Bulletin Daily Paper 04-04-14

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since1903 75

FRIDAY April 4,2014

• . sc er'sarwnr cnmos n on GO! MAGAZINE

And: With aneclectic mixof livemusicthis weekend, wehelpyou chooseyour adventure

bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD

i in wi vesw o rave or ea care,

Killer microbes —Astudy suggests that tiny microbes were responsible for our planet's largest extinction event.A3


Brewers, ranchers

Cover Oregon — More than 300,000 Oregonians have signed up for health care under the Affordable CareAct. B1

bopping ,,e'




By Andrew Clevenger

• Deschutes among the healthiest counties in Oregon; CrookandJefferson lag behind

The Bulletin


— The symbiotic SuCCeSS StOry —In the span of five years, Bend's Jamie Israel has gone from homelessness to owninga thriving jewelry business.C6 Pltin: GM —The scandal-tainted automaker has tabbed a Clinton-era expert to its crisis managementteam. C6

By Elon Gluckliche The Bulletin

relationship between

local brewers and ranchers, who use spent grain from the brewing process to feed

New data on smoking rates, obesity, poverty and other health factors highlight the large health gap among Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson counties. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a Princeton, N.J.-based health care research organization,


released its fifth annual county health rankings late last month. The rankings detail a variety of health

up on the menu at lo-

statistics for nearly 3,000 counties in the United States.

cal pubs, is at risk under a new rule proposed by the Food and Drug

Steel elk —Anartist wants to bring a herd of steel elk to La Pine.B1

Central Oregon's rankings for 2013 largely mirror past years: Deschutes

And a Web exclusiveAn inscription is taken out of context and placed at a9/11 memorial. bendbulletin.com/extras

County ranked near the top — healthiest — in Or-

and Jefferson County came in at the very bottom

for the fifth straight year.


'Cuban Twitter'built to sparkup dissent By DesmondButler, Jack Gigumand Alberto Arce The Associated Press


Health officials in Crook

and Jefferson counties said economic and social factors have played into their

low rankings.

COUNTY HEALTH RANKINGS2010-14 Rankings included 33 of Oregorfs 36 counties. Sherman, Gilliam and Wheeler counties were not included.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2

Rohert WoodJohnsonFoundation The Robert WoodJohnson Foundation is a nonprofit researching health care issues in theUnited States. Founded in Princeton, N.J., in1972, it claims to bethenation's largest philanthropic organization dedicated to improving public health. Its staff and board of trustees includes medical and business professionals, hospital CEOs and pharmaceutical company representatives. The foundation aims to tackle avariety of health-related issues, including smoking secession and improvements to end-of-life care, according to its website. The foundation started issuing county-level health rankings in 2010.

HEALTHOUTCOMES AND FACTORS Those inpoor or fair health Agntt smoking rate

Oregon average




heightened sanitation requirements for the storage and transportation of an-

imal food. SeeGrain/A5

FDA OKs portable overdose antidote



rate 6

Crook County Jefferson County



neschutes County





Atfnlt obesity

nuschutus County

By Sabrina Tavernise New York Times News Service


Federal health regulators approved a drugoverdosetreatment device Thursday that experts say will provide a powerful, life-saving tool.





16% 18%

No health insurance

2010 20u 2012 2013 2014 21




Chiltt poverty

Crook Conu'ty 67



Similar to an


EpiPen used to stop allergic reactions to bee stings, the easyto-use injector will be prescribed for emergency use by the relatives or friends of people who have

m xo~ 36

Teen births

But two senior Dem2010 20u 2012 2013 2014

(per 1,000 females)



Jefferson County 33





Air pollntion


, (Dailyparticulate average)

effort, which one of them

described as"dumb, dumb,

FDA announced potential changes under the Food Safety Modernization Act that would require

Deschutes County has consistently ranked amongthe top five Oregon counties for overall health factors, according to data published annually by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. But Crook andJefferson counties have hovered among the bottom five, due to high child poverty and adult smoking rates, as well as economic conditions and other factors.

vert operationthat required White House approval. ocrats on congtessional intelligence and judiciary committees saidtheyhad known nothing about the

To see howCentral Oregonand other areas performed in theannual Robert Wood Johnson Foundation health rankings, read the full reports at countyhealthrankings.org.

Health rankings of Central Oregoncounties

ation of a 7tfvitter-like Cuban

"invested and debated" by Congress and wasn't a co-

Administration. In October, the

SeeHealth /A4

Obama administration on Thursday defended its crecommunications network to undermine the communist government, declaring the secretprogramwas


egon for most health fac-

tors, while Crook County ranked near the bottom

cattle that

on A5 can end




Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

Source:Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


dumb." A showdown with that senator's panel is expectednextweek, andthe

Republican chairman of a House oversight subcommittee saidthat it, too, would

investigate the program. An Associated Press

investigation found that

Despite past shooting, semri is lacking at base

the network was built with secret shell companies and

By Manny Fernandez and Eric Schmitt

financed through a foreign bank. The project, which

New York Times News Service

lasted more than two years

familiar with entryprocedures Fort Hood's weapons rules used a.45-caliber handgun to at the post said Thursday, an forthosesoldierswh o arenot kill three people and wound 16 indication that nearly five police officers rely in large part others on Wednesday at Fort years after the deadly shooton the honor system.

and drew tens of thousands of subscribers, sought to evade Cuba's stranglehold

KILLEEN, Texas — The troubled Iraq War veteran who

Hood would have undergone no security screening and passed through no metal de-

ing rampage at the base, it remainedeasy forasoldier and even a visitor to bring in a

The base's rules prohibit sol-

are doing so and state the rea-

diers from storing weapons in their vehicles, require firearms

son. The carrying of privately owned weapons on Army in-

tectors to enter the base, people


to be kept in certain storage

stallations is prohibited unless

areas and mandate that all per- authorizedby the senior comsonnel who bring a privately mander. Violators face judicial owned firearm onto the base

or administrative penalties.

in a vehicle dedare that they


on the Internet with aprim-

itive social media platform. First, the network was

to build a Cuban audience, mostly young people. Then, the plan was to push them

toward dissent. SeeCuba /A4

TODAY'S WEATHER Chance of rain High 47, Low34 Page B6

INDEX All Ages Business Calendar

01-6 Classified E1 - 6 Dear Abby 05 Obituaries B5 C5-6 Comics/Pu zzles E3-4 Horoscope 05 Sports C1-4 In GO! Crosswords E 4 L o cal/State B1-6 TV/Movies 05, GO!

The Bulletin AnIndependent

Q I/i/e use recycled newsprint

Vol. 112, No. 94,

6 sections


88 267 0 23 29




The Bulletin



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Si sil.AvL


ca s By Michael R. Gordon and Isabel Kershner New YorJz Times News Service

asna as srae r isoner re ease was in danger of collapsing, Kerry publicly appealed to the leaders to "lead" and not

intense, overnight meeting convened by Martin Indyk, Kerry's envoy, that the Pales-

tinians had acted even though they knew the Israeli governnot go through with an already President Mahmoud Abbas ment was makinga genuine, delayed release of Palestinian of the Palestinian Authority coordinated effort to arrange prisoners and was considering had pledged not to seek mem- the prisoners'release. further sanctions against the bership in international bodies Livni called on the PalesALGIERS, Algeria — Israel said Thursday that it would

let the atmosphere deteriorate further.

Palestinians as the threat to the peacetalks deepened fur-

for the nine months allotted

for the negotiations in return ther despite Secretary of State for the release by Israel in four John Kerry's concerted efforts groups of 104 long-serving to keep the process alive. Palestinian prisoners, many of The talks have spiraled into them convicted of murder. an impasse as each side accusBut Israel sought to condition es the other of bad faith and the release of the finalbatch on places impediments in the way an extension of the negotiaof a resolution. tions beyond the current deadThe Israeli decision came af- line of April 29. And though ter the Palestinian leadership the Palestinians blamed Israel formally applied for member- for delaying the fourth release ship in 15 international con- beyond alate-March deadline ventions and treaties, a move and precipitating the current Israel deemed an unacceptable crisis, Israel is now accusing violation of the U.S.-brokered the Palestinians ofhaving foreterms for the talks that began closed the planned release with in July. But the Palestinians

their move.

say they took that step only after the Israelis failed to meet the deadline for releasing the prisoners. Worried that the process

People involved in the negotiations said Tzipi Livni, the Israeli government's chief

negotiator, told her Palestinian counterparts during an

tinians to withdraw their ap-

plications and return to the negotiating table, according to people with knowledge of the three-way meeting, arguing that unilateral steps would not

advance the negotiations or the Palestinians' cause. (None of those briefed on or involved in

the meetings would speakpublicly because Kerry has asked them topreserve the secrecy of

the discussions.) But the Palestinians seemed to think they had the upper hand. "For the first time the Palestinians have something

to use against Israel if it does not abide by agreements, and ian official close to the negotiations said Thursday. "We will not withdraw the applications.

They stand."


TALK TO AN EDITOR Business Tim Doran.........541-383-0360 CifySheila G.Miler..........541-617-7631 CommunityLife, Health JulieJohnson....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe.....541-383-0353 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon....................... Home,All Ages AlandraJohnson...............541-617-7860 NewsJanJordan..............541-383-0315 Photos DeanGuernsey.....541-383-0366 SportsBill Bigelow............541-383-0359 State Projects Lily Raff McCaulou...........541-410-9207 BendHilary Borrud ..........541-617-7829

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CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-383-0356.


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All Bulletinpaymentsareaccepted at the drop boxat City Hall. Checkpayments may beconverted to an electronic funds transfer.TheBulletin, USPS A652-520, ispublished daily byWestern CommunicationsInc.,1777 S.W.Chandler Ave., Bend,OR9770Z Periodicalspostage paid atBend,OR.Postmaster: Send addresschangesto TheBulletin circulation depart ment,PO.Box6020,Bend,OR 97706.TheBulletin retainsownershipand copyright protection ofall staff-prepared news copy,advertising copyandnews orad illustrations.Theymay not be reproduced withoutexplicit priorapproval.

at NBC in1982.

Religious practices dill —Mississippi Gov.Phil Bryantsigneda bill Thursday that supporters say will assure unfettered practice of religion without government interference but that opponents worry could lead to state-sanctioned discrimination against gaysand lesbians. The bill, called the Mississippi Religious FreedomRestoration Act, will become lawJuly1. It also will add "In GodWeTrust" to the state seal. An early version of the bill, consideredweeks ago, wassimilar to one Arizona's Republican governor, JanBrewer, vetoed after business groups said it could hurt that state's economy.Supporters say thefinal Mississippi bill bears little resemblance tothefailed Arizona measure.

TeXaS eXeCutiOn —A serial killer was put to death Thursday in Texas after the U.S.SupremeCourt rejected his lawyers' demandthat the state releaseinformation about where it gets its lethal injection drug. TommyLynnSells, 49, was thefirst inmate to be injected with a dose of newly replenished pentobarbital that Texas prison officials obtained to replace anexpired supply of the powerful sedative. When asked if he wanted to make a statement before his execution, Sells replied: "No."


Elon Glucklich ...................541-617-7820

Lnttnfmnn fntlfhlg —David Letterman's departure from the late-night realm won't just end anunmatched run ontelevision. It also will close the book on anera reaching almost to the birth of TV. During a taping of Thursday's edition of "Late Show," Letterman startled his audiencewith the news that hewill step down in 2015,when his current contract with CBSexpires. He specified no end date, saying he expects his exit will be in "at least ayear or so, but sometime in the not too distant future — 2015, for the love ofGod,(band leader) Paul (Shaffer) and I will be wrapping things up." What he'll be wrapping up is three decades onthe air —the longest tenure of any late-night talk show host in U.S.television history — since he launched "Late Night"

MalaySian jet —Crews searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet launched atargeted underwater hunt today for the plane's black boxesalong astretch of remote ocean, with just days left before the devices' batteries areexpected to run out. TheAustralian navy ship Ocean Shield, which is dragging atowed pinger locator from the U.S. Navy, and theBritish navy's HMSEcho, which has underwater search gear on board, will converge along a150-mile track in adesolate patch of the southern Indian Ocean,said Angus Houston, the headof a joint agency coordinating the search. Theplane's data recorders emit a ping that can bedetected by theequipment on board theships. But the battery-powered devices stop transmitting the pings about 30days after a crash —meaning searchers havelittle time left before the batteries on Flight 370's black boxesdieout.

DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt..... 54f -383-0370 Circulation AdamSears...541-385-5805 FinanceHolly West..........541-383-032f HumanResources Traci Donaca.....................541-383-0327 Operations James Baisinger...............541-617-7624

Business Joseph Ditzler...................541-617-7615 Rachael Rees ....................541-617-7616 Calendar...........................541-383-0351 CrookCounty....................541-363-0367 DeschutesCounty

WaShingtOnmudSlide —A decadebefore a colossal landslide buried a Washington community, county officials considered buying up people's homesthere to protect them from such adisaster. A 2004 Snohomish County flood-management plansaid the cost of buying Oso properties and removing residents from the path of apotential slide "would be significant, but would removethe risk to human life and structures." But after weighing several options, the county instead recommended aproject to shore upthe base of the unstable hillside above the community about 55 miles north of Seattle, according to documents first reported byTheSeattle Times. Ahuge log wall was eventually built to reduce landslide andflood risks. But it wasn't enough to hold backthe square mile of dirt, sand andsilt that barreled down the hillside March 22.

we made use of it," a Palestin-

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337

Ukfainn —The Ukrainian authorities said Thursday that former President Viktor Yanukovych andRussiansecurity agents were involved in plans for elite police units to open fire on anti-government protesters in February, killing more than100 people in thedays immediately before thedownfall of his government. The report offered no hardevidencetobacktheassertions,however,andbothYanukovych and Russia's security agency deniedany involvement in the shootings. The police havealready arrested several members of one elite riot police unit responsible for the killings, said ArsenAvakov, thecountry's interim interior minister, but someothers under investigation havefled to Crimea, which wasannexed by Russia last month.

Elaine Thompson /The Associated Press

Tayler Drayton, 16, finishes painting words of support on a busstop for those affected by adeadly mudslide nearly two weeksearlier nearby Thursday in Oso, Wash. Morethan adozen people are listed as missing and 30bodies have beenfound in debris from the March 22 landslide that broke off a steep hill, roared across the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River and buried acommunity at Oso, about 55 miles north of Seattle. The major crimes unit of the Snohomish County

Sheriff's Office also released anupdated list Thursday of the15 men, womenand children believed to be missing in connection with the slide. In addition, Washington state's two senators and the two members of Congress who represent the county called on the Internal RevenueService to extend the April 15 tax filing deadline for residents of Arlington, Osoand Darrington who havebeenaffected by the slide.

Chlln 88fthqllnkns —Coastal residents of Chile's far north spent a second sleepless night outside their homes as major aftershocks continued Thursday following a magnitude-8.2 earthquakethat damagedseveralthousand homes and causedsixdeaths.Nonew major damage or casualties were reported, and a heavy police and military presence kept order. Theinfrastructure in the area is nearly entirely intact, but with aftershocks continuing, life has beenanything but normal. Power remains out in manyareas, and hospitals were handling only emergencies.

— Los Angeles Times

— From wire reports

KarZaj'S jntent: keep Senate panelvotes to reveal Z~ciy clftet' teim epdZ CIA interrogation practices By David S. Joachim By Matthew Rosenberg New York Times News Service

KABUL, A f ghanistan

election, but Karzai's ultimate

New York Times News Service


public will soon get its first look at a voluminous re-

complete the report and send it to us, so that we can declassify

port on the CIA's detention

the findings and the American

and interrogation practices people can understand what during the George W. Bush happened in the past, and that a dministration, after t h e can help guide us as we move Senate Intelligence Com- forward," said Caitlin Hayden, mittee voted Thursday to the spokeswoman for the ¹ declassify key sections of tional Security Council. it.

"The report exposes bru-

tality that stands in stark

working with Karzai after he

Then he blessed two of the

refused to sign a security deal

declassify the report's ex-

three leading contenders with tens of thousands of dollars

that would allow U.S. troops

to stay past 2014. The leading

ecutive summary and conclusions,or more than 500

from his office's slush funds,

candidates have all promised

of its 6,200 pages. The next

hedging his bets that at least

to sign the deal if elected, but

step is President Barack

one candidate open to his influence will make it to a runoff, according to senior Afghan officials.

until then, the United States' relationship with Karzai is not

Obama's approval. Obama, who opposed the CIA program as a presidential can-

Few who know Karzai per-

a head. That starts with t he

over — and he has shown little inclination to hide his disdain. A wide array of Western of-

ficials concede that Karzai has allowed a real electoral race to unfold once he helped set the

field. But he employed every facet of his influence in shaping that early stage of the campaign,and even seemingly casual asides from the president had telling effects on candidacies over the pastyear.


contrast to our values as nation," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the committee, said in a written statement after th e v o te , a d ding, "This is not what Americans do." The committee voted to

sonally, including some of his critics, see a naked power grab in the president's maneuvering. They say Karzai is driven by a deep-seated belief that he is Afghanistan's indispensable man, uniquely suited to guide the country through the tumultuous years of transition

"We urge the committee to

aim, the officials say, is to retain influence with the new Afghan administration. On the one hand, Karzai, 56,

U.S. officials have ignored him, and Afghanistan's presidential contendershave tried to per- "wants to leave a legacy and be suade voters that they will be judged as a true statesman who different from him. But those transferredpower peacefully hoping to see President Hamid for the first time in AfghaniKarzai slip into a quiet retire- stan," said Daud Muradian, a ment may be disappointed in former foreignpolicy adviser to the months to come. the president who now teaches On Saturday, Afghans will at the American University vote in a presidential election of Afghanistan. "At the same that Karzai has shaped at ev- time, he is being pulled by his ery stage. He narrowed the M achiavellian side, and h e candidate field, dissuading wants to remain relevant in Afpotential candidates from en- ghan politics and be the power tering the race and forcing his behind the next president." brother Qayyum to leave it. He That may be bad news for handpicked the officials who Obama administration offiwill preside over any election cials who basically gave up on disputes.

spokeswoman said the process would be expedited.

didate and

d i scontinued

it once he took office in 2009, has said he wants the

findings of the report to be made public. The White House would


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not say how long it would take the administration to review the report for sen-

sitive national security disclosures, which will include a review by the CIA, but a





• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Friday, April 4, the 94th day of 2014. Thereare271 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS JOhS rePOrt —The Labor Department will release its jobs report, which is expected to show the most monthly job gains since November. TuniSia —Tunisian interim Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa is in Washington, D.C., to meet with President BarackObama to talkabout security in North Africa and Tunisia's troubled finances.

HISTORY Highlight:In1968, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., 39, was shot and killed while standing on abalcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn. (JamesEarl Raylater pleaded guilty to assassinating King, then spent the rest of his life claiming he'd beenthe victim of a setup.) In1818, Congress decided the flag of the United States would consist of13 red andwhite stripes and 20stars, with a new star to beadded for every new state of the Union. In1841, President William

Henry Harrison succumbedto pneumonia onemonth after his inaugural, becoming the first U.S. chief executive to die in office. In1850, the city of Los Angeles was incorporated. In1859, "Dixie" was performed publicly for the first time by Bryant's Minstrels at Mechanics' Hall in NewYork. In1864, in a letter to Kentucky newspaper editor Albert Hodges, President Abraham Lincoln wrote, "I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events havecontrolled me." In1912, China proclaimed arepublic in Tibet, a movefiercely opposed by Tibetans. In1933, the Navyairship USS Akron crashed in severe weather off the NewJersey coast with the loss of 73 lives. In1949, 12 nations, including the United States, signed the North Atlantic Treaty in Washington, D.C. In1960, Elvis Presley recorded "Are You LonesomeTonight?" in Nashville for RCAVictor. In1974,Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves tied BabeRuth's home-run record by hitting his 714th round-tripper in Cincinnati. In1975,more than130 people, most of them children, were killed when aU.S. Air Force transport plane evacuating Vietnameseorphans crash-landed shortly after takeoff from Saigon. In1983,the space shuttle Challenger roared into orbit on its maiden voyage. (It was destroyed in the disaster of January1986.) Ten years age:Supporters of Muqtada al-sadr, ananti-American cleric, rioted in four Iraqi cities, killing dozens of Iraqis, eight U.S. troops and a Salvadoran soldier. Five years ago: A gunman killed three Pittsburgh police officers responding to a domestic disturbance call; Richard Poplawski was later convicted of murder andsen-


Small microbes o monarc s'woes almost killed all life si na roa er ro ems?on Earth, study says gested an asteroid impact

Los Angeles Times

who fear it may be a warning of other environmental trouble.

could be to blame; others have proposed that volcanic activtom of the ocean floor may ity or coal fires might be the have been responsible for the culprit. largest extinction event our Now, in a paper published

By Tim Johnson

planet has ever seen, accord-

this week in PNAS, research-

McClatchy Foreign Staff

ingto anew study. These micmbes of death

ers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and

were so small that I billion of them could flit in a thimble-full

the Chinese Academy of

Tiny micmbes on the bot-


On a high mountain slope in central Mexico, a patch of fir trees looks dusted in orange

Sciences in Nanjing, China, of ocean sediment, and yet, have fingerei a new and unthey were almost responsible likely suspect — a tiny methfor killing off all the life on our ane-spewing microbe known planet, the scientists suggest. as Methanosarcina.

and black. In f act, millions

of monarch butterflies doak the trees. The forest murmurs with the whir of their flapping

The end-Permian extinc-

Every year, hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies-

ever seen. It started roughly

each so light that 50 together weigh barely an ounce — find

A monarch butterfly lands on the head of an unsuspecting pho-

their way on what may be the

tographer in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico's

world's longest insect migration, traveling the length of

Michoacan state.

Yet the great monarch migration is in peril, a victim of rampant herbicide use in faraway corn and soybean fields, extreme weather, a tiny micro-

people's livelihood. Butterfly tourism has grown since scien-

to understand exactly what

tists first came across the dense winter colonies in 1975.

caused the long, slow, mass p1ocesses.

At the El Rosario gateway to the Monarch Butterfly Bio-

sphere Reserve here in east-

planet's history. The geolog- one had suggested microbes ic record tells us there was a might be involved with the sharp uptickof CO, levels at the end-Permian extinction, but

ern Michoacan state,decals of

time. That would have caused

monarchs adorn taxis. Lodges cater to butterfly lovers. To

the oceans to acidify and the microbes have been accused Earth to heat up, making the of changing the chemistry

the lament of locals, tourism

environment inhospitable for most forms of life. But what

of our planet. For example,

has dropped, hit by organized crime in other parts of the state as well as the shrinking butter-

torisehas temained amystery.

first oxygen in the Earth's

highway shoulders. Milkweed edgesoffields. is most common in the highWhile the dwindling mongrass prairies of the Canadian arch colonies worry scientists, and U.S. Midwest but its 70 va- who fear they may also be rieties also grow along the At- a warning of other environlantic and Pacific coasts, in the mental crises, in this region of

bial pathogen and deforesta- Caribbean and elsewhere. tion. Monarch butterfly popMonarchs can't s urvive ulations are plummeting. The without milkweed. dense colonies of butterflies on Female monarchslay eggs central Mexican peaks were on milkweed. When they far smaller this year than ever hatch, the larvae grow into catbefore. erpillars that feed on the milkScientists say Mexico's mon- weed's leaves. Those leaves arch butterfly colonies — as contain apoison that inoculates many as several million butter- the monarchs from their predaflies in one acre — are on the tors. The caterpillars then form cusp of disappearing. If the spe- chrysalises and emerge as cies were to vanish, one of the butterflies. few creatures emblematic of all Over the past decade, U.S. North America, a beloved in- fields containing milkweed sect with powerhouse stamina have dedined sharply. Orley that even school kids can easily "Chip" Taylor, a monarch exidentify, would be gone. pert at the University of Kan"We see these things as sas in Lawrence, calls the loss s o delicate. But if t hey m i - "massive." "We've lost something like gratea distance ofsome 2,000 miles, from Canada all the 24 million acres because of way down to Mexico,they are conversion of land to cropland. pretty tough," said Craig Wil- That's an area the size of Indiana," he said. son, a scientist at Texas A&M University. The advent of genetically Scientists who are study- modified corn and soybean ing the monarchs' decline cite varieties that can withstand many possiblereasons, but herbicides has added to that they're focusing now on one loss. Now farmers employ major one: the decline in the glyphosateherbicides,such as United States of milkweed, a Monsanto's Roundup, that kill lowly broadleaf plant that's weeds with a vengeance. It's widely treated as a weed to be had a huge impact on milkeradicated, doused with herbi- weed, which before could cides in farmlands and along grow among crops or at the

Mexico the dedine threatens

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Main threats

Marathon migration

• Breeding habitat loss from increased herbicide use in U.S. and Canada, at least100 million acres (40 million hectares) lost since

Hundreds of millions of monarchs make the winter migration of up to 3,000 mi. (4,800 km) to Mexico* then fly north In the spring

bendbroadband were the local dog. we betterbegood. Channel 62


Paths of

migration • Weather extremes associated:: wlth climate change • Deforestation at overwlnterlng sltes In Mexlco • OE protozoan parasite, first Overwinter in detected in 2002 Mexican flr forests

L•• western Monarchs

overwinter ln S. Calif.

it s all about milkweed Milkweed plants, which grow wild In fields and along roadsides, are key to a monarch's llfecycle


one of 73 species native to ~,



Femalemonarchs only lay eggs onmilkweed leaves Monarch larvae eat only milkweed leaves before they transform Into butterflies Toxinin plant makes monarchs taste bad to predators Milkweedkilled by widespread herblclde use


on C-SPAN3 People and Events

Documenting the American Story This Sun., il am PT.

bendbroadband we're the local dog. we betterbegood. Channel b3

Shrinkingpopulation 40


Forest area covered by monarch colonies overwintering in Mexico, in acres (hectares)

30 20 10


far from the first time that

Some scientists have sug- atmosphere.

The monarch butterfly population has declined 43 percent since last winter. Facts about this iconic insect and reasons it's at risk:


It was the first time any-

photosynthetic micmbes are actually caused the CO, levels responsible for cteating the


4 Danass plexippus

is consistent with microbial

die-off in this dark era of our

fly colonies.

Nonarchs at risk


the Earth has ever known

252 million years ago — long came when MIT geophysicit before the dinosaurs — and it Dan Rothman was looking continued for 20,000 years. By at how carbon levels grew the time it was over, nearly 90 during this time. What he saw percent of all life had been de- was not a straight line, but stroyed, the scientists say. rather arapidupward curve. "It was not as dramatic "The growth was like what as the impact that probably you might see in a real estate killed the dinosaurs, but it was bubble, or a financial bubble," worse," said Gregory Fournier, he explained. "If the CO, came an evolutionary biologist at fiom the sudden combusMIT. 'Things were very dose tion of a coal field in Siberia tobeingover for good." it wouldn't behave this way. It Scientists have struggled has this special character that


North America to pass the winter in central Mexico.


The first due that micro-

tionwas the most catastrophic scopic microbes could be inmass extinction the Earth has voived in the greatest die-off


One year age:Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy signed into law sweeping newrestrictions on weapons andlarge capacity ammunition magazines similar to the ones used bythe young man who'd gunneddown20 children and six educators in the Sandy HookElementary School massacre.

— From wire reports

By Deborah Netburn

The decline of Mexico's monarch butterfly colonies is worrying scientists,

tenced to death.

Actress Elizabeth Wilson is 93. Author-poet MayaAngelou is 86. Former Sen. Richard Lugar, R-lnd., is 82. Actor Craig T. Nelson is 70. Talkshowhost/ comic GrahamNortonis 51. Actor David Cross is 50. Actor Robert Downey Jr. is 49. Rock musician Magnus Sveningsson (The Cardigans) is 42. Magician David Blaine is 41. Actor Eric Andre is 31.Actress Amanda Righetti is 31. Actress Jamie Lynn Spears is 23.



Source: MonarchWatch, MCTPhoto Service, World Wildlife Fund-Mexico, Monarch Butterfly BiosphereReserve

'13'14 © 2014 MCT





Continued fromA1 Yet its users were neither

aware it was created by a U.S. agency with ties to the State


Department, nor that Ameri-



can contractors were gathering personal data about them, in the hope that the informa-

tion might be used someday for political purposes. It is unclear whether the

scheme was legal under U.S. law, which requires written a uthorization of

c overt a c -

tion by the president as well as congressional notification. White House spokesman Jay

Carney said he was not aware of individuals in the White House who had known about

the program. The Cuban government declined a request for comment.

USAID's top official, Rajiv

gionalhubs formedi calcare. The goal is to reduce unnecessary emergency room visits by linking residents with basic medical services. Mosaic Medical, a local medical practice, is playing a key role in Central Oregon's CCO and has added two primary care physicians in Madras sincethe CCOs launched. "We're always looking to bring in different kinds of family practice physicians," Machala said. "But the bigger point here is, if you have a low socioeconomic standard, that has a broad impact on people's

for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Census

Crook has suffered from a high unemployment rate and

Oregon's most diverse coun-

Overall, Deschutes Coun-

on Tuesday before the Senate Appropriations State Department and Foreign Operations Subcommittee, on the agency's budget. The subcommit-

ty ranked fifth in Oregon for health factors. Benton County ranked first, followed by W ashington, Hood River and Clackamas counties ahead of

tee's chairman, Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is the senator who called




Across Oregon, 14 percent of residents are classified as being in "fair" or "poor" R amon Espinosa/TheAssociatedPress

health, but just 9 percent were

T he a dministration s a i d e arly Thursday that i t h a d d isclosed th e i n i t iative t o

An ed for technical mobile support hangs above a clothing store end e representation of Cube's national flag in Havana, Cuba, on

in Deschutes County, accord-

Tuesday. The U.S. Agency for International Development master-

Congress — Carney said the program had been "debated in Congress" — but hours later the narrative had shifted

minded the creation of e "Cuban Twitter," e communications network designed to undermine the communist government in Cube,

son figures. Crook County had a fair or poor health rate

built with secret shell companies and financed through foreign

ing to the Robert Wood Johnof 16 percent, while Jeffer-

son County's was 13 percent. Deschutes County had lower obesity and smoking rates

banks, The Associated Press has learned.

to say that the administration

had offered to discuss funding for it with the congressional they start participating in co-

interviews reveal, they hoped

tio of primary care physicians

committees that approve fed-

the network would reach crit-

for the total population.

ical mass so that dissidents could organize "smart mobs" mass gatherings called

"We continueto be encour- nated care organizations, or aged by our numbers," De- CCOs, in 2012, creating re-

vert, subversive activities, the

eral programs and budgets. credibility of the United States "We also offered to brief is diminished." our appropriators and our authorizers," said State Depart- Some lawmaker support ment spokeswoman Marie But several other lawmakHarf. She added that she was ers voicedtheir support for hearing on Capitol Hill that ZunZuneo, which is slang for many people support these a Cubanhummingbird's tweet. kinds of democracy promoSen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., tion programs. And some law- chairman of the Senate Formakers did speak up on that eign Relations Committee, subject. But by late Thursday said USAID should be apno members of Congress had plauded for giving people in acknowledged being aware of Cuba a less-controlled platthe Cuban Twitter program form to talk to each other. "The whole purpose of our earlier than this week. democracyprograms, whether 'Discreet,'not covert it be in Cuba or other parts of Harf descri bed theprogram the world, is in part to create as "discreet" but said it was a free flow of information in in no way classified or covert. closed societies," Menendez Harf also said th e p roject, said. dubbed ZunZuneo, did not USAID and its contractors rise to a level that required went to extensive lengths to

than the state and a better ra-

strations, or "renegotiate the

balanceofpower between the state and society."

tion that reverses the effects of

N oting Tunisia's role in t h e

an overdose, and will be used ue to mount, including an on those who have stopped increase in those from hero-

Arab Spring, she said people used technology to help "fuel a movement that led to revolu-

tionary change." Suzanne Hall, then a State

Department official working

deaths from opioids continin, which contributed to the

ness from an opioid drug overdose. Naloxone is the

Hoffman in February. Federal

forts, helped spearhead an

hospitals and other medical

of the addictions program at West Virginia University. "It's

pretty simple: Having these things in the hands of people around drug addicts just makes sense because you're Some stateshave already

health officials, facing criticism for failing to slow the rising death toll, are under pressure to act, experts say.

standard treatment in such

circumstances, but until now, has been available mostly in

Dr. Carl Sullivan III, director

going to prevent unnecessary death of actor Philip Seymour mortality."

breathing or lost conscious-

on Clinton's social media ef-

taken steps to make naloxone more broadly available, though mostly through a patchwork of pilot programs.

attempt to get Dwitter founder Jack Dorsey to take over the indicate. Dorsey declined to comment.

current occupant of the office, front companies in Spain and

Masking the money trail

was aware of ZunZuneo, she sard.

spent on ZunZuneo was pub-

The estimated $1.6 million licly earmarked for an unspecified project in Pakistan, public government data show, but

those documents don't reveal where the funds were actually

I p






ZunZuneo s



worked hard to create a network that looked like a legit-

imate business, induding the creation of a companion webto ensure the success of the site — andmarketing campaign 2013, does not examine wheth- Mission." — so users could subscribe and er or not the programs were ZunZuneo was p ublicly send their owntext messages to covert. It does not say that any launched shortly after the groupsoftheirchoice. "Mock ad banners will give U.S. laws were broken. 2009 arrest in Cuba of AmeriThe GAO report does not can contractor Alan Gross. He it the appearance of a comspecifically refer to ZunZu- was imprisoned after traveling mercial enterprise," one writneo, but does note that USAID repeatedly to the country on a ten proposal obtained by the programs included "support separate, clandestine USAID AP said. Behind the scenes, for the development of inde- mission to expand Internet ac- ZunZuneo's computers were pendent social networking cess using sensitive technolo- also storing and analyzing platforms." gy that only governments use. subscribers' messages and At minimum, details uncovother demographic informaered by the AP appear to mud- Cold War throwback tion, including gender, age, "receptiveness" and "political dy the USAID's longstanding The AP obtainedmore than claims that it does not conduct 1,000 pages of documents tendencies." USAID believed covert actions, and the details about the ZunZuneo project's the demographics on dissent could undermine the agency's development. It independent- could help it target its other mission to deliver aid to the ly verified the project's scope Cuba programs and "maxiworld's poor and vulnerable and details in the documents mize our possibilities to extend — an effort that requires the through publicly available our reach." "It was such a marvelous trust and cooperation of for- databases, government sourceign governments. es and interviews with those thing," said Ernesto Guerra, Leahy and Rep. C.A. Dutch involved. a Cuban user who never susRuppersberger of Maryland, ZunZuneo would seem to be pected his beloved network the top Democrat on the a throwback to the Cold War had ties to Washington. "How was I supposed to reHouse Intelligence Commit- and a decades-long struggle tee,said they were unaware of between the United States and alize that'?" Guerra asked in ZunZuneo. Cuba. It came at a time when an interview in Havana. "It's "I know they said we were the sour relationship between not like there was a sign saynotified," Leahy told AP. "We the countries had improved, ing, 'Welcome to ZunZuneo, w ere notified i n t h e m o st at least marginally, and Cuba brought to you by USAID.'" oblique way, that nobody had made tentative steps toFor more than two years, could understand it. I'm going ward a m or e m arket-based ZunZuneo grew, reaching at to ask two basic questions: economy. least40,000 subscribers. But Why weren't we specifically The social media project be- documents reveal the team told about this if you're asking gan after Washington-based found evidence Cuban officials us for money? And secondly, Creative Associates Interna- tried to trace the text messages whose bright idea was this tional obtained a half-million and break into the ZunZuneo anyway?" Cuban cellphone numbers. system. USAID told the AP The Republican chairman It was unclear to the AP how that ZunZuneo stopped in Sepof a House oversight subcom- the numbers were obtained, tember 2012 when a governmittee said his panel will be although documents indicate ment grant ended. looking into the project, too. they were done so illicitly ZunZuneo vanished abrupt"That is not what USAID

"This is a big deal and I hope gets wide attention," said

settings, when it is often used too late to save the patient.

ronments get around filters."

ZunZuneo proj ect,documents

leased by the Government Accountability Office in January


in "oppressive Internet envi-

the project, according to in-

In his prior position as ed CEOs without telling them chairman of the Senate For- they would be working on a eign Relations C ommittee, U.S. taxpayer-funded project. "There will be absolutely Kerry had asked congressional investigators to examine no mention of United States whether or not U.S. democ- government involvement," acracy promotion programs in cording to a 2010 memo from Cuba were operated according Mobile Accord Inc., one of the to U.S. laws, among other is- project's creators. "This is absues. The resulting report, re- solutely crucial for the long-


— Reporter: 541-617-7820, egluchlich@bendbulletin.com

Continued from A1 The decision to quickly The h andheld d evice, approve the new treatment, called Evzio, delivers a single which is expected to be availdose of naloxone, a medica- able this summer, comes as

At a 2011 speech at George

Washington University, Clinton said the U.S. helps people

conceal Washington's ties to

the Cayman Islands to hide the money trail, and recruit-

factors. As w it h

could trigger political demon-

tified. Neither former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton nor John Kerry, the

Crook County ranked 28th out of 33 counties for health

at a moment's notice — that

the secretary of state to be no-

terviews and documents obtained by the AP. They set up


ties, with large Hispanic and Native American populations. drasticdoctor shortage. The Those groups bring unique county has just one primary health issues, with adults that care physician for every 2,977 often work tough jobs with residents, one ofthew orstralong hours, and sometimes tios in the state. struggle with addictions such Those numbers probably as alcoholism. have improved a bit, as health Especially troubling is the care reforms have provided county's high rate of teen more fundsfor rural counties births — more than twice the to recruit physicians, Crook state average, according to the County Health Department Robert Wood Johnson data. Director Muriel DeLaVergneAs many rural areas do, Jef- Brown said. "We're working really hard ferson County struggles with a doctor shortage. Its ratio of as a region, trying to look residents to primary care phy- at what the issues are that sicians is 1,814-to-l, according are making people sick, and to the rankings. The statewide where we can do prevention ratio is 1,115-to-l, while De- work," she said. schutes County's is 1,034-to-l. Machala and DeLaVergneBut Jefferson County has Brown both said improving made some strides, Machala economies and further health said, with help from the state. collaboration could boost their Oregon formed 17 coordi- rankings in the coming years.


Shah, is scheduled to testify

the project "dumb, dumb, dumb" during an appearance Thursday on MSNBC.

schutes County Health ServicesDirector Scott Johnson Continued from A1 said Thursday. Both were hit hard by job Crook and Jefferson have losses starting in 2008 and been stuck near the bottom have been slow to recover. of the rankings, along with The Robert Wood Johnson many other rural counties, indata indude factors such as cluding Klamath, Josephine, unemployment, child poverty Douglas and Malheur. Three rates and social support in the small Oregon counties, Sherrankings. man, Gilliam and Wheeler, "We're a rural county, and aren't induded in the health the bigger issue is that we're rankings. a poor community," Jefferson That m e an s J e ff erson County Public Health Director County's 33rd ranking has Tom Machala said Wednes- been last for each ofthe five day. "Average income is pretty years of the Robert Wood low; there's a low living wage." Johnson studies. The rankings come from Machala sees clear reanearly two dozen local, state sons for Jefferson County's and federal data sources struggles. Despite having just such as the National Center 22,000 residents, it's one of

term successofthe service and

from a key source inside the

ly in 2012, and the Communist

should be doing," said Rep. country's state-run provider. Party remains in power — no Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chair- Project organizers used those Cuban Spring on the horizon. "The moment when ZunZuman of the House Oversight numbers to start a subscriber and Government Reform Na- base. neo disappeared, (it) was like a tional Security Subcommittee. ZunZuneo's o r g anizersvacuum," said Guerra, the Zu"USAID is flying the Ameri- wanted the social network to nZuneo user. "In the end, we can flag and should be recog- grow slowly to avoid detection never learned what happened. nized around the globe as an by the Cuban government. We never learned where it honest broker of doing good. If Eventually, documents and came from."








I '





I '



I• •I• •





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using spent grain to feed cattle has fostered many positive

If the grain doesn't go to local cattle, the breweries will

Continued from At Under the proposal, lo-

relationships between brew- have to pay to take it to local e r s and the cattle industry, he landfills, he said.

c al breweries and ranchers

w r o t e. "With much of th e West

would have to invest in upgrades related to how they handle the grain — or abandon the practice altogether. "Breweries all over th e


" It certainly w ouldn't b e

as beneficial to the environ-

f a cing d r ought c ondition ment, because there will be t, and tightening feed supplies, more corn fed to (cattle), and the s e relationships provide more transportation costs," a n a d ditional feed source he said. "We're recycling countrydothis,"saidGarrett f o r s ome ranchers," the let- right here in Central Oregon." Wales, a partner at B end - t e r s t ates."The practice of Borlen grew up on a dairy based 10 Barrel Brewing Co. brewers recycling their spent farm in Wisconsin, and local and president of the Central g r ain provides cattle produc- farmers fed spent grain to Oregon Brewers Guild, of the ers a steady, reliable, and af- their cattle in the 1940s, he practice of using spent grain f ordable food supply for their said. l iv e stock. In some cases, the to feed livestock. "Most of Borlen said he doesn't unI, ours goes to cattle rancher then sells derstand the rationale behind r on farms in Cenback the beef to the FDA's proposed rule. supp l y br e wery "We've been doing this for I tral Oregon. That's it Certainly what we've always wpU/dfI'g be restaurants." over 20 years (in Central Or•• done." I n a n ema i l , egon). We've never had any ~ S pent gra i n FDA spokeswom- health problems with any tastes like Grape- tP the a n Jul i P u t n am cattle or humans. They see a Nuts cereal and eriyjiprlmerlf s aid the FD A i s problem that doesn't exist," i s fit for human b working to devel- he said. Andy Tullie/The Bulletin and livestock conop regulations that — Reporter: 202-662-7456, 10 Barrel Brewing Co. brewer Pat Shea shovels warm spent grain on Thursday. Brewing uses up tons "are responsive to sumption, he said there Will be aclevenger@bendbulletin.com of grains that are often sold as livestock feed. An FDA plan puts that use for spent grains in jeopardy. Thursday. the concerns exmpye Cpyg "Essentially it's pressed, practical ~ ~ hydrated barley; for businesses, and it's malted grain," an d m O r e that also help enhe said. f'I'QrISppgpffprI su r e that food for 10 Barrel generanimals i s s a f e" + ates just shy of 5 and won't cause million pounds of re C yCling righf: inj u r ies to animals spent grain each Qef.e jil Ceflgf.g/ or h u m ans. The year and sells it for FDA is already re~ around $30 or $40 viewing extensive Per ton, he said. BobBorlen inPut from brewThat comes out to re„che„' ersandothers,she 80 pounds of grain sard. 4 4 4 4 "We know there for each barrel of beer produced. A are concerns bigger brewery such as De- about the impact of this proschutes Brewing Co., which p osed rule on the brewing brews 300,000barrelsa year, community,and we further

• I•

w ill produce almost 25 mil-

un d e rstand t h a t br e w e r s

lion pounds of grain, he said. wh o ar e small businesses "And that's got to go some- also have questions about where," Wales said. "We're how the proposed rule might abletoprovideaveryafford- a f fect them," she said. "We ablefeed forlocalranchers." recognize this is an area Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood that should be addressed River, voiced the concerns of

a n d w i l l r each out to those

local brewers and ranchers concerned." in a letter Thursday to FDA Commissioner Margaret A .



Ranc h e r Bob Borlen said th e200 head of cattle at Bor-

Hamburg.Heurgedhertore- len Cattle Co. in Deschutes consider the one-size-fits-all

C o u nt y eat 50 wet t ons of

approach to classifying spent spent grain each week. In grain as animal food. turn, Borlen provides beef to The common practice of

so m e of the local breweries. KENNEDY STATIONARY SOFA



a vehicle and fired shots from it with a .45-caliber Smith &

Continued from A1 "The idea of doing a 100 percent check on a military in-

Wesson semi-automatic pistol

$849 originally e1 359

that had recently been bought in the Killeen area. He got out

of the vehicle, walked into anfrankly untenable," Col. Steve other building and opened fire Warren, a Defense Depart- again, then engaged with a ment spokesman, told report- military police officer before ers at the Pentagon on Thurs- shooting himself. day. "We do random checks. He put his hands up, Milley There isno requirement to de- said, then reached under his clare a weapon." jacket. The officer pulled out her weapon, and Lopez put his The 2009 shooting weapon to his head and fired. On Nov. 5, 2009, inside a Milley described the officer's medical processing building actions as "clearly heroic." "She did her job," he said. at Fort Hood, Maj. Nidal Mastallation with 50,000 people is

lik Hasan shot and killed 12

" She did exactly w hat w e

soldiers and one civilian, and would expect of U.S. Army wounded or shot at 30 other military police." soldiers and two police officers. He drove onto the base Procedural changes that day with a semi-automat-





', • •

I •

Last month, Defense Sec-

ic handgun and a .357-caliber retary Chuck Hagel ordered revolver in his vehicle. new securityprocedures at the "I could travel on post with

Pentagon and at U.S. military

a weapon inmy vehicle and nobody would know — but heck, you can do that walking into Starbucks," said Hasan's civilian lawyer, John Galligan, a former military judge at Fort Hood. "If it's in the trunk of

bases in response to a shooting in which 12 people were killed at the Washington Navy Yard in September. The Defense Department






ortginally%79 Upgnute to Memory Foam Cushions


See etelofof detefls.

originally n359 Upgrade te Memory . owp Cushions ee state for detals.

review of the Navy Yard attack concluded that the deaths

could have been prevented if not going to be caught, unless the Navy had properly evalpeople want to start searching uated and reported alarmevery car that goes in." ing behavior by the gunman, my car or under the seat, it's

After the 2009 attack, ac-

Aaron Alexis, a former Navy

cording to The Associated reservist. In discussing that Press, the military tightened shooting, Hagel said that an base security

n a t i onwide. independent review had found that threats to military men

That included issuing security personnel long-barreled weapons, adding an insider-attack scenario to their training, and

and women were increasingly coming from within, including from colleagues with security

strengthening ties t o l o c al clearances. l aw enforcement. The m i l The i n dependent r eview

itary also joined an FBI intelligence-sharing program aimed at identifying terrorism threats. Reuters reported that

called the overall security pro-

Fort Hood had overhauled its

against outside threats and

cess at Pentagon installations outdated, with too much focus

on keepinga secureperimeter

security to better deal with po- not enough on examining the tential "insider threats" after potential threats from people the Hasan attack.

Those security procedures were but one of several avenues of inquiry for Army officials and federal investigators looking into the shooting by Spc. Ivan Lopez on Wednesday. The base commander, Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, said at news conference Wednesday night that the response of military personnel to the shooting

was swift and appropriate. The authorities said Lopez

granted clearance to enter the installations. The review rec-

ommended that the Pentagon examine the number of people


with security clearances and consider revoking at least 10


percent of them.

Hagel said the reviews had found "troubling gaps" in the Defense Department's "ability

to detect, prevent and respond to instances where someone working for us — a government employee, member of our military, or a contractor-

appearedtohave walked into decides to inflict harm on this one building, then gone inside institution and its people."

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MAY ELECTION The May 20election will serve as aprimary for a variety of statewide offices. Local races and measures will also be on the ballot.


• District Attorney Patrick Flaherty is seeking re-election, and Bend attorney John Hummel has also filed to run for the position as well. • Commission seats held by TonyDeBoneand Tammy Baneyareupfor election. DeBone,a Republican, hasfiled to run again andfaces aprimary challenge fromRichard Esterman. Democratand current BendCity Councilor Jodie Barramhas announcedshewill run for the position aswell. • Circuit Judge Barbara Haslinger hasannounced she'll retire. Her seat on the benchwill be up for election. Randy Miller and Thomas Spear are vying for the position. • Circuit Judge Stephen Forte is seeking re-election. • The county assessor position is on the ballot. • A five-year local option fire levy would tax property owners 20 cents per $1,000 in assessed property value. Thefire department currently receives acut of $1.18 per $1,000 in assessed property value from the city's permanent tax rate of $2.80 per $1,000.

COVER OREGON Developerslikelyto face permitting delays Hearin sonexc an es By Shelby R. King

associate community develop-

The Bulletin

ment engineer Nicolae Oltean.

One employee from the They are already short-handBend CommunityDeveloped, and Oberst said Grayson's ment Department is temporar- temporary absence means ily injured, which could mean developers may see a few exfurther delays in the already tra days delay in having their backlogged construction per- questions answered and their mitting process, according to construction plans reviewed. Director Mel Oberst. The department has seen a Russell Grayson, city engi60 percent increase in permit neer for the department's prirequests this year over the vate development engineering same time last year, Oberst division last week fractured said.Because ofthe increase, his femur while skiing at Mt. the Community Development Bachelor. Oberst said ThursDepartment hasn't been able day Grayson will be out of the to keep up and permit applicaoffice, though he'll be working tions are backing up. "With Russ out we're seeing some from home, for three to four weeks. Grayson is one the soft underbelly in the perof a two-person staff in the mitting process," he said on private development engineer- Thursday. ing division that also includes See Permitting /B2

ns ire

e in eore on ress

By Andrew Clevenger

Health Leadership Council

The Bulletin

and adviser to the governor

health care adviser to Gov.

Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, California and Minand Dr. Bruce Goldberg, Cov- nesota, also testified. er Oregon's acting director. Ordinarily, Goldberg

John Kitzhaber told mem-

Another 140,000 had enrolled

would have testified, but he

bers of a House subcommittee Thursday that despite a

in Medicaid using the state

was sidelined by a broken leg, Van Pelt said.


troubled website that is still

not fully functional, more than 300,000 Oregonians have received health care

coverage under the Affordable Care Act. As of the end of March,

marketplace, while 125,000 enrolled directly in Medicaid

through the Oregon Health Plan, he said. Van Pelt testified before

a joint hearing of two subcommittees of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform titled

57,000 people had used Cover "Examining ObamaCare's Oregon, the state's online health exchange, to sign up Problem-Filled State Exfor coverage, said Greg Van changes." Representativesof Pelt, president of the Oregon five other states, including

Van Pelt deflected his tes-

timony away from Cover Oregon's launch of a non-functioning website Oct. 1 and the subsequent resignations of key executives involved

in the project's development. Rocky King, Cover Oregon's executive director, stepped

down earlier this year for health reasons.

See Hearing /B2

1 S t'I'S SCU U l t ' . . .

CROOKCOUNTY • The commission seat held by SethCrawfordis up for election. Crawford has filed to runagainand faces a primary challenge from Prineville City Councilor JackSeley. • The county assessor position is on the ballot. • A measure to make nonpartisan the positions of Crook County Judge and county commissioners will also be on the ballot.


• Commission seats held by MikeAhern and John Hatfield are upfor election. Ahern is seeking re-election and will face a challenge from Floyd Paye;Tom Brown, Mae Huston and Mike Throop have filed for the other seat. CROOK/JEFFERSON • Circuit Judge Daniel Ahern and Circuit Judge Gary LeeWilliams are running unopposed for re-election. REGISTER TOVOTE • The deadline to register to vote is 21days before Election Day. • Register online atthe Oregon secretaryof state's website, bymail using a formfound there, or in personatyour county elections office. • Absentee ballots are available 45days before the election. Voters already registeredin Deschutes County can request anearly ballot in person, by mail or byfax. Use this link to thecounty website to download theform asa PDF: bitly.com/tfWStbY. Voters must include aname, a residenceaddress and a mailing address.

READOURSTORIES • Coverage leading up to the election is online at bendbulletin.com/ elections


CALENDAR Are you holding anevent to educate voters in the lead-up to the Mayelection? Submit the information toelections© benllbulletin.com.We will not publish information about political fundraisers.

Rob Kerr i The Bulletin file photo

a inewansoneo i s o w n By Scott Hammerse The Bulletin

Crum said that although

A life-size herd of steel elk may soon be coming to a meadow near La Pine, in the form of a public art project inspired by the horse silhouettes on display in a pasture near Sisters. La Pine resident Russ Crum

said he's been pondering the idea of creating a herd of elk for 10 years, but only pitched it publicly on a Facebook group for La Pine-area businesses about four months ago.

Crum, 56, said he was a bit surprised at how well his proposal was received. He's since launched his own Facebook page — "La Pine Elk Project" — where supporters

of the effort can follow the

latest updates.

A retired Boeing aircraft

most of his metal art projects have been on a smaller scale than what he's now proposing, building a herd of 10 to 12 elk — and maybe a coyote or two — should be easy for him to do. "I always liked those horses in Sisters," he said. "I know I

"It was all my idea, but now I have people that want to help

painter, Crum said he already

me build it after I opened the idea to them. I just threw it out there to that La Pine business

working on metal projects with a plasma cutter in his home shop. If he and the group of supporters who have embraced his idea can find a good location for the


installation, he estimates the

both north and south of La

materials for each elk will cost around $400, including an anchor to keep them firmly in place.

Pine to try to find a suitable

(group) on Facebook, just asking the community, 'What do you think, could this be something that could work and

represent La Pine?'" he said. "And I got a massive response, I didn't try to get ahold of anybody, they got ahold of me,"

spends much of the winter

can do that, that's just right up my alley, building stuff like City officials are backing Crum's project as well. Mayor Ken Mulenex said

he's been reaching out to the owners of large properties site for the herd.

"I think it's a great thing, I love the idea," Mulenex said.

"The minute I heard about it, I liked it." Mulenex saidhe suspects

his fellow city councilors could be open to putting some city funding behind the project, but only after a location has been locked down and Crum and his backers have

raised most of the needed funds. Crum said his preference

would be a location north of La Pine, where residents who work in Bend would be able

to see it daily, but he's open to any property with good visibility along U.S. Highway 97. "I know it's going to happen, it's just a matter of putting everything together," he said. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com

Central Oregon's1stAutismWalk scheduled Saturday in Redmond By Monicia Warner The Bulletin

Melissa Romo has been

meeting Central Oregon families affected by autism since she and her family moved from Alaska to Redmond nearly a year ago. Romo, 29, an Autism Society of Oregon

chapter representative, said it's been rewarding to interact with families who "share some

of the things that I share." She struggled with a pervasive developmental disorder

Ifyoulo Where:Highland Baptist Church, 3100 S.W.Highland Ave., Redmond When:Saturday, late registration: 10 a.m., walk: 11:30 a.m. Events:Walk, raffle, face painting, crafts, silent auction, food and community resource tables Fees:$14 adults and13 and older; $11 children 3-12

as a child and is now guiding her 8-year-old son Logan through his challenges with

schutes County Autism Walk

autism. In her work with the

in Redmond.

Autism Society's Central Oregon chapter, Romo has createdseveralsuccessful programs including organizing Saturday's first-ever De-

11:30 a.m. at Highland Baptist Church and run a mile around the church property.

a raffle and silent auction featuring a University of Oregon football autographed by head coach Mark Helfrich and Seattle Seahawks mini-helmet

autographed by wide receiver Golden Tate. "I thought it would be a

good idea for this area," she said. "... They don't really have anything like that out

here. I already have people asking, 'What are you gonna do next year?'"

Romo said she's received so much support from the community and felt it would

The walk will start at

Fundraising activities include

be good to give back to families affected by autism. She was inspired by the annual Portland Autism Walk, which

brings in close to 3,500 participants each year. See Walk/B2

Easter BuRet SUNDAY A P RI L 20, 2014 Three Seati ng s:

loam, 12:30pm R 2:30pm Adults $37.95 Children 6 — 12 $13.95 5 and under FREE RSVp to reception@brokentop.com orcall541.383.8200

7his eventfi//er/ uP fast /ast year,sorna/re your reservations early.




said, 'We heard your church really cares and (has) the ex-

Continued from B1 Logan also plays a major

pertise to handle this,'" Camp-

part in all Romo's efforts with


by Medicaid — had used the online exchange to help seContinued from B1 cure coverage. Aaron Karjala and CarAsked after the hearing olyn Lawson, the informa- how much ofthe more than tion technology directors of $300 million in federal fundCover Oregon and Oregon ing Cover Oregon would Health Authority, respective- seek to recoup from contracly, also resigned. tors who failed to deliver a Last m onth, K i t zhaber working website, Van Pelt accepted Goldberg's resig- said: "I'd have to defer to nation, effective as soon as a some other folks to answer permanent replacement can that question." He refused be found. to answer any other ques"The launch of Ore- tions, saying he had a plane gon's insurance exchange to catch. has been different than Oregon's increase in enwe hoped," Van Pelt said r ollment — a s o f M a r c h Thursday. I, 38,806 individuals had None of the members of signed up for a marketplace the Oversight Committee are p lan in c ontrast with t h e from Oregon's delegation, 57,000 by month's endand veryfew of the mem- mirrors the late surge that bers' questions were direct- helped push enrollment via ed at Van Pelt. At one point, the federal exchange, healthRep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., care.gov, to over 7 million. " Despite several l o st suggested that many of the new enrollees in Oregon weeks out of the gate bewere people who were not cause of problems with the

bell said. "I have a 27-yearold son that has Asperger's

the Autism Society. He was di- and we have a special needs agnosed with autism in 2009, ministry at o u r c h urch." and Romo said it's changed Campbell, 56, said that even the whole way they do things though the church hosts a lot as a family. of events, she's always had a "Before he was diagnosed, passion for special needs chilwe thought he was deaf," she dren. Campbell even helped said. "He didn't respond to recruit a group of 59 people noises or sounds or commu- from the Opportunity Founnicate with family. We went dation of Central Oregon, a through ear evaluations and nonprofit service organization then to pediatricians." for people with developmental She said that since Logan's disabilities. "We're looking forward to diagnosis, the primary difficulties have been with his it, there's just a lot of enthuinability to express himself siasm," Campbell said. "The verbally. But recently, there's community's really stepping been an increase in his vocab- up and getting excited about ulary and social interaction

skills with neighborhood kids and other students in his thirdgrade class at Sage Elementary School. "He's at that age now where he's starting to become his

it >1

So far, Romo has 316 registered walkers —

e x ceed-

ing her goal of 250 — with at least 100 people registering in the past two weeks. She's

own advocate," Romo said. "The more his language in-

also raised $6,675 through a fundraising website. Proceeds from the day's raffle and si-

creases, the more he advo-

lent auction will benefit The

cates. I'm pretty excited for where he's at."

Autism Society's Central Oregon programs such as Take a In August, Romo started Break and Parent's Day Out, looking for places to host the both of which give parents of walk and finally settled on autistic children some personHighland Baptist Church in al time to unwind. "When I put this together, Redmond. Marci Campbell, wife of church pastor Barry I was like 'I'll be lucky if I get Campbell, said the Autism So- 150 (walkers),'" Romo said. ciety reached out to the church "We're getting really good just in time; Campbell was in community support. It melts talks to coordinate a Parents' my heart because it's like peoDay Out with a local Autism ple really care." Moms group. — Reporter: 541-633-2117, "The ASO called us and

U.S. Senate • Sen. Jefi Merkley, 0-0re. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone:202-224-3753 Web: http:I/merkley.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wyden,D-Ore. 223Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone:202-224-5244 Web: http:I/wyden.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142

U.S. House ef Representatives • Rep. Greg Walden, F-HogdRiver 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: http:I/walden.house.gov Bend office: 1051 N.W.Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452

STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kltzhaber, 0 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov • Secretarygf State Kate Brown, 0 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos©state.or.us • Treasurer TedWheeler, 0 159 Oregon StateCapitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer©state. ol'.Us

Web: www.ost.state.or.us • Attorney General Ellen Rgsenblum, 0 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax:503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us • Labor Commissioner BradAvakian 800 N.E. OregonSt., Suite 1045 Portland, OR 97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax:971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail©state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli

LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. Ted Ferrigll, R-Dlstrlct30 (Jefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli • Sen. TimKnopp, R-Districf27 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.timknopp©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/knopp • Sen. DougWhifsetf, R-District28 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state. OI;US

Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett

House ef Representatives • Rep. Jason Conger,R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger©state. or'.Us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger • Rep. John Huffman, R-Dlstrlct 59 (portion of Jefferson)

website, 7.1 million Amer-

health care plan. "The number I have (for Oregon) is about 135,000 individuals who lost policies because of the Affordable

icans have now signed up

O bama said

e a rlier t h i s

Care Act's mandate," he said. Van Pelt answered that a

week as h e results.

t outed the

Count on our group of local real estate professionals to help you navigate.


