Bulletin Daily Paper 04-04-15

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 $'i

SATURDAY April 4,2015



bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD Modern explorers-


They seek to redefine exploration in an erawhenthe map has already beenfilled in. A3


Oklahoma quakes —Is


fracking to blame?Scientists say it probably is.A5

aer ra es


Easter eggs — Make them the old-fashioned way,with natural, food-based dyes.D1

Plus: Easter Sunday —A list of religious services.D2

And a WebexclusiveWrongfully held, a manis awarded millions, but his money is locked up. bendbulletin.cem/extras

Drafting an academic master plan Central OregonCommunity Collegeopenedcampuses in Madrasand Prineville in 2011 at atime whenenrollment at the BendandRedmond campuseswas booming. Nowadministrators are planning for the future of the outlying campuses, including developing anchor programs at each.Most students take basic mathandwriting courses, but the college is working on offering more subjects taught by more full-time faculty. Today, ateachcampus except Madras, astudent can earn anAssociate of Arts Oregon Transfer degreewithout taking classes online or atanother campus.


Iran is in uncharted territory




Numberofdegree-seeking students (fall 2014)


ADRAS: ' Administrators in Madrasareworking to develop aprecision agriculture program, incorporating technology in the field. Thecampus doesn't offer agriculture courses now,but those offered through OSU-OpenCampus were popular with students. Obtaining a degreerequires classes online or at another COCC campus.

By Joby Warrick The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — It started with a simple



handshake. On Sept. 26, 2013,the

lines of a U.N. conference in New York.

Though it lasted only minutes, the encounter

between Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Secretary of State

John Kerry was a breakthrough of sorts: the high-

$17.6 million in revenue, a figure city staffers estimate is needed to make sure all24,000 customers

can turn on their faucets while maintaining enough reserves to



Prineville's most popular program is business,andthe campus is working to offer an associate's in businesswithout making students takeclasses elsewhere.COCC'sbuilding in Prineville is co-ownedby Crook County, which putmoney from afederal grant toward construction.




an Iranian and a U.S. official in decades. It would


direct negotiations, all

culminating in Thursday's historic framework agree-


nuclear program. See Iran /A4


... and we never will. But

we do have a core group of students ... who have barriers that prevent them from taking classes elsewhere."


— Suzie Kristensen, campus coordinator in Prineville

who conserve water and more equitably distribute the cost of

maintainingthe system by shifting costs to those who inflict the most wear and tear.

and beyond By Kerry Hannon New Yorh Times News Service

A month before turning 60, Helen White received her master's

degree insport management at George Washington University and now teaches basketball and

pickleball and organizes recreational programs and tournaments for older adults.

Source: Central Oregon Community College/ Bulletin file photos

Graphic by Abby Spegman and David Wray i The Bulletin

"I wanted to change the stereotype of older adults by getting them to move and enjoy the power

The Bulletin

By Abby Spegman

An Independent Newspaper

The Bulletin

The year was 2009. The econo-

Vol. 113, No. 94,

30 pages, 5 sections

my was tanking, college enrollment was booming, and Central Oregon Community College was making its case to voters for a $41.58 million bond for new buildings.

Q I/I/e userecycied newsprint


last year and is slated to kick in this summer, aims to reward those

Returning to college at 50 "We can't offer all the degrees


consumed. The system, which was approved by the City Council late

Partly cloudy High 49, Low 25 Page B6

Dear Abby 06 Horoscope 06 Local/State B1-6 Obituaries B5 Sports C1-5 TV/Movies 06

phasis on the amount of water

See Water /A5


Business C6 Calendar B2 Classified F1-6 Comics F3-4 Comm. LifeD1-6 Crosswords F4

The increase would be 2 percent less than predicted earlier and is projected to be followed in 2016 by another3percentjump. Muddying the waters is a new rate system for charging customers, a model that puts more em-


COCC's first campus, onBend's west side, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It features aresidence hall, library and bookstore and is home to student clubs andsports. Students can earndegrees and certificates or fulfill requirements needed totransfer to afour-year school in more than 50areas, from chemistry and anthropology to outdoor leadership and exercise science.

ment on limiting Iran's

sewerrates,butdueto a change in the way charges are calculated, estimating a household's or business' future bill is tricky.

ter rate increase would generate


est-level exchange between

be followed by phone calls, secret talks and hours of

City of Bend residents are likely to face a 3 percent increase in water rates and a 4 percent hike in

deal with any unforeseen leaks.

Opened in1997,Redmond is the most established outlying campus. Its enrollment peaked in2011 with more than1,200 students. This fall it opened a 34,300-square-foot technology center (above), and next year it will havea director on campuswho will workto develop the manufacturing andtechnology program.

years — exchanged awkward greetings on the side-

The Bulletin

Both new rates were proposed


lomats of the United States and Iran — bitter foes for nearly 35

By Tyler Leeds

by city staff at a financial planning meeting Friday afternoon. The wa-

ANALYSIS top dip-

ie 0 riSe

I n Bend, that w o uld m ean a

health an d s c ience rejected a $43.75 million bond. But • Tuition center. In Redmond, the 2009 measure passed, and two rising?B1 a technology center. years later, COCC opened campuses And for students near- in Madras and Prineville. ly an hour's drive from the main Now, with the economy picking campus, a chance to start their col- up and more students heading back lege experience without the long to work, college officials are asking commute. themselves: What next? A yearbefore,53 percent of voters

See COCC /A5

88 267 02329

of play," White said. "The degree opened opportunities for me to do that."

In a way, it was a back-to-herroots time for White, who played basketball and tennis competi-

tively throughout her high school and college years, obtaining her first degree in physical education and recreation. See College/A4 e L 2 Fa




oto •


.s •

N'0 /8 a





The Bulletin How to reachUs STOP, START OR MISS YOUR PAPER?


F(eed fIOm death IOW —A manwho spent nearly 30 years on Alabama's death row walked free Friday hours after prosecutors acknowledged that the only evidence theyhadagainst him couldn't prove he committed the crime. RayHinton was 29 when hewas arrested for two1985 killings. Freed atage58, with gray hair and a beard, he wasembraced by his sobbing sisters, who said "thankyou Jesus," as they wrappedtheir arms around him outside the Jefferson County Jail. Hintonhad won anew trial lastyear after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that his trial counsel was inadequate. Prosecutors on Wednesdaymoved to drop the caseafter new ballistics tests contradicted those donethree decades ago. Experts couldn't match crime scene bullets to a gunfound in Hinton's home.

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TraIISgender inmate —The Justice Department put the nation's prisons and jails on notice Friday that it regarded blanket policies prohibiting new hormonetreatment for transgender inmates to be unconstitutional. In court documents, the Justice Department backed a lawsuit brought by aprison inmate whosays the state of Georgia illegally cut off the hormonetreatment she hadbeentaking for17 years. It is believed to bethe first time that the Justice Department has weighed in on the question of whether hormonetherapy for transgender inmates is necessary medical care that states are required to provide.


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Ahupam hrath /The Associated Press

Indian Christians re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus to mark GoodFriday, in Gauhati, India. The "Jesus" pictured wasonly tied to the cross. However, in the Philippines amore realistic re-enactment took place, drawing more than4,000 spectators in a ritual frowned upon bychurch leaders in the predominantly RomanCatholic country. Painter Ruben Enaje,54,wasamong halfadozen men whose handsand feet were rubbed with alcohol before locals dressed asRomansoldiers hammered sterilized nails into his flesh. He has repeated thesameact for the last 29 years

as part of giving thanks after surviving a fall from a building. This year, headded agadget — a small microphone near his mouth, although atechnical glitch made it difficult to hear him utter Christ's last words. After they were lowered from the crosses, medical workers carried the devoteesaway on astretcher and made sure there were nocomplications from their injuries. "I think it takes an incredible amount of dedication and commitment to really go through something like that," said American tourist Tracy Sengillo. "It's really fascinating."

en a aces e rim


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By Abigail Higgins and Jessica Hatcher

gone to pray, survivors said on dormitories and the cries of Friday. her fellow students. More than

New York Times News Service

GARISSA, Kenya — Survi-

50 0 s t udents

were rescued after Islamist

vors of a bloody college cam- militants, heavily armed and pus assault in this eastern city strapped with explosives, atprepared to spend a second tacked the campus, shooting night in tents at a makeshift some young people and takcamp on th e c ity's airstrip ing others hostage. At least 79 waiting to be bused home, as people were injured, accordrescuers removed bodies of ing to Kenya's National Disasstudents from dormitories on ter Operation Center. Friday and airlifted injured Among the survivors was survivors to the capital city of Mary Irungu, who said she Nairobi. left her dormitory just before As the first 20 bodies airlift- dawn to fetch water. Then guned from the campus of Garissa shots rang out directly behind University College arrived at her, she said, and she knew Nairobi's Chiromo Mortuary immediately that a l-Shabab Friday morning, screaming had made it to Garissa. "They were shooting at me and crying relatives of victims lined up to identify bodies at a from behind and I froze; I was different makeshift facility in unable to think," the college a downtown stadium. A man- freshman said in an interifest posted there listed stu- view at a camp in Garissa for dents who survived the attack massacre survivors. Then, she and those who did not. Some said, she dropped her bucket anguished and angry relatives and ran for her life, looking confirmed what they already over her shoulder to see two knew, while others waited in gunmen shooting at her. lines to identify remains. As the bullets flew, she barThe massacre — c arried reled toward the school cafeteout by Islamic extremists who ria, reaching the doors in time slaughtered 148 people as they to slam them closed and turn shouted "God is great" — ap- the lock behind her. Inside, she peared to have been planned found seven cooks cowering extensively, even targeting inside the kitchen. She could a site where Christians had hear gunfire from inside the

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Ag Bulletin payments areaccepted at the drop box atCity Hall. Checkpayments may beconvertedto anelectronic funds transfer.TheBulletin, USPS P552-520, ispublisheddaily byWestem CommunicationsInc.,1777 SWChandler Ave., Bend,OR97702.Periodicals postagepaidat Bend,OR.Postmaster. Send address changesto TheBulletin circulation department,PO.Box6020, Bend, OR 97708. TheBulletin retains ownershipandcopyright protection of all slaff-prepared newscopy,advertising copy andnewsorad ilustrations. They may not bereproducedwithout explicit prior approval.

Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:


OOOs6 047063074

The estimated jackpot is now $30 million.

Sailor reported missingfor 66 days is ingood health

GermanWIIIgS CraSh —Information retrieved from the "black box" data recorder of a doomedGermanjet shows its co-pilot repeatedly accelerated the planebefore it slammed into the FrenchAlps, investigators said Friday. France's air accident investigation agency, BEA, provided the disturbing newdetails a day after a gendarme found the blackeneddata recorder buried in debris scattered along a mountainside ravine. Based on aninitial reading of the recorder, the revelation strengthened investigators' early suspicions that co-pilot Andreas Lubitz meant to destroy the Germanwings A320. Frenchand German investigators are still trying to figure out why. ISlamiC State —In the battle to retake SaddamHussein's hometown, Tikrit, from the Islamic State, the United States and Iran have found a template for fighting the Sunni militancy in other parts of Iraq: U.S. airstrikes and Iranian-backed ground assaults, with the Iraqi military serving as the go-between for two global adversaries that do not want to publicly acknowledge that they areworking together. The template, U.S. officials said privately this week, could apply in particular to the looming battle to retake Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city

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MarathOn hOmding reSpOIISS —While the immediate response to the 2013Boston Marathon bombings saved lives of critically wounded spectators, law enforcement authorities cameunder some criticism in a newreport for what played out a few days later. A throng of "self-deployed" officers from Massachusetts and neighboring states rushed to aBoston suburb without any coordination with police commanders, the report said, leading to dangerous crossfire, guns fired without proper aiming or evenbefore atarget was identified, and a risky fusillade fired at onebombing suspect in the mistaken belief that he hadfired on the police.

"It was h orrific, trauma-

tizing," Irungu said. "I was scared for myself and for my friends who were still Ut the dormitories. ... W e d i d n 't

know what was happening ... and I didn't know if the next

NO anOreXIC mOdelS —In France,controversial new measures to prohibit modeling agenciesfrom hiring dangerously thin models and to require that retouchedphotos of models beclearly labeled overcame a major legislative hurdle Friday,winning approval bythe National Assembly. If approved by the Senate, the measures, whichare part of a larger overhaul of theFrenchhealth carelaws, would put France inthe vanguard in punishing thefashion world for its use of very thin models. "A person should not beobliged to starve herself in order to work," said Olivier Veran,thelegislator and neurologist who championedthe bills. — Fromwirereports

moment would bring death."

an Egg anCs 0 ~

boat was damaged, the Coast

P ORTSMOUTH, V a . Adrift on the ocean, the mast

Guard said. Jordan was plucked from

of his 35-foot sailboat torn the Atlantic about 200 miles away, Louis Jordan says he off the North Carolina coast was able to survive more than on Thursday afternoon after two months at sea by catching furiously waving down the rainwater in a bucket, scoop- container ship. ing up fish that were attracted His boat was upright, but to the laundry he hung over the mast had broken offin the side, and fervently praying heavy weather, and the vesto God for help. sel appeared to have flipped Early Friday, just hours af- over repeatedly, said Thomas ter he was found by a passing Grenz, captain of the German German frei ghter,thebearded container ship. 37-year-old man walked out of Jordan asked hi s C o ast a Norfolk hospital showing no Guard rescuers to drop him off obvious ill effects. without seeking medical care, "We were expecting worse, but he was taken to a hospital with blisters and severe sun- anyway as a precaution. burn and dehydration," said H e demonstrated a f i r m Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd handshake and weary-lookClass Kyle McCollum, a mem- ing blue eyes before declining ber of the helicopter crew who an interview with The Associbrought Jordan to shore. ated Press on Friday. Jordan hadn't been heard

from since Jan. 23, when he set out on a fishing expedition aboard the single-masted 1950s-era sailboat that had been his home for months at a marina in South Carolina.

It was unclear how long a fter leaving port t hat


In interviews with

o t her

news organizations, he described making pancakes out of flour fried in oil, collecting rainwater with a bucket, and using a net to catch fish that

would swim in and out of his clothes when he put them over the side to rinse them.


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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, April 4, the 94th

day of 2015. Thereare271 days left in the year.




No surprise: One

Total lunar eclipse — It should be visible, weather permitting, for just a few minutes at 4:58 a.m.

key to learning in infants is surprise

HISTORY Highlight:In1865, President AbrahamLincoln,accompanied by his sonTad,visited the vanquished Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, where he wasgreeted by a crowd that included former slaves. In1818,Congress decided the flag of the United States would consist of 13 redand white stripes and 20stars, with a new star to beadded for every new state of the Union. In1841, President William Henry Harrison succumbedto pneumonia onemonth after his inauguration, becoming the first U.S. chief executive to die in office. In1850,the city of Los Angeles was incorporated. In1933, the Navyairship USS Akron crashed in severe weather off the NewJersey coast with the loss of 73 lives. In1945,during World War II, U.S. forces liberated the Nazi concentration campOhrdruf in Germany. Hungary was liberated as Soviet forces cleared out remaining Germantroops. In1958,JohnnyStompanato, an enforcer for crime boss Mickey Cohenand the boyfriend of actress LanaTurner, was stabbed to death byTurner's teenagedaughter, Cheryl Crane, who said Stompanato had attacked her mother. In1968, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., 39, was shot and killed while standing on a balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. In1975,more than130 people, most of them children, were killed when aU.S. Air Force transport plane evacuating Vietnameseorphans crash-landed shortly after takeoff from Saigon. Microsoft was founded byBill Gatesand Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In1985, Gary Dotson, who'd served sixyears of a prison sentence for rape, wasfreed on bail from the Joliet Correctional Center in lllinois after his accuser, CathleenCrowell Webb, testified that the attack

had never occurred. (Charges against Dotson were dropped in1989; he waspardoned by l linois Gov.GeorgeRyanin 2002.) In1995, Francisco Martin Duran, who had rakedtheWhite House with semiautomatic rifle fire in Oct. 1994, wasconvicted in Washington of trying to assassinate President Bill Clinton (Duran waslater sentenced to 40 years in prison). Ten years ago: Tensof thousands of pilgrims paid their final respects to PopeJohn Paul II after his body was carried on a crimson platform to St. Peter's Basilica. Kyrgyzstan President Askar Akayev, who'd fled the country from an uprising, signed a resignation agreement. Five years ago: At least 42 people were killed as suicide attackers detonated car bombs near embassies in Baghdad. One year ago:AnAfghan police officer opened fire on two Associated Press journalists inside a security forces base in eastern Afghanistan, killing prize-winning photographer Anja Niedringhaus andwounding veteran correspondent Kathy Gannon.

BIRTHDAYS Actress Elizabeth Wilson is 94. Recording executive Clive Davis is 83. Actor Craig T. Nelson is 71. Actress Christine Lahti is 65. Writer-producer David E. Kelley is 59. Actor HugoWeavingis55.Talkshow host/comic GrahamNorton is 52. Actor David Cross is 51. Actor Robert DowneyJr. is 50. Rock musician MagnusSveningsson (TheCardigans) is 43. Magician David Blaine is 42. Actress Natasha Lyonne is36. Actor Eric Andre is 32.Actress Jamie Lynn Spears is 24. — From wire reports

continuity). After the r amp experi-

By Geoff reyMohan Los AngeIes Times

Baby play just got a little less random.

ments, researchers played a

squeaking sound from a hid-

It turns out that infants den speaker while moving the are n a t u ra l sc i entists, target object (a ball or car) up

spurred by surprises to test primitive hypotheses, according to a study published online in the journal Science. Eleven-month-old

i n-

and down. Then they gave the infants a five-second glimpse of the target object and a dis-

tractor object. The researchers were interested in how well the infants

fants who observed some- would "map" the newly assothing that defied their ru- ciated sound to the correct, or dimentary

e x p ectations, "target" object. So they moved

such as a ball that seemed to go through a wall, readily learned something new about that object but didn't learn it after viewing an object acting normally, according to the study. The babies also sought


portion of

t i m e t h e b abies

looked at each object. Learning scores were based on the difference between the

expectations and played

proportions of time babies spent fixating on the target object in the mapping test and the proportion they had

with it in ways that seemed to test its properties. Such

spent looking at it when it was p resented silently w it h t h e

directed exploration has been widely chronicled in preschoolers and older children and is a pillar of formal models of learning,

distractor. Learning scores were significantly higher for infants who had previously seen the

but it had not been demon-

edge-inconsistent way than for those that had seen it do the

out the object that defied

l.' '

both objects while the sound played and recorded the pro-

strated in young infants. T he

o bject behave in a

k n owl-

e x periments o f - expected, the study showed.

fer evidence to support what scientists had long


"Even though all of the baquite elucidate in ways that bies were equally interested did not seem trivial: paying in the events that we presentassumed, but could never


extra attention to the sur-


ed to them, we found that the

prising probably supports infantswho saw the expected learning. event — the ball stopped by "The trick was to figure

out how to ask babies what they are thinking, since they're too young to verbally report their beliefs to us," said study co-author Lisa Feigenson, a cognitive psychologist who is co-director of the Johns Hopkins

the wall — failed to learn this new information," Stahl said.

"However, infants who saw the surprising event — the ball that passed through the wall

— learned this new information very efficiently." Researchers ran the ramp

University Laboratory for

and squeak trials again, but played a new sound when they

Clockwise from top left: Baron Ambrosia, a long distance swimmer; Paul Rodzianko, an Arctic ex-

Child Development.

moved both objects — a rat-

plorer and mountain climber; Greg Olsen, an astronaut and an honorary member of the Crow Nation; and Laetitia Garriott de Cayeux, president of aerospace company Escape Dynamics, with Ronin, 6 months. All were attending the Explorers Club annual dinner last month in New York.


Photos by Fred R. Conrad / New York Times News Service

By Daniel Engber

It's like we are dabbing with a

New York Times News Service

napkin at the few blank spots in the atlas.

Eric Larsen seemed ill at

"Their psychological experience is ofbeingthere," said Bill

Clancey, a cognitive scientist The "instinct to explore" who embedded with the Mars ease in his tuxedo. He is more inclined to trudge across an ice may still persist, but it's lost Exploration Rover mission in shelf than mingle at a fancy its whiff of derring-do — more February 2004. He remembers party in Manhattan. Yet here pickled than preserved. Do we sitting in a dark room, with

he was, in black tie, nibbling reallyneed explorers now, in on canapesat the American the age of Google Maps'? Museum of Natural History. The Explorer Club's departLarsen came to this event ing president, Alan Nichols, because of how he makes a liv- believes we do. "This is the golden age ing. It's printed on his business card: Explorer. He had trekked of exploration," he said in a to New York City from his meeting at the club's kooky, home in Boulder, Colorado, for ostentatious headquarters in his profession's version of the Manhattan. Members come Oscars: The Explorers Club here to drinkwhiskey and host Annual Dinner and awards. lectures amid the mounted More than 1,000 people tusks,sleds and axes. Some of joined him this month for Roosevelt's trophies decorate the four-hour soiree beneath the rooms. the museum's fiberglass blue In addition to his adminiswhale. Among them were as- trative duties, Nichols, 85, has tronauts like Buzz Aldrin, as- been working on a project tronomers like Neil deGrasse to find the tomb of Ghengis Tyson, and a panoply of others Khan. "They've been looking for of who make apoint of seeking thrills and seeking knowledge, the tomb for 750 years,and in varying proportions. they haven't found him," NichFounded in 1904, The Exols said. "But we'll find him. plorers Club is an international Why? Because we've got unsociety dedicated to promoting derground-penetrating X-rays, fieldresearch and "preserving we've got drones, we've got the instinct to explore." Among magnetometry. We've got all its early members were the this stuff that explorers haven't first humans to visit the North had before." Pole, the South Pole, the sumBut the growth of new techmit of Mount Everest and the nology poses problems for surface of the moon. one of the club's most cherTheodore Roosevelt joined ished precepts — that explo-

heavy shades drawn across

the club in 1915; at this year's

ration means adventure in the

dinner, there was a look-alike in safari gear, hired by the

classic mode still seems viable, and where the issues are not

field, carried out by visionary risk-takers. These days, many quite so vexed. This year,the of our most thrilling expedi- club honored a caver named C. tions are made remotely, us- William Steele, who was about ing robot arms and sensors, to set off to spelunk in Huautla, and in place of legendary Mexico, the site of the deepest ship-captains and mountain- cave system in the Western eers — think of Ernest Shack- Hemisphere. leton and Sir Edmund Hillary Steele takes biologists along — we have expansive teams on his expeditions, a la Darof scientists and engineers. win on the Beagle, and his When NASA sends up rovers teams have found cave-adaptto study the Martian surface, ed species oftarantulas.There they are controlled by commit- is no way to do this work with tee in Pasadena, California. robots, he t old t h e d i nner It's hard to say if these men guests. "It's the purest form of and women are explorers in exploration: You don't know the classic sense. until you go."

hosts. But as this ghost of ex-

peditions past bushwhacked through guests in evening wear, a l ess intrepid spirit

came to mind — not exploration, but nostalgia. For all the triumphs of the

past, today's explorers face a daunting prospect: Our maps are fully drawn, and there is

not much left for them to do. We may still search the ocean

floors and rappel into uncharted caves, but it is hard to shake the feeling that these expeditions are not fundamental.

the windows so the research-

ers could match their schedules to the days and nights of a planet 140 million miles away. As the team sent commands

up to the rovers, he said, the s cientists built u p

a me n -

tal map of where they were. "They know what's around the bend and what's behind them.

tle instead of a squeak. When the rattle played, infants who Chronicling s u r prise saw the knowledge-inconsisr eactions, which can b e tent trials didn't increase the elicited even from new- proportion of looking time to borns, has been a reliable

the target object. And learn-

way to try to assess what expectations infants might

ing scores were significantly greater in the original squeak

have of their world and at

test than in the test with the

what ages those rules are rattle. present. Hundreds of studT hat suggested that t h e ies use the technique, and infants had actually learned they've shown that young about a new property of the infants already have a no- misbehaving object — the tion of object solidity and original squeak — and weren't continuity — balls don't just preferring that object. just pass through walls, or To test if learning was endisappear and reappear hanced only toward the mismagically elsewhere. Ba- behaving object, they ran the bies even appear to have continuity v i olation e xperin umeric and s o cial e x - ment (the ball magically movpectations, studies have ing from one hidden location to shown. But how surprise me-

another), then presented a new

elaborate tools. Yet even in

Stahl, a Ph.D. candidate in

aroused and ready to learn

Pasadena, there was uncer-

the child development lab, anything: They appeared to designed a series of exper- be focused on learning re-

These are real experiences, the experiencesofrealexplorers." It is easy to mistake the ro-

bots for explorers, Clancey said, even though they're just tainty about who or what, exactly, was behind the work. In

one of the NASA team's first published science papers, the action was described in differ-

ent ways: "We drove Spirit," the authors wrote, and then later, "Spirit drove away."

The Explorers Club has grappled with these confusing, modern expeditions by honoring the scientists in charge. Not everyone agrees with their

inclusion, though. There are some places on Earth where exploration in the

object and showed that it had a diates additional learning sound associated with it. among infants remained a Infants failed to map the mystery. new sound to the new object. Feigenson and Aimee Infants weren't just generally

iments involving a total of 110 babies, to test the hy-

pothesis that violations of

lated to a specific object that

defied expectations, the study suggests.

core expectations offera

"special opportunity for learning." Babies witnessed events

that appeared consistent or inconsistent with basic physics. A ball or car rolled down a ramp toward two walls, positioned in tandem and partially obscured by a screen. When the screen was removed, babies saw the rolled object resting against the first obstacle or the second — as if it had passed through the first. Another group saw a ball put behind one of two screens, which then were




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lifted to reveal the ball be-


hind in the same place, or behind the other screen.


The experiments and its variations are well-known methods to test whether

babies have expectations that solid objects don't go

through other solid objects (object solidity), and that objects don't disappear or move by themselves (object


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ALS patients pressFDAfor access te contreversial drug biotech company began extolling the benefits of its new ALS drug. An early trial with RA APprove a dozen patients had produced QMep4oo results that were "statistically meisNpr 7oldsr~, significant," "very robust" and orsMe ®coo "dramatic," it said in a series of news releases. FoA rsr os,. In February, Genervon ap- s~esreorr plied to the Food and Drug Administration for "accelerated approval," which would allow it to take the drug directly to market, bypassing costly, KevinJohnson/The WashingtonPost large-scale efficacy trials. Donna Pollard, left, puts her arm around her brother Mike Clarke, ALS patients responded center, an ALSpatient, as they participate in a rally to ask Conby pleading with the FDA, in gress and the FDA for faster approval of the GM604 ALS drug on Capitol Hill in Washington last week.

to grant broad access to the experimental drug. Online which last year raised more forums lit up. A Change.org are considering them. petition attracted more than a T he ALS effort i sn't t h e than $115 million through its half-million signatures. first time desperate patients "Ice Bucket Challenge," says "Why would anyone oppose have launched a social media making the drug broadly availit?" ALS patient David Hunt- campaign to try to compel the able at this point could expose ley, a former triathlete who FDA to act. But it has left the patients to possible side effects can no longer speak or travel, ALS community starkly divid- and "pulls money, personnel asked in a letter his wife, Linda ed, with some advocates and and effort away from finding Clark, read at a rally on Capitol researchers questioning the the cure that all of us are workHill last week. "(ALS) doesn't company's tactics. ing together to find." Dorothy and Winston Ko, just kill you; it takes away evThey say few pharmaceutierything that you care about, cal companies would push for the owners of Pasadena-based one at a time, then it kills you. accelerated approval based on Genervon, insist their results Tell me how some as-yet-to-be- a 12-week trial involving 12 are strong enough to warrant detected side effect is going to people. Short-cutting the tra- speedy approval. "The data is degrade my quality of life?" ditional clinical-trial process, highly, highly robust," WinBut others argue that the they warn, could make it more ston Ko said in an interview. drug hasn't been adequately difficult to t ell w hether the "Why would I push it if I'm not confident that our innovative, tested and it is too soon to re- drug really works. "All this petitioning and novel drug discovery is not lease for wide usage. The FDA must now weigh press releases over such little effective?" Thousands of ALS patients its mandate to ensure new data is premature," said David drugs are safe and effective Gortler, a pharmacology ex- and their loved ones remain against the demands of pa- pert and former FDA senior hopeful about the drug. Eric Valor, 46, a California tients such as Huntley, who say medical officer. "I think Genthey should be allowed to try ervon is preying on the lack of ALS patient, says the apparexperimental treatments and information that the average ent safety of the drug, coupled are willing to accept the risks. person has about the drug-de- with its potential, makes it an ideal candidate for pressing The agency could act any day. velopment process." The campaign for FDA Steve Perrin, chief scientif- the FDA to change the way it approval of the drug, called ic officer of the ALS Therapy approves drugs for the termiGM604, e c hoes a pu s h Development Institute, a non- nally ill, a process he thinks around the nation for broader profit dedicated to developing is too slow and risk-averse. "I accessto experimental drugs treatments, is more blunt. "The understand the need for data for seriously ill patients. More bottom line with the Gener- and deplore false hope and its than a d o zen s tates have von drug is there is absolutely effect on PALS (people with enacted "right to try" laws no data," he said. "There is no ALS)," he wrote in an email. aimed at allowing such pa- mathematical way or statisti- "However, the current FDA retients to get drugs that have cal way that they could mea- view paradigm has to change. ... It's a balance between hope passed only initial safety sure a drug effect." Even the ALS Association, and hard science." tests. Nearly two dozen more


m ore than halfofretirees70or youngerretiredbeforethey had Continued fromA1 originally intended; 40 percent But it was also a bet on her did so because ofhealth-related issues and 26 percent because

where she had been a man- of layoffs, forced early retireager ofinformation services. ment or other issues with their White, who lives in Arlington, employers. Virginia, spent about $24,000 Some of those reluctant reas a part-time student for four tirees want, or need, to keep years to prepare for her new working in some fashion, but life. to get hired, they must first exFor many, a retirement of pand their skill set. baby-sitting g r andchildren, The need tooffer more edugolfing and relaxing on the cational options that can lead beach is passe. Older people to jobs for older adults is gaintoday approach work as a pil- ing traction. lar of a retirement lifestyle, In March, deans, provosts planning ahead and adding and vice presidents from 22 skills even before leaving their institutions, including Arizocurrent jobs. na State University, ColumAs demand for more adult bia University, Community learning opportunities accel- College of Vermont, Cornell erates, colleges and univer- University, Denison Universisities are trying to figure out ty, Tulane University, UCLA how to tap into the market for

and the University of Wash-

second careers to bolster their revenue and perhaps build alumni loyalty. The potential audience is huge.

ington, held a daylong sum-

By 2030, the number of

have paid little attention to the

mit at New York University to

to create i n tergenerational,

age-friendly institutions and build a network to help students like White and others who want to reboot to service-oriented work.

sities frequently compete, but this is a space we can find a

Financial Services found that

for free tuition at community collegesbecomes law, even more older students are likely

to participate. Some state u niversities have also offered enticements

to older students. California's 23 state universities offer tuition-free classes in their Over

60 Program, and in Texas, public colleges and universities have tuition-reduction

programs for students 55 or older. Pennsylvania State Uni-

versity' sGo-60program offers tuition-free enrollment in undergraduatecredit courses to people who are at least 60 and

retired or working less than half time.

Students not seeking degreesoften can audit classes at a local college or enroll in massive open online courses, or MOOCs, at little or no cost,

allow students 50 and older who aren't seeking to earn

credit to attend classes at more than 100 universities.

One-year adult education programs aimed at professionals are also on the increase.

The first class of 24 students began orientation last De-

Learning Initiative at Harvard

is a similar program.

ip Pizzo, a former dean of the

Stanford School of Medicine and founding director of the Stanford institute. "They are here to discover which areas thing new."

In recentyears, communi-

Initiative, for example, creates

campus programs for people

ers have long denounced as the "Great Satan." Statements by U.S. and

Iranian officials m ade clear that the two countries are nowhere close to nor-

a milestone achievement, a pivotal point i n I r a n's post-revolutionary history rupt and brutally repressive

Iran. The negotiators did not,

and the beginning of a new

regime. for example, discuss the growchapter in t h e c ountry's Every year since 1979, tens ing crisis over Iran's support relations with the outside of thousands of Iranian partic- for Houthi rebels who last world. ipate in rallies commemorat- month o v erthrew Y e men's "We have entered uning the anniversary of the U.S. S unni-led government i n c harted t e r ritory," s a i d Embassy crisis, burning U.S. Sanaa. "This understanding is unKarim Sadjadpour, an Iran flags and chanting, "Death to expert at the Carnegie En- America." One of the largest likely to lead to i m mediate dowment for International rallies in recent years occurred changesinIran'sdomesticand Peace. "A decade ago you in 2013, the same year Iranians foreign policies," said Ali Nadcould go to prison for ad- overwhelmingly elected mod- er, an Iran analyst for Rand vocating dialogue with the erate cleric Hassan Rouhani as Corp. "But for now this is an United States. Now that ta- president. important breakthrough." boo has been smashed." The hostage ordeal marked Whether, and how quickthe end of diplomatic relations ly, Iranians will see tangible DNerences remain between the two countries, but benefits from the accord is still Tehran and Washington it was only the first of a long unclear. Negotiators deferred remain sharply at odds on seriesof crises,from alleged- a final decision on the timing a host of issues — from Ira- ly Iranian-sponsored terrorist for easing Western sanctions nian support for militants attacks on U.S. Marines and against Iran, meaning that imto the detention of U.S. cit- diplomats in Lebanon to the provements in Iran's chronic izens in Iranian prisons. downing of an Iran Air pas- jobless rate and high inflation President Obama, in ansenger jet by the Navy guid- could still be many months nouncing the agreement, ed missile USS Vincennes in away. acknowledged that it "will 1988. Thus, while many Iranians not end the deep divisions Since 2003, the tensions reacted jubilantly Thursday and mistrust between our have centered on Iran's nucle- to news of the agreement, the two countries." ar ambitions, following allega- euphoria could quickly turn Yet the deal represents tions of secret nuclear-related to despair if the nuclear deal a remarkable shift for a research programs by Iran's fails to translate into economcountry that, j ust t h r ee military and the discovery of ic improvements for ordinary years ago, was firing at partially constructed, heavily Iranians, said Mehdi Khalaji, U.S. surveillance drones fortified facilities intended to a senior fellow with the Washover international waters produce enriched uranium. ington Institute of Near East in the Persian Gulf and Iran has maintained that it Policy. "People need to see change," allegedly plotting to assas- has a right to develop a peacesinate a Saudi diplomat by ful nuclear energy program, Khalaji said. "If Rouhani is not bombing a restaurant in but Western suspicions about able to do much in the short Washington. While Iran's Iran's nuclear intentions ele- term, it will lead to popular security e s t ablishmentvated concerns about a possi- disappointment and strengthand many of its leading ble military conflict. en the hand of hard-liners." clerics remain vehemently As nuclear talks between But other observers believe anti-American, ordinary Iran and five world powers that th e d i p lomatic o penI ranians w i l l n o w se e stumbled, the United States ing achieved over the last 18 rapprochement with the and its allies sought to slow months will be difficult to West as not only possible the nuclear program through reverse. After years of sancbut desirable, said Trita other means, from covert cy- tions, many ordinary Iranians Parsi, president of the Na- berattacks to sweeping eco- are more than eager to see tional Iranian A m erican nomic sanctions, imposed by their country shed its isolation Council. the Obama a dministration, and experience freedoms that "For many people this that slashed Iran's oil profits residents of other capitals take closes the chapter on and crippled its banking sec- for granted, said Haleh Esfan1979," said Parsi, referring tor. At least five Iranian nucle- diari, director of the Middle to the year when Irani- ar scientists were killed by un- East Program at the Woodrow ans overthrew the coun- known assassins in the space Wilson International Center try's pro-American ruler, of two years. for Scholars, a Washington Shah Mohammad Reza think tank. "The population is dying for Pahlavi, allowing fierce- Warming relations ly anti-American AyatolThe first real signs of a thaw a deal," Esfandiari said. "They lah R uhollah K h omeini emerged after the surprise are saying, 'We are sick and to come to power. "It's not election of Rouhani, a moder- tired of being treated as a parithat the revolution is unate who campaigned for pres- ah state. We are sick and tired done, but the enmity with ident on a promise to improve of being marginalized.'" Iran's most powerful leadthe United States is finally diplomatic relations with the neutralized." West and win relief from eco- ers, including Supreme LeadFor most of the past nomic sanctions. The historic er Ayatollah Ali K h amenei, three decades, that enmity first handshake between Zarif will likely continue to resist not only defined relations and Kerry took place a month change, and even Rouhani between the United States after Rouhani's inauguration. may feel he lacks the capital and Iran, but also served Two months after that, on to undertake major reforms a rallying cry, particularly Nov. 24, 2013, Kerry and Zarif to the country's foreign polat times when the regime signed an agreement along icy. Yet, sanctions relief will faced external or domestic with diplomats from five other likely provide "some space to crises. The defining event world powers, freezing Iran's Iranians who want an end to in the Islamic Republic's nuclear program and setting Iran's isolation," said Nader, history was the storming of the stage for the comprehen- the Rand expert. "The conservatives won't be the U.S. Embassy on Nov. sive framework announced on 4, 1979, and the seizing of Thursday. able to blame the nuclear crisis 52 U.S. hostages, an event Iran experts noted that the with the West for the intense fueled by r age against agreement sidestepped other atmosphere of repression they the United States for its major obstacles to genuinely have maintained for the past support of the shah's cor- improved U.S. relations with decade," Nader said.

Speak up, Save a child.




to Prevent Child Abuse

Every child should have 3 people they can talk to if they feel unsafe.

"Each of our fellows wants

to contribute to society in meaningful ways," said Phil-

Richard Matasar, vice presi-

ty colleges have reached out to adults interested in prac-

country that Iranian lead-

cember at the Stanford Dis-

tinguished Careers Institute. Tuition for the 2016 program is $62,000. The Advanced

capture their sprit and permit them to transition to some-

nancial gerontology at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. tical c ontinuing e ducation. But there is another reason The American Association of fortherise inthenumberof old- Community Colleges' Plus 50 er students. A survey by PNC

If President Obama's proposal

reason to collaborate," said

a chance to pursue career dent for university enterprise dreams that weren't feasible initiatives at NYU. before retirement," said Cynthia Hutchins, director of fi-

50 andolder,with an emphasis on training for the workplace.

discuss future curricula and via Coursera, Udacity, EdX collaborations. Their mission and Lynda.com. The Osher was to work together on ways Lifelong Learning Institutes

needs of this population. Among the challenges are "It makes no sense, howev- how to provide courses for er, to have an educational sys- those in an aging population tem that ends in the 20s when who lack the time or finanpeople are likely to be work- cial resources for full-blown ing into their 80s," said Laura degree-based programs. One Carstensen, founding director idea was to offer older stuof the Stanford Center on Lon- dents college credits for work gevity. "We need to rethink and life experience as a way to these things." reducethe number of classes A Merrill Lynch study con- needed for a degree. ducted in p a rtnership with The meeting was a sign of Age Wave, a research firm the rising awareness among that focuses on aging, found colleges and universities of the that nearly t h ree of e very prospects in the demographic five working retirees said re- shifts around aging. "Univertirement was an opportunity to shift to a different line of work. "Many see retirement as

— New YorkTimesNews Service

years. But for Iranians, the

of the Islamic Republic: Direct engagement with a

Last fall, a small California

Americans 65 and older will grow to 72 million, up from 40.2 million in 2010, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. To date, colleges and universities

the talks themselves were

The ultimate success of

the nuclear deal may not be known for months or even

paralleled since the birth

The Washington Post

future after leaving A A RP,

malizing relations. But to longtime Iran observers,

AF8b WOfld 85IUStS —Almost as soon as hehadannounced a nuclear deal with Iran, President BarackObamacalled King Salman of Saudi Arabia to reassure him of America's "enduring friendship." Returning the courtesy, Salman, who is Iran's chief regional rival, responded that hehopedthe dealwould "reinforce the stability and security of the region andthe world," the Saudi Press Agency reported Friday. But the picture on the ground wasnot so harmonious. As Tehran and its clients around theArab world celebrated the accord as atriumph of Iranian resolve, Saudi Arabia and its allies declared the agreement hadonly reinforced their determination to push back against Iranian influence, with or without Washington. On the front lines of battles with Iranian proxies in Syria andLebanon, some cried betrayal. "The Saudi king decided his country could no longer bear the provocative Iranian expansive policy in the Middle East, or the American silence over it," wrote Jamal Khashoggi, a veteranSaudi journalist and former government adviser, in acommentary this week.

Continued from A1

negotiations have already produced something un-

By Amy Ellis Nutt and Brady Dennis

emotional videos and emails,


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One of the Stanford particfrom Cisco Systems in Noexplore and learn at Stanford

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J o,


ipants was Jere Brooks King, who took early retirement vember 2011 at age 55. "Who could resist the opportunity to

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BRIEFING Warm Springs man sentenced William Clements Sr., of WarmSprings, was sentenced to21 months in federal prison Wednesdayafter pleading guilty to assault resulting in serious bodily injury, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Portland. Clements, 44, assaulted his wife May16, 2014, slamming her to the ground and repeatedly hitting her, according to a news release.Shewas treated at St. Charles Madras. The WarmSprings Police Department responded to areport of domestic violence. But Clements hadleft before police arrived. Hewas arrested the following week, according to the news release. Helater

By Kailey Fisicaro The Bulletin

The Central Oregon

Community College board of directors will vote on a tuition and fee increase at its

I'0 OSeS LII IOA II1CI'ecISe Hayes' emails COCC tuition increasesovertime reveal If the Central Oregon Community College board of directors authorizes an increase in the 2015-16 tuition and fee rates, students will pay $91 per credit, which is up about 4 percent for all students. 2 012-13 2013 - 1 4 2014- 1 5 2015- 1 6

meeting Wednesday. Board


Chairwoman Laura Craska

Nonresident Veteran

Cooper believes it's likely the increase will pass. The proposed increase is about 4 percent for all students; in-district students

paid $87 for the 2014-15 school year, and would pay $91 if the increase passesfor the 2015-16 school year. The technology fee would also be raisedfrom $5.50 to $6 per credit for all students. If the board votes in favor

of the proposal, COCC's combined in-district tuition and fee rate would remain the

third-lowest among Oregon

$82 per credit

$87 per credit

$87 per credit

$91 per credit





Out-of-district / in-state





Border state (CA, ID, NV and WA) Out-of-state









By Jonathan J. Cooper

Note: The technology fee may increase from $5.50 per credit(2014-t5) to $6 per credit Source: Central Oregon Community College

community colleges, according to the proposal, but Cooper knows these comparisons are relative. "I'll be honest, the increase is something I've struggled with," Cooper said Friday. "What I struggle with is ...

Greg Cross I The Bulletin

just because you're one of the lowest tuitions in the state doesn't mean you're

affordable." The board began discussing these increases in October. Revenue from tuition and

of COCC's revenues — 42 percent of the college's total general fund revenues in the 2014-15 budget and expected to be about 39 percent in the 2015-16 budget, according to COCC documents.

fees makes up a large portion

SeeTuition /B5

admitted to hitting and

kicking his wife andpulling her hair, according to the news release. After serving his prison sent ence,Clements must spend threeyears on supervised release, the news releasestated.

o nore a er

ear s

541-322-6309. — Bulletin staffreports


The Associated Press

SALEM — The state of

Oregon on Friday released 94,000 emails involving the fiancee of former Gov. John Kitzhaber, who resigned amid scandal earlier this

year over allegations that the former first lady used her relationship with him

to land contracts for her business. The emails show the

very active role that Cylvia Hayes, Kitzhaber's longtime companion, played in his administration, as well as the tension that it sometimes raised with the gover-

nor's staff. Hayes routinely

attended meetings, was cop-

ied on emails among senior staff and requested information or clerical assistance

from stat eemployees. Kitzhaber had downplayed her role in the ad-

Firefighter training set for Monday The BendFireDepartment plans to setfire to a donated building Monday as atraining exercise for new firefighters. Department officials said residents might see smoke andflames from the fire betweenabout 9 a.m. and early evening near TumaloReservoir and Pinehurst roads, northwest of Bend, according to anews release. The fire will be controlled, and anengine crew will return to the area periodically for several hours after the burning to ensurenothing has reignited. The exercise is one of the last phasesof training for10 newBend firefighters andparamedics andwill be ajoint exercise with firefighters from Redmondand Sunriver. Representatives from the Tumalo Irrigation District, Deschutes County Public Works Department, U.S.Forest Service andOregon Department of Forestry will provide assistance, according to the news release. Anyone with questions may contact the Bend FireDepartmentat

big role

ministration, insisting she

was not adviser or public official, which would require herto adhere to the ethics laws that he and his staff must uphold. Kitzhaber, a Democrat,

resigned in February, saying the influence-peddling allegations surrounding Hayes had become too much of a distraction. The

FBI is investigating andhas issued subpoenas for the emails and thousands of

other records. The emails released Friday are messages between Hayes and the official email accounts for staff members in Kitzhaber's office. Yet

tobe released are Hayes' interactions with officials in other state agencies, as well

as emails from her personal accounts that discussed state business. Hayes has

filed alawsuit seekingto block the release of her per-

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Dale Crawford receives hugs from his students while being recognized for his years of teaching agriculture during the annual FFA banquet in Culver on Thursday.

sonal emails. The emails showthat Hayes was involved in policy meetings, and her input was sometimes sought on policy questions. In one example from

April 2011, shortly after

• Culver High agriculture teacher Crawford iS Set toretire at the endOfthe SC hOOIyear By Abby Spegman

Kitzhaber took office, the

a plant,'" said Crawford, 67, who will retire at the end of

thisschoolyearafter40years teaching. "They still need to know (that), but there's more

needed to succeed in an evolv- to it." ing field. As it has changed, Thursday was the annual

The Bulletin

Dale Crawford wants you to know: Agriculture is more

than farming. There's horticulture and

biology, business management, livestock production, mechanics and engineering, even public speaking skills

definitely crack-y." Crawford's path to teaching started with a phone call from his former agriculture teacher

at Bend High School looking for someone to substitute teachsome classes.Crawford

governor's executive assistant sent an email to an aide

assigned to Hayes. She had scheduled a meeting fortwo policy advisers, Kitzhaber and Hayes, but the governor had to leave early. "They will discuss natu-

so too has the way it's taught,

banquet for Culver's FFA

according to Crawford, the longtime agriculture teacher at Culver High School. "It's more about problem solving, accessing informa-

chapter and when word got

had been in FFA and gone on to study agriculture at Ore-

out this was Crawford's last,

gon State University. He was

my-relatedissues," the assis-

former students from up and down the West Coast came

working on his family's dairy

tantwrote."The Governor will stay for 15 minutes; but

tion, decision making, and not

about 'These are the parts of

home to honor their teacher.

"It was a tough day for me," he said Friday. "My voice was

farm at the time, which he claims with pride was the last

with a Bend address. SeeCrawford/B2

ral resource and jobs/econo-

I expect the meetingto last 30minutes."




• Statewide:Legislators consider increasing speed limit on certain highways,B3 • Albany:Drummer from Journey donates money to Albany High School after fire,B3


Tribes fireofficial amid investigation

Well shot!

Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took a photo, any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and contact info. Photos selected for print must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot he altered.

city manager.

The Bulletin

He told The Bulletin last month that he uncovered

The Confederated Tribes

Reader photos

Send us your best outdoor photos at bentibulletin.com/ readerphotos.Your entries will appear online, and we'll choose the best for publication in the Outdoors section.

By Beau Eastes


of Warm Springs has fired its secretary-treasurer, Jake Suppah, The Bulletin confirmed Friday. "He has been released

troubling financial patterns

from duties," said Elizabeth Sato, the tribes' director of

took his concerns to tribal

human resources.

leave Feb. 10 in what he

The tribes are under fed-


Susan Newman, of Bend, lights candles representing the beginning of the eight-day Jewish Holiday Passover, which commemorates the Jews leaving Egypt, at Chabad Lubavitch of Central Oregon in

eral investigation of alleged financial irregularities discovered by Suppah. Suppah, a Warm Springs native and Madras High graduate, was hired by the tribes in 2013 to serve as secretary-treasurer, a posi-

Bend on Friday.

tion that is comparable to a

:- atttltsi

Meg Roussos/The Bulletin

within the tribes, including theft of time, mismanage-

ment of federal grants and missing funds. Suppah council but was put on paid claimed was a retaliatory move for blowing the whistle on allegedly illegal activity. Suppah was locked out of his office and his work cellphone and laptop were confiscated by tribal authorities the same day he was put on leave.

SeeWarm Springs/B5




The Associated Press SALEM Oregonians couldbegin fl ying along certain highways at 75 mph after lawmakers heard testimony

Friday on a bill upping speed limits from 65 mph on interstate highways. Under the proposal, passenger cars would be able to go 10 mph faster than the cur-

This isn't the first effort to increase speed limits. In 2011, two Republicans tried to

amend legislation to raise the speed limit in rural Oregon interstates to 75 mph. Former Gov.John Kitzhaber also vetoed a 1999 attempt to raise the speed limit.

state highways. Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-Ontario,

gy released when something happens. So a small mistake becomes a big mistake at the higher speeds," Costales said. The Oregon Speed Zone Review Panel did a review of speed limits on interstate high-

ways in 2004, Costales said, after a law allowed the agency to

necessary to keep drivers safe,

establish speeds up to 70 mph people living in rural areas to for passenger vehicles and 65

rent limit. It also ups the speed he said. He alsonotedmotorists travelfaster. limit on state highways to 65 used to be able to drive along at Troy Costales, an adminismph. Certain vehicles, such 75 mph before the speed limits trator at the state Department as trucks and school busses, were dropped to help save gas of Transportation, cautioned would have to stick to the 55mph limit on i nterstate and

PheaSantS releaSed —Deputies saidthey're investigating the release of 50ring-neck pheasants from agame-bird farm in Clackamas Countyand trying toverify a post that claims responsibility. The Estacada GameFarmraises pheasants, quail, ducksandchukars for useby hunters to train their dogs orpreserveswherehunters payto shoot them. Sheriff's Sgt. NathanThompson said somebodycut a lock ononeof four pens in Marchand released birds valuedat about $1,000. Thepost on the Animal Liberation Frontwebsite is signed"A.L.F." It said breedingthe birds for hunting represents"the height of human arrogance anddisregard towardsanimal life." Thompson said investigators don't knowhow, or if, the release isrelated tothe looseaffiliation of animal rights activists.

in the early 1970s. "The problem is that at one time we did drive at 75 mph way before the cars were as

lawmakers at the public hear-

ROdder StaSh —Afederal spokesmansaid guns, ammunition, knives andcampinggearhavebeenfoundinaconvictedbankrobber'ssecond cache, this oneunearthed onafarm in rural northwest Portland. Bradley Robinett spent nearly fiveyears onthe run before hewasarrested last summer in thePortland suburb of Hillsboro. After his capture, authorities say they learned ofthreeplaces hehadstashed belongings. In early March, theFBIoffered atour of an underground bunkereast of Seattle that was reportedly used by Robinett. A spokeswomansaid investigators hauled out largetubs of unspecified evidence.Agents havenot discussed the location of thethird cache.

mph for trucks on interstate

highways. They decided the safetyof drivers outweighed any benefit. This isn't the f irst effort

ing that increasing the speed to increase speed limits. In limit might lead to more crash- 2011, two Republicans tried to es and fatalities. amend legislation to raise the "While we can change the speed limit in rural Oregon laws of man, we can't change interstates to 75 mph. Former

sponsored the bill. Safety im- safe as they are now and the provements to vehicles, such state survived," Bentz said. He as air bags, GPS systems and also noted boosting the speed the laws of nature. When speed Gov. John Kitzhaber also veseatbelts, mean the c urrent limit could help bring the state goes up for every 10 miles toed a 1999 attempt to raise the speed limits are no longer as closer together by allowing an hour it doubles the ener- speed limit.

SeX aduSe SentehCS — A manwho served 11yearsfor strangling his wife in the1980shasbeensentenced in Eugeneto10years in prison for sexuallyabusing two girls for whom he and asecond partner had been babysitters. Prosecutor Erik HasselmansaidThursday the sentence doesn'tallow early release andwill probably ensurethat Darrel Melvin Emra,now69, won't victimize anybodyelse. Emrakiled 40-yearold Carol Emra inAugust1986after a dinner dateanddumped her body into a river. He finished his sentencein1997. InJanuary, thetwo girls told their mother he'dabusedthem in 2009. Relatives ofthe victims said his sentenceshould havebeenlonger, but theyagreedto it so the children didn't have totestify. — From wire reports

Journeydrummerpledges 10ICto help school recoverfrom fire By Jennifer Moody

Albany students personally

Albany Democrat-Herald

about theloss once he returns




Deen Castronovo of Journey

in Illinois.

Addison said the foundation's treasurer, Elaine Wells,

to Oregon later this month.

called him personally Thursday afternoon, saying he just wanted to see how he was

"I would love to talk to the

reported that most of the do- dolng. nations have come through The drummer said he has fire at South Albany High agement," he said. "It's a disthe f o u ndation's w e b site, a music store in California School through a text from a appointing loss and a bumwww.albanypubicschools- where he and his friends get friend and fellow Oregonian. mer all around." foundation.org. supplies and told Andrew to His text back: "How can I B and director Isaac A n One donation f o r $ 1 00, give him a wish list for the help?" drew said he would love the however, was personally de- program. "He was really cool. He The friend contacted a TV chance to introduce his stulivered, she said. The woman station, which in turn provid- dents to Castronovo. The procame in Thursday and said w as just totally down to ed a contact at Greater Alba- gram lostbetween $250,000 she had lost everything in a earth," Andrew said. ny Public Schools. Castrono- and $350,000 in instruments, fire 10 years ago and wanted Still drumming for Jourvo and his wife, Deidra, have uniforms and sheet music, to help others who had suf- ney after 17 years, Castronocommitted to a $10,000 dona- and he's not yet sure where fered a similar loss. vo just released his first solo tion to the high school's band classes will be held when Wells Fargo & Company album with hi s ow n b and, and choir programs, whose school resumes Monday. announced Thursday it is do- Revolution Saints. His own classrooms, in s t ruments, Superintendent Maria DelTimothy J. Gonzalez1rhe (Salem) Statesman-Journal via The Associated Press file photo nating $5,000 to the Albany school musicclasses,he said, sheet music and supplies apoer has said the district ex- Deen Castronovo, drummerfor rock band Journey, performs Public Schools Foundation, were the basis for his career were destroyed in the blaze. pects insurance to cover most "Don't Stop Believing" with the Journey to Music band during the and will also match dona- and the inspiration for his "It's just heartbreaking; it's of the fire's losses, but not all annual Boys & Girls community luncheon, at the Salem Contions its employees make to donation. "The music programs that a mess. That's just sad," Cas- of them. Cash donations will ference Center in 2011. Castronovo and his wife, Deidra, have the school from $25 up to tronovo said in a phone inter- be used for equipment and committed to a $10,000 donation to South Albany High School's $5,000 per individual this I was in growing up were an view Thursday from Dallas. materials not covered. band and choir programs, whose classrooms, instruments, sheet year. integral part of my develop"Me and my wife, Deidra, Donations of materials are music and supplies were destroyed in a fire that gutted the school The ba n k ' s don a t i on ment as a drummer. I was a we both knew in our hearts being routed through Assis- in Albany on Wednesday. brings contributions to the very average student, but I it (the donation) is the right tant S uperintendent T onja foundation in the fire's after- got As in all my band classthing to do." Everest, who can be reached math to about $10,000, Addi- es," he said. "I just felt in my heart I Castronovo, 49, calls Sa- at tonja.everest@albany.kl2. the Albany Public Schools everything from a single dol- son said. Castronovo's donalem home when he'snot on or.us. Foundation. Aimee Addison, lar to $2,500 so far. Most are tion brings that total to about could do something to help tour. He said he's hoping to Monetary c o n tributions development director, said from Oregonians, but at least $20,000. out. I'm doing everything I find time to meet with South are being funneled through individuals have contributed one came from a contributor Andrew said Castronovo can to get people on board." heard a b out

W e d nesday's kids, give them some encour-

Water for Ontario mobile homesgets OKon arsenic, nitrates • New owner installs treatmentsystem, residents no longer at risk to haveto leave

tilizers and from human and cooking but drank bottled lems. City officials said the animal waste. In high doses, water. They said moving previous owner, who prothey can be fatal to infants, would be a hardship since posed digging a new well or state health officials say. their mobile homes were too hooking up to the city water The mobile home park's old to survive a move. supply, didn't have enough The Associated Press dents pay rent for the space septic tanks are i n p o or But, the Ontario Argus Ob- money. ONTARIO — After years to park their homes. City of- shape, city and state officials server reports, a new owner The city has opposed alof living with water that had ficials describe it as a low-in- say, contaminating ground- has installed a treatment sys- lowing the park to hook up to t oo much a rsenic and n i - come development with limit- water and allowing sewage to tem that passed its first test. the city's water supply unless "Samples for arsenic and it also joins the city. trates, and with th e t h reat ed options for providing safe rise. They'll eventually have that they might be forced to water and sewer systems, and to be replaced, said Bob Bag- nitrate were taken March 5th In fairness to other mobile leave, residents of the 16-fam- with more problems ahead. gett, natural resource special- and sample results are below home parks, city officials ily Golf Mobile City on the Arsenic is common in the ist for the state Department of the maximum contaminant said, the c onsistent policy outskirts of O ntario now region around Ontario, a city Environmental Quality. level," said Jonathan Modie, is that water supplies would have water that r egulators of more than 11,000 in EastLast year as the park own- spokesman for the Oregon require annexation to the judge to be safe. ern Oregon on the Idaho bor- er faced a "cease and desist" Public Health Division. city, and that would include Environmental regulators der. It's linked to cancer and order from the state over waThat followed more than hooking up to the sewer sysprepared last year t o s h ut other diseases. ter quality, some residents half a decade of attempts to tem, building streets and down the park, where resiNitrates can come from fer- said they used the water for deal with the park's prob- sidewalks, and meeting other

salem hospital, OHsLI joining clinical, financial operations The Associated Press SALEM — After soliciting partners from s even W est

Coast organizations, leaders at Salem Hospital plan to sign an agreement next month with

OHSU is the larger operation by more than three times, with an annual operating budget of $2.2

agreement would mean. The partnership allows more can-

billion versus $629 million for Salem Health,

ments in Salem.

and 14,600 employees toSalem 's4,200.

