Bulletin Daily Paper 02-04-14

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Serving Central Oregon since190375

TUESDAY February4,2014

Growingdyes SPORTS • C1


bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD



On-time flights? —The numbers don't tell the whole story, a report finds.C6


NerOVIruS —Whythe little troublemaker is such a pain. A3

Petite in Portland —Step inside a 704-square-foot home with owners who've madeit just right.DS


Chattanooga's secret

— Lightning-quick Internet service has allowed the city to attract high-tech businesses, talent and capital.A4

By Lauren Dake The Bulletin

SALEM — Lawmakers returned to the state Capitol

on Mondaytokick offthe2014 legislative session. It was a relatively calm day, prepping for five weeks of what's expected to include

heated debates on topics ranging from expanding background checks on private gun sales to a bill aimed at legalizing recreational marijuana.

The first Winter Games — Read TheAssociated Press' original dispatch from Chamonix, France, in1924.C1

Lawmakers will face off

on issues surroundingthe state's health care exchange and whether to privatize li-

In national news —Newly freed Internet firms release data on NSA requests. A2

quor sales under a so-called "hybrid" plan, which allows for liquor to be sold in grocery stores but maintains the state's

And a Wedexclusive

control over the industry. After the revenue forecast

— Energy shortages force Pakistanis to scavengefor wood, threatening tree canopy. beedbenetie.cem/extras

on Feb. 12, they will have a better sense of the state's rev-

The Hoodoo Ski Area website and social media announced Monday that after new snow over the weekend the ski area was

enue picture and what budget adjustments will be necessary. The pace will be swift; by midnight on March 9 they must adjourn or take a difficult and unlikely bipartisan

opening Friday. It has yet to open inthe 2013-14 ski season due to a lack of snow. OnMonday evening, the Manzanita chairlift

vote to extend the session.

Roh Kerrl The Bulletin


Hoffman's heroin points

to surgein grim trade

By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Hoodoo Ski Area is now expected to open Friday. After weeks of

By J. David Goodman

weather-watching and finger-crossing as unseasonably high winter temperatures hung over Central Oregon, an overnight storm Monday dumped 4inches

New York Times News Service

of new snow at the ski area,

NEW YORK — Detectives found dozens of small

giving Hoodoo officials the green light to kick the 2014 season into gear.

plasticpackages in the West Village apartment where actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died Sunday. Most were branded, some with purple letters spelling out Ace of Spades, others bearing the mark of an ace of hearts. At least five were

empty, and in thetrash. Each package, which sell for as little as $6 on the street, offered a grim window into Hoffman's

personal struggle with a resurgent addiction that ultimately, the police said, proved fatal. And the

names andlogos reflecta fevered underground marketing effort in a city that is


sat idle over an area of frozen standing water, right, next to a Sno-Cat-improved trail, left. The website said snow was being moved around, including snow from the parking lot, to aid in adequately covering ski runs.

SnowaddingIlp As of Mondayevening, Hoodoo's website reported receiving a little more than 2 inches of snow inthe past 24 hours. More is forecast forthe week. Theresort had said it was looking for a 30-inch base toopen. 30"

Monday: 25.9" — I

eral Manager Matthew McFarland surveyed different

partsoftheskiareaoverthe weekend. "It started snowing on

Thursday and has kept up pretty much throughout the weekend," McFarland

said. "It's been an inch or



operate until9p.m., with the

same hours on Saturday.

months in the making. The ski area's initial Nov.

Trimarco said.

29 opening date was pushed But overnight temperaback due to a lack of snow. tures could fall into the sinA severe snowstorm with gle digits and give way to a subzeroovernight temperawinter stormthis weekend. "Saturday aftertures passed through atell Central Oregon in noon we'll start to • Snowmaking seesomeheavier early December, but weeks of nuld conCh- fo r Sochi,A3 snow," Trimarco and temperatures as high as the mid-50s, followed,

said. "That could

go through next Tuesday or Wednesday."

melting much of the earlier


snow. As recently as last week, Hoodoo was reportingbeJan. Jan. Feb. 29 3 0 3


tween 16 and 20 inches of

snow. Crews hoped a storm last week would bring new snow, but it instead dumped

Greg Cross I rhe Bulletin

But officials said the weekend storm brought the

so every few hours. Not the

huge dump like we've been crossing our fingers for, but enough little snow piling up. ... We're quite happy." Hoodoo is scheduled to open at 9 a.m. Friday and

thatmark has been two

slight chance of snow showers in Central Oregon today and Wednesday, Pendleton-basedforecasterRachel

tions, with sunshine


The decision was made

Monday,afterHoodoo Gen-

about 26 inches of snow on Monday afternoon. Hitting

The Manzanita chairlift

shouldbe running forthe Friday opening, and crews will work this week to try to

open the Ed Thurston chairlift, Hoodoo spokesman Leif

Williams said. Hoodoo officials reported

For Hoodoo, snow storms

are justwhat the doctor


drifts ashore By Tim Johnson McClatchy Foreign Staff

MEXICO CITY — It was a

daylong fishingtrip that went seriouslybad, settinga shark isherman adrifton an apparent f 13-month odyssey from Mexico across the PacificOcean. The fisherman washed up last week in the Marshall


Williams said staffers were"absolutelyexcited" to be working toward an opening date. He said he was confident Central Oregon skiers

Islands, bedraggled, wildly bearded and dazed, barely able

and snowboarders would head tothe ski areathis

somehowthe north windblew

weekend andthroughout the

kind of steady, packed snow rest of the season. they've been lacking. "Often, February and Lowtemperatures and March are two of the best possible snow later this week times of the year to get some couldkeep the momentum great powder," Williams golIlg. The National Weather



Service is forecasting a

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbulletin.com

to communicate.

"He said he was on a fishing trip with another guy and them and they got lost," said Gee Bing, acting foreign minister for the Marshall Islands.

Early reports said the castaway was Mexican. But Mexico's Foreign Secretariat

said Monday that its ambassador to the Philippines had determined that he is from El Salvador.

awash in cheap heroin.


Heroin seizures in New York state are up 67

percent over the last four years, the Drug EnforceNew York office seized 144

Vehide-to-vehide talk: Hey, lookOutfor that collision!

kilograms of heroin, nearly 20 percent of its seizures

By Joan Lowy

across the country, valued

The Associated Press

ment Administration said.

Last year, the agency's

at roughly $43 million. One recent raid, in the Bronx last week, netted

33 pounds of heroin and hundreds of thousands of branded bags, some stamped "NFL," a timely nod to the Super Bowl.

they're plunging toward peril. The action, still some years off, has"game-changing po-

position, heading, speed and other information. Cars and light trucks would receive the

might see a deadly crash coming even if you don't, the government says, indicating it will

tential" to cut collisions, deaths

same information back from

and injuries, federal transportation officials said at a news

requireautomakers to equip

conference on Monday.

newvehides withtechnology

A radio signal would continuallytransmit a vehicle's

othercars,and avehicle'scom puter would alert its driver to an impending collision. Alerts could be a flashingmessage, an audible warning, or a driv-


that lets cars warn each other if

er's seat that rumbles. Some

that vehide was hidden around

systems might even automati-

a corner. Your car would also

cally brake to avoid an accident if manufacturers choose to

know when a car several ve-

include that option. Your car would "see" when

another car or truck equipped with the same technologywas about to run a red light, even if

hicles ahead in a line of traffic had made a sudden stop and alert you even before you saw brake lights The technology works up to about 300 yards. SeeTalking cars/A4

From 2010 to 2012, hero-

in-related overdose deaths increased 84percent in New York City to 382,

according to the Health Department statistics.

SeeHeroin /A5

TODAY'S WEATHER Partly cloudy High31, Low8 Page B6

INDEX D6 Ob ituaries B5 At Home D1 - 6 C lassified Ef-6 Dear Abby B usiness C5-6 Comics/Puz zles E3-4 Horoscope D 6 Sports Cf- 4 Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 L o cal/State B f - 6 TV/Movies D6

The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

Vot 112, No. 35,

30 pages, 5 sections

Q Itrre l userecycled newsprint

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n erne irmsreease a aon r e u es By Stephen Braun and Michael Liedtke The Associated Press


The companies earlier pro- that major tech firms have had vided limited information about government requests for data,

caught between their public but a new agreement reached commitments to Internet free-

a recent legal deal with govern- last week with the Obama adment lawyers, major technol- ministration allowed the firms ogy firms released new data to provide a broadened, though M onday on how often they are still circumscribed, set of figorderedto turn over customer ures to the public. information for secret national Seeking to reassure cussecurity investigations — fig- tomers and business partners ures that show that the govern- alarmed by revelations about ment collected data on thou- the government'smassive colsands of Americans. lection of Internet and computThe publications disclosed er data, the firms stressed deby Google, Microsoft, Ya- tails indicating that only small hoo, Facebook, LinkedIn and numbers of their customers Tumblr provided expanded were targeted by authorities. details and some vented critiStill, even those small numcism about the government's bers showed that thousands of handling of customers' Inter- Americans were affected bythe net data in counter-terrorism government requests approved and other intelligence-related by judges of the secret Foreign probes.The figures from 2012 Intelligence Surveillance Court. and 2013 showed that comThe data releases by the five panies, such as Google and major tech firms offered a mix Microsoft, w er e c o mpelled of dispassionate graphics, reasby the government to provide surances and protests, seeking information on as many as to alleviate customer concerns 10,000 customer accounts in a about government spying six-month period. Yahoo com- while pressuring national secuplied with government requests rity officials about the compafor information on more than 40,000 accounts in the same


to navigate in recent months, dom and their enforced roles

as data providers to U.S. spy agencies. In a company blog post, Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith scolded the U.S. and allied governments for failing to renounce the reported mass interception of Internet data carried b y c o m munications

cables. Top lawyers and executives for major tech firms had previously raised alarms about media reports describing that hacking by U.S. and UK spy agencies and cited them during conversations with U.S. officials during President Barack Obama's internal review of

planned changes to the government's spying operations. "Despite the president's reform efforts and our ability to publish more information,

there has not yet been any public commitment by either the U.S. or other governments to renounce the attempted hack-

nies' constitutional concerns.

ing of Internet companies," The shiftingtoneinthereleases Smith said in a Microsoft blog showed the precarious course release.




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Jerome Delay/The AssociatedPress

A woman runs for cover asheavygunfire erupts Monday in the Miskin district of Bangui, Central African Republic. Clashes betweenMuslim andChristian residents have left at least 75 peopledead inanother, nearby town, a local priest said Monday, pleading for help to stop the massacres taking place in thecountryside as Central African Republic teeters on the brink of anarchy. French forces inBangui, thecapital, struggled to stop mobs of looters from stealing what remainedof Muslim homesandbusinesses. French andAfrican peacekeepers fired warning shots in abid to stop them. Father Cassien Kamatari told TheAssociated Press on Monday that fighting had erupted five daysago

in the town of Boda,about 60 miles outside Bangui. Muslim victims were buried soonafter the attacks so it was not known howmany of them also werekilled in addition to the toll given by the priest. "Instead of thinking only of Bangui, people must also think of what's happening in the countryside because what weare living through in these communities is horrific," he said. An untold number of peoplehave beenslain across Central African Republic sinceMarch2013whenheavily armed rebels overthrew thepresident of adecade. By July, the armed,Muslim fighters also were being blamed for carrying out massacres onpredominantly Christian villages in thecountry's remote northwest.

All Bulletinpaymentsareaccepted at the drop boxat City Hall. Checkpayments may be converted toanelectronic funds transfer.TheBulletin, USPS A552-520, ispublished daily byWestern Communicationsinc., 1777S.W.Chandler Ave., Bend,OR97702.periodicalspostage paid atBend,OFLPostmaster: Send addresschangesto TheBulletin circulation depart ment,pO.Box6020,Bend,OR 97706.TheBulletin retainsownershipand copyright protection ofall staff-prepared news copy,advertising copyandnews or ad illustrations.Theymay not be reproduced withoutexplicit priorapproval.

Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites


The numbers drawnMonday nightare:

QsQasQ aaQeQ saQ cr The estimated jackpot is now $1.4 million.

Eastern U.S. storm —Awinter storm dumpedseveral inches of wet, heavy snow onparts of the eastern United States on Monday, snarling commutesandSuper Bowl fans' trips home,closing schools and government offices andcutting power. Government offices, courts and schools closed inparts of Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, PennsylvaniaandWest Virginia, and scattered poweroutages were reported throughout the region. Speedlimits were reduced on many major highways. InNewJersey, Gov.Chris Christie declared a state of emergencywith travel conditions hazardous. Nonessential government employeeswere dismissed early. SSX SbuSS Cllul'gSS —A Southern California school administrator who quit her job after a former student aired sexual abuseallegations on aYouTubevideo that has since been seen nearly a million times was charged Mondaywith16 counts of sexually abusing two girls, prosecutors said. AndreaCardosa, 40, was charged with five counts of aggravated sexual assault on achild and11 other counts of abuse andcould get life in prison, the Riverside County District Attorney's office said. Shewas arrested by deputies in the city of Perris soon after the chargeswere filed, andwas expected to bearraigned Thursday, district attorney's spokesmanJohn Hall said.

Central American countries, ElSalvador andCosta Rica, will head to a second round after top contenders in both nations failed to get enough votes Sunday to win outright in contests that tested the powerof incumbent parties. Economic disparity, corruption and crimeweighed on voters' minds in both countries, but they disagreed, at least for now, on throwing out the incumbent party, with El Salvador voters leaning toward keeping it andCostaRica hinting at tossing it out. MOSCOW SChOOI Shuutillg — Astudentarmed with two rifles opened fire in ahighschool in Moscow onMonday morning, killing ageographyteacher anda police officer as heheld sometwo dozen students hostage in ararecaseof gun violence in aschool. Thestudent, who was identified asSergei Gordeyev,15, initially battled police officers responding to thehostagecrisis, killing one officer and wounding another, before hisfather enteredthe classroom in abulletproof vestand persuaded him tosurrender, anofficial said. — From wire reports

— The Associated Press

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ESCapee Captured —A convictedkiller who peeled ahole in two fences with his hands toescapefrom a Michigan prison before abducting a womanandfleeing to Indiana was captured Mondayevening after a chase, authorities said. Officials werestunned by the brazenescape Sunday night of MichaelDavid Elliot, who had arecord of good behavior during his 20years in custody. Hewore awhite kitchen uniform to evade security and blend in with snow at the lonia Correctional Facility in western Michigan, prison spokesmanRuss Marlan said.

Central AmeriCan eleCtiullS —Presidential elections in two



has beenengaged in secret contacts with the Taliban about reaching a peace agreement without the involvement of his U.S.andWestern allies, further corroding already strained relations with the United States. The secret contacts appear to help explain a string of actions by Karzai that seemintended to antagonize his U.S. backers, Western and Afghan officials said. In recent weeks, Karzai hascontinued to refuse to sign a long-term security agreement with Washington that he negotiated, insisted on releasing hardenedTaliban militants from prison and distributed distorted evidence of what hecalled U.S.war crimes. The clandestine contacts with the Taliban haveborne little fruit, according to people whohavebeentold about them.

Philippine deVaStatian —Nearlythree months after the someof the strongest sustained windsever recordeddroveashore awall of water up to 25feet high, Tacloban, Philippines, aonce-thriving university town and provincial capital shows relatively few signs ofeconomic recovery despite aninternational rescueeffort. The city is caught in aspiral of deprivation that will be hard to break,especially given thescope of a catastrophe that killed at least 6,000 peoplelast year. Thecontinuing confusion hasleft this city, which onceenvisioned becoming anew economic hub, struggling to hold ontoyoung and talented residents.

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Afghan maneuvering —President HamidKarzaiof Afghanistan

COllege aid —Many top colleges are misleading applicants about the paperwork needed toseekfinancial aid, possibly violating federal law, a congressmansaid Monday. The Education Department said it was reviewing allegations by Rep.Elijah Cummings, D-Md. Under federal law, college students need to fill out just one form to apply for several kinds of federal aid. Before granting aid from their own coffers, hundreds of colleges require both that form andonecreated by the College Board, which is more complexand has afee. Cummings said the instructions on manycolleges' websites give the incorrect impression that both forms are required for federal aid.

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The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-383-0356.

Syrian COnfliCt —Al-Qaida's central leadership officially cut ties with a powerful jihadist group that hasflourished in the chaos of the civil war in Syria. Theanimosity betweenthe group, the Islamic State of Iraq andtheLevant, or ISIL, andother rebel groups hasfueled the deadliest infighting yet betweenthe foes of President BasharAssad and has sappedtheir campaign to depose him. Thoughthe isolation of the group could lead togreater unity among other rebel forces, it is unlikely to assuagefears about the increasing power of extremists in Syria.

mplements Hsa c 'ovl Fcs'sse'J


With immigration dealpossible, new push is mounted toenddeportations By David Nakamura The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — New momentum in Congress for abroad

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caucus sharply divided on im- ish line." migration. Leading conservaAdministration officials said tives said over the weekend that Obama was not shifting his pothe chief impediment to a deal sition and stands by previous

overhaul of border-control laws is their distrust that Obama has prompted White House al- would enforce new border-selies to demand that President curity provisions if a large porBarack Obama halt deporta- tion of the nation's 11.7 million tions of millions of illegal immi- illegal immigrants are granted grants, many of whomwouldbe legal status. allowed to remain in the counThe White House has consistryunder a legislative deal. tently said that Obama cannot The advocates, induding the legally expand the effortAFL-CIO and pro-immigra- known asthe deferred action tion groups, argue that Obama program — and some advisers should use his executive au- fearthat doingso would expose thority to expand a 2012 deci- the president to more Republision that halted deportations can criticism. Obama's predicof young people brought to the ament was reflected in a mudUnited States illegally by their dled answer that he gave Friday parents. The administration's during an online chat, when he aggressive approach to en- was asked whether he would forcement — which has result- consider using his executive ed in nearly 2 million deporta- power to stop deportations. "If,for some reason,we're tions during Obama's tenure — makes little sense at a time seeing it not getting done," the when Congress could be on the president said of a legislative verge of providing legal relief, bill, "I will look at all options to advocates say. make sure we have a rational, The push places the White smart system of immigration. House in a difficult political But I'm going to do everything position as it attempts to nego- I can in the coming months to tiate with a House Republican see if we can get it over the fin-

statements that he must enforce

the law. This spring, the Obama administration will surpass 2 million deportations — more

people than the George W. Bush administration removed from the country in eight years, in part because Congress boosted border control resources in the mid-2000s.

But immigration advocates argued that the pending legislation in Congress lends new

urgencyto the matter. In a 41-page rulemaking

petition to be filed today with

the Department of Homeland

• -

Security, the N ational D ay

Laborer Organizing Network says that"it is sound policy and consistent with the President's

authority to make a categori-

cal determination to prioritize resourcesaway from the esti-

mated 8 million" people who would qualify for legal status, and possibly citizenship, under a plan approved by the Senate last summer.

• • t




T ART • Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

TODAY It's Tuesday,Feb. 4,the35th day of 2014. Thereare330 days left in the year.




Making snowis an Olympian task menace— even in Sochi

nrviru i

Faoedeek —MarkZuckerberg's company turns 10 years old.

suc a es

PakiStan —Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government plans to hold preliminary talks with representatives of the Pakistani Taliban.

Farm dill —TheU.S.Senate

By Henry Fountain

is scheduled to pass the legislation after voting to move forward Monday.

New York Times News Service

The people in charge of making snow for the Winter Olympics in Russia caught a break over the past two


best snowmakers might hope for is very wet snow said Dave Moulton, director of mountain operations at Mount Snow in West Dover, Vt. "Sometimes you don't have a choice," he said. "You

months, when for two periods of about a week each tem- just want to make the ground peratures dropped enough to turn white." make good snow, and lots of

Highlight:In1974, newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst,19, was kidnapped in Berkeley,Calif., by the radical Symbionese Liberation Army. (Twomonths later, Hearst declared that she had joined her captors; she helped the SLArob abank, was captured in1975, convicted for her role in the robbery and sentenced to sevenyears in prison. Hearst, who has maintained shewas avictim of brainwashing, served nearly two years before President Jimmy Carter commuted her sentence; shewas pardoned in 2001 by President Bill Clinton.l In1783, Britain's King George III proclaimed aformal cessation of hostilities in the American Revolutionary War. In1789, electors choseGeorge Washington to be thefirst president of the United States. In1861,delegates from six southern states that had recently seceded from the Union met in Montgomery, Ala., to form the Confederate States of America. In1932, NewYork Gov.Franklin D. Roosevelt openedthe Winter Olympic Gamesat Lake Placid. In1944,the Bronze Star Medal, honoring "heroic or meritorious achievement or service," was authorized by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In1976, more than 23,000 people died when asevere earthquake struck Guatemala with a magnitude of 7.5, according to the U.S.Geological Survey. In1987, pianist Liberace died at his Palm Springs, Calif., home at age67. Ten years ago: The Massachusetts high court declared that gay couples wereentitled to nothing less than marriage and that Vermont-style civil unions would not suffice. Five years ago:President Barack Obama imposed a $500,000 cap onexecutive pay for companies receiving federal bailout money. One year ago:Authorities stormed an underground bunker in Alabama, freeing a 5-year-old boy who'd been held hostage for nearly a week and killing his abductor, Jimmy Lee Dykes.

Howaboutwet snow?


Overall, their snowmaking Even very wet snow can machines made enough to serve a purpose. Once on the cover about 500 football fields ground, it will freeze fully to a depth of 2 feet. Together and harden, providing a dewith some natural snow, that cent base for the better snow should ensure that the skiing to come. and snowboarding events at

Cody Duty/Houston Chronicle/TheAssociated Press

the Sochi Games, which open Friday, take place on glistening white pistes, even if rain and warmer temperatures

In the

d ead o f w i n ter,

very wet snow is seldom the problem. One evening last w eek, Moulton was t u r n-

It's smaller than many other viruses. It can survive for weeks if not months

was needed," said Jon Wax, a snowmaker from Wenatchee,

in the open before latching onto a host. It's resistant to hand sanitizers and soap

Wash., who spent December and January working at Rosa

ing on snow machines on a wide trail called Snowdance, opening valves on each barrel-like machine to send up to 107 gallons of water a minute through a ring of nozzles. Apowerful fan on the back of each machine blewthe fine

(unless you scrub REALLY hard). Ladies and gentlemen, meet the norovirus.

Khutor, the alpine venue for

droplets over the slope where,

the Games.

with the temperature near

Passengers wait for their mode of transportation after getting off the Caribbean Princess cruise ship Friday in La Porte, Texas. The ship returned to port early due to a suspected outbreak of norovirus on



"Our goal was to lay down 150 to 175 percent of what

W hether i n

By Brian Palmer

turbing to imagine how often


we encounter norovirus.

Alearning virus

Norovirus loves a g ood cruise ship, with its tight quarters full of people from all over the world. There have been nearly200 confirmed norovi-

Researchers have thus far gf you decide to bleach your beenunable to culture norovirus house afteryour child falls in a dish. Last year, microbioloill, it's better to go with a 10 gist Christiane Wobus and her percent solution, since bleach colleagues at the University of degradesrather quickly in a Michigan were able togmwnorbucket.) ovlrus m 11nmunocomproIIused mice, and some progress has High potency been made infectingpigs whose The situation is all the more guts had been rid of other miworrying when you consider crobes, but those are baby steps norovirus' second neat trick towardunderstandingthevirus. — it takes an incredibly small Until we can grow this stuff

rus outbreaks on cruise ships

number of viral particles to

in the past 20 years, plus many other suspected maritime noro-

make you sick. Most patho- hope of developing a vaccine or gens, such as influenza, need an effective treatment.

virus outbreaks that couldn't be

to invade you with an army of

definitivelylinkedto the virus. But it isn't an exclusively sea-going pathogen. It accountsfor more food-

increased in the past couple of decades, and researchers have proposed an intriguing explanation: It may be learning to infect more people. as few as 10 norovirus particles Your blood type is defined can make an adult sick. The by certain sugars on your average norovirusvirion is blood cells. Similarly, people around 35 nanometers across differ in the types of sugars on — one-third the size of most vi- the cells that line the intestine. ruses — so the volume of an in- Certain strains of norovirus fectious dose is uniquely small. bind specifically to certain You can contract norovirus sugars — but the strains that

NEW YORK — Passengers

on Royal Caribbean's Explorer of the Seas came home two days early this week after more

than 600people fell ill with suspected norovirus, also known as Norwalk disease.

in a laboratory, there's little Incidence of norovirus has

thousands to cause symptoms. That's one of the reasons we're generally healthy in a world teeming with viruses. Matheborne illness in th e U nited matical modeling suggests that States than E. coli and salmo-

nella combined. Itlives on doorknobs, handrails and even soft

surfaces like couches and carpets. Norovirus is all around you. And it is sickening more people than ever. It is a wondrous pathogen that should fascinate, disgust and frighten you in the most subtle and disgust- have been traveling the world in equal measure. ing ways imaginable. recently bind to a wider range In 1999, after one gentleman of sugars. That seems to mean

supplant, nature and make for quality skiing. If there is an art to getting good snow from a machine, it is based on a thorough understanding of the science, especially the

can be supercooled, to about minus 50, and remain liquid if

there is nothing for the molecules to crystallize around.

High in the atmosphere, the crystallization is aided by dust particles or other impu-

role of temperature and hu- rities, which serve as a seed midity in the process. or nucleus. In many snow

Snowmaking 101

machines, seeds are created

bythe machine itself, through Machines make snow the one or more "nucleation" nozsame way nature does, by zles in which water and comfreezing water droplets. But pressed air mix. they do it a few feet above the Coming out of the nucleground, rather than in the ation nozzle, the air expands, much colder conditions high and m dong so cools so rapin the atmosphere. Snow- idly that the accompanying making machines employ a water freezes instantaneousfew thermodynamic tricks ly into tiny ice crystals. They to help, but at times there is a seedthe largerdropletsfrom limit to what physics can do. the main ring of nozzles. Snowmakers pay special attention to wet bulb tem-

peratures, which take humidity into account along with

'Basicallymaking eggs'

Once they are blown out over the slope, the seeded

the actual air temperature. droplets lose heat to the surAt Rosa Khutor, which is only rounding air as some of the 25 miles from Sochi, the host

water molecules evaporate.

And it' s notjusthumans H umans aren't th e o n l y hosts for n orovirus. When

may be little more than wa-

during the few seconds it

ter droplets with a bit of ice

filter-feeding shellfish ingest

around them.

takes to fall to the groundwhat snowmakers call hang

with no such weaknesses. It

ters on the French market.

a lipid envelope, which has a couple of vulnerabilities. First,

vomited in a concert hall and the strains can sicken a wider nearby bathroom in W a les, range of victims.

more than300 people inhaled enough airborne norovirus to

it dries out when exposed to

can live in the open for weeks and possibly months, and it is resistant to hand sanitizer and

through contact with their uniforms, which were contaminated with partidesof feces and vomit.

soap, unless you scrub the heck Norovirus is also eerily perout of it. When a cruise ship sistent. People with colds, for suffers an outbreak, the Cen- example, are typically not contersfor Disease Control and tagious beyond a week after Prevention advises that virtual- symptoms commence. By conly every inch of the vessel and trast, laboratory experiments everything on it be drenched on human volunteers suggest in a 5 percent bleach solution.

that people infected with noro-

Since schools, concert halls, virus continue to shed virions movie theaters and private for up to three weeks, long after homes rarely undergo such a the vomiting and diarrhea have thorough scrub-down, it's dis- passed.

— From wire reports

supplement, or in some cases

become ill. Many of the victims the elements, which is one of were schoolchildren who came the reasons HIV, for example, on a field trip the following day. dies almost immediately out- In another case, several memside of a host. In addition, al- bers of a college football team cohol-based sanitizers easily from North C arolina came penetrate a lipid envelope and down with norovirus and mandestroythe virus. aged to infect members of the Norovirus has a protein shell opposing team from Florida

Most viruses are encased by

Former Argentinian President Isabel Peron is 83. Movie director George A.Romero is 74. Former Vice President Dan Quayle is 67.Rocksinger Alice Cooper is 66. Football Hall-of-Famer LawrenceTaylor is 55. Actor RobCorddry is 43. Olympic gold medal boxer Oscar De LaHoya is 41. Olympic gold medal gymnast-turned-singer Carly Patterson is 26.

hard toproduce the solidbase Even in very cold air, dropand dusty powder that can lets needhelp to freeze. Water

city on the Black Sea where But if the air is humid, less conditions are subtropical, evaporation, and thus less wet bulb readings can often cooling, is possible. So even be too high to make snow. on a very cold day, a dropOr, if snow can be made, it let may not freeze entirely

No weaknesses


R u ssia f o r zero, they froze and wafted Olympic athletes or in the down as a crystalline mist, Northwest for winter vaca- about as close to dry powder tioners, snowmakers work as a machine can make.


at the NEWStCharlesHealthGare.org/quit Register online for great community dasses, includingsmoking cessation, to start making healthy life changestoday!

norovirus particles, the virus

can bind to sugars in their systems and accumulate without making them sick. A recent

study found norovirus contamination in 9 percent of oysHow freaked out should you be? Moderately. Norovirus can kill, but usually indirect-

ly; most deaths are among children or the elderly who become dehydrated, particularly in the developing world. The average adult will experiencethree days of miserable

gastrointestinal distress. If it happens to you, avoid concert halls, football games and any other social interaction, bleach everything you touch — and drink constantly.

"I've been making snow for time. "We're basically making 17 years, and I've very rarely made snow at 28 degrees wet eggs," Moulton said — icy bulb," Wax said. Such a read- shells around s till-liquid ing — which, if the humidity centers. is 50 percent, means the air S nowmakers learn t o temperatureis 34 degrees change the quality of snow Fahrenheit — is considered — generally wetter for base poor for snowmaking. But layers, drier for a top, skiexcept for those two week- able coat — by adjusting the long intervals, when wet bulb amount of water coming readings dropped to around through the main nozzles. 21 or 22, he said, he made For the Rosa Khutor snowsnow in marginal conditions. makers, adjusting the qualiRosa Khutor may be par-

ty was seldom an issue; they

ticularly difficult, but no ski made whatever snow they resort is immune to the prob- could. "Desperate times call lem of poor conditions — even

for d e sperate m easures,"

those in New England, where Wax said. In marginal condithe air can be so cold that ski- tions, "it's really hard to conersare warned offrostbite.

Early in the season, the

trol the quality," he added. "It is what it is."



F unera an cas etoutetsare ea in tot e ma By John Rogers The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — We eat there, buy our clothes there

and some people suspect teenagers may actually live there. So perhaps it was just a matter of time until funeral

appears to have begun at the dawn of the decade when a company called Til We Meet Again began opening casket

As to why folks would be

But if they're strolling past

leery about that, industry of-

a funeral outlet at the mall,

ficials acknowledge the answer is obvious: Who really

stores around the country. "We try to reach our audi-

wants to enter a funeral home

even one day before they

where they're surrounded by happy, lively people and maybe clutching a bag of Mrs. Field's cookies, the thought is

ence where they are at and the mall is a great way to

have to'?

that they'll feel differently.

must do, but at the same time it's something nobody wants

of need," said Nathan Smith,

homes began moving into the do that," said Ben Sussman, local shopping mall. spokesman for Forest Lawn, Over the past two years, w hose c e m eteries c o u n t Forest Lawn has been qui- among their permanent resetly putting movable kiosks idents such notables as Walt in several of the malls that Disney, Elizabeth Taylor and dot S o uthern C a l i f ornia's Michael Jackson. "And it's also, perhaps, suburbs. The move, by one ofthe fu- a way to reach people who neral industry's best known might be a little leery about o perators, expands on a coming directly into one of marketing innovation that our parks," Sussman said.

"Funeral planning is some"When they're going to the thing everybody knows they mall, people are not going out co-founder and CEO of Til to do," said Robert Fells, exec- We Meet Again, which has utive director of the International Cemetery, Cremation

outlets in malls in A r izona,

and Funeral Association. "Nobody gets up on a Saturday morning and says, 'Gee, it's a nice day. I wonder if I can go out and get myself a burial plot,'" Fells said.

and Texas.

Louisiana, Kansas, Indiana So if they do happen to see aplace peddling coffins or urns while they're pricing T-shirts and hoodies, Smith

said, it will l ook far less




— wire

New York Times News Service

banks here to cross a gap in

Ol' I'0


By Edward Wyatt C HATTANOOGA, T e n n . — For thousands of years Native Americans used the river

Now Forest Lawn p e riodically shuffles them from one

mall to another to reach the largest audience. Unlike the people at oth-

er such stations, who can seem like carnival barkers

as they walk right up to you and hawk discount calling

Talking cars



intimidating. Forest Lawn's effort began modestly, with just one kiosk (one of those movable things that usually sell stuff like calendars or ties) in a mall in the Los Angeles suburb of Eagle Rock. When no one was creeped out, the program expanded to about a half-dozen malls.

, Ii' -0gf

Tami Chappell /New YorkTimes NewsService

seen asthe basis for future

said Gloria Bergquist, vice president of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

fit together," she said.

The technology the government is contemplating contains several layers of

securityand privacy protection to ensure the informa-

other pursuits could suffer.

self-driving cars. But govern- tion exchanged between vement and industry officials hicles doesn't identify them see the two technologies as but merely contains basic compatible. If c ontinuous safety data, officials said. conversations between cars The safety benefits can't make driving safer, then be achieved until there is self-driving cars will become a critical mass of cars and safer as well. trucks on the road using the The National Highway technology. It takes many Traffic Safety Administra- years to turn over the na-

Will the idea spread?

tion, which has been working with automakers on the

that if the United States does not keep its networks advancing with those in the rest of

Steve Clark, head of the publicly owned utility EPB, shows some of fastest — and now one of the the hardware that runs the ultrahigh-speed Internet service In Chatleast expensive — high-speed tanooga, Tenn. Boosters say the town's early push Into the Internet Internet services in the Unit- age has sparked economic growth, but others say the tangible bened States. For less than $70 a eflts of "The Glg," as EPB's service Is known, are hard to quantify. month, consumers enjoy an

astic about vehicle-to-vehicle technology but feel there are important technical, security and privacy questions that

The technology "may well play a larger role in future road safety, but many pieces of a large puzzle still need to

munications specialists say

alysts say was the first and

in Glendale last week, where people stopped to examine cremation urns ranging from one with a subdued design of leaves to another that brightly featured the logo for the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team.

hazards ahead in time for drivers to take a detour. The technology is separate from automated safety features using sensors and radarthatare already being built into some high-end vehicles today and which are

of Web connections. Telecom-

tanooga, and at l i ghtning speed. "Gig City," as Chattanooga is sometimes called, has what city officials and an-

them. It was the same at a mall

tems in Kansas City, Kan.; Kansas City, Mo.; and Austin,

tions infrastructure in a country that badly lags much of the world in the speed and costs

parts of the Confederacy. In

distance until people came to

traffic congestion or r o ad

Internet and telecommunica-

the 21st century, it is the Internet that passes through Chat-

proached. But they kept their

privately owned fiber sys-

The systems are the leading edge ofa push for ever-faster

nect the eastern and western

department in the LA suburb of Arcadia last year, operators were quick to smile and hand out brochures when ap-

need to be worked out first,

a dormant fiber network in Provo, Utah.

and trains sped t hrough during the Civil War to con-

If c o mmunities c hoose

more discreet. At the entrance to a Macy's

to invest in the technology, roadways and traffic lights could start talking to cars, too, sending warnings of

Texas, and it recently bought

the Appalachian Mountains,

Continued from A1

plansorfree yogurt samples, Forest Lawn's operators are

the world, innovation, business, education and a host of

tion's entire vehicle fleet, but

Even so, few people, including many who support the ultrahigh-speed fiber-optic systems,argue that everyone connection that transfers data the Internet speed. "It beat SeSuch is the case with many in the country now needs a at one gigabit per second. attle, New York, San Francis- new technologies, Levin said. one-gigabit home connection. That is 50 times the average co in building the Gig. People No one is going to design Much of the public seems to speed for homes in the rest here are thinking big." products that can run only agree. According to Federal of the country, and it is just on a one-gigabit-per-second Communications Commiseffect unclear as rapid as service in Hong Positive network if no such networks sion statistics, of the houseKong, which has the fastest But so f ar, i t i s u n clear exist, he said. But put a few holds where service of at least Internet in the world. statistically how much the in place, he added, and soon 100 megabits per second was It takes 33 seconds to down- superfast network has con- the supply of applications will available (one-tenth as fast as load a two-hour, high-defini- tributed to economic activity drive a growing demand for a gigabit), only 0.12 percent tion movie in Chattanooga, in Chattanooga overall. Al- the faster connections. subscribed at the end of 2012. compared with 25 minutes for though city officials said the In C h attanooga, o ne-third those with an average high- Gig created about 1,000 jobs Lengthy transformation of the households and busispeed broadband connection in the last three years, the DeChattanooga's path to Gig nesses that get electric power in the rest of the country. partment of Labor reported City is part of a transforma- from EPB also subscribe to Movie downloading,howev- that Chattanooga still had a tion that began long before Internet service of at least 100 er, may be the network's least net loss of 3,000 jobs in that most Americans knew the In- megabits. important benefit. period, mostly in government, ternet existed. Named AmeriBut just as few people a deca's most-polluted city in 1969 cade agothought there would construction and finance. Signs of growth EPB, the city-owned util- because of largely unregulat- be any need for one terabyte "It created a catalytic mo- ity formerly named Electric ed base of heavy manufactur- of data storage on a desktop ment here," said Sheldon Power Board of Chattanooga, ing, Chattanooga has in the computer (more than 200 Grizzle, the founder of the said that only about 3,640 res- last two decades cleaned its million pages of text, or more Company Lab, which helps idences, or 7.5 percent of its air, rebuilt its waterfront, add- than 200 movies), even the startups refine their ideas Internet-service subscribers, ed an aquarium and become most prescient technology guand bring their products to are signed up for the Gigabit a hub for the arts in eastern rus have often underestimatmarket. "The Gig," as the s ervice offered over the f i Tennessee. In m or e r ecent ed the hunger for computer taxpayer-owned, fiber-optic ber-optic network. Roughly years, an aggressive high-tech speed and memory. network is known, "allowed 55 businesses also subscribe. economic development plan Few people here would say us to attract capital and tal- The rest of E PB's custom- and an upgrade of the power that the Gig has even begun ent into this community that ers subscribe to a (relatively) grid byEPB moved Chatta- to be used to its fullest. "The never would have been here slower serviceoffered on the nooga toward the one-gigabit potential will only be capped otherwise." network of 100 megabits per connection. by our selfishness," said MillSince the fiber-optic net- second, which is still faster In 2009, a $111 million fed- er Welborn, a partner at the work switched on four years than many other places in the eral stimulus grant offered the Lamp Post Group, the busiago, the signs of growth in country. opportunity to expedite con- ness incubator where BanChattanooga are unmistakSome specialists say the struction of a long-planned fi- yan shares office space with able. Former factory build- low subscriber and employ- ber-optic network, said David a dozen other startups. "The i ngs on M a i n S t r eet a n d ment numbers are not sur- Wade, chief operating officer Gig is not fully useful to ChatWarehouse Row on Market prising or significant, at least for the power company. (EPB tanooga unless a hundred othStreet have b een c onvert- in the short term. "The search also had to borrow $219 mil- er cities are doing the same ed to loft apartments, open- for statistical validation of lion of the network's $330 mil- thing. To date, the best thing spaceoffices,restaurantsand these projects is not going to lion cost.) Wade said it quickly it's done for us is it put us on shops. The city has welcomed turn up anything meaning- became apparent that custom- the map." a new population of computer ful," said Blair Levin, execu- ers would be willing to pay for For all the optimism, many programmers, entrepreneurs tive director of Gig.U, a high- the one-gigabit connection of- boosters are aware there are and investors. Lengthy side- speed Internet project that in- fered over the network. limits to how far the Gig can burns and scruffy hipster cludesmore than three dozen Chattanooga has b e en take the city, particularly as it beards — not the norm in American research universi- joined in recent years by a waits for the rest of the coun-

technology for the past de-

the technology could start preventing accidents before

cade, estimates vehicle-to-ve-


eastern Tennessee — are de

clined to give an estimate

rigueur for the under-30 set. "This is a small city that I had never heard of," said

ties. Levin cited "Solow's paradox," the 1987 observation

startup, Banyan, from Tampa

try to catch up.

"We don't need to be the next Silicon Valley," Mayor

traffic fatalities in the U.S. in

tation technologies.

2012, according to the safety agency.

Using people's phones?

There may be another way to speed things up, according The technology represents to a presentation last year by

Action planned

the start of a new era in automotive safety in which the

the communications technol-

in the first place," as com-

cans use smartphones, and

ogy company Qualcomm. focus is "to prevent crashes About 45 percent of Ameri-

pared with previous efforts that share is growing. If to ensure accidents are sur- smartphones, which already vivable, said David Fried- have GPS, came equipped man, thehead oftheagency. with a radio chip they could No orders to automakers be used to retrofit vehicles are imminent, officials said. already on the road so they After an agency report, could talk to each other. That the public and carmakers would help make it possiwill have 90 days to com-

ble to achieve a 50 percent

ment, then regulators will begin drafting a propos-

market penetration in less than five years, Qualcomm

al, and that process could


take months to years. But Transportation S ecretary Anthony Foxx said it is his

Using cellphones could also extend the safety benefits of connected-car technol-

intention to issue the propos- ogy to pedestrians, bicyclists al before President Barack Obama leaves office.

and motorcyclists, Belcher said. A driver could be alert-

"It will change driving as ed to a possible collision with a pedestrian carrying a Scott Belcher, president and smartphone sending out inCEO of the Intelligent Trans- formation, even if it was too

we know it over time," said

portation Society of America. "Automobile makers will

dark to see the person. More than 4,700 pedestrians were

rethink how they design and killed by vehicles and 76,000 construct cars because they injured in 2012. will no longer be constructBut there are significant ing cars to survive a crash, technical and standardizabut building them to avoid a tion hurdles to using cellcrash." phones to support connectGovernment officials de- ed-car technology. Cellphone battery life, for example, a

for how much the technolo- needforantennas, questions gy would increase the price about radio frequencies and

by Robert M. Solow, a recipi-

municipally owned fiber-op-

ent of the Nobel in economic

t ic networks that offer t h e fastest Internet connections. Lafayette, La., and B r istol,

Andy Berke said. "That's not

of a new car, but the trans-

concern that cellphone GPS

who we're going to be, and we

functions might not be as precise as those in a vehicle

Va., have also built gigabit networks. Google is building

are making our own place in the innovation economy."

portation society estimates it would cost about $100 to $200 per vehicle. Automakers areenthusi-

Toni Gemayel, a Florida na- science who wrote that "you tive who moved his software can see the computer age evto Chattanooga because of

handful of other U.S. cities that have experimented with

hicle communications could Safetybenefits canbe seen prevent up to 80 percent of with as few at 7 percent to 10 accidents that don't involve percent of vehicles in a given drunken drivers or mechan- area similarly equipped, said ical failure. Paul Feenstra, a spokesman Crashes involving a driver for the transportation sociwith a blood alcohol content ety, an umbrella organizaof.08orhigheraccounted for tion for the research and denearly a third of the 33,500 velopment of new transpor-

erywhere but in the productivity statistics."


at the NEWStGharlesHealthGare.org/heal Study up on everything from allergies to tennis elbow in our comprehensive online health library.

shouldn't try to be that. But we

manufactured with special




type of weapon transactions • Guns:Whisnant said his • Guns: If the measure to this bill would impact are constituents are overwhelmContinued fromA1 require background checks linked to gun violence. ingly a g a inst Although hot-button topics on private gun sales makes it • Pot: Conger is not only such a measure, are generating headlines now, to the House, McLane will be worried about negative health and he shares many bills could have a short a no vote. "I distinguish be- effects that could come from the s e n timent. shelf life: If they haven't had a tween public safety and back- legalizing recreational mariA National Rihearing by Friday, the bulk of ground checks," McLane said. juana, but he sees it as benefitfle Association them will be considered dead. "The political left says it's the ing, by taxing, a form of addic- Whisnant mem b er, he will On Monday, l egislative same thing. I don't agree." tion. It would hurt people who vote against any committees listened to a pro• Pot: McLane believes the are already struggling with changes to background laws. posed measure that would al- state should slow down when addiction, he said, and tax • Pot: Trying to legalize low correctional officers with

convenient options.

it comes to efforts to legal-

those who could least afford to

marijuana, Whisnant said,

concealed weapons permits ize recreational marijuana. be taxed. to keep their weapons locked He worries there hasn't been in their vehicles at work. Law- enough time to vet the issue Rep. John Huffmen, R-The makers listened to a hearing and there will likely be many Deiies on pay inequality in the state unintended consequences. "I • Liquor: Huffman said he

would be a "terrible mistake," where the financial gain by taxing a product would be wiped out by other costs that come with abuse

and heard about the benefits

think Oregon should let Wash-

expects he will vote for the

and medical treatment for

of apprenticeship programs. House Republican Leader

ington and Colorado get further down the road before we

hybrid plan if it

Mike McLane, R-Powell Butte,

follow suit," he said.