• 0

places," President Barack


1582 NW Erin Ct.


so he can stay in communication," Oberst said. "He

"It's just phenomenal. We won't be able to meet with didn't expect this much in- developers to scope outprojcrease, this rapidly, in such a ects and help them navigate short amount of time." standards and specifications. Oberst said development If they have a question only hit a low point in 2010, but he can answer we'll have to beganbouncingback in2011. email him and there could be In 2012 development and per- a delay in getting an answer." mit applications grew even Grayson and Oltean are faster and in 2013 and 2014 responsible for reviewing growth went "straight up," he infrastructure plans to ensard. sure all development done in During Grayson's absence, Bend by private sector crews Bend Assistant City Engi- meets development s t anneer Jeff England, who has dards. Oltean reviews devela job similar to Grayson and opers' plans, marks where Oltean's but works with de- t he electrical, sewer a n d velopers in the public sector, other structural necessities said he'll serve as a backup if should be, then sends those they get in a pinch. England plans on to Grayson so he used to work in the private can check the calculations, engineering division and has review the plans and approve the same knowledge base, them, Oberst said. "(Grayson) makes sure Oberst said. England's presence means that division the plans compare to the rewon't need to hire temporary quired standards and spechelp, but Oberst said CDD ifications," Oberst said. "He probably will hire another makes th e d e termination permanent engineer in the whether they've been built future to keep up with grow- according to the plans and ing demand for building can be included in the public


Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman • Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikerncianesaaae.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane • Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Dlstrlct53 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant©state. OI'.Us

Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

CITY OF BEND 7f 0 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: www.ci.bend.or.us

permits. "It doesn't look like we'll be

• City Manager Eric King Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: cityrnaaaerrci.been.or.us

• Two-story great room • Vertical grain floors • Hand textured walls • Four paverpatios • Priced at 9409,900

we're setting him up at home

Continued from B1

900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman@state.

infrastructure." — Reporter: 541-383-0376, skingobendbulletin.com

losing him for too long and

DIRECTIgtfa: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on Silas Pl., right on BensCt., left on Erin Ct.


Bend R, Central Oregon 62764 Idanhts Ct. •Cascademountainview ~ • Large greatroom • Luxurious finishes • Bonus roomupstairs gPrms • Priced at9974,900 BIRECTIONS: West on Shevhn Park Rd., right on ParkCommons Dr., Right on Chgoquin Dr., righton Imbler Dr.to Idanha Ct.

1899 NW Monterey Mews • Charming cottages • 2 & 3 bedroomplans • High end finishes • Central location • Homes priced from 0200,000 DIRECTIONS: West on NWNewport Ave./NWShevlin Park Rd., right on NW

PenceLn., left on NWMonterey Pines Dr. Property on right. HIDOEN

610Nf Ruby Peak Ln. • Vaulted greatroom • Attractive finishes • Vaulted master BR • Island kitchen • Priced at 9994,000


City Council • Jgdle Barram Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jbarram@ci.bend.or.us • Mark Capell Phone:541-388-5505 Email: mcapell@ci.bend.or.us • Jim Cllntgn Phone: 54 I-388-5505 Email: jclinton©ci.bend.or.us • Victor Chudowsky Phone: 541-749-0085 Email: vchudowsky©ci.bend.or.us • Doug Knight Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: dknight©ci.bend.or.us • Scott Ramsay Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: sramsay@ci.bend.or.us • Sally Russell Phone:541-480-8141 Email: srussell@ci.bend.or.us

DIRECTIONS: South on Brosterhous Rd., left on MarbleMountain Ln., left on Ruby PeakLn.

1VEwsOF REcoRD 5:08p.m. April1, in the 2000 block of Northeast RedbayLane. Theft — A theft was reported at 8:25a.m. April 2,in the 400 block of Southeast Fifth Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 12:40 p.m. March 28, in the I 000 block of Northwest Galveston Avenue.

POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Logwhensuch a request is received. Anynew information, such asthe dismissal of charges or acquittal, mustbe verifiable. For more information, call 54 I-383-0358.


BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft — Atheft was reported at 7:59 a.m. March 30, in the 62900 block of North U.S. Highway97. Burglary — A burglary was reported at12:04 p.m. March 31, in the3000 block of Northwest Clubhouse Drive. DUII — Tyler Michael Brown,26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3:07a.m.April1, in the1100 block of SoutheastThird Street. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 9:34a.m. April1, inthe1000 block of Northwest Harmon Boulevard. Theft — Atheft was reported andan arrest made at3:34 p.m. April f, in the 63400 block of Hunnell Road. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at

CITY OF REDMOND 716 S.W.EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR 97756 Phone: 541-923-771 0 Fax: 541-548-0706

City Council • Mayor GeorgeEndlcott Phone: 541-948-3219 Email:George.Endicotl@ci.redmond.orus • Jay Patrick Phone: 541-508-8408 Email: Jay.Patrick@ci.redmond.or.us • ToryAllman Phone: 541-923-7710 • Joe Centanni Phone: 541-923-771 0 Joe.Centanni©ci.redmond.or.us • Camden King Phone: 541-604-5402 Email: Camden.King@ci.redmond.or.us • Glnny McPherson Phone: 541-923-771 0 Email:GinnyMcPherson@ ci.redmond.orus • Ed Onimus Phone: 541-604-5403 Email: Ed.0nimus@ci.redmond.or.us


BIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 20 East, south on 27th St., right onCapegaPl., right on Daly EstatesDr.

65 SW Allen Rd. ¹B

Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 10:14 a.m. April2,in the areaof Northwest Harwood Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 10:51 a.m. April2, in the areaof Northeast Fourth Street. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 12:44 p.m. April2, in the areaof Northwest DeerStreet. Theft — Atheft was reported at1:45 p.m. April2,in the areaof Northeast Knowledge Street.


I- • • •

• Townhomestyle condo • New carpet, paint • Hardwood floor • Near Deschutes River • Priced at 9929,900




DIBECTlgfta: From Parkway, exit

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Colorado Ave., right on SW Simpson Ave., right on SW Bradbury St, left on SW Allen Rd.

62938 Fresca St. • Fenced entry courtyard • Premium finishes • Open greatroom • Master on main level • Priced at 0429,900 BIRECTIONS: North on O.B. Riley Rd., left

on BronzeSt., left on FrescaSt.


62712 Larkview Rd.

Wednesday 21 — Medical aid calls.

- ••



Where Buyers And Sellers Meet •

61662 Daly EstatesDr. • Bright southern exposure • Open floor plan • Laminate woodfloors • Large kitchen • Priced at9290,900


II I ul

• Upstairs bonus room • Heat pump with AC • Hardwood floors • Deck with hot tub • Priced at 9200,000


OIRECTlgfta: From Hwy. 20east, north on NE 27th St., right on NEYellow Ribbon Dr., left on ME Hawkview Rd., right on NE Larkview Rd.

nll llrrI

Cl a ssifjeds .b dbvw .

2326 NW 6th St.


• Spacious 5-BR home • Office & bonusroom • Two fireplaces • Large landscapedlot • Rich finishes • 3-car garage • Jetted tub in master • Priced at 0009,900

Focusing on the individual needs of seniors and people with disabilities

520 E CascadeAvenue, P.O.Box39 Sisters, OR 97759 Phone: 541-549-6022 Fax: 541-549-0561 • David Assgn Phone:503-913-7342 Email: dasson©ci.sisters.or.us • Wendy Holzman Phone:541-549-8558 Email: wholzman@ci.sisters.or.us • Brad Boyd Phone: 541-549-2471 Email: bboyd©ci.sisters.or.us • Catherine Childress Phone: 541-588-0058 Email: cchildress©ci.sisters.or.us • McKlbben Womack Phone: 541-598-4345 Email: mwomack©ci.sisters.or.us

— Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevenger®bendbulletin.com

rollees plus 140,000 covered


City Council

for private insurance plans through th e s e mar k e t-

greater number — 57,000 en-


able to stay on their previous

0 II

I •

• •. •



openarms adult day service

• 0

• •

tteattor of theyear




Please call or visit website for more details Stop byfor apersonal tour 951 SW SimpsonAve 8-5:30 • M-F

Bend, OR97702 •




Timber bidmotivatedby legal threat The Associated Press PORTLAND — An Oregon

Gonzales said. "We don't look at these Elliott parcel sales as

company says it bid on land

an isolated incident. There's a

in the Elliott State Forest as a

statewide trend of public land being privatized. It's a large-

challenge to environmental groups who have promised

AROUND THE STATE GMO ballut battle —Six major producers ofherbicides and genetically modified crops are shoveling $380,000 into the campaign to defeat measures to prohibit genetically modified crops in southwestern Oregon. Political contributions posted Thursday onthe Oregon Secretary of State website show themoneywas donated by Bayer CropScience, BASF Plant Science, DowAgroSciences, DuPont Pioneer, Monsanto Companyand Syngenta Crop Protection. They bring to $445,470 the amount that GoodNeighbor Farmers political action committee hasamassed to defeat the measures onthe May ballot in Josephine andJackson counties.

scale assault on public lands."

lawsuits to protect a threat-

Five bids were submitted on threeparcels for sale,said


ened seabird. The Seneca Jones Timber

Skibowl lawsuit — A skier injured when anallegedly drunken snowboarder collided with her has filed a$900,000 lawsuit against the snowboarder andSkibowl. The suit from Maria MagdalenaStanila alleges the Mount Hoodski resort has a permissive attitude toward alcohol, creating an environment in which sober andintoxicated people ski and snowboard next to eachother. Thelawsuit filed in Multnomah County states Stanila lost the use of akidney after the snowboarder slammedinto her two years ago. Skibowl attorney Brad Stanford said the suit has nomerit and the resort will "vigorously defend" itself. He saysSkibowl employees won't let visibly intoxicated people on the lifts. If someone is seenskiing or snowboarding drunk, employees will remove that person from the premises.

Julie Curtis, spokeswoman

Co. does not need the lumber,

for the Department of State

co-owner Kathy Jones said. Instead, she and hersistersde-

L ands. No decision will b e made about the bids for several

cided to take a stand against "eco-radical" environmental

days, Curtis said.





Jones said she didn't know


how much her company might log of the 788-acre parcel it

"It's very much a personal

decision," she said."We just decided we were going to do this Courtesy of David Forthoffer via The Associated Press based on principle and bring it Efforts by activists to prevent logging in areas nested by the to the public's attention." marbled murrelet, s threatened seabird, didn't go as planned. One Environmental groups such lumber company says warnings of protests inspired their bid.

pursued. The land hasn't been

as the Cascadia Forest De-

listed as threatened in 1992,

fenders have threatened to sue

and habitat protection has

companies that bid on the land that sits in the Coast Range in

owner of the Elliott, you will

est Defenders warned timber

would not be intimidated by

surveyed for murrelets, which have been found living within 2 miles of the parcel. The marbled murrelet was

Stlllkjf mlhks — A half ton of stinking mink carcasses spilled into the boat basin at the Port of Brookings Harbor on theSouthern Oregon Coast. Port managerTed Fitzgerald said Thursday they got it all cleaned up, but the smell was sobad it was tough to get near the port for awhile. Fitzgerald says crab fishermen havetheir own secret ingredients for bait, and mink carcasses areone of them. Hesays one fisherman wastaking his leftovers out to sea to dump onWednesday when some of the loadspilled in the boat basin, and the port had to clean it up. State police spokesmanLt. Gregg Hastings says they are investigating whether any lawswere broken.

ington, D.C." meant less logging in the PaJason Gonzales, a spokes- cific Northwest. The tiny sea man for Cascadia Forest De- birds venture inland to raise fenders, said Jones'attacks their young and depend on were an attempt to avoid seri- old-growth forests for nestous conversation about the fu- ing. They have been steadily ture of Oregon forestland. disappearing from the coasts "They'd rather just call of Oregon, Washington and names and say rude things," California.

have activists up your trees Coos and Douglas counties. and lawsuits on your desk. We They are concerned about the will be at your office and in threatened marbled murrelet. your mills." In one letter, Cascadia ForJones said her company companies: "Do not bid on threats from elitist environthese sales. If you become the mentalists "sent from Wash-

— From wire reports

Coast Guarddebuts faster boatsfor search-and-rescueand more By Edward Stratton The Daily Astorian

ASTORIA — Most people

Coast Guard's lexicon — to re- der the Astoria Bridge is about place their 10-year-old Defend- 20 minutes, said Palisano, half er-dass predecessors. as much as in a 47-foot motor "Its key factor in search and lifeboat. But the new vessels,

can'tseethemhiddeninasmall marina on the Washington side rescue is its speed," said Boat-

er in regaining speed after a

members, plus room for addiFor Petty Officer 2nd Class tional response and boarding

with the machine guns."

turn. Both operate similarly, as

do the largervessels such as the Patrick O'Brien, a boatswain's 47-footers,a feature Palisano

team members. "All of these new features

mate and qualified coxswain

makes it easier for Coast Guard for the 29-footers, it's about seas of less than 6 feet, at which units transferring to different visibility. "With the 25-foot, there were small boats of the U.S. Coast Palisano, one of the crew of the point the Coast Guard switches stations. Guard's Station Cape Disap- new response boats and their to a motor lifeboat. Near the bow of the boat is a a lot of blind spots, so the impointment are quick to speed larger brethren, the 47-foot The 29-footers, powered by mount for an M240 and a fold- proved visibility really helps," out of Baker Bay to pluck the motor lifeboats, that Cape Dis- twin 225-horsepower Honda down seat for a gunner to aim he said. "The upgraded elecunfortunate from the mouth of appointment is known for. "It outboard motors, can cruise and shoot from. tronics gives us a greater visi"It can respond to any- bility of radar contacts, includthe Columbia River. doesn't have the equipment or for up to 200 miles at speeds of And now they can do so a lit- the outfit of the motor lifeboat, about 32 knots, or 39 miles per thing, from search and rescue ing locations, speed and boat tlebitfaster. but it can get somewhere about hour. The older 25-footers were and law enforcement," said name and detai ls.For search Station Cape D i sappoint- twice as fast, which is good in known for their maneuverabil- Palisano. "It can do a marine and rescue this speeds up in ment in February received two the summertime. ity, while the new 29-footers, e nvironment p r otection, i f our finding a vessel in distress." new 29-foot, Freedom-Class The typical transit time for with a wider, shallower planing therewas aspillresponse.We A minimum crew of three R esponse Boat-Small v e s - one of the new boats from hull made ofcorrosion-resis- could equip it for ports, wa- operates the 29-footer, but it has sels — as they're known in the Cape Disappointment to un- tant aluminum alloy, are quick- terways and coastal security internal seating for four crew of the Columbia River. But the

are here to help us (the crew),

he added, are only meant for

swain's Mate 1st Class Nicholas


I r







Also inside: • Drrrr Up rorrt085t • Meetahorprrrlrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd • Srragripanviirer rrrnrrrrg





I '




g •

HIGH DESERT PULSE HELPINGCENTRAL OREGONIANS STAY HEALTHY The glossy Bulletin publication answers tough questions about local heajthcare topics. High Desert pULSE js a quarterly magazine created to help promote, encourage and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Each issue features local stories which explore health-related issues which touch our lives, with in-depth reporting that Central Oregonjans expect. The magazine js

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their best. Connections is an annual magazine which defines the SCOPeOf Central Oregon'S nOnPrOfit COmmunity. The


fiant. The company, based out of Jeanerette, La., could in the

contract also provide 20 Defiants to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and another 10to the U.S. Navy.





a. I.



PTSD:Veteransconfrontthewound ithin

25-foot vessels with the 29 De-



diStributed in The Bulletin and at health OutletS, mediCal OffiCeS and on area raCkS.

Beyon the battle

The Coast Guard in late 2011

awarded Metal Shark Aluminum Boats a $192 million contract to replace up to 470 aging



lorrmrrand wilhour ideeffects, physicalarriray cancure




Exercise =medicine


person in distress much faster," said O'Brien.

ii I



to do our job so we can find the

publication contains a categorized nonprofit directory, briefs describing the work of various nonprofit organizations, and human interest feature stories that demonstrate the outreach of these organizations. jt provides readers with a wealth of options for giving, volunteering and serving their communities, as well as connecting them to needed services

WHEN TO LOOK FOR IT: • Thursday, December 25

I k




EDj To

The Bulletin


ris o erson IS es Ic or ems' rima

5 HENEMAN"~~'~ "



elea Christofferson once voted for U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, but now she wants to replace him in Congress. First, though, she needs to convince Democratic voters to give her the nomination in the May primary. We urge them to do so. Christofferson, 61, moved to Bend in 1998. She founded and ran ATL Communications, which routes toll-free calls, until recently selling the business, and she is a former president of the Sunriver Chamber of Commerce. She has worked on a number of health-related panels, including the Cover Oregon board, earning her some criticism for the website's troubles. She is angry at the way the website failures have been used to attack the reforms of the Affordable Care Act, and believes it will work when those technical problems are resolved, ACA opponents, she said, aren't working to solve the problems and provide people with health care. Christofferson expressed concern about growing partisanship and fears it could derail health reform. She saidshe prefers local decision-making, but believes federal leadership is critical to the solution of some problems. Her priorities beyond health care fo-


cus onjobs and related economic development. Barney Spera, 83, and Frank Vulliet, 72, are also seeking the Democratic nomination to oppose Walden. Spera, who has been a union president, firefighter and mayor of Millbrae, Calif., lives in Ashland and is an aggressive advocate of a $15 per hour minimum wage. Vulliet, of Sunriver, is a retired lawyer who focuses on the need

Jeb Bush a good pick for 2016, if party's base will accept him

to fix Congress by changing pro-

kindling that makes up the flammable Republi can base may soon burst into flames, again. Portions of that excitable cohort are looking-

positions effectively and engage in constructive dialogue in the general election.

guish them from regular licenses. Opponentsgathered signatures to suspend the measure and put it ontheballot. Butsupporters of the driver cards were unhappy with the ballot title written by the attorney general, and tried to obscure it by passing House Bill 4054 during the 2014 legislative session. That bill would have removed reference to "legal presence" from the ballot title, stating the ballot measure: "establishes limited purpose,duration driver card for individuals who prove Oregon residency, meet driving requirements." Fortunately, the bill failed. It was, however, one of the more visibly cynical efforts in the 2014 session. Leaving out a reference to legal residence clearly obscures the reason and effect of the measure. It appeared to be an ends-justify-themeans sort of maneuver. Voters can't express their views if they can't tell what they are voting on. Obscuring their understanding is the opposite of what ballot titles should do. That's a principle all sides of the argument should share.



did in 2000. Political analyst Michael Barone writes in the Washington Examiner: "By my estimate, about one-

third of the homeowners foreclosed

some with fawnlike eyes filled with

Clarity wins inballot dispute over driver cards larity is the winner in this week's Oregon Supreme Court decision on a ballot title regarding driver cards for immigrants in the country without legal permission. The court affirmed language from Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum that is clear about the effects of the ballot measure, defeating effortsto confuse voters. The approved title, which is expected to appear on November ballots, says: "Provides Oregon resident 'driver card' without requiring proof of legal presence in the United States." Ballot titles are often disputed because of their huge impact; many voters never see any other description of the measure before casting their votes. This story started with the 2013 Legislature approving Senate Bill 833 togrant four-year driver cards to residents who can't prove they are here legally. Advocates said the law would encourage all residents to learn the rules of the road, get insurance and drive legally, helping them getto and from work and participate fully in the economy. The cards would have a label to distin-

with Hispanics as Jeb Bush's brother

WASHINGTON — The human

cedural rules and simplifying the tax code. Our endorsement goes to Christofferson because we found her intelligent, well-informed and articulate. She's a pragmatist concerned withwhat can be accomplished, not with taking rigid positions. Although we don't agree with all of her positions, we think she could represent Democratic

on in the years just after the housing

hurt, others with sparks shooting It would not be a moral failing for price collapse were Hispanics." And from eyes narrowed like gun slitsBush to decide against enduring the since the Obamacare rollout, during askance at other Republicans urging marathon gantlet of presidential pol- which the Spanish-language version Jeb Bush to seekthe 2016presidential itics. He will not, however, have the of the website was completely inopnomination. nomination handed to him on a sil- erative for weeks, "the president's job A candidacy by Florida's former ver salver. And the nomination fight approvalhas declined more among governor would be desirable. But if would be especiallybruisingbecause Hispanics — 23 percentage pointsRepublicans want to avoid intra-par- Bush has been admirably forthright, than amongany other demographic ty carnage, they should be very care- but certainly impolitic, about two di- group." It should be possible for Reful about doing what The Washing- visive issues — immigration and the publicans to find a nominee who can ton Post recently reported: "Many of Common Core national education do as well as George W. Bush did in the Republican Party's most power- standards for grades Kthrough 12. winning 40 percent of the Hispanic ful insiders and financiers have beHe wisely favors immigration re- vote in2004. gun a behind-the-scenes campaign form responsive to the needs of the Republicans cannot be too freto draft former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush U.S. workforce andthe realities of the quently reminded that their problem into the 2016presidential race." 12 million who are not here legally in presidential politics is the "blue How "behind the scenes" is an en- but are neither going to "self-deport" wall" — the 18 states and the District terprise reported on the Post's front or be deported. His enthusiasm for of Columbia that have voted Demopage? The last time there was any- the Common Core is misplaced but cratic in at least six consecutive electhing like a draft was the nomination conservatives, in judging it, should tions, and have 242 electoral votes. So of Illinois Gov. Adlai Stevenson in judge Bush with a generosity he has Republicans should welcome to their 1952, whose acceptance speech to the earned by his exemplary record nomination competition any candiDemocratic convention contained as an education reformer favoring date who mightremove fromtheblue cringe-inducingtreacle: school choice. wall such bricks as Michigan, Penn"I would not seek your nomination Unfortunately, there are too many sylvania and Wisconsin. forthe presidency, because the bur- Republicans who seem to derive Bush, burdened by a damaged dens of that office stagger the imag- more satisfaction from burning Re- family brand, might not be the best ination.... I have asked the Merciful publicans at the stake than from de- potential nominee on the deep ReFather — the Father of us all — to let feating Democrats. And there are too publican bench. He does, however, this cup pass from me, but from such many other Republicans who think deservea respectful hearing from dread responsibility one does not their task is to save the party from its the Republican nominating electorshrink in fear, in self-interest, or in base of principled activists. ate. He will not get this if he allows false humility. So, 'If this cup may not Bush is fluent in Spanish and ac- himself to become perceived as — if pass from me, except I drink it, Thy complished at courting the approxi- his supporters present him as — the will be done.'" mately 17 percent of the F1orida elec- choice of fastidious Republicans who American voters showed what torate that is Hispanic: He received think the party's base is the party's they thought of the reluctant Steven- 61 percent of their votes in 1998 and problem. son posingasthecrucified Jesus.He almost that much in 2002. The time — George Will is a columnist for The lost 39 of the then 48 states. is ripe for Republicans to do as well Washington Post Writers Group.

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedlt submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: bullelin@bendbullelin.com Write: My Nickel's Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Even in the Internet era, books have great benefit


eighborImpact, the anti-pov- education, father's occupation, generty agency, is on a mission. der, nationality (the study included 27 It's gearing up to hand out countries), political system and gross

some 2,500books tochildren in Head

national product.

Start preschools in Crook and DeReady access to books at home, in schutes counties. No doubt for some other words, can make a big differof those 3- and 4-year-olds the books,

ence in children's lives and for the rest

donated by Toys for Tots, will be the first in their homes. What a gift! Having books available to young kids at home has some benefits that

of their lives.

A s the r esearchers put i t , "A book-oriented home environment,

we argue, endows children with tools that are directly useful in learning at

school: vocabulary, information, comers that may surprise you. In that lat- prehension skills, imagination, broad ter category, consider this: horizons of history and geography, A 2010 international study done by familiarity with good writing, underresearchers at the University of Ne- standing of the importance of evivada concluded, among other things, dence inargument and many others." are readily apparent, I think, and oth-

that children reared in households

Other studies have shown that

with at least 500 books in them got, books at home make it easier for kids on average, 3.2 more years of educa- to learn to read, encourage them to tion than did other kids. readlonger and better and improve That was true even after research- their attitudes about learning. ers controlled for the effects of parent

Teachers know or suspect all that,

remember learning to read by sitting on my father's lap and picking first


letters and later words out of head-


tradition that continues in my family

lines. My mother read to us daily, a

even now that my children are grown. But I worry that for some families, as do librarians. The Deschutes Public particularlythose with youngparents, Library system works to help parents the idea of books in the home may unfamiliar with such ideas give those somehow seem dated or downright advantages to their kids in a variety of old fashioned in this age of the Interways, not the least of which is a cal- net. Why, after all, have real books on endar with a month's worth of read- a shelf or stacked beside a chair or on er-building ideas for parents and kids. a bedside table when one can look up In addition to the calendars, which just about anything online'? are free for parents, the library offers Why indeed. In part, books are workshops for groups interested in valuable because they're not j u st learningmore aboutrearingreaders. something one reads or listens to. My I used to think that some families kids used to love a small book called "Pat the Bunny," with its pages of could skip such lessons. If your childhood was something things to feel as the story progressed. like mine, books were just part of Pop-up books offer surprises of their growing up. Both my parents loved to own, and books without such fearead and both read aloud to us. I can tures have textures and even smells

that can be found nowhere else, and certainly not on a computer screen. That doesn't mean I don't think parents should use computers with

young children, just that I think they should have real books around as well, as many as they can buy or borrow from the library. And, if they've never done so, they should give their children and themselves the genuine

pleasure that comes from reading stories together, snuggled up on a couch or a rocker or somewhere else

comfortable. NeighborImpact's book giveaway will give that opportunity to some families who might not otherwise

have it. Like the books themselves, the act of sharing them with children

is one of life's gifts that should not be ignored. — Janet Stevens is deputy editor of TheBulletin.C ontact: 541-383-0821, jstevens@bendbulletin.com





Report: Hanford waste capsules at risk The Associated Press

DEATH NOTICES Annette "Mickey" May Hanel, of La Pine July 23, 1923 - Mar. 21, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: Services are pending. Contributions may be made to:

Moose Charities, PO Box 776, La Pine, OR 97739 or American Legion, PO Box 590, La Pine, OR 97739.

Erik QuInton Atwater, of La Pine

Obituary policy Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on anyof these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Mar. 27, 1984 - Mar. 30, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Celebration of Life Barbeque will be held at his mother's home on May 10, 2014.

ELSE%THERE Deaths of note from around theworld:

Robert Brosio, 77: Retired

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries mustbereceived by5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details. Phone: 541-617-7825

federal prosecutor who super-

Email: obits©bendbulletin.com

vised cases including those against bank swindler Charles Keating and Los Angeles police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King. Died Friday.

Fax: 541-322-7254

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708

— From wire reports


Semple adapted New York Times News Service

Lorenzo Semple Jr., a playwright and screenwriter who would probably be best known for his scripts for films like "Papillon" and Pretty Poison" if he hadn't put the Zap! and the Pow! in the original episodes of the arch, goofy 1960s television show "Batman," died Friday at


Lorenzo went to the Brooks School in N o r t h A n d over, Mass., and then Yale, but he

Columbia, and in the 1950s two



The idea was high camp. Batman, played by Adam

Semple's television credits in-

West, and his ward and fel-

clude a variety of other 1960s

low crime fighter, Robin (Burt Ward), were preposterously brave and goody-goody, unenhanced by superpowers but

shows: the detective series "Burke's Law," starring Gene

aided bythe advanced technology — the Batmobile! — that

can desert during World War

In addition t o

Barry; the war drama"The Rat Patrol," set in the North AfriII; and another series about a

only someone as privileged costumed crime-fighter, "The as Bruce Wayne (the man be- Green Hornet." hind the Batman mask) could Semple wrote the screenplay afford. for the 1966 movie version of The villains, threats to civ- the "Batman" television series.

crops that rely o n

in 2008, Semple assessed his

isodes and was a story consultant throughout the series.

career. "I think 'Batman' was the

best thing I ever wrote, including those big movies," he said. "As a whole work, it came out the way that I wanted it to, and I was excited by it."



Department of Agriculture

says that one of every three linators like bees and butter-

"It's important to be able to

ticides. Underlying all of these problems is the loss

tell farmers, 'You're not going help the creatures weather the to have to use your precious challenges of pathogens, para- water to irrigate your hedgesites and pesticides. rows,'" Cruz said. "If they have a good nutriThe use of hedgerows and tional foundation, they can cover crops is on display at survive some of the things nearby Vino Farms, whose they are faced with," Pettis grapes are bought by 180 said. wineries. Growing among the The federal agency that vines are peas and beans, arfocuses heavily on these is- omatic sage, golden currant, sues, the Natural Resources wild rose and even daikon Conservation Service, began radish. in the 1930s as a government Chris Storm, the director of effort to help farmers hold on viticulture for the company, to soil and prevent dust bowls. said that even though grapes The 2008 farm bill called for are self-fertilizing and do not

of uncultivated fields with

the service to include fostering

need bees in the way that the

their broad assortment of pollinator health in its efforts pollen-rich plants that sus- in all 50 states.

nearby almond orchards do, "We're doing it for everybody else," providing a habitat for bees pollinating other crops nearby. Vino Farms receives other benefits from the plantings,

bites that Americans take is affected, directly or indi-

rectly, by bees. They cause an estimated $15 billion increase in agricultural crop value each year.

Colonycollapsedisorder The causes of the de-

cline, known as colony collapse disorder, are still being studied. But they appear to be a combination of factors that include parasites, infection and insec-

flies in mind was intended to

tain bees. That land has

That, in turn, has led to

been developed commercially or converted to farming corn, soybeans and other crops. The federalgovernment has announced a new $3 million program to step up support for honeybees

about 43 million acres of land

in five states in the Up-

per Midwest. Those five — Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and North and

South Dakota — have huge numbers of honeybee colo-

to pollinate c ommercial

long-lasting one. It ran for two years, twice a week — with the first episode ending in a cliffhanger — 120 episodes in all. Semple wrote the first four ep-

I ®ylÃj

for pollination, including thing is being done to address colony collapse disorder. many nuts and fruits. The

and Dustin Hoffman; "The

an instant hit, though not a

A loss of water in the pool

could cause the capsules to corrode or be breached.

Newcastle, Calif.. Miller fears that a new federal program encouraging farmers and ranchers to grow b e es alfalfa, clover and other bee-friendly crops will meet with resistance, but is still pleased that some-

Gorshin as the Riddler, Bur-

on Jan. 12, 1966, and was

underwater capsules to better distribute their heat.

Jim Wilson/New YorkTimes News Service

keepers truck them around the country in the spring

Dunaway. In an interview with the Archive of American Television

After the Fukushima disaster, private contractor CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Co. rearranged about 800 of the

John Miller, left, owner of Miller Honey Farms, works with employees to prepare hives on his apiary in

il's Island with Steve McQueen

Kapow! Zowie! The show had itspremiere

storage facility was designed for is "extremely improbable."

Native species ofbees,

the prison drama set on Dev-

embroiled in a CIA plot, star-

disaster more severe than the

too, have been in decline. That is taking a toll on

nies at various times of the

in comic-book style: Krunch! ring Robert Redford and Faye

However, the report noted that an earthquake or other

on average.

year, perhaps 65 percent

mations printed on the screen

port said.

of their colonies each year,

on a number of well-received film dramas: "Papillon" (1973),

as detective Lew Harper; and

fluid, and thus, loss of shielding for the capsules," the re-

s sqt

country to pollinate crops have reported losing a third

He also wrote or collaborated

fistfights were accompaniedby "Three Days of the Condor" graphics — expressive excla- (1976), about a r esearcher

walls, resulting in the loss of

transport them across the

City, were cartoonish, many of them repeatoffenders played by recognizable stars: Cesar Romero as the Joker, Frank

blematic, the show's frequent

the risk that a beyond-design earthquake would breach the

trying to find assortments

ilization in Batman's Gotham

gess Meredith as the Penguin Parallax View" (1974), a politiand Julie Newmar as Catwom- cal conspiracy thriller starring an, among others. Warren Beatty; "The DrownThe dialogue was playfully ing Pool" (1975), a crime drajokey. But perhaps most em- ma starring Paul Newman

walls of the pool increases

Cal i f .

commercial b e ekeepers who raise honeybees and

public utility company.

radiation exposure. "Weakened concrete in the

— Helping America's beleaguered bees could start with something as humble as planting a shrub. Here in California's CentralValley,researchersare

the assist. Since 2006, the

worked in New York City for a

has begun to deteriorate from

• l( g,

daughter Maria said the reason

This was 1965. Semple was of his works appeared briefly living with his family in Spain, on Broadway: "Tonight in Saand though it seemed as if the markand," a melodrama set network had a drama in mind, in a traveling circus in France, he immediately saw the ab- directed by Alan Schneider surdity in the character of a and starring Theodore Bikel wealthy bachelor who enjoyed and Louis Jourdan; and "Golddressing up as a bat to fight en Fleecing," a farce starring crime. Tom Poston that wa s l ater "The TV show concept vir- made into a film, "The Honeytually exploded in my san- moon Machine," starring Steve gria-enhanced brain, f u ll- McQueen. blown," Semple wrote in Variety in 2008.

By John Schwartz New Yorh Times News Service

N.Y., on March 27, 1923. (His he downsized his lineage from III to Jr. is a mystery) His father

years and the concrete in the cells of its underwater pool

ricu ura ro ram oo s o ive eesa e or u

He w a s b o r n L o r e nzo Semple III in New Rochelle,

his home in Los Angeles. He left school before graduation was 91. during World War II to join the His daughter Maria Semple American Field Service as an confirmed the death. ambulance driver for the Free Semple had written a couple French fighting German and of Broadway plays and epi- Italian forces in North Africa. sodes for a number of television Returning to the United States, series when he and producer he was drafted and served in William Dozier were asked by the Army as an intelligence ofABC executives to adapt the ficer in Europe throughthe end "Batman" comic book into a of World War II. television series. When he came home, he studied dramatic writing at


W a s h.

of bee-friendly plants that local farmers and ranchers can easily grow, whether in unusable corners and bordersoftheirland or on acreage set aside with government support. Bees could certainly use

'Batman' for TV By Bruce Weber

capsules should be moved and placed i n u n derwater to dry storage as soon as storage at the Waste EncapNearly 2,000 capsules con- possible. sulation and Storage Facility. "We acknowledge the bud- The waste is left from the past taining radioactive waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reserva- getary challenges facing the production of plutonium at tion should be moved, in part department and its impact on Hanford for nuclear weapons. because of earthquake dan- moving the capsules into dry The capsules, which are ger, according to a new report storage," report author Da- about 22 inches long, hold maby the U.S. Department of vid Sedillo wrote. "However terial with 106 million curies Energy's Office of Inspector we suggest that the manager of radioactivity, or 32 percent General. (of the) Richland Operations of the total radioactivity at The 1,936 capsules contain Office expeditiously proceed Hanford. The 13 feet of water radioactive cesium and stron- with its plans to pursue a dry covering them helps cool the tium and are held in a giant storage alternative ... at the capsules and protects workpool of water on the Hanford earliest possible time frame." ers from radiation. site, the nation's most polluted Steps were taken to reduce The capsules were destined nuclear weapons production the risk of a severe earth- for the proposed Yucca Mounsite. quake to the storage pool af- tain, Nev., national repository, The r e port, re l eased ter the nuclear disaster three which DOE no longer plans to Wednesday, said a severe years ago in F ukushima, develop. That could leave the earthquake could cause a Japan. capsules stored at Hanford loss of power or water in the The cesium and strontium until 2048, when DOE plans W aste Encapsulation a n d were recovered from Han- to open a repository at a locaStorage Facility in central ford's underground waste tion yet to be determined. Hanford. tanks from 1974-85, packed in The storage facility has The report suggests the corrosionresistant capsules been operating for almost 40 RICHLAND,

of the nation's total. Bee-

crops. The new program will encourage farmers and ranchersto grow alfalfa, clover and other crops favored by bees and which serve a second purpose of being forage for livestock. Other proposed changes in practices include fencing property for managing grazing pastures in rotation so that they can replenish, leaving living plants for

across the country incorpo-

rating conservation features that support pollinator health. From 2009 to 2012, the bill's environmental quality incen-

which help reduce the use of

50 species of bees and 1,500

pects it to. It also helps that

other beneficial insects, birds and creatures of all sorts in the hedgerows.

Storm is as adept at raising money fromgovernment conservation programs as he is at raising grapes and pollinating

nership, which promotes the health of bees, butterflies and

other plant helpers. "When I talk about hedgerows to guys in Iowa, they just kind of glaze over," Adams said. The big bushes would interfere with the giant equip-

ment those farmers use, she said, but they might be persuaded to set aside small plots

of land for pollen-rich plants, which can help accomplish the same conservation goals. "This is not one size fits all," she said. "This is one ethic fits

Aswingingpendulum A major commercial beekeeper, John Miller, said that the multimillion-dollar pollinator program for the Upper Midwest would not work mir-

acles. Spreading the money acrossfive states over several years, he said, doing a little

pesticides by supporting ben- "shirttail math," means that tive program spread around eficial creatures like the tiny "you've got about a Dixie cup $630 million. wasps and green lacewings worth of seeds going into a In the Central Valley, the that kill pests. Storm has tak- field" in any one season. research to support that work en out rows of vines for some He added, however, that is done on 106 acres of prime hedgerows, and has flowering the program is good news befarmland at a Department of plants growing at the base of cause it means "the pendulum, Agriculture plant materials vines. perhaps, is beginning to swing center. The results are beauHis company's efforts also back" to paying attention to tiful: More than 2,200 feet of allow it to assert that it grows the role of bees in the food hedges and fields of blended grapes sustainably. The cer- supply. crops present afeast for the tified sustainable production, Surging corn prices have eyes — and for bees — begin- he said, can bring a 10 percent led farmers to grow on every ning in early spring. On a re- increase in price from wine- available acre,which hasbeen cent viewing, flowers dotted makers looking for a green bad for bee habitats. Gary the landscape with color. The edge. That translates to any- Shilling, an economic consulbright orange flowers of Cal- thing from $250 to $500 more tant, asset manager and avid ifornia poppies opened near per ton. beekeeper in New Jersey, said "It doesn't yet pay for itself," corn prices had been coming rich purple lupines. Last year, an entomologist found about he said, though he clearly ex- down again, and that should affectthe number of acres

they plant. "There will be less incentive to plant fence-row to fence-row," he said. So pollinator plantings could make a Drought-resistant plants plants. He is constantly on the comeback, especially if social Jessa Cruz, a senior polli- lookout for federal and state pressure encourages farmers nator conservation specialist programs that will help pay to support bees. "This is a business," Shilling with the Xerces Society, a non- for new techniques. thebees. profit organization dedicated A mix of plants that works said. "Are these guys going to Jeffery Pettis, who leads to improving pollinator health beautifully i n C a l ifornia'sgo out of their way for somebee researchatthe federal that is collaborating with the Central Valley will not nec- thing that's going to hurt their Agricultural Research Ser- center, said drought-resistant essarily be much good in the business, affect their bottom vice in Beltsville, Md., said plants that are bee friendly are Upper Midwest, said Laurie line? Not unless they think the effort to get farmers to increasingly important in arid Davies Adams, the executive they'll catch some flak if they plant more crops with pol- California. director of the Pollinator Part- won't."


W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by WSI©2014








Chance of 8, h lhh h rain showers HIGH




Chance of rain

Mostly cloudy


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Cloudy skies and cool conditions with a chance of showers.


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Asioria Baker City Brookings Bums

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. Rapldl'City

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Oma l i a : , 'i, 43l25 ; DenVer, Kansas City l53/30 52/33









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Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow accumulati ons in inches Ski area Last 24 hours B ase Depth Anthony Lakm..................... 5" ...................... 63" Hoodoo................................ 0" ...................... 48" Mt. Ashland......................... 0" ...................... 66"


la Pine lakeview Meriford Newport North Bend Onianp Pendleton Pprihnd Prineville

Yesterday's stateextremes

]p u& 1 u 'uw 89 'uv, 4

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5 3/41 0.10 52/46 sh 5 3/47 r Layy ME D IL2VI I G H HIGH 57/1 9 51/26 sh 5 2/29 pc 55/42 5 1/42 r 56 / 4 4 r 52/22 49/26 il 5 1 /27 pc 59/41 56/44 sh 57/47 r Mt. HoodMeadows.............2"....................129 4 4 3 2 0.02 4 9/31 I I 5 2 /34 pc Snow level and road conditions representing condiM t. Hood Ski Bowl............... I "......................26" 49/26 4 3/27 Ii 49 / 29 I I tionsat5 pm. yesterday. Key: TT. =Traction Tires. T i m berline............................0"......................73" 47/25 47/29 Ii 5 N 3 1 pc Willamette Pass....................... NA pass Cpndjtjpns 61/40 59/40 sh 6 3/44 pc 5 3/44 0.38 53/45 sh 5 4/47 r 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit..............Carry chains, T. Tires -/5 445 sh 58/47 r 1-84 at CabbageHill................. Carry chains, T. Tires 5 65 Aspen CO 5983 59/37 sh 59/38 pc Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass..........Carry chains, T. Tires MammmpthMtn CA 2" 60 63/35 5 5/38 sh 5 7/41 r Hwy.26atoovernmentcamp.carr ychai n s, T .Ti r e s ParkCity, UT........................2".................--.90 58/44 5 5/45 sh 5 5/47 r 5 3/32 0.02 49/31 sh 5 4 3 4 r Hwy. 26atOchoco Divide........Carrychains, T. Tires S q uawValley, CA.................O"......................32" 55/26 5 $32 pc 5 437 r Hwy. 58 atWillamette Pass......Carry chains, T. Tires S u n Valley, ID.......................I"......................39" 63/49 5 8/43 sh 61/45 r Hwy.138atDiamond Lake......Carrychains,T.Tires Taos, NM.............................0".................„„,52" 5 7/42 0.01 56/45 sh 5 6/47 r Hwy.242 atMcKenziePass. .........Closedforseason Vaih «0------....................3"......................74" 52/25 47/32 sh 5 5 3 6 r For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: 59/36 5 7/49 pc 5 8/43 r

Eugene Klamaih Falls


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Tomorrow Ris e Set Yesterday through 4 p.m. at BendMunicipal Airport Mercury..... 9:01 P.m..... 8:43a.m. High/Low..............52'/30' 24hoursendingrip.m.*.. 0.00" Venus......... 7:46 P.m..... 6:28 a.m. Remrdhlgh 0,29" 86 I n 2000 Mpnthiodate Mars.........1036a m..... 958pm. Remrdlow.........11'in2007 Averagemonthtodale... 006" Jupiter........ 2:11 a.m..... 5:32p.m. Averagehigh.............. 57' Yeariodate............ 2.80" Saturn........1:24p.m....ll:20p.m. Averagelow............... 28' Averageyeartodate..... 2.34" Uranus....... 9:27 p.m....10:12 a.m. Barometricpressure4 p.m. 29.92" Remrd 24hours .. 0.29 in 1987 *Melted liquid equivalent

Yesteiday Fri da y S a turday The higher the UVIndex number, the greater City Hi/Lo/Pcp H i /Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eyeand skin protection. Index is for solar at noon. Precipitationvaluesare24-hpur totalsthrough4 p.m

EAST Cloudy and cool



Sunsettoday...... 7:36 p.m. F i st r F u I I L ast 5 u4ns4 IompImw 6 3 9 a m Sunsettomorrow... 7I37 p.m. g Moonrisetoday....9;54 a.m. Moonsettuday...I2/06a m. Aprz Apris Aprzz Apr 29

%%%%% %%14BWxx,xxxxxx xxxxxx N% N%'4 x xu. 45/29,%u


52 38

Sunrisetoday...... 6:40 a.m. MOOn phaSeS

Cloudy skies with a chance of showers. Snow level 3,000 feet.

52/45 uL'ux'u 'u'uu,uu'u'u'u'uxx.;u'u'u'ux'u'uuuuu'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u Ou/euu'q )~v

Mostly sunny



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Chance of rain hy,>hh h showers


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Cold W arm Stationary


Showers T-storms Rain



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F lurries Snow



Yesterday Friday Saturday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hilto/yy Hilto/yy City

Yestenlay Friday Saturday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/WHi/Lo/W City

Yesterday Friday Saturday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/WHi/Lo/W City sons r 43/za pc Rapid Cay, SO 35/II uvza pcSe/31 pcSvaulu Wa

9ZI67 68/44 pc 66/47 pc Grand aapidi, IA42/33 0.12 46/39 0.65 67/35 6 ul/29 pc Green Bay,Wl 35/29 0.01 ze/Z4 45/30 pc R enu NV 57 / Za Albany, NY 5432 46/36 r scua 4 Greensboro,NC 76/54 0.01 79/52 Is 7ill41 pc Richmond, VA 7il/57 Albuquerque,NM SS/36 67/4O pc 62/36 pc Harrisburg, PA 59/48 O.iI 5441 r 56I32 pc Rorireuer, NY 41/ZS Anchorage,AK 41/ZI 43/30 cd 45/35 pc uarrforri, CT 6/V39 4787 54/32 sh Sapamenta, CA 65/45 Auan/a,6A az/57 75/60 is 66/50 pc Helena, Ml 5425 56/32 pc 5434 6 Sall take Ciir, UT 57/35 Auantic Cny,NI sal44 SI/41 r Sa/31 pc Honolulu, ul ez/75 az/68 pcaz/sa pc San Antonio, TX 65/70 Austin, TX az/71 72/SZ pc66/54 u Houston,TX 75/IZ 77/SS pc 66/59 is San Diego, CA 66/52 Baltimore, MO 63/ul 0.02 sa/45 sh62/36 pc Huntsville, AL 7$60 73/39 is 65/44 pc San Francisco, CA64/49 Billings, tur 47/27 56I36 pc Sz/36 pc Indianapolis IN 66I49 1.73 58/33 is SZ/35 pc San Jose, CA 66/43 Birmingham,AL az/64 75/45 is 69/48 pc Iaduon, IriS 85/69 76I47 is 67/51 ih Sania Fu NM 51/30 alsllunk, Np 35/26 0.16 39/24 pc sN25 pc IacksonviaaIt 67/56 as/61 pcai/61 ii Savanmh 64 BWS6 Boise, Ip 57/33 56I36 ih 5437 pc Juneau,Ax 44za 43/32 pc 43/35 r eosion MA 54/34 42/36 sh SS/36 sh KansasCity, MO 71/47 0.30 51/31 pc 6/V43 pc BuRalo, NY 43/za Sa/33 is 42/Za sn lansing, tul 41/33 0.04 SZ/Za r 43/ze pc Amsterdam 6 9/46 41/31 4434 r 4480 sh Lai Veuai, NV 67/43 TO60 pc 72/SZ pc Athens Burii~,Vr 66/42 Caribou, ME 36/27 0.01 4ZI/9 pc 37/29 lexington, KV 72/55 O.ZZ 69/37 is 55/36 pc A uckland 69/ 5 7 casper,wv 46/I6 Si/30 pc 53/30 pc lincoln, NE 42/4O O.ZZ 4424 pc 63/43 pc B aghdad 75 / 4 6 Charleston,SC 66/59 BS/62 pc76/ss ih liak Rock, AR 63/71 66/42 pc 66/47 pc B angkok 96I B Z Charlotte, NC 66/59 ai/53 Is 73/46 pc los Angeles,CA 64/49 63/53 pc 65/SS pc Beijino 68/44 Izwuanooga,TN 79/63 73/45 is 66/46 pc louisville, KV 69I54 O.az 67/38 is 56I38 pc Beirut 68/59 cheyenne,wv 42/ze 50/30 pc 51/31 il Madison, Wl 39/36 41/27 sh 51/32 s Bulin 71Iui Chicago, IL 43I36 0.53 49/30 sh 49I33 pc Memphis,TN az/66 0.02 7$45 pc 64/47 pc Bouvla 66/51 Cinrinnaii, OH 61/62 2.06 65/35 is SS/35 pc suami, IL ai//0 ao//2 pc ai/71 pc B udapest 68 / 4 1 Clevelanri OH 45/37 0.56 6435 Is 45/29 pc Milwaukee,Wl 37/33 0.06 44I35 sh 46/Z7 s Buenos Aires 77/66 Colo. Spgs,CO 38/30 0.51 scrsz pcSS/32 sh Minneapolis, MNull31 0.17 33/ZO sn 4434 pc Cabo Santuou 62/62 Columbia, MO 63/53 3.27 5180 pc 57/41 pc Nashville, TN 76/61 0.64 71/40 is 62/41 pc Cairo 75/53 Columbia, SC ee/57 8$60 pc 77/50 pc New Orleans, lA aol69 79/61 is 69/59 is Calgary 30/Zi Columbus,GA 83/sa 77/ss 6 71/Si pc Nuv YOriCNV 67/47 45/41 r 5683 pc cmcuh 64/76 Columbus,OH sz/45 0.63 67/35 ii SZ/zi pc Newark, NI 64/42 44/41 r 5432 pc Dublin SS/42 Concord, NC 51/Zl 43/33 r 50/30 r Norarik, VA 6/vza ai/54 pc 69/44 pc Edinburgh 4/ V 42 CorpusChristi, 1X 84/72 8462 pc 72/63 is okla. city, OK 79/65 62/37 s 65/44 pc Geneva 59/48 Oatac TX 64/3 0.05 67/45 pc 6//46 pc Omaha NE 42/39 0.07 43/25 pc 59/42 pc Harare ez/59 oaylon, OH sa/ui 1.33 63/33 is SZ/32 pc Orlando, FL 66/se ae/64 pc 66%5 I Hong Kong 7 3 /66 Denver,Cp 45/zi 0.47 53/30 pc Sz/31 sn PalmSprings,CA 77/47 77/SS pc 7als9 pc Istanbul 6448 Oes Moines,IA NV39 0.03 43/Za sn SS/39 pc Peoria, IL SZI41 2.01 45/30 sh SZ/34 s i ervsalem 69 / 5 3 -IDetroit tul ua34 0.26 56/31 is 4980 pc Philadelphia, PA 66/50 53/43 r 57/36 pc Iotwnnesbur u Ovlvlh, MN 30/27 0.01 35/19 sn 38/za pc Phoenix, AZ 73/50 7453 s 79/56 pc lima 68/64 El Paso,TX 66/50 72/50 pc 72/46 pc Pittsburgh, PA 59/44 0.20 69/34 ii 4!I30 pc Lisbon 59I46 Iairhmts, AK 36/I0 41/iz pc 39IIS sn Porllarxt ME 5$25 3433 r 47/33 r landon 6451 Fargo, NO 36/31 0.04 39/ZZ pc 5$28 pc Providence,al 62/33 46/sa sh 56/34 sh Madrid 6C/46 Flagstaff, Az 484 7 0.10 50/26 pc 4$26 li Raleigh, NC 77/50 86I54 pc 72/43 pc Manila 95/ao

Abilene, TX

Akron, Pu

YesterdayFriday Saturday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hilto/yy Hilto/yy 56/43 0.07 54/44 sh 54I47 ih

SZ/30 ii se/36 pcSioux Falls,So 36/32 O.i 536/ZI pc SIV36 pc az/sz pc71/38 Pc Spokane,WA 54/33 53/35 sh 53/36 sh 54I35 is 43/29 sn Sprinoiielri, MO ei/67 0.04 53/31 pc 5%39 pc 64/47 sh 71/49 pc St louiu MO 66/SS 1.74 53/34 pc 55/39 pc 60/41 ih 5689 is Tampa,FL 79I65 ai/66 Pc 79/67 pc 76IS4 pc 6556 ii Twsoll, AZ 7445 77/49 Pc 73/ul Pc 62/56 pc 63/SS pc Tulsa, OK 8466 6285 s 65/43 pc sa/49 pc 5$50 pc Washinuun, OC 69I53 63/50 sh 64/39 pc 6446 pc 6$47 pc Wiririha KS 55/46 0.39 5784 s 64/42 pc 59/31 pc 59I30 PCYakinm WA 62/31 59/37 pc sa/36 pc 66/64 pc 76I57 is Yuma,AZ + ei/54 pc ao/56 s

INTERNATIONAL 7450 pc 6446 pcMecca 6alss s 66/59 pcMexico Cily 7457 r 71/59 pcMontreal 77/55 s 8559 s MosNW 96/ao al 96/77 cdNairobi 62/41 s 71/41 s Nassau 66IS3 s 66/57 pc New Delhi 69/42 pc 55/41 s Osaka 66/ui is 66/Si is Oslo 69/46 pc 71/Si pc omwa 77/69 «477I69 pc Pans 66I64 pc 8464 pc Riodelaneiro 75/53 s 77/60 s Rome 32/26 I 42/24 pc Saneauo 66/75 pc 8$/5 pc Sm Paulo SS/42 I Si/42 pc Sapporo Si/42 r SS/42 r Seoul 69/50 pc 66ISO pcShanghai 60/55 is ez/55 pcSingapore 73I68 Is 75/66 pc Stockholm 57/48 pc 62/Si pc Sydney 71/Se i 71/53 s Taipei 75/48 s 73/50 s Tei Aviv 77/68 <4 77/66 pc Tokyo 59/50 r 59/57 pc Vanmuver av48 pc6446 pc Vienna 62/41 pc 62/ui pc Warsaw 93//3 pc 93/73 s


ao/57 37/za 35/I9

az/62 ao/69 67/62 71/53 4!I42 39/26 66/SS

az/73 71/46 73/46 76/66 46/39 SS/41 6WSI

awzs 41R4

ezI68 68/62 6963 59/55 5/V44 69/44


93/71 pc 95/69 s eo67 s 60/59 s 41/za pc 44/39 pc 37/za (ri 37/24 r arvao is 60/60 u 76/71 s az/73 pc 89/66 s 91I69 s 5%33 r 5582 r 51/39 s Si/42 i 37/Za pc 41/39 pc 66/si pc 6446 pc 64/71 is 8471 is 71/SI cri 6/V46 is 73/46 s 73/46 s 60/66 pc 76/66 ii 37/Za r 32/24 in 53/35 s 53/37 s 69/41 pc 64laa s 91/73 Is 89/73 is 44/30 s uvza s 75/66 ii 73/64 pc 73/60 pc 71/60 s 69/50 pc 71/Si s 69/44 pc 60/39 pc Si/44 r 53/42 r 6wso pc73/SO pc 6437 pc SIV33 s

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IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 N BA, C4 Sports in brief, C2 NHL, C4 MLB, C3 Preps, C4 THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014


Golden Gophers win men's IIT NEW YORK — Austin

Hollins hit a tiebreaking 3-pointer with 46.1 seconds left and Minnesota won the NITchampionship Thursday night, beating SMU65-63. Hollins scored19 points and AndreHollins had14 for the Golden Gophers, who took home the trophyfor the third time. Theyalso won the National Invitation Tournament in1993 and '98, though the second onewasvacated because of anNCAA rules violation involving player eligibility. Andre Hollins hit three of four free throws in the final16.3 seconds to keep help keepMinnesota in front. DeAndre Mathieu scored all 13 his points in the second half for the Gophers.

O www.bendbulletin.com/sports


onn, ori areca ecem er ri er In the women'stournament, young starstake the spotlight By Doug Feinberg

nn, Notre Dame, Stanford and

The Associated Press


NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The women's basketball Final Four

While such a talented lineup

returning, it was not a huge surfeatures Hall of Fame coaches, prise that UConn would have star players, fabulous freshmen a chance to go unbeaten. The and — for the first time everIrish's undefeated season was two undefeated teams. more unexpected. Welcome to Music City, UCoSeeWomen/C4

• Top-ranked Gatorshavewon 30 straight games sincelossat the buzzerto Huskies Saturday's Games UConn vs. Florida 3:09 p.m. Kentucky vs. Wisconsin, 5:49 p.m.

By Zach Schonbrun

It was not just any win. The

New York Times News Service

Huskies had beaten Florida, then

ARLINGTON, Texas — After UConn lost to Louisville by 33

ranked 15th, at home at the buzzer, with Shabazz Napier hitting the winning shot. It stuck with

points to finish the regular season, Huskies coach Kevin Ollie gathered his team for film study. Instead of ruminating on the loss to the Cardinals, though, Ollie showed footage from a win.

Ollie: This was perhaps their brightest moment of the season,

and he needed his players to recall that feeling. See Men /C4


— The Associated Press

Parting with a star, and

OLYMPICS Krakow to vote on 2022 Games WARSAW, Poland-

Residents of Krakow will vote in a referendum on May 25 on whether they support the Polish city's bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics. Mayor Jacek Majchrowski called for the referendum, seeking public support before making further financial commitments to the Olympic project. The referendum will also seek opinion on other local issues andcoincide with nationwide elections to the European Parliament. Under Krakow's bid plans, Alpine ski events would be held across the border in Jasna, Slovakia. It would be the first time the Winter

Games would bespread over two countries. Krakow is one of five cities bidding for the 2022Games,alongwith Almaty, Kazakhstan; Beijing; Lviv, Ukraine; and Oslo. The IOCwill select the host city on July 31, 2015, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

adding an

Bulletin staff report Bend High swept doubles play and won three of four singles matches Thursday as the Lava Bears cruised past visiting

extra kick or six seasons the Philadelphia Eagles basked in the glow of DeSean Jackson. The franchise embraced


Sisters 7-1 in a nonconfer-

ence boys tennis duaL Zach Hite and Sam Ainsworth teamed to-

its star receiver. It tagged him

gether to top the Outlaws'

as its franchise player two years ago. Last season he

Trevor Standen and Kobe Martinez 6-3, 6-2 in the

rewarded the Eagles with a

No. 1 doubles match, while Bend's Jaden Boehme and

Pro Bowl season, catching 82 passes for 1,332 yards.

Will Ainsworth defeated

the Sisters duo of Billy Biggers and Michael Com-


~j ~~ Iuk,

Then last week, with the

27-year-ol dreceiverfrom Cal set to take up a sizable piece of the Eagles' salary cap this season, they cut him. Fine. That is business. But instead of saying that they could not afford Jackson, or that he did not fit into coach Chip Kelly's system, the Eagles leaked the ugly narrative

mins 6-2, 6-0 in the No. 2

doubles contest. The Lava Bears did not drop a set in the four doubles matches

they played. In other action, Bend's

Sean Hebert rallied past Evan Rickards 3-6, 6-3, 10-4 in the No. 2 singles

that their onetime prince had "characterissues."

match, the most competi-

tive contest of the day. The

The Eagles released Jack-

Outlaws' Paul Fullhart held

son after NJ.com, citing unidentified sources in the

off Aaron Banquer-Glenn 7-5, 6-0 in the top singles

Eagles organization, raised

match to record Sisters'

concerns about his attitude

lone victory.

and emphasized its reports about his connections to reputed street gang members.

