoft 424209 39.69 -.31 Pfizer 412107 30.75 -.40 Dodge &Cox Income 13.85 +.81 +3.5 +2 .6 +4.7+7.2 A 8 8 iShJapao 398793 11.20 -.02 IntlStk 44.99 +.89 +4.5 +22.0 +7.3+16.9 A A A iShR2K 387067 112.03 +.09 Stock 170.98 -.86 +1.9 +25.9 +15.1 +20.4 A A A Fidelity Contra 94.84 - . 1 0 -1.2 +19.0 +12.7+18.5 D 8 8 Gainers ContraK 94.8 0 - . 11 -1.1 +19.1 +12.9+18.6 D 8 8 e Q NAME LAST CHG %CHG LowPriStk d 50.11 +.19 +1.3 +19.7 +13.3+20.7 D A 8 Fideli S artan 500l d xAdvtg 66.76 -.89 +2.4 +20.2 +13.8+18.9 C 8 8 Tecumseh 7.74 +1.67 + 27.5 Wstptlrm g 16.07 +3.14 + 24.3 «C FrankTemp-Franklin Income C m 2. 54 -.81 +5.6 +12.3 +9.0+15.2 A A A CleaoDsl 2.85 +.45 + 1 8.8 03 IncomeA m 2. 5 2 ... +6 .3 + 13.0 +9.6+15.9 A A A EqualEo g 5.18 +.75 + 1 6.9 Oakmark Intl I 26.79 -.10 +1.8 +18.8 +10.5+19.5 A A A Standex 70.31 +9.90 + 16.4 473 Oppenheimer RisDivA m 19 . 74 +.85+0.3 +15.8 +10.5+15.5 E D E Model N 10.36 +1.32 + 14.6 RisDiv8 m 17 . 65 +.85 0 . 0 + 14.8 +9.5+14.5 E E E Moroingstar OwnershipZone™ Dyoegy wt 2.70 +.34 + 1 4.4 RisDivC m 17 . 54 +.84 0. 0 + 14.9 +9.7+14.7 E E E ChinaPStl 2.20 +.27 + 1 4 .0 OaFund target represents weighted SmMidValAm 45.29 +.86 +2.3 +24.3 +9.0+17.0 8 E E Callidus 10.83 +1.30 + 13.6 average of stock holdings SmMidValB m38.12 +.85 +2.0 +23.2 +8.1+16.1 C E E InglesMkts 26.04 +3.09 + 13.5 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 33.32 -.82 +2.1 +17.6 +12.6+18.2 D C 8 Losers CATEGORY Mid-Cap Growth GrowStk 50.99 +.83 -3.0 +23.1 +13.9+19.4 8 A A NAME L AST C H G %CHG MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 59.44 -.42 +2.8 +31.8 +24.3 +29.1 A A A R ATING™ **** * -6.09 -62.0 Vanguard 500Adml 173.65 -.23 +2.4 +20.2 +13.8+19.0 8 8 8 DoralFn rs 3.73 Endocyte 6.62 -10.76 -61.9 ASSETS $5,460 million 500lnv 173.63 -.24 +2.4 +20.0 +13.7+18.8 C 8 8 -13.35 -36.6 NatrlGroc 23.15 500Sgnl 143.44 -.19 +2.4 +20.2 +13.8+19.0 8 8 8 EXP RATIO 0.65% SvcSource 4.20 -2.05 -32.8 CapOp 47.88 -.17 +1.9 +22.5 +14.4+18.7 8 A 8 MANAGER M. Ansari -1.54 -27.9 Actuate 3.96 Eqlnc 30.58 -.89 +3.5 +18.3 +15.2+20.0 D A A SINCE 201 2-04-12 IntlStkldxAdm 28.46 +.82 +2.3 +11.0 +3.2 NA D D -2.7 RETURNS 3-MO Foreign Markets StratgcEq 31.20 +.11 +4.0 +28.4 +15.9+23.2 A A A YTO -0.5 TgtRe2020 27.79 +.81 +2.5 +10.8 +8.0+13.3 A A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +31.4 Tgtet2025 16.14 +.81 +2.5 +12.2 +8.5+14.2 8 A C -29.22 -.65 Paris 4,458.17 3-YR ANNL +17.9 TotBdAdml 10.78 +3.0 -0.3 +3.6 +4.9 C C E London 6,822.42 +13.55 + . 20 5-YR-ANNL +26.0 Totlntl 17.82 +.81 +2.3 +10.9 +3.2+12.7 D D C -47.21 -.49 Frankfurt 9,556.02 TotStlAdm 47.45 -.83 +2.1 +20.8 +13.6+19.5 8 8 A Hong Kong22,260.67 +1 26.70 + . 57 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 47.43 -.83 +2.0 +20.7 +13.5+19.4 8 8 A Mexico 40,967.95 +256.39 + . 63 Dreamworks Animation SKG,Inc. 2.9 Milan 21,782.00 -1.38 -.01 USGro 28.71 -.85 +0.1 +22.9 +13.4+18.1 8 8 C 2.9 -27.62 -.19 Pharmacyclics, Inc. Tokyo 14,457.51 Welltn 39.80 -.84 +3.4 +13.1 +10.5+14.6 A A A 2.45 Stockholm 1,360.19 -4.20 -.31 Qiagen NV Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, or redemption 2.37 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or Sydney 5,438.80 +8.40 + . 15 Roche Holding AG Zurich 8,442.71 -33.95 -.40 Seattle Genetics, Ioc. 2.37 redemption fee.Source: Morninastar.

Primecap OdysseyAggressive FAMILY Growth is a leader in the Marhetsummary AmericanFunds mid-cap growth category and Most Active carries Morningstar's gold medal NAME VOL (80s) LAST CHG analyst rating for expected S&P500ETF 814731 188.06 -.26 performance. A. Veiga, J. Sohn • AP



CVS Caremark

CVS Close:$73.86 L0.77 or 1.1% Profits at the drugstore chain and pharmacy benefits manager jumped 18 percent on strong generic sales as well as an acquisition. $80 75

F M A 52-week range $55.66~ $76.36

PE: 70.1 Vol.:6.9m (1.2x avg.) PE: 19 . 7 Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$87.78 b Yie l d: 1.5%

Estee Lauder

""':" Chevron's profit falls Chevron's first-quarter profit fell sharply as a result of decreased production and lower oil prices. The oil and gas company said Friday that it earned $4.52 billion in the first three months of the year on revenue of $50.98 billion. Last year during the same period, Chevron earned $6.18 billion on revenue of $54.3 billion. On a per share basis, the company earned $2.36, down from

A $24 34

Vol.:12.2m (4.5x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.72 b


DividendFootnotes:a - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. 8 -Amount declaredor paid in last 12 months. i - Current annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent dividend wasomitted or deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is 8 closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months.


' 34


F M 52-week range

52-WK RANGE o CLOSE Y TD 1YR V O L NAME TICKER LO Hl C LOSE CHG%CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN (Thous)P/E DIV Tesla Motors' stock jumped earlier Alaska Air Group A LK 50.31 ~ 96.77 9 5. 6 0 -.38 -0.4 L L L + 30. 3 +6 1 .8 50 6 1 2 1 . 00f this year when the company L +11.8 +19 .1 21 9 1 7 1. 2 7f A VA 25.55 ~ 32.37 3 1. 5 2 -.62 -1.9 T L predicted sales of its vehicles would Avista Corp Bank of America BAC 12 . 05 ~ 18.03 15. 2 5 + . 1 6 +1.1 T T T -2.1 +24.6 67657 20 0 .04 increase sharply in 2014. Barrett Business B B S I48 . 08 o — 102 . 20 51 . 57 + . 90 + 1.8 T T T -44.4 -1.9 8 3 23 0.7 2 The electric car maker said in BA 9 0 .73 ~ 144. 5 7 12 9.94 +1.48 +1.2 L L L -4.8 +43.3 3714 2 2 2 . 92 February that it expected to deliver Boeing Co Cascade Bancorp C A C B4 .31 ~ 6.95 5.86 +. 3 1 +6.5 L T T -3.3 -15.2 36 5 more than 35,000 of its Model S ColumbiaBnkg COLB 2 0.86 ~ 3 0.3 6 25.80 +.09+0.4 T T T -9.1 +20.7 2 0 9 1 9 0 .48a sedans this year. That would be an ColumbiaSportswear COLM 55.58 ~ 8 9.9 6 86.49 +.37+0.4 L L L +9. 8 + 50.0 269 28 1.12 increase of up to 55 percent from a Costco Wholesale CO ST 107.38 ~ 1 26.1 2 11 5.15 -.41 -0.4 L L L -3.3 + 7 . 9 1 268 2 6 1.42f year ago. Is Tesla on track? Find Craft Brew Alliance B R EW 7.19 ~ 18.70 1 4. 6 0 -.17 -1.2 T T T -11.1 +105.4 2 2 cc out Wednesday, when the company FLIR Systems F LIR 23.58 ~ 37.42 35.8 3 +. 4 7 8 .1.4 T T T +16.4 8. 4 4.9 9 4 4 2 5 0. 4 0 reports first-quarter earnings. Hewlett Packard H PQ 19 . 92 ~ 33.90 3 2.4 9 -.15 -0.5 L T L + 16 . 1 +6 3 .2 6 323 1 2 0 . 64f Home Federal Bncp ID HOME 11.54 ~ 1 6.03 15.88 +.03 +0.2 L T T + 1. 2 +31.8 29 dd 0.24 Intel Corp I NTC 21.89 ~ 27.24 2 6.4 1 -.04 -0.2 L L L +1.8 +14. 0 23898 14 0 . 9 0 Keycorp K EY 9 .79 ~ 14.70 13. 6 7 +. 1 4 +1.0 L T T $-1.9 +3 9 .2 7 995 13 0 . 2 2 Kroger Co K R 3 2 .77 ~ 46.33 46.5 1 +. 3 4 + 0 .7 L L L +17.7 +36 .8 5 4 73 1 6 0. 6 6 L L + 49. 0 +8 4 .3 1 41 3 55 Lattice Semi LSCC 4.17 ~ 9.19 8.18 -.28 -3.3 T LA Pacific L PX 14.51 ~ 20.35 16.7 3 +. 5 6 +3 .5 L T T -9.6 -7.4 3547 14 MDU Resources MDU 24 .09 — o 36.05 35 .67 + . 10 +0.3 T L L +16. 8 +4 3 .9 79 8 2 4 0. 7 1 Mentor Graphics MEN T 1 7.75 ty 24.31 20 .65 + . 0 7 +0.3 L T T -14.2 +15.4 3 1 2 1 6 0 . 20f Microsoft Corp MSFT 30.84 ~ 41.6 6 3 9. 6 9 -.31 -0.8 T T T +6.1 +25 . 4 42421 15 1 . 1 2 Nike Inc 8 N KE 59.11 ~ 80.26 72.9 9 +. 0 7 +0 .1 L L T -7.2 + 1 6.5 1 982 25 0 . 9 6 TSLA $210.91 NordstromInc J WN 54.90 ~ 64.19 62. 0 2 +. 5 2 +0.8 L T T +0.4 +11 . 7 1 0 64 1 7 1 .32f $250 Nwst Nat Gas N WN 39.96 ~ 45.89 4 3.1 3 - 1 . 23 - 2 .8 T T T + 0.7 +6.5 126 20 1.8 4 200 PaccarInc PCAR 48.97 ~ 68.81 6 3. 2 9 -.80 -1.2 T T T +7.0 +32 . 8 2 2 08 1 9 0 .88f Planar Systms P LNR 1.55 ~ 2.93 2.88 -.04 -1.9 T L L -18.1 +21.8 12 dd 150 $53.2 Plum Creek P CL 40.57 ~ 54.62 4 3. 6 8 -.02 . . . L L L -6.1 - 10.5 746 3 8 1 . 76 100 Prec Castparts PCP 186.97 ~ 274. 9 6 25 4.33 + . 36 +0.1 L L L - 5.6 +33.8 3 9 9 2 2 0 . 1 2 '13 I'14 Safeway Inc SWY 19.92 ~ 36.03 3 4. 1 8 -.03 -0.1 L L L +17. 3 +7 2 .3 1 106 3 0. 8 0b 50 Schnitzer Steel S CHN 2 3 .12 ~ 33.32 28. 0 2 +. 0 4 +0.1 T T T - 14.2 +17.4 1 6 9 d d 0 . 7 5 Operating Sherwin Wms SHW 163.63 ~ 208. 6 3 28 0.86 + . 97 +0.5 L L L $-9.5 +1 1 .5 59 8 2 7 2. 2 0 0.12 StancorpFncl S FG 42.42 ~ 69.51 61. 4 2 ... ... L T T -7.3 +47.2 1 7 5 1 2 1 . 10f EPS StarbucksCp SBUX 59.60 ~ 82.50 7 0. 6 0 -.52 -0.7 T T T -9.9 +19.8 3993 2 9 1 . 04 Triquint Semi TQNT 5.37 — 0 14.78 14 .37 + . 0 6 + 0.4 L L L +72.3 + 1 47.6 3229 d d 1Q '13 1 Q '14 Umpqua Holdings UM P Q 11.56 ~ 1 9.65 1 6. 2 9 -.11 -0.7 T T T -14.9 +45.1 2030 20 0.60a US Bancorp U SB 32.53 ~ 43.66 4 0.3 9 +. 0 2 ... L T T ... + 25.8 49 9 1 1 3 0. 9 2 Price-earnings ratio: Lost money Washington Fedl WAF D 16.82 ~ 24.53 21. 9 1 +. 1 9 +0.9 L T T - 5.9 +31.2 2 4 7 1 4 0 . 4 0 based on past 12 months' results +9.2 +35. 7 1 3174 12 1 .40f WellsFargo & Co WF C 3 7.29 — o 50.49 49 .58 -.06 -0.1 L T source: Factset Weyerhaeuser W Y 2 6.38 ~ 33.24 29. 9 4 +. 0 1 ... L L L -5.2 + 2 . 2 2 656 2 6 0 . 88

Sales surge?

Muted expectations


Close: $19.63 V-0.96 or -4.7% The motionsensor company has an unexpectedly tepid outlook for profit and revenue, and also posted light quarterly profits. $24 22


%CHG. WK -0.28% -0.26% -2.11% T 8.0.01% L -0.09% L -0.13% L 8.0.22% L -0.05% 8.0.25%


The stock market slipped lower Friday as better news about the job market failed to inspire investors. The Standard & Pooris 500 index posted a slight loss. The government reported that U.S. employers hired 288,000 workers in April, and the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in more than five years. Shares in Pfizer sank following news that AstraZeneca rejected the drugmaker's latest takeover offer. Linkedln plunged after warning of weaker sales for the rest of the year. Six of the 10 industry groups in the S&P 500 index ended lower, led by utilities and health-care companies. The major indexes posted modest gains for the week.





............ Close: 16,512.89 Change: -45.98 (-0.3%)


16,280" ""' 10 DAYS "





Dow jones industrials


1,840 "


GOLD $1,302.60


EL Close:$75.62%3A3 or 4.8% Third-quarter profit rose 19 percent at the cosmetics company, topping expectations, and it also lifted its outlook for the year. $80 75 70

Western Union

WU Close: $16.31L0.46 or 2.9% After five quarters of lackluster sales, the money shuttling service posted rising revenue and analysts expect earnings growth. $17 16




52-week range $63.63~

$7 6.24

Vol.:7.1m(2.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$18.04 b



52-week range 81460 ~


PE:2 9 .7 Vol.:9.1m (1.3x avg.) Yie l d: 1.1% Mkt. Cap:$8.79 b

PE:1 1 .4 Yie l d : 3.1%


ECYT Nutrisystem NTRI Close:$6.62T-t 0.76 or -61.9% Close:$16.80 L1.29 or 8.3% The biopharmaceutical company After topping first-quarter profit exended a late-stage trial of its ovarian pectations, the weight-loss company cancer drug, citing a failure to imupped its earnings and revenue proprove survival rates. jections for the year. $30 $18 20








52-week range $6.50~


Vol.: 17.6m (11.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$269.14 m



52-week range $8.43~


PE : .. Vol.:2.8m (4.0x avg.) P E : 420.0 Yield : .. Mkt. Cap:$482.06 m Yield: 4.2%


SKUL Wynn Resorts WYNN Close:$8.03%0.28 or 3.6% Close:$221.68Lt 5.05 or 7.3% Sales in North America grew during Gambling in Macau keeps getting the first quarter and margins imhotter, surging 14 percent, and pushproved, which helped to narrow loss- ing the gaming company well past es at the headphone maker. quarterly projections. $12 $300 10

250 200

F M 52-week range $436 ~ Vol.:1.4m (1.9x avg.) P Mkt. Cap: $224.93 m


F M A 52-week range $121.84~ $ 243 3 1

$11 40 E:4 7 . 2 Vol.:4.0m (2.2x avg.) PE:3 0 . 9 Yie ld: ... Mkt.Cap:$22.45 b Yield: 2.3%

SOURCE: Sungard




The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.59 percent Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.



3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill

. 0 1 .01 . 0 4 .04

... ...

52-wk T-bill





2-year T-note . 3 7 .41 -0.04 T 5-year T-note 1.67 1.66 +0.01 T 10-year T-oote 2.59 2.62 -0.03 T 30-year T-bond 3.37 3.41 -0.04 T




.05 .10 .10








T 1.63 T 2.82


Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.19 3.23 -0.04 T T Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.61 4.61 . . . T T Barclays USAggregate 2.30 2.31 -0.01 T T PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.04 5.04 .. . T T RATE FUNDS M oodys AAA Corp Idx 4.16 4.21 -0.05 T T YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.90 1.85 +0.05 T 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 2.97 3.00 -0.03 T T 1 YRAGO3.25 .13

Commodities Gold rose for the first time this week, reaching its highest settlement price since April 16. Silver rebounded a day after dropping to its lowest settlement price since July.

Foreign Exchange The dollar rose against other currencies after a report in the morning showed that L.S. employers added more jobs than economists expected, but the gains eroded as the

day progressed

55Q QD


Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal) METALS

Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 99.76 99.42 2.12 2.20 2.92 2.91 4.67 4.72 2.94 2.94

CLOSE PVS. 1302.60 1283.10 19.49 18.99 1440.70 1427.50 3.08 3.03 812.55 814.30


2.54 3.99 1.72 5.17 3.6 5 .94 2.5 9

%CH. %YTD + 0.34 + 1 . 4 -1.05 +1 0.9 +0.28 -5.0 -0.95 +1 0.5 + 0.19 + 5 . 7 %CH. %YTD + 1.52 + 8 .4 + 2.65 + 0 .8 + 0.92 + 5 . 1 +1.73 -1 0.5 -0.21 +1 3.3


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.38 1.39 - 0.86 + 2 . 6 Coffee (Ib) 2.01 2.01 -0.42 +81.2 Corn (bu) 4.94 5.03 -1.84 +1 7.1 Cotton (Ib) 0.94 0.94 +0.13 +11.3 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 344.50 337.50 +2.07 -4.3 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.56 1.52 +2.56 +1 4.6 Soybeans (bu) 14.81 14.74 +0.49 +1 2.8 Wheat(bu) 7.08 6.99 +1.29 +1 6.9 1YR.

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6869 -.0026 -.15% 1.5530 Canadian Dollar 1.0 976 +.0009 +.08% 1.0075 USD per Euro 1.3872 +.0007 +.05% 1.3058 -.08 -.08% 9 7.96 JapaneseYen 102.24 Mexican Peso 13. 0105 -.0368 -.28% 12.1855 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.4553 -.0030 -.09% 3.5725 Norwegian Krone 5 . 9399 -.0045 -.08% 5.8014 South African Rand 10.4736 -.0198 -.19% 8.9597 Swedish Krona 6.5 0 9 5 + .0032 +.05% 6.5345 Swiss Franc .8780 -.0011 -.13% . 9352 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0790 +.0005 +.05% . 9750 Chinese Yuan 6.2595 -.0003 -.00% 6.1583 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7524 -.0004 -.01% 7.7600 Indian Rupee 60.170 -.160 -.27% 53.836 Singapore Dollar 1.2534 +.0008 +.06% 1.2347 -.99 -.10% 1102.26 South KoreanWon 1030.22 Taiwan Dollar 3 0.22 + . 0 2 +.07% 2 9.58

© www.bendbulletin.com/business


BRIEFING Brewery to open doors in Redmond Wild Ride Brewing, Central Oregon's newest brewery, is scheduled to open May10. "From a planning standpoint, it's been about a 2~/e-year project," said Brian Mitchell, co-owner of Wild Ride. "It's been a long time coming and it's been a wild ride." Mitchell said the

taproom, on Southwest Fifth Street, will offer1012 Wild Ride brews, as well as local ciders. Unlike other breweries, he said, Wild Ride is not a restaurant and does not have akitchen. However, there will be food available on site. "We're providing food through the uniqueway of having food trailers in our parking lot," he said. "Getting our doors opened andstarting to share Wild Ride Brewing with everyone is a big deal for us. We're excited."

Angel fundmakes first investment CascadeAngels Fund, a Bend-basedyearround investment fund for startups, has made its first investment in local software company Droplr, according to a news release issued Friday. Julie Harrelson, fund manager, said Cascade Angels invested $100,000 in Droplr and has closed its initial investment round with $460,000 in its inaugural year. "Cascade Angels is proud of its role in elevating Central Oregon's role in fueling prosperity in Oregon," Harrelson wrote in an email. The fund, which launched in October, anticipates investing in one to four companies this year, according to the release. — Bulletin staff reports

BEST OFTHE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Central OregonBuilders Associat ionHome and GardenShow:Featuring more than 200 different companies andvendors; free; 10a.m.-6 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair and Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-389-1058 or www. connectiondepot.com/ oregon/bend-redmondsunriver/coba-springhome-and-garden-show. Continues Sunday. WEDNESDAY • Business Startup Class: Learnto run a business, reach your customers, find funding andmore registration required; 429; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W.TrentonAve., Bend; 541-383-7290. FRIDAY CCB LicenseTest Preparation Course: Approved by theOregon Construction Contractors Board and satisfies the educational requirement to take the test to become a licensed contractor in Oregon; registration required; $305 includes required edition of Oregon Contractor's Reference Manual; 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290 or ccb©cocc.edu. May10 • Women's Business Expo:Network with other womenandattend aseminarcovering business, marketing and lifestyle; $125 for ConnectWmembers, $150 for nonmembers, $4 admission; 10a.m.-4:30 p.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-848-8598, events@connectw. org or www.connectw. org/whats-happeningl business-expo.

• For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbendbulletin.com/bizcal


conom a S

0 S

By Nelson D. Schwartz

labor participation rate down

statisticians on Friday revised

New York Times News Service

sharply. And despite the fall in joblessness,average hourly earnings were flat. "The payroll numbers suggest that the economy is

upward the number of jobs added in February and March by a total of 36,000, suggesting mination of the American that the economy was stronpeople" for moving the counger than first assumed. And try forward economically. the April data could be signifiMore telling than any one cantly revised upward — or month's change is the averdownward — next month. age monthly gain in payrolls Still, the 288,000 figure for over the last year, which April was the best monthly now stands at 197,000. So, April's data show a significant increase since January 2012. And if those kinds of labor improvement over the lonmarket gains continue for the ger-term average.

The U.S. economy picked up steam in April, as employers added 288,000 jobs, while the unemployment rate fell to 6.3 percent, the lowest level since September 2008.

After a sharp slowdown in job growth in December and January, and a modest

improvement since then, economists had been forecasting a healthy gain for April as consumer and business activity rose in tandem with temperatures in many parts of

recoveringfrom a weather-in-

duced showdown," said Ethan Harris, co-head of global economics at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. But "even with

the drop in the unemployment rate," he said, "we still have not reached the point where

workers have negotiating power." To be sure, month-to-month

the country. swings in hiring are a snapBut the good news was shot of the economy, rather tempered by a drop of 806,000 than a portrait, and frequently in the number of Americans blur. in the labor force, pushing the For example, government

ference Friday, Obama hailed the good economic news, crediting the "grit and deter-

balance of 2014, it would be a

The monthly Labor Depart-

m uch-needed element ofgood news for President Barack

ment report is based on two survey, one of households, the

Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill, who have been

other of establishments, in-

apprehensive ahead of mid-

and private-sector businesses such as factories, offices and

term elections in November.

cluding government agencies,

At a Rose Garden news con- retail stores.

or s o assissin ues o im rove user ex erience By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

Sixteen participants, ranging from CEOs and venture

capitalists to product developersand designers,franti-

GMbegins settlement talks General Motors has begun preliminary talks that could potentially leadtocashpayments for hundreds of victims of accidents involving cars recalled for a faulty ignition switch, numbers far beyond the13 deaths and 32 accidents that

thecompany haslinked to the defect. Kenneth Feinberg, the victim-compensation expert GMhired last month, met at his

office in Washington for nearly four hours on Friday with aTexas lawyer who represents more than 300 clients with wrongful death or personal injury claims from accidents tied to the ignition flaw. People withknowledge of the discussion characterized itas very preliminary but a step forward in aprocess that could leadto resolution of thoseand other claims in thenext month or two. While the two did not

talkabout specific cases and did not discuss any dollar amounts, the session was theclearest indication yet that GM intends to compensate accident victims and their families. — From wire reports

cally brainstormed ideas for

a Bend tech company's next product at the DoubleTree by


Hilton on Northwest Franklin

Avenue. Their goal: to help the company, Manzama, which gathers news articles, social media mentions and other new information on specific


topics, develop features to make its new software more valuable to customers by im-



proving their user experience. "User experience is the overall design of how a customer interacts with your product, from when they learn about it all the way

until that point they decide to upgrade or buy another version," said Jon Innes, president and founder of UX Innovation LLC. The recent two-day work-

Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Jon Innes, standing, the president and founder of UX Innovation LLC, works with people on their ideas during the UX Workshop held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in downtown Bend last week.

Rather than building an

shop, a collaborative effort

end product, which can be

between Bend's Seven Peaks Ventures and Silicon Val-

ley-based InterWest Partners,

very expensive, Innes said, the idea is for companies to build a prototype and have

was the second held in Bend

potential users test it to give

and cost $950 per person. Because user experience and user interface designers are hard to find, Dino Vendetti of Seven Peaks and


Bruce Cleveland of InterWest

joined together to cultivate and develop talent locally. The long-term plan is to build an academy that has ongoing classes and workshops. If customers don't find a

product easy to use, Innes said, they're not likely to adopt it, comparing first time

product use to a first date.

"A lot of companies are

technology driven," he said. "They think about how to build it, not the user's

feedback." Lisa Flynn, vice president of marketing for Manzama, said the company has been targeting large enterprises, but is now adding another

product to service small and medium-sized businesses. Flynn said Manzama sponsored the workshop to help foster entrepreneurial activity

zama's) product without any

in the region and improve the company's process for users to personalize their accounts. "People expect a lot out of applications," she said. "We never sit back and say we made it and we're done. We're always looking at how we can make our user experience better, and that's a perpetual process. By participating in events like this we're continually improving

gate the product," he said. "I was actually figuring out on my own howtonavigate and how to create my profile ... and the people from (Manzama) were sitting back and listening to my experience." Joseph said he plans to have new employees try out C9's applications to study their struggles and successes

our product."

to better tailor products to

Rajit Joseph, head of product management for San

Francisco-based tech company C9 Inc., said he came to learn the process of making products easier for users. "I was asked to be one of the personas and use (Man-

information on how to navi-

customers without the cost. "Obviously you can hire a design firm to do this for you, but who's going to spend $60,000 bucks or $90,000 to hire a design firm?" he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

Pay-TVfield couldshrink further By JoeFlintand Meg James Los Angeles Times


among the nation's largest pay-TVand Internet providers to get even bigger could have profound effects on consumers

and competition. Telecommunications giant AT&T has approached

DirecTV about buying the satellite broadcaster in a bid to become more competitive

inthe rapidly consolidating pay-television landscape. A potential deal would create a

chief rival to Comcast Corp., the nation's largest cable television operator that hopes to

acquire Time Warner Cable and some customers of Charter Communications.

ing together, there aren't a lot of choices anymore," said D'Jaris Yates, a 32 year-old pharmaceutical saleswoman who lives in Los Angeles. "Yourbills can become very high when things merge together."

as well as new entrants from Silicon Valley such as Netflix and Google. The corporate courtships

AT8tT's talks with DirecTV have takenplace attheboard levelbut still are at aprelimi-

Dish Network and Cox Communications. Verizon, the chief

guaranteethat an agreement

dealwith AT8Twould allow

willbe reached, they said. Neither companywould

the satellite operatorto seamlesslypackage its television and high-speed Internet services. One of DirecTV's shortcomings

have made other companies potential takeover candidates,

induding satellite broadcaster

rivalto AT&T, is also expected nary stage, according to people to be looking around for its familiar with the discussions owndeal. who were not authorizedto For DirecTV, which has more speakpublicly. There is no than 20 million subscribers, a

comment on the discussions.

But that hasn't stopped industry analysts from speculating what the future holds

in the high-stakes battle for customers is thatit lacks its own

for cable and satellite providers as the entire industry seems

broadband service.

consumer activists, media

poised for a seismic shift. Driv-

watchdogs and some customers onedge. Consumers could end up on the losing end, they said. "Because everyone is merg-

ingthe consolidation is a sense by smaller industryplayers

redIVwould go head-to-head with Comcast, which has spent billions upgrading its networks to improvebroadband Internet speeds.

The deal-makingspree has

that they need heft to compete

against abulked-up Comcast,

A combined AT8zT and Di-


• Tony O'Keefehas joined Sun Forest Constructionas a remodel project manager. O'Keefe, previously a company owner and operator, has previous experience in project management. • Brad Nelson has joined Sun Forest Construction asa marketing coordinator. Nelson does freelance marketing and work for local Nelson nonprofits and businesses. • Dina Alexanderhas been namedafellow of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers. Alexander is afounding partner for Radler, White, Parks & Alexander LLP,which has offices in Bend. • ToddandLori Sensenbachwere recentlyhonoredwith the Hallmark II Awardat the Home InsteadSenior Care networks' annual international convention. The Sensenbachswere honored for superiorsales and service satisfaction at their Home InsteadSenior Care location in Central Oregon.

IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D2 Support groups, D4 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MAY 3, 2014

O www.bendbulletin.com/community


Tickets availadle for Durst show Tickets are still available for comedian Will Durst's benefit show May12 in Bend. The show is a fundraiser for community radio station KPOV 88.9 FM. It was originally set to take place in early February but was postponed after a severe winter storm hampered travel and forced the cancellation of dozens of events. Durst's show, "Boomeraging: From LSDto OMG," is a "celebration of the maturation of the boomer nation," he told The Bulletin in February. The 85-minute show has a little nostalgia, a little self-congratulatory patting on the back and a little bit

of ruminating on the seemingly faster-paced world, Durst said. Tickets — $15 general admission, $13 for KPOV members — are available at bendticket. com, or at the door for $17. The show will be at 7:30 p.m. at Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive in Bend. Celeste Franklin, a veteran comic from Seattle who's now a KPOV DJ living in Bend, will open for Durst. KPOV's Mike Ficher will emcee the show. Contact: www.kpov. org.

Rodeo parade seeks entries Entry forms for the 2014 Sisters Rodeo Parade are available from the Sisters Rodeo website, sistersrodeo. com, or at the rodeo office, 220 W. Cascade Ave.,in Sisters. The parade will start at 9:30 a.m. June 14 in downtown Sisters as part of the 74th Sisters PRCA Rodeo. Theentry deadline is May15, with parade position numbers to be sent out after that date, according to the committee. The entry form includes general rules for parade participants, a map of the route and information on overnight boarding facilities for animals. The parade includes bands, youth groups, rodeo queens, floats, horses and more. Judging will start at 8:30 a.m. on parade day, with trophies and ribbons to be awarded for adult and youth groups.

s //+ Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Local actor Andy Hickman exhibits a range of emotions with St. Charles employees as part of an exercise to improve health care Wednesday afternoon at the Riverhouse convention center. Hickman will tell the story of his recent bike accident at The Solo Speak Sessions on May16 and17.

• After being seriously injured in a bike accident, Bend actor and storyteller Andy Hickman is ready to tell the tale By David Jasper •The Bulletin

ife can change dramatically in a matter of seconds. For Bend actor and storyteller Andrew "Andy" Hickman, that point was driven home on July 5 of last year. Hickman had just completed a shift tending the bar at Noi Thai Cuisine and was riding his bicycle toward his east Bend home when he took a vicious spill. An avid mountain bike rider, Hickman

Ifyou go

had often hit jumps on the trail that made up a portion of his 2t/2-mile bike commute. He

was negotiating a much smaller leap as he rode along Franklin Avenue that July evening after pouring wine during First Friday Gallery Walk. He'd just emerged from the pedestrian walkway east of the U.S. Highway 97 underpass and was attempting a short hop off the driveway of Sherwin Williams Paints into the bike lane. It was the kind of move

he'd been doing "since I was 11years old ... 10,000 times, 20,000 times. It's Simple Simon. It's not even a jump."

Riding home

Contact: 541-5490121.

Hickman recalled the accident again last week, sitting in the living room of his

Bend VegFest on tap for May31

of his mother, Cascades Theatrical Co.

VegNet Bend is planning a daylong festival May 31 designed to promote eating a diet of plant-based foods and other ways people can live free of animal-based products. The event will take place at CascadeCulinary Institute on Northwest Campus Village Wayin Bend.

turning to Bend from Portland, where he'd

Suntree Village home. It's the former home co-founder Carol Bryant. Hickman moved in shortly after his mother's 2011 death, rebeen living and acting since 1994. "I can remember putting a little extra En-

What: TheSoloSpeakSessions When:7:30 p.m. May16and17 Where: Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W . Greenwood Ave., Bend Cost:$15 in advance, $18at the door Contact: www.solospeak.com or503860-5733

A post-racingcareer in painting

1972. — Fiom staff reports

By Penelope Green New York Times News Service

Metro Meteor is a retired

thoroughbred racehorse with congenitally bad knees and a fidgety personality. He was a star in his heyday, but after 4t/2 years of running hard (and

winning big), and two operations to remove bone chips

his formal return to the stage. For the show, Hickman and five other sto-

rytellers will tell personal stories exploring the theme of "Jump." Given the theme, and

the journey he's been on since his accident, rest assured he'll talk about his accident and recovery. He grabbed the helmet he'd been wearing glish on my bike as I hopped off the curb," and showed the scuff mark on the outside. he said. Something clearly went wrong as He then flipped it to show the large crack he sailed off the curb, but he can't remem- hidden inside. "There it is, inside. I would have left a good ber the fall itself. "There's about two or three seconds where there's just nothing," he said. part of my brain on the sidewalk," he said. Otherwise, his memory of the odyssey he endured over the next several hours is 'Putsome Neosporinon it' remarkably clear, and his ability to tell stoAfter he fell, he said, "The next thing I ries also remains intact. On May 16 and 17, know I'm off my bike, I'm crawling on the Hickman will participate in the next install- ground, people are coming towards me, I'm ment of the Solo Speak Sessions, a storytell- trying to keep my head off the pavement, ing event at Greenwood Playhouse in Bend put my hand out, and say, 'No, no, I'm fine,' (see "If you go"). and I can only make noise like a sheep." Hickman has appeared in a number of SeeHickman/D4

Set to start at 9

a.m., BendVegFest will feature speakers, exhibits, a film screening and free samples of vegan food prepared by vegetarian friendly restaurants and food companies that serve Central Oregon. Contact: vegnetbend. org/vegfest or 541-325-

productions since his return to Bend, including "The Tempest" and "Twelfth Night." Hickman sang at his own medical benefit in September, but the Solo Speak event marks

flight attendant, were part of a dipped in paint into Metro's consortium that owned Metro mouth, and Metro goes to when he was working. When work, bobbing his head and a veterinarian estimated that Metro had maybe two years

of mobility left, they adopted him and assumed his care; he now lives at a stable in Rocky

Ridge, Md. Krajewski, a self-

smearing the brush across a

canvas or hardboard. Krajewski tapes the brush handles so

Metro Meteor, a retired thoroughbred in Rocky Ridge, Md.,

has become a demi-celebrity in the art world.


they don't splinter in Metro's

from the wild-

mouth. (Metro has a vigorous stroke, and has broken a lot of brushes and ripped a lot of canvases.) Now Metro is a demi-ce-

ly successful equine art endeavor help pay Metro's

from his knees, he was not

taught artist, thought he might teach Metro to paint, too.

only no longer able to race, but he couldn't even hold a rider.

horse, maybe I can teach him

lebrity, a sold-out artist at a

sizable veterinary bills.

what I do," Krajewski said.

gallery in Pennsylvania who has appeared on the "Today"

Matt Roth New York Times

Ron Krajewski, a former

"I figured if he couldn't be a

Air Force staff sergeant and animal-lover-turned-pet-por-

Turns out that Metro, now 11, had a bit of a knack. Kra-

traitist, and his wife, Wendy, a

jewski insinuates a brush

show. SeeMetro /D5

News Service



A spiritual leader'slegacyendures in followers'vegetarianrestaurants

RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin©bend bulletin.com or call 541-383-0323.

SERVICES By Mark Oppenheimer

individuals, not by any umNew Yorh Times News Service ally found some of Chinmoy's brella group. But when he was SEATTLE — I ordered the other followers, of which, unhappy as a chiropractor, he California omelet. It was fresh one of them told me, there did consult Chinmoy about and capablycooked,w ith am- are about 7,000 in the world. his career direction. "I said, 'Guru, I don't think ple, bright green slices of avo- In mid-April, over 1,000 concado. The service was cheery vened in New York City for I should be a chiropractor and efficient. Were it not for one of their semiannual con- anymore,'" Balter r ecalled. the video of an older Bangla- ventions.I reached several of "He said, 'What will you do?' deshi immigrant performing them just before they left for I said, 'Open a restaurant,' heroic acts of strength that New York, and in telephone and he said, 'Very good, very was playing on a loop on a interviews, they helped fill good. flat-screen television, I would in a picture of a small but enNatabara Rollosson, who have remembered Silence- during spiritual tradition that like a number of Chinmoy's Heart-Nest, in the Fremont finds one of its expressions in students lives in Queens, neighborhood of Seattle, as the healthy meals the follow- where the teacher himself rejust an above-average vege- ers serve. sided, said Chinmoy's teachtarian brunch spot. Wadhan Balter, 65, owns ings were unique in their foBut there was that video Victory's Banner, a vegetari- cus on the heart, rather than of Sri Chinmoy, the spiritual an restaurant in Chicago. He the mind, as the center of master who died in 2007 at began following Chinmoy meditation. "Using your mind to quithe age of 76, hinting that Si- when he was 21, and he enlence-Heart-Nest was run by tered through the gateway of et your mind — that's like disciples of his school of med- yoga practice. asking a 4-year-old child to "I was doing hatha yoga," discipline herself," Rollosson itation. And then, when you looked around, you noticed Balter said. "That is often a said. "But focusing your spirithe pamphlets by the door, in- portal of entry into the more tualpractice in your heart, the viting the public to introducto- meditative kind. You go to center of your being, if you put ry meditation dasses. yoga dass, and they'll do a your attention there, you are And on t h e r estaurant's little meditation afterward. I accessingthe quieter space website, one can find links took my interest to spirituali- inside yourself. And that helps to about 20 other vegetarian ty in general, the spiritual as- clear the mind." restaurants around the world, pects of yoga." Eventually, his So where does the vegetarincluding in New York; San interest in meditation led him ianism come in? It, too, is an Diego; Heidelberg, Germany; to searchfora teacherto help aid to meditation, accordingto and Canberra, Australiahim on his path. Rollosson. "I finally encountered Sri "As we consume meat, meat all run by followers of Chinmoy, whom they remember Chinmoy," Balter said, "and carries the aggressive nature as an athlete of otherworldly he passed my test for being of animal, and we are trying physical prowess. They extol a genuine teacher. I decid- to evolve beyond that animal their late teacher's philosophy, ed to invest three months nature," he said. "Fruits and which married meditation with him." The three months vegetables have a more mild to the practices of art, litera- turned into a lifetime. quality to them. So the vegture and above all vigorous Balter said that his teacher etarianism helps you have a exercise. had never told him to open a clearer meditation, because The staff at Silence-Heart- restaurant, and he pointed out the agitation from the meat Nest would not give their that all the Chinmoy-affiliat- manifests in agitatedthoughts names and were unwilling to ed restaurants are owned by as you try to clear your mind." be interviewed, but I eventu-

ANTIOCHCHURCH: Guestspeaker Bob Shaw; "Water Cycle ) Word Cycle, "basedon Isaiah 55;9:30 a.m. Sunday; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend; www.antiochchurch. org. BEND CHURCHOFTHENAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; "The Goodness of God"; 9 a.m. (Hispanic) and 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 1270 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-382-5496 or www. bendnaz.org. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "Addicted to Milk," based on Hebrews 5:11-14; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-593-8341 or www.cbchurchsr. org. COMMUNITY OFCHRIST: Evangelist Dave Brock; "Break Bread Together," based on Luke24:13-35; 11 a.m. Sunday, 10:45 a.m. praise singing; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend; 541-388-1011. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Rev. Eric Chavis; "The Art of Generosity," based on1 Samuel 25:16-25 and Matthew 25:15-28; 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday; 529 N.W.19th St., Redmond; 541-548-3367. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev. Willis Jenson; "Christian Live Forever becauseGod's Word, the Gospel, Endures Forever," based on I Peter1:25; 11 a.m. Sunday; 10a.m. Sunday School;Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne; 541-325-6773. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Minister Dave Drullinger; "He Made Them Laugh," based onMatthew 16:13-20; 10 a.m. worship service Sunday; 9 a.m. adult Bible study; 11:15 a.m. birthday celebration; 334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-3822272 or discoverychristianchurch. com. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "REALCHURCH:The Birth of Real Church," based onActs 2:121; 9 a.m. (classic) and10:45 a.m. (contemporary) Sunday; 62425 Eagle Road, Bend; 541-382-5822 or www. eastmontchurch.com.

FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOF GOD:Pastor Randy Wills; "Can Others Taste the Fruit?" part two of the series "The lnvisible Becoming Visible"; 9 and10:45 a.m. Sunday; youth group, 7 p.m. Wednesdays; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend; 541-382-1632 or www. fathershouseinbend.com. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor Steven Koski; "Living Spaciously: TheSpaceTo Breathe"; 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and5:01 p.m. Sunday; 230 N.E.Ninth St., Bend; 541-382-4401. FOUNDRY CHURCH: MikeCoughlin; "God's Heart and Paul's Strategy for Reaching the World for Jesus"; 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 60 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-382-3862 or www. foundrybend.com. GRACEFIRSTLUTHERANCHURCH: Barbara Novelli; "A Walk With Jesus" and "I Can See Clearly Now"; 9:30 a.m.Sunday;2265 N.W. ShevlinPark Road, Bend; 541-382-6862 or www. gracefirstlutheran.org. JOURNEY CHURCH: Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "The ONE That Always W ins"; 10 a.m.and 6:30p.m .Sunday; 70 N.W. Newport Ave. Bend; 541-6472944 or www.journeyinbend.com. MISSION CHURCH: Pastor Brent Hofen; Part two of the series "You Asked For It"; 5:30 and 7 p.m. tonight;9and10:45a.m. Sunday; 2221 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-3066209 or www.experiencethehighlife. com. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; "Called by the grace of God, wereach out to all people with the love of Jesus Christ"; 9 a.m. (informal worship), 9:15 a.m. (junior church), 10:15 a.m. (fellowship) and11 a.m. (formal worship); Bible study10 a.m. Wednesdays; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-388-0765 or www. nativityinbend.com. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCHOF CHRIST:Minister Dean Catlett; "While You're Waiting," based on1 Thessalonians 5:1-28; 10:45 a.m. Sunday; devotional service 6 p.m. Sunday; adult Bible class 6 p.m. Wednesday; 554 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend. 541-382-5242 or www. churchofchristbendoregon.com WESTSIDECHURCH: PastorSteve Mickel; "Climate Change:Unstable Climate"; 6:30 tonight; 8 a.m., 9a.m.

and10:45a.m. Sunday;2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road,Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Climate Change: Unstable Climate"; 10:30 a.m.Sunday; 1245 S.E.Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Pastor Jerry Kaping; "ClimateChange: Unstable Climate"; 10:30 a.m.Sunday; 442 Trinity Way Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Climate Change: Unstable Climate"; 6:30 tonight and 8 a.m., 9a.m. and10:45 a.m.Sunday; 2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road,Bend; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDE RADIO CAMPUS:Pastor Steve Mickel;"Climate Change:The Forecast"; 8:30a.m.Sunday;Heirborne radio show onKBND,AM1110. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "The Power of 'Release'"; 8:30 and11 a.m. Sunday; 1113S.W. Black Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541-923-7466 or www. zionrdm.com.

EVENTS, MEETIMGS SUNDAY MONA DELFINO:"The Meaning of Ascension"; 5:15 p.m.; Spiritual Awareness Community, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-508-1059, sacbend©gmail.com or www. spiritualawarenesscommunity.com. MONDAY "VIANNEY":Experience the story of Saint John Vianney, suitable for ages nine and older, tickets will be available at the church office or after services on April 26-27 and

May 3-4; $10perpersonsuggested

donation, $25 for a family of three

or more suggesteddonation; 7 p.m.; St. Thomas Church, 1720 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-923-3390 or


TUESDAY GREEN TEAM MOVIENIGHT: A screening of the film "Which Way Home" about three children from homes in Latin America traveling through Mexico; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E.

VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to 1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite 103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton© state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.


CHILDREN, YOUTH AND EDUCATION SERVICES ADULT BASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory© cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA:www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BENDPARK& RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott©scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS SGIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIRE USA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire©bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'S VISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OFFRIENDS: Beth, beth@ acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'8 OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY@ deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM: Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483.

GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. GIRLSON THE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr.org. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENSVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening@jbarj.org or 541-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER:Lisa Weare, Iweare@ kidscenter.org, 541-383-5958. LAPINE HIGH SCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert©bend.k12.or.us or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, 541-6 I7-9576. M OUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE:541-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-355-4158. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BENDSPAY&NEUTERPROJECT: 541-617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer@brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EASTCASCADESAUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACHHORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan@equineoutreach.com or 541-419-37 I7. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER:Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410.

HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOFTHE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 54 I-389-91 I5. PACIFIC CRESTTRAIL ANGEL: 541-604-4494. PRINEVILLE BLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, Imcallister©cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER A OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl, 541-416-6859.

LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer©latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATURE OFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 541-647-2233. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-312-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia©msn.com or 541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.


ABILITREE: volunteer©abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. HEALTH ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: 541-389-2075. Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: AMERICANREDCROSS: volunteer©bendscommunitycenter. 541-749-4111. org or 541-312-2069. THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. BETHLEHEMINN: www. thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. at h.berkman@thebloomproject.org or BRIDGINGGAPS:bendbridginggaps© 541-241-8845. gmail.com or 541-314-4277. HOSPICEOF REDMONDCENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE SISTERS:www.redmondhospice. LIVING (PREVIOUSLY PEACE org or Volunteer Coordinator at CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): 54 I-548-7483. www.compassionatecenter.org or MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori 54 I-383-2793. Schultz, tschultz©mvhd.org or 541DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN 475-3882, ext. 5327. SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton© ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: state,or.us or 541-693-8988. Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN gmail.com. SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES NEWBERRY HOSPICE:541-536-7399. CROOK COUNTY:Valerie Dean, 541PARTNERS IN CARE:www. 447-3851, ext. 427. partnersbend.org or Melanie Price, DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS 541-382-5882. (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. RELAYFORLIFE: Stefan Myers, FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, 541-504-4920. cindyt@bendcable.com or ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND 541-610-65 I1. ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-706-6354. 541-389-5468. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, HUMANDIGNITYCOALITION: 541-585-9008. 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION ARTS, MUSIC, COALITION:Marie, info© hungerpreventioncoalition.org or CULTURE AMD 541-385-9227. HERITAGE LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. 88.9KPOV,BEND'S COMMUNITY NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisqo RADIO STATION: info©kpov.org or neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, 541-322-0863. ext. 106. ART COMMITTEEOF TH EREDMOND PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:Linda www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Barker, 541-312-1064. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: PFLAGCENTRALOREGON: 541-617-1317. www.pflagcentraloregon.org or CASCADES THEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-317-2334. 54 I-389-0803. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY 541-318-4950. ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 54 I-504-2550. 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF Tuesday through Saturday. BEND:www.sibend.org, president© DESCHUTES PUBLICLIBRARY sibend.org or 541-728-0820. SYSTEM:541-312-1032. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: 541-389-6643. www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat SERVICES: 54 I-617-7047. VOLUNTEER CONNECT: www. volunteerconnectnow.org or HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: 541-385-8977. www.highdesertchambermusic. WINNINGOVERANGER S com or Isabelle Senger at info© highdesertchambermusic.com or VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 54 I-306-3988. 541-382-1943. HIGHDESERT MUSEUM: WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF 54 I-382-4754. CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0750.


GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUMITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources@ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, choward©ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or

541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVERWOODS NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSON COUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARD DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrict neighborhood.com. SCORE:BruceMichalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.

MISCELLANY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info@oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACREDARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.

mplements Hpa c '3vl Fcs'cpe'J 70 SW Century Dr., Ste. 145 Bend, OR 97702• 541-322-7337 complementshomeinteriors.com

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E njoy Your Sum .y , l



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pAYM E N"r

No Paymepgs.8r~ Jutcrest ou Approved Crcdit

SATURDAY, MAY 3, 2014 • T HE BULLETIN D 3 "Celtic Cross" Christianity

"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism

"Star of David"



You Are The l(vtost Important Part of Our Services

"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism

"Yin/Yang" Taoist! Confumanism

This Sunday at Faith Christian Center Pastor Brian Mercer- interim pastor, will share his message titled "What is Lordship" in the Sunday moming service beginning at 10:30 AM. Childcare is provided. FCC Youth Ministries and Family Night is on Wednesdays at 7 pm. A number of Faith Joumey Groups meet throughout the week in smaIl groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the comer of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. www.bendfaith.com REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD

1865 W Antler• Redmond 541.548.4555 SUNDAYS Moming Worship 8;30 am 8 10:30 am

Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM Adult Classes


www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish Office: 541-536-3571 HOLY REDEEMER, LA PINK

16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday8 Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass• 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00-4:00 pm


near Christmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3;15 pm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC CHURCH

Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com

NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street Masses Saturday• Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 PM - Misa en Espanol


Saturday, May 17th 3:00 pm at the East Bend Library 62080 Dean Swift Rd., Bend Try a spiritual exercise, explore the possibilities of learning from your dreams and past lives and leam what soul travel means. For More Information

541-728-6476 •



541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 541-389-8888 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 541 NE Dekalb

Sunday (downtown at the Boys 8 Girls Club, 500 NW Wall St.) 9:30 AM — Bible Study 9:30 AM — Children's Class 10:30 AM — Worship Service 10:30 AM — Primary Class Wednesday (up the hill from the Old Mill, 500 SW Bond St.) 7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting 8 Growth Groups 7:00 PM- Kids 4 Truth www.centraloregonbaptistchurch.org 541-617.2814 KASTMONT CHURCH "Displayingthe Reaiig oj Christin UndeniableWags"

62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822


Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email info@eastmontchurch.com FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382.3862

Pastors Mike Coughlin 8 Al Hulbert SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10;15 am This Sunday at Foundry Church, Mike

Coughlin will be speaking on "God's Heart and Paul's Strategy for Reaching the World for Jesus." For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC

3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond• 541-548-4161

Sunday Worship Services: 8;00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am Sunday Life Groups 9:30 am 8 11:00 am Saturday Worship 7:00 pm Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org


20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site; ccbend.org Sundays:8:30F 10:30am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Youth Group: Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are

available, call for days and times. "Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"

May 18: Sunday School 10 AM Lag B'Omer- School Picnic and Special Activities

June I: Sunday School 10 AM June 4: Shavuot "Torah Wedding Ceremony" With Music and Holiday Foods 6 PM

Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!

Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am,


Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

Sunday School for all ages K(dmo• Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor

message "Climate Change: Unstable


Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays Potluck 6 pm Music and the Word 7 pm Sunday Worship Services 8;30 am - 10:15 am - I I am NurseryF Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, and Ozzy Osbome 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541-548-3066 www.powellbuttechurch.com REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am

(No child care) 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker541-312-8844 Associate Pastors

Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson "Loving people one at a time." www.real-lifecc.org •

May 4, 2014 at Westside ChurchSOUTH CAMPUS Pastor Steve Mickel will share the Climate" at 10:30am on Sunday at the WestsideChurch South Campus, 1245 SE 3rd St., Bend.

10:00 am 50+ Bible Study

MISSION (LCMS) ThemissionoftheChurch istoforgive sins through theGospelandthereby grant eternal Iffe.



Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW ofBend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshiping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Reformation. Call for information about other meetings 541-420-1667 www.sovereigngracebend.com • •

I •

SundayMoming Worship 8:45 am 8 10:45 am


Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m.

Wednesday Mid-Week Service Children 8 Youth Programs 7:00 pm Nursery Care Provided for All Services Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241


Women's Bible Study, Tuesday 9:15 a.m. Men's Bible Study, Wednesday 7:15 a.m.


Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org

(3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367



Worship in the Heart of Redmond

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

Sunday Worship Services at 8:30 am 8 11:00 am Sunday School for all ages 10:00 am

9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children F Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship


Join us at our online campus where Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Climate Change: Unstable Climate" at 6:30pm Saturday and at 8, 9 and10;45am on Sunday atW estside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.


May 4, 2014 Westside Church-

"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K-5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541-382-2049 Principal Lonna Camahan www.eastmontcommunityschool.com

Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Climate Change: The Forecast" on the Heirborne radio show at 8:30am Sunday morning on KBND-AM II(0





Making Space For Justice Sunday, May 18, 12:30pm Join the Justice and Outreach Vision team for inspiration, training and skills building as we seek to live into Spacious Christianity and Develop Hearts That Yearn For Justice Contact Intern Pastor Ron Werner at rwemer@bendfp.org or 541.382.4401. Youth Events http;//www.facebook.com/ bendyouthcollective

Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend

www.bendfp.org http://www.facebook.com/bendfp 541 382 4401


Meeting place: THE OLD STONE CHURCH 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Mail:PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709

www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908


Worship free of dogma, full of concem for service to the needy, compassion for all and love of community near and far. Progressive Christianity means all of the above without checking in your brain at the door. All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month. Find us in the meeting room of The GreenPlow Coff ee Shop, 436 SW6th in Redmond, (across from Diego's). Worship with us Sunday, May 7th at 11 a.m., or come early at 10 a.m. for Bible Bookworms — adult discussion time. On May 14th, All Peoples meets again.

For details and possible help with car-pooling, emaiL allpeoplesucc@gmail.com •

2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862

Pastorjerry Kaping will share the message "Climate Change: Unstable Climate" at 10;30am at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters.

May 3 8 4 2014 at Westside Church-

Sermon Series: Living Spaciously The Space to Breathe Preaching: Steve Kosk( Sunday, May 4 9:00am contemporary 10:45am traditional 5:01pm relaxed Sunday School: 3 years to 6th grade Nursery-care provided

CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTKR 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241

May 4, 2014 at Westside Church-



(St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession invites you to join us at any of our XXVIII.8, 10 weekend services. No matter what your expectations are, we hope your time 10 am Sunday School spent with us brings you a little closer to Mass Schedule: 11 am Divine Service understanding, knowing and growing in Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) a relationship with Jesus Christ. In our The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor Wednesday 6:00 pm opinion, that's what really matters. 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Terrebonne, OR First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Contact us at 541.382.7504 or Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am(English) www.westsidechurch.org www.lutheransonline.com/ 12:00 noon (Spanish) concordialutheranmission Confessions on Wednesdays from Facebook: May 3 F 4, 2014 at Westside Church5:00 to 5:45 pm Concordia Lutheran Mission and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm WEST CAMPUS Phone: 541-325-6773 Pastor Steve Mickel will share the

www.redmondchristian.org Sunday Worship 9:00 am 8 10:45 am

Lead Pastor: Steven Kosk(

Childcare for infants and toddlers is provided downstairs.

Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org


message "Climate Change: Unstable Climate" at 6:30pm on Saturday and at 8, and 9 10:45am Sunday atW estside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.

(Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!


AII services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541.388.8826

Pastor Randy Myers


"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" is a member of the Food/Fellowship We are a Welcoming Congregation Union for Reform Judaism. Hebrew Roots Fellowship Our members represent a wide range of worshipping in Spirit and Truth May 4 at I I:00am Jewish backgrounds. 541-410-5337 We welcome interfaith families "Reefer Sanity: Marijuana Out of the Children Welcome and Jews by choice. Shadows" - Rev. Alex Holt, Interim www.livingtorahfellowship.com Our monthly activities include: Minister Services, religious education for The so.called "war on drugs" has been children 8 adults, Hebrew school, Torah study, social action projects and social BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARKNK costly and utterly ineffectual except to those who made money on it. Marijuana activities 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496 has gone from a shady drug smoked Senior Pastor Virgil Askren "only by musicians and counter.culture Rabbilohanna Hershenson types" to become increasingly accepted SUNDAY or tolerated in society. How do we start a 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages SERVICES conversation about its benefits, dangers, 9;00 am Hispanic Worship Service Friday, May 9- 6:00 pm - Family Shabbat and use in America? Services 10:15 am Worship Service This week in Religious Education we will be focusing on love for all creatures. Saturday, May 10-9:00 am - Munch 8 Nursery Care 8 Children's Church We will explore the 7th Principle of Torah Study ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Unitarian Universalism: how to apply Saturday, May 10- 10:30 am-Torah Worship Services our overarching love for the world in our Services everyday lives. "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM

Major's Robert8 Miriam Keene

Saturday 8:00 AM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday• Friday 7:00 AM F 12:15 PM


@ La Roca Church 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00• 3:00 pm Worship/Dance•Study •

June 6: Friday Evening Service Featuring Bnai Mitzvot 7 PM

6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study


536 SW 10th, Redmond


For the complete schedule of Services 8 Events go to; www.bethtikvahbend.org

20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436


Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385-5439

8:30 am Sunday


ST. THOMAS CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor

May 17: Saturday Morning Service 10 AM; Rabbi Jay's Bar Mitzvah Celebrating 14 Years at Shalom Bayit!

• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy

Friday, Ma y23-7:00pm •Kabaff at Shabbat Service

Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava

Exposition 8 Benediction Monday-Friday after 7;00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include:

Sunday School 9:45 am Children 8 Adult Classes Worship Service —11:00 am


Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994 We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in leaming the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at:


Sunday Services St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave 8 am and 10:15 am The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector www,trinitybend.org I 541-382-5542 Mail:469 NW Wall St Magwe haveegesIoseethat novisitor aniveswithout a gift aud uoguest(eaveswithout a blessing.

Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM


For information, call 541.385.6421. Or visit: www.jccobend.com

May 4: Sunday SchoollOAM

Spiritual Experiences Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel Introductory presentation 8 discussion

"offering Aopethrough the proclamation

All Services at our Dedicated Synagogue Building located at: 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend unless otherwise noted.

RoHgion of the Lightand Sound of God

TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH A(l are welcome through ourred doors

120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00 - 12:15pm

A Warm and Welcoming Community Serving Central Oregon for 24 years. We Welcome Newcomers, Interfaith Families and Encourage Involvement.




CONGREGATION SHALOM BAYIT (Jewish Community of Central Oregon)

Rabbi Jay Shupack- Bend's First Resident Rabbi Rebbitzin - Judy Shupack

www.eckankar.org www.eckankar-oregon.org

Rev. Julian Cassar Pastor Rev, Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631

Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Fri.: I I am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon-2 pm

HOLY TRINITY,SUNRIVER 18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00• 9:15 am

Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service F Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided.

"Star F Crescent" Islam



FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100 0

Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome• Always. Youth Groups A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich High School - Sunday I I:00am-12:30pm and diverse music program for all ages Middle School - Wednesday Coffee,snacksaudfellowship 6:00-7:30pm after eachservice M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 - 541.923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness www.zionrdm.com I



Mondays 6;30 pm Centering Prayer

Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service


(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 Everyone isWelcome! Rev. Thom Larson "No Doubt About It" (children's play) Scripture: Luke 24:13-35 9:00am- Contemporary Service Sunday School during 9am service 11:00am - Traditional Service Childcare provided

'During the Week; Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music F Fellowship Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson firstchurch@bendumc.org


Effective May I, 2014 4 SaturdayS and TMC: $120 5 Saturdays and TMC: $144 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the

church page. $24 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each month. $24

Copy Changes: by Monday Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org I

I week prior to publication

Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynCh®bendbulletjfLCOm




"It gets a little graphic," he would, so yeah, I did. I told said. her I would." Continued from D1 Most of the friends he A nother fr i e n d who He fought off losing con- might call for a ride were helped him is former classs ciousness. When a b y - away for the holiday week- mate Diane Turnbull, who stander asked him if she end, and the sun still had yet helped set up the September should call 911, "I thought, to rise for the day, so he lay benefit to ease his medical 'I don't have insurance,' so I down in pain for yet another expenses, about $55,000 in shook my head 'no,'" he said. hour. total. "It's like, 'I can't afford that. I Finally, it occurred to him The benefit took in enough know it's bad, but an ambu- that he needed to go to the for Hickman to live for a lance, really?'" hospital. Rather than dial 911 couple of months, but not to When a police officer ar- or even call a cab, he went on pay off his bills. St. Charles rived on scene, Hickman Facebook and asked if any of Foundation wrote off about again refused an ambu- his friends would drive him $35,000 from his hospitaliza-


lance. "He asked what I was

ident, a few months away from

to St. Charles Bend.

going to do, and I said, 'I'm just trying to get home. I'll be fine. I just got my bell rung!' He got quiet and (I) was like, 'Wow. I just yelled

"I did it in my whole sort of cowboy avatar thing. 'Well howdy, saddle pals, took a little spill off the widow

at a cop.'"

ride to the hospital. Is anybody online?'" he said.

Unaware of the extent of his internal injuries, a grim determination to get home

had emerged in him, Hickman said. He answered the

officer's questions about his name and address "as clear as possible, in my best actor's voice," he said. The officer told Hickman

maker last night. I need a

tion bill.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he said. Hickman still owes about $15,000. "I'm pretty sure the doctors have pretty much

sold those off, because I get a lot of 800 numbers (callTwo friends started in to ing) on my cellphone,'" he Bend, one from Crooked Riv- sard. er Ranch and another from Though he would like to Tumalo. Hickman packed pay off the remaining debt, for the hospital, knowing he is considering medical what to take because of his bankruptcy. mother's stays. While sitting in the wait-

ing area of the emergency

"I work 18 hours a week at

minimum wage plus tips," he said.

he could leave, but, Hick-

room, another ol d

f r i end

Hickman stresses the im-

man said, he pushed his luck and askedthe officerifthere might be a way to put his

walked in having troubles with his appendix.

portance of a healthy diet

bike in the back of the patrol

talking about high school,"

car and get a ride home.

Hickman said. "We sat there and watched gladiator mov-

gardener, showing off the pimento, corn and other plants growing in pots around his

"I felt the look," he said.

"Off he w ent, and s o I walked the bike home. I remember feeling super vulnerable and not wanting anyone to see me or to run

"We're all sitting t h ere

and exercise. He's an avid

living room. He believes it

ies" while waiting to be seen was his exercise program by doctors. that saved his life. "Exercise is a panaThe formal diagnosis was massive internal injury due cea," he said with a laugh. to blunt force trauma. Hick- "Definitely." into anyone I know." man would spend a week at After the accident, HickOn his walk, he passed the hospital, learning that man began taking short Ponderosa Park. "It's twi-

he'd lost three pints of blood light, i t' s g etting d a rk. t o i nternal b l eeding a n d There's this lone kid out at had sustained injuries to his

walks as soon as he could,

and crawled around outside tending his garden. By mid-November, he was the skatepark. About every bladder, spleen and liver. His 100 yards or so I would stop right kidney was virtually able to return to bartending and rest my head on my bike destroyed. at Noi Thai, and through the "Only my kidney is per- winter his exercise routine seat. I remember doing that." The boy called out to him, manently damaged," he said. expanded to include yoga "Did you get in an accident'?" "I mashed it, was the exact and core exercises,"all that Hickman said, imitating the word they used." kind of stuff that I was doing "When the urologist uses before," he said. twang in the boy's voice. "I said, 'Yeah, a bike the words 'kidney, shriv"At the end of it all, (docwreck,' and he's like, 'Put el and walnut' in the same tors were) like, 'You're not some Neosporin on it! '" sentence — yeah," Hickman diabetic, you're no longer When Hickman answered SBld. anemic, and, oh, your chothat the injuries might be lesterol is exceptionally good Help from friends internal, the boy told him, for a 52-year-old.' It's all that "Uh oh. Better do something Once home, "I got a lot, walking an d e x ercising. quick!" a lot of help from a lot of And, you know, poverty, it people," said Hickman. He helps too," he said, using a 'I need a ride to still has close friends from stage whisper when he says the hospital' his adolescence in Bend the word "poverty." I nstead, Hickman w e n t

home and lay on his bed. "Into u n c onsciousness I went. I wouldn't call that go-

and y e ar s

a t Mou n t ain

"For the most part, I'm fine

View High School. Many (now)," he said. However, he of them helped him around sometimes feels a little pain the house and with gro- when exercising. "I call it a little kick from cery shopping during his recovery. the baby every now and One of those friends was then. I get a little, 'Ow! That

ing to sleep," he said. Around 4 a.m., his cat, Walter, weighing in at about 25 pounds, leapt on him and C arole Hansen, wh o h a d hurts.'" "landed square on my liver, been his mother's close For now, Hickman walks right where the injury was," friend. to work. His bicycle still he said. "That woke me up."

"Carol asked me when she

When he got up to use the was dying in the hospital to bathroom, Hickman discov- look after Andy," Hansen ered blood instead of urine.

told The Bulletin. "I said I

needs a tuneup, and he needs a new helmet. — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper@bendbulletin.com

cae oosa By Jen Chaney

cause he's under contract with NBC to continue starring on

Special to The Washington Post

"Community." Historically, a gig at the


Joel McHale attended his first White House Correspondents'

Correspondents' Dinner, the ultimate "This Town" event, hasn't necessarily served as a

Dinner, the year was 2008. George W. Bush was still pres-

clear-cut opportunity-generator for its performers. In recent

leaving office. Pamela Anderson, "The Hills" stars Heidi

years, most of the chosen tal-

ent — Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, Ferguson — were already established TV hosts and personalities, so it's difficult to gauge

Montag and Lauren Conrad,

and the Jonas Brothers were among the celebrities sucking up the oxygen in the Washington Hilton ballroom. And the special guest charged with telling topical, edgy-but-nottoo-offensive jokes — which, that year, targeted Donald

what impact, if any, some wellThe Associated Press file photo

Joel McHale will perform at the White House Correspondents' Dinner tonight.

timed jokes about the Secret Service and the Huffington Post did to elevate their status.

battling for the 2008 Demo-

Colbert, who had been portraying his conservative alter

cratic presidential nomination

ego on "The Colbert Report"

— was Craig Ferguson. prepared him to wade into the "I was in the very last table weird Correspondents' Dinagainst the wall and I could ner melting pot of high-profile barely see anyone on the dais," journalists, high-ranking politMcHale recalled during a icos, notable athletes and Holphone conversation last week. lywood stars ranging in status "If it wasn't for the video mon- from levels A to C. (A sample of itors, it would have been like a McHale current events joke watching a football game from from a recent episode of "The the 300-level. It wa s g reat, Soup": "In sports news, swimthough. It was cool to be there mer Michael Phelps is coming and be in a r oom with the out of retirement. When asked president." for comment, teammate Ryan

for only six months when he delivered his famously controversial, President George W. Bush-skewering speech, may

M cHale w il l a t t end h i s second White House Corre-

a nd K i mmel,

Rumsfeld and the candidates

spondents' Dinner today, and this time, he should have no trouble seeing the dais. As

the evening's appointed entertainer — the guy tapped to tell his own edgy-but-not-

too-offensive jokes — he'll be seated directly on it, beside the first lady and a few chairs

over from President Barack Obama. It's a position that, at least during the media's imme-

diate, post-dinner onslaught of Monday morningcomedy quarterbacking, may shine a brighter national spotlight on

Lochte accidentally stapled a

have benefited most from a post-Correspondents' Dinner

profile boost. Still, presiding over the event does have a certain al-

lure, as the advice that McHale receivedfrom severalof those

previous hosts — including O'Brien, Meyers, Ferguson with w h om

bird to his face.") McHale shares a publicist His "Soup" experience — suggests. "They all said the same helped to vault McHale's name into the mix during all the re- thing," McHale says. "It's cent chatter about late-night kind of the weirdest, most talk show host replacements. exhilarating gig of your life. With Stephen Colbert ... There's not any other gig whose satirical White House where you sit next to the first C orrespondents' Dinn e r lady for two hours before you speech tore the self-import- get up and perform, after the ant, politically correct roof off leader of the free world. It the place back in 2006 — lined doesn't happen." up to take over for David LetThe uniquely high honor of terman when he retires next performingforboth the presyear, some TV critics and ob- ident and much of the cast servers have advocated for of ABC's "Scandal" means McHale to assume the 12:30

that McHale and his team of

a.m. CBS slot currently held speechwriters, many of them by Ferguson, who announced current and former writers Devoted fans of N B C's earlier this week that he'll step for "The Soup," have been fu"Community" on down in December. riously generating, scrapping "Are you asking if I'm going and re-generating material. which McHale stars as the "Thank God, there are peoprone-to-speechifying com- to get a late-night show out of munity college study group it'?" McHale asks, half joking- ple who can make me look leader Jeff Winger — certain- ly, when a reporter wonders good, who can make me look ly are familiar with his work, out loud what a gig as Cor- intelligent," McHale s ays. as are moviegoers who have respondents' Dinner emcee When he's told that he comes seen the long-limbed, hand- might do for his career. For across as intelligent, McHale, some actor play supporting the record,McHale asked that a master at the art of drippy roles in films such as "Ted" question in a conversation that sarcasm, fires back: "I work and "The Informant!" But it's occurred before Ferguson an- on the E! Network, so the juMcHale's decade-long stint as nounced he would leave his ry's out." "Late Late Show." For the adA smart guy from E!, emthe host of E!'s "The Soup"a weekly, snark-heavy riff on ditional record, McHale said ceeing an event that's regularthe firehose of inane moments earlier this week in an inter- ly attended by Congressional regularly sprayed from reality view with Howard Stern that leaders and K a rdashians? TV, broadcast news and viral even if he was offered a job Seriously, don't worry, Joel. Internet videos — that has best at CBS, he couldn't take it be- You'll fit right in. McHale thanhe'sexperienced before.

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prma i'ea LI wit


rpm wear Has America it pea ear '?

By Marisa Meltzer New York Times News Service

Soon to attend her junior

prom at G a rrison Forest School in Owings Mills, Md., Lindy Wittenberg has decided

By Dugan Arnett

gizer, which said its Schick men's razor sales were off 10

The Kansas City Star

to make a statement with her

KANSAS CITY, Mo. Just as millennials are be-

percent. Facial hair is a historically

outfit. "I want to punch prom in the face by wearing pants," she said. Wittenberg, 17, calls her

ginning to get comfortable with this new follicle-based fad, science has to go and get in the way.

fickle beast, a trend that has

Proenza Schouler as her fa-

researchers asked women

During the free-wheeling

vorite designers. She found a vintage black halter top with

to examine four t ypes of


Men"-era 50s, the Don DrapIn an A u stralian study ers of the world wouldn't published last week in the think of arriving at the office journal "Biology Letters," without a fresh shave.

style "rebellious but tasteful," and counts Valentino, Dior,

Alexander McQueen and

'60s and '70s, however, the photos — men with beards, biker beard became a staple. c lean-shaven me n an d At various times, mustach-

embroidered details o n line

for $70 and plans to wear it with black cigarette pants and pumps. While there are thousands of teenage girls shopping for traditional long, princess-inspired gowns for proms this

men with light and heavy stubble — and rate their attractiveness. What they found was that,

season, there is also a visible

faction proudly showing up to spring formals wearing suits, separates, tuxedos, jumpsuits and vintage outfits, or those

LIndy WIttenberg, 17, say she wants to "punch

Alexandra Gault, 17, wore a tea-length lace wed-

they have made themselves.

prom In the face by wearIng pants."

dIng dress from the1950s to prom last year.

VanessaVick I New York Times NewsService

AmyDickerson/New York Times News Service

Prom trends often take cues from the red carpet. At the

Golden Globe awards in Jan- against it. But they're selling And Nasty Gal, a Los Anuary, actress Emma Watson really welland have exceeded geles-based clothing compawore a red Dior couture dress our expectations." ny, in March introduced Anti with slim pants. Versions of Jovani's design director, Prom, a l ine w ith b ustiers, Yves Saint Laurent's classic Julie Durocher, channeled crop tops, leather motorcycle Le Smoking pantsuit have her fondness for jumpsuits jackets, jumpsuits and combat also been popular this year, in their 1980s heyday when boots.Sheree Waterson, the with Angelina Jolie wearing designing them for her line. company's president and chief one to the BAFTA awards, "Not everyone wants the tramerchandising officer, said: Ellen Page to Vanity Fair's Os- ditional dress," she said. "The "More and more young womcars party, and Kourtney Kar- jumpsuit is just fun. You could en are tired of being dictated dashian to Elton John's.

wear it again, out to a club or a

to and want something that

Even Seventeen magazine, party." She designed two last feels uniquely them. It's a way that bastion of prom t r adiyear, and they did so well that of embracing yourself." tion, has shot Kylie Jenner in a this year the company is offerD aniel F r i edman, w h o prom editorial wearing sepa- ing 20 jumpsuits or rompers owns Bindle & Keep, a custom rates (a crop top and full skirt) that cost $500 to $800. suit company in New York and in a tuxedo with a bow tie. Alexandra Gault, 17, is a City, that is known for fitting Traditional prom designers devotee of vintage clothes women, said he has seen a and retailers have observed and often dresses in head-to- huge increase in inquiries rea growing market for uncon- toe period looks. For prom garding prom suits for girls, ventional looks. "There is a last year, Gault, who lives which he attributed partly to trend for more sophisticated

ebbed and fl owed with the decades. During the "Mad

in Hemet, Calif., wore a tea-

we ended up borrowing a tux from the Yale glee club. I'm tall and it fit pretty well.

My parents thought I looked classy." Ongley, who describes herself as "the school lesbian"

and regularly wears pajama pants to class, said none of her peers were shocked by her prom look. "I almost wanted someone to be mad or offended by it," she said. "I was a lit-

tle disappointed, but I'm proud of the student body." She attended a second prom

last year with her ex, A.J., who prefers the classification of genderqueer. "I wanted to look pretty and fit the part," said Ongley, who wore a vintage black lace dress ($30) an increased openness about that she loved so much, she's same-sex and transgender considering wearing it to her relationships. "We're getting senior prom.

looks for prom: less junior, length lace wedding dress less princess," said Marissa from the 1950s, which she Rubinetti, the senior buyer found on Etsy, with a red fas- a lot of calls, about one a day of specialoccasion dresses cinator and red pumps. from aparent," he said."Parfor David's Bridal. "I visited a Her budget was $100, but ents are much more open to few key vendors, and all of the her decision to wear a sec- embracing their teenagers' sudden there were jumpsuits. ondhand dress was less about identities and very interestIended up pickingup acouple economy than personal pref- ed in showing their children of them to see what happens erence. "I dress vintage ev- that they are proud of them." in my Manhattan store, where ery day and I didn't want to With a starting price of $695 they have more of a f a sh- compromise that and wanted for one of his handmade suits, ion-forward customer." to keep it in the tone of my this form of pride can be M ichael L a F e mme, t h e normal style," Gault said. "It's expensive. owner of the prom wear com- about self-expression." Indeed, Jen Ongley's mothpany La Femme, decided last Modcloth, the retro-orient- er balked about the cost when year to have his design team ed San Francisco-based com- her daughter wanted to rent try out rompers and jump- pany, is planning on showing a tuxedo for her junior prom suits. "We were uneasy and vintage gowns for prom with last year in Madison, Conn. didn't know if it would work Keds or black platform boots, "My mom was president of for prom," he said. "We had said Alyssa Catalano, the vin- the glee club when she was people in our office betting tage buyer and head of styling. at Yale," said Ongley, 17,"So

But Wittenberg is done with

simply looking pretty. "Undoubtedly I will be the only one wearing pants," she said. "But I don't care what anyone thinks, and I want to create a


es, mutton-chop sideburns and goatees have also made appearances. Today, th e

i n f a tuation

whenbeards were rare in the seems to be with the beard, photos, women found them which, on a recent afternoon to be more attractive. When inside the Calico Beard and they were plentiful, the oppo- Mercantile, a salon and barsite was true. ber shop on Kansas City's Translation: West Side, appeared to be "(The study) suggests that alive and well. beard styles are likely to Tara Shaw opened the grow less attractive as they place in January 2013 after become more popular," ex- noticing the surge in popuplained Rob Brooks, who larity of beards in the three was part of the research or four years prior. She atteam, in a piece he wrote for tributes the trend to the intheconversation.com. fluence of bearded celebs The study's findings are and members of prominent noteworthy, given that the bands. beard seems tobe the trend She also credits other facdu jour among many 20- and tors: a desire for a return to 30-something men. nostalgic Americana and The beard has become as

a n association w i t h


Metro ContInued from 01 Half ofthe proceeds of his

painting sales go to the New Vocations Racehorse Adoption Program, and the rest

goes to his veterinary care, which is not cheap. And so this year, Metro has a licens-

ing agreement with Dream Green USA, which is producing Metro totes ($79.99), Metro pillows ($69.99) and Metro wall art ($299), all made from organiccotton and recycled plastic bottles; Dream Green will donate a percentage of the sales to New Vocations.




We weren't able to get MetMatt Roth / New York Times NewsService ro on the phone last week, but The paintings of Metro, a retired thoroughbred, have been turned we did speak to Krajewski. Into totes, pillows and wall art. (The interview was edited and condensed.) complex horse. on the sides of their head, so • How did you come to there is a blind spot. I think • adopt a racehorse? How many paintings he paints by feel. He knows


We owned 3 percent of • h im, and when it w a s

time for him to retire, they offered him up to us. He was

a lot more horse than we had bargained for. He was a really good racehorse, and when you're winning, they ignore all the bad behavior. They can bite and kick and push you around, and it's ignored on the track. But he was an outcast

and branded as a dangerous horse. He didn't like being touched. He was just cranky.

Q •• has he made?


• A couple hundred. We canvasis. • work eight at a time.

It takes four days to do one than one color on the same

day, because he'll smear it. So we developed this process of one day, one color. It builds

up these layers of depth. His brush strokes are so strong.

A horse can only paint • so much; if we wanted to

brushes; he r ip s

c a nvases.

Sometimes he's pretty violent. Sometimes he has a real soft

• Are you a temperamen• tal artist?


Q • Do horses see color?

old man in the neighborhood

• I think they can see

who when you hit the baseball

• shades. I don't know if

The Bulletin is hosting a Mother-Daughter Look-alike contest.


www.bendbulletin.com/lookalike The winning pair will receive a portrait photo shoot with one of The Bulletin's professional photographers. Other top finishers will receive $25 Old Mill giff certificates. Deadline to apply is noon May 5th. Winners will be notified on Tuesday, May 6th.



• I'm pretty easygoing.

make more money to take care

to bite. If I call him from the

field, he'll come running, and

A• tips of those. He breaks brush stroke. These are tem-

a dog or a cat. Is that because of him, we needed to look into you have treats in your pocket'? licensing. Dream Green was • He's very loyal to me, but willing to work with us and • I'm the first one he tries our charity, New Vocations. then he'll bite me. He's like the

ing to eat one. Has he? • No, but he's tough on the

• How did M e tro g et peramental artists. • into the h o usewares

Q •• site,M etro seems very A • affectionate toward you, like


Just in time for Mother's Day ...

(simply fill out the form and upload your photo.)