Oregon Health & Science University to put their clinical and

cer patients to receive treatOHSU could help Salem Healthbuildcapacityin specialty care, he said. Salem Health could also take patients with

or assets. Once joined, the hos- less complicated problems, alland institution that includes pitals will share financial risks lowing OHSU to focus on the the state's medical education and rewards at the end of each most challenging cases. "It's early, but we feel that programs and a children's hos- quarter. pital in addition to its general OHSU is the larger opera- there probably are p atients hospital. tion by more than three times, who are treated at OHSU who Health, told th e S t atesman The agreement calls for Sa- with an annual operating bud- shouldbe and can betreated in Journal. lem Health and OHSU to re- get of $2.2 billion versus $629 Salem," said Peter Rapp, exec"You're looking for partners tain separate boards, and their million for Salem Health, and utive director of OHSU health to more efficiently deliver pa- employees will be considered 14,600 employees to Salem's care. "And with additional suptient care at a reduced cost," he separate workforces. A man- 4,200. port,some of the services we sald. agement company will report Wells said the Salem hospi- havehereand arenotavailable tal's existing partnership with in Salem, we could organize Salem Health said last year to both boards. ithad narrowed its search for The 40-year deal does not in- OHSU's Knight Cancer Insti- differently so they could be a larger partner from seven volve a transaction of finances tute is an example of what the done in Salem." financial operations under one

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EDj To

The Bulletin





8 II 0 SBVB I'OU 9E mong the problems Oregon's disabled citizens

Ox' 4'i

have is saving money. Currently, if they save even as little as $2,000, they risk losing federal benefits, including the Social Security or Supplemental Security Income payments on which they live. That will change if state lawmak- them legal, however, and that's ers approve Senate Bill 777, allowing where SB 777 comes in. It tells state some disabled Oregonians to estab- Treasurer Ted Wheeler to create and lish ABLE savings accounts through maintain an ABLE program in his the state treasurer's office. They are office. poised to do just that. As Oregon shifts more and more ABLE — Achieving a Better Life of its disabled adults into commuExperience Act — was passed by n i ty-work settings from sheltered Congress and signed by the presi- workshops, ABLE accounts could dent last year. It allows those who help ease the transition. Money in became disabled before age 26 to t hem could go to purdme job supestablish what are known as 529 sav- port if need be, and the accounts ings accounts, which can be spent could hold excess earnings that othto supplement their federal benefits. erwise would make workers ineligiBecause of the age limit, those who bleforMedicaidandotherbenefits. qualify are most likely to have inABLE accounts will not help evtellectual or develoPmental disabil- eryone with a disability to be sure ities, or to have become disabled in parents considering opening the ac counts will have to decide, perhaps Those who qualify may put up to withthehelpof alawyer,whetherthe $14,000 per year into the accounts, benefits of theaccounts areworthit. which can hold as much as $100,000 At the same time, however, the withoutpenalty.MoneyinABLEac accounts do provide the disabled and their families another toolboth thing from education to housing to to help plan for a financiaily stabie l~ a n d ~ ~ & mm future and to do some of the things ABLE accounts cannot be estab- today that nondisabled Oregonians lished in states that haven't made takeforgranted.

Wor ers,em 0 erS nee t eri t t oos E mployees who believe they were cheated out of wages or fired unfairly can seek compensation through the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. But even if BOLI rules in favor of the employee, employers sometimes

don't pay up. BOLI needs bettertools to collect. The problem is real. There are many examples, and The Oregonian recently cited several. For instance, a Medford businessman was found to have demoted, cut thepay andthen firedanight manager at the Cybercenter Sports Grill "based on her sex/pregnancy," accordingto a BOLI ruling. The businessman was ordered to pay more than $150,000 in 2012 to the woman,The Oregonian reported. She has received $632. Not every business is going to be able to pay right away. Delinquent payments are not unusual. BOLI is asking the Legislature to support three changes in the law. Senate Bill 468 would allow BOLI to issue wage garnishment or-

ders without going to civil court. House Bill 2386 would allow BOLI to issue a cease and desist order without a court order for wage issues. BOLI already has that authority for civil rights matters. House Bill 2387 would enable BOLI to require that employers who have developed a pattern of not payingemployees regularlybe required to post a bond. If the employer failed to pay again, BOLI could use the money in the bond to pay the workers. There are possible issues with the bills. Take SB 468. Employers do have the right to challenge BOLI decisions in court, as they should. But it's not clear from the way that SB 468 is written that an employer would be able to challenge the decision before the wage garnishment was issued. And how could the employer challenge the wage garnishment? It's important that BOLI have the tools to help employees who are wronged. But the laws must also be fair to employers.

Cali ornia's watere — own conservation measures By Megan McArdle

rok notes. While the new emergency most important, you limit the porules do include provisions for local tential conservation to the caps. So s California heads into its utilities to raise rates, that would still people have an efficient dishwasher fourth year of drought, Gov. leave water in the state ludicrously but don't consider doing small loads Jerry Brown, is taking the mispriced. According to Tabarrok, by hand; they have a low-flow showunprecedented step of ordering the average household in San Diego erhead but don't consider taking mandatory rationing. pays less than 80 cents a day for the shorter showers. In short, no one is Bloomberg N ew s re p orted: 150 gallons of water it uses. This is looking for ways to conserve more "Brown issued an executive order less than my two-person household than whateveryou've mandated. seeking a mandatory 25 percent re- paysforconsiderably less waterus- This may be enough to temporarily duction in use and a requirement age, in an area where rainfall is so manage the current crisis, but it does that new homes feature water-effi- plentiful that the neighborhood next nothing to set California's water uscient irrigation if the builder plans door to me has a recurrent flooding age on a more sustainable path. to use potable water for landscaping. problem. I know what you're going to say: He also called for 50 million square Artificially cheap water encourag- H igher water bills w il l h ur t t h e feet of lawns to be replaced with es people to install lush, green lawns poor. But as Tabarrok points out, drought-tolerant landscaping and that need lots of watering instead of these bills are such a small portion requiredcampuses,golfcoursesand native plants more appropriate to of household budgets that even doucemeteries to cut back on water." the local climate. It means they don't bling them wouldn't make much California has to do somethingeven look for information about the difference. Moreover, the biggest many of its reservoirs are half-emp- water efficiency of their fixtures and subsidies in California are going to ty, and the Sierra Nevada snowpack, appliances. They take long showers agriculture. Thanks to these subsiwhich provides much of California's and let the tap run while they're on dies, California is planting water-inwater, is far below normal levels. But the phone with Mom. In a thousand tensive crops such as rice and althat doesn't mean it should do this ways, it creates demand far in ex- monds even as it starts fussing about particular thing. California's pro- cess of supply. residents' lawns. If we're truly worried about the posal is far too heavy on top-down Having artificially goosed deregulatory management, and far too mand, the government then tries poor, we could set some minimum light on pricing. to curb it by mandating efficiency amount of water that would be sold I've seen a lot of apocalyptic writ- levels and outlawing water-hog- at a very cheap rate, with any excess ing about California only having a ging landscaping. Unfortunately, charged at market rates to reflect the year of water left (not true), and I've this doesn't work nearly as well as actual supply and the cost of providheard some idle talk about wheth- pricing water properly, then letting ing it. This would be hugely unpopuer California can continue to grow. people figure out how they want to lar with homeowners who have big But California's problem is not that conserve it. For one thing, you can lawns as well as with farmers. And it doesn't have enough water to sup- only affect large and visible targets, perhaps the fabulous array of Calport its population. Rather, the prob- such as appliance manufacturers or ifornia produce would be reduced. lem is that its population uses more lawns. For another, people will often But that seems like a reasonable water than it has to. And the reason try to evade your regulations — my price to pay for keeping California's people do this is that water in Cali- low-flow showerhead came with reservoirs from running dry. fornia is seriously underpriced, as handy restrictions on how to remove — Megan McArdle is a columnist Marginal Revolution's Alex Tabar- the flow restrictor. And, perhaps for Bloomberg. Bloomberg News


Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedlt submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: lelters©bendbulletin.com Write: My Nickel's Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Balancing religious liberty and equality as the world evolves ver the past few decades the


United States has engaged in a great struggle to balance civil rights and religious liberty. On the one hand, there is a growing consensus that straight, gay and lesbian people deserve full equality with each other. We are to be judged by how we love, not by who we love. If denying gays and lesbians their full civil rights and dignity is not wrong, then nothing is wrong. Gays and les-


BROOKS religious beliefs contain heterosexual definitions of marriage. These people are worthy of tolerance, respect and gentle persuasion. At its best, the gay rights movement

has promoted its cause while carefulmarry and live as they want, but be ly respecting religious liberty and the honored for doing so. traditional pillars of U.S. society. The On the other hand, this was a na- cause has focused on marriage and tion founded on religious tolerance. military service. It has not staged a The ways of the Lord are mysteri- frontal assault on the exercise of faith. ous and are understood differently The 1993Religious Freedom Resby different traditions. At their best, toration Act, which was supported Americans have always believed that by Sen. Ted Kennedy and a wide pospeople should have the widest possi- se ofprogressives, sidestepped the ble latitude to exercise their faith as abstract and polarizing theological bians should not only be permitted to

they see fit or not exercise any faith.

argument. It focused on the concrete

While there are many bigots, there factsof specific cases.The actbasiare also many wise and deeply hu- cally holds that government somemane people whose most deeply held times has to infringe on religious

freedom in order to pursue equality and other goods, but, when it does, it should have a compelling reason and should infringe in the least intrusive way possible. This moderate, grounded, incrementalstrategy has produced amazing results. Fewer people have to face

liberty are covers for anti-gay bigotry.

try to turn philosophic clashes (about right and wrong) into neighborly as a matter of pragmatics and as a problems in which different people matter of principle. In the first place, are given space to have different lanes if there is no attempt to balance re- to lead lives. In cases where people ligious liberty and civil rights, the with different values disagree, we cause of gay rights will be associated seek a creative accommodation. with coercion, not liberation. Some In the Jewish community, conserthe horror of bigotry, isolation, mar- people have lost their jobs for express- vative Jews are generally polite toginalization and prejudice. ing opposition to gay marriage. ward Orthodox Jews who wouldn't Yet I wonder if this phenomenal Furthermore, the evangelical move- use their cutlery. Men are generally achievement is going off the rails. In- ment is evolving. Many young evan- polite to Orthodox women who would diana has passed a state law like the gelicals understand that their faith prefer not to shake their hands. In the 1993 federal act, and sparked an in- should not be defined by this issue. larger community, this respectful pocredible firestorm. As a matter of principle, it is sim- liteness works best. If the opponents of that law were ar- ply the case that religious liberty is a The movement tochampion gay guing that the Indiana statute tightens value deserving our deepest respect, rights is now in aposition where it can the federalstandards a notch too far, even in cases where it leads to dis- afford to offer this respect, at a point that would be compelling. But that's agreements as fundamental as the where steady pressure works better not the argument the opponents are definition of marriage. than compulsion. It's always easier to take an absomaking. Morality is a politeness of the soul. Instead, the argument seems to be Deep politeness means we make ac- lutist position. But, in a clash of values that the federal act's concrete case- commodations. Certain basic truths like the one between religious pluralby-case approach is wrong. The op- are inalienable. Discrimination is al- ism and equality, that absolutism is ponentsseem to be saying there isno ways wrong. In cases of actual bigot- neither pragmatic, virtuous nor true. valid tension between religious plural- ry, the hammer comes down. But as — David Brooks is a columnist ism and equality. Claims of religious neighbors in a pluralistic society we for The New York Times. This deviation seems unwise both




Continued from B1 A year later, Hayes was asked to weigh in on abill before the Legislature. "Cheryl, Regardingbullet 3

FEATUREDOBITUARY DEATH NOTICES Steven John Paleki, of Bend Feb. 6, 1969 - April 2, 2015 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend is honored to serve the family. 541-382-0903. www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A "Celebration of Life" will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

National Autism Association at


Marilyn Jane

Anderson,of Bend April 10, 1929 - Mar. 16, 2015 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Friday, April 10, 2015 1:00 P.M. at The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, 68825 Brooks Camp Road, Sisters, Oregon 97759.

Ruby (Wela) Thomasa Berrey, of Crooked River Ranch Mar. 7, 1920 - Mar. 24, 2015 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel is honored to serve the family. Please sign our guest book at www.redmondmemorial.com 541-548-3219 Services: Celebration of Ruby's Life will be held at 1:30 PM Saturday April 4, 2015 at the Crooked River Ranch Chapel, 5060 SW Clubhouse Rd., Crooked River Ranch, OR. Following a Celebration of Life Party at 3:00 PM at The Loyal Order Of Moose Redmond, 3199 N. Hwy. 97, Redmond,


Contributionsmay be made to: Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, Oregon 97701.

Thomas G. Tyrrell, of Redmond Dec. 7, 1933 - Mar. 26, 2015 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel is honored to serve the family. Please sign our guest book at www.redmondmemorial.com 541-548-3219 Services: Mass of Christian Burial 11:00 AM Tuesday April 7, 2015 at St. Thomas Catholic Church, 1720 NW 19th Street, Redmond, OR. Graveside Services at Redmond Memorial Cemetery Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 2:00 PM. Contributions may be made to:

BrightSide Animal Center 1355 NE Hemlock Ave. Redmond, Oregon 97756 -541-362-4610.

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world:

Pensive filmmakermadeup for lost time after repression M anoel de

O l iveira, t h e

tarian rule in his country and ended with a surge of produchome in Oporto, Portugal. He

was 106. His death was announced by the City Council of Oporto. Formuch of thepast25years Oliveira was known among cinephiles as the world's old-

est active filmmaker. Unable to work for decades under the repressive right-wing government of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, who came to power in 1932, Oliveira started making

Lionsl Cironnsau /The Associated press

Director Manoel De Oliveira speaks during a newsconference for

up for lost time in his 60s, at an "The Strange Case of Angelica," at the 63rd international film fesage when most directors are entering their creative twilight.

Almost as old as cinema itself, Oliveira often seemed like a filmmaker out of time,

or perhaps of many times, a 20th-centurymodernist drawn to the themes and traditions of

earlier eras. He was known for ruminative, melancholic, often

eccentricmovies about grand subjects like the nature of love and the ever-present specter of

death. Critics noted that his age, combined with

h i s b e lated

coming-of-age as an artist, granted him a certain freedom. Reviewing his 1998 movie "Inquietude," the French journal Cahiers du Cinema said of Oliveira, "He is sovereign, free, unique, perched high on a tightrope no one else can reach, defying the laws of gravity and above all the rules of cinematic decorum and

tival, in Cannes, southern France in 2010. Oliveira, who has been

apart of filmmaking for nearly as long ascinema hasbeen around and surged in productivity after the repressive Salazar regime ended in Portugal, died Thursday. He was106.

novels, all deal with obsessive like "Word and Utopia" (2000), passions that are inevitably "The Fifth Empire" (2004) and "Christopher Columbus — the thwarted by external forces. All four of those films, and Enigma" (2007). The most a vast majority of Oliveira's ambitious of these " 'Non,' or oeuvre, were based on literary the Vain Glory of Command" or theatrical texts. Two of his (1990), recounts a wide swath favorite sources were contem- of Portuguese history by flashporary Portuguese writers, ingback to the empire's bloody Agustina Bessa-Lufs and Jose conquests and defeats. Regio. Among the classics he Oliveira started receiving adapted or excerpted were lifetime achievement awards works by Flaubert, Beckett, after he hit his late 70s — from Ionesco, Dostoyevsky, Paul the Venice Film Festival in Claudel, Madame de Lafayette 1985 and the Locarno Film and Camilo Castelo Branco.

ideas into practice.

Harmon- Johnson was later fired,in part because of

a conference.

"It sounds like maybe you have not seen the me-

her frosty relationship with the first lady, according to

d ia firestorm I am i n

Hayes often sought opp ortunities t o tr a v e l t o c onferences or s p eak t o I n D e cember 2 013, a spokeswoman f or th e


l earned K i t z haber an d Hayes would be in town and

invited them to a fundraiser to support scholarships for after-school sport and club

programs. While the governor couldn't make it, Hayes

Warm Springs Smith, OrvieDanzuka and Scott Moses, took their con-

Manuel Casimiro and Jose Manuel; a daughter, Adelaide Maria; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Oliveira continued to make films almost to the end. Between 2010 and 2014 he direct-

November to set up a call." — Associated Press writers Steven Dubois in Portland; Gene Johnson in Seattle; Tami Abdollah and Robert Jablon in Los Angeles; Olga R. Rodriguez in San Francisco and Sheila Kumar in Salem contributed to this report.

said she would be "happy to

faithful l iterary a daptations

iveira is survived by two sons,

note to follow up with you in

Sch o o ls

Continued from B1 Suppah and three tribal council members, Carlos

sented him with another life-


midst of," she wrote. "It is very intense, painful and embarrassing. I do know it will pass as the campaign season closes. I will make a

her termination letter.

Oliveira's fondness for aristocratic settings, grand phil- ture, as he showed no signs osophical themes and long, of slowing down. (Venice pre-

Suppah aired his frustrations online Monday, posting on Facebook a long list of alleged financial problems within the tribes. He also included emails that appear

to show several thousands

cerns public in an interview with The Bulletin. Danzuka

of dollars of theft from the tribes' community wellness

also contacted the U.S. De- center. partment of Interior's Office Neither Suppah, nor tribal of Inspector General to look council Chairman Eugene t r i bes' f i nancial "Austin" Greene Jr., nor in-

into th e

matters. The Inspector Gen- terim Secretary-Treasurer eral's office confirmed the Mike Collins responded to investigation March 18 in a requestsfor comment on response to The Bulletin's this story. Freedom of Information Act

— Reporter: 541-617-7829, beastes@bendbulletin.com



COCCdoard meeting

Continued from B1 COCC anticipates the tuition rate i n crease would

generate about $600,000 in revenue and the technolo-

gy fee rate increase would provide $80,000 in revenue. At COCC, 86 percent of stu-

dents are considered in-district; for the 2014-15 school

At 7:15 p.m.Wednesday in the Christiansenboard room of BoyleEducation Center Building, 2600NW CollegeWay, Bend. A budget meeting will precede theboard meeting at 6 p.m.

year, an in-district student

taking 15 credits paid about $1,305 before fees — with the rely more on the college's reincrease, the same student

serve fund. At the time, as a

would pay about $1,365 be- board member Cooper knew fore fees. this meant higher increases The increase won't help in the future, as is now being pay for new services, but in- proposed. According to Bulstead for existing services letin archives, Cooper spoke that will have larger budgets up at the meeting on tuition next year. rates. "It is true that if we don't

In the 1990s, Oliveira's international profile received a lift

ed a number of shorts, as well

L ast year a r ound t h i s time, the COCC board chose

as segments in two multi-di-

not to increase rates for

raise it this year, we will have tomake a bigger raise

when he started making films in French and supplementing his repertory of Portuguese stars with bigger art-house draws like Catherine Deneuve,

rectoranthologies and a feature, "Gebo and the Shadow" (2012), with a cast including ClaudiaCardinale andJeanne

in-district or nonresident veteran students by $1. Instead,

later if we need it," Cooper said in April 2014.

Marcello Mastroianni, Michel

Moreau. Reviewing that movie for The New York Times,

Piccoli and John Malkovich. "The Convent" (1995), a theological mystery in French, English and Portuguese starring

shrewd and skillful master of the art."

Died Thursday at her home in Oliveira became a pre-emiEngland. nent auteur among European Miroslav Ondricek, 80:Cam- critics with a series of films Deneuve and Malkovich, was eraman whose intimate, real- made between 1971 and 1981 his first film to be released in ist style propelled him from — "The Past and the Present," the United States.

— From wire reports

Festival in 1991. These honors would come to seem prema-

— "The Satin Slipper" (1985), time award in 2004.) There was renewed interbased onan epic Claudelplay, Manoel Candido Pinto de runs seven hours — earned est in Oliveira's work when he Oliveira was born on Dec. 11, him a reputation as a high-cul- turned 100, not least because he was the only major film1908, in Oporto. His father was ture mandarin. an industrialist who owned But there was also a per- maker in the history of the a dry-goods factory and later verse plainness to his method. medium alive and working in built a hydroelectric plant. Ol- He developed a cinema oflong his centennial year. Repertoiveira dropped out of college takes and static tableaus, an ry houses around the world and, before turning to film- aesthetic so elemental it verged mounted retrospectives of his making, compiled an impres- on the primitive. He extended films in 2008, and that year he sive resume as an athlete. He this stripped-down approach was awarded a Palme d'Or for was a pole vaulter, diver and to the acting. He cultivated his body of work at the Cannes race car driver and even brief- a stable of actors — among Film Festival. In 2010, the year he turned ly performed in a trapeze act. them Luis Miguel Cintra, LeHe entered the film world onor Silveira and his grand- 102, he fulfilled a longtime ambition by making "The Strange in the late 1920s as a bit-part s on Ricardo Trepa — w h o actor. The first film he direct- typically delivered their lines Case of Angelica," based on ed, "Douro, Working River" with minimal expressiveness, a script he wrote in 1952 and (1931), was a short silent doc- sometimes blankly facing the initially intended as a portrait of melancholy and anxiety in umentary about the riverside camera. bustle in his hometown. Oliveira said his goal was the aftermath of World War After a number of other simplicity, a directness de- II. A limpid ghost story about shortdocumentaries,he m ade signed to focus the senses."I a dead bride who comes to his first feature, "Aniki-Bobo" search for clarity in my films life before a young photogra(1942), a children's parable of- so that deeper thoughts may pher's camera, the updated ten considered a precursor of be more easily perceived," he "Angelica," which turned out neo-realism, then struggled said in 2008. to be one of Oliveira's most The final phase of Olivei- well-reviewed movies, touches fordecades to getprojects approved by the government-run ra'scareer was also his most on 21st-century concerns like film commission. prolific. From 1990 to 2010 he climate change and global fiDuring that time, Oliveira made a feature almost every nancial crisis. In addition to his wife, Oloperateda farm and vineyard year. This remarkable rate was

time putting his long-gestating

there'sno room for her to



its final days — it was overthrown in 1974 — he wasted no

ity Initiative and how ath-

sition given your role as First speak but they'd still love Lady." her to come, she emailed her Last year, Hayes com- assistant: "please find a nice plained to K it z h a ber's way to decline." communications director, Shortly after Hayes held Nkenge Ha r m on- John-a tearful news conference son,that a speech she gave last October to acknowldidn't go as well as it could edge that she was paid to have because a speechwrit- enter a fraudulent marriage er hadn't finished a draft. in 1997 with a man seeking The writer had shifted to immigration benefits, she work on a l a t e-scheduled replied to an email from a speech for the governor. European man she'd met at

decade, died Thursday at his

eight times faster than aver-

for c inematography. Died March 28 in Prague.

— Former Gov. John Kitzhaber's chief of staff in an email to Cylvia Hayes

sometimes caused tensions.

the team in an awkward po-

tivity extending into his 11th

as theSalazar regime entered

wood, where he was nominated for two Academy Awards

Her relations with staff

First Lady."

chief of staff quickly replied: letic scholarships helped me "Cylvia, can I ask you not to become a first generation use folks' state email to do college grad." fundraising requests. It puts When the organizers said

the silent era, flowered in the 1970s with the end of authori-

those affected to age about

Communist C z echoslovakia

are headed with the ten year energy plan and implementing carbon accounting."

to a fundraiser. Kitzhaber's

acclaimed Portuguese filmmaker whose career began in

said in an interview with The Hayley Okines, 17: Cam- New York Times in 2008. paigner who raised awareBetween 1931 and 1970, Olness of the rare genetic con- iveira made only two features dition progeria, which causes and a handful of shorts. But

to a successful career in Holly-

"That is counter to where we

It puts the team in

an awkward position given your role as

sent a note to all staff ask- attend and make a few brief ing them to buy $100 tickets remarks about the Prosper-

New York Times News Service

Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

her life with th e condition.

see it removed," Hayes wrote.

"Cylvia, can I ask you not to use folks' state email to do fundraising requests.

In December 2012, Hayes

By Dennis Lim

Michael Jandreau, 71: The that his wife, Maria Isabel, a testament not just to his vitalleader of South Dakota's Low- had inherited. He would come ity but also to the resourcefuler Brule Sioux Tribe for 35 to regardthis forced absence ness of producer Paulo Branco, years was known for a vari- from filmmaking as an im- who worked with Oliveira on ety of economic development portant incubation period. 21 featuresand often secured "I had time for a long and financing through partnerprojects bu t h a d r e c ently faced allegations of financial profound reflection about the ships with French and Spanish wrongdoing. Died Friday in artistic nature of cinema," he companies.

age. She also published an autobiography at 14 detailing

of HB 4144, I wouldnot like to


A.O. Scott called it "an intriguing minor composition by a

theboard increased ratesfor

— Reporter: 541-383-0325, kiisicaro@bendbulletin.corn

other students and opted to

• ' h earing aids B Y TRI C I A

There is also one film by Ol-


• earing Better Since 1955.

iveira still to be released. His "Visit, or Memories

In his later years, Oliveira and Confessions" was made "Doomed Love" and "Francis- became increasingly preoccu- in 1982. It is said to be about ca" —thatcame to be known pied with history, and in par- a house where he used to live. as his "tetralogy of frustrated ticular with the rise and fall of Oliveira stipulated that belove." Set in different periods the Portuguese empire. This cause of its personal nature, it (from the early 19th century theme surfaced, with varying could be shown publicly only to the 1970s), based on plays or degrees of directness, in films after his death. "Benilde or the Virgin Mother,"

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54 1 -316-5064

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70S SW 1 1 w Street Redmond, OR 97756



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W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather, lnc. ©2015







HIGH 49' i f '



LOW 25'





t, t ,

Mostly cloudy with snow showers late



t, I ,



UV INDEX TODAY 10 a.m. Noon

s 1~5

2 p .m. 4 p .m.

~ s


Wee d s

W L s l ~ Hvh • Ab t Source: OregonAgergyAssocistss 541-683-1577

~ 108 ~ g s

As ol 7 s.m. yesterday

Yesterday Today Sunday

~ cs

~ t gs

~ 209

Yesterday Today Sunday

99% EXTREMES (for the '„' 100% YESTERDAY

Wickiup 199207 Crescent Lake 7 5 4 05 87% Ochoco Reservoir 33746 76vo Prinevige 1241aa B4vo River flow Sta t io n Cu. f t./sec. Deschutes R.below CranePrairie 167 Deschutes R.below Wickiup 377 Deschutes R.below Bend sss Deschutes R. atBenhamFags 9S4 Little Deschutes near LaPine 157 Crescent Ck. belowCrescent Lake 33 Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 269 Crooked R.below Prineville Res. 194 Crooked R. near Terrebonne 210 Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRes. 5

SKI REPORT In inches ss ol 5 p.m.yesterday


42-S S 31-70 2B-4 5 43-77 50-50

Source: OuTheSnow.com

~ 30 s ~ 4 0 s ~ 5 0 s ~ e c s ~ 7 0 9 ~ a g s ~ g g s ~ t c c s ~ 1 10s *

Ca p acity NATIONAL

Ski resort New snow 0 Mt. Bachelor Mt. HoodMeadows 0 0 Timberline Lodge Aspen I Snowmass, CO 4 Park City Mountain, UT 1



WATER REPORT Acr e feet 549 3 0



Brookings Bums Eugene Klsmsth Falls Lskeview Weather(W):s-sunny, pc-psrtly cloudy,c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-tbundsrstorms, r-rsin, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow l-ice, Tr-trsce,Yesterdaydata ssol 5 p.m. yesterday


Reservoir C rane Prairie

• Lakeview


H i/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W C i t y Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Portland 52/3 9/0.1558/38/pc 55/41/sh 55/36/0. 19 55/36/sh 54/40/c Ls Grande 57/25/0.00 51/30/sh 49/32/sn 56/17/Tr 51/25/sh49/28/sn Ls Pine 49/15/0.00 48/24/pc 41/24/sn Prinevige 53/ 24/0.0053/26/pc 41/25/sn 55/38/Tr 5 3/41/pc 48/41/r Me d lor d 61/3 3 /0.00 60/39/pc 51/33/r Redmond 54 / 1 6/0.00 53/25/pc 46/26/ sn 57/1 5/0.00 53/28/pc 48/24/sn Newport 5 2 /36/0.58 52/38/c 51/41/shRoseburg 59 / 35/Tr 59/38/pc 53/37/r 56/33/0.06 57/35/pc55/37/sh NorthBend 54/39/0.14 54/41/pc 53/41/sh Salem 52/36/0.20 57/35/pc53/38/ sh 55/17/0.00 52/29/pc 42/23/sn Ontario 61/22/0.0059/34/pc 58/36/sn Sisters 51/1 7/0.00 52/25/pc45/26/ pc 59/1 2/0.00 53/25/pc 44/22/sh Pendleton 56/30/0.00 56/33/pc 54/37/pc The Dsges 6 2 /31/0.00 60/34/pc 58/38/sh

City Astoris Baker City

3-5 Moderate;6-7 High;8-10 VeryHigh; 11+ Exlreme.

T r ee s


Yesterday Today Sunday


The highertheAccuWsstber.rsrmiiv Index number, the greatertheneedfor eyesndskin protscgou.0-2 Low

G rasses

• Ashl nd • FaRS



4B contiguousstates) National high: 91

Que c

X sl / 2 S , N N N N

• i n ipe u


TffanderuaV ***


++ * *

» Balinus~


~ ~ eo/35



" ,


„ ~


Sunshine andremaining cool

Today Sunday

City Hi/Lo/Prsc. Abilene 74/57/0.00 Akron 57/47/0.77 Albany 65/50/0.01 Albuquerque 65/43/0.00 Anchorage 47/32/0.00 Atlanta 83/57/0.00 Atlantic City 62/52/0.20 Austin 85/68/Tr Baltimore 68/59/0.09 Billings 54/26/0.00 Birmingham 85/62/0.00 Bismarck 53/1 5/0.00 Boise 58/30/0.00 Boston 59/50/0.03 Bridgeport, CT 54/43/0.12 Buffalo 52/39/0.19 Burlington, VT 69/48/Tr Caribou, ME 56/32/0.14 Charleston, SC 84/60/0.00 Charlotte 82/58/Tr Chattanooga 82/58/0.00 Cheyenne 43/22/Tr Chicago 53/36/Tr Cincinnati 67/57/1.88 Cleveland 62/46/0.62 ColoradoSprings 48/26/0.03 Columbia, Mo 54/47/0.51 Columbia, SC 86/64/0.05 Columbus,GA 85/53/0.00 Columbus,OH 62/53/0.53 Concord, NH 65/42/Tr Corpus Christi 82P2/0.00 Dallas 73/65/0.00 Dayton 58/51/0.29 Denver 47/27/0.03 Des Moines 49/38/0.09 Detroit 59/39/Tr Duluth 38/24/Tr El Paso 80/66/0.00 Fairbanks 35/12/0.01 Fargo 43/1 6/0.00 Flagstaff 56/27/0.00 Grand Rapids 51/41/Tr Green Bay 42/38/0.00 Greensboro 81/56/0.02 Harrisburg 66/55/0.33 Hsrfford, CT 62/49/0.01 Helena 51/23/0.00 Honolulu 85/70/0.01 Houston 82/73/Tr Huntsville 83/65/0.02 Indianapolis 61/54/0.11 Jackson, MS 87/66/0.00 Jacksonville 87/59/0.00

HiRo/W 65/52/pc 48/33/pc 45/28/sn 72/47/pc 43/31/s 68/45/s 52/37/r 64/54/c 56/36/pc 60/35/c 65/43/s 58/25/s 57/39/pc 52/31/r 51/34/pc 39/28/pc 38/23/si 29/7/sn 76/47/1 67/37/pc 65/37/s 56/29/s 57/40/pc 55/36/s 46/36/pc 64/35/s 60/39/s 73/42/pc 70/47/pc 52/35/s 45/25/r 68/64/1 67/53/s 53/36/s 64/35/s 67/44/s 51/35/pc 45/24/c 73/58/pc 38/12/s 51/25/pc 63/28/s 49/33/pc 50/32/pc 64/37/s 52/34/pc 51/30/r 51/27/c 84/71/sh 69/58/c 64/39/s 56/36/s 69/46/s 78/56/t

Hi/Lo/W 74/63/c 60/41/pc 45/35/pc 75/46/s 43/34/c 68/54/pc 54/46/pc 75/63/c 64/45/s 47/32/c 69/56/pc 41/18/c 60/37/sh 49/37/pc 53/41/pc 39/36/sn 38/22/pc

* 8

'~ x ~

~ dd d d d d

Amsterdam Athens

47/34/c 59/51/pc 74/62/s 87/60/s 97/80/s 63/46/pc 67/57/s 50/31/pc 68/50/r 51/32/pc 79/60/s 89/64/s 76/58/s 37/21/sh 87/72/s 57/41/pc 56/38/pc 51/38/sh 78/58/c 82/73/pc 53/45/s 61/46/s 71/54/c 80/67/pc 78/56/s 52/40/c 68/40/s 93/78/pc

49/36/pc 62/56/pc 73/58/pc 83/59/s 96/80/s 63/40/s 68/59/s 49/32/pc 66/49/r 52/31/pc 75/53/s 90/64/s 77/57/s 34/19/c 87/71/s 54/39/pc 59/38/pc 49/31/pc 80/58/pc 82/73/pc 59/50/c 67/52/s 73/52/c 81/66/pc


r l tO


<x .~d<d<d<d>

Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W HiRo/W 46/36/Tr 50/33/sh 48/37/c 57/42/0.09 63/42/s 66/48/pc


Juneau Kansas City Lansing Lss Vegas Lexington Lincoln Litlle Rock Los Angeles Louisville Madison, Wl Memphis Miami

Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New YorkCity Newark, NJ Norfolk, VA

27/5/$1 71/57/s

69/49/s 68/51/pc 65/33/s 64/42/pc 64/47/s 60/46/pc 73/37/s 64/50/c 73/55/s 70/55/pc 62/44/pc 46/29/pc 77/68/c 63/59/1 62/45/s 72/41/pc 72/47/s 59/42/sh 34/22/c 85/58/s 36/19/pc 40/20/c 63/31/s 59/40/sh 41/31/si 67/48/s 62/40/pc 51/37/sh 44/31/sh 84/71/sh 77/66/c 67/53/pc 63/47/s 70/58/1 72/60/pc

51/40/Tr 71/54/0.00 68/57/4.96 52/36/0.04 80/68/Tr 86/57/0.00 69/59/5.07 47/41/0.00 78/61/0.01 83/70/0.00 49/46/0.00 43/27/0.00 79/68/0.94 86/69/0.00 64/58/0.04 64/57/0.05 83/59/0.00 63/54/0.00

50/32/pc 59/40/sh 81/55/s 80/55/s

84/62/0.00 57/50/Tr 63/57/0.12 86/60/0.00 64/52/0.30 66/38/Tr 60/48/0.39 83/61/0.00 51/13/Tr 67/31/0.00

92/58/s 86/57/s 62/40/s 67/46/s

57/33/s 66/47/s 67/39/s 75/44/s

65/43/s 57/52/r 81/56/s 72/56/pc

60/37/s 68/51/pc 58/39/pc 65/34/sh 63/43/s 62/54/pc 86P1/s 84P2/sh 56/40/pc 60/37/sh 56/36/pc 57/32/c 63/36/s 69/51/pc 71/62/pc 77/69/1

52/38/pc 54/35/pc 62/41/pc 65/48/s 50/36/Tr 67/40/s 87/65/0.00 88/66/pc


Omaha Orlando Palm Springs Psoris Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, ME

Providence Raleigh

Rapid City Reno Richmond 81/61/Tr Rochester, NY 62/45/Tr Sacramento 77/37/0.00 St. Louis 57/51/0.75 Salt Lake City 56/31/0.00 Ssn Antonio 80/68/Tr San Diego 86/59/0.00 Ssu Francisco 65/48/0.00 Ssn Joss 73/44/0.00 Santa re 61/34/0.00 Savannah 86/60/0.00 Seattle 52/41/0.06 Sioux Falls 49/26/0.00 Spokane 54/34/0.00 Springfield, Mo 56/49/1.08 Tampa 83/67/0.00 Tucson 85/55/0.00 Tulsa 64/54/Tr Washington, DC 73/61/0.19 Wichita 57/44/0.04 Yskims 63/29/Tr Yuma 87/65/0.00

55/38/pc 63/44/pc 90/61/pc 90/61/s 47/34/pc 60/42/pc 48/27/r 47/28/pc 55/31/r 53/36/pc 65/38/pc 67/48/s 65/32/pc 59/25/c 64/41/pc 53/31/c

65/37/pc 69/46/s 41/28/pc 39/35/sn

71/45/pc 63/43/sh 62/41/s 67/52/pc

67/42/pc 71/44/c 63/57/c 75/65/c 75/61/s 68/61/pc 61/49/pc 61/49/sh 65/44/s 60/45/sh 67/37/pc 70/38/pc 77/49/1 72/59/s 55/39/sh 56/42/c

67/37/pc 67/33/pc 52/31/pc 54/35/pc 60/39/s 61/50/c

85/69/pc 88/53/s 63/55/c

100/73/0.00 101/72/s 81/55/0.00 77/49/pc Montreal 55/41/0.02 36/22/sn Moscow 35/34/0.85 42/30/c Nairobi 79/61/0.10 77/61/1 Nassau 82/71/0.00 84/69/s New Delhi 84/68/0.13 83/65/1 Osaka 71/59/0.65 75/58/sh Oslo 43/30/0.00 46/32/s Ottawa 57/36/0.06 36/20/c Paris 50/45/0.47 54/35/sh Rio de Janeiro 82/71/0.00 84/71/s Rome 64/46/0.00 60/46/r Santiago 81/50/0.00 81/52/s Sso Paulo 77/63/0.00 80/66/pc Sspporo 50/42/0.50 51/37/pc Seoul 60/45/0.00 67/45/r Shanghai 58/56/0.18 74/61/1 Singapore ssng/0.09 90/80/1 Stockholm 46/32/0.00 42/31/c Sydney 69/64/0.97 69/62/r Taipei 91/70/0'.00 86/73/pc Tel Aviv 73/57/0.00 68/55/s Tokyo 68/53/0.33 57/51/r Toronto 57/37/0.20 42/25/pc Vancouver 52/45/0.05 53/35/sh Vienna 50/37/0.00 49/32/pc Warsaw 45/30/0.23 47/31/sh

102/74/s 77/53/pc 34/24/c 42/30/c 81/60/1 83/70/s 86/64/1 67/60/r 47/37/pc 36/24/pc 51/34/pc 87/74/pc 57/43/sh 85/53/s 81/63/1 50/45/r 58/44/r 67/54/1 90/Tgn 44/29/c 75/60/sh 87/73/s 71/59/s 58/54/r 40/30/sn 55/38/pc 48/32/sh 45/32/sh


68/50/s 71/52/pc

60/37/pc 88/59/s


Mecca Mexico City

71/55/t 54/40/pc 70/42/pc 91/78/sb

60/45/pc 61/44/pc 64/47/s 65/56/c 74/45/s 83/66/pc

83/67/pc 89/55/pc 66/47/s 60/43/pc 66/42/s 58/30/pc 90/61/s


48/39/0.00 5 70/43/0.12 at Alice, TX @5 suk Auckland 65/58/0.00 39/28 • aspi City Minn liv 8 / o National low: 0 Baghdad 82/56/0.00 65/32 at Lake Yellowstone,WY 52lse Bangkok 99/81/0.00 Ssn Frs ciaco heyenne Precipitation: 5.G4" • 51/35 Beijing 61/46/0.00 1/49 9 D~ M in~ C ~90 •CI Sslt lake Beirut 70/61/0.02 at Louisville, KY Omah 47/44 ST 49 • Dsu 67/42 Berlin 49/35/0.01 ingt 9 5't u Iv 44/3 9 Lsv V sv 6 Bogota 66/52/0.43 eu/37 81/5 Kansas Gty Budapest 48/36/0.07 es/42 Buenos Ai r es 90/68/0.00 sv vll Chsrl Lov Au lss Csbo SsnLucss 86/66/0.00 v es/3 , 1/se v. v. X '+ Cairo 77/63/0.00 • L' „* Ancho r age Albuque ue Idshoms CI • AV Calgary 55/19/0.02 • eo/41 43 * „ ~ * 43/31 II 0 72/47 es/48 Csncun 84P5/0.00 7 /41 • Daffs Juneau al Ps Dublin 52/46/0.13 47/8 3 /5 x x x x , Edinburgh 48/39/0.17 ao/33 Geneva 52/43/0.08 • rtshdo Harsre 78/53/0.00 w Orleans Chihushua 9/58 8 66 Hong Kong 81/75/0.01 Honolulu 71/62 /87 Istanbul 54/45/0.04 84/71 Wsml Jerusalem 68/53/0.00 86+1 Johannesburg 76/58/0.00 6 Lima 76/67/0.01 Lisbon 75/63/0.00 Shown are today's noonpositions of weather systems andprecipitation. Temperature bandsare highs for the day. London 55/45/0.37 T-storms Rain S h owers S now F lurries Ic e Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 73/45/0.00 Manila 93/75/0.00

• •


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"See store for Detail




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„ * 0





Shown is today's weather.Temperatures are today's highs andtonight's lows. EAST: Sunshineand ria I some cloudstoday; umatiaa Seasid TEMPERATURE Hood 59/30 on the cool sideof 53/39 Yesterday Normal Record RiVer Rufus • ermiston average. Partly cloudy Cannon High 54 54 SO' in 1911 lington 59/29 Portland Meac am Losti ne 23' 29' l4'in 191S tonight; a rain or snow 53/42 Low /34 • W co 5 33 dl e+ n 4 Enterprise shower south. • 7/ 2 49/ •2 5 4@27 he Daa Tigamo • 56/ PRECIPITATION CENTRAL:Sunshine andy• 60/34 54/37 Mc innvia • Joseph /37 Gove nt • upi • He p pner Grande • 24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" and occasional clouds Condon 3/28 Cam • 55 61 30 Record O.eo" in 19S2 today; on the cool unlon Lincoln 49/ Month to date (normal) Tra ce (0.07") side of normal; some 53/41 Sale pray Granitee Year to date(normal) 1.54 " (3.42") clouds tonight; a rain 57/3 • 6/32 a 'Baker C Newpo 45/26 Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 30 . 0 9" or snow shower. • 54 28 7/35 52/38 • Mitch II 51/25 Camp Sh man Red n WEST: Cloudsand 51 /29 g SUN ANDMOON eu Yach 51/25 • John times of sunshine 58/34 • Prineville Day I27 Today Sun. tario today; spotty showers, 52/40 53/26 • P a lina 5 0/ 3 1 Sunrise 6:42 a.m. 6 : 4 0 a.m. 5 34 mainly across the Floren e • Eugene 'Re d B roihers 5028 Sunset 7:35 p.m. 7: 3 7 p.m. north during the Valee 54/40 Su ivere 49/25 Moonrise S :OB p.m. 9:05 p.m. 59/36 afternoon. Nyssa • 48 / 3 Ham ton Moonset 6:5 0 a.m. 7:2 0 a.m. La pjne Juntura Grove Oakridge Co • Burns OREGON EXTREME Full La st New First 55/32 57/36 /33 54 1 • Fort Rock Riley 53/28 YESTERDAY s' Cresce t • BO/24 51/29 48/24 High: G2' Bandon Roseburg • Chr i stmas alley Jordan V aey Apr 4 Apr 11 A pr 1a A p r 25 at Hermiston 54/42 Beaver Silver Frenchglen 59/38 Low:12' 51/31 Marsh Lake 53/32 Touight'auity: Auriga, the charioteer, drives 49/26 at Lakeview 52/26 Gra • Burns Jun tion • Paisley 3/ across the western evening sky this month. a 55/32 Chiloquin Medfo d 5 2 / 29 Gold ach Rome 0' 53/ e® 9 55/32 Klamath

Bro ings


+P Tq+

Cloudy and chilly with a couple of showers

Bend through 5 p.m.yesterday

Source: JimTodd,OMSI





C h i lly with showers of rain Mo r ning snow, up to1", and snow then a little rain


• 9


9 •

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• • •


i : J

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AP honorscoach, player of the year INDIANAPOLIS-

John Calipari has been dealing with detractors foryears. They call him the embodiment of everything that's wrong in the one-and-done world of college basketball. He's a crook who landed two programs on probation, a snake-oil salesman who only won anational title because hewas able to sell Kentucky to some top prospects. Perhaps that perception has finally started to change. After molding a roster full of McDonald's All-Americans into a 38-0 juggernaut that's two wins shy of another championship, Calipari was voted APcoach of the year on Friday. He received 40 firstplace votes from the 65-member national media panel. TonyBennett of Virginia was runner-up with nine votes and Notre Dame's Mike Brey got five. Meanwhile, Wisconsin forward Frank Kaminsky was honored as the APplayer of the year. After averaging 10 minutes agameasa sophomore, then having a breakout junior campaign, Kaminsky took another step forward in guiding the Badgers back to the Final Four. The senior was rewarded with 58 first-place votes. Duke freshman Jahlil Okafor received five, andWillie Cauley-Stein of Kentucky and Jerian Grant of Notre Dameeach received one.



owsnowcou meanc an es Djdthe By Mark Modcal The Bulletin


What:Multisport event from Mount winter could have dramatic Bachelor to Bend effects on Central Oregon's When: May16 most popular multisport race. Registration:Online at www. Officials with the Mt. pppbend.com. Early registration Bachelor Sports Education Foundation, which organizes ends April16. The shortage of snow this

the annual U.S. Bank Pole

Pedal Paddle race each May, are making contingency

Bachelor to stage the alpine and/or nordic skiing legs of

plans for this year's PPP, set

the race. MBSEF events director

for May 16, should there not be sufficient snow at Mount

Molly Cogswell-Kelley

said Friday there should be enough snow to stage the alpine leg of the race on runs "But there's a really good chance that the alpine leg will finish at a different spot," Cogswell-Kelley said. The greatest current concern for MBSEF is the nordic

dire that the nordic stage

leg, typically an 8-kilometer

must be scrapped, it could

By Janie McCauley

ski on trails near the Mt.

be replaced with a short trail run.

The Associated Press

accessed by Mt. Bachelor ski area's Pine Marten chairlift.

Bachelor Nordic Center.

If the snow situation is so

If there is not enough snow

SeePPP /C2

— The Associated Pess



the reigning World Series champi-

shedthat er- ear title trend,


the offseason to stay near

the top in the challenging National League West. Ask manager Bruce Bochy and his players, and they consider the additions of healthy right-hander Matt Cain and center fielder

Angel Pagan back into the mix as a big deal right up there with signing a prized free agent. SeeGiants/C5

Inside • Capsule previews for every National Leagueteam, CS


Photos by Joe Kiine 1 The Bulletin

• American League preview, including an in-depth lookat the Seattle Mariners, who are favored to win the American League.

Ridgeview's George Mendazona fields a ground ball at short behind a HoodRiver Valley base runner during Friday's game at Vince Genns Stadium in Bend. The Ravens lost10-5.

• Ridgeview falls behindearlyen route to a 10-5 nonconferencelossto HoodRiverValley Inside

Bulletin staff report Josh Davis was fearful for deja vu. Two days after a 13-run

• Summit boys golfers win Raven Rumble,C4 • Prep scoreboard,C4 O See additional photos on The Bulletin's website: hendhulletin.csm/spsrts is we have nine guys trying to do nine individual things instead of nine guys working

Yet while the Ravens dropped the 5A nonconfer-

• Information included with a story headlined "Big men ready for Final Four rematch" that appeared in Friday's Bulletin included incorrect times for today's NCAA men's semifinal basketbal lgames.The Michigan State-Duke game is set to tip off at 3 p.m. Pacific Time. The Kentucky-Wisconsin game is scheduled to start at 5:30 p.m. • In an information box accompanying a story headlined "Storm reload onceagain" that appeared in Friday's Bulletin, the name ofBend High athlete CalebHoffmann was misspelled. The Bulletin regrets the errors.

San Francisco atArizona When:7:10 p.m . Monday

plentyof observers wonder whether general manager Brian Sabean and his staff did enough during

Soon, that deficit would swell


Fi r St uP


to eight runs.

Portland gets theNorthwest title after beating the L.A. Lakers,C3

SAN FRANCISCOThe San Francisco Giants lost Pablo Sandoval to big

who instead signed with the Chicago

Ridgeview was down by six to Hood River Valley at Bend's Vince Genna Stadium.

Blazei3take division wiN win

to repeat?

ey to left-hander Jon Lester,


defeat to Class 6A Barlow,

Portland's C.J. McCoIlum scored 27 points to lead the Biszers.


money and Boston. They missed out payingbig mon-

"I thought about it a

little bit," Kaminsky said of winning the award. "Obviously, wasn't one of my main priorities. Getting back to the Final Four was it. But being here and being honored by the AP isawesome. I'm grateful a lot of guys think of me in that manner."

Giants do

on those trails come May, MBSEF has two backup plans for the nordic stage of the PPP, Cogswell-Kelley said. First, organizers will consider staging a point-topoint or out-and-back leg on the lower trails between Sunrise and West Village lodges.

ence baseball contest 10-5 on Friday, they did not give in. "The thing that changed, we kept battling," said Davis, the Ridgeview coach. "The score did not totally reflect

Ridgeview's Garrett Albrecht slidesinto home during Friday's

The Ravens look to shake a rough preseason Monday, when Ridgeview opens up Intermountain Conference play

that. We put up three (runs) in

game in Bend.

at Summit.

A five-run second inning earned Hood River Valley an 8-2 lead, but after allowing

two runs in the top of the fifth, the Ravens (3-7 overall)

vis said of the visiting Eagles, who finished with 11 hits.

"They can hit. They all had really nice swings."

scored three times in the bot-

Garrett Dewolf was 3-for-3 with a double and two RBIs to

tom of the frame to provide

pace Ridgeview, while Collin

the final score. "They hit the ball well," Da-

Runge went 2-for-3 with two

RBIs. George Mendazona

Experience matters for QB Lockie By Ryan Thorburn The (Eugene) Register-Guard

Whether he is hanging

as one."

"Just keep grinding, keep teaching these guys how

the fifth and shut them out in the sixth and seventh."


doubled as part of his two hits to compete," Davis said of and scored a run, and Garrett movingforward."We have Albrecht logged a double. to have guys compete at the "The guys are growing plate and compete on the a little bit in the sense that mound.... We're just trying they're learning how to to find what motivates them compete and learning how and what makes them want to work together as a team," to work harder and compete Davis said. "I think part of it every day."

out with family in Hawaii before the draft or starting a new job in an NFL city, Marcus Mariota will still be

someone Oregon quarterback Jeff Lockie can call for free advice. "We'll stayin touch for

a long time, and he'll keep helping me through this whole thing," Lockie said before the 2014 national

championship football game of his Heisman Trophy-winning friend. "I think things will change a little bit with outside attention."

Lockie stepped into the spotlight Wednesday after Oregon's second spring practice. The redshirt junior


is one of five candidates

Seniors a bigpart of this year's Final Four By Aaron Beard The Associated Press

INDIANAPOLIS — Quinn Cook is Duke's heart and

soul, the senior who suffered through two stunningly early NCAA tournament exits then

slid over to accommodate the arrival of a talented freshman point guard.

That's why he won't let the Blue Devils be content with


Final Four: Michigan St. vs. Duke just making it to the Final Four. (3:09 p.m.); Kentucky vs. Wiscon"There's no next year for sin (5:49 p.m.) me," Cook said. Look around the Final Four, When:TodayTV:TBS and there's a lot of guys feeling the same way heading into quartet ledby Frank KaminSaturday's national semifinals. sky. There's Michigan State's There's Wisconsin's senior

Travis Trice-Branden Dawson

duo that pushed a No. 7 seed

to yet another final-weekend NCAA Tournament appearance for coach Tom Izzo.

Sure, unbeaten Kentucky is stacked with young talent and

one-and-done players who often overshadow the guys that stickaround forfouryears.


currently applying for Mariota's old job as starting quarterback, but he is the

only one withthreeyears of experienceinterningunder the greatest player in program history. See Lockie /C4

Nextup Oregon spring football game When:11a.m. May2 TV:Pac-12





TODAY SOCCER England, Arsenal vs. Liverpool England, Manchester United vs. Aston Villa England, Chelseavs. StokeCity Women's int'I friendly, USA vs. NewZealand MLS, Dallas at Portland Australia, Wellington vs. Melbourne

Time TV/Radio 4:45 a.m. NBCSN 7 a.m. N BCSN 9:30 a.m. NBC 1 p.m. FS1 7:30 p.m. Root m idnight FS2


College, Alabama atKentucky College, Arizona atOregonSt. College, Tennessee atAuburn College, Oregon atUCLA

9 a.m.


noon Pa c -12 1:30 p.m. S EC 2 p.m. P a c-12


MLB preseason, Cincinnati at Toronto College, TexasA&M atKentucky College, Indiana St. at Wichita St. MLB preseason, SanFranciscoatOakland College, OregonState at UCLA

1 0 a.m. ML B 1 0 a.m. SE C 11 a.m. ESPNU 1 p.m. MLB 4 p.m. P ac-12, KICE 940-AM

College, Arkansas atAuburn College, Texas atOklahomaSt. MLB preseason, L.A. Angels at L.A. Dodgers

4 p.m. SEC 4:30 p.m. ESPNU 6 p.m. MLB


PGA Tour, Houston Open PGA Tour, Houston Open LPGA Tour,ANAInspiration

10a.m. noon 2 p.m.

Golf NBC Golf

10a.m. noon



Miami Open,women's final Miami Open, men's doubles final



NHL, Vancouver at Winnipeg BOXING Premier Boxing Champions






Men's college, PennSt. at Maryland Men's college, Notre Dameat Duke Women's college, OhioSt. at PennSt. HORSE RACING Wood Memorial, Bluegrass Stakes and Santa Anita Derby

noon B i g Ten 2 p.m. E SPNU 3 p.m. B i g Ten 2 p.m.



Men's NCAA tournament, Michigan St. vs. Duke 3 p.m. TBS Men's NCAA tournament, Kentucky vs. Wisconsin5:30 p. m . TBS 7 p.m. CSNNW, NBA, NewOrleans at Portland KBND 1110-AM, 100.1-FM; KRCO690- AM, 96.9-FM MOTOR SPORTS

FIAFormulaEChampionship,Long Beach 3:30 p.m.



Arena, Arizona at LasVegas

7:30 p.m. ESPN2


Men's college, Southern Cal atStanford

7:30 p.m. Pac-12

SUNDAY SOCCER England, Burnley vs. TottenhamHotspur England, Sunderland vs. Newcastle United MLS,RealSaltLakeatSanJose MLS, Philadelphia at Sporting KansasCity

5:30 a.m. NBCSN 8 a.m. NBCSN 2 p.m. E SPN2 4 p.m. FS1


College, Vanderbilt at Georgia College, Texas atOklahomaSt. MLB, St. Louis at ChicagoCubs

9 a.m. SEC 11 a.m. ESPNU 5 p.m. E SPN2


NHL, Pittsburgh at Philadelphia NHL, St. Louis at Chicago

9a.m. NBC 4:30 p.m. NBCSN


NBA, Houston at OklahomaCity NBA, Chicago atCleveland Women's NCAA tournament, Notre Damevs. South Carolina Women's NCAA tournament, UConn vs. Maryland

1 0 a.m. AB C 12:30 p.m. ABC 3:30 p.m. ESPN 5:30 p.m. ESPN


PGA Tour, Houston Open PGA Tour, Houston Open LPGA Tour,ANAInspiration

1 0 a.m. noon 2 p.m.

Go l f NBC Golf


Miami Open, men's final

10 a.m. E S PN


College, Michigan at Minnesota College, Alabama atKentucky College, Mississippi St. at Arkansas LACROSSE Women's college, Stanford at Colorado Women's college, California at Oregon Men's college, Johns Hopkins at OhioSt.

10 a.m. Big Ten 12:30 p.m. SEC 3 p.m. SEC 11 a.m. Pac-12 1 p.m. P a c-12 3 p.m. B i g Ten

Listingsarethe mostaccufate available. The Bulletin is not responsible for late changesmadeby TVor radio stations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF BASEBALL OregOn State fallS to UCLA — UCLAscored solo runsin the third and fourth innings, then scored two in the sixth to take a4-1 Pac-12 Conference win over OregonState in LosAngeles on Friday night. GabeClark led the Beavers at the plate with three hits, while Kyle Nobach drove in arun in the seventh for Oregon State's lone run.

ON DECK Today Baseball: WestAlbanyat Bend(DH), noon;McLoughlin atCrookCounty(DH),10a.mc Culverat GrantUnion(DH),noon Sotlbalh WestAlbanyat Bend(DH), noon; Burnsat Culver(DH),noon Boys tennis: Madras, Sisters at MadrasInvitational, TBA;Summit at Oregon EpiscopalTournament in Portland,9a.m. Girls tennis: Bend atRoseburgtournament,9a.m. Track andfield: LaPineatJunction CityInvitational, 10 a.mcMadras,LaPine, Culver, Gilchrist at Madras Invite,11a.m. Boyslacrosse:SherwoodatBend,1p.m.;Canbyat Summit, 2p.m.;Canbyat Mountain View,5 p.m.; Hermiston atSisters,1 p.m.




In the Bleachers e 2015 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucnck www.gocomics.com/inthebreachers


Friday's Games

Tampa Bay11, Detroit 5 Washington8,N.Y.Yankees2 Milwaukee 6, Cleveland3 Baltimore 3, Atlanta 2 Minnesota5,Boston2 Philadelphia7, Pittsburgh5 Cincinnati 2,Toronto0 Kansas City11, Houston1 N.Y.Mets5, Texas0 Arizona5, ChicagoCubs1 LA. Angels6, LA.Dodgers 0 Seattle 5,Colorado4 SanFrancisco4,Oakland0


Today'sGames Detroit atTampaBay, 9:35a.m. Bostonvs.Minnesotaat Fort Myers, Fla., 10:05a.m. Pittsburghat Philadelphia,10:05a.m. N.Y.Yankeesat Washington,10:05 a.m. Cincinnativs.TorontoatMontreal,10:07 a.m. N.Y.Metsat Texas,11:05a.m. Cleveland vs. Milwaukeeat Phoenix,12:05 p.m. Baltimore vs. AtlantaatKissimmee,Fla.,12:05 p.m. Seattlevs.Coloradoat Scotsdale, Ariz.,12:10 p.m. SanFranciscoatOakland,1:05 p.m. Kansas Cityat Houston,1:05 p.m. ChicagoCubsat Arizona 1:10p.m. L.A. AngelsatL.A.Dodgers,6:10 p.m.