— The AssociatedPress

The Eagles then allowed the

public perception to spread

MLB MLB: 'Culture of apathy' on staff LOS ANGELES —A "culture of apathy and indifference" among game-day staffers at Dodger Stadium was among the problems identified by Major League Baseball in an assessment of the 2011 beating of Giants fan Bryan Stow. In a motion filed in Los Angeles Superior Court last week, attorneys for Bryan Stow asked to reopen discovery and depose the author of the MLB report, "Dodgers Stadium Assessment." Attorneys said the report"addresses points which are vital" to their case. Stow was attacked in the Dodgers Stadium parking lot on opening day, March 31, 2011, and suffered brain injuries. On Thursday, former Dodgers owner Frank McCourt stressed that the team's newownership has made"huge" safety improvements and addressed concerns raised in the MLB report. The case is scheduled to go to trial May 27. — Los Angeles Times

that Jackson, their explosive

franchise player, was some sort of uncoachable gang lord, and that team officials were cutting ties with him to

preservethegood name ofthe organization. Please. The Eagles did not have

1 J

character issues with Kelly 'a y

after the NCAA stripped Oregon, his former team, of a

!( %A Photosby Ryan Brennecke 1 The Bulletin

At right, Bend High's Zach Hite returns a serve while facing off against Sisters' Kobe Martinez and Trevor Standen during a doubles match Thursday afternoon at Bend High School. At left, Paul Fullheart picked up Sisters' lone win, beating Aaron Banquer-Glenn.

scholarship for two seasons

and placed the program on probationforthreeyearsfor violations committed when he

coached the Ducks. The Eagles did not cut ties


Shiffrin aughsabout sayingshedreamsof 5gods By Howard Fendrich The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Remember when U.S. skier Mikaela Shiffrin talked about

Mikaela Shiffrin, shown here after winning a World

with Riley Cooper after he was caught on camera angrily using a racial slur toward a security guard at a concert. Cooper, after receiving a slap on the wrist, was welcomed

back and embraced by Kelly and a fair amount of Eagles fans who cheered his first re-

ception last season. He agreed

Cup slalom event,

to a five-year contract exten-

dreaming of winning five gold medals at the 2018 Olympics? She would like to

laughed offan earlier statement

take that back. Sort of. It is not s o m uch t hat th e Sochi

saying she would pursue five gold

sion in February. Cooper stays. But Jackson — the prince turned gang

Games slalom champion does not think she is capable of a big haul in four years.

medals at the 2018 Games in

It is more that she realizes what an out-


landish thing it was to say out loud to

South Korea.

a room full of media members back in

February. "I was just on, like, a gold-medal high

MarcoTrovati/The Associated Press

there," Shiffrin said with a laugh at the

U.S. Olympic Committee's Best of U.S. Awards on Wednesday night. "You say something to the press and said that.' " defense of her comments from the day of course it's going to be a quote. And I'm After jokingly rapping herself on the after she became, at 18, the youngest like, 'I'm ready for five gold medals.' (And side of the head, Shiffrin continued on slalom champion in Olympic history. then) I'm like,'Whoops. Shouldn't have the topic. She presented something of a SeeShiffrin /C3

lord — had to go. Fortunately

forJackson,notevery team believed the storyline: On Tuesday night the Washington Redskins signed Jackson to a three-year contract. The NJ.com article that led

to his release by the Eagles reported that Jackson's gang connections involved one of

his friends in Los Angeles who is said to be a member of the Crips there and in 2010

was charged with a murder. SeeJackson/C3





Formula One,Bahrain Grand Prix practice NASCARNationwide, O'Reilly Auto Parts 300 qualifying NASCARSprint Cup, Texas 500 practice NASCARNationwide, O'Reilly Auto Parts 300 GOLF LPGATour, Kraft Nabisco Championship PGA Tour,Shell Houston Open LPGATour, Kraft Nabisco Championship

Time TV/Radio 8 a.m. NBCSN 1 p.m. FS1 3 p.m. FS1 5:30 p.m. ESPN2 9 a.m. noon 3 p.m.

Golf Golf Golf


Family Circle Cup College, Arizona atWashington

10 a.m. E SPN2

1 p.m.

P a c-12


MLB. Milwaukee atBoston MLB, N.Y.Yankeesat Toronto College, Stanford at OregonState College, Oregon atWashington MLB, Seattle at Oakland SOFTBALL

College, Arizona State atCalifornia College, OregonState at Utah

1 1 a.m. ML B 4:30 p.m. MLB 5 p.m. 940-AM 7 p.m. P a c-12 7 p.m. Roo t 3 p.m. 5 p.m.

P a c-12 P a c-12


NBA,DenveratMemphis NBA, OklahomaCity at Houston NBA, Phoenix at Portland

4 p.m. E S PN 6:30 p.m. ESPN 7 p.m. CSNNW,

ON DECK Today Baseball:SistersatBend,4:30 p.mdMountainView atMadras,4:30p.m.;Lakeview atLaPine,4:30 p.m.;CulyeratWesternMennonite, 4:30p.m. SoflbalhSistersat Redm ond, 4:30 p.m.; Lakeview at La Pine,4 p,mdCulver atWestern Mennonite, 4:30p.m. Boys golf:Ridgeview,Mountain View, Summ it, Crook County,RedmondatRavenRumbleinthe Desertat EagleCrest RidgeCourse,8a.m. Girls golf:Bend,MountainView,Summit, Redmond, Ridgeview,CrookCounty at EagleCrest Ridge Course,1:30 p.m. Trackandfield: Bendat East County Classic, TBD; Madras,CrookCounty in Aaron and Marie Jones Invite atMcKenzie River HighSchool, 5p.m. Boys tennis:Summit atSaxonInvite inSalem,TBD Boys lacrosse: Valley Catholic at Bend,5 p.m.; NorthEugeneat Mountain View,5:30 p.m.;McNary at Sisters,7p.m.;Summit atSherwood,8 p.m. Girls lacrosse: St. Mary'sat Bend, 6p.m.




In the Bleachers O 2014 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick www.gocomrcs.com/inthebleachers


Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pls GF GA y -Boston 7 7 5 2 18 7 111 246 165 x-Montreal 77 4 3 27 7 93 200 192 x-TampaBay 77 42 26 9 93 227 206 D etroit 76 36 2 6 14 86 205 215 T oronto 78 3 8 3 2 8 84 227 244 Ottawa 76 3 2 3 0 1478 219 252 F lorida 77 2 7 4 2 8 62 184 254 B uffalo 76 21 4 6 9 51 146 226


GP W L OT Pls GF GA y-Pittsburgh 77 49 23 5 103 237 191 N.Y.Rangers 78 43 30 5 91 210 187 Philadelphia 76 39 28 9 87 213 213 C olumbus 76 3 9 30 7 85 212 203 Washington 76 34 29 13 81 217 231 New Jersey 76 32 28 16 80 186 198 Carolina 7 7 3 4 3 2 11 79 195 212 N.Y. Islanders 76 31 35 10 72 212 250

Saturday Baseball:WestAlbanyatBend(DH),1 pmcCentral Catholic atMountainView(DH), 1 p.m.; Grants Passat Summit,1 p.m. SoflbalhLa Pineat Chiloquin (DH),noon Boystennis:Sisters, Madrasat MadrasInvite, TBD, Summiat t OE STournament, TBD Track andfield: Sisters at Marist Invite, 10a.m.; Redmond,Ridgeviewat SandyInvite, 10 a.m.; Gilchrist at Condon /Wheeler Invite, 11 a,mcLa Pine atJunction CityInvitational,10 a.m.;Summit at AlohaInvite,8:30a.m. Boys lacrosse:Churchil at Bend, 1 p.m.; Valley Catholic atMountainView,1 p.m.;Sisters atSherwood,4:30p.m.;Summit atClackamas, 1p.m. Girls lacrosse: Roseburg atBend, 3p.m.

x-St. Louis x-Colorado x-Chicago Minnesota Dallas Winnipeg Nashville





1110 AM, 100.1 FM

HOCKEY NHL,WashingtonatNew Jersey 4 p.m. NBCSN SOCCER A-League, Newcastle Jets vs. Melbourne Victory 11:30 p.m. FS2 EPL, Manchester Cityvs. Southampton 4:45 a.m. NBCSN FOOTBALL

Aussie Rules, Collingwood vs. GeelongCats

1 :30 a.m. F S 2

SATURDAY SOCCER EPL, Newcastle United vs. Manchester United EPL, Chelseavs. Stoke City MLS, Seattle at Portland

7 a.m. N BCSN 9:30 a.m. NBC noon N B CSN


NASCARSprint Cup, Texas 500 final practice Formula One,Bahrain Grand Prix qualifying NASCAR Sprint Cup, Texas 500 qualifying

7 :30 a.m. F S 1 8 a.m. C N BC noon FS2


MLB, Minnesota at Cleveland MLB, Seattle at Oakland MLB, SanFrancisco at L.A. Dodgers College, Stanford at OregonState MLB, St. Louis at Pittsburgh

College, Mississippi State at LSU College, Oregon atWashington

10 a.m. FS1 1 p.m. Roo t 1 p.m. FS1 1 p.m. 940-AM 4 p.m. MLB 4:30 p.m. ESPNU 7 p.m. P a c-12


PGA Tour,Shell Houston Open PGA Tour,Shell Houston Open LPGATour, Kraft Nabisco Championship

1 0 a.m. noon 2 p.m.

Go l f NBC Golf


Family Circle Cup

10 a.m. ESPN2


College, Arizona atOregon

1 p.m.

P a c-12


Wood Memorial Stakes/Santa Anita Derby

2:30 p.m. NBCSN


NCAA Tournament, Connecticut vs. Florida NCAA Tournament, Kentuckyvs.W isconsin

3 p.m. TBS, TNT 5:30 p.m. TBS,TNT


College, UCLA at Oregon College, OregonState at Utah

3 p.m. 5 p.m.

P a c-12 P a c-12


Aussie Rules, North Melbourne vs. Port Adelaide11 p.m.


SPORTS IN BRIEF FOOTBALL RalPh WilSOn'S WidOWtakeS BillS' COntral — MaryWilson is taking over asthe Buffalo Bills' controlling owner after the death last week of her husband, RalphWilson. Ralph Wilson wasthe founder and only owner of the franchise. Hedied March 25 atthe ageof 95. The team says "Aprocess will be established at anappropriate time for the sale of the franchise. "The Bills also announced that CEO Russ Brandon, generalmanagerDougWh aleyandcoachDougMarrone will remain in charge of football operations under the newownership. He long expressed nodesire to leave theteam to his family, and this announcement is the first step in what's likely a lengthy path to new ownership. Theteamsaid in a statement: "This process will ensure that the club complies and is faithful to NFLrules and to its obligations to NewYork State and ErieCounty. We plan to havedetailed discussions with the NFL,the state and county, and others as we determine the timing and structure of any sales process."

BASKETBALL TimderWOIVGS F Cunningham arreSted — MinnesotaTimberwolves forward DanteCunninghamwas arrested early Thursday on allegations of domestic assault and wasbeing held without bail pending charges while his teamleft for a two-game road trip in Florida. Cunninghamwas booked into Hennepin County Jail just after 6 a.m., according to police records. Thewomaninvolved in the incident at Cunningham's suburban Minneapolis homedid not require medical treatment, police said. TheTimberwolves issued astatement saying they were aware ofCunningham's arrest andwere in the process of gathering more information.

SOCCER TimberS, SOunderSmeet thiS weekend —Seattle coach Sigi Schmid said this weekthat the Sounders' Major League Soccer playoff loss to Portland doesn't makethe rivalry feel different, but admitted what transpired in the postseason still sticks with his club. "It doesn't feel different to me. I don't think it feels different to them," Schmid said. "It's something that is always going to bethere just because of the historical tradition of the two cities and the tradition that goes back to '74and the NASL. It's not something you're going to change." Seattle will haveClint Dempseyback from a two-game suspensi on,althoughheplayed90minutesonWednesdaynight during the U.S.national team's 2-2 exhibition draw against Mexico. The Timbers are without suspendedgoalkeeper Donovan Ricketts, leaving AndrewWeber to makethe start against his old club. Portland also has injury concerns with SteveZakuani and Darlington Nagbe adding to a winless start through four games. — Bulletin wire reports


"I just had a strike!"

College Pac-12Sfandings All TimesPDT Conference Overall 8-1 6 -3 6-3 6-3 6 -4 3-3 3 -3 3-3 3-6 2 -7 0 -9


20- 5 Washington PGA Oregon State 22- 6 HousfoaOpea Oregon 21- 7 Thursday UCLA 17 - 10 At GolfClubof Houston, TheTournament ArizonaState 15 - 11 Humble, Texas California 14 - 11 Purse: $6.4 million Stanford 10 - 11 Yardage:7,441; Par. 72(36-36) 11 - 14 Washington State First Round 14 - 13 Bill Haas USC 30-35—65 1 2 18 Arizona Charl eyHoff man 32-33—65 9-1 7 KeeganBradley 34-32 — 66 Utah Today'sGames 34-32—66 Matt Kuchar J.B. Holmse 32-34—66 Arizona at Utah,11 a.m. Erik Comp ton 34-32—66 StanfordatOregonState, 5:05p.m. 33-33—66 Jim Renn er UCLAatLongBeachState,6p.m. StewartCink 35-32 — 67 Californiaat WashingtonState, 6p.m. Michae l T h o mp s o n 31-36—67 USCatArizonaState, 6:30p.m. 34-33—67 Ben Curti s OregonatWashington, 7 p.m. CamiloVilegas 36-31—67 Saturday'sGames Justin Hicks 31-36—67 Arizonaat Utah, 11a.m. 34-33 — 67 Sergio Ga rci a StanfordatOregonState,1:35 p.m. CharlSchwartzel 32-35—67 LongBeachStateatUCLA,2p.m. Jhonnattan Vegas 34-33—67 Californiaat WashingtonState, 2p.m. 35-32—67 Jason Gore USCatArizonaState, 6:30p.m. Shawn Stelam 33-34—67 OregonatWashington, 7 p.m. Joe Ogilvie 33-35—68 Sunday'sGames 34-34—68 ErnieEls Arizonaat Utah, 11a.m. WebbSimpson 34-34—68 Californiaat Washington State, noon Phil Mickelson 34-34—68 35-33—68 Chris Kirk USCatArizonaState, 12:30p.m. JonathanByrd 34-34—68 UCLAatLongBeachState,1 p.m. Angel Cab re ra 35-33—68 StanfordatOregonState,1:05 p.m. 33-35—68 Retiel Goosen OregonatWashington, 3 p.m. Chris Stroud 34-34—68 AndrewLoupe 37-31—68 35-33—68 MichaelPutnam Cameron Tringale 35-33—68 TENNIS Matt Jones 36-32—68 36-32—68 Bryce Mol d er Professional JohnRollins 34-34—68 Steye Stri c ker 35-33—68 WTAFamilyCircleCupResults 35-33—68 Davis Love gl Thursday FreddieJacobson 35-33—68 Af TheFamilyCircleTennisCenter Martin Fl o res 34-34—68 Charleston,S.C. 36-32 — 68 Brice Garne t Purse:$710,000(Premier) BrendanSteele 35-34—69 Surface:GreenClay-Outdoor PaulGoydos 34-35—69 Singles 34-35—69 GregChalmers Third Round PadraigHarrington 36-33—69 SaraErrani(3), Italy, del. PengShuai, China, 7-6 Ryo Ishikawa 34-35 — 69 (6), 7-6(5). 35-34—69 Kyle Stanley DanielaHantuchova(12), Slovakia,def. Teliana CharlieBelian 35-34—69 Pereira,Brazil, 6-2,6-3. ChadCollins 37-32—69 34-35—69 JanaCepelova, Slovakia, def. ElenaVesnina (13), PeterUihlein MatteoManassero 35-34 — 69 Russia,7-6(4),3-6, 6-3. Brendon T o dd 34-35—69 EugenieBouchard(6), Canada, def. VenusWil34-35—69 TrevorImmelman liams(11),UnitedStates, 7-6(6), 2-6,6-4. TroyMatteson 34-35—69 AndreaPetkovic(14), Germ any, del. SabineLisicki Jeff Maggert 36-33—69 (4), Germ any, 6-1,6-0. 34-35 — 69 H unter Mah an BelindaBencic,Switzerland, def.Elina Svitolina, Carl Pettersson 33-36—69 Ukraine, 6-7(4), 6-4, 6-1. D.H. Lee 32-37 — 69 JelenaJankovic (2), Serbia,del. AilaTomlianovic, SeanO'Hair 34-35—69 Croatia,7-5, 6-1. DavidLingmerth 36-33—69 LucieSafarova(9), Czech Republic, del.Samantha BenMartin 34-35 — 69 Stosur(7),Australia,3-6, 6-4, 6-4. 33-36—69 Jon Curran 34-36—70 ScottLangley WTAAbierloMonterreyResults RickyBarnes 34-36—70 Thursday RobertAffenby 35-35—70 At SierraMadreTennisClub DerekErnst 35-35—70 Monterrey,Mexico RickieFowler 37-33—70 Purse:SBOO,OOO(Intl.) BrianHarman 36-34—70 RyanPalmer 35-35—70 Surface:Hard-Outdoor Ben Crane 34-36—70 Singles 33-37—70 Rory Mcffroy SecondRound 35-35—70 Spieth Julia Boserup,UnitedStates, del. Allie Kiick,United Jordan Kevin Stadl e r 37-33—70 States,2-6,6-2, 6-1. l a n Poul t er 37-33—70 MonicaPuig(8), PuertoRico,del. NicoleGibbs, Justin Leonard 35-35—70 UnitedStates,6-4, 6-2. Lee We s t w o od 36-34—70 Ana Ivanovic(2), Serbia,del.AleksandraWozniak, GrahamDeLaet 38-32—70 Canada,6-4,6-2. 35-35—70 Slocum MagdalenaRybarikova (6), Slovakia, del. Ayumi Heath HudsonSwatlord 35-35—70 Morita,Japan,6-4,retired. Brendon deJonge 35-36—71 35-36—71 KevinChapeg James Hahn 35-36—71 Steven Bowditch 36-35—71 BASKETBALL 36-35—71 Jimmy Walker HenrikStenson 34-37—71 Men's college BrianGay 36-35—71 37-34—71 DavidToms NCAATournament PeterHanson 35-36—71 All TimesPDT KevinKisner 36-35—71 36-35—71 TyroneVanAswegen NationalSemifinals NicholasThompson 35-36—71 Saturday'sGames RobertoCastro 37-34—71 36-35—71 Uconn(30-8) vs.Florida(36-2), 3:09p.m. LukeDonald T ommy G aine y 36-35—71 Kentucky(28-10)vs.Wisconsin(30-7),5:49 p.m. Mike Wei r 35-36—71 NationalChampionship 37-34—71 JohnHuh Monday'sGame M artin Kaym er 36-35—71 Semifinalwinners,6:10p.m. HarrisonFrazar 34-37—71 35-36—71 D.A. Points NationalInvitationTournament TedPotter,Jr. 34-37—71 All TimesPDT AaronBaddeley 37-35—72 37-35—72 JoshTeater Championship LouisOosthuizen 36-36—72 Thursday'sGame J.J. Henry 37-35—72 Minnes ota65,SMU64 Sang-MoonBae 33-39—72 Tim Clark 36-36—72 AndresRomero 34-38—72 Collegelnsider.com Tournament 35-37—72 BrianStuard All TimesPDT JohnMallinger 34-38—72 D aniel Sum m er ha ys 35-37—72 Championship 36-36—72 CharlieWi Thursday'sGame Seung-Yul No h 35-37—72 MurrayState65,Yale 57 CharlesHowell gl 35-37—72 37-35—72 Y.E.Yang CollegeBasketball Invitational StephenAmes 35-37—72 All TimesPDT Jim Herm an 35-37—72 37-35—72 JohnPeterson Championship Series JasonKokrak 35-38—73 (Best-of-3) Morgan Hoff mann 38-35—73 37-36—73 (x-if necessary) RussellHenley K evin Streel m a n 36-37—73 Monday'sGame P aul Case y 35-38—73 Siena61, FresnoState57 38-35—73 Jeff Overton Wednesday'sGame 39-34—73 StuartAppleby Fresno State89, Siena75, seriestied1-1 R ichard H. Le e 36-37—73 Saturday'sGame 34-39—73 Branden Grace FresnoState(21-17) at Siena(19-18), TBA 34-39—73 BobbyGa tes BrianDavis 40-34—74 Wo m en's college JohnMerrick 36-38—74 NCAATournament RobertGarrigus 34-40—74 All TimesPDT JamesDriscoll 37-37—74 37-37—74 JamieLoyemark NationalSemifinals 37-37—74 BubbaDickerson Sunday'sGames ScottGardiner 35-39—74 39-36—75 NotreDam e(36-0) vs.Maryland(28-6), 3:30p.m. Bo VanPelt Scott Staffi n gs 37-38—75 Uconn(38-0) vs.Stanford(33-3), 5:30p.m. Lucas Gl o ver 40-35—75 NationalChampionship 36-39—75 Johnson Wagner Tuesday,April 8 Darren Cl a rke 39-36—75 Semifinalwinners,5:30p.m. JonasBlixt 36-39—75 36-39—75 DavidHearn NationalInvitationTournament LukeGuthrie 38-37—75 All TimesPDT AndrewPutnam 34-41—75 38-38—76 NicolasColsaerts Championship GeoffOgilvy 40-36—76 Saturday'sGame TedPurdy 40-36—76 Rutgers(27-9)vs.UTEP(29-7), noon 39-39—78 BradLardon

LPGA Kraft Nabisco Cham pionsbip Thursda~ At MissionHills Coun lub, DinahShore Tournam enf C ourse Rancho Mirage,Calif. Purse:$2 million Yardage:6,738; Par:72 (36-36) FlrstRound a-denofe sama teur Shanshan Feng 33-33—66 Se RiPak 34-33—67 MichegeWie 34-33—67 AmyYang 33-35—68 a-AngelYin 33-35—68 CristieKerr 34-35—69 JenniferRosales 34-35—69 Jiyai Shin 34-35—69 ChellaChoi 33-37 — 70 Tiffany Joh 35-35—70 HaeiiKang 36-34—70 MorganPressel 35-35—70 So Yeon Ryu 35-35—70 NicoleCastrale 36-35—71 AustinErnst 36-35—71 CarolineHedwall 35-36—71 JeeYoungLee 37-34—71 MirimLee 36-35—71 Anna Nordqvist 36-35—71 Pornanong Phatlum 38-33—71 Na Yeon Choi 34-38—72 PaulaCreamer 35-37—72 37-35—72 SandraGal 34-38—72 MiHyangLee 34-38—72 CatrionaMathew 35-37—72 Azahara Munoz HeeYoungPark 37-35—72 MariaioUribe 35-37—72 ChristelBoelion 38-35—73 CarlotaCiganda 35-38—73 Charley Huff 38-35—73 Ha NaJang 36-37—73 LydiaKo 37-36—73 35-38—73 Jessica Korda 38-35—73 StacyLewis 37-36—73 PerniffaLindberg 37-36—73 Mo Martin CarolineMasson 36-37—73 LizetteSalas 36-37—73 Giulia Sergas 35-38—73 Thidapa Suwannapura 35-38—73 Lexi Thom pson 37-36—73 a-Lilia Vu 36-37—73 38-35—73 AlisonWalshe 37-36—73 KarrieWebb Eun-HeeJi 37-37—74 JennilerJohnson 38-36—74 ChristinaKim 37-37—74 I.K. Kim 38-36—74 P.K.Kongkraphan 37-37—74 CandieKung 36-38—74 MeenaLee 37-37—74 MikaMiyazato 38-36—74 a-Su-Hyun Oh 35-39—74 37-37—74 InbeePark 37-37—74 JennyShin 38-36—74 Angela Stanford 37-37—74 JennySuh SunYoungYoo 37-37—74 Hee-WonHan 39-36—75 VickyHurst 37-38—75 KarineIcher 37-38—75 Sei Young Kim 37-38—75 a-AlisonLee 37-38—75 a-MinieeLee 35-40—75 37-38—75 HaruNomura 37-38—75 DewiClaireSchreelel YaniTseng 39-36—75 SakuraYokomine 36-39—75 Jodi EwartShadofl 36-40—76 Sophie Gustalson 38-38—76 MinaHarigae 40-36—76 Pat Hurst 34-42—76 Juli Inkster 38-38—76 36-40—76 DanielleKang 40-36—76 JiminKang 38-38—76 BrittanyLang a-AnniePark 39-37—76 HeeKyungSeo 38-38—76 AyakoUehara 37-39—76 LmeVedel 38-38—76 Dori Carter 40-37—77 IreneCoe 41-36—77 NatalieGulbis 39-38—77 a-Brooke M. Henderson 40-37—77 38-39—77 MiJungHur 38-39—77 MoriyaJutanugarn BrittanyLincicome 38-39—77 Ai Miyazato 39-38—77 GerinaPiler 39-38—77 a-AshlanRamsey 40-37—77 ChieArimura 40-38—78 LauraDiaz 40-38—78 JulietaGranada 39-39—78 39-39—78 Katherine Kirk 38-40—78 f heeLee 39-39—78 AmeliaLewis 44-34—78 MariaMcBride Ji Young Dh 38-40—78 a-Emma Talley 39-39—78 39-39—78 Eunlung Yi JacquiConcolino 41-38—79 Lee-Anne Pace 42-37—79 Bo Bae Song 38-41—79 38-42—80 CindyLacrosse 40-40—80 Rebecca Lee-Bentham 39-41—80 Lindsey Wright AmyAlcott 42-39—81 a-Negy Korda 41-40—81 Lisa Mccloskey 40-41—81 BeatrizRecari 38-43—81


1. DaleEarnhardtJr., 227; 2.Matt Kenseth,218; 3. CarlEdwrads, 217;4. JeffGordon, 216;5. Jimmie Johnson,209; 6. KyleBusch,189; 7.BradKeselowski, 188; 8.JoeyLogano,187; 9. Austin Dilon, 179;10.

RyanNewman,174. 11. Paul Menard,168;12. DennyHamlin, 165; 13. BrianVickers, 165;14. MarcosAmbrose, 162; 15. Tony Stewart,154;16. A JAllmendinger,152;17. Clint Bowyer,150; 18.GregBiffle, 149;19. KyleLarson,148;20.Kurt Busch,146. 21. Casey Mears, 146;22. Kasey Kahne, 145; 23. JamieMcMurray,140; 24. RickyStenhouseJr., 136; 25. KevinHarvick,135;26. Aric Almirola,132;27. Justin Allgaier,109;28. Martin TruexJr., 105;29. Danica Patrick,104; 30.Reed Sorenson,101. 31. MichaelAnnett, 88; 32. ColeWhitt, 86; 33. David Gigiland,85; 34. DavidRagan, 85; 35. Alex Bowman,73; 36.JoshWise,59; 37. RyanTruex, 47; 38. TravisKvapil, 45;39. ParkerKligerman,36; 40. BobbyLabonte,29.

WeslernConference CentralDivision GP W L OT Pls GF GA 76 52 17 7 76 49 21 6 77 43 19 15 77 39 26 12 76 37 28 11 78 34 34 10 76 33 32 11

111 243 169 104 233 206 101 251 202 90 191 194 85 220 216 78 216 230 77 190 229

Pacific Division GP W L OT Pls GF GA x-Anaheim 76 50 18 8 108 247 193 x-SanJose 78 50 20 9 107 239 190 x-LosAngeles 78 45 27 6 96 196 164 Phoenix 77 3 6 2 8 13 85 207 218 Vancouver 77 34 32 11 79 185 209 C algary 7 7 3 2 3 8 7 71 198 227 Edmonton 77 26 42 9 61 190 257 x-clinched playoffspot y-clincheddivision

Thursday'sGames Chicag o3,Minnesota2,SO Colorado3, N.Y. Rangers2, SO Columbus 2, Philadelphia0 Carolina4, Daffas1 Toronto4, Boston3, OT Calgary4, TampaBay1 St Louis2 Buffalo1 Pittsburgh 4, Winnipeg2 SanJose2, LosAngeles1 Today'sGames Montrealat Ottawa,4p.m. Chicag oatColumbus,4p.m. Washingtonat NewJersey,4p.m. BuffaloatDetroit, 4:30p.m. Calgaryat Florida,4:30p.m. Edmonto natPhoenlx,7p.m. Nashville atAnaheim,7p.m. Saturday'sGames PhiladelphiaatBoston, 10a.m. ColoradoatSt. Louis,11a.m. Washingtonat N.Y.Islanders, 3p.m. Winnipegat Toronto,4p.m. Detroit atMontreal,4p.m. Dalla satTampaBay,4p.m. Ottawaat N.Y.Rangers, 4 p.m. NewJerseyat Carolina, 4p.m. Pittsburghat Minnesota,5 p.m. Los Angeleat s Vancouver, 7p.m. Nashville atSanJose, 7:30p.m.


EasternConference W L T Pls GF Columbus 3 0 0 9 7 SportingKansasCity 2 1 1 7 5 Houston 2 1 0 6 6 TorontoFC 2 1 0 6 3 Philadelphia 1 1 2 5 4 NewEngland 1 2 1 4 2 Chicago 0 1 3 3 6 NewYork 0 1 3 3 4 Montreal 0 3 1 1 3 D.c. United 0 2 1 1 2 WesternConference W L T Pls GF FC Dallas 3 0 1 10 9 RealSaltLake 2 0 2 8 8 Vancouver 2 0 2 8 7 Seattle 2 2 0 6 5 ChivasUSA 1 1 2 5 6 Colorado 1 1 1 4 5 Portland 0 2 2 2 3 Los Angele s 0 1 1 1 1 SanJose 0 2 1 1 4 Saturday'sGames Seattle FC atPortland, noon NewYorkat Montreal,1 p.m. PhiladelphiaatChicago,2p.m. TorontoFCat Columbus, 3p.m. ColoradoatVancouver,3:30 p.m. NewEnglandat D.C. United, 4p.m. FC DallasatHouston 5pm RealSaltLakeat Sporting KansasCity,5:30p.m. Sunday'sGames Los Angeleat s ChivasUSA, noon

GA 2 4 2 4 4

6 7 7 7

6 GA 5 4 3 4 7 4 6

2 6

DEALS Transactions BASEBAL L


DETROITIGERS— Claimed LHPMike Belfiore off waiversfromBaltimore. MINNES OTA TWINS — ReinstatedLHPBrian Duensingfrompaternity leave.OptionedRHPMichael TonkintoRochester (IL). TAMPABAYRAYS— PlacedINF-OFSeanRodriguez onpaternity leave.Recalled INFVinceBelnome from Durham (IL). NationalLeague NEWYORKMETS— PlacedOFChrisYoungon the15-dayDL.Activated2BDaniel Murphyfrompaternity leave. BASKETB ALL NationalBasketballAssociation CHICAGO BULLS—Waived FErik Murphy. FOOTBA LL NationalFootballLeague BUFFALOBILLS— AnnouncedMaryWilsonisthe controllingowner. CHICAGO BEARS—Agreedto termswith TEben Britton on aone-yearcontract. CINCINN ATI BENGALS—SignedSDanieal Manning. GREEN BAY PACKERS — Re-signed FBJohn Kuhn toaone-yearcontract. HOUSTONTEXANS— Re-signedCBElbertMack. MIAMIDOLPHINS—SignedWRKevin Coneto a

one-yearcontract. NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS — SignedS Patrick Chung. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS—Signed CJorgenHus.

TENNES SEETITANS—Agreedto termswith OL Eric Olsen onaone-year contract. WASHIN GTON REDSKINS — SignedQB Colt


HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague NHL—SuspendedMontrealDDouglasMurrayfor threegam es, without pay,for anilegal checkto the head ofTampa Bay DMichael Kostkaduring a game on April1. SOCCER MajorLeagueSoccer MLS —Rescindedthelineand one-gamesuspensionforthe redcards issuedfor violent conductto PortlandDMichael HarringtonandFCDallas MFJeVaughnWatsoninthe40thminute ola March29game. SEATTLE SOUNDERS— LoanedMFDavidEstrada to Atlanta (NASL). COLLEGE BOSTONCOLLEGE— NamedJim Christianmen' s basketballcoach. KANSAS —Announcedjunior GLamariaColewil transfer to PrairieViewA&M. LOUISIANA TECH—Agreed to termswith men's basketbalcoach l MichaelWhiteonasix-yearcontract extension. MISSOUR I —Suspendedjunior FZachPrice indefinitely from themen's basketball teamalter being arrestedonsuspicion ofassault. NORTHCAROLINA— AnnouncedjuniorFJames MichaelMcAdoowil entertheNBAdraft. ST. JOH N'S— Granted FChris Dbekpa arelease to pursue transfer options.Announced GMaxHooper has been granted permission to pursuepostgraduate studieselsewhere.






East Division

Boston Tampa Bay Toronto Baltimore NewYork Detroit

Chicago Cleveland Minnesota Kansas City Seattle Houston Texas Oakland LosAngeles

W 2 2 2 1 1

L 1 2 2 2 2

Pct GB .667 .500 '/r .500 '/r .333 1 .333 1

Central Division W L Pct GB 2 0 1.000 2 1 .667 '/r 2 1 .667 '/r 1 2 .333 D/r 0 2 .000 2 West Division W L Pct GB 3 1 .750 2 1 .667 '/r 2 1 .667 '/r 2 2 .500 1 0 3 .000 2'/r

Thursday'sGames Kansas CityatDetroit, ppd.,rain Minnesota10,ChicagoWhite Sox9 Boston 4, Baltimore3 Tampa Bay7,Toronto2 N.Y.Yankees4, Houston 2 Oakland 3, Seattle 2,12innings Today'sGames Baltimore(MGonzalez0 0)atDetroit(A Sanchez0 0), 10:08a.m. Milwaukee(E stradaH) atBoston(Peavy0-0),11:05a.m. Minnesota (Pelfrey 0-0)at Cleveland(Salazar 0-0), 12:05p.m. ChicagoWhiteSox(E.Johnson0-0) at KansasCity (Guthrie0-0),1:10p.m. N.Y.Yankees(Tanaka 0-0)atToronto(McGowan0-0), 4;07 p.m. Texas (Saunders 0-0) at Tampa Bay (Odorizzi 0-0), 4:10 p.m. L.A. Angels(Richards0-0) at Houston (Harrell 0-0), 5;10 p.m. Seattle(C.Young 0-0) atOakland(Straily0-0),7:05 p.m. Saturday'sGames Minnesotaat Cleveland,10:05 a.m. N.Y.Yankeesat Toronto,10:07 a.m. Baltimore atDetroit,10:08a.m. ChicagoWhiteSoxat Kansas City,11:10 a.m. SeattleatOakland, 1:05p.m. L.A. Angelat s Houston, 4:10p.m. Milwaukee atBoston,4:10p.m. TexasatTampaBay,4:10 p.m. Sunday'sGames Minnesotaat Cleveland,10:05 a.m. N.Y.Yankeesat Toronto,10:07 a.m. Baltimore atDetroit,10:08a.m. MilwaukeeatBoston,10:35a.m. TexasatTampa Bay,10:40a.m. ChicagoWhiteSoxat Kansas City,11:10 a.m. L.A. Angelat s Houston,11:10 a.m. Seattle at Oakland,1:05 p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE

East Division W L Pct GB 3 0 1.000 3 1 750 '/2 2 1 .667 1 1 2 .333 2 0 3 .000 3 Central Division W L Pct GB Pittsburgh 2 1 .667 St. Louis 2 1 .667 Chicago 1 2 .333 1 Cincinnati 1 2 .333 1 Milwaukee 1 2 .333 1 West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 4 1 .800 SanFrancisco 3 1 750 '/2 SanDiego 1 2 .333 2 Colorado 1 3 ,250 2'/r Arizona 1 5 ,167 3'/r Washington Miami Atlanta Philadelphia NewYork

Thursday'sGames Chicago Cubs3, Pittsburgh2 St. Louis7,Cincinnati 6 Miami 8,Colorado5 Washin gton8,N. Y.Mets2 SanFrancisco8, Arizona5


Atlanta(Hal0-0) e atWashington(Jordan0-0),10:05a.m. Milwauke e(Estrada0-0) atBoston(Peavy0-0),11:05a m. Philadelphia (R.Hernan dez 0-0) at Chicago Cubs (TWood 0-0), 11:20a.m. Arizona (Delgado0-0) atColorado(Nicasio 0-0),110p m. San Francisco(Vogelsong 0-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Ryu 1-0),1:10p.m. St. Louis(Miler0-0)atPittsburgh(Cole0-0),405 pm. Cincinnati(Leake0-0) at NY.Mets(Meia 0-0),410 pm. SanDiego(Stults0 0)at Miami(Koehler 0-0),410p.m.


Cincinnati atN.Y.Mets,10:10 a.m. Philadelphia at ChicagoCubs,11:20a.m. SanFranciscoat L.A.Dodgers,1:10 p.m. AtlantaatWashington, 4:05p.m. St. LouisatPittsburgh,4:05 p.m. MilwaukeeatBoston, 4:10p.m. SanDiegoatMiami, 4:10p.m. Arizonaat Colorado, 5:10p.m.


Cincinnati atN.Y.Mets,10:10 a.m. San Diego atMiami,10:10a.m. AtlantaatWashington, 10:35a.m. Milwaukee atBoston,10:35 a.m. St. LouisatPittsburgh,10:35a.m. Philadelphia at ChicagoCubs,11:20a.m. Arizona at Colorado,1:10 p.m.

SanFranciscoat L.A.Dodgers, 5:05p.m.

Leaders ThroughThursday'sGames AMERICANLEAGUE BATTING —SPerez, Kansas City, .714; Bogaerts, Boston,.556;Joyce,Tampa Bay,.556. RBI—Smo ak,Seatle, 7; Colabego,Minnesota,6; Abreu,Chicago,5;Plouffe,Minnesota,5; 9tiedat4. HOMERUNS— DeAza,Chicago,3;Bautista,Toronto,2; Cruz, Baltimore,2; ADunn,Chicago,2; Miler, Seattle, 2;Smoak, Seattle, 2. NATIONALLEAGUE

BATTING —Bonifacio, Chicago,.688; Hechavarria, Miami, .500; ArRam irez, Milwaukee,.500; Ozuna, Miami, .467; Werth,Washington, .462; McGe hee, Miami, .462. RBI —McGehee, Miami, 8; Trumbo,Arizona, 8; Stant on,Miami,7;LaRoche,Washington,6;Pagan, SanFr ancisco,6;Belt,SanFrancisco,5;Rendon, Washington,5;Rollins, Philadelphia,5. HOME RUNS—Belt, SanFrancisco,3; Frazier,Cincinnati, 2;Freeman, Atlanta, 2; SSmith, SanDiego, 2; Trumbo, Arizona,2.



Gene J. Puskar/The Associated Press

Pittsburgh's Tony Sanchez breaks his bat on a pop-up turned into a game-ending double play. American League

Rays 7, Blue Jays2 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.— Chris

Archer threw six solid innings, Evan Longoria hit a three-run homerandTampa Bay Rayssplit a four-game series with Toronto. Archer allowed two runs, four hits, two walks andhadseven strikeouts.

Yankees 4, Astros 2

Athletics 3, Mariners 2, 12 inn.

HOUSTON — Rookie Yangervis Solarte had three hits and anRBI in his first major leaguestart and Derek Jeter drove in arun to give New York its first win this season. Solarte singled in atwo-run third inning which put NewYork up 2-1. He doubled in the fifth and scored on a single byJeter to push it to 3-1. Ivan Novaallowed six hits,

OAKLAND, Calif.— Coco Crisp

homered leading off the bottom of the12th inning. Crisp, who scored the tying run with two outs in the eighth inning, hit a towering home run off Seattle reliever Hector Noesi. The ball landed just above the out-of-town scoreboard in right field.

Marlins 8, Rockies 5

Giants 8,Diamondbacks5

MIAMI — Giancarlo Stanton singled home thego-aheadrun with two outs in the eighth inning tocapaMiamicomeback.Casey McGeheehadtwo hits and three RBls for the Marlins, who scored 27 runs while winning three of four games in theseason-opening series. Miami finished last in the majors in runs andbatting last year and lost100 games.The Marlins were1 for15 with runners in scoring position for the afternoon before Christian Yelich madethe score 5-all in the eighth with a two-out RBI single off Matt Belisle (0-1). Yelich stole second —with the call confirmed by areplay review — andJeff Baker walked. Yelich scored easily whenStanton singled after falling behind 0-2, and McGehee followed with a tworun single. McGeheehas eight RBls and Stanton seven in the season's first week.

PHOENIX — Angel Paganhit a three-run home run in SanFrancisco's five-run eighth inning and the Giants rallied to beat Arizona in a gamethat was halted briefly in the top of the first due to aswarm of bees in the outfield. Paul Goldschmidtand MarkTrumbo each hit two-run home runsandArizona led 5-3 after seven, but the Giants teed off on reliever Will Harris in the eighth to take three of four gamesfrom theDiamondbacks. Brandon Belt hit his third home run of the series andBrandon Hicks had apinch-hit solo shot for the Giants, who hadrallied from four down to win the series opener Monday.Goldschmidt homered in the first inning off Tim Lincecum, his sixth homer in 21 career at-bats against the Giants right-hander. JeanMachi (2-0) got one out for the victory.



ab r bbi ab r bbi D ickrsncf 3 2 1 0 Yelichlf 5 1 1 1 Stubbscf 0 0 0 0 JeBakr2b 4 2 1 0 Blckmnph 1 0 0 0 Stantonrf 4 2 2 1 Cuddyr1b 5 1 2 3 McGeh3b 3 1 2 3 CGnzlzlf 5 0 1 0 GJones1b 5 0 0 1 Tlwlzkss 3 2 2 0 Ozunacf 4 1 2 1 Rosarioc 4 0 1 0 Hchvrrss 4 1 3 1 Arenad3b 4 0 2 2 Mathisc 3 0 1 0 Barnesrf 4 0 0 0 Cishekp 0 0 0 0 Culersn2b 4 0 1 0 JaTrnrp 2 0 1 0 Belislep 0 0 0 0 RJhnsnph 1 0 0 0 Moralsp 2 0 0 0 Marmlp 0 0 0 0 Kahnlep 0 0 0 0 ARamsp 0 0 0 0 LeMahi2b 1 0 0 0 Sltlmchph-c 1 0 0 0 Totals 3 6 5 105 Totals 3 6 8 138 Colorado 1 03 010 000 — 5 Miami 101 001 14z — 8 E—Rosario (1), Mathis (1). DP—Miami1. LOBColorado 7, Miami9. 28—Stanton (2), Hechavarria

go-ahead triple for Minnesota. Red Sox 4, Orioles 3 Trailing 9-8 heading into the ninth, BALTIMORE— Mike Napoli the Twins scoredtwice off Chicago homered and drove in four runs, closer Matt Lindstrom, whoblew John Lackey allowed three hits his first savechance intwo opportunities. Trevor Plouffe singled with in six innings as Boston spoiled two outs in the ninth to tie thegame the Baltimore debut of Ubaldo Jimenez. David Ortiz hit a two-run before Arcia's triple off the wall in homer and Dustin Pedroia had center gaveMinnesota a10-9 lead. four hits. Nelson Cruz homered Minnesota Chicago for the second time in two games ab r bbi ab r hbi for the Orioles, who mustered D ozier2b 3 2 0 0 Eatoncf 3 2 1 0 Mauerdh 4 2 1 0 Semien3b 4 2 1 2 only six hits off Lackey and three Wlnghlf 3 2 2 0 Abreu1b 4 1 2 4 relievers. Bartlettpr-If 0 1 0 0 A.Dunn dh 5 1 1 2 Colaell1b 5 0 2 6 AGarcirf 5 0 0 0 P louffe3b 4 1 2 2 DeAzalf 4 1 1 1 Arciarf 5 0 1 1 Viciedoph 1 0 1 0 Pinto c 5 1 1 1 AIRmrz ss 5 0 1 0 A.Hicks cf 4 0 0 0 Flowrs c 4 1 4 0 EEscorss 3 1 0 0 Konerk ph 1 0 0 0 Kubelph 1 0 0 0 LGarci2b 4 1 1 0 Flormn ss 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 7 10910 Totals 4 0 9 139 Minnesota 003 0 2 0 212 — 10 Chicago 0 10 034 010 — 9 E—Arcia (1), Abreu(1). LOB—Minnesota 6, Chi-

National League

Cubs 3, Pirates 2 PITTSBURGH —JasonHammel pitched two-hit ball into the seventh inning for Chicago's first win of the season. The right-hander allowed a run, struck out five and walked one in 6'/5 innings. Chicago

Pitlsburgb ab r hbi ab r hbi B onifaccf 4 2 2 0 Martelf 4 0 0 0 Scastross 4 0 1 0 Sniderrf 3 0 1 0 Rugginrf 4 0 0 0 Volquezp 0 0 0 0 Rizzo1b 4 0 1 1 JHrrsnph 1 0 0 0 L akelf 4 0 1 0 Morrisp 0 0 0 0 Stropp 0 0 0 0 AMcctcf 3 0 0 0 Olt3b 3 1 1 1 PAlvrz3b 4 0 0 0 Valuen3b 1 0 0 0 NWalkr2b 3 1 1 0 Barney2b 2 0 1 0 Ishikaw1b 2 0 0 0 JoBakrc 3 0 0 0 GSnchzph-1b2 1 1 0 Hammlp 3 0 0 0 TSnchzc 4 0 1 2 Russell p 0 0 0 0 Mercerss 3 0 0 0 Grimmp 0 0 0 0 WRdrgp 1 0 1 0 Schlittrp 0 0 0 0 Tabataph-rf 2 0 1 0 K alishlf 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 3 7 2 Totals 3 2 2 6 2 Chicago 1 11 000 000 — 3 P itlsburgb 000 0 0 0 200 — 2 E—Bonifacio (1). DP—Chicago1, Pittsburgh1. LOB —Chicago 3, Pittsburgh5. 28—Bonifacio (2),

Boston Baltimore ab r hbi ab r bbi JGomslf 4 0 1 0 Markksrf 5 0 2 0 Pedroia2b 5 0 1 0 Hardyss 4 0 0 0 D.Ortizdh 5 0 3 1 C.Davis1b 4 2 2 0 Napoli1b 5 0 0 0 A.Jonescf 3 0 1 0 Bogartsss 4 2 3 0 N.cruzlf 4 0 0 0 Navarf 4 0 1 0 Wietersc 4 1 3 1 Mdlrks3b 4 1 2 0 DYongdh 3 0 1 1 D.Rossc 3 0 1 1 Schoop2b 4 0 0 0 BrdlyJrcf 4 1 2 1 Flahrty3b 4 0 0 0 cago 8.28—Colabego 2 (3), Abreu(2), Viciedo(1). Totals 3 8 4 143 Totals 3 5 3 9 2 3B—Arcia(1), Eaton(1), Abreu(1). HR —Pinto (1), Boston 0 11 101 000 — 4 Semien (1), A.Dunn(2), DeAza(3). SB—Dozier(1). B altimore 000 2 0 1 000 — 3 D P — B os ton1, Bal t imore3. LOB—Boston9, BalIP H R E R BBSO Minnesota timore7. 2B—Pedroia(1), Middlebrooks(1), C.Davis Hughes 5 7 4 4 1 7 (1), Wieters (1). G.Sanchez (1). HR —Olt(1). SB—Bonifacio(4). SwarzakBS,1-1 1- 3 3 4 4 2 0 IP H R E R BBSO IP H R E R BBSO 12-3 1 0 0 0 1 Duensing Boston Chicago ThielbarW,1-0 1 1 1 1 0 0 DoubrontW,1-0 5 1-3 6 3 3 1 4 HammelW,1-0 6 2 - 3 2 1 1 1 5 PerkinsS,1-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 WorkmanH,1 2 - 3 1 0 0 1 1 Russell 0 1 1 1 0 0 Chicago CapuanoH,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 GrimmH,1 1 2 0 0 1 2 Quintana 6 5 5 2 3 8 Tazawa H,1 1 2 0 0 0 1 SchlitterH,1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 N.Jones 0 0 2 2 2 0 UeharaS,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 StropS,1-1 1 1 0 0 0 0 CletoH,2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Baltimore Pitlsburgb BelisarioBS,1-1 1 1 1 1 0 0 W.chenL,0-1 52 - 3 12 44 0 5 W.Rodriguez L,0-1 6 5 3 3 1 5 LindstromL,0-1BS,1-2 1 2 2 2 1 1 Meek 11-3 1 0 0 0 1 Volquez 2 1 0 0 0 2 N.Jonespitchedto2 batersinthe 7th. Britton 2 1 0 0 1 2 Morris 1 1 0 0 0 0 HBP—by Hughes(Abreu). WP—Quintana,Cleto. HBP—byMeek(J.Gomes). WP—Workman. Russellpitchedto1batter in the7th.

Jackson Continued from C1 But the article noted that the friend was acquitted of the murder

and of a related gun charge, and a police official told the websIte that Jackson "was not part of the case." Another incident involved a mur-

der that occurred in 2012 outside a building that was owned or leased

by a member of Jackson's family. Again, the police official told NJ.com that Jackson was never con-

sidereda suspectin thecase. Jackson is not a saint. He is rambunctious and has, on occasion, ex-

hibited poor judgment. In 2009 he was pulled over for having illegally tinted windows and was found to

have marijuana in the car. In 2011 he held out of training camp, unhappy about the Eagles' unwillingness to give him a new contract. The Eagles knew about all of this,

and a year later they still signed Jackson to a five-year contract potentially worth $51 million.

Washington's signing of Jackson who replaced the departed Michael so quickly after he was dropped Vick. by Philadelphia proves that the (By the way, the Eagles had no Redskins had no concerns about his problem embracing Vick after he character or that his talent trumped served a prison term — when they them. Or maybe both. could get him for a song.) There were clearly personality The Eagles have not won an NFL clashes between Jackson and Kelly, championship since 1960. Now they according to reporters who cover have removed an important piece, the Eagles, and maybe that was the opting instead to rely on Foles and reason Jackson had to go. That is on Cooper and on Kelly's genius. the business of pro sports. Good luck with that. But this was a disgraceful way for Jackson will try to win one with a franchise to attempt to cover its quarterback Robert Griffin III in back while releasing its best player. Washington. But first he tried to The Eagles insulted the intelligence set the record straight, saying in a of many fans and relied on the big- statement after his release: "I would otry of others to sell the narrative like to make it very clear that I am of a young black player's suspected not and never have been part of any gang affiliation to rationalize cut- gang.Iam nota gang member, and tinghim. to speculate and assume that I am I suspect that Kelly, like so many involved in such activity off the field delusional football coaches, may is reckless and irresponsible." truly feel his system is so ethereal, But if Jackson is wise — and there so ingenious, that he can fill it with is some question about this — he will a gaggle of Riley Coopers and reach take the events of the last two weeks the Super Bowl; that he can hand as a warning from the universe that the quarterback reins to Nick Foles, he had better watch his step.

Casillap 0 0 0 0 Gldsch1b 4 1 2 2 J.Lopezp 0 0 0 0 Prado3b 4 0 0 0 B elt1b 5 1 1 1 Trumolf 4 1 2 2 Sandovl 3b 5 1 1 0 Owings ss 4 0 2 0 Pencerf 4 1 1 0 Pollockcf 4 0 0 0 HSnchzc 3 0 1 2 Gswschc 4 0 0 0

J.Perezpr-lf 0 1 0 0 Arroyop 1 0 0 0 Bcrwfrss 2 0 0 0 OPerezp 0 0 0 0 Adrianz2b 3 0 0 0 Campnph 1 0 0 0 Poseyph-c 0 1 0 0 Cllmntrp 0 0 0 0 Linccmp 2 0 0 0 Pnngtnph 0 0 0 0 B .Hicksph 1 1 1 1 Harrisp 0 0 0 0 Huffp 0 0 0 0 RwlndSp 0 0 0 0 Machip 0 0 0 0 Zieglerp 0 0 0 0 Morseph 1 1 1 1 Echavzph 1 0 0 0 Arias2b 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 8 9 8 Totals 3 55 9 5 S an Francisco 100 100 160 — 8 Arizona 200 002 100 — 5 (1), Ja.Turner(1). 3B—Tulowitzki (1), McG ehee(1). —San Francisco 6, Arizona4. 2B—Pagan HR — Cuddyer (1). SB—Dickerson (1), C.Gonzalez (2),LOB Sando val (1), H.Sanchez(2), Hil (2),Trumbo(1). (1), Yelich(1).S—Mathis. HR — Pagan(1), Belt(3), B.Hicks(1), Goldschmidt(1), IP H R E R BBSO Trumbo (2). SB—B.crawford(1), Hil (1),Owings (2). Colorado S—Blanco.SF—H.Sanchez. Morales 51-3 8 3 3 2 4 IP H R E R BBSO KahnleH,1 12-3 1 1 1 1 1 Belisle L,0-1BS,1-1 1 4 4 4 1 2 San Francisco Lincecum 6 8 4 4 0 7 Miami 2-3 0 1 1 1 0 Ja.Turner 6 8 5 5 3 1 Huff 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Marmol 1 1 0 0 0 2 MachiW,2-0 Casilla H,1 1 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 A.Ramos W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 1 J.Lopez 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 CishekS,2-2 1 1 0 0 0 1 Arizona WP — Marmol. Balk—Morales. Arroyo 4 1-3 5 2 2 2 3 O.Perez 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Cogmenter 2 1 1 1 1 0 Harris L,0-1BS,1-1 2-3 3 5 5 2 1 Cardinals 7, Reds6 Rowland-Smith 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ziegler 1-3 0 0 0 0 0

Seattle Oakland TampaBay two runs and walked five in 5'/5 ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r bbi innings. David Robertson, who A lmontcf 4 1 2 1 Crispcf 3 2 1 1 Mecarrlf 4 0 1 0 DeJessdh 5 2 2 0 BMillerss 5 0 0 0 Dnldsn3b 4 0 0 0 took over as closer for Mariano Rasmscf 4 0 0 0 DJnngscf 4 1 1 1 Cano2b 5 0 1 1 Lowriess 3 0 0 0 Bautistrf 2 1 0 0 Zobrist2b 4 2 2 1 Rivera, pitched a perfect ninth for Smoak1b 4 0 0 0 Cespdsdh 5 0 1 1 Encrncdh 3 0 0 0 Longori3b 4 1 2 3 Hartdh 5 0 0 0 DNorrsc 2 0 0 0 his first save. Lind1b 4 1 1 0 Loney1b 4 0 1 0 Seager3b 4 0 0 0 Jasoph-c 1 0 0 0 Navarrc 3 0 0 1 Forsythlf 3 0 0 0 Morrsnrf 3 1 1 0 Callasp1b 1 0 0 0 L awrie3b 4 0 1 1 Guyerlf 0 0 0 0 New York Houston MSndrs rf 2 0 0 0 Barton pr-1b 0 0 0 0 I zturis2b 3 0 2 0 Joycerf 3 1 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Ackleylf 5 0 1 0 Moss ph-1b 2 0 0 0 Goinsss 3 0 0 0 Hanignc 3 0 2 1 Gardnrcf-If 4 0 1 1 Fowlercf 4 1 2 1 Zunino c 5 0 1 0 Reddckrf 5 0 1 0 Kralzph 1 0 0 0 YEscorss 3 0 0 0 Jeterss 3 0 1 1 Grssmnlf 3 0 1 0 Punto 2b 5 1 2 0 Totals 3 1 2 5 2 Totals 3 37 11 6 Beltrandh 3 0 0 1 Jcastroc 1 0 0 0 F uldlf 5011 Toronto 0 00 200 000 — 2 Teixeir1b 4 0 0 0 Corprnc 1 0 0 0 Totals 42 2 6 2 Totals 3 6 3 6 3 Tampa Bay 0 1 3 0 0 0 30x— 7 ASorinlf 4 0 0 0 Altuve2b 3 0 1 1 Seattle 10 0 010 000 000 2— DP —Toronto2.LOB— Toronto 7,TampaBay7. Egsurycf 0 0 0 0 Carterdh 3 0 0 0 Oakland 0 0 0 010 010 001 3— 28 — Lind (1), DeJesus(1), De.Jennings (4), Joyce Cervellic 4 0 0 0 Krauss1b 3 0 0 0 No outswhenwinning runscored. (2). 3B —DeJesus(1). HR —Longoria (1). SB—En- Roberts2b 3 0 0 0 MDmn3b 3 0 0 0 E—Punto (1), Callaspo(2). DP —Seattle 2, Oakcarnacion (1), Izturis (1).SF—Navarro. land1. LOB —Seattle 7,Oakland10. 28—Zunino (1). ISuzukirf 4 2 2 0 Presleyrf 4 0 1 0 IP H R E R BBSO S olarte3b 3 2 3 1 Villarss 4 1 1 0 38 — Cespedes(1), Fuld(2). HR—Crisp(1). SB—Al- CINCINNATI —St. Louis overToronto monte (1), Cri sp(2), Punto(1). Totals 32 4 7 4 Totals 2 9 2 6 2 came another long delay and MorrowL,0-1 5 7 4 4 1 4 N ew York IP H R E R BBSO 002 0 1 0 100 — 4 Todd Frazier's two homers to beat Seattle Rogers 12-3 2 3 3 2 0 Houston 1 00 010 000 — 2 5 2 1 1 3 3 Cincinnati and take two of three in Jeffress 11-3 2 0 0 2 2 DP — NewYork 4. LOB—NewYork 6, Houston 7. Elias 11-3 0 0 0 2 2 TampaBay 2B — I.Suzuki (1), Solarte(1), Vilar (1). SB—Altuve MedinaH,2 FurbushH,2 2 3- 1 1 1 1 1 their season-opening series. The ArcherW,1-0 6 4 2 2 2 7 (2). SF —Beltran. 0 first pitch was delayed 3 hours, B.GomesH,1 2 - 3 1 0 0 0 1 IP H R E R BBSO WilhelmsenBS,1-1 1 112-3 0 000 0 2 2 3 Farquhar Jo.Peralta H,1 1 1 -3 0 0 0 1 0 NewYork 42 minutes because of rain. The 11-3 1 0 0 0 1 H.Bell 1 0 0 0 1 0 NovaW,1-0 52-3 6 2 2 5 1 Beimel 0 1 1 1 0 0 Cardinals then emerged from PB — Navarro. Balk—Morrow. 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 NoesiL,0-1 WarrenH,1 KelleyH,1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Oakland their two-game hitting slump by 6 5 2 1 2 4 R obertson S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 J.chavez Twins10, White Sox9 knocking Homer Bailey out of the Abad 2 0 0 0 1 3 Houston 2 1 0 0 0 1 game in the fifth inning. Jhonny OberholtzerL,0-1 52-3 5 3 3 1 5 Doolittle Gregerson 1 0 0 0 0 1 CHICAGO — Chris Colabello had a Peacock 31-3 2 1 1 3 4 Pomeranz W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Peralta homered to get it going. HBP —byNova(J.castro, J.castro).WP—Nova. career-high six RBlsanddoubled Furbushpitchedto1 batter inthe8th. St. Louis pulled awaywith three Noesi pi t ched to1 batter i n the12th. twice, andOswaldoArcia hit a


San Francisco A r i zona ab r hbi ab r bbi Pagancf 5 1 3 3 GParrarf 4 1 0 0 B lancolf 3 0 0 0 Hill2b 423 1

Nationals 8, Mets 2 NEW YORK — Tanner Roark recovered from ashaky first inning as an emergency starter in place of ailing Jordan Zimmermannfor Washington. RyanZimmerman tied his career high with four hits, including three that led off innings. His second-inning home run started the Nationals' comeback from a 2-0 deficit. Washington's leadoff batter reached in the first seven innings, and theNationals

runs in the seventh, when Matt Holliday's single off the outfield wall was upheld by the first video rallied to win for the third time in review of the series. Lance Lynn the series. Zimmermannwas fine butdevelopedafever gave up Jay Bruce's two-run ho- W ednesday mer and Frazier's solo shot during overnight and wasthrowing up. Roark, who hadbeenscheduled to five innings. start Friday's homeopener against St. Louis Cincinnati Atlanta, was told in the morning ab r hbi ab r hbi he'd be on themound. Mcrpnt3b 4 1 1 0 BHmltncf 4 0 0 0 Wong2b 3 2 1 0 Phillips2b 5 0 1 0 H ollidylf 4 1 2 1 Votto1b 4 2 3 0 R osnthlp 0 0 0 0 Brucerf 4 2 2 2 Craigrf-If 4 0 1 1 Frazier3b 5 2 2 4 YMolinc 5 0 1 1 Heiseylf 4 0 1 0 MAdms1b 5 2 3 0 Partchp 0 0 0 0 JhPerltss 4 1 1 2 Cozartss 4 0 0 0 J aycf-rf 3 0 1 1 Brnhrtc 4 0 0 0 L ynnp 2 0 0 0 Baileyp 2 0 1 0 Descalsph 1 0 0 0 Christnp 0 0 0 0 Choatep 0 0 0 0 N.Sotoph 1 0 0 0 R oinsnph 1 0 0 0 T.Bellp 0 0 0 0 Siegristp 0 0 0 0 Ondrskp 0 0 0 0 Neshekp 0 0 0 0 Berndnlf 1 0 0 0 Bourioscf 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 6 7 116 Totals 3 8 6 106 S t. Louis 020 1 1 0 3 00 — 7 C incinnati 300 0 0 0 300 — 8 E—Jay (1). DP—Cincinnati1. LOB —St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 8.28—HoRiday(1), Ma.Adams 2(3), Jay 1), Votto(2). HR —Jh.Peralta(1), Bruce(1), Frazier2

2). CS —Jay (1). I)

Washington New York ab r bbi ab r hbi S pancf 3 1 2 1 EYonglf 5 0 0 0 Harperlf 5 1 1 0 DnMrp2b 3 1 1 0 Werthrf 3 1 1 1 DWrght3b 4 1 1 0 L aRoch1b 4 1 1 3 Grndrsrf 4 0 2 1 Zmrmn3b 5 1 4 2 Duda1b 3 0 0 0 Dsmndss 5 0 0 0 Lagarscf 3 0 1 1 Espinos2b 4 0 2 0 dArnadc 3 0 0 0 Detwilrp 0 0 0 0 Teiadass 4 0 1 0 Frndsnph 1 0 0 0 Wheelrp 1 0 0 0 R Sorinp 0 0 0 0 Ricep 0000 L eonc 4 1 0 0 Familip 0 0 0 0 Roarkp 1 0 0 0 Satinph 0 0 0 0 Hairstnph 1 1 1 0 CTorrsp 0 0 0 0 Rendon2b 1 1 1 0 Germnp 0 0 0 0 I.Davisph 1 0 1 0 Totals 3 7 8 13 7 Totals 3 1 2 7 2 W ashington 0 1 0 0 2 0 410 — 8 N ew York 200 0 0 0 000 — 2 E—Dan.Murphy2 (2). DP—Washington 1, New IP H R E R BBSO York2.LOB— Washington9,NewYork8.28— Span (3), Espinosa2(2), Granderson 2(2), Lagares (2). Zimmerman (1). S—Span, Roark, Wheeler. 5 8 3 3 1 7 HR — Lagares. 1 0 0 0 0 0 SF —

St. Louis LynnW,1-0 ChoateH,1 1-3 1 2 Siegrist 11-3 1 1 1 Neshek H,1 RosenthalS,2-2 1 1-3 0 0 Cincinnati 41-3 7 4 BaileyL,0-1 12-3 1 0 0 Christiani T.Bell 0 1 3 Ondrusek 1 2 0 Partch 2 0 0 T.Bell pitched to3 batters inthe7th. WP —Lynn,Ondrusek.

