Serving Central Oregon since1903 75g
FRIDAY April 5,2013
ummi aces e mnn
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Distracted drivingAccording to police data,
absentmindedness is abigger problem than cellphones.A4
• Expansion, which won't require voter approval, adds 144 beds By Shelby R. King
ing to the Deschutes County Commission. At a Wednesday work session, the commission heard countyFinance Director and Treasurer Marty Wynne outline several options for funding the project.
The Bulletin
Runningout of room — With burial space ata
Major funding for the Deschutes County jail expansion will come from an $8.4 million bond to be repaid jointly by the Sheriff's Office and the county general fund, accord-
The $11 million expansion would add 144 beds to the facility on U.S. Highway 20 in north Bend. "We're looking at all-time low interest rates," Wynne said. "It's not a bad time to do a bond if we need to."
This isn't a general obligation bond that would need voter approval, said County Administrator Tom Anderson. It's a "full faith and credit bond," which means the county will borrow the money under the understanding with investors that the county and the Sheriff's Office generate enough revenue to cover the
$500,000 annual payment without asking taxpayers for
more money. Between transfers from the general fund, the capital reserve fund and money already set aside, the county has $2.6 million toward the expansion, leaving $8.4 million left to come up with. SeeJail/A4
premium, governments in China are offering subsidies to
people who bury their relatives at sea.A6
Odituary —Pulitzer-prize winner Roger Ebert wasan author, blogger, TVhostand
may move to new conference
movie critic for more than four
Sage With Age — Central Oregonians form group for LGBT people over 50.D1
And a Web exclusive-
By Grant Lucas
After the shooting deaths of a district attorney and his wife, other prosecutors find themselves afraid for their safety.
The Bulletin
• The National Forestis seekingcommentson a planned trail systemfor the off-road vehicles By Dylan J. Darling
Computers that grade college essays'?
The forest extended the deadline for comments, originally set for late last month, to April 15 to give people more time to review the 411-page plan, Slater said. There have already been more than 100 comments on the
The Bulletin
An off-road vehicle club and a hunters group are at odds about plans by the Ochoco National Forest to establish an off-road vehicle trail system. The forest plans to have 101 miles of trails at the Ochoco Summit, winding through woods between Ochoco Divide Sno-park on U.S. Highway 26 and the Rager Ranger Station. There would be trails for motorcycles and ATVs, said Slater Turner, district ranger for the Lookout Ranger district of the Ochoco National Forest. The trail system would be comprised of new and existing routes.
plan. "Some people want more; some people want a lot less," Turner said. "It isacross-the-board response of what people would like to have or like to see." Those who want more include the Ochoco Trail Riders, an off-road vehicle club with more than 50 members from Central Oregon and beyond. SeeOchoco/A5
By John Markoff New York Times News Service
Imagine taking a college exam and, instead of handing in a blue book and
OChDCDSummit OHV area
getting a grade from a pro-
vehicle (OHV) trail system east of Prineville.
fessora few weeks later, clicking the "send" button when you are done and receiving a grade back instantly, your essay scored by a software program. And then, instead of being done with that exam, imagine that the system would immediately let you rewrite the test to try to improve your grade. EdX, the nonprofit enterprise founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to offer courses on the Internet, has just introduced such a system and will make its automated software available free on the Web to any institution that wants to use it. The software uses artificial intelligence to grade student essays and short written answers, freeing professors for other tasks. The new service will bring the educational consortium into a growing conflict over the role of automation in education. Although automated grading systems for multiple-choice and true-false tests are now widespread, the use of artificial intelligence tech-
nology to grade essay answers has not yet received widespread endorsement by educators and has many critics. SeeGrading /A4
The Ochoco National Forest is taking public comment on plans for a possible off-highway ',
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Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin
The Bulletinfile photos
This school year, Redmond High athletics made their return to the Intermountain Conference for the first time since jumping to Class 6A in fall 2006. Soon, the Panthers, currently in 5A, could be on their way out, possibly joining crosstown Ridgeview High in Class 4A. The 2012-13 school year is winding down, as is the four-year time block of the latest school reclassification of the Oregon School Activities Association. Three meetings remain for the OSAA's classification and districting committee to fashion a final recommendation for the new time block starting in fall 2014. It is widely accepted that the OSAA will stick with its current six-classification model, according to Redmond School District athletic director Brent Walsh, but much debate revolves around the fates of Central Oregon schools — specifically Redmond High and Ridgeview. In the latest draft proposal, put together during the committee's March 18 meeting, Redmond High and Ridgeview, the newly opened high school in Redmond, were placed in the Class 5A Intermountain Conference with Bend High, Mountain View and Summit. SeeRedmond/A4
Afghans seekown exit strategy as U.S.troops leave By Alexendre Zavis Los Angeles Times
KABUL, AfghanistanNabil Ahmad was at his desk at a logistics support firm last spring when an explosion ripped through the office. Windows shattered. The ceiling collapsed. "I thought it was an earthquake — or the
TODAY'S WEATHER Chance of rain High 57, Low 37
Page B6
end of the world," the Kabul native said. At 26, Ahmad, who favors Western suits and now works for a cellphone service provider, has never known a time when his country was not at war. But he's a father now, with a 2-year-old and an infant to think about.
"I don't want to put my sons in the position that I was growing up," he said. "I want to get my family out." Like many Afghans, Ahmad is desperately seeking an exit strategy before most foreign troops leave next year. A recent study warned of
a "contagious pessimism" among Afghan business and political leaders and the urban middle class. "Crucially, there are indications of a selffulfilling prophecy: Fear of instability in 2014 is driving emigration of the very people and money that could prevent instability," said the report by
INDEX All Ages 01-6 C l assified E1 - 6 D ear Abby 05 Ob i tuaries B5 C1-4 Busines s/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Horoscope 0 5 Sports Calendar I n GO! Crosswords E4 Lo cal/State B 1 - 6 TV/Movies 05, GO!
the development consultant, STATT. The wealthy are buying second homes abroad and moving huge amounts of money out of Afghanistan from fear that security will deteriorate and the economy will collapse. SeeAfghans/A5
+ P We userecycled newsprint AnIndependent
Vol. 110, No. 95, 6 sections
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COnn. glln COntl'Ol —Flanked by family members of Newtown massacre victims and the legislative leaders whospent months
By Jackie Calmes
cacy groups to Obama's left, and they have already mobilized in opposition. As Obama has before, his budget documents will emphasize that he would support the cost-of-living change, as well as other reductions that Republicans have called for in the popular programs for older Americans, only if Republicans agree to additional taxes on the wealthy and infrastructure investments that the president called for in last year's offer to Bohener. Neither the president nor senior aides privately hold much hope that Republican leaders — Boehner and Sen. M itch M cConnell o f K e n tucky, the Senate Republican leader — will compromise. So Obama's strategy of reaching out to other Senate Republicans reflects a calculation that enough of them might c ut a budget deal with t h e Democratic Senate majority. If that happens, the reasoning goes, a S e nate-passed compromise would put press ure on t h e H o use t o g o
WarningS befOre Shaating —A psychiatrist who treated James
KOrean miSSile —After a series of escalating threats, North Korea has moved amissile with "considerable range" to its east coast,
tax revenues after higher taxes forthe affluent were apWASHINGTON — Presi- proved at the start of the year. dent Barack Obama next The administration's hope is week wil l t a k e t h e p o l iti- to create cracks in Republical risk of formally propos- cans' anti-tax resistance, esing cuts to Social Security pecially in the Senate, as conand Medicare in his annual stituents complain about the budget in an effort to demacross-the-board cuts in milionstrate his w i l l ingness to tary and domestic programs compromise w it h R e publi- that took effect March l. cans and revive prospects for Obama's proposed d efia long-term deficit-reduction cit reduction would replace deal, administration officials those cuts. And if Republisay. cans continue to resist the I n a s i g nificant shift i n president, the White House f iscal strategy, Obama o n believes that most Americans Wednesday will send a bud- will blame them for the fiscal get plan to Capitol Hill that paralysis. departs from the usual presiBesides the tax increases dential wish list that Repub- that most Republicans conlicans typically declare dead tinue t o o p p ose, Obama's on arrival. Instead it will embudget will propose a new body the final compromise inflation formula that would offer that he made to Speaker have the effect of reducing John Boehner late last year, cost-of-living payments for before Boehner abandoned Social Security benefits, alnegotiations in opposition to though with financial protecthe president's demand for tions for low-income and very higher taxes from w ealthy old beneficiaries, administrai ndividuals and some tion officials said. corporations. The i d ea , kn o w n as Congressional Republicans chained CPI, has infuriated have dug in against any new some Democrats and advoNew York Times News Service
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ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337
trying to respond to their tragedy, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy
Thursday signed a sweeping gun-control bill whose big provisionssuch as a strengthenedassault weapons ban —took effect with the stroke of his pen. Legislative leaders in both parties negotiated the bipartisan bill — viewed as one of the toughest in the nation — after
the shooting deaths of 20 first-graders and six women onDec. 14at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. Holmes told campus police a month before the Colorado theater attack that Holmes had homicidal thoughts and was a danger to the
public, according to documents releasedThursday. Dr. Lynne Fenton, a psychiatrist at the University of Colorado, Denver, told police in June that the shooting suspect also threatened and intimidated her. It was more than a month before the July 20 attack at a movie theater that killed12 and injured 70.
Google VS. FBI —Google is challenging a demandby the U.S. government for private user information in a national security probe, according to a court filing. It "appears" to be the first time a major
communications company is pushing backafter getting a so-called National Security Letter, said the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an Internet privacy group. The challenge from the operator of the world's
largest search engine comesthree weeksafter a federal judge in San Francisco ruled that NSLs, which are issued without a warrant, are unconstitutional.
AmmO SBIOS — Gunenthusiasts fearful of new weapon controls and alarmed by rumors of government hoarding are buying bullets practically by the bushel, making it hard for stores nationwide to keep
shelves stocked andevenputting a pinch on somelocal law enforcement departments. Some stores are limiting ammunition purchases.
POt POII —A majority of Americans now saymarijuana should be made legal, with far fewer viewing it as a gateway to harder drugs or
as morally wrong, according to a poll releasedThursday by the Pew Research Center. By 52 to 45percent, more saymarijuana should be made legal than not, with support for legalization jumping seven
percentage points in two years and 20points since the 2002 General Social Survey conducted by theNational Opinion Research Center.
South Korea's defense minister said Thursday. But he emphasized that the missile was not capable of reaching the United States and
that there are nosigns that the North is preparing for a full-scale
conflict. Analysts say the ominous warnings in recent weeks are probably efforts to provoke softer policies from South Korea, to win
Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz ......................... 541-385-5805 Finance Holly West ...........54f -383-032f
diplomatic talks with Washington andsolidify the image ofyoung
Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................
sioned defenseThursday of maintaining his country's independent nuclear deterrent, despite growing domestic complaints of excessive
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Bfitisll nllkSS —Amid international alarm over saber-rattling by North Korea, British Prime Minister David Cameron made an impas-
cost during an era of drastic budget cuts. Cameron said that atomic
threats to Britain's security are noweven moreworrisome than during the Cold Warbecause of rogue states such as North Korea andIran,
Business Tim Doran..........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Ditzler.....541-363-0367 Community Life, Health JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe ......541-383-0353 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 Home, All Ages Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 News Editor Jan Jordan....54f -383-03f 5 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SporlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359
both of which are believed to be trying to develop nuclear weapons.
JOrdan'S tenSiOnS with Syria —Jordan tightened security along its border with Syria, doubling the number of soldiers as Presi-
dent Bashar Assad's regime warnedThursday the kingdom is "playing with fire" by allowing the U.Sand other countries to train and arm Syrian rebels on its territory. The warning, coinciding with significant rebel advances near the border, plays into Jordanian fears that its
larger neighbor might try to retaliate for its support of the opposition fighters.
— From wire reports
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Heartlaqd Paiqtiqg
Ariana Cubillos /The Associated Press
"Quality Painting Inside and Out"
Supporters of Venezuela's interim President NicoOpposition lawmaker Alfonso Marquina presented las Maduro cheer during a campaign rally Thursday in a complaint to Venezuela's elections council, demandSan Carlos, Cojedes state, Venezuela. The presidential
ing it sanction officers who have publicly backed
election to replaceVenezuela's late President Hugo Chavez is scheduled for April14.
Nicolas Maduro, who hasbeenacting president since President HugoChavez'sdeathon March5.
Venezuela's presidential campaign this week veered between warnings of military meddling in
Marquina has alleged that Defense Minister Diego Molero and National Guard Gen. Antonio Benavides
the April14 vote andopposition mirth at the acting
plan to use military resources to intimidate voters, especially those dependent on government services,
president's suggestion that the spirit of Hugo Chavez visited him as "a little bird" while he prayed.
I(ids' lead poisoning toll revised to1in 38 The Associated Press NEW YORK — Health officials say more than half a million young children are now believed to have lead poisoning in the United States. The figure is roughly twice the previous high estimate. But that'sbecause the government last year lowered the threshold for lead poisoning, so now more children are considered at risk. Too much lead can be harmful to developing brains and can mean a l ower IQ. The new number released Thursday translates to about I in 38 young children. After lowering the standard, the governmentwent back and looked at blood tests from children under6 to determine how many have lead poisoning under the new definition. Lead poisoning has been a waning concern, as leaded gasoline, paint and other sources have diminished. Often, children who get lead
poisoning live in old homes that are dilapidated or under renovation. They pick up paint chips or dust and put it in their mouths.
Painting Ln Central Oregon for over 18 years
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to cast ballots for Maduro.
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Friday, April 5, the 95th day of 2013. There are 270 days left in the year.
DISCOVERY HAPPENINGS JObleSS repart —Federal data on the unemployment rate for March will be released.
OregonLegislature — The budget committee is scheduled to vote on a plan to
HISTORY Highlights:In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed
an executive order creating the Civilian Conservation Corps
and an anti-hoarding order that effectively prohibited private ownership of gold. In1614, Pocahontas, daughter of the leader of the Powhatan tribe, married English colonist
John Rolfe in Virginia. (A convert to Christianity, she went
by the nameLady Rebecca.) In1621, the Mayflower sailed
from Plymouth Colony in present-day Massachusetts on a monthlong return trip to England. In1792, President George Washington cast his first veto,
rejecting a congressional measure for apportioning representatives among the states. In1862, during the Civil War, the monthlong Siege of York-
town began in Virginia. In1887, in Tuscumbia, Ala., Anne Sullivan achieved a breakthrough as her blind and deaf pupil, Helen Keller, learned the meaning of the word "water" as spelled out in the Manual Alphabet. In1895, Oscar Wilde lost his
criminal libel case against the Marquess of Queensberry, who'd accused the writer of
homosexual practices. In1951, Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg were sentenced to
ewcuesinm se o ar ma er It isn't a sure thing, but results from a new instrument aboard the international space station have con-
by earlier experiments. But the AMS has "unprecedented acfirmed the existence of particles that appear to be the debris from collisions of dark matter particles. It's curacy and sensitivity," Ting said when questioned by a rethe closest scientists have come to observing the exotic, theoretical matter. porter about whether the mission was worth the cost. By Joel Achenbach mutually annihilated. The uniAlthough most of his stateThe Washington Post verse early in its history had a ments were cautious, under T he first r esults from a bit more matter than antimat- questioning, he said his data $2 billion instrument aboard ter, an asymmetry that, from "support" th e d a r k m a t ter the international space station the human standpoint, is for- origin of the positrons. He rehave offered tentative support tuitous, because matter and iterated that he cannot rule out for the theory that exotic dark antimatter in precisely equal the pulsar origin. matter, invisible but abundant, amounts would have obliterOne reason he and his colpermeatesthe universe. ated each other and left a star- laborators lean toward a dark T he instrument, th e A l less, planetless, uninhabitable matter origin is that the detecpha Magnetic Spectrometer cosmos. tor gathered positrons from Physicists say rare antimat- all directions, evenly, without (AMS), has not seen dark matter directly — by definition, the ter particles, such as positrons, pause. That suggests that they stuff is invisible — and results can be c r eated i n c e r tain came from something that is announced so far do not lend violent, high-energy environ- omnipresent,such as the theothemselves to a s l am-dunk ments. For example, positrons rized dark matter. conclusion that dark matter is New York Times News Service file photo might have been flung into A key question is whether a fact of the cosmos and not The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer aboard the international space space fromthe atmosphere of the detector finds many posimerely a theoretical construct. station has produced evidence of "new physical phenomena" that a pulsar, an ultra-dense, rap- trons at very-high-energy levBut the 7.5-ton device, which could represent dark matter, the mysterious stuff that serves as idly rotating star with a pow- els. For theoretical reasons, a rides a truss on the space sta- the gravitational foundation for galaxies and whose identification erful magnetic field. sudden drying up of positrons tion like a bell on a bicycle's would rewrite some of the laws of physics. Anothertheorized source of at the high-energy end of the handlebars, has detected hunpositrons is dark matter. If anti- scale would be consistent with dreds of thousands of particles matter seems exotic, dark mat- a dark matter origin. Ting told that have features suggesting The AMS operates at the cosmic rays, which are parter is even more so. No one has the scientists that he wasn't that they are debris from colli- nexus of s ubatomic nature ticles moving at extraordinary ever seen the stuff, and its ex- ready to release the high-ensions of dark matter particles. and BigScience.The project's velocity and coming from all istence has never been nailed ergy data and that they should "We, ofcourse, have a feel- $2 billion cost has been a o ver the galaxy. The A M S down definitely. Dark matter be patient. ing what is happening," said source of c ontroversy. The sorts through the particles, emits and absorbs no light, and Ting said in a later NASA Nobel-winning physicist Sam- detector, funded through an measuring their momentum interacts with ordinary matter teleconference that the AMS uel Ting of the Massachusetts international c o l l aboration, and charge. in a ghostly fashion, primarily will collect data through the Institute of Technology, speak- including money from NASA, A small percentage of the through gravity. Dark matter is lifetime of the space station ing in a packed auditorium at overcame delays and rede- particles that hit the detector thought to affect the way galax- and that he expects to be able CERN, the Geneva-based Eu- signs and one outright cancel- are unusual things called posi- ies move; they rotate in a man- to solve, with finality, the mysropean particle physics labo- lation before riding to orbit in trons, which are like electrons ner that suggests that they are tery of the positrons — "hoperatory. But Ting, pressed by 2011 on the last flight of the but with the opposite charge. carrying some unseen load. In fully, quickly." They're in the class of particles the pasttwo decades, other exaudience members to reveal space shuttle Endeavour. This will not, however, end more of his data and give a The instrument had to be known as antimatter. periments and detectorshave the mystery of dark matter. stronger conclusion, stuck to a d esigned to w i t hstand t h e There's not much antimat- bolstered the idea that dark Even if the AMS is a smashing modulated message. rigorsof space and to operate ter inour universe, and there matter is far more abundant success, it has no ability to dis"It took us 18 years to build without the benefit of repair or hasn't been for many billions than ordinary matter. cern what dark matter is, funthis experiment. We want to recalibration. It has functioned of years. When matter and The surprising abundance of damentally, or how much of it is do it very accurately," he said. splendidly, Ting said. It detects antimatter collide, they are positrons has been established out there, or why it is dark.
death following their convic-
tion in NewYork on charges of conspiring to commit espionage for the Soviet Union. In1964, Army General Douglas MacArthur died in Wash-
ington at age 84. In1976, reclusive billionaire
Howard Hughes died in Houston at age 70. In1966, two American ser-
vicemen and aTurkish woman were killed in the bombing of a West Berlin discotheque, an incident which prompted
a U.S. air raid on Libya more than a week later. In1987, Fox Broadcasting Co. made its prime-time TV debut by airing a total of three times
the premiere episode of "Married... with Children" followed by "The Tracey Ullman Show." In1988, a15-day hijacking or-
deal began asgunmenforced a Kuwait Airways jumbo jet to land in lran.
Ten years ago:U.S.officials declared a nearchokehold on the lraqi capital Baghdad even while warning that many
other parts of lraq were notyet under allied control. A prison riot in northern Honduras left
69 inmates deadanddozens injured. Five years ago:President George W.Bushand Russian President Vladimir
Putin opened farewell talks at Putin's heavily wooded retreat on the Black Sea.
One year ago:President Barack Dbamasigned bipartisan jobs legislation intended
to help small businesses and make it easier for startups to raise capital.
BIRTHDAYS Movie producer RogerCorman is 87. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is 76.
Country singer TommyCash is 73. Pop singer Allan Clarke
(The Hollies) is 71. Writerdirector Peter Greenaway is 71. Actor Max Gail is 70. Singer
Agnetha Faltskog (ABBA)is 63. Actor Mitch Pileggi is 61.
Singer-songwriter Peter Case is 59. Rock musician Mike McCready (Pearl Jam) is 47. Country singer TroyGentry is 46. Singer PaulaColeis 45. Actress Krista Allen is 42.
Country singer Pat Greenis 41. Rapper-producer Pharrell Williams is 40. — From wire reports
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Stu oints to ossi e at to AIDS vaccine
e46 "-'"2012 cHEYY MaLiau $15,995
By Donald G. McNeil Jr. New York Times News Service
In what may be an important step toward a long-elusive AIDS vaccine, U.S. researchers haveminutely tracked one individual's powerful immune response to the virus to see how a series of mutations led to an antibody that can defeat many HIV strains. A vaccine still remains far off, but the research lighted up one complex path that may someday be followed to that distant goal. Thirty-four million people globally are living with HIV, and 2.5 million are newly infected each year, 50,000 of them in the United States. "The beauty of this is that it's a big clue as to the sequential steps the virus and the antibody take as they evolve," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, which financedthe research. The study was led by scientists at Duke University and also drew in researchers from Columbia, Stanford, the University of Pennsylvania and elsewhere. It was published online Wednesday in the journal Nature. Scientists have so far failed to produce an AIDS vaccine because HIV mutates so rapidly. Influenza viruses mutate so often that flu shots must be reformulatedevery year; HIV mutates in one day as much as fluviruses do in a year. The study analyzed many sequential samples of the blood of one African man from shortly after he was infected until about two years later, when he started to produce "broadly neutralizing antibodies." Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that neutralize virus particles by grabbing onto all the sur-
face receptors they use to attach to cells. The antibodies the patient eventually evolved were called "broadly neutralizing" because they were ableto jam up about 55 percent of all known HIV strains. Scientists have been isolating broadly neutralizing antibodies for several years now, and more than a dozen have been found. About 20 percent of all HIV carriers eventually produce broadly neutralizing antibodies, Fauci explained. But that usually happens only a fter they have been infected for between two and four years, and by that time the powerful antibodies can't save them because they are overwhelmed with so much mutating virus. In theory, if such antibodies could be cloned in bulk, a cocktail of enough variants to match all known HIV strains could be given to newly infected patients. That is the equivalent of an immune globulin shot, which was once the only treatment forsome diseases, like hepatitis. But it would be very expensive, and the treatment would have to be given for life. However, if a healthy patient could be given a vaccine that would induce his own white blood cells to produce the same cocktail of antibodies, they might knock out any infection that patient got later. Because the cells that produce antibodies have to go through up to 100 mutations before they m ak e b r oadly neutralizing ones, Fauci said, a vaccine to induce that would require many s hots, given month after month, to "push" the cells through those mutations. Whether that is possible, let alone financially practical, remains to be seen.
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'Lost in t ou t'tops p ones asacauseo ata acci ents
Continued from A1 Anant Agarwal, an electrical engineer who is president of EdX, predicted that the instant-grading software
By Noah Buhayar Bloomberg News
NEW Y ORK — D r i v ers involved in fatal car crashes were more often "lost in thought" than distracted by mobile phones, police data show. Tenpercent of auto accidents that caused death involved at least one motorist who was distracted, E r i e I n s u rance G roup said this week i n a statement on its analysis of national crash data. Daydreaming and being "lost in thought" was the distraction 62 percent of the time, compared with 12 percentfor mobile-phone use, Erie said. Auto i n surers i n c luding State Farm and Allstate have publicized the risks of d i stracted driving. Carriers have been urging motorists to focus on operating their vehicles as mobile phones and cars add features that can take drivers' attention off the road. "The results were disturbing," Doug Smith, senior vice president of p e rsonal l ines at Erie, said in the statement r eleased W e dnesday. H i s company advises letting incoming calls go to voicemail and pulling over to send text
messages. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety advises drivers to stay focused on the dan-
Redmond Continued from A1 The problem with that plan, however, lies within the latest adjusted average daily membership numbers, which show all three Bend schools exceeding 1,100 students and Redmond and Ridgeview with fewer than 820. Those figures, along with competitive b alance, t r avel costs and nonleague scheduling, have led to Redmond High proposing to move to 4A alongside Ridgeview, which currently competes at the 4A level. "We just want to be in a league where there's a balance between the teams that are over here that we would be in a league with and the teams we'd have to travel to meet," says Nathan Stanley, the athletic director fo r R e dmond High. " We just want to b e someplace where we're going to be competitive and where we're going to have something in common with the teams that we're playing and that's going to ease our scheduling and not overburden us too much with transportation." The OSAA, the governing body for high school athletics in Oregon, considers three objectives when c lassifying teams, according to Redmond School District superintendent Mike Mclntosh. Those objectives, he says, are competitive balance, limiting travel, and a league size that allows for manageable and efficient scheduling. I n McI n t osh's eyes, the Redmond schools remaining in the IMC addresses only the travel standard. Instead, W alsh, S t a nley and McIntosh have proposed m oving Redmond H ig h t o 4 A an d m a i ntaining R i d geview's standing in the same classification. "I think that it not only benefits our school district but it improves the league play for neighboring school districts," McIntosh says. "I don't think it has a huge negative impact on the state picture with the
Jail Continued from A1 The 25-year bond for $8.4 million will carry a 3.34 percent interest rate, bringing the total debt service for the lifetime of the bond to approximately $12.5 million. The commission was also presented with options for a 20-year or a 30-year bond. "We can borrow for 25 years with an eye toward paying it off sooner," said Commissioner Tammy Baney during the work session. Another option presented to the commission included sell-
ing county-owned property, but the group decided to hold
of its effort to help motorists focus on the road. Geico, the accidents that caused car-insurance unit owned by Warren Buffett's Berkshire death involved at Hathaway Inc., advises drivers least one motorist to shun food as well as phones when on the road, and to limit who was distracted, number ofpassengers inErie Insurance Group the side the car. said this week ... Among the biggest distractions fordrivers are rubberDaydreaming and talking with other being "lost in thought" necking, people in the car, eating and was the distraction 62 moving an object in the vehicle,such as a pet,according percent of the time, to Erie's statement. compared with 12 Police judgment is used to percent for mobilecompile the data and could understate the extent of disphone use. tracted driving because of motorists' reluctance to tell an officer their attention was off the gers of the road by playing road, Smith said. the "what if" game and asking Erie, based in the Pennsylthemselves how they would vania city of the same name, reactto unexpected events on looked at 2010 and 2011 data the road. Motorists should also from the National Highway identify and overcome any di- Traffic S afety A d m i nistraversions that are responsible tion's Fatality A nalysis Refor daydreaming, the group porting System. State Farm said on its website. issued a study in November "Treat driving as a c om- that found almost half of drivplicated task requiring your ers between the age of 18 and full attention," the foundation 29 use the Internet behind the said. "Remember 20 complex wheel. decisions are needed for every Allstate, the largest publicly mile you drive." traded U.S. auto and home inThe U.S. Department of surer, is running a campaign Transportation declared April on Facebook's social-networkas National Distracted Driving site to get teenagers to stop ing Awareness Month as part texting while driving.
Ten percent of auto
"Wejust want to be someplace where we're
going to be competitive and where we're going to have something in common with the teams that we're playing ..." — Nathan Stanley, Redmond High athletic director
exception of now where (do
County would like to do and the Bend schools) go to pick up other teams like that," Stansome games." ley says. "We're not actively An ideal situation, accord- working against Bend.... It's ing to Walsh, would be a 4A just that we think we're goc onference in C e ntral O r - ing to give the most accurate egon consisting of up to six numbers to the committee and schools, i n cluding S i sters, let them decide whether or not Crook County, Madras and La we're 4A." Pine. Another option, Walsh Such a move could happen, says, would be for Redmond according to OSAA assistant and Ridgeview to join the Tri- executive director Peter WeV alley Conference or S k y - ber, who also serves as a staff Em League — both Class 4A liaison for the classification leagues — whether as a pack- and districting committee. It age deal or separately. all depends on the adjusted The southeast P ortland- ADM cutoff point b etween based TVC currentlyincludes 5A and 4A, which currently Madras from Central Oregon, stands at 740 students. But as well as Estacada, Gladstone, that figure, Weber notes, is a "moving target." La Salle, Molalla and North "It's where that cutoff is and Marion. Central Oregon also has ties to the Eugene-based where (enrollment numbers Sky-Em, which includes Sis- for Redmond and Ridgeview ters and La Pine along with high schools) are going to be Cottage Grove, Elmira, Junc- is really what the factors are, tion City and Sweet Home. and those things aren't set McIntosh says jumping to yet," Weber says. the 4A Greater Oregon League Still, Walsh, Stanley and — which currently includes Mclntosh are optimistic about Baker, La Grande, McLough- both Redmond high schools lin of M i lton-Freewater and competing at the 4A leveL AdOntario — is another possi- justed ADM numbers will be bility for Redmond and Ridge- presented at the committee's view. Even another possibility, next hearing on Monday, and according to Stanley, would a new draft proposal is to be be for Redmond to move to released later next week. The a 5A league based along the committee's final m e etings Columbia River Gorge, with are scheduled for May 20 and schools in communities more Sept. 23, and final recommensimilar to Redmond than to dations will go to the executive Bend — such as Hood River, board and delegate assembly The Dalles, Hermiston and for a final decision at the end Pendleton. of October. "It's one of t h ose things The R e dmond o f f i cials make it clear, though, that where you don't see what the their first choice would be to painting looks like until it's on move their schools to 4A. the wall," Walsh says. "We're "We're not opposed to being going to w ait t o s e e w h at in with Bend if we're their size, the next proposal looks like but we feel that if our numbers and adjust, talk, and go from accurately reflect that we're there." a 4A (school), we should play — Reporter: 541-383-0307, at the 4A level just like Crook
onto property assets and hope the real estate market continues it's upswing. "We already sold most of the property we had that was easy to get rid of," said Susan Ross, director of the county Property and Facilities Department. "The properties we still own all have issues and wouldn't be simple to sell." There is no d ate set for construction to b e gin, said Commission Chairman Alan Unger. "We lost several months of construction planning while we decided on how the project was going to look," he said. "We're actively pursuing development of the construction
schedule now." Voters in 2010 rejected a $44 million bond m easure, proposed to fund a doubling of the jail. Sheriff Larry Blanton turned to the commission in summer 2012 to help fund a smaller e x pansion. T h e commission at first rejected financing a share of the 144bed project and opted instead to reconfigure the county juvenile detention facility into an adult jail and move the juvenile inmates into another renovated space. The commission scrapped that idea in January and returned to the $11 million expansion. — Reporter: 541-383-0376, sking®bendbulletin/com
would be a useful pedagogical tool, enabling students to take tests and write essays over and over and improve the quality of their answers. He said the technology would offer d i stinct a d v antages over the t r aditional classroom system, where students often wait days or weeks for grades. "There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback," Agarwal said. "Students are telling us they learn much better w i t h i n s tant feedback." But skeptics say the automated system is no match for live teachers. One longtime critic, Les Perelman, has drawn national attention several times for putting together n onsense essays that have fooled software grading programs into giving high marks. He has also been highly critical of studies that purport to show that the software compares well to human graders. "My first and greatest objection to the research is that they did not have any valid statistical test comparing the software directly to human graders," said Perelman, a retired director of w r i t ing and a current researcher at MIT. He is among a group of educators who last month began circulating a petition opposing automated assessment software. The group, which calls i t self P r ofessionals A g ainst M a c hine Scoring of Student Essays in High-Stakes Assessment, has collected nearly 2,000 signatures, including some from luminaries like Noam Chomsky. "Let's face the realities of automatic essay s c oring," the group's statement reads in part. "Computers cannot 'read.' They cannot measure the essentials of e f fective written communication: ac-
m ~ i .. Gretchen Ertl / New York Times News Service file photo
The EdXcompany, headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., is a nonprofit enterprise founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its essay-grading software will be available free on the Internet to any institution. tion, clarity, and v eracity, among others." But EdX expects its software to be adopted widely by schools an d u n i versities. EdX offers free online classes from Harvard, MIT and the University of California, Berkeley; this fall, it will add classes from Wellesley, Georgetown and the University of Texas. In all, 12 universities participate in EdX, which offers certificates for course completion and has said that it plans to continue to expand next year, including a d d in g i n t e rnational schools. The EdX assessment tool requires human teachers, or graders,to firstgrade 100 essays or essay questions. The system thenuses a variety of machine-learningtechniques to train itself to be able to grade any number of essays or a n swers a utomatically and almost instantaneously. The software will assign a grade depending on the scoring system created by the teacher, whether it is a letter grade or numerical rank. It will also provide general feedback, such as telling a student whether an answer was on topic or not. Agarwal said he believed that the software was nearing the capability of human
ing commercial programs to grade written test answers, and four states — Louisiana, N orth D akota, U ta h a n d West Virginia — are using some form of the technology in secondaryschools.A fifth, Indiana, has experimented with it. In some cases the software is used as a "second reader," to check the reliability of the human graders. But the growing influence of the EdX consortium to set standards is likely to give the technology a boost. On Tuesday, Stanford a n n ounced that it would work with EdX to develop a joint educational system that will incorporate the automated assessment technology. Two startups, Coursera and Udacity, recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create "massive open online courses," or MOOCs, are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback. "It allows students to get immediate feedback on their work, so that learning turns into a game, with students naturally gravitating toward resubmitting the work until they get it right," said Daphne Koller, a computer scientist and a founder of Coursera.
"This is machine learning and there is a long way to go, but it's good enough and the upside is huge," he said. "We found that the quality of the grading is similar to the vari-
of evidence, good sense, ethical stance, convincing argument, meaningful organiza-
range of companies offer-
curacy, reasoning, adequacy
ation you find from instructor to instructor." EdX is not the first to use automated assessment technology, which dates to early m ainframe c o mputers i n the 1960s. There are now a
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PublishingDate: Monday, May 13
3&th Annual
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U.S. BANK POLE PEDAL PADDLE THEGUIDETOTHELARGEST SINGLE SPORTINGEVENTIN CENTRAL OREGON. The Pole Pedal Paddle is a tradition in Bend that serves as a fundraiser for Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). MBSEF is the leading nonprofit sports training organization dedicated to promoting positive core values to the Central Oregon youth community. The guide includes the schedule of events, descriptions of the race legs, course maps, and highlights of this signature event.
CASCADE CYCLING CLASSIC THEGUIDETOTHESTAGESAND COURSESOFTHELONGEST STANDING CYCLINGSTAGERACEIN AMERICA . The Cascade Cycling Classic is a six-day event with a long list of American cycling stars among its past winners. Staged in Bend, the Cascade Cycling Classic serves as a fundraiser for the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). This guide provides information on race stages and locations.
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PublishingDate: Wednesday, Saturday, July 13
i Total care"
ing property there jumped in 2011 and 2012, many paying Continued from A1 in cash, according to l ocal Others are applying to study brokers. "I think they wanted to have overseas, seeking invitations from relativesabroad or risk- a Plan B in place," said Paring their lives trying to get into vees Gafur, chief executive of countries illegally. Propsquare Real Estate in the If he can get his wife and United Arab Emirates. children t o s a fety, A h mad At least $4.6 billion in cash, would like to keep working the equivalent of about a quarhere. He has been trying to ter of A f ghanistan's annual arrange a trip to Europe and economic output, was carried figures the family can apply out of the country on flights to forasylum once they get there. Dubai and elsewhere in 2011, But obtaining visas is almost according to the central bank. impossible. The government believes Some travel agents say they that some of the money was can arrange invitation letters diverted from foreign assisfrom familiesin far-off coun- tance or was the product of tries to support visa applica- illicit drug deals. It now limits tions. Others claim to have to $20,000 the amount passenembassy contacts who will is- gers can carry. But officials sue visas under the table. But have also noted an increase in it's expensive and they don't overseas bank transfers, said always deliver. central bank Gov. Noorullah D ecades of c o nflict a n d Delawari. No one knows how natural disasters have driven much more is leavingthe counwaves of Afghans to depart in try without being declared. search of safer, more prosperIn one of Kabul's new shopous lives. In one of the most ping malls, Hajrat, who like dramatic refugee crises of the many Afghans uses only one 20th century, millions f led name, has been running a costo neighboring Pakistan and metics store since high school. Iran during the Soviet occupa- Now in his early 20s, he makes tion in the 1980s and the 1990s enough money to pay for a car civil war that eventually gave and expensive holidays in rise to the repressive Taliban Dubai. regime. Those migrating inHe would seem to have evcluded much of the country's ery reason to stay. But he plans i ntellectual e l ite, s om e o f to invest his savings in anwhom resettled in the United other country — one where he States, Europe and elsewhere. doesn't have to "worry about Although record numbers suicide attacks all the time." "I'm happy until 2014," he have returned to Afghanistan sinceU.S.-led forces drove the said in between counting out a Islamist militants from power stack of cash for a supplier and in 2001, the rate has slowed. offering spritzes of perfume to For the first time in a decade, well-heeled customers. "Afofficials with the International ter that, I don't know where Organization fo r M i g r ation I'm going ... but I'm sure I'm believe that more Afghans left leaving." their country last year than As many as 40 percent of moved back. Afghan diplomats don't return Prices for high-end real es- from overseas postings,actate in Kabul have plummeted cording to parliament's Comby as much as 50 percent as mission on International Afmembers of the business and fairs. (The Foreign Ministry political elite scramble to move says the figure is lower) Stutheir families and assets out of dents, athletes and others who the country. travel in an official capacity "Everything has stopped," have also failed to return. said Elyas Faizi of Blue House The number of Afghan asyReal Estate. "No one can sell. lum applications to 44 indusNo one is buying." trialized countries r eached Some of his clients are snap- more than 36,600 in 2 012, ping up apartments and vil- according to provisional figlas in Dubai on the Persian ures from the United Nations Gulf, where wealthy Afghans refugee agency, more than have long sought sanctuary. at any time since 2001. Many The number of Afghans buy- were trying to enter Europe,
Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times
Hajrat, right, helps a customer at his cosmetics store in one of Kabul, Afghanistan's new shopping malls. Hajrat plans to invest his savings in another country, one where he doesn't have to "worry about suicide attacks all the time." with Germany and Sweden among the most sought-after destinations. There were just 204 applications to the U.S., which is much farther away and viewed as a more difficult place to obtain asylum. Enterprising fraudsters sell fake letters purporting to contain threats from the Taliban to bolster asylum requests. But many A f ghans don't qualify for refugee status, said International Or g a n ization for Migration spokeswoman Aanchal Khurana. So they look for other ways out, both
Seeking tosplit
legal and illegal.
Afghan asylum-seekers' top
The number of Afghan asylum-seekers declined after the start of the war, but is now rising: In thousands 5O
4O 3O 20
'10 '12
The U.S. Embassy, for excountries of choice, 2012: ample, is working through a G v~ 7,49S backlog of applications for spesweden ~ 4 755 cial immigrant visas, which Turkey ~ 4 4P1 are offered to Afghans whose Austna ~ 4 OQ 3 work for the U.S. government Australia ~ 3 Q7 9 puts them at risk. Others try Source: United Nations High for visitors' visas and hope Commissioner for Refugees they can hide out when they Graphic: Tom Reinken, Lorena get there. Elebee,Los Angeles Times M ohammad Nasir, a 2 5 © 2013 McClatchy-Tribune News Service year-old Kabul travel agent, fields frequent inquiries — 10 or 20 a week — from would-be help clients obtain visas to Inmigrants. dia and Pakistan, where they Most of those seeking Na- may hire smugglers to get sir's help are young men hop- them to Australia, usually via ing for a ticket to a new life in Malaysia and Indonesia. 0ththe West. ers, he said, fly to Turkey or "2014 is becoming a very big Russia and try to sneak into problem in Afghanistan," said the European Union. Nasir, who would like to get Smugglers' rates vary, but out himself. "Nobody knows start around $15,000 for a trip what is going to happen. Some that may include a perilous s ay the Taliban w il l c o me hike through the mountains back, and the young genera- of Iranto Turkey, before crosstion is afraid. It was a dark ing by land through Eastern time in Afghanistan." Europe or by sea to Greece or Nasir said his agency won't Italy. Scores, if not hundreds, do anything illegal, but can have died in the attempt.
Amersca's M ATT R E SS
Readers' Choice
Continued from A1 The club is asking Ochoco Forestleaders to choose the option with the most miles, said Larry Ulrich, club president from Bend. The option they support has a 212-mile trail system, with trails for motorcycles, ATVs and fullsize four-by-fours. The U.S. Forest Service is currently focused on an option that would have separate trails for ATVs and motorcycles, accessed on opposite ends of the Ochoco Summit. Doing so would reduce the impact of off-road vehicle use on resources, Turner said. The option being considered by the Forest Service would require m otorcycle riders to haul their bikes an extra 40 miles to a trailhead near Rager Ranger Station, Ulrich said, so he calls for a larger, connected system. A trail system in the Ochoco has been discussed since 1996, Ulrich said, and the Ochoco Summit was singled out as the best place for it. Currently the only off-road vehicle trail on the Ochoco Forest is the Green Mountain Trail, an 8.5-mile trail for motorcyles and ATVs. While there are trails elsewhere around Central Oregon, he said the Ochoco trail would draw visitors. The trails there would be mostly clay, which he said would hold up better than volcanic ash trails near Bend. They would also offer a different variety of terrain, views and woods. "It is just a different experience," Ulrich said. The Bend Chapter of the Oregon Hunter's Association objects to the trail system plan, said Richard Nelson, past president of the group and a current member of its board of directors. Nelson said there shouldn't be any off-road vehicles on the Ochoco Summit, where he has hunted for more than 25 years. "The area they are proposing is some of the best habitat there is for deer and elk," he said. There are 420 members in the group, hailing from Bend, Sisters, La Pine and Sunriver, said Mike W hit-
To commen t The Ochoco National Forest is taking
comments on its plans for a100-mile plus off-highway vehicle
trail system onOchoco Summit. Comments should be sent by
email to commentspacificnorthwestochoco©, mailed to Ochoco Summit Planning Team, c/o Ranger Slater Turner, Ochoco National Forest, 3160 N.E. Third St., Prineville, OR 97754 or faxed to 541-416-6695.
They are due byApril 15. The full plan is at http://
ney, the current president. Nelson argues that offroad vehicles would disturb the wildlife and cause them to move, and doesn't see the need for another off-road vehicle trail system in Central Oregon, where he said there are already 600-plus miles of trails. "There are lots of places they can go without being in prime wildlife habitat," he said. Ulrich, with the off-road vehicle club, argues that use in the area won't disturb the animals. He said he regularly drives by deer and elk and they just watch him pass. "We don't do anything to them at all," he said. He also said there would still be hunting on the Ochoco Summit if the trail system is established. "It is a really big forest," Ulrich said, "there is room
for everybody." The off-road vehicle club and the hunting association are among those commenting on the plan. The forest will assess the comments before making a decision about the possibility of an off-road vehicle trail system at Ochoco Summit. "We are still analyzing the responses ..." Turner said. "We won't know all the responses until after the comment period is done." — Reporter: 541-617-7812,
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ina oo stosea oi Lii.ia s ace By William Wan The Washington Post
BEIJING — In this country of almost 1.4 billion people, life is an unending struggle for resources — money, property, even spouses. And itdoesn'tget easier in death. Prices for graves are skyrocketing, driven by decades of unbridled development and scarce city land. The government's answer to this conundrum: sea burials. Officials across China are s elling hard t h e o p tion o f a watery grave by offering hefty financial incentives and planting stories in state media — with only marginal success. Many local governments, however, have saved theirstrongest pitches for this week, timing them to the Qingming Festival, when families nationwide take a day off to sweep their ancestors' graves. In the southern metropolis of Guangzhou, officials recently announced a $160 bonus for families that scatter ashes at sea. In Shanghai, officials upped their offer in the past year from $65 toa more persuasive $320. Topping them all, however, are the coastal cities of Shaoxing and Wenzhou, which are offering $800 and $1,290, respectively, for sea burials. To sweeten the deal, the government often p r ovides transportation, including allexpense-paid boat trips. The offic ialeagerness isfueled by bureaucratic fears of chaos and anger once the country runs out of graves — a certainty in coming years, according to recent studies. To cut down on space, cremation already is required by law in cities, but land shortages have increasingly sparked risky investments for even the small graves in which those ashes are usually interred. The cheapest spots in some of Beijing's more desirable cemeteries sell for more than $16,000, and Chinese media reports have cited luxury tombs sold for as much as $129,000. With virtually unlimited demand, many come with hefty maintenance fees after an initial 20-year lease and guarantee eviction if they go unpaid. And the problem will only get worse as China's elderly population increases. In 2011, 9.6 million people died in China. A government report issued last week predicts the number will reach 20 million annually by2025. Most provinces will run out of burial room in the next 10 years, according to the study by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. A few provinces — such as Shanxi, Shandong and Guangdong — have fewer than than five years. Beijing's leaders recently told state media that they're planning to shrink grave sizes this year — from the current limit of one square meter per person — to str etch theirreserves. Amid these dire straits, local officlals began floating the sea burial idea in the past few years. The government-funded version of it — offered by most bigger cities — can resemble a half-day cruise. On the morning of the burials, dozens of families take a shuttle bus en masse to a dock, ashes in tow. Out at sea, an organizer holds a service, then leads relatives in mixing the remains with flowers. At an appointed spot, the ashes are cast overboard. Critics worry that tradition and meaning of ancestor-honoring rites are being tossed out ami d t h e g o v ernment initiatives. eHan Chinese have been burying their dead for thousands of years," noted Zhou Xiaozheng, a s ociologist at Renmin University in Beijing. "It's not wrong to subsidize sea burials ... but saving land shouldn't be the deciding factor for how someone chooses to be buried. China's land belongs to all Chinese. Why shouldn't they get one square meter to lay down in when they die?" It's not the first time the government has tried to regulate its citizens after death. Once communists took control in 1949, millions of graves were plowed over inthe years after and remade into farmland. Funerals were considered superstitious vestiges of feudalism, coffins wasted wood and graves wasted farmland. Cremation — long shunned — was promoted as practical, even patriotic. Even Commu-
nist Party leader Mao Zedong had declared his wish to be cremated (in vain it turns out, as successors embalmed his body for permanent display in Tiananmen Square). Although laws have made cremation almost u n iversal in cities, the government's sea burial initiatives have not had
the same success. Since G u a ngzhou announced its $160 subsidy earlier this year, fewer than 20 people have registered. In Shanghaione of the earliest to employ sea burials, inthe 1990s — the practice has barely made a dent. In 2010,sea burials numbered in the low thousands while grave
burials totaled 53,311. Speaking to local media this week, Lu Chunling, the chief of Shanghai's mortuary service division, tried to strike an optimistic tone. There's a chance, he said, that if the city is careful with its remaining grave space, it will run out in 15 years rather than 10.
Nelson Ching / Btoomherg News file photo
Memorial wreaths lay at a grave in Shaanxi province, China, in 2010. Many Chinese are reluctant to take government subsidies to bury their family members at sea.
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Economy Toilet Stainless Sink Kitchen Faucet 33"x22"
t.6 gallon flush. White. Round bowl. ¹200528807 ¹200528815
7" deep Double Bowl.
Oe Oo
BLANCO™ Euro quality! ¹200560921
Swing spout. 2 handle for precise temperature mixing. Non-metallic. Chrome.
MSRP:$19.95 Reg: $17.95
Seat extra
I' -
- ~LII
$C| 9St
GROHE Faucet
Bathroom Fan PANASONIC 80 CFM flow.
soap dispenser Chrome.
1.4 sones
[ r Il
MSRP: $133.00 Reg: $99.95
'79.9S TOTO Faucet ¹210673370 MSRP:$250.00
Hot Water DiSPenSer 190s water at your sinktop!
GENUINE JACUZZI® BRAND 72"X36" White. Adjustable jets. LH:200602470, RH:200602489 MSRP: $1168.
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Product ¹t 0028811. (Check with your tax consultant to see if you qualify for these tax credits.)
1 Handle Faucet Petite Pedestal Sink ClaWfOOtBathtub Toto Drake Tall TOilet
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Chrome. 210701803 W MSRP:$99. Reg:$69.
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¹200573918 MSRP: $649.00. Reg: $512.75
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S9.95 t
. I I '
I I '
BEND STORE: 61455 S. 3rd (Old Hwy. 97} 541-330-1777 Sale prices valid through Sunday,April 7, 2013. All items limited to stock on hand. Photos for illustration purposes. Actual items/finish may vary. See store for details. Oregon CCB ¹2734. '0% APR FINANCINGOFFER: The Wells Fargo Outdoor Solutions VisaOscredit card is issued byWells Fargo Financial National Bank, and Equal Housing Lender. Special terms apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit at participating merchants. Regular minimummonthly payments are required during the promotional (special terms) period. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date at the APRfor purchases if the purchase balance is not paid in full within the promtional period. For newly opened accounts, the APRfor purchases is 27.99%. This APR mayvary with the market based on the U.S. Prime Rate and is given as of 4/5/2013. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. If you use the card for cash advances, the cash advance fee is 5.00% of the amount of the cash advance, but not less than $10.00. Offer expires 4/7/2013.
Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6
City may restrict downtown parking to keep spacesclear for customers
Inmate accused of 1990 slaying ALBANY — An Or-
egon man serving a life sentence for one slaying has beenaccused of killing his 13-year-old stepdaughter in1990.
The Albany Democrat-Herald reports that the body of Rachanda
Lea Pickle wasnever found despite an exten-
sive search after she disappeared. Investigators wouldn't disclose details
but said advances in DNA testing were the foundation for the new
By Leslie Pugmire Hole
during business hours. Redmond's city center hasn't had any parking limitations — no meters, no time limits or other restrictions — for several years now. And downtown businesses owners are feeling the brunt of all that largesse. "I can measure (the success
The Bulletin
The parking troubles in downtown Redmond won't be fixed anytime soon, but a recent meeting ofbusiness owners and the city offered up one possible solution for the near future. Roh Kerr/The Bulletin The idea would create a zone Visitors to downtown Redmond might notice an absence of parkdowntown that would fine any ing signs — the city has no parking enforcement policy. Merchants business owners, employees, or would like to improve the situation for shoppers and visitors who residents who live or work on may have trouble finding a place to park. affectedstreetsand park there
of) my day by how much parking I have on nearby streets," said Matt Heston, owner of Soup 2 Nuts on Sixth Street.
"It's the difference between
a $300 day or a $1,000 day, between gettinga paycheck or not getting a paycheck." He showed the group of about 20 downtown business owners and Jon Williams, economic development project manager for the city of Redmond, photos he had taken of cars parked for eight, 10, 16 hours — some even for days. SeeParking/B2
charge against 63year-old John Arthur Ackroyd. Detective Mike Harmon says it's hard to
escuers u ruc
f iyei'
I Omwl'eC in ee
win convictions in cases where a bodyhasnot been found, but he said the prosecution would demonstrate that Pickle
is dead. Ackroyd made acourt appearanceWednesday in Linn County and then was returned to the State Penitentiary. He and another man were convicted in 1993
• The driver is injured when hetries to fill the hole with gravel but then backshistruck in
By Shelby R. King /
of killing KayeJean
The Bulletin r',
The Deschutes County Commission will hear
Turner in the Metolius River area in1978.
Girl struck, killed
in her front yard ~ <~t4r .,"
ALOHA — A sheriff's
spokesmansaysa car struckand fatally injured an11-year-old girl who
— e r
was playing inthefront yard of her home in the Portland suburb of Aloha.
Washington County Sgt. Bob Raysaid the Toyota Prius then
crashed into the house late Thursday afternoon.
gl '
The Oregonian re-
ports that the girl died while being taken to a
hospital. No oneelse was injured. (
Ray said the male
driver was being ques-
Umatilla fair restricts smoking
PENDLETON — Oregon's Umatilla County Fair will restrict smoking
egon that have instituted
smoking restrictions. The EastOregonian reports that county
commissioners voted 3-0 Wednesday to approve the plan.
The movewas prompted by ahandful of 4-H club members who had asked the
fair board to declare the northeast Oregon
fairgrounds smoke-free. They said smokedrifted into camping areasand animal barns. The fair board approved the new smoking rules March19, then
sent them on to commissioners — The Associated Press
at this year's fair and a dozen others in Or-
an appeal by a company whose proposal to build a cell tower near Alfalfa was rejected by the county hearings officer in March. American Tower submitted an application to build a 100-foot tall cell tower in the 25000 block of Alfalfa Market Road. The application went before the hearings officer in December, who officially denied the application March 1. American Tower appealed within the 12-day appeal
, I-'
ban it entirely in 2014. The fair joins more than
Deschutes board will hearappeal of cell tower
'At, r
/ y.
Andy Tultis/The Bulletin
Bend Fire Department firefighters work on rescuing a man after the truck he was driving fell into a hole at a construction site near the intersection of Brosterhous and Murphy roads Thursday afternoon. The driver was trapped in the wreckage for about 90 minutes.
By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
A dump truck driver spent roughly I'/~ hours trapped in his truck Thursday after he backed the truck in to a deep hole at a construction site in southeast Bend. Police and firefighters were called to the site on Brosterhous Road, a short distance south from Murphy Road, at about 1:45 p.m. According to Bend Fire Capt. Don Segal, the driver had been backing up his truck when he either misjudged the distance or the truck slipped and fell in to the 30- to 40-foot-deep hole. The driver was alert and speaking with medics as he was loaded in to an ambulance for transport to St. Charles
Bend. Segal declined to identify the driver or elaborate on the nature of his injuries, citing patient privacy laws. The hole, Segal said, had been dug by Taylor NW construction crews as part of a storm water control system. The driver was in the process of filling the hole with gravel when he backed into it. A section of Brosterhous Road was shut dovtm, while dozens of neighbors from the Crown Villa mobile home park across the street from the hole lined up to watch the rescue. Fire crews brought a ladder truck to the scene and used its telescoping arm to position themselves adjacent to the cab of the truck in the hole. SeeRescue/B2
Constructionaccident A Taylor NW employee backed a dump truck into a deep hole that had been built for stormwater control off Brosterhous Road Thursday afternoon in Southwest Bend. Officials have not identified the driver or any injuries he
mayhavesuffered,buthewasconsciousandspeakingwithmedicsashe was loaded into an ambulance for transport to St. Charles Bend. TMI P~ R.E. Jewell EletitentarySc
Murphy R . rrt 0 lD
Site Of aCCident, I
Brosterhous Rd.-
Knott Rd.
China Hat
Grert Cross/The Bulletin
"The hearing officer determinedthe company did not consider a large enough search area for placement of the tower," said county Senior Planner Paul Blikstad at the work session. "The board needs to take a look at that to make sure they agree with what the hearing officer decided." The hearings officer's decision is based on his interpretation of county code, said Nick Lelack, planning director for Deschutes County. The appeal by American Tower is asking the commission to reconsider the hearing officer's lnterpretatlon. "The board hearing this would make ahuge impact on how we interpret code in the future," he said. Placement of cell towers often inspires strong emotions in residents nearby. In February 2012 several residents of the Cascade View Estates neighborhood spoke out about not wanting the tower in their neighborhood. Several Alfalfa residents at the Wednesday work session told the commission they didn't want a cell tower near their homes, either. SeeAppeal /B2
Air service to L.A. alrea popular By Rachael Rees and Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
• Salem:It's full-speed ahead for public
pension reform. • Salem:Should brewer's yeast be the state's official
microbe? • Eugene:A convicted sex abuser of children will spend the next 50
years in prison. Stories on B3
Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
American Airlines Regional Vice President, Dale Morris, center, talks with a group of people Thursday at the Redmond Airport following the announcement of new passenger service from Redmond toLos Angeles, beginning in June.
As a former Southern California resident, who frequently returns to the region, Bette Fraser of Bend said the new daily flight from Redmond to Los Angeles will help bring residents from the most populated area on the West Coast to Central Oregon. "I think it will be good for tourism, especially in the winter months," said Fraser, owner of The Well Traveled Fork, which offers culinary tours in Central Oregon. The direct flight from Redmond to L.A., scheduled to start June 12, will make Mt. Bachelor and other
Central Oregon attractions more accessible. "The people in Southern California have a lot of options for skiing ... It was easy to get to Salt Lake
(City) and to (Lake) Tahoe, but it wasn't that easy to get to Mt. Bachelor.