House. Oregon Sen. Tim Knopp, R-Bend shouldn't follow • Liquor:Knopp is not sure in the footsteps the proposed hybrid measure of Washington would serve the w hen i t co m e s state's needs, but he's looking forto liquor privat-

makes it to the

said he predicts, to quote T.S. Eliot, this legislative session could end "not with a bang,

but a whimper." Here's how the all-Repub-


Rep. Jason Conger, R-Bend, who has also announced e run for e seat in the U.S. Senate Huffmen • Liquor:He described him-

lican Central Oregon delega- self as "somewhat cautious" ization, he said, but something ward to the heartion feels about three of the and is still hop- needstohappen. ings on this ismore c o ntroversial i s sues ing to hear from • Guns: "I don't favor any sue. He believes expected to be debated in the consumers and changes to any gun ownership Knopp Oreg o n s h ould 2014 legislative session. Oregon Liquor and background check laws," not follow WashC ontrol C o m- he said. ington's model of privatizing House Republican Leader mission liquor • Pot: Legalizing r ecre- liquor sales. Mike McLene, R-Poweii Butte Conger a ge n ts. But i n ational marijuana for tax ben• Guns: "This bill as pro• Liquor: McLane said the g eneral, h e ' s efits is an "empty hope and posed doesn't do anything to so-called hybrid plan seems long been vocal about what promise," he said. He strongly stop the gun violence problem. to be a good op- he sees as the inherent con- opposes legalizing recreation- Solving the problem takes tion between the tradiction of the state "both al marijuana, and feels the holding criminals accountstatus quo and being dependent on the rev- medical marijuana program is able," Knopp said. Instead, he privatization. He enue but being tasked with currently "out of control." said, the bill targets law-abidlikes the idea of temperance." ing citizens. protecting small, • Guns: Conger sees this Rep. Gene W h isnant, • Pot: Knopp is not in favor M cLene b udding m i - measure as both unenforce- R-Sunriver of legalization. cro-distilleries able and unnecessary. There • Liquor:Whisnant said he — Reporter: 541-554-1162, while giving consumers more is no proof, he said, that the is still weighing this measure. Idake®bendbulIetin.com


retariat's statement said.

in Mexico for more than a

f o r t h e time he said he was

Gee Bing told Radio AusContinued fromA1 tralia that he did not know He had apparently lived how the castaway survived decade. adrift. The fisherman was identiBri t ain's Daily Telegraph fiedin pressreportsfrom Ma- newspaper said its reporter juro, the capital of the Mar- spoke to the fisherman in shall Islands, as Jose Salva- the Majuro hospital, saying dor Albarengo. Other reports the man's 15-year-old fishing had his surname as Alvaren- companion, who he named gaandAlvarengo. only as Ezekiel, died four The castaway told diplo-

m o n ths into the ordeal af-

mats that he set off with a t er he refused to eat further fellow fisherman from th e

r a w f o od. The man said he

Pacific coast of the Mexican state of Chiapas 13months

s urvived off o f birds, turtles, fish

"/ didn't knOW and small sharks,

ago for a daylong t/ Ie /IDur fipr shark fis h m g t ~ e d> y r iO < excursion.

"But he w a s t/ l e d B t e. / blown off course pfI/y kfle® b y a s torm a n d


~ C/

h e's been at sea t " since Dec. 2 1, th e n i g h t . . . . 2 012," T h omas / f i e Vef' Sg~ Armbruster, the / d p "

U.S. ambassador

to the Marshall Islands, told CNN

OC ean, Pure D Cegg /t ~ g S

after speaking to + P/>C/d the man in his na"It — OA/y tWO tive Spanish. did sound like he dg yS With big had a young man on the boat with WaVeS.

som e times drinking h is own urine during p e r iods withou t rain. "I didn't know the hour, nor the

day, nor the date," he tol d t he Telegrap h "I only knew

t h e sun

and the night.... I nev e r saw land. Pure ocean, pure ocean. It was very placid only two d a ys with big If t h e

f i s her-

man's story proves

him, and he was lost at sea."

Josesaivador true and not lifted Albarengo from a Hollywood Photos showed script, he will cermedical p e r sontainly face many nel helping the castaway questions about how he enshuffle off a vessel that had dured such a long ordeal unpicked him up from Ebon d ertheelements. Atoll, a sparsely populated In a similar case in 2006, coral atoll of 22 islands that three Mexicans who said is the southernmost part of the Marshall Islands, an ar-

t h e y drifted for nine months i n t h e P a cific evoked as

chipelago halfway between much suspicion as admira-

Heroin Continued fromA1 Staten Island, where prescription drug addiction has been especially virulent, has the city's highest rate of heroin overdoses, though a connection

has notbeen established. Bags bearing d i fferent stamps turn up i n


r a ids of

large-scale heroin mills around the city. They are named for popular celebrities or luxury products, or the very thoroughfmes along which the drugs travel: Lady Gaga. Gucci. 1-95. They reflect an increasingly young and middle-dass dientele, who often

move from prescription pills to needles: Twilight. MySpace. And they often indicate little

about the qualityorpurityof the product, which is diluted with

baking soda or, in some cases, infant laxatives, officials said. To be sure, there is variety,

especially in potency and reliability. Recently, 22 people died in and around Pittsburgh after overdosing from a batch of heroin mixed with fentanyl, a powerful opiate usually found in patches given to cancer patients. Heroin containing fentanyl, which gives a more intense but potentially more dangerous high, has begun to appear in New York City, said Kati Cornell, a spokeswoman for Bridget Brennan, the spe-

Smuggling tricks feed heroin's rise NEW YORK — Sometimes the traffickers inject liquid heroin into jeans so theycanship the drug where it needs to go. Sometimes it's a fake coconut or bananas. In a few cases,according to federal officials, heroin is injected into the bellies of dogs. However it arrives, hundreds of thousandsAmericans have been turning to heroIn more and more in recent years, and officials across the country are sounding thealarm asfatal heroin overdoses have morethan doubled in some states overthelast decade. Although the autopsy results for Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman arenotyet known, packets of the drug were found Sunday in his NewYork apartment where hedied, a needle sticking in his arm. "It's reached epidemic proportions here in the United States," Drug Enforcement AdminIstration spokesmanRusty Paynesaid of heroin use. Payne attributed the problem to a surge in heroin crossing the nation's southwestern border, where soaring seizures of the drug are a sIgn of soaring smuggling operations. In 2008, the DEA reported seizing 559 kiiograms of heroin at the southwestern border; that more than tripled to1,855 kiiograms in 2012. Other health experts and lawenforcement agencies havesaid pain-medication addicts have turned to heroin to get a similar high after they lose access to popular prescription pills such as OxyContin. In 2011, at ieast178,000 Americans usedheroin for the first time, according to the latest available estimate from the Substance Abuseand Mental Health Services Administration, almost doubling from five years earlier. Andearly indicators suggest that those numbers will contInue to rise. — Los Angeles Times

Kolodny, the chief medical offi-

Hawaii and Australia. The

cer at the Phoenix House Foun-

islands are more than 5,700 cluding demands that they miles from Mexico's Pacific submit to lie detector tests. coast. The fishermen said they

dation, a drug-treatment center, and president of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing. "It's not easy to get the opioid genie back into the bottle."

It is a cyde that friends of Hoffman, who was 46, said

Armbruster said the Sal-

vadoran fisherman wa s recovering. "He's talked about joint pain,"Armbrustertold CNN.

t i o n upon their return — in-

h a d been blown out into the

P a cific from their port of San Blas in Nayarit state, and their twin engines eventu-

ally conked out. They said

m ay haverecently taken hold in his life as well. Last year, he checked into a rehabilitation program for about 10 days, a move that

"I know he'd like a haircut.

came aftera reliance on prescription pills led to a return to

after such an ordeal." None of the fisherman's

heroin, after what he said had been a clean period spanning two decades. The Police Department on

immediate family could be w ere drug traffickers and contacted. had disappeared for months The castaway told Mexi- t o avoid criminal charges. co's ambassador to the Phil- The suspicions died down,

Monday said detectives were working to track down the ori-

ippines, Julio Camarena however, when the Roman

gin of the substances Hoffman used, though a police official

t h e y survived on rainwater,

But he looks very good. I'm raw fish and sea birds. Two no medical professional, but of their companions died on I think he's in much better

t h e h i ghseas.

shape than one would expect

U p o n their return, though, some Mexicansvoiced susp i c ions that the fishermen

Villasenor, that he has "not Catholic Episcopal Council a single relative in Mexico, of bishops declared the men only in El Salvador," the sec- to be "examples of faith."

conceded it could be difficult to

determine. "Just because it's a name brand doesn't mean that

anyonehas an exdusive onthat name," the official said. "Ace of Spades; I would venture to say

that someone else has usedthat name." The ace of hearts logo has appeared in at least one case in the city, the police said.

arrives at the door with a grab The DEA said it had seen Vermont. bag of drugs. Highly organized "Ace of Spades" branding in a But almost as long as there mills have been found in mid- 2009 drug case on Long Island. has been heroin in the U.S., dle-class city areas like Riv- It has been seen in photographs New York City has been its erdale, in the Bronx, and Fort of heroin packages at least as hub. Certainly much h as Lee, N.J. or, in one case, a mid- far back as 2005.

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TheB u l letin

blown heroin crisis" gripping

changed since the 1970s, when

town Manhattan apartment

addicts flooded shooting gal- near the Lincoln Tunnel. Such the city.A n undercoverofficer leries and flashy drug traffick- locations draw less scrutiny bought fentanyl-laced heroin ers like Nicky Barnes, known from potential robbers, and ofon Jan. 14 from a dealer in the as Mr. Untouchable, became tenprovideready accessto m aBronx, she said. The dealer did household names. The drug is jor roads for deliveries up and not warn of the mixture, which still smuggled into the country down the eastern corridor. "It's like somebody setting is not apparent to the user; sub- from faraway poppy fields, still sequent testingrevealedit. (The cut from kilo-size quantities in up a big production factory in patchesthemselveshad turned hothouse operations secreted China and the product is going up in drug seizures in the city around the city, still diluted in to go out through to the world," before, she said.) coffee grinders and still sold to said Brennan. "That's how I Ultimately, users have no needy consumers. look at these production mills way to be sure what they're Various brands, too, have that we're seeing in New York. buying. "There's no FDA ap- been around f o r d e cades. Some will stay here in the city, proval; it's made however they "There always have been but it's mostly intended for disdecide to make it that day," markings going back as far tribution." (A $6 bag in the city Brennan said. The same ship- as Nicky Barnes," said James could fetch as much as $30 or ment of heroin may be pack- Hunt, the acting head of the $40 in parts of New England, agedunder severaldifferentla- DEA's New York office. "Now authorities have said.) bels, she said. "At the big mills, the difference is that the addicts Some officials fear that efwe'll seize 20 stamps. It's all the you see a lot are young subur- forts to drive down abuse of same." ban kids starting on prescrip- prescription medications could Far from plaguing only big tion drugs, and they graduate to be contributing to rising heroin cities, heroin has emerged as heroin." use in New York City, as it has a grave concern in places like The trade has become more in places like Maine. "What we're seeing, as pills Vermont, where last month organized, officials said, from the governor devoted his en- the top to the bottom. Deliv- becomemore difficultto access, tire State of the State message ery services abound for those is a shift to the black market to what he said was "a fullwho can afford a dealer who and heroin," said Dr. Andrew cial narcotics prosecutor for


at the NEWStGharlesHealthGare.org/watch Get an inside look atwhat's going on in Central Oregonhealthcare by clicking onourlocal videolibrary.

Investigators would also be

testingtheparaphernalia found near Hoffman, as well as the

syringe found in his left arm, to determine whether the mixture he consumed had been adulterated in any way, the official

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said. Results from those tests were expected sooner than

the toxicology tests by the city medical examiner. For law enforcement offi-

cials, Hoffman's death was a stark reminder of the dangers inherent in a highly addictive drug that ravaged urban communities in the 1970s.

"People who study drug trends talk about generational amnesia," said Brennan, the special narcotics prosecutor.

"We're now 40 years out from our last major heroin epidemic and I think people have lost

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their memory of that drug's devastation." Indeed, she said, some of the

most common heroin brands suggest as much: Grim Reaper; a skull and crossbones; D.O.A.

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Pushing Cause 0 whale eachin s remains elusive preschool a bipartisan priority By Ken Kaye

might be going on, to see if there are any links or if

cause whales to aim toward just never know the cause." shore, has been ruled out, beOn average, about 200 FORT L A U D E R DALE, they're unrelated," said De- that marched across Florida cause the Navy wasn't con- whales each year land on Fla. — More than 90 whales nise Boyd, a research biol- in the past month could be a ducting any sonar exercises Florida's shores. About one have become stranded on ogist with the Florida Fish factor. when the whales stranded, "mass stranding," involving " Any kind of f r ont o r a she said. Florida beaches in the past and Wildlife Conservation several whales, occurs every two months, almost t hree Commission. hurricane disorients the anOr, the whales could be three years in this state, autimes the average, baffling Among the theories: The imals, and they come in," following a sick leader who thorities said. marine biologists and mak- whales might have contract- said Erin Fougeres, a marine was heading toward shallow Yet in just the past two ing them wonder if a deadly ed morbillivirus, an ailment mammal biologist with the waters to m ak e b reathing months, a total of 93 whales common denominator is at similar to canine distemper N ational Oceanic and A t - easier, Boyd said. c ame ashore i n Fl o r i play. that has been attacking dol- mospheric Administration Nothing so far i s con- da and most of those, 91, "We're a ll starting t o phins along the East Cost Fisheries. clusive, Fougeres said, and were involved in two mass pay close attention to what this year. Bu t n e c ropsies Navy sonar, which can "there are cases where we strandings. Sun Sentinel

By Richard Perez-Pena and Motoko Rich New York Times News Service

failed to confirm this.

The series ofcold fronts

Preschool is having its moment, as a favored cause for politicians and interest groups who ordinarily have trouble agreeing on the time of day. President Barack Obama devoted part of his State of the Union address to it, while the

deeply red states of Oklahoma and Georgia are being hailed as national models of preschool access and quality, with other states and cities also forging ahead ontheir own. Enrollment in state-funded preschool has more than dou-

bled since 2002, to about 30percent of all 4-year-olds nationwide, and much more growth is expected. In just the past year, Alabama, Michigan, Minne-

r. ~,r


sota, Montana and the city of

San Antonio have enacted new or expanded programs, while in dozens of other places, mayors,governors and legislators are making a serious push for preschool. In New York City, where new Mayor Bill de Blasiowas elected on a promise of

universal prekindergarten, the dispute between him and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is not over

whether to expand the program, but how. For generations, it was largely Democrats who called for government-funded preschool — and then only in fits and starts — and that remains the


case in Congress, where proposals have yet to gain traction among Republicans. But outside Washington, it has be-


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come a bipartisan cause, unit-

ing business groups and labor unions, with Republican governors like Rick Snyder of Michigan and Robert Bentley of Alabama pushing some of the biggest increases in preschool spending. They point to a growing

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body of research on the effec-

tiveness of early intervention and the importance of early

child development. "It's a human need and an economic need," said Snyder, who raised preschool spending $65 million last year and will propose a similar increase this year, doubling the size of the state program in two years. He called the spending an invest-


valid 1IRI4thtu Rll1rl4 SAFEWAY ©.



Analysts also see politics behind the shift at the state level,

with preschool appealing par-

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"If you cast it as an issue of in-

equality, Republicans get their back up right away, but there's a sincere and growing concern on the part of a lot of Republicans about howto increase economic opportunity," said Ron Haskins, co-director of the Center on Children and Families at



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the Brookings Institution and a

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ment groups, which have the ear of conservative lawmakers, have taken the lead in lob-

bying for preschool, arguing thatthe economy requiresan educated workforce and that

starting early is cheaper, more efficient and will mean fewer


children turn to crime in later

life. A group of police chiefs andprosecutors recentlyissued areportin supportofpreschool er." Businessleadersarguethat


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l ow-income parents free t o

work and reduces the number of children in high-priced special education programs and those havingto repeat grades. "That's a part of the argu-

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ment that we've only started

to develop, but I think it's very persuasive," said John Pepper Jr., a former chairman and

chief executive of Procter 8 Gamble, and one of the lead-

ers of ReadyNation, a national group ofbusiness leaders pushing for preschool expansion.

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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6

© www.bendbulletin.com/local



MAY 2014Nwr=

OSU-Cascades public meetings Oregon State University-CascadesCampus will hold two public meetings in late February for members of the community to review the school's plan for the first phase of its expansion into a four-year university. The first phase is located on awooded 10-acre parcel on Bend's west side. Later stages of development are expected to occur on an adjacent 46-acre property that includes a former pumice mine. For the first phase, the university plans to construct two to three buildings containing student residences, academic spaceand retail. The first meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 27 atCascadesHall on the Central Oregon Community College campus. Thesecond meeting will be held at noon Feb. 28 atthe same location.

Sled dograces are canceled The 2014 Chemult

Sled Dog Racesscheduled to take place Feb. 15-16 havebeen canceled due to alack of snow, according to a press release from the Fremont-Winema National Forest. Event organizers are hopeful they will be able to hold the race in 2015. — Bulletin staff reports


Following up onCentral Oregon's most interesting stories, even if they've been out of the headlines for a while. Email ideas to news@bendbulletin.com. Q»To follow the series, visit beudbulletiu.cum/updates






a in a iVein 0Ca 0 I ICS debate • Citizens' groups a 'key component' of government, according to Luke


in a military-based school environment.

Luke has served on advisory committees forthe United Way of Deschutes

By Shelby R. King

County and sits on a state board overseeing natural re-

The Bulletin

Deschutes County District Attorney Patrick Flaherty hasn't hired anyone to man-

source policies. He's also on

By Elon Glucklich

a Deschutes Countyproperty tax appeal board and was

The Bulletin

For 12 years, Dennis

age his re-election campaign and declined an initial in-

on a local committee that

helpedplace alevy for expanded county 911 services

Luke was an outspoken,

sometimes brutallyhonest voice on the Deschutes

"These committees have done a lot of important

displaying a willingness to speak his mind even at

Former Deschutes County Commissioner Dennis Luke,

work," Luke said. "I've

the risk of alienating some

attending a County Commission meeting at the Deschutes

voters. Three years after leaving

County building Monday morning, has stayed active in groups such as the Oregon National Guard Youth ChalleNGe foundation, the United Way of Deschutes County and the Project Wildfire steering committee.

always considered these citizens' groups a key compo-

as active as ever in local politics.

Rob Kerr I The Bulletin

The 40-year Central Or-

egon resident juggles time on more than a half-dozen local and state committees,

with the occasional golf or fishing trip mixed in. "I've stayed very involved," Luke said.

April debate with opponent

on the May electionballot.

County Commission,

the board, Luke, 67, is still

vitation to participate in an

One of several commu-


Project Wildfire organization 15 years ago to reduce fire risks in Central Oregon

ryboard for the Oregon

forests, Luke continues to

organization providing teens with leadership skills

sit on the group's steering

according to emails between Flaherty and Fleherty

National Guard Youth ChalleNGe, a Bend-based

Central Oregon

A Salem native, Luke worked for decades buildinghomes across Central Oregon after movingto the

board members.

"I have yet to ask someone to be my cam-

paign manager

But the abrupt resignation of a local candidate for the Oregon House of Representatives opened the door for Luke's political career.


if anyone qualified to be District Attorney files for election," he wrote in a Jan. 27 email to Kathy Oxborrow, a board member and debate

See Luke/B5

oration on the statement weren't returned, but Hum-

A dad-powered sled ride Students

mel said he's "absolutely qualified" to be district

help Bend nonprofit

The Bulletin

Seventh-graders at Morning Star Christian School in Bend are pro-

• Springfield:The Oregon chub becomes the first fish removed from the endangered species list,B3

viding the manpower for a philanthropic program that

used — aswell as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

and I would say yes," he said. "I will go any time, any place and anywhere to share my views on how to keep this

provides clothes, school supplies and other items to fosterchildren forfree.The

program was originally run by the Court Appoint-

The Bulletin

county safe."

The City Club-sponsored debate was scheduled for April 17. Sheila Miller, city

ed Special Advocates but

Scot Moore pulls a toboggan with his children Sadie, 8, left, Finnegan, 3, middle, and William, 6, while enjoying a snowy morning Monday with their dog Boo at Hollinshead Park in Bend. Be-

was transferred to the local nonprofit Action Through Advocacy at the beginning of this year. Action Through Advocacy sent

low-freezing temperatures are forecast this week.

out word that it needed a

and Oxborrow through Mill-

site to host and organize

er, who was included on the

the items. Morning Star

recipient list because of her proposed involvement.

Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Lawmakersto addressdrought

editor at The Bulletin, was

asked by Oxborrow to moderate. The Bulletin obtained the emails between Flaherty

Christian seventh-grade teacher Lisa Potter, who is

According to the emails,

a fosterparent, read ofthe need in a newsletter and

Oxborrow contacted Flaherty to ask him to participate in

decided to offer her whole

the event. Flaherty sent an

class to the project.

email in response.

SeeNonprofit/B5 By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

WASHINGTONWith states across the West in the midst of a

Droughtlevels acrossOregon More than 75 percent of Oregon is currently experiencing severe drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought

devastating drought, members of the House Natural Resources Com-

Drought conditions

Moderate Severs P Extreme

mittee called Monday for 4A.,' The DaHes,


HCi 5

La Sraede


In a letter to committee chairman Doc Hast-


'-F- — — —,'

Salem — — — -f


We can help.

member Peter DeFazio,

D-Springfield, and 14 otherDemocrats noted


Paid Advertisement


an emergency hearing on the arid conditions. ings, R-Wash., ranking

Have a story idea or sudmission? Contact us!

time," Hummel said. "I am a

could invite me to a debate

the Hope Chest, which

look it, and any special technique

during his tenure, but thankfully he's not costing the taxpayers any money this

President Bill Buchanan. "Any person in this county

and their families. The students are staffing

Reader photos

first time he's been wrong

vitation from City Club Board

helps local foster children

Well shot!

attorney. "He's wrong. It's not the

criminal law expert who has trained prosecutors, judges and police officers on how to keep communities safe." Hummel, who filed his candidacy with the state in October 2013, accepted the in-

By Tyler Leeds


Submissionrequirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you

• Eugene ,'

•i f gnd






that more than half of the continental U.S. is

E ILIS ELITE,. Transforming Appearances

currently experiencing moderate to severe

Call u reporter

drought. The water short-

Bend ................i.....541-e17-7829

age threatens different

Redmond..............541-548-2186 Sisters...................541-548-2186 LaPine...........i.....541-383-03e7 Sunriver.......i.......e41-383-0367

Deschutes.............541-617-7820 Crook....................541-383-0367 Jefferson..............541-383-0367 Stateprojects...... 541-410-9207 Salem ...........i.......e41-554-1162 D.C....................... 202-662-7456 Business......i......e41-383-0360 Education.............541-633-2100 Health..........i.......e41-383-0304 Public lands..........541-617-7812 Public safety.........541-383-0376

bec a use I am waiting to see

organizer. Calls to Flaherty for elab-


• We want to see your photos of snow for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section. Submityour best work at beudbulletin.cum /suuw2014andwe'll pickthe best for publication. • Email other good photos of the great outdoors to readerpbutus© beudbulletiu.cum and tell us a bit about where and when you took them. We'll choose the best for publication.

City C lub of

nent of local government."

area in the early 1970s.

He's also on the adviso-

nity leaders who set up the

John Hummel,

• Medtbrd

aspectsof life,from power generation and water delivery to the health of forests and wildlife, the

representatives wrote. "Public land managers are faced with thinning budgets to prevent fires and increased drought-in-

We are proud fo now offer the new non-surgical breakthrough.


• Klamalh,'Faus

Source: U.S. Drought Monitor

Greg Cross / The Bulletin



65 year old female after twotreatments

other things," the letter states. "Prolonged drought and the ensuing increase in the frequency and severity

duced strains on natural

of wildfires also threatens

resources such as changing snowpack trends and invasive species, among

the livelihood of the growing number of Americans living in the wildland-urban inter-

faceand creates challenges for businesses that rely on

public lands for revenue." As of the close of business on Monday, a hearing on the issue had not been scheduled by the committee. SeeDrought/B5

• • • •

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"AMERICANVIOLET": A screening of the film about a single mother's struggles to prove her innocence; free; 5-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. GREEN TEAM MOVIENIGHT:A screening of the documentary "The Island President" about the president of the Maldive Islands fighting global warming; free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. TAO- PHOENIX RISING:The traditional Japanese Taiko drummers perform; $32-$45 plus fees; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org.

FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and foodindowntown Bend andthe Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. THE CABINPROJECT:Orchestral pop-rockfrom Portland, with Genders; part of Mt. Bachelor Apres Ski Bash series; free; 6 p.m.; Crow's FeetCommons, 875 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-728-0066 or www. crowsfeetcommons.com. "WARRIORS DON'T CRY": A onewoman show highlighting racism, bullying and the power of language; contains racially charged language; $10, $5 children12 and younger, plus fees; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. SUNRIVERCHILLOUT:Featuring a skating party, dummy downhill, K-9kegpull,m ushermadness, glowshoe trek, prizes, entertainment and more; free for spectators, registration prices vary per event; 7 p.m.; The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; 541-5855000 or www.sunriversharc.com/ sunriver-chill-out. "CHASING ICE":A screening of the 2012 documentary (PG-13) about National Geographic photographer James Balog capturing the changing glaciers across the Arctic; free, refreshments available; 7:30 p.m.; Rodriguez Annex, Jefferson County Library, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541475-3351 or www.jcld.org. ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM SERIES:A screening of the best films from the 2013 edition of The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival; $6; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. College

WEDNESDAY TOAD THE WETSPROCKET:The California folk-pop band performs; $34-$39 plus fees; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org.

THURSDAY AN EVENINGWITH AMY SPEACE AND KENNY WHITE: Folk and Americana music; $10 plus fees in advance, $12 at the door; 7-10 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www. belfryevents.com. EUGENE BALLETCOMPANY: The company performs Scheherazade,

Bolero andmore;$12-$42; 7:30

p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; www.j.mp/EBallet.

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communityli feibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at tvtvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Courtesy Rotr Shanahan

Toad the Wet Sprocket will perform at the Tower Theatre Wednesday night. Way, Bend; 541-345-5538 or www.

archaeologychannel.org. THE SOLOSPEAK SESSIONS, LOVE 8 HATE:Local storytellers perform, with special guests; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-

0803 or www.solospeak.com.

ANGELINE'S BIRTHDAY BASH: The Vagabond Opera and BabyGramps perform, with Bend Circus Center; $12 plus fees in advance, $15 at the door; 8-11 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents.com.

SATURDAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: RUSALKA":Starring Renee Fleming in a soulful fairy-tale opera, with Piotr Beczala as the prince; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680

S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. BEND INDOORSWAP MEET AND SATURDAYMARKET:Featuring arts and crafts, collectibles, antiques, children's activities, music and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Bend Indoor Swap Meet, 679 S.E. Third St.; 541-317-4847. SUNRIVERCHILLOUT: Featuring a skating party, dummy downhill, K-9keg pull,m ushermadness, glowshoe trek, prizes, entertainment and more; free for spectators, registration prices vary per event; 10 a.m.; The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; 541-5855000 or www.sunriversharc.coml sunriver-chill-out. FIRST ANNIVERSARYPARTY: Featuring live music, birthday

specials andmore;free; 5 p.m.;

W orthy Brewing Company,495 N.E. Bellevue Drive, Bend; 541-639-4776 or www.worthybrewing.com. DADDY DAUGHTERDANCE:A Mardi Gras-themed dance for fathers or father figures and

PUBLIC OFFICIALS CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sen. JeffMerkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http:I/merkley.senate.gov Bendoffice: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone:202-224-5244 Web: http:I/wyden.senate.gov Bendoffice: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142

U.S. House ofRepresentatives • Rep. GregWalden, R-HoodRiver 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: http:I/walden.house.gov Bendoffice: 1051 N.W.Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452

STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kitzhaber, D 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov • Secretaryof StateKateBrown,D 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos@state.or.us • TreasurerTedWheeler, 0 159 Oregon StateCapitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer@state.or.us Web: www.ost.state.or.us • AttorneyGeneral EllenRosenblum,D 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax:503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us • LaborCommissionerBradAvakian 800 N.E. OregonSt., Suite 1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Fax:971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail©state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli

LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. Ted Ferdoli, R-District30 (Jefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli • Sen. TimKnopp,R-District 27 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.timknopp©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/knopp • Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-Dlstrict28 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett

House ef Representatives • Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477

Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger • Rep. JohnHuffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman • Rep. MikeMcLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane • Rep. GeneWhisnant, R-District53 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

CITY OF BEND 710 N.W.Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: www.ci.bend.or.us • City Manager EricKing Phone:541-388-5505 Email: citymanager@ci.bend.or.us

City Council • Jodie Bsrram Phone:541-388-5505 Email: jbarram@ci.bend.or.us • Mark Capell Phone:541-388-5505 Email: mcapell©ci.bend.or.us • Jim Clinton Phone:541-388-5505 Email: jclinton@ci.bend.or.us • Victor Chudowsky Phone: 541-749-0085 Email: vchudowsky@ci.bend.or.us • DougKnight Phone:541-388-5505 Email: dknight©ci.bend.or.us • Scott Ramsay Phone:541-388-5505 Email: sramsay©ci.bend.or.us • Sally Russell Phone: 541-480-8141 Email: srussell@ci.bend.or.us

• Brad Boyd Phone: 541-549-2471 Email: bboyd©ci.sisters.or.us • CatherineChildress Phone: 541-588-0058 Email: cchildress@ci.sisters.or.us • McKibben Womack Phone: 541-598-4345 Email: mwomack©ci.sisters.or.us

CITY OF LA PINE P.O. Box3055, 16345 Sixth St. La Pine, OR97739 Phone: 541-536-1432

City Council

• KathyAgan Email: kagan@ci.la-pine.or.us • GregJones gjones@ci.la-pine.or.us • Ken Mulenex Email: kmulenex@ci.la-pine.or.us • Stu Martinez Email: smartinez@ci.la-pine.or.us • KarenWard kward©ci.la-pine.or.us

CITY OF PRINEVILLE 387 N.E Third St., Prineville, OR 97754 Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: cityhall©cityofprineville.com Web: www.cityofprineville.com

City Council • Betty Roppe Email: broppe©cityofprineville.com • Jack Seley Email: jseley@cityofprineville.com • StephenUffelman Email: suffelman@cityofprineville.com • Dean Noyes Email: dnoyes@cityofprineville.com • GordonGillespie Email: ggillespie@cityofprineville.com • JasonBeebe Email: jbeebe@cityofprineville.com • Gail Merritt Email: gmerritt@cityofprineville.com • JasonCarr Email: jcarr©cityofprineville.com


POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Logwhen such a request is received. Anynew information, such asthe dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

BEMD POLICE DEPARTMEMT Burglary —A burglary was reported at11:28 a.m. Jan. 16, in the 200 block of Northwest St. Helens Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 6:53 p.m. Jan. 26, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. DUII —Erin Leigh VanNorsdall, 37, was arrested onsuspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:37 p.m. Jan. 29, in the area ofBear Creekand Dean Swift roads. Criminal mischisf —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 10:01 p.m. Jan. 30, in the20900 block of LupineAvenue. DUII —Brian JamesDay,30, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:14 a.m. Jan.31, in thearea of Northeast Jackson Avenueand Northeast Purcell Boulevard. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:03 a.m. Jan. 31, in thearea of Northeast Fourth Street and Northeast Hawthorne Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:23 p.m. Jan. 31, in the61300 block of South U.S. Highway97. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at11:24 a.m. Feb.1, in the 61300 block of Steens Mountain Loop. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:55 p.m. Feb.1, in the1200 block of Northeast12th Street.


THE SOLOSPEAK SESSIONS, LOVE & HATE:Local storytellers perform, with special guests; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.solospeak.com. AARON CRAWFORD:The Seattle countryartist performs; $3 plus fees; 9-11:30 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www. maverickscountrybar.com.


EMPTY BOWLS:Featuring hotsoup and refreshments made by RVHS culinary students in ceramic bowls made by RVHSstudents and others; proceeds benefit Jericho Road; $10; noon-7 p.m.; Ridgeview High High School musicprograms;$15 School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., inadvance,$20 atthedoor;7 p.m., Redmond; 541-504-3600. doors open at 6 p.m.; Summit High SECONDSUNDAY:Three Oregon School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater authors discuss their writing craft Drive, Bend; 541-815-5333 or www. and the importance of being brave friendsofmusic-shs.org. on the page;free;2 p.m.;Downtown ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. SERIES:A screening of the best Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www. films from the 2013 edition of The deschuteslibrary.org. Archaeology Channel International SOMETHING WONDERFUL:THE Film and Video Festival; $6; 7:30 RODGERS ANDHAMMERSTEIN p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Central CONCERT:Featuring Bend's finest Oregon Community College, Boyle musical performers and choral Education Center, 2600 N.W. College groups from around Central Oregon; Way, Bend; 541-345-5538 or www. proceeds benefit Court Appointed archaeologychannel.org. Special Advocates of Central SOMETHING WONDERFUL:THE Oregon; $30-$75 plus fees; 7:30 RODGERS ANDHAMMERSTEIN p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower CONCERT:Featuring Bend's finest Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. musical performers and choral

Burglary —A burglary, theft and a vehicle was reported entered andan arrest made at5:39 a.m. Jan. 31, in the 63000 block of North U.S. Highway97. DUII —JamesKeith Mouser, 44, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 1:32 a.m. Feb. 1, inthe 600 block of Northeast GreenwoodAvenue. DUII —Ashley Nicole Franco, 29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3:17 a.m. Feb. 1, in thearea of Northeast 15th Street and Northeast U.S. Highway 20. Theft —Atheft was reported at1:50 p.m. Jan. 16, in the3100 block of North U.S. Highway97. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at11:07 a.m.Jan. 30, in the 3100 block of North U.S. Highway 97.

PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief and atheft were reported at 9:50 a.m. Jan. 31, in the area of Juniper Street. DUII — SuzanMangold-Noyes,59, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:24 p.m. Feb. 1, inthe area of Southeast CombsFlat Road.

reported at1:17 p.m. Jan. 29, in the areaofW estU.S.Highway 26and Northwest Jefferson Street in Madras. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 8:35 p.m. Jan. 29, in the area of Chinook Drive andClubhouse Road in CrookedRiver Ranch. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 9:46 a.m. Jan. 31, in the12800 block of Wheat Grass Loop inCrookedRiver Ranch.

OREGON STATE POLICE Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 4:04 p.m. Jan. 30, in the area of U.S.F.S.Road45 near milepost 2 in Bend. DUII —Mark Myrick McMillan, 52, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:53 p.m. Jan. 30, in theareaof U.S. Highway 97near milepost128 in Redmond. DUII —Joseph Zantana Heisler, 23, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:38a.m. Feb.1, in the areaof Northeast Fourth Street andNortheast Seward Avenue inBend.



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Vehicle crash — Anaccident was

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• DavidAsson Phone: 503-913-7342 Email: dasson©ci.sisters.or.us • WendyHolzman Phone:541-549-8558 Email: wholzman©ci.sisters.or.us

groups from aroundCentral Oregon;


71 S.E. DStreet, Madras, OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2344

• Mayor MelanieWidmer Email: mwidmer©ci.madras.or.us • Tom Brown Email: thbrown©ci.madras.or.us 716 S.W.EvergreenAve. • Walt Chamberlain Redmond, OR 97756 Email: wchamberlain@ci.madras.or.us Phone: 541-923-7710 • RoyceEmbanksJr. City Council Email: rembanks@ci.madras.or.us • MayorGeorgeEndicott • JimLeach Phone: 541-948-3219 Email: jleach©ci.madras.or.us Email:George.Endicott©ci.redmond.orus • RichardLadeby • Jay Patrick Email: rladeby@ci.madras.or.us Phone:541-508-8408 • CharlesSchmidt Email: Jay.Patrick©ci.redmond.or.us Email: cschmidt@ci.madras.or.us • ToryABman Phone: 541-923-7710 CITY OF CULVER • Joe Centanni Phone: 541-923-7710 200 W. First St., Culver, OR 97734 Joe.Centanni©ci.redmond.or.us Phone: 541-546-6494 • CamdenKing Mayor Phone:541-604-5402 Email: Camden.King©ci.redmond.or.us • ShawnaClanton • GinnyMcPherson City Council Phone: 541-923-7710 Bnail:GinnyMcPhetsonOei.redmond.orus • NancyDiaz • Laura Dudley • Ed Onimus • Amy McCully Phone:541-604-5403 Email: Ed.0nimus©ci.redmond.or.us • SharonOrr • ShannonPoole • Hilario Diaz

City Council

proceeds benefit Court Appointed Special Advocates of Central Oregon; $30-$75 plus fees; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.



520 E. CascadeAvenue, P.O.Box39 Sisters, OR97759 Phone: 541-549-6022

daughters; $32 per couple, $10 per additional guest, registration requested; 6-9 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-310-8582 or www. redmondrotary.org. FIREARMS ANDFASHION:A fashion show with historical characters outfitted with the guns they would have carried in the late1800s; no host bar; $5, $3 for members, registration requested; 6 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-3824754 or www.highdesertmuseum. org. BEND COMMUNITY CONTRADANCE: Featuring caller Rich Goss and music by A Scottish Heart; $8 at the door; 7 p.m. beginner's workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys & Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W. Wall St.; 541-330-8943 or www.bendcontradance.org. FRIENDS OFMUSIC'S "FOR THE LOVE OFMUSIC": Concert-rock violinist Aaron Meyer performs, with the Summit High School band, orchestra and choir; silentauction and raffle; proceeds benefit Summit

CITY OF METOLIUS 636 Jefferson Ave.,Metolius, OR97741 Phone: 541-546-5533

City Council • Bob Bozarth • JohnChavez • Bill Reynolds • Tia Powell • Patty Wyler


Tickets available at TowerTheatre.org Tickets rangefrom NO ro II75 Cocktail arare suggested


Proceeds Benefit:

gp Court Appolnled Spedal Advoaees

FoR csILrrsirr




ative merican rou sca or • • toinvesti atec i we are By Gosia Wozniacka

some states. The organizations, which

after finding very high numbers of Indian children being P ORTLAND — F our n a - include th e P o rtland-based removed from their homes by tional Native American orga- National Indian Child Welfare public and private agencies nizations on Monday asked Association, alleged in their and placed in non-Indian fosthe U.S. Department of Justice letter that some guardians ter and adoptive homes and to launch an investigation into appointed by the court mock institutions. the treatment of American In- Native A m e rican c u l t ure; Federal law now requires dian and Alaska Native chil- some state workers put down that additional services be dren in the private adoption t raditional Native w ays o f provided to Native families to and public child welfare sys- parenting; and some children prevent unwarranted removtems, saying civil rights viola- are placed in white homes al. And it requires that Indian tions there are rampant. when Indian r elatives and children who are removed be The groups also called for Nativefoster care homes are placed whenever possible with the federal government t o available. relatives or with other Native "These stories highlight pat- Americans, in a way that pretake a stronger role in enforcing compliance of the Indian terns of behavior that are, at serves their connection with Child Welfare Act. They said best, unethical and, at worst, their tribe, community and in a letter to Jocelyn Samuels, unlawful," the l etter states. relatives. the Justice Department's act- "Although these civil rights The letter cites problems ing assistant attorney general violations are w ell-known such as adoption agencies for civil rights, that there is and commonplace,they con- disregarding children's tribal "minimal federal oversight" tinue to go u nchecked and affiliation and failing to proo ver implementation of t h e unexamined." vide notice to a tribe when a law. The federal government child is taken into custody. The letter follows a recent had no an immediate response The groups also contend Inhigh-profile custody battle regarding the allegations. dian children are transported over a Cherokee girl known as Native children are dispro- across state lines to sidestep Baby Veronica who eventually portionately represented in the law; adoption attorneys enwas adopted by a white South the child welfare system na- courage circumvention of the Carolina couple. It also comes tionwide, especially in foster law; and judges deny tribes a amid lawsuits alleging viola- care. presenceduring child custody tions of federal law governing Congress passed the Indi- proceedings. foster care and adoptions in an Child Welfare Act in 1978 Another problem, according The Associated Press

to Craig Dorsay, an Oregon lawyer who works on many Native child welfare cases, is

inconsistencies in identifying who is an Indian child and who is not — and whether the

law applies to families who are deemed not Indian enough in the eyes of a court.

In Oregon, Dorsay said, the overall relationship between tribes and counties is good law. But statistics continue to show the disproportionate re-

moval of Native children from their families. Native American children

in Oregon are more likely to be placed infoster care than

white children, according to research from Portland State University. And they're more

likely to exit care by adoption. That, despite the fact that the the same as for white families. Researchers found t h at suspected abuse or neglect involving Native American fam-

ilies was reported to child protective services at a higher rate

than the group's representation in the general population.

By Nigel Duara

fish ever taken off U.S. Endangered Species Act protection


W a sh.

B enjamin

M o or e P a i n t

distribution center, police spokeswoman Kim Kapp said. Robert Brown, 64,

a company driver, was found inside a v ehicle in the parking lot, dead from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Kapp said. P olice continue to i n vestigate but are not look-

ing for anyone else in the shootings, Kapp said in a statement late Monday. She

did not discuss a motive. No one else was injured

in the gunfire just before noon, Kapp said. A nearby school was brieflylocked down as a precaution when shots were first reported. In a statement, Benjamin

Moore said it was "deeply saddened" by the shooting. "We continue to gather details of what happened, and are working with law enforcement asthey conduct their investigation," spokeswoman K i mberlee

Bradshaw said. Momeny, of

n e a rby

Camas, was a Seattle Sea-

hawks fan who was wearing a Seahawks football jersey on Monday, the day after the team's Super Bowl victory, The Oregonian

Oregon Department of Fish andWildlife has determined that a sheep found deadJan. 30 in northeast Oregon waskilled by members of the Imnahawolf pack. TheCapital Press reports that investigators found multiple wolf tracks in the snownearthe carcass in a paddock. The ewe hadsuffered severe bites. The wildlife department says the sheep was partially consumedandstill warm when the livestock owner found it. Readings from a radio tracking collar showed apack member was intheareaonJan.29andJan.30.Thedepartmentsays a cow was attacked bythe pack last August, about 5 miles away.The Imnaha packwas Oregon's first. POrtland ChurCh fire —Fifty firefighters were called to battle a smoky two-alarm blazethat burned a church camp building in southeast Portland. TheOregonian reports that fire officials estimate the damage from Monday's fire at $1 million. The structure was one of several large buildings at the campacross from the main Apostolic Faith Church. Investigators think the fire started in awall near the attic and are looking at electrical wiring in that wall.

Possidle deportation in leaf-pile deaths — A19-year-old Oregon woman who drove anSUVinto a leaf pile, accidentally killing two young girls playing in it, hasbeentaken into federal custody onan immigration holdandmayface deportation. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcementsaid onMondaythat CinthyaGarcia-Cisneros is being placed inremoval proceedings andwill be held at adetention center in Tacoma,Wash., while sheawaits a bondhearing. Garcia-Cisneros wassentenced to threeyears of probation onFriday after ajury found her guilty of felony hit-and-run. Prosecutors said thecrash wasan accident, but theteenfailed to comeforward. Garcia-Cisneros hasbeen living legally in theU.S. under aprogram for immigrants brought here as children. Shewas4 when she movedfrom Mexicowith her parents.

abuse rate among Natives is

taken off endangeredspecieslist

— A paint company driver fatally shot a company manager and then killed himself Monday at a business park in this southwest Washington city. Police found the manager, Ryan Momeny, 45, lying dead in front of the

ODFW dlameSWOlf in Sheep death —Aninvestlgatlon by the

when it comes to applying the

Paint store driver kills manager and self The Associated Press


Oregon chub isfirst fish to be By Jeff Barnard

WOrld War II memOrial —Crewshavestarted building Oregon's World War II memorial on the grounds of the state Capitol in Salem. The memorial will include afive-sided pillar that resembles an obelisk and reaches 33feet tall. A wall will list the names of Oregonians killed in the war. Construction beganMondayand is expected to wrap up in June. A formal dedication ceremony is scheduled for June 6,the 70th anniversary of D-Day,when Allied forces landed onthe beaches of Normandy in France.TheOregon Army National Guard sayssoldiers from the 224th EngineerCompanywill assist with excavating and clearing the construction site. State lawmakers in 2011approved $250,000 in state funding toward the project's $1.2 million cost.