2 1 1

1 2

0 0


4 3 0 3 2 0 1 0 0

3 1 0 0 1

Washington RoarkW,1-0 Detwiler R.Soriano New York WheelerL,0-1 Rice Familia C.Torres Germen


6 2 1 6 1-3 2-3 1 1


6 2 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

5 1 2

7 3 3 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0

6 0 0 1 1

ing world champion and World Cup champion in that discipline. "I'm tryContinued from C1 ing to get that feeling in GS and hope"Of course, that's everybody's fully at some point in super-G. But dream — you go to the Olympics to the slalom is what's come first." bring home gold, right'? So I was reThe Colorado resident says she is ally happy with bringing the slalom not sure how many super-G races she gold home this year and ... hopeful- will enter during the 2014-15 World ly there's quite a bit of time between Cup season — "anywhere from nothnow and (2018) to practice, and hope- ing to everything." "The biggest advice I've gotten was fully I have a shot at as many gold medals as I can get," Shiffrin said. basically just not to rush it, because "And who knows if I'll actually it's really hard to be a four-event skier. get them?" she added, "But as long There's just not enough time to do any as I give myself a chance, then I'm training, and the tech events normally happy." suffer. Slalom and GS are the ones you At the Sochi Olympics, Shiffrin need to train the most, and if you're entered only the slalom and the giant doing speed (races), you don't get slalom, in which she finished fifth. to train them," Shiffrin said. "So it's She has been focusing so far on mostly about pacing myself and doing those two technical events but plans a fewsuper-Gs andthen start learning


to broaden her repertoire eventually to include the speed events of super-G

and downhill. "I just get slalom at this point in

downhill. Just take into account that I

have to keep up with my training." Shiffrin was nominated Wednesday for top U.S. female athlete at the

my career. Something with the gates Olympics, an honor that went to iuger and my feet — everything makes Erin Hamlin. The awards show will sense," said Shiffrin, who is the reign- air Monday on NBCSN.




Thunder snaps Spurs' streak at 19 The Associated Press OKLAH OM A CITY — Kevin Durant scored 28 points to help the Oklahoma City Thunder defeat San Antonio 106-94


e n ea s i e The Associated Press

cI I ' cl


Se Ri Pak birdied her final hole in par-3 17th and settled for par and a the afternoon to match Wie at 67. 5-under 67 after her wedge approach Angel Yin, a 15-year-old amateur lipped out a 3-foot par putt on the


Mickelson is among the leaders after

shooting a bogey-free 4-under par 68 in his opening round of the Houston away late Thursday afternoon in released long on the par-5 18th. from the Los Angeles suburb of ArOpen. The five-time major winner is the Kraft Nabisco Championship, Feng shot a 66 in perfect morning cadia, was another stroke back at 68 three shots back of leaders Bill Haas leaving her a shot behind Shanshan conditions at Mission Hills in the with Amy Yang. and Charley Hoffman — both who Feng. first major championship of the year. In other action Thursday: shot 7-under 65. Keegan Bradley and Tied for the lead after playing a The 24-year-old Chinese player had Mickelson among leaders at Hous- Matt Kuchar lead a group of five golffour-hole stretch in 5 under, Wie seven birdies and a bogey. ton Open: HUMBLE, Texas — Phil ers at 6 under after Thursday's play. chelle Wie let a couple of shots slip

on Thursday night, ending the Spurs' winning streak at 19 games. Russell Westbrook scored

27 points and Serge Ibaka added 11 points and 12 rebounds for the Thunder, who

won the matchup between the top two teams in the Western

Conference. Oklahoma City is three games behind with eight games remaining.

Napier hits a

game-winning shot in a 6564 win over Florida on Dec. 2, 2013. It was the last time Florida lost. The two teams meet again Saturday in the Final Four.

and Kawhi Leonard and Tim Duncan each added 17 for the Spurs. Also on Thursday: Mavericks 113, Clippers 107: LOS ANGELES — Dirk Nowitzki scored 26 p oints,

and Jose Calderon added 19 for Dallas. Blake Griffin had

25 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists in his first triple-double

Jessica Hill/The Associated Press

of the season for the Clippers.


EasternConference W L 52 22 53 23 43 32 43 32 40 34 39 36 37 38 33 43 32 42 31 45 27 48 23 52 21 54 16 59 14 61

y-Miami y-Indiana x-Toronto x-Chicago x-Brooklyn x-Washington Charlotte NewYork Atlanta Cleveland Detroit Boston Orlando Philadelphia Milwaukee WesternConference W L y-SanAntonio 59 17 x-Oklahoma City 55 19 y-L.A.Clippers 54 23 Houston 49 25 Portland 49 27 Golden State 46 29 Dallas 45 31 Memphis 31 Phoenix 44 31 Minnesota 37 37 Denver 33 42 NewOrleans 32 43 Sacramen to 27 48 L.A. Lakers 25 50 Utah 23 52 x-clinched playoffspot y-clinched division


self." Napier validated his big-game reputation with

he can beat you with shots,

Continued from C1

the performance against the Gators.

line, and he can also beat you passing the ball."

It stuck with Florida, too. The Gators have not l o st

Standings Pct GB 703 697

573 91/2

573 9'/z 541 12 520 13i/z

493 15'/z 434 20 432 20 408 22 360 25'/2 307 29'I~ 280 31'/z 213 36'/2 187 38'/z

Pct GB

776 743 3 701 5'/z 662 9 645 10 613 12'/z 592 14 587 14~/z 587 14'/z 500 21 440 25'I~ 427 26'/z 360 31'/2 333 33'/~ 307 35'/z

Thursday'sGames Oklahoma City106, SanAntonio94 Dallas 03, L.A.Clippers107 Today'sGames Denver atMemphis,4p.m. Indiana atToronto, 4p.m. OrlandoatCharlotte,4 p.m. Detroit atBrooklyn,4:30p.m. Philadelphia at Boston,4:30 p.m. Minnesota at Miami,4:30p.m. ClevelandatAtlanta, 4:30p.m. Washin gtonatNewYork,4:30p.m. MilwaukeeatChicago, 5p.m. NewOrleansatUtah,6p.m. Oklahoma City at Houston, 6:30p.m. PhoenixatPortland, 7p.m. Sacramento atGoldenState, 7:30p.m. Dallas atL.A.Lakers, 7:30 p.m. Saturday'sGames Minnesota at Orlando,4 p.m. Chicagoat Washington, 4 p.m. BrooklynatPhiladelphia, 4:30p.m. CharlotteatCleyeland,4:30p.m. Bostonat Detroit, 4:30p.m. TorontoatMilwaukee,5:30 p.m.

He was fouled while hit-


Thunder106, Spurs 94 sANANT0NI0(94) Leonard 8-150-017, Duncan5-157-817, Splitter 1-5 0-02,Parker3-100-1 6, Green4-91-211, Diaw 4-6 0-0 8, Belinelli 3-10 1-1 8, Mills 8-130-0 21, Ayres1-20-02, James 0-10-00, Joseph1-20-02. Totals 38-889-12 94. OKLAHOM ACITY(106) Durant 0-26 6 628,Ibaka5-111-211, Perkins 0-0 0-00,Westbrook10-206-6 27,Roberson2-20-0 5, Butler1-51-24,Adams2-41-25, Collison1-12-2 4, Jackson6-8 0-0 14,Fisher1-3 3-3 6, Lamb1-1 0-02, Jones 0-00-00. Totals40-81 20-23106. SanAntonio 24 2 7 20 23 — 94 OklahomaCity 2 2 2 6 32 26 — 106

Mavericks113, Clippers107 DALLAS (113) Marion2-53-4 7, Nowilzki10-18 2-226, Dalembert 3-46-612,Calderon8-130-019, Ellis4-123-4 12, Carter6-120-016, Harris2-60-0 6, Wright4-7 0-08, Crowder 2-31-25, Blair0-22-2z Totals 418217-20113. LA. CLIPPERS (107) Barnes2-91-2 6, Griffin 9-237-725, Jordan 9-123-821,Paul7-142-217, Collison7-146-622, Redick3-104-412,Davis2-40-04, Dudley0-40-0 0, Bullock 0-10-00. Totals39-91 23-29107. Dallas 32 26 28 27 — 113 LA. Clippers 26 3 0 25 26 — 107

he can beat you behind the Wilbekin t w ice

r eferred

since, winning 30 consecu- t ing a 3-pointer to tie t h e tive games. game with 33 seconds left On Thursday, two days and twisted his ankle on the before the teams' Final Four play. After Florida scored on matchup at AT&T Stadium, its next possession, Napier their game on Dec. 2 still escaped a trap and let loose echoed for both squads and a wild shot that was tipped both coaches. They went in back out. He gathered it and divergent directions after flung it back up, with his left the game: Connecticut (30- hand, as the buzzer sounded. "I was able to be in the 8) struggled with chemistry and consistency and wound right spot at the right time," up losing three of its next Napier said. six games; Florida (36-2) imFlorida used only eight proved its health and estab- players, missing Kasey Hill

to Napier's quickness when asked to analyze what made him challenging to s t op defensively. "The different weapons he

lished a rotation that would carrythe Gators through the next four months.

vational tool. Throughout the season, particularly during UConn's rough patches, Ollie referred to thatgame.

and Chris Walker, and Scot-

tie Wilbekin turned an ankle late in the game. All three

"I think when you play will be in action Saturday. against a good team and But for Donovan, Napier's you've got to battle and fight," importance to the Huskies Florida coach Billy Donovan was the lingering takeaway. "Kevin really puts him in said, "it helps you understand how hard you have to fight, some very, very unique situa-

Bulletin staff report M ountain

came alive Thursday as the Cougars blew out Sisters 20-6 and 15-5 in a nonconfer-

ence softball doubleheader in Bend. In the opener, the Cou-

Baseball Class5A Nonconference (8 innings) 001 000 00 — 1 71

Summit HoodRiverValley 000 001 01 — 2 7 2

gars' Hannah W icklund Softball earned the win, striking out Class SA Nonconterence three over four innings while (5 innings) allowing just two hits. Wick- Summit 0 00 00 — 0 4 3 lund also sparked Mountain HoodRiverValley31160 — 11 5 0 View's offense, going 4 for 4 Girls tennis with a triple. Baylee Leonard Class4A also went 4 for 4 with a double and Carriann Elms was

3 for 4 with a double in the five-inning opener. The late game was more of

the same as Mountain View (4-3) routed the Outlaws (0-7) 15-5, again in five innings. Elms came up big again in the nightcap, going 3 for 4 with a double. Ivy Vann and

Jamie Withrow both added

it hard for him to be guarded," Wilbekin said.

two hits for the Cougars. In other Thursday action: SOFTBALL

Both teams have changed


V i e w' s b a t s

has on offense is what makes

Hood River Valley11, Sum-

Nonconference Madras 5,CrookCounty3 At Madras Singles — ElsaHarris, CC,d. Itzel Romero, M, 6-1, H; GretaHarris, CC,d. JessicaGonzalez,M, 6-1,6-1;MaggieKasterger,CC,d. Pali Kaloi Jordan, u, 6-4, 6-3;MadraswinsNo. 4 singlesbyforfeit. Doubles —WendyGalaNLorenaAlonso, M, d. LaurenFrazier/Gweneth Ptomey, CC,6-4, 2-6, 7-6 (9-7); Madras wins No.2, 3and4doubles byforfeit.

Boys tennis Bend 7,Sisters1 At BendHigh Singles — PaulFullhart, S, d. AaronBanquer-Glenn, B, 7-5, 6-0; SeanHebert, B, d. Evan Rickards,S, 3-6, 6-3, 10-4; NickCampbell, B, d. ConnorSchaab, S,6-0, 6-0; ColeIreland, B,wins by forfeit.Doubles —ZachHite/SamArnsworth, B, d. TrevorStanden/Kobe Martinez, S, 6-3, 6-2; JadenBoehme/Wil Ainsworth, B,d.Billy Biggers/ MichaelCommins,S,6-2,6-0; JesseJames/Shane Sehgal, B, d. LeviAnderson/JesseAnderson, S, 6-3, 6-3;MilesHerman/Michael Martin, B,d.Noah Eckstein/Hunter Hansen, S,6-1, 6-1.

drastically, Ollie said, so it might be foolish to rely heavi-

mit 0: HOOD RIVER — The

ly on the tape for much scout-

Storm dropped to 2-5 for the

ing. But he still found the Dec. 2 matchup beneficial as a

season with a nonleague loss to the Eagles. Summit fin-

confidence booster and moti-

(Madraswinsongamestiebreaker, ished with four hits, one each 63-62) by Jacquline Manley, Brook At Madras Singles — Jack Stubblefield, CC,def. Simon Frey, Keylee Floyd and MadSangha,M,6-0,6-0; PedrodeSouza, CC,def.Jady Hallman. cob Rudd, M,6-0,6-1; Garrett Harper, CC,def. Joey

Madras 4,CrookCounty4


Jiminez,M,6-0,6-2; GustavoEnriquez, M,wins by

can play at — we'll get back to that,'" Ollie said he would

mit 1: HOOD RIVER — The Storm scored in the t hird

tell his team. "I think you see

inning to take a 1-0 lead, but the host Eagles battled to win in eight innings.

(7-4), 7-6(7-5); Rickysalgado/Josephcalica, u, def. CaydenQuinn/HaydenBoyd,CC,6-3,7-6(t5); ObieEriza/OmarDominguez, u, winbyforfeit; Saul Jiminez/Jerem yBurgos, M,winbyforfeit.

"'You know what level we

our guys rally around that battle, persevere." tions that he can do the things and get back to that chamToday, Ollie c onsiders that he does," Donovan said. pionship mentality in this Napier "an extension of my- "He can beat you with drives, tournament."

orfeit. Ooubles — Brick Woodw ard/Leonhard Hood River Valley 2, Sum- fPusl, CC,def. OvedFelix/Noel Cardenas, M, 7-6

Hood River Valley tied the

game in the sixth, and after boys 1,600 relay team. Hangles booked a walk-off RBI nah Lewis paced the Culver single in the eighth. Chris girls with a victory in the 400 Mason pitched seven innings and a runner-up finish in the for Summit (4-2), finishing 100. Andrea Retano (800) with seven strikeouts and no and Angelica Metteer (1,500) earned runs. Troy Viola led each had wins for Culver, the Storm, going 2 for 4 with which took first in the 1,600 a double. relay. GIRLS TENNIS Petz leads La Pine to secCascade 5, Mountain View ond: J UNCTION CITY3: Olivia Webb won 6-3, 6-2 Justin Petz posted victories at No. 4 singles, but the Cou- in the javelin and the pole gars dropped the other three vault — he cleared 14 feet, singles matches en route to the fourth-best mark in the a scoreless seventh, the Ea-



Continued from C1 Still, the two teams are on course

for an u nprecedented national championship showdown, if they can get by Stanford and Maryland. There will be a certain familiarity in the two national semifinal

games, as both are early-season rematches, though the coaches say all of the teams are in some way different.

Probably the biggest change is in Notre Dame's lineup; senior forward Natalie Achonwa suffered a


Cougs roll past Outlaws

react after

Patty Mills scored 21 points



UConn's Shabazz Napier, left, and Ryan Boatright

torn knee ligament in the regional final victory over Baylor. The Irish will have had a few

days to adjust to the loss of their leaderwhen they face Maryland on Sunday. The two teams met in January and the I r ish w ere comfortably

in charge of that game before the Terps rallied from a 22-point firsthalf deficit and lost by just four. "That may have been the turning

point of the season for (Maryland freshman) Lexie Brown," Irish coach Muffet McGraw said. "I think

she's really come into her own since that game." UConn had a little easier time

with Stanford back in November, cruising to a 19-point win. Connecticut


vic t o rious

despite losing Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis early in the second half

to an elbow injury and star soph-

STARPOWER:There is noshortage of star players in the Final Four.Four of thefive first-team All-Americans arestill playing. Maryland's AlyssaThomas hasraised her game in the NCAA tournament, while Stanford's Chiney Ogwumike hascarried the Cardinal. Uconn's BreannaStewart had a record tournament as a freshman last seasonand has helpedtheHuskies win 44 consecutive games. Notre Dame mayhavethe best backcourt in the country with Jewell Loyd andKayla McBride. Bothplayers will bedependedontoovercome thelossofAchonwa. CHAMPIONSHIP COACHES: Some ofthebestcoaches in the women's gamewill be roaming the sideline. Each of the four havewon national championships; UConn's Geno Auriemmaleadsthe waywith eight. Auriemma and Stanford's TaraVanDerveer are Hall of Famers, and all four have beenpreviously honored as APCoach of the Year. BACKAGAIN: Reaching the Final Four seems to have become anannual rite for UConn, Notre DameandStanford. The Huskies havebeento the national semifinals seven straightyears while the Irish havemadefour straight. Stanford had arun of five in a rowsnapped last season by Georgia, but the Cardinal are backagain for the sixth time in sevenyears. Maryland is the newcomer, reaching the Final Four for the first time since 2006 — the year they wonthe national title. FRESHMENFOCUS: LexieBrown hashadanimpressive tournament. TheMaryland freshman scored 20 points, including hitting nine of10 free throws, to get theTerps to the Final Four. Sheearned All-Regional honors. Notre Dame first-year player TayaReimer hasalso played well and will likely get more opportunities with Achonwa sidelined. Stanford's Lili Thompson is the team's third-leading scorer and is building a reputation as a fierce defender. Sheshut down PennState's Maggie Lucas in the regional semifinals, then took on Diamond DeShields of North Carolina in the regional final.

omore Breanna Stewart with foul trouble.

ST. LOUIS — Brian Elliott stopped 24 shots, and the St. Louis Blues beat the

Buffalo Sabres 2-1 on Thursday night for


on Wednesday. The tandem

Pine took second as a team at the boys three-team meet.

of Megan Culvertson and

The Hawks' 39.5 points fell

Andrea Blanco had a 6-2, 6-1 win at No. 2 doubles for Mountain View, and the No.

short of Elmira's first-place total of 108.5 points, and

3 team of Whitney Weber

29 points. For the girls, McK-

and Marrie Bones posted a

enna Boen won the 400 and Brittnie Haigler took the tri-

others. Sisters Elsa and Gre-

ta Harris posted victories at No. 1 and No. 2 singles for Crook County. The White

Buffaloes' Wendy Galan and Lorena Alonso recorded a 6-4, 2-6, 7-6 (9-7) win at No. 1 doubles. Klamath Union 6, Red-

and Becca Develter won 3-6,

— The Associated Press

ing 18 games with a broken hand and

Colorado's Tyson Barrie scored in the fiHurricanes 4, Stars 1: RALEIGH,N.C. nal minute of regulation, and then scored — John-Michael Liles had a goal and two


County's Brick Woodward

and Leonhard Pusl scored a 7-6 (7-4), 7-6 (7-5) win over the Madras' Oved Felix and Noel Cardenas at No. 1 doubles. TRACK AND FIELD

Bulldog logs two wins at

the six-team meet at Santiam

In other games Thursday: Maple Leafs 4, Bruins 3:TORONTO-

goal in the shootout. Blue Jackets 2, Flyers 0: PHILADEL-

points, and Junction City was runner-up w it h points.

5 7 .5

Outlaws take three-team meet: S WEET H O M E Behind Zoe Falk's wins in

the 1,500 and 3,000, Sisters posted 13 points to win the three-team girls meet

second-best mark in Class



w ho claimed wins i n


Madras 4, Crook County 400 and 1,600 relays. For the 4: The host White Buffaloes boys, Jake McAllister logged benefited from three forfeits victories in the 300 hurdles, and won via tiebreaker. In high jump and long jump for the closest match, Crook Sisters, which was second

garth scored 15 seconds apart in the first PHIA — Sergei Bobrovsky stopped 37 period. Toronto's Nazem Kadri scored 2 minutes, shots for his fourth shutout of the season. Sharks 2, Kings 1:SAN JOSE, Calif. 51 seconds into overtime. Penguins 4, Jets 2: WINNIPEG, Man- Brent Burns and Logan Couture scored in Avalanche 3, Rangers 2:DENVERitoba — Paul Martin returned after miss- the second period for San Jose.

string ended at 166 minutes, 33 seconds.

Chicago's Marian Hossa scored the lone

who finished third with 43 points. Elmira won with 69.5

7-5, 12-10 at No. 3 doubles for 4A. Dallas Knoop took the the host Panthers. long jump for the Outlaws,

Santiam:MILL CITY — Cul-

Maxim Lapierre and Brenden Morrow scored for St. Louis. Elliott's shutout

ple jump to pace the Hawks,

ahead of Cottage Grove (four points) and Sweet Home ily Pengra won 6-2, 2-6, 10-8 (two points). Falk's time of at No. 4 singles, Kali Davis 5:04.21 in the 1,500 is the

assists to lead Carolina. Flames 4, Lightning 1:TAMPA, Fla. Karri Ramo had 31saves forthe Flames, and Mike Cammalleri and Kevin West-

theirfranchise-record 52nd victory.

Junction City was third with

mond 2:REDMOND — Em-

scored the winner for Pittsburgh. again in the shootout. Blackhawks 3, Wild 2: CHICAGO-

state this season — as La

visiting Cougars of Turner

6-4, 6-1 victory. Madras 5, Crook County 3: MADRAS — The Cowgirls won three of the four matches stagedand forfeited three

Elliott finally allowsgoal, but Bluesstill beat Sabres The Associated Press

the nonconference loss to the

with six points. Sweet Home f inished in f i r s t w i t h 1 3

points. Brandon Pollard won the 3,000 for the Outlaws,

who claimed top honors in the 1,600 relay. BOYS GOLF

Sisters' Ferwalt, La Pine's Dolan lead charge: BLUE

ver'sJoey Fraserclaimed top RIVER — The Outlaws' Nohonors in the boys 400-meter lan Ferwalt shot an 89 at Torun and the 300 hurdles at katee Golf Club, leading all local finishers at the par-72

High SchooL Jaiden Jones course. Isiah Dolan shot 92 won the 200 and placed sec- to pace La Pine. Oakridge ond in the 100 for the Bull- topped the team standings dogs, who boasted the top with a score of 319.

C5 THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014 DOW ~ 16,572.55

NASDAQ 4,237.74


S&P 500 1,888.77

1,920 " "10 DAYS "

Friday, April 4, 2014

Eye on jobs


The Labor Department delivers its latest jobs data today. A survey of private U.S. companies this week by payroll processor ADP indicated employers added 191,000 jobs last month. Wall Street will be watching whether the government's job data show a similar pickup in jobs for March. Economists have forecast a gain of 195,000 jobs, which would be the biggest monthly increase since November. Nonfarm payrolls









"" " .








est. 195 175

10 YRTNOTE ~ 2.80%


+ -.24

GOLD ~ $1 28440


6&p 6pp


16 400.

























......... Close: 16,572.55 Change: -0.45 (flat) "






16,000 1,760 "


15,500" 1 680



1600. .....O...........N.....:.




StocksRecap Vol. (in mil.) 2,983 2,014 Pvs. Volume 3,060 2,122 Advanced 1 257 7 7 4 Declined 1817 1833 New Highs 1 64 1 0 2 New Lows 7 21


' F

lM. .





. 14500. ...0




HIGH LOW CLOSE C H G. 16604.15 16527.60 16572.55 -0.45 DOW Trans. 771 5.91 7650.78 7683.19 -1 2.32 DOW Util. 531.47 527.80 529.71 + 1 .91 NYSE Comp. 10622.56 10568.48 10598.48 -1 8.39 NASDAQ 4284.69 4216.57 4237.74 -38.72 S&P 500 1893.80 1882.65 1888.77 -2.13 -5.51 S&P 400 1397.07 1384.39 1389.15 Wilshire 5000 20248.51 20096.15 20162.15 -60.22 Russell 2000 1193.96 1176.70 1181.12 -11.69




%CHG. WK MO QTR YTD L L L -0.02% -0.16% L L L +3.82% 40.36% L L L +7.98% -0.17% L L L +1.91% -0.91% L +1.46% -0.11% L L L +2.19% -0.40% L L L +3.47% -0.30% L L L +2.31% -0.98% L +1.50%





D .: J



'13I :'14


' + +.67


Major stock indexes finished slightly lower on Thursday, with many investors apparently looking ahead to a key monthly jobs report from the Labor Department on Friday. Economists anticipate that the U.S.economy added 200,000 jobs in M arch,according to FactSet. That would be the biggest gain in hiring since November and would help build optimism about the outlook for growth. Reports on manufacturing and hiring have suggested that the economy is starting to strengthen after a lull caused by unusually harsh weather this winter. Another report on Thursday indicated that growth in the service sector is picking up. BKS

Close: $19.12 V-2.99 or -13.5% Liberty Media, the media company controlled by billionaire investor John Malone, is selling most of its stake in the bookseller. $25 20 15

J F M 52-week range $3259 ~ $23 .71

Vol.:10.2m (5.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $1.14 b

PE: . Yield:.


52-WK RANGE o CLOSE Y TD 1YR V O L TICKER LO Hl C LOSE CHG%CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN (Thous)P/E DIV A LK 50.31 ~ 95.98 9 4. 8 1 -.07 -0.1 L L L + 29. 2 +6 1 .2 78 3 1 3 1 . 00f



Barnes & Noble '



$1 00.29

Dow jones industrials

... Close: 1,888.77 Change: -2.13 (-0.1%)





1,840 "




1,840 "

seasonally adjusted, in thousands


O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugetin.com/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.

C Close:$47.60 V-0.56 or -1.2% The capital plan failure, regulatory risk and slowed growth mean another year in transition for the bank, Sterne Agee said. $60

Greenbrier Cos.


Close:$46.56 V-1.15 or -2.4% Cost cuts were not enough in the recent quarter and the railroad supplier fell short of profit and revenue projections. $50 40


52-week range $2D.D5 ~

$4 8.69

Vol.:1.6m (3.1x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $1.3 b

P E: .. . Yield: ...


WAG Close:$67.09L0.74 or 1.1% Shares are trading close to an alltime high after the chain said pharmacy sales in March offset a sales hiccup due to a late Easter. $70

Source: FactSet Alaska Air Group Avista Corp AVA 25.55 — 0 30.88 30 .89 + . 2 9 +0.9 L L L +9.6 +15. 3 30 5 17 1. 2 7f W +10. 1 +4 2 .1 54343 17 0 .20f Bank of America BAC 11 . 23 t -r 18.0 3 17 . 15 -.00 -0.5 L W Barrett Business B B S I48 . 08 ~ 102.2 0 62. 90 + . 4 3 + 0.7 L V L -32.2 +2 3.7 6 4 26 0 7. 2 Earnings acceleration? 55 Boeing Co BA 8 3 .80 ~ 144. 5 7 12 0.78 + . 47 +0.4 L w L -5.6 +55.2 3298 22 2.92f 60 Higher sales have helped boost 50 Cascade Bancorp C A C B4 .31 ~ 6.95 5.68 +. 0 1 +0.2 L L L +8.6 -15.0 18 5 CarMax's earnings in recent .09 -0.3 L L L +4 .9 +37 . 9 23 3 2 4 0 . 48f ColumbiaBnkg COL B 19.85 tr -30.36 20.83 J F M J F M quarters. L L + 6.8 +47. 1 100 31 1.12f ColumbiaSportswear COLM 55.58 ~ 8 8.2 5 84.09 - .29 -0.3 L 52-week range 52-week range Wall Street finds out today Costco Wholesale CO S T 103.20 ~ 1 26.1 2 11 1.70 + . 15 40.1 W -6.2 + 4 . 7 2 288 2 5 1 . 24 $41.66~ $55 .28 $43.31 ~ $ 69.84 whether the trend enabled the Craft Brew Alliance B R EW 7.13 ~ 18.70 1 5. 0 6 -.23 -1.5 L W T -8.3 +103.3 5 2 cc Vol.:20.8m (1.0x avg.) PE : 11.0 Vol.:5.3m (0.0x avg.) PE :2 3 . 6 company to increase its earnings FLIR Systems F LIR 23.00 ~ 36.95 37. 0 0 +. 2 0 +0.5 L L L + 22. 9 +4 4 .4 1 583 24 0 .40f Mkt. Cap:$144.87 b Yi e ld:0.1% Mkt. Cap:$64.03 b Yie l d: 1.9% Hewlett Packard HPQ 19 . 07 — 0 33.66 33 .00 -.61 -1.8 L L L + 17.9 +54 .7 14667 12 0 .64f and revenue in its fiscal fourth Home Federal Bncp IDHOME 11.54 ~ 1 6.03 1 5. 5 4 -.04 - 0.3 V L V +4.3 +25 . 5 13 dd 0. 2 4 quarter. CarMax, which runs Beazer Homes BZH OpenTable OPEN Intel Corp I NTC 20.75 ~ 27.12 26.4 1 +. 5 2 +2 .0 L L L +1.8 +24. 9 37990 14 0 . 9 0 stores that mainly sell used cars Close: $20.70 V-0.02 or -0.1% Close: $70.51 L1.40 or 1.9% Keycorp K EY 9 .29 ~ 14.70 14. 4 5 +. 1 1 +0.8 L L L +7.7 +49 . 3 6 9 98 1 5 0 . 2 2 and trucks, has benefited from New orders declined 9 percent in the Busier restaurants, a cheaper share Kroger Co KR 3 1 .52 — 0 45.29 44 .96 -.30 -0.7 L L L +13.7 +40 .0 4 4 04 1 6 0.66 strong growth in vehicle sales. second quarter and closings fell for price and better technology at the L L +49. 2 +5 8 .3 1 455 c c Lattice Semi LSCC 4.17 — o 8 .52 0 . 1 9 -.06 -0.7 L the homebuilder as winter storms online reservation company led CitiCarMax also has financed more LA Pacific L PX 14.51 ~ 21.70 1 7.1 6 -.19 -1.1 L V L -7.3 -15.8 1211 14 disrupted business. group to upgrade the stock. vehicles, driving revenue higher at — o MDU Resources MDU 23 .37 35.10 34 .82 + . 00 +0.2 L L L +14. 0 +4 4 .6 48 7 2 4 0. 7 1 $24 $85 its auto financing arm. Mentor Graphics M EN T 1 7.06 ~ 24.31 2 2. 1 1 -.33 -1.5 L V L -8.1 +29.7 4 9 7 1 7 0 . 20f 22 80 Microsoft Corp MSFT 2 8.11 — o 41.66 41 .01 -.34 -0.8 L L +9.6 +47.1 29746 15 1 .12 20 75 Nike Inc 0 N KE 57.98 ~ 80.26 7 3. 9 9 -.55 -0.7 L V L -5.9 +2 8.1 3842 25 0 . 9 6 18 NordstromInc J WN 54.33 ~ 63.94 6 3. 3 7 -.26 -0.4 L L L +2.5 +17 . 9 1 7 66 1 7 1 .32f J F M J F M Nwst Nat Gas NWN 39.96 ~ 45.89 4 4. 0 8 -.01 . . . L L L + 2.9 +5.2 123 20 1.8 4 52-week range 52-week range PaccarInc PCAR 47.12 — o 68.81 67 .41 -.86 -1.3 L L +13.9 +39 . 3 2 0 09 20 0 .80a $13.91~ $25.34 $54.38~ $ 82.48 Planar Systms P LNR 155 ~ 2 93 2 01 -.06 -29 T W T -209 +78 59 dd V ol.: 703.4k (0.9x avg.) PE :.. Vol.:1.1m (1.0x avg.) PE: 56 . 5 Plum Creek P CL 40.73 ~ 54.62 42. 2 2 +. 0 2 ... L w L -9.2 - 15.4 735 3 2 1 . 76 Mkt.Cap:$526.96 m Yie ld: ..Mkt. Cap: $1.04 b Yield: ... Prec Castparts PCP 180.06 ~ 274. 9 6 25 7.28 -1.06 -0.4 L V L - 4.5 +39.6 5 5 4 2 2 0 . 1 2 Safeway Inc SWY 22.26 ~ 40.25 30. 1 1 +. 2 1 +0.6 L w L +17. 0 +5 1 .2 4 009 3 0. 8 0b Ctrip.com lnt'I CTRP Sun Bancorp SNBC Schnitzer Steel S CHN 2 3 .07 ~ 33.32 29. 2 2 + 1.12+4.0 L L L - 10.6 +13.4 8 0 7 d d 0 . 75 Close:$52.80%0.71 or 1.4% Close:$3.97%0.09 or 2.3% Sherwin Wms SHW 162.22 t r- 208.63 200.50 +.43 +0.2 L W L +9. 3 + 20.4 553 27 2.20f The Chinese travel site authorized The decision by Wilber Ross to bring +1.4 +60. 7 15 0 13 1. 1 0f the purchase of up to $600 million of StancorpFncl SFG 40.32 — 0 69.51 67 .18 -.18 -0.3 L V L in Thomas O'Brien this week as CEO has fueled a two-day jump in StarbucksCp SBUX 56.65 ~ 82.50 7 3. 0 9 -.58 -0.8 V L V -6.8 +28.1 351 3 30 1 .04 its own shares using cash and recently issued bonds. the bank's stock price. Triquint Semi TQNT 4.72 — 0 13.77 13 .53 -.22 -1.6 L L L +62.2 + 1 88.3 2958 d d $60 $4.0 UmpquaHoldings UM PQ 11.45— o 19.65 19 .15 -.13 -0.7 L L L 40.1 +58. 2 91 8 21 0 . 60a L L + 6.5 +28. 9 7 8 30 1 4 0.92 US Bancorp USB 31.99 — 0 43.66 43 .02 -.03 -0.1 L 50 3.5 Washington Fedl WA F D 15.79 ~ 2 4.5 3 23.33 -.07 -0.3 L L L +0.2 +37 . 8 30 8 1 6 0. 4 0 Jobless rate report 40 — o Wells Fargo & Co WF C 3 6 .19 49.97 49 .03 + . 07 +0 .1 L L L + 9 .8 +38. 2 9 1 38 1 3 1. 2 0 Economists anticipate that the Weyerhaeuser W Y 2 6.38 ~ 33.24 29. 7 5 +. 2 8 +1.0 L W L -5.8 -4.0 3850 26 0 . 88 J F M J F M nation's unemployment rate 52-week range 52-week range slipped back to a five-year low in $18.82~ $6 1.D9 $2.96~ $4 .D5 March. DividendFootnotes:5 - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. 5 -Amount declaredor paid in last t2 months. i - Current Vol.: 5.6m (1.1x avg.) PE : 6 1.5 Vol.: 394.6k (5.3x avg.) PE: . . . The jobless rate inched up to annual rate, whichwaeincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafterstock split, ro regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent Mkt. Cap:$7.16 b Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$344.41 m Yield : ... wasomitted cr deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend 6.7 percent in February from 6.6 dividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate nct known, yield nct shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash SOURCE: Sungard AP percent the previous month, but value on ex-distrittuticn date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is 5 closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months.

for an encouraging reason: More people began seeking work and most did not immediately find jobs, kicking up the unemployment rate. The Labor Department reports last month's jobless rate data today.

Unemployment rate percent, seasonally adjusted 7.2% 7.0


Barnes & Noble shares sink A major investor in Barnes & Noble said it is cutting its stake and other investors followed suit. Shares of the largest specialty bookstore chain fell 14 percent Thursday. Liberty Media, the investment company controlled by billionaire investor John Malone, gave Barnes & Noble a lifeline in 2011 when it bought a 17 percent stake in the company. But now Liberty says it is selling the majority of its shares to institutional buyers. It will keep

Company Spotlight

10 percent of its original investment and lose its two board seats. Barnes & Noble Chairman Leonard Riggio says the reduced stake gives his company more flexibility to pursue strategic options. In February, Barnes & Noble reported a third-quarter profit as cost cuts at its Nook unit and elsewhere helped offset declining revenue across all of its businesses.



Barnee & NOble (BKS) T h u rsday's ciose:$19.12 6.4

Price-earnings ratio:lost money $13




D i J '13 i '14



Source: FactSet



~o~a~ return Y TD 3 - Y R * 1 0 - Y R* • BKS 27.9% 27. 7 0.1 •

(Based on trailing 12 month results) *Annuagzed

T o t al returns through April 3


Source: FactSet





The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 2.80 percent Thursday. Yields affect rates on consumer loans.


3-month T-bill 6 -month T-bill

. 0 1 .0 1 . 0 4 .0 5 -0.01 W

52-wk T-bill



-0.01 V

2 -year T-note . 4 6 .46 ... L 5-year T-note 1.80 1.79 +0.01 L 10-year T-note 2.80 2.81 -0.01 L 30-year T-bond 3.63 3.65 -0.02 L


.05 .09 .13




L .23 L .72 W 1.81 W 3.05


Barclay s LongT-Bdldx 3.44 3.46 -0.02 L

W W 2 .76 Bond BuyerMuni Idx 4.73 4.75 -0.02 w w 4.13 Barclays USAggregate 2.46 2.43 +0.03 L L W 1.8 7 PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.23 5.22 +0.01 W L W 5. 6 4 RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.34 4.30 +0.04 L W W 3. 9 0 YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.99 1.99 ... L L L 1.04 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 3.16 3.13 +0.03 L L W 2.7 7 1 YRAGO3.25 .13


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 AmericanFunds BalA m 24.7 6 - . 0 3 +1.9 +16.8 +11.9+15.8 A A A CaplncBuA m 58.95 -.10 +2.3 +11.4 +9.2+13.4 C A B CpWldGrlA m 46.24 -.08 +2.4 +20.3 +10.4+16.2 C 8 0 EurPacGrA m 49.73 -.08 +1.3 +18.7 +6.3+14.3 8 8 8 Facebook 830597 59.49 -3.23 FnlnvA m 51. 9 8 - .13 +1.3 +24.0 +12.5+18.7 C 0 C iShEMkts 792265 41.41 -.16 GrthAmA m 43.80 -.21 +1.9 +26.9 +13.8+18.4 C 8 0 SiriusXM 750767 3.28 -.06 AmericanFundsSmcpWldA m SMCWX IncAmerA m 21.09 -.02 +2.9 +14.6 +10.9+16.2 8 A A S&P500ETF 705764 188.63 -.25 InvCoAmA m 37.76 -.05 +3.3 +26.0 +14.0+17.9 8 C 0 BkofAm 543434 17.15 -.08 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m37.91 -.14 +0.9 +21.5 +10.8+17.7 8 8 C Anadarko 439327 99.02 $.12.55 WAMutlnvA m40.25 -.05 +2.5 +24.1 +15.1+19.2 8 A 8 Intel 379904 26.41 +.52 Zynga 366222 4.15 -.17 Dodge &Cox Income 13.67 +.01 +2.2 +2 .1 + 4.7 +7.7A 8 B SPDR Fncl 360057 22.39 -.04 IntlStk 44.61 -.06 +3.6 +27.3 +8.7+18.4 A A A iShR2K 358796 117.20 -1.20 Stock 173.33 -.30 +3.3 +31.4 +16.8+22.7 A A A Fidelity Contra 96.08 - . 6 8 +1.0 +25.3 +14.3+19.6 C 8 B Gainers GrowCo 122 . 59 -1.58+2.9 +33.0 +15.9+22.9 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G LowPriStk d 50.90 -.05 +2.9 +26.4 +15.3+22.9 C A B Fideli S artan 500l d xAdvtg 67.26 -.08 +2.7 +24.1 +14.8+20.0 C 8 B Anadarko 99.02 + 12.55 + 1 4 .5 BarcLgC 269.95 t 2 2 .6 8 +9. 2 65 FrankTemp-Frankli n IncomeC m 2.52+.01 +4.4 +13.4 +9.2+16.5 A A A CatalystPh 2.40 +.19 +8.6 63 IncomeA m 2. 4 9 ... +4 . 6 + 14.1 +9.7+17.2 A A A ProPhaseL 2.05 +.15 +7.9 Oakmark Intl I 26.64 . . . +1 .2 + 24.5 +12.0+21.1 A A A IdealPwr n 8.89 +.63 +7.6 Do Oppenheimer RisDivA m 20 . 10 -.04+2.1 +19.6 +12.3+16.3 E 0 E SuprtlH pfA 5.22 +.35 +7.2 RisDivB m 17 . 97 -.04+1.8 +18.5 +11.3+15.3 E E E Moroingstar OwnershipZone™ Energous n 14.85 +.97 +7.0 RisDivC m 17 . 06 -.04+1.9 +18.7 +11.4+15.4 E 0 E WVS Fn 12.50 +.76 +6.5 OeFund target represents weighted SmMidValA m46.29 -.11 +4.6 +30.3 +10.9+19.5 A E E DirGMBear 2 3.76 + 1 .4 4 +6. 5 average of stock holdings SmMidValBm 30.99 -.09 +4.4 +29.2+10.0+18.6 B E E EDAP TMS 3.20 +.19 +6.3 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 33.40 + .05 +2.6 +21.2 +13.3+19.9 0 C B Losers CATEGORY World Stock GrowStk 52.4 0 - . 47 -0.3 +30.9 +15.6+21.1 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 61.3 0 - . 65 +6.2 +40.4 +27.5+30.3 B A A RATING™ * *** r r Newlncome 9. 4 1 .. . + 1 . 9 - 0.6 +3.7 +6.0 0 C 0 -1.11 -27.9 SGOCO 2.87 Venaxis 2.29 -.42 -15.5 ASSETS $18,022 million Vanguard 500Adml 174.19 -.19 +2.7 +24.1 +14.8+20.0 C 8 8 -.60 -13.8 Tofutti 3.75 500lnv 174.19 -.19 +2.7 +23.9 +14.6+19.9 C 8 8 EXP RATIO 1.13% BarnesNob 19.12 -2.99 -13.5 CapOp 48.98 -.33 +6.1 +32.1 +16.8+21.1 A A A MANAGER Jonathan Knowl e s -.63 -12.7 XTL Bioph 4.32 Eqlnc 30.41 +.01 +3.0 +21.0 +16.2+20.6 0 A A SINCE 1999-12-01 IntlStkldxAdm 28.16 -.09 +1.3 +14.4 +4.2 NA 0 E RETURNS 3-MO +2.2 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 31.72 -.11 +5.7 +35.5 +17.4+25.2 A A A YTD +1.8 TgtRe2020 27.70 -.04 +2.2 +13.1 +8.7+14.1 A A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +22.7 Tgtet2025 16.10 -.03 +2.2 +14.9 +9.2+15.1 8 8 C Paris 4,449.33 + 18.47 + A 2 3-YR ANNL +9.9 TotBdAdml 10.67 +.01 +1.7 -0.6 +3.6 +4.8 0 C E London 6,649.14 -9.90 -.15 5-YR-ANNL +21.3 Totlntl 16.04 -.05 +1.2 +14.4 +4.1+13.7 0 E C Frankfurt 9,628.82 +5.46 + . 06 TotStlAdm 47.03 -.13 +2.9 +25.4 +14.8+20.9 8 8 A Hong Kong22,565.08 + 41.14 + . 1 8 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT -.83 Nefflix, Inc. TotStldx 47.82 -.12 +2.9 +25.3 +14.6+20.7 8 8 A Mexico 40,563.06 -337.47 1.64 Milan 21,992.08 +300.04 +1.38 USGro 29.11 -.19 +1.5 +27.1 +14.9+19.3 8 A C Tokyo 15,071.88 +1 25.56 +.84 R egeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1 . 2 3 Welltn 38.81 +.06 +2.9 +15.5 +11.2+15.3 8 A 8 1.07 Stockholm 1,368.88 -8.62 -.63 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, cr redemption Sydney 5,41 5.70 +6.90 + . 13 Lions GateEntertainment Corporation 1.05 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or Zurich 8,521.63 +13.37 + . 16 Incyte Corp Ltd 0.96 redemption fee. Source: ittornirgstar.

American Funds Smallcap World had 45 percent of its portfolio Marhetsummary invested outside of the U.S. at Most Active the end of last year, while 42 NAME VOL (00s) LAST CHG percent was in U.S. stocks.


Commodities The price of oil rose Thursday as traders anticipated positive news in the monthly U.S. jobs report on Friday. Among metals, gold, silver and copper fell. Crops mostly edged lower.


CLOSE PVS. 100.29 99.62 Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) 2.70 3.11 Heating Oil (gal) 2.91 2.87 Natural Gas (mmbtu) 4.47 4.36 UnleadedGas(gal) 2.91 2.87 METALS

Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE Cattle (Ib)

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1284.40 1290.50 - 0.47 + 6 . 9 19.79 20.03 - 1.22 + 2 . 3 1443.80 1437.10 + 0.47 + 5 .3 3.05 3.07 -0.59 -11.5 789.10 788.60 +0.06 +1 0.0 CLOSE 1.45

Coffee (Ib) 1.75 Corn (bu) 5.00 Cotton (Ib) 0.91 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 328.90 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.54 Soybeans (bu) 14.75 Wheat(bu) 6.76

Foreign Exchange The U.S. dollar rose against the euro and British pound, among other currencies. The ICE dollar index, which measures the strength of the U.S.

currency against six currencies, advanced.

55Q QD

%CH. %YTD + 0.67 + 1 . 9 +41.3 +1.38 -5.6 + 2.43 + 5 . 7 + 1.57 + 4 . 5

PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.45 + 0.38 + 7 . 9 1.73 +1.10 +57.7 4.96 +0.86 +1 8.5 0.92 - 0.58 + 7 . 5 334.60 -1.70 -8.7 1.54 +0.46 +1 3.2 14.62 +0.89 +1 2.4 6.69 +1.01 +11.7 1YR.

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6588 -.0038 -.23% 1.5143 Canadian Dollar 1.1 038 +.0009 +.08% 1.0146 USD per Euro 1.3714 -.0050 -.36% 1.2847 JapaneseYen 103.92 + . 1 5 + .14% 9 2 . 84 Mexican Peso 13. 1 311 +.0276 +.21% 12.3475 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.4754 +.0008 +.02% 3.6228 Norwegian Krone 6 . 0051 +.0285 +.47% 5.8084 SouthAfrican Rand 10.6508 +.0277 +.26% 9.2187 Swedish Krona 6.5 4 3 2 + .0673 +1.03% 6.5053 Swiss Franc .8915 +.0046 +.52% . 9 448 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0838 +.0023 +.21% .9555 Chinese Yuan 6.2106 +.0048 +.08% 6.2030 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7575 +.001 0 +.01% 7.761 9 Indian Rupee 60.190 +.275 +.46% 54.531 Singapore Dollar 1.2636 +.001 2 +.09% 1.2382 -.98 -.09% 1118.52 South KoreanWon 1057.95 Taiwan Dollar 3 0.33 + . 0 3 +.10% 29.87

© www.bendbulletin.com/business


CentralOregon fuel prices Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday at AAA Fuel Price Finder (aaa.opisnet.com): REGULARUNLEADED • Space Age,20635 Grandview Drive,Bend . $3.54 • Fred Meyer,61535 South Highway97,Bend $3.57 • RonsOil, 62980 Highway97, Bend .... $3.56 • Chevron,1095S.E. Division St., Bend $3.76 • Chevron,3405 N. Highway 97,Bend $3.76 • Chevron,61160South Highway 97,Bend $3.76 • Texaco,2409 Butler Market Road,Bend$3.80 • Gordy's TruckStop, 17045 WhitneyRoad,La Pine............ $3.68 • Chevron,1210S.W. Highway 97,Madras... $3.66 • Safeway,80 N.E.CedarSt., Madras .. $3.78 • Chevron,398 N.W. Third St., Prineville $3.76 • Fred Meyer,944 S.W. Ninth St., Redmond ... $3.57 • Chevron,2005 S.Highway 97, Redmond $3.70 • Texaco,539 N.W.Sixth St., Redmond.... $3.76 • Chevron,1501S.W. Highland Ave.,Redmond $3.80 • Chevron,1001 Railway, Sisters ..... $3.76 • Space Age,411W. Cascade Ave., Sisters .. $3.64

0 LI IOI1 II1e OFOl IFm Views New York Times News Service

By Clifford Krauss

Anadarko nearly a decade ago.

HOUSTON — Settling environmental claims that

pany, had long argued in

Anadarko, a Texas com-

In 2005, Kerr-McGee spun off its chemical business and

transferred environmental liabilities to Tronox. It spun off

Tronox sued Anadarko and

its Kerr-McGee unit, arguing that Kerr-McGee had improp-

its oil and gas businesses to

erly unloaded the environmental liabilities on Tronox

justice system for more than

court that it could not be held liable for pollution caused

Anadarko for $18 billion three

before the Anadarko takeover.

five years, Anadarko Petroleum said on Thursday that it had agreed to pay the United States government more than $5.1 billion to restore

by Kerr-McGee, which had ostensibly passed the liabilities on to a third company, Tronox, which also has since gone bankrupt.

months later. Tronox declared bankrupt-

The Justice Department and the EPA joined in the Tronox

cy in 2009 after spending as much as $126 million a year dealing with Kerr-McGee's environmental problems, which stretched from Mississippi to Pennsylvania.

suit, saying Anadarko was the

have been languishing in the

thousands of sites polluted

by toxins and compensate thousands of personal-injury claimants.

The case originated with claims against Kerr-McGee, an Oklahoma energy and chemical company that went bankrupt and was bought by

But on Thursday, Anadarko

hailed the agreement. "This settlement agreement with the Litigation Trust and

the U.S. government eliminates the uncertainty this dis-

pute has created," Al Walker, Anadarko's chief executive, said in a statement.

The Environmental Protec-

tion Agency argued that the bankruptcy did not dissolve all corporate responsibility for the toxic legacy. Shortly after its bankruptcy,

actual creditor for the damages that the EPA was trying to

clean up. The government had sought

By Nick Bilton

sites and compensate more

New York Times News Service

than 8,000 people claiming respiratory ailments, cancer and

In Silicon Valley, where personal quirks and even antisocial personalities are tolerated as long as you are building new products and making money, a socially

otherdiseases from chemical


to keep to yourself. On Thursday, Brendan Eich, who has helped develop some of the Web's most important technologies, resigned under pressure as chief executive of Mozilla Corp., the maker of the popular Firefox Web browser, just two weeks after taking the job. The reason? In 2008, he

donated $1,000 in support of Proposition 8, a California measure that banned

I, l('

)- ''-

same-sex marriage. Once Eich's support for Proposition 8 became public, the reaction was swift, with a level of disap-


proval that the company feared was becoming a

' @CHELLE ',-

threat to its reputation and

business. Forexample,OkCupid, a popular online dating service, set up a letter, visible to those visiting its site on Firefox, that castigated the chief executive. "Mozilla's new CEO, Brendan Eich,

is an opponent of equal rights for gay couples," the letter said. "We would thereforeprefer that our

users not use Mozilla software to access OkCupid." Eich'sdeparture from

the small but influential

e ~)

Mountain View, Calif.,

company highlights the growing potency of gayrights advocates in the boardrooms of major cor-

porations. But it is likely to intensify a debate about the role of personal beliefs Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

raise questions about the toleranceforconservative

By Joseph Ditzler

views inside a technology industry dominated by progressive and libertarian voices. A number of gay rights

The Bulletin

Jsands of online followers in homeless to successful

business owner with thou-

• For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbenddulletin.com/bizcal

in the business world and

Jamie Israel, owner of James Michelle jewelry, moved into a new Bend showroom and workshop on Northeast First Street in February. Israel has gone from selling her work online for a few hundred dollars a month to having six employees.

amie Israel went from

TODAY • Build YourBusiness Websge withWordPress: Create awebsite that looks professional, is easy to updateandranks higher in search engines; registration required; $149; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E.College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7270. SATURDAY • Boot Camp: Central Oregon RegionalCouncil of the Community Associations Institute; topics: impacts of the Federal Fair HousingAct impacts on yourHOArules, the great reserve debate and running your board meetings according to the law; registration required; $25 for members, $40 for nonmembers; 8 a.m.-noon; The Oxford Hotel, 10N.W. Minnesota Ave.,Bend;541382-8436, contactus@ caioregon.org or www. caioregon.org MONDAY • BeginningPhotoshop: Explore the basics of Photoshop, such aslayer manipulation andeffects; registration required; $79; 6-9 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. TrentonAve., Bend; 541-383-7270.

for CEO

up more than 2,700 polluted



spell end

conservative viewpoint may be one trait you have

The Bulletin



more than $20 billion to clean

DIESEL • Chevron,1095 S.E. Division St., Bend $3.96 • Chevron,1210S.W. Highway 97,Madras... $3.94 • Safeway,80 N.E.CedarSt., Madras .. $3.99 • Chevron,1001 Railway, Sisters ..... $3.80

• AnewSweetheart Donuts has openedin Bend at 210S.E.Third St. Inspired by the original Sweetheart Donuts, located on Third Street near Franklin Avenuefrom the1970s through January 2009, owner Danielle Levine is reviving the Sweethearts brand.

on gay

the spaceoffiveyears. Trying to sleep in her car one cold night in Bend, she searched for an idea she thought would make her enough money to get by, she sald. "It dawned on me that I

always wanted to make jewelry," she said Thursday in her workshop on Northeast First Street in Bend.

She said her own willpower, her boyfriend, Andrew West,

and the ability to market her jewelry online helped her build an expanding business, despite suffering from Lyme disease. She started with a

hammer from Home Depot and a small metal hand-stamp set she bought for $50 online,

she said. She sold her pieces on social media sites like Etsy, an online marketplace for handmade and vintage merchandise, and Facebook, earning $200 or $300 a month. "To me, that was like gold,"

viding jobs." ergy when Clare Crowley, Israel, who does business as a reality TV star from "The James Michelle, still sells most of hernecklaces, bracelets and

Bachelor," wore and then

rings online, through her own

raved on her Instagram site about James Michelle jewelry.

website, http://jamesmichelle.

That exposed Israel's work to

advocates pointed out that

their organizations did not seek Eich's resignation. Evan Wolfson, a leading gay marriage advocate,

bringing with her one fulltime and five part-time employees, and thousands of dollars of orders to fill each

com/. She also displays her thousands of Crowley's fans. work on Instagram, a free app Another site, Lunchpails and website for photo- and 5 Lipstick, a trendy blog for video-sharing. moms, mentioned Israel's jewThat's savvy marketing, elry and the following month said Garrett Hampton, digital she received $8,000 in orders, manager for 1859 magazine Israel said. That sort of wordof-blog marketing continues and formerly with Nike. "Instagram, for me, is a to generate sales, she said. platform to showcase amazJames Michelle jewelry is ing, artsy content," he said. also available in boutiques


"It's a great platform for

like Vanilla Urban Threads

early 50s, refused to repu-

Today, she said, she has customers around the globe,

brandawareness,and itreally sounds like she's doing well

from Finland to Saudi Arabia to Australia. Already, she


in the Old Mill. Owner April Lawyer said Bend has many jewelry makers, but she made space for Israel's work. "One, she's a complete angel to work with," Lawyer said. "And, obviously, her stuff is

diate his donation. While he was being portrayed as an opponent of gay people, Eich said he believed in inclusiveness within Mozilla

amazing and stands out."

stake, he said — the right

shesaidThursday."Irem ember just crying." In February, she moved from a small studio on Southeast Scott Street into a 1,200-square-foot space,

said, she realizes she needs more space and two more employees. "It's really surreal. I can't believe people work for me," she said. "It's cool that I'm pro-

He suggested another site, Wanelo, that allows users to purchase the items they find

posted there, an Instagram with an option to buy, Hampton said.

Israel achieved online syn-

— Reporter: 541-617-7815, jditzfer@bendbulletin.com

said that this was a case

of "acompany deciding who best represents them and their values. There is

no monolithic gay rights movement that called for this."

Throughout the controversy, Eich, who is in his

and had never discriminat-

ed. A different issue was at not to be judged for one's private beliefs.

GM adds Clinton-era veteran to crisis-management team By Alisa Priddle Detroit Free Press

General Motors has hired

Jeff Eller, a Clinton-era crisis communications expert, to join

agrowingteam to help the automaker deal with an ignition switch recall that has been tied

that the automaker has hired Kenneth Feinberg, known for handling high-profile victim compensation cases including

mittee Wednesday to answer

questions about the defective ignition switch, which was first

confirmed the hiring of Eller, which was first reportedby Bloomberg. "As we have from the start,

ones stemming from the 9/Il terrorist attacks and the BP oil

identified as not beingup to standards as farback as 2001. A recall of 2.6 million vehicles

spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

did not occur until this year.

expertise in these matters. Jeff

GM executives willhave

will join a team who is helping us guide ourresponse,"M artin

Barm made the Feinberg an-

to 31 crashes and 13 deaths and nouncement during testimony is now part of congressional Tuesdaybefore a House cominvestigations. mittee investigatingthe igniThe latest high-profile hirtion switch recall on a number of GM's small cars. Barra also ing comes just days after GM CEO Mary Barra announced appeared before a Senate com-

their first meeting with Fein-

berg today. Barra said this week it will take 30-60 days for Feinbergto make his assessments.

GM spokesman Greg Martin

we are drawingupon those who have deep experience and

said in an email to the Detroit

Free Press.

of the global crisis practice group at Hill and Knowlton Strategies in Austin, Texas. He also is chairman of Public

Strategies, a public relations firm in Austin.

