Bulletin Daily Paper 11-3-12

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $

SATURDAY November3,2012

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In focus after Sandy: How we get around



With Oregon's shift to all-mail voting, precincts today may serve little purpose except to provide a glimpse at voting trends in such small pockets of the state. With just days to go until Election Day, The Bulletin is examining four Central Oregon precincts. Precinct l in northwest Bend is second in the four-part series.

ancer cen er a in

By Curtis Tate McClatchy iVewspapers

WASHINGTON — Hurricane Sandy exposed decades of neglect of transit systems, and some transit advocates think the storm's impact has the potential to dramatically reshape how and where people live and how they get to work. A recent U.S. census report showed an increase in population in city centers across the country. The number of miles Americans drive peaked in 2007 and has since declined, reversing a decadeslong increase. And the strug-





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• Plans that centralize care at St.CharlesBend could breakground inJuly By Elon Glucklich



The Bulletin

St. Charles Health System is pre-

gling economy or higher

paring for a major expansion of its

gasoline prices aren't the only explanation; younger

Bend cancer center. The hospital plans to construct a two-story, 18,000-square-foot addition at its campus on Northeast Neff Road, according toplanning documents filed with the city of Bend. The project will bring together in one building the hospital's cancer doctors and its radiation and chemotherapy services, which are currently housed in a leased facility several blocks away near Northeast Courtney Drive and Northeast 27th Street. Hospital officials hope to break ground in July. Plans show it being built immediately south of the hospital's Heart Center, said Kirk Schueler, chief administrative officer with St. Charles Health System. A ground-breaking next summer would put the project on track for completion in mid-2014. "The plan is to bring together our m edicaland oncologyservices,"Schueler said. "Havingthem separated doesn't work as well for patients or staff." SeeSt. Charles/A7

people are waiting longer to get drivers' licenses and are buying fewer cars. Instead, they're choosing to live in places closer to where they work and riding public transit wherever they need to go. "Transit has come a long way in the last generation," said Michael Melaniphy, the president of the American Public Transportation Association. "It's become a choice. People look for it as

'a i,


,~a re


a primary choice." SeeTransportation /A7

Photos by Ryan Brenneckei The Bulletin

Storm news

ABOVE:Alan Jones considers himself a rarity in his west-side neighborhood near Mirror Pond: He is a registered Republican, one who thought about staking Romney-Ryan signs outside his home "just to show everybody that I'm not part of the problem.... There's no reason for any intelligent person in this country to vote for Obama." Most of his neighbors might not agree; in voting Precinct 1, there are more than twice as many blue Democrats as red Republicans. But that doesn't necessarily mean enthusiasm is running high for the president.

""t"X«"" t~1

• Storm costs will strain federal budget; marathon canceled,A3 • Also vulnerable in disasters:

wireless phone technology, A7 n

Did your team win? The quirkier side of polls By Paul Farhi The Washington Post

If President Barack Obama wins Franklin County, Ohio — a critical locale in a swing state — on Tuesday, he might want to write a thank-you note to Ohio State's football team. The Buckeyes defeated Penn State last week, thereby enhancing Obama's chances of taking Ohio. This isn't a guess. It's science — social science. Research shows that voters in a college team's home county tend to reward the incumbent presidential candidate after the local team wins two weeks before the election. The effect is often significant. It's a reminder than more is at play than party affiliation and even the issues. SeePolling/A6

By Lily Raff McCaulou • The Bulletin

ABOVE:Richard Engle, sitting on the steps outside of The Shepherd's House, is a resident at the shelter, and a registered Democrat. He's voting for Obama, and he explains why. "I guess to me, the bottom line is: Republicans favor the 1 percent people."

DeschutesCounty's Precinct 1 M t. Washington Dr.


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hen someone stole the ObamaBiden sign from K athy Payne's west-side yard last month, the thief inadvertentlyhelped the president's bid for re-election. Payne noticed the sign was missing, then donated $10 more so that Barack Obama's campaign would send her another one. Welcome to one of Central Oregon's bluest voter precincts. Hugging the western edge of Mirror Pond and stretching near the top of Awbrey Butte, Democrats outnumber Republicans here more than 2 to 1. And many, including Payne, remain whole-hearted in their support for the president. As a mother of two boys, Payne said she appreciates what Obama has done to bring home U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Her husband was in the last draft lottery for Vietnam, she said, and though he didn't end up having to go overseas, he came close enough that she hates thinking of some future draft forcing her sons to serve in a war. She's also a fan of Obamacare. "The people need this," she said of the president's health care plan. "He's for the people." Payne thinks that, during his presidency, Obama has managed to avert a major depression andget the economy back on an upward trend. She notes that homes in her neighborhood are starting to sell more quickly, and pric-

es are going up.

Election news • Unstamped Oregon ballots will still be mailed and counted,C1 • What your tax bill could be,A2


Source: Deschutes County

Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

Welcome to Precinct l. In the 2008 election, Deschutes County's Precinct 1 was the most Democratic-leaning precinct, with nearly 50 percent of its voters registered with the Democratic Party. This year, the precinct is 45.7 percent Democraticand 22 percentRepublican. SeePrecinct1/A4

• 3 days left, messages refined, A4


8 P We userecycled newsprint AnIndependent

Vol. 109, No. 308,


88267 02329


y sect ions

Business C3-5 Local News C1-8 Classified E1-4 Movies, IV B2 C omics B 4- 5 Obituaries C 7 C rosswords B5, E2 Sports D 1-6

TODAY'S WEATHER H gt 6'i L'ow4i

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The Associated Press file photo

A Libyan mourner pays her respects to slain U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens (pictured on the wreath) a week after the Sept. 11 consulate attack in Benghazi.

Benghaziattack: What is known The Associated Press aud McClatchy Newspapers WASHINGTON — T h e d eadly military-style assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, has raised numerous foreign policy and national security questions and fueled a fierce, partisan election-year debate over the Obama administration's handling of the attack. The strike that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans is either proof of President Barack Obama's leadership failures or a tragic event that occurred despite the administration's best efforts. The questions essentially b o il down to what Obama officials knew about the attack. The problem has been separating fact from spin during a period of high-stakes politics. This Q-and-A examines both the central facts and the lingering doubts. SeeLibya/A6

Don't forget

WAR VERDICT:COntraCtOr Set your clocks BRm ust pay $85 million to back onehour

injured Oregonsoldiers,A3










The Bulletin


Discoveries, brealzthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you needto janow to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.


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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:

Q4QB@©s(4 4)©© The estimated jackpot is now $12 million.

It's Saturday, Nov. 3, the 308th day of 2012. There are 58 days left in the year.

An overhaul of the tax code is likely to be at the top of the agenda for the next Congress. The topic ranks as the No. 1 concern of the business groups that have dominated independent spending in this election. Both

presidential candidates haveattached numbers to their big ideas, from the Bush cuts to corporate rates.

Phone hours: 5:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Moni-eri., 6:30 a.m.-noon Sat.-Son.



Wherethecandidatesstandonbig tax reforms



• Bush-eratax cuts

oowin e ax rais By James B. Stewart


port on Romney's math, said New York Times News Service my results bore out his point What federal tax rate would about repealing the AMT, he t hat "you can't pay for t h e you pay if Mitt Romney were hasn't actually proposed doing Romney tax rate cuts without elected president? And what so, so I retainedthe AMT inthe raising taxes on the middle would it be if Barack Obama Obama calculations. class." But "that's not to say tax were re-elected'? Assume ConI assumed the Obama pro- reform isuseless.You could do gress goes along with the can- posals would raise my rate and a 1986/Reagan kind of reform. didates' proposals. the Romney plan would lower You increase the tax on capital Considering ho w c e ntral it. But the Romney plan actual- gains and bring down the rates. these issueshave been to the ly increased my rateto 25.5 per- But that's something Romney campaign, it's curious how cent from 22.2 percent in 2011, has explicitly sworn off." hard it is to come up with an- and to 27.6 percent from 26.7 Interestingly, many Repubswers, perhaps because both percent in 2009. The Obama licans and Democrats support c andidates want v o ters t o plan raised it even more sub- tax reform along those lines, believe someone else'staxes stantially, to 30.6 percent in but no one would know that may have to r ise. Whether 2011 and 29.3 percent in 2009. from the campaign rhetoric. "Reagan didn't really want Romney's math adds up and I ncluding t h e mi n i m um whether taxing the rich would tax in the Obama plan had a to raise capital gains taxes," make a dent inthe deficit might significant impact. If Obama said Leonard Burman, a tax make an i n teresting public abolished it, my rate under his expert at Syracuse University policy debate, but those issues plan fell to 29.7 percent in 2011 and a member of the Bipartisan furtherobscure the most basic and to 26.7 percent in 2009 Policy Center's Debt Reduction question: What effect will the — lower than the Romney Task Force. "But he did beproposals have on each of us'? plan, in fact, in 2009. If Rom- cause it was the only way to cut Voters shouldn't simply vote ney allowed me the $17,000 in rates without shifting the tax to with their pocketbooks. But itemized deductions he has middle-income people. UnforI would at least like to know mentioned, it would have only tunately, the campaign hasn't how much I'm being asked to a negligible impact, lowering clarified the issue much." pay and what I might expect in my rates 0.5 percent. Still, a few things emerge It's hard to generalize from from my exercise: Obama's return.This has been especially true since I discovered this one return. Since I live in New plan would i m pose higher year that I paid a rate in federal York, I have high state and lo- rates on higher-income taxincome tax that's nearly twice cal tax deductions, to some ex- payers, especially at the very as high as Romney's. tent recaptured by the AMT. top. My rate, although higher Tax reform and the related So I benefited from Obama's than I pay now, would be lower issue of economic growth have retention of most deductions than that paid by the ultrarich. been major themes in the cam- (although he has talked of Under Romney's plan, I'd pay paign that will end Tuesday. some limitations on higher- higher rates than I do now but The economy has taken cen- income taxpayers). I had some lower than under Obama's. ter stage, and both candidates capital gains in 2011 (and ben- Still, they'd be significantly have been making much of efited from Romney's lower higher than the ultrarich rate. tax platforms that aim to spur rate) while, like many people, Voters may disagree about who's right, but th e choice growth and job creation while I had a net loss in 2009. promoting fairness. Romney Still, the results suggest that seems clear. And now I have has been the more ambitious, Romney's plan, far from being some idea what the tab will be. calling for sweeping tax rea tax cut, would raise my taxes. — James B. Stewart is a professor form that would lower rates Obama's proposals impose an of business journalism at Columbia while broadening the base by even steeper increase, assumUniversity and a New York Times limiting unspecified deduc- ing he doesn't repeal the AMT. business columnist. That's not surprising, since he tions and loopholes. "Tax policy shapes almost hasn't masked his intention to everything i n dividuals and make higher earners pay more. enterprises do as they partici- And my results for Obama don't pate in the economy," he says includethe3.8percentsurcharge on his website. on investment income schedObama has called for a reuled to go into effect as part of turn to the top rates that pre- his health care legislation. vailed in the Clinton adminFairness istration and higher rates on capital gains and dividends. What about the fairness is"We can't get this done un- sue that set off my interest in less we also ask the wealthi- the first place? I did the same est households to pay higher calculations for the ultrarich taxes on their incomes above who representthe top 400 tax$250,000," Obama said last payers, using 2009 data, the month in New Hampshire. "We most recent available, and 2007, created 23 million new jobs, a more representative year and we went from a deficit to since incomes were depressed NOVEMBER surplus. That's how you do it." during the financial crisis. Contrary to some attacks

ROMNEYwould extend

• President Barack Obama is

them for everyone and

gathering top aides andstate and local officials impacted by theEast

cut individual income tax rates by 20 percent. OBAMAwould extend them for families with

Coast storm as he continues to

monitor the federal response.A3 • Obama also is campaigning in swing states. His Republican

taxable incomes below $250,000 and make the highest tax rate 39.6.

challenger, Mitt Romney, will

• Extra taxrates

barnstorm across NewHampshire, lowa andColorado, all considered

ROMNEY would repeal

vital to his victory.A4

taxes on capital gains,

• G-20 leaders meetin Mexico City.

interest and dividends

for those whoearnless


than $200,000; rates would be 15 percent for individuals with incomes

Highlights:In1986, the Iran-

Contra affair began to cometo

above $200,000.

light as Ash-Shiraa, a pro-Syrian

OBAMAwants a tax on

Lebanesemagazine, first broke the story of U.S. armssales to Iran.

all income inexcessof $1 million (the so-called Buffett rule). He would continue the15 percent tax rate on dividends and capital gains for families making less than $250,000, otherwise 20 percent.

In1992, Bill Clinton was elected the 42nd president of the United

• Estate tax

won the New York City Marathon in 2:08:07; Joyce Chepchumba of Kenya finished in 2:25:56 to capture the women's title.

States; in lllinois, Carol MoseleyBraun became the first black

woman elected to theSenate. Ten years ago:Boston Marathon champion Rodgers Rop ofKenya

ROMNEYwould repeal it

(estatescurrently exempt: $5 million for individuals,

Five years ago:Twoastronauts conducted asuccessfulspacewalk to save a rippedsolar wing on the space station. One yearago:GreekPrime Minister George Papandreouabandoned his explosive plan toput aEuropean rescue deal to a popular vote.

$10 million forcouples). OBAMA would set exemption levels at $3.5/7 million and set the top rate at45 percent.

• Corporatetaxes ROMNEY would repeal the corporate alternative minimum tax and switch to a "territorial


tax system" so profits earned abroadwould

Actress LoisSmith is 82. Former Massachusett sGov.MichaelDukakis is 79. Actor-dancer KenBerry is 79.

not be taxed here. OBAMAwould cut the corporate rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and eliminate tax deductions for companies that move

Singer Lulu is64. Comedian-actress Roseanne Barr is 60. Actress Kate

Capshaw is59. ComedianDennis Miller is 59.Actress KathyKinneyis 59. Singer AdamAnt is 58. Olympic

jobs offshore.

gold medalfigure skater Evgeni Plushenko is30.

Sources: McClatchy-Tnbune, Christian Science Monitor

— From wire reports




One man's tax returns

on Romney's plan, his propos-

So what would the impact of their tax proposals be? After consulting several tax experts, I did the calculations both on my own returns for 2009 and 2011 as well as for the wealthiest 400 taxpayers. For the Romney plan, I took the proposals from his website that apply to taxpayers with adjusted grossincomes over $200,000: a 20 percent cut in the top rate (to 28 from 35 percent); dividends and capital gains taxed at the existingpreferential rate of 15 percent; and the abolition of the alternative minimum tax. Romney hasn't said what itemized deductions he would abolish or limit, but he has said he might cap or eliminate those deductions for high-income taxpayers. Romney has mentioned a cap on deductions of $17,000, or "make up a number, $25,000, $50,000. Anybody can have deductions up to that amount. That's one way one could do it." So in the spirit of Romney's comments, I e l i minated all itemized deductions. I retained the self-employed health insurance deduction and the deduction for contributions to a qualifying retirement plan. So far as I can tell, Romney hasn't proposed abolishing those. I took Obama's taxproposals from his proposed budget and subsequent campaign statements, in which he has called for a return to Clinton era rates of 36 percent (for single taxpayers in roughly the $200,000 to $400,000 bracket) and 39.6 percent for those earning more than $400,000 for both ordinary and dividend income and a 20 percent rate on capital gains. While Obama hastalked

als don't appear to disproportionately benefit the ultrarich. In 2009, they paid an average 20.6 percent in f ederal tax on adjusted gross income of nearly $81 million; in 2007 it was 17 percent on an average $138 million. Romney's plan would yield a 20.4 percent rate in 2009, a slight reduction, and 18.5 percent in 2007, which is 1.5 percent higher. Still, Romney's plan doesn't affect the ultrarich much at all, since they derive so much of their income (as he does) from capital gains, and he has pledged to maintain the existing low capital gains rate. In both 2009 and 2007, the very wealthy paid a much lower rate than I would. Under Obama's proposals, rates on the top 400 would rise to 30.6 percent in 2009 (significantly higher than my rate for that year) and 32 percent in 2007. Obama's plan goes a long way toward resolving the fairness issue, at least in my case, even if it does raise my taxes. I shared the outcome with both campaigns, and neither d irectly r esponded t o m y question. Adam Fletcher, an Obama spokesman, said, "The bottom line is that you simply cannot check Romney'smath without knowing more details about his plan, which he refuses to release." In its statement, the Romney campaign said, "Governor Romney's plan will ease the tax burden on middle-income families and help small businesses grow and create jobs." William Gale, co-director of the Tax Policy Center at the Brookings Institution and the author ofa much-debated re-


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ra conra ormus a u

IN BRIEF Final 10-mile trek for shuttle Atlantis CAPE C A N A VERAL, Fla. — Accompanied by a fleet of astronauts spanning NASA's entire existence, Atlantis made a slow, solemn journey to retirement Friday, the last space shuttle to orbit the world and the last to leave NASA's nest. A tlantis r e a ched i t s new home at the Kennedy Space Center's main tourist stop close to sundown, after a one-way road trip that spanned nearly 12 hours. A $100 million exhibit, still under construction.

Belated stormrelief headed to Caribbean United N a tions

r e l ief

agencies are heading up a global mission to bring food, shelter an d c o nstruction materials to Caribbean islands battered by Hurricane Sandy last week — a belated response by the world body whose New York headquarters and staff were themselves hard hit by the deluge of a weakened storm. After a three-day closure amid the torrential rains and disrupted power, communications an d t r a n sportation, U.N. a gencies organizing emergency aid to Haiti and coordinate the dispatch of relief supplies throughout the Caribbean. More than 1.2 million Haitians are facing hunger, and at least 15,000 homes were destroyed.

U.S. airmanaccused ofhitting boyin japan Japanese leaders reacted angrily Friday after the police on Okinawa said a U.S. Air Force serviceman was suspected of breaking into an apartment while drunk

• ICBR ordered to giveOregonsoldiers $85M The Associated Press PORTLAND — A j ury on Friday ordered an American military contractor to pay $85 million after finding it guilty of negligence forillnesses suffered by a dozen Oregon soldiers who guarded an oilfield water plant during the Iraq war. After a three-week trial, the jury deliberated for just two days before reaching a decision against the contractor, Kellogg Brown and Root. The suit was the first concerningsoldiers'exposure to a toxin at a water plant in southern Iraq. The soldiers said they suffer from respiratory ailments after their exposure to sodium dichromate, and they fear that a c arcinogen the toxin contains, hexavalent

Indiana and West Virginia. KBR was found guilty of negligence but not a secondchromium, couldcause cancer ary claim of fraud.U.S. District later in life. Judge Paul Papak acknowlRocky Bixby, the soldier edged before the trial began whose name appeared on the that, whatever the verdict, the suit, said the verdict should losing side was likely to appeal. reflect a punishment for the The company will appeal company's neglect of U.S. sol- the verdict, said KBR attordiers. "This was about show- ney Geoffrey Harrison in a ing that they cannot get away statement issued late Friday with treating soldiers like that. afternoon. Harrison said the It should show them what they verdict "bears no rational reladid was wrong, prove what tionship to the evidence." KBR they did was wrong and pun- witnesses testified that the solish them for what they did." diers' maladies were a result of Each s o l d ie r r ec e ived the desert air and pre-existing $850,000in noneconomic dam- conditions. The contractor's ages and $6.25 million in puni- defense ultimately rested on tive damages. Another suit the fact that they informed the from Oregon National Guards- U.S. Army of the risks of exmen is on hold while the Port- posure to sodium dichromate. land trial plays out. There are KBR was tasked with realso suits pending in Texas constructing t h e de c r epit, involving soldiers from Texas, scavenged plant just after the

Nigerian Islamists open to negotiations MAIDUGURI, N i g eria — The Nigerian Islamist militant group Boko Haram is ready to stop attacks and hold talks with the government provided that the latter proves it's sincere, according to a self-proclaimed

spokesman for the group. The group will cease its attacks if the former governor of the northeastern Borno state, Ali Sheriff, is arrested, Abu Mohammed Ibn Abdulaziz told r eporters. The group's usual spokesman was arrested this year. Since 2009, the group, which says it's fighting to impose Islamic law in Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer, has carried out attacks in the mainly Muslim north and the capital Abuja which have killed morethan 1,500 people, according to Human Rights Watch.

Iranians: No totalks TEHRAN — Angry Iranians gathered in front of the former U.S. Embassy here in Tehran on Friday to celebrate the annual "Day of Fighting the Global Arrogance," and a senior security official warned against any compromise with the "great Satan." Holding up m odels of missiles, which had "Made in Iran" proudly written on them, bearded youths stood before the former U.S. mission here,almost 33 years after it was seized by Islamic students on Nov. 4, 1979. — From wire reports

March 2003 invasion while National Guardsmen defended the area. Bags of unguarded sodium dichromate — a corrosive substance used to keep pipes at the water plant free of rust — were ripped open, allowing the substance to spread across the plant an into the air. A ttorneys for th e 1 2 O r egon Guardsmen focused on the months of April, May and June 2003, alleging KBR knew about the presence of sodium dichromate and took no action. One of the soldiers' key witnesses, a doctor, testified that the toxin caused a change to soldiers' genes, leaving them more susceptible to cancer. During the Iraq war, KBR was the engineering and construction arm of Halliburton, the biggest U.S. contractor during the conflict. KBR split from Halliburton in April 2007.

a war crime New York Times News Service GENEVA — The United Nations said Friday that a new video from Syria circulating on t h e I n ternet that appears to show anti-government f i g hters kicking an d s u m marily executing a group of frightened soldiers or militiamen could, if verified, represent evidence of a war crime. The video, which first

appeared Thursday, generated widespread attention i nternationally an d p r o voked debate among insurgents and their sympathizers inside Syria. The video also illustrated what rights activists called a distressing trend of atrocities committed by both sides in the 20-month-old conflict. U.N. investigators had already collected evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity by government and rebel forces that could support prosecutions of those responsible by international tribunals. Thousands of videos depicting violence have been posted online. They are often one of the few ways to obtain information on the war. The video from Saraqeb provoked a certain amount of protest within Syria itself, with some activists saying the killings did not represent the values that inspired their revolution.

Pace o storm Iecove ues rustration remain severein some areas. The Pentagon has been authorized by the Energy Department and the White House to tap the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve. It will draw as much as 2 million gallons of diesel fuel — part of the 12 million total — for government emergency responders, helping them to keep electricity generators, water pumps, federal buildings, trucks and other vehicles running.


A year without a marathon


and punching a schoolboy, just weeks after two U.S. sailors were accused of raping a woman on thesame island. T he airman w a s a p parently in violation of a curfew imposed just last month by the U.S. military on all of its roughly 50,000 military personnel in Japan following the rape accusation. The police did not release the name of the 24year-old airman, who was hospitalized after f a lling to the ground from a thirdstory window. The episodes have stirred outrage on Okinawa, the southern Japanese island that hosts three-quarters of the U.S. bases in Japan.

Lj.N.: Syria execution video shows

Seth Wenig / The Associated Press

James Traina climbs over the remains of his parents' housein the Staten Island borough of New York on Friday. The massive storm that started out as Hurricane Sandy has killed at least 105 people in the United States. Power outages now stand at more than 3.5 million homes and businesses. Bulletin wire reports NEW YORK — Emotions, frayed after almost a week of desperation, darkness and

In Sports

GRECK home •

Amish Fireplace


• Central Oregon runners scramble geographic — wrangling and after marathon cancellation,D1

cold, approached a breaking point Friday as the collective spirit that buoyed New York in the first few days after Hurri-

appropriations by C ongress and could set off partisan — or

The marathon cancellation was historic — the eventhastaken place every year since 1970, including after 9/II in 2001, and was projected to bring in $340 million. Bloomberg changed his mind as opposition became nearly unanimous. Critics said that it would be in poor taste to hold a foot race through the five boroughs while so many people in the area were still dealing with damage.

and drowned. Yet days after the watersreceded, residents feel ignored and forgotten. cane Sandy gave way to angry That sense of isolation is complaints of neglect and un- deeply rooted on Staten Island, equal treatment. a tight-knit community that Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has long felt cut off from the facing criticism that he was bright lights of Manhattan. "It's always been that way. favoring marathon runners a rriving f r o m a r o und t h e We're a forgotten little island," world over people in devas- said Catherine Friscia, who tated neighborhoods, reversed stood with t e ar-filled eyes himself and canceled the New across the street from the AtYork City Marathon. lantic Ocean in front of homes Patience also wore thin in filled with water and where other parts of the New York the air smelled like garbage area amid lines that were once and rotting fish. again painfully long — lines Homeland SecuritySecrefor free meals, lines for buses tary Janet Napolitano visited to take people where crippled Staten Island and defended the subways could not, lines for federal government's response gasoline that s t retched 30 to Sandy, saying relief supplies blocks in Brooklyn. w ere close by before the storm Hand-lettered signs in hard- and were ready to be delivered hit areas struck a p l aintive once it cleared out. Staten Isnote: "FEMA please help us," land, she acknowledged, "took read one in Broad Channel, a particularly hard hit." Queens. In Hoboken, N.J., one was addressed to Gov. Chris A multibillion-dollar effort Christie: "Gov. Chris — where As the first trickle of fedis the help $$$$" eral funds has started to go out The Federal E m ergency — $29 million to rebuild highM anagement Agency has paid ways, $30 million to hire temout nearly $19 million so far to porary workers to help with the victims, primarily for tempo- cleanup — lawmakers are just rary rentals or other housing. beginning to tally what is cerMore than 85,000 people have tain to be a multibillion-dollar applied for assistance, FEMA bill for the federal government, administrator Craig F ugate at a time of fiscal restraint. said Friday. Two disaster reAt least initially, New York, covery centers opened Friday New Jersey and other states in New Jersey. most affected by Sandy will There was more grim news be spared the traditional fights on Staten Island, where res- in Washington over disaster cuers pulled two bodies from assistance, thanks to a littleanother house in the Midland noticed provision in last year's Beach neighborhood, about budget agreement that arose two miles from the Verraza- from the debt-ceiling fight and no-Narrows Bridge. The two resulted in Congress setting victims were not immediately aside roughly $12 billion for identified. They brought to disaster relief. 41 the official count of people FEMA has $7.5 billion to who died as rampaging wind spend this fiscal year, and an drove a wall of water into the additional $5 b i l lion c ould city on Monday night. be made available, with no Staten Island was devas- spending offsets required in tated beyond recognition by other government programs. Sandy and suffered the highWhile that will help in the est death toll of all of N ew short term, the East Coast York City's boroughs, includ- states hit by the giant storm ing two young brothers who will almost certainly request were swept from their moth- billions in additional federal er's arms by the swirling sea dollars, which would require

stir l o ngstanding c oncerns about fraud and waste.

Gasoline shortage As long lines persisted at gas stations in the New York metropolitan area, federal authorities moved Friday to restore supplies, instructing the Defense Department to send 24 million gallons of fuel to the region and lifting restrictions on deliveries by foreign-

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flagged ships. With the reopening of the Port of New York to tankers on Thursday, and the return of a critical Northeast fuel pipeline to full capacity on Friday, the biggest outstanding problems are the lack of power at hundreds of gas stations and continued panic buying by the public, industry officials said. Because electricity will not be restored in parts of central New Jersey for seven to 10 days, gasoline shortages may


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With 3 daysleft, RELIGION Romney,Obama refine messages osomec oosetoi nore t ecan i ates'trLie ait s?

To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin@bendbulletin.com or call 541-383-0358.

By Karen Tumulty

Obama said. But if "the price of peace i n W a shington" WEST A L LIS, W i s. means cutting deals to slash There was a familiar ring to student financial aid or give the new speech in which Mitt health insurance companies Romney called Friday for a more power, "I'm not going shared sense of purpose and to make that deal," the presipromised an era of national dent said at a high school healing: I t s o u nded v ery gym in Springfield, Ohio, at much like the themes Barack the second of three rallies Obama ran on four years ago. Friday in that crucial state. "I will l ead America to And he pledged: "I am a a better place, where con- long ways away from givfidence in the future is as- ing up on this fight. I got a lot sured, not questioned," the of fight left in me. I don't get GOP challenger told an ebul- tired. I don't grow weary." lient crowd at the Wisconsin Adding punctuation to the state fairgrounds here. "This two candidates' rhetoric was is not a time for America to a fresh monthly jobs report — one that each candidate settle. We're four days away from a fresh start, seized upon to underfour days away from score his argument. the first day of a new Obama pointed to • Jobs report: beginning." the second straight From th e s t a rt, 171,000 hired; month of unemploys rate at ment below 8 percent the two campaigns jo b l es 7.9percent,C3 as evidence that the have had different theories of the race country was makrng — Romney's being real progress; Romthat it would be a referendum ney saidthe report was more on Obama; Obama's that evidence of how frustratingly it would be a comparative slow the recovery has been. choice between the two canThe president challenged didates. But in the final days, Romney's effort to seize the both sides appear to have banner of c h ange. "Now, realized that this election is Governor Romney, he's a both. The challenger seeking very gifted salesman. So he's to unseat an incumbent must been trying in this campaign, make a case for himself. The as hard as he can, to repackincumbent seeking to hold age these ideas that didn't on to his office must con- work, the very same policies vince voters not only that the that did not work, and he's alternative would be worse trying to pretend that they're but also that he has earned change. Now, the thing is, we the right to another term. know what change looks like, So Obama found himself and what he's selling ain't it." heading into Election Day in These final p itches are the traditional posture for an always a tricky balance beincumbent under siege — the tween inspiring the base to fighter, not the conciliator, put their hearts into the last wiserforthe experience. few days and winning over "I'm a very nice guy, peo- the few voters who are still ple will tell you. I really am," making up their minds. The Washington Post

Precinct1 Contlnued from A1 It was barely edged out of its Most Democratic title by Precinct 27 — a section of Bend's west side that is bordered on the north by Galveston Avenue, on t h e east by Colorado Avenue and on the west by Mt. Washington Drive. In that precinct, 45.8 percent of voters are registered with the Democratic Party and just 20.9 percent with the GOP. That's not to say that voters in Precinct I are as enthusiastic as they were four years ago. In 2008, Obama signs were planted in more yards than today. Romney signs are about as common as McCain signs were in 2008: rare. Precinct boundaries used to determine where voters went to punch their ballots. Now that Oregonians vote by mail, however, the borders have few, if any, real-life implications. Instead, they provide a small-scale way to analyze the thoughts and opinions of voters. Alan Jones knows that in his home, just a stone's throw from Mirror Pond, he is a registered Republican among a v eritable sea of Democrats. He has considered staking Romney-Ryan signs throughout his yard, "just to show everybody that I'm not part of the problem." Retired from the forestry industry, Jones views this year'spresidential race as a no-brainer. "There's no reason for any intelligent person in this country to vote for Obama unless they're just totally naive and totally uninformed," he said. When describing his reasons for voting for Romney, Jones steersclear of the Republican nominee altogether and instead focuses on what Obama has done wrong. "This country is in a world of hurt right now. We have an economy that is going nowhere.... We have high unemployment.The number of people on food stamps has increased. The number of people in the U.S. living in poverty has increased." Jones also describes the presidentas "naive as far as foreignpolicy is concerned." He believes the nation i s more vulnerable than it was when Obama took office.

"It all adds up to an obvious choice," he said. Jones doesn't discuss politics with many of his neighbors, whom h e d e scribes as "a dangerous breed: The Rich Democrat." Richard Engle certainly doesn't fit that bill. The registered Democrat lives on the eastern edge of the precinct, in The Shepherd's House homeless shelter. Engle is casting his ballot for Obama, whom he jokingly calls "The Communist Muslim." Like Jones, when Engle lists his reasons, most explain why he's not voting for the other candidate. He's upset about the Citizens Unitedv. FederalElection Commission case, in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the First A mendment protects the rights of corporations and unions to make unlimited political expenditures. He doesn't want a conservative president to appoint any more justices to the court. An out-of-work electrician, Engle worries that Republican control of both the presidency and Congress would mean out-of-control military spending at the expense of othergovernment programs. "When Republicans talk about shrinking the government, they're just t a lking about social services," he said. "They're never going to shrink the military." Engle, who is 56, said he used to v o t e R e publican because he opposes abortion. Now that he's older, he thinksother issues are more important. "I guess to me, the bottom line is: Republicans favor the I percent people. I mean, historically," Engle said. "Democrats definitely look out for the smaller people." Engle tries not to discuss politics much, he said, because he gets too emotional. Four years ago, Payne and her husband had just moved to this Bend precinct from Northern California. Not yet familiar with the state and local political scene, they paid attention to yard signs and talked with neighbors to decide how to vote. "This is such a great neighborhood," Payne said. "It is political, and that's one of the reasons we love it." — Reporter: 541-617-7836, lraff@bendbulfetin.com

By Sally Quinn The Washington Post

At a recent concert in the nation's capital, Madonna had this to say about President Barack Obama: "For better or for worse, all right, we have a black Muslim in the White House, OK?" N ot OK . E specially f o r Obama, who is trying to appeal to an electorate in which 16 percent still believe he is a Muslim. Madonna managed to sum up among the worst

fears of the Obama campaign in two words. Obama is a Christian. He is constantly reminding us. He has to. He reminded us at the lighting of the National Christmas tree last year. He reminded us at th e Easter prayer breakfast. He reminded us at the 10th anniversary of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Most recently, the president reminded us in his speech at the United Nations: "Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs." So why is it not sticking for that 16 percent? Meanwhile, Mitt Romney's religion problem is quite different. Everyone is clear the Republican nominee is a Mormon. Some just don't think that makes him a Christian. Although 74 percent of white evangelicals support Romney, a good number of those do not believe Mormonism is a Christian religion. The most high-profile evangelical in the country, the Rev. Rick Warren from Saddleback Church in California, who gave the invocation at Obama's inauguration, has said publicly that Mormons are not Christians. "The key sticking point for evangelicals and actually for many is the issue of the Trinity. That's the historic doctrine of the church that God is three in one. Not three Gods; one God in Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Mormonism denies that," Warren said during an interview with ABC News in April. Ralph Reed, founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, has begun outreach to 17 million evangelical GOP voters. He will try to convince this group that Romney's conservative positions outweigh differences in their faiths. So far, neither candidate has given a major speech on religion during this campaign. Should they? Obama may think he has brought it up enough, but it's clearly not working. A speech on the subject would be a good idea. On the other hand, Romney can't win this battle. He needs to keep saying "God


'1 „

The Associated Press file photos

Mltt Romney Is Mormon, a faith considered non-Christian by some in the evangelical community, including the influential Rev. Rick Warren.

DespiteBarack Obama's professed Christianity, polls indicate that 16 percent of voters think the president is Muslim.

bless America" every chance

a shallow principle indeed if it w ere reservedonly for faiths In 2006,before Obama was with which we agree." president, he gave a major adRomney didn't fare well dress at the Sojourners con- in that campaign, so people vention: "A Call to Renewal on weren't that concerned about Faith and Politics." his lack of specificity. But now He was astonishingly can- he is the GOP nominee. And did for a politician and very now there are many Mormons clear on his faith and his belief who feel strongly that Romin the freedom of religion. He ney should speak more openly talked about how offended about their religion, that it he was when one of his oppo- would give voters a clearer nents for U.S. Senate said he idea of who he is. was not a Christian. He related But answering questions how he had not been religious based on the"unique doctrines when he went to Chicago but and history" of the Mormon then joined the church. "You church simply opens up a Panneed to embrace Christpre- dora's box for Romney. Never cisely because you have sins mind that questions about any to wash away — because you other religion would be just are human and need an ally in as controversial. It's just that this difficult journey." Mormonism is more recent The speech was a tour de and not as well known. force. It was one thing to proObama is a different story. claim your belief in God — in For some reason, he can talk fact it was obligatory in order all he wants about being a to get elected — but it was Christian and a determined not really expected that any- group will never believe it. His one would elaborate on the Sojourners speech, as good as subject. it was, was six years ago and However, he was quick to has been long forgotten by add, "nothing is more trans- voters.His occasional referparent than inauthentic ex- ences to his Christianity don't pressions of faith." And, he seem to resonate. Many on the went on to say that "we are no right believe he is a Muslim; longer just a Christian nation, many on the left believe he is we are also a Jewish nation, a an atheist, as was his father, or Muslim nation, a Buddhist na- agnostic, as was his mother. tion, a Hindu nation and a na- His Sojourners speech was tion of nonbelievers." about freedom of and from For his part, Romney, in his religion in politics. He has rerun forthe presidency in 2007, peatedly referenced Muslims, made a speech about his faith Jews, other faiths andno faiths that was criticized for being in his talks. It's not enough. too generic. That led his adOn the other hand, perhaps visersto steer him away from the 16percent who believe that the subject in this campaign. Obama is a Muslim and those In that 2007 speech, Romney evangelicals who won't vote spoke ofbeing a Christian only for Romney because he is a once, without details: "I believe Mormon will cancel each oththat Jesus Christ is the son of er out and it won't make any God and the savior of mandifference. You can'tcount on kind. My church's beliefs about it, though. Christ may not all be the same As for Madonna, she may as those of other faiths. Each have sincecorrected herself, religion has its own unique but the damage is done. — Sally Quinnis an author and doctrinesand history.These are not bases for criticism but the founder and moderator of rather a test of our tolerance. The Washington Post's online Religious tolerance would be religion discussion, OnFaith.

he gets.

Politics from the pulpit: mostly, but not always, nonpartisan By Mitchell Landsberg Los Angeles Times

There is, apparently, no escape from th e p residential campaign. Most regular

churchgoers say their clergy have been talking about the election, according to a new poll, although few appear to be endorsing candidates from the pulpit. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press said 52 percent of regular churchgoers have heard their clergy talk about the importance of voting in the election, but only 19 percent say there has been talk about specific candidates.

The numbers Black Protestants, however,are far more likely than other groups to hear political talk from their pastor, the poll found; 40 percent said they had heard their pastor talk about a candidate, and in every case that candidate was President Barack Obama, the survey found. Three-fourths said their minister had spo-

Federal lawsays... Churchesandother houses of worship risk their taxexempt status if they take

sides in apartisan race. So they usually talkabout

issues, not candidates, and let their flock connect the dots.

be Republican Mitt Romney. Polls have shown Obama do-

ing poorly among the most religiously observant Americans, with the significant exception of African-American Protestants, whose support for him is well over 90 percent.

The issues Clergy frequently can sig-

nal their views on candidates by talking about issues, such ken about the i mportance as abortion and same-sex of voting — a staple topic in marriage, rather than about African-American churches the candidates themselves. since the Civil Rights era. Knowing which side each White m a inline P r otes- candidate is on, churchgoers tants (such as Presbyterians, can connect the dots. Many Methodists an d E p iscopa- evangelical churches provide lians) were the least likely to handouts that show where hear talk of politics in church, the candidates stand on key with only 5 percent reporting social issues. But the poll they had heard their pastors found that the most common talk about specific candiissues discussed in churches dates. Catholics and white by far are hunger and povevangelical Protestants were erty. Those topics were essomewhere in the middle. pecially likely to come up Aside from black Protes- in Catholic churches, which tants, every other group re- were also the most likely to ported that when a candidate discuss their opposition to was mentioned favorably in abortion and threats to relichurch, it was more likely to gious liberty.

LOCAL SERVICES BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Guest speaker Gary Bittner; Sunday at10 a.m.; 4twelve youth group: Wednesday at 7 p.m.; 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend. BEND CHURCH OFTHENAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; "Kept by the Power of God"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; 1270 N.E. 27th St., Bend. COMMUNITY OF CHRIST: High Priest Jack Donnelly; "Empty to Receive"; Sunday at11 a.m., following 10:45 a.m. praise singing; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Dave Drullinger; "Godly Motivation," based on Galatians 5:13-26; Sunday at10 a.m.; 334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. FATHER'SHOUSE CHURCH OFGOD: Guest speakerKevin Harris; "TheGod of Promises"; Sundayat10 a.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road,Bend. Theyouth group meets Wednesdayat7p.m. THE FELLO WSHIPATBENDAND SISTERS: Pastor LorenAnderson; "Your Missio n,"basedonMark16:7-20;Sunday at10a.m.; MorningStarChristianSchool, 19741 BakerRoad,Bend; andSundayat 6 p.m.; 601LarchSt., Sisters. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Pastor Jenny Warner; "Yes to the Present"; Sunday at 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 5:01 p.m. services; 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODISTCHURCH: The Rev.Thom Larson; "Unbound and Set Free," based onIsaiah 25:6-9 and John11:32-44; Sunday at 9and 11 a.m.; 680 N.W.BondSt., Bend. GRACEFIRSTLUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "AreYou Kidding Me?! ... You, aSaint?" and "All God's Children";Sundayat9:30a.m.; 2265 N.W.Shevlin Park Road,Bend. GRACE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Dan Dillard; "King Jesus and Politics," based on Acts 17:1-9; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 62162 Hamby Road, Bend. JOURNEY CHURCH:PastorKeith Kirkpatrick; "Breakfast with Jesus"; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. NATIVITYLUTHERANCHURCH:Ron Werner Jr; "Loving ThyNeighbor in an Age of Globalization," based onJohn 11:32-44; Sundayat 9 a.m.and11 a.m.; 60850 Brosterhous Road,Bend. NEW HOPE CHURCH: Pastor Randy Myers; "Love Always Protects," based on1 Corinthians; today at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 9and10:45 a.m.; 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "The Story"; Sunday at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; 2880 N.E. 27th St., Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITYOFTHE CASCADES: Guest speakerWe sHervey;Sunday at 9a.m.; held atThe Old StoneChurch, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH:The Rev. Patrick Rooney; "Sealed for Salvation," based on Revelation 7:1-17; Sunday at 8 a.m. (guitar-led worship and communion) and 11 a.m. (organ-led worship); 2550 N.E. Butler Market Road, Bend. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPOF CENTRAL OREGON:TheRev.Alex Holt;"Love in a Dangerous Time"; Sundayat11 a.m.; at the Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Ken Johnson; Part two of "Relentless: More Hope"; today at6:30 p.m.and Sunday at 8, 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Scott McBride; Part two of "Relentless: More Hope"; Sundayat9a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; 1245S.E.Third St., Bend. COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Rob Anderson; "DoesGod Have SomethingforYou to Do?" based on Luke1:34-56, as part of the series "Jesus Creed"; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond. EMMAUSLUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev. David Poovey; "Forgive? Why?,"based on Matthew18:21-35; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175 S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "Forgiveness ChangesLives";communion service; Sunday at10 a.m.; Southwest12th Avenue andForest Avenue, Redmond. ZIONLUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "For All God's Saints!"; Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 11a.m.; 1113 Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. AGAPE HARVESTFELLOWSHIP: Youthgroup Wednesday at7 p.m.; 52460 Skidgel Road, La Pine. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER: Pastor GlenSchaumloeffel; "The Supremacy ofLaw" basedon1 Corinthians13:1-13, aspart of the series "GrowingupGod'sWay";Sundayat 9:30 a.m.;1 Theater Drive,Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev. Willis Jenson; "God's Saints Escape the GreatTribulation by His Word and Sacraments," based on Revelation 7:14; Sunday at11 a.m.; held at Terrebonne GrangeHall, 8286 11th St., Terrebonne. VOTER'SGUIDE FOR CATHOLICS: A non-partisan presentation on Catholic values in regard to political activity and voting; free; noon-1 p.m. Sunday; St. Francis Catholic Center, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend; contact Pat at 541-678-1131.

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Experience an Eckankar Community HU

Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel SUNDAY 9:00 AM Sunday School for everyone 10:15 AM Worship Service

This Sunday, Pastor Syd will be sharing a message to illustrate how God shapes and conforms us into the image of Jesus. For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC

3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond 541-548-4161

Sunday Worship Services; 8:00 am, 9:30 am, II:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9;30 am 0 11:00 am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org


In Partnershipwith American Misslonar!I Fellowshi p Near Highland and 23rd Ave. 2378 SW Glacier Pl. Redmond, OR 97756

We preach the good newsofJesus Christ,

singcirea! hymns of fai!h, and searchihe Scrip!ures together. Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am Bible Study- Thursday, 10:30 am Pastor Ed Nelson 541 -777-0784


230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All AreWelcome, Always! Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Lead Pastor "Yes to the Present" 9:00 am — Contemporary 10:45 am — Traditional 5:01 pm - Relaxed Rev. Jenny Warner, preaching Noon — Discover First Pres Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grade. Nursery care provided.

Wednesday Noon Silence F Supper Worship 12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer Youth Events See Youth Blog: http://bendfp.org/youth/

Choirs, music groups, Bible study, Fellowship and ministries every week 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend www.bendfp.org 541 382 4401

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS O F CENTRAL OREG O N "Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" We are a Welcoming Congregation


Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994

We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in learning the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at: Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include:

• Davidic dance and worship • • • •

Children's ministry and nursery Hebrew classes Home groups Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385-5439 L IVING TORAH FELLOW S H IP

0 Celebration Church 63830 Clausen Rd Ste 102, Bend Saturday 10:30 am - 2 pm Worship/Dance-StudyFood/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337 Children's Program www.livingtorahfellowship.com

Sunday, November 4, 2012 - 11:00am: Rev. Alex Holt, Interim Minister

"Love in a Dangerous Time" This Sunday, we celebrate our newest members with a special ceremony. We will also consider the challenges of loving others in a time of such rapid change in the world that has such conflict and confusion. Childcare and religious education are provided! Everyone is Welcome! See our website for more information www.uufco.org Meeting place: THE OLD STONE 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Mail; PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709

www.uufco.org (541 ) 385-3908

ALL PEOPLES UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Welcome ioa 2!s! Century congregation.

We are progressive, friendlyand informal. Worship with us Sunday, November 4th, at 11 a.m. in the Community Room of Redmond's Ray's Market, 900 SW 23rd Street, just off of Hwy 126. Or, come early at 10 a.m. for adult study and discussion. All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month. On November 18th, we meet again in the Community Room of Redmond's Ray's Market. For details, directions and possible help with car-pooling, email: prisbill@earthlink.net, or call: 541-390-6864

CONCORDIA LUTHERAN Learn how to sing HU, a love song MISSION (LCMS) to God: a loving, uplifting, Spiritual BEND CHURCH OF THE Exercise. HU pronounced like the The missionof the Church is!o forgivesins NAZARENE word hue, is sung for about 20 minutes Ihrough the Gospel and Iherebyttran! e!ernai life 1270 NE 27 St. • 541-382-5496 and is followed by a brief period of Senior Pastor Virgil Askren (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg sacred contemplation. Followed by a SUNDAY Confession XXVII1.8, 10) discussion session. HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 10 am Sunday School PARISH You are invited to this Community HU 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service on Saturday, December 8, © 3:00 PM. Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor 11 am Divine Service 10:15 am Worship Service U NITY COM M U N I T Y Held at the Cook County Library, 175 www.holyredeemerparish.net O F CENTRAL OREG O N NW Meadow Lakes Dr., Prineville, OR. Parish Office: 541-536-3571 Nursery Care 8 Children's Church Join the Unity Community The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor. Regardless of your beliefs or religion, ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Sunday 10:00 am HOLY REDEEMER, LA PINE 8286 11th St (Grange Hall), singing HU can bring you greater Worship Services with Rev. Jane Meyers 16137 Burgess Rd happiness, love, and understanding. Terrebonne, OR "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM Youth Program Provided Tuesday, Wednesday 6 Friday Mass Singing HU can draw us closer in our 8:30 am Sunday The Unity Community meets at 9:00 am state of consciousness to the Divine 62855 Powell Butte Hwy www.lutheransonline.com/ Sunday Mass — 10:00 am Being. It has helped people of many WEDNESDAY (near Bend Airport) Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00 pm different faiths open their hearts more condordialutheranmission Learn more about the Unity 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study fully to the uplifting presence and Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Community of Central Oregon at HOLY TRINITY, SUNRIVER THURSDAY security of God's love. Phone: 541-325-6773 www.unitycentraloregon.com 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study 18143 Cottonwood Rd. or by calling 541-388-1569 Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; WEEKLY Singing HU can help you experience: GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Life Groups CHURCH Sunday mass 8:00 am • Comfort, peace, joy Please visit our website for a complete Confessions: Thurs. 9:00- 9:15 am • Expanded awareness 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend listing of activities for all ages. F IRST UNITED M E T H O D I S T • inner light and/or sound www.bendnaz.org 541 -382-6862 OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist CHURCH • A subtle sense of Divine Love 120 Mississippi Dr (In the Heart of Downtown Bendl • The healing of a broken heart Sunday Mass — 12:30 Pm Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. 680 NW Bond St. / 541-382-1672 • Solace during times of grief Confessions: Sundays 12:00 -12:15 Pm Ever9one is Welcome! • A release of fears (Child Care Available) SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH • Answers to your questions Meeting at the Golden Age Club Sunday School 10:20 a.m. HOLY FAMILY, Rev. Thom Larson 40 SE 5th St., Bend near Christmas Valley Education Hour 10:45 a.m. Sermon Title: For more information please visit Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School 57255 Fort Rock Rd "Unbound 8 Set Free" www.eckankar.org or Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Scripture: Isaiah 25:6-9 Women's Bible Study www.miraclesinyourlife.org Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3;15 pm fohn II:32-44 or call 541-728-6476 (message phone) Tuesday 9:15 a.m. to worshipping God and teaching the 9:00 am - Contemporary Service ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Bible truths recovered through the • I • Sunday School during the 9am Service CATHOLIC CHURCH Reformation. Call for information Men's Bible Study 11:00 am - Traditional Service Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff about other meetings TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Wednesday 7:30 a.m. Childcare provided on Sunday Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Carlos 541 -420- 1667 469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542 Chiarinoti www.trinitybend.org http://www.sovereigngracebend.com/ "During the Week: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten SundaySchedule Women's Groups, Men's Groups, 541-382-3631 8 am Holy Eucharist Evangelical Lutheran Church Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, • • I • 9:15 am Education for All Ages Music F Fellowship, in America NEW CHURCH 10:15 am Holy Eucharist CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER www.gracefirstlutheran.org 2450 NE 27th Street Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. (w/nursery care S Godly Play) 21720 E. Hwy. 20 • 541.389.8241 Rev. Thom Larson Masses 5 pm Holy Eucharist flrstchurch@bendumc.org Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH (in St. Helens Hall) Sunday Morning Worship Sunday 7:30, 10:00 AM S 7:00 PM The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector 60850 Brosterhous Road at Knott, 8:45am S 10:45am Domingo 12:30PM - Misa en Espanol 541-388-0765 Jueves7;00 PM — Misa en Espanol Come worship with us. Wednesday MidWeek Services Children 8 Youth Programs Reconciliation/Reconciliacion THE SALVATION ARMY 7:00pm 9 am Informal Service 755 NE 2nd Street, Bend Saturday — 3:00 - 4:45 PM - English 541-389-8888 9: 15 Junior Church Thursday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM Nursery Care provided for all services. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP English o Espanol II am Formal Service 541 NE Dekalb Domingo 11:15 AM — 12:15 PM Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur Sunday School 9:45 am Espanol This Sunday's sermon is: 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241 Children S Adult Classes "Loving thy Neighbor in an Age of Worship Service - 11:00 am www.clcbend.com HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCI-I Globalization" Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene Corner of NW Franklin F Lava John 11:32-44 Masses NEW H O P E EV A N G E L ICAL given by Sunday 4:30 PM 20080 Pinebrook Blvd. • 541-389-3436 COM M U N I T Y PRE S B Y T E R IA N Monday — Friday 7:00 AM F 12:15 PM Ron Werner Jr. Celebrate New Life CHURCH Saturday 8:00 AM at New Hope Church! 529 NW 19th Street 4 Saturdays and TMC: Bible Study at 10am on Wednesdays Saturday 6:00 pm (3/4 mile north of High School) Exposition F Benediction Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, $110 Redmond, OR 97756 Monday after 7:00 AM Mass — 6:00 PM Pastor Randy Myers (Child care provided on Sundays.) (541) 548-3367 Tuesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 5 Saturdays and TMC: www.newhopebend.com www.nativityinbend.com Wednesday after 7:00 AM Mass — 6:00 PM S132 Evangelical Lutheran Church Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor Thursday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM in America Rev. Heidi Bolt, Associate Pastor Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM •




EffectiveMay 1, 2012

The Bulletin:


Reconciliation/Reconciliacion Tuesday after 7:30 AM — 8:00 AM English o Espanol Saturday 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM English o Espanol ST. THOMAS CATH O LIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390

Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8;00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessionson Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm



A Foursquare Fellowship Senior Pastors Steve 6 GinnyMcPherson 549 SW 8thSt.,P.O. Box 475, Redmond, OR 97756 • 541-548-7128

Sunday Worship Services; Daybreak Cafe Service 7:30 am Celebration Services 9:00 am and 10:45 am Wednesday Service UTurn - Middle School 7:00 pm Thursdays High School (Connection) 6:30 pm Home Bible Studies throughout the week City Care Clinic also available. Kidz Center School, Preschool

www.citycenterchurch.org "Livin' the Incredible Mission"

• g


CHURCH S SCHOOL LCMS 2550 NE Butler Market Road Bend, OR 97701 541-382-1832 SUNDAY WORSHIP

8am Guitar Led Worship 9:30am Education Hour for all ages llam Organ/Piano Led Worship Church Website: www.trinitylutheranbend.org School Website: www.saints.org Pastors: Rev. David Carnahan Rev. Patrick Rooney Principal: Mrs. Hanne Krause

9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children S Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship Youth Groups High School — Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm MiddleSchool - Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm Mondays 6;30 pm Centering Prayer Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org

• g •

Every Saturday on the

church page. $22 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each month. $22 Copy Changes: by Monday 1 Week PriOr to PubliCatiOn

Caii Pat Lynch

541-383-0396 PlynCh@beF!dbulletin.COm



that is expected to be as close as this one, small things can Continued from A1 turn into very big things. When it comes to predictTake football games. The ing voter behavior, academics, performance of a b unch of pundits and reporters tend to muscled behemoths w ould train their attention on the big seem about as important to a stuff — parties, incumbent ap- presidential vote as whether proval ratings, the state of the you burned your toast this economy. All good. But like all morning. Which is why it was human behaviors, voting can't the perfect variable for a 2010 be entirely reduced to an ab- study titled, "Irrelevant Events stract set of numbers march- Affect Voters' Evaluations of ing across a PowerPoint dis- Government P e r formance." play. As an emerging body of Researchers at Loyola Maryresearch suggests, voting re- mount University in Los Angeflects the same whims, quirks les and Stanford University's and emotional crosscurrents business school sought to test that make humans such un- whether an otherwise random predictable creatures. and seemingly arbitrary event So, seemingly i r r elevant — the outcome of college footthings — whereyou vote, which ball games — showed any team won Saturday, what order correlation with the results of the candidates' names appear presidential, Senate and guon the ballot, etc. — all have bernatorial elections. small but measurable effects And it did, consistently, in on voting outcomes, social sci- every election between 1964 entists say. And in an election and 2008. On average, the

Libya Continued from A1 Administration of fi c i als have warned against drawing conclusions from i n dividual documents that have leaked into the public sphere. They maintain that a full picture of what happened and any assessment of blame can only be determined after a complete review of al l t h e e v idence. But as documents continue to surface in the final days of the presidential c a mpaign, the intensity of allegations of administration impropriety or incompetencehas risen.

The undisputed facts At 9:40 p.m. Iocal time on Sept. 11, the 11th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the United States, well-armed attackers stormed the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. The attack occurred within hours of demonstrators

in neighboring Egypt scaling the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to protest an Americanmade, anti-Islam film. Those protests spread in the following days across the Muslim world from Morocco to India, with 50

people killed. The attackers breached the Benghazi consulate's perimeter and set fire to parts of the compound, including the building where U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, his security guard and State Department i nformation o f ficer Sean Smith t ook refuge i n a s af e r o o m . D iplomatic s e curity agents on Stevens the s i t e notified Washington, the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli and a nearby CIA office of the attack. They tried, unsuccessfully, to repel the assault. R einforcements arr i v e d from the CIA annex to evacuate those on the compound, but Smith was already dead and Stevens could not be found. The group fell back to the CIA annex, which later came under well-aimed mortar fire, killing CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, both former Navy SEALs. The bodies of the victims and the survivors of the attack were evacuated from Benghazi. National Security Adviser Tom Donilon advised Obama of the attack at about 5 p.m. in Washington (11 p.m. in Libya) while he was meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey. Obama o r d ered that the U.S. begin moving military assets into the region to prepare for a range of contingencies. Those didn't arrive until the fighting was over at 4 a.m. Libya time, or 10 p.m. in Washington.

The unanswered questions there a n i n t ellia •• Was gence failure? Did the Obama administration know about threats to the Benghazi consulate that could have allowed it to either prevent or turn back the attack? • Multiple senior admin• istration officials have said there was no specific, credible threat i n f ormation about a planned attack on the consulate on Sept. 11 or any other date. U.S. officials have said that while they now believe the attack was planned, it appears that it was planned a few hours in advance, not days or weeks. However, those officials also have noteda serious deterioration in the security situation in Benghazi in the months leading up to the attack, including several previous incidents at

researchers found, a victory by a hometown team 10 days before the election resulted in incumbent candidates receiving an additional 1.61 percentage points of the vote in the team's county. A victory by an avidly followed, perpetual powerhouse team (like, say, Ohio State) had an even more significant effect, as much as 335 percentage points. Why'? The results suggest that the emotional state of voters is an important component in understanding their behavior. (Assessingvoters'emotional states can, of course, be a tricky business. A new study purporting to show a link between menstrual cycles and women's voting patterns has been questioned — well, trashed — by some researchers.) Where you vote can also influence how you vote, too. People who voted at a poll located within a school in Arizo-

na in2000, for example, were more likely to support a state initiative to increase funding for education than people who voted elsewhere,according to a 2008 study. Last, let's consider predictions instead of preferences. In the tight 2004 campaign, the polls that asked Americans which candidate they supported — all the way up to the exit polls — told a confusing story about whether President George W. Bush or Sen. John Kerry would win. But another kind of polling question, which received far less attention, produced a clearer result: Regardless of whom they supported, which candidate did people expect to win? Americans consistently, and correctly, said that they thought Bush would. A version of that question has produced similarly telling results throughout much

of modern polling history, according to a new academic study.Over the past 60 years, poll q uestions t hat a s k ed people which candidate they expected to win have been a better guide to the outcome of the presidential race than q uestions a s k in g peo p l e whom they planned to vote for, the study found. Most recently, Mitt Romney won the GOP nomination despite at various points trailing other candidates in polls of Republican voters'preferences. Even when Romney was behind, Republicans typically told pollsters they expected him to win the nomination. The question allows people to consider not only their views but also those of their relatives, friends and colleagues, said Justin Wolfers, one of the study's authors. Some voters may also give more-honest answers about their own plans,

rather than naming a candidate who briefly intrigues them. "More information produces better results," said Wolfers, a professor of economics at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, who wrote the paper with David Rothschild, an economist at Microsoft Research, a division of the software company. Frank Newport, editor-inchief of Gallup, said he was intrigued enough by the paper to have talked with the authors about how to include expectations questions in more polls. Perhaps the biggest limitation of the study is that polling companies have asked expectations questions much less often than other kinds of questions, Newport added. "Like

all intriguing hypotheses, we just need more data," he said. — The New York Times contributed to this report.

to have sprung from the same they made no immediate con- in the Islamic Mahgreb, an anger that sparked the violent clusions about the origins or offshoot of al-Qaida. protests elsewhere. T h o se impetus for the attack. Eyewit• The Tunisian government will allow the United States access statements, though, such as nesses have told various news • Who is investigating the to a suspect in the attack on theU.S. consulate in Benghazi, widely criticized comments by organizations, including The • incident? Libya, Republican Sens.Lindsey Graham and Saxby Chambliss U.S. Ambassador to the Unit- New York Times, that some • In addition to an FBI insaid Friday. Chambliss, R-Ga., last week met with the FBI to ed Nations Susan Rice, were of the attackers said they were • vestigation, which is reemphasize the needfor direct access to Ali Ani al Harzi and any couched as preliminary findangered by the film, but there quired when an American offiother individuals related to the attacks. Graham, R-S.C., said U.S. ings based on the best availis no evidence yet to suggest cial is killed in the line of duty investigators would interview the 28-year-oid Tunisian under that able evidence at the time. that that was their motivation overseas, there are atleastfour country's supervision. TheTunisian government has confirmed it I ntelligence officials s a y to storm the compound. congressional i nvestigations arrested the 28-year-old and that he was in custody in Tunis. The their assessment — from a and several State Department FBI, involved in the investigations, would not comment. p rotest gone bad to a n o r probes now under way. The • The State Department Inspector General's office has drawn chestrated attack — evolved FBI will try to determine who Up plans to conduct several reviews of the State Department's as more information became • That is still unclear. The actually committed the attack handling of the attack and embassy security in generalavailable. They say that while • Tunisian government is and killed the four Americans including a review of the State Department's own internal review. early reports i ndicated exholding as a suspect, a Tuni- with an eye toward potential • The Pentagon says the U.S. military was ready within a few tremists were involved in the sian man who was arrested prosecution or other action. hours of the terroristattacks on American outposts in eastern Libya assault, initial public state- in Turkey and may have some The House Oversight and to respond to numerouspossibilities, including hostages. Pentagon ments were deliberately cau- ties to the attack. Emails sent Government Reform Commitpress secretary George Little said Friday that the Pentagon would tious and limited since they in- from the State Department to tee is looking into possible adsoon release atimeline of military actions taken onSept.11. Various volved classified intelligence. the White House and other ministration negligence relatagencies areeach releasing their owntimelines for the events that While it has become clear that government agencies on the ed to security at the consulate night as Republicans raise questions before the presidential election. information was coming in in evening of the attack reported and the response to the attack. real time during the attack, that the militant group Ansar The House and Senate Intel— From wire reports there are still questions about al-Sharia had claimed respon- ligence and Foreign Affairs how quickly conflicting resibility, leading t o c h arges committees are also seeking the consulate itself, the office fledgling nature of Libya's se- ports were sorted out and how that the administration knew answers to the questions. of the International Red Cross curity services, it was common high up the chain of command it was a terror attack and not Secretary of State Hillary and an attempt on the life of the for even the government to rely the information went. protesters. However, the group Clinton has appointed an inBritish ambassador to Libya. on private militias for security. State Department officials subsequentlydenied responsi- dependent accountability reFormer Libya-based securihave said they n ever conbility for the attack and there view board to examine any ty officials have said the threat • Was the immediate re- cluded the attack began as are questions about whether State Department failures and environment was extremely • sponse to t h e a t t a ck a spontaneous demonstrathe initial claim was credible. make recommendations on dangerous and Stevens himinadequate? Did officials in tion against the movie and U.S. intelligence also inter- diplomatic security. The State self had written cables back Washington turn down urgent said further that there was no cepted phone calls in which Department's inspector gento Washington stressing the appeals for assistance from the protest outside the consulate al-Shariamembers were brag- eral has informed Congress w orsening c o nditions a n d intelligence community, and before the assaultoccurred. ging about pulling off the at- that his office will be making heightened extremist activity. the military and did authori- However, they also stress that tack to members of AI-Qaida its own inquiries. And documents found at the ties on the ground tell wouldsite six weeks after the attack be responders to "stand down" indicate that consulate emas the assault was happening? ployees noticed a local Libyan • Senior intelligence offipolice officer taking photos of • cials have denied reports the consulate from a building that officials in Washington reacross the street on the morn- jected requests for CIA agents ing of Sept. 11, according to at the nearby annex to respond Foreign Policy magazine. to the consulate attack. These The White House was aware officials insist that a half-dozof a growing terrorist threat in en security forces from the the region. It signed off a year CIA annex responded within ago on a new counterterror25 minutes of the first call ism task force in North Africa for help from the consulate. to combat what it believes is a Armed with the small arms growing threat from al-Qaida- they normally carry — and linked militants in northern with no response from Libyan Mali, Libya an d e lsewhere officials who were asked to in the region. An elite Delta provide heavy weaponryForceteam has been in the re- they helpedrescue some State gion for six months, beginning Department personnel and reto set up its intelligence and pel the militants. An unarmed targeting network. Defense Department drone aircraft was quickly moved • Should the administra- overhead to provide surveil• tion have increased secu- lance video for the CIA on the rity at the consulate based on ground during the night. Two the danger in Benghazi? Would military members were with it have made a difference'? the CIA team that flew from • S tate D e partment o f - Tripoli to Benghazi during the • ficials have testified to night to provide assistance. Congress that security at the P anetta, meanwhile, o r compound was adequate for dered two teams of special the assessed threat level. Those operations forcesfrom Fort same officials have acknowl- Bragg, N.C., and central Euedged that the security was rope to head to the area, and clearly inadequate for the size sent a Marine Fleet Antiterrorand scale of the Sept. 11 attack. ism Security Team to Libya. Fox News has reported, citing The Marine team got to Tripa classified cable, that consul- oli, but by then the Americans ate securitystaffers warned a had already been flown out of (The Source Weekly) month before the attack that Libya. The commando teams the Benghazi compound was got to Sigonella Naval Air Stavulnerable. Appeals for addi- tion in Sicily, Italy, but arrived tional manpower from the for- after the fight was over. Two mer regional security officer of the CIA security officers, at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli Woods and Doherty, died in a and the commander of a Tripo- mortar attack just before dawn li-based military team were de- when insurgents assaulted the nied. But officials insist there is CIA annex, where the Amerino guarantee that the request- cans had taken refuge. ed extra support would have been enough to deter or defend Did the administration against such a sustained at• intentionally d ownplay tack. The consulate was lightly the attack by initially describguarded compared with other ing it as a response to the antidiplomatic missions of its size Islam movie and not specifically an "act of terrorism"? Is the in volatile locations. Consulate security is an in- administration trying to cover ternal State Department issue. up al-Qaida links to the attack The consulate relied on local to benefit Obama politically in security, a common practice his re-election campaign? • It's unclear what motivafor State's diplomatic outposts around the world. The Beng• tions, if any, were behind hazi consulate had been using the administration's messagthe Libyan 17th February Bri- ing, but Obama heatedly denied gade and had reportedly been any political motivation in one satisfied with its work. Inter- of his debates with GOP presi•I•• national law, in fact, demands dential nominee Mitt Romney. that outside a mission's walls, In public statements, adminall diplomatic security be pro- istration officials did link the Paid for by Kathie Eckman for Bend City Council vided by the host government. Benghazi attack to the anti-Is70 SW Century Drive, Suite 100 — 263 • Bend, OR 97702 It is k nown that given the lam film by saying it appeared

The latest onthe Lidyaattack





i I I

CiA local


would de a good thing for this community>>








Another illnessinfects meningitis sufferers

St. Charles Continued from A1 The project is expected to cost about $13 million. The St. Charles Foundation, the hospital's nonprofit fundraising arm, has set a goal of raising $5 million of the building cost, with the rest coming out of the hospital general fund. Blueprints filed with the city show plans for examination rooms and physician offices on the ground floor of the new building, with chemotherapy treatment services on the second floor. Complementary services like acupuncture and massage therapy are expected in the new building as well, Schueler sard. The hospital has talked for several years about integrating its cancer services under one roof, said Allison McCormick, cancercenter director. Navigatingbetween the main campus andthe oncology center near Courtney Drive has sometimes been troubling to patients, who have to shuttle back and forth between the two facilities to get the full scope of cancer

a~ ",>~

I@ 7

New York Times News Service Just when they thought they were in the clear, people recovering from meningitis in a national outbreak caused by a contaminated steroid drug h ave b een struck by a second illness. The new problem,called an epidural abscess, is an infection near th e s pine at the site where the drug — contaminated by a fungus — was injected to treat back or neck p ain. The abscesses are a localized i nfection, different f r om meningitis, which affects the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. But in some cases, an untreated abscess can cause meningitis. The abscesses have formed even while patients were taking powerful antifungal medicines, putting them back in the hospital for more treatment,



Courtesy St Charles

St. Charles Health System wants to build a new, 18,000-square-foot addition on its Bend campus to consolidate its cancer treatment services. Blueprints show the center (made brighter in this rendering) would be built on the south end of the St. Charles Bend campus, near the hospital's Heart Center entrance. treatment, McCormick said. "One might not think that five blocks would make a difference," McCormick said. "But think about apatient weakened by radiation and chemotherapy. Patients may have other medical concerns, and having to drive to another facility just adds to the stress."

The expansion plans also in-

In Business

clude adding 53 parking spac- • 500-plus St. Charles employees es west of the Heart Center and propose some landscaping work around the hospital's main entrance. "The goal of all of this is to have patients come into a warm, supportive environment where they can have all

Also vulnerable in disasters: wireless phone technology

Continued from A1 No city drives less and relies more on public transportation than New York, and Sandy's aftermath drove the point home f or many c o mmuters w h o jammed into cars, buses and trains, or when they couldn't, walked milesto get to work. The city already had begun an effort to find even more alternatives to driving, including expanded public transit and bike lanes. "Even if they go back to where they were, things were moving in the right direction anyway," said Rob Puentes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a center-left WashThe difficulties wrought by the storm highlight the need for a rebalance in transportation investments, experts say. The days of the country building farther and farther out on the exurban fringe are over, and more attention must be paid to long-neglected transit systems. New York is building a new

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ington policy group.

~~ ~

vote to break with SEIU,C3

their clinical needs met in one place, as well as their emotional and spiritual needs," McCormick said. — Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbulletin.com

the digital portrait of America is not en-

pressed the FCC to repurpose an $8 billion

couraging. About 36 percent of American

fund, originally intended to bring traditional

homes are wireless. Payphones dwindled

After Hurricane Sandy put entire cities

Public interest groups have argued that

munications Commission. wireless providers should provide backup These traditional methods of communica- power for each cell tower to ensure reli-

East Coast immediately discovered the

downside of the emerging technology age: It has becomeharder to communicate in emergencies. Overthepastdecade,consumershave rushed to replace their landlines with

tion are among the most reliable in an emer-

cellphones, digital phones and other sleek

gadgets. The problem, someanalysts say, is that these devices require electricity. So as

gency, experts say. Landlines canwork even

able service. But the industry has said that would be too expensive. Instead, they have

when the electricity is out. Critics of the telecommunications industry

said they would respond to emergencies by bringing in generators and extra cell towers

say it is not doing enough to ensure that Americans cancommunicatewhenthey

only when needed. But Sandy exposed aproblem in this plan. The generators needgasoline — ascarce resource in stricken areas of NewYork and New Jersey becausethe gas stations didn't have power to pumpfuel.

need to the most.

ATBT,Verizonandothercompanieshave been making apush to invest less in wireline municate with friends, family and emergency networks, as their popularity has dwindled. responders. They and providers of Internet service From the perspective of these analysts,

the power goes, so goes the ability to com-

subway line with protections against the kind of flooding that swamped the system this week. But rebuilding the existing network would be difficult, and expensive. "It's an enormous challenge to retrofit a system that's a hundred years old," Puentes said. Drivers and transit riders alike have been tested this

phone lines to rural areas, to finance broadband Internet instead.

to 550,000 in 2009, down from 2.1 million a decade earlier, according to the Federal Com-

and towns in the dark, people across the

week by the storm. Scenes of chaos erupted Friday over what would otherwise be an ordinary task: pumping gasoline for cars and backup generators. Too many gas stations simply l acked electric power to operate their pumps. Lines of cars stretched more than a mile at some service stations, and police had to

— The Washington Post

break up fights between testy motorists. Crowding on b u ses a nd trains also created frustration, with many c ommuters left waiting at bus stops and on station platforms. Commuter rail systems got closer to full operation Friday, but New York's subways remained a jumble of disconnected service.