Injured Marine COminghOme —A Marine whostepped ona hidden explosive device while helping awoundedcomrade in Afghanistan is coming home.TheEast Oregonian reports that Lance Cpl. Casey Allison lost his right leg below the knee and both the pinky and ring finger on his left hand in theJan. 28 blast. He wasfive months into his second deployment. He is a2010 Hermiston High School graduate with a wife anddaughter whowas born after he left for Afghanistan. In aFacebookpost, he said hecan't wait to see them. His travel plans are classified.

The Associated Press

Public employee unionmerger —Thegoverning bodyof

GRANTS PASS — A tiny minnow that lives only in Oregon backwaters is the first

Oregon's largest public employee union hasrejected a merger its leadership proposed with another local. TheOregonian reports the General Council of Local 503 of the Service Employees International Union voted against the merger 118-75. TheGeneral Council is the organization's governing body. Thevote wastaken Saturday. Local 503 represents about 55,000 state workers and in-home careproviders. It's one of the most powerful voices in state politics. Opponents of the merger with Local 49 said it would rewrite the bylaws to shift more power to the international union's headquarters. Leaders of Local 503 said the goal was astronger organization to advancethe union movement in Oregon.

because it is no longer threatened with extinction.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was expected to an-

nounce today that the Oregon chub was recovered, 21 years after it went on the endan-

gered species list. The agency will monitor the fish for nine years to make sure populations continue to grow. "We're not saying it won't need management," said Paul

Henson, Oregon director of Fish and Wildlife. "But they can leave the hospital and get

out to be an outpatient." Henson was to make the announcement at 10 a.m.

The Associated Press file photo

A fish biologist pulls a handful of Oregon chub from the waters of today at a 92-acre property a pond near Dexter as part of a research project in 2008. The tiny along the M c Kenzie River fish found only in Oregon has become the first fish in the country

outside Springfield owned

removed from Endangered Species Act protection because it no

by the McKenzie River Trust that combines a working farm with habitat protection and

longer faces extinction. It was put on the endangered species list

restoration. The fish had practically disappeared from Oregon's Willamette Valley as the swampy backwaters and beaver ponds

it depends on were drained to control flooding and create

21 years ago. 3 inches long, with an olive-green back, silvery sides of the McKenzie River Trust, and large scales. saidthe chub'sobscuritymade They were not described it easier to find solutions be- scientifically until the earefforts.

Joe Moll, executive director

cause there were none of the

high stakes and big egos incentury and a half. Those that volved in charismatic species survived the habitat loss be- like wolves, grizzly bears and came easyprey forbassintro- salmon. "We arebetter able to look at duced from the East. Unlike Pacific salmon, the something that you can put in Oregon chub was relatively the hand of a little kid, and just easy to save because it in- reflects joy with the natural habits small places and does world," he said. "The recovery not get in the way of huge of the Oregon chub is a sign economic forces, such as log- the river is still alive. It still has ging, hydroelectric power and the processes that things like farming, said Oregon Depart- chub and chinook salmon jument of Fish and Wildlife biol- veniles evolved with." ogist Brian Bangs, who since The Oregon chub is a small 2005 has supervised recovery minnow, t y pically a b out farms and cities over the past

WOman lOSeS hand —A womanwho wastrapped outside for 18 hours at Molalla with her handstuck under the hood of apickup truck has hadthe handamputated. Doctors couldn't save Joan Zuber's hand andhad toamputate Saturday. Her daughter, Heather Zuber, told KGWreports her mother is in good spirits, talking about recovering and resuming heractivities. A Molalla Fire District spokesman says the woman inher 70swas working on her truck's battery Wednesday afternoonwhenthehoodslammed onherhand.She was trapped until late Thursday morning whenher cries for help were heard by neighbors on horseback in the rural community about 25 miles south of Portland. Unable to pull away from the truck, Zuber survived overnight temperatures in the 30sand light snow. ZOOSea liOn euthaniZed — The Oregon Zoohumanely killed Julius, a 26-year-old Steller sea lion, on Sundaydue to complications related to his age.Thezoo says he wasthe oldest male Steller sea lion in any U.S.zoo or aquarium, a distinction that now falls to his Oregon Zoo companion, Gus,also 26. In the wild, the zoo says, male sealions seldom live beyond their teens. Julius camefrom Connecticut's Mystic Aquarium in 2000, whenthe Portland zoo opened its Steller Cove marine life habitat. — From wire reports

ly 1900s, when a researcher

found some outside Portland in the Clackamas River drain-

age, Bangs said. It was the 1970s before anyone really started paying attention. Before European settlement,

the Willamette Valley was a complex system of braided river channels, oxbows and beaver ponds, where perhaps as many as 1 million Oregon chub lived, Bangs said. By 1992, there were only 1,000 fish known in eight locations.

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Brian Cote said Momeny gave him a job at the warehouse after he left the Ma-

rine Corps in 2007. "He was a great guy — a family man, never swore, clean-cut, respectful of everybody," Cote told The Oregonian. "I can't imagine anyone hurting that guy. He was nice to the point

where you wanted to ask him, 'Don't you ever have a bad day, bro?'" A nother Benja m i n Moore Paint truck driver,

Sergey Sizmin, told The Columbian newspaper he has worked for the company for seven years. "I'm so shocked," Sizmin said. "Everybody's friendly, everybody here works nicely together."

Police defend actions of offieers who left fallen officer onground


i •

s I•

"It's a gray area," Band said. "You make a plan based on OREGON CITY — Oregon switched from a recovery mis- what you know. It depends on City police forcefully defended sion to a rescue mission. what you could see." By Nigel Duara

The Associated Press

two police officers' decision to

leave a fallen fellow officer on the ground near a suspect for 90 minutes in November.

Oregon City Police Chief Jim

team arrived and witnessed Libke move his arm that they A SWAT team physician

said Libke would likely have diedregardless ofthe 90-minute delay. Band said Monday, at the

Libke, 41, was fatally shot

while responding to a house fire started by an 88-year-old

man who had a gun. The gunman, Lawrence Cambra, then

killed himself. initial responding officers beThe officers knew a gunman lieved police officer-in-training was nearby, Band said, and beRobert Libke was dead, and a officers who initially saw Libke lieved reaching Libke — whom third officer who arrived later lying injured would have acted they presumed was deadalso believed Libke died in- differently if they knew he was would unnecessarily put them stantly. It wasn't until a SWAT still alive. each in danger. Band said Monday that the two

release of the department's investigation into Libke's death, that it's unclear whether the

Yachars, Oregon .

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EDj To

The Bulletin


nOFCem e



FOLl OU Cl ames Goff, the senior code enforcement officer for the city of Bend's Community Development Department, has added duties these days. He's been charged with updating parts of the city's code that deal with the sorts of thingsthat make properties eyesores and unpleasant or dangerous to live near. payforw eekly garbagepickup.G o-

sion of Oregon State Universi- mgthat far isurmecessary ty-Cascades Campus prompted City code alreadY requires that the update, aII of geng wiII benefit assuming enforcementis vigorous garbage be removed from ProPertY at least weekly, either by a commert hr ugh t t h ' t y cialgarbage company or some other way. It shouldn't be necessary to which covers everything from dis- have one rule regarding garbage for embodied cars to uncollected gar- the 60 percent of dwellings in Bend bage to the presence of dead trees, that are owner occupied homes and servesacoupleofpurposes. a second one for the dwellings that With enforcement it helps keep are rental units. Rather, strict enprope~es present ble. Prope~es forcementofthe~ ~ g' l a w should overgrown with weeds, driveways be enough to get the job done. filled with broken-down vehicles Yet code enforcement has been andyardsstrewnwithlitterdonoth- a hit-or-miss proposition in recent ingtoenhanceanyneighborhood. ye a rs, through no fault of the city. gy the same token, uncollected Plummeting revenues in the wake garbage, standing dirty water and of the recent recession left the citY the Iike are heaith hazards, wheth- scrambling to keep critical services er buiidings are occupied by college such as police and fire well staffed. students or editoriai writers. And in Less critical ones rightly took a vasive noxious weeds such as knap- back seat. weed spread more easily if residents Even if OSU-Cascades had no make no effort to control them, no plans to expand in Bend, updating matterwhothoseresidentsare. nuisance and other codes makes sense. So, too, does rigorous enAmong specifics, Goff tokl gul Ietin reporter Hiiiary gorrud he's forcement of those codes throughconsideringasking to have thecode out the city, no matter if a neighborregardmg garbage pickup changed hood is filled with rentals or ownto require rental Property owners to er-occupied homes.

Volatili threatens

scbools' pove aid O regon is changing the way it calculates how much money to give each school district to help poor kids. One aspect is dearly correct: It will use up-to-date demographic information instead of the long-outdated 2000 Census. But early estimates based on the new metric show extreme volatility from one year to the next, raising questions about accuracy and creatingplanningdifficulties for districts. Bend-La Pine Schools Superintendent Ron Wilkinson told us the first estimates in December, based on 2011 data, showed his district would lose $650,000. The next round came early in the new year, based on 2012 data, and showed Bend gaining a bit back. In late January, the latest estimate showed a reductionforBend of$279,886. That's a lot of variation over a period when there was little change in the district's free-and-reduced lunch percentages — the only poverty indicator the district can measure. Bend wasn't alone in seeinglarge swings in the estimates. For the Salem-Keizer School District, the first estimate was a gain of $4.1 million, while the more recent number showed an increase of $2.3 million, according to the Statesman-Journal newspaper. The new state allocation formu-

la is based on the U.S. Census Bureau's Small Area Income Poverty Estimate (SAIPE), which considers IRS and food stamp data in addition to Census information. While sending fewer dollars to Bend-La Pine, the newcalculation willincrease the Redmond School District's allocation for next year by nearly $2 million and hike distributions to other Central Oregon districts as well. Across the state, 80 districts will receive additional funding while 117 getless. Wilkinson said if the big swings continue, districts will have difficulty planning programs for poor kids, possibly prompting some to put the money in their general funds rather than focus specifically on kids in need. Another issue, he said, is that the formula doesn't consider the impact

Henr Waxman, master o o n r ess' insie ame By Doyle McManus Los Angeles Times


ost members of the U.S. House of Representatives have a "wall of f ame" in

their office — meant-to-impress photographs of the often obscure incumbent with presidents, senators and

hometown sports heroes. Henry Waxman's wall has bills, dozens of them — bills he helped turn into law, along with the pens that six presidents used to sign them, going back to Jimmy Carter. There's the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984, which virtually invented

the generic drug industry (Ronald Reagan signed that one). There's the Nutrition Labeling and Education

Act of 1990, which put the now-familiar nutrition label on food prod-

ucts (George H.W. Bush). There's the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, which reduced pesticide residue on

fruits and vegetables (Bill Clinton). There's the Affordable Care Act of 2010, which launched Obamacare

(Barack Obama). And many, many more. The official summary of Waxman's legislative achievements runs for 28 pages. "Fifty percent of the social safety net was created by Henry Waxman

when no one was looking," President George W. Bush'sMe dicare director, Tom Scully, once said. That's why so many Democrats saw Waxman's announcement last week that he will retire, after 40

years representing Los Angeles' west side, as the end of an era. And it's also why, when House Republicans learned of his retirement at their retreat last week, they burst into applause. Waxman isn't a household name in most of the country; he rarely ap-

regain a majority in the House — alC-SPAN. But he's an acknowledged though it's difficult to imagine that masterof Congress' inside game, a Waxman would leave if he thought tireless author of bills, negotiator of a Democratic victory were likely, deals, convener of hearings and is- since that would give him anothsuerofangry letters. er chance to pass climate change And he's "tougher than a boiled legislation. owl," in the half-admiring assessRather, Waxman said, it's simply ment of former Sen. Alan Simpson, that after 40 years, at the age of 74, it R-Wyo. is time to try something new. Born in the once-Jewish Los AnBut hedid acknowledge one more geles neighborhood of Boyle Heights reason: the burden of raising monwhen Franklin D. Roosevelt was ey tocampaign. Before 2012,Waxpresident, Waxman got into Demo- man cruised to victory every two cratic politics as a student at UCLA years with more than 60 percent of and an admirer of Gov. Pat Brown, the vote, and he usually raised more the current governor's father. He's money than he spent. But in 2012, still an unapologetic liberal who after redistricting put more Repubthinks the answer to most of Ameri- licans in his district, Waxman spent ca's domestic ills is a bigger, smarter, $2.7 million, almost twice as much more activist federal government. in as his previous campaign, to win "Government is the way we all get only 54 percent against a wealthy together collectively to do things for opponent. "The most important systemic the public good," he told me in his big corner office overlookingthe Capitol change we need is (campaign) fundon the afternoon he announced his ing," he said. "When I first ran for retirement. "The way we are protect- the state Assembly, I think we spent ed from abuses in the marketplace is $50,000. Now, if someone's thinking to have the government act as a ref- about running for office, they're not eree so that people play fairly. If that asked what their views are or what they'd like to accomplish; they're stops, greed will take over." His greatest regret, he said, has asked how much money they have." been Congress' failure to pass Waxman says he doesn't plan to sweeping climate change legislation. abandon Washington and move to "The president can still do regula- Malibu. Instead, he hopes to find a tion," he said, but "I would have rath- way to help his Democratic succeser had the Congress act." sors in the House be more effective. Then why is Waxman leaving the "Probably the best value I could House, with so much of his agenda have is to stick around and speak as still undone? a wise man who knows how things "I am not leaving out of frustration are done," he said. "People are saying such nice with Congress," he said — although he acknowledged frustration with things about me, I feel as if I'm at my tea party Republicans, whom he de- own funeral," he said. But his opscribed as "extremists who believe ponents may be in for a disappointcompromise is a dirty word." ment: "I'm alive!" Nor, he insisted, is he leaving be— Doyle McManus is a columnist cause he doesn't think his party can for the Los Angeles Times. pears on television, unless you count

of Oregon' s schoolchoice program, which allows students to move to another district. Students in poverty will be counted in their home district even if they are attending school in a different district. In approving the new approach, the State Board of Education decided to accept the volatility, rejecting pleasfor a phase-in or averaging that would avoid abrupt changes. It may need to revisit that choice if there's evidence the volatility will interfere with needy children truly


Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedlt submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin.

Write: My Nickel's Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

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Putting the middle class in an even deeper hole By Stephen Moore The Heritage Foundation

he great Obama contradiction


on the economy is this: He takes credit for the improved

economy, but openly admits that in

this recovery almost all of the gains have gone to the very rich. Here is the disturbing passage from Obama's State of the Union speech that I refer to: "What I believe unites the people of this nation is the notion that if you

work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead. "That belief has suffered some serious blows. Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have

never done better. But average wag- ical advantage in November. In other words, his poll-tested focus es have barely budged. Inequality An alarming Fox News poll found on inequality and a struggling middle has deepened. Upward mobility has that more than half of Americans class is an indictment of his own polistalled. The cold, hard fact is that think the recession is still with us. cies. Debt, stimulus, Obamacare, weleven in the midst of recovery, too Ironically, those who have seen the fare expansions, green energy and many Americans are working more least progress tend to be single wom- higher tax rates were all supposed to than ever just to get by — let alone en, the young, blacks and Hispanics. lift the middle class and poor from get ahead. And too many still aren't These were the very groups that vot- this funk. This was supposed to be a working at alL" ed in 2012 in large majorities to re- shared prosperity, and we have gotWhat a downer. This is hardly elect Obama. ten just the opposite. morning in America stuff. Obama But whose fault is it that inequaliThis is because almost all of likes to ridicule "trickle-down eco- ty has widened and the middle class Obama's economic strategies have nomics," but under Obamanomics al- has lost ground? Sorry, there's no obsessed over "sharing the wealth" most nothing has even trickled down blaming this half-baked recovery on rather than creating it. But history to the poor. He's brutally honest in ad- George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan or proves that growth is the best antimitting that this has been effectively the Republican House or bad weather. dote to poverty. a nonrecovery for a large segment of The recovery is weak, and the middle What exactly are the growth polAmerican society. It's not clear how class has lost $2,000 in income be- icies that Obama is pursuing? RaisDemocrats think they can leverage cause Obamanomicsfailed to create a ing the minimum wage? Extendthat message of futility to their polit- rising tide that lifts all boats. ing unemployment benefits? More

shovel-ready infrastructure projects

financed with debt'? These may temporarily help the poor put food on the table, but they won't ignite robust

growth. Obamanomics has produced the weakest and most unbalanced recov-

ery in 50 years. Obama's own words in his State of the Union address only highlighted the stunning failure. His solution was full speed ahead on Obamacare,debt spending, renewable energy and Robin Hood redistribution schemes. This will only put the middle class in an even deeper hole — and Obama's own words and record prove it. — StephenMooreis chiefeconomist for The Heritage Foundation.




Bill wouldcreatelife sentencefor sexcrimes


DEATH NOTICES Alice Marie Lynn, of Terrebonne Feb. 12, 1927 - Jan. 26, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: 2 p.m., Sun., Feb. 16, 2014 at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah'sWitnesses, 9066 11th Street, Terrebonne.


Hospice of Redmond, 732 SW 23rd St., Redmond, OR 97756.

Louella Louise Merrill, of Lakeview Mar. 4, 1974 - Jan. 14, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel of La Pine 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A private Memorial Gathering for Louella will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Help with Louella's children's education has been set up. Donations

are appreciated and can be dropped off at Pacific Crest Federal Credit Union in Lakeview (541-947-4034).

Mary Ann (Lockman) Leitzel, of La Pine Oct. 31, 1946 - Jan. 27, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine www.bairdmortuaries.com

Services: A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at the VFW, 5344 Main St., Springfield, OR from 12:00-2:00pm. Funeral Services will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

atory" offenders — those

tion. It sets criteria for which

deemed highly likely to in-

defendants would face life

datory and does not apply to first-time offenders.


In a Monday email to Bu-

herty will change his mind

chanan, Flaherty declined

Continued from 61

the invitation, noting he was

City Club events for me to attend without speaking in

Brown to schedule a time to meet in person with me

He also wrote Brown had n ot committed him t o t h e

at your District Attorney's

debate, and noted he is "not opposed to debate" and has

Former2n a Joan Mon aewas a over o t e arts 6y Anita Gates New York Times News Service

Joan Mondale, whose pro-

persuaded McDonald's Japan to commission art for a Tokyo subway station. Joan Mondale continued her

Office. I would be happy to discuss your proposed 'debate' as well as your choice of

moderators." On Jan. 29 ,

arts earned her the nickname

Joan of Art in Washington during the vice presidency of her husband, Walter Mondale,

from politics in 1996. In her first two months back home

in Minnesota, she created an airport arts program, intro-

in the late 1970s, died Monday duced a film series and joined in Minneapolis. She was 83. the boards of the Walker Art Her family announced the

Center and the Minnesota Or-

death in a statement released by Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, where the Mondales have long been members. The cause was not specified. The family said Sunday that she had gone into hospice care.

chestra. She also published "Letters From Japan" (1998), a

of Commerce Town Hall fo-

Hummel a formal invitation to the debate.

indicated it was his own idea.



collection of essays about liv-

ing abroad. Joan Adams was born on

Aug. 8, 1930, in Eugene, the eldest of three daughters of the

Continued from 61 He took the Republican nomination and won election to the House in 1992, where

He started his county ten-

years after Walter Mondale

ford, Pa., and then to St. Paul,

But 20 years in state and

graduated from law school, he was appointed attorney general of Minnesota. But she expanded her reputation as a

where she attended Macalester College, majoring in history

county government offered Luke plenty of chances to assemble a legacy. He said his battles to balance budgets were among his most memorable decisions in the public

with a double minor in French and art. Her interest in art had

been encouraged by an uncle, of the way. Philip Rhys Adams, who was When the couple moved director of the Cincinnati Art

Tony DeBone.

she worked as a librarian at

National Gallery of Art. She wrote "Politics in Art," a book

an education assistant at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

for children and young adults,

During that period she met

in 1972. She worked with the

Walter Mondale, who was in

and can help kids facing big challenges," Potter said. "We

Department of Transportation

law school after serving in the

just want foster kids to know

to turn railroad stations into art galleries, talked the National Park Service into sell-

Korean War. Their first date

was a photography exhibition.

that people care about them and to give our students a role to play in making that happen." The items are stored on

Walter M o ndale's f ather

ing crafts at its gift shops and was also a minister, but when raised money for Democratic

the couple married, in 1955,

candidates by auctioning do-

it was the bride's father who officiated.

nated art. When her h usband took

The Mondales made news

office as Jimmy Carter's vice with a social experiment in president in 1977, Mondale be- 1969, setting out to live for a came Carter's de facto arts ad- week on the food budget of viser as honorary chairwom- welfare recipients. "You begin an of the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities. She

to understand the desperation of people who must live

used the vice president's offi- like this," Joan Mondale told cialresidence,on the grounds the syndicated columnist Carl of the U.S. Naval Observato- Rowan. "It's degrading." ry, to showcase American art. She also helped found a It became an annual rite of food co-op in her Washington spring for journalists to gather neighborhood, taking Secret to see the newpaintings, sculp- Service agents with her on tures and crafts that Mondale early-morning shopping exhad borrowed from American cursions for fresh produce. But museums. she had to drop out after the Mondale spoke openly on chef at the official residence behalf of Democratic issues complained."He had to know after Walter Mondale won the in advance what those vegetaparty's presidential nomina- bles would be," she said. tion in 1984 and campaigned, In addition to her husband, unsuccessfully, t o un s eat Mondale's survivors include President Ronald Reagan. She

two sons, Ted and William,

supported the Equal Rights and four grandchildren. A Amendment, for e x ample, daughter, Eleanor Mondale which had been defeated two Poling, died of brain cancer in years earlier. The stance sur- 2011. prised some people, who saw Joan Mondale was often deher as a traditionalist, perhaps scribedby friends,colleagues because she had stayed home and journalists with homey to raise a family and do volun- adjectives like friendly, cheerteer work while her husband

ful, down-to-earth, gentle, re-

worked and traveled.

liable and unpretentious, but it "Maybe I w a s n' t o u t r a- is doubtful that anyone called geous enough," she told The her naive. In a 1978 interview Christian S c ience

M o nitor with The New York Times, in the spring of 1984. "May- asked what books had whetted be I should have been more her appetite for the visual arts,

in several countries. He led the sensational." Czech Philharmonic from 1993 When Bill Clinton appointuntil 1996. He was principal ed Walter Mondale the U.S. conductor of the Tokyo-based ambassador to Japan in 1993, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Joan Mondale arranged for

she named S.N. Behrman's

Orchestra from 1997 to 2007

ant a professional person is in guiding a wealthy man's taste,"

the loan of art from the Mu-

and led the Danish Radio Sym- seum of Contemporary Art in — From wire reports

— Reporter: 541-383-0376, siting@bendbulletirLcom

Los Angeles for the ambassa-

he's done a bit of construction work, spent more time with

the day-to-day operations at

Deschutes County. Several weeks ago, county administrators approached him for

help finding a replacement for the county's legal counsel, who's retiring in the next few


ChalleNGe's recent award of more than $10,000 in scholarships for graduates wanting to attend college was a point of personal pride. "You try to bring people together to find solutions, and

Luke said he doesn't plan to slow down soon. The volcounty residents on solutions

to local problems.

"I've attended a lot of meet-

ings and had input in a lot of decisions," he said. "I'll keep working." — Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucitlich@bendbulletirLcom

Museum. After graduation, in 1952,

Continued from 61 "This project is very im-

2004. Died Sunday in Berlin.

"duties as District Attorney

it's very rewarding when it Since vacating his com- works," he said. He's still keeping an eye on mission seat in January 2011,

He said the Oregon Youth

nesota, where she took a job as

phony Orchestrafrom 2000 to

Flaherty wrote he's busy with an investigation that his office will present to a grand jury this week, and said his

reflect on the past or discuss unteer committees offer a possible vacations. chance to keep working with

dale gave guided tours at the

the world: Gerd Albrecht, 78: German conductor who led orchestras

and moderator before he'll commit to the debate. "It wasn't that his answer was a firm no," Brown said. "He just wants to talk about it." In another Monday email,

terms before losing his seat in 2010 to current commissioner

former Eleanor Jane Hall. The family later moved to Walling-

Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymaybe submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on anyof these services or about the obituary policy, contact

Deathsof note from around

n o t r e t urn

ure in 1999 and served three



Flaherty di d

But Luke would rather talk about his current work than

Obituary policy


Hummel said he hopes Fla-

his wife, Joanne, and made he served three terms. time for hobbies like fishing In 1998, Luke set his sights and golf. "I'd be playing now if there on a Deschutes County commissioner's seat, which he w asn't snow o n t h e g o l f won in an election that year. courses," he said.

vacated by V i c e P r esident the Museum of Fine Arts in Hubert Humphrey, Joan Mon- Boston, then returned to Min-

Bend, OR97708

about the City Club debate.

come first and the campaign second." He indicated he isn't day, reiterating he wanted rum debate on March 4. opposed to a debate but that Oxborrow to come to his ofB uchanan i n a r et u r n his busy schedule means he fice to discuss the debate. email clarified to Flaherty "will not be able to commit Buchanan's assistant on that Hummel "did not suggest t o every invitation that i s Jan. 31 sent Flaherty and this debate at any time" and extended." Flahertyresponded the same

Mondale learned the role of

Walter Mondale was appointed to fill the U.S. Senate seat

Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020

ready because the organizer agreed to meet with him

O x b orrow concerning the format, and

traditional political wife early in her marriage; only four

to Washington in 1964 after

Email: obits©bendbulletin.com

committed to one debate al-

emailed back to say she'd he finds the forum for that spoken with Brown and had debate " both neutral a n d been told Flaherty would wide-reaching." Brown conparticipate. She also includ- firmed Flaherty has agreed ed details about the debate. to participate in a Chamber

Rev. John Maxwell Adams, a Presbyterian minister, and the

supporter of the arts every step

Phone: 541-617-7825

sex offenders, but it isn't man-

motion and advocacy of painting, sculpture and other fine work after her husband retired

2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701. www.partnersbend.org.

Deadlines:DeathNotices are accepted until noon Monday through Fridayfor next-day publication andby 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5p.m. Monday through Thursdayfor publication on thesecond day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication, and by 9a.m. Monday for Tuesdaypublication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.

The law would apply even to some first-time offenders. Oregon law currently allows a lif e sentenceforsome repeat

calls to The Bulletin on Mondeclined my invitation to dis- day, but indicated through cuss my opponent's proposed his assistant that he wants to debate." have some say in the format

presidential nominee Walter Mondale as he thanks the delegates following his nomination in 1984. Joan Mondale died Monday.

Partners In Care Hospice,


initial letter and was "disappointed that City Club has

Joan Mondaleaccompanies herhusband and then Democratic

The Associated Press file photo

ment developedinCanada.

"I encourage him to accept, "surprised at the disingen- and I'm not giving up hope uousness" of B u chanan's that he'll participate," he said.

person with me," Flaherty wrote in a Jan. 27 email to Oxborrow. "I invite you to call m y a s sistant Nichole

Services: No services will be held at his request. Contributions may be made

terms, including a risk assess-

"Please do not schedule

Calvin Warren Birrer, of Redmond Aug. 15, 1937 - Jan. 31, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net

The Associated Press jureothersor abuse children SALEM — A bill proposed again, the Salem Statesman by the leader of the state Sen- Journal reported Monday. ate would require life sentencThe bill applies to three es without parole for some of crimes — firs t-degree rape, Oregon's worst sex offenders. first -degree sodomy and The measure targets "pred- first -degree sexual penetra-

"Duveen," a profile of British

art dealer Joseph Duveen. "Everything he did made me understand how importMondale said. "Wealthy men

dor's residence in Tokyo and without good taste have to be promoted public art there. She handled carefully."

portant to

t h e c ommunity

Donations Donations of newand gently used clothes canbe made directly to Morning Star Christian School located at19741 Baker Road,

in Bend. SleepCountry is currently holding apajama drive through March2.

items and perform invento-

ries, recording how many items from Sleep Country went out to foster families.

"It teaches them organi-

zation and other practical

skills, which is always a good thing," Potter said. The seventh grade is not

unique in hosting a philanthropicprogram. Every class at Morning Star Christian

works on a charitable projwas sorting through a bag of ect throughout the year. The dents in a classroom. Large, clothes, a few students quiet- 3-year-olds in preschool are clear bins hold clothes of as- ly discussed whether a pair of working with an orphanage shelves assembled by the stusorted types and sizes while

teal pants were better suited

in Rwanda, while the first-

other containers are full of supplies like paper or cray-

for the boys' or girls' bin. grade class is helping to raise "It's fun getting to help peo- funds for a local child with a ons. Around 30 foster fam- ple and meeting them when rare, nontreatable disease. "Kids are naturally helpilies came to an open house they come in," said Annika last month, but the space is Timm, 12. ers and givers, and we want continually open WednesHer classmate, 13-year-old to help them with that," said days and Fridays as well as Ethan Crotwell, said, "It feels S hannon M a t h isen, th e on an emergency basis. good getting these clothes to school's outreach coordinaThe main task for the stu- people who need them." tor. "With the seventh-graddents, Potter said, is sorting A large portion of the ers, we were able to provide through and organizing the clothes come from fundrais- the kid-power so this proheaps of donated items that ers run by the mattress store gram could keep going." show up at the school. On Sleep Country. The students — Reporter: 541-633-2160, Monday, when Potter's class

are required to track these


driest 30 months since 1895. "More than half of the an-

Continued from 61

by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Water

nual precipitation arrives via and Climate Center, part of

Last month, U.S. Secretary

of Agriculture Tom Vilsack d esignated counties i n


winter storms between December and February. For the

1 1 third winter in a row, precipi-

statesas primary disaster ar- tation has been below normal eas due to drought conditions. across the state," noted ReNone of the counties are in becca Lindsay, the managing Oregon, but six Southern Or- editor of Climate.gov. "The egon counties — Josephine, last week of January is the Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Har- midway point of the winter ney and Malheur — are adja- wet season, and accumulated centtoprimary areas,mean- precipitation since July is the ing they too are eligible for lowest on record." federal assistance in the form Oregon is not much better of emergency loans from the off. As of Jan. 28, the entire Department of Agriculture's state is under at least a modFarm Service Agency. erate drought, and more than Conditions in California three quarters is experiencing are a pproaching h i stor- a severe drought, according ic records. Over the last 30 to the U.S. Drought Monitor, months, California has re-

a federal website affiliated

ceived an average of 33 inches with the National Oceanic of precipitation statewide, far and Atmospheric Adminisbelowtheaverage of53inches tration that tracks drought over the same 30-month span. conditions. Without any additional rain Last month, the first naor snow, this would mark the

tional water forecast issued

the Natural Resources Con-

servation Service, suggested a dry winter for Western states, including Oregon. "The North Cascades in

Washington might have a normal year, but Oregon and California are unlikely to have normal precipitation," said Natural Resources Con-

servation Service meteorologist Jan Curtis in a prepared statement.

Melissa Webb, the agency's lead snow surveyor for Oregon, remained optimistic. "Oregon snowpack looks grim right now, but the season is young and storms are on the horizon," Webb said in a prepared statement. "While concerned, we're hopeful for

some recovery in the next couple of months." — Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevenger@bendbulletirt.com



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided byWSI©201 4.







• i J




Today: I Partly cloudy skies and cold

Tonight: Partly cloudy and cold




2WH 6

River The

-:= Biggs 2803 Dages 29W/~6/E lington t ouermiston 28/11

i 47/26

HigsboroPO3 and Tglamooko 40I23 36/I 7 McMinnvige Is s/21 • Governmen Camp 15/1 Lincoln CiqySalem 41 /26 •


28/1 5

' Corvallis'

Yachats6 42/30






•I M

• Burns Riley 26/4



• 49 0 Brookings


Paisley 34/9

• Klamath



Yesterday's stateextremes

Jordan alley

36/I 5

• 45/26

• Brookings I





e df d





i 49/36


Valeo 32/6






Christmas Hey

• Silver Lake


Port'Oiford 47734, ' — Grants , Gold • Beach


• Pa IIia 29/8


31/I 3

EAST Partly to mostly cloudy skies and


• John Day

• Prineville 30/9

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Hot Springs, Va.


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32/24 ton 36/25 ew York 35/28





• Miami 82/72

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Thunder Bay 5/-1

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Partly cloudy skies and cold



23 5

21 5

Mostly sunny

Mostly cloudy with light snow likely



28 15

31 24




Yesterday' sweatherthrough 4p.m .inBend Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:52 a.m...... 648 pm. High/Low.............. 32/I 4 24 hours ending 4 p.m.*.. 0.09' Venus......502 am...... 258 p m. Record high........ 67 in 1976 Month tu date.......... 0.09' Mars......1059 p m.....1012 am. Remrdlow........ -17in1950 Average monthtodate... 0.12' Jupiter......2:11 p.m...... 5:36 a.m. Averagehigh.............. 43 Year to date............ 1.31 Satum......I:30 a.m.....11:24 a.m. Averagelow............... 24 Average yeartu dale..... 1.65 Uranus.....923 a.m...... 952 pm. Baromelricpressureat 4 p.m29.93 Remrd 24 hours ...0.50 in 1968

s.nraiemd w......ydga.m.Moon phases Sunsettuday...... 5 20 Pm Sunriise tomorrow .. 7:I 8 a.m. Sunsettomorrow... 5:21 p.m. Moonri setoday....9:4Ia.m.

F irst Fug

L as t N e w


Moan~mhy 1134p,m r .6 Fb.14 rd 2




*Melted liquid equivalent


Yesterday Tuesday W e d. The higher the UV Index number, the greater Hi/Lo/Pcp H i /Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eyeand skin protection. Index is City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totalsthrough4p.m. for solar at noon. Astoria ........44/31/0.00....40/25/pc......34/23/s Baker City......28/I 7/0.03..... 23/-4/c......16/I/pc Brookings......49/35/0.00....48/37/pc.....48/33/pc Burns..........36/21/0.00.....28/3/pc......22/6/sn Eugene........45/32/0.03 ....38/23/pc......37/18/5 Klamath Falls ...36/26/0.00 ....36/I 5/pc.....35/I 7/pc Lakeview.......37/25/0 00 ....34/I 6/pc.....32/I 5/pc La Pine.........33/25/NA.....31/3/pc...... 24/-I/s Medford.......47/33/0.00 ....45/26/pc.....43/21/pc Newport.......45/34/0.11 ....43/28/pc......35/23/s North Bend...... 55/37/NA....47/32/pc......42/24/s Ontario........39/29/0.10 .....30/5/pc.....26/10/pc Pendleton......28f25/0.10 ....25/11/pc.......21/4/s Portland .......43/35/0 02 ....33/I 9/pc......30/I7/s Prineville.......33/I 9/0.03.....30/9/pc.......22/5/s Redmond.......38/I0/0.00.....31/7/pc.......22/2/s Roseburg.......45/35/0.09....42/27/pc......41/23/5 Salem.........48/31/0.00....37/22/pc......33/19/s Sisters.........39/21/0.00.....31/5/pc.......21/0/s The Dages......36/32/0.01 ....29/I 4/pc......25/11/s







WOAD CONDITIONS Snow levelandroadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m.yesterday. Key:TT.= Traction Tires.

Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m.yesterday: Snow accumulation ininches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ....... . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 63 Hoodoo....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt.Ashland....... . . . . . . . . . . 0.0...noreport Mt. Bachelor...... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .56-72 Mt. Hood Meadows...... . . . . . 3 . . . . . .57-83 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl...... . . . . . 0.0.... ..13-1 9 Timberline....... . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0.. . . . . . . 72 Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report

Pass Conditions W igamette Pass .............0.0......22-40 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Cany chains or T.Tires Aspen, Colorado....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .57-59 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... . . . . .Chains > 10,000 lbs. Hwy.20 atSantiam Pass....ChainsorTT.agvehicles Mammoth Mtn., California...... 6. . . . . .25-35 Park City, Utah ....... . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 51 Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T.Tires Squaw Valley, California.......0.0... . . .23-33 Hwy. 58 atWigamette Pass.... Carrychains or T.Tires Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . I . . . . . .25-28 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake .... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico....... . . . . . . 2 . . . . . .34-39 Hwy.242atMcKenziePass........Closedforseason Vail, Colorado....... . . . . . . . . 0.0.... . . . . 64 For links to the latest ski conditions visit: For up-to-minute conditions turn to: www.tripcheck.com or call 511 www.skicentral.com/oregon.html Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thundes rtorms,sf-snowflurries,sn snow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace



Yesterday's extremes

Mostly sunny skies and cold


5' 0


Yesterday Tueslay Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yestenlay Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tueulay Wed. City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Oty Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/La/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi7lo/W AbileneTX......33/23NIN .. 56/25/sh. 31/I2/pc GrandRap ids.... 23/-4N.00 .. 25/I 8/sn.22/IIsn RapidCriy.......tlt0NOI... 6/9/50....3/8/c Savannah.......81/63/000... 60/58/t. 72/47/sh Akron ..........27/JONIN...30/25/c. 2$10/sn Green Bay......16/17/000....19/4/c ..13/6/sn Reno...........44/21N00...41/23/c.. 41/26/c Seattle......... Al/35N00... 37/21/s .. 34/19/s Altany..........32/28N.00... 33/24/5 .. 29/6/sn Greensboro......59/45/0.22... 39/37/r. 58/29/sh Richmond.......51/39066... 43/37/r. 6I31/sh Sioux Falls....... 2N 2N00... 10/7/c ..2/12/pc Albuquerque.... 49/31N.IN...44/25/c.. 4423/c Hamsburg.......58/36$76..33/28/pc..38/17/n Rochester, NY....26/20N.00.. 27/24/pc. 29/II/sn Spokane........24/13N.05....16/3/c... 14/I/s Anchorage......27/16NJN ..26/I6/pc .. 2413/s Hartford, CI'.....38/35019... 37/23/s..33/I4/rs Sacramenta......5N41N02 ..57/34/pc. 58/39/pc Springfield,MO.Al/I IN00 ..31/16/sn... 21/5/c Atlanta.........64/43N.I4... 50/49/t. 57/34/pc Helena...........17/7/014... 3/18/c .. 4/2Ic St Louis..........30/BN00 ..31/20/sn... 26/3/c Tampa..........79/66N00 ..81/65/pc...80/63/t AtlanticCity.....45/33/1.07..39/33/pc...46/28lr Honolulu........77/69$.07 .. 77/7ish. 78ffolsh Salt Lake City... 40/24N00 ..29/16/sn.. 31/I9/c Tucson..........61/40/000..5986/pc. 63/39/pc Austin..........45/34/0.00 ..7IJIsh. 49/27/pc Houston........5I39$.00 .. 63/42/sh.. 53/39/s SanAntonio.....52/37N00 ..69/39/sh. 5429/pc Tulsa............39N/000... 32/16/i... 21/8/c Baltimore.......45/34/1.34...33/31/c. 44/22/sh Huntsville...... 40I35/0.28... 58/41/t .. 45/27/s SanDiego.......62/52/009..60/5Npc.. 60/51/s Washingtan K. A//37/I 31...36/32/c. 46/24/sh -3/ 21/c Billings..........1 5/6/000...-1/13/c .. Indianapolis.....28/I3N 00 .. 30/21/sn... 26/4/c San Francisco....56/46$00 ..55/42/pc.. 55/46/5 Wichita........ Al/11/000... 26/5/sn... 11/I/c Birmingham .....45/37N.80... 65/43/t .. 52/29/s lackson,MS.....41/34N.05... 67/37/t .. 47/2is SanJose........56/42/000..56/39/pc..5543/s Yakima.........34/23N01...27/9/pc... 20/6/5 Bismarck.........1 6/5N.iN... I/-11/c...0/-I3/c lacksonvile......84/640.00... 79/63/I...79/504 SantaFe........42/23N00..36/I6/sn .. 34/14/c Yuma...........65/46/000 ..6$46/pc.. 69/44/s Boise...........37/JON.04....309/c .. 26/I3/c Juneau..........34/26N00... 24/I2/s .. 24/I 6/s INTERNATIONAL Boston......... 40/28N.I 7... 36/25/s..35/I 9/rs Kansas City.......31/2/000...25/9/m...12/6/c Bridgeport, CT... 40/32N60...35/27/s ..36/21/rs Lansing........ 22/ IIO00 ..24/If/sn .. 21/7/sn Amslerdam..... 46/34N00... 39/34/c. 46/4llsh Mecca..........91/72N00... 82/62/s.. 82/63/s Buffalo.........2$20N00...26/24/c. 27/12/sn LasYegas.......56/410.00 .. 55/37/pc.. 56/37/s Athens..........54/50N 24 .. 56/38/pc.. 51/42/c MexicoCity......75/48/000... 77/46/s.. 77/48/5 Burlington,VT....29/19N00...25/21/s .. 27/8/sn Lexington.......31/26/0.31 .. 36/32/rs..34/I5/n Auckland........77/59000 ..70/55/pc.7257/pc Monlreal........19/I0/000 ..21/I2/pc .. 1%3/sn Caribou, ME......24/5N.00.... 20/4/s..17/-I/sn Unmln...........33/4/000... 21/I/sn...7/ lmc Baghdad........45/42/0.24 ..54/36/pc. 54/36/pc Moscow........19/I2N.00 ..26/22/5/... 25/9/4 Charlestan,SC...73/59/0.01... 56/56/t. 70/47/sh Uttle Rock.......39/24000... 35/28/I. 36/21/pc Bangkak........95/7M.00 ..96/74/pc. 9f/77/pc Nairobi.........86/59N.00..81/54/sh. 83/54/lx Charlotte........72/54/0.09... 39/38/r. 6432/sh los Angeles......6546$.00..62/47/pc.. 61/51/s Beijing..........36/23N00 ..32/21/pc. 27/19/pc Nassau.........82/73N01..84/70/pc.. 84/7Is Chattanooga.....4989/1.52... 49/44/t. 48/3Ipc louisville........36/25$17 .. 37/29/rs .. 32/I4/c Beirut..........55/52NAB ..56/46/pc.. 57/4Is New Delhi.......79/46N00 ..78/62/pc. 78/56/pc Cheyenne........28/3N.00 .. 13/-9/sn....3/4yc Madison, Wl....18/12/000..23/11/sn...14/9/c Berlin...........39/30N.00... 34/24/s.34/32/pc Osaka..........61/45N.00..44/32/sh..41/34/sf Chicago......... 21/-6N.OD .26/2Nsn...21/-I/c Memphis........3$25$.00... 42/28/t. 36/22/pc Bogota .........654EN00... 75/57/t...75/52/t Oslo............3684/002..3I26/sn .. 31/28/c Cincinnas.......36/26N.03 ..34/27/sn.. 31/11/c Miami..........83/74000 ..82/72/pc.83/71/pc Budapest........41/21/000 ..30/I8/pc. 31/24/pc Ottawa..........21///000 ..21/14pc .. 19/0/sn Cleveland.......73/20N.IN...29/23/c .. 27/I0/c Milwaukee...... 20/-3N.00 .. 25/I 6/sn...18/-I/c BuenosAires.....77/66$58..86/72/sh...80/63/t Paris............480/000..48/39/pc.50/41/sh Colorado Springs.35/IIN.00...16N/sn...13/-I/c Minneapolis.....16/ IN 00 .. 16/5/pc...5/13/c Cabosantucas ..77/52/000..77/52/pc. 77/54/pc Riodelaneiro....97/72N00..9I75/pc.. 90/74/5 ColumbiaMO....28/2N.00,,27/13/sn, , ..2N-3/c Nashvile........34/30$.06... 46/33/I .. 37/23/c Cairo...........68/550.00 ..69/5ipc. 67/52/pc Rome...........57/48/1.88 ..55/41sh. 5450/sh ColumbiaSC....72/57N.00... , 47/45/r. 70/38/sh NewOrleans.....71/40/009... 71/52/t .. 57/38/s Calgary...........9NN04.. 4y I3/Sf...-4/4/S Santiago........84/54/000...82/59/s .. 84/615 Columbus, EA....66/58N.26... 63/55/t. 64/36/sh New York.......41/30/1.17... 35/28/s..33/23/rs Cancun.........82/73N00 ..84/70/pc...84/68/t Sao Faulo.......91/77N00..85/67/sh...BE/67/I Columbus,OH....32/26NJN..32/27/sn.. 30/9/sn Newark, NJ......41/30/0.85... 3$29/s. 33/22/sh Dublin......... 46/39N57 ..44/42/sh.45/40/sh Sapporo........25/25N.01.... 22/7/c. 19/10/pc Concard,NH.....3$26N.IN... 33/I 9/s.3$11/sn Norfolk,YA......51/3$0.16... 45/41/r. 63/32/sh Edinburgh...... 4143N00 ..37/36/pc. 39/39/sh Seoul...........34/19N00..24/23/pc. 25/26/pc CorpusChristi... A$40N.IN ..66/46/pc. 61/41/pc Oklahoma City...32/21$00 .. 33/I5/sn.. 17/6/pc Geaeva.........45/37N.00..46/28/sh.. 46/34/r Shanghai........52/41N.00.. 40/37/n. 42/41/sh DallasFtWonh...43/JON00.. 53/31/sh. 36/I9/pc Omaha..........31/7/000...21/2/sn...7/10/c Narare..........79/66N00..75/61/sh.74/60/sh Singapore.......88/73N00..87/72/pc.88/77/pc Daylnn .........29/21N.00.. 30/24/sn.. 27/7/sn Oilando.........86/62/000..84/65/pc.. Bt/64/I Hong Kong......79/63N00...68/66/c. 68/66/sh Stockholm...... 36/34N00...33/31/c.. 33/31/c Denver...........27/SN.iN .. 19/4/sn... 142/c Palm Springs.....68/46N00..66/42/pc .. 66/43/s Istanbul.........52/45N00 ..43/38/sh. 48/4mpc Sydney..........84/72N00..7465/sh .. 71/61/c DesMoines.......3I3N IN... 23/6/sn....9/9/0 Peoria.......... 20/-9N.00 .. 24/I 7/sn..2N-6/sn Jerusalem .......57/44N00..55/44/pc. 57/42/pc Taipei...........77/64/000..60/60/pc. 6I61/pc Detroit..........28/10N00..24/18/50... 26/5/c Philadelphia.... 44/33/I.l 5 ..36/31/pc.. 39/24/r Johannesburg....68/60/1.13 .. 7459/sh. 75/60/sh Tel Aviv.........66/52N.00..64/50/pc.. 64/49/s Duluth.......... 15/-5N.01 .. 11/-9/pc..5/-I 3/pc Phoenix.........61/500.00 ..64/44/pc.. 66/43/5 Lima.... .......7%70/000..79/ 67/pc.79/68/pc Tokyo...........64/48N00..39/2Nsn.3I32/pc El Paso..........61/36N IN... 56/33/s. 51/2Ipc Pittsburgh.......31/23N01... 34/3ic. 33/I5/sn Lisbon..........55/4M.00 ..57/56/sh. 58/56/sh Toronto.........25/12N.00..25/19/pc.. 23/7/sn Fairbanks........ II4N 00 .. 10/19/s...2/13/s Portland, ME.....34/28N00... 32/24/s. 30/I5/sn london........ 46/39N00..50/43/sh. 52/41/sh Yancouver.......39/25N00...33/Iis .. 32/19/s Fargo...........18/-3N.I 7 .. 0/-I3/pc... I/-I8/c Providence......41/30/0.42... 37/25/s ..392Nrs Madrid........ 46/2I004..40/4Ish. 5iy43/sh Yienna..........34/28NI4..37/25/pc.37/3ipc Ragstaff........31/15N01 ..34/15/pc. 3NIIpc Raleigh.........63/44/018... 41/40/r. 64/32/sh Manila..........86/75000 ..88/74/pc.8569/pc Warsaw.........3416/000...28/2is. 29/2?/pc

"Finally Free - No Drugs Or Harmful side Effects!" Do you suffer from bloating, abdominal pain, irritable bowel or indigestion? Do

But at this point you are not able to digest foods very well. This leads to malnutri-

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You must find out what is causing the

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Dr. Tim Lind Functional Medicine 8

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There are so many things that can go wrong! Have you been treated without success? Been told to "live with it"? Are you tired of taking drugs that don't fix the problem? Not getting any better?