GM has also hired lawyer Anton Valukas as an objective third party to do an internal reviewinto the history of the

Eller, who was director of media affairs in the Clinton

recall. In 2009, Valukas was appointed bankruptcy examiner inthe bankruptcy of Lehman

White House, is the co-leader


IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Activities Calendar, D2 Family Calendar, D3 Pets, D4 THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014

O< www.bendbulletin.com/allages



Kids resource fair set for April 19

On a quest to find the

Local nonprofit Healthy Beginnings is hosting an EarlyChildhood ResourceFairat the St. Charles Bend conference roomfrom 9a.m. to1 p.m. April19. The event will include more than 30vendors, preschools, organizations aimed atchildren, recreation servicesand more demonstrating resources, products and services available tofamilies. Theevent is free. During the fair, Healthy Beginnings will offer free custom preschool health screenings. Thenew screening is called "4 Before 5," which means children 5and younger will bescreened for four health areas:vision, hearing, child development andbehavior. Vendors can still sign up to participate. Contact: Anna VanGordon.

best books for folklore and fables Kid Culture features fun and educational books

and toys for children.


exciting variety of

At 6 a

in a back corner, but waiting for you to come

, volunteers with

Disabled Amerlcan Veterans straa pon tkteirse~elts and+ Ieave th&leterans of Foreign Wars ptIst in Bend. They are

borrow them. This se-

Map inside • Where VA bosftitals" are in the Northwest,

amoltg the volunteer'tIrivers who (ransport veterarijs five

c4ryg a weekfrom Central Op'egon to the Portland


Veterans'Affairs tl Medical Center.

Classes onabuse As part of the monthlong Blue RibbonCampaign, the KIDSCenter is hosting a series of talks in April aimed at helping prevent child abuse. For more information on the classes, contact www.kidscenter.org or

Bulletin illustration

p.m. April 15; and Madras, 5-7 p.m. May21. • Let's TalkAbout It:Class teachesadults what is developmentally appropriate sexual behavior for children ages 2 to 7; $10per person; in Bend, 6-8 p.m. April 24. • Public andPermaneut: Preventing Sexting, CyberBullying and Beyond: With Richard Guerry, from the Institute for Responsible Online andCell-Phone Communication; ages 12 and older; $5 adults in Bend, 6-8 p.m. April 29; free for children and for training in Prineville, 6-8 p.m. April 30.

Onscreen Happy' CascadesAcademy is hosting a showing of the 2011 documentary "Happy" at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the school. The documentary, from AcademyAward nominee RokoBelic, dives into the topic of positive psychology. The film includes interviews with more than 20people around theworld, from rickshaw drivers to Cajun fishermen. The film is part of the academy's education series and is free. Free child care is available for ages 3 andolder. Those interested in attending should reserve aseat. Contact: edseries@ cascadesacademy.org or 541-382-0699 or www.cascades academy.org/edseries. The school is located at19860 Tumalo Reservoir Road, Bend. —AlandraJohnson

cret collection is hidden among the nonfiction collection (another great section of the library). This section contains dragons and quests, adventures and princesses. Puppets come to life and talking animals. There are even mermaids and wizards!

This section, shelved around 398.2 for those

who like the Dewey Decimal System, featuresfolklore and fables. These stories are


Prineville, 3:30-5:30

a little-known stash of the most

books, sitting unseen


• Tour KIDSCenter: One-hour tour includes meeting with staff; noon-1 p.m. April 18. • Darkness toLight: Stewards ofChildren: This training program offers five steps to help prevent child sexual abuse; $20 perperson; in Bend, 6-8 p.m.Tuesday and10 a.m.-noon April 21; Prineville, 5:308 p.m. April 22; andMadras, 5-8 p.m. April 23. • Internet Safety: Two-hour training aimed at parents and caregivers focuses on online dangers and how to talk with children; $10 per person; in Bend, 1-3 p.m. April 11 and 6-8 p.m. April 16;

he library has

shelved in nonfiction as they are oral history of human culture, passed down from generation to generation, and

therefore are placed in the social science section of the library. These stories continue to evolve, with new twists to old tales, or new illustrations, and

here are two of my newer favorites:

By Mac McLean


The Bulletin

t was still dark outside whenAlanSandner

pulled an 11-passenger van into the parking lot of theRedmond Safeway



at 6:30 a.m. last week to make sure there weren't any veter-


• T CAao COTT Il BOAii sT

ans hoping to catch a last-minute ride to the Portland Veter-

"The Tortoise and the Hare" by Jerry Pinkney

ans Affairs Medical Center. "There's not supposed to

be anyone here according to the manifest, but we always

This book brings to-

check," Sandner said as he

gether a timeless story and one of the most

drove throughthe grocery store's parkinglot and scanned

talented children's book

the windows of its coffee shop

illustrators alive today. This Caldecott-win-

to make sure he didn't see any familiar faces. Every weekday morning, Sandner or another volunteer with the Veterans Transportation Network — a joint

venture managed by Disabled

ning illustrator uses just two sentences Photos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Veteran Steve Sutton, of Bend, left, climbs into a van while volunteer driver Vern Johnson helps before they leave Bend for the VA hospital in Portland early Wednesday mornlng.

American Veterans and the federal Veterans Health Ad-

ministration — take people

("Ready, set, go;" and "Slow and steady wins the race") to aid in telling the classic story of the hare and the tortoise. Pinkney

from 1954 to 1961.

"The guys on TV said it land so they can get medical was going to be slushy on the treatments they can't get at the pass this morning," said FerBend Veterans Affairs clinic. guson, 77, who needed to get Sandner picked up a apreoperativ e assessment at former avionics technician the Portland hospital before from Bend who needed to go he undergoeship replacement to the VA hospital for a CT surgery there next week. "(This shuttle) is a great serscan when he started his trip across the pass. His next two vice. It sure saves me a lot of stops were in Terrebonne, headaches." which, like Redmond, didn't The system have any scheduled passenGenerally speaking, any gers, and Madras, where he picked up Alvin Ferguson, person who performed active from Central Oregon to Port-

a camera technician who served in the U.S. Air Force


- lERRIrnrtst

military, naval or air service or was in a reserve unit with


munity Based Outpatient Ride with the vets in avideo atbendbulletin.cum/vetsbus Clinic in Bend. He added

that all veterans should "just

come down here and apply" the U.S. military that was

for these benefits if they think

called up for active duty and they may be eligible because received something other than the rules regarding this proa dishonorable discharge can cess vary widely depending receive low-cost and in some on a person's time of service cases free health care through and other circumstances. the Veterans Health Administration's network of 971 hospi-

Located on Courtney Avenue just north of St. Charles

tals and outpatient clinics. "Almost anybody is eligible (for this care) as long as they aren't making a ton of money," said John Shea, operations

Bend, Shea's clinic serves

adds a thieving subplot through pictures alone and gives the animals personality with detailed illustrations. Also check out "The

Lion and the Mouse," by the same author, for

another gorgeous folktale with unmatched drawings. Both titles

about 6,500 veterans who live in an area that stretches from La Pine to the Columbia River

are lovely to read with younger children, ages 3 and older, and great to give to an older child to explore on their




manager for the VHA's Com-

See Fables /D3

'Aging inplace':homedesignthat's accessible, atways Good Question is a recurring feature in which a localexpert in a particular field answers a question related to families and aging. Have a question? Send it to mmclean@bendbulletin.com.

By Mac McLean The Bulletin

What is "aging in place" • design, and has it been catching on in Bend?


Association of Home Builders' Certified Aging in Place Specialist training program. Giacci is also the co-owner of a Portland building-supply

"(Aging in place) is about designing in a way that's practical for everybody," said Giacci, a home designer who


survey's respondents said they did not have a full bathroom or bedroom on the

works with the Kokopelli De-

an overwhelming majority of

first floor of their homes; 64 percent said they had to

sign Group in Bend.

the country's baby boomers

climb a set of stairs to enter

According to a 2010

survey conducted by AARP, 73 percent of Americans 45 and older strongly agreed

A • Gary Giacci are Central Oregon home designers who

business that sells equipment

and features that people can use to make their bathrooms

with this statement: "What I'd

have completed the National

more accessible.

current residence as long as

• Kathleen Donohue and


really like to do is stay in my

But while the survey found

expressed this desire, only a their home's front entrance; handful of them could achieve and only 27 percent said their it because their current homes doorways were wide enough lacked many key features so a person who uses a wheelneededtoagesuccessfull y in chair could comfortably pass a residence. through. Almost 20 percent of the SeeAging/D2



Email information for the Activities Calendar at least 10days before publication to communitylife@bendbulletin.com, or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

ACTIVITIES CALENDAR $10, open to public, free for members, reservations required by April 4; 9:30 a.m.2 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmondcampus,2030 S.E.College Loop, Redmond; 541-408-6306 or www.Central OregonWritersGuild.com. BACHELORBEAUTSSQUAREDANCE CLUB:7-10 p.m.; Pine Forest Grange, 63214 N.E. Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-306-4897.

TODAY THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle;12:454 p.m.; Golden Age Club, 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. BINGO: 6 p.m.;Am erican Legion Post44,704 S.W.Eighth St.,Redmond; 541-548-5688.



VFW BREAKFAST:Featuring pancakes,

BINGO: 12:30 p.m.; American Legion Post 44, 704S.W.EighthSt.,Redmond;541-548-5688. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle;12:454 p.m.; Golden Age Club,40S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. NOTABLESSWING BAND:Featuring blues, Latin, rock 'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. ReedMarket

eggs, ham orsausage;opentothepublic; $8.50; 8-10:30 a.m.;VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. CENTRALOREGON WRITERSGUILD CRITIQUEWORKSHOP:Author Mary Pax presents "Getting the Reader Hung Upand

Hooked"; bring six copies ofopening pages (three pagemaximum) andsack lunch;

Road; 541-728-8743 or

climatepath.org); hosted by Sierra Club; free; 7 p.m. program, 6:30 p.m. gathering; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W.Kansas Ave., BEND STORYTELLINGCIRCLE: Featuresa group of people telling and listening to stories; Bend; 541-389-0785. visit Facebook site for location; free; 6:308:30 p.m.; Bend location; 541-389-1713 or WEDMESDAY www.facebook.com/bendstorytellingcircle. NEWCOMERS CLUBOF BEND: Hospitality coffee for new or prospective members, call MONDAY for directions; free, registration requested; 10 a.m.noon; Bend location;541-788-5769. CRIBBAGECLUB: Newcomerswelcome; KIWANISCLUB OF REDMOND: noon6-8:30 p.m.; Elks Lodge, 63120 N.E. Boyd 1 p.m.; Juniper Golf Course, 1938 S.W. Acres Road, Bend; 541-317-9022. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-548-5935 or www. redmondkiwanis.org. TUESDAY THE GOLDENAGE CLUB:Pinochle;12:454 p.m.; Golden Age Club,40S.E. Fifth St., OUR FORESTS:CLIMATE IMPACTS: Bend; 541-389-1752. Learn how higher levels of carbon dioxide are affecting trees and more; bring an BINGO: 6p.m .; American Legion Post44,704 estimate of your own carbon footprint (visit S.W.EighthSt.,Redmond; 541-548-5688.


VeteransAffairs hospitals andcities served

The Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center is one ofeight hospitals and health caresystemsthat the federal Veterans Health Administration runs in thePacific Northwest. Theagency operates a shuttle service that transports veterans from 10cities, including Bend, to the hospital eachday sothey canget medical care.

veteransattatrspeeet — lann-Granestatt eeterans SennlfMelficalCenter Alfairs MelficatCenter Seattle

AlaskaVeteransAffairs HealthCareSystem

Spokane, Wash. A



CanaIda I'



Walla Walla, Wash.

Veterans Aflairs Hesehnrn Healthcare

BoiseVeteransAlfairs MeilicatCenter / VeteransAlfairs SouthernOregon

- g-


Jehnathan M.Wainwright Veterans Alfairs Meilical Center

Bolse, Idaho

RehabilitationCenter ~


Whlte City

r -






Source: Disabled American Veterans


Greg Cross 1The Bulletir

a few cases when veterans ter's Veterans Transportation can get their medical care Service, which serves patients

Continued from 01 outside of the VH A system Shea said most of these vet- — for instance, if they need erans served during the Viet- emergency care, which the nam War and about half of system does not offer at any them are being treated for an of its hospitals, or if they live injury or illness they suffered an "extreme distance" from a

Continued from 01 Prompted by these statistics, the National Association of Home Builders and AARP

THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle;12:454 p.m.; Golden Age Club, 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. CENTRALOREGON MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATIONOF AMERICA:All active and retired military officers of all services welcome; 5 p.m.; Meadow LakesGolfCourse,300 S.W. Meadow LakesDrive, Prineville; 541-617-1013

or dcmilleraf©bendbroadband.com.

BOW WOWBINGO:$1 per bingo card; 6:308:30p.m.;Seventh StreetBrew House,855 S.W.SeventhSt.,Redmond; 541-923-0882 or www.brightsideanimals.org/events/


AMERICANLEGIONPOST44:Membership meeting; 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 44, 704S.W.Eighth St.,Redmond; 541-548-5688 or www.post44.org.v

who understand them."

s uading people who a r e

Donohue, who has worked on a few aging-in-place design projects with the Neil Kelly Co., said one of the rea-

remodeling a

their homes are capable of contractors who are certified handling this device in case in the technique is there are one of the homeowners needs not that many clients who are to get a wheelchair. could teach contractors and actively seeking someone to Likewise, Giacci can think designers techniques that do this type of work. of several times when he's "It's not a real sexy thing," managed to persuade people would make homes more accessible and easierforpeople she said, adding that only a who are thinking about reto live in as they got older. fraction of her work involves modeling their bathrooms to More than 3,300 designers aging in place. "People who install the braces needed to don't currently have a lot of install a lift bar that would let and contractors c u rrently hold this certification, accord- limitations don't really want them get on and off the toilet ing to the association's web- to think about it." or a curbless shower somesite. Five of them — Donohue, But Giacciand Donohue one can enter and exit withGiacci, Jeff Payne, Deborah said they've had some success out having to step very high. Falconer and Nancy Green when they politely suggest When he tells these clients — live or work in Bend, a city that their clients incorporate about these features, Giacci where more than a fourth of aging-in-place design as part reminds them that the boomthe population is 55 or older, of a remodelingproject a dient ers are one of the largest "The community is small wants for some other reason. demographic groups in this "As long as you're putting country, that they are getting but it is growing fast," said Giacci, who e x pects t h at in a new doorway, let's make old very quickly, and that they more designers will incorpo- it 30 inches wide (so a wheel- still make up a predominant rate aging-in-place or univer- chair can pass through)," share of the region's homesal design methods into their Donohue said, explaining buyers. These three factors practice asbaby boomers get one way she's managed to are enough to make many older. "There's a tremendous convince people about the jump off the fence, he said. need (for these services) and merits of aging in place. — Reporter: 541-617-7816, She's also had luck peryet there's not a lot of people mmclean@bendbulletin.com

who live within a 20-mile ra-

Where Buyers And Sellers Meet G™assifjeds

dius of the hospital and works closely with the medical cen-

ter's Veterans Transportation Network that serves vets who live outside the Portland metro

VHA-affiliated clinic or hospi-

The Bend clinic is one of

VHA manages in the Pacific

munications network Heisey

that can hold 11 or sometimes

Northwest, each of which has can use to meet with his oncol- 15 passengers; the Veterans its own network of communi- ogist in Portland and a lab he Health Administration covers ty-based outpatient clinics. can use for his blood work — it maintenance and fuel costs. But because of their size, does not have the abilityto mix Local DAV chapters are also these outpatient clinics cannot and administer the chemother- responsible for recruiting the provide all of the medical ser- apy infusions Heisey needs to volunteer drivers, Janus said. "Outside of Portland, we vices the veterans they serve keep his cancer from spreadmay need. For instance, while ing and help his bones regain have more volunteerdrivers the Bend clinic has a vision their strength. than any other city," said Don center where veterans can get The clinic's inability to pro- Lang, who has been running their eyes checked, it does not vide these infusions leaves the Central Oregon DAV chaphave an operating room where Heisey with two options: He ter's veterans transportation they can get cataract surgery can either get the treatments network and its team of about or other eye surgeries. from a private infusion cen- 60 driversfor the past four "That's something we just ter like the one at St. Charles, years. "Some of our drivers don't have here," said Shea, something that would cost a go to Portland once a month; who hopes to expand the clin- lot even with the private med- some go two or three times. ic even further because the ical insurance Heisey and his It just depends on what they region is home to 23,000 vet- wife have, or he can travel to have going on." erans and more are moving Portland and get them at the Lang said a lot of the DAV's to Central Oregon every day. VA medical center's infusion drivers — including Sand"We're working on that, and center for free. ner, who drove the Portland "They're wonderful here," shuttle on Tuesday — also we might get it someday, but not any time soon." said Heisey, who doesn't mind drive buses for a local shuttle Shea said the clinic also making the trip to Portland service operated by the DAV lacks the ability to provide its because he can visit with his chapter and Central Oregon patients with advanced car- daughter after each five-hour Veterans Outreach that takes diovascular services such as chemotherapy tre atment. veterans from La Pine, Macardiac stress tests, neuro- "(The doctors) work with you dras, Prineville and their surlogical treatments, surgical so much.... I love each and ev- rounding areas to the outpaservices and other advanced ery one of them." tient clinic in Bend. health care. Heisey also doesn't mind Lang, who served in the Though most of these ser- dealing with the VHA r ules U.S. Army during the Vietvices are offered at clinics because, like Ferguson, he nam War, said he enjoys and hospitals in Central Or- can catch the Veterans Health running the service because egon, veterans who get their Network's shuttle from Bend it gives him something to do health care through the Vet- to Portland every weekday now that he's retired. Lang erans Health Administration morning and get a ride back said he and the service's must either get this care at that afternoon or the next day co-managers, Dennis Merrill one of th e administration's depending on how long his ap- and Harry Day, also do the hospitals or pay for the pro- pointments last. work associated with running cedures — some of which the program because they can cost tens of thousands of dollars — out of their own

pockets or with their own health insurance, which can

trigger substantial copays or deductibles.

are veterans and they feel a Located on t h e P o rtland strong pull to band together VA medical center's first floor, and help each other out. Wanda Janus' office is conSandner, who served in the stantly abuzz as a team of VHA Air Force from 1957 to 1962, employees and volunteers work gave a similar answer when

tad, public information officer

appointments are for; we just

for the Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

care that they have an ap-

Herrigstad said there are

' ///i;<>; ', r





The shuttles

"If we can't do a patient's to find veterans a way they can treatment at a n o u t patient get to and from the hospital for clinic then we try to bring their medical needs. "We don't care what their them here," said Dan Herrigs-

pointment," said Janus, who supervises the medical cen-

ed to run a staircase lift so

sons there are not that many

area. tal — but that those cases are Relying on an army of voleight outpatient clinics man- the exception and not the rule. unteers, Janus said the netaged by the Portland VeterBob Heisey, an 89-year-old workhelps anywhere between ans Affairs Medical Center, World War II veteranwith mul- 1,500 and 2,000 veterans each which is located in southwest tiple myeloma, a type of bone month to get to the medical Portland next to the Oregon marrow cancer, deals with this centerfrom cities as faraw ay Health & Science University bureaucracy just about every a s Astoria, F l orence, Th e main campus. This medical month. While the Bend clinic Dalles and Bend. center is one of eight hospi- is capable of providing some of She said Disabled Ameritals and medical centers the his services — it has a telecom- can Veterans provides vans while in the military.

s t aircase to

install the wiring, base and support structure n eed-

crafted their Certified Aging in Place Specialist program about four years ago so they

Anchorage, Alaska

PertlanllVeteransAlfairs Meecat Center



asked why he was willing to get upbefore 6 a.m. and take a group of veterans on a fourhour drive in the snow.

"It's a way to give back," he

sald. — Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmcleanibendbulletin.com

My favorite part of theweekis sweeping mypaintbrush through acrylics andblending bright pastels. That's not all! Digital photography,multimedia andceramics are just 8 few of the other skills I learned in the Alt Room at Boys & Girls Club. For me, art is the best way iII the

world to expresswhoI really am. For more information or to take atour, email info©bgcco.org SOUTHEASTBEND DOWNTOWN BEND REDMOND TERREBONNE



Smartphones:What if 'everyoneelsehasone'? By Armin Brott

SPRINGBOOK SALE:TheFriendsof the Bend Public Libraries hosts a sale featur ing books,CDs,audio booksand ADVENTUREATBENHAM FALLS: more; free admission; 11a.m.-4 p.m.; Learn about interesting plants and Deschutes Library Administration animals on a hike to Benham Falls; Building, 507 N.W.Wall St., Bend; $10adults, $5 for children; $8 for 541-617-7047, foblibrary©gmail.com adult members, $2 for children or FOBLorg/booksales. members; reservations required by JEWISHTHEATRE COLLABORATIVE: Thursday; 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., The children's classics "TheTrees meet at10:15 a.m.; Sunriver Nature of the Dancing Goats" by Patricia Center 8 Observatory, 57245 River Polacco and "When Mindy Saved Road; 541-593-4394 or www. Hanukkah" by Eric Kimmel will be sunrivernaturecenter.org. performed; free; 4 p.m.; EastBend "RADIO STAR":Sunriver Stars Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Community Theater presents a Road; 541-330-3760 or www. play produced as a radio program; deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. proceeds benefit scholarships to "RADIO STAR":Sunriver Stars Fastcamp for Three Rivers schools; Community Theater presents a $5; 6:30 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 play produced asa radio program; proceeds benefit scholarships to Overlook Road; 541-593-4150 or Fastcamp for Three Rivers schools; www.sunriverstars.org. $5, $25 for dinner theater; 6 p.m.; "HELENON WHEELS": Cricket Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Daniel's playabouta gun-totin', Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma; Road; 541-593-4150 or www. $19, $16 for students andseniors; sunriverstars.org. 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend;541-312-9626or AUTHORPRESENTATION: Diane Hammond speaks and readsfrom www.2ndstreettheater.com. her book, "Friday's Harbor," followed by a video clip of orca whales; SATURDAY $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. HoodAve., Sisters; REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL 541-549-0866. SOFTBALLPANCAKEBREAKFAST: GEORGE WINSTON:TheCalifornia Featuring unlimited pancakes, pianist performs; $23-$51 plus fees; link sausage, syrup, butter and a 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.;Tower beverage; proceeds benefitthe Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541Redmond High School Softball 317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. Team; $8; 8-10 a.m.; Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar,3807 "HELENON WHEELS": Cricket S.W. 21st St.; 541-948-9501 or Daniel's play about agun-totin', coachtom©bendbroadband.com. whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma; $19, $16for students and seniors; VFW BREAKFAST:Featuring 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E pancakes,eggs,ham orsausage; Lafayette Ave., Bend;541-312-9626 or open to the public; $8.50; 8-10:30 www.2ndstreettheater.com. a.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. A SPECIALSOLO SPEAK SESSION: Portland storyteller LawrenceHoward "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: tells the tale of polar explorer Ernest LA BOHEME":Puccini's story of Shackleton; appropriate for ages young love starring Anita Hartig; 14 and older; $15 inadvance, $20 opera performance transmitted at the door; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood live in high definition; $24, $22 Playhouse,148 N.W.Greenwood seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Ave., Bend; 503-860-5733 or www. Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, solospeak.com. 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. THE PUNKNECKS: The NashvilleTenn. Americana-punk band AUTISM WALK:A walk, raffles, performs, with Boxcar Stringband; face painters, crafts, bounce free; 8 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & house, entertainment and more; Taproom, 24 N.W.GreenwoodAve., $12-$14, $9-$11 for children ages 2-12, free for children ages 2 and Bend; www.silvermoonbrewing.com. younger, registration requested; 10a.m.-2 p.m.; Highland Baptist SUMDAY Church, 3100 S.W. Highland Ave., Redmond; 888-288-4761 or www. JIM JAM:An unplugged musical autismsocietyoregon.org. jam in tribute to Jim Witty; all level musicians encouraged to participate; JINGLE"SPRINGLE" BELL RUN/ WALK FOR ARTHRITIS: Runners and free;1-4 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood walkers don holiday costumes for Ave., Bend;mquon©quondc.com. a 5K run and walk, a one-mile walk and a kids' fun run; rescheduled from SPRINGBOOK SALE:TheFriends 2013; proceeds benefit the Arthritis of the BendPublic Libraries hosts a Foundation; free for spectators and bag sale featuring books, CDs,audio 2013 registered participants, $25 for books and more; freeadmission, $5 new participants; 10 a.m. kids' fun per grocery-sizedbag,larger bagscost run, 8:30 a.m. event check in and new more;1-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library registration; Pine Nursery Park, 3750 Administration Building, 507 N.W.Wall N.E. Purcell Blvd., Bend; 503-245St., Bend; 541-617-7047,foblibrary© 5695 or www.bendjinglebellrun.org. gmail.com orFOBL.org/booksales. "RADIO STAR":Sunriver Stars BIRD WALKS: Take a birding walk with local bird expert Tom Lawler Community Theater presents a near Nature Center grounds; play produced asa radio program; binoculars and camera suggested; proceeds benefit scholarships to Fastcamp for Three Rivers schools; $5 suggested donation; 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Sunriver Nature $5; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Center & Observatory, 57245 River Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Road; 541-593-4394 or www. Overlook Road; 541-593-4150 or sunrivernaturecenter.org. www.sunriverstars.org.


or for her to bully others. And

while a phone's GPS may al• My wife and I have low you to track where your • been debating th i s daughter goes,it can't tell you for some time but have yet what she's doing or whom to agree: When should we she's doing it with. As your let our 10-year-old daughter daughter careens toward adhave a cellphone?She says olescence,you need to know all of her friends have one who herfriends are and what and, as far as I cantell, she's she does with them. If she's right. got her own phone, she can I don't feel that she needs be friends with whomever one,nor do I think she's old she wants (and for 10percent enough for a $400 piece of of kids her age, that involves equipment. My wife dis- sexting). agreesand says our daughBefore you make your ter needs a smartphone for decision, sit do wn w i t h safety. I've been holding my your wife and discuss these ground, but the pressure questions: from wife and daughter is • Does yourdaughter trugetting unbearable.What do ly need to communicate for we do? safety reasons? Perhapsshe • Let's start with areality rides the bus to and from • check. I'm betting that, schoolby herself. • Is your daughter respondespitewhat you've seen,not all of your daughter'sfriends sible enough to keep that actually do have phones. phone safe at all times? It is According to a recent study an investment, after all. If by the National Consumers the answer to the first quesLeague, only 56 percent of tion is "yes" but "no" to this 8-to-12-year-olds do. one,consider an old-style flip Unfortunately, there's no phone, which you can pick one-size-fits-all, black-and- up at most stores for $20. white solution. Cost definitely • Is your daughter mature figures in somewhere,but it's enough to comprehendthe mostly about maturity. Some myriad threats that having a 9-year-oldsmight be able to phone opensher up to'? handle the responsibilities of • Can you afford to add having a phone while some another line to your phone bill'?What about data? What 14-year-oldsmight not be. Eighty-four percent o f about text messages? parentswho got their kids a • Does your daughter unphone didso for safety rea- derstand the limited number sons;73 percent said it was so of minutes she'll haveor the they could track their child's number of text messagesshe after-school movements. But can send'? whilethosesound noble, they • Would yourdaughter be may notbe based in fact. likely to share her (or your) For example, while having personal information with aphonewould giveyourchild strangers or install appsthat a way to contact you if she might give away her physical needed help,that same phone location'? • Does your d a ughter gives everyone and anyone a way to contact her. Specifi- want a phone simply becally, it can make it easier for cause it's a status symbol or others to bully your childfor social reasons?



Imab Thesimple, single-page

Continued from D1

matched with unique illustrations and tell some of our

spreads of 1 3

tal e s a r e

favorite tr aditional stories.

Comparethis book's version of the Tortoise and the Hare to Pinkney's; both delight, but with a completely different style. This book is best for elementary-agechildren. They may need help with some of the more unusual words(such as jackdaw). If you find yourself at the library and would like to fur-

"Aesop's Fables" by Ayano Imai You've heard the story of the Lion and the Mouse, but

ther explore the folklore and

fables section,just ask!

how about the Vain Jack-

— Recommendations from Josie Hanneman,community librarian, Deschutes Public Library

daw? These two are part of

a newcompilation of Aesop's fables, illustrated by Ayano

Email information for the Family Calendar at least 10days before publication to communitylifeibendbulletin.com, or click on "Submit an Event"at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.


McClatchy-Tribune News Service


NOTABLESSWING BAND: Featuring blues, Latin, rock'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-728-8743 or www. notablesswingband.com. "HELEN ONWHEELS": Cricket Daniel's play about a gun-totin', whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma; $19, $16 for students and seniors; 3 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. THE ELISHAFOUNDATION FUNDRAISER: Featuring a neighborhood poker runevent, raffle, silent auction, food/beveragesfor all ages, slideshowand film; free admissi on;4-8 p.m.;CascadeRack, 507 N.W.Colorado Avenue, Bend;541241-6255 or www,cascaderack.com. FIESTADINNERFUNDRAISER: Bend Senior High School Mr. BSH candidates host a dinner; proceeds benefit the local Ronald McDonald

House; $8 inadvance, $10at the door, $5 for agesyounger than 5; 5-7 p.m.; Aspen Hall, 18920 N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-318-4950 or tsherry©rmhcofcentraloregon.org. HARLEMGOSPELCHOIR:The New York gospel singers perform; $35-

$45 plus fees;7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.

p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center 8 Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www.

sunrivernaturecenter.org. "HAPPY":Ascreening of the documentary film about understanding the emotion; free, registration required, free childcare for

ages 3andolder; 5:30p.m.; Cascades Academy, 19860Tumalo Reservoir Road, Bend; 541-382-0699 or www.


ART RENTEVENT:Featuring local and student artwork for rent, live music and cheesecake; proceeds benefit Cascade Middle School and Marshall High School art departments; free; 6-8 p.m.; Silverado Gallery, 1001 N.W.Wall Street, Bend; 541-382-6544. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LA BOHEME" ENCORE:Puccini's story ofyoung love starring Anita Hartig; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. WEST WATEROUTLAWS: The Boulder, Colo. rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com.



EXPERIMENTS INNATURE: Conduct experiments to see how nature works, ages 5 and older; $15, $13.50 for members; 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www. sunrivernaturecenter.org. TIM SNIDER:The Reno, Nev. violinist performs a live looping TUESDAY show; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. CREATURE CRAFTS: Create nature Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or inspired masterpieces; for ages 4 www.mcmenamins.com. and older; $15, $13.50 for members; "HELEN ONWHEELS": Cricket 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center 8 Observatory, 57245 Daniel's playabouta gun-totin', River Road; 541-593-4394 or www. whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma; $19, $16for students and seniors; sunrivernaturecenter.org. 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. SCALEHOUSE SESSIONS: Jesse Lafayette Ave., Bend;541-312-9626 or Roberts (Rise Llp), Jason Graham www.2ndstreettheater.com. (Mosley Wotta) and Matt Nicholau "NFINITYCHAMPIONS LEAGUE (Nature of Words) will share their experiences working acrossthe globe CHEERLEADINGEVENT": A screening of the 2014 film about to help individuals find their voice cheerleading; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; through the arts; $10; 6-8 p.m.; Tin Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; Bend; 541-241-2271 or www.j.mp/ 541-312-2901. ScaleHouse. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Author DianeHammond discussesher experiences as killer whale Keiko's press secretary and how it inspired her novel, "Friday's Harbor"; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.

WEDNESDAY mplements 8&lla c '3vl Fcs'rPe'J

FAMILY NATURE HIKE: Join a naturalist for a hike around Sunriver, all ages; free with admission, $4 adults, $3 for children, free for members;10:30 a.m.-12:30

70 SW Century Dr., Ste. 145 Bend, OR 97702• 541-322-7337 complementshomeinteriors.com




Weekly Arts Sr Entertainment In






2690 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend;541-318-7242 • ONCE UPON ASTORYTIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Friday. I


t' I I


19530 Amber MeadowDrive, Bend; 541-388-1188 • STORY TIME: All ages; 11 a.m.Thursday. 'lI


• •

j •

175 S.W.MeadowLakesDrive, Prineville; 541-447-7978 • PRESCHOOLSTORY TIME:Ages3 and older;6:30 p.m. Tuesday and11 a.m.Thursday. • WEE READ: Ages 0-3; 10 a.m. Monday and Wednesday. •


I •

• • $ •

601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7097 • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months; 11:30 a.m. Wednesday and1:30 p.m. Thursday. • TODDLIN' TALES: Ages 18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. and11 a.m. Tuesdayand10:15 a.m. Wednesday. • PRESCHOOLPARADE:Ages3-5;10:30a.m.Friday and 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. • FAMILY BLOCK PARTY: All ages; 1 p.m. Saturday. • PAJAMAPARTY:Ages 3-5; 6:45 p.m. Wednesday. • MUSIC, MOVEMENT & STORIES:Ages3-5;10:30a.m. Thursday. • ANIMALADVENTURES: Ages 3and older; with the High Desert Museum; 1p.m. Wednesday. • MIDDLEGROUND:Trash to Treasure; Ages 9-12; 4 p.m. Tuesday. •




62080 DeanSwift Road; 541-330-3760 • TODDLIN' TALES:Ages0-3;9:30a.m.W ednesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages 3-5; 9:30a.m. Thursday. • SATURDAY STORIES:All ages; 10 a.m. Saturday. • JEWISHTHEATRE COLLABORATIVE PERFORMANCE: Ages 4-13; classic humorous folk tales; 4 p.m.Saturday. • ANIMALADVENTURES: Ages 3and older; with the High Desert Museum; 9:30 a.m.Tuesday. • MIDDLEGROUND:Trash to Treasure; Ages 9-12; 2:30 p.m. Wednesday.







and library youth events




• For the week of April 4-10. Story times are free unless otherwise noted.



59800S.U.S.Highway97,Bend;www.highdesertmuseum.org; 541-382-4754 • Unlessnoted, eventsincluded withadmission ($12adults, $10ages 65andolder, $7ages5-12 freeages4andyounger) • WILD WEDNESD AYS:Ages7-12; treasure hunt;12:30 p.m. to close Wednesday. • BACKPACK EXPLORERS:Ages3-4; exploremuseum'sanimal habitat, sharestoriesand songs;10to11 a m.Thursday; $15 per child nonmembers,$10perchildmembers. • TOTALLYTOUCHABLE TALES:Ages 2-5; storytelling about animals andpeople ofthe HighDesert;10:30a.m. Tuesday. I


• I •


241 S.W.Seventh St., Madras; 541-475-3351 • BABIES AND TODDLERS STORYTIME:10:10a.m.Tuesday. • PRESCHOOLAND OLDER STORY TIME: Ages3-5;10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.Tuesday. • SPANISHSTORYTIME: All ages; 1 p.m.Wednesday. •

$ •





Campaign to Prevent Child Abuse

16425 First St.; 541-312-1090 • FAMILY STORY TIME: Aii ages; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. • ANIMAL ADVENTURES: Ages 3 and older; with the High Desert Museum12:30 p.m. Monday. I


I '



827 S.W. DeschutesAve.; 541-312-1054 • MOTHER GOOSEANDMORE:Ages 0-2; 10:15a.m. and11 a.m.Thursday. • PRESCHOOLPARADE:Ages3-5;945am. and1pm. Wednesday. • FIESTA DEPIJAMAS ENESPANOL: Ages0-5;6pm.Tuesday. • ANIMALADVENTURES: Ages3and older; with the High Desert Museum; 10a.m.Monday. • MUSIC, MOVEMENT & STORIES:Ages3-5;10:15a.m. Wednesday. •


J •


To make sure your children are safe online, keep the family computer in an area where you can monitor their internet usage.

kidscenter.org 541-383-5958

110 N. CedarSt.; 541-312-1070 • FAMILY FUNSTORYTIME:Ages0-5;10:30a.m.Thursday. •


• • $ •

56855 Venture Lane;541-3v12-1080 • FAMILY FUN STORYTIME:Ages 0-5; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday • KNOW FUN. KNOW GAMES: Allages;2 p.m.Friday.

QKIDS Center

East Cascade Women's Group Supporting the Health and Well-Being of Women of All Ages.




Email information for the Pets Calendar at least 10days before publication to communityli fe@bendbulletin.com, or click on "Submit an Event"at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly.Contact: 541-383-0351.




Submitted photo

Consider a 'teenage' cat Meet Harry, oneof the dozenor so "teenage" kittens (underayear) now available toadopt at Cat Rescue,Adoption and FosterTeam.Heis playful, social and definitely readyfor a homeof his own. Visit him at CatRescue,Adoption and Foster Team, orcall 541-389-8420 or visit www.craftcats.org.



GIRL POWER FORPETS!: Cat and dog portraits created by middle-school girls will be auctioned off; proceeds benefit the Bend Spay 8 Neuter Program and The Boys 8 Girls Club of Central Oregon; free; 5-9 p.m.; Starbucks, 812 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-382-9438 or www.bendsnip.org/events.

BEND DOODLE CLUB PLAYDATE: 10a.m.; Pine Nursery Park,3750 N.E Purcell Blvd.; www.meetup.com/Bend-Doodle-Club.

SATURDAY NATIONALADOPTION EVENT:Visit animals up for adoption and looking for forever homes, animals brought by the HumaneSociety of Central Oregon; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-0510 or petco.com.

Bend SpayandNeuter Project; free, donations accepted; 5-9 p.m.; Chocolate Element, 916 N.W. Wall St., Bend;541-617-1010orwww.bendsnip.org.

• After more than 30

• years of golden retrievers, I just adopted a

5-year-old Boston bull terrier from a rescue. I have


DOG-TRAININGCLASSES: Beginning ofPuppy level 2, 6 weeks of classes, current vaccinations required, registration required; $99.95;11 a.m.LOW-COSTVACCINECLINIC: Vaccinate your noon; Petco, 3197 N. U.S.Highway 97, Bend; pet; cost varies; 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Petco, 3197 N. 541-382-0510 or petco.com. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-0510. HAMSTERDERBYRACE: Bring in your APRIL 17 hamster to race; free; 2 p.m.; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-0510 or A NOVELIDEA, LOCALDOGSTARS: Meet www.petco.com/hamsterballderby. therapy animals and volunteers, and learn the POURINGCATSANDDOGS:Featuring an stories of the local dog stars; free; 6 p.m.; East animal-themed raffle, wine wall and special Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. wine tastings and pairings; proceeds benefit


gotten to know the foster

mothers and I know some of my dog's background. Miss Lily Bean is a small Boston, friendly, loving, sweet, cuddly and fun, doesn't bark, an d

l o ves

people, children and visitors. I was informed she did not like other dogs. I have

only had one opportunity, when I introduced her to a Yorkie mix. She growled and tried to attack. I have friends with dogs and I would like to take her


"A well-run kennel

out to walk around where there might be other dogs. I have a fenced-inbackyard so she can run there. • The issue here is that • you were given an older dog that has a low opinion of other dogs and

Many pet owners know that traveling out of t ow n o ften

should not stink

prefers not to be around

oar in our e? i n ousi e eca e By Gregory Karp

means a bite out of their wallet because Fido or Fluffy has to be

boarded at a kennel, which can get pricey for extended stays. Of the $55.7 billion Americans spent on their pets in 2013, boarding and grooming accounted for nearly $5 billion, according to the American Pet Products Association.

them.Only she can change her ways if she is constantly

of doggy odors. ... All responsible kennel owners and operators will ask you about your dog's vaccinations and will require proof of certain shots."

exposed to many situations

with other dogs where she and her companions are together with no conflict.

To do this requires a lot of time on your part as well as the cooperation of friends

and family whose feelings will not be hurt if your dog shows any dislike of theirs. Taking her to a dog park to socialize with other dogs may sound like a good idea, but it really isn't, because those dogs all belong to

The main thing to k n ow

— American Kennel Club about boarding kennels is that recommendations they can vary dramatically in price and quality. It's not always an example Ask about extras of "you get what you pay for." So the wise choice for your

Find out the basics — if the

beloved pet isn't necessarily pricey boarding, which the

kennel requires you to bring food or whether it will provide food, for example. And ask about extra services. Many kennels will charge more for

American Kennel Club has

described as "bed-and-biscuit" resorts with grooming and aromatherapy. "There's really no relation between price and quality


strangers who will take of-

fense at your dog's antisocial behavior. The people who work with these rescued dogs really get to know them


me d i cations

before they adopt them out,

to an animal — maybe $4 per 'S' i e day — or, in the case of dogs, '( when it comes to kennels," providing extra e x ercise, said Robert Krughoff, found- which can cost an extra $8 or Thihketock er of rating service Consum- more per day. The kennel isn't exactly a place for your pet to make friends. Make sure there's enough room, indoors ers' Checkbook, which rates and out, for your pet. Kennel employees, however, should be friendly — toyou and your pet —bekennels in several markets Get it in writing cause it's a sign of how they might treat the animal when you're away.

and it sounds to me like they knew of your dog's

around the country.

again and ask if they think

Get a written contract, Angie's List advises. The contract

The cost of boarding a medium-size dog with basic care should state the price and who ranged from about $125 to is responsible for vetbills if your nearly $400 per week when pet is injured or becomes ill. Consumers' Checkbook conducted its undercover price

checks. And many of the lower-priced kennels provided top-quality service, according to pet-owner reviews. With smart research, you're likely to be able to find a kennel that's both reasonably priced and high-quality. Here's advice on getting good value when you board your pet.

Try it out

It's a good idea to accus-

tom your pet to longer kennel stays by first boarding the pet during a short trip, such as a weekend getaway, the Humane Society suggests. That allows you to work out prob-

lems before boarding your pet for an extended period.

Kennel alternatives

Herd the candidates

Pet-sitting can be a good choice, especially if you can and relatives for kennel rec- swap pet-sitting services with ommendations. But r e a lize a fellow pet owner for free. A You can ask local friends

that's a small sample size.

For a

for her where she was the

only dog. I would contact them

trying to socialize her, • Are resting boards and bedding provided to allow dogs to rest off the concrete floor? • Are cats housed awayfrom dogs? • Is there enough spacefor cats to move around comfortably? • Is there enough spacebetween the litter box and food bowls? • How often are pets fed? • Can the owner bring a pet's special food? • What veterinary services are available? • Are other services available such as grooming, training or bathing? • How are rates calculated?

based on their experience

with the dog. — Marc Morrone, for Newsday

Where Buyers And Sellers Meet 1000's Of Ads Every Day



Source: "Choosing a Boarding Kennel," The Humane Society of the United States

In-Home Gue Servlcee

Care for loved ones. Comfort forall. 541-389-0006


staff member at your veteri-

Get ATaste For Food. Home Sr Garden

Your vet might have a more in- narian's office might be willformed recommendation. ing to stay at your house and b r o ader overview, care for the pet, as well as pick

consider using Consumers' up mail and water plants. Checkbook (Checkbook.org)


e u etin

541382-6447i2090NEWy ttC t i S 't 101 Bend OR 97701jbendurology.com

if it's available in your area, or

Angie's List (AngiesList.com). Both require subscriptions.

$~$U r olo

A Free Public Service

Yelp.com has free consumer

reviews, but you'll have to take comments with a grain of salt, as with many free review sites.

Be your ownwatchdog Check the Better Business

Bureau for complaints, online at BBB.org, but also consider touring the kennels in person.

Use yourhoundsenses Check for excessive odors. "A well-run k ennel should

not stink of doggy odors," the American Kennel Club says. Note the overall condition

and safety of the kennel and cages, along with the friendliness of staff members and how they interact with board-

Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, from 36 Counties

ed pets. The kennel should re-

quire proof of immunization. Ask about policies regarding flea and tick control. "All responsible kennel

owners and operators will ask you about your dog's vaccinations and will require proof of certain shots," the AKC says.

Know operating hours Kennel hours, particularly on weekends, are a common

complaint. If the kennel is closed Sundays, for example, you would have to pay for a Sunday-night stay even though you are back in town Sunday morning. "Sometimes, you can be kind of surprised at that," Krughoff said.




0 gggg •

ig or use the • l 33 0 QKg©Zgg) service to be automatically emailed of notices that match your needs.







~ t


worked hard to find a home

it will be worth it to keep

Finally:Asklotsof puestions Before boarding your pet at akennel, The Humane Society suggests being able to answer these questions: • Does the facility look and smell clean? • Is there sufficient ventilation and light? • Is the temperature comfortable? • Does the staff seem knowledgeable andcaring? • Are pets required to be current on vaccinations, including the vaccine for canine kennel cough (Bordetellaj? •Doeseachdoghavehisownadequatelysizedindoor-outdoor run or an indoor run and a schedule for exercise? • Are outdoor runs and exercise areas protected from wind, rain andsnow?

a ntisocial t h i nking





In season 4,'T rones'sti ic in u

i eces


episode (actually titled "The 7yrell (Finn Jones). Can sheuse the Lannisters are a little worRainsofCastamere")from sea- the marriage to "the Imp" to the ried about what he may have "Game of Thrones" son three. It was only the ninth advantage of what's left of her brought as a wedding gift. 9 p.m. Sunday, HBO of the season's ten episodes, family? But putting aside the deaths, but remains the most memoThere's yet another wedding marriages, betrayals and other By David Wiegand rable, not only because of the in the offing in season four, quotidian events in the Seven San Francisco Chronicle slaughter of major characters and given what happened last Kingdoms, the fourth season Um, spoiler alert? Oh why Robb, Catelyn and Talisa Stark season, it's eagerly anticipated: quickly announces itself as a bother? (Richard Madden, Michelle The sadistic boy king Joffrey significant transitional phase The title of the fourth season Fairley and Oona Chaplin), but Baratheon (Jack Gleeson) will in the unfolding of the epic: of "Game of Thrones" says it because the massacre left the tie the knot (probably several With so many major characters all. Yes, "All Men Must Die" perception of a significant pow- of them, but let's not get to the now gone, we can feel "Game and at this point, the only way er vacuum in the overall story. honeymoon just yet) with Lady of Thrones" moving forward, HBO's great and addictive epic The fourth season opens Margaery 7yrell (Natalie Dor- not only with new players such could shock us would be to air with questions about whether mer). No one would ever nom- as the Red Viper, but with the a season without the death of at the Starks can still wield influ- inate Joffrey as husband of the younger generation assuming least one major character. ence inthe Seven Kingdoms. year, but Margaery and her larger and perhaps in the fuAs "The Lion King" might Can Ned's bastard son Jon grandmother, Olenna, (Diana ture, pivotal roles. Evenwithout gettinginto speput it, it's the "Circle of Life" Snow (Kit Harington ) lead the Rigg), knowthevalue of agreat in the Seven Kingdoms of the family? Ned's daughter Sansa political alliance when they see cifics of what happens in season mythical continent of West- (Sophie 'Itrrner) has married one. four, we've already seen Sansa eros, the setting for the series 7yrion Lannister (Peter DinAdding to our anticipation move to center stage, not justbebased onthe series offantasy klage), but it is a political mar- of the wedding is the arrival of cause of her marriage to 7yrion, novels by George R.R. Martin. riage arranged by 7ywin Lan- weddingguestPrince Oberyn but also because she exhibits As the new season kicks off nister (Charles Dance) after he Martell (Pedro Pascal), a sexu- the kind of strategic intelligence Sunday, fans are still trying discovered the plot to unite the al omnivore known as the Red we would expect from a major to sort out the implications of Stark and Tyrell factions by Viper who has little fondness player. If her father's execution the infamous Red Wedding marrying Sansa off to Loras for the Lannisters. Naturally, didn't toughen her up, surely the

deaths of her brother and moth-

er have. Perhaps reluctantly, she has become a survivor. But even more fascinating is

heryounger sisterArya(Maisie Williams), who has already shown herself wise and self-re-

liantbeyond heryears. We also see other charactersevolving. The peaceable learn to play rough, previously self -assured confront selfdoubt, and Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen) and Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) havetogo on w ithoutkey body parts. For many series, killing off major some major characters

and having others change only happens because writers want to come up with something to renew viewer interest. In contrast, "Game of Thrones" isn't afraid of change: It's the

lifeblood of the series, and just one of the reasons we keep


PARENTS'GUIDE TO MOVIES effects and co-starring Hermione Rating:PG-13 for violence, disturb- Granger (Emma Watson) from the "Harry Potter" movies and Percy ing images and brief suggestive Jackson (Logan Lerman) from the content. "PercyJackson and the Olympians" What it's about:The Creator inspires Noah to build an ark and rescue the flora and fauna of Earth Good lessons/bad lessons: "A man isn't ruled by the heavens. A from a coming flood. " ' "" y"' Thekidattractorfactor:AwellViolence: Beatings, stabbings, known biblical tale, given special

of the biblical story, "Noah."

MOVIE TIMESTOOAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IIMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I

Dear Abby:My boyfriend and I beforehand so you wouldn't be put the principal of the schooL have been together for two years. on the spot. Dear Abby: My mother-in-law Dear Abby: I work at an elemen-

at a hotel, complete with dinner, drinks — the whole shebang-

tary school, and I help out during lunch,keeping order and making

that he organized. I know he was a little stressed

sure the kids are not too loud. Two

about money b ecause he mentioned

it. He asked if I could shell out some money, which I did, and when the bill came, he asked me if I could

watches my four kids so I can work outside the home. On the off chance

that she can't, she tells me mybrother-in-law will watch them. While I

of their moms work here. The kids appreciate her gesture of trying to are bullies and have "cover her shift," my brother-in-law no respectfor adults

is irresponsible, suffers from severe



depression and smokes pot.


cipline them or give like her leaving my kids with him.

When I try to disthem a time out, they

I don't want to be rude, but I don't Is there an OK way to tell her that,

go to their moms and or do I need to stop being "overpro-

shell out some more. I was a little

accuse me of targetingthembecause

upset because I wasn't planning on spending that much. He says he is going to pay me back some of it, and now I just feel bad. I told him I didn't enjoy being put in that

they areblack. Thenthe moms come — Mommy ofFour to meand complain andask me why Dear Mommy:It would not be I'm"targeting" them. rude to tell your mother-in-law that This is causing me a lot of stress. while you appreciate her watching I can't allow them to bully other your children, if for any reason

situation and things got awkward

kids, but at the same time I don't

quickly. want trouble with the parents. How Now I am the one apologizing, can I approach this situation withand I feel like I ruined our night. out it getting more complicated? Am I being a brat? — Schoolyard Morn in Florida — New York Reader Dear Schoolyard Mom:Because Dear N.Y. Reader:I don't think so. these women are preventing you If your boyfriend couldn't afford to from effectively supervising the pay for the romantic evening, he children, which is your job, you should have discussed it with you


should address this problem with

tective" and suck it up?

she cannot do it, you would prefer

to make your own arrangements for who will supervise them. If she asks you why, then be frank with her about your concernsall of which are valid. That is not being overprotective; it is being conscientious. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.o. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

** * A partner might be demanding, YOURHOROSCOPE of surprises. You will receive your fair as he or she seems to need a lot from By Jacqueline Bigar share of them, too. Sometimes you feel as you. It's up to you to decide whether this though a friend, relative or boss expects is manipulation. Express your irritation person's suggestion.You havethoughtso you to respond to him or her at the drop without upsetting the applecart. Avoid of a hat. You could feel manipulated as much about a project that you easily could being standoffish or withdrawn. Tonight: a result. Try working through this issue be blindsided and not seethe obvious. A close encounter. together. If you are Tonight: Start the weekend in style. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) Stars showthe kind single, you could CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * Others do whatever they need of dayyou'll have attract someone ** * Know when to kick backandnot to do to get your attention. You could be ** * * * D ynamic who is a lot like ** * * Positive yo u Being too sim-push so hard. A partner and/or an associ- shocked by what goes on. Be careful with ate could become unusually controlling. your funds, as someone you deal with ** * Average ilar could become You knowwhento say"enough." Recmightnotbeontheupandup.Afriend ** So-so irritating, though, ognize your limits, and let others clearly could be too assertive for your taste. To* Difficult and as a result, knowyour boundaries. Tonight: Make it night: So many invitations. you might decide to move on. Ifyou are attached, you often private. GAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) LEO (July23-Aug.22) ** * Pace yourself, and establish some find your sweetie putting on war paint. ** * * You have an opportunity to make m uch-needed Learn to air out problems when they boundaries.W hatyou do a popular decision. Do not hesitate, and begin, and both of you will be happier. with a situation could impress others. GEMINI makes you laugh. move forward. Keep others posted — that Realize thatyou don't need to start a is, if you want to continue this kind of disagreement — you just need to support ARIES (March21-April 19) yourself in what you want. Be sensitive to ** * * Return calls and make import- supportand interaction. You are more direct and fiery than you realize. Tonight: the alternatives. Tonight: In the limelight. ant decisions that surround your plans. Go with tradition. Someone youlookuptocouldcausea AQUARIUS (Jan. 26-Feb.18) problem. Realize what is happening: The VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * * B e playful and forthright in other party feels threatened and does not ** * Pressure seems to build quickly, what you do. Somehow, you will need to want to be dominated. Listen carefully to a and it could put you in an uncomfortable open up to the lighter side of life. You hear suggestion. Tonight: A must appearance. situation. Be aware of what others think, so manyproblems from so many people especi allysomeoneyouneedtoanswer that you could start to feel down. Listen TAURUS (April 20-May20) to what someone is sharing with you. ** * A lot has been happening, and you to. Avoid overspending when trying to straighten out a problem. Tonight: A force Tonight: Time to frolic. keep gaining new insights. Use some of to be dealt with. your intuitive ability with your interacPISCES (Feb.19-March20) tions. Listen to feedback that is heading in LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * You'll want to accomplish more; your direction, and focus on the risks of ** * * Confirm plans. You might need to however, a loved one could be very taking action. You will make anexcellent make a long-distance call or two. Somedistracting. Listen to news with an open decision if you do. Tonight: Your treat. one might notbeas responsive asyou mind and a more caring attitude. Do not fall prey to someone's manipulation. HonGEMINI (May 21-June 20) would like. Is this a pattern? You might ** * * * You're likely to attract someone want to resolve the issue or perhaps make or a change. Tonight: Say "yes" to being who has a different point of view and acrean adjustment to your plans. Tonight: Opt out and about. ative, unique approach. Goalong with this for something new. © King Features Syndicate

APRIL 4, 2014:This yearyou arefull

games, scenesandsongs from audience prompts. Aisha Tyler is the host. 9 p.m. on 6, "Hawaii Five-0" — Fans helped build this new episode, voting on key elements of the story, wardrobe, music and more. McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) and his team are on the case when the daughter of a macadamia nut tycoon is killed during Chin's (Daniel Dae Kim) high school reunion. The murder weapon is unusual, to say the least: a stiletto heel. Rob Corddry guest stars as a struggling magician, and Jorge Garcia returns as conspiracy theorist Jerry Ortega.

Courtesy NikoTavernise/ MCT

Russell Crowe stars as Noah inParamount Pictures' adaptation

Hi rice or a romantic ni t out We recently spent a romantic night

Proops asguest comics. They join cast regulars Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie in improvising

in the first half as Jimmy and Sabrina's (Lucas Neff, Shannon Woodward) new maid. Then Virginia's (Martha Plimpton) dad (guest star Jeffrey Tambor) comes to town with a surprise. Singer Kenny Loggins also guest stars in "How I Met Your Mullet; The Father Daughter Dance."

Language:None. Sex:Discrete, off-camera, suggested.

very young; OK for B-and-up.

Is It Anyway?" — Actor Darren Criss ("Glee") is the special guest star in this new episode, which also features Jeff Davis and Greg

("Downton Abbey") gueststars

drownings. Lots of drownings.

Drugs:Hallucinogenic tea. Parents' advisory: Not a sermon, but a well-acted epic that plays like a fantastical myth. A bit dark for the


9 p.m. on10, "Raising Hope" — The sitcom bids farewell with a one-hour finale. Lesley Nicol

This guide, compiledby Orlando Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, is published here every Friday. It should be usedwith the MPAA rating systemfor selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PG orPG-13 are included, along with R-rated films that rnay have entertainment or educational value for older children with parental guidance.


8 p.m. on 6, "Unforgettable" — New episodes return with "Til Death." Al (Dylan Walsh) suspects a link between the murder of a wealthy couple and aseries of homicides he investigated in the past but never solved. Heand Carrie (Poppy Montgomery) pose as a married couple inhopes of luring in the killer. Jane Curtin and Dallas Roberts also star.



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE (R) 3:30, 9:30 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE 3-0 (R) 12:35, 6:45 • 8AD WORDS(R) 1:35, 3:55, 7:30, 9:50 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 4:15, 6:30, 9:50,10:10 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER 3-D (PG-13) 1, 7:45 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THEWINTER SOLDIER IMAX3-0 (PG-13) 12:30, 3:45, 7,10:05 • DIVERGENT(PG-13) 12:15, 3:40, 6:55, IO:05 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG)12:10,3,6:05,9:05 • THE GRAND BUDAPESTHOTEL(R) 11:45 a.m., 2:45, 6, 9 • THE LEGO MOVIE (PG) 12:40, 3:25, 6:40, 9:I5 • THE MONUMENTS MEN(PG-13) 12:55, 7:10 • MR.PEABODY 8 SHERMAN (PG)12:20,3:10,6:25,9:10 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)1:20,4:35,7:20,I0 • NEED FOR SPEED(PG-13) 3:50, 9:55 • NOAH(PG-13) 11:50 a.m.,12:50, 2:55, 4:05, 6:15, 7:15, 9:20 • NON-STOP(PG-13) 1:45, 4:45, 8 • SABOTAGE (R) 1:10,4:25, 7:35, 10:15 • Accessibility devices areavailable forsome movies. •


McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • HER(R) 9 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)6 • After 7p.m.,showsaie21andolderonly.Youngerthan 21 may attend screeningsbefore 7 p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guadian. r I Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • AFTERNOON OFA FAUN:TANAQUIL LECLERCQ (no MPAA rating) 2:30 • THE ROCKET (no MPAArating) 8:15 • TIM'8 VERMEER (PG-13) 4: I5 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-l3) 3:45, 6:45, 9:30 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)4:15,6:45,9:15 • NOAH (PG-13)3:30, 6:30, 9:30

9:30 p.m. on HBO,"Bruce Springsteen's HighHopes"This new half-hour documentary chronicles the making of Springsteen's18th studio album, which went to the top of the charts in 20 countries after its release in January. Filmmaker Thom Zimny tells the story via behind-thescenes footage and interviews with Springsteen and collaborator Tom Morello. 10 p.m. on 6, "Blue Bloods"Danny and Baez(Donnie Wahlberg, Marisa Ramirez) investigate when a woman turns up dead from a lethal dose of lidocaine after having secret plastic surgery. Erin (Bridget Moynahan) attends a speed-dating event and meets an interesting fellow (Holt McCallany) whom she later finds herself opposing in court. O Zap2it

PurC 6m/6 CO.

>j B~ dU Bend Redmond

John Day Burns Lakeview

La Pine 541.382.6447


WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066

Adjustable Beds


G allery - B e n d 541-3$0-50$4

Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-l3) 4:45, 7:30 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 4, 7 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)4:30,7 • NOAH (PG-13)4:15, 7:15 Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) 6:20, 7, 9:15 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER 3-D (PG-l3) 4:05, 9:50 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 3:40, 6:40, 9:35 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG)4:35 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)4 • NOAH (PG-13)3:30, 6:30, 9:30 • SABOTAGE (R) 7: IO,9:40 •

Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) 4, 7 • NOAH(Upstairs — PG-13) 4:10, 7:15 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.


Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in today's 0 GO! Magazine

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RWS model 48 541-385-5809 (PNDC) 541-385-5809 .177 pellet 4x scope • Chandelier, n How to avoidscam I TheBulletin I $150; Remington 870 257 Serving Central Oregonsince 1903 22" diameter x 17 and fraudattempts CASH!! Wingmaster 12 ga. Musical Instruments high, 12 lights, For Guns, Ammo & gg'Beaware of interna$300; 80 rds 30-06 bronze 8 crystal, 212 Reloading Supplies. AP in M1 clips, $120 tional fraud. Deal lohas 6 arms (2 lights 541-408-6900. Antiques & 541-604-0380 cally whenever pos260 280 286 on each arm), sible. Collectibles Ruger SR9 9mm, (3) $300 obo. Estate Sales Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend • 9'Watch for buyers III'IIIISHHH 17-rnd clips, c ase, 541-923-7491 who offer more than Dark oa k 2 - d rawer clean, excellent cond, ESTATE / SHOP& Look What I Found! BIG SALE Sat. 9-4, dresser, curved front, your asking price and $400. Ruger 10/22, TOOL SALE You'll find a little bit of Decor, fishing, tools, who ask to have $250. White wicker DO YOU HAVE s imulated stoc k , Beautiful Lowrey Guns, ammo, Jet everything in too much to list. Dining table money wired or baby cri b un i que SOMETHING TO Simmons 3x9 scope, Adventurer II Organ woodworking tools, The Bulletin's daily 63111 De Haviland Beautiful round handed back to them. $250. Large dark oak SELL $150. 541-419-0438 mini metal lathe, vingarage and yard sale Absolutely perfect oak pedestal table Fake cashier checks roll top desk, $800. FOR $500 OR tage Farmall Super C section. From clothes Swiss 1889 Schmidtcondition, not a with 4 matching and money orders Surveryor's tr a nsit LESS? ** FREE ** tractor, flatbed dual to collectibles, from Rubin sporter rifle in scratch on it, about chairs, table is 42" are common. 1930-1940, orig. box Non-commercial axle, trailer with housewares to hard75 x 535 mm very 4-feet wide, does Garage Sale Kit in diameter and in YNever give out per$350. C ASH advertisers may ramps. Iots of other ware, classified is good cond i tion, everything! Includes Place an ad in The brand new condi541-923-5960 sonal financial inforplace an ad tools & household. always the first stop for Bulletin for your gacomes with 84 rounds a nice bench, too. tion, as are the mation. with our Fri.-Sat., 9-4, numcost-conscious custom ammo, $350 $1600 obo. rage sale and rechairs. Priced at "QUICK CASH YTrust your instincts USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! bers Fri. 8 a.m. Hwy consumers. And if firm, 541-233-9936 541-385-5685 ceive a Garage Sale $300. 541-447-3342 SPECIAL" and be wary of 97 to La Pine, east on you're planning your Kit FREE! Door-to-door selling with someone using an 1 week3lines 12 Wanted: Collector seeks own garage or yard Rosland to 52485 oi' escrow service or fast results! It's the easiest high quality fishing items KIT INCLUDES: Dining table, glass 8 Ammon Rd. For more sale, look to the clasagent to pick up your ~ eweeka 2N & upscale bamboo fly DRUM SETS: way in the world to sell. • 4 Garage Sale Signs brass, glass pedestal, sifieds to bring in the info go to www.atAd must rods. Call 541-678-5753, merchandise. Ludwig drum set, 60 nx40". $450. Call ticestatesandappraisbuyers. You won't find • $2.00 Off Coupon To include price of or 503-351-2746 d rums only, n o Use Toward Your The Bulletin Classified after 11 a.m. a better place als.com The Bulletin en le iiem oi 9500 W EBY-300 auto a n d ~ hardware, 26" base Next Ad serving central oregon since1903 541-330-8177. 541-3%-5809 for bargains! 541-350-6822 or less, or multiple drum, 13", 16", and • 10 Tips For "Garage b olt, S h ar p 18 7 4 Call Classifieds: YOUR items whose total Sale Success!" Freezers (2) upright, Snowy woodland Birch 18 n toms, 14 n snare, *REDUCE 4 5-70, 45-120 a n d 541-385-5809 or CABLE BILL! Get an $40 ea. Electric dryer, does not exceed $500. REMO Mas40-70, REM 1100 trap tree stein, $100 firm. email All-Digital Sa t e llite $500. $45. 541-504-9720 ter Touch drum set, HUGE ESTATE SALE! classified © bendbuJletin.com 541-382-3487 12 ga., 870 12 ga., system installed for PICK UP YOUR drums o nl y no 428 NW 24th Pl., RedMarlin 308 MX a nd G ENERATE SOM E The Bulletin reserves FREE and programGARAGE SALE KJT at Call Classifieds at hardware, 22" base mond. Couch, recliners, 3 0-30 levers, W I N EXCITEMENT in your the right to publish all ming s t a rting at 1777 SW Chandler 541-385-5809 coffee tables, corner Vacation Home Estate drum, 8", 10", 12", Saddle ring 3 0-30, n neighborhood! Plan a $ 24.99/mo. FRE E ads from The Bulletin www.bendbulletin.com 13", 16 hutch, wine cabinet, and 18" TRE 64 270, 22-250 2067 Condor Ct, Ave., Bend, OR 97702 n snare garage sale and don't newspaper onto The HD/DVR upgrade for 3 complete bdrm sets, Sale! t oms, 1 4 Eagle Crest Resort (no ACK on WIN 70 acforget to advertise in new callers, SO CALL The Bulletin dining rm table & chairs, Bulletin Internet web- Fishing camp on North tion. J.P. Sauer 200 drum, $800. Both in Fri-Sat, 8-4. Large serving central oregon since1903 classified! NOW (877)366-4508. site. bumper pool table, tools. signs), excellent condition. Oak desk, new king bed, 30-06, REM SxS 12 10 Mile Lake. See ad 541-385-5809. (PNDC) Fri-Sun, 4/4-4/6, 9-4- misc furn, household a. and 10 ga. Ruger 541-410-4983 ProperHUGE SALE! No early birds! The Bulletin intiesRecreation items, men's sz L clothes. Reduce Your Past Tax Serving Central Oregon since1903 U 20 ga. skeet. .541-404-7595. Sat.8 Sun.,9to3, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Bill by as much as 75 H & H Firearms & Tack 2004 NE Rockridge Dr. 215 258 Percent. Stop Levies, 541-382-9352 541-815-1116 Door-to-door selling with G H E AT Liens and Wage GarLinda Collins Coins & Stamps Travel/Tickets fast results! It's the easiest nishments. Call The USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 288 MOVING SALE way in the world to sell. Private collector buying Tax DR Now to see if Advertise V ACATION Sales Southeast Bend Large amount of postagestamp albums 8 Door-to-door selling with you Qualify 64981 Hwy 20 West SPECIALS to 3 mil12-gauge reloadThe Bulletin Classified collections, world-wide 1-800-791-2099. Friday April 4 • Saturday April 5 fast results! It's the easiest lion Pacific N orthHuge Inside Moving Sale ing equipment, and U.S. 573-286-4343 541-385-5809 westerners! 29 daily (PNDC) 9a.m. to5 p.m. way in the world to sell. 21176 Desert Skies Pl., including: (local, cell phone). newspapers, six (Take Hwy 20 west towards Sisters. Turn left. Fri. & Sat., 8-4, MEC 9000G clock, states. 25-word clas- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Caution! Caution! Caution! Go to left, drive to off 27th & Clairaway. Grandfather 240 The Bulletin Classified reloader, lead, powTempus, 7' high, Busified $540 for a 3-day top of hill and follow up paved road to sale site!! der, primers, hulls, 541-385-5809 Crafts & Hobbies lova in-laid black wala d. Cal l (916) Door-to-door selling with Follow parking signs and orange tape!!!!!!! 290 wads 8 electric nut/ebony clock w/ba2 88-6019 o r vis i t fast results! It's the easiest Crowd control admittance numbers issuedat scale. Retail for over 253 Sales Redmond Area rometer, weather www.pnna.com for the way in the world to sell. AGATE HUNTERS 8:00a.m. Saleopens at9:00a.m. $2000; TV, Stereo & Video gauge. Antique oak Pacific Nor t hwest Polishers • Saws 1985 Winnebago 34' motorhome, $4,400.00, Garage Sale, Sat. 4/5, pendulum clock; misc. selling for$1200. Daily Co n nection. The Bulletin Classified only 66,000 miles; 8" Hot tub, you move!!; Circle 8am-5pm. MOVING! 541-420-3474 collectible plates. make DirectTV 2 Year Sav- (PNDC) Y silver mounted saddle; Circle Y riding saddle; Furnishings, kitchenware, offer. 541-647-1276 Repair & Supplles 541-385-5809 ings Event! Over 140 Lots of Horse Drill Team Outfits; Saddle blan- tools, clothing, etc. 3145 1 g 1 channels only $29.99 People Look for Information kets; Halters in nylon; Headstall; Two horse SW Timber Ct. Redmond a month. O nly Diblankets; 8' Totem Pole; King bed; Four leather About Products and recTV gives you 2 Services 241 chairs and ottomans; Desks; Clothing; Hats; Goodwin Estate Sale EveryDaythrough YEARS of s a vings Lots of glassware - black amethyst and sets of 2717 NW Forest Ct., Bicycles & The Bulletin Classiffeds and a FREE Genie dishes;Stemware and glasses; Books; Linens; Redmond Fri-Sat 9-4 Accessories upgrade! Call 1880 Seth Thomas clock; Christmas decor, lots; Very nice contents ... 1-800-259-5140. 260 Sunvision Pro Dressers and nightstands; Lots of l amps; washer/dryer, fridge, LEATHER CHAIR Women's 26" Megna Dy- Left Handed Stag (PNDC) Misc. Items 28LX Tanning Bed Treadmill; Patio table; Solar panels; Lots of bedroom sets, HideEspresso brown nacraft 15-speed moun- Arms AR15, Model Has only 300 hours, bottles dug in Mitchell area; Dog house; Chan- a-bed, trundle bed, 2 Ret a i ler. in very good conditain bike, blue, wide seat, Stag 15, L-3 EO- DISH T V (lamps have average tel bronze figurine; Nikken mattress; Papasan reclining loveseats, gation, lessthan 2 new cond, ridden 1 block, Tech ESPS2 red dot Starting ai frame; Frankoma pottery; Polaris Telescope; rage work bench, tools, 2012 Sim p licity life of 800-1000 hours years old. $250. $50. 541-389-1043 $19.99/month (for 12 scope w/quick deof effective tanning Horse collar mirror; Lots of prints and pictures; wood pallets, m idIn SE Bend mos.) 8 High Speed Gusto Hepa canistach mount, over usage). 1 owner, 242 Bar handle pull; Treadmill; Hundreds of other century birch dining set I nternet starting a t ter vacuum with 541-508-8784 2000 rounds of high great condition, attachments, extra items. This really is a Must-See Sale. Parking & hutch, misc. kitchen $14.95/month (where Exercise Equipment quality Federal 62 includes manual, is difficult, p lease f ollow d i rections!!! items, Pyrex, Kitch- People Look for Information available.) SAVE! Ask filter and bags, exc. g rain g r ee n ti p goggles & head cond. Retail $1500, Handled by: enAid, glass and much ProForm 380CSX sta- 5 .56/223 am m o . About SAME DAY Inpillow. $900. AboutProducts and Deedy's Estate Sales Co. m ore. See p ics a t stallation! CALL Now! Asking $700. tionaiy bike, all digital $2500. Cail fosee! 971-221-8278 (cell) 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves www.farmhouseestate- Services EverYDaythrough read-out, Iike new, $200 1-800-308-1563 541-350-7017 541-385-9318in Bend www.deeedysestatesales. com sales.com The Bulletin Classfffeds obo. 541-548-0324 (PNDC)










541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com



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Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities


Concrete Finishers S UBA R U . Establishment of Wanted! Employment List for Sales Roger L a ngeliers Firefighter/Paramedic Sales professional to Const. Co is looking Crook County Fire and Central for experienced ce- Rescue is establishing an Join l a r gest ment finishers. Full employment list for Fire- Oregon's ca r d e a ler benefit pa c kage, fighter/Paramedic. Indi- new S ubaru of B e n d. EOE. We E-Verify, viduals who meet the Offering 401k, d rug screen r e - minimum qualifications sharing, m eprofit d ical quired. A pplicants are invited to apply and split shifts and m ay come by the of- take the examination for plan, fice at 62880 Mer- Firefighter/Paramedic. A paid vacation. Experience or will trail. 90 cury Place to fill out complete job description day $1500 guaranfor Firefighter/Paramedic an application, or Dress for succall Steve is posted on the district's tee. cess to work in our s a lary 5 41-318-6200, o r website. Th e 476 d rug f ree wo r k ranqe is from $4,248541-948-0829 Employment * Wilbur Auction * $5,002 per month. Appli- place. Please apply cations will be accepted at 2060 NE Hwy 20, 8005 Old Hwy. 99 N Opportunities until Monday April 14 Bend. See Bob or (exit 129, North of Customer Relations Devon. Roseburg) Northern Energy / 2014. Contact: CAUTION: Crook County Sat. April 5, 5:00 pm Amerigas, the Ads published in Fire & Rescue Guns, coins, fishing, nation's largest pro"Employment Op500 NE Belknap Street tools, ammo, lots more! pane distributor, has Prineville, OR portunities" include Place a photo inyourprivate party ad (Guns sell at 6:30pm) an immediate openPRIVATE PARTY RATES employee and inde97754-1932 More information, call ing for a customer fofor only$15.00par week. Starting at 3 lines (541) 447-5011 Larry Hill, Auctioneer pendent positions. I chasing products or I cused, detail oriented www.crookcount Ads fo r p o sitions customer r e lations *UNDER '500in total merchandise 541-430-2689 or • services from out of • OVER '500 in total merchandise fireandrescue.com that require a fee or wilburauction.com representative for our I the area. Sending 7 days.................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 upfront investment No buyers premium Redmond, OR locac ash, checks, o r 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 must be stated. With tion. We offer com- H ELP W A NTED i n I credit i n f ormation western North Dakota. any independentjob *illiust state prices in ad petitive wages, paid • may be subjected to 14 days .................................................$33.50 Great Northern Ag is I FRAUD. opportunity, please time off, propane dis28 days .................................................$61.50 Garage Sale Special a pulse processing / i nvestigate tho r count, 401(K) savings For more informa4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00 icall for commercial line ad rates) seed facility in need of tion about an adveroughly. Use extra lan, paid holidays, staff. Full details at enefits package, and c aution when a p you may call www.greatnorthernag. I tiser, a team environment. plying for jobs onthe Oregon State com or call Customer service exline and never proI Attorney General's A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: 701-497-3082. penence, strong comvide personal inforOffice C o nsumer a Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. puter skills and a high (PNDC) mation to any source Protection hotline at l school diploma or BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) you may not have I 1-877-877-9392. GED required. Housekeeper wanted researched and 306 REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well Please submit part time, apply at deemed to be repuFarm Equipment resume' to The Pines at Sunriver. LThe Bulletin g as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin table. Use extreme oce.l e *lg 541-593-2160. ~ & Illlachinery c aution when r e bendbuiietin.com reserves the right to reject any ad at ameri as.com TRUCK DRIVER s ponding to A N Y EOE/A M/F/DN WANTED any time. is located at: (4) 5'x12' horse panels, online employment Juniper Swim Must have doubles $75/ea. Assorted waad from out-of-state. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. & Fitness Center endorsement. ter and feed tubs, call We suggest you call •Lifeguards Local run. Bend, Oregon 97702 Get your for prices. the State of Oregon •Swim Instructors Truck is parked in 541-923-9758 Consumer Hotline business Apply online today! Madras. 541-475-4221 at 1-503-378-4320 www.bendparks PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction Heavy Duty 6' 3 pt. For Equal Opportuandrec.org is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right blade, $450. Looking for your next nity Laws c ontact a Row l N G EOE to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these 541-771-1852 employee? Oregon Bureau of newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Place a Bulletin help Labor & I n dustry, N ew H o lland 2 5 5 0 with an ad in wanted ad today and Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. swather, 14' header Civil Rights Division, The Bulletin's Log Truck reach over 60,000 971-6730764. with conditioner, cab readers each week. "Call A Service Drivers 260 260 265 266 heat/A/C, 1300 orig. The Bulletin Your classified ad (Long 8 Short) for hrs. $29,000 obo. sern'ngCentral Oregonsince 7805 Misc. Items Misc. Items • Building Materials Heating & Stoves Professional" will also appear on logging company 1486 International, cab 541-385-5809 Directory bendbulletin.com heat/A/C, 5 4 0/1 000 in Florence, OR. The Bulletin Offers Wanted- paying cash La Pine Habitat NOTICE TO which currently Pto, 3 sets remotes, FreePrivate Party Ads for Hi-fi audio & stuRESTORE ADVERTISER Experience receives over 1.5 • 3 lines - 3 days dio equip. Mclntosh, Building Supply Resale Since September 29, nice tractor. $18,000. Call The Bulletin At DELIVERYDEX required, CDL, million page views • Private Party Only Quality at 1991, advertising for 54'I -419-3253 541-385-5809 JBL, Marantz, D yevery month at Phonebook Delivery current medical • Total of items adver- naco, Heathkit, SanLOW PRICES used woodstoves has Place Your Ad Or E-Mail no extra cost. HIRING 325 card. Great pay tised must equal $200 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 52684 Hwy 97 been limited to modAt: www.bendbulletin.com Bulletin Classifieds IMMEDIATELY 541-536-3234 and benefits. or Less Call 541-261-1808 els which have been Hay, Grain & Feed Get Results! in Bend. FOR DETAILS or to Open to the public . certified by the OrYear-round, Call 385-5809 Add your web address You must be 18+, People Lookfor Information Mixed Grass Hay, 1st PLACE AN AD, egon Department of long-term or place to your ad and readhave a valid driver's Call 541-385-5809 About Products and Environmental Qual- quality, big bales, 3'x3'x8', ers BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS your ad on-line at onThe Buliet/n's license, reliable employment. Fax 541-385-5802 Services EveryDaythrough Search the area's most ity (DEQ) and the fed- barn stored, $230/ton. bendbulletin.com web site, www.bend- transportation and proof Caii eral E n v ironmentalPatterson Ranch Sisters, The Bvlletin Classiffeds comprehensive listing of bulletin.com, will be of valid insurance. 541-549-3831 541-997-8212 Protection A g e ncy classified advertising... able to click through Paid by the stop and Trash Burner 261 real estate to automotive, (EPA) as having met automatically to your book delivered. $75. smoke emission stanmerchandise to sporting RBEIIDBI Call a Pro Medical Equipment website. Please call MECHANIC 541-504-9720 dards. A cer t ified goods. Bulletin Classifieds Whether you need a (425)736-7927 Field Technician ® Ux~(IM appear every day in the w oodstove may b e 9am - 4:30pm Auto Parts Immediate opportunity for identified by its certififence fixed, hedges print or on line. CounterpersonMonday - Saturday a full-time, Iourney-level, cation label, which is trimmed or a house Call 541-385-5809 Some automotive and to set up an informative highly motivated, self-dipermanently attached www.bendbulletin.com to the stove. The Bulcomputer experience orientation. rected Field S ervice built, you'll find required. We can train Technician. This posiMeet singles right now! letin will not knowprofessional help in The Bulletin from there. Starting Where can you find a tion requires exceptional No paid operators, terrlngCentrelOregonrince tgte ingly accept advertis- The Bulletin's "Call a Flatscreen Magnicustomer service, a curpay based on experijust real people like helping hand? ing for the sale of 528 fier Optlec Clearrent CDL a n d c lean ence. Send resume to Service Professional" you. Browse greet- view+ Prineville Habitat uncertified From contractors to viewer, magd riving record. M u s t Loans & Mortgages PO Box 960, La Pine, ings, exchange mesReStore woodstoves. Directory nifier for reading, OR 97739. Or drop off yard care, it's all here have a minimum of 5 sages and connect Building Supply Resale 541-385-5809 ears of experience with writing and viewing WARNING at Napa Auto Parts, live. Try it free. Call 1427 NW Murphy Ct. in The Bulletin's Need to get an eavy equipment in a for those who have The Bulletin recomnow: 877-955-5505. 541-447-6934 51477 Hwy97, in La "Call A Service field service truck. Must vision loss. $900 mends you use cauad in ASAP? Pine. (PNDC) Open to the public. Looking for your obo. (otheritems Professional" Directory have extensive experition when you proYou can place it ence in diagnosis and next employee? listed previously vide personal Find exactly what troubleshooting e l e c- information to compaonline at: Seeking attorney to sue have been sold) Place a Bulletin '® S U B A R Ll tronic and hydraulic sysPacific Power Corp. you are looking for in the www.bendbulletin.com Executive Director In Bend, call help wanted ad offering loans or Auto Sales tems. Basic computer nies 541-526-5664 541-480-6162 Kids Club today and credit, especially CLASSIFIEDS Sales professional to knowledge is required. Jefferson County those asking for adreach over 541-385-5809 Join Central Applicant must have the (Madras) vance loan fees or 60,000 readers Oregon's l a r gest ability to assume respon- companies Responsibiltties from out of each week. new ca r d e a ler sibility and communicate 267 include overseeing state. If you have Your classified ad effectively with customSubaru of B e n d. operations, supervis- ers and co-workers. Must Fuel & Wood concerns or queswill also Offering 401k, profit ing staff, managing be able to work overtime tions, we suggest you appear on sharing, m e d ical resources, working if needed. This position consult your attorney bendbulletin.com plan, split shifts and with board, WHEN BUYING or call CONSUMER will require some travel paid vacation. Expewhich currently fundraising/events. Call54 I385580f tsprOm OteyO ur S erV iCe4AdrertiSe fOr28 deyt Starting Ot'lfl pta Stgtl tettsttit not etersbfeseoornefgtsl HOTLINE, FIREWOOD... including overnight stays rience or will trail. 90 receives over For more info, visit 1-877-877-9392. To avoid fraud, day $1500 guaranwww.'ckidsclub.com in hote(s. Excellent pay 1.5 million page benefits. Wage tee. Dress for sucThe Bulletin Submit resume, cover and views every range dependent upon BANK TURNED YOU recommends paycess to work in our letter, and 3 referBuilding/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care month at no experience. Please send DOWN? Private party d rug f re e w o r k ment for Firewood ences by 5 PM on extra cost. resume to: Service Man- will loan on real esonly upon delivery place. Please apply 4/11/14, to tim@ NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon LandBulletin PO Box 10525, tate equity. Credit, no at 2060 NE Hwy 20, madrasattorne s.com ager, and inspection. problem, good equity law requires anyone scape Contractors Law Eugene, OR 97440 Ciassifieds cord is 128 cu. ft. Bend. See Bob or who con t racts for (ORS 671) requires all • A is all you need. Call Get Results! 4' x 4' x 8' Devon. Zope~Qua/rep businesses that adOregon Land Mortconstruction work to Call 541-385-5809 • Receipts should be licensed with the vertise t o pe r form gage 541-388-4200. Za~<da or place your ad include name, Construction ContracLandscape ConstrucThanService Caregiver on-line at LOCAL MONEyrWe buy tors Board (CCB). An More tion which includes: phone, price and Peace Of Nind bendbulletin.com Prineville Senior care secured trustdeeds & active license p lanting, deck s , kind of wood h ome l ooking f o r note, some hard money purchased. means the contractor fences, arbors, Caregiver for multiple Spring Clean Up loans. Call Pat Kellev is bonded & insured. water-features, and in- • Firewood ads Check out the 541-382-3099 ext.13. •Leaves s hifts, p art-time t o Administrative Assistant MUST include Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of irclassifieds online full-time. Pass •Cones CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be species & cost per Real estate investor loan •Needles www.hirealicensedl icensed w it h th e cord to better serve www.bendbuttetin.com criminal background Provides administrative support to the IS deneeded. Investor will check. 541-447-5773. partment. Duties include data entry; answer•Debris Hauling contractor.com Landscape ContracUpdated daily our customers. pay 7% on a $40,000 ing phones; responding to questions and reor call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit to $60,000 loan sequest for information; accounts payable; Weed Free Bark The Bulletin recomnumber is to be inThe Bulletin cured by First Trust Clerical/Office education and travel coordination; scheduling & Flower Beds Serring CentralOregon since fgte mends checking with cluded in all adverdeed. 541-771-4414 meetings and taking minutes; assisting with We are looking for a full-time employee that is the CCB prior to contisements which indiresourceful and self-motivated to assist a vendor communication and contracts; office tracting with anyone. Lawn Renovation cate the business has All year Dependable Good classified sds tell organization; and maintaining records. Some other t rades Aeration - Dethatching a bond, insurance and large staff and write daily clerical reports. This the essential facts in an Seasoned; person should like working in a fast-paced also req u ire addiOverseed workers c ompensa- Firewood: interesting Manner. Write environment and be able to meet tight deadRequires 3 years administrative experience; tional licenses and tion for their employ- Lodgepole 1 for $195 Compost knowledge of Microsoft Office; experience from the readers view - not certifications. ees. For your protec- or 2 for $365. Cedar, lines on a daily basis. Prior writing or editorial Top Dressing the seller's. Convert the making education and travel arrangements; tion call 503-378-5909 split, del. Bend: 1 for experience preferred. facts into benefits. Show strong written and verbal communication or use our website: $175 or 2 for $325. Custom Remodel & Tile Landscape www.lcb.state.or.us to 541-420-3484. Organization, flexibility and a high level of skills; excellent customer service skills; ability the reader how the item will T. Schellworth, Gen. Maintenance check license status help them insomeway. Contractor/Builder computer proficiency are essential. A solid to work independently, ability to manage time Full or Partial Service Dry, split Juniper, CCB ¹166631 before contracting with and multiple priorities; and ability to work with This knowledge of keyboard short-cuts and a typ• Mowing .Edging $190/cord. Multi-cordthe business. Persons all staff levels. 541-588-0958 ing speed of at least 50 WPM is required. advertising tip •Pruning eWeeding doing lan d scape discounts, & 7/a cords brought toyou by Sprinkler Adjustments maintenance do not avail. Immediate deAbility to work for long periods of time doing Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent Debris Removal r equire an LCB l i - livery! 541-408-6193 The Bulletin customer service and over 400 stores in the detail-oriented work is necessary. This perServingCenlrsl Cregon race lgtg Fertilizer included cense. Northwest. We offer competitive pay, excelson must understand the importance of acSeasoned Juniper with monthly program JUNK BE GONE lent benefits, retirement, and cash bonus. STRUGGLING W ITH curacy and thoroughness in all duties. $150/ cord rounds; Aeration/Dethatching I Haul Away FREE Please go towww.lesschwab.com to apply. YOUR M O R TGAGE 1-time or Weekly Services $170/ cord split. Weekly, monthly For Salvage. Also Applications will be accepted through April 9, Excellent customer service and interpersonal Delivered in Central and worried about Ask about FREEadded or one time service. Cleanups & Cleanouts 2014. No phone calls please. skills are required. Must enjoy working with foreclosure? Reduce svcs w/seasonal contract! OR, since 1970! Call Mel, 541-389-8107 the public. College degree or previous office Bonded 8 Insured. eves, 541-420-4379 your mortgage & save EXPERIENCED EOE experience preferred. Pre-employment drug COLLINS Lawn Maint. money. Legal loan Commercial 269 screening is required prior to hiring. Ca/I 541-480-9714 modification services. Domestic Services & Residential Free co n s ultation. Gardening Supplies Allen Reinsch Yard To apply, pl ease send a r esume to: Call Preferred Law Home is Where the Dirt Is Illlaintenance & Mowing & Equipment Box 20473443, c/o The Bulletin, 'I -800-335-6592. 9 yrs exp. in housekeepServing Central Oregon since 1903 Senior Discounts (& many other things!) PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 (PNDC) ing. Refs & rates to fit Call 541-536-1294 or 541-390-1466 EOE your needs. Julie & Home Delivery Advisor BarkTurfSoil.com 541-815-5313 Same Day Response Hovana, 541-410-0648 TURN THE PAGE or 541-726-1600 Villanueva Lawn Care. The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking For More Ads D ELIVERY Maintenance,clean-up, PROMPT General a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time 542-389-9663 The Bulletin The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturthatching + more! position and consists of managing an adult Handyman Free estimates. day night shift and other shifts as needed. We carrier force to ensure our customers receive 541-981-8386 currently have openings all nights of the week, superior service. Must be able to create and 573 I DO THAT! For newspaper everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts perform strategic plans to meet department Business Opportunities Serving Central Home/Rental repairs delivery, call the start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and Painting/Wall Covering Oregon Since 2003 objectives such as increasing market share Small jobs to remodels Circulation Dept. at end between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. AllpoResidental/Commercial and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a Honest, guaranteed CLASSIFIED ADVER541-385-5800 sitions we are hiring for work Saturday nights. WESTERN PAINTING self-starter who can work both in the office TISING! Reach Over work. CCB¹151573 To place an ad, call Sprinkler Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a CO. Richard Hayman, and in their assigned territory with minimal 3 Mi l lion Pa c ific Dennis 541-317-9768 541-385-5809 Activation/Repair minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts a semi-retired paintsupervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary Northwesterners. or email are short (11:30 1:30). The work consists of Back Flow Testing ing contractor of 45 with company vehicle provided. S t rong classified@bendbulletin.com $540/25-word classiERIC REEVE HANDY loading inserting machines or stitcher, stackcustomer service skills and management skills years. S m all Jobs fied ad in 2 9 d aily SERVICES. Home & Maintenance ing product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup Welcome. Interior & are necessary. C omputer experience is The Bulletin newspapers for Commercial Repairs, «Thatch & Aerate gerwng Ceneei Oregon since tgte and other tasks. For qualifying employees we Exterior. c c b¹5184. required. You must pass a drug screening 3-days. Call the PaCarpentry-Painting, • Spring Clean up offer benefits i ncluding l if e i n surance, 541-388-6910 and be able to be insured by company to drive cific Northwest Daily Pressure-washing, .Weekly Mowing vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but Lawn tractor, 2012 Crafts- short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid Connection (916) Honey Do's. On-time & Edging vacation and sick time. Drug test is required we believe in promoting from within, so Need to get an man w/all snow attach, 288-6019 or e m a il promise. Senior •Bi-Monthly & Monthly prior to employment. advancement within company is available to $1000. 541-318-1897 elizabeth Ocnpa.com Discount. Work guar- Maintenance ad in ASAP? the right person. If you enjoy dealing with for more info. (PNDC) anteed. 541-389-3361 •Bark, Rock, Etc. You can place it Please submit a completed application atten270 people from diverse backgrounds and you are or 541-771-4463 tion Kevin Eldred. Applications are available energetic, have great organizational skills and EXTREME VALUE ADonline at: Lost & Found Bonded & Insured ~Landsoa in at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chaninterpersonal communication skills, please VERTISING! 29 Daily •Landscape CCB¹f 81595 www.bendbulletin.com dler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be send your resume to: newspapers Construction Lost Cat gray/white tabby obtained upon request by contacting Kevin $540/25-word classiThe Bulletin eWater Feature 15¹ male, collar & tag 541-385-5809 Eldred via email (keldredobendbulletin.com). fied 3-days. Reach 3 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Installation/Maint. c/o Kurt Muller NW Bend. 541-385-5614 No phone calls please. Only completed applimillion Pacific NorthPO Box 6020 •Pavers will be considered for this position. No Door-to-door selling with •Renovations westerners. For more Bend, OR 97708-6020 Tree Services Lost Kitty, 6 mo. recently cations or e-mail resume to: information call (916) fast results! It's the easiest •Irrigations Installation neutered male, "Scooter, ' resumes will be accepted. Drug test is re288-6019 or e m ail: kmullerObendbulletin.com MR. STUMP BUSTER black & white, blind in left quired prior to employment. EOE. way in the world to sell. elizabeth Ocnpa.com Senior Discounts Professional Stump & Tree eye. 6 mi out Juniper No phone calls, please. for the Pacific NorthBonded & Insured Removal• 24 yra exp. Canyon, Prineville 3/16. The Bulletin The Bulletin is a drug-free workp/ace. EOE The Bulletin Classified SerringCenrrel Oregon since7505 541-815-4458 Insured - Free estimates! REWARD! 541-447-9866 west Daily Connec541-385-5809 LCB¹8759 Call 541-213-9103 or 541-604-1994 tion. (PNDC)

Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed.

Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

REMEIIIIBER:If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society Bend 541-382-3537 470 Redmond Domestic & 541-923-0882 In-Home Positions Prinevllle 54t-447-7tte; Looking for home health o Craft Cats aide, part time. No 54t-388-8420. experience n e cessary. 541-647-1276 275 Auction Sales

• . 3:00pm Fri.

• • 5:00 pm Fri •

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NEW YQRK TIME5 CRQ55WQRD will sbprtz


Sad conclusion By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency If your assumptions are wrong, your conclusions aren't likely to be too g o o d ei t h er . Su c h was demonstrated in today's deal. Against four spades, West took two high clubs (not best) and shifted to a t rump. South d r e w t r u mp s a n d assumed that the three-to-one odds would hold up,and one of the redsuit finesses would win. He led the queen of heartsfrom dummy, and West won and returned a heart. South w on and n ext l e t t h e q u een o f diamonds ride, but East produced the king; down one.

ACROSS i Modernday locale of ancient Nineveh s People down under? ii Exceeds the speed limit? i4 Exceed the speed limit, maybe is Company with an Energy Boost line is Minim iz Terse admission is It'll keep a roof over your head ao Fall, in a way ai Like a good lookout zz Bouillabaisse seasoning za They soar at the opera as When to do a pressing job zs Mitochondrionmade material, briefly

spade. You pass, the next player bids two spades and two passes follow. What do you say? ANSWER: You c ouldn't act a t y our first turn, but no w t hat t he opponents have stopped low, you can compete. Partner surely has some values, and since the opponents have a spade fit, your side probably has a fit somewhere. Double, which he should treat as for takeout. South dealer N-S vulnerable

NORTH 45Q1095



The play came to a sad conclusion for declarerbecause he made the wrong assumptions. If West held both red kings plus the A-K of clubs and shortness in spades, he would have acted over one spade. So South can assume that East has one red king. After taking tw o h i g h t r u mps, South must lead a low diamond from dummy. If East wins, South can play low, saving his queen, and l ater discard two hearts on dummy's A-J. If West had the king of diamonds, South could expect the heart finesse to win.

DAILY QUESTION Youhold: 458 QK74 0 9 8 6 4 2





QK74 098642 4AK87

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We s t North Pass 3 41 Al l P a ss

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( C ) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

systems 4aShakespeare sonnet mentioning Philomel's mournful hymns 4a Title for Liszt 4s Gigantic sa Text with Numbers s4 Patent ssCarlito's way ss Street view ss First name in popular shorts



O p e ninglead — 4 K

A A K 8 7. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens one

4i Some Windows



South 1 41 4 41

zz Back, to a shellback as Investments since 1975 as What a tropical tourist definitely doesn't want to bring home as It helps you let go 4o Many ofthem play at the Olympics



ss Bond bit so Coors Field player st Almost never sz Really dirty sa Try again s4 Salk Institute architect Louis













No. 0228







22 25










DOWN i From Galway, say a Cuts into a pizza, often aSailing through 4 Last thing seen by a proof reader? sSome Wall Street contracts BGoon 7 Exist abroad? s Applies polish to? BFlew io Squad cmdr. it R&B group with the 1972 hit "Back Stabbers," with "the" tz Proselytizers push it ia Pickle, e.g. is Finder's query zi Like some helmets and shields a4 Couldn't hit pitches az Singer who's a Backstreet Boy's brother as Sir James Galway, e.g. zs Dodgers' foes ao Hindu hero










49 5 0

38 39 40 41

43 4 4


46 4 7





55 58









ai Legions az Suffix with Edward aa It's around 6 on the Mohs scale a4 "The Lion King" lion as Get to a s "Let me ! " ar Philatelic goals

4a When the first dogwatch ends 44 It's not a cheap shot 4s Bombers' locale 4s Spelunker's aid 47 Conjure 4s City with major ayenues named Cincinnati and Columbus

4BFirst name among socialites

so It means nothing si All gone sa Mann's man sT III-wisher ss Thai pan

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.



CerioaCltj7 Thif iC tke beLt picture tJou have of' tjottr aelf'?

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively. SOLUTION TO i4


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* *

LQS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis DOWN 1 Not where it's expected to be 2 Windsor resident 3 Scholarly milieu 4 With 20-Across,

ACROSS 1 Biblical kingdom



~q~HOu) LSK DOSc %









2014 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

E-m8il: bholbrook1@gmaII.Com

httP: W .safeh8VenscomIC.Com


7 wAs

22 See 8-Down 24 Dander

25 Some tech sch. grads




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8 5





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Sea 5 Blue 8 Chew (oLlt) 12 Old empire builder 13 Construction materials 16 Donald's address, in comics 17 Like a dotted note,in mLIs. 18 Bob preceder 19 Tiny fraction of a min.

20 See 4-Down



nearthe Dead

26 Soweto's hore: Abbr. 27 Great time, in slang 28 Rain cloud 30 Fair ones 32 Julius Caesar's first name 33 Said 34 Tandoori bread 35 See 30-Down

36 Grilling sound 39 Macduff and Macbeth 41 Charity, e.g. 43 Slipped past 45 Sunday best 46 Soccer star



THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

55 Unscramble these four Jumbles,

0ne letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

Do You remember walkNi9 n I the Park on our 1rst dale7

Of course. 8 i444 44 ramantlc.

+ :— ;—: P

44014 THbune Content Agency, LLC All Righls Reeenred. C~

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FAI L54& IN LDVE AI4I2 SOIN& FOI3 WALI4.'5 TO&ETH5RNow arrange the circled letters

to form the surprise answe5 as suggested by the above cartoon. HERMAN" 0 iilughingStOCk InternatiOnal InC, DiSt by UniverSal 00liCk for UFS, 201 4

"The sporting goods store phoned. You left your hat on the counter."

5 Fine cotton threads 6 Awards named for a location 7 Kids' card game 8 With 22-Across, what red hair often does, aptly 9 Banner 10 Amtrak speedsters 11 Store with a star 14 Choruses 15 Queasy near the

Z3-Z3-EEZ3 (Answers tomorrow) S EEDY R E G R E T O BL O N G Yesteda 4 ~ Ju mbles: The PANIC Answer. animalband needed 8 new drummer, so they hired — DINGO STARR

40 Try, as a case

do some self-

41 Record


42 Seer's challenge aptly 43 Corrected, in a 53 W i th 52-Across, way trivial amount, 44 Dawn goddess aptly 45 Prefix with carbon 56 Equinox mo.


31 Pele'8 first name 33 Jackson follower 1


quay 21 Roman god 23 Earned 29 Squeeze plays involve them 30 With 35-Across, a financially sure

thing, aptly














S O L E A I A L 9

OOM L I 0 A S T L E E A D S 04/04/14 10


16 19







S i m b el, site of28 Ramses II temples 32 48 Michaels et al. 49 Galoot 50 See 51-Down 52 See 53-Down 54 'Was l o u d ?" 55 Having no room

for hedging

38 Malicious types 5 1 With 50-Across,

F L A S K S L E S L I E U N C U R L OD O R I H E R E O A G I L O R L O N T A A D V A N S T U D T H E R U P H A S E I T O E O N E V A M A R M B E H A T T L E E CO A X E R E N L I S T xwordeditor@aol.com

47 S E

2' i.-,,'


working again, aptly

46 Gallic girlfriends 48 Run n ing back Haynes, first AFL player of the year

35 1995 Will Smith/Martin Lawrence film 37 Running pair


23 27



33 34 39 43


35 40




57 '20s tennis great 50 51 Lacoste 58 Designer 54 Saarinen 59 Cynical response ss 60 Leftover bits 61 61 40th st. 62 Whiz By Kurt Krauss 63 "Over herel"


38 42

45 47



52 55






(012014 Tribune content Agency,LLc




Recreational Homes B o ats & Accessories Bxi9mlh & Property 12'1969 Searsalumrnum fishing boat, Fishing camp: dock, low hours on new 6 wave breaks, electric hp engine, with trailer to dock, f ully f u rand extras. Good nished, extra bunks shape!$1600. in pump house, by 541-382-2599 water only on North 632 10 Mi l e Lake . 15' Alaskan Apt./Multlplex General 541-404-7595.









Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Aircraft, Parts & Service

Antique & Classic Autos

Forest River Sunseeker ClassC, 24-ft - Double bed, roomy bath/shower, lots storage, oak wood, dining area slide-out w/ new awning. Micro, air, new flat screen TV & RV batt. On-board gen/low hrs, arctic pkq, full cover. Ford 450 V16, 36,300 mi, tow pkg, leather seats, no smoking/pets, sleeps 5-6 $31,500.

Tioga 24' ClassC Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater & air conditioning have never been used! $24,000 obo. Serious inquiries, please. Stored in Terrebonne. 541-548-5174

. 0 0



on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified 634

Apt./Multiplex NE Bend

Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.


Central Oregon, Prineville. Grandfathered-in one acre building sites on paved dead end road. Ideal summer retreats for snowbirds or year round living. Power & water, wildlife. Near to mtns, rivers & lakes. 6 miles to new hospital & shopping. $34,500. Terms. For sale by owner.


Spring is upon us! Like new, 15hp Yamaha electric start, always in the

garage, very very

little use, lots of extras. Special tongue so it fits in the garage. When new was $9200; selling$4500 firm. Call 541-504-8484 any time!


Gulfstream S u nsport 30' Class A 1988 new f r idge, 1 8' Maxum ski boat , 2000, FACTORY SPECIAL inboard motor, g reat TV, solar panel, new New Home, 3 bdrm, cond, well maintained, refrigerator, 4000W $46,500 finished w h eel$8995 obo. 541-350-7755 generator, on your site. chair lift avail. Good J and M Homes cond. $11,500 obo 541-548-5511

'iil ~


. •

2007 Winnebago Outlook Class"C" 31', solar panel, Cat. heater, excellent condition, more extras. Asking $58K. Ph. 541-447-9268 Can be viewed at Western Recreation (top of hill) in Prineville.

PUBLISHER'S 850 NOTICE Snowmobiles All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the F air H ousing A c t which makes it illegal Ads published in the to a d vertise "any "Boats" classification preference, limitation include: Speed, fishor disc r imination ing, drift, canoe, 1989 Yamaha based on race, color, house and sail boats. religion, sex, handiExciter, For all other types of cap, familial status, 2,000 miles, watercraft, please go marital status or naoriginal owner, to Class 875. tional origin, or an inalways garaged, 541-365-5809 tention to make any $600. such pre f erence, 541-480-7517 limitation or discrimiervin Central Ore on since 1 nation." Familial sta876 tus includes children Arctic Cat 580 1994, EXT, in good under the age of 16 Watercraft condition, $1000. living with parents or legal cus t odians, Located in La Pine. Ads published in "Wa Call 541-408-6149. pregnant women, and tercraft" include: Kay people securing cusks, rafts and motor 860 tody of children under zed personal 16. This newspaper llllotorcycles & Accessories watercrafts. Fo will not knowingly ac'boats" please se cept any advertising lass 670. for real estate which is 541-385-5809 in violation of the law. O ur r e aders a r e hereby informed that all dwellings adver880 tised in this newspa- 2005 HD Super Glide fuel injected per are available on custom, Motorhomes 7k mi, new tires, like an equal opportunity new cond. $9500 basis. To complain of 541-639-9657 d iscrimination cal l HUD t o l l-free at 1-600-677-0246. The toll free t e lephone number for the hearing i m paired is Beaver Marquls, 1-600-927-9275.

he Bulleti


The Bulletin

VILLAGE PROPERTIES Sunriver, Three Rivers,

La Pine. Great Selection. Prices range $425 - $2000/mo. View our full inventory online at Village-Properties.com 1-866-931-1061 687

Commercial for Rent/Lease

FXSTD Harley Davidson 2001,twin cam 68, fuel injected, Vance & Hines short shot exhaust, Stage I with Vance & Hines fuel management system, custom parts, extra seat. $10,500 OBO. Call Today 541-516-8684

Harley Davidson 2009 Super Glide Custom, Sta e 1 Screaming

Eagfe performance, too many o~tions to list, $8 00.


Fenced storage yard, building and o ffice trailer for rent. In convenient Redmond location, 205 SE Railroad Blvd. Reduced to $700/mo. Avail. now. 541-923-7343.

Kaetj &RmRs

l@e ©nlh

Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Limited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, new condition, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. $32k in bike, only $20,000or best offer. 541-318-6049

1993 40-ft, Brunswick floor plan. Many extras, well maintained, fire suppression behind refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar, $24,995. 541-383-3503

Best Motor Home Selection In C.O.! Over 40 New & Pre-Owned To Choose From! On the spot financing, low monthly


Over 350 RVs in Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value! Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-546-5254

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Homes for Sale


HDFatBo 1996

All real estate advertised here in is subject to th e F ederal Fair Housing A c t, which makes it illegal to advertise any prefCompletely erence, limitation or Rebuilt/Customized discrimination based 2012/2013 Award on race, color, reliWinner ion, sex, handicap, Showroom Condition amilial status or naMany Extras tional origin, or intenLow Miles. tion to make any such $17,000 preferences, l i mita541-548-4607 tions or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportu- Triumph Daytona nity basis. The Bulle- 2004, 15K m i l es, perfect bike, needs tin Classified nothing. Vin ¹201536. 750

Redmond Homes Looking for your next emp/oyee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5609 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com




$4995 Dream Car Auto Sales

1801 Division, Bend DreamCarsBend.com 541-678-0240 Dlr 3665

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Manufactured! Mobile Homes


Houses for Rent Sunriver

Generator Kubota 3500 Look at: gas, 60 hrs, $1000 Bendhomes.com CASH. 541-923-5960 for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale


Houses for Rent General



Bigfoot Diesel 32' 2006, Su per C Duramax di e s el, Allison trans., only 37K mi., do u ble slide, 5500 Onan diesel gen., to many options to list. Vin¹ 534032, $79,995. Beaver Coach Sales & Service, Bend 541-914-8438 DLR ¹3447


541-548-0318 (photoabovels ol a

similar model & not the actual vehicle)

'~,-~ ~> sl!5 Monaco Lapalma,

2002, 34'10" -Workhorse 8.1i Less than 18,000 mi, 5.5 Onan gen., 2 slides, 4 dr.

refrig w/icemaker, micro/convection oven, water purifier, hydraulic jacks, power pilot seat+ more options. Exceptionally clean. $59,900/make offer. 541-504-1008

C +XtE A T

% %K& X

National RV Tropical, 1997,

35-ft, Chevy Vortec engine, new tires, new awnings, 12-ft slide-out, queen bed, Italian leather couch and recliner, excellent condition. Ready to travel„ towing hitch included. $19,900. 541-815-4811

Navion IQ Sprinter chassis RV 2008, 25' Mercedes Benz diesel, only 24k miles, excellent condition, automatic rear slide-out w/queen bed, full bath w/shower, deluxe captain swivel front seats, diesel generator, awning, no pets/ no smoking.$69,500. 541-382-2430

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:


Just too many collectibles? Sell them in The Bulletin Classifieds


We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV

$10,999, 0 Down, $112 per month, 132 months, 5.75% apr, Tier One credit score, on approved credit.

Over 350 RVs in Inventory! Best Selection! Best Value! Visit us online at www.bigcrv.com Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-546-5254

TIFFIN ALLEGRO BUS 2010 - FULLY LOADED 40QXP 541-385-5809 Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles / Offered at $199K. Too many options to V ictory TC 9 2 c ! Fleetwood Discovery list here! For more information go to 2002, runs great, 40' 2003, diesel, w/a!I ww.m new w~ 40K mi., Stage 1 options - 3 slide outs, ~alle robus.com Performance Kit, satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, or email n ew tires, r e a r etc., 32,000 miles. trainwater157© gmail.com brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. Wintered in h eated shop. $64,900 O.B.O. or call 858-527-8627 541-771-0665 541-447-6664

Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390

overall length is 35' has 2 slides, Arctic package, A/C,table & chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at bendbulletin.com



• 34D, 2 slides • Tires 80% • Just completely serviced • 39,000 miles • No trades • $48,000 firm 541-815-3150

Winnebago Sightseer 30' 2004

For Sale with living r oom slide, 48,000 miles, in good condition. Has newer Michelin tires, awning, blinds, carpet, new coach battery and HD TV.$31,000 Call Dick at 541-408-2387

Tango 29.6' 2007, Rear living, walkaround queen bed, central air, awning, 1 large slide, $12,000. 541-280-2547 or 541-815-4121

Fifth Wheels

on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to

Komfort 23' 2010suyour ad, please conper clean low miles, tact us ASAP so that road ready!Exc. cond., corrections and any full slide, Irg cap. tanks, adjustments can be Thermal Max all made to your ad. Weather pkg, elect. aw541-385-5809 ning, elect. tongue jack, adjustable stabi- The Bulletin Classified lizer hitch, 25" flat screen TV, custom queen bed. Many more options, $1 4,795 Call 541-639-7738 or 541-903-1130 Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat 8 air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, fiOrbit 21' 2007, used nancing available! only 8 times, A/C, $14,500 obo. oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler Call Dick, hitch, awning, dual 541-480-1687. batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accesNeed help fixing stuff? sories are included. Call A Service Professional $14,511 OBO. find the help you need. 541-382-9441 www.bendbulletin.com

thing, new paint, 54K orig. miles, runs great, exc. cond.in/out. $7500 obo. 541-480-3179

Cessna 150 LLC 150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend. Excellent performance& affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007

Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, 2 slides, AC, recliners, walk-around queen bed, sliding glass door closet, new tub & 10-gal water 172 Cessna Share heater, good tires. Brand IFR equipped, new new 20' screen room avionics, Garmin 750 available. Super clean, 1 touchscreen, center owner, n o n -smokers. stack, 180hp. $11,999. 541-447-7968 Exceptionally clean

& economical! $13,500. Hangared in KBDN Call 541-728-0773

MONTANA 3585 2006,

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Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, 36-ft. Top living room, 2 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, entertainment center, fireplace, W/D, garden tub/shower, in great condition.$36,000 obo. Call Peter, 307-221-2422,

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Winnebago Aspect 2009 - 32', 3 slideouts, Leather interior, Power s eat, locks, win d ows, Aluminum wheels. 17" Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or p ets. L i k e ne w , $74,900

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0 0

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0 • I






M O V I E S: 'CaptainAmerica: The Winter Soldier' and two others open, PAGE 26





M.C. Escher's art comes to Bend, pAGE12




in ez



Cover photo courtesy Atelier 6000

Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377




Beau Eastes, 541-383-0305 beastesobendbulletin.com David Jasper,541-383-0349 djasperobendbulletin.com Megan Kehoe, 541-383-0354 mkehoe@bendbulletin.com Karen Koppel,541-383-0351 kkoppel@bendbulletin.com Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350 jwasson@bendbulletin.com


• "Zoot Suit Riot" on stage in Eugene • A guide to out of town events




Althea Borck, 541-383-0331


• Sassparilla at Pakit Liquidators • Saturday night adventure: • George Winston's "folk piano" • The Polish Ambassador visits • Gift of Gab plays intimate show • Dusu Mali is a taste of Africa • Back Alley Barbers at Volcanic • Punknecks are real country • Beats Antique returns • Harlem Gospel Choir performs

SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to:events@bendbulletin.com Fax to: 541-385-5804, Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702

ADVERTISING 541 -382-1811

Take advantage of the full line of Bulletin products. Call 541-385-5800. e


• New music from Future Islands, Shakira, • A review of The Row at Tetherow • News from the local dining scene JohnnyCash,The Hold Steadyand Kyli e Minogue


ttt Q

Q asl



• A week full of Central Oregon events

• The Midnight Ghost Train and more • A listing of live music, DJs,karaoke, open mics and more


e tn


• Match up your Final Four teams with their state's drink and nosh! • More news from the local drinks scene MOVIES • 26 • "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," "Tim's Vermeer" and "BadWords"open ARTS • 12 • COVER STORY: M.C. Escher exhibit in Central Oregon • "47 Ronin,""Anchorman 2: TheLegend • The Golden Eraof radio in Sunriver • One-man show explores expedition to Continues," "The Bag Man" and "The Antarctica Pirate Fairy" are out on Blu-ray and DVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in • Quilts go to "The Dog Stars" • Aft Exhibits lists current exhibits Central Oregon

• A listing of upcoming events • Talks and classes listing

DISCOVER THE VERY BESTCENTRAL OREGON HAS TO OFFER. The most comprehensive visitors' guide in the tri-county area, this colorful, slick-stock-covered, information-packed magazine is distributed through Central Oregon resorts, Chambers of Commerce, hotels and other key points of interests, including tourist kiosks across the state. It is also offered to Deschutes County Expo Center visitors all year round.

111 WAYS TO DISCOVER CENTRAL OREGON IS A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDEtc places, events and activities taking place throughout Central Oregon during the year. Both locals as well as visitors to the area will discover the services and products your business has to offer when you advertise in this publication.

PUBLISH DATE:Spring/Summer — Apr1l 28, 2014 ADVERTISING DEADLINE:April 11, 2014



eEI~RAl .OREGON The Bulletin 1777 SW Chandler Avenue Bend, Oregon 97702 541-38 2 - 181 1 www.bendbulletin.com



musie +i



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' fir4 fpjjj Submitted photo

Sassparilla will perform Saturday at Pakit Liquidators in Bend.

Ben Salmon /The Bulletin file photo

The local band Wilderness performs at Pakit Liquidators during the Bend Roots Revival last September.

• Bend's resale yard returns as musi a cvenue, but its main goal is to be acommunity space By Ben Salmon The Bulletin

clutter to get it ready to host the 2013 Bend Roots Revival, a three-

fter a c ouple of q uiet months, live music will

day celebration of local music

start back up Saturday at Pakit Liquidators on Bend's east

That event happened in September, despite terrible weather.


And Pakit hosted a handful of concerts over the winter until late


The show — featuring Port-

and art.

land-based roots-rock b a nd January, when Korish announced Sassparilla — is the first of three the space would go dormant Saturday concerts coming up at while he continued cleaning up the evolving home-improvement and working toward increasing resale yard at Ninth Street and Wilson Avenue. Portland bands

The Autonomics and A Happy Death will play Pakit on April 12, and popular blues-punk band Hillstomp will perform April 19. The short series is the latest

the 49-person capacity inside the

property's central building. Saturday's Sassparilla show will happen outside, on the south

side of that building. Pakit's outdoor capacity for the Roots Revival was 375, Korish said, and

he expects this weekend's crowd Pakit from charming junkyard won't approach that number. to rising art space, which began Meanwhile, he is continuing last summer when owner Matt to work toward upping Pakit's Korish and local musician Mark capacity for concerts and toward Ransom spent months cleaning filling in his vision for the propup the property'sconsiderable erty, which he describes as "a step in t h e

t r a nsformation of

a music venue but as a vibrant supportingavenue,"Robertssaid, community space that h ap - c i t ing his longtime relationship with popular l ocals pens to have room for What:Sassparilla Larry and His Flask concerts. Whee: 8 p.m. Saturday and once-locals The Together, they are "I juSt Want Where: Pakit Liquidators, 903 looking into the pros pa k jt t p Autonomics. " All t h e S.E. Armour Road,Bend and cons of running t j door (money) goes to P Pakit as a social club theband,andwe'rejust Cost:$5 for Rise Up, a nonprofWhere the tr ying to make enough Contact:art@riseupinternait, rather than a more Cpmm u n jty (in bar sales) to pay the tional.com business-oriented musound guy and hopefully have some money sic venue. left over to go back to marketplace pairing for-profit Korish has said all tp g e t h e r' the nonprofit for our companies and nonprofit compa- along he has no infer nies." The El Sancho taco stand estin owningabaror a educationalprograms." mf rt t / Korish said he conis already in place, and Korish concert hall. He wants said he's working with The En- Pakit to be a low-key an d C reate sider e d converting Pakitintoafull-timemuvironmental Center to establish place with the right and enjpy a "nonprofit community shop." m ix o f t e n ants a n d sic venue (he estimates Also in the works: An " urban room for Roberts to run if would cosf $25P,PPP), homesteading store" and a pro- his summer art camps ha ve l1ere ln but d ecided against it. "I'm not a nightlife duce stand, plus Pakit will exist and other events. gend " and operate as it always has, he B oth Korish a n d guy. That's not me," he — Matt Korish said. "I just want Pakit said. Roberts say the goal to be a place where the As far as live music is con- is not to m ake moncommunity can come cerned, he is still working with ey off the music, but Jesse Roberts,head of the lo- to provide it as a service to the together and be comfortable and create and enjoy what we have cal humanitarian and arts-ed- community. "That's how (Rise Up) started here in Bend." ucation organization Rise Up InternationaL in Bend ... trying to grow the mu— Reporter: 541-383-0377,


The two envision Pakit not as

sic scene and not worrying about





This weekend brings to Central Oregon one of the busiest Saturday nights in recent memory, with an eclectic slate of shows dotting

Below, we've created a handy flowchart to tr y to help you navigate the night. So choose your own adventure, nightlifers!

downtown Bend and stretching to Sisters.

— Ben Salmon

Hey! Start here! e •


• e

• r

I• • •


e •

s • •

s e•


Submitted photo

The PolishAmdassador •


Courtesy Andy Argyrakis

GeorgeWinston People have a wide rangeof opinions about the music of George Winston, from "beautiful instrumental-piano jazz, blues and folk" to "formless, eyes-glazed-over NewAgetreacle" and probably every shadeof gray in between. Presumably, sinceWinston is ahumanbeing, he wants people to like hisart. But that's different than caring whatpeople think, and Winston is into his fifth decade ofseemingly not caring much whatpeoplethink. Raised in Montana, Mississippi andFlorida, Winston was inspired byTheDoors to start playing the organ, thenswitched to solo pianoafter hearing stride pianists like FatsWaller. Herecorded his debut albumwith legendary guitarist John Fahey, and later developedthe gentle, expansive, seasonally themedsound he's perhapsbest knownfor today, which hecalls "folk piano." Winston hascarved out his own niche over the past 40 years, that's for sure. Andhe's very good at what hedoes. Whether you like it is up to you. GeorgeWinston;7p.m.Saturday,doorsopen6p.m.;$23$51 plus fees, available through the venue;TowerTheatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; wwwtowertheatre.org.

Gift of Gad The last three timesthat BayAreaMCGift of Gab played in Bend, he was at Liquid Lounge(twice) and the Century Center ballroom, both placesthat hold, oh, a few hundredpeople or more. Don't like that shakyestimate? Well how's this: They hold morethan the Dojo in downtown Bend. W hich iswhySaturday'sDojoshow byGab— one half of Blackalicious, part of theQuannumRecords crew, ridiculously talented rhyme-sayer — is sospecial. The roomholds around150 people.You'll get to see an underground legend ofthe West Coasthip-hop scene upcloseand personal. Gift of Gab, with LandonWordswell, Tim Hoke, HorthornLights andmore; 10p.m. Saturday; $10; Dojo, 852N.W. BrooksSt., Bend; www.dojobend .com.

squiggles are the icing, and In the modern world of electronic music, where the you get plenty of icing from guiding principle seems to be The Polish Ambassador. Dip "BASS ABOVE ALL ELSE," into his joyous Soundcloud to it's refreshing to read the hear what I mean. On Saturday, the Amfirst sentence of The Polish bassador will headline a Ambassador's bio, which insists "infectious melody is showcase of artists on the Jumpsuit Records label, paramount" in this music. including Saqi, Wildlight and One listen to the Oakland, Calif.-based producer's most Ayla Nereo. He'll also be joined by recent album, "Ecozoic," provides proof of that truth. The Liminus, who interprets Polish Ambassador works in music as visual art and video projection. Trippy, man. many of the samerealms as The Polish Ambassador, his contemporaries — skittering glitch-hop, deeply rooted with Liminns,Saqi, Wildlight and Ayla Hereo; 8 p.m.Saturdowntempo, global elecday, doorsopen 7p.m.; $15; tro-pop and psychedelic digi-funk — but he does sowith Domino Room, 51N.W.Greena sharp ear for melody. Bass woodAve.,Bend; www .facebook.comlstilldream is the cake here, but synths and strings and samples and .festival.




DusuMali Band Attention, lovers of African music! TheDusu Mali Band is here for you. No really, on the Portland-based quartet's Facebook page, it says, front and center: "Dusu Mali Band is here for you." Isn't that charming? Now just wait till you hear their music. Led byMali native Ibrahim Kelly — nephew of the legendary African bluesmanAli Farka Toure —the DusuMali Band plays bluesy rock that is heavily and prominently influenced by the undulating, addictive currents of traditional West African music. The group hasbeentogether since 2010 and had its world changed by a2012 journey to Mali and points beyond.Itcamebackandmadeanexcellentalbum, 2013's "Never GiveUp," which veers from gentle, rootsy lullabyes to wild psych-guitar excursions to droned-out rhythmic jams, all in the space ofone song. Kelly's emotional voice andcelestial guitar leads are a constant, reassuring presence. If "Attention, lovers of African music!" gotyour

Submitted photo

attention at the beginning of this brief, you knowwe don't get tons of this kind of stuff in Central Oregon. So take advantagewhileyoucan,OK? Bese Mali Band;8 p.m. Saturday; $8 pius feesin advance at wwwbendticket com, $10at the door, TheBeifry, 302 E.Main Ave., Sisters; wwwbeifiyevents.com.