With uncertainty over which party will control the White House and Congress and a looming fight over mandatory spending cuts, a solution from Washington isn't likely. Sandy could boost public-privatepartnerships.A bout 60 percent of transit trips are taken by people commuting to work, according to the American Public



often with surgery. The problem has just begun to emerge, so far mostly in Michigan, which has had more peoplesickened by the drug — 112 out of 404 nationwide — than any other state. The outbreak has struck 404 people in 19 states, mostly in the east and south of the country. Almost 3 0 d eaths have been reported. The outbreak, first recognized in late September, is one of the worst public health disasters ever caused by a c o n taminated drug. The drug was a steroid, methylprednisolone acetate, made by the New England Compounding C e n te r in Framingham, M ass. T h r ee contaminated lots of the drug, more than 17,000 vials, were shipped around the country, and about 14,000 people were injected with the drug, mostly for neck and back pain, but also for arthritis.

Transportation Association, and companies ranging from financial services firms to airports and hotels depend on a reliable system to function. Patrick Phillips, chief executive officer of the Urban Land Institute, a Washington policy group, said the private sector has been reluctant to invest in infrastructure because of the risks involved. But Sandy may have showed private industry the risks of not investing. "It's been very difficult to get these deals done," he said. "This could be a game-changer for tapping private capital for infrastructure investment." It also might reopen a discussion about other measures to pay for improvements or limit congestion, such as charging cars a fee to enter Manhattan or restricting entry to cars with at least three occupants. Cities such as London and Stockholm have imposed congestion charges for years, and New York hasconsidered itbefore. "If we don't see this opportunity, then shame on us for missing it," Melaniphy said.


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TVS Movies, B2 Comics, B4-5

Calendar, B3 Horoscope, B3 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2012


Getting kids to

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O www.bendbulletin.com/community

"Central Oregon is very supportive of veterans, and COVOhas a very special place. Organizations like COVOhave been essential in getting homeless veterans off the street." — Gary Hunter, team leader, Central Oregon Vet Center

Local and Lovin' It at Riverhouse From10 a.m. to

4 p.m. today, TheRiverhouse Convention


care about

Center in Bend will host

the second annual Local and Lovin' It event. Local and Lovin' It is


a gathering of areabusinesses and nonprofits for networking and onestop shopping.

few weeks ago, my 10-year-old son lamented that his parents were watching yet another presidential debate on TV. "But it's boring," he whined. And, apparently the two-hour debate was interfering with the outside chance that he'd be able to watch a cartoon starring obnoxiously cheeky animals or teenage vampires or some such. I guess for a 10-year-old, annoying animated creatures trump important political discussions. But I triedto interest him in the debates anyway. "It's important," I said. "This debate will help determine who's going to be president."


Organizer Stormie Van Patten says the

event features more than 70 vendors, from

local stores to in-home party businesses to purveyors of homemade items, representing Bend, Redmond, Sisters, La Pine, Prineville,

Madras and beyond. Also planned is a canned-food drive to

benefit Saving Grace and a blood drive through the American

Red Cross, plusa fashion show, yogaand Zumba lessons, a raffle, giveaways andmore. A free raffle ticket can

He shrugged. "The President of the United States," Icontinued."It's abigjob. It's an important election." No response. I tried a different tactic. eYou know, the future of public educationcould change depending on who is elected president," I argued, going after something that could affect him. "Do you want to know what Obama and Romney thinkabout education?" "What's for dinner?" he replied. So went my attempt to get kids interested in politics, governance and the electoral process. Maybe it's too much to expect a 10-year-old to be interested in such things. But it's important to me to raise kids with an understanding of their role in the democratic process, and a desire to be a part of it. Oregon's League of Women Voters thinks it's important, too. That's why it promotes a mock election each year among Oregonelementary, middle and high school students, letting the students learn about civics and cast ballots in national and state races. Ultimately, the opinion of a bunch of high schoolers on the legalization of marijuana, the U.S. presidential race orthe office ofO regon's Secretary of State doesn't matter. But in a few years, their opinions will matter. So any effort to teach kids now what their vote will stand for later has value. My kids would probably rather vote on what will be on next week's school lunch menu. But maybe their interest is

piquing. Last week, for example, they asked me who I was voting for: Jason Conger or Tim Knopp? They aren't running against each other, I explained — they are candidates in different races. (Conger is running for Oregon State Representative, House District 54; Knopp is running for the State Senate, District 27). Turns out, they'd seen campaign signs in a relative's yard, and had enough of a conversation with said relative to know how to pronounce Knopp's last name, even if they got the other details wrong. Then, this week, Harry, my 10year-old, had a homework project that entailed writing summaries of President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney's positions on health care, education, the war, the environment andthe economy. He seemed genuinely interested in the project. I tried to provide guidance without providing ideology, but Harry seemed inclined to have his own opinions anyway. Does this mean there's an interest in politics in his future'? Is there a burgeoning civic duty rising in his blood? Perhaps. And I'll do my best to feed it. This weekend, my husband and I will perform our biannual ritual of sharpening our pencils, sitting down at the kitchen table with our ballots, and casting our votes. I hope our kids will want to watch. I hope they ask questions. I hope they become as excited about elections as I am. Mostly, I hope they grow up to be voters. — Julie Johnsonis the features editor at The Bulletin. 541-383-0308, jjohnson@bendbulletin.com


Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Veteran Tracy Fincher, 54, of Bend, pauses in the doorwayof his new apartment. He moved in last week after spending the last year being homeless. He'll soon start classes at Central Oregon Community College. He credits Central Oregon Veterans Outreach, or COVO, with helping him get back on his feet.

be had for a donation

of canned food andadditional raffle tickets are for sale. Participating vendors

include: PureRomance, Boresha International You Angel You, Rodan

and Fields,Scentsy, Lil Poopie Nation, It Works, Pink Zebra, Cookie Lee, Sweet Looks, 31 Bags, Do Terra, Flip Flop Productionsand Ranch Bling. The Riverhouse Convention Center is at 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court in Bend. Contact:

prbystormie©hotmail .com or 541-777-0313.

Drivers wanted for meal delivery The Central Oregon

• In seven years, Central OregonVeteransOutreach hasexpanded its mission fromsupplying food to afull array of servicesfor ex-servicepeople

Council on Aging isseeking volunteer drivers to deliver meals to seniors in Bend. The Meals-

On-Wheels program

distributes meals to the

homes of seniors who are unable to prepare

By Heidi Hagemeier • The Bulletin

hen Tracy Fincher moved into his new apartment eight days ago, one

or purchase their own

of the first things he did was hang an American flag across his front

COCOA is a nonprofit organization "dedicated to promoting dignity, well-being, security and

window. The 54-year-old Army veteran has spent the past three years drifting. After his wife's death, the Bend native returned home, grieving and lacking job prospects. He lived in a trailer for a time. It was vandalized, and then he spent all of last winter in a tent. Now Fincher will start a yearlong computer information technology training program. He is hanging pictures on the walls of his apartment and working through the federal bureaucracy to secure various benefits. A twice-broken back prevents him from taking on many types of work. He credits his transformation to Central Oregon Veterans Outreach. Fincher is the first participant in a new COVO program to get homeless veterans into stable housing. "It's all thanks to these guys," he said. The program is one part of the local nonprofit's rapid expansion: In seven years, COVO has grown from a small volunteer effort into a prominent force for veterans in Central Oregon. "Central Oregon is very supportive of veterans, and COVO has a very special place. Organizations

like COVO have been essential in getting homeless veterans off the street," said Gary Hunter, team leader for the Central Oregon Vet Center. The center is a federal facility that provides readjustment counseling and outreach services for veterans and their families In 2005, COVO consisted of a group of veterans who wanted to help homeless service members. They visited camps around Central Oregon to offer food and supplies. COVO's first foray beyond visiting homeless camps was acquiring a house — called Home of the Brave — aimed at getting veterans off the street. The Bend home came to fruition in 2007 with donations cobbled together for a down payment and a commercial loan. See Veterans /B6


independenceforCentral Oregon seniors." Volunteers must complete an application, an interview, a back-

ground check andtraining. To apply or for more information, visit www.

councilonaging.org or call 541-678-5483.

Adaptive sports group gets grant Oregon Adaptive Sports, a local nonprofit that provides recreation opportunities to people with disabilities, recently received a $15,000 grantto help it better

serve veterans. The grant comes from the Wounded Warrior Project an effort to

help wounded service to develop a ski program

Contact Central Oregon Veterans Outreach in Bend

tive summer weekend

at www.covo-us.org, covo.org@gmail.com or 541-383-2793. In La Pine, contact

covolapine.org©gmail.com or 541-508-2412.

Chuck Hemingway,executive director of Central Oregon Veterans Outreach,tours a Bend home in August that is being converted to veteran housing. The Bulletin file photo

members. It will be used

For more information

for injured veterans

and to create anadapgetaway for Oregon's wounded veterans. According to an Or-

egon Adaptive Sports news release,morethan 48,000 service members have beenphysically injured in recent military conflicts. An additional 320,000 have experienced traumatic brain

injuries and asmanyas 400,000 live with mental health concerns. Contact: www

.oregonadaptivesports .org, or woundedwarrior project.org. — From staff reports



a M O V I ES

'SEALTeamSix' movie a story of heroism


BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6

"SEAL Team Six: The Raid on

worth the risk and the bilOsama bin Laden" lions of dollars required. The 8 p.m. Sunday, film details the potentially National Geographic disastrous outcomes t h at Channel could have been Obama's equivalent of Jimmy Carter's By Joanne Ostrow failedho stage rescue attempt The Denver Post in Iran, a political disaster. " SEALTeamSix: TheRaid Red or blue, viewers can on Osama bin Laden" isn't a g r ee he t election-eve timj ust a "real-life, full-length ac- i n g i s c urious. It's the first tion thriller," as the National o r i g inal film for N a tional Geographic Channel likes to G e ograp hic Channel, slated s ay.Anditisn'tapieceofpo- a f e w weeks before "Zero l itical propaganda designed D a r k Thirty," another film to s w i n g the about the raid by "Hurt L o c k er" TV SPOTLIGHT c onserv a t i v e s director Kathryn s uggest. It' s a Bigelow." strange amalgam S EAL T e a m o f behind-the-scenes imagin- S i x " b eg ins as t h e U . S . ing, video simulations, archi- l e a rns th e name ofan al-Qav al footage and patriotic odes ed a f u n ctionary. But how? to the military regarding a Q u e stio ns arise immediately. ratherrecent event. Producer Did tha t successful GuantaN icholas Chartier ("The Hurt n a m o interrogation really Locker") teamed with th e ha p p enbecause the operaWeinstein Company to deliv- t i v e colorfully e x p l ained er this strangely compelling p o t entia I torture tactics, as blur of fact and dramatized t h e filmsuggests? Was it the truth. Director John Stock- l e ast vio lent interrogation in well ("Into the Blue") claims t h e histo ry of interrogations? t he origins of the film were W e ' l l n veer know. not political. From there to the launch "Producer and f i nancier of the m ission into the fortiChartier is French and de- f i e d b inLaden compound, the cidedly apolitical," Stock- f i l m amp s the tension at every well wrote in the production s t e p. notes. The film p r emieres Dr amatic music. ZoomSunday on National Geo- ing maps. Condensed time, graphic C h annel. N e tfli x qu i c k cu ts and bold edits. No subscribers will have access t e lling h ow much is Hollyto "SEAL Team Six"the day wood, h ow much is the Penafter it airs. The election- t a g on an d how much is from e ve timing is controversial. t h e m e mories of unnamed Obama-haters wil l c r i ng e i n d i v idu als who were part of at the heroics credited to th e e ffort the president, as the f il m The whole story may be replays speeches in which more haphazard, more ridObama promises to find the d l ed with bureaucratic snags al-Qaeda leader. Stockwell a n d alto gether less slick. But notes that Mitt Romney, Joe t h i s mov ie is about heroism. B iden and Secretary of State A n d a s such, it succeeds in Robert Gates all o pposed t e l l ing a national success the raid, suggesting it wasn't s t o r y.

2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347

ALEX CROSS(PG-13) 1, 4:15, 6:45, 9:05 ARGO(R) Noon,3,5:45,8:45 FRANKENWEENIE (PG) 1:15, 3:45, 7, 9:10 LOOPER(R) 12:15, 3:15, 6, 8:50 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER(PG-13) 12:45, 4, 6:30, 9 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15, 8:55

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

ALEX CROSS(PG-13) 12:25 ARGO (R) 12:10, 3, 6, 9 CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 12:40, 3:40, 6:55, 9:35 CLOUDATLAS(R) Noon, 4, 7:45 FLIGHT (R) 12:05, 1:05, 3:20, 4:20, 6:35, 7:35, 9:50 FUN SIZE(PG-13) 1:40, 4:10 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)2, 4:45, 7:25, 10:05 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG)1:30, 6:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:55, 9:10 THE MANWITHTHE IRONFISTS (R) 1:20, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4IMAX (R) 1:45, 4:50, 7:50, 10:10 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 12:20, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 7:10, 10 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 3:25,

10:10 SILENT HILL: REVELATION3-D (R) 12:55, 7:40 SINISTER (R) 3:10, 6:25, 9:20 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1:55, 4:35, 7:20, 9:55 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 9:25 WRECK-IT RALPH3-D (PG) 12:45, 3:45, 7, 9:45

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

Disney via The Associated Press

Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly) befriends some down-and-out game characters in "Wreck-It Ralph."


PARANORMAN(PG) Noon Due to college football, no movies will be shown on Saturday after "ParaNorman."After 7 p.m., shows are21and older only. Younger than 21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. ifaccompanied by a legal guardian.


• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 rtl IMAX.

Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505

• There maybean

CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 1:50, 4:15, 6:40, 9:05 FUN SIZE(PG-13) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 PARANORMALACTIVITY4 (R) 1:25, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:35 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) I2:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:25 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:50, 9:10

additional fee for 3-0and IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to

change after press time.

Tin Pan Theater 869 N W Tin PanAlley Bend, 541-241-2271



Sisters Movie House 720 DesperadoCourt, Sisters, 541-549-8800

REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777

FUN SIZE (PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 12:45, 5, 9:15 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 2:45, 7 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 PARANORMALACTIVITY4 (R) 11 a.m.,1,3,5,7,9 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15


ARGO(R) 2:30,5,7:30 HOPE SPRINGS(PG-13) 3 LOOPER(R) 7:30 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 5:15, 7:45 WILD HORSE,WILD RIDE(G) 2:45, 5 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 2:30, 5, 7:15

Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

TROUBLEWITH THECURVE (LIPSTAIRS — PG-13) 1:10, 4, 7 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 1,3:40, 6:10, 8:30 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

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*In HD, these channels run three hours ahead. l Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-PrinevillelMadras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

tt gg g~t +g~

i+t g g ~tt g][g +

t g g~ tt ~ I~t g g i t~t g ] ( i College Football Oklahoma State at KansasState (N)(Live) cc Cash Cab'PG' Cash Cab 'PG' Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune KATU News Castle n 'PG' KATU B Ninia *** "Rudy" (1993,Drama)SeanAstin, NedBeatty. n Newschannel Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Extra (N) n 'PG' cc News Sat. Night Live KTVZ I 0 0 0 Horse Racing Breeders' Cup(N) News College Football Alabamaat LSU(N)(Live) w Burn Notice FamilyBusiness 'PG' Old Christine Old Christine Paid Program Paid Program News Paid Program KBNZ 0 College Football Entertainment Tonight (N) « Pri m etime: What Would You Do? News (N) « C o l lege Football KOHD 0 0 0 Q College Football Oklahoma State at KansasState (N)(Live) « BigBang B ig Bang Big Bang Bo nesenAli sinaSpaceship'14' News Two/Hali Men Masterchef Top 12Compete '14' KFxo O' IEI IEIIEI (4:00) CollegeFootball Oregonat USC(N) n (Live) cc Masterpiece Mystery! rr 'PG' KOAB 8 8 8 gl This Old House The Lawrence WelShow k 'G' L a s t of Wine T r a vels to Edge Steves' Europe Globe Trekker 'PG' «(DVS) M y F a mily T ime Goes By New Tricks Tiger Tiger rt « Horse Racing Breeders'Cup(N) Chris Matthews Straight Talk Inside Edition Grant Getaway 30 Rock (N) '14' Guys With Kids *** "Rudy" (1993, Drama)SeanAstin, NedBeatty. n Newschannel 8 Sat. Night Live KGW 0 * "A SmileLikeyours" (1997) GregKinnear, LaurenHolly. « Cops 'PG' « C o ps '14' « Che aters (N) n '14' « That '70s Show That '70s Show * "Sleepwalkers" (1992) « KTYZDT2 IEIQ B Q (4:00) ** "RunawayTrain" « **** "TheThirdMan"(1949) OrsonWelles, JosephCotten. Julia Child Co o king Class The Return oi Sherlock Holmes Backstage Pass n 'G' « Live From the Artists Den 'PG' A u stin City Limits (N) 'G' « OPBPL 175 173


tt ~









t~ t

*A8E 130 28 18 32 Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars

"Rambo:First ** "Rambo III" (1988, Action) Sylvester Stallone, RichardCrenna, MarcdeJonge. Loner Rambo ** "Rambo"(2008, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz. Aclergyman per- *** "First Blood" (1982, Action) Sylvester Stallone, RichardCrenna. AVietBlood Part II" r escues mentor from Soviets in Afghanistan. « suades Ramboto rescuecaptive missionaries in Burma.« nam vet is houndedby a brutal small-town sheriff. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Too Cute! Kittens n 'PG' w Too Cute! Puppies n 'PG'tr Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! PoolPuppies n 'PG' T o o Cute! n 'PG' Pit Bulls and Parolees(N) 'PG' Too Cute! n 'PG' *** "Apo//o 13" (1995,Historical Drama)TomHanks, Bill Paxton. BRAVO1 37 4 4 The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta * * * "Apo//o13"(1995) Tom Hanks. Basedon the true story oi the ill-iated1970 moonmission. CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc J ust for Laughs: Working Class Blue Collar Comedy: TenYears Them Idiots Whirled Tour n 'PG' rr (11:15) ThemIdiots Whirled Tour CNBC 54 36 40 52 Ultimate Factories Bacardi 'PG' The Suze OrmanShow(N) « D e b t Do Us Part Debt Do Part UsUltimate Factories Caterpillar 'G' The Suze OrmanShow « Debt Do UsPart Debt Do Us Part Quit Your Job! Free Money 'G' CNN 55 38 35 48 RomneyRevealed:Family,Faith,Road ObamaReveal ed:TheMan,ThePresident Romney Revealed: Family, Faith, Road ObamaRevealed:TheMan,ThePresident CNN Presents 'PG' cc COM 135 53 13547 (4:15) ** "Lega/ly B/onde" « (6:15) *** "Mean Girls" (2004)LindsayLohan, RachelMcAdams.Premiere. « (8:16) *** "Wedding Crashers" (2005,Comedy)OwenWilson, Vince Vaughn. « (10:48) "HotTubTimeMachine" COTV 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the Town Local issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal GetOutdoors Visions oiNW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show TalkoitheTownLocalissues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Road to the White House(N) C a mpaign 2012 Debates from keyHouseandSenate races. Road to the White HouseEvents fromthecampaign. Campaign 2012 *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Austin 8 Ally n Austin & Ally n Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good.charlie A .N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie n 'G' A u stin & Ally n Gravity Falls n Jessietrj'G' r A.N.T. Farm'G' Good-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 Dual Survival BoggedDown'14' Jungle Gold n 'PG' « Gold Rush TheWrongClaim 'PG' World's Scariest Plane Landings Plane Crash: The Fallout (N) n 'PG' « Plane Crash: TheFallout n 'PG' *El 1 36 2 5 E! News (N) Fashion Police '14' When Teens Kill '14' Kidnapping oi JayceeDugard K e eping Up With the Kardashians * "Mr.Deeds" (2002)AdamSandler, WinonaRyder. Premiere. ESPN 21 23 22 23 NASCAR Racing NationwideSeries: O'Reilly Auto PartsChallenge(N) S p ortscenter (N) (Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (4:00) CollegeFootball Clemsonat Duke(N)(Live) College Football College Football ArizonaState at OregonState(N) ILive) College Football Final (N) w NA SCAR Racing *** "Run for yourLife" (2008,Documentary) "Running theSahara" (2008) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 *** "Run foryourLife" (2008, Documentary) *** hsunfor yourLife" (2008) 3 0 f or 30 H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.Li te Ex. H.Li te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 Sportscenter (N)(Live) rr Sportscenter (N)(Live)rrtj SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ** "P.S. I Loveyou" (2007, Romance)Hilary Swank, GerardButler, Lisa Kudrow.Premiere. *** "Dirty Dancing" (1987) FAM 67 29 19 41 (3:00) Stepmom **"TheTimeTraveler's Wife"(2009, Romance)Rachel McAdams, Eric Bana. FNC 57 61 36 50 Huckabee(N) Justice With JudgeJeanine (N) Geraldo at Large (N) 'PG' rr The Journal Editorial Report n J u stice With Judge Jeanine Ger aldo at Large n 'PG' rrrj The Journal Editorial Report n 'FOOD 177 62 98 44 The Next Iron Chef: SuperChefs The Next Iron Chef: SuperCheis The Next Iron Chef: Super Chefs The Next Iron Chef: Super Chefs The Next Iron Chef: Super Chefs The Next Iron Chef: SuperChefs The Next Iron Chef: Super Cheis ** "Fantastic Four: Riseof theSilver Surfer" (2007) loan Gruffudd,Jessica Alba. * "Armageddon" (1998)Bruce Wilis, Billy BobThornton. Ahero tries to save Earth froman asteroid. FX 131 (3:30) ** "TheKarateKid" (2010)JadenSmith. HGTV 176 49 33 43 Love It or List It Gallagher 'G' Hig h Low Proi. Hunters Int'I H o use Hunters Renovation 'G' L o ve It or List It Ethier 'G' « Love It or List It Milne 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I H o use Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 155 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' The MenWhoBuilt America Changing theGame'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' "Blue-EyedButcher"(2012) SaraPaxton, Lisa Edelstein. '14' « "TheEleventhVictim" (2012) Jennie Garth. Premiere. 'PG' tr "ThePastor's Wife"(2011,Docudrama)RoseMcGowan. '14' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 (4:00)"TheCraigsiist Ki/ler"'PG' MSNBC 59 59 12851 The EdShow(N) The Daily Rundown Martin Bashir The Ed Show The Daily Rundown MSNBCSpecial MSNBCSpecial MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness (6:15) Ridiculousness n 'PG' Rid iculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Jersey Shore Merp Walk n '14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBobSquarePantsn 'Y7' Spongesob Spongesob Spongesob SpongeBob icarly (N)n 'G' BigTimeRush How toRock'G' icarly'G'cc The Nanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' Fri ends n 'PG' OWN 161103 31103 Behind MansionWalls '14' « Wel come to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' l y anla, Fix My Life (N) n 'PG' We l come to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 (4:00) CollegeFootball MontanaState at SacramentoState (N) (Live) College Football College Football Stanford atColorado (N) College Football Oregonat USC ** "Romeo Must Die" (2000)Jet Li, Aaliyah. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Worst Tenants Worst Tenants Worst Tenants Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. T attoo Night. * * * "Kick-Ass" (2010)AaronJohnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse. Premiere. n SYFY 133 35 13345 "Pegasusvs. Chimera"(2012, Fantasy) NazneenContractor. cc Alice IPart1oi2) 'PG' w Alice A youngwomansearches for a wayto escapefromWonderland. (Part 2 oi 2) TBN 05 60 130 In Touch W/Charles Stanley Hou r oi Power n 'G' « Billy GrahamClassic Crusades Not a Fan Tra vel the Road "Cutback"(2010)Justin Schwan,Angel Cruz. Drive History L ive-Oak Tree Virtual Memory "rss 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' King oi Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Big Bang ** "Eurotrip" (2004)rn Big Bang * "B i g Daddy" (1999, Comedy)AdamSandler. Premiere. rr ** "A Nightin Paradise" (1946,Fantasy)Merle Oberon, ***"The Divorce of LadyX" (1938,Comedy) Merle (1015) ***"The Cowboy and the Lady"(1938) GaryCooper. Debutante • 29 *** "Wuthering Hei g hts" (1939) Merl e Oberon, Laurence Ol i v i e r. An ari s toTCM 101 44 101 crat falls in lovewith herfather's stableboy. « Turhan Bey,ThomasGomez. « Oberon, LaurenceOlivier, Ralph Richardson. posesashermaid,datescowboyinPalm Beach. *TLC 178 34 32 34 ExtremeChea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' ** "TheBookof Eli" (2010,Action) DenzelWashington, Gaty Oldman. «(DVS) * "JonahHex"(2010)JoshBrolin. Premiere. *TNT 17 26 15 27 (4:00) *** "War ofthe Worlds" (2005)n« (10:45) * "Jonah Hex" (2010,Action) JoshBrolin. *TOON 84 VentureBros. Familysuy'14' Familysuy'14' Clevelandshow BlackDynamite TheBoondocks NinlaGo: Mstrs Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show *** "Over the Hedge"(2006,Comedy)Voicesoi BruceWilis. *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Big Beef Paradise 'G' « Sandwich Paradise 'G' « Deep Fried Paradise 'G' « Ghost Adventures'PG'« Ghost Adventures '14' « GhostAdventures'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens *** "Knocked Up" (2007, Romance-Comedy)SethRogen, Katherine Heigl. « *** "Knockedup" (2007) * "TheUgly Truth" (2009)Katherine Heigl. Premiere. « USA 15 30 23 30 (4:30) * "GoodLuckChuck" (2007)DaneCook. Couples Thr. VH1 191 48 37 54 100 Greatest Songs oi the '90s 100 Greatest Songs of the '90s 100 Greatest Songs oi the '90s 100 Greatest Songs oi the '90s Movie n 'MA' *AMC 102 40 39

**** "The Exorcist"1973 Ellen Burstyn. Premiere. n 'R' cc ENCR 106401306401 (4:50) *** "Analyze This" 1999Robert DeNiro. (6:35) * "Bul/etproof" 1996DamonWayans. 'R' (10:05) * "1 KnOw What yeuOidLaStSummer"1997n 'R' cc FXM Presents ** "Night at the Museum:Battle of the Smithsonian" 2009 'PG' FXM Presents ** "Night atthe Museum"2006, ComedyBenStiler. 'PG' « FMC 104204104120 ** "Night at the Museum:Battle ofthe Smithsonian" 2009 'PG' Best of PRIDEFighting UFC Unleashed UFC Reloded a UFC137:Pennvs.DiazNickDiazvs.BJPenn. The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG' The Ultimate Fighter n FUEL 34 Golf Central (N) Golf WGCHSBC Champions, Final RoundFromShenzhen, China. (N) (Live) GOLF 28 301 27301 PGATour Golf Champions: Charles SchwabCupChampionship, Third Round "The MostWonderfulTimeof the year" (2008) HenryWinkler. 'PG' "ChristmasSong" (2012)NatashaHenstridge. Premiere. 'G' cc "TheChristmasCard" (2006)EdAsner, John Newton. 'G' rtrj HALL 66 33 175 33 (4:00)"TheChristmas Pageant" ** "We Bought aZoo" 2011 Matt Damon. Premiere. Amanandhis family (10 15) BoardwalkEmpireGilian (11:15) ** "We Bought aZoo" 2011 HBO 25501 425501 (3i30) *** Forrest Gump" 1994Tom *** "Crazy, Stupid, Love." 2011 Steve Carell. A suddenly single 40someHanks. n 'PG-13' « thing needshelpfinding his grooveagain. n 'PG-13' « work to renovateandreopena zoo. n 'PG' « tries to improveher future. 'MA' Matt Damon. n 'PG'a« ** "StarTrek: TheMotion Picture" 1979 'G' I FC 105 1 0 5 ** "StarTrek: TheMotion Picture" 1979 Wiliam Shatner. Premiere. 'G' (7:45) ** 'ytliG Indahouse"2002SachaBaron Cohen. 'R' (11:15) ** "Ali G Indahouse" * "This MeansWar"2012ReeseWitherspoon. TwoCIA (1140) Hunted (520) ** "Contraband"2012, ActionMarkWahlberg, (715) *** "Riseof the Planetofthe Apes"2011 JamesFranco. A medical Hunted Hourglass n 'MA' « (330) "The Gi r l MAX 00508 508Next Door" 'R' Kate Beckinsale, BenFoster. n 'R' rr experimentresults in asuperintelligent chimp. 'PG-13' cc agents battle overthe samewoman. cc Hourglass'MA' Alaska State Troopers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' Doomsday Preppers BuggedOut Alaska State Troopers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut Last DaysofbinLaden N GC 157 1 5 7 NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents Ddd Parents L egend.Korra Legend-Korra Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Robot, Monster Ddd Parents Spongesob S p ongesob L e gend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball 2 Dragon Ball Z C r aig Morgan West. Extremes High Places C ommander M a thew's Dom OUTD 37 307 4330 Trophy Hunt J immy Big Time Raglin Outdoors Ultimate Hunt'9 Trophy Quest Most Wanted Outfitter Boot Expedition Saf. Ted Nugent ** "Cock- Dexter SwimDeepNewleads in the Homeland Q&ABrodyfinds himself *** "TheHelp" 2011,DramaViola Davis, EmmaStone, BryceDallas Howard. Anaspiring writer Larry Wilmore's Race, Religion & *** "Primary Colors" 1998 John S HO 00 5 0 0 (3:30) tail" 1988 Way ne Randall case. rr 'MA' prisoner again. rt 'MA' « captures theexperiencesol blackwomen. 'PG-13' Sex in Florida (N) Travolta. n 'R' cc SPEED 35 303125303 World oi OutlawsCharlotte FromCharlotte, NorthCarolina. (N)(Livei World of Outlaws Charlotte FromCharlotte, North Carolina. *** "21 JumpStreet" 2012Jonah Hil. Premiere. rr 'R' « *** "Moneyball"2011 'PG-13' STARZ 00408 00408 ** "Bringing DowntheHouse" 2003Steve Martin. rr 'PG-13' « (6:50) **"The GreenHornet" 2011Seth Rogen. rt 'PG-13' « ** "Paycheck"2003,ScienceFiction BenAfileck. Premiere. A technical ** * "OurIdiot Brother" 2011,ComedyPaul Rudd, Eliza- * "Mother's Oay" 2010Rebecca DeMornay. Premiere.Membersoi a sadistic "Road Kil" 2010, Horror BobMorley, (3 35) ** T MC 25 5 2 5 "Cracks" 2009 wizard learns thathis memoryhas beenerased. n 'PG-13' beth Banks. Premiere. n 'R' cc family return totheir childhood home. n 'R' cc Sophie Lowe. n 'R' cc World Series of Fighting 1 (N)(Live) Turning Point Poker After Dark Caught Looking 'G' NBCSN 27 58 30209 MLSSoccer: EasternConferenceSemifinals, Leg 1- Red Bulls at United * "Down to you 2000 FreddiePnnzeJr., Juha Stiles. 'PG-13' I *WE 143 41 174118 Wedding. Dav.: Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled To Be Announced W edding. Dav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled •




Mom's insultsmake daughter wishfor civility Dear Abby: I'm 14 and my dad is in the military, so he's away from home most of the time. I try to help Mom out as best I can, knowing she's stressed with Dad gone. Whenever she gets m ad at me, she calls me a "brat," "selfish"or a "jerk." She even told me once or twice that if she was my age, she wouldn't want to be my friend because of the way I act. Abby, please help me. I have always tried my hardest to do what's right. How do I handle this without crying myself to


— Feels Like a Failure Dear Feels Like a Failure: Sometimes when people are under stress, as your mother is right now, they say things they don't mean. And sometimes when teens are under stress, they can act out in other ways. A way to handle this would be to wait until your mother has calmed down and talk to her about the effect that her

name-calling is having on you. Explain that you're trying the hardest you can in a difficult situation, and then both of you should apologize to each other. The bruises that unkind words can leave sometimes outlast those that are physical. Dear Abby: My best friend, "Kathie," has betrayed me. This may sound silly, but my husband and I have a sort of "coat of arms." Ever since we started writing l etters and notes back and forth, he has always drawn a character on them, and it turned into "our"

symbol. Kathie is in the armed forces and I made her my maid of honor. But when she showed up, she had that same character tattooed on her back! My husband was upset she chose something so intimate of ours as a tattoo, and a few people have noticed it as well. I don't know how to handle this. It feels like a slap in the face. — Robbed in Florida Dear Robbed:It isn't a slap in

DEAR ABBY the face — it's actually the ultimate compliment to your husband's artistry and creativity. And while it would have been nice if Kathie had first asked permission, unless the symbol was trademarked she was free to use it, as is anyone else who sees it on her and admires it. Because her tattoo is offensive to you, ask her to keep it covered when she's with you. What's done is done. Dear Abby: I'm a 38-yearold wife and mother who has been happily married for 16 years. My young son recently had a medicalemergency in his class at school, and his teacher, "Tom," stepped in and saved him. Since then I can't stop thinking about Tom. I love my husband and I don't plan on seeing or contacting Tom in any way other than as my son's teacher. How do I stop thinking about him? Please help.

— Going Crazy inTennessee

Dear Going Crazy: First of all, you're not going crazy. You are grateful to the "hero" who saved your son. The more you try to smother your thoughts about Tom, the more they will

happen. The most effective way I know of to deal with this would be to talk out your thoughts with someone. If this would be too uncomfortable to discuss with your husband, then do it with a trusted female friend. Over time it should subside. Dear Readers: It's time for my "timely" r eminder that daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday — so don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed.

(That's what I'll be doing.) — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.comor P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Saturday,Nov.3, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year you experience intense feelings. You will encounter a lot of the unexpected, which adds even more excitement to your day-today routine. Trust yourself to make good decisions. If you are single, someone will dash into your life after May 2013. This person could be quite significant to your life history. If you are attached, follow your emotionsand show compassion, and you will strengthen the bond between you. CANCER'sdepth allows him or her to understand you well. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * Tension builds because someone has an expectation that you might not be able to meet. Starting a conversation could feel rather uncomfortable, but it is the first step. Walk away from a demanding person ... for now. Tonight: Entertain from home. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * * K eep conversations moving, and do not get caught up in someone's intense need for control. You can't change this person, but you also don't need to get involved in his or her power plays, either. You'll gain a great deal of insight if you say less and listen more. Tonight: Breeze into a favorite place for a meal. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * Your expenses could add upto more than you anticipated. Complete an important errand or finish up akey project. Afriend or a group of friends are full of surprises. Stay centered. Tonight: Indulge a little. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * * F ollow through on what is important to you. You currently are in the position to realize an important goal. You might feel intimidated by a friend or loved one who has a tendency to be pushy. Tonight: Back out with grace. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * Everyone needs a day off, no matter who he or she is. You push yourself to give 110 percent, no matter whatyou do. Needing some time just to rejuvenate is normal. Make time for what suits you. As an affectionate sign, you will make plenty of time for a loved one.

Tonight: Not to be found. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * * You will want to stretch your legs and get out of the house. Surround yourself with friends or crowds. You enjoy the chatter in the background, evenwhenyou're by yourself. Evaluate achallenging situation where the other party is trying to gain control; just do not play into it. Tonight: Where youwant to be. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * You might feel pressured by a parent or older relative. Meetyour responsibilities now in order to feel liberated later. You don't have to worry about anything else except having a good time. Tonight: Out on the town. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * I f your mind keeps drifting to yonder lands, why not plan to take off in the near future? A call might feel appropriate and very fulfilling to all parties involved. Revise your plans so you can enjoy yourself, too. Tonight: Put on a great piece of music. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * You will relate well to one person and enjoy the intensity of your interaction. Being around crowds generally makes you smile, but not now. Use care with your funds. Tonight: Share with a dear friend or loved one. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * You might not know which way to turn or which invitation to accept. Slow down and prioritize. Choose whatyou want to do and thecompany youwould most enjoy yourself with. Tonight: Go along with someone's suggestion. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * You are mellower than you have been in a while. Free yourself up for a spontaneous get-together. Whether you are pitching in or throwing the party, what pleases you is bringing your friends together. Tonight: As late as you can go. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * * W hether you are single or attached, you enjoy a new friend or loved one as you decide to go off and indulge in a mutual favorite pastime. Do not let a friend's request change your plans or the current mood.Use carewithyourm oney. Tonight: Love the one you are with. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY VFW BREAKFAST: Community breakfast with eggs, bacon, ham,hash browns, biscuitsand gravy and more; $8.50, $7.50 seniors and children12 and younger; 8:30-11 a.m.; VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. LORD'S ACREDAY:The 66th annual event features a sale of crafts, baked goods and art, live music, a barbecue dinner, an auction, 10K run, 5K walk and more; proceeds benefit Powell Butte Christian Church projects; free admission, $10 barbecue, $15 in advance or $25 day of event to race; 7:30 a.m. registration, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. events; Powell Butte Christian Church, 13720 S.W. State Highway126; 541-548-3066 or www.powellbuttechurch.com. ART PARTY:View and purchase art from a variety of artists; food and drink available; a portion of proceeds benefits the St. Charles Foundation and Sara's Project; free; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Harkness-Williams home,1 Beech Lane, Sunriver; 541593-2127 or sunriversister© chamberscable.com. LOCALAND LOVIN' IT: More than 70 vendors; blood drive for American Red Cross, canned food drive for Saving Grace, yoga, zumba and afashion show; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-389-3111 or prbystormie©hotmail.com. WILDFIREPOTTERY SHOWCASE:The Clay Guild of the Cascades hosts an event of continuous ceramic demonstrations, potter booths with pieces for sale and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Highland Magnet School, 701 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541388-2636 or www .clayguildofthecascades.com. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Larry Jacobs, Don Kunz,John Kvapil, Pete Lovering and John Martin read from their books, "The Guys' Big Book of Poetry" and "The Guys' Home Relationship Maintenance and Improvement Poetry Manual"; free; 2-4 p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe, 135 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541749-2010. BECOMING A HUMORIST: Joel Clements talks about what it takes to become a humorist; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1032 or www .deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. HUMAN DIGNITY COALITION ANNIVERSARYPARTY:A barn dance featuring a BBQ, an auction, live music and a Western-themed costume contest; $10 in advance, $15 at the door; 6-10 p.m.; Sons of Norway Hall, 549 N.W. Harmon Blvd., Bend; 541-385-3320 or www.humandignitycoalition .com. BIG NIGHT INTHEBIG HOUSE:A benefit for the Juniper Junction Relief Nursery; featuring Trivial "Prison" Pursuit, snacks and a souvenir mug shot; registration requested; $35; 7-10 p.m.; Deer Ridge Correctional Institution, 3929 E. Ashwood Road, Madras; 541-475-2537. KATHY BOYD &PHOENIX RISING:The roots music group performs, preceded by a songwriting workshop; proceeds benefit the High & Dry Bluegrass Festival; $10 general admission, $20 workshop; 2 p.m. workshop, 7 p.m. concert; Runway Ranch, 22655 Peacock Lane, Bend; 503-691-1177. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about m ixing loveand money;$24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. VOICES OFHOPE: A TRIBUTE TO ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER: A musical tour of Andrew Lloyd Webber melodies; featuring the Youth Choir of Central Oregon and choral groups from Bend and Sisters High Schools; proceeds benefit CASA of Central Oregon; $15-$75 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. POLYRHYTHMICS:The Seattlebased Afro-funk band performs, with Eleven Eyes; $8 plus fees in advance, $12 at the door; 8:30 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541788-2989 or www.p44p.biz.

SUNDAY WILDFIREPOTTERY SHOWCASE:The Clay Guild of the Cascades hosts an event of continuous ceramic demonstrations, potter booths with pieces for sale and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Highland Magnet School, 701 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend;

Submitted photo

The Ascetic Junkies, a Portland indie-pop bandperforms Thursday with The Horde and The Harem at The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend. The show starts at 8 p.m. and tickets are $5. To learn more, call 541728-0879 or go to www.reverbnation.com/venue/thehornedhand. 541-388-2636 or www.clayguildofthecascades.com. CRANKSGIVING RIDE:A scavenger hunt and race on bicycles to purchase food items for the Bethlehem Inn; followed by an awards ceremony; $20 for food donations;11 a.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W.Century Drive, 100-464,Bend;541-322-8768 or www.bethleheminn.org. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. CASCADE WINDSSYMPHONIC BAND:The band performs under the direction of Michael Gesme; free; 2 p.m.; Summit High School,2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; www.cascadewinds.org. FEMALES IN COMEDY: Sam Albert, an alumnus of The Second City in Chicago, shares her experience of trying to make it as an actress and comedian in Los Angeles; free; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. NOTABLES SWINGBAND: The big band plays swing, blues, Latin, rock 'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734 or www.notablesswingband.com. VOICES OFHOPE: A TRIBUTE TO ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER: A musical tour of Andrew Lloyd Webber melodies; featuring the Youth Choir of Central Oregon and choral groupsfrom Bend and Sisters High Schools; proceeds benefit CASA of Central Oregon; $15-$75 plus fees; 2 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. "BONESBRIGADE:AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY":A screening of the unrated 2012 film about a skateboarding team in the1980s; $8; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com.

Chicago, shares her experience of trying to make it as an actress and comedian in Los Angeles; free; 6:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121032 or www.deschuteslibrary .org/calendar. LESSONS FROM LINCOLN: A presentation titled, "Is Political Bipartisanship Possible?"; with author and historian Dick Etulain; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Crook County Library, 175 N.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978. THE NORTHSTARSESSION:The California-based roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. THE NATUREOFWORDS: The Rising Star Creative Writing Competition awards ceremony and reception; free; 7:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Library, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend;541647-2233, info@thenatureofwords. org or www.thenatureofwords.org.

author readings by Ayad Akhtar, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Brian Doyleand MichaelMeade;$25;7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700, info@ thenatureofwords.org or www.towertheatre.org. "ASSASSINS":Opening night of the dark musical comedy portraying history's mostfamous presidential assassins; with achampagne reception; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m., 7 p.m. reception; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail.com or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. "KING OFMASKS": A screening of the unrated1997 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www.jcld.org. MONSTER TRUCKNATIONALS: Monster trucks compete in a variety of trick styles; $12 in advance, $15 at the gate; 7:30 p.m., gates open at 5:30p.m.;Deschutes County Fair 8 Expo Center, Hooker Creek Event Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; THURSDAY http:I/www.expo.deschutes.org. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: GREATAMERICAN TAXIAND Read and discuss "The Sojourn" POOR MAN'SWHISKEY: The by Andrew Krivak; free; noon; jamgrass bands perform; $12 plus Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. fees in advance, $15 at the door; Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1055 or 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read 2989 or www.midtownbend.com. and discuss "State of Wonder" by PIGEONJOHN AND SUNSPOT Ann Patchett; free; noon; Downtown JONZ:California hip-hop, with Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, Mosley Wotta and The Hard Chords; 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or free; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. VIOLATION:The punk-rock TONY SMILEY:The one-man rock group performs, with High Desert band performs, with Keez; $6; 9:30 Hoooligans, The Confederats and p m doors open at 8 30 p m Silver Bastard Cat; $5; 6 p.m.; Domino Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Greenwood Ave., Bend; Bend; 541-788-2989. 541-388-8331 or KNOW HUMOR: IS LAUGHTER THE www.silvermoonbrewing.com. BEST MEDICINE?:Carol Delmonico discusses the power of laughter and how it can reduce stress, boostyour SATURDAY immune system andhelp youenjoy MONDAY life; free; 6:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Nov. 10 No events listed. Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; GARAGESALEFUNDRAISER: 541-312-1034. Proceeds benefit the High Desert THE NATURE OF WORDS: Featuring Droids robotics team; free TUESDAY author readings by Sherwin Bitsui, admission; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Mountain Thor Hanson, Tracy Daugherty ViewHighSchool,2755 N.E.27th "FOOD ANDTHE PARADOX and Jean Auel; $25; 7 p.m.; St., Bend; 541-389-7904 or www. OF PLENTY":Learn about food Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall team753.com. production and pathways and St., Bend; 541-317-0700, info© MARINE CORPSBIRTHDAY RUN/ how they impact the development thenatureofwords.org or WALK: Run 5K or walk one mile of human civilization, world www.towertheatre.org. in honor of the Marine Corps; race exploration and society; free; 2 "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades begins outside city hall; registration p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Theatrical Company presents the required; proceeds benefit Disabled Reed Market Road; 541-617-4663, musical comedy about mixing love American Veterans' Portland shuttle ruthh@uoregon.edu or and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 van; $21 with a shirt, $14 without; http:I/osher.uoregon.edu. students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood 9 a.m.; City Hall, 710 N.W.Wall "THE CRISIS OF CIVILIZATION": A Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood St., Bend; 541-383-8061 or www. screening of the film about the six Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or vetsdayrun. homestead.com. global crises facing mankind, and www.cascadestheatrical.org. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: how they are related; free; 6:30 p.m.; THEASCETICJUNKIES: The THE TEMPEST":Starring Audrey First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Portland indie-pop band performs, Luna and Isabel Leonard in a Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. with The Horde and TheHarem; $5; presentation of Shakespeare's 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. masterpiece; opera performance Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 transmitted live in high definition; WEDNESDAY or www.reverbnation.com/venue $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 /thehornedhand. a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & VETERANS CELEBRATION: W itha IMAX,680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, luncheon and live music; free; 10:30 Bend; 541-382-6347. a.m.; Eastmont Community School, FRIDAY 62425 Eagle Road, Bend; 541-382SENSATIONALSATURDAY:Learn 2049. about how Native peoples of the AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Lily Raff High Desert prepared for winter, KNOW HUMOR: THEFUN 5 ART McCaulou reads from her memoir depended on seasonal foods OF IMPROVCOMEDY:Learn about "Call of the Mild"; free; 6:30 p.m.; and supported and sustained the improvisational comedy from the Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. ecostystem; included in the price of local improv troupe Triage; free; 4:30 Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 MOMS INC.DESSERT DASH AND and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 First St.; 541-312-1032 or AUCTION:Afundraiser for Moms and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. Inc., with dessert, musicand a Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: silent auction; free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or L'ELISIR D'AMORE":Starring Westside Church, 2051 Shevlin Park www.highdesertmuseum.org. Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani Road, Bend. THE NATUREOFWORDS: Featuring and Mariusz Kwiecien in an FREAK MOUNTAINRAMBLERS: a lecture by Jean Auel; $40;11 a.m.encore performance of Donizetti's The Portland-based Americana noon; Central Oregon Community masterpiece; opera performance group performs; free; 7 p.m.; College, Hitchcock Auditorium, transmitted in high definition; $18; McMenamins Old St. Francis 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend;5416:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium School,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 647-2233, info@thenatureofwords. 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse 541-382-5174 or org or www.thenatureofwords.org. Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. www.mcmenamins.com. THE CALDECOTTAWARD: Learn AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Randall KIRTAN MANTRAMUSIC: Healing about the process and criteria Shelton talks about life's big musicbyJaya Lakshmi and Ananda; for selecting the annual award questions and his book, "Life on $15-$20 suggested donation; 7-10 recipient; free; 1 p.m.; Downtown Earth: The Game"; free; 6:30 p.m.; p.m.; Back Bend Yoga, 155 S.W. Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Century Drive; 541-322-9642 or 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7099 Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. www.backbendyoga.net. or www.deschuteslibrary.orgl FEMALES IN COMEDY: Sam Albert, THE NATURE OF WORDS: Featuring calendar. an alumnus of The Second City in





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Deceptive defense? By FRANK STEWART CZl

Tribune MediaServices :" "'t"3 3 4;"


In today's deal (reported by Phillip Alder) from the Summer NABC Life Master Pairs, I don't care for South's second-seat two diamonds with a hand suitable for play at spades. But North had a big fit, so South played at five diamonds. West led a high spade. South ruffed in dummy, led a trump to his hand and returned a heart: seven, king, ace. East led a club, but South guessed to play his jack and made game.


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Few Easts would refuse to win the first heart. What if West had the A-J of clubs? But if East did duck, it was s urmised th a t Sou t h mi gh t conceivably ruff a heart, lead a trump to dummy and ruff a heart, expecting "West's" ace to f all. Then South would fail. It seems to me that if East ducked the first heart, he might regret it. If South next ruffed a heart and saw West's jack, he could lead a trump to dummy and assure the contract by leading the queen of h earts and pitching a club. (Indeed, why would West duck the first heart with A-J-7?) As the cards lie, he would make an overtrick! DAILY QUESTION

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to three hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner has a h and with six or seven good hearts and about 16 high-card points. Slam chances are lively; you might make a grand slam if partner has a perfect h and such as 6 2, A K Q 1 0 8 5 , A 7 2, K 6. Since partners seldom have perfect hands, and a grand slam w ould be hard t o b i d w i t h a n y assurance, just jump to six hearts. East dealer Neither side vulnerable

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©20I2 TribuneMediaSerViCeS, InC.Oo Al Rights Reserved






Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, ao suggested bythe above cartoon.

Ans: 11-3

© LaughingStOCkInternatianal InC, DiSt Oy Unoersal UCltCkfOrUFS, 2012

"Is my prescription ready?"

(AnswersMonday) y I d Yesterday' s

ACROSS 1 "An almond in every bite" candy 8 Magic Johnson's 10,141 15 Solution for

49 1993 Kentucky 27 Thumb one's 36 O n e working on Derby winner sired nose at drafts by Polish Navy 28 Shopworn 37 Prefix with babble 29 Glaring quality 39 G o ndolier, e.g. DOWN 30 Stops 40 Number before a 1 They're often slash, maybe patronizing repairing snagged filled with teens 31 Like many a 12- 4 2 Strahan co-host nylons 2 Some hellos ... Down 43 Hyena in "L'il 17 Fitness-focused and goodbyes 32 Forthcoming Abner" 33 Button, notably 45 Japanese parent's purchase 3 Marley's music 18 Rueful 4 Gurus 34 Remove element surn ame addition exclamation 482 from 46 Mr. !: old 5 Some French 19 Ecstatic hymn wheels 35 Hefty product whodunitgame 20 1950s Reds 6 Novelist Beattie ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: nickname 7 Incongruous21 "The Whiffenpoof sounding highA L ER T P L A T O C B S Song"sound end stationery R E S A W L O G O N U L T 8 Tweaks, say effects M A C H O M A N U R E L O O 22 Jersey's environs 9 Surf feature 23 Matching 10 Directly C O N G A A C T O R 24 Paris-to-Vichy dir. 11 Down with P O P P E R S A L L U D E 25 Post-larval something S H R I N E D O L L A R insects 12 Source of soft AG E N T H O P S P E D I 26 Item with which fabric L E S S H O R T O F F O R Osiris is usually 13 "The Hollow Men" M E S A E R A S A M I G O pictured poet U S F L A G S T A L I N 27 Clinton's FBI 14 Dwindled director 16 Old Testament I TR I E D L A T I M E S 28 It can have a tail prophet NO E A R L I E G E but never legs 22 Expected to land O A K RO O F V E N T U R E 29 H o use: 23 Basic chord I D I E R A S E U H A U L Pennsylvania 25 Tasty crustacean L S T T E N O R P E L T S Ave. guest 26 Beloved, in 11/03/1 2 xwordeditor@aol.com quarters Bordeaux 30 Blowout I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1I 12 13 14 substitute? 15 16 31 Cut-up

32 Be a Scrooge

Unscramblethesefour Jumbles, one letter Io eachsquare, Io form four ordinary words.



Jumbles; WEIGH BLINK DREAMY TIGHT S Answer: The Ieam'o loss turned the pub into a"WHINE" BAR

33 Cassidy who played a Hardy


17 18

34 Knighted mystery 21 writer who championed the 24 Boer War 27 35 Enter the pool 38 Sultry "Mink, 29 Shmink" singer 39 Coppers in 31 London 40 Assembled 33 41 Ducks' home, on 38 the ticker 42 Event where 41 lumberjacks get wet 45 43 Spock specialty 44 Spider web's 47 abundance 47 Fail to get caught 48 Red fox of medieval lore By Brad Wilber






26 28 30 32


35 3 6




(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


43 46


11/03/1 2




Disney's 'Wreck-It Ralph' expected to demolish box-office competition

Continued from B1 "On an act of pure faith, they went out and bought a house," said C h u c k Hem i n gway, COVO's executive director. Today, COVO has 14 staff members, a $ 5 0 0,000 a n nual budget and a deep list of volunteers. In addition to the program helping Fincher, COVO operates transitional housing, a job training program, a street outreach program and a variety of other efforts to connect veterans with services.

Los Angeles Times

Focus onstabilization There is work to do. The last homeless count put the number of homeless vets in Central Oregon at roughly 85, although the count is done on one day in January. COVO, through tracking veterans at camps and who come into its offices,puts the number between 180 and 220. "We're focusing on stabilization," Hemingway s aid. "Now we can take somebody from a tent all the way through permanent housing and a job." Other changes are also on the horizon for the nonprofit. The organization is moving into a larger space at the end of the month on Northwest Franklin Avenue. In addition, Hemingway, who has been executive director since 2009, will retire at the end of December. He intends toremain involved in a few COVO projects. A hiring committee is expected to select a new executive director in the next several weeks. Hemingway said COVO's expansion is linked to a number of f a ctors, particularly getting more federal dollars focused onserving veterans at a time when the need for help is expected to grow. Fincher said he thinks veterans servicesare bettertoday than in the decades since he left the Army. "I want other veterans to know there is help out there," he said of groups like COVO and g overnment a g encies. "This is not your father's VA. They're taking care of people."


Photos by Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

ABOVE:Veteran Tracy Fincher, 54, just moved into this apartment after living last winter in a tent. BELOW:Fincher chats about several of the computers he rebuilt himself. He will soon attend computer courses that he hopes will lead him into landing a job.

need help ranging from job training t o m e n ta l h e alth services. More federal dollars are now available for efforts to help veterans. Hunter said the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in recent years has made addressing veteran homelessness a priority. "We want to prevent homelessness in this generation of veterans," hesaid."The Vietnam veterans got a raw deal, and we want to do a better job welcoming this generation home." So COVO applied for and received a $200,000 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs grant to help move homeless and at-risk veterans into transitional housing, and ultimately to stable housing. The program, called Supportive Services for Veteran Families, l aunched Oct. 1, with Fincher as its first client. COVO hired three people to operatethe program. One person's job is largely to help veterans navigate federal hoops to get their benefits. "Often they don't know they are even entitled to benefits, so it's an awareness piece," said Scott Loxley, who runs COVO's Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program, which focuses on employment. "If you don't have housing, it's hard to move on to other things," added Rich Zebrowski, the s upportive services program manager. "It's hard to find jobs." The next step is the reint egration p r o gram, w h i c h launched in 2011 and is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. "Our goal is to match up veterans with the right employer to achieve



Preseason Sale', A'll Skis And.„"Bo'ots On S.a'le



A need for services Hemingway said two populations are propelling the demand forveterans services. One is the veterans now reaching retirement age. They need help accessing benefits and health care, as well as referrals to mental health services at times, Hemingway said. " They're finding t hat a l l those issues they've bottled up for all those years with work and kids are now coming up," he said. The other significant population is the veterans returning from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. They might

"Flight," about an alcoholic the studio hopes "Wreck-It Ralph" will play to virtually airline pilot (played by WashLOS A N G E L ES everyone. ington) who is involved in a Disney's new "Wreck-It Disney has advertised the mysterious crash, marks a Ralph," set in the world of movie aggressively — starting return to l i ve-action drama video games, will p r ob- with the Summer Olympics for directorRobert Zemeckis, ably take the high score at — and has run commercials who spent years working on the box office this week- aimed at men and w omen, motion-capture an im a t ed end, but studio executives young and old. It ha s also movies such as "The Polar Exare unsure what effect the created viral Internet content press," "Mars Needs Moms" aftermath of S uperstorm aimed at gamers, including and "A Christmas Carol" after Sandy will have on movie fake commercials for Litwak's succeeding earlier with more attendance. Arcade, where the movie is traditional m o vies, i n cluding "Cast Away" and "Forrest The animated feature set. about a fictional game vilIf wor d - of-mouth on Gump." lain seeking a cceptance "Wreck-It Ralph" is good, it Reviews have been largely in an arcade filled with could play well into the holiday positive, bu t a d u lt-oriented characters licensed from season. Ifsuccessful, "Ralph" d ramas remain one of t h e realgames such as "Street will be positioned to spawn se- most commercially challenged Fighter" an d " P ac-Man" quels and be used throughout genres in Hollywood. Surveys should open to b etween the Disney machine of theme indicate "Flight" is appealing $45 million and $50 million parks, television, consumer more to women over 25than this weekend, according to products and more. men. people who have seen preIt could also continue the Paramount Pictures spent release surveys. comeback of Disney Anima- $31 million to make the film, That will be well ahead tion Studios, the company's which is expected to open to of two other new films, the Burbank, Calif., team that has about $15 million. A studio Denzel Washington drama long been in the shadow of s pokeswoman had a m o r e "Flight" and the kung fu corporate sibling Pixar Anim odest prediction o f $1 2 film "The Man With t he mation Studios. That started million. " The Man With th e I r on Iron Fists." to turn around two years ago But a big question mark with the hit "Tangled," which Fists" is a low-budget bet from is the East Coast. Impass- o pened to $48.8 million i n first-time director RZA, best able roads and a lack of the U.S. and Canada and ulti- known for his work with the electricity caused by demately grossed $200.8 million. hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan. structive w eather c o uld Overseas, it took in an addi- Universal Pictures spent only keep some theatersclosed. tional $389.9 million. about $15 million to make the "Ralph" also opens in Russia picture, which features RusOn the other hand, people who have been stuck in and Mexico this weekend and sell Crowe and Lucy Liu and their homes may be eager in China next week. It will roll is officially " presented" by for a distraction such as a out in other countries between Quentin Tarantino, who menmovie. December and February. tored RZA. More than 300 theaters w ere shut down b y t h e ' ' I I I I storm this week, but venues have been reopening each day. Two studio distribution executives said they were not sure how many theaters will still be closed this weekend. "Wreck-It Ralph," which has been in and out of de, ~)a)( IJ)J ~Pg , ll velopment at D i sney for JJJ lg] z ' more than a decade but LIIXKKiiB moved ahead in its current [gggjgot i l l form starting in 2008, has tICERio(IHXiiXKHS received overwhelmingly • positive reviews. With a :: I I II family-friendly story in a setting familiar to single young men (who are typically the least likely to turn % W S M % M W W F RS W M & W out for animated pictures), 311 SWCENTURYDR., BEND• 541&9-6234 • www.powdeNousebend.com By Ben Fritz

I Q]





StandDowneventtoday Stand Down, anevent put on by Central OregonVeterans

Show your appreciation to your customers by thanld.ng them in a group space ad

Outreach to link veterans and their families with area services, is

taking place today atBend's Community Center. The event, set to run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at1036 N.E Fifth St., features opportunities for veterans to meet one-on-one with service providers from both COVOand the U.S. Department of

Veterans Affairs. Breakfast, lunch and a take-home sack dinner will be available

that vvill run

free. Camping gear, buspasses andclothing will be distributed. Free medical, dental, veterinary and barber services will also be

Nov. 22nd, Thanksgiving Day, the most-rend pepev o f the yenv!

available. Additional services will be available from Neighborlmpact, the

Red Cross, Bend's Community Center andother organizations. Free, scheduled transportation to and from the event is avail-

able in Central Oregon towns including Bend,Redmond, LaPine, Madras, Prineville andWarmSprings. Contact COVOfor transport schedules.

This special one page group ad will showcase your business along with a message of thanks to your customers.

Contact: 541-383-2793.

It's working to add a fourth facility in Bend on Northeast 10th Street, as well as homes in Prineville and Madras. This project is well under way. The Madras house is undergoing renovations and the Prineville house is still in the paperwork stage. In March, COVO opened a branch office in La Pine, staffed with volunteers. Finchersaidhe's excitedabout what his future might hold. He pointed out a stack of hard drivesin the corner of Toward the future his new apartment that he has Despite al l t h e a c t i vity, rebuilt. "If I can work and make COVO still has a to-do list. One is to launch a Deschutes more money, then absolutely I'm going to do it," he said. County veterans court. The "I'm so proud ofhimbecause goal of the court would be to addressthe root issue ofwhy a he's doing something with his veteran is in the criminal sys- life," said Kim Burger, a COVO tem — which is often mental case management specialist health-related, H e m i ngway who has been working with said. Veterans diverted to the Fincher. She said he has been program would h ave t h eir active in taking advantage of charge wipedfrom the record what the nonprofit can offer. "I can help, but I can't drag if they complete it. Another initiative is to get him by the hand saying 'Tracy, three more houses available Tracy,' " Burger said. "He's dofor veterans. COVO now runs ing the footwork." three homes in Bend, each — Reporter: 541-617-7828,

Ad sizes are 3.33" x 2.751"

stability," Loxley said. Hemingway credits veteran Steve Wilkes, who was then on COVO's staff, with putting together the grant applications. While both programs are so new that there are no results to measure, COVO hopes they will create permanent changes in veterans' lives. "We don'twant them back in the same position three months from now and coming back in," Zebrowski said. "We don't want that to happen."

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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2012

LOCAL BRIEFING Bakery offers pie-making class A Bend bakery will be

offering a pie-making class Monday. The class will take

place at 5:30 p.m., and is being offered through Baked, a bakery located at 735 N.W. Columbia

St. in Bend. Theclass costs $50. Students

get to bring home apie from the class, andmay choose between roasted pumpkin, hazelnut, or Northwest apple pies. The class is scheduled to be offered again Nov. 12. For more information, call 541-389-2390

O www.bendbulletin.com/local


USPS to eliver unstampe allots Hargrave

By Joseph Ditzler The Bulletin

Election ballots mailed without postage and delivered by the U.S. Postal Service to county clerks around Oregon will be counted on Election Day, according to Secretary of State Kate Brown's campaign spokeswoman. A spokesman for Brown's Republican adversary, Dr. Knute Buehler, of Bend, on Friday circulated an Oct. 31 letter from the U.S. Postmaster General to Stephen Trout, Oregon director of elections. In it, Postmaster General Patrick Donahue writes that the

Postal Service will not agree to Trout's request to "cease this practice" of delivering ballots that lack sufficient

postage. Deschutes County Clerk Nancy Blankenship and Crook County Clerk Dee Berman both said post offices routinely returned ballots without postage to the sender before the ballots reached the clerks' offices. Both said they learned within the past week that the Postal Service would deliver ballots without postage. Both said those ballots would be counted. Berman said Oregon law stipulates county clerks may

not accept mailed-in ballots that lack sufficient postage. Blankenship said the accumulating cost of postage due, paid by the county, was one concern. She said her office has already receivedsome ballots without postage. Any ballots returned by the post office for insufficient postage so far this election season, Blankenship said, should be in the hands of the original senders in time to be deposited in drop boxes or delivered to clerk's offices. It's too late to expect ballots mailed today to reach the clerks' offices in time to count on Tuesday, Election Day.

A spokesman for the Postal Service, Peter Hass of Phoenix, said the service has a "national policy" to deliver vote-by-mail ballots to elections recipients in timely fashion, even ballots without proper postage. He said that policy has been in effect nationwide since 2010. Brown, a Democrat seeking re-election to a second term as Secretary of State, has authority over Oregon elections. Calls to department spokeswoman Andrea CantuSchomus and to Trout were not returned Friday. SeeBallots /C2

or email bakedinbend@ gmail.com. — From staff reports

VOTER TURNOUT All ballots for the

Nov. 6 general election must be returned by

8 p.m. on Election Day. Voter turnout as of late Friday afternoon, by

county: Crook.......... 49% Deschutes...... 44% Jefferson gPo

STATE NEWS Clackamas County

voting after suspected ballot tampering is

reported. • Grants Pass:Hoarding case involving over 250 animals costs county $300,000. Stories on C7

Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus!

Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Cascade Middle School teacher Arlene Watkins goes over student-voter results in her classroom Friday morning at Cascade Middle School in Bend.

ama wins s a ewi moc ec ion in • Students also givethumbs upto Bend's ICnuteBuehler,commercial marijuanasales By Ben Botkin The Bulletin

The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-383-0348

Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456

Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831

Submissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin©bendbulletin.com

• Civic Calendar notices: Email event information to news@bendbulletin.com, with "Civic Calendar" inthe subject, and include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354

• Community events: Email event information to communitylife©bend bulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www .bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Details: Thecalendarappears on Page 3in Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0351

defend himself By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

James Hargrave, on the witness stand Friday in Deschutes County Circuit Court, recalled the night nearly 11 months ago when he shot and killed his son at their Tumalo home. Hargrave,62,faces a charge ofmurder in the death of 29-year-old Steven Hargrave. James Hargrave and his defense attorneys have claimed he shot in self-defense,afraid his intoxicated son's menacing and verbal threats were about to turn to physical violence. Steven Hargrave was shot once in the chest by his father in the bedroom shared by James Hargrave and his wife and Steven Hargrave's mother, Pamela Hargrave. Questioned by his defense attorney Karla Nash, James Hargrave described some of his physical limitations. A stroke 13 years ago has reduced his use of the left side of his body, and he has diabetes and a kidney condition requiring him to

undergo regular dialysis

• Grants Pass

• ClackamasCounty: State monitoring

takes the stand to

Eighth-graders who cast ballots in a mock election at Cascade Middle School would have re-elected President Barack Obama in a landslide and legalized commercial marijuana sales to Oregon adults. At the Bend middle school, social studies teacher Arlene Watkins unveiled the results of the mock election to her

students in class on Friday. The activity was part of a statewide student mock election tallied by the League of Women Voters of Oregon. Statewide, 61.8 percent of students voted for Obama, and 31.6 percent of students voted for Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Four other third-party candidates attracted the balance of the votes. For the 79 students in Wat-

kins' three classes, the results were similar. Sixty-one percentfavored Obama and 37 percent favored Romney. Two percent voted for thirdparty candidates. Students didn't just fill out ballots without researching candidates. They were required to read voting guides with information about federal and state-level candidates and ballot measures. Besides teaching about the electoral process, the activity also served as a chal-

reading specialist. To make their choices, the students examined candidates' stances on issues and their campaign promises. "I just looked at what they were going to do, what they were going to improve," said Robert Yelas, 13, who voted for Obama and noted the candidate promised to increase jobs. Monica Hackenbruck, 13, had the same approach. "It depended on what they said they would do after they got elected," she said. SeeMock/C2

lenging reading exercise, said Watkins, who is also a

treatments. James Hargrave said that without his cane, a sneezecan topplehim, which is why he was afraid when an Steven Hargrave came up the stairs and into his bedroom the night of the shooting. His wife had left moments earlier, and James and Steven Hargrave were alone in the house. "I thought he was gonna beat me up, because he'd done it before," James Hargrave said. He said he'd never seen his son look so angry as he did just before he shot him. "His eyes were wide, he was furious, he was screaming," the father said. James Hargrave described an incident around July 4 a few years ago at the Tumalo house that prior witnesses had not raised. Steven Hargrave was standing in his father's way, preventing him from going through the door to the house to use the bathroom, James Hargrave, the father, recalled. See Trial/C2

Parks bond contains project for Colorado dam passage By Mac McLean


The Bulletin

Money from a $29 million bond issue coming before voters Tuesday would help the Bend Park 8 Recreation District transform the Colorado Avenue Dam into a whitewater feature for kayakers that would let other river users float safely from Farewell Bend Parkto Drake Park without leaving the water. But while park district officials have spent nearly five years planning this projectwhich will be the latest chapter for a feature that's played a prominent role in Bend's story for nearly 100 years — they are hard-pressed to provide specific details about the project, its timeline and its cost. SeeDam/C2

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The Bend Park and Recreation District's plans for the Colorado Dam include creating a habitat channel (right), a whitewater feature for experienced kayakers (center) and a safe passage route for tubers and floaters. A new pedestrian bridge would be built over the dam and a smaller bridge would connect McKay Park with a one of the rock outcroppings that separate the three channels so people could get to the whitewater feature without going back over the dam.



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speak to whether the practice of accepting and counting ballots without proper postage is a change from past practice, or why the postmaster general wrote the letter. Those questions go to the Secretary of State's Office, not the cam-

postage due payments after the ballots are delivered. Continued from C1 ing proper postage. Berman and Blankenship Jillian Schoene, a spokesIn the copy emailed by Cur- echoed that thought. "Those woman fo r B r o w n's c a mry, Donahue acknowledges ballots without postage will be paign, said Brown directed receiving Trout's "communi- delivered and counted, at least county clerks to accept all cations regarding the Postal during this election," Berman ballots, despite the fact that Service's policy to deliver elec- said. state law requires every bal- paign, she said. tion ballots even if they lack J efferson C o unt y C l e r k lot t o a r r iv e w i t h p r o p er Buehler'scampaign comsufficient postage." Kathy Marston did not return "You request that the Postal a call seeking comment. postage. munications director, Kevin "No matter what, the ballots Curry, by email provided the Service cease this practice, "Oregon law cannot overwill be delivered and counted, letter to Trout from Donahue. claiming that its continuance ride the Postal Service's deciand that's the important mes- Hass acknowledged Donahue conflicts with O regon state sion to deliver ballots regardsage voters need to receive," sent the letter but was not fa- law, as well as unspecified less of the amount of postage Schoene said Friday. "Because m iliar specifically w it h i t s provisions of the United States that is affixed," according to K nute Buehler is t r y ing t o content. Constitution. W e di s a gree Donahue's letter. make this an issue means he's Curry said Buehler's cam- with those assertions." — City editor: 541-383-0367; trying to confuse voters and paign questions the t i ming Hass said the Postal Service j di tzler@bendbuIletin.com. that's just wrong." and intent behind what ap- would work with elections ofBulletin reporter Lauren Dahe Schoene said she could not pears to be a request by Trout ficials in any state to handle contributed to this report.


lowed their 2 0 0 7 f e asibility study with a 2009 study Continued from C1 focused on identifying ways The Bend Park & That's because their own people could float over the ColRecreation District would planning process is only half orado Dam without achange use the $29 million raised complete and won't be finished in the mill pond's water level, by Bond Measure 9-86 to until after voters decide whethsomething Smith said had to complete several projects er to give them the money stay the same because of its that have been at the top of needed to go forward. role providing water to the Old its to-do list for a while. "(This project is) still at the Mill District. conceptual level," said Bruce The option they chose split Expand PineNursery sportsfields Ronning, the park d i strict's the dam's tail waters into three 5% d irector o f pl a n ning a n d channels separated by l ong development. and narrow piles of rock and Deschutes Buy land for RiverTrail southeast stone. The river upgrades Bendparks The first channel, which 46'/ 13% Developer Bill Smith created would run down the dam's a new recreational opportunity western edge near Tumalo for the city's residents when he Creek Kayak a n d C a n oe, built the Old Mill District and would serve as a habitat chanLes Schwab Amphitheater on nel, giving the river's fish and 270 acres of riverfront property animals a way over the dam occupied for decades by the into a protected area. The river'sfloaters and tubers would Brooks-Scanlon and ShevlinHixon timber mills. use theeast channel to go over "We opened up the river," he the dam and past McKay Park. Safepassage Simpson sard. The middle channel would through Avenue When th e C o lorado AvColorado Recreation serve as a three-tiered whiteDam Center enue Dam was built in 1915, it w ater play area the river's kay17% 19% turned a nearly one-mile-long akers could use to practice their section of the Deschutes River source: Bend park sRecreation skills on the rapids and show Dlselct into a mill pond the city's two off their techniques. This play timber mills could use to store area would resemble a simiAndyzeigert/The Bulletin logs cut from the groves of lar feature in Golden, Colo., Ponderosa pines that grew in be hard to track. "You could that's brought $2 million to the the surrounding area. walk across it without touch- local economy each year, acSmith said this part of the ing water because there are cording to the nonprofit Bend river was closed to the general so many tubes and rafts out Paddle Trail Alliance, which is public until 1993 when he pur- there." working closely with the park chased the 10-foot-tall dam district to make the dam's upand the surrounding property The project grades a reality. to house the businesses, resBut those boaters and floatRonning said the park distaurants, stores and entertain- ers have to get out of the river trict's next move was to conment venues that now occupy when they come to the swift- duct a preliminary engineerthe Old Mill District. moving waters that run over ing study — one that brought He started letting people use t he Colorado Dam an d i t s the park d istrict's planning the mill pond for recreational spillway, waters so treacherous processtothe 50 percent mark use, something they h adn't they were responsible for the — to find out what type of conbeen able to do since the dam death ofone woman in 2006 struction and demolition work was built, while drawing on its and that force the Bend Fire was neededto make the threewater so he could provide the Department to do at least one channel design a reality. Old Mill District with irrigation rescue a month. and fire suppression services. Ronning said a 2007 feasibil- The price During the summer months, ity study conducted by the park This 2009 study also gave thousands of people now take district and the nonprofit Bend park district officials an idea their boats, tubes and stand- Paddle Trail Alliance echoed of how much the project would up paddle boards into the river these concerns and identified cost. The answer was $6 miland float downstreamto Drake the Colorado Dam as the big- lion, a price the park district Park. It's an activity that picked gest obstacle to an uninterrupt- hopes to pay with $5 million up substantially after the park ed trip down the Deschutes from thebond measure and a district opened Farewell Bend River. $1 million contribution from Park in 2005. This study also got the ball the Bend Paddle Trail Alliance. "There's a huge number of rolling on the park district's The project would involve repeoplewho are usingthe river," plans for the dam, which would moving the pedestrian bridge said Ronning, who couldn't cost about $6 million under that crosses the Colorado Dam come up with an exact number their current model. and replacing it with a new one of river users because it would Park district officials fol- that would arch high enough

Parks bond

Trial Continued from C1 He said that when he put a hand on his son to try to move him aside, his son grabbed h im and threw hi m t o t h e

ground. Returning h e r q u e stioning to th e n ight o f S teven Hargrave's death, Nash asked James Hargrave if he could have held his son at gunpoint and called police. "No," he said. "I only have one hand that works." During cross examination by Deschutes County District Attorney P atrick F l a herty, James Hargrave said he could not recall several statements he made to sheriff's investigators the night of the shooting. Many of the statements were included in a videotaped interview played for the courtroom, including James H a rgrave, two days earlier. He said he recalled a conversation with one of the first deputies to arrive at his home after the shooting, but did not know if he'd described his son as "no good for nothing, worthless" and said "that kid has no respect," statements the deputy attributed to Hargrave.