"(It) will be great for all of us, anybody who has a business here." After nearly a month of fundraising and anticipation, American Airlines made it official Thursday. It will offer daily flights from Redmond Airport to Los Angeles International Airport on 50seat Bombardier CRJ-200s. "It takes community support to make an effort like this happen,"
Dale Morris, American Airlines director of government relations, said Thursday morning at Redmond Airport. "We're proud to serve this market and are looking forward to the first flight on June 12." The flight will depart Redmond at 8:10 a.m. and land in L.A. at 10:25 a.m., he said. The return flight will take off from L.A. at 6:50 p.m. and land inRedmond at 8:55 p.m. Travelers can book tickets starting Sunday, Morris said. He did not provide specifics on the price of the Redmond-to-L.A. tickets, but said it would be "very competitive" with similar sized markets. See Flight/B2
Continued from 61 Central Oregon residents haven't had nonstop flights to L.A. since 2010, when Horizon Air ended its L.A. servicefrom Redmond. JulieHammond, branch manager of Beecher Carlson Insurance Agency, said she was surprised when Horizon canceled the flights. "A lot of our clients do business in Southern California," she said. "To be able to get there quickly, or have their clients get here in an easy fashion, is important." Thursday's a n n ouncement cappedabout a month of fundraising and community outreach by tourism and economic development officials to land the service. Economic Development for Central Oregon officials announced March 6 that the airline was looking to start service from Redmond — but only if area businesses and i ndividuals agreed to buy $350,000 worth of tickets in advance to demonstrate community support for the flight. The p r e -paid t i c k ets were crucial to the effort: Redmond Airport officials don't expect the flight to make a profit in it s f irst year of service,according to documents filed last year in the airport's successful bid for a$500,000 federal travel grant. That grant and the pre-paid travel tickets are expected to help American Airlines offset those expected losses. Officials f ro m E D C O, which led the ticket-buying effort, said the community surpassed the goal, hitting $402,000 as of late Thursday morning. Makingacontributionwas an easy decision for Dino Vendetti, a venture capitalist whose firm is located in Silicon Valley but who also lives part time in Bend. "We have a direct flight to Northern California ... and having one to Southern California just opens up that whole part of the region to business," he said. "It encourages not o n ly entrepreneurs, but i nvestors to come here. It's much easier for them to get here, so as a result, they're more likely to come." City and county leaders called the service a huge win for area businesses and travelers, letting them access the world's largest markets. The Los Angeles Metropolitan Statistical Area has an estimated 13 million people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Los Angeles International Airport offers 84 domestic and 60 international nonstop flights. Sarah Peskin, owner and operator of a Bend vacation rental business, agreed. She said the new flight will make it easier for customers of her business, Helios NW Eco-House. "All they have to do is land in Redmond, go to the house and start enjoying Bend," she said. "They don't have to drive three hours just to get where they're trying to go. That accessibility is just a huge bonus for the Central Oregon area." Deschutes County Commissioner Alan Unger said American Airlines set a high bar. And the community met it. "I think for Central Oregon, this is the most important event that will happen in 2013," he said.
Continued from 61 W illiams brought up t h e idea of a "customer-only" zone after hearing from downtown business owners for months about the problem with long-
— Reporters: 541-617-7818, 541-617-7820,
Appeal Continued from B1 "We need to find a balance on how federal law supports the whole network compared to how we defend our citizens' property r ights," said C omm ission Chairman A l an Unger. "I think we need to hear this to clarify how we interpret our code." The commissioners are considering a town halltype meeting in Alfalfa to hear citizen concerns and opinions. They will have additional work sessions to decide whether or not the proposed cell tower falls within code restrictions. — Reporter:541-383-0376,
term parking taking prime patronage spots on Sixth Street and adjoining side streets. R einstituting t i m e l i m i t s would probably be unproductive, he said, because they were very labor-intensive to enforce and the city had no dedicated staff fo r p a r king management. To achieve success for customer-only parking, said Williams, several things will need to occur. Enough business owners would need to support it and agree to supply the city with l icense numbers of al l e m -
ployee (and their own) cars. Landlords or property management companies who rent apartments downtown would need to supply license numbers and th e C it y C ouncil would need to adopt a new ordinance creating the zone and its rules. Bern Theisen, of Printing P ost, asked W i l liams w h o
would be enforcing the zone by checking l i cense numbers. Williams said that had not been determined, since it would depend on city staff availability. Teresa Lee, owner of Cottage Treasures, asked if business owners could report violators. That's how Corvallis handles its customer-only zone, replied W i l liams. B usiness owners call the city when they see a car theyknowto be in violation and city staff respond by confirming the license and citing the vehicle. "If t h ere's n o h a m m er, there's no way of telling people not to park there," said Heston. Some studies have estimated that every onstreet parking space represents $30,000 in annual income to neighboring businesses, he added, if that's right, then dozens of n o ncustomer long-term parkers represent as many as 20 jobs taken away. Lee expressed concern that the zone Williams suggested — along Sixth from Glacier to Cascade, including those side streets from Fifth to Seventh — would push cars to clog the streets north of there along
Sixth, including those adjacent to her business. Starting out small, then possibly expanding if the problem grows, would be better than making the zone too big, Williams said. Larry Peterson, of Printing Post, which is in a building with eight apartments next door, said that knowing the license numbers of t enants would be an invaluable tool for him as a property owner because hisbusiness' private parking lot is constantly used by long-term parkers. "We need people to live in the downtown core, I support that, but tenants need to be understanding of the needs of the public and the businesses," he said. Business owners in attendance gave Williams overwhelming support for the idea but he stressed that nothing would happen immediately. The city still needs to work out the details, draft an ordinance, ask the City Council to vote on it and install signs. That will take a few months at the earliest, Williams cautioned the business owners.
O~~ OUR g
I: ~g l bI:"o~~
j ,'~i
ril .~ ~ Sapla H
o .
Reporter: 541-548-2186;
Rescue Continued from 61 Firefighters roped to other trucks climbed on the cab of the dump truck, removed the windshield, and pulled out the driver just before 3:15 p.m. Segal said the dump truck
w as pulled f ro m t h e h o l e shortly after the driver was taken to the hospital. The crash spilled a small amount of what appears to be hydraulic fluid, he said, a nd Taylor NW w il l b e r e sponsible for removing and disposing of t h e c o n tami-
nated soil. The ladder truck crew that conducted the rescue had been spending the day training to conduct similar rescues when the emergencycallcame in,Se-
2446 NW Dorion Wy. $579,900 OPENSAT& SUN12-3 • LEED Platinumcertified • Open and bright • Master on mainlevel
gal said.
Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NWCrossing Dr., right on NW Dorion Way.
— Reporter: 541-383-0387,
PUBLIc OFFIcIALs For The Bulietin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.comio fficials.
CONGRESS ij.S. Senate • Sen. JeffMerkley, 0-0re. 107Russell SenateOffice Building Washington,D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-3753 Web: Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend,OR 97701 Phone:541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223DirksenSenate Office Building Washington,D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-5244 Web: Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142
U.S. House ofRepresentatives • Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River 2182 RayburnHouseOffice Building Washington,D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: Bend office: 1051 N.W. Bond St.,Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kitzhaber, 0 160 StateCapitol,900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Web: • Secretary ofState Kate Brown, 0 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email:oregon.sos© • TreasurerTedWheeler, 0 159Oregon StateCapitol 900Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email:oregon.treasurer© Web: • AttorneyGeneral Ellen Rosenblum, 0 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Web: • LaborCommissionerBrad Avakian 800 N.E.OregonSt., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762
LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District30 (includes Jefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1950 Web: • Sen. Tim Knopp, R-District27 (includes portionof Deschutes) 900Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email:sen.timkno W eb: • Sen. DougWhitsett, R-District28 (includes Crook, portionof Deschutes) 900Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett© Web:
House • Rep. Jason Conger,R-District 54 (portionof Deschutes) 900Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1454 Web: www.leg.state.or.uslconger • Rep. John Huffman,R-District 59 (portionof Jefferson) 900Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459
Email: Web: • Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook,portion of Deschutes) 900Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1455 Email:rep.mikemclane© Web: • Rep. GeneWhisnant, R-District 53 (portionof DeschutesCounty) 900Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1453 Email: Web:
City Council
• Ginny McPherson Phone: to bedetermined Email:Ginny.McPherson@ci.redmond .or.Us • Ed Onimus Phone:541-604-5403 Email:
1300 N.W. Wall St., Bend, OR 97701 Phone:541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692
County Commission • Tammy Baney, R-Bend Phone:541-388-6567 Email: TammyBaney@co.deschutes .QI'.us
• AlanUnger,0-Redmond Phone:541-388-6569 Email: AlanUnger© • Tony DeBone, R-LaPine Phone:541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone@ co.d eschutes.otus
CROOK COUNTY 300 N.E.Third St., Prineville, OR 97754 Phone:541-447-6555 Fax:541-416-3891 Email:administration©
•CrookCountyJudge MikeMcCabe Phone:541-447-6555
Gounty Court • Ken Fahlgren Phone:541-447-6555 Email: ken.fahlgren©
JEFFERSON COUNTY 66S.E. D St., Madras, OR97741 Phone:541-475-2449 Fax: 541-475-4454
County Commission • Mike Ahern, John Hatfield, Wayne Fording Phone:541-475-2449 Email:commissioner@co.jefferson .Ql'.us
CITY OF BEND 710 N.W.Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone:541-388-5505
• City Manager Eric King Phone:541-388-5505 Email: citymanager©
City Council • Jodie Barram Phone:541-388-5505 Email: jbarram© • Mark Capell Phone:541-388-5505 • Jim Clinton Phone:541-388-5505 • VictorChudowsky Phone: 541-749-0085 Email: • Doug Knight Phone:541-388-5505 Email: • ScottRamsay Phone:541-388-5505 Email: sramsay© • SallyRussell Phone:541-480-8141
CITY OF REDMOND 716 S.W.EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR97756 Phone:541-923-7710 Fax: 541-548-0706
• MayorGeorgeEndicott Phonec541-948-3219 Email:George.Endicott@ci.redmond .Qr.US
• Jay Patrick Phone:541-508-8408 Email: • Tory Allman Phone:541-923-7710 • Joe Centanni Phone:541-923-7710 • Camden King Phone:541-604-5402 Email:Camden.King@ci.redmond .or.US
CITY OF SISTERS 520 E. CascadeAvenue, P.O.Box 39 Sisters,OR 97759 Phone:541-549-6022 Fax: 541-549-0561
City Council • DavidAsson Phone:503-913-7342 Email:dasson© • Wendy Holzman Phone:541-549-8558 • Brad Boyd Phone:541-549-2471 Email:bboyd© • CatherineChildress Phonec541-588-0058 • McKibben Womack Phone:541-598-4345 Email:
CITY OF LA PINE P.o. Box 3055, 16345 Sixth St. La Pine, OR97739 Phone:541-536-1432 Fax: 541-536-1462
City Council
20532 Gloucester Ln. More homes scheduled for construction priced at $174,950-$194,950. • Two-storyliving room • Green building features • Upstairslaundry Directions: From BendParkway, east on Empire Are., left on Boyd Acres Rd., left on Gloucester Ln.
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ensionre orm on as rac By Jonathan J. Cooper
pension costs. The Associated Press Democratic leaders have SALEM — A D e mocratic proposed limiting the annual plan to curb retirement ben- inflation increases in retirees' efits for g overnment work- checks in order to boost spenders could reach Gov. John ing on schools. They also want Kitzhaber's desk by the end of to eliminate, for retirees living next week. out of state, surplus pension The Legislature's budget payments that cover state incommittee is scheduled to vote come tax bills. today to advance the pensionAltogether, their proposal cutting bill, setting the stage would save state and local govfor votes in the full House and ernments $460 million over Senate. the next two years and push Kitzhaber's office says the another $350 million worth of governor will sign it. pension contributions into fuRepublicans vow to oppose ture budget cycles. the effort, saying it's too paltry Kitzhaber, also a Democrat, to effectively deal with rising has proposed $860 million in
pension cuts, and Republicans have various proposals to save at least $1 billion. Kitzhaber spokesman Tim Raphael offered tepid support to the Democratic bill. "It's a good start," said Raphael said. The disagreement over pension cuts is already setting up a showdown over the next major piece of the Democratic
budget proposal — $275 million in new tax revenue. Democrats have a majority in the House and Senate, but raisingrevenue requires a three-fifths supermajority. If all Democrats support it,
they'll need at least two Republicans in each chamber to raise revenue. The Democrats have yet to detail their plans, but Senate Republicans say they'll only give their support for tax increases if Democrats allow deeper pension cuts. House Speaker Tina Kotek says she's not willing to cut any more from pensions. "I'm personally not open to any changes," she told reporters earlier this week, saying the Democratic proposal is the fairest to w o rkers and most likely to survive a court challenge.
VaCClnatlen OdleCtienS —An Oregon court has ruled that eight children in state custody can be given vaccinations over the religion-
based protests of their parents. Thechildren havebeen removed from the parents' home in Marion County for reasons that haven't
been disclosed. Theyare ages1 through 8 andare considered wards of the state. They live with relatives. Their mother andfather say vaccinations violate their religious beliefs. A Department of Human
Services spokesmansaysstate law requires child welfare workers to ensure that children in departmental custody get their shots. The Oregonian reports the children's attorney and the agency obtained a court order in April 2012 requiring the shots for a variety of diseases.
The state Court of Appeals upheld that order Wednesday. ACCidental ShOOting —A mancleaning a gun in a Troutdale apartment accidentally fired a shot that nearly hit a woman in her apartment next door. Police say the woman was hit in the head by drywall debris Wednesday but did not need treatment at the hospital.
KGW reports the bullet ended up in athird apartment where nobody was home. Thegunowner,29-year-oldLawrenceWach,facesa reckless endangerment charge. Powell Butte collision —A Canyon City couple were not seriously injured whenthey crashedWednesday in a rear-end collision on Highway126 near Powell Butte. TheCrook County sheriff's office said 63-year-old Julie Reynolds was following 63-year-old Dennis
Reynolds. Shewas in hercar. Hewas in his pickup truck. Hestopped for traffic. She didn't.
Official state microbe? That's yeast of the issue The Associated Press PORTLAND — Bubbling up in the Oregon legislature this session is the idea of designating yet another state symbol: brewer's yeast. It's used in Oregon's craft beers and would become the state microbe. "Oregon is regarded nationwide as ground zero in the thriving craft brew industry," said Rep. Mark Johnson of Hood River, citing Full Sail Brewing Co. in his district. "They have spun off at least four other brewing c ompanies within H o o d River," said Johnson, a Republican. "It's just an example of what this microbe has been involved in and led to." The yeast is known scientifically as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a name with a mouth feel perhaps not so pleasant as the ales the microbe produces when it turns sugars into alcohol during fermentation. Should Johnson's resolution succeed, the new state microbe would join a lengthening list of Oregon icons such as the beaver (animal),
pear (fruit), thunderegg (rock) and hazelnut (nut). Often, but not a lways,
passage of such feel-good measures is asure thing, but less so in recent years,
The Oregonian newspaper reports. There was vigorous debatebefore lawmakers designated a state soil, the red Jory prized for g r owing
pinot noir grapes. And an effort to designate the Marionberry as the state berry failed when a grower of another blackberry variety objected. Legislators approached Johnson's resolution warily at a c o m mittee hearing Wednesday. "Is there any other microbe that anybody else likes better than this one that is in competition with your microbe?" asked Rep. Vicki Berger of Salem. "I'm not aware of any other microbes that generate $2.4 billion for t he state economy," Johnson responded.
DriVer hitS pOliCe Car —Portland police had to deal with an incident right outside their police station Wednesdaynight in downtown Portland. An officer was making a traffic stop shortly after 9 p.m. when the suspect driver collided with a couple of police cars. No
one was injured. Police used aTaser to take the driver into custody. Streets outside the central precinct station and Multnomah County Jail were blocked for the investigation.
SeX aduSe SentenCe —An Oregon judge has sentenced a
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50-year-old Eugene man to a half century in prison after convict-
ing him on sex abuse charges involving six young girls. Circuit
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Court Judge Charles Zennache found Russell Crummett guilty of 12 charges Wednesday. The Register-Guard reports Crummett
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will have no chance for early release. While his lawyers agreed to a stipulated facts trial before the judge, the newspaper says they disagreed with the judge's decision to combine all the victims
into a single case. The defense plans to appeal the convictions.
The prosecution says Crummett was a single father whose own child attended school with the victims and they became friends.
The children often gathered after school at Crummett's home and he began sexually molesting the girls. Crummett was arrested last fall at the University of Oregon, where he worked in mainte-
nance. Jeff Barnard /The Assoaated Press
The J.C. Boyle Dam on the Klamath River near Keno is one of four dams recommended for removal by the U.S. Department of the Interior in a final environmental impact statement issued Thursday. Removing the dams will help struggling wild salmon runs, the report said.
Feds recommendremoving dams from Klamath River By Jeff Barnard The Associated Press
GRANTS PASS — The federal government on Thursday r ecommended that al l f o u r
aging hydroelectric dams be removed from the K l amath River in southern Oregon and Northern California to help struggling wild salmon runs, and nearly $1 billion should be spent on e nvironmental restoration. The final environmental impact statement making those recommendations was posted on a U.S. Department of Interior website. However, whether that will ever happen remains in doubt. L egislation authorizing t h e secretary of Interior to approve dam removal and appropriating $800 million for restoration work have not gained any traction in Congress. A s one of his lastacts before leaving office, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar called on Congress to take action, saying that removing the dams and implementing th e K l a math Basin Restoration Agreement are important components of finding a solution to the basin's water problems. "Once again,the communities of the Klamath Basin are facing a potentially difficult water year under a status quo that everyone agrees is broken," Salazar said in a statement. "Weneed a comprehensive solution addressing all the
Conservation groups plan lawsuit Two conservation groups havewarned federal agencies they plan to sue to get more water devoted to protected salmon in the Klamath River.
Oregon Wild andWaterWatch of Oregon filed a 60-day notice Thursday. They object to a new water management plan for a federal irrigation project that straddles the Oregon-California border south of Klamath Falls. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation implemented a new plan
governing how muchwater goes to farms andhow much to fish before NOAAFisheries Service finished reviewing it for potential harm to threatened salmon. At the time, the agencies said they
had cooperated in developing the plan. Steve Pedery of OregonWild says this resulted in less water for salmon in a drought year, without giving the public a chance to
participate. — The Associated Press
needs of the Klamath Basin, including fisheries, agricul-
ture, (wildlife) refuges, and power." Battles over how to share scarce water between farms and protectedfish reached a head in 2001, when drought forced the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to shut off water to a federal irrigation project straddling the Oregon-California border in an effort to provide water for endangered sucker fish in the project's main reservoir. Salmon in the Klamath River were also threatened. The next year, the Bush administration restored irrigation, but tens of thousands of adult salmon died when they returned to a river with low and warm water levels.
In 2010, Indian tribes, farmers, salmon fishermen and conservation groups ended a century of fighting over water by signing historic agreements calling for the sharing of water in dry years and the removal of four dams to open up hundreds of miles of salmon habitat shut off for a century. PacifiCorp, which owns the dams that produce power for 70,000 customers, agreed to the removal rather than pay millions of dollars for fish ladders and other improvements. "This final report confirms that dam removal is both feasible and cheaper than any other option," said Glen Spain of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen'sAssociations, a
salmon fishing group.
Sherwood roddery —Police in Sherwood are looking for aman who robbed awoman asshewas returninghome in her wheelchair after withdrawing money from a bank. Police Capt.
Mark Daniel says the woman told officers she was headed home at mid-day Wednesday after making a withdrawal at a U.S. Bank branchwhen a man walked up from behind her,stepped in front of her and demanded money. She told police the man
kept his hand in his right pocket and said he had aweapon. The woman says she gave the robber all her cash and he ran off. She describes him as about 30 years old. Daniel says police are contacting local businesses as they try to identify the man through video surveillance footage or witness accounts. Sherwood is southwest of Portland.
COll game netS prlSOn —A manconvicted of stealing more than $1 million from an 86-year-old Oregon woman hasbeen sentenced to five years in prison. At Curtis Gibson's trial, jurors were told that the 50-year-old man asked Rose Gospodinovic to invest
in a real estate deal, saying he'd pay12 percent interest on her $1 million. According to The Oregonian, Washington County Deputy District Attorney Beth Roberts said Gibson spent the money on
personal expensesbetween2008and 2009.OnWednesday,Circuit Court Judge Andrew Erwin also scheduled a Junerestitution hearing.
lost mushroom picker —Coos County sheriff's officers say a mushroom picker who got separated from his companions and then lost his way has been rescued after nearly two days in the
southern Oregon woods. TheWorld newspaper reports that 48year-old Gene McLaughlin of Myrtle Point went missing Sunday in the Siskiyou National Forest. His friends looked for him till1
a.m., then reported him missing to the sheriff's office on Tuesday morning. County search and rescue crews, the county's mounted posse and foot patrols were among those who turned out to look for the man. ACoast Guard helicopter also helped. A cold and wet McLaughlin was found Tuesday afternoon, nearly three miles from where he started.
— From wire reports
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NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.
BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft — A theft was reported at 2:14 p.m. March 20, in the 2700 block of Northeast 27th Street. Burglary—A burglary was reported at 3:26 p.m. March 25,
in the 700 block of Northwest Harmon Boulevard. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:02 a.m. March 26, in the 61400 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:42 p.m. March 26, in the100 block of Northwest Sixth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:03 p.m. March 28, in the 500 block of Northeast Norton Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:02 p.m. April 2, in the1000 block of Southeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:43 p.m. April 2, in the 300 block of Southeast Cleveland Avenue.
Theft — A theft was reported at 7:55 p.m. April 2, in the 2000 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at11:49 a.m. March 28, in the 1800 block of Northeast Third Street.
PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at12:59 p.m. April 3, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 5:03 p.m. April 3, in the area of Southeast
Fairview Street. DUII —Harley Smith, 28, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:46 p.m. April 3, in the area of Southwest Deer Street.
BEND FIRE RUNS Wednesday 3:09a.m.— Unauthorized burning, 20053 Parkside Place. 10:46 a.m.— Unauthorized burning, 919 N.E. Fourth St. 12:46 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 60590 Mayberry Court. 17 —Medical aid calls.
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The Bulletin
Mascot ills woul encourage ialogue tate legislators are considering bills that would reverse a ban on Native American mascots at high schools. The ban was approved last year by the state
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Yeteran tuition duty belongs to Uncle Sam here are, no doubt, the best motives in the world behind the move to grant all military veterans the right to attend Oregon's public community colleges and universities and pay only in-state tuition while doing so. Yet requiring this state's schools to offer the benefit without compensation is the wrong way to go. Two bills now before legislators would do just that. Senate Bill 81P and House Bill 2158 would require public universities and community colleges to bill honorably discharged veterans only for in-state tuition and fees, no matter whether they're residents of Oregon or not. And, a measure before the U.S. House of Representatives, the G.I. Bill Tuition Fairness Act of 2013, would apply that principle nationwide. There's a substantial difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition and fees in Oregon. At the University of Oregon, the state's most expensive public school, instate tuition and fees will set a student back $9,310 per year. An out-of-state student, meanwhile, will shell out $28,660 for the same education. At C e ntral O regon Community College, out-of-state students pay $220 per credit, while in-district students pay only $82 per credit.
Those sortsof differences are not unusual, of course, and the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill does cover the instate cost. Yet at least one veterans' organization, Student Veterans of America, argues that is not good enough. SVA officials point out that veterans do not protect just the residents of their home states, for one thing. Also, a veteran can spend years based at a military facility in a particular state only to be discharged and discover that for education purposes, at least, he or she is not considered an in-state resident. We agree with SVA and lawmakers that veterans' contributions to this country should be recognized in a variety of ways, including substantial financial assistance for college. We're far less comfortable with the notion that individual states and their colleges should have to foot the bill for that recognition, though a substantial number of states already do or are moving in that direction. Rather, the duty should fall on the federal government to improve the G.I. Bill, not expect the states to do it instead.
Chairaomnn Palllu /ter
JOHtt Cosrn
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Editor ofE tetorials
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Board of Education. The arg u ments hav e n't c a n mascots should be assumed to changed, and we still think the ban be discriminatory. is amistake. As we said at the time, The relevant language says that truly offensive references should discrimination does not include surely be removed, but it goes too far to declare the use of words like "The use ofa mascot that represents, or is associated with, a spechief and b rave and cific Native American warrior to be negative tribe if the governing no matter what. On the TIIB tllanket body of t h e N a tive contraryt used properly b an impose p 6 A merican tribe h a s they speak to admirable entered into an agreequalities of c ourage, by the state strength and leadership. ov ersimplifies ment with the entity using the mascot and T eres a d'ivi'de a Complex and t he a greement d e a mong t h e Nat i v e ContentloUS scribes the acceptable American r e presenta- ISSUB Bnd uses of t he mascot." tives who have testified at legislative hearings. T his a ppears t o Some have said schools BW ay from encourage t h e at need to improve educa- COmmUnjtjeS, tract i ve model set in tion about tribal history, Roseburg, where the not ban mascot names. high school consulted But others say they are with the Cow Creek indeed offended by the B and o f Ump q u a mascots and experience them as Tribe of Indians and made mutudiscriminatory. ally agreed-upon changes. That's Senate Bill 501. would block a model worth promoting. A posithe state from withholding money tive collaboration between school frpm districts that dp npt cpmply and tribe in Lebanon was also described at one of the hearings. with the mascot ban. HouseBi113397andanamendThe blanket ban imposed by ed version of Senate Bill 215 would the state oversimplifies a complex reverse the ban, but would also de- and contentious issue and takes mand a dialogue between schools control away from communities. and nearby native tribes. The lat- HB 3397 and SB215 would create ter two bills essentially declare dialogue between school districts that not all uses of Native Ameri- and tribes, surely a better result.
BETSY MecooL Gottoott BLnrtt
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Will raising building height limit be good for Bend in long run? By ClarIssa Jurgensen
football field, and would basically t h e c ity is npw proposing that we disrupt this urban paradise. raise the height limit of the buildThe citizens said " n o." T he y in g s in downtown Bend. If we raise fought the proposed freeway and a n y b u ildings at least 50 percent the Department of Transportation, t a l ler, as it says in the paper, does and won. At the same that mean that eventutime,there were proposally the height limit will als to r a i se If We raiSe k eep growing as t h e e xploded over the past 20 I N M Y V IEW the hei g ht any QUildjngS city grows~ years we had lived there. Bend has changed In 1978, Bellevue was a sleepy downtown buildings in significantly since we suburban town e ast o f S e attle. order to update the city pe l ' Cent taller, move d here,andIknow Downtown was small and when it codes and add flexibila lpt of people moved BS jt SayS jn had its annual Art Fair, you always ity to the current height to Central Oregon as ran into someone you knew. limit. It was also voted we did, because they Traffic was light, buildings down- down, and a city council dO e S that w anted to g e t a w ay town were about the size of the ones member was quoted in from a lot of the frusmean tIIat currently in downtown Bend, and the newspaper as saytration that comes with IIy f ing, "we will never allow life was good away from the big a growing population. a high-rise building in hei g h t l im it Will Bend i s a wonderful city. We had views of the Olympic downtown Bellevue." city, and people come keep groWjng Mountains to the west and Mount According to the Inhere in droves tp take t Rainier to the south. There were ternet, in the past two part in our outdoor acfarms, and people generally felt decades, Bellevue has gl OWS? tivities and others that they'd found a peaceful place to live. grown t o sk y s craper are offered. And if they wanted a big city nfix" h eights an d s he d i t s But do we want to they could always cross Lake Wash- "suburban" status to bes prawl t o t h e p o i n t ington into Seattle. come a thriving metropolis and a w h e r e coming here will b e j u st In 1979, the Washington Depart- high-tech hub. Bellevue's gleaming a n o ther trip to a big city with our ment of Transportation, proposed downtown, which continues to grow d o w ntown full of glass buildings of adding another freeway from Audramatically, provides office space a height that will obscure pur mpunburn, Wash. t o B o thell, Wash., for thousands of professionals as t a i n views and turn us into another which would be five miles east of the well as condominiums and apart- B e l levue'? current I-405 that runs north-south ments for people whp want to live in I lo v e living in Bend and have np through downtown Bellevue. an urban setting. It is currently the d e s ire to leave the Northwest, but This proposed freeway, dubbed second largest city center in Wash- t h ere has to be another way to man" Excedrin headache 605" by t h e ingtpn state. age our growth without turning us then populace, would have cut into An article on the front page of i n t o a notherhigh-risecity. existing homes and a high school The Bulletin on March 25 reported — Clarissa Jurgensen lives in Bend. ourteen years ago, my family and I moved to Bend from the Bellevue/Kirkland area of Washington state. One of the reasons we moved was to get away from the growing traffic and population that had
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Sequester will send employment back into recession By Frank Spernak he sequester that is just starting to a f fect ou r e c onomy promises to influence it more as time passes. It requires a long list of acrossthe-board budget cuts that blindly s trike a l l s e g ments o f
the only one available, and it is probably predicting numbers on the high side of the average prediction. However, it does give us an idea of the scope of the problem. Fuller predicts that job loss due to the sequester will total 2.14 million jobs and increase our un-
IN MY Vl EW employment rate by 1.5 per-
I f it w er e not f o r t h e predicted effect that it will have on employment, I might be tempted to endorse it as a long overdue, but necessary, reduction in spending by our federal government; however, the effect on employment seems to be a much too bitter pill to swallow at a time when we arerecovering from a recession. I will quote numbers produced in a study by Stephan Fuller, a respected economist from George Mason University. By no means is Fuller's study
centage points. The largest job losses are in the Defense Department (325,6931. Other government departments are predicted to lose a total of 229,116 jobs. So the total number of federal government workers that lose jobs is 554,809, about 25 percent of the total job loss. Jobs lost in the private sector are predicted at 1,585,191 and consist of contractors to the federal government and indirect job losses, mostly caused by reductions in funding to the states.
In Oregon we will see cuts to the National Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and n ational parks, through the huge cuts to the D epartment of I n t erior, w h er e a l l
f e wer cuts combined with some reve n ues produced by eliminating tax l o o pholes. Is th e R epublican Party no lon-
unemployment above 9percent. The resultant decline in demand will affecthome prices,new business starts or expansions of existing businesses, ger the party of and everythingelse,from classroom a strong national size to the number of cops on the beat of these agencies In Ol egon we wl ll See defen se? Are they or firefighters available to fight the get their f u nding. CUts to tIIB Natjonal npt for outspurcing wildfires that are sure to come. Furthermore, a reparts of ou r f e dIn other words, we will spiral back I ' U B duction in national eral g o v ernment into the recession that we are now funding for teach- Of L a nU Manage m e n t, to pr i v ate contrac- still trying to recover from. The esers po'ice and fire- and natianal parkS, tors' Many of tl e sence ofour democracy isthatpeople with different opinions come togeththrough + the huge + cuts ty impact Oregon. n pn-federal g p v - er and find compromises that are for The par adox tO t h e D e P artme nt Of ernme nt jobs lost the good of the majority of the people here is that the Tea ln t e r jOr are jobs with those governed. Party Caucus in the very c o n t ractors It is time for all pf our employees House of Represenwho have been the in the House and Senate in Washingtatives in Washingb eneficiaries of ton to find solutions that represent ton are the fomenters of the strategy t h a t outspurcing. and benefit all of us, not just a small of letting the sequester ride instead I gue s s the bottom line is that if group of ideologues who are hell bent of compromising with D emocrats F u l ler is correct, we will return to the to destroy our economy. on a more balanced approach of e c o nomy as it was in 2008-09, with — Frank Spernak lives in Bend.
BITUARIES Carol Ann Campbell
Ann Stewart
Ann Stewart f rom B end, was born A nn a Ma e PhilCarol Ann Campbell, 68, lips i n A l t u s , O k l a h oma, of Bend, d i e d T h u r sday, on July 27, 1922. M arch 28 , 2 0 13 . Car o l She gre w u p i n L ong Ann was b or n i n K a n s as Beach, CA, from the age of City, MO June 13, 1944 to t wo. S h e survived two of William and Molly M cCluh er t h r e e h an, and g r a duated f r o m daughters, San Fer n a n d o Hi g h Peggy and School, in Los Angeles, in S ue; a n d 1962. She moved to Bend two with her parents in 1993. grandCarol Ann is survived by children, her husband o f 1 5 y e a r s, David and A lvin C a mpbell o f B e n d ; Daniel, h er f a t h er , W i l l i a m M c w ho w e r e Cluhan of Bend; her brothtaken ers, Michael o f P o r t l and, Ann Stewart from OR a n d M it c h of El k at early ages. Grove, CA; her sister, Pam A nn t r aveled th e w o r l d W hite o f B e n d ; a n d h e r and lived i n 1 0 d i f f e rent step-daughter, Lois Campstates during her l i fe. She bell of Bend. She was pre- w as an a v i d g o l f er , a n d ceded i n d e a t h b y her even bought her grandson, mother, M o ll y M c C l uhan. David, his first set of clubs, Carol Ann h as tw o and t a ught h i m h o w to step-grandchildren , an d p lay. She golfed until sh e was a great-aunt to seven. was 87 years old. S he was married to A l v i n Ann passed from this life on January 30, 1998. at 9 0 y e a r s o f a ge on C arol Ann enj oy e d M arch 27, 2013. She w a s w atching c o o k in g s h o w s s urrounded by h e r l o v i n g and plastic canvas stitch- family during the last days i ng, sharing her work wi t h of her life. family an d f r i e n ds . Sh e S he is s u r v ived b y h e r was a member of th e Red d aughter, P a t t ie ; g r a n d Hat Club, and enjoyed lunc hildren, D a vi d G r a h a m , c heons with th e o t her l a - C hris W r i g h t , Debb i e dles. H owald, J e n n ife r K l i n g b iel a n d Ch r is Ol s e n ; reat-grandchildren, Tyler 1 7), Bra d ( 1 6) , C a n a da Juue13,1944- March28,2013
Margaret Geneva Nicoll
July 21, 1921 — Mar. 31, 2013 Margaret G eneva N i c oll p assed a wa y M a r c h 3 1 , 2013. Margaret was born at her father's farm, seven miles w est of Fingal, North Dakota, where she g rew up and attended grade and high school. Margaret Nicoll Margaret m oved t o P ortland, i n 1 9 39, w h e r e she met her husband, Bill Nicoll. Margaret was a realtor in P ortland an d C e ntral O r e gon. M a r g aret e n j o y e d a nd was dedicated to h e r f amily a n d fr i e n ds . S h e also e n j o y e d t r a v e l i n g, camping, fi s h i n g an d hunting. Margaret is survived by f our children, Robert, Ri chard, Fred and Ann; eight g randchildren; 1 6 gr e a t grandchildren; three greatgreat-grandchildren; on e niece, t h r e e g r e a t -niece/ nephew. Margaret w a s p r e c eded in death by h e r h u sband, W illiam Jam e s N i co l l (married 55 years). There will b e a C e lebrat ion o f L i f e , Sa t u r d a y , April 6, 2013, at 1:00 p.m., at N ati v i t y L u th e r a n Church, 6 0 8 5 0 B r o s t erhous Rd., Bend, OR 97702. A reception will f ollow a t Nativity Lutheran Church. M emorial G i ft s m a y b e made to Youth Mi nistry at Nativity Lutheran Church.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all
correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Mondaythrough Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits© Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
July 27, 1922 • March 27, 2013
Pulitzer-winning Ebert reinvented role of film critic By Rick Kogan Chicago Tribune
CHICAGO — It was reviewing movies that made Roger Ebert as famous and wealthy as many of the stars who felt the sting or caress of his pen or were the recipients of his televised thumbs-up or thumbsdown judgments. But in words and in life he displayed the soul of a poet whose passions and interests extended far beyond the darkened theaters where he spent so much of his professional life. The Pulitzer Prize-winning movie critic for the Chicago Sun-Times for more than 45 years,and formore than three decades theco-host of one of the most powerful programs in Michel Euler/The Associated Press file television history (initially with Pulitzer Prize-winning film critic the late Gene Siskel, the Chica- Roger Ebert attends the 2004 go Tribune's movie critic), Eb- Cannes Film Festival in south(13), Miles (11), Grace (10), ert died Thursday in Chicago. ern France. Ebert, who had a Lucy (8), Lillian (4), CaroHe was 70 years old and was wide following in both print and lyn (2) and Gage (2). no stranger to hospitals. In his television, died Thursday. P lease sig n o u r on l i n e later years he was beset by a g uest b oo k a t w ww . n i s series of maladies, including cancer, and many operations Competition between rival that robbed him of parts of his newspaper reporters and critface and the ability to speak ics was savage in those days. (he was a celebrated conversa- As Siskel, then the Tribune's tionalist), eat and drink (he was movie critic, later recalled, "We Jan. 11, 1954 • Mar. 31, 2013 prodigiously a c complishedintensely disliked each other. J anice El a i n e (Gage) at both) and take long walks We perceived each other as a D aniel w as b or n i n in foreign cities (London and threat to our well-being." But in 1975, Eliot Wald, a Lawrence, KS, on Jan. 11, Venice, most romantically). Still, his death came as a producer at the local PBS sta1 954, to Ralph and L a u r a ( Lauderback) G a ge . S h e shock, coming only two days tion, had the idea of pairing died fro m n a t u ral c a uses after he posted a r elatively Siskel and Ebert on a televion Mar. 31, 2013. buoyant update on his popular sion show about movies and H er f a m i l y mov e d to blog indicating persuaded them both to give it Bend in t h e e a rl y 1 9 70s, a nd sh e g r a d uated f r o m that, even though his cancer a shot. Thea Flaum was the exBend High School in 1972. had returned, he optimistically ecutive producer of what was S he m ar r i e d M ick e y and hopefully would be taking then called "Opening Soon at a Theater Near You." D aniel i n R e n o , N V , i n "a leave of presence." "It means I am not going 1976. The show became more popJ anice w a s a dev o t e d away," Ebert wrote. "I'll be able ular with each season, taking a mother and wife. She was at last to do what I've always new name, "Sneak Previews," a homemaker an d v o l u n - fantasized about doing: re- and gaininganational audience teer for m an y y e a rs. She viewing only the movies I want in 1978 when it was syndicated r ecently w o r ked a t B e l l ato review." on PBS, where it would become trix Systems. "We are touched by all the for a time the most highly rated S he is s u r v ived b y h e r kindness and the outpouring show in PBS history. In 1982, husband, Mickey; and her t wo d a u g h t ers , T a m m y of love we've received," wrote the pair signed with Tribune Daniel C o les o f E u g e ne, Ebert's wife, Chaz. "I am dev- Entertainment and r enamed O R, an d L o r i D a n i e l o f astated by the loss of my love, the program "At the Movies." Bend. She is also survived Roger — m y h u sband, my In 1986 they were lured into the b y tw o s i s t er s a n d t w o friend, my confidante and oh- fold of Buena Vista Television, b rothers. S h e w a s p r e - so-brilliant partner of over 20 a division of the Walt Disney ceded i n de a t h b y h er Co., and changed the show's m other a n d f a t h er . S h e years." Prolific almost to the point name to "Siskel 8 Ebert at the will be greatly missed. T here w il l b e a p r i v a t e of disbelief — the Sun-Times Movies." o ften featured as many a s In 1999, Siskel died after a service for family and friends at a later date. nine Ebert reviews on a given quiet battle against complicaFuneral ar r an g e ments Friday, in addition to periodic tions that arose after a growth are being handled by Baird interviews, and potent pieces was removed from his brain 10 Funeral Home. for the opinion pages — Ebert months earlier. He was 53. "I remember after we first was arguably the most powerful movie critic in the history started out," Ebert recalled at of that art form. He was also the time, "and we were on a DEATHS the author of 17 books, a con- talk show and this old actor tributor to various magazines, Buddy Rogers said to us, 'The ELSEWHERE author of a lively and award- trouble with you guys is that w inning blog, active in a l l you have a sibling rivalry.' We Deaths of note from around forms of social media and an did. He was like a brother, and theworld: inspiring teacher and lecturer I loved him that way." Milo O'Shea, 86: A versatile at the University of Chicago. Ebert carried on with the Dublin-born stage and screen R oger Joseph Ebert w a s show, teaming with Sun-Times actor known for his famously born in downstate Urbana on colleagueRichard Roeper for bristling, agile eyebrows and June 18, 1942, the only child of "Ebert 8 Roeper 8 the Movroles in such disparate films Walter, an electrician, and An- ies," which began airing in as "Ulysses," "Barbarella" and nabel, a bookkeeper. 2000. Although his name reFranco Z effirelli's "Romeo His passion for journalism mained in the title, Ebert did and Juliet." He also appeared sparked early. He published not appear on the show after in many popular television his own neighborhood paper mid-2006, when he suffered series, i ncluding " C heers," while in grammar school and post-surgical complications for "Frasier," "The West Wing" in high school was co-editor thyroid cancer and was unable and "The Golden Girls." Died of the school paper, published to speak. He ended his assoTuesday in New York after a a science fiction fanzine and ciation with the show in July short illness, according to Irish wrote for The News-Gazette 2008. news accounts. in Champaign. His desire to He continued to write, devotJim Mees, 57: An Emmy- attend H a rvard U n i versity ing a great deal of time to his winning set decorator who thwarted by his parents' inabil- blog, where he discussed movhelped bring alien worlds to ity to afford that Ivy League ies, among many topics, and life in the long-running "Star institution, he a ttended the detailed personal stories about Trek" TV series. Mees worked nearby University of Illinois at his struggles and joys, includon more than a d ozen TV Urbana-Champaign, majoring ing his bout with booze, which shows in his 30-year career in journalism and becoming ended in 1979 when he joined and spent a total of 14 years editor of the campus paper, The Alcoholics Anonymous. on "Star Trek" sets, spanning Daily Illini. Many of t h ose memories from "The Next Generation" He began selling freelance formed the foundation for his to "Star T r ek: E nterprise." stories and book reviews to easygoing, candid and altoDied Friday at his home in the Chicago Daily News and gether charming 2011 autobiSelinsgrove, Pa., of pancre- Chicago Sun-Times during this ography, or, as he titled it, "Life atic cancer. time, after coming to Chicago Itself: A Memoir." In "Life Itself," Ebert tells Barbara Piasecka Johnson, to pursue a Ph.D. in English at 76: Widow of J. Seward John- the University of Chicago. In us that the first movie he ever son Sr., heir to millions made 1966, he was hired as a writer saw was "A Day at the Races." from bandages, baby oil and for the Sun-Times' Midwest That may have helped set his pharmaceutical products. She magazine. Six months later he course but there would have inherited much of the Johnbecame movie critic. been no way to have predicted son 8 Johnson fortune after a His reviews, from the start how many of us — reading sensational court battle with and ever since, were at once the newspapers, watching TV her six stepchildren. Died in artful and accessible. In 1975 or plugging into social media Wroclaw, Poland, where she he was awarded the Pulitzer — would be along for the colorspent much of her youth. Prize for criticism, the first to ful, influential and meaningful — From wire reports be awarded for film criticism. ride.
janice Elaine Daniel
Al Seib/LosAngeles Times
The Oil Worker Monument in Taft, Calif., is a reminder of the days of oil development in the area around Bakersfield. The area is prime for a resurgence in production and locals are hoping for a return to former glory.
Small town hopes topro ucejo s
rom oil ormations By Shan Li
the Bureau of Land Management's Bakersfield office. TAFT, Calif. — This twoEconomists saytapping the stoplight town was built on shale would be a big boost for petroleum, an d r e s idents the Central Valley, which dehere never miss a chance to pends heavily on agriculture pay tribute. and petroleum. By 2015, CaliA 38-foot monument to fornia could see half a milwildcatters stands d o w n- lion new jobs and $4.5 billion town; locals brag it's the tall- in oil-related tax revenue, acest bronze sculpture west of cording to a USC study. "It's not th e m u c ketythe Mississippi. Every five years, the city throws an "Oil- mucks, the higher-ups, who dorado"festival.There'seven live here," said Kathy Ora beauty pageant in which rin, executive director of the young women dubbed "the Taft Chamber of Commerce. maids of petroleum" vie to be "It's the people in cowboy crowned queen. boots and cowboy hats and It's all a homage to the bus- Wranglers — and they can tling days when Taft boasted make a good living in the oil two giant oil fields and Stan- industry." dard Oil Co. of California Around noon in Taft, oil was headquartered t here. workers in dusty coveralls The oil giant left in 1968, jobs park trucks outside the few dried up, and today the Kern lunch spots in town: the OT County town is saddled with Cookhouse & Saloon, where high unemployment and b lack-and-white photos o f memories of past glory days. California's first gushers line T hat could be about to the walls; Jo's Restaurant, change. where diners sit below paintR esidents a r e bet t i n g ed oil derricks and fields; and a Tex-Mex place. on a second boom from oil trapped miles underground Rick McCostlin, 45, thinks in dense rock f ormations. jobs could come back and reIt's part of what's called the vive Taft. Another oil boom Monterey Shale, where oil might even attract some of deposits span 1,750 square the locals who fled to bettermiles through Southern and paying gigs in North Dakota's oil fields. Central California. "Everyone and their dog "We got a lot of p eople would be working if they find leaving when it gets slow," that oil," said Joe Gonzalez, said the ponytailed equip53, who began toiling in the ment operator, drinking at oil fields around Taft three the OT Cookhouse's bar. decades ago as a roustabout. Keeping it quiet "It's a huge deal for Taft." But the hush-hush world of Estimated15 billion barrels oil is keeping mum about the But a key question is: Could Monterey. these modern-day wildcatWith billions of dollars at ters actually squeeze oil out stake, companies setting up of the rock? shop are reluctant to reveal Some believe technology any information to competithat can reach previously in- tors. Exploring new oil foraccessible oil means it's just mations is extremely riskya matter of time; others are drilling each exploratory well convinced it's an over-hyped costs millions of dollars, and promise. most never find anything. Oil companies have beOccidental, Venoco, Chevgun exploring the Monterey ron and a dozen other oil Shale underneath towns like companies either did not reTaft that have survived on oil spond to or declined requests for a century. for comment. "The best we have is ruMore than 15 billion barmor," said Taft Mayor Paul rels of oil, or two-thirds of the continental United States' Linder, 55, who was born in total deep-rock deposits, is the town. "I will tell you that estimated to be l ocked in rumor in this area about oil the Monterey, according to usually turns out to be the the U.S. Energy Information t ruth because it's hard t o Administration. Extracting it keep a secret." could mean enormous wealth Already, even rumors of if oil prices stay around $97 a that huge oil r eserve are barrel, and could pump bil- bringing new prosperity to lions of dollars into the local the city of 9,400. Best Westeconomy. ern submitted plans to build The much smaller Bakken a motel. A housing developshale formation in North Da- ment with 350 homes built kota has fueled a boom that by Hillside Terrace Estates has driven unemployment in is breaking ground in June. the state down to 3.3 percent, And "numerous" restaurant the nation's lowest. Taft's chains have expressed interunemployment rate is 13.3 est in the small oil town, said percent. City Manager Craig Jones. But the process is slow Everyone agrees it would going. be a huge boon to Taft, which "It's not like the old days was once a tiny railroad stop where you put a straw into called Moron before a 1910 the ground, you get a gusher gusher in nearby Maricopa and you dance around," said f looded the area w it h o i l Tupper Hull, spokesman for wealth. The n ame M oron the Western States Petroleum didn't carry the same meanAssociation, an industry lob- ing back in the early 1900s bying group. "It's a very com- that it does today, and city plicated process." fathers changed it to honor Los A n geles-based OcPresident William Howard c idental P e t r oleum an d T aft when r ebuilding t h e Venoco Inc. of Denver, two town after a fire. of the largest stakeholders in Oil companies have started the Monterey, have already hiring in advance. Denverdrilled exploratory wells. based Canary, which offers Federal land leases on the maintenance and equipment shale are going for $500 per to drilling firms, plans to add acre at auction, up from $2 to 10 to 15 employees this year, $5 per acre just a few years said Chief Executive Dan ago, said Gabriel Garcia of Eberhart. Los Angeles Times
W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.
Today: A few hit or miss showers, staying CHANNE
cloudy and
Tonight: A few raindrops throught he night.
37 4 G 4 4 4 4 4 4 4<xxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x k x x x x x x x
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WEST Rain likely, with snow above 5,500 feet. CENTRAL Mostly cloudy
4 dGrove d d d 458/364 d~ v t n' t ~ ~enamotol6hhi' Cpps Bay 4 d 5 8 /49 ~ 4 G axh k h i a@PtlkKm<xxx 56/34%%%'y i 4 4 4 4Q " & W~ x x x x x x t h x x x x x 56/47• 4 4 4 4 Rliey ixgfp/IRp i59/3 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a kqJ 4 xxixescent +h ' t,s d 4 4 4 4 4 4 d t /27 4 i' xa,xx x x x x x x u C • Bandon 4 d 4 Rb88bdltd 4 4 Chelnblb t 6 6 ii u~sv Christmas Valley
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• 35'
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69/42 '
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Wash on, Dc.
• Louisville 62/41
v' I 5 1Lp uls+ c
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Ha i ax 46/30
4 4 z'qtt i i dp 34
40/1,» 0 '
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• 4.10
(in the 48 contiguous states):
64/46 i -
— charlottda
• 60/40
• ,
0 " I ahiima 70/53• C'ty
Nashville - ';,»» C q ~ ' '
Little Rockr 67/46
65/42 .v
• Dallas 72/53 '
L i
67/44 '.
68/55 •
Chihuahua 84/54
Cv, tos
Miami 79/65
-6+++ t ++++
Houston 73/
Mazatlan • 88 /68
Juneau 36/29
~A L A S K A
Monterrey 85/62•
Anchorage I 36/22
47 30
55 35
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 639 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 7 38 p.m N ew First F ull Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:37 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 7:39 p.m Moonrise today....3:59 a.m Moonsettoday ....2:59 p.m Aprillg April18 Apnl25 May 2
Yesterday Hi/Lo/Pcp
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:52 a.m...... 5:12 p.m. Venus......6:50 a.m...... 7:47 p.m. Mars.......6:47 a.m...... 7:49 p.m. Jupiter......915 a.m.....12 27 a.m. Satum......9:21 p.m...... 7:53 a.m. Uranus.....6:25 a.m...... 6:52 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 63/46 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhi gh........82m2000 Monthtpdate..........0.00" Record lpw......... 11 in 1955 Average month tpdate... 0.09" Average high.............. 54 Year tp date............ 2.27" Average low .............. 29 Average year tp date..... 3 44" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.80 Record 24 hours ...0.30 in 2012 *Melted liquid equivalent
F r i day S a turdayThe higher the IJV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
for solar at noon.
Astoria ........ 56/51/0.25..... 54/46/r.....53/44/sh Baker City..... 63/37/trace....60/38/sh.....56/30/sh Brppkings......52/49/1.03....55/48/sh.....55/47/sh Burns..........63/41/0.04....57/34/sh.....54/29/sh Eugene........ 62/53/0.13..... 58/45/r.....58/43/sh Klamath Falls .. 56/48/trace ....52/36/c ...52/33/sh Lakeview.......55/37/0.00 ...52/35/sh.....51/34/sh La Pine........59/44/0.00....58/33/sh.....50/30/sh Medfprd...... 66/53/trace.....60/46/r.....59/45/sh Newport....... 55/50/0.40..... 53/46/r.....52/45/sh North Bend..... 57/50/0.65..... 56/49/r.....55/47/sh Ontario........68/46/0.00....67/45/sh.....63/40/sh Pendleton......65/45/0.02....67/44/sh.....64/42/sh Portland ....... 62/52/0.19..... 58/47/r.....56/44/sh Prineville....... 63/48/0.00.... 58/38/sh..... 57/35/sh Redmond...... 68/46/trace....60/36/sh.....56/33/sh Roseburg.......64/56/0.12....61/49/sh.....58/45/sh Salem ....... 64/53/016 . . 58/45/r . . .56/43/sh Sisters......... 62/46/0.00....59/36/sh.....52/32/sh The Dages......59/52/0.08....64/44/sh.....61/42/sh
Snow accumulation in inches
1 L 0
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 60 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 62 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .65-111 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .98-122 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . 101 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0.0......48-56 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . 142
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .32-85 Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .42-48 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . .70-180 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .58-71 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . . .6-90
Yesterday's extremes
50 32
Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-53 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .55 70 Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 44 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legenrtw-weather, Pcp-precipitatipms-sun, pc-partial clouds,c clouds, hhaze,shshpwers,rrain, t thunderstprms,sf snpwflurries, sn-snpw,i-ice,rs-raln-snpwmix, w-wind, f-fpg,dr-drizzle, tr-trace
52/35 t
• 70'
RBeacH4 4 4 9 4 4 Medfnfd '~~ Chiloquin ' vv/49 L d 4 G d 4 66/a/i G G dh x xst/35
Yesterday's state extremes
Drier start ing to warm again.
City Precipitatipnva1vesare24-hpur totals through4 p.m.
Cooler, mostly rain with a few snow flakes.
53 34
cpuage 4 fpakridgeJ wNxx xxxxx x s s 6
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More rain showers for much of the region.
ttJFtlbFt3' b b
with a chance of showers.
s s s s s Mostly cloudy with a chance of showntaflO efs in the north.
4 OVValif$4 4 4 44Campsherma~
A cool and wet day.