I loved the video of Met-

painting, working on it one • ro using the paint pens, hour a day. He can't do more but I was worried he was go-

business'? In the videos on his web-

where to stand and where the

QUESTIONS? Please e-mail:ajohnsonObendbulletin.com else besides tote Q •• What bags and pillows do you see in Metro's design future'? • My dream is to see Jen-

A red carpet and they ask her • nifer Lawrence on the

what her dress is, and she says, " Christian Dior" a n d into his yard, he keeps it. But Metro can see the canvas in they ask what the bag is, and his family loves him. He's a front of him. Horses have eyes she says, "It's a Metro."


ingrained in hipster culture blue-collar culture. as flannel, skinny jeans and The stubbled and totally a disdain for a Seattle-based unshorn tend to agree, havcoffee company. ing grown attached to their From unkempt to close- beards — and what they ly cropped and everything represent. "How p eople p r esent in between, in Kansas City, Mo., at least, young men themselves reflects what seem to boast more cheek they believe about themand chin hair than an epi- selves, and what they want sode of "Game of Thrones." people to b elieve about The "Duck Dynasty" clan them," says Chris Gorney, a has shot to fame thanks in principal at Second Life Stuno small part to their ex- dios, after an appointment to travagant facial foliage. Last see his bewhiskered barber, year's Boston Red Sox and Dane R. Casey. "I think there's a kind of their Fear the Beard movement marched all the way to authenticity — a g r unge, a World Series title. And last a grit — t hat comes with s ummer, Procter & G a m - beards. People who don't ble, which o wn s G i llette, give a damn are the kind of acknowledged razor sales people that people who do were falling, as did Ener- give a damn want to be like."

or call 541-617-7860

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auer's ac in'

: ive no er a '


that's consistent with where

days after, presaging or echohe's been and taking him ing world events with a somehopefully to the next place in times eerie synchronicity. "What's s o in t e resting," his long and difficult life." P resident Heller is in t h e says Sutherland, "Howard British capital to negotiate calls me to talk about doing a treaty dealing with mili- it, and there was a Julian Astary drones, but there's a plot sange-type character in the afoot to take him out. At the piece. But Julian Assange has

"24: Live Another Day" 8 p.m. Monday, Fox By Kate O'Hare Zap2it

Sitting in the corner of a

hotel bar in Pasadena, Calif., munching his way through a dish of nuts, Kiefer Sutherland recalls one of the stranger times hewas recognized by a "24" fan. "I was on a ski lift once," he

heart of it is British national

says, "and a CIA operative rec-

ognized me, which is amazing, because I had a hat on, goggles and a muffler, riding on a chairlift, swinging away. Submitted photo "He says, 'I like your show.' Kiefer Sutherland stars in "24: Live Another Day," premiering I'm like, 'How could you rec- Monday on Fox. ognize me'?' He smiled and said, 'Don't tell anyone this, but I work for the CIA. I just prevent the assassination of there until he was 3. "He's livgot back from Afghanistan .... U.S. President James Heller ing the hard life. "Historically, we've always The only bone I've got to pick (William Devane), who prewith you is that my mother viously appeared in the show come into the season with can't figure out how you can as thesecretary ofdefense.At Jack having some kind of get that much done in a day, Heller's side is his daughter, hope, and it's dashed, and he and we can't.'" Audrey (Kim Raver), Bauer's escalates in that direction. In That operativemay have former love, who suffered tor- this, we're going to go from some more explaining to do to ture for him, and her husband up here" — Sutherland raises when Sutherland's character, (Tate Donovan), Heller's chief his hand high above the glassformer Counter Terrorist Unit of staff. topped table in front of himoperative Jack Bauer, tries to H unting Bauer ar e L o n - "where he's the angriest and pull off another one-day mir- don-based CIA agents played meanest he's ever been." acle when, after four years off by Benjamin Bratt, Yvonne Says executive p r oducer American television, he r eStrahovski and Gbenga Akin- Howard Gordon, "We're conturns in the 12-episode event nagbe.StephenFryappearsas tinuing the story of the waywe series "24: Live Another Day,"

premiering Monday, May 5, on Fox.

Shot in London, the story finds Bauer attempting to

the British prime minister.

prosecuted the war, both good

"Jack's been in hiding for and bad.... This is about blowfour years in Eastern Eu- back, in a sense. But the most rope," says Sutherland, who important thing it's about is was born in London and lived bringing Jack back in a way

ten and shot weeks in advance, many episodes seemed to res-

birth, he left me to be with a woman

Dear Holding Your Nose:It apa long-lasting one — and whether pears this wonderful husband, fayou approve or not, this woman is in ther and provider has the personal your son's life in the role of part-time habits of a goat. If he has enough enmother. For your sake, you need to ergy to make advances at the end of accept itbecause the alternative is to a long workday, then he should have enough to take a shower and brush

his teeth. Unless you plan to wear a clothespin on your nose duringmarital relations, you should insist upon it.

in a "mother" role with my son. I have confronted my ex about

Dear Abby: Ihave been invited to wonderful husband, a high school graduation for twin father and provider. girls. One of them has been ourbaby He has just one flaw — his hygiene. sitter foralmostthreeyears,and we He works long hours and is usual- have formed a close relationship ly exhaustedwhenhe getshome. He with her. We know her sister, but do showers maybe once a week, and not have the same relationship with

this and although he told me he

brushes his teeth less often. Some-

media sites. I have a problem with this, not

least of all that it is incredibly hurtful to see another woman pretend she is


would talk to her about it, he also times he makes sexual advances, told me it is none of my business but I'm so turned off by his smell what happens while Zack is in his that I just can't do it. I have tried asking him to be Am I right to make this an issue, cleaner. I have even been upfront or doIneed to move on and accept about what other people have said that this woman is in my son's life? about his lack of cleanliness. I even —Offendedin San Jose tried making shower time "fun," but Dear Offended:I sympathize with a girl can't do that every night! I'm becoming so frustrated. I'm your feelings, but your ex is right. Unless something is happening a clean person, and I keep hoping that's dangerous to Zack's welfare, one day he'll adopt my habits, but you can't control what happens it doesn't look like it's happening when he's with his father. soon. Any advice? I don't know how serious this new —Holding My Nosein Idaho

We would like to give our baby sitter more money for graduation,


do. Tonight: In the spotlight.

DAY, MAY3, 2014:Thisyearyou move in a newdirection and accomplish a lot more than you thought possible. You are intuitive with others, and you always seem to know which way to go. Youmight opt to indulge in some personal work and gain a better understanding of yourself. If you are single, youmight choose to date


Stars showthe kind is emotionaiiy of day you'll have unavailabie. Try to ** * * * D ynamic

be moreawareof

this type. You are unusually charming and enticing, which attracts many admirers. If you are attached, the two of you will bond even more closely because of taking frequent trips away together. You will also be able to make a long-term dream a reality. CANCER understands you well.


but do not want to offend her sister.

What should we do? — Can't Decide in Ohio

Dear Can't Decide:Whenyougive the girls their graduation cards, enclose a check in each for the same amount of money. Later, privately,

you can give your baby sitter something extra as a token of your appreciation. That way, it will be less obvi-

ous and may avoid hurt feelings. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.o.Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069

SCORPIO (Dct. 23-Nov.21)

** * * You'll see a situation in a much different light than in the past. Because of someone else's kindness, you finally will be sense of well-being with your spending. Be able to relax. Useyour imagination to get careful, and be realistic. Consider making past a hassle in the next few days. Your rea change regarding your career, but think sourcefulness will come through. Tonight: carefully before you decide to make it so. Read between the lines. Tonight: Stay within your budget. By Jacqueline Bigar

CANCER (June21-July 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)

** * * * Deal with a partner directly if ** * * Take off for a day excursion if you you want the desired results. Money is a can. You might want to treat a group of primary issue to be discussed. Unfortufriends to dinner. Follow through, because nately, you do not have aresilient checkyou enjoy entertaining as much asthey like book. A loved one might be quite touchy to be entertained. A roommate or partner and difficult. Just ride the emotional wave. might not feel the same. Becareful. ToTonight: Where your friends are. night: All smiles.

LEO (July23-Aug.22)

** * You could feel a little down as a result of pushing yourself too hard. You also might be more exhausted than you have been in awhile. Consider changing ARIES (March 21-April19) ** * * You'll exude a sense of fun when your plans and cutting the day short. Your you realize that the weekend finally has ar- mysterious exit will entice the interest of others. Tonight: Make yourself unavailable. rived. Someone will read you clearly. This person's statement might be aneye-openVIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) er for you. A loved onewill mean well, but ** A partner, friend or family member he or shecouldangeryouon some level. will be there for you. This person is likely Tonight: Invite friends over. to demonstrate his or her loyalty once more. Zero in on what is important. Try TAURUS (April 20-May20) to eliminate what doesn't have to bedone ** * * A conversation between you and a relative is inevitable. Listen to your inner immediately. Let your creativity emerge. Tonight: Hang with your friends. voice, and follow through on a friend's request; communication will flourish as a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Dct.22) result. Go off to the movies with a pal. Dis- ** * Pressure could be building. If you tance yourself from the immediate issues don't say "no," you could have alot of of your life. Tonight: Hang out. responsibilities dropped on you. A loved one or dear friend might be more gracious GEMINI (May21-June20) ** * You have been feeling your about changing plans than you hadanticiWheaties, and you might express that pated. Be imaginative with everything you

discuss personal things, and I reluctantly wind up helping him again."

the few days before, or the few

relationship is, but it appears to be

he had met while I was pregnant, make yourself sick over it. And beand they are still in a cause it's hurtful, stop relationship. reading her posts. She thinks it's OK Dear Abby:I marDFP,R to post pictures of riedthe love of mylife Zack on her social eightyears ago. He's a

Of course, there's no time to

onate in the day they aired, or

a — a 's ir rien 0 en s Dear Abby:I'm a single mother of a 1-year-old boy, Zack. His father, my ex, has shared custody, but we don't have a very good co-parenting relationship. Shortly after I gave

been very quiet for the last two

Margot Al-Harazi (Michelle years, relatively. "And, l iterally, E dward Fairley, "Game of Thrones"), the widow of a notorious ter- Snowden pops up and is what rorist, and her i n doctrinat- he is, and part of me was like, ed daughter, Simone (Emily 'Couldn't he have waited three Berrington). months'? Because then we Along the way, Bauer must would have been just ahead.' turn again for help to former That's a joke, obviously." CTU tech expert Chloe O'BriWhen Season 8 ended in an (Mary Lynn Rajskub), who the spring of 2010, Jack was suffered devastating person- a fugitive from both the U.S. al losses and has turned into government and the Russians. a punked-out anti-govern- But Jack being Jack, when an ment hacker working for a opportunity presents itself to WikiLeaks-type organization save the day, he can't quite say headed by Adrian Cross (Mi- no. chael Wincott). And, in the end, neither can If all of this sounds very au Chloe, despite her anger and courant, that's business as bitterness. "When they first encounusual for "24." S ince its premiere in t h e ter each other," says Rajskub, wake of the 9/11 attacks — on calling in from London, "it is the day of which the show was not good, which I'm predicting already six or seven episodes people are going to love and into production — "24" rolled hate at the same time. They out its eight seasons of 24-ep- are not seeing eye to eye. "For me, it took my characisode days in a kind of limbo, living in the past, present and ter going through this horrible future all at once. personal experience in order Despite being conceived to lash out at him.... When he months in advance and writ- finds me, it's really exciting.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19)

** * * Others will seek you out no matter what you do, so enjoy all the attention. If you have the desire to do something different, byall means, do. Youwill feel refreshed afterward. Tonight: You might want to go to several different parties and get-togethers.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) *** Pursue aneasypacein order to accomplish more of what you want. Whatever the project is, you will feel far more refreshed than you have in awhile. You might receive an irate call from someone at a distance. A change in plans might be in order. Tonight: Play it low key.

PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * * * U nderstand that how you visualize a situation is far more elaborate and colorful than how someoneelse sees it. You might be more inspired than you havebeen in a while, especially after a friend seems to contest a choice of yours. Tonight: Choose a romantic setting. © King Features Syndicate

MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and /MAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. r I I I Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • THEAMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2(PG-13) 12:15, 1:35, 3:30, 6:45, 8:05, 10 • THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 23-0 (PG-13j 12:45, 4, 4:50, 7:15, 9:35 • THEAMAZING SPIDER-MAN2IMAX3-0 lPG-13) 1:15, 4:30, 7:45 • BEARS(G)11:45 a.m., 2:45, 6, 8:30 • BRICK MANSIONS (PG-13i 1:25, 4:20, 7:50, 10:10 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER iPG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3, 6:1 5, 9:25 • DIVERGENT(PG-13i 12:05, 3:10, 6:30, 9:40 • DRAFT DAY (PG-13) 1:05, 4:10, 7:20, 10:05 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PGi12:35,3:40,7:30 • THEGRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL lRj1:40,4:35,7:05 • HEAVENIS FOR REAL lPG)12:55,3:50,6:25,9:15 • THE MOMENT:MAYWEATHERVS. MAIDANAino MPAA rating) 6 • NOAH (PG-13i12:20 • THEOTHER WOMAN lPG-13)Noon,2:55,6:10,9:10 • THE QUIETONESlPG-13) 3:25 • RIO 2lGj 12:30, 3:15, 6:55,9:30 • TRANSCENDENCElPG-13)1:45,4:45,8 • Accessibility devices areavailable for some movies. •



McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • BADWORDS lRi9 • MR.PEABODY 8 SHERMAN (PG)Noon • MUPPETSMOST WANTED lPG)3 • NON-STOP(PG-13i 6 • After 7p.m.,showsare21andolderonly.Youngerthan 21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian.

TV TODAY 1 p.m. on 5 8, "140th Kentucky Derby" —Held for the140th time at Churchill Downs in Louisville, the first leg of Thoroughbred racing's coveted Triple Crown is run at11/4 miles, with a field of up to 20 of the sport's top 3-year-olds. No horse has won the Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes consecutively since Affirmed ran the gauntlet in 1978 — though contenders that could include California Chrome, Wicked Strong and Vicar's in Trouble will certainly give it their all. 8 p.m. onANPL, "MyCatFrom Hell" —Tawny is terrified of the family cat, Coco, who hasa vicious temper. Unfortunately, her firefighter husband, Brandon, isn't

taking herconcernsseriously. Af-

ter all, a cat can't be asdangerous as the situations he facesdaily. That's small comfort to Tawny, who is threatening to evict Coco if he doesn't calm down. Also in the new episode "Blood Thirsty," Jackson tries to help acatwhose night terrors are hazardous to his owners' safety and his own. 8p.m.onLIFE, Movie:"A Daughter's Nightmare" —Ariel (Emily Osment, "Hannah Montana") is a college freshman who worries about her mother (Victoria Pratt, "Day Break"), a lonely widow. WhenAdam (Paul Johansson, "OneTreeHill"), a friendly nurse, comes into Mom's life, it seems like the answer to both women's prayers — until the older woman's health starts to fail, and Ariel suspects Adam is responsible. Gregg Sulkin ("Pretty Little Liars") and Richard Karn

("Home Improvement") alsostar.

9 p.m. on TRAV, "GhostAdventures" —In 1996, investigators found the bodies of11 men on the Carmel, Ind., property of Herb Baumeister, who committed suicide before he could be arrested or tried. In the new episode "Fox Hollow Farm," Zak, Nick and Aaron visit the former Baumeister property, where the current owners, their son and a former tenant have reported mysterious activity they suspect could be the ghost of Baumeister or the spirits of his victims. 9 p.m. on DPBPL, "Austin City Limits" —This Latin-flavored hour opened the show's 39th season in October. Colombian

superstar Juanesperforms

some fan favorites, including "Fijate Bien," "La Camisa Negra" and "La Noche," and the Mexican brother and sister Jesse 8 Joy serve up some of their greatest hits, including "Aqui Voy," "Volvere" and "Corre." ct zap2it

' NQRTHWEsT CROSSING Aauard-aeinning neighborhood on Bend's ceestside. www.northwestcrossing.com

Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • ERNEST 8CELESTINE(PGi 4 • LE WEEK-ENDiR) 6 • THE RAID 2(R) 8:15 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2(PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 12:30, 2:45, 3:30, 5:45, 6:30, 8:45, 9:30 • BRICK MANSIONS (PG-13j 11:15a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER lPG-13) 6:45, 9:30 • RI02lGi11:45a.m.,2,4:15 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • THEAMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2(PG-13)4:30,7:30 • BEARS (G)2:30, 4 • THEGRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL lRi5:45,7:45 • HEAVENISFDRREALlPG)2:30,5,7 • THEOTHER WOMAN lPG-13)2:45,5:15,7:45 • PARTICLEFEVER(no MPAArating) 2:45

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ir~ i

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • THEAMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2(PG-13) 12:20, 3:20, 6:40, 9:35 • THEAMAZINGSPIDER-MAN23-D(PG-13j2,5,8 • BRICK MANSIONS (PG-13i 1:15, 3:15, 5:15,7:20, 9:25 • A HAUNTEDHOUSE2 (R) 7:10, 9:10 • HEAVENIS FOR REAL lPG)1:50,4: 20,6: 50,9:20 • RIO 2lGj 12:25, 2:40, 5 •

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • THEAMAZINGSPIDER-MAN 2(PG-13) 12:30, 3:45, 7, 9:50 • BEARS(Upstairs — G) 12:45, 2:15, 4:15, 6:15, 8:15 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.


Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GD! Magazine


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How open windows benefit the environment By Metro Editorial for the The Bulletin Advertising Department

Warm days full of sunshine give homeowners good reason to open windows and let fresh air into their homes. Not only can open windows boost mood and create an inviting living space, but open windows also can be good for the environment. * Open windows improve indoor air quality. Indoor air pollution has been described by the United States E nvironmental P r otection A g ency a s a pri m a r y environmental health problem. Indoor air quality can be up to five times worse than outdoor air. In addition, the American College of Allergists states that 50 percent of all illnesses are caused by polluted indoor air. Because many homes are built to be air-tight to conserve energy and money, unhealthy levels of air pollutants can build up inside homes when windows remain closed. These pollutants may i nclude radon gas, cigarette smoke, chemical fumes from paints and solvents and leached chemicals frommodernbuildingand furnishingmaterials. Opening windows for extended periods of time allows fresh air to spread throughout the home. Houseplants can also filter indoor air and make it healthier to breathe. * Open windows reduce energy consumption. A cool breezeentering a home through open windows can reduce the temperature inside of a home without having to turn on fans or air conditioners. This not only helps individuals save money, but also it reduces reliance on electricity and fossil fuels. Opening several windows on opposite sides of the home can create a cross-breeze that will keep the home

Bulletin file photo

cool without the help of energy-guzzling appliances. Open attic vents can release hot air trapped inside the house as well. * Open windows reduce reliance on chemical air fresheners. Fresh air can quickly remove odors from a home. These can include old cooking smells, cigarette smoke, petodors, or simplystaleair. Byopeningwindows, homeowners can clean the air in their homes naturally without covering it up with chemical air fresheners or other cleaners. The fresh air itself may simply smell good, or this pleasant aroma can be enhanced by blooming flowers or other natural scents from outdoors.

* Open windows cut down on use of cleaning products. A home that never gets any fresh air can quickly succumb to allergenssuch as dust, dander and soot, necessitating the use of vacuums and other cleaning tools and products. But open windows can greatly reduce the buildup of such allergens, and therefore reduce reliance on appliances that guzzle energy or products that release harmful chemicals into the air. Open windows allow fresh air to flow throughout a home, improving personal health and benefitting the environment at the same time.

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Familial sta$6930/month 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend tus includes children Rooms for Rent • 6300 sq.ft. restaurant 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend under the age of 18 • 28 ft. & 12 ft. hoods 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend living with parents or Furn. room i n q u iet • Busy Bend interseccus t odians, tion 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond home no drugs, alco- legal 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished hol, smoking. $450 pregnant women, and • MLS 201310861 people securing cus- Lisa Campbell, Broker 1st/1st. 541-408-0846 648- Houses for Rent General tody of children under 541-419-8900 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 18. This newspaper 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend will not knowingly acGet your 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend cept any advertising business 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend for real estate which is in violation of the law. 658- Houses for Rent Redmond MORRIS O ur r e aders a r e 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver a ROW I N G REAL ESTATE hereby informed that 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine all dwellings adver661 - Houses for Rent Prineville with an ad in tised in this newspa662 - Houses for Rent Sisters The Bulletin's per are available on USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 663 - Houses for Rent Madras an equal opportunity "Call A Service 664- Houses for Rent Furnished basis. To complain of Door-to-door selling with Professional" d iscrimination ca l l fast results! It's the easiest 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent Directory HUD t o l l-free at way in the world to sell. 675 - RV Parking 1-800-877-0246. The 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space toll f ree t e lephone The Bulletin Classified 632 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage number for the hear541-385-5809 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease AptiMultiplex General ing i m p aired is 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent 1-800-927-9275. CHECKYOUR AD REAL ESTATE 658 705 - Real Estate Services Banl &RaRs Houses for Rent 713- Real Estate Wanted Pm Wh Redmond 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale CRR 4 ac, 3 bdrm 2 bath on the first day it runs M/H. $750/mo., 1st/last + 730 - New Listings to make sure it is cor- dep's. Steady income, 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale rect. "Spellcheck" and good credit, refs req'd; no 738 - Multiplexes for Sale human errors do oc- pets/smkg. 503-679-4495 740 -Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Sale cur. If this happens to 726 744 - Open Houses Good classified adstell your ad, please conTimeshares for Sale tact us ASAP so that the essential facts in an 745 - Homes for Sale corrections and any interesting Manner. Write 746- Northwest Bend Homes adjustments can be from the readers view - not $12,900 - Own 5 weeks 747- Southwest Bend Homes at the fabulous Eagle made to your ad. the seller's. Convert the 748 - Northeast Bend Homes Crest Resort in sunny 541-385-5809 facts into benefits. Show 749 - Southeast Bend Homes The Bulletin Classified the reader how the item will Central Oregon. Enjoy your hot tub on the 750 - Redmond Homes help them insomeway. deck overlooking the 634 753 - Sisters Homes This Deschutes River. MLS AptJMultiplex NE Bend advertising tip 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 201401326 brought to you by Eagle Crest 756- Jefferson County Homes Call for Speciafs! Properties 757 - Crook County Homes The Bulletin Limited numbers avail. 866-722- 3370 SNNhg CNltfBt 0 cgoll StlKCf9t8 762 - Homes with Acreage 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. 763- Recreational Homes and Property W/D hookups, patios 730 659 or decks. 764 - Farms and Ranches New Listings Houses for Rent N/OUNTAIN GLEN, 771 - Lots 541 -383-9313 Sunriver 773 - Acreages Deschutes Riverfrontj Professionally $509,900 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes managed by Norris & VILLAGE PROPERTIES Stevens, Inc. Sunriver, Three Rivers, • 1652 sq.ft. 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land • 3 bedroom, 2 bath La Pine. Great Just bought a new boat? Selection. Prices range • .57 acre, 160 feet river BULLETINCULSSIFIEDS frontage Call a Pro Sell your old one in the $425 - $2000/mo. Search the area's most • MLS 201403149 classifieds! Ask about our View our full comprehensive listing of Whether you need a Super Seller rates! Virginia Ross, Broker, inventory online at classified advertising... fence fixed, hedges 541-385-5809 ABR CRS, GRI, Eco Village-Properties.com real estate to automotive, Broker, Previews trimmed or a house 1-886-931-1061 merchandise to sporting 646 541-480-7501 built, you'll find goods. Bulletin Classifieds AptJMultiplex Furnished 675 appear every day in the professional help in RV Parking print or on line. The Bulletin's "Call a Fully furnished loft apt. Call 541-385-5809 Service Professional" on Wall St., Bend with RV space for rent, NE www.bendbulletin.com MORRIS parking, all utilities paid. Redmond, $350/mo., Directory REAL ESTATE Call 541-389-2389 for includes w ater & The Bulletin 541-385-5809 appointment to see. IA~ tly ~ ~ ~ Serving Cenlral Oregon since5t8 sewer. 541-419-1917 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE



SW Redmond j $130,000 • 2.25 acres • 24x30 shop/storage building • Close to canyon

La Pine j $289,000 • 2527 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 4.2 acres • MLS 201402194 Shelly Hummel, Broker, CRS, GRI, CHMS 541-383-4361 •

• MLS 201403021

Lisa McCarthy,



N e w Listings



Com m ercial/lnvestment Multiplexes for Sale j Properties for Sale Duplex with Park SetFugy Rented, Long- ting Ranch style duTerm Leases - Great P lex with huge Private income p r o ducing fenced backyards. 2 property. 2 buildings, bedrooms and den, main b u l lding is 1150 sq ft each. Off' Parking. 19,429 sq ft with very street large parking lot. SecCall Tamrnysettlemier ond bullding is 6420 sq ft. Great location. $1,500,000. Duke Warner RealtY Cag Candy yow at


Mountain View Park j $185,000 • 1600 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Community pool, pickleball court • MLS 201403299 Pat Palazzi, Broker

for Sale

Industrial Site Tumalo, Mtn Views j Madras located close to air$479,000 port with possible • 24 acres, 21 irrigated r ail access. O l d • Build your new home wooden grain stor• Horse property age building to CLA. • MLS 201402568 Call for details. MLS Rookie Dickens, Broker, 201401462 $50,000 GRI, CRS, ABR Call Virginia, Princi541-815-0436 pal Broker



541-923-0855 Red-


mond Re/Max Land & Homes Real Estate.

Eagle Crest R e sort C reekside Tow n home - Highly desirable and rarely available location on the lake with Smith Rock Views! 1419 sq. ft. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, single level, vaulted ceilings a nd p remium u p grade package, most exterior maintenance, landscaping & all resort amenities are included with ownership. $224,900. Lynn Johns, Principal Broker, 541-408-2944 Central Oregon Resort Realty Where can you find a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it's all here in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

Own a Piece of History Fort Rock Tavern and NE Bend Lot j $79,500 Grill - Recently re• .16 acre lot modeled. 4 poker ma• Cul-de-sac Commercial/Investment chines and lottery, full • Close to schools & bar, pool table and • Properties for Sale medical much more. 4 full RV • MLS 201403201 COMMERCIAL hookups $200,000. Rosemary Goodwin, PRIME Call Candy Yow, PROPERTY. CharmBroker, 541-410-3193 ing updated Madras Certified Negotiator MLS201306884 building, located on 541-706-1897 Duke Warner Realty Hwy. 97, Cat 5 wire 541-382-8262 system, h a r dwood floors & off s t reet parking. $ 1 39,900.People Lookfor Information About Products and ¹ 201305319 Pam MORRIS Lester, Principal Bro- Services EveryDaythrough REAL ESTATE ker Century 21 Gold The Bulletin Classineds Open Houses Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 Perfect for Owner User Custom quality home in Need to get an Total of 4 condo inheart of NW Bend. C ommercial bldg f o r ad in ASAP? small business, 432 dustrial units. Each Sat-Sun, 11-2. 1296 NW You can place it sq. ft., with golf course unit is approx 2250 sq Ogden Ave. $495,500. view, paved d rive, ft with 12x11 office & owners.com/DJW3402 online at: spacious parking, r/~ 12x12 overhead door. OPEN HOUSE www.bendbulletin.com acre lot. $ 1 29,950 Can be sold sepaSAT - SUN 1-4 ¹ 201300318 Call rately. Easy access to 20411 MAINLINE RD., airport, f a i rgrounds Nancy Popp, Princi541-385-5809 TimberRidge. ComHwy 97. pal Broker, and pletely remodeled $499,000. 541-815-8000. Ridgewater j $365,000 ranch. $335,000 • 1999 sq.ft. Crooked River Realty Call Carolyn Emick at 970-430-1503. 541-4'I 9-07'I 7. • 3 bedroom, 3 bath 14 acres zoned resiMLS201309345 • .2 acre on canal dential, divided into 4 Duke Warner Realty • MLS 20'I 403075 Homes for Sale tax lots. Canyon City, 541-382-8262 Judv Meyers, Broker, OR. $99,900. MLS GRI, CRS, SRES $324,900 Stunning 201207884 J u n iper 738 541-480-1922 views Redmond Realty 541-504-5393 Multiplexes for Sale ~2532 sq.ft on .23 acre, 5 1487 HWY 9 7 1 . 64 private corner lot Acre commercial lot • 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, great $285,000 Duplex on Hwy. $ 594,900. ~2 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, room and bonus room High Lakes Realty & spacious units ~500+ sq.ft. o u tdoor MORRIS Property Man a ge •100% occupied and deck living with views REALESTATE ment 541-536-0117 p rofessionally m a n •Fenced side yard, triple aged garage/shop, l a rge C ommercial Lots I n •Large yard driveway SW Bend j $367,000 Crooked River Ranch: • 1974 sq.ft. Multi level living www.CentralOregonGreat opportunity to •Christin • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Hunter, Broker Llfe.com start a b usiness or • New wood floors, tile 541-306-0479 Gail Rogers, relocate an existing & carpet Windermere Broker business. Near res• MLS 201402901 Central Oregon 541-604-1649 taurants, hotel and Scott Huggin, Real Estate Windermere golf course. Owner Broker, GRI Central Oregon terms avail. Business 541-322-1500 Real Estate 2 story duplex Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 Newer with attached acres, $25,000. Lot 50 A nature show at your garages. Ad ¹2072 - 1.30 acres & Lot 51- TEAM front door. Ad¹f 502 Birtola Garmyn TEAM 1.23 acres, still availBirtola Garmyn High Desert Realty able at $35,000 each High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 MORRIS or purchase both for 541-312-9449 www.BendOregon REALESTATE $60,000. Juniper Rewww. BendOregon RealEstate.com alty 541-504-5393 RealEstate.com


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$2 I0,000



Candice Anderson, Broker 54 I -788-8878


$I 84,900

II • 3844 SF,4 bed, 3.5 bath • New well & fastidiously plus a barn cared for • Swalley underground P riva t e, with Cascade irrigation views Lg pondwith waterfall • Unique features/CLA • http://sharona.johnlscott.com/29944

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• 3 bed,2 bath & 1789 SF • Living room • Awbrey Glen single • Family room story

• 1,064SF • 2 Bed, 1.5 bath • Large kitchen • No steps • Double garage


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Colleen Diflingham, Broker 54I-788-999I


• Coming Soon: 3 bdrm/2.5bath/2584 SF • Cherry floors, custom alder cabinetry, tile

• Gas fireplace

Fenced yard, large patio Bonus room Stone pillars Close to schools, medical & shopping

• 2 8drm,2 bath

• Close to Old Mill & trails • 1008 SF • Perfectrentalor 1st • Fenced, large yard home • 2 car garage w/opener • www.johnlscott.com/35392 Kathy Caba, PNincipal Broker, A8R 54 I -77 I - I lb I

Peggy LeeCombs, Broker, GRI,CRS 54I-480-7653

$6 I I,900



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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Ho m es for Sale•



Homes f or Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

1.8 Acres with CasA low maintenance $299,900 $344,900 Eagle Crest $245,900 1.36 Acres In La Pine l cade Mtn Views property. Ad ¹1532 Rare Investment •2217 sq.ft., 4 bdrm, 3 Foxborough $269,900 •1499 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 • 1731 sq.ft., 3 bedroom $ 189,900. 3 be d - TEAM Birtola Garmyn ~Two homes on one lot bath rooms, 2 bathrooms, High Desert Realty in Midtown •Hardwood, family room bath single level • Open cathedral great 541-312-9449 •Granite counters 1716 sq ft. New conTenant occupied and and fireplace room struction, interior color www.BendOregon •Landscaped yard, .14 • Insulated 3-bay shop p rofessionally m a n • .49 acre lot • 2 car garage • MLS 201306446 package options avail. RealEstate.com aged acre lot, 2 car garage MLS¹201401007. •5 bdrm, 2.5 bath •On 11th green with alley access Sherry Perrigan, Broker Excellent location with Call Gail Day, Hunter, Broker Jake Moorhead, Broker Jake Moorhead, Broker 541-410-4938 tons of exposure. Ad Christin 541-306-1018 541-306-0479 541-480-6790 541-480-6790 ¹1202 Central Oregon Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn Windermere Loretta Moorhead, Loretta Moorhead, Group, LLC Central Oregon Broker Broker High Desert Realty 541-480-2245 541-480-2245 Real Estate Upgraded single level 541-312-9449 Windermere Windermere MORRIS home near everything. www.BendOregon $249,000 • Main Level Central Oregon Central Oregon REAL ESTATE Ad ¹2022 RealEstate.com Living Real Estate Real Estate TEAM Birtola Garmyn •2016 sq.ft. home on $339,000 • Ranch High Desert Realty Gorgeous Deschutes $279,500 • Has it All large lot Home 541-312-9449 River and River can- ~ 2124 sq.ft. o n 4 . 8 9 Garage Sales • All main level living & ~3-4 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1959 www. BendOregon yon views. Ad ¹1222 acres. bonus room upstairs sq.ft. 9 acres RealEstate.com TEAM Birtola Garmyn •Great house with fam- Garage Sales •Craftsman, rustic de •Open floor plan High Desert Realty ily room, 3 bdrm, 2 Peace and quiet in the sign interior, 3 bay •Hot tub, gazebo & 541-312-9449 woods with mtn views. shop, lots of room fridge bath, hardwood & tile. Garage Sales www.BendOregon •Shop, barn and hay Ad ¹1342 Dave Disney, Broker Barbara Myers, Broker Find them RealEstate.com TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-923-4663 or shed 541-410-8557 Barbara Myers, Broker in High Desert Realty 541-480-7183 Windermere Central $214,900• One Level 541-923-4663 or 541-312-9449 Windermere Central •Vaulted great r o om Oregon Real Estate The Bulletin 541-480-7183 www. BendOregon Oregon Real Estate design $469,000 Classifieds RealEstate.com Windermere Central •3 Brdm, 2 bath, 1450 Amazing SW Home 80' Oregon Real Estate RV pa r k inq! sq.ft. home $284,900 ~3224 sq.ft., 2 master $179,900. 1616 sq. ft. 541-385-5809 .Tiled floors, oversized Top of the Line suites and 1 bonus bdrm, 2 bath home garage, river and for- Totally renovated single •2598 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 ~ Tile, s o aking a n d 3 level with huge shop. 146 Skyliner Summit with dbl. garage, gas est lands. bath, corner lot whirlpool tub Ad ¹1462 Lp. This is a beautiful fireplace, pantry, split Dave Disney, Broker •Loaded with upgrades •Custom bar TEAM Birtola Garmyn 3 bdrm, 3 bath 3618 bedroom f l o orplan 541-410-8557 and amenities • .41acre lot High Desert Realty sq.ft. home in desirwith great room con- Windermere Central •Great room, f a m ily ~3 car garage 541-312-9449 cept. ¹ 20 1 309527 Oregon Real Estate able custom lots in room and office/den Jake Moorhead, Broker Pam Lester, Principal www. BendOregon Skyliner Summit. On Barbara Myers, Broker 541-480-6790 RealEstate.com over 1/2 acre, this Broker, Century 21 $278,000 541-923-4663 or Loretta Moorhead, A Real Gem home backs up to a Gold Country Realty, 541-480-7183 River's Edge Golf Broker • 1911 Sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 Inc. 541-504-1338 40 acre natural parcel Windermere Central 541-480-2245 Course backing 14th bath home on Overturf Butte, Oregon Real Estate T-Box. Ad ¹9952 Windermere lending enormous priAwbrey Butte fine living •O pen floor p lan & Central Oregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn fabulous kitchen vacy in the backyard. 2 Unit duplex in NW and big Cascade High Desert Realty Real Estate • H ardwood, tile a n d Custom feature i nBend, Ad ¹1332 views. Ad ¹1292 541-312-9449 granite clude a gou r met TEAM Birtola Garmyn Bend's exclusive moun- TEAM Birtola Garmyn www. BendOregon • Immaculate kitchen with dbl oven, High Desert Realty High Desert Realty tain high community. RealEstate.com 541-312-9449 Barbara Myers, Broker s ix b u r ne r Wo l f 541-312-9449 Ad ¹1622 541-923-4663 or www.BendOregon www.BendOregon Stove-top, forced air, TEAM Birtola Garmyn New construction 3 541-480-7183 radiant floor h e at, RealEstate.com RealEstate.com High Desert Realty bdrm, 2 bath, 1705 Windermere Central A/C, central vacuum, 541-312-9449 Beautiful upgraded sq. ft, 23 acre lot, tile Oregon Real Estate two gas f i replaces 139715 Dorothy Lane www.BendOregon single level home. Ad floors, tile backsplash, ( one dbl s ided i n Crescent Lake, OR. RealEstate.com ¹2032. landscaped, fenced. $129,000 master suite), spaCharming home TEAM Birtola Garmyn Live & Play $179,900. MLS¹ Spectacular home on cious rooms, s u rb oasts 120 f t . o f •2 Master High Desert Realty suites 201209125 Pam 205 acres plus addi- Crescent Creek front round sound inside 541-312-9449 • Great room with gas Lester, Principal Brotional apartment. Ad and out. Upper view age. Covered deck for fireplace www.BendOregon ker Century 21 Gold ¹1242 deck, great paver paentertaining, a wood •Open kitchen for enter RealEstate.com Country Realty, Inc. tio, oversized three TEAM Birtola Garmyn stove, new c arpet, taining 54'I -504-1338 High Desert Realty car heated garage, all Large Lot w/Easy Hwy kitchen cabinets, roof, •Double car garage at 541-312-9449 Access - $177,500. 4 a quiet street in a p aint inside 7 o u t , tached 10 Acre, Gorgeous Mtn on www.BendOregon great neighborhood, bedrooms, 2.5 bathwindows and more. 2 Views! Pam Bell, Broker RealEstate.com close to sc h ools, rooms, 1903 sq ft. RV bdrms on main floor •30x60 insulated shop, shopping, 541-848-7590 hiking and parking, living room Large custom home on and secluded for pri Susan with 4 bays workshop Pitarro, Broker and family room. Full biking trails. vacy with a full bath. 1+ acres, backing 541-410-8084 and office. landscaping w/sprinPlenty of storage, w/d $895,000. private wildlife. • Single level home built Windermere Corinne A Clarke, klers. MLS201402592 hookup, covered RV Ad ¹2042 in 2000, 1728 sq.ft. Central Oregon Broker Call Jim Hinton, parking, minutes from TEAM Birtola Garmyn • 10 Acre, 6 i rrigated, Real Estate 541-280-5795 541-420-6229 Williamette Ski Pass, High Desert Realty fully fenced & pas- Re/Max Key Properties Central Oregon Realty clear mtn lakes or fish Estate on 20 acres, 541-312-9449 tures. Group, LLC from your backyard. backs 20,000 acre www.angecox.johnlscott 16206 Hawks Lair. 4 www.BendOregon Owner may c a rry. BLM land. Ad ¹1412 RealEstate.com .com/37392 Charming Home in bdr, 2~/~ bath, 3304 $275,000. MLS TEAM Birtola Garmyn Angie Cox, Broker sq. ft . 2 ga r age. great neighborhood. Centrally Located. 201207074 Call High Desert Realty 541-213-9950 Ad ¹1002 $329,900. High Lakes $215,000 Kerry 541-815-6363 541-312-9449 John L. Scott TEAM Birtola Garmyn • 1796 Sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 Realty & Pr o perty Cascade Realty www.BendOregon Real Estate, Bend High Desert Realty Management bath, forced air, AC, RealEstate.com www.johnlscottbend.com 541-312-9449 541-536-0117 Built 1999, updated $145,000 - $160,000 www. BendOregon mfg. Custom Golf Course 1354 NE Carson St, Coming Soon! Check out the RealEstate.com • Attached double ga •10 Bend w e s t side home with great Prineville, $189,999. 3 classifieds online views! Ad ¹'l422 rage $859,000 3158 Shevlin condo's bedroom, 2.5 baths, www.bendbullefirLcom • Fenced & landscaped •Completely renovated TEAM Birtola Garmyn Meadows, Bend 1850 sq ft. Great open Updated daily High Desert Realty •R.D. Building 8 design • Gated com. pool, court 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 680 living w/bonus room 541-312-9449 & spa •Newly completed con sq.ft. upstairs. Private side 17280 SE Renegade www.BendOregon Mike Everidge, Broker •P rofessionally m a n struction yard w/covered patio Loop, $230,000. 541-390-0098 or RealEstate.com •3553 sq.ft. & 42x16 RV aged and maintained & park across the Bdrm, 2 bath, 1 acre, 541-388-0404 garage Jake Moorhead, Broker Residential or commer- street. Neighborhood 3 1280 sq.ft. home w/2 • 3 Bdrm, 2 full baths Windermere Central 541-480-6790 i ncludes parks & cial possibilities. stall barn. Minutes Oregon Real Estate and 2 half baths, bo Loretta Moorhead, s wimming pool . Ad ¹1162 from Prineville. nus room plus office Broker MLS¹201308172 TEAM Birtola Garmyn MLS ¹201306623 Jake Moorhead, Broker Find exactly what 541-480-2245 Windermere Swifterra High Desert Realty Windermere Swifterra 541-480-6790 Windermere you are looking for in the 150 NW 4th St., 541-312-9449 150 NW 4th St., Loretta Moorhead, Central Oregon Prineville, OR. www.BendOregon Prineville, OR. CLASSIFIEDS Broker Real Estate 541-447-7502 541-447-7502 RealEstate.com 541-480-2245 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, duplex Windermere on large lot. Ad ¹1382 Central Oregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn Real Estate High Desert Realty $234,500 Single level 541-312-9449 •RV parking, open floor www.BendOregon plan, master bdrm RealEstate.com separation $209,900 •Fenced garden and Country Home storage shed .3 Bdrm, 2 bath, plus •MLS¹201401930 den Debbie Tallman, •Fenced and crossed Broker fenced, horse ready, 541-390-0934 garage, bunk house Windermere •Landscaped yard Central Oregon Janelle Christensen, Real Estate Broker Newer Home backs 541-815-9446 wildlife area for priWindermere vacy. Ad ¹2052 Central Oregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn Real Estate High Desert Realty $659,000, 39 Acre Gem 541-312-9449 in Powell Butte www.BendOregon •Spectacular mtn and RealEstate.com Smith Rock views $1,890,000 .39 acres fenced and Elegant Craftsman cross fenced and 38 Home acres of irrigation •Extensive remodeled in ~3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1530 2013 sq.ft. ~4 ensuites, granite/ % stall barn, hay loft, marble countertops, tack room and pasture c ommercial g r a de•Ponds, green house, stove and sweeping outbuildings and Cascade views. chicken coop. •Surround sound on 3 Christin Hunter, Broker sides by deeded open 541-306-0479 space Windermere •Historic b arn / guest Central Oregon house, sport court, Real Estate rec area Tumalo Home - 5 acres, Cleme Rinehart, Broker incredible mountain 541-480-2100 views. Ad ¹1042 Patty Dempsey, Broker 54'I -480-5432 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty Andrea Phelps, Broker M , EA 0 541-312-9449 541-408-4770 www.BendOregon Windermere RealEstate.com Central Oregon Real Estate $449,000 21090 Young Ave. $224,500 • Turnkey •2 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1168 •Single level, ope con cept home sq.ft. •dbl car garage, Eagle ~5 acre with mtn view and vaulted ceilings, Crest townhome wood floors, dbl car •9th fairway and mtn views. garage ~2.6 acre irrigation Jeanette Brunot, Broker Kendall Comey, Broker 541-771-1383 541-576-4742 Windermere Central Windermere Oregon Real Estate Central Oregon $220,000 Real Estate Purchas eprice$350,000,20% down,Loanamount$280,000,30yearfixed. View Property •Bring your builder the Single level charmer with big fenced yard. view is already here with Cascade a nd Ad¹1092 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Smith Rock views Jumbo purchaseprice /value ss00,000 — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. •5 Acres 8 2.51 acres High Desert Realty Offer valid as of date of ad, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. On Approved Credit. 541-312-9449 irrigation. www. BendOregon •Equestrian Meadows RealEstate.com Barbara Myers, Broker • I • • f• •f• i• 541-923-4663 or $394,500 River Canyon 541-480-7183 Windermere Central •Large open, s u nny room Oregon Real Estate ~3great Bdrm, 2.5 bath & laundry room Corner lot 1380 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath, vaulted •Patio with firepit, bbq, n ceilings, gas heat, and water feature, ameni gl/ t I d i~ y / double car garage. ties Pam Bell, Broker $156,900. MLS 541-848-7590 201309158 Pam Lester, Principal Susan Pitarro, Broker 541-410-8084 B roker Century 2 1 = Windermere Gold Country Realty, MO RTG AGE CORPORATION Inc. 541-504-1338 Central Oregon Real Estate Incredible NW style estate on almost 90 NW Bend on 2.6+ Casey NML5189449 Jennifer NMLS 288550 acres. Ad ¹1362 acres. Ad ¹1062 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn CORPORLIC.fNL-2421 CORPNMLS¹3113 High Desert Realty High Desert Realty •

Count on our group of local real

estate professionals to help you navigate.