Men's college NCAAtournament AU TimesPDT FINALFOUR National Semifinals Today'sGames MichiganSt.(27-11)ys.Duke(33-4),3;09 p.m. Kentucky (38-0)vs.Wisconsin (35-3),5:49p.m

Wo m en's college NCAAtournament AN TimesPDT


FINALFOUR NationalSemifinals



Sunday'sGames NotreDam e(35-2) vs.SouthCarolina (34-2),3:30 p.m. Uconn(36-1) vs.Maryland(34-2), 5:30p.m.

Conference Overall

UCLA ArizonaSt. SouthernCal

National Invitation Tournament AU TimesPDT Championship Today'sGame UCLA (18-18)atWestVirginia(23-14), noon




Houston p 0en Friday NATIONALHOCKEY LEAGUE At Golf Club of Houston, The Tournament AN TimesPDT Humble, Te xas Purs e: Sg.gm illion EasternConference Yardag e: 7,441;Par: 72 Atlantic Division Secon d Round eaders I GP W L OT Pls GFGA Putnam 67-65—132 x-Montreal 79 47 2 2 10 104 209 182 Andrew 66-67—133 x-TampaBay 79 47 24 8 102 251 206 Phil Mickelson 68-65—133 Detroit 77 40 2 4 13 93 223 211 AustinCook G raham D eL ae t 67-67—134 Boston 78 40 2 5 13 93 207 200 Luke Guthri e 66-68—134 Ottawa 77 3 9 2 6 12 90 222 205 Stefani 66-69—135 Florida 78 36 2 7 15 87 198 211 Shawn 65-70—135 Toronto 78 29 4 3 6 6 4 204 249 J.B. Holmse Jordan Spi e th 69-66—135 Buffalo 78 22 4 8 8 5 2 155 262 H unter Mah an 67-68—135 Metropolitan Division 69-66—135 GP W L OT Pls GFGA MarkWilson VictorDubuisson 67-68—135 y-N.Y.Rangers 77 49 21 7 105 234 181 Keegan B ra dl e y 70-66—136 Washington 78 43 25 10 96 232 194 Chris Stroud 68-68—136 NrY.lslanders 78 45 27 6 96 238 219 67-69—136 Pittsburgh 7 7 4 2 2 4 11 95 211 194 Alex Prugh 68-68—136 Columbus 77 38 3 5 4 8 0 214 237 MichaelPutnam Jonas Bl i x t 68-68—136 Philadelphia 77 31 29 17 79 202 220 Charles Ho w el l III 66-70—136 NewJersey 78 32 33 13 77 173199 l ey 69-68—137 Carolina 7 7 2 8 3 8 11 67 177 214 RusselHenl AlexCejka 65-72—137 WesternConference N ick Wat n e y 69-68—137 Central Division Tony Fi n au 69-68—137 GP W L OT Pls GFGA 68-69—137 x-Nashville 78 47 22 9 1 03 224 193 KelvinDay y 68-69—137 x-St. Louis 78 48 23 7 103 240 196 PaulCase Justin Rose 69-68—137 x-Chicago 78 48 24 6 102 224 180 Charl e y Ho ff m a n 69-68—137 Minnesota 77 44 26 7 9 5 221 189 63-74—137 Winnipeg 77 39 26 12 90 217 204 ScottPiercy 69-68—137 Wagner Dallas 78 37 31 10 84 244 255 Johnson 69-69—138 Vegas Colorado 78 36 30 12 84 211 220 Jhonattan Ryan Moore 69-69—138 Pacific Division 67-71—138 GP W L OT Pls GFGA SergioGarcia 69-69—138 y-Anaheim 80 50 23 7 107 234 221 RickieFowler 69-69—138 Vancouver 78 45 28 5 9 5 225 211 CodyGribble 68-70—138 Cameron T ri n ga l e Calgary 78 4 2 2 9 7 9 1 230 208 71-67—138 Los Angeles 77 38 25 14 90 209 194 BrendanSteele no 70-68—138 SanJose 7 8 3 9 30 9 8 7 220 217 GonzaloFdez-Casta 69-69—138 Collins Edmonton 78 23 42 13 59 188 268 Chad Charl Schw art z el 70-68—138 Arizona 78 2 3 4 7 8 5 4 162 259 72-66—138 ChessonHadley x-clinchedplayoff spoty-clincheddivision 71-67—138 JasonBohn Friday's Games 68-70—138 JohnHuh NewJersey3, Montreal 2, SO 69-70—139 David Hearn Chicag o4,Buff alo3 67-72—139 Matt Kuchar St. Louis7,Dallas5 70-69—139 KevinStreelman Colorado 4, Anaheim2 71-68—139 PadraigHarrington SanJose3, Arizona1 73-66—139 Erik Comp t o n Today'sGames 71-68—139 Jim Herman Philadelphia at Carolina,10 a.m. 71-68—139 JustinThom as PittsburghatColumbus,11 a.m. 68-71—139 PatrickReed VancouveratWinnipeg, noon 68-71—139 Michae l T h o mp s o n TorontoatBoston, 4 p.m. 71-68—139 Pat Perez Washingtonat Ottawa,4p.m. 69-70—139 TomHoge TampaBayat Florida, 4p.m. 70-70—140 Francesco Molinari Buffaloat N.Y.Islanders,4 p.m. 73-67—140 Brendon de J ong e NewJerseyatN.Y.Rangers, 4p.m. 70-70—140 J.J. Henry Detroit atMinnesota,4 p.m. 71-69—140 DerekErnst Dallas atNashvile,5 p.m. 68-72—140 ScottBrown SanJoseatArizona, 6p.m. 71-69—140 K.J. Choi CalgaryatEdmonton,7 pm. 70-70—140 DanielBerger Coloradoat LosAngeles, 7 p.m. 71-69—140 OscarFraustro Sunday'sGames 70-70—140 WheeKim PittsburghatPhiladelphia, 9:30a.m. 68-72—140 S.J. Park Washington at Detroit, 2 p.m. 71-69—140 Blayne Barber MontrealatFlorida,2p.m. 69-71—140 SamSaunders OttawaatToronto, 4:30 p.m. 71-69—140 CharlieBeljan St. LouisatChicago,4;30 p.m. 70-70—140 ErnieEls 72-68—140 StewartCink 69-71—140 BenCrane SOCCER 74-66—140 Bo VanPelt 68-72—140 C hez Re a vi e MLS 71-69—140 KyleReifers MAJORLEAGUE SOCCER 70-70—140 AdamHadwin AN TimesPDT Failedtomakethe cut 71-70—141 JamieDonaldson EasternConference 72-69—141 BrianDavis W L T P t s GF GA Bill Haas 71-70—141 D.C. United 3 1 0 9 3 2 ChadCampbel 72-69—141 NewYork 2 0 1 7 5 2 Billy HurleyIII 70-71—141 NewYorkcityFC 1 1 2 5 3 2 JasonKokrak 73-68—141 OrlandoCit y 1 2 2 5 4 5 DannyLee 75-66—141 NewEngland 1 2 1 4 2 6 RobertStreb 71-70—141 Columbus 1 2 0 3 3 3 LouisOosthuizen 71-70—141 TorontoFC 1 2 0 3 4 5 Jeff Overton 72-69—141 Chicago 1 3 0 3 2 5 MartinFlores 70-71—141 Montreal 0 1 2 2 2 3 JarrodLyle 69-72—141 Philadelphia 0 2 2 2 3 6 BlakeAdams 69-72—141 WesternConference 72-69—141 Jim Rennre W L T P t s GF GA Jon Curran 70-71—141 FC Dallas 3 0 1 10 6 1 Joost Luiten 73-69—142 Vancouver 3 1 0 9 5 4 LeeWestwood 71-71—142 SanJose 2 2 0 6 6 6 KevinKisner 74-68—142 RealSalt Lake 1 0 2 5 5 4 HudsonSwafford 72-70—142 Los Angele s 1 1 2 5 5 4 Justin Leona rd 72-70—142 Houston 1 1 2 5 2 2 DerekFathauer 73-69—142 SportingKansasCity 1 1 2 5 3 4 AaronBaddeley 69-73—142 Seattle 1 1 1 4 5 3 FreddieJacobson 69-73—142 Colorado 0 0 3 3 0 0 RyoIshikawa 71-71—142 Portland 0 1 3 3 3 4 DavidToms 72-70—142 BriceGarnet 70-72—142 Friday's Games Steven Bowditch 72-71—143 D.C.United1,OrlandoCity0 JerryKelly 72-71—143 Today'sGames AngelCabrera 74-69 — 143 TorontoFCat Chicago, noon KenDuke 71-72 — 143 NewEnglandatColorado, 4p.m. TroyMerritt 72-71 — 143 Los Angeleat s Vancouver,7 p.m. BrianHarman 73-70—143 HoustonatSeattle, 7 p.m. WoodyAustin 71-72—143 FC Dallaat s Portland,7:30p.m. ScottStagings 75-68 — 143

AnaInspiration Friday At Mission Hills Co untryCIub, DinahShore Tournament Co urse RanchoMirage,Calif. Purse:$2.6 miNion Yardage:6,769;Par: 72 SecondRoundIeaders a-deno tes ama teur SeiYoungKim 72-65—137 MorganPressel 67-72—139 BrittanyLincicome 72-68—140 CatrionaMathew 71-69 — 140 JennyShin 71-69—140 StacyLewis 72-69—141 Angela Stanford 72-69 — 141 LexiThompson 72-69—141 Shanshan Feng 71-70—141 MoriyaJutanugarn 71-70 — 141 MirimLee 71-70 — 141 So Yeon Ryu 69-72—141 CarolineHedwall 75-67 — 142 DanielleKang 75-67 —142 MiHyangLee 74-68—142 Pat Hurst 71-71 — 142 AlisonLee 71-71 — 142 71-71—142 PernillaLindberg 70-72—142 Na Yeon Choi 70-72 — 142 CharleyHull 68-74—142 Ai Miyazato 75-68—143 SandraGal 74-69—143 InbeePark 73-70—143 Wei LingHsu Eun-HeeJi 73-70—143 ChristinaKim 73-70—143 Katie Burnett 72-71—143 71-72—143 AnnaNordqvist AmyYang 71-72—143 lheeLee 76-68—144 StephanieLMeadow 76-68—144 Suzann Pettersen 76-68 —144 AmyAnderson 74-70—144 MariaHernandez 74-70—144 MarinaAlex 73-71—144 Ha NaJang 72-72—144 Pornanong Phatlum 72-72—144 AriyaJutanugarn 71-73—144 LydiaKo 71-73—144 MeenaLee 71-73—144 Juli Inkster 69-75—144 76-69—145 PaulaCreamer Teresa Lu 76-69—145 75-70—145 CristieKerr 75-70—145 I.K. Kim 74-71—145 CarlotaCiganda 73-72—145 BrittanyLang 73-72—145 SakuraYokomine 72-73—145 CarolineMasson 72-73—145 AyakoUehara 71-74 — 145 In Gee Chun 71-74—145 HaejiKang 71-74—145 HyoJooKim 70-75—145 AustinErnst Lee-Anne Pace 77-69—146 QBaek 76-70—146 KatherineKirk 76-70—146 KarineIcher 74-72—146 Mo Martin 74-72—146 Kris Tamulis 74-72—146 KarrieWebb 74-72—146 MichelleWie 73-73—146 MinaHarigae 76-71—147 MiJungHur 75-72 —147 GerinaPiler 75-72—147 Jodi EwartShadoff 74-73—147 Mika Miyazato 74-73 —147 PaulaReto 74-73—147 ThidapaSuwannapura 74-73—147 MariajoUribe 74-73—147 a-HaleyMoore 73-74—147 JenniferSong 73-74—147 72-75—147 CandieKung Failedto makethe 76-72—148 MinjeeLee 76-72—148 Ji Young Oh 76-72—148 SunYoungYoo 75-73—148 Kelly WShon 74-74—148 LauraDavies 74-74—148 AmeliaLewis 73-75—148 YueerCindyFeng a-AndreaLee 73-75—148 BelenMozo 73-75 —148 AlisonWalshe 69-79—148 ChellaChoi 77-72—149 77-72—149 Kim Kaufm an Sarah JaneSmith 77-72—149 JenniferJohnson 76-73—149 Alena Sharp 76-73—149 JessicaKorda 75-74—149 Se RiPak 75-74—149 PazEcheverria 74-75—149 BeatrizRecari 74-75—149 DewiClaireSchreefel 74-75—149 GwladysNocera 69-80—149 JanePark 78-72—150 YoonKyungHeo 77-73—150 Tiffany Joh 76-74—150 LizetteSalas 75-75—150 a-NellyKorda 77-74—151 HaruNom ura 76-75—151 75-76—151 HeeYoungPark 74-77—151 JeeYoungLee 74-78—152 YaniTseng 78-75—153 LauraDiaz 77-76—153 JulietaGranada

OregonSt. Arizona California Washington utah Oregon WashingtonSt Stanford

W L Pct W L Pct 9 2 .818 22 6 .785 8 3 .727 20 8 .714 6 2 .750 24 6 .800 5 3 .625 22 8 .733 7 4 .636 22 8 .733 7 4 .636 20 9 .690 4 7 .364 17 12 .586 4 7 .364 10 18 .357 2 7 .222 18 13 .581 3 8 .273 14 15 .483 0 8 .000 11 16 .407

Friday's Games Utah 6,ArizonaSt.5 SouthernCal13, Arizona6 MichiganSt.2, Oregon1 UCLA4,Oregon St.1 Washington13,Stanford1 Washington St.4, California0


SouthernCalatArizona, noon WashingtonSt.atCalifornia,1 p.m. MichiganSt,at Oregon, 2p.m. OregonSt.atUCLA,4p.m. ArizonaatUtah,4p.m. Washington at Stanford, 4p.m.

TENNIS Professional Miami Open Friday atKeyBiscayne, Fla. Men Semifinals AndyMurray(3), Britain,def.TomasBerdych (8), CzechRepublic, 6-4,6-4. NovakDlokovic (1),Serbla, def. JohnIsner (22), UnitedStates,7-6(3),6-2.

DEALS Transactions BASEBAL L Major LeagueBaseball OFFICE OFTHECOMMISSIONEROFBASEBALL — SuspendedMinnesotaRHPErvin Santana80 gamesafter a positivetest for Stanozolol, a performance-enha ncing substance, in violation of Major League Baseball's Joint DrugPreventionand Treatment Program.FinedMiami RHPJarredCosart anundisclosedamountfor violating Major LeagueRule 21(d) (3), which"prohibitsplayersfromplacing bets with illegalbookm akersor agentsfor ilegal bookmakers." AmeucanLeague BALTIMORE ORIOLES— ReassignedInfJayson Nix andINFPaul Janishto their minor leaguecamp. BOSTONREDSOX— OptionedRHPsMattBarnes

and Brandon Workmanto Panrtucket (IL). Reassigned LHPDanaEvelandto minor leaguecamp. PlacedRHP Joe Kellyonthe15-day DL,retroactive toMarch27. CHICAGO WHITE SO X — Optioned RHPErik Johnsonto Charlotte (IL). SentRHPMaikel Cletoand LHPOnelkiGarciaoutright to Charlotte. Reassigned RHPJairoAsencio,OFEngelBeltre,CGeorgeKottaras andRHPArcenioLeonto minor-leaguecamp. DETROITIGERS— Optioned LHPBlaine Hardy and LHP Kyle Ryanto Toledo(IL). AssignedINFJosh Wilson tominorleaguecamp. KANSASCITYROYALS — AssignedRHP Louis Coleman outright to Omaha(PCL). MINNESOTATWINS — Recalled LHP Aaron Thompson fromRochester (IL). SEATTLEMARINERS — Recalled RHP Carson Smith toTacoma(PCL). Optioned RH PDominicLeone toTacoma.PlacedLHPEdgarOlmosonthe15-DL. National League ATLANTA BRAVES — Released LHPWandy Rodrig uezandCJesusFlores.ReassignedRHPChienMing-Wang to minorleaguecamp. CHICAGO CUBS—AssignedDrakeBritton outright tolowa(PCL). MIAMI MARLINS— Announced LHPAndrew McKirahan wasclaimedoffwaivers byAtlanta. SANDIEGO PADRES — Announced RHPJandel Gustavehascleared outright waiversandhasbeen returnedtotheHoustonAstros. SANFRANCISCOGIANTS — Extendedthecontracts of seniovice r president andgeneral manager BrianSabeanand manager BruceBochy throughthe 2019season. ST. LOUISCARINALS—ClaimedOFGary Brown off waiversfromSan Francisco andassignedhimto Memphis(PCL).Optioned RHPMarco Gonzales and INF TyKelly to Memphis(PCL). Reassigned RHP Mitch Harris,RHPMarcus Hatley, INFScott Moore and OFStephenPiscotty to Memphis. PlacedOF Tommy Phamonthe15-day DL,retroactive to March 27.


National Basketball Association LOSANGELESLAKERS— SignedGDwightBuycks toa10-daycontract. FOOTBA LL National Football League NEW ORLEANSSAINTS — Signed WR Joseph Morgantoaone-yearcontract. SAN FRANCI SCO 49ERS— SignedLB Nick Bellore to a two-year contract. WASHIN GTONREDSKINS—Acquired SDashon GoldsonfromTampa Bay Buccaneers for an undisclosed2016draft pick. HOCKEY National HockeyLeague ANAHEIMDUCKS— RecalledRW StefanNoesen from Norfolk(AHL). MONTREAL CANADIENS — Reassigned D Brett LernoutfromSwift Current(WHL)to Hamilton (AHL). COLLEGE TEXAS — Named Shaka Smart men' s basketball coach.

Late run leadS MiChigan State Over OregOn —IVlichigan State pushed arun across the plate in the11thinning en route to a2-1 nonconference victory over Oregon onFriday night in Eugene. Cam Gibson hit an RBIsingle down the left-field line to drive in Anthony Cheky for Michigan State's winning run.

SOFTBALL DuCkS drOP OPener to BruinS — UCLApitcher Ally Carda recorded 15 strikeouts in leading the Bruins to an8-1 victory over Oregon on Friday in LosAngeles. Oregon starting pitcher Cheridan Hawkins gave upfive runs off four hits in 2/~ innings. Hawkins had given up just six earned runs in her previous 97 innings.


cause where the alpine leg might end, the only safe way Continued from C1 to the bike exchange would Replacing the nordic stage be running down. But we with a mountain bike stage would develop a (run) course w as discussed, but that i s that wasn't just a straight no longer a possibility, said shot down the hill." Cogswell-Kelley, who noted Even with the addition of a potentially unsafe trail con- short trail run, the 10-kilomeditions and large crowds as ter run later in the race would reasons for nixing the moun-

OregOn St., AriZOnaSoftdall POStPOned —TheOregon State softball team's gameagainst Arizona scheduled for Friday was rained out. Theteams areschedule to play a doubleheader today starting at 9 a.m. — From staff reports

remain unaltered, she said.

tain bike idea. Cogswell-Kelley said that "Realistically, it would just MBSEF's goal is to announce be unsafe," she said. "We may a solidified plan before the have to do some sort of short, cost of PPP registration in10- to 15-minute trail run. Be-

creases on April 16.

The nordic leg has been re- Bachelor was 42 inches as of located in previous low-snow Friday morning, according to Mt. Bachelor ski area. years, she noted. aBut it's never been this

The PPP includes teams,

bad," Cogswell-Kelley insist- pairs and individuals racing ed. "We're getting a little bit from Mount Bachelor to Bend of snow, and the tempera- in the sports of alpine skiing, tures are staying cool right nordic skiing, road cycling, now. That's great, but can running and paddling. The that hold month?"

ou t f o r a n o ther event usually d r aws about

Snow — a few inches, any-

3,000 participants.

way — is forecast for Mount

For updates on the situatiort or to register for the race,

Bachelor starting Sunday

visit www.pppbend.com.

a nd into next w eek . Th e snow depth at the base of

— Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmorical@bendbulletfzt.com



Magic 97, Timberwolves 84

All TimesPDT



W L Pct GR 56 19 747 49 27 645 74 46 30 605 tgr/2 45 31 592 ttr/r 43 33 566 13'/a 38 38 500 18r/2 35 40 467 21 34 41 453 22 34 42 447 22r/2 33 43 434 23r/r 32 43 427 24 29 47 382 27r/2 23 53 303 33r/r 18 58 237 38'/a 14 62 184 42r/2


x-Cleyeland x-Chicago y-Toronto x-Washington Milwaukee Brooklyn Miami Ooston Indiana Charlotte Detroit

Orlando Philadelphia NewYork


z-GoldenState x-Houston x-Memphis y-Portland x-L.A.Clippers x-SanAntonio Dallas Oklahoma City NewOrleans Phoenix Utah Denver Sacramen to L.A. Lakers Minnesota x-clinched playoffspot y-clinched division z-clinched conference

W L 62 13 52 24 52 24 49 26 50 26 50 26 46 30 42 34 41 34 38 38 34 41 28 48 26 49 20 55 16 60

Pct GS

827 684 tgr/r 684 10N 653 13 658 12'/r 658 12N 605 16'/2 553 20'/r 547 21 500 24r/r 453 28 368 34N 347 36 267 42 211 46N

Friday's Games

Mark J. Terrirr I The Associated Press

Portland guard Arron Afflalo, left, goes up for a basket as Los Angeles forward Wesley Johnson defends during the first half of Friday night's game in Los Angeles.

azers caim


division title since a co-cham- ma City. p i onship in 2009 for these Spurs 123, Nuggets 93:

Portland Trail Blazers re- Blazers, who earned the fran-


turned to their locker room to chise's first playoff series vic- Green scored 21 points, infind black T-shirts hanging in tory since 2000 last spring. cluding 6-for-6 shooting on "It's something that we'll their stalls with bold red-and3-pointers, and San Antonio white letters reading "North- always be a part of, and we cruisedpast Denver afterloswest Claimed." need to relish this ing Tiago Splitter to a right D~ ~ Litl a rd NeX t uP and en j o yit,because calf injury during a strong threw a couple into it doesn't happen all start. his traveling bag, but the time," Portland Wizards 101, Knicks 87: Marno Blazers put them coach Terry Stotts WASHINGTON on. said. "It's good to cin Gortat scored 19 points, While the y 're be a part of history, Bradley Beal added 18, and thrilled to have some Now 0rloans winning the title out- Washington defeated New souvenirs from t he right. Like I told the York. at pprttand franchise's first outteam, the banner is Bulls 88, Pistons 82: CHIgoin g to go up, and CAGO — Pau Gasol had 26 right division titie +b "' 7 ™ + we'll always be a points and 10 rebounds for of the 21st century, T": CSNNW par t of it." the Blazers also are his 50th double-double of the thinking ahead to Ra dio: KBND A lso on Friday: season, helping Chicago beat bigger celebrations. 1 110-AM, Nets 114, Raptors Detroit. C .J. M c C o l lu m 1 0 0.1-FM; 109: NEW Y OR K Pacers 93, Hornets 74: INscored a career-high KRCO — Deron Williams DIANAPOLIS — Rodney 27 points, L i l l ar d 6 9 0 -AM, scored a season-high Stuckey scored 15 points off added 20 and Port- 96.9-FM 31 points, Thaddeus the bench to lead Indiana land celebrated its Young made the tie- past Charlotte. Northwest Division title with

b r e aking basket with 22 sec-

a 107-77 victory over the Los onds left, and Brooklyn beat Angeles Lakers on Friday T oronto for its season-high night. sixth straight victory. "It's an honor to be a part Magic 97, Timberwolves 84:

Bucks 110, Celtics 101:

BOSTON — Ersan Ilyasova led Milwaukee's third-quarter surge from a h a l ftime deficit with 11 points and the

M I N N E APOLIS — N i k o la Bucks hurt Boston's playoff things that this organization Vucevic scored a career-high chances. of this team and do so many

hasn't done for so long," Lillard said. Arron Aff lalo scored 17

37 points and grabbed 17 rePelicans 101, Kings 95: bounds to power Orlando SACRAMENTO, Calif. o v e r M i nnesota.

Eric Gordon scored 21 points,

points for the Blazers, who

Gr i zzlies 100, Thunder 92: TvJrreke Evans nearly had a clinched the title earlier in M E M P H IS, Tenn. — Jeff triple-double and New Orthe night w it h O k l ahoma G r een scored 22 points and leans gained ground in the City's loss at Memphis. The Marc Gasol added 19 as playoff race by outlasting Northwest crown is the first M e m phis defeated Oklaho- short-handed Sacramento.

Harris 9-203-5 25,Dedmon1-3 3-4 5, Vucevic 18-251-4 37,Payton4-92-210, Dladipo4-190-08, A.Gordon 3-10 0-07, Harkless 0-00-0 0, Green1-6 2-25, Nicholson0-00-00.Totals40-9211-1797.

MINNESOT A(84) Wiggins6-1210-1322, Payne6-90-012, Hamilton 5-74-614, Layine5-140-1 10, Martin 3-126-7 12, Sudinger3-7 5-512, Hum mel1-2 0-0 2, Brown 0-1 0-00. Totals 29-6425-32 84. Orlando 29 23 20 25 — 97 Minnesota 23 19 23 19 — 84

Nets114, Raptors109 TORONTO (109) Ross2-6 0-04, A.Johnson5-61-1 11,Valanciunas 9-133-521, Vasquez3-10 0-0 7, DeRozan 1020 7-8 27,L.Wigiams 8-14 2-4 23,Ja.Johnson 1-4 0-0 2, Patterson 3-64-5 12, Hansbrough 1-30-0 2. Totals 42-8217-23109. BROOKLYN (114) Jo.Johnson5-12 3-4 13,Young12-15 5-9 29, Lopez13-244-430,D.Wiliams11-184-431,Brown 0-30-00, Anderson 3-40-06, Clark0-20-00, Plumlee 1-20-02, Jack0-4 0-00, Sogdanovic 1-41-2 3. Totals 46-8817-23114. Toronto 27 27 25 30 — 109 Brooklyn 34 15 28 37 — 114

Bucks110, Celtics101 MILWAOKE E(110) Antetokounmpo 5-81-211, gyasova8-140-017, Pachulia4-103-611, Carter-Wiliams3-81-28, Middleton 5-162-213, Dudley4-7 0-010, Henson5-5 0010, Mayo9-132424,Oayless24226.Totals 45-85 11-18 110.

Washington101,NewYork87 Indiana93,Charlotte 74 Milwaukee 110,Boston 101 Brooklyn114,Toronto 109 Chicago88,Detroit 82 Memphis100,OklahomaCity 92 Orlando97, Minnesota84 SanAntonio123,Denver93 NewOrleans101,Sacramento 95 Portland107,L.A. Lakers77

The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — The



Today'sGames PhiladelphiaatCharlotte,4 p.m. BrooklynatAtlanta, 4:30p.m. BostonatToronto, 4:30p.m. Miami atDetroit 4:30 p.m. WashingtonatMemphis, 5 p.m. GoldenStateatDallas,5:30 p.m. OrlandoatMilwaukee,5:30 p.m. LA. 0lippers at Denver,6 p.m. Utah atPhoenix, 7p.m. NewOrleansat Portland, 7p.m. Sunday'sGames HoustonatOklahomaCity,10 a.m. ChicagoatCleveland,12:30 p.m. Miami atIndiana,3p.m. GoldenStateatSanAntonio, 4p.m. PhiladelphiaatNewYork,4:30 p.m. Utah atSacramento, 6p.m. L.A. Clippers at L.A.Lakers, 6;30p.m.


Blazers107, Lakers 77 PORTLAND (107) Oatum3-90-07, Aldridge7-150-014, Lopez4-4 2-210, Lillard8-150-0 20, Afflalo5-15 4-417, Kaman 1-30-0 2, McCollum10-165-5 27,Blake0-0 0-0 0,Leonard0-10-0 0, Freeland2-20-04, Crabbe 0-1 0-0 0,Gee2-60-0 4, Frazier 1-10-0 2. Totals 43-88 11-11107. L.A. LAKERS (77) Johnson5-141-211, Kelly2-60-0 4, Black5-10 0-010, 0larkson12-201-2 27, Lin1-9 2-44, Brown 2-9 6-911, Hill 0-1 0-0 0,Boozer0-40-0 0, Sacre 0-20-00, Davis1-3002,8uycks3-4008. Totals 31-82 10-1777. Poruand 26 26 22 33 — 107 LA.Lakers 12 27 24 14 — 77 3-PointGoals—Portland10-26 (Ligard4-8, Afflalo 3-5, McCollum 2-4, Oatum1-5, Gee 0-1, Crabbe 0-1, Aldridge0-2), L.A. Lakers5-14 (Ruycks2-2, Clarkson2-4, Orown1-3, Lin 0-1, Kelly 0-2, Johnson 0-2). FouledOut—None. Rebounds—Portland 55 (Leonard11), L.A.Lakers48(Johnson15). Assists — Portland 21 (Rlake, Ligard 5), L.A. Lakers13 (Clarkson5). Total Fouls—Portland14, L.A.Lakers 10. A—18,997(18,997).

Grizzlies100, Thunder 92 OKLAHOMA CITY (92) Singler5-7 0-013,Kanter11-192-424, S.Adams 4-51-39, Westbrook 5-208-1318, Waiters3-112-2 8, Morrow5-142-213, McGary2-70-04, Augustin 1-41-2 3, Novak 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 36-88 16-26 92. MEMPHIS (100) Je.Green7-12 6-8 22, Randolph 6-11 1-2 14, Gasol8143619, Conley3117813, Lee513 2-2 13, Calathes5-5 0-0 10, Udrih 2-5 1-2 5, Koufos2-6 0-04, Carter 0-30-0 0. Totals 38-80 20-28 100. OklahomaCity 26 23 20 23 — 92 Memphis 24 31 22 23 — 100

Bulls 88, Pistons 82 DETROIT (82) C.Rutler1-52-25, Tolliver 3-80-0 9, Drummond 5-12 4-6 14, Jackson9-154-4 22, Caldwell-Pope 6-16 0-014,Anthony0-1 1-21, Wiliams1-30-02, Meeks1-30-02,LucasIII4-61-1 9, Prince2-50-04. Totals 32-7412-1582. CHICAGO (88) Dunleavy2-6 2-2 7, Gasol11-194-5 26, Noah 3-5 0-0 6, Brooks2-9 0-0 5,J.Sutler 6-16 5-618, Gibson4-132-2 10,Snell 0-3 0-0 0, Moore2-7 0-0 5, Mirotic 3-7 5-6 11.Totals 33-85 18-21 88. Detroit 26 9 24 23 — 82 Chicago 25 22 12 29 — 88

BOSTON (101) Turner3-70-06, Bass5-12 2-212, Zeller3-92-2 8, Smart1-30-02,Bradley7-150-017, Thomas7-12 7-823, Crowder3-82-29,Dlynyk2-70-05,Jerebko 7-10 2-217,Sullinger0-20-0 0, Datome0-2 0-0 0, Pressey1-1 0-02. Totals 39-8815-16101. Milwaukee 21 29 36 24 — 110 Boston 25 27 23 26 — 101

Wizards101, Knicks 87 NEWYORK(87) Amundson 4-81-2 9, Thomas0-3 0-00, Sargnani

1-90 02, Larkin 5 84414, Galloway 5150 012, Early0-00-00, Smit5-100-011, h Ledo6-137-821, Hardaway Jr. 0 72 22, Acy4104 414,Aldrich1-1 0-02. Totals 31-8418-2087. WASHINGTON (101) Porter7-91-217, Gooden3-91-29, Gortat9-13 1-219, Wal3-13 l 0-0 6, Real8-180-018, Sessions 4-5 4-412, Humphrie4-10 s 0-08, Butler3-80-0 7, Seraphin2-71-2 5,Oynum0-1 0-00. Totals 43-93 8-12 101. New York 10 36 21 20 — 87



30 2 4 29 18 — 101

Pacers 93, Hornets 74 CHARLOTTE (74) Taylor 0-1 0-0 0,Ma.Wigiams3-9 3-3 10,Jefferson2-6 0-04, Walker 1-9 4-66, Henderson5-13 1-212, Siyombo 3-6 4-710, M.Wiliams4-110-09, Hair ston0-50-00,Maxieg0-20-00,Stephenson4-7 2 210, Roberts2 40 0 5,Vonleh2 2 004, Daniels 2-50-04. Totals 28-8014-20 74. INDIANA(93) S.Hill 2-7 0-0 5,West3-5 0-06, Hibbert 3-70-1 6, G.Hill 2-110-04, Miles4-123-312, Stuckey6-12 1-215, Mahinmi2-30-14, Scola2-8 5-69, Watson 5-8 2-313,Rudez3-30-09, Allen2-5 2-2 6, Sloan 2-2 0-0 4,Copeland0-0 0-00. Totals 36-83 1318 93. Charlotte 25 13 9 27 — 74 Indiana 22 27 21 23 — 93

Spurs123, Nuggets 93 DENVER (93)

Chandler3-81-2 7, Gaginari8-123-320, Faried 5-90-010,Lawson3-101-27, Foye4-70-011,Nelson 6101-114,Hickson2 70 04, Nurkic3 30 26, Barton 2 90 04, Harris3 61-18, EGreen0 50 00, Clark1-10-02. Totals40-87 7-1193. SANANTONIO(123) Leonard 9-13 0-0 20,Duncan1-12-2 4, Splitter 341-17,Parker24004, DGreen791-1 21, Ginobili 2-6 0-1 4,Diaw5-11 2-213, Saynes6-86-6 18, Joseph3-41-2 7, Relinelli 5-120-014, Bonner 1-3 0-0 3,Migs1-7 0-02, Ayres2-3 2-2 6. Totals 47-8515-17123. Denver 25 22 23 23 — 93 San Antonio 45 22 33 23 — 123

Sharks stay in

playoff hunt The Associated Press SAN JOSE, Calif. With each win, the chal-

lenge of getting back to the playoffs gets slightly more realistic for the San Jose Sharks even if t hey still

need plenty of outside help to get there. L ogan

C o u tur e a n d

Joe Pavelski scored in the opening 5 minutes and the Sharks held on for their

fourth win in five games, 3-1 over the Arizona Coyotes on Friday night. "We talked a while ago about playing well and putting a string of wins together and see what happens," coach Todd McLellan said. "The guys have done a good job. I don't think they're getting too far ahead. I don't think we feel

any more comfortable now than we did a week ago. We shouldn't. We still need

a lot of help." Matt Nieto added an in-

surance goal late for the Sharks, who moved within three points of Los Angeles

and Winnipeg in the race for the final wild-card spot in the Western Conference.

The Kings and Jets each have one game in hand over San Jose, which is try-

ing to make the playoffs for an 11th straight season. "We put ourselves in this

position," Couture said. "We haveno one to blame but ourselves that we're in

the position we're in now. We can'tchange anything. We can't go back and win games that we lost. We can only win the games that are ahead of us. So that's

what we're trying to do." Also on Friday: Devils 3, Canadiens 2: NEWARK, N.J. — Jacob Josefson and Patrik Elias

scored in the shootout and New Jersey snapped a season-high six-game losing

Peiicans101, Kings 95

streak with a victory over Montreal.

NEWORLEANS(101) Pondexter6-130-018, Davis6-17 8-1020, Asik 2-7 0-04, T.Evans 8-152-719, Gordon6-165-6 21, Cunni ngham0-10-00,A)inca0-00-00,Cole4-70-0 10, Anderson 2-9 4-5 9, Douglas0-2 0-0 0. Totals

3: BUFFALO, N.Y. — Jonathan Toews scored two

34-8719-28 101.

Blackhawks 4, Sabres goals 47 seconds apart in

SACRAME NTO(95) Casspi7-93-617,Landry2-32 46,Cousins9-22 6-1024, McCagum6-120-014,McLemore7-150-0 17, Stauskas 2-4 0-05, Wiliams 3-74-510, Miler 1-2 0-0 2,Thom pson0-4 0-00. Totals 37-7815-

the final two m inutes to

Newerleans Sacramento

LAS — Alex Pietrangelo

25 95.

31 2 5 18 27 — 101 23 1 9 29 24 — 95

Leaders ThroughFriday Scoring G FG FT PTS AVG Harden,HDU 75 604 661 2063 27.5 WestbrookDKC 61 552 500 1675 27.5 James,CLE 65 596 361 1667 25.6 Davis,NOR 61 582 330 1495 24.5 Cousins,SAC 58 487 419 1395 24.1 Curry,GOL 73 593 293 1736 23.8 Aldridge,PDR 67 623 2911570 23.4 Griffin, LAC 61 528 286 1352 22.2

rally Chicago to a win over last-place Buffalo. Blues 7, Stars 5: DALscored the unassisted tiebreaker and St. Louis netted four third-period goals to beat Dallas. Avalanche 4, Ducks 2: ANAHEIM, Calif. — Matt Duchene scored the win-

ning goal about halfway through the third period as Colorado kept its slim playoff hopes alive.

GOLF ROUNDUP Tiger Woods to return at the Nasters

Putnam takesHouston Openleadthanks to late charge

Tiger Woods endedaweekofspeculationand debate over the state Dfhis game Friday by announcing he will play next week in the Masters. Kl Woods, a four-time Masters champion, last competed on Feb. 5 atTDrrey Pineswhen he walked off the course after 11 holes because of tightness Woods in his lower back, andafter another shockingly bad display of chipping. That followed a missed cut at the Phoenix Open,where heshot a career-high 82. Woods played an18-hole practice round Tuesday at Augusta National, andGolf Channel said he wasseenDnthe practice range Friday morning at the club. "I'm playing in the Masters," Woods said on his website. "It's obviously very important to me, and I want tD be there. I've worked a lot on my game,and I'm looking forward to competing. I'm excited to get to AugUsta, and I appreciate everyone's support." He will have gonenine weekswithout competition when heh(ts his opening tee shot on Thursday at the Masters, whichis not unprecedented for Woods. He went nearly five months without playing when hereturned in 2010 from a crisis in his personal life that led to one of the greatest downfalls in sport. He

The Associated Press

tied for fourth thatyear.

par-4 17th and took a bogey. "I just blocked it a little bit, share of second place at 133. not a very good swing," he Another late finisher, qualifisaid. "I certainly let that one

after catching a flyer out of the right rough on her layup attempt. After a penalty drop, her fourth shot rolled 15 feet

er Austin Cook, matched Putnam with a 65 to tie Mickelson. "It was unbelievable," said

past and she missed the putt.

— The Associated Press



Cook, who played the final Andrew

Putnam made a late charge to pass three-time Masters champion Phil Mickelson and take a one-shot lead after two rounds of the Houston Open. The 26-year-old Putman,

nine holes at 5 under and bird-

ied the last one. "It was great. I'm really, really comfortable with my swing and my game right now and it's kind of showing." Graham DeLaet (67) and Luke Guthrie (68) were tied for

who made his PGATour debut here ayear ago,birdied six of fourth at 134. his final nine holes on the Golf Six players are in the next Course of Houston's front side group another shot back, infor a7-under 65.That matched cluding 21-year-old Jordan the lowest score of the day and Spieth — who came in at a put him at 12-under 132. career-best No. 4 in the World "Solo lead ... that's pretty Golf Rankings. Spieth, who cool," said Putnam, who point- had a win and a second place ed out that he had shared the in his two previous starts, shot lead in a Las Vegas tourna- a 66. ment last fall. Scott Piercy, who had a twoHowever, he hardly saw it shot lead after a tournament coming. course record-tying 63 in the "I haven't been playing good first round, had a 74. or scoring well," Putnam adMickelson made a 25-foot mitted. "Both have been bad.

But (I'm) doing both well this week."

has been sharp, too. I've hit some good pitches. The putter feels a lot better, but it's felt better for a while. I'm excited

about this weekend. It's going to be a shootout."

Weather conditions were perfect forscoring low and the cut would be 4-under. "It's a fun tournament and


it's fun to have put myself in a (good) position to have a chance," Mickelson said. Also on Friday: Lydia Ko's under-par streak ends at 29 with 1-over 73: RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif.


Lydia Ko missed a chance to break the LPGA Tour record for consecutive rounds under

par, closing with a bogey for a 1-over 73 in the second round of the ANA Inspiration. Need-

ing a birdie on the par-5 18th

birdie putt on the par-5 15th

to extend her streak to 30, the hole to get to 12 under, but he 17-year-old New Zealander hit hit a rare errant drive on the her second shot into the water

M ickelson, who wo n t h e event in 2011, shot 67 for a

get away. But I've driven it very well this week... hit a lot

of fairways. My short game

Ko was seven strokes behind leader Sei Young Kim.

George Bridges/The Associated Press

Andrew Putnam hits his birdie putt on the ninth hole in the second round of the Houston Open on Friday in Humble, Texas.





Storm golfers rumble to victory at Eagle Crest

Continued from C1 Lockie's level of expertise with th e p laybook provides him with the con-

Bulletin staff report

ed runners on base. Carpenter, McK- of Kyla Collier and Lauren Handley REDMOND — Jack L oberg and enzie Walsworth and Kinsey Pinckney went 2-0 and advanced to the semis. Cooper Donahue each shot even-par Rachel Drgastin recorded matching each had two hits for La Pine (3-6). The tournament concludes today. 72, leading Summit to the team cham- scores of 83. Bend, which was second Henley 3, Sisters 2: SISTERS — The pionship of the Raven Rumble boys as a team with a 348, was led by Holly Baseball Outlaws' No. 2 doubles team of Billy golf tournament Friday at the 17-team Froelich' s77,and Maddy Mode carded Summit 3, Hood River Valley 1: Bax- Biggers and Gabe Willitts posted a Eagle Crest's Ridge Course. a 79. Raelyn Lambert (83) and Tian- ter Halligan allowed just four hits and thrilling 7-5, 7-5 win, but Sisters fell to After a brief frost delay, Summit na Brown (85) highlighted Ridgeview, recorded a94-pitch complete game to visiting Henley of Klamath Falls in a heated up, placing all four of its scor- which was sixth as a team with a 375. lead the Storm to a nonconference vic- nonconference matchup. Alex Cyrus ers in the top 10 en route to a team to- Seventh-place Mountain View was led tory at Vince Genna Stadium. Colby and Noah Eckstein won by default at tal of 294 strokes. Bend High, led by by Ellen Nopp's 91, while Maddie Kas- Scott belted a two-run double for Sum- No. 4 doubles for the Outlaws. Max McGee's 73 — tied with Mountain berger paced Crook County, which fin- mit (8-0), Dylan Albertazzi was 2-for-3, Boys tennis View's Mason Krieger for fifth placeished 10th in the team standings, with and Matt Hicks had a hit. was second with a 305. a 93. Henley's Kylie Collum and RoseThe Dalles 10, Redmond 6: THE Storm lead the way in South Salem: M ountain View w a s s eventh i n burg'sClare Dittemore shared medal- DALLES — The Panthers, who earli- SALEM — Summit came out ahead team scoring (327). Other Central Or- ist honors, each carding a 1-over 73. er in the day defeated Hermiston 14-9, at the four-team Saxon Invitational, egon teams in the tournament were head into next week's Intermountain winning 20 singles and doubles matchRidgeview (11th, 340), Crook County Softball Conference schedule with a 4-3 record. es, two more than runner-up Grant. (14th, 357) and Redmond (17th, 407). Milwaukie 17, Summit 7: HAPPY West Linn 12, Mountain View 1: Chandler Olivera and Carter Quigley Alyssa Kerry was ninth with an 80, while teammates Sarah Heinly and

Low scorer for the Ravens was Jacob

Kinzer (82). Leading the way for the Cowboys was Mason Tibbs (74). And low man for the Panthers was Jordan

Christiansen (92). Co-medalists were Canby's Jacob

Silver and Oakridge's Joel Snyder, both at 1-under 71.

VALLEY — The Storm trailed by nine runs after the fourth inning and were

WEST LINN — Noah Spear tookthe

loss for Mountain View, giving up sev- respectively, while Daniel Pino and shut out the rest of the way to suffer a en runs in 1/s innings of work. The Thomas Wimberly both won all three nonleague defeat. Summit (5-3) walked Cougars (3-3) scored their only run on of their matches. On the doubles side, 15batters, including five straight at one an RBI single by Dylan Torres in the Andy Jones and Jonathan Wimberly point. Mariah Talamantes had two hits top of the second. Koltin Ramsey was won all three of their matches, as did and an RBI for the Storm, and Hailey

2-for-3 for Mountain View.

the tandem of Cole Young and Tomas

Sisters 11, Madras 5: SISTERSFriday's event marked the rebirth Sisters netted its seventh win in eight of the Central Oregon Classic, a long- DALLES — The Panthers slipped to games with a nonleague victory. Justin time boys golf competition between 2-6 with a nonleague loss. Harrer had two hits, including a twoCentral Oregon schools that was last Hood River Valley 9, Mountain View run double, and three RBIs for the Outstaged in 2006. The six Central Ore- 3: HOOD RIVER — After a five-run laws (7-1). Sisters' Ryan Funk logged gon teams that participated in Friday's fourth inning Mountain View (3-5) two doubles and two RBIs. Madras (3tournament will add scores from the could not get back into the game and 5) scored three runs in the sixth inning Raven Rumble with scores from three fell in the nonleague matchup. Ivy but stalled the remainder of the game. othertournaments during the course Vann recordedthree hitsforthe CouLa Pine 7, Lakeview 6: LAKEVIEW of the season to determine cumulative gars, while Samantha Smith and Jen- — Elijah Gomes went 3-for-4 with a stroke-play champions for teams and sen Logan had doubles. double and an RBI to lift the Hawks to individuals. Madras 12, Sisters 1: SISTERSa nonconference victory. Jacob FarnThe next round of the Central OrChloe Martin allowed just one hit and sworth chipped in with two hits and an egon Classic takes place Monday at struck out 10 in leading the White RBI for La Pine (4-4), and Angelo Roes Pronghorn. Buffaloes' to a five-inning nonconfer- drove in two runs. Also on Friday: ence win. Kianna Moschetti and Keely

Nelson tripled and scored twice. The Dalles 11, Redmond 0: THE

Brown each went 3-for-4 for Madras

Girls golf

each went 2-1 at No. 1 and No. 2 singles,

Girls tennis

(5-5), while Keslie Mitchell chipped in Singles shine at tourney: ROSEwith two hits. The Outlaws (2-7), whose BURG — Bend's Sierra Winch, Jesse


Boys lacrosse

tional at Eagle Crest's Ridge Course. Madison Odiorne took third with a

3-over 75 to pace the Storm. Summit's

Lakeview 7, La Pine 1: LAKEVIEW — Brenna Carpenter took the loss for the Hawks, who had 10 hits but strand-

ment. As a team, the Lava Bears won

Ducks into a new era. "You're the guy, you're the oldest guy in the locker room at the quarterback position," Lockie said of having a leadership role. "They're looking to you, and it's a good responsibility. Being here for three years, I can worry less about what I'm doing out there and kind of focus on,

'Are we lined up right? Are we motioned right? Do we

have the right calls?' "It's definitely more about getting everybody else on the same page." As a backup the past two seasons, Lockie complet-

ed 29 of 41 passes for 264 yards with one touchdown and one interception.

Offensive coordinator Scott Frost points out that the Ducks were usually just

trying to get to the postgame handshakes as soon as possible when Lockie was substituted in for Mari-

Sisters 12, Ridgeview 3:REDMOND — The Outlaws scored six times in the third quarter on their way to a High

Desert Conference victory. Sisters (2-0 HDC, 2-2 overall) was led by Chance Halley and JoeJones, each of whom

posted four goals. Ridgeview slipped to 0-2 in league play and 1-2 overalL Sherwood 5, Summit 4: Stu Bledsoe

recorded two goals and an assist, but the Storm were held off late and suffered their first setback of the season.

Charlie Stuermer scored twice for Summit (4-1), Nick Rasmussen had an assist, and Reid Yundt was credited with nine saves.

Hermiston 26, Redmond 2: REDgolfers logged an 83 orbetteras Sum- run in the fourth inning was unearned, Vezo and Grace Perkins each went 2-0 MOND — Redmond was overmatched mit posted a team score of 321 to place was highlighted by Zoey Nason's sin- to advance to the semifinals of the sin- in its home game against Hermiston. first at the 16-team Ridgeview Invita- gle in the fourth. gles bracket at the Roseburg Tourna- Jacob Mclaneand Christopher Bloom Storm top invite: REDMOND — Four

fidence to lead the 2015

each scored a goal for the Panthers,

11 of 16 matches on the first day of the who fell to 0-2 in High Desert Confereight-team tourney. The Bend tandem ence action.

ota late in lopsided victories.

"I'm really c o m fortable with Jeff. I trust him,

I know he's always going to know what to do," Frost

said. "To some degree, when he's been in games w e've usually been i n cleanup mode. So he hasn't really gottorun ouroffense a whole lot. I thought he has

had two really good days of practice so far." Lockie said he used to

put pressure on himself to try to make Mariota-like plays in practice. He is much wiser now. The next Oregon quarterback will not be expect-

ed to slip out of a sure sack and throw a game-changing shovel pass to Royce Freeman against Michigan State, or fl i p h e ad-overheels into the end zone

against Wyoming, or strike

PREP SCOREBOARD Baseball Class5A Nonconference At VinceGennaStadium HoodRiverValley 350 020 0 — 10 11 0 Ridgeview 20 0 0 300 — 5 9 4 At VinceGennaStadium HoodRiverValley 000 100 0 — 1 4 3 Summit 000 201 x — 3 5 3

Nonconference Mountai nview 0100000 — 1 4 5 West Linn 25 4 010 x— 12 7 i

La Pine Lakeview

Summit Milwaukie

Madras Sisters

— 37 3 — 9 121

Class 4A Nonconference (5 innings) 222 06 12 NANA 000 10 1 NANA

Seniors Continued from C1

it's just a matter of what works.

But this Final Four offers plenty of proof that seniorstournament-tested v e terans

Some people find the one-and-

ready to hit a key shot or menwhen their moment comesstill have a big say in how far their teams go in March. "I think it speaks to why

they're here," Trice said Fri-

done to work better. We find it better to stick around."

Compare that to the Spartans (27-11), who followed a run to the Elite Eight by flirt-

ing with not even making it back into the field of 68. The Spartans stood at 13-7

afteraJanuary lossatNebrasday. "It takes seniors to really ka, but went on a late-season putyou over the edge and kind push that included reaching of help the young guys. Ken- the Big Ten tournament final

tucky's a special talent where

to return to the NCAAs for the

you've got some of the best players in the country on the

18th straight year. Trice has been averaging same team. But for the teams 19.1 points over the past 13 that aren't as talented as may- games and is shooting 41 perbe they are, you've got to have cent frombehind the arc in the guys who have been through it tournament. Meanwhile, Dawson's tournament numbers are and can lead the other guys." That trio of teams have got- on par with his season totals; ten here in different ways. the Big Ten's top rebounder is The Badgers (35-3) are averaging 9.3 rebounds to go back in the Final Four after

suffering a c rushing onepoint loss to Kentucky in last year's national semifinals, an experience that stayed with

Kaminsky and fellow seniors Traevon Jackson, Duje

Dukan and Josh Gasser. It helpeddrivethe Badgers to a single-season school record for wins while playing amid expectations that were stratospheric from the moment pre-

with 11 points. More important, Izzo said, is the time they've spent men-

toring teammates competing for playing time against them. "I keep reminding those freshmen every day: 'You better appreciate those guys, you better appreciate them a lot because not everyone does this,'" Izzo said this week. "This is some of the things that have

separated this year's team season practice began. from top to bottom. There is a Kaminsky, named Associ- — I don't know if you can use ated Press Player of the Year the word — but there is a true on Friday, has been at his best love for one another. That is a in the tournament, averaging powerful, powerful thing." 22.8 points and 8.3 rebounds Then there's the Blue Devils while shooting 52 percent in (33-4), who have three freshthe four-game push through man starters in star big man the West Region as a No. 1 Jahlil Okafor, point guard Tyus seed. Jones and versatileforward "The senior class, the four of Justise Winslow. All three have us, it provides a sense of lead- livedup topreseasonhype, and ership, a sense of experience, yet, Duke's success is just as that nobody has really had much about Cook. "I said, 'I'm going to depend before," Dukan said. "With the one-and-dones,they have on you,'" Krzyzewski said. some seniors but it's not the

Class 3A aonconierence

001 000 0 — 1 10 5 101 041 x — 7 16 0

RavenRumble Ai EagleCrestRidgeCourse Par 72 Teamscores— Summit 294,Bend305,Canby 310, Oakridge 317, Eagle Point 323, Pendleton325, MountainView327, Hermiston 336, Roseburg337, Woodbur n339,Ridgeview340,TheDalles347,Lebanon 355,CrookCounty 357, Crater 393,Ashland402, Redmond 407. Co-medalists — Jacob Silver, Canby, 71;Joel Snyder, Oakridge, 71. Summit (2 94)— CooperDonahue72,Jack Lober g72,BenWasserman75,MaxHiglin,15,Cole Chrisman,80.

Bend(305) — MaxMcGee13,JackKlar76,Ryan DeCastilhos77, Rhett Pederson79, Matt Klar80.

Mountain view I327) — Mason Krieger 73, PaytonCole81,JoeNavarra 86, Taylor Smith 87, Dawson Magidson93. Ridgeview(340) — JacobKinzer82, Johnny Spinelli 84,LukeBuerger 85, Derrick Brown89,Zach Nelson93. CrookCouniy(357)— MaysonTibbs74,Gabe Goehring80,TaranOugh99, Daniel Ego104,Josh Wiechert121.

Redmond(407) —JordanChristiansen92,AndrewDavis95, BaileyFisher108, MitchJeffords02, Dean Johnson07.

Girls golf RidgeviewInvitational At EagleCrestRidgeCourse Par 72 Teamscores— Summit 321,Bend348,Henley

350,Roseburg373,Pendleton374,Ridgeview 315, MountainView380,Hermiston 383,North Valey388, Crook County389, CrescentValley, 421, Sprague 425, Crater449,TheDalles 450, SouthAlbany451, Molalla483. Co-medalisls —KylieCollum,Henley,73; Clare Dittemore,Roseburg, 73. Summit(321) —MadisonOdiorne75, Alyssa Kerry80,Sarah Heinly 83,Rachel Drgastin83, Maddie Hueske 97. Bend I348)—Holy Froelich77,MaddyMode79, AleyahRuiz95,HaleyNichols 97,MeganMcCleary97. Ridgeview (375) —Raelyn Lambert 83,Tianna Brown 85, MeganLau96, Emalee Kandle11i, Kayla Heath111. Mountain View(380) —EllenNopp91,Shelby Tiller 93,KatyMahr93, HannaWolf103, RyannVan

der zwiep12z Crook CountyI389) —Maddie Kasberger93, CoraWhite94, AbbyPapke101, MichaelaMcGrew 101, MacyGoehriwg105.

hurdling an Oregon State tackler. But if Lockie wants to orchestrate the Ducks' blur

offense, he will have to be athletic enough to execute

all of the familiar read-option plays at a high level. "The thing Jeff is doing really well is he's being dynamic when he's taken off with the football. He's

running with p urpose," Frost said. "I think it was really easy for him to kind of relax a little. Most of his

reps were practice reps, and practicereps are different than game reps. We really want him this spring to treathis practice reps as

been through the grind playing and all that. But you know

tor inexperienced teammates

La Pine Lakeview

Boys golf

Class5A Nonconference (5 innings) 214 00 — 76 3 880 01 — 178 2

Mountai nView 000 0102 HoodRiverValley 020 502x


010103 0 — 5 6 4 260 300 x — 11 10 i

011 004 1 — 7 11 4 030 030 0 — 6 10 5


Class 4A

Madras Sisters

Class3A Nonconference

the Heisman pose while

"He's taken that to the highest

same type of seniors that have level."

if they're game reps — go

Final Fourdreakdown MICHIGANSTATE East Lansing, 27-11. Nickname: Spartans.Coach:Tom Izzo. Conference:Big Ten.Bki:At large. Region:East.Seed: No.7. Tournament record:63-27, 28 years. Last appearaace:2014. Scoring:Team(71.4); Travis Trice15.3; Denzel Valentine 14.3; BrandenDawson11.9. Rebeaads:Team(37.5); Branden Dawson 9.1; Denzel Valentine 6.2; Matt Costello 5.2; Gavin Schilling 3.9.

Assists/turnevers:Team(16.7/11.2); Travis Trice 5.1/1.7; Denzel Valentine 4.4/2.4.

3-peinters:Team(.386); Denzel Valentine 97; Travis Trice 88; Bryn Forbes70. Last ten:8-2. The skinny:CoachIzzo hasa.742 (46-16) winning percentage in NCAA Tournament action and has led the Spartans to sevenFinal Fours including the 2000 national championship. Izzo is13-9 when facing a higher seed.

f ull speed, take off w i t h

KENTUCKY Lexington, 38-0. Nickname:Wildcats. Coach:John Calipari. Conference:Southeastern. Bid:SECchampion. Region:Midwest.Seed:No.1. Tournament record:122-48,54 years.Last appearaace:2014. Scoring:Team(74.6); Aaron Harrison11.0; Devin Booker10.1; Karl-Anthony Towns10.0; Andrew Harrison 9.1; Willie Cauley-Stein 9.1. Rebeaads:Team(38.4); Karl-Anthony Towns 6.6; Willie Cauley-Stein 6.5; TreyLyles 5.3; Dakari Johnson 4.7. Assists/tarnovers:Team(14.4/10.6); Tyler Ulis 3.7/1.0; Andrew HarrIson 3.6/1.7. 3-peinters:Team(.347); Aaron Harrison 59; Devin Booker 58; AndrewHarrison 35. Last ten:10-0. The skinny:Kentucky is the first undefeated team to reach theFinal Four since UNLVin 1991. Wildcats are two wins awayfrom becoming the first undefeated national champion since Indiana in1976.