J ames Hargrave said h e might have said his son was "talking s--," but didn't think h e would have said "so I f-- - s hot him," as the deputy reported Hargravesaid at the time. James Hargrave also said he was mistaken when he told deputies his son was neither moving forward no r b a ckwards when he fired the shot. "The best Ican remember he had his hands up coming towards me, he seen that I had the gun, and he was still coming at me," Hargrave said on the witness stand. Flaherty read from deputies reports indicating James Hargrave did not tell deputies he was afraid, but instead said he was "angry," "mad" and "pissed off." Deputies asked James Hargrave if he'd thought of getting his gun earlier in the night as his son was becoming increasingly loud and abusive. According to the transcript of Hargrave's interview read by Flaherty, Hargrave r eplied: "Probably, because I was just so mad." But James Hargrave told the court he'd had no intention of using force against his son

"I just looked at what they were

that the Post Office refrain from delivering ballots lack-

earlier in the day. Despite his long history of arguments with his son, things were uniquely "out of control" in the 10 to 15 minutes before the shooting, James Hargrave said. "He would have done something," he said. "He's thrown me down before, and punched me." Jurors also saw a video of the Hargrave home, recorded by deputies the day after the shooting. The video shows the two loft bedrooms from which James Hargrave and Steven Hargrave shouted back and forth at each other, and the stairway James Hargrave said his son ran up to confront him in his bedroom. The .357 Magnum James Hargrave used to shoot his son is seen on a dresser at the foot of the bed where James Hargrave was sitting. S teven Hargrave's body i s seen face up a few feetfurther from the foot of the bed, with his left arm draped over the top stair and a large blood stain covering the left side of his upper chest. The trial is scheduled to resume Tuesday morning.

so people could go under the structure. Replacing the bridge would cost an estimated $1.3 million, according to the park district's 2009 study, while b u ilding the three channels would cost about $2.5 million, and making upgrades to McKay Park and the surrounding trail system would cost $686,000, according to the estimate. "We won't know what the real cost of this project is until we get the final engineering study," Ronning said, adding there may still be some unidentified aspect of the project that could force its actual price tag well above the $6 million estimate. These factors include the price of steel, concrete and labor — three construction-related costs that could vary largely depending oneconomic conditions. The project's price could also vary depending on the length of the permitting process and whether any of the responsible agencies require

plan changes. "Whenever you do this type of work in a stream, there's a lot of permitting and approval work you need to go through," Ronning said, adding the permitting process alone could take 16 to 24 months. He said the final variable involved withtheproject'stiming, and ultimately its price, is how quickly the Bend Paddle Trail Alliance can raise the $1 million it has pledged toward the project's cost. Though the alliance has raised some money toward this goal, Ronning said he didn't expect its fundraising efforts to really pick up until after the bond measure was approved and the park district got the financial green light. "Without the bond measure this can't happen," Ronning said, adding that if the bond measure is approved, the park district will be able to finish its planning process and take the steps needed to start building the dam's upgrades. But if it doesn't pass, he said, the project will stay on the drawing board, where it's been for the past two years. — Reporter:541-617-7816, mmcleanlbendbulletin.com



going to do, what they were going to improve." — Robert Yelas, 13

"It depended on what they said they would do after they got elected." — Monica Hackenbruck, 13

Mock Continued from C1 The results of the class weren't along party l i nes, either. For e x ample, R e publican Knute Buehler won 67 p ercent of the vote in t h e Oregon secretary of s t ate race against Democrat Kate Brown. The marijuana measure barely passed — 51 percent to 49 percent. Students also got a lesson on Friday about campaign finance. Bend Mayor Pro Tem Jodie Barram v i sited t h e class, talking to the students about city government and


retary of state website. It doesn't look good if a candidate fails to report information and ends up getting fined, she said, noting that "it's really bad press for a candidate to not report." Other C e ntral O r e gon schools participating in the mock election were H i gh Desert Middle School, Trinity Lutheran School and High Leaf Academy, all of Bend; and Culver High School. — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbothin@bendbulletin.com

NEws OF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call541-383-0358.

on suspicion of driving Under the influence of intoxicants at1:27 a.m. Nov. 2, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost123. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at1:33 a.m. Nov. 2, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near miiepost190.

Prineviiie Police Department

Unauthorized use —Avehicle was reported stolen at 2:54 p.m. Nov. 1, in the area of North Main Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered and an arrest made at 8:24 p.m. Nov. 1, in the area of East First Street. Oregon State Police DUII —Joseph Stephen Leineweber, 29, was arrested



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CH A N G IN G H E A L T H C A R E IN OUR C O M M U N I T Y — WHA T ARE CO O R D I N A T E D C ARE OR G A N I Z A T IO N S ? How will they affeet your healthcare? Presenters: Dan Stevens (PacificSource), & Robin Henderson (St. Charles Health System) When: 7 — 9PM, November 13, 2012 (2"' Tues) Where: St. Charles Medical Center Bend 2500 Neff Rd • Heart Center Conference Room Please plan to attend this public forum: Topics: What are CCOs? Why & how were they created? TripleAim: Better care,better health, lower costs — how will this be achieved? How is the community involved? How areCCOs structured? Meeting is free and open to the public. www.nanu'eentralore on.or



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T NASDAQ T DOWJON ES CHANOE-139.48-1.85% T S&P500CHANOE1339 84 0/, CHANGE3793 1zeo/, IN BRIEF Regional banks lobbying in D.C. WASHINGTON — Mid-sized banks that mostly let Wall Street and small firms speak for the industry during the de-

bate over theDodd-Frank Act have decided it's time to carve out their own

agendainWashington. Companies including U.S. Bancorp., SunTrust

Banks, PNC Financial Services andRegions Financial are opening their own lobbying shops and staffing them with

seasonedWashington hands. Regulators and lawmakers havebegun

T BONDS Tr ~ss". CHANQE-. 58%


St. Charlesworkers break with union 'l7'I,000 hired in

By Joseph Ditzier The Bulletin

More than 500 employees at St. Charles Bend ended a struggle nearly two years long Thursday by voting to end their representation by the Service Employees International Union. A vote to decertify the union passed by 122 votes, 334-212, ending protracted contract talks and exposing a rift among workers who do everything from housecleaning to specialized work like filling prescriptions, according to an SEIU spokesman.

St. Charles workers may not approach SEIU for representation for another year, said spokesman Jesse Stemmler. It was the second unionrelated action at the Bend hospital this week. Nurses, who are represented by the Oregon Nurses Association, ratified a new three-year contract with St. Charles Health System, management andthe union announced Monday. With the decertification vote over, one member of the team that worked to oust SEIU said she expects her coworkersto come together

once again. "It's divided us and we've been in that division the last year," said St. Charles cook Cathy Anderson, a six-year

employee. Anderson and others collected signatures from onethird of the SEIU membership to petition for a vote to decertify the union. The National Labor Relations Board agreed in March but delayed the vote while considering unfair labor practice complaints filed by the union. Service employees voted to

join the union in January 2011 by a margin of six votes. Local union members bargained for a new labor contract they never achieved. Stemmler said Friday that negotiations remained stuck on four points: staffing, affordable health care, an end to subcontracting for housekeeping and janitorial work and

wages. "It was basically any time we got to economic issues, we were just hitting a wall, and we weren't making progress," Stemmler said. SeeUnion/C5

banks arguefor changes in how they're affected by Dodd-Frank rules

including the so-called Volcker ban onproprietary trading andprocedures for unwinding failed banks. Executives and

agencies implementing



the new regulations

because theyfocus on traditional deposits and

i J'

lending, rather than the higher-risk activities of

firms such asJPMorgan Chase tt Co.andGoldman SachsGroup. "We are notWall Street banks but we

face the sameregulatory regime as aWall Street bank," said Mark Oesterle, a lobbyist for SunTrust.

IRS fights Solyndra bankruptcy plan WILMINGTON, Del. — The Internal Revenue

implemented. The agency notified U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Mary Walrath of its appeal to the U.S. District Court of Delaware in a court filing Thursday. The IRS asked for an immediate stay to be placed in effect to fill the void while the court

considers its request to hold up the planapproval during its appeal. The

government canonly get an extension of the stay from the federal court.

The government said in court papers "irreparable harm will result from denial of the stay"

because Solyndra could take actions to implement the plan which would essentially make its appeal moot. The IRS is "well aware that

an equitable mootness argument can be fatal by

mooting the appealbefore the issuesareeven heard." — From wire reports

Out ofwork New claims for jobless benefits fell again last week to a level consistent with moderate hiring. — Continuing to claim unemployment insurance

rate rises By Catherine Rampett New York Times News Service

is able to smooth over that pesky fiscal cliff in the few weeks after the election. The nation's employers added 171,000 positions in October, the Labor Department reported Friday, and more jobs than initially estimated in August and September. Hiring was broad-based, with nearly every industry except state government adding jobs. The unemployment rate ticked up slightly to 7.9 percent in October, from 7.8percent in September, but for a good reason: More workers joined the labor force and so officially counted as unemployed. None of this makes for

1 I' | ' 1 1 1

be treated differently by

keep the planfrom being


that is a big if) Congress

lobbyists for regional banks say theyshould

LLC's plan to exit court protection and requested an immediate stay to

U.S., but

The American job market is looking a little stronger than had been fearedjusta few months ago, according to the government's final labor snapshot before the presidential election. Whoever wins the election Tuesday might even inherit an accelerating economy in 2013, if (and

to pay attention as the

Service hasappealed a bankruptcy judge's approval of Solyndra

$30.835 SILyEBCLOSE CHANGE-$1.391

a game-changer in the photosby upo Chingi San Jose Mercury News

Tomoko Sudo, 28, who used Google's Person Finderto find lost relatives after the March 11, 2011 Tohoku tsunami, stands recently with her computer in Tokyo, Japan.


e , wi e r

ecome on

ByJohn Boudreau San Jose Mercury News

TOKYO — The first wave of terror struck shortly before 3 p.m. on a Friday. "The ground, the thing that doesn't move, was moving," recalled Tomoko Sudo, who was at work when the magnitude-9.0 earthquake hit Japan last year. "It felt like it was a living creature." Then the second shock hit: She couldn't reach family members for days in some of the hardest-hit regions in the disaster that caused some 16,000 deaths. So Sudo, 28, turned to Google's Person Finder, which the company's


~ vifl g/tPi

Google Japan's Senior Engineering Manager Hideto Kazawa, right, and Webmaster Ken Miura,work recently at Google Japan's offices in Tokyo. Kazawa and Miura were part of the Tohoku earthquake crisis response team.

engineers had up and running within two hours after the

shaking stopped. The service, createdafter the 2010 Haiti earthquake, is a tool to help track down the missing after a disaster. When the earth convulsed that March day, the Internet was for millions of Japanese the only link to critical information and to one another.

Google, Twitter, Cisco Systems and other technology companies were thrust into the role of technological first responders, underscoring a new dimension to the services offered by Silicon Valley tech companies as the Internet becomes ubiquitous and is often more reliable than other com-

munications systems. One by one, Sudo tracked down loved ones, including a cousin whose house was swept away by the tsunami. She said she was "shivering" with joy as she got word that they were all right. This help, said Gisli Olafsson, emergency response di-

rector at NetHope, a nonprofit that promotes collaboration between majortech companies and global aid organizations, is worth much more than cash donations. "You have really smart people working on really difficult problems," Olafsson said. "That becomes extremely valuable." Google employees, themselves shaken up by the quake and their inability to reach family members, immediately set about deploying services for a traumatized nation from the company's Tokyo high-rise headquarters. Some worked on their laptops throughout the night. "It was all about the crisis, all about finding people," said Hiroya Isa, a marketing manager at Google Japan. In addition to revving up Person Finder, engineers worked to publish data on traffic problems, road damage and train delays on Google Maps. See Disaster/C5

presidential race, analysts said. But it appeared to provide some relief for President Barack Obama, whose campaign could have been sideswiped by bad news from the volatile monthly jobs report. With the latest numbers, the economy finally shows a net gain of jobs during his presidency. His record had previously been weighed down by huge layoffs in his first year in office after the financial crisis. The report also allayed widespread suspicion that September's plunge in the unemployment rate — to below 8percent forthe first time since the month he took office — might have been a one-month statistical fluke. "Generally, the report shows that things are better than we'd expected and certainly better than we'd thought a few months ago," said Paul Dales, senior U.S. economist for Capital Economics. "But we're still not making

enough progress to bring that unemployment rate down significantly and rapidly." Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee, said in a statement that the jobs report was evidence of the need to change the nation's economic policies. "Today's increase in the unemployment rate is a sad reminder that the economy is at a virtual standstill," he said. SeeJobs/C5

— Initial claim

Week ending Oct. 20 3.26 million

Weekending Oct.27 363,000 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 Note: Report oncontinuing claims lags initial claims by one week

source:us. Departmentof Labor © 2012 McClatchy-Tobune News Serwce

Retailer attempts to dear up 'coffee confusion' in Britain Los Angeles Times W hat we've got here is "coffee confusion." That's what a British survey found in determining that 70 percentofjava drinkers couldn't figure out a latte from a mocha or a venti from a grande. So the Debenhams departmentstore chain, based in London, replaced all the

names with what it called "plain English." Its new menu, announced this week, lets customers order a "frothy coffee" instead of a cappuccino. A caffe mocha is now a "chocolateflavored coffee" and a caffe latte is a "really, really milky coffee." Even a black coffee was re-

named "simple coffee — with or without milk." An espresso shot is deemed "a shot of strong coffee." And, in a barely veiled jab at Starbucks and its somewhat arbitrary sizing terms tall, grande and venti — for small, medium and largeDebenhams offersa simpler choice: cup or mug.

In a particularly perky announcement, the department store declared that "no longer will coffee-lovers be in a muddle over mocha, caught out by cappuccino or embarrassed about espresso." The company said it sells 100,000 coffee drinks a week at its 160 cafes and restaurants in Britain — a small

drop in the mug, considering that 79 percent of Brits are coffee drinkers and collectively consume about 70 million

cups a day. No word on what Debenhams would do if customers want their drinks with low-fat or calorie-light milk — or "skinny," in the current coffee-

house jargon.



The weekly market review New York Stock Exchange Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Last Chg Wkly ABB Ltd 18.18 -.12 -.01 ACE Lt<I 77.50 -.83 -1.85 ADTCpn u41.50 +.22 -.36 AESCorp 10.66 +.12 +.21 AFLAC u50.63 -.31 +1.05 AGCO 45.78 -1.20 -1.79 AK Steel 5.25 -.23 +.06 AOL 3 5.43 -.20 +.95 AT&Tlnc 34.93 -.16 +.30 AU Optron 4.01 +.48 Aarons u31 41 -56 +1 26 Abthb 64 96 -49 -52 AberFitc 32 78 -45 +220 Accenture 6791 -92 +BQ AccoBrdsd7.70 +.09 +1.57 Accuride d241 -27 -25 ActiveNet d5.42-3.87 -3.55 Actuant 27 99 -57 +34 AdvAuto 79.97-1.03+11.83 A MD 2. 1 0 -.04 +.03 AdvSem> 3 71 -.04 t.17 AecomTch 21 82 -.21 t.97 Aeropostl d13.28 +.07 +1.00 Aetna 44.00 -.49 -.10 Ag>lent 37.00 -.10 +1.06 Agn>cog u52.91-3.39 -2.72 Agnum g 105.78-1.52 +1.03 A>rProd 78.15 -.N t . 23 Airgas 89.28 -.37 +2.54 AlaskAirs 39.04 +.04 +.75 Albemarle 56.23 -.56 +.94 AlcatelLuc 1.00 -.11 -.03 Alcoa 8 . 65 -.10 +.03 Alleg Tch 27.36 -.39 +.65 Allergan 91 51 i 73 -13 AlliantTch 5852 -27 t185 Allstate 38 56 -49 -1 59 AlphaNRs 9 06 +20 +35 AlpTotDiv 4 25 -02 +01 AlpAlerMLP1660 -05 -01 Altria 3 1 70 -27 -06 AmBev 41 02 +23 +54 Amdocs u33 26 -42 +35 Ameren 32 68 -.17 +.35 Amengrp 91 38 -.05 +.02 AMov>IL 26 21 +.78 +.60 AmAxle 10.52 -.38 +.14 AmCampus46.72 +.55 +1.71 AEagleQut 21.05 -.24 +.11 AEP 4 4 . 23-.16 +.28 AmExp 56.71 -.14 +.96 AFnclGrp 38.57 -.51 -.13 AmlntlGrp 32.68-2.52 -2.04 AmTower 74.47 -.11 +1.10

AmWtrWks 36.50 -.09 -.16 Ameripriseu60.12 +.44 +1.27 AmeriBrgn40.50 -.42 +1.16 Ameteks u3660 -51 + 78 Anadarko 70 26 -08 +377 AnglogldA 3275 -83 + 30 ABlnBev 8344 +66 -1 77 Ann Inc 35 26 -66 +113 Annaly 15 93 -08 +13 Anworth 615 -02 +14 Aon plc u54 88 +08 +1 20 Apache 81 22 -63 -114 Aptlnv 26.16 -.78 -.20 ApolloCRE1639 -.48 -.59 AquaAm 25 28 -.42 +.03 ArcelorM>t 15.06 -.16 -.38 ArchCoal 8.26 -.23 +.17 ArchDan 26.85 -.25 -.20 ArcosDor 12.37 -.52 -.86 ArmourRsd 7.14 -.N +.10 ArrowEI 36.08 -.85 +1.53 Ashland 71.25-2.09 +2.51 Aspenlns 31.09 -.81 -1.72 Assurant 37.60 -.39 -.25 AssuredG 13.77 -.27 -.21 AstraZen 46.35 -.39 -.26 AuRico g 7.99 -.34 -.06 AutoNatn 43 56 -69 -1 05 Autoliv 57 80 -81 +181 AvalonBay13772 +82 +465 AveryD u33 20 +34 +95 Avnet 29 38 -26 +94 Avon 15 20 -57 -28 AXISGap u3547-1 06 -1 36 B&G Foods 3003 -79 +03 BB&TCp 2942 +11 +41 BHPB>IILt 7093 -.81 +.42 BHPB>lplc 6432 -.70 + 64 BP PLC 42 54 -.48 + 81 BRE 5 0 .32+.23 +3.13 BRFBras<l 18.48 +.04 -.08 BakrHu 41.59 -.96 -1.68 BallCorp 43.38 -.05 +.57 BallyTech 49.22-1.26 -.60 BcB>IVArg 8.28 -.03 +.22 BcoBrad pf 16.37 +.10 +.67 BcoSantSA 7.43 -.08 +.08 BcoSBrasil d7.01 +.01 +.22 BSanChile s27.31 -.04 -.10

BkofAm 9.85 t.11 t.73 BkAm wtA 3.95 t.15 +.32 BkNYMel u2453 - 57 i 1 6 Barclay 15 30 -14 i 38 BariPVix rs 3493 i88 -1 37 BarVixMdTd30 83 + 76 -64 BarnesNob1610 -79 +1 25 BarnckG 35 38-1 32 -380 BasicEnSv 1014 -36 -30 Baxter u64 75+114 459 Beam Inc 5715 +157 +146 BeazerH rs 16.52 -.37 t.04 BectDck 75.67 -.61 t.33 B elo 7. 4 7 +.03 -.25 Bem>s 33.46 -.01 t.37 Berkley 38.30 -.72 -.90 BerkH B 86.93 -.75 t.27 6enyPet 32.78-1.22 -5.64 BestBuy d14.69 -.36 -.27 B>gLots 30.29 -.23 +1.51 68arrett 20.71 -.38 -2.68 B>oMedR 19.30 +.N t.44 BlackRock189.52 -.55 +2.53 Blackstone15.34 -.25 -.01 BlockHR u17.92 -.21 +.17 Blount 13 84 -15 i 85 Blylh s d19.97-3.17 -2.82 Boeing 7005 -74 -1 06 Boise Inc 855 -15 i 23 BoozAllnsu14.13 -.08 +1.58 BorgWarn 6635 -49 +264 BostProp 10722 +06 +69 BostonSci 5 20 -04 +03 BoydGm 5 52 -24 -57 Brandyw 11 76 +14 +17 Bnnker 30 98 -.44 t.13 BrMySq 33.18 -.30 -.44 Brookdale 23.44 -.55 -.07 BrkfldAs g 35.08 +.12 +1.24 Brkfld0fPr 16.16 +.56 +.72 BrwnBm 25.65 -.06 +.35 Brunsw>ck24.48 +.05 +1.43 Buenavent 34.72 -.58 -.36

BungeLt u71.98 t.40 t1.90 C8 JEngy 20 27 -.42 +.81 CBLAsc u2258 -10 • .75 CBREGrp 1755 - 08 -.70 CBS B 3321 - 24 +.34 CF Inds 199 031185 -5.79 CIT Grp 38 25 +46 +119 CMSEng 23.98 -.22 CNO F> ncl 9.28 -.23 -.26 CSX 2 0 .66 -.17 +.11 CVS Care 46.56 +.07 +.50 CYSInvest 13.21 -.12 -.06 Cabelas 43 95 -87 -1.20 CblvsnNY 1694 - 52 -.95 Cabot 36 88 +20 +1.54 CabotOG su4755 -46 +.09 CalD>ve d1 26 +03 CallGolf 5 72 +.13 +.24 Calp<ne 17.65 -.15 -.09 CamdenPT 67.19 +1.15 +2.81 Camecog 18.56 +.09 -.37 Cameron 49.71-1.14 -1.53 CampSp 35.23 +.01 +.51 CdnNRsgs 2999 -40 • .25 CapOne u6140 +1.40 CapitlSrce u791 -08 +.18 CapsteadM1230 -22 +.17

DresserR 50.09 -2.71 -3.57 DuPont 44.15 -.85 -1.03 DuPFabros21.15 -.47 DukeEnrs 64 94 -.37 -17 DukeRlty 14 21 -.04 - 04 DunBrad 81 98 • .82 i 40 E-CDang d4.12 +.13 t.11 EMC Cp 24.98 -.23 +1.07

E NI 45 6 4 -.50 t.41 EOGRes 11520 -1.68 +1 11 EQTCorp 6053 -.58 -1 89 EagleMat u5148 -.52 +3.26 EastChemu59.30 -1.34 -.89 Eaton 49.20 -.39 +4.08 EatnVan 29 18 +.26 +1.27 EVTxMGlo 898 -.05 + 02 Ecolab u70 61 -.21 +1 05 Ecopetrol 57.42 -1.14 -5.70 Edisonlnt 46.69 -.02 +.12 EdwLfSa 87.83 +.26 +.68 Elan 1 1 .02+.01 +.22 EldorGldg 1427 -.52 + 31 EllieMae 22.62 -.91 -2.73 EmersonEI49.81 -.57 +1.97 Emulex 6.94 -.10 -.09 EnbrrlgEPt 30.24 -.16 +.34 EnCanag 22.10 -.50 -.42 CardnlHlth 41 10 - 20 +.67 Endvrlntl 6.64 -.11 -.84 CareFusion26.69 -.14 +.15 EndvSilvg 881 -.39 i 02 CarMax u34.68 -.28 +1.11 EndurSpec38.94 -.28 -2.61 Camival 38.75 -.10 +.90 Energ<zer 73.43 -1.32 +1.16 Carters 54.04 -.82 -.42 EngyTsfr 41.71 -.36 -.35 Caterpillar 85.79-1 86 +1.54 Enerplsg 1609 -.11 t.13 Celanese 3916-1 00 • 78 ENSCO 5959 . +146 Cemex 911 - 24 • .09 Entergy 71 23 -1.12 -87 Cemig pts 1187 -33 -.17 EntPrPt 5317 +.39 +.41 CenovusE 3458 -1 07 +.07 Enzo6io 2.78 +.48 +.72 Centene 38 93 +.15 +.65 CenterPnt u21 54 - 20 +.07 CenEIBras d5.16 -.51 -.48 CntryL<nk 38.33 -.17 -.23 ChRvLab 39.44 +.03 +.04

Gallaghr 35.94 +.03 +.27 GameStop 23.81 +.21 +.81 Gannett 17.15 -.11 +.40 G ap 3 5 1 1- 54 -.30 GardDenv 7047 168 +3.32 Gartner 43 75 390 -1.78 GencoShip 2.86 -.09 -.22 Generac u34.35+.21 +6.02 GnCable 2930 - 38 -.31 GenDynam6881 -61 +1.49 GenElec 21 31 - 03 +.20 GenGrPrp 19.34 +.12 +.20 GenM>lls 39.81 -.37 -.04 GenMotors 25.79 t.11 t2.51 GMcvptB 40.91 i21 t2.79 Gen0n En 2 54 - 03 -.06 Genpact u1650 -01 -1.10 GenuPrt 62 82 -.78 +1.58 Genworlh 6.06 -.16 +.58 GeoGrp 27.04 i.oo -.45 GaGult 3642 -.47 +.46 Gerdau 8 76 - 03 +.01 GlaxoSKln 4368 118 -1.67 GlimchRt 10.94 + 08 +.39 GlobPay 43.27 -.63 +.21 GlbXS<lvM24.37 -.88 -.19 GlobusMdn14.38 3.29 -2.17 GolLinhas 485 -09 -.13 GoldFLtd 1230 22 +.32 Goldcrpg 43.14 2.23 -.60 GoldmanS123.25 1.60 +3.81 GoodrPet 12.15 -.36 -.23 Goodyear 11.60 - 04 +.58 GovPrplT 2255 - 01 +.22 vjGrace u65 57 - 24 • .91 GrafTech 10.59 -.41 -.16 Gramgr 201.06 +.54 +3.58

Name Last Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly Name Lasl Chg Wkly

How to Read the Market in Review Here are the 1,133 most active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange, the 830 most active on the Nasdaq National Market and 255 most active on American Stock Exchange. Stocks in bold changed 10 percent or more in price

Name: Stocks are hsted alphabet>cally by the company's full name (not <ts abbrev>ation). Company names made up of initials appearat the beginning of each letter's hst. Last:Pnce stock was trading at when exchange closed for the day. Chg: Loss or gain for last day of week. No change indicated by"..." mark. Wkly: Loss or gain for the week. No change indicated by ... Name: Name of mutual fund and family. Sell: Net asset value, or price at which fund could be sold, for last day of the week. Wkly: Weekly net change in the NAV. Stock Footnotes: cc — PE greater than 99. cld - Issue has been called for redemption by company. d - New 52week low dd — Loss in last12 mos. ec - Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace g - Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars h - temporary exmpt from Nasdaq capital and surplus listing qualification. n - Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date only from the beginning of trading. pf - Preferred stock issue. pr - Preferences. pp - Holder owes installments of purchase pnce. q — Closed-end mutual fund; no PE calculated. rt - Right to buy secunty at a speafied pnce. s - Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi - Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd - When distributed wt - Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u - New 52-week high un - Unit„ including more than one security vj - Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Dividend Footnotes: a - Extra diwdends were paid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dwidend. e - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dwidend announcement. i - Sum of dwidends paid after stock spht, no regular rate j - Sum of dividends paid this year Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k - Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dwidend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distnbution date. Mutual Fund Footnotes: e — Ex-capital gains distribution. f — Previous day's quote. n - No-load fund. p —Fund assets used to pay distribution costs. r —Redemption fee orcontingent deferred sales load may apply s — Stock dividend or split t — Both p and r. x — Ex-cash dividend.

Source: The Associated Press and Lipper, Inc. Sales figures are unofficial.

ChesEng 18.49-1.58 -1.61 Chevron 108 37-3.09 -2.81 ChicB&l 38 2Q - 70 • .95 Chicos 19 30 -15 +.83

Ch>mera 2 62 - 03 +.05 Ch>naUn> 16 09 -41 -.18 Ch>potle 262 32 -93+1080 Chubb 74.48 -1.39 -3.48 ChurchDwt51.06 -.17 +.96 Cigna u53.09 -.18 +3.39 Cimarex 62.97+3.73 +4.78 CinciBell 5.20 +.12 -.08 Cinemark u2449 -46 • .22 Ciligroup 37 60 -35 i101 CleanHarb58.03 -.87 +8.59 ChffsNRs 36 27-1 45 -.22 Clorox 73 05 +26 +95 CloudPeak20.85 -.62 -.35 Coach 56.97 -.22 +1.08 CobaltlEn 20.54 -.14 -.23 CocaColsa37.08 -.25 +.04 CocaCE 31.29 -.44 +.32 Coeur u31.14 -.72 +.87 Colfax 35 35 -15 i180 ColgPal 104 96 -91 +1.09 ColonPT 21 86 + 28 +.87 Comerica 30 23 -29 +1.01 CmclMtls 1436 - 60 +.61 CmwREIT d14.22 +.28 +.64 CmtyHlt u29.51 -.24 +2.72 CompSa 31.12 -.01 +.53 ComstkRs 16.51-1.06 -1.36 Con-Way 27 69 +.19 -.30 ConAgra 28 07 - 03 • .11 ConchoRes 8760 - 47 +.83 ConocPhis57 l 65 - 77 +.34 ConsolEngy35 20 -1 33 +.01 ConEd 59 20 - 53 -.77 ConstellA 35.81 +.03 +.26 ContlRes 72.06 -.50 -.83 Cnvrgys u16.56 -.67 +.39 Cooperlndu76.49 -.31 +3.27 CooperTireu22.85 +2.70 +4.09 CoreLogic 23.22 -.52 +.10 Corning 11 70 -04 -.12 Corp0ffP 25 38 i17 +.73 CorrectnCpu34.55 -62 i1.29 CosanLtd u1640 -19 + 28 CoventryH 43.77 -25 -.12 Covid>en 55.45 -.05 +.67 CS VS3xSlv28.87-4.02 -3.60 CSVS2xVxS1.38 +.01 -.12 CSVellVSt 16.89 -.44 +.47 CredSuiss 23.45 -.37 +.90 CrwnCstleu6770 i38 i1.24 CrownHoldu38 77 +10 +.68 CubeSmartu1 340 -13 +.73 Cummins10003 +1 28 i6.21




s e





Molycorp 9 83 -.71 -84 PennVa 4.69 -.06 +.06 RedwdTr u15.46 -.29 +.26 Monsanto 85.87 -.98 -.73 PennWstgd12.15 -.92 -.83 RegalEnt 15.31 -.11 -.06 MonstWilw 6.07 -.18 -.14 Penney 23.70 -.56 -1.76 RgcyQrs 49 08 + 75 +1 88 Montpelr 21 51 - 51 -1.89 PennyMacu2533 -.19 +15 RegionsFn 6 66 -02 +08 Moodys 48 02 -90 +.13 Penske 28 90 -2.70 - 77 Regis Cp 16 51 -22 +51 MorgSan 1778 t 17 • .79 Pentair 0.75 +.23 +4.66 RelStlAI 55 72 -252 +79 Mosa<c 52.19 -.94 -.34 MotrlaSoluu52.90 -.42 +1.28 Mueller 44.73 -.33 -1.04 MuellerWatu512 -13 +.37 Murph0 5935 - 65 -.46 NCRCorp 22.17 -.65 +.98 NRGEgy 21.21 -.34 -.64 NTTDOC Od14.37 -.28 -.75 NV Energyu1887 -.12 +.08 NYSEEur 2529 + 17 +.45 Nabors 1355 -40 -.13 NamTai u10.71 -1 09 +.05 NBGrcee 2.30 +.20 -.80 NQ>IVarco 71.65 -1.46 -2.92 NatRetPrp 31.89 -.05 +.75 Nat>onstr n3311 -110 -1.12 Navislar 20.59 +.47 +2.08 New0riEd 1665 -.05 -.04 NYCmtyB 13.84 -.26 NY T>mes 8.78 -.02 +.59 Newcastle u846 -.21 + 26 NewellRubu2104 - 04 +.45 NewfldExp 2633 - 62 -.75 NewmtM 48.74 -4.48 -4.57 Nexen g 24.64 +.29 +1.24 NextEraEn 69.73 -.14 +.21 NiSource 25 22 -.23 NielsenH 2977 +19 +.85 NikeB 94 54 -81 i3.39 NobleCorp 37.13 -.69 -96 NobleEn 95.00 -.40 +.80

PepBoy 10.49 +.02 +.72 PepcoHold 19.64 -.17 -.12 Peps>Co 69 05 -.39 +.07 PerkElm u31.28 -.35 - 01 PetrbrsA 20.70 -.01 -1 00 Petrobras 21.45 +.06 - 95 Phzer 24.55 -.88 Phil>pMor 86.93 -.66 -1.35 Ph<l>psEI 25.78 +.11 +1.09 Phill>ps66nu4621 -1.17 -1 29 Piedm0fc 18.28 +.25 + 86 Pier1 u2066 -.44 i.33 P>lgrimsP 5.69 -.14 t.37 P>oNtrl 105.96 -3.38 +2.33 Pitny6w d12.73-1.91 -1.60 Pla<nsAAs 4549 +.22 + 80 PlainsEx 36.10 -.42 i 23 PlumCrk 43.11 +.32 -.70 Polaris 85.84 -.97 +2.16 Poly0ne u20.05 -.08 +1.30 Potash 40 30 -.25 t.18 PwshDB 2714 -.47 -44 PS Agri 28 85 -.13 i 04 PS USDB ull22.07 +.15 +.14 PS SrLoan24.83 -.03 -.03 PS SPLwV27.96 -.16 -.03 PwShPfd 14 87 +.01 +.07 PShEMSov31.06 -.07 - 01 PSlndia 18.19 -.06 i 17 Praxair 109.70+1.21 +4.40 PrecCastpt172.94 -.87 +2.75

4 •









• e

FDIC Equifax 50 08 -.28 + 34 EqtyRsd 59.10 +.95 +3.04 EsteeLdrs 60.03 -1.14 -.76 EverBnkn u15.71 +.05 +.98 ExcoRes 8.28 -.23 +.09 Exelis 10.99 -.09 +.08 Exelon d32.77 -.81 -2.72 Express 11 22 -.02 i 07 ExterranHu2108 -.22 + 79 ExtraSpce 3492 +.19 +1 82 ExxonMbl 90.27 -1.33 -.35 FMC Cp s 54.12 -.55 -.16 FMCTech 40.51 -.50 +.07 FairchldS 12.05 -.37 +.24 FamilyDlr 65.93 -.24 +.33 FedExCp 92.64 -37 • 1 95 Fedlnvst 22 23 -.44 i 20 FelCor 4 30 -.04 -10 F erro 2 6 5 F>bnaCelu 9.21 F>dlNF>n 21.63 F>dNatlnto 33.52 FifthB,Pac 11.60 FstAF>n n 22.82

FstHorizon 9.28 FstlnRT 13 56 FMajSilvg 2289 FT Engy 19 11 F>rstEngy 44 46 Flagstone 8.58 FlowrsFds 19.69 Flowserveu136.90 Fluor 5 2.01

FootLockr 33.97 FordM 11 17 FordM wl 2.21 ForestCA 1616 ForestLab 34 14 Foresl0il 7.29 Fortress 4.55 FBHmSecu29.42 FranceTeld11.08

FrankRes131.95 FMCG 3926

Freescale 9 03 Fum6rds 1.11 Fus>on->o 24.10

GraphPkg u602 + 02 +.11 GtPlainEn 2211 -40 -16 GreenbCos13.89 -.60 -3.24 GpFSnMx n1443 i 20 • .66 GpTelevisa 2295 - 08 • .30 Guess d24.39-1.50 +.1 8 HCAHldg 30 67 +.66 +1.64 HCCIns u35.40 -.71 +.32 HCPInc 43.89 +.47 +.37 HSBC u49.90 -.45 +.62 HalconRrs 6.18 -.28 -.53 Hall>brtn 32.11 -.57 -.29 Hanesbrdsu34 66 +.06 +1.59 Hanoverlns3540 -.70 -2.20 HarleyD 47 29 -32 +1.17 Harman 42 31-1 13 +.17 HarmonyG 7 92 - 23 -.29 HarrisCorp 4746 - 20 • .32 Harsco 19 90-1 10 • .02 HartfdFn 21.26 -.66 -.45 HatterasF 26.75 -.41 -.03 HltCrREIT 59.10 +.47 +1.58 HNMgmt 7.57 -.16 +.29 HlthcrRlty 23.29 -.13 +.25 I-lealthNet 22.68 -.07 +.99 HrtldPay 28.33 -.23 +2.13 Heckmann 3 34 -.07 -.26 HeclaM 6.35 -28 -.12 I-le>nz 57 28 -41 +.08 HelixEn 1755 - 31 +.04 HelmPayne4765 -1 96 -.44

Herbalife 48 92-266 -1.68 Hersha 475 i 07 • .01 Hershey 69.49 -.23 +.16 Hertz 1 3.1 0 -.55 -.27 Hess 5 3.39 +.74 +.15 HewlettP d13.76 -.24 -.33 Hexcel 24.98 -.36 -.54 hhgregg 7.60 +1.21 +1.66 HighwdPrp32.90 +.32 +1.32 H>ll-Rom 27 87 - 38 -.52 H>llsh>ren 27.18 -32 +1.70 HollyFront 3772 -82 -1.17 HomeDp 6202 -24 +1.98 HomeProp 61 93 t17 +2.23 Honwlllntl 6243 - 20 • .94 Hormel 2975 - 30 • .41 Hornbeck 35.26 -88 -.10 Hospira 3045 -.53 -.51 HospPT 23.84 -.05 +.77 HostHotls 14.64 +.05 -.15 HovnanE u4.72 +.22 +.45

Humana 75 21 - 73 +.74 Huntsmn u1619 +66 +1.23 Hyatt 3 6 48 +31 -1 58 Hyperdyn .86 +.03 +.19 lAMGld g 14 86 - 61 -.37 ICICI Bk 4025 +.17 +.57 IHS Inc 89 64 +2.50i4.27 ING 8. 8 9 - . 17+.17 INGPrRTr u6.34 +.04 +.03 ION Geoph 6.54 +.03 -.28 >ShGold 16.33 -.35 -.34 >SAstla 24.20 -.38 -.29 >ShBraz 5416 - 24 +.54 >SCan 28 39 - 30 +.20 iShGer 22 88 - 25 +.08 iShHK u1886 -04 +.23 iShJapn 9 08 - 07 -.04 iSh Kor 57 86 - 22 • .49 iSMalas u1501 -19 -.04 iShMex 66.38 +.15 -.09 iShSing 13.19 -.16 -.19 iSPacxJpn 45.26 -.62 -.28 iSSpain 28.33 -.34 +.18 >SSw>lz 25.29 -.16 +.16 >STa>wn 12.64 -.13 +.03 >ShUK 17.51 -.20 >ShS> lver 29 95 -1.27 >ShDJDv 57.60 - 66 iShBTips 12202 -07 iShCh>na25 3746 -29 iSCorSP50014210 -136 iShCorTBd111 87 i 07 iShEMkts 41 60 - 22

iShiBxB 122.24 -.24 iShEMBd120.86 -.41 iSSPGth 75.65 -.77 iShSPLatA42.73 -.23 >SSPVal 65.54 -.55 >ShB20 T 122.26 -.09 >ShB7-10T107.62 +.09 >ShB1-3T 8439 -.01 >SEafe 53 69 - 53 iSRusMCV4915 -42 iSCorSPM< d9883 -1 47 iShiBxl-IYB9241 -13 iShMtg 1463 -12 >SR1KV 7200 -66 iSR1KG 64.98 -.68 iSRus1K 78.38 -.74 iSR2KV 72.78 -1.01 >SR2KG 92.07 -1.69 >ShR2K 81.19 -1.30

iShBar3-712317 + 02 +.20 iShBShtT 11022 +.02 iShUSPfd 39.94 -.03 +.22 iShDJTel 24.34 -.16 -.10 iShREst 64.50 +.43 +1.21 iShDJHmu2056 -.52 +.32 iShlnds 71 13 -62 i1.05 iShUSEngy 4075 -67 -.45 iShCrSPSm7535-1 02 +.46 iStar 849 -13 +.11 ITT Corp 21 69 t25 t1.00 ITT Ed d20.20 -.96 -1.29 ITW u 62.02 -.10 +1.75 ImaxCorp 22.26 -.43 -.13 IndoTel 39.22 -.31 -1.02 IngerRd u47.02 -.17 +.Q IngrmM 1562 - 26 • .31 InterXion 2249 + 87 +1.43 I BM 1 9 3 43372 - +.16 IntlGame 12.93 -39 +.26 IntPap 35.93- 1.00 +.27 IntlRectrt 15.32 -.72 -.22 Interpublic 9.92 -.34 -.37 InvenSenn11.10 -.30 -.05 Invesco 24.40 -.34 +.15 InvMtgCapu21 34 -15 • .19 InVKSrlnc u525 +.08 IronMtn u3476 -44 +.77 ItauUn>bH 1527 t08 + 64

KilroyR 44 99 KimbClk 83.34 Kimco 19.59 KwdME 83.31

t37 + 15 -.42 t 59 +.08 -.04 -.47 -.79 KivdMorg 34.11 -.47 -.23 KindrM wt u3.77 -.09 -.03

Kinross g 9.37 -.53 -.27 KirbyCp 57.09 -228 -1 04 KnghtCap 2.68 Kodiak0 g 9.1 3 Kohls 54 55 KoreaElc u13.28 KnspKrm 7.52

Kroger u24.93 KronosWwd13.31 L-3 Com u75.85 LG Oisplayu15.55 LSI Corp 6 76 LabCp 85.27 LVSands 46.10 LaSalleH 24.33 LeapFrog 9.13 LearCorp 42.88 Leggllllason 24.99 LeggPlat u27.19 LenderPS 23.26 LennarA 37.31 Lennox u51 28 LeucNatl 22.61 Level3 20.1 5 LexRllyTr 9.47 JPMorgCh42.42 -.42 w1.26 Lexmark 21.40 Jabil 1 7 .40 -.30 +.12L>btProp 35.68 JacobsEng38.77 -.71 +.34 LillyEli 48.55 Jaguar g .00 -.03 -.08 Limited 48.04 25.20 JanusCap 849 -.13 +.17 LincNat Jarden 5096 -33 i1.36 L>nkedln 10678 g u16.28 Jefferies 1497 -03 +.73 L>onsGt L>veNatn 9.24 JohnJn 70 90 -60 JohnsnCtl 2625 +21 +.44 LloydBkg u2.75 JonesGrp 1174 -.05 +.02 LockhdM 93.72 JoyGlbl 63.99 -2.04 +2.44 Loews 42.1 6 JnprNtwk 17.12 -.15 +.54 Lorillard 115.35 KB Home 16.00 -.47 -.11 LaPac 15.91 KBRInc 27.57 -.61 -.27 Lowes u33.1 5 LumberLiq 56.09 K KR 1 5 2 5 -16 • .75 K KR Fn u1040 . +. 1 7 LyonBasA 5306 KC Sauthnu81 10 -232 -.15 Kellogg 5369 +19 +79 Kennamtl 3628 -.56 +1.65 M&TBk 103.55 - 96 t 1 1 KeyEngy d6.20 -.16 -.43 M BIA 9 . 7 2-.25 t.06 Keycorp 8.37 -.1 3 -.02 MDC u37.26 -3.30 -.57

-.50 - 26 -.04 + 08 -.04 i13 • .02 i 09 -.22 - 34 -.87 -.66 +.63 +.48 -.09 t.15 +.09 +2.13 +.50 +.58 -.12 +.01 -.16 +.83 -.62 +.87 +.20 +.25 -.42 + 04 -.98 -256 -2.25 -1 48 -.77 - 64 -.65 t 17

-.12 -.05 -.01 -.01 -.83 -.23 -.27 -.13 -.34 +.54 -.24 +1.29 +.59 +1.43 +.76+16.47 -.16 -.17 +.06 +15

-2.07 -1 60 -1.30 + 72 -.25 i 65 -.27 i 03 +1.25 +2.97 +.22 +.31 -.46 +.31 -.04 +.20 +.15 +.59 -.12 -.06 +.60 +5.51 -.25 +.40 +.06 -.15 -1.35 + 64 -.03 + 28 -.78 - 52 -.22 -40 -.77 • 1 71 -.14 -1.14

-.06 -.06 -.19 +.27 +1.86 +6.49 +.11 -.15

NokiaCp 2 80 - 05 +.24 Nordstrm 56.48 -.71 +.71 NorflkSo 61.13 -.64 -1.14 NoestUt 39.41 t.17 +.45 NthnTEnn 22.09 t.12 +.32 NorthropG 6898 +.06 + 96 NStarRlt u648 -11 • 08 Novartis 60 66 -17 -18 NuSkin 46.36 -2.59 +4.42 Nucor 40 64 - 89 +.42 Oas>sPet 30 69 -.21 +1 56 OcaPet 78.33 -.73 -2.11 Oceaneerg52.72 -1.70 +.26 Och-Z>ff 10.00 -.02 +.08 OcwenFn 35.01 -.59 -3.79

OfficeDpt 2.52


OfficeMax 751 -12 • .16 O iSAs 3 9 2 - 09 -.11 OilStates 69 74 -200 -3.17 OldNBcp 12.16 -23 -1 06 OldRepub 9.99 -.08 +.01 Ol<n 2 0 .94 -.34 +.05 OmegaHlt 22.97 -.22 +.46 Omncre u35.59 -.66 +1.87 Omnicom 48.18 -.99 +.07 ONEOKs 4569 -1 08 -1.12 OpkoHlth 4 26 -06 -08 OnentEH 11 78 -18 +.23 OshkoshCp2947 -30 -45 OvShip 1.39 +.21 +.16 OwensM>n28.53 -.32 -.23 OwensCorn33.89 -.18 +2.45 Owenslll 19.66 -.32 +.10

PrecDrill 7 48 -.1 0 + 20 PrinFncl 28.1 7 -.1 2 + 47 PraLagis 34.37 +.11 + 46 ProShtQQQ 25.83 +.27 i 07 ProShtS&P3460 +.29 -08 ProUltMC 69.42 -2.20 +1.85 PrUltQQQ s5459 -1.34 -.47 PrUShQQQ 30.42 +.72 +.19 ProUltSP 59.03 -1.1 0 +.1 6 Pr7-10yrTs56.74 +.05 +.39 ProShtR2K25.60 +.38 -.05 ProUltR2K 41.87 -1.28 +.11 PrUltSP50085.41 -2.49 +.1 9 PrUSS>lrs v 49.24 +3.68 +3.24 PrUVxSTrs28.18 +1.28 -275 PrUltCrude26.21 -1.16 -73 PrUShCrde4700 +1.94 +1 20 ProVixSTF1868 +.50 -74 ProUltSilv 46.43 -4.09 -367 ProUShEuro20.14 +.32 +.31 ProctGam69.19 -.06 -.25 ProgsvCp 22.07 -.32 -.51 PrUShSP rs56.20 +1.04 -.19 PUShDow rs48.98 +.98 +.08 PrUShL20rs63.36 +.12 +.06 ProUSR2K28.11 +.77 -.16 PUSSP500rs40.15+1.13 - 23 Prudentl 57 24 -.45 - 06 PSEG 31 08 -.06 - 66 PuDStrg 140.30 +.42 +374 PulteGrp 17.37 -.41 + 09 QEPRes 28.56 -.82 -2 92 Qihoo360 21 75 -07 +143 QuantaSvcu2545 -27 +1 85 QolmDSSd1.37 +.19 +.27 QstDiag 57.94 -.50 -.39 Questar 20.18 -.24 -.22 Qks>lvRes 3.82 -.21 -.04 Guiksilvr 3.40 +.04 +.34 RPC s 11.37 -.14 -.06 RPM 2 7.28 -.14 +.78 Rackspace66.52 +.63 +3.43 RadianGrp u5.38 +.01 +.98 RadioShk 229 +.04 -02 RLauren 160.75 +1.71 +823 RangeRs 65.10 -.37 -1 00 RJamesFnu38.42 -.48 i14 Rayonier 49.15 +.05 +.28 Raytheon 57.03 -.13 +1.32 Realogy n 37.74 +1.78 +3.08 Rltylnco 39.46 -.10 RedHat 50.64 -.23 +.37

Rena>sRe 77 30-359 -3.90 Renren 3.26 -.06 -.15 RentechN nu39.68 -.32 +1.91 RepubSvc 26.48-1.83 -1.74 ResMed 40.32 -.44 +.40 ResrceCap 5 88 +.02 +.17 RestorHwnud3110 RetailPrp n 1247 +16 +10 ReynAmer 4108 -67 -22 RioTinto 51 12 -19 +1 16 R>tch>eBr 21.69 -.48 +.83 R>teA>d 1.13 + 02 +.03 RobtHalf 27.62 -.07 +.84 RockTen 67.49-7.03 -5.42 RockwlAut 75.51 +.64 +6.15 RockColl 53.80 -.47 -.50 RockwdH 4665 -.29 -.08 Rowan 32 41 + 34 -39 RylCarb u34 74 +24 +115 RoyDShllB 7150 -55 +1 45 RoyDShllA 6946 -53 +1 65 Ryder 45 74 - 65 +.94 Ryland u33.99 -1.35 +.23 RymanHP 37.86 -.54 -1.61

SAIC 1 1.12 -.08 +.32 SAP AG u72.87-1.01 +1.28 SK Tlcm 15.76 -.18 -.13 SLGreen 77.46+1.35 +2.06 SMEnergy5603 -370 i267 SpdrDJIA13067 -1 31 -12 SpdrGold 162 60 -347 -333 SpdrlntRE u4072 -46 + 29 SP M>d 179 99-269 +2.43 S&P500ETF141.56-1.27 +.21 Spdr D>v 57.92 -.73 +.25 SpdrHomeu26.36 -.47 +.84 SpdrS&PBk23.68 -.23 +.16 SpdrLehHY 40 22 -.05 +.16 SP IntTip 61 95 -24 -19 SpdrSSPRB2792 -38 i 03 SpdrRetl 62 80 -67 +118 SpdrOGEx5336 -98 -55 SpdrMetM 44.72-1.47 +.1 0 SPX Cp 67 91 -96 +2.03 STM>cro 5.92 -.18 -.10 Safeway 16.83 +.27 +.45 StJoe u22.20+2.30 +2.64 QJude 38.51 -.26 +.22 Saks 10.33 -.26 +.09 Salesforce146 60 i 38 -05 SallyBty 25 20 +21 +1 71 SandRdge 6 11 -16 -25 Sanof< 4417 -69 +15 SchiffNutru33.93 -.02+10.74 Schlmbrg 68.77-1.38 -1.33 Schwab 13.74 +.10 +.27 ScnppsNet60.48 -2.04 -.67 SeadnllLtd 40.69 -.44 +.60 SealAir 16 67 - 01 +.83 S ealy 2 2 6 +01 +03 SempraEn6913 +14 +15 SenHous 22 36 +12 +70 SensataT 29 08 -07 +86 Serv>ceCp1395 -.23 -.12 ServNow n 3214 +1.10 +.25 ShawGrp 43.77 -.31 -.09 Sherw>n 142.00-1.59 +2.37 ShipFin 15.47 -.31 -.47 SiderurNac 5.64 -.02 +.24 SignetJwlrsu52 66 -1.34 +1.20 SilvWhtngu3949 -165 + 23 SilvrcpM g 5 94 -32 +06 SimonProp155 75 +320 +545 SmithfF 21 18 -19 + 64 SolarW>nds 50 61 -1 28 +1.79 Son>cAut u19.72 -.24 +.81 SonyCp 11.33 -.49 -.52 Sothebys 31.82-1.14 +1.03 QhcrssEnud22.35 SouthnCo 45.77 -.25 -.07 SthnCopperu38 54 -40 i 57 SwstA>rl 9 03 -02 i 29 SwstnEngy 3591 +31 +1 77 Spartch u8 83 - 07 t 37 SpectraEn 2807 - 58 -.95 Sp>ntAero 15.30 - 69 +.60 SpnntNex 5.70 t.09 +.21 SprottS>lv 12.71 -.54 -.45 SprottGold 14.36 -.25 -.27 SP Matls 36 07 - 66 -.04 SP HlthC 40.14 -.22 -.18 SP CnSt 35 20 -21 -15 SP Consum46 57 -03 +65 SP Engy 71 06 119 -90 SPDRFncl 1600 -10 + 20 SP Inds 36 83 - 31 t.51 SP Tech 28.96 -.38 -.03 SP Ut>l 36.26 -.25 -.32 StdPac 6.76 -.20 -.14 StanBlkDk 69.87 -.26 +2.33 SlarwdHtl 51.57 -.15 -.38 StarwdPT 2309 i 07 i 2 5 StateStr 44 72 -33 i 34 Statoil ASA 24 38 -33 -27 StillwtrM 10 64 -41 + 30 StratHotels 557 t 02 +.01 Stryker 52 64 -.43 +.45 SturmRug 45.17 t.87 -1.18 Suncorgs 34.83 t.05 t1.64 SunstnHtl 10.00 +.14 -.01 Suntech 1.00 +.18 +.20 SunTrst 27.14 -.40 +.04 SupEnrgy 20 33 -87 +19 Supvalu 318 -08 +17 SwERCmTR 844 -12 -11 SwftEng 15 24 -32 -1 39 SwittTrans 9.45 -.12 +.34 Synovus 2.42 -.07 -.07 Sysco 31.34 -.23 +.48 TCFFncl 11.54 -.17 +.21 TD Amentr 16.01 -.05 +.13 TE Connect 32.37 -.23 +.15 TECO 17 82 -06 +21 TIMPart 1789 -28 +1 01 TJXs 4 1 52 -78 +79 TRWAuto 4815 +52 +378 Ta<wSemi 1577 - 34 +.27 Tal<smEg 11.13 -.23 -1.03 TangerFac 32.46 +.63 +1.49 Target 62.71 -.23 -1.21 TataMotors25.26 -.26 +1.13 TeamHlth 27.55 +.14 +1.95 TeckRes g 3319 -48 +2.05 TelefBrasil 21 95 -28 +46 TelefEsp 1313 -06 +12 TelData 26 00 +57 +1 37 TempurP 27 04 -52 +1.64 Tenans 3842 -.60 +.3B TenetHlt m 25.03 -.37 +1.70 Tenneco 31.24 -.03 +1.07

Teradata 63.08 -.67 -4.62 Teradyn 15.31 -.11 +.81 Terex 23.26 -.20 +1.22 Tesoro 35.46 -.72 -2.89 TetraTech d5.47 -.01 -.11 TevaPhrm 41.49 +.18 +1.10 Textron 25.07 -.52 -.49 ThermoFisu61.50 -.93 +.46 ThomCrkg 2.89 +.24 ThomsonR 28.20 -.32 -.15 Thorlnds u39.73 -.38 +1.87 3D Sys u42.54-2.80 -.13 3M Co 88.97 -.28 +.94 T>ffany 65.25 -1.02 +2.68 TW Cable 98.1 7 -.57 -1.35 T>meWarn 43.36 -.44 -.28 T>mken 40.64 -.58 +2.10 T>tan Intl 20.49 -.66 +.21 T>tanMet 11.90 -.43 +.08 TollBros 32.20 -1.11 -1.62 TotalSA 50.42 -.32 +.38 TotalSys 22.36 -.30 -.10 Transocn 46.06 -.05 -.32 Travelers 69.62 -.61 -1.94 Trex u39.28+2.00 +5.70 TnnaSolar 4.07 -.07 -.13 Tnn<ty 31.94 -.10 + 69 TnumphGpu6577-1.19 +416 TrueBlue 13.65 +.49 + 76 Tuppwre 61 73-1.13 +3.57 TurqH>IIRs 816 -.12 +.37 TutorPerini 12.09+1.88 +2.01 TwoHrblnv 11.68 -.23 -06 Tycolntls 27.81 +.16 +.94 Tyson 17 13 -06 +59 UBSAG u15.15 -.41 +1.96 U DR 2 4 7 7 + 30 +.55 US Airwy 12 53 - 02 +.61 USG u26 82 -97 +1.60 UltraPtg 2326 - 25 +.39 UndArmrs 5268 -44 +.53 Un<levNV 36 58 - 23 -.07 Un>lever 3731 - 09 +.27 UnionPac12398 -1 99 +.37 Unisys 16 93 - 04 +.31 UtdContl 19 73 + 25 +.51 UtdMicro d1 84 -02 -08 UPS 8 7348 -42 • 46 UtdRentals 4094 -1 73 +2.22 US Bancrp3343 - 23 +.28 US NGs rs 2085 -79 -1.04 US OilFd 31 35 - 71 -.44 USSteel 20 84 - 71 -.31 UtdTech 7807 -99 -.13 UtdhlthGp 5605 - 90 • .27 UnivHlthS 4275 - 91 -.03 UnumGrp 2065 t 13 • .23

VF Cp 157.96 -1.75 +3.32 Valassis 26.09 -.90 -.21 Vale SA 18.55 -.31 +.27 ValeSApt 17.85 -.37 +.19 ValeantPh 56.37 -.39 +.75 ValeroE 28.20 -.56 -.83 Validus 34.56 -.41 -1.47 VlyNBcp 9.65 -.19 -.05 Valspar 58.74 +.44 +3.78 VangTotBd ik79 +.03 +.23 VangGrth 70.35 -.67 +.17 VangTSM 72.47 -.76 +.19 VanS&P50064.80 -.59 +.11 VangREIT 65.12 +.43 +1.36 Vang D< vAp 58.96 -.57 +.31 VangAIIW 43.37 -.40 +.10 VangEmg 41.84 -.26 +.29 VangEur 46.07 -.49 +.07 VangEAFE33.30 -.32 +.02 Vant>v n 19.65 +.19 -.46 VananMed70.15 +1.38 +3.22 Ventas 64.1 9 +.71 +1.15 Veol>aEnv d9.96 -.09 -.32 VenFone 31.40 -.10 +1.85 VenzonCm 44.52 -.62 -.21 VimpelCm 11.33 -.05 +.62 Visa u1 43.40 -.48 +509 Vishaylnt 917 +.17 +37 Visteon 48.88 +.73 +5.78 VMware 88 74 +.72 +3.73 Vonage 2 25 +.01 Vornado 80 94 +.01 +1.15 W&T Off17. 94 -.26 +1.12 WMS 1 5.50 -1.50 -1 03 WP Careyu51.04 -.52 + 80 WPX En n 15 88 -29 -1 14 Wabash 7.36 -.43 +1.00 WABCO 58 96 -1 25 +.66 WaddellR u3347 - 67 +.85 WalMart 72 77 -68 -2 34 Walgm 34 89 -61 -30 WalterEn 36 06-205 +16 Warnacou70.83 -.60+1 9.95 WREIT 25 87 t 22 +.32 WasteConn 3242 -60 -.10 WsteMlnc 3217 - 83 -.37 WatsnPh u8673 - 98 +.09 Weathflntl 11 20 -45 -.27 WtWatch 47 83-215 -3.77 WeinRlt 27 73 +49 i130 Wellcare47.55 -.45 -7.68 WellPoint 6114 -59 -.15 WellsFargo 3374 - 32 -.23 Wescolntl 6489 -46 i1.69 WslnAlliB 1031 - 07 • .03 WAHiln0p d650 i 01 -.Q1 WstAstMtn2131 - 20 • .40 WslnRefin 23 96 -76 -1.46 WslnUniond11.95-.32 -5.98 Weyerhsr 27 73 -12 • 36 Whrlpl u9815 -241 i286 WhiteWv nd16.75 WhitingPet41.59

WmsCos 33.07 WmsPlrs 51.99 WmsSonu46.70 WillisGp 3402 Wipro d851 WiscEngy 38.20 WTEmEq 53.31 WTIndia 18.51 Wyndham 50.51 XL Grp 24.01 XcelEngy 27.90 Xerox d6.47 Xylem 25.63 YPFSoc 10.92 Yamana g u19.07 Yelp n 20.51 YoukuTud 19.61 YumBrnds 72.12 2>mmer 65.05



P EOPLE ON THE M O V E Melissa Barrett has joined Structus Building Technologies in Bend as a human resources generalist. Barrett will be responsiblefor employee relations including training, company policies, health benefits and performance evaluations. She has more than 15 years of experience in human resources and administrative support. She was previously the director of operations at Focus Physical Therapy an d Barr e tt benefit a d m inistrator for Edge Wireless, both in Bend.

Roger Denis on ha s a l s o joined Structus as maintenance De n lson s upervisor a n d will be responsible for the machine shop team i n s upport o f production and product innovation. He p r evi- Ho u se o usly wo r k e d as maintenance manager at Deschutes Brewery f or 17 years and i as an industrial c ontrols e n g i neer for 16 years Yo ung at Union Carbide in Vernon, Calif. Mike House has joined Structus as a mechanical design engineer, focusing on product innovation and process improvement. House previously worked as a mechanical engineer at Keith Manufacturing in Madras and also as a project engineer at the former Columbia Aircraft in Bend.

Teena Young has been promoted to assistant supervisor at Structus. Young has been a line operator at the company

Jobs Continued from C3 He also noted that October's unemployment rate of 7.9 percent was higher than the 7.8 percent when Obama took office in January 2009. Unemployment peaked at 10 percent in October of Obama's firstyear in office, and has been skidding downward very, very slowly since then. Economists were h opeful that once the election was over and Congress addressed the major fiscal tightening scheduled for the end of this year, job and output growth could speed up further. "If we can do this kind of job growth with all the uncertainty out there, imagine if we were to clear up those tax issues and hold backthe majority of tax increases that are pending at the end of the year," said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics. "We could do much better in 2013, maybe as well as we appeared to be doing earlier this year." The jobs snapshot for October was based on surveys conducted too early in the month to capture work disruptions across the East Coast caused by Hurricane Sandy. Economists expect that businesses and employment will resume their normal activity by the next jobs survey, in mid-November, and that some industries will even show an increase in hiring because of the storm.

since 2006. Nikki Martin h a s j o i n ed John L. Scott Real Estate in Redmond. Martin has 13 years of experience in real estate. She began hercareer in Seattle and has been in the Central Oregon region for the last year and a half. Meredith Davis and Tammy Farmin have joined Bend Premier Real Estate as brokers. Davis has worked for 10 years in Martin the wireless industry, Web design and online a dvertising f o r real estate companies including Realtor.com and Top P r o ducer. Davis S he has bee n l icensed s i n ce 2010. Farmin has 12 years of experience in real estate in Idaho and works with both buyers and sellFarmin ers inrealestate transactions. Nancy Childers has joined the Family Access Network Foundation as the donor relations and marketing specialist. Childers moved to Central Oregon in 2000 and has a background in marketing and publicity in the book publishing industry. Suzanne Lafky has joined the Oregon Adaptive Sports board of directors. Lafky is a former f inancial executive with i n dustry experience in software, manufacturing, aerospace and retail. She has a bachelor's degree in accounting from Saint Mary's College and previously worked in public accounting. Tannus Quatre presented at the 2012 Private Practice Section Annual Conference and Exposition in Las Vegas. His

seminar was titled "Starting From Scratch: Making Your PT Vision a Reality," and focused on teaching private practice owners and managers to understand concepts related to planning, management and financial matters. Quatre is a co-founder and lead consultant at Vantage Clinical Solutions in Bend and is a licensed physical therapist. Irene E l ston and Miles Wilhelm have joined Quatre V antag e Cl i n i cal Solutions in Bend. Elston is a new account specrahst and assists clients, patients and i n s urance companies with Elston bil lin g , payments and trou b leshooting. O v er the last 16 years, she has worked in the insurance industry a s a claims examiner Wilhelm and as a medical biller. Wilhelm is a graphics and Web d e s igner 1' and coder and w ill work w i t h clients on branding, social media Bronson and di g i tal outreach. Wilhelm was previously a 4H instructor in robotics and 3-D modeling in Central Oregon and founded the California-based 3-D animation company Spline Motion Studios. Pam Bronson has j oined Cascade Sotheby's International Realty in Bend as a broker. Bronson has more than 30 years ofexperience in real estate investments including apartments, land, airport property and building and remodel-

"We had a lot of lost hours worked and production stuff still delayed, but much of that willbe offsetsbyhiring of emergency workers, government workers and construction, to do all that emergency fixing," said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial. In October, the biggest job gains were in professional and businessservices,health care and retail trade, the Labor Department said. Government payrolls dipped slightly. State and local governments have been shedding jobs in most months over the last t hree years. One of the low points was in hourly wages, which remained flat in October after showing barely any growth in the previous several months. "Perhaps the decline in real w ages is a factor here in being able to employ more people," Ryding said. "It's something to keep in mind when we think about creating jobs and whether we're maybe creating the wrong sort of jobs." A report from the National Employment Law Project, a liberal research and advocacy organization that focuses on labor issues, found that while the majority of jobs lost in the downturn were middle-income jobs, the majority of the jobs created since then had been lower-wage ones. Stock markets opened higher after the jobs report Friday, but fell for the day, apparently

weighed down later by a number of concerns from the possible lingering effects of the storm to the uncertainty about the outcome of the election. The United States has now postedjob gains for 25 consecutive months, but the increases have been barely large enough to absorb the increase in the working population. About 12 million u nemployed people remain waiting for work, with about two out of five of those people out of a job for more than six months. That is in addition to more than 8 million people who are working part time but want full-time jobs. "I'm not just c o mpeting against all the other people who are out of work," said Griff Coxey, 57, of Cascade, Wis., who was laid off in May from his controller job at a small business. "I'm also competing against all those people who are actually working but are underemployed." Like 2 m i llion other idle workers, Coxey is scheduled to lose his unemployment benefits the last week of the year, when the federal extensions expire. He said he still had some savings to fall back on, but many workers do not. Labor advocates and many economists have been urging Congress to renew the benefits as part of their discussions of the fiscal cliff during their postelection session. So far, though, the issue has received little attention.

ing homes.

Union Continued from C3 Management andlabor accused one another of using pressure and intimidation to sway the vote. St. Charles Chief Administrative Officer Kirk Schueler said the hospital hired consultants — The Burke Group, "labor relations consultants to management," according to its website — to help navigate the campaign to decertify the union. "Really, their support for us was from the standpoint that our message was accurate and appropriate, and we're not in violation of any laws," Schueler said Friday. Conversation and printed material — fliers — were the tactics both sides employed, according to Schueler and Stemmler. To Stemmler, that meant bad-mouthing SEIU and pressuring its members to vote to rid the hospital of the union. "The hospital has tried




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Continued from C3 "Tens of thousands of people were walking along the streets," recalled Ryan Falor, a Mountain View, Calif.-based engineer who worked around the clock after the quake hit to assist his colleagues in Japan. "We did not know why roads were blocked but we knew cars were not moving." While Google Maps helped Japanese navigatethroughthe disaster zone, Twitter became the de facto communication tool for many. Unable to make phone calls, Japanese sent tweets toeach other because Internet networks — w h ile at times slow — were up and running. Masahiko Inami, a professor of media design at Keio University in Tokyo, relied on Twitter and Google Maps to make his way home by foot, finally arriving at 3 a.m. "Social media is very robust in dangerous situations," he said. U.S. A m bassador J o hn Roos used Twitter to communicate wit h A m e ricans in Japan during the disaster and,upon learning of about80 people trapped in a hospital, alerted authorities, who assisted them. "It was incredibly effective," he said of Twitter. Cisco Systems, meanwhile, sent in networking gear and o ther equipment that w a s deployed in and around the worst-hit areas, establishing instant service for emergency personnel. The efforts of these companies did not go unnoticed. Google and Twitter, for example, have made significant market gains in Japan since the disaster. G oogle's m a rket s h a r e spiked from 49.2 percent in March 2011 to 54.6 percent in August 2012, according to Internet analytics company ComScore. The number of monthly visitors to Twitter Japan jumped from 19.5 million in March 2011 to 21.8 million in August 2012, even as its closest competitor in the country, Mixi, dropped from 18.3 million visitors to 12.5 million



During last year's massive earthquake inJapan, millions of Japanesewereunableto makephonecalls.Buttheycouldsend tweets and emails andcheck sites like Google Maps tohelp them navigate the disaster. Why does the Internet seemsmore robust than phone networks?