, pgli


845 NW Fort Clatsop St. • Formal living room • Upstairs bonus room • Traditional woodworking • Cork flooring on main • Priced at$554,$IO DIRECTIONS:From Shevlin Park Rd., left on Mt. Washington Dr., left on NWCrossing Dr., right on NW Fort Clatsop St.

1582 NW Erin Ct. • Two-story great room • Vertical grain floors • Hand textured walls • Four paver patios • Priced at$459,900 OIRECTIONS:West on Shevlin Park Rd left on Silas Pl., right on 8 s Ct., left on Erin Ct.


Bend R. Central O r e gon 1899 NW Montetey Mews • Condominium cottages • Patios, water feature • HOA doesyard work • Near Newport Ave. • Homes pricedfrom $29$,100 OIIIECTIOlfS:West on NW Newport

Ave./NW Shevlin Park Rd., right on NW Pence Ln., left on NWMonterey Pines Dr. Property on right. HIDDEN


OIIIECTIOlfS: South on Brosterhous

Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln., left on Ruby Peak Ln.

19956 Brass Dr. • Spacious rooms • FormalLR & DR • Family room w/fireplace • Tile countertops • Priced at$399,900 OIRECTIOtfs: South on Brookswood Blvd., right on Bronze Meadow Ln. continue right on Bronze Meadow at T, left on Brass Dr.

1184 SW Silver Lake Blvd. • Den & bonus room • Exceptional back yard • Open great room • Near Old Mill shops • Priced at$379,980

Findina the riohthomeis hard.

DIRECTIONS: From Parkway, exit Reed Market Rd, westbound, left on SW Silver Lake Blvd.



2323 NW 6th St. • Spacious 5-BR home • Office & bonus room • Two fireplaces • Large landscaped lot • Rich finishes



3 0 year fixed AP R

• 3-cargarage • Jetted tub in master • Priced at$689,900

15year fixed A P R

4.375 /o 4.564 /o 3.375 /o 3.601 /o Jumbo 80 year fixed 4.625% ApR 4.812%

61080 Ruby Peak Ln. • Master on main level • Loft overlooking stairwell • Front to rear great room • Green building features • Priced at$$7$,950


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www.BendOregon RealEstate.com

www.BendOregon RealEstate.com

371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR 97702

E4 SATURDAY, MAY 3, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale


• H omes for Sale I

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Fai r way9 46 N E Th i r d S t . , Beautiful & Cascade Mountain Custom Built Home on Elegant, Private Living- Go On Vacation! 5 bed- Home on 4.9 AcresCrescent Lake, OR. Heights Dr. This home Prineville, $155,000. 2 Spacious. Views j $600,000 698 Acres - 2692 sf, 4 Immaculately de- room home in Sunri- Extremely well mainNew appliances, RV is 4670 sq.ft. with top bedrooms, 1.5 baths, Beautiful property with • 3052 sq.ft. Iog home bed, 3 bath home with s igned an d m a i n- ver. G r ea t re n t al tained 3 bdrm 2 BAlots of windows pro- tained 3 bedroom, 2.5 h isotry. Enjoy t h e b ath s i ngle s t o r y pad with hook ups, quality wood finishes 1468 sq ft. Double city comfortable spaces • 3 bedroom, 3 bath 48x30 RV g a rage, in a great room that lot, second is build- for varied family inter- • 1.76 acres viding great Cascade b ath home sits o n SHARC pool and all h ome on 4 . 9 f l a t covered entertaining included a gourmet able with large shop. ests. Exquisite teak- • MLS 201402213 m ountain 8 Sm i t h 0.96 acres on Awbrey that Sunriver offers. acres. 2208 sq. ft., deck, wood s t ove, k itchen. O nl y to p Fantastic older home wood flooring in foyer, Sue Conrad, Rock views. Only 6 Butte. Spacious floor $399,000. rock fireplace, dbl gaBroker, CRS miles from Redmond. plan is perfect for en- Call Jacquie Sebulsky rage, gas fireplace, great room, eat at bar, q uality a ppl. w i t h with loads of charm; living area and gourm aster bdr m h a s beautiful slab granite basement allows for met kitchen. Kitchen 541-480-6621 40 acres of flood & tertaining. $750,000. at 541-280-4449 or central air & m ore. slider to deck with c ountertops in t h i s extra l i v ing/storage has granite counterwheel line irrigation. Call Terry Skjersaa, Michele Anderson at MLS¹ 201 3 10722 541-383-1426. MLS 541-633-9760. fabulous views, wood home. Upstairs incl: space. tops, large i s land, All set up for cattle $345,000. Pam shed with easy ac the master suite, of- MLS20130874. w/cross fences & cor201402446 MLS201310062 Lester Principal Brop lanning desk a nd cess in winter and so fice, great room, for- Windermere Swifterra numerous oak cabirals. Private pond. Duke Warner Realty Duke Warner Realty ker, Century 21 Gold much more. Minutes mal d ining, l a rge 150 NW4th St., nets. Master b e dSeclusion 8 privacy + 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 Country Realty, Inc. MORRIS 541-504-1 338 from Willamette Ski laundry room and half Prineville, OR. room on main level wildlife on this propREAL ESTATE Pass, Crescent Lake, b athroom. Do w n 541-447-7502 with luxurious bathe rty $560 0 0 0 Take care of ~ y~ ~ ap d European Feel in ¹20'I301950 Odell Lake or snow stairs incl: 3 l a rge room an d p r i vate Horse Property 3 bdrm, Bend/Acreage your investments mobile from your yard bdrms, 2 f ull b ath, deck. Large John L. Scott Real 2 bath, 1823 sq. ft., Cascade Views j •Secluded & luxury on Just too many on miles of groomed wine cellar, full launf amily/media r o o m Estate 541-548-1712 dbl garage on 2 .3 with the help from $475,000 acreage, mid-Bend collectibles? trails. $255,000 MLS d ry r o om , la r g e and game/rec room. • 2736 sq.ft. Iog home acres, pellet stove, • Remodeled with addiThe Bulletin's C ustom home. O u t 20131681. Call Kerry family/media r o om. $542,500 MLS¹ • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath l iving a n d bo n u s tion standing CASCADE 541-815-6363 You will love the pri201303078. "Call A Service Sell them in r oom, central a i r , • 4.49 acres, backs •Views of C a s c ade VIEW! 1878 sq. ft. 3/2 Cascade Realty vate views from two The Bulletin Classifieds Bobbie Strome, state land Professional" Directory 2-stall barn/tack room, + bonus room (not in Peaks very large decks. This Principal Broker hay storage, fenced • MLS 201401158 190 Acre Horse Prop- home also includes c luded in s q . f t . )•4+ bdrm, 3.5 bath and John L Scott Real and cross fenced, RV Marci Bouchard, Broker cherry cabi n ets, new price! erty - Less than 1 mile large storage spaces 541-385-5809 Great Bend single level Estate 541-385-5500 cover. $29 9 , 900. 541-977-1230 hardwood & s l a te,www.johnlscott.com/sha home nestled on a from city limits. 2160 under the home. And ¹ 201401392. Pam BEND PARK Park-like Oversized garage, ad rona sq ft, 2 bedroom 2 lets not forget the atquiet cul-de-sac close Lester, Princ. Broker, bath home. Several tached 3-car garage. Affordable High Desert setting. Main dwelling jacent to public land. Sharon Abrams, CRS, to the popular Lark- C entury 2 1 Gol d Principal Broker, $269,900 outbuildings including Easy yard mainte- Retreat - Custom plus guest spur trail featuring 3 Country Realty, Inc., 541-280-9309 C all N a ncy P o p p, barn w it h in d oor nance on a large lot. Knotty Pine cabinetry, house/rental on a tobdrms, 2 bath, 1423 541-504-1 338 MORRIS John L. Scott granite tile c ounter tal of 0 .55y acres. 541-81 5-8000 sq. with nice tile, new arena. 3 tax lots, 120 $897,000. tops and slate floors Main dwelling floors REAL ESTATE Crooked River Realty Real Estate, Bend paint in and out, great acres in the Urban Dave Dunn, Broker Immaculate Home, www.johnlscottbend.com are in this easy-care are engineered hardI& y ~ d y ~ ~ O~ d Reserve. $540,000. office area, large in541-390-8465 Custom Home in CanCreek 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Call Kris Warner at wood in living, dining, sulated garage and a •1 572Summer Re/Max Key Properties yon City 3 bedroom, sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 1402 sq ft home. Easy 8 bedrooms. Mitsub- Chalet in the Pine Trees 2.5 bath, 2801 sq ft. Exquisite 541-480-5365 great large deck to C r a ftsman bath access to Sunriver, ishi electric heating 8 ~4 Bdrm, 2 bath MLS201206667 360' BREATHTAKING Bungalow - Brand enjoy. Lot is .26 acre •Single level, open floor $419,000. Cascade Lakes 8 Mt c ooling syst e m .•5 acres Duke Warner Realty and is easy to mainVIEWS! new home in NWX 3 Call Duke Warner plan, gas fireplace, Bachelor. $219,000. 541-382-8262 Kitchen has fantastic •0oversized 2 car garage • Sisters, Oregon b edroom, 2.5 b a t h tain with the sprinkler f orced a i r , A/C , Dayville, Call Bill Panton, cabinets with Corian $199,000 system. All this at the • 105 acres with open layout and 541-987-2363 private deck and 55+ Call The Bulletin At • Border BLM 541-420-6645 countertops. Adjacent Ellen Clough, ABR, designer fin i shing "sell fast price" of MLS¹201304288 CRS, Broker 541-385-5809 MLS 201401 536 guest house and main $ 225,000. 42 4 S E •Rcommunity. • Bring offerstouches. $529,000. Duke Warner Realty efrigerator, W /D, 541-480-7180 Duke Warner Realty h ome together f or Mustang Place, Bend. lawncare Place Your Ad Or E-Mail $649,000 Call Terry Skjersaa at included. 541-382-8262 John L. Scott $510,000 Custom Nor t hwest Heather Hockett, Bro541-383-1426. At: www.bendbulletin.com www.johnlscott.com/51 7 Real Estate, Bend MLS¹201309647 ker, 54 1 - 420-9151www.johnlscott.com/1 Crossing Home 631 MLS201401609 297 www.johnlscottbend.com Open floor plan and A LIFE IN Bobbie Strome, 2.5 Acres j $599,900 C entury 2 1 Gol d Shelley Kellie Cook, Broker Duke Warner Realty Arnold, Broker PARADISE! • 2594 sq.ft. home Principal Broker Country Realty. vaulted ceilings with 541-382-8262 541-408-0463 541-771-9329 Close in Acreage 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 800y John L Scott Real • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath master on the main John L. Scott John L. Scott 10 Acre, 184 Great home 8 shop on Sq.ft., rustic cottage Estate 541-385-5500 •Nearly • Solar heated saltwaand 2 additional bedReal Estate, Bend sq.ft. home a huge 0.41 acre lot in Real Estate, Bend ter pool rooms downstairs with Fabulous Floor Planwww.johnlscottbend.com on a 2.99y acre par- Better Than New - 6 •7.5 irrigated acres www.johnlscottbend.com L arge living a r ea Redmond. Sgl story, 3 • MLS 201402286 cel. Come view this bonus room. 2/open bedroom, 4.5 bath, •36x32 shop on slab kitchen, maple bdrm, 2 bath, 1792 sq Michelle Tisdel PC, 3 98 NE M c Kee D r , a mazing piece o f 4296 $539,000. sq ft with many • outdoor arena cabinets & hardwood ft home on a v e ry Impeccable C u s tom Broker, ABR, E-pro Prineville - $162,000. paradise on the outCall Terry Skjersaa, upgrades.2 bonus Candice Anderson, floors. Gas fireplace, roomy lot. Updated Home on 23 Acres541-390-3490 Adorable play house skirts of R edmond. rooms and daylight 541-383-1426 MLS Broker A/C, large m aster beautiful h a rdwood NW Tuscan design seeks loving family, or Built on the curve of 201401838 basement, just to 541-788-8878 suite 2/tile counters. flooring, kitchen cabi- with mountain views. Duke Warner Realty coolest grandparents the Deschutes River, mention a few. John L. Scott 3rd room upstairs for netry with glass ac- Great room, m a in this p e rfect s m a ll 541-382-8262 ever! Comes with 3 Real Estate, Bend $549,888. office/extra. D o uble cents, granite coun- level master, wine bed/2 bath manufac- home has amazing Call Carolyn www.johnlscottbend.com Emick at Custom with Cascade car garage 2/opener. tertops with tile back cellar and more. Pond tured home and .97 ir- views of the mounMORRIS 541-41 9-0717 views, Corian, Vac, Home owners' dues splash and large is- and irrigation comrig & fenced acreage. tains and the river. REAL ESTATE Completely remodeled bayed MLS ¹201 301 804 wind o ws, include landscaping, land. Living room Plus plete the p ackage. C arport w it h m a n Detached garage has Duke in 2010, tiled bath Warner Realty dbl-attached garage, water, sewer, outside Family Room! Forced $1,286,000. cave. MLS a studio-type room 541-382-8262 room floors, forced air 2 0x24 s h o p wit h maintenance of t he air heat with central Call Jaynee Beck, with an extra bath and 2643 SE Omaha Rd, 201310421 gas heat, laminated overhead door, hot 541-480-0988 building, co m m on A/C. Huge 1380 Sq Ft shower att a ched. Prineville - $237,500. Windermere Swifterra floors, new c ounter t ub r o om , la r g e area and snow reMLS 201 310033 shop with 12' roll up TURN THE PAGE $425,000 150 NW 4th St., 3 bedrooms, 2 bathtops, new drywall and f enced area. M L S moval. $12 9 ,900. door and storage loft Duke Warner Realty MLS¹201309622 Prineville, OR. For More Ads rooms, 1.72 a cres, p aint. o n e bdr m 201305717. $299,000 ¹201400696 541-382-8262 will work for your RV! Bobbie Strome, 541-447-7502 1850 sf Legacy home. The Bulletin downstairs and bath, Call Nancy Popp, John L. Scott Real Fenced b a c kyard, Principal Broker Close t o P r i neville 2 bdrms and bath up storage shed and lots I ncredible Cust o m Principal Broker Estate 541-548-1712 John L Scott Real L ake a n d BLM . 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath 3005 Better Than New with stairs, laundry room in 541-815-8000 of paved parking area. Home on AcreageMove-in ready and s q. ft. home t o b e Estate 541 -385-5500 All t h e U p g rades! heated garage with Crooked River Realty ¹201401030 John L. This home is made lots of privacy. Owner built on 2 '/~ acres. Full Cascade views1120 sf, 3 br, 2 ba, garage door opener. Scott Rea l E s t ate with love and custom is a licensed Realtor Daylight b asement, Aspen Rim j $524,900 finished garage and One of t h e n i cestCute West Side Cot- will never change, 3 541-548-171 2 f eatures i n eve r y office, f a mily/bonus • 3056 sq.ft. Renaisin the State of Oron a n ov e rsized, places in G i lchrist. tage Lots of opportu- b drm, 2 bath on 1 r oom. Looking f o r rooms, up g raded sance built egon. nity to make this your acre, 2-car + shop, Great Location - 3 lodge-style home surfenced lot. $159,000. $109,000. MLS c abinets new n e w • 4 bedroom, 3 bath Windermere Swifterra bat h , rounded by w ildlife 201402240 Cascade dream! Near down- storage, and covered b edroom, 2 MLS¹201402107 H S. & more • Chef's kitchen, out150 NW 4th St., town and established RV parking. Many ex 1858 sq ft on almost this is it. 4 bedroom, Pam Lester, Principal Realty 541-536-1731 door stone FP $349,000.Pam Lester, Prineville, OR. local bus i nesses. tras! $169900 MLS an acre. Light & bright 2.5 bath, $899,900. Broker, Century 21 Princ. Broker, Cen- • MLS 201402046 541-447-7502 2014021 63 Call single level. $329,900. Gold Country Realty, Copper Canyon - 3 bd, $235,000. Call Candy Yow, tury 21 Gold Country Matt Robinson, Broker Nancy Popp, Princi Call Carolyn Emick at 2.5 ba in 2350y sf. Call Terry Skjersaa, Inc. 541-504-1338 541-41 0-3193 26695 Horsell Road Realty, Inc., 541-504541-977-5811 54'I -383-1426 Broker 541-41 9-071 7. Nice, newer home in pal MLS 201 304445 Recently remodeled 1338 ¹201401392. Brasada Ranchj 541-815-8000 MLS20142321 SW Bend. The Old MLS201402153 Duke Warner Realty 3bd, 2 bath, 2070ysf $429,000 Crooked River Realty Mill, river, parks, rec- Duke Warner Realty Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262 farm house on 67.9y 2 bdrm, 1 bath 950 sq. • 1711 sq.ft. furnished 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 reation and shopping a cres w i t h 39 . 7 y f t. $64,900. 420 N . cabin are a short distance acres of i r rigation. Roanoke, Hines, OR. • 3 bedroom suites MORRIS away. Great room liv1344ysf building for High Lakes Realty & • Granite counters, ing that i s l i ght 8 REAL ESTATE Office/Recreation/Stu- Property M a nagehardwood floors bright. Gas log firedio, 4502y sf building ment 541-536-0117 • MLS 201310654 place with slate surwith 12' door 8 man Margo Degray, round. Kitchen has Awbrey Butte j door for shop/RV/Toy 5 A cres w / Mountain slate floor, h ickory $725,000 /Boat storage & inViews - 3 bdrm, 2 • 3129 sq.ft. cabinets, fully applidoor gardening. New bath, 1620 sq ft, irri- • 3 bedroom,craftsman anced and a pantry. 3.5 bath 750y deep well being gated, 36x40 shop, • Coffered ceilings, Large open loft family drilled to provide a fenced, ext e nsive wooden archways room (currently used year-round source of sprinkler sys t e m.• MLS 201402203 as a bedroom by tendomestic water. New M LS¹ 28092 2 5 . Karin Johnson, Broker ants). Larger fenced gas log fireplace will $265,000. Pam REAL ESTATE rear yard for enter541-639-6140 be installed. $625,000. Lester, Principal Brotaining, kids & pets. I~ ~ d Op mB MLS¹201401400 ker, Century 21 Gold Chain link fence dog Bobbie Strome, Country Realty, Inc. Bring all your toys e nclosure & s m a ll 0 Principal Broker 541-504-1338 •SW .75 acre custom s torage shed t o o . John L Scott Real home $249,000. MORRIS Estate 541-385-5500 6 Acres In Tumaloj •3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1736 MLS¹201401159 $660,000 REAL ESTATE sq.ft. Bobbie Strome, 26 acres with Timber - 4 • 2594 sq.ft. custom •Open floor plan, single Principal Broker b edroom, 2 bat h , built level, 2 car garage/ John L Scott Real 2464 sq ft home with • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath det a ched Beautiful Family Home- shop & 4-car qarage. • Barn, storage building, 4 bedroom, 3 bath on 1800 sq.ft. 2 bay RV Estate 541-385-5500 $419,000. RV hook-up over 4 acres. Double garage. Cozy Home in Great MLS20120827 • MLS 201400839 attached plus double www.johnlscott.com/12 Rural Location - Yet Call Duke Warner Debbie Hershey, 072 detached garage and minutes to town! 1.92 Realty Dayville at Broker, CRS, GRI large shop. Beautiful Gregg Hayden, acres with 1 acre COI 541-987-2363 541-420-5170 Principal Broker yard, country living irrigation & p r ivate yy close to town. 541-390-6139 well. 2049 sf with 4 2-Story on 13 Acres - 5 John L. Scott $465,000. bedrooms, 2 b a t hb edroom, 3 bat h , Call Cindy Yow at Real Estate, Bend rooms. Kitchen fea2520 sq ft in Canyon www.johnlscottbend.com tures eating counter, 541-41 0-31 93 City. $399,999. MLS 201304219 MORRIS oversized pantry & MLS201305978 Buy now for Spring Duke Warner Realty REAL ESTATE newer cabinetry with Call Duke Warner Replanting 541-382-8262 I&~ dy~ ~ ~ d glass accents. Living alty at Dayville, •Almost 3 acres with room PLUS a family 541-987-2363 utilities in place 70' RV parking! New 3 Beautiful Ponderosa •Hwy 97 fron t age, room. Large master •~ e • e el I bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. Estate Home suite w it h v a u lted multi-use agricultural ft. home coming soon! •SE Bend on .49 acre •Many • • «s S• ~l d • •s ~ • Tick, Tock tongue and groove possibilities for Pick your colors! Gas lot home and /or busi- ceiling with beam and Tick, Tock... fireplace, upgraded •3 Bdrms on main floor bathroom with t i l ed ness. appliances and cabi- •Bonus space upstairs •$125,000 owner may shower. O v e rsized ...don't let time get nets, t i l e flo o rs,•Wood floors and gran- carry and garage allows for exaway. Hire a f enced an d l a n d- ite tra storage. Fenced MLS¹201102205 scaped, and more! www.johnlscott.com/89 www.johnlscott.com/36 and cr o ss-fenced. professional out $259,900. too new for 969 Lots of mature trees 677 of The Bulletin's MLS¹201400132 Melissa Beaver, Broker Faye Phillips, Broker for shade and privacy. 541-350-8685 "Call A Service Pam Lester, Principal $275,000. MLS 541-480-1945 Broker, Century 21 John L. Scott 201401545 John L. Scott Professional" Gold Country Realty, Real Estate, Bend John L. Scott Real Real Estate, Bend Directory today! Inc. 541-504-1338 www.johnlscottbend.com www.johnlscottbend.com Estate 541-548-1 712 1 8907

R ut h

La n e , 3419 N W




• •

4 4


SAT., MAY 5 1PM - 5PM ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath with office, bonus room and

3-car garage. Nice decks &

1223 NW ConsfeHationDr. Directions:Take Nt.Washington Dr. up AwbreyButte.left on Constellation,

Hosted 6 Listed byy home ¹21(2 blocksonlefi,



Awbrey Village, 2785 sq.




I I dL



right on CrystalNt. Iane.




SAT. 12-3 PM

$469,900 Hasted & Listedby:

LYNN JOHNS Principal Broker

1032 Trail Creek Dr Directiom West on CoopersHawk, Righton Nutcracker, LettonGdden Phessanl, Lefl an Eagle Crest Blvd,LeftonWilliamLyche, Lefton 2nd Highland ViewLaop, Righton Irail Creek Dr


541 408-2844

classy, 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3125 sq ft. Hosted byy


S4I-6Sy-6I4O Listed by:



5194 NW Fairway Heights Drive 1NtectionsiXWMt Washington Dr to ÃWFairway Heights Dr.






given ro allow for tons of Righton5/en'a,ftonBlackPowder, Le natural light a much more. RightonCometlane. Look forsigns. Come by the model home for s~ n g i n ~ e low



Select yosr lsf and floor Plas is Phase II. Noar Taking resernations. Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort like amenities: pools, club 20878SEGoldenGatePlace,Bend house, gym, hot iub, sports Directiom:fro~ theParkway, east center, 5 miles of walking on ReedNarket, south on 15th, then trails. Tour a variety of follow si¹ns. single level and 2 story Homes Stardng plans. Mid-$300s HOSted & LiSted byr


T EAM DEI A Y PrinciPal Broker

ili ga> NOON — 2PM Upgrades throughout! Featured in 2004 Tour of Homes~. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. Two-story rock fireplace, designer 2344 NW 22nd, Redmond lighting, slate, tile & Ditections: West on MVhfaple hardwood floors. French Ave,Left on 22nd door off eating area to oversued yard. $282,900 Hosted 6 Listed byy




in Bend with the quality . pahlisch is known for stainless steel appliances, laminate wood floors solid surface Chroma q u artz counters (even in baW) m& 2078T NE Comet I.arte under-mount stainless steel sink n kitchen extra attenson Dtrecftoss North on Boyd Acres


THURS. - SUN. 12PM - 4PM

Ready to move in! Welcoming front porch, great room plan, big kitchen, Italian tile flooring, private backyard,.37 acre,

$2OO,ooos. Brand new homes



SAT a SUN 1PM — 4PM Beautiful newSageBuilders home In EagleCrest Resort. 2681 Sq Ft, 3 Bedrm + Office K Formal Dining, 2.5 Bath,Great Rm Floor Plan, LuxuryFinishes,Backs to Creek K WalkingPath with Mountain Views!

541-410-2707 •



Hosted & Listed by RHIANNA KUNKLER

Broker R E A L T O R S


more information and plans.



Homes starting in the Iow

JUST REDUCED! 1887 s q . f t ., 3 bedrooms upstairs and a 4th bedroom o r den(office o n 20110 CrystalMtn. Lane main level. Triple car Directiossr Murphy south on Parrel/Rd, /e fi on Grand Targhee, garage and A/C. Hosted 6 Listed by:

541-480-8800 RE

A L T 0

R 8





Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

In the Path of Progress LAZY RIVER SOUTH Looking for a home that NE Bendj $250,000 New Home - 3 br, 2.5 One Story Home on 4 Private & sec l udedRare Metolius River- Recently r e modeled, in Prineville City Lim- R emodeled 353 5 y has it all? Features • 1710 sq.ft. craftsman ba + office, 1936 sq ft, Acres - Price Rehome, yet close to front property with clean and well laid out its - 3 br/2ba home on S q.ft. home with 4 great room layout w/ • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath gas heat, gas range, duced! 3 bedrooms, 3 town. All new kitchen cabin in Camp Sher- single level home on a 1.29 acres zoned R2 bdrm + offi ec and 3 vaulted ceil i ngs,• Hardwood floors Lin e d man, w/paved roads. very private 4.6 acre gas fireplace, fenced, bathrooms. 1680 sf on a ppliances. (can be split into more baths. Master bath hardwood floors, a • MLS 201401161 insulated garage door 4 acres with 3 acres pond for swimming & 1 br/1ba plus l oft, lot. New paint in and gr a nite out, newer laminate, lots). Across f rom with large jetted tub 8 l arge k i tchen w / MJ DeWolf PC, Broker, w/opener. $229,900 of State Water Right. water fun w/pool filter sleeps 6 , State Park and 2 min- new tile shower. Me- b reakfast ba r a n d ARB, CNHS, RCC MLS201309300 Updated home w/vi- system 8 water fea- counters, huge deck, carpet & flo o ring, utes t o Mea d ow dia room, family room, nook, formal dining 541-420-7080 Pam Lester, Princ. nyl windows, carpet & ture. Passive solar u nobstructed r i v e r Stainless appliances, Lakes Golf Course. h uge kitchen w i th room, dow n stairs Broker, Century 21 laminate floors. F/A h eat sink p art o f views & access. Fully centra heat, l a rge Gold Country Realty, furnace, A/C, heat heating system. Great furnished. $399,000. concrete patio Fully $149,900. MLS ¹ too handcrafted cabinets guest bedroom, main new. & granite counters, floor master suite w/ Inc., 541-504-1338 pump 8 wood stove room affords easy MLS¹ too new. landscaped yard, atPam Lester, Principal walk-in pantry, sun- Travertine s h ower, heat. Trex deck, com- family living. Great Pam Lester, Principal tached double garage Broker, Century 21 room with hot t ub. jetted tub, & private plete u n d erground natural light from large Broker, Century 21 and detached shop MORRIS New Listing Gold Country Realty, Home has cedar eves deck, two large upsprinkler system, pvt windows & d o o rs. Gold Country Realty, with large attached •Spacious 4 bdrm, 3.5 REAL ESTATE Inc. 541-504-1338 with copper accents. s tairs g u est b e d well & 1600 sf shop, Enjoy the treed sur- Inc. 541-504-1338 carport/RV area, storbath house dOp ~ E xterior siding o n rooms, double vanity age shed on top of •H ardwood f loor s 1080 sf bar. Fenced & r ounding, pond & J ust Completed - 3 home, garages & guest bath, a bonus NE Bendj $279,000 cross-fenced. water feature. Huge 5000 g al . p o t able throughout bedroom, 2.5 b ath, storage bldg have just room, private land- • Earth Advantage Cer- •Den/offi roo m water concrete cisce and bonus $359,000. MLS f amily r e c 1 510 sq f t h o m e. been painted. Watch scaped and fenced tified w/plenty o f b u i lt-in t ern. Al l o n fu l l y room with spectacu- 201400236 Have an item to Great room floor plan the wildlife from the back yard w/ irriga- • 1749 sq.ft. John L. Scott Real storage cabinets & fenced lot with autolar mtn views sell quick? with laminate wood wrap-around deck or tion, RV parking, & • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath counters. 5 bedrooms matic gate. $215,000. •Beautiful u pda t e d Estate 541-548-1712 • MLS 201402983 floors, crown molding go to your private ac- play structure along ¹ 201309890 If it's under kitchen with stainless Perfect Starter Home 3 (2 inmain level 8 3on throughout. Nice c ess to 300y f t o f w/ a c overed Trex Megan Power, Broker, floor). Small barn John L Scott Realty, appl. b edroom, 2 bat h , 2nd '500 you can place it in master with full mtn Little Deschutes River deck & paver patio. with 2 s t a lls, t ack 541-548-1712. Maralin Baldenmann, 1144 sq ft w ith atviews. $219,900. frontage for fishing, $465,000 ¹201400800 room, shop area & Broker The Bulletin tached 2-car garage. Call Jaynee Beck at swimming or floating. John L. Scott Real room. 541-325-1096 Want to impress the Great location, min- storage Classifieds for: 541-480-0988. $495,000 Estate 541-548-1712 $650,000 MLS¹ John L. Scott utes to shopping, enrelatives? Remodel MLS201401864 MLS¹¹201309267 201302745 Real Estate, Bend tertainment and medi'10 -3 lines, 7 days your home with the Duke Warner Realty Bobbie Strome, Bobbie Strome, Luxurious G e t away; www.johnlscottbend.com cal facilities. 541-382-8262 help of a professional Principal Broker Principal Broker Pronghorn Vill a '16 3 lines, 14 days $187,500. John L Scott Real one-twelfth share; 3 John L Scott Real from The Bulletin's REAL ESTATE Call Jasen Chavez at NOTICE Keystone Ter r ace. Estate 541-385-5500 Estate 541-385-5500 (Private Party ads only) bdrm, 3 bath, 2,227 "Call A Service 541-891-5446 All real estate adverThree fully occupied sq.ft., $15,000. MLS201400024 Professional" Directory tised here in is sub3182ysf tri-plexes lo- Live in One, Rent the New Construction Cate Cushman, Warner Realty cated just a few Other! Two separate 1425 sf, 3 br, 2 ba, ject to th e F ederal Duke Principal Broker 541-382-8262 blocks from shopping units on one tax lot. private neighborhood, Fair Housing A c t, 541-480-1884 & the facilities of Juni- Unique p e rsonalitywww.catecushman.com landscaped, with which makes it illegal Pick Your Colors - New to advertise any pref- home on 0.15 AC in per Park. Exterior of homes. Front home sprinklers. $134,900. erence, limitation or buildings have vinyl has street access, 2 private neighborhood. MLS¹201402230 Mountain Views MOTORCYCLE:Custom Harley discrimination based 1425 sf, 3 br, 2 ba & siding and are neat b edroom and r e a r •Beautiful single story Pam Lester, Principal on race, color, reli- 2-car Davidson 1997 Sportster 1200 XL. and attractive. home is a one bed- with mtn views garage. Broker, Century 21 ion, sex, handicap, $139,900. $325,000 for each tri- r oom. B ot h h a v e•Former model home & Gold Country Realty, 5000 Miles.Lots ofchrome.$10,000. j amilial status or naplex. MLS¹201402233 fenced y a rd s in has been upgraded Inc. 541-504-1338 Great ride,but noroomforthe softball tional origin, or intenMLS ¹201309427, Wiestoria A d d ition.•M aster heated t i l e Pam Lester, Principal team. Contact Cheryl at 000-0000. tion to make any such 20'l309433, Broker, Century 21 $260,000. floor, shower/Steam Need help fixing stuff? preferences, l i mita201309444 Call Jasen Chavez at Country Realty, room, granite Call A Service Professional tions or discrimination. Gold YCf.E:Gentl Bobbie Strome, 541-891-5446. Inc. 541-504-1338 counters and stain- find the help you need. We will not knowingly Principal Broker MLS 201400486 www.bendbulletin.com less appl. Picturesque Ponderosa accept any advertisJohn L Scott Real Duke Warner Realty Jim King, - B eautifully Estate 541-385-5500 541-382-8262 New Custom 3 BR/2.5 ing for real estate Setting Principal Broker RV which is in violation of landscaped, BA, 2024 sq ft home 541-693-8761 this law. All persons parking. 3 bedroom, Living at Its Best Loon large lot w / RV John L. Scott 2.5 bath, 2443 sq ft. Say "goodbuy" cated in the heart of parking. Granite slab are hereby informed Real Estate, Bend at $469,500. to that unused the Old Mill District, 3 www.johnlscottbend.com counter tops, profes- that all dwellings ad- Offered Cate Cushman, m aster suites, 3 . 5 sions series SS appli- vertised are available item by placing it in Principal Broker on an equal opportubaths, 3070 sq ft with High Single Level! ances, pantry, wood 8 nity basis. The Bulle541-480-1884 The Bulletin Classifieds views of the river and Mtn tile floors, gas FP, in a private www.catecushman.com mountains. S t a nd- Located & central air. tin Classified gate community, this fenced Prairie Style A wbrey alone unit. $849,000. $ 225,900 MLS¹ t o o home is on a desir- new. 5 41-385-580 9 Call Jaynee Beck, NW Bend j $309,000 Village Home - Suable cul-de-sac over541-480-0988 perb c r aftsmanship Pam Lester, Principal • 2080 sq.ft. looking the 9th fair• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath MLS¹201400102 Broker, Century 21 t hroughout! Lig h t , Knock your socks w ay. L o w ma i n • Covered front porch bright and private at Duke Warner Realty Country Realty, off views! tenance 2 bedroom, Gold • MLS 201401314 541-382-8262 Inc. 541-504-1338 2312 sq ft this home •38 acres, irrigated 2.5 bath, 2043 sq ft Mark Valceschini PC, provides great sepa•Beautiful 2600 s q .ft. tucked beneath gra- New Custom Home Broker, CRS, GRI ration. For easy living, Location Location, Lohome cious p o n derosas. Beautiful finishes, 9' 541-383-4364 the master bedroom is •120x64 barn with shop c ation! 5 B d rm , 2 $299,900. ceilings, crown moldon the main floor, as b ath, 1 6 0 0 sq. f t . Call Tammy Settlemier, ing throughout. Masand stalls is the laundry room. manufactured home ~20 minutes to Bend 541-410-6009 ter suite has several Upstairs provides 3 with add-on's nestled www.johnlscott.com/74 MLS 201306412 custom features and bedrooms and a full on 6.5 acres. Living Duke Warner Realty 510 nice mtn views. Landbathroom. $495,000. room, dining room, Jean Nelsen, Broker MORRIS 541-382-8262 scaped, fenced yard, Call Bill Panton at kitchen and master 541-420-3927 REAL ESTATE gutters and 8' garage 541-420-6545 suite have n e wer John L. Scott I& p ~ d y ~ ~ o~ d Look at: door. $224,900. MLS¹201401814 laminate flo o ring. Real Estate, Bend Call Jaynee Beck, Bendhomes.com Duke Warner Realty Ideal for starter home, www.johnlscottbend.com 541-480-0988. NW Redmondj 541-382-8262 rental property, tem- for Complete Listings of MLS20141861 $385,000 porary home, while Area Real Estate for Sale Duke Warner Realty • Private 5 acres Large SW Home Private & Peaceful Setin classified advertising! building a new home. • Built in 2004, 3 bdrm, ting - 3 bedroom, 3.5 • 4 bedroom, 2 bath 541-382-8262 A great private county NE Bend j $199,900 2.5 bath Newspaper classified advertising leads bath, 3816 sq ft home • Granite counters, setting. Shared well, 2 • 1321 sq.ft. • Open floor plan & New Custom Solar/ADA bamboo floors perched over the 11th the pack when it comes to connecting storage buildings, 400 fenced yard Home 3 master • MLS 201402721 fairway o f Br o ken bedroom, 2 bath buyers with sellers. AMP service to home •• 3 • Close to Old Mill and Top's signature hole. Private .18 acre lot suites, 3.5 ba, 3022 Julia Buckland, and 100 AMP service • MLS 201401365 river sf, 0.5 AC i n g o lf Broker, ABR, ALHS, $1,045,000. Whether you're at a fork in the road or to pump house. This Patti Geraghty, Broker • Craftsman style, course comm., sunCall Tammy Settlemier, CRS, GRI is a m ust preview corner lot and family room, spa, wood & tile 541-410-6009 541-948-5880 541-719-8444 can fuel the journey. property, if you do, home floors, RV park, mtn MLS201307193 www.bendbulletin.com www.johnlscott.com/the you will see its potenview 8 more. Duke Warner Realty tial. $212,000. MLS If you're readytoget rolling, check resa 0 $499,000. MLS¹ too 541-382-8262 ¹201400038 Theresa Ramsay, us out. In print and online, there's new. Bobbie Strome, The Bulletin Broker 541-815-4442 freedom in classified! Pam Lester, Principal MORRIS MORRIS Principal Broker John L. Scott To Subscribe call Broker, Century 21 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE John L Scott Real Real Estate, Bend 541-385-5800 or go to Gold Country Realty, l~ y~ ~ Op d www.johnlscottbend.com Estate 541-385-5500 Inc. 541-504-1338 www.bendbulletin.com


"'""""'"'"'"'"'""""""'"" Classtfteds


54g 3g5 5M9





Real Estate




• •

• •





~ •


HI T ~ fhlrl;



1714$ Merced Road .53 Acres • Well and Septic Installed • Electricity Installed

19250 fnnes Market Rd • Epic Mountain Views • 20.48 Acres • Adjacent 6.37 Acre lot with house Available


,. I


2989 NE HOPE J ust Completed - $299,900 3 NEW H O M E S • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths Coming Soon • 1865 Square Ft • Hardwood Floors Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

a •f g


54770 WolfSt,Bend 97707

$9S,O00 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 1782 Square Ft • 1.02 Acres 24865 Elk lane, Bend 97701

$115,000 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 1026Square ft • 4.9 Acres 1890 W. Pierce St, Burns, OR $115,920 • Burns, DR • 3 Beds, 2 Baths 1334 Hackett Dr,Gilchrist, OR $121,000 • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 52674SE Ammon Rd, LaPine, OR $135,000 • LaPine, DR • 4 Beds, 2 Baths • 1728Square ft 16$26Carrington Ave, Bend 97707 $141,500 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 14045quare Ft • 1.17 Acres 61284 Robin Hood Ln, Bend 97702

$1,499,900 • 3483 Square Ft • Lighted Steps to • 3 Bedrooms, 3 R iver Baths • Triple Car Garage • One Level • Custom Cabinetry Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107 •I••



• • • • •

One Level 1489 Square Ft 3 Beds, 2 Baths HUGE 30X60 Shop N mile from entrance to State Park • Fully Fenced • 1 Acre Lot








A •



A •








Property is approved for 10 Lots Next to Mirada Subdivision Access from Jill Street

Approx. 160 Ft from proposed City Park.