DUKE Durham, N.C., 33-4. Nickname:Blue Devils. Coach:Mike Krzyzewski. Conference:Atlantic Coast. Bid:At large. Region:South. Seed:No. 1. TournamentRecord:103-34, 38 years. Last appearance:2014. Scoring:Team(79.5); Jahil Okafor17.5; Quinn Cook15.5; JustIse WInslow12.5; TyusJones11.6. Rebeunds:Team(36.9); Jahil Okafor 8.7; Justise Winslow 6.3; Amile Jefferson 5.7. Assists/turaevers:Team(15.4/11.0); Tyus Jones 5.7/2.0; QuinnCook2.7/1.3; Justise Winslow 2.1/1.8. 3-peiaters:Team(.390); Quinn Cook101; Justise Winslow 45; TyusJones44; Matt Jones 41. Last ten:9-1. The skinny:CoachKrzyzewski is making his12th Final Four appearance, tying the legendary John Wooden. Coach K istied with Adolph Rupp for second in titles with four. Duke is theonly team in Division I with three freshmenaveraging in double figures (Jahlil Okafor, Justise Winslow andTyus Jones). Okafor is Duke's16th first-team Associated Press'All-Americaand is the BlueDevils' second freshman in asmanyyears, with Jabari Parker being chosen last season.

the ball, be dynamic. He has shown some flashes of doing that really well already." Lockie is considered the favorite to beat out redshirt

freshman Morgan Mahalak, true freshman Travis Jonsen, sophomore Ty Griffin and walk-on Taylor Alie. The elephant not c u rrently in the quarterback

meeting room is Eastern Washington transfer quar-

terback Vernon Adams, who has said he is not arriving on campus this summer to be a backup. "We're competing right now with the four guys we have, and then we'll just add one more to the mix," Lockie said. "I'm far from

pressing and just enjoying it and trying to play confident."

Third-year Oregon head coach Mark Helfrich, who

WISCONSIN Madison, 35-3. Nickname:Badgers. Coach:BoRyan. Conference:Big Ten.Bid:Big Tenchampion. Region:West. Seed:No. 1. Tournament record:33-19, 20 years. Last appearaace:2014. Scoring:Team(72.8); Frank Kaminsky18.7; Sam Dekker13.9; Nigel Hayes12.4. Rebeaads: Team (33.4);FrankKaminsky8.0;Nigel Hayes 6.3; SamDekker 5.5. Assists/tarnovers:Team(12.7/7.4); Frank Kaminsky 2.7/1.6;TraevonJackson2.6/1.6;Bronson Koenig 2.4/0.9; Nigel Hayes2.1/1.3. 3-pointers:Team(.364); Bronson Koenig 60; John Gasser 48; SamDekker 48; Frank Kaminsky 39; Nigel Hayes35. Last ten:10-0. The skinny:Wisconsin is 23-13 in the NCAA tournamentunderBoRyan.The Badgershavethe highest free-throw percentage (76.4) of the Final Four teams. All the coachesexcept Ryan, who made his Final Fourdebut last year at age66, have won a national championship. — The Associated Press

had a 24-4 record with

Mariota as hi s

s tarter,

plans tonarrow the competition at quarterback after

the spring game to make room for Adams to join the

fray in preseason camp. Lockie is ready to fight to be the starter against Adams' former team when

the Ducks open the season on Sept. 5 against Eastern Washington at Autzen Stadium.

"If you made it a fiveway thing in the fall and added one more and made it a six-way thing, there's not enough reps to go around for everyone to be prepared for that opening game," Lockie said. "So things sometimes work itself out and it's really easy for Coach Helf and Coach Frost. Sometimes they don't, we'll just have to see."



Teams listed in order of predicted finish



WASHINGTON NATIONALS Rotation:Max Scherzer, Stephen Strasburg, Jordan Zimmermann, DougFister, Gio Gonzalez Keyadditions:RHPScherzer, RP CaseyJanssen, 2B Yunel Escobar Outlook:How manyrotations in history have two 20-game winners (Scherzer andGonzalez), a strikeout king (Strasburg), another who has won19 gamesandthrown a no-hitter (Zimmermann) and a guy who led them all in ERAlast year (Fister, at 2.41)? And if one of them goes down?There sits Tanner Roark with his15 wins and 2.85 ERA a yearago.The questions about the Nationals, then, comeelsewhere. Will Ryan Zimmermanand Bryce Harper, who combined for 635 plate appearances in 2014, behealthy? Will newcomer Casey Janssen beable to reprise the role all-star setup manTyler Clippard played before his offseason trade to Oakland?Canthe team absorb the loss of leadoff man/center fielder Denard Span(abdominal surgery) until at least mid-May? Theyare legitimate questions. But if the Nationals can come upwith even middling answers to them, the rotation provides the foundation for what should be a third division championship in four years. MIAMI MARLINS Rotation:Henderson Alvarez, Jarred Cosart, Mat Latos, Dan Haren,TomKoehler Key additions:3BMartin Prado, 2B DeeGordon, RHP Haren, RHPLatos,1B Michael Morse Outlook:The offseason was defined by the 14-year, $325-million contract signed by bedrock right fielder Giancarlo Stanton. But there's so much more to like here. Theremay not be abetter defensive outfield in the leaguethan Stanton in right, Marcell Ozuna in center and Gold Glovewinner Christian Yelich in left. Prado gives them a professional and versatile hitter, and Gordon should run wild in front of Yelich in the order. Alvarez (12-7, 2.65 ERA,fifth in the National League in walks per nine innings) established himself as anallstar, and at somepoint in the middle of the season, the rotation will be transformed by the return of aceJose Fernandezfrom Tommy John surgery. The Marlins haven't had awinning season since 2009 and haven't been to the postseason since 2003, but there is enough depth and talent here to win now. Towit: they traded for both Latos and Haren, each freeagents after the season. No waythey do that if they're playing for 2018.

NEW YORKMETS Rotation:Bartolo Colon, Jacob deGrom, Matt Harvey, Jon Niese, Dillon Gee Keyadditions:OFMichael Cuddyer Outlook:The Mets entered the spring exceedingly optimistic, mostly because of their starting rotation — to which ace Harvey will return after losing a year toTommyJohn surgery. DeGrom (2.69 ERA,144strikeouts in 140-1/3 innings) was the surprise rookie of the year,Colon was namedthe Opening Daystarter at age 41,andNiese'sERA wasbelow 3.75 eachofthepastthreeseasons. The problem with all that optimism: ZackWheeler, 24, will undergo Tommy John surgery of his ownand won't be seen until sometime in 2016. Is there enoughpitching left to offset a middling offense that ranked12th in the NL inslugging (364) and11th in OPS(673) a year ago? With Cuddyer asthe only significant offensive addition (1.255 OPS at Coors Field, .734 on the road in 2014), that seemsdoubtful. ATLANTA BRAVES Rotation:Julio Teheran, Alex Wood, Shelby Miller, Mike Minor, Chien-Ming Wang/Eric Stults Keyadditions:RHPMiler, RHP Mike Foltynewicz Outlook:Miller, still just 24 but with 31 major league starts each of the past two years, fits the Braves' new profile: Getyounger and better as they prepare to open a new ballpark in 2017. Still, the focus in 2015has to be onwho the Braves lost: right fielder Jason Heyward, left fielder Justin Upton andcatcher/slugger Evan Gattis, all dealt in trades not focused onthis season. Gone with them are 62 ofAtlanta's123 homers from ayear ago. NewGMJohn Hart points out that, evenwith those three players, the lineup didn't exactly work; only the Padresscored fewer runs than the Braves last year. "We're not waving anywhite flags," Hart said. Still, this is a rebuilding project that will take time. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES Rotation:Cole Hamels, Aaron Harang, Jerome Williams, David Buchanan, Miguel A.Gonzalez/ Kevin Slowey/SeanO'Sullivan Keyadditions:RHPHarang, RHPChad Bilingsley Outlook:At one point in the not-too-distant past, having Ryan Howard at first base andChaseUtley at second was adecided advantage. But oh how the landscapehaschanged in Philadelphia. ThePhillies went from 2003-12 without a losing season. Now,with an aging and injured core, they arecoming off back-to-back 89-loss seasonswith the very realistic possibility that this year will be worse. It's not just that LHPCliff Lee is injured and maynever pitch again, or that Howard only slugged.380 to go along with his league-leading 190 strikeouts lastyear, or that Utley's.746OPSwas his lowest since he played 43 games as arookie in 2003. Think of it this way: When the Phillies needed astarter in November, they gaveJerome Williams — cast off by the 2007Nationals, released byHouston andTexas in 2014 — aguaranteed $2.5-million deal. That's not just an iffy decision in a vacuum.That's a damning statement about the depth throughout the organization. •


ST. LOUISCARDINALS Rotation: Adam Wainwri ght,LanceLynn,John Lackey, Michael Wacha,Marco Gonzales/Carlos Martinez Key addstsons.RFJason Heyward, RP Jordan Walden Outlook: The Cardinals seemto grow power arms, andthere is no better place to lookthan inthat battle for their fifth starting spot. Martinez was adominant reliever last season, but might beeven better as astarter, and Gonzaleswasa first-round pick whocould be the nextWacha.Thekey, here, is health. Not only hasWainwright thrown more inningsoverthepasttwo seasons(468'/), but that does not account for 51moreduring the playoffs. Helookedto be tiring in October,andthe Cardinals havetreated himcarefully this spring. Wacha,the star of the2013 playoffs, managedonly19 starts last year becauseof a shoulder issue, but hehas hit all his marksthis spring. Theother questions will beabout theconsistency of the offense, which ranked23rd in baseball ayear ago. CanHeyward, in the final year of his contract, help pushthem forward in that regard? PITTSBURGHPIRATES Rotation:Francisco Liriano, Gerrit Cole, Charlie g) Morton, A.J. Burnett, Jeff Locke/VanceWorley Key alditions:RHPBurnett, C Francisco Cervelli Outlook:After back-to-back postseason appearances, there is now an expectation to contend in Pittsburgh, and the core here — led by center fielder Andrew McCutchen but including Cole and play-everywhere Josh Harrison — warrants that. The Pirates ranked fourth in the NL in runsscored and third in slugging percentage ayear ago, andthey hope the development of outfielder Gregory Polanco will help offset the loss of catcher Russell Martin, who departed for Toronto during free agency. But there are also reasons to wonder whether they cansustain their success. Will Pedro Alvarez finally excel after moving from third to first base? Will Harrison — acareer.250 hitter who hit.315 lastyear — reprise that surprising performance?Andwill a bullpen that featured all-star TonyWatson (1.63 ERA,1.022WHIP) repeat its solid numbers, evenwithout a lot of power arms? Pittsburgh relievers had the third-fewest strikeouts per nine innings ayear ago.

CHICAGO CUBS Rotation:Jon Lester, Jake Arrieta, Jason Hammel, Kyle Hendricks, Travis Wood Key alditions:LHPLester CFDexter Fowler, 2B Tommy LaStella, C Miguel Montero, C David Ross, Manager JoeMaddon Outlook: TheCubs'offseasonwasdominated byonemove:The signing of free agent Lester to asix-year, $155-million contract. Their spring wasdominated byanother: Thedominance of 3B/ LF Kris Bryant, the sport's top prospect, whowassent to Triple-A lowa in the final weekbefore theseason. Both fit neatly into the franchise's narrative, though, andthat is one of real, genuine hope. Maddonhas areputation as a master communicator who should be able to bring along Bryant, 23; right fielder Jorge Soler, 23; infielder Javier Baez,22; and Hendricks, 25, the organization's top pitching prospect. With such youth around thefranchise mainstays, shortstop Starlin Castro (a three-time all-star) and first basemanAnthony Rizzo (32 homers last year) — whoareboth just 25 — there arebound to beblips and periods of inconsistency.

LOS ANGELESDODGERS Rotation: ClaytonKershaw,ZackGreinke,Hyun-JinRyu, Brandon McCarthy, Brett Anderson Keyadditions:RHPMcCarthy, SS Jimmy Rollins, 2B Howie Kendrick, CYasmani Grandal, IF Hector Olivera, President of Baseball Operations Andrew Friedman Outlook:There is nothing the Dodgers cannot afford to do as they pursue their third straight postseason appearance, something neveraccomplished in franchise history, so the roster on OpeningDaymaynot be the onethat ends the season. It is very easy to see them making a play for one of the starters likely to be onthe market at the tradedeadline because Ryuwill begin the season onthedisabled list and Anderson has madeonly19 major league starts the past two years. Closer KenleyJansen (foot) will not return until late April, and the bullpen — theteam's downfall last October — is full of questions. There remains uncertainty about whereCubansignee Olivera will fit in if and when hearrives (he may needelbow surgery), and though center fielder Joc Pederson is full of promise, this will be his first full big league season. With Kershawand Greinkeand Rollins and right fielder Yasiel Puig, there is star power andproduction here. But there is also areason to feel the Dodgers arenot done. SAN DIEGOPADRES Rotation: JamesShields,Andrew Cashner,TysonRoss, lan Kennedy, Brandon Morrow/Odrisamer Despaigne Key additions:RHPShields, OF Justin Upton, OF Wil Myers, OFMatt Kemp, CDerek Norris, 3B Will Middlebrooks Outlook:Forall the dismantling new SanDiego general manager A.J. Preller did to the Padres' roster, the foundation still fits the team's spacious ballpark: pitching. Shields got the four-year, $75-million deal andthe headlines, but behind him is asolid group that includes Cashner (2.55 ERAin 19 starts lastyear), Ross (2.81 in 31starts) and Kennedy, the onlyoneamong them to throw 200 innings last year and a21-game winner just four years ago. The 2014 offense ranked last in runs (535), average (.226), OBP (.292) and slugging percentage (.342), so it can only get better. ThePadres also must learn whether Myers can beaneveryday center fielder anddecide how to get Cameron Maybin andCarlos Quentin at-bats. Theyare also abit right-handed-heavy, but there is something they utterly lacked ayear ago — potential.

SAN FRANCISCOGIANTS Rotation:Madison Bumgarner, Matt Cain, Tim Hudson, JakePeavy,Tim Lincecum Keyadditions:3BCaseyMcGehee,OFNoriAoki Outlook:Theworld champs, by their manager's admission, played raggedbaseball much of the spring — andthat can betightened up.Justhow much cantheyclosesomeapparentholes?Cain,who missed the run to the World Series last year, is pitching again but also hasadmitted to elbow pain, which bears watching. Hudson is 39andendured a horrific September before rest allowed him to collect himself for the postseason. Peavy, evenaftera200-inningseason,somehow seems olderthan33.And who knows what to expect from Lincecum, whoseERAover the past three seasons is 4.76? Thelineup will be without departed third basemanPablo Sandoval (Boston) for the whole seasonand injured right fielder Hunter Pence (broken arm) for the first month of the season. Plus, World Series hero Bumgarner threw 270 innings last year — including a record 52'/ in the postseason. Can heendure another heavy workload? Doesn't it seem like there are alot of questions here?

COLORADOROCKIES Rotation: JorgeDeLaRosa,KyleKendrick,Jordan Lyles, Tyler Matzek, TBD Keyadditions:C Nick Hundley, IF Daniel Descalso Outlook:There are things to like here, of course, starting with shortstop TroyTulowitzki — who has played 130games just once in the past five seasons —andoutfielder Carlos Gonzalez, whose high the past four seasons is135 gamesand who is coming off a 70-game2014. So the Rockies would dowell to keep their stars healthy — whether it is for their own purposes or to trade themmidseason. With those two, though, in addition to third basemanNolanArenado (.828 OPSin 2014), the Rockies will score their runs, as theyalways do, whether they play at Coors Field or not. The messhere is the rotation. The club releasedJhoulys Chacin, who just two years agowasits ace. De La Rosa, the most likely ace, has agroin problem andwon't pitch in the majors until later in April. Kendrick arrives on a one-year, rebuild-your-career contract after he posted a4.65 ERAover the past two years in Philadelphia. And theywent deepinto the spring with Jon Gray, Eddie Butler andChristian Bergman battling for the final rotation spots. That they allowed abaseball-high 818 runs in 2014 isn't shocking, given their home park. But they also allowed thesecond-most on the road — asure sign of the shoddy state of their pitching.



CINCINNATI REDS Rotation: JohnnyCueto,MikeLeake,Anthony DeSclafani, Jason Marquis, Raisel Iglesias Keyadditions:RHPMarquis, LF Marion Byrd Outlook:It feels like this window of competitiveness is slipping awayfrom the Reds.Cueto, their most essential pitcher, is coming off a 20-9 season in which hetied Strasburg for the leaguelead in strikeouts and had a2.25 ERAyet he is a freeagent after 2015. Wherewould this Redsteambe without him? In a tough spot. Homer Bailey, the second starter, will not pitch in the majors until late April, and the Redstraded away both Alfredo Simonand Mat Latos in the offseason. They did get a prospect from Miami in DeSclafani, andCubansignee Iglesias also haspotential. But cornerstone first basemanJoey Votto is coming off a season in which heplayed a career-low 62 games, and for all Billy Hamilton's speed, hewas caught stealing aleaguehigh23timesand posted anunacceptable.291on-base percentage in the leadoff spot — worst among 35players with at least 240 plate appearances in that spot. MILWAUKEEBREWERS Rotation:Kyle Lohse, Matt Garza, Wily Peralta, Mike Fiers, Jimmy Nelson Key additions:1BAdam Lind Outlook:It is easy to forget that the Brewers were in first place from OpeningDaythrough Aug. 31, and it is difficult to figure out how they did it. From that squad, they traded away mainstay starters Marco Estrada (for Lind) andYovani Gallardo (for prospects), and they lost key lefty reliever ZachDuke to free agency. Theybrought back closer Francisco Rodriguez, who gave up 14homers in 68 innings, and third baseman Aramis Ramirez, who posted his lowest slugging percentage (.427) since 2002. And there's just no depth in the rotation, which has anupand-coming performer in Peralta (17-11,3.54 ERA).


ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS Rotation:Josh Collmenter, Jeremy Hellickson, Rubby De La Rosa, Allen Webster, Trevor Cahill/ChaseAnderson Keyadditi ons:RHPHellickson,RHPDeLa Rosa,RHP Webster, 3B/OFYasmany Tomas Outlook:There is parity in baseball, but this team could be bad.They madea huge splash by signing Tomasfrom Cuba but then spent all spring trying to force feed him at third base, wherescouts say he seemeda terrible fit. They dealt away starter WadeMiley and got two pieces for their rotation in return — De La Rosaand Webster from Boston — but both are still developing, and Hellickson is on aone-year, $4.5-million deal designed to give him an opportunity to resurrect his career. Therotation really will be waiting for the return of ace Patrick Corbin andworkhorse Bronson Arroyo from Tommy John surgery, but neither is likely before midseason. Theonebright spot is slugging first basemanPaul Goldschmidt, one of the NL'sbest hitters.

21 with two wins and a save in

Bumgarner the World Series. was San FranHe went 4-1 during the cisco's World postseason following an 18Series hero in 10 regular season. From his 2014, but he four-hit, 10-strikeout gem that

Continued from C1 And, of course, they have World Series MVP Madison

Bumgarner ready to build off his remarkable postseason. Bochy reminded the Giants that it is hard to win consis-

tently year after year. "We had a great year last year," Bochy said. "We have to go about our business and get ready for a new year. We'll Casey McGehee,traded to still enjoy and savor those San Francisco from Miami, memories but at the same time will take over at third base it's time for us to get ready. with Sandoval's departure on ... Your lock on success is as a $95 million, five-year congood as that last game, so tract to Boston. McGehee has we've got to get after it." said he will not try to replace Durable right fielder Hunt- fan favorite Kung Fu Panda. "I feel like we get a lot of flak er Pence is sidelined with a broken left forearm that could for not doing anything this offkeep him out until early May, season," shortstop Brandon while left fielder Nori A o ki Crawford said. "We got Aoki, will join the team he lost to in we got McGehee. We have last year's Fall Classic while Cain coming back healthy that I think a lot of people for-

— The Washington Post

right ankle, the same one he

injured during the 2013 season with Atlanta that sidelined him for the final two months.

Pagan'sbalky back

Giantsodds TO WIN... World Series:20/1 (Favorite: Washington, 5/1) NL pennant:10/1(Favorite: Washington, 2/1) RL West:7/2 (Favorite: L.A. Dodgers, 1/2) Over/under wins:83.5 (Most: Washington, 93.5)

Pagan arrived at spring training declaring himself pain-free for the first time in relief outing in Game 7 of the years following back surgery. World Series to beat the RoyDespite some flare-ups, PaBen Margot/The Associated Press als, Bumgarner became one of gan and the Giants are countthe postseason's best pitchers ing on a full season. He joked Source: America's Line ever. to Bochy that he is ready to "I think he'll be comfortable play 160 games. get.We've got Pagan coming in his skin," pitching coach Pagan played in only 96 last back healthy. It's almost like Dave Righetti said. season and 71 in 2013 because Casilla became closer afgetting four new guys." of injuries. ter Romo struggled in June, Hudson's hurrah "It's a new slate for every- though Bochy knows he can B ochy joked to Aoki whom he calls "a catalyst"This is it for Tim Hudson, body, including him," Bochy mix and m atch with t hese about hitting 30 home runs. who has said he will retire said. guys. Then, there is Yusmeiro The speedyJapanese outfield- after his 17th major league P etit, who showed he c a n Reliable bullpen er responded, "24." season. start or relieve with equal "We're playing for a chamHe won his first championSan Francisco's bullpen efficiency. "You want to remind them pionship," Aoki said. "It's a ship last year, advancing out is lined up again — Jeremy passionategroup of guys." of the first round for the first Affeldt, Javier Lopez, Sergio to take advantage of what you time. Romo and Santiago Casilla. have," Bochy said. "We've got Bumgarner's next step Now, the 39-year-old pitcher Each of these pitchers has a great group here and we Bumgarner threw 270 inis bouncing back from surgery been a part of all three title don't ever want to lose out on nings last season, including to remove bone spurs from his teams. this opportunity." will have to be as good this year to get the Giants back.

As he addressed the team at the start of spring training,

with Kansas City.

Nl West

got things started in an 8-0

wild-card win at Pittsburgh all the way through his brilliant

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



e ion a sin o vacancies U..o

Court halts new rules for magnets A federal appeals court has temporarily halted new safety rules for high-power magnets, dealing a setback to federal regulators who have spentyears fighting to get such products off the market. The ruling was areprieve for the remaining manufacturer. The ruling will prevent the Consumer Product Safety Commission from enforcing new regulations for the magnets, madepopular by the now-defunct Buckyballs. Regulatory efforts were initiated after a child died from swallowing the toys.

By Stephen Hamway In 2014, the number of

Job vacancies in Oregon increased significantly last year over 2013, but Central Oregon saw a much smaller increase than the rest of the state.

job vacancies in Oregon increasedby almost 40

percent, but Central Oregon lagged behind the rest


of the state, according to Department's Job Vacancy

Survey. The study, which was released in March, surveyed more than 10,000 private

Employment Department, said that the rise in vacan-

Insider trading ruling upheld Preet Bharara, the federal prosecutor who built his reputation on cracking down on insider trading onWall Street, appears to be stuck with a court ruling that has undermined some of that success. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit issued a brief order Friday that denied Bharara's request for the court to reconsider a ruling last year by a three-judge appellate panel that sharply narrowed the definition of what constitutes insider trading. The order also said that the three-judge panel that threw out the convictions of two hedge fund traders would not hold a new hearing on the matter. The ruling from the court of appeals leaves Bharara, the U.S.attorney for Manhattan, with few legal options to get a morefavorable interpretation of what constitutes insider trading in cases involving people who arethe end of the line in receiving inside information that could move the price of a company's shares.


2 0 1 4 Ch a nge

Oregon statewide 32,441 45,402 Portland tri-county 16,057 23,190 NW Oregon / Willamette Valley 7,808 9 ,878 Southwest Oregon 2,853 3 , 9 76 Central Oregon 3,003 3 , 6 91 Eastern Oregon 1,262 2 , 187

the annual figures from the Oregon Employment

businesses in the state on their job openings. In total, the study stated that Oregon employers were looking to fill around 45,000 positions in the state at any given time. Jessica Nelson, employment economist for the

trends,which makes sense for a swath that stretches from

Oregon jodvacancies dy region

The Bulletin

Source: Oregon Employment Department

She said that vacancies are

a sign of an improving economy, as they show that employers are adding new jobs, and employees are feeling confident enough in the job market to leave their old ones.

cies was a sign of an economy that has finally put the

"We're just seeing a lot of activity across the board,"

recession in the rearview mirror. "2013 saw things start

Nelson said.

But Central Oregon, which the survey designated as

40% 44 27%

39% 23%


Greg Cross i The Bulletin

While Oregon's vacancy rate increased by around 40 percent, Central Oregon's increased by 23 percent, the

smallest increase of any of the five regions examined.

the Washington border to California," Runberg said. Runberg added that Deschutes County added more than 4,500 jobs last year, but

lowernumbers in ruralareas in Klamath and Lake counties hurt the overall figures for the

region. "Klamath County has seen a handful of layoffs, which keeps negating the growth in the area," Runberg said. largest increase in vacancies,

was broken Friday with the

Labor Department's report that employers added just

Clackamas, Multnomah and

126,000 workers in March, a

Washington counties — saw

marked slowdown in hiring that echoed earlier signs that sluggish business investment and punishing weather were exacting a toll on the economy. Analysts blamed the plunge in oil prices as well

vacancies increase by 44 percent, according to the report. While the vacancy survey forthe firstquarter of2015

2014, up from 3,003 the year

were optimistic that the state's

before. Damon Runberg, regional

economy would continue to grow. "We might not see the same level of growth we saw last

to ramp up again, and everything really took off in

Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam,

Hood River, Jefferson, Klam-

designated as Central Oregon

year, but the vacancies are

2014," Nelson said. "We're

ath, Lake, Sherman, Wasco and Wheeler counties, saw

makes it difficult to draw

still a good indicator of future job growth," Runberg said.


significantly fewer vacancies than the rest of Oregon.

By Patricia Cohen New York Times News Service

with an uptick of 73 percent. The Portland metro area-

were 3,691 job vacancies in

conclusions about the area as a whole. "We're seeing really diverse

in Marc The yearlong streak of robust monthly job creation

economist for Central Oregon, said that the size of the area

getting close to the vacancy levels we saw before the


Eastern Oregon saw the

will not be available until later this spring, both economists

According to the study, there


— Reporter: 541-617-7818, shamway@bendbulletin.com

as the pall cast by a difficult

winter across the Northeast and Midwest, a combination that put a crimp on spending in the energy patch and held back consumer spending and construction.

Still, this new report presents only a limited snapshot,

and many said they expected the economy to regain at least some of its momentum later

Pow ere aCO O aCesstiO Ositian By Rachel Abrams

of the number of rigs that are active," said Carl Tannen-

New York Times News Service

baum, chief economist at the

In 2012, Mark Phillips needed a way to market his

Northern Trust Co. "The bad

news is we're losing some jobs. The good news is, we

new invention: a powdered form of alcohol that would become liquid when mixed

hope, that the average con-

sumer is saving a tremendous amount of money in lower gasoline prices." The unemployment rate held steady at 5.5 percent. Hourly wages, in one of the few bright spots in the report, rose0.3 percentforprivate

with water.

You could sprinkle it on guacamole, although snorting it would get you drunk quickly and was probably not a good idea, Phillips wrote online in those earlier days.

sector workers in March,

But now, Phillips has come to the attention of state and federal lawmakers who want to ban his product — which

aftera meager 0.1percent rise in February. But hours worked were down slightly, so overall paychecks were left

he says was inspired by a love of hiking but a distaste for carrying bottles of adult beverages uphill — and those

essentially flat.

Union urged to approve contract

statements have come back to haunt him.

A dockworkers caucus recommended that union members approve a tentative labor agreement with shipping companies that ended months of labor strife at West Coast ports. Seventy-eight percent of caucus delegates voted Friday for approval of the five-year proposal, the International Longshore & Warehouse Union said. The proposed contract agreement was reached in late February after nine months of negotiations.

tial for abuse, six states have

Concerned over the potenpassed legislation to ban powdered alcohol outright,

The slowdown in job creation reinvigorated the debate about when the Federal Reserve will raise interest Nick Cote i New YorkTimes News Service

Mark Phillips pours a powdered vodka that he developed into a cup at his apartment in Scottsdale, Arizona. Concerned over the potential for abuse, six states have passed legislation to ban pow-

dered alcohol outright, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Conference of State Legislatures. And Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., introduced a bill last month that would

ban its sale and manufacture nationwide. Phillips is not the first to

develop a powdered form of alcohol. It has been produced

in Europe and Japan, and patents have been issued before in the United States.

Phillips' version, developed by his company, Lipsmark of Tempe, Arizona, was approved for sale last month by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. How-

ever, it is still subject to state the need to use the product regulation. responsibly. In response to the growing To demonstrate the earlier opposition, Phillips has vigerror of his ways, Phillips orously defended his product, said he even snorted Palcocalled Palcohol, saying it is hol to prove that it was not no more dangerous than the an effective or quick way liquid version sold in liquor to get drunk, which he said stores. Gone are the sughe had not done before he gestions about guacamole made his earlier claims. The and snorting, which he says experience was, in a word, were published on Palcohol's unpleasant. "It would take you an website by mistake and were never a part of the marketing

hour of pain to ingest the

strategy. They have been replaced with an emphasis

equivalent of one drink," Phillips said in an interview.

on the practical advantages

"It really burns." Palcohol's

of a lightweight drink and

website now says that snort-

BEST OFTHEBIZ CALENDAR TUESDAY • SCORE free business counseling: Business counselors conduct free 30-minute one-on-oneconferences with local entrepreneurs; check inat the library desk onthe second floor; 5:30-7p.m.;Downtown BendPublic Library, 601 NWWall St.; www. SCORECentral0regon.org. • Aquila Tex-Free Trust of Oregon Outreach Meeting: Economist John Mitchell and fund manager Chris Johns will discuss Oregon economic and investment outlook for the state andthe Aquila Tax-Free Trust of Oregon; 10a.m. free; Hilton Garden Inn, BrokenTop Room,425 SW Bluff Drive, Bend; http:I/bit. ly/1 CSh8wc or 800-437-1020. WEDNESDAY • COBEN Meeting: "Delivering Effective & Engaging Group Presentations"; 11:30 a.m.$19 for annual membership dues; registration requested; East Bend Public Library, 62080 DeanSwift Rd., Bend; www.meetup.coml COBEN12/events/221135475/ or 541-728-3875.

• Enhance Your Website Visually: Improve the appearance ofyour website; learn to shoot photos optimized for the Internet; explore the integration betweengraphics and text; increaseSEOfunctionality and effectiveness. Designed asan intermediate class for advancing digital cameraand computer graphic skills. Held in acomputer lab. Registration required. Class runs through April 22, Wednesdays; $99; 6 p.m.-9 p.m.; COCC Bend Campus,2600 NW CollegeW ay, Bend; 541-383-7270 or www.cocc. edu/continuinged. • Training Design 0 Delivery: Learn best practices in classroom training design, delivery, andevaluation that lead to effective transfer of skills and knowledge from theclassroom to the workplace. Registration required. Class runs through May 6, Wednesdays; $475; 12:30 p.m.4:30 p.m.; COCC Bend Campus, 2600 NWCollegeWay,Bend; 541-383-7270 or www.cocc.edu/ continuinged. • What's Hot in Franchising: Learn about trends, industries and

rates above their near-zero level, where they have re-

mainedsince2008. Many Wall Street analysts argued that the murky jobs picture was likely to reinforce the

according to the National

— From wire reports

this year. "The American energy industry is adjusting very quickly to low oil prices, and we've seen this in the counts

more in atwo-hour interactive workshop. 6 p.m. $29; registration required; COCC Chandler Lab, 1027 NWTrenton Ave., Bendor 541-382-7290. • Daring Teams — Unlocking Results through Trust, Healthy Conllict & Peer to Peer Accountability: Learn about peer to peer accountability; 11:30 a.m. $35; registration required; DoubleTreeby Hilton Hotel Bend, 300 NW Franklin Ave., Bend; www.opp-knocks.org or 541-480-4180. THURSDAY • MTA Networking Fundamentals: Learn how networking works, the OSI model, protocols, wireless 8 wired networks, security and more at this Microsoft Technology Associate certification Prep class. Registration required. Class runs through May7,Thursdays;$229; COCC Chandler Lab,1027 NW Trenton Ave., Bend;www.cocc.edul continuinged/or 541-383-7270. • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit bendbugetin.com/hizcal

ing would be impractical and The change of course may not beenough forlawmakers, however, said George Fisher, aprofessor oflaw at

view among the Fed's more dovish policymakers that rates should stay put at least until the end of the summer because the economy may not be strong enough to stand

Stanford University who has

on its own.

studied the history of alcohol regulation. Since Palcohol's website initially suggested

Speaking at a conference in San Francisco last week, Janet Yellen, the Fed's chair-

that snorting the product

woman, warned that the

was a way to get drunk quickly — even if doing it was unwise — "lawmakers, I suspect, will be inclined

recovery was fragile, despite steady progress on the jobs


to take the marketer at the

marketer's original word," he said.

front. She said that the Fed

would move slowly to raise rates even after it began the process of lifting short-term

borrowing costs.

PEOPLE ONTHEMOVE • Darek Oleon hasjoined Steele Associates Architects as aproject manager. • Mary Wellis has been promoted to mortgage loan officer at SELCO Community Credit Union. • Jason end Shannon Rogers are the top selling agents for March at Coldwell Banker Mayfield Realty. • Jnlie Fehlgren is the top listing agent for March atColdwell Banker Mayfield Realty. • Venesse Segovieno is the top listing agentfor March at Windermere Central OregonReal Estate in Redmond. • Cleme Rinehard, Patty Dempsey end Andree Phelps, the RDPGroup, are the top listing agents for March at WindermereCentral Oregon Real Estate in Bend. • Eric Andrews is the top selling agent for March at Windermere Central OregonReal Estate in Bend. • Audrey Cook is the top selling agent for March at Windermere Central Oregon RealEstate in Redmond.

O lson

W e l li s

Jas o n Rogers

Rinehard Dempsey Phelps • Becky Stewart has been namedvolunteer of the month by the Central OregonCouncil On Aging for March. Silfven • Ellen Silfven, mortgage loan officer, wasinducted into UmpquaBank Home Lending's Leaders Club. • DW Frommer II, of Redmond, won the 2014 Will Rogers Bootmaker of the YearAward from the Academyof Western Artists.

Shannon Fehlgren Segovieno Rogers


C oo k

Ste wart

• Jeremy Green has been hired as administrator of the Central Oregon Community College Green Madras campus. • Darrel Wisseman end Karen Romine, financial advisor and branch office administrator, respectively, at EdwardJones in Prineville, recently attended an invitation-only training forum at Edward Jones' headquarters in St. Louis.

IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D4 Support groups, D5 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015

O www.bendbulletin.com/community


Ozekitickets available today Tickets to hear 2015

A Novel Ideaauthor Ruth OzekispeakApril 19 at BendHighSchool become available today. The tickets are freeand available at all Deschutes County Library branches during regular business hours, and onthe library website starting at 9a.m. at www.deschuteslibrary.org/novelidea. Ozeki is theauthor of "A Tale for theTime Being," the bookDeschutes Public Library chosefor its annual community reading event, ANovel Idea, which culminates with a visit bythe selected author. Ozekiwill speak at 4p.m. April19 at Bend HighSchool,


230 NE Sixth St.

Contact: www. deschuteslibrary.org/ novelidea or541-3121032.

JeffersonCounty ceiedrates history The Jefferson County Historical Society's Annual Dinnerwill be held April11 at theMadras Senior Center, 860SW Madison St. The eveningwill begin with a social hour from 5 to 6 p.m., followedby a roast beef dinnerwith options for vegetarians. The society will discuss various events from 2014 and2015, present the 2015BethCrow Award for local history and Marla Rae,Gateway native andstate of Oregon administrator, will discuss "TheHistory of a Little Slice ofAmerica: the Background ofthe Gateway4th of July Parade andOther Township Nonsense." The dinner will feature displays relating to last year's Jefferson County Centennial Celebration, new photos andartifacts from the museumcollection, books onlocal history for purchase,a fundraiser andmusicby the SteveFisher Trio. This event is open to the public. Tickets are $40 perguest. To reserve tickets, senda checkto Jefferson County Historical Society, PO Box 647,Madras, OR 97741, by Monday,April 6. Include anote if you would like thevegetarian dinner option. Reservation packets will be held at the dinner. For further information, call 541-475-7488 or 541-475-5390. — Bulletin staff reports

Contact us with your ideas • Community events: Email event information to events@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351.

• Story ideas: Email communitylife@bendbulletin.com.

jliWi8hg~ g


• Storyteller Lawrence Howard will present the true story of the whaling ship 'TheEssex' By David Jasper• The Bulletin

n 1819, the whaleship Essex set sail from Nantucket, Massachusetts, heading south and around Cape Horn to the South Pacific, where, in 1820, it was attacked and sunk by a sperm whale. The ship's captain, George Pollard, and 19 sailors set off in three small whalingboats, as they navigated thousands of miles east toward South America, on just ounces per day in water and bread rations. Making their ordeal tougher, they sailed against the prevailing winds, wanting to reach the coast of South America for fear of cannibals in islands to the west. By the time their journey was through, they were down to two boats, and their surviving occupants had turned to cannibalism themselves. Just eight survived. The notoriety of the Essex and its


crew's tribulation struck 19th-century imaginations, including American author Herman Melville, who worked on a whal-

What:Storyteller Lawrence Howard presents "The Essex" When:7:30 p.m. April 17 Where:CascadesTheatre,148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend Cost:Advance tickets are $15, plus service fees, at link below; $18 atthe door Contact: www.solospeak.com

ing ship himself and whose novel "MobyDick" was partly inspired the tale of the Essex.

Captivatedby the Essex The story is still stoking imaginations. This year will see the release of "In the Heart of the Sea," a Ron Howard film

about the Essex, based on the book of the same name, which won the 2000 National Book Award for nonfiction. The film stars

share his story of Antarctic explorer

Chris Hemsworth and had been slated for

Ernest Shackleton. He's also crafted a

release this month; it's now scheduled to

story about Antarctic explorer Douglas

arrive in theaters in December, during Oscar season.

Mawson and still another about Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott's 1911 race to the South Pole titled "Polar

The tale of the Essex also got to Port-

land storyteller Lawrence Howard. On April 17, he'll appear on stage to tell the story of the voyage and the aftermath for

Scott Bump/ Submitted photo

Lawrence Howard will tell the true story of a whaling vessel sunk by a sperm whale in "TheEssex."The incident atsea was an inspiration to "Moby-Dick" author Herman Melville, Howard said.

Opposites." After his A ntarctic stories, Howard

was in search of a new subject when a

the few who survived (see "If you go"). Howard grew up on Long Island, New York, about 20 miles from Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum, which captiHoward has been called "a master of vated him as a young boy. nonfiction on the stage," and is co-founder "I (grew) up with a lifelong love of 18th- of Portland Story Theater, a nonprofit that and 19th-century whaling. My dad and I puts on storytelling events. Since 2008,

friend of a friend sent him a DVD of "Into the Deep," a two-hour PBS movie that

he's created an annual series for the com-

by it, and I decided that this would be my next Armchair Adventurer."

must have watched 'Moby-Dick' together a hundred times; it was our favorite mov-

ie," Howard said.

pany called The Armchair Adventurer.

plumbed the depths of American whaling history, in 2013. Despite his interest in whaling, "That's

how I first became aware of it," Howard told The Bulletin. "I was just fascinated

Last year, Howard came to Bend to


Well shot! Reader photos

Send us your best outdoor photos at healhelletia.com/ readerphotos. Your entries will appear online, and we'll choose the best for publication in the Outdoors section. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took a photo, any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and contact info. Photos selected for print must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

Color yourEastereggswith fruits, veggies andspices By Lee Dvitak Dean

which I only have reason to

Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

make this time of year, as Eas-

I wouldn't cringe if called old-fashioned (very few, I might add, but this is one of them).

ter approaches. Yes, I could dissolve a tablet in vinegar and water, and lower a hard-cooked egg into the colorful solution with that odd

There are times when

That's after I fill up pots

little metal bracket that never

with red cabbage leaves or yellow onion skins and turn

quite holds steady. And I have

up the heat to make food dye,

my children were very young

done so, many times, when

and expediency was the direc- well, it helps if you're not too tive of the day. seton specificcolors,because But then I discovered colthe great joy of coloring eggs oring eggs the way cooks did the natural way is that they long ago, with real food as the are in charge. Yep. The eggs. base, and I've never opened You may think that as a cook a package of prepared dye you have the smarts to predesince. termine what color is going Patience is the only require- to show up on an egg, but no ment — which is true of any siree! The eggs will decide. kind of egg dyeing — and, SeeEggs /D4

Tom Wallace / Star Tribune (Minneapolis)


at oiauniteon eat ena By Mark Oppenheimer

fense in the narrow sense of preventing a killer from committing a future killing. So in the modern state, the argu-

New Yorh Times News Service

As the editor of The Nation-

al Catholic Reporter, a national biweekly, Dennis Coday reads his competitor, The National Catholic Register. But he does

ment goes, with effective pris-

ons and life sentences to keep killers off the street, there is

not have to agree with it.

The Reporter is seen as somewhat liberal in theology and politics. The Register, a competing biweekly with a confusingly similar name, is popular with more theologiolics, who often fall to the right politically. But last year, seeing the amount of attention The Register was giving to arguments opposing the death penalty, Coday came upwith an idea:

Yerk. Though manygaps remain between liberal and conservative Catholics, the church's opposition to the death penalty is a common bond.

could collaborate on an edito- marriage or abortion. rial calling on Catholics to opWith the death penalty, the pose the death penalty. time seemed right. Accord"What struck me the most ing to last year's major Pew was O k l ahoma A r c h bish- survey, support for the death op Paul Coakleycame out penalty is slipping nationalstrongly against it," Coday ly. At the same time, different said. "And his comments were branches of Roman Catholicoveredby The NationalCath- cism are unitingbehind a mesolic Register." sage that has been consistentIndeed, The Register had ly deli vered by Pope Francis covered Catholic death-penal- and his predecessors Benedict ty opposition in May, after the XVI and John Paul II. "We, the editorsof four botched execution of an Oklahoma inmate, Clayton Lock- Catholic journals," the editoriett, and again in July, after the al begins, "urge the readers of p rotracted execution in A r i our diverse publications and zona of Joseph Wood III, who the whole U.S. Catholic comtook nearly two hours to die. munity and all people of faith Eventually, Coday got three to stand with us and say, 'Capiother publications, including tal punishment must end.'" "The Catholic Church in this The Register, to join him. On March 5, "Catholic Publica- country has fought against the tions Call for an End to Cap- death penalty for decades," ital Punishment" ran on the websites of The Reporter; The

Register; Our Sunday Visitor, which is considered conservative; and the Jesuit magazine

America, which is considered liberal. The editorial was writ-

ten principally by Coday, with the involvement of the four editorial boards. The editorial was an unusu-

al show of unity among publications that speak for often

dle East, I met a man who showed unusual interest in

The Rev. Roger Coleman, Pilgrim

C h a pel, Kan s a s

City: Nonbelievers, in my exour work and asked to share perience, are rare birds. a taxi with me into the city. All of us have guiding We suspected he was a se-

principles, beliefs that are im-

"Although I do not regard capital punishment to be on a

cret police agent assigned to portant in shaping our lives watch us — and the taxi ride even if they are as simple as

moral par with the deliberate

just a ruse for a surreptitious

killing of innocent persons — including killing unborn babies by abortion and killing elderly or handicapped

interrogation. have them do unto you" or "do Most on the dig were sem- no harm" or "thou shall not

persons in euthanasia — I believe that the abolition of kill-

Maybe the two newspapers

need instead is a conversa-

tion, like we had in the taxi '13 inity Lu t heran C h u rch, that day.

theorist Robert George, who

nonetheless needs to end.

Damon Winter/New YorkTimes NewsService

The Kansas City Star The Rev. Kevin Vogts,

Paola, Kansas: Working as an archaeologist in the Mid-

punishment is not as bad as abortion or euthanasia, but it

People attend en afternoon Mass at the Holy Name Church in New

What scripturewould you share with nonbelievers?

no morally valid reason to use it. According to the Catholic teaches at Princeton, capital

cally traditional Roman Cath-


"do unto others as you would

inary students like me. The

kill." We have beliefs, most of

excavation's agreement with the government forbade

them of a positive nature. Unfortunately, r e ligion,

evangelization, but we could

especially in its institutional-

abortion and euthanasia. "We ing as a punishment will pro-

answer questions.

ized form, rather than build-

wanted to contextualize it last fall in that broad context."

Jostling down a d e sert ing on our commonness or track in an ancient taxi, the togetherness, seems intent on

mote a culture of life," George wrote in a Feb. 19 letter to the

De Melo said she and Coday governor and legislature of could not agree on an editorial Kansas. thatbrought in so many contenComing from George, who tious issues. But when, in Janu- is admired by the Catholic ary, the Supreme Court agreed right, the letter was another to take up the case of Glossip v.

indication that on this partic-

Gross, which challenges Okla- ular issue, a unified position homa's use of lethal injection, may be emerging. she thought that maybe it was Not everyone agrees. The time for an editorial solely on Rev. John McCloskey, a concapital punishment. s ervative priest, wrote t h is "Since the Supreme Court

m onth t h at

"the C atholic

took up this case," De Melo said, "it seemed maybe we

Church's Magisterium does

could look at it in a narrower context. I felt it was important to stand on something we can stand together on, these

unqualified abolition of the death penalty." He invoked Augustine and Thomas Aquinas in support of the death penalty, as well as Pope Pius XII.

diverse publications with diverse audiences. We do agree

not and never has advocated

Then there are the 59 per-

cent of white Catholics who, it says. "Pope St. John Paul II Some readers questioned according to the Pew survey, amended the universal Cate- De Melo's decision to join with favor capital punishmentchism of the Catholic Church more liberal publications. On four points higher than the to include a de facto prohibi- March 16, she wrote her own average for al l A m erican tion against capital punish- editorial, placing her death adults. ment. Last year, Pope Francis penalty opposition in the conGreg Erlandson, the pubcalled on all Catholics 'to fight text of issues that are import- lisher of Our Sunday Visitor, ... for the abolition of the death ant to conservatives. said Catholics needed to keep "Euthanasia, abortion, war penalty.' The practice is abhortalking to one another, lest rent and unnecessary." and capital punishment differ they become as dysfunctional The Register's editor, Jea- in moral weight, but they all as the secular world. "The ideological polarizanette De Melo, said that when threaten human dignity, and Coday first broached the idea we must work to end them," tion that has paralyzed Amerlast fall, they could not quite De Melo wrote. ican political life has seeped this should end."

antagonistic niches of Catholic public thought. Editors at the make it work. "The Register's take on the A matter of morality publications agreed, in interviews this week, that such a death penalty," De Melo said, The church now teaches joint effort would be unlikely "is to talk about it in broader that the death penalty could on other topics, like same-sex context of the life issues," like be justified only for self-de-

into the church, unfortunate-

ly," Erlandson said. "So something like this" — the joint editorial -

"is an important

signpost for the church."

man quickly turned the con- defining belief in such narversation to religion.

row terms that many of us be-

taxi ride was indeed a ruse, but not to interrogate me.

ans to secondary status?

wanting to ask about the faith, but had to be careful in

as agnostics or nonbelievers, the scripture I use is from the

"There's really no differ- come nonbelievers by default. ence between our faiths," he We don't fit in. Who can said. "Both say God is great, believe in a God, for exambut we are sinners deserving ple, that relegates women, damnation." I realized the minorities or gays and lesbiWhen I amconfronted by He was a sincere seeker those who define themselves

a culture where converts can fourth chapter of I John (4:7be executed. The driver was 8): "Everyone who loves has his friend, also listening with been born of God and knows interest to learn from me God. Whoeverdoes not love about forbidden Christianity.

does not know God, because

Thinking of Romans 6:23, God is love." I agreed that "the wages of I believe God to be that sin is death." The difference

force in life that calls us into

is, Christianity doesn't stop just and loving relationships. with that condemnation, but The only true nonbeliever, like the remainder of that

t herefore, is the one w h o

verse goes on with the good does not accept love and renews of God's compassion: spect for others as a guiding "But the gift of God is eternal principle. life through Jesus Christ our With this understanding, Lord." faith becomes a commitment This verse encapsulates to joining God in doing what the message all humans need it is that God does — overto hear, including those al- coming divisiveness and haready Christians. Both the

tred in the world — and then

bad news of our sin, shattering self-righteousness, and then the good news of our salvation through Jesus Christ. The question posed above envisions a confrontation between believers and non-

joining together to celebrate

believers, but really what we


our victories and mourn our defeats.

In our judgments and narr owness, some of us w h o

call ourselves "religious" can often be the worst of the

RELIGIQUs SERvIcEs To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin©bendbulletin.com or call 541-633-2117.

SERVICES ANTIOCHCHURCH:Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Easter Study Part 1," based on Phillippians; 8:45 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday; 7 p.m. Wednesday youth group; Bend High School, 230 NESixth St., Bend; 541318-1454 or www.antiochchurch. Ol'g.

BELIEVERSBIBLEFELLOWSHIP CHURCH:Pastor Gary Breegle; "The ChrIstIan Passover," special communion service; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 9:30 a.m .Biblestudy; Super 8 Hotel, 3629 SW 21st Place, Redmond; 541-974-8694 or www. believersbiblefellowship.org. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor Dave Miller; "The Cross — Part 3"; 10 a.m. Sunday; 7 p.m. Wednesday 4Twelve youth group; 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend; 541-382-6006 or www. bendchristianfellowship.com. BEND CHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; "Games People Play: Life"; Easter services 9 and 10:45a.m. Sunday;9 a.m.(Hispanic service) Sunday In the Fireside Room; 1270 NE27th St., Bend; 541382-5496 or www.bendnaz.org. COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "Raised to New Life," based on Romans 6:1-11; Easter services 9 and 11a.m., brunch at10:15 a.m.;1 Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-593-8341 or www.cbchurchsr.org. COMMUNITY BIBLESTUDY: Nondenominational weekly study and fellowship, study of 1 and 2 Thessaloni ans;10 a.m .W ednesday; Highland Baptist Church, 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond; 541-923-8791. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Rob Anderson; "Have an Easter Heart!" based on John 20:1-9; 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday; 10:15 a.m. Easter egg hunt for children; 529 NW19th St., Redmond; 541-548-3367 or www.


CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev. Willis C. Jenson; "God Swallowed Up Death for All Men on Mt. Zion Through the Cross of ChrIst," based on IsaIah 25:8; 11 a.m. Sunday; 10 a.m. Sunday

school; TerrebonneGrangeHall,

828611th St., Terrebonne; 541-3256773 or www.lutheransonline.coml concordialutheranmission. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Minister Dave Drullinger; "If No Resurrection," based on1 Corinthians15:12-20; Easter worship with Flowering of the Cross; 10 a.m. Sunday;sack lunchBible study noon Thursday; 334 NW Newport Ave., Bend; 541-382-2272 or www.discoverychristianchurch. com. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Nagle; "The Lies of Easter Exposed," based on selected scripture; 9 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday; 62425 Eagle Road, Bend; 541-382-5822 or www.

eastmontchurch.com. EMMAUS LUTHERANCHURCH, LCMS:Pastor David Poovey; 9:15a.m. Biblestudy,10:30a.m. worship; 2175 SWSalmon Ave., Redmond; 541-548-1473. FATHER'S HOUSE CHURCH:Pastor Randy Wills; "Where Full Meets Empty," an illustrated sermon for Easter; 9 and10:45 a.m. Sunday; egg hunt follows ;7 p.m.W ednesday youth group; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend; 541-382-1632 or www.


THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "The Resurrection of Jesus," based on Mark16:1-8;10 a.m. Sunday (baptisms to follow); 6:45 a.m. Easter sunrise bonfire gathering and pancake breakfast; 21530 Butler Market Road, Bend; 541-385-3100 or www.tfab.com. FIRST PRESBYTERIANBEND: Pastors Steven Koski and Jenny Warner; "Easter: Letting Go of Fear"; 6:30, 9 and10:45 a.m., and 5:01 p.m. Sunday; 230 NENinth St., Bend; 541-382-4401 or www. bendfp.org. FOUNDRYCHURCHOFBEND: Pastor Trevor Waybright; "... and Peter," based on Mark16:1-8;10:15 a.m. Sunday; 60 NWOregon Ave., Bend; 541-382-3862 or www. foundrybend.org. GRACEBIBLECHURCH OFBEND: Pastor Phil Kooistra; "Up from the Grave," based on the Bible; 8:30 and10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday; 63945OldBend Redmond Highway, Bend; 541-728-3897 or www. gracebibleofbend.org. GRACEFIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Jesus Christ Unplugged" and "What's Up?";8,9:30and11a.m. Sunday; Vigil of Easter 7 p.m. today;2265 NW Shevlin ParkRoad,

Bend; 541-382-6862 or www. gracefirstlutheran.org. GRACELUTHERANCHURCHAT EAGLE CREST: PastorJames Rupel;

"Jesus' ResurrectIonAssuresOur Redemption," based on Isaiah 53:8-12; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; pastoral worship service second and fourth Sunday; lay minster servIce first and third Sunday; 9:30 a.m. Bible study second and fourth Sunday; 7525 Falcon Crest Drive, Redmond; 509-899-5018 or www. gracelcaeaglecrest.org. HOLY COMMUNIONEVANGELICAL CATHOLICCHURCHOFBEND: The Rev. James Radloff; Bible study,10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesdays, 587 NE Greenwood Ave.; 541-408-9021

or info©holycommunionbend.org. JOURNEYCHURCH:Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "Easter — a Reminder of the Ultimate Gift of Grace, Jesus"; 9 and 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; Easter egg hunt for kids during each service; 70 NWNewport Ave., Bend; 541-647-2944 or www. iourneyinbend.com MISSIONCHURCH BEND CAMPUS: Pastor Brent Hofen; "Already Won"; 5:30 p.m. today; 9 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday; online at www. experiencethehighlife.tv; 2221 NE Third, Bend; 541-306-6209 or www. experiencethehighlife.com. MOST SACREDHEART, ROMAN CATHOLICCHAPEL:Father Bernard; Traditional Latin Mass; 9 a.m. Sunday,confessions beforeM ass; 1051 SW Helmholtz Way, Redmond; 541-548-6416. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; "Easter Sunday," based on Isaiah 25:69, Psalm 114, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 and Luke 24:13-49; 6 a.m. sunrise service, 9 and 11a.m. formal worship Sunday; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-3880765 or www.nativityinbend.com. NEIGHBORHOOD BIBLECHURCH: Bob Benson; Easter service;10:45 a.m.Sunday;627 SW Seventh St., Redmond; 541-350-3830. NEW HOPECHURCH:Pastor Clint Wood; "I am the Resurrection and the Life," based on John11:25-26; 6 p.m. today; 7:30, 9 and10:45 a.m. Sunday; 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend; 541-389-3436 or www. newhopebend.com. NEW CREATIONSLIFECENTER CHURCH:Pastor Arthur Wilder; "Live Easter Production"; 10 a.m. Sunday; Wednesday 6:30 p.m. ILove youthgroup;240 SW SeventhSt.,

Redmond; 541-548-6246 or www. newclc.com. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCH OF CHRIST:DeanCatlett; "The Glory of the Cross," based on Galatians 6:14; 10:45 a.m. worship Sunday; adult Bible study 6 p.m. Wednesday; 554 NW Newport Ave., Bend.; 541-382-5242 or www. churchofchristbendoregon.com. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "The Power of Hope," based on theGospelsofLuke and John;8and10a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; 6:30 p.m. Wednesday youth meeting; 2880 NE27th St., Bend; 541-312-8844. SAINT JACOBOFALASKA ORTHODOX CHRISTIANCHURCH: Father Peter Guilianotti; Vespers 6 p.m. today; Divine Liturgy10 a.m. Sunday;1900 NE Division St., Bend; 541-203-0316 or www.saintIacob.

442 Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Lost and Found"; 6:30 p.m. today; 9 and11 a.m. Sunday; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDE RADIO CAMPUS: Pastor Corey Parnell; "The Lord's Supper: Simple and Sacred";8:30a.m. Sunday; Heirborne radIo show on KBND, AM 1110. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor ErIc Burtness; "Jesus, Son of God"; 8:30 and11 a.m. Sunday; Easter brunch and egg hunt10 a.m. Sunday; 1113 SWBlack Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541-923-7466 or www. zionrdm.com.


SHILOHRANCH COWBOY CHURCH:Pastor Jordan Weaver; "Kindness Draws to Repentance"; 8, 9:30and11 a.m. Sunday; 7 a.m. Thursdaymen's Bible study;6:30 p.m. Wednesday young adult life group; 15669 SW Bussett Road, Powell Butte; 971-678-9513 or www.shilohranch.com. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH: Rev. PatrIck M. Rooneyand Rev.David A. Carnahan; "Dead ManWalking," with Rev. Rooney; 8 a.m. Sunday (service includes the Lord's Supper); "The Stone Rolled Away," with Rev. Carnahan; 11 a.m. Sunday; 2550 NE Butler Market Road, Bend; 541-3821832 or www.trinitylutheranbend.

TODAY LIVING EASTERADVENTURE: Interactive tour through the last week of Jesus' life and resurrection; live performances, games and lunch; each family will receive a personalized gift; free; families are welcome anytime between11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; Highland Baptist Church, 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond; 541-548-4161 or www. hbcredmond.org. SUNDAY EASTERSUNRISESERVICE: Nondenominational, community sunrise Easter servIce; sInging, worship and a brief message shared by Bob Shaw; free; 6:30-7:30a.m.; Pilot Butte State Scenic Viewpoint, 1310 NE Highway 20, Bend; info© sunriseservice.org or www.