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms
* * ** *
3,4 4,4'
Rain F l urries Snow
Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lp/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lp/Pcp Hi/Lp/W Hi/Lp/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lp/W Abilene, TX......60/37/000 ..77/55/pc. 83/58/pc GrandRapids....54/23/0.00 ..48/32/pc. 59/42/sh RapidCity.......54/27/000... 69/42/i. 63/39/pc Savannah.......63/52/030... 65/49/t .. 68/51/s Akron..........54/21/000...50/26/s.. 57/46/c GreenBay.......50/31/000..43/30/pc..51/32/rs Reno...........65/48/000 ..65/39/pc. 64/37/pc Seattle..........55/50/025... 57/47/r. 56/42/sh Albany..........53/26/000 ..51/26/pc. 49/32/pc Greensboro......46/35/0.65 ..60/38/pc .. 62/40/s Richmp/ 60/38/s slpvxFalls.......55/36/001 ..59/43/pc.. 56/33/c Albuquerque.....72/43/000 ..77/50/pc .. 73/49/s Harnsbvrg.......51/25/0 00 ..54/32/pc .. 54/35/s Rochester, NY....56/22/0.00... 44/27/s .. 48/41/c Spokane........56/43/0.08 .. 60/42/sh...56/34/t Anchorage......40/24/000 ..36/22/pc. 34/22/sn Hartford CT.....53/28/000 ..56/30/sh .. 53/35/s Sacramento......65/52/061 ..71/50/pc. 73/50/pc Springfield, MO ..58/41/000...66/46/s. 72/51/pc Atlanta.........47/41/062 ..62/47/sh .. 71/51/s Helena..........65/37/0.00 ..62/35/sh...60/32/t St.Lpuls.........61/36/0.00..64/46/pc. 74/52/pc Tampa..........73/68/0.54... 77/56/t .. 80/61/s Atlantic City.....46/40/000..56/38/sh.. 50/40/s Honolulu........82/64/000...83/70/s .. 82/70/s Salt Lake City....73/48/000...62/44/c. 62/43/sh Tucson..........90/55/000...88/56/s .. 87/56/s Austin..........61/48/000... 74/54/s. 80/60/pc Houston........56/50/0 00...73/54/l . 76/62/pc sanAntpnip.....71/46/000...76/55/s. 82/61/pc Tvlsa...........60/39/021... 70/52/s. 76/55/pc Baltimore .......50/25/000 ..59/35/sh.. 56/36/s Huntsville.......47/45/045...68/40/s .. 73/48/s san Diego.......66/57/0.00..64/59/pc .. 65/60/s Washington, DC..50/31/0.02..59/36/sh .. 5I36/s Billings.........56/34/000..65/38/sh. 64/36/sh Indianapolis.....57/34/000..55/37/pc. 70/51/pc san Francisco....64/51/031..61/50/pc. 63/48/pc Wichita.........58/38/000... 71/53/s. 78/50/pc Birmingham.....49/46/019 .67/44/pc.. 74/49/s JacksonMs.... 53/48/001 . 69/44/s. 76/53/pc sanJpse........68/53/0.15..67/51/pc67/47/pc Yakima.........58/51/0.10. 66/41/sh.64/38/sh Bismarck........42/28/000 ..50/29/sh.. 47/25/c Jacksonvile......79/64/0.08... 70/50/t .. 71/51/s SantaFe........69/33/000 ..70/43/pc.66/42/pc Yvma...........92/63/000... 90/63/s.. 90/63/s Boise...........72/54/000 ..64/43/sh. 61/37/sh Juneau..........40/23/000 .. 36/29/rs..41/34/rs INTERNATIONAL Boston..........56/32/000 ..57/33/pc .. 48/37/s KansasClty......63/35/0 00 ..68/52/pc. 73/48/pc Bndgepprt,CT....48/29/000 ..55/32/sh.. 52/38/s Lansing.........56/28/0.00 ..44/29/pc. 55/43/sh Amsterdam......41/32/000.. 46/31/c 46/30/s Mecca..........99/79/000 . 93/65/s.. 93/70/s Buffalo.........48/24/000...45/28/s .. 53/41/c LasVegas.......87/61/000...84/64/s .. 84/63/s Athens..........71/57/000 ..68/59/pc. 72/58/pc MexicoCity .....84/50/000 .76/52/sh. 77/51/sh BurlingtonVT....53/28/000..48/26/pc. 47/30/pc Lexington.......52/36/000..60/37/pc. 70/50/pc Auckland........68/61/000 ..65/55/sh.63/54/pc Montreal........48/25/000 .. 43/16/rs.. 39/30/s Caribou,ME.....44/23/0.00..46/20/pc.. 36/22/s Lincpln..........65/26/0.00 ..69/48/pc. 72/43/pc Baghdad........91/66/000... 83/65/s. 89/70/pc Moscow........39/25/000 ..38/37/sh .. 37/25/c CharlestonSC...59/52/046...62/49/t.. 66/50/s LittleRock.......48/42/037...67/46/s. 76/55/pc Bangkok.......100/86/0.00 ..104/79/s. 104/80/s Nairpbi.........79/63/0.00... 79/60/t...76/62/t Charlotte........52/37/098 ..60/40/sh .. 66/42/s LosAngeles......64/56/0.00 ..65/54/pc .. 66/54/s Belfng..........54/43/000 ..59/34/sh.. 61/35/s Nassau.........82/73/000... 81/68/t. 74/67/pc Chattanooga.....47/42/1.28..65/40/pc.. 72/48/s Louisville........54/39/000..62/41/pc.71/52/pc Belrvt..........70/61/000 ..66/57/sh.. 69/63/s New Delhl.......90/64/000...93/67/s.. 97/71/s Cheyenne.......65/31/000 ..68/34/pc. 58/37/pc MadisonWl.....58/32/000..51/35/pc...63/35/t Berlin...........37/30/000...38/32/c .. 34/25/c Osaka..........70/43/000 ..68/51/pc...72/45/r Chicago.........58/25/000..43/36/pc. 69/42/t Memphis....... 50/42/022 66/48/s. 73/56/pc Bogota .........72/50/002... 68/54/t...79/53/t Oslo............45/21/000 ..38/26/pc. 33/19/pc Cincinnati.......55/31/0.00 ..57/34/pc. 69/50/pc Miami..........85/69/0.00... 79/65/t .. 81/69/s Budapest........45/34/001 ..50/42/sh. 50/38/sh Ottawa.........46/21/000 .. 38/14/sf.. 37/28/s Cleveland.......55/23/000...43/30/s .. 58/45/c Milwaukee......58/28/000 ..40/33/pc...64/38/t BuenosAires.....73/55/000 ..78/58/pc.. 69/55/s Paris............48/36/007... 51/38/c .. 46/30/c ColoradoSpnngs.66/33/000..72/40/pc. 63/38/pc Mnneapplis.....53/40/0.00 ..45/36/sh. 47/31/sh CabpSanLucas ..88/57/000..86/64/pc. 58/55/pc Ripde Janeiro....90/73/000... 81/72/t...79/71/t Cplvmbia,MO...59/33/000 ..66/49/pc...75/50/t Nashville........47/42/0 09..65/42/pc. 73/51/pc Cairo...........75/61/0.00 .. 79/55/s. 88/66/pc Rpme...........64/45/0.00... 59/48/c .. 64/50/c CplvmblaSC....54/45/062 ..62/43/sh.. 69/43/s New Orleans.....63/53/0 00... 68/55/s. 76/60/pc Calgary.........43/28/000.. 50/27/rs .. 34/23/c Santiago........70/48/0.00... 75/60/r.. 78/60/s Columbus GA....52/48/021 ..66/46/pc.. 74/52/s New York.......53/33/0 00..57/36/sh .. 53/39/s Cancvn.........86/79/0.00... 80/66/t. 79/67/pc SapPaulo.......82/68/0.00... 72/66/t. 76/63/pc Columbus, OH....54/28/0.00 ..53/33/pc. 67/49/pc Newark,Nl......54/31/0.00..59/34/sh.. 53/38/s Dublin..........45/27/0.00..43/30/pc .. 46/33/c Sappprp ........47/41/0.00...38/37/c...41/37/r ConcordNH.....55/26/000 ..54/23/pc.. 50/23/s Norfolk VA......50/40/000..64/43/sh.. 59/40/s Edinburgh.......46/36/000... 39/30/c. 47/29/pc Seoul...........64/37/00059/40/sh .. ..45/31/rs Cprpus Christi....81/56/000... 73/59/s. 79/66/pc Oklahpma City...54/36/001... 70/53/s. 79/55/pc Geneva.........4867/0.00..52/32/sh. 42/34/sh Shanghal........63/52/0.01... 60/40/r. 53/44/sh DallasFtWprrh...52/42/000... 72/53/s. 78/59/pc Omaha.........64/32/000..67/49/pc...72/42/t Harare..........70/57/000 ..70/49/sh. 74/54/pc Slngappre.......90/77/1 88... 92/80/t...90/77/t Dayton .........54/30/000 ..54/32/pc.67/50/pc Orlando.........74/68/018...80/55/t .. 78/60/s Hong Kong......77/66/015..78/66/sh. 69/67/sh Stpckholm.......46/27/000...40/24/s.. 34/24/c Denver..........68/36/000 ..74/42/pc. M/41/pc Palm Springs.... 93/63/0.00. 87/63/s .. 90/64/s Istanbul.........59/54/010...63/57/s. 68/59/pc Sydney..........70/61/000 ..75/61/sh.. 73/58/c DesMoines......65/32/000..60/51/pc...72/42/t Peoria ..........60/30/0 00..58/43/pc. 69/46/sh lerusalem.......68/50/0.00 ..57/49/sh.. 73/61/s Taipei...........77/64/0.00... 83/53/t. 70/52/sh Detroit..........57/25/0.00 ..46/31/pc.. 56/43/c Philadelphia.....51/31/0.00.. 57/39/sh.. 56/37/s Johannesburg....62/47/0.62...68/49/s .. 71/51/s TelAviv.........72/61/0.00..67/56/sh .. 77/59/s Duluth..........42/35/000 ..37/28/sn. 36/26/sn Phpenlx.........93/63/000... 92/66/s .. 90/66/s Lima...........79/64/000 76/66/pc. .. 76/66/pc Tokyo...........68/52/000 ..66/47/pc...71/48/t El Paso..........79/45/000...86/60/s .. 86/61/s Pltlsbvrgh.......54/I9/0 00... 53/28/s. 54/45/pc Lisbon..........61/52/000..57/45/pc 58/48/c Toronto.........52/25/000 41/21/s 39/37/pc Falrbanks.........30/1/000...23/0/pc .. 25/0/pc Portland,ME.....53/26/000 ..54/27/pc .. 48/27/s London.........37/34/001 ..48/31/pc. 47/30/pc Vancpvver.......55/48/000... 55/44/r...50/45/r Fargo...........35/28/000... 38/29/l ..39/25/rs Prpvldence......54/30/0 00 ..57/32/sh .. 52/35/s Madrid .........59/43/000 ..55/34/pc.55/35/pc Vienna..........45/34/000...44/36/c .. 35/27/c Flagstaff........64/25/0.00...65/33/s .. 63/34/s Ralelgh.........48/39/0.36 ..60/39/sh.. 63/40/s Manila..........93/79/000 ..93/78/pc. 96/76/pc Warsaw.........34/32/030... 34/31/c .. 32/25/c
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The Central Oregon Golf Preview is dedicated to the golf enthusiasts of Central Oregon. The guide includes information about approximately 30 courses throughout the region and what's new in golf for 2013. The guide also includes a comprehensive golf tournament schedule, clinics and special events taking place in Central Oregon. A consumer section included in the guide highlights the newest equipment on the market,
W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: publishes annually
9' . ;Afk t A,,
TO GETACOPY OF $.4'',,,' ",-,=j-'-„-'g~)zli
• i 11th gv
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w uctut te sattttoittetttt
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It y
Sunday, May 12
S41-38S-SBO O
IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Sports in brief, C2
Golf, C4
Prep sports, C4
Armstrong can't swim at event AUSTIN, Texas-
Lance Armstrong's doping past got him kicked out of the pool.
Armstrong was forced to withdraw Thursday from the Masters South Central
Zone Championships this weekend after
swimming's international federation raised objections to his partici-
pation. Armstrong has been banned for life from
sanctioned Olympic sport competition by the U.S. Anti-Doping
Agency because of his performance-enhancing drug use during his professional cycling career. He had entered three distance events for the meet at the University
of Texas andhadbeen cleared by U.S.Masters Swimming officials to
compete. FINA stepped in with a letterto U.S. Masters
Swimming officials, saying that because the organization falls
under the FINAumbrella as a sanctioning body, it must recognize the
World Anti-Doping Code and bar Armstrong from
competition. — The Associated Press
ac- 's nt ezone: ina ourteams ea 0 wi tr tosove racuse's eense 0 ICIB S
IeSi nS • Ed Rush stepsdown after controversy about
Indiana's Jordan Hulls looks to pass under pressure from Syracuse guard Michael Carter-Williams during last week's East Regional semifinal. The Orange have relied on their 2-3 zone to reach the Final Four.
By Eddie Pells The Associated Press
ATLANTA — Some get paid millions to try to solve the riddle facing the Michigan coaching staff at the men's basketball Final Four this weekend. How do you score against the Syracuse 2-3 zone defense'? Lately, there seems to be no answer. More than any single player, it is the amoeba-like creation crafted by coachJim Boeheim over the past 37 seasons and honed tonear perfection over the last month that is turning into the team's trademark. With hundreds of college basketball's brightest minds in town for a coaching convention that runs in tandem with the Final Four, The Associated Press picked out a few and asked them this simple question: Given a week to create a game plan, how would you try to pick apart Syracuse? "A week to prepare?" said Steve Robinson, a longtime assistant for Roy Williams, who also had stints as a head coach at Tulsa and Florida State. "Some people haven't been able to prepare for that and they've had all season." SeePac-12/C3
Alex Brandon i Associated Press
targeting Arizona'scoach
xe 1r ~~
By Antonio Gonzalez
The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — Ed Rush resigned Thursday as the Pac-12 Conference'sbasketball coordinator of officials following comments during internal meetings before the league tournament that appeared to target Arizona coach Sean Miller. Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott said in a statement that "I want to express my appreciation for the great contribution Ed made to basketball officiating for the Conference during his tenure, particularly in the area of training and the cultivation of new officiating talent." SeePac-12/C4
NCAA tournament:TheFinal Four National semifinals, Saturday, in Atlanta;
times PDT;gamestelevised on CBS • No. 9 seedWichita State (30-8) vs. No. 1 Louisville (33-5), 3:09 p.m. • No. 4 Syracuse (30-9) vs. No. 4Michigan (30-7), 5:49 p.m. Championship game:Semifinal winners, Monday, 6 p.m., CBS
Players defend Rutgers coach PREP BASEBALL
— Two Rutgers men's basketball players on Mike Rice's team say the
La Pine
fired coach wasn't the abusive tyrant he ap-
pears to be on awidely viewed video that ultimately cost him his job. "You can't let those
win at S -Em
individual moments define what he was," junior forward Wally Judge
said during atelephone interview Thursday. "In
my past two years, me being an older guyand being under other coaches, I havegrown from the moment I stepped in these doors, not only
as a player but also asa personbecause ofhow he has treated me."
Sophomore forward Austin Johnson agreed. "He did a lot for us off the court, academically,
socially," he said during a separate telephone conversation. "I have to
say I enjoyed mytime, even if it was an emotional rollercoaster."
Also Thursday, Rutgers assistant Jimmy Martelli resigned, a day
after Rice was fired.
— The Associated Press
Masters races postponed Races scheduled for Thursday at the Pacific
Northwest Ski Associa-
Photos Oy Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin
Redmond's Josh Peplin dives in an attempt to catch a fly ball hit to deep center field during the third inning of Thursday's Class 5A Intermountain Conference game against Summit High.
tion Masters Championships at Mt. Bachelor
were postponed dueto rain. "The wet makes the
course very unsafe because of thesoftness of the snow," said race administrator Cheryl Puddy.
Super-G raceswere rescheduled for today, starting at10:45 a.m. on the Cliffhanger run near the Skyliner chairlift.
Two super-G raceswill be staged today if the
weather allows. Giant slalom racesare scheduled for Saturday on the
Thunderbird run near the Pine Marten chairlift,
and slalom racing is set for Sunday onThunderbird. Racing starts at10
a.m. on both thosedays. For more information, visit — Sulietin staff report
Bulletin staff report A Summit nonleague scheduling conflict pushed its Class 5A Intermountain Conferencebaseballopener with Redmond High up two weeks, but the Panthers came ready, racking up 12 hits and using a sixth-run second inning to pick up an 8-6 win at Summit
High. "They played well," Redmond coach Marc Horner said of the Storm. "They had a little comeback there. We got a little bit flat, and they kind of chewed their way back with a couple of runs." Charles Payne led the way for the visiting Panthers (64 overall, 1-0 IMC) with a three-for-four day at the plate and two runs batted in. Matt Dahlen went two for four with two RBIs, Trevor Hindman was two for four, and Cordell McKinney was three
Summit's Erik Alvstad connects with a pitch for a base hit during the secondinning against Redmond on Thursday. for three. "For me, that's our best hitting performance all season," said Summit coach C.J. Colt,
whose team finished with 11 hits. "I'm just so proud of my team for showing up and hitting really good pitching."
Cal Waterman highlighted the day for Summit (4-5, 0-1) by going two for three with two RBIs and a home run. Blake Garrison finished two for four with a double and three runs driven in, and Dillon Randall was three for four with two runs scored. The Storm fell behind 8-1 after Redmond put up two runs in the top of the fourth inning, but Jake Munsell and Duncan MacDougall teamed up to limit the Panthers to just two hits the rest of the way while not allowing a run. Summit chipped away with four runs in the bottom of the fourth and another in the sixth, but its rally fell short, as the Panthers sealed the win. "Redmond, they're a tough, competitive team," Colt said. "The atmosphere was just great high school baseball. A lot of action and hitting."
Bulletin staff report SWEET HOME — Jeremy Desrosiers won three individual events and ran the first leg of the winning 400-meter relay squad as La Pine finished atop the boys standings at the SkyEm League three-team track and field meet at Sweet Home High School on Thursday. The Hawks' 70 points trumped Elmira's 54'/s, while Sweet Home rounded out the standings with 44/2 pomts. Desrosiers won the 100and 200-meter dashes and added a victory in the long jump after leaping 22 feet, four inches, which tied the best mark in the state this season at any classification. Joseph Swayze took first in the triple jump and ran the second leg of the 400 relay for La Pine, while Keegan Kriz (400), Devon Cram-Hill (shot put), Dillon Patrick (discus) and Joshua
Ramirez (high jump) won their respective events. For the girls, it was Chloee Sazama and Brittnie Haigler leading the way with first-place showings, but La Pine finished third with 31 points. Sweet Home won with 74'/~points, followed by Elmira (67'/sn Sazama cleared 8 feet in the pole vault, and Haigler followed suit in the triple jump with a 32-foot leap. Holli Glenn finished second in the triple jump, while McKenna Boen (300 hurdles) and Hannah John-
son (400) also recorded runner-up finishes.
inside • Prep results, Scoreboard,C2 • Prep roundup,C4
TODAY GOLF LPGA Tour, Kraft Nabisco Championship PGA Tour,TexasOpen
TV/radio 9 a.m., 3 p.m. G o lf noon Golf Time
BASEBALL 10 a.m.
MLB, New York at Detroit MLB, St. Louis at San Francisco
MLBN 1:30 p.m. MLBN 1 p.m. MLBN 4:30 p.m. MLBN 5 p.m. Root 6 p.m. K ICE-AM 940
OR San Diego atColorado
MLB, Chicago at Atlanta MLB, Seattle at Chicago White Sox College, Oregon State at UCLA
TENNIS WTA, Family Circle Cup, quarterfinal
10 a.m.
BASKETBALL Boys prep, National Invitational, semifinal Boys prep, National lnvitational, semifinal NBA, Oklahoma City at lndiana NBA, Houston at Portland
11:30 a.m 1:30 p.m.
ESPN2 ESPN2 5 p.m. ESPN 7:30 p.m. ESPN CSNNW KBND-AM 1110
MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR, Sprint Cup, STP Gas Booster 500, qualifying
5 p.m.
BOXING JonathanMaicelovs.Rustam Nugaev
6 p.m.
Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for latechangesmade by Nor radio stations.
ON DECK Today Baseball: Eagle Point atRidgeview(DH), noon; Elmira at Sisters,4:30p.m.; Regis at Culver,4:30p.m; La Pine atSweetHome,4:30p.m Softball: Gladstone at Madras,4:30 p.m.; Sistersat Eimira, 430p.m.; Regis at Culver,4:30p.m.; Sweet HomeatLaPine,4.30p.m.
Boys golf: SummitRe , dmond, Ridgeview, Mountain View,Sisters,CrookCounty atPantherInviteatJuniper GolCl f ubinRedmond,noon Girls golf: Ridgeview, Bend,Mountain View,Summit, CrookCounty,Redmond,Sisters, Madrasat Eagle CrestRidge,noon Track: MountainViewat McKenzie in BlueRiver, 1 p.m.;BendatEast County Classic atMt.HoodCommunityCollegein Gresham,4p.mzCrookCounty at OregonTrail Invitational inVale,2p.m. Boys tennis:MountainView,Summit, Bend,Redmond at SummiInvi t te, noon Saturday Baseball: HoodRiver Valleyat Bend(DH), noon; Culver atRiverside(DH), noon; CrookCountyat Mazama (DH), 11a.m. Softball: Bend atHoodRiver Valley(DH), noon;Culver at Riverside(DH), noon;CrookCounty at Mazama (DH),11am. Track: Summit at Sandy Invitational, 10:30 a.m.; Culver, Ridgeview,LaPine, Madrasat Redm ond Sunseeker,11a.m. Boys tennis: Ridgeview,Sisters, CrookCountyat MadrasInvite, 9 a.m.;Redmond, Mountain View, SummitBend , at Summit Invite, 8am. Boyslacrosse:SheldonatSummrt,9:30a.mzBend vs. MountainViewat Summit, 5:30p.m. Girls lacrosse: BendUnited at WestSalem,noon, BendUnitedvs. Sheldon atWest Salem,4 p.m.
Girls lacrosse:BendUnrtedatSouthSalem,11 a.m.
tions," NFL spokesman Greg Ai-
Baseball Thursday's result Class 5A Intermountain Conference Redmond 060 200 0 — 8 12 2 Summit 010 401 0 — 6 11 3
ello said Thursday, "but we have
OSIj extendS CaSey —Oregon State Director of Athletics
Bob DeCarolis announced Thursday that baseball head
coach Pat Caseyhas had his contract extended through the 2018 season. Casey is the program's all-time winningest
coach and takes a641-380-4 (.627) record with the Beavers into this weekend's series with
ing potential players and other jobcandidates."Theissuewas discussed at last month's own-
ers meetings andCommissioner Roger Goodell said that if such
questions were asked, "that's unacceptable."
Lions kicker calls it quits
UCLA. He's athree-time national
— Detroit Lions kicker Jason
coach of the year, in 2005, 2006 and 2007 — the latter two after
Hanson is retiring after 21 sea-
winning back-to-back national
sons. The 42-year-old Hanson announced his decision Thurs-
championships. "I wanted to ex- day. Hanson became the first tend the contract of Coach Casey player to play 300 games with
in recognition of his loyalty
one franchise, finishing with 327.
to this University," De Carolis
Hanson made a record 52 field
said. "CoachCaseyhas done an incredible job in keeping Beaver
goals from at least 50 yards. He's third on the career scoring
baseball a national contender
list at 2,150 points and third in field goals with 495.
year-after-year and theway he has gone about doing so serves as a model for other universities.
Andrus, Rangers re-up — Elvis Andrus is staying in
Texas because he wants to win a World Series with the team that brought him to the major
leagues. TheRangers on Thursday announced anewcontract
TENNIS Isner, Djokovic to meetJohn Isner will play top-ranked Novak Djokovic in the first match today in the Davis Cup quarterfinal between the United States
and Serbia. SamQuerrey, the
that could keep the two-time All-Star shortstop in Texas
top-ranked American at No. 20, will face Viktor Troicki in the sec-
for another decade.Andrus is
ond match, based onthe draw announced Thursday in Boise,
guaranteed $120 million over an additional eight seasons through
Idaho. The top-ranked doubles
2022, with a vesting option for
team of Boband Mike Bryanwill
2023. "I think as a player I treat myself as a winner and if I don't
take on Nenad Zimonjic and llija
Bozoljac on Saturday.
get my ring and I don't get this city a ring and this organization a ring, I won't sleep," said Andrus,
a 24-year-old already in his fifth major league seasonwith two trips to the World Series.
FOOTBALL Audurn investigates
BASKETBALL Baylor wins NIT title-
tation Tournament title in school
— Auburn athletic director
Jay Jacobs says the school is
York. Cory Jefferson scored 23
reviewing allegations of NCAA rules violations in the football
points and Isaiah Austin had 15 points and nine rebounds for the
program during its 2010 na-
Bears (23-14j. Mike Gesell led
tional championship season but doesn't believe they're credible.
lowa (25-13) with 13 points.
a day earlier by former New York
Times and Sports lllustrated writer Selena Roberts that was
posted on www.roopstigo. com. The story quoted former
COLLEGES NCAA head defends gSCOgd —NCAA President Mark Emmert spent15 minutes
documenting the progress that
Auburn players Mike McNeil and Darvin Adams alleging they
the organization has made under his leadership, from making sure
received or were offered money
students go to class to fighting
from coaches. McNeil said he
corruption. Then he spent the next half-hour defending his
had a grade changed to stay eligible. McNeil is scheduled to go on trial Monday for armed
robbery charges. Heappeared in Lee County Circuit Court for a hearing Thursday, but
declined to answer reporters' questions about allegations made in the story. He and three teammates from the 2010 team
record during an often-contentious news conferenceThursday that took a bit of the glow off the Final Four. A defiant Emmert shrugged off his critics, insisting that anyone pushing
for significant reformis going to rub some people thewrong way. "The fact of the matter is
were dismissed from the squad
that change is whatwe're about
following their arrests a couple of months after Auburn beat Or-
in the NCAA right now," he said, "and we're trying to work our
egonintheBCS championship.
way through somevery, very dif-
Comdine questions?
ficult changes to make the whole notion of intercollegiate athletics
— The NFL found no "spe-
cific violations" in questions
teams askedcollege players at February's scouting combine. Colorado tight end Nick Kasa
and other players said they were asked about their sexual orientation, but did not identify by which teams or what questions
theyasked.TheNFL'sinvestigation found no such improper questioning. "Our review hasnot established anyspecific viola-
Thursday's Results Girls
Intermounlain Hybrid Bend 7, CrookCounly1 Af CrookCounty Singles — Harris, CC, d.Winch, 8, 6-1, 6-2, Petersen,8, d., Nelson,CC,7-5, 6-0, Ladkin, 8, d. Puckett,CC,6-2,6-0;Raiter,8,d. Slawter,CC,6-2,62 Doubles — Pa cic/Dai ey,8, d. Apperson/Fraser, CC, 6-3,6-4; Perkins/Clair, B,d. Bowers/Rutz, CC,61,6-0; Bend wonNo.3and No.4doubles byforfeit. Inlermounlain Hybrid Summit 8, Ridgeview 0 At Summit Singles — Younger, S, d.Claridge, RV,6-1, 6-1; Steele, S,d.,B.Simmons, RV,6-1,6-2; Handley,S,d., S.Wilcox,RV,6-0,6-0,Roy,S,d.,Fineran,RV,6-1,61. Doubles —Brodeck/DeMeyer, S,d., Wright)Wellette, RV,6-2,6-4; Colgs/Evans,S,d. Sage/Jordison, RV, 6-2, 6-4; Todd/Finley,d., Smith)Huff, RV,6-3, 6-1; CaitlrnNicholsfcarolineNichos, S,d., Ronhaar/ Goodwin,RV,6-3, 7-6(1). Class BA Inlermountain Conference Redmond 6,Mountain View2 At Mountain View Singles — Marshall, R, dCoplin, MV,6-1, 6-0; Brunot, R,d. Horrell, MV,6-3, 7-5;Alexander,MV,d. Stellar, R,6-2, 6-1; Murphy,R,d.Johnson, MV,6-4, 6-0. Doubles Chalker/Schmidt,R,d. Cole/Mays, MV,6-2,4-6,10-3;Bailey/James,R,d.Burke)Graham, MV, 6-2,6-1; Morellr/Murphy,MV,d. Smits/Wagner, R, 6-1, 6-3;GasperettifHoffman,R,d. Gradila/Woolhiser, MV, 6-1, 6-1.
Thursday's Results Sky-Emthree-team meet At SweetHomeHighSchool Boys
sex abuse scandal. — From wire reports
36 39 33 28 27 26 23
42 46 48 49 52
684 4 658 6 680 4'/r 573 12'/p 560 13'/r 520 16'/r 513 17 480 19i/z 440 22i/a
378 27 360 28'/r 347 29'/v 307 32'/r
Thursday's Games Chicago92,Brooklyn90 Denver95, Dallas94 Oklahoma City100, SanAntonio 88 Today's Games ClevelandatBoston,4.30 p.m. Milwaukee at New York, 4:30 p.m. Philadelphiaat Atlanta, 4:30pm. Orlandoat Chicago,5p.m. Toronto atMinnesota,5p.m. Miami atCharlotte,5 p.m. Oklahoma City at Indiana,5p.m. NewOrleansatUtah,6 pm. GoldenStateat Phoenix, 7 p.m. Dallas atSacramento, 7p.m. Memphisat L.A.Lakers, 7:30p.m. Houstonat Portland, 7:30p.m. Thsrsday's Summaries
Thuffder100, SPurS 88 BAN ANTONIO (BB) Leonard9-183-624, Duncan9-19 6-6 24,Splitter 1-72-24, Parker1-60-02, Green2-70-06,Draw3-6 0-06, Neal5-113-314, DeColo3-90-08. Totals 33-8314-17BB. OKLAHOMA CITY(100) Durant10-203-425,Ibaka5-9 0-011, Perkins1-4 0-0 2,Westbrook9-217-727, Sefolosha 5-80-011, Collison 0-12-2 2, Martin 1-60-0 2, R.Jackson1-5 0-03 Fisher6-80-017. Totals38-8212-13100. BanAnlonio 18 26 27 17 — BB OklahomaCity 2 92 3 26 23 — 100
Nuggets 95, Mavericks 94 DALLAS(94) Marion5-110-010, Nowitzki6-100-013, Kam an 6-11 1-2 13,M.James3-7 0-0 6, Mayo2-6 0-04, Carter5-140-011, Wright6-134-516, Cogison4-9 3-311, Crowder1-20-03, Morrow3-5 0-07. Totals 41-88 8-10 94. DENVER (95) Gaginari 3-73-6 9,Faried4-114 812, Koufos28 0-0 4, AMiler9-15 3-522, Iguodaa3-13 1-28, Chandler3-60-08, McGee2-50-04,Brewer7-177823, Foumie1-61-1 r 3, Randolph1-10-02. Totals 35-89 19-30 95. Dallas 23 24 30 17 — 94 Denver 19 28 23 25 — 95
Bulls 92, Nets 90 CHICAGO (92)
Deng8-152-218, Boozer12-22 5-829, Mohammed 2 60-0 4, Hinrich 4-11 0-0 10, Butler7-15 1216, Robinson4-8 3-412, Radm anovic 1-4 0-12, Teague0-0 0-0 0, Cook0-1 1-2 1. Totals 38-82 12-19 92.
BROOKLYN (90) Walace2-5 0-04, Evans0-4 0-0 0, Lopez10-19 8-10 28,Wiliams9-1610-13 30, Johnson4-111-2 12, Bogans0-10-0 0, Humphries1-3 0-0 2,Watson 0 31-1 1 Blatche362 38, Brooks2 21-1 5.Totals 31-70 23-30 90. Chicago 13 23 29 27 — 92 Brooklyn 26 21 20 23 — 90
Monday, April 1 SantaClara81, GeorgeMason73 Wednesday, April 3 George Mason73,SantaClara66 Today, April 5 SantaClaraat GeorgeMason,4p.m.
Teamscores — SweetHome 74.5,Elmira67.5, La Pine 31. Individual winner, top LPplacer 400-meter relay — 1,Sweet Home(Kent, Porter, Davis,Knight), 53.94; 3, LaPine,54.71. 1,500 — 1, Rasmu ssen,SH,5:11.25; 5, Terreg, LP,5:47.80. 3,000 — 1,Merritt, E,13.20.53 100—1,Petersen, E, 13.83;5, Sazama,LP,14.63. 400—1, Porter,SH, 1:0496;2,Johnson, LP,10648 100hurdles 1, Groshong,E, 17.95;3, Boen,LP,19.32. 800 — I, Rasmussen, SH,2:32.54; 6, Gunter, LP,4:32.53. 200 — 1 Kent, SH,29.01; 3, McGuire, LP,30.61. 300 hurdles — 1,Porter,SH,52.10; 2, Boen,LP,52.57. 1,600 relay — 1,Sweet Home(Porter, Rasmussen, Swanson, Olin),4:36.07;2,LaPine,4:3656 High jump — 1,Shaw,E,5-00. Discus — 1, Corliss, SH, 81-11; 3, Wood, LP,74-11. Pole vault — 1, Sazama,LP,8-00. Shot — 1, Corliss, SH, 34-08; 3,Terrell, LP,26-04.Javelin — 1, Shaw,E, 120-02; 8,Henshaw,LP,73-05. Triple jump — 1, Haigl er,LP,32-00;2,Glenn,LP,29-05.Long jump — 1, Pierson,E,13-06.75;6, Haigler, LP,12-1050.
come under fire for botching
State in the Jerry Sandusky child
39 37
PGA Tour
other cases, such asthe harsh sanctions leveled against Penn
Dallas Portland Minnesota Sacramento NewOrleans Phoenix x-clinchedplayoff spot z-clinched conference
Team scores — LaPine70, Elmira54.5, Sweet Home44.5. Wom en's college Individual winner, top LPplacer 400-meter relay 1, l.a Pine (Desrosiers, NCAA Tournament Swayze, Kimmel, Wilson), 44.30. 1,500 — I, All Times PDT French, E,4:40.81; 11, Crabtree,LP,5:20.48. 3,000 —1, Wingo,SH,10.42.20. 100—1 Desrosiers, LP, FINAL FOUR 11.67. 400 — 1,Kriz, LP,54.58;3, Ogle,LP,55.90. At NewOrleansArena 110 hurdles 1, Lewellen, E,15.52; 2, George, New Orleans LP,1622. 800 — 1, French, E,2:0988; 2, Smith, National Semifinals LP, 2:19.81.200 — I, Desrosiers,LP,23.16; 3, WilSunday, April 7 son, LP,24.96.300 hurdles — 1, Flierl, SH,45.26. Louisville (28-8)vs.California(32-3), 3:30 1,600 relay — 1,SweetHome (Flierl, Hiett,Olson, NotreDam e(35-1) vs Connecticut (33-4), 5:30p.m. Hutchins),3:4909;2, LaPine, 4:06.27. National Championship High jump 1, Ramirez, LP,6-02. Discus 1, Tuesday, April9 Patrick, LP,123-01; 2, Cram-Hill, LP,116-09 Shot Semifinalwinners,4.30p.m. — 1 Cram-Hill, LP,41-11; 3, Harrison, LP,40-04. Javelin — 1 Beebe, E,142-03; 5, McGuire, LP, 125-03.Triple jump — 1,Swayze, LP,38-05. Long GOLF jump — 1,Desrosiers,LP,22-04; 2, Ramirez, LP,1708; 3, Petz,LP,17-07.
the governing body handled
Pct GB
Track & field
second century of the NCAA and of college sport." The NCAA has
been complaints about the way
Western Conference W L x SanAntonio 56 20 x-Oklahoma City 55 20 x-Denver 52 24 x-L A.Clippers 50 26 x-Memphis 51 24 GoldenState 43 32 Houston 42 33 L.A. Lakers 39 36
297 36 250 40 240 40'/r
Men's college
strong and viable going into the
the investigation into a rogue booster at Miami, and there have
22 52 19 57 18 57
Inlermounlain Hybrid NCAATournament Summit 8, Ridgeview 0 All Times PDT Al Ridgeview Singles —Oliveira, S,d., Smith, R,8-1. Nichols, FINAL FOUR S, d., Steinbrecher,R,8-0. Dalquist, S,d.,Blundoll, At The GeorgiaDome R, 8-0. L'Etoile, S, d., Lewis, R, 8-4. Doubles Atlanta — Parr/Hall, S, d,Bennett/Huff,8-0. Holt/Mrckel, S, National Semifinals d., Payne/Allen, R,8-1. Calande/Wimberly, S,d., A. Saturday, April 6 Johnson/Carpenter,R, 8-1. Mairte/Steele, Sd., Col- Louisville(33-5)vs.WichitaState(30-8), 3:09p.m. berg/James, R,8-0. Michigan(30-7)vs Syracuse(30-9), 549p.m. National Championship Intermountain Conference Monday, April 8 Mountain View 5, Redmond3 Semifinalwinners,6p.m. Al Redmond Singles — Z. Powell, R, d., P.Atkinson, MV, National Invitation Tournament 7-6 (4), 6-3,Fitzsimmons,R,d., S. Atkinson,MV,6At MadisonSquareGarden 4, 1-6, 6-3; Biondi, R, d, Wolfenden,MV,7-5, 6-4; New York Schoenb orn,MV,d.,R.Powell,R,6-1,6-4 Doubles Championship — Miller/Trpton,MV,d., Witheron/Cam per, R, 6-3, Thursday, April 4 3-6, 7-6 (6); Larraneta/Smith,MV,d., Johnston/Rol- Baylor74,lowa54 lins, R,6-1, 4-6,6-2;SRberman/Mahr, MV,d., Height/ Koutsopoulos,R,6-0, 6-1; Bigiter/Kolodziejcyk,MV, College Basketball Invitational (I., 6-2, 6-0 ChampionshipSeries All Times PDT
Pierre Jackson had his fourth straight double-double with17 points and10 assists to lead Baylor to the first National lnvihistory with a 74-54 win over lowa on Thursday night in New
Jacobs issued astatement Thursday in response to a report
made it clear to our clubs what is acceptable when interview-
Cleveland Orlando Charlotte
Eastern Conference z-Miami
x-NewYork x-Indiana x-Brooklyn x-Chicago x-Atlanta x-Boston Milwaukee Philadelphia Toronto Washington Detroit
W L Pct GB 58 16 .784 4 8 26 .649 10 48 27 . 640 fgr/r 43 32
. 573 15r/r
4 1 33 4 2 34 39 36 36 38 30 44
.554 17 .553 17 . 520 f 9r/z .486 22 .405 28
28 47 28 47 2 5 51
. 373 30r/r . 373 30'/z . 329 3 4
Thursday Al JW Marriott, TPCSanAntonio, Oaks Course Ban Antonio Purse: $6.2 million 6-36) Yardage:7,522; Par: 72(3 First Round(LeadingScores) 34-33 — 67 Matt Bettencourt 34-33 — 67 PeterTom asulo 35-33 68 PadraigHarrington 34-34—68 Billy Horschel 33-35—68 BryceMolder 38-30—68 Harris English 34-35 69 JasonGore BrianDavis 34 35 69 33-36—69 DanielSummerhays 34-35—69 Jim Furyk 37-32—69 NathanGreen 36-33—69 AndresRomero 37-32—69 Jeff Overton 36-33—69 BenKohles 35-34—69 Alistair Presneg 36-33—69 StevenBowditch 35-35—70 PeterHanson 35-35—70 Martin Laird 37-33—70 LeeJanzen 36-34—70 William McGirt 37-33—70 BradFritsch 36-34—70 BrendondeJonge 35-35 70 D.J. Trahan 36-34—70 lan Poulter 34-36—70 FreddieJacobson 37-33—70 RetiefGoosen 36-34—70 Joe Durant 37-33—70 Matt Every 36-34—70 JohnPeterson 35-35—70 ShaneLowry 37-34—71 JimmyWalker JordanSpieth 36-35—71 GaryWoodland 38-33—71 36-35—71 RyanPalmer 35-36—71 WesShort,Jr. Martin Flores 36-35—71 37-34—71 NicholasThompson Jeff Gove 35-36—71 CharlieBeljan 35-36—71
BrianGay CharleyHoffman RodPampling BudCauley Joe Ogilvie RoryMcllroy Brendan Steele Justin Leonard TommyGainey Bob Estes SteveLeBrun DavidLynn JoeySnyderlll Charl Schwartzel K.J. Choi GregChalmers BrianHarman Cameron Percy Seung-YuNoh Scott Stallings Jerry Kelly TagRidings KenDuke RobertKarlsson PaulHaleyII RussellKnox ToddBaek Chris Stroud Jonathan Byrd J.J. Henry John Malhnger Scott Langley D.H.Lee LukeList MorganHofmann BrendonTodd Tom Gilis Tim Petrovic RichardH.Lee Kyle Staniey Matt Kuchar John Huh BenCurtis
JohnsonWagner BrandtJobe JasonKokrak Jin Park HenrikNorlander Colt Knost D.A. Points John Merrick AaronBaddeley PatrickReed Nick O'Hern
JamieDonaldson Conrad Shindler Chris DiMarco Scott Brown ChadCampbell GonzaloFdez-Castano ChezReavie KevinChappeg Vaughn Taylor DavidToms StuartAppleby RobertAllenby NealLancaster AndresGonzaes 2ackFischer JasonBohn Arjun Atwal
SteveMarino JamesHahn Will Claxton Dicky Pride James Driscoll
BobbyGates DonaldConstable LeeWiliams MarceSiem RossFisher Justin Bogi RichBeem TroyMatteson DuffyWaldorf David Mathis John Daly
33-38 71 35-36—71 35-36 — 71 35-36 — 71 37-34 — 71 37-35 72 34-38 72 38-34—72 36-36—72 38-34—72 35-37—72 36-36 72 36-36—72 35-37—72 35-37—72 36-36—72 37-35—72 36-36 72 36-37—73 36-37—73 37-36—73 37-36—73 36-37 73 37-36—73 36-37—73 38-35—73 36-37—73 36-37—73 37-36 73 35-38—73 37-36—73 36-37—73 40-33—73 40-33—73 38-35—73 34-39—73 37-37—74 36-38—74 36-38—74 37 37 74 38-36—74 39-35—74 37-37—74 37-37—74 36-38—74 39-35—74 39-35—74 38-36—74 38-36—74 36-38—74 34-40 74 38-36—74 35-39—74 36-38—74 38-36—74 38-36—74 37-38—75 38-37—75 38-37—75 36-39—75 39-36—75 41-34 75 39-36—75 39-36—75 38-37—75 38-37—75 37-38—75 35-40—75 41-34 — 75 39-37 — 76 39-37 — 76 39-37 — 76 38 38 76 39-37—76 38-38—76 41-35—76 41-35 — 76 40-36 — 76 40-36 — 76 37-39 — 76 36-40 — 76 37-39 — 76 37-39 — 76 38-38 76 38-38 76 38-38—76 38-38—76 38-38—76
LPGA ToLgI' Kraft NabiscoChampionship Thursday At Mission Hills CountryCIub, DinahShore TournamentCosrse RanchoMirage, Calif. Purse: $2mill ion yardage: 6,738; Par:T2 (36-36)
All Times PDT
Conference W 8 5 6 5 3
Oregon OregonState UCLA California Stanford WashingtonState 3 ArizonaState 4 SouthernCal 4 Arizona 3 Utah Washington
Hee-WonHan Pat Hurst DanielleKang SeonHwaLee Ai Miyazato BelenMozo Ji Young Oh StacyPrammanasudh JenniferSong MomokoUeda LindseyWright Helen Alfredsson Chie Arimura ChellaChoi MariaHjorth Vicky Hurst I.K. Kim
CandieKung BeckyMorgan BeatrizRecari JennyShin CarlotaCiganda Katie Futcher Jimin Kang
37-37—74 36-38—74 37-37—74 38-36—74 37-37—74 36-38—74 34-40—74 35-39—74 37-37—74 36-38—74 35-39—74 36-39—75 39-36—75 37-38—75 38-37—75 35-40—75 38-37—75 37-38—75 37-38 75 37-38—75 37-38—75 39-37—76 38-38—76
38-38 76 37-39 76 39-37—76 39-37—76
Mindy Kim
Ihee Lee JeeYoungLee MeenaLee MikaMiyazato AzaharaMunoz Lexi Thom pson
39-37—76 37-39—76 36-40—76 39-37—76
BASEBALL College Pac-12 Standings
W 22 23 18 16 14 16 17 11 18
12 7
Today's Games x-Washingtonat Pepperdine, 3p.m. WashingtonStateatUtah, 5 p.m. CalrforniaatArizona,6 p.m. OregonStateatUCLA, 6p.m. Stanfordat USC,6 p.m. OregonatArizonaSt., 6:30p.m. x =nonconference
6 4
7 13 9 11 8 17 11 13 19
Eastern Conference Atlantic Division
GP W L OT Pts GF GA P ittsburgh 3 8 2 8 1 0 0 5 6 125 94 N Y Islanders 38 18 16 4 4 0 109 117 N .Y.Rangers 36 18 15 3 3 9 88 87 N ewJersey 37 15 13 9 3 9 89 101 P hiladelphia 37 17 17 3 3 7 105 114
Montreal Boston Ogawa Toronto Buffalo
Northeast Division GP W L OT Pls GF GA 3 7 24 8 3 6 24 8 3 6 19 11 3 7 20 13 3 7 14 17
5 4 6 4 6
5 3 118 90 5 2 101 77 4 4 91 79 4 4 115 105 3 4 98 114
Southeast Division
GP W L OT Pts GF GA W ashington 37 18 17 2 3 8 109 105 W innipeg 3 9 1 8 19 2 3 8 94 119 C arolina 36 1 6 1 8 2 3 4 96 111 T ampaBay 36 16 18 2 3 4 117 106 F lorida 37 12 1 9 6 3 0 91 127
Western Conference Central Division
GP W L OT Pts GF GA Chicago 36 2 7 5 4 58 122 80 Detrort 37 18 1 4 5 4 1 96 98 S t. Louis 3 5 1 9 1 4 2 4 0 102 97 C olumbus 3 7 1 6 1 4 7 3 9 90 98 N ashville 3 8 1 5 1 5 8 3 8 93 103 Northwest Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA V ancouver 37 2 0 11 6 4 6 98 93 M innesota 37 2 1 14 2 4 4 100 97 E dmonton 3 7 1 6 1 4 7 3 9 99 102 C algary 35 1 3 1 8 4 3 0 96 126 C olorado 3 6 1 2 2 0 4 2 8 87 114 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Anaheim 3 7 2 5 7 5 55 116 92 L os Angeles 37 21 13 3 4 5 107 91 S anJose 3 6 1 9 11 6 4 4 92 88 P hoenix 37 1 6 1 5 6 3 8 101 104 Dallas 3 6 16 17 3 3 5 96 112 NOTE: Two pointsfor awin, onepoint for 0T loss.
ThsrsdayrsGames Washington2,N.Y.Isianders1, SO St. Louis 4,Chicago3, SD Boston1,NewJersey0 Philadelphia5,Toronto3 Tampa Bay5, Carolina 0 Montreal4, Winnipeg1 Columbus 3, Nashvile1 Phoenix4, Detroit 2 Vancouver4,Edmonton 0 LosAngeles3,Minnesota0 Today's Games Ottawa at Buffalo, 4 p.m. N.Y.Rangersat Pittsburgh,4 p.m. ColumbusatSt. Louis, 5p.m. Detroit atColorado,6 p.m. Dallas atAnaheim,7p.m.
CalgaryatSanJose,7.30 p.m.
First Round(Leading Scores) Na YeonChor 35-33—68 Jodi EwartShadoff 35-33—68 SuzannPetersen 35-33—68 AnnaNordqvist 36-33—69 AmyYang 35-34 69 JacquiConcolino 34-36—70 MoriyaJutanugam 37-33—70 JessicaKorda 35-35—70 CarolineMasson 36-34—70 HeeYoungPark 33-37 70 InbeePark 35-35 70 JanePark 33-37—70 LizetteSalas 35-35—70 Giulia Sergas 34-36—70 Jiyai Shin 35-35—70 Angela Stanford 34-36—70 LouiseFriberg 34-37—71 CarolineHedwall 35-36 — 71 CnstieKerr 35-36 — 71 Pornanong Phatlum 36-35 — 71 a-AshlanRamsey 36-35 — 71 AlisonWalshe 35-36 71 MinaHarigae 36-36—72 a-CamigaHedberg 36-36—72 KarineIcher 37-35—72 JenniferJohnson 36-36—72 HaejiKang 36-36—72 a-LydiaKo 37-35—72 CindyLacrosse 37-35—72 Pernilla Lindberg 37-35—72 PaigeMackenzie 36-36—72 CatrionaMatthew 35-37—72 Se RiPak 35-37 72 MorganPressel 36-36—72 DewiClaireSchreefel 37-35—72 HeeKyungSeo 36-36—72 Karin Sjodin 38-34—72 Sarah JaneSmith 37-35—72 YaniTseng 35-37—72 AyakoUehara 37-35—72 MariajoUribe 35-37—72 KarrieWebb 35-37—72 Michege Wie 37-35—72 Veronica Felibert 36-37 73 Eun-Hee Ji 36-37—73 Ha-NeulKim 38-35—73 StacyLewis 35-38—73 a-StephanieMeadow 34-39—73 GerinaPiler 33-40—73 36-37—73 So Yeon Ryu KarenStupples 37-36—73 a-AngelYin 35-38—73 ChristelBoeljon 36-38—74 a-DorisChen 36-38—74 PaulaCreamer 38-36 74 Austin Ernst 36-38—74 NatalieGulbis 37-37—74 SophieGustafson 40-34—74
2 2
L 1 1 3 4 3 3 5 5 6 7 7
Professional Family Circle Cup Thursday At The Family Circle TennisCenter Charleston, S.C. Purse: $795,707(Premier) Surface: GreenClay-Outdoor Singles Third Round CarolineWozniacki (2), Denmark, def. AndreaPetkovic,Germany, walkover. JelenaJankovic (9), Serbia,def.JessicaPegula, UnitedStates, 6-0,6-4.
StefanieVoegele,Switzerland,def. Julia Goerges (10), Germny, a 3-6,6-1, 6-3 EugenreBouchard, Canada, def. SamStosur (3), Australia, 6-1,2-0, retired.
Today's Game
D.C. Unrted at Sportrng KansasCrty, 5:30 p.m.
Saturday'sGame FC DallasatToronto FC,I p.m. Philadelphiaat Columbus,2 p.m. RealSaltLakeatColorado, 4.30p.m. Houstonat Portland,7:30p.m. VancouveratSanJose, 7:30 p.m.
American League
BALTIMORE ORIOLES—Claimed RHPJosh Stinson off waiversfromOaklandand optioned himto Norfolk (IL).TransferredLHPTsuyoshi Wadafrom the 15- to the60-dayDL,retroactive to March31. CLEVEL ANDINDIANS—Placed LHPScott Kazmir on the15-dayDL,retroactive to April 2. DETROITIG T ERS—Agreedto termswith RHPJose Valverdeonaminor leaguecontract. NEW YORKYANKEES— Released RHP David Aardsma. OAKLANDATHLETICS— Traded LHPTravisBlackley toHoustonAstros forOFJakeGoebbert. TEXAS RANGERS—Agreedto termswith SSElvis Andrusona10-yearcontract.
WASHING TONNATIONALS Agreedto termswith RHPChrisYoungonaminor eaguecontract. FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONA CARDIN ALS— Signed RB Al fonso Smith, CBBryanMccannandSCurtis Taylor to oneyear contracts. ATLANTAFALCONS—Released OT Tyson Clabo, effectiveafterJune1. BALTIMOR ERAVENS—Terminated thecontract of LB Brendon Ayanbadejo DETROILI TONS—Announcedthe retirementof K JasonHanson. KANSASCITY CHIEFS— Signed LB FrankZombo. NEWYORKGIANTS— Signed DTMike Pagerson. WASHING TON REDSKINS—Re-signed QB Rex Grossmanand CBDeAngelo Hall Signed QBPat White.
HOCKEY National HockeyLeague CALGAR YFLAMES—SignedGLaurentBrossoit to an three-year entry-level contract. COLUMBUS BLUEJACKETS—Assigned F Sean Colins, G Patrick Kileen and D BlakePartlett to Springfield(AHL). MINNESOT AWILD—Recalled F Mikael Granlund from Houston (AHL). MONTR EALCANADIENS RecalledFGabriel Dumont fromHamrlton (AHL). NASHVILLE PREDATORS— RecalledFChrisMueller and DRyanElis fromMilwaukee(AHL). COLLEGE PAC 12CONFERENCE Announcedthe resignation of Ed Rush, coordinator of officials. RUTGERS — Announcedstheresignationofmen' s assistantbasketballcoachJimmyMartegi. STEPHEN F AUSTIN—Announced theresignation of men'sbasketball coachDannyKaspar, to takethe samepositionat TexasState. UCLA —Signedathletic director DanGuerreroto a six-yearcontractextensionthrough2019.
MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL straight day and joined Ken Griffey Jr. in1997 as the only Mariners to
Standings AH TimesPDT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Baltimore 2 1 Boston 2 I NewYork 1 2 TampaBay I 2 Toronto 1 2 Central Division W L Chicago 2 I 2 1 Cleveiand Minnesota 2 I Detroit 1 2 Kansas City I 2 West Division W L Texas 2 1 Oakland 2 2 Seattle 2 2 Houston I 2 Los Angeles 1 2
homer four times in the first four games. Pct GB .667 .667 .333 1 333 I .333 1
Pct GB .667 .667 .667 .333 1 333 I Pct GB .667 500 500
I/2 I/2
.333 I .333 1
Thursday'sGames Cincinnati 5,L.A.Angels 4 Minnesota 8, Detroit 2 Kansas City 3, ChicagoWhite SoxI Baltimore6, TampaBay3 Oakland 8, Seatle 2 N.Y.Yankees4, Boston2 Toronto10,Cleveland8
Today's Games
N.Y.Yankees(Nova0-0) at Detroit (Fister 0-0), 10:08 am. L.A. Angel(Va s rgas0-0) atTexas(Holand 0-0),11:05 am. Minnesota(Hendriks 0-0) at Baltimore(Arrieta 0-0), 12:05 p.m KansasCity (W.Davis 0-0) at Philadelphia(Kendrick 0-0), 1:05p.m. Boston(Doubront0-0) at Toronto(J.Johnson0-0), 4:07 p.m. Cleveland (McAllister 0-0)atTampaBay(Moore0-0), 4:10 p.m. Oakland (Straily 0-0)at Houston(Peacock 0-0), 5:10 p.m. Seattle(Beavan0-0) atChicagoWhite Sox(Quintana 0-0), 5:10p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Washington 3 0 1.000 Atlanta 2 1 .667 1 NewYork 2 1 .667 1 Philadelphia 1 2 .333 2 Miami 0 3 .000 3
Central Division
Chicago Cincinnati Milwaukee Pittsburgh
St. I.ouis
Arizona Colorado SanFrancisco Los Angeles SanDiego
2 1 1
1 2 2
Pct GB .667 .667 .333 1 .333 1 .333 1
1 1 2 2
Pct GB .667 .667 .667 .333 1 .333 1
West Division W L 2 1 2 2 1 1
Wednesday' sLateGame Arizona10,St.Louis 9,16 innings Thursday's Games Chicago Cubs3, Pittsburgh 2 Cincinnati 5,L.A.Angels 4 San Diego 2, N.Y.Mets1 Washington 6, Miami1 Philadelphia 2, Atlanta0
Today's Games KansasCity (W.Davis 0-0) at Philadelphia(Kendrick 0-0), 1:05 p.m. San Drego (Marquis 0-0) at Colorado(Francis 0-0), 1:10 p.m. St. Louis(Westbrook0-0) atSanFrancisco (Zito 0-0), 1:35 p.m. Miami (Sanabia 0-0) at N.Y.Mets(Hefner 0-0), 4:10
Washington(I-laren0-0) at Cincinnati (Bailey0-0), 4:10 p.m. ChicagoCubs(Feldman0-0) at Atlanta(Minor 0-0), 4:30 p.m. Arrzona(Miley 0-0)at Milwaukee(Lohse0-0), 5:10
Pittsburgh(J.Sanchez0-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Greinke 0-0), 7:10p.m.
American League
Athletics 8, Mariners 2 OAKLAND, Calif.— Josh Reddick
and Yoenis Cespedesgave Brandon Maurer a rudewelcome to the big leagues by hitting two-
run homers off the Seattle rookie to lead Oakland past the Mariners. A.J. Griffin (1-0) allowed two runs in six innings andJohnJaso drove in a run against his former team as the Athletics won back-to-
back games toearn asplit of the season-opening series. Michael Morse homered for the third
Oakland ab r hbi ab r hbi M Sndrsrf 4 0 1 1 Crispcf 4 2 2 0 FGtrrzct 3 0 I 0 Lowriess 4 2 2 0 l banezdh 4 0 0 0 Reddckrt 3 2 2 4 Morself 4 1 2 1 Cespdsdh 3 1 1 2 Smoak 1b 4 0 1 0 Moss 1b 3 0 1 0 Seager 3b 4 0 0 0 Freimn 1b 0 0 0 1 A ckley2b 4 1 1 0 CYounglf 3 1 I 0 Shppch c 3 0 2 0 Jaso c 30 I I Andino ss 3 0 0 0 Dnldsn 3b 3 0 0 0
Sogard 2b 3 0 0 0
Totals 3 3 2 8 2 Totals 2 98 108 Seattle 0 00 011 000 — 2 Oakland 200 013 02x — 8 DP — Seattle 2. LOB—Seattle 8, Oakland1. 28-
Boston Dempster L,0-1 Tazawa Mortensen New York Pettitte W,1-0
the mound less than a year after
Tommy John surgery. Minnesota ab r hbi A Jcksnct 4 I 2 0 Hickscf 5 0 I 2 T rHntrrf 5 1 0 1 Mauerc 5 1 1 0 M icarr3b 4 0 1 1 Wlnghlt 3 1 1 2 F relder1b 4 0 0 0 Mstrnnlf 0 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 4 0 2 0 Mornea1b 3 1 2 0 D.Kellylf 2 0 1 0 Doumitdh 4 1 1 0 Tuiasspph-If 1 0 0 0 Plouffe3b 3 1 1 1 Dirksph-If 0 0 0 0 Parmelrf 4 I I I JhPerltss 4 0 1 0 Carroll2b 3 1 1 0 Avilac 3 0 0 0 Flormnss 4 1 1 2 Infante2b 3 0 1 0 Totals 3 4 2 8 2 Totals 3 48 108 Detroit 1 01 000 000 — 2 Minnesota 002 1 0 0 0 5x — 8 E—Mauer (I), Florimon (2). DP—Minnesota 2. LDB—Detroit 10, Minnesota 6. 2B—A.Jackson Detroit 8 I
RiveraS,1-1 WP — Pettitte. T 2 38 A 40,611(50,291)
8 1 I I I 1 1 1
3 1
Royals 3, White Sox1 CHICAGO — Jeremy Guthrie
struck out nine andgave upone run in six innings, and Kansas
City snapped atwo-game losing streak to start the season, beating Chicago.
ab r hbi
Thayerp 0 0 0 0 RTeiadss 2 0 0 0 G rgrsnp 0 0 0 0 Geep 2000 Guzmnph I 0 0 0 Vldspnlf-ct 2 0 0 0 S treetp 0 0 0 0 T otals 3 1 2 6 1 Totals 3 11 5 1 S an Diego 000 1 0 0 010 — 2 N ew York 000 0 0 0 0 01 — 1 DP — San Diego 1. LDB—San Diego 9, New York 9. 2B —Gyorko (2), Turner (I). HR—Buck(2).
Encarnacion added a three-run shot and Toronto beat Cleveland avoiding its first 0-3 start since 2004. Jose Bautista hit a two-run
homer and ColbyRasmusalso connectedastheBlueJayswent deep five times. Cleveland Toronto ab r hbi ab r hbi Bourncf 4 0 2 0 Reyesss 3 3 1 0
Acarerss 5 1 1 0 Mecarrlt 3 1 0 0 Kipnis 2b 5 1 2 1 Bautist rf 4 1 1 3
S wisherdh 3 2 2 1 RDavisrf 0 0 0 0 Brantly f 4 1 1 0 Encrncdh 4 1 I 3 C Santnc 5 2 3 2 Lind1b 4 0 0 0 M rRynl1b 5 1 2 2 Arenciic 4 2 3 2 Chsnhll3b 5 0 1 2 DeRosa3b 4 0 0 0 Stubbsrf 5 0 0 0 Rasmsct 4 1 1 1 Bonifac 2b 4 1 2 0 Totals 4 1 8 148 Totals 3 4 109 9 C leveland 100 20 3 1 1 0 — 8 Toronto 210 033 01 x — 10
E Mar Reynold(1), s A.cabrera(1), DeRosa (1).
DP — Cleveland 1, Toronto 1. LDB—Cleveland 10,
GuthrieW1-0 CrowH,1 K.HerreraH,I G.HollandS,1-1 1
6 1 I
5 2 0 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
9 0 2 1
National League
Nationals 6, Marlins1
Stults W,1-0 5 3 0 BrachH,1 2-3 1 0 ThatcherH,1 1-3 0 0 ThayerH,1 2-3 0 0 GregersonH,1 1 1-3 0 0 StreetS,1-1 1 1 1 New York GeeL,0-1 61-3 3 I Rice 2-3 2 0 Familia 1-3 1 1 Edgin 2-3 0 0 Lyon 1 0 0
2 1 0 2 0 0
7 2 I 0 3 1
to give Arizona avictory over St.
I 0 1 0 0
3 0 1 1 0
4 0 0 0 1
Jaycf 8 1 2 0 GParrarf-cf 7 3 3 1 Mcrpnt3b 6 0 0 0 Prado3b-If 7 2 3 3 H ollidylf 5 1 1 1 A.Hill2b 7 1 2 1 Craig rf-1b 8 1 2 1 MM ntr c 6 0 1 1 YMolin c 7 2 2 3 Gldsch 1b 8 1 3 2 MAdms1b 6 1 3 0 Kubellf-rf 7 1 1 0 Boggsp 0 0 0 0 Pollockcf 3 0 0 0 R Jcksnph I 0 0 0 Zieglerp 0 0 0 0 Salasp 1 0 0 0 Hinskeph 0 0 0 0 Kozmass 7 1 2 1 DHrndzp 0 0 0 0 D escals2b 7 2 4 2 Putzp 00 0 0 Lynnp 0 0 0 0 AMarteph I 0 0 0 Choatep 0 0 0 0MtRynlp 0 0 0 0
Starlin Castro's single in the third inning. Nate Schierholtz smacked
a two-run homer in the ninth to
give the Cubs some breathing
Zimmermann workedaround eight hits over six innings, Ryan Zimmerman's three hits included a two-run double, and Washington
Drioles 6, Rays3 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.— Chris Davis homered for the third straight day and drove in four
completed aseason-opening three-game sweep ofMiami.
