Serving Central Oregon since1903 75| t
TUESDAY December4, 2012
ea ers' es coo<ies Beachvolleyball AT HOME• F1
Support for4-yearOSUbranch at leadershiptalks By Lauren Dake
The Bulletin
PORTLAND — It was early in the morning, but the enthusiasm was evident when U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., took the microphone and asked a room full of the state's business leaders and lawmakers, "How
• Business leaders back1-5bridge, C3 many folks are excited about the Cascades project'?" Some broke into applause to show their support, while oth-
ers raised their hands. "Well, l et's ge t i t d o n e ," Merkley said. " We want t o back it up every possible way we can." The push to turn the Oregon State Uni v e r sity-Cascades branch campus in Bend into a four-yearuniversity surfaced a
couple of times during the 10th annual O r e gon L e a dership Summit. Hundreds of political leaders and i n f luential business leaders met to discuss a legislative agenda for the upcoming session. SeeLeadership /A4
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runo case By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin
WASHINGTON — Monday's oral argument before the U.S. Supreme Court on whether timber companies need permits for stormwater that flows off logging roads was thrown for a loop when the Environmental Protection Agency revised its relevant rule Friday. In a case that originated in Oregon's Tillamook State Forest, the Northwest Environmental Defense Center maintains that when timber companies, through timber sales contracted by the state, divert water iiunnuiii
. rsr I
l fr o m logging roads through ditches and l~gJJJgf culverts, they create source points for
IN D.C. pollution that require permits under the Clean Water Act. The state and timber interests argue this would wrongly impose a regulatory and financial burden on the timber industry, which the EPA has traditionally exempted from the Clean Water Act's industrial permitting requirements. On Friday, the last business day before Monday's oral arguments, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson signed a new final rule regarding stormwater, clarifying the agency's position that outside of sawmills, the only logging-related activities that require National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits are
• Jr
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rock crushing, gravel washing, log sorting and log Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin
Marta Glaze and her husband, Jeff Glaze, wait in front of their house Monday eveningto donate a bag of food and toys to the Santa Express as part of the holiday drive by the Bend Fire Department and the Salvation Army. The Santa Express will collect nonperishable food, clothing and toys for needy families in Bend and Central Oregon through Thursday evening. Tonight the Santa Express will be driving
throughthe Larkspur, Foxborough and Sun Meadow neighborhoods off Brosterhous Road. Maps for the routes through the neighborhoods the Santa Express will be visiting through Thursday can be viewed at Donated items can also be dropped off at several locations in Bend, including Bend Fire Department fire stations, Bend Memorial Clinic sites and the Salvation Army.
storage. As Timothy Bishop, the attorney representing the timber industry, launched into his argument, Chief Justice John Roberts interrupted him. "Before we get into that, congratulations to your clients (for) getting almost all the relief they're looking for under the new rule issued on Friday," he said. But Roberts was less genial with Deputy Solicitor General Malcolm Stewart, who was advocating on behalf of the EPA, which sides with the timber industry. "Were you assurprised as we were to learn about that final rule?" Roberts asked immediately.
AARP lobbies against cutsthat mayhurt its bottom line By Jerry Markon The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — As Washington debates whether to cut federal retirement programs as part of a deal to tackle the nation's debt, one of the most p owerful advocates for p r e serving them could have mil-
• House Republicans put forth "fiscal cliff" plan,A3
TOP NEWS SYRIA:U.S.weighs armed response to WMDs,A3
lions of dollars riding on the outcome. AARP, the highly influential
lobby for older Americans, is
fiercely opposing any Medicare or Social Security cuts and emphasizes that it is fighting for the good of its members. But the proposals for changing Medicare also could affect AARP's bottom line. AARP has long played a dual
role. It advocates for the interests of seniors, and it makes m oney allowing its n ame to be used in selling them private insurance, including coverage known as Medigap, which supplements government-provided Medicare. SeeAARP/A5
Can a computer aid in the quest to eliminate diagnostic lapses'?
TODAY'S WEATHER Widespread rain High 50, Low 39
Page C6
INDEX B usiness E1-4 Editorials C 4 Calendar B 3 L o cal News C1-6 C lassified G1-4 Obituaries C 5 C omics B 4-5 Sports 01- 6 C ommunity B1-6 Stocks E 2-3 Crosswords B5,G2 Sudoku B5 Dear Abby B3 TV & Movies B2
The Bulletin An Independent Newspaper Vol. 109, No. 339, 38 pages, 7sections
5 .e we userecycled newsprint
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88267 02329
Hope Diamond,make room for 'DomPedro'
By Katie Hafner New York Times News Service
S AN FRANCISCO — T h e man on stage had his audience of 600 mesmerized. Over the course of 45 minutes, the tension grew. Finally, the moment of truth arrived, and the room was silent with anticipation. At last he spoke. "Lymphoma with secondary h emophagocytic syndrome," he said. The crowd erupted in applause. Professionals in every field revere their superstars, and in medicinethebestdiagnosticians are held in particularly high esteem. Dr. Gurpreet Dhaliwal, 39, aself-effacing associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, San Francisco,is considered one of the most skillful clinical diagnosticians in practice. The case Dhaliwal was presented, at a medical conference last year, began with informa-
Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post
Kirk Johnson, director of the Smfthsonian's National Museum of Natural History, gazes at Dom Pedro, a 10,363-carat, 14-inch-tall aquamarine.
rasado „
By Brian Vastag The Washington Post
Jim Wilson/ New York Times News Service
Dr. Gurpreet Dhaliwal is consideredone of the most skillful clinical diagnosticians in practice today. When it comes to correctly identifying a problem, Dhaliwal says, "Whether you use a computer or your brain, (one challenge) is deciding what's signal and what's noise." tion that could have described hundreds of diseases: The patient had i ntermittent fevers, joint pain, and weight and appetite loss.
T o observe him at work i s like watching Steven Spielberg tackle a script or Rory McIlroy
a golf course. See Diagnostics /A4
WASHINGTON — For a few more days, until Thursday, the Smithsonian's newest and perhaps most stunning earthly treasure hides behind a thick metal door, like that of a bank vault, deep in the heart of the National Museum of Natural History, behind the galleries, beyond the cabinets stuffed with chunks of minerals,deep inside the "blue room," whose shelves groan under heavy crystals of a thousand sparkling hues. The museum's longtime curator of gems and minerals, Jeffrey Post, handles an unmarked white box. It's the right size and shape to hold, say, a tall bottle of the world's finest Scotch. Post marches the box into the blue room, so called for the thick carpet, and also the color of the cloth draped across a chest-high cabinet, upon which he sets the box. Post dons a pair of white cotton gloves. Unlatches two clasps. Opens the lid. "This," announces Post, "is Dom Pedro." See Aquamarine/A4
The Bulletin
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It's Tuesday, Dec. 4, the 339th day of 2012. There are 27 days left in the year.
Formost,tax ur en owert anin'
Most payless, butespecially therich Most Americans paid less in taxes in 2010 than people with the same inflation-adjusted incomes paid in 1980, because of cuts in federal income
• A protest march and strike
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protest the hurned drafting of a new constitution
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Monday night are:
fo OsO~~ O ~~04s Oso The estimated jackpot is now $5 million.
and decrees by President
HOUSEHOLDS WITHINFLATION-AD JUSTED YEARLY INCOMES OF: Tax rates havefallen for most Americans, especially highearners Average tax rates were lower for every income group in 2010 compared with1980, but rates fluctuated during the intervening decades. Savings from federal income tax cuts in1981 and1986, under President RonaldReagan, eroded as other taxes increased. New federal cuts in 2001 and2003, under President George W. Bush, again reduced the total tax burden. Tax revenues rose in2010as the economy recovered from the recession. What's driven the changes?Federal income taxrates havedeclined ... Federal incometax ratesfell in the 1980s after decades of relative stability The cuts werepartly reversed in1993 under President Bill Clinton, before rates fell again in theearly 2000s. For household searninglessthan$25,000, thetax rate in recentyears hasbeen negative because the expansion of government payments likethe earned income taxcredit exceededthe amount of taxes paid. ... while payroll taxeshaverisen for all — but not asmuchfor the affluent Payroll taxes financeSocial Security and provide somefinancing for Medicare. TheMedicare taxapplies to all earnings at thesamerate. Butthe Social Security tax applies only to earnings below athreshold, which stood at $106,800 in 2010.And neither tax applies to investment income. Asa result, upper-incomehouseholds paya smaller share of income inpayroll taxes. State and local taxeshaverisen, most of all for the lowest incomegroups. State and local governments impose the same property andsales tax rates on everyone without regard to income. Even after the housing crash, the rise in housing prices since1980 has outpaced incomegrowth for most households, increasing the burdenof property taxes. And lower-income households spend a larger share of income thanother households, incurring sales taxes. And corporate taxes —ultimately paidbypeople— havedeclined. Economists agreethat taxes on business are passed on to investors, reducing profits, and to workers, reducing wages. Upper-income households bear the brunt of these taxes, and corporate tax collections have fallen sharply.
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Mohammed Morsi.A6 • Clones of the world's biggest
redwoods and giant sequoias
"""" "" 28% """""""""
Highlights:In1619, a group of
settlers from Bristol, England, arrived at Berkeley Hundred
in present-day Charles City County, Va., where they held 1980 2010 1980
2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 0 10
Washington on atrip to France to attend the Versailles Peace Conference. In 1984, a five-day
1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010
where the hijackers killed
American passenger Charles Hegna. In1996, the Mars Pathfinder lifted off from Cape
1980 2010 1980
2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 0 10
Ten years ago:United Airlines
in federal loan guarantees, nation's second-largest air
2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 010 1980 2 0 10
paid 30 years ago. According to an analysis by The New York Times, the combination
lost its bid for $1.8 billion a major setback to the
8% "" """" 8% """ """ 8% """ "" 8% """" " 9%. 1980 2010 1980
Canaveral and beganspeeding toward Mars on a310 millionmile odyssey. (It arrived on Mars in July1997)
ym 7
carrier in its efforts to avoid
bankruptcy. SupremeCourt justices heard arguments on whether federal laws intended to combat organized crime
and corruption couldbe
used against anti-abortion 1980 2010 1980
2 010 1980 2 0 10 1980 2 0 10 1980 2 0 10 1980 2 0 10 1980 2 0 10 1980 2 010 1980 2 0 10
demonstrators. (The court later ruled that such laws were
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' ll
Paid more than if groups were taxed equally
improperly used to punish abortion opponents.) Five years ago:Defending his credibility, President
George W.Bushsaid lran was dangerous andneeded to be squeezed by international pressure despite a U.S. intelligence finding that Tehran had halted its nuclear weapons
program fouryears earlier. The intelligence report on Iran figured in a Democratic
debate on National Public Radio as rivals assailed front-runner Hillary Clinton
for voting in favor of a Senate resolution designating Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist
organization. One year ago:Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's party hung onto its majority in Russia's
parliamentary election, but faced accusations from opponents of rigging the vote.
J Paid less
""""""" """ O.S4x""
0.65x. ""
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1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980
2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010
New York Times News Service
BELLEVILLE, ill. — Alan Hicks divides iong days between the insurance business he started in the late 1970s and the barbecue restaurant he opened with his sons three years ago. He earned more than $250,000 last year and said taxes took more than 40 percent. What i s w orse, in his view, is that others — the wealthy, hiding in loopholes; the poor, living on government benefits — are not paying their fair share. "it feels like the harder we work, the more they take from us," said Hicks, 55, as he waited fora meat truck one recent afternoon. "And it seems like there's an awful lot of people in the United States who don't pay any taxes." But in fact, most Americans in 2010 paid far less in total taxes — federal, state and local — than they would have
hijack drama began asfour armed men seized a Kuwaiti airliner en route to Pakistan
and forced it to land in Tehran,
Note: Incomes have been adjusted for inflation, and are in 2010 dollars. A household is defined as a tax unit, like a family or single person. People who live together but file separate tax returns are counted as multiple households.
New York Times News Service
Thanksgiving in America, ahead of the Pilgrims' arrival in Massachusetts.) In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson left
20% 11%
a service thanking Godfor their safe arrival. (Some suggest this was the true first
By Binyamin Appelbaum and Robert Gebeloff
along the southern Oregon Coast.C3
Affluent householdsare earningmore FOR EACHINCOME BRACKET, ITS SHARE OF NATION'S — INCOME AND — POPULATION. — and paying alarger share oftaxes. The number of high-income 29% 28% households, and their average income, has increasedrapidly. Evenin """"""""""' 22%"""""" 23% the wake of the recession, more than a million taxpayers madeat least ""' "18%18o7 """"""" em 0 $350,000 in 2010,andthat group """" 13%"""""""""" accounted for15 percent of the 11% gp7 90/ 15% gm7 gp7 1507 nation's income. As a result, while those households paid asmaller share 3'/ of their income in taxes than they did in1980, they paid alarger share of the total tax bill. 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 1980 2010 But the distribution of the tax burden has hecomeless progressive. RATIO OFEACH GROUP'S SHARE OF TAXES PAID TO ITS SHARE OF THE NATION'S INCOME In a progressive system, upper-income households pay alarger share of taxes 1.5ex. than their share of income, while the opposite is true for lower-income 1.3ax 1.37x households. Overthe last three decades, taxation in the United States 1.24x 1.21x became less progressive. Households earning morethan $350,000 paid 20percent of the nation's taxes in 2010, 1.37 times their share of total income, while in1980, those households paid taxesequaling 1.56 times their share of income.The change waslarger before the recession, which reduced investment income, as in past recessions.
will be planted on a ranch
The Bulletin's primary concern is thatall stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at541-383-0358.
are planned in Egypt to
taxes. About half of households making less than $25,000 saved nothing at all.
taxes. At lower income levels, however, much of the savings wasoffset by increases in federal payroll taxes, state sales taxes and local property
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.
of all income taxes, sales taxes and property taxes took a smaller share of their income than it took from households with the same inflation-adjusted income in 1980. Households earning more than $200,000 benefited from the largest percentage declines in total taxation as a share of income. Middle-income households benefited, too. More than 85percent of households w i t h e a r n i ngs above $25,000 paid less in total taxes than comparable households in 1980. Lower-income households, however, saved little or nothing. Many pay no federal income taxes, but they do pay a range of other levies, like federal payroll t axes, state sales taxes and local property taxes. Only about half of taxp aying households with i n comes below$25,000 paid less in 2010. The uneven decline is a resuit of two trends. Congress cut federal taxation at every income level over the past 30 years. State and local taxes,
m eanwhile, i n c reased f o r most Americans. Those taxes generallytake a larger share of income from those who make less, sothe increases offset more and more of the federal savings at lower levels of income. Now an era of tax cuts may be reaching its end. The federal government depends increasingly on borrowed money to pay its bills, and many state and local governments are similarly confronting the reality that they are spending more money than they collect. In Washington, debates about tax cuts have yielded to debates about who should pay more. Public debate over taxes has typically focused on the federal income tax, but that now accounts for less than a third of the total tax revenues collected by federal, state and local governments. To analyze the total burden, The Times created a model, in consultation with experts, which estimated total tax bills for each taxpayer in each year
from 1980, when the election of President Ronald Reagan opened an era of tax cutting, up to 2010, the most recent year for which relevant data are available. The analysis shows that the overall burden of taxation declined as a share of income in the 1980s, rose to a new peak in the 1990s and fell again in the 2000s. Taxes amounted to 31 percentofpersonal income in 2010 — 31 cents from every dollar — the same share federal, state and local governments took in 1980. People with higher incomes pay taxes at h i gher r ates, and real incomes rose over the past three decades, particuiariy at the top. There are now many more millionaires, in other words, paying more than they did in 1980 — but less than they would have if tax laws had remained unchanged since 1980. Those affluent households still pay a larger share of income than the rest of the popuiation, but the difference has narrowed significantly.
Actor Jeff Bridges is 63. Rock musician Gary Rossington (Lynyrd Skynyrd;the Rossington Collins Band) is 61. Actress Patricia Wettig is 61. Actress Marisa Tomei is 48.
Rapper Jay-Z is 43. Actressmodel Tyra Banks is 39. — Fromwirereports
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The Oreck Store Near Costco & Safeway in the Forum 330-0420
issuesa isca ci
miitar o tionsi ria uses Ij'MD
r Apair ofstarkly different plans
By Andrew Taylor The Associated Press
House Republicans put forth a $2.2 trillion "fiscal cliff" counteroffer to President Barack Obama Monday, calling for raising the eligibility age for Medicare, lowering c ost-of-living hikes for Social Security benefits and bringing in $800billion in higher tax revenue — but not raising rates for the wealthy. The White House declared the Republicans still weren't ready to "get serious" and again vowed tax rate increases will be in any measure Obama signs to prevent the government from the cliff's automatic tax hikes and sharp spending cuts. Administration officials also hardened their insistence that Obama is willing to take the nation over the cliff rather than give in to Republicans and extend the tax cuts for upperincome earners. With the clock ticking toward the year-end deadline, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and other Republicans
• . wei in
• Republican plan includes reductions in the very tax rates Democrats seek to raise, on the wealthy
House Republicans sent President Barack Obama a plan to avoid the
potential year-end fiscal crisis, but the plan differs strongly from the one the White House has proposed. The House plan woul d generate $800 billion of revenue through tax reform, but would not raise taxes on the wealthy. The guts of each plan: Revenue generation By closing tax loopholes, limiting deductions; no tax rate hikes on wealthy
Health care savings Chiefly by restructuring Medicare, Medicaid
House Republican plan
» »g ~
Scale in trillions
Other savings Cost-of-living rate changes in federal programs; other mandatory cuts
a» » t.o
The Republican plancomprises these deficit reduction proposals
White House plan The White House plan contains these deficit reduction proposals, and ... 0
Sca l e in trillions 0 .5
Tax rate hikes Other tax revenue Spending cuts On wealthiest Americans Elmination of some deductions Some from health programs ... at least $287 billion in new stimulus and other spending, on items like extension of the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance Source: McClatchy Washington Bureau, A P,U.S Congress
lowering rates. Boehner called that a "credsaid they were proposing a ible plan" and said he hoped the "reasonable solution" for nego- administration would "respond tiations that Boehner says have in a t imely and responsible been going nowhere. Monday's way." The offer came after the proposal came in response to administration urged RepubliObama's plan last week to raise cans to detail their proposal to taxes by $1.6 trillion over the cut popular benefit programs coming decade but largely ex- like Medicare, Social Security empt Medicare and Social Se- and Medicaid. curity from budget cuts. The W h ite H o use c omThough the GOP plan pro- plained the latest offer was still poses to raise $800 billion in short on details about what higher tax revenue over the loopholes would be closed or same 10 years, it would keep deductions eliminated, and it the Bush-era tax cuts — includ- insisted that any compromise ing those for wealthier earners include higher tax rates for uptargeted by Obama — in place per-income earners. for now. Dismissing the idea Asked directly whether the of raising any tax rates, the country would go over the cliff Republicans said the new rev- unless GOP lawmakers backed enue would come from closing down, administration officials loopholes and deductions while said yes. Officials said they re-
• Republicans say their plan would save $2.2 trillion over 10 years • White House says its plan would save $1.6 trillion
Robert Dorrell/© 2012 Mcclatchy-rribuoe NewsService
mained hopeful that scenario could be avoided, saying the president continues to believe that going over the cliff would be damaging tothe economy. And they signaled that Obama wouldn't insist on bringing the top tax rate all the way back to the 39.6 percent rates of the Clinton era. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about internal White House deliberations. "Until the Republicans in Congress are willing to get serious about asking the wealthiest to pay slightly higher tax rates, we won't be able to achieve a significant, balanced approach to reduce our deficit our nation needs," White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in a statement.
Boehner saw the situation as just the reverse. "After the election I offered to speed this up by putting revenue on the table and unfortunatelythe White House responded with their la-la land offer that couldn't pass the House, couldn't pass the Senate and it was basically the president's budget from last February," he said Monday. The GOP proposal itself revives a host of ideas from failed talks with Obama in the summer of 2011. Then, Obama was willing to discuss politically risky ideas such as raising the eligibility age for M edicare, implementing a new inflation adjustment for Social Security cost-of-living adjustments and requiring wealthier Medicare recipients to pay more.
Mars rover Will and Kate expeding finds organic a baby,U.K.palaceconfirms poUnds, not iIte
The WashingtonPost SAN FRANCISCO — The CuriosityMars rover has discovered something interesting in a scoop of ruddy sand, but NASA scientists say they're not quite sure what it means. Sand that was shake-andbaked insidethe car-size rover's chemistry kit bubbled off traces of organic compounds, mission scientists said at a news briefing Monday at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Such compounds, made of carbon andchlorine,are ofthe type that, in some cases, indicate microbes in the soil. But such compounds also could be contamination from the rover itself — or they may have rained onto the surface inside meteorites, said Paul Mahaffy, a mission scientist from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center i n G r eenbelt, Md. "It's unclear if the carbon is Martian or terrestrial," Ma-
By Cassandra Vinograd The Associated Press
LONDON Britain doesn't have to wait any longer: Prince William's wife, Kate, is pregnant. St.James's Palace made the announcement Monday, saying that the Duchess of Cambridge — formerly Kate Middleton — has a severe form of morning sickness and is currently in a London hospital. William was at his wife's side. The news drew congratulations from around the world, with the hashtag "royalbaby" trending globally on Twitter. The couple's first child will be third in line to the throne — behind William and his father, Prince Charles — leap-
frogging th e
g r egarious
Prince Harry and possibly setting up the first scenario in which a female heir could benefit f ro m n e w g e nder rules about succession. The palace would not say how far along the 30-yearold duchess is, only that she has not yet reached the 12week mark.
Sang Tan / The Associated Press
Britain's Prince William leaves the King Edward Vll hospital, where his wife, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, has been admitted with a severe form of morning sickness. Palace officials said the duchess was h o spitalized with h y p eremesis g r a vid arum, a s evere form o f morning sickness that affects about 1 in 200 women and can lead to dehydration or worse if l eft u ntreated. They said she was expected to remain hospitalized for s everal day s a n d w o u l d
require a period of rest afterward. Until Monday's announcement, the duchess had shown no signs of being with child. She was photographed just last week bounding across a field clad in black highheeled boots as she played field hockey with students at her former school.
haffy said. Further tests will help clarify the source of the chemicals, but m i ssion scientists cautioned that the rover is not equipped to find life itself, only the conditions that may be ripe for life. If they rule out contamination, the science team will "get into the complex question of whether this is some type of biological material," said project scientist John Grotzinger. "That's well down the line for us. Jim Bell, president of the Planetary Society, who is not involved in the mission, said searching for life on another planet is difficult. "It's hard to find (microbial) life here on Earth, which is teeming with it. You've got to take samples back to high-tech labs."
Pope to begin posting onTwitter New York Times News Service V ATICAN C IT Y — O n Monday, the Vatican announced that Pope Benedict XVI, 85, would begin posting messages on T w i t ter next week under the handle @pontifex, a term for pope that means br idge-builder i n L a t in . W i t h i n h o u r s , he had more than 250,000 followers. Benedict is expected to hit "send" on his first post at a general audience at the Vatican on Dec. 12 — a response to questions about matters of the faith that he is now accepting via th e h ashtag
¹askpontifex, officials said. The V a t ican a c k n owledged that it had chosen the @pontifex handle not only because of its meaning but also because many o ther handles had been taken. T he move i s a i med a t drawing in the church's 1.2 billion followers, especially
on Twitter o r r e t w eeting your posts, Greg Burke, a former Fo x N e w s c o r r espondent in Rome who was named a Vatican communications adviser this year, said at a news conference. "He won't follow anyone for now," Burke added. "He will be followed." young people. The messages will most"The pope's presence on ly feature the contents of Twitter can be seen as the the pope's speeches at his 'tip of the iceberg' that is weekly g e neral a u d ience the church's presence in the and Sunday blessings, as world of new m edia," the well as homilies on major Vatican said in a statement. holidays and reaction to maJ ust do no t e x pect t h e jor world events, like natural pope to start following you disasters.
By Kimberly Dozier and Pauline jelinek
U.N. pulling staff from Syria
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The White House and its allies
BEIRUT — Fighting be-
are weighing military op-
tween rebels andgovern-
tions to secure Syria's chemical and biological weapons, after U.S. intelligence reports show the Syrian regime may be readying those weapons and may be desperate enough to use them, U.S. officials said Monday. President Barack Obama, in a speech at the National Defense University on Monday, pointedly warned Syrian President Bashar Assad not to use the weapons. "Today I want to make it absolutely clear to Assad and those under his command: The world is watching," Obama said. "The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. And if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable." Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in Prague for meetings with Czech officials, said she wouldn't outline any specifics. "But suffice it to say, we are certainly planning to take action if that eventuality were to occur," Clinton sard. Options now being considered range from aerial strikes to limited raids by regional forces to secure the stockpiles, according to one current U.S. official, and one former U.S. official, briefed on the matter. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. The administration remains reluctant to dispatch U.S. forces into Syria, but a U.S. special operations training team is in neighboring J ordan, t eaching troops there how to safely secure such sites together with other troops from the region, the officials said. The warnings come after U.S. intelligence detected signs the Syrian regime was moving the chemical weapons components around within several of S y ria's chemical weapons sites in recent days, according to a senior U.S. defense oNcial and two U.S. officials speaking on Monday. Two officials said the activities did not involve movement of components in or out of various sites, but the movement was confined to within the individual locations. One of the officials said they were seeing activities they had not seen before that bear further scrutiny. The officials spoke on
ment forces raged near the
Syrian capital Damascus on Monday, forcing an inbound commercial jet to turn back while the U.N.
said it was withdrawing staff because of deteriorat-
ing security conditions. Lebanese security officials said Jihad Makdissi, a polished Foreign Ministry
spokesman knownfor defending the regime of President Bashar Assad in
fluent English, flew from Beirut to London. But it
was not immediately clear whether he had defected. The fighting over the
past few weeks in and around Damascushas been the most serious in the capital since July, when
rebels captured several neighborhoods before a swift government counteroffensive swept them out. The spike in violence
recently is concentrated in the ring of mostly poor suburbs around Damascus but often bleeds into the
capital itself as rebels bring their fight closer to Assad's
seat of power. Assad's forces have sofar repelled major rebel advances on the capital, though their
hold may beslipping. "The security situation
hasbecome extremely difficult, including in Da-
mascus," said Radhouane Nouicer, the U.N.'s regional
humanitarian coordinator for Syria. — The Associated Press condition of a nonymity becausethey were not authorized to speak publicly about intelligence matters. According to another senior U.S. official, the U.S. is worried about "indications of preparations" for a possible use of the chemical weapons. The U.S. still doesn't know whether the regime is planning to use them, but the official says there is greater concern because there is the sense that the Assad regime is under greater pressure now.
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not necessarily apply to conditions moving forward. Continued from A1 Alternately, it could decide Stewart said he was not, be- that the case was "improvicause in September the EPA dently granted" and argued had indicated it was about to too soon, and should be sent finalize its revised rule, and in back to a lower court for furNovember alerted the Obama t her development. But t h i s a dministration's O f f ic e o f course of action might leave Management and Budget that in place the 9th U.S. Circuit it was on the verge of publish- Court of Appeals' 2010 ruling ing it. that runoff channeled through "Maybe in the future you ditches can dump harmful silt c ould le t u s k n o w w h e n and sediment into streams s omething a s d e f i nite a s and rivers and constitutes a that comes," Roberts replied. possible "point source" for "There were 875 pages (of) pollution. briefing in this case, and if we Because the one-year conknew that the final rule was g ressional m o ratorium o n imminent, we could have re- the requirement for loggers to scheduled the case for April get federal permits under the or something a long t h ose Clean Water Act expired on lines." Sept. 30, in this scenario logFriday's an n o u ncement gers could face the possibility leaves the court in a t r icky of being required to obtain position. It can proceed and permits while the EPA's new reach a decision on the case, rule is being litigated, which knowing that the version of could take several years. the EPA's rules disputed in Jeffrey Fisher, arguing on the case is outdated and will behalf of the Northwest En-
vironmental Defense Center, urged the court not to decide the case at this point, and send it back to the 9th Circuit, where there are still issues to be decided. "It is still a mystery to us what EPA thinks about our real argument, which is that
active hauling logging roads, when they are being used for active harvesting and hauling, are subject to the (Clean Water) Act because they are plainly associated with industrial activity," he said. "We would very much won-
der why log sorting, log storage, gravel washing and rock crushing are industrial activities, but mechanized timber harvesting with 20-ton pieces of machinery i s n ot . W e'd also wonder why this stuff isn't industrial activity where construction activity, landfill operations, surface m i ning operations that have all the same attributes of being done out in the field, extraction of
resources, heavy machinery, etc., are, as the EPA itself admits, industrial activity, but, somehow, somehow, logging, which has all the same attributes, isn't." Under the EPA's rules, any construction activity on a site spanning five acres or more is industrial activity, he said. "So if a developer buys a parcel of forested land and wants to build a subdivision there, and the first thing the developer does is punch in some roads and drainage systems and cut some trees down to make room for the houses, that is covered by the EPA's stormwater rules; but, if a log-
ging company does precisely the same thing, EPA's position seems to be it's not covered." Ordinarily, the court's ruling would take months, but with the last-minute changes to the case, it could make its decision much sooner. — Reporter: 202-662-7456,
Diagnostics Continued from A1 He was given new information bit by bit — lab, imaging and biopsy results. Over the course of the session, he drew on an encyclopedic familiarity with thousands of syndromes. He deftly dismissed red her-
I~ „
rings while picking up on clues that others might ignore, gradually homing in on the accurate diagnosis. Just how special is Dhaliwal's talent? More to the point, what can he do thata computer cannot'? Will a computer ever successfully stand in for a skill that is based not simply on a vast fund of knowledge but also on more intangible factors like intuition? The history of computer-assisted diagnostics is long and rich. In the 1970s, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh developed software to
diagnose complex problems in general internal medicine; the project eventually resulted in a commercial program called Quick Medical Reference. Since the 1980s, Massachusetts General Hospital has been developing and refining DXplain, a program that provides a ranked list of clinical diagnoses from a set of symptoms and laboratory data. And IBM, on the heels of its triumph last year with Watson, th e J e o pardy-playing computer, is working on Watson for Healthcare. In some ways, Dhaliwal's diagnostic method is similar to that of another IBM project: the Deep Blue chess program, which in 1996 trounced Garry Kasparov, the w o rld's best player at the time, to claim an u nambiguous victory in t h e computer'srelentless march into the human domain. Althoughlackingconsciousness and a human's intuition, Deep Blue had m i llions of moves memorized and could analyze as many each second. Dhaliwal does the diagnostic equivalent, though at human
speed. Since medical school, he has been aninsatiable reader of case reports in m e dical journals, and c ase c onferences from other hospitals. At work he occasionally uses a diagnostic checklist program called Isabel, just to make certain he hasn't forgotten something. But the program has yet to offer a diagnosis that Dhaliwal missed. Dhaliwal regularly receives casesfrom physicians who are stumped by a set of symptoms. At medical conferences, he is presented with one vexingly difficult case and is given 45 minutes to solve it. It is a medical high-wire act; doctors in the audience squirm as the set of facts gets more obscure and all the diagnoses they were consideringare ruled out.After absorbing and processing scores of d etails, Dhaliwal must commit to a diagnosis. M ore often than not, he i s right. When working on a difficult case in front of an audience, Dhaliwal puts his entire thought process on display, with the goal of "elevating the stature of thinking," he said. He believes this is becoming more important because physicians are being assessed on whether they gave the right medicine to a patient, or remembered to order a certain test. Without s uc h e m p hasis, physicians and training programs might forget the importance of h a v ing s m art, thoughtful doctors.
Jim Wilson /New York Times News Service
tern-matching instincts. Isabel, the diagnostic program that Dhaliwal sometimes uses, was created by Jason Maude, a former money manager in London, who named it for his daughter. At age 3, Isabel came down with chickenpox and doctors failed to spot a far more dangerous complication — necrotizing fasciitis, a flesh-eating infection. By the time the disease was identified, Clinical precision Isabel had lost so much flesh Dhaliwal does half his clini- that at age 17 she is still having cal work on the wards of the plastic surgery. San Francisco VA M e dical Maude said that while someCenter, and the other half in its one like Dhaliwal would probaemergency department,where bly have thought of necrotizing he often puzzles through mul- fasciitis, his daughter's doctors tiple mysteries at a were so stuck in time. what is called an"You might One recent afchoring bias — in ternoon in the ER, think you're this case, Isabel's he was treating a simple chickenpox in familiar 6 6-year-old m a n they couldn't territory, but who was mentally see beyond it. unstable and unH ad they e n the computer cooperative. He tered her s ymptoms — highfever, complained of hip is here to pain, but r outine remind you vomiting, skin rash lab work revealed there are other — into a diagnostic that hi s k i d neys program, M aude weren't w o r k i ng things." s aid, th e p r o b and his potassium — Dr. Gurpreet lem would probwas rising to a danDhaliwal ably have b e en gerous level, putidentified. ting him in danger T hou s a n d s of an arrhythmia of d iseases are that could kill him — perhaps known, and many are rare. "Low-frequency events are within hours. An ultrasound showed that his bladder was hard to put on the brain's palblocked. ette, and that's part of Isabel's There was work to be done: strength," Maude said. "It's imdrain the bladder, correct the possible for any one person to potassium level. It would have remember how each of those been easy to dismiss the hip diseases presents, b ecause pain as a distraction; it didn't each presents with a different easily fit the picture. But Dhali- pattern." wal's instinct is to hew to the He added that Isabel was ancient rule that physicians aimed not so much at the Dhalishould try to come to a unifying wals of the world, but at more diagnosis. In the end, every- typical physicians. thing — including the hip pain Dr. David Brailer, chief exec— was traced to metastatic utive of Health Evolution Partprostate cancer. ners, which invests in health "Things can shift very quick- care companies, agreed. "If everyone was a diagnostic ly in th e emergency room," Dhaliwal said. "One challenge genius, we wouldn't need these of this, whether you use a com- decision support tools," he said. puter or your brain, is deciding Diagnostic mistakes account what's signal and what's noise." for about 15 percent of errors Much of the time, it is his intu- that result in harm to patients, ition that helps figure out which according to the Institute of is which. Medicine. Yet diagnostic softAn expert clinical diagnosti- ware has been slow to make its cian like Dhaliwal might make way into clinical settings, and a decision without being able to Dhaliwal, who uses Isabel as a explain exactly what is going "second check," said he could on in the back of his mind, as understand why. his subconscious continuously Not only is it hard to intesifts the wheat from the chaff. grate software into an already While computers are good busy daily work flow, he said, at crunching numbers, people but "most of us don't think we are naturally good at matching need help at diagnosis, espepatterns. To make a decision, cially with routine cases, which physicians must combine logic account for the majority of our and knowledge with their pat- work."
Continued from A1 The day's events focused on reforming the state employees' pension system, moving forward with the Columbia River Crossing project and investing in education. Thegovernor in his keynote address once again highlighted his support for securing the $16 million in state funds necessary to grow the branch campus. The OSU-Cascades campus project is becoming an example or how the state will deal with a burgeoning student population and forthcoming capacity needs. Kitzhaber's education policy adviser, Ben Cannon, said the governor did not specifically include funding for the project as a line item in his budget. Anyone scouring the budget for the project won't find it; instead, they will see a lump sum for capital construction projects. Cannon said the governor wants each project to be prioritized on the basis of how it meets theneeds ofthe 40-4020 law. The legislation, passed in 2011, declares that by 2025, 40 percentof Oregon's adults willhave a bachelor's degree or higher, 40 percent will have earned an associate degree or some kind of postsecondary certificate. The remaining 20 percent will have earned a
Dr. Gurpreet Dhaliwai, left, and Dr. Michale Nejadtalk with patient Peter Wert at the San Francisco VA Medical Center in October. Dhaliwal occasionally uses a diagnostic checklist program called Isabel, just to make certain he hasn't forgotten something when treating a patient. "Because i n med i c ine," Dhaliwal said, "thinking is our most important procedure." He added: "Getting better at diagnosis isn't about figuring out if someone has one rare disease versus another.Getting better at diagnosis is as important to patient quality and safety as reducing medication errors, or eliminating wrong site surgery."
Dr. Henry Lowe, an internist at Stanford University and director of its Center for Clinical Informatics, doubts that a computercould ever replace a diagnostic wizard like Dhaliwal, or even a competent clinician. "Designing computer systems that work well with incomplete or imprecise information is challenging," Lowe said. "Particularly in medicine, where the consequences of defective decision-making may be catastrophic."
Mimicking human analysis IBM's Watson for Healthcare has yet to focus directly on diagnosis. The company is working with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to teach Watson to i nterpret clinical information and, eventually, help determine treatment. IBM also recently began a collaboration with Cleveland Clinic to broaden Watson's analytical capabilities into the area of medicine. Dr. Martin Kohn, chief medical scientist for IBM Research, is careful to point out that Watson for Healthcare is intended to be "neither omniscient nor omnipotent." Yet, Kohn noted, most physicians set aside five hours or less each month to read medical literature, while Watson can analyze the equivalent of thousands of textbooks
every second. The program relies heavily on natural language processing. It can understand the nature of a question and review large amounts of information, such as a patient's electronic medical record, textbooks and journal articles, then offer a list of suggestions with a confidence level assigned to each. For physicians, Kohn said, one problem is what he calls "the law of availability." "You aren't going to put anything on a list that you don't think i s r elevant, or d i dn't knowto think of," he said. "And that could limit your chances of getting a correct diagnosis." Dhaliwal agreed, citing the recent outbreak of hantavirus at Yosemite. Ten people contracted the virus, and three died. "It's a febrile illness that looks like the flu," he said. "It's so rare, the last time you might have seen it was your medical school classroom." Had Isabel or a similar program been used, the deaths might have been prevented, Dhaliwal said. "You might think you're in familiar territory, but the computer is here to remind youthere are other things."
high school diploma. Translation: State universities must prepare themselves for a jump in enrollment. "The governor has said it and I'll say it again, this is a priority for him," Cannon said. "It will be onthe ultimate list that the governor brings to the Legislature." Bend-La Pine School Board Member Cheri Helt, who owns Zydeco Kitchen and Cocktails in Bend, alsotook center stage at the summit to advocate for tackling the Public Employees Retirement System. As a school board member, she said, she's had to make difficult decisions in the last couple of years, eliminating t eaching positions and i n creasing class sizes. "We'vebeenforcedto make cuts that go too far," she said. Helt urged lawmakers to adopt Kitzhaber'sproposed reforms, which include capping the cost-of-living adjustment and ending an o ut-of-state credit some retirees receive. The governor said he met with the House Democratic caucus over the weekend and discussed his PERS proposals. He admitted there w as a "lot of nervousness" surrounding the ideas. The 2013 legislative session starts on the fourth of February. — Reporter: 541-554-1162,
a seeming disaster that later proved serendipit ous, indeed, Continued from A1 crucial, to the carving of Dom The museum's new direc- Pedro. tor, Kirk Johnson, is leaning The mine's owner took posagainst the cabinet. He lets session. He sold the top two out a low whistle. chunks, which were cut into This i s J o hnson's f irst typical jewelry. He kept the glimpse of the glitteringazure third, and largest, piece — still obelisk, as clear and blue as close to two feet long and 60 the Caribbean at noon. pounds — behind his bed. Or Unboxed and upright, Dom so the story goes. Pedro towers like a gemmy Henn, a thi r d -generaWashington Monument. tion broker and dealer, soon It's the largest cut piece of heard of this monster crystal aquamarine ever knovmand hatcheda plan. Only one perhaps 10 times the size of gem cutter could handle such the next largest. It's 14 inches a piece: Bernd Munsteiner, tall and weighs 10,363 carats. Henn'slifelongfriend andbusiThat's the heft of a barbell, ness partner.ln the 1970s and nearly five pounds. 1980s,Munnsteiner pioneered The eye cannot rest on a new style, eyeing big crysDom Pedro. It is drawn up- tals as Michaelangelo would ward to the pyramid tip by a block of granite — with a an eight-fold set of climbing sculpture inside. Crystals were carved starbursts that flare art waiting to happen. and shimmer like the beating Sculpting a masterpiece wings of iridescent angels. Dom Pedro's sculptor, the But first, Henn had to acGerman gem artist Bernd quire the crystal. He partMunsteiner, strives for "total nered with Munsteiner and reflection," Post says. Most a second well-known dealer, gems are faceted on the out- Hermann Bank. I n 1 9 92, side — like the typical bril- Henn dispatched his son Axel liant or diamond cuts seen in and Munsteiner's son, Tom, to jewelry. Munsteiner instead make a deaL cuts into his gems, sculpts inThe younger Germans enternal facets to bounce every gaged in lengthy negotiations beam of gathered light back with the mine owner. But the at the viewer. owner was in no hurry. He Goal achieved. flew the Germans to a remote rtver for a week of fishing. Gem without price When the deal was at last "Think of the gemstones done, the German sons spirthat could be cut from a piece i ted t he crystal out of Brazil. like that," says The La p i dary "There's Post. Journal a r t i cle It IS Stf'Of) g mylltons of dolb y Si and A n n l ars w o rt h o f Cgmpggjfjpfl F razier pa i n t s a Holl y w ood for the Hope scene. They The b l u est (DiamOnd). hired sketchy piaquamarine s / f I f. gf7'fy grIQ lots, bribed a few rival emerald in p U p/-py /p IS customs agents, value, but Dom persuaded a BraPedro may as at l eaSt the zilian general to well be priceless. Sgf7)g " s hut down t h e It's off the market Rio airport as the — Jurgen Henn, c r y stal l an d e d forever, donated to the Smithsongem broker in a s mall plane, ian In s t itution stashed the thing l ast year by a in the control towcollector couple from Palm er, and nonchalantly-as-canBeach, Fla., Jane Mitchell and be-toting-60-pounds hauled it Jeff Bland. aboard a Lufthansa flight in On Thursday, DomPedroa duffel and stuffed it in the named afterthe firstemperor overheadbin. of Brazil — will go on permaOr so the story goes. nent display. Under spotlights The artist Munsteiner then in the entrance to the national set to work. He agreed to the gem collection gallery, Dom audacious job for one reason Pedro will shine like a beacon, only. The shattering of the a rival to the most famous gem original crystal, he was coninthe world, resting not 30 feet vinced, had relieved any hidaway, the Hope Diamond. den stresses, made the largest "This piece will become one chunk strong enough to withof the highlights for the Smith- stand his diamond blades. sonian," said Jiirgen Henn, a For four months, MunsteinGerman gem broker, former er eyed the azure monster. co-owner of Dom Pedro, and M unsteiner settled on a the force behind its creation. plan. He would shape an obe"It is strong competition for lisk,preserving as much ofthe the Hope. In rarity and purity, original length as he could. it is at least the same." Into the backside, he would When found, the Dom Pe- excavate dozens of s p iky dro crystal stretched more "negative cuts," the ascendt han three feet long a n d ing starbursts, to achieve total weighed something close to reflection. 100 pounds. Sometime in the The cutter toiled for six late 1980s a garimpero, or months. He worked for just prospector, spied it. He and two hours a day to keep his two buddies pried it loose mind clear, his arms strong. and lugged it out of a mine in A treasure was his to create the state of Minas Gerais, fa- — or, with a slip, to destroy. mous for its gemstones. The In 1993, Henn and Mungarimperos dropped the crys- steiner at last unveiled Dom tal, shattering it into thirds, Pedro in Basel, Switzerland.
AARP Continued from A1 The group gets a 4.95 percent royalty each time someone buys Medigap insurance with the AARP brand. The Medigap insurance policies bring in hundreds of millions of dollars a year and are among an array of AARPendorsed products that generate slightly more than half of the group's $1.4 billion in r evenue, according to t a x records and people familiar with the group's operations. But in last year's negotiations over the federal debt ceiling, President B a rack Obama and top Republicans discussed proposals to change Medicare that could have reduced AARP's revenue from Medigap. At the time, AARP lobbied against the proposals, congressional aides say. Now, political observers predict that those measures will be back on the table in the coming weeks as Democrats and Republicans wrangle over a deal aimed at avoiding the "fiscal cliff" of dramatic tax increases and spending cuts set to kick in at the end of the year.
Eligibility age Health care experts and former A A R P e x ecutives said raising the eligibility age for Medicare would hit the group's revenue because Medigap is available only to individuals who qualify for Medicare. Under the p r oposal, 65- and 66-year-olds would no longer be able to
Among th e e n t itlement proposals being debated by
policymakers is a change that would l i mit M e digap coverage, with the aim of lowering the o verall c ost of Medicare.The measure would m ov e c a tastrophic
coverage from Medigap to Medicare and forceseniors who buy M e digap coverage to pay a deductible and
co-pays. By making them pay for more of their health care, policymakers seek to curb unnecessary medical visits and tests. These changes would
probably reduce Medigap p remiums, similar to h ow premiums for auto insurance tend to be lower if customers pay higher deductibles.
The smaller Medigap premiums could reduce AARP's r evenue by s h r i nking i t s royalties. A report released in September by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., estimated that the group could lose $1.8 billion over 10 years. AARP officials said they do not understand how that number was calculated and declined to comment further. AARP says it opposes the
proposed change to Medigap because it would harm older Americans, even t h o ugh they may pay lower premiums. The group warned that seniorswould sufferbecause of the higher deductibles and co-pays, and it said seniors prefer the certainty associated with lower deductibles and co-pays. A study b y t h e K a iser Family Foundation last year found that Medigap premiums would fall so drastically under some reform plans that most seniors would save up to hundreds of dollars per
year. A separate proposal for revising Medicare — and
By Rachel D'Oro and Wilson Ring The Associated Press
buy Medigap coverage, and
ANCHORAGE, A laska — Israel Keyes, in jail for the killing of an Alaska barista, gradually began confessing to investigators that he had killed others: a couple in Vermont, four people in Washington state, someone in New York. But he was slow to come forward with details, warning investigators he would stop talking if his name was released publicly. "He was very, very, very sensitive to his reputation, as odd as that sounds," Anchorage Police Chief Mark Mew said."We had to keep things extra quiet in order to keep him talking with us." Keyes committed suicide in an Alaska jailhouse Sunday, leaving behind an incomplete picture of a loner who traveled the country for more than a decade, picking victims at random and methodically killing them. Officials believe there are more victims in other states, but they may never know who they are. Authorities wouldn't say how Keyes killed himself, only that he was alone in his cell. They also did not say whether he left a note. "We're going to continue to run down leads and continue our efforts to identify his victims so we can bring some closure to the families," said Mary Rook, the FBI supervisor in Alaska. While under arrest in connection with the disappearance of 18-year-old barista Samantha Koenig, Keyes confessed to the deaths of Bill and Lorraine Currier, of Essex, Vt., who disappeared in June2011, authorities said. Keyes confessed to other killings without identifying the victims or saying where their remains were located. The FBI said Monday that Keyes is believed to have committed multiple kidnappings and murders across the country between 2001 and his arrest in March, often flying to an airport, then driving hundreds of miles before targeting victims. In interviews with investigators, Keyes detailed extensive planning, including burying caches of weapons at various points across the United States. The FBI says it recovered weapons and items used to dispose of bodies from hiding places just north of Anchorage and Blakes Falls Reservoir in New York.
Max Whittaker / New York Times News Service
Lance Gilman, the owner of the Mustang Ranch,was recently elected to the Storey County Board of Commissioners. "Nevadans don't care about brothels," says Gilman. "It's everybody else who gets so excited."
cially because the group
could offer other insurance products to seniors cut out of Medicareand Medigap. Frederick Lynch, a professor at Claremont McKenna College in California who wrote a book about AARP, Conflict of interest? said the group's opposition "There is a potential con- to Medicare-relatedchanges flict of interest," said Mari- is motivated by the needs of lyn Moon, a former senior its members. "This is a battle AARP official who runs the they were born to fight: to health care program at the preserve Medicare and Sononprofit A m erican I n sti- cial Security," he said. tutes for Research. "Any way B ill N o velli, w h o w a s you look at changes in Me- AARP's chief executive from digap that people are talking 2001 to 2009, said that he "never saw financial incenabout, I think it's good for beneficiaries, and anybody tives come into play" when who is opposing that who the group was setting its claims they are looking out advocacy agenda during his for beneficiaries, you have to tenure. But, he added: "It's wonder why." fair to say that AARP does AARP executives dispute have a financial interest in any financial motive, say- Medigap insurance because ing the group's all-volunteer it's a significant revenueboard considers only what is raiser for them. If Medigap best for its membership. were s omehow r e d uced, "They stand to gain noth- then AARP would have a fiing from AARP's financial nancial reduction." success orfailure," said DaThree Republican memvid Certner, the group's leg- bers of the House Ways and islative policy director. "They Means Committee — Wally are motivated by n othing Herger, Calif.; Dave Reichert, more than a heartfelt desire Wash.; and Charles Boustato ensure that every Ameri- ny, La. — criticized what can can age with dignity. they called a conflict in a reAARP does not c alculate port last year that questioned or consider any potential fi- whether AARP was letting nancial 'impact' of policy op- its financial interests dictate tions on AARP because they its public positions. are not relevant to our policy AARP has b een o f ferdecision-makingprocess." ing products to its members AARP officials point to since it was founded in 1958 other instances when they by a r e t ired h igh s chool say they argued against their principal who was outraged financial self-interest and on that former teachers lacked behalf ofseniors — for ex- health insurance. Medicare ample, opposing the priva- was passed by Congress in tization of M e d icare and 1965 to provide health inSocial Security, even though surance to the elderly, but the group could have prof- Medigap policies emerged to ited by lending its name to help pay catastrophic costs, new insurance products. co-pays and deductibles that Medicare doesn't cover.
Debating a proposal
Alaska suspect leaves partial account
perhaps the most widely discussed — involves raising the eligibility age from 65 to 67. Obama discussed this idea with H ouse Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, in the summer of 2011 during efforts to resolve the debtceiling crisis. More recently, GOP lawmakers have called for raising the eligibility age as part of a deal to avert the fiscal cliff. AARP objects to the idea.
AARP's royalties could fall. But raising the age also could benefit AARP finan-
The AARPname Since the e a rl y 1 980s, A ARP h a s a l l o we d i t s name to be used to sell Medigap policies to s eniors, and the branding conveys the group's endorsement of the product. Under its current contract, UnitedHealth Group sells t h e p o l i cies t o about 3 m i l lion A A R P members. AARP's royalty fee of4.95 percent of every premium dollar i n creased from 4 percent around 2008, according to congressional testimony. AARP executives declined to answer a reporter's questions about the fees, but chief executive Barry Rand confirmed the figures in testimony last year before the House Ways and Means Committee. The Medigap market is competitive, but U n itedHealth Group, AARP's partner, controls about 25 percent, nearly three times the share of its closest competitor, according to the House report. Medigap is among a variety of p r oducts branded through an AARP for-profit s ubsidiary, r a nging f r o m insurance an d r e staurant discounts to c r edit c ards. The contribution of t h ese products to AARP's bottom line has grown dramatically in recent years, reaching 52 percent ofrevenue lastyear, a ccording t o f e d eral t a x records. AARP executives have a personal financial incentive to boost the group's revenue because annual bonuses for employeesare determined in part by AARP's "gross revenues," according to federal tax records. They show, for example, that Rand received $140,156 in"bonus and incentive compensation" last year, about 15 percent of his total compensationof $938,553.
BIot e owneI raises Ioie wit eection to coun oar By Malia Wollan New Yorh Times News Service
SPARKS, Nev. — Sex for sale aside, brothels here tend to be modest businesses: shoddy buildings kept out of sight in rural areas, on the outskirts of town or camouflaged in a thicket of cottonwood trees. But the inconspicuous was thrust into the spotlight last month with th e election of Lance Gilman, owner of the country's first licensed brothel, to a seat on the Storey County Board of Commissioners. "Nevadans don't care about brothels," said Gilman, 68, proprietor of the Mustang Ranch. "It's everybody else who gets so excited." Storey County covers 262 square miles of high desert and sagebrush east of Reno, and Gilman, an industrial developer originally from San Diego, owns nearly 65 percent of the county. On that land, Gilman and his businesspartner are creating what they bill as the largest industrial park in the world. Gilman expects that once
the project is complete, some 150,000 people will work in the park, nearly 40 times the county's current population. Already 1,800 trucks arrive each dayto Wal-Mart and PetSmart distribution centers here. And at the edge of all that workaday commerce, just 17 miles from Reno, Gilman's brothel traffics in after-hours pleasures. W hether th e p r o duct i s sex, manufacturing or Internet server farms, Gilman is a free-market kind of guy. "I'm focused on keeping this place pro-business and not regulating our little county to death," he said. Gilman is one of a newbreed of brothel owners in Nevada, newcomers who made their fortunes in other industries and who are not afraid of publicity. He is believed to be the first brothel owner to be elected to public office in the state, and his run made some in the legal sex industry nervous. George Flint, a lobbyist for the Nevada Brothel Owners Association, said: "I'm of the
old school, I believe the best way to survive in this business is to stay low profile. These new guys come in and assume that with legality comes acceptability, they don't have an understanding of the industry's fragileness." Still, licensed brothels like the Mustang Ranch enjoy wide support across rural Nevada. More than half those surveyed in a statewide poll in 2 011 said they thought prostitution
should be legaL "You can't hold it against a person that they're involved in a profession that's been in existence since beforeJesus walked around in his sandals," said Corrie Northan, 46, a bartender at the Bucket of Blood Saloon in Virginia City, the county seat. "This state was formed from gambling, drinking and brothels and there's no shame in that." During his campaign, Gilman knocked on the doors of some 1,500 county residents, and he says just two people even mentioned his brothel and only to compliment him.
Nations' subsidies Offossil fuels areputinfocusatclim atetalks By Karl Ritter The Associated Press
DOHA, Qatar — H assan al-Kubaisi considers it a gift from above that drivers in oil- and gas-rich Qatar only have to pay $1 per gallon at the pump. "Thank God that our country is an oil producer and the
price of gasoline is one of the lowest," al-Kubaisi said, filling up hi s T oyota Land Cruiser at a gas station in Doha. "God has given us a
blessing." To those looking for a global response to climate change, it's more like a curse. Qatar — the host of U.N. climate talks t h a t e n tered their final week Monday — is among dozens of countries that keep gas prices artificially low through subsidies that exceeded $500 billion
globally last year. Renewable energy worldwide received six times less support — an imbalance that is just starting to earn attention in the divisive negotiations on curbing the carbon emissions blamed for heating the planet. "We need to stop funding the problem, and start funding the solution," said Steve Kretzmann, of Oi l C h ange International, an a d v ocacy
group for clean energy. His group p resented research Monday showing that in addition to the fuel subsidies in developing countries, rich nations i n 2 0 11 gave more than $58 billion in tax breaks and other production subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. The U.S. figure was
$13 billion. The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has calculated that removing fossil fuel subsidies could reduce c arbon emissions by m o r e than 10 percent by 2050. Yet the argument is just
recently gaining traction in climate negotiations, which in two decades have failed to halt the rising temperatures that are melting Arctic ice, raising sea levels and shifting weather patterns with impacts on droughts and floods. In Doha, the t alks have been slowed by w r a ngling over financial aid to help poor countries cope with g l obal warming and how to divide carbon emissions rights until 2020 when a new planned climate treaty i s s u pposed to enter force. Calls are now intensifying to include fossil fuel subsidies as a key part of the discussion. "I think i t i s m a n i festly clear ... that this is a massive missing piece of the climate change jigsaw puzzle," said Tim Groser, New Zealand's minister for climate change. H e i s s p earheading a n initiative backed by Scandinavian countries and some developing countries to put fuel subsidies on the agenda in v a r ious f o r ums, c i t i ng the U.N. talks as a "natural home" for the debate. The G-20 called for their elimination in 2009, and the issue also came up at the U.N. earth summit in Rio de Janeiro earlier this year. Frustrated that not much has happened since, European Union climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard said Monday she planned to raise the issue with environment ministers on the sidelines of the talks in Doha. Many developing countries are positive toward phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, not just to protect the climate but to balance budgets. Subsidies introduced as a form of welfarebenefitdecades ago have become an increasing burden to many countries as oil prices soar. The problem is that getting rid of them comes with a
heavy political price. W hen Jo r d a n r ai s e d fuel prices last month, angry crowds poured into the streets, torching police cars, government offices and private banks. One person was killed and 75 others were injured in the violence. Nigeria, Indonesia, India and Sudan have also seen violent protests this year as governments tried to b r i ng fuel prices closer to market rates.