EASTERSUNRISESERVICE: Outdoor Easter sunrise worship service hosted by the Powell Butte Christian Church; 6 a.m.; Tom's Pond, Williamson Road, Powell Butte; 541-548-3066. EASTERSUNRISESERVICE: Outdoor "sonrise" worship service hosted by the Tumalo Community Church; a fellowship breakfast will follow at the Tumalo Community Church; 8:30a.m.;Tumalo Pioneer Cemetery, 61555 Parrell Road, Bend, 541-383-1845. GOOD NEWS EASTERHUNT: Children will learn about Jesus' resurrection and hunt for eggs, candy and prizes; free; 9:30 a.m.; Trinity Lutheran Church 8 School, 2550 NE Butler Market Road, Bend; 541-382-1832. THURSDAY TAIZE MEDITATIONSERVICE:Join


Won; "The Inconvenienceof Easter"; focusing on the arrival of spring, not the resurrection; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend; 541-385-3908 or www.uufco.org WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Steve Mickel; "Lost and Found"; 6:30 p.m. today; 8,9and11 a.m. Sunday;WestsideChurchWest Campus, 2051 NWShevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-7504 or www. westsidechurch.org. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Gary Burton; "Lost and Found"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; Westside Church South Campus, 1245 SE Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Pastor Jerry Kaping; "Lost and Found"; 9and11 a.m. Sunday; Westside Church Sisters Campus,

the Taize Choir of Central Oregon in an hour of meditative nondenominational Taize music and silence at our monthly ecumenical service. This is not the usual date or location.; 7 p.m.; Shalom Bayit (Jewish Community of Central Oregon), 21555 Modoc Lane (off Ward Road), Bend, 541-389-6156. FOUR BLOOD MOONS: "Something Is About to Change," a film based on the book by Pastor John Hagee about the supernatural connection of certain celestial events to Biblical prophecy; 7:30 p.m.; $12.50; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 and IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; www.fathomevents.com or 844-462-7342. FRIDAY PRACTICESFOR A HAPPIER LIFE: A Deeper Understanding of the Buddhist PractIces of Purification: Explore Buddhist practices for purifying negative thinking and the causes of suffering; Alejandro Anastasio's teachings are deep and humorous; 9 a.m.;donations

accepted; Centerfor Compassionate Living, 339 SW Century Drive, Bend or 541-678-5515. EIGHTHANNUAL CHRISTIAN YOUTH SUMMIT:A conference full of teachIng designed to help youth stand firm in the ChrIstian faith and impact our culture; 6:30 p.m.; Trinity Lutheran Church and School, 2550 Butler Market Road, Bend; www.christianyouthsummit.org or 541-325-2639. APRIL 11 EIGHTHANNUAL CHRISTIAN YOUTH SUMMIT:A conference full of teaching designed to help youth stand firm in the ChrIstian faith and impact our culture; 9 a.m.; Trinity Lutheran Church and School, 2550 Butler Market Road, Bend; www.christianyouthsummit.org or 541-325-2639. MOTHERS,WIDOWS AND NUNS: Women inJapanese BuddhIsm; explores the history of women in BuddhIsm In Japan, startIng with the first full Buddhist clerics and spanning the political and cultural changes that took place before, during and after WWII; 1 p.m.; Sisters Library, 110 NCedar St., Sisters; and 4 p.m.; downtown Bend Library, 601 NWWall St.; 541-312-1034. KEEPERS OF THE FAITH QUARTET:The Southern gospel group performs; 6 p.m. donatIons

accepted ;Redmond Assemblyof God Church, 1865 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-923-3085.






(Jewish Community of Central Oregon)

Messianic Synagogue



"Leam to go inside yourself, because this is the source of all truth. There are a lot of holy temples out here, but the most sacred of all is the temple inside you, because this is where you meet with the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God" Harold Klemp "Spiritual Experiences Guidebook"

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"Discover the Spiritual Purpose of Dreams" Thursday, May 21, 6:30-7:30pm "Make EveryDay a Wonderful-and

Sacred-Adventure" Thursday, June 18, 6:30-7:30pm


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NKW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street

Vigil of Easter April 4, 2015 No 8:00a.m. or 5:00p.m. Mass 8:00p.m. Vigil Mass NewChurch HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH


Comer of NW Franklin 8 Lava

We are acommunity of Christians whowelcome diversityin theology andworld view.

Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com

April 5, 2015 7:30a.m. Mass NewChurch 9:00 a.m. Mass Historic Church

The Rev. Jed Holdorph II, Rector

10:00 a.m. Mass New Church 12:30 p.m. Mass New Church (Spanish)

April 4n 8:00pm Easter Vigil 8 Holy Eucharist

FOUNDRYCHURCH (FORMERLV FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend"

60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Trevor Waybright


No 4:30 p.m. Mass on Easter Monday - Friday 7:00 AM 8 12:15 PM

Tuesday (Family Holy Hour)

For Kidztown, Middle School and

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Potluck Suppers, Centering Prayer, Outreach, Music, Book Discussions, "Spirit"ed Conversations, Justice and Eco-Justice Activities, Women's Group and more....

Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

High School activities Call 541-382-3862

www.bendchurch.org HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 3100 SWHighland Ave.,•Redmond

541-548-4161• hbcredmond.org Lead Pastor Dr. Barry Campbell Saturday April 4 11 A.M. to 2 PM. Easter Services 7:00 P M. Sunday April 5: 8, 9:30 & 11 A.M. Family Night Wednesdays Jan. 7- March 18, 2015 5-5:45 PM. Dinner 6.7:30 PM. Small group studies forall ages Babies through adult Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 6:30 P M.


"In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition" Father Jim Radioff Father Mark Hebert SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 9:00 am Traditional Music Service

5:00 pm Contemporary Blend Music Service Bend Senior Center 1600 SE Reed Market Road


www.trinitybend.org www.facebook.com/I'rinityBend m(nlstry@trinltybend.org 541-382-5542 469 NW Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701

Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Holy Saturday April 4 Easter Vigil 8 pm Easter Sunday April 5

541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 541-389-8888

Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from


5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm

NKW HOPK EVANGELICAL 20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436

Sunday School 9:45 am Children 8 Adult Classes Worship Service — 11:00 am

Wednesdays Morning Study: 10-11:30 am Evening Study: 7-8:30 pm at the Church Office 587 NE Greenwood - Bend (across from Croutons) EASTER MASS

April 5 Services at the Bend Senior Center Easter Vigil at 7:00pm Easter Sunrise Service at 7:30am Easter Resurrection Mass at 9:00am

InfoCaholycommunlonbend.org (541) 408-9021 • •

Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers

April 4 and 5, 2015 at Westside ChurchWEST CAMPUS

Continental Breakfast 7:00am - 8:30am in the Fellowship Hall WORSHIP SERVICES Mark 16:1-8

Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, and Ozzy Osbome 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte

Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish Omce: 541-536-3571



LA PINK 16137 Burgess Rd

10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service

Associate Pastors Mike Sweeney F Jeff Olson "Loving people one at a time."

Thurs. Mass 9;30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 8:00 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9:15 am


OUR LADY OF THK SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00 - 12:15 pm

Pastor Jerry Kaping will share an Easter message titled "Lost and Found" at 9:00 and 11:00am on Sunday at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters.

April 4 F 5, 2015 at Westside ChurchONLINE CAMPUS

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided.

Near Chwlstmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3;15 pm

Join us at our online campus where Pastor Steve Mickel will share an Easter message titled "Lost and Found" at 6:30pm on Saturday and 9 and I iam on Sunday at www.westsidelive.org.

April 5, 2015 Westside Church — ONTHE



Reading Room: 1563 NW First St.

Pastor Corey Parnell will share the message "The Lord's Supper: Simple and Sacred"

Mon. through Friz 11 am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon-2 pm

on the Heirbome radio show at 8;30am Sunday morning on KBND — AM 1110

• •

Maih P.O. Box 428, Bend OR 97709

www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908 All Peoples United Church of Christ ALL PKOPLKS UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service

What does progressive Christianity Iook like? Expect worship free of dogma,

full of compassion for all and love of community near and far.

Nursery Care F Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday

Following Christ means all of the above without checking in your brain at the door.


6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study

All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month.


Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org

• •


Find us in The Juniper Room at Redmond's St. Charles Hospital 1253 NW Canal Blvd.

Use the Kingwood entrance.

CHRISTIAN LIFK CKNTKR 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241

Worship with us next at 11 a.m.

8:45 AM 8 10:45 AM

Easter Sunday, April 5th or come early at

WednesdayMid-Week Service Children 8 Youth Programs 7:00 PM Nursery Care Provided for All Services Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur www.clcbend.com

10 a.m. for

Bible Bookworms — adult study/discussion focusing on Convictions by Marcus Borg.



Phone: 541-325-6773

11:00 am Traditional Worship

GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862

Fellowship following both services

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m.

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org Worship in the Heart of Redmond

April 5th, 2015 at Westside ChurchSISTERS CAMPUS

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST,SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100

61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend 97702

Email: allpeoplesucc@gmail.com

Men's Bible Study Wednesday 8;00 a.m.



Meeting place:

9;00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children & Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education


Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker-

also will enjoy an Easter goodie bag.)

www.lutheransonline.com/ concordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission

April 5, 2015 at Westside Church-

Pastor Gary Burton will share an Easter message titled "Lost and Found" at 10:30am on Sunday at the Westside Church South Campus, 1245 SE 3rd Street, Bend.

(Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 630 pm For information, please call ...

Rev. Dave Beckett Sermon: "Desert Seeds of New Life" Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10 9:00AM Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9am service 11:00am - Traditional Service Childcare provided 'During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship

possible help with car-pooling:

Women's Bible Studies: Tuesday 930 a.m. 8 10:00 a.m.

Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! At the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th

Sunday Services 8 am (No child care)

Everyone is Welcome!

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

Easter Vigil Saturday 7:00pm Easter Services 8:00a.m., 9:30a.m. and 11:00a.m.



hunting for canned food which will then be donated to local food banks. (The children

On April 19th, we meet again,

Pastor Steve Mickel will share an Easter message titled "Lost and Found" at 6:30pm on Saturday and at 8, 9 and 11:00am Sunday at Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.

8:30am 8 10:30am - Worship Center 10:30am - Historic Chapel

Tuesday, Wednesday F Friday Mass 9:00 am Saturday Easter Vigil - 8:00pm Sunday Mass - 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00-4:00pm

Join us this weekend for Easter services and the annual 10,000 Easter Egg Hunt. Visit EasterForEveryone.com for more information and service times or call 541-382-7504.

6:00am Tom's Pond on Williams Road, Powell Butte

680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672

529 NW 19th Street (3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367

The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) Terrebonne, OR

Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor


MISSION (LCMS) Themission of iheChurch isio forgive sins ihrough the Gospelandthereby grant eternal life.

11 am Dnnne Service

Sunday School for all ages Kidmo • Junior Church


Unless otherwise noted, all services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street

egg hunt will have a new twist: we will be

XXVII).8, 10


Sunday School Jewish Community School of Central Oregon 21555 Modoc Lane Sunday, April 12 F 26- 10:00am

10 am Sunday School

Sermon: God's plans are bigger OFFICE CLOSED EASTER MONDAY www.hol communionbend.or Contact us

Every Monday 12:-00-1:00 pmWeekly Torah Study Call for information 8 location

relationships with our greater community.

(In the Heart of Downtown Bend)

(St, John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession




BKND CHURCH OF THK NAZARKNK 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496

Friday, April 24 — 7:00 pmErev Shabbat Service & Yom HaAtzma'ut

season of renewal we can renew and foster

After the service our traditional Easter

Sunday Moming Worship

Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!


Saturday, April 18- 9:00 amMunch & Torah Study Saturday, April 18 - 10:30 amTorah Services


www.redmondchristian.org SundayWorship9:00 am 8 10:45 am


Children Welcome www.livingtorahfellowship.com

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Dave Beckett firstchurchCabendumc.org


Major's Robert & Miriam Keene

536 SW 10th, Redmond 541-548-2974


Wednesday, April 15 - Screening of the movie, A Secret; followed by Discussion and Yom HaShoah MemorialCeremony at COCC Wille Hall 5:30p.m.

For the complete schedule of Services 8 Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org


Masses: 8 and 10 in English Noon Misa en Espanol

is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include: Services, religious education for children 8 adults, Hebrew school, Torah study, social action projects and social activities

Rabbi Johanna Hershenson Services Friday, April 10 at 6:00 pmKabbalat Shabbat dinner 8 service At a private home; call for information

Youth Events: www.facebook.com/BendYouthCollective Family Kitchen Prep Squad Wednesdays 2-4pm

Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM

Sermon Title: "...and Peter" from Mark 16:1-8

April 5w8:00am 8 10:15am Easter Day Holy Eucharist Nursery available during services

Exposition 8 Benediction

SundaySchool classes are at9:00 am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am


Est. 1994

A Warm and Welcoming Community Serving We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested "Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" Central Oregon for 25 years. in leaming the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at: We are a Welcoming Congregation We Welcome Newcomers, Interfaith Families and Jews by Choice Bear Creek Center Involvement Encouraged 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Sunday, April 5 at 10:30am For information, call 541-385-6421 Bend, OR. 97701 Please Visit: www.jccobend.com Our Shabbat Services are on "The Inconvenience of Easter" Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include: Rev. Antonia Won Rabbi Jay ShupackBend's First Resident Rabbi Unitarian Universalists have been • Davidic dance and worship Rebbitzin - Judy Shupack • Children's ministry and nursery uncomfortable with the Christian teaching • Hebrew classes Services: • Home groups of Jesus' resurrection, preferring to focus Torah Study Every Saturday Moming at • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit 10 AM unless othenvise noted Easter celebrations on the arrival of spring. Hadashah (New Testament) Saturday March 21st —10AM • Biblical Feasts Are we missing anything in avoiding or • Lifecycle Events Zion Lemas Bar Mitzvah • End-times prophecy Thursday April 9th — 7PM omitting the Christian emphasis, or is this a Taize at Shalom Bayit Visit us on the web at good move? Saturday April 11th www.houseofcovenant.org Community Passover Seder at or contact us at 541-385-5439 Shalom Bayit. Doors Open 3:30PM Religious Exploration Sunday April 12th —10AM LIVING TORAH FKLLOWSHIP Community School at Shalom Bayit At La Roca Church This week in Religious Exploration we 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00 - 3:00 pm All Services held at our Dedicated will have our monthly ingathering — our Worship/Dance - StudySynagogue Building Children's Worship time. This month we Food/Fellowship 21555 Modoc Lane (Comer of Ward and Hebrew Roots Fellowship Modoc in Bend) unless otherwise noted. will talk about Easter and how during this worshrpprng rn Sprnt and Truth TKMPLK BKTH TIEVAH

Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group





Sunday Worship Services at 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 am Children's Room available during services Easter Sunday Brunch 8 Children's Egg hunt 10 A.M. Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages

Coffee, snacks and fellowship after each service

Youth Group: 10:30am Sunday for Middle and High School Youth Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer

Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service

Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org FIRST PRKSBVTKRIAN BEND 230 NE Ninth, Bend

(Across Ninth St. from Bend High) Embodying Spacious Christianity Easter Letting Go Of Fear Pastors Steven Koski 8 Jenny Warner Sunday, April 5 6:30am sunrise service 9:00am with the Praise Team 10:45am with the Chancel Choir 5;01pm contemplative service 6:30am families worship together Nursery care provided for 9:00am, 10:45am 8 5:Oipm

Sunday School offered for

1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 — 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness www.zionrdm.com

For details and

Web site: www.allpeoples-ucc.org

CHURCH & SYNMOGUE DIRECTORV LISTING Effective MayI, 2013 4 Saturdays and TMC: $115 5 Saturdays and TMC: $138 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the church page.

9:00am and 10:45am


Documentary Movie Night Tuesday, April 7, 6:30-8:00pm "Disruption": investigates climate change, scienceand skepticsand shows the organizing efforts for the "largest climate rally in the history of the planet".

Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday

Millennials Meet-Up Thursday, April 9, 7:00pm Crux — 50 SW Division Street

CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of

College-ish to 30-somethings welcome.

each month. $23

Apps are on First Presbyterian, beverages on your own. RSVP to Morgan Schmidt at

Copy Changes:


by Monday

Darkness To Light Training M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am Sunday, May 3, I:00-3:00pm Provided by the Kids Center Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm Nationally known abuse prevention program 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach

same time and place.

based on solid, documented statistics. $20/ person or $20/couple with shared materials. Register with Janet Pearson at jpearson@ bendfp.org. 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend, 541.382.4401

www.bendfp.org and http://www.facebook.com/bendfp Youth Events: http://www.facebook.com/ bendyouthcollective

1 week prior to publication

Call Pat Lynch

541-383-0396 plynch@bendbulletirncom



Eggs Continued from 01 Sometimes it's the texture

of the eggs that makes a difference in absorbing the color. The original hue of the eggshell itself will affect the result. (Mix a brown egg with red cabbage leaves and it won't be the same color as when the eggshell is white.) Maybe it's the freshness of

the eggs. Or how long the egg is submerged in the dye. Then again, your fingers may have oils on them that affect the shells as you handle them.

It could be something in those particular leaves, berries or spices that makes a

chain reaction with a particular egg. All we know for certain is that the outcome

will be unpredictable. No two eggs will look alike. That alone makes this a culinary adventure to enjoy. Let's get t o

t h e b a sics.

There aretwo methods of dyeing eggs naturally. In the first, you prepare the dyeas many colors as you likethen cool it down before gently submerging hard-cooked eggs into the liquid. You'll want to keep the eggs in

Colorguidefor natural dyefor eggs Pink/red:fresh beets, pickled beet juice, cranberries, frozen raspberries, red wine, red onion skins. Tan:yellow onions skins, green tea. Deep yellow:ground turmeric, curry powder, ground cumin. Orange:paprika, chili powder. Purple:hibiscus tea leaves(as in RedZinger tea from Celestial Seasonings), cranberry juice. Gray:blackberries. Brown:coffee, black tea.

Naturalfooddyefor eggs Makes 4 to 6 cups. Note: For adeeper hue,add more of the coloring agent and keep the eggs in the dyelonger, even overnight in the refrigerator. • 2 to 3 TBS spices or 4 C ormore chopped fruit or vegetable • 4 to 6 C water • 2 TBS white vinegar (per 4 C to 6 C water) Directions Combine spices or chopped producewith 4 to 6 cups water and the vinegar. Bring to a boil, then simmer for15 to 30 minutes. Eggs can be colored (and/or cooked) in the dye while it is being prepared (makesurethe water covers the eggsentirely and simmer them for 15 to 30 minutes), or soak hard-cooked eggs in the dye after it is madeand strained.

(or fruits — mashed bluecooking time. berries or raspberries work The general rule for a well). Spices offer very indeeper color is to keep the tense colors — turmeric, curegg in the dye longer. But ry powder, chili powder and once again that's a very ge- paprikaamong them. So do there at least 30 minutes and neric rule because eggs will other liquids, from coffee and you caneven leave them in defy your logic and refuse to black tea to tea made from hiovernight for more depth of darken for no other reason biscus leaves (Red Zinger tea color (though do so in the re- than just because. from Celestial Seasonings is frigerator). This is called the Although I tend to add the one form of these). "cold method" of dyeing eggs scraps ofproduce lingering I've also plunged eggs into because both the eggs and on the bottom of my crisp- blueberry pie filling (which dye areatroom temperature er drawer to the liquid, the leaves terrific markings on or colder. truth of natural food dyes is the eggs), and wrapped eggs In some ways, the second that you need a lot — really a in rubber bands before addmethod seems easier and lot — of them to make a dif- ing them to the dye, to create less messy, at least in my ference in the coloring. That markings on the shell. This is humble dye-stained opin- would be 4 cups of skins or an art project, after all. i on. With t h is , t h e m a i n chopped vegetables to 4 to 6 If you want to make the ingredient of the dye, be it cups of water. Creating a dye finished colored eggs shiny, cabbage leaves or chopped will usually involve a fresh dry them off and rub them red beets or onion skins, is head of red cabbage or a new with some vegetable oil. simmered in water along bag of many yellow onions to No matter how you dye with uncooked eggs that, of supply the leaves and skins eggs, the aftermath will alcourse, cook while the dye is to color the liquid. ways be messy. That's the being heated, hence the "hot Part of the fun of creating only predictable thing about method." This often results these food dyes are the many this enterprise. Well, that in a darker color and, in all unexpected possibilities for and the fact that the egg is in likelihood, eggs that will be color. It's not just vegetables charge. too tough to eat from all that


Pa in attention on Lll OSB By Richard Aea Chicago Tribune

Your head is spinning after another hectic day. You feel stressed,confused, pulled in different directions. You are

not living in, much less enjoying, the here and now. What's missing is mindfulness, the practice of remaining in, and accepting, the present moment — which is the

only reality you have, when it comes down to it. In being everywhere but now, you may be sacrificing your health, well-being, rela-


tionships, the ability to think

chologist and mindfulness in- to "relax into that discomfort," structor based in Wheaton, Il- which can reduce it. Even if it Researchers "are confirmlinois. Here are tips from Fran- doesn't go away, you are training the benefits that (mindful- cis and Santee on learning to ing yourself to remain calm ness) practitioners have advo- master mindfulness: and less reactive in the prescated for many years," says Start with baby steps. Find a ence of it. Charles Francis, co-founder quiet place, and get into a comThe mind will seem to have and director of the Mindfulfortable sitting position, San- a mind of it s o wn , Santee ness Meditation Institute in tee says. Practice focusing on says. You may find yourself Raleigh, North Carolina, and your breath, and the present thinking about any number author of "Mindfulness Med- moment, for 10 to 15 minutes at of things, some of which are itation Made Simple" (Para- first, then gradually increase important to you, and some digm Press). Research also the time. A s y o u p r actice, that are not. All thoughts are shows that the practice helps take note when your attention considered to be of equal valpeople improve their men- wanders off. Don't become ue, but by declining to get intal abilities, such as abstract angry or impatient; it's com- v olved with them, you w i l l thinking, memory and cre- mon, especially in the begin- develop an internal underativity. And it extends to rela- ning. Just be aware of when standing that you are "more tionships, improving leader- that happens, Santee says, than those thoughts," he says, ship and social skills. and gently but firmly redirect allowing you to separate nonPerhaps most important, your attention back to your fiction from fiction. it simply helps you enjoy life breath. Sensations, impulses Practice mindful walking. with all the good, bad and ugly and thoughts played out in the Walk more slowly than usuthat come with it. M i ndfulmind may draw your attention al, making it a smooth and ness carries with it an accep- away from your breathing. By continuous movement, while tance of the present moment, bringing your attention back to being conscious of every step. which allows you to bask in it, you are training your mind This can have a huge calming the sound of a bird call, the to be less reactive and increas- effect because it forces your squeals of your children play- ing your ability to concentrate. mind to slow down along with ing in the backyard, the aroma Accept discomfort. It's also the rest of your body. of a good cup of coffee, the common to have some bodily Structure your mindfulness pleasure in a great idea that discomfort, Santee says, but practice to fit your lifestyle. comes from being calm and resist the first impulse to shift You're not a monk living in a contemplative. your position. Instead, accept monastery. You need to find "Mindfulness really means the discomfortas partofyour the best time for practice withpaying attention on purpose," experience at that moment. in the normal flow of your day, explains Jeffrey Santee, a psy- You may find that it's possible Francis says. clearly and the beauty of life itself, research has found.

VoLUNTEER SEARGH The organizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Changes, additions or deletions should be emailed to volunteer©bendbulletin. com or call 541-383-0350.

CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Beth, beth@ acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S SENIORS OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: AARP:www.aarp.org/money/taxaide www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY@ or 888-687-2277. deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION: FOSTERGRANDPARENTS 800-272-3900. PROGRAM:Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483. ASPEN RIDGEALZHEIMER'S ASSISTEDLIVINGAND GIRL SCOUTS:541-389-8146. RETIREMENTCOMMUNITY: GIRLSON THE RUN OF DESCHUTES 541-385-8500. COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. BEND SENIORCENTER:Kim, org or eusselman@bgcbend.org. 541-706-61 27. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. CASCADE VIEWNURSING AND HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. ALZHEIMER'SCARECENTER: org or 541-383-6357. 541-382-7161. HIGH DESERTTEENS CENTRAL OREGONCOUNCILON VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www. AGING(COCOA)AND MEALS ON or WHEELS:www.councilonaging.org or highdesertmuseum.org 541-382-4757. 541-678-5483. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell LA PINESENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER: at the Oregon Parent Training and Karen Ward, 541-536-6237. Information Center, 888-505-2673. LA PINE SENIOR CENTER: Denise, J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: 541-848-9075. Lachlan Leaver, lleaver©jbarj.org or LONG-TERMCARE OMBUDSMAN 541-389-1409. PROGRAM:Nancy Allen, JUNIPERSWIM a FITNESS CENTER: 541-312-2488. Kim, 541-706-6127. PILOTBUTTE REHABILITATION KIDS CENTER:Charissa Miller, CENTER:541-382-5531. cmiller©kidscenter.org or PRINEVILLESOROPTIMIST SENIOR 541-383-5958. CENTER:Melody, 541-447-6844. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, REDMOND SENIORCENTER: Sharon, 541-355-8501. 54 I-548-6325. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT ToljGHMARK ATMT. BACHELOR LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, VILLAGE: 541-383-1414. 541-617-9576. VOLUNTEERSINACTION: MOUNTAINSTAR FAMILY RELIEF 54 I-548-7018. NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, CHILDREN, YOUTH ext.115. AMD EDUCATION OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE: 541SERVICES 548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. ACTIONTHROUGH ADVOCACY: OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY 541-385-4741. ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory@ PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. 541-548-6088. AFS-USA: www.afsusa.org or Caitlin READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCEHATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. 541-383-1980. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach ASSE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT Sartin, 541-923-4854. EXCHANGE PROGRAM: www. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: asse.com or WendyLarson, 541-923-8530. 54 I-480-0959. BENDPARKa RECREATION SCHOOL-TO-CAREER PARTNERSHIP:Kent Child, DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. 541-355-4158. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-312SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 6047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 541-355-5600. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. BOY SCOUTSOF AMERIGA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott@scouting.org or VIMA LUPWA HOMES:www. 541-382-4647. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. BOYSa GIRLS CLUBS OF BEND: YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL www.bgcbend.org, 541-617-2877 OREGON:541-385-0470. ext.10. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: ANIMALS AND campfire©bendcable.com or 54 I-382-4682. ENVIRONMENT CASA (COURT APPOINTED BEND SPAY8ENEUTER PROJECT: SPECIALADVOCATES):www. 541-617-1010. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-161 8. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: 541-923-0882 or volunteer© CENTRAL OREGONSHRINERS RUN brightsideanimals.org. FOR ACHILD:shrinersrunforachild@ gmail.com or 541-205-4484. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTER

TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY: www.ecaudubon.org or 541-24 I -2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com, joan©equineoutreach.com or 541-419-4842. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. MUSTANGSTOTHERESCUE: www.mustangstotherescue.org or 541-330-8943. PACIFICCREST TRAIL ANGELS: Brian Douglass, bdouglass2014@ centurylink.net or 541-213-8510. PRINEVILLE BLM:www.blm.gov/orl dlstrlcts/prineville/recreatlon/host. php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: Lexa McAllister, Imcalllster@cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTERa OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEER CAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl, 541-416-6859.

HEALTH AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: CharlieJohnson,541-434-3114. AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY'S RELAYFORLIFE: Lauren Olander, lauren.olander©cancer.org or 541-728-4378. AMERICANRED CROSS: MaryTyler, 541-749-4111. THE BLOOMPROJECT:LizTaylor, I.taylor@thebloomproject.org or 541-480-6312. HEART 'NHOME HOSPICE a PALLIATIVECARE:www.gohospice. com. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEWHOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz©mvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ gmail.com. PARTNERS INCARE:www. partnersbend.org or Melanie Price, 541-382-5882. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESINREDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.

ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV, BEND'SCOMMUNITY RADIOSTATION:info©kpov.org or 54 I-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOFTHE REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRAL STATION: 54I-6 I7-I3 I7. CASCADES THEATRICALCOMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813,10 a.m. to4:30 p.m. Tuesdaythrough Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM: 541-312-1039. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat 541-6 I7-7047. HIGHDESERTCHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or IsabelleSengerat info@ highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGHDESERT MUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY:Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, 541-382-4366. THE NATURE OFWORDS:www. thenatureofwords.org or 541-647-2233. OREGONPARTNERS OFAMERICA: www.oregonpartners.net or Ed Vickrey, 541-350-3152. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-312-I060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia@msn.com or541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 54 I-317-0700.

HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE:volunteer©abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND'SCOMMUNITY CENTER: volunteer©bendscommunitycenter.org. BETHLEHEM INN:www.bethleheminn. org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS:bendbridginggaps© gmail.com or 541-314-4277. CASCADES EASTRIDECENTER:Erik Maiorano, emaiorano©coic.org. CENTERFOR GOMPASSIONATE LIVING(PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OF CENTRALOREGON):ww w. compassionatecenter.org orBeth Hansen,541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/ VOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton©state,or.us or541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/ VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541-447-3851, ext.427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):DonLang, 541-647-

1002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt©bendcable.comor 541-610-6511. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDINGCENTER:www.healingreins. org or Carly Wilson, 541-382-9410. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGER PREVENTIONCOALITION: Robin, 541-408-1978. LA PINE COMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext.106. PEACE BRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org orJohnC. Schwechten at541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRALOREGON: www.pflegcentraloregon.org or 541-3 l7-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-3 I8-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president© sibend.org or 541-408-9333. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643. WINNINGOVERANGER 5 VIOLENCE: wwwwinningover.org or541-382-1943. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.



GOVERMM E MT, CITY AND COMM U NITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources@ojd.state. or.us or1-800-551-8510ext. 64535. CITY OFBEND:VolunteerNow© ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5579. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara atinfo© drwna.org or 541-382-056L JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONGOUNTY VOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SCORE: Bruce Michalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977.

MISCELLANY GENTRALOREGONLOCAVORE: Niki, 541-633-0674 or info© centraloregonlocavore.org. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. THE KILNSBOOKSTORE 5 BOUTIQUE: www.thekilns.com or Jen Lewis at 541-771-8794. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptlvesports.org, Info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACREDART OF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.

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Essex Continued from 01

"By the time they realize it's about to hit them, it's too late to turn or do anything."

Whale oil is energy,

The whale rammed the ship, then crossed back in

big money

front of it and again hit the

"People don't realize it, but Essex in the same spot. "It's happened since, but whale oil is the energy industry of the 1820s. Whale oil is this was the first time that what lights the lamps and lu- a sperm w hale a ctually bricates the machinery of the rammed a ship, seemingly industrial revolution," Howard said. "Whale oil is ener-

gy. Whale oil is big money." Because of the high demand, the search took whalers fartherand farther out to

sea. "The

i ntentionally, and sank

i t ,"

Howard said. His dive into the available l iterature

Journeyofthewhale hoats Route crewtooktrying to reachSouth Americaafter the sinking of the Essex.

Essex sunk Nov. 20, 1820



E ssex



Whale-Ship Essex," soon af-

sea to find whales."

ter being rescued.

The Essex sailed toward the equator, to a newly dis-

"The Essex left Nantucket in August 1819, ll days after

coveredwhale fishery called the offshore grounds.

Herman Melville was born. So this story happened between the years that Melville

• r•,



suspect that a whale might ever harm their ship. That

knew it." Melville

has never happened, but this whale just keeps coming and coming," Howard said.

whaling ship in the early 1840s, where he met, at sea,

a 16-year-old sailor named

St.Marys Island Cape Horn~i

Source: Lawrence Howard of Portland Story Theater

Greg Cross I The Bulletin

William Henry Chase, son of N ickerson, w ho'd b ee n a Owen Chase, who had a copy 14-year-old cabin boy on the of his father's book with him. Essex. "And he didn't write "It was published, but ... it

down his story about what

was hard to get a hold of (and) had happened until he was in he lent a copy of his father's his 70s. And then it was lost

mind right after he read the a

•a• •


the astronauts of this time. was 1 and 2 years old, and They boldly went where no- he grew up with it. The story book t o H e r ma n M e l v ille body else had gone," he said. was just in the air," Howard overnight. Melville stayed up That's where the Essex was said. "Everyone in New En- all night long reading it, and hunting when it was rammed gland knew it. Everyone who that is what set his imaginaby a sperm whale. was even remotelyconnected tion on fire, and ... the story "They have no reason to with the whaling industry started taking shape in his s e r ve d on


mate on th e E ssex, wrote his account, "Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and

go further and further out to

"The whalers were sort of

Masafuera Island da trarqia



Owen Chase, who was first

records." Chase's book may have been "a little self-serving. There are a few things that

for a n other

al," said Howard. "When my friend sent me that 'Into the Deep' DVD, I wa s recover-

ing from cancer surgery and radiation." "Head and neck radiation

...produces some sideeffects

c ame to l i gh t i n T h o m as that are unique. One of those Nickerson's book that's like, is that radiation to the head

Human survival

Distressing Shipwreck of the


years after the events that it

'Oh, right. That's probably ... how that happened," Howard sard.

' -- - " , - . . .

piiaairn Islan ds

p o or. Accounts of the Essex

whaling i s Whales are getting scarcer because we'd been overfishing the whales. We'd been over harvesting them, and the voyages were having to

"8 uth

French Polynesia • Tahiti '. Henderson : Ducie Island — nnd.'Island

i n c l uded re a d -

ing books by tw o

Galapag Islands

Marquesas !

lished," Howard said. "It was published in 1984, 164


Asked why he's drawn to

and neck kills your saliva glands. I was terribly thirsty," he said. As he read of the men sailing through the tropics on rations of one cup of f resh

water a day, he could relate. "I think in many, many ways, "They're tormented by thirst. life has become very easy for And as I'm reading this story, adventure tales, Howard said, us — maybe not emotionally,

I too am tormented by thirst."

but physically. And I think that many of us, if not all of

His appetite also took a hit.

us, wonder 'If I were tested in

gery, I weighed 240 pounds.

that way, if I were put into a life-or-death situation, what

NowIweigh 160. I lost athird

resources of strength would I find within myself? What am I made of? What could I endure'? What could I suffer? Would I find that will to live'?' I think t h at's an elemental human question."

"When I went in for sur-

of my body weight. I was very weak and very debilitated," Howard said. "Of course the men in the boats are living on

6 ounces of bread a day, and then 3 ounces, and eventu-

ally they become so hungry that as they began to die,

As it turns out, Howard has they're reduced to eating hu-

1 0 0-and-some some insight into that ques-

man remains of their former

tion that goes beyond his re- shipmates." "The search of others travails. His Howard, of course, never Loss of the Ship 'Essex' Sunk battle with cancer two years faced such dire circumstancby a Whale andthe Ordeal ago made the Essex crew's es, but he did feel that he "had of the Crew in Open Boats," trials hit closer to home than to look deeper...to an emoyears," Howard said. Nickerson's book,

surfaced in 1960, "and even

t hey might h av e a t o t h er tional plane to find the will to

actual book that Owen Chase then it took another 20 years times in his life. "It's a story about hunger had written." before it fell into the hands The other book was writ- of someone who recognized and thirst, right? That's kind ten years later by Thomas what it was, and got it pub- of the theme of the surviv-

hang on, and to survive," he said. — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper®bendbulletin.com

SUPPoRT GRoUPs The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must be updated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to communitylife@bendbulletin.com. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYA DISABILITY:54f-388-8103. ABILITREE YOUNG PEER GROUP: 541-388-81 03ext. 2f 9. ABILITREEBRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8f03. ADHD ADULT SUPPORT GROUP: 54f-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP:54f-389-5446. ADULTCHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8 I89. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 54f-4f 0-41 62 or www.agewideoperhcom. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT,COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTESCOUNTYHEALTH IIEPARTlylENT):54 I-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANOH: 541-728-3707 or www. centraloregonal-anorhorg. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA): 54f-548-0440 or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORTGROUP: 541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUPASPEN RIDGE: 800-272-3900. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 54f-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRAL OREGON: 54f-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-1 787. BEND S-AHOHFAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 54f382-6f 22 or 541-382-665f. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: St. Charles Hospice; 541-706-6700. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 54f-383-39f 0. BEYOND AFFAIRS NETWORK: A peer group for victims of infidelity, baninbend©yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. CANCERFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCERINFORMATION LINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CELEBRATE RECOVERY BEND:Faith Christian Center, 54f-383-5801; Westside Church, 541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERY LAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 54f-536-2878; High Lakes Christian Church, 54f-5363333; Living Waters Church, 54f-536f215; centraloregoncrorg CELEBRATE RECOVERY MADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center,541475-2405 or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATE RECOVERY REDMOND: Redmond Assembly of GodChurch, 541-548-4555 or centraloregoncr.org. CENTRAL OREGONALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIACAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP:541-504-0571. CENTRALOREGONAUTISM ASPERGER'S SUPPORTTEAM: 54f-633-8293. CENTRALOREGON AUTISM SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-279-9040. CENTRALOREGON COALITION FOR ACCESS(WORKIHG TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES): 541-385-3320. CENTRALOREGONCOUNCILOH AGINGCAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP:541-678-5483orcmcguireO councilonaging.org. CENTRAL OREGONDEPRESSION


DIABETESEAT FOR LIFE!:54I-306680f, www.centraloregonnutritiorh com or Ibrizee@ centraloregonnutritiorhcom. DIABETICSUPPORT GROUP: 54f-598-4483. DISABILITY SUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-388-81 03. DIVORCE CARE:54f-41 0-420f. DOUBLETROUBLE RECOVERY: Addiction and mental illness group; 54 I-3 I7-0050. DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-388-2577. EHCOPRESIS (SOILIHG): 541-5482814 or encopresis@gmail.com. EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP:541-460-4030 FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: Drug and alcohol addictions; pastordavid©thedoor3r.org. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 54 I-389-5468. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS: Redmond 54f-280-7249, Bend 54f -390-4365. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479. GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: info@paulbattle.com or f -877-867-f 437. GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB DIET SUPPORTGROUP: kjdnrcd@ yahoo. com or 541-504-0726. GLUTEHINTOLERANCEGROUP (CELIAC):541-390-2399. GRANDMA'S HOUSE:Support for pregnant teensandteenmoms; 54 I-383-351 5. GRANDPARENTSSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-385-474 I. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-3066633, 54f-31 8-0384 or mullinski@ bendbroadband.com. GRIEFAND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: 54f-508-4036 or www.gohospice. com, GRIEFSHARE (FAITH-BASED) RECOVERYCLASS:541-350-6435. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA (H.E.A.R.T.): 54f-3f 8-1949. HEALTHYFAMILIESOF THEHIGH DESERT: Homevisits for families with newborns; 541-749-2f33 HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION: 541-

390-2174 or ctepper@bendcable.com. HEARTSOFHOPE:Abortion healing; 541-728-4673. IMPROVEYOUR STRESS LIFE: 54f -706-2904. INFERTILITYSUPPORT GROUP (RESOLVE):541-604-086f. LA LECHELEAGUEOFBEND: 54f-31 7-5912. LIVING WELL(CHROHIC CONDITIONS):54f-322-7430. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES SUPPORT GROUP:54f-536-7399. LUPUS Ifd FIBROlylYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP:54f-526-f375. MADRAS NICOTINEANONYMOUS GROUP:541-993-0609. MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH PROGRAM(DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): 54 I-322-7400. MEMORY CARESUPPORT GROUP: 54f-848-4144 or acs@touchmark. com. MENDED HEARTSSUPPORT GROUP: 54f -706-4789. MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: 54f-514-9907. MOMMY ANDMEBREASTFEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, 541-322-7450. MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-6802. NARCONON:800-468-6933. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): 54 I-41 6-2 I46. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESSOF CENTRAL OREGON tNAMI):Email: namicentraloregon@ gmail.com or www. namicentraloregorcorg. HAMI BEND— EXTREME STATES:54f-647-2343 or www. namicentraloregorcorg NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS:54f480-8269, 541-693-461 3or www. namicentraloregorcorg NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: whitefam©bendcable.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI LAPINE CONNECTIONS:54I536-1 f 5f or karless2003©yahoo. com. NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS:For peers, 54f-475-1873 or namimadras@

gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: lindamccoy79©gmail.com. HAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY SUPPORTGROUP:54f-475-3299or www.namicentraloregon.org HAMI PRINEVILLEFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: dawnmountz@ gmail.com HAMI REDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-548-8637 or namicentraloregon©gmail.com. NAMI REDMONDCONNECTIONS: 541-693-46f3 or www. namicentraloregorhorg. HEWBERRY HOSPICEOF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE BLIND:541-447-4915. OREGON CURE: 54f-475-2f64. OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-308f or www.oregonlyme. Ol'g.

OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 54f306-6844 or www.oa.org. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF CHILDRENAFFECTEDBYAUTISM SUPPORTGROUP:54f-771-1075or www.coregondevdisgroupaso.niltg. com. PARENTS OFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 54f -4f 0-7395. PARISH NURSESANDHEALTH MINISTRIES:541-383-686f. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP:54f -317-f 188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP: 541-4f9-9964. PARTNERS IN CARE:Home health and hospice services; 54f-382-5882. PAUL'SCLUB:Dads and male caregiver support group; 541-548-8559. PFLAGCENTRAL OREGON: For parents, families and friends of lesbians andgays; 54f-728-3843 or www.pflagcentraloregorhorg. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):54f -389-9239. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACCESS LINE:800-222-4767. PREGNANCYRESOURCECENTERS: Bend,54f-385-5334; Madras,54f-

475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-89f 9. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:54f-548-7489. RHEUMATOIDARTHRITIS SUPPORTGROUPCENTRAL OREGON(RASGCO): 541-504-8059or alycef 002@gmail.com. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. f; Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMA SUPPORTGROUP: 541-480-1 958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOS (SECULARORGANIZATION FOR SOBRIETY):54f-4f0-427f or thinkrecovery.co©gmail.com. SOUPANDSUPPORT:For mourners; 54f-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-325-3339 or www. insightcounselingbend.com. SUPPORT FORFAMILIESAND FRIENDSOFSEXADDICTS: sanon4you@gmail .com. SUPPORTGROUP FOR FAMILIES WITH DIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 54f-322-748f. TOPS ORWEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP:Bend, 541-633-7399; Culver, 541-546-40f 2; Redmond, 541-548-0480. TRANSITIONINGBACK TO HEALTH: For Cancer survivors and caregivers; Bend,541-706-3754. TYPE 2DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANS HOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or 8f 8-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peersupport group; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSINMEDICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN FACINGCANCER TOGETHER:Bend, 54f-706-2969. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEERGROUP:831-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-31 79.

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A16t -centu power ro er ma es is p ay TV SPOTLIGHT

the men who toppled his men- villain lurking in the wings," tor, Cardinal Wolsey (Jona- required a masterful actor, than Pryce). Peter Kosminsky Callender said. was the director. That unquestionably is "At one p o int C r omwell Rylance, a three-time Tony says, 'I need guilty men. They Award winner who's decided may not be guilty of the things to take on more screen work. charged, but they're guilty That includes "The Gunman" nonetheless,'" Callender said, with Sean Penn, and Steven reciting the lines with gusto. Spielberg's in- p roduction "Homeland" fans may be movie "The BFG," in which drawn in by the prospect of Rylance plays a kindly giant seeing Lewis' energetic and with that moniker. mercurial Henry, one far reAs Cromwell, his face is a

"Wolf Hall" 10 p.m. Sundays, OPB By Lynn Elber The Associated Press


"Downton Abbey" is easy to love with its romance, high fashion and Ye Olde McMansion. But P BS's "Wolf


Hall" boasts its own seduc-

tive strength, courtesy of a 16th-century powerbro-

moved from th e t r aditional

study in caution and wariness,

image of a stolid, bulky ruler

ker who would be at ease in

his body language protectively neutral. The actor said that playing Cromwell gave him a Lewis hesitated in taking chance to work in the Spencer the part that he himself de- Tracy mode, one he described scribes as a supporting role, as requiring he be "more with Henry seen only when he present, more contained, less

"House of Cards" and the The Associated Press as depicted in Hans Holbein's d ashing English king h e Mark Rylance stars as Thomas Cromwell in the PBS miniseries portrait. "Wolf Hall," debuting Sunday.


Drawn from Hilary Mantel's pair of award-winning historical novels that follow

Thomas Cromwell as he maneuvers his way through the court of King Henry VIII, "Wolf Hall" stars acclaimed

stairs" saga drew new viewers tive producer of "Wolf Hall," to "Masterpiece" but also may which garnered a big auhave created expectations of a

never-ending stream of similar fare.

British stage actor Mark Rylance as Cromwell and Da-

How will viewers respond?

While Eaton acknowledgmian Lewis ("Homeland") as es that "Wolf Hall" is more Henry. somber in tone and look than The six-part drama, de- eye-candy "Downton," she buting at 10 p.m. Sunday contends that's not necessarily and co-starring Claire Foy a drawback. "Masterpiece" is an antholas Anne Boleyn, is a worthy "Masterpiece" sibling to ogy series "and that is part "Downton Abbey" and the se-

of the beauty of what we do,"

ries' canon, said Rebecca Ea- she said. "You could also arton, executive producer of the gue there is an audience that long-running series. will come to it because it isn't Recent word that r atings 'Downton Abbey'. the Hilary sensation "Downton" will con- Mantel people or the Netflix clude next year magnifies the 'House of Cards' people who importance of "Wolf Hall" and want something with more other successors. The 20th grit, something darker." century

" Upstairs, D o w n -


C a l lender, e x ecu-

interacts with CromwelL

effortful." He was inspired by the vet-

"I'm not going to lie to you. I agreed with the assessment. tussled with my vanity, briefly. He compares CromwellI thought, 'Well, I'm going to who shared family ties with play Henry VIII, I want to be 17th century British political the guy,'" Lewis said. But the and military leader Oliver script and its depiction of a Cromwell — to recent popular many-faceted Henry changed TV antiheroes. his mind. "In a world post-'Sopranos' "Because he's not there all and post-'Breaking Bad' and the time, every time he arrives Walter White and 'House of in this piece you get a little Cards' and Frank Underwood, portrait of him.... You might I think the audience embraces see him being affectionate to and is intrigued by characters his baby girl or throwing a that straddle a moral line," kingly fit of volcanic proporCallender said. tions or composing a song on He credits screenwriter Pe- his lute or doing archery on ter Straughan for effectively his horse," Lewis said. distilling the novels' combined But it is Cromwell who domthousand pages into a focused inates the story. The charac"revenge story" i n w h i ch ter, traditionally portrayed by Cromwell attempts to destroy history as "a two-dimensional dience for

B r i tain's BBC2,

eran oarsmen he saw at work during a Colorado River trip he took last fall, using the few-

est number of strokes to make steady progress. "A little pull here, a little pull

there. Then the current takes his boat that way. They never

tip over or flail. They just use the nature of what's there,"

said the engagingly low-key, soft-spoken actor. The 55-year-old Rylance translated their approach to

his world. "Use what the other actors are giving you. Don't be tempted by this pressure (that) you have to do it all yourself," he said. "Just be present and full

of curiosity."

TV TODAY • More TV listingsinside Sports 8p.m.on5,8,"Law50rder: SpecialVictims Unit" —A visit to New York byAtlanta's deputy chief (returning guest star Harry Hamlin) and one of his detectives (guest star DreamaWalker) takes a very unexpected turn in "Forgiving Rollins." The detective initially claims she's beensexually assaulted, but offers a different account when Benson (Mariska Hargitay) arrives. It's up to Rollins (Kelli Giddish) to clarify the case. 8 p.m.on HALL,"Good Witch" — As Middleton braces itself for an approaching blizzard, Cassie and Grace (Catherine Bell, Bailee Madison) both sense that bad weather isn't the worst thing in the offing. As tensions next door escalat eonceagain between Sam (James Denton) and his headstrong son, Nick (Rhys Matthew Bond), Cassie begins to intuit that the pregnancy of a visitor (guest star Alex Paxton-Beesley) to Grey House may beexperiencing some complications. 9 p.m. on 2, 9, "ln an Instant" — Those who remember the 1985 movie "Witness" will recall Harrison Ford using a silo and its contents to outwit some of the bad guys. A similar situation is all too real for an imperiled man in the newepisode"In an Instant: Buried Alive," as he's trapped under several feet of corn when a shelf breaks at his family's lowa farm. With his father otherwise occupied, he onlycanhopehe'llbefound and rescued before he suffocates. 9 p.m. on 5, 8, "The Blacklist" — What might turn peaceful people into killers? And could it involve Pee-wee Herman?

Those questionsareanswered

Cou eovercomeear o ections

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I

Dear Abby:I read the letter (Jan. but we have also had 56 wonderful 19) from the young woman who is years of marriage. Age really IS just concerned about dating someone anumber! — Janet in Indiana significantly older. In 1958, when I was 17, I met a man who was 34. He Dear Janet:In many cases that's was handsome, easygoing, quiet, true. In others, couples with such and I fell in love. He was a widower a large disparity in age have been with two children — a known to grow apart 13-year-old girl and a instead of on a paral9-year-old boy. They lel path. Because you DFP,R and your husband's ABBY His mom was not relationship turned at all happy about our out to be a soul match, relationship, nor were you are not only his sisters, my parents and his kids. lucky to have found each other, but We wanted to get married, but my also blessed to have enjoyed such a parents refused to sign. I felt like the long marriage. My congratulations whole world was against us. But I to you both as you celebrate your loved him dearly. 56th anniversary today! In March 1959, I turned 18. We Dear Abby: I recently walked were married on April 4 against ev- in on one of my boys' l2-year-old

parents? — Burning Ears in Pennsylvania

eryone's wishes. We had four more

to have floor mats.

friends watching Yodltrbe videos

Dear Burning:Have a talk with the boy. Explain that the language in the video is not permitted in your

home,and you preferhe notwatch it while he is there. If he agrees, do not take it any further. However, if it

happens again, talk to his parents, and limit the time your sons spend withhim.

Dear Abby:I sold women's shoes for 35 years. Men, when a lady asks if you like the shoe she's wearing, she doesn't care if you like the shoe! She wants

to know whether it looks good on her, makes her ankles look fat, etc. It's like if a man buys new floor mats

for his car or truck. He buys them to make his vehide lookbetter, not just

children. My dad did not set foot in that were extremely foul-mouthed Wise up and think. If you do, my home until my first child was and even raunchy (he had separated shopping with your lady will make born.

himself from the other boys while

My mother-in-law finally told me viewing them). His parents are unshe loved me and knew I was good der the misconception that they for her son on our 10th anniversa-

have control of his online activities.

more sense! — David in Phoenix

Dear David:I love your analogy. Of course, you are correct — and it

ry. All our children are close, and

When I was young, my friends' applies to more apparel than shoes. his two call me Mom. His daughter parents would reprimand me when One caveat: Men, when you're was agreathelp with ourbabies and necessary, but parents these days re- asked, be diplomatic or you may cried when she got married and left ject outside advice or input. What's find yourselves in serious trouble. home. the proper response to this? Talk di— Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com We have had our ups and downs, rectly to the boy7 'ltrrn him in to his or P.o. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069




Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • AMERICAN SNIPER (R) 10:15 a.m., 1:20, 4:25, 7:35, 10:35 • CINDERELLA (PG)12:35, 3:40, 6:30, 9:45 • THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT(PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:10, 9 • THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT3-0 (PG-13) 10:05a.m.,1,3:55,7:05, 10 • 00 YOU BELIEVE? (PG-13) 11:35 a.m. • FURIOUS(PG-13) 7 10a.m., 12:45, 1:15, 2:30, 4:05, 4:30, 6,7:30,8,9:30, 10:45,11:15 • FURIOUSIMAX 7 (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3:10, 7,10:15 • GET HARD (R) 12:30, 3, 6:45, 7:45,9:35, 10:15 • HOME (PG) noon, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, 9:40 • HOME 3-0(PG)11:30a.m.,2,4:30,6:55,9:25 • IT FOLLOWS (R) 10:45 a.m., 1:30, 4:15, 6:50, 9:20 • KINGSMAN: THESECRETSERVICE (R)12:50,3:50, 7:20, 10:20 • MCFARLAND, USA(PG)12:55,4:05,7:05,I0:I0 • NFINITY CHAMPIONS LEAGUE2 (no MPAArating) I2:55 • THE SECOND BEST EXOTICMARIGOLD HOTEL (PG) 11:55 a.m., 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 • Accessibility devices are available forsome movies. •

in "Dr. Linus Creel," featuring Paul Reubens as aguest star as a wave of murders is committed by very unlikely perpetrators. Liz

(Megan Boone) isperplexed until Red (JamesSpader) clues her into a psychological experiment that could be the cause. 9 p.m. on 6, "Scorpion"Someone is working against the CIA from the inside, and unless Team Scorpion can figure out who it is in time, deadly chemicals may be released into the atmosphere in "Charades." Wal-

ter (ElyesGabel) andhis cohorts have to apply all their abilities to determine the identity of the mole. Paige (Katharine McPhee) believes that entails helping Walter improve his social skills. Robert Patrick and Eddie Kaye Thomas also star. © Zap2it



McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 NWBond St., 541-330-8562 • JUPITER ASCENDIN(PG-13) G 6 • THE SPONGEBOB MOVIE:SPONGE OUT OF WATER (PG) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 • UNFINISHED BUSINESS(R) 9 • Younger then 2t mayattend all screeningsif accompanied byalegalguardian.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY FORSATURDAY, APRIL4, 2015:Thisyearyou hear many different opinions regarding your actions. Juggling feedbackand being polite could be difficult at times. Establish stronger boundaries. If you aresingle, you attract quite an assortment of admirers. Youwill like dating a lot, and might not want to commitfor a while. Know thatyou could miss relating to someone Stars showthe kind very special if you of day yoo'8 hatre don't keeP anoPen ** * * * D ynamic mind. Ifyou are ** * * p osltlve at t ached, the two

*** Average ** Bo-so

o you f opento up

a new beginning * Difficult because ofawillingness to understand where the other person is coming from. As a result, you'll gain greater respect for each other' schoices.LIBRA knows how to make you smile.

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

issue to bed. Your creativity and charm remain high. Makepeacewith this issue; the alternative is not worth it. Tonight: Charm the socks off others.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) ** * You love being home,andyou'll decide to invite others over. Youcould hit a point of frustration, as you might feel isolated doing all the cooking and preparing. Your expectations are not likely to be met when dealing with a friend or loved one. Tonight: Flow with the moment.

LEO (July23-Aug. 22)

** * You might choose to maintain a low profile right now. Your finances could demand your attention. File your taxes if you haven't by now. You'll be moreeffective once you workto clear out some back-burner projects. Tonight: Be mysterious about your plans. Say little.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-0ec. 21) ** * * * Consider rejuvenating your outlook by taking a daytrip to go off and ex-

Tin Pan Theater, 869 NWTin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • MR. TURNER (R) 3 • STILL ALICE (PG-13) 6:15 • WHAT WE 00 IN THESHADOWS(no MPAArating) 8:30 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 SWOdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • FURIOUS(PG-13) 7 11:45 a.m., 12:30, 2:45, 3:30, 5:45, 6:30, 8:45, 9:30 • GET HARD (R) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 • HOME (PG)noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9

aj. B~ do Bend Redmond

John Day Burns Lakeview

La Pine 541.382.6447


plore anewarea, or perhapsbycatching an art show. It might be important to change your patterns a bit in order to reflect who you are. Return a long-distance call quickly. Tonight: Try a newspot.

GAPRICORN (0ec. 22-Jan.19)

** * * Listen to news with a bit of cyni** * * * K now that you can and will guide cism,andyouwon'tbedisappointed.You a conversation away from negativity. You might need to venture out to prevent yourmight be in the mood to shoot the breeze self from spending too much time alone. A with friends, whetheryou're watching a friend whom you havenot seen in awhile ARIES (March 21-April19) sports game or off at a favorite haunt. Towill reach out for you. Plan to visit soon! ** * * Others surprise you with their unpredictability. You'll enjoy the excitement, night: With a favorite person — you choose Tonight: Make it your treat. the spot. even if the behavior causes ahassle. An AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) older person or relative could becomecold VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * * Reach out to a loved one at disaand controlling if you decide not to do what ** * * Sometimes, even when you're tance. What you hearcould force a discushe or she requests. Tonight: Party the night being practical, you need to worry less. sion that might go on for a while. Know that away. Many of you could opt to indulge in acostly answers won't be immediate. Usecaution with your funds, whether you're doing taxes pastime. Keepyour limits in mind, but give TAURUS (April20-May20) ** * * Others might notice a gentleness yourself more leeway than usual. Don't be or buying a newitem. Stay within your budsurprised if a friend goes along for the ride. get! Tonight: All smiles. aboutyou. Youm ightnoteven beaware Tonight: Treat a dearfriend. of this quality, as you could be involved PISCES (Feb.19-March20) in completing a project or preparing for a ** * * A parent or older friend seemsto LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct. 22) get-together. Youwill have asudden reali** * * * You'll be keeping up with the be very hard on you.Try not to makeplans zation that needs to beaired. Have adiscushectic pace, but you could beoverwhelmed around this person. Youneed to takebetter sion quickly. Tonight: With friends. by one person's constant chatter. Put care ofyourself. Geta head start on doing GEMINI (May21-June20) yourself in a situation where talk is not your taxes, ifyou haven't already, or make ** * * * You could be very tired from a necessary. Try going to a movie or concert. adjustments to your budget. Tonight: Let discussion that keeps recurring. You might Everyone will emerge with a smile. Tonight: someone else treat. be wondering what it would take to put the As you like it. © King Features Syndicate

Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • CINDERELLA (PG)2:15, 4:45, 7 • FURIOUS(PG-13) 7 4:30, 7:30 • HOME (PG) 2, 4:I5, 6:30 • MCFARLAN0, USA (PG)7 • THE SECONDBEST EXOTICMARIGOLD HOTEL (PG)2, 4:30 Madras Cinema 5,1101SWU.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • THE DIVERGENTSERIES: INSURGENT(PG-l3) I I:40 a.m., 2:05, 4:35, 7:05, 9:40 • 00 YOU BELIEVE? (PG-13) 1:25, 4:05, 6:50, 9:25 • FURIOUS7(PG-13)I:10,4:10,7:10,9:55 • GET HARD (R) 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:20, 9:35 • HOME (PG) 12:05, 2:25, 4:40, 7, 9:05 •

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • CHAPPIE (Upstairs — R) 1:10, 4:10, 7:15,10 • FURIOUS(PG-13) 7 1,4, 7, 10 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.


Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 G0! Magazine

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Tripleknot Tovvnhomes at Tetherovv

For only $244,990 you can purchase the 2357 SF Rockwood with a bonus room. Perfectly located on a corner homesite, this home boasts: 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, bonus room, 2357 SF and a 2-car garage. Complementing this home are staggered kitchen cabinetry, corner fireplace, backyard landscaping and much more! Stop by today to tour this move-in ready home located in the Village Pointe community at 3113 SW Evergreen Ave, Redmond.