Bay. Davis went seven of11 with three homers, three doubles and
a major league-leading 11RBls in helping the Orioles win two of three games in the seasonopening series. Hedrove in four for the second day in a row, hitting a two-run homer in the second inning and a two-run
Washington ab r hbi ab r hbi P ierrelf 4 0 0 0 Spancf 3 2 1 0 P olanc3b 4 0 0 0 Werthrf 4 S tantonrf 2 0 0 0 Harperlf 4 Dobbs1b 4 0 1 0 Zmrmn3b 3 Ruggincf 4 1 1 1 LaRochIb 4 Brantlyc 4 0 2 0 Dsmndss 4
223 12 1 03 2 000 000
Solano2b 3 0 2 0 Espinos2b 4 0 0 0 Hchvrrss 4 0 2 0 WRamsc 3 1 1 0 LeBlncp 2 0 0 0 Zmrmnp 2 0 0 0 Kearnsph 1 0 0 0 HRdrgzp 0 0 0 0 Rauchp 0 0 0 0 Lmrdzzph 0 0 0 0 MDunnp 0 0 0 0 Clipprdp 0 0 0 0 Cishekp 0 0 0 0Stmmnp 0 0 0 0 Coghln ph 1 0 0 0
PHOENIX — Cliff Pennington's
0 0 0 0 0 1
Chicago Floyd L,0-1 6 4 3 2 1 5 H.Santiago 3 I 0 0 I 2 HBP —byGuthrie (Flowers), byH.Santiago (Hosmer). T—2:45.A—15,036(40,615).
runs to lead Baltimore past Tampa
Diamonddacks10, Cardinals9 (16 innings)
SB — Ev.cabrera(1), Valdespin(1). CS—Kotsay(1). single in the 16th inning brought S—Venable. homeJasonKubelfrom second San Diego IP H R E R BB SO
(1), Doumit(1), Florimon(1). HR —Willingham(1), Chicago Lowrie 2(4), Reddick (1), C.Young(1). HR —Morse KansasCity Pouffe(1). SB—A.Jackson(1), Parmelee(1). ab r hbi ab r hbi (4), Reddick(1), Cespedes(2). S—Andino. SFDetroit IP H R E R BB SO HBP —byGregerson(Byrd), byGee(Maybin). WPGordonlf 4 0 2 1 DeAzacf 5 0 1 I MSaunders,Reddick, Freiman. Porcello L,0-1 51 - 3 6 3 3 2 2 Brach,Familia. Seattle IP H R E R BB SO AEscorss 4 0 0 0 Kppngr3b 4 0 0 0 Dotel 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 T — 3:17.A—21,519(41,922). B utlerdh 4 0 0 0 Riosrf 4020 MaurerL,0-1 6 8 6 6 0 I D.Downs 1 0 0 0 0 2 O.Perez 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mostks3b 3 0 0 0 A.Dunndh 4 0 0 0 2-3 4 5 5 2 I Villarreal Luetge 1 2 2 2 1 0 S.Perezc 4 0 1 0 Konerk1b 4 0 0 0 Alburquerque 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 1 Cubs 3, Pirates 2 Hosmerlb 2 1 0 0 Viciedolf 4 0 0 0 Oakland Minnesota Francr rf 3 1 1 0 AIRmrz ss 4 0 0 0 Griffin W,1-0 6 7 2 2 2 3 5 1 - 35 2 0 2 I PITTSBURGH — Travis Wood D ysoncf 3 0 0 1 Flowrsc I 1 1 0 PelfreyW,1-0 Doolittle I I 0 0 0 I DuensingH,1 2 - 3 1 0 0 0 0 allowed one hit over six innings Blevins I 0 0 0 0 0 Getz2b 3 I 1 1 Gillaspipr 0 0 0 0 RoenickeH,1 13- 1 0 0 2 1 Bckhm2b 4 0 4 0 Cook 1 0 0 0 0 3 and Chicago held off Pittsburgh. T.RobertsonH,1 1-3 0 0 0 0 I T otals 3 0 3 5 3 Totals 3 41 8 1 HBP—byMaurer (C.Young). WP—Maurer. Fien H,1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Wood struck out four and walked K ansas City 0 0 0 0 3 0 000 — 3 T 2:32. A 12,134(35,067). 1 0 0 0 1 1 Chicago 0 00 010 000 — 1 BurtonH,1 won aseasony 1 1 0 0 0 1 two as the Cubs E De Aza(1). DP—Kansas City 1, Chicago2. Pressl P— Alburquerque2. PB—Mauer. opening series for the first time in Blue Jays10, Indians 8 LDB —Kansas City 3, Chicago9 28—Gordon (2), W T—3:32. A—24,752(39,021). S.Perez(1). four years. Woodalso scored the Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO TORONTO — J.P. Arencibia game's first run, racing homeon
hit two solo homers, Edwin
Wednesday' sLateGame
room. Pittsburgh ab r hbi ab r hbi D eJesscf 3 0 0 0 SMartelf 4 1 1 0 Scastross 4 0 1 1 RMartnc 3 1 0 0 Rizzo1b 3 1 0 0 Mcctchcf 4 0 1 1 ASorinlf 4 0 0 0 GSnchz1b 3 0 1 1 Schrhltrf 3 1 1 2 PAIvrz3b 4 0 0 0 Navarrc 4 0 0 0 Walker2b 4 0 0 0 V aluen3b 3 0 0 0 Tabatarf 3 0 0 0 Lillirdg2b 3 0 0 0 Barmesss 2 0 1 0 F uiikwp 0 0 0 0 Sniderph I 0 0 0 Marmlp 0 0 0 0 JHughsp 0 0 0 0 TrWoodp 2 1 1 0 JMcDnlp 1 0 0 0 Campp 0 0 0 0 Melncnp 0 0 0 0 Russel p 0 0 0 0 GJonesph 1 0 0 0 Clevng rph I 0 0 0 JMcDnlss 0 0 0 0 AIGnzlz2b 0 0 0 0 T otals 3 0 3 3 3 Totals 3 02 4 2 Chicago 0 01 000 002 — 3 P ittsburgh 000 0 0 0 0 02 — 2 E—Valbuena(1) DP—Chicago2 LDB—Chicago 3, Pittsburgh 4. 28 —Barmes (2). HR—Schierholtz
Louis in a game that didn't end until early Thursday. St. Louis
ab r hbi
ab r hbi
J.Kellyp 0 0 0 0 Nievesph 1 0 0 0 Muiicap 0 0 0 0 Cllmntrp 1 0 0 0 Wggntnph I 0 0 0 Kenndyph 0 0 0 0 Rosnthlp 0 0 0 0 Pnngtnss 6 1 3 1 Beltranph 1 0 0 0 Mccrthp 1 0 0 0 R zpczyp 0 0 0 0 Sippp 00 0 0 SRonsnph-rf 2 0 0 0 Chavez3b 3 1 1 0
JoWilsn3b I 0 0 0 Totals 6 0 9 168 Totals 5 9 10179 St. Louis 004 003 100 001 000 0 — 9 Arizona 100 042 010 001 000 1 — 10
Oneout whenwinningrunscored. E—Pennington (1). LDB—St. Louis 12, Arizona 15. 2B —Craig 2(2), Kozma(1), Descalso2 (2), A.Hil (1). 38 — G.Parra (1). HR—Y.Molina (1), G.Parra (1), Prado(1), Goldschm idt (1). SB—G.Parra (1). S—M.carpenter, Lynn2, J.Kelly, G.Parra,Kennedy. SF — Prado,M.Montero. St. Louis IP H R E R BB SO Lynn Choate J.Kelly MuiicaH,2 RosenthalBS,1-1 2 Rzepczynski BoggsBS,1-1 2 SalasL,0-1
Arizona McCarthy Sipp BS,1-1 Ziegler D.Hernandez
4 6 4 1-3 0 0 I 2-3 4 3 1 0 0
4 3 0 0 3 0 0 1
3 0 I 1
9 6 6 0
3 1 I 2 1-3 2 2
2-3 1
1 0 1 1
1 0 I I
1 0 1 1
1 1 1
I 1-3 2 I 1 0 0 Putz 1 0 0 Mat.Reynold s 2 0 0 CollmenterW,1-0 5 4 1 McCarthypitchedto2 batters inthe6th. Lynn pitched to 3baters inthe5th.
I 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 2
2 3 2 1 1
I 1 2 1 5
HBP —by Boggs (Chavez), by McCarthy (Holliday). WP Lynn
T—5;32. A—26,986(48,633). Toronto6. 2B—A.cabrera(1), Krpnis2 (2), Swisher (1). SB —Rizzo (1), Mccutchen2(4). (1), C.Santana(2), Chisenhall (I), Bonitacio (2). double that broke a 2-2 tie against HR — C.Santana(1), MarReynolds(2), Bautista(2), Chicago IP H R E R BB SO Interleague T otals 3 3 1 8 1 Totals 3 16 9 6 Encarnacion(1), Arencibia2 (2), Rasmus(1). SBTr.WoodW,1-0 6 1 0 0 2 4 Roberto Hernandez (0-1) in the Miami 0 10 000 000 — 1 Reyes(1). CampH,1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Washington 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 0x — 6 Cleveland IP H R E R BB SO sixth. H,2 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Reds 5, Angels 4 E—LeBlanc (1), Stanton (1). DP—Washington Russel MyersL,0-1 5 7 7 7 2 0 FuiikawaH,1 I 0 0 0 0 I 2 LOB — Miami 8, Washington 5. 2B—Zimmerman MarmolS,1-1 TampaBay Allen I 2 2 1 2 1 Baltimore 1 3 2 2 1 1 (I). HR —Ruggiano(I), Werth(I). CS—Harper (I). ab r hbi ab r hbi CINCINNATI — Shin-Soo Choo Albers 2 0 1 1 2 1 Pittsburgh S—Lombardozzi. McLothlf 4 0 1 0 Jnnngscf 3 0 0 0 Toronto Ja.McDonaldL,0-1 7 2 1 1 2 4 homered on Joe Blanton's first IP H R E R BB SO Meancon M achd3b 5 0 0 0 Joycelf 3 0 0 0 Miami Buehrle 5 1-3 7 6 6 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 LeBlancL,0-1 5 5 3 2 2 5 pitch of the game, the first of DelabarW1-0 2 - 3 1 0 0 0 1 Markksrf 4 I 0 0 SRdrgzph 0 1 0 0 J.Hughes 1 I 2 2 1 2 Rauch 1132 1 1 0 0 Loup H,l 2-3 2 1 1 0 0 A .Jonescf 5 2 3 0 Zobristrt 4 0 1 0 T—2:41.A—11,634 (38,362). Cincinnati's three homers off the M.Dunn 2-3 2 2 2 1 1 CDavis1b 3 1 2 4 Longori3b 4 1 2 1 E.RogersH,1 1 3- 1 0 0 0 1 right-hander, and the Reds pulled Cishek 1 0 0 0 0 2 OliverH,1 1 3 1 1 1 0 Wietersc 3 1 1 0 Duncandh 4 0 1 0 Phillies 2, Braves 0 Washington Janssen S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Hardyss 4 I 1 2 YEscorss 2 1 1 0 away to a victory over LosAngeles. Zimmermann W,1-0 6 8 1 1 2 1 F lahrtydh 3 0 0 0 Loney1b 4 0 1 1 Myerspitchedto 1baterin the6th. Todd Frazier had asolo homer off HRodriguez H,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 R eimldph-dh1 0 0 0 JMolinc 2 0 1 1 HBP—byBuehrle(Boum, Brantiey). WP—Allen. ATLANTA — Cliff Lee allowed two 1 0 0 0 0 I B Rorts2b 4 0 1 0 Fuldph I 0 0 0 Clippard Blanton, and Chris Heisey's twoT—2:49. A—19,515(49,282). hits in eight scoreless innings and Stammen 1 0 0 0 I 0 Acasillpr-2b 0 0 0 0 Loatonc 0 0 0 0 run shot put Cincinnati up 5-3 in WP —M.Dunn. RRorts2b 3 0 0 0 Philadelphia scored twice in the Yankees 4, RedSox2 the fifth. Totals 3 6 6 9 6 Totals 3 03 7 3 T—2:34. A—25,123(41,418). second inning to win its first game B altimore 020 0 0 2 0 20 — 6 of the season. T ampa Bay 0 0 0 0 2 0 001 — 3 Padres 2, Mets1 NEW YORK — Andy Pettitte Los Angeles Cincinnati DP —Baltimore 2. LOB —Baltimore 7, TampaBay ab r hbi ab r hbi pitched the Yankees to their first 4. 28 McLouth(1), C.Davis(3). HR C.Davis (3), Philadelphia Atlanta T routcf 4 2 2 0 Chooct 4 2 2 1 win of the season and Mariano Hardy(I). SB—McLouth (1), A.Jones(1), B.Roberts NEW YORK — Jedd Gyorko ab r hbi ab r hbi A ybarss 4 1 3 0 Heiseylf 4 1 1 2 (1), ACasila(1). CS—Y.Escobar (1). doubled in the go-ahead run in the Reverecf 5 0 I I Smmnsss 4 0 0 0 P uiolslb 4 1 1 2 Votto1b 3 0 0 0 Rivera made asuccessful return Baltimore IP H R E R BB SO Rollinsss 4 0 2 0 Heywrdrf 4 0 0 0 Hamltnrf 4 0 1 2 Phillips2b 4 0 2 0 to the mound in New York's Mig.GonzalezW,1-0 61-3 5 2 2 2 4 fourth inning for his first major U tley2b 2 0 1 1 J.Uptonlf 3 0 1 0 T rumolt 4 0 1 0 Brucert 4 0 0 0 O' D ay H,l 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 HKndrc2b 4 0 2 0 Frazier3b 3 2 2 1 Howard1b 4 0 1 0 Fremn1b 3 0 0 0 victory over Boston. Brett Gardner leagueRBI,and SanDiego beat Matusz 1 1 1 1 0 0 MYong3b 3 0 0 0 BUptoncf 3 0 0 0 Calasp3b 4 0 0 0 Cozartss 3 0 0 0 and Francisco Cervelli homered New York for its first win of the Ji.Johnson S,2-2 1 1 0 0 1 0 Brownlf 4 0 1 0 Uggla2b 3 0 1 0 C ongerc 4 0 1 0 Simonp 0 0 0 0 Tampa Bay forthe Yankees. season. Eric Stults (1-0) and five L.Nixrf 4 1 1 0 CJhnsn 3b 3 0 0 0 Blantonp 2 0 0 0 Lecurep 0 0 0 0 R.HernandezL,0-1 6 2-3 6 4 4 2 7 relievers combined on a five-hitter M ayrry rf 0 0 0 0 Laird c 3 0 0 0 Shuckph 1 0 0 0 Chpmnp 0 0 0 0 11-3 2 2 2 0 1 C.Ramos Kratzc 4 1 1 0 Medlenp 1 0 0 0 M Lowep 0 0 0 0 Hanignc 2 0 0 1 Boston New York J.Wright 1 1 0 0 1 0 and struck out14 for the Padres, Leep 2 0 0 0 Gearrinp 0 0 0 0 B Harrsph I 0 0 0 Arroyop 2 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Matuszpitchedto 2baters inthe9th. Galvisph 1 0 0 0 RJhnsnph 1 0 0 0 SBurnttp 0 0 0 0 Clztursss 1 0 0 0 HBP —by Matusz (S.Rodriguez), by R.Hernandez who had not led in their first two Papelnp 0 0 0 0 Waldenp 0 0 0 0 T otals 3 6 4 114 Totals 3 05 7 5 games. E llsuryct 4 0 0 0 Gardnrcf 3 I 2 I (C.Davis). V arvarp 0 0 0 0 L os Angeles 0 0 2 0 1 0 100 — 4 T—3:02.A—17,491(34,078). V ictornrf 4 0 1 0 Cano2b 3 0 0 0 R.Pena ph 1 0 0 0 Cincinnati 110 1 2 0 Ogx- 6 E—Trout (I). LDB—Los Angeles 9, Cincinnati 3. Pedroia2b 2 1 0 0 Youkils3b 4 0 1 0 San Diego New York Totals 3 3 2 8 2 Totals 2 90 2 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Trout (2), Aybar(1), Puiols(1), Trumbo(1), PhilNapoli1b 4 0 1 0 Hafnerdh 4 1 1 0 P hiladelphia 0 2 0 0 0 0 000 — 2 2B — Twins 8, Tigers 2 G omesdh 4 0 1 0 Wellslf 4000 Evcarr ss 3 0 1 0 Cowgillcf 3 0 0 0 Atlanta 0 00 000 000 — 0 lips (1),Frazier(1). HR —Choo(1), Heisey(1), Frazier E—Utley (I). DP —Philadelphia I, Atlanta 1. M dlrks3b 4 I 2 I ISuzukirt 3 0 0 0 Venalerf 4 0 0 0 Baxterph-If 1 0 0 0 (1). S —Aybar SF Puiols,Hanigan. LDB — P hil a del p hi a 9, At l a nta 2. 28 — R oll i n s(2), Kratz BrdlyJrlf 4 0 1 1 Nunezss 3 1 2 0 MINNEAPOLIS — Mike Pelfrey Kotsay lf 2 1 1 0 Turner2b 4 0 3 0 Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO D.Rossc 3 0 1 0 Overay1b 3 0 1 2 Denorfiph-If 0 1 0 0 DWrght3b 3 0 0 0 (1). SB —Revere(2), Rollins (2). SF—Utley. BlantonL,0-1 5 7 5 4 I 4 pitched into the sixth inning Iglesiasss 3 0 2 0 Cervellic 2 1 1 1 A onso 1b 4 0 2 0 I.Davis1b 3 0 0 0 Philadelphia IP H R ER BB BO M.Lowe 2 0 0 0 0 1 in his Minnesota debut, Josh T otals 3 2 2 9 2 Totals 2 94 8 4 Gyorko3b 4 0 I I Byrdrt 300 0 LeeW,1-0 8 2 0 0 0 8 SBurnett 1 0 0 0 0 0 Boston 0 00 000 101 — 2 Willingham and Amarst 2b 4 0 0 0 Dudalf 300 0 PapelbonS,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Cincinnati Trevor Plouffe New York 021 000 10x — 4 Maybin ct 2 0 0 0 Rice p 000 0 Atlanta ArroyoW,1-0 6 8 3 3 1 5 hit home runs and the Twins took DP — New York 3. LOB —Boston 5, NewYork 5. JoBakrc 4 0 1 0 Famili p 000 0 MedlenL,0-1 5 6 2 2 4 3 SimonH,1 I 2 1 I 0 0 28 —Gomes (1), BradleyJr. (1),Youkilis (2), Nune z the season-opening series from Stults p 2 0 0 0 Edginp 000 0 Gearrin 1 0 0 0 0 0 LecureH,1 1 0 0 0 0 3 (1). HRMardner(1), Cervelli (1). CS Gardner(1), Detroit. Pelfrey wasn't charged Brach p 0 0 0 0 DnMrpph 1 0 0 0 Walden 1 1 0 0 0 0 ChapmanS,1-1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Nunez (I). Thtchr p 0 0 0 0 Lyon p 000 0 Varvaro 2 1 0 0 0 1 HBP —bySimon (Hamilton). IP H R E R BBSO with any earned runs, taking Quentin ph I 0 0 0 Buck c 412 1 T—2:33.A—18,295(49,586). T—2:51. A—23,795(42,319).
Zone Continued from C1 Take, forinstance, Syracuse's latest opponent. Last week in the regional final, Marquette's Buzz W i l liams faced Boeheim's defense for the seventh time since becoming head coach at the Big East schooL The Golden Eagles scored just 39 points on 12-for-53 shooting. "We collectively tried everything we knew to try," Williams said after that loss. "It is the zone, and it is the players in the zone." Not that he is alone. Syracuse is allowing 45 points a game and 27 percent shooting in the NCAA tournament, making some of the scoreboards look like vestiges from the pre-shot-clock era. "The 2-3 zone is one of the most basic zones you face," explains Miami's Jim Larranaga, named Thursday as The Associated Press coach of the s zone year. "What makes Syracktse' is the players. They're long, athletic, and they cover a lot of ground. So, what appears to be an open shot is almost always going to be challenged by an outstanding athlete." Boeheim started with the 2-3 back when he got the job at Syracuse in 1976. He started using it more in 1996 when 6-foot-8 forward John Wallace brought the Orange just one win shy of the national title. Syracuse won it all in 2003 with Carmelo Anthony leading the way, but it was Hakim "The Helicopter" Warrick — the 68 forward with the 7-foot wingspan — who swooped from the middle of the zone to the wing to block a last-
years. But after giving up 50 secondhalf points playing that way in an exhibition loss to Division II LeMoyne in 2010, Boeheim went almost exclusively to zone. He has not changed since. ATLANTA — Miami's Jim Lar"It has certainly withstood the test ranaga wasnamedThe Associof time," said Michigan coach John ated Press coach of theyear and Beilein, who faces Syracuse and its Michigan sophomore guardTrey zone Saturday in the national semifiBurke was tabbed as the player of nals. "Jim continues to work at it and the year on Thursday at the site of tweak it in different ways." the Final Four. Anyone expecting the defense to Larranaga led Miami to the look like it would if drawn up on a Atlantic Coast Conference regular grease board — two, evenly spaced season and tournament titles guards up to p an d t h ree evenly — the first in school history spaced big men down low — will not — and a school-best No. 2 rankrecognize this 2-3. ing. The Hurricanes finished 29-7 "They're not just standing around in Larranaga's second seasonafter giving up shots and hoping the other being eliminated in the regional guy misses," said John Rhodes, an semifinals. assistant at Duquesne. Burke is leading ayoung group To counterattack, Rhodes and the of Wolverines to Michigan's deeprest of the coaches interviewed by AP est run since the Fab Five era in said an offense must work the ball in1992 and '93, when the Wolverines side — first to the high post, hoping playedinback-to-backchampiontwo defenders will collapse and creships. They take onSyracuse in ate a mismatch elsewhere, then down the national semifinals Saturday. deep on the baseline, almost behind The Big Tenplayeroftheyear, the basket, an awkward spot from Burke averaged 19.2 points, 3.1 which to get to the hoop. rebounds and 6.7 assists. "The high post guy either has to —TheAssociated Press turn and shoot if he's open, or turn and look down to the baseline, or get the ball out to the wings," Air Force second shot and save a three-point coach Dave Pilipovich said. victory for the Orange. Pilipovich said getting a man on "Here's a 'five' man coming out and the low post to set ball screens for the blocking a shot in the corner," Lar- ballhandler — a counterintuitive noranaga said. "Not many teams have tion against a zone because there is players with that size and the athletic not always someone to pick off — is ability to make that kind of play." also a must for breaking it down. "You've got to try to outnumber Syracuse played man-to-man defense sporadically over the ensuing them oin the perimeter, three against
Miami's Larranaga, Michigan's Burkewin top APawards
two," he said. "Problem is, they're very good atsliding under screens so they can take that away from you." Indeed, it i s S y r acuse's length — guard Michael Carter-Williams is 6-6 and Brandon Triche is 6-4 — that makes the Orange so difficult to break down. Hard to see over them. Hard to pass around them. They are averaging six blocks and 11 steals a game in the tournament, almost unfathomable numbers for a zone defense. Coaches also talk a lot about dribbling into the middle of the defense to break it down, but because of the players' wingspans, it is hard to dribble past them. "He recruits to it," Oregon coach Dana Altman said of Boeheim. "He's got guards who are 6-5, 6-6. I have a feeling no matter what defense you put them in, they'd be pretty effective, because they're so athletic." Chris Crutchfield, an assistant for Oklahoma, works for Lon Kruger, who is considered one of the top tacticians in the game. "We talked about that before we left," Crutchfield said. "I don't know how you do it. One obvious problem, Crutchfield says, is that teams do not see the zone all that much during the season, so they do not practice for it. Then, when they do see a zone — well, it is hard to make it look like Syracuse's zone. "You don't have the athletes they have to simulate it," he said. "You can practice against it, you can talk about putting the ball in certain places, but you can't simulate that. So, now, the gaps that you've seen in practice, you're not going to see them because
they cover up all t hose gaps. It's really unbelievable." One team that did have some success this season was Louisville. The Cardinals went 2-1 against Syracuse in 2013. In their 78-61 win in the Big East tournament, they shot 40 percent — not great, but still better than any of Boeheim's past seven opponents. Rick Pitino's strategy was to set up two players opposite each other on the high post and throw the ball in to one of them. The other post man cuts to the hoop. The player with the ball then either looks to that cutter, or if that man is covered, he passes to a guard who should be spotted up open in the opposite corner. "If Louisville plays Syracuse in the championship game, you can look for the same strategy," Larranaga said. "That's not necessarily saying they'll shoot it as well as the last time they
played." In reality, all coaches agree that the only way to truly loosen up a zone is to make shots from the outside. Michigan has a great candidate to do that: the AP's player of the year, Trey Burke, who averages nearly 19 points a game and shoots nearly 40 percent from 3-point range. Asked how he w o uld plan f or Burke, Boeheim, not surprisingly, sounded not all that concerned. "I don't pay attention to matchups," he said. "It's teams. Teams play." Few play the team game better than Syracuse is playing it right now. "It's full time in terms of the way they play," Robinson said. "They've established their niche and how they play, and it's effective and it works for him."
Bend girls tennis topsCrook Coun Bulletin staff report PRINEVILLE — Bend High won five of the six matches played and added two victories by forfeit to beat host Crook County 7-1 on Thursday in Intermountain Hybrid girls tennis action. Lindsey Petersen, Ruby Ladkin and Zoe Raiter all won singles matches for Bend. Crook County's Elsa Harris posted the Cowgirls' lone victory, a 6-1, 6-2 win over Sierra Winch in the No. I singles match. Lava Bears Kaylee Tornay and Riley Palcic claimed the No. I doubles match with a 6-3, 6-4 victory over Ali Apperson and Annie Fraser. In other Thursday prep events: GIRLS TENNIS Redmond 6, Mountain View 2:The visiting Panthers took three of four matches in both the singles and doubles en route to an Intermountain Conference win. Kendall Marshall led the way for Redmond
in singles play with a win at No. I, and the No. 1 tandem of Charli Chalker and Miranda Schmidt paced the Panthers' doubles with a t h ree-set victory. The Cougars saw Rhiannon Alexander win the No. 3 singles matchup, and Rae Ann Morelli and Missy Burke picked up a victory at No. 3 doubles. Summit 8, Ridgeview 0: The Storm's Haley Younger defeated the Ravens' Sally Claridge 6-1, 6-1 in No. I singles action to lead Summit past visiting Ridgeview. The Storm did not drop a set in the Intermountain Hybrid victory. Summit's Caitlin Nichols and Caroline Nichols held off Ridgeview's Heidi Ronhaar and Chloe Goodwin 6-3, 7-6 (I) in No. 4 doubles competition, the closest match of the evening. BOYS TENNIS Summit 8, Ridgeview 0:REDMONDThe defending Class 5A state champions
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made quick work of the Ravens, sweeping all eight matches in the first meeting between the two programs. Chandler Oliveira topped T.J. Smith 8-1 in the No. I singles competition and Scott Parr and Liam Hall cruised past Chase Bennett and Brandon Huff, 8-1, in No. I doubles action. The two teams played pro sets because of the threat of rain. M ountain View 5 , Re d mond 3 : REDMOND — The Cougars swept doubles play and Chad Schoenborn topped Riley Powell 6-1, 6-4 in No. 4 singles action to best the Panthers in Intermountain Conference play. Blake Miller and Bryce Tipton led the way for Mountain View with a 6-3, 3-6, 7-6 (6) victory over Stephen Witherow and Justin Camper in the No. 1 doubles match. Redmond's Zach Powell posted a 7-6 (4), 6-3 win against Philip Atkinson in the No. I singles event to pace the Panthers.
The Associated Press R ANCH O M IR A G E , Calif. — S uzann P e t tersen and Na Yeon Choi pushed each other to the top of the leaderboard in perfect morning conditions in the Kraft Nabisco Championship. Jodi E w a r t Sh a d off matched them late Thursday a f ternoon w i t h a scrambling par on the par5 18th after her drive went to the right and found the deep rough behind a tall tree. " There were t w o options," said Ewart Shadoff, the 25-year-old Englishwoman in her second full year on the LPGA Tour. "Punch fade it around the tree, left, or punch it right around the tree and keep it over the bunker at the same time. I took the safer route and it paid off." It left her w ith a 187yard shot into the wind to the water-guarded green. W hile most p l ayers h i t wedges on their third shots on the hole, she had to use a 3-wood. "The wind picked up," she said. Her shot settled on the back right ofthe green, and the newlywed lagged her 30-footer t o t a p - in range to tie Pettersen and Choi at 4-under 68 at Mission Hills. "I've been playing really consistently the last three or four t ournaments, so I knew, my game is right t here and I k new I w a s due to have a really good round," E w ar t S h a doff sa>d. Playing in the last group of the day off the first tee, the former University of New Mexico player made four straight birdies — the last with a 20-foot putt on the par-3 14th — to take the lead at 5 under, but missed a 4-foot par putt on t h e par-4 16th to drop back. Pettersen and Choi made it look easy in the morning, finishing well before the wind picked up and the temperature climbed into the low 90s in the Coachella Valley.
Thunderdefeat Spursin keyWest showdown The Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY — A loss to rival Oklahoma City cost the Spurs control of the race for home-court advantage in the Western Conference playoffs. However, that's hardly the chief concern for San Antonio with the regular season winding down. That All-Star point guard Tony Parker was sidelined yet again in a 100-88 loss to the Thunder on Thursday night looms even larger. Russell Westbrook scored 27 points, Kevin Durant had 25 and Oklahoma City held off a series of San Antonio comebacks, the last one fizzling as Parker sat on the bench for the last 7 minutes with a shin injury. "I'm not going to talk about all my stuff. I've got a lot of stuff going on, but I just have to get healthy," said Parker, who was just working his way back into form after missing time with a sprained left ankle. "It's no excuse. I j ust h ave to g et healthy." The Spurs lost for the third time in four
games and relinquished control of the race for the top seed in the West, despite still holding a half-game lead on Oklahoma City. The Thunder pulled even in the loss column and would own the tiebreaker if both teams won out because of a better record against the West. "We're a team that's been through it. We went to the Finals and the Western Conference finals the last two years, so we know the importance of the playoffs," Durant said. "It's not like this is our first go-around. So, we know we want to play as many games as we can here in Oklahoma City." Derek Fisher hit a season-high five 3pointers and had 17 points, his most since joining Oklahoma City in late February, while fueling a big first-half run that put the Thunder ahead to stay. Kawhi Leonard and Tim Duncan each scored 24 points and had double-doubles for the Spurs. Parker had just two points in 25 minutes, and coach Gregg Popovich pulled him after noticing him limping. "When he started out, it looked like he
had no energy to start the game and then as he went, he looked to me like he was limping," Popovich said. "And then (at the) start of the second half, we saw him coming across half-court actually limping one time, and that's when we pulled him and I said to him, 'Tony, you got to stop.'" San Antonio wa s a l ready playing without sixth man Manu Ginobili (hamstring), who could miss the rest of the regularseason, and fellow reserve Stephen Jackson (ankle). Parker wasn't sure whether he'd miss any time with his latest problem. Also on Thursday: Bulls 92, Nets 90: NEW YORK — Carlos Boozer had 29 points and 18 rebounds, Nate Robinson made the go-ahead basket with 22seconds left,and Chicago overcame a 16-point deficit to beat Brooklyn. Nuggets 95, Mavericks 94: DENVER — Corey Brewer scored 23 points and got a hand on Anthony Morrow's lastsecond shot to preserve the Nuggets' 19th straight home win.
Jagr scores inBruinsdebut, Boston beatsJersey The Associated Press BOSTON — Jaromir Jagr scored off his skate in his Bruins debut and Tuukka Rask stopped 40 shots to lead Boston to a 1-0 victory over the New Jersey Devils on T h ursday night. Acquired from Dallas this week shortly before the trade deadline, Jagr joined the Bruins for t h e p r egame skate Thursday morning and quickl y endeared himself to t h e Boston fans. Brad Marchand's centering pass went off Jagr's left skate and past Martin Brodeur to give the Bruins a 1-0 lead with 80 seconds gone in the second period. Rask earned his third shutout of th e season. Brodeur made 25 saves for the Devils. The Bruins kept pace with Montreal, which entered the night with a one-point lead in
the Northeast Division. New Jersey,the defending Eastern Conference champions, fell into ninth and out of playoff position. Also on Thursday: Canadiens 4, Jets 1: MONTREAL — M i c h ael R yder scored two goals and set up another, and Montreal handed Winnipeg its fifth straight loss. C apitals 2, I s landers 1: WASHINGTON Mike Green scored his fifth goal in four games, Braden Holtby made 35 saves and then was perfect in the shootout, and Washington's long, slow comeback toward a p layoff spot took another big step with a shootout win over the New York Islanders. Flyers 5, Maple Leafs 3:TORONTO — F o r mer M a ple Leafs enforcer Jay Rosehill
scored the winning goal, and Ilya Bryzgalov made 25 saves for s u r g in g Ph i l adelphia, w hich beat Toronto for i t s fourth straight victory. Lightning 5, Hurricanes 0: RALEIGH, N.C.— Ben Bishop earned a shutout in his debut with Tampa Bay and the Lightning routed reeling Carolina. Blue Jackets 3, Predators f: NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Marian Gaborik scored the goahead goal at 4:16 of the third period and added an assist in his debut with Columbus, helping the Blue Jackets beat the Predators. Canucks 4, Oilers 0: VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Cory Schneider made 23 saves, and Henrik Sedin had a goal and an assist for Vancouver in a victory over Edmonton that moved the Canucks into first place in the Northwest
Division. Kings 3, Wild 0:LOS ANGELES — Justin Williams and Jeff Carter scored 98 seconds apart on the first two shots of the game, Williams added a goal on Los Angeles' first shot of the second period, and the Kings beat Minnesota behind Jonathan Bernier's first shutout of the season. Coyotes 4, Red Wings 2: GLENDALE, Ariz. — Chris Conner scored in his Phoenix debut, Mikkel Boedker had a pair of assists, and the Coyotes held off Detroit. Blues 4, Blackhawks 3:CHICAGO — Defenseman Kevin Shattenkirk scored the deciding goal in the sixth round of the shootout, and St. Louis rallied to beat Chicago.
"The course is p e rfect," Pettersen said. "Greens are rolling pure. If you miss the fairways, you can be in a bit of trouble. The rough is deep. I missed one or two." Pettersen birdied the final three holeson her front nine and got to 4 under with a birdie on the par-4 seventh, her 16th hole. The Norwegian, a 10-time LPGA Tour winner ranked eighth in the world, had consecutive victories late last season in South Korea and Taiwan and won a European tour event last month in China. "Today was everything I could ask for in the opening round," Pettersen said. "Just
feeling really good all week, a nd it's just about kind o f trusting what you have, and I couldn't ask fo r a b e tter start." The third-ranked Choi fed off the pairing with Pettersen. "I think I played well because she played well, too," said Choi, the South Korean p layer who w o n t h e U . S . Women's Open and the Titleholders last year. "We motivated each other." Choi made a 30-foot birdie putt on No. 14, matched Pettersen's birdies on Nos. 16 and 17 and grabbed a share of the lead with a 12-foot birdie putt on the par-5 ninth. Anna Nordqvist and Amy Yang were a stroke back at 69. Also on Thursday: Bettencourt, Tomasulo lead: SAN ANTONIO — Matt Bettencourt and Peter Tomasulo shot 5-under par 67s to earn the surprising lead after the first round of the Texas Open, h olding off a f i eld that i n cludes world No. 2 Rory McIlroy. Bettencourt made the tournament as an alternate. The former Reno-Tahoe Open winner needed only 25 putts,
joining Tomasulo in holding off a group of four players — including three-time major winner Padraig Harrington — at 4 under.
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Pac-12 Continued from C1 Scott told The Associated Press aday earlier that Rush's remarks were part of an overall "point of emphasis" to crack down on coach misconduct on the sideline before the Pac-12 tournament semifinaL In the course of that presentation, he said Rush made an "inappropriate joke" that included off ers of$5,000 and a trip to Cancun if they called a technical foul on Miller. An investigation done by the Pac-12's head of enforcement, Ron Barker, found that every official interviewed confirmed "nobody thought they were getting a reward," Scott said. The public perception of inappropriate behavior still proved to be too much. "I would like to thank the Pac-12 for giving me the opportunity to lead a group of officials who are working so hard to make the Pac-12 the best officiated conference in college basketball," Rush said in a statement. "My first and highest concerns have always been the integrity of the game of basketball and the honor of the craft of officiating. While I am proud of what we have ac-
complished, my decision to resign reflects my strong desire to see the Pac-12 officiating program continue to grow and thrive." Rush is a former NBA official who also served as the league's director of officiating. He had been a consultant to the Pac-12 since 2007 before becoming conference coordinator of officials last year. The conference's search for a new lead official will be part of its previously scheduled annual review at the end of the month in Phoenix. Officials w h istled M i l l er for a technical foul during the semifinals of the Pac-12 tournament against UCLA for arguing a late double-dribble call against Wildcats guard Mark Lyons. Arizona lost the game 66-64. Miller went on a memorable postgame rant about the technical foul, waving his arms while repeating "he touched the ball" five times in a row. M iller was later hit w it h a $25,000 fine from the Pac-12 for what theconference said was confronting an official on the floor and acting inappropriately toward a staff member in the hallway. Scott had said Arizona of-
ficials alerted him to Rush's remarks the night of March 17, a day after the league tournament. He said he launched an investigation into the matter the next day, and he concluded that it was not a "fireable offense," just a bad joke that has stained the Pac-12's official
program. "It had been a point of emphasis during t h e s e ason, coach behavior on the sideline, for the language that's used, etc.," Scott told the AP. "He w as emphasizing it and h e was challenging them. He was challenging them and provoking them to be more vigilant in enforcing the rules and the code of behavior. "And in that context, there was banter initiated by Ed, 'What do I have to do to get you guys to enforce the rules? What do I got to do to get you to step up after appropriate warnings and appropriate warnings, to get you to issue a 'T' (technical)? And in that context we verified that, 'Cancun, $5,000, What do I got to doto getyouto do it,' was said. None of the officials took it as we're going to actually get something if they T'd him up. He was making a point, and making a point very vociferously."
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5 30
SgtP 500
Fnday, April 5, 2013
Jobless rate report
Economists anticipate the U.S. jobless rate held steady at 7.7 percent in March. The latest report, due out today, comes as employers have been adding more hires amid growing consumer confidence and a resurgent housing market. Job growth has averaged more than 200,000 a monthsince November, aided by a pickup in home construction.
1,520 '
Change: 6.29 (0.4%)
15,000 .
14,000 .
13,000 . J
est. 7.7
Vol. (in mil.) 3,252 1,435 Pvs. Volume 3,965 1,766 Advanced 1872 1549 Declined « 32 85 8 New Highs 105 38 New Lows 31 32
HIGH LOW CLOSE DOW 14625.24 14538.72 14606.« DOW Trans. 6015.59 5970.58 6009.66 DOW Util. 512.« 507.47 512.04 NYSE Comp. 9038.76 8981.69 9027.83 NASDAQ 3226.24 3206.02 3224.98 S&P 500 1562.60 1552.52 1559.98 S&P 400 «25.75 «18.69 «25.57 Wilshire 5000 16450.49 16355.« 16436.98 925.74 917.24 Russell 2000 925.66
CHG. +55.76 +3.71 +4.57 +44.44 +6.38 +6.29 +6.23 +70.92 +6.95
64.55 59 .87 +2.05 +3.5 w L A VA 22.78 ~ 28.05 27 . 0 5 -.21 -0.8 W L Credit watch BAC 6. 7 2 ~ 12.94 11.9 4 +. 1 3 + 1 .1 w w BBSI 18 88 — 0 5379 51 .77 +1,86 +3 7 w L A new report from the Federal BA 6 6. 82 ~ 86.84 84.9 5 +. 5 9 + 0.7 w L Reserve is expected to show CascadeBancerp CACB 4.23 t F 7.18 6.67 +.1 0 +1 . 5 V L Americans pulled back on using 47 Columbia Bnkg COLB 16.18 23.52 21 .23 +.06 +0.3 w L credit in February. Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45,37 — 0 59,94 59 .08 +.58 +1.0 L L Economists project that the Costce Wholesale COST 81.98 — 0 10 7 .75106.36 report, which excludes mortgages Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5 .62 ~ 8.92 7.44 +.07 +0.9 and other loans secured by real FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 ~ 2 7.16 2 5.9 0 +.17 +0.7 w w estate, will show a small decline in Hewlett Packard HPQ « . 35 ~ 2540 22 30 +.39 +1.8 V L credit use from January. Consum- Home Federal Bncp ID HOME 8 67 47 1400 12 07 +.04 +0.3 w w ers dusted off their credit cards in Intel Corp I NTC 19.23 ~ 29.27 21 . 1 4 +.09 +0.4 v v November, as they geared up for Keycerp K EY 6 .80 ~ 10.19 9.71 +.1 2 + 1 .3 w w holiday shopping. Credit use Kreger Co KR 2 0 98 — 0 33 28 32 .31 + , 27 +0 8 w L 47tapered off a bit in December, and Lattice Semi LSCC 3. 17 6 .60 5 . 3 9 + . 1 9 +3.7 w L then rose again in January. LA Pacific LPX 7.81 t F 22. 55 20.08 +.32+1.6 W W W MDU Resources MDU 19.59 ~ 25.00 23. 6 8 ... ... w w Mentor Graphics MENT 12.85 ~ 18.« 17. 5 0 + . 0 8 +0.5 V L Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 ~ 32.89 28. 5 9 + . 0 4 +0.1 ~ L Nike Inc 8 NKE 42,55 — 0 60 25 59 .34 + . 4 3 + 0 7 L L 47Nerdstrom Inc JWN 46.27 58.44 55 .47 + . 7 7 + 1.4 L L Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.01 ty — 50.8 0 43 . 96 + . 5 4 + 1.2 L V 47 OfficeMax Inc OMX 4 . 1 0 14.92 11.21 +.12 $.1.1 w w PaccarInc PCAR 35.21 ~ 51.38 48.39 -.23 -0.5 V W Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 ~ 2.43 1.81 -.06 -3.2 w w Plum Creek PCL 35,43 — 0 5264 51.60 + .55 +1.1 V L Prec Castparts PCP 1 50.53 ~ 1 96.0 0 183.34 1.85 -1.0 w w Safeway Inc SWY 14 73 t y- 2 65 4 25.26 +.06 +0.2 V L Schnitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 ~ 41.55 26.42 +.55 +2.1 w w Sherwin Wms SHW 107.29 ~ 1 72.4 1 165.62 + 67 +0 4 V L Stancorp Fncl SFG 28.74 — 0 43.02 42.16 -.04 NL1 w L Starbucks Cp SBUX 43 04 ~ 6 200 58.11 +.41 +0.7 L V Triquint Semi TQNT 4.30 ~ 6.92 4.88 +.13 +2.7 w L Umpqua Holdings UMPQ «.17 ty— 13. 8 8 12.47 +.16 +1.3 V V US Bancorp USB 28.58 ~ 35.46 33.82 +.15 +0.4 w w Spotlight on hiring Washington Fedl WAFD 14.30 ~ 1 8.42 16.90 -.02 -0.1 V V The Labor Department reports its Wells Fargo & Co WFC 29.80 — 0 38.20 37.42 +.75 +2.0 L L payroll tally for March today. Weyerhaeuser WY 1 8,60 — 0 31,74 31.22 +.90 +3.0 V L
Economists expect that employers added about 195,000 jobs last month, down from 236,000 a month earlier. A
stronger economy and housing market have helped increase hiring and lower the U.S. jobless rate, but concerns remain that tax increases and government spending cuts could slow the economy's momentum. Nonfarm payroffs seasonally sdlusted, 1n thousands 247
est. 195
160 tt9
Source: FsctSet
%CHG. WK Mo DTR YTD +0.38% L +«.46% $-1 3.25% +0.06% +0.90% T L L +13.01% +0.49% L +6 . 92% +0.20% L +6 .80% +0.40% +9.38% +0.56% +10.30% +0.43% L +9 . 62% +0.76% L +8 .98%
w W w w w V
+38. 9 + 12. 2 +2.8 +35. 9 +12 . 7 $-6. 5
+ 6 0 .2 68 8 1 4 +1 0 .1 7 6 6 2 0 1. 2 2f + 2 4.9 «347546 0. 04 + 1 41.0 4 6 27 0.5 2 $ . 15.43331 1 7 1 . 94f +14 . 3
1 51
w +18. 3 -6.3 27 5 1 8 0 .40f L +10.7 +26 .9 14 5 2 0 0. 8 8 +7.7 +26.6 1551 24 1 .10a +14.8 $ 1.7 «57 w +16. 1 + 4. 2 66 9 1 8 0. 2 8 V +56.5 -4.3 19980 dd 0.58f w - 2.9 +23.2 9 93 0.2 4 a w +2.5 -22.0 27807 10 0 .90 w +15. 3 +1 6 .8 9 691« 0 .20 w +24 2 +37 , 3 3 3 63 1 2 0, 6 0 w +35. 1 -18.2 1524 dd +3. 9 +«4.1 1633 cc
w +« . 5 +8. 6 1 0 73 0.69 W +2.8 +16 . 9 53 9 1 5 0. 1 8 ~ +7.1 -7.9 41356 16 0 .92 L +15 0 +8,7 24 5 0 2 4 0, 8 4 L + 3.7 +0.8 10 8 2 1 6 1 . 20f L -0.5 - 1.5 7 9 20 1. 8 2 w +14. 9 +9 9 .1 « 1 3 2 0.08 W + 7.0 +7.7 24 9 3 1 6 0 . 80a w +26. 6 -20.4 2 9 dd V +16 . 3 + 2 6. 6 5 5 5 4 1 1 . 6 8 w - 3.2 + 7 . 3 5 8 0 2 0 0. 1 2 V + 39. 6 +3 0 .3 5 4 39 1 0 0. 7 0 w -12.9 - 32.0 57 1 4 1 0 . 7 5 V +7 7 +52 3 522 26 2 0 0 f w +15. 0 +5.9 208 14 0. 9 3f L +8.4 +2.7 3 6 68 3 1 0. 8 4 w +1.0 -27.4 1067 dd V +5.8 -6.6 94 7 1 3 0 .40f w +5.9 + 9.1 85 1 0 1 2 0. 7 8 V +0.2 +2.7 329 13 0. 3 6f L +9.5 +9.0 2 3 545 «1 . 00f V + 12. 2 +4 1 .7 3 6 42 4 3 0. 6 8
Dividend Footnotes: 3 - Extra dividends werepaid, ttut are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amount declared or paid ln last12 months. f - Current annual rate, wtsctt was mcrsassd by most recent div>dendannouncement. l - Sum ot dividends pa>dafter stock split, no regular rate. l - Sum of d>vidends pa>dtws year. Most recent d>v>dendwas omitted or deferred k - Declared or pa>dtas year, a cumulative issue with dividends m arrears. m - Current annual rate, which wss decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtlal dividend, annual rate not known, y>sld not shown. 7 - Declared or paid ln prscsdmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid ln stock apprctcmats cash value on ex-distrittution date. Fe Footnotes: q - Stock ls a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss ln last t2 months
Walgreen clinics expandl:.;";;" .", Patients with chronic conditions are getting more treatment options. Most of the Take Care clinics located within Walgreen drugstores will begin diagnosing, treating and monitoring patients with some chronic diseasessuch asdiabetes, asthma and high blood pressure. Walgreen said Thursday that most of its 370 in-store Take Care Clinics will broaden their scope of care beyond basic treatments of more minor concerns, such
Total return YTD: 27% N
ALK 3 1 .29
Walgreens (WAG) Thursday's close: $46.59
Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Ce
as ankle sprains and sinus infections. The clinics, which are run by nurse practitioners or physician assistants, have become increasingly popular as a convenient and less-expensive way to treat relatively minor illnesses for patients who don't have a doctor or whose physician isn't available. Walgreen's decision follows a move by competitor CVS Caremark a few years ago to start monitoring chronic conditions at most of its 640 MinuteClinics.
Market value: $44.1 billion
total returns through April 4
Source: FactSet
+ -1.19 '
Close:$25.13%3.48 or 16.1% The electronics retailer announced plans to create store-within-store kiosksforSamsung smartphones, tablets and other products. $30 20
Greenbrier Cos.
GBX Close:$20.89 V-0.91 or -4.2% The railcar company said that its fiscal second-quarter net income fell 22 percent as revenue softened across its business segments. $25 20
$« .20
F M A 52-week range $25.30
F M 52-week range
$13.10 ~
$33.0 $
Vold55.3m (4.6x avg.) P E: . . . Mkt. Cap:$8.51 b Yie l d : 2 .7%
Vold2.2m (3.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$568.1 m
P E: 11 . 7
Albany International
Close:$28.79 %0.96 or 3.4% A Stifel Nicolaus analyst started coverage of the engineered composites and machine clothing company with a "Buy" rating.
Yield: ...
Close: $1.33 %0.07 or 5.6%
The Chinese solar panel maker signed a manufacturing agreement to produce solar modules in South Africa with Solairedirect SA. $3
F M A 52-week range $14.74~ $30.10
Vol3148.1k (1.2x avg.) P E: .. . Mkt. Cap:$811.88 m Y ield: 1.9%
52-week range $1.03~ $2.85 Vold1.2m (1.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $114.79 m
Harvest Natural Res.
Panera Bread
Close:$2.98L0.01 or 0.3% The energy company said in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing that it will need to restate
some financial results. $15
PNRA Close: $175.78L6.28 or 3.7% A Goldman Sachs analystupgraded his rating on the restaurant chain's stock to a "Buy" based on improving
consumer demand. $180
170 160
F M A 52-week range $3.43 ~ $10.83
Vol32.6m (3.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $117.48 m
F M 52-week range
$ 133.40 ~
$170 .37
P E: .. . Vold1.2m (2.2x avg.) Yiel d : ... Mkt. Cap:$4.95 b
PE: 29.9 Yield:...
CPWR Close:$11.73 V-0.30 or -2.5% The Detroit-based software company announcedthatdelays in customer orders will hurt its fourthquarter results. $13 12
Ulta Salon
ULTA Close: $84.74X2.74 or 3.3% A Jefferies analyst boosted his rating and price target on the beauty products seller saying that it has room to open more stores. $120 100 80
F M A 52-week range $7.37 ~ $12.74 Vol3 4.4m (2.9x avg.) P E:34 . 5 Mkt. Cap:$2.49 b Yield: ...
F M A 52-week range $72.31 ~ $103 .32 VDIJ2.1m ( 1.4x avg.) P E:31 . 6 Mkt. Cap:$5.4 b Yield: ... AP
SOURCE: Sungard
NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 5 2-wk T-bill
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 1.76 percent Thursday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.
. 07 .05 +0 . 02 . 1 0 .0 9 + 0 . 01 .13 .13 ... L
w w w
T .34 T 1.04 W 2.22
2 -year T-note . 23 .23 5-year T-note . 7 0 .72 10-year T-note 1.76 1.81
... V -0.02 W -0.05 W
30-year T-bond 2.99 3.05
- 0.06 w w
.1 3
w 3. 3 6
Barclay s LongT-Bdldx 2.70 2.76 -0.06 W W L 2. 89 BondBuyerMuniIdx 4.«4.13 -0.02 W L L 4 .61 Barclays USAggregate 1.84 1.87 -0.03 W W L 2 3. 0
(trailing 12 months): 21
1-Y R : 44% 3 -Y R : 10% 1 0 - Y R: 5%
Stock indexes rose Thursday after Japan unveiled a jolt of stimulus for its economy. The country's central bank said it would buy bonds in an effort to break its economy out of deflation. Other central banks have been using similar measures to jumpstart their economies, and the European Central Bank said Thursday that it will keep its main interest rate at its record low. Japan's move helped overshadow a discouraging report on U.S. employment. The number of workers applying for unemployment benefits rose last week to a four-month high. The report came one day before the government's comprehensive jobs report for March.
Price-earnings ratio
Dividend:$1.10 Yield: 2.4%
$ 2 9~
Best Buy
Source. FactSet
1 0 DAY S
12,500 . . O
Close: 14,606.11
Change: 55.76 (0.4%)
. s
1 0 DA Y S
1 350
-1 . 00
Dow Jones industrials
Close: 1,559.98
7 9%
S&P 500 "s
Unemployment rate percent, seasonally sdlusted
-.05 '
PRIME FED B arclays US High Yield 5.64 5.64 .. . w w RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.86 3.90 -0.04 W W YEST 3.25 .13 B arclays CompT-Bdldx 1.00 1.04 -0.04 w w 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 2.74 2.77 -0.03 w w 1 YR AGO 3.25 . 1 3
7.1 9
4 1. 0
w -
1. 2 5 3.4 7
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK This fund's performance ranks FAMILY FUND N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 within the top 20 percent of its Marketsummary American Funds BalA m 21.64 +.07 +6.5 +12.7 +10.9 + 60 A A A peers over 12 months as well as Most Active BondA m 12. 9 3 +.03 +0.4 +4.9 +5.9 + 44 D D E over the latest 3, 5 and 10-year CaplncBuA m 55.35 +.16 +5.8 +13.1 +9.1 + 33 A A 8 NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG periods. Morningstar gives the fund CpWldGrlA m 39.40 +.02 +6.4 +15.7 +7.6 + 1.5 A C C BkofAm «34749 «.94 + . 13 a bronze-medal rating. EurPacGrA m 42.21 -.07 +2.4 +1 0.5 +4.2 + 01 C C A S&P500ETF 1072226 Facebook n 806671 AT&T Inc 726022 iShEMkts 714284 SiriusXM 613142 BestBuy 55«53 SPDR Fncl 521300 BariPVix rs 496002 iShJapn 442657
155.86 + . 63 27.07 + . 82 C olumbia CntrncereA m LCC A X 37.91 + . 63 41.71 —.12 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH 3.00 -.07 25.13 +3.48 ocC 03 18.08 + . 16
10.90 + . 43
Gainers NAME ASpecRlty
LAST 2.47 FresM pr s 35.67 MecoxLn rs 4.94 PalmettoB 14.75 ChiMobG n 9.45 PSB Hldg 7.25 BestBuy 25.13
Sterlng Bcp «.32 Conns 44.« CollabRx 3.59
CHG %CHG +.71 +7.90 +.95 +2.82 +1.45 +1.04 +3.48 +1.32 +5.10 +.40
+ 4 0 .3 + 2 8.4 + 2 3 .8 + 2 3 .6 + 1 8 .1 + 1 6 .7 + 1 6.1 + 1 3 .2 + 1 3 .1 + 1 2 .5
Losers NAME
Novogen s Microvis h BOS Ltd rs DB AgriLg GenieEn n
LAST 4.91
3.54 16.10 10.52
CHG %CHG -1.14 -18.8 —.42 -16.6 —.58 -14.1 -2.54 -13.6 -1.59 -13.1
Foreign Markets LAST CHG %CHG -28.80 -.77 3,726.16 London 6,344.12 -76.16 -1.19 Frankfurt -57.36 -.73 7,817.39 Hong Kong 22,337.49 -30.33 -.14 Mexico -.34 43,567.38 -150.19 Milan f 5,154.02 -46.28 —.30 Tokyo +272.34 +2.20 12,634.54 Stockholm 1,183.01 -20.37 -1.69 Sydney -47.14 -.95 4,919.30 Zurich 7,762.65 -«2.45 -1.43 NAME Paris
FnlnvA m 43. 7 9 +.11 $7.7 +14.2 t10.3 + 35 8 C D GlthAmA m 3 6 .90 +.02 +7.4 +14.1 +9.6 + 35 A D D IncAmerA m 19 . 08 +.06 +6.6 +13.9 +10.8 + 55 A A 8 InvCoAmA m 32.71 +.11 +8.9 +14.2 +9.6 + 39 8 D C NewPerspA m 32.95 +.04 t5.4 +13.2 +8.7 + 35 8 8 8 WAMutlnvA m 33.96 +.13 +9.4 +14.8 +12.5 + 46 C A 8 0O tc Dodge & Cox In c ome 1 3.87 +.02 +0.8 + 5 . 8 + 6.2 +6.9 C C 8 IntlStk 3 5.64 +.02 +2.9 +13.4 +4.2 0.0 8 C A Stock 1 34.71 +.53 +«.0 +21.5 +«.1 +3.7 A 8 C Fidelity Contra 8 3.25 +.19 +8.3 + 9 .7 +12.1 +5.4 8 A 8 G rowCo 99.6 2 +.39 + 6. 9 + 5 .0 +12.9 +6.7 D A A L owPriStk d 4 3 . 45 +.24 +10.0 +15.7 +12.8 +7.9 8 8 A Fidelity Spartan 500ldxAdvtg 5 5 .53 +.23 +10.0 +14.0 +12.1 +4.9 B A B «C 03 FrankTemp-Franklin lncome A m 2.3 1 +.01 +5 .2 + 13.8 +10.2 +6.1 A A 8 Oppenheimer RisDivA m 18. 9 1 +.05 + 9.0 +10.8 +10.7 +3.9 D C C «C R isDivB m 17. 1 3 +.04 + 8.7 + 9 . 8 + 9.7 +2.9 E D D 4o RisDivC m 17.0 5 +.05 + 8 .8 + 10.0 +9.9 +3.1 E D D Morningstar OwnershipZone™ SmMidValA m 36.00 +.18 +«.1 + 1 2.8 +8.0 +1.2 D E E e Fund target represents weighted O S mMidValB m 38.34 +.15 +10.9 +12.0 +7.1 +0.4 E E E average of stock holdings PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 9 +.03 + 1 .0 + 8 . 1 + 6 .7 +7.3 A 8 A • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 29.05 +.14 + 10.3 +17.4 +«.2 +4.6 A B 8 CATEGORY Muni National Long G rowStk 48.1 5 +.09 + 6. 3 + 6 .1 +«.7 +5.8 D 8 8 HealthSci 47. 3 8+.17 +14.9 +29.0 +21.3+15.0 A A A MORNINGSTAR RATING™ * * * * y y Newlncome 9. 8 4+.03 +0 .6 + 5 .5 + 5.9 +6.2 C C C ASSETS $737 million Vanguard 500Adml 143.80 +.59 +10.0 +14.0 +12.2 +5.0 8 A 8 500lnv 143.80 +.59 +9.9 +13.9 +12.0 +4.8 8 A 8 EXP RATIO 0.77% CapOp 38.67 +.15 +15.0 +24.3 +10.4 +6.1 A C A MANAGER Geoffrey Schechter Eqlnc 26.69 +.13 t11.2 +17.3 +15.0 +6.4 A A A SINCE 2000-03-23 GNMAAdml 18.90 +.02 +0.6 +2.6 +5.3 +5.6 C A A RETURNS 3-MO +7.1 STGradeAd 18.81 +0.5 t3.5 +3.5 +4.0 8 8 8 YTD +10.4 StratgcEq 23.87 +.17 t11.3 +16.3 +14.5 +6.0 8 A C 1- YR +15.2 Tgtet2025 14.35 +.06 +5.6 +10.6 +8.9 +4.3 8 8 8 3-YR ANNL +12.0 TotBdAdml 11.05 +.03 +0.4 t4.4 +5.7 $5.5 D D D 5-YR-ANNL +6.5 Totlntl 15.29 +.07 t2.3 +10.6 +3.6 -1.5 C D C TotStlAdm 39.05 +.17 +10.0 +14.2 +12.4 +5.6 8 A A TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 39.04 +.17 +10.0 +14.0 $.12.3 $5.5 8 A A North Tex Mun Wtr Dist 4% 1.07 USGro 23.02 +.02 +8.3 +8.8 $.«.f t 5 .5 C 8 8 Columbus Ohio Var Purp 4% 0.93 Welltn 36.03 +.14 t7.I +13.0 +10.0 +6.1 A A A Deutsche Bk Spears/Lifers Tr V Ctf 5.25% Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1spaid from lund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 0.89 lse. l - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing lee and either asales or North Tex Twy Auth 5% 0.77 redemption lee. Source: Morn1ngsta7.