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IN BRIEF Judge removed from Fort Hood case FORT WORTH, Texas The military's highest court ousted the judge in the Fort Hood shooting case M o nday and threw out his order to have the suspect's beard f orcibly shaved before h i s court-martial. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces ruled that Col. Gregory Gross didn't appear impartial while presiding over the case of Maj. Nidal Hasan, who faces the death p enalty if c o nvicted in t h e 2009 shootings on the Texas Army post that killed 13 people and wounded more than two dozen others. But the court said it w as not ruling o n w h ether t he judge's order violated Hasan's religious rights. Hasan has argued that his beard is a requirement of his Muslim faith, although facial hair violates Army regulations. "Should the next military judge find it necessary to ad-
5 nations summonIsraeli envoysto protest settlements By Isabel Kershner
contestedareas east ofJerusalem and around the West Bank. Israel raised particular alarms with its decision to continue planning and zoning work for the development of a contentious area known as El, a project vehemently opposed internationally because it would partially separate the northern and southern West Bank, harming the prospects of a contiguous Palestinian state in that territory. The move raised questions in Israel about whether the country'sleaders were putting domestic political interests ahead of its foreign relations, with Israeli elections scheduled for late January.
New York Times News Service
JERUSALEM — Britain, France, Spain, Sweden and Denmark summoned the Israeli ambassadors to their countries Monday to p r otest Israel's plans for increased settlement construction, an unusually sharp diplomatic step that reflected the growing frustration abroad with Israel's policies on the Palestinian issue. After the General Assembly voted overwhelmingly last week to upgrade the status of the Palestinians at the United Nations, Israel announced plans for 3,000 more housing units in
Yet Israel remained defiant. The prime minister's office issued a statement Monday, saying, "Israel will continue to stand for its essential interests, even in the face of international pressure,and there will be no change in the decision it has taken." European countries long opposed to I sraeli s ettlement construction went beyond their usual statements of condemnation. France, Spain, Sweden and Denmark voted for the Palestinian upgrade, while Britain abstained. Although Israel had expected the resolution to pass, officials here expressed
disappointment over the lack of support from several friendly European nations. Israel was particularly surprised by Germany's decision to abstain in the vote. Israeli Prime M i nister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to visit Germany this week. Philippe Lalliot, a spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry, said in a statement Monday, "Settlement activity is illegal under international law, hurtsthe confidence necessary for a return to dialogue and constitutes an obstacle to a just peace founded on the two-state solution."
dress (Hasan's) beard, such issues should be addressed and litigated anew," judges wrote in the ruling.
March, strike planned in restful Egypt
CAIRO — Egypt's political crisis is widening, with plans for a huge march and a general strike today to protest the hurried drafting of a new constitution and decreesby President Mohammed Morsi that gave him nearly unrestricted powers. Morsialsofacestheprospect of wider civil disobedience as media, the tourism industry and law professors pondered moves that would build on a strike by the nation's judges. The planned strikes and march raise new fears of unrest, threatening to derail the country's transition to democratic rule.
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"Egypt is a big ship in high
seas, and no one should stop its captain from taking it to the shore," said Morsi's legal adviser, Mohammed Gaballah, defending his boss. "The ship must keep moving under any conditions," he told The Associated Press on Monday. The country's judges have already gone on strike over Morsi'sNov. 22 decrees that placed him above oversight of any kind, including the courts. Following those decrees, a panel dominated by the president's Islamist supporters r u shed through a draft constitution without the participation of representatives of liberals and Christians. Only four women, all Islamists, attended the marathon, all-night session.
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Russian traffic jam strands drivers for days
M OSCOW — T h e s n ow came down hard Friday, more than 2 feet in places, the first big storm of the year. But in Russia, where the winters are long and hard, it was nothing out of the ordinary, it seemed. Then some localities apparently decided on their own to close the exits on the M10 highway between Moscow and St. Petersburg, a 400-mile stretch. T he ensuing t raffic j a m — 100 miles long by some estimates and involving 10,000 vehicles— trapped some motorists forthree days and forced senior Russian officials to go on television Monday to mollify the thousands of angry drivers. The response came after state television broadcast images of w e ekend t r avelers huddled for warmth in idling cars, and after order seemed to break down among drivers left to fend for themselves in the subfreezingtemperatures.
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Marine special ops team honored CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. — Navy Secretary Ray Mabus on Monday honoredfour members of a Marinespecial operations team in a rare public ceremony for those who have servedinthe covertforces. In aceremony at Camp Pendleton, Calif., Mabus awarded Marine Sgt. William Soutra Jr. the Navy Cross, the Navy's highesthonor andthe military's second highest honor, for tending to the wounded while guiding the platoon to safety during an attack in Afghanistan's Helmand Province in July 2010 that spanned over two days. Three others on histeam, including a Navy corpsman, were given Silver Stars. — From wire reports
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TV& Movies, B2 Calendar, B3 Horoscope, B3 Comics, B4-5 Puzzles, B5 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2012
SPOTLIGHT Doggie Coat Drive under way Bend Spay 8 Neuter Project is holding its third annual Doggie Coat Drive. The volunteer-driven
projectaims to provide coats, sweatersand bootiesfordogs belonging to homeless ordisplaced people inCentral Oregon. New or gently used coats, sweaters and booties for cats or dogs can be dropped off at Bend Veterinary Clinic, Blue Sky Veterinary Clinic, Bend Pet Express ' lc'uy
locations and Bend Spay 8 Neuter Project through Dec. 19. Dog
food and bedding will also be accepted. Items will be distribut-
ed through localnonprofit agencies thatworkwith
the homelesspopulation. Contact: 541-6171010 or www.bendsnip .Olg. — From staff reports
Submitted photo
'There's no place like home!' Say hello to Maxwell, a 9-year-old German shepherd/Labrador/
wolf mix. Maxwell lives in Sisters with Diane Tolzman and Paul Drake.
This picture was taken after they had been
away from homefor two weeks and heseemsto be saying, "There's no place like home!" To submit a photo
Photos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
Dr. Randall Jacobs, left, listens to Ricardo Engle's heartbeat while Marianne Lebre, a registered nurse, stands by. The checkup was taking place in a bus that has been converted into a mobile medical unit, complete with sink, exam table and medical supplies. The bus, a volunteer effort soon to be overseen by Mosaic Medical, travels to offer services at homeless shelters and camps in Central Oregon.
• Volunteersget the Mobile MedicalUnit movingto help reachthe underserved in Central Oregon
for publication, email a
high-resolution image along with your animal's name, ageandspecies or breed, your name, age, city of residence and contact information, and a few words
about what makesyour pet special. Send photos to pets©bendbulletin .com, drop them off at 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. in Bend, or mail them to The Bulletin Pets section, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. Contact: 541-3830358.
Submitted photo
Teak wants to be your buddy
By Heidi Hagemeier The Bulletin
icardo Engle boarded a small bus parked in a lot recently, ready for his regular health checkup. The 56-year-old Bend man sat on an exam table at the rear of the bus, rolled up hissleeve and observed as Dr. Randall Jacobs took his blood pressure. "So am I having my leg cut off tomorrow'?" he
co .Z' co
'I c
joked. "Look at these pressures, man!" Jacobs announced. "These are like from 20 years ago." Jacobs jotted Engle a prescription to renew his blood pressure medication. Then the two
hugged. "Take care, brother," Jacobs said. Engle's high blood pressure is usually a condition readily managed with monitoring and medication. Yet for Engle and others like him, access to health care isn't necessarily a given. He lives at the Bend nonprofit shelter The Shepherd's House as part of its transitional program. In the past, he's been homeless. Within the past two years, however, Engle and othershave been able to receive care through a volunteer effort that brings the health clinic to them. A small, retrofitted bus called the Mobile Medical Unit, makes regular stops throughout Central Oregon, reaching out to the homeless at area shelters and camps. Doctors, nurses and others volunteer their time to offer free care. What the bus means for a population that often goes without seeing a doctor — even for painful,
Dr. Randall Jacobs, left, and Elaine Knobbs,of Mosaic Medical, talk in front of the bus, which was making its regular visit to The Shepherd's House in Bend. Jacobs, who is the director of Bend Memorial Clinic's urgent care department, is one of about a dozen doctors who volunteer their services to provide free health care. festering health issues — is access to treatment before minor medicalproblems become fullblown crises. "Here is this whole population that can't make it to services, that doesn't know how to navigate the services," Jacobs said. "Let's change the model.
Let's go out to where they are and let them know we're interested in them." "We're heading off a lot of stuff that would eventually end up in the emergency room," he
added. See Mobile/B6
Meet Teak, a6-yearold Shih Tzu/pug mix. He loves adults, children
and doesn't seemto mind cats, but would probably be better off
as the only dog. Teak loves to go onwalks and would most likely be just
as happy being acouch potato buddy as well. If you would like to
visit Teak, or anyother pet available for adoption at the Humane
Society of the Ochocos, contact the shelter at 541-447-7178 or visit
www.humanesociety Adoption fee includes spay/neuter, first vaccinations, deworming, veterinary
examination, microchip, collar and ID tag.
Your dates find youcreepy?Askthis dating guru why "What's cool in the world of dating is that no one's ever telling you how they feel," said dating guru Blake Eastman. "They're showing you. lttustration by Mark Stamaty Slate
By Diana Spechfer Slate
r~ )
NEW YORK — "People feel weird when theymeet me," 27-year-old Blake Eastman said. He's perched on a coffee table eating gummy bears. Sitting across from him on the couch in an e x pansive, hardwood-floored rental space in Chelsea getting ready to watch him teach "The Dating Workshop," I admit that I feel, if not "weird," a bit self-conscious. It's hard to meet a
your mind. Hint: He sort of is. For eight months, Eastman has been teaching singles on the dating scene to read minds, too, and to use their bodies to send clear signals. For example, you can send the message, "If you touch me,
I will gag," by slowly moving away each
time your date invades your personal space.Or you can communicate, "Kiss me! Now!" by playing with the buttons on his shirt, looking at his lips or softening the tone of your voice just so. master of body language (or, to quote Those moves might sound primitive, Eastman, "nonverbal communica- but on a first or second date, it's diffition") and not worry about what you're cult to say exactly what you're thinkdoing with your hands, how solid your ing. Most people opt not to. eye contactisand whether he'sreading SeeGuru /B6
a M O V I ES
TV stars say,'Takethis (sweetj job andshoveit'
available for somemovies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI IMAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-Oand IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
By Neal Justin
rehearsalsand alienated her Regal Pilot Butte 6 co-stars.Producers eventually 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, That crunching noise you fired her. Maybe a few hours a Bend,541-382-6347 heard earlier this week was day with a Thighmaster would the latest TV star biting the have cooled her down. ANNA KARENINA(R) 12:30, hand that feeds him. Angus •Jessica Biel, n7th Heaven" 3:30, 6:15 T. Jones — the "Half" in "Two (2000): At 17, she posed topless ARGO (R) 1, 4, 7 and a Half Men" — went off for Gear magazine, a blatant atLINCOLN (PG-13) Noon, 3:15, on a rant against the sitcom tempt to get out of her contract 6:30 that pays him $300,000 an with the family-friendly series. THE SESSIONS(R) 1:15, 4:15, episode, labeling Eight years later, 7:15 it filth and urging Ty 5poT Bie»dmitted she v iewers t o s t o p had made a misSKYFALL (PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 watching. take and did her N o worries, A ngus. W e penance by starring in "ValenTHE TWILIGHTSAGA: tine's Day." stopped watching long ago. BREAKING DAWN — PART2 As for your tantrum (for • Dave Chappelle, "Chap(PG-13) 12:15, 3, 6 which you later sort of apolo- pelle's Show" (2005): Thanks gized), it's s m al l p o t atoes to this Comedy Central series, RegalOld Mill compared with former co- Chappelle was poised to be the star Charlie Sheen's epic rant next Eddie Murphy — which Stadium 16 & IMAX against the sitcom's creator, is exactly what happened. Not 680S.W. PowerhouseDrive, Chuck Lorre. the Murphy who did "48 Hrs."; Bend,541-382-6347 Now you're both part of a the one wh o d i d " N o rbit." CLOUDATLAS(R) 12:30, 4:15, 8 TV club that seems to forget Chappelle abruptly r e tired, THE COLLECTION (R) 2, 4:55, it makes a jillion more dollars saying later that he felt the au7:55, IO:15 than viewers, doing a job that dience was laughing at him, requires spending half the day not with him. Now nobody's FLIGHT (R) 12:35, 3:45, 6:55, in an a ir-conditioned trailer laughing at all. 10:05 and being forced to eat catered • Katherine Heigl, nGrey's AnatKILLING THEMSOFTLY(R) 1:40, meals. Here are some other fa- omy" (2000): After winning an 4:40, 7:10, 9:50 vorite members: Emmy for best supporting acLIFE OF PI(PG) 1:25, 7:25 "The Brady • Robert Reed, tress and scoring a film hit with Bunch" (1974): Keen followers "Knocked Up," Heigl should LIFE OF PI3-D (PG) 12:10, 3:10, of this timeless sitcom may have beenthe happiest actress 4:30, 6:10, 9:25, 10:20 have noticed that Mike Brady in Hollywood. Instead, she pubLINCOLN (PG-13) Noon, 1, 3:20, never appearedinthe seriesfi- licly ripped the dramedy's writ6:40, 10 nale. That's because the classi- ers for not giving her enough cally trained actor had finally meaty material and yanked her RED DAWN(PG-13) 1:50, 4:50, had enough ofbeing involved name from Emmy contention. 7:30, 10:10 in a series that often revolved By 2010, Heigl had left both the RISE OFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) around prom dates and sibling seriesand the public's radar 12:55, 3:50, 6:20, 9:05 rivalry. He spent most of the screen. RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D show's run complaining about • Chevy Chase, "Community" (PG) 1:05, 3:55, 6:30, 9:15 the show's silliness. Maybe the (2012): This prickly actor went producers should have stuck into diva mode earlier this year, SKYFALL (PG-13) 12:05, 3:15, to their original choice to play getting into a public feud with 6:25, 9:35 the father: Gene Hackman. seriescreator Dan Harmon that •Suzanne Somers, nThree's included a voicemail so vicious YEAR ENDINVENTORYCLEARANCE Company" (1901): She may it would make Alec Baldwin's ALL MATTRESSSETS ItFURNITURE have played dumb for a liv- ears hurt. Chase formally left ing, but Somers thought she the show this month, oblivious was being smart when she to the fact that he hasn't been a Warehouse Pr i ces demanded a raise — a 500 per- movie star in decades and that " Community" might b e t h e A cent raise. When she didn't get her way, she started skipping smartest sitcom on network TV. (Minneapolis) Star Tribune
Sony Pictures Entertainment via The Associated Press
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Paul Dano star in the action thriller "Looper," playing at McMenamins Old St. Francis School in downtown Bend. SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:55 TARANTINOXX:RESERVOIR DOGS 20TH ANNIVERSARYEVENT(no MPAA rating) 7 THETWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG- I3) 12:20, 1:15, 3:05, 4:05, 6, 7, 9, 9:45 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 12:45, 3:35, 6:15, 9:10
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. BondSt., Bend, 541-330-8562
LOOPER(R) 9 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 6 After 7 p.m., shoyvsare 27and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before7pm.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
Tin Pan Theater
Due to a pri vate event, the theater will not be open to the public today.
l- o •
Redmond Cinemas 1535S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014
Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
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869 N W Tin PanAlley Bend, 541-241-2271
Come in now for year-end specials on many models.
RISEOF THE GUARDIANS (PG)6:30 THE TWILIGHTSAGA:BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 6:15 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
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(541) 388-4418
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine
tRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHt EHK~RDiRH t 1RK KATU News World News KATU NeWS at 8 (N) n Ew Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Shark Tank (N) n 'PG'rrrj Happy Endings Apartment 23 Private Practice LifeSupport'14' KATU News (11:35) Nightline
I'j Nightly News KTVZ 0 0 0 0 News News Evening News KBNZ 0 K OHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News Videos KFXO IDi IEI IEI IEIAmerica's Funniest Home
Newsohannel 21 at 6(N) « Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The Voice Live ResultsShow'PG' (9:01) GoOn(N) New Normal (10:01) Parenthood (N)'PG' « Access H. O l d ChristineHow I Met 3 0Rock n '14' Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer NCIS Sins of the Father n 'PG' V i c toria's Secret Fashion KEZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Shark Tank (N) n 'PG' « Happy Endings Apartment 23 Private Practice Life Support '14' Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang Big Bang Rai s ing Hope Ben and Kate New Girl (N) '14' Mindy Project News TMZ (N) n 'PG Oregon ExperienceRajneeshpuram JesseCook:LiveinConcertn 'G'« Koae O B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. This Old House Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour(N) n « Newschannel 8 Nightly News Newschannela News Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition The Voice LiveResultsShow'PG' (9:01) GoOn(N) New Normal KGW 0 (10:01) Parenthood (N)'PG' cc Sei n feld'PG' S e infeid'PG' KTvzDT2 IEI0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? KingofQueens KingofQueens Engagement Engagement H a rtofDixieSparksFly(N)'PG' E milyOwens,M.D.(N)'PG'« Mexico/Bayless Simply Ming 'G New Tricks ShadowShow cc Titanic Belfast: Birthplace Independent Lens 'PG' cc World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n cc OPBPL 175 173
Jay Leno Letterman (11:35) Nightiine The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Easy Yoga for Arthritis Newschannel 8 Jay Leno 'Tii Death '14' 'Tii Death 'PG' PBS NewsHour n rr News News KEZI 9 News
Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (11:01) Be theBoss 'PG' « *** "TheGreenMile" (1999,Drama)TomHanks, David Morse, MichaelClarke Duncan. Aguard thinks aninmate hasa supernatural power to heal. « *** "TheGreenMile" (1999)Tomg (4:00) *** "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991, Science Fiction) Arnold *AMC 102 40 39 Schwarzenegger,LindaHamilton. « Hanks, DavidMorse. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc Swamp Wars n 'PG' cc Life: Reborn Primates (N) n 'PG Frontier Earth (N) n 'PG' cc The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' Frontier Earth n 'PG' cc BRAVO1 37 4 4 Shahs of Sunset '14' Shahs of Sunset Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta Start-Ups: Silicon Valley (N) (10:01) Million Dollar Decorators What Happens Housewives Reba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc * "DidyouHearAbout theMorgans?" (2009, Comedy)HughGrant. n cc CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG'cc Reba 'PG'cc Didyou Hear CNBC 54 36 40 52 Coca-Cola: TheReal Story 60 Minutes onCNBC(N) American Greed Mad Money 'MA' 80 Minutes on CNBC American Greed Octaspring Ma. Get Sub D CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360(N) r Pie r s Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47(4:58) Futurama Always Sunny South Park '14' (6:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show Workahoiics T o sh.0 '14' To s h.0 '14' Tos h.0 '14' Tos h.0 (N) '14' Brickleberry (N)Daily Show C o lbert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition P a i d Program Kristi Miller RedmondCity Council Kristi Miller Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin 8 Ally n Austin 8 Ally n Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' cc A u stin & Ally n Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' cc A .N.T. Farm n 'G' cc Good-Charlie Phineas, Ferb Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier (N) '14' Buying Alaska Buying Alaska Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' *E! 1 36 2 5 Ice Loves Coco The Soup '14' Love You E! S pecial '14' E! News (N) Nicki Minai: My Nicki Minai: My Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco E! News Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 College Basketball College Basketball Jimmy VClassic —Connecticut vs. NorthCarolina State (N)(Live ) Spor t soenter (N) (Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)(Livel « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball College Basketball Northwestern atBaylor (N) (Live) NBA Coast to Coast (N) cc Baseball Ton. NBA Tonight (N) NPL Live (N) cc SportsNation cc ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (4:00) CollegeFootball (N) Boxi ng « Boxing 'PG' Boxing '14' 24/7Pacquiao 24/7 Pacquiao Boxing « Boxing « ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live)rr Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ***"Eif"(2003, Comedy)WilFerrell, JamesCaan, BobNewhart. ** "Fred Claus"(2007)VinceVaughn, PaulGiamatti. Premiere. FAM 67 29 19 41 Rudolph's Year Mickey's Carol Winnie Jack Frost 'G' Frosty's FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 BestDishes Paula's Cooking ChoppedForSake' sSake Chopped Reversal ofFortune'G' Chopped Bird in the Pan ChoppedGoodChop,BadChop? Chopped Holiday-inspireddishes. Chopped On theLine'G' FX 131 How I Met Ho w I Met How I Met Two /Half Men Two/Half Men ** * "The OtherGuys"(2010,Comedy)Wil Ferrell, MarkWahlberg. Premiere. Sons of AnarchyJaxstrikes a newdeal. (N)'MA' S o n s, Anarchy HGTV 176 49 33 43 Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins 'G' « Hunters int'I H o use Hunters Love It or List It 'G' « Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int'I M i l lion Dollar Rooms (N)'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Mankind TheStory of All of Us Jesus of Nazareth is crucified. 'PG' Mankind TheStory of All of Us Mankind The Story of All of Us Mankind The Story of All of Us NewWorld (N)'PG' cc Invention USA Invention USA Abby's Ultimate Dance Abby's Ultimate Dance Off-Rockers O f f-Rockers O f f-Rockers O f f-Rockers LIFE 138 39 20 31 Wife SwapLaid-backmom.'PG' Wife Swap n 'PG' « Wife Swap n 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:50) JerseyShore n '14' « Jer s ey Shore Shore Shower'14' (7:10) TeenMom2 Things Cometo anEndn 'PG' (8:20) TeenMom2 n 'PG' Teen Mom 2 Underemployed TheGig (N) '14' Jersey Shore Shore Shower'14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Drake &Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Sins & Secrets Fayetteville '14' S i ns & Secrets Rome '14' « Unfa ithfui: Stories of Betrayal '14' Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal '14' Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal '14' in the Bedroom With Dr. Laura U nfaithful: Stories of Betrayal '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 The DanPatrick Show(N ) Mar k Few Show High School Football WIAA Class 4AChampionship: Skylinevs. BellarminePrep Bensinger W o r ld Poker Tour: Season10 T h e Dan Patrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 ink Master Trick or Freak n '14' I n k Master n '14' « Ink Master StarWarsForever '14' Ink Master Holy ink n '14' « Ink Master Buck Off n '14' « ink Master Blowing Chunks'14' T a ttoo Night. T attoo Night. *** "Star Trek II:TheWrathof Khan" (1982) Wiliam Shatner, LeonardNimoy. * "Battle of Los Angeles" (2011)Kei Mitchell. SYFY 133 35 133 45Destination * * " Star Trek Generations" (1994, ScienceFiction) Patrick Stewart, WilliamShatner. TBN 05 60 130 BehindScenes JoyceMeyer J osephPrince RodParsley P r aisetheLord'Y'« ACLJ Full Flame S e c rets Creflo Dollar A v alon Christmas at HLE *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n '14' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Con a n (N) '14' cc ** "Periodof Adjustment"(1962,ComedyDrama)Tony Franciosa, Jane *** * " T he Sting" (1973)Paul Newman,Robert Redford, RobertShaw.Two (915) ***"The World ofHenryOrient" (1964)Peter Sellers. Twoteens (1115) ***"Toysin theAttic" (1963 TCM 101 44 101 29 Fonda. Twonewlywedcoupleshelpeachotheradjust.« Depression-era con menplot toswindle acrime lord. r chasing a vainpianist get to knowtheir parents. Err j Drama)DeanMartin. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings rt 'PG' cc Island Medium Island Medium Sister Wives rt '14' « Little People Big World: Wedding Little People Big World: Wedding Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Little People Big World: Wedding *TNT 17 26 15 27 Bones n '14' cc The Mentalist RedHot'14' rr The Mentalist Ball of Fire n '14' R i zzoli & Isles '14' c~ Rizzoli 8 Isles (N) '14'rr Leverage(N) 'PG' c~ Riuoli 8 Isles '14' c~ 'TOON 84 MAD 'PG' To m & Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale Scooby-Doo Wrld, Gumball Looney Tunes Level Up 'PG' Adventure Time King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy 'PG' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Manv.Food Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Dangerous GroundsBolivia 'PG' NPL Tested M a n v Food M a nliest Restaurants 2 M*A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza 'PG' « Law & Order: SVU Law 8 Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law 8 Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: SVU Couples Therapy o '14' Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny VH1 191 48 37 54 Celeb. Scandals 40 Naughtiest Celebrity Scandals Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny B asketball Wives LA rt '14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' «
**"Alicein Wonderland"1999 TexasChainsw ENCR 106401 306401(5:05) **"Ace Ventura: PetDetective"1994rt (6:35) ** "SpyKids 3: GameOver"2003rt 'PG' (9:15) ** "TheRookie"1990, Action Clint Eastwood,Charlie Sheen. 0 'R' « FXM Presents **"Alv inandtheChipmunks"2007JasonLee.'PG' « * "Just My Luck"2006 'PG-13' FMC 104204104120(4:00) "Nightat theMuseum" F X MPresents ** "Nightatthe Museum:Battle of the Smithsonian" 2009 'PG' The Ultimate Fighter n Road to theOctagon2012(N) UFC Tonight (N) UFC Insider U FC: Franklin vs. Le RichFranklinvs. CungLe.FromMacau, China. UFC Tonight UFC Insider FUEL 34 Big B reak Greenbrier (N ) Chas i ng the Dream (N) Big Break Go l f Central B i g Break Greenbrier Chasing the Dream Big Break Top 10 GOLF 28 301 27 301Big Break Greenbrier (N ) ***"TheDogWhoSavedChristmas"(2009)DeanCain.'G' ** usioise et Christmastime" (2003)Juiie Andrews. 'G' « "FarewellMr.Kringle" (2010,Comedy)Christine Taylor. 'PG' « HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00)"TheSanta Suit" 'PG' « ** "Contraband" 2012,Action MarkWahiberg, KateBeckinsaie. A former Boardwalk Empire Nuckymakesa HBO 25501 425501(5:15) **** "Titanic"1997,Historical DramaLeonardo Dicaprio, Kate Winsiet, Billy Zane. Awomanfalls for an artist aboard the ii-fated 24/7 Pacquiaol ship. n 'PG-13' cc Marquez 4 n smuggler finds hehas to getback in thegame. n 'R' cc deal with Rothstein. 'MA' cc ** "Johnny Handsome"1989MickeyRourke. Premiere. 'R' ** "King ofNewYork"1990 ChristopherWaiken. 'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "Narrow Margin"1990 GeneHackman. Premiere. 'R' (11:15) *** "Narrow Margin" (450) *** "Arachnophobia"1990, SuspenseJeff Dan- (845) *** "Chronicle" 2012DaneDeHaan. Astrange (815) * "This MeansWar"2012, Action ReeseWitherspoon, Chris Pine.Two * usnd of Days"1999, Horror Arnold Schwarzenegger. Anex cop must preM AX 00508 5 0 8 substancegives threefriends superpowers. CiA agents battle over thesamewoman. rt 'PG-13' « vent a woman from bearing the Antichrist. rt 'R' « ieis, HarieyJane Kozak. rt 'PG-13' « DoomsdayPreppers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 Drugs, Inc. HawaiianIce'PG' Do o msday Preppers'1(N) 4' Do o msday Preppere '14' Drugs,inc.Hawaiianice'PG' Ind estructibies Indestructibles S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Wild Grinders Wild Grinders Wild Grinders Wild Grinders Wild Grinders Wild Grinders Spongeaob T e d Nugent H u n t., Country Outdoors TV Wildlife Dream Season Hunting TV M i chaeis MRA Truth Hunting Wildlife The Hit List B o w Madness Legends of Fall SOLO Hunters OUTD 37 307 43 307The Hit List ** "Red"2010, ActionBruce Wilis, MorganFreeman.The CIAtargets a HomelandSaulcatches upwith an Dexter The Dark... WhateverHanS HO 00 5 0 0 (4:15) *** "The King'sSpeech"201 (8:15) *** "Source Code"2011, SuspenseJake Gyiienhaai. A pilot experinah's father visits. n 'MA' « Colin Firth. n 'R' ences the last fewminutes of a man's life. n 'PG-13' cc team of formeragentsfor assassination. n 'PG-13' « old friend. n 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Hard Parts Ha r d Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Hard Parts Ha r d Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Unique Whips '14' ** "VanHeiSing" 2004,Fantaey HughJaokman.n 'PG 13'« STARZ 00408 00408ideS OfMaroh (5 20) ** uyappythankyaumOrepleaSe"2010 'R ' (710 ) **"CarS 2"2011 VOiOf oee OWen WilSOn. n 'G' « (1115)"The ideSOfMaroh" 2011 "Spike"2008 EdwardGusts. Awomantriestosave her *** "Walking and Talking"1996, ComedyCatherine ** " Main Street" 2010Colin Firth. A stranger hasacon- (935) *** "Another HappyDay"2011 EllenBarkin. A womanattends her (1135) "TheStone TMC 2 5 25 friends from strange a beast. o 'R' « Keener, AnneHeche,Todd Field. n 'R' cc troversiai plan tosave a dying town. 'PG' « son's wedding attheestate of her ex-husband. o 'R' « Angel" College Basketball Siena atSt. Bonaventure(N) (Livel Still Standing: Earl Campbell Sp o rts liiustrated Poker After Dark Poker After Dark NBCSN 27 58 30 209College Basketball *WE 143 41 174118CSI: Miami Fallen n '14' cc Csi: Miami SuddenDeath O'14' CSI: Miami See No Evil '14' « Csl : Miami Reality Kills '14' « CSI : Miami O '14' « CSI: Miami SuddenDeath rt '14' CSI: Miami See NoEvil '14' «
Woman need sadvicefrom a therapist, not her friends Dear Abby: My wife and I have a friend, "Cara," who lives in another state. It's not a very reciprocal friendship. Cara calls us frequently, but wants to talk only about her problems, which are neverending. When she visits, she demands our full attention at all times. Frankly, we find her exhausting and would like to cut her out of our lives. Our worry is that we are some of the few friends Cara has left. She has alienated most of herother friends as well as her parents, sometimes over trivial matters. We know she's depressed and has emotional issues, and we suspect she may have a mental illness. She has been suicidal in the past, but now refuses to see her therapist. W e're worried that if w e don't continue serving as her talk therapy — which we find draining — Cara might become so depressedshe'llhurt herself. How do we extricate ourselves from this relationship while still doing the right thing? — Worn-Out But Worried in Chicago Dear Worn-Out: You a nd your wife are well-meaning, but neither of you is qualified to be Cara's therapist. Allowing her to monopolize your time and sap your energy may momentarily lessen her pain or anxiety, but it hasn't — and will not — give her the tools she needs to fix what's wrong. You canextricateyourselves by encouraging her to talk to a mental health professionaL It doesn't have to be the therapist she no longer wants to see, but it does need to be someone who has the trainingto help her. You should also shorten the length of the conversations. This is
DEAR ABBY ments. We order lighter meals than we used to, and with the cost ofdinners these days we have been finishing our entire meal. Our problem is that again and again, our server makes a comment about our f i n ished plates. It might be, "You were really hungry, I see!" or, "Wow! You r e ally e njoyed that!" It is uncomfortable to hear these comments about our eating habits and it spoils our enjoyment. This may be an attempt on their part to be friendly, but we don't like it. How do we let them know this is crossing the boundaries of professional behavior? — Embarrassed in Charlottesville, Va.
Dear Embarrassed: I hope
y ou realize that fo r m a n y people this would not be a problem. You needn't be confrontational — all you need to calmly say is, "When you say that, it makes me uncomfortable, so please don't do it again." No servers want to offend a guest, and they are not mind readers. However, they are all aware that their tips depend on how their service is regarded by customers — so I'm sure your comment will be taken to heart. Dear Abby:Is it possible for a man to be in love with two women at the same time? — Name Withheld in Virginia Dear Name Withheld:Yes, I think so — and it is usually for differentreasons. The same holds true for women. Howhappening to you because you ever, for a lasting relationship, are allowing it. people have to choose the one Dear Abby: My h u s band partner who has more of the and I are retired and enjoy qualities they think are most going out for a n ice dinner important. occasionally. We go to chain — Write Dear Abby at restaurants, hotel restaurants or P.O. Box and local d inner establish69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Tuesday,Dec.4, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar Extremes mark your year. Sometimes you go way overboard enjoying yourself. You also become very demonstrative and expressive. If you are single, hold back a little, as a new person might not understand where you are coming from. If you are attached, your loved one could be taken aback by this change. Try to avoid misunderstandings by confirming what you hear and also by clarifying anything that does not make sense. LEO isasexpressive as you are. The Stars Showthe Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * * E xpress more of your feelings. Someone could respond with total confusion. You might not understand what eludes this person. Consider that it might just be that this person does not know how to take you. Tonight: Let the fun begin. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * You could come across as being irritable or tenacious when you are teasing several friends. Be careful! Someone else might not read this behavior as it is intended. Your actions could be thesource of a misunderstanding. Laugh and lighten up. Tonight: Play it low-key, please. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * You have the ability to express yourself clearly. You can't seem to get past a hassle or a problem, which is a result of others not understanding you. Invite thosewho seem confused into a conversation in order to figure out where the mix-up lies. Tonight: Catch up on a friend's news. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * You will buy a lovedone agift or a token of affection, which could be separate from this person's Christmas present. Your thoughtfulness makesa big difference, yet there is anelement of confusion surrounding this gift. Listen and shareopenly. Tonight: So what if you overindulge? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * You experience clarity with your feelings, and it opens you up to new possibilities and exciting changes. Nevertheless, in a discussion abouta particular topic today, you might feel as if you are wading in quicksand and that someone is not getting your message. Tonight: All smiles.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * You might feel as if you are playing a game of "Who's on first, What's onsecond"withsomeone. You just can't seem to get clarity, as nearly every question leads to more questions. Say little, and become the observer in order to get more answers. Tonight: Do avanishing act. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * You might want to approach a situation in a different way. You'll deal with others better and will succeed more often if you work within groups. The confusion that mounts will be short-lived. Perhaps someone involved just needs to relax. Tonight: Where your friends are. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * Take a look at theamount of work or errands you need tocomplete before making other commitments, as enticing as they might be. Along lunch with a loved onecould makeyou very happy. A touch ofchaosaddstothe day's intrigue. Relax. Tonight: Could be late. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Oec. 21) ** * * You are right in your element and are willing to gain a better sense of what is needed. A partner or an associate might be vested in adding confusion, which makes it necessary and wise to postpone your decision. Look at the big picture. Tonight: Read between the lines. CAPRICORN(Oec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * Work through and deal with a problem involving a partner. Expressin g compassioncould be difficultamid all the confusion. You might want to rethink a decision that seems like agood idea. Giveyourself time to come upwith an adequate conclusion. Tonight: Chat over dinner. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * Defer to someone else, and remain sure of yourself. You want to understand where he orshe is coming from. Let this person follow the natural course that is determined by his or her thinking, and both of you will be pleased with the end results. Tonight: Just do not bealone. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * Pace yourself, and know what your expectations are. A loved one might try to determine exactly what it is that you want. His or her questions make little sense to you. Follow through on what you know to be best, yet be kind to this person. Tonight: Try a relaxing activity. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
Pleaseemail event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351. the David Rogers play about a man who participates in an experiment to enhance his intellect; $5; 7 p.m.; KNOWHEROES:Learn how Crook County High School, to cookthe perfect muffuletta Eugene Southwell Auditorium, sandwich from Chef Bette Fraser 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; in a class titled, "The 'Hero' 541-416-6900. of New Orleans"; free; 6 p.m.; BINGO FUNDRAISER:Proceeds Downtown Bend Public Library, benefit the Bethlehem Inn; free Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 7 p.m.;Lava Lanes 541-312-1032 or www.deschutes admission; Bowling Center, 1555 N.E. Forbes Road, Bend; 541-322-8768 or GREEN TEAMMOVIE NIGHT: Featuring a screening of "Cave TARANTINOXX:"PULP FICTION": of Forgotten Dreams," about A screening of the1994 R-rated filmmaker Warren Herzog's crime film directed by Quentin exploration of Chauvet Cave in Tarantino, with a special feature France; free; 6:30-8:15 p.m.; covering Tarantino's 20-year First Presbyterian Church, career; $12.50; 7 p.m.; Regal Old 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. 541-815-6504. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382TARANTINOXX:"RESERVOIR 6347 or DOGS":A screening of the1992 THE ACOUSTICCHRISTMAS TOUR: R-rated crime film directed by Quentin Tarantino, with a special Featuring Sanctus Real, Sidewalk Prophets and Dara Maclean; $20; feature covering Tarantino's 7 p.m.; Christian Life Center, 21720 20-year career; $12.50; 7 p.m.; E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-389Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & 8241 or www.acousticchristmas IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or
BELLSOFSUNRIVER: Ring inthe season with handbell choir the Bells of Sunriver, as they play familiar holiday tunes; free; 1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1034 or www.deschutes GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© BRANOICARLILE:The rootsy singer-songwriter performs a Christmas show; $43 in advance, $48 at the door, plus fees; 6 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or COMMUNITY CRECHE EXHIBIT: Featuring Nativity displays from around the world and live music; free; 6-9 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 333 S.E. Idlewood St., Prineville; 541-233-3633. HUCKLE:The roots-rock act performs, with Grant Farm; with a food drive; donations accepted; 6:30p.m.;BrokenTop BottleShop & Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, THURSDAY Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703 or GRIMES'CHRISTMAS "FLOWERS FORALGERNON": The SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas Crook County High School drama decorations; open through Dec. department presents the David 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Rogers play about a man who Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., participates in an experiment to Prineville; 541-447-5006 or enhance his intellect; $5; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, RUBBISHRENEWEDECO 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; FASHION SHOW:Sustainable 541-416-6900. fashion show featuring "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":The repurposed materials made Bend Experimental Art Theatre into clothes; proceeds benefit REALMS Charter School's arts presents the classic holiday tale program; $12, $6ages12 and about George Bailey and his younger; 6p.m .allages,8:30 p.m . guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 21 andolder; Century Center, ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beat CXMAS PARTY: Featuring cyclocross photography, a silent HOLIDAYCONCERT:Featuring the auction, a Q&A with professional Cascade Brass Quintet and jazz cycli sts RyanTrebon andAdam singer Michelle Van Handel; free; Craig and more; proceeds 7 p.m.; Community Presbyterian benefit the CXmas Junior Church, 529 N.W. 19th St., Fund;$5 suggested minimum Redmond; 541-548-3367. donation; 6:30 p.m.; Powered by "E.T. THEEXTRA-TERRESTRIAL": Bowen, 143 S.W. Century Drive, A screening of the PG-rated1982 Bend; 541-585-1500. film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson "FLOWERS FORALGERNON": County Library, Rodriguez Annex, The Crook County High School 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475drama department presents 3351 or GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© AARONMEYERBAND:The concert rock violinist performs a holiday concert; proceeds benefit Miller Elementary Music/ Arts Enrichment and Family Access Network; $12-$35 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or WATERTOWER:The Portlandbased folk band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or STEVENROTH:The Los Angeles-based pop-rock and soul artist performs; free;10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or
SATURDAY "THEMETROPOLITAN OPERA: UN BALLO INMASCHERA":Starring Karita Mattila, KathleenKimand Stephanie Blythe in presentation of Verdi's masterpiece; operaperformance transmitted live in highdefinition; $24, $22 seniors, $18children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX, 680S.W. PowerhouseDrive, Bend; 541-382-6347. INDOOR SWAP MEET: Featuring 70 local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.5 p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541-317-4847. SENSATIONAL SATURDAY:Learn about multi-cultural holiday traditions celebrated throughout the West, with a holiday hunt and crafts; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or MOTORCYCLISTSOF CENTRAL OREGON TOYRUN:Toy drive featuring a chili contest, live music, a raffle, games, a motorcycle ride through Bend and more; donations benefit the Bend Elks' Christmas charity food baskets; donation of new unwrapped toy requested; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Cascade HarleyDavidson of Bend, 63028 Sherman Road; 541-280-0478. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© THE WRONG HEROES: Dr. Elizabeth Daniels discusses how to teach girls to critique media content, titled "Helping Young People Navigate Beyond Naked Royals, Lindsay's Arrests and Snooki's Baby"; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121034 or calendar. COMMUNITYCRECHE EXHIBIT: Featuring Nativity displays from around the world and live music; free; 6-9 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 333 S.E. Idlewood St., Prineville; 541-233-3633. SMALLTOWN POETSCHRISTMAS: A performance by the Christian rock act, proceeds benefit Kilns College; $12; 6:30 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Kilns Bookstore, 550 S.W. Industrial Way, Suite180, Bend; www.kilns "FLOWERS FORALGERNON": The Crook County High School drama department presents the David Rogers play about a man who participates in an experiment to enhance his intellect; $5; 7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900. "HIGH DESERTNUTCRACKER": RedmondSchoolofDancepresents the classic holiday ballet, in a style inspired by present day Central Oregon;$11, $5ages10and younger; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-548-6957 or www .redmondschoolof "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE":The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www
HOLIDAY CONCERT:Featuring the Cascade Brass Quintet and jazz singer Michelle Van Handel; free; 7 p.m.; First United Methodist Church, 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-1672. CENTRALOREGON MASTERSINGERS: The47-voice choir presents "Ring Noel" under the direction of Clyde Thompson, with the Bells of Sunriver; $16 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or TRIAGE:The comedy improvisational troupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or OJ Z-TRIP:The DJ performs at the Slipmat Science RoboLiquidPop party, with DJ Wicked, Woody McBride, Mosley Wotta and more; $20; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www SOLSEED:Thereggae-rockact performs, with Strive Roots; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or
SUNDAY "WE GREW WINGS": A screening of the documentary about the University of Oregon women's track and field team, and the progression of women's sports over the last 40 years since Title IX's passing; $10; 1 p.m.; Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court; 541-549-8800. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 54 I-447-5006 or OREGON OLDTIME FIOOLERS: Fiddle music and dancing; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFWHall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. "HIGH DESERTNUTCRACKER": RedmondSchoolofDance presents the classic holiday ballet, in a style inspired by present day Central Oregon; $11, $5 ages10 and younger; 2 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-548-6957 or www .redmondschoolof "IT'SA WONDERFUL LIFE": The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beat CENTRALOREGON MASTERSINGERS: The47-voice choir presents "Ring Noel" under the direction of Clyde Thompson, with the Bells of Sunriver; $16 plus fees; 2 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or SECONDSUNDAY:Kristy Athens reads from a selection of her work; followed by an open mic; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121032 or calendar. FOUNTAINVIEWACADEMY ORCHESTRA ANOSINGERS: The group from British Columbia performs, "0 Holy Night"; free; 7 p.m.;Bend Seventh-dayAdventist Church, 21610 N.E. Butler Market Road; 541-647-1726 or www
GROUP CLASSES BEGINNEROBEDIENCE:Basic skills, recall, leash manners; $110-125; 6 p.m. Mondays or Tuesdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541318-8459 or www.Pawsitive INTERMEDIATEOBEDIENCE: Includes off-leash work and recall with distractions; $110; 6 p.m. Wednesdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www K9 NOSE WORK: Beginner class; $100 for six weeks; 6 p.m. Tuesdays, starts Dec. 11; preregister; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Pam Bigoni at 541-306-9882 or www.friends K9 NOSEWORK: Drop-inclass foradvanced students; $15 per session; 6 p.m. Fridays; preregister; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869, Pam Bigoni at
541-306-9882 or www OBEDIENCE CLASSES:Six-week, drop-in classes; $99.95; 4 and 5 p.m. Mondays, 4 and 5 p.m. Fridays, and 12 p.m. Saturdays; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; Loel Jensen at 541-382-0510. PUPPY101:Puppies ages 8to 13 weeksoldma yjoinany week;$85 forfour weeks;7-8 p.m. Tuesdays; Dancin' Woofs, 63027 N.E.Lower Meadow Drive, Suite D,Bend; Mare Shey at 541-312-3766 or www PUPPYKINDERGARTENCLASSES: Training, behavior and socialization classes for puppies10 to16 weeks old; $80; 6:30 p.m. Thursdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or PUPPY LIFESKILLS:$120 for six weeks; 5 p.m.; Tuesdays; Desert SageAgility,24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or PUPPY MANNERS CLASS: Social skills for puppies up to 6 months; $110 for seven-week class,cost includes materials; 6-7p.m.Mondays;
preregister; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W.Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www.friendsforlife PUPPYOBEDIENCE:Six-week, drop-in classes; $99.95; 10 a.m. Saturdays; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; Loel Jensen at 541-382-0510. TREIBALLCLASS:$120 for six weeks; 7 p.m. Tuesdays; Desert SageAgility,24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or
PRIVATK TXVKVHUG AND BOARDEIG ANNEGESER:In-home individual marker training with positive reinforcement; 541-923-5665. CASCADEANIMALCONNECTION: S.A.N.E. Solutions for challenging dog behavior, Tellington TTouch, private lessons; Kathy Cascade at 541-516-8978 or kathy© OANCIN' WOOFS:Behavioral counseling; 63027 Lower Meadow Drive, Suite D, Bend; Mare Shey at
541-312-3766 or www.dancin OIANN'S HAPPY TAILS: Private training, day care, boarding/board and train; La PineTraining Center, Diann Hecht at 541-536-2458 or diannshappytails© or DOGS LTO & TRAINING: Leash aggression, training basics, day school; 59860 CheyenneRoad,Bend; Linda West at 541-318-6396 or FRIENDSFOR LIFE OOG TRAINING: Private basic obedience training and training for aggression/serious behavior problems; 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www LIN'SSCHOOL FOR DOGS: Behavior training and AKCring-ready coaching; 63378 Nels Anderson Road,Suite7,Bend;Lin Neumann at 541-536-1418 or www.linsschool PAWSITIVEEXPERIENCE:Private training and consulting; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www
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Here's the b asis of th e s u itpreference signal:Defenders often signal "attitude" (whether they want a suit led or continued) or "count" (how many cards they have in a suit). But when neither signal can apply, the play of a strikingly high or low card may show strength in a highranking or low-ranking suit. Today's West leads the queen of hearts against 3NT, and East takes the ace and returns the nine to South's king. South next lets the queen of diamonds ride to East's king.
Without suit preference, East must guess how to give West the lead to run the hearts. If East leads a club, which might be right on some other deal, South has four c lubs, four diamonds and a heart. On the second heart, West should play the jack. This must be suit preference; itcan have no other meaning. The unusually high heart suggests an entry in spades, the highranking suit. If East leads a spade when he gets in, East-West take seven t r i cks instead of watching South take nine.
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Signaling theory
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diamond and he rebids two clubs. What do you say? ANSWER: This decision is close. Although you have only nine highcard points, your queen of clubs will fill out partner's six-card suit, and your other values are prime. If he has a sound minimum hand such as Q 5 3, A 7 3, 4, A K I 9 6 2, he will be a favoriteto make 3NT. Ifyou're vulnerable, raise to three clubs. South dealer Both sides vulnerable
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LOS ANGELESTIMES DAILY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
© 2012 by KingFeatures Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved
http i/www safehavenscpmic cpm
E-mail: bhplblooki@gmail.COm
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16 Hypothesize 17 Quits worrying 19 Oohed and 20 "Luncheon onthe Grass" painter 21 Law firm bigwigs 23 Group with many
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©2012 TIlbppe MediaServices, Ipc. 4
All Rights Reserved
44 Glittery topper 46 Molecule with a+
4 Pep rally cry 5 Possess, in the Hebrides 6 Christian 7 S p eech impediment 8 H o n duras native 9 P a tty turner 10 How a pendulum swin g s 11 T ennis great Arthu r 12 Row at Wrigley 13 LAX guesstimates 18 Email doesn't
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ACROSS 1 Ho-hum time 5 Ship's command post 9 Zip preceder 14 Really-really 15 Verdi's PCeleste
26 29
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42 way, what 17-, 27- and 4747 48 Across have in common 50 65 Temporarily 52 5 3 54 unavailable 66 Sask. neighbor 61 67 Macro or micro subj. 65 68 Help desk staffers, usually 68 69 Hornet's home 70 Tebow throw, say By Marti DuGuay-Carpenter
46 49
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(c)2012Tribune Media Services, Inc.
12/04/1 2
Mobile Continued from Bf And soon, the bus will provide even more access to care for those who are homeless. M osaic Medical, a n o r g a nization with health clinics throughout Central O regon offering care to th e u nderserved, will take on oversight
of the project, plugging in the homeless population with its resources.
A mobile medical unit Central Oregon Veterans Outreach, a local nonprofit, originated the bus. Chuck Hemingway, C OVO's executive director, said it started in January 2010 when a homeless veteran came into the o r g anization's o f f i ces seeking help. After receiving a sleeping bag and food, he left. About 10 days later, police came to COVO's office with a picture, seeking help identifying the man. He had died in his tent of medical complications that could have been prevented with treatment. That same month, Hemingway said, COVO participated in the annual homeless count. Its volunteers went to 19 camps in 14 locations. "Every place we went, we found somebody with some kind of medical condition," he sard. Jacobs concurred that the need forsuch a service is significant: The average age of death for a person who has been chronically homeless, he said, is 42. Hearing about the i ssue, another l o c a l n on p r ofit, N eighborImpact, offe r e d COVO a broken down bus.
Guru Continued from B1 Eastman's theory is that if you're not fluent in body lan-
guage, you're likely to give your date the wrong idea, to inadvertently act uninterested w hen you're interested or vice versa, to be left mystified by someone's vanishing act, even though he was telling you the whole time — wordlessly, of course — that he couldn't wait to get away. Modern dating is
Registered nurse Marianne Lebre opens a drawer containing medical supplies in the bus. Seeing a need for health services, Central Oregon Veterans Outreach acquired the bus. Area veterans donated their services to outfit it, from performing body work to building special cabinets.
help patients better manage chronic conditions like diabetes. If necessary, the patients can be routed to appointments at one of Mosaic's clinics. Doctors will be able to link patients with one of Mosaic's community h ealth w o rkers as well, who can refer them to resources beyond medical assistance, such as housing and food. Knobbs said t h e m o bile medical unit is a natural fit for Mosaic. "It's a no-brainer because Mosaic's mission is to be available for anyone who needs health care," she said. "Serving the underserved in our community is part of our mission and passion."
Building trust
One of the strengths of the bus is the relationships it's Photos by Andy Tullls / The Bulletin helped create. Shepherd's House volunteer James Westall gets a Tdap shot from Diana Hardin, a registered Engle and Jacobs during nurse volunteering her time, inside Shepherd's House in Bend. The bus's clients were offered flu their recent visit chatted and shots and Tdap vaccinations inside before meeting a doctor in the bus outside. joked with ease. frostbite or abscesses.Foot Kenn Leeson, a 58-year-old problems arise regularly,as Shepherd's House resident, COVO took it with the plan to bigger than we ever anticipat- with medical supplies and a do skin rashes. has also gotten to know Jacobs convert it into a mobile medi- ed," Jacobs said. sink. It has curtains to provide Aside from a $5,000grant, through the bus. He said he cal unit. privacy. all the work has been done by had tried to ignore his chronic Area v e t erans d o n ated Providing care The setup allows doctors volunteers. Roughly a dozen joint pain called bursitis. "I'd just been sucking it up," goods and services to fix up Jacobs, the director of Bend to perform servicesranging doctors and 30 or so registered the bus. One did the auto me- Memorial Clinic's urgent care from regular physicals to pel- nurses help, as do volunteers he said. "I hadn't dealt with it." chanic work. A nother built department, has worked with vic exams. Doctors can draw from COVO. The bus is parked The trust built by the van custom wood cabinets for the the bus since its launch. He down abscesses and take care at Volunteers in Medicine and caregivers, Leeson said, is iminterior. said in the past year it has of other minor matters. St. Charles Bend sterilizes its portant. Those who are home"In the van," Jacobs said, instruments. COVO also reached out to served 600 patientsat a pace less are more apt to share their "we can do what we would do area providers, posting flyers of roughly 60 to 70 per month. The passing of the bus to Mo- issues with the volunteers in at St. Charles Bend and area It now visits six locations on in the office." saic Medical in early 2013 will bus than a seemingly distant clinics. a regular schedule. Caregiver The issues caregivers see, only improve care, Jacobs said. medical system. "Almost universally these The bus finally started roll- volunteers also routinely go out however, are sometimes differElaine K n o bbs, M o s aic ing in April 2011. While cre- to homelesscamps, sometimes ent than those that come up in Medical's programs and de- people are surprised and have ated with veterans in mind, carrying medical bags on hikes a regularly scheduled checkup. velopment director, said the so much appreciation that a it serves anyone in need and into the woods. Jacobs has on occasion seen organization will provide ser- distant resource would come to started filling up its time slots Inside, the bus is decently burns from propane stoves vices like electronic health re- them," Jacobs said. "It's huge." quickly. equipped. It contains the exam that blew u p i n s ide tents. cords, which will help better — Reporter: 541-617-7828, "This has grown faster and table, the wood cabinets filled Other times, there is severe track patients. This will also
In Charge?," and a couple of books by Malcolm Gladwell — as well as a seminar room where he's taught more than 2,600 students in the past year.
'The orientation reflex' Eastman tells me that The Dating W o r kshop u s u ally draws more women than men. But when the room fills up, the crowd is about 50/50, the majority in their 20s and 30s. The women have nervous eyes and adjust their tights; the men look like computer programmers with their straight backs, solemn expressionsand wire-
one. In that case, he explained, Obama came off as weaker than he meant to. But emotionally incongruent people can also come off as odd, and that can hurt them on dates.