"Phone networks are only designed for a certain number of users at any one time," said Rakesh Bharania, a member of

Cisco Systems' emergency response operations. So in a crisis, when significantly more people than usual makephone calls simultaneously, the network becomes overloaded, Bharania sald. While data networks also see a surge in traffic, Bharania said,

"what most people send onthose networks are text — Web pages, tweets and so on." And text data uses a relatively smaller portion of bandwidth than voice data does, he said. during the same time span. Since t h e ea r t hquake, Google has been embraced by the Japanesebusiness community and is seen as more than a global technology behemoth, said Mak Arima, Google's Ja-

were able to get i n formation on the well-being and whereabouts of family and friends from Person Finder updates, sometimes supplied by strangers. Shortly after launching Perpan managing director. "(Jap- son Finder, Google asked peoanese) have told me, 'Now, we ple to take pictures of handcan see your face more clearly written posters at evacuation than before.' " centers and upload them on The Japanese government Google's Picasa online photois considering standardizing sharingservice. Google emTwitter's use for emergency ployees,who transcribed the communications. names from the photos onto Japan was probably the first Person Finder, were quickly industrialized nation to be hit overwhelmed. "It was almost out of conwith a catastrophic disaster in which social media played trol," recalled Google ena major rolebecause most gineering manager H i deto people are equipped with In- Kazawa. ternet-enabled mobile devices, Within weeks, 10,000 phosaid James Kondo, who heads tos were uploaded onto Picasa up Twitter's Japan operations. and some 5,000 volunteers But lessons learned here will from around the world pitched be valuable elsewhere, he said. in to transcribe the names "This is not a Japan solution, onto Person Finder. but a global solution." Satoru Kikuta, a T o k yo The ubiquity of the services computer engineer, used Permade them an instant lifeline son Finder to search for 40 in Japan. friends and family in his home Person Finder became an city of Kesennuma along the instant sensation as Japanese northeastern coast of Japan, frantically searched for loved where the tsunami left bodies ones.The service allows those strewed on streetsand boats desperately looking for loved perched precariouslyin the ones to create entries about center of tovm. "lf you can't get information them in a searchable database. The entries can be ac- about your loved ones, you cessed and updated by others spend all your time searching. as information about family You cannot do anything else," members and friends comes said Kikuta, who at one point to light. So even if those look- during the disaster passed out ing for loved ones could not from exhaustion. "I am very contact them directly, many grateful to Google."

to frame us as this entity that h as created this rift in t h e hospital and t h e c o m munity," he said. "If you talk to the hospital workers and get it from the community, that's really not the case." He said the hospital spent money meant for patient care on destroying the union. According t o Sc h ueler, nearly anything the hospital s pends contributes to i m proved patient care. And decertifying the union will improve patient care in the long run, he said. "We believe that we're the best folks to work with our caregivers," Schueler said. "The SEIU union is not representative of our culture or our folks, and it's very important that we make these efforts to retain our relationship with our folks, our caregivers." Anderson, who alleged harassment by SEIU employees during the campaign leading to the decertification vote, said St. Charles management did better by its employees

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than any contract SEIU could win by negotiation. "Our benefits are great and the pay is competitive. Over the course of six years, I received annual raises, always right at or more than I'm asking," she said. She saidshe never filed a labor complaint against SEIU for harassment out of concern she'd further delay the election while the complaint was resolved. She said she understood that housekeepers and janitors objected to outside contractors doing the same work forless but said the hospital had an obligation to control costs. "I can understand that is a concern for people, but the hospital is an organization, it is a business and they need to take certain steps to make sure they are successful for the commumty," she sard. "We have come togetherand our best interest is not union representation." — City editor: 541-383-0367; jditzler@bendbulletirLcom.

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Biggest mutual funds

Name Last Chg Wkly Biorime 3.70 +.03 -.15 CrSuislnco u4.10 +.04 +.09 GascoEngy .14 +.00 -.01 Intrower g d2.36 -.04 -.11 Nevsun g 4.69 -,05 -.03 Protahx 5.08 -.02 +.15 Tompkins 39.96 -.54 -1.05 BlkMUIT2 U17.00 -.20 -,32 CrSUeY 3.24 +.04 +.10 Gastar gm 1.08 -.06 +.02 I nuvo

AbdAsPac 7 88 -05 BlkMunvst n 21 - 07 -.20 AbdAustEq 10 33 -06 BngusG g .95 -.02 +.01 AbdnCh<le 15.43 -.02 BrHATob 98 67 -26 -2.07 Abdnlndo 13.80 CPIAero 10 66 -83 • .15 Acquity n 9,88 -.05 I:AMAC En d.40 -.03 AdcareHlt 464 +.12 14 Cartjero g d 53 - 03 -.04 AdvPhot .57 -.01 A dventrx 62 + 03 p3 Cardiumrh 20 i 00 +.00 I:elSa .37 +.01 -.00 AlexcoR g 3 84 -.12 -.06 CFCda g 21 72 - 32 -.46 AlldNevG 33.81 -1.83 +'pp 83 CentGol d g 65.24 -1.38 -1.19 AlmadnM g 2.55 -.12 AlphaPro 1.61 +.02 O2 CentSe20.12 -.14 +.12 CheniereEn 1618 - 06 +.18 AmApparel 1.05 -.02 AmDGEn 245 -05 p7 I hen>ereE20.83 -.33 -1.66 ChiArmMt .39 +.04 +.06 AmLorain 1 36 - 04 • 01 AoxingPh .32 +.05 u chiBotanP 52 Argan 17.68 -.03 y 38 ChiGengM .42 +.04 +.04 AtlatsaRg .17 +.00 . pq Ch>MarFd 1.06 +.02 + 08 Augustag 2.91 +.09 +15 ChinaPhH 32 ChwaShen d.29 +.05 +.03 Aurizon g 4 54 - n AvalnRare 1 60 - 06 p3 ClaudeR g 70 - 03 -.00 AvinoSGg 154 -05 +01 cloughGA13,n i.04 +.42 13,1g +.13 +.41 Bactenn 1.35 -.01 i,07 I:loughGEq BakerM 22.42 -.13 -,20 ClghGlbop n 73 + u +.29 Ballanty 4.02 -.06 +,02 ComstkMn 2.65 -.14 +.10 Banro g 4 68 -.09 +,07 ConsEP 1,42 - 05 -.11 BarcUBS36 4164 -80 -82 Contango 48 70 - 96 -.75 BarcGSOil 2043 -48 -31 CoreMold 7.04 -.01 -.08 BarcGsa36 32.35 -.63 - 62 CornstProg 5.60 -.04 +.06 Brclnd>aTR 57.70 +.25 +.31 CornstTR 6 21 -13 • .06 Bellatnx g 4.26 +.26 CornerstStr 7.10 -.09 +.15

|',rosshrg d.13 -.00 -.02 GenMoly 3.56 -10 + 06 Cub<cE ngy .36 -.00 +.01 GeoGloblR .07 -.01 -.01 DeiourE g .20 -.01 -.01 Geokinetics .23 -.01 -.06 DelaMN2 1523 -06 -.22 GeoPetro .09 -01 + 01 DeltaAprl 14.84 -.61 +.18 egopt>cs 1.93 -.00 +.07 DenisnMg 127 -02 -.03 GoldRsv g 3.03 -03 -14 DocuSec 2.67 +.07 -.26 GoldResrc 17.10 +.24 +.80 DrylMu 11.53 -.05 -.03 EV CAMu 12 54 -05 -.10 EV LtdDurU17.26 +.05 +.07 EVMunedU14.36 -.17 -.15 EVMuni2 13 83 -02 -.13 EV NVMU 14.41 -.01 -.06 Elephralk 1 09 +.01 -.01 eMagin 4 46 -03 +.07 Emrldo rs 5.33 -.20 +.06 EmersnRh 1.70 +.02 +.07 EngySvcs .95 +.09 EntGmgrs 2.38 -.13 -.17 EntreeGold 45 -03 +02 EurasnM g 2.28 -.06 -.06 EvolPetrol 8.10 -.12 -.13 ExeterR gs 1 36 -08 -.04 FAB Univ 3.41 -.22 -.22 FTEgylnco 30.57 +.12 Frkstprp u 25 + 02 +.29 FrTmpLtd 14.26 +.08 -.04 Fnschss 19.27 +.18 +1.61 GSE Sy 183 i 07 -.09 GamGldNR 14.10 -.10 -.03

GoldStdVg 1.68 Goldenun 4.08 GoldStr g 1.90 GIdFI<I 1.92 GormanR 27.05 GrahamCp17.72

-.09 +.11 -30 -42

-.06 -.19

-.04 +.06 -05 +62 -.95 -.78 Granrrra g 5.05 -02 +.18 GtPanSilvg 1.91 -09 -04 GreenHntr 2.04 -.20 -.06 GpoS>mec1138 -.70 -1.19 Gugrront 19.71 -18 - 29 Hemisphrx .75 -.04 +.10 I-looperl-I 60 +01 +02 HslnAEn .57 -.04 +.16 IEC Elec 7.09 -.08 +.11 iShMorMl bt26.38 -20 -04 i B>o 1 . 0 0+.03 +.05 ImmunoCII 190 +.06 ImpacMtgu13.85 +.63 +4.20 Imp0>lgs 45.52 -.20 +1.34 IndiaGC .14 -.02 -.04 InfuSystem 1.62 + 10 -01 Inov>oPhm,68 -.03 -.03

1 . 1 1+.01 -.09 InvVKAdv2 1370 -.12 -34 I soRay . 6 8 -.01 +.01 I tens 1 . 5 8-.01 +.01

KeeganRg 389 -.07 i 16 KimberR g d.57 -.02 -.03 LadrhalFn 1 26 -.04 - 03 LkShrGld g .81 Lannett 4.16 -.22 Libbey u18 74 -.47 +1 69 LongweiPI 2.08 -.15 -.16 LucasEngy 1.75 +.01 +.01 MAGSlvgu1300 -.17 + 74 MGTCaprs U6.99 +.73 +.34 MadCatz g .65 -.03 +.06 Medgenics 889 • .04 - 55 MeetMe 4.31 +.05 +.16 -.07 Metal>co 2.22 MdwGoldg 171 -.01 i 05 uncoG g .50 -.03 -.00 unesMgt 116 -.03 - 02 NTNBuzz .19 -01 -00 NTSInc 1.03 -.22 -.24 NHltcre 47 08 -1.16 + 30 Nav>deaBio 2.75 -.10 NeoStem 64 +.01 - 03 NeuBHYld 1432 +.07 - 05 NBlntMu 16.45 -.15 -.18 NBRESec 4.68 -.02 + 08 Neuralstem 92 • .02 - 05 NevGCas .83 +.03 +.03

NwGoldg 10.78 -1.05 -.83 NAPallg 153 -02 -06 NDynMn g 3.55 -.04 -.11 Nthn0&G 1536 -.24 t.13 NOVaBayP 1 29 i01 -02 NovaCpp n 2.55 +.16 +.25 NovaGld g 4 72 -17 -21 NCaAMTFr 15.45 - 20 -.15 NuvCADv2U16.51 +.02 t.11 NCADv3 14 30 - 07 -07 NvDCmdty 20,36 -,28 -.09 Nuvov2 15.59 -.03 -.02 NuvDiv3 u1564 -17 -08 NvovAdv 15.76 -.11 -.10 NuvAmtFr 15 65 -.15 -.24 NvLSCmdlyu25 00 iu NMua0p 14.13 -.14 -.12 -.10 -.09 NuvREst 11.51 Orch>dsPPu2025 i 65 n 35 OnentPap 1.94 -.05 -.05 Ononrngy 1 77 + 07 +07 PMC CT d6.37 +.02 -.82 Pacholder 9.43 +.04 +.04 Palatinrch 68 - 01 -03 ParaG&S 2.56 -.12 -.03 ParkNatl 6530 -1 29 -.52 PhrmAth di 05 +02 +02 pionDvrsa 20.91 +.03 +.03 PlatGpMet 1.00 -.02 -.03 PolyMetg 109 +01 i03 ProlorBio 4.98 -.02

Quaterra g .42 -.01 QuestRMg 120 -08 RMR RE 18.12 -.04 RareEle g 4.20 -.14 ReavesUtl 25 20 - 15 Rentech u2.74 -.01 RevettM>n 343 - 14 RexahnPh 41

-.01 TrnsatlPet .90 -.02 +.03 -.03 TravelCtrs 520 +25 +26 +.28 TriangPet 6.20 -.24 -.29 +.08 Ncows g 1.11 +.01 +.01 -.05 UQM Tech 93 + 06 -07 +.20 US Geoth .33 +.01 -.17 USAntimny 200 - 05 -10 +.01 Univ Insur 392 -.06 -.08 Richmnt g 3.80 -.27 -.16 Ur-Energy .86 -.04 -.03 Rubicon g 346 -14 -.07 Uranerz 1 55 -08 -12 SED Intl 1.97 +.02 +.17 Uraniumrn 2.25 -.08 -.u SamsO&G .70 -.02 -.04 VangMega 48.63 -.43 +.10 Sandstg rs1369 -26 -.05 VangrotW 4794 -51 +15 SaratogaRs 4.92 -.16 -.18 VantageDrl 1.84 -.01 Senesco 20 - .01 - .01 Versar 3 79 +.19 SilverBull 49 - 01 +.04 VimetX 28 60 -80 -1 50 S<lvrCrst g 2.60 -.25 +.01 V<staGold 3.25 -.05 -.09 Sol>tano 1.52 - 06 - 08 Vringo 2 . 77 -.08 -1.23 SondeR grs 92 -02 +.07 Vnngo wl 1.06 -.04 -.86 SparkNet u6.66 -.14 +.26 Walterlnv u46.1 3 -.48 -.49 64 +03 +04 SprottRLg 139 -01 -.02 WFAdvlnco 10 Suprmlnd 3.61 +.07 -.12 WFAdMSec16.55 -.13 -.19 SynergyRs 4.08 -.12 -.12 WFAdUtlH>11.87 +.00 +.00 gs 72 + 00 -01 SynthBiol 230 -04 -.03 WstCKG TanzRy g 4.91 -.09 -.02 W>dePoint .46 +.04 +.01 Taseko 3.06 + 29 +.26 WillCntrls u15.37 +.01 +4.38 TasmanMg 141 -05 -.04 IIIIT DrlChn 2565 -01 +04 Tengsco d.68 -.01 +.01 WT Drf Bz 18.84 -.04 -.13 T>any> nPh 60 -.03 -.05 YM so g 1.57 -.09 nmberlnR .35 -.03 -.07 2BB Engy d 26 -01 -02 T>mm>n sg u3.01 -.13 +.24

Name PIMCO Instl PIMS:TotRet n VanguardIdxFds:TotStk n Vanguard Instl Fds.Instldx n Fidelity Invest.Contran Vanguard Adm>ral. 500Adml n VanguardAdm<ral: TotStkAdmn AmericanFundsA CaplnBldA p


SP XC BL Amencan Funds A IncordA p BL Amencan Funds A.GwthrdA p LG VanguardInstl Fds:InsPIn sp AmericanFundsA CapWGrAp GL AmencanFundsA:InvCOAA p LC Frank/Temp FrnkA: IncoSerApx BL Amencan FundsA WshMutAp LC Dodge&Cox: Dock LV Dodge&Cox: Intl Stk IL Vanguard Instl Fds.TSlnst n XC Vanguard Admiral:WelltnAdmn BL Vanguard IdxFds:Totllntl n IL Vanguard Adm<ral: TtlBdAdml n IB

Total AssetsTtlRtrn/Rnk ($Mins) 4-wk 12-mo

Percent Load NAV 1 6 9,317 +0.1 +10.1/A +5c2/A c000,000 NL u.59 7 4 ,849 -2.3 +16.2/B + 6.6/B 3,0 00 NL 35.26 Min

5 -year


Inv l

6 8 ,758 -2.4 +16 Ij/A +4 8/A 5,000,000 NL 129 70 t 6.9/B 2,5 0 0 NL 76.92 6 1 J29 -4.3 +13.vB -2.4 +16 8/A 6 0 ,102 +4.7/A 1 0 ,000 NL 130.57 5 9 ,062 -2.2 +16.4/A +7.2/B 1 0 ,00II NL 35.28 5 8 ,387 -c1 + 12.1/A +c5/D 250 5.75 52.68 5 7 ,461 -0.6 +13 6/A +1 2.5/B 250 575 1799 5 6 ,620 -1.8 +15.9/A -1.4/D 250 5.75 33.55 4 8 ,u3 -2.4 +16.8/A +4.9/A 200,000,000 NL 129.71 -0.6 +14.1/A -8 6/B 4 6 ,423 250 5 75 36 19 4 5 ,691 -c5 + 15.8/B +0.1/C 250 5.75 30.45 4 1 ,267 -0.4 +12.9/A +20.1/A cooo 4.25 2 . 21 4 0 ,753 -1.3 +15.1/C +4.6/B 250 5 75 31 15 2,5 00 NL u8.89 4 0 ,363 -0.5 +20.5/A - 7.1/D 38 J 5 0 +0.8 + 9.1/C - 1 7.2/Ij 2,5 0 0 NL 33.03 3 7 ,490 -2.2 +16 3/A +7 2/B 5,000,000 NL 35 28 5 0 ,000 NL 59.16 3 7 ,273 -0.6 +13.7/A +22.0/A 3, 0 00 NL 14 32 35 , 374 +0.1 + 7 .3/D -23 0/C 34 ,972 -0.1 + 4 .5/E +35.0/C 1 0 ,000 NL 11.18

G -Growth. Gl -Growth8 Income. SS-Singlestate Muni. MP -Mixe0 Portfolio. GG -General USGovt. El —Equity Income SC —Small CoGrowth A- Cap Appreciation IL —International Total Return Change in NAVwith dividends reinvested Rank Howfund performed vs otherswith sameobjective A is intop 20%, E in bottom 20% Percent Load Sales charge.Min lnit lnvt: Minimum $neededto mvest infund. NA- Not avail. NE—Data inquestion. NS- Fund not >n ex>stence.



The Bulletin



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Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials



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hen Secretary of State Kate Brown declared in September that "she will lead by example and commit to a voluntary $1 million spending limit in her reelection campaign," we took her at her word. She's now gone past her limit. Sc h oene t ol d t h e W i l l amette It's in these moments that voters can take the measure of politiOf c o u r se, Brown as secretary cians. How do they explain away o f s t ate, accepts that when the the inconsistency? Do they con- S e cretary of State's website refess to a mistake? Do they issue p o rts that she has $1,082,617.56 an apology? Do they try to make i n spending, that is how much she it right? Or do they shuffle and h a s spent. Schoene says no. That's not how Brown Brown is a shuffler. c ounts t h e mo n e y BrOIflfrI made Of course, it's not she has spent. She Brown's fault. a p/edge, doesn't include in-kind Jillian Sc h oene, fa l led tOIIVe contributions. Brown's cam P aign up tp j$ arld Of course, Brown Shuffled f~Om has asked for changes it's not Brown's fault ln how Oregon's webOne eXcuSe tO B rown g o t in k i n d site reports campaign spending from unions another. contributions to reflect buying ads against her the accounting stanopponent, Bend surdard she believes is geon Knute Buehler. That's the money that pushed her over her limit. No, she has not. Of course, Brown knew nothVote r s should be able to see ing about that effort. clean into the marrow of what Schoene said Brown k n ew Brown has done. She could have n othing about it u n til a fter i t taken the oPPortunity to show how this episode illustrates one started. of the fundamental challenges in Of course, Brown tried to stoP campaign finance reform. Money it knowing that it c ould drive findsawayaroundlimits. her spending over her voluntary Instead, Brown made a pledge, failed to live up to it, and shuffled Brown did not try to stoP it, from one excuse to another.


Facts a r to i n w en i i n t rou r etoric By Mike Welton find it funny that Stan Stieben in his letter from Oct. 13 asks that each voter take the time and put forth the effort to look at the facts, and to not be swayed by biased media and rhetoric. It i s i n teresting that Stieben forgot to put in facts in his views, while putting forth rhetoric and fear to get his biased views across. I agree that this is an important election, as we need to re-establish a strong middle class and continue on the road torecovery from the economic collapse that the past administration left America saddled with. We simply can't afford another "trickle-down economics" disaster. The so called njob-creators" had eight years and led us into high unemployment, a housing collapse and financial crisis, while all the time lining the pockets of the rich with more profits off the backs of the middle class. S tieben asks that yo u n o t b e swayed by a biased media, yet directs you to watch a very biased movie. I could say that everyone s hould watch the movie "W " b e cause it is an accurate movie on how bad our former president and vice president were; however, that movie was probably equally biased. Hopefully no educated person will cast his or her vote on the basis of a movie or what is voiced by the talking heads of Fox News or CNN. I do agree very much with Stieben when he says that the people of America entrusted the presidency to an inexperienced person who lacks both the judgment and experience to lead this country. However, that was George W.Bush, not Barack Obama, and the people of America voted him in twice. You saw where that ended up; we don't want to return to that. Stieben, again borrowing fr om the biased media that he wants us to not listen to, says that he believes that th e O b amas ar e L e n inists.


Where are the facts that back this up? Again, just fear and rhetoric. In the same vein, he says that Obama is constantly bypassing Congress — again the pot calling the kettle black. Bush and Dick Cheney didn't feel that they needed Congress, and just did what they pleased. The leader of Israel has said that he wasn't slighted b y P r esident Obama, why isn't that good enough? Again Stieben appears to have been listening to the biased media by making his claim. Our relationship with Israel is strong, and in case you haven't noticed, Israel is quite capable of taking care of itself. Another area of Stieben's view is that this is a Christian nation. This nation was born out of the need for religious freedom and to escape religious persecution. Religious freedom means just that — people are free to worship as they please. President Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim. People of all f aiths should feel free to worship in their own way. Also agnostics and atheists should not be punished or called terrorists or traitors for their beliefs. If Stieben is a true Christian, then he should be more tolerant. Stieben says he believes that our country has never faced a m o re grave danger than that presented by President Obama if he is elected to a second term. I guess Stieben doesn't remember Adolf Hitler, Pearl Harbor, the Cuban crisis, or the Great Depression. Our economy can't afford a return to the very policies that got us into trouble, spent a surplus built up under theguidance of former President Clinton, and got us into an unwarranted war with Iraq. I do heartily agree with Stieben in that this is a very important election and that each voter needs to take the time to look honestly at the facts, if one can find them in all the rhetoric, before casting his or her vote. — Mike Welton livesin Terrebonne.

M IVickel's Worth Support park bond to improve community I encourage Bend residentsto support the Bend Park & Recreation District bond issue. I can attest to the importance of parks. I am a new resident of Bend and one of those "foot loose" employees.Ican live anywhere where there is Internet access. When I was thinking of relocating to a new community, one factor that I considered was the quality and quantities of public facilities like parks. The presence of lovely parks was one of the factors that led me to choose Bend over a number ofother communities. When I was looking for a house to buy in Bend, one of the important criteria I used in purchasing a home was the proximity to parks. The average cost of the bond to most taxpayers is affordable — no more than the cost of a cup of coffee once or twice a month. Yet this small expense will greatly expand the value of all Bend property owners. A community with a good park system attracts new residents, increasesthe overall value of homes and provides all residents the opportunity to enjoy the parks on a daily basis.

enough workers. Federal government answered: Since profit is irrelevant, we would hire enough workers to milk 1,500 cows. The workers would form a union, slow down the production line and eventually require all the extra workers. The Libertarian Party: "It is not our job to h ire workers or keep cows. Let the cows learn to milk themselves." The Green Party: "There is no excuse for bovine enslavement. We would fire the workers and release the cows into the wild." (This, by the way, is an original

parody, which I penned.) John Shepherd Sisters

Does beer lead to gin?

Often, in discussions about marijuana, it is argued that legalization of this substance might or would lead to use of harder drugs. If that is true,can the case be made that use of beer or wine might lead to "harder" alcoholic drugs such as gin, vodka, scotch, etc.? That being said, can one question which route leads to greater negative results? Auto fatalities and injuries, domestic violence, George Wuerthner murder, etc.? Just a thought. I'll let Bend the readers decide their answer. Conrad Weiier Float bond for children, Camp Sherman

not parks I just read about the $29 million bond measure proposal for Bend Park 8 and Recreation District. Instead of more parks, why don't we float a $29 million bond measure for the babies and small children who are orphaned, cold, hungry, homeless and abused? If wecared more forthese unfortunates instead of worrying about whether or not w e have enough parks, we would all be better off. My guess is we would sleep better at night as well. Mike McCormick LaPine

How many workers does it take?

Blame those responsible I read the "Can't keep blaming Bush" comments and began to see red. So who do we blame? Someone has to take responsibility for starting a horrible war in Iraq, allowing the banking industry and Wall Street to take our economy to the verge of bankruptcy and turning a blind eye as the oil industry, being allowed to trade on the stock exchange and constantly run up the price of a barrel of oil based on not the cost of getting the oil to the pump but because of pure speculation. Someone has to take ownership of these things that nearlydestroyed the U.S. economy. We have George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to blame for all this. President Obama spent his first two years trying to rectify the Bush debacle. And as a result our economy is slowly recovering. Had John McCain become president this country would have followed the same fate as the Soviet Union within a year or so and the only thing left would have been the rich and working poor. Let's blame who is responsible for this mess. Raymond Powell Terrebonne

In a recently leaked document, this government quiz for management was discovered: nlf you owned a dairy farm with 1,000 cows, in order to maximize profits, how many workers would you hire to milk the cows?" Following were their answers: State government answered: We would hire only enough workers to milk 800 cows but we would give them all a raise. Then we would post a sign for the cows saying, "Due to unusually high m i l k ing v olume, U.S. flag shouldbe visible there will be an unexpected long at campaign events wait in line." When, through death and attrition, the number of milk I watched the presidential debate cows drops to 800, we will have Oct. 16 and was disappointed. Not in

the fact of the debate but in the fact that there was no flag in the debate area. If someone wants to become the president of the United States, he or she should also insist that the flag representing our country be displayed any time that they are campaigning for the votes of the people.

Not displaying the flag is a disgrace to the office that they hope to win. Donna Fortenberry John Day

Vote for Romney In regards to t his presidential election: Under different conditions I would not vote for either candidate. This election however I am going to vote for Mitt Romney. You see, Barack Obama has set the standard for this great country so low that Romney can only begin to raise us out of the ashes. Vote Republican and save this wonderful country. William Weatherman Bend

It's all about character The economy will continue to recover, the war will eventually end, most national issues will eventually resolve one way or another. To me, the overarching issue in the presidential race comes down to who a person really is. Gov. Mitt Romney has repeatedly demonstrated that when faced with a difficult question or issue, he says what he thinks people want to hear, or he says nothing. "I'm running for office, for Pete's sake, I can't have illegals.n When an African-American journalist was publicly and wrongly humiliated by Newt Gingrich in South Carolina, Romney watched in silence. There have been numerous similar incidents with this candidate. This week, he ignored a reporter who asked him many times what his ideas on FEMA were, in light of Hurricane Sandy. No response. A Romney ad in Ohio made obviously false and m i sleading statements about President Obama's automobile industry policies, playing to the "low-informationn voters, and Romney "approves this ad." President Obama, as a human, has faults, but r emaining silent in the face of injustice isn't one of them. He is forthright, intelligent, hardworking, empathetic, shows humility and is honest. He connects genuinely with all kinds of people. Policies and issues come and go; the characters of the players is what really counts. Romney has demonstrated no true sense of who he really is in the real world, no genuine connection with most of us. Obama has done so, in so many positive ways for the past four years. To me, it's all about character. David Howe Bend

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Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or in My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com




BITUARIES DEATH NQTIcEs Albert "Jack" J. Ziegler, of Crooked River Ranch Jan. 26, 1929 - Nov. 1, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds.com.

Services: A graveside service will be held Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012 at 1:00 P.M. in Greenwood Cemetery.

A.O. Bruce, of La Pine (Formerly of Portland Metro Area) Nov. 21, 1937 - Oct. 31, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Memorial Service in Portland is pending, and details will be published at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-5882.

Charles Coe Aug. 6, 1918 - Oct. 22, 2012 A memorial service w as held on Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012 at T r i n it y M e t h odist C hurch i n Eug e n e , f o r C harles Fr ankli n C o e o f Eugene, OR, who died Oct. 22nd of age-related causes. H e was 94. H e w a s b o r n Aug. 6, 1918 in Eugene to L ewis a n d E l l a Do d s o n Coe. He and his wife Lucille were m a r ried Feb. 10, 1 938 in V a n c ouver, W A . She died April 9, 2012. He graduated fr om hi g h s chool i n B e n d , O R . H e s erved i n t h e U S ar m y from 1942 to 1946 and later worked as a c o n struction supervisor. He is survived b y so n R i c h ar d o f Gi l christ, OR; one grandchild; one great-grandchild; and seven gr e a t -great-grandc hildren. I n u r n m ent w i l l be at W i l l amette National Cemetery in Portland.

Paul Alexander Fraser Sept. 9, 1947 - Oct. 1, 2012 P aul Fraser, ag e 65 , o f O dessa, T e x a s , pas s e d from this l if e a t M e d i c al Center Hospital in Odessa. He was born in Bend, OR to John P. Cook and Mary L . ( Z e v ely ) F r a s er . H e g raduated from B en d S e nior High, Class of 1965 and honorably served during Vietnam on t he USS 1( Ranger. Paul Fraser He was a s ongwriter an d co- a u t hored t h e c l a s sic s o n g , " Amarillo By M or n i n g " . Paul was a passionate musician, artist and patriot of A merican F r e e do m a n d Liberty. H e is s u r vived b y w i f e , P amela o f O d e s sa, T X ; d aughter, D o n n a El l i o t t a nd her h u sband, Eric o f Fort Worth; two sons, Joe Fraser an d S c o t t F r a s er and his wife, Hilda, all of O dessa; son, J oh n C a m e ron (Fraser) C o xey a n d wife, Emily, and grandson, Hunter Allan Coxey, all of Bend, OR; brother, Oliver Fraser, Jr. of Eugene, OR; A t h i s r e q u est n o s e r vices will be held.


esigne Paris' Musee 'Orsay By Douglas Martin New Yorh Times News Service

Gae Aulenti, a provocative Italian architect and designer who most notably converted a Paris train station into the Musee d'Orsay, died on Wednesday at her home in Milan. She was 84. Her death, after a long illness, was announced by her family in the

FEATURED It alian press.


ment, Giorgio N apolitan o , the president of Italy, referred to her as a "leading figure of contemporary a r c h itecture" with an "extraordinary ability" to combine cultural and historic values with the urban environment. Aulenti was one of the few Italian women to rise to prominence inarchitecture and design inthe postwar years.Her work includes villas for the rich, showrooms for Fiat, shops for Olivetti, pens and watches for Louis Vuitton, and a coffee table on wheels that is in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Aulenti was best known for her work on interiors, particularly those of museums. She designed museum renovations in Venice, Barcelona, Istanbul and San Francisco. In 1981 she was chosen to turnthe 1900 Beaux Arts Gare d'Orsay train station, a spectacular landmark o r iginally designed by Victor Laloux, into the Musee d'Orsay, a museum of mainly French art from 1848 to 1915. As part of the redesign she created a grand central aisle in a cavernous space that once c ontained train t r acks u n der a dramatic barrel-vaulted glass ceiling. Original support beams were highlighted, and new industrial materials like wire mesh were used. Walls were redone in rough stone. The renovated building was opened in December 1986, and critical reaction was mixed. Holland Cotter of The New York Times called it "fabulously eccentric." But Liberation, an Italian newspaper, said the museum had been "likened to a funeral hall, to a tomb, to a mausoleum, to an Egyptian burial monument, to a necropolis."

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Millie Parsons, 99: Served a record-breaking 62 years, nine months and two days as a secretary for the FBI, the

longest serving employee in its history. Died Oct. 21 at her home in Silver Spring, Md. Mitchell Lucker, 28: Frontman for the rising star deathmetal band Suicide Silence. Died Thursday in Irvine, Calif. aftera motorcycle crash. — From wire reports

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They maybesubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits@bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted Until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Mondaythrough Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

us ecte a ottam erin re orte in ac amas oun By Steven DuBois

the timing of the allegation is concerning, and it hopes to rePORTLAND — Authorities solve it quickly. said Friday they were investiThe Secretary of State's Ofgating suspected ballot tam- ficesent an observer Friday to pering by an election worker monitor ballot counting in the in one of Oregon's most popu- county, said Andrea Cantulous counties. Schomus, a spokeswoman for Clackamas County Clerk the secretary of state. S herry Hall s aid a c r i m i The monitor, Fred Neal, nal violation of election law will observethe process and was uncovered by her office report any irregularities but won't have direct authority, Wednesday and reported to the secretary of state's Elec- Cantu-Schomus said. T hat tions Division. power will stay with the counHall declined to identify the ty clerk, she added. worker or describe the specifOfficials wouldn't say how ic nature of the violation. extensive they suspect the Oregon was the first state to tampering might have been. conduct elections exclusively About 95,500 of the county's by mail, and this is the fourth 228,000 registered voters had presidential election in which returned their ballots as of the system has been used. Thursday. Despite initial fears that the Clackamas County is home method would lead to fraud, to 10 percent of Oregon's regallegations have been rare. istered voters, and is almost Because it's a criminal mat- evenly split between Republiter, the E lections Division cans and Democrats, It's conreferred the case to the state sidered a swing county that is Department of Justice. pivotal in deciding close state"We can confirmwe are cur- wide races. Three neck-andrently investigating criminal neck legislative races could felony violations of Oregon's be decisive in determining election laws, which alleg- which party controls the state edly took place in Clackamas House. County and allegedly involved T he W i l l amette W e e k a temporary county elections newspaper reported the elecemployee tampering with cast tion worker filled in Republiballots," said Jeff Manning, a can bubbles on ballots where department spokesman. p references had b een l e ft He said the agency realizes empty by voters in the county, The Associated Press

which primarily comprises Portland suburbs. A person with knowledge of the investigation said Willamette W ee k a c c urately described the incident. The person was not authorized to discussthe matter and spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity. D emocrats w er e a n g r y about the reports of potential manipulation benefiting Republicans, saying even a small number of affected ballots could have widespread implications. "This isn't just a Clackamas County issue, this is a statewide issue because this could determine who has the majority in the Oregon House for the next two years," said Rep. Tina Kotek, the House Democratic leader in charge of her party's effort to win House races. The House is currently tied 30-30 between Republicans and Democrats, so each party would need to swing just one district to grab the majority and dictate the agenda in the Legislature for the next two years. And legislative races are sometimes close — a Clackamas County S enate race was decided by 227 votes in 2010, and another in southern Oregon by 275 votes. A Republican effort to stop

P ortland l i b eralism f r o m creeping i n t o Cl a ckamas County has emerged as a dominant theme in its recent elections. Chris Edmonds, campaign manager for county Chairwoman Charlotte Lehan, a Democrat, said the campaign would be talking to attorneys as it explores possible legal action. "We don't know whether this was an individual acting alone or if this was part of a coordinated effort," he said. Lehan's opponent, Republican John Ludlow, emphasized that an allegation is not proof of guilt, but "if they did it it was dead wrong " E dmonds noted that u p to 30 percentof voters focus solely on th e m ajor r aces, such as U.S. president, and skip county commission and other local races, meaning tens of thousands of voters may not have participated in the Lehan-Ludlow race. Given that the race is expected to be tight, even a few illegal markings could decide it, he said. "We may not be able to know the full extent of the fraud, and that's what we're trying to k n ow," Edmonds said. "When someone's just filling in a bubble, how can we go back and know the true intent of the voter?"

Animal hoarding casecosts county 300IC The Associated Press GRANTS PASS — Once they got them all counted, it turns out that 257 animals »' w ere seized from a C a v e ~1 " ' J unction property i n w h a t II i Ill I ~ .. officials consider the worst case of animal hoarding in Josephine County. The county has spent nearly $300,000 so far to shelter tu+rrr@ r • wei5 and care for the animals, the •uuursuuu Isursu • EB K II%$ unwuuae Grants Pass Daily Courier Inuusuar 1 RQ R S~ g IIpuEEFt reported. +~HsrR rII~ They include 117 miniature horses, as well as a mix Kevin Launius /The Daily Courier file photo of other animals: full-size Dogs and cats wait to be transportedas Josephine County horses, miniature donkeys, Animal Protection and Regulation workers perform a rescue chickens, a peacock, cattle, in September at Crow's Magical Miniature Horses ranch near dogs, cats, goats and pygmy Cave Junction. The county seized more than 200 animals. goats. Kandi Lucile Crow, 61, has been accused of misdemeanNow the county is moving p orted w h e n t h e y w e r e or charges of animal abuse to make the animals availseized over three days in and neglect at her Crow's able for auction or adoption, mid-September. Magical Miniature Horses. or inthe case of those owned Public Health Director DiShe has not entered a plea by other people, to a l low ane Hoover said it took time and is due in court Nov. 19. them to be reclaimed. to do an inventory, and a preShe has surrendered the The number of a n i mals cise count has been a moving animals to the county. is higher than initially retarget. A horse, chicken and



' g)l

OREmN IN BRIEF Apartment fire kills Portland woman PORTLAND — A woman r eported by her f amily t o suffer from Lou Gehrig's disease died Friday in a fire at a southeast Portland apartment complex. KGW-TV reports the victim was 56-year-old Berna Dizer. Nephew Deandre Smith told the station his aunt was bedridden and couldn't get out of her apartment. Firefighters say two other people were hurt, and they haven'tdetermined the cause of the fire at the apartment


Man gets 30 years in sex abusecase H ILLSBORO — A 44 year-old Bethany man who admitted sexually abusing a girl was sentenced Thursday in Hillsboro to 30 years in prison. Stephen Douglas Webb pleaded guilty to sex abuse charges in a plea deal. The Oregonian reports the case began in July when a neighbor called police to report disturbing cries coming from his home.

shootout in a k itchen at a Lebanon trailer park. The A lbany D e mocratHerald reported Joshua Edward Gabell pleaded guilty to attempted murder and other charges in the Aug. 11 shooting. Prosecutor Douglas Marteeny said Gabell went to the home of 53-year-old Warren Simpson about 4 a.m. He says Simpson was in a chair at the kitchen table and was hit in the chest and the side of his head but fired back, hitting Gabell. Both were taken to the hospital and recovered.

Architect proposes 'earthquake cages' PORTLAND — Portland architectBen Kaiser has proposed a way to protect school children from earthquakes and save school d istricts

money. Kaiser says steel cages could be installed in schools to create safe zones where c hildren would rush as a

mals showed physical signs of long-term neglect, including lack of dental care and hoof care, and all had parasites. The dogs were underweight with low muscle mass so their bones protruded, and were ravenously hungry and infested with fleas." Some small animals are being caredfor in volunteer fosterhomes because the animal shelter in Merlin doesn't have room. The county hopes to recoup money it's spent, but Chief Financial Officer Rosemary Padgett said that until the county secures liens against Crow's property, the money is coming from the county's general fund.

Forest Servicetops off sale with holiday greenery The Associated Press CORVALLIS — U.S. Forest Service officials are hoping that a contract for snip-

ping holiday greenery will allow the agency to get a little extra money out of a thinning project near the summit of Marys Peak. The agency said it's taking out some of the noble firs that have encroached on scenic wildflower meadows on the peak in the Siuslaw National Forest. The noble firs aren't worth much at current prices, and will likely go for firewood or be dropped into streams for fish habitat. But making the fir boughs available for

sale should bring in an extra $11,000 or so for the Forest Service, the Corvallis Gazette-Times reported. A L e b anon c o m pany, Handmade Wreaths, won the bough contract. Owner Robert Hand, his father and assistants worked through an early snow last week to snip the m ost p r omisinglooking branches from the lower branches. Some of the greenery will be twisted into wreaths for sale at hi s f a mily's roadside stand or by school and church groups as fundraisers. Some will b e sold to

bigger companies for use in wreaths or holiday swags.

Speeial Iloliday Bazaar Listiinls o appear in the Classifieds through December~~

Only $35.00 per week*!

quake begins.

The Oregonian reports the quake cages would cost about one-fourth as much as a seismic upgrade to a building. A 2007 state survey found Man gets 7 years that 57 percent of Oregon's morethan1,000publicschools in trailer shootout were at risk of coming apart ALBANY — A 2 8 -year- in a big quake. Portland pubold man has been sentenced lic schools estimated in 2009 to more than seven years it would cost $420 million to in prison for what prosecu- upgrade its 95 buildings. tors said was a drug-related — From wire reports

puppy have died, and several miniature horses and puppies have been born. "The a nimals w er e i n various states of abuse and neglect," said the county's assistant legal counsel, Leah Harper. "All of the large ani-

*Your ad will publish 7 consecutive days and is limited to one inch (I0 lines oftext or (ewer lines with text and graphics)

Co(or may be addedfor $I.OOlday extra! Call today to list your event in Classifieds! ~44;

Mon day ugh thro Friday,7:30a.m.to 5:00 p.m.


54r -385-5809 or 54 I-382- I8I I

as's'i ie s




F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.

I l e

Today:A few clouds CHANNE

Tonight:A few clouds through the night, warm

in the afternoon, staying warm




d v d d d d d d d d

WEST Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain north and central.

. Ast o ria4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 *Nst4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Seasideo 4 4 v 4 ' c 4 d 4 d kl OOd • da/fnvhgl,vchd 4 4 4 4 4 o '

6iggs 4 4 4 4 4 Pxtver Dallee 60/46 x x 4 4 „6 0 /43








444 • 4 Government

cMEMI/ Idvjife 4 59/48 ,


tdt 4


• Mea


• Condon


• Sprayen38

Baker City

oMadra I • Mitchell eo/4s M/46





/ 4 ]4

44 d d d

o 4 4 4 Gottage 4,4,4


G0Id • Beach





Frenchgle 63/37


• 64'





Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley


rants~ pass





Silver l.ake


Port Orfordf

• 59m1 ~


• Bul.nS


Christmas Valley

Chemult emu


• Brothers 58D9

• port Rock 59/41



• Bandon 62/so

61/ 4 1

c Crescent• • Crescent Lake




La Pine58/39

' 6»47 ~

Coos Bay 4 »/si • 4 4

5 7/40


pa ulina 5440


Sunriver • Bend




RedmOnd •

59/42 •

Florenced 4 cEUgene •

EAST Partly to mostly cloudy skies.



144 4 4 4

cloudy skies.





d~orvailjs 4 4 camp sherman




• 65/45

• Klamath

• Brookings

• 18'


• Lakeview








, P

" Vancouver,i~i o ' 68E49 c lg „ g . " : : : : i 39 / 2 9



33/26' •



' oBoise


• 14'


Thunder Bay





Fulton, N.Y.



San Francisco

City 6"/38

Vegas 76/SS


54/36 ton Detroit, . • Bunaiii 52/38 5/3 j ~ 1 /32 ho ew York 50/38 4QS Columbus iladelphia g 4 8 /31 ~ o , 51/3 7

St paul I 44/34 ' RaPid CitY Moines + • C heyenne 5 5 / 38 ~Ti Des 53/33 56/33 o o Denver

63/35 I


Los Angeles

Toronto ~~

m 42/26 3




Silver Bay, Minn w

Billings •






Alice, Texas

• 0.34


5 33/27 k to o

4d4d-857/52 1• '

w'tland ~

• 91'


Ka nsas City .

OM h oklahoma city



T,. xq ' o Louisville /


Little Rock






oO Honolululob,


Tij ana 73/55



• Da lasl 82/59



Mew Orleans Houston,Ã


Chihuahua 78/49

35/24 5




lando 2/57


• Miami 82/67

Mazatlan • 8 4/66

Juneau 40/36

83/65 4

Monterrey 86/65 •

La Paz


warm tem-

More clouds and cooler,

Starting to cool a little, still sunny.

light snow possible






64 42

65 42

60 40

55 39

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrise today...... 7:45 a.m. MOOn phaSeS SunsettodaY...... 5 52 P.m. l.ast hl ew pi rst Full Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:47 a.m. • Sunset tomorrow... 4:51 p.m. Moonrisetoday.... 9:35 p.m. Moonset today 11.57 8 m Nov. 6 Nov.13 Nov. 20 Nov. 28



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....8:50 a.m...... 5:36 p.m. Venus......3:46 a.m...... 3:38 p.m. Mars......10:06 a.m...... 6:48 p.m. Jupiter......626 pm......937 a.m. Satum......5:55 a.m...... 437 p.m. Uranus.....3:19 p.m......3:38 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 55/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........77m1949 Monthtodate.......... 0.00" Record low.......... 2 in 2002 Average month todate... 0.06" Average high.............. 54 Year to date............ 7.03" Averagelow ..............30 A verageyeartodate..... 7.83"

6arometricpressureat 4 p.m30.00 Record24 hours ...1.25 in1984 *Melted liquid equivalent




Yesterday Saturday Sunday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastof Hwy.97......Low

Sisters..............................Low La Pine...............................Low Redmond/Madras........Low Prineville..........................Low

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Astoria ........ 56/47/0.20..... 58/51/r.....60/51/sh Baker City......59/25/0.00.....59/34/c.....62/33/pc Brookings......60/48/0.07....61/53/sh.....66/57/pc 6urns..........56/22/0.00....58/31/pc.....63/29/pc Eugene........ 56/45/0.10..... 61 /47/r.....64/47/pc Klamath Falls .. 53/29/0 00 .60/34/pc ...65/34/pc Lakeview....... 55/1 8/0.00 ...62/33/pc.....64/33/pc La Pine........53/26/0.00.....58/39/c.....61/30/pc Medford.......56/40/0.00....65/45/pc.....69/44/pc Newport....... 54/50/0.18..... 59/50/r.....62/50/sh North Bend..... 59/48/0.10..... 62/53/r......65/51/c Ontario........60/31/0.00....60/38/pc.....62/37/pc Pendleton..... 64/42/trace.....63/46/c......67/44/c Portland .......63/50/0.15.....59/50/r......64/50/c Prineville.......59/32/0.00.....58/44/c.....64/39/pc Redmond.......59/28/0.00.....62/41/c.....65/41/pc Roseburg...... 58/45/trace.....66/48/c.....71/48lpc Salem ....... 57/47/006....60/49/r ...64/49/pc Sisters.........57/30/0.00.....59/42/c.....63/36/pc The Dages......59/41/003.....60/48/c.....66/47/pc

Wednesday night.

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

To report a wildfire, call 911

ULTRAVIOLET INDEX The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Index is for ar at noon.



IPOLLEN COUNT Updated daily. Source: pollen.com




The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen. Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 35,503...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 130,078..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,683.... . . 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... , , , 16,611...,,.47,000 Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,252..... 153,777 R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 257 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 245 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 25 Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 157 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 683 Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . . 813 Crooked RiverAbove Prinevige Res.. .. . . . . . . 40 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 65.6 Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 6.65 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 157 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 or go to www.wrd.state.or.us


o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):

age day.


Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-soowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace


YegterdayS extremes

The heat wave continues, very

CENTRAL Partly to mostly

• 59/32

5 7/

I La Grand

Willowdale 64/48



Ruggs •

owa n • Enterprise

• PendletO


5 /4 1

Wa r m Springs •




Maupin 63/ 4 2

Lincoln Ci , saleg 4 P m p YJ d d deo/49• 4 4 4

• Hermiston 63/40


60/48 •

4 4 Hi'IsbdrNPOrtland4 4 59/4!

A sunny and well above aver-



~4 "sist~


and mild.


61 I





CONDITIONS +9+Q ++++ ++>

O 4,

4 4 4


.* * * * *

* * *


' !6 Yo

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/YY Hi/Lo/YY City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lony City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/YY Hi/Lo/YY Abilene TX......84/59/0 00..77/50/pc. 73/49lpc GrandRapids...46/37/trace..47/28/pc.45/30/pc RapidCity.......59/30/000..55/38/pc. 57/40lsh Savannah .......77/40/0.00...73/53ls. 79/57/pc Akron ..........40/34/000..45/31/pc.. 46/33/c GreenBay.......45/31/000...42/28/c.43/29/pc Reno...........65/33/0.00...65/34/s.. 68/35/s Seattle..........59/51/0.05...57/52/r. 59/49/sh Albany..........48/42/000...46/33/c. 45/26/pc Greensboro......62/37/000...58/39/s. 58/42/sh Richmond.......59/40/0.00... 56/39/s. 56/39/pc SiouxFalls.......42/31/0 00..52/35/pc. 51/35/sh Albuquerque.....72/40/000...66/40/s.. 67/40/s Harusburg.......50/36/0.00..50/34/pc.. 49/31/s Rochester, NY....42/37/0.01... 39/32/c .. 38/30/s Spokane ........54/44/0.00...54/43/c.. 56/43/c Anchorage ......34/26/000..35/24/sn. 32/16/pc Hartford,CT .....54/47/0 00...51/32/c.49/28/pc Sacramento......70/50/0.00...75/52/s.. 80/53/s Springfield, MO ..72/41/0.00..59/38/pc. 59/41/pc Atlanta .........77/46/000...74/57/s. 73/54/sh Helena..........56/39/0 02...58/40lc. 58/39/pc St.Louis.........55/39/000...50/35/c.. 56/37/c Tampa..........76/57/000...82/63ls. 83/64/pc Atlantic City.....53/44/0.00..52/36/pc.. 49/38/s Honolulu........81/67/0.00...85/69/s.. 85/70/s SaltLakeCity ....62/42/0.00...61/38/s. 63/40/pc Tucson..........83/55/0.00...80/53/s.. 83/54/s Austin..........85/5$/0.00..83/63/pc...80/57/t Houston ........86/64/0.00...83/65/t...80/61/t Sao Antonio .....82/61/0.00..83/64/pc...80/59/t Tulsa ...........88/46/0.00..67/42/pc.66/45/pc Baltimore .......52/40/000 ..51/34/pc.. 49/34/s Huntsville.......77/40/000..76/50/pc. 64/41/sh SaoDiego.......68/62/0.00...72/59/s.. 81/61/s Washington, DC..55/41/0.00..52/35/pc.. 51/35/s 6illiogs.........57/39/001..57/37/pc. 60/44/pc Indianapolis.....51/33/000...47/35/c. 50/33/pc SaoFrancisco....6550/0.00... 71/56/s.. 75/58/s Wichita.........86/50/0.00..63/40/pc.66/44/pc Birmingham.....79/42/000...79/56/s...73/46/t Jackson,MS.... 84/48/0.00. 83/59/pc .. 75/48/t SaoJose........67/48/000... 72/52/s .. 76/54/s Yakima ........ 59/34/trace 57/43/c.61/43/pc Bismarck........33/27/009...39/26/c..45/30/rs Jacksonvile......77/40/000...78/55/s. 82/58/pcSantaFe........69/33/0.00..61/32/pc.. 63/33/s Yuma...........85/58/0.00... 83/62/s .. 87/63/s Boise...........62/39/000 ..61/40/pc. 63/37/pc Juneau..........39/29/0.03... 40/36/r...41/36/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........52/47/003...52/38/c. 51/33/pc Kansas City......62/42/0.00 ..57/37/pc.. 58/40/c BodgeportCT....56/47/000...51/37/c .. 50/35/s Lansing........ 43/35/trace..45/27/pc. 44/30/pc Amsterdam......48/41/010 ..50/42/sh 48/40/pc Mecca..........99/81/000 100/79/s ..99/77/s Buffalo.........42/35/0.09 ..41/32/pc.. 40/32/s Las Yegas.......78/55/0.00... 76/55/s .. 78/Sis Athens..........77/67/000...78/61/s .. 73/62/s Mexico City .....68/46/000 .61/49/sh 62/50/sh BurlingtonVT....47/41/010 ..45/35/sh. 43/25/pc Lexington.......54/41/000...51/35/c. 53/34/pc Auckland........64/57/000 ..65/51/sh.59/47/pc Montreal........43/39/0.05... 42/35/c.40/26/pc Caribou,ME.....50/39/000 ..48/37/sh. 41/21/pc Lincoln..........56/36/0.00..59/34pc .. 58/37/c Baghdad........88/61/0.00...84/64/c. 86/62/pc Moscow........37/32/000 ..39/36/sh. 43/37/sh Charleston, SC...74/37/0.00...69/51/s. 77/59/pc Little Rock.......77/47/0.00... 79/50/t. 62/44/sh Bangkok........93/79/0.00...95/77/t...92/80/t Nairobi.........77/63/0.22... 65/59/r...76/59/t Charlotte........72/33/000...64/45/s.65/47/sh LosAngeles......68/57/0 00... 73/55/s .. 79/59/s Beiling..........57/37/000... 53/36/r. 45/33/sh Nassau.........82/66/000...83/69/s. 83/71/pc Chattanooga.....75/40/000..73/49/pc.67/45/sh Louisville........57/45/000...53/36/c. 53/35/pc Beirut..........86/72/000..83/70lpc. 81/69lsh New Delhi.......79/63/0.00...84/62/5.. 85/62/s Cheyenne.......57/37/000...56/33/s. 58/35/pc MadisonYYJ.....46/27/000...45/32/c.. 46/31/c Berli0...........50/41/000 .. 51/41/sh.48/40/pc Osaka..........61l45/0.00...59/55/s.66/54/pc Chicago.........48/34/000...49/42/c.. 51/37/c Memphis....... 78/50/000 .. 78/50/t .. 64/42/c Bogota .........68/41/0.00 68/50/sh. .. 69/50lsh Oslo............41/36/0 47 .. 38/33/sh..37QO/n Cincinnati.......54/32/0 00 .. 51/31/pc 51/32/pc Miami . . . . 81/67/0 00 82/67/s .. 82/6is Budapest........57/32/000 ..58/45/pc.. 60/50/c Ottawa.........41/36/0.18...41/33/c. 38/25/pc Cleveland.......43/39/001 ..45/35/pc. 43/39/pc Milwaukee......44/33/0.00...44/36lc .. 45/34/c Buenos Aires.....86/55/0.00 .. 83/60/pc. 83/66/pc Paris............50/43/0.03 ..55/41/pc. 53/41/sh ColoradoSpnngs.61/47/000...59/34/s.65/35lpc Minneapolis.....39/27/000...44/34/c.. 46/31/c CaboSaoLucas ..86/64/000... 84/62/s. 84/64/pc Rio deJaneiro....77/72/0.00.. 79/69/sh. 82/69/sh Columhia,MO...59/38/000 ..55/35/pc. 57/38/pc Nashville........70/44/0.00..69/46/sh.. 61/38/c Cairo...........84/68/000.. 87/71/c 88/68/c Rome...........66/54/0.00 ..67/55/pc. 68/64/sh Columhia,SC....77/36/0.00...69/46/s. 74/50/pc New Orleans.....83/64/0.00...82/64/s...79/60/t Calgary.........32/28/000..39/29/pc 41/33/c Santiago........82/52/0.00... 77/56/s.80/60/pc Columbus, GA...79/40/000...80/55/s. 80/56/pc New York.......53/46/0.00 ..50/38/pc.. 50/38/s Cancun.........82/60/0.00..83/68/pc.85/72/pc SaoPaulo.......70/63/0.00... 72/55/c. 76/56/sh Columbus, OH....46/38/000 ..48/31/pc. 48/32/pc Newark,NJ......54/47/000 ..51/37/pc. 51/37/pc Dublin..........46/37/000 47/41/pc. .. 46/40lsh Sapporo ........52/46/0.70 ..49/37/sh. 50/42/sh Concord,NH.....52/38/000...52/29/c. 49/23/pc Norfolk VA......60/40/0 00... 55/43/s.57/43/pc Edinburgh.......46/36/0.00 ..46/38/pc.. 44/34/c Seoul...........52/30/0.00 .. 60/42/pc. 54/43/sh Corpus Christi....90/64/000... 83/69/t...80/67/t OklahomaCity...84/49/0 00 ..68/42/pc. 68/43/pc Geneva.........59/48/0.03 ..59/46/sh...56/46/r Shanghai........68/57/0.00... 68/55/c .. 65/50/s DallasFtWonh...87/55/000... 82/59/t. 73/48/pc Omaha.........55/37/000 ..56/37/pc.. 54/37/c Harare..........66/55/0.07... 75/50/s .. 79/52/s Singapore.......91/77/0.00... 88/79/t...89/78/t Dayton .........49/34/0.00..48/30/pc.49/31/pc Orlando.........77/55/0.00...82/57/s. 82/60/pc Hong Kong......79/70/0.00 .. 77/64/sh. 76/64/sh Stockholm.......48/45/0.00... 45/35/c .. 43/35/c Denver..........56/45/000...63/35/s.64/36lpc Palm Springs.... 87/54/0.00. 87/61/s .. 91/64/s Istanbul.........75/63/0.07... 70/57/s .. 69/59/s Sydney..........66/59/0.00..67/53/pc.73/56/pc DesMoines......49/36/000..53/33/pc...49/37/r Peoria..........50/31/000...50/33/c. 52/34/pc lerusalem.......83/67/000... 82/66/c.81l62/pc Taipei...........79/68/0.00..81/65/pc...75/67/t Detroit..........43/36/001..45/34/pc. 44/33/pc Philadelphia.....51/45/0.00..51/37/pc.. 51/36/s Johannesburg....66/45/000 ..68/55/pc.74/56/pc TelAviv.........86/72/0.00...85/65/c. 85/63/pc Duluth..........35/22/000...37/30/c .. 43/29/s Phoeuix.........87/63/000... 84/58/s .. 88/59/s Lima...........70/64/0.00... 70/62/c.70/63/pc Tokyo...........64/54/0.00...61/49/s.. 66/50/s El Paso..........80/45/0.00 ..77/49/pc. 74/47/pc Pittsburgh.......43/35/0.01 ..44/33/pc.. 45/32/s Lisbon..........68/54/000 69/64/r 64/51/sh Toronto.........39/36/002...3I30/c 41/27/pc Fairbanks........4/16/000...18/2/sn...8/10/c Portland,ME.....54/42/000...54/36/c. 49/27/sh London.........52/39/0.00 .. 51/44/sh.55/39/pc Yancouver.......59/52/0.06...53/49/r. 55/52/sh Fargo...........37/28/009..39/31/sn..42/34/c Providence......54/46/000...50/35/c. 50/31/pc Madrid .........61/50/0 00 .. 59/50/sh. 61l46lsh Vienna..........48/37/0.00..53/41/pc.53/44/sh Flagstaff........60/32/000...61/24/5 .. 63/29/s Raleigh.........65/34/000...59/37/s. 59/44/sh Manila..........90/75/000 ..90/74/pc. 91/74/pc Warsaw.........54/36/0.00..46/36/pc.. 49/35/c


Nevada bighorn relocated to Utah to boost population

** NOTORS **

ByFelicia Fonseca The Associated Press

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — The helicopter hovered low, allowing a crew member to shoot a net over a desert bighorn sheep in the southeastern Nevada mountains. A "mugger" hurriedly jumped from the aircraft and ran over to the sheep, giving the animal a shot to calm it down before tying its legs with leather strapping, blindfolding it, putting it in a sack, and hoisting it into the air with three other sheep. With that, the iconicbig game animals started their journey to historic rangeland in southern Utah's Grand S t aircase-Escalante National Monument. The sheep dangled in the air for a matterof minutes before being carried to a table to get their vitals checked and then hauled in trailers to their new home — a roughly seven-hour trip. Across the West, states often swap animals to restore or boost the local populations. Utah has given moose to Colorado and pronghorn antelope to Arizona. Colorado mountain lions have been sent to Utah, and Arizona and New Mexico have traded sheep. "We'll just take them as often as we're offered them until we meet our objectives," said Cameron McQuivey, wildlife biologist for the Utah monument. Nevada this week gave 50 wild sheep to Utah to help reduce the stress level in Nevada's herds, which comprise about 10,000 animals statewide. State wildlife managers try to keep the sheep population near Henderson, Nev., to between 250 and300 to prevent the animals from having to compete forresources and from getting stress-rel ated canker sores in their mouths and throat, said Doug Nielsen, a spokesman for the Nevada Division of Wildlife. Crews delivered the f i r st set of25 sheep captured from the River Mountains between Henderson and Boulder City in Nevada. That group was taken from a smaller geographic area than the second, and the herd was somewhat accustomed


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x Julle Jaoobaon /TheAssociated Press

After successfully nettlng and bagglng four blghorn sheep, a helicopter gently lowers the animals to the ground for biologists to examine near Henderson, Nev. to helicopter noise from aerial tours and encounters with people from frequently wandering into local communities. The second set of 25 from the Muddy Mountains was from a larger geographic area characterized by rocky cliffs, steep slopes and narrow canyons where thesheep triedto escape. Breezier weather didn't help the pilot, either. Those sheep were released Friday about 30 miles from the first release site. Each group had its blood, temperature and other vitals tested before making the trip to Utah. The Utah Division of WildlifeResources has a goal of no more than 1,000 wild sheep throughout three units in the southern part of the state that include the Grand Staircase monument and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The sheep from Nevada will be used to try to increase the gene pool and create a bridge between existing herds that live among rocky cliffs and outcroppings but haven't mixed. Diseases fro m d o m estic sheep, habitat change, predation, unregulated hunting and other factors have decimated desert bighorn sheep populations across the West. Utah had herds of less than a dozen sheep each in the 1970s before it began bringing them in from other areas. "Historical accounts sug-

gest they were really abundant — one of the main animals you find on petroglyphs," said Dustin Schaible, wildlife biologist at the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. "It's native sheep range, (so) we're trying to re-establish them in a lot of those areas." Nevada's capture and transl ocation program began i n 1967 when the state had about 3,000 wild sheep. About 900 sheep from th e p o pulation around Henderson have been sent elsewhere. Nielsen said the state makes sure the sheep are going to areas with a reliable water source and where they have a good chance of surviving. Th e p o pulations can be supplemented as they

grow. The sheep were outfitted with radio collars and ear tags. Four of them have GPS devices that recordthe sheep's movement every six hours, but officials won't be able to see that data until the devices fall off in two years. At the end of their journey to Utah, the sheep were eager to break free. They bolted out of the doors of the trailer and headed southwest in the direction they came from, eventually disappearing into the landscape. "They'll continue running for quite a while until they get acclimated to their surroundings again," Schaible said.

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Scoreboard, D2 Motor sports, D3

Horse racing, D3 Prep sports, D4

Golf, D3



© www.bendbulletin.com/sports


NBA Blazers fall on road to Thunder LaMarcus Aldridge

goes for 22 points, 15 rebounds in loss,D3

Oklahoma City's Eric Maynor,right, knocks the ball away from Portland's Wesley Matthews, center.


Oregon looks to keep its seasonon track against USC

Next up:Ducks Oregon at USC, today, 4 p.m TV:Fox Radio:KBND-AM 1110

Vaz under center again as OSU takes on Arizona State

By Greg Beacham

By Anne M. Peterson

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — Southern California linebacker Hayes Pullard connects with Oregon tailback De'Anthony Thomas pretty much every day, either by phone or text. They went to Crenshaw High School together, and they've been anticipating the Ducks' visit to the Coliseum today virtually since graduation. "We usually talk about other things, but this week it went to football right away," Pullard said. SeeDucks /D5

CORVALLIS — Oregon State coach Mike Riley was faced with a delicate decision after the Beavers' first loss of the season last weekend — whether to start Cody Vaz or Sean Mannion at quarterback against Arizona State tonight. Mannion was the team's starter at the beginning of the season, leading the Beavers to wins in their first four games and averaging 339 yards in passing. But the 6-foot-5 sophomore hurt his left knee and required surgery. See Beavers /D5


Next up:Beavers : :Arizona State at Oregon State, today, 7:30 p.m. TV:ESPN2 Radio:KICE-AM 940


No.1'Bama, No. 5 LSU setto m eet



— OK, so maybeit's not the Game ofthe Century.

View routs


No disputing it's the

game of the year.Nothing new about that. Alabama-LSU has undoubtedly become the

"~Cll'I~X~ ~

greatest rivalry in col-

Parkrose 56-20 in 5A play-in



lege football, supplanting Michigan-Ohio State, Florida-Florida State and any of those other annual showdowns with


historic overtones. Last year,these Southeastern

Conference powerhouses met twice — once

By Beau Eastes

with the Crimson Tide ranked No.1 and the

The Bulletin

Tigers No. 2, thesecond time with the roles re-

versed. Another epic showdown looms tonight in Tiger Stadium. Top-

ranked Alabama(8-0, 5-0 SEC) is looking to

stay on course for its second straight national title, but a familiar foe — No. 5 LSU — stands

in the way.

"It'll definitely be the

mostphysicalgamewe play all year, without a doubt," Alabama center Barrett Jones said. "The

Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

Madras' Joe Hisatake (2) breaksthrough a hole in the Crook County defense during the first half of Friday night's Class 4A play-in game in Madras. Hisatake scored three touchdowns for the White Buffaloes.

I've played in my life

havebeenagainstthem. We really respect the way they play football."

These aretwo modern dynasties. LSUwon the national title in 2007. Alabamafinished on top in 2009, then did it again

last season — bybeating the Tigers 21-0 in the

title game.This game doesn't have quite the loss on its record, a14-6 setback at Florida. — The Associated Press


might suggest. The Cougars (6-4 overall), who will be on the road next Friday in the first round of the state postseason, led 42-0 early in the thirdquarter before the Broncos from Portland scored their first points. Mountain View's defense, led by linebacker Kyle Shaver's nine tackles and three sacks, helped the Cougars post a 28-0 lead at halftime. Parkrose (4-6), the fourthplace team out of the Northwest Oregon Conference,

most physical games

same luster, since LSU (7-1, 3-1) alreadyhasa

Now the title defense starts in earnest. Mountain View was far from perfect Friday night, but the reigning state champion showed it plans to have a say in this year's title run as well, walloping visiting Parkrose 56-20 in the Class 5A play-in round to advance to the 5A football state playoffs. Kyler Ayers rushed for 202 yards and three touchdowns on 15 carries in a game that was nowhere near as close as what the final lopsided score

struggled on offense. See Mountain View/D4 By Grant Lucas The Bulletin

MADRAS — Four years ago, Madras High football was "as low as could possibly be," according to White Buffalo coach Rick Wells. On Friday night, rain cleansed Madras of its past. The White Buffaloes fought through adversity and selfdoubt to defeat Central Oregon rival Crook County 33-21 in

a Class 4A play-in contest, earning Madras its first football state playoff berth since 2005. "It's absolutely immense," an emotional Wells said of the victory. "Football is relevant in Madras. It becomes the awesome deal again. I can't possibly even think right now because I am so proud of everything that we have done and how we played.What an amazing job." See Madras/D4

Inside • Bend, Ridgeview fall in football play-in games; Mountain View,

Sisters girls soccer reach state playoffs; prep roundup,D4

League cancels Winter Classic ANN ARBOR, Mich. — The NHL has put one of its signature events

on ice. The Winter Classic, scheduled between Detroit and Toronto for Jan.1 at Michigan Stadium, became the latest

casualty of the league's lockout. "The logistical

Cancellation of NYC Marathon leaveslocal

runner scrambling

demands for staging

By Bill Bigelow

events of this magnitude

The Bulletin


Boarding was nearly complete on a plane bound for New York from Denver International Airport on Friday afternoon when word began to spread among some of the passengers. The New York City Marathon had been canceled. "Everyone was on the plane," said Megan Wrightman. "They had already closed the cabin door." Seated near Wrightman were passengers watching an on-board TV newscast, which was • City reporting that Sunday's race had been called off makes in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. late Wrightman, 26 and of Bend, paid particular decision a t t e ntion. She was scheduled to be among the to call off runners — nearly 50,000 of them — expected to race,D2 be a t the starting line Sunday morning on Staten Island for the 43rd annual NYC Marathon. "The people behind us (Wrightman was traveling with her sister) were saying it (the marathon) was off," recounted Wrightman, who was making a connecting flight between Portland and New York's LaGuardia Airport. See Marathon /D4

unavoidable," NHL

Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly said Friday.

"We simply are out of time. We areextremely disappointed, for our fans and for all those affected, to have to cancel the Winter Classic and Hockeytown Winter Festival events." Don Fehr, the players' union executive director, called the decision "un-

necessary and unfortunate, as wastheowners' implementation of the lockout itself." — The Associated Press



Photos hy Jce Kltne/The Bulletin

Austin Foss, of Terrebonne, left, and Brian Bain, of Culver, right,compete in bareback riding at the Columbia River Circuit Finals Rodeo on Friday night in the Hooker Creek Event Center at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center in Redmond. For results, see Scoreboard, D2. The rodeo continues today with performances at 1 and 7:30 p.m.






Football • Washingtonheats Caf: Bishop Sankey ranfor a career-high189 yards and two

touchdowns to giveWashington its first road win in more than a year, 21-13 over California on Friday night in Berkeley, Calif. Austin Seferian-Jenkins caught eight passes for154 yards and a touchdown for the

Huskies (5-4, 3-3 Pac-12). The Golden Bears (3-7, 2-5) lost for the fourth time in six gamesat their renovated stadium and

are assured of missing out on a bowl for the second time in three seasons. That will only

ON DECK Today Cross-country: Class5A4Astatechampionships at LaneCommunity Collegein Eugene,11:15a.m. Volleyball: Class 5Astate playoffs: SouthAlbany at Bend,1p.m.; MountainViewat Churchi I, 2:30 p.m.; Wihametteat Summ it, 5:30p.m.Class4A state playoffs: HiddenValley at CrookCounty, 5 p.mc Ridgeview at Sisters, 5 p.m; Madrasat Siuslaw, 5p.m.Class2Astate playoffs, Portland Christian atCulver 5 pm Boys soccer: Class4Aplay-in game,Ridgeviewat Ontario, I p.m.. Girls soccer: Class4Aplay-in game,Ridgeview at La Salle,1p.m. Water polo: C ass5A/4Astate payoffs at Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center, Bend:Girls matches: Parkrosevs. NorthEugene, 11a.m.; West Albany vs. Sandy, noon;Ashlandvs. Summit,1 p.m.Boys matches:Summit vs. Marist, 2 p.m.;Mountain View vs. Cottage Grove,3 p.m.;West Albanyvs. Madras, 4p.m.;Ashlandvs. Parkrose,5p.m.

raise more questions about the status of coach Jeff Tedford, who has a23-25 record since


the start of the 2009 season. • Saints RB Sprofes out: As if the New Orleans Saints weren't dealing with enough problems, now they'll have to get by without one of the NFL's


most versatile players. Running back and return specialist Darren Sproles underwent

surgery for a broken handand won't be able to play Monday night when theSaints (2-5) take on the Philadelphia Eagles

at the Superdome. Interim coach Joe Vitt revealed the injury after Monday's practice, though he wouldn't say which hand was hurt. Sproles will be re-evaluated next week to de-

termine if he canplayagainst the NFC South-leading Atlanta


Tennis • Polish poalifier into Paris Masters semis:Polish qualifier Jerzy Janowicz kept his great run going at the Paris Masters on Friday, advancing to the semifinals when a dizzy and fatigued Janko Tipsarevic

stopped playing. Fourthseeded David Ferrer of Spain moved closer to his first Masters title after beating Jo-Wilfried Tsonga of France 6-2, 7-5. Ferrer's semifinal opponent will be Frenchman Michael Llodra, who beat American Sam

Querrey 7-6 (4), 6-3. The69thranked Janowicz facesGilles Simon in the semifinals.


exercise his $15.5 million option, but a proposed deal with

the Chicago Cubsfor reliever Carlos Marmol fell apart and

the Angels decided to decline the option and pay Haren a $3.5 millionbuyout. The Yankees made $13.3 million qualifying offers to right fielder Nick

Swisher, pitcher Hiroki Kuroda and reliever Rafael Soriano. Texas outfielder Josh Hamilton, Tampa Bay outfielder B.J. Upton, Atlanta outfielder Michael Bourne, Washington first

baseman AdamLaRoche and St. Louis pitcher Kyle Lohse

also got the offers before the 5 p.m. Eastern deadline. Players have until Nov. 9 to accept the

qualifying offers. If a player turns down the offer and signs

elsewhere, his former team would receive anextra selection immediately following the end of the first round of next June's amateur draft.



Saddle Bronc Go-Round 1 — 1, BenLondo, Pendleton, 76 points, $1,059.13.2, BryanMartinat, Marsing,Idaho, 75, $794.34.3, MaxFilippini, Battle Mountain,Nev., 74, $529.56. Team Roping Go-Round 1 — 1, SpencerMitchell, Colusa, Calil., Russell Cardoza,Terrebonne,5.5 seconds, $1,116.13each.2, Riley Minor,Elensburg, Wash., Brady Minor, Egensburg,Wash., 5.6, $837.10. 3, BrooksDahozy, WindowRock, Ariz., MattGarza,Las Cruces ,NM.,5.8,$55807.4,Bobby Mote,Culver, BuckyCampbel, BentonCity, Wash.,6.1, $279.03. Tie-downRoping Go-Round 1 — 1,ShaneErickson, Terrebonne, 9.2 seconds,$1,116.13. 2, SethHopper, Stanfield, 9.6, $837.09.3/4,RogerNonega,KlamathFalls,9.8, $418 54.3/4, TyHolly, Mt.Vernon,9.8,$418.54. Barrel Racing Go-Round 1 — 1, Jodi Goodrich, Stanfield, 16.63 seconds, $1,116.13. 2, Kim Kamm enzind, Touchet ,Wash.,16.65,$837.09.3,Pamela Capper, Cheney, Wash.,16.77,$55806.4,Wendy Wilson, Pendleton, 1688,$27903 Bull Riding Go-Round 1 — 1, CheyneOlney, Kennewick, Wash., 85points, $1,116.13. 2,Colby Reily, Ephrata, Wash.,80,$837.09. 3,AaronHammer, Twisp, Wash., 76,$558.06.4,Dagee Mason,Weiser,Idaho,70, $279.03.