Commodities Natural gas rose after a report showed the country burned through some of its glut of supply last week. The amount of gas in inventories is below its average over the Iast five years.
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 93.26 94.45 - 1.26 + 1 .6 Ethanol (gal) 2.42 2.43 +0.41 +10.6 Heating Oil (gal) 2.96 3.00 -1.28 -2.7 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.95 3.90 t1.21 $ f 7.8 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.90 2.91 - 0.53 + 3 . 1 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE
Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)
CLOSE PVS. 1551.80 1552.80 26.75 26.77 1516.70 1539.80 3.35 3.33 724.30 754.30 CLOSE 1.27
Corn (bu) 6.30 Cotton (Ib) 0.88 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 379.80 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.41 Soybeans (bu) 13.72 Wheat(bu) 6.94
Foreign Exchange The dollar jumped against the Japanese yen after the Bank of Japan unveiled a broad stimulus plan to jolt its economy. A weaker yen would help the country's exporters.
h5N4 QG
%CH. %YTD -0.06 -7.3 -0.09 -« .4 -1.50 -1.4 -8.1 +0.60 - 3.98 + 3.1
PVS. %CH. %YTD -2.0 1.28 -0.56 1.39 +0.04 -3.0 6.42 -1.79 -9.8 0.89 -1.00 +17.6 376.30 + 0.93 + 1 . 6 1.39 +0.97 +21.3 13.80 -0.60 -3.3 6.97 -0.36 -10.8
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5238 +.0095 +.62% 1 .5889 C anadian Dollar 1.0 1 20 —.0026 —.26% .9964 USD per Euro 1.2939 +.0092 +.71% 1 .3139 Japanese Yen 96.13 +3.29 +3.42% 8 2 . 58 Mexican Peso 12. 3 162 —.0313 -.25% 12.8007 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6246 +.0018 +.05% 3.7367 0275 —.48% 5.7593 Norwegian Krone 5. 7809 —. South African Rand 9.1426 —.0761 —.83% 7.8132 6.5152 +.0099 +.15% 6.6969 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9398 —.0050 —.53% .9161 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9588 + .0033 +.34% .9 7 48 Chinese Yuan 6.2038 +.0008 +.01% 6 .2977 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7634 +.0015 +.02% 7 .7649 Indian Rupee 54.890 +.359 +.65% 5 1 .105 Singapore Dollar 1.2400 +.0018 +.15% 1 .2594 South Korean Won «25.93 t7.41 t . 66% « 3 1.15 Taiwan Dollar 29.95 + .08 +.27% 29 . 51
Face oo An roi a uts socia networ irst
Best Buy toadd Samsungkiosks Shares of Best Buy jumped on Thursday after it announced
plans to create store-
By Brandon Bailey
within-store kiosks for
San Jose Mercury News
Samsung products — a vote of confidence from a major consumer elec-
MENLO PARK, Calif. — Facebook announced Thursday anewmobile application for Android phones thatpromises
tronics retailer that the
brick-and-mortar format
to"put people ahead of apps," by
is still an important way to sell products.
Best Buy shares rose more than 16 percent Thurday.
The Minneapolisbased company has battled the "showroom-
MarcioJose Sanchez/The Associated Press
An HTC First phone with the new Facebook interface.
usingphotos and updates from the social networkasthe central featureofaphone'shome screen. The app, called Facebook Home, will arrive pre-installed on a new smartphone made by HTC, but it will also
be available for other Android phones through the Google Play app store on April 12. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised a crowd of reporters and analysts that the software will "turn your Android phone into a great, simple social device." The new software also integrates text messaging and Facebook's own messaging service in a way that lets users chat with friends without inter-
rupting other functions or apps on the device. While phones and computers have traditionally been designed around programs and apps, Zuckerberg said, the new software is intended to make the phone
highlight "people, not apps." The new HTC phone, called First, will be sold through AT8zT for $99 starting April 12. Zuckerberg said the app will be available for other Android phones in coming weeks.
ing" effect as moreand more people browse in storesand then buy
items cheaper online.
Banks see no decline in cyber attacks
This has led to fears that the big-box store format
is growing obsolete. But Best Buy has ag-
gressively fought back under newCEOturnaround expert Hubert
Joly — introducing an online price matching policy, giving employees extra training and cut-
ting costs and revamp-
Former MF Global
Holdings Chairmanand Chief Executive Officer
Jon Corzine's risky business strategies and mismanagement helped accelerate the futures
brokerage's demise, according to a report by bankruptcy trustee Louis Freeh.
The 124-page report blames Corzine and his
management team for bungling an expansion of the company's traditional business model
while ignoring deficiencies in its risk controls.
Corzine's "aggressive trading strategy" that invested heavily in Eu-
ropean sovereign debt produced no significant revenues, and heand Chief Financial Officer
Henri Steenkamp knew that the company's controls were flawed
as early as May 2010, according to the filing Thursday in U.S.
Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan.
H-P chairman stepping down Hewlett-Packard Co. said Thursday that
chairman RayLaneis stepping down, two
weeks after he was nearly ousted by shareholders at the compa-
ny's annual meeting. He'll continue to bea board member. Shareholders are
upset by a series of mistakes that have dam-
aged the company's share price, including the $8.8 billion writedown on the $10 billion
acquisition of business software maker Autonomy in 2011. — From wire reports
DISPATCHES Sol Alchemy,ayoga studio, will open today at 568 N.E. Savannah Drive in Bend.
A grand opening event will take place at 6 p.m. at the studio, and
will feature yoga, Reiki healing and a potluck.
• A cable-suspended video camera isone of eight local efforts toattractinvestors
By Deon Roberts The Charlot te Observer
By Rachael Rees The Bulletin
hree years ago, Nick Braun started searching for a new way to film mountain biking. Unable to find a product on the market that gave him the perspective he desired, the Bend resident set off to make one himself. Today, Braun — partner and designer of LineCam Systems — hopes to finance production of his cable-suspended camera system through a Kickstarter crowd-funding
• t'
campaign. Braun's project is one of eight active Kickstarter cam-
paigns in Central Oregon, ranging from a clothing-line startup in Redmond and a growler maker in Bend, to renovations of the Belfry community event center in Sisters. Braun and others with Kickstarter projects seek funding pledges from website visitors, who often receive rewards, depending on the amount pledged. A project must meet its fundraising goal by a specified date, or it won't receive any of the money raised. The Web has many crowd-funding sites, but Kickstarter is one of the better known. As of Thursday, 92,824 Kickstarter fundraising campaigns had launched, with about 44 percent successfully reachingtheirgoals,according to the website. With 18 days to go, funding for Braun's project had reached 20 percent of its $15,474 goal, as of Thursday. "The Kickstarter thing is really exciting for us because it involves the community and
gets people supporting something local," he said. Zeke Kamm, who's successfully raised money twice through Kickstarter, launched a third campaign March 25 for his camera dolly system, The Rocket. Within 10 hours, he methis $25,000 goal,and as of Thursday pledges had reached $50,182 with 40 days left in the campaign. Although he's met his goal, he said, the work doesn't stop. "The bigger your Kickstarter, the more exposure,
Cyber attacks against large banks are showing no signs of slowing down. On Thursday, BB&T and Wells Fargo reported site problems, saying they believed them to have stemmed from cyber attacks. For Wells, the assault came just a week after the bank reported March 26 that its website was running slowly as a result of abnormally high traffic, which the bank suspected was part of a cyber attack. In what's becoming a growing trend among companies, the bank turned to Facebook to inform customers of the problem and, hopefully, to assuage their fears. Wells, on Facebook, told customers that Thursday's incident was a "denial-ofservice," or "distributeddenial-of-service," attack. In such strikes, a computer network is flooded with Web traffic, slowing down or disabling access to websites. In online posts, Izz
ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber
Roh Kerr /The Bulletin
Nick Braun, of Linecam Systems, shows off his company's cablesuspended camerasystem Thursday, which Braun hopes to use to get better action video of mountain biking. Linecam Systems is seeking funding through a Kickstarter campaign. and the more chance you have of your project being a success even after the Kickstarter ends," said Kamm, founder of Nice Industries, a Bend camera equipment and accessory company. "The goal is just the minimum that you need to launch the project, actually manufacture. But you have all kinds of other developmental expenses that it would be nice to recoup." Inspired by Kamm's success, Bend resident Dustin Driver started a campaign to produce The Freelance, a gear/laptop bag, for his company, Packswell. "It's a great place to test out your idea or product before manufacturing it and bringing it to market," he said.
"Through Kickstarter and other crowd funding sites, you can test out whether or not it is viable, whether or not it will resonate with people." Half way through his cam-
paign, funding pledges have surpassed the 50 percent mark. But Driver said they have slowed. Regardless of whether he makes his goal or not, he said, the learning experience has been valuable. "I may have to re-list the campaign with a lower funding goal," he said. "At this point it's about getting as many eyes on the site as possible ... The more people who see it, obliviously the more people will buy it." — Reporter: 541-6l7-78l8,
Fighters, a so-called hacktivist group, has admitted to launching cyber attacks against major U.S. banks. In one posting, from Jan. 29, the group named Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BB8zT and JPMorgan Chase as among the banks it has targeted. According to an October report from the U.S. attorney general, cyber crime is a concern. "The department has advanced the fight against ... global cyber threats, which can disrupt critical infrastructure such as the power grid, nuclear power plants, financial and banking institutions, transportation systems and vital communication systems," the report says. Brian Davis, spokesman for BB8zT, the 15th-largest U.S. bank by assets, said the bank has been hit by cyber attacks since September. "In a general sense, over the last couple of weeks we have been affected by these DDOS events, just like several other financial institutions in the same time frame," he said.
• Juno,a sushi restaurant, will open at 133 S.W. Century Drive
in the Century Village Shopping Center in mid-May. The restau-
rant will be ownedby Michi Nakanishi, a sushi chef with14 years'
experience working in restaurants in both
Bend and Japan. — Bulletin staff reports
Greenbrier earnings drop The Greenbrier Companies' earnings dropped 22 percent in the second quarter of its 2013 fiscal year due to lower railcar deliver-
ies compared with the same period last year. The results beat
analysts' expectations for the quarter and
executives are looking to convince Wall Street that they can significantly boost profits next
year based onincreased orders combined with
a number of strategic initiatives to increase margins. The LakeOswegobased manufacturer of railcars has lagged the
performance of some industry peers, which see surging demandand profits as railroads buy
more cars to transport oil, automotive and agricultural products.
Enron ex-CEO seeks leniency The U.S. Justice
ing stores.
Report lays blame for firm's demise
Cleveland paper to curtail delivery, cut newsroomstaff New York Times News Service The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, whose reporters organized one of the industry's most active opposition movements against its parent company's plans for cutbacks, will trim home delivery to three days a week and create a new digital com-
pany, the owner, Advance Publications, said Thursday. The paperisalso expected to cut more than one-third of its newsroom staff. The announcement was made tothe newsroom at the same time it was posted on The Plain Dealer'swebsite. Accord-
ing tothe announcement, the company is creating a new digitally focused media company called the Northeast Ohio Me-
Department says it is discussing possibly entering into an agreement with former Enron Corp. CEO Jeffrey Skilling which might reduce his
prison sentence of more than 24 years. The possibility of a
sentencing agreement was made public this week in a notice to vic-
tims of Enron's collapse. The notice does not
specify how Skilling's sentence could be impacted if an agreement
is reached. A Justice Department spokesmandeclinedto comment. — From wire reports
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR SATURDAY CommunityAssociations Institute-Central Oregon Regional Councilboard of directorsbootcamp: CAI-CORC seminar about board memberduties; CAICORCprovideseducational opportunities throughout the year for homeowner associations volunteers and managers; registration required, includesbreakfast and lunch; $40,$35 members; 8:15a.m.-3 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. Minnesota Ave.,Bend; 541-382-8436 or www. MONDAY RedmondDowntown Urban RenewalAdvisory Committee:Free;5-7:30 p.m.; RedmondCity Hall, 716 S.W.EvergreenAve.; 541-923-7710. TUESDAY Medical billingprocedures informationmeeting: Informational meeting about Central Oregon Community College's six-week medical billing procedures course; located atCOCC'sChandler Building, Room301, 1027 N.W.Trenton Ave.; registration recommended free; 6-7:30 p.m.;COCC, 2600 N.W.CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7270. Membersuccess briefing: RSVPrequired; 10 a.m.; BendChamber of Commerce,777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 200;541382-3221 or shelley© WEDNESDAY Businesssuccess program:Howto manage employee performance issues within the law; reservations recommended; free; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend; 541-382-3221 orwww. To find freeincome tax preparation help, go to bendbullettn.oomlevents.
dia Group. It will continue to print a daily newspaper that readers can purchase on newsstands and elsewhere.
For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbutiett'n.comittizcal
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > 50-Plus, D2-3 Parents & Kids, D4 Pets, D4 THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2013
Let's ta k
TECHClasses being offered
The Central Oregon Council on Aging isgiving seniors achanceto learn basic technology
• National speaker
skills with two Teen Elder
comes to Bend to
Computer Helpcourses at the Downtown Bend
help teens,parents tackle difficult topic
Public Library from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. April17 and May 8. Registration for
the courses —where teenagers helpseniors learn Facebook,how to download pictures from a camera,andhow tosendtextmessages — is required andcan
By Alandra Johnson The Bulletin
be made bycalling 541678-5483.
Report: Fund long-term care
Talking about the physical and emotional changes of puberty can be tricky for parents and preteen girls. While the sub)ect >s tmportant, tackling it can be Metzger chal l e nging, complicated and well, downright awkward. National speaker and author Julie Metzger is coming to Bend to help parents and girls open up about topics related to puberty. The two-part series starts April 12 (see "If you
• Americans have Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia.
A recent report from the SCAN Foundation found 70 percent of
Americans who reach age 65 will need three years worth of long-
term care services before they die. The
• friends, family and paid professionals help provide care for them.
report also called for the creation of an affordable
and sustainable longterm care financing
go"). She is a registered
system to pay for it. The report found
nurse who has been teaching classes like this for 25 years. The event, called "For Girls Only — A Heart to Heart Talk About Grow-
direct long-term care
spending totalled more than $211 billion in 2011, 62 percent of which was paid for by
of these
Medicaid and 22per-
caregivers (9.2 million) are working a full- or part-time job.
cent of which was an
out-of-pocket expense absorbed by individuals
What:"For Girls Only
warned that unless a
— Heart to Heart Talk
of these caregivers,
prefunded long-term
care financing mechanism was created, the
(2.3 million) live more than an hour away from the recipient.
Medicaid system could
collapse underthese increasing costs.
Parenting class starting soon
• When caring for aging dementia patients, many families share the load
April 25. Mason isacertified
By Mac McLean •The Bulletin
School in Bend.Classes
The workbook is $10.
er's care center she lived at for a year and a half. "My job is to call my mother a lot," Gross said as she explained her role as part of her mother's 10-person care giving team. "I usually touch base with her during the week and on the week-
Contact: dmason©
ends ... (Most of the time) I tell her about my children and what they are doing."
Film focuseson children andgrief
More than 167,000 Oregon residents provided some levelof care to a person who suffers from Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia in 2012, according to a recent report issued by the Alzheimer's Association's national office in Chicago. Experts say these people work best when they have someone to share their workload with and can clearly communicate their r esponsibilities with the other members of their caregiving team. This group — many of whom are baby boomers caringfor a parent — includes primary caregivers who spend most of their time with the dementia sufferer while tending to his or her immediate needs, and secondary caregivers like Gross, who try to fill in the gaps while they work or live more than an hour away from the person receiving their care. "It divides the work," said Pamela Mottola, client services manager for the Alzheimer's Association's Oregon Chapter.
Professor Child,
a local business, is releasing a newfilm to help children who have experienced the death of a loved one. The film, "Children and Grief," shows interviews with 10 children who share their personal stories about grief. Professor Child has released other films in a similar style on topics
such as divorce, siblings of children with autism and parents in the military. The film is available
for $34.99 as adownload or DVD. It comes with a companion work-
book. To learn moreand
The second string
to view a trailer, visit http://professorchild. com/children-grief-film-
Karen Conard's relationship with her father slowly transitioned to one where she was his advocate, his financial planner, his scheduler and his transportation provider when the 81-year-old was diagnosed with dementia four or five years
coming-soon. — From staff reports
ago. See Care/D3
In Well shot! on
photo was incorrectly seen from Patterson Ranch in Sisters. The Bulletin regrets the error.
would have earned Source' Alzheimer's Association
Supporting the older,gay community Cliff Cook kept the fact he is gay a closely held secret until he retired almost 20 years ago. Now he's forming a group that will helpthe older members of Central Oregon's lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-
gender (LGBT) community
Submitted photo
Linda Gross sits next to her mother Jinnie Bjorkman, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease and lived at a memory care facility in Southern California. Gross and her three siblings split up the duties associated with Bjorkman's care and communicated with each other on the phone often.
If these volunteer caregivers were paid $12.33 an hour, they
shown in the reader
The Bulletin
Page D2 of this week's
identified. The mountain was South Sister, as
snacks and abook Contact:www.copa s
By Mac McLean
Outdoors section, which
appeared Wednesday, April 3, the mountain
child pair; includes
picks up her cellphone to call her 89-year-old mother at the Southern California Alzheim-
will be at St. Francis School, located at 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend, in the
Cost is $75perfamily unit (individual or couple).
April 13 (participants attend both sessions) Where:St. Charles Bend
tanding in her empty first-grade classroom at Highland Elementary School, Linda Gross
selor at Summit High
to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays.
When:7 to 9 p.m. April 12 and 10 a.m. to noon
Cost:$50 per adult/ Editor's note:Linda Gross'mother, Jinnie Bjorhman, died Wednesday. The Bulletin regrets her loss. Gross agreed to the publication of this story despite her mother's death.
Love andLogic teacher and also aschool coun-
school's library from 5:30
About Growing up"; for girls age10-12 andtheir parents.
event center, Rooms A-D
Debbi Mason will ing course beginning
Central Oregon Pediatric Associates. SeePuberty/D4
If yougo
and their families. The report's authors
offer a five-week parent-
ing Up," is sponsored by
deal with the issues they facebecause oftheirage and who they love. "Obviously LGBT folks have the same issues as the general public when it comes to aging," Cook, 73, said as he talked about Sage with Age, the new LGBT50-plus support group. "But LGBT folksare different,w e are different in who we love and there's a desire to be with people who are like you." Since he came out in 1993, Cook has been an active member of the region's LGBT community and serves on the board of directors for PFLAG Central Oregon and the Human Dignity Coalition. He founded Stars and Rainbows in January 2011, a regular event that hosts pizza parties, bowling outings, movie nights and other social events catering to the LGBT community and their friends and family members. SeeGroup/D3
Email information for the Activities Calendar at least 10days before publication to, or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
urvivor o vanis in rint era sti eiversnews a ersat By Christine Haughney and Malia Wollan New York Times News Service
In the troubled newspaper industry, where steady layoffs mean that gray-haired reporters have disappeared from newsrooms as quickly as the typewriters t h a t p r e ceded them, Newt Wallace, a broadshouldered 93-year-old, has held on. Every Wednesday morning, Wallace heads to the dusty, newsprint-scented offices of The Winters Express in Winters, Calif., population about 6,600. He starts his day by placing labels on the freshly printed copies of the 2,300-circulation weekly, slips a carrier bag stuffedwith several dozen papersover hisshoulder,pulls on his baseball cap and starts his route. Wallace, one of eight carriers for the paper, has been walking the same blocks of downtown Winters since 1947. On foot, he briskly delivers to downtown Winters' businesses the papers, which are filled with local stories like the creation of a new bridge over Putah Creek and the rising value of Yolo County crops. "I don't hunt or play golf; I deliver papers," Wallace said r ecently as h e w a l ked h i s route. "I like delivering papers. I get to see the people I know." Wallace's tenure has now made him a contender for the world's oldest newspaper delivery person. The Guinness World Record title is currently held by Ted Ingram, who turned 93 on Feb. 14 and who delivers The Dorset Echo to his neighbors in the English hamlet of Winterborne Monkton. But according to Jamie Panas, a Guinness spokeswoman, Wallace is older than Ingram by eight months. The transfer of the record title depends on Wallace's son Charley, the paper's publisher, finishing the paperwork that Guinness officials sent him five weeks ago. "We're not in any hurry," said the y o unger W allace, adding that his father's mother lived to 98.
i: 'tt =:;tv
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Photos by Max Whittaker/New YorkTimes News Service
Newt Wallace, who at 93 is thought to be the world's oldest newspaper delivery person, distributing The Winters Express in Winters, a town in Northern California. He was the publisher of the 2,300-circulation weekly, which he bought shortly after World Wer II, until he turned it over to his son in 1983. and impaired hearing mean that he says little when he drops off papers, readers are fondlyprotective of him. When Wallace delivered the paper to the Ireland real estate and insurance agency, he placed his hand on the shoulder of the owner, Timothy Ireland, and noted that Ireland's father had sold him his first house. When Wallace left a dozen papers at the Winters Chamber of Commerce, the executive director, Mike Sebastian, said he had known Wallace for 40 years and defended him when tourists asked about his age. "They always ask me, 'Isn't
your paperboy kind of old?'"
Newt Wallace, 93, takes a break from distributing The Winters Express in Winters, Calif. "I don't hunt or play golf; I deliver papers," Wallace said.
ed recognition for his position as paperboy because "that one Newt Wallace, who speaks hit my heart." about delivering newspapers Wallace still remembers the the way some people speak thrill of shouting "Extra, exof a first love, offers a glimpse tra, read all about it!" on street i nto ho w i m p o rtant n e w s corners in Muskogee, Okla., delivery used to be. Around in 1930 and being the primary the turn of the 20th century, news sourceforlocalswho did newspaper delivery boys were not have radios. By 1931, at age a powerful workforce, accord- 12, he had a route delivering ing to David Nasaw, the au- The Muskogee Times-Demothor of "Children of the City," crat's afternoon edition. a book that helped inspire the In the winter of 1946, WalBroadway musical "Newsies." lace, who had recently fin"They not only sold the pa- ished a stint in the military at pers," Nasaw said, "but they the shipyard in Long Beach, were the major form of adver- Calif., heard that The Wintising, because in order to sell ters Express was for sale. He the paper, they had to scream took the overnight train from the headlines." Los Angeles to Davis, Calif., "Paperboy" is also a t i tle and walked 10 miles through that often crops up in the biog- the area's walnut orchards to raphies of some of the nation's downtown Winters. He bought most powerful men. Members the paper and the building that of the Newspaper Association housed it for $13,500, running of America's News Carrier it until 1983, when his son beHall of Fame include honorees came publisher. After retiring, such as Warren Buffett, John he continued to type columns Wayne and Tom Brokaw. In on his Underwood, wrote up an interview, Buffett said that, the town's history page and even though he had turned took the l ocal temperature. down dozens o f h o n orary Now he focuses on delivery. titles over the years, he acceptWhile W allace's shyness
'Read all about it'
Sebastian said. "There is no way Winters would survive without the weekly paper." But n ewspaper i n dustry experts say the world Wallace inhabited is gone, just as newspapers themselves have declined. Charles Eisendrath, the director of the Knight-Wallace Fellows in journalism at the University of M i chigan, pointed out t hat p aperboys had been replaced with adult professional deliverers in cars. They no longer have the same connection to readers. "It's part of the disengagement of newspapers from the daily lives with people," Eisendrath said. "It was not just paperboys. It was the whole mentality of the operation." Like any w i se paperboy, Wallace fills his route with perks along the way. After he drops offpapers at the Berryessa Sporting Goods and Mini Market, a convenience store with walls lined with heads and whole bodies of s tuffed game a n imals, h e spends $2 on lottery tickets. He delivers three copies of The Winters Express to the Buckhorn Saloon, exchanging them fora beer. John Pickerel, the owner of the Buckhorn Saloon, said he had been welcoming Wallace for the past 33 years. After appearing in the paper'spolice report once in 1984 (he would not say for what), Pickerel said he had a new appreciation for how much the paper was read. "I've traded the service of
BACHELORBEAUTS SQUARE DANCECLUB:7-10 p.m.; Pine Forest Grange, Bend; 541-389-2983.
• gt+~ • gggg~
BIRDINGBY EAR: 7:30a.m .;Sawyer Park, Bend; THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Canasta; BEND KNIT-UP:$2; 10 a.m.-noon; 9:45 a.m.-2 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Rosie Bareis Community Campus, Bend; 541-389-1752. Bend; 541-728-0050. HIGHNOONERS TOASTMASTER BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post¹44,Redmond;541-548-5688. CLUB:Noon-1 p.m.; New Hope Church, Classroom D, Bend; 541THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 390-5373 or 541-317-5052. 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; LA PINECHAMBER 541-389-1752. TOASTMASTERS:8-9a.m.;Gordy's Truck Stop, La Pine; 541-536-9771.
lifelong weekly beers for the stories of Winters, and it's a good trade," Pickerel said. "The paper is a report card for the entire town." Still, the job can be tiring, and Wallace has thought about giving it up. "He's tried to quit, but I tell him, 'Show me three friends who are your age, retired and s t il l a l i ve,'" Charley Wallace said. "He thinks about it and goes back to his desk."
BEND CHAMBER TOASTMASTERS: Noon-1 p.m.; The Enwronmental Center, Bend; 541-610-2308. SUNDAY BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. BEND STORYTELLINGCIRCLE: 6-8 p.m.; Higher Ground THE GOLDENAGECLUB: Pinochle; Community common house, Bend; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; or 541-389-1752. 541-389-1713. KIWANISCLUB OF REDMOND: BINGO:12:30 p.m.; American Noon-1 p.m.; Juniper Golf and Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; Country Club, Redmond; 541-548541-548-5688. 5935 or THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; PRIME TIME TOASTMASTERS: 12:45-5 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 12:05-1 p.m.; Home Federal Bank, 541-389-1752. Prineville; 541-416-6549. REDMOND AREATOASTMASTERS: MONDAY Noon-1 p.m.; Ray's Food Place, Redmond; 541-771-7789. BEND HIGHSCHOOL ALUMNI NEWCOMERS CLUBOF BEND: ASSOCIATION: 5:30 p.m .;Jake's Hospitality coffee; RSVP required; Diner, Bend; 541-815-8111. 10 a.m.; 541-330-1597 or www. CRIBBAGECLUB:6 p.m .;Bend Elks newcomersclubof Lodge; 541-317-9022. WEDNESDAY MORNINGBIRDERS: THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Double 8a.m.; Nancy P's Baking Co., Bend; deck pinochle; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; 40 or jmeredith@ S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. MT. BACHELORQUILTERS GUILD: 6:15 p.m.; Partners in Care, Bend; THURSDAY mbqginfo© or www. AMERICAN LEGIONMEMBERSHIP MEETING:7 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. TUESDAY COMMUNICATORSPLUS BEND KNIT-UP: 6-8 p.m.; TOASTMASTERS: 6:30-7:45 p.m.;IHOP, Gossamer The Knitting Place, Bend; Bend;541-593-1656or541-480-0222. 541-728-0050. THE GOLDENAGECLUB: Pinochle; BINGO:6 p.m.; Eagles Lodge 8 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; Club, Prineville; 541-447-7659. 541-389-1752.
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disability began. For more information about Social Security disability benefits, refer to Disability Benefits (Publication No. 05-10029) at ww w . pubs/10029.html. are the rules for Q •• What getting S u p p lemental
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Learn more by reading our • To be eligible to receive publication, Sup p l emental • SSI benefits, you must S ecurity Income, at w w w . be disabled, blind, or age 65 or older. You also must have html. limited income and resources. For fastanswers to specific Income is defined aswages, Social Security questions, conSocial Security benefits, and tact Social Security toll-free at p ensions. Income also i n - 800-772-1213.
Full defails at: *Includes The Bulletin Interview with Dr. Row
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It will be 3 reasons why quali men don't call you back the party of the T centuries DATING COACH
here are three basic reasons why men don't call
No.1: Youaren't his type
By Jay Levin The Record (Hackensack, iV.JJ
Calling all centenarians: You're invited to a party. A New Jersey nursing and rehabilitation company wants to set the Guinness World Record for the larg-
est gathering of people age 100 and older. The event is scheduled for May 19 at the
Regency Heritage Nursing and Rehabilitation in Somerset, N.J. The centenarian record is 28, which occurred at a Sept. 25, 2009, tea party
in Leigh-on-Sea, England, organized by amember of Parliament. Marie Barnes, marketing director of Regency Nursing and R ehabilitation Centers, Inc., hopes to round up at least 50 centenarians and their family members for the luncheon celebration. She's spreading word to county offices on aging and other nursing and retirement centers. But Guinness has imposed t wo r e q uirements: T h e centenarian must produce an official b i rt h c e rtifi-
cate (a copy will do) and sit for a 10-minute group portrait. "I have 25 on my list to date," Barnes said. "Realistically, I will lose some, but we will get some more." B arnes said f ou r R e gency centers have 12 cent enarians, most i n g o o d shape. She acknowledged that the bi rth c ertificate requirement could be an obstacle to participation in the world record attempt but said family members of a few ofthe Regency centenarians are looking for the
paperwork. The 2010 census counted 53,364 centenarians in the United States and 1,769 in New Jersey. Those figures are most certainly higher now, as centenarians are t he f astest-growing a g e
group. A recent article in The (Hackensack, N.J.) Record about the increasing ranks of centenarians mused about the identity of the oldest person in New Jersey. Official records aren't kept, and the article speculated that G eorge E b erhardt, of Chester, who was born Sept. 29, 1904 — w hich made him one day shy of 108'/2 — could be the oldest New Jerseyan. He isn't. Tenafly, N . J. , b o a sts someone born Sept. 14, 1904: Sister Mary V ictor Waters, who resides in the convent of t h e M i ssionary Franciscan Sisters on Knickerbocker Road. Sister Victor, as she is known, spends her days p raying, crocheting a n d reading the Irish Echo and whatever else she can get her hands on, said Sister A lphonsina M o lloy, t h e mother superior. "Her o nly problem i s she's deaf," Molloy said. "But she's still as sharp as atack." Since turning 100, Sister Victor has received an annual birthday medal from the president of her native Ireland. "She is not afraid to die," Molloy said. "She lives for the day." So is Sister Victor, who will be 109 years old in September, the oldest New Jerseyan? She isn't. Adele Dunlap is more than a year older. The Hunterdon County Democrat reported that the Newark-born Dunlap celebrated her 110th birthday Dec. 12 at the Country Arch Care Center in Pittstown. "When I was a kid, I used to joke that I was going to live forever," Dunlap told the newspaper. She wasn't joking. For information on the Guinness World Record attempt at the Regency Heritage in Somerset, contact Marie Barnes at 732-9953934 or m b arnesregency Participants must be 100 years or older by May 19.
We all have images in our head of who we want to spend our lives with. A man scans your profile and contacts you if he thinks you fit this picture. The two of you are on the phone talking the hours away — and he starts saying things like, "We'll have to get you out here on one of my horses or we'll have to try out the latest restaurant together since you love sushi so much." His picture is working overtime thinking you might be the one and you get excited think-
ing maybe he's right for you, too. Then the two of you meet, and within minutes he's decided you aren't a match to his pic-
ture,so the second date doesn't
It's not personal. It's just the pictures. The one in his head and the one you turn out to be don't match. And this is why you want to limit emails and phone calls prior to a f ace-to-face meeting. You don't want to be too invested in a man before you meethim.
in the back seat of his car having sex with a man you've only known for a few hours. You're both on fire and it feels good and it feels right. But then he doesn't call. Why? It was too easy for him. You want to understand that men categorize women they date into two groups. The first are the women they play with — as in first date sex, or friends with benefits situations. It's easy sex; it's fun for him. But that's all it is. Few first dates make it to second ones if sex has been involved from the
Category No. 2, slow it down. Hold off having sex and that means anything beyond kissing until you think a real relationship is a possibility.
No.3: Youappearedtooneedy
By the end of the first date, you are telling him how excited you are to move in with him — and asking how soon can it
Nothing scares a man or turns him off f aster than a woman who is already making her life his life. Slow down and get to know someone beforedeciding he is the one. No.2: Youhadsextooquickly get-go. Keep in mind that first date You meet a man and the Then there i s C a t egory behavior is nothing more than chemistry is hot and as the No. 2: The woman he considers good behavior. It's not real life date ends, the two of you start Potential Relationship Material. behavior. kissing and kissing and kissing This is where you want to be if It takes a while to really get some more. he thinks the two of you are a to know someone. Hands start roving all over match. Enjoy the process of this spethe place and you find yourself So if you want to make it to cial time — you know, before
the real work begins. It's the sweetest of most relationships when everything is a fairytale. In the meantime, keep your own apartment and get a life of your own so you have cool things of your ownto share with him when you get together.
The final word There arelotsofreasons men don't call back — some are as silly as he didn't like the purse you were carrying. But save yourself a lot of date analysis and evaluation by not taking a first date personally, and by not being invested in its outcome. If it's meant to be, it will be. And if it's not? You had the opportunity to spend some time with a new and interesting person that day. — Lisa Copeland is "The Dating Coach Who Makes Dating Fun and Easier after 50!"
week because somebody was having a baby shower on her floor and she wanted to get back to the party. Wondering why someone would have a baby shower at a memory care facility, Gross called one of Silverado's nurses who said they had a sing-along that afternoon and Bjorkman probably got it confused with a baby shower. Gross also shared what she learned with her three other siblings, who played their own
Continued from 01 "He doesn't remember what key he has to use in the mailbox," Conard said. His doctors haven't determined whether his dementia is Alzheimer's d isease or th e r esult o f a stroke, Parkinson's disease or another condition that damages the brain. Though her mother serves as her father's primary caregiver because she still lives in his Bend home, Conard has taken it upon herself to schedule his doctor's appointments, drive him places and make sure there is enough money in his estate to hire a full-time caregiver should th e n e ed arise. She does all of this while working a full-time job as an accountant, and like 60 percent of dementia caregivers who work full or part time — a group theAlzheimer's Association estimates includes more than 1 0 0,000 O r e gonians — she must juggle her work scheduleso her father can get the care he needs. "It's not a burden," said Conard, who in addition to her current caregiving duties now has to find her father a new physician because his current one is retiring. "I love my mom and dad. I guess I could walk away but that wouldn't be fairbecause they took care of me when I was a blithering idiot."
roles in Bjorkman's caregiving
arrangement: Gross's sister, Karen, had a medical power of attorney over Bjorkman and took her to the doctor's office;Gross's older brother, Steve, often visited Bjorkman and sometimes called her on his way to work; and Gross's younger brother, Carl, took his mother to church and handled Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin her personal finances. Linda Gross called her mother, Jinnie Bjorkman, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, at a memory They talked on the phone care facility in Southern California. Gross and her three siblings split up the duties associated with regularlyif any issues came Blorkman's care and communicated with each other on the phone often. up with Bjorkman's care and met with Silverado's staff at least once a year to discuss her mor e i m m ediate care the toilet and bathe — because tal to primary caregivers like Silverado S e nior L i v i n g's needs and plan how to best they can be done by a care- Conard's mother because it San Juan Capistrano demen- meet those needs in the fugiver who does not live with gives them a chance to relax. tia care facility in July 2011, ture. Each sibling has a job "It takes some of the burden Gross' mother, Jinnie Bjork- and a family of t heir own, their care recipient all of the time. The person who handles off of the primary caregiver's man, had a team of profes- Gross said, which is why its these tasks is known as a sec- shoulders," she said, citing sionals tend to her basic daily even more important to have ondary caregiver. Secondary research that found the coun- activities. their arrangement set up the caregivers can handle these try's 15.4 million dementia She also had a well-coordi- way that they did. "We encourage people to tasks while they work or in caregivers incurred $9 billion nated team of family members some cases live more than in medical expenses last year — Gross, her sister and her start that planning process as an hour away from their care because ofthe increased men- two brothers — to help her soon as possible," Mottola said, recipient. tal and physical stress that with other tasks and made explaining that the friends and "(Secondary caregivers) are comes with their duties. Conard's caregiving dusure Silverado's staff had the family members who make up ties are what Mottola with the not there to deliver the perThe impacts of caring for information they needed to a caregiving team should have Alzheimer's Association calls son's primary care," Mottola someone with dementia are properly treat her condition. these discussions as soon as instrumental activities of daily said, explaining the division lightened even more when a Gross calledher mother a a person has been diagnosed living, a category of tasks that of labor between primary and group of people like Gross, her few times each week, some- with dementia so he or she can also includes meal prepara- secondary caregivers. "But three siblings and their respec- times more if Bjorkman was have a say in their arrangetion, housekeeping and shop- they make sure their loved tivespouses can come together not feeling well, and immedi- ment. "It's probably one of the ping for g roceries or other one is getting what he or she and divide up the work needed ately called Silverado's staff if most important things people supplies. needs." to meet their loved one's needs she said anything suspicious can do." These tasks are different Mottola said having a family into an arrangement that suits or out of the ordinary so they — Reporter: 541-617-7816, from a person's basic activimember like Conard or a paid them all. could make a note of it. ties of daily living — helping professional step in to handle For instance, Bjorkman told someone get d r essed, eat, someone's instrumental activ- Dividing the labor Gross she couldn't talk very move around the house, use ities of daily living can be viS ince sh e m o v e d i n t o long during a phone call last
seniorsface when they get behind the wheel. "I wonder if I could pass a Continued from 01 Cliff Cookand RonBerry "It was natural for me to DMV written test today," Cook formed Sage With Age think, are there things we said as he joked about his own two months ago to help could be doing for our (LGBT) driving abilities. older members of Central senior citizens," Cook said. C ook s a i d S a g e wit h Oregon's lesbian, gay, He and co-founder Ron Berry Age could also serve as a bisexual and transgender decided to form Sage With platform that w ould r eprecommunity. They meetfor Age when they saw a growing sent the interests of Central lunch at1 p.m. the third number of people who are 50 Oregon's LGBT seniors as it Wednesday ofeach month. or older attending Stars and interacts with o t her senior For location, contact Cook Rainbows' events. groups and service providat starsandrainbows201'I@ So far, Sage with A g e's ers like the Bend Senior members have gathered on ter and the Central Oregon the third Wednesday of each Council on Aging. He hopes month — the group's April 17 to model the group after Gay meeting will be its third — to group's evening events be- and Grey, a group that among have lunch and get to know cause they can't drive or find other things is working to find each other. Cook hopes by a ride. affordable housing for LGBT National LGBT Pride Month Future Sage with Age meet- seniors in the Portland Metroin June, the group will have ings could also feature a law- politan Area. enough members to host in- yer who could talk about the According to the National f ormational s e ssions a n d l imitations associated w i t h Gay and Lesbian Task Force, workshops. Oregon's domestic partner- between 4 and 10 percent of "A big issue in Central Orship agreements, a physician the general population identiegon is p u b lic t r ansporta- at the St. Charles Health Sys- fies themselves as being LGBT tion," he said, adding Stars tem who could talk about sen- or createsfamily or sexual afand Rainbows' older members ior health issues and a driver filiations with people who are — especially those who live in instructor with AARP's Driv- of the same sex. La Pine, Redmond and Sisters er Safetyprogram who could Cook e s t imated B e n d's — often can't make it to the talk about some of the issues LGBT community i s a b out
EGBTand 50-plus
Fin It AII
4,000-strong. But he also said this figure can be misleading because many of them, especially those who are 50 or older, may still be in the closet. "Even in this age, there are still people who do not feel like coming out," Cook said, adding older LGBT people may hide their sexuality because of their jobs, their families or because they grew up at a time when it was not as accepted. — Reporter: 541-617-7816,
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TooMany Unique Itemsto list!
613S35. Hwy97$uite A (between 5'endy's & Cascade Garden Centerf H0UR$: Tuesday-saturday 10 to 6 4 58-906- 4 7 7 9
Once-abandoned CoCo needslove
Bend; 541-383-5592 or www.
Meet CoCo, a 2-year-old pit bull.
FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and food in downtown Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. BLUE RIBBONCAMPAIGN KICKOFF:Kick off the child-abuse prevention campaign, with food, speakers and award presentations; free; 5:15 p.m.; Boys 8 Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3835958 or "PLAY AGAIN":A screening of the 2010 documentary film that investigates the consequences of a childhood removed from nature, followed by a Q&Awith producer Meg Merrill; proceeds benefit the Deschutes Children's Forest; $5$10 suggested donation; 7 p.m., doorsopenat6:30 p.m.;TheOld Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave.,
CoCo wasfound on abusy road, very skinny and in need of help.
She has beendoing great at the shelter but needs to find a good
home. She is OK with same-sized dogs, especially male, but nocats. If you would like to visit CoCo, or any other animal available for
Submitted photo
adoption through Jefferson County
or visit its website at www.
Kennels & Dog Control, contact the organization at 541-475-6889,
PETS CALENDAR PUPPY BASICMANNERSCLASS: Social skills for puppies up to 6 months; $110 for seven-week class, cost includes materials; 6-7 p.m. Mondays; preregister; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www. TREIBALLCLASS:$120 for six weeks; Saturdays, call for times; Desert Sage Agility, 24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or PET SAVERCPRAND FIRST AID COURSE:one-day class; $90-115; 9a.m.; May11; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Call Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 to register. BASICCOMPANION CLASS:Sixweek class; $120; 6-7 p.m.; Starts April 23; Dancin' Woofs, 63027 Lower Meadow Drive, Suite D, Bend; Mare Shey at 541-312-3766 or HELPINGFEARFUL DOGS SEMINAR:Author and international lecturer Nicole Wilde; $110; June 8; 9 a.m.; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Call Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 for details. DOG TRAININGSEMINAR:Author Suzanne Clothier; $250 before Aug. 1, $300 after; Sept. 21-22; 9 a.m.; Friends for Life Dog Training, 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Call Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 for details. BEGINNEROBEDIENCE:Basic skills, recall, leash manners; $110125; 6 p.m. Mondays or Tuesdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or INTERMEDIATEOBEDIENCE: Off-leash work and recall with distractions; $110; 6 p.m. Wednesdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-3188459 or www.PawsitiveExperience. com. OBEDIENCE CLASSES: Six-week, drop-in classes; $99.95; 4 and 5 p.m.Mondays,4 and 5 p.m.Fridays, and12 p.m. Saturdays; Petco,3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; Loel Jensen at 541-382-0510. OBEDIENCE FORAGILITY: Six weeks; $120; 5 p.m. Mondays; Desert Sage Agility, 24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Stephanie Morris at 541-633-6774 or www. PUPPY KINDERGARTENCLASSES: Training, behavior and socialization classes for puppies 10 to 16 weeks old; $80; 6:30 p.m. Thursdays;
preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www.PawsitiveExperience. com. PUPPY LIFE SKILLS: $120 for six weeks; 5 p.m.; Tuesdays; Desert Sage Agility, 24035 Dodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or www.
have right to privacy
ANNE GESER:In-home individual training with positive reinforcement; 541-923-5665. CASCADEANIMAL CONNECTION:S.A.N.E. Solutions for challenging dog behavior, Tellington TTouch, private lessons; Kathy Cascade at 541-51 6-8978 or kathy© DANCIN' WOOFS: Behavioral counseling; 63027 Lower Meadow Drive, Suite D, Bend; Mare Shey at 541-312-3766 or DIANN'S HAPPY TAILS: Private training, day care, boarding/ board and train; La Pine Training Center, Diann Hecht at 541-5362458 or diannshappytails@msn. com or www.diannshappytails. com. DOGS LTD & TRAINING: Leash aggression, training basics, day school; 59860 Cheyenne Road, Bend; Linda West at 541-3186396 or www.dogsltdtraining. com. FRIENDSFOR LIFEDOG TRAINING:Private basic obedience training and training for aggression/serious behavior problems; 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www LIN'SSCHOOL FOR DOGS: Behavior training and AKCringready coaching; 63378 Nels Anderson Road, Suite 7, Bend; Lin Neumann at 541-536-1418 or PAWSITIVEEXPERIENCE: Private training and consulting; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www.PawsitiveExperience. com. ZIPIDY DODOG:Day care, boarding, grooming and dog walking; 675 N.E.Hemlock Ave, Suite112, Redmond;, 541526-1822 or zipidydodog@
VFW EASTERBUFFET:A breakfast buffet; $8.50; 8:30-11 a.m.; VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. DISCOVERNATUREDAY: Families can track wildlife, explore Tumalo Creek, meet birds of prey, plant treesand playgames; hosted by the Deschutes Children's Forest; free; 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Shevlin Park,18920 Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-383-5592 or www. CERN PRESENTATION:A lecture by astronomer Bill Logan about the European Organization for Nuclear Research and the Large Hadron Collider; free; 1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1 080.
NOTABLESSWING BAND:The big bandplays swing music;$5;2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-330-5728 or DAY OFREMEMBRANCE:A ceremony hosted by Jewish communities in Central Oregon to honor Holocaust and persecution victims, titled "Never Again: Heeding the Warning Signs"; donations accepted; 6-7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-385-6421.
By Dr. Gregory Ramey Cox Newspapers
. I've always had an . amazingly open rel ationship with m y k i d s, but my 14-year-old daughter recently asked how old I was when I first had sex. I was very young when I became sexually active, and I'm afraid that telling her that will either give her permission to become sexually active or cause her to think badly of me. I avoided her q uestion initially, bu t I know I'll get it again. . You are entitled to . your privacy. A question asked does not have to be a question answered.
Simply tell your daughter that yo u u n derstand her natural curiosity, but that you would prefer to keep your sexual behavior private. I'm sure that you respect her right to keep some issues confidential. . How can I make my . 14-year-old clean his room? He is an honor student, great with his younger brothers and sister, active in our church, and is wellliked by teachers and other students at school. However, his room is a disaster. He washes his own clothes and is always neat and clean in his appearance. . I suspect that more . than 99 percent of the readers of this column are ready to t r ade their kids for your son! Take pride in raising such an
I •
amazing young man, and ignore such aminor issue as a messy room.
t' ll
19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-388-1188 • STORYTIME:All ages; 11 a.m.Thursday. 'll
175 S.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978 • PRESCHOOL STORYTIME:Ages 3and older; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and 11a.m.Thursday. • WEE READ: Ages 0-3;10a.m. Mondayand Wednesday. I I
I '
601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7097 • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months; 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. • TODDLIN' TALES: Ages18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Tuesdayand10:15 a.m. Wednesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. Friday and 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. • BLOCKPARTY:Ages 6-11: LEGOUniverse; 2 p.m. Saturday. •
i •
62080 DeanSwift Road; 541-330-3760 • TODDLIN' TALES:Ages0-3;9:30a.m.W ednesday. • SATURDAY STORIES:All ages; 10a.m. Saturday. • MUSIC & MOVEMENT: Ages 3-5: 9:30 a.m. Friday. • ANIMALADVENTURES WITH THE HIGH DESERT MUSEUM: Ages 3 and older; 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. • BOOKENDS:Ages 6-11; Stories and gamesabout "39 Clues"; 2:30 p.m.Wednesday.
59800S. U.S. Highway97, Bend;www.highdesertmuseum. org; 541-382-4754 • Vnless noted, eventsincluded with admission(St2adults, $10ages 65andolder, $7 ages5-12, free ages4and younger)
• WILD WEDNESDA YS:Ages 7-12; treasure hunt;12:30 p.m. to close Wednesday. • BACKPACK EXPLORERS:Ages 3-4; explore museum's animal
habitat, sharestories andsongs;10to11 a m. Thursday; $15 per child nonmembers,$10per child members. • TOTALLYTOUCHABLE TALES:Ages 2-5; storytelling about animals andpeople ofthe High Desert;10:30a.m. Tuesday. • • i
GEARSWAP:Bring climbing or mountaineering gear tosell, or purchase items; aportion of proceeds benefits CascadesMountaineers Club; free; 6-8 p.m., item check-in 4-5:45 p.m.; TheEnvironmental Center,16 N.W.KansasAve.,Bend;541-549-1028 or
g $199
and library youth events
2690 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 • ONCE UPON ASTORYTIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Friday.
JEFF CROSBY &THEREFUGEES: The Americana bandperforms; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.BondSt., Bend; 541382-5174 or
their kids and it almost para- good thing to bring here. Wolllyzes them," Metzger said. muth hopesthe weekend event Continued from D1 The goal of this class is to will turn into "a bonding time Parents should attend both make the conversationseasi- for moms and daughters." "By starting these conversas essions along w i t h t h e i r er and more accessible. daughters. The event is geared Among o t h e r su b j ects, tions when girls are preteens, toward girls age 10 to 12, or the class will delve into top- we are laying the foundation in fourth to sixth grade. Top- ics such a s m o ods, sleep, for continued open communiics will include social issues acne, feelings an d s e xual cation in the years to come," and sexuality, as well as de- reproduction. said Wollmuth. velopmental and e motional Families can have a wide She said she an d o t her changes during adolescence range of views when it comes l ocal pediatricians are i m and how parents and girls can to certain aspects of girls' de- pressed with the sex educanavigate these changes. velopment, including sexuali- tion programs available in Metzger is excited to bring ty. Metzger says this class rec- local schools. But this event is the class to Bend. "It's an op- ognizes that and believes that something different. "The 'For Girls Only' proportunity to sit together Lt a it is a good starting ground for very fun, humorous, enter- families of all backgrounds. gram should be considered taining, interactive and inforShe imagines parents leaving a nice complement to t h e mative way." She says many the class and saying, "Well, school-based programs. It difparents and girls feel the sub- that was a good start, here's fers in that it offers the chance ject matter is scary, serious, what our family believes." for parentsto be present and intimidating and gross. This Another benefit of the class, part of the dialogue, too," said class "lays this f r amework according to Metzger, is that Wollmuth. and demystifies some of the girls and moms are attendShe says, if this class is succonversation. ing together, which puts them cessful, she would like to bring "People cry. People crack on the same page. Moms (or a similar class to town focused up," Metzger said. dads) may think: "I know what on puberty and boys. M etzger d e s igned the they've heard and now I can — Reporter: 541-617-7860, class in 1988 after working add on." Meanwhile, girls may with teens and their parents think: "My Mom knows what as a nurse and then studyI know and now I can ask her ing issues related to puberty more information." F RI G I DLI R E "It gives them a m u t ual and adolescence in g r aduCompact ate schooL She began teach- starting place," Metzger said. ing the class in Seattle in the She saysshe receives emails Refrigerator 1990s, as part of Seattle Chil- and letters from parents who Adjustable Glass dren's Hospital. Now Metzger say that the class was transforShelves Crisper Drawer says she and her colleagues mative for them or "changed with the group Great Conour entire relationship." versations teach the classes D r. Ki m W o l lmuth w i t h to 10,000 people a year both COPA was the leading force in Seattle and through Lucile behind bringing Metzger to Packard Children's Hospital town. A friend had mentioned in Palo Alto, Calif. hearing about her presentation TV.APPLIANCE M etzger, alo n g w ith and thought it sounded like a j Dr. Robert Lehman, recently wrote the book that will be A Free Public Service given away at the class, "Will 0 p< Oretton Newspaper Publtehare Associatian Q~+ Puberty Last My Whole Life?: Real Answers to Real QuesI tions from Pre-teens About Body Changes, Sex, and 0ther Growing-Up Stuff." Some parents are not sure how to start t alking about Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, puberty, or had negative exfrom 36 Counties, periences in their own lives. "People want it to go well for
TAARKA:The Colorado-based jazzy gypsy-folk band performs; free; 7 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-7280749 or
• For the week of April 5-11. Story times arefree unless otherwisenoted.
LUCREZIO:The Chicago-based acoustic soul act performs; free; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W.Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703 or
HOME INTERIORS 70 SW Century Do Suite145 Bend. OR 97702 t' 541 322 7337
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I3gipor use the
o QjjEg©3K65) service to be automatically emailed of notices that match your needs. Qa
M i~
5mEld t e m
241 S.W. Seventh St., Madras; 541-475-3351 • BABIES AND TODDLERS STORY TIME:10:10 a.m.Tuesday. • PRESCHOOLAND OLDER STORY TIME:Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. and6:30 p.m. Tuesday. • SPANISHSTORYTIME:All ages;1 p.m. Wednesday.
16425 First St.; 541-312-1090
• TECH LAB:Ages12-17; 3 p.m. Monday. • ANIMAL ADVENTURES WITH THE HIGH DESERT MUSEUM: Ages 3and older;11 a.m. Monday. • BLOCK PARTY:Ages6-11: LegoUniverse; 3:30p.m. Monday • GAME DAY: Ages1-17; play computer and board games; 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday. I
I '
Campaign to Prevent Child Abuse
827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1054 • PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages 3-5; 10:15 a.m. and1:30 p.m. Wednesday. • DIVERSIONFAMILIAR ENESPANOL:Ages 0-5;10:15 a.m. Wednesday. • MOSLEYWOTTA:Ages12-17; hip hop and poetry artist talks toteens;2:30to3:30 p.m.W ednesday.
110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070 • Storytimes resume next week.
DL4l g 0 iI 4. kA4~ ) in g girls and ) in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their )8th birthday? Yet only c in co will tell. Visit for tips on how to prevent child abuse. 541-383-5958
56855 Venture Lane;541-312-1080 • FAMILYFUNSTORYTIME:Ages 0-5; IO:30a.m. Tuesday. • BLOCKPARTY:Ages 6and older; Lego Universe; 3:30 p.m. Tuesday.
47KIDS Cente a child abuse intervention center
East Cascade Women's Group Supporting the Health and WelP8eing of Women of All Ages.
Takin thelea in'Ro ue' TV SPOTLIGHT
leads to empowerment everywhere. The world is changBy Jonathan Landrum Jr. ing at a pace where it needs The Associated Press to be. That's how I feel, and ATLANTA Thandie I'm proud to be a part of this N ewton doesn't sh y a w a y movement." from the idea that she might The 40-year-old actress will be a role model. star in the dramatic series, As she takes on a leading "Rogue," w h ich p r e miered television role, she hopes to Wednesday night on D i recempower women like the stars TV's in-house channel Audiwho have come before her ence Network. It's DirecTV's — Kerry Washington, Regina first venture into original proKing and Anika Noni Rose gramming, and the third seamong them. ries to air on Audience along "They have empowered with "Friday Night Lights" and many," said Newton, a racially "Damages." mixed actress who is of BritOn the 10-episode "Rogue," ish and Zimbabwean decent. Newton plays Grace Travis, "Empowerment any w h ere an undercover detective who
takes on a g a n gster after her son is killed in a drive by shooting. "It's the most time I've had to explore a character. It was a luxury," she said. "I had a chance to explore the settled details of what this person is going through. That's why TV is sogreat.You get to see deeper than you would if it was an hour and a half, although it felt like we were making a 10-hour movie." Newton wanted to get more into character, learning the techniques of Krav Maga an Israeli tactical self-defense method used in close combat. She thought it would be better
Sp.m. on TCM, Movie:"Mildred Pierce" — The new "Friday Night Spotlight" features a celebrity or expert host taking viewers through a collection of films on a specific topic. For the first month, Cher joins host Robert Osborne for "A Woman's World: The Defining Era of Women in Film," highlighting 17 films from the late 1930s to the early '50s, including this1945 melodrama starring Joan Crawford as a desperate mother obsessed with pleasing her ungrateful daughter (Ann Blyth).