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Tetherow has truly and concept to a living and thriving community. Dog

Cradled between Deschutes National Forest and downtown Bend, Tetherow is a 700 acre golf and recreational community. With a growing membership, golf and dining, full Cascade views, a variety of real estate options and activities for all ages, this community on Bend's Westside is experiencing robust growth in nearly every facet of the business. In the past 12 months, Tetherow has written over 75 real estate contracts and in 2014 welcomed 86 new families into the membership. The Tetherow Lodges, their 50-room hotel, and The Row, their new pub-style restaurant, have both opened in the past year and half, and the expansive outdoor event space was completed.

Many are choosing Tetherow as the place to create their family legacy and are buying property on which to build

As this community grows


and evolves, 2015 promises new


their dream homes. Currently, 40 homes are under construction. While all homes conform to the community's Architectural Design standards, they embrace a range of modem designs with simple, clean lines to homes that reflect the area's rich timber resources with thick beams and a solid, organic feel. Driving around the various neighborhoods, the design diversity is nearly as striking as the mountain views. Homes on the eastern edge of Tetherow are nestled amongst the large pines that miraculously survived the Awbrey Hall fire in the early 1990s. Move just a few streets to the north and west and these homes and homesites offer Cascade and golf course views for miles.

(gg 4

and European-inspired design accents and start at $589,750. Featuring panoramic views of fairways, Cascade peaks and water.:, features, these townhomes welcomed 14 new owners last year and currently have 15 pending homes under construction.

morphed - from a project walking groups have formed and kids pedal their bikes through the ponderosa pines while golfers glide around atop their GolfBoards and foodies sample the latest creations from the two on-site restaurants. Encompassing multiple generations, young couples and established families alike are creating their story at Tetherow and are helping rewrite what a communitycan and should be.


product and amenities. The resort has continued plans for development and their recreation center, pool facility and event pavilion will all begin construction in late 2015:: or 2016, rounding out the amenities offered. The Tetherow Cabins are a new wholly owned real estate product slated to begin construction this summer. These homes range from1200-1700 square feet and offer.: magnificent mountain views, direct access to the Bend Parks & Recreation District trail system, community hub areas and an option of traditional or modern finishes. The final phase of Tripleknot Townhomes, featuring mountain views and a new floor plan, will be

unveiled this spring. Single story and two level homes with multiple master suites ranging from 2,362 to approximately 4,000 square feet are available.

Building on the current momentum and looking to the future with optimism, Tetherow is positioned to become one of the most sought after communities on Bend's Westside and as a must-visit destination for those from the Pacific Northwest. To leam more about available homesitesand homes, please contact

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Wrap all of this together with competitive pricing and it's apparent that Tetherow has some of the best available property on Bend's Westside. Homesites start at $210,000 and the average property size is just under a "/~ acre, while completed homes start in the $900,000s. The Tripleknot Townhomes, which are situated along the 10th and 11th greens of the golf course, boast one and two-level floor plans


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~i n d e r m ere... Re-defining the Standard pf gxcellence in the Real Estate Industry. Tona Restine and Lawnae Hunter are delighted to welcome Ronda Kanitz as a Broker in their Windermere Bend office! In addition to her innate "peopleskills", Ronda is an avid polo player and passionate about organic farming. Her warm disposition and positive attitude naturally draw people in. "Ronda is an asset to our firm and to the industry as a whole!" Ronda Kanitz •541-480-4886 • rondakanitz@windermere.com

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' oo •

E2 SATURDAY APRIL 4, 2015 • THE BULLETIN Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale


Ope n Houses




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Broken Top Single level living on $170,000 $285,000 Pilot Butte $319,950 Brand New! $449,000$519,500 OPEN 12-4 Sat. Nearly an acre with a La Pine Home •Cul-de-sac • Single level 2000 SF Mountain views Eagle Crest Commercial Building i 19425 Ironwood Circle •2 Bdrm and 2 bath • 4 bed, 2 bath plus of • Grand entrance great shop. Ad ¹1102 • Insulated detached and acreage $269,000 2003 2-story townhome, TEAM Birtola Garmyn •Two story units with fice .4.96 level acres, cor- • Open floor plan garage • 2946 sq.ft. building 2310 sq.ft. 3 private • Open floor plan • Kitchen with wine High Desert Realty • Privacy fenced single garage ner lot and views • Close to downtown suites w/own bath, li541-312-9449 • Close to state parks •P rofessionally m a n - • 3-car garage 2 609 s q . ft., 20 0 5 cooler & granite Redmond 8 hospital brary, office, Irg pri• New paint & carpet • High-end finishes www. BendOregon aged and tenant ochome, 3 bdrm, 2 bath counters • Flexible layout 627 vate wood deck. RealEstate.com • Immac. condition cupied 541-678-0430 •loads of living space • Paver patio & water • MLS 201410983 Comfy, quiet, conve• Open floor plan • huge kitchen, loads of Christin Hunter, Broker Tara Tankersley, feature Vacation Rentals Steve Gorman, Broker Premiere location and • MLS¹201306933 nient! $474,900 541-306-0479 Broker storage and eating 541-410-1200 541-408-2265 & Exchanges great quality with 2 Sam Rawlins, Broker, 541-771-1168 Windermere Windermere are too Bill Kammerer Rim Rock Investments, master suites. Eric Andrews, Broker Central Oregon Central Oregon . Archways, 9 -1 0 ft . Broker Deluxe furnished condo 541-620-4242 Ad ¹2022 Windermere Real Estate Real Estate ceilings and beautiful Windermere 7th Mtn Resort, avail TEAM Birtola Garmyn Central Oregon flooring Central Oregon June-Sept.nightly, High Desert Realty Real Estate Rogers, Broker Real Estate Open House at 2 Master Suites, 1 up/1 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Gail541-604-1649 weekly, 5 star, many MORRIS 541-312-9449 a menities. 541 8 15 Eagle Crest 1957 SF 3 bdrm, 2 bath down, 4 BR, 3.5 BA, REAL ESTATE www.BendOregon Windermere $529,000 I Eagle Crest Presented by 7707, kar e nmichon 1.35 acres. Chef's 2369 SF, hardwood Door-to-door selling with IA~ A Qy~ ~ ~ d RealEstate.com Central Oregon Custom Home ellen © hotmail.com kitchen, h a r dwood floors, granite fast results! It's the easiest • 2687 SF custom home Real Estate Wonderful West side Commercial Building. 2 flrs, p lush c a rpet, counters, RV parking, way in the world to sell. • Golf course lot 630 EAGLE CREST' buildings; 2160 sq.ft. home and permitted butcher block kitchen fenced & landscaped. F RO F C RT I E S $465,000 • 4 bed, 3-car & shop apartment. Ad ¹1142 Rooms for Rent and 1728 sq.ft. Curc o l ors! The Bulletin Classified island. Mtn views, dbl Pick y ou r Imagine Living Here • One level bonus room rently being used as TEAM Birtola Garmyn Saturday garage/carport, shop, $279,000. • Slate and h ardwood 541-385-5809 • Custom detail High Desert Realty Master bdrm w/own warehouses. Paved April 4th storage building, liv- MLS¹201406397 Call floors throughout 541-788-2274 541-312-9449 shower, view property driveway and parking. 11r00 am -2:00 pm ing & family rooms. Pam Lester, Principal i Amazing mo u ntain Bea Leach www.BendOregon $425,000 in Cloverdale, There is a half bath Broker, Century 21 MLS201409758 views and 26' of winBroker Tumalo Acreage 541-420-9801 and office in the large Stop by our office RealEstate.com Gold Country Realty, $224,900. dow views Windermere • 2868 SF single level building. Current use and pick up your Inc. 541-504-1338 Nancy Popp, Principal Room for rent in Red•Open floor plan NW Shevlin Ridge .40 Central Oregon home Broker 541-815-8000. mond, $525, incl utilities. is approved. Change m ap and l is t o f •Recent remodel acre LOT. $182,900 Real Estate • Fenced & cross of use should be veri- properties on tour. Crooked River Realty No smokinq. Call Jim, Susan Pitarro, Broker •Desirable NW Neigh 310 Willis Lane, fenced, pasture & fied and approved by 8300 Coopers 541-419-4513 541-410-8084 borhood incredible NW style 69020 Barclay Pl. 2046 NW Perspective shop Jefferson C o u nty. HatNkDr. Windermere •Lot is located at the estate on almost 90 • Mtn. views A truly spectacular Dr. Looking for qual634 $199,500. MLS 541-923-9625 Central Oregon end of a cul-de-sac acres. Ad ¹1362 setting, view and ity, views and loca• Near trails & river pt./Multiplex NE Bend ¹201409760 Real Estate •Bring your own builder TEAM Birtola Garmyn privacy. AD¹1202 tion, this is the 541-410-1200 Bobbie Strome, and build at your con High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn PLACE! Ad ¹1172 Bill Kammerer Principal Broker Call for Specials! Need help fixing stuff? venience 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn Broker John L Scott Real • H omes for Sale • •Surrounded Limited numbers avail. by newer Call A Service Professional 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty www.BendOregon Windermere Estate 541-385-5500 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. upscale homes RealEstate.com find the help you need. www.BendOregon 541-312-9449 Central Oregon W/D hookups, patios C ommercial Lots I n Spectacular Deschutes •Nearby Shevlin Park www.bendbulletin.com RealEstate.com www. BendOregon Real Estate River and Cascade or decks. and walking, biking Crooked River Ranch: views. AD¹1342 RealEstate.com NOUNTAIN GLEN, Great opportunity to TEAM Birtola Garmyn and hiking trails 541-383-931 3 $209,000 I Duplex Tina Roberts, Broker start a business or High Desert Realty Professionally • Investment opport. 541-419-9022 relocate an existing 541-312-9449 managed by Norris & • 2 bed, 1 bath & Total Property business. Near reswww.BendOregon 1 garage Stevens, Inc. taurants, hotel a nd Resources RealEstate.com • Excellent rental history golf course. Owner 652 • Upgraded Spacious C r a ftsmanFIND IT! terms avail. Business Houses for Rent • Commercial potential Aw b rey BUY IT! Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 home o n 541-788-2274 NW Bend acres, $25, 0 00. Butte. Ad ¹1082 SELL IT! Bea Leach, Broker Commercial Loop Lot TEAM Birtola Garmyn The Bulletin Classifieds Windermere Quaint westside cot- 50, 1.30 acres and Lot High Desert Realty Central Oregon 541-312-9449 tage, 215 NW Broad- 51, 1.23 acres, still 2700+ sq.ft. home with Real Estate www.BendOregon way, 1 bdrm, close to available at $35,000 amazing b a c kyard downtown, parks 8 RealEstate.com and l a rge b o n us each or purchase both $217,000 Old Mill. W/D, gas for $60,000. Juniper room. Ad ¹1332 Nice Keeper maintained TEAM heat, fenced back- Realty 541-504-5393 Wonderfully Birtola Garmyn • 4 bed & 2.5 bath Bend home. Ad ¹1482 y ard, No cats , High Desert Realty • 2101 SF Birtola Garmyn $ 1050/mo. $11 0 0 Old Mill District - Prime TEAM 541-312-9449 • Huge paver patio High Desert Realty commercial site, just dep. 541-419-1161. www.BendOregon • Large bonus room 541-312-9449 one lot off corner of RealEstate.com • 3-car garage www.BendOregon 667 Bond and Bluff. Ap541-233-8993 RealEstate.com Like new and high qual Commercial for prox 26,000 sq ft. MR Nessa Segoviano zoning allows many ity 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath in Rent/Lease Meadows Resort NE Bend, Ad ¹1322 Broker uses. MLS201500280 River h ome b a ck s bi g TEAM Birtola Garmyn Windermere $650,000 4700 sq. ft. shop and commons. Central Oregon Call Kit Korish, High Desert Realty 2500 sq. ft. office on Ad ¹1262 Real Estate 541-312-9449 541-480-2335 1.53 acres for lease TEAM Birtola Garmyn Duke Warner Realty www.BendOregon in NW Bend, quiet High Desert Realty Find exactly what 541-382-8262 RealEstate.com 541-312-9449 area, excellent conyou are looking for in the struction, perfect for www.BendOregon 738 Beautiful well mainCLASSIFIEDS electronic assembly RealEstate.com tained home on a Multiplexes for Sale plant. Lots of parkgorgeous property. Beautiful small acreage ing. Was auto shop. $225,000 Ad ¹1372 Duplex in Bend's Old in Tumalo with Cas Highly Desirable Call 702-526-0353. Birtola Garmyn • Downtown Mill District. Ad ¹2182 cade m t n vi e w s. TEAM Redmond Shop can be leased High Desert Realty AD¹1'I 52 • Kitchen hood in place separate from office TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Building is approx. space. www.BendOregon 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty Helping people secure home financing is the only thing 1800 SF RealEstate.com www.BendOregon 541-312-9449 • Retail/commercial RealEstate.com We do and We PrOmiSe to go the eXtra diStanCe fOr you. We www.BendOregon 106 NW Colorado Ave. 541-977-1852 Kael 5@RmRs RealEstate.com 1 920s N W Ben d Tony Levison, Broker - NE Bend, Duplex lRe ®ks PrOVide a Streamlined PreaPPrOVal" PrOCeSS, a range Of highly home with 2009 upWindermere Single level - 3 bdrm, The last 8 best riverCentral Oregon grades. Ad ¹1462 2 bath, & 2 bdrm, 2 view lot left. affordable loan programs and personalized one-on-one TEAM Birtola Garmyn Real Estate bath. Fenced yards Ad ¹1012 High Desert Realty and 2 car tandem ga- TEAM Birtola Garmyn 23236 Chisholm Trail. SerViCe. Whether thiS iS yOur firSt time Or third time buying a 541-312-9449 rages. High Desert Realty Custom 3000+ sq.ft. www.BendOregon www.johnlscott.com 541-312-9449 Bend home and shop hOme, We'd like to make you a Valued CuStOmer fOr life. RealEstate.com /4402 www.BendOregon on 4.4+ acres. 732 Kellie Cook, Broker RealEstate.com Ad ¹1002 10 Timbered Acres Commercia!/Investment 541-408-0463 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Gorgeous cedar home Bordering BLM! FabuJohn L. Scott Properties for Sale High Desert Realty lous view, well availin Bend's West sideReal Estate, Bend 541-312-9449 able; power to corner. Shevlin Ridge! johnlscottbend.com 51487 HWY 97 www. BendOregon One tax lot, dividable. Ad ¹1032 $494,900. 1.64 acre RealEstate.com Owner w il l ca r ry. TEAM Birtola Garmyn 740 c ommercial lot o n $89,000. MLS¹ 2545 SW 43rd. LuxuriHigh Desert Realty highway. High Lakes Condo/Townhomes 201309134. Call Duke ous Home with stun541-312-9449 Realty & Pr o perty Warner Realty for Sale www.BendOregon ning views. Ad ¹2102 Management Dayville, 541-987-2363 TEAM RealEstate.com Birtola Garmyn 541-536-0117 6 0523 S e venth M t . KevinPangle LindaFisher-Berlanga Mark long WendyPangle High Desert Realty • 11.25 Acre secluded NMLS 89521 NN!Ly210118 NMLS 2j!8965 NMLS208295 2 Homes on .88 acre Drive. 10 % E q uityAmazing property with parcel near Sisters 541-312-9449 gorgeous river, can • Recreational property commercially zoned Shares. 3 bdrm, 3 www. BendOregon property w i t h 2 bath. $58,500. Pamir yon and mtn views. RealEstate.com off the grid Ad ¹1422 s tick-built hom e s Properties, Inc., Mara • Please call listing bro- 2603 SW MissionRd. Two locations serving a(( of Central Oregon Stein, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn rented at $575 and ker for directions High Desert Realty Cute farmhouse on 80 $850. You also get an 541-420-3400. $55,000 541-312-9449 acres w/gorgeous additional tax lot in the 60491 Seventh Mt. Dr. Bill Kammerer, Broker www.BendOregon views. AD¹1022 deal. Off the Madras Turn-Key! 3 Bdrm, 3.5 541-410-1200 TEAM Birtola Garmyn RealEstate.com Hwy in Prineville, and bath. 8 person hot Windermere 685 SE 3rd Street i Bend, OR II!IIILS89SII High Desert Realty there have been some tub. $525,000. Pamir Space, location, irriga Central Oregon 541-312-9449 new businesses in the Properties, Inc., Mara tion and huge shop. Real Estate www. BendOregon area. Agent owned. Stein, Broker AD¹1132 RealEstate.com Asking $210,000. $150,000 CRR Rim TEAM Birtola Garmyn Heather Hockett, Bro- 541-420-3400. • 1775 SF, 1988 Mfg. $264,900 Come Relax High Desert Realty 220 Nw Meadow Lakes Drivei Pr|neville, OR IIM!.S9O 38 ker, 54 1 - 420-9151C reekside home •3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath and 541-312-9449 age C entury 2 1 Gol d T ownhome Vill • 3 bed, 2.5 bath 1823 sq.ft. Ea g l e www.BendOregon Country Realty. • 3-car garage •3 car garage and boCrest, 1871 sq. ft. 3 RealEstate.com • Lots of decks nus room 5 1450 H w y 9 7 , L a bdrm, 2i/~ bath, luxury • Circular driveway 9730 SW Willard Rd. movered porch Pine $114,900. Re- pkg finishes with al• Sold as is. Old stage stop and a wlose to downtown model for your high- der cabinetry, slate 541-480-7777 •on 0.47 acres lot ent r y , touch of the old west. way business. High f looring i n Diana Barker, Broker Ad ¹1432 John Kromm, Broker Lakes Realty & Prop- kitchen and 1/2 bath Windermere 541-410-1201 NMLS 3182 erty Man a gement main level master and TEAM Birtola Garmyn Central Oregon High Desert Realty Windermere 541-536-0117 close to sports center. 541-3'I 2-9449 Real Estate Central Oregon Lynn Johns Lot ¹20 SW Commer $252,900. Real Estate Bro k e r, www.BendOregon 16505 Shanks Lane. cial Loop, CRR. Great Principal RealEstate.com 541-408- 2944, Wes RVer's Par a dise.26 a c res B o rdering © 2015EvergreenHomeLoansisaregistered trade nameofEvergreenMoneysourceMortgage Company opportunity in g row J ohns, Broker 5 4 1 Great SW Bend 2400 sq.ft. RV cove BLM with Timber - 4 NMLS ID3182.Trade/service marksarethe propertyofEvergreenHomeLoans. All I!ghtsreserved. ing community, lots of 408-2945, Central Or/shop and home. Ad bdrm, 2 bath, 2464 sq Craftsman home. business p o tential. egon Resort Realty Licensedunder.OregonMortgage LendingLicense!I!IL-3213.1/15. Ad ¹1242 ¹1602 Owner anxious to sell ft home with 4-car ga"Preapproval isnotacommitment to lendandissubject tosatisfactory loanconditions including acompleted application and TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn rage. $415 , 000. for a great price! MLS ptsperty appraisal.Customersmustapply with EvergteenHomeLoansto determine loanqualification. Find It in High Desert Realty High Desert Realty 201501522 $13,500. MLS201208278 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 Call Duke Warner Call Donna Carter, The Bulletin Classiffeds! www.BendOregon www.BendOregon Broker, 541-903-0601 Realty Dayville at 541-385-5809 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com 541-987-2363 Crooked River Realty


We're solely focused on local home loans.

Bend ~ 541-318-5500

Prineville ~ 541-416-7480



SAT. 12PM - >PM

SATURDAY 12PM - 5PM Beautiful, light & bright, 2310 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 3 . 5 b a t h s i n gat e d community. Two master suites downstairs, loft K 3rd bedroom u p stairs. Vaulted great room, gas

C ontemporar y n e w construction on Awbrey Butte. This 4 bed, 3.5 bath

19477 Ironwood Circle

Directions:Mount If'ash/ngton fireplace, 2 car garage, to Broken Top Drive. o utdoor b a c k p a t i o . very wel l m a i n tained. Amenities avail. with club membership.


house has ali the upgrades you could want! A 16 foot sliding door brings the outside sunshine in. The 2897NW Horizon Drive home features an office, Directions: Mt. Washington family room, media room, wine tasting room and tons to Summit to Horizon Drive. ofstorage. Hosted 6 Listed byy


I II '

Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort-like amenities: pools, clubhouse, gym, hot tub, sports center & 61056 Manhae Loop,Bend 2 miles of walking trails. DirectioesrEast on Reed Market Tour a variety of single itd.,first exit at roundabout onto level and 2 story plans. 15th, at Road Detour Sign turn left on Ferguson. Right at Sage Creek Drive, left ai /Ifanhae Lane, right at Hosted 6 Listed by Golden Gate.


Homes Starting Mid-$200s Q

Pr/ncipa/ Broker





Hosted & Listed byy





• y

• y I




I I'




Recently finished Pahlisch Homes Modelin NE Bend. Homes feature quartz counters, laminate flooring, gas cooking, stainless steel 20802 NE Sierra Drive appliances and all the Directions:North on Boyd Acres, quality Pahlisch Homes is r/ght on Sierra OR north on 18th known for, Now selling from Empire, lePonSierra. Lookfor Phase Two — stop by for sfgns. more information. Homes &om the

541-410-5645 R 5 A L T 0 R S


PahlischHomes • • ~ • • • • 8



Quality custom home on dead end street. Solar panels, built-in cabinetry. Bonus room has additional kitchen amenities for a possible guest suite. 135 NW Vicksburg Ave. Dirvcfioes:/vy/r AwbreyRoad, eut on /y/fr Vicksburg.

Hosted & Listed byy


MARY ELLENSHAW Broker 541-610-3976








Hosted & Listed by: LYNDA WALSH Broker, ABR, SRS, 541-410-1559


' I


Located in popular Northwest Crossi ng.Large lot,8712 sq.ft. Hardwood floors onmain level.

3160 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 3 bath plus large family and main level den. Covereddeck wraps 2340 NW Dlouillard Ave home on south and east side. Dirvctions:FromyVIV14~ - mst on Barbecuegashookup with deck //fty Hartford,rightornorth on t/fr storag e room.Triple cargarage 1P' to 2340//frDroutllard Ave. and mature trees, Home now complete tt readyfor occupancy. Listed bJyy








Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •

Homes for Sale

80 Acre Estate I $4,500,000 • Custom 4555 sq.ft. home • Unobstructed Cascade views • Horse barn, 2 hay barns, shop • MLS 201408573 Craig Long, Broker 541-480-7647



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Awbrey Butte Lot I $189,000 • .3 acre lot, Ochoco views • River's Edge Golf Course view • Water, sewer, power at the street • MLS 201501378 Neal Kramer, Broker 541-728-6725

Bank owned 3 bdrm, 2 Broken TopI $998,500 Contract Terms bath, 1090 sq. ft., tile • 4460 sq.ft., 3 bed• Backs forest, close to entry, kitchen pantry, room, 4.5 bath river and lakes oak cabinets, fenced • Hardwood floors, ex- • 3 Bdrm, 2 bath and yard. Move-in ready. posed beams 1512 sq.ft. MLS • .38 acre on 17th fair- • 2 car garage $59,900. • 10 acres of privacy 201410945 Call Pam way Lester, Princ. Broker, • MLS 201501886 $205,000. C entury 2 1 Gol d Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, Dave Disney, Broker Country Realty, Inc. 541-410-8557 CRS, GRI, ABR 541-504-1338 541-610-9427 Windermere Central Oregon Bank owned, 3 bdrm, 2 Real Estate bath, 1652 sq.ft. and unfinished basement • Contract terms offered built in 2002, dbl ga MORRIS • 113 ft. river frontage MORRIS rage, fenced, located MORRIS REAL ESTATE • Power on site REAL ESTATE on .66 acre, private REAL ESTATE • Septic installed I~ ~ dd p mB well, septic. $199,900 I&~ dy~ ~ dp d • Good roads all year MLS 201410992 Call $87,000 Great Value Cascade Mtn ViewsI $187,900. Pam Lester, Principal •3 Bdrm, 2 bath TURN THE PAGE $1,295,000 Dave Disney, Broker Broker, Century 21 • 3402 sq.ft., 4 bed•Separate master suite 541-410-8557 For More Ads Gold Country Realty, room, 3 bath •Detached 2 car garage Windermere Inc. 541-504-1338 The Bulletin • Slab granite, maple •large kitchen nook Central Oregon •Utility room Bank owned, Large floors Real Estate Awbrey Butte • 31+ acres, outdoor Dave Disney, Broker home on 5 acres 4 Single level living 541-410-8557 arena, barn, pond 2 bath, 2090 Custom frame home Beautiful warm and in- bdrm, Windermere sq. ft. flat treed lot • MLS 201500843 1664 sq.ft. on rim lot. viting, 4300 sq.ft., 4 Central Oregon with g ated e n t ry. Diane Lozito, Broker Manicured inside and bdrm, 4.5 bath, open Real Estate MLS 541-548-3598, out, l arge r o oms, floorplan, large fire- $125,000. 201500627. Call 541-306-9646 country kitc h en, A Great opportunity to place, gour m et Pam Lester, Principal double attached gapurchase this 3 bdrm kitchen, shop/hobby, Broker, Century 21 rage. Beautiful land1 bath frame home in 1200 sq.ft. accessible Gold Country Realty, 0 scaping. $ 2 34,900. Gilchrist. Clean and guest quarters, inter- Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS 2014 0 8279 partially f u r nished, com, call light, motorNancy Popp, PrinciMORRIS ready for move in. ized chair lift, beauti- Call The Bulletin At p al B r oker 54 1 One of the few homes f ul mtn v iew s . REAL ESTATE 541-385-5809 815-8000. C r ooked with a carport in the $1,100,000. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail River Realty rear of the home and Colleen Dillingham, also has a single car Broker 541-788-9991 At: www.bendbulletin.com Cascade Mtn V iews this almost new Custom home minutes garage. Don't waste a John L. Scott Beautiful Lava Ridges from Real Estate, Bend minute, come look at Home - Well cared for home on 1.49 acres. to Cove P alisades. 1748 3 bedroom, Large great r oom, this vacation home or www.johnlscottbend.com home i n d e s irable bathSF, with oversized laminate floors, lower reat starter home. neighborhood. Fabu- 2 Awbrey Glen I double car garage. level bedrooms, wrapmls 90,000 lous floor plan with $399,000 201 5 00557. around decks, over201500450 upgrades and abun- MLS¹ • 1912 sq.ft. townhome Call Pam sized double drive Cascade Realty, dant light. Features 3 $379,900. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Principal Bro- through garage, 1200 Dennis Haniford, Princ. • Near parks, trails, bdrms, 2. 5 b a t hs, Lester, Broker MLS 2015 0 0 42. ker, Century 21 Gold sq. ft. shop, RV hookpickleball Country Realty, Inc. ups, 1.7 acres, 2108 1-541-536-1731 $299,000 • MLS 201410044 541-504-1338 sq. ft. $275,000. MLS Call Terry Skjersaa, Cliff Feingold, Broker A re yo u l o oking t o 201404329. Call 541-383-1426 541-480-8796 Central Oregon Downsize? Amazing Nancy Popp, Duke Warner Realty Property golf course location, 3 541-815-8000 541-382-8262 • 1800 sq.ft. m o b ile Crooked River Realty bdrm, 3.5 bath, 2675 sq ft. Main floor living home Beautiful Single Story with 2 bedroom suites Home, Cascade Mtn o4 acres with large shop Cute 1352 sq ft home upstairs. $ 6 95,000. MORRIS views. Backs to green •2 RV roll-up doors, located in a q u i et MLS 201500599 REAL ESTATE b elt and c l ose t o 220, concrete floor neighborhood, just a • Fenced for livestock or Call Shea Reiner, community park. 4 IAO & dy ~ & O~ d short walk to D e s808-349-5559 horses Bdrm, 3 bath, 2360 chutes River. Lots of Awbrey Glen I Tom Roth, Broker Duke Warner Realty sq.ft., 2 master suites, accents p r ovide a 541-382-8262 $889,000 541-771-6459 gourmet kit c hen, cabin feeling. Newer • New construction, 3 John L. Scott w/gas a p p liances, interior and exterior Awbrey Butte Homebedroom, 2.5 bath Real Estate, Bend f rench doors. U p paint, newer roof and Boasts nearly 3600 sq • Golf Course views www.johnlscottbend.com heat pump. Nice back ft! Great room floor • Single-level, 3 car ga- grades - carpet and paint, stone surround plan has sunken liv- rage Classic Cra f tsman deck for the summer fireplace, built-in suring room as well as • MLS 201502363 Home Near the River BBQs. Come enjoy all round sound through- 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath the r a nch o ff ers! master suite and 2 Diane Robinson, out. bedrooms downstairs. with an office and bo- $199,900 Broker, ABR Tom Eilertson, $499,000 MLS nus room. Peaceful Linda Lou Day-Wright. 541-419-8165 Broker 541-350-8097 ¹201409784 outdoor living space. Broker 541- 771-2585 John L. Scott Call Terry Skjersaa, $625,000. MLS Crooked River Realty Real Estate, Bend 541-383-1426 201410069 johnlscottbend.com Deschutes River View Duke Warner Realty Call Brook Criazzo, 541-382-8262 541-550-8408 or Breathtaking Cascade I $1,500,000 MORRIS • 3800 sq.ft., 3 bedAubre Cheshire, Mtn views REAL ESTATE Awbrey VillageI 541-598-4583 room, 3.5 bath • 2.23 acres, $489,000 l~ y~ ~ dp d Duke Warner Realty • Brazilian cherry, horses/animals ok • 2128 sq.ft. 541-382-8262 Knotty alder Awesome Home •3 Bdrm, 2 bath, mfd • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Theater, wet bar, outsq.ft. home • .2 acre, several decks •• 3178 4 bdrm & 4 bath •3 c a r detac h ed Close in small acreage. door kitchen for views • Large upstairs master garage/shop, be- Just minutes f r om • MLS 201407506 • MLS 201502046 hospital 8 C o s tco. Jan Laughlin, Broker, tween Bend/Sisters Cathy Del Nero, Broker, • 5suite Bring the family, the fenced acres ABR, CRS, GRI, CSP •Fixed or tear down & CSP animals and the toys. 541-350-6049 • Shop, boat garage & build new 541-410-5280 4 bdrm, 3.5 bath, fammtn views •$209,000 ily room, and shop, $539,000. www.johnlscott.com/20 $599,000. Call Jaynee Janelle Christensen, 1500411 Beck, 541-480-0988 Broker Angie Cox, Broker or Pete Van Deusen, 541-815-9446 541-213-9950 MORRIS 541-480-3538. MORRIS Windermere John L. Scott REAL ESTATE MLS¹ 201405639 REAL ESTATE Central Oregon Real Estate, Bend Duke Warner Realty Real Estate www.johnlscottbend.com


+ gl 8 0 + d~ •



0 U> H < "



p' n

' I'


1946 NW Balitch Ct.

Exquisite detail work Large central living room Spacious master suite 0.65 aCre lot on Cul-d8-88C

$759,000 From N. 3rd St. (Bus. 97), west on Mt. Washington Dr., left on NW Starview Dr., left on NW Balitch Ct.


2056 NWGlassow Dr.



City & Cascade views Energy savingfeatures MaSter onmainleVel Daylight lower level $625,000

J .'

80'-: ©

' •






From NW Newport Ave., north on NW 9th St., left on NW Summit Dr.. Ieft on NW Glassow Dr.



1295 NWOgdenAve.


NearNeWPOrtAV8.ShOPS MaSter on main leVel

Rich wood 8 tile finishes Outdoor living areas $868,000 West on NW Newport Ave., right on NW 14th St., right on NW Ogden Ave.







62782 Imbler Dr. CascadeMountainview


MaSter on main leVel StainleSS 0800r aPPlianCeS


Hardwood & tile flooring $M9,900 SHEVLIN PINES


West on Shevlin Park Rd.. right on NW Park Commons Dr.

Excellent Service...

19175 Chiloquin Dr. MaSter on main leVel

Spacious island kitchen $269,900

SOlid quartZ Count6ltoP8





Open floor plan $659,900 OPENSATURDAY12-3

; Ith


• 3 Bed/2.5 ba., 1742 sq.ft. • Vaulted, open floor plan, huge kitchen • .20Acre fenced lot w/ pull through RV area • 3 Car garage, landscaped, sprinklers • Huge deck, hot tub, pergola, A/C

• Covered front porch • 4 Bdrm/3 Baths • Breakfast area or formal dining •Sunny & bright -gasfireplace • Quality finishes: hardwoods,tile, maple • www.peggyleecombs.johnlscott.com


Kathy Derming,Broker 54I-480-4429





• www johnlscott.com/7 I 730

Peggy Lee Combs, Broker 54I-480-7653




874 SW Crestline Dr.



Old Mill, river, mountain views Guest suite with bath

Deluxe finishes, materials Ip



Head southon the Bend Parkway, take the Reed Market/Old Mill Dlstrlct exit, head west on Reed Market Rd. Right on SW Crestline Dr.


• Single level 1620 sq. ft. • 3 Bed,2 Bath • Double garage • Carpet, hardwood, vinyl • Fenced side & rear yard • Gas fireplace • 20652 Couples Lane, Bend

• I yr Lost Tracks membership included • Free 75" wall mounted Samsung TV • Free riding lawn mower w/utility wagon • 2.07 acres, 2818 sq. ft. home • Horse property • Priced$200K under market value

Gary Fiebick, Principal Broker 54I-390-I602


Cyndi Robertson, Broker 54 I-390-5345

20939 Miramar Dr. I

pi ' I

l I


Quiet 0.35-ac setting Family room w/ fireplace Upstairs bonusroom Hardwood & tile floors $489,500


$I, I 00,000 dd

d Od H a ~ ~ ~

I~~ ~ ~O ~




• 2-story home & 2220 sq. ft. • Master on the main! • 4 bedrooms,3.5 baths & loft • N ew upstairs carpet & exterior paint • Dog run & water feature in backyard • Close to schools & parks • www.johnlscott.com/24318

Cyndi Robertson, Broker 54i-390-5345

From SE 15th St., east on SE Ferguson Rd., right on Ladera Rd., right on Sky Harbor Dr., left on Miramar Dr.

4300 SF on Awbrey Butte •Beautifulview sfrom expansive decks

• Single-level living - one step to garage Spacious open floor plan,gourmet kitchen

• 4 BD,4.5 bach, + shop/lobby room •Accessibleguestqtrs-1200 SF,kitchenette, motorized chairlift to upstairs, intercom

Colleen Dillingham, Broker 54I-788-999I The Garner Group Real Estat

Sales Office located in NorthWestGrossing Pu Pa

OPen WeekdayS 9-5+ WeekendS12-3 CLOSEDEASTER

Pu '• •

thegarnergroup.com I 541 383 4360






Lynda Walsh

Thomas Weinmann

Broker, ABR, SRS


Dedicated and committed to the

Linda Williams

Sharon Abrams

Susan Agli

Principal Broker, GRI, CRS

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Eric Andrews

Diana Barker

Greg Barnwell

Principal Broker

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Central Oregon Real Estate

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Carolyn Bostwick

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Cell 541-771-1168 Direct 541-388-0404 greatoregonhomes@gmail.com

Cell 541-480-7777 diana©dianabarker.com

Cell 541-848-7222 Direct 541-383-7600 gbarn50@yahoo.com

Cell 541-420-9617 carolyn©carolynbostwick.com

Cell 541-771-1761 Direct 541-317-1009 sellingbend@gmail.com

Donna Carter

Corey Charon

Audrey Cook

Cate Cushman

Cathy Del Nero


PE, Broker


Principal Broker


I am pleased to be a part of the Crooked River Realty team, eager to help you fulfill your dreams.

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Cell 541-903-0601 donna@crookedriverreality.com

Cell 541-280-5512 corey©bendproperty.com

Cell 541-480-9883 audreycook1976©gmail.com

Cell 541-480-1884 cate@catecushman.com

Dave Feagans

Lester Friedman

Vonnie Green

Christin Hunter

Principal Broker, Owner

Broker, SRES, ABR, SFR



Whether you are looking for a new home or have decided you're ready to sell yourhome,Ican help.Let my reputationfor hard ivork bene fit you.

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Cell 541-788-3147 Direct 541-330-8491 Ifriedman@coldwellbanker.com


Cell 541-241-0432 Direct 541-312-4059 nicolette.jones©cascadesothebysrealty.com

Connie Lowe

Bea Leach

Kimmy Sue Lickteig


Principal Broker, CRS,ABR,GRI, EPRO

Broker, Buyer Specialist lt matters who you work with.

My passion is making dreams come truefor my clients.

Selling, buying, orinvesting, call Gayle,"Your bridge to Bend, Oregon arearealestate"

W hen sa Iy Iam going to do something,I do it! Licensed in Oregon. •



Cascade Sotheby's

Cell 541-306-0479 Direct 541-388-0404 christinhunter©windermere.com

Gayle Larson

No drama.


Pmpassionate about what I do and my knowledge and background in the construction indushy are proven valuable as a buyer or seller.

Cell 541-815-0097 vonniegreen©msn.com

Broker, GRI, CRS No pressure.

Nicolette Jones

Central Oregon Real Estate

Sandy Kohlmoos No surprises.

Cell 541-410-5280 Direct 541-382-4123 cathy©bendproperty.com

Broker, ABR, CSP,Earth Advantage





Central Oregon Real Estate

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Cell 541-297-1249 Direct 541-382-8262 gayle@dukewarner.com

Cell 541-788-2274 Direct 541-388-0404 beal@windermere.com

Cell 503-593-1183 Direct 541-382-4123 kimmylickteig@gmail.com

Diane Lozito

Karen Malanga

Kristin Marshall

Michelle Martinez

Sue Marx

Broker, ABR, RSPS

Broker, CDPE, CSP


Broker, E-Pro, SRES


Specializing in view, waterfront properly, horse property & resorts. •





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Cell 541-390-3326 malangak@hasson.com

Cell 541-350-3897 kmarshall©hasson.com

Cell 508451-8806 Direct 541-323-5625 mmartinez©windermere.com

Joanne McKee

Valerie Nelson

Dawn Newton

Crystal Normandy



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Serving people in Bend and surrounding areas Real Estate since1999.

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Cell 541-815-6559 Direct 541-330-8929 remington©bendbroadband.com

Holly Polis

Bre Rouse

Committed to her clients

for more than 25 years. Experienced in residential & multi-family properties.

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Cell 541419-8710 hpolis©pennbrook.com

Cell 541-420-0214 bre©catecushman.com


Cell 541-408-4204 sue@suemarx.com.com

Susan Pitarro Broker, PC, ABR, SRES I love livingin Central Oregon and working as a Senior Real Estate Specialist.

Windermere Cell 541410-8084 Direct 541-388-0404 spitarro©windermere.com

LaRonda Acuff-Sack

Jerry Stone

Cindy Berg Wagner

Principal Broker

Broker, ABR, SRES, E-PRO

Broker, CRS, GRI, ABR

Successfully helping neighbors and friends sell & buy real estate since1999.LRRonda is

never too busy to help.



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Cell 541480-5159 joanne©joannemckee.com

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Cell 541-390-9598 Direct 541-383-4335 jerry©bendproperty.com

T 0

Cell 541-280-2580 Direct 541-330-8502 cindy©hasson.com




Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •


Homes for Sale

Downtown Bendj French Style river view Looking for lots of bed- Move-in Ready - 1815 Home w / r iverbank rooms? 5 b d rm, 6 sq ft 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath $989,000 • 4132 sq.ft. remodeled setting! Exquisite ac- bath w/ office, family with spacious bonus home coutrements: Granite, room, rec room and 2 room located in Mc• 5 bedroom, 4 bath hardwood, m a rble, master suites. Other Call Landing. Private • .21 acre, 1 block from tile, Venetian plaster, features include sunback patio and yard. river stone & st a i nless. room, solarium and MLS201500397. • MLS 201402624 W ood-burning f i r e- awesome gre e n$275,000. Greg Miller PC, Broker, place, top line appli- house all on over 10 Call Brook Criazzo, ances, metal c l ad acres with mtn views. 541-550-8408 or CRS, GRI 541-408-1511 windows and so much $999,000 MLS¹ Aubre Cheshire, more! Listen to the 201403687. 541-598-4583 tranquil ripple of the Call Candy Yow, Duke Warner Realty river below. while en541-410-3193, Duke 541-382-8262 joying this Exquisite Warner Realty Near Smith Rock, gorhome. $65 9 ,000. 541-382-8262 MORRIS geous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, MLS20'I404694. REAL ESTATE Lots of room, sitting on Nancy Popp, Principal t he ri m w i t h e x c . 3190 sq.ft. $694,000 d~ A ¹ 201300784. Cal l Broker 541-815-8000 views, on paved road. Linda Lou Day-Wright. Easy B end-Redmond Crooked River Realty shed, carport, 541-771-2585 Crooked access. 3 bdrm, 2.5 Gardenside j $319,000 Garden large deck, fenced River Realty bath, 1980 sq.ft., spa- • 2179 sq.ft. back yard. Come and cious great room liv- • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath enjoy the amenities at NE Bendj $227,500 ing with gas fireplace. • Wood floors, tile the Ranch! Golf, ten- • 1056 sq.ft. A ll a ppliances i n counters nis & pool. $229,000. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath c luded, e ve n th e • MLS 201500583 MLS ¹ 2 0 1 1309154• Granite counters, washer and d ryer. Bonnie Savickas, Bro- Call Li n d a Lou Hickory cabinets Spacious kit c hen, Day-Wright, Broker, • MLS 201500689 ker, EPRO, SRES eat-at island, appli541-408-7537 541-771-2585 or text Rachel Lemas, Broker ances new in 2013. 541-896-1263 T1687810 to: 85377 Ed Green, Principal for m o r e ph o tos, Broker, 541-598-5666 Crooked River Realty John L. Scott, Bend Majestic Casc a de Extraordinary mountain MORRIS Mountain Views - 3 views. Borders public REAL ESTATE MORRIS bedroom, 3 bath land with access to REAL ESTATE I&~ dy~ ~ dy d home on 5 a c res. D eschutes Riv e r . ddd ~ M any r e cent u p Beautifully cr a f ted Gilchrist j $79,999 grades! Bring your NE Bendj $279,900 c omposite deck t o • 1128 sq.ft. horses an d e n j oy• 1316 sq.ft. updated enjoy the s u mmer• 3 bedroom, 1 bath riding on nearby pub- home days and views. 2 • .43 acre lic land. $ 639,000.• 3 bedroom, 2 bath, bdrms, 2 bath on 1.34 • MLS 201501521 MLS201409340 Jack Johns, a cres on a qu i e t open floor plan Call Kris Warner, Broker, GRI paved cu l - de-sac. • .21 acre, fenced, RV 541-480-5365 541-480-9300 $179,000. 14172 SW parking Duke Warner Realty • MLS Ridge Pl., CRR Juni201501140 541-382-8262 Realty Kelly Neuman, Principer 541-504-5393 Mirada j $304,900 pal Broker • 1541 sq.ft. 541-480-2102 Fabulous Mountain & MORRIS • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Valley Views - 5 bdrm, REAL ESTATE • Picture windows, 3 bath, 2465 sq f t stone fireplace I&d W d y ~ ~ ~ d home with c ustom • MLS 201411017 w ood c abinets i n Inn of the 7th Mtn - This Debbie Johnson, Broker MORRIS kitchen, valuted ceil- 3 bedroom 3 b ath 541-480-1293 REAL ESTATE ings in living room and ground-level condo is window views located near the pool throughout. $330,000 and all resort activiNestled in the timber. ties. Don't miss your MLS201405151. Gorgeous 2-story 5 opportunity! $169,000. Duke Warner Realty MORRIS bdrm, 3 bath, 2520 MLS201408943 Dayville, 541-987-2363 sq. ft. custom home REAL ESTATE Call Kim Warner, Featured on "House on 13 acres. Private 541-410-2475 driveway with r ock Hunters" - Beautiful Duke Warner Realty Mirada j $317,900 colonial revival style entry, irrigated pas541-382-8262 • New 2134 sq.ft. ture. MLS 201305978. h ome w i t h ful l y • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath equipped apartment La Pine j $159,900 $399,999 • SS appliances, granDuke Warner Realty attached. Nearly 3000 • 1389 sq.ft. ite counters sq ft with many luxury • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Dayville, • 1 acre, detached 2-car • Laminate floors, gas 541-987-2363 upgrades throughout. garage fireplace 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • MLS 201501791 Remarkable Hunting in with mast on the main • MLS 201501193 Darren Kellher, the Northside Unit$625,000 MLS Darryl Doser, Broker, The Kellher Group 320 acres located up CRS 201408980 541-383-4334 541-788-0029 Belshaw Creek east Call Tammy Settlemier, of Dayville OR and 541-410-6009 west of Mt. Vernon, Duke Warner Realty OR. Water g uzzler 541-382-8262 with 100 gallon trough Master on Main. Beaufor wildlife. Owner will MORRIS MORRIS tiful well built Craftscarry. $158,000. MLS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE m an h ome. 2 2 4 5 201301683 I&~ dy~ ~ dy d sq.ft., master on main Duke Warner Realty level, with separate Log Retreat New Construction! 4 Dayville, 541-987-2363 bdrm/2ys bath, 2384 adult living upstairs, • Master on Main fully fenced, over- • Guest suite sq. ft. master on main, Solid stick built home tile a n d la m inate on over an acre, 2 sized garage, well • Barn, RV & shop kept home. Priced to • Whycus Creek access floors, 2-car garage & bdrm, 1 bath, 1173 RV parking garage sq. ft. in a great locasell $420,000. • 4 bdrm & 2.5 bath Theresa Ramsay, outside. $ 2 6 9,900. tion $118,500. MLS $639,900 Broker Tom Weinmann, Broker MLS 201408294 Pam 201501481 Call Fred 541-815-4442 541-706-1820 Lester, Princ. Broker, Johnson C entury 2 1 Gol d 541-788-3733 John L. Scott Windermere Real Estate, Bend Central Oregon Country Realty, Inc., Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262 www.johnlscottbend.com 541-504-1338 Real Estate







Homes for Sale

Ride your horses from your backyard •5 acres, 3365 sq.ft. totally rem o deled h ouse, 3 b d rm, 3 bath, living and family rooms, office •Huge loft, g r a n ite countertops, and fireplace, heated floors, wine cave and stained glass •36x36 garage with car lift and 36x20 carport and 36x18 s econd garage www.johnlscott.com/46

You Found the Right Home. gemal



Violeta Sdrulla, Principal Broker 541-419-3522 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend


River Canyon Estates j $364,900 • 2681 sq.ft. townhome • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Close to Deschutes River trail • MLS 201502138 Grant Ludwick, Broker 541-633-0255

Now Find the Right Mortgage!


~ ~


SE Bendj $244,900 • 2015 sq.ft. home on level lot • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Wood floors, Hickory cabinets

We offer a wealth of loan options to suit your individual needs.

• MLS 201500559

Craig Smith, Broker 541-322-2417


1 5 yr fix e d = 3.125% APR- 3.406% P&l pmt= $1950.51


y&d & dy ~


30 yr fixed= 3.875% APR-4.041% P&l pmt= $1316.66


Jumbo 30 yr = 4.125% APR- 4.283% P&l pmt= $3101.76

SE Bendj $298,500 • 2808 sq.ft. 1-owner home • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • .92 acre, 2-car attached garage • MLS 201501454 Deborah Benson PC, Broker, GRI, Preview Specialist 541-480-6448

Purchaseprice $350,000,20% down, Loan amount $280,000,30 yearfixed. Jumbo purchaseprice /value $800,000 — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. Offer valid as of 04/04/2015, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. OnApproved Credit.


KR ~


~ ~




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• Granite island, alder cabinets • MLS 201501033 Brent Landels, Broker




Casey NMLS 189449 Caseyjones@academymortgage.com 541-419-9766 CORP OR LIC.¹ ML-2421


Jennifer NMLS 288550 j enn i f er.edwards@academymortgage.com CORP NMLS ¹3113

54$ 323 2$9$

~ ~


371 SWUpper Terrace Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR 97702



ou re never a f an e ddyIden ddye re doindI

SE Bend j $435,000 • 2750 sq.ft. Pahlisch built • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath

I d I '


y' ly


4 •



Fully scribed 3bed,1.75bathcustomlog homeis surroundedby a beau tifuliy landscapedyard. There s a 1500sqft shopw/220powerfor all yourtoys or projects.Tddnwells provide crystal clearwater. $484,500CALLBILLP ANTON AT 5t1-%20-6545. MLS:201501 833.

t bedrOOmS , 2.5 bathrOOmS, 1688 dq, ft, ThiS home has been tastefully upgraded throughout.



This 4 bedroom, Ly bathin Styevlin Ridge,features a This homeboastsnearly 3600sq,ft! Gydat room large 3caygarageandmanyluxuryamenities,including floor Plan,hdsa sunkenliving room,ddwell as a stainlessappliances,double ovens,granite counters, maSterSuite dnd2 bedrOOmSdawnStairS. Id!99,000 fence dyardandtonsofstorage.C¹ redat$527,000

$263,0X CALLIAYNEBE Cv, AT H18804988 OR PETEVAN DEUSE N AT 5t1480-3538, IILy:20150209 9

RsAA AT 541-383-1t26. CALL TAMMYSETTLEMIER AT 5tl-t10-6009. cALL TERRYsKIE MLS:201t09781 MLS:20150 0939 •






7 timberedacressouth of Iohn Day.3 bedroom, This 3bedroom,3bath groundlevel condo islocated 2.5 bath, 2801 dq, ft bOnuS rOOm, attaChed near the Paoldndall resort activities. Don't miss garage,landscaped. H19,000 CALL DUKE your opimrtuyyt/I $169,000 CALLKIMWARNER WARNER DAYVILLE AT H1-987-2363. AT 541-410-24 75. MLS:201408943 MLS:2013 04288


with panoramicmountain views. 3 bedroom, 2.5 3 bedroom, 3 bath customhomewith adjoining bath, 3094dq,ft, On75.72aCreS. $849,900 CALL .26lot Openspacew¹yviews.$650,000 CALL

KITKOR ISHAT 541-180-2335ORFREDJOHNSON IAYNEE BECK AT 511-541480-0988 OR AT 541-788-3733.MLS:201501302 PETE VAN DEUSEN AT 541-48II-3538. MLS:201t06052






primecommeraalsite,just onelot oflcomerof Bond and BluFAiypx26,000sq.Il., MRzoningallowsmany uses.$650,0IIOCALLKIT KORISHAT541-480-2335. MLS:2015 00280

ComPletewith asolarsystemand gdsgenerator back up. Custom 2 bedroom,2bath, 1920 sq.!t homewith daylightbasement onavery private 5acres. $269,000

This 3 bedroom,15 bath, 1975s¹ fl. homeshows like nedyl Cherry floorsandcabinetry dnd granite counters. Completelyfencedwith gated RVparking. $339,50I! CALLKIMWARNERAT 541-t10-2475. MLS:20150970.

Beautifulcolonial revivalstyle homewith fully equipped apartmentattached. Nearly 3000sq.fL with man y luxury upgrades throughout 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath w¹y masteronthe main. $625,000 CALLTAM MY


SETTLE MIERAT541-110-6009. MLi 201t08980

v '







Just minutesfromhospital andCostIs Bring the family,the animalsand all the toys.There isroomfor all. 4 bedrooms,family room ayy d a shop.

with brandnewcarpet and paint. 2 mastersuites, 2.5 bathrooms and anopenfloor planall on acomer lot $278,00II CALLBR OOKCRIAZZO AT 541550-8008ORAUBRECHESHIREAT H1-598-t583. MLS:2015 21 0tt

5bedroom, 6bath with oflice,family room,yedroom




Appyoximsely3800sq. R., 3bedroom,0 bath home Built in 2013, 3bedroom,2bath, 1526sq,ft with This 0bed/3bath1796sq.!t. homesits on awell treed 45 acreswith views with study/denmediaroom,steamsauna and fitness large bedrooms.Vaultedceilings,marble counters, ofthe Casc adeRange,Smith Rockayydmore.$319,900CALLKIMWARNER room. .729 acrelot overlooidngHilside Parkwith tile and laminate. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac AT 541-410-2475.ML S:201501737 unobstructedview. $1,125,0X CALL NROLYN $215000CALLTR ACYGEORGEAT5tl-tII8-3024. DUBOIS AT541-390-7863. NLy:201500055 MLy: 2014IIII I

$549,xO CALLIAYNE EBECKAT54188Ã588 ORPETEYAN DEUsEN AT 5t1-480-3538.MLS:201!05639

ayyd2 master suites. Otherfeaturesincludesunroom,

solarium andanawesomegnenhouseall onover 10 aCreS ddth mOuntain VieWS. $999,000 CALLCANDY

YOWAT541410-3193. !ILS:201t03687



BordersBLM,LOPtags,inigation springs,2homes, shop orchard,bunk houseand a 21 space RV park $825,00II CALL DUKE WARNER REALN DAYVILLE AT541-987-2363.MLS :201%75'!6

You and your cntten will love this property. Attractive 29!msq. ft home with outbuilddygson

SMALL IRRIGATED ACREAGE RARE OPPORTUNITY ON RIYEIL' Country homeon 20 acreslocated on the South CLOSE TO TOWN . Fork of the Iohn DayRiver. 3 bedroom,open barn, round corral, inigationfenced,landscaped. All country kitchen,pantry andvinyl. Sdt up for hondd. this close to town.$342,500 CALLCANDYYOWAT $320,0C OCALLDUKEWARNERRFALTYDAYVIL E AT 541-987-2363.NLS:201405006 541-410-3193.MLS:201501367 Cute aSa bugSedyhame. 3 bedrOOm,2 bath, S hOP,

5 aCreS with 2 aC res inigdtOn. CloSetO BLNland.

$639,900CALLBECKYOZREUCAT5t 1-480-9191. MLi201502661

5 bedr oom,5 bath garden paradise perfectfor entertaining. Open towingtoor plan with chef's option. Meticulouslymaintainedand lots of extras! Close kitchen, vaulted ceilings,andsecret rooms.I l,299,0I!0 tO Pine RidgeElementary,dydytrailS & BradkSW Otyd PlaZ a. RSAA AT 501-383-166. PI5000CALLROBE GGERSAT 5W 1-8159780ORKATRINA CALL TERRYSKIE MLS:2014 06002 SWISHE RAT541420-3348.MLS201502012 s rdd tdydcSW Bend nei ghborhood.2724 yq.IL,greatydom flddrPlddWI3 bedrO OmS, huge bOnuS rOOm ddd denidlfiCe


SATURDAY & SUNDAY Larry Jacobs Broker SATURD AY 9 AM- I I AM 54 I -480-2329

Fred Johnson Broker SUNDAY I I AM- I PM 54 I -788-3733




FrankLloydWright inspiredhomeby GregWelch Construction. Masterbedroomon the main level, two guest rooms,office/den and bonus room. $669500CALLTE RRYSKIERS AAATH1-383-1426. MLS:201501 545

This brandnew 3bedroom home islocated inan establishedneighborhood on AwbrdyButte. OPent oor plan wth customcabinetry & designer finishes.



$650,000CALLTERRYSKJERSAAAT 541-383-1426. NLS:201 502300



F or homes online WWW b e n d h o m e S . C o m



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

SE Bend Acreage I


Homes for Sale

Single Story Home in Sunriver I $649,900 NE Redmond - Built in • 2412 sq.ft., 4 car ga2013, 3 bedroom, 2 rage bath, 1526 sq ft with • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath large bedr ooms.• .31 acre overlooks Vaulted ceil i ngs, National Forest marble counters, tile & • MLS 201408565 laminate. Located on Jim Moran, Broker quiet cul-de-sac. MLS 541-948-0997 201411111. $215,000. Call Tracy George, 541-408-3024 Duke Warner Realty MORRIS 541-382-8262 REAL ESTATE

$514,900 • 1728 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Shop with apartment • MLS 201410829 Minda Mckitrick, Broker, GRI 541-280-6148 0


People Lookfor Information About Products and Services EveryDaythrough The Bulletin ClessiBeds S ingle level i n N W Crossing Nearly completed features 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious great room floor plan with great natural lights. $449,500. MLS 201500241. Call Terry Skjersaa, 541-383-1426

Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262 Single level NE Bend. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace, tile flooring, central A/C, includes fridge, W/D, spacious fenced yard, close to shopping and hospital. A must see! Shelley Arnold, Broker


541-771-9329 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend







.„::/t -, .;. y ; H O M E



~ ~




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• •


Sheila Balyeat, Broker

25 years experience

Bryan Johnson

21 years experience

As a success ful Bend real estate agentfor more than12years,I'I thrilled foannouncemy move to Cascade Sothebl/'s. By partnering with Central Oregon's premiere real estate company,my clients benefit from world-classselling tools as well asmy unwavering commitmentto outstanding service.