FOOTBALL NFL NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGU AU TimesPacific AMERICANCONFERENCE East W L T P ct PF PA NewEngland 5 3 0 . 6 25262 170 Miami 4 3 0 . 5 71150 126 Buffalo 3 4 0 . 4 29171 227 NY Jets 3 5 0 3 7 5 168 200 South W L T P ct PF PA Houston 6 1 0 8 5 7 216 128 Indianapolis 4 3 0 . 5 71136 171 Tennessee 3 5 0 . 3 75162 257 Jacksonvile 1 6 0 . 143103 188 North W L T P ct PF PA Baltimore 5 2 0 . 7 14174 161 Pittsburgh 4 3 0 . 5 71167 144 Cincinnati 3 4 0 . 4 29166 187 Cleveland 2 6 0 . 2 50154 186


W L T P ct PF PA 4 3 0 . 5 71204 152 4 4 0 5 0 0 185 157 3 4 0 . 4 29139 187 1 7 0 .12 5 133 240 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T P ct PF PA NY Giants 6 2 0 7 5 0 234 161 Philadelphia 3 4 0 . 4 29120 155 Dallas 3 4 0 . 4 29137 162 Washington 3 5 0 3 7 5 213 227 South W L T P ct PF PA Atlanta 7 0 0 1.000201 130 TampaBay 3 4 0 . 4 29184 153 NewOrleans 2 5 0 . 2 86190 216 1 6 0 . 143128 167 Carolina North W L T P ct PF PA Chicago 6 1 0 . 8 57185 100 Minnesota 5 3 0 6 2 5 184 167 GreenBay 5 3 0 . 6 25208 170 Detroit 3 4 0 . 4 29161 174

Denver SanDiego Oakland K ansas Cit y


SanFrancisco Arizona Seattle

W L T 6 2 0 4 4 0 4 4 0

P ct PF PA . 7 50189 103 5 0 0 127 142 . 5 00140 134

TENNIS Professional Paris Masters Friday At Palais Omnisports deParis-Bercy Paris

Serbia,3-6,6-1,4-1 retired.

DavidFerrer(4), Spain,def.Jo-Wilfried Tsonga(6), France,6-2,7-5. MichaelLlodra, France,def SamQuerrey, United States,7-6(4), 6-3.

"Yes! I'll take this pairll"

Aggregate — 1, RussellCardoza,Terrebonne, 50.4 secondson 3 head,$1,185.33. 2, Brett Hae, Tenino ,Wash.,26.9/2,$889.00.3,Howdy McGinn, North Powder,34.1/2, $592.67. 4, RayLoveg, Canby, 17.8/I, $296.33. Bareback Riding

(Pending reride today) Go-Round 1 — 1, StevenPeebles, Redmond, 85 points, $1,078.13; 2. BobbyMote, Culver, 79, $808.59.3/4/4, TrentenMontero, Winnemecca, Nev., 78,$269.53 3/4/4,Ryan Gray,Cheney,Wash.,78, $269.53 .3/4/4,BrianBain,Culver,78,$269.53. Steer Wrestling Go-Round 1 — 1, BusterBarton,Walla Walla, Wash., 3.7 seconds,$1,116.13. 2, Blake Knowles, Heppner,3.9, $837.09.3, TravisCarnine,Stanfield, 40, $55806 4, Travis Taruscio, 46, Stanfield,

35. (26)JoshWise, Ford,186.413 36. (39)RyanNewman, Chevrolet,186368. 37. (98)MichaelMcDoweg, Ford,186.066. 38. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota,185.867. 39. (91)ReedSorenson, Toyota, 185714 40. (36)DaveBlaney,Chevrolet, 184.906. 41. (83)LandonCassig,Toyota, Owner Points. 42. (32)KenSchrader, Ford, Owner Points. 43. (87)JoeNemechek,Toyota, 185.586. Failed to Oualify 44. (33)StephenLeicht, Chevrolet,185.103 45. (79)KellyBires,Ford,183.088. 46. (30)DavidStremme,Toyota,176655.

Purse: $3.82million (Masters1000) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Quarterfinals Gilles Simon,France,def. TomasBerdych(5), CzechRepublic, 6-4,6-4. JerzyJanowicz,Poland, del.JankoTipsarevic (8),


basebal l'soffseasonpassed,

with the Boston Red Sox. Los Angeles tried to trade Haren before the midnight deadline to


Steer Roping Go-Round1 — 1,Russell Cardoza,Terrebonne, 16.7 seconds,$1,086.56. 2, BuckWeinrich, Mayerthorpe,Alberta,20.3, $889.01. Go-Round 2—1, Brett Hale,Tenino Wa sh.,14.3 seconds ,$79022.2,HowdyMcGinn,NorthPowder, 14.4, $592.67.3, Russell Cardoza,Terrebonne,157, $395.11. 4,RayLoveg,Canby, 17.8,$197.56. Go-Round 3—1, Brett Hale,Tenino, Wash.,12.6 seconds,$856.07 2, Russell Cardoza,Terrebonne, 18.0, $658.52.3, I-lowdyMcGlnn, North Powder,19.7,

agent:As the first deadlines of

becomeafreeagentandDavid Ortiz agreed to a$26 million, two-year contract to remain

In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick www.gocomics.comunthebleachers


• Ortiz stays with Red Sox; Harenbecomesfree the Los Angeles Angels allowed pitcher Dan Haren to


St. Louis

Qatar AirwaysTournament of Champions Friday At Arena ArmeecHall Sofia, Bulgaria Purse: $750,000 Surface: Hard-Indoor Round Robin Singles Serdika Group HsiehSu-Wei(5), Taiwan,def. DanielaHantuchova (7), Slovakia6-1, , 0-6,6-4. Standings:Wozniacki 3-0(sets6-1); Vinci 2-1 (42); Hsieh Su-Wei1-2(1-6) Hantuchova0-3(2-6). Sredets Group a-Sofia Arvidsson,Sweden, def. ZhengJie (6), 7 ARMY 20 Akron China,5-1retired. 7 KE NTUCKY NadiaPetrova(2), Russia,def. TsvetanaPironkova , 6-1, 6-3. 35 UMass (8), Bulgaria5-7, 15.5 Tem ple Standings:Petrova3-0(6-2); Pironkova1-2(3-5); Jie 0-3 (1-5); Arvidsson1-0 (1-0); w-Kirilenko 1-1 3.5 Boston College

0 . 375 137 186 Air Force 7.5 KENTST 21 Thursday's Game Vanderbilt 8.5 San Diego 31, KansasCity13 N. ILLINOIS 36.5 Sunday'sGames LOUISVILLE 14 ArizonaatGreenBay,10 am. WAKEFO REST 3 5 ChicagoatTennessee,10 a.m. Houston 3 3.5 E. CAROLINA (3-2). a-a ternate;w-withdrew. Buffalo atHouston,10a.m. INDIANA PK 2 lowa CarolinaatWashington,10 a.m. GeorgiaTech 6 8 MA RYLAND Detroit atJacksonvile,10a.m. Clemson 14 12.5 DUKE GOLF Denverat Cincinnati,10 a.m. ARKANSA S 55 8.5 Tulsa BaltimoreatCleveland,10 a.m. AUBURN 22 22 5 New MexicoSt Champions Tour Miami atIndianapolis,10 a.m. Stanford 28 28 C OLORADO Minnesota atSeattle,1:05 p.m. UTAHST 26 26 Tex as St Charle sSchwabCupChampionship TampaBayatDakland,1:05p.m. Alabama 9 9.5 LSU Friday Pittsburgh at N.Y.Giants,1.25 p.m. WYOMING 9.5 8 Co lorado St At Desert Mountain Club,CochiseCourse Dallas atAtlanta,5:20p.m. NC STAT E 12.5 10 Virg inia Scottsdale, Ariz. Open:N.Y.Jets, NewEngland,SanFrancisco, St. Louis DREGDN ST 5 4 Ari zona St Purse: $2.5 million Monday'sGame FLORIDA 16 17 Mis souri Yardage: 6,929; Par:70 PhiladelphiaatNewOrleans, 5:30p.m. Nebraska 1.5 (M) 1.5 MICHIGAN ST SecondRound W. VIRGINIA 6.5 4 Tcu Jay Haas 66-60—126 DHIDST 24.5 27.5 Rlinois TomLehman 68-63—131 College NOTRE DAME 1 7 17.5 P i ttsburghFredCouples 66 66—132 LOUISIANAT ECH 32 31 Tex-SanAntonio 66-67 — 133 Olin Browne Pac-12 Standings San Jose St 17 20.5 IDAHO 70-64 — 134 David Frost AU TimesPOT C. FLORIDA 10.5 10 Smu BernhardLanger 69-65—134 6 FLORIDA 8.5 8 C o nnecticut 68-66—134 Mark Ca c a v ec ch i a North 2.5 C. MICHIGAN John Cook 71-64—135 Conf. Overall W. Michigan 2.5 25 3.5 M iami-OhioMichaelAllen 69-66—135 5-0 8-0 BUFFALO Oregon G EORG I A 13.5 14 M i ssissippi 68-67 — 135 4-1 6-1 BradBryant Oregon State CINCINNA T I 5.5 4.5 S y racuse 67-68—135 4-1 6-2 Kirk Tri p l e tt Stanford UTAH 12 11 WashingtonSt CoreyPavin 67-68—135 3-3 Washington 54 Pl 3.5 3 uab Jay DonBlake 2-5 3-7 5 MISSISSIP 64-71 135 California MARSHALL 20.5 20.5 M e mphis 0-5 2-6 FredFunk 71-65—136 Washington State Michigan 12.5 11 M INNESOTA Bill Glasson 66-70 — 136 South 8 9 O k lahoma St KennyPerry 69-68—137 Conf. Overall KANSASST T EXAS TE C H 5.5 7 Texas 4-2 6-2 RussCochran 67-70—137 USC TexasA8M 5 7 MISSISSIPPIST GaryHallberg 3-2 65-72 — 137 UCLA 62 BAYLDR 17.5 17.5 Ka n sas 3-2 5-3 Peter Seni o r 72-66—138 ArizonaState 11 12 IOWA ST Mark McNulty 2-3 5-3 Dklahoma 69-69—138 Arizona 65 8 USC Larry Mize 1-4 3-5 Oregon 73-66 — 139 Utah 35 5 TUL ANE RogerChapman 1-4 1-7 Rice 69-70—139 Colorado F RESNO S T 33.5 33.5 Hawai i Jeff Sl u man 67-72 — 139 Friday's Game UCLA 3 3 Arizona Willie Wood 71-70 — 141 Washington 21, California13 UNLV 4.5 3.5 New Mexico Today'sGames LorenRoberts 71-70 — 141 BOISE ST 14 15 San Diego St Joe Daley 70-71 — 141 StanfordatColorado,11a.m. NAVY 145 16 Florida Atl a ntic Mark Wi e be 73-70—143 Washington StateatUtah, noon Florida Int'I 45 3.5 6 ALABAMA ChienSoonLu 70-73 — 143 Oregonat USC,4 p.m. TENNES SEE 19 18.5 Troy DanForsman 75-70—145 Arizona at UCLA, 7:30p.m. Arkansas St 3.5 4 N.T EXAS Mike Goode s 77 68—145 ArizonaStateatOregonState, 7:30p.m. UL-MDNRO E 10.5 9.5 U L-Lafayette (M) — Michigan Stateopenedasfavorite Top 25Schedule WGC AU TimesPacific Today WORLD GOLFCHAMPIONSHIPS MOTOR SPORTS No.1Ala bamaatNo.5LSU,5p.m. HSBCChampions No. 2OregonatNo.18SouthernCal, 4 p.m. Friday NASCAR No. 3KansasStatevs. DklahomaState, 5p.m. At Mission Hills Golf Club, OlazabalCourse No. 4NotreDamevs. Pittsburgh, 12:30p.m. Sprint Cup Shenzhen, China No. 6DhioStatevs. Illinois,12:30 p.m. AAA Texas600 Lineup Purse: $7 million No. 7Georgiavs. Mississippi,12 30 pm. After Friday pualtfyfng; raceSunday Yardage: 7,301;Par: 72 No. 8Floridavs. Missouri, 9a.m. At TexasMotorSpeedway SecondRound No. 10Clemsonat Duke,4 p.m. Fort Worth, Texas Leading scores No.12 Louisvillevs.Temple, 9a.m. Lap length: 1.5 miles LouisDosthuizen 65-63—128 No. 13OregonStatevs.ArizonaState, 7:30p.m. (Car number inparentheses) AdamScott 65-68—133 No. 14Oklahomaat lowaState, 9a.m. 1. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,191.076mph. 70-63—133 ErnieEls No.15 Stanford atColorado,11 am. 2. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,190 382. ShaneLowry 66-68—134 No.16TexasA8Mat No.17 Mississippi State,9a.m. 3. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota, 190.127. JasonDufner 68-66—134 No.19 BoiseStatevs. SanDiegoState, 730pm. 4. (15)Clint Bowyer,Toyota, 190.067. Phil Mickelson 66-69—135 No. 20TexasTechvs. Texas,12:30 p.m. 5. (56)MartinTruexJr., Toyota,189.994. DustinJohnson 67-68—135 No. 21NebraskaatMichigan State,12:30 p.m. 6. (20)JoeyLogano,Toyota,189 76. Scott Piercy 68 68—136 No. 22LouisianaTechvs. UTSA,1 p.m. 7. (21)TrevorBayne,Ford,189.607. ThorbiornDlesen 71-65—136 No. 23WestVirginia vs.TCU,noon 8. (2) BradKeselowski, Dodge,189534. Bill Haas 69-67—136 No. 24Arizonaat No.25UCLA, 7:30p.m. 9. (99)CarlEdwards,Ford, 189474. LukeDonald 68-68—136 10. (17)MattKenseth, Ford,189.46. PromMeesawat 67-70—137 11. (55)MarkMartin, Toyota,189.294. Martin Kaym er 68-69—137 Betting line 12. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota,189.274. lan Poulter 69-68—137 13. (5) Kasey K a hne, C he vr ol e t,188.99. l.ee Wes t w ood 70-67—137 NFL 14. (43)AricAlmirola, Ford,188.976. PeterHanson 66-71—137 (Hometeamsin Caps) ThongchaiJaidee 70-68—138 Favorite Opening Current Underdog 15. (9)MarcosAmbrose, Ford,188 923. 16. (24)JeffGordon,Chevrolet, 188.798. AshunWu 68-70—138 Sunday 17. (22) Sam H orni s h Jr., Dodge,188.627. G onzal o Fde z -Ca st a n o 71-67—138 BENGALS 3.5 3.5 Broncos Carl Pettersson 70-68—138 PACKER S 10 10 Cardinals 18. (78)Kurt Busch,Chevrolet,188.396. 66-72—138 Dolphins 2.5 2.5 COLTS 19. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevroiet,188.357. BubbaWatson 20. (13) Casey M ea rs, Fo rd,188.337. 71-68—139 Ravens 3 3.5 BRDWNS KeeganBradley 21. (14) Tony S te w art, Che vroi e t,188042. I k -Jae Jang 68-71—139 TEXANS 11 10 . 5 Bills REDSKINS 3.5 3 Panthers 22. (31)JeffBurton, Chevrolet, 187.996. Lions 3.5 4 JAGUAR S 23. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,187.78. LPGA Tour Bears 4 3.5 TITANS 24. (1)JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet,187.565. SEAHAW KS 4.5 4.5 Vikings 25. (42)JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet,187.435. Mizuno Classic RAIDERS 2.5 1.5 Buccaneers 26. (51) AJAgmendinger, Chevrolet,187.389 Friday GIANTS 3.5 3.5 Steelers 27. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet,187.35. At Kintetsu Kashikoiima Country Club FALCON S 5 4 Cowboys 28. (37)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet, 187.266. Shima,Japan 29. (47)BobbyLabonte, Toyota, 187227. Monday Purse: $1.2 million SAINTS 3.5 3 Eagles 30. (38)DavidGililand, Ford,186.858. Yardage:6,506; Par:72 (36-36) 31. (95)Scott Speed,Ford, 186.858. First Round 32. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,186541. College Leading scores 33. (34) Davi d R a gan, Fo rd,186477, Today Jiyai Shin 35-33 — 68 PennSt 3.5 3.5 PURDUE 34. (19)MikeBliss, Toyota,186.471. AyakoUehara 34-34 — 68 35

Na YeonChoi Shanshan Feng BeatrizRecari AngelaStanford MomokoUeda Maiko Wakabayashi MayuHattori DaniegeKang Bo-MeeLee Na-RiLee Sydnee Michaels RikakoMorita MisuzuNarita InbeePark SakuraYokomine YumikoYoshida

33-36 69 34-35—69 35-34—69

34-35—69 35-34—69 36-33—69


StacyLewis YaniTseng KarrieWebb

35-35—70 35-35 70 33-37—70 35-35—70 35-35—70 35-35—70 36-34—70 36-34—70 31-39 70 34-36—70

35-36 — 71 36-35 — 71 34-38 — 72

SOCCER MLS MAJOR LEAGUESOCCER AU Times Pacific EASTERNCONFERENCE Semifinals D.C. United vs. Newyork Today,Nov.3. NewYorkat D.C.United,5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov7 DC Unitedat NewYork,5p.m. KansasCity vs. Houston Sunday,Nov.4: KansasCity at Houston, 12:30p.m. Wednesday,Nov.7: Houston atKansasCity,6 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Semifinals

San Josevs. LosAngeles Sunday,Nov.4: SanJose at LosAngeles, 6or 7:30 p.m. Wednesday,Nov.7: LosAngelesatSanJose,8p.m. Seattle vs. RealSalt Lake Friday,Nov.2: ReaiSait Lake0, Seattle 0 Thursday,Nov.8: Seattle atReal Salt Lake, 6:30p.m.


Major LeagueBaseball

MLB—Suspended Baltimore SSRyanAdams for the first 25gamesof nextseasonalter testingpositive for a banned amphetamine. American League BALTIMOR EORIOLES—ClaimedAlexi Casigaoff waiverslromMinnesota. SentDFLewFord, INFSteve TollesonandLHPZach Philips outright to Norlolk (IL). Reinstated RHPOliver Drake,RHPStuPomeranz, LHPTsuyoshi Wa da, INFBrian Roberts andOFNolan Reimoldlromthe60-dayDL. CHICAGO WHITESDX—PromotedBuddy Bell to vice president/assistantgeneralmanager. CLEVEL AND INDIANS—Activated RHPCarlos Carrasco,LHPRafae Perezand Rl-IPJosh Tomin from the60-dayDL.ClaimedRHPBlake Wood off waiversfromKansasCity. KANSASCITYRDYALS— PromotedReneFrancisco to assistantgeneral manager-international operations, ScottSharpto director of playerdevelopment and KyleVenato assistant director olplayerdevelopment. ReinstatedLHPDanny Dulfy andRHPFelipe Paulino fromthe60-dayDL. ClaimedRHPGuigermo MoscosofromColorado and 0 Brett Hayesfrom Miami. AssignedC Manuel Pinaoutright to Omaha (PCL).DesignatedLHPTommyHottovy, RH PJeremy JeffressandDFJasonBourgeois forassignment. LDSANGELESANGELS Declinedtheir 2013option onRl-IPDanHaren. MINNESOT ATWINS—ClaimedINFTommy Field and RHP Josh Roenicke offwaivers from Colorado. Assigned Samuel Dedunooutright to Rochester (II.). SEATTLE MARINERS—Agreed to termswith RHP HisashiIwakumaonatwo-year contract.

National League

CHICAGO CUBS—ClaimedRHPZach Putnamofl waiversfromColorado. COLORADOROCKIES Assigned RHP Carlos Torresoutright to CooradoSprings(PCL). Reinstated INF ToddHelton, RHPChristian Friedrich and RHP Juan Nicasiofromthe 60-day DL.Selected thecontract ofRHPJoshSullivan fromTulsa (Texas). MILWAUKEEBREWERS— Claimed RHP Arcenio Leon offwaiversfrom Houston. Sent18 Travis Ishikawa outright to Nashville (PCL).AnnouncedRHP Kameron l.oeandDFNyier Morgandeclined outright assignmentsto Nashville andelectedfreeagency. NEW YORKMETS— Announced 0 Mike Nickeas clearedwaiversandwassent outright to LasVegas


SAN DIEGOPADRES— Reinstated LHP Cory Luebke,RHPJoeWieland, C Nick Hundley, INF/DF Kyle Blanks and INF/DFJames Darnell fromthe 60day DL.DesignatedLHPJoshSpenceand DFBlake Tekottelor assignment. FOOTBALL National Football League NFL —Fined ChicagoSChris Conte$21,000 for striking CarolinaWRBrandonLaFegin the headand neckareawhenLaFel wasdefenseless inan Dct 28 game.FinedOakland DLRichardSeymour, NewYork Giants DLChris Canty,NewYork Jets LBMarcus Dowtin, andTennesseeDTMike Martin, $15,750 apiece; Miami DTJonathan Martin $10,000, and MinnesotaDEJared Allen andTampa Bay DTDonald Penn$7,875eachfor their actions inlast week's

games. BUFFALO BILLS—Activated DBRonBrooksfrom the injured reserve/returnlist. PlacedGChadRinehart on injuredreserve CLEVELAND BRDWNS— Signed DLRonnieCameron fromthepractice squad.Activated DLPhil Taylor from thereservephysically unable to performlist. PlacedDLBrianSanford oninjured reserve.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movement of adult chinook,jack chinook, steelheadandwild steelhead at selected ColumbiaRiverdams last updated onWednesday(no update wasavailable onThursday). Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonnevi le 72 41 93 37 The Dages 101 78 207 98 John Day 7 4 63 472 199 McNary 1 9 4 119 258 105 Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected

ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonWednesday.

Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 589,100 143,630 233,704 84,807 The Dages 412,221 125,601 198,789 70,033 John Day 335,443 108,693 162,083 61,631 McNary 340,663 63,146 149,762 51,074

Cycling • WADA dacks sanctions in Armstrongcase:The World Anti-Doping Agency accepted the decision that stripped Lance Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles, saying Friday it was the "right

After days ofpressure,NewYork City Marathon isoff • City officials, race organizers makedecision asregion recoversfrom hurricane

and proper sanction" for the disgraced American cyclist.

By Ken Befson

Last week, the International

New York Times News Service

Cycling Union alsoaccepted the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency's sanctions, wiping Armstrong's

name from theTour winner's list, banning him for life and asking him to return millions of dollars in prize money. WADA had 21 days to decide whether to take the case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, but the

Montreal-based agencyannounced Friday it would not ap-

peal. "This casehasresulted in a rightand proper sanctionfor

the athlete ... and has served as a revelation to the world of sport. For this USADA must be applauded," WADA President John Fahey said in a statement. — From wire reports

marathon. Proponents of the racenotably Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg NEW YORK — After days of inand Mary Wittenberg, director of the tensifying pressure from r u n ners, marathon — said the event would propoliticians and the general public to vide a needed morale boost, as well as cancel the New York City Marathon an economic one. "It's clear that the best thing for in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, city officials and the event's organizers New York and the best thing for the decided Friday afternoon to cancel the marathon and the future is, unforturace. nately, to move on, n said Wittenberg, The move was historic — the mara- the chief executive of New York Road thon has taken place every year since Runners, the organization that oper1970, including the race in 2001 held ates the marathon. "This isn't the year two months after the Sept. 11 terroror the time to run it. It's crushing and ist attacks — but seemed inevitable as really difficult. One of the toughest deopposition to the marathon swelled. cisions we ever made." Critics said that it would be in poor George Hirsch,the chairman of the taste to hold a foot race through the board of Road Runners, said officials five boroughs while so many people in huddled aii day Friday, hoping to dethe area were still suffering from the vise an alternate race. They considstorm's damage, and that city services ered replacing the marathon with a should focus on storm relief, not the race that would comprise the final 10

miles of marathon, starting at the base of Queensboro 59th Street Bridge on the Manhattan side. But that was not deemed plausible, Hirsch said. "We still want to do something, and we're going to do something," he said, referring to a replacement event for the marathon. "But it won't require generators or water." Among the many details that remained unclear was how the field of nearly 50,000 runners who were expected to compete in Sunday's marathon, thousands of whom traveled to New York from other countries, might be compensated. Runners who were registered for Sunday's race are guaranteed entry into next year's race. "We have a lot to work through," Wittenberg said when asked if elite runners would still receive their appearance fees. "We appreciate the in-

vestment athletes have put into training for New York. As always we'll be sure to be fair. I think everyone knows and will expect that of us.n Nearly 40,000 ofthe 47,500 registered runnershad already arrived in the city, Hirsch said. Bloomberg and Wittenberg had repeatedly stood behind the plan, insisting it was best for the city. But many runners joined a chorus of politicians and area residents this week in speaking out against the plan to stage the marathon despite th e w i d espread damage wrought by the storm Mon-

day night. The city was divided so bitterly that it became clear to marathon organizers that to hold the race would defeat the very purpose of it. "The marathon is about uniting the city," Hirsch said. "But aii it was doing was dividing it. Is that what the New York City Marathon is all about? No, not at alL"




Midnight:Women's college, USCat Arizona State

(taped), Pac-12

7:30 p.m.:College, Arizona State at Oregon State, ESPN2.

7:30 p.m.:College, Arizona at UCLA, Pac-1 2 Network.


7:30 p.m.:College, 2 a.m.:Women's San Diego State at college, Colorado at Boise State, CBS Washington (taped), Sports Network. Pac-12 Network. SOCCER

HORSE RACING 12:30 p.m.:

5:30 a.m.:English Premier League,

Breeders' Cup, NBC

Manchester United

5 p.m.:Breeders' Cup, NBC.

vs. Arsenal, ESPN2.

Sports Network.

5 p.m.:MLS


playoffs, New York

1:30 p.m.: Red Bulls at D.C. Champions Tour, United, NBC Sports Charles SchwabCup Network. Championship, third MOTOR SPORTS round, Golf Channel. 6 a.m.:Formula Bp.m.:WGC,HSBC One, Abu Dhabi Champions, final Grand Prix, practice round, Golf Channel. and qualifying, BASKETBALL Speed network. 5 p.m.:NBA, Noon:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, AAA Texas 500, practice, Speed network. 2:30 p.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, AAA Texas 500, practice,

Speed network. 4:30 p.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, O'Reilly Auto Parts

Challenge, ESPN.

Portland Trail Blazers at Houston

Rockets, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. MIXED MARTIAL ARTS 7:30 p.m.:World Series of Fighting f, Andrei Arlovski vs. Devin Cole, NBC Sports Network.


9 a.m.:College, Missouri at Florida, ESPN2.

9 a.m.:College, Oklahoma at lowa State, ABC.

9 a.m.:College, Texas A&M at

Mississippi State, ESPN.

9 a.m.:College, Vanderbilt at Kentucky, ESPNU.

Sunday GOLF Midnight:AsiaPacific Amateur Championship, final round, ESPN2. 12:30 p.m.:

Champions Tour, Charles SchwabCup Championship, final round, Golf Channel. MOTOR SPORTS

9 a.m.:College, Michigan at Minnesota, Big Ten

5 a.m.:Formula


network. Noon:NASCAR,

One, Abu Dhabi

Grand Prix, Speed

9 a.m.:College, Towson at Delaware, Sprint Cup, AAA NBC Sports Network.

9 a.m.:College, Houston at East Carolina, Root Sports.

9a.m.:College, Air Force at Army, CBS Sports Network.

11 a.m.: College, Stanford at Colorado, FX.

Noon:College, Washington State at Utah, Pac-12 Network. Noon:College, TCU

at West Virginia, Fox.

Texas 500, ESPN. FOOTBALL 10 a.m.:NFL,

Dallas Cowboys at Atlanta Falcons, NBC. VOLLEYBALL

College, Nebraska

11 a.m.:Women's college, Wisconsin

at Michigan State, ABC.

at Penn State, ESPN2.

12:30 p.m.:College, Texas at TexasTech,

11 a.m.:Women's college, Cal at


Oregon State, Pac12 Network.

12:30 p.m.:

12:30 p.m.:College, Pittsburgh at Notre Dame, NBC.

12:30 p.m.:College, Mississippi at

Georgia, CBS. 12:30 p.m.:College, Montana at Weber State, Root Sports.

12:30 p.m.:College, lowa at lndiana, Big Ten Network.

12:30 p.m.:College, lllinois at Ohio State, ESPN. 12:30 p.m.:College, Penn State at Purdue, ESPNU. 12:30 p.m.:College, Florida Atlantic at Navy, CBS Sports Network.

4 p.m.:College, Oregon at USC,Fox. 4 p.m.:College, Clemson at Duke, ESPN2.

4 p.m.:College, UConn at USF, ESPNU.

4 p.m.:College, Montana State at Sacramento State, Root Sports.

4 p.m.:College, SMU at Central Florida, CBS Sports Network.

1 p.m.:Women's college, Stanford at Oregon, Pac-12 Network. SOCCER 11 a.m.:English

Premier League, Newcastle at Liverpool, Fox. 12:30 p.m.:MLS

playoffs, Sporting Kansas City at

Houston Dynamo, NBC.

5 p.m.:Men's college, Cal at UCLA, Pac-12 Network.

6 p.m.:MLS playoffs, San Jose Earthquakes at Los

Angeles Galaxy, NBC.


4 p.m.:College, Oregon at USC, KBND-AM 1110. 7:30 p.m.:College, Arizona State at Oregon State, KICEAM 940, KRCO-AM 690.

5 p.m.:College, Alabama at LSU, CBS.

5 p.m.:College, Oklahoma State at Kansas State, ABC.

The Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY — So far, Kevin Martin considers it an easy transition into James Harden's old role as the Oklahoma City Thunder's top bench player. Having two All-Stars to work with can make it look that way. Russell Westbrook scored 32 points, Kevin Durant had 23 points and 17 rebounds and the Oklahoma City Thunder beat the Portland Trail Blazers 106-92 on Friday night to win their fourth straight home opener. Martin added 19 points, hitting athree-pointer and a runner during an 11-2 spurt that extended the Thunder's lead to 95-81 with 4:05 remaining. Durant had the assist on both baskets. LaMarcus Aldridge led Portland with 22 points and 15 rebounds and first-round pick Damian Lillard followed a sizzling debut with 21 points and seven assists. The Trail Blazers shot 36 percent and were unable to follow up their surprising opening win against the Los Angeles Lakers. "We competed for most of the game," firstyear Blazerscoach Terry Stotts said."We had a hard time putting the ball in the basket." Oklahoma City led throughout the second half, but twice allowed Portland to get within one point late in the third quarter. Lillard's righthanded floater got the Trail Blazers within 64-63 with 3:04 left in the period, before Durant hit a free throw and Nick Collison got free for a twohanded dunk. The Thunder never looked back, finishing with a 44-24 scoring advantage in the paint and a 23-6 edge on the fast break. Wesley Matthews chipped in 17 points and J.J. Hickson contributed 14 points and 12 rebounds, seven on the offensive end, for Portland. Also on Friday:

Clippers ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 105 Lakers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 LOS ANGELES — Chris Paul had 18 points and 15 assists, Jamal Crawford scored 21 points and the Los Angeles Clippers sent their Staples Center co-tenants to an 0-3 start. Kobe Bryant scored 40points forthe Lakers. Knicks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Heat...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 NEW YORK — Carmelo Anthony had 30 points and 10 rebounds, and the Knicks gave suffering New Yorkers something to cheer with a victory over Miami in their storm-delayed sea-

son opener. Bobcats.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Pacers ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 89 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Kemba Walker scored a career-high 30 points in Mike Dunlap's coaching debut for Charlotte. Rockets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Hawks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 ATLANTA — James Harden continued to shine at the start of his Houston career, scoring a career-high 45 points to lead the Rockets over

Listings are themost accurate available. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changes made by Tll or radio stations.

Johnson onpole; I(eselowski 8th Sue Ogrocki /The Associated Press

Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook, left, and Portland Trail Blazers guard Nolan Smith scramble for a loose ball in the first quarter of Friday night's game in Oklahoma City. Atlanta. Bulls ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Cavaliers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 CLEVELAND — Richard Hamilton and Carlos Boozereach scored 19 points in Chicago's rout of Cleveland. Bucks.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Celtics ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 BOSTON — Brandon Jennings had 21 points, 13 assists and six steals, and Milwaukee beat Boston to win its opening game for the first time in six years. Hornets ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Jazz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 NEW ORLEANS — Greivis Vasquez hit a driving layup with 1.3 seconds left, leading New Orleans over Utah even though the Hornets played without rookie center Anthony Davis, who took an elbow to the temple, in the second half. Magic ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Nuggets.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 89 ORLANDO, Fla. — Glen Davis scored 29 points, J.J. Redick added 21 and Orlando sprinted out to an early lead before holding off Denver. Timberwolves...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Kings ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 MINNEAPOLIS — J.J. Barea had 21 points and five assists in 28 minutes to help Minnesota overcome a weak shooting performance in a season-opening victory over Sacramento. Grizzlies..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Warriors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 OAKLAND, Calif. — Marc Gasol and Mike Conley both scored 21 points, and Memphis spoiled Golden State's home opener. Suns ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Pistons..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 PHOENIX — Marcin Gortat had 16 points, 16 rebounds and three blocked shots, and Phoenix held off a late Detroit.


ConferenceGlance All Times Pacific EASTE RN CONFER ENCE tN L Pct GB d-Chicago 2 I j 1.IIOO d-charlotte 1 0 1.000 '/2 d-NewYork t Ij 1.II00 '/2 Milwaukee 0 1.II00 '/2 Orlando 1 0 1.II00 '/2 Phi adelphia 1 0 1.000 '/2 Indiana 1 1 .500 1 Miami 1 1 .500 1 Cleveland 1 1 .500 1 Brooklyn 0 0 .000 1 Atlanta 0 1 .000 1'/~ Toronto 0 1 .000 1'/~ Washington 0 .000 1'/z Detroit 0 2 .000 2 Boston 0 2 .000 2 WEST ERN CONFE RENCE W L Pct GB d-Houston 2 I j 1.IIOO d-LA. Clippers 2 I j 1.IIOO d-SanAntonio 2 I j 1.IIOO d Minnesota 1 I j 1.II00 '/~ Memphis 1 1 .500 1 NewOrleans 1 1 .500 1 Oklahoma City .500 1 Dallas 1 1 .500 1 GoldenState 1 .500 1 Phoenix 1 1 .500 1 Portland 1 .500 1 Utah 1 1 .500 1 Denver 0 2 .000 2 Sacramento 0 2 .000 2 LA.l.akers 0 3 .000 2'/2 d-divisionleader

Friday's Games Charlotte90,Indiana89 Orlando102,Denver89 Milwau kee99,Boston88 Houston109,Atanta102

chicago05, cleveland86 Minnesota92,Sacramento80 NewOrleans88, Utah86 oklahoma ciiy1II6, portiand92

NewYork104, Miami84 Phoenix92, Detroit 89 Memphis104,GoldenState94 LA. Clippers105, LA Lakers95

Today's Games Sacramentoat Indiana, 4p.m. BostonatWashington, 4p.m. Torontoat Brooklyn,4.3II p.m. Denverat Miami,4:30p.m. NewOrleansat Chicago,5 p.m. Portlandat Houston, 5p.m. Charlotteat Dallas,5:30p.m. Utah atSanAntonio, 5:30pm. Clevelandat Milwaukee,5.30p.m. GoldenStateatLA. Clippers,7 30p.m


Hornets 88, Jazz86 UTAH(86)

Ma.Williams2-80-0 5, Millsap5-9 0-2 u, Jefferson 5-130010, M.Wiliams 6-162-216, Hayward 4-84-514, Favors 2-50-24, carroll 2-60-04, Foye 8-16II-1 2II,Kanter1-20-02, Tinsley0-20-00. Totals 35-85 6-1286. NEWORLE ANS(88) Aminu7-101-215, Davis4-60-Ij 8, Lopez9-161119, vasquez 5-133-613, Rivers0-42-22, Anderson 7-150-019,Mason0-22-22, Miller0-20-00, Smith 3-90-06, Roberts1-20-02, Henry1-20-1 z Totals 37-81 9-14 88. Utah 19 22 22 23 — 86 Neworleans 19 2 1 27 21 — 88

Rockets109, Hawks102 HOUSTON (109) parsons 2-9 t-z 6, patterson4-0 c-0 9,Asikc-z

000, Lin6167 821, Harden1419151745, Morris8-140-017, Aldrich2-30-04, Douglas0-30-00,

Delfinoz-82-27 Totals38-9025-29109. ATLANTA (192) Korver 0-3 0-0 0, Jsmith 9-210-0 18, Horford 6-102-214, Teague 6-10 2-214, Harris4-10 0-09, Stevenson 4-60-012, Pachulia 4-55-613, Wiliams 7-17 6-722,Toliver 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 40-85 1517102. Houston Atlanta

Btllls 115, Cavaliers 86 GHIGAG0 I115) Deng5-8 3-3 14,Boozerz-115-7 19, Noah4-6 2-210, Hinr>ch 3-4 3-4 9,Hamilton 8-123-319, Belinelli 3-4 2-3 8,T.Gibson 3-7 2-4 8 Mohammed0-1 1-21, Robinson7-90-016, Butler 3-42-28, Teague 0-10-00,Radmanovic1-20-0 3.Totals44-69 2330 115. CLEVELAND (86) Gee4-92-212, Thom pson2-6 2-26,vareiao5-e 2-212, Irving 6-153-615, Waiters3-7 0-2 7,Zeller 3-5 2-5 8, Miles 3-110-0 8, D.Gibson1-4 0-0 3, Walton0-30-0 0, Sam uels 3-51-2 7, Sloan1-31-2 4, casspi 1-21-4 4,Leuer0-1 0-00. Totals 32-79 14-2786. Chicago Cleveland

Bobcats 90, Pacers 89 INDIANA(89)

Green 3-12 0 47, West7-17c-2 14, Hibbert 34 1-2 7, Hill3-9 1-1 8,George4-11 2-2 12,Young0-0

1-2 1,Stephenson 6-9 1-215,THansbrough4-9 r-e 15, Mahinmi2-5 3-4 7,Augustin 1-7 0-0 3. Totals 33-83 16-27 89.

CHARLOTTE (90) Kidd-Gilchrist1 7 0-02,Mullens3-100 06, Haywood 1-32-4 4, Walker10-21 9-1030, Henderson 6-14 4-418, Thomas 1-9 2-24, Biyombo1-2 0-02, Sessions 3-84-411, Gordon4-8 II-010, Wiliams1-3 0-0 a Totals 31-8521-2490. Indiana 20 23 27 19 — 89 Charlotte 17 22 35 16 — 90

4410, udrih 363310,Daniels05000, Lambc2 0-00 Totals 40-8611-1299. BOSTON (88) pierce3-u 4-411, Bass3 e4-410, Garnett 6-14 z-515, Rondo6-122-414 Lee3-70-07, Green5-9 0-011, Sullinger2-52-26, Milicic 0-10-0Ij, Terry4-

60-010 Barbosa1-30-02,Joseph0-00-00,Wilcox 0-02-22. Totals33-7417-2188. Milwaukee 25 21 30 23 — 99 Boston 18 12 28 30 — 88

Knicks 104, Heat84 MIAMI (84)

Battier 1-3 0-0 2,James8-16 5-623, Bosh5-13 2-212, Wade 7-101-1 15,chalmers1-51-23, Allen 2-50-05, cole3 60-06,Haslem 1-30-02,Lewis592-216, Miller0-00-00, Jones 0-10-00, Harrellson 0-0 0-0 0.TotaIs 33-71 11-13 84. NEWYORK(104) C.Anthony10-286-730,Brewer3-7 0-07, Chandler 5-5 0-010,Kidd3-53-312, Felton 5-131-214, Smith 3-113-311, Prigioni 0-0 Ij 0 0, Thomas0-2 0-0 0, Novak6-10 0-017, Wallace1-2 0-03, White

0-0 0-0 0,copeland0-1 0-0 0. Totals 36-84 1315 104. Miami New York

17 27 19 21 — 84 33 22 26 23 — 104

Timberwolves 92, Kings 80 SACRAME NTO(80) Johnson 2-51-25, Thompson4-102-210, cous-

ins 5-131-111,Thomas7-13 3 420,Evans3-14 0-Ij 6,Outlaw1-40-02,Thornton6-133-315, Brooks0-5 0-00, Hayes1-31-23,Robinson0-1 2-22, Garcia0-3 0-Ij 0, FredeN e3 5Ij-06. Totals 32-8913-1680.

MINNESOTA (92) Kirilenko4-72-310, W> ilems 3-12 2-48, Pekovic 2-85-89, Ridnour4-70-09, Roy4-142-410,Shved 0-3 0-0 0, Budinger3-12 3-3 9 Barea6-0 8 8 21, cunningham 3-e 1-27, stiemsma3-7 3-49. Totals 32-87 26-36 92. Sacramento 18 23 24 15 — 80 Minnesota 28 22 20 22 — 92

Suns 92, Pistons 89 DETR0IT(89) Prince7-153-518, Maxiel 7-122-316, Monroe 5-170-210, Knight5-121-213, Stuckey0-71-1 1, Bynum4-92-210, English0-30-00, Jerebko5-101111, Drumm ond2-31-3 5, Singler2-20-05. Totals 37-90 11-19 89. PHOENIX (92) Beasley7-182-2 16, Scola6-12 1-1 13,Gortat 7-13 2-2 16,Dragic5-10 4-615, Dudley 1-40-02, Morris 3-120-06, Johnson1-30-03,Telfak 2-31-2 5, Brown7-14 0-1 14,O'Neal0-1 0-0 0, Tucker1-2 0-0 2. Totals 40-9210-1492. Detroit 28 18 17 26 — 89 Phoenix 24 30 17 21 — 92

Grizzlies 104, Warriors 94

MEMPHIS(104) Gay7-184-818,Randolph5-105-515, Gasol713 7-e 21,Conley5-9 8-821,Allen 3-9 0-16, Speights 2-7 c-e 4,Ellington 3 62-2 10, Pondexter 1-2 2-24, Bayless2-30-05. Totals3577 2834104. Thtlnder106, Trails Blazers 92 GQLDEN STATE(94) Bames3-7 0-0 8, l.ee 8-130-0 16, Bogut2-5 Magic102, Nuggets 89 PORTLAND (92) 0-0 4, Curry 10-20 0-1 26, Thompson4-102-2 11, Batum1-110-03, Aldridge 8-226-622, Hickson Landry5-1010-1220, Rush0-0 e-e0, Ezeli 2-50-0 DENVER (89) 5-124-614, Lillard 9-191-1 21,Matthews5-153-5 Gallinari 5-1411-1423,Faried1-3 0-02, Koutos 4, Biedrins0-1c-2 0, Jack2-60-05, Jefferson0-1017, Leonard0-03-43, Smith 1-10-02, Pavlovic0-2 361-3 7, Lawson 615 0t12, Iguodala 31022 9, 00, Green 0-20-00. Totals 364012-1794. 0-0 0,Freelandc-2 2-22,Jefries 0-00-00, Babbitt 328 23 24 29 — 104 McGee 2-5e-e 4,Brewer3-9 e-e8,chandler 3-102- Memphis 50-08, Barton0-Ij 0-00. Totals 32-8919-2492. 20 2 7 16 31 — 94 49,A.Miller5 80 Ou Foumier0 20-00, Hamilton Goldenstate OKLAHOMA CITY(106) 1-2 2-4 4Totals 32-8418-2789. Durant7-148-1223,Ibaka3-01-27, Perkinse-2 ORLANDO (102) 0-0 0,Westbrook13-246-832, Sefolosha1-30-02, Clippers105, Lakers 95 3-40-0 6, Daws13-25 3-529, Vucevic collison562212, Martin5-116619, Thabeet22 3-6Turkoglu 0-06, Nelson 2-9 4-4 9,Afflalo 3-131-2 7,Redick 0-1 4,Maynor1-10-12,Jones1111-10-02, Lamb1-t LA. CLIPPERS I105) z-u 4-521, McRob erjs 4-41-29, Moore6-100-0 0-0 3.Totals 39-7623-32106. Butler5-72-214, Griffin 6-153-515, Jordan213, Smith 0-00-0 0, Nicholson1-30-0 2, O'Quinn 3 0-3 4, Paul7-153-4 18,Green3-e 0-0 8, Barnes Portland 21 21 24 26 — 92 0-1 0-00 Totals 42-8613-18102. OklahomaCity 2 62 3 25 32 — 106 4-9 0-0 8,Hollms0-12-2 2, crawtord 5-129-9 21, 18 19 31 21 — 89 3-Point Goal— s Portland 9-26 (Matthews 4-9, Denver Turia f0-00-0 0,Bledsoe4-82-210,Odom 2-80-05. Orlando 29 29 20 24 — 102 Babbitt2-3, Lillard2-6, Batum1-5,Aldridge0-1, PavTotals 38-84 21-27105. lovic 0-2),OklahomaCity 5-9 (Martin 3-3, Lamb1-1, LA. LAKERS(95) Durant 1-3,Westbrook0-2) Foued Out—Thabeet. Bucks 99, Celtics 88 WorldPeace3-101-2 8,Gasol 5-90-010, Howard Rebounds —Portland 56 (Aldridge 15), Oklahoma 47 51013, Blake 2 622 8, Bryant14 23101II 40, City 52(Durant17). Assists Portland17 (Lillard7), MILWAUKEE (99) J.Hill 1-4 0-0 2,Ebanks1-20-0 3, Morris 3-50-0 7, Oklahoma City 18(Durant7). Total Fouls—Portland Harris 8 110-018, llyasova3-7 0-07, Dalembert Jamison 1-22-44.TotaIs34-6820-2895. 25, oklahomacity2z Technical— s Aldridge,portland 1-1 0-0 2,Jennings9-172-3 21, Ellis 6-20 0-014, LA. Clippers 28 2 4 30 23 — 105 detensiNthree e second, Perkins, OklahomaCity defenSanders5-70-0 10,Dunleavy2-52-2 7, Udoh3-5 LA. Lakers 23 24 20 28 — 95




Trail Blazers fall to Thunder Sprint Cupleader

Denver Broncos at Cincinnati Bengals, CBS. 1 p.m.:NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers at New York Giants, CBS. 1 p.m.:NFL, Minnesota Vikings at Seattle Seahawks, Fox. 5:20 p.m.:NFL,


Friday's Games

The Associated Press FORT WORTH, Texas — Jimmie Johnson finished his qualifying run at Texas with the fastest lap on the day, then stayed in his car while waiting to see if anybody would knock him off the pole. It turned out the same way it did a week earlier in Martinsville. When the Sprint Cup points leader finally climbed out of the cockpit of his No. 48 Lowe's Chevrolet more than 30 minutes later Friday, after Brad Keselowski and the rest of the field failed to top his lap of 191.076 mph, he was the polesitter for the second week in a row. "I was ready to get out, and my engine tuner stuck his head in and said, 'Hey, man, you're going to be sitting here a long time this week,'" Johnson said. "Oh yeah, that's right. I'm not superstitious, but I'll sit here.... It doesn't mean anything, but at this point in the season, you have to pull out all of the stops." Johnson's 29th career pole is his first at Texas, where he was the runner-up in April. With his win from the pole at Martinsville, Johnson regained the series points lead, by two over Keselowski. Johnson was the 20th car on the track for Texas

qualifying. "It was a while-knuckle lap. I can say I didn't leave anything on the table with that one," Johnson said. "A couple of opportunities to kind of lose control there, but staying on the throttle definitely kept the car pointed in the right direction and blasted off a great lap." Keselowski was the 44th of 46 drivers who did qualifying runs. His lap of 189.534 mph was good for the eighth spot. He also qualified eighth his past two races at the I'/~-mile high-banked track, where he has never had a top-10 finish. It was the best qualifying effort for Keselowski since the 12-driver championship chase started two months ago. He's trying to win the first Sprint

Cup championship for Roger Penske.


Haas fires 60 on ChampionsTour The Associated Press SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Jay Haas matched the Champions Tour record with a 10-under 60 to open a five-stroke lead Friday in the Charles Schwab Cup Championship. The 58-year-old Haas made a 5-foot birdie putt on the par-5 18th after hitting his second shot into a greenside bunker and leaving his eagle blast short. "It was just a very magical day for me," said Haas, paired with close friend Fred Couples. "I had a great pairing. I love playing with Freddie. It was a wonderful day. One of those that you don't want to end." Haas became the eighth player in the history of the 50-and-over tour to shoot 60, and the first since Nick Price last year in the Toshiba Classic. Haas had a 14-under 126 total after two days in perfect conditions on the mountainside course. Tom Lehman was second in the season-ending event after a 63, moving into position to win the Charles Schwab Cup points race. Bernhard Langer, 211 points ahead of second-place Lehman, was tied for fifth at 6 under after a 65. Couples was third at 8 under after a 66. Oosthuizen up five in China SHENZHEN, China — Louis Oosthuizen again took advantage of the par 5s at Mission Hills, shooting a 9-under 63 in the HSBC Champions to build a five-shot lead over Ernie Els. Two tied at LPGA event in Japan SHIMA, Japan — South Korea's Jiyai Shin and Japan's Ayako Uehara shot 4-under 68 to share the first-round lead in the LPGA Tour's Mizuno Classic.


Royal Delta repeats in Ladies' Classic The Associated Press ARCADIA, Calif. — Royal Delta led all the way in winning the $2 million Ladies' Classic by I'/2 lengths on Friday at Santa Anita, making the defending champion the only favorite to win on an upset-filled opening day of the Breeders' Cup. Jockey Mike Smith earned his 16th victory in the event's 29-year history, breaking a tie for most wins with fellow Hall of Famer Jerry Bailey. Royal Delta gave Hall of Fame trainer Bill Mott his second consecutive win and fifth overall in the Ladies' Classic, putting him in position to sweep the weekend'sbiggest races, a feat he accomplished last year. He has three runners in the $5 million Classic today, a race he won last year with Drosselmeyer. The biggest upset was Calidoscopio's 4'/4-length victory in the $500,000 Marathon, jockey Aaron Gryder's first Breeders' Cup win. The 17-1 shot from Argentina paid $36.40 to win and at 9 became the oldest Breeders' Cup champion. Other winners included Zagora ($2 million Filly 5 Mare Turf); Beholder ($2 million Juvenile Fillies); Flotilla ($1 million Juvenile Fillies Turf); and Hightail ($500,000 Juvenile Sprint).




a-in ame Cougars

en asto e anonin By Zack Hall The Bulletin

The playoffs appeared to be within reach for Bend High. But the Lava Bears just could not catch up toLebanon, as the Warriors ended Bend's football season with 26-8 win in a Class 5A play-in game on a cool, drizzly Friday night at Punk Hunnell Stadium. "We just couldn't finish strong," said Jonah Koski, Bend's senior quarterback, who completed nine of 20 passesfor 124 yards with a touchdown and two interceptions. "It just wasn't our night. It was their night and they beat us fair and square."

In a game in which the two teams combined for seven turnovers, Lebanon outgained Bend 343 yards to 213 and generally controlled the line of scrimmage most of the night. But after being held in check for much of thegame, the Lava Bear offense sprang to life as Koski hit running back D uk e D eGaetano — who carried 17 times for 59 yards — for a 25-yard score on a fourthdown play. After a two-point conversion, Bend had cut the lead to 12-8 with 9:31 remaining. The Warriors, though, stole the momentum away from the Lava Bears when Tamen Privratsky, who rushed for 116 yards and a touch-

down, returned the ensuing kickoff 58 yards to Bend's 30-yard line. Four running plays later, Lebanon scored on a 7-yard run by fullback Tim Ferrell that pushed the margin to 18-8 with 7:44 to play. "The kick return hurt us," said Bend coach Matt C r aven. "We moved the ball OK, but we just weren't consistent enough." Indeed. The Warriors recovered an onside kick after the score and put the Lava Bears away with 2:56 to play on the second touchdown by Farrell, who finished with 97 rush-

ing yards. Bend entered the play-in round as the No. 3 team from the Inter-

Madras Continued from 01 Despite watching it s 13-point third-quarter lead get erased by the Cowboys early in the fourth, Madras stayed strong. The White Buffaloes (5-5 overall) responded with tw o 5 -yard rushing touchdowns from Joe Hisatake to regain control and seal the win against a team that had beaten them 60-52 earlier in the season. "Four years ago, this team collapses," Wells said, referring to C rook C ounty's c omeback a t tempt. "Now, we persevere. This is a championship-quality team. I don't know what we're going to do beyond this, but this is a championship-quality team." Madras quarterback Steele Haugen completed 19of 25 passes for 206 yards and a touchdown, with 178 yards coming in the first half, 113 of which went to Jack Fine. Hisatake stepped up in the second half, a period when Haugen threw for just 28 yards, and ran for 63 yards and two touchdowns en route to an 82-yard night on the ground and three scores.

"Those guys are great play-

ers," Wells said. "Steele's one of the bestleaders I've ever had as a quarterback. He's thrown for over 2,000 yards and he does a lot of great things, but at the same time, the most important thing is he is in the huddle and guys believe in him. We alreadyknow that everything's going to be OK because he's in there." Marcus Greaves led the Cow-

boys (5-4 overall) with 58 yards

Mountain View Continued from 01 The Broncos had trouble gaining positive yards against Mountain View early in the game as 24 of Parkrose's 33 offensive plays in the first half went for zero yards — or less. "We didn't play great, but we did what we needed to do and won," said Cougar coach Brian Crum, whose team will likely have a rematch next week with Wilsonville, which beat Mountain View 49-33 in Wilsonville on Sept. 28. "We tested ourselvesearly in the season and challenged ourselves for this time of year."

mountain Conference. Lebanon (55 overall) came in as the No. 4 team from the M id-Willamette Valley Conference. For the Lava Bears, Friday's defeat marked the end to a disappointing season. At 2-7, Bend struggled to its lowest win total since 1984. But Koski, for one, was proud of his team as he walked off the field for the last time as a Lava Bear football player. "I couldn't have asked for a better group of guys to play with," Koski said. "I love each and every one of those guys. They're like family." — Reporter: 541-617-7868; zhall®bendbulletin.com

Once again, it w a s H i satake finding the end zone from 5 yards out, and on th e Cowboys' first play from scrimmage, Saenz was picked off by Triston Smith near midfield to solidify the White Buffaloes' place in the state playoffs. "My offensive line did their job. I love them," said Hisatake, who was coming off a sprained medial collateral ligament. "Coming back from an injury, doing all this, it feels good. I had my offensive line ... I can't even think right now. I'm

too happy."

Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin

Crook County's Brandon Zemp (15) tries to get around several Madras defenders during Friday night's Class 4A play-in Madras. rushing, but was unable to return to the game after suffering a shoulder injury late in the f irst half. Brandon Zemp ran for 57 yards and was on the receiving end of all of quarterback Joe Saenz's three completions for 34 yards. "I'm proud of how our kids battled," said Crook County coach Ryan Cochran, whose team was looking to make the state playoffs for the first time since 1997. "Obviously, we didn't come out on the good part of it, but I'm proud of the kids, how they didn't give up and were fighting until the end." The Cowboys seemed out of it late in the second quarter, when a Greaves fumble was picked up by Madras' Devin Ceciliani and returned 79 yards for a touchdown to put the White Buffaloes ahead

20-7. In the second half, however, Crook County stormed back, using touchdown runs by Dean Smith and Collbran Meeker to take a 2120 lead, the latter of which came six seconds into the fourth quarter. "I think it was our emotion and playing the game the way it was supposed to be played," Cochran said of the difference after halftime. "We came out kind of flat and made lots of mistakes. It was a mental game for us, and we had to get back to playing football. After the locker room talk, the kids came out and showed we can battle and play football." Madras answered with a 5-yard sprint from Hisatake, then stuffed Crook County on fourth and short to take over on downs.

Mountain View, the Intermountain Conference runner-up, operated at a different level from Parkrose on Friday night. The Cougars scored touchdowns on their first seven possessions and averaged 9.7 yards per carry while racking up 328 yards rushing against the overmatched Broncos. "You can't say enough about our offensive line," Crum said, highlighting a unit that returned just one starter from last year's title team. "We knew they were going to take some time to jell, but now they're playing really well." Mountain V i e w qu a r terback Toby Webb added 74 yards passing and two touchdowns by complet-

ing seven of 11 pass attempts as the Cougars totaled 448 yards of offense despite the fact that most of the team's starters were pulled early in the third quarter. While the offense moved the ball at will, Mountain View's defense was equally i mpressive against Parkrose's option-based attack. Cougar defensive linemen Chad Bach added six tackles and three sacks and Joe Hestercontributed five tackles for M ountain View. Broncos quarterback Johnathan Boland, who spent most of his night running for safety, ended the game completing just nine of his 22 pass a ttempts for 68 yards with t w o interceptions.

Wells said his team's goals have already been accomplished this season, but his players aren't finished fighting. "I think people doubted Madras and thought we c ouldn't make it that far," Hisatake said. "We kind of messed up the last couple games, but we responded and are proving them wrong. It feels good because we proved everyone else wrong that thought we couldn't do it." The White Buffaloes will hit the road for the first round of the state playoffs next Friday to match up with Scappoose, the top-ranked team in 4A . H i satake said the White Buffaloes need to stay disciplined, do their jobs, and come together as a team. Wells doesn't mind celebrating, but come Monday, it's back to business. "That's the grind of the playoffs," Wells said. "It's one and done all the time now. Our kids are in kind of unfamiliar territory. It's fun.... We'll play the game, play our butts off and see what happens." — Reporter: 541-383-0305, glucasC<bendbulletin.com.

"We like putting pressure on other teams and letting our defensive backs make plays," said Shaver, who has played the last two games with a torn labrum in his left shoulder. "We were blitzing from the start, trying to put them in third-and-long and fourth-and-long situations." The 5A state bracket will be announced today, and the Cougars will likely be on the road for the next two rounds of play if they keep winning. "We're ready to go play some good football teams," Crum said. "Now's the time to peak." — Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastes@bendbutletin.com.

PREP SCOREBOARD Football Friday's Local Scores Class 5A

B— Duke DeGaetano25passfrom JonahKosk>

(DeGaetano run) I.— TimFerrell 7 run(kick failed) L —Ferrell 8 run(Privratskyrun)

Play-in Round

Class 4A Play-in round


Parkrose 0 0 6 14 — 20 M ountain View 7 21 21 7 — 56 MV — TobyWebb10 run(BryceTipton kick) Mjt — JakeHetner13 passfromWebb(Tipton kick) Mjt —KylerAyers10 run(Tiptonkick) MV — Ayers37 run(Tiptonkick) MV —JohnCarroll 1 passfrom Webb(Tipton kick) MV —KyleJohnson 46pass fromConor Nehl (Tiptonkick) MV—Ayers23 run(Tiptonkick) P—Henryjty 80run(run tailed) MV —KeenanSpringer 5 Nn(Tipton kick) P— jty 33Nn(run failed) P jty 40 run(passgood) LEBANON 26, BEND8

Lebanon 6 6 0 14 — 26 Bend 0 0 0 8 - 8 L—Tamen Privratsky 3 run(passfailed) L— Riley Wessel 25 passfrom C.J. Hargis (passtaiied)

MADRAS 33, CROOK COUNTY 21 CrookCounty 7 0 7 7 — 21 Madras 14 6 0 13 — 33

M— JoeHisatake1run (OnasisAdamekick) C — Joe Saenz5run (Edgar Toledokick) M— CodyShepherd14 passfromSteele Haugen (Adame kick) M — Devin Ceciliani 79 fumblereturn (kick failed) C— DeanSmith 20 run(Toledokick) C— CoIbranMeeker8 run(Toledokick) M— Hisatake5runIrun failed) M — Hisatake 5run (Adamekick) SIUSLAW39,RIDGEVIEW 6 Ridgeview 0 6 0 0 - 6 Siuslaw 6 27 6 0 — 39 S— JacobThompson23 run(kick failed) S— Thompson6 run(RyanSmith kick) S— Thompson1run(Smith kick) R Jack Bowman 8passhomJacob Johnson (PATfailed) S Alex Snow 7 run(kick failed)

Marathon Continued from 01 "We started checking — it hadn't been posted on the (race) website, so we wondered if it was reaL Then someone said the mayor (New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg) said it was confirmed." Wrightman was not the only passenger on the plane who was headed to New York for the marathon. "Probably about 10 of us," she said, "ended up getting off the plane." Reached by phone later Friday in Denver, Wrightman said she and her

S— SamJohnson23 passfromThompson (Smith kick) S— ChristianJakobsen9run(kick failed) Class 2A Tri-RiverConference WALDPORT 48, CULVER0

Culver 0 0 0 0 - 0 Waldport 18 8 14 8 — 48 (Scoring summary notavailable) Class1A Nonconference Gilchrist 56,Chiloquin6 Friday's Statewide Scores Class 6A Play-In Beaverton49,South Eugene14 Centennial35,ForestGtove14 Clackamas 49, North Medford28 DavidDouglas44, Newberg 21 Glencoe 28, Barlow17 Lakeridge 21, l.inco n17 McNary13,GrantsPass6 Roseburg 55, NorthSalem14 West Linn61,McKay27 Westview69, Hilsboro14 Class 5A

sister were going to make the best of a bad situation and spend the weekend with friends in Colorado. "We decidedto stay here a couple days, have a little vacation here," she said. She admitted that she was disappointed to hear that the marathon was canceled, adding that she will defer her registration for the race until next year — an option made available to registered 2012 participants. "I'm really sad not to be running," Wrightman said. "But I understand


She said the t i ming o f

M a y or

Play-In Ashland47, Corvallis 7 Church>l41, l Milwaukie20 Crescent Valley 35,EaglePoint12 Herm>ston 50, Sandy0 Lebanon 26, Bend8 MountainView56,Parkrose20 Putnam 20, HoodRiver 14, OT Roosevet43,Pendeton35

Class 4A Play-In Banks 35, Centra 15 CottageGrove41, Mazama8 Douglas 27, Elmira9 Madras33,Crook County21 Ontario27,Estacada6 Philomath 56, Brookings-Harbor15 Siuslaw39,RIdgeview 6

Regular Season

Adrian 70,JordanValley 6 Amity 26,Colton6 Camas Valley64, Powers 6 Cascade Christian 42, l.akeview7 Condon/Wheele46, r Union8 Coquille 52,Reedsport 0 Crane44, Dayvile/Monument14 Crow 64,Mapleton24 Echo52,lone0 Elkton 54,HosannaChristian 26

Bloomberg's announcement was what troubled her most. "I was very surprised," she said. "That's why, at first, I didn't know if it was real. They had been so adamant about keeping the race on. "I don't think it's a BAD decision," Wrightman added. "But it would be a lot easier if they had made (the decision to call off the race) in the first

place." Like Wrightman, Bend's Jenny Schossow was scheduled to run in Sunday's marathon. But at midweek, given all she knew about conditions in New York in the aftermath of a killer

Gaston16,Knappa6 Glide 55,Myrtle Point6 Gold Beach 36,Bandon 14 GrantUnion46,1rrigon0 Harrisburg46,Jefferson 14 Heppner42,Weston-McEwen 0 HorizonChristianTualatin 40, Sheridan26 lllinoisjtalley17, RogueRiver16

Kennedy14, central unn6 Lost River 28 Bonanza0 Lowell 70,McKenzie8 North Dougla45, s Glendale0 Oakland49, Ridde12 Oakridge14,Monroe13 PilotRock54, Elgin6 Pleasant Hil 29,BlanchetCatholic 6 PortlandChristian42,'jtemonia14 PowderValley70,Joseph8 Prairie City60,MitcheI-Spray12 Prospect 52, ButteFalls18 Rainier61,ValeyCatholic 0 Regis48,Santiam13 SalemAcademy 65,Toledo 24 SantiamChristian 35, Clatskanie16 Scio 52,Creswell 0 Stanfield35,Enterprise34 TriangleLake53,Siletz Valley14 Vale detRiverside,forfeit Wanentondef. Corbett, forfeit Willamina36, Gervais 8 Yoncalla40,Mohawk0

reach state

playoffs in girls soccer Bulletm staff report Nellie Ibarra scored the lone goal in Mountain View's home play-in match against Pendleton on Friday, lifting the Cougars to a 1-0 victory and a berth into the Class 5A girls soccer state playoffs. Mountain View will play on the road Tuesday in the first round of the state postseason. The Cougars (8-6-1 overall) controlled the ball for most of the game, outshooting the Bucks 10-2. Mountain View coach Grant Mattox highlighted the play of goalkeeper Sarah Baileyand defender Keely Taylor, who helped the Cougars record their fifth shutout of the season. Ibarra, a junior midfielder, broke a 0-0 tie in the 38th minute, knocking in a pass from Courtney Candella. Katie Newell's freekick and the ensuing scramble setup Mountain View's score. In other prep games Friday: GIRLS SOCCER Sisters .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sutherlin/Oakland.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SISTERS — The Outlaws booked their return to the 16-team Class 4A state playoff bracket with a home play-in victory over the Bulldogs of the Far West League. Natalie Ambrose scored two goals and Emily Corrigan added another goal with an assist from Liz Stewart as Sisters took a 3-1 lead into halftime. The lone goal by Sutherlin/Oakland was scored on a free kick. The Outlaws got a lift from Nina Horner, who stepped in for injured fellow freshman Taylor Schneider at goalie and did what Sisters coach Audrey Tehan called "a phenomenal job," recording five saves. Sisters, the No. 2 team from the Sky-Em League,improved to 12-3 overall and advances to a first-round playoff match Tuesday against an opponent to be determined. BOYS SOCCER Wilson..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Bend.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 PORTLAND — The Lava Bears' season ended in the Class 5A play-in round to the Portland Interscholastic League's co-champions. The Trojans, who will advance to the 5A state playoffs with the win, took control of the game 15 minutes in, scoring off a throw-in pass to take a 1-0 lead. Wilson (6-5-3 overall) added two goals in the second half to turn back Bend High in a contest played at Cleveland High. "We didn't play up to our normal standard," said Lava Bears coach Nils Eriksson, whose squad finished the season witha 5-8-1 overall record. Bend was without the services of sophomore midfielder Scott Bracci, one of the Bears' top playmakers, who missed the game because of an injury. The Lava Bears' best scoring opportunity came late in the second half when they were awarded a penalty kick, which they did not convert. FOOTBALL Siuslaw..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Ridgeview.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FLORENCE — Siuslaw quarterback Jacob Thompson ran forthree touchdowns in the first half and passed for another score to lead the host Vikings to a convincing Class 4A play-in victory over Ridgeview of Redmond on a soggy night on the Oregon Coast. The Ravens scored their lone touchdown of the game with 2:31 left in the first half on an 8-yard pass from Jacob Johnson to Jack Bowman that got Ridgeview within 21-6. But Siuslaw (8-1) rallied for two more touchdowns before halftime, including a 23-yard pass play on the final play of the second quarter, to take charge with a 33-6 lead. The first-year Ravens finished the season with an overall record of 6-4. Gilchrist... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Chiloquin.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 CHILOQUIN — Tucker Boone and Johnny Heitzman each scored multiple touchdowns for the Class 1A Grizzlies, who closed their season with a resounding road victory over Chiloquin. In an eight-man contest (Class 2A Chiloquin typicallyplaysthe 11-mangame), Gilchrist grabbed a 50-0 halftime lead. The win capped a3-6 season forthe Grizzlies. Waldport .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Culver.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 WALDPORT — The Bulldogs' season came to an end with a shutout defeat in a Tri-River Conference road contest. Culver finishes the year with a record of 0-5 in TRC play, 0-8 overall.

storm, she pulled the plug on the Big Apple and reworked her travel plans. She is now scheduled to leave today with her daughter and two friends for a week in Hawaii. "I am at ease now," Schossow, 40, said Friday about her decision to tradethe run forthe sun after learning that the marathon had been canceled. "I'm done beating myself up now for not going (to New York)." She said she might try to find a race on Hawaii's Big Island, and that she would deferher registration for the New York City Marathon until next year.

Schossow said she was "kind of glad they did" cancel the marathon, but she understands the frustration of those like Wrightman who were expecting to race on Sunday and were literally halfway to New York when the tables were turned. "It's terrible for them," she said. "So many people, from all over the world ... but there are also a lot of people (in New York City) who are still trying to recover and rebuild." Bulletin reporter Amanda Miles contributed to this report. — Reporter: 541-383-0359; bbigelow@bendbulletin.com


Ducks Continued from 01 They're not alone. No. 2 Oregon's visit to Los Angeles has loomed as the biggest day on the Pac-12 calendar since late last year, when USC demonstrated the Ducks couldn't completely dominate the West Coast. Oregon (8-0, 5-0 Pac-12) has won 11 straight games and the Rose Bowl since that 38-35 loss to USC in Eugene,

goals within reach — including a possible rematch with Oregon in the Pac-12 title game later this month. Last year's win in Eugene is among the highlights of Barkley's four years as a starter, but he's still thinking about how to land a berth in

Players to watch Oregon:RB De'Anthony Thomas. Theplaymaking sophomore who spurned his hometown Trojans to sign with the Ducks makes his

firstappearance at the

a big bowl game as a senior.

Coliseum with ample

"I really think that in both motivation for a big game. games we'velost,we've hurt USC:LB Hayes Pullard. ourselves, and we can't do Thomas' former that against Oregon," Barkteammate at Crenshaw ley said. "They're too good. High School talks to the seamlessly replacing key You can't start to get out Oregon tailback daily, starters in its spread offense of your schemes and what and he'll lead the USC while building a defense that y ou're trying to d o a s a n defense's effort to slow might be the Ducks' best yet. o ffense. We've just got t o down college football's The 18th-ranked Trojans control the ball, eliminate most inventive offense for (6-2, 4-2) h aven't e xactly turnovers and give Oregon a second straight year. lived up to the promise of that the least chances possible to gritty road win. Two narrow score." road losses this fall h ave B arkley i s c o m in g o f f knocked the preseason's No. always has athletes," said the most prolific game in I team out of the national tiOregon quarterback Marcus school history, a 493-yard tle race and left them signifi- Mariota, who admired Matt effort against Arizona that cant underdogs in their own Leinart and Reggie Bush on included a record 345 yards stadium today. television while growing up. receiving by Marqise Lee, "It's always about trying to Just don't try to tell anywho spent much of this week body on either sideline that get them to think a little bit. working on midterm exams. this showdown has lost any We'll see what we can do, A week earlier, Barkley went significance. but they've got guys that can 19 for 20 with one dropped "I don't think anything has reallycome down and make pass against Colorado. changed much," said Robert some plays.... USC has got Barkley has been brilliant Woods, USC's A l l -Ameri- some depth issues. Arizona lately, but the Trojans are can receiver. " Oregon i s just did a good job tempo-ing marveling at th e m aturity still going to come here and them, and it kind of worked of Mariota, who has stepped play like it's a championship out for them." into Darron Thomas' spot in The precocious freshman the offense with remarkable game, and I know we will. I hope they don't overlook us." referred to th e speed-it-up fluidity. Orgeron realizes his Even a two-loss USC team s pread offense run by t h e defense must guard against is an attention-grabber for No. 24 Wildcats, who erased Mariota's r u nning a b i lity, Oregon, which i s r o a ring USC's national title hopes which can turn good defendown the stretch of another with a 3 9 -36 v ictory l a st sive stops into failures. "This quarterback is way s pectacular s e ason. T h e week. Oregon's offense plays Ducks haven't even played at an unmatched pace,but faster," Pullard said. "He just a close game, trouncing ev- the Trojans showed last year got mature in th e o ffense ery opponent by at least 17 that it's possible to keep up, real fast in the offseason. I don't know how he did it." points while leading the na- particularly if an opponent tion in scoring. gets out to an early lead. The Trojans also must deal "Playoffs started in college "Well, we did it last year with tailback Kenjon Barner, football on the first game of for t h ree q u arters," USC a Riverside, Calif., native the season, and when you d efensive coordinator E d eager to play in front of his lose, you're done," Oregon Orgeron said. "We were in friends and family, along coach Chip Kelly said. "Look the right position and made with T homas, who u n exw ho t u m bles a n d g o e s . tackles in space. You've got pectedly ditched the Trojans That's not hard for our guys to make plays and get out for the Ducks late in recruitto figure that out. If you have i n space, stick w it h y o u r ing in 2011. USC has proved a vision of what you want to assignments, keep it all to- it can handle the Ducks' talget accomplished, you'd bet- gether. It's amazing the num- ented playmakers before, but ter take each game like it's ber of plays they run at the the Trojans are about to find the Super Bowl." speed they run them, and out whether anybody can do T hat's not t ough t o d o with the precision they run it twice. "We went up t here and while playing in the stadium them. Those guys will run that hosted the first Super the ball down your throat, so didn't give up many exploBowl. Yet if last November's you can't just be screaming sion plays, which they're faclose loss to USC provides down the field." mous for," Pullard said. "We the Ducks with any special While USC coach Lane have to go in with a similar motivation, they weren't ac- K iffin w a s s e arching f o r game plan. We needto pack knowledging it while head- w ays to c o rrect th e m i s - our running game, pack our ing to their first of three road takes of the FBS' most-pe- defense and don't give up games infour weeks to close nalized team this week, he any of those big plays. Evout the regular season. m ade sure hisplayers realize erything is about disrupting "They've got guys. USC they've still got significant their flow."