'I don't know where I'd be without him' So if they're doing so many
things wrong, how can discouraged datersimprove their skills? "Video," Eastman said. "You watch yourself on tape. Then you can change." It might one big (quoting Led Zeppelin be a creepy move to set up a here) communication breakvideo camera on a first date, down. But The Dating Workbut Eastman will approximate shop and E astman's other rimmed glasses. To begin, the experience for you in his classes, including Body LanEastman asks his students to workshop by filming you talkguage Explained and Decep- shout out questions and writes ing to your classmates. tion Detected, are designed to them on a white board. After the first hour, East"I can feel people making help. man told his students to get up "I promise you," said East- assumptions about me," said and mingle. Everyone stood man, who has a b l ue-eyed a guy in the back row who and started moving around baby face but speaks with the wears a blazer over a plaid the room, wearing I-can't-bequick cadence of an A aron shirt. He asks Eastman for ad- lieve-we're-all-sober s m i les. Sorkin character, "in about a vice on changing that. "Like, I I spoke with one woman, an year and a half, my name will tell people I went to Harvard, actress in her early 30s who be synonymous with b o dy and I can tell they're thinking grew up in Virginia and felt I'm a douche bag." language." mystified by New York men. "Southern men are so differArguably, the writer Neil Eastman nods, w atching ent," she said. "Here, I'm conStrauss has a corner on that him for a m oment. He tips market. His 2005 r unaway his head and squints. "Well, fused. I'm always horrible on best-seller, "The Game," told you do have a little douche the first couple of dates." She's the storyof the years he spent baggery to you," he said. The taken two of Eastman's classwith professional pickup art- room, including the Harvard es with a LivingSocial coupon, ists learning how to seduce graduate, erupts into laughter. and she believes they've made women. Much of Strauss' strat- "We'll work on that," he add- her more aware. She feels egy entailed nonverbally con- ed. (Later, he tells me that the more comfortable and less veying self-confidence. East- "douche baggery" he picked compelled than she used to be man, however,didn't come to up on stemmed from a discon- to fill every moment of silence the study of body language to nect between the arrogance in on a date. get laid. He says he developed the Harvard graduate's words I spoke with a computer prohis proficiency in nonverbal and the insecurity apparent in grammer (I knew it!) attending communication during child- his body language.) for the first time. "I don't agree "What about the nice guy hood as an adaptive response with everything Blake said. to his anxiety. In social situa- theorem?" asked another man. But he's good." tions, he often found himself "Nice guys finish last." I spoke with another woman "Not true," Eastman said. who says that meeting Eastparalyzed, imagining worst"Those are just nice guys who man and his girlfriend has case scenarios about w h at would happen if he made the don't know how t o m a rket changed her whole life. She wrong move or said the wrong themselves." has new friends, a new job and thing. So he learned to read He continues to take ques- a new outlook. She wore the people to discern what they tions until he runs out of space dreamy gaze of a cult memwanted from him. Years later, on the white board. Then he ber. I met another man who he obtaineda master's degree sets about answering them. has taken a few of Eastman's "What's cool in the world of in forensicsfrom John Jay classes and seemed similarly College of Criminal Justice, dating," he told the group, "is enamored. "He's just so amazstarted teaching psychology that no one's ever telling you ing," he said. classes at LaGuardia Com- how they feel. They're showAfter living in New York munity College, and became ing you." He introduced "the City for six years, I've met a professional poker player. orientation reflex." That's the (sometimes as a seeker, more He uses his winnings to fund move a person makes to orioften as a journalist) my share his own research in nonverbal ent toward what interests him of self-help gurus: diet experts, communication, c o nducting — turning his head, for exsex coaches, lif e c o aches, countless hands-on hours in ample. He insisted that people career coaches, a man who the field. orient toward us all the time, believes he can make anyone Some of his lab settings are and we should learn to notice a millionaire, an older woman cocktail parties; he sets them it. He talked about "pacifying who wants to fill up Madison up, films them, and then stud- gestures"we use to defuse the Square Garden with young ies the footage. In the sum- anxiety of dating, how men women and preach against mertime, he stands between rub their palms on their pants premarital sex, an angry medtwo mailboxes across from the and women play with their fin- itation teacher who demands outdoor tables of Blue Water gers. He explained that many $2,500 for meditation classes. Grill, a seafood restaurant in people do poorly on dates be- And all of them, even the anManhattan's Union Square, cause they're "emotionally ingry meditation teacher, have observes people on dates, and congruent": What comes out disciples — people who think collects data. He shares his of their mouths doesn't match this guru must be the path to findings through The Nonver- what shows on their faces. happiness; on the guru's webbal Group, the research and He used President Obama site, they'll write testimonials: I don't know where I'd be withteachingcompany he founded as an example: "During the and runs. In his rental space, debates, he'd say, 'Mitt, I dis- out him. he maintains an office — a agree with y ou,'" Eastman But Eastman seems farmore desk and computer, shelves says, making a placid face. sweet than parasitic: While we full of body language and "Not, 'Mitt! I d i sagree with waited for his students to arpop-psychology texts includ- you!'" Eastman said, chang- rive, he gushed about his girling "The Brain In Love, Who's ing his expression to an angry friend, whom he met in one
of his classes. "Most people don't communicate," he said. "My girlfriend and I are completely transparent. We have the best relationship I've ever seen." He talked about how greathisfriends are,how supportivehis parents are.When I asked him w hat learning nonverbal communication has done for him, he answered, "I don't know where I'd be without it." Eastman doesn't give the impression that he
aims to gather admirers but rather that he yearns to help people feel as comfortable as he's learned to feel. "Communication is the most important part of relationships," he said. "I want people to learn to communicate." Later in the night, the group engaged in a second mingle. This time, they seemed more relaxed. Still, Eastman has tips: "You were playing with
your fingers behind your
back," he told someone. "And you," he told another student, "have a low blink rate. Guess who else has that? Me. And you know what happens if you stare at people without blinking? They're gonna think
you're creepy." And then, some advice we could all use: "You look upset," he told one of the computerprogrammer t y pes. "Come on!" he said w it h a s m i le. "Relax."
Our December show is titled
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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2012
LOCAL BRIEFING Correction In a graphic headlined "November 2012 weather for Bend" that
appeared Monday,Dec. 3, on Page B1, the dates
ruin u sano ersna in en 'ssu acewaer roe
for record high andlow temperatures were listed incorrectly. The highest
By Hillary Borrud
temperature for Bendin November of 77degrees was recorded onNov.
The city of Bend's plan for a $68 million surface water project ran into another setback Thursday, when the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals found problems in a city ordinance and a water facilities plan and sent the documents back to the cityto fix the errors. Nonprofit Central Oregon LandWatch appealed the ordinance and facilities plan to the Land Use Board of Appeals earlierthis year.The ordinance amended the city comprehensive plan, which is a blueprint for how the city will develop in
3, 1930. The lowest temperature of minus-14
degrees wasrecorded on Nov. 15, 1955. The Bulletin regrets the errors.
The Bulletin
the future. In a decision issued Thursday, LUBA agreed with L andWatch about several problems the group cited. LUBA also rejected many o f L a n dWatch's arguments. LUBA did find that the city needs to provide more detail in the ordinance and facilities plan about the components of the surface water project and their cost, and it needs to fix inconsistencies in lists of future water infrastructure projects. The surface water project is just one of many water projects listed in the facilities plan. Central Oregon LandWatch Executive Director Paul Dewey said the state
land use requirement to describe in detail the components and cost of projects is important. "The idea is that it will make better decision-making," Dewey said. LUBA also determined that state land use rules prohibit the city from planning to provide water for future development outside the city, specifically at Tetherow resort southwest of the city. The city has a contract with Tetherow to provide water to the resort, so the LUBA decision puts the city in a difficult position. See LUBA/C5
Blue River
Port Orford
• Port Orford:Genetic cloning is giving longdead sequoiasand redwoods asecond life. • Portland:Oregon
business leaders want a new 1-5bridge over the Columbia River. • Blue River:School cooks complain that a new federal law actually prevents them from doing what it requires. Stories on C3
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"winter scenes" in the subject line, by Dec. 7, and we'll pickthe best
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Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number.Photos must be high resolution (at least e inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
Gov. John Kitzhaber's budget for 2013-15 proposes deep cuts in the number of months that Oregonians can stay on an assistance
program. Under the recommendation, residents receiving payments through the Temporary Assistancefor Needy Families program would be limited to 36 months of benefits. That's a two-year cut from the existing limit of five years. The program gives cash assistance to impoverished families for basic needs like housing, utilities and other living expenses. For the new biennium, the program's budget has a $56 million hole to fill. That shortfall is partially filled with $46 million in state general funds, said Duke Shepard, a policy adviser in the governor's office. See Budget/C5
The Bulletin
• Obituaries, Death Notices:
version of Well shot!
The Bulletin
By Sheila G. Miller
Email news items and notices of general interest to Email announcementsof teens' academicachievements to youth© Email collegenotes, military graduations andreunioninfo to bulletin© Details: School coverageruns Wednesday in this section. Contact: 541-383-0358
• We want to see your best photos capturing winter scenes in Central Oregon for a special
By Ben Botkin
Accused abuser on 4th awyer
• Civic Calendar notices:
reader PhOtoS
Following up on Central Oregon's most interesting stories. Email ideas to
• Letters and opinions:
Well shot!
restricts time on
Details: The Milestones page publishesSunday in Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358
I(itzhaber budget
Andy Tulus/The Bulletin
A bald eagle shows offits impressive wingspan and plumage Monday afternoon as it soars over Fall River.
The Bend man accused of breaking his 2-monthold daughter's arm in July is now on his fourth courtappointed attorney and is requestmg newtrial dates. Larry Dean Wright, Jr. 26) was arrested W right July 26 and remains in the Deschutes County jail in lieu of $500,000bond. Wright is charged with three counts of first-degree criminal mistreatment, two counts each of first-degree and fourth-degreeassault,one count of physical harassment and one count of second-degree sex abuse. The alleged victim in the first-degreeassault charges is his infant daughter; the victim in the other charges is the baby's mother. SeeWright/C2
Workers start moving dirt on Miller's Landing project By Dylan f. Darling The Bulletin
Construction workers broke ground Monday on Miller's Landing Park in Bend, along the Deschutes River near Colorado Avenue. The 17-space parking lot, trails and sidewalks of the new 3.7-acre park will likely
be in by the end of spring, said Bruce Ronning, director of planning and developing for the Bend Park 8 Recreation District. Another round
of construction will include a restroom and picnic pavilion, as well as landscaping. The full park should be finished by the end of summer. Along with a community garden, the park will have a public beach and a kayak dock, Ronning said. "It's designed to provide public access to the river," he said. Building the park will cost about $800,000, Ronning said. The Deschutes River Trail
will pass through the park, which will be on the west bank of the Deschutes River, directly across from the existing McKay Park. Ronning said the park district had targeted acquiring the land for the new park since the late 1980s. The Miller family, which owns Bend-based Miller Lumber, owned the land for 80 years, and Ronning said the park district tried unsuccessfully to negotiate a purchase. SeePark/C5
Rob Kerr /The Bulletin
Work has begun on Miller's Landing Parknorth of the Southwest Colorado Avenue bridge spanning the Deschutes River in Bend. Construction equipment is parked at the site on Monday afternoon.
Wright • g g I • Canyou work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Email your color or blackand-white photos to and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
WINTER AT WANOGA HilaryKenyon, ofBend, captured thissnowy scene Sunday at Wanoga Sno-park. Kenyon took the photo using her Olympus 760camera.
NEWS OF RECORD of criminal mischief was reported at 7:47 a.m. Nov. 28, in the 1300 block of The Bulletin will update items Southwest Kalama Avenue. in the Police Log when such Vehicle crash — An accident a request is received. Any was reported at 9:55 a.m. new information, such as the Nov. 28, in the 600 block of dismissal of charges or acquittal, Southwest Rimrock Way. must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported Redmond Police at 11:46 a.m. Nov. 28, in the 1400 Department block of Southwest Canyon Drive. Criminal mischief — An aci of Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported criminal mischief was reported at ai9:48a.m. Nov.26,in the 2500 12:01 p.m. Nov. 28, in the 1100 block of Northwest 22nd Street. block of Southwest Veterans Way. Criminal mischief — An aci of Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported ai 11:10 a.m. Nov. 26, in the area criminal mischief was reported at of Northwest Sixth Street and 12:03 p.m. Nov. 28, in the1400 block of Southwest Canyon Drive. Northwest Greenwood Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act Burglary— A burglary was reported at 11:53 a.m. Nov. of criminal mischief was reported at12:09 p.m. Nov. 26, in the 700 block of 28, in the 1800 block of Southwest Evergreen Avenue. Southwest Obsidian Avenue. Burglary— A burglary was Theft — A theft was reported at reported at1:02 p.m. Nov. 12:14 p.m. Nov. 28, in the 600 26, in the 2300 block of block of Southwest Rimrock Way. Southwest 20th Court. Theft — A theft was reported at Criminal mischief — An act 1:10 p.m. Nov. 26, in the 700 block of criminal mischief was of Northeast Nickernut Place. reported at12:37 p.m. Nov. 28, in the 2000 block of Unlawful entry — A vehicle Southwest Highland Avenue. was reported entered at 2:22 p.m.Nov.26,in the 400 block Criminal mischief — An act of Southwest 12th Street. of criminal mischief was reported at12:44 p.m. Nov. Burglary— A burglary was 28, in the 1700 block of reported at 2:44 p.m. Nov. Southwest Parkway Drive. 26, in the 2100 block of Southwest 36th Street. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was Theft — A theft was reported at reported at12:46 p.m. Nov. 4:28 p.m. Nov. 26, in the 900 28, in the 1400 block of block of Northwest Negus Lane. Southwest Evergreen Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at Criminal mischief — An act of 7:27 p.m. Nov. 26, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. criminal mischief was reported at1:04 p.m. Nov. 28, in the1700 Burglary— A burglary was Southwest Metolius Avenue. reported at 8:38 a.m. Nov. Vehicle crash — An accident 27, in the 300 block of was reported at 2:12 p.m. Southwest Rimrock Way. Nov. 28, in the 800 block of Theft — A theft was reported at Southwest Sixth Street. 11:22 a.m. Nov. 27, in the 1600 Theft — A theft was reported at block of North U.S. Highway 97. 3:14 p.m. Nov. 28, in the 3100 Vehicle crash — An accident block of Southwest Pumice Place. was reported at1:47 p.m. Theft — A theft was reported at Nov. 27, in the1600 block of 5:06 p.m. Nov. 28, in the 300 North U.S. Highway 97. block of Southwest15th Street. Theft — A theft was reported Criminal mischief — An act of and an arrest made at 2:36 criminal mischief was reported p.m.Nov.27,in the 300 block at 5:39 p.m. Nov. 28, in the1400 of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. block of Southwest16th Street. Theft — A theft was reported Vehicle crash — An accident was ai3:05 p.m. Nov.27,in the 800 block of Southwest Veterans Way. reported at10:55 p.m. Nov. 28, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 Criminal mischief — An aci and Southwest Glacier Avenue. of criminal mischief was Unlawful entry — A vehicle reported at 4:35 p.m. Nov. was reported entered at1:11 27, in the 2100 block of p.m.Nov.29,inthe 300 block Southwest Umatilla Avenue. of Northwest Fir Avenue. Vehicle crash — An accident Theft — A theft was reported was reported at 5:32 p.m. Nov. and an arrest made at1:23 27, in the area of Southwest Highland Avenue and p.m.Nov.29,inthe 300 block Southwest Rimrock Way. of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Vehicle crash — An accident Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 5:40 p.m. Nov. was reported at 2:16 p.m. Nov. 29, in the 2600 block of 27, in the area of Southwest Highland Avenue and Southwest Obsidian Avenue. Southwest Rimrock Way. Theft — A theft was reported at 2:55 p.m. Nov. 29, in the 300 Vehicle crash — An accident was block of Southwest Rimrock Way. reported at 7:37 p.m. Nov. 27, in the area of Southwest 27th Street Vehicle crash — An accident was and SouthwestHighland Avenue. reported at 3:52 p.m. Nov. 29, in the area of Southwest 37th Street Criminal mischief — An aci of criminal mischief was and Southwest Salmon Avenue. reported at11:10 p.m. Nov. Criminal mischief — An act 27, in the 2000 block of of criminal mischief was Southwest Highland Avenue. reported at 5:06 p.m. Nov. Criminal mischief — An aci 29, in the 900 block of
Northwest Canal Boulevard. Theft — A theft was reported at 5 23 p.m. Nov. 29, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 6:17 p.m. Nov. 29, in the 1500 block of Southwest 22nd Place. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 9:25 p.m. Nov. 29, in the 2400 block of Southwest Timber View Court. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:24 a.m. Nov.30,in the 200 block of Southwest Ninth Street. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made ai1:28 p.m. Nov. 30, in the 1900 block of Southwest Canyon Drive. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made ai1:31 p.m.Nov. 30,in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 2:36 p.m. Nov. 30, in the 500 block of Southwest Fifth Street. Burglary — A burglary was reported at 3:24 a.m. Dec. 1, in the 3000 block of Southwest Quartz Avenue. Burglary — A burglary was reported at12:22 p.m. Dec. 1, in the 2300 block of West Antler Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:53 p.m. Dec. 1, in the 2800 block of Southwest lndian Circle. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made ai1:53 p.m. Dec. 1, in the 1700 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made ai1:55 p.m. Dec. 1, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at4:27 p.m. Dec.1, inthe 2800 block of Southwest lndian Avenue. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 6:55 p.m. Dec. 1, in the area of Southwest Canal Boulevard and Southwest Helmholtz Way. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 7:09 p.m. Dec. 1, in the area of Southwest 23rd Street and Southwest Rimrock Way. Theft — A theft was reported at10:30 a.m. Dec. 2, in the 800 block of Southwest 26th Court. Theft — A theft was reported at 11:42 a.m. Dec. 2, in the 2100 block of Southwest Xero Lane. Theft — A theft was reported at 3:15 p.m. Dec. 2, in the 100 block of Southwest Fourth Street. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 6:31 p.m. Dec. 2, in the area of Southwest 31st Street and SouthwestQuartzAvenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 8:28 p.m.Dec.2,inthe 2000 block of Southwest 23rd Street. Prineviiie Police Department Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 27, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was reported stolen at 7 a.m. Nov. 28, in
the area of Northwest Deer Street. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered ai10:23 a.m. Nov. 28, in the area of Northwest Harwood Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at11 a.m. Nov. 28, in the area of Northwest Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported ai 5:35 p.m. Nov. 28, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Theft —Atheft was reported ai 2:05 p.m. Nov. 28, in the area of Southeast Seventh Street. DUII —Joseph Level,34, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:36 p.m. Nov. 28, in the area of Northwest Deer Street. Dljll —James Grand,19, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:33 a.m. Dec. 1, in the area of North Main Street. Theft —Atheft was reported ai 5:25 p.m. Dec. 1, in the area of Northeast Seventh Street. Theft —Atheft was reported and two arrests made at 5:33 p.m. Dec. 1, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Theft —A chop saw and a level were reported stolen Nov. 26, in the 500 block of Eighth Street in Metolius. Burglary —A burglary and theft were reported Nov. 28, in the 6400 block of Southwest Dee Lane in Three Rivers. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported Nov. 29, in the area of Ashwood Road in Madras. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported damaged, entered and items stolen at 7:05 p.m. Nov. 29, in the area of Haystack Road in Culver.
appointment. But the baby's mother also Continued from C1 told police that she was physiThe sex abuse charge cally assaulted between eight stems from Wright having and 10 times by Wright, insex with the baby's mother cluding while pregnant with when she was underage their daughter. and therefore incapable of The woman said W r ight consent. gave her a black eye the SatA r e c ently r e t u rned urday before the baby's arm search warrant sheds new was broken, and told police light on the circumstances the pair fought regularly, often surrounding the 26-year- about money. old's arrest in July. She also told police she According to the search w orried about l eaving h er warrant, Wright and the baby with Wright, and felt the baby's mother were full- baby's injuries were her fault time students at Central because she didn't leave her Oregon Community Colboyfriend after he was violent lege. On July 23, they left with her. their baby at a babysitter's According to police reports, home in t h e P i n ewood Wright failed a l i e-detector Apartments around 9 a.m. test on July 26 and was then The mother took the bus a rrested. That s a m e d a y , to school, while W r ight Wright called his father to tell stayed with the babysitter him he'd failed the polygraph and the baby for a while and said he might have accibecause he had a l a t er dentally hurt his baby while class. burping her. A ccording t o pol i c e Three different attorneys r eports, Wright and t h e have withdrawn from defendmother said they returned ing Wright. to the east side of Bend afOn Mon d ay , A l ana ter classes ended, cleaned Brenneman was assigned to t heir home and ra n e r - represent Wright, and he is rands before picking the due in court next Monday to baby up around 5 p.m. set new trial dates. Wright T he pair n o t iced t h e also has a pending criminal baby's arm was "floppy" meth possession case. and became concerned. Deschutes County Deputy Later that evening, the D istrict Attorney K ar i H a mother took her baby to thorn told Judge Wells Ashby the emergency room at that Wright had fired his previSt. Charles Bend just be- ous attorney, Jacques DeKalb, fore 11:30 p.m. Accord- the day before his trial. ing to police and hospital The baby's mother watched r eports included in t h e courtproceedings Monday.In search warrant, the baby an interview after the hearing, had suffered a spiral frac- she said the couple's baby and ture in her right arm. another child she has from a A doctor told police "sub- previous relationship remain stantial force" would have in foster care, although she's been required to break the trying to have them moved to baby's arm in that manner. live with relatives. A doctor's report includShe said she has been deed in the search warrant pressedand self-abusive since states a "concern for non- she was 13 and throughout her accidental trauma," and pregnancy, and worries that notes that in addition to the her own self-injury might have broken right arm, the baby caused some of th e b aby's had seven other fractures, fractures. including three ribs and The baby's mother a l so one of the bones in her left said herdaughter was tested leg. The report also sug- for bone disorders that might gested possible breaks to make her susceptible to injury, seven other bones. She but the mother had not seen also suffered a p ossible the test results. The tests were collapsed lung. done after the child was taken According to a police re- into state custody, she said. port, Wright was anxious Before she will jump to conand seemed upset about clusions about Wright's guilt, his infant's injury. she wants proof. "If it was Larry that did that, The baby's mother, who is not being identified be- I'll never speak to him again," cause she is an a l leged the baby's mother said. — Reporter: 541-617-7831, victim of d o mestic violence and sexual abuse, told police that when she heard her daughter's arm was broken, she called the babysitter and confronted her. Wright told police he'd met the babysitter several w eeks before and p a i d her $15 a day to care for their child. T h e b a by's mother said the babysitter Systems denied hurting the child, starting at and also told the mother a5$8 she'd left the baby with a friend while she went to an
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Oregon State Police
DUII — PaulS.W ebb,48,was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 6:45 p.m. Nov. 30, in the area of Hunters Circle and Marlin Court in Bend. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 8:10 a.m. Dec. 1, in the area of Century Drive near milepost 8. Dljll —David A. Fischer, 31, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 4:22 p.m. Dec. 1, in the area of Century Drive near milepost 20. DUII —Pedro Ivan Cisneros Lopez, 33, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:57 a.m. Dec. 2, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 and Robal Road in Bend. Dljll —Samuel R. Zeidman, 21, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:10 a.m. Dec. 2, in the area of Century Drive near milepost16. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at6:32 p.m. Dec.1, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 94. Dljll —Michael Lee Lloyd Grell, 32, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:39 p.m. Dec. 2, in the area of state Highway 126 near milepost 109.
Oregonians agree
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YOIi haVearight to knOW W hat yOur gOVernment iSdOing. Current Oregon law requires publicnotices tobe printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state,and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their websites instead of in the local newspaper. lf they did that, you'd have to know in advance where, when, and howto look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about governmentactionsthat could affect you directly. Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,* but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.**
Keeppublic notices inthenewspaper! 'ut censs Burrrs Moy 2009 "Amen<an or won Rese arch,rrureian Nt 5rpumber 2010
Business ea ers ca ora rova o newl- ri e
onin ives
on - ea trees a secon ie By Jeff Barnard
California, Berkeley, has been amazed by W e r ner's abilA M i chigan n u rseryman ity to get clones to grow from and his team of tree climb- sprouts taken from trees that ers and horticulturists have were thousands of years old cloned the w o r ld's b iggest when they stood. "Bill proved me wrong when redwoods and giant sequoias, bringing some of them back I told him he couldn't clone from stumps cut more than anything over 100 years old 100 years ago. for giant sequoia, and he did it With the winter rains has for one over 1,000," said Libby, come the time to plant them. an adviser to the Archangel Two hundred fifty clones car- Tree Archive and part of the rying an exact genetic copy Save the Redwoods League from 18 trees — many of them climate change initiative. bigger when they lived than anything left standing today A home for the clones — will start going into the The clones willbe planted on ground Tuesday on a ranch Terry Mock's 150-acre Ocean along the southern Oregon Mountain Ranch. Mock is a Coast. former director of the ChamDavid Milarch, co-founder pion Tree Project and is turnof theArchangel Ancient Tree ing the ranch into a demonArchive and the Champion stration of sustainable develTree Project, hopes the small opment. They will go into the plantation south of Port Orground on the sheltered north ford will give the ancient gi- slope of a ridge about a mile ants a leg up on moving north from the coast near Humbug to cooler climes as the climate Mountain. The site is about 40 changes and be the start of a miles north of the northern tip campaign to plant some of the of the coast redwood's range, world's fastest-growing trees and about 700 miles north of all around the globe. the sequoias in C alifornia's "I think we are entering into southern Sierra Nevada. "As things get hotter and a time where the largest, oldest living beings on this earth drier, redwoods and sequoias need our help," said Milarch, should migrate north," Mock 63, of Copemish, Mich. said. "This is a logical spot." The project will ultimately Few ancient giants remain help with a couple questions Only about 5 p e rcent of scientists don't know the ant he ancient r e dwoods a r e swers to, Libby said. One is left standing, and among the how much genetics has to do sources of the clones is one with whether a tree gets rethat fell some 120 years agoally big, compared to getting the Fieldbrook Stump near lucky by growing on a site McKinleyville, Calif. Sprouts with the right soil, water and still come out of the stump, sun. The other is finding the which is 33~/~ feet in diameter places coast redwoods and giwithout the bark. One of those ant sequoias will thrive as the sprouts provided cuttings for climate changes. Clones with the project. more ordinary geneticshave Milarch; his two sons, Jake already been planted in New and Jared; and giant redwood Zealand, Germany, B r itish hunter Michael Taylor have Columbia and Ireland. been gathering cuttings for Libby is encouraged by the years. They ship them to Bill performance ofa clone of the Werner, a native plant propa- world's tallest redwood growgator in Monterey, Calif. Wer- ing in his back yard in Orinda, ner roots the cuttings and Calif. "It's a little over 30 years old starts them growing. Bill Libby, a professor emer- and 100 feet tall," Libby said. itus of forestry, genetics and "It's growing like crazy. It is natural resources conserva- outgrowing the others around 1f tion from the University of it The Associated Press
Coast Guard finishes work on lighthouse COOS BAY — The Coast Guard is preparing to turn the historic Cape Arago L ighthouse near Coos Bay over to Indian tribes. Part of the work involves removing a74-year-old bridge that has been condemned for some time. The World reported the lighthouse was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1993. It's being transferred nextyear to the ConfederatedTribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians. A Coast Guard engineering officer, Lt. Jennifer Lopez, says walls are being patched, sealed and painted to make sure the building is in good condition and water-tight.
Sunday morning from Hebo, along the Nestucca. Zimmerman said investigators believe that wet pavement and speed were involved in the accident.
Airport sign turns out to be a little too costly EUGENE — It's back to the drawing board for a new entry sign at the Eugene Airport. The city had planned to replace a decades-old sign with a 60-foot long concrete, tile and aluminum sign with basalt columns. The Register-Guard reported the lowest bid from a contractor was $146,000 — nearly $50,000 more than budgeted.
Trial starts for accused corrections employee
SALEM — T r i a l b e gins Woman dies whencar today in Salem for a Department of Corrections employee goes into Nestucca accused of shooting at two poTILLAMOOK — A u thori- lice officers outside his home ties say a 2 2 -year-old Til- in Turner. lamook County woman on The lawyer f o r M i c hael her way home from her boy- Yann agreed to argue the case friend'shouse has died after before Marion County Circuit her car went into the Nestucca Court Judge Vance Day withRiver. out a jury. The sheriff's office says divThe Statesman Journal reers found the car upside down ported that police responded in the river 25 to 30 feet from last April to a report of a man the bank. who appeared to be intoxicatS he wa s i d e ntified a s ed, staggering down a road. Corinne Edmiston of Terra When police arrived, they Del Mar, a community along said Yann ran inside his house, the coast. and fired several shots at ofSgt. Mike Zimmerman said ficers.He surrendered after a Edmiston was reported miss- four-hour standoff. ing after she left for h ome — From wire reports
Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate •
TheB u lletin
By Jonathan J. Cooper
be funded by tolls, tax dollars from Oregon and Washington, and federal money. The project is projected to cost more than $3 billion for the bridge and new freeway interchangeson both sides of the river. Kitzhaber said the most likely source for Oregon's share of the project would be a new tax on vehicle registrations or titles. He said he'd support hiking the gas tax but didn't think it was politically feasible. "After a decade of plann ing, it's time to get t h is project off the ground," Kitzhaber said in a speech. He said he'd like the funding settled by March 1. Kitzhaber a ls o p i t ched his proposal to cut back on pension benefits for retired public employees in order to free up more money for education. The plan has broad support in the business community, but union officials and some of Kitzhaber's fellow Democrats are wary. Kitzhaber spoke to House Democrats at a weekend retreat and acknowledged that there's "a lot of nervousness" about his pension agenda. Some of his other proposals should be very attractive to Democrats and to u nions, Kitzhaber said, including a proposal to add funding for day care and for more than 200 new union-represented child-protection workers in the Department of Human Services. "I don't expect them to embrace it, but I'm hoping that it won't be World War III," Kitzhaber said.
The Associated Press
PORTLAND — O r egon business leaders and Gov. John Kitzhaber on Monday called on the Legislature to approve funding for a new bridge carrying Interstate 5 across the Columbia River. If Oregon and Washington don't make commitments soon to pay their $450 million shares of the bridge cost, the opportunity for federal
money will fade, bridge pro/ ~m
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group, along with improving
Eric Risberg/The Associated Press file photo
Davld Milarch, co-founder of the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, stands before a 1,000-year-old redwood tree in this 2007 photoshot at Roy's Redwoods Open Space Preserve in San Geronimo, Calif. Cuttings from redwoods and sequoias have been cloned by the archive, which will be planting them at a ranch on the southern Oregon Coast as part of an effort to expand their range and combat global warming.
A.W. Ericson, Humboldt State Umversity Libraryvia The Associated Press
Schoolchildren pose on the Fieldbrook Stump, a huge coast redwood 33'/. feet in diameter near McKinleyville, Calif., sometime in the 1890s. The Archangel Ancient Tree Archive has produced a clone from a sprout at the base of the stump that will be planted on a ranch near Port Orford.
Some schoolcooks steamed at food laws The Associated Press BLUE RIVER — A n ew federal law designed to get kids to eat better may be having unintended consequenc-
es, say Oregon cooks and their supervisors: Veggies dumped in the trash and heat-
and-serve offerings replacing dishescooked from scratch. For cook Kelly Hiddleston at the M cKenzie Elementary School in Lane County, the law means an hour of paperwork a day, at a time when budget cuts have pared the staff and left her as the only full-timer at the stove, the Eugene Register Guard reported. As a result, starting this month, students will choose between two entrees instead of five, and there will probably be more heat-and-serve foods and fewer of Hiddleson's creations, such as the popular "no-peekies" rolls stuffed with vegetables or ham and cheese. The irony of the time spent on reporting nutritional details required by the Healthy,
Hunger-Free Kids Act isn't lost on the superintendent of the McKenzie district, Sally Storm. "What they're forcing us to do is preventing us from doing what they want us to do," Storm said. J oyce Dougherty i s t h e child nutrition program director at the state Department of Education, which oversees the districts' performance and hears the grousing. Besides paper w o rk, Dougherty said, some school districts don't like the requirement that lunchroom employees put at least half a cup of fruits or vegetable on every student's plate, even if the student doesn't want them. That costs the schools at both ends — for the food and for throwing it away. "The districts know that we didn't make these rules," Dougherty said, "but what we're getting is a lot of conc ern, especially w it h t h e larger school districts, because they're losing a lot of money."
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ponents said at a meeting in Portland of political and business leaders. "We are trade-dependent states, and we need to have the ability to have trade flow freely,"said John Carter, chairman of Schnitzer Steel Industries and leader of the Oregon BusinessPlan Steering Committee. Replacing the Columbia River bridge is one of the top priorities of the business
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the quality of education and cutting pension benefits for public employees to free up money for schools. The bridge has been a political flashpoint on both sides of the river. It is strongly supported by b u siness g roups — w hich w ant t o speed the flow of commerce — and labor unions, whose workers would build it. P roponents say th e e x isting bridge is too small, choking the flow o f c o mmuter and freight traffic, and would likely collapse in a large earthquake. Critics say it's a waste of money and poorly designed. Plans call for the bridge to
Man on runaway dock arrested after rescue The Associated Press PORTLAND As stormy w eather p u shed Southern Oregon streams to the top of their banks, Larry Strain, of Roseburg, went out from his house along the Umpqua River to make sure his boats were tied securely to the dock. T hey were — bu t t h e
dock gave way. That sent Strain on a 90minute ride Sunday afternoon standing on his runaway dock. The water was high and fastfrom recent storms, and he and rescuers argued over whether to try and save the three boats. The rescuers said they'd get Strain to safety, but it was too dangerous to try to nudge the boats to shore, KQEN reported. A fter s e v eral mi l e s, Strain agreed to get into a rescue vessel and let the dock and boats go downstream, police said. The fate of his dock and boats
wasn't immediately known. W hen Strain, 59, got t o shore,police arrested him on charges ofdisorderly conduct
and recklessly endangering the rescuers. He r emained in jail Monday with bail at $40,000. Two rivers in Southern Oregon, the Coquille and the Rogue, wereout oftheirbanks M onday as result a of a series of winter storms. The National Weather Service said more rivers along the coast and inland in the Willamette Valley could be flooded as heavier rains come ashore today. The storms raised the possibility of moving earth and landslides. The Department of Transportation said 400 cubic yards of material blocked Highway 138 near Toketee Falls for a time Sunday.
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The Bulletin
iz a eraims emon
Goaoott BEAEE
Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials
Y Olctv/, Nc80bY ybu pagoFLE M l.1vE,
11 budgets are built on assumptions. Oregon Gov.
John Kitzhaber's is built on three bets.
There's $11 billion in health care savings over the
next decade. There's $600 million in reduced prisoncostsover the same period. And then there's $865 million in savings in this biennium from the Public Employees Retirement System or PERS. They will all be challenging. The savings in the cost of providing health care for the poor may have already begun. The proposed reforms for corrections are still in development. Then there's PERS. Kitzhaber rightly isn't demonizing public employees over PERS. But changes in PERS are a demon to get through the Legislature and the courts. PERS faces a $16 billion unfunded liability for the state to pay off over the next 20 years. If the stock market hadn't gone south, it wouldn't be so bad. But the market did. And unless there's miracle growth in PERS investment returns, benefits must be reduced and/or contributions from state and local governments must increase. Kitzhaber is d o ing a nother thing right. He is being blunt to the Legislature — cut PERS or there will be cuts in teachers. We can't remember anothergovernor making the case so clearly.
Without changes, the cost to educate a child in Oregon will increase by nearly $1,000 in the next biennium. About half that increase comes from theincreased cost of PERS. That means PERS is driving teachers from the classroom, causinglayoffs,bigger class sizes and shortened school years. Kitzhaber proposes reducing cost-of-living adjustments for retirees who get more than $24,000 a year from PERS and dropping the tax benefit for retirees who move out of state. The payoff of passing those reforms will help the PERS system over the long term. It may save about $4.7 billion over the next 20 years, PERS Executive Director Paul Cleary told us. As good as that all sounds, similar PERS reforms have been on the Legislature's table before. They didn't pass, even with more Republicans in the Legislature. Central Oregon legislators are not going to be Kitzhaber's problem. His first problem will be the members of his own party. Democrats control both houses of the Legislature and, in the last two years, have fought off attempts to implement similar reforms. Kitzhaber is going in the right direction. Can he convince his fellow Democrats to join him?
Bend's water project will help Tumalo Creek ig a bit deeper into the city of Bend's plans for its surface water i mprovement project on Tumalo Creek and it becomes clear that if you believe the city should protect its water rights on the creek, more than just the city will benefit. Protecting Bend's right to water from the creek has been and should continue to be a top priority, as we have noted before. A dualsource water system in effect gives Bend protection should either be threatened in the future. The Tumalo Creek proposals, meanwhile, will i mprove water flows and the city may be in a position to help improve them even more. The city currently draws about 18 cubic feet per second (cfs) of waterfrom the creek, and has done so for the better part of the last 70 years. Currently, the city cannot control how much water it takes, as reporter Hillary Borrud noted in Monday'spaper.When demand is high, the city draws its 18 cfs. Unfortunately, it draws that same 18 cfs when demand is low.
The proposed improvements will change that. When city demand is low, or, potentially, when the Tumalo Creek environment is in particular need, the city will be able to adjust its flow accordingly. Its backup wells and Tumalo Creek improvements will give it far more flexibility than it has today. The city may be able to lend a hand in another way, as well. Tumalo Irrigation District's draw from the creek dwarfs that of the city, and the district loses much of what it takes out to leaks in Central Oregon's notoriously porous rock. It's the smallest such district in the Bend area, and the cost of replacing all its canals with pipes is prohibitive without outside cash. Bend cannot be expected to offer that cash, nor should anyone suggest it do so. It can and no doubt does, however, offer support for grant requests and the like. It may be that there are other ways it can assist the district in getting the money it needs to complete piping. The water it saves by piping stays instream, and that has far more potential benefit for the creek than even abandoning the city's claim.
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M Nickel's Worth Others should take drug tests I have a good job and it pays well. I pay my taxes like others each year. The government distributes these taxes as they see fit. So far so good. My problem is the way my taxes are distributed. Some of this money is given out to people on welfare and to others on public assistance. Let it be known, now, that I have no problem with helping others in need. The problem is that I have to pass adrug test every so often to keep my job. So do a lot of other people. We have to pass the tests in order to keep our jobs and get our
pay My question is: Should the people on welfare who get paid each month with our money not have to take a drug test in order to get paid? Doesn't seem fair, does it'? No pass, no pay. This is fair. One other thing — I think all lawmakers in this country should have to pass a drug test, too. Each year. After all, they work for us and we pay their wages. Mei Coffin La Pine
Where's the truth on Benghazi? Maybe some of your readers can assist me in determining why our president, vice president, secretary of state,secretary of defense, CIA director, Chairman JCS, FBI director, U.N. ambassador, head of the National Security Council and others — including both houses of Congress — are unable or unwilling to determine preciselywhat occurred
prior to, during and after a sevenhour armed attack on our Consulate at Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012. So many questions and so few answers nearly 2'/E months after the fact. This must be one of the greatest whodunnits of modern times, ranking right up there with the "Fast and Furious" caper. Now I ask this question: Could the simple answer to why we still have no truthful and conclusive information regarding the Benghazi attack lie in the fact that the entire bunch of aforementioned government "leaders" are such accomplished political liars, cheats, and cover-up artists that they can't even get their collective lies and deceptions together on the same page at the same time'? Really, what's so difficult about informing the public of the facts, if all those concerned would speak the truth about their involvement/ noninvolvement in this unfortunate, and possibly unnecessary incident'? What has happened to the moral fiber of our civilian and military leaders, that the truth is not granted, and those so greatly affected do not demand it? Lt. Cmdr. Donald E. Weisgerber U.S. Navy, retired Bend
President, Congress need to compromise I am from one of the millions of families that have not been helped by the president's policies over the last four years. My income has fallen yearly since I lost my job in 2009. What does my family do when income has been re-
duced'? We don't run up a huge debt and then seek forgiveness for poor choices. No. We reduce our spending. Is it hard'? Absolutely. Government is no different. I urge the presidentand Congress to seek a true compromise on taxes and spending that includes specific and meaningful cuts to the budget, not only tax increases. The American public deserves solutions, not excuses. Both parties and ourre-elected president passed s equestration into l aw. They a l l share blame if they fail to balance spending and tax revenues without driving the economy into another recession. Dave Ediund Bend
Anidea for filibuster reform A modest, market-based proposal for reform of a badly broken Senate procedural device — the filibuster: At the beginning of each session of Congress, the Senate would issue a limited number (say, 20) ofnfilibuster tokens." Both parties can bid on these tokens, with the minority party most likely to bid generously in order to secure ammunition for the fights ahead. Funds collected from the bidding would be used for some worthy, nonpartisan cause (such as support for wounded war veterans, for example). With a limited number of tokens available, the parties would be more judicious in their use
(and abuse) of this privilege. Money talks. Problem solved, and the Senate could — finally — get on with doing the business of the people. William L. Vaienti Bend
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Write: My Nickel's Worth/In My View
Council elects mayor, but citizens can have their say By jim Clinton and jodie Barram op>nion. ach of us — Jim Clinton and We encourage you to do so. Jodie Barram — is seeking to As we seekthe two leadership poecome Bend's next mayor and sitions, we are also offering to work would like to explain how the selec- closely as a team and are committed tion process works. to an open process that will assist In nearly all cities, votcouncilors i n d e terminers elect the mayor. But in lN OURQlEW ing which of us fills which Bend, the mayor is chosen position. by the City Council. We know that the priThe City of Bend Charter provides mary responsibility of the council is that after every general election, to provide clear policy direction and councilors select one councilor to be that developing policies benefiting mayor and another to be mayor pro all residents requires careful collabtem. This happens at the first council oration, a willingness to listen and meeting in January of the new term. a deep understanding of all sides of While we both favor allowing the every issue. Councilors must faithvoters to decide whether or not they fully represent their constituents by want to directly elect the mayor, the enacting policies and laws that are law now specifies that four or more in the best interests of the city and councilor votes make that decision. itsresidents. Does that leave Bend citizens out The mayor and pro tem positions of the process? Sort of. But just as are important beyond their functions with all council decisions, you can in chairing council meetings. The contact your current city councilors mayor and protem work with other and councilors-elect to voice your councilors and the city manager to
set meeting agendas. • Planning f or a n d m a n aging Over thenext month, we hope you P romoting an effective council, g r o w t h . will make your voice heard. You can working collaboratively with the city Of th e current city councilors, our directly contact the councilors who staff and providing effective over- c o mbined experience brings you, the will make these decisions. Here are sight of city operations are crucial r e sident, the best of two distinct and our email addresses additional d u t ies. c omplement a r y • Jodie Barram, As a side note, these styles. We will lead JuSt as With all COU1ICJI bymakingsurethat positions don't get • Jim Clinton, paid any more than Qe c jsjpris, yOU Cclr) every c o u ncilor's the other council• Mark Capell, Cpritpct ypUr CUrreiit pe rsp e ctive is inors. We all are paid cludedin every deci- mcapell® City COunCilarS and $200 per month. sion, and that every• Scott Ramsey, W e a r e con - COuiJCilarS-eleCt tO one who wishes to vinced this team• Sally Russell, Ifpice ypL// pp//1/pri '+e part i cipate is heard leadership apand respected. proach is needed erICOU"~Qe YOU tO dO We will promote • Doug Knight, as we face major is- Sp. the success of the sues in the next few c ouncil an d no t • Victor Chudowsky, years: take personal credit • Planning and for the actions of Together,in service to Bend, we constructing needcolleagues. know we will best represent you in ed sewer, water and road projects. We wil l a l s o a ccept account- the mayor and mayor pro tem posi• Ensuring high levels of public a b i l i ty f or o ur m i s takes. We will tions. We invite you to influence the safety. not compromise on ou r c o mmit- outcome. • Revitalizing and diversifying our m e n t to transparent and open local — Jim Clinton and Jodie Barram economy. government. are Bend city councilors.
Miller's landingPark
The Bend Park 8 Recreation District broke ground Monday on the 3.7-acre Miller's Landing Park. Building the park will cost about $800,000, park district officials said. Construction should be complete by late summer. Restroom Ptcntc shelter
LUBA c o lumbia-
cVsr ~
DEATH NoTIcEs Arden Jay Gage
Feb. 15, 1951 - Nov. 7, 2012 Services: Celebration of life at Trail Christian Fellowship, Eagle Point, OR, Saturday Dec., 8, at 2:00 p.m.
Betty J. Taylor, of Bend Nov. 19, 1919 - Dec. 1, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471
Services: At Betty's request no service will be held.
Gary Dean Dubisar, of Madras Sept. 22, 1953 - Nov. 27, 2012 Arrangements: Bel-Air Funeral Home, 541-475-2241 Services: Memorial services to be held on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 3:00 PM at The Shop at Keith Manufacturing in Madras.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Mondaythrough Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, DR 97708
Arden Jay Gage of Bend, O regon, passed awa y o n November 28, 2012, he was 73 years old. A rden was born o n O c t . 1 9, 1939, to F l o r ence M . a nd Arden J oh n G age i n Newport, OR. He gradua ted fr om Tigard Senior Hi~h
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Chris Stamp, 70: Co-manager of the The Who, Stamp and Kit Lambert were filmmakers who wanted to make a documentary about an obscure band's struggle in the music world. They saw The Who in 1964, saw the band's potential and became its m anagers. Stamp died Nov. 24 in New York City of complications from cancer. — From wire reports
Relinwasco-autbor of 'Three Cupsof Tea' The Associated Press
GRANTS PASS — David Oliver Relin, co-author of the best-selling book "Three Cups
of Tea," said in legal filings about ayear before his recent suicide that his career suffered from allegations of lies in the story of a humanitarian who built schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Relin c ommitted s u icide in the r ural c ommunity of Corbett, near Portland, last month, according to the deputy Multnomah County medical examiner, Peter Bellant, late Sunday. He was 49. Relin died of a blunt force head injury on Nov. 14, Bellant said. He declined to provide other details. Relin's family also declined to provide details of his death. The book, which has sold about 4 million copies since being published in 2006, describes how Greg Mortenson, the otherco-author,resolved to build schools for Pakistani villagers who nursed him to health after a failed mountaineering expedition. T he account c am e u n der scrutiny last year when "60 Minutes" and writer Jon Krakauer said it contained numerous falsehoods. In April, a U.S. district judge rejected a lawsuit by four people who bought "Three Cups of Tea," dismissing claims that the authors, the publisher, and a charity associated with
. Community
Open lawn,
-~Zr o
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Bea r h I
Kayak~ doik/tter Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Source: Bend Park & Recreation District
1957, and s erved i n t he US Arden Gage Air Force. Arden m a r r ie d E l i z abeth L. Pratt on July 30, 1960. A rden w as an av id hunter and f i sherman. He e njoyed w o r k in g o n V W b ugs an d s p e n ding t i m e with the family. Ar den retired in 2001, from Pacific Power and Light. Survivors inc l ude his mother, Florence Reeves of Bend, OR; sisters, Juanita K oranda of P l easant V a l l ey, O R , and B ar b a r a S immonds o f Su nr i v e r , O R; c h i l dren, A r d e n J r . and M a c h ell e G a g e of Bend, OR, Dennis Gage of R ed B l u f f , CA , Su s a n W allace o f B en d , O R, Deryl an d R e becca Gage o f Milford, CT , A m y a n d J ames Ferguson o f L a n sing, IL ; n i n e g r a n d children and one great-grandson. H e w a s p r o c e eded i n death by A r den Gage (father), Williams Reeves (father), Rob e rt G age ( brother) a n d h i s wi fe , Elizabeth. A memorial service w i l l be held on Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012, at Real Life Christian Church, at 11:00 a.m., with a r eception to f o llow at 21865 Bear Creek Rd. In lieu of flowers, contrib utions may b e m a d e t o Partners In C ar e H o spice House, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97702.
By Jeff Barnard
Oct. 19, 1939 - Nov. 28, 2012
Ann Deboy, of Eagle Point, Oregon
, '
the book conspired to make Mortenson into a false hero to make money. In an A ugust 2011 court filing, Relin attorney Sonia Montalbano said the lawsuit "has had a negative impact on Relin's livelihood as an author" and that he did not "maintain any insurance for this litigation, which means that he has to personally fund his defense." In another filing, Montalbano said "Relin takes no position on many of the accusations made by the Plaintiff" but "does stand by the manuscript he wrote." She pointed out that in an introduction Relin wrote for "Three Cups of Tea," he "fully acknowledged potential inaccuracies." In that introduction, Relin wrote that Mortenson's "fluid sense of time made pinning down the exact sequence of many events in this book almost impossible." Mortenson di d n o t respond to phone calls from The Associated Press seeking comment. Relin "understood the pot ential i m portance o f t h a t story — that it could show that building schools was an antidote to just dropping bombs on that part of the world," said Lee Kravitz, who introduced Relin and Mortenson. Relin "was very committed to this project," said Elizabeth Kaplan, the agent who represented both authors.
Kovalik, senior manager for the group in Bend. A year later it finalized a purchase, which sent the land to the park district. "It will just be a huge benefit and huge addition to our community," she said. Total cost of the land was $1.8 million, with the park district puttingup $1.1million and donors giving the other $700,000, Ronning said. The propertyincludes an acre of land submerged under the Deschutes River. M iller's L a n d in g an d McKay Park will be on opposite sides of a new whitewater feature planned for
the Colorado Avenue Dam, a project set be funded as part of the $29 million park bond approved by B en d v o ters last month. The park district hasn't released a timeline for that project yet. Starting work on Miller's Landing Park in late fall will help control dust at the site, said Chelsea Schneider, landscape architect for the park district. She said this is a good time of year for construction. "Especially with grading," she said, the season will help "to keep dust from blowing all over the neighborhood."
ticipated in the program was 21.76 months, less than the Continued from C1 proposed three-year limit, acThe remaining $10 milcording to state data from fislion in needed savings comes cal year 2011. from trimming the time limit, To be eligible for TANF, he said. families with children must The reasoning behind the have an income that is less recommendation is the need than 43 percent of the fedto balance the budget, Shepa- eral poverty level. For a tword said, adding that the bud- parent family with two chilget proposal involves a lot of dren, the income limit is $795 tough choices. a month. The maximum ben"The legislative session is efit for a family of four with ahead of us and this may or no other income is $621 a may not happen," he said. month. Two years ago, the assisLocal organizations that tance program was held to- work with families in need of gether with one-time funds assistance say the program that won't be available in the provides a crucial safety net. upcoming biennium, ShepaScott Cooper, executive rd said. director of NeighborImpact, Payments from the TANF said the situation of each indiprogram w en t t o 35 , 625 vidual in poverty has its own f amilies statewide i n O c - unique set of circumstances. tober, according to the OrThe Central Oregon nonegon Department of Human profit provides housing, food, Services. energy and childcare assisOf those families, 1,933 are tance to families. in Deschutes, Crook and JefHaving a one-size-fits-all ferson counties, according mentality for programs like to the agency's data. In Bend TANF isn't the way to go, he alone, 686 families received said. payments from the program For example, people with in October. medical problems enrolled If a 36-month time limit in the program ar e o ften is approved, TANF benefits trying to get Social Security will discontinue for a bout disability b enefits, Cooper 1,100 families statewide each said. Those disability cases, month, said Christy Sinatra, which frequently require the a spokeswoman for the state services of an attorney, can agency. The agency didn't take three to five years to get have figures Monday show- resolved, he said. "To think they're going to ing how many of those would be in Central Oregon. go and get meaningful work However, not every famgiven their medical history ily getting benefits would be is not very realistic," Cooper affected.That's because the said. average length a family parIn that vein, even a five-
y ear period ma y n o t b e enough time for someone to obtain a college education if they need to enroll in remedial coursework first, he said. When looking at the program, it's important for policymakers totake into account safety nets for n eeds like child care and job retraining, Cooper said. Programs like TANF are needed so families can get by in tough times, said Kenny LaPoint, director of Housing Works. Housing Works, the housing authority f o r C e n tral Oregon, refers its clients to DHS if they need additional help. The housing authority provides about $7.5 million in rental assistance to families
Continued from C1 The family teamed up with Brooks Resources — developers of A w brey Butte, N orthWest C r ossing a n d other Central Oregon real estate projects — and formed a company called Millbrook LLC. The company planned to develop 37 townhouses on the property in 2007, but canceled the development when
the economy sagged. In 2009, the Trust for Public Land, a San Franciscobased nonprofit with a Bend office, started working with the landowners, said Kristin
— Reporter: 541-617-7812,
each year. "There's a good chance that the time frame they get their benefits for isn't going
to be good enough, especially in the economy we're in," he said. Alison M clntosh, policy and communications director at Neighborhood Partnerships in Portland, said the TANF program helps families and children with basic support. Th e o r ganization does lobbying and advocacy work. But more i s n eeded so families have access to transportation, child care and the training needed to become self-sufficient, she said. "It's really about choices, and protecting kids is important," she satd. — Reporter:541-977-7185, bbothi nC<bendbulleti
Yakama:Gasline marshistoric site By Shannon Dinfnny
tribe urged the commission to order an immediate halt YAKIMA, Wash. — The to construction and asked Yakama Nation has asked for the pipeline company to the federal government to conduct an e nvironmental halt construction of a natural assessment to determine the gas pipeline across southwest potential for harm to the site. Washington's White Salmon The location of the new River, saying the project will pipeline sits in th e t r ibe's impair an archaeological site ceded lands, where tribal that is culturally significant members retain the right to to the tribe. hunt, fish and gather roots The line is being built to and berries. replace a small section of a The pipelinecompany and 4,000-mile pipeline, stretch- the federal agency are violati ng from Colorado to t h e ing laws that protect historic Canadian border, which has sites, Ruth Jim, Yakama Nabeen gradually unearthed tion councilwoman said in a since a dam was breached on statement. "Current the river last year. construction The company building the cannot be sustained withline, W i l liams N o r thwest out additional destruction of Pipeline, of Salt Lake City, significant a r c h aeological said Monday that it consulted resources," she said. with state and federal agenT he pipeline, about 2 6 cies and with three Native inches in diameter, had been American tribes, including b uried u nder t h e W h i t e the Yakama Nation, before Salmon River. When Portm oving forward w it h t h e land-based utility PacifiCorp project and believes it has breached the dam last year, acted in good faith to follow the stream bed gradually all required regulations. eroded. T he Y a k am a Na t i o n At one point, 15 feet of claims otherwise in recent soil cover over the pipeline letters to the Federal Energy had washed away, Williams Regulatory Commission. The Northwest s p o keswoman The Associated Press
Michele Swaner said. "We thought, 'We could watch this or we could take some action,'" she said. "So we got the pipeline out of the river."
Continued from C1 Assistant City Attorney Gary Firestone said t he decision by the board of appeals will not affect the city's plan to submit a new surface water project proposal to the Forest Service, after U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken raised concerns about the potential impact on Tumalo Creek from the previous city proposal. The Forest Service alr eady approved the o l d city plan for a new pipeline and intake facility, which would allow the city to take up to three more cubic feet of waterper second from Tumalo Creek. However, C entral O r e gon L a n d Watch filed a l awsuit to overturnthe Forest Service approval and city officials ultimately decided to revise their proposal. "I anticipate the two processes will continue to operate in parallel," Firestone said. City attorneys and other employees will have to revise the facilities plan and possibly t h e o r d i nance, and resubmit them to the City Council for a vote. At the earliest, the vote and a possible public hearing will take place in late winter. "I think we're realistically looking at two to three months," Firestone said. Regarding t he city agreement to provide water to Tetherow resort, the board of a p peals found that, "Such a contractual obligation does not permit the city to avoid (the state land use rules') proscription against providing water service that supports urban uses on rural lands, or its prohibition on relying on the presence of a water system to allow residential development of that rural land at a d ensity higher than authorized w ithout that water service." The board of a p peals found that "because Tetherow is outside the (urban
growth boundary), we cannot plan to provide service there, despite our contractual agreement to do so," Firestonesaid."We're continuing to analyze the decision as it relates to Tetherow and we will address the issues raised," Firestone said. "Obviously, it raises some questions, but we do have a signed agreement we intend to comply with if we can do so legally." Dewey said the issue of whether the city can plan to provide water to developments outside the city is broader than Tetherow, although the board of appealsfocused on the resort. "There were a number of references in the plan to serving residential development outside the urban growth boundary," Dewey said. "I think the city will have to e x p lain b e tter, or potentially get a (state land use rule) exception, to increase services to that area." "Looking for the opportunity in this, it has allowed a new council to look at these issues again," Dewey said. "It would be nice to get the council's decision of what to move forward with before spending more money on the Forest Service process," Dewey said, although he did not know how much the Forest Service process will cost the city. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, se
t •
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LOCALLY FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED We honor an pre-arranged plans including Neptune Society. 'It.r jl .tt trteti" s
F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
Today: Widespread CHANNE
showers are expected through most of the clay.
Tonight: More rainfal through the night.
Early morning snowfall becoming rain in the afternoon.