25 years experience

Larry Wallace

• •

• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre westside home site with mature landscape & impressive Cascade views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy and flexibility • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park & downtown Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086




8 •

• I'

19470 Hollygrape St. ¹I • 1746 SF, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Gas forced air with A/C • New carpet throughout • Exterior paint last year • Fenced yard, neighborhood amenities Rhonda Garrison, Principal Broker I 541-279-1768 rhondagarrison1©gmail.com

• • • • • •


. •


Homes from $449 750 Riverfront from $819,750 Exquisitely finished Low maintenance living 7th Mountain amenities Conveniently located

St hanle Ruiz, Brok I 541-948-5196 Jordan Grandlund, Broker I 541-420-1559

a -

,, Division



The Bulletin To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.com






Look at: Bendhomes.com SW Redmond for Complete Listings of Bdrm, 2.5 bath and Area Real Estate for Sale • 31832 sq.ft. car garage with Skyliner Summit I • Three storage $545,000 • Landscaping • 3155 sq.ft. roof, furnace and • 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath • New • Open floor plan, newer paint $259,000. carpet Diana Barker, Broker • MLS 201501470 541-480-7777 Brandon Fairbanks, Windermere Broker, SRES, GRI, Central Oregon CDPE Real Estate 541-383-4344 The Swan's Nest. Rare peaceful ri v erfront estate. Private and gated, this home is MORRIS s ituated in o n e o f Bend's most prestiREAL ESTATE gious locations, just la y a t l y ~ M O~ one mile from downtown. Th o ughffully Stylish 2-Story designed to capture $336,800. 3 b d rm, 2 . 5 b a t h , stunning panoramic f enced corner l o t , views of t h e D e slarge patio, granite c hutes R iver t h a t island kitchen, pantry, greet you the m onook, master suite, ment you walk in this h o me. s eparate tub , t i l e . i mpressive www.peggyleecombs.j 4 043 sq.ft., + 7 5 0 sq.ft. detac h ed ohnlscott.com/75166 shop/guesthouse. Peggy Lee Combs, $1,652,000. Broker 541-480-7653 John L. Scott Cate Cushman, Principal Broker Real Estate, Bend 541-480-1884 www.johnlscottbend.com www.catecushman.com Sunriver I $448,900 Think of the Possibilities • 2198 sq.ft., fully fur3 bedroom home with nished very large backyard. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • .26 acre on Great for investment, as renters would love cul-de-sac, hot tub • MLS 201500591 to stay. $ 151,900. MLS: 201409739 Gary Rose, Broker, Call Carolyn Emick, MBA 541-4'I 9-07'I 7 541-588-0687 Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262

Single level Hendrickson Home, beautiful hickory floors, vaulted ceilings, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1934 sq.ft. Must See! www.jackson-anderson.com Barbara Jackson, Broker 541-306-8186 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend johnlscottbend.com Single level in Eagle Crest. 2000 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath, great room w/large kitchen, Eagle Crest amenities. www.jackson-Anderson.com Candice Anderson, Broker 541-788-8878 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend




• Inspired by mountain contemporary design & modern architecture • Build your vision and dream home in this highly sought after westside neighborhood • Dedicated custom building envelope • .31 acres backing to a common green belt space • 62665 Big Sage Way Lot 48 • Proudly offered at $525,000 Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086

2826 NW Windham Loop • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath + bonus room • 3074 SF, large yard • Barnwood & stone accents,great kitchen • Vaulted wood ceiling, bonus & bunk rooms • Offered at $685,000 Laura Blossey, flroker I 949-887-4377 www.experiencebendliving.com

• 249B SF residence • 3 bedroom, 2 bath + office • Formal dining room plus kitchen nook • 30x40 shop with concrete flooring • 26x30 shop with home office upstairs • 1/B mile to Wychus Canyon Preserve trail www.69875goodrichroad.com Patty Cor oni, Bro er

5 4 1-771-0931


• Exceptional custom builder'5 own homesurrounded by lush gardens • 1.5 acres in CrookedRiver Ranch • 1300 sq.ft. shop, Rvhookupsalong with additional outbuildings • 4 bed, 2.5 bath with large mastersuite w/vaulted ceilings, his/ her closets, master bathw/garden tub • New hardwood, tile, carpet • New granite counters, tile backsplash M LS¹ 201408459

Erika Stratton-sanzone, Broker 541-280-8388 erikasanzone@ gmail.com http://erikasanzone.cascadesothebysrealty.com/eng


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Cascade •

J •

J •

I •

• •



• .







20438 Murphy Road • Light & bright • Next to open space • Master bath recently remodeled

ustm vik, Bro er i 541-460-30 justinlavik@gmail.com •

• g



Greg Barnwe, Bro er

5 4 1-848-7222


CJ Neumann, rokeri 54 - 10-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Brokeri 541-610-9697www.CJLisa.com

• • I •

s ' ' -

• I •

• .

' v


• I• •

• 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 2555 SF • 2 gas fireplaces, granite counters • 3-car garage: 2-car in back, 1 in front • Wrap around deck with Mt. Jefferson views • Private corner location MLS¹201501055

• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 1810 SF • Bright open living with large deck • Rock fireplace • Extra large driveway parking MLS¹201310507


i.%: „"-..


• 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1540 SF • 2 buildable lots • 4 irrigated acres • Fenced pasture • Mountain views • Borders canal, minutes from town MLS¹201407613 Bobby Lockrem, Brokeri 541-480-2356 blockrem@lgmail.com


e ' I •




f vI • 9.38 acre parcel • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Large barn with shop area, corral area • Reclaimed wood and knotty cedar accents, vaulted and beamed ceilings • Mountain views, Sisters School District MLS¹201501643 Joanne McKee, Broker i 541-480-5159 i



• 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 3022 SF, .49 acre • 2-cargarage with heated shop/bonus room • Custom Solaire built energy efficient, ADA complianthome with RV parking, dump and hook-ups • Quiet cul-de-sac in a great neighborhood MLS¹201501526 Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 i bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com

• •



, c]

"~ll • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 2193 SF • Private setting • Backs to golf course • Excellent condition • 359 NW Mt. Washington Drive MLS¹201501156

• 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2205 SF • Master on main floor • Large kitchen, open floor plan • Covered deck w/easterly mountain views • Friendly west side neighborhood MLS¹201410871 Laura B~ossey, Broker i 949-887-4377

.R. Ken Renner, Principal Broker i 541-280-535P



• x



• • •

II L"a ss

= l

• 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2429 SF • 2.6 acres backing BLM • Single level, complete kitchen remodel • Spacious deck, fenced yard with fire pit • Country living near town M LS¹ 2 0 1502662 Myra Girod, Principal Broker i 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker i 541-788-6767 m ra. amteam©cescadesiccom www.live la orkcentralore omcom

• 2743 SF, .21 acre • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Two expansive private decks • 3 living areas, formal dining room • Hardwood flooring, wood doors & trim • Fenced, landscaped, hot tub • 3-car garage Silvia Knight, Brokeri 541-788-4861 www.silviaknight.com bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com

i •


• ''


• I I

• Beautif ul3 bed,2.5 bath, 3000 SF home • 25 forested acres, Cascade-—, q, mountain views • Impeccably maintained, beautifully landscaped • Top quality finishes and appliances • Granite counters, river rock fireplaces • Borders miles of U.S. Forest MLS¹201407270 Ron Davis, Principal Broker i 541-480-3096 www.OregonRanchandHorse.com

• •• • I

www.silviaknight.com b e ndluxuryhomes©gmail.com


' 'I ' • I •



• High quality 4 bed, 3.5 bath, 3222 SF home • Panoramic ocean view • Home on elevated site • Designed for easy living & entertaining • Spectacular master bedroom • Move in ready - Bring your friends and family! MLS¹201502564

• 11.48 private acres • Vineyard & orchard • 550 acre wildlife preserve, hiking trails • Equestrian trails, fishing • World class old winery clubhouse • Stunning views of Smith Rock & Cascades MLS¹201400914

Pam Mayo-Phillips, or Brook Havens, Principal Brokers 541-923-1376 i www.desertvalleygroup.com

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker i 541-480-3096

Silvia Knight, Broker i 541-788-4861 Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker i 541-420-1559

Listed & Hosted by Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRS 541-408-4309 www.bestbendhomes.com i

• 2565 SF, .27 acre • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • ADA compliant main level • Predominantly single level home • 3-car garage • Large private lot with flat driveway • Open, bright quality home • Near neighborhood park and bike path MLS¹201501292 Silvia Knight, Brokeri 541-788-4861

• 60 acres - productive • 56 acres irrigation • Custom home 3337 SF, 3 bedrooms, 3 bath • Vaulted ceilings, bonus & great rooms • 2 hay/livestock barns: 110x80 & 44x84 • Mt. Jefferson & Hood views MLS¹201410523

s .

• 2060 SF, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Stunning remodel • Open great room, master suite on main • 2 large bedrooms, loft & huge storage up • .17 acre lot, great outdoor living & yard MLS¹201410790


57018 Dancing Rock Loop ) $175,000



• I • I •


• •• I

• Caldera Springs • • • •

Level .23 acre lot Backs golf course Common area on 2 sides Premier resort community


The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 i www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

• Live in Pronghorn! • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3306 SF • Custom single level; amazing landscaping • Views of Jack Nicklaus Course's 10th fairway • Sunken wet bar;2 en suite guestrooms MLS¹201400401 eb Tebbs, Owner/CEO/Brokeri 541-419-4553 debtebbsgroup©bendlu xuryhomes.com www.debtebbsgroup.com

• 6 bedroom, 4 bath, 4585 SF • Main level master • Granite counters, 2 ovens, SS appliances • Vaulted ceilings with wood beams • 1.08 acres, 3-car garage, & multiple decks • Cascade mountain views!! MLS¹201410962 Jordan Grandlund, Principal Brokeri 541-420-1559 JordanGrandlundOgmail.com

• Deschutes River view • Expansive great room • Gourmet kitchen & generousmastersuite • Family room, executive office, & bar •4 bedrooms, 5.5baths,8,247 SF,0.48 acre lot MLS¹201409875

Log Home in SW Bend ( $280,000 • Nestled in the trees

• .96 of an acre lot • Large bonus room • Open floor plan • Large deck with hot tub • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1758 SF MLS¹201502524

Ken Renner, Principal Broker i 541-280-5352

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers


541-312-4042 i www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com






• •

• '

I I • I •


• I

• •


• Lot 16 Randall Ct. • Views of Mt. Bachelor and Broken Top • Level homesite with wonderful sun exposure • Close proximity to clubhouse and schools • Build your dream on Bend's Westside MLS¹20150044

• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre west sidehome site with mature landscape & impressive Cascade views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy and flexibility • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park & downtown

Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086



• • • • •

Gorgeous quality townhomes on the westside These are higher end townhomes 3 bedrooms plus an office/den 2732 SF with an oversized 2-car garage Main level master, stainless steel appliances, tankless hot water, AC • 4100 SF clubhouse with a nice pool • Close to shopping, schools, river & trails MLS¹201409173 Mary Stratton, GRI Broker l 541-419-6340 maryselhmsOgmail.com

Carmen . Coo, Broker l 541-480-6491

Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086


741 Florida • Westside! • 2 bedrooms • Custom features, 10 ft. ceilings • Near Old Mill, new water park, trails! • Light BI bright floor plan! MLS¹201502539





I I• I


vt; j',

IIRI De a55

• 4 bedroom, 3 full bath • 2995 SF • Community park & pool • Three car garage • HOA takes care of landscape, park & pool MLS¹201500435 Call Geoff Groener, Broker l 541-323-4807

Close to town Open floor plan Huge bonus room Custom built-ins throughout • Beautifully landscaped, private yard • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2212 SF MLS¹201502386 The Norma DuBoisand Julle Moe Team, Brokers





, 5 k I 54 3 -3995445~




• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, ® 3157 SF • Parklike 5.24 acres • Gourmet kitchen, radiant floor heat • Separate guest suite, hobby room, huge loft • 2 lots, wood stoves, 4 ton heat pump • RV parking with complete set-up MLS¹201502548 Myra Glrod, Principal Brokerl 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767


. •

m ra. amteamecascadesiocom www.live la orkcentralore omcom



' II





cr w •

! L'l I Ir tu ~g l fII

• One acrehomesite • Flat and build ready • Sp~cial small endave o exclusive homes • NW Bend locatio n,close to town • Enchantment onthe Deschutes lot 1 • Motivated seller! www.robinyeakel.com


• 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 4148 SF • .34 acre on 13th tee • Cascade views from the great room & deck • Open, light, comfortable, lots of wood • Spacious 3-car garage • Best location! MLS¹201500370

• Summit Roor plan • 2938 SF • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath+ den • Main level living, master + den on main • Vaulted great room, golf course views • Move in ready! MLS¹20108581

Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

tephanie Ruiz, roker l 541-948-5196 Jordan Grandlund, Broker l 541-420-1559

San y Ko moos, Bro er, CRS 541-408-4309 www.bestbendhomesecoml skohlmoosebendbroadbandecom




• 19698 AspenRidge • Great room design with 3 bedrooms onthe mainfloor • 4th bedroom could be den/ office plus flex space • Wonderful entertaining kitchen • Overlooks community park andpool • Close proximity to schools 8IOld Mill District • Prices starting at $539,990

Robin L. Yeakel, Broker l 541-408-0406


541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

• Private backyard • 2082 SF • Full mountain range views from master bedroom • 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, large garage, great room • House looks new, owner's 2nd home • Directions: Newport to Mt. Washington, left on Nordic, right on Marken, left on Nordeen

• • • •

'I •




I •

', I IJ



5„. 5


'll Ilalalai


• Beautiful treed lot • Has $20,000 in fencing • Elevated with paved road and power to lot • Easy access to BLM & minutes to town • Possible mountain views • Around custom homes • Last vacant lot available MLS¹201501754 Jodl Satko, Brokerl 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon@gmail.com •

• Built by TimberlineConstruction of Bend • DesignedbyBrandonOlin •Thiscontemporaryhomefeature ss 3bedrooms,3 baths • Complete with abonusroom andden/off ice •Buil ttoEarthAdvantageaodEnergyStarstandards •Triple cargarage • Near clubhouse, trails anddowntownBend, call for additional details

• NW Contemporary design built by Madrone Construction LLC • Situated on an elevated homesite with mtn. views • Designed as a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath with main level master suite • Bonus room plus a triple car garage • Close proximity to clubhouse, trails and downtown Bend • Call for additional details and pricing

Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086




' -


I l I I I


• Amazing mtn. views • 3 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 4587 SF • Highest finishes throughout • Gourmet kitchen, master on main • Bonus, theatre room and wine cellar • Incredible outdoor living

• 563 acres with Cascade mtn. views • 368 acres irrigated from "Big Bertha Well", 3 pivots, 7 wheel lines • Crops: alfalfa, turf, wheat &

seed crops

• Improvements include: 1578 SF country home, office, 3720 SF shop/machine shed • Property is seven legal lots - additional building sites available • Productive a income producing farm-call for details MLS¹201300346

Call Melanle Maitre, Broker l 541-480-4186

Call Pam Mayo Phillips, Principal Brokerl 541-480-1513


desertvalleygroupicom & cascadessothebysrealtyecom

I ml

• 3954 SF, 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3-car garage • Master & additional bedroom or office on main • Great bonus space & fitness room • Offered at $999,000 Laura Blossey, Bro er l 949-887-4377 laura.blossey©sothebysrealty.com

NWX Single Story Home! ( $500,000

• Grand open Roor plan

3129 NW Colonial Drive ~ $675,000

• Beautiful great room • Lovely master suite • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1710 SF • Hardwood floors, extensive tiling • Corner fenced lot MLS¹201501438

• Beautiful 3107 SF custom Praine Stylehome on a .64acre lot • Mt. Hood, Jefferson, eastern mtn. & city views • Slab granite, hardwood floors & windows galore • Lovely wraparound cedar deck • Don't miss this incredible home!

Call Natalle Vandenborn, Brokerl 541-508-9581

Call Natalle Vandenborn, Brokerl 541-508-9581



Mtn. Views - Custom LogHome in Bend J$685,000

Stunning Custom Log Home ( $890,000

• VIEWS a 2.27 acres • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2493 SF • Master on main with walk-in closets & more • Large upstairs loft family room with views! • Great kitchen, light & bright! • Office/Shop/3 car attached, convenient location


• 4000 SFof luxury living! • Master on main, 3suites a 3.5 baths • Gourmet kitchen with large dining room • Add'I building with 1680 SF ofFice, studio and more!

• Large shop & 2-car garage • 4.7 easy careacres,gated & fenced

Jodl Satko, Brokerl 541-550-0819

Jodl Satko, Broker l 541-550-0819




r •



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• Redmond Homes •




Redmond Homes

Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Crook County Homes Homes with Acreage R e creational Homes & Property Three Rivers South j West Hills Home and D esert Sky 1 le v e l Private Setting on 1.48 20510 Jacklight Lane. CRESCENT CREEK Near new hospital in Custom 4/3, 2922 sq. ft. Lot - 3 bedroom, 3 Eagle Crest Home acre! Custom 3 bdrm, 2.5 $504,500. 5 b d r m/ La Pine - $239,000 Prineville, bank home on 6.27 acres 51434 Telegraph Rd., $514,999 • 2406 sq.ft., energy efbath custom home 1385 sq. ft. 2 bdrm+ bath, 2450 SF home has 3bath, 3474 sq. f t., • 3 bdrm, 2-1/2 baths owned 4 bdr, 2 bath w/ shop and b arn La Pine. $75,900. ficient with adjoining .26 acre office. Cascade Mtn bonus rm, shop, canal& built in '06, High • 2305 SF, bonus room home with gas fire- $595,000.16249 1 bdrm, 1 bath, double • 3 bedroom, 3 bath lot. Open space with views. Light & bright nice Mtn view! 1075 NW Lakes Realty & Prop- • .26 acre corner lot place and hardwood South Drive, La Pine. carport with s h op. Newell Ave., Terrebonne. • Radiant heat, log acviews. $650 ,000 open floor plan. Many erty Ma n agement• MLS201209207 f loors on a la r g e High Lakes Realty & High Lakes Realty 8 cents MLS201406052. extras. $22 5 ,000.By owner, $359,000. Call 541-536-0117 Eagle Commercial fenced lot. Too new Property M a n age- Property M a n age541-923-4995 to see • MLS 201409054 CallJaynee Beck, MLS201402779. Real Estate for MLS! Pam Lester, ment 541-536-0117 ment 541-536-0117 541-480-0988 or 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1752 Jerry Stone, Broker Lynn Johns, Principal Clyde Browning, Princ. Broker, CenCheck out the sq. ft. home on 2.51 541-390-9598 Pete Van Deusen, Broker, 541-408-2944 Principal Broker tury 21 Gold Country Custom lodge s tyle Dream Come True loclassifieds online mountain cation 182 Acres on 541-480-3538 $21 5 ,000. Wes Johns, Broker 541 www.bendbunetirLcom acres. 541<80-4520 Realty, Inc. home, views. 3 b drm, 2.5 the John Day River. 52962 Sunrise Blvd. Duke Warner Realty 408-2945 Central Or 541-504-1338 L ooking for a v e r y Updated daily bath, 3494 sq. ft. on Irrigation, bo r ders 541-382-8262 High Lakes Realty & egon Resort Realty 762 75.72 acres. A dream B LM. L O P tag s , Property M a n age- u nique home w i t h SW Redmond 1200 sq. awesome views? This Homes with Acreage 746 Bank owned. Vintage ft. home with 3 bdrm, ment 541-536-0117 property! $849,900. springs, 2 h o mes, M ORRIS 3 bdrm, 3. 5 b a t h, MLS 201501302 Call shop, orchard, bunkNorthwest Bend Homes single story home 4 2 bath built in 2007. 55918 Snow Goose. 3528 sq.ft., on 1.86 REAL ESTATE Kit Korish house and 21 space bdrm, 2 bath, 1899 160 acres with house Gas fireplace, fenced IM~ rl y ~ ~ O« « 0 acres is it ! V aulted 3 bdrm, 2 541-480-2335 or Fred RV parking. $825,000. in Prineville. Custom home in NW sq. ft. on almost 1/4 yard on .13 acres. $219,900. ceilings, living family, bath near river and Johnson, MLS:201407546 541-788-4877 Tillicum Village j Bend. 4 bedroom 2~/~ acres close to schools $184,900 MLS Sunriver. High Lakes dining, game room & shopping. 201501687 Call Duke Warner owners.com/mmw0374 541-788-3733. Duke $425,000 bath in Shevlin Ridge and Realty 8 Pr o perty laundry rooms. Decks Warner Realty Realty Dayville, MLS Pam Lester, Princ. Bro• 2740 sq.ft. features large 3-car $115,900. in front and b ack, 2278 sq. ft. home with Management 541-987-2363 201410105 Call Pam • 3 bedroom, 2 bath garage and m a ny ker, Century 21 Gold 541-536-0117 pond with waterfall. work shops on 5.41 E xecutive home o n • .59 acre, overlooks luxury amenities, in- Lester, Principal Bro- Country Realty, Inc. Very well maintained C anyon Creek 7 Landscaped & sprin- acres. $24 9 ,900. canal cluding stainless ap- ker, Century 21 Gold 541-504-1338 5 1325 Evans W a y . kler system. Attached 151628 Hackamore, timbered acres south home on one acre inCountry Realty, Inc. • MLS 201411019 pliances, double ov1836 sq.ft., 1.12 acre, 2-car garage, 40x52 La Pine. High Lakes of John Day. 3 bdrm, cludes a master with Amy Halligan, Broker ens, granite counters, 541-504-1338 Looking for your next city utilities. $229,000. d etached shop & Realty & Pr o perty 2.5 bath, 2801 sq. ft., bath, open floor plan 541-410-9045 fenced yard and tons 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath, 1174 emp/oyee'? bonus room, loads of and filled with natural High Lakes Realty & storage bu i l dings. Management of storage. MLS S F located in 5 5 + Place a Bulletin help Property M a n age- $495,000 storage and attached light. Pellet s t ove, MLS 541-536-0117 201500939 $527,000 community. P antry, wanted ad today and laundry/utility r oom, garage. $419,000. ment 541-536-0117 ¹201306582. Dennis Tammy S e ttlemier, Advertise your car! covered porch, gravreach over 60,000 Haniford, Princ. BroMLS: 201304288 gas fireplace, central 541-410-6009 D u ke Add A Prcture! eled circular drive, readers each week. 53280 Andrews Road, ker Cascade Realty, Reach Call Duke Warner air. Across from golf thousands of readers! Warner Realty 30x30 RV g a rage, MORRIS Your classified ad Realty, Dayville, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1782 541-536-1731 course in Redmond. Call 541-385-5809 carport, sheds. Minwill also appear on sq. ft. 4+car shop. 541-987-2363. REAL ESTATE The Sulletin Classifieds Panoramic m ountain $169,999. One bdrm, one bath, utes from Willamette bendbulletin.com $159,999. High Lakes views 5 bdrm, 5 bath MLS201501015 Call outbuildings, RV Powell Butte FSBO, 3 3203 sq. ft home on 2 Ski Pass, snowmowhich currently reRealty 8 Pr o perty par a dise, Pam Lester, Principal Turnkey equestrian es- garden hookup, $75 , 000. a cres, 3+-car g a bdrm/2 bath, 1 8 00 bile from your yard or ceives over Management tate on 3 8 a c r es, perfect for entertain- Broker, Century 21 52305 Lechner Lane. sq.ft., 4 . 7 fe n c ed rages. $29 9 ,500 steps to Little Des1.5 million page 541-536-0117 Gold Country Realty, ing. Open flowing floor custom home, 2 barns High Lakes Realty & 11548 Burl w ood acres, Cascade view, chutes River to fish. views every month Inc. 541-504-1338 p lan w i t h che f ' s shop. plus M a n age- Drive, La Pine. High shop, full RV $ 170,000. 53865 Y oh o D r i ve, Property 1144 5 at no extra cost. kitchen, vaulted ceil$1,235,000. Lakes Realty & Prop- hookups, $369,000. Chinquapin Dr., CresClassifieds $ 154,900. Dou b le ment 541-536-0117 ings, a n d se c r et3 bedroom, 2 b a t h, Bulletin Brandon Fairbanks, wide with a ttached erty Man a gement 541-419-2753 cent Lake, OR MLS Get Results! rooms. $1,299,000. 1605 SF single-story Have an item to 541-536-0117 201409726 Cascade Call 385-5809 or 30x30 garage. High MLS ¹201406002 Call home in N W R e dRare opportunity on Lakes Realty & PropRealty, Call K erry, mond. .20 acre lot. place your ad on-line sell quick? T erry Skjersaa a t river! Country hone on Broker 541-815-6363 at erty Man agement Gas fireplace, pantry, 541-383-1426. Duke 20 acres located on If it's under 54'I -536-0117 541-536-1731 bendbulletin.com double garge. Built in Warner Realty the south fork of the 2002.MLS201501019 '500 you can place it in John Day River, 3 771 Beautiful Palm Harbor $219,900 Call Pam 755 bdrm, open country The Bulletin Take care of ope n Lots Lester, Principal Bro- Sunriver/La Pine Homes h ome w i t h kitchen, pantry, and kitchen oak cabinets, REAL ESTATE ker, Century 21 Gold Classifieds for: your investments 360' View / Top of Butte v inyl. S e t u p f o r City lot in Culver. All built in desk in kitchen Country Realty, Inc. 150388 Jerry Road. 3 l~ ~ d« p mB in Terrebonne. Home, horses, MLS utilities a t with the help from str e e t. & island. Living room '1 0 - 3 lines, 7 days 541-504-1338 shop, mansion building 201405006 $325,000. $38,200. bdrm, 2 bath on 1.5 Tuscan style 4374 sq.ft. has a working fireMLS The Bulletin's site. 2% to broker. See: Call Duke W a rner 201203505 home with two mastreed acre. $140,000. place, very spacious. '16 - 3 lines, 14 days D esert Sky 2 st o ry bend.craigslist.org/reo/ "Call A Service Realty Dayv i l le, ter suites 8 casita in Juniper Realty w/garage 1512 sq. ft. 150388 Jerry Road. Master bedroom right 4928918153.html 541-987-2363 Pronghorn. $995,000. Professional" Directory 2 bdrms, 2~/~ bath, loft High Lakes Realty & off living room and 2 (Private Party ads only) 541-504-5393 Property M a n ageKelly Horton, Broker, more bedrooms on 40 Wide open Acres Small irrigated acreage Just bought a new boat? area, hardwood floors, ment 541-536-0117 756 541-508-9163 other side of home. with beautiful home. close to town. 3 bdrm, Sell your old one in the central vac, m a ny son County Homes Greg Langhaim, Broker Stunning single level more upgrades. Never 15854 Burlwood Drive, There is a two bay Jeffer Custom 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 b at h r e modeledclassifieds! Ask about our home in NW Cross801-706-3230. with a shop 2384 sq ft home built home, stalls, round Super Seller rates! ing with designer fin- rented. One owner. La Pine $ 137,000. garage Bank owned, 3 bdrm, 2 area and 2 storage in 2006. Open floor corral, shop, irrigated $289,000 Lynn Johns, 1180 sq. ft., 30x40 541-385-5809 ishes throughout. 2 bath, 1092 sq.ft. Masheds, 1 is open for plan with hardwood Principal Bro k e r, sop, fenced a cre. acre pasture. Perfect 13601 SW Canyon Dr. bdrm, 2 bath, plus 541-408-2944 d ras home built i n s toring f ir e w o o d. floors, vaulted ceilHigh Lakes Realty 8 den/office with private small horse property, CRR. 1.13 acres with MLS 2005. R a nge/oven, ings, sunroom, atJohns, Broker 541 Property M a n age- $159,900 canal runs t hrough Mt. Jefferson views. courtyard $599,000. Wes dishwasher, micro & 201500735. tached garage and MORRIS 408-2945 Central Orment 541-536-0117 MLS 201500992 Call fridge incl. $67,900 more. $330,000. MLS property. $ 3 42,500 $58,500 ¹201106385 Cascade Realty, REAL ESTATE egon Resort Realty MLS 201501367 Terry Skje r saa 15918 Cascade Lane. 2 Dennis Haniford, Princ. MLS 201406315. Call 201401285 Juniper Realty d~ A 541-383-1426 D u ke Home on the RidgeCall Candy Yow, Pam Lester, Principal 541-504-5393 bdrm home on 1.25 Broker Call Duke Warner 541-410-3193 Warner Realty Waterfront LotBroker, Century 21 acre, 3-bay carport 1-541-536-1731 Realty Dayville, Great Buy! 1878 sq. 9040 SW S a ndridge Duke Warner Realty Gold Country Realty, $90,000 541-987-2363 ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, golf $119,900. High Lakes Rd., CRR 1.12 acre 748 • 1.24 Acres on a paved P r o pertyRiverfront 1.60 acres Inc. 541-504-1338 course an d S m i th Realty & Stunning Mou n tain Power and water at road Northeast Bend Homes Rock views. Hot tub Management with p aved m a in- Reduced!Want to move 52916 Old Lake Rd., Views I mmaculately the street $37,900. • Community park & with privacy screen. 541-536-0117 tained road. 1956 sq. in and enjoy life? This Silver Lake, OR. Two cared for 2 bdrm, 2 MLS ¹201403978. 1848 sq.ft. homes on boat ramp 2 blks Big .20 acre lot, 3/2.5, Great separation of 16206 Hawks Lair. 4 ft., 2 bdrms and bath Madras hom e Juniper Realty, is 40 acres. $180,000. bath, on a l most 4 • Septic approved 1692 sq.ft., RV park- bedrooms. $339,900 541-504-5393 2~/~ bath, 3304 upstairs with a family loaded with upgrades. High Lakes Realty & acres in private set• 4 m iles to Sunriver i ng, m t n vie w s , Lynn Johns, Principal bdrm, room. Downstairs tosq. ft . 2 ga r age. W ell m a int. an d Property $350, 0 00. Lot 1 SW S had Rd. M a n age- ting. Resort $259,900. P r incipal Broker, 541-408-2944 tally remodeled, all MLS¹201501538 Call 3 .09 a c re s wi t h High Lakes new floors, must see boasts a large tiled ment, 541-536-0117 Bill Kammerer, Broker B roker © J o h n L Wes Johns, Broker 541 $299,900. Realty & Pr o perty entry way, c e iling T erry Skjersaa a t 541-410-1200 Scott, 541-480-3393. a mazing view s . 408-2945 Central Or- Management new carpets, some fans, recessed light- C ustom 1308 sq. f t . 541-383-1426 Windermere $78,500. MLS¹ new cabinets, coun- ing, large loft area, a single story home on egon Resort Realtys 541-536-0117 Duke Warner Realty 749 Central Oregon 201402733 J u niper tertops, new lino in m aster bdr m w i t h 2 .45 a c res n ear Real Estate 16279 Leona L a ne, Realty 541-504-5393 Southeast Bend Homes Immaculate 1970 sq. ft. bath an d ki t chen. walk-in closet, win- Crooked River Ranch Waterfront and Smith sgl story has 3 bdrm+ $212,900. i m macu- 4-car attached. ga- dow W ell Maintained - 3 coverings entrance. Hardwood, Rock views! Large 1151 Trail Creek Dr, late 1689 sq. ft. and 2 Like new! 3 bdrm,. 2y2 den, 2 baths, triple garage w/workshop area throughout. Garage is tile, carpet flooring, country home on 5+ Eagle Crest 2681 sq. bdrm, 2 bath home on shops. High Lakes b ath, 1975 sq . f t . r age + g a ted R V behind garage, dog tree-lined street. 1292 with ceiling c entral v ac , h e a t irrigated acres. 2772 ft., 3 bdrms, 2~/z baths, & P r o perty run and landscaped.. finished sq. ft. with 5 bdrms, office and formal dinSF, g a s FP / heat, custom home fea- parking, water feature, Realty storage rack and you pump, FP, f l oor-to 2 wells and an exte- have great views from -ceiling 2~/~ baths, 2-car de- ing. 3-car g arage. central air, p a ntry, tures cherry cabinetry central air , s t one/ Management win d ows, and floors, large pan- paver rear patio with 541-536-0117 r ior b u ilding t h a t the back deck. VA as- Cascade mtn views, tached garage and Great room plan. All tiled foyer, fenced & try, and slab granite p ergola and s u n- 16784 Brenda Drive. would make a horse sumable if e l igible. wrap-around decks, beautiful landscaping. premium landscaped. fi n ishes. counters. Gated RV shades 8 more. MLS $344,900. 3 b d r m, barn or R V c over. $123,900 2014 0 9838 $512,550. MLS¹201410650, MLS¹ 840 sq. ft. garage, as- MLS Lynn $ 3 3 9,500 201501681 $299,000 $269,000. MLS 201304344 phalt drive, $186,900 $499,900. Call Pam Johns, Principal Bro$174,900. Call Pam parking. 1743 sq. ft. w/custom MLS 201500970 Call Pam Lester, Princ. Bro201305831 Cascade Lester, Principal Broupgrades. High Lakes Heather Hockett, PC, MLS 201409789 Call Lester, Principal Bro- ker, 541-408-2944 Warner ker, Century 21 Gold Realty & Dennis Hani- Broker, Century 21 Nancy Popp, Princ. ker, Century 21 Gold Wes Johns, Broker 541 ker, Century 21 Gold Kim P r o perty Realty, 541-410-2475 D u ke Country Realty, Inc. ford, Princ. Broker Country Realty, Inc. Management Gold Country Realty, Broker, 541-815-8000 Country Realty, Inc. 408-2945 Central Or541-504-1338 541-536-1731 Warner Realty 541-504-1338 541-504-1338 541-536-0117 541-420-9151 Crooked River Realty egon Resort Realty





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1280 Killdeer Ct., beau Lot 132 SW Sheltered Views of the Deschutes 360' M t n and Smith Hard-to-find 5-acre flat tifully situated .46 acre Pl. in CRR 1 acre with River - Lot 9 in the Rock views, paved buildable corner lot g olf course lo t i n w ater installed a n prestigious River Park road, 4.92 acres in located in Lake Park Eagle Crest. Level septic approved. Estates cap t ures Tetherow Crossing, Estates with mature with southerly expo $49,000. MLS stunning views of the septic fees approved. landscaping. M L S¹ s ure, close to P ro 201411027. Juniper D eschutes Riv e r , MLS ¹ 20 1 404802. 201406959 shop, sports center realty 541-504-5393 easterly desert views, $189,999. Call Pam $135,500. Call Pam and BLM. $139,900. Lot 22 Gray Squirrel Pilot Butte and the Lester, Principal Bro- Lester, Principal BroLynn Johns, Principal ascade Ran g e. ker, Century 21 Gold ker, Century 21 Gold Nicely treed C Broker, 541-408-2944 $14,000. $299,000 MLS: Country Realty, Inc. Country Realty, Inc. .6 acre near river. 541-504-1338 Central Oregon 201407188 Call Terry 541-504-1338 High Lakes Realty & Resort Realty Property M a nage- Skjersaa, 7965 SW River Rd. SeLot 18 SW Quail Rd. 541-383-1426. 15194 Ponderosa Loop ment 541-536-0117 Duke Warner Realty cluded & private 2.79 Amazing views from Level 1 .4 1 a c r es, acres, near the Des- this 5.15 acre rim lot. b uild or camp . Lot 67 SW Shad Rd. 541-382-8262 chutes River, canyon $70,000. Juniper Re$55,000. High Lakes great value for this wall views, borders alty 541-504-5393 Realty & Pr o perty 1 .04 acre l o t w i t h public land. $39,500. mountain views. Management Lot 20 SW Chipmunk Juniper Realty $29,900. MLS¹ 541-536-0117 Rd., level 5.14 acres, 541-504-5393 201408966 J u niper 16535 SW Chinook Dr. views of the Smith 173 Highland Meadow Realty 541-504-5393 9.76 AcresI $97,500 5.68 acre rim lot w/ Rock. $75,000. MLS Lp. Eagle Crest Re• 200 sq.ft. outbuilding Crooked River & mtn. 201406095 sort. 2 southeasterly • 29' Wilderness Trailer views $225 , 000. Find It in Juniper Realty Smith Rock views! .30 • Circular pen MLS 201106408. 541-504-5393 a cre lot b acks t o The Bulletin Classideds! • MLS 201407088 Juniper Realty common area, gently 541-385-5809 541-504-5393 Kirk Sandburg, Broker- Lot 4 S W B lue J ay sloped lot. $99,500 Road, CRR. S mith Lynn Johns, Princ, Madras Commercial 16685 SW Chinook Dr. R ock v i ews, 5 . 1 7 Broker, 541-408-2944, Lot I $27,000 acres borders public CRR. 6.9 acres with Wes Johns, Broker • 0.21 acres, vacant Crooked River al l land. $65,000. MLS 541-408-2945, Cencommercial lot 201407131 utilities inst a lled. tral Oregon Resort • High visibility MLS Juniper Realty $189,000 Realty • Perfect owner/user 541-504-5393 201008671. Juniper • MLS 201408839 5 2764 a n d 5277 8 Realty 541-504-5393 REAL ESTATE Corey Charon PE, Bridge. $42 5 ,000. BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Broker Gorgeous 6.49 River2 0+ acres i n W e s t Search the area's most 541-280-5512 Powell Butte Estates, Attention Developers! comprehensive listing of f ront a c res. H i g h Lakes Realty & Propgated co m munity, 16+ acres zoned R4. classified advertising... mtn. views, private There have been 4 real estate to automotive, erty Man agement 541-536-0117 well, paved roads with land use approvals in merchandise to sporting access t o BLM . the last 10 years. One goods. Bulletin Classifieds 8.54 acres, with well, $169,000 MLS for subdivided + 2 for appear every day in the MORRIS cleared sites. $59,900 201305077. apartment complexes. REAL ESTATE print or on line. 15002 Robert Rd, La 201 4 06943 Pam Lester, Principal MLS¹ Pine. High Lakes ReI&~ yly~ ~ ~ d Call 541-385-5809 Broker Century 21 $1,200,000 Pam alty & Property Man- Nice Lot with numerous Gold Country Realty, Lester, Principal Bro- www.bendbuUetin.com agement o ptions. Set up f o r Inc. 541-504-1338 ker, Century 21 Gold The Bulletin 541-536-0117 Country Realty, Inc. Serving CentralOregonsince lggy several RV campers, 914 Highland View 541-504-1338 to camp at once. Sep- 20.44 Acres - If you Loop Eagle C rest, tic and electric hook- want privacy and your Prineville I $74,900 • 2.04 acres Cascade Mtn views, ups for 5 sites. Nicely own get-away retreat, FIND IT! I ggg )T • Cascade Mountain back to BLM, large treed, nice neighbor- t his property is i t . views .44 acre lot with pan- hood. $92,500 MLS Breathtaking views of SELL IT! oramic Bring y our 201501402 the Cascade Moun- The Bulletin Classifieds • Crooked River views • MLS 2704850 builder $134,900. Call Candy Yow, tains. Electricity is on JJ Jones, Broker Lynn Johns, Principal 541-410-3193 property. $144,000. Bad Lands Wilderness Out your back door. 541-788-3678 Broker, 541-408-2944 Duke Warner Realty MLS¹201309974 Wes Johns, Broker 541 541-382-8262 20 acre homesite with Call Karolyn Dubois, 408-2945 Central OrCUP and mountain 541-390-7863 Nicely Treed One Acre Duke Warner Realty egon Resort Realty views. $18 0 ,000. Lot - on q uiet culPossible terms. MLS 541-382-8262 B uild Y ou r Dr e a m de-sac in Split Rail 201304808 MORRIS Home Here - Large Rancho subdivision 20 Acres - 2 Tax LotsCall Kit Korish, REAL ESTATE corner lot in NWX. Lot just SE of La Pine. Two 10+ acre lots 541-480-2335 l &n & ny~ n~ n sale includes ARC Rural area features with irrigation rights. Duke Warner Realty approved plans for a 3 many recreational op- Smallhome and shop 541-382-8262 PrineviUe Acreage I bdrm, 2.5 bath home, portunities. Property on one. Large pond c omplete with d e n needs septic feasibil- and g r ea t vi e ws. Build Your Home Here! • 8 acres$54,000 and f a mily r o o m. ity, well and utilities. $485,000 5 acres, outstanding • Private well, paved $199,500. MLS Adjacent lot is also MLS¹201407509 Cascade Mtn views, driveway ¹ 201404816 Call available fo r s a l e. Call Kim Warner, power at lot line & • Close to Prineville Terry Skje r saa, $15,000. MLS septic feasibility ap- Reservoir 541-410-2475 or 541-383-1426 D uke proved cap and fill. • MLS 201501735 ¹201407982 Fred Johnson, Warner Realty Call Tracy George, $79,900. 541-788-3733. Erica Patchen, Broker 541-408-3024 $201406415. Pam Coopers Hawk/ Harrier Duke Warner Realty 541-480-4825 Duke Warner Realty Lester, Principal BroCt. @ Eagle Crest 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 ker, Century 21 Gold Resort. large level .48 Country Realty, Inc. acre corner lot per exc. building Eastern Oregon Land- 541-504-1338 fect for circular drive Several sites offer privacy and Canyon City, Oregon, w ay, close t o p r o Cascade mtn views 3 lots available with Get away from it the MORRIS shop, sports center from these 7.17 acres city water and sewer hustle and bustle of REAL ESTATE and BLM. $150,000. at street. 1.86 acre minutes from the city life and e njoy I& v ~ny~ ~ o~ n Lynn Johns, Principal just trailhead t o S t e el- residential lot, level beautiful sunsets on Broker, 541-408-2944 building site, $30,900. 2.34 acres in Christhead Falls. Build your 775 Wes Johns, Broker 541 home in an area of 6.12 acre view lot, mas Valley. Many ac408-2945 Central Or Manufactured/ re s i dential, tivities to enjoy: 9-hole shallow well depths or zoned egon Resort Realty $30,900. 3.49 acre Mobile Homes park your RV and en- mtn view lot, within golf course, r iding Large pole barn, well, joy the amenities of city limits, $35,900. sand dunes, horseList Your Home p ower, o n e ac r e Crooked River Ranch. Sellers are Oregon li- back riding, wildlife & 20' I 106739. beautiful skies. $5500. JandNIHomes.com $85,000. 52740 Day MLS censed Real Estate We Have Buyers MLS 201411053 Call Road, La Pine. High $106,500 Brokers. Get Top Dollar Donna Carter, Broker, Lakes Realty & Prop- Linda Lou Day-Wright. Juniper Realty Financing Available. 541-903-0601 erty Man a gement Broker 541- 771-2585 541-504-5393 541-548-5511 541-536-0117 Crooked River Realty Crooked River Realty









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I •



t o








2117 ACR ERANCHI $3,2004100



• 1800 sq.ft. home, Cascadeviews • Shop,hay shed,bunkhouse, corrals • Nextto BLM 8 USF Sland 541480-2966 • MLS 201502391 STEVE PAYER, BROKER,GRI

14.47 acresinsideproposedUGB MAITRQSINSON • Preliminary plat with 95 lots PRINCIPAL • Home 8 covered arena BROKER 406200 541-977-5811 • MLS 201

• 10 acres, 8 mountarn vrews


• 8000 sq.ft. home • 5 bedroom, 6 bath 541-610-7318 • MLS 201401 911

OOWH IOWNBENDCONDOI $989,N 2.5 bath ICHAEL JHpPP, ' 2805 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, BROKER ~ • Ca scade 8 city vie from ws patio • vViking appliances, bamboofloors 541-390-0504 • MLS 201502431

36 ACRE RANCH I $950,000 LYNNE CONNELLEY • 4360 sq.ft., 3 bedroom,3.5 bath BROKER CRS ~ •

• Cascade views, 26acres irrigation v Barn, indoor 8 outdoor arenas

541-408-6720 • MLS 201410080

BIH Ha s


• oo • • •


NW CROSS ING I $850,000

• Custom buil3113 t sq.ft. home • 4bedroom,3bath • Brazilian Roors, vauled ceilings


10.11 ACRES I $699,000

THREE PINESI $759,900 BECKY BRUNOE, • 3054 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath BROKER , SRES • Light, bright,cheery • MLS 201502119 541-350-4772

541-322-1500 • MLS 201500636

KARIN JpHNSpN BROKER , ABR, E-PRQ 541-639-6140


• NW BENDI $695,000

• Custom 3132sq.ft. home • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath • Cascade views,backsto BIM • MLS 201 409030

AVIDGEMQRE • 2760 sq.ft. artistic home BROKE RCRSE.FRb • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 8.8 acres, mountain views RSPS 541-371-2309 • 201502472

JIM8, RQX ANNE CHENEYBROKERS 541-390-4050 541.390-4030

NW BEND I $599,000

AWBREY RIDGE I $569,000 GEEG IANGHAIM • 2759 sq.ft. craftsman • o3 bedro om + ofi ce,2.5 bath BRpKER

SKYUNERSUMMIT I$545,000 ROSEMA RYGOODWIN, • 3155 sq.ft. 3.5 bath BROKER , CERTIFIED • 5 bedroom, • Open Roor plan, newercarpet NEGOTITAOR 541-706-1897 • MLS 201501470

• Deschutes River 8 Cascadeviews

• 3248sq.ft.home • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • MLS 201408795

'g /

SUNRIVER I $669,900 • 3463 sq.h., 5 bedroom, 4 balh


OESCHU IE SRIVERFRONTIS629900 • 2854 sq.ft. Ioghome • 5 bedroom, 4 bath


• Overlooks 3rdhole Woodlandscourse • Hickory cabinets,white oakRoors 541-771-6996 • MLS 201500456 BROKER


• Quartz hickory knotty pine

541-588-0687 • MLS 201501135


• 2880 sq.h, «ahsman • 3 bedrooms aEon main level

BROKER , ABR, • Close to shops 8 restaurants ALHS,CRS,GRI 541-719-8444 • MLS 201 500417

• .25acre, on culde-sac

541-316-5903 • MLS 201501257

' EE



2.47 ACRES I $422,000

MIDTOWN BENDI$435,000 • 2864 sq.h., 3 bedroom, 3 balh


• 3 bedroom, 3 bath • Redwooddecks,Mt. Hoodviews 541-948-5880 • MLS 201410687

' Uen & largebonu' room ECO BROKER,FREVIEWS • .24 acre, acrossfromJuniper Park

541-480-7501 • MLS 201501 834


PRINEVILLE I $379,900 • 2956 sq.ft., 4 bedroom,2.5 bath

• 2.01 acres in gatedcommunily BROKER 541-322-2400 • Teak floors, granite counters

541-390-6441 • MLS 201 501137

FOREST MEADOWS I $3694XI JQHN SNppENPC • 1954sq.h., 4 bedroom,2.5 bath


541-312-7273 • MLS 201502110

541-419-8639 • MLS 201501 098

BRQKER MBA ABR• •Vaultedceilings, hardwoods,tile sver RS,GR I, SRES,SRS • Close to DeschuteRi


YARDLEY ESTATES I $350,000 • 2367 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Wood & travertine floors • Vaulted ceilings, granite counters

EE! El Jv (o

MIRADA I $304,900 • 1541 sq.h.


• Custom built1990sq.ft. home • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 1.39 acres, greenhouse • MLS 201501 024


NE BEND I $299300

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Picture windows,stonefireplace



541-948-9606 • MLS 20141101 7

RQQKIEDICKENS, • 4 bednx)rn, 3.5 bath BRQKER GRI • Corner lot, RV padwith hook-ups CRS,ABR 541-815-0436 • MLS 201 500998



unit ICHELL ETISOELPC, • 1192 sq.ft. each 2.5 batheach BROKER , ABR, CRS, • 2 bedroom, • Single car garages, fencedyards E-PRO 541-390-3490 • MLS 201502295

MIRADA I $289,990

LESIE RFRIEDMAHPC, • 1701 sq.ft. newconstruction 2 bath, great room BROKER ,ABR, CSP, • 3 bedroom, • Laminate floors, granite counters EPRO, S.l;AR. 541-330-8491 • MLS 201410797

• ESE "


NW SEND CONDO I $273,000

JOHNGALIAWAY, • 1213 sq.ft. condo • 4 bedroom, 2bath, opengreat room BROKER • Vaulted ceiling, hardwood floors 541-480-5802 • MLS 201501585

TAMARAC KPARK I $259,900 MARQ BQUCHARD ' I76 »q h • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BRQKERCRS • .2acre on aculcfe.sac SRES 541-977-1230 • MLS 201501443


MMKVJ LLCESCRIN FC • .68acre commercial lot Hwy 97 access BROKE('RS • Approvedsite plan 307130 541-383-4364 • MLS 201





DOWNTOWN BENDI $989 000 • 4132 sq.ft. remodelehome d • 5 bedroom, 4 bath • .21acre, I block fromriver

541-408-1511 • MLS 201402624




BROKER GR 'I • + 3bedroom, 2bath,picturewindows • .46acre, RVparking

541-280-2147 • MLS 201409134







'g fjI p


SE BEND I $189,900 DANAMILLER PRINCIPAL BRQKER ' Some Cascade Mountain views • RV parking, fire pit ABR,AHWD •

541-408-1468 • MLS 201408846


TTHMO UNTMNEESOETI $189,9OO • Updated662 sq.ft. condo • I bedroom,2 bath

SHERR YpERMGAN • .53acre lot onBig Deschutes • AE utilities to lot BROKER • Shared well, septic approved


541-410-4938 • MLS 201409798

541-480-6621 • MLS 201 408963


• Pool, hot tub, fitness,restaurants

CRES CENTLAKELOTI $74,900 • 1.84 acres • Riverfront • Year round road maintenance 541-815-4786 • MLS 201400377 PDElTE ADAIR, BROKER, S.EA.R.

• FOR LEASE $0.85/SF/MONTH retail space PAULAVANVLECK, • Large open • o Concrete Roor, newpaint 8 restroom BRpKER • Excellent location & visibility 541-280-7774 • MLS 201409862


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com To place an ad call 541-385-5809





Pets & Supplies

Furniture & Appliances

Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Misc. Items

LOP tags for big game huntinq; access in Condon, OTI. 541-384-5381

Horses & Equipment S c h ools 8 Training

Rainbow - super sized castle, $4000 new, needs some care, you haul, $800. 541-815-2505. Reduce Your Past Tax Bill by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax DR Now to see if Qualify you

IITR Truck School



Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

REDNOND CANPUS Our Grads Get Jobs!

Add your web address C abinetmaker. High to your ad and readend custom s h op ers on The Bulletin's looking for e x periweb site, www.bend- enced hands. Seekbulletin.com, will be ing self starter with 464 good people and time able to click through Looking for Employment automatically to your management skills. Shop and field work. website. Min 5 years experiWoman willing to do erence, par t icularly rands for the elderly S UBA R U . custom and framefor s l ight f e e in Auto -Sales less cabinetry. Pay Bend/Redmond. Sales professional to DOE. 541-330-3960 541-280-0892 Join Central Oregon's l a rgest 476 new ca r de a ler Caregivers Employment Subaru of B e nd. w anted t o j o i n Opportunities Offering 401k, profit our caring sharing, m e d ical memory car e plan, split shifts and c ommunity. A l l paid vacation. ExpeAddlctlons shifts a vailable. rience or will train. Counselor 90 day $1500 guarMust be reliable. at Serenity Lane a ntee. Dress f o r Also needed part success. P l e ase t ime c hef. F o r For complete job apply at 2060 NE descriptions and more inf o r maHwy 20, Bend. See application process, Bob or Devon. tion, or any visit questions, www.sereni lane.or call please and click on Just too many 541-385-4717 Employment collectibles? Opportunities. 1-888-438-2235 WWW.IITR.EDU