Beavers Continued from 01 Vaz, a junior who hadn't s tarted since he'd been i n Corvallis, took over and led the Beavers to two straight wins. Then came Washington. Mannion returned as starter but threw four picks before he was replaced by Vaz, who fell just short of pulling off a Beavers comeback in a 20-17 loss last Saturday. That put Riley in a difficult spot. "Obviously, it's one of those things that's not easy," Riley said. "You look at the integrity of the competition and you try to make a decision for the team that's right this minute.

We think Cody's playing a little bit better right now and deserves the start." Mannion was gracious, telling Vaz he was "behind him 100 percent." He also vowed to get better. "It's a little disappointing, but I'm confident in myself, and I've got a ton of confidence in m y t e a m mates," Mannion said. "You know, this is a team. It's not about any one player." Overall, th e 1 3th-ranked Beavers (6-1, 4-1 Pac-12) were banged up as they looked tow ard rebounding from t h e Washington loss against the Sun Devils. Receiver Markus Wheaton suffered a concuss ion after a hard hit i n t h e loss to the Huskies but should return against the Sun Devils. Running back Storm Woods had a sore left knee but said

he will probably play. Oregon State will likely be without cornerback Jordan Poyer, who has five interceptions this season and is tied for second nationally. Poyer has a sprained right k n ee and didn't practice this week, although Riley wouldn't def initively r ule hi m o u t f o r tonight's game. Arizona State is expected to see the return of defensive tackle Will Sutton, who returned to practice this week. Sutton, considered one of the

A rizona State, just a win away from bowl eligibility, has a three-game losing streak in Corvallis, although the Sun Devils defeated the Beavers 35-20 last year in Tempe. Whether th e B e avers p lay Va z o r Man n i o n shouldn't make much of a difference for Arizona State, which i s r a n k ed third in the nation in pass

Players towatch Arizona State:DT Will Sutton. Coach Todd

Graham says he is "very encouraged" after seeing Sutton in practice this

week, and hopeshe'll play on Saturday in Corvallis.

Sutton, considered oneof the top defensive players in the Pac-12, injured his right knee early in the Sun Devils'43-21 loss to Oregon on Dct.18 and

defense, allowing opponents an average of just 1 48.8 yards pe r g a m e. Conversely, the B eavers are ranked 15th in the nation for pass offense with an average of nearly 312

hasn't played since. OregonState: QBCody

Vaz. The junior backup started in two games for Sean Mannion when the

sophomore starter injured his left knee and won them both. Mannion returned, but struggled with four interceptions last Saturday against Washington before

Vaz replaced him. top defensive players in the Pac-12, injured his right knee early in the Sun Devils' 43-21 loss to Oregon on Oct. 18 and hasn't played since. The loss to the Ducks was the first of tw o s t raight at home for Arizona State (5-3, 3-2) after a three-game winning streak. The Sun Devils fell 45-43 to UCLA last weekend, but they are still in the thick of the Pac-12 South race behind USC and the Bruins. "Our guys had a great spirit and a great attitude, just like they have had for me all year long. I know they are going to go up there for me and play hard and prepare to win and that is what we have to do," Sun Devils coach Todd Graham said. " That is t h e great thing about things in the south right now, it is wide open and no one is sitting any better than we are."

yards a game. In fact, the game figures to be a battle of defenses. Arizona State and Oregon State are ranked first and s econd, respectively, i n the Pac-12 for overall defense. The Sun Devils are allowing just 322 yards a game, while the Beavers are allowing an average of 344.1. Vaz is a v eraging 201 yards passing per game in his two-plus appearances, with four touchdowns and no interceptions. He said he has some goals against Arizona State, and they h ave nothing to do w i t h a ny c o m petition w it h Mannion. "I just want to make the most of it. I'm going to do whatever it takes to win," he said earlier this week. "We can'ttry to force anything o f fensively, we've g ot to convert o n t h i r d d owns — that's kind of been our A c h illes' heel in the last few games, not staying on the field. We just have to move the ball down the field, convert on third down, and we'll be fine."


Dolphins-Colts:Playotts orbust? By Barry Wilner The Associated Press


No playoffraces are decided in early November. For the Dolphins and Colts, however, just seeing themselves in strong contention for a wild-card spot has to be very satisfying. For the rest of us, it sure is surprising. And one of them will be 5-3 after they meet in Indianapolis on Sunday. "Don't read about y o urself, don't pat yourself on the back, respect the process of a Wednesday, a Thursday, a Friday and a Saturday on how to prepare," interim coach Bruce Arians said of his message to the team."They don'tchange from week to week. As long as you respect the process, you don't get caught in those peaks and valleys of I'm good, I'm bad, I'm good, I'm bad." The Colts (4-3) have looked pretty good since being routed by the Jets in their fifth game. Granted they have beaten Tennessee and Cleveland in close contests, but the maturity they have shown as the schedule progresses has been impressive. Top overall draft pick Andrew Luck credits that balanced approach Arians spoke

of. "I think you r ealize who cares ifthe playoffs started today? They don't," Luck said. "It doesn't matter what your record is now. It matters what it is after that last week. Realize it's a week-by-week thing. We are not looking ahead to anything. It's the Dolphins." The vastly improved Dol-

phins (4-3). Miami was blown out in its opener at Houston, but has been in every game since, with both losses coming in overtime. The t hree-game winning streak has been built on all phases, with special teams laying down the hammer on the Jets last Sunday. Now, they are in position to

make a playoff drive, beginning at Indy. "It's always fun," coach Joe Philbin said. "I told the players, 'There's nothing better in the National Football League than coming to work in November and December and ... having meaningful games.' It's a lot of fun. It gets your juices going as it should." A look at the rest of the Week 9 games: • Pittsburgh (4-3) at New York

Giants (6-2): Despite injuries and inconsistencies, the Steelers have won three of their past four and are beginning to make noise in the AFC. Their depth has been tested, but fill-ins such as running back Jonathan Dwyer, tackle Mike Adams and safety Will Allen have come through. This game also presents two quarterbacksfromthe Class of 2004 who have each won a pair of Super Bowls: Pittsburgh's Ben Roethlisberger and New York's Eli Manning.

o '

Heir Ceotcr •



Bill Kostroun /The Associated Press

• Philadelphia (3-4) at New Orleans (2-5), Monday night:

The Philly phanatics are up in arms over just about everything concerning the Eagles these days. Sounds as if they're ready to write off the forcing turnovers. No one has season and get rid of Andy protected the ball better, ei- Reid, Michael Vick and the ther, with just six giveaways. Liberty Bell. Returning to the home of In th e S a i nts, P h iladelthe conference'sbest team is phians might have met their Mario Williams, the former match for w o e-is-us disapT exans defensive end w h o pointment. Little ha s g one signed the richest contract in right in the Big Easy since the NFL history for a player on league punished Saints coachhis side of the ball: $100 mil- es, players and management lion over six years. Buffalo in the bounty scandal that still hasn't gotten much on its re- lingers. turn, although Williams has That doesn't mean this will performed better lately, and be a snoozer of a prime-time Williams remains bitter over game. On the contrary, the what he says was lack of inSaints' defense might be the terest in keeping him by the perfect tonic for an Eagles atTexans. tack that has scored the few• Chicago (6-1) at Tennessee est points (120) in the NFC. (3-5): Titans RB Chris Johnson And one thing New Orleans has been revitalized recently, still can do is put up points. but now faces the stingiest • Minnesota (5-3) at Seattle run defense in the NFL. Chi- ( 4-4): Oddly, two of the Vi cago also has a ball-hawking kings' defeats came against a secondary and has a league- rookie quarterback: Luck and high 16 i n terceptions (tied Robert Griffin III. They face with the Giants) and 23 take- another in Russell Wilson, but aways. Among those picks are this game could be decided on six returned for TDs, the most the ground. of any team in NFL history Minnesota's Adrian Peterthrough seven games. Lance son leads the NFC with 775 Briggs and Charles Tillman yards rushing and Seattle's are the first teammates with Marshawn Lynch is next at t wo i nterceptions for T D s 757. apiece. Each team has been effiBy contrast, Tennessee has cient on defense, and with Jarforcedonly eight turnovers. ed Allen on a sacks streak (six • Arizona (4-4) at Green Bay consecutive games) and Chad (5-3): Their last meeting was Greenway leading the league an epic, a 51-45 overtime vic- in tackles (81), M i nnesota tory for Arizona in the 2009 might seem to have an edge. playoffs that ended on, of all Then again, Seattle is 3-0 at things, a defensive score. home and stops the run well. That was a rare win for the • Carolina(1-6) at Washington Cardinals in this series: Green (3-5): Spotlighting the quarterBay is ahead 44-23-4 and has backs is the easy route in exwon six of the past seven reg- amining NFL games, but it is ular-season meetings. Adding the correct approach for this to Arizona's challenge is its one. Carolina's Cam Newton, four consecutive defeats in last year's top offensive rookie which it couldn't protect the but struggling in 2012, faces quarterback; it has allowed 39 off against Griffin, whose exsacks overall. c itement quotient might b e G reen Ba y s h a re s t h e higher than Newton's. league lead with the CardiBoth teams have struggled nals with 26 sacks, led by Clay lately, but if Newton and RG3 Matthews with nine. are on track, it should make

• Denver (4-3) at Cincinnati (3- for some highlight reel plays.

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they beat 23-16 on short rest in Week 4. Baltimore has won nine in a row against Cleveland, but returning star Terrell Suggs, the 2011 Defensive Player of the Year who came back quickly f rom a n o f f season torn Achilles tendon, knows the Ravens need to step it up. T hat's particularly t ru e o n defense,where they normally are among the league leaders, but rank 28th overall and 30th against the rush.

Indianapolis and quarterback Andrew Luckhave a chance to improve to 5-3.


O] (O


4): Vintage Peyton Manning has resurfaced in Denver, and the second half of the season could be something special for the Broncos. Only one team with a current winning record, Baltimore on Dec. 16, remains on the schedule. Manning is 7-0 against Cin• Dallas (3-4) at Atlanta (7- cinnati with 17 TD passes and 0): Now here's a novel way three picks. He has thrown for to attempt turning around a at least three TDs in four of free-fall: Dallas takes on the those games. In his first sealeague's only unbeaten team, son as a Bronco, Manning has one that looked almighty in thrown for at least 300 yards handling Philadelphia on the and three TDs in each of his road last week. past four g ames, the f i r st The Cowboys are destroy- player to do so since Steve ing themselves with turnovers Young in 1998. Manning also (minus-ll, worst in the NFC, matched his personal best, set with a c o n ference-high 19 in 2009 as a Colt, by throwing giveaways) and mental misfor at least 300 yards in five takes ranging f rom w r o ng straight games. pass routes to missed blocking Still, this could be a trap assignments and blown cover- game because the Bengals, ages. It's gotten ugly. despite three straight losses, In Atlanta, it keeps getting r emain a d a n g erous f o e. prettier, with the Falcons off to Coach Marvin Lewis publicly their best start. Tight end Tony challenged quarterback Andy Gonzalez, who claims this is Dalton and middle linebacker the final year of a Hall of Fame Rey Maualuga to become caliber career, needs one TD more vocalleaders this week. catch to reach 100. His quar• Baltimore (5-2) at Cleveland terback, Matt Ryan has not (2-6): Following their w orst lost in 28 starts when he com- performance of the season, piles a 100-plus passer rating, and with injuries hitting them including 5-0 this season. as hard as any opponent, the • Buffalo (3-4) at Houston (6- Ravens were fortunate to have 1): The Bills should have been a bye last week. They also thankful for the bye with the might be fortunate to return way they have been playing. against the Browns, whom The Texans should have said "no, thanks." Houston has been the AFC's most balanced team so far, and its defense excels in most every area, from pressuring the quarterback to blocking 5 r'„" $ '"> pcrfcctcolorssince1975 passes to stopping the run to

Self' Referrals Welcome


2121 NE Division


641 N W Fir

R ed m o n d

• Detroit (3-4) at Jacksonville

(1-6): The Lions might have discovered a new threat on offense tobalance the passing game in Titus Young. Replacing the injured Nate Burleson opposite star receiver Calvin Johnson, Young took advan-

tage of single coverage while J ohnson was d o uble- a n d even triple-teamed to catch nine balls for 100 yards and two TDs against Seattle. He could have another field day against a J a cksonville pass defensethat ranks 25th in yardage. Even worse for the Jaguars is their No. 32 offense, last in the league in part because ofthe absence of injured running back Maurice Jones-Drew.

• Tampa Bay (3-4) at Oakland (3-4): Well-rested after a Thursday night blowout victory at Minnesota, the Buccaneers are the third straight opponent for the Raiders that did not play the previous Sunday. Oakland beat J a cksonville and Kansas City after those teams came off byes. The Josh Freeman-Vincent Jackson passing combination has been superb recently for the Bucs, who have scored at least 28 points in their past three games. The Raiders are familiar with Jackson from his days in San Diego, where he was effective against them.

• •


9 Holes

$~5 '$ss

, caa

oDkro~', Holiday Pap o







• •




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NOTICE TO Attn: archery hunters MOVING SALE ADVERTISER camped at L ookout Leather divan, chair, otMtn. just outside Praitoman $500. High-end Since September 29, rie City... they l e ft wicker patio set, $500. 1991, advertising for Photo Here 541-383-4231 Rocking chair, $75. Por- used woodstoves has something at camp, I I been limited to modfound it and would like 248 celain top table/4 chairs Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, Shih-Tzu puppy 10 wks els which have been to return it. Call Dave $135. Landscape tools, HELP YOUR AD Health 8 1st shots, very social old, shots, wormed, king down c omforter, c ertified by th e O r - 541-643-5990 stand out from the 421 $700. 541-325-3376 AKC parents. $400. Beauty Items $75. Inflatable pontoon egon Department of F ound c a mera a n d Schools 8 Training I Want to Buy or Rent rest! Have the top line 541-280-8069 CANARIES in bold print for only Over 30 Million Women boat $295. Front load Environmental Qualwasher/dryer set $300. ity (DEQ) and the fed- charger unit, vicinity of Wanted: $Cash paid for 2012 Waterslagers, Shih-tzu purebred male, $2.00 extra. ARE H I RS uffer F r o m Ha i r Titleist irons/bag $125. eral E n v ironmental VA Clinic and old C.O. A IRLINES vintage costume jewStaffords, Red Fac10 weeks old, $475. ING - Train for hands Audiology Clinic. Loss! Do you? If So Calloway driver/fairway Protection A g e ncy elry. Top dollar paid for tors, 2 males, 12 feCall 541-788-0326 Sererng Central Oregon since lggg on Aviation MainteWe Have a Solution! metals $25/ea. SS gas (EPA) as having met 541-382-1560 Gold/Silver.l buy by the males, $45 ea. Terrenance Career. FAA Siberian Husky, AKC! 541-385-5809 CALL K E RANIQUEgrill $150, misc items. smoke emission stan- Found Charnsaw, call to approved Estate, Honest Artist bonne, 541-420-2149. p r ogram. Beaut, sweet female, 1yr, Call 520-232-3272 TO FIND OUT MORE dards. A cer t ified identify: 210-749-9198 Financial aid Elizabeth,541-633-7006 if quali$500. 541-977-7019 877-475-2521. Chihuahua pups, very w oodstove may b e Pfaff Model Quilt Expres(in Bend). fied - Housing availWANTED: RAZORS, tiny, 1st shots/dewormed. Yorkie AKC 2 male pups, Ski Equipment • (PNDC) identified by its certifisions 4.0, l ike n ew, able. Call Aviation InDouble or single2 I $250. 541-977-4686 small, big eyes, shots, sewing, quilting, $1200 cation label, which is Found ring at Tumalo edged, straight stitute of D ynaStar Intuitive 7 4 Falls trail head. Email: health gua r antee, permanently attached firm. 541-777-0101 Dachshund AKC mini razors, shaving Maintenance. 188cm, Look bindings, TV, Stereo 8 Video gbquissell I to the stove. The Bulbrushes, mugs & www.bendweenies.com $850+, 541-316-0005. very good +, $95 obo. 1-877-804-5293. S olid cherry desk & letin will no t k n ow- bendbroadband.com $375. 541-508-4558 scuttles, strops, 210 541-389-9836. Sony stereo component chairs top, need reaccept advertis- Lost man's gold Harley (PNDC) shaving accessories Dachshund male,9 wks Furniture & Appliances $5 0 0 ;Crosley ingly c abinet. $35. C a s h done i ng for the sale of 8 memorabilia. Davidson ring in area ATTEND CO L LEGE stereo stackable record uncertified only. 541-316-1265. old, 1st shots, adorFair prices paid. ONLINE from Home. changer AM/FM CD/ of Northside Bar & Guns, Hunting able. $300 to good A1 Washers&Dryers woodstoves. Call 541-390-7029 *Medical, *Business, G rill on 10/2 5 . Cass, matching stand, home. 541-447-0113. & Fishing between 10 am-3 pm. 541-497-0224. *Criminal J us t i ce, $150 ea. Full war$385. 10k Btu window Computers *Hospitality. ranty. Free Del. Also A/C used 1 mo. $375; • Job DACHSHUND, mini Fu e l & Wood REMEMBER: If you 2010 H8R Handi-Rifle, wanted, used W/D's placement assistance. long-haired, 6 weeks, T HE B U LLETIN r e - 45 rpm record coll. .243 Win., syn stock, have lost an animal, over 1800 1950s-70s 541-280-7355 Computer available. only 1 male left don't forget to check mount & rings in box, quires computer ad- $2000. All prices firm, Financial Aid if qualifrom a litter of 6 vertisers with multiple cash only. A nytime WHEN BUYING $250. 541-749-0636 The Humane Society fied. SCHEV autholovable puppies! $300. Cherry table 8 matching bakpaknbowOgmail.com ad schedules or those 541-316-1265. FIREWOOD... in Bend 541-382-3537 rized. Call hutch w/glass, 6 chairs 8 541-306-7784 selling multiple sysFINEST Craft Fair Redmond, table protectors, beauti- Big Game Rod & Reel, tems/ software, to dis- S TUDDED To avoid fraud, 866-688-7078 TIRE S , 541-923-0882 This Year! www.centuraonline.c ful s e t , $450. Large with Penn SW-30 Int. 2 The Bulletin close the name of the 185/70 R14 F a lken DO YOU HAVE Prineville, Sat., Nov. 10, 10-3 solid oa k b o okcase, speed reel. Ex. Cond. business or the term recommends payom (PNDC) Euro Winter M odel SOMETHING TO 541-447-71 78; BEND ELKS LODGE $150. 541-610-8797 $500. (541) 389-9302. ment for Firewood "dealer" in their ads. HS4044, 4 for $125 • Santa on-sitea// day! SELL OR Craft Cats, TRUCK SCHOOL only upon delivery Private party advertis- OBO. 541-390-7159. GENERATE SOME ex- Buy/Sell/Trade all fire• ATM available FOR $500 OR 541-389-8420. www. IITR.net and inspection. citement i n your ers are defined as • Elks Lodge sells lunch LESS? arms. Bend local pays The Bulletin Offers Redmond Campus • A cord is 128 cu. ft. those who sell one Free Beautiful gifts, wreaths, neighborhood! Plan a cash! 541-526-0617 Non-commercial Private Party Ads 4' x 4' x 8' Student Loans/Job computer. swags,garden art, cards, garage sale and don't advertisers may • 3 lines - 3 days Waiting Toll Free CASH!! • Receipts should goat milk soaps, loomforget to advertise in place an ad with • Private Party Only 1-888-387-9252 For Guns, Ammo & 257 include name, QIQg~ woven jewelry, scarves, classified! our' Reloading Supplies. Musical Instruments • Total of items adverphone, price and red, purple hats, jewelry, 541-385-5809. "QUICK CASH 541-408-6900. tised must equal $200 kind of wood pur454 rings, stunning artisan SPECIAL" GE Profile white dryer, or Less chased. Looking for Employment jewelry,quiltings, knitted 1 week 3 lines 12 large drum, works great, Li it t d g m tn • Firewood ads socks, jams, jellies, DON'TMISSTIIIS ~k e eo! • 3-ad limit for s a m e $100 obo. 541-475-6797 MUST include spechutneys, baked goods. I have 30+ years exp in Ad must include item advertised within cies and cost per Unique, quality, artisan Matching table lamps, 2 housekeeping & pet price of single item 3 months gifts HERE! cord to better serve DO YOU HAVE care. 541-388-2706 pair. $60 & $40 Cash of $500 or less, or Call 541-385-5809 our customers. Boyd Acres at Empire only. 541-316-1265. SOMETHING TO multiple items Fax 541-385-5802 Ave., in Bend Hay, Grain & Feed5 470 SELL Piano, Steinway Model whose total does Mattress/boxsprings, FOR $500 OR 0 Baby Grand 1911, Domestic & Wantedpaying cash St. Thomas Altar not exceed $500. queen, pillowtop, bamSererngCentral Oregon since 1903 Good horse hay, barn LESS? gorgeous, artist qual- for Hi-fi audio 8 stuboo fabric, used 9 mos, Society Homespun In-Home Positions stored, no rain, $225 Non-commercial ity instrument w/great dio equip. Mclntosh, Call Classifieds at Holiday Bazaar $899 new;make off er! ton, and $8.25 bale. advertisers may action & S t einway's J BL, Marantz, D y - AII Year Dependable 541-385-5809 •Handmade & Religious SE Bend. 541-508-8784 av a i lable.Will do housecleaning in place an ad www.bendbulletin.com warm, rich sound. Will naco, Heathkit, San- Flrewood: Sp lit, Del. Delivery Items•Ba ked Goods Terrebonne 8 Crooked 541-410-4495. Microwave oven 8 cabiBend. Lod g epole, with our adorn any living room, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. • Lunch, 11am-1pm! River Ranch. Have $50. Cash only. Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 "QUICK CASH church or music stuSt. Thomas Parish English Bulldog Puppy, net, Call 541-261-1808 541-316-1265. for $350. Cash, check Wanted: Irrigated farm openings Tues, Wed. SPECIAL" dio perfectly. New reHall, 1720 NW 19th ground, under pivot irThurs. 541-379-1741 only one left! AKC reg- NEED TO CANCEL r credit card O K . 1 week3lines 12 tail $ 6 9,000. Sacri- WHENYou SEE THIS o St., Redmond rigation, i n C e n tral 541-420-3484. istered. All shots up to or fice at $26,000 OBO, YOUR AD? OR. 541-419-2713 Sat. Nov. 10th, 9-3pm date & m i crochipped, 476 ~Oo k 20! ~e call 541-383-3150. Dry Juniper Firewood The Bulletin $1500. 541-416-0375 Employment Ad must Wheat Straw: Certified 8 Classifieds has an per cord, split. OrePiXatBendbuletil),COm $200 Technics piano k ey- M Beddinq Straw 8 Garden include price of Opportunities "After Hours" Line 1/2 cords available. English Bulldogs AKC Items for Free On a classified ad board perfect cond. Was f $500 Registered, white facCall 541-383-2371 Immediate delivery! Straw;Compost.546-6171 go to $1500 new; sell $425 or less, or multiple Caregiver 541-408-6193 24 hrs. to cancel FREE m obile home tored, $2500, r e ady www.bendbulletin.com obo. 541-388-2706 Prineville Senior care items whosetotal Looking for your trusses. After 3 p.m. around Christmas. Leave your ad! to view additional Split, Dry does notexceed h ome l o oking f o r message, 541-728-6533 260 call 541-325-3114. photos of the item. next employee? Lodgegole Caregiver for multiple $500. Place a Bulletin Misc. Items $20 / ord, Horse Manure, large s hifts, part-time t o BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS help wanted ad Delivery included! loads, perfect for garCall Classifieds at full-time. Pass Search the area's most 541-923-6987, Iv msg. Buying Diamonds today and 541-385-5809 d ening, w i l l lo a d , criminal background comprehensive listing of reach over /Gold for Cash www.bendbulletin.com FREE. 541-390-6570. check. 541-447-5773. classified advertising... Saxon's Fine Jewelers 60,000 readers Y. real estate to automotive, Gardening Supplies Queen-size Canopy 208 541-389-6655 each week. Caregivers merchandise to sporting • GUN SHOW Frenchton pups, ready L og Bed $ 5 00. 1 & E q uipment Your classified ad - Experienced Pets & Supplies BUYING goods. Bulletin Classifieds now! Registered par- screw stripped, easy Nov. 10 8 11th, 2012 will also Part time 8 24 h r s appear every day in the Have Gravel, will Travel! Deschutes Fairgrounds Lionel/American Flyer ents on site. Puppy fix. 541-550-6567 caregivers. Home Inappear on trains, accessories. print or on line. package incl. $700Buy! Sell! Trade! The Bulletin recomCinders, topsoil, fill matebendbulletin.com stead Senior Care is 541-408-2191. $750. 5 4 1-548-0747 Refrigerator/freezer, Call 541-385-5809 rial, etc. Excavation 8 mends extra caution c urrently seek i ng Whirlpool ivory color, SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 which currently septicsystems. Abbas when purc h as- or 541-279-3588 $8 Admission, BUYING & SE L LING www.bendbulletin.com Caregivers to provide reg. size, exc. cond. receives over Construction cce¹7ss4c ing products or ser- Ko5More Pix at Bendbulletiu.c 12 & under free. All gold jewelry, silver in-home care to our $250 OBO. 1.5 million page Cal8!541 -548-681 2 vices from out of the and gold coins, bars, OREGON TRAIL GUN seniors. Candidates 541-719-1267 views every area. Sending cash, SHOWS 541-347-2120 rounds, wedding sets, must be able to lift, People Look for Information month at no Refrigerator, good cond, class rings, sterling silchecks, or credit in261 transfer, provide perAbout Products and extra cost. white, $95. Won't last H & H FIREARMS ver, coin collect, vin- Medical Equipment f ormation may b e sonal care & assist in Services Every Daythrough Bulletin long! 541-526-5854 Buy, Sell, Trade, tage watches, dental subjected to fraud. various home duties. Consign. Across From gold. Bill Fl e ming, The Bulletin ClassiNeds Classlfieds For more i nformaAlzheimer / Dementia/ ATTENTION DIABET541-382-9419. Pilot Butte Drive-In Get Results! tion about an adver- HAVANESE PUPPIES USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ALS e xperience a ICS with M edicare. 541-382-9352 tiser, you may call For newspaper Call 541-385-5809 AKC, Dewclaws, UTD needed. Must have Get a FREE talking Need to get an the O r egon State shots/wormer, nonshed, Door-to-door selling with delivery, call the or place your ad ability to pass backmeter and d i abetic FOR YOUR Attorney General's h ypoallergenic, $ 8 5 0 fast results! It's the easiest QUALIFY Circulation Dept. at on-line at ad in ASAP? ground checks 8 have testing supplies at NO CONCEALED HANDOffice Co n s umer 541-460-1277. way in the world to sell. bendbulletin com valid DL & insurance. GUN PERMIT You can place it COST, plus F R EE To 541-385-5800 Protection hotline at place an ad, call Training provided. Call More Pix at Bendbulletin.c Sat. Nov. 10 at 8 a.m. at home delivery! Best online at: 1-877-877-9392. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified 541-330-6400, or fax of all, this meter elimithe Redmond Comfort 341 Huge pet adoption event, resume to: 541-385-5809 Suites. Permit Classes www.bendbulletin.com nates painful finger classtftedortNemail betsdbullexn.com PetSmart, Nov. 2, 11amHorses & Equipmentg 541-330-7362. Call Sewing Cent al Oregon s nce t903 for Oregon, Utah pricking! 5pm. Shelters 8 rescue Rocker, smaller in size, $50 Arizona $140 for all 541-385-5809 888-739-71 99. groups will have dogs, blue upholstery. $25. or SE Bend Boarding Sen ng CentralOregon ence tgtta 3! NRA discount. Carry (PNDC) AKC SIBERIAN HUSKY cats, puppies 8 kittens 541-548-6446 DO YOU NEED $195/mo. Top Quality concealed in 36 states COWGIRL CASH pups. $700 & up. M/F. ready for new homes! Medical Alert for Segrass hay, pen/shelter. A GREAT SUPER TOP SOIL Including Nevada. 30 We buy Jewelry, Boots, stones-siberians@live Low fees 8 P etSmartWasher: Maytag front niors - 24/7 monitor- www.herghe gtsilandbark.ctsm Over 1000 acres to ride. EMPLOYEE Vintage Dresses 8 bonus to adopters. .com 541-306-0180 load, cherry red, 3 yrs years of firearms. ining. FREE Equipment. Screened, soil & com541-419-3405 RIGHT NOW? struction experience. More. 924 Brooks St. www.craftcats.org $350. 5 4 1-923-7394 FREE Shipping. Na- post Call The Bulletin m i x ed , no www.steelduststable.com Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, all or call store for details. National Champion Team 541-678-5162 or stickbugOq.com tionwide Ser v i ce. rocks/clods. High hubefore 11 a.m. and colors, starting at $275. www.getcowgirlcash.com shooting coach. $ 29.95/Month C A L L mus level, exc. f or get an ad in to pubParents on site. Call Kittens/cats avail. thru The Bulletin www.pistolcraft.com GENERATE SOME Medical Guardian To- flower beds, lawns, Farmers Column lish the next day! 541-598-5314/788-7799 rescue group. Tame, Call Lanny Fujishin at EXCITEMENT day 88 8 - 842-0760. gardens, straight 541-385-5809. shots, altered, ID chip, recommends extra (4867) Aussie-Shepherdpuppies more. Sat/Sun 1-5, o. -I 541-281-GUNS IN YOUR (PNDC) s creened to p s o i l .Wanted: Irrigated farm VIEW the Info@pistolCraft.com 1st shots/dewormed, ground, under pivot irNEIGBORHOOD. Bark. Clean fill. DeClassifieds at: call re: other days. chasing products or • 262 rigation, i n C e n tral $150. 541-771-2606 liver/you haul. www.bendbulletin.com 6 5480 7 8 th , B e n d . services from out of I Just bought a new boat? Plan a garage sale and OR. 541-419-2713 don't forget to adverCommercial/Office 541-548-3949. 5 41-389-8420; 5 9 8 - I the area. Sending I Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our • c ash, c h ecks, o r • tise in classified! Equipment 8 Fixtures 5488; photos, etc. at ep ep $4 ne 541-385-5809. / credit i n f ormation Super Seller rates! Aussies, Mini 8 Toy 541-385-5809 may be subjected to GET FREE OF CREDIT File cabinets: letter size, sizes, all colors, 7 f FRAUD. For more locking, no dents or CARD DEBT N OW! www.craftcats.org weeks $300 cash. information about an g Remington 870 scratches, 4 - drawer, Cut payments by up 541-678-7599 advertiser, you may I Wingmaster 12 Ga. $70, 2 drawer, $45. Labradoodles - Mini & to half. Stop creditors 541- 389-6167 call t h e Ore g onI 2-3/4, recently refimed size, several colors I' State from calling. Attor ney ' ninshed stock, I've 541-504-2662 sn 265 O ff l ce h ad it f o r 3 y r s , 866-775-9621. www.alpen-ridge.com / General's (PNDC) Consumer P r otec- • hardly use it. $250 Building Materials Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose t ion ho t l in e at I obo - call or text Highspeed Internet EVLionhead baby bunnies readersare affected by the notice.Federal,state,and localgovernment agencies variety color, $10 ea i 1-877-877-9392. 541-480-3331 ERYWHERE By SatBend Habitat erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web RESTORE ellite! Speeds up to Aussie Z u pu p pies, 541-548-0747 sites instead of in the local newspaper. 12mbps! (200x faster Building Supply Resale born September 11th, Maremma Guard Dog Ruger Mini 14 semi auto But who would have accessto those online notices? 62% of U.S. seniors Quality at LOW ready for new homes. pups, purebred, great rifle, $700. Auto-ord. than dial-up.) Starting (65 and older) have no internet access, and a third of those whoDO have access PRICES Great family pets, first dogs, $350 e a ch, Colt style 1911 45acp at $49.95/mo. CALL are still limited to dialup.' 740 NE 1st Gold USMC C omm., NOW 8 G O F A ST! shots and worming in- 541-546-6171. Besides, you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what 541-312-6709 cluded. Free delivery $1275. Colt M4 AR-22, 1-888-718-2162. to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you Open to the public. to Bend. $600 Kelly Papillon Pu p s,AKC $550. 541-647-8931 (PNNA) directly. 541-604-0716 Reg, 3 males left! ParIess than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government p a~ e Wg a s ,A ents on site, $350. Call Breyer collectible horses web site daily,'* but 80% of ail Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once ~OO 541-480-2466 vintage from 1 975during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there." MprePiXatBei)dbiletil),CO m POODLE pups, AKC toy 1980 Prices vary at $20 or less. Also tack POM-A-POO pups, toy. & s t ables for sale. Barn/shop cats So cute! 541-475-3889 541-504-9078 FREE, some tame, Queensland Heelers some not. We deOo standard & mini,$150 & liver! Fixed, shots. x up. 541-280-1537 http:// 541-389-8420

Q0~0 ~

Duck Decoys (15) at $4 each.

Place 1 column

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0 II

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The Bulletin

a ~ ~ ~i i

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Everyonehasarighttoknow whatthegovernment is doing..

. .except75%of seniors.



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Visit our HUGE BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! home decor The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are consignment store. still over 2,000 folks in our community without New items permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift arrive daily! camps, getting by as best they can. 930 SE Textron, The following items are badly needed to Bend 541-318-1501 help them get through the winter: www.redeuxbend.com @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. The Bulletin reserves 8 WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT newspaper onto The THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Bulletin Internet web1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. site. For Special pick up please call Ken @ 541-389-3296


The Bulletin

ServingCentral Oregon sincergitg


Keep public notices in the newspaper!

SNOWM OBILES ,.Irt/P25L~N 8I ATVS ONLY! Call theBulletin ClassifiedDept. 541-385-5809or541-382-1811 forratestoday!



Classifj.eds pc tnnrnctenmcnran%pretcctia • yigtg "ut tc nns8 ceoMaytgin '"AmrncenOp enecscocirancttonnlttpttmatrtgte




Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Lead 5 Intestines, e.g. 10 Dealers in books and records 14 " it down!"

33 Lovers of all things Barbie,

59 Autobus alternative 60 Like some elephants

say 35 Filter target 36 Odd one

42 Buck for a tune? former first daughter 16 Workers' place 17 Crush, e.g. 19 "The Gondoliersn nurse 20 Stiff 21 Like George Bush's promised nation 23 Summer mountain feature 25 "That's enough!" 27 Bill producers

43 Cause of a car rental surcharge 44 He was traded between Chicago teams in 1992 45 Add as a bonus 47 Some blight 49 Thick vegetable

soup 52 It's a wrap

53 Like some plugs 54 Needs from

28 Kind of woman 56 Tear 57 Litter, e.g. 31 Explorer Amundsen 58 Go off-shore, 32 Spirograph, e.g. maybe













DOWN 1 Visits 2 City originally known as the Town of York 3 An arm and a leg and then

8 S O R B S






5 What leftovers may be for 6 Univ. aides 7 In a swivet 8 Grant 9 Anxiolytic, e.g., for short

E 13 " me! n D I 18 Health products Co. C

S T O R K 22 Distended

26 Cardinal pts.? C E N 5 E M A V 29 Object of some hazing I R E M I A T A A L R E N N E T 30 It's everything, it's said RO S E A U RA DA T E W E A R 33 Hits the gas I DO L E L L S 34 Taurus, for one

24 28



Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend

* ESTATE SALE* 50 yrs in same house! Living room furn, 2 full

beds, dresser, desk & office, TVs, antique trunk & sewing machine, candy machine, Wurlitzer player piano & rolls, Many retro i tems including d i nette, 2 hutches, day bed, bar ware, vintage items from Germany & Spain, dishes, kitchenware, g l assware, classic 1959 P eugot 40 3 au t o , Hummel & G o e bel collection, collectibles, tools, copper, pewter, clothing and l inens, books, , lots misc.

Fri. & Sat., 9to4 Crowd control numbers Fri. at8a.m. 1747 NW 1st, Bend off Portland Ave. Attic Estates8

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Employment Opportunities

LAND LEASING MANAGER The Fres h water Trust seeks a motivated self-starter to

Machinist KEITH Mfg. Co. has an opening for a

TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin

secure leases on agricultural and r ural land for the implementation. $40,000 base + commission. Detailed job description and application instructions may be found at http:I/www.thefreshwatertrust.org/about-


Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory

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We will be holding interviews for 2 days only from 1pm —3pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 6th and 7th at:

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For more i nformation about an adver- ~


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Call for details! 541-385-5809


Motorcycles & Accessories

L The Bulleting

Big-Foot motorcycle lift ideal f o r Ha r l eys GENERATE SOME excitement in your neig$275. 541-788-4844 borhood. Plan a gaCRAMPED FOR rage sale and don't CASH? forget to advertise in Use classified to sell classified! 385-5809. those items you no longer need. • gervtng Central Oregon smte I903 Call 541-385-5809 •

The Bulletin

The Bulletin

Used out-drive parts - Mercury Harley Davidson SoftOMC rebuilt maTail Deluxe 20 0 7 , rine motors: 151 white/cobalt, w / pas$1595; 3.0 $1895; senger kit, Vance & 4.3 (1993), $1995. Hines muffler system 541-389-0435 getvtng Central Oregon stnte l903

& kit, 1045 mi., exc. c ond, $19,9 9 9 , 541-389-9188.


Harley Heritage Softail, 2003 $5,000+ in extras, $2000 paint job, 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information please call 541-385-8090 or 209-605-5537


Completely rebuilt/ customized, low miles. Accepting of-

Watercraft 16-ft wide-body canoe, hand laid fiberglass long paddies & Stearns vests, $350. 541-233-8944 2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.

$10,000 541-719-8444

daily newspapers for fers. 541-548-4807 3-days. Call the PaMotorhomes cific Northwest Daily Connection (916) HD Screaming Eagle 2 88-6019 o r e m a i l Electra Glide 2005, n 103 motor, two tone elizabeth@cnpa.com for more info (PNDC) candy teal, new tires, 23K miles, CD player Advertise V A CATION hydraulic clutch, exSPECIALS to 3 milcellent condition. Country Coach Intrigue lion P acific N o rth- Highest offer takes it. 2002, 40' Tag axle. westerners! 30 daily 541-480-8080. 400hp Cummins Diesix newspapers, tw o s l ide-outs. states. 25-word clas- Honda Elite 80 2001, sel. 4 1,000 miles, n e w sified $525 for a 3-day 1400 mi., absolutely tires & batteries. Most new., comes wl a d. Ca l l (916) like options.$95,000 OBO 2 88-6019 o r vis i t carrying rack for 2" 541-678-5712 www.pnna.com/advert receiver, ideal for use $995, ising pndc.cfm for the w/motorhome, Pacific Nor t hwest 541-546-6920 Daily Con n ection. (PNDC) Softai! Deluxe

the Oregon State Perform setup and operate a variety of ) Attorney General's Office Co n s umerI Mazak CNC lathes, Protection hotline at I i ncluding live t o o l and fourth axis, to I 1-877-877-9392. make pre c i sion ie Bulletip g parts. Maintain re- gTl quired tooling supplies. Inspect parts Just too many and adjust programs collectibles? and tools to conform to prints. Minimum 2 years e x p erience Sell them in CNC Lathe Set Up, The Bulletin Classifieds with an emphasis on Mazak lathes and Mazak pr o g ram- 541-385-5809 ming software. Must 2010, 805 miles, Extreme Value Adverb e able t o l ift 5 0 Black Chameleon. tising! 30 Daily newsLooking for your next pounds. C o mpeti$17,000 papers $525/25-word employee? tive wage and benCall Don @ classified, 3- d a ys. Place a Bulletin help efit package. Send 541-410-3823 Reach 3 million Pawanted ad today and cover letter and recific Northwesterners. reach over 60,000 sume to: For more information readers each week. KEITH Mfg. Co. 870 call (916) 288-6019 or Your classified ad Human Resources, email: Boats & Accessories will also appear on PO Box 1, elizabeth@cnpa.com bendbulletin.com Madras, OR 97741 for the Pacific North- 13' Smokercraft '85, which currently or fax to west Daily Connec- good cond., 15HP receives over 1.5 541-475-2169 tion. (PNDC) million page views gas Evinrude + every month at SOCIAL SE C URITY Minnkota 44 elec. Where can you find a no extra cost. DISABILITY BENmotor, fish finder, 2 Bulletin Classifieds helping hand? EFITS. WIN or Pay extra seats, trailer, Get Results! From contractors to Nothing! Start Your extra equip. $3200. Call 385-5809 Application In Under yard care, it's all here 541-388-9270 or place 60 Seconds. Call Toin The Bulletin's your ad on-line at day! Contact Disabilbendbulletin.com "Call A Service i ty Group, Inc. L i Tick, Tock censed Attorneys & Professional" Directory 466 BBB Accredited. Call Tick, Tock... Medical Billing for busy Independent Positions 888-782-4075. ...don't let time get (PNDC) practice. Prior medical exp req'd; 16-30 hrsl away. Hire a week. Wage DOE. Fax Sales professional out Garage Sales resume to 541-317-1777 Circulation of The Bulletin's Promotions Garage Sales "Call A Service We are seeking a full Get your time Sales Rep to Garage Sales Professional" business join our successful Directory today! Find them team o f i n d ependent con t ractors. in G ROW I N G Must be goal ori17' 1984 Chris Craft The Bulletin ented, mo t i vated, - Scorpion, 140 HP with an ad in e nthusiastic, p e r inboard/outboard, 2 Classifieds sonable, outgoing, The Bulletin's depth finders, trolloptimistic and good ing motor, full cover, 541-385-5809 "Call A Service with people. Sales EZ - L oad t railer, Professional" experience is preOBO. $3500 ferred, positive atti541-382-3728. Directory Looking for your tude required! Must next employee? have a valid driver's Pharmacist position Place a Bulletin help Check out the license, insured veavailable at Central wanted ad today and classifieds online hicle and cell phone. Oregonindependent reach over 60,000 www.bendbulletin.com We offer a complete readers each week. pharmacy. Profestraining program, all Updated daily sional setting, cusYour classified ad tools and s upplies will also appear on tomer-service orineeded for success, ented, 2 to 3 days bendbulletin.com 17' Seaswirl 1988 generous commiswhich currently reweekly. open bow, r ebuilt sion, d a i l y and 541-419-4688. ceives over 1.5 milChev V6 e n g ine, weekly bo n uses, lion page views new uph o lstery, Remember.... cash incentives and every month at $3900 obo. Bend. A dd your we b a d - unlimited in c o me no extra cost. 707-688-4523 dress to your ad and potential. Email reBulletin Classifieds readers on The sume t o m i stertaGet Results! Call ea Bulletin' s web site clmaster©aol.com 385-5809 or place e will be able to click your ad on-line at through automatically The Bulletin bendbulletin.com to your site.


spec i al rates for selling your I I boat or watercraft!

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chasing products or I services from out of ~

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Employment Opportunities


S nowmobiles (2) o n I which includes: trailer, s n o wmobiles n eed s o m e wor k I *5 lines of text and $1500. 541-312-9292 a photo or up to 10 I lines with no photo. *Free online ad at I bendbulletin.com *Free pick up into Snowmobile trailer I The Central Oregon 2002, 25-ft InterI Nickel ads. state & 3 sleds, $10,900. I Rates start at $46. I 541-480-8009

Business Opportunities



Snowmobiles •

541-382-3099 ext.13.


Employment Opportunities

Store, is looking to fill positions within our expandFri. & Sat. • Nov. 2 & 3 • 9 to 5 ONLY! ing auto network. Smolich Motors is an industry Crowd control admittance numbers leader with 8 new car franchises and Central @8:00 am Friday Oregon'5 finest choice of pre-owned vehicles. We (Take Hwy 20 east -turn on Powell Butte Hwy offer the opportunity for you to achieve the levels and gotoChickadee Lane.turn eastYou can of success and job satisfaction. We are looking for park in field) highly motivated individuals to join our team of proThis couple is moving to Florida and not tak- fessionals. You must have excellent verbal skills, display 8 professional and positive demeanor, sales ing much with them. So many nice things for sale: 2004-GMC pickup-2500; 2003 Toyota experience is helpful, but not necessary. We proHighlander; 1917 Victor Victrola with records; vide all of the tools you need to succeed, including Platform rocker from the 20s; Bosch Washer a professional training program that will give you and Dryer; Dry heat Sauna; Kitchen Aid refrig- the knowledge and confidence to maximize your erator; with ice and water; Carved Oriental table potential.

with six stools; Harvest dining table and six chairs; 2006 Sony 50 aTV; Suede cloth sofa and large matching chair; Koffee Klatch round glass top table and four chairs; Vibrator massage chair; Bar Stools set of two; and set of three bar stools; La-Z Boy recliner; Pioneer surround sound; Several dressers; Several Gorilla style storage racks; Lots of Cookware and electrical appliances; food products; Pressure washer; Blower; hand tools; shop misc; Mantis tiller; 2005 Craftsman riding m o wer; older mower u-fix for free; Three patio tables and umbrellas; one with chairs; Two punch bowl sets; lots of misc, glassware and dishes; Mens and ladies clothing; Linens; Books; 33-1/3 records; Fancy Weber barbecue; briquettes and wood chips; Large Faux marble TV cabinet; Two 1950s style ladies Schwinn bikes; Rakes, shovels, hoes and more; 10'x 4' x 5' Utility trailer-licensed; Hide a bed and couch; Christmas items; Another refrigerator; Tractor pull small trailer and thatcher; Large weight lifting machine and power exerciser; Two metal park benches; Lots and lots and lots of other items. Handled by...

51 What can open laterally? 53 Star of the motivational video "Be

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Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates!

Will & Gloria Smith


Ioez oe

Robberson Ford Pre-Owned Sales, 526 home of Bend's best warranty, is seeking a Loans & Mortgages top producing experiWARNING enced sales profesThe Bulletin recomsional. We are locally mends you use cauowned and recently tion when you prowon both the vide personal President's Award for information to compacustomer service and nies offering loans or the Chamber of credit, especially Commerce Large those asking for adBusiness of the Year vance loan fees or Award. companies from out of We offer competitive state. If you have pay, and outstanding concerns or quesbenefits including emtions, we suggest you ployee medical, denconsult your attorney tal, and supplemental or call CONSUMER insurance, vacation, HOTLINE, 401k & profit sharing. 1-877-877-9392. Clean driving record required. BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party Apply in person at will loan on real esRobberson Ford tate equity. Credit, no Pre-Owned problem, good equity Ask for Tony or Greg is all you need. Call 2770 N.E. 2nd Street, now. Oregon Land Bend, OR 97701. Mortgage 388-4200. Robberson Ford is a drug free workplace. Ever Consider a ReEOE. verse Mortgage? At least 62 years old? Good classified ads tell Stay in your home & the essential facts in an increase cash flow! interesting Manner. Write Safe & Effective! Call from the readers view - not Now for your FREE the seller's. Convert the DVD! C a l l Now facts into benefits. Show 888-785-5938. the reader how the item will (PNDC) help them in someway. LOCAL MONEY:We buy This secured trust deeds & advertising tip note,some hard money brought to youby loans. Call Pat Kellev


Boats & Accessories j







541-385-5809 Housekeeping World Mark E agle Livestock Truck Driver Appraisals Crest is taking appli- Must have CDL,2yrs exp, 541-385-5809 www.atticestatesancation for a part time progressive co., 401k, dappraisals.com HUGE boutique quality housekeeping posi$50,000/yr, insurance kids'/women's clothes, tion, some hotel re541-350-6822 NW only. 541-475-6681 CHEAP! And household sort cleaning exp. M OVING SAL E S a t . items, 2037 NE Bluebird preferred. Must be 11/3 ONLY, 8-2, youth Ct., Saturday only, 10-3. able to work weekUSE THE CLASSIFIEDS! c ross-country s k i s , ends. Please c a ll 288 bikes, antiques and Sales Southeast Bend Tammy or Lisa at Door-to-door selling with more. 2 3 9 4 NW 541-923-3564. fast results! It's the easiest Morningwood Way way in the world to sell. CONTEMP HOUSE Final Sale! Sat., 9-3 Find exactly what 286 The Bulletin Classified Office furn, king, queen, you are looking for in the Sales Northeast Bend dining, teak dresser, 541-385-5809 CLASSIFIEDS dish sets, art, sofa, misc. 63140 Watercress, 8-3 20763 St. GeorgeCt. eo rnnr Sat. LB bask, , closes: Garage Sale, Sat. only, eWHabitat for Humanity' men/wom, TV, liv rm 9-noon. Table & chairs, tables, DVDs, BBa- antique rocker, patio Newberry Habitat for Humanity is seeking apbies, MK cosmetics. table, rug hook yarn & plicants for the position of Executive Director, rug hooking frame, quilt with offices in Sunriver, Oregon. ESTATE SALE(heated) r acks, lots o f o t h er The successful candidate must offer strong antiques - collectibles, g oodies! 20356 A b - leadership qualities, excellent communicavintage - furniture, erdeen Dr. (Stonehaven) tions and public relations skills, and a demonhousehold, newer apstrated ability to interface effectively with pripliances and many Find It in v ate d o n ors a n d rep r esentatives o f other unique treaThe Bulletin Classlfleds! grant-awarding organizations. Oversight of onsures. Sat. 8-5 going operations, financial management, staff 1671 NE Watson. 541-385-5809 development, and interaction with the Board of Directors of the Newberry Habitat are core re290 NOTICE sponsibilities of the Executive Director. An unRemember to remove Sales Redmond Area derstanding of and experience with the operayour Garage Sale signs tion of n on-profit organizations is h ighly (nails, staples, etc.) Eagle Crest S a le. desirable. after your Sale event Nov. 3 r d 8 4t h. Compensation will be commensurate with the is over! THANKS! Glassware, furniture, experience of the successful applicant. From The Bulletin pictures, decor. 799 Interested applicants should email resume to and your local utility W idgeon Rd . 9 - 2 , ed O newberryhabitat.org companies. 541-316-0114 alturl.com/kcszt The Bulletin Setvng Central Qtegon stnte lgga Automotive Sales 292 www.bendbulletin.com




applications. Food Service Waitresses, bartenders and line cook for busy country-style restaurant in Redmond. Min. 2 years exp. Please send resume to 1great8eat4u2@gmail .com

The Bulletin



Jefferson County EMS District has an opening for a full-time EMT position. JCEMSD, located in Madras, Oregon, is a 911 service that provides ALS ambulance coverage to a large rural community. Closing date for applications is onNovember 23. 2012. Call 541-475-7476 for





Emergency Medical Technician 282




some 4 Keeps it coming, maybe





CO R D U RO Y R O U N D S 24 Livened (up) I NP R O T E S T




10 Sichuan cooking Puzzle by Joe Oipietro ingredient 35 Dutch Golden 11 It may help you Age painter get a grip 36 One who's ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 12 Earl in the usually gone Baseball Hall of A L V A M I S S S A I G O N Fame 37 Kings and 5 C E T


Sales Consultant sI c 0 ~

61 CNBC subj.

39 Noted rock site: Abbr.

15 Jenna Bush


PSMrJ) )

Employment Opportunities

Independent Contractor

*Supplement Your Income*

18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP,


Newspaper Delivery Independent Contractor

® Call Today © We are looking for independent contractors to service home delivery routes jn:

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\ I


Must have reliable, insured vehicle. Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 during buSineSS hourS apply Vja email at Onljne©bendbulletjn.COm

The Bulletin

Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory CAN'T BEAT THIS! Look before you buy, below market vafue! Size & mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' Hurricane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900. 541-548-5216

G ulfstream Sce n i c Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Cummins 330 hp diesel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 in. kitchen slide out, new tires,under cover, hwy. miles only,4 door fridge/freezer icemaker, W/D combo, Interbath t ub & shower, 50 amp propane gen & m o re! $55,000. 541-948-2310

Hunter's Delight! Package deal! 1988 Winnebago Super Chief, 3 8K m i les, g r e at shape; 1988 Bronco II 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K mostly towed miles, nice rig! $15,000 both. 541-382-3964, leave msg.

Itasca Spirit Class C 2007, 20K miles, front entertainment center, all bells 8 whistles, extremely good cond ition 2 s l ides 2 HDTV's, $45,000 OBO. 541-447-5484


20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, VB, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413


20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530

Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours.

$17,950. 541-546-6133

low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939 sl

Operate Your Own Business

Econoline RV 1 9 89, fully loaded, exc. cond, 35K m i. , R e duced

Jayco Seneca 2007, 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy 5500 d i e sel , toy hauler $130 , 000. 541-389-2636.

Qgh hp) Immaculate!

Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover,

new paint (2004), new inverter (2007). Onan 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, parked covered $35,000 obo. 541-419-9859 or 541-280-2014

Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Monaco Dynasty 2004, Class 875. loaded, 3 slides, die541-385-5809 sel, Reduced - now $119,000, 5 4 1-9238572 or 541-749-003?j Setvne Centtal 0 egon smte 1903

The Bulletin


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Motorhomes

Fifth Wheels


Automotive Parts, Service & AccessorieF





Antique & Classic Autos

Sport Utility Vehicles •


Chevy Astro Cargo I/an 2001, pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well

(4) 5-lug wheels w/LT235 -75R15 mud terrain tires, $200 cash 541-318-4577 4 studded tires, 225/75R-15, $160 obo

maint'd, regular oil Chevy Blazer LS 4-dr 4x4 changes, $4500. 2000, auto, roof rack, tow 541-382-3456 Please call GMC V~ton 1971, Only pkg, 182K hwy mi, alarm, well maint'd in/out, $3950 541-633-5149 Legal Notices Legal Notices • 4 Studless winter trac$1 9,700! Original low lite sys, fireplace, 2 mile, exceptional, 3rd 425-238-6000 (in Bend) tion tires on wheels, flat screen TVs. cipal Planner (541) LEGAL NOTICE 225/60R-16, $350. Chevy Suburban LTZ Chevy G-20 c u stom $60,000. 385-1709. Copies of IN THE CIRCUIT 541-410-0886 2007, 4x4 , l e ather, conversion travel van 541-480-3923 the staff report, appli1994 128k, 5.7L, rear COURT OF THE m oonroof, bac k u p Engine hoist, 2-ton cacation, all documents elect. bed, 75% tires. a STATE OF OREGON sensors, 3rd row seat, acity, made in USA, real beauty in & out! FOR THE COUNTY OF and evidence subrunning boards, low Travel Trailers old-up 3-position boom, Travel in economy and mitted by or on behalf DESCHUTES V in ¹ 22 8 9 19 1965, Exc. All original, mi., $150. 541-504-8610 style and under $4000. WELLS FARGO BANK, of the applicant and 4-dr. sedan, in stor- $28,988 Bob, 541-318-9999 applicable criteria are N.A., NOT IN ITS 185/70R studded age last 15 yrs., 390 1/3 interest in Colum- Four S UB ARU. available for inspectires on wheels, used . High INDIVIDUAL C o m pression SUSARUOPSENDCOM bia 400, located at tion at the Planning CAPACITY BUT Je r r y engine, new tires 8 li- 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Fleetwood Wilderness Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. $ 120 O B O . Automobiles D ivision at n o c o st 541-382-0956. SOLELY AS TRUSTEE 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, Call 541-647-3718 c ense, reduced t o 877-266-3821 a nd can b e p u r FOR THE RMAC rear bdrm, fireplace, $2850, 541-410-3425. NEED HOLIDAY $$$? Dlr ¹0354 Buick Lucerne CXL chased for 25 cents/ TRUST, SERIES Pioneer Spirit 18CK, AC, W/D hkup beauWe pay CASH for 2009, $12,500, low page. The staff reChevy Tahoe LS 2001 low 2011-1T, ITS 2007, used only 4x, AC, tiful u n it! $ 3 0 ,500. miles; 2000 Buick Junk Cars 8 Trucks! port should be made 4x4. 120K mi, Power SUCCESSORS AND/ electric tongue j ack, 541-815-2380 Century $2900. You'll Also buying batteries 8 available 7 days prior seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd OR ASSIGNS, $8995. 541-389-7669 catalytic converters. not find nicer Buicks to the hearing date. row seating, e xtra Plaintiff, One look's worth a Serving all of C.O.! Call The Bulletin At Documents are also tires, CD, privacy tintV. thousand words. Call Call 541-408-1090 • ing, upgraded rims. a vailable online a t : 541-385-5809 1 /3 interest i n w e l l PETER C. Bob, 541-318-9999. B a r racuda Fantastic cond. $7995 www.deschutes.org/c equipped IFR Beech Bo- Studded tires on Chev Plymouth REVERMAN; US Place Your Ad Or E-Mail at for an appt. and take a nanza A36, new 10-550/ black rims 2 seasons. 1966, original car! 300 Contact Timm dd. Deschutes County BANK, NATIONAL At: www.bendbulletin.com drive in a 30 mpg. car 541-408-2393 for info hp, 360 V8, centerencourages persons K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 prop, located KBDN. ASSOCIATION; 265/70R -16, $100 lines, (Original 273 or to view vehicle. Cadillac El Do r ado w ith d i sabilities t o ROUA Digorgio 1971 slide, AC, TV, awning. $65,000. 541-419-9510 541-728-0799. DESCHUTES eng 8 wheels incl.) Dodge Durango SLT participate in all prot 994, T otal c r e a m COUNTY; and ALL fridge, heater, propane NEW: tires, converter, Executive Hangar Studded winter radial 541-593-2597 grams and actiwties. 8 elec. Iights, awning, batteries. Hardly used. OTHER PARTIES 2006, 4x4, r u nning puff, body, paint, trunk tires (4) used part of 1 at Bend Airport This event/location is 2 spares, extra insu- $15,500. 541-923-2595 prem i u m as showroom, blue UNKNOWN CLAIMING CARS: Chevy b oard, (KBDN) season, P235/75R-15 PROJECT leather, $1700 wheels ANY RIGHT, TITLE, accessible to people lation for late season 2-dr FB 1949 8 Chevy wheels, 3rd row seat. 60' wide x 50' deep, $325. 541-593-1268. with disabilities. If you hunting/cold weather w/snow tires although LIEN, OR INTEREST Coupe 1950 - rolling Vin ¹138688. $9,999 w/55' wide x 17' high camping, well maint, car has not been wet need a c commodaIN THE REAL Tires (4) LT265/70R17 chassis's $1750 ea., bi-fold door. Natural S UB A R U . very roomy, sleeps 5, tions to p a rticipate, in 8 years. On trip to PROPERTY on Ford 8-hole wheels Chevy 4-dr 1949, comreat f o r hu n t ing, gas heat, office, bath- 4 0% t r ead, $ 4 0 0 . plete car, $1949; Ca- 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., COMMONLY KNOWN please call Peter Gu2950, 541-410-6561 room. Parking for 6 t owsky or emai l $5400, 541-593-4016. dillac Series 61 1950, 2 AS 55005 MARTEN 877-266-3821 c ars. A d jacent t o 541-480-9277 peter.gutowskyOdesdr. hard top, complete LN., BEND OREGON Call The Bulletin At MONTANA 3585 2008, Dlr ¹0354 Frontage Rd; g reat Winter Tires 4 Bridge- w/spare front c l ip., chutes.org Cadillac Seville STS 97707, 541-385-5809 exc. cond., 3 slides, visibility for a viation s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 Y ukon D e nali 2003 - just finished Defendants. LEGAL NOTICE king bed, Irg LR, Arc- bus. 1jetjock@q.com 95W on alloy rims, $3950, 541-382-7391 GMC Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 2003, leather, moon$4900 engine work Case No. 12CV0498 Wind Creek and Fry tic insulation, all oplike new, tire pres541-948-2126 roof, premium wheels, At: www.bendbulletin.com by Certified GM meSUMMONS FOR Creek Tree Felling tions $37,500. sure monitors incl. 3rd row. Very nice. chanic. Has everyPUBLICATION Project 541-420-3250 Retail©$1900) $650. VW Karman Ghia Vin ¹128449. thing but navigation. USDA - Forest Service n Bend 619-889-5422 $13,999. 1970, good cond., Too many bells and TO D E F ENDANTS: Ochoco National Forest Nuyya 29 7LK Hi t ch+aaM new upholstery and whistles to l i st. A LL OTHER P A R- Paulina Ranger District Hiker 2007, 3 slides, +©i S U B A R U . convertible top. bought a new one. T IES UNK N O WN Crook County, OR 32' touring coach, left $10,000. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend $4900 CLAIMING ANY 45-day Appeal Period kitchen, rear lounge, f PS 541-389-2636 541-420-1283 877-266-3821 RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, S pringdale 2005 27', 4' many extras, beautiful ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP Dlr ¹0354 O R I NTEREST I N District Ranger Sanslide in dining/living area, c ond. inside & o u t , • SHA RE LEFT! THE R EA L P R O P- d ra H e nning h a s sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 $34,499 OBO, Prinev- Economical flying in GMC Yukon XL 1500 ille. 541-447-5502 days E RTY C O M M O N LY made a decision to obo. 541-408-3811 our ow n C e s sna 2007, l e a t her, 4 8 541-447-1641 eves. KNOWN AS 5 5 005 implement the Wind 172/180 HP for only bucket seats, 3rd row 1921 Model T ~ ~ i p "] MARTEN LN., BEND Creek and Fry Creek 1 0,000! Based a t seat, moonroof. Vin Delivery Truck OREGON 97707: Tree Felling project, BDN. Call Gabe at ¹305958. $27,988 Restored & Runs I N THE NAME O F on the Paulina Ranger f~t~a» li rofessional Air! VW Thing 1974 good 4jj@~SUBARU. ChryslerSebring 2006 THE STATE OF ORDistrict, Ochoco Na$9000. 541-388-001 9g SUBABUOPBEND COM Fully loaded, exc.cond, cond. Extremely Rare! EGON: Y o u are t ional F orest. T h e 541-389-8963 Only built in 1973 & 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend very low miles (38k), h ereby required t o purpose and need for 877-266-3821 always garaged, 1 974. $8,000. appear and d efend felling live and dead Dlr ¹0354 slide,Bunkhouse style, Pilgrim 27', 2007 5t h 541-389-2636 transferable warranty the action filed against trees in Fry Creek and TURN THE PAGE incl. $8600 sleeps 7-8, excellent wheel, 1 s lide, AC, you in the above-en- N orth F o r k Win d For More Ads 933 condition, $ 1 6 ,900, TV,full awning, excel541-330-4087 titled cause within 30 Creeks is to discourlent shape, $23,900. The Bulletin Pickups 541-390-2504 days from the date of age cattle use a nd 541-350-8629 service of this SumFord Crown Vic. help to restore streChevy i/E-ton 1992, PS, mons upon you; and if ambank 1997 4 door, 127k, stab i lity. PB, AT, new plates, runs you fail to appear and d rives, runs a n d Felling trees will not A " Ii l grt, $1500. 541-923-4338 GMC Yukon XL S LT d efend, f o r wan t looks great, extra only protect stream,((C 2004, loaded w/facthereof, the P l aintiff bank stability, but it set of winter tires on F350 2006 diesel 4 dr, Diamond Reo Dump tory dvd, 3rd s eat, rims, only $3000. will apply to the court will also aid in the dis4x4 dually, 63k mi., Truck 1 9 74, 12 -14 $7100. 541-280-6947 f or th e r e l ief d e - persion of cattle to the 541-771-6500. $20k 541-777-0829 Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Chevy C-20 Pickup yard box, runs good, manded therein. Pilgrim In t e rnational uplands. 29', weatherized, like 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; H onda C R V 200 5 , $6900, 541-548-6812 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, n ew, f u rnished 8 auto 4-spd, 396, model 4WD, moonroof, alloy PITE DUNCAN, LLP This decision is subCST /all options, orig. ready to go, incl Wine- Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 wheels, v ery clean. Infinity G35 Coupe Dated: ject to appeal pursu2004, B l a ck , 1 owner, $22,000, ard S a tellite dish, Fall price $ 2 1,865. G K E A T Vin ¹027942. $12,888 October 10, 2012 541-312-4466 ant to Forest Service 541-923-6049 owner, no accidents, 26,995. 541-420-9964 By: David J. Boulanger, r egulations 36 C F R $@ S USUBARUOPBENDCOM B A R U. manual trans., great Chevy flatbed pickup OSB ¹ 092943 215. Appeals may be cond., n a v igation, Hyster H25E, runs Ford 250 XLT 1990, 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 7 4K m i . , ~"=j • 1969, 32 7 en g ine, Trial Attorney 4„ s ubmitted b y m a i l , $6200. well, 2982 Hours, 6 yd. dump bed, • • I,, i I 877-266-3821 $4000. 541-388-3029 (503) 222-2256 hand delivery, facPlease call $3500,call 139k, Auto, $5500. Dlr ¹0354 Fax: (503) 222-2260 simile, or e-mail. Ap541-593-2321 or 541-749-0724 541-410-9997 Dboulanger@piteduncan.com peals must meet the Hummer H2 2003, auto, email Weekend Warrior Toy Rochelle L. Stanford, content requirements 4X4, premium wheels, johnmason2280O Ford F250 2002 OSB¹ 06244 Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, Regal Prowler AX6 Exof 36 C F R 2 1 5 14. 3rd seat, leather, grill gmail.com fuel station, exc cond. tremeEdition 38' '05, Supercab 7.3 diesel, (619) 326-2404 Only individuals and guard, lots of extras. 130,000 miles, great Fax: (858) 412-2608 sleeps 8, black/gray 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all o rganizations tha t Vin ¹113566. Mitsubishi 3 00 0 G T rstanford@piteduncan.com i nterior, u se d 3X , maple cabs, king bed/ shape with accessosubmitted substantive Chevy Wagon 1957, $17,988. 1999, a uto., p e a rl 621 SW Morrison bdrm separated w/slide ries. $14,900. $24,999. 4-dr., complete, comments during the w hite, very low m i . Street, Suite 650 glass dr,loaded,always Peterbilt 359 p o table $15,000 day or S UBA RU. 541-389-9188 comment period may OBO, trades, 541-923-0231 SUBARUCPSRNDCOM $9500. 541-788-8218. garaged,lived in only 3 water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, Portland, OR 97205 541-923-2582 eves. please call appeal. Any appeal 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Of Attorneys for Plaintiff mo,brand new $54,000, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 541-420-5453. must be postmarked 877-266-3821 still like new, $28,500, p ump, 4 - 3 U hoses, I Fif t h Wheels o r received by t h e Dlr ¹0354 will deliver,see rvt.com, camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe Vehicle? NOTICE TO Regional F o r ester, Call The Bulletin DEFENDANT/ 28' HR Alumascape ad¹4957646 for pics. 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, 541-820-3724 J eep L i berty 2 0 0 7 , USDA Forest Service, Cory, 541-580-7334 and place an ad toDEFENDANTS auto. trans, ps, air, Ford F250 XLT 4x4 Nav., 4x4, l e ather, 1998 with slider, very Pacific Northwest ReL ariat, 1990, r e d , day! READ THESE frame on rebuild, renice, clean. $6500. loaded. Moonroof. g ion, ATTN: 15 7 0 Ask about our PAPERS CAREFULLY painted original blue, 80K original miles, Have an item to Vin ¹646827. $13,988. Bend, 206-915-1412. 333 SW First "Whee/ Deal"! 4" lift with 39's, well You must "appear" in Appeals original blue interior, sell quick? ©~ S USUBARUOPBENDCOM BARU. for private party this case or the other A venue, P.O . B o x original hub caps exc maintained, $4000 Portland, Oradvertisers side will win automati- 3623, If it's under chrome, asking $9000 obo. 541-419-5495 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 972 0 8 -3623 cally. To "appear" you egon or make offer. 877-266-3821 within 45 days of the '500 you can place it in 541-385-9350 must file with the court Big Tex LandscapDlr ¹0354 Meet singles right now! date of publication of a legal paper called a this notice. The publiThe Bulletin ing/ ATV Trailer, No paid o p erators, "motion" or "answer". dual axle flatbed, just real people like Classifieds for: The "motion" or san- cation date of this no7'x16', 7000 lb. U you. Browse greetswer" must be given tice in the newspaper GVW, all steel, ings, exchange mesChrysler SD 4-Door of record, the Bend '10 - 3 lines, 7 days to the court clerk or $1400. sages and c o nnect Bulletin, is the exclu1930, CD S R oyal administrator w i t hin '16 - 3 lines, 14 days 541-382-4115, or Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, live. Try it free. Call Standard, 8-cylinder, means for calcu30 days (or 60 days sive 71K, Xc ab, X LT, 541-280-7024. now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. (Private Party ads only) lating the time to file body is good, needs Jeep Willys 1947,custom, for Defendant United an (PNDC) some r e s toration, auto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00 small block Chevy, PS, appeal. States or State of OrOBO. 541-388-0232 Nissan Sentra, 2012runs, taking bids, OD, mags+trailer. Swap 12,610 egon Department of mi, full warranty, 541-383-3888, submitted via for backhoe.No am calls Revenue) along with Appeals PS, PB, AC,8 more! 541-815-3318 should be sent to please. 541-389-6990 the required filing fee. fax $16,000. 541-788-0427 (503) 808-2339. ApIt must be in proper peals can b e f i l ed I nternational Fla t Jeep Wrangler X 2008, form and have proof electronically unlimited, 4 dr., runat: apBed Pickup 1963, 1 o f service o n t h e peals-pacificnorthning boards, premium ton dually, 4 s p d. plaintiff's attorney or, west-regional-office@ Call 54l 385 5809 toPromoteyour service Advertisefor 28 daysstarting at 'IfoitlsslPecsiPscksg EDStS SSriablessOUrNliEiei wheels, hard top, very trans., great MPG, if the plaintiff does not clean. Vin ¹ 5 72535. E l ectronic could be exc. wood have a n at t orney, fs.fed.us. $24,999. appeals m u s t be hauler, runs great, proof of service on the FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, submitted as part of new brakes, $1950. Porsche 911 1974, low BARU . plaintiff. 4+ i SUSUBABUOPBEND door panels w/flowers 541-419-5480. COM mi., complete motor/ If you have questions, the e-mail message or & hummingbirds, as an attachment in 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend trans. rebuild, tuned you should see an NOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. N OTICE: O RE G O N white soft top 8 hard 877-266-3821 suspension, int. & ext. attorney immediately. plain text (.txt), MiLook at: law req u ires any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Landscape Contractop. Just reduced to crosoft Word (.doc), Dlr ¹0354 refurb., oi l c o oling, If you need help in Bendhomes.com one who co n t ractsQuality 8 honesty, from tors Law (ORS 671) $3,750. 541-317-9319 shows new in 8 out, rich text format (.rtf), finding an a t torney, for construction work carpentry & handyman r equires a l l bu s i for Complete Listings of or 541-647-8483 perf. mech. c o nd. you may contact the or portable document to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall cov- nesses that advertise Area Real Estate for Sale Much more! (.pdf). E-mails Oregon State Bar's format C onstruction Con - ering install / removal. t o p e r form L a n d$28,000 541-420-2715 to adLawyer Referral Ser- submitted tractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 scape C o n struction other than the PORSCHE 914 1974, vice onl i n e at dresses A n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured which includes: one listed above, or in Roller (no engine), www.oregonstatebar. means the contractor 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 p lanting, deck s , ormats other t h a n Lincoln Navigator 2005 lowered, full roll cage, org or by calling (503) fthose i s bonded an d i n fences, arbors, listed, or con684-3763 ( in t h e great cond., 124k mi., 5-pt harnesses, racs ured. Ver if y t h e w ater-features, a n d Ford Galaxie 5001963, taining viruses, will be 3 rows seats, DVD ing seats, 911 dash & Portland metropolitan contractor's CCB rejected. The office Landscaping/Yard Care installation, repair of 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L player, $11,500 cash instruments, d ecent area) or toll-free elsec ense through t h e irrigation systems to hours for those subshape, v e r y c o ol! where in Oregon at CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, only. 541-475-3274 mitting han d -deliv$8400 obro. $1699. 541-678-3249 (800) 452-7636. Website Landscape Contrac- radio (orig),541-419-4989 am/fm/cd. Oo ~ appeals are 8:00 This is an action for ered www.hirealicensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s Ford Mustang Coupe 541-420-3634/390-1285 - 4:30 pm MonMOre PiXatBendbulleti!I,COm com Judicial Foreclosure am 4-digit number is to be 1966, original owner, Zoot't'z Qua//ip Toyota Camry's: 935 through Friday, or call 503-378-4621. of real property com- day N issan Armada S E included in all adverV8, automatic, great 1984, $1200 obo; excluding holidays. Zaug git/ e /,U. Sport Utility Vehicles The Bulletin recommonly k n ow n as 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , tisements which indishape, $9000 OBO. 1985 SOLD; mends checking with 5 5005 M a rten L n , l eather, D VD , C D . cate the business has 530-515-8199 The Decision Memo is BMW X5 2007 4x4, the CCB prior to con- MOre Than Serv!Ce 1986 parts car, Bend, OR 97707. A Vin¹700432. $14,788. a bond,insurance and for review at 66k miles. ¹Z37964 tracting with anyone. Peace Of Mind $500. motion o r an s w er available workers c ompensaPaulina Ranger Ford Ranchero $32,995 Some other t rades BARU. © i S USUBARUOPBENDCOM Call for details, must be given to the the tion for their employPrineville, Oralso req u ire addi- Fall Clean up 1979 court clerk or admin- eDistrict, ees. For your protec541-548-6592 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend C o p ies a re with 351 Cleveland tional licenses a nd Don't istrator within 30 days a gon. track it in all Winter tion call 503-378-5909 877-266-3821 vailable upon r e certifications. modified engine. of the date of f i rst Oregon •Leaves or use our website: Dlr ¹0354 Toyota Corolla 2004, For further inBody is in publication specified quest. •Cones AgtoSource www.lcb.state.or.us to auto., loaded, o rig. ormation or t o r e I D e bris Removal excellent condition, herein along with the fquest • Needles check license status 541-598-3750 owner, non smoker, a copy of the $2500 obo. • Pruning required filing fee. aaaoregonautosource.com before co n t racting exc. cond. $7000 firm Decision Memo, conJUNK BE GONE 541-420-4677 • Debris Hauling P ublication Da t e s : with t h e bu s iness. Prineville 503-358-8241 Jeffrey Marszal at p~i . I Haul Away FREE October 13, October tact Persons doing landthe Paulina Ranger 20, October 27, NoFor Salvage. Also Need help fixing stuff? scape m aintenance Gutter District, 3 1 6 0 NE Ford T-Bird 1966 Cleanups & Cleanouts Call A Service Professional vember 3, 2012. do not require a LCB Third Street, PrinevCleaning 390 engine, power Porsche Cayenne 2004, find the help you need. Mel, 541-389-8107 license. LEGAL NOTICE ille, OR 97754, or at everything, new 86k, immac, dealer www.bendbulletin.com NOTICE OF (541) 416-6500. paint, 54K original maint'd, loaded, now I Domestic Services Compost PUBLIC HEARING Buick Enclave 2008 CXL $17000. 503-459-1580 miles, runs great, Nelson Landscape Toyotas: 1999 Avalon Applications AWD, V-6, black, clean, excellent cond. in 8 Professional houseMaintenance 254k; 1996 Camry, The Deschutes Use Less Water mechanicall y sound, 82k Toyota 4 Runner Limout. Asking $8,500. cleaning: 25 yrs. ex98k, 4 cyl. Lots of Serving miles. $21,995. ited 2 0 0 5 , 4W D , County B o ar d of $$$ S4VE $$$ 541-480-3179 perience, references, miles left in these Call 541-815-1216 moonroof, le a t her, C ommissioners will Central Oregon Improve Soil Senior discounts! cars Price~ You tell running boards, auto, hold a Public Hearing Residential me! I'd guess 541-420-0366 heated seats, v ery on Monday, Novem2013 Ma!ntenance & Commercial $2000-$4000. SOLD!! clean. Vin ¹ 0 37550. ber 19, 2012 at 10:00 Handyman Package Available Your servant, Bob at a.m. in th e B arnes $21,999. 541-318-9999, no weekly, monthly SPRINTER 36' Uyou can stop the ad, and Sawyer Rooms at ERIC REEVE HANDY charge for looking. and 2005, $10,500 obo. 4 @ S U B A R U. finally gotit so/d. It took a Two 1300 NW W all S t ., slides, sleeps 5, SERVICES. Home 8 one time service lew months, buf found a queen Bend, to t ake testiair mattress, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Volkswagen Jetta SE, Commercial Repairs, • Snow Removal buyer - ad the important small sgl. 2008. 40,500 mi, Great mony on the following bed, couc 877-266-3821 Carpentry-Painting, EXPERIENCED • Sprinkler Repair thing is ..... it's gone! condition, FWD, ABS, item: FILE NUMBER: folds out. 1.5 baths, Dlr ¹0354 Pressure-washing, Commercial automatic, AC, moonPA-12-4. S U BJECT: • Back Flow Testing The Wheel Deal 'run until Doug R.. Honey Do's. On-time se//s package' really roof, CD/MP3 8 much & Residential 940 Amendment to Cer• Fall Clean up o promise. Senior he/ped! more! $12,950 tain Sections of t he •Weekly Mowing Vans Discount. Work guar541-771-2312 Doug R. Comprehensive Plan. anteed. 541-389-3361 Senior Discounts Senior Discounts Housekeeping WHEN YOU SEE THIS or 541-771-4463 Bonded & Insured Want Results from qualified amendments that ref541-390-1466 Bonded 8 Insured 541-815-4458 local buyers? erence D e s tination Same Day Response CCB¹181595 LCB¹8759 ~OO Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask Resort goals and poliI DO THAT! about our Wheel Deal special! More pixatj3 t1(jIjletij),com c ies i n t h e n e w ly Thousands of ads daily Home/Rental repairs On a classified ad Bend Landscaping adopted D e schutes in print and online. People Lookfor Information Small jobs to remodels go to County ComprehenSprinkler Blowouts, Chevrolet G20 SportsAbout Products and Honest, guaranteed and Winterization man, 1993, exlnt cond, www.bendbulletin.com sive Plan. CONTACT: Services Every Daythrough work. CCB¹151573 541-382-1655 $4750. 541-362-5559 or to view additional Peter Gutowsky, PrinWWW.iDendiDul l e t i r The Bulletin Classitieds Dennis 541-317-9768 LCB¹ 7990 541-663-6046 photos of the item. Southwind 35.5' Triton 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du pont UV coat, 7500 mi Bought new at $132,913; asking $93,500. Call 541-419-4212

Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slideouts, inverter, satel-


. ~gg)















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After years of funny financing and few limitations on loans, banks and other lenders have tightened up their lending policies. As a result, homeowners considering a home improvement project might need to look elsewhere to secure financing. There are no certainties in the real estate market. Though statistics suggest marked improvement in home sales over just a few months ago, many h omeowners remain weary about selling their homes to try to move up to something bigger and better. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) says many people are choosing to stay put in their homes and remodel or make renovations to transform the house into something more comfortable. While there are many worthwhile home renovation pr ojects, th e N A H B r e c ommends projects that bring your home up to par with the neighbors'. It doesn't pay to transform your home into the most expensive on the street — unless you plan to live there for the rest of your life. Real estate experts recommend that a remodeling investment increases the value of your house by no more than 10 to 15 percent above the median sale price in your neighborhood. When it comes time to finance a remodel or renovation, you may not know where to start. Credit restrictions on home mortgages that have troubled many would-be buyers have also plagued individuals looking to finance home improvements. Here are a few options for financing improvements in today's economy. As with any financial investment, individuals are advised to consult their financial advisors before making a final decision on how a project will be financed. • Borrow against a retirement plan. Many retirement plans, such as a 401(k), allow plan members to take out a portion of the savings to put toward a home loan. This does not mean you are taking money out of the account permanently. Rather, you a re borrowing against yourself, with r e payment necessary in a certain timeframe. Because these loans often offer very low interest rates, and essentially the interest is being paid back to you, they might be a good optionfor men and women who cannot secure a t r a ditional l oan. H owever, if you have been laid off, there may be a shorter repayment period. Also, the interest on these loans is not tax-deductible.