Mike Stewart i The Associated Press
Thandie Newton stars as a conflicted undercover cop in a new television crime series, "Rogue," airing on DirecTV. for her to show that she can actually fight, rather than tote around a gun. "I wanted to train in the gritty street-like way," she said.
8 p.m. on (CW), "Nikita" — Nikita and Michael (Maggie Q, Shane West) discover the existence of a new prosthetic hand that could make Michael his old self again, but the cost may be more than they're willing or able to pay. Alex andSean (Lyndsy Fonseca, Dillon Casey) try to determine who's behind a bloody mutiny inside Division in the new episode "Tipping Point." Aaron Stanford also stars.
I was playing an undercover detective, so I wanted to look like I was well-trained. I didn't want to be the character looking sexy with a gun."
9 p.m. on H E3, "Grimm" — While serving on a jury, Rosalee (Bree Turner) asks Hank, Nick and Monroe (Russell Hornsby, David Giuntoli, Silas Weir Mitchell) to help stop a wily defense attorney from using his special skills to overturn what should be an open-and-shut case. Renard (Sasha Roiz) updates Nick and Hank on his dealings with the Verrat. Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) is overwhelmed by memories of Nick when she returns to the trailer in the new episode "One Angry Fuchsbau."
This guide, compiled by Orlando Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, is published here every Friday It should be used with the MPAA rating systemfor selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PG or PG-13 are included, along with R-ratedfilms that may have entertainment or educational value for older children with parental guidance.
'JURASSIC PARK30' Rating: PG-13 for intense science fiction terror. What it's about: Dinosaurs are brought back to life, and turn predictably unpredictable, chasing and chewing on humans. The kid attractor factor: See above. Goodlessons/bad lessons:"God creates dinosaurs; God destroys dinosaurs; God creates man; man destr oysGod;ma ncreates dinosaurs." Violence: Yes, though not graphic.
Language: Just a little profanity, not bad considering the mayhem unleashedon thehapless humans. Sex: None, though there is flirting. Drugs: None. Parents' advisory: This is pretty intense as a big-screen experience, in 3-D and surround sound, entirely too scary for the veryyoung — suitable for10 and older.
'TYLER PERRY'S TEMPTATION' Rating: PG-13 for some violence, sexuality and drug content
What it's about: A young married couple faces the tests of temptation early in their marriage. The kid attractor factor: Even Tyler Perry's Madea-free melodramas have a few laughs in them. Goodlessons/badlessons: "There's nothing wrong with being rich and having nice things ... so long as those nice things don't own you. Violence: Yes, beatings are administered. Language: A scattering of profanity
Courtesy Universal Pictures
The1993 blockbuster "Jurassic Park," based on the book by Michael Crichton, returns to the big screen in a remastered 3-0 format. See the full review in today's GO! Magazine. Sex: Suggested, discussed, and shirts come off. Drugs: Yes.
oar er rivin aco oicto rin
Parents' advisory: Not entirely appropriate to take pre-teens to, not that they'll want to see it. OKfor13 and older.
MOVIE TIMESTOOAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to change after presstime. I
Dear Abby: I met the woman of my dreams about a year ago. Her husband had died about two months beforeour paths crossed. She has two teenage daughters I'm very fond of. I have a h i story of alcoholism and she's a hoarder. A DEAR week ago, I had an
" epiphany": I
desperately trying to quit drinking for my own sake. Abby, I am a clean freak living with ahoarder. I come home from work and get depressed and stressed from looking at all t he clutter. It is driving me insane. I feel like it is triggering me to stay drunk every night. I don't want to lose this woman and her family, but I can't co-exist in this house. I have left several times, only to miss her and go back. I'm trying to kick the booze, but I know I won't be able to achieve sobriety while living in this house. — Truly Torn in Texas Dear Truly Torn: If you quit drinking only a week ago, it is important that you find an AA group to help you hang onto your sobriety. That's step one. Next, realize that you and the
lady you're living with may share a similar problem. You say you are a "clean freak." This can be a symptom of a n o b sessive-compulsive disorder. Hoarding can be a symptom of the same disorder. The International OCD Foundation is a reliable resource that may be able to help you both. It offers individuals with t his d i s order t h e support they need to manage their symptoms, and has many local chapters. You can locate it online at or call 617-973-5801. Dear Abby: Maybe you would like to pass this on to the parents of teenage boys. It worked for me when I had the sex talk with my sons. I knew their brains had not yet fully developed. They thought they were invincible and had an "it could never happen to me" attitude. Because money seems tobe the one thing at that age they can relate to, I decided to turn it into a mathematical problem: I told them that if they got a girl pregnant, they could figure on a minimum of $300 a month child support, multiplied by 12 months for 18 years. (That totals $65,000 — unless the girl has twins,
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORFRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2013: This yearyoumake
which would double the amount.) Then I told them if they were tempted to have unprotected sex, they should look at the girl and ask themselves if they would pay her $65,000 to have sex with them. If they couldn't answer yes, then they needed to walk away. Abby, it worked! No grandchildren appeareduntilafterthey were married. Feel free to share this with other parents who would appreciate a "non-traditional" approach that is effective. — Tony in San Diego Dear Tony: Gladly. I'm p assing your technique along because money is a great motivator, and your idea makes "cents." Dear Abby: My roommate insists that undershirts should be washed r ight-side-out. I say a s l ong as you're using detergent and bleach, it doesn't matter. Who is right? — Mr. Clean in Oceanside, Calif. Dear Mr. Clean: I don't claim to be a domestic goddess, but I don't think there is a right or wrong way to wash undershirts. I have heard, however, that washing garments inside out will prevent lint buildup on the outside, and in the case of denim, less fading. — Write to Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069
** * S tay centered, and recognize when enough is enough. Youknowfar more than whatyou are sharing. Realize what ishappeningbetweenyou and someone else. Make sure that you areable to blend two different — and perhaps contradictory — parts of your life. Tonight: At home.
it a point to express your feelings more By Jacqueline Bigar often — especially your friendly, more positive ones. Stars showthe kind Others respond in CANCER (June21-July 22) of day you'll have k i nd, and they will ** * * R elate on an individual basis, ** * * * D ynamic have an easier time and let others know why they are ** * * P ositive re l ating to you as important to you. Sometimes you assume SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * A verage a re sult. If you are that others just know. An occasional ** * * You might want to complete a ** So-so single, you'll do confirmation or acknowledgment means conversation, but interruptions could * Difficult well in just about a lot. Your relationships will improve as leave you feeling frustrated. Try this any circumstance. a result. Tonight: Togetherness is the conversation on a Monday or Tuesday Your sweetie findsyou exciting yet theme. — not on a Friday. Loosen up by revealing unpredictable. AQUARIUS is aloyal friend. your authentic feelings regarding a loved LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * O t hers seem to be in control right one. Tonight: Express your liveliness. ** * * L et your weekend plans float now. You cancarry on all you want, but CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) aroundinyourmind asm uchasyou'd either go along with someone else's plans ** * Be aware of the cost of proceeding like. Take off to visit some friends, or or make your own. Accept an invitation asyou are. Ifyou are investing in real plan a get-together in the near future. that involves travel and seeing someone estate, the superficial costs have nothing Your energy might be needed, as others at a distance. Feelings flow in this setting. to do with reality. Create a sound budget m ight bedragging.You know whereyou Tonight: The only answer is "yes." that allows for a snafu here and there. are heading and why. Tonight: Where the Your sense of humor could be provocative VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) gang is. to someone. Tonight: Time for a treat. ** * Defer to someone else in order TAURUS (April 20-May 20) to lighten your workload. Confusion AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed. 18) ** * You might be left trying to tie up surrounds a personal situation. You have ** * * Listen to your imagination, and the loose ends of a situation. You might some choices to make. Stay centered followthrough on an ideathat seems alittle not know why this is the case, but you do in your priorities, commitments and offbeat. You'll get your point across while still know what to do. Be willing to say "no" if whatever else is important to you. Listen being able toexpress your caring. Avoid a youcan'thandleany more.Someone you to news carefully. Tonight: Visit with a dear disruptive person inyour daily life whothrives really care about opens up. Help only if friend. on chaos. Tonight: Lighten upthe moment. you want to. Tonight: A must appearance.
GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * K eep reaching out to others. You'll want to get the lay of the land before you commit to anything. Friends might push you in a certain direction. Be honest with yourself and evaluate your options. Follow their lead if you think it is the best choice. Tonight: Take off ASAP.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Dct. 22)
** * * You can't suppress your playfulness — even if you should change your mind or decide to do something differently. Someone clearly is on your side, but he or she still might give you some flak. Feed off of this person's energy, and finish a long-overdue project. Tonight: TGIF.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
** * A void getting into today's confusion; otherwise, your feelings easily could be hurt. Listen to a friend who shares a secret of sorts. You might need to point this person in a new direction. Expressyourcaring in a waythat is very differentforyou. Tonight: Join friends. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate
11 p.m. on HBD, "VICE" — Executive produced by Bill Maher and boasting FareedZakaria of Time as a consultant, this new weekly newsmagazine is the latest venture of VICE,the wildly popular international youthoriented media conglomerate helmed by ShaneSmith. Smith and fellow correspondents Ryan Duffy and Thomas Morton travel the globe to provide firsthand accounts of jaw-dropping current events stories untouched by mainstream news outlets.
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • ADMISSION (PG-13)12:50, 3:50, 6:35, 9:30 • THE CALL (R) 1:45, 4:45, 7:55, 10:20 • THE CROODS (PG) 12:05, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 • THE CROODS 3-D (PG)12:20, 3:20, 6:20, 9:20 • EVIL DEAD (R) 12:45, 3:45, 7:20, 10:05 • G.l. JOE: RETALIATION (PG-13) 1:25, 4:25, 7:35, 10:20 • G.l. JOE: RETALIATION 3-D (PG-13) 1:30, 4:30, 7:40, 10:25 • THE HOST (PG-13) l2:35, 3:35, 6:30, 9:25 • IDENTITY THIEF (R) 1:40, 4:20, 6:55, 9:40 •THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (PG- I3)1:35, 4:40, 7:50, 10:30 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG- I3) 4: I5, 10:15 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER3-D (PG-I3) 1:15, 7:30 • JURASSIC PARK (PG- I3) 3:30 • JURASSIC PARK 3-D (PG-13) 12:30, 6:45, 9:45 • JURASSIC PARK IMAX (PG-13) 1,4, 7, 10 • OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:55 • OZ THEGREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)Noon,3,6,9 • OZTHE GREATAND POWERFUL3-D (PG)12:IO,3:15, 6:15, 9:I5 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. s
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • EMPEROR (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 6:45, 9: IO • THE GATEKEEPERS (R) 12:30, 3:45, 6:05, 8:30 • QUARTET (PG-13) 1, 4, 6:20, 8:45 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:20 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 12:45, 3:30, 6:30, 9: I5 • WEST OFMEMPHIS (R)Noon,3,6,9 I
iPPure Crradk Ca
rdu a~ B~ Bend Redmond
John Day Burns Lakeview
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) 9 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 6 • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than 2f may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian.
SCORPIO (Dct. 23-Nov. 21)
9 p.m. on STARZ, "Spartacus: War of the Damned" — Crassus (Simon Merrells) discovers that another prominent Roman is trying to steal his thunder and claim credit for defeating Spartacus (Liam Mclntyre). While remembering a fallen brother, Spartacus pursues a bargaining chip for use against the Romans in the new episode "The Dead and the Dying."
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • APLACEATTHETABLE(PG) 2 • HAPPY PEOPLE: AYEAR IN THETAIGA (no MPAArating) 4 • SOUND CITY (no MPAArating) 8 I
IN l
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
G allery- B e n d
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • THE CROODS (PG) 3:45, 6:15, 8:30 • EVIL DEAD (R) 5:15, 7: I5, 9:15 • G.I. JOE: RETALIATION (PG-13) 4:30, 7, 9:30 • OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) 4, 6:30, 9
See us for FREE LiteRise®
Sisters Movie House, 720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • ADMISSION (PG-13)5:30, 7:45 • THE CROODS (PG) 5:15, 7: I5 • THE HOST (PG-13) 7:30 • OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) 5, 7:30 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 5
d~a glASSip
Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • THE CROODS (PG) 4:10, 6:30, 8:50 • EVIL DEAD (R) 5:20, 7:20, 9:20 • G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3-D (PG-I3) 4:35, 7:05 • G.I. JOE: RETALIATION (PG-13) 9:35 • THE HOST (PG-13) 4:10, 6:45, 9:30 • OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) 4, 6:40, 9:15 •
cordless lifting system upgrades and $25-$100 mail-in rebates on select Hunter Douglas products.
Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • G.I. JOE: RETALIATION (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 4, 7 • QUARTET (PG-13) 2:40, 5, 7:10 • Theupstairs screeningroomhaslimited accessibility.
• Find a week's worth of movie times plus
film reviews inside today's GD!Magazine. I
f• I
on5e~~ SQP/ay g Ggeat Agctt • ~rn>, Browse, Bid Andguy TheseAndothet I HIIIIL,
k/ / >~ CJklOERA
$100 Fine Jewelry Window Treatment Certificate Certificate RETAIL VALUE:$100
Dining Certificate RETAIL VALUE: $50
Ice Fine Jewelry
Budget Blinds
Caldera Grille
$500 Flooring Voucher
Powder Coating Certificate
10 Classes of Iyengar Yoga
Commercial Powder Coating
lyengar Yoga
.. Gift Certificate YOU CAN BID ON:
Wooden Chicken Coop/Nesting Box
6-Mo. Individual Membership
Botox (64 Units)
FROM: Fitness1440
Bend Plastic Surgery
Cascade Indoor Sports
Sidelines Sports Bar &Grill
Quarry Ave. Hay & Feed
Corporate Meeting for 8 with Golf
Field - All Sports Party
Food/Drink Certificate
1-Year Elementary School Tuition DevelopinG godly leadersthroughChrist-centered education
1-Yr. Elementary School Tuition
1-Yr. Individual NonFour Tennis Membership 1-Hour Massages
Guided Volcano Tour for 8
Nike Covert Fairway Wood
FROM: Pro Golf of Bend
FROM: InTune Audio
MorningStar Christian School
FROM: Athletic Club of Bend
Wanderlust Tours
NVS Auto-Dimming Mirror
Three-Month ' grhMembership
Shellac Polish Package
•Facial: SilkPeel Microdermabrasion
Stickley Blanket Chest
3-Mo. Jazzercise Membership
2-Night Stay in Junior Suite
V-BeamRosaccia Procedure (3 Trtmts.j
Totally PolishedNails &Skin
Exhale Spa &Laser Center
Edman Fine Furniture
Mark Spencer Hotel
Northwest Medi Spa
ON PAGES 3&4.COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin
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ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
264-Snow RemovalEquipment 265 - Building Materials 266- Heating and Stoves 267- Fuel and Wood 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 270 - Lost and Found GARAGESALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales Northwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Northeast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292- Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses and Equipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375- Meat and Animal Processing 383 - Produce andFood
Estate Sales Estate / Garage Sale Furniture, lamps, beds, hutch, children's clothes & toys, ages 0-7. Sat-Sun, 10-4, 21050
Pinehaven Ave, Bend
Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Estate Sale, Fri-Sat 9-6; S un 10-5, 62645 N E
Dodds Rd. Saddles, tools, garden tractor, tablesaw, drill press, & some furn.
C h a n d i e r
• B en d
O r e g o n
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Furniture & Appliances
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing
A pet sitter in NE Bend, Loveseat, plum color, warm and loving home exc. cond., only 6 mo. 500 rds Winchester 22lr Wanted: Collector with no cages, $25 day. pd. $ 4 00 , a s k ing factory ammo, NlB, seeks high quality Linda at 541-647-7308 $325. 541-382-2046, fishing items. $75. 541-647-8931 Call 541-678-5753, or B order C o llie p u p s NEED TO CANCEL 7.62x54mm ammo, 440 503-351-2746 w orking parents, 4 YOUR AD? rounds per tin, $180. Retrievers males, $150 e a ch. Golden The Bulletin 3 tins avail. Call 20+ year breeder, 202 desirable 541-382-2300. Classifieds has an Lance 541-388-8503. Winchester parents on site. model 70 Pre 64 300 Want to Buy or Rent "After Hours" Line Healthy, smart & AR-10 .308, C M MG, W IN a n d mod e l USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Call 541-383-2371 beautiful. Written 16" Stainless barrel, 100-284. Call Wanted: $Cash paid for 24 hrs. to cancel guarantee first shots. 20 round mag, NlB 541-420-8689 vintage costume jew- Door-to-door selling with Taking deposits now, your ad! $1795. 541-306-7750 elry. Top dollar paid for fast results! It's the easiest ready 4/27. Females Gold/Silver.l buy by the way in the world to sell. Small drop-leaf desk, AR15, .223 Bushmaster, $600; males $550. Estate, Honest Artist 39" H x 19" L x 12" W, like new, 2-30 rd mags, 541-420-5253 TV, Stereo & Video Elizabeth,541-633-7006 $35. 541-388-9223 $1499 obo 503-250-0118 The Bulletin Classified JBL Surround Cinema, 6 Kittens, blk 8 wht males, WANTED: Tobacco Twin oak h e adboardAR-15 556 S& W m i l541-385-5809 pipes - Briars and 8 wks, loving, dog com- with sh e lf , $50. plc./Red Dot, 3 round speakers, 1 sub-woofer smoking accessories. Boxer X English Bulldog patible, free to gd home 541-388-9223 clips, $1850; Ruger .44 $199. 541-408-9328 Fair prices paid. pups, CK C r e g 'd.only. 541-508-9585 mag Spr RHK w/holCall 541-390-7029 $800. 541-325-3376 sters, 100 rds, ammo, SAVE on Cable TV-InLab mix female 1 yr. ternet-Digital Phonebetween 10 am-3 pm. Antiques & $900. 541-350-2993 FREE to good home Satellite. You've Got Canary Males 541-420-5602, Joe. Collectibles AR-15 Olympic Arms in A C hoice! O ptions 208 5 O $45-$55 each. great cond. Too many from ALL major serLabradoodles - Mini 8 Pets & Supplies (541)548-7947. to list. $2000 obo. vice providers. Call us med size, several colors The Bulletin reserves extras 541-419-6054 the right to publish all Chi-Pom puppies, 2 541-504-2662 to learn more! CALL Adopt a nice CRAFT cat from The Bulletin Bend local pays CASH!! Today. 888-757-5943. from Tumalo sanctuary, males 8 1 fe m ale. ads newspaper onto The Weaned and ready for for all firearms & Pet Smart, o r P e tco! (PNDC) Labradors, AKC: 3 black Bulletin Internet webammo. 541-526-0617 Fixed, shots, ID chip, homes.. $150 cash males left,1st shots, ath- site. tested, more! Sanctuary each. 541-480-2824 letic parents, ready now, 255 Bushmaster AR-15 223 open Sat. 1-5 (CLOSED Dachs. AKC mini pups $395. 541-410-9000 cal. + Red Dot scope Computers Easter Sun.), other days Sen ng Cent al0 egon s nce r9te $1,499. Brand new in by appt. 65480 78th, Labradors: AKC yellow lab All colors. 541-508-4558 pups, CH lines, parents box. 541-279-1843 T HE B U L LETIN r e Bend. 54 1 -389-8420. quires computer adPhotos, map, more at German Shepherds, AKC on site. 541-420-9474 CASH!! Coins & Stamps vertisers with multiple 8 like Miniature Pinscher AKC For Guns, Ammo 8 ad schedules or those us on Facebook. Reloading Supplies. 541-281-6829 puppies, red males only. Private collector buying selling multiple sys541-408-6900. Champion b l oodlines, p ostage stamp a l tems/ software, to disvaccinated 8 w o rmed. bums & c o llections,Federal ¹210 large rifle close the name of the $400. Call 541-480-0896 world-wide and U.S. primers, $ 6 0 /1 000. business or the term (local, H541 -408-7826 "dealer" in their ads. Poodle at stud, AKC Irg 573-286-4343 cell ¹) standard, apricot New .30-06 Weatherby Private party advertisVanguard w/3x9 Nikon, ers are defined as proven. 541-977-1415 those who sell one Poodle pups AKC toys. • Cr afts & Hobbies $580 obo. 541-350-2166 computer. Loving, cuddly companNew in box, Bushmaster ions. 541-475-3889 Rockhound Equipment AR-15 rifle w /access, 260 8 supplies. Saw, grind, $1275. 541-647-8931 Queens/and Heelers Misc. Items sand & polish. LorSales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend standard & mini,$150 8 tone & Highland Park Rare Guns: Calico M100 up. 541-280-1537 .22LR w/100-rnd helical Advertise V A CATION Bend. 541 280-5574 drum, $750 obo. S8W SPECIALS to 3 milGarage Sale Fri. 8 Sat 100+ History b o oks, www.rightwayranch.wor Model 624 .44 cal stain- lion P acific N o 8-4, 2785 N E F a ith records, 4 adirondack less w/original box, $700 westerners! 30 daily Drive across from Mt. chairs, bike & misc. Rodent control experts Bicycles & obo. Ruger Super Black- newspapers, collectables Saturday, (barn cats) seek work View High School, six hawk .44 mag stai nless, Accessories 9-2, 61343 Wecoma in exchange for safe 10'/2" barrel w/scope, states. 25-word clasCt., Bend shelter, basic c are. sified $525 for a 3-day $850 obo. 541-848-8602 MOVING SALE. Sat. Fixed, shots. Will dea d. Cal l (916) 8-noon. Tools, house- People Look for Information liver! 541-389-8420. Smith 8 W esson 627 2 88-6019 o r vis i t h old i t ems, B B Q , About Products and stainless .357, 5i/2" bar- lamps, lumber, misc. Services Every Daythrough rel, custom f actory ising pndc.cfm for the 2105 NE Kim Lane. wood grips, $600. Ber- Pacific TheBulletin C/assifyeds Nor t hwest etta AL391 Urika, 20 Daily Con n ection. Cyclists' Dream Sale! a, semi auto, like new, (PNDC) Pro-level bikes, frames, 800. 541-550-7189 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! S a l es Other Areas wheel sets, Park truing Scottie 17 wks female. s tand, jerseys, m u Door-to-door selling with 25-ton wood splitter, $400. Moving 8, can't settes, banners, postfast results! It's the easiest mower, snow blower, take. Had al l s hots, ers & more. Some antools, canoe, adult way in the world to sell. exam, AKC pa- tiques & decor as well. clothes, Xmas, decor, puppy pered. Loving! Terreb- Doors open 7:30 am, etc. Hwy 97 So. to State The Bulletin Classified Saturday only, onne. 360.721.2408 2 DA Y S A L E Rec Rd, to Foster to 2443 NW Awbrey Rd. 541-385-5809 SAT 8c SUN • A P R I L S T H Sc 7T H 54677 Silver Fox Dr. Sat Shih Tzu awesome pup(garage access off 8-4, Sun. 8-noon. pies, 1st shots, wormed, rear alley). AT 9:00 AM SHARP $400. 541-977-4686 Don't miss this one!! WO O D B U R N AUCTION YARD Gary 8 Merrily Nelson Yorkie, 8 wks, purebred KHS Aero Turbo 52cm 1/2 Mile S. of Woodburn, Oregon on Hwy. 99E MOVING SALE male, 1st shots/dew- women's road bike, yelSATURDAY, APRIL 6TH orming, mom 8 dad on 62237 WallaCe Road low, great cond, $195. site. $400. K ristina,541-382-5345 Small amounts of misc. tools, approx. 50 tractors Friday, April 5 • Saturday, April 6
Cyclists' Dream Sale! bought a new boat? Pro-level bikes, frames, Just Sell your old one in the wheel sets, Park truing classifieds! Ask about our ESTATE/MOVING s tand, jerseys, m u Super Seller rates! SALE settes, banners, post541-385-5809 Small dining set, new ers 8 more. Some antrundle bed, several tiques & decor as well. dressers, small furni- Doors open 7:30 am, t ure, lamps, o ff i c e Saturday only, ** FREE ** items, artwork & sup- 2443 NW Awbrey Rd. Garage Sale Kit plies, f u l l ki t chen, (garage access off Place an ad in The KitchenAid, bedding & rear alley). Bulletin for your galinen, ladies & mens Don't miss this one!! rage sale and reclothing. Lots of anceive a Garage Sale tiques, Hum m els, Saturday-only Garage Kit FREE! stamps & coins, beau- Sale, 9-4. Furniture, art, tiful crystal 8 s ilver, American Girls dolls, KIT INCLUDES: sterling, postcards & • 4 Garage Sale Signs lots of designer stuff. books, lots l i nens, 2527 NW 8Brien Ct. • $2.00 Off Coupon To costume jewelry, midUse Toward Your century, Lenox china, Next Ad 284 memorabilia, marbles, • 10 Tips For "Garage small interesting items. Sales Southwest Bend Sale Success!" Outdoor fur n iture, tools 8 garage items, Rain or Shine! 60872 (Directions- Hwy 20 East to Powell Butte/Alfalfa PICK UP YOUR m uch more! F ri . & Onyx St., Fri-Sat, 8-5. Market Rd, take Alfalfa Market Rd., turn right GARAGE SAIE KIT at Sat., 9-4, Antiques n' collectibles, (east) and go to Wallace road about 1/2 mile) 1777 SW Chandler numbers Fri. 8 a.m. h oliday, gu n r a c k, SHOP OPENS AT 8:45• HOUSE OPENS AT 9:00 Amish heater, automo- Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Mt. Washington to NO Crowd Control numbers 3036 NW Clubhouse tive, clothes (Chico's brand & more), StetDrive Brunswick Victrola; Antique Baby carriage; Antique sons 8 much more! Attic Estates & small buffet; Leather loveseat and recliner; Green sofa; Two green recliners; Whirlpool Washer and Appraisals Dryer; Wood Trundle bed; Oak Computer desk; www.atticestates The Children's Vision Foundation Paintings and Prints; Painted folding screen; painted chair and mirror; Several rugs; Dining is now accepting new and gently 541-350-6822 table and four chairs; Teak bookcase hutch unit; used items for their annual Sofa/entry table; Nice blond china cabinet; HunStep Above Your Average dreds of car magazines and car manuals; HunLook What I Found! dreds of quarts and gallons of motor oil; Bamboo Garage Sale! You'll find a little bit of bird cage; Printers; small microwave; Epic May 17, 18, & 31 everything in Treadmill; Antique dresser; cd's; vcr's; 12 cu.ft. June1 &2 The Bulletin's daily freezer; Pots and plants; Bolens tractor with tiller 10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. garage and yard sale and mower; Murray riding lawn mower; Ariens at the Bend Factory Stores section. From clothes new snow blower; Mercury small outboard; Two (61334 S. Hwy 97, Bend) to collectibles, from Huffy Bikes mens and womens, and mans Murhousewares to hardray bike; 2 gas weed eaters; 2 chain saws-small; Items Wanted: ware, classified is Lawn swing; umbrellas and stands; Over 350 Furniture, decor, household and kitchen always the first stop for quarts of oil and more lube items than one guy items, sports equipment, tools, jewelry, cost-conscious can use; Hubcaps and tires and more tires; fence collectibles, plants, garden items posts; Christmas items; barbecue; linens and consumers. And if and office items. dishes; lawn mower and rototiller; garden tools you're planning your and chemicals; Misc. motors and motor parts; own garage or yard Your donations will go directly Oxy & acetylene tanks, gauges and tips; Gazelle sale, look to the claswalker - new in box; lots of light bulbs; Ladies and towards supporting sifieds to bring in the mens clothingand shoes; Lamps 8 lamp shades; buyers. You won't find Central Oregon's Children Vision luggage 8 bookcases; and more and more!!!!!! a better place Screenings. for bargains! Your donations are tax deductible. Handled by... Call Classifieds: Deedy's Estate Sales Co. 541-385-5809 or For more information, 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves email please call 541-330-3907
The Bulletin
A v e .
The Bulletin
Furniture & Appliances Golf Membership Brasada Ranch,long term lease.
36" round maple table 8 3 chairs, $40 o b o. 541-408-1116
A1 Washers&Dryers
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
& forklifts of various sizes, approx. 70 cars, trucks, pickups, trailers. Customers purchasing vehicles must have current proof of insurance before purchase of a vehicle. (NOEXCEPTIONS!!!!) All titled vehicles need to bechecked in by 4:00pm, Friday, April 5th with the titles in consignors name. Dealers need an updated certificate. SUNDAY, APRIL 7TH
Misc. farm equipment. Loading facilities & hauling available so some items may have a reserved bid. Consignments are accepted until 5:BOpmApril 5th
100 rds of .38 Spl facammo, NIB, $55. China cabinet, beautiful tory 541-647-8931 No loading out orreceiving on Tuesdaysplease!!!! white solid wood with tempered glass doors 8 200 rds of 9mm factory NOTICE: There is a 5% buyers fee added to terms of sides, glass shelves, mir- ammo, NIB, $ 1 15. sale are -Cash, checks, debit card. Debit card not over rored inner back, 2 draw- 541-647-8931 $500.00. No money orders accepted or VISA checks, ers below, 6F high x 40" wide x 18" deep. $350. .22 s h e lls, se v eral cashier checks, credit card checks. 541-548-2849 brands, 15C ea by the All personal checks with ID. Notice Credit Cards Terms of Sale: See below Frigidaire electric range, box. 541-408-7826 9% Buyers fee on all credit cards, Visa, Mastercard & reen, works f i ne,280 rds of .30-06 165 gr 50. 541-504-0707 brass ammo $ 200. Discover with proper ID cn the day of the sale. All bills 541-647-8931 must be paid for the day of the sale. GENERATE SOME exLunch cn grounds. citement i n your (4) 30-rnd AR-15 alumi** neighborhood! Plan a n um m a gs , Nl B , Not responsible for accidents. Please no children under the age of 13 years. Children 13 or older are welcome garage sale and don't $100. 541-647-8931 - only if accompanied by a parent at all times forget to advertise in (4) 30-rnd AR-15 classified! pro-mags, NIB, $100. Auctioneer: Skip Morin 541-385-5809. 541-647-8931
La-Z-Boy oversized rec liner, liqht tan u ltra- 500 rds o f R e m . 2 2 suede, GREAT shape! s h ort factory ammo, $150/obo. 541-306-3662 $ 6 0 . 541-647-8931
Sale conducted by Woodburn Auction yard Inc.• 502-981-8185 ext. 1, FAX: 503-982-7640 Websitrc
541-385-5809 or go to KikGlhN
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Chief Engineers OPB Seeks Chief EnFINANCEAND BUSINESS gineers excited about EMPLOYMENT the possibilities of the 410 - Private Instruction 507 - Real Estate Contracts evolving broadcast in- 421 - Schools andTraini ng 514 -Insurance dustry and h e lping 454- Looking for Employ ment 52 6 - Loans and Mortgages 325 OPB m a i ntain a 470 - Domestic & In-Hom e Posit ions 543-Stocksand Bonds Hay, Grain & Feed statewide broadcast 5 5 0 - Business Investments presence. There are 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 1st quality grass hay, 573 - BusinessOpportunities two positions avail- 466 - IndependentPositi ons 70-lb. bales, barn stored, able, one located in $250/ton. Also big bales! 476 476 Medford and one in Patterson Ranch, La Grande. These are Employment Employment Sisters, 541-549-3831 full-time, salaried, exOpportunities Opportunities empt, regular status 345 p ositions with b e nLivestock & Equipment efits. For more infor- Medical / Endoscopy Special Education Nurse Teacher mation and i nstrucFancy purebred year- tions on how to apply, ling Angus heifers go County ESD i s to: BiM SURGERY L ake now accepting appli(20). Final An s wer • F • N • T • e • tt hturc» l4mekrconJon and Danny B oy sideopb/careers/jobs/. cations for a Special bloodlines. Good disFull-Time, 4 - 1 0 hr. Education T e acher. 514 p osition. Raised i n shifts Mon.-Fri. Appli- Applicants must have Insurance long-established herd. Dental lnsurance cant must have Endo- or qualify for Oregon & Collections $1000 ea. Del. avail. as a SAVE $$$ on AUTO scopy exp e rience licensure 541-480-8096 Madras Full-time position preferably in an ASC Teacher with Handi- INSURANCE from the capped Learner En- m ajor names y o u with attractive setting. Propofol se358 dorsement. This is a dation a plus, but not benefits package. know and trust. No Farmers Column required. Job offers part-time (.5 FTE) po- forms. No hassle. No Fun, family-like sition with a s a lary obligation. e xcellent bene f i t Call team. Musthave 10X20 STORAGE package. I nterested range $ 1 6,565 READY F O R MY dental experience BUILDINGS persons should email $29,716 DOE, partial QUOTE now! CALL for protecting hay, with work referPosi t i on 1-888-706-8256. resume to: benefits. firewood, livestock closes 4/30/13. ences to apply; jobs© (PNDC) etc. $1496 Installed. Submit application Dentrix helpful. Remember.... 541-617-1133. online at A dd your we b a d 528 CCB ¹173684. dress to your ad and Fax resume to Loans & Mortgages include application, readers on The 541-475-6159 resume & cover letter Bulletin' s web site BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS BANK TURNED YOU (Madras). will be able to click DOWN'? Private party Search the area's most The Bulletin through automatically will loan on real escomprehensive listing of DispensaryLead extra I Recommends to your site. classified advertising... tate equity. Credit, no Nutraceutical Co. in caution when purreal estate to automotive, S isters, OR h a s a Resort problem, good equity chasing products or I merchandise to sporting is all you need. Call full-time posi t i on Activities person services from out of goods. Bulletin Classifieds a vailable as a D i sneeded at I the area. Sending Oregon Land Mortappear every day in the gage 541-388-4200. pensary Lead in our The Pines at Sunriver c ash, checks, o r print or on line. 541-593-2160. Custom Blending Lab. I credit i n f o rmation MONEYrWe buy Call 541-385-5809 Previous experience I may be subjected to LOCAL secured trustdeeds & SALES and/or education in FRAUD. Growing dealership note,some hard money compounding and For more informaloans. Call Pat Kelley seeking s alespeople tion about an adverdispensing i s resen«ngcenl~al 0 gon 9nce eN 541-382-3099 ext.13. looking for a perfor- I tiser, you may call q uired. Attention t o detail and the ability to mance-based pay plan, the Oregon State Metal T-posts Where can you find a 40 I $2.00 each. multi t a s k in a potential commissions I Attorney General's 541-389-8963 fast-paced e n v iron- of up to 35% equaling Office Co n s umert helping hand? $100,000+, Retirement m ent i s a mus t . Plan, Paid Vacation, Protection hotline at I From contractors to Rafter L F Ranch & Please email resume and a Farm Svcs.- Custom com p etitiveI 1-877-877-9392. yard care, it's all here to qa@ m etabolicmedical benefit packHaying & Field Work to in The Bulletin's age. Looking for team LThe Bulletin Call Lee Fischer, be considered for this player with a positive "Call A Service 541-410-4495 position. Salary com- attitude to operate with TRUCK DRIVER Professional" Directory mensurate with edu- energy and to be cuswanted must have cation/experience: tomer service oriented. doubles endorsement, $ 13.00 t o $15 . 0 0 Will provide training. local run, call 573 hourly, plus benefits Send resume' to: 541-475-4221 Business Opportunities package at 90 days. bcrvhireO
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Buying Diamonds /Gold for Cash Saxon's Fine Jewelers 541-389-6655
BUYING Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories.
FAST TREES, Potted Grow 6-10 feet yearly! $16-$22 delivered. or 509-447-4181 GENERATE SOME EXCITEMENT IN YOUR NEIGBORHOOD.
The Bulletin
Misc. Items
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Misc. Items
KO~O rj
Fuel & Wood • •
2 chainsaws, Homelite Seasoned Juniper$150/ Model 150 $125; & cord rounds; $170/ cord split. Delivered in Stihl 032 AV, $250 Central OR, since obo. 541-475-2057 1970! Call eves, Router full size table 541-420-4379 l ike n ew $150 . 268
A Classified ad is an EASY W A Y TO DO YOU NEED REACH over 3 million Door-to-door selling with A GREAT BUYING & SE L LING Plan a garage sale and • Building Materials • 7 0% Of f Pacific NorthwesternT ree don't forget to adverfast results! It's the easiest Delivery All gold jewelry, silver EMPLOYEE ers. $5 2 5 /25-word Earn extra money tise in classified! Cedar fence pickets, Blow Out Sale 421 and gold coins, bars, RIGHT NOW? way in the world to sell. c lassified ad i n 3 0 delivering the D ex 541-385-5809. on locally g rown 1x6x6', used, 400 pcs, rounds, wedding sets, Call The Bulletin daily newspapers for Schools & Training Directory i n the trees; Canada Red class rings, sterling sil- GET FREE OF CREDIT $50. 541-548-5935 before 11 a.m. and The Bulletin Classified 3-days. Call the PaBend/Redmond area. Choke Ch e r ries, A IRLINES ARE H I R- get an ad in to pubver, coin collect, vin- CARD DEBT NOW! cific Northwest Daily 541-385-5809 Must over the age of La Pine Habitat Colorado Blue tage watches, dental Cut payments by up ING - Train for hands lish the next day! Connection (916) 18 years, have a RESTORE Spruce, Engelman gold. Bill Fl e ming, to half. Stop creditors 2 88-6019 o r em a i l on Aviation Mainte541-385-5809. valid driver's license, Building Supply Resale Spruce, 541-382-9419. Au s t rian Sales from calling. nance Career. FAA VIEW the your own vehicle and Quality at Pines, P o nderosa Territory Sales for more info (PNDC) 866-775-9621. approved p r ogram. Classifieds at: proof of insurance. LOW PRICES Cemetery plot at T uPine, Aspens, etc., Manager We pay per book, (PNDC) Financial aid if quali52684 Hwy 97 malo Cemetery, $450. all sizes. 4/1 3 & Harbor W h o lesale per stop, b lended Extreme Value Adverfied - Housing avail541-536-3234 541-848-7436 Highspeed Internet EV4/14, 8 am - 4 pm. Foods, the leading r ate. P lease c a l l tising! 30 Daily newsable CALL A viation Food Service-Server Open to the public . 6 4655 Ol d B e n d ERYWHERE By Sat425-736-7927 Institute o f M a i nte- W hispering papers $525/25-word Wi n d s convenience store Dehumidifier, good cond, ellite! Speeds up to / Redmond Hw y . Prineville Habitat wholesale distribuc lassified 3-d a y s. nance 877-804-5293 Retirement is hiring a $25. (was $200 new). 12mbps! (200x faster Follow signs. Call ReStore t or in th e NW , i s (PNDC) Reach 3 million Pafull time server for our 541-588-6070 in Sisters than dial-up.) Starting Building Supply Resale for info at Need to get an seeking a dynamic, cific Northwesterners. room. Position 541-934-2423. at $49.95/mo. CALL Attend College Online dining NW Murphy Ct. experienced s ales ad in ASAP? For more information includes evenings 8 DISH Network. Starting N OW & G O F A S T! 1427541-447-6934 *Medical, NO Early Birds! 100%. p erson t o gro w weekends. B e nefits call (916) 288-6019 or You can place it at $19.99/month (for 1-888-718-2162. "Business, *Criminal Open to the public. email: 269 90 days. Must be Harbor's business in 1 2 mos.) & Hi g h (PNDC) Justice, H o s pitality, after online at: the greater Bend, Speed Internet startGardening Supplies * Web. J o b Pla c e - friendly & enjoy seOregon area. A drive for the Pacific Northniors. Please apply in ing at $ 14.95/month Laura Ingalls Wilder bks ment Ass i stance. Fuel & Wood & Equipment to help customers west Daily Connecerson at 2920 N E (where ava i lable.)complete set, + memora Computer and Finan- p tion. (PNDC) Ave., Bend. succeed and build 541-385-5809 S AVE! A s k Ab o u t bilia, $30. 541-388-9223 cial Aid If Qualified. Conners 1 cord dry, split Juniper, 20 assorted gardening relationships for the Pre-employment drug SAME DAY Installa- Metal garden arbor, $75. Au t h orized. test $190/cord. Multi-cord tools, plus self-propelled Schev future must be a prirequired. t ion! C A L L Now ! Wicker chair, $25, 8 86 6 - 688-7078 N pseg discounts, & ya cords mower, sell separately Call ority with this per1-866-947-7995. settee, $45. Bow front Www.Centuraonline.C available. Immediate orall, $250. E-mail son. Fo r d e t ailed (PNDC) Call a Pro (glass) curio cabinet delivery! 541-408-6193 sgin© om (pndc) i nformation and t o w/light, $95. B aker's or call 541-516-8646 Whether you need a apply: www.harborOregon Medical TrainPaCifiCSourCe rack, $75. 541-389-5408 All Year Dependable ing PCS - Phlebotomy fence fixed, hedges HEALTH PLANS Firewood: Seasoned EEOC classes begin May 6, Sewing: 1920 S inger Split, Del. trimmed or a house 2013. Registration now Senior Nurse Case Manager treadle, family owned. Lodgepole, Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 Meet singles right now! $75. 541-389-3745. built you'll find :~ * * r PROMPT D E LIVERY for $335. Cash, Check No paid o perators, medicaltrainin .com Sales PacificSource Health Plans hasan 541-389-9663 professional help in Credit Card OK. 541-343-31 00 We are looking for just real people like Wanted- paying cash or opening fora Senior Nurse Care Manager The Bulletin's "Call a you. Browse greet- for Hi-fi audio & stu- 541-420-3484. experienced Sales to lead our Case Management team. Gravel, will Travel! 470 professional to Join ings, exchange mes- dio equip. Mclntosh, Just bought a new boat? Have Service Professional" Cinders, topsoil, fill matesages and connect J BL, Marantz, D y - Sell your old one in the Domestic & Central O r e gon's This position would b e r e s ponsible for rial, etc. Excavation & Directory largest n e w car live. Try it free. Call naco, Heathkit, San- classifieds! Ask about our septicsystems. Abbas oversight of defined Health Services programs, In-Home Positions 541-385-5809 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Super Seller rates! now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. d ealer Subaru o f services, or functions which may include, but Construction cce¹7SS4O Call 541-261-1808 541-385-5809 Bend. Offe r ing not b e (PNDC) Cal8541-548-6812 lim i te d t o, con d ition/disease Housework + yard work Hairstylists, Barbers & management program, behavioral health serhelp needed; mowing, Nail Techs needed for La 401k, profit sharing, medical plan, split For newspaper weeding, trimming, etc. Pine salon. 1st 2 months vices, complex case management, UM/CM, s hifts, a n d pa i d $9.90/hr. 541-389-0034. grievance and appeals, claim review, and/or delivery, call the rent-free. Choose own training. Please apCirculation Dept. at policy/procedure writing. If you are an RN with d ays/hours. Must b e 476 ply at 2060 NE Hwy 5 years of varied clinical experience seeking a 541-385-5800 consistent. Call J ohn, 20, Bend. new challenge, this may be the opportunity for Employment To place an ad, call 503-449-5135. you! Leadership experience is preferred. 541-385-5809 Opportunities Call54I385$809tcprOm O teyO ur S erV iCe AdVertiSefOr 28daySStartingat'lt0inseecralpadagestoiovarteleonourwtute or email Nurse Manager: To apply, please visit us online at Endoscopy and Pain CAUTION READERS: The Bulletin Building/Contracting Ja n i torial Services L a ndscaping/Yard Care servtng central oreqon srnce s03 BE'NbSURGERY EOE Ads published in "EmC • ta • N • T • lt • R ployment OpportuniPond pump 1/10 hp, 50 hkrcae Ikcnelutcarkn NOTICE: Oregon state Integrity Office Cleaning Nelson amp, 5500 gph, $100. t ies" i n c lude e m - Job Summary: We are looking for a strong law req u ires any-Honest services tailored to N si g Landscaping & 503-860-8974 ployee and one who co n t racts your needs! Licensed & to fill the Nurse Manager role for the Maintenance i ndependent po s i - leader for construction work Insured, Free Estimates. Endoscopy and Pain departments. This posiPond/waterfall 40 amp, tions. Ads for posiServing Central to be licensed with the Call Nikki,541-419-6601 pump 1/8 hp, Bk gph, tions that require a fee tion requires an individual capable of providOregon Since 2003 PaCifiCSourCe C onstruction Co n ing direct oversight of Endoscopy and Pain $200 503-860-8974 Residental/Commercial or upfront investment while HEALTH PLANS tractors Board (CCB). LandscapingNard Care managing 14-18 FTE's. The position remust be stated. With ports directly to the Clinical Director. Duties SUPER TOP SOIL A n active lice n se Sprinkler Help us change healthcare! www.herehe independent job means the contractor include, but not be limited to, performance Activation/Repair Screened, soil & com- any PacificSource Health Plans is hasseveral opportunity, p l e ase will i s bonded an d i n and performance management as RN openingsin our Bend offices. Back Flow Testing post m i x ed , no investigate thor- evaluations s ured. Ver if y t h e well as new staff orientation. This position is a rocks/clods. High hu- oughly. ZcdN'4 gaadriI contractor's CCB Maintenance member of multiple committees. If you have a broad clinical background and mus level, exc. f or c ense through t h e • Thatch & Aerate would like to enhance patients' quality of life Zacud ge-e I,. flower beds, lawns, Use extra caution when CCB Cons u mer More Than Service • Spring Clean up and maximize health plan b enefits, this gardens, straight applying for jobs on- Qualifications: Must be able to demonstrate Website •Weekly Mowing position may be the opportunity for you! The s creened to p s o i l. line and never pro- strong leadership and communication skills. Peace Of Mind www.tnreahcensedcontractor. 8 Edging Must be a licensed RN in the state of Oregon, ideal candidate will have a current RN license Bark. Clean fill. Decom vide personal infor- or •Bi-Monthly & Monthly able to obtain licensure upon hire. 3-5 years and five years nursing experience with varied liver/you haul. mation to any source or call 503-378-4621. Spring Clean Up Maintenance Endoscopy experience, preferably in an medical exposure and experience. Case 541-548-3949. The Bulletin recom•Leaves you may not have re- of • Bark, Rock, Etc. setting. The ideal candidate will have management, utilization, and/or health plan mends checking with •Cones searched and deemed ASC management experience within an ASC setexperience preferred. Need to get an the CCB prior to con•Needles to be reputable. Use ting. L~andsca in tracting with anyone. •Debris Hauling ad in ASAP? extreme caution when •Landscape Apply online at Some other t rades r esponding to A N Y Position details: This is a full time exempt poConstruction You can place it also req u ire addi- Weed free Bark online e m p loyment sition; Monday through Friday. Competitive •Water Feature online at: tional licenses a nd 8 flower beds ad from out-of-state. Installation/Maint. salary, benefit package, retirement and bonus EOE certifications. •Pavers We suggest you call plan. Position closesApril 17, 2013. Lawn Renovation •Renovations Debris Removal the State of Oregon Aeration - Dethatching •Irrigations Installation Independent Contractor 541-385-5809 Email resume to jobs© Overseed Consumer Hotline at Senior Discounts JUNK BE GONE 1-503-378-4320 Compost Bonded & Insured Top Dressing I Haul Away FREE * Supplement Your Income* Lost & Found • 541-815-4458 For Equal Opportunity For Salvage. Also LCB¹8759 L aws: Oregon B uCleanups 8 Cleanouts Landscape FOUND: Valuable item reau of Labor & InMel, 541-389-8107 Maintenance SPRING CLEAN-UP! in l o ca l h o t e l in dustry, C i vil Rights Advertising Account Executive Full or Partial Service Aeration/Dethatching d owntown Bend o n Division, Excavating • Mowing «Edging Weekly/one-time service Thursday, March 21st. 971-673-0764 The Bulletin is looking for a professional and avail. Bonded, insured. •Pruning Weeding Please call Chris at driven Sales and Marketing person to help our Levi's Concrete & Dirt ++++++++++++++++++ Free Estimates! Sprinkler Adjustments 541-549-2302. Works - for all your dirt & If you have any quescustomers grow their businesses with an COLLINS Lawn Maint. excavation needs. Contions, concerns or Found Volkswagen keyexpanding list of broad-reach and targeted Ca/l 541-480-9714 Fertilizer included crete, Driveway Grading, less fob in NW Crossing comments, contact: products. This full time position requires a Augering.ccb¹ 194077 with monthly program alley. Call 425-749-1059; Classified Department background in consultative sales, territory Need to get an 541-639-5282 must have car to claim. The Bulletin management and aggressive prospecting skills. Weekly,monthly ad in ASAP'? 541-385-5809 Two years of media sales experience is Lost: silver lighter case or one time service. Handyman You can place it off back of Harley btwn preferable, but we will train the right candidate. online at: Bend/Sisters. Sentimen- The Bulletin I DO THAT! EXPERIENCED We are looking for independent conservmg central oregon srncel9te The position includes a competitive Commercial tal value. 541-549-8903 Home/Rental repairs tractors to service home delivery compensation package including benefits, and Small jobs to remodels & Residential Auto Lost wallet in Redmond routes in: F81 Manager. Experirewards an aggressive, customer focused Honest, guaranteed 3/28 O WalM art 541-385-5809 work. CCB¹151573 poss. Pink, chain with enced with p r oven salesperson with unlimited earning potential. Senior Discounts track record mandaDennis 541-317-9768 heart pendant. has ALLEN REINSCH Must be available 7 days a week, early morn541-390-1466 IDs. 541-280-0192. tory. Great pay plan Email your resume, cover letter and salary Yard maintenance 8 ERIC REEVE HANDY ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. and benefits. Call for Same Day Response history to: clean-up, thatching, SERVICES. Home 8 R EMEMBER: If you confidential interview. Jay Brandt, Advertising Director plugging & much more! Commercial Repairs, have lost an animal, 541-420-9670. Please call 541.385.5800 or Call 541-536-1294 Carpentry-Painting, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! don't forget to check 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or Pressure-washing, The Humane Society Caregiver Honey Do's. On-time Door-to-door selling with Painting/Wall Covering in Bend 541-382-3537 Prineville Senior care or drop off your resume in person at apply via email at promise. Senior Redmond, h ome l o oking f o r 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; fast results! It's the easiest online O Discount. Work guar- way in the world to sell. • Interior/Exterior Painting 541-923-0882 Caregiver for multiple Or mailto PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708; • Deck Refinishing anteed. 541-389-3361 Prineville, s hifts, p a rt-time t o No phone inquiries please. • Handyman Services or 541-771-4463 541-447-7178; full-time. Pass The Bulletin Classified CCB¹t 639t 4 Bonded & Insured OR Craft Cats, criminal background Sage Home Maintenance EOE I Drug Free Workplace 541-385-5809 CCB¹181595 Call 541-508-0673 541-389-8420. check. 541-447-5773. 541-408-2191.
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2013 F riday,April5,
ACROSS 3oFirst carrier to offer regular 3 Game with in-flight movies, the figures "soldier's bed" 1961 and "fish in a 33 Garment made dish" of Gore-Tex, maybe 33 Real-estate mogul Olenicoff 33 They're no zs Superpower longer tender with which in a typical trattona Clark Kent shaves himself 34 Yellowfin, on 35 Boulevardier's some menus accessory 3s Tangles with, in the country 37 Waffling zs Fangorn Forest 37 Classic Chrysler denizens 39 Lead characters in "Mork & 39 Source of the line "Hope Mindy"? springs eternal 4o Impart 42 Coaching 2o Larder lineup concern 23 It moves along 43 Tillis or Torme via a series of 44 Place to moor belts 45 Full of 22 Greg Evans adrenaline, comic strip informally 24 Dental patient, 47 West Point often newcomers 25 Daughter of Zeus and Leda 49 Aids in marketing? 2s Drum that sx O. Henry is might known for one accompany a fife s2 Baccarat cousin
Avoiding a ruff By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
At the F all NA B C , Ea st-West stopped at two diamonds (East's two clubs was conventional). South, Norberto Bocchi of Italy, balanced with two spades and found a helpful dummy. East overtook West's queen of diamonds with the king to shift to the nine ofclubs: deuce, queen, SIX. A second club went to dummy's ten. Bocchi next led a diamond from dummy, and East took his ace. But when he led a third diamond, Bocchi continued his campaign to avoid a defensive ruff by pitching his last club. (If h e r u f fed, West could overruff and lead a club.) West's ace of trumps won East-West's last trick, and Bocchi made his contract for plus 110.
The opponents pass. What do you say? ANSWER: Wi t h a mi n i m u m hand, slow things down. Bid 1NT to show a balanced hand and limit your h igh-card strength to at m ost 15 points. True, y our p attern i sn't precisely balanced, but a rebid of two clubs would suggest a longer suit, and a bi d o f t w o h e arts would promise much more strength. West dealer Both sides vulnerable
NORTH 41K J97 9 K105 0842 4 A106 WEST
EAST 453 9 J72 0 A K106 5 3 497
This was i n a B o a r d-a-Match Teams. At the other table, East-West were plus 90 at two diamonds, so Bocchi's team won the board but would have lost it if h e had gone down for minus 100. East missed an inference: South's failure to draw trumps marked West with the ace. East could have gotten a club ruff by leading a trump at Trick Five.
0 Q7
4 KQ5 43
SOUTH 4 10 8 6 4 2 9 AQ8 0 J9 4 J82 W est 14 1 NT
Nort h Pass Pas s
2O Pass All Pass
E ast
Sou t h
1O 24
P ass Pass
2 41
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puzzles, (S39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
!n. m1Ij da1Ij, We Weren.'t go ~//I+.5 I3' dern.ed dute 5 gallivaYLtiYLg Pl/I4IIIII4C
43 44 45 46 DOWN s Pot item 47 48 49 50 2 Prefix with -stat 3 Pool protector 51 52 53 54 55 56 4 Six-time Lombardi 57 58 59 Trophy winners 5 Rx chain 60 61 5 Spanish wine 62 63 7 Leaning s Like the snowy owl PUZZLE BY DOUG PETERSON AND BRAD WILBER 9 Very much 29 Cartoonist 54 Weights, zo Shanghai-to4s Striped Tokyo dir. Keane identifier colloquially zz Block during a 32 Ululates 4e Zach ss "Hullabaloo" blizzard TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE "Garden State" dance 36 TV show that 12 Genre that actor/director has spawned AND CON glorifies many movies, se Bang out gunplay K SOU T B ON O soEarly briefly u Mostly automaker V ER S E F I D E Frederick Henry ss Fielding feats, 3e Cold war D E S T R O L L E D 14 Checked for short concern 23 Emergency oil I T CHA rig visitor 43 Yvonne of "The s2 Direction from ss When repeated, N C E G E S T I O N 23 Out of one's Munsters" on high a sneakylaugh H I B I T S OD Y league?
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LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis FOCI/O,FOOL,FOCUA
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ACROSS 1 Org. where weight matters 4Ancient Ephraimite's home 10 Pasture calls 14"Ben15 Caterer's supply 16 Succotash bean 17 Falk and Fonda after mud wrestling? 19 Since 20 Overhead views 21 "You got me" 23 Hawaiiancoffee 24 Overzealous peach eaters? 26 Treated, as a patient 28 Midwinter Asian holiday 29 Tin 32 Packs in a hold 35 End notes? 39 Oils a deck of cards? 43 Office specialist 44 Lost, as a tail 45 Storm maker of
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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek I'm telling ykku, Tracy, I wasn't ~ t h ere! 4k
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NOONI 1@ J W 03013 Tnkkune Media Services, Ikkc. „ All Rights Reserved.
61 Heart conditions? 62 Inter 63 Gal idolizing actor Matthew? 66 Scratch 67 Pathetic to the max 68 Mauna 69 Wolverine sneaker brand 70 '50s tankers? 71 Bungle
6 Like many a mil. officer 7 Ain't right? 8 Subject Df the 2005 book "Conspiracy Df
Fools" 9 Snapped 10 Driveway improvement 11 Flier's request 12 lllicit affair 13 Hotel amenities 18 They're all for it 22 Nail
41 Barnum's Fiji m ermaid, for one 42 Hosp. readout 47 Cross-country need, perhaps 48 Lithe 50 Similar things 51 Act Df love, or hostility 52 Veil material 53 Epic with more than 15,000 lines
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concern 59 S c h indler Df "Schindler's List" 61 Treads the boards 64 R8B artist Des' 65 D e signer mon o g ram
24 Casserole veggies S I D
O U C H B A L I U L L ED R A A D D S K N E E A A C N E course S T U B 30 Bar supply 31 "Coney Island" G O I T A L documentarian A D H E R E L I Burns A B A T E G L O 33 Bk. before A L L A A E T N Philippians W A G E R S 34 Gimlet spec C A S A B A I D 36 Snare T H E Y L L C E 37 Bar supply 38 Ring decision S A S S Y K N 40 Southeast natives 25 River near Karachi 27 Buckskin source 29 1970s-'80s selfimprovement
29 3 0
T T A R L E L E E S S A T P 04/05/1 3 12
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42 45
46 51
49 54
54 Re s pond to a char g e 55 S a lon choices 57 F r anco finale? 58 D e signer's
DOWN 1 Roux-making tool 2 Chichester chap 3 "Catch-22" actor 4 Net profit makers, 69 briefly 5 Sault M a rie By Ned White
61 63
(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Ine.