I •

Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

• •

Becky Breeze 541-408-1107



• • • •

Shop Loafing Shed Huge Mountain Views

3678 SW Cascade Vista Dr • 2852 Square Ft • 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bath • Hand Troweled Venetian Plaster • Triple Car Garage





• • •

Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

$ •

11.40 Acres 10.78 Acres Well & Septic

• •

19555 Pinehurst Road • • •

Please Visit HUDHomstore.com for more info and availability. Please Call Donna Ramsay, Broker 541-420-6267 •

• •

$185,000 • 4 Bedrooms,2 Baths • 1484Square ft

Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107 •

19270 Innes Market Rd • Epic Mountain Views • 6.37 Acres • Adjacent 20.48Acre lot Available • 1657 Sq Ft • Well and Septic Becky Breeze 541-408-1107

4 •






I • I I


a I







$145,000 - $160,000 COMINGSOON!


• Spectacular mtn & Smith Rock views • 39 AC fenced & cross fenced & 38 AC of irrigation • 3 bed, 2 bath home & 1530 SF • Six stall barn, hay loft, tack room & pasture •Ponds,greenhouse,outbuildings& chickencoop

• 10 Bend westside condo's • Completely renovated • 2bed,1bath &680SF • Professionally managed & maintained

• Beautiful reverse living, captures the views •2350SF,3bed,2bath,greatroom plusabonusroom • Amazing decking foramazing outdoor living • Triple car garage plus a shoparea & storage • Forced air/central A/C, built in vacuum, 50 year roof

$225,000I1728 NW KINGWOOD PLACE,REDMOND • Pristine dream yard • 1526 SF, 3 bed & 2 bath home on a 0.14 AClot • Fully fenced yard • Oversized patio with

cover I

• You will have to see this one!




$289,900 I 3723 NEPURCELL, BEND • Lava Ridge Pahlisch home • 1940SF,3bed &2.5 bath • Open great room design • Large bedrooms & loft • Mtn ash flooring & alder cabinets • Community pool & park • 3723 NE Purcell, Bend


$579,900 I 21420 BELKNAP DRIVE, BEND • Tuscany style luxury • 2910 SF single level living • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan

541-480-6790 541-480-2245 JAKE 6LORETTA MOORHEAD



• 3 bed, 2.5 bath Pahlisch • 1397 SF

• 3 bed & 2 bath • Hardwood floors & tile


• Bend cave house • SE Bend homewith access to alava cave - • 1960 SF, 4 bed & 2.5 bath • Koi pond, garden & chicken shed • Mountain views on



• Spectacular views in all directions from this fine

co untry home

• e gl

& large windows • Gourmet, open kitchen with quartz counters • Large master suite upstairs • Covered backporch


' i I







Qik,. ~ 7$--> 541-480-9883 AUDREYCOOK BROKER




$579,900 I 21420 BELKNAP DRIVE, BEND


• 1940SF,3 bed & 2.5 bath





$215,000 I 64004 DESCHUTES MARKETROAD, BEND • 4.65 AC parcel in NE Bend with 1836 SF manufactured home • Several outbuildings & mountain views • 1.5 AC of COIirrigation & sprinklers


$340,000IBEAUTIFUL HOME IN THE BRIDGES • 4 bed, 2.5 bath & 2065 SF home


• Spacious 1st floor layout with large windows • Gourmet, open kitchen w>th quartz counters • Large master suite upstairs • Covered back porch


• % uaa


541-891-9441 DON ROMANO BROKER


$199,000 I 20017 SEQUEBECCOURT

• 4 bed, 3 bath 8 1908 SF home • Beautiful extensively remodeled homeon north end of Sunriver

• Brand new energy efficient furnace, new roof 8 new gas fireplace • Large private deck with new hot tub!

• 7448 SF • 106 Main Street, Klamath


$215,000IA M UST SEE GEM

• One of the last available properties in Sundance • Great price • Flat 3.65 AC • Build your dream home • On a cul-de-sac



• Full service restaurant & lounge • Banquet room on main floor & downstairs • Full service bar/lounge on main floor • Located in Klamath Falls near three motels

• Pristine dream yard • 1526 SF, 3 bed & 2 bath home on a 0.14 AClot • Fully fenced yard • Oversized patio with • You will have to see this one!

• Tuscany style luxury • 2910 SF single level living • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan


• 4 bed • 2.5 bath • 2067 SF

• Bonus room • Triple car garage • 2917 SW Deschutes




• Huge lot in town • 3 bed & 2 bath • Family room • Lots of storage • 0.44 AC lot with RV parking

rli •

YOII T r u e t I C o m

II e l n I YOu V • l l l e

$575,000 I CULVER ACREAGE • 3 bed & 2 bath

• Open floor plan • New paint inside & out • 3-car garage • RV parking • Extra large paverpatio

• 35 AC with 27 AC irrigation

• Great CascadeMountain views • Two dwellings & one is a charming farmhouse • Multiple outbuildings • Fenced & cross fenced



I j:,) 541-410-7434 CHERYLTANLER BROKER

Rinehart, Dempseg EtPhelps E*II


253-740-2416 JANE HASE BROKER

• Open greatroom design • Large bedrooms & loft • Mtn ash flooring & alder cabinets • Community pool & park • 3723 NE Purcell, Bend


,J 4, 541-410-1200 BILL KAMMERER BROKER





• 4 bed plus a den • 3 bath • 2 master suites • Slab quartz counters • Spa style master bath • Great room floor plan

• 2124 SF homeon 4.89 AC • 30X48 heated shop • 24X36 barn with loft, tack room & washrack • Round pen, hot tub, pool table & washer/dryer




• Downtown riverfront • 1883SF,2bed &2bath • Vaulted ceilings & 2 balconies • Detached garage& carport • Lots of naturallight • 15 NW Portland//f 5, Bend


• R.D. building & design • New construction • 3553 SF & 42X16RVgarage • 3 bed (2 full) & 2.5 bath, bonus room plus office



• 3 car garage • Warm finishes & open floor plan • Vacation





• 4 bed & 2.5 bath

• Great floor plan • Garage • Bunkhouse




• 3bed &2bath • Fully fenced


fg NB

•Cascademountainviews • Corner gas fireplace • Private fenced yard • Close to schools & shopping

aeffdf .

541-480-7777 ie .' DIANA BARKER JI BROKER



• 2002 SF




$289,900 I 2831 RAINIERDRIVE, BEND

• Open floor plan • 3 bed • 2.5 bath • Large fencedbackyard

AN N,l

• 3 bed & 2.5 bath • 3030 SF of living space • Large 7500 soft lot j.—.- • Downstairs office or 4th

$340,000 I 61164 SYDNEYHARBORDRIVE, BEND • 4bed,2.5bath & 2065 SF • Spacious 1st floor layout

uncompromising quality throughout • 6.75 AC property, privately gated & only 12 miles from the Redmond airport








accents • Tandem 3-car garage • All appliances included

Spacious & light with

$359,000I20975 VIA BONITA,BEND

• Tuscany style luxury in Bend • 2910 SF • Single levelliving " • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fencedlot • Gorgeous openfloor plan


• Gas fireplace • 2-car attached garage • Community pool & park • Front landscaping by HOA



• 1728 SF home overlooking the dry


IJII~+ I i

~, 541-604-1649 'GAILROGERS BROKER


Patty Dempsey • 541-480-5432 Andrea Phelps • 541-408-4770 Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100 WWW. RINEHARTDEMPSEY. COM

ES SATURDAY, MAY 3, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Homes forSale Northwest Bend Homes


• Redmond Homes •




Redmond Homes

Sunriver/La Pine Homes

Homes with Acreage


Homes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage ~

West Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 64055 Tanglewood, $549,000 - Stunning Spacious family home 16772 Elk Ct., Motivated Seller! Nice 1811 Stallion Road. 3 Bend Country Home on Incredible horse propbath, in 4040y sq.ft., FSBO. $589,900 views from this pri- centrally located 8 a c r es . Ne w erty on 6.97 acres. $110,000. 4 bdrm, 2 3 bdrm ranch- style bdrm home amazing 2+ delighfful w e s tsideTHE PROPERTY: 4.6 vate golf course loca- a cross f ro m V e r n bath, 1620 sq. ft. 1 house with a nice floor remodel, 5 ac r e s. Hardi-plank s i d ing, Ride off the property home with panoramic a cres, h ighly s e - tion. Featuring great Patrick Elem School. acres. High L akes plan, country kitchen, $274,900. High interior d o or s & to the river, over 5 C ascade an d c i t y c luded, heav i l y r oom, w it h ha r d- in Redmond. 2416 sq. Realty & Pr o perty nice brick fireplace, Lakes Realty & Prop- knobs, garage doors acres is in spur fencviews on a spacious wooded, terrific loca- woods, dining area, ft., 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, Management nestled on 4+ acres erty Ma n agement & more! BLM access ing for horses. 2640 lot with high desert tion, between Bend wall to wall windows.. extra large B o nus 541-536-0117 Powell Butte q u iet 541-536-0117 close to property for sq. ft. barn with turnnatural landscaping. and Tumalo, attrac- MLS¹ 201401153 Room! Large Master 1 7044 W h ittier D r . , country lane. Fenced, trail riding. 4 bedroom, outs, 2 sep. hay storTwo gas fireplaces, tive landscaping, multi Eagle Crest Properties b edroom w/h u g e $89,900. 3 bdrm, 2 corral, shed, s h op 3 bath has plenty of age, large wash rack, one in living room and level decks, r e fin866-722- 3370 closet 8 double sink bath + den, 1404 sq. area, along with stor- Garage Sales new updates. All new- tack room w/attached one in master bed- ished 3 car garage, vanities in the master ft., garden tub, one age rooms. 2 acres irkitchen with custom bath and upstairs, loft. Adorable Cottage in the room. Master bed- heart shaped circle bath! Light & bright acre. High Lakes Re- rig., mtn and Smith Garage Sales cabinets, tile coun- Also 3-stall barn and Heights. $ 1 24,900. room has c offered drive, freshly stained kitchen w/ eating bar alty & Property Man- Rock views. Local t ertops, bam b o o 864 sq. ft. shop. Lrg Arched e n t ryways, Garage Sales ceiling and slider to cedar siding, excluthat opens to a family agement small Powell Butte floors, new f ixtures fenced garden area oak hardwood floorupper deck with hot sive de v e lopment, room, formal dining 8 Charter School. Cenand more. Bathrooms with greenhouse. EnFind them tub. Master bath has good CC&R's, one ing, large lot w/RV ac- formal living room. 541-536-0117 tral location commuthave new tile. Recent try has unique rock in deep soak tub, large owner, irrigation sys- cess, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, Extra wide hallways, 1 7050 W h ittier D r . , ing distance to Bend, carpet, windows & wall surrounding the 1227 sq. ft., 500 sq. ft large pantry, forced $88,900. 3 bdrm, 2 t iled s h ower a n d tem, water feature. Prineville & Redmond. paint. Covered porch, stick built home, w/ The Bulletin b asement. MLS ¹ double sinks. Great T HE H O ME : 27 0 6 air heat & A/C, large bath, all appliances, Not a bad package at triple car attached ga- n ewer roof and i nroom is light and airy sq.ft., 3-4 bdrms, for- 201308245. Vicci Bo- patio & fenced back one acre. High Lakes $ 279,900! Classifieds rage, and pull-through credible mtn. views. 1052 5 wen 541-410-9730 Pr o perty F leming Rd. with expansive city mal dining room, 2.5 yard. $199 , 000. Realty & Cal l s hop. Property i s $249,000. MLS Central Oregon Realty 541-385-5809 and Cascade views. bath, spacious ¹201401191 John L. Management Heather Hockett, PC, agent owned. 201402380. Call Group, LLC 541-536-0117 Kitchen is efficiently kitchen, granite and Scott Rea l E s tate Broker, Century 21 $289,900 but will en- Linda Lou-Day Wright. laid out with granite heated stone, vaults Beautifully situated lot! 541-548-1712 Gold Country Realty, tertain offers. 22837 541-771-2585 Call The Sulfetin At 2.4 Acres with Cas541-420-915'I tile counters, newer and skylights, Pozzi 2681 sq ft, 3 bdrm, Abilene Ct. in Bend. Crooked River Realty cade views in SW 54f -385-5809 appliances, p a ntry windows, new carpet, 2~/~ bath, triple car ga- SW Redmond - Price Call Heather Hockett, Lake Front P roperty Redmond. irrigated 12250 NW Dove Rd. Reduced! Charming Place Your Ad Or E-Mail and hardwood floor- sunken entertainment rage. 227 Highland PC, Broker, Century with horse property, 4 a thtaking Unobstructed mounhouse on a large lot, ing. Triple garage with area, wet bar, formal Meadow 21 Gold Country Re- Views! Bre$79 Loop, .51 acres. 3 bedroom, At: www.bendbulletin.com tain views! immacu- b drm, 2~/~ b a t h 5 ,000. Ultimate floor. Wired study, extensive oak $433,388. alty, 541-420-9151 home. $344,500 Remodeled in 2006. Te r re t Rd, l ate 1841 sq. ft. 3 2 bath, good condi- 1716 for security system. cabinets, fireplaces up Johns, Principal Lynn Bro- tion. Call Don Chapin, Loft area, spacious $189, 9 00. $354,000. 3 b drm., bdrm, 2 bath, cedar Wired for stereo with and down, newer heat ker, 541-408-2944 Bro k er master suite, 3 fire¹201308901 2611 sq.ft. home on 5 sided home on 4.81 P rincipal s peakers on m a i n pump. Central Oregon 541923-0855 RedTick, Tock acres, Irg shop. fenced acres. Wood places, 4 bedrooms, 2 John L. Scott Real floor i n 4 zon e s. Contact Scott Siewert. Resort Realty bathrooms, 4500 sq ft High Lakes Realty & f loors, t o ngue & mond RE/MAX Land Estate 541-548-1712 5-zone heating sys541-410-2098 Tick, Tock... Property Manageon 6.8 acres. MLS¹ groove ceilings, floor 8 Homes Real Estem. Two levels of ce- srsiewertIbendbroad- Desert Sky 1386 sq. ft. The Jefferson in desir2 01400129. Da v i d to ceilings windows. tate ...don't let time get d ar d e cking p l u s band.com 2 bdrm + off ice,Cas- able NW R e dmond ment 541-536-0117 Above ground pool for Franke, 541-420-5986 paver patio. Plumbed cade Mtn Views, light 3 bdrm, 2 bath frame away. Hire a neighborhood, single Central Oregon Realty 760 s u mmers.5.82 acres 3 bdrm, 2 in humidification sys8 bright open floor level, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, home on 1 acre. 1232 the ho t MLS b ath, 1560 s q . f t . Group, LLC professional out t em. $599, 0 00 Redmond Homes plan. many e xtras 2020 sq. ft. $295,900. sq. ft., attached dbl $385,000 J u niper Large 28x32 sq. ft. MLS¹ 201301639 of The Bulletin's Large home with guest $232,900. garage, fenced and 201101447 ¹201306374 Realty, 541-504-5393 shop, dble car garage. 3 bdrm, 2-bath 1486 sq. Lynn Johns, Principal Bobbie Strome, has woodshed. quarters. 4bdrms, 3 Call Jim Hinton, "Call A Service for horses. Principal Broker ft. home on 1 acre Broker, 541-408-2944 $135,000. MLS 14149 SW Stallion Rd. Fenced baths, on 5.27 acre 541-420-6229 Near the entrance of Professional" with Cascade views, John L Scott Real Central Oregon 20141970 Cascade C RR Sgl s t ory 2 the ranch. $279,000 horse property fenced Central Oregon Realty Estate 541-385-5500 covered porch, orResort Realty Realty 541-536-1731 and x-fenced, shop bdrm, 2 bath, 1907 Directory today! Group, LLC MLS 20130955 ganic garden, potting area with s t orage. sq. ft. home with open 51377 Walling Ln., Call Linda Lou E agle C r ee k Go l f Whispering Pines. 3 Well-Kept Home in SW shed, dbl. g a rage, $349,900. floor plan o n 3 . 27 Day-Wright, Broker, Cinder Butte Estates bdrm, 2 bath property arden shed, fenced. Course Chalet - 1447 Redmond - $225,000. La Pine. cabin on 1.24 acres. Lrg deck and ¹201401229 Call Gail 541-771-2585 pole barn, city pergola to enjoy the on 4.9 acres with has complete perim184,500. MLS sq. ft., 3 b drms, 2 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath- acre, Day 541-306-1018 waterr. $69, 0 00. Crooked River Realty mtn views. S plit Central Oregon Realty eter fencing and is 201307988. Call baths, new hardwood r ooms, 2414 s q f t . wide open mtn views. High Lakes Realty 8 level home with upneat and well main- Nancy Popp, floors & heat pump, New carpet through- Property Group, LLC Man a ge Oversized den could 6661 S W Q u a rry, per & lower living tained with trees and double car garage. out, large upstairs bo541-815-8000 be 3rd bdrm. Solar ment 541-536-0117 Near Smith Rocks, gor18th Fairway of the Redmond. 4.7 7 spaces. $389,776. shrubs. Home h as Crooked River Realty n us r o om . ML S water heater w/recir acres with 1 acre irgeous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, MLS 201401983 been lightly lived in Ridge Course, 201402581 51830 Pine Loop Drive, culating water system. 3880 sq.ft. $694,000 Call Don Chapin, and has a wonderful 1272 Trail Creek - Cas- $269,000. Call Lynn Call Jeanne Scharlund, La Pine. $ 119,000 Covered RV parking, rigation. Pond, shop Call or Principal Br o k er ¹ 201300784. sunroom and appeal- cade Mountain views! Princ. B r oker 541-420-7978 1.21 acre, f ended, fenced backyard and a nd 1600 sq . f t . .41 acre lot backs to Linda Lou Day-Wright. Donna, Broker at ing floor plan with Central Oregon outbldg., 1152 sq. ft. patio area. $279,000. home. $ 3 20,000. 541-350-6777 541771-2585 Crooked creek 8 walking path. 541-408-2944, or MLS 201307143 Redmond RE/MAX l arge deck, s h o p Realty Group, LLC h ome. 1950 sq. f t . MLS 201402268 River Realty 503-313-4237 Call Travis Hannan, L and & Hom e s building is a p prox. 2681 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, home. High L akes Juniper Realty, 2y~ bath, triple car PC, Principal BroReal Estate 4000 sq.ft. w/ 4 12x12 Central Oregon Realty 8 Pr o perty 541-504-5393 Looking for your next garage. $458,868. Need to get an Resort Realty ker 5 4 1-788-3480 d oors and a m a n Lynn Management emp/oyee? Johns, Principal 14482 SW Pony Trail in Redmond RE/MAX door. The is a comad in ASAP? 541-536-0117 Look at: Place a Bulletin help Greens TownCRR. Like new home L and & Hom e s piete office w/bath, Broker, 541-408-2944 Forest Bendhomes.com You can place it wanted ad today and home 1536 sq ft, 3 Central Oregon 5 1884 Fordham D r . built in 2001 that has Real Estate r ec, k i tchen an d reach over 60,000 for Complete Listings of Resort Realty bedrooms, 2~/~ bath, online at: $249,500 4 bdrm, 3 always been a vacam eeting roo m i n each week. b ath, 2206 sq . f t . tion home. U n ob-8479 SW High Cone Area Real Estate for Sale www.bendbulletin.com cluded in the 4000 $199,900 - One of the great room floor plan, readers Your classified ad back deck h ickory, t ile. H i g h structed mtn views, 2 Drive. Large 4 bdrm, 2 sq.ft. This property is finest chalets at Eagle east-facing will also appear on Lakes Realty & Prop- bdrm, 2 bath on 2.58 bath located in t he Great location w/unoba must preview, must Crest. Beautiful views w/ hot tub, main level 54t -385-5809 bendbulletin.com aster a n d gol f erty Man agement acres. Master bath see facility. The shop of the 14th Fairway on m heart o f Cr o oked structed view of 8 mtn which currently resetting. 541-536-0117 has garden tub and River Ranch on 1.20 peaks. Nestled be- Powell B u tte ! 10 and dwelling have the Ridge Course. course ceives over Lynn walk-in acre. Wonderful out- tween Bend 8 Red- ACRES! Cascade separate ele c tric Has never been in the $219,000. 52556 Drafter Rd. Lots separate 1.5 million page Johns, Principal Brom eters. Shop a n d rental pool. MLS ¹ of shops with living shower, New Pergo door area for enter- mond and only mo- mtn views! 3863 sq. views every month ker, 541-408-2944 or and windows. taining or r e laxing. m ents away f r o m ft. custom home. d welling share t h e 2013094033 quarters on an acre. flooring at no extra cost. Donna P apadimos, composite Oversized 2-bay shop Hwy. 97 for an easy Private Avion water meter, Eagle Crest $119,900. High Lakes Large office Bulletin Classifieds Broker 503-313-4237 2nd gar a ge/shop Properties Realty & Pr o perty decking, Hardi-plank w ith s t orage a n d c ommute. Built i n w/separate e ntry, Get Results! Central Oregon siding. $110,000. 1025 sq.ft. $499,500. 866-722- 3370 plenty of room to keep 1994 on 2. 5 a c res shop/RV bldge and Management Call 385-5809 or Resort Realty Juniper Realty, MLS ¹201400070 the toys out of t he w/2494 sq.ft. of living more! 541-536-0117 $75 4 ,900 place your ad on-line Large corner Lot in 541-504-5393 Bobbie Strome, weather. $ 1 43,000. space. Oversized liv- MLS¹ 2 0 1303502. Rare Find in The Falls at Redmond w / 4 5 5849 W oo d D u c k Principal Broker mls 201300653 ing room 8 d i ning Call Charlie or Virat Eagle Crest. Enjoy bendbulletin.com bdrm, 2 bath home. Drive. Riverfront 5 John L Scott Real TURN THE PAGE Juniper Realty, room make comfort- ginia, Principal Brot he gorgeous m tn $229,000 MLS bdrm, 2~i~ bath, 3587 541-504-5393 Estate 541-385-5500 able environment for kers 541-350-3418 views f r o m the For More Ads 2 01310490. Cal l sq. ft. home. 755 family living & enter- Redmond RE/MAX kitchen, dining, living Don Chapin, PrinciThe Bulletin $562,000. High Lakes A diamond in the rough! taining. New 5-panel L and 8 Ho m e s and master bedroom. Sunriver/La Pine Homes Realty 8 Find exactly what pal Broker, Pr o perty Great deal for cash fir doors & glass panel Real Estate MLS 2014 0 1981 you are looking for in the 541-350-6777 Management 1.56 acres, 1620 sq.ft. front door. Oak lami3 La Pine Retreat. $339,900 Eagle Crest 54'I -536-0117 Redmond RE/MAX Tastefully done spa- buyer-handyman! for Your Toys! CLASSIFIEDS Looks like a Park! bdrm, 2 bath, 1742 nate flooring in living Ready Properties 866-722L and & Hom e s cious home sitting on 3 bdrm, 2 bath over room, hallways 8 sq. ft., 7~/~ acres, pri3370 52900 Bridge Rd. 55918 Snow Goose. Real Estate the CR rim, dble ga- vate well, built 1995. baths. 4 bdrms, 3 are 2 000 sq. ft. o n 2 $120,000. MLS Woodlands Golf $239,900. 3 bdrm, 2 rage with a t tached Call $ 1 8 5,000. f or det a i ls. master suites. New acres. Course; open great $315,000. Ad o rableReduced! Eagle Crest 201401915 Call Don bath near river and tack and horse $159,900. MLS 201 4 02162 hom e . Chapin Principal Sunriver. High Lakes stall.room MLS Hardi-plank s i d ing, Travis room with mountain single level, just like C ustom Located off a n an, new home in the de- Gated community! 4 Broker Call r oof, t r im , wa t e r P rincipal Han and lake views, 4 Realty & Pr o perty paved road. $229,000 201400707 Bro k e r 541-350-6777 Nancy Popp, Princi- h eater a n d la w n . Management bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 sirable 55+ commu- bdrm, 3~i~ b a th, MLS 201309151 Redmond RE/MAX pal Broker ¹201400552. John L. 541-788-3480 sq.ft., o ff ered at nity of Eagle Crest. 3208 sq. ft. on 14th 541-536-0117 Linda Lou Day-Wright. Land & Homes 541-815-8000 Scott Rea l E s t ate Redmond RE/MAX Enjoy all amenities. tee. Live year-round $1,195,000. 541- 77'I -2585 Land 8 Homes 766 541-548-1712 MLS¹ 201 4 01988. o r p e r fect 2n d Real Estate Crooked River Realty Cate Cushman, Crooked River Realty Real Estate Eagle Crest Proper- home. $478,000 Jeffer son County H omes Principal Broker Make this old h ome MLS¹201305107 541-480-1884 ties, 866-722- 3370 stead, located right Want to move in and Call Charlie or Virwww.catecushman.com o ff Hwy 9 7 , y o u r enjoy life? This MaCheck out the ginia, Principal Broet-away ret r eat. dras home is loaded classifieds online kers 541-350-3418 Woodside Ranch [ rig. home built in www.bendbulletirLcom Redmond RE/MAX $499,000 upgrades. Well 1940 along with orig. with • Custom 2174 sq.ft. L and & Hom e s maint. and boasts a Updated daily garage and storage Real Estate • 3 bedroom, 3 bath tiled entry way, shed, 1.63 a c res. large $ 334,950 3 b d r m 2 • 2.28 acres ceiling fans, recessed bath, sgl level on the Roomy single l evel Home is very clean l ighting, large l o f t • MLS 201402638 Ridge at Eagle Crest. home on a large lot in yet still has its unique area, a master bdrm Jim & Roxanne Open floor plan and Stonehedge in Red- traits. Possible horse with w a lk-in closet, Cheney, Brokers easy lo w m a i nte- mond. Open floor plan property behind home window 541-390<050 v erings in open field. $69,900. throughout. co nance. MLS with vaulted l iving 541-390-4030 Garage is 2 01401722 Eag l e room Plus a family MLS ¹201300544 finished with ceiling Cascade Realty, Crest Prop e rties room, kitchen feastorage rack and you 541-536-1731 tures plenty of cabin866-722- 3370 have great views from etry, eating counter, 53509 B i g T i m ber, the back deck. VA as$339,900 The Falls at large pantry, dining sumable if e l igible. MORRIS Eagle Crest has so area with access to $99,900. 3 Bdrm, 2 MLS¹ many activities you'll the huge back deck. b ath, 1188 sq . f t . $124,900 REAL ESTATE 201304344 never be able to keep Master bed r o om home, w i t h new Heather PC, up! Lots of windows to from addi- decks. H igh Lakes Broker,Hockett, Century 21 You're Gonna Love it! bring in the Central separation Pr o perty tional two bedrooms. Realty 8 Gold Country Realty, Well maintained 3 Oregon su n shine. Two offices or hobby Management 54'I -420-9151 bedroom, 2 bath MLS 2014 0 1996 rooms. Landscaped 541-536-0117 h ome w i t h hea t Eagle Crest Proper- front and back with 762 C a mbium pump/AC. 20x27 ga- ties 866-722- 3370 fenced back yard that 14754 $ 149,900. 3sm a l l Homes with Acreage rage, 20x13 s hop, has lots of trees for Enjoy FOr 27 yearS, EVergreen haSfOCuSed On PurChaSe buSineSS, SO We home with large workfenced private back- $499,900. the wildlife privacy. Forced air shop and g a rage.52916 Old Lake Rd., yard, enclosed gar- watching knOW a thing Or tWO abOut the unique needS Of real eState gas with central air on Cline Butte from High Lakes Realty & Silver Lake, OR. Two den area. $199,000. your covered patio, cond. ¹ 2 0 1310177 Property M a n age- 1848 sq.ft. homes on PrOfeSSiOnalS and homebuyerS. Call Becky Ozrelic at L. Scott Real guest bedrooms are John ment 541-536-0117 40 acres. $199,000. 541-480-9191 Estate 541-548-1712 situated away from High Lakes Realty 8 That'S Why We'Ve deVelOPed an infraStruCture With SyStemS and MLS201402006 the master suite. MLS Single Level Charmer in 15468 Ferndale Ct. 3 Property M a n ageDuke Warner Realty bdrm, 2 bath, 1762 2 01402010 Ea g l e PrOCedureS that allOW US to quiCkly PrOCeSS lOanS SO that We CIOSe ment, 541-536-0117 541-382-8262 NW R e dmond sq. ft., 1.61 acres. Crest Properties $ 315,000. 4 bed On Time and 85 PrOmiSed'. In faCt, Our entire PlatfOrm iS 14198 SW Nine Peaks $255,000. High Lakes Zoning A l l ows for 866-722- 3370 rooms, plus office/ 8 Pr o perty Pl., CRR Mtn. views engineered to CIOSe PurChaSe tranSaCtiOnS in 14 dayS". Working at Home - 2 $539,000 - Enjoy that den, 2.5 baths, 2410 Realty from this 1960 sq. ft., br, 1 ba 792 sf, large WOW effect when you sq ft. Brand new con- Management 3 bdrm., 2 bath home 541-536-0117 fenced lot & garage w alk t h rough t h e struction, fe n c ing, on 1.16 acre. 936 sq. Teamwork, strength and focus: that's what w/attached s t o rage double door entry into front la n dscaping,16404 Burgess Road, ft. garage has a shop shed. $115,000. MLS an open living area. custom tile. La Pine. 2 bdrm, ty~ area plus 2 bays. RV you get when you work with Evergreen. 201401691 MLS¹201310781 bath, 1354 sq. ft. 1.37 covered storage & Behind the Gate at Pam Lester, Principal t he R e sort. M L S Call Jim Hinton, acre. $89,900 High carport. $12 9 ,500 Broker, Century 21 541-420-6229. Lakes Realty 8 Prop- MLS 201208272 2 01401958 Eag l e Gold Country Realty, Crest Properties Central Oregon Realty erty Man a gement Juniper Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 Group, LLC 541-536-0117 866-722- 3370 541-504-5393


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Homes with Acreage












Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Mfd J M o bile Homes with Land

Ultimate family home, 15194 Pond e rosaMulti-Family Lot - Flat 16535 SW Chinook Dr. Beautiful 2 0 Acre Private gated com4 bdrms, 3 baths on Loop. $55,000. Level RM zoned lot in de5.68 acre rim lot w/ H omesite w i t h 1 0 munity! 20 Acres! 63737 Cascade FACTORY SPECIAL 2 bdrm, 1 bath mfd. over 7 acres, 20x40 1.41 acre, build or sirable East s i de amazing Smith Rock, acres irri g ation. Powell Butte w/easy Village Dr. New Home, 3 bdrm, home that has been heated pool. 4005 camp. High L akes neighborhood at the Crooked River & mtn. $349,900. access to airports, Charming 2 bdrm, 2 $46,500 finished well maintained. Cov NW Helmholtz Way, Realty & P r o perty base of Pilot Butte. views Located on the Call Tammy Settlemier shopping, r e c re- bath, 1450 sq.ft., Sil on your site. ered front porch for Management at 541-410-6009. ation. All C e ntral verCrest home. Sits $430,000. MLS $62,000. pavement close to the J and M Homes extra space. large RV 541-536-0117 201305932 Cal l Call Brook Criazzon at e ntrance o f CR R . MLS¹201401808 Oregon has to offer. 541-548-5511 on large corner lot cover with additional TRAVIS HANNAN, 541-550-8408 or owner w il l ca r ry. Duke Warner Realty Well, septic feasibilwith extra p arking. side for carport, stor 780 541-382-8262 Principal Br o k er 1.71 acres, septic apAubre Cheshire at $225,000. MLS ity done. Ready for Decorative t o uches age room b e hind. p roved power a nd 541-788-3480 541-598-4583. 201106408. Juniper our dream home. Mfd./Mobile Homes throughout. Light and $59,900. p r o perty. water at the street. Dr e a m 1 55,000 - M L S ¹ Redmond RE/MAX MLS201401236 Realty 541-504-5393 B uild Y o u r bright with nice open MLS ¹ 201 4 02452 with Land $39,900 ¹201307972 Land & Homes Duke Warner Realty 16685 SW Chinook Dr. Home Here - 10 acres 2 01303502. Cal l floor p l an . G r e at C ascade Real t y Linda Lou Day-Wright. 541-382-8262 at the H ighland at Real Estate Charlie or Virginia, mountain views from 541-536-1731 CRR. 6.9 acres with Broken 1146 Linda Drive, La 541- 771-2585 Top, Principal B r okers large front deck. A Views Galore! Smith Crooked River Realty On the 4th Fairway of Crooked River and $550,000. Pine. double wide, 2 2 Mfd. homes currently 541-350-3418 must see! $61,500. Rock views, all Call Jacque Sebulsky, car garage, shop used a s Rock views on a quiet ren t als. roken To p Go l f Smith Redmond RE/MAX Cascade Village dead-end co u ntry5 3717 D a y Roa d , B util. installed. owner $98,000. High Lakes Property has a ton of 541-280-4449 or Course Double lot. L and & Hom e s Homes N.W. LLC will carry. $189,000 Realty & Pr o perty road. Spacious 2700 $70,000. 1 acre has Gated Michele Anderson, potential. First home Real Estate 541-388-0000 sq. ft. home boasts 3 double garage with $239,500. c o m munity. MLS 201008671. Management 541-633-9760. is built i n 1 973, 2 Juniper Realty Advertise your car! 541-536-0117 bdrms, 2 baths, huge living quarters. High MLS 201310547 bdrm, 1 bath, and the Terry Skjersaa, 541-504-5393 Add A Pfcture! country kitchen, din- Lakes Realty & Prop- Call541-383-1426 Duke Warner Realty Reach thousands of readers! 1980 sq.ft. home, newly 2 bdrm, f t/~ bath mfd. second home is built Man a gement ing area, large util. erty 541-382-8262 1998, 2 bdrm, 2 MLS201402145 3.18 acres g randfaCall 541-385-5809 updated kit c hen, home on one acre. in room and a b a se- 541-536-0117 bath. The homes are Duke Warner Realty thered in. Septic and The Bulletin Classifieds fenced/gated, h u ge Home has potential m ent which i s i n - Black Butte Ranch 541-382-8262 CASCADE w ater o n t h e l o t , room, w/sepa- with a Ramada roof. on a t otal o f 4 . 15 cluded in the sq. ft. Perfect location for Views! Views! Views! bonus power at the road. MOUNTAIN VIEWS rate entrance, natural just needs some tlc in acres. Storage buildAlso has extra area your custom home. Vacant Lot in Crooked MLS 2012 0 8989 15 Acre development $149,900. Flat, open, light. 1-acre. $154,900 the interior. Cedar ings, carports. Nice upstairs and all bdrms Large wooded corner River Ranch $34,500. $79,900. Call buildable 9.7 acres in Linda property. Partition into - MLS 201308329 fence in b a ckyard, clean property. MLS are on the main level. lot, Butte. Call .54 a c r es. Level & treed build- Lou Day- W right three 5 acre parcels Powell Nancy Popp, Prin- 24x42 upgr a ded ¹201306120. The dbl. garage is ¹201310923. D a v id or build home, shop able lot, 1.44 acres. 541-771-285 Crooked cipal Broker, 541-815- greenhouse, de $139,900. C ascade large. This property is $239,000 Franke, 541-420-5986 on e n tire p a rcel. Enjoy all the ameniRiver Realty Cate Cushman, 8000. Crooked River tached studio which Realty 541-536-1731 1.5 acres with 1 acre Principal Broker ties or ranch living. 32.42 Acres in Urban Gentle slope to west, Central Oregon Realty Realty has 2 growing rooms Beautiful, well cared for irrigation, fenced and treed, power nearby. Group, LLC ¹ 201 309880. Gai l 541-480-1884 attached. Owner may 3 bdrm 2 bath mfd. Bo u ndary, Needs well and sepready fo r h o r ses.www.catecushman.com Day, 5 4 1-306-1018 Growth carry with a g reed home on 1 t/~ acre to The tic analysis. A Powell $5000 allowance to Have an item to Central Oregon Re- Adjacent 864 sq.ft. shop w/heat, terms. $95,000. MLS c orner lot close to Greens, kitty corner to Butte b a rgain at buyers at closing with B ring Y ou r Ow n alty Group, LLC sell quick? RV pad w/dump, 3 201402171 Cascade p avement, Wra p new Ridgeview High $159,900. Call friendly accepted of fer . B uilder! Lots a r e bdrm, 2 bath beauti- Realty 541-536-1731 School. $7 5 0,000. If it's under around kitchen with $274,000. 12333 NW available individuagent for details and 773 fully appointed home. lots of counter and MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 private showing. 10th St., Terrebonne. ally, utilities are in '500 you can place it in Enclosed garden, with Acreages Just too many Pam Lester, Principal Gregory R. Yeakel, c upboard spa c e , Call Heather Hockett, and ready to go! "Dynaraised beds. laundry r oo m o ff Broker, Century 21 The Bulletin PC, Broker, Century Start now and move collectibles? Prlncl pal Broker mite" Cascade views. Lot 16 SW Shad Rd., Gold Country Realty, CascadeSotheby's kitchen has back door 21 Gold Country Re- in by summer! Classifieds for: One acre. $139,900 CRR. Level 2.7 acres Inc. 541-504-1338 to g a rage a r e a. alty, 541-420-9151 Frankwithremax.com International Realty Sell them in MLS 201309296 located on a paved $154,900 MLS 541-408-7733 5 acres fenced and par ' 1 0 3 lines, 7 days Nancy Popp, Principal street. Mt. Jefferson & The Bulletin Classifieds Need help fixing stuff? Broken Top Lot j 201303530 tially cleared. Area Broker 541-815-8000 Smith Rock v iews. Call A Service Professional $320,000 Cascade Realty, Denwith tr e e s and Lot 21 SW Chipmunk '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Crooked River Realty $58,500. MLS¹ nis Haniford, Princ. find the help you need. • .65 acre cul-de-sac lot meadow. Per f ect Rd, CRR. 5.16 level (Private Party ads only) 541-385-5809 • Cascade Mountain 201208266 Broker 541-536-1731 www.bendbulletin.com acres, with 2 storage place to build a home Juniper Realty views sheds. Partial mtn with horse property. • 13th hole 8 lake views 541-504-5393 771 Just out of la Pine in view. community wa• MLS 201310090 Lots Cou n t y. ter installed. $60,000 David Gilmore, Broker P rime p r operty a t Klamath MLS ¹201300800 Crooked River Ranch $65,900. 541-312-7271 13601 SW Canyon Dr. Juniper Realty 210401781. Cascade with Cascade views! 541-504-5393 1.13 acres in CRR, Realty, 541-536-1731 P roperty i s com Mt. Jefferson views, pletely fenced. CorThe Bulletin FIND IT! Access to the prop ner lot, near firehall. To Subscribe call erty from 2 streets ex SUY IT! $79,900. MLS¹ MORRIS pands the possible 541-385-5800 or go to SELL IT! 20140064. Call Linda building sites. owner REAL ESTATE www.bendbulletin.com The Bulletin Classifieds Lou Day-Wright. 541will carry. $ 58,500 I&~ e~ ~ Op d 771-2585 C r o oked7965 SW R iver Rd. ¹201106385 River Realty 2.79 acres, g r eat NE Bend Acreage j Where can you find a Juniper Realty $239,900 views near the Des541-504-5393 helping hand? 20+ ACRES in West chutes River. and ter- • 19.68 acres Powell Butte Estates, rific fishing at Steel- • 16 acres irrigated Eagle Crest Lots. .32 From contractors to gated co m munity, head Falls. $49,000 • 15 minutes to medical acre lot on a quiet yard care, it's all here mtn. views, private ¹201009429 & shopping street MLS in The Bulletin's • MLS 201400819 well, paved roads with 201401951 $65,000; Juniper Realty access t o BLM. Steve Payer, Gorgeous b u i lders "Call A Service 541-504-5393 Broker, GRI MLS dream over 1/3 acre Professional" Directory $169,000 Amazing Sunsets! Big 201305077. 541-480-2966 which backs to com mon area for privacy Hager Mountain Estates Pam Lester, Principal Cascade M o untain and Deschutes River MLS 2014 0 1720 4 lots, $25,000 each lo- B roker Century 2 1 $114,000; Stunning cated in Silver Lake. Gold Country Realty, views. 5.89 acres with 2 a c res i r r igation. Inc. 541-504-1338 Cascade mtn views Underground power Property borders Tufrom .55 acre lot on and conduitfor phone MORRIS upside of street with and internet. Views of 1 5805 Sixth S t. , L a m alo S t at e P a r k. REAL ESTATE P ine, 1 0 Acr e s . Room for everyone common area behind. Hager Mountain. Sepever y t hing. Fin a ncing and M LS 20140 1 8 9 tic feasibility for stan- Owner available. $ 8 4,500. $1,350,000. $195,000 d ard system. T h e Call Jaynee Beck at Possible Owner Carry! Lakes Realty & Eagle Crest Properties area is a sportsman's High Property M a n age- 541-480-0988. MLS 866-722-3370 2.16 Acres - Short paradise. 201303572 ment 541-536-0117 walk to Deschutes Bobbie Strome, 11849 Larchwood Dr. Duke Warner Realty River. Very private $25,000. Cl e a red, Principal Broker 541-382-8262 16160 SW Dove Rd. setting. Enjoy comJohn L Scott Real ready to build, w/ utili6.1 acre corner lot w/ Wilderness munity amenities of ties. High Lakes Re- Estate 541-385-5500 access from paved Badlands fishing, swimalty 8 Property Man- Ideal building location, st., power installed, out your back door. 20 golf, mor e . homesite with m ing & agement terrific mtn. 8 green acre B roken To p n i n t h $50,000 MLS CUP and mountain 541-536-0117 fairway, natural ter- valley views, near views. 201303502 -Call $18 0 ,000. Steelhead Falls and Possible terms. Charlie or Virginia, 1 50130 R obert R d . rain. .34 acres. OfD eschutes Riv e r . Principal B r okers $64,900. 19.62 acres fered at $229,500. Call Kit Korish at $79,900 MLS 541-350-3418 RedCate Cushman, ready for your home. 541-480-2335 201205646 gealtOr Of the Yfifi„ mond RE/MAX Land Principal Broker High Lakes Realty 8 MLS¹20'I304808 Juniper Realty 8 Homes Real Es541-480-'I 884 Property M a nageDuke Warner Realty 541-504-5393 tate 541-771-7786 www.catecushman.com ment 541-536-0117 541-382-8262