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Ihave had digest iveissues so severe that I didn't want to leave my house. I couldn't eat or drink anything. After being through your program I'm feeling great; it has been more year's than I can remember. Ny energy has increased, I'm exercising again, and I'm actually able to travel. Pat T

IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 Sports in brief, C2 NFL, C2

NBA, C3 NHL, C3 College basketball, C3


OLYMPICS Slopestyle course safety questioned KRASNAYA POLY-

ANA, Russia — Four years after a lugeathlete died on a training run in Vancouver on anOlympics course that had drawn widespread criticism, the Winter Games face another safety issue just days before the opening ceremony. Officials scrambled Monday to makechanges to the slopestyle course here after a top snowboarder broke his collarbone in acrash and several athletes raised concerns about the safety of the course, including onewho said, "It's like jumping out of a building." "It looks pretty sketchy," RoopeTonteri, asnowboarder from Finland, told reporters after a training session at Rosa Khutor Extreme Park, where slopestyle will make its Olympics debut. "I think they wanted to makebig kickers and it's not really good for riders and it's not really safe anymore.

O www.bendbulletin.com/sports



Seahawks' Russell Wilson

Manning millionsvanish as Wilson poised tocashin By Scott Soshnick

Matt Slocum /

The Associated Press

dorser, quarterback Peyton Manning, Madison Avenue executives will flock

Bloomberg News

NEW YORK — Quarterback Russell Wilson and his Seattle Seahawks teammates came to the

to Wilson, said Bob Dorfman, executive

New Yorkarea and won not only the Super Bowl

directorat San Francisco-based Baker Street Advertising. The win, Dorfman

but, in the part that matters to companies seeking

said, will result in at least another $2 mil-

athlete endorsers, the hearts and minds of those lion in endorsements, about four times watching on television. what the second-year player was paid by the In the afterglow of the Seahawks' 43-8 victory

Seahawks this season.

over the Denver Broncos and their platinum en-

See Wilson /C4


I just don't want to get

injured. It's not a really fun course to ride." Torstein Horgmo of Norway, a medalcontender in a sport that features a long downhill course of obstacles followed by aseries of large jumps, crashed on the rail portion of the course. A teamofficial, Thomas Harstad, said Horgmo landed onhis face and shoulder and will be out of the Games. Men's and women's snowboarders discussed the course's safety issues after Monday's three-hour training session and proposed changes to the sport's officials. "The last jump has a lot of impact on it, and the takeoff is really long," said Charles Guldemond, a U.S. snowboarder. "Someof the guys and girls are

Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

La Pine boys basketball coach Kent Wieber, left, and girls basketball coach Kim Beer have helped the Hawks teams climb in the rankings of the Sky-Em League.

• La Pine's boys and girls basketball coachesKim Beerand Kent Wieber havethe Hawkssoaring again n many ways, Kim Beer and nine, eight and seven victories over Yet both first-year (second-stint) Kent Wieber could not be more the next three years. Wieber took coaches were primary choices for

t Beer moved nearly a hundred different.

miles to take over a struggling La Pine High girls basketball program — one he led to a Class 4A state championship in 2009. Wieber, who guided the La Pine girls from 1997 to 2001, took only a short walk to the La Pine athletic office — he

intimidated. I felt like I

was dropping out of the sky." Roberto Moresi, the assistant snowboard race director, said officials would modify the course to make it safer. The course designer, Anders Forsell, said the training session "worked out fine."

the reins of a team that, after post-

ing six and seven wins in 2010-11 and 2011-12, respective-

La Pine athletic director Rusty Zysett. And both have their teams in the

In 2009, Beer guided the La Pine

girls to the second state championship in program history, and his team followed that up with a thirdplace finish at the state tournament in 2010.

Iy booked» wi»

thick of Sky-Em League races this

l ast season, t h e


about as smooth as could be. But

we knew what we

da, to Pleasant Hill.

Hawks' most in 20 years, according to


Wieber. Then there is the

For a coach, Beer's journey was

"They're both health issues with his mother-intop-notch guys, and law pulled Beer and his wife, Glen-

were getting with Fortunately, Glenda's mother was cept the boys basketball coaching stark age difference between the them," Zysett says. "It's not like we admitted to a memory care facilposition. two coaches' current rosters. Sev- had to look too hard.... It felt like it ity in Eugene, where her well-beBeer assumed control of a Hawks en seniors are at Wieber's disposal, was the right time for both of them, ing has since improved. And last program that was spiraling down- while Beer's girls team includes just and I don't think there is a wrong spring, Beer's interest in returning ward, from 21 w in s i n 2 0 09-10 five upperclassmen — three seniors time for either one of them to come to Central Oregon was piqued. (Beer's fifth and final season) to and two juniors. into our program." SeeLa Pine/C4 teaches at the high school — to ac-

—New YorkTimes

SOCCER Beckhampushing MLS in Miami MIAMI — Soccer legend David Beckham will take part in a news conference Wednesday to discuss his progress in trying to bring a Major League Soccer expansion team to Miami. MLS Commissioner Don Garber andMiami-DadeCountyMayor Carlos Gimenezalso will attend the session, which was announced Monday. Theleague has discussed placing its next two expansion teams in Miami and Atlanta.

Among those who might become involved is Beckham's friend and pro basketball superstar LeBron James, who has had recent conversations with the retired soccer star about bringing a team to Miami.

"It's looking very promising," Jamessaid Monday. "Hopefully they can go in the right direction as we all planned. It's a great place for soccer." —TheAssociated Press



NBA might be more top-heavy than ever before

At last, Winter gets its own 'Games'

By Tim Reynolds The Associated Press

Adam Silver is taking over the National Basketball Association at a good time.

In fact, for five teams, it is a really good time. Indiana, Miami, Oklahoma City, San Antonio and Portland all enter the week with

winning percentages of .700 or better, and that is significant.

Only one other time in league history1997-98 — have as many as five teams won at such a rate, that coming in a season when

• The first Ice Games took place inChamonix, France, in 1924and the Associated Press was there to coverthem By Jim Litke The Associated Press

CHAMONIX, FRANCE — A ragtag parade down the center of town

marked the opening ceremonies of the first Winter Olympics. As a p h oto f rom

t h e p a rade

Chicago, Indiana, Utah, Seattle and the Los Angeles Lakers did the honors. It is not in-

suggests, it was a quaint setting. Many of the athletes — they really

conceivable that more than five finish with

were amateurs back in the day-

that good a winning percentage, with the Los Angeles Clippers and Houston still hav-

are lugging their own equipment: hockey sticks, skates, skis and such. Then again, by 1924 standards, it was considered quite a pageant. Ninety years after its original publication, The Associated Press is making its original report on

ing realistic shots as well.

So in a season in which so much of the narrative has been about how bad many NBA teams are — and with good reason-

there is another end of the spectrum to consider too. At their current rates, Indiana and Okla-

homa City are on pace to finish with two of the top 25 records in NBA history. Milwaukee, meanwhile, would have the 11th-

worst mark ever if the season was ending now. See NBA/C3

The Associated Press file

ln this Jan. 25, 1924, photo, a man carries the American flag as the United States is represented during opening ceremonies for the first Winter Olympics

in Chamonix, France. The teams of all the nations represented, bearing their national flags and emblems, paraded from the City Hall to the skating rink, where the actual competitions began the following day. traditionally much more expensive

mir Putin and his countrymen had

summer counterparts, they have better have plans up their sleeves for Winter Olympics available. been generally modest affairs ever something with a little more oomph. The wholeshebang atChamonix since. But there are oligarch-sized Otherwise, they will have $50 bilin 1924 cost less than $28 million in ambitions to flip the script this time lion — more than has been lavished today's dollars, and it set the tone around. on any previous Olympics — worth for the winter games that followed. When the world gathers in Sochi of questions to answer for. Unlike their bigger, brassier and this week, Russian President VladiSeeWinter /C4 the opening ceremonies of the first





TODAY SOCCER FA Cup,Fulham vsSheffield United

Time TV/ Radio 11:30 a.m.FoxSports 2


Men's college, Ohio State at lowa Men's college, Kansas atBaylor Men's college, Mississippi at Kentucky Men's college, St. John's at Providence Men's college, Missouri at Florida Men's college, Duke atWakeForest Men's college, Butler at Marquette Women's college, Arizona atArizona State

4 p.m. ESPN 4 p.m. ESPN2 4 p.m. ESPNU 4 p.m. Fox Sports 1 6 p.m. ESPN 6 p.m. ESPNU 6 p.m. Fox Sports1 Pac-12 6:30 p.m


NHL, NewYork Islanders at Washington

4:30 p.m. N BCSN


Men's college, Boston College atVirginia Men's college, Oklahoma atWest Virginia Men's college, Pittsburgh at Miami NBA, Portland at NewYork

Time 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m.

ESPN, 1110-AM, 100.1-FM

Men's college, Stanford at California 6 p.m. Men's college, Louisville at Houston 6 p.m. Men's college, Nevadaat Utah State 6 p.m. Men's college, Washington State at Colorado 6:30 p.m. NBA, Miami at LosAngeles 7 :30 p.m. Men's college, Wyoming at NewMexico 8 p.m. Men's college, Portland at Gonzaga 8 p.m. HOCKEY NHL, Pittsburgh at Buffalo

TV/ Radio ESP N 2 ESP N U Root ESP N 2 ESP N U Root

P a c-12 ES P N ESP N U Root

4:30 p.m. N BCSN

Listingsarethemostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible forlatechangesmadeby TV orradiostations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF FOOTBALL SuPer BOWI SetS ratingS reCOrd —Forthe fourth time in five years, the SuperBowl hasset arecord for the most-watchedtelevision event in U.S.history, drawing111.5 million viewers eventhough the Seattle Seahawks'43-8 victory over theDenverBroncoswas not really competitive. Theratings record is further evidence of howlive events are becomingdependableandvaluable properties for broadcast television at atime the audience is fragmenting and ratings for regular entertainment showscontinue to fall. The gamealso setstandards for the most-streamedsports event online and, with 24.9 million tweets, the biggest U.S.Iive TVevent on Twitter. The Seattle victory eclipsed the111.3 million viewers whowatched the2012 SuperBowl between the NewYork Giants andNewEngland Patriots, according to the Nielsen company.

SAILING Skipper Spithill returnS to CupChamp —Sklpper Jlmmy Spithill has re-signed with two-time America's Cupchampion Oracle Team USA.While Spithill's announcement Monday wasn't a surprise, the Australian tells TheAssociated Press hewas offered jobs with other syndicates after leading OracleTeamUSA'sstunning comeback over Emirates TeamNewZealand in the 34th America's Cup onSan Francisco Bay inSeptember. Oracle won eight straight races to keep the oldest trophy in international sports in the United States.

SWIMMING OlympiC great lan Thorpe in rehad —Themanager of Olympic swimming great lan Thorpe says the five-time gold medalist is in rehab after being found disoriented on aSydney street early Monday morning by police responding to a call from residents. James Erskine told the Australian Associated Press that Thorpe was affected by a combination of antidepressants and the painkillers he was taking for a shoulder injury. Police spoke to Thorpe after residents near his parents' home in Panania in Sydney's southwest reported a manallegedly breaking into a van. Hewas taken to Sydney's Bankstown Hospital for assessment andwas later transferred to a rehab facility. — From wire reports

ON DECK Today Boys basketball: Bend atSummit, 7p.m.; Mountain View at Ridgeview, 7p.m.; Redm ond at Crook County,7p.m.;Madrasat Estacada,7p.m.; Culver at Kennedy,6:30p.mc Central Christianat Condon/Wheele5:30 r, p.mcButte Fallsat Gilchrist,

IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers © 2014 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick www.gocomics.com/inthebleachers

7p.m. Girls basketball:Summitat Bend,7 p.m.; Ridgeviewat Mountain View,7 p,mcCrookCounty atRedmond,7p,m4EstacadaatMadras,7p.m.; Culver atKennedy, 5 p.mc Central Christianat Condon/Whee ler, 4p.m.; ButteFalls atGilchrist, 5:30 p.m. Wrestling: Sum mit at LaPine, 7 p.mcRedmond JV, Culver JVat Sisters, 7 p.m. Thursday Wrestgng:Sisters, Summit at Ridgeview,7 p.m.; La Pine atMadras,7 p.mzMountamViewat Bend,7 p.m.; RedmondatCrookCounty,7p.m.


Professional Zagreb Indoors Monday At DomSportoya Zagreb, Croatia Purse:$654,900(WT250) Surlace: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round Marin Cilic (5),Croatia,def.MateDelic, Croatia,

Friday Boysbasketball:RedmondatBend,7p.mcSummit at MountainView, 7 p.mcRidgeviewat Crook County, 7p,mzElmiraat Sisters, 5:45p,mcLa Pine atSweetHome, 5:45p,mdCulver at Santiam, 6:30p,mcCentral Christian at Sherm an, 7:30p.m. Girls basketball: MountainViewat Summit, 7 p.m.; BendatRedmond,7p.m.;CrookCountyatRideview, 7p.m.; Elmiraat Sisters, 7:15p.m.; La ine atSweet Home, 7:15p.m.; Culver atSantiam, 5 p.m.;Trinity Lutheranat Condon/Wheeler, 4:30 p.m.;CentralChristianatSherman,6 p.m.

6-4, 6-4.

BenjaminBecker,Germany,def.JesseHutaGalung, Netherlands,6-7(4),6-3,7-6(6).

Bud deFrance Monday At ArenaMontpellier Montpellier, France Purse:$654,900(WT250) Surlace: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round Paul-HenriMathieu,France,def. NicolasMahut, France,6-1,3-0, retired.

BASKETBALL Men's College Monday'sGames

Easl Delaware 80, Northeastern 67 Drexel61,UNCWilmington50 Mass. -Lowell73,NJIT64 Rider73,Fairfield 65 Syracuse 61,Notre Dame55 Villanova81, Xavier 58 South Alabama A&M67,Prairie View55 Alabama St.79,TexasSouthern73,OT Bethu ne-Cookman91,SCState59 CoppinSt 54 DelawareSt 53 FloridaA&M54, SavannahSt. 51 GeorgiaSt. 85,SouthAlabama65 Howard68,NCA8T 60 MVSU75,Grambling St. 67 Morgan St.94,Hampton92,20T NC Central66,Md.-Eastern Shore62 Samford76,Furman68 Midwest Georgetown 71, DePaul 59 Bouthwesl Ark.-PineBluff70,JacksonSt.69 lowaSt. 98,OklahomaSt. 97,3OT Far West Montan a70,MontanaSt.66

Chicago5, LosAngeles 3 Philadelphia5,SanJose2 Today'sGames Vancouver at Boston,4p.m. ColoradoatN.Y.Rangers,4 p.m. Winnipeg at Carolina, 4p.m. Calgaryat Montreal,4:30 p.m. Torontoat Florida, 4:30p.m. N.Y.IslandersatWashington, 4:30p.m. OttawaatSt. Louis, 5p.m. TampaBayatMinnesota,5p.m. Dallas atPhoenix, 6p.m. Wednesday'sGames Pittsburghat Bufalo, 4:30p.m. Chicag oatAnaheim,7p.m. Dalla satSanJose,7:30p.m

"Do not give him a bite of your hot dog or he will expect that every single time we come to a game!"

DEALS Transactions

13. Iowa 17-5 37 7 12 14. Kentucky 16-5 37 2 11 15. SaintLouis 20-2 3 6 2 21 16. Michigan 16-5 3 2 8 14 17. IowaState 16-4 29 0 18 18. Texas 1 7-4 2 8 7 19. Oklahoma State 1 6- 5 2 2 7 10 20. Gonzaag 20-3 21 4 24 21. Virginia 1 7-5 1 9 7 22. Pittsburgh 18-4 9 9 17 23. Oklahoma 17-5 9 4 25 24. Wisconsin 17-5 7 2 13 25. OhioState 17-5 6 7 23 Othersreceivingvotes: Memphis 58, Uconn47, VCU26,SouthernMiss.25,UMass24,UCLA20,New Mexico16,SMU10, Baylor 7, California5, Harvard 4, George Washington 2, SaintJoseph's1, StephenF. Austin1, Toledo1.

14. NCState 15. Kentucky 16.LSU 17. WestVirginia 18. Vanderbilt 19.Texas A&M

19-3 43 6 17-5 4 3 5 17-5 3 5 4 19 - 3 344 17-5 29 8 17-6 2 4 3 20-3 1 9 4

18 13 14 20 16 17 22

20.Gonzaga 21. MiddleTennessee 18-3 1 3 4 25 22. Nebraska 15-5 1 02 23. California 14-7 9 3 21 24. Michigan St. 1 5-7 8 8 25.Purdue 15-7 8 5 19 Othersreceivingvotes:lowaSt. 68,St.John's28, Rutgers22,Syracuse17, FloridaSt. 16,WichitaSt. 14, Oklahoma12,BowlingGreen7, Chattanooga6, DePaul4,JamesMadison3, Michigan3,Saint Mary's (Cal) 3,Texas3, lona1.



BALTIMOR EORIOLES—Agreedto termswith INF

AlexGonzalezonaminorleaguecontract. LOSANGELESANGELS—Agreed to termswith 3B Davi dFreeseandRHPKevinJepsen.SignedINF ChadTracyto aminor-leaguecontract.

TEXASRANGERS— Agreedto terms with RHP Danie lBard,RHPChe-HsuanLinandRHPArmando Galarragaon minor leaguecontracts. ReleasedRHP TylerTufts.

National League


Kirk Gibsonandgeneral manager Keyin Towers to contractextensions.Agreedto termswith OFGerardo Parra on aone-yearcontract. COLOR ADO ROCKIES — Agreed to termswith RHPMannyCorpasandRHPNickMassetonminor Polls leaguecontracts. AP Top 25 NEWYOR KMETS —Agreed to termswith RHP HOCKEY The top25teamsinTheAssociated Press' college KyleFarnsworthonaminor-leaguecontract. Women's College basketballpoll, withfirst-placevotes in parentheses, SANFRANCISCOGIANTS—Named FredStanNHL records throughFeb.2,totalpointsbasedon25 points Monday'sGames ley speciaassi l stant, playerpersonnel;RussMorman fora first-placevotethroughonepoint fora25th-place East NATIONALHOCKEY LEAGUE managerfor Richmond(EL); LennSakata manager vote andlastweek's ranking: Georgia Tech77, Pitsburoh 66 Standings for SanJose(Cal); AndySkeels hitting coachfor R ecord Pts P ru Mount St.Mary' s69,CCSU55 All TimesPBT Fresno(PCL)andTodd Lindenhitting coachfor 1 . Syracuse (65) 21 - 0 1, 625 2 St. Francis(Pa.)83,Bryant79 Augusta(SAL). Promoted Shane Turner to director 2 1-1 1,517 1 Wagner 67, Robert Morris 51 2. Arizona EasternConference of playerdevelopment; SteveDeckerto coordinator 1 9-2 1,482 3 South 3. Florida AtlanticDivision of minor leagueinstruction andhitting; andCarlos 2 3-0 1,447 4 AppalachianSt.75,Furman70 4. WichitaSt. GP W L OT PtsGF GA Valderramato manager of the Dominican Summer 1 9-1 1,370 5 Belmont70,MoreheadSt. 67 5. SanDiegoSt. Boston 5 4 35 16 3 73 164 119 LeagueGiants. ne-Cookman64,SCState56 6. Villanova 1 9-2 1,252 9 Bethu Tampa Bay 5 5 32 18 5 6 9 162 137 BASKETB ALL 72, GeorgiaSouthern60 2 1-2 1,182 1 3 Chattanooga 7. Cincinnati Toronto 5 7 30 21 6 66 170 176 National Basketball Association Coppin St. 81, D ela w are St . 54 8. Kansas 1 6-5 1,141 6 Montreal 5 6 29 21 6 64 137 139 L OS ANGE LE S C L I P PE R S — SignedGSashaVu76,Samford58 9. Michigan St. 1 9-3 1,136 7 Davidson Detroit 56 25 19 12 62 146 158 jacic toa10-daycontract. idaA8M 78,SavannahSt.72 10. Michigan 16-5 94 9 10 Flor Ottawa 56 24 21 11 59 159 178 PHILADEL PHIA 76ERS — Recalled G Lorenzo U59 11. Duke 17-5 9 4 0 17 GramblingSt.67, MVS Florida 5 5 21 27 7 4 9 133 174 BrownfromDelaware(NBADL). 90,MorganSt.46 12. Creighton 18-3 79 0 20 Hampton Buffalo 5 5 15 32 8 38 107 164 Md.-Eastern Sh ore 72, NC C en tral 57 FOOTBA LL 13. SaintLouis 20-2 72 8 19 NC A&T69,Howard48 Metropolitan Division National Football League 14. Louisville 18-4 7 2 3 12 PrairieView68,AlabamaA&M60 GP W L OT PtsGF GA CLEVELAND B RO WNS — NamedKyleShanahan 15. Texas 17-4 71 9 25 Tennessee P ittsburgh 5 6 3 9 15 2 8 0 178 133 offensive Tech 79,TennesseeSt. 75 coordinator. 16. IowaSt. 16-4 71 7 16 TexasSouthern83,AlabamaSt.74,OT N .Y.Rangers 56 30 23 3 63 145 140 OAKLANDRAIDERS— Named JoeWoods de17. Iowa 17-5 66 9 15 UT-Martin87,E.Kentucky 65 C olumbus 56 29 23 4 6 2 167 156 fensive backscoach and MarcusRobertsonassistant 18. Kentucky 16-5 65 3 11 W. Carolina66,Wofford 47 P hiladelphia 57 28 23 6 62 157 165 secondary coach. 19. Oklahoma St. 16-5 42 0 8 C arolina 5 4 2 5 2 0 9 5 9137 151 Midwest HOCKEY 20. Virginia 1 7-5 3 64 W ashington 56 25 22 9 5 9 164 172 AustinPeay87, SEMissouri 74 National HockeyLeague 21. Oklahom a 17-5 36 1 23 GreenBay70,Valparaiso 42 NewJersey 57 23 21 13 59 133 142 ANAHEIMDUCKS — RecalledD SamiVatanen 22. Uconn 1 7-4 2 5 2 SIU-Edwardsville59,NJIT54 N.Y.lslanders 57 21 28 8 50 159 191 from Norfolk(AHL). 23. Gonz aga 2 0-3 2 3 7 Southwest WesternConference MONTREALCANADIENS — Traded D Raphael 24. Memp his 16-5 11 4 22 Baylor81,Oklahoma67 Central Division 25. Pittsburgh 18-4 1 1 0 18 Jackson St. 78,Ark.-PineBluff 69 GP W L OT Pts GF GA DiaztoVancouverfor FDale Weise. AssignedFChrissto Hamilton (AHL). Othersreceivingvotes:Wisconsin79, Ohio St.45, Far West Chicago 58 34 10 14 82 205 161 tian Thoma NEW JERSEYDEVILS—ActivatedDPeter Harrold VCU44,SMU15,NewMexico12, California 9, UCLA Montan a84,MontanaSt.79,OT St. Louis 5 4 37 12 5 79 185 125 from i n j u red reserve. 9,Harvard4,GeorgeWashington3,LSU3,Tennessee Colorado 5 5 36 14 5 7 7 167 143 COLLEGE Polls 2, American U.1,Southern Miss.1. Minnesota 5 7 29 21 7 6 5 140 144 MOUNTAIN WEST CONFERENCE — Suspended AP Women'sTop25 Dallas 5 5 25 21 9 59 158 160 men' sbasketballGJoshAdamsonegame The top 25teamsinTheAssociatedPress'women's Nashville USATodayTop25 5 7 25 23 9 59 142 172 Wyoming e against Utah Thetop25teamsintheUSATodaymen' scollege collegebasketball poll, withfirst-placevotesinparen- Winnipeg 5 7 27 25 5 5 9 161 166 striking anopponent in a Feb.1 gam State. theses, records through F eb. 2, total poi n ts based on basketballpoll, withfirst-placevotesin parentheses, PacificDivision AIRFORCE— NamedRonVanderlindenandTim records throughFeb.2, points basedon25points for 25 pointsfor afirst-placevotethroughonepoint fora GP W L OT Pts GF GA voteandlast week's ranking: afirst-placeyotethrough onepoint for a 25th-place 25th-place A naheim 5 8 4 0 1 3 5 8 5191 143 Crossassistantfootball coaches. AKRON— NamedOtis Mounds cornerbacks R ecord Pts P r u S anJose 5 7 3 5 16 6 7 6 170 139 voteandpreviousranking: 23-0 900 1 L osAngeles 58 30 22 6 66 137 127 coach. Record Pts Pvs 1. Uconn(36 ) 21-0 86 3 2 V ancouver 57 2 7 21 9 6 3 142 149 ARKAN SAS— Reinstated junior basketball FAl1. Syracuse (32) 21-0 80 0 2 2. NotreDame 21-1 82 7 4 Phoenix 2. WichitaState 23-0 74 5 3 3. Stanford 55 2 6 1 9 10 62159 164 andiseHarris andsophomore basketball G Michael 4. Louisville 22-1 7 7 5 5 3. Arizona 2 1-1 7 25 C algary 55 2 1 2 7 7 4 9 132 173 Quallsfromtheir one-gamesuspensions. 21-2 7 6 6 3 BAKER — Announcedthe resignation of baseball 4. Florida 19-2 7 2 0 4 5. Duke E dmonton 58 19 33 6 4 4150 196 5. San DiegoState 19-1 68 0 5 6. SouthCarolina 20 - 2 707 7 NOTE: Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime coachPhil Hannon,effective at theendof the2014 18-3 6 8 0 9 season. 6. Villanova 19-2 59 6 9 7. Baylor loss. 18-4 64 7 10 7. Cincinnati 21-2 57 0 15 8. Tenness ee Monday'sGames FLAGLE R—NamedKely Hollowaywomen'sinter17-4 59 5 1 2 8. Michigan State 19-3 54 6 6 9. Penn St. Edmonto n3,Buff alo2 im volleybalcoach. l 17-4 5 4 5 8 9. Kansas 16-5 49 8 7 10. Maryland Pittsburgh2, Otawa1, OT HOLYCROSS— NamedMikeKashurbadefensive 19-3 46 5 15 Detroit 2,Vancouver 0 10. Louisville 18-4 47 4 7 11. Arizona St. coordinator. 11. Duke 17-5 4 0 9 16 12. Oklahoma St. 18 - 3 464 11 Colorado 2, NewJersey1, OT OKLAHOMASTATE— Dismissedfreshmanbas12. Creighton 18-3 4 0 4 20 13. NorthCarolina 17 - 5 453 6 Columbus 4,Anaheim2 ketball GStevieClark.

A er doing it their way,Seahawkssavor the moment By John Branch

Hall of Fame quarterback now run-

ning the Broncos — to stamp their EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — Af- storied careers. ter the Super Bowl, in the concrete On this evening, they were headed corridor connecting the locker rooms one way. of the Seattle Seahawks and the DenThen Carroll and the Seahawks ver Broncos, players and coaches came the other — all youthful encame and went. thusiasm, rah-rah coaching philosoPeyton Manningand John Elway phies, a roster of overlooked players went one way, separately, a pair of representing a ravenous fan base aging quarterbacks left searching for looking for its first championship to their dose of validation. celebrate. "What about this defense?" Carroll Pete Carroll came the other. The coach of the Seahawks, he stepped shouted, hoisting the trophy and elicinto the locker room to a raucous iting cheers from the circle around celebration: players and team em- him. He moved on to the offense, ployees posed with the Lombardi then the special teams. He listed Trophy and the introverted running players by name, he cited the power back Marshawn Lynch danced to cel- of the team's fans in Seattle, and he ebrate Seattle's 43-8 victory. implored the players to do something Carroll called his players to the rarelysuggested by a coach:He told middle of the room. them to stay up all night long. aWe have done everything the way Carroll, 62, is coaching his third we've wanted to get it done," Carroll, NFL team but his first since lifting his voice hoarse, shouted through Southern California to college domthe din. "I'm so proud, fellas, I'm so inance and a national championship proud, that we are standing here, in the last decade. When he joined New York Times News Service

right now, in this moment."

The moment felt like a change in direction for the National Football League. The league, built in tradition, had brought the Super Bowl to its New York metropolitan area

headquarters and staged a game in the outdoor elements, a throwback

to the pre-Super Bowl age. It provided theperfectbackdrop fora pairof icons representing the league's past 30 years — Manning, the 37-year-old Denver quarterback, and Elway, the


doing this," linebacker Bobby Wag- and, especially, Carroll, for taking a ner said. chance on them and believing in their Against the Broncos, the Sea- abilities when so many others did hawks got touchdowns from five not. A recent poll asked NFL players different players. One was Doug which coach they would most like to Baldwin, an undrafted receiver. An- have. It was Carroll, seemingly wired

overlooked him presumably because his height — 5 feet 11 inches — was deemed too short for an NFL quarterback, nothing at all like Manning. Or Elway. Even Manning's backup in other was Jermaine Kearse, also Denver, Brock Osweiler, was drafted undrafted. ahead of Wilson. Linebacker Malcolm Smith, who aSomany people told me I couldn't returned an interception for a touchdo it," said Wilson, who completed down, recovered a fumble and was 18 of 25 passes for 206 yards, two named the game's MVP, was a sevtouchdowns and no interceptions, a enth-round draft pick in 2011. He had performance that far outshined that startedthree games before this seaof Manning,who on Saturday was son. Asked after the game about his named the NFL's Most Valuable Play- 40-yard dash time at the post-college er for the fifth time. scouting combine, he said he was not Seattle has one of the youngest invited. teams in the NFL. Only three Super Seattle's top-ranked defense disBowl champions have had a lower av- mantled Manning and Denver's reerage age: the 1974 Pittsburgh Steel- cord-setting offense, shutting out ers, the 1981 San Francisco 49ers and history's highest-scoring team until the 1985Chicago Bears.The Steelers the final play of the third quarter. won four Super Bowls over six years, The performance elicited instant the 49ers won three in the 1980s, and comparisons to defensive champions the Bears were a powerhouse for sev- of the past, like the Steelers of the eralseasons. 1970s, the Bears of the 1980s and the the Seahawks in 2010, he brought The Broncos may well return to the Baltimore Ravens of a more recent that collegiate enthusiasm and a be- Super Bowl next year, particularly if vintage. lief in positive thinking to the NFL, Manning returns, which seems likely It is a defense rooted in fundamenwhere fkm long has been consid- — though that could change pending tals and built on speed. During the ered a weakness to be eradicated by offseason exams of his surgically re- season, the Seahawks practice tackdiscipline. paired neck. ling at Tuesday practices. During the General manager John Schneider But Denver feels like a team trying SuperBowl,they made Denver look overhauled Seattle's roster, dotting it to squeeze something out of the pres- old and slow. "We're fast, we're physical, and with heavy doses of undrafted play- ent. The Seahawks feel like a team at ers, the kind hungry to prove their the start of something big. we played this game on our terms," "If we stay together — we're young, saidSeahawks defensivecoordinator worth. He drafted quarterback Ruswe're talented — we feel like we can Dan Quinn. sell Wilson two years ago iytthe third round, after all of the other teams keep doing this and doing this and Many players credited Schneider

for the current generation amid a fra-

ternity of old-school coaches. "He's the

m ost positive, f o r-

ward-thinking coach for the players of today that I've seen," the Seahawks' owner, Paul Allen, said in the

locker room. "It's just amazing." It was shortly after Allen gushed about his coach that Carroll, fresh

from a news conference and other interviews, bounded into Seattle's locker room.

Sometime before the team returned after the game, a banner had been hung that pronounced the Sea-

hawks the champions. Carroll stood below it as he addressed the team. "One more thing," he shouted.

"As close as we are right now, we will never be separated from this moment."

The Seahawks finished with their usual routine. aWe all we got!" a player shouted.

"We all we need!" the chorus, including Carroll, sang. The refrain was repeated three times.

Then, in unison, a full-throated final question: "What's next?" The answer: a v i c tory p arade

scheduled in Seattle on Wednesday, and a league left trying to figure out how to be more like the latest, newest

Super Bowl champions.





Ro in Wizar sta eoutBazers Blackhawks get out of The Associated Press and there's no parade sched-

inance, beating Memphis. Pacers 98, Magic 79:INDIANAPOLIS — Danny Granger scored16points,PaulGeorge

uled for Pennsylvania Avenue.

and Lance Stephenson each

But John Wall pumped his right arm and smiled broadly

added 15, and Indiana beat Orlando.

as he dribbled out the clock, and the first word out of Brad-

Heat 102, Pistons 96: MIAMI — LeBron James came

ley Beal's mouth when he ad-

within two rebounds of his

dressed the crowd said it all:

first triple-double this season, and Miami won for the fifth

WASHINGTON — No, confetti didn't fall from the rafters,

slump, roll pastKings

The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — Patrick

and beat his U.S. Olympic teammate for his 26th goal

Wall, who has endured more than his share of W i z ards

points in the second half and

Kane had two goals and an assist, Nick Leddy had a goal and an assist, and the Chicago Blackhawks snapped their recent slump with a 5-3 victory over the struggling Los Angeles Kings on Monday night. Marcus Kruger scored the tiebreaking goal on a double deflection in the second period for the defending Stanley Cup champions, who had lost five of six. Bryan Bickell also scored and Corey Crawford made 31 saves as Chicago swept the three-game season series

also doled out nine assists,

between last season's West-

frustration since his selection

and San Antonio overcame a 14-point deficit.

ern Conference finalists. Anze Kopitar had a goal

ing apass from Carter for his 17th goal. Also on Monday: Red Wings 2, Canucks

Bucks 101, Knicks 98:MILWAUKEE — Brandon Knight

and two assists in Los Ange-

0: DETROIT — Justin Ab-

made a 3-pointer with 1.4 sec-

mance since Jan. 21. Drew

delkaderscored early in the second period and again in

onds left and finished with

Doughty and Tyler Toffoli also scored, and Jonathan Quick stopped 25 shots in the Kings' ninth loss in 10 games. With Chicago's victory

"Finally." The Washington Wizards

time in six games.

celebrated what they hope is

Nets 108, 76ers 102: NEW YORK — Paul Pierce scored

the end of mediocrity Monday night, moving above .500 for

25points, Deron Williams added 21 and Brooklyn stopped a three-game losing streak. Spurs 102, Pelicans 95:

the first time in more than four

years with a 100-90 win over the Portland Trail Blazers.

"It's only one game over, but, yeah, it's a big relief," said

N EW ORLEANS — T o n y P arker scored 21 of hi s 32

as the No. 1 overall pick in the 2010 draft. "But the main thing

is we've got bigger goals to try to keep winning games and try to keep getting better and try not to go back down — so

25 points, and Milwaukee snapped a six-game losing

we won't have to have this talk

again." Wall scored 22 points, and


Trevor Ariza added 20 and

DENVER — Randy Foye hit a 3-pointer from the top of the key at the buzzer, and Denver

Nuggets 116, Clippers 115:

had another solid defensive game for the Wizards, who Alex Brandon /The Associated Press hadn't had a winning record Portland Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard (0) shoots under the overcame a 36-pointperforsince beating the New Jersey basket past Washington Wizards center Kevin Seraphin (13) and mance by Blake Griffin to beat Nets to improve to 2-1 on Hal- forward Jan Vesely (24) in the first half of Monday's game in Wash- the Los Angeles Clippers. loween in 2009. Washington ington. The Wizards won 100-90. Mavericks 124, Cavaliers

12-0 run that put the Wizards

The Trail Blazers cut the

"Give Washington credit,"

deficit to six on a layup by La- Portland coach Terry Stotts Marcus Aldridge with 1:12 re- said. "They are playing well, maining, but Nene answered they've beaten some good team over the hump," Beal with a jumper to give the Wiz- teams, and they are playing said. ards a 98-90 lead. with a lot of confidence." The Trail Blazers arrived Damian Lillard scored 25 Also on Monday: averaging a league-best 108.3 points, and Aldridge had 20 Thunder 86, Grizzlies 77: points and shot 61 percent in to lead the Trail Blazers, who OKLAHOMA CITY — Kevin the first half, but Portland was 6 for 17 from the field with sev-

have lost four straight road

Durant had 31 points, eight

games. They could care less rebounds and eight assists, en turnovers in the decisive about Washington's over-.500 Serge Ibaka had 21 points and third quarter as Washington's benchmark, but t hey k n ow 12 rebounds and Oklahoma defense again held its own one thing for certain: The City continued its home dom-

Miami atLA.Clippers,7:30p.m.

All TimesPST


EaslernConference d-Indiana d-Miami Atlanta d-Toronto Washington Chicago Brooklyn Charlotte Detroit NewYork Cleveland Boston Philadelphia Orlando Milwaukee

W L 37 10 34 I3 25 2I 26 22 24 23 23 24 21 25 21 28 19 28 19 29 16 32 16 33 I5 34 13 37 9 39



.787 .723 3 ,543 II'/z 542 11'/a .511 13 .489 14 .457 I5'/2

.429 17 .404 18 .396 18'/z .333 21'/z

Wizards100, Blazers90 PORTLAND (90)

Aldridge10-180-0 20,Batum6-12 4-418, Lopez 6-80-012, Lillard8-197-725, Matthews4-100-09, Freeland1-30-02,Wiliams2-80-1 4,McCollum0-2 0-0 0,Robinson0-10-00. Totals 37-81 11-1290.


Ariza 7-122-220, Nene5-15 3-413, Gortat3-7 0-0 6, Wall7-156-6 22, Beal5-162-313, Webster 2-61-1 5,Seraphin7-105-619, Tem ple1-1 0-0 2, Vesely0-20-00.Totals37-8419-22100. Portland 29 26 14 21 — 90 Washington 32 24 26 18 — 100 3-PointGoals—Portland5-19 (Batum2-5, Lilard 2-7, Matthews1-6,McCollum 0-1), Washington7-17

0-2 3, Smith9-17 6-630, HardawayJr. 2-102-2 7, Stoudemir3-71-2 e 7, Tyler0-00-0 0. Totals34-78 15-24 98. MILWAUKE E(101) Middleton692219, llyasova4-114413,Sanders 3-42-28,Knight10-231-125,Wolters 3-70-06, Antetokounmpo 5-95-815, Butler1-60-03, Pachulia 4-9 4-412, Ridnour 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 36-81 1821 101. NewYork 19 24 26 29 — 98 Milwaukee 18 32 25 26 — 101

SplIrs102, Pelicans95 SANANTONIO(102)

Green1-74 47, Duncan I0-201-3 21,Diaw2-8 0-05, Parker12-248-932, Joseph2-30-05, Belinelli 4-75-513,Splitter2-32-26, DeColo2-21-25, Mils 2-60-05, Bonner1-1 0-03, Brown0-00-00. Totals 38-81 21-25 102.

two periods, putting 11 shots on Crawford's net in the first 7/2 minutes of the second

and briefly taking control of the game. Kopitar evened it with a flip of a bouncing puck on a 3-on-1 rush, tak-

the final seconds while Jim-

my Howard finished off a shutout that Jonas Gustavsson started for Detroit in a

victory over Vancouver.

and Anaheim's loss to CoPenguins 2, Senators 1: lumbus, th e B l a ckhawks P ITTSBURGH — Ja m e s pulled within three points Neal scored at 3:05 of overof the Ducks for the overall time to give Pittsburgh a vicNHL lead. tory over Ottawa.

Kane warmed up for the

Avalanche 2, Devils 1:

lifted Edmonton over Buffa-

A lthough t h e Kin g s lo in a matchup of the NHL's scored more than one goal two worst teams. for the first time in seven Flyers 5, Sharks 2: SAN games, it wasn't enough to JOSE, Calif. — Matt Read, beat the NHL's highest-scor- Michael Raffl and Claude Giing team, which had lost two roux scored in a span of 2:45 of three on its six-game road early in the third period to trip heading into the Olym- erase a one-goal deficit and pic break. Los Angeles had lead Philadelphia past San scored just three total goals Jose for its first win over the in the past six games head- Sharks since 2000. ing into this meeting of the Blue Jackets 4, Ducks 2: NHL's last two champs. ANAHEIM, Calif. — Sergei The Kings got off to a hor- Bobrovsky made 34 saves, rific start yet again: Doughty Nick Foligno scored twice in took a charging penalty 24 the third period and Columseconds after the opening fa- bus also got goals from Ryan ceoff, and Kane walked in on Johansen and R.J. Umberger Quick alone from the corner in a victory over Anaheim.



help Toronto turn back Utah for its fourth win in five games. Kings 99, Bulls 70:SACRAMENTO, Calif. — DeMarcus

Cousins had 25 points and 16 rebounds to help Sacramen-

to snap a seven-game losing streak by defeating Chicago.

smith 5-201-1 12,Monroe6-135-7 17,Drum-

mond 5-6 2-4 12,Jennings7-15 10-12 26, Caldwell-Pope0-10-00, Singler 1-50-02, Stuckey8-17 2-320,JerebkoI-40-02,Bynum 1-22-25.Totals 34-83 22-29 96.