I •
RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space
f • •
682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719- Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land
Boats & Accessories
oQ00 OOO
.III . f t
20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530
Southwind 35.5' Triton, 2008,V10, 2slides, Dupont UV coat, 7500 mi. Snowmobiles • Bought new at $132,913; 21' Crownline 215 hp (2) 2000 A rctic C at asking $91,000. Z L580's EFI with n e w in/outboard e n g ine Call 503-982-4745 covers, electric start w/ 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin reverse, low miles, both sleeps 2/3 p e ople, excellent; with new 2009 portable toilet, exc. Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, cond. Asking $8,000. drive off/on w/double tilt, OBO. 541-388-8339
lots of accys. Selling due to m edical r e asons. $8000 all. 541-536-8130 • Yamaha 750 1999 Mountain Max, $1400. • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 EXT, $1000. • Zieman 4-place trailer, SOLD! All in good condition. Located in La Pine.
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Class 875. 541-385-5809
Winnebago Suncruiser34' 2004, only 34K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243 881
Travel Trailers
BOATS & RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Fifth Wheels Good used 5th wheel hitch, $199. 541-447-4446
Heartland Bighorn 36'
The Bulletin
4000 miles, 3 slide-outs, many extras, in great condition; stored inside. Diamond Reo Dump Ford Model A 1930, 860 $32,000. 541-233-6819 Truck 19 7 4, 1 2-14 Sports Coupe. Motorcycles & Accessories yard box, runs good, R umble seat, H & H rebuilt engine. W i ll Flagstaff 30' 2006, with Fin d exactly what $6900, 541-548-6812 B MW K100 L T 1 9 8 7 slide, custom interior, you are looking for in the cruise at 55mph. Must 52k miles, b r onze, Forklift, Hyster H 3 0E like new, S a crifice, see to believe. Absoextra windshield, Boat loader, elec. for LPG, good condition, lutely stunning condi$17,5OO. 541-598-7546' pickup canopy, extras, trailer hitch, battery 607 hrs, $2000 OBO. tion! $17,500 charger, full luggage $450, 541-548-3711 541-389-7596 541-410-0818 hard bags, manuals Mustang Coupe and paperwork. AlSay "goodbuy" G K E A T Ford 1966, original owner, 634 745 ways garaged. $3200. to that unused V8, automatic, great Don, 541-504-5989 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Homes for Sale shape, $9000 OBO. item by placing it in E Hyster H25E, runs CRAMPED FOR • 530-515-81 99 Fleetwood 31' W ilderLaredo 2009 30' with 2 Call for Specialsi The Bulletin Classifieds well, 2982 Hours, CASH? n ess Gl 1 9 99, 1 2 ' slides, TV, A/C, table Limited numbers avail. FOR SALE Use classified to sell $3500, call slide, 2 4 ' aw n ing, 8 c h airs, s a tellite, Ford Ranchero 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. 541-749-0724 those items you no queen bed, FSC, out- Arctic p kg., p o wer 1979 W/D hookups, patios When buying a home, 5 41 -385-580 9 longer need. side shower, E-Z lift awning, Exc. cond! 83% of Central with 351 Cleveland or decks. Call 541-385-5809 s tabilizer hitch, l i ke $28,000. 541-419-3301 Check out the modified engine. Oregonians turn to MOUNTAIN GLEN, new, been stored. classifieds online Body is in 541-383-9313 $10,950. 541-419-5060 excellent condition, 606 Professionally Serrng Cenfral Oregon s ncr 1903 Ser ng Cent al 0 ego r r c r r9D3 ( YOUR BOAT ... ( $2500 obo. managed by Norris & 19 0 F Q Roommate Wanted with ou r spe c i al P ioneer 23 ' Updated daily 541-420-4677 Stevens, Inc. Call 541-385-5809 to Harley Dyna 2000 conv. rates for selling your I 2006, EZ Lift, $9750. 29k, harlaquin paint, place your 541-548-1096 Roommate needed, avail. new tires, many chrome ~ boat or watercraft! Into Spring! Real Estate ad. now. Own bath, quiet Jump parts, very good cond. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, duplex, $350 mo., $300 MONTANA 3585 2008 $10,500 209-770-0903 f Place an ad in The dep. + y~ util., internet $530 8 $540 w/lease. exc. cond., 3 slides, B ulletin w it h ou r Garage Sales Carports included! incl. 541-728-5731 Harley Heritage king bed, Irg LR, f 3-month p ackage Softail, 2003 Arctic insulation, all FOX HOLLOW APTS. Garage Sales Peterbilt 359 p o table Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 ( which includes: $5,000+ in extras, Just too many options $35,000. water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, engine, power every(541) 383-31 52 $2000 paint job, 541-420-3250 3200 gal. tank, 5hp *4 lines of text and ~ collectibles? Cascade Rental Garage Sales new paint, 54K 30K mi. 1 owner, Prowler 2009 Extreme pump, 4-3" h o ses, thing, a photo or up to 10 Management. Co. m i les, runs Nuyya 297LK H i tchFor more information J lines with no photo. E dition. Model 2 7 0 camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. original Find them great, excellent condiSell them in please call 2007, 3 slides, 541-820-3724 636 RL, 2 slides, oppos- Hiker *Free online ad at tion in 8 out. Asking in 541-385-8090 The Bulletin Classifieds Apt./Multiplex NW Bend ing in living area, ent. 32' touring coach, left I $8,500. 541-480-3179 or 209-605-5537 925 center, sep. bedroom, kitchen, rear lounge, The Bulletin *Free pick up into 2 ne w e x tra t i res, many extras, beautiful Utility Trailers Small studios close to li~ The Central Oregon ~ 541-385-5809 Classifieds ond. inside 8 o u t , hitch, bars, sway bar c brary, all util. paid. f Nickel ads. OBO, Prinevincluded. P r o-Pack, $32,900 $550 mo.w/ $525 dep. 541-385-5809 ille. 541-447-5502 days Light equipment trailer, 630 anti-theft. Good cond, 3 axle, 8'x21' tilt bed. $495 mo.w/$470 dep I Rates start at $46. I c lean. Re g . 'til & 541-447-1641 eves. Rooms for Rent $3500. 541-489-6150. No pets/ no smoking. Call for details! 749 4/20/1 5. $19 , 900. 541-330- 9769 or GMC 1966, too many 541-385-5809 541-390-1122 Studios & Kitchenettes 541-480-7870 Southeast Bend Homes Harley Limited 103 2011, extras to list, reduced to Furnished room, TV w/ many extras, stage 1 8 air Automotive Parts, $7500 obo. Serious buy648 cable, micro & fridge. cushion seat. 18,123 mi, 20688 White Cliff Circle. Service & Accessories ers only. 541-536-0123 Utils & linens. New $21,990. 541-306-0289 Houses for 4 Bdrm, 2 bath home RV owners. $145-$165/wk D Rent General CONSIGNMENTS FSBO, . 46 a c r e , 541-382-1885 GENERATE SOME exPilgrim 27', 2007 5th TIRES set of 4 mounted single level, w/ office, WANTED on rims + extra rim. citement in your neigwheel, 1 s lide, AC, Rented your laundry room, paved We Do The Work ... 5% h w y tre a d , borhood. Plan a ga- You TV,full awning, excel- 4 Get your Keep The Cash! Property? driveway, hardwood $400 obo rage sale and don't lent shape, $23,900. 225/60R16, The Bulletin Classifieds f loors, w h it e v i n y l On-site credit 541-489-6150 business forget to advertise in 541-350-8629 approval team, has an fence. $260 , 000. GMC ~izton 1971, Only classified! 385-5809. HD Fat Boy1996 "Alter Hours" Line. OBO. 541-317-5012. web site presence. $19,700! Onginal low Completely customized We Take Trade-Ins! Call 541-383-2371 Antique & a ROW I N G mile, exceptional, 3rd Must see and hear to Serving Central Oregon since 1903 24 Hours to Free Advertising. 750 owner. 951-699-7171 Classic Autos appreciate. 2012 a cel o a d . BIG COUNTRY RV c~ Redmond Homes 875 with an ad in Award Winner. 17,000 Bend: 541-330-2495 obo. 541-548-4807 Watercraft The Bulletin's Redmond: 541-548-5254 "Call A Service Looking for your next Pilgrim In t e rnational HD Screaming Eagle Ads published in "Waemp/oyee? 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Electra Glide 2005, Professional" 1921 Model T tercraft" include: KayPlace a Bulletin help Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 103" motor, two tone for rent: 30 amp Jeep Comanche, 1990, rafts and motor- Space Delivery Truck Directory wanted ad today and +water, sewer, gravel Fall price $ 2 1,865. candy teal, new tires, aks, original owner, 167K, Ized personal Restored & Runs reach over 60,000 541-312-4466 lot. $350 mo. Tumalo 23K miles, CD player, watercrafts. 4WD, 5-spd, tags good For area. 541-419-5060 632 readers each week. $9000. hydraulic clutch, extill 9/2015, $3900 obo. "boats" please see Your classified ad 541-389-8963 Apt./Multiplex General cellent condition. 541-633-7761 RV Class 870. will also appear on Highest offer takes it. CONSIGNMENTS 541-385-5809 541-480-8080. WANTED 705 Redmond Rental which currently reWe Do The Work ... Assistance Available! ceives over Real Estate Services ANTIQUE You Keep The Cash! 1.5 million page ATVs On-site credit 1921 Model T Ridgemont views every month Boise, ID Real Estate 880 approval team, Delivery Truck Springdale 2005 27', 4' Apartmenfs at no extra cost. For relocation info, Motorhomes web site presence. Mercedes 450SL, 1977, slide in dining/living area, 2210 SW 19th Street, Restored & Runs Bulletin Classifieds call Mike Conklin, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 We Take Trade-Ins! 113K, 2nd owner, gaR edmond, is n o w Get Results! $9000. 208-941-8458 Free Advertising. r aged, b o t h top s . accepting a p plicaobo. 541-408-3811 541-389-8963 Call 385-5809 or Silvercreek Realty $11,900. 541-389-7596 tions for their waiting BIG COUNTRY RV place your ad on-line Bend: 541-330-2495 l ist of 1 8 2 B d r m 744 at Redmond: apts. Rent based on Open Houses Yamaha Banshee 2001 541-548-5254 income. I ncome Tick, Tock custom built 350 motor L restrictions applv. race-ready, lots of extras Open House in Call 541.548.7282 Fleetwood DisTiCk, TOck... 773 $4999/obo 541-647-8931 2003 TDD 1.800.735.2900 Tetherow - Fri. 11-1pm covery 40' diesel mo- Weekend Warrior Toy ...don't let time get Acreages Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, 19454 Stafford Loop torhome w/all 870 Oldsmobile Alero 2004, options-3 slide outs, fuel station, exc cond. away. Hire a classic 4-dr in showroom 0 0 • I Boats & Accessories satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, sleeps 8, black/gray condition, leather, chrome (440) Dryland Acres professional out etc. 3 2 ,000 m i l es. i nterior, u se d 3X , wheels, 1 owner, low 5 miles east of Ash$19 999 firm of The Bulletin's Wintered in h e ated miles. $7500. e) wood o n G r osner 634 541-389-9188 541-382-2452 shop. $89,900 O.B.O. "Call A Service R d. S p ring a n d 14' 1982 Valco River Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 541-447-8664 pond. Good for seaProfessional" 3 Bdrm, 2 ,775 s q.ft. Sled, 70 h.p., FishWant to impress the PORTLAND SWAP grazing, huntcustom home, main sonal Clean, quiet 1bdrm with Finder. Older boat but Directory today! MEET relatives? Remodel ing/recreation. pvt patio. No smoking or floor master. price includes trailer, I 4 9 th ANNUAL firm. As is. your home with the pets. $530 + deposit. Directions: MT Wash- $330,000 3 wheels and tires. All April5,6& 7 , 2013 ~ No agents. 32' Fleetwood Fiesta help of a professional ington, West on Meto- 541-205-3788, 1000 NE Butler Mkt Rd. for $1 5 00 ! Cal l 7a.m. -7p.m. Fri. & 2003, no slide-out, 541-598-4877 lius, left o n M e eks 541-823-2397, from The Bulletin's 541-416-8811 7a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. Triton engine, all Trail, right on Stafford "Call A Service 1000s Of Vendorsl amenities, 1 owner, PUBLISHER'S f' Lp. Collector cars and I~ ' perfect, only 17K miles, Professional" Directory NOTICE : .':=.~-', .': . - ; ~ -. ~:~wif Brian Ladd, Broker parts for sale $22,000 firm! All real estate adverChevy C-20 Pickup 541-408-3912 541-504-3253 $1000sin door tising in this newspa1969, all orig. Turbo 44. Cascade Sotheby's prizes by: CHECK YOUR AD per is subject to the Looking for your auto 4-spd, 396, model I J O HNNY LAW Realty Please check your ad next employee? F air H o using A c t International Four Winds Class CST /all options, orig. Learn more at MOTORS 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 on the first day it runs A 3 2 ' Hu r r icane Place a Bulletin help 1/3 interest in Columbia which makes it illegal owner, $19,950, www.bendproperty503-678-1823 to make sure it is cor- Volvo Penta, 270HP, 2007. CAN'T BEAT wanted ad today and to a d vertise "any 400, $150,000 located 541-923-6049 pdxswap© rect. Sometimes in- low hrs., must see, THIS! Look before reach over 60,000 preference, limitation @ Sunriver. H o urly Tickets avail. at s tructions over t h e $15,000, 541-330-3939 y ou b u y , b e l o w readers each week. rental rate (based upon Chevy 1955 PROJECT or disc r imination 745 the gate phone are misundermarket value! Size Your classified ad based on race, color, approval) $775. Also: car. 2 door wgn, 350 Homes for Sale See: The 'TREIT8 stood and a n e r ror 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, 8 m i leage D OES religion, sex, handiwill also appear on S21 hangar avail. for small block w/Weiand DAVENPORT"matter! 12,500 mi, can occurin your ad. 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 dual quad tunnel ram cap, familial status, s ale, o r l e as e I all amenities, Ford BONNEVILLE If this happens to your hp Bowrider w/depth NOTICE which currently re$15/day or $ 325/mo. with 450 Holleys. T-10 marital status or naSTREAMLINERV10, Ithr, c h erry, ceives over 1.5 mil541-948-2963 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, tional origin, or an in- All real estate adver- ad, please contact us finder, radio/CD player, slides, like new! New Weld Prostar wheels, tention to make any tised here in is sub- the first day your ad rod holders, full canlion page views evlow price, $54,900. extra rolling chassis + ery month at no such pre f erence, ject to t h e F e deral appears and we will vas, EZ Loader trailer, 541-548-5216 extras. $6500 for all. exclnt cond, $13,000. extra cost. Bulletin limitation or discrimi- F air H o using A c t , be happy to fix it as 541-389-7669. Classifieds Get Renation." Familial sta- which makes it illegal s oon as w e ca n . 707-484-3518 (Bend) RV Tow car 2004 PROJECT CARS: Chevy tus includes children to advertise any pref- Deadlines are: Weeksults! Call 385-5809 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLDi & Honda Civic Si set up days 11:00 noon for or place your ad under the age of 18 erence, limitation or Chevy Coupe 1950 for flat towing with on-line at living with parents or discrimination based next day, Sat. 11:00 1/3 interest i n w e l lrolling chassis's $1750 base plate and tow legal cust o dians, on race, color, reli- a.m. for Sunday and equipped IFR Beech Boea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, brake, 35k mi, new pregnant women, and gion, sex, handicap, Monday. nanza A36, new 10-550/ complete car, $ 1949; tires, great cond. 541-385-5809 people securing cus- familial status or naprop, located KBDN. 882 Cadillac Series 61 1950 Thank you! $12,000. tody of children under tional origin, or intenChevy Wagon 1957, $65,000. 541-419-9510 2 dr. hard top, complete 541-288-1808 Fifth Wheels 18. This newspaper tion to make any such The Bulletin Classified 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, 4-dr., complete, w/spare f r on t cl i p ., inboard motor, g r eat will not knowingly ac- preferences, l i m ita$7,000 OBO, trades. $3950, 541-382-7391 cond, well maintained, cept any advertising tions or discrimination. Please call $9995 obo. 541-350-7755 775 for real estate which is We will not knowingly 541-389-6998 in violation of the law. accept any advertisManufactured/ Pickups O ur r e aders ar e ing for r ea l e s tate Take care of Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe Mobile Homes which is in violation of hereby informed that 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, your investments all dwellings adver- this law. All persons Jayco Seneca 34', 2007 Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 auto. trans, ps, air, 1/5th interest in 1973 SPECIAL with the help from tised in this newspa- are hereby informed FACTORY 28K miles, 2 slides, Du frame on rebuild, reNew Home, 3 bdrm, by Carriage, 4 slides, Cessna 150 LLC ramax diesel, 1 owner per are available on that all dwellings adpainted original blue, The Bulletin's inverter, satellite sys, 150hp conversion, low $46,500 finished excellent cond, $94,500 an equal opportunity vertised are available original blue interior, on your site. fireplace, 2 flat screen time on air frame and "Call A Service Trade? 541-546-6920 basis. To complain of on an equal opportuoriginal hub caps, exc. J and M Homes TVs. $54,950 engine, hangared in discrimination cal l nity basis. The Bullechrome, asking $9000 Ford F-150 XL 20 07, Professional" Directory 541-548-5511 541-480-3923 Bend. Excellent perHUD t o l l -free at tin Classified or make offer. very clean, low miles. lormance 8 afford1-800-877-0246. The 541-385-9350 Vin ¹B50639 CHECK YOUR AD People Look for Information LOT MODEL able flying! $6,500. toll f re e t e l ephone $13,588 541-382-6752 LIQUIDATION About Products and number for the hearing im p aired is Services Every Daythrough Prices Slashed Huge Executive Hangar Savings! 10 Year 4@ sU BA RU. 1-800-927-9275. The Bulletin Classifieds Monaco Dynasty 2004, at Bend Airport (KBDN) conditional warranty. loaded, 3 slides, die60' wide x 50' deep, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Finished on your site. sel, Reduced - now Crest Butte Apartments w/55' wide x 17' high bi877-266-3821 1996 Seaswirl 20.1 ONLY 3 LEFT! check your ad fold dr. Natural gas heat, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, 1695 Purcell Blvd., Bend, Oregon Dlr ¹0354 Cuddy, 5.0 Volvo, exc $119,000, 5 4 1-923- Please 541-548-5511 on the first day it runs Now accepting applications for the wait list of a offc, bathroom. Adjacent door panels w/flowers cond., full canvas, one 8572 or 541-749-0037 to make sure it is corto Frontage Rd; great federally s u bsidized A f f ordable F a m ily owner, $6500 OBO. & hummingbirds, FORD F150 XLT rect. Sometimes in- visibility for aviation busiHousing project. Crest Butte is a beautiful 541-41 0-0755 RV 2001, V-8 Triton, white soft top & hard Good classified ads tell structions over the ness. Financing availproperty, less than 3 y e ars r emodeled, CONSIGNMENTS top. Just reduced to runs fantastic. the essential facts in an phone are misable. 541-948-2126 or offering 1 and 2 bedroom units to those who WANTED A Bargain at $4000 $3,750. 541-317-9319 interesting Manner. Write understood and an error email income qualify. Close to St . Charles and We Do The Work ... or 541-647-8483 obo. Call Peter at can occur in your ad. medical/dental providers, as well as daycare from the readers view - not You Keep The Cash! 562-659-4691, in If this happens to your Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, 20.5' 2004 Bayliner the seller's. Convert the and schools. On-site laundry facilities and new On-site credit Prineville. ad, please contact us based in Madras, al205 Run About, 220 facts into benefits. Show playground available. approval team, HP, V8, open bow, the first day your ad ways hangared since the reader how the item will Please contact site manager for further detail. web site presence. appears and we will new. New annual, auto exc. cond with very Project phone ¹: (541) 389-9107 help them in someway. G MC Sierra S L T We Take Trade-Ins! low hours, lots of be happy to fix it pilot, IFR, one piece 2006 - 1 500 Crew TTY. 1(800)735-2900 This Free Advertising. as soon as we can. windshield. Fastest Arextras incl. tower, Cab 4x4, Z71, exc. advertising tip BIG COUNTRY RV Bimini & custom If we can assist you, cher around. 1750 to"This institute is an equal Ford Galaxie 500 1963, cond., 82 k m i les, Bend: 541-330-2495 brought to you by please call us: tal t i me . $ 6 8 ,500. opportunity provider." trailer, $17,950. 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, Redmond: $19,900. EOUAl HCUSIIIG 541-385-5809 541-475-6947, ask for 541-389-1413 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 541-408-0763 The Bulletin 541-548-5254 The Bulletin Classified Rob Berg. radio (orig),541-41 9-4989 Call 541-408-6149.
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Sport Utility Vehicles
Sport Utility Vehicles
CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e phone are misunderstood and an e rror can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as
Erl rorrro
I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 t on dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950.
Chevrolet Blazer LT Ford Expedition XLT Honda Ridgeline RTL Toyota FJ Cru i s er 2000 -130k miles, Call 2005, 4x 4, tow pkg, 2008, 4x4, moonroof, 2007, 6 speed, 4x4, for info. $3800 OBO 3rd row seat. leather, tow pkg. low low miles, very 541-480-0781 Vin ¹A48440 Vin ¹534426. clean. $10,488 $21,988 Vin ¹074880 2011 Acura MDX $27,888 Tech, white, 43k mi. S UBA R U .
541-41 9-5480.
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Need to get an ad in ASAP'? Fax it to 541-322-7253 The Bulletin Classifieds
~Sport Utility Vehicles Ford Expedition XLT 4x4, low miles, Honda Pilot EX-L 2004, Cadillac Escalade ESV 2004, 4x4, leather, loaded. 2010 Nav-DVD-quads. clean. Vin ¹539379 Vin ¹B41370 ¹220339 $52,995 $9,988 $14,988
Oregon AutoSource
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend.
877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
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Toyota 4Ru n n er 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , 4WD, V6, 5 speed, t ow pkg., plus 4 studs tires on rims, r uns great. W a s $ 5500, now o n l y $4000.541-659-1416
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Legal Notices •
Vans 96 Ford Windstar & 2000 Nissan Quest, both 7-passenger vans, 160K miles, low prices, $1200 & $2900, and worth every cent! 541-318-9999
ChevyAstro Cargo Van 2001, pw, pdl, great cond business car, well
personally appear at any subs e quent court-ordered hearing. YOU MUST APPEAR
You must "appear" in this case or the other side will win automatic ally. T o "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper or called a "motion" " answer." T h e Umotion" or "answer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator w ithin t h irty d a y s a long with th e r e q uired filing fee. I t must be i n p r oper form and have proof o f service o n t h e plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have a n at t o rney, proof of service on the plaintiff. IF YOU HAVE ANY Q UESTIONS, YOU
FORE, YOU MUST A PPEAR EVEN I F YOUR A T TORNEY ALSO APP E A RS. This summons is published pursuant to the order of t h e c i rcuit c ourt judge of t h e above-entitled court, dated M a r c h 21, 2013. The order directs that this summons be p u blished once each week for three con s ecutive weeks, making three publications in all, in a published newspaper of general circulation in Deschutes County. Date of first publication: A p ril 5, 2013.
tain one as soon as possible and have the a ttorney present at the above hearing. If you need help finding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral S ervice a t (503)
Chevy Malibu 2009
The Bunetin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory is all about meeting
yourneeds. Call on one of the professionals today! Volkswagen Jetta 2.5, 2006, great shape, silver, 65K miles, asking $9100. 541-504-1421
Looking for your next employee?
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$8,300. 541-706-1897
~ Oo
MorePixatBendbolletin,oo!n Wouldn't you really like to drive a Buick? Bob has two 75,000 mile Buicks, priced fair, $ 2,000-$6000. Remember, t h ese cars get 30mpg hwy! 541-318-9999
maint'd, regular oil changes, $4500. Please call
Chrysler Sebring 2004 84k, beautiful dark gray/ brown, tan leather int., $5995 541-350-5373
Buick Invicta1959! 2 door hardtop, 99.9% complete in 8 out. $16,000. Ford 1-ton extended van, 541-504-3253 1995, 460 engine, set-up f or c o n tractor w i t h shelves & bins, fold-down Buick LeSabre 1996. ladder rack, tow hitch, Good condition, 180K miles, new tranny & 121,000 miles. brakes; needs catalytic Non-smoker converter & new wind$2600 OBO. shield. $2200. 541-220-7808 541-954-5193.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Deschutes County, Oregon. Th e Forest Service will receive technical and
price proposals (no public opening) at
the Deschutes National Forest Supervisor's Office, 63095 D e s chutes Market Road, Bend, OR 97701 no later than 11:00 AM local time on o r b efore May 21, 2013 for an estimated 1 9 , 212 CCF of Ponderosa pine Saw t imber, 2,289 CCF of White fir Sawtimber, and 1,047 C CF of Lodgepole pine and Other C o n iferous species Sawtimber Marked o r o t h erwise designated for cutting, and 1 ,928 CCF of Green Biomass C o nvertible P roducts that t h e O fferor agrees t o remove at a f ixed rate. In addition, the contract area contains a n un e s ti-
Nissan Sentra 2012 Full warranty, 35mpg, 520 per tank, an power.
Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
Need help fixing stuff? Call A ServiceProfessional Pontiac Bonneville, 2005, find the help you need. white with black leather interior, new tires, $4500. $13,500. 541-788-0427
Little Red Corvette1996 conv. 350 auto. 132K, 26-34 mpg. $12,500 541-923-1781
derosa Dry cones cones-dry marked to/centraloregon/tim or otherwise desigThe USDA nated fo r c u tting. bersales. is an equal opportuThe Forest Service n ity provider a nd reserves the right to employer. reject any and a ll bids. Interested parLEGAL NOTICE ties may obtain a NATIONAL FOREST 684-3763 or toll free prospectus from the PRODUCTS FOR in Oregon at (800) office listed below. A SALE 452-7636. IF YOU prospectus, bid DESCHUTES ARE REPRE- form, and complete NATIONAL FOREST SENTED BY AN ATi nformation con TORNEY, IT IS cerning the p r odThe Bunny ConesYOUR R E SPONSI- ucts, the conditions 2 013 Sale i s l o B ILITY T O MAI N - of sale, and submiscated within T24S, TAIN CONT A CT sion of bids is availR07E, Sec. W ITH Y O U R AT - able to the public 20,21,28,29,31,32,3 T ORNEY AND T O from the Crescent 3,34, T25S, R07E, KEEP Y O U R ATRanger Dis t r ict, s ec.2,3, 4 , 5 , 8 , 9 , TORNEY A DVISED 136471 HWY 97 N, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, OF YOUR WHERECrescent OR, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, ABOUTS. (2) If you 97733, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, contest the petition, 5 41-433-3200; o r 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, the court will sched- Deschutes National 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, ule a hearing on the Forest Supervisor's 35, 3 6 , T25 . 5 S, allegations of the peti- Office, 63095 DesR07E, sec. 2, 3, 4, tion and order you to c hutes Mark e t 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, appear personally and R oad, Bend, O R , 1 2, 14 , 1 5 , 16 , may schedule other 97701, T26S, R07E, sec. hearings related to the 541-383-5586. The 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, petition and order you USDA is an equal 23, T 2 5S , R OSE, to appear personally. opportunity provider sec. 18, 19, 29, 30, I F YOU A R E O R - and employer. 31. W. M. Surveyed,
Automo b iles Toyota Corolla 2004, auto., loaded, 2 04k miles. orig. owner, non smoker, exc. c o nd. $6500 Prin e vine 503-358-8241
owner, exc. c o n d. 101k miles, new tires, loaded, sunroof.
S HOULD SE E A N ATTORNEY I M M E- Date of last publicaDIATELY. If you need tion: April 19, 2013. NOTICE: READ help in finding an atPAPE R S torney, you may call T HESE the O r egon S t a te CAREFULLY. IF YOU Bar's Lawyer Referral DO NO T A P P EAR ERSONALLY B E S ervice a t (503) P FORE THE COURT 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) O R DO N O T A P PEAR AT ANY SUB452-7636. The object of the said action and SEQUENT COURTHE A R the relief sought to be O RDERED ING, the court may o btained therein i s fully set forth in said proceed in your abcomplaint, an d is sence without further notice and T E RMIbriefly stated as follows: Foreclosure of a N ATE Y OU R P A RENTAL RIGHTS to Deed of T rust/Mort-
Servicing Agreement dated August 1, 2007 will apply to the Court f or th e r e l ief d e manded in the Complaint. The first date of publication is March 22, 2013. NOTICE TO
NON! 43k miles, loaded, studs on rims/ Asking $12,900. 541-610-6834.
DERED TO APPEAR, Klamath Co u nty, LEGAL NOTICE YOU MUST APPEAR NATIONAL FOREST OR. T h e Fo r e st PERSONALLY IN Service will receive PRODUCTS FOR T HE CO U RTRO O M , sealed bids in pubSALE UNLESS THE lic at Deschutes NaDESCHUTES COURT HAS NATIONAL FOREST tional Forest GRANTED YOU AN Supervisor's Office, EXCEPTION IN AD63095 D e schutes The 2013 S wamp VANCE UNDER ORS W ells B u tt e Dr y Market Road, Bend, 419B.918 T O APOR, 97701 at 11:00 Cones Sale is loP EAR B Y OT H E R cated within Sect. AM local time on MEANS INCLUDING, 36, T.18S., R.12E.; 0 5/07/2013 for a n BUT NOT L IMITED Sect. 1, 2 , 1 1 -13, estimated volume of TO, TE L E PHONIC 23-26, 36, T .19S., 1800 bshls of PonOR OTHER E LECderosa Dry Cones R.12E.; S e ct . 1, TRONIC MEANS. AN 11-14, 24, T .20S., cones-dry marked ATTORNEY MAY or otherwise desigR.12E.; Sect. 6-8, NOT ATTEND THE nated fo r c u tting. 15-22, 26-36, HEARING(S) IN T .19S., The Forest Service R. 13 E . ; the abo v e-named gage Gran t ors: YOUR PLACE. Sect. 1-29, 3 1-36, reserves the right to H eather Husto n child either ON THE P ETITIONER'S A T reject any and all T .20S., R. 13 E . ; DATE SPECIFIED IN Johnson; Ross GosTORNEY: Elizabeth A S ect. 1 -6 , 9 - 1 5 , bids. Interested parTHIS SUMMONS OR sett Johnson. PropJ arvis, Assistant A t ties may obtain a 2 3,24, T.2 1S . , ON A FUTU R E torney General, Deerty address:19650 prospectus from the R.13E.; Sect. 6, 7, Sunshine Way, Bend, DATE, and may make partment of Justice, 16-22, 25-36, office listed below. A OR 97702. Publica- such orders and take 1162 Court Street NE, T .20S., prospectus, bid R. 14 E . ; such action as authotion: T h e Bu l l etin. Salem, OR Sect. 1-22, T.21S., form, and complete rized by law. RIGHTS DATED this 22 day of 97301-4096, Phone: R.14E.; Sect. 6, 7, i nformation con March, 2013. Craig AND OBLIGATIONS: (503) 934-4400. IScerning the p r od18, T.21S., R.15E.; ( 1) YOU HAVE A Peterson, OSB SUED this 2nd day of Surveyed, WM, Deucts, the conditions ¹120365, Zac h ary RIGHT TO BE REP- April, 2013. Issued by: schutes of sale, and submisCou n ty, Bryant, OSB R ESENTED BY A N Ryan Phillips, OR. T h e sion of bids is availFo r e st ¹113409, R o b inson ATTORNEY IN THIS ¹086700 fo r E l i za- Service will receive able to the public MATTER. If you are beth Tait, P.S., Attorneys A J arvis sealed bids in pubfrom the Crescent currently represented ¹111132, Assistant for Plaintiff. Ranger Dis t r ict, lic at Deschutes Naby an attorney, CON- Attorney General 136471 HWY 97 N., tional Forest Gossett Johnson; and LEGAL NOTICE TACT Y O U R ATCrescent, OR Supervisor's Office, Persons o r p a r ties IN T H E CI R CUIT TORNEY IM M EDI- LEGAL NOTICE 63095 D e schutes 97733, unknown claimingany COURT O F T HE ATELY UPON NATIONAL FOREST 5 41-433-3200; or Market Road, Bend, right, title, lien or inSTATE OF OREGON R ECEIVING THI S PRODUCTS FOR Deschutes National OR 97701 at 11:00 terest in the property FOR D E S CHUTES NOTICE. Your previSALE Forest Supervisor's A M local time on described in the com- COUNTY, J u v enile ous attorney may not DESCHUTES Office, 63095 Des0 5/07/2013 for a n D epartment, In t h e be representing you in plaint herein, IN THE NATIONAL FOREST c hutes Mark e t estimated volume of NAME OF THE Matter of I R ELAND t his matter. IF Y O U R oad, Bend, O R 5400 bshls of PonSTATE OF OREGON: NADINE W A S SON, CANNOT A F F O RD The Highway Cones 97701, d erosa Pine D r y You are hereby reA Child. Case N o . T O HIR E A N A T - 2 013 Sale i s l o Cones c o nes-dry 541-383-5586. The T ORNEY an d y o u cated within T25S, quired to appear and 744289. Petition No. USDA is an equal marked o r o t h erdefend against t he 12JV0333. PUB- meet the state's fiROSE, sec, 29, 30, opportunity provider wise designated for allegations contained LISHED SUMMONS. nancial g u i delines, 31, 32 , 3 3 , 36, and employer. cutting. The Forest in the Complaint filed T O: Matthew O w e n you are e ntitled to T26S, R07E, Sec, Service reserves the a gainst you i n t h e Wasson. I N T HE have an attorney apLEGAL NOTICE 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, right to reject any above entitled pro- NAME OF T HE p ointed for yo u a t 25, 26, 36 , T 26S, NATIONAL FOREST and an bids. Interceeding within thirty STATE OF OREGON: s tate expense. T O TIMBER FOR SALE ROSE, Sec, 4, 5, 6, ested parties may (30) days from the A petition has been REQUEST AP- 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, obtain a prospectus date of service of this filed asking the court POINTMENT OF AN 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, INTEGRATED from the office listed Summons upon you. to terminate your pa- ATTORNEY TO 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, RESOURCE below. A prospecIf you fail to appear r ental rights to t h e R EPRESENT Y O U 31, 32, 33. W. M. TIMBER tus, bid form, and and defend this matabove-named child for AT ST A T E EX- Surveyed, Klamath CONTRACT complete informater within thirty (30) the purpose of placPENSE, YOU MUST C ounty, OR. T h e - STEWARDSHIP tion concerning the days from the date of ing the child for adop- IMMEDIATELY CON- Forest Service will products, the condipublication specified tion. YOU ARE RE- TACT the Deschutes receive sealed bids DESCHUTES tions of sale, and herein along with the QUIRED TO Juvenile Department in public at D e sNATIONAL FOREST submission of bids r equired filing f e e , P ERSONALLY A P - at 1128 NW Harriman chutes Nat i o nal is available to the Deutsche Bank NaPEAR BEFORE the Street, B e nd , O R Forest Supervisor's T he Fine / E XF public from the Destional Trust Company, Deschutes C o u nty 97701, phone numOffice, 63095 DesStewardship I n t echutes Nat i o nal as Trustee of the In- C ourt at 1 10 0 N W ber (541) 388-6671, c hutes Mark e t grated Re s o urce Forest Supervisor's dyMac IMJA M o rt- Bond, Bend, Oregon between the hours of Timber Contract is R oad, Bend, O R , Office,63095 Desgage Trust 2007-A2, 97701, on th e 2 4 th 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 97701 at 11:00 AM located within Sec. c hutes Mark e t M ortgage Pass - day of April, 2013 at p.m. for further infor- local ti m e on 29, 31, 32, 33, and R oad, Ben d O r Through Certificates, 9:15 a.m. to admit or mation. IF YOU WISH 0 5/07/2013 for a n 34, T20S, R9E; Sec. egon 97701, Series 2007-A2 undeny the allegations T O HIRE A N A T - estimated volume of 4 and 5, T21S, R9E, 541-383-4725 or on der the Pooling and of the petition and to TORNEY, please re- 1800 bshls of PonW.M., S u r veyed, the web at
Ford Taurus wagon 2004, very nice, pwr everything, 120K, FWD, good tires, $4900 obo. 541-815-9939
BMW 740 IL 1998 orig.
Jeep Wr angler 4 . 0 Sport 1999, Hard top, running boards, premium sound. Vin ¹432663. $9,988
Automobiles •
s oon as w e c a n .Hyundai Sonata 2007 Deadlines are: Week- GLS, 64,700 mi, exceldays 12:00 noon for lent cond, good tires, next day, Sat. 11:00 non-smoker, new tags, a.m. for Sunday; Sat. $9500. 541-280-7352 12:00 for Monday. If we can assist you, please call us: Vehicle? 541-385-5809 Call The Bulletin The Bulletin Classified and place an ad to-
'10 - 3 lines, 7 days '16 - 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only) 940
TURN THE PAGE For More Ads Dura n g o The Bulletin Toyota T u ndra D b l D odge Cab 2006, matching Limited 20 04, 4x 4 , Loaded, leather, 3rd shell, tow Pkg, 4x4. row seat. Vin ¹511451. Vin ¹142655. $19,988 $9,988
Have an item to sell quick? MR If it's under What are you GMC Yu kon D e n ali Jeep Patriot 2 0 08 '500 you can place it in looking for? AAA Oregon Auto 2003, Prem i um 4x4, 60k mi., single Source 541-598-3750 The Bulletin You'll find it in wheels, loaded. owner, 5-spd, 30 mpg, Corner 97 8 w. Empire Vin ¹222168. Classifieds for: new tires, exc. cond. The Bulletin Classifieds $11,988
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tiser, you may call
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mated volume of All DATED and first pubS pecies Gree n l ished: M a rc h 22 , Biomass Convert2 013. RICHARD E . ible Products that FORCUM, OSB t he O f feror m a y ¹640340, Attorney for agree to r e move. Personal RepresentaAlso included in the tive, 141 NW Greenc ontract are f o u r wood Ave., Ste. 101, mandatory r e storBend, OR 97701, Tel: ative service 5 41-389-6964, F a x : 541-389-6969, E-mail: projects to be completed by the tractor. T h e c o nLEGAL NOTICE tract will be awarded b ased on a B e st TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Value d e t erminaReference is made to tion. One award will that certain trust deed be made to the Offmade by Erin L. Foueror (a) whose prorier, as g rantor, to posal is technically Amerititle, as trustee, acceptable and (b) whose te c h nical/ in favor of Bank of the Cascades Mortgage price relationship is Center as beneficiary, the most advantad ated O c tober 1 , geous to the Gov2007, and recorded ernment. The Foron October 1, 2007, est Service reserves a s I nstrument N o . the right to r eject 2007-52956 of the Ofany and all proposficial Records of Desals. Interested parchutes County, Orties may obtain a egon, and that certain prospectus from the Assignment of Trust office listed below. Deed dated October A prospectus, offer 1, 2007 and recorded form, and complete October 2, 2007 as i nformation con Instrument No. cerning the timber, 2007-52956 wherein the restoration serOregon Housing and vice projects, the Community Services conditions of sale, Department, State of and submission of Oregon, was desigoffers is available to nated as the succesthe public from the sor beneficiary, covBend/Fort Rock Ranger Dis t r ict, ering th e f o l lowing described real prop(541) 383-4770, or erty situated in said by contacting the county an d s t a te, Contracting Officer to-wit: Lot Ten (10) in at (541)383-5590 or B lock Ten ( 10) o f bgzimmerman Ofs.f DESERT WOODS 11, Contract inDeschutes C o unty, formation and offer O regon. B ot h th e documents can be B eneficiary and t h e found on the DesTrustee have elected chutes Nat i o nal to sell the said real Forest web page, property to satisfy the http://www.fs.usda.g obligations secured by ov/goto/centraloresaid Trust Deed and a gon/timbersales. Notice of Default has been recorded pursuT he USDA i s a n equal o p portunity ant to O regon Revlsed Statutes p rovider and e m 86.735(3); the default ployer. for which the forecloLEGAL NOTICE sure i s ma d e is NOTICE TO G rantor's failure t o INTERESTED p ay when due t h e PERSONS following sums: G rantor's failure t o M ARILYN K. B E ST pay monthly installhas been appointed ment payments due personal representa- under the Promissory tive of the Estate of Note in the amount of GILBERT D O NALD $1,310.00 per month BEST, Deceased, by f or the m o nths o f the CIRCUIT COURT, September, October, STATE OF OREGON, N ovember and D e DESCHUTES c ember, 2012. B y COUNTY, PROBATE reason of said default, NO. 13 PB 0025. AII the Beneficiary has persons having claims d eclared al l su m s against the estate are owing on the obligarequired to p r esent tion secured by said them w i t h pr o p er Trust Deed immedivouchers attached, to ately due and paythe personal repreable, said sums being sentative c/o Richard the following, to-wit: E. Forcum, Attorney the principal balance at L aw , 1 4 1 NW of $ 178,333.60 t oGreenwood Ave. Ste. gether with accrued 101, Bend, OR 97701, interest through Dewithin four m o nths cember 17, 2012, in from the date of first the amo u n t of publication of this no- $3,707.39 (interest tice as stated below, continues to accrue at or the claims may be the rate of $26.7066 barred. All p e rsons per diem from Dewhose rights may be cember 17, 2012 until affected by this pro- paid), plus late fees in ceeding may obtain the amo u n t of additional information $ 163.50, and s u c h f rom the cour t other costs and fees records, the personal as are due under the representative, or the note or other instruattorney for the perment secured, and as sonal representative. are provided by stat-
Legal Notices ute. W H E REFORE, notice is hereby given that the undersigned Trustee will on May 30, 2013, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M., i n accord with t h e
standard of time established b y OR S 187.110,
chutes County Courthouse steps, 1 164 N W Bond, City o f Bend, County of Deschutes, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in said described real p roperty which t h e Grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said Trust Deed, together with a n y int e rest which the Grantors or their successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and ex-
penses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the T rustee. N o t ice i s further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the s ale, to h a v e t h i s foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated b y payment to t h e Beneficiary of the entire amount when due tother than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any o t he r d e f ault complained of herein that is capable of being cured by rendering the performance r equired under t h e o bligation o r T r u st Deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and t r ust deed, together with Trustee's and a ttorney's fees n o t exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the f eminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, t h e word U GrantorsU includes any successor in interest to the Grantors as well as any other person owing an obligation, th e p e r formance of which is secured by said Trust Deed, and the words "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective s u ccessors in interest, if any. DATED: January 3, 2013. Benjamin M. Kearney, Successor T rustee, 8 0 0 Wil lamette Street, Suite 8 00, E ugene, O R 97401, (541) 484-0188.
YOUR WEEKLY GUIDE TO CENTRAL OREGON EVENTS, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MOVIES: A RT S: QuiltWorks G A M I N G: 'BioShock show inspired by book, Infinite' gets a perfect score, 'Evil Dead' and PAGE 12 PAGE 23 three others open, PAGE 25
:~9l 4f
insi e
Cover designby Althea Borck/The Bulletin; submitted photo
Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377 bsalmon
REPORTERS Karen Koppel, 541-383-0351 David Jasper, 541-383-0349 Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350
DESIGNER Althea Borck, 541-383-0331
SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to: Fax to: 541-385-5804,
Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702
ADVERTISING 541-382-1811
Take advantage of the full line of Bulletin products. Call 541-385-5800. ull
• A review of Bend Brewing Company
• Campy "Manos: The HandsofFate" production hits the stage in Portland • A guide to out of town events
ARTS • 12
• A Novel Idea book inspires quilt show • It's time for Spring Art Hop! GAMING • 23 • "Two Rivers, Three Sisters" quilt to hang • A review of "BioShock Infinite" MUSIC • 3 •W hat's hotonthegaming scene at St. Charles Bend in April and May • COVER STORY:Localfave Taarka brings • Judith Montgomery to lead poetry class i tseclecti c rootsmusicbackto town • Art Exhibits lists current exhibits • The Autonomics return home with their first full-length album in tow OUTDOORS • 15 • Papadosio visits the Domino Room • Great ways to enjoy the outdoors • The Mountain Country Superstar finals • AfroMassive to get funky at Liquid CALENDAR • 16 • Fallstar, Capture the Flag play Bend • A week full of Central Oregon events
• Vandella brings retro-pop to Horned Hand PLANNING AHEAD • 18 • A listing of upcoming events • A listing of live music, DJs,karaoke, • Talks and classes listing open mics and more
MUSIC RELEASES • 9 • Bon Jovi, Rhye,TheMen and more
• "Evil Dead,""Jurassic Park 3-D,""The Gatekeepers" and "Happy People: AYear in the Taiga" open in Central Oregon • "John Dies at the End" is out on Blu-ray and DVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon
Ceiebration! plaas'I
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100l Of DOllOflOllSBenefit I.OCOI POflOllfS.Donate at:
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The wandering Americana band Taarka was born in New York City but has been based out of small-town Colorado for the past six years. Enion and David Pelta-Tiller are at left.
• Taarka bringsits new album'Adventures inVagabondia' to Central Oregon By Ben Salmon
ka's new album is "Adventures in Vagabondia" — and the first song on said album is called "Wandering" — it isn't exactly accurate to
home base: Lyons, Colo., a small town located where the Denverhe big, blue, dust-gathering Boulder metropolitan area meets dictionary on my desk dethe Front Range of the Rocky fines the word "vagabond" say the popular gypsy-folk-jazz Mountains. thusly: band lives a vagabond lifestyle. The Pelta-Tillers moved there "Moving f r o m pl a c e to Indeed, Taarka — core couple in 2006 after stints in Portland place, wit h n o fi x e d a b o de; David an d E n io n P elta-Tiller, and New York City, where they wandering." bassist Troy Robey and, usu- founded their band in 2001. And while the name of Taar- ally, a rotating guitarist — has a Continued Page 5 The Bulletin
If yougo:Tonight
If yougo:lbesday
When:8 p.m.
When:7 p.m. Where:GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend
Where:The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters
April 13 —Andre Nickatiua (rap), Domino Room, Bend, April13 —Molly Riugwald(jazz standards),Tower Theatre, Bend, April 13 —Turner Moore Baud(cuuutry),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.feoebook. com/thehornedhand. April14 —The King's Heralds (guspui),Redmond Assembly of God Church, www.redmondag. com. April 14 —Melauiu Safka (fulk-pup),Tower Theatre, Bend, April 16 —Patu Bautuu (ruggau),The Annex, Bend, April17 —Dirty Kid Discount (fulk-puuk),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.feoebook. com/thehornedhand. April 18 —Buuyaru (fulk-ruck), The Horned Hand, Bend, www. April18 —Blue Sky Riders (cuuutry-ruck),Tower Theatre, Bend, April 19 —Eastern Suuz (hip-hup),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. April 20 —Beats Antique
(urgauicdancemusic), Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www. April 23 —SHUFFLEConcert (multi-guuru),Tower Theatre, Bend, April 24 —Bumbadii (fuikrock), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. April 24 —The Luxiugtuus (garagurock),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.feoebook. com/thehornedhand. April 24 —Oregon Jazz Eusemblu (jazz),Tower Theatre, Bend, April 24 —Yonder Mountain String Baud(uuwgrass), Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www. April 25 —BobbyJuu Ebula aud the ChHdruuMacNuggits (puuk),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. April 26 —King Ghiduru (surf-ruck),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. April 27 —Aesop Ruck(hiphup),Domino Room, Bend,
Papadosio returns to mellow out Bend Papadosio have probably never been categorized as easy listening, but I'd posit that's a fair description of the Asheville, N.C.-based band. You see, Papadosio has a new album out called "T.E.T.I.O.S." That stands for "To End the Illusion of Separation," which means ... OK, I don't know what that means. But I know what it sounds like. Over the past hour, I wrote and surfed the web and drank some soda and surfed more web; all the while, "T.E.T.I.O.S." was playing on Papadosio's Bandcamp site. Please note t ha t P a padosio doesn't necessarily make the kind of music I naturally gravitate toward. And I'm an impatient listener, too. With so many streaming options out there, I rarely make it an hour into anything. But "T.E.T.I.O.S." is easy listening, man. It's a meandering, mellow slip of a record where electronic burbles provide the backdrop for Papadosio's Grateful Dead-ish jams, The Sea 8z Cake-style jazzpop, spoken-word weirdness and hazy trip-hop a la Unkle's "Psyence Fiction" album. It all goes down very smoothly. Hear for yourself at www.papa
I I •
I •
Papadosio and Acorn Project;8 p.m. Sunday; $10 plus fees in advance at w w w, $15at the door; Domino Room, 51 NW. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www
Find the Mountain CountrySuperstar! H ere is something that h as been happening onour local music scene but we've neglected to tell you about: Mountain Country Superstar, a twangy battle of the bands that has, over the past severalweeks, narrowed a field of country-music hopefuls to six finalists who'll compete for the big prize Saturday night at Timbers in Redmond. Same basic concept as Bend's L ast Band Standing, but w i t h more boots and scoots and tears in beers. Anyway, the finalists are: Brian Brazier, Derek Shelton, Marty Combs, Ben Helliwell, the JSwift Band and Shana, Stanley & Friends. On Saturday, they'll each perform a set and then a winner will be crowned, determined by half audience vote and half judges vote. The top three finishers will split $5,000 in prizes. For more i n f ormation, visit or search
the finalists on Facebook. They're probably out there rallying their fans! Mountain Country Superstar finals;8 p.m. Saturday, doors open 7 p.m.;$3 in advance, $5 at the door. Advance ticlzets at Timbers (541-923-7604) and Roxie's Salon (541-280-7694) in Redmond and Sunday Guitars (541-323-2332)in Bend; Timbers, 3315U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; w w w . mountain 997com.
AfroMassive hits the Liquid Lounge Sometimes I wonder if l ocal booking agent and promoter Gabe Johnson has a Santa Claus-ian factory somewhere, with a squad
of elves working 'round the clock to crank out funk/rock/Afrobeat bands for all the good little boys and girls of Central Oregon. Polyrhythmics. M onophonics. The Pimps of Joytime. Rubblebucket. Jelly Bread. Next week, it's time for the return of the aptly named band AfroMassive, a collective of ... uh ... funk/rock/Afrobeat dudes from Northern California who started a band modeled after Afrobeat paragon Fela Kuti and have been adding their own influences ever since. Now, they're preparing to release a new album called "Fill the Void" on which — and we haven't heard much of it, so you'll have to trust a promotional email — Afro-
Massive dips into "experimental and electronic sounds" alongside its usual palette. What kind of m usical range does AfroMassivepossess? A wide enough one to put them on tour with Seun Kuti's Afrobeat band, on the same stage as jam-grassers String Cheese Incident and on sold-out bills with electro-poprockers The Motet, all within the past two years. Well done, fellas. AfroMassive; 9 p.m. Thursday, doors open 8:30 p.m.; $8 plus fees in advance at w w w.bendticket .com, no fees at The Cosmic Depot (541-385-7478) in Bend, $12 at the door; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; wwwp44p .biz. — BenSalmon
From Page 3
All those miles influenced the title of Taarka's new album, obviously, but also the sound. As the Pelta-Tillers have crisscrossed the country, they'vegathered influences wherever they could. As a result, the band has slowly shifted from one based heavily in g y psy-jazz and world music traditions to a more rootsy, Americana style. "(Enion and I) sort of started from both really loving gypsy music and world music and having an outlet
a natural thing for us to gravitate to that." All of the above percolates to the surface on "Adventures in Vagabondia," a set of 15 songs that feature memorable melodies, an earthy aesl~tkg~- ' thetic, and endless spools of Enion's classically trained violin work and David's expert picking on guitar and mandolin. As a whole, it sounds polished and highly listenable without destroying the character that makes the band so charming. The album was self-recorded for that," Pelta-Tiller said. "But after almost a year ago in the family's a period of time, I think ... we're just Colorado living r o om, Pelta-Tilgoing home as musicians. ler said. And, as if to guard against "Which means, basically, that anyone who thinks Taarka might be we're incorporating all of it," he con- settling into a permanent, easygotinued. "Instead of just being world ing Americana groove, the couple's music, I think right now we're sort muse has delivered a boatload of of more between Americana and new songs — in all styles — since it different variations of folk music was completed. — Irish and bluegrass and old-time A band, you see, should be a liv— and we still have our gypsy-jazz ing, breathing, pliable thing. "If people look at our entire body thing going on, for sure." All that said, the band's home has of work as Taarka, you could defias much to do with its evolution as nitely see a direction changing," Pelta-Tiller said. "I can't say we're just the road, Pelta-Tiller said. "Colorado is a string-band hub. doing more and more Americana. There's lots of s t r ing m usicians We're just doing it as it is. When there, and definitely the prevailing we're there, we do it." — Reporter: 541-383-0377, style of music there is sort of bluegrass," he said. "I think it was sort of
Fallstar, Capture the Flag play at The SoundGarden
Hideaway offers a taste of Hot Club Sandwich
Fallstar is the kind of band the kids like: Blast beats on the drums,
Lots of string-minded bands roll through Central Oregon touting their gypsy-jazz influences. But Seattle's Hot Club Sandwich will bring the real deal to Bend on Wednesday. For a dozen years, these fellas have been playing traditional, acoustic hot jazz and swing music complete with pluckypickin', mellow drums and beautiful harmonies. This stuff is straight out of Django Reinhardt's playbook from the '30s and '40s. Expect a delightful and different Wednesday night. Hot Club Sandwich; 9 p.m. Wednesday; free; Hideaway Tavern, 939S.E. Second St., Bend; www
Since landing in L y ons, the band has traveled and t oured many weeks out of the year, always with t heir n ow-5-year-old son Aesop in tow. "He seems to do better with (the lifestyle) than we do," said David Pelta-Tiller in a recent telephone interview. "He has friends all over the
place." The band makes an annual run to the East Coast, plays many gigs throughout the Intermountain West, and makes a few trips to California and the Pacific Northwest each year, Pelta-Tiller said. Their current jaunt will bring them to Central Oregon for two shows over the next four nights: tonight in Sisters and Tues-
day in Bend (see "If you go").
chugga chugga guitar riffs, soaring pop-emo choruses and a fair amount of Cookie Monster growling for maximum hardness. These are the qualities that have earned the heavy Portland-based quintet a deal with Facedown Records (which will release the band's new album April 16), positive press from h a rdcore/punk/metal w e b sites with names like Lambgoat and Blabbermouth, and a sponsorship from Vitamin Water! On Saturday, Fallstar will make a stop at Bend's The Sound Garden, and here's the special treat: Opening will be Capture the Flag, a mighty fine, mighty c atchy, Bend-based pop-punk trio that hasn't played a local show in over a year. As I always say with shows like this: If heavy, loud punk rock and metal is your thing, hit this show, because opportunities to see your thing live don't come through Central Oregon that often. Fallstar, with Capture The Flag and Chase Elliot; 730 p.m. Saturday; $6; The Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; www.thesound or 541-633-6804.
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Top Shelf returns to town for Astro Loungeshow As far as I can tell, it's been almost a year since Oregon hip-hop duo Top Shelf has performed in Bend. That's not to say they've been silent. The guys — MCs Amsterdam (who lives in Bend) and Bank Sinatra (from somewhere in the valley) — have been busy playing shows on the other side of the mountains and putting out solo mixtapes. Amsterdam's "Avarice," recently
QFI) u»
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ome andhearthetestimonyfrom thosewhowere dying inaddiction expresstheir freedom,hopeandrestoration andcelebrate our 30thanniversaryof TeenChallenge in the PacificNorthwest. Testimonyfrom Harry Greddes&Music of DavidMeece. All proceedsfromthe banquetwill benefit our local Central OregonChapter.
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APRIL 13...............Molly Ringwald 14............... Romancing the West
released at, is a strong effort packed with honest rhymes and basketball references over Hippie Sabotage's hazy beats. Sinatra's most recent tape is "Don't Hassle Me I'm Local," which is a great title. The point is tonight's Top Shelf appearance at the Astro Lounge is welcome. Fun shall be had. Top Shelf, with Wax Trap; 9 tonight; free; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; w w w.astroloungebend .com. — Ben Salmon
15..............."ThomasEdison" 18...............Blue Sky Riders 23...............Shuffle Concert 26-27 ....... Bend Follies NEbV! 28...............Judy Collins
29...............Cowboy Junkies Tickets & Information
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Find It All Online Gorge Ariists Oyen Studios . r~
April 12, 13 & 14 - 1 0am-5pm Spend your weekend exploring the Gorge and meeting 29 artists who live and work there. Visit glass artists, potters, weavers, painters, sculptors, jewelers and furniture makers — also see wildflowers and beautiful vistas. Tour map includes photos and a description of each artist's work. FREE maps areavailable at VVaucoma Books in Hood River and other locations. or w w
s Submitted photo
The Autonomics are, from left, Evan Leikam, Dan Pantenburg and Vaughn Leikam.