4 p4 4 4 4 d d d d d . Astoria 4 d d d d d d 4 4 d d i i »
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Yesterday's state extremes
i» «P ~ x ~ ChrjstmasValleyxxxxxx x x x » i i x x x x x do rdanValley i»5 2/36 xx x + N x k x x x x » D' x x x x x x x x x x 4 6/38 I x', x xkxx » 'P mnchgl xx i
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Klamath Falls
Yesterday Tuesday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W
City Precipitatipnvajuesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
(in the 48 contiguous states):
5 /42 4
Ci i i
• 11 • 1.05
'x 69/51
Tijuana 71/53
-ZOs -3o Anchorage
10S 3/-7
w n gton, D.c. 71/51
4 t Birmingham 76/56
tt r
Chihuahua 69/48
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Char l otte
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6 9 /4L'
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PhoenixI 79/55
St. Louistqijashvinh • Bt/9BSD 69/42 .. 60S
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QQS ++ 30S
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at • calgary Saskatoon 34/24 17/15 at
• Miami 77/66
Monterrey BOB
La Paz 84/57
Mazatlan • 84/62
Juneau 24/17
:++++ ++K+
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:36 a.m...... 3:29 p.m. Venus......5:03 a.m...... 3:07 p.m. Mars.......9:45 a.m...... 6:30 p.m. Jupiter......410 pm...... 7:16 a.m. Satum......4:12 a.m...... 2;44 p.m. Uranus.....1:1 5 p.m......1:33 a.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 46/36 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........64m1939 Monthtodate.......... 0.33" Recordlow.......... 0in1985 Average monthtodate... 0.24" Average high.............. 41 Year to date............ 8.02" Average low .............. 24 Average year to date..... 9.40"
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.03 Record24 hours ...0.81 in1980 *Melted liquid equivalent
W e d. The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
Astpria ........ 53/48/0.90..... 54/42/r.....50/39/sh Baker City......48/36/0.00....41/36/sh.....46/27/sh Brookings...... 55/48/0.36..... 56/50/r.....55/43/sh Burns..........44/28/0.00....45/34/sh.....47/24/sh Eugene........ 56/47/0.05..... 54/44/r.....49/38/sh Klamath Falls .. 45/25/0 00 ...46/35/sh ...47/28/sh Lakeview.......43/28/0.00 ...45/34/sh.....45/25/sh La Pine........44/33/0.00....50/33/sh.....40/24/sh Medford.......50/38/0.00.....54/45/r.....50/38/sh Newport....... 52/50/0.25..... 55/44/r.....51/40/sh North Bend..... 57/48/0.01 ..... 57/48/r.....52/41/sh Ontario........51/33/0.00....45/40/sh.....52/32/sh Pendleton......54/44/0.00....53/43/sh.....51/32/sh Portland .......54/48/0.14.....53/43/r.....48/40/sh Prineville.......47/37/0.00....50/38/sh.....48/28/sh Redmond.......48/37/0.00....54/35/sh.....47/26/sh Roseburg....... 57/43/0.02.... 55/44/sh..... 50/39/sh Salem ....... 55/48/0 16 .. 54/43/r ...49/39/sh Sisters.........47/35/0.00....51/36/sh...... 43/27/r The Dages..... 51/40/trace.....50/40/r......50/33/c
for solar at noon.
0 0
Snow accumulation in inches
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 50-63 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . 37 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . 45
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . report
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . .19-20 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 12. . . . . .60-70 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . 22 Squaw Valley, California...... . 10. . . . . . .2-48 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 15.. . . . .11-48 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .12 14 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 18 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitatipn,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c clouds, hhaze,shshpwers,rrain, t thunderstprms,sf snpwflurries, sn-snpw,i-ice,rs-rain-snpwmix, w-wind,f-fpg, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
o www m +" 'lrahcouver • 41
hl ew Fi rst Full
Yesterday's extremes Sea t
Moonrisetoday...10:29 p.m. Mponsettpday ...11:13 a.m. Dec.6 Dec.13 Dec.19 Dec. 28
» X X X Xo
6 X
-" 4 4 4 Rjoshb/Irnj 4 - d ct heihult di d d d 55 / 4 4 dd d d / 3d K
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34 20
Sunrise tpmprrpw 7 25 a m Sunset tomorrow... 4:27 p.m.
Rain and mountain snow showers will become likely.
xx xssss 9 4, i x i i i i U nt a r l O » 4 5/3i i iauiina 4D/34xxxxxxx x x x x x x x i
56/47• 4 4 d d
39 23
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Sunrise today...... 7:24 a.m. MOOn phaSeS
cloudy and windy.
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Light snowfall, staying mo'stly
Late day showers are
Drier, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies
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W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Ram Flurnes Snow
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Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lp/W Hi/Lp/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/LOIW Hi/LplW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lp/W Hi/Lp/W Abilene TX......80/62/0 00...66/41/s. 68/48/pc Grandjapids....63/35/0 04..52/29/pc.39/28/pc RapidCity.......63/35/0.00..51/34/pc.. 59/33/c Savannah.......75/51/0.00..75/54/pc...73/49/t Akron ..........61/54/000..60/35/sh..37/26/rs GreenBay.......63/42/0.10..46/25/pc. 36/29/sn Reno...........54/31/0.00..61/42/sh. 58/34/sh Seattle..........48/45/0.63...52/42/r. 47/38/sh Albany..........50/34/000...61/44/c. 47/25/pc Greensboro......73/52/0.00..72/53/pc. 63/35/sh Richmond.......72/51/0.00..72/50/pc. 66/34/pc SiouxFalls.......56/43/0.00...SU22/s. 48/34/pc Albuquerque.....65/37/000..59/37/pc. 6U38/pc Harnsburg.......66/41/0.00..66/46/pc.51/29/sh Rochester, NY....53/43/0.00 .. 66/37/sh.39/26/sn Spokane....... 49/38/trace.. 47/37/sh. 40/29/pc Anchorage ......15/12/0 00.... 3/-7/s.... 9/1/c Hartford,CT.....57/37/0 00..62/46/pc. 55/27/pc Sacramento......60/4/000... 59/53/r. 60/50/sh Springfield, MO ..74/59/000 ..60/35/pc.. 61/40/s Atlanta .........74/48/000..76/56/pc. 65/45/sh Helena..........46/34/0.00..45/34/sh. 50/25/sh St.Louis.........74/63/000..61/39/pc.. 55/39/s Tampa..........82/65/000..78/58/pc. 78/60/pc Atlantic City.....68/48/000..64/50/pc. 61/37/pc Honolulu........82/75/0 00...80/69/c.. 80/70/c Salt Lake City....50/33/000 ..54/43/sh. 55/38/sh Tucson..........74/46/000... 78/48/s.. 81/49/s Austin..........81/62/0.00...79/54/t. 73/51/pc Houston ........82/65/0.08...80/60/t. 75/55/pcSanAntonio.....79/64/000 ..77/55/pc. 73/55/pc Tulsa...........76/66/000...66/34/s. 64/45/pc Baltimore .......70/41/000 ..70/49/pc. 59/34/pc Huntsville.......74/49/0.00... 70/47/j. 64/39/pc SanDiego.......68/60/000..67/57/pc.. 68/56/s Washington,DC.71/44/000 ..71/51/pc. 60/34/pc Billings.........47/38/0.00 ..49/37/pc. 56/33/sh Indianapolis.....69/57/0.02.. 57/36/sh.. 46/32/s SanFrancisco....59/46/0.00...62/54/r. 61/51/sh Wjchjta.........72/58/0.00...62/34/s. 63/45/pc Birmingham.....73/46/0.00... 74/56/t.67/42/pc Jackson, MS.... 76/50/0.00... 75/56/t. 68/51/pc SanJose........64/43/001 .. 63/50/rMI50/sh Yakima.........54/40/000 50/32/sh.. 45/31/c Bismarck........51/38/002 ..35/25/pc.. 42/28/c Jacksonvile......69/55/014..77/52/pc...73/54/t SantaFe........59/32/000 ..53/32/pc.57/34/pc Yuma...........78/56/000... 78/55/s .. 83/57/s Boise...........52/34/000..47/43/sh. 56/36/sh Juneau..........19/I5/0 21..24/I7/sn. 29/21/sn INTERNATIONAL Boston..........59/47/000 ..60/46/pc. 59/32/sh Kansas City......74/58/0 00... 60/37/s. 60/44/pc BndgeportCT....60/41/000 ..60/49/pc. 58/32/pc Lansing.........63/36/000... 52/29/c. 38/27/pc Amsterdam......46/32/024 45/37/r 39/36/sh Mecca..........95/75/000 . 88/68/s 89/69/pc Buffalo.........56/43/000 ..63/33/sh .. 36/26/c Las Vegas.......68/53/0 00..69/51/pc. 71/50/pc Athens..........66/51/000... 56/50/s. 60/50/sh MexicoCity......73/41/000 ..71/42/pc.. 70/40/s BurlingtonVT....48/40/001 ..52/39/sh..42/25/rs Lexington.......70/56/000..65/40/sh .. 53/32/s Auckland........70/59/000 ..72/53/sh. 70/53/sh Montreal........46/34/032 ..55/33/sh.34/21/pc Caribou,ME.....43/34/0.04..42/35/sh. 41/18/sh Lincoln..........62/33/0.00...58/29/s. 59/42/pc Baghdad........69/46/000... 66/52/c. 66/50/pc Moscow........25/21/000 ..35/22/sn .. 24/13/c Charleston,SC ...78/49/0 00..75/55/pc...72/46/t Little Rock.......77/62/0 00...69/41/t.. 66/42/s Bangkpk........91/81/0.00..90/74/pc. 91/76/pc Nairob/.........73/59/0.74... 74/59/t...74/57/t Charlotte........73/45/0 00..72/51/pc. 66/37/sh LosAngeles......66/61/0.18..66755/pc.. 68/56/s Bei sng..........37/18/000..30/I5/pc. 26/10/pc Nassau.........79/72/000..76/68/sh. 77/69/sh Chattanooga.....72/42/000..71/49/sh. 63/40/pc Louisville........75/63/002..63/40/sh.. 54/35/s Beirut..........75/61/000... 67/57/r.62/54/sh New Dejh/.......73/48/000...79/51/s .. 81/54/s Cheyenne.......52/35/0.00..52/36/pc.64/35/rx Madison, Wj.....65/42/0.02..52/23/pc.. 38/31/s Berlin...........34/30/000 ..35/28/n 30/21/c Osaka..........55/32/000...45/28/s. 47/36/sh Chicago.........70/46/000..56/34/pc. 38/37/s Memphis....... 75/60/0 00 68/42/t.. 65/42/s Bogota.........68/52/000..65/52/sh.66/50/sh Oslo.............9/2/000...13/3/pc...14/sisf Cincinnati.......72/51/001..62/37/sh.. 47/28/s Miami..........80/69/0.06..77/66/pc. 79/66/pc Budapest........37/27/034... 36/30/c ..33/22/c Ottawa.........39/36/028 ..50/32/sh. 32/19/pc Cleveland .......62/52/0 00..58/38/sh. 38/31/pc Milwaukee......65/44/0.01..50/29/pc.. 37/34/s BuenosAires.....88/68/070... 78/66/t...76/69/t Paris............54/32/017 ..46/35/pc. 39/30/pc Colorado Spnngs.59/43/000..57/35/pc. 68/38/pc Minneapolis.....55/37/0.02..41/20/pc.36/32/pc CaboSanLucas ..86/59/0.00... 88/63/s .. 88/64/s Rip deJaneiro....84/79/0.00... 86/72/t. 88/73/pc Columbia,MO...75/59/000...60/36/s. 58/42/pc Nashville........75/58/0.00..69/42/sh.. 63/37/5 Cairo...........81/59/0.00.. 72/56/c .. 68/53/c Rome...........52/36/0.00... 57/44/r..51/39/rs Columbia,SC....76/47/000 ..74/54/pc. 70/42/sh New Orleans.....79/57/0.00... 75/61/t. 71/56/pc Calgary..........32/0/013 ..34/24/pc.. 31/9/pc Santiagp........84/57/000 79/58/pc .. 78/52/s Columbus, GA....78/50/000 ..79/56/pc. 72/48/sh New York.......60/49/0.00 ..64750/pc. 56/34/pc Cancun.........82/72/000..81/69/pc. 80/68/pc SaoPaulo.......81/66/000... 82/66/t...84/67/t Columbus, OH....63/55/001 ..63/37/sh .. 43/28/s Newark, NJ......64/43/000 ..66750/pc.56/34/pc Dublin..........4806/0.14...45/34/r. 39/34/pc Sappprp ........37/37/0.00... 38/25/r. 32/22/pc Concord,NH.....53/36/000...50/40/c. 52/25/sh Norfolk VA......71/55/0 00..70/51/pc. 65/3$pc Edinburgh.......41/32/000 ..40/29/pc. 32/28/pc Seoul...........43/28/000 .. 32/18/pc. 29/18/sn Corpus Christi....87/61/000... 79/61/t. 72/62/pc OklahomaCity...79/64/0 00... 66/35/s. 66/44/pc Geneva.........39/21/023..39/32/rs.33/25/sn Shangha/........54/41/000..51/40/pc.. 52/36/s DallasFtWorth...80/64/000..72/45/pc.. 68/51/s Omaha.........62/45/000...57/27/s.56/41/pc Harare..........84/63/0.00... 82/61/t...79/61/t Singapore.......86/73/1.98... 85/78/t...86/78/t Dayton .........67/57/000 ..60/35/sh.. 43/28/s Orlando.........81/65/0.00..79/56/pc. 79/58/pc HongKpng......64/59/035 .. 66/61/sh.64/52/sh Stockholm.........9/0/000... 20/17/c..25/22/sf Denver....... 61/35/000 ..59/35/pc.67/35/pc PalmSprings.... 79/57/000... 79/57/s.. 83/56/s Istanbul.........66/52/051 ..47/43/sh .. 57/51/c Sydney..........72/64/000... 73/62/s. 71/58/pc DesMoines......69/49/000... 57/27/s. 48/40/pc Peoria..........70/54/0 00..57/32/pc .. 43/35/s lerusalem.......72/46/000..61/53/sh.58/49/sh Taipei...........66/63/000..63/57/sh. 63/58/sh Detroit..........59/46/000 ..57/34/sh. 39/29/pc Philadelphia.....67/43/0.00..6I51/pc. 57/33/pc Johanneshurg....66/52/043..77/58/sh...80/57/t Tel Aviv.........79/54/000... 66/55/r. 64/54/sh Duluth......... 48/35/007...28/I7/c...31/27/i Phoenix.........77/55/000... 79/55/s .. 82/55/s Lima...........75/66/0.00... 73/64/c. 75/63/pc Tokyo...........48/39/0.00.. 56/41/sh. 54/40/pc El Paso..........73/50/000...69/42/s. 71/44/pc Pittsburgh.......61/53/000 ..66/37/sh.42/22/pc Lisbon..........57/39/000 57/46/sh 57/50/c Toronto.........48/37/000..55/34/sh. 35/25/pc Fairbanks...... -32/-39/0.00..-31/-41/s.-29/-36/c Portland,ME.....55/39/0.01...52/43/c. 51/26/sh London.........52/36/0.17 ..44/33/sh. 36/29/pc Vancpuver.......48/43/0.17... 49/41/r. 44/35/sh Fargo...........50/38/006 ..27/14/pc.35/26/pc Prpvidence......60/45/0.00 ..61749/pc. 58/31/sh Madrid .........52/27/0.00 .. 54/33/pc.. 47/35/c Vienna..........39/27/0.00.. 41/32/rs. 35/26/pc Flagstaff........52/34/000 ..57/26/pc.60/27/pc Raleigh.........76/53/0.00 ..74754/pc. 64/36/sh Manila..........88/77/000..88/78/pc...87/75/t Warsaw.........32/28/002...29/26/c.. 33/24/c
November 21 — January 14
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Since 1962
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4 I
I 8 8
M ~ATTRES S • G ~allery - B e n d -
I 8
Scoreboard, D2
Motor sports, D3
College basketball, D3
Community Sports, D5-D6
Heisman finalists: Manziel, Te'0, Klein NEW YORK — Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel, Notre
Dame linebacker Manti
jl 1
Te'o and Kansas State quarterback Collin Klein
are the finalists for the Heisman Trophy.
The three players invited to attend the
presentation ceremony in New York wereannounced Mondayon
ESPN. Manziel is the favorite
We aren't
- "ttttttfit'Iii'Iri
to win college football's most famous player of the year award onSaturday night in Manhattan.
By Paul Newberry
He would be the first freshman to win the
- 4; '"' .
The Associated Press
his college football bowl season is like a brand of Chex Mix that comes with a bunch of nuts you don't really care to eat. Sure, there's a handful of enticing matchups that are worthy of your time for three or so hours. But by the time
Heisman andthe first Texas A&M player since halfback John David
Crow won the school's only Heisman in 1957. The closest a fresh-
man has come towinning the Heisman was Adrian Peterson of Okla-
you're done picking through
homa in 2004, when he finished second to Southern California
quarterback Matt Leinart. Peterson was a true
freshman. Manziel is a redshirt freshman.
Joe Kline i The Bulletin
Janice Harrer, second from right, was inducted last month into the California Beach Volleyball Association Hall of Fame. Pictured with Harrer are, from right, her husband Tom, and two of the couple's three children: Justin, 15, and Hawley, 12. Oldest daughter Hannah is a freshman at Biola University in California.
Te'o is trying to become the first defense-
only player to win the Heisman. The Fighting Irish have seven Heis-
man winners, tied for the most with Ohio State and Southern Cali-
fornia, but none since Tim Brown in 1987. Klein would be the
first player from Kansas State to win the
Heisman. Heseemed to be the front-runner for several weeks until Manziel's late push.
When Klein threw three interceptions in the Wildcats' late-season
loss to Baylor, Manziel moved to the front of the race. — The Associated Press
Are you ready for some bowls?
• Former pro beach volleyball player Janice Harrer, of Sisters, wasrecently honored for her success
come an Olympic gold medalist in 1996. And along with then-partner Gayle Stammer, Harrer just missed
entral Oregon is not exactly a beach volleyball mecca. That seems logical, given that the nearest ocean is several hours away. But that has not stopped a bona fide beach volleyball legend from making thearea her home. Sisters resident Janice Harrer — a standout pro player during the 1980s and '90s — last month was inducted into the California Beach Volleyball Association (CBVA) Hall of Fame in Hermosa Beach, Calif. Previous inductees into the hall of fame, located in one of the cradles of the sport, include beach volleyball luminaries Karch Kiraly, Sinjin Smith, Randy Stoklos and Holly McPeak. "To get that kind of acknowledgement at this point in my life is
lanta, the first for beach volleyball. The pair lost the match it needed to win to become one of three American teams to advance to the games. "It was exciting to have that run and to be that close, but definitely, at the same time, disappointing," reflects the blond-haired Harrer. "Because to be that close and knowing that we could have done it ... " Harrer is not the only one appreciative of her recent honor. "When you're not playing, you kind of just figure, well, you're only as good as your last tournament," says Tom, a p h ysical therapist. "Being out of the sport for so long competitively, to have all that come back and have people describe her legacy ... that's neat to be part of that." See Queen/D5
AMANDA MILES gratifying and it's honoring," says Harrer, 52, who moved to Sisters from Hawaii five years ago with her husband, Tom, and their three children. Over the course of her career, Harrer, whose maiden name is Opalinski, won about two dozen pro titles and earned thousands of dollars in prize and sponsorship money. She had a stint, she and Tom recall, on the top-seeded women's team in the world, along with Brazilian Jackie Silva, another CBVA Hall of Famer who went on to be-
qualifying for those Olympics in At-
to the good ones, you realize there's not much left. Well, there are other things to do this holiday season. Like, go ice skating. Or, check out all the pretty lights. Whatever it is, there's never been a better reason to spend some time — some real quality time — with your friends and family. Believe us, you won't be missing a thing if you tune out what will soon be running virtually nonstop on your plasma screen, in all its high-def ugliness. This is nothing more than a bunch of meaningless contests between mediocre teams, a lineup that makes "Honey Boo Boo" look like "Downtown Abbey." Call it Must-Miss TV. The guys who run the system clearly take us as nothing but a bunch of suckers, willing to watch whatever drivel they put before us as long they attach the word "bowl" to some productthey're
pushing. When the complete list of bowls was finally unveiled
in all its glory Sunday night, most of the attention turned to Northern Illinois. See Bowls/D5
Portland Trail Blazers' Nicolas Batum dunks during Monday's game
ava earse eanot ertri tostate
Blazers rally to beat Bobcats inOT
• With a solid foundation of returning players,Bend High looks todefend its IMC title this season
Down18 in the fourth
By Grant Lucas
in Charlotte, N.C. The Trail Blazers won 118112 in overtime.
quarter, Portland overtakes Charlotte for a 118-112 road victory,D3
Washington QB Robert Griffin lllpoints skyward after throwing
a touchdown pass.
Redskins pick off another rival Win over Giants has Washington within a game of first place in the NFC East,D4
Majerus WcIS cl
The Bulletin
Last season, Bend High advanced to the girls basketball state semifinals for the first time ever and took home its first state trophy after placing fifth at the tournament. With the Intermountain Conference Hybrid player of the year returning in senior Mekayla Isaak, a 6-foot, 2-inch post player who signed on to play at the University of Montana and was also named first-team all-state in Class 5A, the Lava Bears this season are looking for their third trip to the state tournament in four years. Bend coach Todd Ervin, last season's IMC coach of the year, calls the semifinal appearance a foundation. "But," he adds, "last year is kind of last year. We've got to take whatever we can from that and build on what we're going to do this year." Returning all-league players Heidi Froelich and Molly Maloney join Isaak in leading Bend, which will be defending its IMC crown this season. Ervin says Isaak, Froelich and Maloney will provide his team with plenty of leadership, and along with fellow seniors Makeila Lundy and Jenna Mattox, the Lava Bears field a group that Ervin expects to set the tone with their work
By John Feinstein Special to The WashingtonPost t
Beneath the clown's mask that Rick Majerus wore so willingly beat the damaged heart of a man who made others laugh often but rarely found real happiness himself. Majerus died on Saturday at the age of 64, 23 years after undergoing M ajeru s
c.. QUO~.„.;,--"
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Bend High seniors, from left, Molly Maloney, Heidi Froelich and Mekayla Isaak hope to lead their team to a winning season this year.
Inside • A complete breakdown of all Central Oregon girls basketball teams,04
ethic. "They're pretty excited to get on the court and play," Ervin says of his team. "Our practiceshave been really good, real positive and upbeat, very competitive, which is great. I think we need to get a couple games against some other
people to evaluate what we have and what we really need to work on as the season goes forward." To repeat as conference champs, Ervin says Bend, which dropped its season opener 61-19 to Springfield last Friday, will need contributions from all 14 players onthe roster,a true team effort because IMC play will be competitive. Any team, on any given night, can come out on top, according to Ervin. See Bears/D4
septuple-bypass open-heart surgery. After coming face to face with death at the age of 41, Majerus famously said this: "They did seven bypasses on me — one for each of the major food
groups." Everyone laughed at the line. Majerus repeated it often, always smiling, always getting a big laugh. And then he went off to a hotel room somewhere to brood about basketball and wonder if he
would die young. See Majerus /D5
2 p.m.:UEFAChampions 4p.m.: Women's college, Baylor League, Olympiacosvs.Arsenal, at Notre Dame, ESPN2. Root Sports. BASKETBALL
4p.m.: NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Indiana Pacers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. 4 p.m.: Men's college, Georgetown vs. Texas, ESPN. 5 p.m.:NBA, Denver Nuggets at 4 p.m.: Men's college, Oklahoma Atlanta Hawks, ESPN. at Arkansas, ESPN2. 5:30 p.m.:Men's college, 4 p.m.:Men's college, Richmond Hartford at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network. at Old Dominion, NBCSN.
6 p.m.:Men's college, UConnvs.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Temple at
North Carolina State, ESPN.
Villanova, ESPN2.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Northwestern at Baylor, ESPN2. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Siena at
6:15 p.m.:Men's college, Penn State at La Salle (same-day tape), NBCSN.
St. Bonaventure, NBCSN.
7:30p.m.: NBA, Dallas
Mavericks at Los Angeles
6:30 p.m.:Men's college, Southern Miss at Arizona, Pac12 Network.
Clippers, ESPN.
7:30 p.m.:Men's college, Colorado State at Colorado, Pac12 Network. HOCKEY
4 p.m.:Men's college, Vermont at Dartmouth, NBCSN.
RADIO Wednesday BASKETBALL 4p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Indiana Pacers, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are the most accurate available. The/3u/letinis not responsible forlatechanges madeby TVor radio stations.
Baseball • U.S. opens vs. Mexico in World Baseball Classic:Triple
their first SECseason. Georgia linebacker Jarvis Jonesedged out South Carolina's Jadeveon Clowney for the defensive player of the year award. Jones leads
Crown winner Miguel Cabrera is going to play for Venezuela in the the conference with 22.5 tackles upcoming World Baseball Clas- behind the line and ranks second sic. Cabrera wasamongthe first to Clowney with12.5 sacks.
32 players — 12major leaguers — to commit to playing in the tournament that begins March 2
with games hosted by two-time defending champion Japanand Taiwan. The Mets' David Wright
and Minnesota's Joe Mauerwill play for the United States. The
• Paul Petrino hiredas Idaho coach: The University of Idaho has announced that Paul Petrino will be its new head
football coach. Theuniversity said Monday that Petrino has produced some of themost prolific offenses in the nation
team managed byJoeTorre has
as an assistant coach at several
been placedin Pool D forthe first round with Italy, Mexico, and Canada. The U.S. plays its first game March 8 against Mexico at Chase Field in Phoenix.
other schools. Petrino replaces
Hockey • NHL talks to resume oty today: The NHL labor talks are set to resume today with six
owners and players scheduled to meet withouta couple of the key figures from each side. With negotiations to resolve the lockout at a standstill, the league and union finalized the details for
the unusual bargaining session over the weekend. The meet-
ing will include the small group of owners and players, staff members and counsel oneach side, but commissioner Gary
interim coach JasonGesser, who guided the Vandals during the final four games after Robb
Akey was fired. Petrino has been the offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach atArkansas.
Golf • Aty Englishman gets his card ity the last 0-school:Two
years after playing for Europe on a winning RyderCupteam, Ross Fisher of England endured six stressful days to earn a PGA Tour card in La Quinta, Calif. In the final Q-school where players could go straight to the PGA Tour, Fisher easily finished
amongthetop25onMondayto get his card. D.H. Leeof South Korea birdied his last three holes
Bettmanand NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr will not be present. The NHL announced
for a 67 to win Q-school, giving him the highest priority rank-
Sunday that RonBurkle (Pittsburgh Penguinsj, Mark Chipman (Winnipeg Jets), Murray Edwards (Calgary Flames), Jeremy Jacobs (Boston Bruinsj, Larry Tanenbaum (Toronto Maple Leafs) and Jeff Vinik (TampaBay
check. Erik Compton, who has gone through two heart transplants, made it back to the tour by tying for seventh.
Lightning) will take part in the
talks for the league.
Football • EX-VOISCOaChFulmer
ing for next year and a$50,000
Cycling • LeMond wants to rutyUCI
after Armstrongscandal: Greg LeMond says the President of the International Cycling Union
can't remain in his job while a panel examines possible links
entering Hall of Fame:Phillip between the organization and Fulmer remembers assuming he the doping case involving Lance would coach again whenTenArmstrong. The three-time Tour nessee fired him in 2008. Four years later, Fulmer still hasn't returned to the sidelines. He
de France winner said after Change Cycling Now's first meeting that he would be will-
possibility of a comeback, but it seems less likely with each
ing to run cycling in the interim. Before the ChangeCycling Now meeting in London, the UCIannounced Friday that a three-man
hasn't closed the door on the
passing year. Thelatest signal of potential closure comestoday when Fulmer is inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame,
an honor that generally comes after retirement. Fulmer will join former Miami coach Jimmy
Johnson, former Texas A8M
panel will scrutinize President Pat MCQuaidand his predecessor Hein Verbruggen over their relations with Armstrong.
Olympics • Utah announcesbid for
coach R.C. Slocum and14 former players in getting inducted at a National Football Foundation
2ttd Winter Olympics:Utah of-
awards dinner in NewYork.
for a longshot bid for another
ficials announced plans Monday
after dynamicdedut:Texas
Winter Olympics, saying they already havethevenues in place
AB M quarterback Johnny Man-
and have left behind the taint of
ziel was a unanimous choice Monday for Associated Press Southeastern Conference offensive player of the yearafter a dynamic debut season in College
scandal from the 2002 games. The bid for 2026 is contingent
Station. The charismatic redshirt
a bid far in advance to scare off
freshman known as"Johnny Football" passed for 3,419yards
any competitors, Reno-Tahoe among them. Nevadaofficials
and 24 touchdowns, rushed for 1,181 yards and an SEC-leading 19TDs, and guided the Aggies
for a USOCdecision before making a possible bid of their own.
• Johnny Football Is Mr. SEC
to a surprising 10-2 mark in
on the U.S. Olympic Committee deciding it will endorse a city for
those games. Utahannounced
said Monday they were waiting — From wire reports
ON DECK Today Boys basketball: Summiat t Sisters, 7 p.m; Bend at GrantsPass, 6 p.mzMountain Viewat Madras, 7p.m.; LaPineat Henley, 7p.m.; Culverat Dufur, 6:30 p.m.; Central Christian at Trinity Lutheran, 730 p.m.;Gilchrist at Chiloquin, 7p.m. Girls basketball: Grants Passat Bend, 6 p.m.; Madras atMountainView, 7 p.m.; Henleyat La Pine, 7 pm.; Culverat Dufur,630 p.m.;Central ChristianatTrinity Lutheran,6p.m.; Summit atSisters, 5:45p.m.;Gilchrist at Chiloquin,5:30 p.m.
IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universai Ucrick www gocomiCS.Com/rnthebreachera
i e/t/
Wednesday Girls basketball: SistersatRedmond,7p.m. Swimming: Bendat Redm ond/Ridgeview meetat Redmond High, TBD Wrestling: Gilchrist atBendNovice,5 p.m.
Friday Boys basketball: North Medfordat Bend,7 p.m., SouthMedfordatSummit, 7p.m.;; CrookCounty at BurnsTournament, TBD;Madrasat Banks,7 p.m., CentralChristianat NorthLakeTournament, TBD CascadeatRidgeview5 pm.;MountainView at Mazama, 7:15 p.m.;Sweet Homeat Redmond,7 p.m., Gilchrist hostsGHStourney, TBA Girls basketball: Bend atNorth Medford, Mountain Viewat WilametteTournament, TBD; Sisters at Churchill, 5:15 pm.; Cascadeat Ridgeview, 7p.mzBanksat Madras, 7 p.m.; Central Christian atNorth LakeTournament, TBD;Sweet Home atRedm ond, 5 p.m.; Gilchrist hosts GHS tourney,TBA Wrestling: MountainViewat GlencoeTournament, TBD;Redmond, CrookCounty at Coast Classic in North Bend, 1p.m.; Ridgeview,Sisters, Gilchrist, Madrasat CulverTournament, 2p.m.
USAToday/ESPNTop 26Poll The top 25teamsin the USAToday-ESPNmen's collegebasketball poll, withfirst-placevotesin parentheses,recordsthroughDec.2, pointsbasedon 25 points for a first-place vote throughone point for a 25th-placevoteandlast week's ranking: R ecord Pts Pvs 1. Indiana(25 ) 8-0 768 1 2. Duke(6) 8-0 749 2 3. Michigan 7-0 7 01 3 4. Syracuse 5-0 660 5 5. Florida 6-0 629 7 6. Louisville 6-1 612 6 5-1 598 4 7. OhioState 5-0 5 6 4 9 8.Arizona 6-1 5 3 4 10 9.Kansas 8-0 5 2 2 12 10 Gonzaga 11. Missouri 6-1 4 2 7 15 12. Cincinnati 7-0 4 1 5 16 13 Creighton 7-1 2 9 9 11 14. Illinois 8-0 2 8 3 22 I5. SanDiegoState 5 - 1 270 21 16. NorthCarolina 6 2248 13 17. MichiganState 6 -2 222 14 18. UNLV 5-1 2 1 0 20 4-3 196 8 19 Kentucky 8-0 1 8 2 23 20. NewMexico 8 -1 14 9 21. Minnesota 22. Oklahoma State 5 - 1 122 17 23. Georgetown 5-1 1 2 1 25 24. N.C.State 4-2 1 1 5 18 25. NotreDame 7-1 92 Othersreceivingvotes:Pittsburgh89,Wichita State 47, Colorado 41, Oregon40,Uconn38,Virginia Tech 38, Alabama 27, Baylor 18,Wyoming 9, KansasState 8, MurrayState7, Butler 6, Miami5, Mississippi 5, Colorado State3, Memphis 3, BoiseState2, VCUI.
Thursday Boys basketball: Ridgeview (Fr) atTrinity Lutheran, 5 p.m.; Wrestling: Ridgeview atBend,7p.m; Gilchrist atLa Pine, 6p.m.;Summit atMadras, 7p.m. Swimming: Bend,Redmond,RidgeviewatRedmond, 2:45 p.m.;Sisters atMadras,4:45 p.m.
Poinsettia Bowl At San Diego San DiegoState (9-3) vs.BYU(7-5), 5p.m. (ESPN) Friday, Dec.21 Beef 'O' Brady'sBowl At St. Petersburg, Fla. Ball State(9-3) vs.UCF(9-4), 4:30p.m.(ESPN) Saturday, Dec.22 New OrleansBowl East Carolina(8-4) vs. Louisiana-Lafayette(7-4), 9 a.m. (ESP N) Las VegasBowl BoiseState(10-2) vs. Wa shington (7-5), 12:30p.m. (ESPN) Monday,Dec.24 HawaiiBowl At Honolulu SMU(6-6)vs.FresnoState(9-3) 5 p.m.(ESPN) Wednesday,Dec.26 Little CaesarsPizzaBowl At Detroit Central Michigan(6-6) vs. WesternKentucky(7-5), 430p.m.(ESPN) Thursday,Dec.27 Military Bowl At Washington BowlingGreen(8-4) vs.SanJoseState(10-2), noon (ESPN) Belk Bowl
22. NotreDame 7 -1 27 8 23. Oklahoma St. 5-1 263 15 8 -0 245 24. WichitaSt. 4-2 2 3 4 18 25. NCState Othersreceivingvotes:Kentucky186,Virginia Tech 170, Pittsburgh164,Oregon155,Alabama96, Uconn 92, Baylor49,Colorado44, BoiseSt. 22, Butler 18, Maryland9,Temple 9, Miami7, ColoradoSt.5, Wyoming 5,MurraySt.4, LSU1,Marquette1.
10 7
Card i nals Lions
Wom en's college
Monday's Games EAST Loyola(Md.)60, Lehigh48 NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE College Penn58,Bucknell 53,OT AR TimesPST Saturday Uconn63,Maryland48 p-Navy 7 .5 7 5 Army SOUTH AMERICA NCONFER ENCE p-Philadelphia,Pa. AppalachianSt.79, Georgia Southern47 East C ampbel 84, l Col u mbi a (SC)54 L T Pct PF PA Saturday,Dec.16 Coll. ofCharleston88, UNC-Greensboro 61 y-NewEngland 3 0 .750430 260 New MexicoBowl Elon 64,W.Carolina 48 N.y. Jets W 5 7 0 . 417 228 296 9 Arizona 7 .5 7 . 5 Nevada Hampton 70,SavannahSt. 40 Buffalo 7 0 . 417 277 337 FamousIdaho Potato Bowl Howard54,DelawareSt. 40 Miami 7 0 .417227 249 8 8 Toledo Miami68,AlcornSt.53 South Thursday,Dec.20 MorganSt.70, CoppinSt.63, OT L T Pct PF PA Poinsettia Bowl Sc State62,Norfolk St.59, OT 11 1 0 .917 351 221 W x-Houston 2.5 2 5 Sa n Diego StSC-Upstate54, UNCAshevile 52 Indianapolis 4 0 . 667 265 306 Friday, Dec.21 Samford65, Furman33 Tennesse e 2 8 0 .333 248 359 4 8 Beef 0 Brady'sBowl MIDWEST Jacksonvile 10 0 .167 206 342 7 7 Ball St Missouri 82,UTMartin 71 North Saturday,Dec.22 Saint Loui s 58, Il l .-chicago 49 L T P ct PF PA New OrleansBowl YoungstownSt.58, IUPUI57 Baltimore 3 0 . 750 303 242 UL-Lafayette 4.5 4 5 . E. Carolina W 77 5 0 .583254 230 9 FAR WEST Pittsburgh Las VegasBowl St.65,TennesseeSt.55 Cincinnati 5 0 . 583 302 260 Boise St 6.5 6 5 Was hington Montana Pacilic 74,SanJoseSt. 60 Cleveland 4 8 0 .333 229 265 Monday,Dec.24 West HawaiiBowl AP Women'sTop25 W L T P ct PF PA F resno St 1 1 5 1 1 5 Smu The top 25 teamsin theTheAssociated Press' y-Denver 9 3 0 . 750 349 244 At Charlotte, N.C. Wednesday,Dec.26 women'scollegebasketball poll, withlirst-placevotes San Diego 4 8 0 .333 258 257 Duke(6-6)vs.Cincinnati(9-3),3:30p.m.(ESPN) Little CaesarsPizzaBowl Oakland 3 9 0 .250235 376 Holiday Bowl W. Kentucky 6 6 C. Mic higan in parentheses,recordsthrough Dec.2, total points based on 25 points for afirst-place votethroughone Kansas Cit y 2 10 0 .167 188 322 At SanDiego Thursday,Dec.27 point for a 25th-placevoteandlast week's ranking: NATIONA LCONFER ENCE Baylor(7-5)vs.UCLA(9-4),6:45 pm.(ESPN) Military Bowl R ecord Pts Prv East Friday, Dec.28 SanJoseSt 75 7.5 Bowling Green 1. Stanford(22) 8-0 978 I L T P ct PF PA IndependenceBowl Belk Bowl 2. Uconn (17 ) 6-0 968 2 N.y. Giants 5 0 .583 321 243 Cincinnati 10.5 10 5 At Shreveporl, La. Duke 6-1 9 2 6 3 3. Bayl o (1) r Washington W 3 6 0 .500 312 301 Louisiana-Monroe(8-4) vs. Ohio (8-4), 11 a.m. 6 7 Holiday Bowl Duke 6-0 8 87 4 Dallas 6 0 .500280 295 Baylor 1 1 (ESPN) Ucla 4. 5. NotreDam e 5-0 831 5 Philadelphia 9 0 . 250 217 320 Friday, Dec.28 Russell Athletic Bowl 6. Georgi a 9-0 7 7 2 8 South At Orlando, Fla. Independence Bowl 7. Kentucky 6-1 7 5 9 9 L T P ct PF PA UL-Monroe 6 6 Virginia Tech (6-6) vs. R utgers (9-3), 2:30 p.m. (ES P N ) 11 1 0 .917 317 229 W 8. Louisville 8-1 691 7 y-Atlanta MeinekeCarCareBowl Russell Athletic Bowl 4-1 6 55 1 1 TampaBay 6 0 .500333 285 At Houston Virginia Tech 1 1 Rutgers 9. Maryland 6-1 5 9 0 6 10.Penn St. NewOrleans 3 7 0 .417321 327 Minnesota(6-6)vs.TexasTech(7-5), 6p.m.(ESPN) 5 6 MeinkeCarCareBowl 6-1 5 7 7 10 Carolina 9 0 .250 235 292 Saturday,Dec.29 Texas Tech 1 3 13 Minn esota 11. California 6-0 5 2 2 13 12. Texas North ArmedForcesBowl Saturday,Dec.29 7-1 4 97 12 13 Oklahoma L T Pct PF PA At Fort Worth,Texas ArmedForcesBowl 6-1 4 7 8 16 ssee GreenBay 4 0 . 667 296 259 Rice (6-6)vs.Air Force(6-6), 8:45a.m.(ESPN) I I Air Force 14. Tenne 7 -1 4 2 6 14 15 Purdue Chicago W 4 4 0 .667294 198 6 8 Fight HungerBowl Fight HungerBowl 16. Oklahoma St. 5-0 3 4 5 18 Minnesota 6 0 .500 262 272 ArizonaSt NL NL At SanFrancisco 17. Kansas 7-0 3 3 3 20 Detroit 8 0 .333300 315 Arizona State (7-5) vs. Navy (74), 12:15 p.m Pinstripe Bowl 4-1 3 3 3 19 West (ESPN2) W.Virginia 4 4 Syracuse 17. UCLA 19. Dayton 9-0 2 4 8 23 W L T Pct PF PA Pinstripe Bowl Alamo Bowl 20. Ohi o St. 5-2 1 9 0 15 San Francisco 8 3 I . 7 08289 171 At Newyork OregonSt I 1 Seattle 7 5 0 . 583 242 202 Syracuse(7-5) vs. WestVirginia (7-5), 12:15 p.m. Buffalo Wild WingsBowl 21. NorthCarolina 7 -1 181 22 5-0 1 7 7 24 S t. Louis 5 6 1 .458221 267 2 2 Mich igan St 22. IowaSt. (ESPN) Tcu 5 -1 1 6 0 Arizona 4 8 0 .333 186 234 Alamo Bowl 23. Miami Monday,Dec.31 7 -0 12 7 x-clinched playoff spot 24. FloridaSt. At SanAntonio Music City Bowl 6-2 1 0 7 21 y-clinched division 25. Nebraska Texas(8-4)vs.OregonState(9-3), 3:45p.m.(ESPN) Vanderbilt 6 6 Others receivingvotes WestVirginia 68,Texas Buffalo Wild WingsBowl Sun Bowl Monday'sGame At Tempe,Ariz. NL N L Ge orgia TechABM 59,SouthCarolina40, St.John's32, Delaware Washington17,N.Y.Giants16 MichiganState(6-6) vs.TCU(7-5), 7:15p.m.(ESPN) 15,DePaul9,MichiganSt.4,Syracuse4,Duquesne3, Liberly Bowl Thursday'sGame Tulsa GeorgiaTech3, Arkansas2, Chattanooga2, Utah1. Monday,Dec.31 25 25 Chick-Fil-A Bowl Denver atOakland,5: 20 p.m. Music City Bowl Sunday'sGames At Nashville, Tenn. 4 4 Clemson DEALS Chicago at Minnesota,10a.m. Vanderbilt (8-4)vs.N.C.State (7-5), 9a.m.(ESPN) Tuesday,Jan.1 Sun Bowl Heart of Dallas Bowl Ba timoreatWashington, 10a.m. At El Paso,Texas KansasCityatCleveland, 10a.m. OklahomaSt 18 18 Transactions GeorgiaTech(6-7) vs.SouthernCal(7-5), 11 am San Diego atPittsburgh,10a.m. Gator Bowl BASEBALL Tennessee atlndianapois, 10a.m. (CBS) Mississippi St 2 2 Nort hwestern American League N.y.JetsatJacksonvile,I0 a.m. Liberly Bowl OutbackBowl BOSTON RE D SOX— Agreedto terms with OF Atlantaat Carolina,10 a.m. At Memphis, Tenn. S. Carolina 4 . 5 45 Michigan Mitch Maier,RHPTerry Doyle, INFDrew Sutton, RHP Capital OneBowl Philadelphiaat TampaBay,10 a.m. lowaState(6-6) vs.Tulsa(10-3),12:30 p.m.(ESPN) OscarVilareal andRH PJose DeLaTorre on minorSt. LouisatBuffalo,10a.m. Chick-fil-A Bowl Georgia 9 9 league contracts. At Atlanta Dallas atCincinnati,10 a.m. Rose Bowl TEXASRANGERS—Agreed totermswith 0 GeoMiami atSanFrancisco,1:05 p.m. LSU(10-2)vs.Clemson(10-2),4;30 p.m.(ESPN) Stanford 6 6 Wisc onsin vanySoioonaone-yearcontract. Arizona at Seatt e,1:25 p.m. Tuesday,Jan. 1 OrangeBowl TORONT OBLUEJAYS—ClaimedCEli Whiteside 1 4 1 4 NewOrleansatN.y. Giants,1:25 p.m. Heart of Dallas Bowl Florida St off waiversfromtheN.Y.Yankees. At Dallas Wednesday,Jan. 2 Detroit atGreenBay, 5:20p.m. National League Monday,Dec.10 Purdue(6-6)vs.OklahomaState(7-5), 9a.m.(ESPNU) SugarBowl ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS— Sold the contract 1 45 14 5 Louisville Housto natNew England,5:30 p.m. Gator Bowl of RHPBradBergesento Chunichi (Central LeagueThursday,Jan.3 At Jacksonville, Fla. Japan). Monday'sSummary MississippiState(8-4)vs.Northwestem(9-3), 9a.m. Fiesta Bowl ATLANTABRAVES Promoted minor league (ESPN2) 8 8 KansasSt strengthandconditioning coordinatorRickSlateto Capital OneBowl Cotton Bowl RedSkinS17, GiatttS16 director ofstrengthandconditioning. At Orlando, Fla. TexasA8M 3 .5 3 . 5 SANDIEG OPADRES—Agreedto termswith RHP Georgia(11-2)vs Nebraska(10-3),10 am.(ABC) Saturday,Jan.6 N.y. Giants 3 10 3 0 — 1 6 JasonMarquisonaone-yearcontract. OutbackBowl CompassBowl Washington 7 3 0 7 — 17 WASHING TON NATIONALS — Agreedto terms At Tampa,Fla. 2 2 Pittsburgh First Quarter with LHP ZachDukeonaone-yearcontract. South Carol i na (10-2) vs. Mi c hi g an (8-4), 10 a.m. Sunday,Jan. 6 NVG —FGTynes39,6.22. BASKETBALL Go Daddy.comBowl (ESPN) Was Morgantumblerecovery in endzone(ForNational Basketball Association ArkansasSt 2 2 Rose Bowl bath kick),4:16 H OUSTO N R O C K ETS—RecalledFTerrenceJones At Pasadena,Calil. Monday,Jan. 7 SecondOuarter from RioGrandeValley(NBADL). S tanford (11-2) vs Wi s consi n (8-5), 2 p.m. (ES P N ) BCS Champi o nshi p NYG —Bennett 4 passfromManning(Tyneskick) FOOTBALL OrangeBowl Alabama 8.5 9 Notr e Dame 2:32. National Football League At Miami Was —FGForbath33,:41. BUFFALO BILLS Released LBKirk Mornson. Northernlllinois (12-1) vs.FloridaState(11-2), 5.30 NYG —FGTynes40,:00. CAROLINA PANTHERS — PlacedS SherrodMarBASKETBALL p.m. (ESP N) Third Oearter tin on injuredreserve. Wednesday, Jan. 2 NYG —FGTynes35,3:09. NEW VORKJETS—SignedLBJacquiesSmith to SugarBowl Men's college Fourth Quarter the practicesquad. At NewOrleans Was Garcon 8passfromGriffin III (Forbathkick) Monday's Games Florida(11-1)vs.Louiswlle (10-2), 5:30p.m.(ESPN) PHILADELP HIA EAGLES — Fired defensive line 11:31. EAST Thursday,Jan.3 coachJimWashburn NamedTommyBrashear defenA—80,246. Monmouth (NJ)77, Binghamton 65 sive linecoach.SignedOTMat Kopafromthe New Fiesta Bowl Syracuse 84 E.Michigan48 Englandpracticesquad. At Glendale, Ariz. NYG W as SOUTH HOCKEY KansasState (11-1) vs Oregon(11-1), 5:30 p.m First downs 21 20 Bethu ne-Cookman86,Stetson63 NationalHockeyLeague (ESPN) TotalNetyards 3 90 37 0 Gardner-Webb 77,Virginia-Wise 58 EDMONTONOILERS— Reassigned RW ToniRaFriday, Jan. 4 Rushes-yards 29-117 31-207 Jacksonville89,FloridaChristian66 Cotton Bowl jalafrom OklahomaCity(AHL) to Stockton(ECHL). Passing 2 73 16 3 McNeese St.73,Texas-Tyler 47 At Arlington, Texas NEW YORKISLANDERS Reassigned FJason PuntReturns 2 -11 3 - 2 1 TexasA8M(102) vs Oklahom Norfolk St 78, SC State 72 Clark fromBridgeport (AHL)to Gwinnett (ECHL). a(10 2),5 p m.(Fox) KickoffReturns 4 83 2 - 59 TennesseeTech69, Berea45 ST. LOUISBLUES Reassigned F Stefan Della Saturday,Jan. 6 0-0 0-0 InterceptionsRet. MIDWEST BBVACompassBowl Rovere, FSebastian WannstromandD Brett Ponich Comp-Att-Int 20-33-0 13-21-0 Bowling Green 54, W ri g ht St. 41 At Birmingham,Ala. from Peori(AHL) a toEvansvi le(ECHL). 1-7 Sacked-Yards Lost 0-0 Pittsburgh(6-6)vs.Mississippi (6-6),10a.m.(ESPN) Nebraska63,SouthernCal51 SOCCER Punts 3-49.3 3-42 0 FAR WEST Sunday,Jan. 6 Major League Soccer 0-0 2-1 Fumbles-Lost S an Di e go St. 74, T e xa s S out h em 6 2 GoDaddy.comBowl CHICAGO FIRE— Declinedoptions onDGonzalo Penalties-Yards 9 -73 4 - 56 At Mobile, Ala. Segar es,MFCorbenBoneandGJayNolly. Time ofPossession 33;13 2 6'47 AP Top25 Kent State(11-2) vs. ArkansasState(9-3), 6 p.m. D.c. UNITED — Declinedoptions on D Mike The top25teamsinTheAssociated Press'college Chabala, DEmiliano Dudar,M StephenKingand F (ESPN) INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS basketbal l poll, with first-pl a ce votes i n parentheses, Monday,Jan.7 MaiconSantos. RUSHING —N.y. Giants: Bradshaw24-103, Wilrecords throughDec. 2, total points basedon 25 BCSNational Championship PORTLAND TIMBERS — Acquired allocation son 4-9,Manning1-5.Washington: Morris22-124, points for a first-placevotethrough onepoint for a money At Miami andhomegrownrights to DBryan Gagegofrom Griffin III 5-72,Young2-8, Royster1-3, Moss1-0. Notre Dame (12-0) vs Alabama (12-1), 5:30 pm 25th-placevoteandlast week's ranking: NewYorkfor DKosukeKimuraanda 2013secondPASSING —N.y. Giants: Manning 20-33-0R ecord Pts P r v round draft pick Declinedcontract optionsfor M/D (ESPN) 280 Washington:Griffin 11 113-21-0-163 1. Indiana(45 ) 8-0 1,6 0 5 I LovelPalmerandDStevePurdy. 2. Duke (20) 8-0 1 , 577 2 RECEIVING —N.y. Giants: Cruz5-104,Bennet REALSALTLAKE— TradedF Fabian Espindola 5-82, Nicks 5-43, Bradshaw2-13, Pascoe1-16, Randle Betting line 3. Michigan 7-0 1 ,467 3 and DJamisonOlaveto Newyork, andMWil John1-13,Jernigan1-9 Washington: Garcon8-106,Mor4. Syracuse 5-0 1 ,384 6 son toPortlandfor alocation money NFL 5. Louisvile 6-1 1 , 332 5 gan2-17,young1-15,Hankerson1-14, Paulsen1-11. (Hometeamsin Caps) SPORTING KANSAS CITY —TradedM Michael Florida 6-0 1 ,324 7 MISSEDFIELD GOALS—N.y. Giants: Tynes Favorite O p e n CurrentUnderdog 6. Harringtonto Portlandforallocation money. 7. OhioSt. 5-1 1 , 254 4 43 (WL). Thursday T ORONT O F c — TradedDAaron Maund to Real 5-0 1 , 190 9 Sa t Lake Broncos 10 . 5 11 RAIDERS 8. Arizona tor FJustin Braun. 9.Kansas 6 -1 1 ,079 1 0 Sunday VANCOUVERWHITECAPS— Traded M/F Atiba a 8 -0 1 ,054 1 2 College NL NL Ravens REDSKINS 10. Gonzag Harris toColoradofor aninternational rosterspot. 7-0 9 1 9 17 11 Cincinnati BROWNS 5 5 Chiels Bowl Glance COLLEGE 6-1 8 6 6 16 Missouri STEELERS N L NL Chargers 12. Subject to Change FLORIDA —NamedJoker Philips receiverscoach 8-0 6 5 4 22 5 5 Titans 13. Illinois COLTS AR TimesPST and recrui t ing coordi n ator. 8-1 5 8 4 21 Jets 2 2. 5 JAGUARS 14. Minnesota Saturday,Dec.16 IDAHO —Named Paul Petrino football coach. 5-1 5 4 5 20 15. Georgetown VIKINGS Bears 25 3 New MexicoBowl MISSOURI Announcedtheresignation of of7-1 4 6 9 11 16. Creighton Falcons 3 5 3.5 PANTHE RS At Albuquerque SanDiegoSt. 5 1410 23 fensivecoordinator DavidYost. BUCCANE ERS 7 7 Eagles 17. Nevada(7-5) vsArizona(7 5),10 a.m.(ESPN) SOUTH CAROLINA—Signedfootball coachSteve 8-0 4 0 2 25 New Mexico BILLS 3 3 Rams 18. FamousIdaho Potato Bowl 6-2 3 4 7 13 Spurrier to a two-yearcontractextensionthrough 19. Michigan St. BENGALS 3 3 Cowboys At Boise, Idaho 6 2321 14 2017. 49ERS Dolphins 20. NorthCarolina 10.5 10.5 Toledo(9-3)vs.UtahState(10-2),1:30 pm.(ESPN) SYRAC USE— Named Cedric Solicewomen's as5-1 2 8 5 24 GIANTS NL NL Saints 21. UNLV Thursday,Dec.20 sistantbasketballcoach.
Napoli to Red Sox, Loney off to Rays
azerssorm ac o ea The Associated Press CHARLOTTE, N.C. — After playing six games in eight days on the East coast, you might think the travel weary Portland Trail Blazers might be ready to run out of steam.