• 0


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$565,000 ~~

Stunning west side 4 betj, 3 bath home w/office, large landing, bonus, laundry/craft room, gigantic master closet. I bed 8 full bath downstairs. Walk/ride to Shevlin Park and trails. www.l9165parkcommons.hasson. com Karen Malanga 541-390-3326



Newly finished Single level in Shevlin Pines. 3 bd, 3 bath, formal ond informal DRs. 2 master suites/huge vaulted GR, wood beams, Chef's dream kitchen, den, low maintenance, yard, 3-car. www. l 9170chiloquin.hasson.com

Lovely craftsman home has 3 btjrms, 2.5 baths, office off entry, bonus room, master on main, gas fireplace, hrdwd flrs, vaults, 3 car garage, views, great neighborhood. www. 1 223Constellation.hasson.com

Pahlisch Home's MAKENNA plan Loi¹10 River's Edge. 5 beds + den, 2765 SF with quality finishes throughout, including quartz counters, Move-in ready!!. www.3061 clubhouse.hasson.com

Julie Burgoni

J e a nne Turner

Mi c helle Gregg




' •



$354,500 Own the enduring quality & appeal of a Pahlisch home. 3 generous bedrooms, large bonus room & office, 3 car garage gives you all the spaces to live your ideal life. www.20526jacklight.hasson.com

Your life in Bend is sweet with this location offering concerts, events, irails &a peacefulretreat. Contemporary single level, vaulted ceilings, wood floors, paver patio. www.20018millcrest.hasson.com


Team Deloy-Edie Delay 541-420-2950 Team Delay

$265,000 Rl




Rhianna Kunkler

Me l ody Luelling

M i c helle Gregg


Mary Leagjeld


$197,500 Brand-new Pahlisch home located next door io the new Sage Elementary School. 3 bed/2.5 bath plan includes grea~room with gas fireplace, loft upstairs, READY in June!www.336428th.hasson.com


Featured in 2004 Tour of Homes. 3 Bed, 2.5 bath features 2-story rock fireplace, designer lighting, slate, tile & hardwood fls. French door off eating area to over-sized yard.www.234422nd.hasson.com


The popular Conifer is under construction and features 7.66 Acres with Mt. Views, 2.5 acres of Arnold 2088 SF, 3 beds, 2.5 baths, a large loft and laminate Irrigation, Avion domestic water ai road, power nearby. floors, stainless steel appliances, quartz counters and more. Mostly fenced 8 some cross fencing. Zoned RR10.

$315,000 Hard to find property in Tumalo with fully remodeled 1,242 SF rustic lodge-style log home, open floor plan, detached garage, shop, green house & incredible views... Must see! www.buccolagroup.com/ listings Ryan Buccola 5 41 - 7 2 8-8551



• ' e



r' I



e • •



g • Expansive northeasterly views of the

• One of la rgest homesites inBrasada Ranch

Ochoco Mountains and Pilot Butte • .29 of acre lot in Rivers Edge

• Build your dream home later • Enjoy forever Cascade Mountain views and the privilege of a resort lifestyle

• This homesite offers 120 feet in width providing opportunity for many design options • Near river trail, golf, shopping and schools Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086


• Just 20 minutes from Downtown Bend MLS¹201306999 Call Robin Yeakel, Broker,CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing tonational forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking or dining and shopping Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com

Call Bdian Ladd, Principal Broker l541-408-3912

541-408-3912 l brianebendpropertysource.com


'. 4 '



New Master Planned Townhome Palzhsd&omes Development in Midtown! • 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $252,500 • 4 units now under construction • Price includes custom level finishes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energy efficient construction • Locationsupportsthe active Bend lifestyle witheasy accessto parks, trails, river and downtown www.¹thstreetCottages.com

Call Brian Ladd, Principa Bro er, Director of Lot Sa es

' e •

i 888


• 8 •

,l 935/937 Hidden Valley Dr., Bend • .23 of an acre, fully fenced yard • 2 bedroom, 1 bath on each side • Close to shopping • Never rented

• 4 bedrooms, 3 baths • 1727 SF - 2-story • Financing — as little as 3% down • Landscaped & fenced yard • New exterior paint

• Very well maintained

• Convenient to schools & Old Mill



• Beautifully maintained NW Craftsman designed home • Situated on a private .70 acre homesite offering desirable sun exposure • Recently updated kitchen with slab granite and stainless steel appliances • Traditional in style this home offers wonderful entertaining areas • Triple car garage is a bonus • Close proximity to downtown Bend

• 159 acres pasture and hay ground • Two 35-acre pivot irrigators • 3000 SF, 3 bed, 3 bath home with large country kitchen, huge great room, spacious master suite and daylight basement • Large indoor arena barn


Call CI No mann, Brokar 041-410-3110 or Lisa Lamberto, Broker 541-610-9697 www.CJLisa.com

Call Kelly Horton, Broker 541-508-916

e • 88

', •

Call Ron avis, rinapal Broker l 541-480-30

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086




e • •

o,y>'m L


• 4 bedrooms (2 main level suites), 3 baths • 3299 SF, .24 acre • One owner custom home with many quality features • Open, inviting great room, additional family room • 3-car tandem garage/2 with storage • Surround sound, radiant in-floor heat, heat pump, central A/C, wired for security. Call for more info!

• Beautiful architecture, wood windows, extensive use of granite, tile, Brazilian hardwoods, alder cabinetry • Gourmet kitchen, great room offers rock fireplace • Master suite overlooks pond, water feature. •Largebonus/media room • Lovely perennial gardens and landscaping • 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 3008 SF.MLS¹201309160

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR,Green l 541-788-4861 www.silviaknight.com bendluxuryhomes@ gmail.com

• Stunning Shevlin Ridge one level home, large 3-car garage • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3456 SF • Mountain inspired custom home • Upscale popular neighborhood • Gorgeous craftsmanship • Large kitchen, living space • Expanded deck & landscaping for rear privacy MLS¹201310941 .R . R Call Brian Ladd,Principal Broker l 541408-3912


• 3672 SF on1.04irrigated acres • 4 bedrooms, 3 & 2half baths • 5-car garage • Backs USFS land • The only HOAapproved fenced backyard in Widgi Creek •Top qualityfinishesand the utmostprivacy • A must see! Call Silvia Knight, BrokePABR, SFR,GREEN 541-788-4861l bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com


www.bendpropertysource.com• brianebendpropertysource.com

e •

3' 04

• 8• •

• • •



• New construction on level 1+ Acre lot • Stunning Northwest style w/ high end finishes

• Set atop a large cornerlot • Great room with modern, exotic woods and stones • Tons of windows capture the light • His & hers offices • 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 3128 SF MLS¹201401112

.: 4" Br

• Open great room floor plan, comfortable yet elegant • Master+ Den on main level, 3 additional bedrooms up • Oversized 3-car garage & 3 outdoor living areas • Gated community w/tennis courts, clubhouse & trails MLS¹201303701

• 3 bed, 4 bath, 4641 SF • Private lot with spectacular views of 15th fairway • Cathedral ceilings & extensive windows enhance natural light • Floor to ceiling rock fireplace • Main level master, 2 additional guest suites • Built by Sun Forest Construction M LS¹ 2 01403565

• • • • • •

7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River & golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000


Listed by Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker l 5414084309+ Hosted by Geoff Groener, Broker l 541-390-4488

+ Deb Tebbs, Broker/President l 541-4194553~ debtebbsgroup@ bendluxuryhomes.com l www.debtebbsgroup.com

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912

541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Single Level in NE!) $209,000

Pilot's Dream Neighborhood! ( $510,000

3185 NW Fairway Heights Dr. ) $749,000

Close to Town Country Living ) $815,000

Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers

2782 SE Pilot Drive, Prineville • 2500 SF barely lived in home with beautiful hardwoods and woodwork throughout the home • 3 beds, 2 baths all on the main floor with a bonusroom above

• 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1171 SF • Great room w/vaulted ceilings & gas fireplace • Open kitchen • Fully landscaped & fenced yaI'd

double car garage • 2000 SF hangar and private airstrip in the neighborhood • Plane is also available

• 2-car attached garage • Fresh interior paint & interior carpet MLS¹201402756

Call Carol Osgood & Korren Bower, Brokers

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Brokerl 541-508-9581 Nvandenborn©gmail.com

541-504-3839 l carolosgood.com



l a



• •

0 I •


4 •




• 3 beds, 3.5 baths, 3316 SF • .47 acre private lot • 3-car garage & 82 woodwrapped windows •TrueCraftsman style • Incredible quality throughout!! MLS¹201402349


• 4 bed, 3 bath, 3381 SF • 10 irrigated acres w/wheel line • Cascade views • Shop 1 - 2 car garage t office 81 den

• Shop 2 - 5 cargarage • 2 ponds — MLS¹201308637

Call Jodi Kearney, Brokerl 541-693-4019

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356




• •

a •




Lot in Super Hot Tetherow ( $212,000

3250 NE Sprlng Creek, Bend ( $274,900

Lot 33 on Cozy Dryer Couk

• 19BB SF, 4 bed, 2.5 bath • Additional bonus rm & office • Master on the main • .13 acre corner lot • Established neighborhood • Close to schools shops & medical

• Flat, easy to build lot is tucked into the eastern edge of Tethetow, called

The Glen, allowing for pdivacyand quiet but close enough to all the amenities Tetherow has to offer • Tetherow community is more than an award winning golf course, it offers open spaces, miles of trails and direct accessto Deschutes NationalForest just minutes from downtown Bend! MLS¹201310156

• Spacious open floor plan • 2110 SF, 3 bed, 2.5 bath • All bedroomsareupstairs • Model homequality • Breakfast bar island • 3-car garage


Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 brlan@bendpropertysource.com




. ,



17940 Parkway Lane ( $350,000

• Great Westside Meadows home • Single level, great room plan • 3-car garage • Stainless steel appliances • Great bedroom separation • Fenced backyard • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1662SF

• Permitted GP Building w/livlng quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse •RVhookups inside & out 100am p breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend • Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV

re aa

• MLS¹201105898


Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal Broker 541-279-1768

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042l wwwTeamNormaAndJulle.com

Call Joanne McKee, Broker l 541480-5159

Three Stunning Properties in Wild River

Peaceful Sunriver Location ( $398,880

60405 Snap Shot Loop ( $469,750


• Easy access to river trail


Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164

60826 Scotts Bluff Plr s Bend ( $399,900

Westside 1-Level ( $300,000


•53557 Kokanee -$490,000 Stunning custom home and lot with Panoramjc/river views. Large shop. MLS¹201304072 • 53610 8rookie - $420,000 Mature forest setting, private river access. Eco-conscious, Scandinavian inspired home. MLS¹201303936 • 19234 Whitewater Lp - $425,000 Quality custom home with incredible workmanship: hickory cabinets oak rails & floors. MLS¹201305640

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 brian©bendpropertysource.com

60868 SW Yellow Leaf ) $489,000 Custom Pahlisch built Shop/RV garage 5 bedroom No HOA's Close to CE Lovejoy's Shopiping Center • Priced to sell MLS¹201401B95

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 www.gregsellscentraloregon.com

• Amazing finishes, not a

drive by

Call or text Jane Flood, Broker l 541-350-9993 janeflood00©gmail.com

On the Rim Whychus Creek "Sisters" ( $645,000

Stunning View Property ( $769,000

19479 Stafford Lp, Bend ) $825,000

• Office/den or guest suite on main level

• Bonus room or 5th bedroom • 10 ft, coffered ceilings in the great room MLS¹20140234B

•Customhome,3bed,2.5bath • Single level 2773SF • Open floor plan w/upgrades • Stunning views, 2.5 acres • Large backdeck • Oversized 2-cargarage MLS¹201310275

• Eagle Crest • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath plus office • 3546 SF, 3-car garage • Backs to BLM on .41 of an acre


Stones Throw to River ) $498,000 • Dramaticfoyer & living area • Exquisite master suite .: • 3346SF • Beamed cathedral ceilings & loft • 4 bedrooms, 2 full, 2 half baths • Beautiful extensive decks • Top end hot tub • 26 Siskin Lane




Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 www.gregsellscentraloregon.com

• • 8 •

• 3 bed, 2.5 bath + Study + Bonus • 2860 SF, 3-car garage • Main-level master w/ private patio

Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812

Call Rhonda McHugh, Broker l 541-550-6137





Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker


• Designer finishes • Paver patios • Fully landscaped, fire pit Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

• Master on main • Great room with wall to wall windows

Resort • Next to WidgiCreek&theDeschutes RiverTrail MLS¹201307670

• Stunning RenaissanceHome

Call or text Jane Flood, Broker l 541-350-9993 janeflood00©gmail.com


•4bedroom,3.5 bathroom • 2540 SF &2carattachedgarage • Granite, hardwood &tile throughout • Easyliving inapark-like setting • OwnerprivilegesatSeventh Mountain

541-948-5196 www.PointswestBend.com

• 4 bedroom, 3.5bath, 3-car garage • 3354 SF on 8 .24 acre lot • Finest of finishes "" • Gourmet kitchen • Open & bright floor plan • Large outdoor living • Community pool & park Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO 541-480-4186 l melanie¹¹melanlemaltre.com


• New construction,luxurytownhome

• 17613 (¹10) Sparks Lane, Sunriver • 4 bed/2.5 bath, 1810 SF •Decksonlevelsand lotsofpaved parking area • Charming greatroomdesign • Lava rockfireplace, vaulted wood ceiling • Close to SHARC aquatic & the river

19664 Aspen Ridge Dr. ( $499,900

60821 SW Yellow Leaf

• • • • •


ettwwwwwa; i


Brand New Construction In Tetherow

Deschutes River View Property ( $875,000

•Cascade Mountainviews! •ChristianGladuDesignhomeand Timberline Construction collaborated to designthisspacious&efficient homeinTetherowGolf Club •Homepositoned forpassivesolar ainsand2ndfloor viewsof Cascades • urrently under constructionand slated tobecompletethissummer!

• River views from nearly everyroom

• Rich-toned oakhardwoodfloors • Custom distressedkitchencabinetry • Slab granitecounters • Pro-qualitySSappliances • MontanastoneRreplace .: • Main house - 3bds,2.5 ba,2450SF • Guestquarters- 2bds, I bath,788SF • MLS¹201301356

Call formoredetails! Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541408-0086

Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker l 541-280-5352 ken.renner¹¹sothebysrealty.com

'. •


61463 Hackleman Ct.- Tetherow ( $939,500 • Inspired mountain contemporary home • Master suite & junior master • Dramatic architecture • High ceilings • COBA Tour-level finishes/ upgrades • Premium lot includes golf membership

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 brian¹¹bendpropertysource.com

• Majestic Ridge • 2888 SF, 0.22 acres • 4 bed, 3 bath with large bonus/family room • Awesome views, elegant home • Master on the main with soaking tub • Crown molding, hardwood floors MLS¹201303365 Call Jane Flood, Earth Advantage S.T.A.R. And EcoBroker Certified l 541-350-9993

• • 8 •

• 8 • 8•





63176 Watercress Way Cobblestone Childcare • Living quarters upstairs/office/FP/bed • 4102 SF facility: specifically designed for children • Avg. Gross revenue $262,840 • Security video monitoring 24/7 MLS¹201207464 I ane lo od, arth vantage And EcoBroker Certified l 541-350-9993

• Move in ready, beautifully furnished • 2nd home, has been barely lived in • 3 full bedroom suites, master on main • NW Lodge Style, private setting • Great room design, wood beams, fireplace • No maintenance, just enjoy the Central Oregon lifestyle! • Must see to appreciate this beautiful home 17466 Canoe Camp MLS¹20140246B Call Myra Girod, Bro er 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767 myra.pamteam¹¹cascadesir. com


• 4 beds, 2.5baths and self-contained guest suite • 4100 SF on .29 acres • 2-car garage, fenced yard • Lightly lived in and directly across from neighborhood park and river trail access MLS¹201403317 a ll Si vta ntg t , r o e r . . reen 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com .

• Stunning Cascade Mountain views • 5 acres bordering BLM • Beautiful home: 4220 SF, 4 bed, 3 bath • Brazilian cherry/travertine, radiant floors, gas fireplace, gourmet kitchen • 1596 SF shop/garage with bath & office • Landscaped, gated/fenced, minutes from town MLS¹201310701 H


. .~



Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, or Brook Havens, Principal Brokers 541-923-1376 l www.desertvalleygroup.com

•x •

't •

' 8 • 8




• • e I



• ••• •




8 •


.;sj.l' 1,"

Call Laura Blossey, Broker l 949-887-4377 www.experiencebendliving.com


Northwest Style, 4 bed, 4+ Bath on .71 acres Open fjoor plan Vaulted ceilings with exposed beams Master and home office on main Large rec room addition could also be guest suite with kitchen and bath • Bonus room down with built-ins and murphy bed • Mt. Jefferson views from master & home office MLS¹20130593

Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com


• • • • •

• 3 bed,2.5 bath plusof fice and mediaroom • 2865 SF, .29 acre • Completed in October of last year • Your opportunity to own a new Tetherow home without the wait! • 14 fl. ceilings, high end finishes • A MUST SEE!



jz "

• 3



e a¹

• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade View • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator

• Downtown riverfront condo • Recent contemporary renovation • Walk to restaurants, shop & entertainment • River and mountain views from decks & most rooms •2 bedroom,2 bath withbonusalcove,home ofice areaand open floor plan • 1-car detached garage plusassigned carport andaddl. securedstorage MLS¹201303451

MLS¹201311003 see video at http://www.36swwallstreet.com/ Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 www.bendpropertysource.comebrfan@bendpropertysource.com

Call Laura Blossey, Broker l 949-887-4377 www.experiencebendliving.com


• •

4 •








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-I. PL:~rst.

8 2


• 1939 sq.ft, 2 bedroom, 2 bath • 4 stall barn, loafing sheds • 21295 BackAlley • MLS 201401359

CUSTOM HOMEI $536,000 • 3439 sq.ft, I acre JANESTRELL, BROKER, ABR,GRI • 5 bedroom,3 bath • 21415 BelknapDrive 541-948-7998 • MLS 201402295

TUMALO ACREAGEI $1,200,000 IRIIHBD HFIIIRIAHKS • 40 acres, Cascade views BROK ER,SRES,GRI, ' 2952 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 3bath • 48x36 RV garage/shop CDPE 541-383-4344 • MLS 201400366



DESC HUTESRIVERVIEWSI $859JND • 1600 sq.ft. brick home

• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • I block from downtown 541-410-5280 • MLS 201403384

SUNRISE VILLAGEI $610,000 DEB DTAHBEHMHK • Remodeled3705 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath BROKER GN PREV IEWSPECIALISl Offrce 541-480-6448 • MLS 201306633 '


Itlkas «


DESC HUTESRIVERVIEWI $642,900 • 2776 sq.ft.


• 3 bedroom, 3 bath • Slab granite, wood floors

541-788-3678 • MLS 201401269



SUNDANCE I $594«900 • Remodele3221 d sq.ft.

DIANE ROBINSON, • 3125 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom + office, 3.5 bath BROKER , ABR


541-419-8165 • MLS 201402483

541-322-2411 • MLS 201403618

• Beautiful .37 acre lot


• 4 bedroom, 3 bath • 4.14 acres

NORT HWESTCROSSINGI SM2,250 • 2100 sq.ft.


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• Open floor plan huge wmdows 541-390-9598 • MLS 201402766

GREG FLpyp p( I

'• •


NW BEND I $535«000 2638 sq.h. 2 bedroom, 3 bath • .25acre lot

541-390-5349 • MLS 201402619

'i tv«

'+s NW BEND I $524,500 DEBBIE JOHNSON, 2168 sq.h. Pahlisch built • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BROKER • Hardwoodfloors,granite kitchen 541-480.1293 • MLS 201401052


• 4 bedroom,3,5 bath • .30acre 541-480-9300 • MLS 201400042 BROKER,GRI



• Deschutes Riverviews

• Seller licensed broker in Oregon

541-408-7537 • MLS 201402488


SW BEND I $489,900 • 2936 sq.ft. NW style • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath

SUNRIVER I $419,900

• Vaulted ceilings,hardwoodfloors

541 408 1511 • MLS 201403256

GARyRpSE • + 2369 sq.ft. Earth Advantage home BROKER, MBA • + 4 bedroom, den, 3 bath • .22acre, paver patio, hot tub

541-588-0687 • MLS 201402327

L' Hnss




,fl'8 r


:Ittr,n '==:


BEHD GOlf 8CDUHTEYCWBI S4TSJNB • 3048 sq.ft., remodeled ppN KEUE HER • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BROKER IIIIII I~ I • .3 2acre, golf course views 541-480-1911 • MLS 201401501

NORTHWEST CROSSINGI$447,900 • 1960 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom,2,5 bath

KEILYHEllMAN PRINCIPAL • Landscaped corner lot BROKER 541-480-2102 • MLS 201403390

RIVER RIM I $439,000 DARRIN KELLEHER, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER I I II ~ I • Kno tty pine doors, Hickory cabinets 541-788-0029 • MLS 201402913


BOONES BOROUGHI $425,000 • 2644 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath


• MLS 201402165


• 2.55 acres, filtered views • 3<ar garage & 3-bayshop



NORTH WESTCROSSINGI $3954NO ' »44 sq ft • 3 bedroorn, 2.5 ba'h • Hardwoods loors, granite counters

541-350-6049 • MLS 201402485



NEAR OLD MILL I $319,800 • 1763 sq.ft. townhome • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • Corner lot, fenced backyard


541-383-4334 • MLS 201403302


SEBENDI $364,000 ' »(I4 sq B • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .31acre lot

541-556-1804 • MLS 201402001

GREG Flpyp PC BROKER 541-390-5349

RIDGE ATEAGLECRESTI$359,080 • New to be built 1850 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .24 acre lot

• MLS 201402413

• NW BEND I $350,000 ' »74 sq R I • 3 bedroom, 2 bath



• .23acre cul-de-saclot

541-661-2636 • MLS 201401998

• DESCHUT ESRIVERFRONTI $295JND (AIOLY HPRBORSIYPC, BROK[RABR( RS Close to Tumalo • Great fishmg spot GR[[H 541-383-4350 • MLS 201402594


• •

NE BEND I $219,000


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath unit • 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath unit • Close to Old Mill & river trail

• MLS 201402883


• Earth Advantage Certified • 1749 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath

541-948-0997 • MLS 201402983


• 1605 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 3 outbuildings

541-383-4359 • 2.22 acres 541-896-1263 • MLS 201403121


NE BEND I $249,500 • 1728 sq.R. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .16acre corner lot

541-410-9045 • MLS 201309188

SW REDMOND I $234,999

MINDAMCKITRICK, • 2592 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath BROKER , GRI

• Cascade Mountain views

541-280-6148 • MLS 201402402


s« I


• 1255 sq.ft. townhome • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• Cascade Mountain views

541-480-8196 • MLS 201401764


• SmithRock & Ochocoview • Level, treed lot, river view • Near Deschutes Rivertrail

• MLS 201204315


• .5 acre lot

• Neighborhood boatramp • BetweenDeschutes&LitHeDeschutes

541-188-3618 • MLS 201402229


• Great for outdoor enthusiasts

41-390-0504 • MLS 201306075

Bend's inventory ls low vvhjcb js Gaed tsewsFer BROKER sellers! Call me to take 541-480-2269 advantage of this market.


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MAY 3, 2014 • •




• I





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• I




Fundraiser Sales

A HUGE range of houseCRAFT SALE hold, antiques & decor, Bend VFW 1503 NE 4th 25445 Deer Lane, St. -Sat. May3,8-2, Fri. & Sat., 8-5i Breakfast 8-10! 361-463-5630 for info. 282

Crow Estate Sale Sales Northwest Bend 596 SW 2nd St., Madras

Fri. 8 Sat., 9-4



Estate Sales

60 year household accumulation!

97 $ 0 2

n d • O r e g o n

2543 NW French Ct. 5/2 & 5/3 10-2 ONLY

Tempurpedic Simplicity HUGE MOVING medium twin adjustSALE! Sat.-Sun. able bed; pipe collec8-4. Furniture. t ion; a ntique b o o k sports equip., 2742 collections; Flo-Blue; NW Scandia Loop, Native American colValhalla Heights. lection; Glider rocker; Vintage Pfaff sewing Multi-household: Girls machine; Full bed set, clothing: infant -school queen bed set; Fur- age. Toys. Furniture. niture; Vintage jew- Collectibles-1940's elry and vintage cam- 50's glassware. 100s era equip. Plus so CDs, DVDs. much more! See pix albums, Lots of Misc. 3078 and descriptions at NW Craftsman. Fri. www.farmhousees1 0:30 a.m, S at . 8 tatesales.com a.m. 541-550-9828




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• 10 Tips For "Garage Sale Success!"



Want to Buy or Rent

6 -FAMILY S A L E Fri. & Sat. 9-3. 2074 CASHfor dressers, Tractor, h o usehold, NW Maple. Motordead washers/dryers furniture, horse tack, cycle chocks, towing 541-420-5640 shop supplies. Fri., equip., 50 amp RV 9-6 & Sat., 9-Noon. cord, folding bike, bike Wanted: $Cash paid for costume jew60368 Arnold Mkt. Rd. cargo trailer, loading vintage ramps, c omposter, elry. Top dollar paid for Downsizing to retire- and lots misc. Gold/Silver. I buy by the Estate, Honest Artist ment home Huge Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Saletake Ferguson to Get your Sage Creek to 61149 205 business Ridge Falls P lace, Items for Free Fri.-Sat.-Sun., 7 a.m. F ri. 10-4, S at . 9 - 3 . 61533 Twin L a kes

Loop. Lots of stuff, some collectibles.

a ROW I N G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

Gas barbecue grill, very large, free, you haul! 541-678-5605

264- Snow Removal Equipment 265 - BuildingMaterials 266- Heating and Stoves 267- Fuel and Wood 268- Trees, Plants 8 Flowers 269 - Gardening Supplies 8 Equipment 270- Lost and Found GARAGE SALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales Northwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Northeast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292- Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308 - Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, RabbitsandSupplies 341 -Horses and Equipment 345-LivestockandEquipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358 - Farmer's Column 375- Meat and Animal Processing 383- Produce andFood

ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202 - Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar 8 Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free Items 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture 8 Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212-Antiques& Collectibles 215- Coins 8 Stamps 240 - Crafts and Hobbies 241 -Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Huntingand Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249 - Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253 - TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256 - Photography 257 - Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259 - Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - Medical Equipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263 - Tools

Garage Sale Sat. May 3 208 only, 9-3, 60321 Sage Pets & Supplies StoneLp (Stonegate subAve., Bend, OR 97702 division off China Hat & Parrell Rd). Sporting gds, The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon sincefgga furniture, electronics,tools, GARAGE SALE g bedding, dishes & m isc. 2318 NW Canyon Dr., Thurs-Sat, May 1-2-3, 9am-5pm Great Moving Call a Pro Lots of stuff - come see! HAVANESE PUPPIES, Sale! Whether you need a Furniture, kitchen, ESTATE SALE AKC. Dewclawed, UTD fence fixed, hedges LIVING gardening, art litho210 210 210 M ay2, 3 & 4, 12 6 9 shots/wormer non-shed, Estate Sale — Fri./Sat. hypoallergenic $1,000 Furniture & Appliances Furniture & Appliances Furniture & Appliances graphs, collectibles, trimmed or a house N W R i mrock D r , 284 May 2 & 3, 9 a.m. to 3 misc., Fri 5/2 10-5; 541-549-3838 CASH ONLY! Gates .m. at 15420 Liberty Sales Southwest Bend Sat 5/3, 9-5, 1609 NE built, you'll find open at 9 a.m. Don't 2013 Tempur-Pedic twin G ENERATE SOM E d., La Pine. House8th St. (park on Penn professional help in miss this fun sale! The Bulletin recom- mattress, barely used, EXCITEMENT in your hold items, collect- 2-Family GarageSale cul-de-sac behind mends extra caution The Bulletin's "Call a quality items, furniwas in guest room) neighborhood! Plan a ables, furniture, tools, Fri & Sat., 9 a.m. small park). No purc has- 399. 541-593-5256 ture, A to Z, antiques when 1 994 1 8 ' No m a d garage sale and don't Service Professional" 60950 Targee Dr, earlybirds, please! to collectibles to new. ing products or ser- 3 oak barstools, 24" forget to advertise in trailer, 1973 DKW 125 Romaine Village. Directory vintage linens galore, vices from out of the m otorcycle, mo t o r classified! high, $75 for all 3. area. Sending cash, 541-385-5809 scooter, utility trailer, Yard Sale, Fri-Sat, 9-5, GREAT SALE! 1188 NE Victorian, depression 541-385-5809. LEATHER CHAIR 541-678-5605 checks, or credit inera, primitives, glass, Espresso brown too much to mention. 19397 River Woods Dr, 27th St. ¹52. Snowf ormation may b e Follow the yellow signs DRW. Valco 13' alumi- berry Village, Sat. 8-4. HOME LIQUIDATION crockery, Hu d s on in very good condiA1 Washers&Dryers Kirby vacuum. Togpsubjected to fraud. 541-536-6062 1930w memorabilia, tion, less than 2 num boat, dune buggy, Ladies clothing, hand- SALE! Immaculate $150 ea. Full warupright porcelain, vin t age For more i nformayears old. $250. flannel fabric, much misc. bags, shoes, kitchen/ near-new f u rniture: ranty. Free Del. Also I of-the-line tion about an adverwith sha m pooer ESTATE SALE graniteware, harvest Tempurpedic queen In SE Bend cooking items, bikes, wanted, used W/D's l used 4 times must Sat-Sun, May 3-4 tiser, you may call table, chenille, quilts, 541-508-8784 books, golf clubs, RV b ed, q u een b e d , 541-280-7355 286 the O regon State sell due to illness. 9am-4pm Lionel train, toys and access., patio s e t, modern Broyhill secAttorney General's 1451 NE 12th, Bend Sales Northeast Bend bedding, Pearl drum tional and side chairs, $1350, s e l l g ames, tools, a n d table wood, 6 i Cost f or $950. P h o ne NEED TO CANCEL (next to Juniper Elem) much much more! Office C o n sumer Dining set, Bissell cleaner, beautiful decor and chrs, 2 Ivs, exc. cond, 541-977-9991 Antique & '50s furniture, 705 NE Providence Dr, lots of odds & ends. Protection hotline at See you on the 2nd! artwork; H omecrest YOUR AD? $195. 541-548-3092 1-877-877-9392. collectibles, stained glass 9-4 Sat, 9-3 Sun. Kids The Bulletin patio furniture, Bose May 3rd Sat. only, 9-2, windows, '60s-'90s cos- toys/clothes, golf BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS entertainment system 4-Family Englander queen matClassifieds has an Estate/Moving tume jewelry, fishing/ equip. & clothing, gun The Bulletin t ress set, sel d om USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! "After Hours"Line & radio; kitchenware, hunting gear, p ocket & h u nting access. Search the area's most bedding and l inens Sale. Nice quality items, used. pd $1100, sell Call 541-383-2371 knives, vIntage glass- ammo, men 8 women comprehensive listing of sporting goods, tools, antiques to saddles to jet Door-to-door selling with 24 hrs. to cancel skis! 327 NW Canyon Dr. Adopt a rescued cat or $350. 541-480-4161 classified advertising... ware, china, pewter. New clothing & lots more. fast results! It's the easiest furniture, office, your ad! kitten! Fixed, shots, ID washer- dryer, clothing, real estate to automotive, misc Furniture! Dining room SALE 16' lad- chip, tested, more! set, single beds, dress- way in the world to sell. linens, sewIng, art supmerchandise to sporting books, designer mens MOVING ESTATE/GARAGE der, sawhorse, 3 glass & ladies clothing, yard 78th, Tumalo, ers, chest of drawers, plies& much more. Office desk, dark, solid, Fri 10-4, Sat. 9-4. Re- goods. Bulletin Classifieds and outdoor, fishing, insulators, 2-tier, tools. 65480 No early sales. Sat. 1-5 , P e tsmartend tables, coffee tables The Bulletin Classified glass top, 66" x 20" x 28" frigerator, bbq, X-Box appear every day in the Craftsman chain saw, 10-4 1515 NW Fir ¹9 Fri/Sat/Sun. 389-8420 2330 SW Indian Ave. 541-385-5809 tall, $150. 541-610-6837 print or on line. 360, suitcases, mens antique bedroom set, Moving Sale, 8am-3pm www.craftcats.org Just bought a new boat? Redmond. 541-548-7063 M/L clothing, houseCall 541-385-5809 Sell your old one in the boy scout items, misc. Fri & Sat, 6671 NW Aussie Mini puppies, 5 hold, garden, fishinq, www.bendbulletin.com collectibles, jewelry & classifieds! Ask about our Larch Dr. Early birds purebred, born 3/13/14, 8 more. CASH ONLY! Super Seller rates! more! FRI.-SAT. 9-4, welcome - bring cash! ready 5/8. 541-693-4888 691 NE Savannah Dr. The Bulletin 541-385-5809 Serving Ceneal Oregon since fgtg numbers 8 a.m. Fri. www.miniaussiesbend.com 292 Rickard Road to Bill Craven E STATE SAL E AKC & Va lley LARGE Moving Sale! Billadeau, left at Sales Other Areas Boxers Bulldogs CKC puppies. 20925 Royal Oak Kay CravenMOVING SALE Sweetgrass,1st left $700-800. 541-325-3376 Circle, Fri-Sat, at Quebec Drive 25 Family Garage Sale. 415 SE Dunham, Prineville May 2-3, 9am-4pm. to 22220 May 1, 2 & 3 . 8 -4, Friday, May 2 • Saturday, May 3 5985 S W T a r pon, For more info go to Moving Sale - Bedroom www.atticestatesan9 a.m.to 5 p.m. only CRR, off M u stang (In Prineville, turn south on Main Street and go set & tons of furniture, follow signs. Furnidappraisals.com tools, kitchen, lots of to 4th St., turn east to Dunham. Sale is in 541-350-6822 ture, household, etc. odds & ends. Sat., 7-2, duplex on corner of 4th and Dunham) 541-306-0212. 20830 Liberty Lane. Cavalier King Charles Crowdcontrol admittance numbers Join us for a HUGE MOVING SALE Spaniel male 7 mo. issued at 8:00 a.m. Friday Mother's Day Event OUTSTANDING SALE! Fri. thru Tue., 9-6? 2-dr The "CRAZY MAMA" old. Crate trained and BOTHDUPLEXES AND GARAGE WILL OPEN f ridge, s em i tr u c k Sat. May 3, Bam-3pm house broken. Very AT THE SAME TIME. King bed Set; Loveseat; CRAFT FAIRE s equIp., 14' boat, tools, sweet, socialized and Queen bedroom set-has six pieces;Queen Fu- 62934 Marsh Orchid Dr. Sat. May 10th, 10-5 Empire, right on Des- Bend Factory Stores scaffolding, furn, misc. r aised in a h o m e . ton and Double futon; Side-by-side Refrigerator; (off ert Sage). Collectibles, 16975 Whittier Dr. (so. $1500. 541-639-7541 Over 70 Local Craft Small dinette Set; Tall Bistro Table; Lots of LinBend) 541-913-2481 Vendors! Food! Live ens; nice ladies clothes; Wood Rocker; Wood furn, books, much more! deposit bottles/ Music! BouncvHouse Moving Sale: OWW II Donate Bench; Oak desk and lateral oak file; 3 Gorilla cans to focal all vol., Call 541-848-0334 racks; two metal shelving; Glassware; Pots and +POST DOWNSIZE+ Fri/Sat May 2nd/3rd non-profit rescue, for pans; Pictures and prints; Lamps and floor lamps; i MICHE new starting 559 5 0 feral cat spay/neuter. Moving from house to 9 am-4pm. Gun Safe-12 gun size; Winchester model 1200 Cans for Cats trailer at $5 (former Dismotorhome! Huge Sale: Wood Duck Drive -12 gauge shotgun;Ruger Model 77-270 Win- i tributor), LAST WEEK. Motorat Bend Pet Express Furniture; kitchen uten- Tollgate Multi Family chester nfle; Several set of US Proof coins and home, household E; or donate M-F at sils; tools; landscaping Uncirculated coins; Ryobi Tool set; Nice jewelry i and outdoor items Garage Sale (Sisters) Smith Sign, 1515 NE equipment;home office Fri 8 Sat, May2-3, and costume jewelry; Gorilla racks and metal items; books; d v ds; 9am-Spm. Drive through 2nd; or a t C RAFT, shelves; Kids Toys; Small dog and cat carriers; clothing; RV; refrigerator; Tollgate and stop at the Tumalo. Lv. msg. for Other tools; leaf blower; shop vac; bath and desk; computer screen; homes with garage sale p ick u p o f la r g e cleaning supplies; Kitchen misc; some food prodamounts, 389-8420. Christmas decor; locking signs, indicating homes ucts; Frigidaire washer & dryer; Outdoor furniture; www.craftcats.org cabinets. Fri-Sat-Sun, with items for sale. 20 galloncrock; few books and two bookcases; Sat. Only, 8-4, 62593 file now Do You KNow ABOUT ZONING 9am-5pm. In Sundance, Older TVs and cabinets; Side tables and display NE Quail Ridge Rd. 22285 Calgary Dr., folGerman Shepherds CHANGES BEFOREHAND? NOTICE www.sherman-ranch.us case; Barbecue;-; Bianchi Bicycle; Batman reComputer desk, ansigns from corner of Remember to remove You TURN Io THE PUBLIC NortcEs nti mote controlled large car; Camp cooker; Sun- tiques chairs, clothes. low Quality Germans. SE 27th St & Rickard Rd. your Garage Sale signs 541-281-6829 beam barbecue; Appliance handtruck; MicroYOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER... Serving Central Oregon sincet%8 wave and toaster oven; Wood rocker; Lots of (nails, staples, etc.) Yard & Antique Sale!! MOVING SALE May 3rd, Queensland Heelers children's toys; 4 GM alum. wheels from large Fri-Sat, Bam, 21275 Gar- 9am-3pm. Dining set, after your Sale event Standard 8 Mini, $150 Sometimes zoning changes are good and sometimes theyre not. van; Few tools; New White sewing machine; is over! THANKS! cia Rd. (corner of Des- table w/18" leaf, 6 chairs, & up. 541-280-1537 Advance notice ig always good. It's your right tts know AND your electric typewriter; Costume & real jewelry; Am- chutes Market & Garcia). buffet/ hutch & server. From The Bulletin www.rightwayranch.wor responsibility to find out about zoning changes ra your city or munition for 44-45-270; Spotting scope; Micro- Lots of collectibles, crab Many household & deco- and your local utility dpress.com scope; Cedarchest; Bible on CDs; Lots More!!! companies. state —before they happen. Here's how: Read the public notices itt pots, fishing gear, rator items. Like new Handled by: household, bilees, vin- queen mattress & boxYorkie pups AKC, 2 boys, your local newspaperDeedy's Estate Sales Co. Bulletin 2 girls, potty training, UTD tage clothing. Questions, springs. W o r kbench, The gervlng Central Oregon sincefgttg IT'S HOW YOU KNOW. 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves email SLMergelobend tools, yard equipment. shots, health guar., $450 www.deeedysestatesales. com broadband.com 20632 Cherry Tree Lane. www.bendbulletln.com & up. 541-777-7743 1777 SW Chandler



l l i


The Bulletin



541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com


Guns, Hunting & Fishing


Misc.ltems BUYING &


:I Qfy J~;QJj)I~d.:

Can be found on these pages: gold jewelry, silver Exclusive bird hunting Alland gold coins, bars, lease available on large rounds, wedding sets, EMPLOYMENT FINANCEANDBUSINESS S.E. Oregon ranch. Excellent upland & water- class rings, steriing sil- 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts ver, coin collect, vinfowl hunting with miles of 514 - Insurance watches, dental 421 - Schools andTraining river frontage. Contact tage gold. Bill Fl e ming,454- Looking Ior Employment 528- Loans andMortgages Mitch for details: 470- Domestic & In-HomePositions 543- Stocks andBonds mjsiegnerofmtcblue.com 541-382-9419. or 541-493-2080. 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 558- Business Investments Check out the 486 - IndependentPositions 573 - BusinessOpportunities classifieds online H & H FIREARMS www.bendbullelin.com Buy, Sell, Trade, 261 275 269 Consign. Updated daily edical Equipment Gardening Supplie Auction Sales Across From FAST TREES Pilot Butte Drive-In & Equipment Grow 6-10 feet yearly! No Minimums 541-382-9352 $16-$21 delivered. Wheelchair No Reserves www.fasttrees.com Kimber Solo, C -D-P Pronto BarkTurfSoil.com 2-DAY PUBLIC or 509-447-4181 (L-G) 9mm pistol with (by Invacare®) AUCTION 3 cli ps , $97 5 . George Foreman Jr. powered PROMPT DELIVERY 541-420-7100 Thurs. & Fri. May 8 & 9 Rotisserie grill, $45. wheelchair, 541N89-9663 • 9 a.m. each day 408-656-9651 Randall knife ¹19 stag in good condition, Preview 8-4, handle NIB,$575. How to avoid scam $450. Tues 8 Wed, May 6/7 541-633-9895. For newspaper and fraud attempts 541-633-7824 THE CHARLES KEE delivery, call the COLLECTION s/Be aware of internaSCAR 5.56 Place a photo inyourprivate party ad PRIVATE PARTY RATES Circulation Dept. at Hwy 20, Brothers, OR tional fraud. Deal loM1A .308 263 foronly$15.00par week. 541-385-5800 Starting at 3 lines cally whenever posPh. 541-410-0922 Dodge, Tools To place an ad, call (200+)Vintage sible. *UNDER '500in total merchandise Chrysler, P l ymouth, OVER'500 in total merchandise 541-385-5809 Wanted: Collector seeks V Watch for buyers Mopar Cars & Trucks; or email 7 days.................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 high quality fishing items who offer more than Power Washer (com- ciassified@bendbuiietimcbm Huge Assortment of & upscale bamboo flv mercial) new in crate, 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 your asking price and Parts Cars, Engines, rods. Call 541-678-5753, Honda 13 hp - 4000 who ask to have Transmissions, Exte*illiuat state prices in ad The Bulletin 14 days .................................................$33.50 or 503-351-2746 psi, 4 gpm. Retails Sotvlng Central Oregon sincel999 money wired or rior & Interior Parts, 28 days .................................................$61.50 $1849, Sell $ 1 349. Garage Sale Special handed back to them. Steve 541-771-7007. Manuals 8 More; Case WILL BUY YOUR FLY 4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00 icall for commercial line ad rates) JX100U Tractor; Ford Fake cashier checks FISHING GEAR AND INSTANT GREEN Tractors; Farm Impleand money orders Shilti laser plane kit, EQUIPMENT! McPheeters Turf ments and a t tachare common. $500. Fly Fishing tackle & ments; Case 6 8 0E Lawn Fertilizer 541-408-5685 A Payment Drop Box IS available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Access. C as h or YNever give out perbackhoe; Case 450 sonal financial inforC redit toward N e w Bend Cjty Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Crawler dozer; Adams Product. A c c epting mation. * grader; Fork l ifts; BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( ) 542-389-9663 items through May YTrust your instincts Heavy trucks; Equip9th. and be wary of REQUIRE PREPAYMENT a8 well ment t railers; (14) n someone using an TroutBum Fly Swap ROTOTILLER 5 hp, 17 Containers; (4) RV's; a8 any out-of-area ad8. The Bulletin escrow service or May 10th & 11th rear tine width, exc Toys; Collectibles; and agent to pick up your bendbulfetfn.com 35 SM/ Century, Bend c ond. $ 35 0 fi r m ! Much More! reserves the right to reject any ad at Total Shop - Sheet merchandise. 541-923-2683 541-318-1616 Metal Equipment BID LIVE ONLINE!! any tjme. is located at: 4' air shear; 6'x16ga Check our website for Winchester Mod. 1886 The Bulletin Hand 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. serving central oregon since1909 Brake; Pinspotter; Rototiller 5hp Briggs & MurphyLIVE!bidding cal 45-70, manuf'd 1887, Pittsburgh 20ga w/Acme Stratton rated 10 ton. Bend, Oregon 97702 information. $2500. 541-480-2236 Is Your Identity Pro$250. 541-536-9044 Rolls', Manual Cleat10% Buyers Premium tected? I t is our bender 24nx20ga; Spot 247 Terms:Cash, Cashier's 270 promise to provide the Welder w/24" arms; Slip PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction Check, MC/Visa. most comprehensive roll (manual) 3'x2n dia; Sporting Goods Lost & Found is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right Persons Under 12 Not identity theft preven- Box & Pan Brake 48" x16 Misc. to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based oft the policies of these Admitted tion and r e sponse ga; Easy Edger (Bench LOST 4/16: Andre', Irge newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party products a v a ilable!type)... will sell complete male ginger short hair ILLUSTRATED Tent: EurekaTimberine Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. Today for 30-Day or by the piece. BROCHURE 2-person, good cond. Call cat, Shevlin Pk Rd. FREE TRIAL Call 541-771-1958 and N W M o ntereyJames G. Murphy Co. $50. 541-383-4251 1-800-395-7012. 210 210 212 215 1 800-426-3008 Wildland F i r efighting Pines area. Call Su- murphyauction.com (PNDC) 255 Furniture 8 Appliances Furniture & Appliances Antiques & Coins & Stamps equip., new & used, san,503-699-7763 New men's hy-test safety hose, nozzles, wyes, Computers Collectibles Take care of boots, size 9 & 9t/9, $50. reducers, bladder bags. Lost black Pomeranian Refrigerator, black, 22 cu female with brown eyeThe Bulletin ea pair. 541-678-5605 ft, good cond, $150 cash Canon multi-pass F80 Steve 541-771-7007. your investments Antique pedal grinding recommends extra ' brows, blue harness with obo. 541-633-7824 printer, all in one, $25. wheel, $150. Office File cabinet taq, "Nikki", SE Bend, i caution when purwith the help from 54'I -678-5605 265 541-771-7118 4-drawer, gray, $100 Just bought a new boat? chasing products or • 4/28. 541-408-2640 The Bulletin's Sell your old one in the obo. 541-388-0865 Building Materials from out of I Dark oa k T HE B ULLETIN r e classifieds! Ask about our l services 2 - d rawer *REDUCE YOUR "Call A Service the area. Sending l quires computer adSuper Seller rates! Bend Habitat Get your HELP YOUR AD • cash, c hecks, o r • dresser, curved front, vertisers with multiple CABLE BILL! Get an Professional" Directory 541-385-5809 $250. White wicker stand out from the RESTORE business All-Digital Sa t e llite i credit i n f ormation baby crib, u n ique rest! Have the top line ad schedules or those Supply Resale may be subjected to selling multiple sys- system installed for Building Large dark oak in bold print for only Quality at LOW Sleep Number i FRAUD. For more $250. tems/ software, to dis- FREE and programroll top desk, $800. PRICES $2.00 extra. e ROW I N Q King information about an l Surveryor's close the name of the m ing s t a rting a t t r a nsit 740 NE 1st bed & box, bought FRE E advertiser, you may l business or the term $ 24.99/mo. The Bulletin 1930-1940, orig. box 541-312-6709 in October, 2010 for I call t h e SewingCentralOsogonsince l9la "dealer" in their ads. HD/DVR upgrade for with an ad in Ore g onI C ASH Open to the public. $2199; ' State Atto r ney ' $350. 541-385-5809 Private party advertis- new callers, SO CALL The Bulletin's 541-923-5960 excellent condition, NOW (877)366-4508. i General's O f fi ce ers are defined as 266 "Call A Service 241 new foam pad, Consumer Protec- • The Bulletin reserves those who sell one (PNDC) Heating 8 Stoves asking $750. tion h o t line a t I the right to publish all Bicycles & Professional" computer. Reduce Your Past Tax Call 541-678-5436 i 1-877-877-9392. Accessories Bill by as much as 75 Directory ads from The Bulletin Wood stove, 990 Ava(in Bend ) 257 newspaper onto The Percent. Stop Levies, lon, cert. $300; wood 308 l TheBulletin l Musical Instruments Serving Central Oregon since 1909 Bulletin Internet web- Trek 2120 bicycles, (2) Liens and Wage Gar- b ox, $ 5 0 ; wo o d LOST: Car Key with 2 Farm Equipment 54cm and 58cm, carsite. nishments. Call The splitter 5hp $ 2 75; grocery store tags and BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS bon fiber, Shimano Tax DR Now to see if 541-536-9044 remote keyless entry & Machinery Search the area's most Look for Information The Bulletin 105, SP D p e dals, Qualify you d evice. Around S t . comprehensive listing of People gotvite CentralCsogonsince ela About Products and $400 each. Miyata 1-800-791-2099. Call The Bulletin At Kubota L3800, 1 yr old, F rancis Chur c h classified advertising... kids Triathalon bike, (PNDC) 541-385-5809 Downtown. R eward with bucket & d r a g, real estate to automotive, Services Every Daythrough Need to get an $125. 541-410-7034 return. $19,500. 619-733-8472 The BvgetinClasaifleds merchandise to sporting Swamp cooler, heavy Place Your Ad Or E-Mail for ad in ASAP? goods. Bulletin Classifieds 242 2006 Gibson Stan325 duty, like new, 3ft. x At: www.bendbulletin.com 541-385-6014. 211 appear every day in the You can place it dard Le s P a u le 3 ft., p o rtable o r Exercise Equipment LOST Fri. 4/25 in Bend, Hay, Grain & Feed 267 print or on line. Electric Guitar, one Children's Items stationary. $375. online at: white gold & diamone owner, dual bridge Fuel & Wood Call 541-385-5809 541-382-6773 necklace with gray www.bendbuffetin.com Nautilus NS 200 and dual controls, www.bendbulletin.com Infant Car Seat Stroller, Looking for your stones. 541-350-1751 The Bulletin Offers like new! Pulley great con d ition. Graco, good cond. next employee? Free Private Party Ads system with extra WHEN BUYING The Bulletin 541 -385-5809 Fantastic so u n d. $65. 408-656-9651 Good classified adstell Place a Bulletin Serving Csnlrsl Oregonsincestg weights, $600! Blue tone c o lor. • 3 lines - 3 days FIREWOOD... the essential facts inan help wanted ad Will deliver! Comes with original • Private Party Only interesting Manner. Write today and To avoid fraud, 541-388-2809 case. $1200 firm • Total of items adverThe Bulletin from the readers view -not reach over tised must equal $200 cash only, no trades. recommends paythe seller's. Convert the 60,000 readers or Less Pilates work-out circle, 541-322-9619 ment for Firewood facts into benefits. Show each week. FOR DETAILS or to NIB, $10. Ab Rocker only upon delivery the reader howthe item will Your classified ad PLACE AN AD, $25. 541-678-5605 and inspection. Call 541-385-5809 help them insomeway. will also • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Call5I! 385 580f io promoteyourservice• Advertise for 28dgyt startinggt640Ptissptgolltottcttis not ovgfsbftooooigttsttl 245 Fax 541-385-5802 This appear on 4' x 4' x 8' advertising tip bendbugetin.com Golf Equipment Wanted- paying cash • Receipts should brought to youby which currently for Hi-fi audio & stuinclude name, receives over CHECKYOUR AD dio equip. Mclntosh Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care phone, price and The Bulletin 1.5 million page SstvlngCsnvsl Otsgon gncs tsgf JBL, Marantz, Dykind of wood Beautiful Lowrey views every naco, Heathkit, Sanpurchased. NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon LandAdventurer H Organ Lost male cat: tortoise 8 month at no sui, Carver, NAD, etc. • Firewood ads law requires anyone scape Contractors Law Absolutely perfect white with yellow eyes extra cost. Call 541-261-1808 who con t racts for 671) requires all MUST include condition, not a s hort hair, mic r oZdde~Qud//ep (ORS Bulletin species & cost per construction work to businesses that adscratch on it, about WHEN YOU SEE THIS chipped, no collar. DeClassifieds be licensed with the vertise t o pe r form on the first day it runs cord to better serve Za~<da 4-feet wide, does schutes Mkt. & YeoConstruction ContracLandscape Construc- to make sure it is cor- everything! Includes our customers. Get Results! ThanService man 541-389-9861 tors Board (CCB). An More tion which includes: rect. oSpellcheckn and Call 541-385-5809 a nice bench, too. Peace Of iyiind active license p lanting, deck s , human errors do ocMore P ixa t B e n d b j l e t i n . c o j r j or place your ad The Bulletin $1600obo. Sosving Centra/Oregon slnco ala means the contractor fences, arbors, cur. If this happens to On a classified ad on-line at 541-385-5685 is bonded & insured. Spring Clean Up water-features, and inyour ad, please congo to bendbugetin.com •Leaves REMEMBER:If you Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of irtact us ASAP so that www.bendbulletin.com All Year Dependable •Cones CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be have lost an animal, to view additional corrections and any Firewood: Seasoned; •Needles DRUM SETS: don't forget to check 345 www.hirealicensedl icensed w it h th e photos of the item. adjustments can be Lodgepole 1 for $195 The Humane Society Ludwig drum set, •Debris Hauling contractor.com Landscape ContracLivestock & Equipment made to your ad. or 2 for $365. Cedar, d rums o nly, n o 261 or call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit Bend 541-385-5809 split, del. Bend: 1 for hardware, 26" base Weed FreeBark The Bulletin recomnumber is to be in- The Bulletin Classified 541-382-3537 Illledical Equipment Replacement q u ality $175 or 2 for $325. & Flower Beds drum, 13", 16", mends checking with cluded in all adverRedmond n and purebred yearling An541-420-3484. o toms, 14 E-Z-GO electric golf cart, 18 snare, the CCB prior to contisements which indi541-923-0882 Pride GoGo Elite gus heifers . $1200 $500. REMO Mas- Red tracting with anyone. Lawn Renovation cate the business has windshield, lights, mirPtinovills Traveller P l u s 3 Log truck loads of green each. Good gentle Some other t rades Aeration - Dethatching a bond, insurance and rors. '05 model, 2010 ter Touch drum set, 54l-sct-llls; wheel. With basket. lodgepole f irewood, dispositions, Final Anno also req u ire addiOverseed workers c ompensa- batts, verv limited use, drums o nl y ot Craft Cats Excellent c o ndition. delivered. swer bloodlines. hardware, 22" base tional licenses and tion for their employ- $1795. 541-312-1635 Compost 54l-389-8420. 541-480-8096 Madras $750. 541-771-9474. Call 541-815-4177 certifications. ees. For your protecdrum, 8", 10", 12", Top Dressing o and 18" Mens' McGregor set 1 3", 1 6 tion call 503-378-5909 o or use our website: complete $150; Lat oms, 1 4 snare Custom Remodel & Tile Landscape www.lcb.state.or.us to T. Schellworth, Gen. dies McGregor set drum, $800. Both in Maintenance check license status with Mizuno drivers, Contractor/Builder excellent condition. Full or Partial Service CCB ¹188631 before contracting with $100. Taylor Burner 541-410-4983 •Mowing .Edging 541-588-0958 the business. Persons bubble, $50; other •Pruning oWeeding doing lan d scape mixed irons, $10; Sprinkler Adjustments maintenance do not 260 ladies shoes, size 6, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS r equire an LCB l i - $10, hats and ball Misc. Items Search the area's most Fertilizer included cense. sets. 541-923-3298 comprehensive listing of with monthly program classified advertising... Just too many I l I ' 2012 Sim p licity i I real estate to automotive, Weekly, monthly Find exactly what collectibles? Gusto Hepa canismerchandise to sporting or one time service. ' I I I you are looking for in the ter v acuum with goods. Bulletin Classifieds attachments, extra appear every day in the Sell them in CLASSIFIEDS EXPERIENCED filter and bags, exc. print or on line. Commercial The Bulletin Classifieds cond. Retail $1500, Call 541-385-5809 & Residential Asking $ 700. PING G-20 driver www.bendbulletin.com 971-221-8278 (cell) 12'. Calloway RazrX 541-385-5809 irons, 6-9 PWSW, The Bulletin Senior Discounts Serving Centrsl Oregon sincetstg Sr. shafts. 3 hybrid Aeration/Dethatching 541-390-1466 36' aluminum extenor Weekly Services and a 5 hyb r id, Same Day Response 1-time sion ladder, $150. Ask about FREEadded $499. 541-647-0311 Debris Removal 541-771-7118 svcs w/seasonal contract!


Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed.

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The Bulletin






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JUNK BE GONE I Haul Away FREE For Salvage. Also Cleanups & Cleanouts Mel, 541-389-8107

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The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since fgag


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DAILY BRI DG E C LU B saturday,May3,2014

Louie's bucket list By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency "I'm m aking a b u c k e t l i s t ," Unlucky Louie told us in the club lounge, "a list o f t h i ngs I r e ally should do before I die." " An oughta-biography," Cy t h e Cynic chuckled. I f I c o m p iled L o uie's l i st, I ' d include playing more deliberately. Louie throws away points because he acts without thinking. As declarer at four spades, Louie grabbed the first club with his ace and cashed the K-A of trumps. When West discarded, Louie conceded a club, but West shifted to a diamond: three, king, ace. Louie was doomed: West had to get another club and the queen of diamonds.

ACROSS a It's made from an ear and put in the mouth azHighlander's accessory as 1967 hit by the Hollies asOne may have a full body azCopied the page? asThey often land nextto queens: Abbr. asPrefix wlth flop zoThey often land nextto queens zz Cross quality 23 Move a whole lot zs Backward zs Fame zs Spice stores? saEnigmatic saNanny, in Nanjing

ssQuestion after ss 180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 a surprising so Target of a spy claim 15 16 ss Party bowlful DOWN 17 18 sz Supply one's a Herder from moving 19 20 21 Wales address? z Live warning? 22 23 24 25 ss Network point s Voice lesson ss Now whole 26 27 28 29 30 topic BaOrphaned lion 4 Bulldogs play in 31 3 2 33 34 ofliterature it: Abbr. 4z Knit at a social 35 36 37 s86 function? s Rush target 38 40 4s Brownie alternative 7With 52-Across, 41 something in a 4s "Veep" airer gray area 43 44 46 47 48 4s Pinch-hitter s Himalayan 49 50 51 52 4BSmallest production member of B Golfer Aoki 53 54 5 5 5 6 the Council of Europe aoAyn Rand, e.g. 57 58 sz See 7-Down aa Higher-up? 60 ssWithdraw az Target BBIt's between as Every second Buda and Pest a4 Jam PUZZLE BY BARRY C. SILK s7After za Product of 33 Polar Bear 4s Not just wolf sa Period sans some decay Provincial Park soleil ssForum setting down borders it zs 0's is one more 47 "I'd love to ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE than N's sz Minestrone help" sz Magazine fig. ingredient C AB B I E S B U M M E R S z4 Comb 4s Part of Che composition O RL A N D O S E N T I N E L ss Repetitive Guevara's attire S O U R C E S O F I N C O M E zs Like some ss Half of nine? 4o Bunch 4BJunior in 12 AWE D N OMO S E T U P pitches Pro Bowls 44 SelfC O DS A R A E S T zz Orders congratulatory so Highlander of ss U.S.P.S. ME H T A K L EB A N zs Locals call it cries old assignment AL I M MI I B L I M E Y the "Big 0" C A P T A I N P H I L L I P S soWhere spades Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. ENS I GN I R E S S E E may be laid AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit M ES S R S E T H E R down nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. SAG K EA A T R A sa End of a song Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past CLE A T E T A S I N GE often sung by puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). AL E X A N D E R C A L D E R inebriated Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. L 0S E 0 N E 8 MA R B L E S people Crosswords for young solvers: nytimss.com/learning/xwords. P RE S S E D S P R Y E S T 32 Shark's place

doubles, you bid two hearts and he raises to three hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner has substantial extra strength for his raise. Your bid of two hearts was forced; you might have had nothing. Bid four hearts. Even if partner has overbid and holds o nly76 , A J 7 5 , A Q 6 5 ,K 6 5 , y o u will have a chance; finesses through the opening bidder should win. South dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 4 IK J7 3

Q4 0 1053 4I18 653 2

FIRST TRICK Louie kicked the bucket when he won the first trick. If he plays low, West has no winning continuation. If he leads another club, Louie wins, takes the top trumps and concedes a club, setting up a c lub discard in dummy for his diamond loser. If instead West shifts to a diamond at Trick Two, Louie captures East's king and sets up dummy's ten for a club discard. Either way, he loses only three tricks.


EAST 4 IQ 10 4

9 J8 7 5 0 Q 97 6 2 4KQJ

9 Q 109 6 3 0K84 4109

SOUTH 4 IA9 8 6 2 Q AK 2

OAJ AA74 South W e s t North 1 41 Pas s 2 45 4 41 All P a ss


East Pass

Y ouhold: 4Q104 Q Q 10 9 6 3 Opening lead — A K 0 K 8 4 + 10 9 . T hedealer,atyour left, opens one spade. Your partner (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

No. 0329



F849I4ok49m/haarrocomica RIZAEIIOCOBICECOM

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.

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© 2014 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

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WIJMO Dad's cooking tonight! 04

How 97 percent of all fires start



ZITS I'li/l 5LKW, UERQh'(





THAT SCRAIIIBLEO WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

35 Unscramble these four Jumbles, 0ne letter to eaCh Square, to form four ordinary words.


75m 14

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HYTIC 09014 THbune Content Agency,LLC All Righls Reeenred.


ms certalnly I 1m VOUi

~, King Story,

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KATHY BA795 Afi li2 JAM@5 CAAN WERE HAPPY AS COULP BE TO BENom arrange the CirCled letterS

to form the surprise answe0 as +g4

suggested by the above cartoon.

" ca4. HERMAN~

Print your answer here: ~

04!ughingStOCk Internetional InC, DiSt by UniverSal UCliCk for UFS,2014

"There goes my tip, right?"

(Answers Monday) UNDUE P E RSON A C T UAL Yesteda 5 ~ J0 m bl9m TRUMP AnSWer. The faCt that she Was a gOOdmam Was-


5 Speed 6 Federal

inspection org. 7 Cook quickly 9 Square 8 Compete in a 14 Late great? strength 15 Sci. subject contest 16 Eponymous golf 9 Jabber promoter Samuel 10 "Coal Miner'8 17 FYI relative Daughter" 18 Bonobo, e.g. subject 20 Brief disclaimer 11 Shop shaper 21 Provider of sound 12 You might catch testimony? a few 22 Saw things 13 Father of 24 Priceless? Deimos 25 Crayola color 19 Patchy since 1949 23 Semiaquatic 28 Diving duck heavyweight 32 Uses a 26 Largest OH management airport training technique 27 Place to enjoy a 34 Title imaginary sharp drinker? friend in a Neil 28 Australian red Diamond hit formerly called 35 Fast ship Hermitage 36 DVD staple 29 Noteworthy 38 Silicon Valley events college 30 Abbr. on some 39 Tempo notation city limit signs 41 Slow 31 Had on 42 Liver delicacy 32 Ottawa-based 43 "The Wizard of Iaw gp. Oz" farmhand 2 2 3 4 44 San Diego State athlete 14 47 It needs to be refined 53 Policy pro 20 54 Transcends seat Santa

CF ji I)0& SIGC Vlf P


ACROSS 1 Trudge 5 Sonoma County

55 Prefix with Aryan 56 Free 57 "The Last King of Scotland" tyrant 58 Caution to a German

shepherd, say 59 Longtime NFL coach Schottenheimer 60 Stop 61 Uruguay's Punta del DOWN 1 Braid 2 "I can do it" 3 Out of order 4 Phrase in much computergenerated mail

42 Disaster relief


alter n ative


52 Nearly six-week perlocl

43 Piquant

ANSWER TO PREVIOUSPUZZLE: M O H A I R E N I G M A S T E T R A S T E M P R E W A K E S O P A B O M T O R E D C E M E N S T A R V E KO I FA B UM L A R S A N O N N A A H E M A N D Y N A V E M A R I A M E N P E N S A N T S A G xwordeditorieaol.com 5








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21 24 26











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O D A W P A L E E L I E S C O R P S T Y P E A F O X S E A O N R A D F E M U R E R A S T R A W T Y 0 L D E M N E A S E E R M E D 05/03/14





33 Stick on a fridge 4 5 Split up door 46 Designer 3 4 Tei Aviv native frag r a n c e 3 7 Syncopated 47 Squ e e z e 48 Baltic seaport piece 40 1962 hit with the 4 9 End lyrics "the truth 50 N o t iceable c ould mean I'd p ro gr e s s lose you" 51 Dollar







53 55







By Barry C. Silk (0)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

05/03/I 4




Sudoku High Fives

5 4

9 1 5


Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-

2 7 6

4 1 8 6 7 7

bers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.



The Bulletin

2 1


5 6 2 © JFS/KF

5 9


3 5 9 1 4

9 1 5 3 7 7 3 4

2 8 6 1 4 2 3 3 1 5

5 2




4 5



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1 8 3 2 9 5 4 6 7 9

5 9 3 9 7 3 1 4

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O 20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uciick for UFS




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

r.=.-"-,.— .a

Public Works Tech needed at Sunriver O wners Assn . Duties: manual lachasing products or i bor, using hand & services from out of power tools, opera- I the area. Sending tion of heavy equipc ash, checks, o r ment t o m a i ntain I credit i n f ormation roads, paths, parks • may be subjected to & bldgs. $14.81 per I FRAUD. hour. Pre-employFor more informament drug screen, tion about an adverphysical ability test & I tiser, you may call valid driver license the Oregon State required. EOE I Attorney General's Please submit our Office C o n sumer g a pplication for m Protection hotline at I (REQUIRED) which I 1-877-877-9392. can be found on our website: www.sunriverowners.org or call H/R 541-593-2411. P osition clo s e s The path to your dream job begins with a col5/9/14. lege degree. Education Quarters offers a free college matching Salesperson CALL Consolidated Supply service. Co/s Be nd B r anch 1-800-901-2241. s eeks a W i l l C a ll (PNDC) Counter Salesperson. Sells product over the Tick, Tock counter and works in warehouse.







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6 4 2 1 3 5 9 8 7

1 5 9 2 8 7 3 6 4

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7 5 3 2 1 9 6 4 8

4 1 8 9 5 3 6 7 2 8 3 1 4 5 9 6 7 8 2 1 3

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Business Opportunities



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Delivery Parcel delivery person needed immediately, no special license required, must have 476 clean driving record, Employment good appearance, personable, good Opportunities with tools. Mon.-Fri., S UBA R U . approx. hours, 7-4 Auto Sales daily. Starting wage CAUTION: Sales professional to Ads published in $12/hour. Reply to Join Central "Employment O p Box 20491785 c/o Oregon's l a r gest porfunities" include new ca r The Bulletin, Po de a ler Box 6020, Bend, employee and indeSubaru of B e nd. OR 97708 pendent positions. Offering 401k, profit Ads fo r p o sitions sharing, m e d ical that require a fee or plan, split shifts and Driver upfront investment paid vacation. ExpeNight Driver needed must be stated. With rience or will train. Apply at Owl Taxi, any independentjob 90 day $1500 guar1919 NE 2nd St., opportunity, please a ntee. Dress f o r Bend, OR 97701 i nvestigate tho r success to work in oughly. Use extra our drug free work c aution when a pGarage Sales place. Please apply plying for jobs onat 2060 NE Hwy 20, line and never proGarage Sales Bend. See Bob or vide personal inforDevon. mation to any source Garage Sales you may not have Find them researched and Counselor deemed to be repu- Serenity Lane. Addicin table. Use extreme tions Counselor. For The Bulletin c aution when r e complete job descrips ponding to A N Y tion and application Classifieds online employment process, visit www. ad from out-of-state. serenitylane.org and 541-385-5809 We suggest you call click on Employment the State of Oregon Opportunities. Dr ug Food Service - Bruno's Consumer Hotline Free Wor k place.Grocery/U-bake is taking at 1-503-378-4320 EOE. apps for Cashier & Pizza For Equal OpportuMaker. Apply: 1709 NE nity Laws contact 6th, Bend. No phone calls Say "goodbuy" Oregon Bureau of Labor & I n dustry, to that unused HR Admin needed for Civil Rights Division, family-owned f a rm. 971-673- 0764. item by placing it in Degree in rel. field OR yrs. exp., Excel exp. The Bulletin The Bulletin Classifieds 3req., Spanish speaking preferred. Visit 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 www.golddusffarms.c om for info

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8 6 7 2 9

How to play:

9 7 6


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ceceliaocnpa.com (PNDC)

FXSTD Harley DID Y O U KNO W Davidson 2001,twin Newspaper-gener88, fuel injected, ® Rl&iBM V ictory Tc 2 0 0 2, a ted content is s o cam Vance & Hines short 40K mi., runs great, valuable it's taken and shot exhaust, Stage I s tage 1 kit, n e w repeated, condensed, with Vance & Hines tires, rear brakes 8 broadcast, t weeted, fuel management more. Health forces discussed, p o sted, system, custom parts, s ale. $5,00 0 . copied, edited, and extra seat. 541-771-0665 emailed c o u ntless $10,500OBO. 528 times throughout the Call Today day by others? Dis541-516-8684 Loans & Mortgages cover the Power of Tick, Tock... Qualifications: Newspaper AdvertisWARNING counter sales exp.; ...don't let time get ing in SIX STATES Harley Davidson 2009 The Bulletin recomexcellent communicawith just one phone Super Glide Custom, mends you use cauaway. Hire a tion an d c u stomer call. For free Pacific Stage 1 Screaming tion when you proservice skills; detail professional out Northwest NewspaEagle performance, vide personal Yamaha V-Star 650 o riented. Apply a t per Association Nettoo many options to of The Bulletin's information to compa2003 with less than www.consolidated work brochures call list, $8900. nies offering loans or 7,200 milesand Ga"Call A Service s upply.com EOE . 916-288-6011 or 541-388-8939 raged. Maroon and credit, especially Drug test required. Professional" email those asking for admetallic gold. Chrome ceceliaocnpa.com and Plexiglass windDirectory today! vance loan fees or shield, leather saddle companies from out of (PNDC) S UBA R U bags. Lots of chrome state. If you have DID YOU KNOW that i ncluding Eng i ne concerns or quesTruck Drivers Sales Guard.$3500. Sales professional to Regional dr i v er tions, we suggest you not only does newsJeff 541-390-0937 consult your attorney paper media reach a Central Join wanted, doubles/ HUGE Audience, they or call CONSUMER Oregon's l a r gest triples qualified. 2 a lso reach an E NHOTLINE, Harley Davidson 865 new ca r de a ler years experience. 1-877-877-9392. GAGED AUDIENCE. 2011 Classic LimSubaru of B e n d. Home every day. ATVs Discover the Power of ited, Loaded! 9500 Offering 401k, profit $0.5383 per mile TURNED YOU Newspaper Advertis- miles, custom paint sharing, me d ical doubles, $0.5583 BANK A rcticcat AT V 7 0 0 DOWN? Private party ing in six states - AK, "Broken Glass" by Instructor, term-to-term Lawn plan, split shifts and 2008 t w o-rider veper mile t riples. will loan on real esID, MT,OR, UT, WA. Nicholas Del Drago, paid vacation. Expehicle, EFI LE. L ow Maintenance OSU-Cascades in Bend invites applications for tate equity. Credit, no Excellent benefits For a free rate bronew condition, rience or will train. hours, high perforSeeking self-motione or more fixed-term, non-tenure-track problem, good equity including emchure call heated handgrips, 90 day $1500 guarmance. Nice wheels, vated individuals. is all you need. Call 916-288-6011 full/part-time Instructor positions to teach on a ployee and depenor auto cruise control. a ntee. Dress f o r winch, extra equip., Oregon Driver's term-by-term basis f o r t h e 20 1 4-2015 Oregon Land Mort- email dant health insur$32k in bike, success to work in $5000. Moving causes license required. gage 541-388-4200. academic year. Some of these appointments ceceliaocnpa.com ance. only $20,000 or best our drug free work sale. 541-447-3342. Some experience may be reviewed for renewal or transition to (PNDC) offer. 541-318-6049 Email resume to place. Please apply LOCAL MONEyr We buy helpful, but will train an instructional position on an annual basis at 870 debbiec@penin secured trust deeds & at 2060 NE Hwy 20, the right person. the discretion of the Dean of OSU-Cascades. note,some hard money Boats & Accessories Bend. See Bob or sulatruck.com. Immediate loans. Call Pat Kellev Devon. openings. Courses to be taught may include Accounting, 541-382-3099 ext.13. 12'1969 SearsslumiAmerican Studies, Anatomy, Anthropology, The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Ornum fishing boat, Call Randy Art, Art History, Biology, Business, Chemistry, egon is seeking a night time pressman. We General low hours on new 8 541-419-9225 Computer Science, Counseling, Creative are part of Western Communications, Inc. hp engine, with trailer The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturor send resume to Writing, Early Childhood Education, Digital which is a small, family owned group consistday night shift and other shifts as needed. We and extras. Good PO Box 944 Arts, Education MAT ( E lementary and ing of 7 newspapers, 5 in Oregon and 2 in shape!$1600. currently have openings all nights of the week. Sisters, OR 97759 Secondary), Engineering, English, Exercise sponsible, qualified California. Our ideal candidate will have prior 541-382-2599 Everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts and Sport S c ience, G eology, H ealth and motivated techweb press experience and be able to learn start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and 14' Lowe 2006 alum. w/ Psychology, History, Hospitality, Human t/s tower KBA Comet press) i nicians for our truck/ our equipment (3 end between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. AllpoEZ-Load trailer, 9.9 Development and Family Sciences, Human TURN THE PAGE chassis department. and processes quickly. In addition to our sitions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. Physiology, Ma n agement Inf o rmation Johnson mtr, $2.200 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous I Qualified applicants Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a For More Ads Systems, Marketing, Mathematics, Natural o bo Call J os h a t must have expericommercial print clients as well. In addition to minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts Resources, Organic Chemistry, Physics, The Bulletin 541-647-'I 395 I ence in heavy duty I are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of a competitive wage, we also provide potential Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, opportunity for advancement. If you provide I truck repairs, have loading inserting machines or stitcher, stackScience, Science and Mathematics Education, Local non-profit seek- your own tools and a 15' 1971 Fishing dependability combined with a positive attiing product onto palletsi bundling, cleanup Sociology, Spanish, Speech Communication, boat, full top cover, tude and are a team player, we would like to ing fund-raisers, grant i clean driving record. and other tasks. For qualifying employees we Statistics and Tourism and Outdoor Leader35 H P Ev i n rude hear from you. If you seek a stable work enviwriters and qualified CDL is also a plus. offer benefits i ncluding life i n surance, ship. Salary is commensurate with education motor, trailer and ronment that provides a great place to live, let board mem b ers.I Excellent pay and I short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid and experience. spare tire, accessoPle a se Please send letter of b enefits. us hear from you. vacation and sick time. Drug test is required ries, good condition. Contact James Baisinger, Operations Manager intent to: Cascades submit resume to prior to employment. Required qualifications: MS, MA, or Ph.D. in $1100 obo. 'baisin er@wescom a ers.com Classical Music i PO Box 730, Redone of the listed fields (or closely related field) 541-408-3811 with your complete resume, references and Foundation, 61419 S. Please submit a completed application attenand evident commitment to cultural diversity & Hwy. 97, Su ite F 1, salary history/requirements. No phone calls tion Kevin Eldred. Applications are available educational equity. Preferred qualifications please. Drug test is required prior to employBend, OR 97702. at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chaninclude teaching experience at the college or 15' fiberglas dler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be university level a n d a dem o nstrable Sportsman, The Bulletin obtained upon request by contacting Kevin commitment to promoting and enhancing servinr/central o epon since /90/ 75HP motor, trailer, Eldred via email (keldredobendbulletin.com). Facility Administrator diversity. good condition, Equal Opportunity Employer No phone calls please. Only completed appli$950. cations will be considered for this position. No 541-389-1086 For consideration to teach Fall 2014, Community Counseling Solutions is resumes will be accepted. Drug test is reapplications should be received by 541-419-8034 recruiting for a fu l l t i m e F a cility quired prior to employment. EOE. 08/17/2014. To review posting Administrator. and apply, go to website: Serving Central Oregon since 1903 The Bulletin http://oregonstate.edu/jobsThe facility is located in John Day, Oregon serv/nr/cenrra/ oregon sincel90/ posting ¹0012324. Home Delivery Advisor and is a 9 bed acute care treatment facility working with mentally ill adults who are in OSU is an AA/EOE/Vets/Disabled. The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking an acute phase of their illness. General a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time CROOK COUNTY position and consists of managing an adult 16' 1996 Lowe alum. This individual will be responsible for the EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Accounting carrier force to ensure our customers receive f ishing boat, 2 0 h p day to day operation of the facility. The superior service. Must be able to create and Evinrude outbrd 8 readministrator will be responsible for hiring Crook County/Wellness & Education perform strategic plans to meet department mote control Minnkota of facility staff, training, and day to day Board ot Central Oregon objectives such as increasing market share t rolling motor, f i sh operations. The administrator will assist the finder, bow f i shing (WEBCO) and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a Executive Director in meeting the needs of chair, Bimini top, trailer self-starter who can work both in the office Clinical Quality Coordinator the community, and will report directly to w/spare tires anchor and in their assigned territory with minimal $70,553- $74,883 DOE the Executive Director. fenders, life jackets, supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary Full time w/benefits with company vehicle provided. S t rong lights, exc. cond. 8 Accounts Payable Specialist Closes: May 14, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. reat for local lakes, Applicants should have experience in customer service skills and management skills 2,995. 541-390-9932 human resources, staff recruitment and are necessary. C o mputer experience is Responsible for maintaining vendor accounts, WEBCO is a newer entity and serves as the required. You must pass a drug screening retention, working with the mentally ill, including posting vendor i nvoices with regional Mental and Public Health Authority for ability to supervise 20+ individuals with accuracy and timeliness to take advantage of Crook, Deschutes and Jeffer son Counties. and be able to be insured by company to drive vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but all vendor d iscounts, researching and varying levels of education, ability to assist This position will oversee the behavioral health we believe in promoting from within, so resolving vendor and pricing discrepancies, the Executive Director in managing a large contract deliverables and coordinate the qualadvancement within company is available to m aintaining accurate payee d ata, a n d ity and continuum of care operations for and complex budget, facility and program the right person. If you enjoy dealing with maintaining strong v endor r elationships. development and community relations. A WEBCO. Requires Master's degree and prior people from diverse backgrounds and you are 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, Requires accounting skills, ability to learn new work experience as a Licensed Clinical Social bachelor's degree in psychology, sociology energetic, have great organizational skills and inboard motor, g reat software, and strong communication and Worker. Work is performed in our Redmond or other human services field is preferred. interpersonal communication skills, please cond, well maintained, analytical skills. office and frequent tri-county travel is required. T his i ndividual w il l b e re q u ired t o $8995 obo. 541-350-7755 send your resume to: participate in an on call rotation at the The Bulletin Applications and full job description can be Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent facility. c/o Kurt Muller customer service and over 400 stores in the found at www.co.crook.or.us. PO Box 6020 western United States. We offer competitive The salary range is $51,200-$76,800 per Bend, OR 97708-6020 pay, excellent benefits, retirement, and cash Please apply at the year. Excellent benefits. or e-mail resume to: bonus.Please go to www.lesschwab.com to C rook CountyTressurer's/Tax Office kmullerObendbulletin.com apply. Applications will be accepted through 200 NE 2 Sf. 19.5' Bluewater I/O, new Please contact Nina Bisson at No phone calls, please. Prineville, OR97754 May 10, 2014. No phone calls please. upholstery, new electron541-676-9161 or nina.bisson@gobhi.net The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace. EOE 541-447-6554 ics, winch, much more. EOE with questions or to request an application. EOE $8950. 541-306-0280




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I i

The Bulletin






• •











Travel Trailers

Travel Trailers

KeystoneLaredo 31'

Salem Cruise Lite 18', 2014 Only $10,999! Zero Down! $112 Per Month!