Dick Idol 2-pc armoire, Ruger M77 Hawkeye, St. Bernard female pup 300 WIN mag., walDeluxe showman elk design, $700. from Brandy & Bruno's nut/blued, NIB, $675. 3-horse trailer Sil202 beautiful full-mask pups. VX-L Leupold verado 2001 29'x8' Want to Buy or Rent born Jan. 11; dew claws 4 .5-14X50mm n e w 5th wheel with semi removed, 1st shots. $860, asking $675. living quarters, lots of Wanted: $Cash paid for $500. 541-548-3520 541-815-2505. extras. Beautiful conGrandmas old/newer lewdition. $21,900. OBO elry. Top $ paid for gold/ Toy American Eskimo, "Putt" Putnam auto- Ruger mdl7717HMR bolt 1-800-791-2099. 541-420-3277 silver. I buy by the es- 3yrs old, F, shots, mi- graphed giclee printof action laminated stock, (PNDC) tate/load. Honest Artist crochip, AKC, spayed, exc. $595 541-815-49011 rodeo clown,$600. 375 Sell you r s t ructured Elizabeth, 541-633-7006. $500. 541-408-1616 Rocking S custom Wanted: Collector settlement or annuity Meat & Animal Processing book case, $75. Cash seeks high quality fishWanted- paying cash for CASH only, you pick up, near ing items & upscale fly payments for Hi-fi audio & stuNOW. You don't have Buermann's Ranch Fossil, OR.541-468-2269 rods. 541-678-5753, or dio equip. Mclntosh, to wait for your future M eats. Annual Hog Sale 503-351-2746 J BL, Marantz, D yElectric bed twin size, payments any longer! /2hog fully processed good cond., $300. naco, Heathkit, SanCall 1-800-914-0942 delivered to vour area 247 541-385-6168 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. (PNDC) $240. Call 541-573-2677 Whoodle Pups, 10 Sporting Goods Call 541-261-1808 SOCIAL S E C URITY weeks, 1st shots, de- Misc. ... couch, D ISABILITY B E N - Find exactly what Want to buy SunSetter wormed. Hypoallergenic Furniture l ove seat, coff e e E FITS. Unable t o you are looking for in the awning accessories. /no shed, 2 males left O table, end table and Coleman E l i t e 7 541-408-0846 work? Denied ben$1000 ea. Health guarlamp, all oak or screened tent $115. CLASSIFIEDS efits? We Can Help! antee. 541-410-1581 trimmed in oak. You 541-410-0463 205 WIN or Pay Nothing! Yorkie AKC pups 3 M, haul. $500. Call Contact Bill Gordon 8 Items for Free 251 541-389-3890 after 1F, adorable, UDT Associates at Hot Tubs & Spas 4:00 p.m. shots, health guar., pix, 1-800-879-3312 to Free ]I Q [Ni)p o~ o g $500/up. 541-777-7743 your application moving boxes. Marquis 2005 S i lver start Recliner/therapy chair, today! (PNDC) Call 541-604-6358 Your deposit c ans/ Anniv. Hot Tub, gray bottles help! Donate new, electric, infinite and black, 6-8 person 263 Sell them in 206 Drug Free Need help fixing stuff? positions, c o mpact to local all volunteer, new circuit Workplace. EOE. Tools The Bulletin Classifieds Call A Service Professional non-profit cat rescue. size, tan color, $600. seating, Pets & Supplies board. Delivery availfind the help you need. At Jake's Diner, Hwy 541-389-1336 able, $2000. A ir c ompressor 4 hp www.bendbulletin.com Adopt a nice rescued 20 E, Petco in Red541-815-2505 54$ 355 55O9 Campbell-Hausfeld cat! A l tered, vacci- mond; Smith Sign, Refrigerator 120-240, exc. cond. 253 nated, ID chip, tested, 1515 NE 2nd, Bend; Frigidaire brand $140 541-318-1233. new side-by-side General more! CRAFT, 65480 or CRAFT in Tumalo. TV, Stereo & Vide The Bulletin is seeking a Pressman with expeCan pick up l arge CROOK COUNTY 78th, Bend, Sat/Sun, with icemaker. rience in the Printing industry. Two years of 1-5pm. 541-389-8420 amounts, 389-8420. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Paid $1200 HILTE TE22 31" Panasonic TV with prior web press experience is beneficial, but www.craftcats.org www.craftcats.org selling for $850. stand, $105. C ell¹ I Concrete Hammer training can be provided. At The Bulletin you Crook County Human Resources 541-410-5956 303-946-6914 ~541.788.2047 $12~0. 210 can put your skills to work and make our Human Resources Director Canary Males. products and services jump off the page! In Dish TV RetailerSAVE Furniture & Appliances Yellow or white. $54,746.22 - $59,213.51 DOE P OWERMATIC 10 " addition to printing our 7-day a week newspaSofa, converts to chase, 50% o n q u alifying Full-time with Benefits 3O $45 each. ablesaw. 5 H P , 3 per, we also print a variety of other products v ery c l ean, $ 1 1 5 packages! S t a rting tphase. Excellent singers. Closes: April20, 2015 30 " f e n ce for numerous clients. The Bulletin utilizes a 3 cash. 541-719-0016 $19.99/month (for 12 541-548-7947. $600. Call Brad for /2 tower KBA Comet press that a Pressman months.) FREE PrePosition Overview: Plan, direct, and coordi212 must become knowledgeable and familiar German Shepherds mium Movie Chan- details. 541 480-7032 nate human resource management activities of working with. www.sherman-ranch.us Antiques & nels. FREE Installa265 the County to maximize the strategic use of We put a premium on dependability, timeliQuality. 541-281-6829 tion! CALL, Collectibles human resources and maintain functions such Building Materials (2) 90-inch Couches ness, having a positive attitude and being a COMPARE L O CAL as employee compensation, recruitment, perCane bamboo with team player. We offer a competitive compenDEALS sonnel policies, and regulatory compliance. Bend Habitat silk upholstery,$1000 China cabinet, o a k; sation plan and career growth opportunities. 1-800-308-1563 trunk; 2 chairs, oak, PHR/SPHR and public sector experience preRESTORE each,obo. This position primarily works nights, with a upholstery no arms; (PNDC) ferred. Applications and full lob description Building Supply Resale 10-hour shift, 4 days per week. small drop front desk, GRAND OPENING! 541-312-6709 can be found at www.co.crook.or.us. Full job If you are interested in fostering your talent as oak; redwood burl 50% offall computer description and application can be found at 224 NE Thurston Ave. a pressman in beautiful Bend, OR we encourtable 4xy2'x3y2'; round services! 541-233-8447 Golden Retrievers, AKC www.co.crook.or.us. Open to the public. age you to apply. Please contact Al Nelson, end table; bookcase English Creams, 6 M's, www.thecomputerPressroom Manager, at 267 mahogany.Must See! sourceredmond.com all certified, taking Please apply a t the Cr o o k C o unty Mahogany Media anelsonOwescom a ers.com 541-388-3532 Fuel & Wood Treasurer's/Tax Office at 200 NE 2nd Street, $500 deposits, ready Armoire,2 drawers, 2 with your resume, references and salary his4/20. 541-815-8456 255 Prineville, Oregon 97754; 541-447-6554; EEO shelves,$500 obo. Old Gas Pumps /Soda tory/requirements. No phone calls please. All yearDependable Vending Machines Computers Drug testing is required prior to employment. Lab Pups AKC,black & 619-884-4785(Bend) Firewood: Seasoned; The Bulletin is a drug free work place and WANTEDI Will pav cash. yellow, Master Hunter Kyle, 541-504-f 050 T HE B U LLETIN r e - Lodgepole, split, del, EOE. Field Service Technician sired, performance pediSay "goodbuy" quires computer ad- B end, 1 f o r $ 1 9 5 ree, OFA cert hips & el216 or 2 cords for $365. vertisers with multiple KEITH Mfg. Co. has an immediate The Bulletin ows, 541-771-2330 to that unused Sewing Central Oregon since19tU • C oins 8 Stamps ad schedules or those Multi-cord discounts! www.klnnamanretrlevers.com opening for a Field Service Tech. selling multiple sys- 541-420-3484. item by placing it in Queensland Heelers tems/ software, to disMinimum Qualifications: Standard & Mini, $150 The Bulletin Classifieds close the name of the Pine & Juniper Split • Previous maintenance experience & up. 541-280-1537 business or the term Digital Advertising Sales Manager • Demonstrate knowledge in fields such as www.rightwayranch.wor 5 41-385-580 9 "dealer" in their ads. PROMPT DELIVERY welding, electronics and hydraulics dpress.com Private party advertis542-389-9663 The Bulletin is seeking a goal-oriented • Able to: HELP YOUR AD ers are defined as Digital Advertising Sales Manager to drive stand out from the -Pass a background check those who sell one online advertising revenue growth. This po-Have a valid Oregon driver's license rest! Have the top line 269 computer. in bold print for only sition will manage the department's digital -Be awayfrom home up to 3 w eeks Gardening Supplies -Obtain a U.S. passport $2.00 extra. projects, and will: 267 & Equipment 541-385-5809 Musical Instruments Study the local market and make recommenApply at • • C al l 5 4 I -385-5809 The Bulletin Drum Kits:Specializing BarkTurfSoil.com •dations keithwalkingfloor.com/aboutus/careers on best opportunities for online revenue growth. High Quality New & to r o m ot e o u r service Private collector buying inUsed • Work in collaboration with department manDrum Sets! PROMPT DELIVERY postagestamp albums & agement in the ongoing training and coaching Circulation 542-389-9663 collections, world-wide Kevin, 541-420-2323 280 286 of Bulletin advertising salespeople. The Bulletin Circulation department is lookThe Drum Shop and U.S. 573-286-4343 • Contribute to building local digital revenue by ing for a District Representative to join our Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend (local, cell phone). Have Tiller Will Travel regularly going on joint sales calls with adverSingle Copy team. This is a full time, 40-hour Redmond/ Terrebonne tising staff. per week position. Overall focus is the repre240 Davis Estate Sale Get your spring tilling • Direct Digital Advertising Coordinator to ensentation, sales and presentation of The Bulle** FREE ** by Farmhouse • Crafts & Hobbies done, call Dennis, sure that the online ad scheduling, trafficking, tin newspaper. These apply to news rack locaGarage Sale Klt Estate Sales 541-420-6524. and customer reporting functions are pertions, hotels, special events and news dealer Place an ad in The Ashford 23V2" rigid Fri;Sat., 9-4 formed in a timely and accurate fashion. outlets. Daily responsibilities include driving a 796 SE Briarwood Ct. Bulletin for your ga- heddle loom used once For newspaper • Assist in the development of online and company vehicle to service a defined district, rage sale and re$200. 541-279-8908 delivery, call the Bend Ebony Baby Grand cross/sell advertising packages and attendant ensuring newspaper locations are serviced ceive a Garage Sale Beautiful 4 bdrm Circulation Dept. at piano, great condisales collateral. and supplied, managing newspaper counts for 242 Kit FREE! 541-385-5800 home! 2001 Hyundai tion. Professionally the district, building relationships with our curExercise Equipment Tiburon; Co n nelly To place an ad, call maintained. Qualifications include a bachelor's degree, at rent news dealer locations and growing those KIT INCLUDES: 541-385-5809 pool table; bar; vin$3500. least 3 years' experience and a proven track locations with new outlets. Position requires • 4 Garage Sale Signs Elliptical, Air Strider E60 tage arcade game; 541-215-5991 or email record of success in selling multi-plafform or total ownership of and accountability of all • $2.00 Off Coupon To Health Rider, $250. Classified@bendbulletin.COm antique armoire; 4 digital advertising to major accounts and single copy elements within that district. Work Use Toward Your 541-504-1993 queen beds; canoe; agencies. Management experience a plus, schedule will be Thursday through Monday Next Ad The Bulletin For Sale: vintage amp, theatre Scrving Central Oreyon sinceSN • 10 Tips For "Garage with the ideal candidate being able to demonwith Tuesday and Wednesday off. Requires set; Bose equipment; Power Plate Piano Technician strate a history of success in implementing inSale Success!" good communication skills, a strong attention machine tools & supplies, beautiful h o usehold novative ideas and developing the skills level 270 to detail, the ability to lift 45 pounds, flexibility Vibrational exerfurniture; full kitchen, with rolls of piano of sales team members. The Bulletin is a drug of motion and the ability to multi task. EssenLost & Found PICK UP YOUR cises for musclestring, $725. professional photogfree workplace and pre-employment drug tial: Positive attitude, strong service/team oriGARAGE SALE KIT at strengthening, raphy equipment. Call 971-219-9122 testing is required. entation, sales and problem solving skills. Lost: 3/29, 8 yrs old fe1777 SW Chandler stretching, massage in Redmond See pix and Must be insurable to drive company vehicle. male Blue H eeler, & relaxation, $500. descri ptions at Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Please email your resume to: Send resume to: mewingObendbulletin.com near Deschutes Mar541-504-3869 www.farmhouseestateHohner/Lee Oskar har- ket Rd. and Dale Rd. jbrandt© bendbulletin.com Applications are available at the front desk. The Bulletin sales. com monicas, 15 different Chipped an has collar No phone calls please. 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702 Serving Central Oregonsince 1903 k eys, e xc . co n d . w/ 245 No phone inquiries please. tag s . Call FIND IT! w/case; The Hohner 541-480-7622 • G olf Equipment Serving Cenrral Oregon since 1903 Quilters' Cotton Fabrics 64 Chromonica 28, BIIV ITI Serv(ng Cenrral Oregon since 1923 100's of Pieces The Bulletin is an equal opportunity employer SELL IT! Men's Callaway woods, pref. cond.; Astatic 50S Fat Quarters 3-13, $25 ea. Ladies mic JT 30 VC, like Pre-employment drug testing required. The Bulletin Classifieds From to multi yard pieces. with cord+ plugs. EOE/Drug Free Workplace allaway woo d s , new M ake off e r . Thurs, Fri, Sat 10 — 5 C Accounting 3-13, $25 ea. Ladies 282 541-382-8205 Bend Indoor Swap Meet ACCOUNTING Sales Northwest Bend Corner Wilson & 3rd St. Taylor Made Miscela Piano, Yamaha, porfull set, $75. 541- 633-3108 Staff Accountant table, w it h b e n ch. 541-382-6664 Garage Sale! Volunteer $195. 541-385-5689 Connect Benefits. 292 246 The Staff Accountant is responsible for maintainTables, housewares, 260 ing multiple aspects of the general ledger to enSales Other Areas Guns, Hunting books, lots more! sure accurate and timely reporting. This posi306 Misc. Items Inventory Accounting Analyst Rain/shine, Sat. 4/4, 8 Fishing tion will be responsible for the preparation of Farm Equipment 9-3, 119 NW Drake Rd. FRI.-SAT., 9-4, Furnfinancials, journal entries, balance iture & so much more! AR15 scope mount rail, 3 T iered c oncrete Les Schwab is looking for a n I nventory monthly & Machinery sheet reconciliations, bank reconciliations and waterfall w / pump. 69961 Stardust Lane new, $25; 3boxes Accounting Analyst to work closely with store end accruals. Find It in $50. 541-504-3833 off of Wilt Rd., Sisters management t o id e ntify a n d a n a lyze month (100 ct ea.) Nosler seek a motivated individual that will bring a The Bulletin Clsssifisds! variances within their inventory and gross We Ballistic tip bullets (for BUYING fresh perspective to our systems and procemargin results. Th e Inventory Accounting NOTICE reloading), .338 200 541-385-5809 Lionel/American Flyer dures. An ideal candidate will learn current proAnalyst performs month-end financial close Remember to remove grain, $60 ea or $175 trains, accessories. cedures, while taking a proactive approach to duties including account reconciliations and 541-408-2191. Three family garage your Garage Sale signs all! 208-255-2407 find efficiencies, as well as assist the CFO with journal e ntries a n d pr e pares m o nthly (nails, staples, etc.) financial analysis. sale - Saturday only. Bend local pays CASHII BUYING & S ELLING 1991 John Deere Die- inventory reports. This position also provides The after your Sale event position requires a detail-oriented individual April 4th, 8-1. 2 9 12 for firearms & ammo. All gold jewelry, silver sel Tractor, model assistance to store personnel on their daily is over! THANKS! NW Wild M e adow 541-526-0617 and gold coins, bars, 855, front angle blade. responsibilities such a s p o sting/receiving with strong general accounting, organizational, From The Bulletin Drive. rounds, wedding sets, communication, and time management skills. and your local utility Berretta AR-70 pre-ban, class rings, sterling sil- New tires, $ 5 500. purchase orders, maintaining store inventory, We seek a positive individual that enjoys workand analyzing and correcting certain system companies. NIB. Serious collec- ver, coin collect, vin- 541-420-0235 ing in a fast-paced team environment in beautitors o n ly . $ 3 800. transactions. Find It in tage watches, dental ful Bend, OR. 316 541-420-7526. The Bulletin gold. Bill Fl e ming, Irrigation Equipment The Bulletin Classifieds! Serving Central Oregonsince SN Qualifications: 541-382-9419. B rowning Citori 1 2 g Essential lob functions & responsibilities 541-385-5809 • Ability to both work independently and www.bendbulletin.com over-under shotgun. • General ledger maintenance: detailed underFOR SALE contribute to overall team performance standing of each account and proper posting Invector plus chokes. In Tumalo Irrigation • Demonstrated proficiency with Microsoft • Month end accruals, journal entries, bank and great condition. $850. Water Excel ESTATE SALE balance sheet reconciliations Call 503-320-3008 $4,500 per acre • Prior accounting coursework or experience Beautiful golf course home full of antiques • Fixed Asset additions, disposals 8 depreciation Call 541-419-4440 Preferred: CASH!! • Cost reporting and forecasting from the 1800s including 3 desks, dress• Four-year degree in accounting, finance, For Guns, Ammo 8 325 ers, 8' dining table, Chippendale 8 SheraReloading Supplies. business administration or equivalent & skills tin chairs, Empire cabinet, Victorian glass & Hay, Grain & Feed 541-408-6900. • Experience using large-scale accounting/ERP Experience • General ledger accounting required china, silver, dolls, 1906 Buster Brown systems Chainsaw-carved • 4-year degree in Accounting CZ mod455 American comics, grain bin, mirrors,books, quilts, First Quality green grass Experience working in teams that and Baby hay, no rain, barn stored, •implemented • Advanced Excel and data entry skills baby dresses, Oriental rugs, Mid Eastern 17HMR, extra nice wood Momma new accounting systems Bear. Momma is • Experience with SBS Financial Systems a plus $495. 541-815-4901 $250/ton. weavings & more, PLUS sofa, 2 queen over 5-ft tall; baby is • Newspaper experience preferred Call 541-549-3831 beds, side chairs, kitchenware, patio furn, Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent H & H FIREARMS 23" tall. May conPatterson Ranch, Sisters customer service, with over 450 stores and BBQ, 2 fridges, craft items, garage items, Buy, Sell, Trade, sider selling sepaTo apply, please submit both a cover letter and Consign. lots misc! Mt. Washington Dr.to Putnam to Premium orchard grass, 7,000 employees in the western United States. rately; both $850. resume to hwright@wescompapers.com or by We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits, Across From Champion to 3555 NW Conrad Dr., Bend barn stored no rain, Can be seen in mail to Western Communications, attn: Heidi Pilot Butte Drive-In retirement and cash bonus. Please go to 1st & 2nd cutting. Del. Gates will open starting at 7AM. Please Prineville. Wright, PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. www.lesschwab.com to apply. No ph one cal l s 541-382-9352 avail. 5 4 1-420-9158 park carefully on 1 side of street Call 541-447-7820 please. or 541-948-7010. Fri & Sat, 9-4, numbers 8 a.m. Friday. Western Communications, Leather takedown shot541-350-6822 lnc. is a drug free workplace gun scabared, cus- Children's Swing Set, Wheat Straw for Sale. Les Schwab is proud to be an and EOE. Pre-employment www.atticestatesandappraisais.com tom m ade, $ 2 50. metal, good cond., Also, weaner pigs. equal opportunity employer. drug testing is required. 541-815-2505. 541-546-6171 $75. 541-595-2003 I


/! 0




The Bulletin



The Bulletin

F2 SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015 • THE BULLETIN Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities








Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Boats & Accessories


Canopies & Campers

Antique & Classic Autos

Tioga 24' Class C Adventurer2013 86 FUN & FISH! Construction Labor- Equipment operators FARM WORKER, Bought new in 2000, FB truck camper, ers & Dump Truck needed for u n der- LABORER - 2 TempoWildland Fire currently under 21K $18,800. 2205 clry rary Positions. drivers needed f or ground utility work Fightersmiles, exc. shape, weight, 44 gallons underground u t i lity b ased out o f o u r Employment dates are new tires, profesCooper Contracting f resh water. 3 1 0 Bend Park@ as follows: 05/12/2015 work based out of our B end office. C D L sionally winterized is now hiring entry watts rooftop solar, 2 Recreation through 11/12/2015. B end o ffice. C D L preferred. Competievery year, cut-off level fire f ighters. deep cycle batteries, G uaranteed 3/4 o f preferred. C ompetitive pay and local switch to b a ttery (No exp. needed). LED lights, full size Is Accepting 2006 Smokercraft 1965 Mustang c ontract hours. A l l tive pay & local work. work. Benefits and plus new RV batMust be least 18 yrs q ueen bed. n i c e Applications For: Sunchaser820 Hard top, Benefits 8 401k avail401 k avai l able. tools provided at no t eries. Oven, h o t of age. Starting pay floorplan. Also availmodel pontoon boat 6-cylinder, auto trans, able. Pre-employment Pre-employment drug cost. Free housing -Lifeguard water heater & air $ 10.10/hr., plu s able 201 0 Chevy 75HP Mercury and power brakes, power p rovided for N o n--Swim Instructor drug screen, physical screen, physical & cond., seldom used; $4.02/hr. hazardous Silverado HD, electric trolling mosteering, garaged, commuting workers. -Park Maint. Worker 8 background check background c h eck just add water and pay on the first 40 $15,000. well maintained, tor, full canvas and it's r eady to g o ! required. C-2 Ut ility required. C-2 Utility T ransportation a n d -Swim Coach hrs. Call S h awn 360-774-2747 engine runs strong. many extras. S ubsistence re i m - -Youth Rec. Leader Contractors, LLCis an Contractors, LLC is $22,000 obo. Sen541-948-7010 to No text messages! 74K mi., great condito worker upon -Tennis Instructor Stored inside Equal Op p ortunity an Equal Opportunity bursed ous inquiries, only. schedule and intertion.$12,500. completion of 50% of $19,900 E mployer. Mail r e - Employer. Mail reStored in T errebFor completeiob view or fo r m o re Must see! contract. Pay rate of 541-350-5425 onne. 541-548-5174 sumes to: C-2 Utility sumes to: C-2 Utility announcements info. 541-598-7940 $12.42/hour. Hufford Contractors, PO Box Contractors, PO Box o or to apply go to Fort Rock, OR. Bayliner 185 2006 7585, B e nd , OR 7585, B e nd, O R Estate Duties include plant- bendparksandrec.org 486 open bow. 2nd owner F ord p i ckup 1 9 5 1 97708 o r f a x to 97708 o r f a x to ing, cultivating, & harEqual Opportunity 541-389-8445. c ustom, o a k b ox. 541-389-8445. Independent Positions — low engine hrs. vesting h a y/alfalfa. — fuel injected V6 Employer AM/FM cassette, new Apply for this job by — Radio & Tower. brakes, 289 V-8, '67 contacting the near- Housekeepers wanted. Sales Help Wanted: Great family boat Customer Service Mustang engine in this. Need to get an kios k est State Workforce Full time opening. Ap- E nergetic H orizon Air N O W Priced to sell. Edelbrock intake and Ready to make memories! ad in ASAP'? Agency Office at ply in person, at The sales person needed HIRING Customer $11,590. carb CFM. 10,461 mi. Top-selling Winnebago S u nriver. immediately for the 541-388-6070 an d Pines at Service Agents You can place it 541-548-0345. on engine. $12,500. 31J, original owners, non908 mention Job Order 541-593-2160. Part-Time - REDC entral Ore g o n 541-610-2406. online at: smokers, garaged, only ¹1342505 MOND - For more area. Secured loca- Yamaha 1997, 6hp, 2 18,800 Aircraft, Parts miles, auto-levelMaintenance info and to apply, www.bendbulletin.com tions, high commis- stroke motor, $550. ing jacks, (2) slides, up& Service Whispering please visit: TURN THE PAGE sions paid weekly! 541-408-2237 graded queen bed, bunk http://horizonair.jobs 541-385-5809 Winds For more informa875 beds, micro, (3) TVs, For More Ads Retirement t ion, p l ease c a l l sleeps 10! Lots of storWatercraft The Bulletin is seeking a full-time age, maintained, very Howard at Driversfor maintenance tech. clean!Only $67,995!Ex541-279-0982. You Moving Company Mercedes 380SL 1982 Must have some batended warranty and/or fiClass A, Class B c an a l s o em a i l Roadster, black on black, Delivery sic electrical, plumnancing avail to qualified drivers, & Lumpers tcoles©yourneighsoft & hard top, excellent buyers!541-388-7179 bing, carpentry and needed. No e x p. condition, always gaborhoodpublications. 1/3interest in painting experience. necessary, will train raged. 155 K m i les, com for more inforColumbia 400, $11,500. $12.50/hr plus benthe right p erson. $upplement Your Income L 541-549-6407 mation. Financing available. efits. Apply in per16' Cata Raft Must be able to lift s on at 2 92 0 N E $125,000 50 Ibs or more. Must 2 Outfitter oars, 2 Conners Ave., (located O Bend) b e able t o p a ss Cataract oars, 3 NRS Now taking bids for an Independent ConRm(jj)(81 Bend., Pre-employ541-288-3333 background check 8" Ouffitter blades and tract Hauler to deliver bundles of newspament drug test reWinnebago Outlook ® UAEK@ and p r e -employ- pers from Bend to Medford, Oregon on a l ots of gear, all i n quired. 2007 Class "C"31 ', ment drug screen"very good to exc." weekly basis. Must have own vehicle with clean, non- smoking ing. Bring resume to condition plus custom VW CONV. 1 9 78 license and insurance and the capability to exc. cond.$49,900 Prestige Moving & camp/river tables and $8999 -1600cc, fuel Mill Workers haul up to 6000 lbs. Candidates must be 541-447-9268 Storage, 1006 SW bags, more!. $2,700 injected, classic 1978 able to lift up to 50 lbs. Selected candidate Emkay Dr., Bend. 541 318 1322. Volkswagen ConvertWe are looking for will be independently contracted. C ontact Bryan o r Additional information ible. Cobalt blue with Get your experienced Moul1/3 interest in wellTo apply or for more info contact Bill. 541-383-3362. and photos on black convertible 528 der Oper a tors business equipped IFR Beech Bo- a Tony Giglio request, too! cream colored and Moulder Set up Loans & Mortgages nanza A36, new 10-550/ top, Good classified ads tell t i lio©bendbulletin.com interior & black dash. people, as well 880 prop, located KBDN. This little beauty runs the essential facts in an as experienced Fin- BANK TURNED YOU e ROW I N G $65 000 541-41 9-9510 and looks great and Motorhomes interesting Manner.Write gerjoint operators. If www. N4972M.com DOWN? Private party turns heads wherever from the readers view - not you have these skill will loan on real esGeneral with an ad in it goes. Mi: 131,902. HANGAR FOR SALE. the seller's. Convert the sets please come to tate equity. Credit, no The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our SaturPhone 541-382-0023 The Bulletin's 30x40 end unit T facts into benefits. Show the Pers o nnel problem, good equity day night shift and other shifts as needed. We hanger in Prineville. the reader how the item will Department in Ma"Call A Service is all you need. Call currently have openings all nights of the week. 933 Dry walled, insulated, help them insomeway. dras to fill out an apOregon Land MortEveryone must work Saturday night. Shifts Professional" and painted. $23,500. Pickups This plication. S t arting gage 541-388-4200. start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and Directory Tom, 541.788.5546 wage DOE. We ofadvertising tip end between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpo24' Mercedes Benz fer medical, dental, LOCAL MONEY:Webuy Chev Silverado 1500 brought toyouby sitions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. Prism, 2015 Model G, 881 secured trust deeds & vision and life insur2008 LS crew cab 4x4 Starting pay is $9.25 per hour, and we pay a note,some hard money Mercedes Diesel engine, The Bulletin ance. Vac a t ion Travel Trailers v8-auto, canopy. minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts 18+ mpg, auto trans, ServingCentral Oregonsince t9t8 loans. Call Pat Kellev a vailable after 6 ¹102786 $17,995 fully loaded with are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of 541-382-3099 ext.13. months. Must take double-expando, loading inserting machines or stitcher, stackDutchman Denali and pass a pre-emand only 5200 miles. ing product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup 32' 2011 travel ployment drug test. Perfect condition and other tasks. For qualifying employees we Save money. Learn trailer. 2 slides Evonly $92K. benefits i ncluding l if e i n surance, to fly or build hours 541-598-3750 aaaoreerything goes, all Meet singles right now! offer Apply at: Call 541-526-1201 short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid with your own airkitchen ware, linens gonautosource.com No paid o perators, Bright Wood or see at: vacation and sick time. Drug test is required c raft. 1968 A e r o etc. Hitch, sway just real people like 3404 Dogwood Ave., Corp. prior to employment. Commander, 4 seat, bars, water & sewer you. Browse greetin Redmond. Chev Silverado 335 NW Hess St. 150 HP, low time, hoses. List price ings, exchange mes- Please submit a completed application attenMadras, OR 97741 full panel. $21,000 $34,500 - asking sages and connect tion Kevin Eldred. Applications are available obo. Contact Paul at live. Try it free. Call $26,800 Loaded. at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chan541-447-5184. Plumber Journeymen Must see to apprecinow: 877-955-5505. dler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be Needed for new con850 ate. Redmond, OR. (PNDC) obtained upon request by contacting Kevin struction. Start immedi541-604-5993 Snowmobiles Eldred via email (keldred@bendbulletin.com). ately! Good pay/benefits 2005 crew cab great Western Washington Allegro 32' 2007, like No phone calls please. Only completed appliCall Gary, 541-410-1655 looking! Vin¹972932 Guy s e ek s gal new, only 12,600 miles. cations will be considered for this position. No 50/60s, slim/average Call The Bulletin At $19,977 Chev 8.1L with Allison 60 resumes will be accepted. Drug test is rebuild, to share quiet 541-385-5809 transmission, dual ex- (e~ quired prior to employment. EOE. times; trips, walks, I': haust. Loaded! Auto-levROBBERSON Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Superhawk N7745G nature, moon-light, eling system, 5kw gen, uvcoa» ~ ~I I m a At: www.bendbulletin.com M' Owners' Group LLC cuddling! Greg, PO The Bulletin power mirrors w/defrost, serviny central oregon sinceeos Cessna 172/180 hp, Heartland P rowler Box 3013 Arlington, 4-place enclosed Inter- 2 slide-outs with aw541-312-3986 IFR, new avionics, RN - IN F ECTION state snowmobile trailer nings, rear WA 98223. c a mera, 2012, 29 PRKS, 33', fullGTN www.robberson.com 750, touchCONTROL/ w/ RockyMountain pkg, trailer hitch, driyer door like new, 2 slides-livDlr ¹0205. Price screen center stack, i ng area & la r ge EMPLOYEE $8500. 541-379-3530 w/power window, cruise, good thru 4/30/1 5 exceptionally clean. exhaust brake, central closet. Large enough HEALTH/ Healthy engine YAMAHA 700 2000 vac, satellite sys. Asking to live in, but easy to OUTPATIENT reserve fund. 3 cyl., 2300 mi.; 2006 tow! 15' power awWhat are you $67,500. 503-781-8812 THERAPY Hangared at KBDN. Polaris Fusion 9 0 0, ning, power hitch 8 One share looking for? only 788 mi., new mirstabilizers, full size Wallowa Memorial available, $13,000. rors, covers, custom queen bed , l a r ge You'll find it in Call 54! 385 5801 topromote yourservice• Advertise for 28doysstarting at'lf0FaspsmltackogeisnaawilableonoureMc! Call 541-706-1780 Hospital skis, n e w rid e -on shower, porcelain sink r ide-off t r ailer w i t h The Bulletin Classifieds & toilet. Located in spare, + much more. 925 $26,500. 541-999-2571 Enterprise, OR $ 6,995. Call for d e Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care Utility Trailers Fleetwood D i scovery Price Reduced! $14,500. tails. 541-420-6215 541-385-5809 40' 2003, diesel, w/all Fleetwood Pegasus 27' NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon Land860 BSN Preferred options - 3 slide outs, 2005 FQS, 14' slide, lots law requires anyone scape Contractors Law GA L LW Current Motorcycles & Accessories satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, of extras and plenty of who con t racts for (ORS 671) requires all BLS/ACLS/TNCC/ etc., 34,000 m iles. TODAYA storage inside & out. Zeoe~Qua/rjp construction work to businesses that adWintered in h e ated Pantry next to frig. AlChevy Pickup 1978, CPR Required be licensed with the vertise t o pe r form Za~<da Oncology shop. $78,995 obo. ways stored in heated long bed, 4x4, frame Construction ContracLandscape ConstrucExperience 541-447-8664 up restoration. 500 Full Service garage. Dry weight 5273 Covered utility trailer. tors Board (CCB). An tion which includes: Preferred Cadillac en g i ne, 541-526-1361 4'x8'. Street legal. Landscape ...I4 active license p lanting, deck s , Chemo Cert. within fresh R4 transmisSpare tire. $350. means the contractor Management fences, arbors, 2 mos. of hire sion w/overdrive, low is bonded & insured. water-features, and inobo. 541-280-0514 Min. 10 yrs. Harley Dyna Wide Glide mi., no rust, custom RV Verify the contractor's Spring Clean Up stallation, repair of irin Acute 2003 custom paint, CONSIGNMENTS F latbed t r ailer w i t h interior and carpet, CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be Experience •Leaves extras, 13,000 orig Care Preferred WANTED ramps, 7000 lb. ca- n ew wheels a n d www.hirealicensedl icensed w it h th e •Cones miles, like new, health We Do The Work ... pacity, 26' long, 8'6" tires, You must see contractor.com Landscape Contrac•Needles Four Winds 32' forces sale. Sacrifice Visit our website at You Keep The Cash! wide, ideal for hauling it! $25,000 invested. or call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit •Debris Hauling 2010 www.wchcd.org $10,000 obo. On-site credit 08 0 . hay, materials, cars, $12,000 The Bulletin recomnumber is to be inTriton V-10 with 541-633-7856. 541-536-3889 or or Contact approval team, exc.cond. $2800. mends checking with cluded in all adverWeedFree Bark 13,000 miles. Large Linda Chiiders at web site presence. 541-420-6215. 541-420-3788 the CCB prior to contisements which indi& Flower Beds slide, Sleeps 7. Lots 541-426-5313 We Take Trade-Ins! tracting with anyone. cate the business has of storage. 5000lb EOE 931 Some other t rades Lawn Renovation a bond, insurance and hitch. Like new. BIG COUNTRY RV also req u ire addi- Aeration - Dethatching workers c ompensaAutomotive Parts, $51,900 Bend: 541-330-2495 tional licenses and tion for their employ541-325-6813 Service & Accessories Overseed Redmond: certifications. ees. For your protec- Roofers Wanted Compost 541-548-5254 Call River Roofing, tion call 503-378-5909 (4) 17" dress mags for Top Dressing HD Fat Boy 2002 541-383-3569 or use our website: Nissan '07 Titan truck, Computer/Cabling Install 14,000 orig. miles. www.lcb.state.or.us to or applyin person at 882 Chevy Silverado 1500 $100 each. Exc.cond. Vance 8 Landscape 697 SE Glenwood check license status 2004, Fifth Wheels 541-815-0686 Hines exhaust, 5 Drive, in Bend. Computer training, set Maintenance before contracting with 4 dr., extended cab spoke HD rims. Deup & repair from the Full or Partial Service the business. Persons VIN ¹199459. $20,998. Cougar 27' 2011, half comfort of your own tachable luggage rack doing lan d scapeSALES Call a Pro •Mowing ~Edging (exp. 4/5/1 5) DLR ¹366 t on t o wable, w a l k with back rest. Many home.Dirk (541) 647maintenance do not •Pruning .Weeding Freight Broker/ Freightliner 1994 around queen, solar Whether you need a other extras. Must 1341 or 619-997-8291 r equire an LCB l i - Logistics Manager Water Management Custom panel, heavy d u ty fence fixed, hedges see to appreciate. cense. A well-established 3PL Motorhome s uspension. G r e at trimmed or a house $10,500. located in company is seeking GRAND OPENING! Fertilizer included Will haul small SUV cond., many extras. 50% off all computer qualified candidates Crooked River Ranch. or toys, and pull a with monthly program Aerate / Thatching built, you'll find Sisters 541-270-1337 Weekly Service and for t hi s f a st-paced Call 530-957-1865 services! 541-233-8447 trailer! Powered by professional help in Spring Clean-ups! 541-548-1448 www.thecomputertransportation sales Weekly, monthly • W 8.3 Cummins with 6 Free estimates! smolichmotors.com sourceredmond.com or one time service. position. ResponsibiliThe Bulletin's "Call a speed Allison auto COLLINS Lawn Maint. ties include developService Professional" trans, 2nd owner. Ca/I 541-480-9714 ing new and existing Managing Very nice! $53,000. Directory business to arranging Tick, Tock Central Oregon 541-350-4077 CPR LANDSCAPING for the transportation 541-385-5809 Landscapes Weekly maintenance, of customers' freight Keystone Everest 5th Honda CB250 Tick, Tock... Since 2006 cleanups. Lawn re- shipments. This posiWheel, 2004 MBZ winter wheels & Nighthawk, 2008, very PINNACLE 1990 pairs. Quality at an Model 323P - 3 slides, ...don't let time get tion offers unlimited 30' motorhome, good cond, $1 800. 3300 tire set: 4 MSW (Photo for illvstretion only) Senior Discounts a ffordable pric e . commission-based in- miles. Call 541-610-3609 rear island-kitchen, wheels (AMG design) away. Hire a clean. Rear Dodge Ram 2500 978-413-2487 fireplace, 2 TV's, 541-390-1466 come for a committed walk-around bed. w/Michelin X-ice, used Diesel 2001, CD/DVR/VCR/Tuner professional out Same Day Response individual with a pasThe Bulletin's 1 season, cost $2200; No smokers, no abovealllawnservice.com (exp. 4/5/15) w/surround sound, A/C, of The Bulletin's sion to succeed. "Call A Service mildew, no leaks. sell $1100. Vin ¹780866 custom bed, ceiling fan, (541) 383-1997 Find It in To apply please call 541-382-6664 $8500. Stock ¹83351A "Call A Service FREE W/D ready, many extras. Bend WorkSource at Professional" Directory 541-306-7268 The Bulletin ClassiTieds! De-thatching New awning & tires. $23,999 or $275/mo., is all about meeting Professional" 541-388-6070 an d 932 Excellent condition. $4500 down, 84 mo., 541-385-5809 Aeration, Fertikzer yourneeds. reference J L ID 4 .49% APR o n a p Directory today! On Weekly Service! $19,750.More pics Antique 8 1330418. proved credit. License available. 541-923-6408 RV Classic Autos Call on one of the and title i ncluded in CONSIGNMENTS Painting/Wall Covering professionals today! People Look for Information payment. Debris Removal SALES WANTED About Products and Immediate Opening! We Do The Work ... © s uIUShRUOPSEHD.(NM a a a LL KC WHITE Large men's Gerbing You Keep The Cash! Services Every Daythrough Serving Central Farm Equipment JUNK BE GONE PAINTING LLC heated jacket l iner 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Oregon Since 2003 Salesman. On-site credit The Bulletin Classifieds I Haul Away FREE Residental/Commercial Interior and Exterior and gloves, $ 150, 877-266-3821 Burns, Oregon. approval team, Family-owned For Salvage. Also Woman's m e d i um Dlr ¹0354 Experience Reweb site presence. Cleanups & Cleanouts Residential & Commercial Laredo 31'2006, Sprinkler ortex H D j a c ket, We quired. Full Time. Take Trade-Ins! exp.• Sr. Discounts Mel, 541-389-8107 A Private Collection F ord F250 2010 Super 5th wheel, fully S/C Activation/Repair 40 yrs 100. HD tour bag, Benefits. Send re5-vear warranties 1956 Ford pickup one slide-out. Back Flow Testing $150. 541-388-5031 sume w/ references SPRING SPECIAL! BIG COUNTRY RV 1932 DeSoto 2dr Awning. Like new, to hollings © spro.net Domestic Services Call 541%20-7846 Bend: 541-330-2495 Maintenance 870 1930 Ford A Coupe hardly used. CCB ¹204918 Position to be filled Redmond: «Thatch & Aerate 1929 Ford A Coupe Boats & Accessories Must sell $20,000 by April 15, 2015 541-548-5254 Hovana House • Spring Clean up 1923 Ford T Run. or take over payCleaning Services ~Weekly Mowing Personal Services All good to excellent. 541-598-3750 ments. Call For 15 yrs we've per- & Edging Inside heated shop 541-410-5649 www.aaaoregonautoformed housekeeping •Bi-Monthly & Monthly TELEFUNDRAISING BEND 541-382-8038 source.com services according to Maintenance At Your Service the wishes of our cli- •Bark, Errands& Notary Tele-funding for Rock, Etc. Ford F250 HD 1997, ents. We offer profesI stand in line so you RV •Meals On Wheels 7.3 po w er s t r oke, sional cleaning, post don't need to. CONSIGNMENTS ~Landsca in 17.5' Seaswirl 2002 64,500 original miles, construction cleaning •Landscape errandsandnotary© RV PACKAGE-2006 WANTED Seniors, students $10,250. Wakeboard Boat and office cleaning. Construction gmail.com Monaco Monarch, 31', We Do the Work, 541-408-2237 and all others welI/O 4.3L Volvo Penta, Ford V10, 28,900 miles, 541-728-1800 541-815-1371 •Water Feature You Keep the Cash! tons of extras, low hrs. come. No exp. auto-level, 2 slides, On-site credit Installation/Maint. Full wakeboard tower, necessary, will Buick Electra 225 bed & hide-a-bed •Pavers approval team, light bars, Polk audio queen train. Handyman 1964Classic cruiser sofa, 4k gen, conv mi•Renovations web site presence. speakers throughout, At Your Service ErPART TIME with rare 401CI V8. crowave, 2 TV's, tow •Irrigations Installation We Take Trade-Ins! completely wired for rands & Notary. I stand I DO THAT! Mon-Thur. Runs good, needs package,$66,000. •Synthetic Turf amps/subwoofers, unin line so you don't need Home/Rental repairs interior work, 168K 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 OPTION - 2003 Jeep L. derwater lights, fish BIG COUNTRY RV to. Small jobs to remodels Wranglertow car, 84K miles. $7,995. F ord Ranger X L T Senior Discounts p.m. $9.25/hour. Bend: 541-330-2495 errandsandnotary@gma finder, 2 batteries cusHonest, guaranteed Donated to Equine Bonded & Insured 1997, 4x4, 5 spd., 4 cyl, il.com tom black paint job. miles, hard 8 soft top, 5 Redmond: work. CCB¹151573 541-815-4458 manual,$1 1,000 Outreach. Call Gary tow pkg, runs great, 5418151371 Cail 541-382-8672 541-548-5254 $12,500 541-815-2523 speed Dennis 541-317-9768 LCB¹8759 541-815-6319 541-480-6130 $4700. 541-385-4790. •

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NEW YQRK TIME5 CRQ55WQRD w'll sbpr zt

sa~urday, AP~I4,2015

According to Hoyle

ACROSS 2Summer suit accessory zoSecond installment zsClassic symbol of rebellion zs"Bluebeard's Castle," e.g. n Finishes freaking out zsOne of Utah's sbite symbols ZBIt serves many clients, briefly ZoVersailles votes 32 Nincompoop 33 Throw out 34 Bean seen on-screen ZsOne of many made by Hitchcock n Some orders at Chipotle 3BFamous New Year's Eve party? 31 Some sorcery

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency True or false? Hoyle, the authority o n card g ames ( " According t o Hoyle"), is alive and lives in Las Vegas. One Hoyle dictum is, or w as, "When in doubt, win the trick." A better one would have been "Don't ruffdeclarer's loser." In today's deal, North's four diamonds promised a spade fit and diamond shortness. When South cue-bid in hearts, North bid slam. West led his singleton club. South took the ace, led a heart to his hand and returned a second club. West ruffed gleefully, but after he led a trump next, South drew trumps and ruffed a club. He ruffed a diamond in dummy and ran the clubs, easily taking the rest.

raises to two spades. What do you say? A NSWER: I f i n yo u r s t y l e partner's raise promises four-card spade support, you have an easy fourspade bid. If instead he would raise with three-card support and a suitable hand (as I would), you can still bid four spades but might try 3NT, giving yourself a chance to locate a different game contract. West dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 45AK86

9 J76

0 None 4AK10973 WEST 5h1052


EAST th 93

9 Q10543

When Westruffed the second club, O 9 6 5 2 he wasted a trump by ruffing a loser +5 and made it easy for South to set up the clubs. If West discards, South can win in dummy but can't make the slam. If, for example, he ruffs a club high, leads a trump to dummy and ruffs a club high, he loses a trump and also a heart. Edmond Hoyle lived in London W est from 1672 to 1769. P ass Pass P ass DAILY QUESTION

992 0 AQ1087 4Q J64


9 AK 8 OKJ43 482

Kast Sout h Pass 1 Ih P ass 49 AII Pa s s

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org.


43 Linking

brainstem part 44 Make an impression on 4s Laugh-inducing PIC

sz Carrier with the WorldPass frequent flier program s3Dealer's quick query ss"Bluebeard's Castle" librettist BalGzs ssName meaning "born again" ssEyidence of a big hit sz Dandy

E P ER I N E R 0 F S P I N A E C A T









10 16





B4Occasion for goat tying ss Yawn-inducing ss Apply sz Greasy spoon appliance DOWN 2 Farm litter 3GPS display 3 Mean 4SAT fill-in: Abbr. s East name on a 40-Down s City that rivaled ancient Sparta 7 Eike some owls s "Once more



















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59 63





Zs Woodworker's 42 Musical s4 Cutlass successor embellishment tool BEquivalent of 43 Where to get Zs Apply several dashes: the lead out? ssWater, e.g.: haphazardly Abbr. Abbr. 4s Not part of a so Do-re-mi series ZOKitty BzSquirt 33 One who's 4s Tourist ZzWithout feet destination on beyond picky BZDating site the Riviera 23One who 36 Opening piece initialism assumes 47 Mudslinger ss Way Ljp control by 4BBit of BsGrp. whose default? 39 Some cookies headwear, in seal featured British lingo Washington on 13Stock handlers 4o Holder of many a diorama so Kind of disc horseback i4 "Stovepipe" of W.W. 11 Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 7,000 past 33 Sang puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). zs Most-watched Readaboutand comment on each puzzle:nytimes.com/wordplay. show of 2012- Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/studentcrosswords. 11






Pou aCked TILe out, gO We Ctaf'ted datiYLg. Pou waYL&d to

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.

l i v e together, Co! movediYL. IC there YLo evul to BioLLrdemand<7


3T Crib unit 3BState of old,


4Q J74

You hold: 45 Q J 7 4 9 A K 8 Open i ng Iead — 45 0 KJ4 3 4 8 2 . Y ourpartneropens One Club,yOu bid One Spade and he (C) 2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC


crackers, for short? ssLike many basements



No r t h 14 40 6 41

ss Port. title so Rearward, to a rear admiral sz Battlefield transport

33 Speed 34 Group of

No. 0228


l'I e

jI< ++.







Irigij„/ I I,. '



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© o





Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis

ji'I: Iii:' Il lmiii


SAFE HAVENS ~IfOU LI56DQO ...VATIE A ~ t4oi4I 6Aii/IAIITHA IIAS M< ~gg O lfA u V6 a g6 ii i|ODSIIT NIOgyi A&O. M/IKIII& 6IIIRS V H/IISI'fAf 6IIVIROhlMhgfALL( Ilgg V&7 gvn'EP fO '(O ® 6i'6CIH. ll IIIV

... If'Oll'Vb

<8AH,M g~

<IIE66 iljg6 NSII RSADIH& HAll5tl. OUR YSLI' ,



1 Garden aid 2 Second-longest-

1 Franchise spawned in the '60s 9 Away for the summer, maybe 15 White Sox nickname, with "the"

serving Chief Justice 3 Not out of the

game 4 Suckerlish

5 Song featured in

16 Longtime Ottoman

"Moonstruck" 6 Break for a certain wannabe 7 Mariner cap insignia 8 "Reservoir Dogs" actor 9 Disables the

Empire temtory 17 Donkey in

"Shrek" et al.

©2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

E-mail: bholbrook1@gmail.Com


WIjMO 4/4

Hello, we are from the Church of Apple ... We have come to spread the word about the new Macbook Air .. II

19 Dedicate 20 Lug 21 Worked (Lip)

27 Land overseas 28 Univ. staff 31 Prevent from going to seed 32 Organization level 34 Sam Samudio's


spoken opening



in 'Wooly Bully" 36 Sea-dwelling

Greek god 37 Most populous OPEC nation 39 Ask to be excused, with

55 A p ology opener

39 Deli order 56 Dante's half43 Hinducommunity d o zen




alarm, say 24 NFLer Ronnie for 10 Tip in Vegas is named

38 "Same here"

11 TV franchise since 2000 12 Relay part 13 2014 A.L. MVP 14 Acceptable form of back talk? 18 His epitaph includes "knight" and "man of letters" 23 Fell 24 Creepy look 26 Mozart title starter

looking 23 Cries for attention

25 Remote power source

27 1927 Buster 44 Rep r esent Keaton film 46 High winds 28 Wet blanket, in 48 B h o pal locale modern lingo 49 Co n t inuously 29 Some film artists 5 0 Makes out, 30 Ponders across the Pond 33"For a life gone 52 P a rt of a Fifth digital" news Ave. address source 53Aand P, e.g.: 35 Editor's mark Abbr.

X J U D A A T E N I N N A L E T D A B G O O U P I N F A T V P R O L S T E P D R I P O R E D T E W E E T H R S E A R C H AN T A I R B B E E O F N O U E R R S G O R R O S S S T P xwordeditor@aol.com

22 They're just

whom a defensive award















S A T L I S P G O MA T A M E I N E D M S E K I R I M G A E G N E T S 12







Q U A U L P I N E T A X 04/04/15 13








off >



Unscramble these four Jumbles, 0ne letter IO eaCh Square, to form four ordinary words.


by David L. Hoj4 and Jeff Knurek

Ki4 thls Is the loll9h PBlt of

I csll 9el s

smaller glove.

howy9u aan fl1 Ih.

09015 Tlbune Content Agency,LLC All Ri9hls Reeenred.




N0W arrange the CirCled letterS

to form the surprise answs6 as suggested by the above cartoon. HERINAN~ 0 Lau98ngSock Ucensing Inc., 0isl. by Universal Udhck, 2015

"Don't worry about my punctuation. I'll be here at exactly nlne o'clock every morning."

(Answers Monday)

Yesteda 4


Jumbles: VOWEL H U MI D AS T RAY CH E RUB Answer. They were selling out 01 Beatles albums inRECORD TIME


40 It merged with Sprint in 1983 22 41 Command before a click 42 Treated for traction, in a way 28 2 9 30 45 Cocktail party fare 46 Securely 47 Overseas denials 37 51 Taxonomic suffix 41 52 "The Secret of ": 1982 45 animated movie 53 ''Working Class 51 Hero" songwriter 54 54 "Been there, done that" 57 57 "Brighton Rock" author 59 58 Doing a lawn job 59 Lamb treats By John Lteb 60 Hoodwinks








32 35

33 36

38 42









o2015 Tribune content Agency, LLc


56 58 60

04/04/I 5




SutIoku High Fives


8 4 1 6 3 9

7 2 3 4 6


4 8 3

9 1 2 8 5 8 9 6 4 8 5 9 4 3

How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-

7 5 9 8

bers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes

a pply to each of the


individual Sudokus.

6 7

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6 3

9 7 61



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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

ity H o mes, an d READ THESE PA- i nformation: D a i na LEGAL NOTICE PERS CAREFULLY! Vitolins, Crook County BOARD OF Neighborlmpact. A D IRECTOR'S A N - draft agenda for the A lawsuit has been District Attorney Ofmeeting will be posted started against you in fice, 300 N E T h ird NUAL MEETING Noabo v e-entitled Street, Prineville, OR TIFICATION. TO ALL under Legal Notices the MEMBERS OF PIO- on the Housing Works court by D e utsche 97754. NEER M E M O R IAL web site www.hous- Bank Trust Company Notice of reasons for Americas as Trustee Forfeiture: The propHOSPITAL: You are ingworks.org. for RALI 2006QA5, erty described below hereby notified that Pla i ntiff's was seized for forfeithe annual meeting of If you have any ques- plaintiff. the members of Pio- tions or need special claims are stated in ture because it: (1) accommodations, the written complaint, Constitutes the proneer Memorial Hosplease contact Sandy a copy of which was ceeds of the violation pital will be held on with the of, solicitation to vio(541) filed M onday, April 2 0 , Goldapp at 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at 923-1018. For special above-entitled Court. late, attempt to vioMeadow Lakes Res- assistance due to mo- You must "appear" in late, or conspiracy to taurant, Prineville, Or- tion, vision, speech this case or the other violates, the criminal egon. A t this meet- and hearing disabili- side will win automati- laws of the State of ing t h e m e m bers ties, the toll free num- c ally. T o "appear" Oregon regarding the present will re-elect ber of CenturyLink's you must file with the manufacture, distribumembers to the Board services for custom- court a legal docu- tion, or possession of of Directors, receive ers with disabilities is ment called a "motion" controlled substances (ORS Chapter475); the annual report and 1-800-223-3131. "motion" or "answer" and/or (2) Was used transact other such (or "reply") must be or intended for use in Tom Kemper, b usiness a s ma y given to t h e c o urt committing or facilic ome b efore t h e Executive Director Housing Works clerk or administrator tating the violation of, meeting. Voting by within 30 days of the solicitation to violate, proxy is not permitted. (abn Central Oregon Regional date of first publica- attempt to violate, or P IONEER M E M OHousing Authority) tion specified herein conspiracy to violate RIAL HOSPITAL. By a long with the r e - the criminal laws of Jeanie Gentry, CEO. LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E C I R CUIT q uired filing fee. I t the State of Oregon LEGAL NOTICE be i n p r oper regarding the manuC OURT FOR T H E must Estate of NORMA J. form and have proof facture, distribution or STATE OF OREGON CLEVELAND. Noo f service o n t h e possession of contice to I n terested I N AND FOR T H E plaintiff's attorney or, trolled su b stances COUNTY OF DESPersons. (No. if the plaintiff does not (ORS Chapter 475). C HUTES. DEU T 15PB0023). In the a t t orney, SCHE BANK TRUST have a n Circuit Court of the of service on the IN THE MATTER OF: COMPANY A M E R I- proof State of Oregon for CAS AS TRUSTEE plaintiff. If you have the County of Desquestions, you (1) One 2005 Jeep FOR RALI 2006QA5, any chutes, Probate DeWA its successors in in- should see an attor- Cherokee, p artment. I n th e immediately. If ATR1483, VIN terest and/or assigns, ney matter of the Estate y ou need h elp i n 1 JSHR58285C518903 Plaintiff, v. UNof Norma J. Clevefinding an attorney, and $4,000.00 in US land, D e c eased. KNOWN HEIRS OF you may contact the Currency, Case No SHELBY J. CENIGA; Notice hereby given se i z ed FRANK L. CENIGA; Oregon State Bar's 15-065766 t hat N o rman A . STATE OF OREGON; Lawyer Referral Ser- March 11, 2015 from Rickles has b een on l i n e at Oscar Chavez-Garcia OCCUPANTS OF vice appointed as perand Zoe Chavez. THE PRE M ISES; www.oregonstatebar. sonal r e presentaA ND T H E REA L org or by calling (503) LEGAL NOTICE tive of the a bove 684-3763 ( in t h e PROPERTY LOThe undersigned has estate. All persons Portland metropolitan C ATED A T 149 0 area) or toll-free else- been appointed perh aving clai m s NORTHEAST 11TH sonal representative against the estate STREET, REDMOND, where in Oregon at of the Estate of Irene a re r equired t o (800) 452-7636. This O REGON 977 5 6 , Marie Panasuk, Depresent them to the is issued Defendants. Case No. summons by the Desundersigned p e rpursuant to ORCP 7. ceased, 1 2CV1293. SUM chutes County Circuit sonal r e presentaRco LEGAL, P.c., Court of the State of MONS BY PUBLICAtive in care of the TION. To THE DE- A lex G u nd , O S B Oregon, pro b a te undersigned attor¹114067, FENDANTS: number 1 5 PB0027. ney at 234 Pacific agundOrcolegal.com, UNKNOWN H E I RS All persons having Building, 520 S.W. for Plaintiff, c laims against t h e OF SH E LB Y J. Attorneys Yamhill St., P ort511 SW 10th Ave., CENIGA: In the name estate are required to land, Oregon 97204 Ste. 400, P ortland, present the same with of the State of Orwithin four months OR 97205, P: (503) vouchers egon, you are hereby 977-7840 F: ( 5 03) proper after the date of first required to a p pear 977-7963. within four (4) months publication of t his after the date of first notice, as s t ated and answer the complaint filed against you LEGAL NOTICE publication to the unb elow, o r suc h in the above-entitled NOTICE OF SEIZURE dersigned or they may claims ma y be Court and cause on or FOR CIVIL be barred. Additional barred. All persons before the expiration FORFEITURE TO ALL information may be whose rights may of 30 days from the POTENTIAL o btained from t h e be affected by the date of the first publi- CLAIMANTS AND TO court records, the unproceedings in this cation of this sumALL UNKNOWN dersigned or the atestate may obtain mons. The date of PERSONS READ THIS torney. Date first pubadditional informafirst publication in this CAREFULLY l ished: March 2 1 , tion fr o m the matter is March 14, 2015. Scot Panasuk, records of the Court, 2015. If you fail timely If you have any inter- Co-Personal Reprethe personal repreto appear and answer, est i n t h e s e i zed sentative, Mark Panasentative or the atplaintiff will apply to property d e scribed suk, Co- P ersonal torney for the perthe abo v e-entitled below, you must claim Representative, Personal court for th e r e lief that interest or you will sonal Representative representative. prayed for in its com- automatically lose that c/o Steven D. Bryant, Dated and first pubplaint. This is a judi- interest. If you do not Attorney at Law, Brylished: March 21, cial foreclosure of a file a claim for the ant Emerson, LLP, 2015. Norman A. deed of trust, in which property, the property PO Box 457, RedRickles, P e rsonal the plaintiff requests may be forfeited even mond, OR 97756. Representative. that the plaintiff be if you are not conNorman A. Rickles, PUBLIC NOTICE Attorney for P e r- allowed to foreclose victed of any crime. PURSUANT To ORS your interest in the To claim an interest, sonal RepresentaCHAPTER 819 tive, 23 4 P a c ific following d e scribed you must file a written Notice is hereby given r eal p r operty: I N claim with the forfeiBuilding, 520 S.W. the following veTOWNSHIP 15 ture counsel named that Yamhill St., P orthicle will be sold, for SOUTH, RANGE 13 below, The w r itten cash to the highest land, Oregon 97204, EAST OF THE WIL- claim must be signed bidder, on 4/16/2015. (503) 208-2951. LAMETTE M E RID- by you, sworn to un- The sale will be held LEGAL NOTICE IAN, D E S CHUTES der penalty of perjury Housing Works will COUNTY, OREGON; before a notary public, a t 10:00 a .m . b y hold a Special Board S ECTION 10; T H E and state: (a) Your ROGER'S AUTO & Meeting on Monday, NORTHEAST QUAR- true name; (b) The TRUCK, 601 E. ANTLER, RED M OND, April 6th, 2015 at 4:00 T ER OF THE address at which you OR. 2 0 0 4 GMC p.m. through elec- NORTHWEST will a c cept f u t ure P ICKUP. V I N tronic communication QUARTER OF THE m ailings from t h e 1GTEC14V74Z338134. with Board members. NORTHEAST QUAR- court and forfeiture Amount due on lien TER. E X C EPTING counsel; and (3) A The principal sub- THE WESTERLY 30 s tatement that y o u $2030.00. R e puted Kevin Gasjects anticipated to be FEET THE R EOF have an interest in the owner(s) the authorization of HERETOFORE seized property. Your ton, GMAC. Housing Works to sell D EEDED TO T H E deadline for filing the a lot that it owns in PUBLIC FOR ROAD claim document with Lookat: Madras t o COR PURPOSES. C o mforfeiture cou n sel Housing for the con- monly known as: 1490 named below is 21 B endhom es.com struction of a home Northeast 11th Street, days from the last day intended f or a Redmond, O r egon of publication of this pleteListingsof rent-to-own program 97756. NOTICE To notice. Where to file a for Com in partnership with DEFENDANTS: claim and for more Area RealEstateforSale Youth Build, Simplic-



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C onfide n c e i n M o t i o n

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NEW 2014 FORD F150's XL, XLT & LARIAT CREW CAB4X4 MSRP ......................... $40,670 TSS Discount ......... -$2,175 $38,495 Ford Rabatas* ** ................ - $5,500 .









New 2015 ubaru Forester 2.5i Premium VT


All-Weather Package: Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, Dim Mirror/Com w/Homelink, Ext Mirror w Appro Lt/Compass, Rear Bumper Cover, Seat BackCargo Net.

$32 995

Other Trucks CREW CAB 4X4 MSRP $46,790- TS&SDISCOUNT$3722- REBATE$5500. VIN: G06019$37,568 CREW CAB 4X4 MSRP $46,320- TS&SDISCOUNT$4325- REBATE$5500. VIN: F27186$36,495

6 jg'gjyiI"0 80ln...

PRICES AFTERREBATES. *MustFinancethroughFordCredit. **Musttradeany model1995 or newervehicle.OnApprovedCredit.

Up t O 4 8

M On t h S on A pprovedcredit.

MSRP $27,097. VIN: ¹FH569126, FH569742, FH569498, FH567519.Fff-13 Subaru of Bend Discount $1270.




New 2015Subaru Forester 2.5i Premium CVT

NEW 2015SUPER DUTY'S XL,XLT,LARIAT,PLATINUM CREW CAB 4X4 $49,360 -$3,534 $45,826 Ford Rebates* ** ... . . . . . . . . . . . . -$4,000 MSRP ..................

All-Weather Package: Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, Ext Mirror w Appro Lt/Compass, Dim Mirror/Com w/Homelink, Cargo Tray, Rear Bumper Cover, All Weather Floor Mats, Seat Back Protector.

I' jg ggyiI"0 90/a.,.

TSS Discount .........




MSRP$27,281. VIN: ¹FH5658S7. Fff-13 Subaru of Bend Discount $1838.

$4 I 82S

Other Trucks CREW CAB 4X4 MSRP $51,885- TS&SDISCOUNT$3890- REBATE$4000. VIN: C54549$43p995 CREW CAB 4X4 MSRP $55,340- TS&SDISCOUNT$3656- REBATE$4000. VIN:A34687$47p684 CREW CAB 4X4 MSRP $66,335- TS&SDISCOUNT$5350- REBATE$4000. VIN: C71454$56,985 CREW CAB 4X4 MSRP $67,575- TS&SDISCOUNT$5590- REBATE$4000. VIN: C36816$57,985 PRICES AFTERREBATES. *MustFinancethrough Ford Credit. ** Musttradeanymodel1995ornewervehicle. OnApprovedCredit.

Ford Rebate......

Conv. Pkg., Sync vIN:E14273 .... $30,830 -$1,599 $29,231 -$1,500 $27,731 .










O0 0APR DOWNg pp 38


MSRP $29,176. VIN: ¹FH544785.FFF-15Subaru of Bend Discount $2098.

New 2015Subaru Forester 2.5i CVT • .;,Ra 4


M O. 72M o.Cndpproned Crsdit.FMCCFinancingrrer2orboller.


Up t O 4 8

M On t h S o nApprovedcredit.

MSRP$25,297. VIN: ¹FH571266. FFB-02Subaru of Bend Discount $1622.

New 2015Subaru XV Crosstrek 2.0i CVT

g Apg DOWN 46


M O. 72M o.Qndpproned crsdit.FMcc Finallcillgrrer2orboller.

NEW 2014 FORD FIESTA 4 DR SE SR Appearance Pkd., SynciMyFordraoch. nin:daeon

MSRP ......................... $18,495 TSS Discount ................... -$500 $17,995 Ford Credit...................... -$500 $17,495

Limited Model, Popular Package ¹2, Auto Dim Compass/Mirror/Homelink, Rear Bumper Cover, Splash Guard Kit, All Weather Floor Mats, Seat Back Protector

dgg jjg is 1.48/u..,.. a<.e» V4k


MSRP$26,318. VIN: ¹F8232641. FRD-21 Subaru of Bend Discount $1S79.

MO. 72 Mo. On ApprovedCredit. FMCC Financing lier 2 or better.


Heated Seats, Appearance Package. vlN:443234 MSRP......................... $23,680 TSS Discount ................. -$1,311 $22,369 Ford Credit....................-$1,000 Ford Bonus Cash ............... -$500 $20,869

O APR DOWN s eooo


Option Package 02: Alloy Wheel Pkg., 17 Alloy Wheels, Roof Rails, Black Finish, Popular Pkg. ¹2: Dim Mirror/Com w/Homelink, Ext Mirror w/Appro Lt/Compass, Rear-Bumper Cover.

S jg'gjg iI"080/II.,.

M oonroof, Heated/AC Seats. vIN:270504 MSRP......................... $37,070 TSS Discount ................. -$2,314 $34,756 Ford Credit...................... -$500 Bonus Cash ..................... -$500 $33,756


Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, EyeSight Driver-Assist System, Pre-Collision Braking System, Pre-Collision Throttle Management System, Adaptive Cruise Control, Navigation System: GPS Navigation w/6.1 inch LCDTouchscreen, XM Satellite Radio, HD Radio, Aha Smart Phone Integration

d'jjggg Ii"090/a.,.

NEW 2014 FORD ESCAPE SE 4WD MSRP ............. TSS Discount ....

New 2015Subaru Forester 2.5i Premium CVT


Limited Model, Popular Package ¹2, Auto Dim Compass/Mirror/Homelink, Rear Bumper Cover, Splash Guard Kit, All Weather Floor Mats, Seat Back Protector

dgg j ggiI"00/II...

MO . 72 Mo. On proved Ap Credit. FMCC Financinglier 2 or better.


New 2015Subaru XV Crosstrek Hybrid Touring CVT

MSRP $30,818. VIN: ¹H219549, H219948, H219441.fRI-31 Subaru of Bend Discount $2230.

• • • I



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Sale endsApril 6, 2016.









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