Hardly. LaMarcus Aldridge had 25 points and 13 rebounds, Luke Babbitt hit a pair of clutch 3pointers and Portland overcame an 18-point fourth-quarter deficit to beat the Charlotte Bobcats 118-112 in overtime Monday night. The Blazers trailed 97-79 with 5:17 left in regulation, but stormed back to tie the score and sent it into overtime on Babbitt's 3 with 22 seconds left. "We showed a lot of heart and determination," Aldridge said. To win their second straight game the Blazers had to find a way to stop Ben Gordon, who set a Bobcats' franchise record with eight 3pointers and finished with 29 points to eclipse 10,000 for his career. Damian Lillard scored 24 points and Nicolas Batum added 17 points and 13 rebounds for the Blazers, who finish their seven-game road trip at Indiana on Wednesday. "We are showing that anything is possible if we crack down and we play defense," Aldridge said. "Down the stretch we were aggressive, hit the board and started trapping off the pick and roll. We had to make Ben Gordon and (Kemba) Walker pass the balL" Batum opened overtime with a big 3-pointer and the Blazers never trailed again. Babbitt later added a clutch 3-ball to push the lead to four and Wesley Matthews finished off the Bobcats by hitting four of four free throws in the final 53 seconds. Charlotte had a chance to win at the end of regulation but Kemba Walker's drive and fallaway jumper from the baseline didn't fall. The Bobcats wanted to get the ball to Gordon for the last shot, but he was well covered. Walker penetrated, pump-faked and got a
good shot off that didn't go down. Walker finished with 22 points and seven assists for the Bobcats. Byron Mullens added 12 points and 12 rebounds. Gordon, who is shooting 49 percent from 3point range this season, began to heat up late in the third quarter and gave the Bobcats a fivepoint lead to open the fourth. Charlotte carried the momentum into the final period opening with a flurry and pushing the lead to 18. That's when Blazers coach Terry Slots told his players during a timeout that "a lot can
By Ben Walker The Associated Press
N ASHVILLE, Tenn . — The Boston Red Sox be-
$ h..
gan to play catch-up by get-
happen." In other Monday games: Pistons..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Cavaliers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 AUBURN HILLS, Mich. — Brandon Knight scored 17 points, Kyle Singler and Tayshaun Prince had 15 apiece and Detroit beat Cleveland for its fifth straight home win. Hornets...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Bucks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 NEW ORLEANS — Ryan Anderson scored 22 points, Robin Lopez added 21 and New Orleans won for only the second time in 11
ConferenceGlance AllTimesPST EASTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-Miami 12 3 800 d-New York 12 4 .7 5 0 '/~ Brooklyn 0 5 .68 8 1 ' / ~ d-Chicago 8 7 533 4 Atlanta 9 5 .6 4 3 2 ' /~ Philadelphia 10 7 .5 8 8 3 Boston 9 8 529 4 Milwaukee 8 8 .50 0 4 ' / z Indiana 8 9 .4 7 1 5 Charlotte 7 9 .4 3 8 5 ' /~ Orlando 7 1 0 . 412 6 Detroit 6 13 316 8 Cleveland 4 1 4 . 2 2 2 9 '/~ Toronto 4 1 4 . 2 2 2 9 ' /z Washington 1 1 3 0 7 1 1 0'/~ WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB 12 3 14 4 14 4 11 6 10 7 9 9 8 8 9 10 8 9 8 9 7 8
B00 .7 7 8 .77 8 647 .5 8 8 .50 0 500 . 474 .47 1 .4 7 1 .46 7
fielder Angel Pagan, while
Magic ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Warriors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 OAKLAND, Calif. — Glen Davis and Arron Afflalo scored 24 points apiece, and Orlando outlasted Golden State for its second straight victory. Nuggets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Raptors...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 DENVER — Corey Brewer scored 19 points, JaVale McGee had 17 points and five blocks, and Denver withstood a late rally to beat Toronto.
the Texas Rangers brought back catcher Geovany Soto and made a deal for injured closer Joakim Soria. Top free a g ent J o sh Hamilton remained in play after hitting 43 home runs with 128 RBIs for the Rangers last season. "I saw Josh on the flight here Sunday by accident. Coincidence, I guess, is a better word than accident," Texas general m a nager Jon Daniels said. "Chatted with him a little bit in the airport. I know he's here probably to meet with some other teams." Quite a contrast to last year's session, when the Miami Marlins often appeared to be the only player with
Clippers ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 105 Jazz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 SALT LAKE CITY — Blake Griffin scored 30 points, Jamal Crawford added 20 off the bench and Los Angeles handed Utah its first loss at home this season.
B 7 5 4
10 11 0 12
. 44 4 . 389 .31 3 . 250
6 7 8 9
Monday's Games portland 08, charlotte 02, QT Detroit89, Cleveland79 NewOrleans102, Milwaukee81 Denver u3,Toronto110 LA. Clippers105,Utah104 Orlando102,GoldenState94 Today's Games MinnesotaatPhiladelphia, 4p.m. Miami atWashington, 4p.m. Oklahoma City atBrooklyn,4:30 p.m. IndianaatChicago,5p.m. LA. Lakersat Houston, 5p.m. Phoeni xatMemphis,5p.m.
Summaries Monday'sgames
2' / ~ 3 '/z 5 5 5 ' /z 5 i/v 5 ' /~ 5 '/z
Blazers 118, Bobcats 112 (OT) PORTLAND (118)
Batum5-144-417, Aldridge12-171-1 25, Hickson1-5 0-0 2,Lillard 6-1611-1424, Matthews6-15 4-419, Leonard2-40-1 4, Barton3-5 0-27, Smith 1-40-02, Babbit3-50-09, t Pavlovic1-30-03, Freeland 3-4 0-06. Totals 43-92 20-26 118.
CHARLOTTE (112) Kidd-Gilchrist 4-8 0-0 8, Mullens5-14 0-1 12, Haywood3-42-28, Walker9-193-522, Taylor4-10 2-2 1L Gordon9-163-3 29, Sessions2-9 7-9 u, Henderson2-40-0 5, Biyombo3-40-0 6, Diop0-0 0 00 Totals 41-8817-22112. Portland 26 25 19 32 16 — 118 Charlotte 34 20 21 27 10 — 112 3-Poni Goal— s Portland 12-35(Babbitt 3-4, Matthews3-9,Batum3-9, Barton1-2, Pavlovic1-2, Lilard 1-8, Smith 0-1), Charlotte13-27(Gordon8-12, Mullens 2-6, Henderson1-1, Walker 1-3,Taylor1-4, Sessions 0-1). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Portland58(Aldridge,Batum13),Charlotie 49(Mullens12). Assists-
Portland2B(Lilard 9), charlotte28(sessions 9).Total Fouls —Portland 20, Charlotte 19. Technicals—CharloNe defensivethreesecondz A—12,640(19,077).
Nuggets 113, Raptors 110 TORONTO (110) Pietrus1-5 0-03, Bargnani 10-201-223, Valatciunas3-51-2 7, Lowry6-1611-1124, DeR ozan8131-1 1B,Johnson5-70-011, Calderon1-41-1 4, Davis 3-50-0 6, Ross4-82-212, Lucas1-30-0 z Totals 42-86 17-19 110.
DENVER (113) Gallinari 4-103-413,Faried5-0 B-u 18, Koufos 4-12 2-610,Lawson6-151-216, Iguodala1-52-2 4, McGee 4-5 9-1617, Brewer9-15 0-019, A.Mil er3-4 2-28,Hamilton4-80-08 Totals40-8527-43113. Toronto 24 20 31 35 — 110 Denver 29 32 28 24 — 113
"'" ' ""' Pens e esln Syracuse cruises to victory The Associated Press SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Michael Carter-Williams had 11 points and 11 assists, freshman Jerami Granthad a season-high 11 points and two blocks, and No. 4 Syracuse beat Eastern Michigan 84-48 on Monday night.
Syracuse (6-0) has won 48 straightnonconference games and boosted its home winning streak to 26 games. Eastern Michigan had 24 turnovers and was outscored 31-9 on the miscues. Freshman Dajuan Coleman had a season-high 14 points and Brandon Triche finished with 12 for the Orange. Also on Monday: No.17San DiegoState......74 T exas Southern ...... . . . . . . 62 SAN DIEGO — J a m aal Franklin had 18 points and 15 rebounds and Chase Tapley scored 16 points to lead San Diego State. DeShawn Stephens added 13 points and Dwayne Polee had 10 for the
Aztecs (6-1). N ebraska..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 U SC..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 LINCOLN, Neb. — Ray Gallegos scored 2 0 p o i nts and made a career-high six 3pointers to lead Nebraska to a victory over Southern California. The Huskers, who came into the game shooting just 29.8 percent on 3s, made a season-high 11 of 17.
ting All-Star catcher Mike Napoli, Tampa Bay took a chance on James Loney and the New York Yankees preparedformore time minus Alex Rodriguez during a brisk Monday at baseball's winter meetings. Soon after the Hall of Fame welcomed three new members from long ago, teams got busy. The World Series champion San Francisco Giants kept center
Chuck 6urton /The Associated Press
Portland Trail Blazers' Damian Lillard(0) drives in to dunk as Charlotte Bobcats' Byron Mullens (22) watches during the second half of Monday's game in Charlotte, N.C. The Trail Blazers won 118-112 in overtime.
NBA SCOREBOARD Portland Phoenix NewOrleans Sacramento d-divisionleader
By jenna Fryer
The Associated Press
Nearly 12 weeks after winning his first IndyCar championship, Ryan HunterReay will finally get to accept his trophy in a ceremony at Indianapolis Motor
Speedway. At least for one night, the attention will be on Hunter-Reay and everything that went right last season in IndyCar. Thursday's celebration will be a welcome respite from the controversy that's engulfedthe series since the season ended in September. IndyCar's management has been nothing short of a disaster since the season ended with the Hulman 8 Co. board of directors stumbling along until CEO Randy Bernard was let go. The board let Bernard twist for months, bungled its handling of the rumors surrounding his fate, and then tried to paint his hurried Oct. 28 dismissal as a "mutual separation," infuriating fans of the series. When the dust settled, Bernard was gone, series founder Tony George had been ousted from his seat on the board over his rejected $5 million cash offer to buy back IndyCar, powerful team owner Roger Penske had assailed the board's credibility over the Bernard firing and fans were threatening to never watch another race again. Penske left little doubt he still harbors ill will over the handling of the situation when he picked up his first Sprint Cup championship at the NASCAR awards ceremony in Las Vegas last week. He took a moment to thank the France family for their contributions to the series and said of NASCAR: "You guys are great. You continue to invest, and reinvest, in the greatest motorsports business in the world." Ouch. Penske is crafty, and he loves IndyCar, so he managed to turn the talk to his beloved Indianapolis 500 before the night was over by offering three-time NASCAR champion Tony Stewart the chance to drive for him next May. Just like that, IndyCar had some posi-
Clippers 105, Jazz 104
Pistons 89, Cavaliers 79
LA. CLIPPERS (105) Butler 2-80-0 5,Grifir 14-202-3 30,Jordan1-3 1-23, Paul7-140-014, Billups2-54-59, Crawford 7-19 4-4 20, Odom3-5 1-1 7, Batnes2-6 3-6 7, Bledsoe4-92-310, Turiaf0-0 0-00. Totals 42-89 17-24105. UTAH (104) Caaol 2-30-05, Milisap5-93-513, Jefferson817 0-016, M.Wiliams7-11 3-320, Foye7-112-3 19, Hayward6-10 3-417, Evans3-30-0 6, Watson 0-1 0-00, Kanter4-60-08, Burks0-30-00. Totals 42-7411-15 104. LA. Clippers
CLEVELAND(79) Casspi 4-110-0 10, Thompson 4-13 2-2 10, Varejao 7-183-617, Pargo4-132-4 10,Gee2-10 2-2 6, Miles3-62-28,1eller4-80-08,Samuels0-20-0 0, Gibson1-60-0 3, Sloan3-81-1 7. Totals 32-95 12-1779.
DETROIT (89) Prince6-102215, Max> eii 6-120012, Monroe 4-10 1-3 9,Knight 5-137 7 17,Singlet 614 0 0 15, Stuckey4-9 0-1 8, Drumm ond 3-81-4 7, Maggette 1-2 2-2 4, jiillanueva 1-6 0-0 z Totals 36-84 1319 89. Cleveland Detroit
Hornets 102, Bucks 81
Magic 102, Warriors 94
MILWAUKE(81) E Daniels1-30-02,Henson1-5 0-22,Udoh2-73-3 7, Jennings10-230-2 25,Ellis 5-125-617, llyasova 0-22-22, MbahaMoute3-91-27, Sanders3 82-2 8, l.amb 2-30-04, Duneavy2-41-26, Harris0-01-2 L Przybilla 0-00-00. Totals 29-7615-2381. NEWORLE ANS(102) Aminu 4-7 0-0 9,Anderson9-142-2 22, Lopez 8-10 5-521,Vasquez5-9 0-0 11, Mason2-60-05, Smith 5-122-212, Henry1-60-0 2, Rivers0-50-0 0, Thomas 4 52210, Roberts57 0 010, Miler 01 0-0 0.Totals43-82 11-11 102. Milwaukee 28 22 17 14 — 81 Neworleans 30 2 3 24 25 — 102
ORLANDO (102) Harkless1-50-0 2, Daws10-20 4-424, jiucevic 6-12 2-314, Nelson3-120-17, Afflalo 9-164-424, Jones0 00 00, Redick7-134422, Ayon 2-3004, Nicholson1-50-02, Moore1-60-03. Totals 40-92 14-16 102. GOLDEN STATE(94) Barnes4-80-2 9, Lee9-16 4-622, Ezeli 2-50-0 4, Curry9-21 4-525, Thompson3-120-08, Biedrins 0-1 00 0,Jack610 4417, Landry481-1 9, Green 0-0 0-0 0, Jenkins0-0 0-0 0, Bazemore 0-0 0-0 0. Totals37-81 13-1894. Orlando 28 23 18 33 — 102 GoldenState 27 20 22 25 — 94
arsome uzz
ter with the Swiss driver. It's a big pickup for a team that split with team manager Mark Johnson, laid off dozens of employtive press just as its banquet puts the series ees and parted ways with E J Viso and Rubriefly back into the spotlight. Although bens Barrichello at the end of last season. • Graham Rahal signed with Rahal Stewart has yet to publicly respond to Penske's offer, Indianapolis Motor Speed- Letterman Lanigan Racing, where he will way started an online petition where fans drive a full season for his father Bobby can encourage thetwo-time Brickyard Rahal for the first time in his career. On 400 winner to accept the ride. Monday, the team picked up veteran engiShould Stewartpass, drivers were us- neer Eddie Jones as it begins to build the ing Twitter on Monday to inform Penske infrastructure for a planned second entry. they wanted the seat. Among them were Jones was Barrichello's engineer last seaChip Ganassi Racing development driver son with KV Racing. • Andretti Autosport said Monday it Kyle Larson, Conor Daly, who spent this year in Formula One support series GP3, will run 17-year-old Zach Veach in Indy and NASCAR driver Brian Vickers, who Lights next season with sponsorship from tried to put together an Indy 500 deal last K12. Veach will be teammates with 20May but was stymied by IndyCar's en- year-old Carlos Munoz, whom the team gine shortage. had previously announced it will enter in "I'm serious about Indy. Would do it in the Indy 500. • AJ Foyt Racing said last week it will a heartbeat, was not just tweeting to be funny," Vickers said Monday. enter Indy Lights in 2014 with Timothy And broadcast partner ABC seemed Paul,who spend next year in both F2000 amenable to discussions with IMS about and USF2000 preparing for his partnermoving up the start time of the 500 to ac- ship with Foyt. It will be Foyt's return to commodate Stewart (or Vickers or Casey the Lights series after a 10-year absence. • The Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Mears or AJ Allmendinger or Danica Patrick or Sam Hornish Jr.— because there's Prix signed Detroit-based Quicken Loans a list of NASCAR drivers with open- as presentingsponsor ofits doubleheader wheel experience who could theoretically races next June. now be thinking about trying to run both On the series management side, Inthe IndyCar race and NASCAR's Coca- dianapolis Motor Speedway CEO Jeff Cola 600). Belskus is acting as interim CEO of the "ABC/ESPN would e nthusiastically IndyCar Series. It's the same role he filled support the opportunity for said driver(s) when George was removed as head of the to participate in both the Indianapolis 500 series by his mother and three sister in and the Coca-Cola600. We have strong 2009 until Bernard was hired in 2010. partnerships with the league and speedBut Belskus was replaced late last way," said Julie Sobieski, ESPN vice pres- month by Mark Miles as CEO of Hulman ident, programming & acquisitions. 8 Co., and it's not clear what changes IMS has not said if it's willing to move Miles could make when he officially starts its start time, and the Indy 500 is a strong later this month. Miles most recently led enough race that it doesn't need this ad- the city of Indianapolis' successful Super ditional buzz. Bowl effort. But this shot to the arm right now is On Monday, IndyCar closed the threegood for IndyCar, even as its teams had person office Bernard had established in been doing their part to continue press- Los Angeles. The L.A. office was expecting ahead despite the turmoil. Among the ed to help promote next summer's release many moves already: of the IndyCar-themed animated Dream• KV Racing signed Simona deSilves- Works movie "Turbo," but those efforts tro and has already tested twice this win- will now be handled in Indianapolis.
their high-priced splashes. This time, inside the vast Opryland Hotel complex that houses a studio for famed country music station WSM, several teams had a grand ole time. Coming off a last-place finish, Boston tried to resolve its catching situation. Napoli got a 839 million, three-year contract, a person familiar with the deal told The Associated Press. " Awesome addition t o our team!" Red Sox pitcher Jon Lester tweeted. The Red Sox are aiming at another prize, too, exploring trade possibilities to pry Cy Young Award winner R.A. Dickey from the New York Mets. Boston GM Ben Cherington didn't mention the knuckleballer by name, simply saying the price for pitching was "always steep for the better guys." Mets manager Terry Coll ins, meanwhile, left t h e trade talk to others. "Anybody, anything can happen anytime.I' ve been
in the game long enough to understand that," he said. "I don't think as managers we can sit here and get caught up on one move or another move and say, well, this iswe can't worry about that. We've got to worry about what we have and h ow we're going to get better. "When we go to spring training, I'm goingto look at the names on those lockers, and I'm going to figure out what we've got to do to be successful with the names on the lockers, depending on who they are," he added. Also in play, maybe: Marlins pitcher Ricky Nolasco. Nolasco, who went 12-13 with a 4.48 ERA this year and is signed for $11.5 million next season, asked the
payroll-slashing Marlins to deal him in the wake of trades that jettisoned Jose Reyes, Mark Buehrle, Heath Bell and Josh Johnson. The Yankees know Rod riguez won't be i n t h e
lineup on opening day.
T he 3 7 -year-old t h i r d baseman, looking nothing like the slugger who ranks fifth on the career list with 647 homers, will have surgery on his left hip and could be out until the AllStar break. The first announcement at the meetings podium came from the Hall of Fame, which said its pre-integration panel had elected former Yankees owner Jacob Ruppert, longtime umpire Hank O'Day and barehanded catcher Deacon White. They were honored for their a chievements before t h e first half of the 20th century.
'I ;Im+,g' Evan Vucci /TheAssociated Press
Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III(10) is pulled down by New York Giants strong safety Stevie Brown (27) during the second half of Monday night's game in Landover, Md. The Redskins won 17-16.
Re s inscoseinon ivision- ea in Giants By Joseph White
The Associated Press
LANDOVER, Md. — Robert Griffin III went down, the ball popped out, and the Washington Redskins scored a touchdown. Look out, New York Giants and the rest of the NFC East. If the rookie quarterback keeps getting those kinds of breaks, it'll be hard to keep him out of the title hunt for years to come. As it is, RG3 has the Redskins within a game of first place, leading a fourth-quarter rally in a 17-16 Monday night victory over the Giants, giving Washington a three-game winning streak in which it has dispatched division rivals — Philadelphia, Dallas and now New York — one by one. "We know that our backs are against the wall," Griffin said. "And even though we won tonight, our backs are still against the wall."
The Redskins(6-6) appeared out of the running at 3-6 a month ago, but Griffin is proving his team can never be counted out when he's on the field. With the Giants (7-5) losing three of four and the Cowboys (6-6) also at .500, the divi-
sion is up for grabs. Griffin did get another of his goals accomplished Monday by assuring Washington will win more games than last season's 5-11 team. "You can put acheck by that one, but there's a lot more goals that this team is stretching for and striving for," Griffin said. Griffin completed D of 21 passes for 163 yards and ran five times for 72 yards, breaking Cam Newton's NFL record for yards rushing by a rookie quarterback. His top target again was Pierre Garcon, who had eight receptions for 106 yards and a touchdown, showing no signs of the painful toe injury that forced him to miss six of the season's first nine games. A lfred Morris ran for 124 yards on 22 carries, becoming the second Redskins rookie to run for 1,000 yards. Reggie Brooks had
1,063 in 1993. Washington also ended a 10-game home losing streak in Monday night games, with Griffin again showing his knack for win-
ning on a big stage.
Eli Manning completed 20 of 33 passes for 280 yards and a touchdown for the Giants, who had won 26 in a row on the road when holding a halftime lead. They were ahead 13-10 at the break Monday against the Redskins, but they failed to finish the job for the first time since blowing a 21-0 halftime lead in a 24-21 loss to Tennessee in 2006. Ahmad Bradshaw ran for 103 yards on 24 carries,and Victor Cruz had five catches for 104 yards for the Giants, who were uncharacteristically penalty-prone, getting flagged nine times for 73 yards. The Giants moved the ball well all game, but the drives produced three field goals by Lawrence Tynes and only one touchdown — Manning's 4-yard pass to Martellus Bennett late in the first half. The game's final score was Griffin's 8yard pass to Garcon early in the fourth quarter, but the Redskins' first touchdown was one of the evening's crazy moments. On second-and-2 from the New York 28, Griffin ran to his left and was being tackled by Stevie Brown after what would have been a 12-yard gain. But as Griffin fell with his back to the ground, the ball popped out and went right on the fly to Washington receiver Joshua Morgan 3 yards farther upfield. Morgan then ran 13 yards for the score. "We didn't run (that play) in practice because we wanted to save it for the game," Griffin said with a grin. "I knew he was going to be there for it.... Joshua did a good job being in the spot where he was supposed to be." It was the second time this season that a Griffin fumble has turned into a Redskins touchdown. Garcon recovered one inthe end zone in a win over Tampa Bay.
Chiefs' Belchersubject of police reports while in mllege in Maine By Randy Covitz
The Kansas City Star
Former Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher's name appears on at least three police reports released by University of Maine officials on Monday. In April 2006, which was Belcher's freshman year at Maine, he was upset over a woman and punched adormitory window, according to officials. In February 2007,officers responded to a noise complaint involving Belcher and his girlfriend and "a discussion outside his room." Belcher on Saturday fatally shot Kasandra Perkins, whom he met in Kansas City and was the mother of their 3-month-old daughter, and later committed suicide with a handgun at the Chiefs' practice facility. "I was told Belcher was upset over a girl and punched a window out," states the University of Maine police report on the incident of April I, 2006. "There was a lot of blood outside of the west entrance and in the
lobby" of Androscoggin Hall.
"I noticed the window to the interior, ground floor door, to the center stairwell, broken out," the report continues. Belcher had to pay restitution. One of Belcher's former teammates, Mike Brusko, who played football for the Maine Black Bears from 2005 to 2008, said the incident involved some intoxication and bad
judgment. "I have at least two or three other friends who have done exactly the same thing," Brusko told The Bangor Daily News. "I
know all of them, and I would only have ever attributed that to a bad decision that was influenced by alcohol. "He wasn't the only person drinking that night. I've made a hundred decisions like that that I'd like to take back. Nobody ever would have taken that incident and turned it into some sort of foreshadowing of what he
would (ultimately) do." A third report — a request by Belcher to be let into a building — was found during an inquiry Saturday evening by The Bangor Daily News. While in college, Belcher participated in a for-credit class called Male Athletes Against Violence during the fall semester in 2007, according to a statement that was issued by the university in response to a request for an interview with Sandra L. Caron, professor of family relations and human sexuality. "MAAV is an effort to involve men so that we can begin to understand that violence is very much a 'man's issue,'" the statement sa>d. The university statement said the students who enroll are typically varsity athletes. During his time at th e U niversity of Maine, Belcher also participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization in Greater Bangor. In that capacity, Belcher spent time with some local youths who were in need of a male role model. "I often saw Jovan with underprivileged kids," Brusko said. "I can remember him bringing kids around the football facility and showingthem around and being a mentor to them."
Continued from 01 "What I'm hoping from this team, maybe a little bit more than what we had last year or in the past, is more depth, more people that can contribute," Ervin says. "With that in mind, maybe we can do a few more things. We've been pretty one-dimensional, kind of a half-court team. I'm hoping maybe we can get out a little more in the open floor, maybe even press a little bit because I've got I think 14 kids that can hold their own." On the road to a second straight IMC title, Bend will have to battle intracity rivals Mountain View and Summit, and Redmond High, which has moved to 5A after spending the past five seasons in 6A. The Cougars will be led by 2011-12 all-league players Maddy Booster (senior), Megan McCadden (senior) and Emma Platner (junior). Those three, according to Mountain View coach Steve Riper, make up the core of the team and will most likely be the main contributors. "We're kind of based around, frankly, finesse and team speed," Riper says. "They're really a versatile group because we could slow things down and control things if we need to. That's a nice luxury to have with this experienced group is that we can play a variety of styles, but in general, we're going to try to take advantage of any easy scoringopportunities as we can." Riper points out that the Cougars lost six games by threepoints or fewer last season en route to a 9-15 overall record, defeats he attributes in part to a lack of experience after graduating nine seniors the previous year. With experience on his side this time around — the current Mountain View rosters includes nine seniorsRiper hopes to turn what would be close losses into victories. Summit coach Ryan Cruz says the Storm will look to returning starters Raja Char and Shannon Patterson as well as freshman Sarah Heinly for scoring, but he says the key to earning victories this season will be defense. "You hope to just go back to the basics, contesting every shot, only giving one scoring opportunity on the defensive end, and that's where we're still trying to work things out," Cruz says. "You just hope to be one and done and go the other
With better shooters on this season's roster — including Heinly, who could be one of the top shooters in the conference, according to her coach, asdisplayed by her seven three-pointers in Summit's 52-48 win against Reynolds last Friday — Cruz expects an improved season after a 9-15 record in 2011-12. "I think that this is a group that wants to build a winning culture at Summit, and it just starts with the way we compete in practice," Cruz says. "I think that just with the strength of our schedule and the way the IMC is shaking out, I think that you'll see more wins from us this year." At Redmond, which returns all-league player Brittny Benson, first-year coach Angela Capps is working on instituting a new system, one that involves a more up-tempo offense and defensive pressure. Capps says much instruction has taken place as the scheme is"new to everyone," but she remains optimistic about the season. "I see a lot of talent on our team," Capps says. "Right now, it's just a matter of putting all the pieces together and everyone getting on the same
page. That's probably our biggest challenge right now — running our system, getting the timing down, understanding our system." At the 4A level, and a few miles from Redmond High, Ridgeview gets its inaugural season under way. Led by 6-foot sophomore Chloe Ross and sophomore Shae Wilcox, the Ravens look to establish an identity they can build upon in the future. "Our motto is, 'Be the tradition,' " Ridgeview coach Randi Davis says. "That's exactly what we're trying to do. We're trying to create our tradition or our legacy that we're going to be known for for a long time in our play and in our behavior." Madras comes off a Tri-Valley Conference championship and a fourth-place finish at the state tournament last season. While the White Buffaloes return three varsity players — seniors Inez Jones and Tenesha Adams and last season's first-team all-league player in sophomore Mariah Stacona — Madras coach Mike Osborne says the rest of the roster is young with no real varsity experience. Osborne, who led Madras to a state championship in 2003, says the White Buffaloes will rely on a disciplined style of play and their speed to make up for what they lack in size and varsity
playing time. "We will make great strides throughout the season, and how quickly the team responds and picks up on the new system that is introduced willbe the key to our success," Osborne says. "We have a great group of hard- and energetic-working players with great attitudes and coachability." Sisters coach Julianne Horner expects senior leadership out of returning all-Sky-Em League player Taylor Nieri, who Horner says has led by example in the early going. Cassidy Edwards, who transferred from Redmond High after earning all-league honors in 6A Special District 1 last season, brings three years of varsity experience and basketball knowledge, Horner says, which adds to the Outlaws' growing basketball
Girls basketballoutlook Glass 5A BEND
Head coach:Todd Ervin (fourth season) 2011-12 record:20-7 overall, 6-0 Intermountain
Conference (1st); lost in third-place game of Class 5A state tournament
Season opener:Springfield 61, Bend19, Nov. 30 Next game:Grants Pass at Bend, tonight MOUNTAINVIEW
Head coach:Steve Riper (fourth season) 2011-12 record:9-15 overall, 2-4 Intermountain
Conference (2ndj; lost in Class 5Aplay-in round Season opener:Madras at Mountain View, tonight REDMOND
Head coach:Angela Capps (first season) 2011-12 record:12-14 overall, 2-5 Class 6A
Southwest Conference (4th); lost in first round of Class 6A state playoffs
Season opener:Redmond45, Estacada 29, Nov. 30 Next game:Sisters at Redmond, Dec. 5 SUMMIT
Head coach:Ryan Cruz(fifth season) 2011-12 record:9-15 overall, 1-5 intermountain
Conference; lost in Class 5Aplay-in round Seasonopener:Summit52,Reynolds48,Nov. 30 Next game:Summit at Sisters, tonight
Head coach:David Johnson (third season) 2011-12 record:14-12overall, 2-0 Special District1 (1st); lost in first round of Class 4A
state playoffs Season opener:Madras 56, Crook County 43, Nov. 30
Next game:Crook County at Burns Tournament, Dec. 7 LA PINE
Head coach:Rene Houle (second season) 2011-12 record:8-15 overall, 3-7 Sky-Em
League (5thj; lost in Class 4Aplay-in round Season opener:La Pine37, Lakeview 28, Nov. 30
Next game:Henleyat La Pine, tonight MADRAS
Head coach:Mike Osborne (first season, secondtenure) 2011-12 record:25-3 overall, 10-0 Tri-Valley
Conference (1st); won fourth-place gameof Class 4A state tournament Season opener:Madras 56, Crook County 43, Nov. 30
Next game:Madras at Mountain View, tonight RIDGEVIEW
Head coach:Randi Davis (first season) 2011-12 record:First-year program
Season opener:Burns 52, Ridgeview 48, Nov. 30 Nextgame: Cascade atRidgeview, Dec.7 SISTERS
Head coach:Julianne Horner (third season) 2011-12 record:9-14 overall, 5-5 Sky-Em
League (4th); lost in Class 4Aplay-in round Season opener:Crook County 57, Sisters 33, Dec. 1 Next game:Summit at Sisters, tonight Class2A CijUIER
Head coach:Scott Fritz (fourth season) 2011-12 record:13-12overall, 5-9 Tri-River
Conference (6thj Season opener:Culver 45, Sherman 37, Nov. 30 Next game:Culver at Dufur, tonight Class1A CENTRALCHRISTIAN
Head coach:Dan Poet (second season) 2011-12 record:4-18 overall, 1-14 Big Sky
League (11th) Season opener:Paisley 31, Central Christian 17, Dec.1 Next game:Central Christian at Trinity Lutheran, tonight GILCHRIST
Head coach:TannaKing (eighth season) 2011-12 record:12-13 overall, 7-7 Mountain
Valley League(4th) Season opener:Culver JV 29, Gilchrist 26, Nov. 28 Next game:Gilchrist at Chiloquin, tonight
IQ. "Their team camaraderie,because they've been spending a lot of time together, is phenomenal,"Horner said of her players before a 57-33 season-opening win against Crook County on Saturday. "I'm looking at a team that hasn't even started its first game, and they look like they're veteranstogether.They can read each other very well. I think that definitely helps us, as does the fact that I've got kids who just really want to win." Crook County returns just four varsity players, which leads Cowgirls coach David Johnson to believe that this will be a rebuilding season. Early on, Johnson says Crook County has struggled offensively, but the Cowgirls' athleticism is beginning to show, which could help them return to the state playoffs for the fifth time in five
years. "I think the key to getting back (to state) this year is for some of my younger kids to grow up in a hurry," Johnson says. "I think for them, the quicker they can understand the intensity level at the varsity level, then we'll be back where we need to be."
Head coach:Mike Polk (second season) 2011-12 record:First-year program (played independent schedule last season) Season opener:Horizon Christian (Hood River) 32, Trinity Lutheran 31, Nov. 30 Next game:Central Christian at Trinity Lutheran, tonight
La Pine will be led by senior Holli Glenn, a first-team all-Sky-Em League player last season, as the Hawks look to return to the state tournament for the first time since placing third in 2009, one season after winning the state title. In 2A, Culver returns last season's all-league selection Cassandra Fulton, one of just three upperclassmen on the roster. The Bulldogs, who tallied 13 wins in 2011-12 — their most since 200708 — seek a state playoff spot for the first time since 1993. — Reporter: 541-383-0307;
Bowls Continued from D1 Northern Illinois somehow made it into the Orange Bowl after losing to Iowa (which won 33 percent of its games) and barely beating Army and Kansas (who combined for a grand total of three victories). But let's not take out our wrath on the ... uh, hmm ... whatever their nickname is. We should actually be saluting the MAC champs, because they're like a single minnow swimming ahead bravely to take on the BCS sharks, all while making an already ludicrous system look even sillier. Besides, there's plenty of bowl games that are far more objectionable than the one in Miami between the Seminoles of Florida State and the ... uh, hmm ... oh yeah, the Huskies, that's it, of Northern Illinois. The good folks of El Paso will be subjected to a Sun Bowl featuring a team with a losing
game might have some carcrash appeal if held in conjunction with a Kiffin family reunion. The bratty coach already dumped his 72-year-old dad, defensive coordinator Monte Kiffin, because of the team's defensive woes, and he surely would be willing to jettison a few more relatives if the Trojans lost again. Georgia Tech, meanwhile, was blown out at home by Middle Tennessee, lost its fi-
nal regular-season game by 32 points and wound up with a losing record after getting into the Atlantic Coast Confer-
ence championshipgame by
default, the next team in line after Miami decided to spend another postseason in self-imposed lockdown. Even after losing the ACC game, the Yellow Jackets got the call that extended their bowl streak to 16 years in a row. Talk about an achievement worthy of an asterisk. record (Georgia Tech) and perBut, this isn't about one parhaps the most underachieving ticular school. There's plenty squad in all the land (USC). of averageness to go around. The Yellow Jackets (6-7) A dozen teams received n eeded a w aiver f rom t h e bowl bids with records of 6NCAA before they could ac- 6, which is often the sort of cept their invitation. The Tro- mark that gets a coach fired, jans lost five times this year not earns his team a trip at after starting the season at No. the holidays. (Or, in the case of Purdue, was bowl-worthy 1. "We're excited about a very AND got the coach fired.) good bowl and a great matchIn fact, there are two games up," said USC coach Lane Kif- matching a pair of 6-6 teams fin, who we can only assume — Rice vs. Air Force in the awoke the next morning to A rmed S ervices B ow l a t find his nose had grown by a Fort Worth (sorry, our men foot or two. and women in uniform) and But, who knows, maybe one P ittsburgh vs. Ole M iss i n of Kiffin's minions will go all the BBVA Compass Bowl at rogue again and deflate the Birmingham. tires on the team buses. That When those kind of teams way, they can't leave their ho- g et together, t hey're h o p tels and no one would have to ing you throw out the record be subjectedto such a mar- book. quee matchup. Instead, you should change Though, we must say, this the channeL
Yet, none ofthe 35 bowls could find a spot for Louisiana Tech, the highest-scoring team in the country, a squad that won nine times and barely lost to Johnny Manziel and Texas A8tM in one of the most entertaining games of the season. The Bulldogs apparently were not too thrilled about the idea of going to the nearby Independence Bowl to dance with another team from their own state (Louisiana-Monroe). They thought they might get a call from someone more handsome. The Independence was all, like, why you disrespectin' us, girlfriend? So they called up Ohio (University, not State), which said "yes." "Under no c i rcumstances did I ever think there was any possibility at all that we would not play i n a b o w l g ame," Louisiana Tech coach Sonny Dykes said. "It is a shame that our n a t ionally r e c ognized team and its 31 seniors have to end the season this way." No, the real shame is that college football ends its season this way. We are promised a playoff in 2014, but we should see through that four-team ruse. It's a way to silence everyone who wants a legitimate playoff
(16 teams, minimum) and keep alive the bowl system, nothing more than a nonprofit scam lining the pockets of its operators with exorbitant salaries for the taxing job of putting on
one game a year. Maybe if t h e f a n s s t op watching, there will be a true
playoff. Maybe if the fans stop buying tickets, all these meaningless games will wither up and die. There is no better time to start than now. Happy Bowl Season! Now, go do something else.
Majerus Continued from D1 "I've already beaten the odds by still being here," he
said a couple of years ago when he w a s c oaching at Saint Louis, the final stop on
his coaching odyssey. "I promised my mother I wouldn't die before she did. Getting this team to play better is my No. 2 goal. Keeping my promise to my mom is my No. I goal." He did both. His mom died in August 2011 at the age of 84. The following winter, her son won 26 games at Saint Louis and took the Billikens back to the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2000. But his health never stopped being an issue. Majerus swam almost every day. When he was on the road, he would find a pool and get in for an hour. When his team played in Hawaii, he walked into the Pacific Ocean and swam for an hour. As much as he loved food, he tried to watch his diet but readily admitted it was a constant battle. To the public, Majerus came across as the classic funny fat guy. He had a one-liner for almost any situation. But there was nothing funny about him when it came to basketball. He was obsessed with the game and with figuring out ways to win. He was as politically aware as anyone in sports. As a teen-
ager, he accompanied his father to the civil rights marches in Selma, Ala., and never forgot the experience. He could talk about serious issues as easily and eloquently as he could toss out one-liners, but most people chose to focus on the funny side because it was easier that way. He started his head coaching career at Marquette, his alma mater, where his record was a respectable 56-35 but not up to the standards set by the legendary Al McGuire. After that, he had wildly successful stints at Ball State, Utah and Saint Louis. There was a trip to the national title game at Utah in 1998, a game that produced a loss to Kentucky and nightmares that Majerus said never stopped haunting him. He left Utah for health reasons, worked for ESPN, took the job at USC for five days and left for health reasons, went back to ESPN and then spent the last six seasons at Saint Louis. "This job is perfect for me," he said shortly after arriving. "I'm at a place that I think has great potential and I can get in the car whenever I want to and be in my mom's driveway in Milwaukee in under five hours." Majerus was always funny,
: l:4 l Al Behrman /The Associated Press file
Utah head coach Rick Majerus instructs center Cameron Koford (42) before sending him into the game against Kentucky at the NCAA Midwest Regional in Nashville, Tenn., in March, 2003.
in victory or d efeat. When t hen-Kentucky c oach R i c k Pitino suggested before his team met Utah in th e 1996 Sweet 16 that the Utes should be favored, Majerus shook his head. "If you put the two of us in a sumo ring I'd crush him," he said. "On the basketball court, I think we're in trouble." He was right. A year later, Utah lost to Kentucky and Pitino for a second straight season, this time in the Elite Eight. The following season, even with Pitino gone and Tubby Smith coaching, Utah again lost to Kentucky, this time in the championship game. "When I die," Majerus said after that game, "they might as well bury me at the finish line at Churchill Downs so they can run over me again." His players rarely saw that side of Majerus. They saw a coach who was a perfectionist, who was constantly tinkering and supremely demanding. One former Utah player accused him of v erbal and emotional abuse, and there was never any doubting the fact that Majerus could — and would — jump on his players for mistakes as quickly and as harshly as anyone this side of Bob Knight. He traveled constantly during the offseason, going to watch other coaches run practices, attending clinics, sitting around late at night with other coaches discussing game strategy and how to get players toperform better. "The thing about Rick was he never wanted to sleep," said Bill Foster, Majerus' close friend who also lost to Kentucky in the national title game (1978 at Duke). "He wanted to sit in a restaurant, order more food and talk basketball. He was never happier than when he was doing that." Some coaches bridled at Majerus' popularity with reporters and wondered why
Joe Kline/The Bulletin
The Harrers, from right, Tom, Janice, Hawley, 12, and Justin, 15, play in the backyard beach volleyball court at their Sisters home on Sunday. Tom built the court as a Mother's Day gift for Janice, a former professional player.
Queen Continued from D1 Such anachievement may have seemed unlikely while Harrer was growing up in Southern California, "too afraid or timid to try out" for her junior high school team, she recalls. "Which is kind of totally ironic," she says, "because the forte of my game became just being very aggressiveand assertive on the court and going after it." So she did not play competitive volleyball until her junior year of high school, when she went out for the Dana Hills High School indoor team. From there, she played for two years at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, Calif., and then for a year at UC Irvine, after which she shifted her focus completely to the sand game after having dabbled in it before that point. "The (UC Irvine) coach said, 'You know, I don't think we can use you front row. You're too small. You can play some back row for us,' says Harrer, whose height is 5 feet 8 inches. "To me that was like, 'What? I can do it all.' " And the beach provided her a venue where she could. "Playing on the sand, it's two people," Harrer says (versus the six per side in indoor volleyball). "It's much more demanding as far as the strength and agility you need to move in the sand and be able to jump out of the sand. You have to be able to do every skill or you'll be picked apart." Harrer startedher beach career with the CBVA, one of the foundational organizations of the sport. She worked her way through the ratings system from novice to pro, early on even playing some mixed doubles, which helped refine her skills. Of playing with a guy as a teammate, Harrer says: "They demand that you set them well
and dig balls."
the focus was always on his humor and not on his temper. The answer was simple: Majerus was funny and accessible and he won a lot of games — 521, to be exact. It was hard to argue with his results or his charm. And yet there was always a sense that it was never easy for Majerus. He was married once and dated the same woman for the last 25 years of his life. He lived in a hotel room for a long time while coaching at Utah because it was easier and he didn't have a family. And there was always the recurring issue with his heart. It began to fail for the final time this past summer, and Saint Louis announced he was taking a leave of absence. In November, the school announced he would not return at all. By then he was in Los Angeles on a transplant list and had been in and out of an induced coma, which is why his death was not a shock — except that it was a shock. Majerus always seemed like the sort of guy who would beat death and find a way to coach again. On Saturday night, at the Children's Charities Foundation banquet that preceded the BB8 T Classic, George Washington coach Mike Lonergan received a text midway through the evening. He looked at it and then, without a word, passed his phone to Maryland coach Mark Turg eon, who looked at it a n d dropped his head before passing it back. The reaction of George Mason coach Paul Hewitt and Manhattan coach Steve Masiello was the same. All four men sat silently, clearly stunned by the four words in the text: "Rick Majerus has dled. College basketball will be a much quieter place without Majerus. It will be a good deal less funny. And a lot less fun.
Along with all those wins and a number of other high finishes, Harrer was named the Women's Professional Volleyball Association best defensive player in 1990. She ceased playing as a professional in about the year 2000, but she didn't exactly retire. "I kind of just backed off, I think, and a little by little," Harrer explains. "I still don't feel fully retired because I still love to play and get out to play tournaments when I can." In fact, Harrer did just that a couple of months ago. In October, she attended a par-
ents weekend event for oldest daughter Hannah, 18, a freshman at Biola University in La Mirada, Calif., who played on volleyball state championship teams at Sisters and Summit high schools. Mother and daughter — the same daughter Tom says was a toddler on his wife's hip when she was trying to qualify for the Olympics — teamed up to win a CBVA tournament in Huntington Beach. And Harrer can hit the sand almost anytime she wants thanks to Tom, 51, who three years ago as a Mother's Day gift built a sand volleyball court in the family's backyard. The sport is thoroughly entwined in the couple's fabric. Janice met Tom, who also played both indoors and on the sand, for the first time at a beach volleyball tournament in Miami Beach, Fla., and then they hit it off at another tournament a couple of months later in Aspen, Colo. They will celebrate their 22nd wedding anniversary later this month and are also parents to a son, Justin, 15, and another volleyball-playing daughter, Hawley, 12. And Tom is committee chairman for an Eagle Scout project that plans to construct two sand volleyball courts on the Sisters High School campus in the coming months. All five Harrers, along with Janice's parents, attended the Nov. 16 hall of fame induction ceremony. "The word 'intensity,' obviously, is a big part of her game," Tom says in describing his wife. "Passion is huge. But there's certain players that just find a way to win, and that's her strength. ... She has a mental toughness that's able to really bring the best out of
players." Janice Harrerhas continued to share her passion for volleyball through various coaching stints over the years. Currently, she is coaching an age-group team in the locally based Oregon Volleyball Academy club program. Shealso works as a substitute teacher and as an administrative assistant for Deep River Books in Sisters. And in the future, she might coach at the college level. Sand volleyball is considered a women's emerging sport by the NCAA, and Harrer has her eyes on finding a position at which she could coach indoor volleyball and also build a beach program. "The legacy I want to leave in volleyball is that I still love the game," Harrer says. "I would still play anytime. Anytime." — Reporter: 541-383-0393,
Howe finished the 50-mile trail race — staged in rainy conditions — in 6 hours, 41 minutes, 36 sec-
• Central Oregonianexcels inmarathon: Bend's Marci (Klimek) Gageplaced fifth among women and
onds, just over two minutes behind Swedish runner
42nd overall on Sunday in the California lnternational Marathon.
Maud Gobert (6:46:13) took third place. Spain's
In wet and windy conditions, Gage, 25, covered the 26.2-mile course from Folsom to Sacramento in 2 hours, 39 minutes, 20 seconds. Alisha Williams, of Colorado Springs, Colo., finished first in 2:34:58, defeating runner-up Clara Peterson, of San Anselrn, Calif., by 38 seconds. Daniel Tapia,
of Castroville, Calif., was the first male finisher in 2:16:30.
For Gage, the timewas amarathon personal best by more than seven minutes. A little over a year ago,
the Linfield College graduate ran atime of 2:46:28 in her marathon debut, the 2011 Portland Marathon,
where she wonthe women's division. • Bend runnersecondin ultramarathon: Stephanie Howe,ofBend,tooksecond placeamong women in the North Face Endurance Challenge
Championships on Saturday nearSanFrancisco.
Emelie Forsberg, who won in 6:39:18. France's Miguel Heras was the men's winner in 5:33:16.
Snow sports • Local organization receives grant:The Bend
Endurance Academyhas beenawarded a $150 grant from KIDS in the GAME. The grant will be used to help support the academy's nordic youth and nordic development teams,
for skiers ages 7 to11 and11 to18, respectively. The teams introduce youths to cross-country skiing, and the grant will be used to support six participants with financial need.
For more information about the academy, goto or contact BenHusaby at 541-678-3865. For more about KIDS in the GAME, go to — Bulletin staff reports
COMMUNITY SPORTS SCOREBOARD His andHers—Dina's Demons; RickWidlund, 266)713DonnaTrueax, 190/495. GuysattdGals — RUKidding Me?;Steve Viallet, 244/639;MicheleSmith, 224/638. Reject s— LastChance;DougGray,236/652; HazelKeeton160/461.
del,690;EdithRoebuck,191; AnMayets, 597. Week12 Happy Bowlers —Edwards Ins, 590;Edwards Ins,1,600,JohnHammer Sr. and Bily Kemper,137; Week 4 stattdittgs attd scores Kay Johnson,172;BobblAsher,43Z Men's A Rimrock —JimGregory, 257;GeneMcKenzie, Standittgs — 1,Tumalo Store, 4-0. Z Furnish/ LavaLanesClassic— Team 6;DaveGrimes, 752; JulieMayets,196;ChrisGray,657. Zenith Auto,3-1. 3, Knightryderz, 3-1. 4, Bradley 248)707MaryStratton, 212/523. Week13 HaynesTeam,2-Z 5, 7's Dell, 0-4. 6, MoneyGang, Wednesday Ittc — Jake'sDiner; Will Plland, 50+ or - — Rusty Relics, 671;Fire Baller's, 0-4. 1,992; MikeKoivisto,240; MattHawes,650; Darlee 268)772;TrevorSimpson,289/683. Scores — BradleyHaynesTeam 84,7'sDeli72 Tea Timers — Split Ends; Shari Hamel, Stringer,208;Stella Oja 504. Furnish/ZenithAuto104, MoneyGang 67;Tumalo 193/537. GriZZly MOuntain Men'S— OregOnViSlen Store 90,Knlghttyderz82 Latecomers — No Threat; Karen Scott, Center,1,027; KBWEngineering, 3,038, RickyMayMen's 6 200/524. ers, 267;EdWhaie, 687. Standings 1, 541 Threads,3-1 2, Athletic TNT — Team 2; RommelSttndita, 268/763; Club ofBend,3-1.3, Jim's Rats, 3-1. 4, NtheZone, MeaganWaltosz, 191/467. Volleyball 3-1. 5,Widgl Creek,3-1. 6, BendbroadbandBus, 2Progressive — BendGarbage;Matt Ayres, 2 7, BlueCollar Ballers, 2-Z 8,OneEyed Shooting 257/651 RedmondVolleyball Association Mafia, 2-Z PeoplesInsurance, 2-Z 9, Rigobertos, Free Breathers — PinHeads; Jim Whitson, Stattdings as ofFriday 1-3. 10,Ravens,r- t 226)630SandyWeaver, 182/481. Women's — 1,Hll List,45-5-0. 2, JustLucky, 11, Scientific, 0-4. T.G.I.F.— Man On;AndySolberg, 244/686; 35141 3, Purple BandAid, 30-24-0. 4, Muffin Scores — Blue Collar Ballets 103, Ravens DeanltaOlsen,207/599 Tops, 26-22-0. 5,Volley Girls, 26-24-0. 6,Setting 42; N theZone47, Rigobertos46; Jim's Rats82, Have-A-Ball — Team 1; Aubrey Garrett, Ducks,21-29-0. 7, ChatterBoxes,22-27-1. 8, The BendbroadbandBus 73; Athletic Clubot Bend69, 179/498;BrlannaMarlet, 164/401. OtherGuys,10-40-0. 9,SnapCrackle Pop,8-42-0. OneEyedShooting Mafia 66;541Threads79, Widgi Draft — Coming For You; RyanWaddell, Tuesday Coed — 1, Peltgulns, 50-8-0. 2, Creek55; Peoples Insurance55, Scientific 53. 218)642;PattiSundita,196)539. Chets Electric, 47-9-0. 3, HotChilis, 45-11-0. 4, Rimrock Lanes, Prineville Acers, 44-14-0. 5,Dystunctlonals,23-31-Z 6, Toe (Teamscratch game; teamscratch series; Goods,18-40-0. 7, All Stars,14-42-0. 8, Drywall Bowling men's scratchgame;men's scratch series; Specialties,13-43-Z 9,Bros8 Hoes,00-56-0. Leaguestandittgs and highscores women's scratchgame;women'sscratch ThursdayCoed 1,@tst W3ttyd,39-3-0 2, Lava Lanes,Bend series) NetResults,35-7-0. 3,PeakPerformance,29-12-1.4, Nov. 12-18 Week6 Hot Chilis,25-17-0.5, Number One,22-21-t 6, Call CasinoFtttt —AII Inthe Family; JosiahOhlde, Friday Night Specials — Lakers,719;The A Code,13-31-0. 7,SuperAwesomes, 12-31-3. 8, 233/606;TeresaMcDonald, 176/519. Gray Mayets,2,245;Ricky Mayers,261;RyanWad- League DfLegends,I0-32-Z 9,TheBeans,5-36-l.
Bend Park SRecreation District Adult League
CO M M U N ITY SPORTS CALENDAR Please email Community Sports event information to sports® or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at Items are published on a spaceavailability basis, and should be submitted at least 10days before the event. about training style and benefits of dressage; free; call Sharon Preston Horsemanship for reservations, BEND ELKS CAMPS:Third of eight 547-788-5858; Rakkan© winter camps (mostly one-day; rakkanonline. camps)isSunday;Bend Fieldhouse, com; sharonpreston horses. Bend; 9 a.m.-noon for players 12 and younger, 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. NATURALHOOFCARE for players18 and younger; with PRESENTATION:Sunday;4 University of Oregon assistant p.m.-6 p.m.; Environmental coachDean Stiles;$75;bendelks. com/Fiel dhouse/Upcoming+Camps/ Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; presented by Ann Corso of default.aspx.; $5 at BEND TITANS14UBASEBALL the door; 541-504-7764. TRYOUTS:Tryouts for boys ROLLINGRANCHINSISTERS: Open (birthday after April 30, 1998) to for trail-course practice and shows; play for competitive, tournament ongoing;$10 per horse; 69516 baseball team in spring/summer of Hinkle Butte Drive, Sisters; Shari, 2013;todayand Saturday; for more 541-549-6962. information, contact Rod Davis at 541-647-7646 or titans14U©gmail. com.