• •



The Punknecks With The HornedHandgone, bands that combine folk, bluegrass and country with punk-rock ethos have beenset adrift. On Saturday, hard-travellin' duo ThePunknecks will land at Silver Moon, where they'll set up in the corner andpour on the twang-punk all night long. Jasonand PollyPunkneckliveon the road, and themusic they make used to be called simply"country music." Now country music is something else andthese two are the real deal. SaysJason: "We're not just doing it because welove it. We do it because it's our life." The Penknecks, with Boxcar Stringbeefl;8 p.m. Saturday; free; Silver Moon Brewing& Taproom, 24 N.VIf GreenwoodAve., Bend; www.siivermoonbrewing.com.





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e •


The Back Alley Barhers

o e e r O0 @


Leatherand fishnet and blood-spattered websites! Oh yeeaahh! The Back Alley Barbers are a scorching psychobilly band from Salem that's making its first trip over to Central Oregon on Saturday night. Thesefoursneering, tattooed toughs take old-school rockabilly (hear it in the slap of the upright bass) and inject it with punk-rock speed and biker-bar snarl. At the front of the pack is QueenPirate, whose duties in the bandinclude "vocals, effective leadership, throat-punches," according to the website, andwhosestrong, sultry voice is a revelation. Think Etta Jamesfronting the HorrorPops andyou're in the right dive. Check'em out at www .backalleybarbers.com. The BeckAlley Barbers, with AveryJamesendTheHillendales;9 p.m. Saturday $5; Volcanic Theatre Pub,70S.Irlf. Century Drive, Bend; www.voicanictheatrepub.com.

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ertt estrReNNtt~ 4




oto; Jill Rosell


APRIL 11 Turtle Island Quartet 16 Nature Night 18 Trivia Bee 23 U of 0 Music Fest 25-26 Bend Follies

MAY 3 High Desert Chamber Music 4 Family Kitchen

6 National Geographic: Cuba

T 0

11 Jimmy Webb8 Karla Bonoff I


W R E • •


• •






Hallelujah! Hadem Gospel Choir is inBend



t akes that concept t o a n other level. At www.harlem

gospelchoir.com, the f i r st thing you see is a quote from Pope John Paul II: "It is more than a show," he is quoted as saying, "it is a feeling." The pope! Not the current pope, but still ... apope! Whatever your beliefs, you have eye-catching than kind words from, like, Paul Keyboard Crumbs, the pop critic at the


Midsized Town Gazette.


Anyway, ol' Pope John Paul knows what he's talking


Gospel Choir has been spreading its brand of good news via contemporary gospel music, powerful voices and boundless enthusiasm. Membership

brings a strong and sense-tingling theatrical element to its shows. But instead of blood and guts andmayhem, theBay Area band's visual component

about. Since 1986, the Harlem

includes a creative stage setup and evocative costuming, and

is anchored by belly danc-

numbers inthe several dozen,

er Zoe Jakes, whose moves,

though the group tours as a nine-voice choir.

masks and more are nourishment for the eyes. The whole package is carnivalesque in

On Sunday at the Tower

Theatre, expect an evening of inspirational singing and


d ancing t ha t

Z 0


dian hippie-dance-party sort of way.

r e fl ects t h e

for hippiedanceparty



that post-Burning Man/Casca-

style of worship in American black churches and radiates the joyous energy of a soulful rock 'n' roll show. No need to Beats Antique returns break out your Sunday best here; wear something you can move in, and don't mind getWith their third Bend show ting sweaty. in three springs, the return of Harlem Gospel Choir; 730 Oakland, Calif.'s Beats An-


And like GWAR, Beats An-

tique's music is heavy. Now, al band GWAR stopped in Bend for a show in the fall. For a while there, a visit from

Oderus Urungus (R.I.P) and his band of monsters was as reliable as the first sighting of p.m. Sunday, doors open at tique tonight has me wonder- puffy jackets in September. 6:30 p.m.; $35-$45 plus fees, ing: Is this band Bend's new Now, we have three springs

I CO ~


GWAR'? Let me explain. For several

available through the venue; Tower Theatre, 835NW. Wall St., Bend; www.towertheatre .org or 541-317-0700.

in a row with a Beats Antique show; the 2012 and 2013 edi-

years in a row in the mid- to tions sold out, by the way. late-2000s, the shock-metLike GWAR, Beats Antique

0 'Q I

rumbling, raunchy thrash metal and punk. But if you've ever seen Beats Antique, you know that the band starts with a

foundation of ground-shaking bass grooves and then layers on playful and globally flavored electro-roots-funk. The result may not classify as metal, but it is undeniably chunky from your brain's pleasure centers right down to your



• '

• •

dancin' feet. Beats Antique has a new album out called "A Thousand

Faces — Act 2," and you can find a link to stream the whole thing a t w w w .beatsantique


.com. Beats Antique; 9 tonight, doors open 8 p.m.; $20 plus



the two bands are not heavy in the same way. After all, GWAR made its name on

stuff that'll send shudders

o CL •

(rap),The Astro Lounge,

(underground rap), Domino

to admit that's a little more


Theatre, Bend, www. towertheatre.org. April 11 —Sunspot Jonz Bend, www.astroloungebend. com. April11 —DJ Anjali and The Incredible Kid (global dance music),Dojo, Bend, www. dojobend.com. April 11 —KRand Alex Wiley

The Harlem Gospel Choir

~ IOl


Quartet (jazz),Tower

from critics, fans or o t her musicians.



April 11 —Turtle Island

Sometimes when you visit a musical group's website, you're met with glowing quotes about said group



feesin advance at www.bend ticket.com, $25 at the door; Midtown Ballroom, 51 NW. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www

.facebook.com/stilldream .festivaL — Ben Salmon

Room, Bend, www.facebook. com/slipmatscience. April 12 —Prince vs. Michael Jackson (icon sounds),Dojo, Bend, www. dojobend.com. April 16 —Wheeler Brothers (roots-rock),McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www.mcmenamins.com. April 16 —Tribal Seeds (roots-reggae),Domino Room, Bend, www. bendticket.com. April 17 —Lee KochTrio

(soulful Americana), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. April 18 —The Lowest Pair (folk),The Belfry, Sisters, www.belfryevents.com. April 19 —David JacobsStram(blues),The Belfry, Sisters, www.belfryevents. com. April 23 —Bombadil (Quirkicana),McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www.mcmenamins.com. April 24 —Dallas Burrow (country-folk),Dojo, Bend, www.dojobend.com. April 25 —8 Dollar Mountain (bluegrass),Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, Bend, www.silvermoonbrewing.


April 26 —Klozd Sirkut (electro-funk),Dojo, Bend, www.dojobend.com. April 26 —Motorbreath (Metallica tribute),Big T's, Redmond, www. reverbnation.com/venue/ bigts. April 26 —Pennywise (punk),Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www.randompresents. com. April 29 —Peter Rowan (bluegrass),The Belfry, Sisters, www.belfryevents. com.



going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at H bendbulletin.comlevents.

e O. O l3



TODAY CINDERBLUE:Rootsm usic;5-8 p.m.; Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards, 70450 N.W. Lower Bridge Way, Terrebonne; 541-526-5075. LOS RATONES: Rock; 6 p.m.; Jackson's Corner, 845 N.W. Delaware Ave., Bend; 541-647-2198. RAND BERKE ANDYVONNE RAMAGE: Roots-pop; 6 p.m.; Townhend's Bend Teahouse, 835 N.W. Bond St.; 541-312-2001. ISLES:Indie rock; 6 p.m.; Crow's Feet Commons,875 N.W. Brooks St.,Bend;

www.crowsfeetcommons.com. PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 6 p.m.; Pure Kitchen, 550 NW Franklin Ave, Suite 118, Bend; 541-383-8182. ALLAN BYER:Folk; 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Velvet, 805 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-728-0303. BURNIN'MOONLIGHT: Country;6:30 p.m.; Bend Brewing Company,1019 N.W. Brooks St.; 541-383-1599. HILST& COFFEY: Chamber-folk;6:30 p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe, 135 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-749-2010. CHIRINGA!:Latin; 7 p.m.; Hola!, 920 N.W. Bond St., Suite 105, Bend. DEREK MICHAELMARC: Blues;7 p.m .; The Blacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. IMPROV COMEDY: Triage improv troupe performs; $8-$12; 7 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-388-1133. LINDY GRAVELLE: Country-pop; 7-10 p.m.; Brassie's Bar at Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-548-4220. NIGHT OWL:Country-rock; 7-9 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095.

BOBBY LINDSTROM ANDFRIENDS: Blues; 7:30 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. DOWNHILL RYDERANDBRYAN BRAZIER:Roots-rock; $5; 7:30 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881. RAISETHE VIBE AND DJ CODI CARROL:Funk; $3; 8 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. TRAVIS EHRENSTROM:Folk-rock; 8 p.m.; The Hideaway Tavern, 939 S.E. Second St., Bend; 541-312-9898. VOODOOHIGHWAY:Rock; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. BEATSANTIQUE:Electro-funk; $20$25; 9 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.facebook. com/stilldream.festival. (Pg. 6) HOUSEWIVES'DELIGHT:W ith DJs Paranome,Swettand Rada;10 p.m .; Dojo, 852 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-706-9091.

SATURDAY LISA DAE:Jazz; 6 p.m.; Scanlon's, 61615Athletic Club Drive, Bend; 541-382-8769. PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 6 p.m.; Wild Rose, 150 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-382-0441. BEND COMEDY:Sean Mcbride

performs; $10; 7p.m.; Volcanic Theatre

• THE MIDNIGHT GHOSTTRAINI Fuzzy, scuzzy, skull-crushing rock 'n' roll. That's what The Midnight Ghost Train does. Don't be mistaken: This is not heavy metal. But it's heavy. And bl uesy.Andfullofsmokeandsludgeandpsychedelic swagger. TheMidnight Ghost Train's music is probably best described asstoner rock, with the growling vocals of SteveMoss enveloped in agrimy rhythm section and cranked up to11.According to the band's bio, someonecalled 'em "ZZ Toptrampled by mammoths," and if that's true, that person is a genius. Thebandwill play Volcanic Theatre Pub in Bend on Sundaynight. Details below.

DUSU MALI BAND: African blues-rock; $8-$10; 8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www. belfryevents.com. (Pg. 5) THE POLISHAMBASSADOR: Electropop, with Liminus, Wildlight, Saqi and AylaNereo;$15;8 p.m.;Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www. facebook.com/stilldream.festival. (Pg. 4) THE PUNKNECKS: Country-punk, with Boxcar Stringband; free; 8 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www. silvermoonbrewing.com. (Pg. 5) SASSPARILLA:Roots-rock; $5; 8 p.m.; Pakit Liquidators, 903 S.E. Armour Road, Bend; art@riseupinternational.

com. (Pg. 3) THE RIVERPIGS:Rock;8:30 p.m .; Harvest Moon American Grill and Spirits, 319 First Ave., Culver; 541-803-7709. CHARLESBUTTONBAND: Blues; 9 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. THE BACK ALLEY BARBERS: Punkabilly, with Avery James and the Hillandales; $5;9 p.m.;VolcanicTheatrePub,70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. (Pg. 5) FIVE PINT MARY: Celtic rock; 9:30 p.m.; M8 J Tavern, 102 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-1410. DJ HARLO: 10 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. GIFTOF GAB: Hip-hop,with Landon Wordswell with Tim Hoke, Northorn Lights and MoStafa with C-Legz; $10; 10 p.m.; Dojo,852 N.W .BrooksSt.,Bend;

Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive; 541-3231881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. GEORGE WINSTON:Folkpiano;$23$51; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. www.dojobend.com.(Pg. 4) Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. (Pg. 4) SUNDAY LINDY GRAVELLE: Country-pop; 7-10 p.m.; Brassie's Bar at Eagle Crest Resort, JIM JAM:An unplugged musical jam 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; in tribute to Jim Witty; all levels of 541-548-4220. musicians encouraged to participate;

• IT'S JIM JAM TIME AGAIN It's hard to believe it's beensixyears since the death of our friend Jim Witty, The Bulletin's former outdoors writer who died of aheart attack in 2008 atage50.Jim wasanuncommonly kindguywho always madetime to talk to anyone —even an indoors-oriented guy like me —about Central Oregon's abundance of recreational opportunities. He also loved music, andevery year, his friends gather at Silver Moon for anacoustic, all-abilities jam in his honor. That's happening again Sundayafternoon. Go pay tribute to a great dude.Details below.

free;1-4 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave.,

— Ben Salmon


Bend; mquon©quondc.com.

KIMKELLEY:Folk-grass, with Dave Ehle; 5:30 p.m.; Flatbread Community Oven, 375 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, ¹1 30, Bend; 541-728-0600. THREE QUARTERS SHORT: Rock and country; 5:30 p.m.; Jersey Boys Pizzeria, 527 N.W. ElmAve., Redmond; 541-548-5232. HILST & COFFEY:Chamber-folk; 7 p.m.; SWING LETTERS:Rootsmusic;7-9 The Hideaway Tavern, 939 S.E. Second p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop,1740 N.W. St., Bend; 541-312-9898. Pence Lane,Bend;541-728-0703. WEST WATEROUTLAWS: Rock;7 THE MIDNIGHTGHOSTTRAIN: Heavy p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis blues-rock, with the Hooligans; $5; 8 School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www. p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. mcmenamins.com. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. THURSDAY PAUL EDDY:Twang-pop; 3 p.m.; Strictly Organic Coffee Bar, 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 400, Bend; 541-647-1402. THREE QUARTERSSHORT: Rock and country; 4 p.m.; Kayo's Dinner House and Lounge,415 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-323-2520.


PAUL EDDY:Twang-rock; 6 p.m.; Rat Hole Brew Pub, 384 S.W. Upper Terrace ACOUSTICOPEN JAM WITH DEREK Drive, Bend; 541-389-2739. MICHAELMARC:6-8:30 p.m.; Northside THE CHIN UPS:6-8 p.m.; The Lot, 745 Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, N.W. Columbia St., Bend; 541-610-4969. Bend; 541-383-0889. ELLISPAUL: Folk;$20 donation, BACK FROM THEDEAD: Americ ana;6-8 reservation requested; 7 p.m., p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop,1740 N.W. doors open 6 p.m. for potluck; The Pence Lane,Bend;541-728-0703. Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 N.W. GREG BOTSFORD:Jam-pop;8 p.m .; Stannium Drive, Bend; 541-480Dojo, 852 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 8830 or houseconcertsintheglen@ 541-706-9091. bendbroadband.com. THREE QUARTERS SHORT: Rock and TUESDAY country; 7 p.m.; The Life Line Taphouse, 249 N.W. Sixth St.,Redmond. LISA DAEANDTHEROBERTLEE TIM SNIDER:Violin and loops; 7 p.m.; TRIO:Jazz; 5 p.m.; Northside Bar & McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www. 541-383-0889. mcmenamins.com. HILST& COFFEY: Chamber-folk;7 p.m .; ZACH RYANANDTHE RENEGADES: The Blacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W. Americana; $5; 9p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; www. INHALE:Reggae;$5;9 p.m .;Volcanic volcanictheatrepub.com. Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century • SUBMITAN EVENT by em ail ingevents© Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. bendbulletin.com. Deadline is 10 days before volcanictheatrepub.com. publication. Include date, venue, time and cost.


This Week's Open H ou ses




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Eh).f. EHI



musie reviews Spotlight:Future Islands



oHNNY cAsu



Shakira forged a bold, distinctivecareer in pop long before she reached the mainstream as a

judge on "The Voice." Her last album, "She Wolf,"

with the spiritual ("I Came To Believe") and the humorous ("If pop that stretched boundaries at I Told You Who It Was"). Sherevery turn, pullingtogether world rill keeps the mood light, even was a wild experiment in dance

beat, synth pop and whatever else

on darker fare like "She Used

Baltimore-based trio Future Islands recently released their fourth full-

fit in herunique, musicalview. On To Love Me A Lot,"an album her new album, "Shakira," how- standout. ever, she is more focused than Fans will find plenty to enjoy, ever on charmingthose who have induding two rollicking duets: a heretofore been unmoved by her cover of Hank Snow's "I'm Movin' On" with Waylon Jennings truth-telling hips. She starts with the megawatt and a sprightly"Baby Ride Easy" duet with Rihanna, "Can't Re- with wife June Carter Cash (on a member to Forget You," that sim- song previously cut by her daughply screams smash and follows ter, Carlene Carter). with one cleverpop twist after anAt the time, Cash was a deother.Sometimes, she recaptures cade beyond when he regularly new wave, especially in "Chasing released top country hits and a Shadows," which sounds like a decade prior to his creative resur-

length album, "Singles."

Latin Pat Benatar fronting the Pet

rection with the series of Ameri-

Shop Boys.

can recordings made with pro-


Courtesy Tim Saccenti


included. This persists, despite the apparent depth of feeling on


What made synth-pop so rad- "Spirit" and "Doves" or the lushical the first time around was its ness of "Like the Moon." Herring tension between dry delivery and nails the hurt, but never leavens it. "Singles" captures an eclectic ecstatic release, between true machines and true heart. Three de- band doubling down on one of its cades later, those things aren't in ideas, one which had been a high opposition anymore, so when one point of its last two albums, "On

B ut Shakira d o esn't s t op ducer Rick Rubin from 1994 until there. She teams up with fellow the singer's death in 2003. But

"Voice" judge Blake Shelton on the Country Music Hall of Fame the country-tinged pop of "Medi- member's love for good songs cine," which, to both their credits, shines bright on "Out Among the works out far better than anyone Stars." would expect. She heads into

Taylor Swift acoustic confessional territory in the lovely "23," though T-Swizzlewould never

—Michael McCall, The Associated Press

the Water" and particu-

try a line such as, "I used to think

er, it's news. them asunder on "Singles," its moody, pulpy

larly the strong "In Evening Air" (both on the Thrill Jockey Records label). But it's worth remembering this is a

there was no God, but then you Razor 4 Tie looked at me with your blue eyes Stereo matters on "Teeth and my agnosticism turned into Dreams," the sixth studio aldust." bum by The Hold Steady. The


band with v aried in-

ing to play it safe, she can't help guitar line on the right and a but let her freak flag fly. snare drum socking along with — Glenn Gamboa, Newsday it dead center, buttonholing a

a l b um . The

synth-pop s k eletons clinations, which peek here are alluring: "Sinthrough in a few spots gles"succeeds in accessing the on this album. Herring unleashunconscious pleasures associated es some deep,dark death metal with the cold percussion and com- growls on "Fall From Grace." And puter melodies of the early and he also raps, apparently. Maybe mid-1980s. his true pleasures are still waiting But then there's the frontman, Samuel T. Herring, more a moan-

to be unearthed.

er thana singer,who never quite

Fir Lounge, Portland; SOLD OUT; www.ticketfly.com or 877-435-9849. Sunday — Cozmic Pizza, Eu-

gets to the release on this album that, despite its adeptness, ulti-

ON TOUR: Saturday — Doug

Yes, even when Shakira is try-


Columbia Legacy Thirty years after getting shelved, a nearly forgotten Johnny Cash album is being made public for the first time. "Out

Among The Stars" may not rank with the legendary material that

mately comes off as restrained. gene; www.cozmicpresents.com or Sometimes, on songs like "Light 541-338-9333. — Jon Caramanica, House," his reserve takes on an almost British quality, accent The New York Times

made Cash an American icon, but it carries plenty of quality work typical of his recordings from the early 1980s, when these songs were originally cut. Working with producer Billy

Where BuyersAnd Sellers Meet

Sherrill — who at the time was


• • Classifte s wwwsensbusehn.mm

whose violent past associations are catching up with them. In

"On With the Business" — apparently not a legit businessFinn warns, "We should probably cruise" as he admits, "I said a couple of things that probably weren't technically true." Every

adverb counts. Over the past decade, The

Hold Steady built itself a unanimous blare of a sound: brawny barroom riffs that spanned the

keyboard-and-guitar solidarity of the E Street Band and the post-punk drive of Hiisker Dii. But in 2010, the Hold Steady's

keyboardist, Franz Nikolay, left the band and was replaced by a guitarist, Steve Selvidge, who now works in tandem with The

Hold Steady's founding lead guitarist, Tad Kubler, and Finn on

rhythm guitar. The shake-up — and a new producer, Nick Raskulinecz, w ho ha s


The HoldStea

arrives without the othFuture Islands, a Baltimore band, has split

erything's possible/There might be a fight, there might be a miracle." And there are narrators

album starts with an insistent

listener for five urgent seconds

w o r ked w i t h F o o

Fighters and Rush — reconfigures The Hold Steady from single-impact riffing to riff architecture that exults in stereo. — Jon Pareles, The New York Times

Kylie Minogue "KISS ME ONCE" Warner Bros. Records

When Kylie Minogue signed Jay Z's Roc Nation as her man-

before a second guitar chimes in agers, many wondered if she to fill the space on the left. It's an would be remade in Rihanna's announcement not only of the image in order to break in Amersong's first guitar hooks — with ica. But her new album, "Kiss Me more to follow — but also of the Once," makes it clear: Kylie don't way The Hold Steady has boldly play that. rebuilt its music from within. Pharrell's help on the disThe band's essence is still co-fied "I Was Gonna Cancel" the voice and words of Craig certainly raises the stakes, while Finn, an elliptical storyteller the EDM-tinged single "Sexerwho sings (and talk-sings) with cize" will raise temperatures as a robust grit that unabashedly she coos about bouncing and echoes Bruce Springsteen and getting it. Elvis Costello. However, while so m a ny "Teeth D r e ams"

e x p a nds dance divas feel the need to re-

Finn's roster of misfits and

creating top hits with George uncertain strivers. There are Jones and David Allan Coewomen who have been through Cash breezes through a well-se- a lotand are braced for more, lected series of songs, mixing like the compulsive party girl the sentimental ("Tennessee") in "Spinners" who decides, "Ev-

invent themselves with every album, Minogue sticks with what she does best — cranking out

one shimmeringdance anthem after another. — Glenn Gamboa, Newsday



rinks Two months ago, you likely threw a Super

(and booze-inary) regions to draw from.

So why not do the same Saturday for men's

Bowl party. You might've even offered some

college basketball's Final Four? The games

Below are ideas for drinks and eats from the

food andbeverages themed around the

begin at 3 p.m., they'll last well past dinner

homes of the last four hoops squads standing.

participating teams and/or their home cities.

time, and they offer twice as many culinary

— Ben Salmon


FloridaGators Gainsville, Fla.

UConnHuskies John Bazemore/TheAssociatedPress

Storrs, Conn.

Frank Franklin II /The Associated Press

DRINK:SCREWDRIVER/GREYHOUND Mix your vodka with orange juice andenjoy a screwdriver. Or mix your vodkawith grapefruit juice for a greyhound. Whatever. Just mix someboozewith something citrus-y and close your eyes real tight and —BOOM!— you're in Florida. If that doesn't work, put a little umbrella in something fruity and then nail plywood over your windows.

DRINK: PAINKILLER Identifying an iconic drink for Connecticut is tricky, but wesettled on a Painkiller, a cocktail that blends Pusser's Rumwith pineapple juice, cream of coconut and orange juice, with lots of fresh nutmeg on top. BecauseConnecticut is the Nutmeg State, of course! Youcould also makethis drink "ladies' choice" since theConnecticut women's team is usually better than the men.

EAT: KEY LIME PIE South Florida has lots of yummy regional delicacies worth exploring: Cubansandwiches, Floribbean slaw, fried gator. But Gainesville is a longwayfrom South Florida, both geographically and culinarily. So if you can't find somealligator tail to fry up to honor the Gators' 30 wins in arow, just go with Key lime pie. Becauseit's your party. And your party needs pie.

EAT: FLUFFERNUTTER White bread. Peanut butter. Marshmallow creme.That's it. That's a fluffernutter. This sweet sandwich, which dates back toWorld War I, is strongly associated with Massachusetts, but it's popular all over NewEngland. Why?Because: White bread. Peanut butter. Marshmallow creme. That's why.


Kentucky Wildcals Lexington, Ky.

David J. Phillip/The Associated Press

Madison, Wis.

Jae C. Hong /The Associated Press

DRINK: MINT JULEP Pay respect to college basketball's greatest program by drinking bourbon in the classic way: neat. We suggest Woodford Reserve, apremium bourbon made 20 miles from Kentucky's campus. Want to sweeten things up?Make amint julep and pretend you're at the Derby!

DRINK: MILLERBEER I know what you're thinking: Miller? Is that a newcraft brewery in town? Not quite. It's America's second-largest beer-maker, headquartered in Milwaukee. But it dominates drinking in Wisconsin, where they knowhow to drink. So takeoff your fancy pants and downsome, dudes.

EAT: HOTBROWN One of the most decadent foods you'll ever see,the hot brown wasactually invented in Louisville, home of theWildcats' archrival. No matter, this open-faced turkey and baconsandwichcovered in Mornay sauce, bakedandthen covered with tomato — is so good, it'll make friends out of enemies. Eatthis last so you cansee all of the second gamebefore your arteries harden.

EAT: FRIED CHEESECURDS If you've ever lived near acheesefactory, you might know what cheese curds are: Rubbery, salty chunks of cheese.Yum. Guesswhat? Brilliant Wisconsinites deep-fry 'em and serve 'em with ranch. Ohmy. Thetricky part here is you can't buy cheese curds in stores; they lose freshness quickly. Don't worry, the Tillamook CheeseFactory's only 200 miles away. Start driving!



heads up


what's happening?

Professionals whiskey plans launchparty April 11 The Summit Saloon 8 Stagewill host a launch party for Bend-basedProfessionals SpicedWhisky on April11. The party will run from 8p.m. till close andwill feature live music by local Celtic-folk-rock bandFivePint Mary, plus prizesand, of course, whiskey. The Summit is locatedat125 N.W. Oregon Ave., inBend. The Professionals website —www .professionalswhisky.com —doesn't have a lot of information, but aFacebook post from last August describes the company as"three professionals from Bend,Oregon(who) set out to create awhisky meant to bepaired with epic experiencesandgreat friends." Another Facebookpost, from earlier this week, describes thewhiskey as having "hints of vanilla andother natural flavors." Professionals SpicedWhisky is available at theEast Bend, BendNorth, Westside BendandSouthRedmond liquor stores. Formoreinfo, visit the website above orwww.facebook.com/ professionalswhisky.

Broken TopBottle Shop to host BeerGeekWeek


beerand aNewZealand Sauvignon

Joe Kline/The Bulletin filephoto

Organizers of Bend Brewfest, which will be held Aug. 14-16 at Les Schwab Amphitheater, released a partial list of participating breweries.

recent email from BrokenToppromises nine days oftastings with Central Oregon breweriesandfree live music. Beer Geek Week is plannedfor May 23-31. Keepaneyeon the shop's website, www.btbsbend.com, for moreinfo as it gets closer.

Bend Brewfest announces

Late Maymight soundlike along way 2014 festival lineup off, but it'll be herebefore weknowit. Summer is slowly but surelyapWhich meansit's nevertoo early to proaching, andwith it comes Central start anticipating BeerGeekWeekat Oregon's biggest beerevent, the Bend Broken TopBottle Shop 8 AleCafe in Brewfest. Bend. Details are still relatively scarce, but a This year's festival will be heldAug.

14-16 at LesSchwabAmphitheater in the Old Mill District.

Last week, event organizers released a list of breweries scheduled to participate in the 2014 festival. That list includes all the usual local suspects, plus local newcomers Juniper Brewing Companyand Wild RideBrewing out of Redmond, andNorth Rim in Bend. Other highlights: Payette Brewing Co. from Boise, Idaho; LogsdonFarmhouse Alesand pFriem Family Brewers fromHoodRiverandTheCommons Brewery from Portland. Seethe whole list at www.bendbrewfest.com.

Blanc; free; 3:30-5:30 p.m.; Newport Market, 1121 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend; 541-382-3940 or www. newportavemarket.com/calendar. BEERTASTING:Featuring Orlison Brewing; free; 4-6 p.m.; The Growler Guys — Bend Eastside, 2699 N.E. Highway 20; 541-385-3074 or www. thegrowlerguys.com. BEERTASTING:Featuring New Belgium Brewing from Colorado; free; 5-7 p.m.; The Growler Guys — Bend Westside, 1400 College Way; 541-388-4489 or www. thegrowlerguys.com. WINE ANDBEER TASTINGS: Featuring a tasting of selected beer and wine, with a discussion of wines and pairings; free; 5-7 p.m.; C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541388-1188 or www.celovejoys.com. SATURDAY SATURDAY WINETASTING: Sample local and international wines; free;1-2 p.m.; Whole Foods Market, 2610 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-389-0151 or www. wholefoodsmarket.com. WINE TASTING:Sample Argentinian Malbecs; free;3:30-5:30 p.m .; Newport Market,1121 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-382-3940 or www.




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(LccatedinsideWest BendLiquor Store)



gr 6 Seers OIrjIayt



• SUBMIT ANEVENTby emailing drinks@ bendbulletin.com. Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? Contact 541-383-

OIer 600 Snttleb Seers

• Over600Wines • Local Domestic &. ImportedBeers • Over1200Spirits, PremiumCigars


C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-388-1188 or www.celovejoys. com. WINE TASTING:Featuring Season Cellars from Roseburg; $1; 5-7 p.m.; Cork Cellars Wine Bar 8 Bottle Shop, 160 S. Fir St., Sisters; 541-549-2675 or www.corkcellars.com. THURSDAY WINE TASTING:Featuring Barnard Griffin Wines; $1; 5-7 p.m.; Cork Cellars Wine Bar 8 Bottle Shop,160 S. Fir St., Sisters; 541-549-2675 or www.corkcellars.com. WINES FROMITALY, PARTII: A tasting of four different wines from Italy; free; 7-8 p.m.; Whole Foods Market, 2610 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-389-0151 or www. wholefoodsmarket.com. BEER TASTING:Taste local favorites or beers from around the world; free; 7:45-8:45 p.m.;W holeFoods Market, 2610 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-389-0151 or www. wholefoodsmarket.com.


gregs grill '

wines andpairings; free; 5-7p.m.;

— Ben Salmon


WINE WALK:A wine tasting of Maragas Winery wines around town; with prize drawings; free; 4-6 p.m.; downtown Madras; 541-475-7701. WINE ANDBEER TASTINGS: Featuring a tasting of selected beer and wine, with a discussion of


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Submitted photo

"Sky and Water I," by M.C. Escher

Joe Kline I The Bulletin

A detail from "Three Worlds," by M.C. Escher.

• Atelier 6000 exhibit showcases M.C. Escher's brilliant mind, varied art By David Jasper The Bulletin

end artist Ron Schul-

tz put together a list of useful terminology for talking about renowned

20th century graphic

of perception, impossible compositions, impossible objects, defiance of the laws of the physical world, relativity, duality,

disappear back into, a drawing,


asks to be solved, but the solution is elusive," Schultz said.

Even if you didn't know he was talking about Escher, you

yet also capture still life in exqui-

site mechanical detail. "Each print is a p uzzle that

Along with other area artists,

list for this reporter: "paradoxi-

Of course, Schultz is talking

he researched and wrote several essays that will appear in the catalog accompanying the show,

cal, visual illusion, contradiction,

about Escher. A show of 21 orig-

which comes to A t elier 6000

dynamic equilibrium, the limits

inal prints by the prolific Dutch artist and printmaker opens tonight at Atelier 6000 in Bend (see "If you go"). It presents a rare

courtesy of a private collector

artist M.C. Escher. Last week, he rattled off the

could almost guess which artist the list referred to.

-firsthand the

who wishes to remain anony-

District in 2007 and became a

mous, said A6's interim execu-

nonprofit in 2011. " Original p r i nts" me a ns

tive director, Julie Winter. "It's a private collector i n the Northwest, and they want

inventiveness of a truly original artist whose influences included to share it with the communiEscher at work in his studion in Baarn, Netherlands. Submitted photo

What:"M.C. Escher: 21 Prints" When:Openingreception5:30-8 tonight; exhibit runs through May 31 Where:Atelier 6000, 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend Cost:Free Contact:www.atelier 6000.org or 541-330-8759

Escher "carved the wood, carved the plate, han¹inked it, printed it

himself," Winter explained.

Lewis Carroll. Like the writer of " A lice in

ty. They picked us to d o t h at

Maurits C. Escher was born in

through, and we're just really

Wonderland~ ~ cou l d bend and skew reality, although he did it visually, drawing a house full of impossible staircases leading up, down or sideways. He could make a lizard crawl from, and

grateful," Winter said. She credi ts ScaleHouse, a n etwork o f

1898 and created more than 400 original prints before his 1972 death. The exhibit showcases

creative collaborators in Central Oregon, as playing a key role in

Escher's skill in wood cut, wood e ngraving, l i thography a n d

landing the exhibit at A6, which


opened its doors in the Old Mill

Continued next page



Revisiting the GoldenEra of radio in Sunriver


after-school enrichment program

The story of how Shackleton and 27

at Three Rivers School. Tickets are

men survived on ice is a tale of hard-

available at the recreation center, or Sunriver Stars Community The- email dramama®comcast.net. ater will hold its next production, Contact: www.sunriverstars.org "Radio Star," today through Sunday or 541-593-4150. at Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic

ship, suffering, courage and fortitude. Tickets are $15 in advance from

and RecreationCenter, 57250 Over-



door (cash or check only). Contact: www.solospeak.com or

look Road. expedition to Antarctica Quilts go to'The DogStars' The show will be produced like a live radio program using authentic At 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Green- during A Novel Idea event scripts from "The George Burns and wood Playhouse, 148 N.W. GreenGracie Allen Show" and "Inner Sanc- wood Ave., Bend, storyteller LawQuiltWorks in Bend will host an tum Mystery." Singers will also por- rence Howard of Portland Story exhibit of quilts inspired by this year's tray Pearl Bailey, Bing Crosby, Theatre will perform his one- A Novel Idea community read selecPatsy Cline, Rosemary Clooman show aShackleton's Ant- tion, "The Dog Stars" by Peter Heller. ney and others. Showtimes are at 6:30 to-

arctic Nightmare: The 1914

Voyage of the Endurance," night, 6 p.m. Saturday and 2 about explorer Ernest Shackp.m. Sunday. Admission is $5 leton, who led three British today and Sunday; Saturday's Howar d ex pe d i tions to the Antarctic. show is a catered dinner and This year marks the 100th costs $25. anniversary of S h addeton's 1914 All proceeds from ticket sales expedition, when the Endurance will be donated to fund the schol- became mired in, and eventually arship program at FAST Camp, an crushed by, ice in the Weddell Sea.


ayeciaitg pi !i Bouticiue

www.solospeak.com or $18 at the

Whatgoesgood with BEER? Pesidesburgers 8r fries)

~l7 Stg oiLetsee

Cr a c kers acade with


BEER, Of COurSe.

Beev Flats Pi(sn.er ov Portev;..ov Both!

The exhibit opens tonight with

a 5-7p.m. unveiling and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at QuiltWorks, 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Bend.

The show will be up through April. QuiltWorks is also open to book clubs wanting to hold their April discussions or meetings in its space. Contact: 541-728-0527. — David Jasper

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From previous page "They're complex," Schultz said of Escher's works. "One of Escher's main motivations was showing people the limits of human eye-brain comprehension. What he was doing was creating these complex worlds

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on a two-dimensional surface that could not exist ... in the three-di-



mensional reality." Accompanying the show will be information about Escher's fascination with polyhedra models, 2-D patterns that can be folded into five-sid-

ed objects. A number of schools have already made plans to visit the

Executive Ranch Retreat

exhibit, and students will be able to

return to classrooms to put together polyhedra models Schultz is drawJoe Kline/The Bulletin ing for the exhibit. Ron Schuitz hangs an M.C. Escher print for the "M.C. Escher: 21 Prints" showat The show is a "great vehicle for Atelier 6000 in Bend. The exhibit runs through May 31. young people, or any age, really, to get into some of these mathematical

and geometrical concepts," Schultz

of perspective."

a whole different world."

Said Schultz: "You're going along and everything makes sense to a young age himself. Oregon artist and A6 volunteer Bar- certain point, and then everything "There was a certain time peribara Hudin.According to Hudin, suddenly flips. Inside becomes outod — I was living in Berkeley at the Escher was mainly interested in the side, and up becomes down. Water's time," he said. aI worked at a book- concepts of geometry, perspective running downhill and suddenly it's sard. He came to appreciate Escher at a

store there, and one of my jobs was

Schultz served as a curator of the

exhibit along with fellow Central

and shadows. "He was a master of

buying back textbooks from stu- those three things, over time," she dents. There was an abundance SBld. "Artists ... are interested in the of math, science and psychology textbooks that used Escher's illus- logic of space," Hudin said. aYou trations as a pictorial image of the have expectations of the position of concepts they were trying to com- objects. When you look at objects, municate. Early on, I sort of saw that your expectation is that the table is it was a teaching tool, even though going to be on the floor. In the dis-

at the top again. It's that kind of distortion of reality that demonstrates, to me, anyway, that we're always trying to — no matter what kind of


Prieate Retreat B Country Lieing

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artwork we're looking at — we're trying to make some sort of three-di-

mensional image that we can relate to.

"Really, it's just an illusion," he continued. "It's on a flat surface, and shadows, if you look up at the ceiling, it's not three-dimensional. It's sort of educated himself, through graphic you see the ceiling's darker. Escher living in these two different planes." — Reporter: 541-383-0349, techniques, to understand geometry, took those elements and completely mathematical concepts and the laws turned them around for us, giving us djasper@bendbulletin.com Escher wasn't himself a mathematician or a scientist ... but he kind of

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www.jillnealgallery.com or 541-617-6078. JOHN PAULDESIGNS: Featuring custom jewelry and signature series with unique pieces; 1006 N.W. Bond St., Bend;


ART ADVENTUREGALLERY: "AII Jefferson County Exhibition," featuring works by local artists; through April; 185 S.E. Fifth St., Madras: 541-475-7701. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring the artwork of 30 local artists; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building 19; www. artistsgallerysunriver.com or 541-593-4382. THE ART OFALFREDA. DOLEZAL:Featuring oil paintings by the Austrian artist; Eagle Crest Resort, 7525 Falcon Crest Drive, Redmond; 434-989-3510 or www. alfreddolezal.com. ATELIER 6000:"M.C. Escher: 21 Prints," featuring original artworks of M.C. Escher; reception 5:30-8 tonight; through May 31; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend; www.atelier6000.org or 541-330-8759. BANK OF AMERICA: "12 x 12 Block Challenge," featuring quilt blocks by the Undercover Quilters Book Club; through June; 552 S.W. Sixth Street, Redmond; 541-548-6116. CAFE SINTRA:Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright and John Vito; 1024 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYON CREEKPOTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters;


www.johnpauldesigns.com or


Submitted photo

"Sentinel on the Deschutes," by Marty Stewart, will show at Tumalo Art Co. through April. www.canyoncreekpotteryllc.com or 541-549-0366. CHOCOLATE ELEMENT:Featuring quilts by Donna Cherry, fiber art by Beverly Adler and glass art by Terry Shamilan; reception 5-10 tonight; through April; 916 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-323-3277. CIRCLE OFFRIENDS ART & ACADEMY:Featuring mixed media, furniture, jewelry and more; 19889 Eighth St., Tumalo; 541-706-9025. DON TERRAARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541549-1299 or www.donterra.com. DOWNTOWN BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring artwork based on the A Novel Idea book


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"The Dog Stars" by Peter Heller; through June 2; 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-389-9846. FRANKLINCROSSING: Featuring digital media by Dorothy Freudenberg; reception 5-8 tonight; through April 26; 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. THE GALLERYATTHE PINCKNEY CENTER:"Artists of Oregon: Michael Boonstra — Tilting Perspective"; through April 30; Pinckney Center for the Arts, Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7511. GHIGLIERI GALLERY:Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; www.art-lorenzo.com or 541-549-8683. GREEN PLOW COFFEEHOUSE: Featuring photography by Cory O'Neill in a silent auction to benefit children with cancer; through Saturday; 436 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; www. coryjoneillphotography.com or 541-410-7567. HOP N BEANPIZZERIA: Featuring landscape art by Larry Goodman; 523 E. U.S. Highway 20, Sisters; 541-719-1295. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE:Featuring works by Jill Haney-Neal;


Online bendbulletin.com

541-318-5645. JUDI'SART GALLERY: Featuring works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E. Hemlock St., Suite 13, Redmond; 360-325-6230. KAREN BANDYDESIGN JEWELER:Featuring custom jewelry and paintings by Karen Bandy; 25 N.W. MinnesotaAve., Suite 5, Bend; www.karenbandy. com or 541-388-0155. LUBBESMEYER FIBERSTUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Bend;www.lubbesmeyerstudio. com or 541-330-0840. MOCKINGBIRD GALLERY: "Inspirations," featuring mixed media paintings by Dawn Emerson; reception 5-9 tonight; through April 30; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.mockingbirdgallery.com or 541-388-2107. MOSAIC MEDICAL:Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite101, Madras; 541-475-7800. THE OXFORD HOTEL: Featuring photography by Jill Rosell; reception 6-8 tonight; through April 26; 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. PATAGONIA O BEND:Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; 1000 N.W. Wall St., Suite 140; 541-382-6694. PAUL SCOTTGALLERY: Featuring metalwork by Holly Rodes Smithey; reception 5-9 tonight; through April 29; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.paulscottfineart. com or 541-330-6000. PRONGHORN CLUBHOUSE: "Works in Oil," featuring landscape and wildlife paintings by Joanne Donaca; through May17; 65600 Pronghorn Club Drive, Bend; 541-693-5300. OUILTWORKS:Featuring over 50 quilt s based on Deschutes Public Library's A Novel Idea's "The Dog Stars"; reception 5-7 tonight; through May1; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIR GALLERY:"Emerging Artists 3," featuring artwork by local area high school students; friends and family reception 4-5 tonight; public reception 5-9 tonight; through April; 103 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; www. redchairgallerybend.com or 541-306-3176.

REDMOND PUBLICLIBRARY: "Synergy: Art and Literature," an exhibit of Central Oregon artist's

workwithanaccompanyingessay on their vision, with a highlight of Erik Hoogen's artwork to represent A Novel Idea's "The Dog Stars"; through April 25; 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. ROTUNDAGALLERY: "A Plein Air View," featuring landscapes by members of Plein Air Painters of Oregon; through May 2; Robert L. Barber Library, Central Oregon Community College; 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7564. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMING AND GALLERY:"Central Oregon and Beyond," featuring pastel landscapes by Nancy Misek; reception 5-9 tonight; through April 26; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERS AREACHAMBER OF COMMERCE:Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 541-549-0251. SISTERS GALLERY &FRAME SHOP:Featuring landscape

photography byGary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; www.garyalbertson.com or 541-549-9552. SISTERS PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring two- and threedimensional artworks by local artists based on Deschutes Public Library's A Novel Idea's "The Dog Stars"; through April 30; 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070. STARBUCKS:"Girl Power for Pets," featuring paintings by middle school girls from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Oregon; 5-9 p.m. today only; 812 N.W. Wall Street, Bend; www.bendsnip.org/ events or 541-617-1010. SUNRIVER LODGEBETTY GRAY GALLERY:A show of UFO (unfinished objects) quilts by a group representing the Mountain Meadow Quilters, with quilts honoring the late Judy Hopkins; starts Thursday through May 15; 17600 Center Drive; 541-382-9398. TUMALO ARTCO.: "April Mix," featuring landscapes by Marty Stewart; reception 5-9 tonight; through April; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; www.tumaloartco.com or 541-385-9144. VISTABONITA GLASS ART STUDIO ANDGALLERY: Featuring glass art, photography, painting, metal sculpture and more; 222 W. Hood St., Sisters; 541-549-4527 or www.vistabonitaglass.com. WERNER HOME STUDIO& GALLERY:Featuring painting, sculpture and more by Jerry Werner and other regional artists; 65665 93rd St., Bend; call 541815-9800 for directions.



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TODAY BADLANDS/SPRINGBASIN BIRTHDAY BASH:Celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Oregon Badlands and Spring Basin designation as a wilderness, with appetizers and live music; free for program; 5-8 p.m.; Oregon Natural Desert Association, 50 S.W. Bond St., Suite 4, Bend; 541-330-2638 or www.onda.org. FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and food in downtown Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9

p.m.. AUTHORPRESENTATION:BobWelch, author of "American Nightingale: The Story of Frances Slanger, Forgotten Heroine of Normandy," will give a presentation of his work; free; 5:30 p.m.; Warm Springs Library, 1144 Warm Springs St.; 541-475-3351. "RADIO STAR":Sunriver Stars Community Theater presents a play


PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Featuring unlimited pancakes, link sausage and a beverage; proceeds benefit the Redmond High School softball team; $8; 8-10 a.m.; Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar, 3807 S.W. 21st St.; 541-948-9501 or coachtom©bendbroadband.com. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LA BOHEME":Puccini's story of young love; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3122901. (Story, Page 29) AUTISM WALK: A walk, raffles, face-painters, crafts, bounce house, entertainment and more; $12-$14, $9-$11 for children ages 2-12, free for

I• TODAY High Desert ChamberMusic: The Crown City String Quartet performs.


children ages2and younger, registration

requested; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Highland Baptist Church, 3100 S.W. Highland Ave., Redmond; 888-288-4761 or www. autismsocietyoregon.org. JINGLE"SPRINGLE" BELL RUN/WALK FOR ARTHRITIS:Runners and walkers don holiday costumes for a 5K run and produced asa radio program; proceeds walk, a one-mile walk and a kids' fun benefit scholarships to Fastcamp for run; rescheduled from 2013; proceeds Three Rivers schools; $5; 6:30 p.m.; benefit the Arthritis Foundation; free Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & for spectators and 2013 registered Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-593-4150 or www.sunriverstars.org. participants, $25 for new participants; 10 a.m.kids'fun run,8:30 a.m.eventcheck (Story, Page13) in and new registration; Pine Nursery IMPROV COMEDY NIGHT: Triage improv Park, 3750 N.E. Purcell Blvd., Bend; 503troupe performs; $8 in advance, $12 at 245-5695 or www.bendjinglebellrun.org. the door, dinner available for additional SPRING BOOKSALE:TheFriends of purchase; 7p.m., doors open6 p.m.; the Bend Public Libraries hosts a sale Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed featuring books, CDs and more; free Market Road; 541-388-1133 or www. admission; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes bendparksandrec.org. Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. "HELEN ON WHEELS": Cricket Daniel's Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7047, foblibrary© play about a gun-totin', whiskey-drinkin' gmail.com orwww.fobl.org. granny in Oklahoma; $19, $16 for students JEWISH THEATRECOLLABORATIVE: and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, The children's classics "The Trees of the 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312Dancing Goats" by Patricia Polacco and 9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "When MindySaved Hanukkah"by Eric HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC Kimmel will be performed; free; 4 p.m.; SERIES: The Pasadena,Calif.-based East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Crown City String Quartet performs; Swift Road; 541-330-3760 or www. $35, $10 students and children18 deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. and younger; 7:30p.m., doorsopen "RADIOSTAR":6 p.m .($5,$25 dinner at6:30 p.m.;Towe rTheatre,835 N.W . tonight only) at Sunriver Homeowners Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. Aquatic & Recreation Center; see Today's highdesertchambermusic.com. listing for details. BEATSANTIQUE:Theelectro-worldAUTHOR PRESENTATION: Diane jam band performs; $20 plus fees in Hammond speaks and readsfrom her advance, $25 at the door; 9 p.m., doors book, "Friday's Harbor," followed by a open 8 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. video clip of orca whales; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-408-4329 or Paulina Springs Books,252 W. HoodAve., www.facebook.com/stilldream.festival. Sisters; 541-549-0866. (Story, Page6) BEND COMEDY: Featuring Los Angeles comedian Sean McBride; $10; 7 SATURDAY p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive; 541-323-1881 or www. April 5 volcanictheatrepub.com. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL SOFTBALL GEORGE WINSTON: The rural folk pianist

TODAY BeatsAntipue:Modernbeats'n'bass at Midtown Ballroom in Bend.

SATURDAY Jingle "Springle":Rain or snow won't keep these runners away!

SATURDAY Solo Speak:Aniceberg of information about explorer Ernest Shackleton.

SUNDAY Harlem GospelChoir: Singing and swaying to an inspirational sound.

TUESDAY ScalehouseSessions: Hear voices through the arts at Tin PanTheater.

performs; $23-$51 plusfees; 7p.m.,

AUTHOR PRESENTATION: BobW elch, doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 author of "American Nightingale: The N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or Story of Frances Slanger, Forgotten Heroine of Normandy," will give a www.towertheatre.org. (Story, Page 4) presentation of his work preceded "HELEN ONWHEELS": 7:30 p.m.at2nd by a reception; free; 8p.m., 7 p.m. Street Theater; see Today's listing for reception; Rodriguez Annex, Jefferson details. County Library, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; A SPECIALSOLO SPEAK SESSION: 541-475-3351. Portland storyteller Lawrence Howard tells the tale of explorer Ernest Shackleton; SASSPARILLA:The Portland-based roots-rock band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; appropriate for ages14and older; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 7:30 Pakit Liquidators, 903 S.E. Armour Road, Bend; art©riseupinternational.com. p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. 3) Greenwood Ave., Bend; 503-860-5733 or (Story, Page www.solospeak.com. (Story, Page13) DUSU MALIBAND: ThePortland-based

African blues-rock band performs; $8 plus fees in advance, $10 at the door; 8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents.com.

(Story, Page5) THE POLISHAMBASSADOR: The Bay Area electro-pop artist performs, with Liminus, Wildlight, Saqi and Ayla Nereo; $15;8 p.m.,doorsopen 7 p.m .;Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-408-4329 or www.facebook.com/ stilldream.festival. (Story, Page 4) THE PUNKNECKS: The country-punk band performs, with Boxcar Stringband; free; 8 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &


.IDAY, APRIL 4, 2014

THE ELISHAFOUNDATION FUNDRAISER: Featuring a neighborhood poker run, raffle, silent auction, slideshow and film;

freeadmission;4-8p.m.;CascadeRack, 507 N.W. Colorado Avenue, Bend; 541241-6255 or www,cascaderack.com. FIESTADINNER FUNDRAISER:M r. Bend Senior High candidates host a dinner; proceeds benefit the local Ronald McDonald House;$8 in advance,$10 at the door, $5 for ages younger than 5; 5-7 p.m.; Aspen Hall, 18920 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-318-4950 or tsherry© rmhcofcentraloregon.org. HARLEM GOSPELCHOIR:A gospel concert; $35-$45 plusfees;7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. (Story, Page 6) THE MIDNIGHTGHOSTTRAIN: The hard rock band performs, with The Hooligans; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com.

MONDAY April 7 AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Author Diane Hammond discussesherexperiences as killer whale Keiko's press secretary and how it inspired her novel, "Friday's Harbor"; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. BOOKDISCUSSION:Discuss"The Dog Stars" by Peter Heller; part of A Novel Idea .. ReadTogether; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sunriver Books 8 Music, Sunriver Village Building 25C; 541-593-2525 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar.

volcanictheatrepub.com.(Story, Page5) GIFT OFGAB:The hip-hop artist performs, with Landon Wordswell with Tim Hoke, Northorn Lights and MoStafa with C-Legz; $10; 10 p.m.; Dojo, 852 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-706-9091 or www. dojobend.com. (Story, Page 4)

SUNDAY April 6 JIM JAM:An unplugged musical jam in tribute to Jim Witty; all levels of musicians are encouraged to participate; free; 1-4 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; mquon©

quondc.com. SPRING BOOK SALE: The Friends of the Bend Public Libraries hosts a bag sale featurin g books,CDs,audio booksand

more; freeadmission, $5pergrocerysized bag, larger bags cost more; 1-4

p.m.; Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541617-7047, foblibrary©gmail.com or www fobl.org. "RADIO STAR":2 p.m. at Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Center; see Today's listing for details. NOTABLESSWING BAND: Featuring blues, Latin, rock'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-728-8743 or www.notablesswingband.com. "HELEN ONWHEELS": 3 p.m.at2nd Street Theater; see Today's listing for details.

April 9 ART RENTEVENT:Featuring local and student artwork for rent, live music and cheesecake; proceeds benefit Cascade Middle and Marshall High art departments; free; 6-8 p.m.; Silverado Gallery,1001 N.W. Wall Street, Bend; 541-382-6544. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LA BOHEME" ENCORE:Puccini'sstory

of young love;$24, $22seniors, $18 children; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. WEST WATEROUTLAWS: Therockband performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins.com.

THURSDAY April 10 BOOKDISCUSSION:Discuss "The Dog Stars" by Peter Heller; part of A Novel Idea ... Read Together; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. BOOKDISCUSSION:Discuss "The Dog Stars" by Peter Heller; part of A Novel Idea ... Read Together; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library,601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. ELLIS PAUL:TheBoston folksinger performs; bring dish or beverage to share; $20 donation, reservation

requested; 7p.m., doorsopen6 p.m.

for potluck; The Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 N.W. Stannium Drive, Bend; 541480-8830 or houseconcertsintheglen@ bendbroadband.com. April 8 TIM SNIDER:The violinist performs a live SCALEHOUSE SESSIONS: Jesse Roberts looping show; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins (Rise Up), Jason Graham (Mosley Wotta) Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., and Matt Nicholau (Nature of Words) will Bend; www.mcmenamins.com. share their experiencesworking across "HELEN ONWHEELS": 7:30p.m.at2nd the globe to help individuals find their Street Theater; seeToday's listing for details. voice through the arts; $10; 6-8 p.m.; Tin PanTheater,869 N.W .Tin Pan Alley,Bend; "NFINITYCHAMPIONS LEAGUE CHEERLEADINGEVENT":A screening of 541-241-2271 or www.j.mp/ScaleHouse. the 2014 film about cheerleading; $12.50; "RENEWAL": A screening ofthe 2008 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 documentary about America's religiousIMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; environmental movement; $5 suggested 541-312-2901. (Story, Page 29) donation; 6:30 p.m.,doors open6 p.m.; ZACH RYAN ANDTHE RENEGADES: Live Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Americana music; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. volcanictheatrepub.com. (Story, Page 29) Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.com. INHALE:The reggae band performs; $5; • SUBMITAN EVENT at www bendbulletin.comi 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. submitinfo or email events@bendbulletin.com. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? www.volcanictheatrepub.com. Contact 541-383-0351.


Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.silvermoonbrewing.com or 541388-8331. (Story, Page 5) THE BACK ALLEY BARBERS:The Oregon punkabilly band performs, with Avery Jamesand The Hillandales;$5;9 p.m .; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.




planning ahea APRIL 11-17


APRIL11-13 — OREGON POETRY ASSOCIATIONSPRING CONFERENCE: Featuring workshops, public readings and more; visit website for schedule and free events; $65, $55 for members in advance, registration requested by April 11; The Double Tree,300 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 503-916-3076 or www.

Q~t"w$g~ I6l("- u-

oregonpoets.org/category/conferences. APRIL11-12 — MYOWNTWO HANDS: A fundraiser for the Sisters Americana Project featuring an art stroll, parade and performing arts; visit website for schedule; free admission; 3:30 p.m. April 11, 6 p.m. April12; downtown Sisters; www.sistersfolkfestival.org. APRIL11-13 — BENDSPRING FESTIVAL:A celebration of the season with art, live music, food and drinks; free; 5-11 p.m. April11,11 a.m.-11 p.m. April 12,11 a.m.-5 p.m. April13; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives; www.nwxevents.com. APRIL11-12 — "HELENONWHEELS": Cricket Daniel's play about a guntotin', whiskey-drinkin' granny; $19, $16 for students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. APRIL14-15 — ANOVELIDEA: "LOW5 CLEAR":A screening of the documentary about a fly-fishing trip to Canada; free; 6 p.m.; Tin PanTheater,869 N.W .Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-241-2271 or www. deschuteslibrary.org. APRIL11 — "RIVER OFNORETURN": A screening of the 2012 nature film; $5; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. APRIL11 — INTERNATIONALDINNER FUNDRAISER:Information about various countries and anethinic food dinner; proceeds benefit the school's Interact Club's International Service Project; $10, $7 for children ages12 and younger; 6-8 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290 or www.j.mp/ BHSinteract. APRIL11— AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Phillip Margolin reads from his latest novel, "Worthy Brown's Daughter"; $5; 6:30p.m.;Paulina SpringsBooks,422 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. APRIL11 — TURTLEISLAND QUARTET: The San Francisco Bay Area string quartet performs; $12, $8 children

12 andyounger,plus fees; 7 p.m., doors openat6 p.m .;TowerTheatre,835 N. W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. APRIL11 — "THEBUTLER":A screening of the 2013 film (PG13) starring Forest Whitaker; free, refreshments available; 7:30 p.m.;

$•~ 1

e.. n

The Bulletin file photo

Sara Wiener, of Bend, unwinds a blue cloth representing the Metolius River leading to Black Butte at the 2009 Earth Day Parade. This year's event is April19. Rodriguez Annex, Jefferson County Library, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-4753351 or www.jcld.org. APRIL11 — KRANDALEXWILEY: Underground hip-hop, with Chandler P

and Card1;$5; 9p.m., doors open8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-408-4329 or www.facebook. com/slipmatscience. APRIL11 — SAMMYSTEELE:The Tacoma, Wash. country artist performs; $5 plus fees; 9-11:30 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www. maverickscountrybar.com. APRIL11 — DJANJALI 5 THE INCREDIBLE KID: Portland-based DJs spin global dance music; free;10 p.m.; Dojo, 852 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541706-9091 or www.dojobend.com. APRIL12 — "ALLABOARD! RAILROADS IN THE HIGH DESERT" EXHIBIT OPENING:Learn how the railroad has impacted local life; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10

ages 65andolder, $7 ages5-12, free ages 4and younger; High DesertM useum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97,Bend; 541382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum. Ol'g.