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on your home topay for the work you want to have done, which is based on the equity, or the difference between the home's fair market value and the outstanding balance of all liens on the property. The interest on these loans is tax-deductible, which can make this financing option quite popular. • Secure a home equity line of credit. Ahome equity line of credit, or HELOC, is another type of home equity loan. Instead of receiving a lump sum to use toward renovations like you would w it h a t r a d itional home equity loan, a HELOC is sort of a credit card type scenario based on the equity in your home. You are given a line of credit, against which you can buy items. This is good for intermittent needs, when one large sum is not needed. HELOCs have a draw period, during which the borrower can use the credit, and a repayment period, during which it must be repaid. HELOCs generally have lower mortgage fees at the start and are generally subject to the same tax incentives as regular home equity loans. • Consider refinancing. Interest rates on mortgages are at historic lows. You may qualify to do a cash-out refinance, where you borrow against the value of your home and create an entirely new mortgage at the lower rate. Although you w il l start y our mortgage all over from day I and have to pay closing fees, this type of refinancing can be more advantageous tohomeowners with significant equity in their homes. • Apply for a government-sponsored loan. The government may offer programs aimed at helping individuals who are underwater on their home loans borrow money to make necessary improvements. While the funding cannot be used to purchase luxury items, such as a swimming pool, it can be used for necessities. Residents of the United States can explore FHA203(k) refinance options and an FHA t i tle I i m p r ovement loan. • Discuss financing with your contractor. Some contractors may o f f e r f i n a ncing. Keep in mind that the interest rates may be high, and it may be difficult to investigate the security of these types of loans.

Many homeowners also look t o c r edit cards to help finance some home renovation projects, but they should be used as • Borrow against other investments. CDs, a last resort. Credit cards typically come bonds or mutual funds can provide the col- with high interest rates, and while they are lateral you need and earn you a lower ingood for some small pr ojects, financing larger projects on a card may land you very terest rate. Fixed-income investments are more stable options to borrow against, as deep in debt. their value won't have a chance to decline. Homeowners who choose to stay in their homes and make renovations have a host • Apply for a home equity loan. Many peo- of options at their disposal to finance those ple have heard of a home equity loan, and it projects. With carful consideration of the is usually the first choice when borrowing following options, homeowners may find funds for renovations. Essentially a home the improvement of their dreams is within equity loan is taking out a second mortgage reach.


~ e xe

I I'





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Beautiful homewith extensive upgrades,EarthAdvantage,main floor living, wired for surround sound, redoak hardwoodfloors. Island breakfast bar,Birchcabinets & muchmore.

This well maintainedhomesits on a spacious lot. With 3bedrooms,2 bath, with new carpet installed this summer, fresh interior paint & new laminate flooring makes this home move in ready.




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$ 99,9 0 0

$ 189 , 0 0 0

$ 450 , 0 0 0

$ 474 , 9 0 0


park-like Setting On .50 Acre. Renovated withcustomfinishes thruout. New hardwoodfloors, European plaster,freshpaint thro/out. Largeutility

Poce Reduced!!! Sunriver Gem.... Three full master suites, 3.5baths GorgeousAsianwalnut flooring, new Hickory cabinets, carpet aad tile floors, largecorner lot. Excellent RentalHistory. SUSAN PITARRO, BROKER

family roomwith high windows, soaring ceilings, & fireplace, 3 car


• I .

$ 159 , 0 0 0 View, Views, Views!

Delighfful Craftsman Style Home


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I •

This condo wil makefor agreatgetaway or smartinvestment.Closetodowntown and the everpopularOldMil District. Amenitiesincludepool, tenniscourts ard trails accessinthe g Deschutes River.Call Grantformoredetails! GRANT LUDWICK, BROKER

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Apt./Multiplex NW Bend


141 NW P o rtland, 2 bdrm, oak cabinets, DW,




Houses for Rent SE Bend

New Listings

New Listings

Multiplexes for Sale

Home s for Sale

Homes for Sale

New Construction j SW Bend j $219,000 Single level duplex! 51410 Hann 4 Bed 61705 Rigel Home w/2 Close to River 8 Old Redmond! 3 bdrm, 2 room Home, Big Ga Master Suites, $214,500 20257 Knights Bridge W/S/G 8 c able paid, New construction in SE Mill. Private backyard, bath, 1 41 4 s q . ft. r age/Shop, 1 A c r e. Fenced Corner Lot. Place, brand new laundry facilities. $650, deluxe 3 bdrm, 2y2 bath, Bend. Single level, 3 decks & hot tub. Great e ach u n it . We l l $74,950 $209,900. $500 dep. 541-617-1101 b edroom, 2 bat h , room with gas f irem aintained, l o n g TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn 1880 sq. ft. home. 1641 sq. ft. home on renters. Prudential High Desert Prudential High Desert $1195. 541-350-2206 place, built-ins. Gran- term 642 large lot on the edge ite, gas range, pantry $179,000. Call Realty 541-312-9449 Realty 541-312-9449 659 of town backing to i n k i t chen. G r e at Charlie, Designated www. BendOregon www. BendOregon Apt./Multiplex Redmond COI canal. Complemaster. Lots of storBroker 541-350-3419 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com Houses for Rent RENTALS tion 3/1/13. age. Maybe the Best Redmond RE/MAX 1550sq ft 3 bdrm 2 bath, 603 - RentalAlternatives Sunriver 3546 SW 35th Large 55681 Wagon Master W/D hkup, gas frplce, MLS¹201208267 Buy in Town. Land & Homes 604 - Storage Rentals 4,000+ SF Home w/ River Meadows Re close to RHS, fenced yd Greg Floyd, MLS¹201208079 Real Estate VILLAGE PROPERTIES 605 - Roommate Wanted w/garden, 2-car garage. Wine Cellar. $481,703 sort Chalet H o me. P.C., Broker Lester Friedman, Sunriver, Three Rivers, 740 $925. 541-604-4694 TEAM Birtola Garmyn $179,995 541-390-5349 P.C., Broker 616- Want To Rent La Pine. Great Prudential High Desert TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-330-8491 Condo/Townhomes 627 Vacation Rentals & Exchanges Selection. Prices range We never stop moving: 648 Realty 541-312-9449 Prudential High Desert We never stop moving: 630 - Rooms for Rent for Sale $425 - $2000/mo. www. BendOregon Realty 541-312-9449 Houses for 631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent View our full RealEstate.com www. BendOregon Rent General $220 000 Cre e kside 632 - Apt./Multiplex General inventory online at RealEstate.com cs Village townhome sits Village-Properties.com 61250 King Solomon 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend PUBLISHER'S beside pond & creek, Updated Kings Forest 2 31 W A ntler 1-866-931-1061 19 1 1 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend MORRIS in immaculate condi 3 B edroom H ome. Farmhouse Close to NOTICE 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend MORRIS tion, and shows true All real estate adver676 REAL ESTATE Downtown. $70,000 $289,900 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend tising in this newspa- Mobile/Mfd. Space pride of o w nership. TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn REAL ESTATE I d pc d • lyO c d d opc ( c d 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond Premium up g r ade per is subject to the 1 dcpc dcwly 0 c d d Op c <cd Prudential High Desert Prudential High Desert F air H o using A c t • Space rent $180 mo. pkg. Home- I D 877 Realty 541-312-9449 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished Realty 541-312-9449 Northwest Crossing j Three Rivers South j Eagle Crest Proper which makes it illegal www. BendOregon www. BendOregon 648- Houses for Rent General • Homes for rent $389,900 "any ties 866-722-3370 to a d v ertise $55,000 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com 650 - Houses for Rent NEBend $350 - $495 mo. Earth Advantage home! Quiet setting just outpreference, limitation • Large treed lots Master and main liv652 - Houses for Rent NWBend $190,000 On top of the side of Sunriver, close or disc r imination• J.D. Riverfront lots i ng space o n o n e to t h e De s c hutes hill One of our best 26720 Horsell 120 Pri 19555 Tumalo Reser 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend based on race, color, • Playground and Remo d eled level, open floor plan, River. Well cared for view locations, quality vate Acres of Central voir 656 - Houses for Rent SWBend religion, sex, handi- Community Center Beau t y . home, Casc a de flex space for office. h ome w it h Creekside townhome O regon n e w e r 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond cap, familial status, • Next to Thriftway views, farm deferral. Wood floors in foyer, kitchen cabinets, cer- that includes use of all $449,900 marital status or na- • RVs Welcomed, 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver TEAM Birtola Garmyn $755,000 flex space, hallways, tified woodstove & Eagle Crest R idge tional origin, or an in- Riverside Home Park 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine d ining, l iving, a n d newer windows on amenities. Home-ID9 Prudential High Desert TEAM Birtola Garmyn tention to make any Realty 541-312-9449 Prudential High Desert kitchen. 3 Bedroom, lush 1/2 acre lot. 2 car 60 Eagle Crest Prop 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 677 W. Main, such pre f erence, John www. BendOregon Realty 541-312-9449 2.5 bath, 1748 sq. ft. erties 866-722-3370 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters Day, Oregon limitation or discrimi- Call Lisa 541-575-1341 garage & shop. RealEstate.com www. BendOregon MLS¹201208246 663 - Houses for Rent Madras MLS¹201208218 nation." Familial sta- riversidemhp.jimdo.com Virginia Ross, Broker, DOWNTOWN RealEstate.com 664- Houses for Rent Furnished Tenbroek Hilber tus includes children 63475 Futurity Single PENTHOUSE ABR, CRS, GRI Group, LLC 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent under the age of 18 Level with Views on 1 6206 H a wk s Lai r Top Corner Floor, Mtn+ 541-480-7501 541-550-4944 living with parents or 2.5 Acres in B end. Builder's Own C us675 - RV Parking City Views Open We never stop moving: We never stop moving: legal cust o dians, $524,900 tom Home w/Garage Floorplan, 1800 sq.ft. 676 -Mobile/Mfd.Space pregnant women, and + Shop. $399,000 New Price: $649,000 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage people securing cusPrudential High Desert TEAM Birtola Garmyn Cate Cushman, 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease cs tody of children under Realty 541-312-9449 Prudential High Desert cs Principal Broker 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent 18. This newspaper 541-480-1884 www. BendOregon Realty 541-312-9449 will not knowingly acRealEstate.com www. BendOregon www.catecushman.com REAL ESTATE MORRIS cept any advertising MORRIS RealEstate.com 705- Real Estate Services 745 for real estate which is 20067 Birchwood Over REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 713 - Real Estate Wanted looking Woo d river 12445 N W R a i nbow in violation of the law. Independcney (hmed and opcrarcd Homes for Sale I dcp dc ey0 cd dopc t c d 719 - Real Estate Trades 730 P ark - 2 L o t s w / 2 Private Setting on 5 O ur r e aders a r e 726 - Timeshares for Sale Acres Backing Public hereby informed that New Listings 67345 Rabb i tbrush homes $450,000 732 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! all dwellings adverLand $349,900 730 - New Listings B end Home o n 5 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Commercial/Investment Prudential High Desert TEAM Birtola Garmyn tised in this newspaAwbrey Butte j Acres w/C a scade 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale Door-to-door selling with per are available on Properties for Sale Realty 541-312-9449 Prudential High Desert $895,000 Views. $330,000 738- Multiplexes for Sale www. BendOregon Realty 541-312-9449 an equal opportunity Beautiful home with fast results! It's the easiest TEAM Birtola Garmyn 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale basis. To complain of m ountain views. 4 way in the world to sell. $375,000 - 3.59 acres. Prudential High Desert RealEstate.com www. BendOregon The most well known RealEstate.com 744 - Open Houses discrimination cal l b edroom, 4 bath , Realty 541-312-9449 9587 S E Ri d geview HUD t o l l-free at open floor plan, spa- The Bulletin Classified greenhouse and gar 745- Homes for Sale www. BendOregon Magnificent V i e ws, 20070 Beaver Over 80 1-800-877-0246. The d en supply in R ed cious master suite, RealEstate.com 746- Northwest Bend Homes 541-385-5809 Ranch home on 10y ft. of Deschutes River toll f re e t e l ephone theater/media room, mond, Oregon. Great 747 - Southwest Bend Homes Frontage! $149,400 Highway 97 frontage, 17225 Indio Cabin in Acres. $429,987 number for the hearformal dining, family 748- Northeast Bend Homes ing im p aired is room & study. Private Prineville j $164,900 with lots of possibili t he Woods o n 1 / 2 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn bedroom, 2 b ath, 1-800-927-9275. ties and room to ex Acre Lot. $130,000 Prudential High Desert Prudential High Desert 749- Southeast Bend Homes courtyard, deck, beau- 3 2006 sq. ft. home on Realty 541-312-9449 Realty 541-312-9449 pand the b u siness. TEAM Birtola Garmyn 750 - Redmond Homes tifully landscaped. Do you have a house .84 of an acre lot with Prime opportunity to Prudential High Desert www. BendOregon www. BendOregon MLS¹201208244 753 - Sisters Homes a well. Jetted tub, tiled that you would like to Shelly Hummel, Broker, RealEstate.com RealEstate.com add a lan d scape Realty 541-312-9449 " rent to o wn" t o a 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes shower in 2nd bathb usiness, and l a nd www. BendOregon CRS, GRI, CHMS room. Shop a r e a, 7 770 G rubstake E n qualified buyer? If so, RealEstate.com 26295 Willard 10 Acre 756 - Jefferson County Homes scape maintenance, 541-383-4361 give me a call. I have single car detached to an already well es Property w i t h 2 chanted River Setting 757 - Crook County Homes We never stop moving: Calico 2+ Acre garage. Bank owned. several qualified cliHomes, Barn & Shop. on 2+ Acres . tablished garden sup 17425 762 - Homes with Acreage Owner Will $375,000 ents who would like to MLS¹201208265 $499,900 ply c e n ter. MLS Riverfront. 763 - Recreational Homes and Property Finance. $135,000 "rent to own" a home Mark Valceschini, P.C., ¹201202149 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn 764- Farms and Ranches in Central Oregon. Broker, CRS, GRI Prudential High Desert Prudential High Desert Team ClarkPrudential High Desert 541-383-4364 Call K e ll y H o r ton, Realty 541-312-9449 Realty 541-312-9449 771 - Lots Century 21, Realty 541-312-9449 Broker, Cas c ades www. BendOregon www. BendOregon We never stop moving: Gold Country 773 - Acreages MORRIS www. BendOregon RealEstate.com RealEstate.com Sotheby Int'n Realty Realty 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes RealEstate.com 541-508-9163 REAL ESTATE 541-548-2131 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 61495 Brosterhous Ex 19460 Green L a kes Ind p ndendy~ d a n d o pewted cs 1.56 Acres future de 21189 Sunburst Unique cellent Rented your propInv e stment Unique Luxury Bro Bend Home w /Cas velopment property at erty? The Bulletin in Bend. ken Top Craftsman Investors - 4-plex j cade M tn . V i e ws. Opportunity The Bulletin a discount price, or Classifieds Home. $896,000 $199,900 $425,000 MORRIS $590,000 nice parcel to build on To Subscribe call has an "After Hours" TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn 1416 sq. ft., 3 bedTEAM Birtola Garmyn REAL ESTATE conveniently located Line. Call Prudential High Desert Prudential High Desert 541-385-5800 or go to room, 2.5 bath, galndcpendcndy ~cd and Operarcd on the west side of Prudential High Desert 541-383-2371 24 Realty 541-312-9449 Realty 541-312-9449 rage & p arking for www.bendbulletin.com Realty 541-312-9449 Redmond. Only www. BendOregon www. BendOregon hours to each unit. Prime NE www. BendOregon MLS $45,000 l d! RealEstate.com RealEstate.com ~ location near hospital. SE Bend j $182,900 RealEstate.com ¹¹201206251 Fully rented, excel- 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, Team Clark1880 sq. ft. home in lent rental history, exCentury 21, cess of $36K annual Centennial Glen. Gas Gold Country Property Management, Inc. g ross rents & l o w fireplace, 2 car ga630 Realty rage. Located on a maintenance. 541-382-0053 Rooms for Rent 541-548-2131 .10 acre fenced lot MLS¹201208263 w ith a p atio i n t h e Dana Miller, Broker 13735 C ommercial Furnishedquiet room for back. Bank owned. AVAILABLE BEND AREA RENTALS 541-408-1468 Loop - Freshly painted rent near downtown. MLS¹201207926 We never stop moving: Commercial No smoking or drugs. •2 Bdrm, 1 Bath Apt. Near Hospital - Private Mark Valceschini, P.C., with 900 sq. building ft. of of$350 incl. util. + $100 setting. On site laundry. New carpet. Lots of Broker, CRS, GRI fice space and break dep. 541-815-9938 storage. No Pets. $625.00 yVST 541-383-4364 room. 2400 sq. ft. of •2 Bdrm, 1 Bath SE Duplex - Single garage. We never stop moving: open warehouse/manNE Bend: private bath/en- Small fenced, natural back yard. Fireplace. F t 5[oyjc low fo~es ufacturing area with try/patio; internet/cbl svc; W/D Hookups. New carpet & paint. No Pets. 7 ke adVantage Ol 9 t a g e COmPany. concrete floor and two MORRIS laundry. No smkg. $575 $650.00 VVST • ith SELCO cs roll up doors. Owner incl utils. 541-317-1879 • Furnished 1 Bdrm/2 Bath Condo - next to refinanCe VVi REAL ESTATE terms or lease option Pioneer Park. Laundry facilities. Indoor Pool. I dcpc dcnlyO c d do p c <cd is available. Studios & Kitchenettes Murphy bed. Gated community. No pets. MORRIS Furnished room, TV w/ $675.00 (All Utilities included except cable) $179,000 NE Bend j $199,947 15-YEAR FIXED MLS¹ 201109200 cable, micro & fridge. • Furnished 1 Bdrm/1 Bath Condo - Mt. REAL ESTATE New construction. 1695 Juniper Realty, Utils & linens. New I dcpe dcneyo cd smlopenrcd Bachelor Village. Murphy bed, too! Great place sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 541-504-5393 owners. $145-$165/wk to transition or relax. Access to pool & Jacuzzi. bath with main level 541-382-1885 Free Wi-Fi. No pets. $675.00 VVST master & open great South Deerfield Park j 16461 William Foss, La • Open, bright, cheerful 2 Bdrm, 1.5 Bath room design. Front $224,900 Pine, OR. $379,900. 634 House - Central location. Huge yard. Single yard landscaping & ir- 1500 sq. ft., 3 b ed- Quality C o mmercial Apt./Multiplex NE Bend garage.W/D Included. Gas FP. $825.00 tVS rigation, and a 2-10 room, 2.5 bath new office Building, High •Lovely Condo on the River - 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath. Home Buyer's War- construction i n SE Lakes Realty & Prop$299 1st mo. rent!! * Gated community. Single garage. Extra storranty. Act now & pick Bend. Vaulted great erty Man a gement age room. Gas FP. Vaulted ceilings. W/D room with fireplace, 541-536-0117 GET THEM BEFORE your colors! THEY ARE GONE! Hook-ups. Great Floor plan. $1000.00 it/S MLS¹201208113 open kitchen with isDarrin Kelleher, Broker land & tile counters. 16480 William Foss, La 2 bdrm, 1 bath • Nice 3 Bdrm/2 Bath off OB Riley Rd. - Extra Pine, OR. 1800 sq.ft. $530 & $540 The Kelleher Group Front yard landscaproom for RV behind fence. Large back deck. Carports & A/C included! Open spacious great room feeling. 1674 sq. ft., 541-788-0029 ing & sprinkler sys- former family medical facility with home & Fox Hollow Apts. We never stop moving: tem, fencing & patio. double garage. $1100.00 shop. $178,000. High MLS¹201207631 (541) 383-3152 •Open spacious 3 Bdrm/2.5 Bath SW Home Lakes Realty & PropCascade Rental Mgmt. Co Darrin Kelleher, Broker Near schools. Office at entrance. Hardwood 'Upstalrs only with lease erty Man a gement The Kelleher Group floor. Lots of built-ins & pull outs. Large gas 541-536-0117 541-788-0029 fireplace. Vaulted ceilings. Large upstairs Call for Specials! laundry room. Fruit trees. Pets? $1450.00 We never stop moving: Prime Hwy 97 commerLimited numbers avail. MORRIS cial updated in 2006, 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. AVAILABLE REDMOND AREA RENTALS 850 sq.ft., plenty of REAL ESTATE W/D hookups, patios cs 3 Bdrm/2 Bath SW Home - Fenced back yard parking in rear, cen''' I d p ndently~ d an d O pewied I ' ll 5 I I I I I I I Ir l • I I I or decks. with large patio. Dbl. garage. New paint, cartral a i r . $ 1 2 9,900. II' I 'I I I I II I I I MOUNTAIN GLEN, MLS ¹ 201 0 03034 pet, appl., EFA + A/C. 1120 sq.ft. $825.00 Just bought a new boat? I I '' I I l 1 ' l l II I I I I I I I I I 541-383-9313 *** FOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES*** Sell your old one in the MORRIS Pam Lester, Principal " e r i • i I e i i i • Professionally classifieds! Ask about our B roker, Century 2 1 CALL 541-382-0053 &/or Stop By the Office REAL ESTATE managed by Norris & Super Seller rates! at 587 NE Greenwood, Bend Gold Country Realty, r dcpe dcney (hmcd and opemrcd Stevens, Inc. 541-385-5809 Inc. 541-504-1338 •




~osRpt'lNANCE ' THE 2.625'/' ~ "'-'

2.957.'!. 3.437.'!' •


4 4





III Pahlisch Homes Newport Landing.


New construction in

• 1996 sq, ft.

the heart of Bend. New model opening soon. Over 22 sold! Please calltoday tor final floor plans, finishes and pricing.

• Oak hardwood floors • P rivate well p l u s irrigation water

• Wrap-around decks

63885 N. Hwy 97

Directions: Highway 97just north of CascadesVillage • Detached 528 sq, ft. Mall, Drive down a Private 3-room office with treed road to this amazing bath ProPerty i n the trees. with hot tub

HOSted byr


PrinciPal Broker


great room, gourmet kitchen, master and

office on main level. H uge b o n u s r o o m upstairs. 3 hed, 2.5 ba on a premium lot o verlook in g o p e n space and the canal. Amazing community

• II

,rr it



time homebuyer or investor property.

Estates Jess Alway built home. 5 bdrm, 3 b a t h , ma st e r on main. G r a n i te

Directions: Reed Market E. /o 15lh Street, to community on ftle (easr).

Di r e c t i o n s : 3 r d t o Powers, west on Pozrrers, t ur n l eft o n B l a k e l y , r igh t o n M o u n t F a i t h .

c ou n t e r s ,

st o n e







IIIIH ~~~~H.. ~





SATURDAY 10AM — 2PM L ocation, l o c a t i o n , location. Very close t o th e V i l l ag e a n d SHARC. Resort living,

19748 Dry Canyon Ave

fireplace w/separate Directions: /Irookswood Blvd. finished basement. /o Lodgepo/e Dn, left on Dry S p e c t a c u l a r Canyon. crat'tsmanship.


3 bdrm, 3 bath, 2686 sq. ft., fully furnished with hot tub.

HOS/ed 6 LiSted byr

3 SpyGlass Lane Directions: Hruy 97 South ro S. Cenlnrr Dr., ro Abbor Dr., ro Island Rd., to Spyglass Lane









HOS/ed 6 LiSted byr



Hosted byr


$120,000 HOSted 6 LiSted byr

room, 3 bdrms, Jack 6 Jill /o Nw Flag/ine ro Sky/iner bath, each bdrm w/wlndow Summit LooP. seat & one w/balcony.

LiSted byr


20077 SWMount Faith Place


1800 NW Element Directions: Newport Are. /o

Main level master, vaulted ceilings throughout, great entertaining deck. Open staircase leads to upper 26 NW Skyliner Summit Lp. level loft overlooking great Directions: Mt. Washington


B eautiful M t .


bed, 2.5 bath, 3443 sq. ft.

11AM — 3PM

20852 Tamar Lane, Bend

Hosted & Listed byr EDIE DELAY Principal Broker


6 cascade Mtn, views, 4

LiSted byr

Cute and clean first



of Central Oregon C

w/south facing orientation

College 1Fay,left on Rockwood.

Broker, CSP, CDPE



NOON — 4PM S paci o u s h om e f eaturin g v a u l t e d




SUN 12-4 Beautiful home on westside


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TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale

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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

23475 Hwy 20 East 36+ $2,399,000 A ffordable hou s i ng Broken Top Golf Estate Downtown Bend Newer Single S t ory Acres Bend Cascade Beautiful Golf Front Manufactured home Stellar G ol f C o u rseOverlooking Drake Park Home, 3 b drm, 2 .5 Nursery. $749,000 Property! close t o d o w ntown Views of 1 7th T ee! 8 t he Des c hutes bath, office, sunroom, TEAM Birtola Garmyn B reathtaking vie w s . and Old Mill. 3 bedThe Pinehurst at Bro- River! This E n glish 2260 sq.ft., 60 acres, Prudential High Desert Exterior s u rrounded room, 2 bath, 1296 ken Top represents cottage brings story- mtn & S m ith R o ck Realty 541-312-9449 b y 400,000 pds. of sq. ft. open floor plan. an unmatched book charm to l ife! views. $289,000. MLS www. BendOregon hand tumbled Mon- Fenced bac k yard, benchmark for quality Classic appeal high- ¹ 201206306 Pam RealEstate.com tana r o ck. C h ef's covered carport with and craftsmanship in lighted by hardwood Lester, Principal Brokitchen, dual d i s hstorage. $29,900 the marketplace! floors, crown molding, ker, Century 21 Gold 3456 NE 45th Country ashers, high e n d www.johnlscott.com/97 Single-level by Steven and plantation shut- Country Realty, Inc. Living Close to Down w Natural stone & 698 Teresa Brown, Van Sant masterfully ters. Enjoy the culi- 541-504-1338 town Redm o n d. appl. granite, wine cellar, Broker 541-788-8661 rendered by PacWest nary kitchen updated $149,999 pottery room w/Kiln, John L. Scott Homes with masonry with granite counters, TEAM Birtola Garmyn No Reserve 6 -car g a rage, i n - R eal Est a te , B e nd w ood-burning fir e - travertine floors, and Prudential High Desert Timed Online cludes full RV b ay, www.johnlscott.com places, hand-textured stainless steel appliRealty 541-312-9449 AUCTION shop & car lift. walls & ceilings, el- ances. Tastefully dewww. BendOregon Ends Nov.14th Aaron Boehm, Broker egant stone b a ths signed with an eye for Building RealEstate.com BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Lot in Prongwith h eated f l oors, timeless detail, t h is (541) 647-8851 h orn S u b . 23 0 1 3 Search the area's most 1729 SW Troon Homes Ryan Whitcomb, extensive use of cus- h ome a l s o of f e rs Canyon Loop ite with Old Mill & Pi Broker (541) 639-1151 comprehensive listing of tom woodwork & trim, marble b a t hrooms, Selling toView Highest classified advertising... l ot Bu t t e Vie w s . Hunter Properties and dynamic show- detached two-car ga- Bidder 28the real estate to automotive, $79,900 case kitchen equipped rage, and manicured in 5-States!Properties merchandise to sporting TEAM Birtola Garmyn $299,000 w ith Wolf r ange & grounds. A d d itionalwww.corbettbottles.com Prudential High Desert A Perfect Place To Call goods. Bulletin Classifieds built-in r e f rigerator. improvements in208-377-5700 appear every day in the Realty 541-312-9449 Home... Oversized t hree-car clude a n ewer furprint or on line. Beautiful, well cared www. BendOregon garage, paver patios, nace, water heater, RealEstate.com home on large corner Call 541-385-5809 and private hot tub a nd roof. T h i s i s NorthWest Crossing lot. Upgrades www.bendbulletin.com e nhance t hi s t r u ly Downtown living at its New Listing! This cus1 230 N E N o e W e l l throughout this spap henomenal h o m e finest so don't miss t om C raftsman i s Maintained Duplex in cious home includes d estined fo r t h o se out on this rare oppoised on a rare elBend. $179,900 granite counters, evated lot with treeseeking nothing but portunity to own the TEAM Birtola Garmyn stainless appliances, the best. Call for your dream! MLS ¹ top 8 M t . B achelor Prudential High Desert Amazing Golf Views! hardwood floors, views! F o r m and private tour t o day! 201205806 $649,000 Realty 541-312-9449 stone entry way & Situated perfectly beMLS ¹ 20 1 2 04424 David D. Gilmore, function blend to prowww. BendOregon hind Broken Top's first paver patio. Amenivide an o pen f loor $1,185,000 Broker. 541-312-7271 RealEstate.com green with approach ties include pool, David D. Gilmore, HColdwelBanker plan adorned w i th shot a n d fai r way 17360 Brant Large 1/2 tennis court & club s olid Oregon O a k Broker. 541-312-7271 Morris Real Estate. views from the Mashouse. Acre Lot Near Big De HColdwelBanker hardwood floors, tiled ter Bedroom, Living, Downtown ri v e rfront Jon Frazier, Broker kitchen 8 b at h s u rschutes. $242,900 Morris Real Estate. and Dining r ooms. Top floor studio with f aces, a n d 541-610-4626 or TEAM Birtola Garmyn of f i ce Well worth your time separate break-away nook. Central air con541 -389-791 0 Prudential High Desert Convenient NE B e nd to view t hi s B r and b edroom. Tw o f u l l ditioning, custom winHunter Properties Realty 541-312-9449 Sale. baths. New remodel with Ex- Traditional O u t standing dow treatments, and www. BendOregon Move-in ready 2036 D eschutes 3 Bedroom, 2.5 baths, c ellent Attention t o Rive r RealEstate.com garage with s q. ft. home on a views from your cov- oversized D etail. Updates i n 1389 sq. ft. in Sunristreet-level driveway cul-de-sac in d e sir20215 O'Neil Exquisite ver. Charming cotclude a com p lete ered deck. Covered punctuate single-level home and acreage tage w/separate guest functional master bath able n e i ghborhood. p arking an d ye a r convenience. E njoy with views. $549,900 new Features: wood, tile, round pool and spa the storybook front restructure, quarters. Recent repantry, gas fireplace, TEAM Birtola Garmyn model includes fresh flooring t h roughout, just outside your door. porch and ample enPrudential High Desert master, walk-in $89,900. paint, counters, car- new granite counters, large tertaining space in the closet 8 10' coffered Realty 541-312-9449 new stainless energy MLS¹201105991 pet & r ustic charm. fully landscaped rear www. BendOregon C ozy l i ving r o o m efficient a ppliances, ceilings in l iving & Tom Eilertson, Broker y ard. Capture t h e RealEstate.com 541-350-8097 w/gas fire p lace, finely refinished cabi- dining. 3-car garage. pulse of Westside liv$234,900. kitchen, bedrooms & netry, interior/exterior John L. Scott 16354 Big Buck Private ing! MLS ¹ www.johnlscott.com/9 paint, hybrid gas asReal Estate, Bend bath. A large 201207810 $379,000 Cottage in the Pines bur n ing 7444 www.johnlscott.com N ear t h e Riv e r . w rap-around d e c k , sist/wood David D. Gilmore, Kellie Cook, Broker m ature t r ee s a n d fireplaces in the living 541-312-7271 $80,000 541-408-0463 Home wi t h shop Broker. ma s t er yard, cul-de-sac loca- room a n d TEAM Birtola Garmyn HColdwelBanker John L. Scott Stick-built, 3 bedroom, bedroom, and an outtion. Top rated SunriMorris Real Estate. Prudential High Desert Real Estate, Bend 2 bath o n 1 a c r e , ver resort! $249,900 standing 500+ bottle Realty 541-312-9449 www.johnlscott.com 3 0x40 s h o p wit h wine cellar. Make this Tina Roberts, Broker, www. BendOregon mother-in-law q u a rCheck out the 541-419-9022 unique home a priorRealEstate.com classifieds online ity to view today. RE- Custom home on small ters in La Pine. Bring TOTAL Property h orses. 53253 B i g $109,900 DUCED $649,000. Resources, www.bendbufletin.com acreage Beautiful 4 A Wonderful Condo 541-330-0588 Neil McDaniel, Broker bdrm,/4.5 bath home, Timber Dr. $137,900 Updated daily Theresa Ramsay, BroMt. Bachelor Village 541-350-9579 w/daylight basement. ker 541-815-4442 This condo will make for People Look for Information Fred Real Estate Group 6.45 AC with 2.5 AC John L. Scott a great getaway or NOTICE About Products and irrig., fireplace in livsmart inv e stment. Services Every Daythrough All real estate advering r o om, g r a nite Real Estate, Bend Close to d o wntown Call a Pro tised here in is subcounters in k itchen, www.johnlscott.com and the ever popular The Bulletin Classifieds large master suite on Where can you find a ject to t h e F e deral Whether you need a Old Mi l l Dis t r ict. F air Housing A c t , main level, elevator, 2 fence fixed, hedges Amenities inc l u de 3 Bedroom, 2.5 baths, helping hand'? which makes it illegal double-car g arages pool, tennis c ourts 1500 sq. ft, 43 AC lot trimmed or a house to advertise any prefplus a huge RV gaFrom contractors to and trails accessing N ice s i n gl e le v e l erence, limitation or r age. $599, 9 00 yard care, it's all here built, you'll find the Deschutes River. h ome l o cated o n discrimination based www.johnlscott.com/6 nearly 1/2 acre at the professional help in Call Grant for more in The Bulletin's on race, color, reli6039 end of a cul-de-sac details! The Bulletin's "Call a gion, sex, handicap, Ellen Clough, Broker, "Call A Service ending near the DesGrant Ludwick, Broker familial status or naABR, CRS Service Professional" chutes River in T uProfessional" Directory 541-633-0255 or 541-480-7180 tional origin, or intenmalo. Mainhouse has Directory 541-389-7910 tion to make any such John L. Scott 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths Large irrigated acreage! Hunter Properties 541-385-5809 preferences, l i m itaReal Estate, Bend with detached guest Turn-key horse proptions or discrimination. www.johnlscott.com $1,200,000 cottage-bedroom erty. Ride off into the We will not knowingly Estate In Gated Golf /studio, b a t h and BANK OWNED HOMES! Badlands. Spacious accept any advertisCommunity kitchenette behind the FREE List w/Pics! home w/master on the ing for r ea l e state Need to get an Cascade views with 2.5 2-car garage. Large www.BendRepos.com main level. Over 59 which is in violation of ad in ASAP? acres, 4bdrm, w i th fenced yard and RV bend and beyond real estate acres with 40 acres of this law. All persons 20967 yeoman, bend or his/hers master suites parking. Enjoy living in You can place it irrigation. Barns and are hereby informed on main level. 3 gas the country! $179,000 more. online at: that all dwellings adfireplaces, roomy Tina Roberts, Broker, Barbara Jackson, Brovertised are available Find exactly what kitchen, Wrap-around www.bendbulletin.com 541-419-9022 ker 541-306-8186 on an equal opportuyou are looking for in the windows, woodfloors, TOTAL Property John L. Scott nity basis. The Bulle& 3 car garage. Golf Resources, CLASSIFIEDS 541-385-5809 Real Estate, Bend tin Classified cart bay w/ 1,560 s/f 541-330-0588 www.johnlscott.com


9y 9. OUR/V A/p

f. ': o~a . ::j UVE

The Bulletin

coach house comp lete w i t h sho p . 3 Bedroom, 2.5 baths S pectacular lan d - 2166 sq. ft. .47 acre scaping, pond, lot Immaculate home streams & waterfall all on nearly 1/2 acre. set w i t hi n fe n c ed Traditional style area. w/formal living, Ryan Whitcomb, vaulted ceiling, family Broker 541-639-1151 room w/gas fireplace Aaron Boehm, Broker adjoins the k i tchen 541-647-8851 and dining area. Nice Hunter Properties kitchen w / b reakfast bar. Bedrooms up w/ $125,000 tile baths. P ark-like Price Reduction! yard w/sprinMid-town cutie needs a setting k lers, f enced a n d b it of TL C bu t h a s outdoor livloads o f po t ential. spacious ing area. Paved RV Fenced in yard with & covered storlots of room to gar- pad a ge. M u s t See ! d en with p lenty of $299,000 sunshine. Structure is Tina Roberts, Broker, sound (just needs a 541-419-9022 little lipstick). TOTAL Property Debbie Tallman, Broker Resources, 541-390-0934 or


541-977-5345 or 541-389-7910

Hunter Properties

$539,000 OPENSAT &SUN 12-3 • Master on main level • Bonus w/ adjoining office • Luxurious master bath Directions: West on Skyliners Rd., nght on Mt Washington 0r., right on NW High Lakes Lp.

2326 NW Frazer Ln. $332,500 OPENSAT &SUN12-3 • Green home • Premium finishes • Formal living room Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd, left on NW Crossing Dr., left on NW Frazer Ln.

2343 NW Frazer Ln. $449,900 OPEN SAT& SUN12-3 • Master on main level • Bonus loft plus den • Premium finishes

%a s ~'~ ,

Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Crossing Dr., left on NW Frazer Ln.

• Lavish master bath • Extra "gear garage" Directions: Weston Shevlin ParkRd. righton NW ParkCommonsDr., right on NW Chiloquin 0r.



61180 Hobart Pl. • Formal living room $319,95(i • Large island kitchen • Bonus room plus den Directions: South on Brookswood Blvd., right on SWMontrose Pass St., left on SW Dartmouth Ave., right on SWHobart Pl.


ings, fireplace, large family room with high windows. This home sits at the end of a cul-de-sac on over 5 acres. Deck brings the outdoors in...3 car garage, plus a detached RV barn/boat, sepa-

master, office and bonus room. Great room a djoins gour m e t kitchen w/center island & breakfast bar. Q uality finis h es t hroughout. Har d wood floors, full tile shower, landscaped w/fence, 3-car garage. $525,000 Tina Roberts, Broker, 541-419-9022

541 -389-791 0

Hunter Properties

(ll e VmlI

19777 Chicory Ave. • Multiple activity spaces $3Bg,gQQ • Master on main level • Formal living, dining rooms

3 0 year fixed AP R •


Directions: From SWBrookswood Blvd., right on Lodgepole Dr., left on Hollygrape St., right on Gooseberry Pl., right on Chicory Ave.

15year fixed A P R 0



Purchase price$350,000,20% down, Loan amount$280,000,30 yrfixed. 26 Klamath Ln. SUNRIVE R • Quiet & close to river $397,BQQ

Jumbo 30 year fixed 4.500% APR 4.622%

• Wraparound deck • Vaulted great room

Jumbo Purchase P ricel value$800II00-20%down/Hluity $640000loanamount.Offervalid asofdateol ad, restnctions mayaPPly Rates/feessubiectto change.OnAPProvedCredit.

Directions: From main Sunriver entrance (S. Century Dr.), stay on Abbott Dr. past Circle 4, right on Klamath Lane.

Academy Mortgage Achieves ¹1 IndependentLenderRanking for Purchase Business in the United States!

TOTAL Property Resources,

Hunter Properties 541-330-0588 $195,900 Ranch Style Home! $79,900 This single owner home Perfect For Investment sits on 2/3 acres, Property! offering privacy as Well cared for Condo, well as the open feel large windows that of country living. A bring in detached RV garage natural lighting and a with shop and extra great location, close storage space add to to river trails and the value of this downtown. unique home. Aaron Ballweber, Grant Ludwick, Broker Broker 541-633-0255 or 541-728-4499 or 541-389-7910

2147 NW High Lakes Lp.

19151 Chiloquin Dr. $474,900 • Large single level

541 -389-791 0

rate shop, 1/2 bath! Broker 541-788-8878 Mike Wilson, Broker. John L. Scott 541-977-5345 or Real Es t a te, B e nd 541 -389-791 0 www.johnlscott.com Hunter Properties $189,000 Park-like Setting On .50 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, Acres. Re n ovated 3070 sq. ft. .34 acre with custom finishes lot. This newer home throughout. New in Shevlin Ridge inhardwood floors, Eu- c ludes m ai n l e v e l

ropean plaster, fresh paint throughout. Recent furnace 8 septic, includes large utility room. Large garage has attached 10x13 bonus room or office, attached 14x20 c a rport, custom 16x22 heated shop, hot tub and RV parking. Mike Wilson, Broker.




Hunter Properties Hunter Properties 1 6973 V a rc o ro a d $474,900 Charming 3/2 single Set In The Ponderosa level home on 1.35 Pines. Soaring ceil-

acres. Upg r aded kitchen w/hardwood, granite, co m posite sink. Lan d scaped, freshly painted, sparkling clean, move-in Ready! Cascade Mtn. views! Detached light & bright office/studio Candice And e rson,



541-330-0588 541-389-7910 Hunter Properties $474,500 Sunriver Gem! $149,500 Well Maintained Home L arge corner lo t i n cludes gor g eous Set back from the road and very private. New Asian walnut flooring, new Hickory cabinets, wood floors, new carpet and tile floors. cabinets through out, Three f u l l ma s t er new tub shower in suites, 3.5 baths. Exmaster bath. cellent rental history. Easy to show! Susan Pitarro, Broker Susan Pitarro, Broker 541-410-8084 or 541-410-8084 or 541-389-7910


data source — Coreloyc Market Trac

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Homes for Sale

Homes forSale N orthwest Bend Homes Southeast Bend Homes

TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 750


Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redm o n d Homes

Su nriver/La Pine Homes

- Best Single 1733SF craftsman, CREEKSIDE le v e l and 8 Butternut, Sunriver. 5-acres, hickory cab, views on the lake at m ove-in r e ady~ 3 $294,900 3 bdrm, 2 granite, travertine & Creekside at E a gle bdrm, 2 bath,. 1535 bath, built i n 2 0 00, near Sisters. Cabin tile, river rock FP, Crest! 3 bdrm/2 bath, sq. ft. with a g reat High Lakes Realty & $200,000s feel with spacious loft. 8900 sq.ft. home. crafted timber trusses backyard Large cestamped concrete. 1871 sq.ft. with par- room concept, lots of Property Ma n agePahlisch Homes Enjoy the pool, tennis $1,499,000. inside 8 o ut . Hard- ment patio $298,000 tial furni s hings. s torage an d o v e r - ment 541-536-0117 The Hasson c ourts a n d mo r e . Cate Cushman, wood, Slab granite, MLS¹201206146 MLS¹201207304 MLS¹201202466 sized bedr o oms, 1715 Mare Ct . 1 8 09 Company Realtors. Horses are OK! Call Principal Broker Travertine, H e a t ed Jim Hinton Call Nancy Popp, Bro- $229,000 J oh n L. beautifully land- sq.ft., 3 large bdrms, 541-480-1884 541-420-6229 Karen Malanga, me for more informaF loors, Mai n l e v e l ker, 541-815-8000 Scott R e a l E s tate scaped, extra parking, 30x60 shop, Broker tion! www.catecushman.com master and oversized Central Oregon Realty Crooked River Realty 541-548-1712 s hop area i n th e $165,000. High Lakes 541-390-3326 Barbara Jackson, Bro4+ car garage. AsGroup, LLC double car g arage. Location! Lo Eagle Crest Beautiful Traditional 8 Pr o perty Look at: ker 541-306-8186 tonishing HOME ... a Stunning 2288SF, 4bd $399,900 sale. Realty c ation! 2623 sq. f t . city views from this Management John L. Scott Bendhomes.com must see! $750,000 $185,000. MLS 2 1/2bth, Mt. views, c ustom home w i t h 2600 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 541-536-0117 NW Crossing master- R eal Est a te , B e n d for Complete Listings of Tina Roberts, Broker, views of Smith Rock. 2.5 bath home. Huge ¹201207907 Irg Trex deck, media piece! Amazing NW 541-419-9022 www.johnlscott.com John L. Scott Real Es- 52625 Huntington, RivArea Real Estate for Sale rm & office dbl gar+ G reat r o o m wit h price reduction! Crossing home w/4 erfront property, 20.39 TOTAL Property h ardwood floo r s, $449,000. mls tate 541-548-1712 1200 SF shop. bedrooms & 5 baths! acres. $525,000. High TURN THE PAGE Resources, NW Bend j $1,065,000 Fenced. $269,000 vaulted ceiling, open 2 01206886 John L . Single level on 1 acre, 3 Over 3500 sq. ft. of Lakes Realty & Prop541-330-0588 For More Ads Gorgeous Gary N orkitchen all one level! A Scott R e a l E s t a te bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 Call Nancy Popp, Broquality wit h c h erry erty Man a gement 541-548-1712 man built home on a must see! Home sq.ft., master separaNE Bend ker, 541-815-8000 The Bulletin wood floors, marble 541-536-0117 private .89 acre lot on -ID981 McCall Landing Crooked River Realty tion, office, fenced, countertops, box Canyon Rim. W hitewater wbrey Butte. E x - Our Newest Community $259,900 Rarely used & Eagle Crest Properties Fabulous beam ceilings, out- SKYLINER S U M M IT A Once in a lifetime op- f lower garden, R V 14211 866-722-3370 $359,900. 2947 sq.ft., Starting in the Mid parking. $ 1 4 5,000. d oor patio & bb q $93/sq. ft . D E S IR- quisite craftsmanship portunity. Breathtaknever rented, like new stunning views of ¹ 20 1 0 07848. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, cus$100,000's. w/fireplace a n d a ABLE Westside loca- andcity ing views of the can- MLS 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 3 bdrm, 2 bath horse lights. IncredPam Lester, Principal t om h o me . Hig h Pahlisch Homes guest apartment. All tion of Skyliner Sum- the property w/barn yon from your reverse Creekside townhome. Lakes Realty & Propible o utdoor l i ving roker, Century 2 1 The Hasson across from park in an mit. Spacious & open space l iving f l o o r pla n . B Backs t o c o m mon & incredible views. Ma n agement, with USGA golf Gold Country Realty, erty Company Realtors. award-winning neigh- vaulted f loor p l a n. Vaulted living room, $139,000 a rea/BLM with C a s 54 Inc. 541-504-1338 Rhianna Kunkler, borhood! $ 6 59,000. 3503 SF 4 bedrooms, green. MLS¹201203441 p ellet s t ove. Th e cade Mountain views. MLS¹201206604 Broker, 541-306-0939 Home-ID837 www.johnlscott.com/k 3.5 baths, 2 master Call Julie Fahlgren, kitchen has an island SW Redmond. Immacu Ulrickson, Broker, athycaba suites, large upper & DawnCRS, Eagle Crest Properties Broker, 541-550-0098 and solid oak cabin- l ate single story i n SE Bend j $199,900 GRI, SFR Kathy Caba, Principal l ower d e ck s wi t h etry. Many upgrades pride-of-ownership 866-722-3370 Crooked River Realty Corner lot, new con541-610-9427 Broker, ABR mountain views, main including tiled baths, neighborhood. 1,656 struction and Move-in $699,900 Outstanding We never stop moving: 10 Peak Cascade 541-771-1761 l evel o f fice, w o o d huge bonus room on sq. ft. w/3 bdrm, 2 Ready! Great room detail in design and Views! I $292,900 John L. Scott flooring, large lower level, attached bath w it h b e a utiful feel, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 B reathtaking c onstruction of t h i s vie w s ! Real Es t a te, B e nd farm-style kit c h en baths, stainless appli- 2450 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 beautiful Sage Build garage, landscaping, landscaping, sprinkler www.johnlscott.com w/upgraded countercircular drive, carport, system, deck and new ances, fire p lace, Large multi-pur- ers home. Located on decks, paver p atio, tops. Lg family room. carport. T r a ditional m aster suite & u p - bath. the 18th hole of the ONE-OF-A-KIND log Tons o f sto r age! pose shop/pole barn, stairs laundry. Front & deck, C o u rse. garden area 8 more! sale. mls 201204428 home w/c a scade www.johnlscott.com/s hot tub. Challenge MORRIS 8x10 storage shed & $ 189,000. J o h n L . backyard landscaping MLS¹201207579 Home-ID352 views! 3 b e drooms, helleyarnold partial fencing. Scott R ea l E s t ate REAL ESTATE and fencing. 2.5 baths, 4344 sq. ft. $327,000. Gail Day 541-306-1018 Eagle Crest Properties 541-548-1712 $249,900 1 dcpc dcwly 0 cd d Opc <cd MLS¹201206885 866-722-3370 home with gorgeous MLS¹201202642. Central Oregon Realty MLS¹201206225 Darrin Kelleher, Broker Cascade views. Shelley Arnold, Broker Group, LLC $204,000 B e a utifullyD&D Realty Group LLC Looking for your next The Kelleher Group NW Bend j $419,000 $439,000. MLS¹ 541-771-9329 situated on the 14th 541-923-8664 Custom golf course emp/oyee? Custom built, sculpted 541-788-0029 201108589. For more John L. Scott tee box/fairway of the Place a Bulletin help home, 2 master suites c edar s i ding, u p - We never stop moving: Fieldstone crossing, 4 information and pic- R eal Ridge Golf Course. Est a te , B e n d graded appliances. 5 + attached apt.243 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2130 wanted ad today and tures - Text: T538791 www.johnlscott.com SF bonus rm,fenced, Tastefully decorated, sq.ft., gas fireplace, reach over 60,000 acres, fenced & cross to 85377. furniture package is w/dbl garage. Loads readers each week. fenced. 3 stall barn & Cg tile countertops, slate SW Bend www.johnlscott.com/ n egotiable! Ho m e Your classified ad of upgrades! t ack room. 3 b e d hardwood, huge daniellesnow Deschutes Landing ID831 Eagle C rest dentry, will also appear on room, 2.5 bath over $299,000 eck, f e nced, R V Danielle Snow, Broker Riverfront Townhomes Properties Call Nancy Popp, Bro- 866-722-3370 bendbulletin.com 3400 sq. ft. MORRIS area. $189,900. MLS 541-306-1015 Starting in the low ker, 541-815-8000 which currently reMLS¹201206470 ¹2012059483. P am $400,000s John L. Scott REAL ESTATE ceives over Crooked River Realty $ 265,900 Enjoy t h e Lester, Principal BroMinda Mckitrick, Real Estate, Bend Pahlisch Homes I dcpc dcntlyO cds dOpcn<cd 1.5 million page Broker, GRI magnificent Cascade ker, Century 21 Gold The Hasson www.johnlscott.com FIND IT! views every month 541-280-6148 Mountain Views from Country Realty, Inc. Company Realtors. SE Bend j $284,500 SUT IT! at no extra cost. REDMOND TOWNSITE the large upstairs bo 541-504-1338 We never stop moving: Edie Delay, Broker Immaculate, previous SELL IT! Bulletin Classifieds 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath in nus room. This home I mpeccable 541-420-2950, model home in Stonecus t o m Get Results! 1 064+/- sq.ft. on a Julie Burgoni, Broker Get your haven! 4 b e d room,The Bulletin Classifieds would make a great home. 3 B drm, 2.5 Call 385-5809 or 4 792+/- s q . ft . I o t . vacation rental! bath, bonus r oom, 541-306-8927 Cg 2.5 bath, 2762 sq. ft. New Single level home business place your ad on-line S olid 1 9 50's c o n Includes high-end ap- 3 bdrms, 2 baths, 1554 Home-ID955 den, 2633 sq.ft., 5+/at s truction has b e en TIMBER RIDGE, Big Eagle Crest Properties pliances and media sq. ft. r anch style. acres, har d wood, bendbulletin.com Nic e professionally refur- P onderosa's MORRIS room. Traditional sale. Landscaped w/ sprin- 866-722-3370 l arge r e a r de c k . bished. It is a m ust single level 3 bd, 2 MLS¹201207530 NEW LI S T ING! 3 $300,000. REAL ESTATE kler sys. $159,900 MLS preview property. The bath 1800 SF home 755 Kelly Neuman, Broker bdrms, 2 baths, 1700 ¹ 201201384 MLS¹201203740 Pam I d p d t l yO d dOp i d owner is in the busi- w/newer comp roof, 541-480-2102 sq. ft. built in 2001. Sunriver/La Pine Homes Jim Hinton Lester, Principal Brovinyl siding 8 o pen n ess o f mov i n g We never stop moving: Convenient location in ker, Century 21 Gold 541-420-6229 747 homes, r e furbishing floor plan. Park-like the desirable NW sec Country Realty, Inc. 16048 Dawn, custom Central Oregon Realty them & finding a new setting next to Bend Southwest Bend Homes tion, close to Maple 541-504-1338 1699 sq.ft. home, 4.15 Group, LLC family to own them. Golf & Country Club. St., very well main Large Lot In SW Red- acres, $309,000. High The home is vacant, Large lava rock fire- Artistry in Broken Top, SHOP 3360SF 3-overtained and shows like Lakes Realty & Propplace, gas fireplace, Fabulous woodwork, so a preview of the head drs+ dbl gar mond. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, erty n ew! Attractive m a Man a gement home is EASY, any- a nd forced air g a s mtn and golf views. 1108 sq.ft, 9148 sq.ft. 541-536-0117 lovely and 1134SF ture, an d m a nage MORRIS time day o r n i g ht. heat. HOA provides bdrm suites, bonus. home. Closed-in back able landscaping, and lot, hot tub, sprinkler L a r ge 4100 sq. ft. New Price REAL ESTATE Su n Fo r est, There is also a gener- l awn c a re . porch. 1.65-acres. an oversized parking system, greenhouse. 11728 2 Bdrm, 1104 sq.ft., ous detached, m aster, utility, a n d MLS¹201207599. $ 1,299,000. ML S ¹ I dcpc dc tlyO c d d O p c tcd $125,000 area ... p erfect for well-laid out kitchen. 201109001. Bunkhouse. $129,000 d ouble-garage. T h e $84,000. Pam Lester, even the largest of V ery a t tractive a n d CallMLS¹201206048 C onventional sal e P rincipal Brok e r , High Lakes Realty & zoning is C2, so an Nancy Popp, BroCate Cushman, RVs. Easy access to newly rem o d eled M a n agein-home bus i ness priced to seli. C entury 2 1 Gol d Property Principal Broker ker, 541-815-8000 the Dry Canyon walk home in established Crooked could b e per f ect. MLS¹201207138 541-480-1884 River Realty Realty, Inc. ment 541-536-0117 ing trails, right across Country neighborhood!! Large www.johnlscott.com/3 $85,000. www.catecushman.com . 49 acre lot i n t h e 2 bedroom, 2 bath on 17071 Tracy, Cascade the street. No disap 541-504-1338 6252 MLS¹201205193. Truck an d V e h icle pointments here~ Live the C entral Orheart of Bend!! Up1.12 acres. $139,900 Ken Theobald, Broker Bobbie Strome, DESCHUTES ¹201207218 egon lifestyle you've Wash. $395 , 000. d ated from roof t o MLS¹201203821 541-419-0550 Principal Broker RIVER WOODS High Lakes Realty & Team Clarkalways dreamed of at Call Linda Lou John L. Scott John L Scott Real 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath in plumbing, this is one Ma n ageCentury 21, THE FALLS at Eagle Property want to see Day-Wright, Broker, Real Estate, Bend Estate 541-385-5500 1329 sq. ft. custom you will ment 541-536-0117 Gold Country Realty Crest. Residents of of!! 3 bdrm/ 2 541-771-2585 www.johnlscott.com home on DRW acre. inside 541-548-2131 THE FALLS enjoy ex- 1 4315 Fern Dell, La River frontage 0.58 acre Great room floor plan bath, large living room Crooked River Realty cul-de-sac lot on the Turnkey Ranch W/Cas- with vaulted ceiling. beautiful kitchen, and 3 bed, 2 bath, 2363 sq. $174,900 i m maculate clusive use of t heir Pine. $249,000. 1008 upper Des c h utes cade mtn views, built All kitchen appliances a f a ntastic f a m ily home with so many own clubhouse (pic- sq. ft. home, 2 Irg ga ft. backs up to golf access to three rages. High L a kes in 1993, 38+ a cres room are just the beRiver. Utilities are in u pgrades and i m - tured), are included. Both recourse. $299,000 golf courses, and all and lot comes with with 26 + i r r igation, cessed 8 under cabi- ginning.Fenced backRealty & Pr o perty p rovements; gor MLS¹201203328 he rest o f Ea g l e Management paid and a pproved barn, shop, hay shed, net lighting in kitchen. yard, w/fantastic gargeous new c u stom tCrest's Call Linda Lou ame n ities. fenced. $5 5 0 ,000. d en area, p atio & plans for a 2400 sq.ft. h ickory cabinets i n 541-536-0117 Laundry room w/sky- large garage w/220 Day-Wright, Broker, MLS ¹ 20 1 0 03925 home. kitchen and d i ning Homesites start at just Borders and large pantry. electric allow lots of 541-771-2585 g o v ernment Pam Lester, Principal lite $59,900 and lots on nash Ojohnlscott.com room, custom w/tile the Challenge Course lands this 3 bedroom New interior p aint. Crooked River Realty B roker, Century 2 1 Nadine L. Ash, Broker outside living space shower, new maple is heated and as w e ll ! $ 2 5 0,000 home ha s w a l k-in Gold Country Realty, Garage 541-390-4017 Private nice area close floors, new tile, new a re a vailable. W e f inished w/wor k MLS¹201202508. closets in each bedhave several PREInc. 541-504-1338 John L. Scott in at Crooked River carpet & upgrades in bench. Super fenced John L. Scott Real EsFERRED BUILDERS room & ceiling fans. Real Estate, Bend Ranch. 3bd/2ba very every direction. This is mid-Bend Live yard w/mature PonFront deck has been are ready to aswww.johnlscott.com Unique nice DBL car garage. in a park-like setting that on acreage, h ave derosas, storage tate 541-548-1712 s ist you w it h y o u r made into a sunroom. $89,900 with m or e o u t side b uilding, doub l e gated privacy, large 750 River front home. Enjoy complete hom e Oversized 2-car gaMLS¹201202001 than in. Oversized 2 c anopy carport o r pond, views plus a 5 rage with p r opane building needs; evall that river front livRedmond Homes Call Julie Fahlgren, car garage/loft, TREK storage structure. This bedroom home ... plus heater plus extra RV ing has to offer near erything from p lanBroker, 541-550-0098 deck/Pergola, 30x40 m i d -Bend home is m o ve-in Completely fenced ning to moving in. To cover. $68,000 downtown. Fantastic being i n Crooked River Realty s hop, covered R V MLS¹201200073 o pportunity t o up - and close to every- ready. $155,000. Call rrange for a p e r property! 13665 SW gr e enhouse. a Who says you Bobbie at 541-536-1731 Driveway in place. 7981 park, sonal tour please call grade this well built 3 thing!! Cinder, $84,900. MLS¹201204017 can't have it all, call 541-480-1635 about Cascade Realty SW High Cone, bdrm home and creEagle Crest ProperMLS¹201207581 D&D Realty Group LLC me! MLS¹2802056. $29,900. ties at ate your own estate in (866) 1 5738 Eastwind C t ., Call Melody Curry, Bro866-346-7868 Bobbie Strome, MLS¹201003931 722-3370. Or, better this incredible setting. www.johnlscott.com/s ker, 541-771-1116 1620 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, harona Principal Broker 32.42 Acres in Urban Open floor plan with yet, drop by our office large Crooked River Realty Call Melody Curry, Brogarage, John L Scott Real Sharon Abrams, Broker, ker, 541-771-1116 Growth Bou n dary, mostly main level livl ocated next t o t h e $129,900. High Lakes CRS 541-280-9309 Estate 541-385-5500 Cute, turn-key stick built Adjacent t o The Crooked River Realty Ridge Pro Shop. ing space, oak floorRealty & Pr o perty John L. Scott 1270 SF home. Greens, kitty corner to 866-722-3370 ing and loft area. PriManagement Gigantic Views SW Bend j $579,000 Real Estate, Bend $139,900 new Ridgeview High Located in the heart of vate studio apartment 541-536-0117 Quality Fuqua home, 3 School. 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, www.johnlscott.com MLS¹201202978 $59 9 ,000. over the large garage 3 035 sq . f t . t o w nbdrm, 2 bath, 1572 SF MLS Call Linda Lou ¹ 2 01 2 03193 Redmond. Beautifully 153053 Hwy 97, 298.45 and extensive decks updated home on .37 acre s mall r a nch. Shop and greenhouse home nestled in the Day-Wright, Broker, Pam Lester, Principal acre for outdoor living on FOR SALE lot w/upgrades. $649,000. High Lakes pine trees, close to $136,900 541-771-2585 B roker, Century 2 1 the river. Call today. new m a ster Realty MLS 201200450 the Deschutes River Crooked River Realty & Pr o perty Gold Country Realty, sBrand 502 NW Harmon Blvd. When buying a home, Gail Day 541-306-1018 uite. Home i s 4 4 Management trail. Great room floor Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS ¹201204651. 83% of Central Custom Home. 6320 bdrm/2 bath, l a rge Central Oregon plan, vaulted beam 541-536-01 1 7 $888,000. Oregonians turn to Realty Group LLC Adorable cottage style living room, f o rmal ceilings, gou r met SW Groundhog Road. Gary Everett, CCIM home. 3 Bdrm, 1.5 dining, nice kitchen! 53547 Kokanee Way, $299,450 kitchen, paver patio, Principal Broker Gorgeous Mountain MLS¹201204034 b ath, 1336 sq. f t . Outside: pull through $395,000. Pristine rivwater feature. 541-480-6130 Views. 12649 SW Call Melody Curry, BroL andscaped w i t h garage, extra storage e rfront, 2114 sq. f t . MLS¹201203181 Joan Steelhammer, Peninsula Dr. Call 541-385-5809 to Debbie Johnson, Broker arden area. ker, 541-771-1116 bldg. Alley a c cess home. High L a kes Broker $162,900 place your Crooked River Realty 70,000 MLS¹ makes moving your Realty & Pr o perty 541-480-1293 541-419-3717 MLS¹201205061 Real Estate ad. 201203069. toys around a breeze! Management We never stop moving: New Craftsman style Remax Call Melody Curry, Bro- Call VIRGINIA, PrinCall to see this one of 541-536-0117 746 home I $162,900 ker, 541-771-1116 cipal Broker, a kind home today! 464 Pinney St., 2400 SE Bend 1529 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 Crooked River Realty Northwest Bend Homes 541-350-3418 MLS¹201202360. Badger Forest sq.ft., 5 .5 4 a c r es, bath, alder cabinets. $225,000 Affordable Excellence $340,000 All the bells Redmond RE/MAX $248,000. High New stainless steel Awbrey Butte j Land & Homes John L. Scott Real Es- shop. and whistles, includ Starting in the mid Lakes Realty & Propappliances, gas fireReal Estate $639,000 tate 541-548-1712 ing; 2 Master Suites, $100,000s MORRIS erty Man a gement place. L a ndscaped C ontrol 4 Traditional home with 5 Smar t Beautiful well cared for Need more room for Pahlisch Homes 541-536-01 1 7 front/back w/irrigation REAL ESTATE b edrooms, bon u s Home, security sys The Hasson ranch-style home on your growing family MLS¹201206602 r oom, m a i n le v e l 1 dcpc dcnwo mcdandopcmicd tem, granite in kitchen .51 acre. 3 bdrms, 2 this home has it all!! 4 15990 Falcon L a ne, Company Realtors. Jim Hinton garage, RV master suite, open and utility, marble in Rhianna Kunkler, b aths, o v e r 20 0 0 bed/2.5 bath, 2512 sq. Oversized 541-420-6229 748 hookup. $1 1 9,700. great room, 8 gourbaths, the list goes Broker sq.ft., all on one level. ft. with office and bo Central Oregon Realty High Lakes Realty & met kitchen. H u ge Northeast Bend Homes 541-306-0939 on. Home-ID887 Home has 9' ceilings, nus room. Master on Group, LLC windows offer sweepMa n ageEagle Crest Properties triple garage and view the m ain, b e autiful Property ing views to the north NE Bend j $159,000 Stick built, Huge Shop, 866-722-3370 SE Bend of Smith Rock and the w ood f looring, t i l e ment 541-536-0117 & Smith Rock. HardThe Bridges Well-kept 3 bedroom, 2 9226 S W M e adow C ascades. Tons o f kitchen, fresh paint in 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1876 wood & slate flooring. World Class Amenities Rd. bath home! Tile floor $91,200. 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2151 u pgrades, this i s a side and out, huge dbl sq. ft. Live among the sq. ft. Enjoy this pri MLS¹201204049 Starting in the mid in kitchen & d ining, MLS¹201206589 v ate s e t ting wi t h home you will defi- car attached garage, pines in Sunriver! This Jerry Stone, Broker $200,000s Call Melody Curry, BroFrench doors to patio a quiet s trategic an d w ell sweeping views of the n itely want t o s e e . all on 541-390-9598 Pahlisch Homes ker, 541-771-1116 deck and nicely landc ul-de-sac i n NW p laced home is e x 18th h ol e o f the $223,500. The Hasson We never stop moving: scaped backyard with Crooked River Realty Redmond! Traditional tremely private and Driver's Dream MLS¹201107890 Company Realtors. storage shed. Wine $210, 0 00 yet the many picture Course on the Ridge John L. Scott Real s ale! Edie DeLay, Broker fridge and bar in din- Need help fixing stuff? Estate 541-548-1712 MLS¹201208013. w indows bring t h e The well kept 541-420-2950 Cg ing room. Quiet cul- Call A ServiceProfessional Course. John L. Scott Real Es b eauty of t h e s u r home has all of the Charming end of cul-deJulie Burgoni, Broker find the help you need. de-sac. r ounding pines i n features that you are s ac home, w it h a tate 541-548-1712 541-306-8927 www.bendbulletin.com MLS¹201206845 doors. Very well kept looking for! Open and western motif. Living NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, Amy Halligan, Broker MORRIS and ideally l ocated SET-UP FOR HORSES room is plumbed for 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., 1620SF well appointed spacious living, with 541-410-9045 near shopping, dining, many r e cent up natural gas, wood 8 $ 129,000 3 b e d- REAL ESTATE triple garage, office, home adjoins 90-acre We never stop moving: and endless outdoor room, 2 b a th, 4 . 75 Indcpcndcnw 0 ecd and opcrarcd pasture with 2 - mile grades, like the slate tile floors throughout. bay f r ont w i n dow, r ecreation. New l y entry and newer gran Large landscaped lot large patio, mature fenced level a cres. walking track. Heat blo c k-style Barn, run-in sheds, FRENCH COUNTRY ite tile c ountertops, with sprinkler system landscaping, fenced added pump, prop a ne paver patio, new CHATEAU shop, shed, greenfree-standing stove, and th e e x panded and a fenced back- yard. $128,000. MLS r ior paint, and exte the City & Mtn Views, Hillhouse. master bathroom. Cof yard. $119,900 201207127 oversized dbl gar + composite roof (2003) side Park, 4 Bdrms, 4 fered ceilings, many MLS¹201109122 www.johnlscott.com/76 Pam Lester, Principal bonus rm. Lg kitchen have been completed Baths 4152 sq.ft. OfMORRIS 771 built-in cabinets, ex D&D Realty Group LLC B roker, Century 2 1 cov. decks. $144,900 keeping the home Peggy Le e C o mbs, fered at $2,395,000 REAL ESTATE tensive landscaping, 541-923-8664 Gold Country Realty, in Call Nancy Popp, Broin pristine condition. Cate Cushman, Broker, 541-480-7653 Indcpcndently 0 acd and Opcra<cd and a great floor plan Inc. 541-504-1338 ker, 541-815-8000 Most furnishings in Principal Broker make this the perfect Clean S ingle S t o ry John L. Scott Crooked River Realty $399 , 900 541-480-1884 Home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, ON THE 1 1t h F A IR- cluded! Real Es t ate, B end choice! NE Bend j $302,500 1529sq. ft., gas fireWAY behind the gate ¹201008596 www.catecushman.com LIVE, WORK & PLAY Close to Pasture ¹201205033 $389,500 www.johnlscott.com l a n dscaped, at Eagle Crest. 3725 Team Clark - Century w/views. 8589 SW Team Clark - Century place, f rom this 2 . 2 a c r e Great Location j fenced backyard with sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 21, Gold Country Call The Bulletin At Panorama. $44,500. 21, Gold Country Re property centrally lo$239,900 w ater feature a n d 3.75 baths, 2 h u ge Realty MLS¹201105165 541-385-5809 alty 541-548-2131 cated between Bend Great Westside loca541-548-2131 paver patio. $109,000. bonus rooms, large Melody Curry, BroPlace Your Ad Or E-Mail tion close to down- and Redmond. You Callker, 3 bed, 2 bath on 1.15 MLS¹201201105. deck, 3 car garage, 541-771-1116 Elk C t . , 2 1 0 0 At: www.bendbulletin.com town and The Old Mill w ill a ppreciate t h e Crooked acres.$105,000 Pam Lester, Principal alder cabinetry, gran- 1 6755 River Realty q.ft., 9 . 9 ac r e s , Cascade M o u ntain District. 2 lots with 1 MLS¹201205372 B roker, Century 2 1 ite countertops. sviews. Shevlin Ridge Lots $297,000. High bedroom, 1 bath V iews, t h e 40 x 6 0 $274,000 Great Room Call Linda Lou Gold Country Realty, MLS¹201203992. Lakes Realty & PropFind a homesite that fits home. RM zoned in shop and the beauti- plan, gas fireplace, & Day-Wright, Broker, Inc. 541-504-1338 $577,000 Man a gement your vision within this the historic district. fully remodeled 1912 built-in buffet kitchen 541-771-2585 L. Scott Real Es- erty 541-536-0117 family friendly neighC orner Lot Home i n John sq. ft. home. MLS¹201203906 w/island, two masters Crooked River Realty tate 541-548-1712 borhood. Large f lat C anyon Vie w t h a t MLS¹201207260 JJ Jones, Broker (one on main) soak 51922 Read Lp. New lots range from .25 to Nicolette Jones, Broker ing tubs, & walk in New Construction I SW features 9' c e i lingsPanoramic views! Great 900 sq.ft., on 5 acres. 541-610-7318 .50 acre with privacy Redmond I $158,900 throughout. It also has location 3 miles NW of $149,900. 541-241-0432 541-788-3678 closets. Home-ID951 High and mature Ponde- We never stop moving: a heated floor and Redmond. Views of We never stop moving: Eagle Crest Properties 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1466 Lakes Realty & Proprosa trees. Near parks sq. ft. 2-story home, Whirlpool tub & a gas Smith Rock & 866-722-3370 erty Man a gement and trails. gas fireplace in great fireplace in the mas- O chocos. Cus t o m 541-536-0117 www.shevlinridge.com 3 bed 2 bath, custom room. Landscaped ter, and a bonus room built 2478 sq. ft. home Cy Cg Starting at $104,000 home, huge shop, with sprinkler system of approx. 400 sq. ft. on 4.74 acres. 1800 52505 Meadow Ln. 3 Tina Roberts, MLS¹201207534 The garage is approx. sq. ft. shop w/RV bay. Brdm, 3.5 acres, 2 tax $299,000 Broker, 541-419-9022 MLS¹201203307 Jim Hinton 900 sq. ft.! $224,900 MLS201202726 lots, shop. $129,900. MORRIS MORRIS TOTAL Property Call Julie Fahlgren, 541-420-6229 MLS¹201204132 $447,000 J oh n L. High Lakes Realty & REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Resources, Broker, 541-550-0098 Central Oregon Realty D&D Realty Group LLC Scott R ea l E s t ate Property M a n ageI dcpc dc dyo c d 40 p c ( cd 1 dcpc dc dyO cd d O p c <cd 541-330-0588 Crooked River Realty 541-923-8664 541-548-1712 ment 541-536-0117 Group, LLC NW Bend Newport Landing Incredible NW location Starting the mid