MIAMI (1 02) James9-196-8 24,Battier 1-50-0 3, Bosh5-8 6-7 IT, Chalmers3-112-2 8, Wad e 13-I9 3-430, Andersen1-2 0-0 2, Allen 3-80-0 9, Cole1-8 0-0 3, Beasley1-20-02,0den2-30-04. Totals39-85 17-21 102. Detroit 29 28 23 16 — 96 Miami 32 31 21 18 — 102

Pacers 98, Magic79

ORLANDO (79) Harris 4-82-211, Davis3-91-2 7, Vucevic8-16 260 25'/a O-I 16,Oladipo2-0 226, Afflalo8-180020, Nich.188 28i/~ olson 1-60-02, Harkless2-4 0-04, Moore2-5 1-2 NEw0RLE ANsI95) WesternConference 6,O'Quinn24014,Lamb1-2003.Totals3383 Aminu3-7 0-0 6, Davis6-21 5-817, Ajinca4-6 6-10 79. W L Pd GB d-Oklahoma Cit y 39 1I .780 4-110-09, Gordon 6-134-419, Sti(Ariza4-7, Wall 2-4, Beal1-3, Webster 0-3). Fouled 0-0 8, Roberts INDIANA(98) d-San Antonio Evans23 0 04, Rivers384410, 35 13 .729 3 Out—None. Rebounds—Portland49(Aldridge 10), emsma1-1 00 2, George5-123-3 15,West4-9 0-08, Hibbert 4-6 Portland 34 14 .708 4 Morrow 7-9 4-4 20, Mi l er 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 36-79 Washington 46(Gortat 11). Assists—Portland 23 1-2 9, G.HIII I-8 0-0 2, Stephenson 5-11 4-5 I5, d-LA. Clippers 17-20 95. 34 17 667 5'/z (Lillard 8),Washington22 (Beal6). TotalFoulsGranger5-93-316, Scola4-132-210, Watson5-10 Houston 32 17 .653 6'/z Portland 17, Washington16. Technicals—Lillard. SanAntonio 25 17 22 38 — 102 0-012, Mahinmi3-71-2 7, Butler 0-0 0-00, CopePhoenix 29 18 .617 8'/~ A—2,187(20,308). Newsrleans 27 2 7 22 19 — 95 land1-30-02,Johnson1-10-02, Sloan0-10-00. GoldenState 29 19 .604 9 Totals38-9014-17 98. Dallas 28 21 571 10i/z Orlando 22 28 13 16 — 79 Thunder86, Grizzlies77 79 Memphis 26 21 .553 11'A Raptors 94, Jazz Indiana 29 30 16 23 — 98 Denver 23 23 .500 14 MEMPHIS (77) TORONTO (94) Minnesota 23 24 .489 14'/~ Prince2-100-04, Randolph6-151-213, Gasol Nuggets116, Clippers115 Ross2-80-05, Johnson5-121-3u, Valanciunas NewOrleans 20 27 ,426 17i/i 5-0 3-413, Calathes4-110-08, Lee3-104-511, zan 7-157-723, LA. Lakers 16 31 340 21i/z 8-142-218, Lowry1-80-02, DeRo 5-90-013,Patterson2-72-26,Vasquez5-9 Koufos3-61-2 7,Miler 4-92-21I, Johnson4-8 0-0 LA. CLIPPERS (115) Utah 16 32 .333 22 Salmons 8, Franklin00000, Davis1-I 00 Z Totals 32-81 Barnes 4-100-010, Griffin13-2110-1636,Jordan Sacrame nto 16 32 .333 22 2-212, Hayes2-20-04.Totals37-8414-1694. 11-15 77. UTAH (79) d-divisionleader 7-105-619,Collison4-120-09, Redick4-1I 0-09, OKLAHOM ACITY(86) Jefferson2-60-0 5,Wiliams 9-164-423, Kanter Crawford5-8 8-919, Dudley2-5 0-05, Hollins1-1 4-8 2-210, Burke 4-14 0-0 8, Ha y w ard 3-0 2-2 8, Durant11-21 7-1031, Ibaka10-171-1 21, Perki n s 0-0 2, TurkogluI-3 2-3 4, Green1-30-0 2. Totals Monday'sGames Gobert0-40-00, Burks8-144-520, Ihsh1-30-03, 0-1 1-21,Jackson6-150-012, Sefolosha2-52-3 7, 42-84 25-34115. Indiana98, Orlando79 Fisher1-30 03, Adams1-21-43, Lamb 2-60-1 4, Garrett1-20-02.Totals 32-7812-13 79. Washington100,Portland90 DENVER (116) Toronto 24 31 16 23 — 94 Roberson 0-00-00,Jones0-42-22, Collison1-20-0 BrooklynI08, Philadelphia102 Chandler3-8 7-814, Faried11-136-9 28, HickUtah 27 17 18 17 — 79 2. Totals 34-7614-23 86. Miami102,Detroit 96 son 7-123-6 17,Lawson10-19 6-827, Foye4-0 Memphis 18 18 25 16 — 77 4-5 14,Mozgov1-6 2-24, Fournier0-1 1-21, Arthur Oklahoma City 86, Memphis 77 Oklahoma Ci ty 20 31 18 17 — 86 Milwaukee101,NewYork98 1-7 0-0 2,Q.Miler 3-62-4 9. Totals 40-83 31-44 Mavericks124, Cavaliers107 SanAntoni0102,Ne wOrleans95 116. Dallas124,Cleveland107 LA. Clippers 29 3 1 21 34 — 115 CLEVEL AND(107) Nets108, 76ers102 Denver116,LA. Clippers115 Denver 25 35 22 34 — 116 Deng8-162-518, Thompson5-107-817, VareToronto94,Utah79 PHILADELH PIA(102) jao 3 84410, Irving818 78 27,Jack571-212, Sacramento 99, Chicago70 Bennett 3-8 4-411, Wai t ers 0-4 0-2 0, Zel l e r I-I 0-0 Turner 3-8 3-3 9, Young 7-11 2-2 17, Ha w es 3 -7 Today'sGames 6-17 6-7 21,J.Anderson 5-8 Kings99, Bulls70 2, Miles4-70-010,Sims0-10-00, Dellavedovao-0 0-0 8, Carter-Wiliams Indiana at Atlanta,4:30 p.m. 0-0 0.Totals37-80 25-33 107. 1-212, Allen2-21-25, Thom pson2-30-04, Wroten CHICAGO (70) LA. Lakers atMinnesota, 5p.m. DALLAS (124) 6 86918, EWilliams371-38.Totals3771 20Dunleavy2-54-5 9, Boozer4-15 0-28, Noah1-6 Chicag oatPhoenix,6p.m. 28 102. C rowder 3-9 2-2 8, No w i t zki 9-16 2-2 23, Da l e m 2-24, Hi n ri c h1-80-02, Butler 4-118-1017,AugusCharlotteatGoldenState, 7:30 p.m. BROOK LYN(108) bert 7-84-418, Calderon4-70-011, Ellis 8-124-5 tin 2-113-68, Snel4-92-2 l u, Gibson4-113-511, Wednesday'sGames A.Anderson 1-8 3-45, Pierce5-914-14 25, Gar22, Ellington1-5 0-03, Carter3-60-0 7, Wright4-7 0-20-20,Murphy0-00-00,Shengelia Detroit atOrlando,4p.m. 8-192-221, Livingston49 Mohammed 6714, Blair1-2002, Harris4 86616, Larkin 00 nett 2-52-26, DWiliams 22-7822-3470. BostonatPhiladelphia,4 p.m. 5-613, Plumle2-2 e 2-26, Terry 1-50-03, Teletovic 0-00-00.Totals 0-00, James 0-00-00. Totals 44-80 24-26124. SACRAMNT E O(99) SanAntonioatWashington, 4 p.m. Cleveland 25 27 27 28 — 107 7-12 1-120, Evans1-2 3-65, Teague1-1 2-24. ToGay 6-122-214, Thompson0-11-21, Cousins LA. Lakers atCleveland,4 p.m. Dallas 27 32 35 30 — 124 tals 32-7234-39108. 9-1525, Thomas 7-9 5-619, Thornton1-6 2-2 Phoeni xatHouston,5p.m. Philadelphia 16 3 3 20 33 — 102 8-15 Minnesota at OklahomaCity, 5 p.m. Acy3-42-2 9,Wiliams1-4 3-45, McLemore 2-7 Brooklyn 24 30 30 24 — 108 4, 1 -1 5, Landry2-2 0-04, McCallum0-2 0-00, Gray Dallas atMemphis,5 p.m. BIIcks 101, Knicks 98 0-00-00, Fredette 5-50-011, outlaw1-2 0-02. ToAtlantaat NewOrleans, 5p.m. PortlandatNewYork, 5p.m. NEINYORK(98) Heat102, Pistons96 tals 36-6925-34 99. Milwaukee atDenver, 6p.m. Anthony 13-25 5-6 36, Shumpert2-7 0-0 5, Chicago 12 21 24 13 — 70 TorontoatSacramento, 7p.m. Chandle3-31-6 r 7, Prigioni1-20-0 3, Felton1-t DETROIT (96) Sacramento 24 2 0 27 28 — 99 .327 22 .306 23

The Kings shook their malaise between the first

Dec. 23.



Kopitar in nearly two weeks.

Jonas Valanciunas added 18 to

ki scored 23 points, Devin Harris had a season-high 16 and Dallas pulled away from Cleveland, handing the Cavaliers their fifth straight loss. Raptors 94, Jazz 79: SALT

up by 17 early in the fourth quarter. "It's great to finally get this

later. His goal was the first by any Kings player except

DeRozan scored 23 points and

107: DALLAS — Dirk Nowitz-

against a more celebrated Wizards are a b etter team lineup. these days.

goal on a one-timer moments

NEWARK, N.J. — Ryan

forcing 16 from Portland, and after Kevin Seraphin led a

pass from Kane, Doughty kept it close with his eighth

U.S. Olympic team with his

committed six turnovers while Wall and Co. didn't look back

les' highest-scoring perfor-

1:02 in. After Bickell scored on a


best seasons the NBA ever saw.

ern Conference playoffs. The Suns started 9-9. Through Sunday, they are 20-9 since,

Continued from C1 And going back to last season, including playoffs, the Bucks have lost 55 of their past 67 games (while the Heat have won 63 times in that same span, starting on March 20). Yes, there are some exceptionally bad teams in the league, and that obviously plays a role in helping everyone else's record. But few would deny that the top of the

A few things to watch in the NBA this week: Durant watch: It really does not mat-

the NBA's third-best record in that span

top in the NBA this season is as good as

ing it in December, so Kevin Martin, Kev-

the league has seen in quite some time. And the first championship that will be awarded in Silver's era as the league's commissioner could well go to a team with a case to say that it had one of the

in Garnett and Kevin Seraphin, it is your anyway. turn, right? OK, probably not.) Bulls 2k:Chicago enters the week with Suns-Rockets: They play Wednesday 1,998 regular-season victories. The Bulls night, a matchup of two teams that may will be the 11th team in league history to well wind up makingbig noise in the West- get the 2,000 mark.

behind only Oklahoma City and Indiana. Blazers-Pacers:This one will be worter who the opponent is anymore. When thy of watching Friday night for many Oklahoma City is playing, Kevin Durant reasons, foremost being the clash of needs to be followed, period. His scoring styles. Entering this week, Portland had averagein January, nearl y 36 pointsper the NBA's highest-scoring offense. Indinight, was seven points better than any- ana was allowing fewer points than any one else in the league. (It also was the other team in the league. Portland won second straight time a Kevin took the the season's first meeting 106-102, repremonthly scoring title, with Kevin Love do- senting the only time this season the Pacers scored more than 100 points and lost

first multigoal game since O'Reilly scored a power-play Dec. 14, w h il e C anadian goal 28 seconds into overOlympic counterparts Pat- time and Colorado rallied to rick Sharp and captain Jon- beat New Jersey. athan Toews picked up two Oilers 3, Sabres 2: BUFassists apiece. Leddy con- FALO, N.Y. — Matt Hentributed his first goal and dricks' short-handed goal 57 first multipoint game since seconds into the third period


Top-rankedSyracuse holds off Notre Dame The Associated Press SYRACUSE, N.Y.— Trev-

or Cooney has his shooting touch back — just in the nick of time for top-ranked

Syracuse. C ooney scored a c a reer-high 33 points, matching a school record with nine 3-pointers, and the Orange beat Notre Dame 61-55 on

Monday night in another matchup of former Big East foes.

After struggling to a woeful 25.4 percent (14 of 55) from behind the arc in his first seven Atlantic Coast

Kevin RivoliIrhe Associated Press

Syracuse's Trevor Cooney scores against Notre Dame's

Conference games, Cooney Steve Vasturia during the has hit 11 of 13 in the past second half of Monday night's two games and was the dif- game in Syracuse, N.Y.Syraf erence against th e I r i s h cuse won 61-55. as the Orange's front line

faltered. "It feels good," Cooney said. "I kind of got going and guys just found me in good spots." Syracuse (22-0, 9-0 Atlantic Coast Conference),

regular season. "That was in the back of my mind," said C.J. Fair, who had a season-low six points on 2-of-13 shooting after scoring a career-high 28

which moved to No. 1 this week after its scintillating

against Duke. "I didn't want

top team since the 2011-12

lead Villanova to a win over

that to happen again." 91-89 overtime victory over Cooney made sure there Duke on Saturday night and was no repeat, hitting five Arizona's loss to California, 3-pointers in the first half as extended its school record the Orange gained a 13-point for most consecutive wins to halftime advantage, then start a season. Notre Dame barely held the Irish at bay in (12-11, 3-7) has lost seven of the second half. nine. Also on Monday: Two days after one of the No. 6 Villanova 81, Xavier most emotional wins in Jim 58: VI LLANOVA, P a. Boeheim's 38 years as head James Bell hit six 3-pointers coach, Syracuse played its and scored 27 points and first game as the nation's Darrun Hilliard had 17 to season. Two years ago, the Xavier. Orange were unbeaten and No. 16 lowa St. 98, No. 19 ranked No. 1 when they went

to South Bend, and Notre Dame upset them 67-58. It was the eighth time No-

Oklahoma St. 97: ST ILLWATER, Okla. — DeAn-

dre Kane had 26 points, 10 rebounds and nine assists

tre Dame had beaten a No.

to help Iowa State defeat

I team and turned out to be Syracuse's lone loss of the

Oklahoma State in triple overtime.



Winter Continued from C1 Sochi was known once for the tea grown in the region, and later,

sports festival that had taken root in Sweden in 1901. Fans and organizers of the Nor-

Joe Moore (who finished eighth) unveiled it before a h andful of

"gaping" Norwegian, Finnish and dic Gameshad managed to shoe- Swedish coaches. horn a figure-skating competition But it did not take long to figure

La Pine Continued from C1 Zysett says Beer's initial inquiries

regarded the head coaching position for the boys team, which opened after Kyle Kalmbach stepped away after last season. But Zysett figured Beer would pre-

as the site of state-run, neoclassi- into the 1908 Summer Olympics in cal-styled sanitariums and Joseph London, but they kept lobbying for Stalin's favorite retreat. The plan games of their own. The Internanow is to turn the summer resort tional Olympic Committee finally town alongside the Black Sea into went along in 1924, granting the a staging ground for the most spec- French officials who staged the tacular winter games ever, and in 1924 Summer Games in Paris a

out why those traditional Nordic

Norway to top the medals table with a total of 17. In what turned

years — coach girls basketball. And as luck would have it, La Pine's girls bas-

the bargain, turn Sochi into a desti-

chance to try their hand at six win-

out to be a historical footnote, Haug

ketball coach at the time, Rene Houle,

nation for the ski andprivate-jet set. Putin has hinted he will accept nothing less — despite repeated construction delays, reports of widespread corruption, environmental damage and unrelenting criticism over a Russian law banning "homosexual propaganda."

ter sports — alpine and cross-country skiing, figure skating, ice hockey, nordic combined, ski jumping and speed skating.

was also awarded the bronze in the

was leaving for Salem Academy, confident that in Beer he was leaving Zy-

powers were so eager to get their own Olympics. Cross-country sensation Thorleif Haug won three golds, enabling

ski jump in 1924; but 50 years later a scoringerrorwas confirmed and the medal was finally deliveredSixteen events were contested by Haug's daughter, no less — to its over 11 days, drawing 258 athletes rightful owner, American Anders (including just 11 women) from 16 Haugen. nations and exactly 10,004 paying Finland finished second with And even those problems seem customers. American speedskater 11, thanks t o C la s T h unberg's pale in comparison with securi- Charles Jewtraw won the opening speed-skating haul of three golds, ty concerns heightened after recontest, the 500 meters, prompting a silver and a bronze. The 28 medcent bombings in Volgograd and the Boston Globe to slap the head- als by Norway and Finland were Dagestan believed to be the work line "Our Flag At Top Of Olympic more than all the rest of the comof Islamic insurgents in the nearby Mast" atop a story by The Associ- peting nations combined. The UnitCaucasus region. ated Press. ed States and Britain finished tied "The result expectedbyus," a deRead a few paragraphs into it for third with four medals each. fiant Putin said recently, "is a bril- and you will learn that the swing- Canada won onlyone medal,but ing-arm style that has become the country served notice it was a liant Games." The expectations for those first mandatory fo r s p r i nters s ince hockey power to be reckoned with games, on the other hand, were then was considered revolutionary by scoring 122 goals and allowing simply to improve on a winter when Jewtraw and U.S. teammate just three en route to the gold.

fer to stick to what he had done for 20

sett and the Hawks in good hands

— hands that a few years earlier had turned a three-win La Pine team into a state champion and that took a winless

Pleasant Hill group (in 2009-10) and transformed it into a state playoff team. "I knew coming in (to La Pine for the second time) that it was going to be a building process," Beer says. "But for some reason, I enjoy that. When I went

to Pleasant Hill, the year before, they had lost every single game. For me, that's kind of a challenge. I'd rather do that than go to a team that just won the state championship — 'Now I've got to follow that.' It's fun the other way."

Despite his recent string of success, at both La Pine and Pleasant Hill, Beer entered the 2013-14 season without

high expectations. He did not want to draw an opinion of his squad too soon. "I wanted the girls to be the best they Here is the original dispatch from Chamonix, as reported by The Associated Press on Jan. 25, 1924.

could be. That was my goal," Beer says. "I didn't want to push them and have

Olympic Ice Gamesopen at Chamonix

Abel stumbled over his French a few times in repeating the oath, but he told M. Vidal that he

expectations beyond what they were capable of. I wanted to get as much out of them as I could."

GAME OF THEWEEK Despite dropping four of the first six matches in its wrestling dual meet against Redmond High onThursday night, host Bend High rallied to a 34-26 Intermountain Conference victory. The LavaBears' JuanGregorio claimed a3-1 overtime win at 220 pounds to spark the comeback, and Bend sealed thedual victory with Kasey Beuschlein recording a 47-second fall at126 andAustin Palmer winning by major decision at132. PLAYER OFTHEWEEK Katie Murphy helpedTrinity Lutheran inch closer to the top of theClass1A Mountain Valley Leaguegirls basketball standings, posting agame-high 19 points to go alongwith five assists, four reboundsandthree blocks Friday against visiting Triad (which was previously unbeaten in conference play). Thefollowing day, Murphy logged agame-best17 points — 15 in the secondhalf — and10 boards to guide theSaints of Bend to a 45-36 road win overPaisley. STATS OFTHE WEEK Twelve and15. In picking up two boys basketball wins last week, Mountain boasted12 and15 different scorers against CrookCounty on Wednesdayand RedmondHigh on Friday, respectively. Davis Holly led the way in both gamesfor the Cougars, but nearly the entire roster helped Mountain View outscore the Cowboys andthe Panthers by a combined 162-71.

The Winter sports of the eighth Olympic Games would rather be tripped up in his French delivery were officially opened today with the customary than while shooting for a goal in the hockey comOlympic ceremonies, presided over by Gaston petition. This brought a cordial laugh from the

That is just Beer's coaching style, and it has helped the Hawks so far this

Vidal, Under Secretary of State for Physical Educa-

mark in Sky-Em play. He does not try ber accepted the position. He agreed to to force a square peg into a round open- coach the Hawks again. "I don't feel like a rookie," Kent Wieing. Instead, he takes a saw to the circular hole and makes it into a square. ber says. "We haven't had to learn a "Even this year, we've changed whole new system. Usually when new our plays and changed a lot of things coaches come in, there's a learning throughout our season to try to find curve — we didn't have one." something that matches this group," The 2012-13 Hawks, under KalmBeer says. "I didn't come in going, 'This bach, put together one of the best seais how we won state, and this is how sons in recent memory, narrowly misswe're going to do it.' That just may not ing out on the state playoffs by falling work with this group. They're differ- in a league tiebreaker game against ent. We've got to do something differ- Sweet Home. ent to make the girls successful with This season's group, one that curwho they are." rently stands at 9-9 overall and 1-3 in Seven seniors anchor the La Pine Sky-Em play, could break the mold and boys roster. And Wieber has a coach- secure the Hawks' first state bid since


tion. M. Vidal received the oaths of amateurism by The worry over the weather, the mildness of the athletes entered for the competition. The teams which had threatened to prevent the starting of the of all the nations represented, bearing their nation- games tomorrow, was dissipated today. Clear and al flags and emblems, then paraded from the City cold conditions set in during the day and tonight Hall to the skating rink, where the actual competitions will begin tomorrow. On the arrival at the rink Under Secretary Vidal

declared the official opening of the sports. His

the prospects are for colder conditions. It is consid-

ered certain the competition will commence tomorrow at 11 o'clock with the 500-meter race. At 3 P. M. the 5,000-meter event will be started.

voice, caught up by enormous amplifiers on top of

Thousands of visitors have gathered in this small

the grand stands, was sent reverberating up the

Alpine town on the slopes of Mont Blanc, which today, for the first time in a week, threw off its blan-

sides of the high mountains which give the Chamonix Valley its magnificent setting. At the words, the

ket of thick clouds, the peak glistening in the bright 150 athletes, awaiting the announcement, clapped sunshine and providing a wonderful setting for the on their skates, jumped on to the immense sheet of Olympics. ice before them, and the eighth Olympic Games, in their modern revival, were on. Jewtraw, United States; Gorman, Canada; Thunberg, Finland and Olsen, Norway, four of the fastest

United States stars in goodshape The condition of the American skaters who are

rink in an impromptu race that brought the four or five thousand spectators to their feet cheering.

to compete is all that could be expected after the difficulties they have encountered in training. They will take the ice tomorrow, fit to give stiff battle to the best skaters of any nation entered. Steinmetz,

Athletes pass inreview

Jewtraw, Donovan, Bialis, Moore and Kaskey all expressedconfidence of success today.They look

skatershere,hooked up in severalturnsaround the

Prior to the official opening of the games, when for the most strenuous opposition from the Finnish the competing teams with banners and their na-


tional emblems flying paraded from the City Hall

The American hockey players today got their

of Chamonix through the streets of the city to the

second real practice since their arrival here Mon-

rink, they were reviewed by Count Clary, President day — a splendid work-out of an hour, at the end of the French Olympic Committee: the Marquis de of which Manager William S. Haddock announced Polignac and Mr. Vidal. his present intention to line up the following team The band of the Twenty-seventh Alpine "Blue in the opening game against Belgium Monday: AlDevils" played the national anthems of Austria, Belgium, Canada, Esthonia, the United States, Finland, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia as the group of athletes passed in that order. The athletes of Belgium, Canada, the United States and France received the most enthusias-

phonse A. La Croix, Boston, goal; Irving W. Small, Boston, right defense; Clarence J. Abel, St. Paul,

tic welcomes. Clarence J. Abel, St. Paul, of the

expect to take the ice in tip-top form.

American hockey team, was the bearer of the Stars and Stripes, and Harry Drury, Pittsburgh,

The athletes of all the nations took to the ice today with such vim and energy, stored up by reason

carried the American emblem. They took the Olympic oath, administered by Vidal, on behalf

of their, enforced idleness due to the warm weather,

of the American athletes. Both swore that the

left defense; Harry Drury, Pittsburgh, centre; Justin J. McCarthy, Boston, left wing; Willard W. Rice, Boston, right wing.

The players are a little below their best condition, owing to their enforced idleness of the last few days, but with hard work the next two days they

that their managers felt obliged to restrain their ardor. The American hockey players were called off

American athletes would be "loyal competitors, the ice after a few minutes of exercise. William S. and respect the rules and regulations in a chivHaddock, Pittsburgh, manager of the team, fearing alrous spirit for the honor of our country and the

accidents because of the large numbers of skaters

greater glory ofsport."

on the rink.


season to a 10-8 overall record and a 3-1

ing history with them all.

"Ididn'tknow how good we could be this year," Wieber says. "But our point won only one game in sixth grade. guard was back (Sam Wieber) ... and He was with all seven four years later, my JV team could score last year. We when the La Pine junior varsity team's did not have a problem scoring. It was lone loss was the final game on the our defense that was a problem. We've schedule. really worked on that, and they've gotLast year as juniors, Sam Wieber, the ten better. Now, we're winning some coach's son, and Adam Ramirez suited games. "The kids have bought in to our sysup for La Pine's varsity squad, breaking up the septet. But the seniors have tem," Wieber adds. "Once you start reunited this season, and Kent Wieber winning a couple games, you start to returned to finish what he started. believe, and confidence is really huge. "They've improved all along," Kent I'm really blessed. I think there would Wieber says. "When you look at class- be a lot of coaches out there who would es that go through La Pine, they're not be jealous to come up with a team from the most athletic group that has ever sixth grade on." come through La Pine High School. Zysett, the longtime A.D., is grateBut in basketball, they've had some ful for his good fortune in getting both at La Pine Middle School when they

success because they've stuck with it."

hawks owner Paul Allen. Fast-food companies

Seattle linebacker and game Most Valuable

Warsaw Sports Marketing Center at the Uni-

ond ring, marketers said, would have meant

another $3 million to $5 million annually and


catapulted him into an iconic group of athlete endorsersthat includes Jordan, former soc-

"Recreational bettors backedthe quarterback they knew from TVcommercials — while the wiseguys took an elite defenseplus the points," said R.J. Bell, founder of Pregame.com, ahandicapping website that tracks the industry. The books werehurt on acouple of proposition bets, most notably on the first play from scrimmage whenBroncos center Manny Ramirez snapped the ball past Manning for a safety. Several books offered 50-to-1 odds on the first scoring play being aSeahawks safety. It was the third straight Super Bowl in which there was asafety, and the second time in threeyears that it was the first score of the game.

against the odds a little bit."

Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman, whose boastful rant after the NFC champion-

ship game became a dominant storyline heading into the Super Bowl, said Wilson "deserved this as much as anybody." No NFL player has more mainstream appeal than Manning, who is the most trustworthy athlete in the United States according

to Repucom, a global sports market research agency. He is also the most influential athlete, ahead of five-time National Basketball Association MVP Michael Jordan, and the most well-

his 25 passes with two scores.

liked in America, Repucom says.

establish himself as the next-generation NFL

Broncos disappoint thedettors It was a goodday at the office for Nevada Sports Books as theSeattle Seahawks' 43-8 destruction of the Denver Broncos in Sunday's SuperBowl defied the expectations of the squaremoney, representing the general betting public, which wanted to see a storybook ending to the record-breaking season of Denver quarterback Peyton Manning. Two in three bettors put money onDenver, which closed as a 2/2-point favorite, according to data provided by four online sports books and asurvey of bookies. It meant the Nevadasports books were not only likely to surpass last year's record of $98.9 million of action, but they could surpass the $15.4 million in profit the books won in 2005, or a healthy17 percent hold margin, when the New England Patriots beat the Philadelphia Eagles, 24-21. Last year,thesportsbooksmade$7,206,460and held 7.3 percent of the total handle on theBaltimore Ravens'34-31 victory over the SanFrancisco 49ers. TheNevadaGaming Commission will release final figures later this week. Bookshave lost just twice in the gamesince the NevadaGaming Commission started keeping such records in

Player Malcolm Smith. Wilson completed 18 of versity of Oregon, said Wilson "is primed to "We weren't sharp offensively from the get- pitchman." "It's almost impossible to get personaligo," Manning said. "We needed to play really well in order to win, and we didn't come any- ty and performance in the same NFL playwhere close to that." er package without some off-the-field risk," The game was a breakthrough for the Swangard said. "Wilson seems as mainstream 5-foot-11 Wilson, who graduated from North and clean-cut as they come and that's exactly Carolina State University in three years, com- what makes an NFLer marketable." pleting his degree in broadcasting and comThe hair has a back story. munications before transferring to the UniverWilson at the beginning of the season found sity of Wisconsin. an old photograph of his late father, Harrison, "It'll help that he's intelligent, articulate and and him during his junior year of high school. squeaky clean," Dorfman said. The father and son had decided to grow their The 25-year-old Wilson outperformed the hair out until the boy's football team reached 37-year-old Manning, a four-time NFL Most the state championship with Russell as their Valuable Player who pocketed an NFL-best quarterback. $13 million in endorsement income last year Wilson, who credits his father as his guidfrom a portfolio that includes Buick, Reebok, ing influence, began growing his hair out at DirecTV and Papa John's International Inc. the beginning of the season in homage to the Manning was paid about $17.5 million by the man who died of complications from diabetes Broncos. in 2010. Wilson's endorsement partners, according After the game, Wilson said he and his

Beer and Wieber back into the La Pine

Last spring, after Kalmbach stepped coaching fold. "I hope our kids realize what both down Zysett's first action was a short walk to Wieber's classroom at the high these guys did by stepping in and saying, 'Hey, we're willing to do this. We're school, where he teaches AP history. Zysett wanted to gauge Wieber's in- willing to take another swing at it and terest in taking over the boys basket- come back and do this for the kids,' " ballprogram. Wieber's response, as Zysett says. "If I could emphasize one Zysett recalls it: "I'll do it if you guys thing, that's what they did — they did feel like I'm the right guy and there's it for the kids and not for themselves. It not someone that you'd prefer to have was something they wanted to do for in that position." our community." Zysett opened up the search, and — Reporter: 541-383-0307, eventually told Wieber he was the top glucas®bendbulletin.com.

to Dorfman, are Seattle-based Alaska Airlines, Nike, Levi Strauss and American Family

Football League's first attempt at a cold-weath- and men's fashion and grooming — particuer outdoor Super Bowl. larly, hair-care products — also make sense, The Broncos surrendered a safety on the said Dorfman, noting that Wilson's penchant first play from scrimmage when the center's for pronouncements of religious faith might snap sailed over Manning's head and into the give some advertisers pause. "He wears his faith on his sleeve a little end zone. Things only got worse for Denver. Manning finished with a Super Bowl-record too much," Dorfman said. "But better than 34 completions in 49 attempts with one touch- the misbehaving, drug-taking, DUI-earning down and two interceptions; one of the inter- alternative." ceptions was returned for a touchdown by Paul Swangard, managing director of the


Wieber was with six of those players

teammates heeded the advice of his father. "He used to always tell me, 'Russ, why not Continued from C1 Mutual Insurance Co., which is based in Mad- you?' " said Wilson, a two-sport athlete in "Small in stature, big in performance, per- ison, Wis. In all, he makes about $1 million a college who was selected by the Colorado sonality, brains, charisma and hair, Russell year off the field, Dorfman estimated. Rockies in the fourth round of the 2010 Major Wilson has the goods to be a convincingAmong the companies and categories that League Baseball draft. "And what that meant and scandal-free — pitchman for years to make sense for Wilson are what Dorfman was to believe in yourself. Even though you come," Dorfman said in an email during Sun- called high-IQ brands like Apple, Intel, and are 5-foot-ll, you can go a long ways. That's day night's game at MetLife Stadium in East Microsoft, which was co-founded by Sea- why I decided to play football. I wanted to go Rutherford, N.J., which marked the National

candidate. There was hesitance, sure, but Wie-

Manning missed out on more than becom-

ing the first quarterback to lead multiple franchises to Super Bowl championships. A sec-

cer player David Beckham and golfer Tiger Woods. Steve Rosner, co-founder and partner in

Rutherford, N.J.-based 16W Sports Marketing, whose clients include former NFL quarterbacks Phil Simms and Boomer Esiason, in

a telephone interview during Sunday's game said Wilson's biggest benefit will come from the most-watched U.S. sports league's desire to make him the face of football. "He's everything right about the NFL," Rosner said of Wilson. "When the NFL comes calling, the league sponsors are going to line Up.

— The NewYorfr Times NewService


O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugetin.com/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.

S&P 500


<05 92


TOdap t,soo "

Wall Street expects Sirius XM's latest quarterly earnings matched its results a year earlier. Financial analysts also project that the satellite radio company will report that revenue increased in the fourth quarter when it reports earnings today. Investors will be listening for an update on the company's subscriber rolls, which are a key indicator of future revenue.

1,720 ' " " " ' 10 DAYS










Change: -40.70 (-2.3%)




Price-earnings ratio:


4Q ' 1 3


15,000 "




StocksRecap Vol. (in mil.) 4,655 2,559 Pvs. Volume 3,949 2,197 Advanced 4 66 3 6 2 Declined 2673 2285 New Highs 37 48 New Lows 127 75



HIGH LOW CLOSE 15708.54 15356.17 15372.80 DOW Trans. 7324.97 7049.06 7053.75 DOW Util. 511.97 500.84 501.67 NYSE Comp. 9970.29 9732.47 9741.58 NASDAQ 4113.55 3989.95 3996.96 S&P 500 1784.83 1739.66 1741.89 S&P 400 1312.63 1264.87 1265.61 Wilshire 5000 19126.89 18620.54 18643.10 Russell 2000 1130.75 1091.17 1094.58


C H G. -326.05 -235.43 -4.59 -226.07 -106.92 -40.70 -47.47 -462.14 -36.30


%CHG. WK MO QTR -2.08% T -3.23% T -0.91% j -2.27% T -2.61% T j -2.28% T -3.62% T -2.42% T -3.21% T

YTD -7.26% -4.69% +2.26% -6.33% -4.30% -5.76% -5.73% -5.39% -5.93%




Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Eye on manufacturing BarrettBusiness B Demand for aircraft, machinery Boeing Co Cascade Bancorp and other long-lasting goods ColumbiaBnkg helped drive up factory orders in Columbia Sportswear November. Costco Wholesale Economists have forecast that the trend extended into December, Craft Brew Alliance boosting orders for U.S. factories FLIR Systems by nearly 1 percent. Rising factory Hewlett Packard Home FederalBncp ID orders are a sign of corporate Intel Corp confidence in the economy, which Keycorp could signal accelerating growth Kroger Co this year. The Commerce Lattice Semi Department reports December LA Pacific factory orders today. MDU Resources MentorG raphics M Factory orders Microsoft Corp Percent change, seasonally adjusted Nike Inc 8 2% 1.8 1.8 NordstromInc est. Nwst Nat Gas 0.9 PaccarInc Planar Systms -2.8 -0.1 -0.5 Plum Creek Prec Castparts Safeway Inc Schnitzer Steel Sherwin Wms StancorpFncl StarbucksCp Triquint Semi J A S 0 N D Umpqua Holdings 2013 US Bancorp Source: FactSet Washington Fedl WellsFargo & Co Weyerhaeuser ADM earnings

Agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland reports fourth-quarter financial results today. Investors will be on the lookout for any comments from management on how drought conditions in many states and severe winter weather are affecting the company's operations. They'll also have their eye on ADM's profit margins on ethanol, which helped boost the company's third-quarter earnings more than twofold.

A LK 45.77 ~ A VA 25.36 ~ BAC 10 . 98 t -I BS I 38 . 15 ~ BA 7 4 .25 ~ CA C B 4 . 66e — COL B 19.56 ~ 2 COLM 47.75 ~ CO ST 98.95 ~ B R EW 6.52 ~ F LIR 23.00 ~ H PQ 16 . 03 ~ HOME 10.84 ~ 1 INTC 20.10 ~ K EY 9 .14 ~ KR 2 7 .53 ty— LSCC 4.17 ~ L PX 1451 ~ MDU 23 . 00 t -I EN T 1 3.21 ~ MSFT 27.10 ~ N KE 53.27 ~ J WN 52.16 ~ NWN 39.96 ~ PCAR 45.81 ~ P LNR 1.52 ~ PCL 42.32 e — PCP 180.06 ~ S WY 19.12 ~ SCH N 23.07 ~ 3 SHW 153.94 ~ S FG 37.96 ~ SBUX 52.52 ~ TQNT 4.31 ~ UM P Q 11.45 ~ 1 U SB 31.99 ~ WA F D 15.79 ~ 2 WF C 3 4.52 ~ 4 W Y 2 6.38 ~












> T T T T T + T

+ T + T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T





+1.8 +72 . 3 1 3 04 1 0 0 . 8 0 +1.3 +16. 2 43 0 18 1. 2 2 +5.0 +48 . 2155052 16 0 . 04 -16.7 +96.3 1 1 7 3 2 0 . 72f -9.8 +72.2 9251 21 2.92f -9.0 -30.3 56 4 -8.3 +3 1.3 3 1 7 2 1 0 . 48f -6.8 +4 7.3 9 0 26 1. 0 0 f -7.4 +11.0 3065 24 1 . 24 -13.8 +126.7 9 6 cc +2.2 +35 . 0 1 376 20 0 . 3 6 +0.2 +79 .1 14412 11 0 . 5 8 - 2.9 +14.6 80 dd 0. 2 4 -7.7 +20.9 50537 13 0 .90 -8.3 +38.0 12754 13 0 .22 -10.5 +32.5 5346 1 2 0 . 66 t 2.7 +29 . 9 9 5 1 8 1 -105 - 98 4782 1 0 +1.8 +40 . 4 1 7 98 47 0 . 71f - 16.9 +22.5 1431 2 2 0 . 18 -2.5 +41.4 58720 14 1 .12 -9.9 +3 6.4 4686 24 0 .96f -9.9 + 6 . 2 1 854 1 5 1 . 20 -4.6 - 4.5 19 4 1 9 1 . 8 4 -8.7 +22.6 2959 16 0.80a -5.9 +4 5.1 6 2 dd -9.6 -7.0 1039 32 1 . 76 - 8.0 +39.0 9 0 8 2 1 0 . 12 -7.7 +66.3 6901 1 7 0 . 80 -22.2 - 6.6 41 3 d d 0 . 75 -3.6 +14.3 1248 24 2 . 00 -9.6 +68.0 7 0 9 1 2 1 . 10f -12.0 +28.3 981 7 29 1 .04 - 1.2 +58.1 2352 d d -12.5 +43.7 1742 18 0.60a -4.0 +2 2.7 10284 13 0 . 9 2 - 10.3 +26.5 9 8 7 1 4 0 . 40 -2.1 +32.8 28060 11 1 . 20 -6.9 + 1 . 9 4 772 2 6 0 . 88

DividendFootnotes:8 - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. 6 -Amount declaredor paid in last I2 months. f - Current annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. I — Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent dividend wasomitted cr deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate nct known, yield nct shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximatecash value on ex-distribution date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is 8 closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months.

Weather hurts Ford and GM Shares of Ford Motor and General Motors infiuStry January. Ford got a surPrise boost from its slumped Monday after both automakers $ Otiight Lincoln brand whose sales were up 42.5 reported that frigid weather in January led to percent — its best January in four years. U.S. sales declines. General Motors said sales fell 12 percent last Ford said its January month. Sales of the Chevy Silverado pickup, GM's sales fell 7 percent. top-selling vehicle, were down more than 18 percent. Nearly every Ford Like many analysts, GM is predicting total U.S. auto brand vehicle saw sales of 16 million to 16.5 million this year. That would sales fall from last be the best year since 2007. COMPANY

lit'Da' M~

82.08 74. 6 9 - 4 .38 - 5.5 T 29.26 2 8. 5 7 -.26 -0.9 T 17.4 2 16 . 3 5 -.40 -2.4 T 102.2 0 77. 26 - 1 .15 - 1.5 T 144. 5 7 12 3.08 -2.18 -1.7 T 71 .8 4.76 -.06 -1.2 T 8.5 6 25.22 -.89 -3.4 T 80. 04 73.40 -.95 -1.3 T 126.1 2 11 0.18 -2.18 -1.9 T 18.70 1 4. 1 6 -.96 -6.3 T 34.19 3 0. 7 5 -.97 -3.1 T 30.13 2 8.8 4 -.96 -3.3 T 6.03 14.47 -.03 -0.2 T 27.1 2 2 3. 9 5 -.59 -2.4 T 14.14 1 2. 3 1 -.45 -3.5 T 43. 8 5 35 . 3 8 -.72 -2.0 T 6.07 5.64 - .14 -2.4 T 22 55 16 57 -.96 -55 T 32.1 6 31 . 1 1 -.93 -2.9 T 24.31 2 0. 0 1 -.79 -3.8 T 38.98 36. 4 8 - 1 .36 - 3.6 T 80.26 70.8 8 - 1 . 97 -2.7 T 63.72 5 5. 7 1 -1.74 -3.0 T 46.37 4 0. 8 5 -.71 -1.7 T 60.1 7 54. 0 0 - 2 .00 - 3.6 T 2.93 2.39 -.12 -4.8 T 54.6 2 42. 03 - 1 .04 - 2.4 T 274. 9 6 24 7.82 -6.93 -2.7 T 36.90 30. 0 6 - 1 .18 - 3.8 T 3.3 2 25.43 -.99 -3.7 T 198. 4 7 17 6.88 -6.38 -3.5 T 69.11 59. 9 0 - 4 .35 - 6.8 T 82.50 6 8. 9 7 -2.15 -3.0 T 9.05 8.24 -.06 -0.7 T 9.65 1 6. 7 4 -.82 -4.7 T 41.86 3 8. 7 8 -.95 -2.4 T 4.3 5 20.89 -.99 -4.5 T 6.8 4 44.43 -.91 -2.0 T 33.24 2 9. 3 9 -.49 -1.6 T



$14.55 $12 R D


P/E RATIO — TOTAL RETURNbased on trailing 12 mos. results Y T D 3-YR *



Close:$69.02+4.65 or 7.2% Preliminary results for the quarter beat expectations, but the outlook from the nutritional supplements company worried investors. $90 80 70

General Motors

GM Close:$35.25 V-0.83 or -2.3% U.S. sales fell 12 percent last month as harsh, winter weather kept customers out of auto dealerships in several regions. $45 40

N D J 52-week range $30.84 ~ $83 .51

D 52-week range $26.19~

PFE Close:$30.60%0.20 or 0.7% The drug company's breast cancer drug palbociclib, which could bring in $5 billion in annual sales, did well in a mid-stage trial. $34

Violin Memory


Close:$3.78 unchanged or 0% The flash-memory storage systems company named a new CEO after firing Don Basile last month as company shares plunged. $8

32 30 N




52-week range $32 .50

Vol.:61.2m (2.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$198.32 b




52-week range $2.50~

$ 7.90

PE: 1 8.6 Vol.:1.0m (1.0x avg.) Yi e ld: 3.4% Mkt. Cap:$311.76 m

Jos. A Bank Clothiers

P E: .. . Yield : ...

JO SB Akamai Tech.

Close:$53.39T-2.83 or -5.0% The retailer continues to resist takeover attempts by Men's Wearhouse and raised antitrust questions about the proposed deal. $60 55

AKAM Close:$46.01 T-1.67 or -3.5% There are reports that Apple may build its own content delivery network, something it has relied on the tech company to do for it. $55 50





52-week range $38.36~

Vol.:1.9m (2.5x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.49 b




52-week range







P E: 23.2 Vol.:6.6m (3.5x avg.) Yield:... Mkt. Cap: $8.23 b

P E: 29.7 Yield: ...

$5 7.61


FEYE Taser International TASR Close:$66.52%-6.47 or -8.9% Close: $16.90 %0.84 or 5.2% The software security company filed Shares near a 2014 high a day bea statement with U.S. regulators for fore the personal defense gadget a proposed public offering of its com- maker joins the Standard & Poor's mon stock. SmallCap 600. $80 $20 18

60 40


N D J 52-week range $33.30~ $7 6.94

Vol.:2.4m (2.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$8.04 b

P E: .. Yield:..

N D J 52-week range $6.70~ $ 18.88

Vol.:3.0m (2.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$876.5 m

PE:5 2 . 8 Yield: ...

SOURCE: Sungard




The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.58 percent Monday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.



3-month T-bill . 0 4 .0 1 6-month T-bill . 0 5 .05 52-wk T-bill .08 .09 2-year T-note . 2 9 .3 3 5-year T-note 1.44 1.50 10-year T-note 2.58 2.65 30-year T-bond 3.53 3.60


+ 0 .03 ... T -0.01 T



.06 .10 .13

-0.04 T




-0.06 T -0.07 T -0.07 T


A .89 T 2.02 T 3.22



+ ++ +


$4 1.85

Vol.:8.8m (2.5x avg.) P E: 14.4 Vol.:37.9m (1.5x avg.) P E: 9.2 Mkt. Cap:$6.97 b Yie l d : 1.7% Mkt.Cap:$48.96 b Yield: 0.9%

Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.34 3.42 -0.08 T T Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.90 4.90 . . . A T Barclays USAggregate 2.31 2.33 -0.02 T T -14 -1 42 15 PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.64 5.61 +0.03 A A RATE FUNDS M oodys AAA Corp Idx 4.43 4.44 -0.01 T T *annualized T o t al returns through Feb. 3 S ource: FactSet YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.66 1.71 -0.05 T T 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 3.09 3.11 -0.02 T T 1 YRAGO3.25 .13 SelectedMutualFunds







Source: FactSet






+ -1.06 '

Worries about slower factories slammed stocks on Monday, and the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell to its biggest loss since June. The S&P 500 was actually modestly higher when trading began, but it quickly flipped to a loss. The decline accelerated an hour after the opening, when a report showed that U.S. manufacturing growth slowed sharply in January. It's at its weakest pace of growth since May. The report followed another discouraging one released earlier on China's manufacturing sector. All 10 sectors that make up the S&P 500 index fell. The sharpest drops came from telecom and industrial stocks.



based on trailing 12 month results


Dow Jones industrials






Close: 15,372.80 Change: -326.05 (-2.1%)

15,500 "


4 Q '12





Operating EPS



1,800 "

1,650 "



15,320" ""' 10 DAYS "



'13 ,'



1,750 "



........ CIOSe: 1,741.89

More lislnners?