MUDSLINGER: Featuring a 5K fun run or walk; $5, $10 out of district, free for Movin' Mountains and Family Fitness Challenge participants; 9 a.m.; Madras Aquatic Center, 1195 S.E.Kemper Way; 541-475-4253. APRIL12 — DAVIDROTH:Morning music with the Massachusetts folk singer; bring brunch dish or beverage to share; $15 donation, reservation requested; 10 a.m., doors open 9:30 a.m.; The Glen atNewport Hills,1019 N.W. Stannium Drive, Bend; 541-4808830 or houseconcertsinthegleno bendbroadband.com. APRIL12— WALK TO CURE DIABETES: A 2.4-mile family-friendly walk to raise awareness of diabetes; free, registration required; proceeds benefit diabetes research; donations accepted; 2 p.m., check in1 p.m.; Riverbend Park, 799 S.W. Columbia St., Bend; 503-643-1995 or www.jdrforegon.org. APRIL12— A NOVEL IDEA KICKOFF: An overview of events in the 2014 ANovel Idea... Read Together program; free; 3 p.m.; Brooks Room, Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar. APRIL12— "IT'S A GRANDSLAM":

Featuring a dinner and silent auction; proceeds benefit the Fellowship of Christian Athletes; $25, registration requested; 4 p.m.; Eastmont Church, 62425 Eagle Road, Bend; 541-815-1274

Featuring live music and silent and live auctions; proceeds benefit the Waldorf School of Bend; $25; 6 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. or dleggofca.org. volcanictheatrepub.com. APRIL12— TUMALO SCHOOL BOOTS APRIL12 — THEKNOXBROTHERS: AND BLINGAUCTION: Featuring raffles, Six brothers sing Southern gospel live and silent auctions, bounce house music; free, donations accepted; 6 p.m.; and dinner available for purchase; Redmond Assembly of GodChurch,1865 proceeds benefit Tumalo students; free W. Antler Ave.; 541-923-0898 or sgmo admission; 4-9 p.m.; Tumalo Community bendbroadband.com. School, 19835 Second St.; 541-420-2588 APRIL12— AUTHOR PRESENTATION: or www.tumaloptc.com. Phillip Margolin reads from his latest APRIL12— POURING CATS AND novel, "Worthy Brown's Daughter"; $5; DOGS:Featuring an animal-themed 6:30p.m.;PaulinaSpringsBooks,252 raffle, wine wall and special wine tastings W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. and pairings; proceeds benefit Bend APRIL12 —BRITNEE KELLOGG: The Spay and Neuter Project; free, donations Vancouver, Wash. country artist and accepted; 5-9 p.m.; Chocolate Element, former "American Idol" contestant 916 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-1010 or www. performs; $7 plus fees; 9-11:30 p.m.; bendsnip.org. Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill, 20565 APRIL12 —SPRING ROUNDUP Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or AND AUCTION:The adults-only event www.maverickscountrybar.com. features music, silent auction, dinner APRIL13 — SECOND SUNDAY: From and more; proceeds benefitThree Page to Poetry Workshop participants Rivers School; $20; 5-10 p.m.; Sunriver share their work inspired by "The Dog Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Stars"; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-410- Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 5415129 or www.threeriverspta.org. 312-1032, lizgodeschuteslibrary.org or APRIL12— SOCIAL KARMA ROCKS: www.deschuteslibrary.org.

planning ahead



APRIL13 — VIVACE:Four "popera" PATTERSON: The folk musicians vocalists present a variety of songs; perform, with Amy Bathen and a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday; Central Oregon Community Olivia Holman; $5; 7 p.m.; Volcanic $60, $25 for student younger than College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E.College "WOULD ITHELP IFYOU COULD AVOID THE 18, season subscriptions; 2 p.m. Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Loop, Redmond; 541-408-6306 or www. (SOLD OUT) and 6:30 p.m., doors ARGUMENT?":Learn to use a disagreement Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. Central0regonWritersGuild.com. open 45 minutes before show; as a way to connect with each other; $10-$20 volcanictheatrepub.com. POETRY PLATTER:Write an original work of poetry RidgeviewHigh School,4555 S.W. suggested donation, registration requested; 9 APRIL 22 — ARTIST that will be stamped and fired into a ceramic platter; Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-350a.m.-noon Saturday; Center for Compassionate PRESENTATION:Irene Hardwicke $90, registration required;1-4 p.m. Saturday, 7222,redmondcca@hotmail.com Living, 828 N.W. Hill St., Bend; 530-867-3198, Olivieri discusses her naturefollowed by sessions at Art Station1-4 p.m. or www.redmondcca.org. barklesswagmore04©gmail.com orwww. inspired creative process; $5; noon April 6 and April13.; The Nature of Words, 224 compassionatecenter.org. APRIL14 — 2000 MILES INA and 7 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-647-2233 or www. TUKTUK: YOURNEXTINDIAN BEND GENEALOGICALSOCIETY'S SPRING N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-647thenatureofwords.org. ADVENTURE:Featuring a slideshow SEMINAR:An all-day discussion featuring author, 2233 or www.thenatureofwords. and video presentation presented lecturer and family history blogger Denise Levenick; LUNCH 8 LEARN:Learn about living in Antarctica; Olg. by Room to Readand Rickshaw $70, registration is required; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday; free, bring your own lunch, dessertand coffee APRIL 23 — SMOKEY BEAR70TH provided; noon-1p.m .W ednesday;BendSenior Run; $10 suggested donation; 6 Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club BIRTHDAYCELEBRATION: Meet Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-388-1133 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Drive; 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb.org/ Smokey Bear and firefighters, or www.bendseniorcenter.org. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 deschutes/bend-gs. with birthday cake and more; free; or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. SQUAREDANCELESSONS: Learn how to square CENTRAL OREGON WRITERSGUILD CRITIQUE 3-6 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical APRIL15 — BOOKDISCUSSION: dance with caller and teacher Ron Bliven; $5, first WORKSHOP:Author Mary Pax presents "Getting Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Discuss A Novel Idea's "The Dog the Reader Hung UpandHooked"; bring six lesson free; 7-9 p.m. Thursday; Pine Forest Grange, Bend; 541-389-1813 or www. Stars" by Peter Heller; free; noon; 63214 N.E. Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-517-8589 copies ofopeningpages(three-page maximum) deschutehistory.org. East Bend Public Library, 62080 and sack lunch; $10, open to public, free for or www.centraloregoncouncil.org/area-clubs/ APRIL 23 — "A NIGHT OF Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760 members, reservations required by today; 9:30 bachelor-beauts. INSPIRATION":The University of or www.deschuteslibrary.org/ Oregon gospelsingers perform; calendar. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall fees in advance, $18 at the door; 8 free; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 APRIL15 — DIRECTDIVIDE: The St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., APRIL17 — "HOWDIDWE N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 Los Angeles, Calif. alt-rock band towertheatre.org. Sisters; www.belfryevents.com or GET HERE?HUMAN ORIGINS: or www.towertheatre.org. performs; $5; 9p.m., doors open8 541-815-9122. EVOLUTION AND MIGRATION": APRIL19 — EARTH DAY PARADE APRIL24 — "RECEPTION TO p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. AND FESTIVAL:A parade and APRIL19 —CHARLIE WORSHAM: Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 Scott Fisher presents "Clues From FOLLOW":A comedic interactive the Solar System"; $10, $8 for festival to celebrate the Earth; free; The Nashville, Tenn. country or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. theater experience; $18, $12 Sunriver Nature Center members, 11 a.m.; downtown Bend; 541-385- artist performs; $12 plus fees; students andseniors (meal APRIL16 — ATTRACTINGNATIVE free for students with ID; 6:30 p.m.; 6908 or www.envirocenter.org. 9-11:30 p.m.; Maverick's Country included), reservation requested; POLLINATORS:Learn how bees Central Oregon Community College, APRIL 19 — DAVIDJACOBSBar 8 Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., 6:30 p.m.; Summit High School, and other pollinators are important Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. Bend; 541-325-1886 or www. STRAIN:The Oregonbluesman 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; in a healthy environment; free, College Way, Bend; 541-593-4394 maverickscountrybar.com. 541-355-4103 or www.bend.k12. performs, with Bob Beach and The reservation requested; 7 p.m.; or www.sunrivernaturecenter.org. Crunk Mountain Boys; $15 plus APRIL 21 — PALEO ANDESME or.us/shs. Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall APRIL17— LEE KOCH TRIO: St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. The California Americana deschuteslandtrust.org/events/ band performs; free; 7 p.m.; apr16nn. McMenamins Old St. Francis APRIL16 — WHEELER School, 700 N.W. Bond St., BROTHERS: The Austin, Texas Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. Americana quintet performs, mcmenamins.com. with Graham Wilkinson; free; APRIL17 — WILLYTEA6 THE 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. GOOD LUCKFELLAS:Folkand Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond Americana performances, with St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. The Sumner Brothers, Third Seven mcmenamins.com. and Jeshua Marshall; proceeds APRIL16 — THE TSISTERS: benefit the Leonard Peltier Defense The Oakland, Calif. sister group Committee; $10 suggested performs, with Portland's Ike a@Fj p jj~ r donation; 9 p.m., doors open 8 Fonsecaand Olivia Holman;$5;9 c4> " p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. p.m., doorsopen 8 p.m .;Volcanic Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. volcanictheatrepub.com. APRIL 18-24 APRIL16 — TRIBALSEEDS: California roots-reggae, with New APRIL16-20 — "THE LITTLE Kingston and Inna Vision; $15 plus MERMAID":Bend Experimental Art fees in advance, $20 at the door; 8 Theatre presents the classic tale p.m., doorsopen 7 p.m .;Domino by Hans Christian Anderson; $15, Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., $10 for students; 7 p.m. Apri!18Bend; 541-408-4329 or www.j.mp/ 19,2 p.m. April19and 4 p.m. April TribalSds. 20; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-419-5558 or www. APRIL16 — KLOZDSIRKUT:The electro-funk jam band performs; beatonline.org. free; 9 p.m.; Dojo, 852 N.W. Brooks APRIL18 — TRIVIA BEE:The D esigning the ~ ~ v' ar o un d y o u . St., Bend; 541-706-9091 or www. Education Foundation for the dojobend.com. Bend-La Pine Schools holds a trivia competition; with hors d'oeuvres; APRIL17 — BOOKDISCUSSION: C ompl e m e n t s H o m e I n t e r i o r s Discuss A Novel Idea's "The Dog ages 21 and older; proceeds 70 SW Century Dr. Suite 145 Bend, OR 97702 Stars" by Peter Heller; free; noon; benefit the foundation; $21 plus La Pine Public Library, 16425 fees; 7 p.m., doors open 6 p.m. 541.322.7337 wwwcomplcmcntshome.com First St.; 541-312-1090 or www. with live music and appetizers;

Talks 5 classes



p l em en t s H o m e I n t er i o r s



0 K Q




A'a; Joe Kline I The Bulletin

The Row's kale and quinoa salad is one of the vegetarian options at the restaurant at Tetherow Golf Club in Bend.

• Tetherow restaurant in Bend takes creative approach to casual cuisine By John Gottberg Anderson

row Lodges, scheduled to open by lighting sports lovers who can reFor The Bulletin the middle of April, dominates the lax here on couches; there are an he new pub at the Tetherow view. additional three TVs behind the Golf Club, simply called The Tetherow opened its fine-din- bar. Hardwood floors and wall


Row, is a beautiful space with a view and a menu that bear

ing restaurant, The Grill, in 2009.

sections built from the cut ends of

a striking resemblance to the roll-

Perceivinga demand fora more ponderosa pines lend unique decasual sidekick, the resort opened sign elements.

ing countryside of Scotland, the

The Row i n

birthplace of golf. Two walls of floor-to-ceiling

Christmas 2013. It's been an immediate hit.

windows frame the acclaimed

With a clientele that, on each of

t h e w eek b efore

Service issues Tetherow expanded its kitchen to accommodate the new restau-

golf course that was designed by David McLay Kidd. Beyond

my visits, was predominantly 40- rant, and executive chef Zach plus, The Row seats 50 patrons at Hoffman is in charge of both.

the links, Awbrey Butte and, on

a dozen tables and 10 more at the

The menu atThe Row is decided-

a clearday, Mount Jefferson can bar. ly more casual than that of The be seen rising behind. Just to the A single, very large flat-screen Grill, and that's as planned. north, one of the two new Tethe- television dominates one wall, deContinued next page

Contact:www.tetherow.com or Location: 61240SkylineRanch Road, Bend Huurs:11a.m. to close every day Price range:Small plates $5 to $15, sandwiches $9 to $16,entrees $15 to $22 Credit cards:American Express, MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu:Yes Vegetarianmenu:Options include kale-and-quinoa saladand apair of grilled sandwiches Alcoholic beverages:Full bar Outdoor seating:Seasonalpatio Reservati ons:Recommended


Scorecard OVERALL:B

Food:B+.Creative departures from standard pub fare offer more hits than misses. Service:C-. Painfullyslow, but management hasjust hired additional staff to meet demand. Atmosphere:A. Beautifully designed pub with views across golf fairways to the Cascades. Value:B+. Prices are where they should be for the quality and ambiance.



From previous page


Whereas The Grill serves such gnocchi, The Row sticks with Brit-


ish pub-style plates like bangers and mash. A notably lower price point reflects the more informal approach. My major complaint about The Row had to do with the service. On the most recent of my three visits,

For readers' ratings of more than 150Central Oregon restaurants, visit 0" bendbulletin.cem/ restaurants.

entrees as rack of lamb and truffled

nearly every table and bar stool were

filled — but there were only two people working, and both of them were tending bar, taking orders, and performing the duties of a busser, clearing tables and delivering water.

The menu is the same for lunch

and dinner. Once at midday, twice in the evening, my dining companion and I were able to sample a wide

range of Hoffman's fare. A heartier and more creative rendition of standard pub food, the cuisine was for the

ementcomes in. One of our favorite small plates featured stuffed jalapenos ($7)which were decidedly not deep-fried. Four of the piquant Mexican peppers were halved lengthwise. They were stuffed with goat cheese, a touch of preserved lemon and a sprinkle of chopped pancetta, then grilled and finished with a drizzle of fire-roasted tomato aioli. They were not overly spicy (my companion can't eat food that's too spicy), and we found them delicious. I was a bigger fan than she was of the Scotch eggs ($9). Two large fresh eggs, boiled just to the edge of "hard," were covered in ground sausage and light breading, then quiddy fried and quartered. They were accompanied by a creamy brandy-peppercorn sauce that had a similar flavor to stone-ground mustard.

Jee Kline/Ttte Bulletin

An NCAA basketball tournament

game plays on televisions as diners spend a recent evening at The Row in Bend.

• '



' •



en missed badly on the accompanying tempura frites. Quite the opposite of light and crispy, these battered vegetables were much too long in the deep fryer; and there was little selec-

Largelevel lotwithfantastic viewdownthe t2th fairwayof BrokenTopGolf Coursewil easilyaccommodatethe homeof your dreams.

LISA COLE, Principal Broker 541-749-0047


tion, as they were mainly slices of red

bell pepper with a couple of spears of asparagus. The crispy coq au vin ($19) was not like any coq au vin I've ever had before. It was so different, in fact, that I'm surprised it could even be called by its French name. The tradition-

Easter Brunc At Awbrey Glenn

al Gallic version features chicken ions, Swiss cheese and Thousand Is- cooked in a demi-glace of red Burland dressing finished the sandwich. gundy wine with mushrooms and Rather than French fries, I opted for onions or garlic. The Tetherow menu sliced vegetables as an accompani- description specifies that the leg and ment, and I was delighted with a se- thigh of poultry are braised in wine lection of carrots, celery, jicama and — but they are then rolled in a thick zucchiniserved with a Green God-

layer of cornbread and fried to a

dess dressing.

goldenbrown, not unlike corn dogs!

Our favorite dinner entrees featured elk and trout.

Shepherds' pie ($16) is a British pub standard, but it's normally made with ground lamb or beef — not with

While I would have preferred the

classic preparation, I appreciated the creativity that went into this version, which was accented by a lem-

on-thyme pan gravy. And I loved the accompanyingcoleslawof Napacabbage with carrots and daikon, along

braised elk, as per Hoffman's reci- with roasted Yukon Gold mashers. pe. Slow-roasted shoulder of elk, cut

into bite-size cubes, was mostly very tender, although a couple of chunks were gristly. The meat was baked with a variety of diced vegetables — carrots,

— ReporterjandersonCm bendbulletin.com

Small dites

onions, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchi-

The Foodie Crawl — Thethird

ni and asparagus — in a gravyboosted with juniper, sage and rosemary herbs. Finally, it was topped with a crust of mashed Yukon potatoes and served with a salad of fresh greens, with a tangy oil-and-vinegar dressing. I will return to The Row just for this dish.

annual Foodie Crawl, a benefit for Bend's Community Center, is scheduled for April 27. Tickets for the progressive dinner, during which local restaurants will offer small plates andbeveragepairings from 3 to 6 p.m., are priced at $65. Confirmed participants include 10 Below, Drake, Hola!, TheJackalope Grill, Pronghorn, Primal Cuts, Rockin' Oaves,Seasonsatthe 7th Mountain Resort, Sporkand Zydeco, along with OregonSpirit Distillers and TheWine Shop. A5 to 8 p.m. after-party at the Liberty Theatre will feature a silent auction and music by Bill Kealeand Downhill Ryder. Details at www.the foodiecrawl.org.

My companion's trout and quinoa

($18) entree was also a healthy success. A filleted side of rainbow trout was pan-seared with a delicate sauce with almond and dried cranberries,

pecially without the anchovy paste and a warm kale salad mixed with that enhances a good Caesar. Sliced


TheBu l letin

Yukon Gold mashers were excel-

The best thing about a Caesar salad with smoked salmon ($14) was the of herbs and white wine. It was pretasty fish. The ribbon-cut romaine sented with a pilaf of quinoa, blended itself didn't have a lot of flavor, es-

• • '

• •

lent as well, but someone in the kitch-

most part excellent. I'd like to see a little less come out of the deep fryer, Elk and trout entrees but I suppose that's where the pub el-

ounces, but it was tender and tasty.

I really enjoyed the corned "You don't know, until you get a pork-belly Reuben sandwich ($13). new restaurant going, that you're go- Thick and juicy meat, slow-roasted ing to be hit like this — and I never for eight hours, was layered upon dreamed The Row would be as busy grilled rye bread with Hoffman's as it is already." version of sauerkraut, bolstered with fennel and daikon radish. Grilled on-

Adventurous menu

Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate

wasn't a big steak, perhaps only 6

Inevitably, the wait for meals and

drinks was painfully slow. Once, a server brought me a wet napkin, and I didn't even get an apology. "We have been short-staffed," acknowledged food-and-beverage manager Kevin Gilman. "I've just hired four newpeople to handle this.


carrots and zucchini.

avocado, pear tomatoes, house-made On another visit, she was pleased croutons and Reggiano cheese were with a sliced flat-iron steak ($22), fine, but the lemon-garlic dressing marinated in dark Guinness ale and lackedzest. grilled medium rare, as she likes. It

— John Gottberg Anderson

Join us for out delectable EasterBrunch

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outo town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."

COMCERTS Through April 6 —Siri Vik: Siri Mix, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd. org or 541-454-7000. April 4 —Rebelutiou, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* April 5 —ABBAMANIA, Aladdin Theater, Portland; CANCELED;TF* April 5 —G. Love 8 Special Sauce, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* April 5 —"The Piano Meu starring Jim Witter: The Music of Eltou John 8 Billy Joel,"Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. April 6 —Bruce Cockburn,Aladdin Theater, Portland; SOLDOUT;TF* April 6 —Rac, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF April 6-7 —Neutral Milk Hotel, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLDOUT;CT* April 7 —Dau Croii, Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF April 7 —DounyMcCasiin Trio, Jimmy Mak's, Portland; www.pdxjazz.com. April 8 —Bryan Ferry,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.portland5. com or 800-273-1530. April 8 —Chuck Ragau 8 The White Buffalo,Wonder Ballroom, Portland;

i) I



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By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin


hrow back a bottle of beer and pull a

comb through your coal-black hair,

"Zoot Suit Riot" is heading to the Hult Center.

The hit Cherry Poppin' Daddies song that helped usher in the 1990s swing revival


• e

Daddies" and were inducted into the Oregon Music Hall of Fame in 2009. The band will perform its high-energy swing music live on stage during the production, according to the ballet's website. The program also includes Pimball's "Silk & Steel." The piece is a tribute to Loie Fuller, a dance pioneer known for her use of

flowing silk costumes illuminated by colorBallet Company's newest production. Cho- ful lights. reographed by artistic director Toni Pimball, Ticket prices range from $28 to $53 for "Zoot Suit Riot" runs April 12-13 in Eugene. adults and $18 to $43 for youth (high school The Cherry Poppin' Daddies formed in students and younger) plus fees, depending Eugene in the late '80s, combining "the en- on seat location. Tickets are also available ergy of contemporary rock and roll with for full-time college students with ID for $15. influences from the golden age of the AmerFor tickets, visit www.hultcenter.org or ican songbook," according to the band's call 541-682-5000. For more information biography. on the Eugene Ballet Company, visit www They gained mainstream success in .eugeneballet.org or call 541-485-3992. serves as musical inspiration for the Eugene

1997 with the release of "Zoot Suit Riot-

The Swingin' Hits of the Cherry Poppin'

— Reporter: 541-383-0350, jwasson@bendbulletin.com

April 8 —Rene Marie, Jimmy Mak's, Portland; www.pdxjazz.com. April 8 —Yonder Mountain Qriug Baud,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* April 8 —YoungThe Giant, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April 9 —Kneebody,Mississippi Studios, Portland; www.pdxjazz.com. April 9 —Yonder Mountain String Baud,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April 9-10 —TheWailiu' Jeuuys, Aladdin Theater, Portland; APRIL10 SHOW SOLD OUT; TF* April 10 —Battlefield Baud, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. April 10 —Chvrches, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLDOUT; CT*

April 10 —Kathy Mattea, Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000. April 10 —Little Dragon/Unknown Mortal Orchestra,Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF April10 —Waka Fiocka Flame, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW*

April11 —George Strait, Moda Center, Portland; www.rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. April11 —David Roth, Unitarian Fellowship, Ashland; www.stclairevents. com or 541-535-3562. April12 —Mindless Self Indulgence, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April12 —The Colourist, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF April14 —Chromeo,Roseland Theater, * Portland; TW April15 —Diana Kraii, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.portland5. com or 800-273-1530. April15 —Graveyard, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF April15 —Queens of the Stone Age, Keller Auditorium, Portland; www. portland5.com or 800-273-1530. April15 —Tiuariwen, Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF April16 —Ario Guthrie, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF April16 —Caravan Palace, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April16 —Goat, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF April17 —Black Label Society, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April17 —Michael Moore Quartet, McMenamins Mission Theater, Portland; www.pdxjazz.com. April18 —Dark Star Orchestra, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* April18 —The InfamousStriugdusters, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* April19 —Dark Star Orchestra, * McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW April19 —Fruition, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF April19 —Hurray for the Riff Raff, * Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF April 20 —Gloria Trevi, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April 20 —Switchfoot, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* April 22 —BombayBicycle Club, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* April 22 —Ellie Gouldiug, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. portland5.com or 800-273-1530. April 22 —White Lies, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April 23 —The1975, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLDOUT;TW* April 23 —Jefferson Starship, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* April 24 —Drive-By Truckers, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April 25 —Jake Shimabukuro, * McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW

THE BULLETIN• FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014 April 25 —"Maria de Buenos Aires by Astor Piazzolla": Third Angle New Music; Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* April 26 —Franz Ferdinand, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April 26 —The Dngar-Mason Family Band,The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000.

LECTURES 5 COMEDY April11 —Anthony Jeselnik, * McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW April 12 —Claim YourStory Writing Conference,Lithia Springs Resort, Ashland; www.

claimyourstory.comor April 19 —Chelsea Handler, Keller Auditorium, Portland; www. portland5.com or 800-273-1530. April 25 —David Alan Grier, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT April 26 —Sami Beyondananda, Unitarian Fellowship, Ashland; www.stclairevents.com or 541-535-3562. May 7 —Carol Burnett, Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000.

SYMPHONY 8c OPERA April 5-7 —"Dvorak's Symphony

No. 5":OregonSymphony;

Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 11-13 —Pink Martini: Performing with the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 17 —"Schumann &

Mendelssohn":EugeneSymphony; Hult Center, Eugene; www. hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. April 21 —"A Tribute to Norman Leyden":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall,

Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 26 —"Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy":Oregon Symphony and Pacific Youth Choir; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 28 —"John Williams: Maestro of the Movies":

John Williamsmakesaspecial appearance toleadthe Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. May 3 —Chris Botti: Performing with the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or

out of town

800-228-7343. May 9, 11, 15, 17 —"The Pirates of Penzance":Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; www.portlandopera.org or 866-739-6737. May10,12 —"Mahler's Song of the Earth":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343.

THEATER 5 DANCE Through April 6 —"Sister Act": Broadwaymusicalcomedy smash; Keller Auditorium, Portland; www. portland5.com or 800-273-1530. Through April 12 —Northwest Festival of Ten-Minute Plays: Short play festival expands to include Washington playwrights; The Lord/Leebrick Playhouse, Oregon Contemporary Theatre, Eugene; www.octheatre.org or 541-465-1506. Through May 4 —"Totem": Cirque du Soleil; Portland Expo Center, Portland; www.cirquedusoleil.com/ totem. Through July 3 —Oregon Shakespeare Festival:The following plays are currently in production: "The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window" (through July 3), "The Cocoanuts" (through Nov.

*Tickets TW:TicketsWest, www .ticketswest.com or 800992-8499 TF:Ticketfly, www.ticket

fly.com or 877-435-9849 CT:CascadeTickets, www .cascadetickets.com or 800-514-3849 "Silk & Steel":Featuring live music by Cherry Poppin' Daddies; Eugene Ballet Company; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. April 16-Nov. 1 —"AWrinkle in Time":World premiere; Tracy Young's adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's popular book; preview performances April16-19; opens April 20; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. April 17-24 —skinner/kirk DANCE ENSEMBLE,BodyVox Dance Center, Portland; www.bodyvox.com or 503-229-0627. April17-26 —"Celebrate": Featuring choreography by Helen


Pickett, Nacho Duato and Matjash Mrozewski; also a special tribute to Alison Roper; Oregon Ballet Theatre; Newmark Theatre, Portland; www. obt.org or 888-922-5538. April 23 —"Hair": Rock musical

by JamesRadoand Gerome Ragni; Craterian Theater at TheCollier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. April 23 —"Rain": A multimedia, multidimensional tribute to The Beatles; Hult Center, Eugene; www. hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. April 26-June 22 —"The Last Five

Kara Walker's Tales of Slavery and Power" (through April 6) and "Ave Maria: Marian Devotional Works from Eastern and Western Christendom" (through Aug. 10);

Eugene;jsma.uoregon.edu or 541-346-3027. Through April 6 —Portland Art Museum:The following exhibits

are currently ondisplay: "Francis Bacon" (throughApril 6), "Dusk

Through Dawn: Photography at the Edges of Daylight" (through April 6), "Feastand Famine:ThePleasures and Politics of Food" (through May 4), "APEX: Tip Toland" (through May11), "Venice: The Golden Age Years":Anemotionally powerful of Art and Music" (through May11), and intimate musical about two New "Jesper Just" (through June1) and Yorkers in their twenties who fall in "Cobalt Blues" (through July 27); love; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Portland; www.portlandartmuseum. Theater at the Armory, Portland; org or 503-226-2811. www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Through April 19 —Museum April 30 —Ballet Hispanico: Part of Contemporary Craft:The of the White Bird Dance Series; following exhibits are currently Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, on display: "This Is Not A Silent Portland; www.whitebird.org or Moive: Four Contemporary 503-245-1600. Alaska Native Artists" (through April 19) and "Portland Collects: EXHIBITS British Ceramics" (through Aug. 23); Portland; www. Through April 6 —Jordan museumofcontemporarycraft.org Schnitzer Museum ofArt: The or 503-223-2654. following exhibits are currently on Continued next page display: "Emancipating the Past:

2) and "TheTempest" (through Nov. 2) in the Angus Bowmer Theatre; "The Comedy of Errors" (through Nov. 2) and "Water by the Spoonful" (through Nov. 2) runs in the Thomas Theatre; Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219- 8161. April 4 —Paul Taylor 2, Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000. April 5-May11 —"Othello": Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; previews begin April 5; show opens Apri!11; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. April 8-May11 —"The Quality of Life":A comedic drama by Jane Anderson; Northwest premiere; Artists Repertory Theatre; Alder Stage, Portland; www.artistsrep. org or 503-241-1278. April 10-12 —Emio Greco: Featuring the U.S. premiere of "Rocco," inspired by Luchino Visconti's classic film "Rocco and His Brother"; part of the White Bird Dance Series; NewmarkTheatre, Portland; www.whitebird.org or 503-245-1600. April 11-13 —"My Man Godfrey": Fred Crafts' Radio Redux; Wildish Theater, Springfield; www.radioreduxusa.com or 541-206-3283. April 12-13 —"Zoot Suit Riot" and


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out of town



From previous page Through April 25 —Bush Barn Art Center: The following exhibits are currently on display: "2014 Young Artists' Showcase," "The American Dream: NewWork by JamesBrandon O'Shea" and "Bev Jozwiak:RentalSales Program Featured Artist"; Salem; www.salemart. Olg. I





»I I I



PAULSCOTTGALLERY GuestShow: HollyRodes Smithey Specializing in contemporary works from the Northwest and beyond! Come celebrate, April 4, 5-9pm We are just down the breezeway off Wall Street. »













Featured artist for April: Pastels by Nancy Misek"Central Oregon and Beyond"


"~:-'."= .~.-.n . .





Open for First Friday reception April 4, 6-9pm Show runs April 2 - April 26

+ '~








"Emerging Artists 3" Featuring Local High SchoolsArt - Students work Open First Friday 4 to 5 pmfor students, their family and friends Open to Public 5 to 9 pm onFirst Friday


Exhibit runs thru April »•







"Inspirations" New Works by Dawn Emerson Opens Friday, April 4th, 5-9pm





KARENBANDYSTUDIO Custom designed fine jewelry and original art First Friday April 4, 5-9pm (Tnckedbetween Thump 8 Alleda on upper Minnesota) »

Through April 27 —"Cycle City: ASpin on Bikes": Exhibit features "The Bike Shop," "Splashguard," "Tandem Sketch," "Bike PDX" and "Pedal Power"; Portland Children's Museum, Portland; www. portlandcm.org or 503-223-6500. ThroughMay 4— "TonyHawk tRad Science":Set in a realistic skate park scene, the exhibition's highly interactive elements introduce visitors to physics principles; Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland; www.omsi.edu or800-955-6674. Through May 31 —"IMAGE: ACeramic Show of Decalcomania,"Eutectic Gallery, Portland; www. eutecticgallery.com or 503-974-6518. Through July 27 —Maryhiu Museum ofArt: The following exhibits are currently on display: "James Lee Hansen: Sculpture" (through July 27), "Angela Swedberg: Historicity" (through Nov. 15), "The Flip Side: Comic Art by New Yorker Cartoonists" (through Nov. 15) and "Maryhill Favorites: The Female Form" (through Nov. 15); Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, Wash.; www.

maryhillmuseum.org. April 5-6 —Saga GoryuIkebana Exhibition, Portland JapaneseGarden,Portland;www.japanesegarden.com or 503-223-1321. April 11-13 —GorgeArtists Open Studios Tour, various locations in the Columbia Gorge area; www.gorgeartists. org or 509-493-1974. April12-May 4 —"Ray Morimura: Prints for AH Seasons":Part of Art in the Garden series; Portland JapaneseGarden,Portland;www.japanesegarden.com or 503-223-1321.

MISCELLANY Through April 5 —Portland International Raceway Automotive Swap Meet,Portland; www. portlandraceway.com or 503-823-7223. Through April 7 —Ashland Independent Film Festival: Featuring more than 90 feature and short films; special guests include actor Ty Burrell; Ashland; www. ashlandfilm.org or 541-488-3823. Through Oct. 31 —Histories G Mysteries Challenge, Columbia Gorge; www.gorgefriends.org. April 5— laughsforlighthousesComedy Show, Newport Performing Arts Center, Newport; www. coastarts.org or 541-265-2787. April5-6 —Monster Jam,Matthew KnightArena, Eugene; www.matthewknightarena.com or932-3668. April 5-6 —Salmon Derby,Cathlamet, Wash.; www. wahkiakumchamber.comor360-795-9996. April11-12 —Celebration of Syrah, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; www.mcmenamins.com or 800-669-8610. April 12-27 —HoodRiver BlossomFest, Hood River; www.hoodriver.org or 800-366-3530. April13 —Cherry of a Ride:Recreational ride; St. Mary's Academy, The Dalles; www.cherryofaride.org or 541-296-6004. April18-20 —Gem Faire, Lane County Events Center, Eugene; www.gemfaire.com or503-252-8300. April19 —Earth Day Celebration,The Oregon Garden, Silverton; www.oregongarden.org or 503-874-8100. April 23-27 —Cinema Pacific FilmFestival, Eugene; www.cinemapacific.uoregon.edu or 541-346-4231.



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' I;latll IX ' 'lr I'IIItl:

Zade Roaenthal/Marvel

Chris Evans returns to his starring role as Captain America, aka Steve Rogers, in the sequel "Captain America: The Winter Soldier."

• 'CaptainAmerica' sequelsetsthe bar highfor Marvel with cleverstoryline, engagingcharacters good news is in "Captain Amerto the Wonder Bread person- ica: The Winter Soldier," we not ality of Steve Rogers, wheth- onlygetan edgier,m ore complex, er he was incostume or not,the more compelling storyline, we get 1940s version of Captain America the most badass 95-year-old the we saw in the 2011 movie was one world has ever known. of the blander superheroes in the Looking as pumped up as a Marvel Universe. potential first-round NFL d r aft One might think the unfrozen choice at a scouting combine and Steve/Cap who was part of the en- displaying a better-honed sense of semble in "The Avengers" might humor than he possessed back in not be able to sustain the lead in the day, Steve/Cap (Chris Evans) a modern-day adventure,but the is finding his way around mod-


rom the corniest of all names


"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" 136 minutes PG-13, for intense sequences of violence, gunplay andaction throughout

filled with entries such as "Steve Jobs/Apple" and "Moon Landing." (He also makes a side trip to the Smithsonian, where they have an

flirts with Steve and encourages him to go out and get, um, lucky. There's an obvious chemistry between them, but they resist the roawesome exhibit about ... Cap- mance, which is probably a good tain America.) idea given the number of issues Under the watchful eye of Sam- they're both working on. uel L. Jackson's Nick Fury — and I mean that literally, as Nick has

just the one good eye — Steve finds himself working with the duplicitous Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) as agents of SHIELD, ern-day Washington, D.C., trying which is engaged in a multilayto soak up all he can about every- ered, generation-spanning war thing he's missed. Steve walks with HYDRA, the evil organizaaround with a l i t tl e n otebook tion formed by the Nazis. Natasha

Amid a number of terrific ac-

tion sequences with the usual CGI destruction and some well-cho-

reographed hand-to-hand (and hand-to-shield) combat, we get a couple of nifty twists and turns

that keep us guessing as to who's on the side of good, who's on the side of evil — and who's wavering, big-time. Continued next page





01 S 1 S 1 CB

• It's a very dark comedy that will have you wincing evenas you laugh andsnicker


obody this side of Bill Murray can do despicable-and-yet-somehow-lik-

able as well as Jason Bateman, and in "Bad Words," Bateman has

a near-perfect vehicle to showcase a witheringly effective style that stings like a thousand paper cuts. It's only March, but we have a

i 1


QI j

prime candidate for Most Lova ble A-- - o f t h e Y ear at t h e

movies. Bateman's Guy Trilby is a 40-year-oldmisanthrope who treats his age peers, children, the elderly and essentially any human being who comes into his path with equal disdain. Will Rogers famously said he never met a man he didn't like; Guy Trilby wouldn't like anyone Will Rogers ever met and he wouldn't like Will Rogers either. I loved the guy. You might, too, if your sense of humor is just sick enough. "Bad Words" is the kind of pitch-black dark comedy that makes you wince even as you give up on stifling the chuckles. A film about an ordinary-looking man who is so sour on the inside,

he will humiliate, manipulate and

Focus Features via The Associated Press

Rohan Chand, left, and Jason Bateman star in the comedy "Bad Words."


intimidate 10-year-old children in

order to exact revenge on a man who doesn't even know there's a revenge plan in place. Making his directorial debut, Bateman wisely chose a brilliant, uncompromising and wickedly funny screenplay by Andrew Dodge. This is "About a Boy"

"Bad Words" 89 minutes R, for crude andsexual content, language and brief nudity

"Why are you up here?" asks

an overweight kid sitting next to

Guy in a preliminary round. "Your chair called me for help," says Guy, and that's only about the 14th meanest thing he says or does to his opponents as he works his way to the national finals.

Kathryn Hahn plays Jenny, an online reporter who is funny and vulnerable and more than a bit of

meets "Bad Santa" meets "Little

Miss Sunshine," with Dodge's script expertly navigating the territory between darkly funny and just plain mean-spirited, and Bateman the director knowing the best thing to do is keep things simple, efficient and effective. A little bit more about this Guy Trilby fellow. He's a highly intelligent, deeply anti-social, big bowl of hate who spews insults with a

spell — and no tricks he won't resort to in order to win.

For reasons not fully explained until fairly deep into the story, Guy has found and is exploiting a loophole in the rules of a national spelling bee that allows him to compete against fourth-graders, and despite the howls of protest

a mess as she alternates between badgering Guy for an interview explaining his motives, expressing her disgust for his actions, and finding him oddly compelling. The always dependable Allison Janney is the tournament director, who schemes to f i nd

performance comes from Rohan targets. (For the definitive look inChand as the precocious-even- side the world of the real-life Nafor-a-spelling-bee C h a itanyational Spelling Bee, check out my Chopra, who's all crooked teeth colleague Neil Steinberg's book and wide eyes as he cheerfully "Complete and U t ter F ailure," admits he's a social outcast and with its description of the "official doggedly pursues a friendship crying room," where young conwith Guy, despite Guy's some- testants weep after enduring the times jaw-droppingly offensive public humiliation of misspelling insults. This kid will slay you. an obscure word they'll most likeAt times the humor in " Bad ly never encounter again.) More Words" is more mean than spirit- often than not, Guy is saying exed. Oneexchange with a contes- actly what we'd want to say in a tant's mother seems gratuitously confrontation with an obnoxious nasty, and the payoff a few scenes parent or a jabbering pest or a later is forced and flat. I can also perceived threat, if we were giftsee how some folks might find ed with his ability to instantly nothing funny about a grown verbalize our feelings without the man inflicting some serious and filter of a working conscience. At the end of a brisk 89 minpotentially l asting emotional damage on kids who don't de- utes, I was looking for three payserve it. A real-life Guy Trilby offs to Guy's journey. I felt cheatprobably wouldn't get through ed by at least one of those resothe day without getting punched lutions, but I'm sure if Guy knew at least once. that, he wouldn't lose a single secBut this is social satire, and ond of sleep over it. the whole spelling bee world and Which is what makes him such some of the tournament officials a memorable character.

ways to eliminate Guy from the televised tournament, and Philip Baker Hall is perfectly cast as the gruff intellectual who foundabout it. deadpan style that leaves his vicThe other thing is, Guy's prob- ed the tournament. All give solid, tims speechless as he saunters ably going to win. He's a profes- grounded performances, which off, ever so pleased with himself sional proofreader and he has a helps keep "Bad Words" in a and parents who i n habit that for getting off another hurtful photographic memory, and it ap- semi-plausible universe. However, the s cene-stealing world are exceedingly worthy zinger. pears there are no words he can't from the helicopter parents and

the best efforts of the lawyers, there's nothing anyone can do

— Richard Roeper is a film critic for The Chicago Surt-Times.




Ageless Beauty Innovations with Dr. Rebecca Nonweiler, M.D.

Join us Thursday, April 10th, 12:00 noon - 6 pm Learn how you can look younger, for longer, naturally. Mention this ad and

receive special pricing. Jaap Buitendilk/ Summit Entertainment via The Associated Press

Zoe Kravitz, left, and Shailene Woodley escape from a subway train in "Divergent." Green asthe warrior Artemisia, are uniformly good, but this epic is foremost a triumph of design andCGI.This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 103 Here's what's showing onCentral Oreminutes.(R) — Roeper "Afterneen of aFaun:Tanaquil Le Clercp" gon movie screens.Forshowtimes,see — As you watch grainy kinescopefootage listings on Page31. of dancers in a mirrored studio executing a pas de deux in thedocumentary biography "Afternoon of aFaun:Tanaquil Le Clercq," it is almost as though youwere beholding Reviews byRichard Roeper or RogerMoore, WHAT'S NEW mythological deities who havealighted briefly unless otherwise noted. on the Earth. Heretoday, gonetomorrow, "Bad Words" —loved I the misanthrope they are like rare birds, seldom glimpsed, who played by JasonBateman in his directorial remind us of theevanescence of all things, HEADS UP debut, and you might, too, if your senseof most of all physical beauty and thecasual humor is just sick enough. A l o ophole has grace of youth. Therein lies a primal attraction "The MetropolitanOpera: LaBeheme"allowed this big bowl of hate to compete of ballet: Its evocation of the ecstatic Puccini's moving story of young love is the againstfourth-graders in aspelling bee, moment is as fleeting as it is haunting. In this most performed opera inThe Metropolitan where he spewsinsults with a deadpan style sequence, which opensandcloses this film Opera's history — andwith good reason. that leaves his victims speechless. A pitchby Nancy Buirski, Le Clercq andher noble, Anita Hartig stars as the frail Mimi in Franco black dark comedy.Rating: Three and ahalf bare-chested partner Jacquesd'Amboise Zeffirelli's classic production, with Vittorio stars. 89 minutes.(R) — Roeper dance to the Debussy tonepoem"Prelude to Grigolo as her passionate lover, Rodolfo. "Captain America:TheWinter Soldier"the Afternoon of aFaun," as choreographed "The Met: Live in HD"seriesfeatures10 by Jerome Robbins. Because LeClercq, one opera performances transmitted live in high- The more screen timeChris Evansaccrues of the great ballerinas of the 20th century and as Captain America, the moreengaging the definition to movie theaters around theworld. amusetoRobbinsandGeorgeBalanchine, performance. He' s terrific in this adventure, The live event screens at9:55 a.m. Saturday was struck by polio at 27,that foreknowledge more complex andmore compelling than in atthe Regal Old Mill Stadium168 IMAX lends this sequenceandanother from "La his 2011 debut. Amid well-choreographed in Bend. Theencore screens at 6:30 p.m. Valse," which ends in aballerina's death, a action sequences and acouple of niftytwists Wednesday. Tickets are$24for adults, $22 tragically prophetic resonance. Themovie and turns, we getanother rock-solid chapter for seniors and $18for children. 205 minutes. is unusual for its absence ofgossip. Instead in the big-screen story of Marvel. Scarlett (no MPAArating) it offers hardheadedcommentary about the Johansson, Samuel L.Jackson andRobert — Synopsis from TheMetmpolitan Opera Redford co-star. Rating: Threeand ahalf rigors of a dancer's life and howeveryone "Nfinity Champions League Cheerleading stars.This film is available locally in IMAX3-D who chooses adance career is aware of its brevity. This film was not given astar rating. and 3-D. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 136 Event" —Captured live four days earlier 91 minutes. (no MPAA rating) from Atlanta, this exclusive one-night cinema minutes. (PG-13) —Roeper event will showcase 30 of the country's most "Tim's Vermeer" —A documentary voiced — Stephen Holden,TheNew YorkTimes decorated cheerleading teams asthey unite by Penn Jillette and directed by his partner"Divergent" —"Divergent," the latest for a competition of epic proportions and in-magic Teller, "Tim's Vermeer" chronicles a outcast-teen-battles-The System thriller, fight to be namedGrand Champion. Theevent multimillionaire entrepreneur Tim Jenison's is similar enough to "TheHunger Games" screens at 7:30 p.m. Thursday atRegal Old years-long effort to figure out just how that hardcore Katniss fans maydismiss it. Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX.Cost is $12.50. 150 Johannes Vermeerwasable to produce But it's a more streamlined film, with a love minutes. (no MPAArating) photo-realistic art in the17th century. You story with genuine heatanddeaths with — Synopsis from Fathom Events won't believe the painting created bythis guy genuine pathos. And director Neil Burger who cannot paint. Rating: Threestars. 80 ("The lllusionist," "Limitless") inserts us into "Renewal" —"Renewal" is the first minutes.(PG-13) — Roeper this world with a lack of fuss that the stiff, feature-length documentary film to exposition-stuffed "Games" films havenever capture the vitality and diversity of today's managed. Tris Prior (ShaileneWoodley) lives religious-environmental activists. From STILL SHOWING in a post-war future in the semi-ruined city within their Christian, Jewish, Buddhist of Chicago. Rating: Two stars.135 minutes. and Muslim traditions, Americans are "300: Rise of an Empire" — If you loved the (PG-13) — Moore becoming caretakers of the Earth. With gloriously and gratuitously blood-spattered "Frozen" —Whenaqueen with icy powers great courage,thesewomen,men and visual style of ZackSnyder's epic "300," you'll (voice of Idina Menzel) accidentally freezes children are re-examining what it meansto probably enjoy the hell out of "300: Rise of her kingdom, she runsawayand her intrepid be humanandhow welive on this planet. an Empire," which manages to besomething sister (Kristen Bell) goes to find her. Their stories of combating global warming of a prequel, a sequeland a parallel story all and the devastation of mountaintop removal, at once. Theperformances, especially Eva Continued next page


of promoting food security, environmental justice, recycling, land preservation, and of teaching love andrespectfor life on Earth are the heart of "Renewal." Presented bythe Justice Film Circle, the 2008 film screensat 6:30p.m.Tuesday(doorsopen at6 p.m .)at the Volcanic Theatre Pub inBend. Cost is a suggested donation of $5. (no MPAA rating) — Synopsis from film's website


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TIME Richard Ccrtiss


0~ pLgyyNG

Sure to delight children andcaptivate adults, Disney's musical "Frozen" won theBest Ie Animated Featureaward at this year's Oscars. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars.102 minutes. (PG) — Roeper "God's NetHere" — This is the angriest faith-based film in memory. Believers here are outnumbered, apersecuted, righteous dfg and intellectually rigorous minority. Nonbelievers run the gamut from fascist, bullying college professors to anabusive Muslim who would rather beat his child than let her studythe Christian Bible, from Godless Chinese whofear government persecution to "ambush" journalists out to get those God-fearing "Duck Dynasty" millionaires. a It's a movie where rare is thevoice that is raised, but deep is the ragebubbling through its rabid anti-intellectualism. ShaneHarper Dreamworks Animation via The Associated Press plays Josh Wheaton, afreshman atHadleigh University who ignores warnings andenrolls Sherman (voiced by MaxCharles), left, and Mr. Peabody (voiced by TyBurrell) in Professor Radisson's philosophy class. race through anEgyptian tomb in "Mr Peabody &Sherman." Radisson is asmug, sneering atheist who insists that his students sign an admi s sion a that God is dead," before he evenstarts the furious, routinely defy the laws of physics, instructions" of these fiendishly simple semester. Josh refuses to sign, andthus the here's one wherethe cars andstunts are real Danish building blocks. Thestory — if professor, played byformer "Hercules" Kevin you can call it that — is a riff on "Tron," an (mostly) and spectacular. A cross-country Sorbo in a Lucifer goatee, decides to give the alternate world out of sight of our ownwhose sprintfollowed by adaredevil dash through kid the entire semester (apparently) to prove denizens lead anassault on conformity. rural California by the superest of today's the opposite. Rating: Oneand ahalf stars.112 The characters, ranging from a blind wizard supercars, "Needfor Speed" is a car-lover's minutes.(PG) —Moore (Morgan Freeman)and"master builder" ninja dream, a showcasefor everything from "The GrandBudapest Hotel" — Weshould (Elizabeth Banks) to Batman (agrowling Will Bugatti Veyrons to vintageCamaros. It's a all be so lucky as to live in aworld designed, Arnett), an evil overlord namedPresident "Cannonball Run" throwback, with drivers peopled and manipulatedbyW esAnderson. Business (Will Ferrell) and his BadCop(Liam punching through gears andburning through His latestfilm, "The GrandBudapest Hotel," is Neeson) henchman,makethe case that it's tires as they dodgethe cops in illegal street a dark, daft and deft triumph of design details. those who canimprovise, invent and seethe races. Given state-of-the-art stunts and 3-D From the purple velvet with red piping hotel world differently who are "the special." The cinematography, it's a trip. But"Need for uniforms to the drinks, colognes andartwork animation is a plastic-coated blur at times. Speed" also makesthe journeyfrom video of Europe betweenthe World Wars, Anderson Many of the jokes will fly over the headsof ensconces his eccentric characters and us the intended audience. Butfrom its slapstick game to big screenwithout the curse of logic and without the benefit of a punchy, pithy in a time of baroque, imaginary 4-star hotels physics to its theology, "The LegoMovie" script for its cliched characters to quote. But run on what used to passfor 4-star service. amuses andneverfails to leaveviewersthe actors are secondbananas here.And It's all about framing — theodd aspect especially adults — a little dazzled at the whatever the screenwriter's failings, the cars ratios Anderson plays with in the shapeof demented audacity of it all. Rating: Three deliver. Rating: Twostars.130 minutes. (PGstars. 91 minutes.(PG) — Moore the screen, elongated —madeto fit narrow 13) — Moore rooms, tall elevators, funicular rail cars and "The MonumentsMen" —Oneof the most tall actors like Ralph Fiennes,Jeff Goldblum, "Noah" —Oneof the most dazzling and old-fashioned and attimes almost breezy Edward Norton andTilda Swinton. Fittingly, World War II films in recent memory is about unforgettable biblical epics ever put on film. the story is a framework within a frame, middle-aged curators recovering art stolen Director Darren Aronofsky has delivered an a tale told by along-dead novelist (Tom by the Nazis. GeorgeClooney directs himself emotionally involving and sometimes loony Wilkinson) about what inspired his famous and his co-stars (including Matt Damonand interpretation of the tale of aGod-loving man novel, a tall tale heheard as ayounger man Bill Murray) as if he hadwatched "The Dirty (Russell Crowe, ferocious and razor-sharp) (Jude Law) from the owner, Mr. Moustafa (F. Dozen" onacontinuousloopforaweek. and his ark. Jennifer Connelly, RayWinstone, Murray Abraham) of the gone-to-seed Grand Rating: Three stars. 118minutes. (PG-13) Emma Watson and Anthony Hopkins round Budapest Hotel. Rating: Threeand a half — Roeper out a stellar cast. Rating: Threeand a half stars. 99 minutes.(R) — Moore "Mr. Peabody & Sherman" — The old TV stars.131 minutes. (PG-13) —Roeper aHer" — In writer-director Spike Jonze's N cartoon about a genius dog, his adopted son Nen-Stop" —I can't pretend the checklist lovely and wondrous ultra-modern romance and their time-traveling adventures becomes a of cliches didn't tickle me in this genre thriller "Her, a fragile fellow in the not-so-distant a whip-smart, consistentlyfunny and gooda mysterious terrorist threatening future (Joaquin Phoenix) falls in love with natured film with terrific voice performances about midflight murder. As thefederal air marshal the voice of anoperating system (Scarlett led by TyBurrell as Peabody. Lots of sight onboard, Liam Neesoncontinues his late Johansson). One ofthe moreoriginal, gagsandgoofypuns,withsomeclever middle-age run asthe baddest action hero on hilarious andeven heartbreaking stories of one-liners intended for the parents in the the planet. Rating: Threestars. 107 minutes. the year. It works both as alove story and as a audience. Rating: Threestars. 90 minutes. (PG-13) — Roeper commentary on thewaystechnology isolates (PG) — Roeper us from humancontact. Rating: Threeanda "Muppets MostWanted" - aMuppets Most "The Rocket" —Whenhis family is evicted, half stars. 119 minutes.(R) — Roeper a10-year-old Laotian boy believed to be Wanted" is funnier than the last Muppets "Jack Ryan: ShadowRecruit" — Chris Pine a bearer of bad luck befriends aspirited movie, with far better songs (by Bret is at best OK indirector Kenneth Branagh's orphan andhereccentric uncle while leading McKenzie), punnier punsandall manner of well-made but sometimes thuddingly geo-political gags, cultural wisecracks and everyone in search of anewhome. With ridiculous thriller, which often plays like an star cameos. Kermit and theMuppets have Sitthiphon Disamoe, LoungnamKaosainam American version of aJames Bondmovie, barely reunited as agroup when apredatory and Bunsri Yindi. Written and directed by Kim complete with over-the-top villains. Firstmanager (Ricky Gervais) lures them into a Mordaunt. In Laowith English subtitles. A rate stunts, but a boilerplate script. Rating: world tour with promises of sold-out shows review of this film was notavailable at press Two and ahalf stars.105 minutes. (PG-13) and worldwide Muppet adoration. But the time. 96 minutes. (no MPAArating) — Roeper tour is basically a plot by Dominic Badguy — Synopsis from LosAngeles Times alt's pronounced 'Bad-gee.' It's French.") to "TheLegoMovie"— Ifthe LooneyToons ( "Sabotage" — After stealing $10 million put a criminal mastermind andKermit lookteam had playedwith plastic blocks that from a drug cartel, elite DEAagents become alike in charge ofTheMuppet Show. This is snap together, "The LegoMovie" is the what PG comedywasmeant to be, with the targets in a brutal, bloody, dark andat kind of surreal subversion they might giggles mixed with the groans, something times gruesomely funny thriller. Theteam havemade.TheirLooney heirs,theguys onlyaMacarenaa-dancingMuppets can is played by astrong cast headed by Arnold behind the original "Cloudy with aChance deliver. Rating: Threestars. 112 minutes. Schwarzenegger, being typically Arnold, Sam of Meatballs" (Phil Lord andChristopher (PG) — Moore Worthington, Olivia Williams andTerrence Miller), have turned a90-minute exercise "Need forSpeed" —Foranybody tired of Howard. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 109 in product placement into atrippy clarion call for creativity — for not following "the digital movie car chasesthat, while fast and minutes. (R) —Roeper

BENDRegai Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX


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T I M E S • For the TJeek foAPril 4

• There may be anadditional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I

Submitted photo

Keanu Reeves stars in "47 Ronin."

NEW O N D V D 8a BLU-RAY The following movies were released the week ofApril1.

"47 Ronin" — One of thedefining fables of pre-modern Japan, the tale of the 47 ronin has beenfilmed many times in that country. Yet somehow no previous director thought to include rampaging supernatural beasts, a shape-shifting witch or Keanu Reeves.Those last three are prominent in "47 Ronin," Hollywood's first stab at the samurai tale. It's big and brawling yet often dull, with about as muchgenuine Japanese character as afood-court teriyaki stand. Despite the references to Japanese legend, the film's principal influence is all those recent mash-ups of fairy tales, horror flicks and action pictures. (Co-scriptwriter Hossein Amini helped write one of them, "Snow White and the Huntsman.") Ultimately, the movie just doesn't justify its outrageous bid to turn a solemn tale of self-sacrifice into swaggering global-marketplace entertainment. DVDExtras: One featurette and deleted scenes; Blu-ray Extras: Three additional featurettes. 118 minutes. (PG-13) —The Washington Post "Anchorman 2:The Legend Continues" — It's a marvel theway Will Ferrell flings himself into playing the loathsome idiot for theagesRon Burgundy, hired in this sequelto anchor on acable news network in the early1980s. Thegang all returns — Paul Rudd,SteveCarell, David Koechner, Christina Applegate —and they're great. Funnier thanthe original, "Anchorman 2" is also, in its own loony way, a sobering look atthe television business then —and now. Blu-ray Extras: Fivefeaturettes, deleted/ alternate/extendedscenes, gagreel and more. NoDVDExtras were listed for this film. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 119 minutes.(PG-13) —Roeper

Also available:

"The BagMan" and"The Pirate Fairy"


"August: OsageCounty," "Grudge Match," "The Hobbit: TheDesolation of Smaug," "Justin Bieber's Believe" and "Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones"

• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium f6 ff IMAX

Pla00 Well, Retire Well


Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend,800-326-3264. • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE (R) Fri-Wed: 3:30, 9:30 Thu: 3:30 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE 3-D (R) Fri-Thu: 12:35, 6:45 • BAD WORDS (R) Fri-Thu: 1:35, 3:55, 7:30, 9:50 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THE W INTER SOLDIER(PG-13) Fri-Thu: Noon,3:15, 4:15, 6:30, 9:50, 10:10 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THE W INTER SOLDIER3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1, 7:45 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THE W INTER SOLDIERIMAX3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:30, 3:45, 7,10:05 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) Fri-Tue, Thu: 12:15, 3:40, 6:55, 10:05 Wed: 12:15, 3:20 • DRAFT DAY (PG-I3) Thu:8,9,10 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG) Fri-Wed: 12:10, 3, 6:05, 9:05 Thu: 12:10, 3, 6:05 • THE GRAND BUDAPESTHOTEL(R) Fri-Thu: 11:45a.m., 2:45, 6, 9 • THE LEGO MOVIE (PG) Fri-Wed: 12:40, 3:25, 6:40, 9:15 Thu: 12:40, 3:25, 6:40 • THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LA BOHEME (no MPAArating) Sat: 9:55 a.m. Wed: 6:30 • THE MONUMENTS MEN(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:55, 7:10 • MR. PEABODY 0rSHERMAN (PG) Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:10, 6:25, 9:10 Thu: 12:20, 3:10, 6:25 • MUPPETS MOSTWANTED (PG) Fri-Wed: 1:20, 4:35, 7:20, 10 Thu: 1:20, 4:35 • NEED FOR SPEED(PG-I3) Fri-Wed: 3:50, 9:55 Thu: 3:50 • NFINITYCHAMPIONS LEAGUE CHEERLEADING EVENT(no MPAArating) Thu: 7:30 • NOAH (PG-13) Fri, Sun-Wed: 11:50a.m., 12:50, 2:55, 4:05, 6: I5, 7:15, 9:20 Sat: 12:50, 2:55, 4:05, 6:15, 7:15, 9:20 Thu: 11:50 a.m., 12:50, 2:55, 4:05, 7:15 • NON-STOP (PG-13) Fri-Wed: 1:45, 4:45, 8 Thu: 1:45, 4:45 • OCULUS (R) Thu: 10 • RI02 (G) Thu: 9,10 • RI023-D (G) Thu: 8 • SABOTAGE(R) Fri-Thu: 1:10, 4:25, 7:35, 10:15 I


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Aeono Hans (voiced by Santino Fontana) and Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell) meet cute in "Frozen."


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271 • AFTERNOON OF AFAUN:TANAQUIL LE CLERCQ (no MPAArating) Fri-Sun: 2:30 • THE ROCKET (no MPAArating) Fri-Sat: 8:15 Sun: 6:30 Mon, Thu:6 • TIM'S VERMEER (PG-l3) Fri: 4:15 Sat: 4:15, 6:15 Sun: 4:30 Mon-Tue, Thu:8:30 • "Game of Thrones"screens at 9 p.m. Sunday. Doors open at 630 p.m. • The "Spaghetti Westem" will screen at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday(doors open at6 p.m) andincludesan all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner.

• MUPPETS MOSTWANTED (PG) Fri: 4:30, 7 Sat: i:4S, 4:1S,6:4S Sun:1:15,3:30,6 Mon-Thu: 6:30 • NOAH (PG-13) Fri: 4:15, 7:15 Sat: 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 Sun:1:15, 4, 6:45 Mon-Thu:6

Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THE W INTER SOLDIER(PG-13) Fri: 3:45, 6:45, 9:30 Sat-Sun: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:30 Mon-Thu: 3:45, 6:45 • DIVERGENT (PG-l3) Fri: 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 4:15, 7:15 • MUPPETS MOST WANTED (PG) Fri: 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 4:15, 6:45 • NOAH (PG-13) Fri: 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 Sat-Sun: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 Mon-Thu: 4:30, 7:30

Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THE W INTER SOLDIER(PG-13) Fri: 6:20, 7, 9:15 Sat: 1:10, 6:20, 7,9:15 Sun: 1:10, 6:20, 7 Mon-Thu: 6:20, 7 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THE W INTER SOLDIER3-D (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 4:05, 9:50 Sun-Thu: 4:05 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) Fri: 3:40, 6:40, 9:35 Sat: 12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 9:35 Sun: 12:40, 3:40, 6:40 Mon-Thu: 3:40, 6:40 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG) Fri, Mon-Thu: 4:35 Sat-Sun: 2:05, 4:35 • MUPPETS MOSTWANTED (PG) Fri, Mon-Thu: 4 Sat-Sun: 1:40, 4 • NOAH (PG-13) Fri: 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 Sat: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 Sun: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 Mon-Thu: 3:30, 6:30 • SABOTAGE (R) Fri-Sat: 7:10, 9:40 Sun-Thu: 7:10

Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, Sisters, 541-549-8800 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THE W INTER SOLDIER(PG-13) Fri: 4:45, 7:30 Sat:2,4:45,7:30 Sun: 1:30, 4, 6:45 Mon-Thu: 6:15 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) Fri:4,7 Sat: 3:45, 7 Sun: 3:30, 6:30 Mon-Thu: 6

Pine Theater,214 N. MainSt., Prineville, 541-4 I6-1014 • CAPTAINAMERICA: THE W INTER SOLDIER(PG-13) Fri:4,7 Sat-Sun:1,4,7 Mon-Thu: 6:15 • NOAH (Upstairs — PG-13) Fri: 4:10, 7:15 Sat-Sun: 1:10, 4:10, 7:15 Mon-Thu: 6:30 • The upstaim screening mom has limited accessibility





McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St.,Bend,541-330-8562 • FROZEN (PG) Sat-Sun: 11:30a.m., 2:30 Wed: 3 • HER (R) Fri-Thu: 9 • JACK RYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 6 • After 7p.m.,showsare2fandolderonly. Younger than 2t mayattend screenings before 7 pm.ifaccompanied bya legal guardian.


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