S ISTERS GETAW A Y ! G reat v a cation o r permanent residence

The Bulletin


4 Bdrm, 3.5 bath, 3734 Ranch style SW RedEstate quality, borsq.ft, 32 acre corner mond I $119,900 ders National Forest. lot. Beautiful lodge- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Minutes from Bend. style home w / hand 1134 sq. ft. Fenced


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


f •

.very ho'rnefis a msasterpiece. '4

Contemporaryw/Smart HomeTechnology f$1,690,000

61535 Tam McArthur Lp ~ $1,950,000 • Architectural Marvel in Broken Top • Stunning open floor plan

ofrice, five fireplaces & wine cellar and hot tub • Control 4 Technology allowing control of lighting scenes, Tvs, music & alarm from anywhere in

19395 Cayuse Crater Court( $1,295,000

• 5 bedroom, 4baths, 5116sq,ft. • Overlooking Broken Top's12th fairwayandgreen ia

• On e level with upstairs guest suite and private office • Privacy with southern exposure • Bonus & exerciseroom • 3 car garagew/shop area


Call Kelly Horton, BrokerI 541-508-9163

Tetherow - HighDesert Casual ~ $986,900

Broken Top Classic ( $945,000

• Custom Broken TopBeauty! • Newly REDUCED price! • Enjoy the lush surroundings • 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths • 4363 SF • Golf course and mountain views • Must see! MLS¹201204037

-II '


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Huge Cascade Views ( $945,000

This Property Has It All ( $849,900

• NW Contemporarydesign • Magnificent greatroomw/sliding window paneldoors, dry-stack rock fireplace • Gourmet kitchen w/SS appliances • Master bedroom Ik office/2nd bdrm onmainfloor • Media/bonusrm,wine cellar • 4 bds, 4 baths,4200 SF,0.46acres MLS¹201206396


• Overlooking10thfairway&green

• 3657sq.ft.,3 bed/3.5 bath • Earth Advantage home

i y+yy Kandall Court

• Custom home complete y remodeled in 2004-05 byMelroseConstruction • Kathy &Karol Niemiinterior plan/

• Quality throughout • Optional bonus or guest room • To be built by Bend Trend Homes • Golf membership included MLS ¹201104447

Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokersl 541-419-4553

Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086

MLS¹ 201207169

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

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Luxury Single Level in Broken TopJ $1,150,000

• 18.3 acres of prime development property • Ready for annexation into Redmond • Partially located on the Canyon Rim • Terms


Call Chris Sulak, Broker I 541-350-6164


Brasada Ranch 5400 SF on flat.75 acre! 5 fireplaces! Green built, efficient solar system Finely crafted Gary Norman built

• Stunning finishes • Unobstructed mountain views MLS¹201207027

the world. MLS ¹20122979

Call Laura Blossey, BrokerI cell 949-887-4377

a IB! g

• • • • •

•4 bdrms/6baths,5750 sq.ft. • Separate guest house/

; • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 5960 SF • 1480 SF garage • Large double lot MLS¹201200081


Prime Development Land ~ $1,250,000

15631 SW Mecate Lane ~ $1,545,000

• CascadeMountainviewsin Wyndemere

designwith quality &detail - 4476SF • 5bed, 5.5bath, mainlevel master • Great room design. Wonderfu indoor and outdoorliving spacious,quiet cul-de-sac location

Call Ray Bachman, Broker, GRI I 541-408-0696

Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086



Contemporary City Living ( $820,000

Exquisite in Widgi Creek ~ $775,000 • Intentional, sophisticated design • Incredible handcrafted elements throughout • Great roomliving+ bonus room

• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF

• Just minutes to medical,

shopping, & schools • Single level, open great room

. • Immaculate interior

• No H.O,A/s • Heated parking • Cascade Mountain views • Walk to Old Mill/Downtown MLS¹201207761

• Great for entertaining • Private setting, borders BLM • Separate entrance for home

office • Formal dining/living, chePs


• Master on mainsauna ,

• Spaciousoutdoor living • On the 8th green

• 3bed, 2.5bath, 3090SF MLS¹201109863


Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker I 541-280-5352

Call Mary Stratton, BrokerI 541-419-6340

Call Bobby Lockrem, BrokerI 541-480-2356


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Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, BrokersI 541-312-5151 www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

New Tetherow Home ~ $699,500

Summer Lake Getaway ) $680,000

26 NW Skyliner Summit Loop ~ $664,900

NW Contemporaryw/MountainViewsinTetherow /$749,000


• Brand new single evel 3bdm,3.5 baths, currentlyunderconstruction • Seamless integration of indoor and outdoor space,openfloor plan • Private courtyard and covered back patio w/mtn views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room & studyallow for maximum versatility


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175 acres Popular hunting/recreation area Lake & mountain views Borders National Forest Quality lodge/chalet style home Guest house, shop, grass runway

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Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker I 541-508-9581

Rare Opportunity ) $379,000

Rivers Edge - Golf View ( $369,000!



• 3 bedroom+ den/office or4th bedroom, 1.5bath •1732 sq.ft. w/great roomandriver views that fill the picturewindows ' • 3-car garage/shop. Dock. • Yards from trailheadto La PineSt. Park • 16213 Mtn.SheepLane MLS¹201202339


• 80 acres, 20 acres irrigated • Live stream, fruit trees • Decorative stone quarry • Near Government Land • Great hunting area • Immaculate2500 SF home

• Possibly the most beautiful site on the river

• Mt. Bachelor view from master bdrm w/ full length balcony • Tastefully rustic wood interior • 3 bed/1.5 bath, nearly 1800 sq, ft. • 54677 Silver Fox Drive MLS¹201204195

61283 Mount Vista Dr. ~ $299,000

• Single level, 3 BD/2 BA • Large deck and hot tub '


Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086



1730 NE Cliff Drive ~ $249,900

On the Hillside in SW Redmond( $225,000

• .46 acre lot • 2 living areas • Oversized 2-car garage

• 16,988 SQ FT lot • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2036 SF • Single level with LOCATION. LOCATIONI • 2 gas fireplaces MLS¹201206493

, • IP

• RV parking • A must see!

• New exterior paint

• Brand new construction in Rivers Edge • Desirablefoor planw/main leve masterandguestsuite •Opengreatroom w/exposedbeams, hand textured wa s&gourmet kitchen • Near rivertrail & acrossfrom Rivers Edge Go f Course • Exceptionalopportunity &valueon Bend'sWestside

Call Ron Davis, Principal BrokerI 541-480-3096

• 2126 square feet • 3 bedrooms/2 baths

• Near Ft. Rock Park, plenty of common space • Floor to ceiling rock fireplace • 2-car garage


• 3 bedrooms, 2 baths MLS¹2&12329

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222 I www.gregsellscentraloregon.com

Great Sunriver Home ( $329,000

• Offering one and two-story t floor plans with mountain, fairway or water views • 2-4 bdrms,• 2.5 —.5 4 Baths • 1950 SF - 2956 SF

• g4 yt <

Cozy River Front Chalet ( $375,000

Cozy River Front Log Home ~ $379,500

19717 Mt. Bachelor Drive ¹316 J $395,000

Luxury Townhomes ~ Offered from $397,750

Judy McCombs& ShellySwanson,Brokersl 888-274-2317

• •

• 23+ acres • Gorgeous Cascade Mtn. views • Well maintained ranchhomein Gosney Meadows • Studio/shop • Irrigated, pastoral setting



Acreage Close To Town ( $529,000

River front property Mountain views 5 bedrooms, 3 baths 2985 square feet Upgraded home Incredible outdoor living

Call Joanne McKee, BrokerI 541-480-5159

' •


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• •

Deb Tebbs Group l Like us onBif andfollowuson8

Call Bryan Hilts, Broker I 541-771-3200

live in loft area or your RV

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Call Deb Tebbs Group, BrokersI 541-419-4553


w~~@4IBs» ' 3 ' • Build your dream home while you


• Large den/office off entry • Price REDUCED! MLS¹201203332


Call MelanieMaitre, Broker,ABR,SRES, ePROl 541-480-4186

• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse • RV hookups inside lk out, 100 amp breakerin shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend


•Waterfeatures,inside and out • Mature old growth pine trees, beautiful landscaping. Must see!

• Master suite on the main level



• RV parking MLS ¹201204920

rentals permitted

MLS¹ 201208424

• • • • • •

• Luxury riverfront townhome


• Open floor plan w/vaulted ceilings


Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086

• Contemporary home in Awbrey

• Westside home w/Cascade Mountain views • 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3443SF


' •

MLS¹ 201207375

•3 Bd,2 Ba,qualitycustom home • Gorgeous NEVIEW! • Flooded w/natural light • Beautiful kitchenw/SSappliances and big pantry • Spacious mastew/big r c oset • Trex deck,large 2-cargarage w/shop area &huge spaceunder the housefor??? MLS¹201208354

Call Kelly Winch, BrokerI 541-390-0398

Call Jordan Haase, Principal BrokerI 541-420-1559

Call Mary Stratton, BrokerI 541-419-6340

Call Sue Price, Owner/BrokerI 541-408-7742



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3152 NE Manchester ( $207,700

Bungalow in theHeart of Thriving Westside f $199,900

New ConstructionfSW Redmond f$187,950

Fabulous Broken TopHomesite ( $180,000

• 3 bedrooms,2.5 baths, 1792SF • Living room and family room • Large deck andfenced yard • 12 x16 hobby room/retreat • Room for a boator small RV MLS¹ 201208224

-I' 5$$$ $ 5 $ $


• 4 bedroom, 1 bath, 1440 SF "- • Huge.23 acre lot • Large double car garage • Endless possibilities • Great Westside location ; :


• 3bed/2 bath single level, 1696SF • Gas fireplace w/juniper log mantel • Wood wrappedwindows& doors

•GorgeousCascade Mountain views • Ready for your dreamhome • 14th fairway frontage • Bend's premier gated golf community • Walking/biking paths throughout • 12,647 sq. ft. Ievel homesite MLS¹201205794

• Office area w/built-ins

Ia aaa



• Quiet, establishedneighborhood • To be completedby11/30/12 • Large fenced yard MLS¹201205205

MLS¹201204713 2~;",i~~"g%M@ Xizt'.sa~~

Call C.J. NeumannI 541-410-3710 or Lisa Lamberto I 541-610-9697 www.CJLisa.com

Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal BrokerI 541-279-1768

Call Myra Girod, Principal BrokerI 541-815-2400



Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, BrokersI 541-312-5151 www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Private & Secluded Parcel ) $149,000

Southwestern Style in Prineville( $144,900

Golf & Mountain Views ~ $125,000

Seventh Mountain Resort ) $28,000

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1500 SF home • 2000 sq. ft. shop

• 19.16 acres •CascadeMountain views • Septic is approved • Conditional use permit approved • Power to property • Unique rock outcroppings

Korren Bower, BrokerI 541-504-3839 www.carolosgood.com



• New cherry wood cabinets and stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, marble floors • Master suite w/Jacuzzi tub MLS ¹201206455





x• •


pools & tenniscourts

oI I

l I

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSI 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

a e

• I

• Excellent rental income MLS¹201208552

• Pnvate18-holegolf course MLS¹201205845


• Sleeps 6 • Full sized kitchen

• Gated communityw/athletic center,

Call John Kohlmoos, BrokerI 541-480-8131


RCI! • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Loft



• I

• 8 weeks/year or trade with

• Private setting on.64 acre

Call Rod Hatchell, BrokerI 541-728-8812

e •

• Stunning homesiteat BrasadaRanch • CascadeMountainspanorama • Unobstructed views of the 15th

oI I


• •






Sunriver/La Pine Homes Jefferson County Homes Crook County Homes







Crook County Homes

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

B ETWEEN B EN D & Endless possibilities on La Pine j $139,900 Nice 3 bedroom home 3 Bedroom, 2 b a t h, Quiet Setting - 2.84 Outstanding mtn views Price reduced 4 bdrm,2 12726 SW CINDER Well-cared for 1488 sq. in town and close to 2124 sq. ft. Built in Acres i $179,000 and large farm par bath, 2330 sq. ft. Mul Well kept 1848 sq. ft., 3 REDMOND 4.62 acres of serenity ft., 3 bedroom, 2, bath schools. Landscaped 1995. Very p r ivate Well-kept manufac- c els s u rround t h i s tiple outbuildings and bedroom, 2 bath Terrific location - 4 and privacy. Comforthome built in 2 007. with a fenced yard, setting, with Cascade tured home. 2 bed41.75y acres located 6.64 acres with 5.6 ir h ome l o cated o n bdrm, 1 ba th in able 3 b edroom, 2 Nicely treed 1 acre lot. R V p a r king to o ! views, and Prineville room + d e n /office. in the heart of Powell r igated acres a n d fenced 1 acre corner 2,888y sq.ft. home on b ath home an d a Vaulted ceilings, wood MLS¹201106963 lights at night. Com Close t o to w n & Butte with many im set-up for grass or lot. Flooring and ap- 5.75y acres. A 30x40 shop with overcabinets, tile floors in $79,900 fortable home, with an Prineville Reservoir. provements in place. animals. Home has p liances wer e r e - Country feel but close sized RV door. Build kitchen an d d i n ing D&D Realty Group LLC open floor plan. Coun Enclosed patio. Large A variety of trees and been extensively re placed just 3 yrs ago. to t ow n a m enities. your custom home 866-346-7868 room. Certified woodt ry living an d o n ly detached garage/shop shrubs. Smooth wire modeled and updated Newer vinyl windows Super fireplace w/rock with brea t htaking stove. Act now! with oil furnace. RV corrals/pasture areas and includes a bonus and pellet stove. This surround for a m b i- views of the Cascade O utstanding Val u e ! minutes from either MLS¹201208035 Prineville, Madras, or area & hook-up. Stor- with steel posts and r oom, t i l e d ba t h , home is m o ve-in a nce, plus a L o p i Mountains or enjoy as Over 3000 sq. ft. 2 TenBroek - Hilber Redmond. Peace and age building/shed. 2 a n o v ersized h a y newer flooring, newer ready. Large area to Woodstove that can is. Property is fenced level house that has Group, LLC q uiet? This i s t h e ponds. storage, a large ma appliances... a great park your toys and heat the whole house. and makes a great great potential and is 541-550-4944 MLS MLS¹201202976 chine shop, the main answer for those look RV. 24x24 g arage. Great room floor plan horse property. Very in very good condi place!! We never stop moving: ¹201202008 Carolyn Priborsky, P.C., shop has a set-up that ing for space! Also in Back deck with enw/living room 8 peaceful setting with tion. Daylight base Broker, ABR, CRS can be used while c luded: 1 9 7 3 mf d closed hot tub. Lease kitchen having wildlife abound. Loment. Huge possibili $289,500 wide-plank floors of Team Clark541-383-4350 building your dream home, currently option or purchase. cated approximately 6 ties. $158,800 MLS Century 21, We never stop moving: home! $470,000 MLS rented with great ten $99,500 reclaimed pine. Dismiles from Sisters in cs 201207709 Gold Country ¹201102008 ants! Owner terms, for MLS¹ 201207499 tressed maple cabi- the h i ghly d e sired John L. Scott Real Es Realty Team Clarkshort term with large Juniper Realty, nets in Kitchen with 1 Sisters School Distate 541-548-1712 541-548-2131 541-504-5393 Century 21, down. $259 , 0 00 1 /2 thi c k slat e t rict, with a n e a s y MORRIS PRICED T O S ELL Gold Country Realty ¹201202706 counters. If you like a c ommute t o Re d REAL ESTATE 12851 SW Deer QUICK. Don't m iss Cottage Style Bunga541-548-2131 Team Clark - Century cozy country f e el. mond or Bend as well I dp d t l y O d d Op t d Crossing. Remodeled this one! $44,900 You've got it!! Beau21, Gold Country Re as al l of Cen t ral MORRIS low, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 3 bdrm 2 bath 1440 MLS¹201204298 alty 541-548-2131 tiful Cascade Moun- Oregon's recreation 780 sq.ft, completely REAL ESTATE Tick, Tock sq. ft. CRR home. Warm 8 Welcoming. D8 D Realty Group LLC tain Views. 2 corrals, and beauty! $252,000 remodeled, 9148 sq.ft. Indcptndcntly &mtd pttd Optrpted Granite counters, Stone fireplace, 866-346-7868 pond, shared lake, 3 MLS¹201205440 lot, park l ike l and53089 Alps Ct., LaPine, Tick, Tock... hickory cabinets, vaulted great room, WELL KEPT HOME acres of irrigation, 2 D&D Realty Group LLC scaping, greenhouse. $239,900. 3 bdrm, 2.5 762 bamboo wood floors, 4 bdrm, 5.5 bath, 6266 just off pavement, close $65,000. 866-346-7868 ...don't let time get stall barn. $375,000 MLS¹ Homes with Acreage bath, 1.13 acres. Advinyl windows, the list sq.ft., short sale. MLS ¹201205878 Pam joins N a t' I F o r est goes to school and easy 201205043. away. Hire a For Sale by Owner - 10+ on. Garage, car$975,000. Land. High Lakes ReBobbie Strome, access to h ighway. Lester, Principal Bro- If space is what you are acres, 7 irrigated, 2200+ Cate Cushman, port and RV covered professional out Principal Broker alty & Property ManaMove in ready with ker, Century 21 Gold sq.ft. updated home, looking for, then look parking. $109,000 Principal Broker John L Scott Real gent 541-536-0117 kitchen ap p l iances Country Realty, Inc. of The Bulletin's oversized detached gaat this 60y acre par MLS 201204401 541-480-1884 Estate 541-385-5500 541-504-1338 washer & dryer. rage, 2 barns, fenced & c el located i n t h e "Call A Service Juniper Realty, www.catecushman.com and Beautiful 8 peaceful Enclosed car p o rt cross-fenced, beautiful heart of Powell Butte! 541-504-5393 Professional" setting $649 000 gives feeling of gaGood classified ads tell Cascade mountain setting, turn-key propEnjoy the views of the 756 4 bdrm, 2.5 baths, 2275 12-peak huge Cascade rage. Wall AC in dinthe essential facts in an Cascade M o u ntain Directory today! views + New price at erty, $525,000, Call for Jefferson County Homes i ng room, 3 b e d - interesting Manner. Write sq. ft. on 4 0 a cres views from this gorR ange and th e p r i $189,750! Imagine the showing; Realtors welhorse property, acrooms and 2 from the readers view - not Equestrian 5-acres, geous Crooked River delight upon entering come: 541-318-1450 v acy a mongst t h e 246 Jefferson St, Meto b athrooms. Sma l l the seller's. Convert the cess to BLM. Ranch home w/ knotty y our n e w hom e ! G ORGEOUS 36x48 6-stall barn, natural and well treed mt n . lius. Exc. investment fenced bac k y ard. facts cross-fenced, groom- MLS¹201204029. pine ceilings and sun- Vaulted ceilings, open views! 36+/- acres. surroundings. In into benefits. Show or first home. Home MLS¹201203697 Vicci Bowen s plashed room s . floor plan. K itchen, Irrigated ing stall, wash rack, cludes Avion w ater w/ s m all the reader how the item will has good rental his 541-410-9730 $49,900 hay barn, mare barn Plenty of room with and the septic system dining a n d fa m i ly 1 bedroom, 1 help them in someway. tory. Located close to D8 D Realty Group LLC 4.98 acres. $249,000 rooms with wood deck cabin, w/foaling stalls. 2004 Central Oregon Realty is less than 10 years bath, poss i b le This the school. Owner will 866-346-7868 3bd 2bth home. Group, LLC MLS¹201206906 old. A very large shop access. Formal living OWC! $ 2 2 5 ,000. carry contract. advertising tip Gail Day 541-306-1018 $298,500. with views. M aster MLS¹ 201201125 with finished office/ loc a t ed $49,900. MLS Wonderfully brought to youby Central Oregon Realty bonus space and a Call Nancy Popp, Bro- 10 acres- - Custom suite, jette d -tub, Call Charlie, 201205682 J u n iper h ome with a c o m Group, LLC ker, 541-815-8000 home shop in walk-in shower, dbl clean/basic manufac manding view of Mt. Designated Broker The Bulletin Realty 541-504-5393 Crooked River Realty Powell Butte! tured home o f fers sink va n it y and Jefferson and the sur541-350-3419 Mi. Deschutes River Unique floor plan 1/4 many amenities and 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, area. Beauf rontage. Cus t o m walk-in closet. Ready Redmond RE/MAX New Price! $278,000 3 rounding w/indoor spa room, o ptions w h ile y o u for your i m mediate tiful well kept home Land & Homes Crook Countyi 3170 sq. ft. Beautiful level 3 bdrm, 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1936 hall w ays, single b uild y ou r dr e a m c ustom home on a wide with spacious rooms. Real Estate $192,400 bath, 3 9 6 2 sq . f t ., enjoyment. 4.80 acres sq. ft. Built in 1994. single level. $540 , 0 00 very private and gated Large home very close home. 1 2.72 a c r e ga t e d with 4.60 i r rigated. Great Location, 4.85 Comfortable floor plan $239,000 $365,000. MLS MLS¹201206924 to Meadow Lakes Golf ¹201108973 10 acres, yet conve 201108648 community, p r i vate MLS¹201205610. w ith m a ster b d r m D&D Call Acres j $397,500 John L. Scott Realty Group LLC Club. Private rear pa- Team Clark - Century niently located j ust setting. $99 7 ,000. separation from guest Well maintained 3 bedVIRGINIA, Principal Real Estate 21, Gold Country 866-346-7868 tio area. Room f or minutes to the Powell Broker 541-350-3418 MLS ¹ 201 2 05961. rooms, large master room, 2.5 bath, 2128 541-548-1712 Realty RV's. This 3 bedroom, Butte Country Store. Redmond RE/MAX Pam Lester, Principal with walk-in closet, liv sq. ft. h o me, 4 .85 757 541-548-2131 Extenor Cedar & log, B roker, Century 2 1 ing and family room, Crook County Homes 2.5 bath with 1876 sq. Land & Homes a cres, i r rigated & ft. of living area is the covered drive-thru en Gold Country Realty, Country living in Bend, bonus ro o m/office/ Mountain views. Nice Real Estate Garage Sales try 8 low ma i n te Inc. 541-504-1338 Spectacular Mtn. den, large front porch 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1963 perfect home. great room floor plan, MLS¹201207946 nance l a ndscaping12250 NW Dove Rd. is perfect for those sq. ft. home located in views. 4 bdrm, 4.5 u pdated roof, w i n 5 A c res w / mountain baths, Darryl Doser, Garage Sales w/large patio for out 17 acres. Ofsummer e v e nings. the heart of Prineville. dows & heat pump. Custom cedar sided views. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Broker, CRS side l i ving. L a r ge Nice level parcel per This lovely traditional fered at $1,295,000. Fenced, cross fenced h ome with f loor t o 1620 sq.ft., irrigated, Garage Sales 541-383-4334 shop, plus a double MLS ¹2101203960 fect for horses, and style home has a low & 6 outbuildings. c eiling windows t o 36x40 shop, fenced, garage w/living quar w ithin m i nutes o f m aintenance y a r d , We never stop moving: Cate Cushman, MLS¹201206169 Find them s p r inkler Principal Broker ters 8 2 full RV hook t ake i n t h e mt n . , extensive riding trails... you can solid wood cabinetry Greg Miller, P.C., Im m aculate system. $2 7 9 ,000. in ups. Home b o asts views. 541-480-1884 ride from the property! throughout, as well as Broker, CRS, GRI 1841 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 MLS ¹2809225 Pam m any s pecial f e a Crooked River Ranch www.catecushman.com 541-408-1511 The Bulletin bath home, tongue 8 Lester, Principal Broa tile entry, and lami tures including a cus groove vaulted ceiloffers golf, tennis, and nate w oo d We never stop moving: fl o ors. ker, Century 21 Gold Classifieds tom staircase, river community swimming Master on the main gas free stand- Country Realty, Inc. Deschutes River rock fireplace, vaulted ings, pool... and so much f loor and a b o n u s MORRIS Home j $450,000 541-385-5809 ceilings, gou r met ing stove, and wood 541-504-1338 more. Great views of cs REAL ESTATE accents t h roughout. over the garage. 1.2 acres. 3 bedroom, 2 kitchen, theatre room, the Cascades, and in room I d p d t l y O d dO p t d Completely f e n ced Wiring for AC unit is bath, 2125 sq. ft. wa1 6249 South D r . deluxe master suite, Take care of an area of large par already there, short acres. $385,000 t erfront home w i t h $595,000. 6.27 acre a nd m u c h mo r e ! 4.81 cels, so you can en your investments MORRIS MLS¹ 201101447 to m ovies, Desirable location, only horse property with ¹201108773 Cascade M o u ntain joy your privacy. MLS distance Juniper Realty, restaurants, and minutes from town 8 views. Multiple accesREAL ESTATE g orgeous 2922 s f $570,000 Team Clarkwith the help from ¹201205395 541-504-5393 shopping. $159,950 Prineville Reservoir. h ome, s hop. H i g h sory buildings a nd I d p d dy O d dOpt t d Century 21, Gold Team ClarkThe Bulletin's MLS ¹201108663 b arn, all w it h n e w Meticulous home has Lakes Realty 8 PropCountry Realty Century 21, Hard to f i n d P r ice Team Clark"Call A Service roofs. b reathtaking Cas - erty Ma n agement, 541-548-2131 Gold Country Realty Have an item to Range! 1296 sq. ft. Century 21, MLS¹201105146 c ade v i ews . Lo w 541 -536-01 1 7 541-548-2131 Professional" Directory West Powell Butte Es home on 2 a c res Gold Country sell quick? Craig Smith, Broker m aintenance y a rd. your car! tates. $479,000. 6 just north of RedRealty 541-322-2417 Open roomy f l oor Advertise If it's under Newer home with four Add A P(cfure< 9.33 acres in P owell We never stop moving: bdrm, 3.5 bath home mond o v erlooking 541-548-2131 plan, vaulted ceilings, Reach thousands of readers! large bedrooms, 2 Butte - 4 bdrm, 2.5 o n 2 0 a c re s w i t h '500 you can place it in the valley below and lots of light from the CaII 541-385-5809 baths, split floor plan, b ath, 1928 s q . f t . , 2 master suites, Smith Rock. Just too many large windows, nice The Bulletin Classlf!eds shop, The Bulletin large workable 4-car garage, water 3-car garage, barn, $99,000 office, and nook. Two Cg collectibles? kitchen, and plenty of shop, with RV door. Irfeature, gated com Classifieds for: MLS ¹201205979 treed acres, plenty of 5 2916 Old L ake R d room for a large famrigated. $35 9 ,000 MLS¹ Call KELLY STARroom for your toys!!! $199,000. Two 1848 munity. ily. Nice size yard too. Sell them in MLS ¹ 20 1 2037129 s q.ft. h o mes, t w o 201207133 Pa m BUCK, Broker '10 - 3 lines, 7 days MORRIS $76,000 MLS¹ The Bulletin Classifieds $159,900 Pam Lester, Principal 541-771-7786 20-acre parcels. High Lester, Principal Bro MLS¹201204820 '16 3 lines, 14 days 201202015 REAL ESTATE roker, Century 2 1 Redmond RE/MAX D8D Realty Group LLC Lakes Realty & Prop- ker, Century 21 Gold (Private Party ads only) B D&D Realty Group LLC Indtptndtpdy &mtd ppd Optrpt«d Gold Country Realty, erty Ma n agement, Country Realty, Inc. Land & Homes 866-346-7868 866-346-7868 541-385-5809 Inc. 541-504-1338 541-536-0117 541-504-1338 Real Estate




o Ll t '



In The BLjlletin's print and online Classifieds.

• Ld .

GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, We are QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! MOdern FORD F150XL2005. ThiStrljCkCan haL!Iit three adOrable, lOVing PuPPieS lOOking fOr a amenitieS and all the quiet you Will need. all! EXtra Cab, 4X4, and a tOugh V8 engine Caring hOme. PleaSeCall right aWay. $500. R OOm to grOW in yOur 0Wnlittle ParadiSe! Wi l l get the job dane on the ranCh!

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Hours: Monday -Friday 7:30am to 5:00pm •Telephone Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm • Saturday 10:00am - 12:30pm 24 Hour Message Line: 383-2371: Place, cancel, or extend an ad after hours. 1777 S.W. ChandlerAve. Bend, OregOn 97702


Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage













Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Location Location Loca Tumalo j $775,000 $83,500 Great Moun Three Rivers South j ASTOUNDING SW Chipmunk Rd. tions! 2463 sq. ft. 4 Lush Tumalo Ranch tain Views from Sis CASCADE MOUNTAIN Level 5.19 acres with Snowberry Village ¹46 • Possible owner terms. 3 Snowberry Village ¹16 $59,500 bdrm, 3 bath home on with 19.5 acres, 18.5 ters to Hood lot. Seller Flat .48 of a n a c re VIEWS. Highlands, mountain views. Well $88,900. 3 bdrms, 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1107 $ 94,500 Enjoy t h e 3.3 acres b etween i rrigated. Cus t o m is offering excellent building lot on corner 10.28 Acres, Bend. treed w it h s e v eral baths, 1600y sq. ft. sq.ft., laminated wood carefree lifestyle in Bend and Redmond. home with 4330 sq. terms to a q ualified with canal along 1 Offered at $495,000 possible buil d ing 1994 Silvercrest. Liv f looring, carport w / Snowberry V i l lage, Property has 3 acres ft., 1 acre vineyard, buyer. Home-ID619 side, canal flows diCate Cushman, sites. Com m unity ing room, separate storage, fenced, land- Bend's Premier 55+ Swalley water and a l andscaped, ba r n ,$74,900 Fabu l o us rectly into the Big DePrincipal Broker water & power avail- dining room & large scaped, spr i nkler community. Immacufenced back y a rd. fenced garden, or- Cascade M o u ntain schutes River. Area 541-480-1884 able at t h e s t reet. kitchen with e a ting system. $33,000. MLS late 3 b e droom, 2 This home also has c hard, a n d mu c h View .39 of an acre has boat launch & www.catecushman.com Owner terms avail- area. Pellet s t ove, ¹ 201205974 Pam bath. Dining r oom, an incredible 2300 sq. more. Great h o rse l ot, backs t o o p e n dock, clubhouse and able. $69,000 MLS¹ Huge covered BBQ Lester, Principal Brohuge kitchen with isft. insulated dream property! space!! Home-ID795 road maintenance. 201106095 deck. Large laundry ker, Century 21 Gold land, master s uite, s hop with 2 b a y s . MLS¹201106678 MLS¹201105237 CHECK YOUR AD Juniper Realty, $65,000 Eagle Crest room and 2-car at Country Realty, Inc. g arden t u b , sta l l Please check your ad 541-504-5393 plenty of space for Brandon Fairbanks, Resort almost level Don Kelleher, Broker tached garage 541-504-1338 shower. Vaulted ceilRVs toys hobbies and Broker, SRES, . 40 acre lot not f a r The Kelleher Group on the first day it runs Call Marilyn Rohaly, ings. Wood laminate to make sure it is cor- SW D O V E R D . M t. Broker, 541-322-9954 Snowberry Village ¹119 floors, FA heat & AC. animals. inside you GRI, CDPE from Ridge S p orts 541-480-1911 will enjoy vaulted ceil 541-383-4344 and Equestrian Cen We never stop moving: rect. Sometimes in- Washington & Three John L. Scott Real • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 Covered decks. s tructions over t h e Sisters views from this ings, 2 master suites, We never stop moving: ter. Home - ID980 Estate, Bend baths, 1920 sq. ft. Marilyn Rohaly, Broker and extra large mas Eagle Crest Proper phone are misunder- 6.1 acre property with 541-322-9954 www.JohnLScott.com • 2000 Silvercrest - Tristood and a n e r ror power installed. Close ter bath with custom ties 866-722-3370 cs John L. Scott plewide to t h e Des c hutes Snowberry Village ¹98 • Living shower and granite Cg can occur in your ad. room, family Beautifully ele v ated Real Es t a te, B e nd If this happens to your River and Steelhead $79,500 counter. $ 3 5 9,900. www.johnlscott.com building site a b ove room, dining room MLS 201206489 ad, please contact us Falls. $99,500 MLS¹ • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. • Remodeled MORRIS Deschutes River Can kitchen, the first day your ad 201205646 • 1 404 sq. ft . 1 9 9 9 w/breakfast bar Snowberry Village ¹98 John L. Scott Real Es MORRIS yon. Un s urpassed REAL ESTATE Juniper Realty, $79,500 Beautiful 3 tate 541-548-1712 appears and we will Silvercrest • Private master suite REAL ESTATE views from this 2-acre I dcpc dc dyO cd d O p c icd 541-504-5393 be happy to fix it as • Vaulted ceilings bedroom, 2 bat h w/walk-in closet I dcpc dc dya cd d a p c rcd lot. Septic approved, single level home in s oon a s w e ca n . designer colors w ater & p o we r a t 773 • Master bath w/garden Log home on 2+ acres Deadlines are: Week- SW Geneva View Rd. • Gas heat and A/C. tub & double shower Snowberry V i l lage. road. $89,900 Mtn views with rustic View Property 2.49 Acreages Le v e l Elevated corner lotVaulted ceilings, gas days 11:00 noon for T errebonne. MLS¹201207148 • Gas FA heat PLUS feeling, two acres irri- acres between Bend 1.14 acres that will be next day, Sat. 11:00 heat/A/C, 2-car g anice views AC & fireplace Call Nancy Popp, Bro- 5.64 acres Mt. Views. gation. Great small & Redmond, 1998 easy to build on. Well rage w/shop area, a.m. for Sunday and • A ttached 2-car g a • Immaculate - too ker, 541-815-8000 acreage w / privacy, home, dbl garage, $99,900. treed with an abunfront deck and cozy Monday. rage+ shop area many upgrades to list! insulated h e a ted/ Crooked River Realty room for animals & MLS¹2609088 dance o f wil d l ife• Front deck and rear rear patio, elevated 541 -385-5809 $129,900 cooled office/workyour toys. Detached Call Linda Lou passing thro u gh. patio 20 acres - great views! Thank you! corner lot. A good buy Call Marilyn Rohaly, shop. $264 , 0 00 room with full bath $41,500 MLS¹ Call Marilyn R ohaly, Incredible C a scade Day-Wright, Broker, in a wonderful neighThe Bulletin Classified Broker, 541-322-9954 sep. from h ouse, MLS¹201200600 541-771-2585 201102002 Mtn., Smith Rock and borhood! Broker, 541-322-9954 John L. Scott Real concrete RV pad & Fred Crouch Crooked River Realty Juniper Realty, v alley v i ews! T w o Marilyn Rohaly, Broker John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend several ho o k -up 10-acre parcels with 4.75 Acres. $169,000 541-350-1945 541-504-5393 Mountain views! 541-322-9954 Estate, Bend www.JohnLScott.com spots. $18 0 ,000. Central Oregon Realty 3.39 acres with crazy well and septic apJohn L. Scott This is a w o nderful www.JohnLScott.com MLS¹201205184 Group, LLC SW River Rd. Exc.view mountain views! proved. Great area to parcel for your cus Real Estate, Bend Call KELLY STARfrom top of property. FACTORY SPECIAL Snowberry Village ¹16 Owner will carry. build! Bank o wned. www.johnlscott.com tom home, in d esir Mountain views! Enjoy the carefree lifBUCK, Broker 2.79 acres walking $103,000. New Home, 3 bdrm, $134,900. able Powell B u tte. MLS¹201100748 Fabulous view, ru541-771-7786 estyle at Bend's preVery open plan, with distance to the Deswww.johnlscott.com/46 $48,900 finished Fantastic views of ev ral property 3479 Redmond RE/MAX chutes River & Steel- on your site,541.548.5511 mier 55+ community French doors off livCall Travis Hannan, 964 e rything f r o m th e sq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2.5 Land & Homes head Falls. Hike, bike, www.JandMHomes.com n ear m edical a n d ing room area, beauPrinc. Broker Lisa McCarthy, Broker, Cascade Range, to baths. Lots of shop shopping. Immacu- tiful updated kitchen, Real Estate 541-788-3480 ride horses, fly fish. SRES 541-419-8639 Gray Butte and be area! $505,000 late 3 b e d room, 2 nice size dining area, Quiet & natural setJohn L. Scott What are you yond. Ready to build... Redmond RE/MAX MLS ¹201207007 763 bath features sepalarge covered front ting is ideal for vacaReal Es t a te, B e nd water, septic feasibil Land & Homes Call Jeanne Scharr ate d i ning r o o m, porch, 2 bdrm, 2 bath tions or year round looking for? Recreational Homes Real Estate www.johnlscott.com ity, power all in place. lund, Principal Brohuge kitchen with is& d e n . Tu r n-key living. $49,000 MLS¹ & Property You'll find it in 3 - 9 14 8 S q .ft. Iots, Adjacent p r operties NW Dove Rd., Terrebker 541-420-7978 land, master suite with move-in condition with 201009429 have nice homes and cul-de-sac, ut i l ities Redmond RE/MAX Mtn. views from Juniper Realty, The Bulletin Classifieds g arden t u b , sta l l nice outside e nterThis 2200 sq. ft. cus- s tubbed into P U E , landscape. J o s h ua onne. Land & Homes shower, Vaulted ceil- taining patio & fire pit. these 5.12 acres near 541-504-5393 tom-built h o m e in Court i s de a d-end close to West CanReal Estate ings, wood laminate 63730 Cascade Vilentrance of CRR. IoDiamond Peaks has yon Rim Park and ac- cul-de-sac, so there is floors, FA heat & AC. lage Dr . $ 5 3 ,200. cated in a desirable Tumalo j $275,000 541-385-5809 NE Bend j $349,000 everything for the se- cess to the dry can- very little traffic. Short C overed decks . C ascade Vill a g e area. Save time & Beautiful 5 acre parcel Enjoy peace and tran- rious vacationer yon t rail. $ 3 5,000, drive t o Pr i neville, money with septic, $94,500. Call Marilyn Homes. Bend, in Tumalo. Full CasLike new 3 bdrm, 2 bath quility on 2.85 private and/or retiree. over- $35,000 & $ 5 0,000. Redmond and Bend. Broker, 541-388-0000 well & power already cade Mountain views home is loaded with Rohaly, acres with Gorgeous large garage on first MLS ¹2804050 MLS¹ 20 1 2 0 7692, installed. $96,500 in an area of high end upgrades i n c luding 541-322-9954 Cascade views. Large level, interior boasts 201207694, Team Clarkand The Bulletin's John L. Scott RE MLS¹ 20120135 homes. c ustom paint, n e w master suite. Vaulted wood flooring, t i le, 201207687. Century 21, Pam "Call A Service Juniper Realty, MLS¹201200062 lighting, skylight, and wood ceilings. Pos- carpet and wood acGold Country Lester, Principal Bro541-504-5393 Cathy Del Nero, Broker custom deck i n g. Professional" Directory sible m o t her-in-law cents thr o ughout. ker, Century 21 Gold Realty 541-410-5280 Need to get an ad Oversized 2-car gais all about meeting suite. Borders BLM. wood stove and elec- Country Realty, Inc. 541-548-2131 R EADY T O BU I L D! We never stop moving: rage with storage and Bring your horse and tric heating. built for 541-504-1338 in ASAP? yourneeds. 5.07 acres, flat l ot, 31.21 Acres. Scenic workshop area. 20774 toys. RV area. entertaining. Vaulted mature trees, paved riverfront property on Livingood Way, Bend. Call on one of the MLS¹201205268 ceilings, spa c ious Say "goodbuy" the Deschutes, possi- road, 1/3 interest in $84,700. Casc a de Fax it to 541-322-7253 Jane Strell, Broker, f amily r o om , mt n professionals today! well, applied for stan bility of partition into 3 Village Dr. to that unused ABR, GRI views & ex t e nsive dard septic. $99,900. parcels, very private, 541-388-0000 The Bulletin Classifieds 541-948-7998 l andscaping. M L S ¹ item by placing it in 780 2012 0 4695 and the road is paved MLS¹ MORRIS 201103638 $398,000 We never stop moving: Pam Lester, Principal New Construction - 3 Mfd./Mobile Homes almost to the property. The Bulletin Classifieds Cascade Realty REAL ESTATE Exc. opportunity, with B roker, Century 2 1 bdrm, 2 b ath, 1548 with Land 541-433-5678 Village ¹65 I d p dendya w da dap mtcd Gold Country Realty, sq.ft., vaulted, g as • Snowberry lots of possibilities! 3 bedrooms - 2 1 /2 cs Inc. 541-504-1338 5 41 -385-580 9 $350,000 MLS furnace-range-water 4 .2 Acre c o rner l o t B eautiful location d i - 1920 sq.ft. 775 heater, fenced, land- • baths ¹201109809 rectly o n C r e scent4 .38 Acre v i e w l o t 1993 Silvercrest - Tri- completely f e n ced. REDMOND 2.59 Team Clarkscaped. $16 2 ,900 Manufactured/ Older mobile can be Creek. This charming acres close to town. MORRIS MLS ¹ 20 1 2 07750 plewide BLM, Cascade Century 21, 2 bedroom, one bath backs Mobile Homes • Formal Living room, f ixed up o r l iv e i n Owner will c a rry. mtn & S m ith R o ck Gold Country Pam Lester, Principal REAL ESTATE v acation home h a s dining room and fam- while building - cur$97,000 MLS B roker, Century 2 1 I dP d d dO d dO P « d Realty rently has no value. many new upgrades. views. Corner lot, aparea 201100751 Snowberry Village ¹127 541-548-2131 Gold Country Realty, • ily Sellers have done all proved for standard $90,425 Beautiful kitchen with Storage buildings and Call Travis Hannan, Inc. 541-504-1338 NEW! Five acres $199,000. MLS 1 6621 P r airie V i e w, the hardwork. Plenty septic. • 2 bedrooms, 2 baths Princ Broker pantry & a l l a p pli- carport. Priced to sell, with irrigation, 1540 Pam $87,000 2.79 acres. owner ma y c a r ry. of storage with cov- ¹2809381 541-788-3480 • 1404 sq. ft., 2000 Sil- Newer 2003 3 bdrm/2 ances sq. ft. home. Lester, Principal BroMLS ered RV parking and Sell with MLS Redmond RE/MAX vercrest bath turn -key home. • Generous master suite $59,900. $220,000. MLS ker, Century 21 Gold lots of privacy, just ¹ 2012040933. H i g h • Large great room, bay New appliances, lots garden t u b & 2907502 Land & Homes ¹201207126 Call Country Realty, Inc. Cascade Realty, minutes from lakes, 541-504-1338 Lakes Realty & PropReal Estate window dining area of upgrades, custom shower TRAVIS HANNAN, 541-536-1 731 trails and Willamette erty Man a gement • Front & back decks window c o v erings,• Nicely landscaped Principal Broker Ski Pass. $275,000 541-536-0117 SE Bend Land j • Laundry room + 2 car private patio area front & back decks. CUTE! 3 b edroom, 2 541-788-3480 MLS¹ 201 2 07074. Want to impress the $199,000 garage Cascade Views in TerPristine fenced court- • Elevated lot with some bath home, close to Redmond ReMax 541-433-5678 relatives? Remodel Listen to the quiet! 4.1 • So ld t a stefully furmountain views rebonne I $192,500 yard entry. Very open the lake on over an Land & Homes Real Cascade Realty in Sundance. nished your home with the $118,500. concept with close to acre. This is a must Breathtaking views, De- acres Estate B uild y o u r dr e a m Call Marilyn Rohaly, Call Marilyn R ohaly, help of a professional schutes River Can1500 sq. ft . 2 0 737 see! $45,000 Peaceful Lifestyle, home with Cascade Broker, 541-322-9954 Broker, 541-322-9954 Panoramic Mountain from The Bulletin's Livingood Way, Bend. MLS¹201206076 yon, and farming val- views. Close to BLM vacation rental, many John L. Scott Real John L. Scott Real Views. 6800 Sq.ft., ley below, 5 usable and National Forest $74,300 Cas c ade D&D Realty Group, llc "Call A Service amenitites. 4 Bdrm, Estate, Bend Village Estate, Bend 3500+ sq.ft. shop, Dr. 866-346-7868 acres with well Ideal lands for recreation. Professional" Directory 3 bath, 1813 sq.ft., www.JohnLScott.com www.JohnLScott.com 5 bdrm, 7 baths, 541-388-0000 building site with un$245,000. MLS¹201207453 25 acres, $1,299,000. o bstructed v iew s Cate Cushman, Canyon City, Oregon Jim Moran, Broker Cate Cushman, MLS¹201205208 Principal Broker Investment opportunity. 541-948-0997 Principal Broker Gail Day 541-306-1018 541-480-1884 4 city tax lots totalling Central Oregon Realty We never stop moving: 541-480-1884 14.07 acres. Zoned www.catecushman.com www.catecushman.com Group, LLC R1. It's possible to di764 3 acres flat property vide the lots further. POWELL BUTTE! 10 Power, city water & perfect to build on. A CRES! V I E W S! Farms & Ranches $59,900. sewer at the paved Custom home, spaMLS¹201205386 cious & light, gour- 160+/- Ranch in Powell street. Mtn. & valley MORRIS Call Julie Fahlgren, views. Many possible met kitchen, office & Butte. I d eal Ranch/ REAL ESTATE more. $825,000. Pride of o wnership. b uilding s ites. L o - Broker, 541-550-0098 I dcpc dcdyO cd dOpcmcd MLS¹201106428 B arn, S h op , H a y cated in the city limits Crooked River Realty People Helping People Buy Homes Since 1987 Call VIRGINIA, Barn, Equi p ment of Canyon City near 5 acres adjoins public Canyon Dr. Principal Broker Shed $925, 0 00. John Day. (Sellers are land over Deschutes 1.13SW acres with access licensed Oregon Real 541-350-3418 MLS¹201206082 River. Short walk to from two streets proEstate brokers). Redmond RE/MAX Call Vicci Bowen river. $74,900. 685 SE Third St, Bend, OR 97702 ~ 541-318-5500 ~ NMLS¹89511/ML-3213-10 v iding y o u man y Land & Homes $99,900 541-410-9730 @ MLS¹201102328 building site options. Juniper Realty, Real Estate Central Oregon Call Linda Lou Owner terms avail541-504-5393 I ,' Realty Group LLC I I I Day-Wright, Broker, able. $58,500 Sisters j $579,900 541-771-2585 MLS¹ 201106385 Great Cascade Moun- 3 bdrm/2 bath, 1500 sq. Nice flat lot in Terreb- Crooked River Realty onne, .56 a c r es, Juniper Realty, tain views from this f t. r e modeled m f d 541-504-5393 3,000 sq. ft. home on home on 4 0 a cres. p aved s t reet, a p - 5-acre corner lot, flat proved fo r c a p -fill & fully treed. $49,900 6 .75 acres. 2 b e d - 175'x275' arena, 60' septic, utilities are at SW Chinook Dr. MLS¹201109114 rooms, bonus room & round pen, 3 stall barn lot line. $42,000. Call Nancy Popp, Bro- Crooked R i ver & o ffice. 4 a c re s o f with 24'x 100' pad- the mountain views from Three Sisters irriga- d ocks o f f stal l s , MLS 3 2 0 12001172 ker, 541-815-8000 Pam Lester, Principal Crooked River Realty t his 5.68 a cres l o tion. 40x40 barn, 5 2 25'x375' t ur n o u t c ated on a pa v e d loafing sheds, 3 car area, heated & insu- B roker, Century 2 1 Nice mountain views, Gold Country Realty, street. Num e rous garage with shop. lated 12'x24' s hop, 3.09-acres. $95,950. Inc. 541-504-1338 trees & many building MLS¹201205094 12'x12' tack r o o m, MLS¹201101554 sites. $225,000 MLS¹ Christy HartmanNW Bendj $59,400 $149,900. MLS Call Linda Lou 201106408 DeCouRcey, Broker ¹ 201204056 Cas - Seller financing availDay-Wright, Broker, Juniper Realty, 541-312-7263 cade Realty, Dennis a ble. Fantastic e l 541-771-2585 541-504-5393 We never stop moving: Haniford, Princ. Bro- evated lot with city Crooked River Realty ker 1-541-536-1731. views; beautiful esSW Chinook Dr. tablished n e i ghbor-Alfalfa farm opportunity Crooked River, Smith B eautiful f ar m s t y l e h ood. N W Ben d . Over 700 acres with Rock & Cg mou n tain home overlooking the Owner will carry up to 453 irrigated acres. views. Owner terms Producing over 2000 Loan Officers Available 7 Days a Week Crooked River Valley $50,000 with $9,400 available. 6.9 acres quality tons per year. with 42+ acres and 24 cash or possible trade MORRIS with septic, power & By Appointment Includes 2 hay barns, acres o f i r r igation. for down payment. REAL ESTATE 2 shops and 3 homes. w ell i n stalled. I n Perfect horse propMLS¹201105195 cludes custom home Ind p dcndy~ d * d O p wtcd Candice Anderson, erty including 7-stall Jackie French, Broker plans. $189,000 Broker 541-788-8878 barn with heated tack 541-480-2269 MLS¹ 201008671 Ten Barr RanchJohn L. Scott room and bathroom. 2 We never stop moving: Juniper Realty, Bend j $1,100,000 Real Estate, Bend h omes included i n 541-504-5393 Big Cascade Mountain sale. www.johnlscott.com $1,2 5 0 ,000 Views on this close-in MLS¹201206434 161 acre horse ranch John L. Scott Real Eswith water rights, a tate 541-548-1712 half built home and a Evergreen HomeLoans is a registered trade name of Evergreen Meneysource Mortgage Company. NMLS ID 3182 MORRIS guest cottage. Live in Views! Views! Views! REAL ESTATE the man u factured79.69 acres with 27 home while finishing acres of irrigation. I dcpcd dy O d de p i d Check the main house. Call Barn, shop, & guest NW Bend Lot j for details. The Bulletin Classified q uarters wit h a l $129,000 MLS¹201206445 most 2200y sq. ft. .26 acre Westside lot Diane Lozito, Broker house. $400,000 with southern expo541-548-3598, MLS¹201200048 sure. Utilities to t he 541-306-9646 to the LOan OffiCerS of EVergreen Call TRAVIS HANproperty. We never stop moving: NAN, Principal BroMLS¹201207979 Home Loans for being the ¹1 retail ker 541-788-3480 Deborah Benson, PC, Redmond RE/MAX Broker, GRI cs Mortgage Bankerin Deschutes8 Land & Homes 541-480-6448 Real Estate We never stop moving: ,



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IndcpcdcndyO cda dOpcwtcd

North Powell Butte The Ultimate Hideout j Acreage I 2 LOTS! MORRIS $749,500 2 buildable, rare, North REAL ESTATE 637 private acres, 87 P owell Butte C a s m iles f ro m B e n d. cade Mountain views. I d p d d yO d dO p i d Buck Creek flows year Quiet area. The Highlands at Broround. 2 LOP Tags for Vicci Bowen ken top, 1 0 a c res, bucks & b u lls. As541-41 0-9730 gated, private well, pens, Ponderosas, & Central Oregon Realty utilities at lot, app for Rimrocks. Propane & Group, LLC cap-fill septic. solar for the c abin. MLS Large barn for stor- Owner will carry, fantas- $535,000. ¹ 201200937. Pam age. Horse corral. tic 1/2 acre lot Lester, Principal BroMLS¹201204217 w/views. $59,900. ker, Century 21 Gold Craig Long, Broker MLS¹201008725 Country Realty, Inc. 541-480-7647 Call Julie Fahlgren, Broker, 541-550-0098 541-504-1338 We never stop moving: THE PERFECT Crooked River Realty SETTING FOR YOUR 1.01 acre lot that is well NEW HOME cs treed. Lot 141 SW Broken Top, 0.53 Acres Crater Loop $40,900. Offered at $275,000 MLS¹201105162 Cate Cushman, MORRIS Call Melody Curry, BroPrincipal Broker

REAL ESTATE I dcpc dc dyO cd

d O p c <cd

ker, 541-771-1116

Crooked River Realty



(informatioii based onpurchaseunits funded per county recordings.)



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• •

I •

T his We e k ' s N e w AWBREY VILLAGEI $588,000



NE BENDI $229,947

NE BENDI $175,000

NE BEND LAND I $125,000 I


L - =7

IE '/

Sl'UNNING Mountain 8 City views! 3743 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. Open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, marble, tile, slab granite, walnut floors, wooden doors, master onmain, 3 decksfor outdoor living.

Custom built 3163 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. Walnut hardwood floor, customalder cabinets, 9 ft. 8 11 ft. ceilings, crown molding & surroundsound. Private paver patio with water feature.

New 1802 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath in Northcrest. Great room with fireplace, vaulted ceilings 8 an open kitchen with wood floors. Slab granite counters in kitchen 8 bathrooms.2-10 HomeBuyer'sWarranty.

New construction in Crosswinds backing to Land SystemsNursery. Single level, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 9 ft. ceilings, 8 nice mastersuite. Quiet neighborhood close to hospital, shopping, dining & schools.

Beautiful 4 5 acres 3 6 acres COI irrigation power on property 8 Avion water nearby. BLM land borders east side of property 8 peak.a-booCascadeviews. Greenhouse, barn, 2 ponds 8 a cistern.

MLS¹201208296 (730)

MLS¹201208464 (730)

MLS¹201208393 (730)

MLS¹201208193 (730)

MLS¹201208453 (730)





I •


I •



Visit our office conveniently located at 486 SW Bluff Dr. in the Old Mill District, Bend. Visit us online or call 541-382-4123 i Visit us at: g gg 5 AWBREY BUTTEI $685,000


AWBREY BUTTEI $1,899,000


11 Peak View! Very private, contemporary home. Oversized 3 car garage with shop. Owner will carry.

Beautiful home on the DeschutesRiver near Downtown Bend 8 1'heOld Mill. Well-appointed entry, great room, gourmet kitchen, main level mastersuite. Elevated deck

BROKEN TOPI $1,185,000

I .Ill i(III


5 bedroom, 3 bath, 4288 sq. ft, home.Flat.82 acre lot on cul-de-sac. Vaulted living/dining room, private master on main level. Kitchenopensto family room. Built-in wet bar. Shopwith concrete floor.

Magnificent prairie style 8676 sq.ft, home, 6 bedroom suites. Mt. Bachelor to Mt. Jeffersonviews. 4000 sq.ft. Casita/Shop. Garagesfor 8 cars & 2 RVs.9.78 acres between Bend &Sisters. Grand RidgeEstates.

MLS¹201206297 (746)

MLS¹201106412 (762)






MLS¹201103134 (746)


541-383-4338 • 541-408-3773

IT'5 A LIFEST YLEI $824,000

down to dockwith boat ramp. Call today!

The Pinehurst at BrokenTop by StevenVanSant/Pacwest Homes! Unmatchedquality8 craftsmanship! Single-level, 3<ar garage, customcabinetry & trim. 0.55 acre golf courseview lot. No expense spared!

MLS¹201207905 (746)

MLS¹201204424 (747)




~6E ~ Stunning SunForestbuilt home in Woodside on terms! Pleasecall to make your appointment to tour!

4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3811 sq.ft.

Timber FramedConstruction using 100 year old reclaimed timbers, beams 8flooring, this homewill warm your heart with character & charm.Main home, guest home,shop, 20 private acres minutesfrom Sisters.




4.2 acres plushugeRV/Garage/Office. Quality throughout and beautifully maintained. Possible owner

Stunning homewith views fromJefferson to Mt. Hood and twinkling city lights at night. Black walnut floors, blue eyed granite, 2 mastersuites &wine cellar.

MLS¹201207123 (762)

MLS¹201204524 (746)



RARE FIND i $695,000 IIEIRIt

SISTERS I $579,900

MLS¹201200880 (762)

1'his one-of-a-kind home was remodeled with copper in the gourmet kitchen, unique fareastern carved wood architectural details, hardwood floors 8 stone fireplaces. Huge mountain views & minutes toBend.


MLS¹201108191 (746)

Large, corner, 9000 sq.ft. Iot on State Street in the Drake Park Historic District. Newer great room, gourmet kitchen, upstairs master suite. Maintains the old charm ofdowntown Bend

MLS¹201206543 (746)





NW BENDI $489,000

NW BENDI $449,000

This 4950 sq. ft. 2 story building frontsGreenwood

Overlooking the DeschutesRiver from the backand River's Edge golf course from the front. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2612 sq.ft.

Close to town, large 4015 sq. ft. home on.82 acre of an lot on the NW side! 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. Expansive great roomwith formal dining. Excellent value!

Master suite sitting area opens to river view.

MLS¹201207880 (746)



Great CascadeMountain viewsfromthis 3,000 sq. ft.

39+ acre ranch minutes toCostco. Close to shops and BLMyet enjoy country life. Gorgeous 3731 sq. ft. farmhouse, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, full basement, barn, fenced, irrigated, great area of large acreages.

home on 6.75 acres. 2 bedrooms, bonusroom & office. 4 acres of ThreeSisters irrigation. 40x40 barn,

5 loafing sheds, 3 car garage with shop.

Avenue. Perfect for the owner/user & move-in ready. Light & bright main floor retail space. Upstairs has an open space with 2 or 3 additional built out offices.

MLS¹201204031 (762)

MLS¹201205094 (762)

MLS¹201203206 (732)

MLS¹201204300 (746)





541-390-4050 • 541-390-4030

TUMALOi $449,000

AWBREY BUTTEi $789,000


SW REDMOND I $379.500


Exquisite home to be built. Mountain views, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3700 sq. ft. Great room, gourmet kitchen, main level master, office/2nd bedroom, Unfinished bonus/media roomupstairs

Gorgeous one level just remodeled. Great room, new hardwoods, carpet and muchmore. Fabulous kitchen, loads of natural light. Half acre private lot. Gated community with pool tennis and golf.

Sparkling clean tri-plex with new paint in all 3 units. New appliances and new window coverings. Garage with each unit. Great location and rental history.

New home convenient to downtown /Drake Park! 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath plus office. Neutral colors throughout. Great room concept with stainless steel

MLS¹2904198 (738)

appliances. Oversized garage with patio.






REDMONDI $249,900

SE BENDI $234,900




Ranch style 3900 sq.ft. home on 15acres in westTumao. Comfortable living &great room.4 bedrooms& 3baths. Irrigation, barn, shopandbeautifu CascadeMountain views.

MLS¹201207959 (762)



NW BEND I $305,000

MLS¹201008817 (746)

MLS¹201208425 (749)

MLS¹201205495 (746)


Beautifully maintained homejust a short distance from the river trail. Wood floors, gas fireplaces, stainlesssteel appliances, large mastersuite. Gorgeousfencedyard, paver patio, wrap around decks.

MLS¹201203962 (746)

Xeriscaped yard 8 captivating views. 3797 sq, ft,, 3 bedroom, 3 bath with maple floors, Makore kitchen cabinets, slab granite, Rainforest marble buffet. Large timber techdeckup, covered porch down.

MLS¹201203502 (746)

Single story homeon,26 of an acre in gated community. 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2498 sq. Ft. Granite countertops, hardwoods SS appliances. Detached officespace. 3car garage, nicedeck inthe back.

MLS¹201206831 (750)

2017 sq, ft., 4 bedroom, 2 bath remodeled in 1993. Close to JuniperPark, shopping & schools. 1000 sq. ft. insulated, heatedshop/garage. Eco-friendly landscaping. Swedish Sauna in master. Theater room.

.',gi lt4@ I~ P p I L06 « . L b d 2 ath, 1837 sq, ft., large living roomwith vaulted ceiling, open kitchen, hardwood floors in the dining area, light and bright from thelarge windows.

MLS¹201207756 (749)

MLS¹201207901 (762)








NE BENDI $192,000


NW CROSSING i$170,000

NE BENDI $160,000

SE BENDI $156,000

Turnkey property, 1206 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Close to PineNursery Park,dog park, medical and shopping. Lots ofupgradesincluding hardwood floors,

income limitations and land lease. 2 bedroom, 2bath 1301sq.h. homewith opengreat room. Close to schools, trails and shops.

Pa . Large kitchen, great room with corner fireplace, vaulted ceiling, skylights, deck.Beautiful gardens. Pool, pickleball, low HOA fees. Near medical.

in tce subdivision. Original owner, well maintained. Fenced backyard, corner lot.

tile countertops and A /C. Ready to move in to.

Well-kept manufacturedhome. 2 bedroom+ den/office. Close to town 8 Prineville Reservoir. Enclosedpatio. Large detachedgarage/shop with oil furnace. RV area 8 hook-up. Storage building/shed. 2 ponds.

MLS¹201204680 (748)

MLS¹201202976 (757)

MLS¹201204044 (746)

MLS¹201208106 (748)




JOHN SNIPPEN,BROKER, MBA, ABR,CRS, GRI 541-312-7273 • 541-948-9090













Great location on the way to Mt. Bachelor..56 acre, gently sloping lot. Established neighborhood convenient to recreation trails, restaurants and more.

MLS¹201201353 (771)




MLS¹201208338 (749)


, I LH+

Beautifully treed .86 acre lot just a block from Big DeschutesRiver. Enjoy fishing, skiing, snowmobiling, horseback riding, kayaking etc., just out your door. Fantastic location!

Bring your RV 8enjoy the amenities of Sunriver Resort just minutes away..50-acre lot close to restaurants, Cascade Mountains & lakes. Adjoining lot is for sale with septic system in place.


MLS¹201207525 (771)

MLS¹201206354 (771)

MLS¹201104945 (771)









Beautiful 1.26, 1.45, & 1.84 acre river front parcels. Owner will consider carrying. Priced from $124,900, multi-lot discount possibilities, Fish on!



1st floor 2740 SF,currently a Crossfit Gym. 2nd floor 3100 SF with 2 restrooms, mountain views, operable winclows.

MLS¹201203060 (732)

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