SSIP 500

Tuesday, February 4, 20t4


+ -.07

40 70



2.80 4.00 1.90 5.87 3.9 0 1 13 . 2.8 2


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 BalA m 23.5 0 - . 3 5 3.8 +12.4 +10.5+14.8 A A A CaplncBuA m 55.82 -.90 4.7 +6.1 +7.6+11.8 C A C CpWldGrlA m 42.92 -.93 5.3 +12.7 +8.5+15.2 C 8 C EurPacGrA m 46.84 -1.83 6.2 +7.6 +4.5+13.8 C 8 8 S&P500ETF 2270543 174.17 -4.01 FnlnvA m 48. 8 9 -1.10 5.9 +16.9 +11.1+18.0 C C 8 BkofAm 1550522 16.35 -.40 GrthAmA m 41.15 -.97 4.3 +21.2 +12.4+18.2 8 8 C iShEMkts 1118189 37.11 -1.08 Baron OppRet b BIOPX IncAmerA m 19.98 -.28 3.2 +10.3 +9.7+14.9 8 A A SPDR Fncl 1025282 20.53 -.53 InvCoAmA m 34.84 -.84 5.1 +19.6 +11.4+16.3 A C D FordM 910323 14.55 -.41 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m35.34 -.76 5.9 +12.6 +9.2+17.0 C 8 8 iShR2K 779025 108.65 -3.51 WAMutlnvA m37.28 -.80 5.5 +18.6 +13.4+17.0 A A C SiriusXM 769006 3.55 -.03 GenElec 749656 24.35 -.78 Dodge &Cox Income 13.7 5 + .84 +1.6 + 2.3 + 4.9 +7.3 A 8 8 Zyttga 734772 4.49 +.09 IntlStk 4 0.21 - . 9 6 -6.6 +11.6 +5.3+17.8 A A A 8 iPVix rs 732673 53.02 +3.51 Stock 159.7 1 -3.61 -5.4 +24.0 +13.7+20.4 A A A Fidelity Contra 91.76 -2.23 -4.6 +22.0 +13.2+18.7 8 8 C Gainers GrowCo 116 . 81 -3.87-2.7 +27.5 +15.4+22.6 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G LowPriStk d 46.88 -.92 -5.2 +20.6 +13.5+21.6 8 A 8 Fideli S artan 500 ldxAdvtg61.77 -1.45 -5.7 +17.5 +12.4+18.3 C 8 8 SiebertFn 3 .85 +.91 +31 . 0 BioTelem 8 .90 +1 . 6 1 +2 2 . 1 «C FrankTemp-Frankli n IncomeC x 2.39-.83 -1.7 +8.2 +7.7+14.9 A A A BarcSht8 2 5.86 +4 . 0 8 +1 8 . 7 03 IncomeA x 2.3 6 -. 83 - 1.6 + 8 .4 + 8.1+15.4 A A A PUVixST rs 9 9.94 $ . 12.41 +1 4 .2 Oakmark 24.86 -.54 -5.5 +13.6 +9.1+22.3 A A A CSVxSht rs 1 0.91 + 1 .3 2 +1 3 .8 Co Oppenheimer RisDivA m 18 . 41 -.46 -6.6 +12.0 +9.9+14.5 E D E C-TrCitiVol 4 .60 +.52 +12 . 7 RisDiv8 m 16 . 46 -.42 -6.7 +10.9 +8.9+13.4 E E E Moroingstar OwnershipZone™ Dynatron 4 .93 +.51 +11 . 5 RisDivC m 16 . 36 -.42 -6.7 +11.1 +9.0+13.6 E E E Comcst29 4 3.50 +4 . 5 0 +1 1 . 5 OeFund target represents weighted SmMidValA m41.80 -1.30 -5.7 + 20.6 +8.4+18.5 8 E D RetractTc 3 .95 +.40 +11 . 3 average of stock holdings SmMidValB m35.20 -1.10 -5.8 + 19.6 +7.5+17.5 8 E E CordiaBc rs 4 .44 +.44 +11 . 0 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 30.8 9 - . 6 6 -5.9 +14.8 +10.8+18.2 D C A Losers CATEGORY Mid-Cap Growth GrowStk 50.3 3 -1.30 -4.3 +27.2 +14.9+21.2 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 59.3 6 -1.76+2.7 +42.4 +29.9+27.3 8 A A RATING™ * *** r r Newlncome 9. 4 3 +.82+1.6 -0.1 +4.0 +6.0 D D D -5.32 -24.1 Oramed n 16.77 DicernaP n 32.66 -8.46 -20.6 ASSETS $386 million Vanguard 500Adml 160.71 3.76 -5.7 +17.5 +12.4+18.3 C 8 8 -1.05 -I 9.9 GalenaBio 4.22 500lnv 160.69 3.76 -5.7 +17.4 +12.3+18.1 C 8 8 EXP RATIO 1.39% VandaPhm 11.11 -2.12 -16.0 CapOp 45.49 1.86 -1.5 +29.1 +14.4+21.2 A A A MANAGER Michael Lippert -.36 -14.6 RetOpp wt 2.10 Eqlnc 27.94 -.63 -6.1 +14.9 +14.1+18.3 D A A SINCE 2006-03-03 IntlStkldxAdm 26.23 -.45 -6.4 + 36 +20 N A E E RETURNS 3-MO +4.5 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 28.48 -.91 -5.1 +24.7 +15.7+22.7 A A A YTO -3.3 TgtRe2020 26.34 -.32 -2.8 +8.9 +7.6+13.4 A A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +26.1 Tgtet2025 15.21 -.22 -3.4 +9.8 +7.9+14.3 8 8 C -57.97 -1.39 Paris 4,107.75 3-YR ANNL +11.2 TotBdAdml 10.74 +.84 +1.9 +0.5 +4.0 +4.9 C C E London 6,465.66 -44.78 -.69 5-YR-ANNL +23.8 Totlntl 15.69 -.26 -6.3 +3.5 +1.9+13.1 E E C Frankfurt 9,186.52 -119.96 -1.29 TotStlAdm 44.14 1.10 -5.5 +18.5 +12.6+19.2 8 A A Hong Kong22,035.42 -1 06.19 -.48 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 44.12 1.10 -5.5 +18.3 +12.5+19.1 8 8 A Mexico lllumina, Inc. 3.72 Milan 18,907.16 -511.18 -2.63 USGro 27.21 -.67 -5.2 +20.7 +13.4+18.6 C 8 C 3.53 Tokyo 14,61 9.13 -295.40 -1.98 Gartner, Inc. Class A Welltn 36.88 -.48 -2.8 +11.8 +9.7+14.0 A A B 3.5 Stockholm 1,285.91 -18.54 -1.42 Liberty Media Corporation Class A Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, or redemption -2.10 -.04 Acxiom Corporation 3.14 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually I marketing fee$odeither a sales or Sydney 5,187.90 Zurich 8,107.02 -84.31 -1.03 Guidewire Software Inc 3.13 redemption fee.Source: Morningstar.

Baron Opportunity Retail requires a long-term perspective according FAMILY MarhetSummary to Morningstar, as its recent returns AmericanFunds Most Active haven't been as strong as its 5- and NAME VOL (80s) LAST CHG 10-year record.



The price of crude fell by more than $1 per barrel. Discouraging reports about manufacturing activity in the world's two largest economies raised worries about oil demand.

Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal)

Foreign Exchange

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6305 -.0127 -.78% 1.5714 Canadian Dollar 1.1 0 96 -.0028 -.25% . 9 971 USD per Euro 1.3531 +.0045 +.33% 1.3662 JapaneseYen 100.89 -1.43 -1.42% 9 2 .74 Mexican Peso 13. 5 339 +.1918 +1.42% 12.6144 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5285 +.0125 +.35% 3.6745 Norwegian Krone 6 . 2829 +.0026 +.04% 5.4500 South African Rand 11.2548 +.1666 +1.48% 8.8425 Swedish Krona 6.5 4 36 -.0091 -.14% 6.3066 Swiss Franc .9009 -.0070 -.78% . 9 078 ASIA/PACIFIC 1.1423 -.001 2 -.11% . 9605 Australian Dollar Chinese Yuan 6.0605 -.0000 -.00% 6.2320 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7673 +.0035 +.05% 7.7556 Indian Rupee 62.565 +.075 +.1 2% 53.1 90 Singapore Dollar 1.2756 -.0011 -.09% 1.2392 South KoreanWon 1087.98 +4.76 +.44% 1094.30 Taiwan Dollar 3 0.37 + . 0 7 +.23% 29.63

The dollar was mixed against other major currencies. It rose against the British pound, but it's close to falling below the 100-yen level for the first time since November.

55Q QD


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -2.0 96.43 97.49 -1.09 -0.6 1.90 1.87 3.01 3.28 +0.32 -2.3 4.91 4.94 -0.77 +16.0 2.61 2.63 -0.93 -6.4

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1260.40 1240.10 + 1.64 + 4 .9 19.39 19.11 + 1.49 + 0 .3 1386.60 1375.70 + 0.79 + 1 . 1 3.20 3.22 -0.65 -7.0 702.50 703.00 -0.07 -2.1


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.40 1.42 - 0.92 + 4 . 4 Coffee (Ib) 1.36 1.25 +8.59 +22.8 Corn (bu) 4.36 4.34 + 0.40 + 3 . 3 Cotton (Ib) 0.85 0.86 - 0.96 + 0 . 4 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 349.40 353.80 -1.24 -3.0 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.42 1.43 - 0.14 + 4 . 3 Soybeans (bu) 12.93 12.83 +0.78 -1.5 -6.9 Wheat(bu) 5.64 5.56 +1.44 1YR.

© www.bendbulletin.com/business




Re ort: F ata is

BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • BeginningInDesign: Learn to useAdobeInDesign to create single-page advertisementsandfliers to complex multi-pagecolor publications; registration required; $89;1-4 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College,2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. • What's Brewing? Bend's TownHall:Building Bend: What havewelearnedand where areweheaded? Presented bythe Bend Chamber ofCommerce; $15 for members,$20 for nonmembers; 5p.m.; Volcanic TheatrePub,70 S.W. Century Drive,Bend; 541-323-1881 orwww. bendchamber.org/chamberevents/whats-brewingbends-town-hall-tbd-2. WEDNESDAY • Business Start-up Class: Learn to run abusiness, reach yourcustomers, find funding options, calculate amount needed to start and legalities involved; registration required;$29;11 a.m.-1 p.m.;Central Oregon Community College,2600 N.W. CollegeWay,Bend; 541-383-7290. • Website Hot Seat: Panel of onlinemarketing, SEO,brandingandother professionalsto review and critique business websites in front of alive audience;preregistration required; $5-10donation suggested; freefor Central OregonCommunity CollegeandOregonState University-Cascades Campusstudents; 6-8:45 p.m.; COCC, Wile Hall, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay,Bend; 541-383-7270 orhttps:// selfservice.cocc.edu:8002/ flexibleregistration/index. jsp?frc=CLMAIN&q=17899. • HowtoSelect the Right FranchiseWorkshop: Learn whetherfranchise ownership is rightforyou, howto chooseafranchise and arrangefinancing; registration required;free; 6-9 p.m.;COCCChandler Building,1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend;541-383-7290. • Typography, CommunicatingwithFonts: Learn howtheconscious and unconsciousmessages receivedthroughfonts can influencebuying habits and perceptionsabout your business;registration required; $89;6-9p.m.; Central Oregon Community College,2600 N.W.College Way, Bend;541-383-7270. THURSDAY • OregonEmployerCouncil Central OregonBusiness Seminar:Will coverpreemployment background checks, drugtesting, social media investigations, appropriateandinappropriate interview questions and videosurveillance; registration requiredbyFeb. 4; $50 perperson; 7:30a.m.; The RiyerhouseConvention Center, 2850N.W.Rippling River Court, Bend;541-6883024, denise.a.pollock© state.or.us orwww.oec.org. •Holdin gEmployeesand OthersAccountable: Learn to help eachpersononyour team dohis orher jobwell; registration required;$95;8 a.m.-noon;Central Oregon Community College,2600 N.W. CollegeWay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • BendChamberMaster Series, BuildingYour BusinessforSuccess: Learn aboutbusiness development, leadership developmentand people development;serieswill run until April 24;cost includesassessments, best practices, tools, systemsand processesand resources; registration required;$599; 1-2:30 p.m.;SmartSales Solutions Inc.,123 S.W. ColumbiaSt., Suite110; 541-382-3221 orwww. bendchamber.org/chamberevents/smart-salessolutionspresents-building-yourbuisness-for-success-thesmart-approach. • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbendbulletin.cem/bizcal

What:EyeoftheNeedle What it does:Commercial embroidery and branded products Pictnrod:RexAnn Reseter, ~ owner of Eye ofthe Needle Where:61478 Duncan Lane,Bend Employees:Three full-time, one part-time Phone:541-318-4250 Wabsito: www.eyeoftheneedle bend.com

igj I

By Susan Stellin New Yorh Times News Service

Travelers on Monday experienced a new round of canRobKerr i The Bulletin


r an s o i e By Rachael Reess The Bulletin

In a workshop behind her Bend home, RexAnn Reseter brings logos to life through her business, Eye of the Needle. "Embroidery is our expertise,"

than if customers bring in their

Reseter said. "That's what we've

own products to be embroidered.

been doing for 15 years, and perfecting it." Reseter startedherbusiness in her garage in 1999, and a year

"Because part of our income

comes fromapercentage made on thegarment, when people bring their own garments in we

later she built a 1,200-square-foot

lose that and we have to make

workshop and showroom on her Duncan Lane property. Along with the embroidery service, Resetersellsapparelfrom about 50 different suppliers, as well as branded products ranging from pens and flashlights to flash drives and computer bags.

it up somewhere, so we have to increase our embroidery pricing," she said. On average, it takes Reseter and her two full-time employees, Lin-

da Custer and Leslie Polifroni, 10 days to complete an order. "Linda takes care of the day-

Last year, she served more than

to-day orders, the ones that come

500 clients, including Epic Aircraft, local schools, Worthy Brewing Co. and Cascade DisposaL She said the cost for her ser-

over the Internet and email.... I do

the digitizing, or the setting up of the embroidery logos. And Leslie, she runs the machines and she

vices varies because the price of

has to coordinate to make sure

apparel and branded products differ. And customers who pur-

that everything gets done by its due date with a quality product,"

chase a certain quantity, she said, receive a discount. However, Re-

she said. "It takes all three of us to

make it all work."

seter said buying apparel through Eye of the Needle is much cheaper

— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

• Why should • a business invest in embroidery? . Ifindvisual • branding very important because it's sort of like, out of sight, out of mind. When peoplesee a logo or business name onmultiple occasions theyare going to remember that next timethey are needing that typeof service. If theydrive bya homethat has beautiful landscaping and theseguysare wearing T-shirts with the businessnameon it, they're going to remember that thenext time they look intheir yard andgo, "I really need somehelp." I am a firm believer in visual brandingand how important it is. doyou Q •• Where see the company in thenextfive years? Over the last • three years, I've been at anice continual increase as the economyhas improved, and I foresee that continuing. I want to explore more into the creative applications. Being able to watch what is going on in retail and coming up with ways we can accomplish that in a commercial situation.

cellations and delays as an-

other winter storm grounded planes yet again. But many of those flights won't be counted

as late or canceled in the government's on-time statistics. A recentfederal report

found that passengers are getting only part of the picture, and that the industry's on-time

performance is actually much lower than billed. And a proposed rule that would require

carriers toprovidea moreaccurate picture has itself been delayed — and has yet to be adopted more than two years after it was proposed. On-time statistics capture

only 76 percent of domestic flights at American commer-

cial airports, according to a reportreleased in December by the Transportation Depart-

ment's inspector general. These statistics do not include many segments of the industry that have grown in

recent years: international flights, flights flown by Spirit Airlines, or many flights operatedby regionalcarriersand other partners.

The proposed rule would increasethenumber ofcarriers required to report data about

delays and cancellations, improving the accuracy of the on-time statistics that the

government announces every month. It is part of a set of passen-

ger protections that began the lengthy federal rule-making process in April 2011, but the

announcement of the final proposed rule has been postponed multiple times.

The lat esttargetdate forits release, Jan. 24, has come and

gone with no action by the Transportation Department, leaving passenger advocates irate.

"I'm totally frustrated by

Trading suspensionhighlights threat of pennystockfrauds By Andrew Tangel Los Angeles Times

NEW YORK — The na-

tion's top securities regulator halted the buying and selling of 255 stocks in what the

agencycalleda "m assive trading suspension" to curtail

a persistent investor fraud. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said Monday the suspensions — part of its "Operation Shell-Expel" — affects stocks

of dormant companies based in 26 states and two foreign countries.

The action is part of a broader crackdown on fraud involving shares of small, or "micro-cap," companies. The SEC's worry is that the low-

priced or "penny" stocks are ripeforabuseby fraudsters in so-called pump-and-dump schemes — akin to the massive fraud highlighted in

Martin Scorsese's latest film "The Wolf of Wall Street."

In such scams, fraudsters artificially inflate the prices of shares of apparently inactive companies, then profit big by selling the stocks after they increase in value. The stocks in question are not traded on established ex-

changes but are bought and sold over the counter. "A frequent element in

pump-and-dump schemes has been the use of dormant shells," Andrew Ceresney, the SEC's enforcement director, said in a statement.

The SEC's action highlights the continuing threat penny stock frauds pose to investors, long since the day of Jordan Belfort, whose 1990s scheme was brought to life in "The Wolf of Wall Street."

Belfort's company was

called Stratton Oakmont.

this," said Charlie Leocha, director of the Consumer Travel

Alliance, a passenger advocacy group. "I've written letters, I've stood in front of the DOT

with a big banner, I've gone on TV. Now we're up to around 1,000 days since the rule was

It was a Long Island, N.Y.based brokerage that hyped


penny stocks to unsuspect-

ing investors largely using telephone calls. The penny stock fraudsters of today, however, no longer

ment declined to discuss the inspectorgeneral'sreportor the timing of the long-delayed passenger protections, which have been under review by

need scoresof brokers allin

the Office of Management and

one room. They can span the globe and use the Internet

Budget since April. Perhaps a thornier problem

to lure investors via email or

for data collectors is how long

post phony company financial statements online. "The higher degree of technology has made it far easier for them to pull off these frauds," Doug Leff, assistant special agent in charge of white-collar crimi-

passengers, not flights, are delayed, particularly with carriers operating near full capacity and few empty seats

nal investigations at the FBI's

office in New York, said in a recent interview. "It's fair to say from the time of Belfort's

fraud that these things have evolved both in sophistication and in quantity."

The Transportation Depart-

to accommodate travelers who get stuck — sometimes for

days — because of a missed

connection or canceled flight. "Wouldn't that be some-

thing — if you could see how many passengers were delayed one day, two days or three days?" Leocha said. "I'm sure that would make people's

jaws drop."

DEEDS Deschutes County • Hayden HomesLLCto Cara L. Pettersen, South Point, Lot 30, $240,000 •DunlapFineHomes Inc., Bruce N. Davis andWilliam Service to Joshua M.and Nicole R. Curley, Diamond Bar Ranch, Phase1, Lot 30, $186,900 • H&H Investments LLC to PeggyM. Hammond, First Addition to Whispering Pines Estates, Lot 34, Block 2, $275,000 • PacWest II LLC to

• Matthew J. and Mary M. Clarence D.andRhodora M. Cook, Gardenside Phillips to Liesl K. Frasier, P.U.D., Phase 2,Lots 75 Deschutes River Tract, Lot and 76, $243,332 7 $165000 • Reid M. Barudoni to • Hayden HomesLLC James C.andBeverly L. to Sanny T.Woodand Donald E.Thies, South Lange, Quail PineEstates 12, Lot16, $295,000 Briar, Lot 7, $165,000 • Cathryn J. Westbrook • Edwin and Nicola Tattam and Thamir R. Al-Alusi to Jay G.andJacquelyn to Margaret M. Martin, J. Clark, Awbrey Butte trustee for the Margaret Homesites, Phase19, Lot M. Martin Revocable 44, Block 6, $470,000 Living Trust, Renaissance • Carah Stovall to Mollie at Shevlin Park, Lot 48, A. Chaudetand Curtis D. $520,000 Juhl, Majestic, Phase3,

Lot 18, $218,000 • Powdr Corp. to David M. and Gillian K. Rathbun, Shevlin Ridge, Phase3, Lot 21, $350,500 • Jack E. Nelson andJulia E. Stout-Nelson to Robert and Shelly Dodson, Pine Grove Acres, Lots 5 and7, $150,000 • Teresa Aldrich to Jason M. and Angie K.Higham, Yardley Estates, Phase1, Lot 19, $320,000 • Nichole Brown to Michael P.andAndrea C.

Flanagan, Providence, Phase 5, Lot 21, Block 6, $225,000 • Anita M. Boyle, trustee for the Anita M. Boyle Revocable Trust, to Eric D. EvansandCynthia C. Bianchini, trustees for the Evan-Bianchini Revocable Trust, Deschutes River Recreation Homesites, Unit9, Part1, Lot26, Block 41, $325,000 • Matthew B. Phillips, who acquired title as Matthew Phillips, and Lisa

Phillips to Derek L Hill, Ponderosa PinesEast, Lot 19, $255,000 • Sarah J. and Michael A. Holtzclaw, trustees for the Sarah J. Holtzclaw Living Trust and the Michael A. Holtzclaw Living Trust, to Stephen F. TeeJr. and Danielle K. Morone, trustees for the Tee Family Trust, Miller Heights, Phase 2, Lot 54, $749,900 • Lost Creek Investment LLC to Uriah andBrieann

Dombrowski, Pines at Pilot Butte, Phases 3and 4, Lot 20, $280,165.40 •JustinandAmberWood to Beth L. andJeremyG. Guy, Wishing Well, Phase 5, Lot 3, $210,000 • Michael J. Mortensen to Jennifer Mickelson, Stonehedge onRim, Phase 3, Lot15, $217,000 • Wolfbuild LLC to Jerry L. and Joanne M.Morris, Township 15, Range 13, Sections 20 and21, $189,900

BRIEFING Children getting allowance hikes Children are enjoying hikes in their allowances as the fortunes of their parents brighten. From 2011 to2013, the percentage ofparents giving their children between $11 to$30 aweek climbed significantly, thanks in part to aneconomic rebound,according to dataanalyzed byT. Rowe Pricefor Reuters. At the sametime, more budgetconsciousmothers and fathers whoonly shelled out up to$10a week droppedsharply. Some children are seeing evenbigger boosts to their spending money. About 4percent of parents in 2013nearly fourtimes the number in 2011— bestowed between$41and $50 on their offspring. AT. RowePrice financial plannertold Reuters that families may be passing alonghigher incomes to their children. But another explanation could be a shift to give children morecontrol over their finances inorder to teachthem money smarts.

Union vote slated for VW workers In what will be one of the mostclosely watched unionization elections in the South in decades, Volkswagen announced on Monday that the1,600 workers at its assembly plant in Chattanooga, Tenn., will vote next weekon whether to join the United Automobile Workers. The union hasvoiced unusual optimism about winning becauseVolkswagen, unlike many U.S. companies, is not opposing the unionization drive and because UAW organizers say the majority of workers have already signed cards backing a union.

Hot Dogona Stick files forChapter11 The owner of Hot Dog on a Stick, the employee-owned purveyor of corn dogs anddeepfried cheese in dozens of malls in the western U.S., filed for bankruptcy to reorganize andcut real estate costs. HDOS Enterprises listed debt of less than $10 million and less than $50 million in assets in a Chapter11 petition filed Monday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Los Angeles. The chain "signed some very expensive leases during the booming economy of the mid2000s," Chief Executive Officer DanSmith said in a statement.


to move its darge Google must move a mystery barge from a construction site on an island in the middle of San Francisco Bay because the permits are not in order, a state official said Monday. The notice came after the SanFrancisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission investigated numerous complaints aboutconstruction of the floating, four-story building, commission executive director Larry Goldzband said. The investigation

found that neither the Treasure Island Development Authority nor the city of San Francisco had applied for required permits for the work to be done at the site and could face fines andenforcement proceedings. — From wire reports


FOOD Greekyogurt Continued from D1 G reek-style yogu r t s, though, are going to pack

Next week: Romantic breakfast for Valentine's Day

Greekyogurlversusregular low-fat yogurt

tell if the Greek yogurt you're buying is what it says it is or

Comparing 8 ounces of 2 percent Greekyogurt to 8 ouncesof low-fat regular yogurt: • Both yogurts contained 150 calories. • Greekyogurt contained 4.5 grams of fat versus 3 grams in regular yogurt. • Both yogurts were equally low in cholesterol. • Regular yogurt contained twice as muchsugar as Greek yogurt. • Regular yogurt contained 400 milligrams of calcium (40 percent of your RDA),versus only150 milligrams in Greekyogurt. • Greek yogurt contained almost half the carbohydrates (9 grams) as regular yogurt (16 grams). • Greek yogurt contained19 grams of protein (38 percent of your RDA), versus11 grams in regular yogurt.

just an artificially thickened

— JanRoberts-Oominguez

almost twice as much pro-

tein, which helps curb those midday hunger pangs. Plus, there's that benefit of lower

carbohydrates. And it's actually a satisfying substitute for sour cream. However, since the t erm

"Greek" is unregulated, impostors abound. How do you

impostor? The g e nuine p r o duct achieves its thick and creamy

— Greek or regular — con-

character through a process in which the liquid portion in milk, called whey, is strained off from the solid portion.

tains those live active cultures

strain some of the water out

of yogurt until it reaches the (which we've come to recog- thickness you want; its connize by the term "probiotics"), sistency can be varied: it can make sure the label states that be similar to sour cream, With t h e w h e y r e m oved, theyogurt"contains live active creme fraiche, or mayonthere's less sugar, which re- cultures" and is not just "made naise, for which it's a good duces the carbohydrate con- with live active cultures." All substitute, or it can be thick tent. Plus, the concentration

yogurts start out with live ac-

of milk solids increases Greek tive cultures, but during the yogurt's protein content dra- pasteurization process they're matically. Most brands weigh destroyed. So if you want the in at almost twice as much benefit of probiotics in your protein as regular yogurt, yogurt, make sure that those meaning that a typical serv- live active cultures have been ing of Greek yogurt packs as added back in. much high quality protein as So the next t i m e y ou're you'll find in 3 ounces of lean standing in the yogurt aisle meat; an appealing trait for and fin d y o urself o verfolks interested in healthy whelmed by all the "Greek" ways to build muscle. style choices, take a breath, At the c ommercial level, put on your reading glasses, straining off the whey adds and check out the fine print. time and expense to the pro-

enough to cut with a knife. "For straining, I r ecom-

Rob Kerr I The Bulletin

Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing madewith Greek yogurt makes an excellent vegetable dip.

mend a colander or coarse strainer lined with a c l ean cotton dish towel of fairly fine

Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing

weave, what used to be called flour sack. (Many recipes suggest the use of cheesecloth, but you'd have to use about 10 layers for the same results.) Dump a quart (or whatever quantity you like) of yogurt in

Makes about3cupsofdressing. This really is a delicious blue cheesedressing. Lower in fat than most classic blue cheese dressings, yet high in flavor. It also makes a great dip for vegetables. 1 C nonfat plain Greek yogurt t/2 C mayonnaise t/2 C buttermilk

2 TBS red wine vinegar 1 tsp Dijon-style mustard t/2 tsp salt

t/4 tsp white pepper 1 C crumbled blue cheese

there, set the colander over a bowl in the refrigerator, twist

In a bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, buttermilk, sour cream, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper. Stir in or tie the top of the towel, and the cheese, cover, andrefrigerate until ready to use.


Making yourown

"To speed the process, If you want to make your squeeze every now and then, mimicking the texture of tra- own Greek yogurt — which or don't bother. When the yoditionally made Greek yogurt is simply regular plain yogurt gurt has reached the consiswith the addition of thicken- from which much of the water tency of sour cream, twist and ers, such as carageenan, lo- has been drained off — it's re- squeeze once more and scoop cust bean gum, guar gum and ally simple, and after the ini- out the yogurt, which will corn starch. You'll find these tial set-up, which only takes have been reduced in volume ingredients on the label, which minutes, will be complete in by about half. . . . Store the is why it's important to read two to three hours. Choose a thickenedyogurt in a covered the fine print. Genuine Greek good quality yogurt, one con- container and use it within a yogurt should contain only taining active cultures and no week or so for best quality." milk, live active cultures and artificial thickeners. — Jan Roberts-Domintruez is a flavoring agents. As M ar k B i t t man, f o od Corvallis food writer, cookbook And by the way, if you want w riter fo r t h e N e w Y o r k author and artist. Contact: janrd@ to ensure that your yogurt Times, states, "All you do is proaxis.com. cess. So some brands with the word Greek in the label are



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Pocket Delight with Greek Yogurt Raita Sauce Makes 6 to 8servings. A melange of fresh, crunchy vegetables, grated cheese, diced egg, sunflower seeds, all tucked into a chewy pocket of bread, then drizzled with a cucumber-laced GreekYogurt Raita Sauce. 1 C finely chopped or shredded

carrots 1 C finely chopped celery 1 C finely chopped sweet bell


t/2 C finely chopped green onion /4 C sunflower seeds t/2 C shredded cheese Greek Yogurt Raita Sauce (see

3 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and chopped 2 tomatoes, chopped

recipe) Pocket bread (or flour tortillas)

In a bowl, combine the carrots, celery, bell pepper, green onion, shredded cheese, eggs, tomatoes and sunflower seeds; set aside. When ready to assemble the pocket sandwiches, spoon a portion of the vegetable mixture into the pocket opening. Drizzle on theRaita Sauceand serve. Greek Yogurt Raita Sauce:In a medium bowl, whisk together 1 peeled and chopped cucumber, t/2cup chopped yellow onion, 2 cups plain low-fat Greek yogurt, 1 to 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar, 2 teaspoons ground cumin, salt and pepper to taste; refrigerate until ready to use.

New Potato Gratin with Greek Yogurt, Onions and Chicken This is a very homey-yummy entree. A green salad and hunk of crunchy French bread rounds out the meal. Friends go awayverrrry happy. 1 TBS butter 1 TBS olive oil

1t/2 C low-fat plain Greek

1 yellow onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced

t/4 C minced green onions (all of the white portion and a


1t/2 TBS ell-purpose flour 2 C chicken broth, canned or

2 C diced, shredded or chopped cooked chicken 1 C freshly grated Gruyere (or a

Swiss cheese) portion of the pale green) Chopped fresh green onion for Salt, freshly groundblack pepper garnish 1t/2 Ibs Yukon gold potatoes, cut intot/2-inch dice


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Heat the butter and olive oil in a skillet and saute the onion and garlic over medium heat until the onion is soft and translucent, about 3 minutes. Add the flour and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Whisk in the chicken broth and continue stirring and cooking until the mixture is smooth, creamy and thickened. Whisk in the yogurt and minced green onion. Season to taste with the salt and pepper. Add the potatoes and chicken and spread the mixture evenly in a 1-quart baking dish (or 9-inch oval gratin dish). Bake for 20 minutes, then spread the grated cheeseover the top and continue baking until the potatoes are tender, about another 30 to 40 minutes. Garnish top with the greenonions and serve.

Hot Artichoke Dip with Greek Yogurt Makes about 8 servings. I've slimmed down myfavorite hot artichoke dip creation by substituting Greek yogurt for the sour cream.Aside from the Greekyogurt addition, what makesthis hot artichoke dip super special is the generous use ofmarinated artichokes, which was inspired by aversion I discovered several years ago at the Prescott Brewing Company, in Prescott, Ariz. The whole thing is served hot and creamy in a scooped-out loaf of bread. I managed to duplicate their creation and for simplicity's sake, ditched the bread bowl. If desired, you can always bakeyour dip in said bread bowl. Just allow a longer baking time in the oven. 2 C low-fat plain Greek yogurt '/2 C mayonnaise

2 (6 oz) jars marinated artichoke hearts, drained

t/2 C finely chopped green

Assortedrew vegetables

onions (white portion only; reserve the green for garnish)

(broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, carrot sticks, sweet

red and greenbell pepper strips)

and chopped

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t/2 C grated Parmesan cheese

Fresh baguette, thinly sliced

Preheat the oven to375 degrees. In a medium bowl, combine the yogurt, mayonnaise, artichoke hearts, Parmesan and green onion. Scrape the mixture into a shallow oven-proof dish and bake until the dip is hot and bubbly and lightly golden on top, about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven, garnish the top with a sprinkling of the green onion tops and serve, surrounded by thevegetables and slices of a fresh baguette.

Tomato-Pesto Sauce for Crab Makes about 3'/4 cups. Try this as an alternative to the classic red seafood cocktail sauce. This time I've lightened up another family favorite by substituting Greekyogurt for the mayonnaise. 2 TBS olive oil 3 TBS minced yellow onion

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1t/4 C peeled, seeded and

choppedtomato (use Rome tomatoes, if possible) 2 C low-fat plain Greek yogurt

1 TBS commercially prepared or homemade pesto (more to taste) 1 TBS brandy (optional)

Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a small skillet. Add the onion and gently saute until the onion turns a light golden brown and is lightly caramelized. This will take about10 minutes. Don't scorch the onions by cooking over too high of aheat. Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper, and adjust the temperature up to about medium-high and continue simmering until the tomato mixture has softened, and all of the liquid released by the tomatoes has cookedaway, creating a thick mixture, which will take 15 to 20 minutes. Scrape the mixture into a mixing bowl and set aside until cool. Mix in the yogurt, pesto and brandy, andadjust seasonings, adding additional pesto, salt and pepper asneeded. Chill until ready to serve. May bemadeand refrigerated up to aweek ahead.




Salted caramel

pie — my, ohmy • Lunar NewYear gets a citrusykick

By Julie Rothman


The Baltimore Sun

Ed Levy from Baltimore

Looking for a hard-tofind recipe or cananswer a request? Write to Julie Rothman, Recipe Finder, TheBaltimore Sun, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, or email baltsunrecipefinder© gmail.com. Namesmust accompany recipes for them to be published.

was hoping I would be able

By Bill Daley

to get the recipe forthe salted

Chicago Tribune

chocolate caramel pie that he and his wife so enjoyed at

Welcome the Year of the Horse with a citrusy kick that

Bottega, the new restaurant located in the Station North

will not only deliver good flavor right now but also will promise good fortune in the months ahead. Citrus fruits like oranges,

neighborhood in Baltimore. It was one of two desserts on

the menu the night he and his wife dined there with friends, and they all thought it was one of the single best desserts they had ever had.

kumquats and pomelos are traditional for the Lunar New

Year, which began Friday this year. They are used for decoration, given as gifts or snacked on. But cookbook author Grace Young says citrus fruit also has its place in cooking, particularly now when

came back asking for a second share and liked it so much sliver. This one is just too good they asked for a second. to practice self-control. They ordered one slice to I

everyone is focused on new


"We're w atching o u r weight," says the New York City-based author of "Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge" and two

co n t acted A dr i e n


Aeschliman, the chef-owner of Bottega, and he graciously provided me with his recipe for the pie. He said he adapted it from a recipe

Paula Pumptuey from Glen Burnie, Md., is seeking a recipe forchocolatefudgethatshe recalls from her childhood. She

from Marlow & Sons restaurant in Brooklyn, NY.

wrote that she went to P.S. 84 in South Baltimore, near Riv-

This deliciously decadent erside Park, 60 or so years ago,

other cookbooks. "We want

creation may not be for the

and Salem Lutheran Church

to eat healthily, and it's good

was right around the corner on Randall Street. She said "they

I think, for a stir-fry, oranges are beautiful."

inexperienced cook. It requires making a homemade caramel, which takes some degree of skill. I managed

Oranges and other citrus are Lunar New Year must-

it on my first attempt, but if one were not vigilant, it

not soft. It was about half an

haves because they are rich

would be easy to overcook it

to have that hit of vitamin C.

made and sold the best choco-

late fudge in the world. It was inch thick and snapped when

you bit into it. It immediately and have it seize up. melted in your mouth." I loved th e f ac t t h at The only two ingredients she

in symbolism in terms of col-

or, shape and the puns that can be made off their Chinese

Museum of San Francisco and this recipe for Orange-Ginger Chicken. author of the book "Hidden

Aeschliman uses chocolate is sute it contained were sugar Teddy Graham cookiesfor and canned milk(not sweetened the crust. He said he did that condensed milk). She said that because"you can fi nd them she is sure of those ingte5ents lots of places, but basically because back in the day, the any not-overly sweet simple families of the students would chocolate cookie is gonna donate those ingnedients to the

Meanings in Chinese Art."


names, says Terese Tse Bartholomew, curator emeritus of

Himalayan art and Chinese decorative art at the Asian Art

"It's the color," says Bartholomew, speaking of oranges. "It's the color of gold. People want the new year to

Candied Orange Peel Makes 60to 70 candied peels, each 2 to 3 inches long. Prep: 30 minutes. Soak:Overnight. Cook: 30 minutes. "These sweetmeats are not traditional new year fare, but since navel oranges are at their peak in California during Tet, the peels havefound a place in my annual candy-making production," writes Andrea Nguyen in her cookbook, "Into the Vietnamese Kitchen: Treasured Foodways, Modern Flavors." Scrub the oranges well if there's a waxy coating on them. Andrea Nguyen suggests dipping the peels in melted dark chocolate if a "touch of decadence" is desn'ed. 6 sm or 5 med blemish-free, thick-skinned oranges,

preferably California navels 1/e plusi/4 C sugar '/4 C plus 2 TBS water Trim '/4 tol/~inch from both ends

of each orange. Reveal someflesh to make removing the peel easier. Make cuts, from top to bottom and at 1-inch intervals, around each orange. Make sure the knife goes through the peel and pith down to the flesh. Use your fingers to remove the peel from the orange in sections. Cut each section lengthwise into /3-inch-wide strips. Put the peels into a saucepan; add enough water so that they float. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap; refrigerate overnight. Drain the peels. Return them to the saucepan; again add enough water so the peels float. Heat to a boil over medium heat; then drain. This mellows the harsh flavor of the peels. Put a wire rack on a baking sheet; place the baking sheet nearby for drying the finished strips. Put 1N cups sugar and all the water in a wide, high-sided skillet that can accommodate the strips in a single layer. Heat to a boil over medium heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Add the peels; lower the heat to a simmer.Cook until glazed and shi ny,25-30 minutes.Occasionally stir the peels and swirl the pan to ensure even cooking; lower the heat as needed to prevent scorching. During candying, the plump peels will shrink, straighten out and soften. The white pith will turn golden and somewhat translucent. Use tongs to transfer each strip to the rack, placing them orange side up and not touching. Discard the sugar syrup. Allow the peels to dry until they feel tacky, about 1 hour. To coat the peels, put the remaining '/~ cup sugar in a small bowl. Drop in afew strips at a time; shake the bowl back and forth to coat them well. Transfer to a plate; repeat with the remaining peels. Store strips in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week.

BillHogan / Chicago Tribune

"I think, for a stir-fry, oranges are beautiful," says cookbook author Grace Young, who came up with

peak season. "Sweet treats are a huge heard th e C a ntonese new Pomelo is called "you," which year greeting'? 'May you ex- sounds like the Cantonese thing for Viet Tet gatherings. bringthem money. Have you plode in wealth.' People must

tune, Bartholomew explained.

word for "to have." So, house-

have these wealth-giving holds will have one, preferably things." two, pomelos on hand to symDuring the new year, adults bolize the desire "to have all will place two oranges, prefer- your wishes come true," she ably with leaves still attached says. The Cantonese name for as a sign of green life, along kumquat sounds like "gumwith red envelopes of money gut" and is a pun on goldnext to the pillows of sleeping "gum" — and good fortune"dai gut." That's why candied children,shesays. Puns are very much the kumquats are a traditional thing. An orange is called new year's treat. "gut" in Cantonese, which ties

in with "dai gut," or good for-

You set out an assortment for

guests to nibble at tea," writes Andrea Nguyen, author of en." (Tet is the Vietnamese word for Lunar New Year.) "I take a nontraditional route by m aking candied orange peels for Tet. Being in California, it's totally apropos and takes full advantage of our seasonal local bounty, which is at the

core, the essence,ofVietcooking citrus now because this is ing and Tet."

Orange-Ginger Chicken Makes 2 to 3servings as a main dish with rice; 4 as part of a multicourse meal. Prep: 30 minutes. Marinate: 30 minutes. Cook: 6 minutes. Grace Youngadapted her Hong Kong-style mango ginger chicken from "Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge" for us. a/4tsp salt, divided 2 tsp plus 2 TBS peanut or vegetable oil, divided '/e C chicken broth

4 tsp Shaoxing rice wine or dry

i/4 tsp red pepper flakes

sherry, divided

1 TBS minced ginger 2 tsp minced garlic

1 med green pepper, julienned i/2 C thinly sliced red onions

2 tsp soy sauce 1 navel orange

Combine the chicken, egg white, 2 teaspoons cornstarch, 2 teaspoons rice wine and '/~ teaspoon salt in a medium bowl. Stir until the cornstarch is totally dissolved and no clumps are visible. Add 2 teaspoons of the oil; stir to combine. Refrigerate, uncovered, 30 minutes. Combine the broth, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, the remaining 2 teaspoons rice wine and '/~ teaspoon cornstarch in a small bowl. Zest the orange; reserve the zest. Remove white pith from the orange with a sharp paring knife. Working over a bowl to catch any drips, carefully slide the knife on either side of each membrane to free the orange segments, letting segments fall into the bowl. Heat1 quart water to a boil in a saucepan. Add1 tablespoon oil. Reduce the heat to low. When the water is barely simmering, carefully add the chicken, gently stirring so that the pieces do not clump together. Cook until the chicken just turns opaque but is not cooked through, about 1 minute. Carefully drain the chicken in a colander, shaking the colander to remove any excess water. Heat a 14-inch wok or 12-inch skillet over high heat until a bead of water vaporizes within 1 to 2 seconds of contact. Swirl the remaining 1 tablespoon oil into the wok; add the ginger and garlic. Stir-fry until fragrant, 10 seconds. Add the bell peppers and red onions; stir-fry until the bell peppers are almost crisp-tender, 1 minute. Add the chicken; sprinkle with the remainingl/t teaspoon salt. Restir the broth mixture; swirl it into the wok. Stir-fry until the chicken is just cooked through,1 minute. Stir in the orange segments, zestand any accumulated juices.

Pomelo and Crab Salad Makes 4 to 6servings as part of a shared meal. Prep: 25 minutes. Cook: 6 minutes. A recipe from Australia's Luke Nguyen, author of "The Food of Vietnam" (Hardie Grant, $50). Grapefruit can be substituted for the pomelo, if necessary. Luke Nguyen, aSydney restaurateur, is author of four cookbooks and is a television cooking-show host. Vietnamese mint is also known as Vietnamese coriander or rau ram, according to "The NewFood Lover's Companion." Look for the herbs andother specialty ingredients in an Asian grocery. If you cannot find them, leave themout, the salad will still be delicious. 1a/4 oz dried shrimp, about1i/2 C 2 TBS oil 1 garlic clove, finely diced 1lg pinkpomelo,or2sm pink

pomelos 7 oz picked, cooked crab meat 5 mint leaves, sliced 5 perilla leaves, sliced

5 Vietnamese mint leaves, sliced 5 Thai basil leaves, sliced 1 TBS fried red Asian shallots

2 tsp fried garlic chips 3 TBS nuoc cham dipping sauce,see recipe 1 Ig red chili, sliced

Crushed roasted peanuts Soak the dried shrimp in water, 1 hour; drain. Add the oil to a hot frying pan. Add the garlic; cook until fragrant, 5-10 seconds. Add the dried shrimp; stir-fry until crispy and golden brown, about 3 minutes. Removefrom the pan; allow to cool. Peel andsegment thepomelo. Break into bite-size pieces; place in alarge bowl. Add the cooled garlic and shrimp mixture, the crabmeat, herbs, fried shallots, garlic chipsandnuoc cham. Tosstogether well. Transfer to aserving dish; garnish with thechili andpeanuts. Servegarnishedwith extra herbs. iiuoc cham dipping sauce:Combine l/2 cup water, 3 tablespoons each of fish sauce andwhite vinegar, and 2 tablespoons sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir well; cook until just below boiling point is reached. Removepanfrom heat; cool. Stir in 2 chopped garlic cloves, 1 thinly sliced chili and 2 tablespoons lime juice. Store in a tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

school, which in turn would donate them to the church. Her

90-yearold mother,who alsoattended P.S. 84,remembers doing the same thing when she went

there, but unfortunately she doesn't remember the recipe.