BASKETBALL ADULT OPEN GYM: Age18 and older;Mondays and Wednesdays through Dec. 19; 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m.; subject to school closures and activities; no drinks, besides water in water bottles, or food allowed; $3 per visit; 541-548-7275; PRESCHOOLTYKES HOOPS LEAGUE:For preschool age boys and girls;Saturday, Jan. 19Saturday, Feb.23;coed teams play three-on-three on shortened court with Grow-to-Pro hoops; emphasis on beginning skills, positive team/ social interactions and fun; all abilities welcome; practices once a week at Elton Gregory Middle School, Redmond; participants must be 4 by registration deadline, Thursday, Dec.13;$49;541-5487275; KINDERGARTENTYKES HOOPS LEAGUE:For boys and girls in kindergarten;Saturday, Jan. 19-Saturday, Fed. 23;coed teams play four-on-four on a half court with 8-foot hoops; focus on beginning basketball skills, positive team/social interactions and fun; all abilities welcome; practices once a weekat Elton Gregory Middle School, Redmond; participants must be 5 by registration deadline, Thursday, Dec. 13;$49; 541-5487275; FIRST6 SECONDGRADETYKES HOOPSLEAGUE:For boys and girls in grades one and two; Saturday, Jan.19-Saturday, Feb. 23;coedteam s;leagueteaches basic skills, emphasis on fun and teamwork; all games on Saturdays, one or two practices per week determined by volunteer coaches; all abilities welcome; teams play half court with 8-foot hoops at Elton Gregory Middle School, Redmond; registration deadline,Thursday, Dec. 13;49; 541-548-7275; raprd. org. GIRLSYOUTH HOOPS LEAGUE: For girls in grades three through eight;Saturday, Jan. 19-Saturday, Feb.16emphasison skills and fundamental development; games on Saturdays, twice per weekand determined by volunteer coaches (coaches needed); games at Elton Gregory Middle School, Redmond; registration deadline,Thursday, Dec. 13;$59; 541-548-7275; raprd. olg. MIDDLESCHOOL BASKETBALL: For girls in grades six through eight in Bend-La Pine Schools; Jan. 14-March12;emphasis on skill development, participation, sportsmanship and fun; practices and games will take place on weekdays; uniform tops provided; registration deadline is Thursday, Dec. 27; walk-in registration only; $54, scholarships available; 541389-7275; SISTERSSHOOTOUT SERIES: Three tournaments,Jan. 19-21, Feb. 16-17, Feb. 23-24;Sisters; for boys and girls teams in grades five through eight; four-game guarantee; $250-$275 per team; jerry©;
HIKING SILVERSTRIDERS GUIDE SERVICE: Two-week hiking trip to Banff and Jasper National Parks in Canada; July 25-Aug. 7;explore these parks and hike Alberta's best trails; trip geared toward those age 55 and older;; 541-383-8077; LEARN THE ART OFTRACKING ANIMALS:Guided walks and workshops with a professional tracker;ongoing;8 a.m.-noon; learn to identify and interpret tracks, signs and scat of animals in the region; two or more walks per month; $35; 541-633-7045;;
HORSES WESTERN DRESSAGEDEMO: Saturday;11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Rakkan Equestrian Center, 60920 Larsen Road, Bend; with Mari Valceschini, who will demonstrate western and classical dressage and talk
DESCHUTESMATCLUB WRESTLING:All youths in grades one through eight welcome;through Saturday, Feb. 2;age divisions for kids in grades one through three and four through eight; $115-$165 for season; registration is ongoing throughout the season; online registration and more information available at YOUTH WRESTLING: Forkids in grades three through eight; Tuesdays, Thursdays andFridays through Jan. 29;5:30-7:30 p.m.; Bend High School; $99 for park district residents, $134 otherwise; Bend Park 8 Recreation District, 541-389-7275, bendparksandrec. org. REDMOND COMMUNITYYOGA: 7 p.m.on Mondays andWednesdays; $49 per six weeks, drop-in available, beginner to intermediate levels; Rebound Physical Therapy, 974 Veterans Way, Suite 4, Redmond; 541-504-2350. WINTER FENCING:High Desert FencinginBendwelcomes youths age10 and older and adults for competitive training and fitness; Mondays,4 p.m.-7 p.m., and Tuesdays throughThursdays, 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.; introductory coached fencinglessononM ondays at4:30 p.m. for new members; Randall, 541-389-4547;Jeff,541-419-7087. ADULT OPENPLAYROLLER HOCKEY: Sundays, 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m.; $5; Cascade Indoor Sports, Bend; www.cascadeindoorsports. com; 541-330-1183. OPEN ROLLER SKATING: For all ages and ability levels; $5 per skater (includes skate rental), children under 5 are free;Tuesdays,12:30 p.m.-3:30p.m.; Wednesdays,1 p.m.-4 p.m.; Fridays, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. and 6 p.m.-9 p.m.;Saturdays,1 p.m.-4 p.m. and 6 p.m.-9 p.m.; Sundays,1 p.m.-4 p.m. 541-3301183; callie©cascadeindoorsoccer. com; www.cascadeindoorsports. com. BENDTABLETENNIS CLUB:Evening playMondays (noplay Dec. 24 and 31);6 p.m.-9 p.m. (setup 30 minutes prior); beginner classes available, cost is $60; at Boys & Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W. Wall St.; drop-in fee, $3 for adults, $2 for youths and seniors; Jeff at 541-480-2834; Don at 541-318-0890; Sean at 267-6146477;bendtabletennis©;
PADDLING ANNUALCHRISTMASKAYAKON THE DESCHUTES:Friday; 3:30 p.m., depart at 4:15 p.m.; back lawn of Tumalo Creek Kayak 8 Canoe, Bend; paddle the Deschutes River in boats decorated for the holidays; free; 541-317-9407;
for advanced beginner women and WillPower Training Studio, Bend; above; Session 2 isWednesdays work on core strength, anaerobic or Saturdays, Jan. 2-Feb. 9; conditioning, leg strength and CANYONRUMBLEFROZENHALF combined session also available; Mt. more; 12 hour-long classes, $80; AND WESTSIDEMILE: Saturday; 541-350-3938. Bachelor ski area; $95-$295; 54110 a.m.; Madras; half marathon 382-1709,ext.2211; mtbachelor. MT BACHELOR SPORTS trail race mostly located in Willow com. EDUCATIONFOUNDATION ALPINE Creek Canyon; $25 (mile race is DAWN PATROLFOR WORKING SKIING PROGRAMS:Nowaccepting free); register at Madras Physical PARENTS:With Dave Cieslowski; enrollments for alpine winter term Therapy or Wednesdays, Dec. 5-Feb. 14;10 (up to four days per week) and fullcom/site/madrasrunners/canyona.m.-11:30 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski rumble-frozen-half; 541-475-2571; time (five days per week) programs; area; limited to 10 advanced nordic age 13 and older; 541-388-0002; tgroves© skiers; weekly work on technique mbsef©; SCREW YOURSHOES WORKSHOP: and specific workouts; $155MT. BACHELOR SPORTS Thursday, Dec. 13; 6 p.m.-7 $175; 541-382-1709, ext. 2211; EDUCATIONFOUNDATION NORDIC p.m.; FootZone,Bend;with local ultrarunner Jeff Browning; SKIING PROGRAMS:Nowaccepting "winterize" a pair of running shoes NORDICYOUTHCLUB:Ages 7enrollments for Stevenson Youth with some studs, which won't 11;Saturdays and/or Sundays, Program, ages 7-11; 10-week and hurt the shoes and are removable; Dec. 8-Feb. 24;includes a camp 17-week middle school programs, SNOW SPORTS learn to do it yourself or have during winter break; introduces ages11-14; winter term (up to four studs installed; 541-317-3568; basic skate and classic techniques days per week) and full-time (five PAR FORETHE COURSE I:Saturday; through games and adventures; days per week) programs, age14 10 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski area; 3K, transportation provided; andolder;541-388-0002;mbsefO SNOWSHOE RUNNINGGROUP: 5K and10K freestyle distances; first; Saturday mornings, Dec. 15in two-race series, with winners March16;all running paces MINI NORDIES: Devel o pment MT. BACHELOR SPORTS determined by improvement; $10welcome; focus onfun and program for kids ages 3-6; for EDUCATIONFOUNDATION $25; fitness; different trail/destination skate group and for classic group, FREERIDESKIAN D SNOWBOARD MBSEFCLASSIC:Sunday, Dec. everyweek;free; Session1 isSaturdays, Dec. 8, PROGRAMS:Now accepting 16;10 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski groups/SnowshoeWithLaura; enrollments for freeride ski and 15, and 29 andJan. 5, and Session area; 5K, 10K and 20K distances; SnowshoeWithLaura© 2 is Saturdays, Feb. 2-23;classic freeride snowboard development classic technique mass start race; group meets11 a.m.-noon, teaches programs (both one or two days per FOAM ROLLERCLINIC:Sunday, woodenskiclass;$10-$25;mbsef. basicmovements, no experience week), ages 8-14; freeride ski and Dec. 16;9:45 a.m.; FootZone, org/NordicRaces. necessary; skate group is1 p.m.-2 freeride snowboard competition downtown Bend; taught by Ashleigh p.m., for skiers with some prior programs (up to four days per Mitchell, CPT; learn basic myofacial DIRKSENDERBYKICKOFF PARTY: Friday, Dec. 14; 6 p.m.-11 p.m.; classic experience; for combined week), age10 and older; full-time release with a foam roller; bring Century Center, Bend; fundraiser skate and classic group, Session freeride ski and freeride snowboard yoga mat and foam roller if you 1 is Sundays, Dec. 9, 16, and programs, age 13and older (five own them; foam rollers available for for Bend snowboarder Tyler Eklund 30, and Jan. 6,and Session 2 days per week); call 541-388-0002; purchase; limited to15 participants; and kickoff to sixth annual Dirksen Derby Snowboard Rally Race at Mt. is Sundays, Feb. 3-24, 1 p.m.-2 mbsef©; $5; register at FootZone; Bachelor ski area; music, broken p.m., for experienced beginners, NORDICCOMPETITION PROGRAM: snowboard art auction, raffle, food such as those who participated last Ages 14-23;Tuesdays through FREEZEYOURFANNY(FREEZIN' and beer; $5 suggested donation; winter or who have prior formal Sundays throughMay1; times FOR THEKIDS): Saturday, Dec. suitable for all ages; 541-480-1414; ski instruction; participants must vary; instruction in varying activities 29;10 a.m.; Madras Aquatic Center, provide own skis, boots and poles; to improve strength, technique, Madras; 5K run/walk and 500-yard MIDDLESCHOOL NORDIC coordination, agility and aerobic swim options; donation to Juniper DEVELOPMENT TEAM: For middle Junction Relief Nursery; Bud NORDIC MASTERS:For adults; and anaerobic capacities with schoolers ages11-14;Wednesdays, Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday the goal to applythese skills Beamer, 541-948-3321. Saturdays andSundaysthrough morning enrollment options; to ski-racing environments; USA TRACK& FIELD COACHES March10;participants to ski in skate technique;Dec. 11-Feb. transportation provided; benO LEVEL ISCHOOL:Friday, Jan. small groups based on ability 17; join a lively, social group to or 11-Sunday, Jan. 13;Redmond and improve classic and skate 541-678-3864; enroll online at improve skiing efficiency through High School, Redmond; basic techniques in a fun, friendly successful technique progressions; instruction in all track and field event atmosphere; includes camps areas, physiology, psychology, during Thanksgiving and winter biomechanics and training theory; RAD CAMPS:For kids ages breaks; transportation provided; SOFTBALL $75-$200; Scott Brown, 541-9237-17; trips for night skiing and 4800, ext. 2163; snowboarding at Hoodoo Ski Area; CASCADE ALLIANCESOFTBALL: HIGH SCHOOLNORDIC coaches/education/schools/ Saturdays andSundays, Dec. Cascade Alliance andSummit High DEVELOPMENTTEAM: For high level1/2013/C13001797/index.asp. 14-March 30;depart at 3:45 p.m., School are teaming up to hold winter schoolers ages14-18; weekday return at10 p.m.; trips leave from POLARBEARFUNRUN: Saturday, pitching and catching practice at the or weekend enrollment options Harmon Park, Bend; $40, includes Jan. 12;10 a.m.; Redmond; 5K Summit High Gym in Bend;Sundays, through March10;improve skiing transportation, lift ticketand pizza; run/walk and 10K run; routes Dec. 9, Jan. 6and 27, Feb. 3,10 efficiency by working with coaches radcamps© start and finish at St. Thomas and 24, and March 3and17; girls and teammates in small groups; Academy and go through the Dry BABES INSNOWLAND:Ages 4-5; 12 and younger, 4 p.m.-5 p.m.; participants are encouraged to Canyon; proceeds will contribute Sundays, Dec. 16-Feb. 24;11:30 older girls, 5 p.m.-6 p.m.; pitchers fully participate in their high school toward education supplies for a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski must bring their own catchers and nordic teams; includes camps academy students; $25 individuals, during winter break; transportation own "softie" softball; tennis shoes area; introduces kids to nordic $35 couples, $45 families; appropriate for gym use are required; provided; bendenduranceacademy. skiing in a fun, safe environment; registration available online at $175; 541-382-1709, ext. 2211; org. or by calling SKILLINSTRUCTION:Age10and SKI WAXCLINICS: Tuesdays, Dec. 541-548-3785. K'S FORKIDS:Ages 6-8; Sundays, older; with Mike Durre, varsity 11, Jan.1 and15, Feb. 5 and19, GRITMENTAL STRENGTH FOR Dec. 16-Fed. 24;10:15 a.m.-11:15 softball coach at Mountain View and March 5 and19;7:30 p.m.; ATHLETESCLINIC: Thursday, Jan. a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski area; skiers H<gh School; lessons <n f>elding, Pine Mountain Sports, Bend; clinics 24;7 p.m.; FootZone, downtown should be able to cover 5K in one pitching and hitting; $30 per will cover the basics on tuning Bend; with licensed therapist hour or $50 per hour for two hour; learn the Mt. Bachelor trail Melinda Halpern-Collins; learn about and waxing skis; participants do system and track distances covered; players;; not need to bring own equipment; mental preparation for racing and $125-$175; 541-382-1709, ext. 54 I-480-9593. free; call 541-385-8080 to sign up training in sports; free, but sign 2211; (required). up at NEW YEAR'SDAYRELAY:Tuesday, TUESDAYNIGHTSKATESKI: gritmental-strength-for-athletesSWIMMING Jan. 1;10 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski Depending on snow condi t i ons; 6 clinic. p.m.; meet at Pine Mountain Sports area; teams of three skiers; classic- CSC CLUBPOLO:With the Cascade CORK HOTCHOCOLATE RUNS: skate-skate relay leg order; mbsef. in Bend and carpool to Virginia Swim Club;Thursdays;7:15 p.m.Second Sunday ofeach month org/NordicRaces. Meissner Sno-park; outings of 608:25 p.m.; beginners through through February;9 a.m.; Shevlin 90 minutes; all abilities welcome; INTROS TO SKATE SKIING/CLASSIC experienced players; drop-in fees Park, Bend; low-key training bring a headlamp and afew dollars SKIING:Four-week programs start apply; 541-548-7275. runs of 5 or 7 miles for runners for the donation box at the sno-park; at the beginning of each month; REDMONDAREAPARKAND of all abilities; walkers welcome; skate ski demos available on a firstfor beginning nordic skiers; Mt. RECREATIONDISTRICT FAMILY enjoy hot chocolate, coffee and Bachelor ski area; $120-$160; 541- SWIM NIGHT:7:25 p.m.-8:25 p.m., come, first-serve basis (come 30 treats afterward; Dan and Kathy minutes early and show a credit card 382-1709,ext.2211; mtbachelor. Tuesdays,Cascade Swim Center, Harshburger, 541-312-0139; and drivers licence); free; sign up com. Redmond;adultmustaccompany required, call 541-385-8080. SKI CONDITIONINGCLASS: anyone under age18; $10 per family; REDMOND OREGONRUNNING SHE'S ONSKIS: Skate ski program 541-548-7275, Tuesdays andThursdays, 6 a.m.; KLUB (RORK):Weekly run/walk; Saturdaysat 8 a.m.; all levels welcome; free; for more information and to be added to a weekly email list, email Dan Edwards at; follow Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook. REDMOND RUNNINGGROUP: Weekly runs onTuesdays at6:30 p.m.; meet at 314 S.W.Seventh St. in Redmond for runs of 3 to 5 miles; all abilities welcome; free;; 541-639-5953. MOMS RUNNINGGROUP: Tuesdays;9:15 a.m.; contact for more information. MOVE IT MONDAYS: Mondays at 5:30 p.m.; open to both genders and You give the gift at $34.00 and they can pick the package! all paces; carpool from FootZone to trailheads when scheduled; melanie©; A FREE GIFT 541-317-3568. JUST FOR YOU! GOOD FORM RUNNINGLEVEL1 2 month AND 2 CLINICS:Level 1, Tuesday, Get a FREE $5 Bulletin subscription Dec. 11,free 90-minute clinic that Fred Meyer Giff Card uses drills and video to work on subscription includes as a Thank You proper mechanics; Level 2,Tuesday, home delivery of The Bulletin ~ for placing your 7 p.m., with Dave Cieslowski of and full access to Focus Physical Therapyto help order. runners find their best form, $25; clinic sizes limited; 541-317-3568; events; teague© PERFORMANCE RUNNINGGROUP: 5:30p.m. onTuesdays;with Max 3 month King; locations will vary; max©; 541-317-3568. ASK THE EXPERTS:Tuesdays; 6 subscription p.m.; at FootZone; informal, drop-in includes 24-hour access Q-and-A session with a physical to therapist; individual attention dependent on the number of attendees; teague©footzonebend. com; 541-317-3568. To order a Gift Subscription or Gift Membership. call 541-385-5800 LEARN TORUN ALUMNI RUNNING Please request a Holiday Giff Card be sent fo you directly or fo the recipient directly. GROUP:Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m.; meet at FootZone; easy, supportive and informal midweek running group; caters to slower paces and
walkers/runners; free; marybel@; 541-317-3568. YOGA FORRUNNERS: Wednesdays at 7 p.m.; at Fleet Feet Sports Bend, 1320 N.W. Galveston Ave.; $5 per session or $50 for12 sessions; focuses on strengthening and lengthening muscles and preventing running injuries; 541-389-1601. FUNCTIONALFITNESS WORKOUT FOR RUNNERS: Thursdays starting at 6 p.m. atFootZone ofBend,845 N.W. Wall St.; personal trainer Kyle Will will help participants strengthen muscle groups to help avoid common injuries; $5; 541-330-0985.
Give a gift that Entertains,INSPIRES, Enjjghtens,ENSASES,Saves Money, indulges, EduCCiteS, CindINFORMS. •
BEND PICKLEBALL CLUB: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,10 a.m.-noon (approximately), Larkspur Park, 1700 S.E. Reed Market Road, Bend, weather permitting, rsss@;Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (beginner session11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturdays), Boys 8 Girls Club of Bend, $5 for first two hours for non-BPC members and $2 for second session, $3 and $1 for BPC members, respectively (beginner session is free), 16 players per session, sign up at go/508094EABAB2AA75-pbplay; Wednesdays, 8 a.m.-10 a.m., and Saturdays, 8 a.m.-11 a.m.; Athletic Club of Bend (indoors), $15 drop-in fee (includes full club usage),541-385-3062;Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 9 a.m.-11 a.m., Valley View tennis courts, 3660 S.W. Reservoir Drive, Redmond, weather permitting, jsmck©;Mondays,4 p.m.-6 p.m., indoor courts at Sage Springs Club 8 Spa, Sunriver, $7.50 drop-in fee (includes full club usage), call 541-593-7890 in advance to sign up, palcic57©live. com; weekly play schedulesalso available at The Racquet Shoppe in Bend; oregonhighdesertpickleball.; bendpickleballclub©
The Bulletin
Stock listings, E2-3 Calendar, E4 News of Record, E4
v NASDA QCHANGE-8.04-.27% IN BRIEF Foreclosures drop in October The number of homes
in foreclosure dropped in October from the previous month and
was down 9 percent for the year as thehousing market showed signs of
improvement. About1.3 million homes, or 3.2 percent of all U.S. homes, were in
any stage of the foreclosure process in October, down from1.4 million
V DOWN JO ES CHANGE-59.98-.46%
V S&P 500CHANGE-6.n-.47%
+ BONDS Ti.s "n
NewsCor . etaiscor orates it By Meg James Los Angeles Times
News Corp.'s soon-to-be publishing company will carry the name News Corp., while the company's television and movie properties will make up a separate global company called the Fox Group. Rupert Murdoch's media conglomerate is in the process of dividing itself into two separatelytraded companies.
It plans to spin off its publishing assets — including the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Times of London and HarperCollins book publishing — into one entity, with the more lucrative entertainment properties making up the other. Robert Thomson, managing editor of the Wall Street Journal, will become chief executive of the new publishing company when the corporate
split is completed next summer, News Corp. announced Monday. "This is an incredibly excit-
ing time, for me personally, and for our companies' ambitiousfutures,"News Corp. Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch said in a statement. "The challenges we face in the publishing and media industries are great, but the opportunities are greater." In an email to employees,
Murdoch said the News Corp. name would be retained by the publishing concern "in keeping with the company's 60-year heritage of bringing news to the world." Murdoch said that he would continue to serve as chairman of News Corp. and would be chairman and chief executive of the entertainment company. SeeNews Corp./E3
homes in September, according to data
released Mondayby Irvine, Calif., research
firm CoreLogic.
The number of completed foreclosures also dropped in October to 58,000 from 77,000 the
month before, the company said. That marked
Though the figures are encouraging, they're a far cry from normal as the housing market tries to recover from the
collapse of the subprime bubble. From 2000 through 2006, there was an average of 21,000
completed foreclosures a month.
Auto sales soar in November New vehicles sold like
gangbusters last month, with several brands setting all-time records for
November. Most major companies, from Toyota pressive increases from a year earlier. Only General Motors was left
struggling to explain its 3 percent sales gain and large inventory of unsold trucks.
Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
Rio Forest, 22, is renting kitchen space at Primal Cuts Meat Marketto whip up batches of ice cream with flavors like root beer, tea, coffee and alcohol flavors like port wine and White Russian.
Facebook is letting users vote on whether they should get to cast ballots before future
>r> e
changes to policies for privacy and data-collection, following pressure
from regulators to im-
prove transparency. More than 30 percent
of the company's more than1 billion members need to vote in favor of retaining their voting rights for Facebook to
based company said on its website. — From wire reports
Sippingfuel Fuel economy of all new cars and trucks sold in the U.S. is expected to
continue rising. FUEL EFFICIENCY Average miles pergallon (kilometers per liter) for all vehicles sold in the U.S. 25 23 Oct. '12 24.1 mpg (10.2 km/liter)
'08 '09 '10 '11 '12
grim in LI.S. By Neil Irwin The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Just a few months ago, the globaleconomy seemed to be stuck in a precarious state. Huge swaths of the world economy were either slowing down or contracting outright, and it wasn't at all clear whether global economic policymakers would have enough gas left in their stimulus tanks to
purchasing managers at
to Chrysler, posted im-
the Menlo Park, Calif.-
into a bad place. But a wave of reports on the manufacturing sector in nations around the world Sunday night and Monday morning are just the latest data that point to the world having avoided that fate. The same cannot be said of the United States, however. China's manufacturing sector expanded in November, with an official manufacturing index rising to50.6 from 50.2 and an unofficial index from HSBC rising to 50.5, from 49.5. (In those numbers, like all of those cited here, numbers above 50 indicate expansion and the indexes are based on surveys of
were down 17 percent from October 2011.
continue the practice,
Reports optimistic
stop things from spiraling
a 25 percent decrease. Completed foreclosures
Facebook users can vote on policy
By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
The dasics
orking two jobs can be a tall order. For Rio Forest, it's the only way t o r e a lize a c h i l dhood d ream. The Bend residentand employee at Backporch CoffeeRoasters serves up caffeinated brews by day. But when the sun sets, she gets really busy, hunkering down over an icecream maker for several hours at a time, churning out batches of what she calls adult-beverage ice cream. Forest's new business venture, Rio's Friosice cream, serves ice cream flavored with everything from coffee and tea to White Russians, margaritas, holiday egg-
no chocolate or vanilla here. She's targeting new recipes in the hopes of standing out. Forest, 22, moved to Bend from the San Francisco Bay Area six years ago, in time to enroll at Bend High School for her sen-
nog and sake.
ior year.
Forest's concoctions aren't going to get you tipsy: she boils out the alcohol content. But the results are an exotic mix of flavors;
Working out of rented production space at Primal Cuts Meat Market, she prepares batches of ice cream using three Cuisinart
What:Rio's Frios Where:Bend
Employees:One Phone:541-408-2367 riosfriosicecream
ice-cream makers she owns, each able to make a half-gallon of ice cream at a time. Free time outside of her day job is filled with order requests — mostly for friends and acquaintances so far, but increasingly at events and for customers who heard about the operation through word of mouth.She's received about 100 orders since starting in September. Rio's Frios is an entirely new venture for Forest. Frio literally means 'cold' in Spanish. But in this context, it refers to the cold treats Forest whips up. Running an ice cream operation has long been a dream of hers, but the plans for Rio's Frios didn't start to fall into place until the past year. Since early this summer, she's been busy purchasing materials and securing the licenses needed to operate a business. SeeIce cream/E3
manufacturing firms). 0ther emerging Asian economies alsosaw increases, including South Korea, India, and Vietnam. In Europe, the news was also positive, though positive is a relative concept on a continentwhere many nations are in recession and a few are in depression. For the 17-nation Eurozone as a whole, the manufacturing index rose to 46.8 from 45.7, signaling that the contraction continued but is becoming less severe. Manufacturing indexes from Markit Economics rose in the continent's industrial powerhouses of Germany and France. Perhaps most promisingly, in Spain, land of morethan 25 percent unemployment, the index jumped to45.3,from 43.5. Italy was the only disappointment among the large European economies, edging down. Other countries with negative results in their manufacturing indexes include Japan, Indonesia and Russia. But put it all together, and the portrait painted by the manufacturing reports is of a world economy that isn't going off the rails. China's slowdown over the summer was not, so far at least, the start of any broadereconomic collapse. Europe's recession is bad, but major European economies aren't in free-fall. SeeEconomies/E3
Sensitive digital data a growingissuein border searches
U.S. MARKETSHARE Percentincrease,this year overlastyear 2011 2012 Hybrid 2.3 % 3 . 1% Diesel 2 .7 2 . 8 R echargeable 0.1 0 . 3
By Susan Stellin
Registrations through September, in thousands 2011 2012 Hybrid 175 271 Diesel 206 244 Rechargeable 9 28
travel with extensive personal and business information on devices that would typically require a warrant to examine. Several court cases seek to limit the ability of border agents to search, copy and even seizetravelers'laptops, cameras and phones without suspicion of illegal activity. "What we are asking is for a court
Source:University of Michigan, © 2012 McClatchy-Tribune News Service
New York Times News Service
The government has historically had broad power to search travelers and their property at the border.
to rule that the government must have a good reason to believe that someone has engaged in w r ongdoing before it is allowed to go through their electronic devices," said Cath-
But that prerogative is being TE CHFOCUS challenged as more people
er ine Crump, a lawyer for
the American Civil Liberties Union who is r epresenting plaintiffs in two lawsuits challenging digital border searches. A decision in one of those suits, Abidor v. Napolitano, is expected soon, according to the case manager for Judge Edward Korman, who is writing the opinion for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. SeeBorders /E4
Catherine Crump, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, is representing plaintiffs in two lawsuits challenging digital border searches. Marilynn K. Yee
New YorkTimes News Serwce
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Ice cream
• Friends are one thing, • but how do you plan to Continued from E1 make the business a commerShe takes orders for 8-ounce cial success? cups at $3 each, or two for $5; • I think word of mouth pints are $5, and full gallons • has probably been the are $35. biggest strategy for me so far. Forest's hope is to one day It's an important first step, run her own ice cream store. especially when starting out But for n o w s h e's staying small. You get the word out small, working events l i ke there to friends, and then they First Friday Art Walk and tak- tell their friends and neighbors ing personal orders, in hopes — I've gotten a couple calls of opening a food cart next from people who said they had summer. been told about me by someone they know. And I'm getting • How did y ou g et i nto some opportunities catering • making ice cream? and setting up at events, like • I b o ught my f i r st i c e for First Fridays and events at • cream maker w hen I Tin Pan Theater. It's also imwas 18. I was just making portant to build a brand. I've i t for myself and m y f a m - made my own labels, and just ily, coming up with different doing things like that to give it recipes. I've b een e x peri- a professional feel. menting and working on my flavors for a few years now What sort of challenges ... My original idea with the • have you faced starting business was t o i n c o r po- a business'? rate different types of tea to • Running a b usiness is make some exotic f l avors, • very new for me. I got my like green and black tea ice operating license in Septemc ream. But I c hanged it t o ber. I've taken a couple courses adult-beverage ice cream, at Central Oregon Community even though I'm still doing College, just trying to get a feel coffee and teas. I started out for the ins and outs of running doing some icecream socials an enterprise like this. I've gotfor friends earlier this year. ten a lot of advice from differ-
ent people about what it takes to run a successful business... I haven't taken out any loans. I've just been slowly saving up money for the last year or so. I have an agreement to rent out a production area at Primal Cuts. I can only work at my kitchen at night, which is kind of fortunate and unfortunate at the same time. I'm still able to keep my day job atBack Porch, which is helping me pay rent. So there's definitely a lot of my day tied up with work, and just finding time for other things is kind of difficult.
News Corp.
which now publishes in eight
Continued from E1 Gerard Baker, 50, deputy editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, will succeed Thomson as editor-in-chief on Jan. 1. Thomson, 51, has long been viewed as the front-runner for the CEO job of the new publishing company. Murdoch selected the Australian native as editor of the Journal shortly after News Corp. acquired Dow Jones, the Journal's parent company. Before that, Thomson was editor of the U.S. edition of the Financial Times. Murdoch said he selected Thomson, who has served as editor-in-chief of Dow Jones and managing editor of the Wall Street Journal, for chief executive of the new company because of his "outstanding leadership at the Journal, which has become the dominant newspaper in the U.S. and has greatly expanded its global reach through,
"Many of you know thata belief in the power of the written word has been in my bones for my entire life," Murdoch said in the email to employees. "It began as I listened to my father's stories from his days as a war correspondent and, later, as a successful publisher. It deepened when, starting in grammar school, I rolled up my sleeves and worked alongside fellow students to publish school journals." Murdochnotedthat although the medium has changed, his "hunger is alive and well today.
paper unit, will be leaving the media company at the end of this month. Mockridge, however, also was seen as a viable contender for the CEO job, particularly after Murdoch entrusted him with leading the troubled London newspaper unit, News International, in July 2011 during the peak of the crisis over phone hacking at th e nowshuttered News of the World tabloid. News Corp. said in its statem ent that M o ckridge w a s leaving to "pursue outside opportunities." On Monday, News Corp. announced that Mike Darcey, 47, currently chief operating officer at pay-TV operator British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc, will replace Mockridge at News International. Mockridge last year steppedin to replace Rebekah Brooks, who was forced to resign over the hacking and bribery scandal and faces a criminal trial next year.
Change always breeds uncertainty but let me be very clear about one thing that is certain: We aren't finished achieving what others deem impossible: Not even close."
Separately, on Sunday night News Corp. said that Tom Mockridge, who was tapped last year to lead News Corp.'s scandal-plagued British news-
SEC charges Chinese affiliates of 5 big U.S. accounting firms By Edward Wyatt
the accountants "interpret the law of the People's Republic W ASHINGTON — Th e of China as prohibiting" them Securities an d E x c h ange from releasing the papers. Commission charged ChinaThe nine Chinese compabased affiliates of the five nies under SEC investigalargest U.S. accounting firms tion all have shares that are on Monday with violating se- traded in the United States, curities laws, saying that the making them subject to U.S. firms failed to produce work securities laws. The accountpapers from their audits of ing firms under investigation several China-based com- by the SEC are the Chinese panies that are under SEC affiliates of Deloitte, Ernst & investigation. Young, KPMG, PricewaterIn an administrative pro- houseCoopers and BDO. "Only with access to work ceeding, the SEC said that the accounting firms refused papers of foreign public acto cooperate with the docu- counting firms can the SEC ment requestin part because test the quality of the un-
derlying audits and protect investorsfrom the danger of accounting f r aud," R obert Khuzami, the commission's enforcement director, said in a statement. "Firms that conduct audits knowing they cannot comply with laws requiring access to these work papers face serious sanctions," Khuzami said. Among the possible sanctions is a sort of accounting death sentence: forbidding a firm from practicing before the SEC, meaning that the firm's audits of publicly traded companies would not satisfy securities laws.
numbers due out on Friday. For the last several months, U.S. firms have blamed economic weakness abroad for their own hard times. But the combination of improving manufacturing numbers around the world and weakness in the United States suggests that this is no longer a global story. We have to look inward — particularly to the uncertainty around the resolution of the fiscal cliff — to explain what is happening in the U.S. economy. "The fiscal cliff is the big worry right now," said an unnamed executive of a fabricated metal products company quoted by the ISM in its release. "We will not look toward any type of expansion until this is addressed; if the program that is put in place is more taxes and big spending cuts — which will push us toward recession — forget it." If current trends hold, the world economy could be supportive of growth in 2013, setting the stage for a good year. Now it's up to Washington not to screw it up.
New York Times News Service
your long-term Q•• What's plan for Rio's Frios?
• By the summer I'm going • to have a food cart, where I can do all my production and mixing. My main dream is to open my own little ice cream shop one day, kind of a hole-inthe-wall operation. I've always wanted to run my own business, and do something that
makes people happy. That's always been a passion of mine. I love ice cream, almost everyone does. I look forward to hopefully having this be part of my life for a very long time.
Continued from E1 Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, said in a n i n terview with Europe I radio Friday that a Eurozone recovery "would start probably in the second half of2013," and the new numbers Monday seem to fit that forecast; contraction remains under way for now, but the pace of that contraction is slowing. This is all good news. One of the major weights that has hung on U.S. companies over the last few months has been a slowing global economy; American exporters h ave dealt with both less actual demand from overseas and with fears that the slump could become an all-out global recession. The first of those factors remains. While th e l a test wave of manufacturing numbers represent improvement, they still signal an economic contraction in E urope and
— Reporter: 541-617-7820
weaker growth in emerging Asian economies than every-
WILSONSofRed mond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
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YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg 10 1.16 16 .04 26 .52l 30 1.76 13 1.40 14 .88 20 1.10a 27 48 .28 14 .53 .24a 58 .90 9 .20 9 .60f 22 14
4z50 -.25 +13.2 23.70 -.01 -8.0 9.80 -.06 +76.3 33.25 ... +66.6 74.02 -.26 +.9 5.15 +.03 +17.6 64.97 ... +37.7 57.89 —.01 +24.4 104.59 +.67 +25.5 6.24 —.14 +3.7
19.84 -.56 -20.9 1z87 -.12 -50.0 11.66 +.01 +1z1 19.54 -.03 -1 9.4
7.99 -.09 +3.9 26.78 +.54 +10.6 3.95 -.01 -33.5 17.24 -.18 +113.6 .69f 32 20.58 -.14 -4.1 13 15.05 +.12 +0.0 .92 14 26.43 —.19 +1.8
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purchasing managers' index fell sharply, to 49.5, from 51.7 in October. The details of the number were simply terrible. The actual level of production activity at American factories actually rose, but new orders fell 3.9 percent, which bodes ill for the future. The employment component of the survey fell to its lowest level since September 2009, which is hardly an optimistic sign for the November jobs
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641 N W F i r
97.56 +.08 +1.2 53.72 -.37 +8.1 43.61 -.25 -9.0
9.94 -.06 +u 8.9 43.48 -.46 +16.0 1.30 -.01 -31.9 42.52 -.33 +16.3 181.75 -1.64 +10.3 16.91 -.20 -1 9.6 27.70 -.49 -34.5 15Z21 -.31 +70.5 34.26 +.25 -6.8
1.68 37 .12 20 .70 8 .75 28 1.56 28 .93l 11 .84l 29 51.79 -.08 +1z6 4.93 -.13 +1.2 .36 14 11.69 +.03 -5.6 .78 11 3z05 -.21 +18.5 .32 13 16.23 +.16 +16.0 .88 10 32.75 -.26 +18.8 .20 13 21.74 -.07 +39.4 .68l 47 27.50 -.06 +47.3
Preeious metals P r ime rate Metal
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NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver
$1718.00 $1719.60 $33.681
$1711.00 $1710.90 $33.204
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3.25 3.25 3.25
Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg S&P500ETF I086145141.45 -.7I Neuralstem 43208 1.49 +.24 Facebook n 1200841 27.04 -.96 BkofAm 9491 76 9 80 - 06 CheniereEs 36588 1680 SiriusXM 554923 2 80 +.04 AMD 6 9 7358 z36 +.16 Sams0&G 33331 t08 +.11 Microsoff 520151 26.43 -.19 SPDR Fncl 479709 15.70 -.06 NwGoldg 31298 10.68 +.05 Delllnc 4 94427 10.06 +.42 Intel 433 971 19.54-.03 FordM 4 73974 u.41 -.04 Vringo 2 3 799 3.38 -.17
52.Week High Lo w
13,661.7211,23z16 Dow Jones Industrials
5,390.u 4,533.98 DowJonesTransportation 499.82 426.30 DowJonesUtilties 8,515.60 6,898.18 NYSE Composite 2,509.57 2,I50.17 AmexIndex 3,196.93 2,507.72 Nasdaq Composite
1,474.51 1,158.67 S&P 500 15,432.5412,158.94 Wilshire 5000 868.50 677.82 Russell2000
sequansc z30 +.82 +55.4 FABUniv 3.89 +.53 +15.8 Cyclacelrs
World markets
6.11 +.95 +18.3 TCF Fn wt 2.10 +.41 +24.3 LosgweiPI 2.78 +.32 +13.0 FFinSvc 2 . 1 6 +.30 +16.1 ChinaDEd 4.89 +.64 +151 Medgenics 8.80 +.62 +7.6 Viasyst 1 3 .08 +1.35 +u.5 Supvalu 2 . 6 8 +.30 +12.6 Sbdcp 2532.98+172.62 +7.3 Deckrsout 42.34 +4.05 +10.6 Qihoo360 27.44 iz45 +9.8 AlmadnM g 2.93 +.17 +6.2 Caesars n 6.70 +.60 +9.8 LOSerS (S2ormore) LOSerS (S2or more) LOSerS (S2or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg
Diary Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows
4.00 -.91 4 8.6 2.1 5 -.37 -14.7 2.23 -.23 -9.3 3.02 -.28 -8 5 3.39 -.30 -8.1
3.02 -.47 -13.4 ChiMobG n 2.63 -.17 -6.0 ChlnBAK rs 3. I1 -.19 -5.8 Zynga n 7.34 -.45 -5 8 Analystlnt 2.34 -.13 -5.3 JamesRiv
Diary 1,195 Advanced 1,829 Declined 120 Unchanged 3,144 Totalissues 150 New Highs 10 New Lows
Diary 178 266 29 473 13 6
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Net Last Chg
N ame
GainerS (S2ormore) GSllleIs (S2 or more) GainerS IS2ormore) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg
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one had become accustomed to over the last few years. But it is that second risk that is increasingly off the table. This is a r u n-of-themill recession in Europe, not an all-out economic collapse. The weakness in China and other emerging Asian economies is more a soft patch than an end to two decades of rip-roaring growth. If those trends hold up, then exports to the rest of the world can be a strength for the United States in 2013, rather than a
Self Referrals Welcome
Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues New Highs New Lows
1,106 1,366 130 2,602 69 33
YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg
12,965.60 5,06t42 45t04 8,223.54 2,405.60
-59.98 -57.69 +5.94 -8.04
-.45 +9.98 +.25 +5.59 -.27 +1 5.24
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-6.72 -66.41
-.47 +1 z08 -.45 +1 z07
-.14 +10.78
-.46 +6. l2 -1.1 3 +.83
-3.08 -36.90
+7.1 7 +.78 +.79 +9.20 +6.1 9 +1 3.04
+1z12 +11.80 +9.88
Here ishow keyinternational stock markets Keycurrencyexchangerates Monday compared withlate Friday ~i n NewYork. performed Monday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x changeRate Pvsoay Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich
337.28 2,440.37 3,566.59 5,871.24 7,435.21 21,767.85 42,325.44 15,876.06 4,049.09 9,458.18 1,940.02 3,065.74 4,540.05 6,289.91
+.22 s +.14s +.26s +.08s +.40s -1.19 +1.18s +.43s -.02 +.13s +.37 s -.14 t +.49s +.23 s
AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar
Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
1.0421 1.6095 1.0054 .002074 .1605 1.3060 .1290 .012160 .077192 .0324 .000923 .1508 1.0801 .0344
1.0422 1.6022 1.0070 .002085 .1606 1.2998 .1290 .012135 .077205 .0324 .000923 .1502 1.0783 .0344
Selected mutual funds YTD Name NAV Chg%Ret Amer Centuy Inv: Eqlnc 7 .86 -0.04 NA
HiYldBd 8.01 +0.01 +150 FMI Funds: EQII 1 9.47 -0.07 +13.8 TotMktAdr41.21 -0.18 +14.4 IVA Funds: B doebAp 8.07 + 1 t 7 IntBdA p 6.59 +0.02 +10.0 BIChip 45.53-0.22 NA Cohen & Steers: Lgcap p 16.93 -0.08 +13.2 Fidel 35.65 -0.20 +15.1 USBondI 11.95 i0.01 +4.4 Wldw>de I r16.31 NA S hDurlncA p4.65 + 6 . 0 MnstFdA 37.03 -0.21 +15.1 CapApp 23.36-0.06 NA Rltyshrs 6710+024 +120 FPA Funds: FltRateHir 9.94+0.01 +6.2 FirstEagle: InvescoFundsA: Lord Abbelt C: Rs>ngo<vA17.28 -0.08 +11.3 EmMktS 32.65+0.02 +14.5 ColumbiaClassZ: Newlnco 10.63 +0.01 +2.1 GNMA 'I'I 81 +0.03 +32 GlblA 4951 -001 +97 CmstkA 1729 410 +150 ShourlncCt468 +001 NA S&MdcpVI3t68 -0.15 +6.9 Eqlnc 26.00-0.13 NA +30 OverseasA 2247 +0.04 +10.4 EqlncA 913 -0.03 +n.2 Lord Abbelt F: OppenheimerB: Eqlndex 38.12-0.18 NA Gro|Nthl 27.81 -0.14 NA Acomr 31 21 -006 +'l46 FPACres 28.71 -0.07 +8.1 Govtinc 1065 GrlncAp 20.68 -0.11 +124 ShtDurlnco 4.64 RisingoivB1560 -0 08 +10.3 Grovrth 31 58-016 NA Ultra 26.06 -0.12 NA AcomlntZ 40.48 -0.01 +18.6 Farholme 29.94+0.05 +29.3 Groco 9537 -043 +179 Forum Funds: DivlncoZ 14.78 -0.05 +10.6 FederatedInsll: Grolnc 2095 -010 +165 Absstrlr 11.17+0.01 +t1 HYMuA 10.29 + 1 5.3MFS FundsA: S&MdcpVI2675 -013 +61 Hlthsci 426II -0 02 NA American FundsA: TotRetsd 11.M NA GrowCOF9542 -043 +181 Frank/Temp Frnk k TotRA 15 08 -0 05 +9.9 OppenheimerC&M: AmcpAp 2t31 -009 +136 Credit SuisseComm: Invesco Funds Y: HiYield 6 91 NA t7.5 GroeChcoK95.39-OA3+18.0 FedTFApx12.97 -0.04+106 B alaskv 1315 AMutlAp 28.21 -Os3 +10.9 ComRet t 8.27 +0.03 NA StrValDvlS 5.04 + 1 0 5ValueA 25.25 -0:l3 NA as>ngovcp1554-008 +105 InstlcpG 1868-0 08 NA Fidelity Advisor A: Highlncr 9.30 i0.01 +13.3 HYTFA p 11.1 6 +1 2.9 Ivy Funds: MFS FundsI: OppenheimerRoch: Intlsond 10s5+0 03 NA BalAp 2024 406 +128 DFA Funds: BondAp 1298 +59 IntlcorEq 1026 -001 +13.4 Nwlnsghp22.71 -0.09+15.2 IntBd 11.17 -0.01 +5.0 IncomApx 2.19 -0.02 +1t1 Assetsct 24.86 -0.09 +14.9 Valuel 25.37 -0.13 NA RcNtMuA 778+002+20.6 Intl G&l 1284 +0 05 NA 1219 -005 +145 StrlnA 12.81 +0.01 +9.8 I ntmMu 10.78 +5. 9 RisovA px37.25 -0.81 +8.6 AssetstAp25.76 -0.08 +15.7 MFS FundsInsll: OppenheimerY: Intlstk 14s 7+0 05 NA CaplBAp 5320 -003 +11.1 USCorEq1 Intloisc 3272+005+185 Stratlnc p 1069 + 1 1.3Assetstrlr 26.03 -0.09 +15.9 IntlEq 18 71 +0 06 +17.5 DevMktY 3395 +0.06 +172 Mecap 5871-035 NA CapWGA p36.70 -0.05 +16.7 USCorEq21206 -004 +15.1 Fidelity Advisor I: Nwlnsgtl 23C4 -009+15.4 I nvGrsd 1'l.71 +5. 8 U SGovAp 682 MainStay FundsA: IntlBdY 6.59 +0.02 +10.4 McapVal 2501-0 07 NA CapWAp 21.61 +0.02 +7.4 Davis FundsA: +1 5 JPMorgan AClass: NYVenA 35.64 -0.18 +9.7 Fidelity Freedom: InvGB 803 +001 +65 Frank/rmp FrnkAdv: CoresdA 1214 NA aYldBA x 6.05 -0.03 +11.3 IntGrowY 30.45+O.n NA N Asia 16 66 -002 +198 E upacA p 40.79 n 6 . 0 FF2010 1433 -001 +9.7 Lgcapval n 22 -005 +n 4 GlbBdAdv13.55 -0.02 +14.3 JP MorganInsll: ManagessFunds: PIMCOAdmin PIMS: NewEra 42 53 -019 NA FdinvAp 4027 -0.18 +149 Davis FundsY: FF2010K 1313 -001 +98 NYVenY 3609 -018 +100 LowPr 3923 -005 +14.9 IncmeAd x 2.17 -0.02 +11.4 MdcpVal 28.29 -0.12 n9.1 Yacktmanp1908 -005 +104 TotRIAd 11 63 +0 01 +9.9 N Honz 3526 -0 24 NA GovtA p 14 60 +0.01 +2 3 A: FF2015 n 98 -001 +99 LowPsKr 39.21 -0.05 +15.0 Frank/TempFrnk C: YacktFoc 2051 -005 +9.8 PIMCOInstl PIMS: JPMorgan RCl: N Inc 9 . 96 NA GwthAp 3400 414 +183 Delaware Invest + 6 . 7FF2015K 1320 + 1 0 .0Magelln 73.24 -0.35 +16.5 Incomctx 221 -002 +10.5 Coresond 12 14 NA Manning&Napier Fds: AIASetAut nt37 +0.02 NA Qvers SF 8.40+0.02 NA Hl TrA p 11 27 +0.01 +1 2.9 D iverlnc p 9.45 Dimensional Fds: FF2020 1450 -001 +108 Wld0ppA 7.61 -0.01 +14.9 AIIAsset 12 82 +0.02 NA Mecap 2939 -0.08 +12.5 Frank/Temp Mll A&B: Shtoursd 1101 NA R2010 16.70 NA IncoAp 18.08 -0.04 +10.9 MergerFd 1594+001 +2.2 ComodRR6.95+0.03 NA R2015 13.00 +9 . 3 SharesA 22.17 -0.02 +12.7 JPMorganSelCls: NA I ntsdA p 13.79 +2 . 8 EmMCrtq 19.28 -0.01 +13.3 FF2020K 1362 -001 +109 M unilnc 13.78 CoreBd 12.13 NA Metro Wesl Fds: Divlnc 12.30 +0.01 NA R2020 18.01 ICAA p 30.49 -0.14 +140 EmMktV 28.56 +0.03 +11.4 FF2025 12 08 -0 01 +12.0 NwMktr u.97+0.02+18.8 Frank/TempTempk NA NEcoAp 28.66 -0.17 +20.5 IntsmVa 1540+003 +153 FF2025K 1377 -001 +121 OTC 60.14 -0.19 +99 GIBdAp 13.59 -002 +140 aghYld 8.13 +0.01 NA TotRetBd 11.11 + 11.0 EmgMkcur1051 -0.01 NA R2025 13.20 NA USLgVa 2228 -On +179 FF2030 14.38 -0.01 +12.3 GrwthAp 19.06+001 +170 LgcpGr 24.04 -0.08 NA T otRtBdl 11.11 + 1 t 2 EmMksd 12.47 +0.01 NA NPerAp 3091 -0.05+182 100lndex 'I014 -005 +150 R2030 18.97 NA NA Mutual Series: avld 9 . 60 +0.01 NAR2035 13.41 NwWrldA 5322+0.01 +154 USSmall 2333 -005 +14.4 FF2030K 13.91 -0.02 +12.4 Puritn 1947 -005 +129 WorldAp 15.79 -001 +14.9 ShtDurBd 1101 NA NA R2040 19.09 SmcpAp 3924 404 +183 USSmVa 2704 -002 +17.3 FF2035 11.90 -0.01 +13.0 PuntanK 1946 -006+130 Frank/TempTmp88C: USLCCrPls2302 411 +166 GblDscA 2969 -001 +11s InvGrCp 1139 NA GlbDiscZ 3013 -001 +n.4 Lowou 10 66 +0.01 NA ShiBd 4.85 TxExA p 13 37 + 1 0.3Intlsmco 15.42 +0.01+134 FF2035K 13.99 -0.02 +13.2 SAIISecEqF1299 -006 +15.7 GIBdC p 13.62 -0.02 +13.6 Janus r shrs: NA F ixd 1 0.35 + 0. 9 FF2040 8.30 -0.01 +13.0 SCmdtystrt 9.08 +O.N +t3 GMO Trusl III: PrkMCVal T2t73 -0.08 +7.6 Sharesr 2240 -002 +13.0 RealRtnl 1274+003 NA -0.13 NA WshAp 31.07 -015 +11.2 Smcpstk 35.74 IntVa 15.93 -0.03 +10.9 FF2040K 14.03 -0.02 +13.2 SCmdtystrF9.11 +0.03 +1.6 Quahty 23 34 -0.07 +11.9 John HancockCI1: Neuberger&sermFds: ShortT 991 NA SmcapVal Arlisan Funds: 38.99 -0.09 NA SrslntGrw 11.81+0.03 +16.8 GMOTrusl IV: LSBalanc 1354 402 +12.2 Geneslnst 50.63 -0.20 NA TotRt n .63 +0.01 +10.2 Speclnx 1300 NA Intl 24 . 21 -0.04 NAGlb5Fxlnc 11.31 -0.01 +4.7 Fidelity Invest: +1 . 0 AIISectEq 12.97 -0.06 +15.5 SrslntVal 940 +001 +16.3 IntllntrVI 20.47 -0.02 +9.5 LSGrwth 1346 403+130 Northern Funds: PIMCOFundsA: IntlValr 29.96 +0.09 NA 2 YGrxd 10.14 Value 2616 -012 NA AMgr50 16.37 -0.01 +10.3 Dodge&cox: SerlntlValF 9A3 + 1 6.6 GMO Trusl Vl : Lazard Instl: H iYFxlnc 7.48 N A AIIAstAut t 11.30 +0.03 NA Principal Inv: Midcap 38.40 -0.14 NA MidcapVal2t41 -0.12 NA Balanced 7658 -020 +15.5 AMgr20r 1 3.39 + 6 . 5 SrlnvGrdF'I'l.72 +0.01 +59 EmgMktsr11.24 -001 +93 EmgMktl 19.24 +0.06 +14.5 OakmarkFundsl: RealRtA p12.74 +0.03 NA LgCGlln 10.20 005 +149 Eqtylncr 29.17 -0.11 +7.8 TotRtA 11.63 +0.01 +9.8 PutnamFundsA Bernstein Fds: Income 1395+001 +78 Balanc 20.14 -0.05 +12.1 STBF 8 6 0 +2 3 GoldmanSachsInsl: LongleafPartnerz BalancedK 20.14 -0.05 +12.3 H irield 7.37 +1 4 .0Partners 2609 402 +140 Intl I r 20 .1 9 +0.07 +22.0 Intour 14 27 Intlstk 33 55 +0 05 +14.7 Stratlnc n.47 +001 +101 PIMCOFundsC: GrlnA p 14.46 0.07 NA Loomis Sayles: Oakmark 4909 -018 +17.8 TotRtCt n 63 +001 +9s Royce Funds: ovMu 15 01 Stock n863 -0.47 +183 BluechGr 49.74 -0.20 +17.3 Totalsd n 06+001 +67 HarborFunds: DoubleLine Funds: CapAp 29.64 -0.16 +20.4 USBI n 95 +0.01 +4.3 Bond 13.09 NA LSBondl 1509+0.01 NA Old Weslbury Fds: BlackRockA: PIMCOFunds 0: PennMul r 11.86 0.04 NA Cplncr 9A3 +0.01 +14.6 Value 74.77 -0.23 +17.8 CapAplnst 4222 -020 +14.4 Strlnc C 15.41 NA Glob0pp 7.62 + 1 3.4TRtn p 11.63 +0.01 NA Premierlr 20.21 0.13 NA Eqtyos 1975 411 +104 TRBd I x 11.36 TRBd N px11.35 Contra 77.94 -0.33 +15.5 Fidelity Sparlan: I n tllnv t 60.59 +0.04 +1 6. 5 LSBondR 15.03 +0.01 NA GlbSMdcap15.01 -0.02 +13.4 PIMCO Funds P: Schwab Funds: GIAIAr 1950 4.04 +8.1 BlackRock 8&C: Dreyfus: ContraK 77.97 -0.33 +15.7 500ldxlnv 50.13 -0.24 +14.3 Intlr 6 t 3 3 +0.04 +16.9 StrlncA 15.32 + 1 1.3Lgcapstrat 9.85 -0.03 +12.3 AstAIIAuthP11.36+0.03 NA 1000lnvr 40.33 0.19 +14.0 GIAIC t 18.11 -0.04 +7.3 Aprec 4414 416 +10.2 D>vlntl 29.80 +0.02 +16.8 500ldx I 50.14 -0.24 +14.4 Harllord Fds A: Loomis SaylesInv: Oppenheimerk TotRtnP 11 63 +0.01 NA S&P Sel 22.38 0.10 +14.4 BlackRock Insll: EatonVanceI: DivrslntKr29.80 +0.02+17.0 Fidelily Sparl Adls CpAppAp33.29 -Os7 +155 InvGrsdY x1280 404 NA DvMktAp 3425+005+16.8 Perm PartFunds: ScoutFunds: EquityDv 19.80 -0.10 +10.6 FltgRt 9.1 0 NA DivGth 29.90 -0.14 +16.4 ExMktAdr 40.21 -0.11 +14.7 Harllord HLSIA: Lord Abbetl A: GlobA p 63.24 -0.01 +17.0 Permannt 4918 +67 Intl 32 . 71 +0.05 +17.8 GlbAllocr 19.61 -0.04 +8.4 G blMacAbR 9.78 N A Eqlnc 46.73 -0.19 +15.4 500ldxAdv50.14 -0.24 +14.4 CapApp 42.52 -0.22 +14.4 AffilAp 11.75 -0.06 +12.8 GblRrlncA 4.34 i0.01 +12.5 Price Funds: Sequoia 165.13-0.28 +13.5
TCW Funds: EmMktln 9.39 +0.01 NA TotRetBdl 10.29 NA l AA-CREFFunds: Eqldxlnst 10.87 -0.05 NA Templelon Inslit:
TStkAdm 35.33-t|15 +14.5 WellslAdm 59.52 -0.08 +9.8 WelltnAdm 5904 -020 +'I'l.4 Windsor 4992-t|26 +'l71 WdsrllAd 51 69425 +143
VanguardIdx Fds: ExtMktl n161 -032 +15.0 wdCplstPI109.41-0.55 +12.7 TotlntAdmr2435 -003 +13.4
Totlntllnst r97.39 -0.12 +13.4 TotlntllPr 9741 -0.12 +134 500 1 30.48 -0 61 +14.3
ForEqS 19.41 i0.05 +14.1 Capopp 34 15414 +157 Thornburg Fds: avdGsI 16 63-t|11 +9s IntValAp 26.82+0.08 +12.7 Energy 59.29-0.23 +0.6 IntValue I 27.43 +0.08 +13.1 Eqlnc 24.08 -0.12 +12.3 Tweedy Browne: Explr 79.77 -t|24 +11.7 GblValue 25.55 +0.11 +16.9 GNMA 11.02+0.01 +2.3 VanguardAdmiral: HYCorp 6 07+001 +'l3.1 BalAdml 23.70 -0.06 +1 0.5 Hlthcre 14741424 +'l46 C AITAdm 11.92 +8 . 1 InflaPro 15 05+003 +76 CpopAdl 78.90 -0.33 +15.8 IntlGr 18 88 -002 +15.5 EMAdmrr 35.03 -0.07 +12.0 IntlVal 30.54 -0.03 +14.7 Energy 11t35 -0.45 +0.6 ITIGrade 10.50 +9.2 EqlnAdmn5049 -025 +124 Lifecon 17.28-0.03 +8.3 ExtdAdm 45.22 -0.13 +14.9 LifeGro 23.50-t|07 +1 2.2 500Adml130.50 -0.62 +14.4 LifeMod 20 95-004 +'I0.3 GNMA Ad 11.02 +0.01 +2.4 LTIGrade n 07+0.02 +'l26 GrwAdm 36.67 -0.17 +16.4 Morg 1993 -009 +141 Hlthcr 62.22 -0.10 +14.7 Mulnt 14.59 +7.0 HiYldCp 6.07 +0.01 +13.2 Prmcpcor 15.17-0.06 +12.5 InfProAd 29.57 +0.06 +7.7 Prmcpr 69.84-0.26 +13.1 ITBdAdml 12 23 -0.01 +7.3 SelValur 21.17-0.11 +13.9
IrsryAdml 11.83 -0.01 +3.1 STAR 20.79-0.04 +12.0 IntGrAdm 60s1 -0.06 +156 STIGrade 1088 +4.4 ITAdml 14 59 +71 StratEq 21.19-008 +'l5.5 ITGrAdm 10.50 +93 TgtRetlnc 12 27 +78 L tdrrAd 11.20 +22 TgRe20102450 403 +92 LTGrAdml 11.07 +0.02 +127 TgtRe201513.54-002 +10s L T Adml 12 02 +99 TgRe202024.02 -0.05 +10.7 McpAdml100.40 -0.50 +126 TgtRe202513.68-0.03 +11.5 MuHYAdm11.48+0.01 +11.0 TgRe2030 23.46 -0.07 +12.1 Prmsap r 72.51 -0.27 +13.2 TgtRe203514.12-0.04 +12.9 RstAdmr 9t38+0.40 +14.0 TgtRe204023.19-007 +'l3.1 S TsyAdml 10.79 + 0 . 7TgtRe204514 56 -005 +'l31 S TBdAdml 10.67 + 2 . 1USGro 21 19408 +174 ShtTrAd 15.94 +t 2 Wellsly 24.57 -003 +9.7 S TIGrAd 10.88 +4 . 5 Welltn 34.18 -0.12 +1 t3 SmCAdm38.22 -0.07 +14.5 Wndsr 14.79 -0.08 +16.9 T tlBAdml 11.19 + 4 . 4Wndsll 29.12-0.14 +14.2
T otBnd 11.19 +4 . 3 Totllntl 1455 -002 +13.3 Totstk 35.31 -0.16 n44 Vanguard Insll Fds: Ballnst 23.70 -0.06 +10.5
DevMklnst 9 65 + 14.6 Extln 4 522 -0.13 +15.0 Grwthlst 36.67 -0.17 +164 InfProlnst 1204+002 +7.7
Instldx 129.64 -0.61 +14.4 InsPI 12965 -061 +14.4 InsistPlusst98 -014 n46 MidCplst 2218 -On +127 S TIGrlnst 10.88 + 4 .5 SClnst 38.22 -0.07 +14.5 TBlst 11.19 +4. 4 TSlnst 35.33 -0.16 +145 Valuelst 2257 -0.11 +12.4
Vanguard Signal: 500Sgl 107.80 -0.5'I +14.4 wdspldx 3t68 -0.16 +12.6 S TBdldx 10.61 +2 . 1 T otsdsgl 11.19 + 4 .4 Totstksgl 34.09 -0.15+14.5 Virlus FundsI: EmMktl 10.18 -0.02 +17.9
WeslemAsset: coreplus I n 6s
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email or click on "Submit an Event" at Please allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.
TODAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: 3-4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1 050. SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free oneon-one small business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.
WEDNESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-749-0789.
THURSDAY OREGON CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATION CONVENTION: The Convention will feature information and updates on production, conservation and sustainability practices, regulation challenges and new information on animal nutrition and health for higher profit margins; registration required; $15-155;; The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 503-361-8941 or www. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: 2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. BEND CHAMBERMEMBER HOLIDAYPARTY: Mix and mingle in a relaxed, festive atmosphere with fellow members and celebrate the successes of 2012; registration
required; $10 for members; 5 p.m.; HighDesertMuseum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97; 541-382-3221 or www. CENTRALOREGON INTERGOVERNMENTALCOUNCIL BOARD MEETING: Open to the public; 5:30-7 p.m.; City of Redmond Public Works Training Room, 243 East Antler Avenue; 54 I-548-9521.
FRIDAY OREGON CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATIONCONVENTION:The convention will feature information and updates on production, conservation and sustainability practices, regulation challenges and new information on animal nutrition and health for higher profit margins; registration required; $15-155;; The Riverhouse Hotel 8 Convention Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 503-361-8941 or www. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements bythe Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza,1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.happyhour CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or KNOW EMAILFOR BEGINNERS: 1-2:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. FREETAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. com;free;2-4 p.m.;Zoom Tax,963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW EXCELFOR BEGINNERS: 3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050.
SATURDAY OREGON CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATIONCONVENTION:The convention will feature information and updates on production, conservation and sustainability practices, regulation challenges and new information on animal nutrition and health for higher profit margins; registration required; $15-155;; The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 503-3618941 or
MONDAY TECHNOLOGY PETTINGZ00: noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. PUBLICOUTREACH MEETING: AltaRock Energy is nearing completion of hydroshearing at the Newberry Geothermal demonstration project to create geothermal reservoirs at the site; this meeting will have a presentation on this phase of the project as well as an open forum to discuss questions and concerns; free; 6 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 855-872-4347, or www.
TUESDAY Dec. 11 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. VISITBEND BOARD MEETING: Open to the public; email Valerie@ to reserve a seat; 8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava Road; 541-382-8048. GETTINGTHE MOSTOUTOF SCHWAB.COM: Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab 8 Co.,777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: 1:30 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free oneon-one small business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.
WEDNESDAY Dec. 12 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 9:30 a.m .; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar
St.; 541-3 I2-1 070. KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: 11 a.m.; La Pine Public Library,16425 First St.; 541-536-0515.
THURSDAY Dec. 13 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. KNOW EXCELFOR BEGINNERS: 1:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-0515. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m .; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765. HOT MARKET,SELLER'SMARKET: An overview of selling your home in Central Oregon's real estate market, with speaker Peggi Schoning; RSVP requested; two cans of food per person; 6-7 p.m.; Deschutes County Title Co., 397 Upper Terrace Drive, Bend; 541-788-4100.
FRIDAY Dec. 14 CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or TECHNOLOGY AND COLLABORATION— THE BEST OF BOTHWORLDS: COBEN December meeting with A. Lynn Jesus presenting; lunch provided; registration requested; $5; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 503-805-6524, or www. KNOW MOREEMAIL:1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. FREETAXFRIDAY:Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW EXCELBUDGETS: 3-4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050.
NEWS OF RECORD Richard ChapinRevocable Trust to Tracey W. andElizabeth M. Steig, Fairway Point Village 5, Lot 32, Block Deschutes County 22, $665,000 Michael S. Sawyer trustee for Charles W. Thomsontrustee for Sawyer Family Limited Partnership Charles W. Thomson Declaration to Paul and Christene Woodland, of Trust andSara A. Fields trustee Golf Course Homesite Section, Third for Sara A. Fields Declaration Addition, Lot 60, $410,000 of Trust to Scott P. andTiffany Douglas H. andBardara K. K. Mendenhall,Awbrey Butte Swanson trustees for DouglasH. Homesite, Phase 31, Lot 20, Swanson andBardara K. Swanson $1,500,000 Revocable Living Trust to Bruce Curt and Gisela Ravntrustees for A. and Margaret A. Fraser,River Ravn Family Revocable Trust No. 1 Village III, Lot 8, Block17, $376,000 to Lucinda E.Sands, Bluffs at River Creative Real Estate Solutions Bend, Phase 2, Lot10, $385,000 LLC to Scott E. andTeresa J. Smith Brian Huff to Conan B.Tigard, trustees for Smith Family Trust, Summit, Phase2,Lot32,$241,400 Millcrest, Lot 2, $280,185.21 Tekoa LLCto Robert F. andDebra J. Duncan andKimberly S. Porter D. Adams,Northwest Townsite to Daryl K. andJennifer L. Hogge, CompanysSecond Additionto Bend, Meadow Houses, Phases 3 and4, Lot 5, Block14, $320,000 Unit 83, $235,000 Dennis R. FoxandLinda S. Zorbas Kim and JoyC. Victor to Ronald P. to Gregory S. andCathy H. Zorbas, Dewey andReata M. Young-Dewey, Providence, Phase 3, Lot17, Block 2, Greens at Redmond, Phases 4 and5, $160,000 Lot48, $186,000 New Era HomesLLCto Rodert W. Marlene A. andJohnB. Parks and Christine E. Keller,McClellan to Lewis B. andAmyA. Howell, Commons, Lot1, $326,000 Saddleback West, Lot11, Block8, Mark and KarenWeisman toScott $332,000 T. and Terri K. O'Connor,Northwest Michael S. andAnne-Marie Sall to Townsite COSSecond Addition to Richard N. andJanice L. Andrews, Bend, Lots12and13, Block40, Lave Ridges, Phase 3, Lot 61, $225,800 $327,500 Michael J. Tennant andJimSt. TetherowGlen58 LLC toJonand John to Carla S. Donaldson, Sara Fogarty,Tetherow, Phase 2, Cottages at NorthWest Crossing, Lot Lot 33, $168,300 18, $269,900 Mary E. KellyandJoseph Rayto Alexander J. Casedeer to Michael Stacey and Jo Stone, Fairhaven, J. and Diana M. Dahlin,River Phase1, Lot10, $169,000 Canyon Estates No. 4, Lot 285, Fidelity National Title Insurance $287,000 Company toWells FargoBank, Richard andEllen Eismantrustees Township14, Range13, Section14, for EismanRevocable Trust to $285,000 Jorgensen Revocable LivingTrust, Ania M. Pooler to Josephand Awbrey Park, Phase 2, Lot 70, Latisha C. Mortensen,Township17, $650,000 Range12, Section 2, $268,500 James P. andBrendaAllen to James H. Blaisdell and Marty Christopher E. Perret,Awbrey Butte J. Beidler to JohnW. Webre, Homesites, Phase 26, Lot11, Block Eaglenest, Phase1, Lot8, $150,200 24, $850,000 Richard L. Chapin trustee for John M. Weinsheim to Michael R.
and Laura G.Dobson, Fairhaven, Phase11, Lot12, $189,900 Martin and Marcella Higgins to Gifford T. andEllen M. Gibson, Mountain Pines PU.D., Phase1, Lot 103, $375,000 Melvin C. andElaine C. Long trustees for the Melvin andElaine Long Trust to Leland andCarol Higley,Skyline Ridge, Lot 2, Block 1, $157,000 Hayden HomesLLCto Thomas D. Busik,Aspen Rim, Lot16, $316,836 Suzanna F. Clarke to Andrea L. Westfall,Deschutes River Woods, Lots16and17, Block S, $197000 Wells Fargo BankN.A. aka Wachovia Mortgage fka Wachovia Mortgage FSBfka World Savings Bank FSB toMichael and Kalina Moore,Township10, Range10, Section 24, $505,500 L. Kellstrom Construction Inc. to Rolland E. andCarolyn Shults, Diamond Bar Ranch, Phase 3, Lot 94, $157,500 Rodert D. andGeraldine E. Petersen to Jack W.andPatricia G. Homeyer trustees for Homeyer Living Trust,Sage Meadow, Lot 7, Block 8, $340,000 Rajinder Kaur to Richard L. and Heidi N. Brannin,Stonegate P.U.D., Phase1, Lot 37, $360,350 Kingsley LLC to K & KProperties, Shevlin Center, Phase 2, Lot 3, $860,000 Kevin andJulie Gibbs to JohnM. Weinsheim,Aspen Rim, Lot142, $360,000 Jeffrey G. Jackson toDawnW. Yamada trustee for DawnW. Yamada Trust,Shevlin Commons P U.D., Phases1-3, Lot 23, $235,000 Pilar Ash to Mark B. Born,South Deerfield Park, Lot19, $155,000 Diana Swensonwho acquired title as Diana Ij. Bos trustee for Diana U. BosRevocable Trust to Paul D. and Margaret J. Waldram, Mountain Village East 4, Lot 6, Block 20, $229,000
Bill Wecks Holdings Inc. to Lawrence C. Tagala,Cambria P.U.D., Lot 6, $326,000 Jeremia and Beverly J. Joubert to James C. andAllison A. Wiggins, Terrango Glen, Phase1, Lot22, $190,000 Daniel L. Collins trustees for Mary Ann Collins LivingTrust to Charles S. and Jennifer L. Lockwood, Northwest Townsite COS Second Addition to Bend, Lot14, Block24, $260,000 Daniel J. andSharon A.McCarthy to Melvin L. McDougal,Village at Oaktree, Phase 2, Lot12, $175,000 Karl E. and Patsy R. Farr to Rodney W. Dines andKathy H. Schon, Crossroads, Lot18, $305,000 Tami L. Warren to Directors Mortgage Inc. and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., Neal Addition, Lot 2, Block1, $198,000 Hayden HomesLLCto Mary E. Kellyand JosephRay, Merrick Subdivision, Phases 1 and 2, Lot 23, $155,277 Robert D. and Peggy L.Phillips to Richard P. andLisa K. Bock, Deschutes River Recreation Homesites, Lots44and 45,Block 20, $325,000 James A. andOnnaS. Stewart to W hitney S.Blackman and Jessica F. Keating,Westside Meadows, Lot 59, $239,000 Fidelity National Title Insurance CompanytoWe ll s Fargo Bank N.A., Canal View, Phases 2 and 3, Lot18, $223,344 Pahlisch HomesInc. to Paul M. and Keala H. Smith,McCall Landing, Phase1, Lot 37, $229,000 Pahlisch HomesInc. to Charles T. and Rosemary G.Schmidt trustees for Charles T. andRosemary G. Schmidt Trust,Bridge at Shadow Glen, Phase1, Lot 30, $352,800 John Mahoney toSentinel Investments Inc.,Township 17, Range12, Section 26, $175,000
committed to ensuring the rights and privacies of all Continued from E1 people while making cerIn that case, Pascal Abi- tain that DHS can take the dor, who is studying for his lawful actions necessary to doctorate in Islamic studies, secure our borders." sued the government after T he statement also r e he was handcuffed and de- ferredtothe agency's policy tained at the border during on border searches of elecan Amtrak trip from Mon- tronic devices, which says treal to New York. He was that officers can keep these questioned and placed in a devices for a " r easonable cell for several hours. His period of time," including at laptop was searched and an off-site location, and seek kept for 11 days. help from other government According togovernment agencies to decrypt, transdata,these types of search- late or interpret the infores are rare: About 36,000 mation they contain. If travpeople are referred to sec- elers choose not to share a ondary screening by United password for a device, the States Customs and Border government may hold it in Protection daily, and rough- order to find a way to gain ly a dozen of those travelers access to the data. are subject to a search of The agency did provide their electronic devices. r ecent statistics o n h o w C ourts have l ong h e ld many travelers this policy that F ourt h A m e n dment affects. From Oct. 1, 2011, protections against unrea- through A u g . 3 1 , 2 0 1 2, s onable searches do n o t 11.9 million travelers were apply at the border, based referred to seco n d ary on the government's inter- screening a f te r e n t ering est in combating crime and the United States. Of those terrorism. But Pascal's law- searches, 4,898 included an suit and similar cases ques- electronic device. Inthe prior tion whether confiscating year, 12.1 million people una laptop for days or weeks derwent additional screenand analyzing its data at ing, with 4,782 searches of another site goes beyond electronic devices. the typicalborder searches. They also depart from the Singled out justification used in other While there is little public digital searches, possession i nformation about who i s of child pornography. pulled aside for extra scru"We're getting more into tiny, some people who have whether this i s t a r geting had their laptops searched political s peech," C r u mp say they feel they were sesaid. lected based on their acaIn another case the ACLU demic, journalistic or politiis arguing, House v. Napoli- cal pursuits. tano, border officials at ChiLaura Poitras, a d o cucago O'Hare Airport con- mentary filmmaker and the fiscated a l aptop, camera recipient of a 2012 MacArand USB drive belonging thur Fellowship, estimates to David House, a computer that she has been detained programmer, and kept his more than 40 times upon redevices for seven weeks. turning to the United States. The lawsuit charges that She has been questioned for House was singled out be- hours about her meetings cause of his association with abroad, her credit cards and the Bradley Manning Sup- notes have been copied, and port Network. Pfc. Bradley after one trip he r l aptop, Manning is a former milicamera and cellphone were tary intelligence analyst ac- seized for 41 days. cused of leaking thousands Poitras said these interof military and diplomatic rogations largely subsided d ocuments t o t h e an t i - after a S a lon a r t icle desecrecy group WikiLeaks. scribing he r e x p eriences In March, Judge Denise was published in April, but Casper o f U. S . D i s t r ict she is editing her latest film Court in Massachusetts de- in Europe to avoid crossing nied the government's mo- the border with her research tion to dismiss the suit, say- and interviews. (The film, ing that although the gov- the third in a series about ernment did notneed rea- the war on terror, focuses sonable suspicionto search on domestic surveillance.) " I'm t a k ing m o r e and someone's laptop at the border, that power did not strip more extreme measures, to House of his First Amend- the point where I'm actually ment rights. Legal scholars editing outside the country," say this ruling could set the she said. "They use the borstage for the courts to place der as a way to get around some limits on how the gov- the law." ernment conducts d i gital In other c a ses, travelsearches. ers say they have no idea "The District Court basi- why they were singled out. cally said you don't need Lisa Wayne, a criminal deindividualized suspicion to fense lawyer, had her laptop search an electronicdevice searched after r e t u rning at the b order," said Pat- from a trip to Mexico. rick Corbett,a professor of Wayne said her main concriminal law and procedure cern was the i nformation at Thomas M. Cooley Law about clients' cases stored School in L a nsing, Mich. on her laptop: She is a past "What they were troubled president of t h e N a tional with was the fact that the A ssociation o f Cr i m i n al government heldthese de- Defense Lawyers, which is vices for 49 days." a co-plaintiff in the Abidor s uit, along w it h t h e N a Broad authority tional Press Photographers C ustoms a n d B or d e r Association. But at the time Protection, part of the De- of the search, she was unpartment of Homeland Se- aware of her rights and felt curity, declined to discuss pressured to hand over her the policy in an interview, computer. "It was very clear to me but a spokeswoman for the agency said in a n e m ail: that the longer I o bjected "Keeping Americans safe or interrogated them, the and enforcing our nation's longer I was going to be delaws in an increasingly digi- tained, and I had a connecttal world depends on our ing flight," she said. "It's an ability t o l a w f ully s creen intimidating experience. It all materials — electronic was not consensual other or otherwise — e n tering than, you comply with the the United States. We are rules."
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Food, F2-3 Home, F4
Ask Martha, F6
Recipe Finder, F6
Garden, F5
Settling down in the right town Editor's note:The At Home section features a profile of a local home each month. To suggest a home, email By Penny Nakamura For The Bulletin
There are ski communities, and then there are real ski communities according to Dee McBride-Lee. Dee and her husband, Jay Lee, have lived and worked in the ski communities of Lake Tahoe, Calif.; Breckenridge, Colo.; Park City, Utah; and now Bend. She says of all the ski towns they've been a part of, she prefers Bend best of all. "First of all, it's a real town, and the people are real — they're friendly. We just love it here," said McBride-Lee, from her living room that overlooks the Cascade Mountains. eYou have the views and the climate. At Breckenridge the town is at 9,600 feet; it's hard to grow anything, and in Tahoe we found it was just an insane amount of snow. In Park City it was about
everything being really big. Big trophy houses and lots of big money. I was happy to get away from it and find a real down-to-earth town." See McBride-Lee/F4
By Alandra Johnson • The Bulletin 4/
'ttc ~
ast month, The Bulletin
held its first cookie contest, and it was a resounding success. Local residents brought in nearly 200 plates of cookies for judges to sample, from chocolate chip to cookies with bacon
, ii j
and maple syrup.
The cookies were divided into categories — traditional, nontraditional/wacky, chocolate chip,bar,decorated and youth (for cookie mak-
~ i
ers age 16 and younger). Photos by toe KlineI The Bulletin
Santa tries some cookies bake by youths,one of the six categories in The Bulletin's cookie contest.
W See video coverage of the contest on TheBulletin's website:
A new generation of farmers
W See more winners and recipes Each category winner, plus other judge favorites:Pages F2-3
After careful deliberation, the 10 judges (see below) selected winners in each category and an overall grand prize winner. Bend resident Heather Abendroth took the top prize with her Barcelona cookie. It is an original creation, a rolled tuile cookie with a chocolate ganache inside with a touch of cayenne to add a kick. The 45year-old mother of two is a stuAbendroth de nt at the Cascade Culinary Institute, where she is in the baking and pastry program. She was thrilled to win, as her ultimate goal is to own her own bakery. Abendroth and all of the winners agreed to sharetheirrecipes with us,so everyone could try to re-create the winning efforts at home.
The winning cookie Y Chosen as the best overall, as well as the best in the nontraditional/wacky category
By Penny Nakamura For The Bulletin
Under a rain-threatening sky, Dustin Tombleson and Anna Schulz pull weeds out of the rows of lettuce they planted in late summer. Dressed in work clothes and sturdy boots, these two young farmers may be the cream ofthe crop,asthey looktoward a career on the farm. They don't own Good Earth Organic Farm in Bend where they're working, but they are learning what it takes to make it in the farming business. They're also part of a small but growing back-tothe-landmovement among
Barcelona Cookies
Best overall cookie and best nontraditional/
wacky Makesapproximatel y3 dozen.
)P'4 y
young college graduates
t +ar
who would rather hoe a field than wheel and deal in the halls of corporate America. See Farmers/F5
COOKIE: 3 oz butter 4 oz powdered sugar 3 oz egg white 3'/2 oz cake flour '/2 tsp cayenne
Ganache:Crush coffee beans just enough to release the flavor. Place cream, cinnamon and coffee beans in a potand bring to a boil. Cover and allow to steep for10 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth and return to a boil. Pour hot
• Barcelona Cookies,F1 • Turtle Cookies,F2
cream over choppedchocolate, stir to melt andcover with plastic until cool. Cookie:Beat butter until creamy, then add powdered sugar and mix well. Add egg whites and mix well. Add flour and cayenne. Mix until smooth.
• Cranberry Cream Cheese Bars,F2 • Aunt Mary's Dark Scotch Cookies,F2 • Quackies,F2 • Jeannette's Crescents,F2 • PB Oat Cookies,F2 • Cranberry Walnut Oatmeal Cookies,F2
GANACHE FILLING: 7'/4 oz dark chocolate 3~/2 oz cream s/4 C heavy cream 1 tsp cinnamon
Using a stencil, spread batter thinly on a Silpat or parchment-lined sheet and bake at 350 for 5 to 10 minutes or until golden. While still hot, roll cookie using a chopstick or small dowel. Allow to cool and pipe chocolate into cookie. — Heather Abendroth
The judgesY
• Rachel's Best EverChewy Chocolate Chip,F3
• Margie's Cowboy Cookies,F3 • Chocolate Chip Cookies,F3 • Tropical Oatmeal Chews,F3
• Scotchezels Cookies,F3 • Grandma's Unbaked Oatmeal Cookies,F3
Jamie Aguirre Co-owner of Ginger's
Lindsey Bivens
Judge of baked
• Snickerdoodle Kisses,F3 • Lemon Curd,F6
ware (www. gingers
at the Deschutes County Fair
• Preserved Lemons,F6
• Cascade Mountain Bars,F3
• Mock Czarnina,F6
Linda Hickman
Sarah Holmes Founder of Be-bop
The Cake Lady Biscotti, (www. centormall. currently works com/ The Cake
at Ida's
Alandra Johnson Editor ofThe Bulletin's At Home section
and cookie contest organizer
Lauren Johnson Repre-
Elise Kukulka
Owner of Fearless Baking and a Cascades Culinary
(www. newport
Institute student
senting Newport
Sean Lannin Co-owner
Terry Rahmsdorff
of Bend Cookie
Donsthe Santa suit Company throughout (www.bend Christmas
cookie.comi season when he's
not working
as a lawyer
Jan Stalker Former ownerof Pi's Bakery and Deli
in Bend, and former wedding
cake maker
Next week: Homemade food gifts
> Continued from F1 Photos by joe Kline • The Bulletin
Bar cookiesY
Decorated cookiesY Aunt Mary's Dark Scotch Cookies Best decorated
Makes about100 cookies.
Q5aaa.~ ' m
2~/2 C sugar 1'/2 C shortening 3 eggs ~/2 C molasses 1 TBS baking soda, dissolved in '/2 C hot water 1 TBS cinnamon 1 scant tsp ground cloves ~/4 tsp dried ground ginger ~/4 tsp salt 7 C flour
Turtle Cookies
Cream shortening and sugar. Addeggs one at a time to sugar mixture and mix well. Next add molasses.
Best bar cookie Makes onepan of cookies.
In same cup, measure ~/2 cup hot water and CRUST: 1 C brown sugar
dissolve the soda. Mix with sugar, shortening, eggs, molasses, spices and salt. Lastly mix in
2 C flour 'h C butter
Mix together flour and sugar. Cut in butter with pastry cutter. Press it firmly into 9-by-13 inch pan. CARAMEL LAYER: /3 C butter
'/3 C brown sugar
flour, a little at a time. Mix well. Dough will be soft. Chill dough overnight and then roll '/4-inch thick. Cut with small cutter. Space widely, as dough
is soft and will spread. Bake 10-12 minutes at 375 degrees. — Llsa Smith
Preheat oven to 350. Place the butter and sugar in a panand heat until boiling. Boil for1-2 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour mixture over the crust. Bake for18 to 22 minutes. Caramel layer should be bubbly.
Remove from ovenand let it set for a couple of minutes. TOP: Chopped nuts
Quackies Best decorated — second place
12 ozpackage milk chocolate chips
Makes about 2 dozencookies.
Sprinkle the chips on top. Let them melt, then spread with the back of a
2 eggs 3 C all purpose flour '/2 tsp baking soda
COOKIE: 1 C butter 1 C sugar
spoon to cover caramel layer. Sprinkle nuts over top. Cut them into squares when they are warm.
~/2 tsp baking power
— Lea Nyberg
Cream together butter, sugar andeggs until fluffy. Sift together flour, baking soda andbaking powder, then add to the sugar mixture. Place dough in refrigerator for an hour.
Cranberry Cream Cheese Bars
Roll dough '/4 to /z inch thick. Cut with floured cookie cutter (duck shape preferred).
Best bar — secondplace (tie) FIRST LAYER CRUST: 2 C flour 1~h C oats
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 6 minutes. When cool, decorate with frosting. '/4 C brown sugar 1 C butter
FROSTING: 1 box powdered sugar ~iii C butter
2 TBS milk Yellow food coloring — Joni Nelson-Carlson
Mix dry ingredients and cut butter in until crumbly, reserving 1~/2cups for the top of the cookies. Press the remainder firmly into a 9-by-13 bak-
ing pan andbakeat 350 for15 minutes or until lightly brown. SECOND LAYER: 8 oz cream cheese, softened 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
Note:Erica Turpijn, who earned third place with her decorated cookies, could not be reached in time for the recipe.
~/4 C lemon juice 1 tsp vanilla
Traditional cookies Y
Mix until smooth and spread on cooled crust. THIRD LAYER: 16 oz can whole cranberry sauce
1 TBS cornstarch 1 TBS brown sugar
Jeannette's Crescents Best traditional
Makes about 4 dozencookies.
Mix in small bowl and spread
1 C butter (not margarine) 2 C all-purpose flour ~/2 C granulated sugar 1 C gr o und walnuts 2 tsp vanilla Powdered sugar
evenlyon top of cream cheese mixture. Take remaining 1~/2 cup of crust
mixture and spread evenly over cranberry layer. Return to ovenand
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Cream butter, granulated sugar and vanilla. Stir in flour and
bake for 35-40 minutes at 350 degrees or until top is lightly brown.
Cut into bars andservewarm. — Janelle Wilcox
Using 2 teaspoons dough for eachcookie, roll and shapeinto crescents. Place on ungreasedbaking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes.
Place a cup or two of powdered sugar into a large bowl and Note:Erica Turpijn, who earned a tie for second place with her Caramel Turtle Bars, could not be reached in timefor the recipe.
toss the cookies in the sugar until they are coated. — Jeannette Smyth
PB Oat Cookies
Cranberry Walnut Oatmeal Cookies
Best traditional — secondplace
Best traditional — third place
Makes about12 cookies.
Makes approximately 30 cookies.
'h C butter ~/2 C white sugar 'A C brown sugar 'h C peanut butter
~/2 tsp vanilla 1 egg 1 C flour 1 tsp baking soda
'/4 tsp salt '/2 C rolled oats 1 C peanut butter chips (or chips of choice)
Preheat oven to 350degrees.
1 Crisco Baking Stick (Crisco Butter Flavor is preferred) 1 C sugar 1 C brown sugar 2 Ig eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract 1 C white flour 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp baking soda '/4 tsp salt
2'/4 C rolled oats 1 C dried cranberries 1 C chopped walnuts
Preheat oven to 375degrees.
Cream together the butter and sugars until smooth. Stir in the peanut butter, vanilla and egg until well blended. Combine with flour, baking soda and salt; stir batter until just moistened. Mix in the oats and chips until evenly
distributed. Drop by tablespoonfuls on to cookie sheet. Bake10-12 minutes until edges brown, allow to cool. — Robin Oroege
Lightly coat baking sheets with no stick cooking spray.
Beat the shortening, sugar andbrown sugar in large bowl at medium speeduntil creamy. Beat in eggsand vanilla. Combine flour, baking soda, cinnamonand salt in a small bowl. Beat into shortening mixture until blended. Stir in oats, dried cranberries and walnuts. Note: This is where I start mixing with my hands — it's a pretty thick batter.
Drop byroundedtablespoonsabout 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets. Bake 10 to 12 minutes until light brown
(don't overbake unless you want crunchy cookies.) — Penny Sackhoff
Youth cookiesY
> Continued from F2 Chocolate chip cookies Y -P
Grandma's Unbaked Oatmeal Cookies
Best youth
4% }'
}} s '
4 C sugar 1C milk '/2 C good quality cocoa powder 2 sticks butter
1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp almond extract 1 C peanut butter 6 C quick cook oats
Mix all of the ingredients except the peanut butter and oats. Place
in a pot and cook one minute after mixture comes to a boil. Take off stove and stir in the peanut butter and oats: Stir until well blended. Pour onto a cookie sheet and let set until
firm. Use acookie cutter to cut out the cookies. — Sophie LaPeters
Cascade Mountain Bars Best youth — secondplace Makes 21 bars.
Rachel's Best Ever Chewy Chocolate Chip Best chocolate chip Makes18 large cookies. This is Rachel Dionne's original recipe. It is something she has been tinkering with for a few years. "It was initially a spin-off of the Toll House Cookie
Recipe in the very beginning — like most people — using that as afoundation to try and make a better cookie," said Dionne. 2 C plus 4 TBS all-purpose flour '/2 C old fashioned oats, pulverized in food processor 1'/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt '/4tsp cinnamon 2 sticks (1 C) of unsalted butter, room temperature 1 C brown sugar, packed
~/2 C granulated sugar 2 eggs 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
1~/4 C semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 C milk chocolate chunks or maxi-size chips
Thoroughly mix flour, pulverized oats, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl. Cream butter and sugars well in stand up mixer until light and fluffy,
scraping downthe sides asnecessary. Addthe vanilla andlemonjuice, mix briefly. Addeggs, oneat atime, mixuntil well incorporated, taking carenot to over beat. Add the combined dry ingredients in two parts, mixing only until no dry flour is visible. Last, add the chocolate chips, mixing until just incorporated. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and drop heaping tablespoon-sized rounds onto the sheet. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and allow cookies to
rest in refrigerator overnight. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 400 degrees. Bake cold cookies at 400 for 5 minutes. Lover temperature to 375 and continue to bake 8-10 minutes, until edges just become golden brown. Tops will appear slightly moist. Do not over bake, they will continue to cook slightly once pulled. Allow cookies to cool
on sheet. Note from Rachel Dionne:I always have better results when high quality ingredients are used. I like King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, Straus European Style Unsalted Butter and Guittard Chocolate Chips. — Rachel Oionne
1 tsp baking soda '/2 tsp salt 1 C brown sugar
BASE: 2 C flour 2C oats 1~iii Csoft butter
Cut in Butter to all the above ingredients in a medium-sized bowl.
Spread andpressdown the mixture into a well greased 12-by-16-inch pan. Refrigerate until chilled TOPPING: 4 C mixed chocolate chips and chopped wafers 2 C walnuts, chopped
3 C sweetened dried shredded coconut 2 (8 oz) cans sweetened condensed milk
Mix all ingredients (except sweetenedcondensed milk) together in a bowl and then spread over chilled base.Top byevenly drizzling sweetened condensed milkoverchocolate mixture. Bake for 25 minutes in convection oven at 350 degrees until golden, melted and condensed milk starts to caramelize.
Store wrapped airtight after cooled thoroughly for up to 5 days (if they last that long). — Elizabeth Moss
Margie's Cowboy Cookies
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Best chocolate chip — second place
Best chocolate chip — third place
Snickerdoodle Kisses
Makes approximately4dozen2-ozcookies. Chyrise Broyermadethese cookiesfrom a recipe in hergood friend's cookbook — "Goddess in
1 C butter the Kitchen" by Margie Lapanja. Broyer said to keep in mind it is a large recipe and requires a big 3/4 C brown sugar '/4 C granulated sugar mixing bowl. 1 tsp vanilla 1~h C margarine at room temperature ~/2 tsp water 2 tsp baking soda 2 C brown sugar 4 C unbleached white flour 2 eggs 23/4 C flour 2 C white sugar 4 C old-fashioned oats (not quick) 4 eggs 2 C Hershey's chocolate chips 1 tsp soda 2 tsp pure vanilla extract 1 C dried shredded coconut 1 tsp salt '/2 C or so old-fashioned oats 1 tsp salt 1 C chopped walnuts 1 tsp baking powder Chocolate chips (the amount I put in varies, but usually up to 1 cup) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. With an electric mixer,
Best youth — third place
whip the margarine and sugars in a extra large
sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, salt and baking soda.
mixing bowl until fluffy. Add the eggs, vanilla and salt and beat well
Cream butter and sugars, addeggs, vanilla and water and mix. Add oats and chocolate chips, and mix, ~
! i"
then add dry ingredients. Mix all together. Bake at 350 for 8 to 10 minutes. I like them under-
cooked as opposed to abit overcooked.
Blendthe baking soda and baking
— Jennifer McKague
powder into the flour, add to the creamed ingredients, mixing slowly. Now, use a
Makes 2 dozencookies. '/4 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda Cinnamon sugar, to taste (make your own by mixing some cinnamon with ~/4 C or so of sugar) 24 Hershey kisses
1 C mayonnaise (yes, mayo!) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 C granulated sugar 2 C all-purpose flour 1 tsp cinnamon ~/} tsp nutmeg Sm pinch of ground cloves
Preheat oven to 350degrees. In a bowl, combine mayonnaise, vanilla, Shape into 24 balls. Place a Hershey Kiss in each
ball and mold dougharound to completely cover kiss. Roll balls in cinnamon sugar. Place12 on agreased baking sheet, spaced evenly. Theywill spread out. Bake about 9 to10 minutes
sturdy spoon and dothe rest by hand.
or until lightly brown.
Add oats and stir until dough comes together. Then stir in chocolate chips, coconut
Allow to cool on pan for a few minutes before transfer-
and nuts.
ring to wire cooling rack. — Rowan Weiss
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and scoop the dough with a 2-ounce ice cream
scoop. Press the top of each cookie slightly and bake for 12 minutes or until lightly golden with tiny cracks on top of the cookies — Chyrise Broyer, from "Goddessin the Kitchen"
~~ g a COMt~
cascei ~
HOME INTERIORS 70 SW Century Dr. Sure}45 Bend, OR 97702 }'541 322 }33}
Nontraditional/wacky cookiesY 'Popical Oatmeal Chews Best nontraditionallwacky — third place
Best nontraditionat/Mracky — second place
'/} C each butter and margarine 1 C brown sugar ~/2 C white sugar 1 tsp vanilla 2 eggs 2 C flour '/} tsp salt 2 tsp baking powder 2 C regular oatmeal '/4 C white chocolate chips" '/4 C pomegranate-infused craisins* ~/2 C dried shredded coconut* 1 C chopped pecans
1 C unsalted butter, cut into 8 pieces 2~/4 C bread flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda '/4 C sugar 1~/4 C brown sugar 1 egg
"Amounts of last four ingredients can be adjusted to your taste. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
I }
Scotchezels Cookies I
1 egg yolk 2 TBS cream 1 tsp vanilla extract '/2 C pretzels, broken ~/2 C butterscotch chips ~/2 C chocolate chips Coarse sea salt (optional)
Place the butter into a heavy bottom pan medium saucepan
over low heat. Oncethe butter has melted, increase the heat to medium and cook until it turns golden brown and develops a nutty aroma. While it's cooking, it foams up a lot, when the foam dissipates keep a close eye on the butter, it can turn ~F,:'': frombrowntoburntinamatterofsec- :g ~ . t}}<' I} onds. Set the brown butter aside to cool for about 20 minutes. In a large bowl, sift together the
Cream sugars with butter and margarine. Addeggs, vanilla, salt and baking powder. Mix. Add oatmeal. flour, salt and baking soda and set Mix. Add flour. Mix. Add chips, craisins, coconut and aside. pecans. Mix. Pour the cooled, brown butter into the Drop bytablespoons onto baking sheetand bake bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle
,,.'.,+ • ' :.
for 12 min. Cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes and attachment. Add both sugars and beat on then move to cooling rack. medium speed for about 2-3 minutes. Add the egg and egg yolk, beat to combine. Add the
These keep very well if frozen immediately after cream and vanilla and beat on medium speedfor another 2-3 minutes. Slowly add the flour cooling. mixture, beat on low until all combine. Once all the dry ingredients have been added, beat on
Chem~r '
— Kristine Ruud medium until well combined. Using a rubber spatula, stir in the pretzels, butterscotch chips
p pF
Drver. clearrer. Heaahrer~
and chocolate chips. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for a least 8 hours. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Remove the
chilled dough from the fridge. For eachcookie, scoop out a round tablespoon size of dough, flatten slightly. Place on the lined sheet, leaving about1 inch of space between each cookie.
Sprinkle the cookies with seasalt (if desired). Bake for10-12 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from ovenandallow the cookies to
Carpet 8 Upholstery Cleaning
Chem-Dry of Central Oregon
rI 54 ] 388 73 74 Serving Deschutes, Crook a Jefferson counties
rest on the sheet for about10 minutes before transferring to a cookie rack. — Katie Miller
Independently 0}}neaa Operuted
541 -388-7374 Rvs & stairs. Not valid with other offers. Minimums apply. Payment due at time of servic e . Expiration date: Dec. 3}, 2012.
Next week: Not your traditional Christmas trees
McBride-Lee Continued from F1 It was in Bend that the McBride-Lee family found they could embrace great skiing and a f r i endly community, without all the excesses of bad weather and trophy homes. It's also been a place where McBride-Lee would find her muse, and paint more in her home art studio than she ever has.
il ~ fl .5
The perfect place F inding Bend wa s a l o t easier than finding the per- Cascade mountain views are prominent from the McBride-Lees' fect home for the McBride- modern Mexican adobe-styled home, with Mount Bachelor Lee family. The couple knew visible here. what they wanted: a v i ew, acreage, a great room and a place wheretheir dogs could roam. While their list didn't sound too demanding, McBride-Lee says, she looked at 107 different homes and properties in and around the Bend area. "On the last day of search4' PI ing, our realtor warned us that we were looking at the last house that was available, there were no more to look at," recalled McBride-Lee with a laugh. "And guess what? This turned out to be the house we
An d inside the home, Dee McBride-Lee's painting of Mount Bache l o r hangs near a window that displays a view of the mountain.
boards in the kitchen were not. "I don't know why, but they had blue cupboards all along the bottom of this kitchen," says McBride-Lee. "We completely remodeled the kitchen and added the kitchen nook, which leads out to the back courtyard and spa." McBride-Lee turned the outdated kitchen into a Spartan but elegant and function-
— I™„
were looking for all along; of course it wasn't perfect when we bought it, but we knew we could make it into the house we would want. It was house number 107." A s a f o r mer R ealtor i n Park City, McBride-Lee said she knew the old adage, "location, location, location." This location is perfect for the McBride-Lee family. It's on thefarthest edge of Bend's s outheast u r b a n g ro w t h boundary. It has big views from almost every room in the 2,900-square-foothome. The family owns a manageable 2 acres and has access to another 170 acres of open space, courtesy of BLM. "We looked at some properties where I would have to move irrigation lines to keep the water r i ghts, but h e re I don't have to do that. We have a little bit of lawn in the back and some garden space and a courtyard, and all that over there is open land," explained McBride-Lee pointing toward the open land beyond her backyard. As if on cue, her two rescue dogs went scampering onto the open land. "You can see on that side of thetree some burn marks; that is where the Skelton fire swept up this hill," said McB ride-Lee, pointing t o t h e blackened tree trunk. "There i s always the risk of a b i g fire when you're out this far, but as you can tell, we don't get a lot of street noise or city noise; it's very quiet out here."
A cowboy Christmas tree in the McBride-Lee home.
P M '•
al cooking space.
"After living in Park City, where every g iant k i t chen had granite, I didn't want to see any more granite, so I found these ceramic tiles," said McBride-Lee, pointing to her sparkling dark gray counters a n d ba c k splash. The ceramic tiles she found look like large metal blocks that have a patina to them, so they're not overwhelmingly dark in the simple layout of 9/r the kitchen. g " The one thing I d i d i n sist on was the farm sink. I wanted a bi g si nk," said c. e McBride-Lee. From the kitchen we enter the addition of th e k i tchen Photos by Andy Tullis /The Bulletin nook, w h ere M c B r ide-Lee The living roomfeatures Southwestern touches and a variety of artwork. had an arched brick alcove space made so she could fit in a small temperature-conSee video coverage Bonus feature trolled wine refrigerator that on The Bulletin's website: McBride-Lee says she feels holds up to 200 bottles. they lucked out when they The heavy round wooden found their perfect home five kitchen table in t h i s r o om years ago because it is still the corner, and because Mcalong with the four stately within the city limits and yet Bride-Lee is a p r ofessional leather-embossed c h airs still seems as if it's very rural. artist, the home i s d ecked g round thi s r o o m w i t h a The bonus for the couple was out with simple but beautiful S outhwestern f l a ir . A b o v e the architectural styling of C hristmas decorations, i n the table are two small square the home. It looks like a mod- cluding her cowboy or Southwlndows. "I chose those small square ern Mexican adobe home, west tree. complete with a n e n closed But the decorations you'll windows because it is more / front entrance courtyard and notice first are not the festive in keeping with the Mexican ; 'j'+ a backyard courtyard, which Christmas ones but the beaustyling of the entire home," they love. tiful oil and acrylic canvas explained McBride-Lee. The McBride-Lees often paintings by McBride-Lee. Walking past the kitchen use their private front courtMost of the paintings she Dee McBride-Lee gives a tour of her home. again and turning toward a back door into the garage, yard, where an authentic clay describes asbeing Westernchimera isused for cool sum- themed, with lots of horses, and through another door, mer nights. cowboys and Native Ameri- show at the Red Chair. A g i an t r o c k fi r e place M cBride-Lee led us t o h e r There are many Mexican cans. She also does beautiis blazing to keep the cool artist lair. The bright, sunny s tylistic features built i n t o ful landscape paintings and Other rooms morning chill at bay. room was filled with canvas "This room didn't original- paintings in different stages the home, like adobe shelving birds. The home has three bedand thick rounded walls. N ot s u r p risingly, w h e n rooms and three baths. Mcly have a fireplace, and that is of completion. With C h r i stmas a r ound McBride-Lee moved toBend Bride-Lee uses one bedroom one thing I really wanted, too, She looked out the window so it's one of the first things of her art studio and smiled she sought out other artists, as an office space and anand it was about this time other bedroom for guests. we put in," says McBride-Lee, seemingly content at having that The Red Chair Art GalThe master bedroom has full before pointing to the wood f inally found the r i ght s k i lery was being formed. Mc- views of the Cascades, and pellet-burning stove near a town. "I told my husband, I'm not Bride-Lee became one ofthe here McBride-Lee keeps it wall between the living room four founding partners and simple for a tranquil and rea nd di ning r o o m . "When moving again; he can comowners of this art gallery in laxing atmosphere. Part of we both first saw this black mute, but I'm staying here," With morethan 40 "g~ q~ g downtown Bend. her relaxation ritual includes stove, we both turned to each said McBride-Lee. "He really years ofexperience, B eing an o w ner i n t h i s a deep soak in a bathtub. other and said, 'Ewwww, that loves it just as much as I do. we specializein the "I was surprised after look- needs to go.' But then we real- We're going to stay and retire highly successful art gallery cleaning of fine also means being a collector, ing at all those other homes, ized this little stove can keep here. Bend is the best place and McBride-Lee pointed out how many didnot have bath- this entire area heated and we've found, and I think we CL Kr various pieces throughout the tubs. A lot of the newer homes warm, for about $5 a day, so found the best home — the house that she has acquired only have showers," said Mc- we've kept it." dogs love it here, too." ;:.",",':;. 541-882-9498 i from the local artists who Bride-Lee. "I insisted I had to Above it McBride-Lee has T he d o gs, B a i le y a n d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J have a bathtub in the house." hung one of h e r b e autiful Coach, both bark, as if they W alking d ow n a sm a l l Mount Bachelor l a ndscape understand what's been said, hallway from the master bed- sunset paintings, which keeps and with another howl they room brings us back to the people's eyes away from the seem to second the motion to living room, w h ich s hares black iron stove. stay in Bend. the same glorious mountain While the stove was al — Reporter: pnahamura~ • Handcraffed views. lowed to stay, the blue cupbendbulfetin/com
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Next week: Gifts for gardeners
ARDEN Farmers
l ' P..j4ttr t
Ifyou go
.; 3'g(w y~~~~,r ~,
Continued from F1 They value sustainable family farming and want to eat organically and locally as much as possible. And make no mistake about it, they do think it is
What: "Get Your Pitchfork On! The Real Dirt on
Country Living" author Kristy Athens will be
speaking andanswering questions about her new bookand aspects of
While these tw o c o llege graduates c o uld've e a sily picked several lucrative career paths with their degrees, their journey t o b e come f u t ure farmers was intentional and
country living
When:2 p.m. Sunday Q rl y4'~
Where:Downtown Bend Public Library
- it r
purposeful. This is good news to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the latest national census figures of which show that the fastest growing group of farmers and ranchers is those older than 65, and t here doesn't seem to be a ready supply of new farmers to take over these farms. Tombleson and Schulz are part of a b igger movement. Author Kristy Athens will talk about the benefits and pitfalls of her own back-to-the-land experience with farming in the Columbia Gorge during an event at the Downtown Bend Public Library Sunday (see "If
Contact:541-312-1 032 DustinTombleson and Anna Schulz weed a crop of young kale growing inside a greenhouse at the Good Earth Organic Farm in Bend. I'll put it to work someday," explained Schulz.
The passionate farmer
Tombleson speaks rapidly and wit h p a ssionate gusto when he talks about farming and how to keep family farming in America alive. His journey to Good Earth Organic Farm was serendipitous. He previously served with the miliyou go"). tary in Iraq and dabbled in the computer technology world. Hopeful future farmers "My father, if he were still As a H a r v ard g r aduate, alive, would be saying, 'What Schulz says she couldn't have are you doing'?'" quipped Tomimagined when she left Bos- bleson, 31, as he looked over at ton that she would find herself the pigs running through the in Central Oregon working on fencedfield. "I also worked on a farm. a farm in Costa Rica, and we As a native Vermonter who used to say, 'strong back, weak knows her way around her mind,'" he laughed. Hebecomes great grandparents' 100-acre serious when he talks about family farm, she wasn't al- having the utmost respect for ways interested in this way of the American farmer. "Farmlife, but she sees the value now ers have to be so smart and inmore than ever. telligent: They have to manage "I really found I love work- their farm, and know what to ing outside; it makes me feel plant, when to plant, where to connected to where I g r ew plantand they have to be good up," explained Schulz, 25, who businessmanagers, and it's realso works as a nordic coach ally, really hard physical work, for Mt. Bachelor Sports Edu- too." cation Foundation. "Growing Being on the farm is clearly food is something that seems what Tombleson loves. Though worthwhile, because you al- it was early in the day, he had ways have access to good food already harvested and washed on a farm, and I love eating 100 pounds of lettuce and other good food. At the end of the produce to deliver later that day, everyone has to eat, and afternoon to about 20 local it's good to know how to grow restaurants— and he'sclearly it and where it came from." proud that he can get these vegIntroducing good and l oetables from dirt to plate within cal food to others has also five hours. "I just picked this spinach been an important mission for Schulz, who worked for Amer- two hours ago, and after we're icorp after college, connecting done here I'll deliver it to the produce from Vermont farm- restaurants," said Tombleson, ers to under-served schools in who earned a degree in agriculthe state. ture systems from Washington She speaks t h oughtfully State University. as she recalls how thousands Tombleson walked through of small family dairy farms another row o f l e ttuce and in her native Vermont are no pointed out w here f reezing longer part of the landscape, overnight temperatures had but she says she's hopeful, as burned the leaves. He says evmore consumers are demand- ery burned leaf must be pruned ing organic milk from their lo- by hand, and though it's often cal farmers. tedious work, he says that at the Snacking on a lettuce leaf end of the day he feels proud of she'sjust picked, Schulz says what they've accomplished in she can now imagine going the fields. back to the family farm someTombleson laments the fact day — it's not something she's that small family farmland is fleeing from any more. being sold off all over America. "This farm was originally According to the Agriculture D epartment s t atistics, supposed to built as a big Cathfor every farmer and rancher olic retreat, but Good Earth was youngerthan 25,there are five able to work out a deal to lease who are 75 or older. and farm four or five of the 10 "I have a degree in govern- acres here," explained Tomment from Harvard, not ex- bleson as he points to a small actly related to farming or ski farmhouse, where a handful coaching, but in all serious- of nuns still reside. He sighs ness, I am very interested in with relief. He says he's glad agricultural policy, so maybe the Catholic Church didn't go
through with its original plans to build over the rich land, because once it's asphalted and built on, the farming land never comes back. Though Good Earth is a relatively small farm, it harvests upward of a 100 pounds of lettuce daily in the summer, along with a lot of other produce, Tombleson says. He says the 85chickens on thefarm can collectively lay about 100 eggs per day. All the products are delivered the same day to local restaurants, where consumers have been proven to be voracious eaters of local foods. "My point is you don't need a super large farm to produce a lot of food. Think about World War II, when almost every home had a Victory Garden to help feed their families," said Tombleson, who dreams of his own farm, but knows the startup costs may be out of reach. In testimony given in March before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsak acknowledged these concerns. "Access to land is a major challenge," said Vilsak. "The agriculture cost of farmland has doubled nationally over the last decade." Though farmland is expensive, Tombleson is not giving up. He says he knows there are empty plots on church and school grounds, just waiting for his farming knowledge. In his offseason from Central Oregon farming, he's puttinghis energy and passion into teaching the next generation by helping students in Bend's Highland Magnet School with their school gardens. He wants these young students to fully understand the enormity or what eating locally means, and he wants to preserve the knowledge he's gained and pass it along to the next generation.
physicians, but I like to say I'm doing preventativecare, producing and eating food that has no herbicides, pesticides or insecticides, which can carry problems in people's health," said Rosenstein, sitting outside in her garden. She had just harvested some vegetables and herbs that would be used in some savory pastry at Baked, the bakery her boyfriend Gordon Benzer owns. "We should start healthy living and eating before we need medicine." The eggs that Baked uses come from Good Earth Organic Farm. Rosenstein loves the connection that most of the ingredients at the bakery are locally sourced. "This plot was a g r assy, weedy mess, and I was really scared to start this garden," c onfessed Rosenstein, w h o considered herself a novice despite her years working on the Alfalfa farm. "I planted as many perennials as possible to make my job easier, and they self-sow and the v olunteers want to be here. You have to know what to plant and what will thrive. I have Jerusalem artichokes, also known as sun chokes. They're a hardy plant, and as you can see they've done very well." There's also rhubarb, carrots, mustard greens, arugula, and a host of herbs growing in a terraced circle surrounded by lava rocks. "People should have a relationship with the farmer and theirfood because food isthe thing that sustains us; this seems so fundamental to me. We call this garden 'the company health plan' because it's a nice green space and a great place to get your hands in the dirt," said Rosenstein, 25, who also encourages people t o grow their own food, even if
they have a small garden.
Taking on the challenge Oregon author Kristy Athens and her husband took on the challenge of creating their own farm. The couple ditched Portland and bought a 7-acre farm on the Washington side of the Columbia Gorge. They were both excited and interested in growing their own food. In her recent book, "Get Your Pitchfork On! The Real Dirt on Country Living," Athens describes in humorous detail the mistakes she and her husband made while trying to live off the land. Athens will be speaking in Bend Sunday about her six years of trying to make it on the farm. In a phone interview, she spoke candidly about the difficulties and challenges she encountered duringthose years of learning on the job. "I wish we had had a book like this when we started," said Athens, 43, who described the book as a comprehensive guide to surviving all aspects of rural living. "There's so much we didn't know, like all the pests we'd encounter. In Portland we had a garden, and we'd have aphids. But when you're out on the farm, the pests and critters are everywhere, and we had to fight off gophers. I never thought I'd want to kill a gopher. I'm normally a peaceloving person." Athens' dry humor comes through over the phone, as she spoke about everything from learning to use a chainsaw and fix a tractor to dealing with a small farming town where ev-
descriptions and memories of farm life aren't all bucolic, she admiresand even envies these young farmers who hope to make a go of it. "I'd tell them they need to have twice the amount of money and three times the time, and yes, they should own a tractor and know how to fix it," cautioned Athens. Though she said her family never came close to being able to feed themselves from their farm, there was great satisfaction in the foods they did produce. "I remember running down to the basement in the middle of winterto grab a jar of peaches we had canned in August, and it was so satisfying. And it went way beyond just the food content; it was everythingthat went into that jar of peaches," recalledAthens. She wishes people would eat more locally and doesn't think people should be eating grapes grown in Argentina in January and February. "It's a huge carbon footprint, to bring in grapes that far. We've all gotten too used to that." It's evident she still misses being part of the land, despite the back-breaking work, and Athens stressed that though her family is back in the city they are planning on buying another small family farm in the not-so-distant future. "Oh absolutely we'll go back, but the next time, we'll be more like grown adults and know what to expect; we'll be prepared," said Athens. She hopes her book inspires and resonates with those who hope to be part of the new wave of back-to-theland farmers.
eryone seemingly knows everyone else's business. Athens and her h usband eventually sold their farm after six years, in 2007. While her
BarkTurISo| I
bakery. As a Brown University graduate with a degree in public policy, Rosenstein moved out to Alfalfa to work on a family farm. Shesays she realized she would never make a lot of money but always felt grateful that she feels rich because she's living the lifestyle that makes her feel a connection to the earth. "I come from a family of
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Aliza Rosenstein has taken up that call of small farming right in the heart of Bend, where she found an empty w eed-filled lo t b e hind h e r boyfriend's Columbia Street
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Starting small
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Photos by Andy Tnllis/The Bulletin
Aliza Rosenstein walks between the Jerusalem artichokes in her Bend garden.
i sins ire
Lemon Curd
'k tsp salt 1'/4 sticks cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces
'jr C plus 2 TBS fresh lemon juice (from about 3 lemons) 1 C sugar
8 Ig egg yolks Zest of 2 lemons
Sterilize four 4-ounce canning jars by boiling them and their rubber seals in water10 minutes. Removewith tongs and let cool.
Whisk yolks, lemonzest and juice, and sugar in aheavy-bottomed saucepan to combine. Cook over mediumhigh heat, stirring constantly with a woodenspoon (be sure to scrapesides of pan), until mixture is thick enough ach year, around September, I start to think seriously about my personal Christmas gifts for family members and close friends, and every year it is a challenge to create somethingnew, something d i f ferent, s omething
to coat the back of the spoon, 8 to 10 minutes, and reaches160 degrees. Remove saucepan from heat. Add salt and butter, 1 piece at a time, stirring until smooth. Pour through a fine Y
sieve into a bowl. Cover surface of curd with plastic wrap (to prevent a skin from forming). Refrigerate until cold and set, at least1 hour and up to1 day. Fill jars with curd, and seal; refrigerate until ready to give as gifts.