G R E AT •

BOATS 8 RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890- RVs for Rent

I RX J & t

AUTOS8ETRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles




Boats 8 Accessories

Boats & Accessories


2007 Winnebago Outlook Class "C" 31', solar panel, Cat. heater, excellent condition, more extras.Asking $58K. Ph. 541-447-9268 Can be viewed at Western Recreation (top of hill) in Prineville.

Enclosed raft t r ailer, 12'x7', pulley system Best Motor Home to help load, wired for Selection In C.O.! Over 40 New & 12 volt ai r p u mp. Pre-Owned To $750. 541-593-6053 Choose From! Suzuki 9.9hp 4stroke outOn the spot financboard mtr, 20 hrs, $1500 ing, low monthly obo. 541-548-7063 payments. Over 350 RVs in Need help fixing stuff? Inventory! Call A Service Professional Best Selection! find the help you need. Best Value! www.bendbulletin.com Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com 875 Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: Watercraft 541-546-5254 ds published in nWa

(2) 10' Kayaks; Old Town Otter, Ocean Frenzy Si t -on-top, both with p a ddles, $225/ea. 541-593-6053

tercraft" include: Kay aks, rafts and motor Ized personal watercrafts. Fo "boats" please se Class 670. 541-365-5609

Need to get an ad

What are you looking for? You'll find it in

The Bulletin

in ASAP?


Fax it to 541-322-7253

The Bulletin Classifieds


Sermng Central Oregonsince rg03

The Bulletin Classifieds

The Bulletin

Serrrn Centra( Ore on since 1903

Chaparral 2130SS Clean, well m aintained 21 ' f a mily ski/wakeboard open-bow runabout with new Barewest tower/Bimini. Great sound system, new dual battery system. Stored under cover, fresh water use only, 2 nd o wner. J u s t b ought a lar g e r Chaparral! $16,000. 541-419-9510


Chevy Vortec Fleetwood Discovery 35-ft, engine, new tires, 40' 2003, diesel, w/all options - 3 slide outs, new awnings, 12-ft slide-out, queen satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, bed, Italian leather etc., 32,000 m iles. Wintered in h eated couch and recliner, shop. $64,900 O.B.O. excellent condition. 541-447-6664 Ready to travel„ towing hitch inGenerator Kubota 3500 as, 60 h rs, $ 1000 cluded.$19,900. 541-815-4811 ASH. 541-923-5960

KOUNTRY AIRE 1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only47k miles and good condition.


541-548-0318 (photo above is ofa similar model & not the actual vehicle)

Navion IQ Sprinter chassis RV 2008, 25' Mercedes Benz diesel, only 24k miles, excellent condition, automatic rear slide-out w/queen bed, full bath w/shower, deluxe captain swivel front seats, diesel generator, awning, no pets/ no smoking.$69,500. 541-382-2430 FIND IT! SUT IT! SELL IT!

Monaco C ayman The Bulletin Classifieds 2008, 23k miles, 340 Cummins, washer/ dryer, four s lides, Sleep Number queen bed, stored inside, 8kw generator, exc. cond., com p lete Providence 2005 maintenance records Fully loaded, 35,000 $95,000 obo miles, 350 Cat, Very Must see! Call Dan, 541-382-4916 clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice Have an item to maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In sell quick? motion satellite. If it's under $95,000 541-460-2019 '500 you can place it in The Bulletin Advertise your car! Classifieds for: Add A Picture!


Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine /Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles / Offered at $199K. Too many options to list here! For more information go to mne ~ e~tle roeos.com or email trainwatert 57© gmeil.com or call 858-527-8627 Tioga 24' Class C I!Ilotorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater & air conditioning have never been used! $24,000 obo. Serious inquiries, please. Stored in Terrebonne. 541-548-5174

• 34D, 2 slides • Tires 80% • Just completely serviced • 39,000 miles • No trades • $48,000 firm 541-815-3150 Winnebago C h ieftain 30' 1992, $6500/neg. Paul, 8 1 6-231-2201 before 9 p.m.

Alfa See Ya 2006 36' Excellent condition, 1 owner, 350 Cat diesel, 51,000 miles, 4-dr frig, icemaker, gas stove, oven, washer/dryer, non-smokeri 3 slides, generator, invertor, leather interior, satellite, 7'4n ceiling. Clean! $77,500. 541-233-6520

Beaver Marquis, 1993 40-ft, Brunswick floor plan. Many extras, well maintained, fire suppression behind refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar, $23,995. 541-383-3503

20 06 w ith 1 2' slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub 8 shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Li f t . $29,000 new; Asking$18,600 541-447-4605

BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, with living r o om merchandise to sporting slide, 46,000 miles, goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the in good condition. print or on line. Has newer MichCall 541-385-5809 elin tires, awning, blinds, carpet, new www.bendbulletin.com coach battery and The Bulletin SmorngCentral Oregonsince tgtg HD TV. $31,000 Call Dick at 541-408-2387

Find It in

The Bulletin ClassiBeds!


541 eaaa-5aoe

Travel Trailers

Fleetwood Wilderness NW Edition 2002, 26'

Orbit 21' 2007, used

only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $13,900 OBO. 541-382-9441


Pacific Ridge by Komfort 2011

Mdl P 27RL 31', 15'

Super slide, power jack, electric awning, solar panel, 6-volt batteries, LED lighting, always stored inside. Must see to appreciate.Asking $28,000. Call Bill, 541-460-7930 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254

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P Im

~gpgg]g I Ml(NC~~

onaCO Dyna oAo 20iici - L~


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4 «rvette ConVertlbIe

g(I SUT-

Coupe, 350,auto with ~32 miles, gets 26-24 +Pg.Add lots moredescrfPtion and interesting facts for $99I Lookhow

y f s 4-dr tndg

faCe COun


convection micro, er ceramic tile washer/dryer, flOOr, TV, DVD, Sate le

dsh IS, air leueling, passand a through storagetray, king size bed- j)ll tor only $149,000 541-000-000

muChfuf) a gfri COuld

Your auto, RV, motorcycle, boat, or airplane ad runs until it sells or up to 12 months

$10,999, 0 Down, $112 per month, 132 months, 5.75% apr, Tier One credit score,

on approved credit

Over 350 RVs in Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value! Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254

For Sale

Winnebago View, J 24', 2008 229K mi, loaded, Mercedes diesel, 16mpg, stored covered, $62,000. 805-245-0747 (in Bend)

„ -


Winnebago Sightseer 30' 2004

1 slide, electric tongue jack, stabilizWinnebago Adveners, new brakes, turer 2005 35/g', gas, waste tank heaters, ducted heat/AC, less than 20,000 miles, excellent condition, 2 micro/stove/oven, tub/shower, couch, slide-outs, work horse chassis, Banks power elec/gas hot water tank. Sleeps 6. brake system, sleeps Bigfoot Diesel 32' Reach thousands of readers! 5, with al l o p tions, Includes Eaz Lift 2006, Su per C e Call 541 aa5-5B09 hitch, storage cover Duramax di e s el, '10 - 3 lines, 7 days The Bulletin Classifieds $62,000 / negotiable. Call 5 4 1-308-6711or and accessories. Allison trans., only email a ikistu©bend$10,500. 37K mi., do u ble '16 - 3 lines, 14 days cable.com 541-447-3425 (Private Party ads only) slide, 5500 Onan RV diesel gen., to many CONSIGNMENTS options to list. Vin¹ WANTED 534032, $79,995. We Do The Work ... Beaver Coach You Keep The Cash! Sales & Service, On-site credit Bend 541-914-8438 approval team, DLR ¹3447 web site presence. Monaco Lapalma, Winnebago Aspect Forest River 27' by WildWe Take Trade-Ins! 2002, 34'10' - Work2009- 32', 3 slide- wood 2004, winter pkg, Free Advertising. horse 8.1i Less than outs, Leather inteslide, AC, oven, BIG COUNTRY RV 18,000 mi, 5.5 Onan rior, Power s eat, tub-shower, outside Bend: 541-330-2495 gen., 2 slides, 4 dr. locks, windows, shower, micro, awning, Redmond: refrig wficemaker, Aluminum wheels. always stored. $12,500. 541-548-5254 e micro/convection 17n Flat Screen, Prineville, 541-447-9199 oven, water purifier, Surround s o u nd, hydraulic jacks, power camera, Queen bed, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! pilot seat+ more opThe Bulletin's Dodge Foam mattress, Awtions. Exceptionally "Call A Service Brougham 1978, ning, Generator, Inclean. $59,900/make Door-to-door selling with Professional" Directory verter, Auto Jacks, 15', 1-ton, clean, offer. 541-504-1008 fast results! It's the easiest is all about meeting Air leveling, Moon 69,000 miles. way in the world to sell. roof, no smoking or yourneeds. $4500. The Bulletin p ets. L i k e ne w , In La Pine, To Subscribe call Call on one of the The Bulletin Classified $74,900 call 541-602-8652 541-365-5800 or go to 541-460-6900 professionals today! 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

541-385-5809 Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-365-5609

National RV

Tropical, 1997,

havein a sweet car likethis! $12,500 547 -000-000

(whichever comes first!) Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, full color photo, bold headline and price. • Daily PubliCatiOn in The Bulletin, an audienCe Of OVer 70,000.

• Weekly publication in Central Oregon Marketplace —DELIVERED to over 30,000 households. • Weekly PubliCatiOn in The Central OregOn NiCkel AdS With an audienCe Of OVer 30,000 in Central and Eastern Oregon • COntinuOuS liSting With PhOtO On Bendbulletin.COm

541-385-5809 * A $290 value based on an ad with the same extra features, publishing 28-ad days in the above publications. Private party ads only.

Trail Sport 22-ft 2008 -Queen walk-around, AC, awning, oven, tub & shower, outside shower, micro, anti-sway hitch, no slide.$9900. 206-715-3752 (in Redmond)

Wind River 201127ORLDS (Four Seasons) 28' by Outdoor RV in LaGrande, OR. 2 Slides in living room, separate bdrm, power jack,elect awning, solar panel, flat screen, surround sound, micro, air cond, day/night shades, ext speakers,ext shower. Like new! $25,500. 541-548-2109

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 365-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com






Fifth Wheels

Fifth Wheels

Aircraft, Parts 8 Service


T-Hangar for rent at Bend airport. Call 541-382-8998.




Sport Utility Vehicles Sport Utility Vehicles

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT uadcab 1999







ToyotaLandcruiser VX 1999 e uo

916 Alpenlife 29' 1993, Recreation by Design Trucks & with go o s eneck. 2013 Monte Carlo, Heavy Equipment $2500 OBO. Needs 38-ft. Top living room, 2 new ref r igerator bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 Hyster forklift, H 3 0E 541-306-1961. A/Cs, entertainment propane, 2 stage, 672 Leave message. center, fireplace, W/D, hours, $1900 obo. garden tub/shower, in Just bought a new boat? great condition.$36,000 541-389-7596 Sell your old one in the obo. Call Peter, classifieds! Ask about our 307-221-2422, Super Seller rates! ( in La Pine ) 541-385-5809 WILL DELIVER

-~- a I »


Arctic Fox 29' 2003, covered storage, slideout, exc. cond inside & outside 2016 tags, $14,900. 541-678-1449 or 541-410-8849

Best 5th Wheel Selection in C.O.! Over 45 New & Preowned To Choose From! On the spot financing, low monthly payments. Over 350 RVs In Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495




RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do the Work, You Keep the Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254


Qoo 908

Aircraft, Parts & Service

1/3 interestin

Columbia 400,

Financing available.


on the first day it runs to make sure it is cor-

(located @ Bend) 541-288-3333

rect. eSpellchecku and

your ad, please con-

tact us ASAP so that

corrections and any adjustments can be 1/3 interest in wellmade to your ad. equipped IFR Beech Bo541-385-5809 nanza A36, new 10-550/ The Bulletin Classified prop, located KBDN. $65,000. 541-419-9510 www.N4972M.com

ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo. Call Dick, 541-480-1687.

1/5th interest in 1973

Cessna 150 LLC

150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent performance & affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007

172 Cessna Share IFR equipped, new avionics, Garmin 750 touchscreen, center stack, 180hp. Exceptionally clean & economical! $13,500. Hangared in KBDN Call 541-728-0773

Holiday Rambler 37' Presidential model 2003, all factory options, 3 slides, 2 A/C units, 4 door fridge, fireplace, generator, electric jacks front and rear, flat screen TV, e n tertainment center, bay window, exc. cond., MUST People Lookfor Information SEE! Sacr i fice About Products and $24,500 OBO. Services EveryDaythrough 541-223-2218 The Bvlletin Classiffeds

Ron - 541-549-1089

Laredo 30'2009

overall length is 35' has 2 slides, Arctic package, A/C,table & chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at bendbulletin.com


1974 Bellanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent

condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K. In Madras, call 541-475-6302 Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809



1976 Cessna 150M Just oyer 3000hrs, 600 hrs since out of frame major, Horton Stol Kit. Avionics: Apollo 65 GPS & additional radio (4 fre~ ( quencies can be monitored at once). TranMONTANA 3585 2008, sponder w/mode C, JPI exc. cond., 3 slides, Fuel Flow Monitor, digital density, temp & amp king bed, Irg LR, monitor. Nice paint & upArctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. holstery w/memory foam seat bottoms. Oil filter & 541-420-3250 block htr. 1 owner past 14 yrs; always hangared, no damage history. N9475U.$28,000. 541-480-4375 OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awning. Like new! 541-419-0566

541-312-3986 DLR¹0205



Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809

Where can you find a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it's all here in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory




Chevrolet Trailblazer 2008 4x4 Automatic, 6-cylinder, tilt wheel, power windows, power brakes, air conditioning, keyless entry, 69K miles. Excellent condition; tires have 90% tread. $12,995. Call 541-598-5111

Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1968 A e r o Commander, 4 seat, 150 HP, low time,

full panel. $23,000 obo. Contact Paul at 541-447-5184.


More PixatBendbuleti!Lcom On a classified ad

go to Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT www.bendbulletin.com Limited2005, loaded, to view additional leather, roof, a l loy photos of the item. wheels. VIN ¹210360 Just too many Stock ¹42935A collectibles? $12,979

C:ROWIN G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory


,o Ze

Get your business

Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible

with hard & soft top, silver with black interior, all original, very low mileage, in premium condition. $19,900. 702-249-2567 (car is in Bend)


SUBA R Ll eueeuuoeeuuo aou

Sell them in 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. The Bulletin Classifieds 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 541 u385-5809

Looking for your next employee?

Place a Bulletin help Toyota RAV4 20 0 7, Where can you find a wanted ad today and AWD, pw, pl, CD, roof reach over 60,000 helping hand? Subaru Legacy 3.0 R Chev Trailblazer LS 2004, rack. Vin ¹064476 Limited 2008, 6 Cyl., readers each week. AWD, 6 cyl, remote entry, From contractors to Stock ¹44268B Your classified ad auto, AWD, leather, clean title, 12/15 tags, yard care, it's all here $13,979 m oon r o of , re a r will also appear on $5995. 541-610-6150 bendbulletin.com in The Bulletin's spoiler, alloy wheels. S UBA R U . which currently reVin ¹207281 Need to get an "Call A Service ceives over 1.5 milStock ¹82547 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Professional" Directory ad in ASAP? lion page views 877-266-3821 $23,979 every month at You can place it Dlr ¹0354 SUBA R Ll no extra cost. Bulleeueeuuoeeuuo aou online at: tin Classifieds 940 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. www.bendbulletin.com Get Results! Call 877-266-3821 Vans 385-5809 or place 541-820-3724 Dlr ¹0354 Ford 3/4 ton F250 1993 your ad on-line at 541-385-5809 Power Stroke diesel, bendbulletin.com 925 fphoto for illustration only) Find exactly what turbocharged, 5-spd, Utility Trailers Honda Civic Coupe LX good runner & work you are looking for in the 2005, 5 spd, pw, pl, truck. $4500 obo. Call I The Bulletin recoml -0 -IO CLASSIFIEDS A/C. 541-389-5353 or mends extra caution I Vin ¹564343 541-647-8176 when p u rchasing ~ Stock ¹44125A Chrysler Town & f products or services Ford 360 2013, stake Country LXI 1997, from out of the area. $11,979 bed, 12 ft, 2 K m iles, Ford Bronco!! beautiful inside 8 f S ending c ash , $36,500. 619-733-8472 S UBA R U out, one owner, nonchecks, or credit in- g euueuuoeeuuo.aou 4x4, 1989Flatbed tandem axle smoker,. loaded with 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. formation may be I trailer deck length 18, Automatic, power options! 197,892 mi. 7' wide, elec. brakes, 877-266-3821 toFRAUD. steering, stereo Subaru Outback 3.6R J subject Service rec o rds 2015 tags, good cond. Dlr ¹0354 Limited 2011, moon For more informaupgrade, set-up to available. $4 , 950. about an adver$2900. 541-678-1449 AWD, pw, pl, f tion tow, runs good. Call Mike, (541) 815- Honda Civic EXL2012 roof, tiser, you may call 541-410-8849 leather, Vin ¹381548 $1700. 8176 after 3:30 p.m. black, 38+k m i les. I the Oregon State Stock ¹44184A Ford F150 LIGHTNING 541-633-6662 ¹513922 $ 1 9 ,995. Attorney General's s 932 $23,979 1993, 500 miles on reOffice C o nsumer I Antique & 975 built engine. Clean intehotline at S UBA R U . / Protection Classic Autos rior & new tires. $7000, HummerH3 X 2007 Automobiles 'I -877-877-9392. OBO. 541-647-8723 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-598-3750 I 877-266-3821 e SeoeogCeouul Ofueloo sloau79IB www.aaaoregonautoCHECKYOUR AD FordF-350 2010 Dlr ¹0354 Please check your ad source.com Cabela's Crew Cab on the first day it runs to make sure it is cor- Hyundai Sonata 2011 3.7L 5 cyls, 4WD, rect. Sometimes in- GLS silver, 41,200 mi. s tructions over t h e ¹003928 $14.995 auto., 104k mi, 20 Chevy C-20 Pickup phone are misunder1969, was a special MPG, vin¹103344 stood and an error order, has all the ex$15,977 V8 diesel, 4 wheel can occur in your ad. tras, and is all original. drive. ¹A74567 If this happens to your ROBBERSONX See fo believe! 541-598-3750 ad, please contact us www. 541-923-6049 aaaoregonautothe first day your ad $39,777 source.com 1000 1000 541-312-3986 appears and we will ROBBERSON y be happy to fix it as Legal Notices dlr ¹0205 Legal Notices Lleeoee~ ~ s oon as w e c a n . Mercedes SLK350 true. IT IS, THEREDeadlines are: Week- 2005 conv., silverLEGAL NOTICE 541-312-3986 days 12:00 noon for blue, like new, AMG Date of Publication: FORE, ORDERED: DLR¹0205 1. The will dated next day, Sat. 11:00 pkq, low mi, $20K. 5/3/2013 Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. 5401-312-2328 TO: PATR O NS, March 22, 2012 is engine, power everythe last will of the 12:00 for Monday. If P ARENTS, STU thing, new paint, 54K Ford F-350 4x4, a b o ve we can assist you, DENTS, STAFF, AND decedent, orig. miles, runs great, O THER INTE R - named, and the will exc. cond.in/out. $7500 I Ne e d fo sell a Jeep Compass Lafi- please call us: \1 • „ is hereby admitted (f 541-385-5809 ESTED PERSONS obo. 541-480-3179 Vehicle? u e e® fude 2012, roof rack, to p r o bate; 2. On December 17, Call The Bulletin spoiler, keyless entry. The Bulletin Classified T. 1987, Con g ress DEANNE and place an ad Vin ¹508927 signed into law an act SNEDEKER is aptoday! Stock ¹44165A pointed p e r sonal titled "Asbestos Hazl A s k about our 2006 XLT 4-door $18,779 "Whee/ Deal"! ard Emergency Re- representative of the Crew Cab se r v e S UBA R U . Act e state, t o l f o r private party l sponse e without bond in the (AHERA). This law advertisers 6.0L Turbo diesel, full Plymouth B a r racuda 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. of directed all schools, amount 1966, original carl 300 power, a u t omatic, 877-266-3821 public and private, to $ 750,000.00, a n d Corvette 1979 hp, 360 V8, center- 6-disc CD, cruise, fog Dlr ¹0354 inspect buildings for letters shall be isL82- 4 speed. lights, running boards, lines, 541-593-2597 asbestos containing sued forthwith to her tow pkg, bedliner, grill Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 85,000 miles materials develop an in the manner proguard, folding rear Garaged since new. 2012, red, 5,500 mi. b y law. I've owned it 25 inventory of the mate- vided seat. Tan cloth intePontiacGrand ANf rials, and prepare a D ATED this 2 4 t h rior, metallic tan exteyears. Never damSE1 2003 rior. 91,400 miles. plan for management day of March, 2014. aged or abused. of the asbestos con- Roger J. Dehoog /s/ $12,900. Priced to sell $21,500 taining materials in SD Circuit Judge. Dave, 541-350-4077 Deanne T. Snede541-350-6925 541-598-3750 the buildings. Rolls Royce 1992 SilBendLa Pine ker, Alternate Perver Spur II, excellent! www.aaaoregonautosonal RepresentaMidnight Blue exterior, Schools, utilizing the source.com tive, 1515 SW Fifth Parchment leather inteservices of p r ofesFWD, V6 auto., 90k rior, 15-inch chrome RR Lincoln Navigator 2003 sional inspectors and A ve., S t e . 84 4 , mi., 29 mpg Hwy, wheels, Alpine Sirius 4WD, V8 5.4L, tow pkq, consultants, has com- Portland, O r egon Vin¹572987 Phone: (503) DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS fully loaded with DVD, pleted this directive 97201, Bar ain Corral naviqation system heated leather seats, for all District build- 222-9966, e m a il: 6,977 77,200 miles, dealer3rd row seating, runs 8 CORVETTECOUPE ings. T h ese man- dsnedekerowilliamsFORD XLT1992 ship maintained, aldrives exc., well maint., Glasstop 2010 agement plans have fredrickson.com ROBBERSON 3/4 ton 4x4 ways garaqed. New, 143k mi. Non-smokers. Grand Sport - 4 LT been accepted by the Michael D. Williams, oeeooe~ ~llu uuuuo about $250,000; sell matching canopy, New tires, brakes, roloaded, clear bra State Department of OSB¹743440, 1515 30k original miles, $19,500. 541-480-3348 tors and struts. $7,950. hood & fenders. E ducation and a r e SW Fifth Ave., Ste. 541-312-3986 possible trade for 541-604-4166 New Michelin Super available for review in 844, Portland, OrDLR ¹0205 WHEN ONLY THE classic car, pickup, Sports, G.S. floor the Principal's Office egon 97201, Phone: BEST WILL DO! motorcycle, RV 222 - 9966, mats, 17,000 miles, at each school and at (503) Nazda CX-Ti S ort $13,500. Crystal red. the District Mainte- email: Porsche 911 mwilliamsowilliamsIn La Pine, call $42,000. nance D e p artment fredrickson.com Carrera 993 cou 928-581-9190 503-358-1164. Office. LEGAL NOTICE The School District is required to conduct NOTICE TO INTERESTED P ERSONS. Ford Fusion Sport ongoing surveillance Buick Skylark 1972 2011 - 2. 5 L 4 cyl., of asbestos contain- William C. Mansfield 17K orig. miles. Please Fl a t see hemmings.com for I nternational auto., 23k miles, 28 ing materials every six has been appointed Bed Pickup 1963, 1 months. During July, as the Administrator details. $18,900. MPG, Black Cherry 1996, 73k miles, ton dually, 4 spd. 541-323-1898 Mica, vin¹362484 1 993, the EP A r e - o f th e E s tate o f Tiptronic auto. trans., great MPG, viewed the AHERA C harles Rich a rd $18,977 transmission. Silver, 933 could be exc. wood management plans Mansfield, Deceased, blue leather interior, hauler, runs great, 2011 2. 5 L 4 cyl., ROBBERSON and walked through a by the Circuit Court Pickups moon/sunroof, new new brakes, $1950. FWD, auto., 64k few of the schools. for Deschutes County, L INcoLN~ I M ROR quality tires and 541-419-5480. miles, Bordeaux ReThis review found the State of Oregon, unbattery, car and seat 541-312-3986 serve vin¹324193 n u mber S chool D i strict i n der c as e covers, many extras. dlr ¹0205 $20,997 compliance and the 14-PB-0035. All per935 Recently fully sermanagement plans in sons having a claim Sport Utility Vehicles ROBBERSON y viced, garaged, against th e e s tate good status. looks and runs like e|ee 0ee ~ IM RDR Questions about these m ust p resent t h e Mercedes Benz new. Excellent conmatters may be di- c laim w i t hin fo u r Volvo S60T5 2013 C300 S orf2012 541-312-3986 dition $29,700 2005 Diesel 4X4 rected to the follow- months after the date 541-322-9647 DLR ¹0205 Chev Crewcab dui ng parties: Mi k e of first publication of ally, Allison tranny, Tiller at (541) this notice to the Adtow pkg., brake con'oo 355-4702, or Paulsen ministrator at Brian T. troller, cloth split Porsche 911 Turbo Hemphill, P.C., 339 Environmental Confront bench seat, sulting, Inc., Steven SW Century Dr. Ste. only 66k miles. B e n d , OR Less than 14k mil, Paulsen at (541) 101, AWD, less than 11k Very good condition, 473-2243. 97702, or the claim AWD, 7 spd, leather mi., auto, 6 spd. Original owner, m ay be barred. A ll vin ¹700716 vin ¹202364 LEGAL NOTICE $34,000 Ford Mustang 2004, persons whose rights $31,977 $31,977 IN THE CIRCUIT or best offer. V8, manual, RWD, may be affected by C OURT OF T H E 541-408-7826 ROBBERSON g power seats, r e ar 2003 6 speed, X50 this proceeding may ROBBERSON~ S TATE O F OR spoiler, leather. added power pkg., obtain additional inmeemo EGON FOR T HE ~ ~ VIN ¹232501 530 HP! Under 10k f ormation from t h e Chevy Ext. Cab 1991 COUNTY OF DES541-312-3988 Stock ¹82459A miles, Arctic silver, c ourt records, t h e with camper shell, 541-312-3986 CHUTES D epartDLR ¹0205 gray leather interior, Administrator, or the $10,979 good cond., $1500 DLR ¹0205 ment of Probate. In new quality t ires, attorney for the AdOBO. 541-447-5504. S UBA R U . the Matter of Estate and battery, Bose ministrator: Brian T. of MAXINE HOGsou n d Hemphill. Dated and Nissan MuranoSL 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. p remium GAN MYERS, Destereo, moon/sun877-266-3821 first published: April 2011 No. ceased. roof, car and seat 26, 2014. Signed: /s/ Dlr ¹0354 1 4PB0023. LIM covers. Many extras. William C. Mansfield, ITED JUDGEMENT Garaged, p e r fect Administrator. Good classified ads tell T O O PEN P R Ocondition, $59,700. the essential facts in an BATE A N D AP Dodge R a m 150 0 BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K 541-322-9647 interesting Manner.Write P OINTMENT O F Mega Cab 2006, V8 miles, premium packthe readers view -not What are you PERSONAL REPHEMI, 4WD, pw, pdl, age, heated lumbar black w/ leather seat from the seller's. Convert the supported seats, panRESENTATIVE. 1. tilt wheel, tow pkg. Porsche Carrera 911 trim, 3.4L V6, 27,709 looking for? facts into benefits. Show Upon the petition of oramic moo nroof, Vin ¹146717 2003 convertible with Bluetooth, ski bag, Xe- miles. vin¹362484 the reader howthe item will DEANNE T. Stock ¹82918 hardtop. 50K miles, 26.977 You'll find it in non headlights, tan & SNEDEKER for help them in someway. new factory Porsche $22,479 black leather interior, probate of the will of ROBBERSON This motor 6 mos ago with ew front & re a r the a b ove-named The Bulletin Classifisds ® s u a a au nbrakes \I II e 0 e e ~ IM ROB advertising tip 18 mo factory war@ 76K miles, decedent, the Court ranty remaining. brought to you by 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. one owner, all records, finds the allegations 541-312-3986 $37,500. 877-266-3821 very clean, $1 6,900. dlr ¹0205 The Bulletin 541-322-6928 of said petition to be eer 'ogCenteeOoeeoo since eeae 541-385-5809 Dlr ¹0354 541-388-4360

Dodge Ram 2500 2008 Diesel, exc. towing vehicle, 2WD, 55,000 miles. New batteries, rear air bags, Roll-n-lock bed cover, spray-in liner. 5th wheel Peterbilt 359 p otable water truck, 1 990, hitch available, too. 3200 gal. tank, 5hp $19,000. e p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, 541-604-1285 camlocks, $ 25,000.




f f


f f


gg ""

' IIjl

Keystone Cougar 2010 326MKS. Like new. S tored i ndoors. 4 slideouts, queen bed, mirrored w a rdrobe, skylights in bath and bedroom. DVD, TV, AM/FM CD p l ayer with i n terior/exterior speakers, retractible awning, etc. M a ny e xtras. So l d w i t h h ousehold and R V extras and R eese Hitch. $29,950(OBO)


4.7L V8, 4WD, auto., 16 mpg Hwy, Vin¹ 66902 Bargain Corral $9,977

Ford Thunderbird Subaru Forester X S Suzukr FX4 2008, pw, 2002 c o nvertible 2003, p w , pl , til t pdl A/C and CD. with brand new tonwheel. Vin ¹761625 Vin ¹112357 Stock ¹82964 Stock ¹44267A neau cover, white with grey i nterior, $13,979 SOLD! loaded, 88,600 low miles, choice condiS UBA R U . S UBA R U . tion, everything works. Great fun car 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 to d r ive. I l l ness Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 forces sale. price reduced to $12,500. WHEN YOU SEE THIS Call Bill 541-604-9307


human errors do occur. If this happens to

Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird

Kenworth 1991 T800 Water Truck 914 350hp diesel eng, 9-spd trans, Hendrickson cab suspension, double framed, self-contained John Deere pony motor, 4000 gallon water tank, new battery, 902,832 miles.$22,500 obo. 541-589-2209

5 .2L V 8 auto . , 1 43,659 mi. R W D Vin ¹628726 Bargain Corral. $5,977

BMW X3 2011 black on black, sport/prem packs, leather, 3.5i turbo, nav., 20k miles, 19u wheels, cold weather pkg, Xenons, warranteed to 9/2015. $38,000 One owner, 503-789-9401 (Portland)



l The Bulletin l

L'"" " " '





~m-HW.r ~









0 'I

2015 Subaru Impreza NRX

/ '/




NEW 2014 Ford F150 Regular Cab XLT V6, Conv. Pkg, SYNC MSRP ......................... $32,085

TSS Discount.................-$2,500 $31,249 XLT Special Retail Cash .... -$1,500 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Ford Credit Bonus* ..........-$1,000 Trade-In Assistance* * . . . . . . . . -$750**

25,335 sale price

Must tradein a'95 or newer. *MustFinancethrough FMCC. OnApprovedCredit. VIN:A47540

NEW 2014 Ford F350 Crew Cab Long Wheel Base XLT XLT Value Pkg., Camper Pkg.

The 2015 Subaru WRX features the all-new 268-horsepower DirectInjection Turbocharged engine, producing maximum power and torque. This engine also delivers 258 Ib-ft of torque across a flat plateau from 2000 to 5700 RPM, and it produces a higher total output across a wider range. Love.It's whatmakes a Suharu,a Suharu.

MSRP ......................... $54,285

TSS Discount.................-$4,500 $31,249 SP Pkg .........................-$1,000 Retail CustomerCash....... -$1,500 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Ford Credit Bonus" .......... -$1,000

$45,285 saieence4se„ooo *Must FinancethroughFMCC.OnApprovedCredit.VIN:A16046

NEW 2014 Ford F350 DRW Lariat Vltimate Package

ption Pkg. 21.Alloy Wheel Pkg. 17aAlloy Wheels, 225/60 R17 98TAll SeasonTires, FogLights, RearSeat BackProtector, Rear BumperCover, 4All-Weather Floor Mats

5thWheelPkg,GooseneckPkg,Heated Rear Seats, Dual Alternators MSRP......................... $67,900 TSS Discount .................-$5,000 $62,900 Retail CustomerCash.......-$1,500 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Ford Credit Bonus * ..........- $1,000

2014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i CVT



C onfiden c e i n M o t i o n

201 4 S ub a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i 6 MT Standard Model. Rear Bumper Cover, Floor Mats/All Weather/4

59,400 sale price 4sekuoo

*Must Finance through FMCC.OnApprovedCredit. VIN:A42886

NEW 2014 Ford Taurus SHO AWD



Navigation, Front 8 Rear Heated Seats, Power Moonroof, Heated Steering Wheel

MSRP $26,166. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,567 VIN: ¹E3266213 EDB-21 itle, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

MSRP ......................... $45,475

TSS Discount .................-$2,870 $42,605 Retail Cash ...................-$2,750 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Ford Credit Bonus* ..........-$1,250

'.;:. s24,599

$37,605 saie ~rice

MSRP $24,748.Subaru ofBend Discount $1,785 VIN: ¹E1303053 EDA-01 Title, lic. 8 doc. and dealer installed options not included.

'.;:. s22,999~

*Must Finance through FMCC.OnApprovedCredit. VIN:141315

2014 S u b a r u

NEW 2014 Ford Nustang Roush

L egacy 2 . 5 i

Roush RS Pkg.

P remium CV T

Base MSRP .................. $25,825 Roush RS Pkg............... +$7,440 MSRP$33,265 Retail Cash ...................-$1,000 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Retail BonusCash...........-$1,000 TS&S FordDiscount .........-$1,000

Option Package02. Heated FrontSeats, WindshieldWiper De-lcer, HeatedSideMirrors, Rear Chrome Garnish-Legacy, Rear BumperApplique, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, Floor Mats/AllWeather/4, CargoTray

2014 S u b a r u BRZ 2 . 0 L im i t e d 6MT Option Package01.Standard Model. Popular Package¹1a Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, RearBumperApplique, Wheel Locks-AlloyWheels

29 5265 saie price VIN:297525,297522,305048

NEW 2014 Ford Fiesta 4-Door SE Auto, A/C, Comfort Pkg, Heated Seats MSRP ......................... $17,790 TSS Discount ................... -$595 $17,195 EcoboostChallenge ......... -$1,000 Retail Credit BonusCash..... -$500



2 RRThis Price!

MSRP $25,058.Subaru ofBend Discount $1,533 VIN:¹E3027717 EAD-02 Title, lic.L doc. and dealer installed options not induded.

S22 I



Msiu' $28,888. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,489 VIN: E9602327.EZE-01

Title, lic.L doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Cash or Trade

5,695 Sale Price 'M stRosssths ChFMCC.rs Icsstt.tlla:2I233I,2aasaa

';,:. s22,999

NEW 2014 Ford Fusion Titanium AWD

P',.'. $ 27


19" Wheels, My Ford Touch ................. $35,015 -$2,125 .

















Retail BonusCash............$I,RRR


" »R'»3 2 5 $ 1 995 LeaSe

I nn '



Cash or Trade

MilesPerYear. FMCCFinancing,Tier1 Credit. 'On ApprovedCredit. VIN:292726 SBIS PflCS Resi dual $20,308.70,10,000


2014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Heated FrontSeats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSide Mirrors, RearSeat BackProtector, Rear BumperCover, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, 4All-Weather Floor Mats


201 4 S ub a r u X V Crosstre k Hybrid

Touring CVT

Option Package 01.Popular Package¹2. SeatBackProtector, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, RearBumperCover, Splash Guard,All-Weather FloorMats


20N 8NC 2007 Subaru 2N3 Toyota 2N0 Jeep 2005 Canyon Impreza2.5i Corolla Rubicon HummerSUT Automatic

Crew Cab,Loaded, AWD, LowMiles, Auto, Low Miles Hard Top,36K Low Miles,Lux.Pkg, Low Miles, Great Auto, Great EX CELLENT Miles, Winch, Air Suspen sion, Custom Condition Con d ition Condition GoodCondition Wheels,Only57Kmiles

$15,995 $12,995 $17,995 $26,995 831,995 VIN:171831






MSRP $28,450.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,213 VIN: ¹E3249474 EDD-02 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.


;;:. s26,237 -4J

VIN: 114235







MSRP $30,787.Subaru ofBend Discount $1,488 VIN: ¹EH267087 ERI-01 Title, lic.L doc. and dealer installed options not included.

• • J • gg

';,:. $29 5299






• II



Sale endsMay4, 2014







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