"Into the Vietnamese Kitch-

You should have luck find-

12 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast, cut into l/4-inch-thick bite-size slices 2 TBS egg white, lightly beaten 2i/4 tsp cornstarch, divided

Imadethis pie and invited some friends overfordessert and coffee. While everyone took a look at it and asked for a small piece to start, more than one of my guests


Salted Caramel Chocolate Pie Makes 8 to 10servings. CRUST: 2 C crushed chocolate Teddy

1 tsp vanilla extract Pinch of salt

Graham cookies '/4 C unsalted butter, melted CARAMEL FILLING: 1i/2 C sugar /s C water /3 C whipping cream 10 TBS unsalted butter

CHOCOLATE FILLING: a/4C whipping cream 6 oz bittersweet or semi-sweet

chocolate, finely chopped Sea salt (preferably Maldon) for dusting

Te make cookie crust:Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine the crushed cookies and melted butter in a medium bowl and mix well. Press mixture firmly and evenly into the bottom and up the sides of a 9-inch pie or tart pan. Bakefor 8 minutes. Set aside and allow to cool completely before filling. Te make caramel filling:Stir sugar and water in a heavy saucepan over low heat until sugar dissolves. Increase heat and boil until the syrup is an amber color, swirling the pan occasionally and brushing down the sides with a wet pastry brush, about 6 minutes. Remove from heat. Add cream, butter, vanilla, and pinch of salt (the mixture will bubble up). Return pan to very low heat; stir until caramel is smooth and the color deepens, about 5 minutes. Refrigerate the caramel uncovered until cold but not firm, about15 minutes, before pouring into prepared crust. It should fill a little more thanhalfway. Return to refrigerator and allow the caramel to firm up for about an hour or two. To make chocolate filling:Bring cream to a boil in a heavy saucepan. Add the chocolate and whisk together until smooth. Pour the chocolate filling carefully over the caramel layer to cover. In the end, you want slightly more caramel than chocolate in the tart. Refrigerate for about an hour or twountilfirm.sprinklefinirhed i pie with sea salt, slice and Heal, Strengthen,Correct serve chilled. Store any uneatRelax SafelyYourMind &Body en portion in the refrigerator.

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HOME ck k


Next week: Valentine bouquets


I( bj

E s

0m L

A wall display of family pictures adorns one of the Morgans' living roomwalls.

A spacious mudroomoff the garage keeps everyone's outdoor gear organized and ready to go.

Welcome Continued from 01

Kitchen The s t unning k i t chen takes a leading role in this 4 ,600-square-foot hom e . With its white cupboards and

i 'ttt

marble countertops, the ex-

•a •

pansive kitchen is light and bright. Taking center stage is the 6-by-9-foot marble island, with a cutout for a bar sink at the far end. The large mar-



ble slab, according to Kathy, makes it easy to entertain friends and family. "I really just put out a bunch of food on the island, and people can

as ss

,, L

L Ig

g g


mm r



• Sl •

F Elegant lights hang above the kitchen's central island. The home has several unique light fixtures.

help themselves."

Above the stunning island are two oversized hanging black iron and glass lamps that have an old-fashioned heirloom quality.

cherry-wood bench along the wall. Underneath the bench are more slotsto store shoes

and ski and/or bike helmets.

Overall, the k i tchen has

more formality than a French

Kids' space

provincial style, but it hints at a country feel, with its white

The family wanted to cre-

. Mp

cabinetry and acacia wood floors.

The gorgeous kitchen is a space that doesn't take itself too seriously,as evidenced by the black chalkboard-paneled pantry door, where Kathy p osts the a r t work o f h e r

ate an area aside from the kids' bedrooms where they *-u could all hang out. All of the kids'bedrooms are upstairs, Photos by RobKerr/The Bulletin Located in the Broken Top neighborhood in Bend, the Morgans' family home combines the practicality of living with children with elegant and in the center is a teen lair. living spaces. It is complete with a comfortable, fl u ff y s e c tional couch, which faces a large See additional photos f lat-screen TV. Also in t h i s on The Builetin's website: room is a foosball table from beudbulletin.cum/athumetuur their grandparents.


10-year-old daughter. Wanting to keep the house as welcoming as possible, the Morgans opted for an open kitchen design, with no walls to the fireplace, Kathy has separating the space from the decoratively filled the wall family room. with black-and-white photos of her children, all in black Fireplace frames, giving it a designer The family room features look. basic neutral colors, which Opposite this photo wall in gives the room a soft, com- the living room are two large fortable feel. O ne t h in g


Planning Scott and Kathy decided to build their master bedroom and bathroom d o wnstairs,

away from their children's bedrooms and th e t eenage

hangout room. Their master bedroom is down the hall from the living room, and across from Scott's home office. The master bed-

French doors that lead out S c ot t Mo r - to the outdoor living space,

gan insisted on was a real which Kathy says is used wood-burning fireplace, not quite frequently in the warman electric or gas fireplace. er months. "Yes,that was my requireBut if there's a summer evement. I had to have a real

room also has French doors that lead out to a small out-

door patio that has a seating

ning chill, Scott will be at the


wood-burning f ire p lace; ready to build a fire in an outthere's something about real doorstone fireplace.

If you're wondering why the Morgans built so many

wood burning," said Scott

French doors leading out to

Mom space

with a laugh. On the wall perpendicular

Sometimes a mom who is raising three teenagers and a 10-year-old needs to be able This room next to the kitchen offers space for the family to do homework and sit by a fireplace. One to shut the door and have her wall has workstations for laptops, but the kids often use iPads on the couch instead. own space. Kathy got h e r s p ecial space, in what she calls her kitchen, which is the heart of "sunroom," just off the kitch- the house, Kathy has a sliding en. As the name implies, the glass pocket door that she can room faces west and is sun- close, but it enables her to still filled and bright. see what's going on. Kathy also has her own The sunroom also has anlittle fireplace in this room, other glass door that leads which keeps the space warm out to the back courtyard, just and cozy in the winter. a few steps from the outdoor Because the room is off the living room.

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• ••


Scott credits his wife for knowing what finishes would work in this house, saying she has a keen eye for design. "Really, I'd have to say the The living room is set next to the open kitchen. The house was dekey to this house is the finish- signed for children and guests to enjoy, so baskets sit at-the-ready ing work, everything from all filled with board games.


I •

Scott. The areas where K athy

rennials. Though they battle the deer,the Morgans love having time to spend outside in their outdoor living

space. Whether it's out of their master bedroom, their

living room, the sunroom, or out on the front porch, when it's spring and summer they know some flowers will be in


Durability The Morgans are certainly putting their new house through it s

p a ces. A l most

house, the detail work gives

dirty jackets or socks right

the house a warm character.

into the washer. The laun-

eat pasta at the marble island

wanted a little more bling are the formal dining room, Functionality where she splurged and With four kids, you must bought a beautiful crystal have functionality, stresses chandelier. She also decided Scott. Without that functionher three daughters could

planted more than 800 pe-

every Friday evening during winter, they're hosting their son Abe's high school nordic ski team for ski-waxing parties. The entire four-car garage area is used for waxing, while the ski team members run in and out of the house to

faces, Kathy picked out," said

ality for an active family, the

use some bling in their lives, house won't work. too, so she bought chandeWhich is why the Morgans

dry room is large enough to in the kitchen. have counters and a sink. The The experience makes Morgans also built space for Kathy shrug her shoulders an extrarefrigerator,so they and smile. "We really do love wouldn't run out of food for having the ski team here," she hungry teenagers and their said. "Next week we're havfriends. ing some of my daughter's Coming out of

t h e l aun-

friends here for dinner, before

dry room, on the right side of the high school dance." rooms. signing the perfect mudroom this long hallway are large, It would appear the MorBeyond the bling, Kathy for their active kids. tall built-in spaces for every gans' west-side home has also took an appreciation for The long mudroom leads in person in the household. The become the welcoming place fine millwork in her home. from the garage. As the kids walls are cherry-wood pan- they had envisioned it would From the powder room's enter the house from the ga- eling with brass hooks. Top be for their children, and all w hite w ainscoting o n t h e rage, they step up and to the shelves allow for more stor- their friends. walls, to the crown and floor left is a large laundry room, age cubby spaces, and below — Reporter: pnakamura@ m olding t h r oughout t h e which allows them to toss any is a long, built-in, matching bendbulletin.com liers for each of their stylized

E ' CnK home s


the light fixtures, to the sur-





their backyard spaces, it's because Scott is something of a master gardener, having built five garden beds and

spent a lot of design time de-



of bright gold, bright orange gold, lively rust, very dark olive-green, greenish gold or with no mordant a gold color. The roots of Oregon grape,

<4f ir ~ „

Continued from D1 In "Growing Herbs and Plants for Dyeing," Betty Jacobs lists bloodroot as a source of color in shades of orange, rust or reddish pink depending on the mordant used. Blood-

our stateflower, were used by

the Navajo to make a yellow dye. The bluish-purple berries stain purple and produce lavenders on wool. Curly dock, a weed found in abundance, can be used either in the green leaf color or in

iJs'~ „

root was discovered as a dye

plant by American Indians. Dyer's chamomile is often called a look-alike to the herb

( '8i/i~f'

chamomile used for teas. Dyer's chamomile is also named golden marguerite. This is a good example of being aware of the botanical genus to make Courtesy Kathleen Tovey sure I get the right one. The These pieces ofyam weredyed with natural matedial grown in Cendyer's chamomile is of the tral Oregon. The wool shown here includes moss green from pondergenus "anthemis," the herb osa tree Letharia lichen, light green from juniper tree Letharia lichen, chamomile used for teas and yellows fromrabbitbrush and marigolds, and shades oforangeand medicinal purposes belongs to red from dahlia flowers, coreopsis flowers andmadder root. a different genus. Hollyhocks grow well in Central Oregon. There is a The range of colors is so red or garnet red. planting of the native holly- great that at one time madAfter perusing my books, I hock in the Native Section of der was classified as the most am almost convinced I don't the Oregon State University important of all dye-stuffs. have to go much further than D emonstration G a rden i n Madder is a perennial that is my existing two acres. AccordRedmond. I promise not to not harvested until the plant ing to author Anne Bliss, one snatch the fresh flowers. Dye is 2 years old, and then it is the of her most reliable dye plants color can range from orange roots that are used. The results is rabbitbrush. I certainly have to pink or lime depending on of thedye process can yield a plenty of that. Fresh flowers the mordant. color range of orange, lacquer and leaves will yield colors

' tAI



Storing freshfirewood; Champagnecookery '

the fall when seeds and stalks have turnedthe reddish color.



The reddish brown seeds and

recommend using the sparkling wine for poaching, deglazing a pan or cooking risotto. A dry variety is best for savory dishes. Keep the extra

contain the surprise and gift

Champagne stored airtight How should I stack (with plastic wrap) in the re• a cord of freshly cut frigerator until you need it, wood so it will season? for up to a month. • Freshly cut w o o d — Questions of generalinterest • has a high moisture can be emailed to mslletters@

of a natural dye.

c ontent, and b u r ning i t

Pinetree Garden Seeds catalog actually has a section for dye plant seed packets. They offer seven selections: Hopi

creates excess smoke that

Red Dye A m aranth, Bulls Blood Beet, Henna, Woad,

circulate around the logs

stalks will produce the most interesting colors of the two.

As I continued to page through my books I found many Northwest plants that

Black Hollyhock and Golden Marguerite. I thinkI will order one of each and enjoy the adventure and discovery. — Reporter: douville® bendbroadband.com


marthastewart.com. For more information on this column, visit www.marthastewart.com.

contains harmful chemi-

cals. If you stack the wood properly, though, air can

Mussels in White Wine and Garlic

and dry them out. Stacked, a full cord of quarter-split

Be sure to buy live mussels. Any open mussels that do not close You'll want to start with a when you press their shells a few level, dry base — make one timesare dead, and you should by laying a piece of ply- discard them wood over cinder blocks. wood should measure 4

feet high by 8 feet long.

Then stack two columns

2 C dry white wine

of wood at the ends of the 4 Ig shallots, finely chopped platform. Lay the logs in 4 garlic cloves finely chopped p a t tern, t/s tsp salt

an a l ternating

which will hold each stack 4 Ibs live mussels in place. Fill in the space '/ C mixed fresh herbs, such as between columns with the flat-leaf parsley, chervil or remaining logs, all facing basil, chopped the same direction. Loose-

By Sandy Keenan

ly cover the stacks with a tarp for protection against

New York Times News Service

rain and snow.

Early in their marriage, Lily Copenagle and Jamie Kennel began crafting a plan for living, scribbling house designs and lists of must-haves on notepads and paper napkins. The idea was simple. They would create a home that was big enough for the two of

• I often have leftover

• Champagne after holidays like New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day. What can I do with it? You can s ubstitute

A •• an equal amount of

flat bubbly for white wine

them, but small enough so that

in most recipes that call for

it would be easy to maintain, environmentally responsible and inexpensive to operate. And that would allow them to

it, such as a pot of mussels with wine and garlic (see recipe). The food editors at Mar-

free up their time and funds for

tha Stewart L i ving al so

intellectual and

Rinse and scrub mussels under cold running water. Using your fingers or a paring knife, remove beards (strings that hang from the mussels' shells), and discard. In a large stockpot set over medium heat, combine wine, shallots, garlic and salt. Simmer 5 minutes. Add mussels. Cover, and increaseheat to high. Cook until all mussels are open, about 5 minutes. Stir in herbs and butter. Remove from heat. Divide mussels and broth among four bowls. Serve immediately.

r e creational

pursuits. Own less, live more: LilyCopenagle and Jamie KenIt sounds like a platitude, but it nel's shared office has achair, became their strategy. left, boughtusedon eBay and a "We never liked furnishing vintage wooden chair found in or cleaning or taking care of a Dumpster and refinished. things we really didn't need," said Copenagle, 40, who has degrees in physics and cell biology and is associate dean of students at Reed College

Where BuyersAndSellers Meet

CBssifji:ds A Rais wood stove, right, swivels to direct warmth toward the living or dining area of Lily Copenagle and Jamie Kennel's home in Portland.

or repurpose anything reusable. What they threw away filled just one Dumpster.


or some other hideous anomaly

in education or the behavioral

sciences, and is particularly interested in how small teams of emergency medical technicians and others work together in a crisis, often in tight The washer and dryer are in the clothes closet.

Copenagle said, "Jamie sees people on the worst day of their life, medically, and I see them whenever he walked through at their toughest academic a door. moment." Copenagle wanted a space The couple married eight that was small enough to vacyears ago, after they had been uum in five minutes, within dating for a year, in a charac- cord's reach of a single outlet, teristically small ceremony so there would not have to be — it was just the two of them any unplugging and replug— while on vacation in Nica- ging of the vacuum deaner. And stairs were out of the

Portland, they gave a party so questionbecause Sirena, one of friends and family would not their beloved rescue dogs, is 14 disown them. And soon after, and fragile; they also realized they began making lists. that as young and agile as they Kennel, wh o i s 6 - f oot-l, are now, they mightbe in a simwanted a place that did not ilar situation one day. have the cramped rooms and After they had settled on a low-slung doorways of the neighborhood in the northern older houses they had been part of the city, they bought living in, so he would not have a decrepit 1950s house on a to remember to duck his head



in place of the old home: a McMansion, multiple townhouses

Portlandparamedics program whoplans topursue adoctorate

ragua. Once they returned to



cerned about what might rise

Kennel,38, is the director of a


I '.

Their neighbors were con-

"There's so much more personal freedom in going smaller."

Find It All Online

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down, being careful to donate

volves helping students stay, and succeed, in college. h e r hu s b and s a i d ,

BarhTurfSoil.com I

Photos by Aaron Leitz/New York Times News Service

in Portland, where her job inAs

6 TBS butter, cut into piece

deep lot for $190,000 and tore it

among the area's modest bungalows. No one imagined that the couple would put up a tidy little house of barely more than

700 square feet — 704, to be exact — that had a vaulted green roof planted with native fauna

and a friendly 1960s vibe. "My mother likes to joke that we took a perfectly good two-bedroom house and put up a room," Copenagle said. Once the framing was complete, they decided to get rid of the contractor and finish most of the work themselves. It was

another way to save moneyand besides, "we enjoyed doing the construction work," Copenagle said. In all, the house, which was

completed in 2012, cost about $135,000 to build, including materials and labor. (Their own labor, which is not part of that figure, they valued at $50,000.) Next time, they said, they will

forgo general contractors,architects and real estate agents,

which added another $18,000 at the outset.

$ENO FB15 p

Those costs were offset by

grants of roughly $9,000 that the city awarded them for the green roof, and they get a break on their water bill for managing and reusing storm water with permeable pavers, a rain


garden and a 550-gallon rain barrel. In nine months, the mort-



gage will be paid in full, which will leave Copenagle and Kennel with monthly costs of

roughly$370 for property taxes, utilities, municipal services and insurance.

That is good, because they will soon have to pay tuition for Kennel's next degree. And Co-

penagle has bought a sleeker kayak so she can keep up with her husband as he paddles his stand-up board on the local rivers. Recently, they also bought



ington, off the grid, with in-

During the warmer months, Copenagle and Kennel use the patio

as an extra room, increasing the living space.

The scribbling on napkins has begun again. This time, the goal is 400 square feet.



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8/ p lungeoregon



20 acres in northeastern Washcredibleviews of the Cascade Mountains.

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ories omunsun eroeso rea i TV SPOTLIGHT

for their own good.

Reality competition shows Kristi Russell, president of are getting increasingly ambiMetal Flowers Media, faced an tious with online casting calls. unexpected challenge while These days, some popular helping the casting process for competition series ("American Discovery's new series "Naked Idol," "X Factor" and "Ameriand Afraid." (Two strangers ca's Got Talent") accept online must survive for three weeks auditions. Those open calls can in the wild without food — or getaround 20,000 submissions,

By Emily Yahr The Washington Post


It's a

rarely-discussed fact of reality television: Before every Kar-

dashian, Honey Boo Boo or Robertson, there was a casting director who thought they might be the perfect wacky character for TV. At th e R ealScreen Sum-

mit reality TV conference in Washington last week, a panel of castingexperts, producers and network executives discussed what goes on behindthe-scenes of the casting world,

a topic that doesn't usually get much attention. Turns out, it's

not an easy gig. Sheila Conlin, who owns casting and production office The Conlin Company, talked about one particularly diffi-

clothes.) You'd think with a title

said Diahnna Baxter,general

like that, people would know manager of eTribez, an enterthe drill. Instead, some partic- tainment technology company ipants showed up for filming that compiles such videos and The Associated Press file photo and demanded to know the organims a database of proJeff Lewis' show, "Flipping Out," got its start when the brash house location of the Craft Service spective contestants for proflipper was noticed on adifferent series that was never picked up. table. They weren't too pleased ducers. Then, they sift through to find out that no, it wasn't a the thousands of videos to look glamorous TV shoot, and no, for compelling storylines. It can wants reality stars who "pop" eringowners gotspin-offoffers they really wouldn't have any be tough — but a lot cheaper on camera.Casting directors at first, the excitement quick- amenities. Thirteen people than going to dozens of audihone these instincts to spot fu- ly died down when it became wound up dropping out. Didn't tion cities. ture reality stars, and are usu-

dear the couple couldn't work

they understand the concept of

ally able to tell almost instantly with anyone. the show? "I don't know what whether someone will connect they thought they were audiwith anaudience or become a Even if the casting is perfect, tioning for," Russell said. Twitter sensation. some people get panicked cult couple she found for Fox's While "larger than life" per- when the cameras start rolling. Sometimes,someone unex"Kitchen Nightmares." "They sonalities are a plus, experts Eli Lehrer, Lifetime's senior pectedly shines on screen. were stubborn and a lot to han- warn about recognizing signs vice president of n o nfiction Years ago, Authentic Enterdle, which for me, is a dream," that a person might not be programming, discussed a tainment's Lauren Lexton tried she gushed. Translation: When ready for the spotlight. Some- problem he faced at Bravo with to pitch a show about wannabe someone's that difficult off- one with lots of drama can "Tabatha Takes Over," about actors in Hollywood — one screen, it's likely they'll be cra- seem ripe for stardom — but it the woman who helped failing hopeful featured in the series zy on-screen. That means buzz,

won't help if they storm off the

salons. Eccentric people excit-

which means ratings, which

show on day two of a five-day shoot.

ed to be on camera during the known house fl ipper named casting process tended to clam Jeff Lewis. Network executives

can translate to a hit. Here are some fun facts we

For example, take the case

learned from pros that, after

up when the actual cameras started rolling. The trick, Leh-

of the Arizona couple who hearing some of their stories, owned Amy's Baking Com- rer suggested, is to tell the peowe're now calling the unsung pany, a highly dysfunctional ple the cameras are there for heroes of the reality TVworld. eatery featured on "Kitchen casting — but really, it's the first Nightmares." That was the first day of filming. Crazy is good, but too crazy episode where Gordon Ramsay is risky. ever just walked out and quit. These days, reality show The panel agreed: Everyone While the out-of-control, bick- participants can be too savvy

It might sound dry, but casting is all about research. What do the network and producers want? After answer-

ingthat question, casting directors scour the land for anyone

who might make a good fit: They cold call, they find people on social media, they comb through dating sites, they hire private investigators. Russell

was the assistant to a then-un-

estimates calling 1,000 bars in various cities to find ones that

might work for Spike TV's "Bar

passed on the series, but were

Rescue." After that, there's still

intrigued by Lewis's brash lots of information to find out, personality when he appeared including pre-interviews, interon screen. A reworking of the mews and screerungs — and show, and fast forward to 2014: most importantly, establishing Lewis has his own reality em- enough trust that the person pire on Bravo, as "Flipping Out" will sign all the paperwork marks its seventh season this and actually agree to be on the show.


TV TODAY 8 p.m.on29 ,"M arvel' sAgents of S.H.I.E.L.D." —Their pursuit of the Clairvoyant lands Coulson

(Clark Gregg)andhis teamon a train that appears to be taking them to their deaths in the new episode "T.R.A.C.K.S." Stan Lee makes a cameoappearance.

8 p.m. on(CW), "TheOriginals" — An encounter with a witch from his past causes trouble for Father Kieran (Todd Stashwick) at the reopening of St. Anne's Church. Someone from their own past threatens to expose secrets that Marcel and Rebekah (Charles Michael Davis, Claire Holt) have kept buried for decades in the new episode "Crescent City" 9 p.m. on 7, "TheAmish

Shunned:AmericanExperience" — Naomi, Levi andSalomagrew up Amish but left the faith and never went back. Annaleft and returned. Joe left, returned, married in the faith, then leftagain. Jan became Amishasan adultbuteventually left. Paul, her son, stayed on but was later excommunicated. Their stories are told in Callie T. Wiser's film, which also includes the voices of loyal Amish menand women who describe what their faith means to them. 9 p.m. on FAM, "Ravenswood" — Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) must tell Hanna (Ashley Benson), his ex from Rosewood, what's been going on when sheshows up in Ravenswooddeterminedto confront Miranda (Nicole GaleAnderson) about taking him away. Luke and Olivia (Brett Dier, Merritt Patterson) learn the truth about what happened to their father. Dillon (Luke Benward) takes a drastic

step. Remy(Britne Oldford) goes missing in the season finale, "My Haunted Heart." 10 p.m. on FX, "Justified" — A

mob revengeplot makesits

anis e wivess ou orm cu

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to changeafter press time. f

Dear Abby:My husband and I live in a 55-plus retirement com-

him to quit a group he enjoys. Any suggestions? —Good Little Vegas Wife

ways to avoid losing her keys. For example — always use the same pocket in her purse or put them in a

munity. We do many things together, but we also do things indeDear Good Little Wife: It appears bowl by the door. She doesn't do it. pendently. One resident decided to the founder of the clubs has his head I think it is to spite me. form two men's clubs. One meets stuck firmly in the 1950s. And while She has now become resentful every week for breakfast, and the other twice a month

at night. The members go to each other's homes for the evening meetings. Abby, the man who started these clubs is

we can't change that, I do have

some suggestions. The first is that the

wives stop preparing anything and let the "bachelors" do it


chauvinistic. He made a rule that women are not allowed in their own

homes when their husbands host a meeting - "no skirts allowed." Therefore, even though the wife

prepares everything for her husband's meeting, she's told to slip out of thehouse before anyone arrives.

My husband agrees that this is ridiculous and is considering quitting the club, but he has formed friend-

ships with some of the men. The guys are bamboozled by the leader and tell their wives that anything

said at a meeting is "confidential." The obvious solution would be to

meet at a coffee shop, but the man in charge says the homes provide a more intimate setting. My husband feels bad about it, and I don't want

themselves or order

YOURHOROSCOPE off to you. Refuse to get into a fight, or you could causeyourown delay.Tonight: Allow your energy to flow.

** * Get plenty of exercise, and know full well thatyou need it on many levels. Tension and stress will lessen as a result. You could feel uncomfortable in your day-to-day life. Make a point of moving a situation forward. Tonight: Get some extra R and R.

CANCER (June21-July 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Oec. 21)

By Jacqueline Bigar

Stars showthe kind able, but only you of dayyou'Ilhsvs can decide what ** * * * D ynamic p iI i v e ki n dof reIationship ** * Average youwant. If you are attached, the ** So-so two of you act like * Difficult

** * * You might feel frustrated when dealing with a parent or supervisor. Your creativity seems off at this point, and you might find that you need to take a different approach in order to getyour point heard. You could wind up in an argument, so try to avoid that. Tonight: A must show.

mid-July on. Consider going on a special vacation that you often have discussed. ARIEScan be testy and irritable.

LEO (July23-Aug.22)

newlyweds from

ARIES (March21-April 19) ** * * A situation involving money might add to an existing feeling of vulnerability. A hostile remark could trigger words and events that you will wish had never happened. Try to relax. You are in control of your feelings. Tonight: Whatever makes you happy.

TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * Remain sure of yourself, and honor what is going on within you. You could be more irritable than you think, as you are maintaining a hectic pace. Your demeanor might change later in the day, when you sensesomeone's im plied demands. Tonight: Make it easy.

— Beyond Frustrated in L.A.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

DAY, FEB. 4, 2014:This yearyou

person seemssuit-

it. I'm frustrated because this is something that can easily be fixed, and I'm tired of searching for 20 minutes for whatever she has misplaced. What can I do?

takeout or deli for Dear Beyond Frustrated:The first their meetings. The second is that thing you should do is understand the "widows" join together for an that your girlfriend isn't doing this evening of fun while the men are to upset you, and it's possible that having their meetings. Of course, she becomes as upset as you do nothing that happens during these when it happens. While I agree ladies' evenings of fun should be that part of the problem is that she's shared with the husbands — in- disorganized, it could also be that cluding what they did or what clubs her thinking is scattered. When they may have visited. she puts something down, she isn't P.S. Because your husband feels fully in the moment. Her thoughts bad about how the women are be- may be on something else. ing treated, perhaps he should conFrankly, there isn't anything you sider attending only the breakfast can do about it. If there is a soluget-togethers and seeing those men tion to your girlfriend's problem, in the evening group he has bond- it's that she should slow down and ed with independently. think about EXACTLY what she's doing when she's doing it, which is Dear Abby:My girlfriend loses sometimes easier said than done. her keys, wallet, credit cards or — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com iPad every day. I have suggested or P.o. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORTUEShave the opportunity to clear up a problem that affects your community and your professional image. You will feel like a different person. Your efforts seem to draw excellent results at work. If you are single, you could be overwhelmed by your many choices of suitors. More than one

that I have become impatient about

** * * I f you can detach, you will see a situation in a new light. You might feel torn, as you see and understand the different sides of an argument. Be smart, and say little around a hot-headed person in your life. Your words easily could be misconstrued. Tonight: Hang inthere.

** * * A llow your creativity to make a stronger project or plan if you feel that the present one is weak. Rather than loll around with a sense of dissatisfaction, take action; it will prove to be the best way to handle a budding problem. Tonight: Somethingspontaneous works.

GAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan. 19) ** * * A friend might not intend to give you bad advice, but that appears to be what you receive. Clear out quickly, rather than becoming more enmeshed in the present situation. Try to establish stronger foundations and a better sense of direction. Tonight: Order in.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 28-Feb.18)

** * * Focus on getting the best results. The key is to maintain one-on-one contact with those who are instrumental. You could feel as if you need to pull back and evaluate whatishappening.Youcan do this quickly while still keeping your present pace. Tonight: Dinner for two.

** * * * Keep conversations moving. You might hita snafu with a boss who cares a lot aboutyou. Nevertheless, a situation could become problematic. Your ability to brainstorm and come upwith solutions will pull through. Tonight: Make a point of catching up on aneighbor's news.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

PISCES (Feb.19-March20)

** * *

You have been very active lately, ** * Your intuition comes through for which seemsto havecaused you aprobyou, especially regarding your finances. lem. Many might wish that you would As a result, you will be heading down an return to your charming, diplomatic self. interesting path. Not all financial situations GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * You could find it difficult to hold Perhapsyou'vebeen sitting on uncomare logical; sometimes theyare more complicated than you think. Emotions could back, as you'll want to run with an idea or fortable feelings for too long. Tonight: Go alongwith someoneelse's wishes, if come into play. Tonight: Your treat. a solution. Friends might encourage you to slow down. This suggestion will seem you can. © King Features Syndicate




Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • AMERICANHUSTLE(R) 12:15, 3:20, 6:45, 9:50 • AUGUST:OSAGE COUNTY (R)1:25,4:40,7:50 • FROZEN(PG) 1:10, 3:50, 6:55, 9:40 • FROZENSINGALONG(PG) 12:30 • GRAVITY IMAX3-O(PG-13)1:35, 4, 7,9:25 • THEHOBBIT:THEDESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 7:55 • THEH088IT:THEDESOLATION OF SMAUG 3-O(PG-13) 3:30 • THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHINGFIRE (PG-13) 3:10, 6:20, 9:40 • I, FRANKENSTEIN (PG-13) I:45, 4:10, 6:35, 9:05 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)12:40,3:40, 7:10, 9:55 • LABORDAY(PG-13) Noon, 3, 6:30, 9:15 • LONE SURVIVOR (R) 11:45 a.m., 2:45, 6, 9 • THENUTJOB(PG)I2:10,4:45,7:20 • THE NUT JOB3-D (PG) 2:30, 9:35 • RIDEALONG (PG-13) 12 55,430, 740, I005 • THE SARATOV APPROACH(PG-13) 12:45, 4:25, 7:15, 9:45 • SAVING MR.BANKS(PG-13) 11:55 a.m., 6:10 • THESECRET LIFE OFW ALTER MITTY (PG)11:55a.m., 6:10 • THATAWKWARD MOMENT (R)1:05,3:55,7:30,10 • THEWOLF OF WALL STREET (R)12:25,4:15,8 • Accessibility devices areavailable for some movies. •

10 p.m. on HIST, "American Restoration" —When an Electro-Shock Alarm Clock from the early1900s arrives in the shop, Rick puts Leonard on the case. He's an expert on weird items, andif anyone can find the parts this creepy clock needs, he can. Later, Rick and the crew try to convert a1940s gas pump into an equipment locker for a

polo player inthe newepisode

"Shocks, Locks and Clocks."

cf Zap2it

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McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THE BOOKTHIEF (PG-13) 6 • LAST VEGAS (PG-13) 9:15 • After 7p.m.,showsare2fandolderonly.Youngerthan 2f may attend screeningsbefore 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guadian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • THE CRASHREEL(no MPAArating) 8:15 • THE GREAT BEAUTY(no MPAArating) 3 • 2014OSCARNOMINATED LIVEACTIONSHORTS (no MPAA rating) 6 I


Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • 12 YEARSASLAVE(R) 6 • DALLASBUYERSCLUB(R) 4:45 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)7:15 • LABORDAY(PG-i3) 7 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 6:15 • NEBRASKA (R) 4:45 Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • I, FRANKENSTEIN(PG-13) 7:20 • I, FRANKENSTEIN3-D(PG-i3) 5:10 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)5:15,7:30 • LONE SURVIVOR (R) 4:30, 7 • THE NUT JOB(PG) 4:40, 6:45 • THEWOLF OF WALL STREET (R)3:40,7:10 •

Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • AMERICANHUSTLE(Upstairs — R) 6:30 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 6:15 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.

Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GO! Magazine


G allery-Be n d


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Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • I, FRANKENSTEIN(PG-13) 5:30, 7:30 • LONE SURVIVOR (R) 4:15, 6:45 • THE NUTJOB(PG) 5, 7 • SAVING MR.BANKS(PG-13) 4, 6:30


way to Kentucky, threatening to expose Raylan's (Timothy Olyphant) secrets. Boyd (Walton Goggins) suffers a major defeat, which brings him down from the high ofhis recent string of successes, in the newepisode "Shot All to Hell." Joelle Carter also stars.

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Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2014 • •




• J



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4»1» • 'I

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Tpe • Bj u l l e t i n :

ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free Items 208- Pets and Supplies 210 -Furniture & Appliances 211- Children's Items 212 -Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 -Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Huntingand Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- HealthandBeauty Items 249 - Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253 - TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256 - Photography 257 - Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259 - Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - Medical Equipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools


00 202

Want to Buy or Rent

CASH for dressers, dead washers/dryers 541-420-5640

W ANTED: A goo d couch, cheap! Call Ann, 541-389-9977

Wanted: $Cash paid for vintage costume jewelry. Top dollar paid for Gold/Silver.l buy by the Estate, Honest Artist Ellzabeth,541-633-7006 Wanted: Cement mixer, used, gas or electric, call 541-447-7807 208

Pets & Supplies

i zg ~ s . w . c h a n d t e






Guns, Hunting & Fishing


Medical Equipment

The Bulle6n

Cockatiels, lovebirds, parakeets, and finch. A1 Washere&Dryere 240 $150 ea. Full warBreeders and babies Crafts & Hobbies ranty. Free Del. Also call for availability and wanted, used W/D's prices. Everything 541-280-7355 AGATE HUNTERS must go including Penshers • Saws cages! 541-279-3578 • • k • Dog wire crate in good Repalr 8eSupplles shape, 24lx17wx18h, t g t $48. 541-318-4222. Donate deposit bottles/ cans to local all vol., non-profit rescue, for feral cat spay/neuter. Armoire for sale, Cans for Cats trailer Cherry/wrought iron at Jake's Diner; or Perfect condition, donate M-F at Smith handmade, Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or solid wood. Alderwood Quiltworks at CRAFT, Tumalo. machine quilting 69 nx39ex23.5". Call for Irg. quantity frame for sale, locally $650. pickup, 541-389-8420. kcaravelli@gmail.com made in Prineville, www.craftcats.org easy to use, makes quilting a dream! German Shepherd Comes with Handi SO M E pups, parents on site. G ENERATE handles, includes. Ready now! $500 ea. EXCITEMENT in your manual, exc. shape, Due to family illness neighborhood! Plan a only used to quilt 4 garage sale and don't we must find homes tops, like new. for parents as well. forget to advertise in $600. 541-549-1273 Only serious inquiries classified! or 541-419-2160 please. 541-280-2118 541-385-5809. •

Brother Industrial Sewing machine & table

Gazelle Glider Elliptical

CASH!! For Guns, Ammo & Reloading Supplies. 541-408-6900.

Low-impact workout for less stress and strain on your body. Folds quickly for easy storage, but we just don't have room forit. $99 541-419-6408


advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12 or ~g e eke k e ! Ad must include price of

Llfe Fit R91 Recumbent BikeAbsolutely like new with new batteryoperates perfectly! Clean, always housed inside home. $2100 new; selling for $975. Great Christmas gift!

l l l





e l e ke ot gnnn ~


541447-2227 245

Golf Equipment CHECK YOURAD

Kahr PM9 9mm compact s t ainless/black polymer pistol w/ two mags, box, & manual.

$500. 541-977-3173 Leupold 3x9 varix2 gold ring rifle scope, gloss black, $175. 541-408-1676

requires computer advertisers with multiple ad schedules or those selling multiple systems/ software, to disclose the name of the business or the term "dealer" in their ads. Private party advertisers are defined as those who sell one computer.

Stag Arms AR-15: Model Stag15, 5.56/223, Stainless steel barrel. Leupold Firedot G 3-9X40 Scope, MagPul PRS buttstock, Hogue grip, Bipod. $2000 Call 541-410-3568 BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin

or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500. Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809



Misc. Items

+Adouble depth in+

l terment gra v e space with outer l i burial container built in, located in Mead-

I owpark area of De- I i schutes Memorial i Gardens,

$ 1 000.

Falcon 4-w h eel power scooter with accessories, gently used, in need of new battery (ordering info avail.) Call 5 41-389-1821 f o r details. Full size power adjustable bed w/memory foam mattress, $800.Portable wheelchair, 4 leg walker, Quadri-Poise cane, bathroom assist chair, all for $200. Call 541-526-5737 263


I Call 541-389 1821 I 6hp air compressor, 125

Sernng Central Oregon rrnte tgtg

Taurus PT 24/7 G2, .45 cal, $350. 30-40 Krag, Sold. 541-610-6019

Buylng Diamonds /Gold for Cash Saxon's Fine Jewelers

Ib max, 240V, like new, asking $625. Delivery available. 541-385-9350

Newin box, or nearly new Craftsman Tools: Top Pin Archery • 10 e Stationary Lionel/American Flyer Pro Shop radial arm saw, trains, accessories. New 2014 Bows Model 8315.220100, 541-408-2191. havearrived! $375. BUYING & SE LLING • 10 e Stationary table Check out our Bows All gold jewelry, silver on Clearance! saw w/guide rails, and gold coins, bars, model 8315.228590, 1611 South 1st St., rounds, wedding sets, Redmond, $325. class rings, sterling sil541-316-1784 • 6-1/8e Jointer ver, coin collect, vin- planer watches, dental model "Professional" Two Gen 3 Glock 23's, tage 8351.227240, gold. Bill Fl e ming, one Gen 3 Glock 27$250 obo. 541-382-9419. $500 each. also Call 541-504-6413 1000 rds .40 practice NASCAR TICKETS! 3/1 daytime hours. & 2, 2 seats, Phoenix, a mmo; Glock g u n light/laser; .40 to 9mm AZ. Pd $280; sell both Just bought a new boat? conversion b a r rel;for $140. 541-504-3833 Sell your old one in the misc. spare parts 8 Wanted- paying cash classifieds! Ask about our defensive amm o. for Hi-fi audio 8 stuSuper Seller rates! 503-585-5000 541-385-5809 dio equip Mclntosh Wanted: Collector seeks JBL, Marantz, Dy264 high quality fishing items naco, Heathkit, Sansui, Carver, NAD, etc. Snow RemovalEquipment 8 upscale bamboo fly rods. Call 541-678-5753, Call 541-261-1808 or 503-351-2746 WHEN YOU SEE THIS 541-389-6655 BUYING

on the first day it runs Leupold Vx2 6x18x40, to make sure it isn cor- gold ring rifle scope, black, rect. eSpellcheck and mat 541-408-1676 human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please con- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! tact us ASAP so that Door-to-door selling with corrections and any adjustments can be fast results! It's the easlest made to your ad. way in the world to sell. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified The Bulletin Classifled 541h385-5809 GOLFCLUBS! 253 Putters: Ping - Master SnOWblOIAfer Roll - Olimar - Master Savage model 111 270 TV, Stereo & Video Craftsman electric or WIN bolt action, black MorePixB atendbjletij.com pull-start, 29" wide, Roll grip! Others M/edgesr Ping - Taylor synthetic stock, blued TV 46" Samsung flat On a classified ad 9HP, 5 forward 2 refinish, detach mag, screen, 1/g yr old, w/ Made carbite. go to verse speeds. with Simon 3-9 x40 Magnavox B l u-Ray Cobra 9' D r iver, M www.bendbulletin.com $400 cash. speed, 50R shaft; Ba- pro sport scope, $350. player, all for $400 to view additional 541-815-6319 zooka 9' Driver, Hot 541-408-1676 obo. 541-923-8349. photos of the item. launch R and Cobra D river: Ping G - 15 15.5' 3-wood, i ron covers, full set. All in ood-to-great shape! all let's deal - Come to look!! Call Bill at 541-548-9880 or leave message.

. KR.

Mint condition upgraded senior shafts, head covers &new grips.




Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Serelng Centrnl Oregon slnte tgta

Oak Futoncouch, matThe Bulletin recomtress w/cover. $100. mends extra caution 541-420-4303 when purc hasing products or services from out of the HAVANESE PUPPIES The Bulletin area. Sending cash, recommends extra AKC, Dewclaws, UTD checks, or credit in- shots/wormer, non-shed, I oe ton n e n n r f ormation may be hypoallerqenic, $850 chasing products or c subjected to fraud. 541-4690-1277. services from out of I For more i nformaf the area. Sending f tion about an adver- Lab pups purebred AKC ' cash, checks, or registered, $500. Born tiser, you may call 12/1 2/1 3. 2 y e l lowl credit i n f o rmation the O regon State fem., 1 choc fem., 1 may be subjected to Attorney General's fem., 3 blk males. l FRAUD. For more Office C o n sumer blk Contact Me g © information about an c Protection hotline at advertiser, you may l 541.420.0296. 1-877-877-9392. / call t h e Or e gon / Maltese-mix white male ' State Atto r ney ' The Bulletin PuPPy, $450. In Ma- l General's O f fi ce ServingCentral Oregon since tggg dras, 503-881-8541 Consumer Protec- • N ewfoundland AK C tion h o t line at I Adopt a rescued kitten p uppy, male, 1 2 i 1-877-877-9392. or cat! Fixed, shots, weeks, black, current ID chip, tested, more! on shots, $1100. Call I TheBulletin 8 gererng Central Oregon since fggg Rescue at 65480 78th Jill 541-279-6344 St., Bend, Thurs/Sat/ Sun, 1-5, 389-8420. QueenslandHeelers 212 www.craftcats.org Standard 8 Mini, $150 & up. 541-280-1537 Antiques & Adult barn/shop cats, www.rightwayranch.wor Collectibles f ixed, s h ots, s o me dpress.com friendly, others not so much. No fee & free de- Rottweiler pups, $400 for 5' Showcase, oak males; $350 for felivery. 541-389 8420 8 glass, w/slidmales. 541-923-2437 ing doors, $475 Aussies, Mini AKC WANTED Miniature 541-382-6773 red/blue merles, blue poodle puppy. Call eyes, parents on site. 541-892-0933 or 541-598-5314 541-891-8791 Antiques wanted: tools, Border Collie/New Zeal- Yorkie pups AKC, 2 boys, furniture, marbles,early and Huntaway pups, great 2 girls, potty training, UTD B/W photography, dogs, working parents, shots, health guar., $600 toys, decoys, jewelry. & up. 541-777-7743 541-389-1578 $300. 541-546-6171.

9 7


newspaper onto The Bulletin Internet website.


d• O r e g o n

Exercise Equipment


Furniture & Appliances

• Be n





Antiques 8 Collectibles

264- Snow Removal Equipment 8 eauctgn 265 - BuildingMaterials DttvuzcC.nc»Pt 266- Heating and Stoves Visit our HUGE home decor 267- Fuel and Wood consignment store. 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers New items 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment arrive daily! 270- Lost and Found 930 SE Textron, Bend 541-318-1501 GARAGESALES www.redeuxbend.com 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales Mid-Century Unique 282- Sales NorlhwestBend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Norlheast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea "ergtgg. 292 - Sales Other Areas Head 8 Footboard, FARM MARKET with wood-grain look, 308- Farm Equipment andMachinery double size has no side rails. Could be 316- Irrigation Equipment repurposed into a 325- Hay, Grain and Feed garden bench, or a 333- Poultry,RabbitsandSupplies u nique item. U s e 341 - Horses andEquipment your imagination! 345-Livestockand Equipment Askmw $75. 541-419-6408 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column The Bulletin reserves 375 - Meat andAnimal Processing the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin 383- Produce andFood

Pets & Supplies

A v e .


L S 2 -B837 walking foot, needle fed industrial leather sewing m a chine. M achine i s t a b l e mounted. When last used it was in excellent working condition. Add i tional pictures upon request. $1500 OBO. 541-213-2333

Drivers: Ping G10 13.5 T-Made Super fast 12'. Hybrlds: Cobra DWS 4-5-6 irons; Cleveland HB 3, 7-8-9 and P/W; Ping G156 iron green dot; Cleveland XLi S/W, I/I/edges: Ping G15, gap S/W, lobb. 951-454-2561





Bicycles & Accessories

Guns, Hunting & Fishing 7MM reloading supplies, cases, bullets, Dillon shell p l ate, Redding dies. Call for prices. 541-728-0445 Armalite 338 L a pua NightForce 8x32x56; 200 Lapua Brass, 165 are loaded, 500 Sierra Match bullets, 500 Federal primers, 5 lbs. RL 22 powder.