Preserved Lemons
m eaningful from my o w n
Let recipients know to rinse lemonswell before using (to remove excess salt) and to use only the rinds.
world. I spend most of my free time at my farm in Bedford,
Makes two 1.5-liter jars of whole lemons and two 1-liter jars of lemon pieces.
gardening, cooking, raising
40 to 50 Ig lemons (about 10 Ibs), washed and 1 dried
small livestock, and conjuring many of the creative ideas that become articles, books and products for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. As these free moments become scarcer (Alexis' new babies now take up lots of time), I find that the gifts have become simpler but no less evocative — I h ope — of nature and the goodness of the homemade and the handmade. In the past, I have steamed countless plum puddings in handmade crockery b o wls, made pates in French pate dishes I've collected, baked hundreds of stollen and cookies, and jarred even more hundreds of jams and jellies from the berries I've grown. This year, I decided to make gifts that would show off some of the products from the farm. Mind you, nothing is commercially made at Bedford, but with inventive labels and packaging and a little bit of spin, a small ideacan appear more thoughtful. And I've learned that so many who receive these gifts actually do eat or wear or use what I make. I divided the gifts into groups — edible, wearable, decorative and practical — and the list of recipients into human and animal. I always find the edible gifts easy to conceive and relatively easytomake. I searched online forprettyjarsforhoney,lemon curd and preserved lemons. Using a woodcut I had made for CantitoeCorners several
William Briason /New York T<mes News Serwce
I used lemons grown on trees at the farmand eggs from my prolific hens to make lemon curd. I packaged it in beautiful lidded jars with graphic labels and gilded-paper lid covers. I hope you'll be i nspired to handcraft a few gifts this holiday season and share the t hings you l ove w it h y o ur friends and family. — Questions of general interest can be emailed to mslletters@ For more information on this column, visit
M . Veronica Mack f r o m Baltimore was looking for a recipe for making Czarnina, a traditional Polish duck soup, like the one her mother used to make when she was young. Like most Czarnina recipes, her mother's not only called for a live duck but also
more and more difficult, his aunt came up with a version of the soup that does not use live duck or duck blood. Wujek said while the taste may not be exactly the same, it comes prettyclose, and, "The best part is that it is much easier to make, less expensive, and perhaps most importantly, doesn't carry the stigma
the duck blood. Mack R E CIPE of eating blood soup." said that these days it's FjN pER This sweet and sour difficult to find a source for live duck and almost impossible to find duck blood. She was h o ping s omeone w ould be able to share a recipe for the soup that had a satisfactory substitute for the blood. Phil Wujek from Timonium, Md., sent in a recipe for a mock Czarnina soup that he said his Aunt SophiaCudnik came up with some years ago when the sale of raw blood was banned. He canremember asa childbeing sent to the poultry store on Conkling Street in Southeast Baltimore with i n structions to buy "a good sized duck, and don't forget to tell them you want the blood ... and be careful carrying it home!" Out of necessity, as finding live ducks in the city became
adding more juice every so often. Repeat until you reach top of jar (each jar should take12 to15 lemons). Seal jars, and refrigerate 20 days, shaking and rotating once aday, before giving as agift. Most but not all of the salt will dissolve. For remaining lemons, trim stem end of each lemon and cut in half lengthwise; cut each half into 8 pieces. For every 2 cups of lemon pieces, toss withl/2 cup salt in a bowl. Fill two 1-liter jars with lemon mixture, pressing
down as manylemon pieces aspossible andcausing them to exudesome oftheir juice. Seal jars, and refrigerate at least10 days, shaking and rotating once a day, before giving as gifts.
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soup is best served with thick noodles known as Kluski or potato dumplings.
Zeppelin Mini is exclusively available at Stereo Planet. 1008 NW Bond St., Bend, OR 97701 Phone: (541) 382-9062 Fax: (541) 382-3028 Hours: M - F:9AM -6 PM Sat: 10 AM - 6 PM
Request Kira Ey ring
f r o m B a l ti-
more is looking for a recipe for OysterPie.Her husband's grandmother used to make it, but they cannot find her recipe anywhere. It was like an oyster stew with potatoes, carrot and peas baked in a deep-dish pie plate with a crust on the bottom andtop. — Looking fora hard-to-find recipe or can answer a request? Write to Julie Rothman, Recipe Finder, The Baltimore Sun,501N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, oremaif Names mustaccompany recipes for them to be published.
Mock Czarnina Makes10 quarts. 5 quarts water 2 Ibs spare ribs or turkey legs 1 Ig onion, peeled, pricked with a fork, and left whole 3 stalks celery, chopped
Place about /2 cup salt in each1.5-liter jar, and pour in a little lemon juice. Working with1 jar at a time, add 1 lemon, and flatten as much as possible. Sprinkle in a little more salt, add another lemon and repeat process,
A Czarnina recipe without the duckblood The Baltimore Sun
Sterilize two 1.5-liter canning jars and two 1-liter canning jars with clamp-top lids (we used Fido brand) by boiling them and their rubber seals in water10 minutes. Remove with tongs and let cool. Cut stem end off each of 24 to 30 lemons. Make 5 or 6 slits (a little less thanl/2 inch deep) down the length of each lemon with a sharp paring knife, cutting to within /2 inch of bottom of lemon but not all the way through. Press top of lemon with your palm to flatten and cause slits to splay open. Gather and save any juices that ac-
cumulate on cutting board. Packas muchsaltas possible (about1 tablespoon) into each slit.
I enlisted Martha Stewart Living'scrafts editor,Marcie McGoldrick, to fabricate beautiful labels, which include the logo, contents and date for each of the items. We printed them easily on a home-office printer. I found shapely squarish jars for the honey and the curd and larger French canning jars for the preservedlemons. Smaller labels were made as hang tags for the begonia plants, which I potted in Guy Wolff Pottery planters especially sized for begonias: wide and shallow. I purchased quilted-paper boxes, lined their lids with some shredded paper and wrapped the plants in shrouds of clear cellophane. I grow masses of catmint (Nepeta cataria), and this year, instead of making cat toys, I made soft, fluffy pillows that tie right on top of the cats' regular beds. For the first time, the horses contributed their coarse black hair fo r b r a ided b r acelets and largetassels,perfect for drawer pulls, shade pulls and key chains. And the two black Welsh sheep offered their gorgeous wool, which — a fter shearing, washing, carding and spinning — was knitted into simple vests for my grandyears agoby Michael McCurdy, children, Jude and Truman.
By Julie Rothman
box (about 10 C) kosher salt
2 28-oz jars apple butter 1'/2 C flour 14 oz white vinegar 1 Ib pitted prunes
In a large soup pot, combine spare ribs or turkey legs, 5 quarts of water, onion and celery. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer, partially covered, until meat begins to fall off the bone. This will take at least an hour. While simmering, periodically skim off any fat that rises to the top.
When meat is cooked and falling off the bone, strain liquid into a clean pot. Remove meat from bones and cut up into cubes or shred, set aside with the cooked vegetables.
In a large bowl, combine the apple butter, vinegar and flour. Mix well to dissolve the flour. Add this mixture to the hot soup liquid a little at a time. Then add in the prunes and the reserved meat and vegetables. Add
Artistry in Design and the ultimate
RECYCLE ... bring in your tangerinebox and we'll refill it at up to 25% off. Expires 12/15/12 on in-stock merchandise only. Please bring in your box or menton this ad.
+25 NW MinnesotaAve.¹5 Downtown Bend 541-388-0155 www.karenbandy,com (
' rrr!' !
sufficient water to bring the total volume to10 quarts of liquid. Bring to a slow boil again, and then reduce heat and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes to thicken soup.
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Original & affordable gifts directly from local aitists-photography, watercolors, fine silver jewelry, journals & cards.
Wanted: $Cash paid for vintage costume jew- Three Sisters Lions elry. Top dollar paid for Club Holiday Faire! Gold/Silver.l buy by the Open Nov. 17-Dec. 16, Estate, Honest Artist Mon-Fri 10-2 & Sat-Sun, Elizabeth,541-633-7006 10-5-445 W. Hwy 20,3 Wind Shopping Plaza (by WANTED: RAZORS, Bimart) in Sisters. Unique handmade items by local Double or singleartisans. CallHelen for edged, straight info, 541-595-6967 razors, shaving brushes, mugs & scuttles, strops, Need to get an shaving accessories ad in ASAP? & memorabilia. You can place it Fair prices paid. Call 541-390-7029 online at: between 10 am-3 pm. WANT TO BUY: Trager 541-385-5809 smoker/ BBQ made in Mt. An g el , OR. 541-536-1572.
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Musical Instruments
Heating & Stoves
Gardening Supplies & Equipment
A1 Washers&Dryers
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355
SELL 264-Snow RemovalEquipment FOR $500 OR 265 - Building Materials LESS? 266- Heating and Stoves Non-commercial 267- Fuel and Wood advertisers may 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers place an ad with oui 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment "QUICK CASH 270 - Lost and Found SPECIAL" Call The Bulletin ClasGARAGESALES 1 week 3 lines 1 2 sifieds today and have 275 - Auction Sales k 2a ~2 this attention getter in 280 - Estate Sales Ad must include your classified ad. price of single item 281 - Fundraiser Sales 541-385-5809. of $500 or less, or 282- Sales Northwest Bend multiple items 284- Sales Southwest Bend whose total does 286- Sales Northeast Bend not exceed $500. u bax18n 288- Sales Southeast Bend Visit our HUGE 290- Sales RedmondArea Call Classifieds at home decor 541-385-5809 292- Sales Other Areas consignment store. FARM MARKET New items 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery arrive daily! Golden Retrievers, En930 SE Textron, 316 - Irrigation Equipment glish Cream 4M, 4F, Bend 541-318-1501 325- Hay, Grain and Feed $700-$750. 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 541-279-6820. 341 - Horses and Equipment Kittens/cats avail. thru GENERATE SOME ex345-Livestockand Equipment rescue group. Tame, citement i n your 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals shots, altered, ID chip, neighborhood! Plan a 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call garage sale and don't re: other days. 65480 forget to advertise in 358- Farmer's Column 7 8th, B e nd . Cal l classified! 375- Meat and Animal Processing 541-389-8420 or 541-385-5809. 383 - Produce andFood 541-598-5488; Info at
HOLIDAY ART SHOW Sat.-Sun. Dec. 88 9 10 a.m. -4 p.m.. 60121 Sweetgrass Ln.
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ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Y amaha P-140
E l e c-
Buy/Sell/Trade all fire- tronic piano. Features: 8 arms. Bend local pays voices, reverb, effects,
adjustable key t o u ch sensitivity, record and playback, 2 headphone CASH!! For Guns, Ammo 8 jacks and midi in-out Reloading Supplies. ports. Includes music stand, owner's manual, 541-408-6900. sustain p e da l and matching bench. Ebony IHIN'T MISS THIS stain, excellent condition. $700 (541) 593-2828. cash! 541-526-0617
Non-commercial advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12 oi'
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Misc. Items
Buying Diamonds /Gold for Cash Saxon's Fine Jewelers 541-389-6655 BUYING
Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. 541-408-2191.
MTD 22" 2-stage yard Since September 29, machine snowblower 1991, advertising for 179cc OHV, $ 1 2 5. used woodstoves has 541-923-8271. been limited to models which have been SUPER TOP SOIL c ertified by the O r - www.herahe egon Department of Screened, soil & compost mi x ed , no Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the fed- rocks/clods. High humus level, exc. for eral En v ironmental Protection A g e ncy flower beds, lawns, straight (EPA) as having met gardens, smoke emission stan- s creened to p s o i l . dards. A cer t ified Bark. Clean fill. Dehaul. w oodstove may b e liver/you identified by its certifi- 541-548-3949. cation label, which is permanently attached to the stove. The BulLost 8 Found letin will no t k nowingly accept advertis- Cardboard taped packi ng for the sale of a ge found o n M t . uncertified W ashington Dr i v e. woodstoves. Call to iden t ify. 541-382-7044.
All gold jewelry, silver and gold coins, bars, rounds, wedding sets, class rings, sterling silver, coin collect, vintage watches, dental gold. Bill Fl e ming, 541-382-9419.
Check out the classifieds online Updated daily
Fuel & Wood
WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin
recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft.
M attress se t : tw i n poster head/footboard, Lab Pups AKC, black dresser wit h m i rror, 8 y ellow, Mas t e r nice! Reduced to $300. EGYPTIAN AK-47, Red 4' x 4' x 8' Hunter sired, perfor- 541-549-2253 Dot Sight, 570 rounds. • Receipts should mance pedigree, OFA include name, SPRINGFIELD XDM cert hips 8 e l bows, The Bulletin The Bulletin recomE 9mm with S p ringer phone, price and Call 541-771-2330 mends extra caution recommends extra ' kind of wood purPrecision,850 rounds. Call The Bulletin Claswhen purc h a sl caution when purEach include acces- sifieds today and have chased. ing products or ser- Labradood/es - Mini 8 chasing products or, • Firewood ads s ories. L IK E N E W vices from out of the med size, several colors services from out of I condition. $900 each. this attention getter in MUST include speyour classified ad. area. Sending cash, 541-504-2662 cies and cost per l the area. Sending I (541)678-5334 541-385-5809. checks, or credit cash, checks, or cord to better serve f ormation may b e i n f ormationSpringfield XD M 4 0 Fitz & F l oyd d ishes, our customers. LABRADORS: beau- l credit subjected to fraud. may be subjected to S&W new, 570 ends "Gold Mandarin Crest" tiful puppies, b o rn l FRAUD. For more For more i nformaa mmo, $ 65 0 OB I service for 8, + e xtra 9/11, ready for loving information about an I 541-390-4628 tion about an adverterah a centra( owgon r nce l903 serving pieces, $500. families. Shots curtiser, you may call you may I 541-330-8177 rent, vet checked. 4 I advertiser, the O r egon State Wanted: Collector 1 cord dry, split Juniper, call t h e Ore g onI black males, left! $250 ' State Attorney General's Attor ney ' seeks high quality Vermeil Flatware, 65$200/cord. Multi-cord Office Co n s umer each. 541-610-2270 l General's fishing items. piece service for 10, discounts, & ~/a cords O f f i ce Protection hotline at Call 541-678-5753, or $350. 541-330-8177 available. Immediate Consumer P r otec- • 1-877-877-9392. 503-351-2746 delivery! 541-408-6193 t ion ho t l in e at I
Found Border Collie mix 1-yr old (?) male on Hilltop of Juniper Canyon. 541-447-9866
Found Cat, young longhaired Siamese, vicinity 1st/Greenwood, 11/25. 541-389-1740
F ound m a n' s p l a i n t-shirt on 33rd near Umatilla, Redmond on the Nov . 28th. 541-923-6908.
Lost black & white female Rat Terrier pink collar in Tumalo area, north Gerking Market
l l l
Lost HP laptop, light blue case, in Redmond area. Reward! 541-420-5283
The Bulletin
The Bulletin Serrwacent al 0 econ since rtcr
l 1-877-877-9392.
LThe B<lletin
REMEMBER: If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society in Bend 541-382-3537
Wanted- paying cash for Hi-fi audio & stu- All Year Dependable dio equip. Mclntosh, Firewood: S plit, Del. Bend. Lod g epole, J BL, Marantz, D y Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 naco, Heathkit, Sanfor $350. Cash, Check sui, Carver, NAD, etc. or Credit Card OK. Call 541-261-1808 541-420-3484.
OR Craft Cats,
Art, Jewelry 541-389-8420. & Furs Adult companion cats Manx/Scottish Fold cats. FREE to seniors, dis- I have a long tail male, 2ct Euro-cut diamond abled 8 veterans! Tame, b/w for $25; I have a F Auction Sales Antiques & men's ring, serious only altered, shots, ID chip, Scottish Fold and a M WHEN YOU SEE THIS DRY JUNIPER $185/ more. Will always take Fold with a half tail for Collectibles $12,000 obo. AUCTION 541-788-5343 back if circumstances split, or $165 rounds PUBLIC cats are co) The Estate of Mike change. 389-8420. Visit $100.These per cord. Delivered. about 5 m onths old The Bulletin reserves Konovalov, Carson Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, and have been in255 the right to publish all 541-977-4500 or More Call Paving Douglas info: 541-678-1590 doors only. Litter box ads from The Bulletin Computers On a classified ad County and More! trained and very lov- newspaper onto The go to Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, Sunday, Dec. 9, at10 Bulletin Internet web- T HE B U LLETIN r e - ing. 541-815-1629 text all colors, $200-$250. a.m., 121 Deady site. Gardening Supplies quires computer adto view additional Parents on site. Call or leave message. Crossing in Sutherlin. vertisers with multiple 8 Equipment • 541-598-5314, photos of the item. The Bulletin ad schedules or those Heavy equip., tracSaturday Market ~ OO 541-788-7799 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. tors, trucks, trailers, selling multiple sysHoliday Bazaar M ore pi x a t B e n d b u lj e t i n c o m Mason's Building, be Barn/shop cats FREE, For newspaper farm equip., guns, 241 tems/ software, to dis- • Building Materials 8 Craft Shows hind 7-11 at 8th 8 delivery, call the vehicles, automotive some tame, some not. Maremma Guard Dog close the name of the Bicycles 8 Greenwood. Crafts, Circulation Dept. at shop, and more! We d eliver! F i xed, p u ps, purebred, great business or the term REDMOND Habitat Accessories Antiques & More! d ogs, $ 35 0 e a c h , 541-385-5800 For details see shots. 541-389-8420 "dealer" in their ads. RESTORE 541-546-6171. 541-977-1 737 To place an ad, call Private party advertis- Building Supply Resale Border Collie/New Zeal541-385-5809 ers are defined as Quality at and Huntaways, 2 male POODLE PUPS, AKC or email Call The Bulletin At those who sell one LOW PRICES classifiede pups, wonderful dogs, toys. Small, friendly, & 541-385-5809 computer. loving! 541-475-3889 1242 S. Hwy 97 working parents, $300 A Christmas Bazaar, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 541-548-1406 The Bulletin Dec. 8, 8 to 5 each. 541-546-6171 Seweg Central Owgon «nce l903 Queens/and Heelers 256 Open to the public. At: Crescent Community Cowboy Christmas standard & mini,$150 & Women's 3-spd bike, 26" Photography Center, Crescent Gift Show! Riverhouse, up. 541-280-1537 or whitewalls, new chrome Cut-off road. Crafts, Dec. 7-8, 9am-6 pm, http://rightwayranch. fenders, qel seat, basket, Sony NEX-7, 24.3mp FREE! art, and food! Come like new> $400 OBO. digital camera w/4 lenses or 503-361-8941 help support the ' j 541-549-1157 l ll I ' I l l + many other extras, call Community. r I r i j j j r Red Australian farm dog r 205 for info. Sacrifice, $1500. + farm cat free to gd 246 Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, 541-410-3702 Items for Free People Look for Information 1st shots, very social ranch 541-749-0314 Guns, Hunting About Products and $700. 541-325-3376 St. Bernard-Chesa8 Fishing 257 Free bottles Services Every Day through peake Bay Retriever different sizes. Chihuahuas min. 1 M, Musical Instruments Make your ad The Bulletin Classifieds 541-383-4231. mix, 2 boys, 4 girls. 22LR revolvers, 4" bbl, 1 F, 8' /~ wks, $300 $225M, $275F, 1st S/S, Taurus or Chareach. 541-279-5859 stand out and shots, dewormed. BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! ter Arms, NIB, $375. Ready 12/23! 541-788-6365 The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are Iet greater Ch ; »,„„„, 541-595-6970 Cadigac CTS still over 2,000 folks in our community without e w .357 mag Rossi, lever permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift I'SSPOllse! Wolf-Husky Pups,$400! action rifle, 20" bbl, NIB, co camps, getting by as best they can. Ready I ppi es! autc exc 35 years exper. Can text $449. 541-788-6365 y orthe HoliThe following items are badly needed to Piano, Steinway Model daysi Firsf shpfs pics. Call 541-977-7019 dition, gun5i; help them get through the winter: .45ACP Hi-Point pistol 0 Baby Grand 1911, 0BO, s Chihuahuas, multi-col900 $250/ea. ' 000000laser, NIB, $229. gorgeous, artist qual@ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ ors, 1st shots/dewormed, Yorkie AKC pups, small, with pppp 541-788-6365 000-000-0000. ity instrument w/great ready now! Health guar., New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. $250. 541-977-4686 shots, potty training, pixs 9mm Kel-Tec P-11 or action 8 S t einway's e WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. avail,$650. 541-316-0005 warm, rich sound. Will English Springer SCCY CPX2CB pisPLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Spaniel pups AKC t ols, Nl B , $249 . adorn any living room, THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER church or music stuready to go, wormed 8 541-788-6365 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. dew claws, great for dio perfectly. New reCall The Bulletin ClaSSifietl DBParlment at tail $ 6 9,000. SacriFor Special pick up please call family and/or hunting, Yorkie/Chihuahua 9mm Ruger LC9 w/La Ken @ 541-389-3296 priceless companions. tiny female, $220 s ermax laser, N I B fice at $26,000 OBO, 541-385-5809 or541-382-1811for rates today! PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKEA DIFFERENCE. $250. 541-548-1409 cash. 541-678-7599 call 541-383-3150. $419. 541-788-6365
541 e385-5809
Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Singer Lou 6 Latin 101 word 10 Mystery writer John Dickson
33 Something that
64 Sanyo makes stops on competitor the ocean? 65 Staff member? 37 Frozen drink 66 To have, to brand Henri 39 Mythical hunter 67 Veg out 41 "The Time 68 Poetic adverb Machine" race 69 O. Henry Award 42 Medicinal plant winner for "Livvie Is Back" 44 thr o a t
14 Bubbling over 15 Nes s 16 Double curve 17 Competition for 3-year-olds 18 Together, musically 19 "The Lion King" lioness 20 Breastbones 22 Resin in varnish 24 Prefix with -batics 25 Supplicate 26 City in Ukraine
54 Gator's cousin
or Texas
60 White House
policy honcho 61 Out
63 Grammy winner Ronstadt
P U Z 0 U R I N
25 Ulan
E T O Mongolia P ON 26 Some wraps E RU
Y E N S 27 Backgammon
19 22
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a 5:00 pm Frie
Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mone Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tuese
Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 0 0 pm Fri • Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5e00 Pm FrI •
46 50
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28 Like certain odds,
40 Jacket style
29 Verdi aria 32 Director Welles 34 Quizmaster Trebek 35 A portion of 36 Madre's brothers 38 F flat equivalent
45 Old welfare measure
43 Spanish liqueur
48 Composer Strauss
53 Rush hour speed 54 More coquettish 56 It may be tempted 57 Carbon
51 Kind of point
compound 58 Do some paper work 59 a s oul
52 1944 battle site
62 Trial
50 Not retired
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O ffice m anager f o r glass shop. 2 yrs exp., Proficient in Q u ickbooks including payroll, MS Word and Excel, quote 8 schedule customers. $15/hour. Bring resume and apply in person, 20584 Painters Street, Bend. Ranch Hand Progressive C attle Ranch - Opportunity for Long-Term employment - Team Environment. W i l ling to work all aspects of ranch workwash trucks, move
OR. 541-419-2713
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BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit no
problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon Land Mortgage 388-4200.
LOCAL MONEY:We buy secured trustdeeds & note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-382-3099 ext.13.
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ing salespeople looking for a performance-based pay p l an , p o t ential commissions of up to 35% equaling $100,000 plus, Retirement Plan, Paid Vacation, and a competitive med i cal benefit package. Looking for a team player
CircleThis •
GOLDEN RETRIEVERPUPPIES, We are three adorable, loving puppies lookingfor acaring home. Please call right away.$500.
with a positive attitude,
to operate with energy and to be customer service oriented. Will provide training. Send resume' to: bcrvhire@
Ho<OKA'| FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, and a tough V8 engine will get the job done on the ranch!
$ Prke Lowered $ QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! Modern amenities and all the quiet you will need.Roomto grow in your own little paradise! Call now.
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Where can you find a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it's all here in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
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Employment Opportunities
Aspen Ridge Retirement Community is seeking an experienced RN to lead & oversee the daily resident care program. Responsibilities include staff training 8 s upervision, i m plementation of services & p rograms, d o cum entation 8 c o m munication, medication mg m t & delegation, regulatory co m pliance, c are plans 8 a s sessments. Desire to work with seniors is a must, ALF/RCF exp. with nurse delegation, staffing, & t eam b u ilding a plus. We are pleased to offer an excellent compensation pac k a ge along with a s u pportive environment. Please send cover l etter 8 res u m e w/salary required to: Executive Director, 1025 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend, OR
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EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools andTraining 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 486 - Independent Positions
Career Opportunity!
Wanted: Irrigated farm ground, under pivot irrigation, i n C e n tral
Can be found on these pages:
Come join our Team! Equal Opportunity Employer H igh Energy T a x , pipe, process and 1-888-387-9252 P ayroll an d B o o k-Information Technology feed cattle, clean keeping Company in Remember.... Look at: water troughs, etc. Looking for an La Pine, OR, seeks a A dd your we b a d Must have positive IT Manager part-time person for dress to your ad and 325 attitude - Competifor Complete Listings of bookkeeping, payroll, to oversee and man- readers on The tive wages and 401K age hardware & softHay, Grain & Feed Area Real Estate for Sale inputting data and oc- ware systems for a Kla- Bulletin' s web site benefits. casional cross-over to be able to click 541-475-6681. Wanted: Irrigated farm 476 front reception. Tax math Falls company. will automatically ground, under pivot iroffice exp. preferred, Related Bachelors de- through Employment rigation, i n C e n tral licensed to prepare in gree or ten years expe- to your site. required. Send Opportunities OR. 541-419-2713 Oregon a huge PLUS! rience Compensation DOE. resume or request a full Press Supervisor job description to The Bulletin is seeking a night time press suWheat Straw: Certified & NO phone calls or careers@ Bedding Straw & Garden CAUTION READERS: pervisor. We are part of Western Communicadrop-ins. Email your sim lexit Straw;Compost.546-6171 tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group cover letter and reconsisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon Ads published in "Em- sume to info@cenand two in California. Our ideal candidate will ployment Opportuni- BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Looking for your t ies" i n c lude e m - Closes 12/10/12 manage a small crew of three and must be able Search the area's most next employee? to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A and ployee comprehensive listing of Place a Bulletin hands-on style is a requirement for our 3yz i ndependent pos i - Caregiver —All Shifts classified advertising... tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderhelp wanted ad tions. Ads for posi- avail. Apply in person. real estate to automotive, ship experience preferred. In addition to our today and tions that require a fee Interviews this week. merchandise to sporting 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous reach over or upfront investment Apply in person at goods. Bulletin Classifieds commercial print clients as well. In addition to a 60,000 readers must be stated. With 1099 NE Watt Way, appear every day in the competitive wage and benefit program, we also any independent job each week. Bend. print or on line. provide potential opportunity for advancement. opportunity, p l ease Your classified ad If you provide dependability combined with a Call 541-385-5809 investigate thor- Need help fixing stuff? will also positive attitude, are able to manage people and oughly. appear on Call A ServiceProfessional schedules and are a team player, we would like find the help you need. to hear from you. If you seek a stable work enThe Bulletin Use extra caution when Seoeg Ceeeai 0 egoa xae 1903 which currently vironment that provides a great place to live and applying for jobs onreceives over raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact eiline and never prother; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Op1.5 million page vide personal inforerations Director at views every mation to any source or anelson© with your month at no you may not have recomplete resume, references and s a lary Ad Services Admin extra cost. searched and deemed history/requirements. Prior press room experiThe Bulletin is seeking an individual to play a Bulletin to be reputable. Use vital role on the Ad Services team. The Ad Serence required. No phone calls please. Drug Classifieds extreme caution when vices Admin position is 32 hours per week and test is required prior to employment. EOE Get Results! r esponding to A N Y is eligible for benefits. An Ad Services Admin Cail 541-385-5809 online e m p loyment works closely with others on the Ad Services ad from out-of-state. or place your ad team to coordinate and track ads though our on-line at production system. At times taking corrections We suggest you call from customers via phone, faxing ads to the State of Oregon tomers, and ensuring all corrections have been Sales Consumer Hotline at made prior to printing. In addition, this position 345 1-503-378-4320 will include training for a path to page composIndependent Contractor Sales ing responsibilities. The ideal candidate will be ivestock & Equipment We are seeking dynamic individuals. For Equal Opportunity computer literate, have outstanding customer L aws: Oregon B uservice skills, above average grammar skills, lntermountain DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? reau of Labor & In- the ability to multi-task and a desire to work at a Livestock • OUTGOING 8 COMPETITIVE dustry, C i vil Rights successful company. Bred Cow Sale • PERSONABLE & ENTHUSIASTIC Division, Dec. 6th! • CONSISTENT & MOTIVATED To apply, submit a resume by Tuesday, De170 Young Black Cow 971-673-0764 cember 11th, with qualifications, skills, experiDispersal, 140 Mixed If you have any quesOur winning team of sales & promotion ence and a past employment history to The Age D r y Co u ntry tions, concerns or Bulletin, attention: James Baisinger, PO Box professionals are making an average of C ows, 5 0 You n g comments, contact: 6020, Bend,OR 97708-6020. Pre-employment $400 - $800 per week doing special Black Cows, 30 Black, Classified Department drug screening is required prior to hiring. The events, trade shows, retail & grocery 4 year old Reputation Bulletin is an equal opportunity employer. The Bulletin store promotions while representing C ows, P lu s M a n y 541-385-5809 More!! THE BULLETIN newspaper Dec. 6, 1:00 pm as an independent contractor Pacific. Exit 265, The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 1903 La Grande, OR. yyEOFFER: For more info call • Solid Income Opportunity * 541-963-2158 Independent Contractor *Complete Training Program* *No Selling Door to Door * *No Telemarketing Involved* Farmers Column "Great Advancement Opportunity* TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin
Place a photoin your private partyad for only $15.00 perweek.
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55 Strong spate 56 Like many eighth graders
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29 Gourmand 30 Roy G. 31 Haughty response
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For an additional '3 per week '10 for 4 weeks
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Private art ads onl
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Boats & Accessories
f YOURBOAT ... f
T r a vel Trailers
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
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Delight! Packsp e c i al Hunter's deal! 1988 Winrates for selling your I age nebago Super Chief, ~ boat or watercraft! 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Peterbilt 359 p o table shape; 1988 Bronco II 29', weatherized, like f Place an ad in The water t ruck, 1 9 90, 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K n ew, f u rnished & Snowmobiles • B ulletin w it h ou r 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Aircraft, Parts mostly towed miles, ready to go, incl Winef 3-month package p ump, 4 - 3 a hoses, nice rig! $15,000 both. & Service ard S a t ellite dish, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. ~ which includes: 541-382-3964, leave 26,995. 541-420-9964 541-820-3724 msg. [ *5 lines of text and r Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 a photo or up to 10 n tii~~a a =: Firecats: EFI SnowUtility Trailers J lines with no photo. ' ttgtrgr pro & EFI EXT, exlnt *Free online ad at cond, $3700 ea; I $7000 both. Weekend Warrior Toy 1/3 interest in Colum*Free pick up into 541-410-2186 Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, ~ The Central Oregon ~ 400, located at Jayco Seneca 2 007, fuel station, exc cond. bia Big Tex LandscapJ Nickel ads. Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy sleeps 8, black/gray ing/ ATV Trailer, Call 541-647-3718 d i e sel, to y i nterior, u se d 3X , dual axle flatbed, I Rates start at $46. I 5500 7'x16', 7000 lb. hauler $130 , 000. $24,999. Call for details! Snowmobile trailer 541-389-2636. 541-389-9188 GVW, all steel, 541-385-5809 $1400. 2002, 25-ft Inter541-382-4115, or state & 3 sleds, Looking for your 541-280-7024. next employee? $10,900. L The Bulleting Place a Bulletin help 541-480-8009 wanted ad today and 1/3 interest i n w e l l931 GENERATE SOME exreach over 60,000 equipped IFR Beech BoSnowmobile trailer fits citement in your neigAutomotive Parts, readers each week. nanza A36, new 10-550/ t wo sleds o r tw o borhood. Plan a ga- Immaculate! Your classified ad prop, located KBDN. Service & Accessories 4-wheelers, has new rage sale and don't Beaver Coach Marquis will also appear on $65,000. 541-419-9510 bearings, tires, hitch, forget to advertise in 40' 1987. New cover, NEED HOLIDAY $$$? and complete re-wire. classified! 385-5809. new paint (2004), new which currently reExecutive Hangar We pay CASH for $800. 541-382-3409 inverter (2007). Onan ceives over 1.5 milJunk Cars & Trucks! at Bend Airport YAMAHA 500 V M AX, Serving Central Oregon smte 1903 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, lion page views evAlso buying batteries 8 (KBDN) parked covered $35,000 2 043 mi , 1t/gn track, ery month at no 60' wide x 50' deep, catalytic converters. obo. 541-419-9859 or $1500. 541-419-2268 extra cost. Bulletin w/55' wide x 17' high Serving all of C.O.! Used out-drive 541-280-2014 Classifieds Get Rebi-fold door. Natural Call 541-408-1090 parts - Mercury Just too many sults! Call 385-5809 848 gas heat, office, bathOMC rebuilt maor place your ad collectibles? room. Parking for 6 Houses for rine motors: 151 on-line at c ars. A d jacent t o Antique & $1595; 3.0 $1895; Rent General Frontage Rd; g reat Sell them in Classic Autos 4.3 (1993), $1995. visibility for a v iation 541-389-0435 PUBLISHER'S The Bulletin Classifieds bus 1jetjock@q com NOTICE M onaco Dynasty 2004, • 541-948-2126 Fifth Wheels All real estate adver875 loaded, 3 slides, die541-385-5809 tising in this newspaWatercraft sel, Reduced - now 1921 Model T per is subject to the Find It in $119,000, 5 4 1-923860 F air H o using A c t Delivery Truck 8572 or 541-749-0037 The Bulletin Classifieds! 745 which makes it illegal Motorcycles & Accessories 2007 SeaDoo Restored 8 Runs 541-385-5809 "any Homes for Sale to a d v ertise 2004 Waverunner, $9000. preference, limitation Harley Davidson Softexcellent condition, 541-389-8963 or disc r iminationBANK OWNED HOMES! Tail De luxe 2 0 0 7, LOW hours. Double Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 FREE List w/Pics! based on race, color, white/cobalt, w / pastrailer, lots of extras by Carriage, 4 slide'55 Chevy 2 dr . wgn religion, sex, handi- senger kit, Vance & $10,000 outs, inverter, sateland beyond real estate P ROJECT car, 3 5 0 cap, familial status, bend Hines muffler system 541-719-8444 20967 yeoman, bend or lite sys, fireplace, 2 Southwind 35.5' Triton small block w/Weiand marital status or na& kit, 1045 mi., exc. flat screen TVs. 2008,V10, 2slides, Du dual quad tunnel rim tional origin, or an inThe Bulletin c ond, $19,9 9 9 , Ads published in aWa- pont UV coat, 7500 mi $60,000. with 450 Holleys. T-10 tention to make any 541-389-9188. ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP To Subscribe call tercraftn include: KayBought new at 541-480-3923 4-speed, 12 volt posi, such pre f erence, SHARE LEFT! aks, rafts and motorHarley Heritage $132,913; Weld Prostar whls, ex limitation or discrimi- 541-385-5800 or go to Economical flying in ized personal Softail, 2003 asking $93,500. rolling chassis + nation." Familial sta- your ow n C e s sna tra watercrafts. For $5,000+ in extras, Call 541-419-4212 extras. $6000 for all. tus includes children 172/180 HP for only " boats" please s e e NOTICE $2000 paint job, under the age of 18 FIND IT! $ 10 000i Based a t 541-389-7669. Class 870. real estate adver30K mi. 1 owner, living with parents or All BDN. Call Gabe a t For more information BUY IT! here in is sub541-385-5809 legal cust o dians, tised please call SELL IT! Fleetwood Wilderness Professional Afrl • ject to t h e F e deral pregnant women, and F air H o using A c t , ~5 41 - 388-0019 • 541-385-8090 The Bulletin Classifieds 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, people securing cus- which makes it illegal gervmg Central Oregon since l903 or 209-605-5537 rear bdrm, fireplace, tody of children under to advertise any prefAC, W/D hkup beauHD Screaming Eagle . --,j 18. This newspaper erence, limitation or Take care of Trucks 8 Electra Glide 2005, tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. will not knowingly ac- discrimination based Chevy C-20 Pickup n your investments 103 motor, two tone Heavy Equipment 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; cept any advertising on race, color, relicandy teal, new tires, auto 4-spd, 396, model for real estate which is gion, sex, handicap, with the help from 23K miles, CD player, CST /all options, orig. in violation of the law. familial status or naWinnebago Suncruiser34' The Bulletin's hydraulic clutch, exowner, $22,000, O ur r e aders a r e tional origin, or inten2004, only 34K, loaded, cellent condition. "Call A Service 541-923-6049 hereby informed that tion to make any such too much to list, ext'd Highest offer takes it. all dwellings adver- preferences, l i mitai" warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Professional" Directory 541-480-8080. I K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 tised in this newspa- tions or discrimination. Dennis, 541-589-3243 slide AC T V a wning per are available on We will not knowingly 880 Diamond Reo Dump NEW: tires, converter, 881 an equal opportunity accept any advertisSoftail Deluxe Motorhomes batteries. Hardly used. Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 basis. To complain of Travel Trailers ing for r eal e state 2010, 805 miles, yard box, runs good, $15,500. 541-923-2595 discrimination cal l which is in violation of Black Chameleon. $6900, 541-548-6812 HUD t o l l-free at this law. All persons Chevy Wagon 1957, $17,000 1-800-877-0246. The COACHMAN 1979 4-dr., complete, are hereby informed CallDon @ 2'.El toll f re e t e l ephone that all dwellings ad23' trailer $7,000 OBO, trades, G K E A T 541-410-3823 number for the hear- vertised are available Fully equipped. please call ing im p aired is on an equal opportu541-389-6998 $2000. y~ n.- . 1-800-927-9275. 541-312-8879 nity basis. The Bulle870 Country Coach Intrigue Hyster H25E, runs Just bought a new boat? 3585 2008, or 541-350-4622. MONTANA tin Classified well, 2982 Hours, 2002, 40' Tag axle. Sell your old one in the Boats & Accessories exc. cond., 3 slides, 850 $3500, call 400hp Cummins Dieclassifieds! Ask about our king bed, Irg LR, Arc773 Houses for Rent 541-749-0724 sel. two slide-outs. Super Seller rates! 73' Smokercraft '85, tic insulation, all opAcreages 541-385-5809 NE Bend 41,000 miles, new tions $37,500.
RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want ToRent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./MultiplexGeneral 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 -Houses for Rent NEBend 652- Housesfor RentNWBend 654- Housesfor RentSEBend 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 -Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space
Roommate Wanted
682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REALESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real EstateWanted 719- Real EstateTrades 726 -Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - MultiplexesforSale 740- Condos&Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- NorthwestBendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land
with o u r
f f [
kYo~ Asr!
The Bulletin
X'Gr)D ~
The Bulletin
. ",
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good cond., 15HP tires & batteries. Most 541-420-3250 BY OWNER 20.6 acres gas Evinrude + options. $95,000 OBO 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, new carApt./Multiplex NW Bend pet/vinyl/deck 8 fixtures, on river in Redmond, Minnkota 44 elec. Advertise your car! 541 -678-571 2 Add A Picture! beautifully landscaped. on 83rd St. owner will motor, fish finder, 2 Reach thousands of readers! RIVER FALLS APTS. Dishwasher 8 W/D incl; finance. $5 9 5 ,000. extra seats, trailer, ~Oo Pioneer Spirit 18CK, Catt 541-385-5809 LIVE ON THE RIVER water pd. No smoking, no 541-421-3222. extra equip. $2900. More used only 4x, AC, The Bulletin Classlfteds 2007, WALK DOWNTOWN dogs. $900/mo. $1100 electric tongue j ack, 541-388-9270 1 bdrm. apc fully fur- deposit. 541-617-1101 NuWa 297LK H i tch$8995. 541-389-7669 CHECK YOUR AD nished in fine 50s style. Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Please check your ad 17' 1984 Chris Craft 1546 NW 1st St., $800+ Fresh paint, updated 32' touring coach, left on the first day it runs - Scorpion, 140 HP $700 dep. Nice pets kitchen, rear lounge, 3/1, hardwood floors, to make sure it is corinboard/outboard, 2 welcomed. many extras, beautiful fenced back yard, rect. Sometimes indepth finders, troll541-382-0117 c ond. inside 8 o u t , woodstove, dw, Ref. s tructions over t h e ing motor, full cover, Econoline R V 1 9 89, $32,900 OBO, Prinev$775. 541-390-8774. fully loaded, exc. cond, phone are misunder- EZ - L oad t railer, ille. 541-447-5502 days stood and a n e r ror $3500 OBO. 35K m i. , R e d ucedSpringdale 2005 27', 4' & 541-447-1641 eves. 658 $17,950. 541-546-6133 slide in dining/living area, can occurin your ad. 541-382-3728. Houses for Rent If this happens to your sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 CAN'T BEAT THIS! obo. 541-408-3811 74 year old widow ad, please contact us Redmond would like to meet the first day your ad Look before you widower b e tween buy, below market Newer 2326 sq.fc deluxe appears and we will • gatv a the ages of 60 and vafue! Size & milehome, 3/3, gas fire- be happy to fix it as aqe DOES matter! 7 0. I en j o y t h e s oon as w e c a n . place, 7500' lot, fenced Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th Cjass A 32 ' H urrinudist lifestyle and yard, 1655 SW Sara- Deadlines are: Weekwheel, 1 s lide, AC, live in Sacramento. soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. days 11:00 noon for 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 cane by Four Winds, TV,full awninq, excel2007. 12,500 mi, all 916-822-4630. next day, Sat. 11:00 Volvo Penta, 270HP, 541-350-2206 lent shape, 823,900. Springdale 29' 2 0 07, amenities, Ford V10, low hrs., must see, a.m. for Sunday and slide,Bunkhouse style, 541-350-8629 Monday. $15,000, 541-330-3939 Ithr, cherry, slides, gt like new! New low sleeps 7-8, excellent 541-385-5809 price, $54,900. condition, $ 1 6 ,900, Thank you! 541-548-5216 541-390-2504 The Bulletin Classified 'u • • 20.5' 2004 Bayliner 1 G ulfstream Sce n i c Have an item to 205 Run About, 220 775 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, sell quick? HP, V8, open bow, Pilgrim Int e rnational Cummins 330 hp dieC all 54 /-385-580 9 Manufactured/ exc. cond., very fast 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, If it's under sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 to r o m ot e o u r s ervice Mobile Homes w/very low hours, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 in. kitchen slide out, '500 you can place it in lots of extras incl. Fall price $ 2 1,865. new tires,under cover, tower, Bimini 8 541-312-4466 IBuilding/Contracting H o me Improvement FACTORY SPECIAL hwy. miles only,4 door The Bulletin New Home, 3 bdrm, custom trailer, fridge/freezer ice $46,900 finished Classifieds for: $19,500. NOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. on you site,541.548.5511 maker, W/D combo, 541-389-1413 law req u ires any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Interbath t ub & '10 - 3 lines, 7 days one who c o n tractsQuality 8 honesty, from shower, 50 amp profor construction work carpentry & handyman Own your own home for pane gen 8 m o r e! '16 - 3 lines, 14 days to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall covless t ha n r e n ting. $55,000. (Private Party ads only) C onstruction Con - ering install / removal. Centrally located in 541-948-2310 tractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Madras. In- h ouse 20.5' Seaswirl SpyA n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured financing opt i o ns der 1989 H.O. 302, Honda Civic LX 2006 means the contractor 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 available. Call now at 285 hrs., exc. cond., 4-dr sedan, exc. cond, i s bonded and i n - Autumnridge Const. 541-475-2291 31K miles, AC, p s, dr stored indoors for s ured. Ver if y t h e Quality custom home life $11,900 OBO. I In 12 DAYS! locks & windows, precontractor's CCB mium wheels, new improvements. No job 541-379-3530 Whether you're "The Bulletin Tick, Tock studded tires, chains, c ense through t h e too big or small. Iret & Sr. looking for a home AM/FM -CD, all records I I Clas s ifieds CCB Cons u mer Discounts! CCB¹198284 Ads published in the Tick, Tock... from 2009, 24-40 mpg, or need a service, Website gotit done!" Call 541-300-0042 "Boats" classification must sell! $12,500/offec I www.rtireahcensedcontractor. your future is in ...don't let time get include: Speed, fisrl- I JeffL. 541-« com Just bought a new boat? these pages. ing, drift, canoe, • or call 503-378-4621. Sell your old one in the away. Hire a house and sail boats. The Bulletin recom- classifieds! Ask about our professional out Super Seller rates! For all other types of Want Results from qualified mends checking with 541-385-5809 of The Bulletin's watercraft, please see the CCB prior to conlocal buyers? Class 875. tracting with anyone. Landscaping/Yard Care Call usat 541-385-5809 and ask "Call A Service 541-385-5809 Some other t r ades about our Whee/ Deal special! Thousands ofadsdaily Professional" also req u ire addi- OTICE: O R E G O N in print andonline. tional licenses and N Landscape Directory today! ContracServtng Central aregnn smce 1903 The Buuetin certifications. tors Law (ORS 671) r equires a l l bu s i ' x xl » Debris Removal nesses that advertise Property Management, Inc. to p e r form L a n d.' • e g r e. W g'~ v 541-382-0053 JUNK BE GONE scape C o n struction which incl u des: I Haul Away FREE p lanting, deck s , For Salvage. Also AVAILABLE BEND AREA RENTALS fences, arbors, Cleanups & Cleanouts w ater-features, and • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath Apt. Near Hospital - Private Mel, 541-389-8107 installation, repair of setting. On site laundry. New carpet. Lots of irrigation systems to storage. No Pets. $575.00 WST I Han d yman be licensed with the .Oa • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath SE Duplex - Single garage. xt Landscape Contrac- Small fenced, natural back yard. FP. W/D ERIC REEVE HANDY t ors B o a rd . Th i s Hookups. New carpet & paint. No Pets. cx SERVICES. Home & 4-digit number is to be $650.00 WST Commercial Repairs, included in all adver- • Furnished 1 Bdrm/1 Bath Condo - Mt. Carpentry-Painting, tisements which indi- Bachelor Village. Murphy bed, too! Great place Pressure-washing, cate the business has to transition or relax. Access to pool 8 Jacuzzi. Honey Do's. On-time a bond, insurance and Free Wi-Fi. No pets.$675.00 WST promise. Senior workers c ompensaNice 3 Bdrm/2 Bath off OB Riley Rd. - Extra Discount. Work guar- tion for their employ- •room for RV behind fenced area. Large back Call the Bulletin ClassiTiedDept. anteed. 541-389-3361 ees. For your protec- deck. Open spacious great room feeling. 1674 or 541-771-4463 tion call 503-378-5909 sq. ft., dbl. garage.$1050.00 541-385-5809or541-382-1811 Bonded 8 Insured or use our website: • Open cheerful 3 Bdrm/2 Bath SW Homeon CCB¹181595 to huge corner lot. Fenced back yard. Patio. forratestoday! check license status Large laundry room. Gas FP. Dbl. garage. I DO THAT! before co n t racting GFA. AC. Pets? $1150.00 month Home/Rental repairs with th e b u s iness. *** Small jobs to remodels Persons doing landFOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES *** Honest, guaranteed scape maintenance CALL 541-382-0053 &/or Stop By the Office work. CCB¹151573 do not require a LCB at 587 NE Greenwood, Bend Dennis 541-317-9768 license. 636
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The Bulletin
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TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 975
• s •
BOATS &RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890- RVsfor Rent
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Ford F250 XLT 4x4 L ariat, 1990, r e d, 80K original miles, 4" lift with 39's, well Porsche Cayenne 2004, Chrysler Sebring 2006 maintained, $ 4 000 86k, immac, dealer Fully loaded, exc.cond, obo. 541-419-5495 maint'd, loaded, now very low miles (38k), $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 always garaged, transferable warranty FORD RANGER XLT Toyota 4Runner 2004 incl. $8300 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 SR5 4WD, 54k mi., 541-330-4087 speed, with car alarm, $17,500 541-385-7286 CD player, extra tires on rims. Runs good. Find exactly what Ford Crown Vic. Clean. 92,000 miles you are looking for in the 1997 4 door, 127k, on m o tor. $ 2 6 00 d rives, runs a n d CLASSIFIEDS OBO. 541-771-6511. looks great, extra set of winter tires on 940 rims, only $3000. Vans 541-771-6500. I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 t on dually, 4 s p d. DQN'TMISSTHIS trans., great MPG,
Chrysler 300 C o upe 90M'TIISSIHIS 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, Ford Ranchero 1979 auto. trans, ps, air, VW Karman Ghia frame on rebuild, rewith 351 Cleveland 1970, good cond., modified engine. painted original blue, new upholstery and original blue interior, Body is in convertible top. original hub caps, exc. excellent condition, $10,000. chrome, asking $9000 $2500 obo. 541-389-2636 541-420-4677 or make offer. 541-385-9350 People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough Ford T-Bird 1966 The Bulletin Classifeds 390 engine, power everything, new paint, VW Thing 1974, good 54K original miles, cond. Extremely Rare! runs great, excellent Only built in 1973 & cond. in & out. Asking Chrysler SD 4-Door 1974. $8,000. $8,500. 541-480-3179 541-389-2636 1930, CD S R oyal Standard, 8-cylinder, body is good, needs Pickups some r e s toration, runs, taking bids, Dodge Ram 1500 Quad 541-383-3888, cab, 2008 4WD. 43k. 541-81 5-331 8 ¹105918. $24,955 GMC Y~ton 1971, Only $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171 Oregon AutnSnurre
FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, door panels w/flowers & hummingbirds, white soft top & hard top. Just reduced to
B a r racuda $3,750. 541-317-9319 Plymouth or 541-647-8483 1966, original car! 300 hp, 360 V8, centerlines, (Original 273
eng & wheels incl.) 541-593-2597
Sp o rt Utility Vehicles
Au t o mobiles
Antique & Classic Autos
Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer & radio (orig),541-419-4989 Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO.
Ford 250 XLT 1990, 6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500. 541 -41 0-9997
could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-41 9-5480.
RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L
hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 541-420-3634 /390-1285 935
Sport Utility Vehicles
Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean, mechanicall y sound, 82k miles. $21,995. Call 541-815-1216 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 4x4. 120K mi, Power seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd row seating, e xtra tires, CD, privacy tinting, upgraded rims. Fantastic cond. $7995 Contact Timm at 541-408-2393 for info or to view vehicle. Ford Explorer 4x4, 1991 - 154K miles, rare 5-speed tranny & manual hubs, clean, straight, everyday driver. Bring 2200 dollar bills! Bob, 541-318-9999
PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Chevy Coupe 1950 rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, complete car, $ 1949; Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 Cadillac Series 61 1950, 2010, tow pkg, chrome 2 dr. hard top, complete pkg + run brds, Ithr, ga- GMC Envoy 2002 4x4, w/spare f r on t cl i p .,raged,1 owner,35,600 mi, Loaded,144K, $6,450 $3950, 541-382-7391 $25,500 firm. Call after 6 pm,541-546-9821 Culver. (218) 478-4469, Matt
Porsche 911 1974, low mi., complete motor/ trans. rebuild, tuned suspension, int. & ext. refurb., oi l c o oling, shows new in & out, erf. m ech. c o n d. uch more! $28,000 541-420-2715 PORSCHE 914 1974,
Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE ADOPT-Abundance of love to offer a child in stable, secure & nu r turing home. Contact Jen (800) 571-4136.
proof of service on the plaintiff. The object of t he complaint is t o Roller (no engine), foreclose a deed of lowered, full roll cage, trust dated November 5-pt harnesses, rac8, 2006 and recorded ing seats, 911 dash & LEGAL NOTICE a s I nstrument N o . instruments, d ecent IN T H E CI R C UIT 2006-75861 given by shape, v e r y c o ol! COURT O F THE R ick D. H anna o n $1699. 541-678-3249 STATE OF OREGON property c o mmonly FOR THE COUNTY known as 53915 4th OF DES C HUTES. Street, La Pine, OR Toyota Camrys: Wells Fargo B ank, 97739 and legally de1984, $1200 obo; Ford Crown V i ctoria NA, Plaintiff, vs. RICK s cribed as: Lot 1 i n 1985 SOLD; D. HANNA; CONNIE B lock 98 o f De s 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., Chevrolet G20 Sports1986 parts car, L. H A N NA , A KA chutes River Recreo r i g . own e r , man, 1993, exlnt cond, V 8, $500. C ONNIE HAN N A; ation Homesites, Unit $4750. 541-362-5559 or 70,300 mi., studs on, reat condi t ion. Call for details, CASCADE C R EDIT 8, Part II, Deschutes 541-663-6046 CONSULTING, INC 4 County, Oregon. The 3000. 541-549-0058. 541-548-6592 ASSET RECOVERY c omplaint seeks t o Chevy Astro GROUP, INC.; DES- foreclose and termiToyota Corolla 2004, Cargo Van 2001, Honda Civic LX CHUTES RIV ER nate all i n terest of auto., loaded, 204k pw, pdl, great cond., 2008, like new, Rick D. Hanna and miles. orig. owner, non RECREATION business car, well always garaged, HOMESITES PROPConnie L. Hanna and smoker, exc. c ond. maint'd, reqular oil loaded. 27k mi. ERTY OWNERS AS- all other interests in $6500 Prin e ville changes, $4500. one owner. S OCIATION; A N D t he p r operty. T h e 503-358-8241 Please call OCCUPANTS OF "motion" or "answer" $14,000. 541-633-5149 VW Beetle, 2002 THE PREM I SES, (or "reply") must be 541-550-0994. 5-spd, silver-gray, black Defendants. No. given to t h e c o u rt leather, moonroof, CD, Chev 1994 full size van, 1 2CV0184. CIV I L clerk or administrator loaded, 115K miles, seats 7, sleeps 2. SuSUMMONS. TO THE within 30 days of the Check out the well-maintained per condition, 128K, DEFENDANTS: date of first publicaclassifieds online famous 35 0 m o tor, (have records) Rick D. Hanna and tion specified herein runs & looks like a milextremely clean, Connie L . H a n na. a long with th e r e Updated daily $4850 obo. lion! Ready for fun & NOTICE TO DEFEN- quired filing fee. The 541-546-6920 travel. Limit 1! $4000. DANT: READ THESE date of first publicaBob, 541-318-9999 Mazda 626 ES, 2002 P APERS CARE - tion of the summons WHEN YOU SEE THIS 4-dr, V6, silver, Ithr upFULLY! A lawsuit has is December 4, 2012. Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 holstery, AC, AT, 98K mi. OO been started against If you have questions, 7 -pass. v a n wit h $5100. 541-593-1216 ~ you in the above-enyou should see an p ower c h a i r lif t , MOre PiXatBendbuleti),CO m titled Court by Wells attorney immediately. $1500; 1989 Dodge Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT On a classified ad F argo B a nk , NA , If you need help in Turbo Van 7 - pass. 1999, a uto., p e a rl go to Plaintiff. Pla i n tiff's finding an a t torney, has new motor and w hite, very low m i . claim is stated in the you may contact the t rans., $1500. I f i n - $9500. 541-788-8218. to view additional written Complaint, a Oregon State Bar's terested c a l l Ja y photos of the item. copy of which is on Lawyer Referral Ser503-269-1 057. file at the Deschutes vice onl i n e at SIENNA Limited 2011 County C ourthouse. www.oregonstatebar. Looking for your AWD, 9,690 miles, You must "appear" in org or by calling (503) next employee? $37,900. 541-350-8778 this case or the other 684-3763 ( in t h e Place a Bulletin help side will win automati- Portland metropolitan wanted ad today and 975 cally. To "appear" you area) or toll-free elsereach over 60,000 Automobiles "MyLittle Red Corvette" must file with the court where in Oregon at readers each week. 1996 coupe. 132K, a legal paper called a (800) 452-7636. AtYour classified ad Acura Vigor 1994, good 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. "motion" or "answer." torneys for P l aintiff, will also appear on cond., A/C, eng. good. $12,500 541-923-1781 The "motion" or "an- SHAPIRO & S $1800. 541-350-9148, swer" must be given E RLAND, LLC, / s / . which currently reto the court clerk or Kelly D. Sutherland. Buick Lucerne CXL ceives over 1.5 miladministrator w i t hin Kelly D. S utherland 2009, $12,500, low lion page views low miles; 2000 Buick 30 days along with the ¹87357 every month at required filing fee. It Century $2900. You'll [ksutherland I no extra cost. Bullenot find nicer Buicks must be i n p r oper m ], 1499 S E T e ch tin Classifieds One look's worth a form and have proof Center Place, Suite Get Results! Call Nissan Sentra, 2012thousand words. Call 12,610 o f service o n t h e 255, Vancouver, WA 385-5809 or place mi, full warranty, Bob, 541-318-9999. plaintiff's attorney or, 98683, your ad on-line at PS, PB, AC, & more! for an appt. and take a $16,000. if the plaintiff does not ( 360)260-2253; F a x 541-788-0427 drive in a 30 mpg. car have a n at t o rney, (360)260-2285.
em ioes
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