2005 Maverick ML7 Mountain Bike, 15" frame (small). Full suspension, Maverick s hock, SRAM X O drivetrain & shifters, 9 speed rear cassette, $5500. 54 I -350-3811 34-11, Avid Juicy disc brakes. Well t aken Bend local pays CASH! I c are o f. $950 . for all firearms & 541-788-6227. ammo. 541-526-0617

The Earned Income Tax Credit. You may have earned it. Why not claim it? If you're working hard just to make ends meet and have one or more children living with you, you may qualify for the EITC. Think of it as 8 reward for doing one of life's most beautiful, most important and most loving jobs. Visit our

Web site or ask your tax preparer if you qualify. Because when it comes to getting more for your family, consider it done. A message from the lnternal Revenue Service.


gq@ The Internal

Revenue Service



541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed.


N ew H o lland 2 5 5 0 swather, 14' header with conditioner, cab heat/A/C, 1300 orig. hrs. $29,000 obo. 1486 International, cab heat/A/C, 5 4 0/1000 The Bullettn Pto, 3 sets remotes, To Subscribe call nice tractor. $18,000. 541-385-5800 or go to 541-419-3253 www.bendbulletin.com

• . 3:00pm Fri.

Sisters, 541-549-3831

• • 5:00 pm Fri •

Livestock & Equipment

Starting at 3 lines

*UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER '500 in total merchandise

7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Speclal

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00

Icall for commercial line ad rates)

*llllust state prices in ad


4-H Pigs born on Jan. 5th & 12th. Breed is Hamp, York, Duroc, $175. Ready to go in March. Cag or text

Place aphotoin yourprivate party ad foronly$15.00par week.


541-777-7144 358

Farmers Column 10X20 Storage Buildings for protecting hay, firewood, livestock etc. $1496 Installed. (other sizes available) 541-617-1133. CCB ¹173684 kfjbuilders©ykwc.net

A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbuuetin.com reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702



Building Materials

Fuel & Wood

17' aluminum plank, max load 250 Ibs, $100. 4x8 lumber rack, like new, $175. 541-383-7603 Bend Habitat RESTORE Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 740 NE 1st 541-312-6709 Open to the public.

Sisters Habitat ReStore Building Supply Resale Quality items. LOW PRICES! 150 N. Fir. 541-549-1621 Open to the public. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS!

Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest People Look for Information way in the world to sell. About Products and The Bulletin Classified Services Every Daythrough 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds

• •


WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8'

• Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include species & cost per cord to better serve our customers.



NOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY law requires anyone SERVICES. Home & All yearDependable who con t racts for Commercial Repairs, Firewood: Seasoned; construction work to Carpentry-Painting, Lodgepole 1 for $195 be licensed with the Pressure-washing, or 2 for $365. Cedar, Construction ContracHoney Do's. On- time split, del. Bend: 1 for tors Board (CCB). An promise. Senior or 2 for $325. active license Discount. Work guar- $175 541-420-3484. means the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 is bonded & insured. or 541-771-4463 Verify the contractor's Pine & Juniper Split Bonded & Insured CCB l i c ense at CCB¹18'I 595 www.hirealicensedPROMPT DELIVERY contractor.com 541-389-9663 or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recom- Landscaping/Yard Care mends checking with Find exactly what the CCB prior to con- NOTICE: Oregon Landtracting with anyone. scape Contractors Law you are looking for in the Some other t rades (ORS 671) requires all CLASSIFIEDS also req u ire addi- businesses that advertise t o pe r form tional licenses and Landscape Construc- Well over a cord - split certifications. tion which includes: seasoned lodgepole, l anting, deck s , d elivered. $195 . Debris Removal ences, arbors, 541-480-5335 water-features, and inJUNK BE GONE stallation, repair of ir269 I Haul Away FREE rigation systems to be Gardening Supplie For Salvage. Also wit h the Cleanups & Cleanouts licensed & Equipment Landscape ContracMel, 541-389-8107 tors Board. This 4-digit number is to be inDomestic Services BarkTurfSoil.com cluded in all advertisements which indiA ssisting Seniors a t cate the business has PROMPT DELIVERY Home. Light house a bond, insurance and 541-389-9663 keeping & other ser workers compensavices. Licensed & tion for their employBonded. BBB Certi ees. For your protecFor newspaper fied. 503-756-3544 tion call 503-378-5909 delivery, call the or use our website: Circulation Dept. at Handyman www.lcblstate.or.us to check license status To 541-385-5800 place an ad, call I DO THAT! before contracting with 541-385-5809 Home/Rental repairs the business. Persons or email Small jobs to remodels doing land scape classifiedctnendbulletin.com Honest, guaranteed maintenance do not work. CCB¹151573 r equire an LC B l i - The Bulletin Dennis 541-317-9768 cense.


Employment Opportunities

Serring Central Oregon sincetgOS


Independent Contractor Sales

have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society Bend 541-382-3537 Redmond 541-923-0882 pnne tlle 54s -44t-ts te; o Cettoets

sss -eeo-esso. 286

Sales Northeast Bend

** FREE ** Garage Sale Kit Place an ad in The Bulletin for your garage sale and receive a Garage Sale Kit FREE! KIT INCLUDES:

• $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Next Ad • 10 Tips For "Garage


1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend, OR 97702

The Bulletin


Farm Equipment & Machinery


r.=.-"-,.— .a products or I I chasing services from out of l l the area. Sendingl c ash, checks, o r l credit i n f ormationl • may be subjected to I FRAUD. l more informaI For tion about an adver- l l tiser, you may calll the Oregon State l Attorney General'sl s Office C o n s umer s

60" Brush hog, good condition, $550; and l Protection hotline atl 60" adjustable blade I 1-877-877-9392. for t ractor, S OLD.



FOR THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, Call Adam Johnson 541-410-5521, TODAY!


Document Control

Sales T elephone B2 B prospecting position for important professional serv ices. B a s e + commission. Health and Dental Insurance after 180 days. Other benefits. B end west side loca t ion. Sales experience a plus, but will train the right person. F ax r e sume t o

• 4 Garage Sale Signs

Serring Central Oregon since tSOS


* Solid Income Opportunity * Complete Training Program * * No Selling Door to Door * No Telemarketing Involved * * Great Advancement Opportunity * * Full and Part Time Hours*

Office A s s istant BRING YOUR RESUME needed for growing co. in La Pine, OR. Saturday, February 8th, 10 am - 1 pm Experience in Gen22550 Nelson Rd., Bend, Oregon eral Office duties including c u stomer Immediate openings available for aviationservice. Must be proexperienced professionals in manufacturing, ficent in Quickbooks, engineering, purchasing, QA & admin. Excel and Internet Applications. AcCurrent job postings include: counting and shipping experience a Assembly plus. Must have a positive attitude, orAviation Mechanic (A&P) ganizational s k i lls and be a team player Avionics in a small office atmosphere. Bonding Please send resume to:bmyers0057©aol. CNC Operations com or SMI PO Box 1410, La Pine, OR Composites 97739


1 cord dry, split Juniper, $190/cord. Multi-cord discounts, & t/a cords available. Immediate delivery! 541-408-6193

The Bulletin

Our winning team of sales 8 promotion professionals are making an average of $400 - $800 per week doing special events, trade shows, retail & grocery store promotions while representing THE BULLETIN newspaper as an independent contractor

WARD! 541-408-4531

Seretng Cencrei Oregon stncetae

Call 54 I -385-5809 to ro m o te o u r s ervice


Add your web address to your ad and read270 ers on The Builetin's Lost & Found web site, www.bendbulletin.com, will be L ost at east end o f able to click through Maple St. bridge area, automatically to your Redmond - pure black website. fixed cat, heavy, 2-3 y rs. old, l e f t e a r Media co. seeks Pubclipped. smallish lisher for B2B sales in head, 541-280-4825 high end Bend magazine. Residual comm., training Lost men's w edding provided, autonomy. ring, Tungsten & gold, Send resume to: afloodO in Sportsman's Warehouse, Bend. Sat., bestversionmedia.com (no hyphens) Dec. 14th. Call, RE-

The Bulletin

General The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturday night shift and other shifts as needed. We currently have openings all nights of the week, everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and endbetween 2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. All positions we are hiring for work Saturday nights. Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of loading inserting machines or stitcher, stacking product onto p allets, bundling, cleanup and other tasks. For qualifying employees we offer benefits including life insurance, short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is required prior to employment. Please submit resumes to keldred@bendbulletin.com or compiete an application at the front desk. No phone call s please. EOE.



/I 0

PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 265

EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools andTraining 454- Looking Ior Employment 470- Domestic & In-HomePositions 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 486 - IndependentPositions

We are seeking dynamic individuals.



Building Illlaterials

Can be found on these pages:


Hay, Grain & Feed

Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. First quality Orchard/Timothy/Blue Grass mixed hay, no rain, barn stored, Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. $250/ton. Patterson Ranch

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

:> Qfy J~;QJ11~K

Rtm(II Ce)

Farm Equipment & Illlachinery


Engineering Checker General Administration Information Technology Liaison Engineer Machine Shop

Materials & Process Engineer Mechanical Engineer Paint & Body Work

Purchasing Quality Control Research & Development

Sub-Assembly Technical Writer Tooling Trim & Drill


FINANCEANDBUSINESS 507- Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528- Loans andMortgages 543- Stocks andBonds 558- Business Investments 573 - BusinessOpportunities


Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.

BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call Oregon Land Mortgage 541-388-4200. LOCAL MONEytWe buy

secured trust deeds & note, some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.18.

What are you looking for? You'll find it in The Bulletin Classifieds

CAUTION: Ads published in "Employment O p portunities" include employee and independent positions. Ads fo r p o sitions that require a fee or upfront investment must be stated. With any independentjob opportunity please i nvestigate tho r oughly. Use extra c aution when a p plying for jobs online and never provide personal information to any source you may not have researched and deemed to be reputable. Use extreme c aution when r e s ponding to A N Y online employment ad from out-of-state. We suggest you call the State of Oregon Consumer Hotline at 1-503-378-4320

For Equal Opportunity Laws c ontact Oregon Bureau of Labor & I n dustry, Civil Rights Division, 971-673- 0764.

The BuIletin

Sereing Centret Oregon sinro tggt


541-385-5809 Pressroom

Night Supervisor

The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Oregon is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc. which is a small, family-owned group consisting of 7 newspapers: 5 in Oregon and 2 in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a small crew of 3 and must have prior press experience. The candidate must be able to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for our 3t/a tower KBA press. Prior management/leadership experience p referred. I n ad d ition t o our 7-day-a-week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. Besides a competitive wage, we also provide potential opportunity for advancement.

If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude, are able to manage people and schedulesand are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live and raise a family, let us hear from you.

Contact Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager at anelson@wescom a ers.com withyourcompiete resume, r eferences an d s a l ary history/requirements. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE.

Registered Nurses Community Counseling Solutions is recruiting for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper Ridge Acute Care Center locatedinJohn Day, OR. Juniper Ridge is a S e cure Residential Treatment Facility providing services to individuals with a severe mental illness.

These positions provide mental health nursing care including medication oversight, medication r e lated t r e atment, f o llow physician's prescriptions and procedures, measure and record patient's general p hysical c ondition s uc h as pul s e , temperature and respiration to provide daily information, educate and train staff on medication administration, and e nsure documentation is kept according to policies. This position works with the treatment team to promote recovery from mental illness. This position includes telephone consultation and crisis intervention in the facility. Qualified applicants must have a v a lid Oregon Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of hire, hold a valid Oregon driver's license and pass a criminal history background check. Wages dependent upon education and experience, but will be between $48,000 to $72,000. Excellent benefit package, including signing bonus.


For more information, Contact Kellys©epicaircraft.com or visit the company website at www.epicaircraft.com

Please visit th e O r egon Employment Department or the Community Counseling Solutions website for an application or contact Nina Bisson a t 5 4 1-676-9161, nina.bisson©gobhi.net, or P.O. Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836.

Your auto, RV, motorcycle, boat, or airplane


acI runs until it sells or up to 12 months (whichever comes first!)

00+ «j M""' M(piEEL

Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, full color photo, bold headline and price. "Little RedCorvette"

• Weekly publication in Central Oregon Marketplace —DELIVERED to over 30,000 households.


NlonacoDynasty soon-L~ ADgo! solid Faturesinclude 4-dr s counter, su surtace deconvectionmicro, built-inwasheridrye, ramictiletioor,Ttj,DUD, satellitedish,airleveling, storage ass-through dk ingsizebed tray,ana' -Allforonly $149,000 541-000-000

ygpgf p

g<fLL>f ~


• Daily publication in The Bulletin, an audience of over 70,000.


Convertl oupe 132 niffes -24mpg Ad sc"IPtiona„ ' ferestingfa o hotNmuch ouid ha in a c

$12 gPO 541 000

• Weekly publication in The Central Oregon Nickel Ads with an audience of over 30,000 in Central and Eastern Oregon • Continuous listing with photo on Bendbulletln.com * A $290 value based on an ad with the same extra features, publishing 28-ad days in the above publications. Private party ads only.













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C L U B T uesday,February4,2014

9 J108 4 2

ACROSS 1 Insurance giant with a duck in its ads 6 "I messed up!" 11Food preseivative, for short 14Pack animal 15Eagle's nest 16Big name in jeans 17Being extravagant and self-indulgent 19Comfort 20 Place to relax 21 Baseball count 22 North American finch 24 "Ragged Dick" author 27siteof Kubla Khan's "pleasure dome" 30 ter r ier 31 Pirouette 32 Barbershop symbol



Goal tO go By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

Not having goals is like moving the ball down the Geld but never scoring a touchdown. When you're declarer at 3NT, your goal is to win nine tricks. Plan your play. Against 3NT, West led a spade, and South won the third spade (not best defense) as East threw a heart. South next led a diamond and was relieved when East took the ace. But then East led a heart, and South found himself in a dilemma. He could finesse with the queen for his ninth trick, or he could take the ace and rely on a 3-3 club break. But South had to commit himself.

heart and he bids one spade. What do you say? ANSWER: Although your values are minimum, you mustn't pass. Game is still possible, and a contract of onespade might be unmanaqeable. You have two reasonable options: a bid of 1NT, showing seven to 10 points with balanced pattern, or a return to two diamonds. A rebid of two hearts would promise longer hearts. South dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 4582

g975 0 Q1093 4AQ42

BETTER PLAY Since the finesse was the better percentage play, South played his queen of hearts — and was thrown for a 200-point loss when West took the king and ran the spades. South's plan was inferior. South must hope East has the ace of diamonds, but before South leads a diamond, he must cash his high clubs. When the clubs break 3-3, South can count nine tricks. If instead the clubs didn't break evenly, South would know he needed the heart finesse. DAILY QUESTION

WEST 4 KJ96 3 (v) K63


074 4 J83


4Q 10



OKJ85 4K76 S outh W es t Nor t h 1 NT Pa s s 2 NT 3 NT All Pass





Eas t Pass

Y ouhold: 4 Q 1 0 ( v I J 1 0 8 4 2 Opening lead — 4 6 1I1 10 9 5. Your partner 0 A 6 2 opens one diamond, you respond one (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO


34 Pocket watch

65 Lombard Street feature 37 lllumination 66 "The Wrestler" in "The Staractress Marlsa Spangled Banner" 67 Blender setting 41Adam's



(water) 42 Gorgons 430ne of Spain's Balearics 44 Sulvivor immunity token 46 King Arthur's resting place 47All-malt beer 52 Jeweler's eyepiece 53Femininename suffix 54Terrier'sbark S7Cause of inflation? 58 Scotch whisky brand 62 Mop & (floor cleaner) 63 "Raw" or "burnt" color 64 It's moving at the movies





















24 27 2 8

25 26 30



4 Bordeaux buddy 5 Be lovey-dovey 6vallettais its capital 7 It's not used to make matzo 8 "It's c-c-cold!" 9 2008 U.S. govt. bailout recipient 10 Record spinner 11 Fancy gold jewelry, e.g. 12 Ergo 13Opera's Mario Lanza, for one 18 Expert 23 Suffix with glob 24 "Listen up!," old-style 25 Archipelago parts 26 Green-lighted 27Bonus,in ads 28 Barracks no-show 29 "Good job!" 32"The Lord is my shepherd ...," e.g. 33Assn. or grp. 34 Not make the grade? 35 Rice-shaped pasta 36 Noggin 38G




DOWN 1 " right with the world" 2 1950s hairstyle 3 Volcanic emission




No. 1231



38 41


34 3 5


54 5 5



42 44

47 4 8




50 51

52 57

58 5 9









39 Be concerned, slangily 40 Letter-shaped shelf support 44 Jackanapes

59 Managed care 48 Stirs up plan, for short 49 Continental cash

47 French beach

56 Hightail it away

50 Flood barrier 51 Creator of the game Missile 45 Like most jigsaw Command puzzles 54 Petri dish gel 46 I.R.S. employees: Abbr. 55 Storm

60Co. with the motto "Think"

61 Australia's national bird

For answers, call 1-900-285-5858, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554.

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT8T users: Text NYTX to 388 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.



RIZAIIOCMICED3!I Fa48)40k4981/ifisarracoau41 GEO IBE r6aaaa

MII name iC Fred and I'm not RYLakoholic. I thought tkiC WaC

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

a game of' maLcieal ahaira.



8 TS




5 8 49



ea/9 24.









sp Ol 0 o






LOS ANGELESTIMES CROSSWORD Edited by RiCh NOrriSand Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 FindIhe answer to 6 Chicago mayor Emanuel

SAFE HAVENS ~lA)iig)l l lj(4 i,jffLE gEC0 E jtg OHAIJT.


()IFORfoAAVEL( I OH,INIL... 506$j)!IY cljgiZE!4T i4 A& OhlLY EL&VGW H OL4 I ) +SII.ITY 4 +O F!AD (/0HE)I 16)(CEASD jlit'ovT Ivi g gExTFILM T'II6 hlA42

10"The Wizard

comic strip

A )i6I &I('T yyyg

75 I)ICHEg... AAD I +P'T' (yII'0!4) lA(r.'

14 Bild-Ielated

15 Blue Bonnet



16 Musical symbol 1 77Hosiery support item 19 Astmnaut


© 2014 by ing Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

E-mail: bholbrook1@gmail.com



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72I 1






1'I ! 1 NOF5(jizF. IFI FVE.:N


20 Jai 21 Suffix with billion

22 Subway entrance 23 Barbecue veggie eaten with one's hands 26 Southwestem desert 29 Actor Stephen 30 Washer maker 31 Snorkeling site

Bfld mOVIG

sprGBcl 5919908 vice prGsldGT!t THAT SCRAIHBLED WORD GA86E by DSVld L Hart 8nd Jelf Knun4


UnSCramble theSe fOur Jumble8, One letter to eaCh Square, to fOrm fOur OrdinaryWOrdS.



SALFH 09014 Tiibune Content Agency,110 All RlgMs Reservad.

rm eun. these wlll wola.


New GLA5585


Now arrange the circled letters 10 form ih8 surprise answer,88 suggested bythe above cartoon. a B k le



. tAd. b y L h


4 UO' k I

"How much longer dld he tell you to stay on this banana diet?"


UF S . 2014



40-, 47- and 60Across 714E 5ELECTION OF


12 "Boof' u)untry PleflX 13 Star in the

your eye like a big 60 Student'8 slat.

61 "CSI" network

pizza pie"

constellation Cygnus


18 Red inside




22"The Giving Tree' SH A Q K A N E P RA D A author Silverstein S E C U R I T Y B L A N K E T 24 EIIg cells

25 Highchair feature O S T E O 26 Sir Oounterpart





O X A B T P I L L O WT A S C I T I E T YA K I N E R CR E S C T E HE M P S H E I A G O A N N O R G A M I D D L E A G O N E N D S U S O D A S P E xwordedltoriaol.com







10 1 1







EN S U S S WAM 0 A L S V I N E B B U S I C N T T E R R E A D U RS A E MT S 02/04/14 12






30 37

41 42

found at the SIaftS of 17-, 23-, 31-,



60 Wimbledon feature 62 Curling appliance 63 MexicanAmerican War 64 Damaging bug 65 Cong. meeting 66 Dazzles 67 Kind of reptile


41 LiNe tabbies 49 B a rcelona bulls 42 One and only 50 A rchery missile 43 Winter malady 5 1Harlem 44 Satirize without Rena issance mercy writer Zora 46 Degrees for many H u l ston thOuSand ShiPS profs. 52 Classroom 9 Witly remark 47 Longtime fixtures 10 Painting the town morning co-host, 56 Subtle glow recl familiarly 57 Alduous 11 acid: prenatBI 48 What it is "when jou r ney vitamin ingredient the moonhits 58 Fr e nch I word

27 Bygone science magazine 37'Vlheel Of 28 The slammer Fortune" 31 Tax season VIP pUrcllBBG 32 Mork's planet 38 Hose nozzle 33 Arctic explorer OPtiOn John 34"ER" actor La 39 HDTV brand 40 lcG cream drink Salle 43 Play the coquette 35 Stationely hue 45 Debtor's letters 36 Karma 46 Award hung on a 38 Cage's "Leaving wall Las Vegas" 471988 U2 album co.stBT 53 Be a ham 54Oboe insert 55 Fancy cracker


5 WSW's opposite 6 Red-breasted bird 7 Olds model 8 Trojan beauty whose face launched a

(Anawera tomorrow) Jumbles:ROUND RUGBY Shloocn BOTHER

clown wasn't laughing alter he broke I Answer: The his — HUMERUS

47 4 8


50 5 1

52 55 8 9


1 Ifs a long story 2 Avocado shape 3 Coin once tossed into Italian fOuntainS

4 Pope's place, with





By Kevin Christian

(c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC















Motorcycles & Accessories



Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels


00 •

RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605- RoommateWanted 616- Want ToRent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./MultiplexGeneral 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for RentSunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RVParking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space

682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REALESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 -Real Estate Trades 726- Timeshares for Sale 730 - NewListings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - MultiplexesforSale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744- Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746-Northwest Bend Homes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748-Northeast Bend Homes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson County Homes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land

. 0 0 ppgpg 632

Apt./Nlultiplex General

Triumph Daytona 2004, 15K m i l es, perfect bike, needs nothing. Vin ¹201536.

$4995 Dream Car Auto Sales 1801 Division, Bend


Real Estate Trades


541-678-0240 Dlr 3665

This advertising tip brought toyouby

The Bulletin ServingCentral Oregonsince t9t8


Houses for Rent SW Bend


FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $46,500 finished on your site. J and M Homes 541-546-5511

LOT MODEL LIQUIDATION Prices Slashed Huge Savings! 10 Year conditional warranty. Finished on your site. ONLY 2 LEFT! Redmond, Oregon 541-546-5511

SW Bend, walk to DRT JandMHomes.com and Old Mill. Master on main, pool, hot tub, Check out the tennis. Yard maint. classifieds online incl. No pets. $2,000. www.bendbulletin.com bendriverwild.com Updated daily

Winnebago Aspect outs, Leather interior, Power s e at, locks, win d ows, Aluminum wheels. 17" Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or p ets. L ik e n ew, $74,900


V ictory TC 9 2 ci 2002, runs great, 40K mi., Stage 1 Performance Kit, n ew tires, r e ar brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. 541-771-0665

2004 CH34TLB04 34'

Sprinter, 35' 2008 Rear living, large refrigerator, walk-in shower, queen bed, lots of storage inside & out, new tires, electric jack, excellent condition, only used 3 times. Call toseel



Winnebago Suncruiser34' 2004, 35K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $49,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243 881 Travel Trailers



Honda TRX 350 FE 2006, 4 wheel drive, electric start, electric s hift, n ew tire s , $2500, 541-980-6006.

Call a Pro Whether you need a fencefixed,hedges trimmed or a house built you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809

Fax it to 541-322-7253 The Bulletin Classifieds

Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very 870 clean, non-smoker, Boats & Accessories 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice 17' Fishrite G u i de maker, Washer/Dryer, Model drift boat, 54" Flat screen TV's, In beam, great sharie! motion satellite. $3800. 541-610-3183 $95,000

Tango 29.6' 2007, Rear living, walkaround queen bed, central air, awning, 1 large slide, $12,000. 541-280-2547 or 541-815-4121 Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 365-5609 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com


Keystone Laredo31' Ry 20 06 w ith 1 2' slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub 8 shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Lif t . $29,000 new; Asking$18,600 541-4947-4805

The Bulletin

I ls


The Bulletin

Serving Central Oregon since 1903



COACHMAN Freelander2008 32' Class C, Nl-3150 Pristine - just 23,390

miles! Efficient coach has Ford V10 w/Banks pwr pkg, 14' slide, ducted furn/ AC, flat screen TV, 16' awning. No pets/ smkg. 1 ownera must see! $52,500. 541-548-4969

Fleetwood Bounder, 2000 -Great amenities! 34', special exterior coating, side by side fridge, corner china cabinet, queen bed, tub/shower, 1 large living room slide out, air leveler, warm & cozy interior. Ford V10 Triton 44,000 miles. $25,000

with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory


HDFatBo 1996

g g'

overall length is 35' has 2 slides, Arctic package, A/C,table & chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at bendbulletin.com



Arctic Fox 2003 Cold Weather Model 34 56, licensed thru 2/15, exlnt cond. 3 elec slides, solar panel, 10 gal water htr, 14' awning, (2) 10-gal propane tanks, 2 batts, catalytic htr in addition to central heatinq/AC, gently used, MANY features! Must see to appreciate! $19,000. By owner (no dealer calls, please). Call ortext541-325-1956. CHECKYOUR AD

Orbit 21'2007, used only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $14,511 OBO. 541-382-9441

Tick, Tock TiCk, TOCk... ...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!

Pegasus 2008 24' w ith slide. A/ C , queen bed, sleeps 4, 2 door fridge, microwave, awning, & more! Non-smoker, exc cond, $11,295

Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires,


w e l lequipped IFR Beech Bonanza A36, new 10-550/ prop, located KBDN. $65,000. 541-419-9510

on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified

Get your business

Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, 2 slides, AC, recliners, walk-around queen bed, e ROW I N G sliding glass door closet, new tub & 10-gal water with an ad in heater, good tires. Brand The Bulletin's new 20' screen room "Call A Service available. Super clean, 1 owner, n o n-smokers. Professional" $13,499. 541-447-7968





OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500

King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awning. Like new!

,II • '

Call Dick,

541-480-1687. TURN THE PAGE

For More Ads The Bulletin

1974 BeHanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO, 160 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.

In Madras, call 541-475-6302 Dramatic Price Reduction Executive Hangar at Bend Airport (KBDN) 60' wide x 50' deep, w/55' wide x 17' high bifold dr. Natural gas heat, offc, bathroom. Adjacent to Frontage Rd; great visibility for aviation business. 541-948-2126 or email 1jetjock©q.com Hangar for sale at Redmond Airport - not a T Hangar -$39,000. 541-420-0626


Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Top liwing room, 2 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, entertainment center, fireplace, W/D, garden tub/shower, in great condition.$36,000 or best offer. Call Peter, 307-221-2422,

v!IILL DELIv/R Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo.

Cessna 150 LLC 150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent performance 8 affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007



Layton 27-ft, 2002

TIFFINPHAETON QSH 2007 with 4 slides, CAT 350hp diesel engine, $125,900. 30,900 miles, new Michelin tires, great cond! Dishwasher, w/d, central vac, roof satellite, aluminum wheels, 2 full slide-thru basement trays & 3 TV's. Falcon-2 towbar and Even-Brake included. Call 541-977-4150

1/3 interest i n


king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 541-420-3250



Front & rear entry doors, bath, shower, queen bed, slide-out, oven, microwave, air condItioninq, patio awning, twin propane tanks, very nice, great floor plan, $8495 541-316-1388

cy $400/mo.


1/5th interest in 1973



ds published in "Watercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorIzed personal watercrafts. For "boats" please see Class 870.



Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:

1/3 interest in Columbia 400, $150,000 (located © Bend.) Also: Sunriver hangar available for sale at $155K, or lease,


MONTANA 3585 2006, exc. cond., 3 slides,

Fifth Wheels

Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest 16'Maxum skiboat,2000, way in the world to sell. inboard motor, great cond, well maintained, The Bulletin Classified $8995obo. 541-350-7755 541-385-5809 Ads published in the "Boats" classification RV include: Speed, fishCONSIGNMENTS ing, drift, canoe, • WANTED house and sail boats. We Do The Work ... For all other types of watercraft, please go You Keep The Cash! On-site credit to Class 875. • approval team, 541-365-5809 • web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Servin Central cre on since 1903 Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Watercraft





fully S/C, w/d hookups, new 18' Dometic awning, 4 new tires, new Kubota 7000w marine diesel generator, 3 slides, exc. cond. ins ide 8 o ut. 27" T V dvd/cd/am/fm entertain center. Call for more details. Only used 4 times total in last 5y2 years.. No pets, no smoking. High retail $27700. Will sell for $24,000 including sliding hitch that fits in your truck. Call 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for appt to see. 541-330-5527.

Laredo 2009 30'

Fleetwood Wilderness N.W. Edition 26' 2002, N ayion R V 20 0 8 , 1 slide, sleeps 6 , Sprinter chassis 25'. queen bed, couch, tub/ Mercedes Benz diesel, stove/oven, 24,000 miles, pristine shower, front elec. cond., quality through- jack, waste tank heatout, rear slide-out w/ ers, s tabilizers, 2 queen bed, d e luxe prop. t a n ks , no captain swivel f ront smoking/pets, winterseats, diesel generator, i zed, g oo d c o n d. awning, no pets/ smok- $6500 OBO ing. $77,500 or make 541-447-3425 an offer. 541-362-2430

Need to get an ad in ASAP?

& Service

Keystone Challenger

home, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.

similar model & not the actual vehicle)


Aircraft, Parts



541-548-0318 (photo above is of a


Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:

1994 37.5' motor-

ALASKA LAND FOR 1994 Arctic Cat 560 SALE - 5 acres HayEXT, in good stack Mountain on SE condition, $1000. Slope, near r i ver, Located in La Pine. great sun, hardwood Call 541-408-6149. f orest. $20,000 o r trade for land in OrCall a Pro on the first day it runs egon. 701-560-5453 to make sure it is corWhether you need a rect. "Spellcheck" and 745 fencefixed,hedges human errors do ocHomes for Sale trimmed or a house cur. If this happens to your ad, please conbuilt, you'll find NOTICE tact us ASAP so that All real estate adverprofessional help in corrections and any tised here in is sub- The Bulletin's "Call a adjustments can be ject to th e Federal Service Professional" made to your ad. F air Housing A c t , 541-385-5809 Directory The Bulletin Classified which makes it illegal to advertise any pref541 -385-5809 erence, limitation or 634 discrimination based 860 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend on race, color, reliion, sex, handicap, Motorcycles & Accessories Call for Specials! amilial status or naLimited numbers avail. tional origin, or inten1, 2 and 3 bdrms. tion to make any such W/D hookups, patios preferences, l i mitaor decks. tions or discrimination. MOUNTAIN GLEN, We will not knowingly 541-383-9313 accept any advertis2013 Harley Professionally ing for real estate managed by Norris & Davidson Dyna which is in violation of Wide Glide, black, Stevens, Inc. this law. All persons only 200 miles, are hereby informed that all dwellings ad- brand new, all stock, 648 plus after-market veitised are available Houses for on an equal opportu- exhaust. Has winter Rent General cover, helmet. nity basis. The BulleSelling for what I tin Classified PUBLISHER'S owe on it: $15,500. NOTICE Call anytime, 748 All real estate adver- Northeast Bend Homes 541-554-0384 tising in this newspaper is subject to the 3 bdrm 2 bath, 1258 sf, F air H ousing A c t upgrades, vaulted, culde- Harley Davidson 2009 which makes it illegal sac. 2574 NE Cordata Pl. Super Glide Custom, to a d vertise "any $189,900. 541-815-3279 Stage 1 Screaming preference, limitation or 541-815-3241 Eagle performance, or disc r imination too many options to based on race, color, 750 list, $8900. religion, sex, handi541-388-8939 Redmond Homes cap, familial status, marital status or national origin, or an in- Looking for your next Call The Sutletin At 541-385-5809 tention to make any emp/oyee? such pre f erence, Place a Bulletin help Place Your Ad Or E-Mail limitation or discrimi- wanted ad today and At: www.bendbulletin.com nation." Familial stareach over 60,000 tus includes children readers each week. under the age of 16 Your classified ad living with parents or will also appear on legal cus t odians, bendbulletin.com pregnant women, and which currently repeople securing cusceives over tody of children under 1.5 million page 18. This newspaper views every month Harley Davidson will not knowingly ac2011 Classic Limat no extra cost. cept any advertising Bulletin Classifieds ited, Loaded! 9500 for real estate which is miles, custom paint Get Results! "Broken Glass" by in violation of the law. Call 365-5609 or O ur r e aders a r e place your ad on-line Nicholas Del Drago, hereby informed that at new condition, all dwellings adverheated handgrips, bendbulletin.com tised in this newspaauto cruise control. per are available on $32k in bike, 771 an equal opportunity only $20,000or best basis. To complain of Lots offer. 541-316-6049 d iscrimination ca l l HUD t o l l-free at SHEVLIN RIDGE 1-600-677-0246. The 17,000 Sq.ft. Iot, apGet your toll free t e lephone proved plans. More business number for the hear- details and photos on ing im p aired is craigslist. $149,900. 1-600-927-9275. 541-369-8614 Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV

2009- 32', 3 slide-



Good classified ads tell the essentialfacts in an interesting Manner.Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them insomeway.

Gulfstream S u nsport 30' Class A 1966 new f r idge, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, wheelchair l ift. 4 0 00W g enerator, G ood condition! $12,500 obo 541-447-5504




Fleetwood Wilderness2000 model, 28', 1 slide, good condition, with awning and A/C, $7500. 541-383-8270


Look at: Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do the Work, You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-546-5254

Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 196 6 A e r o Commander, 4 seat, 150 HP, low time, full panel. $23,000 obo. Contact Paul at 541-447-5164.

SuperhavvkOnly 1 Share Available

Economical flying in your own IFR equipped Cessna 172/160 HP for only $13,500! New Garmin Touchscreen avionics center stack! Exceptionally clean! Hangared at BDN. Call 541-728-0773


professionaly winterized every year cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater & air conditioning have never been used! $24,000 obo. Serious inquiries, please. Stored in Terrebonne.


s.' 0 antrg


Char/@ l toh

rW/eef 6ff ee ed


— ~*

etea -

av "rf/V0.

oie"es e/f4for „b e' ontf J q sa@

BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, Fleetwood D i scovery merchandise to sporting 40' 2003, diesel mo- goods. Bulletin Classifieds torhome w/all appear every day in the options-3 slide outs, print or on line. satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, Call 541-385-5809 etc. 32,000 m i les. Wintered in h eated www.bendbulletin.com shop. $64,900 O.B.O. The Bulletin


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• 0 ~ I •

BOATS 8 RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiies 860 - Motorcycies And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890- RVs for Rent


• •








Sport Utility Vehicles





CORVETTE COUPE Glasstop 2010

Mazda Miata 1997 M-edition Mica Green, 5-spd, original interior 8 exterior. All power options, leather, convertible boot, Tonneau Cover 114K miles, synthetic oils, new timing belt @ 61K & more! $5995. 541-548-5648

Volkswagen Touareg 2004





AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles




Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Antique & Classic Autos


CLASSIC 1966 Ford F250 3/4 ton, 352 V8, 2WD,


P/S, straight body, runs good. $2000. 541-410-8749

FORD XLT 1992 3/4 ton 4x4

matching canopy, 30k original miles, possible trade for classic car, pickup, motorcycle, RV $13,500. In La Pine, call 928-581-9190

Ford Windstar van, 1996 1 owner, only 68,100 miles, new tires, always serviced, smoking/ Ford Bronco 114x4, 1989 pets. Like no new, $3950. auto, high miles, runs 541-330-4344 or good. $1700. 541-420-6045 541 -633-6662

Honda Odyssey o;:


Kia Sportage 1996 4x4, full power, hitch, rack, air, set up for towing, runs reat, 4 extra snow tires. I nternational Fl a t 3200. 541-728-1265 Bed Pickup 1963, 1 L exus GX 460 2010 ton dually, 4 s pd. 4WD, Premium Sport. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480. 541-598-3750 www.aaaoregonauto935 source.com Sport Utility Vehicles USE THE CLASSIFIEDS!

PMt Nl

1999.Very good cond. Runs well, Two sets of tires on rims - summer and winter. $2500. 541-593-2312 or 541-977-7568 975

Grand Sport - 4 LT loaded, clear bra hood 8 fenders. New Michelin Super Sports, G.S. floor mats, 17,000 miles, Crystal red. $42,000. 503-358-1164.

Ford Taurus 2003, good cond, $2000 obo, cash. 541-678-1701


Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible

BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

Meticulously maintained. Very clean inside and out. V6. Recently serviced60 point inspection sheet. $6,800.00 Call 541-480-0097

V olvo S40 T 5

2 0 05 AWD, sunroof, lux/winter pkgs, new tires, more! $7775 obo.541-330-5818



Peterbilt 359 p otable GMC Sierra 1977 short Corvette Coupe water truck, 1 990, 1996, 350 auto, with hard & soft top, bed, exlnt o r iginal 3200 gal. tank, Shp 135k, non-ethanol silver with black On a classified ad p ump, 4 - 3 o hoses, cond., runs 8 drives fuel/synthetic oil, interior, go to The Bulletin camlocks, $25,000. great. V8, new paint Good classified ads tell garaged/covered. all original, Serving Central Orogoo si n ce 5ig and tires. $4750 obo. the essential facts in an www.bendbulletin.com 541-820-3724 Bose Premium Gold very low mileage, 541-504-1050 Docr-to-dcor selling with to view additional system. Orig. owner interesting Manner.Write in premium condition. 932 photos of the item. fast results! It's the easiest manual. Stock! from the readers view - not $19,900. Antique & way in the world to sell. $10,500 OBO. 702-249-2567 the seller's. Convert the Call a Pro Retired. Must sell! Classic Autos (car is in Bend) facts into benefits. Show 54'I -923-1781 General Hummer The Bulletin Classified Whether you need a the reader how the item will AM H1 1996; $ 46,500; 541-385-5809 help them insomeway. fence fixed, hedges pics at ebay or email Olds 98 REgency 1990 trimmed or a house This bmartin029©aol.com Jeep CJ5 1979, exc. shape, runs as advertising tip Original owner, 87k 1921 Model T built, you'll find new, one owner, 20 brought toyou by miles, only 3k on new mpg in town. New Delivery Truck professional help in 258 long block. Clutch battery, stud snow The Bulletin Restored 8 Runs OorvrogCentralOrogoo sincefgga The Bulletin's "Call a package, Warn hubs. tires. $2000. Ford Thunderbird $9000. Super winter car! Excellent runner, very 541-369-9377 Service Professional" 2004 541-389-8963 Audi 4000CS Quattro, dependable. NorthDirectory Convertible 1986, close ratio 5 man 6yg' plow, Warn Lincoln Bli!IW X3 2 007, 99K with hard & soft top, spd, fun car to drive, 541-385-5809 6000¹ winch. $7900 Porsche Carrera 911 miles, premium packAviator, 2004 silver with black new tires, runs great, 2003 convertible with or best reasonable age, heated lumbar Light tan/gray metalinterior, needs paint, 187k hardtop. 50K miles, offer. supported seats, panlic, all wheel drive, all original, Looking for your miles $2500 new factory Porsche 541-549-6970 or Ford F250 Camper Spe- oramic moo n roof, V6 engine, heated very low mileage, 541-771-6661. motor 6 mos ago with next employee? cial 1966, AT w/limited Bluetooth, ski bag, Xe541-815-6105. leather seats, 3rd in premium condition. 18 mo factory warPlace a Bulletin help slip rear end. A few is- non headlights, tan & row seat, 131K Audi A4 2001 1.6T $19,900. ranty remaining. Buick Skylark 1972 sues but runs good. Full black leather interior, wanted ad today and miles, very well 4 door sedan, rebuilt 702-249-2567 Please see Bend steel rack w/drs. $1950 n ew front & re a r $37,500. reach over 60,000 maintained. trans w/19K miles, (car is in Bend) 541-322-6928 Craigslist for details and firm, cash. 541-420-0156 brakes @ 76K miles, readers each week. $7777. newer clutch, brakes, more photos. Your classified ad one owner, all records, 541-389-9829 manifold, extras & re$19,900. very clean, $1 6,900. will also appear on ceipts. Excellent mpg; S ubaru Legacy 2012 541-323-1898 Tick, Tock 541-388-4360 bendbulletin.com Carfax. $5,800. Plymouth B a r racuda which currently re541-390-6004 1966, original car! 300 TiCk, TOCk... Garage Sales ceives over 1.5 milhp, 360 V8, centerlion page views Bulck CX2005 ...don't let time get lines, 541-593-2597 Garage Sales every month at silver, 61,000 miles, Ford Supercab 1992, away. Hire a no extra cost. Bullegood condition. ExPrice Reduced! brown/tan color with Garage Sales tin Classifieds 541-598-3750 cellent care. $7,000 professional out Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 m atching full s i z e www.aaaoregonautoGet Results! Call OBO, 541-419-9669. Find them engine, power everyof The Bulletin's c anopy, 2WD, 4 6 0 Chevy Suburban 365-5809 or place source.com thing, new paint, 54K over drive, 135K mi., 1500 LT 2009 in "Call A Service your ad on-line at Cadillac Deville orig. miles, runs great, full bench rear seat, 5.3L V8 Flex fuel. bendbulletin.com The Bulletin DHS 2000. Most Professional" exc. cond.in/out.$7500 slide rear w indow, 4wd Heavy Duty tow Toyota Celica Rolls Royce 1992 Sil- bucket seats, power obo. 541-480-3179 options, exc. cond. pkg., Cargo Racks, Directory today! Classifieds Convertible 1993 ver Spur II,excellent! 93,000 rn.. New seats w/lumbar, pw, running boards, The Bulletin recoml Midnight Blue exterior, receiver & trailer tires. $6,500. Hyundai Sonata Limleather interior, 541-385-5809 mends extra caution l Parchment leather inte- HD ited 2010 leather, good tires. power locks, XM 541-233-8944. when p u rchasing s rior, 15-inch chrome RR brakes, Good cond i tion. satellite, OnStar wheels, Alpine Sirius I products or services $4900. 541-369-5341 multi-disc MP3, from out of the area. DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS Bluetooth. Summer navigation system, I S ending c ash , and new studded GMC Ygton 1971, Only 77,200 miles, dealerG T 2200 4 c yl, 5 s checks, or credit in- s Get your tires. 81,000 high$10,500! Original low ship maintained, alspeed, a/c, pw, pdl, I formation may be I 541-596-3750 way miles. $25,000 mile, exceptional, 3rd ways garaged. New, business nicest c o n vertible I subject toFRAUD. www.aaaoregonautoOBO. 541-480-6231 about $250,000; sell owner. 760-965-4016 around in this price For more informasource.com $19,500. 541-480-3348 range, new t i res, I tion about an adverRange Rover Corvette 1979 Jaguar XJ8 2004 4-dr o Rowl N G wheels, clutch, timtiser, you may call HSE, 2011 What are you L82- 4 speed. (longer style) sedan, Need help fixing stuff? ing belt, plugs, etc. I the Oregon StateI Super clean, loaded, 85,000 miles silver, black leather, 4.2L looking for? Call A Service Professional 111K mi., remarkAttorney General's e with an ad in running boards, Garaged since new. V8, AT, AC, fully loaded cond. i nside find the help you need. luxury & towing Office C o nsumer You'll find it in I've owned it 25 The Bulletin's + moonroof. Runs great, able and out. Fun car to I Protection hotline at www.bendbulletin.com packages. Up top years. Never damreliable, always garaged, "Call A Service d rive, Must S E E ! 1-677-677-9392. The Bulletin Classifieds pod, 43,000 miles, Chevy Tahoe 2001, 5.3L aged or abused. 116K miles; 30 mpg hwy. $5995. R edmond. VW Beetle 1969 conProfessional" $45,000. V8, leather, air, heated Front/side airbags, $12,900. 541-504-1993 vertible, exlnt shape, seats, fully loaded, 120K, 541-593-9116 non-smoker. $7900. Directory Serving Centra/ Oregon sincetgag Dave, 541-350-4077 541-385-5809 $11,995. 541-383-3191 $7500 obo. 541-460-0494 541-350-9938






The Bulletin

Time to deCIUtter? Need SOme eXtra CaSh? NeedSOmeeXtra SPaCethe garage?

n se t

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The Bulletin

To receive your FREECLASSIFIED AD, call 385-5809 or visit The Bulletin office at: 1777 SWChandler Ave. (on Bends west side) *0!fer allows for 3lines0! textonly. Excludesall service,hay,wood,pets/animals, plants,tickets,weapons,rentals andemployment advertising, andall commercial accounts. Mustbeaii individual itemunder$200.00andprice oi individual itemmust beincludedinthead. Ask yourBulletin SalesRepresentativeaboutspecial pricing,longerrunschedulesandadditional features. UmitI adperitemper 30daysto besold.

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