• Formerly of Bend, TheAutonomics play aCD-releaseshow at Silver Moon
2 0 1 3
On May 12, The Bulletin will drive headlong into the Central Oregon golf season with Tee to Green, our annual spring golf preview! This highly anticipated product will be packed with information on the courses that make this one of the finest golf destinations in the nation. Tee to Green will reach over 70,000 Bulletin print readers and thousands more online, making it the premier locals guide to golf in Central Oregon —and the best way to reach the local golfer with your marketing message!
FEATURES INCLUDE: • What's new in 2013 • Central Oregon course index • Comprehensive tournament schedule • Central Oregon junior Golf Association coverage ...and much more! A 2,500 copy over-run will be included with additional copies being distributed to all local courses and advertisers in the preview.
• • I
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By Ben Salmon The Bulletin
he Autonomics have unleashed their first album on the world, and its title — "Trust Your Instincts" — is both personal and instructive for the Portland-based trio. Trusting their instincts is exactly what guitarist/vocalist Dan Pantenburg and his twin-brother rhythm section
Evan Leikam (drums) and Vaughn Leikam (bass) did in 2010 when they decided to move from their hometown of Bend (all are Summit High School '08 grads) to the big city to try to make music for a living. Two years later, that bold move pays off on their fulllength debut, a 12-track collection of muscular, bottomheavy rock 'n' roll released recently on DRD Records. The band will celebrate the album with a
show Thursday in Bend (see "If you go"). To their credit, Pantenburg and the Leikams stick to their strengths on "Trust Your Instincts," diving right into a sea of swaggering, staccato riffs with "Posture Thief" and never taking their foot off the gas until the acoustic closer, "Day Off, Sleeves Off." In between, The Autonomics sound like a life spent voraciously consuming the bestguitar sounds of the past few decades and then spitting them back out through gnashed, postMillennial teeth. The result is bracing, bruising and full of promise. At its most casual (as on "Beach Gaze"), Pantenburg's voice has a detachment similar to Strokes frontman Julian Casablancas; at his most feral, he is capable of the scraggly howls of Jack White. And as a unit, The Autonomics find fertile ground where blues-based rock traditions intersect with wiry, antiestablishment punk. Close your eyes tight enough, and you just might see a
Ifyou go What:The Autonomics CD release, with The Hoons When: 8 p.m. Thursday Where: Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.
Greenwood Ave., Bend Cost:$5
shaggy dude pluck last year's caustic Cloud Nothings album off a shelf packed with very well-worn Strokes and Kings of Leon CDs and pop it into a player positioned perfectly under a vintage Led Zeppelin poster. There is power,see, in guitar-based rock 'n' roll, and The Autonomics harness it nicely. Pantenburg's guitar is a buzz, saw much of the time ("You Had Me At Surf Punk"), pretty when he wants it to be ("Wade") and occasionally laced with traces of rootsy twang ("Gimme a Call"). The Leikams, meanwhile, are the band's reliable engine;Evan's drums are an urgent, unwavering presence in these songs, while Vaughn ably uses his bass as both an anchor and another melodic piece of the puzzle. They shine on "Calmer Than You Are" and "Hot Mess." Many articles have been written and many hands wrung about rock 'n' roll's sad, slow surrender to other less antiquated musical styles. On "Trust Your Instincts," The Autonomics prove there is still fight left in the guitar/drum/bass format, and they offer hope that help is on the plugged-in horizon. —Reporter: 541-383-0377,
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going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at
V A NDELLA VISITS THE HORNED HAND Vandella is a great name for the band that'll
accompany Boise-based rocker Matt Hopper to The Horned Hand onThursday night. That's because the SanFrancisco quartet's sound is so convincingly vintage, it sounds like it was dug up in a time capsule from the1950s or '60s, dusted off, and draped in the kind of indie sensibility that, well, covers just about everything in 2013. Led primarily
by the sugary sweet voice of Tracey Holland and
classic pop, Motown soul and ahint of Southern twang for its highly likeable sound. Says the "About" page at "It's like
if Ryan Adamswas backed byTheBand, or Jenny Lewis took over for Jay Farrah and Jeff Tweedy in Uncle Tupelo. It's1970s rock via1990." That
description is in quotes but has noattribution, so I don't know if that's the bad talking or a writer. Whoever it is got it right. So kudos to you, whoever
you are.
the chiming guitar of Chris Tye, Vandella mines
— Sen Salmon
i ''' IF/k. TODAY BEND'NSTRINGS: Bluegrass;6 p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe,135 N.W. Minnesota Ave.; 541-749-2010. CANAANCANAAN: Folk-pop; 6 p.m.; Wabi Sabi, 830 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-633-7205. STRINGSATTACHED:Folk; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. HILST & COFFEY:Chamber-folk; 7 p.m.; Jackson's Corner, 845 N.W. Delaware Ave., Bend; 541-647-2198. LINDY GRAVELLE:Country and pop; 7 p.m.; Brassie's Bar at Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-548-4220. PAT THOMAS:Country; 7 p.m.; Tumalo Feed Co., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-382-2202. BOBBY LINDSTROM:Blues-rock;7:30 p.m.; Velvet, 805 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-728-0303. OUT OF THEBLUE: Rock; 7:30 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W. 6th St., Redmond; 541-548-3731. DELANY &PARIS: Comedy folk, with Derde Verde; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; FUNBOBBY:Rock;8 p.m.;Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. TAARKA:Americana; $10; 8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; www. (Pg. 3) OUT OFHAND BAND: Classicrock; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. TENTAREIGN:Hard rock, with Sons of Dirt and Halo Haven; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. THE MOSTEST: Jam-rock;9 p.m.;
Hideaway Tavern, 939 S.E. Second St., Bend; 541-312-9898. TOP SHELF:Hip-hop, with Wax Trap; 9 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. (Pg. 5) THE ROCKHOUNDS: Rock and blues; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331.
SATURDAY April 6 BOBBY LINDSTROM:Blues-rock;6 p.m.; Eco Bistro, Bar and Boutique, 905 S.E. Third Street, Bend; 541-306-6697. BURNIN' MOONLIGHT:Blues and bluegrass; 6 p.m.; Scanlon's, 61615 Athletic Club Drive, Bend; 541-382-8769. JEREMY STORTON:Folk;6 p.m.;Cork Cellars Wine Bar & Bottle Shop, 160 S. Fir St., Sisters; 541-549-2675. HELEOS:Rock, blues and country; 6:30 p.m.; Angel Thai - West,1444 N.W. College Way, Suite1, Bend; 541-385-9191. ROB FINCHAM:Folk;6:30 p.m .;River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. LINDY GRAVELLE:Country and pop; 7 p.m.; Brassie's Bar at Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-548-4220. LUCREZIO:Acoustic soul; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541728-0703 or PAT THOMAS:Country; 7 p.m.; Tumalo Feed Co., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-382-2202. THE QUONS:Folk-pop;7 p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W. 14th St., Bend; 541 -617-9600. FALLSTAR: Hardcore, with Capture The Flag and Chase Elliot; $6; 7:30 p.m.; The
Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804. (Pg. 5) OUT OFTHE BLUE: Rock; 7:30 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W. 6th St., Redmond; 541-548-3731. FUNBOBBY: Rock;8 p.m.;Kelly D's,1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. MOUNTAINCOUNTRY SUPERSTAR: Finals of the country battle of the bands; $3-$5; 8 p.m.; Timbers North, 3315 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; 541-9237604 or (Pg. 4) THE MCCOYTYLERBAND: Roots-rock, with Jack Dwyer and The Bad Liars; $5;8 p.m.; The Horned Hand,507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. THE WEATHER MACHINE: CD release; alt-folk with Jaimee Simundson and The Travis Ehrenstrom Band; $10, students free; 8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; www. OUT OFHAND BAND: Classicrock;8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. JONES ROAD:Rock;$3;9 p.m .;Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331.
SUNDAY April 7 PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 3 p.m.; Strictly Organic Coffee Bar, 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 400, Bend; 541-647-1402. LISA DAE ANDROBERTLEETRIO: Jazz; 5 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. COREYPARNELL:Folk-pop; 6 p.m.; 5 Fusion 8 Sushi Bar, 821 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-323-2328. TED BRAINARD:Folk; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane,Bend;541-728-0703.
PAPADOSIO:Electro-jam-rock, with The Acorn Project; $10-$15; 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; (Pg. 4)
KARAOKE: 6:30 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 54 I-383-0889. OPENMIC: 7 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.
JEFF CROSBY&THE REFUGEES: Americana; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.FrancisSchool,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. SHOVELBELT:Rock; 8 p.m.; Chey Town Bar and Grill, 386 N. Main St., Prinevill; 541-362-5600. HOT CLUB SANDWICH: Hot jazz; 9 p.m.; Hideaway Tavern, 939 S.E. Second St., Bend; 541-312-9898. (Pg. 5) KARAOKE: 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999.
April 9
April 11
LINDY GRAVELLE: Country and pop; 6 p.m.; Baltazar's, 1465 S.W. Knoll Ave., Bend. TAARKA:Americana; 7 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-728-0749 or www. (Pg. 3) OPEN MIC:With Zebrana Bastard and One Man Train Wreck; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. BEATS &RHYMES:Local hip-hop; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999.
BOBBY LINDSTROM:Blues-rock;6:30 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. 2ND HELPING:Jam band; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or DAVID JACOBS-STRAIN:Blues; $12; 8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www. MATT HOPPER:Pop-rock,with Vandella; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. OPEN MIC:8 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. THE AUTONOMICS:CD release;rock 'n' roll, with The Hoons; $5; 8 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331.
MONDAY April 8
ACOUSTICOPENMIC: Hosted by Bobby Lindstrom; 5 p.m.; Eco Bistro, Bar and Boutique, 905 S.E. Third Street, Bend; 541-306-6697. (Pg. 6) WILD RYE:Celtic; 5:30 p.m.; Flatbread AFROMASSIVE:Funk-rock; $8-$12; 9 Community Oven, 375 S.W. Powerhouse p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .Newport Drive, ¹130, Bend; 541-728-0600. Ave., Bend; (Pg. 4) OPEN MIC:6:30-8:30 p.m.; River Rim • TO SUBMIT:Email Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Deadline is 10 days before publication. Please Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. include date, venue, time and cost
musie releases Here and there April 21 —Mississippi Studios, Portland; www or 503-288-3895.
Catskills, in upstate New York. It's immediately apparent that the rural vibe has influenced the music. I guess making music out in the wilderness just doesn't feel The Men right unless there are acoustic guitars, harmonicas and lap steel "NEW MOON" involved. Sacred Bones Records The album iseven being accomNow we have The Men, that panied by a six-track EP called most urban o f t h i n gs - an "Campfire Songs," which they'll art-punk band f ro m B r ooklyn be giving away on their upcom— running for the hills. Their ing tour and which they, literally, new album, "New Moon" was re- recorded around a campfire. — Mat t Messana, PopMat corded in two quick weeks in the
"WHAT ABOUT NOW" Island Records Few teams can write an anthem like Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora. The pair may work with a d d itional s o n gwriters to achieve rocking, paean-like status, but whether delivering a hair-metal hymn ("Bad Medicine") or a motivational canticle ("It's My Life") this duo knows how to rouse and rouse big. That's why"What About Now" is frustrating. After the country cool of 2007's "Lost Highway" and the somber blue-collar pop of 2009's"The Circle,"Bon Jovi's songwriters are still busy sav-
Devendra Banhart "MALA" Nonesuch Records A Devendra Banhart album is akin to an art exhibit of miniatures, the r e w ards c ontingent on the viewer's/listener's commitment to exploring each tiny detail in his microcosmic mise-en-scenes. The indie folk darling's brand of Latin- and electronic-tinged
LOW "THE INVISIBLE WAY" Sub Pop Records Low has always been a gospel group, by fiat if not for its actual content. Its music — hushed, syrupy indie rock that's ecstatic in a roundabout way — isn't religious per se,but itdoes embody reverence as well as any soaring operatic solo or monster-power choir. That was the band's selling point in its early years, but lately, it's evolved. It turned things up to 11 — OK, to five or six — beginning with "The Great Destroyer" in 2005, which was its first album for Sub Pop Records. On "The Invisible Way," its 10th full-length album in two decades as a band, it pulls back from that intensity but adds new layers of depth and surprise. The album i s p r o duced by Jeff Tweedy of W i l co, though it's worth noting that even he can't do much harm to a band with borders and instincts this strong. If he's done anything, it's to make the group assertive in small doses. Mimi Parker, who plays drums, is a more forceful and prominent singer here than in the past, especially on "Holy Ghost" and the striking album closer, "To Our Knees." And musically, there are new intrusions: the piano on "Amethyst," which arrives like a d e f ibrillator, or
Bon Jovi
pop yields a broad range ofmu-
Here and there Tonight —Mississippi Studios, Portland; www or
sical and sonic textures here. The lyrics range from snippets of ideas, such as the title track's brief rumination on acceptance of a missed opportunity to a slightly more elucidated homage to a musical hero ("Fur Hildegard von Bingen") to a couple of essays on the ups and downs
/I'g „
ing the world while its players (including drummer Tico Torres and keyboardist David Bryan) want to rock it. O ften that results in m o n ster-truck, fist-raising moments
such as the buoyant "Because We Can" — but not quite often enough, slowed as the album is by weighty concerns (with no answers) and a musical palette colored in soft Coldplay-ish tones. This doesn't mean Bon Jovi has to go loud to get anthemic. The tender acoustic "The Fighter" is bracingly heart-palpitating and quietly chilled out. Something is subduing these Jersey boys. Less swelling ambience and more punch would solve this problem. At a t ime when its tresses are trimmed and its membership has matured, Bon Jovi needs to let its hair down. — A.D. Amorosi, The Philadelphia tnquirer
Here and there May 23 —McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; or 800-514-3849.
of romance. Reconciliation becomes an opportunity f o r h o n est c o nfession in "Your Fine Petting Duck," as Banhart sings to a prodigal lover on a track that courses from off-kilter '60s girlgroup pop into surging electronic dance music. The most affecting moment arrives near the end in "Won't You Come Home," an admission of longing for a played-out relationship, Banhart's v o ice
so closely miked it lands like whispered truth: "Why don't you want to stay here suspended/ In the dead arms of a year that has ended." A single question that conjures a world of possibilities. — Randy Lewis, Los Angeles Times
the doom metal breakdown that e ats the end of "On My Ow n" whole. These gestures have disproportionate meaning in Low's ecosystem. If anything, the rise in Parker's intensity puts the band's regular frontman, Alan Sparhawk, in new, slightly less flattering light. His yarn-telling, on songs like "Mother," is still strong, but his voice lacks some of his band mate's oomph. In the past Low was doing more with less. But it's becoming clear that less isn't always more. — Jon Caramanica, The New York Times
Rhye "WOMAN" Republic Records At first blush, "Open," the debut single from Rhye, sounds like ersatz Sade: slow, sexy, full of longing and soft rock/smooth jazz instrumentation (and the accompanying soft-core video plays up the eroticism; it may make one blush).The music, courtesy of Danishproducer Robin Hannibal, is a pillow of strings, electric keyboards, and steady, patient beats; the vocals, by Canadian Michael
Milosh, are androgynous, a whispery alto. It's a captivating song, and "Woman," Rhye'sdebut album, lives up to its promise. Rhye joins a spate of contemporary artists — Frank Ocean, Inc., Miguel, and the Weeknd among them — exploring the soft side of R8 B. The album luxuriates in one mood — a quiet storm of earnest, erotic yearning — for its 36 minutes, and there's nothing ersatz about its restrained, sophisticated sensuality. — Steve Klinge, The Philadelphia Inquirer
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Andy Tulhe/The Bulletin
Patrons enjoy lunch at Bend Brewing Company in downtown Bend.
• Bend Brewing Company in downtown is going strong after 18 years
BendBrewing Company
By John Gottberg Anderson
Location:1019 N.W. Brooks St.,
Pints of BBC signature brews are just $2.75 on that evening; as they ust because you don't feel are brewed upstairs in tanks vislike a beer doesn't mean you ible from the bar, and piped directshouldn't consider dining in a ly to the taps, it would be imposbrewpub. sible for them to be any fresher. Some of thebest casual meals But this is a restaurant review, in downtown Bend are served at not a beverage critique. the Bend Brewing Company, the Five years have passed since BBC. And nothing says you have I last took a close look at BBC. to have a High Desert Hefeweizen The pub continues to offer solid or a Pinnacle Porter to accompany comfort food. But whereas I once your meal. found most of the dishes too salty, Established in 1995 — Bend's I now find the fare better than second brewpub, after Deschutes before. — BBC is a locals' favorite, with
tent. I have yet to see anyone greet new arrivals at the door, as a sign invites diners to choose their own seat in the main rear section of the pub. But on one visit, I was initially overlooked for several minutes, although serversfrequently passed the menu-less, water-less table at which I sat. On another occasion, a server a cknowledged my r e q uest f o r water, then denied having heard it when I asked again. But most t imes, they w er e p r ompt a n d friendly, taking orders rapidly and delivering them with speed and
generous weekday happy hours
For The Bulletin
and a Tuesday "Locals Night."
Service and ambience
Service remains a bit inconsis-
Continued next page
Bend Hours:11:30a.m. to close every day; $8 lunch menu offered until 3
Outdoor seating:Seasonaldeck Reservations:Large groups only Contact:www.bendbrewingco .com or 541-383-1599
p.m. weekdays. Price range:Appetizers $3.25 to $11.50; soups andsalads $3.50 to $11.75; burgers andsandwiches $7.95 to $11; other fare $8 to
OVERALL:B+ Food:A-.Though notgourmet,the comfort food is dependably tasty.
Atmosphere:B+.River-view windows and fine-art photos
Credit cards:MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu: Yes Vegetarian menu:Choices include black-bean burger and butternut-
squash ravioli Alcoholic beverages:Full bar
Service:B. Generally prompt and friendly, but not always consistent.
brighten up the stone building.
Value:A-. Prices have comedown and Tuesday's "Locals Night"
offers great deals.
From previous page As far asatmosphere, the pub is a bit of a strange beast. T he s t o ne-walled b u i l d ing, flanked by vacant lots a mere stone's throw from the Deschutes River, has three distinct sections — a f r ont seating section where families are most comfortable in the evening;a rear river-view room, accommodating about 50 at booths and tables, two stepsbeneath the 20-seat bar area; and a wooden deck for outdoor dining during warm weather. When the pub is full, it has space for as many as 140 guests, indoors and out. Numerous television sets are suspended around the corners of t h e r i v er-view r oom, invariably t uned t o sporting events. There's also a collection of sports memorabilia above the bar, but more notable are the largeformat scenic photographs by Mike Putnam, a highly regarded C entral O r e gon photographer.
What we ate In a series of recent visits — sometimes alone, sometimes with a companion — I had opportunity to sample a half-dozen different plates from the BBC menu. Without exception,I can recommend each and every one: • Brewery burger. Freshly ground chuck steak was charbroiled medium, retaining its natural juices, and served on a firm and tasty multi-grain bun. It came with green leaf lettuce, sliced red onion and a couple of thick slices of ripe hothouse tomato. On our request, the cook added blue c heese crumbles and t w o thick slices of smoky bacon, as well as a small cup of guacamole on the side. We substituted sweet-potato fries for seasoned brewery fries; they were a perfect complement. • Barbecued pulled p ork sandwich. Braised in-house, the pork was mixed with a
ly of the Deschutes Brewery and Kokanee Cafe; his wife, Jill Moore Neltner; and Josh Maquet, who is also the owner of the Astro Lounge in downtown Bend. For now, Blue Pine is open Thursday 11 a.m. to midnight, Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. 25 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; www . / b l u e p i n e kitchenandbar, 541-389-2558. A w i d e-ranging s m a llplates menu in a cozy cocktail-bar setting is what diners find at Pure Kitchen, which opened March 28 inthe forAndy Tullis/The Bulletin mer Bo Restobar location in A fish and chips plate at Bend Brewing Company features Atlanthe Franklin Crossing buildtic cod battered with the brewery's Metolius Golden Ale. ing. Owners Krit and Bua Dangruenrat serve a short international menu with tacos, oli. This also came with garlic empanadas, roasted blackbread, but I was far more inpepper chickenand tamarind terested in the main course. duck pricedfrom $5 to $15. The pasta pockets were filled Lunch costs no more than $8. w ith squash, served on a Open 11:30 a.m. to close every bed of fresh baby spinach, day. 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Visit www.beudbulletiu a nd cloaked i n a b r o w n - Suite 118, Bend; for butter sauce with c r ushed, readers' ratings of more 541-383-8182. hazelnuts. than 150 Central Oregon • Grilled tri-tip steak and Wild Rose Thai has hopes of restaurants. spinach salad. Perhaps the opening in the former Cork "healthiest" of the meals, this and Common Table space lightly battered with Metolius had a lavish amount of baby in downtown Bend near the Golden Ale and fried to a spinach leaves tossed in balstart of summer. Paul Itti, who crispy brown. A house-made samic vinaigrette with julihas owned a restaurant of the tarragon tartar sauce was enned carrots, dried cranberperfect not only for the fish, ries, finely sliced red onions but also for t h e g enerous and blue cheese crumbles. I iW4 servingof seasoned fries. only wished there had been • Bacon mac and cheese. more than a half-dozen slices Probably not something your of beef on top, and that the mother would have served, steak had been cooked methis dish features large penne dium rare instead of medium noodles rather than elbow well. — Reporter: janderson@ m acaroni, blended with a rich and creamy white dar sauce. It's mixed with
same name in Port Townsend, Wash., for 25 years, signed a lease on the space last week. After a r emodel, he plans to introduce the unique cuisine of northern Thailand to Central Oregon by the start of summer, according to his daughter, Rosie Itti. 150 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend. A lthough i t o p ened i t s doors two months ago, Worthy Brewing will celebrate its
formal grand opening from 4 to 9 p .m. today. Special beers, food and live music are scheduled, but the highlight will be the dedication of Worthy's greenhouse and hop yard to Dr. Alfred Haunold, director of the Oregon State University hop breeding program from 1965 to 1999. The hop yard will be a satellite laboratory for OSU research. Open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday to T h ursday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. 495 Bellevue Drive, Bend; w w w w orthy, 541-639-4776.
Next week: Sabor aMi!
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crispy chopped bacon, diced
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tomatoes and green onions, topped with Parmesan bread crumbs and baked. Our only complaint was that the toasted garlic bread that came with the mac was, in fact, too
Blue Pine Kitchen and Bar has opened in th e f o rmer Players Bar 8 Grill on Bend's west side. The self-described "gastropub" is the endeavor of Chef Matt Neltner, former-
garlicky. • Butternut s quash r a v i -
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tangy BBQ sauce and piled upon lightly toasted jalapeno cornbread from DiLusso Bakery. Sweet, fresh coleslaw kept the meal moist. I accompanied the sandwich with a small, fresh house salad. • Brewery fish and chips. Years ago, the BBC dipped its fish into malty, reddish Outback Old Ale. The pub has changed course for the better; today, the Atlantic cod is
muSiC rtttsTrlttttty Flease ~ yge%$
Photos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
"The Red fox" by Mary Dement Smith
• QuiltWorks' newshowfeaturesworks inspired by ANovelIdea'sbookchoice,'TheSnow Child' By David Jasper The Bulletin
or the third year, QuiltWorks in Bend will host a show of art quilts inspired by Deschutes County Library's annual community reading event, A Novel Idea ... Read Together. The exhibit of more than 50 quilts opens with a reception tonight at QuiltWorks, where it will
display through April (see "If you
go"). Here's a refresher on A Novel Idea ... Read Together: For 10 years, the folks at Deschutes Public Library have selected a book for the whole community to read and discuss. They then surround
it with a few weeks of related programming, and the whole thing culminates with a visit by the author. Past books have included "The Kite-Runner," by Khaled Hosseini, and "The Help," by Kathryn Stockett. This year, the book of choice is "The Snow Child," by Alaskan author Eowyn Ivey. A Novel Idea officially launches April 13 and will feature three weeks of free cultural programs, book discussions, films, food tastings, lectures and art openings, according to the library. Ivey will appear May 3 at the Tower Theatrein Bend and May 4 atRidgeview HighSchoolin Redmond. While QuiltWorks owners Mari-
"The Contemplative Bride" by Toni Morris
lyn and David Ulrich work cooperatively with the library, the annual show of related quilts is their own doing. Participants in the show are area quilters who, having read that year's book, are moved to create an art quiltbased on an image, setting, characteror eventin the book. Marilyn Ulrich first had t he idea for quilters to make art quilts in 2011, the year Teddy Wayne's "Kapitoil" was the community read in Deschutes County. In its inaugural year, the show drew 18 quilts. Last year, the ex-
hibit nearly doubled in size, with 35 quilts inspired by Amor Towles' "Rules of Civility." This year, Ivey's "The Snow Child," about a lonely couple in 1920s Alaska that meets a young girl who may just be a snowgirl come to life, is expected to draw 56 quilts. "We have quilters from their 20s to (their) 80s doing these," Marilyn said, adding that the story's setting and events may lend themselves to quilt artistry.
Continued next page
If yougo What:Exhibit of art quilts inspired by "The Snow Child" When:Opens with a reception from 5-7 tonight and displays
through April Where:QuiltWorks, 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave. Suite B, Bend
Cost:Free or 541-728-0527
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Submitted photo
"Two Rivers, Three Sisters," a 40-foot-long quilt by18 Central Oregon master quilters, will hang at St. Charles Bend during April and May.
First Friday transforms into Spring Art Hop
Oregon after a three-month exhibit in Portland. Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show First Friday Gallery Walk ex- commissioned the piece, which pands each Apriland October celebrates W hychus C r eek's into Spring Art Hop, bringing rebirth, in October 2011, and other businesses — outsideof according to a press release, it galleries and cafes — in on the may find a permanent home in Friday evening art, music, food, Sisters. "I had an offer to purchase wine andfun. Accordingto www, some 60 two of the panels, but we are businesses participate. working with the city of Sisters Hours of participation vary, to make the piece a permanent but it's roughly from 5 to 9 p.m. part of the city's public art colHere's just the tip of the art ice- lection," the release quotes Ann berg out there. (All addresses Richardson, the festival's execuare in Bend): tive director. • Atelier 6000,389 SW. ScaleBut first, the master quilt will house Court, Suite 120, in the display at QuiltWorks in Bend Old Mill District, is presenting during June, the Sisters quilt "Hidden Agendas," an exhibit of show in July, the Architectural more than 50 books as art, open Heritage Center in Portland durfrom5:30to 8p.m. The showdis- ing August and September and plays through May. then the Yokohama Quilt Show • For the second year, Red in Yokohama, Japan. Chair Gallery, 103 N.W. Oregon Contact: www.sisters Ave., will exhibit the work of the o, ann @ area's high school art students or 541-549-0989. in "Emerging Artists."
• Sage Custom Framing and Gallery,834 N.W. Brooks St., will hold a reception for "Abstract Pathways," featuring La Pi ne artist Sandra Neary's acrylic and mixed-media collage.
'Two Rivers, Three Sisters' returns "Two Rivers, Three Sisters," a unique, 40-foot-long quilt by 18 Central Oregon master quilters, will hang at St. Charles Bend
(2500 N.E. Neff Road) during April and May. The quilt debuted in J u ne 2012, began touring i mmediately and is returning to Central
Judith Montgomery poetry workshop
Oregon Book Award winner and Bend poetJudith Montgomery will lead a poetry workshop exploring "first thought, best thought" and revision. The class will be held at The Nature of Words Literary Arts Center, 224 N.W. Oregon Ave., in Bend, from 4 p.m. Saturday. Cost is $75, and all proceeds benefit The Nature of Words educational programs for youth. To r e g ister, v i s i t www or call 541-647-2233. — David Jasper
Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
David Ulrich and his wife, Marilyn Ulrlch, show off quilts that will be on display at QuiltWorks in Bend. "It's going to be exciting," David said. "When you have 56 people (in a show) instead of just one or two or five or 10 — 56 people have friends and family that show up. So we're going to be very busy."
From previous page
reserved its second-floor loft for monthly quilt shows, and First Friday openings usually draw a large crowd. "People can't park within blocks of QuiltWorks on First Fridays," David Ulrich said. "So what you niques being used." see is sometimes these little old laIt won't be all quilts, however; dies walking down (the street)." the show will also feature three-diWith 56 quilts in t his year's mensional fiber art. show, "It's going to be exciting," "Some people are being kind David said. "When you have 56 of mum. We don't know exactly people (in a show) instead of just what they'll bring," Marilyn said, one or two or five or 10 — 56 peoThe first two years, "Neither of those books were strong, quiltfriendly books," she said. "('The Snow Child') is so visual. It had so many great ideas. I think we're going to see a wide variety of tech-
ple have friends and family that show up. So we're going to be very
To help a l leviate crowding, QuiltWorks will also host an open house on Saturday. "We're just continuing the unveiling to an open house on Saturday from 10 to 4," Marilyn said. "First Friday is just going to be so crowded that we're just going to extend it to the next day." — Reporter: 541-383-0349,
laughing. QuiltWorks is also opening its doors to book clubs that want to use the upstairs gallery space during the month of ApriL As of midMarch, nine clubs had booked to hold their meetings there. "I'll give them just a personal walk-through and tell them a little something about each quilt," she sa>d. From the start, QuiltWorks has
Get ATaste For Food, Home 8r Sarden Every Tuesday In ATHOME •
Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate •
ART E XHI B I T S ALLEDA REALESTATE: Featuring wildlife paintings by Vivian Olsen and Joren Traveller, reception from 5:30-8 tonight; through April; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 1, Bend; 541-633-7590. AMBIANCE ARTCO-OP: Featuring gallery artists; 435 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ARTADVENTUREGALLERY: Featuring works by Quilters of Jefferson County, Janell Sorensen and Bill Vollmer; through April; 185 S.E. Fifth St., Madras: 541-475-7701. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring local artists; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building 19; www. or 541-593-4382. ATELIER 6000:Featuring "Hidden Agendas," handcrafted books by various artists, reception from 5:30-8 p.m. tonight; through May; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite 120, Bend; or 541-330-8759. AZILLION BEADS:Featuring jewelry by Josie Brugada, Crystal Starflower Frandson, Vickie Shuck and Lynne Magnuson, reception from 5-7 tonight; 910 N.W. Harriman St., Bend; 541-617-8854. BEND D'VINE:Featuring eco-art by Brenda Reid lrwin; 916 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-323-3277. CAFE SINTRA:Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright and John Vito;1024 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYONCREEKPOTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters;
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Paintings and sculptures by Kim Kimerling will be on display through April atTownshend's Bend Teahouse. or 541-549-0366. DON TERRAARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541549-1299 or DOWNTOWN BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "Earth, Water, Sky," paintings, collages and photographs by various artists; through April 29; 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-389-9846. FRANKLIN CROSSING:Featuring "Abstractions," works by Sandy Brooke, Erin Kay, Lynn Rothan and Margot Voorhies Thompson, reception from 5-8 tonight; through April 28; 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. FURNISH.:Featuring works by Sue Smith; 761 N.W. Arizona Ave., Bend;541-617-8911.
Gorge Ariists Oyen Studios i ~
April 12, 13 & 14 - 10am-5pm Spend your weekend exploring the Gorge and meeting 29 artists who live and work there. Visit glass artists, potters, weavers, painters, sculptors, jewelers and furniture makers — also see wildflowers and beautiful vistas. Tour map includes photos and a description of each artist's work. FREE maps are available at W aucoma Books inHood River and other locations. or
THE GALLERYATTHE PINCKNEY CENTER:Featuring "Artists of Oregon: Collaborative Figurative Paintings by Cara Thayer and Louie Van Patton"; through April 27; Pinckney Center for the Arts, Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7510. GHIGLIERI GALLERY:Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; or 541-549-8683. HELPING YOUTAX & ACCOUNTING:Featuring paintings by Carol Armstrong; 632 S.W. Sixth St., Suite 2, Redmond; 541-504-5422. JENNIFER LAKEGALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; www.jenniferlakegallery. com or 541-549-7200. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE:Featuring works by Jill Haney-Neal; Tuesdays and Wednesdays only; 601 North Larch St, Suite B, Sisters; or 541-617-6078. JOHN PAULDESIGNS: Featuring custom jewelry and signature series, reception from 5-9 p.m.; 1006 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-318-5645. JUDI'S ARTGALLERY:Featuring
Find It All
works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E. Hemlock St., Suite 13, Redmond; 360-325-6230. KAREN BANDYDESIGN JEWELER:Featuring fine custom jewelry and abstract paintings by Karen Bandy; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; www. or 541-388-0155. LA PINE PUBLICLIBRARY: Featuring works by Colleen Burbank; through June 5; 16425 First St., La Pine; 541-312-1090. LUBBESMEYER FIBERSTUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Old Mill District, Bend; www. or 541-330-0840. MARCELLO'S ITALIANCUISINE AND PIZZERIA:Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver; 541-593-8300. MOCKINGBIRDGALLERY: Featuring works by Richard Boyer, reception from 5-9 tonight; through April; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.mockingbird-gallery. com or 541-388-2107. MOSAIC MEDICAL:Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite101, Madras; 541-475-7800. NANCY P'S BAKING COMPANY: Featuring acrylic and eco-art prints by Brenda Reid lrwin; through April; 1054 N.W. Milwaukee Ave., Bend; 541-322-8778. THE OXFORDHOTEL: Featuring works by Snake River Correctional Institution inmates to benefit Ugandan orphans,opens Monday; through April 21; 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. PATAGONIA@BEND:Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; 1000 N.W. Wall St., Suite 140; 541-382-6694. PEAPODGLASSGALLERY: Featuring works by Taylor Nolan, reception from 6-8 tonight; 164 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-312-2828. QUILTWORKS:Featuring works based on the Deschutes County Library's A Novel Idea ... Read Together selection, "The Snow Child," by various artists, reception from 5-7 tonight; through May 2; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIRGALLERY: Featuring "Emerging Artists," works by area high school students, reception from 5-9 tonight; through April; 103 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; or 541-306-3176. ROTUNDAGALLERY:Featuring "A Plein-Air Perspective; Painting in
the Present," works by the PleinAir Painters of Oregon; through May 2; Robert L. Barber Library, Central Oregon Community College; 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7564. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMINGAND GALLERY:Featuring "Abstract Pathways," works by Sandra Neary, reception from 5-9 tonight; through April 27; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERSAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE:Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 541-549-0251. SISTERS GALLERY& FRAME SHOP:Featuring landscape photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; or 541-549-9552. SISTERS PUBLICLIBRARY: Featuring photographs by members of the Sisters Area Photography Club; through April; 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070. ST. CHARLESBEND:Featuring "Two Rivers, Three Sisters," quilts from the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show; through May; 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-382-4321. ST. CHARLESREDMOND: Featuring "Adventures in Change," works by Renne Brock, Linda Lee Miller and Su Skjersaa; through June 28; 1253 N.W. Canal Boulevard; 541-548-8131. SUNRIVER AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "A Fresh Look at Flora and Fauna," works by Susan Berger and Nancy Crandell; through April 27; 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. SUNRIVER LODGEBETTY GRAY GALLERY:Featuring "Wine Country Quilts," works by Alice Van Leunen, and landscapepaintings by Joanne Donaca;through Sunday;new exhibit, featuring works by Jerome Gaston and Joanne Donaca, opens Tuesday; through May1;17600Center Drive; 541-382-9398. TAW GALLERY:Featuring "Poetic Impressions," works by Katey Sandy and Arla Olsen, reception from 1-5 p.m. Saturday; through April 28; U.S. Highway 20 and Cook St., Tumalo; 541-706-9025. TOWNSHEND'SBEND TEAHOUSE:Featuring "One Race — The Human Race," works by Kim Kimerling; through April; 835 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3122001 or www.townshendstea. com. TUMALO ARTCO.: Featuring "Art About the Earth," works by gallery artists; through April; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; or 541-385-9144.
out oorS Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletinin the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit
-t )
he Painted Hills unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument — near Mitchell,
about 50 miles northeast of Prineville — offers striking views of colorful, striped hillsides. Explore the area's natural history through several short, informational hiking trails. — Bulletin staff
If yougo Getting there:From Prineville,
' '/
drive about 50 miles northeast on
U.S. Highway 26, toward Mitchell. The turnoff for the Painted Hills is
541-987-2333 or
on the left side of the roadand is R The Bulletin file photo
With lava looming behind them, three generations of hikers walk the road from the parking lot to Lava Butte's base.
hy slog up South
John Datf
Fossil Beds National Monument
Painted Hills unit Mitchell
Sister when you can
hoof it up Lava — or Overturf,
" ';'f BenhamFalls II
Bessie, Pilot or Horse buttes
Deschutes River Trail
— and barely break a sweat?
National Forest
SUNR R Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Butte hiking is usually fast and
'; 6y
Summit lookout
, C(
(relatively) easy, and in the case
Lava Butte
Trail of Molten Land
of Lava Butte, a 500-foot cinder cone located between Bend and
Visitor Center 'I \
Sunriver, it's a fun place to take the family. —Bulletinstaff
If yougo Getting there:Leaving Bend, take U.S. Highway 97 south about8t/2
miles and follow signs to LavaLands.
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Watch for after-hours parking access on right, at west end of LavaLands
Cost:Northwest Forest Pass or $5 day pass required May1-Sept. 30
parking lot
The Bulletin file photo
The Painted Cove Trail boardwalk is wheelchair accessible.
e I•
SPRINGARTHOP:Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wineand food indowntown Bend andthe Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. (Story, Page13) BLUE RIBBONCAMPAIGN KICKOFF: Kick off the child-abuse prevention campaign, with food, speakers and award presentations; free; 5:15 p.m.; Boys & Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W.Wall St.; 541383-5958 or
"Play Again":Goin
film about nature's i
AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Aaron Nicholson talks about his book, "The State of Determination," with a slide show; $5; 6 p.m.; PaulinaSprings Books,252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. "PLAY AGAIN":A screening of the 2010 documentary film that investigates the consequencesofa childhood removed from nature, followed by a Q&Awith producer Meg Merrill; proceeds benefit the Deschutes Children's Forest; $5-$10 suggesteddonation;7 p.m.,doorsopen at 6:30 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-383-5592 or "ARGO":A screening of the R-rated 2012 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or DELANEY 8 PARIS:The Portland-based folk-comedy act performs, with Derde Verde; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or TAARKA:TheAmericana band performs; $10;8 p.m.; The Belfry,302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www., Page 3)
Spring ArtHop:Like
Walk after too many
A Novel Idea:Discu
Child" kicks off in S
I '
SATURDAY April6 URBANAGRICULTUREIN CENTRAL OREGON: Learn about the rewards and challenges of urban food production in the area; includes lunch; $25-$30, $15-$20 students; 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; OSUCascades Campus, Cascades Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-322-3100 or VFW EASTERBUFFET:A breakfast buffet; $8.50; 8:30-11 a.m.; VFWHall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. DISCOVER NATUREDAY:Fam il iescan track wildlife, explore Tumalo Creek, meet birds of prey, plant trees and playgames; hosted bythe Deschutes Children's Forest; free; 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Shevlin Park, 18920 Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-383-5592 or www.
CERN PRESENTATION: A lecture by astronomer Bill Logan about the European Organization for Nuclear Research and the Large Hadron Collider; free; 1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. TEDX BEND:Featuring over10 people presenting local and international perspectives to inspire and spark conversations; SOLDOUT; 1 p.m., doors open at12:30 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive; www. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Aaron Nicholson talks about his book, "The State of Determination," with a slide show; $5; 6 p.m.;Paulina Springs Books,422 S.W . Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491.
AVREY WALKERBENEFIT DINNERAND AUCTION:With live music by Matt Borden and Lei fJames; TexasHold'em atnoon; $45 in advance at venue and John Tuck Elementary, $55 at the door; 6 p.m.; Coyote Ranch, 1368 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; 541-548-7700. LUCREZIO: The Chicago-based acoustic soul act performs; free; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Bend; 541-728-0703 or /
FALLSTAR:ThePortland-basedhardcore band performs, with Capture The Flag and ChaseElliot;$6;7:30 p.m.;The Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend;541633-6804. (Story, Page 5)
TRIAGE:Thecomedy improvisational troupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or THE MCCOYTYLERBAND:The California-based folk-rock act performs, with Jack Dwyer and The Bad Liars; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or
SUNDAY April 7 NOTABLESSWING BAND:Thebig bandplaysswing music;$5;2-4 p.m .;
Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-330-5728 or www. DAY OFREMEMBRANCE:A ceremony hosted by Jewish communities in Central Oregon to honor Holocaust and persecution victims, titled "Never Again: Heeding the Warning Signs"; donations accepted;6-7 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-385-6421. PAPADOSIO: The North Carolina-based electro-jam-rock band performs, with Acorn Project; $10 plus fees in advance, $15 at the door; 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.p44p. biz or (Story, Page4)
DAY, APRIL 5, 2013
I I'
doors and watch a mpact on kids.
; First Friday Gallery sips of wine.
ssion of"The Snow sters.
TUESDAY April 9 BOOKDISCUSSION:Discuss "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey; part of "A Novel Idea... Read Together"; free; 6 p.m.; Paulina SpringsBooks,252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866 or www. BEYONDCOAL:Learn how exports of coal
to Asia through Northwest communities could jeopardize air, water, snowpack and climate; hosted by the Sierra Club; free; 7 p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend;541-389-0785. NATURALHISTORYPUB:Jeff Russell andLeeReynaud discuss"Sustainable Agriculture and Wildlife Conservation on Private Land: ACaseStudy in Conservation and Economics"; registration requested; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or TAARKA: The Americana band performs; free; 7 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-728-0749 or (Story, Page3)
WEDNESDAY April 10 JEFF CROSBY &THE REFUGEES:The roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or
THURSDAY April 11 GEARSWAP:Bring climbing or mountaineering gear to sell, or purchase items; a portion of proceeds benefits Cascades Mountaineers Club; free; 6-8
p.m., item check-in 4-5:45 p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W.KansasAve., Bend; 541-549-1028 or PLATEAUINDIANARTS PRESENTATION: Curator Steven L. Grafe lecture; registration requested; $3, free for museum members; 6p.m.;High DesertM useum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or "MANET:PORTRAYING LIFE":A screening of the documentary of the Edouard Manet art exhibit; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or www. (Story, Page29) MATT HOPPER: The pop-rocker performs, with Vandella; $5; 8 p.m.; The
Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. THE AUTONOMICS: CD-release showfor the Portland rock band, with TheHoons; $5; 8 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend; www. (Story, Page6) AFROMASSIVE:Funk band from Northern California performs; $8 plus fees in advance, $12 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; (Story, Page 4) • SUBMIT AN EVENTat www bendbulletin. com/submitinfo or email Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? Contact 541-383-0351.
planning ahea APRIL 12-18 APRIL12-14 — BENDSPRING FESTIVAL:A celebration of the new season with art, live music and a street chalk art competition; free; 6-9 p.m. April 12, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. April 13 and 11 a.m.-4 p.m. April 14; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives; www. APRIL12-14, 18 — "CRAZYABOUT ME":Stage Right Productions and SusanNoyes presentthe play abouta young man straddling the line between real and imagined; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m. April12-13, 18 and 3 p.m. April14; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or APRIL12-14 — SOLOSPEAK SESSIONS:Professional solo performers tell personal stories; $15 plusfeesin advance;7 p.m .;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. APRIL12-13, 18 — "THEZOOSTORY": A one-actplay by Edward Albeeabouta chance encounter between a transient and a book publisher in New York City's Central Park; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881, Derek© or www. APRIL13-14 — SPORTSMAN JAMBOREE COLLECTIBLESHOW: A show of guns, knives, coins and collectibles; food available; $5, $4 with a trade gun, free ages 12 andyounger with an adult; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. April 13 and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. April14; La Pine Event Center, 16405 First St.; 541-536-2223. APRIL12 —LAST COMIC STANDING: Qualifying round; comedians present comic acts and attempt to advance to the next round of competition; $5; 5-7 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or APRIL12 — LASAGNA BANQUET:A lasagna dinner recognizing the 2013 Teacher of the Year, and Patriots Pen and Voice of Democracy competition winners; registration requested; $10; 7 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-548-4108. APRIL12 — "LIFE OF Pl": A screening of the PG-rated 2012 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-4753351 or APRIL13 — WALKTOCURE DIABETES:A 2.4-mile walk to raise awareness of diabetes; free, registration required; proceeds benefit diabetes research; donations accepted; 11 a.m., check-in at10 a.m.; Riverbend
Submitted photo
Shuffle Concert, a musical ensemble where the audience chooses the music, will perform April 23 at the Tower Theatre in Bend. Park, Southwest Columbia Street and Southwest Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 503-643-1995 or APRIL13 — WRITENOW!:Brainstorm, play word games and more in a casual setting, to help creative writing; free; 1 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1081 or APRIL13— A NOVEL IDEA KICKOFF: An overview of events in the 2013 A Novel Idea ... Read Together program; with presentations by Stacey Donohue and Heather McNeil; free; 3 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or APRIL13 — VFWDINNER:A French dip dinner, with karaoke; $7.50; 5 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. APRIL13 — POSTCARDS: Bend Dance Project presents an evening of dance and music inspired by images found on postcards, featuring Velocity Dance Theatre, Jazz DanceCollective, South County Hipsters and the Hokule'a Polynesian Dancers; $10 advance, $12 at the door; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541410-8451 or APRIL13— HIGH DESERT CHAMBER MUSIC — HIGHLAND QUARTET:String musicians play selections of chamber music; $35, $10children and students;
7:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436, info© or APRIL13 — MOLLYRINGWALD:The iconic actress sings American standards and tells stories, with the Peter Smith Quartet; $35-$50 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
APRIL14— REDMOND COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION PERFORMANCE: Jesse Cook performs rumba-fl amenco music;$50 season ticket, $20 students, $105 family ticket; 2 and6:30 p.m.;Ridgeview HighSchool, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-350-7222, redmondcca© or www. APRIL14 — SECOND SUNDAY: Oregon State University Cascades professor APRIL13— TURNER MOORE BAND: Neil Browne explores the life and work of The Oregon country act performs, with poetJohn Haines,followed by anopen Blackstrap Bluegrass; $5; 8 p.m.; The mic; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1033 Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook. or com/thehornedhand. APRIL14— ROMANCING THE WEST APRIL13 — ANDRE NICKATINA: The LEGACY TOUR:A documentary-style hip-hop artist performs, with Roach concert covering 240 years of the Gigz, Mumbls and TNC9ER; $27 in American West, from ragtime to rock; advance, $30 at the door; 9 p.m., doors headlined by Woodstock legend Melanie openat8p.m.;Domino Room,51 N.W. $25-$32 plusfees;6 p.m.;Tower Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or Safka; Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 317-0700 or APRIL14— OREGON OLD TIME APRIL14 — THEKING'S HERALDS:The FIDDLERS:Fiddle music and dancing; gospel quartet performs; free; 6 p.m.; donations accepted;1-3:30 p.m.;VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way,Redmond; Redmond Assembly of God Church, 541-647-4789. 1865 W. Antler Ave.; 541-548-4555. APRIL15— FOLKLORE INOUR LIVES: APRIL 14 — "ALONEINTHE WILDERNESS":A screening of the Terry Krueger, a literature instructor at documentary film about the life of Central Oregon Community College, Richard Proenneke in the wilds of Alaska; explores the significance of folklore; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, free;1:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1033 or www. 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1033 or
APRIL15 —THOMAS EDISON: INVENTOR, LECTURER AND PRANKSTER:Edison, portrayed by Broadway actor Patrick Garner, shares secrets to motivate students; recommended for ages 6-12; $12, $8 children12 and younger, plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. APRIL16 — "TIPS FORSEARCHING": Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Eileen Krueger; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 or APRIL16 — BOOKDISCUSSION: Discuss "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey; part of A Novel Idea... Read Together; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541312-1050 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar APRIL16 — MAKING ALIFEONTHE "LAST FRONTIER":A presentation by Bob Boyd about skills and tools used in Alaska; free; 6 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541312-1032 or APRIL16 — NOSHORTCUTS TO THE TOP PRESENTATION:EdViesturs, a mountaineer, talks about"Setting Goals, Managing Risk and Persevering"; $20, $70 for presentation and private reception;1 p.m., doors open at12:30 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-383-7257. APRIL16 — PATOBANTON:The reggae singer performs; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; The Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or APRIL17 — DIRTY KIDDISCOUNT: The folk-punk act performs, with Days and Dazed; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. APRIL18 — BOOKDISCUSSION: Discuss "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey; part of A Novel Idea... Read Together; free; noon; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-0515 or APRIL18 — BOOKDISCUSSION: Discuss "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey; part of A Novel Idea... Read Together; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541617-7080 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. APRIL18 — BLUESKYRIDERS:The country-rock act featuring Kenny Loggins, Georgia Middleman and Gary Burr performs; $30-$60 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.
planning ahead
APRIL18 —HOMESTEADING CENTRAL OREGON: Kelly Cannon-Miller of the Des Chutes Historical Museum discusses the reality of early 20th century homesteading; free; 6 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1033 or www. APRIL18 — BENYARO:Thefolkrock act performs, with Screen Door Porch; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.
APRIL 19-25 APRIL19-20 — CENTRAL OREGON MASTERSINGERS: The choir presents"Voices of Hope" under the direction of Clyde Thompson; $15; 7:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-385-7229 or APRIL19-21, 25 — "CRAZY ABOUT ME":Stage Right Productions and Susan Noyes present the play about a young man straddling the line between real and imagined; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m. April19-20, 25 and 3 p.m. April 21; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. APRIL20 — WALKMS:A5K walk to benefit multiple sclerosis treatment and local programs; registration required; proceeds benefit the National MS Society; donations requested; 10 a.m. walk, 8 a.m. registration; Riverbend Park, Southwest Columbia Street and Southwest Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 503-445-8360 or www. APRIL 20 — EARTHDAY FAIR ANDPARADE:Includes interactive activities, live music, green businesses and more; the costumed parade through downtown Bend, featuring costumes connected to the natural world, will kick off festivities; free; 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 10:30 a.m. parade staging; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-385-6908, ext. 15 or www. APRIL 20 — BEATSANTIQUE: The electro-world-jam band performs, with Medium Troy; $25 plus fees in advance, $35 at the door; 9 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-7882989 or APRIL 23 — SHUFFLECONCERT: A musical celebration where the audiencechooseswhat piecesthe musical ensemble will perform; $20 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or
Talks 8 classes MASK MAKING WORKSHOP:Create a personalized maskwith artist Debra Fisher in preparation for the Earth DayParade onApril 20; ages nineand older; free;11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; TheEnvironmental Center, 16N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; or 541-385-6908. VOICE-YOURMAGNET WORKSHOP: Createyour own custom clay magnets to inspire changewith Dana Bartus; registration required; $15; noon-2 p.m. Sunday; CinderconeClay Center, 50 S.W. Scott St., Bend; cinderconeclaycenter©gmail. com. STEELHEADFALLS PHOTO OUTING: Learn about nature photography, andhow to correctly frame and exposewaterfalls, meet at Cascade Center of Photography to carpool to the site; registration requested; free;1-5 p.m. Sunday; Cascade CenterofPhotography,390 S.W . Columbia St., Suite110, Bend;www.ccophoto. com or 541-241-2266. INVENTIVEBOOKS — SIMPLE STRUCTURES: Construct a tunnel bookandacquire technical expertise; registration required; $25; 10a.m.noonTuesday;Atelier6000,389 Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend; or 541-330-8759. LUNCHANDLEARN:Matt Perry of the Savory Spice Shop discusses "Spice Secrets: History, Healing & Cooking with Spices," bring a lunch; registration requested; free; noon-1 p.m. Wednesday; BendSenior Center,1600S.E. Reed Market Road, Bend;541-388-1133.
Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend;www. or 541-330-8759. INTRODUCTION TOWINE TASTING: Learn about tasting wine, ages 21andolder; registration required; $20; 3-5 p.m. April13; Silver LeafCafe, 7535 Falcon Crest Drive, Suite 300, Redmond; 541-604-0446.
The Bulletin file photo
Learn how to photograph Steelhead Falls on Sunday through a class presented by the Cascade Center of Photography in Bend. See the listing at left for more details. PASTELCLASS:Learn pastel painting techniques with JoeyVanBlokland; $30; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Apri!13; Sagebrushers Art Society,117 S.W.Roosevelt Ave., Bend;www. or 541-388-1567. INTRO TO PLACEMAKING:Learn about starting community projects in your neighborhood, presented by Portland's City Repair Project; registration required; $50; 9a.m.-4:30 p.m. April 13; Higher Ground,2582 N.E.DaggetLane, Bend; or 503-235-8946. HAIKU AND BOOKMAKING: Create anaccordion book to highlight written work, presented by the Haiku Circle of Bend; registration required; $20; 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Apri!13; Atelier 6000, 389
WATER, ROCKS AND REEDS: Learn from Marty Stewart as shedoes awatercolor underpainting, then goesover it with soft pastels; $30;10a m.-2p m. April16; SagebrushersArt Society, 117S.W.Roosevelt Ave., Bend; www. or 541-388-1567. DRYPOINT:Discover the immediate, handson form of intaglio printmaking; registration required; $90;1-3 p.m. Apri!16,18 and 23;Atelier 6000, 389 ScalehouseCourt, Suite120, Bend; or 541-330-8759. SPRINGGARDENINGSEMINAR: The Oregon State University Central Oregon Master Gardener Association hosts a seminar with classes, garden products and asilent auction; registration requested; $48 byApril12 or $50at the door; 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. April 20; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; or 541-548-6088. BEND GENEALOGICALSOCIETY SPRING SEMINAR:Anall-day seminar covering aspects of genealogical research; registration required, with a fee increase after April12; $70, $60 members; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. April 27; BendGolf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive, Bend; or 541-317-9553.
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tO APRIL 24 — "THE BIGBANDS: PASTTO PRESENT":The Oregon Jazz Ensemble performs Big Band songs as part of the University of Oregon's School of Music and Dance Jazz Appreciation Month festivities; free, ticket required; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre,835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or APRIL 24— YONDER MOUNTAIN STRING BAND:The newgrass band performs, with Head for the Hills; $20 plus fees in advance, $25 at the door; 8 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. APRIL 25— "SHOOTING STAR":Preview night of CascadesTheatricalCompany's presentation of the romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in an airport; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. APRIL 27 — AESOPROCK:The hip-hop artist performs, with Busdriver, Rob Sonic, DJ Big Wiz and MC Mystic; $20 plus fees; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-7882989 or www.randompresents. com.
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outo town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."
Submitted photo
Portland director/actor/musician Brian Adrian Koch, foreground, stars as Torgo and Paul Glazier stars as The Master in the stage adaptation, "Manos: The Hands of Fate."
• 'Manos: TheHandsof Fate' hits the stagefor comediccampiness By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin
hen a movie is as bad as "Manos: The Hands of Fate," you can't help but laugh. Considered one of the worst films ever made, the 1966 movie has reached "cult classic" status with the help of the popular and wisecracking television series "Mystery Science Theater 3000." Portland director/actor/musician Brian Adrian Koch finds more comedic gold in the film's campy plot for his stage adaptation of the same name. The two-act play runs Thursday through May 5 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center in Portland. A modern day Renaissance man, Koch is best known as the drummer of the Portland-based band Blitzen Trapper. "This show excites me because after years of oscillating between touring on the road with Blitzen Trapper and acting at home, I can finally
combine two of my loves in one crazy show," said Koch in a news release. Music is at the centerpiece of Koch's adaptation. The live score will be performed by Blitzen Trapper's Eric Earley along with members of The Parson Red Heads and Viva Voce. The stage adaptation of "Manos" originally premiered in 2006 at Portland's Theater! Theatre! to rave reviews. This second installment by Capital I Productions features Jackey Raye Neyman Jones,an Oregonian who played the young girl Debbie in the original 1966 film. In this production, Debbie will be played by a puppet that Neyman Jones voices from offstage. Tickets for this production cost $20. To purchase tickets, visit www.brownpapertickets .com or call 800-838-3006. For more information on " M anos," visit w w w.capitali — Reporter:541-383-0350,
April 5 —Low,Mississippi Studios, Portland; or 503-288-3895. April 5 —Tech Ngne, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April 5 —Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* April 5, 7 —EvynneHoiiens: The Contemporary SongbookProject 2013, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. or541-434-7000. April 6 —Polica, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF April 6 —Steep Canyon Rangers, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* April 6 —Stephen Lynch,McMenamins * Bagdad Theater, Portland; CT April 7 —The Airborne Toxic Event, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT April 7 —Jeff Bridges & TheAbiders, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* April 7 —Jeff Mangum, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April 7 —OMD,Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF April 8 —Ait-J, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLDOUT;TW* April 9 —Dillon Francis, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April 9 —Jesse Cook,Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; or 541-779-3000. April 9 —Spiritualized, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF April10 —Jesse Cook,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* April11 —Colin Hay,Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF April11 —Dinosaur Jr.,Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Apri!12 —Keller Williams, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Apri!12 —Molly Ringwald,The Shedd Institute, Eugene; or 541-434-7000. Apri!13 — A Day ToRemember, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLDOUT;
April 16 —AWOLNation, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April 16 —The Gaslight Anthem, * Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF April 16 —JohnnyMarr, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF April 17 —Bat For Lashes, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF April 17 —Dark Star Orchestra, * McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW April 17 —Mary Chapin Carpenter/ Shawn Coivin,Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; or 541-779-3000. April 17 —Trey Anastasio Band, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLDOUT;CT* April 18 —Mary Chapin Carpenter/ Shawn Coivin,Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF April18 —Medeski, Martin & Wood, * Roseland Theater, Portland; TW April 18-19 —Dark Star Orchestra, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT April 19 —Bingo Players, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April19 —Chris Tomlin,Rose Garden, Portland; or 877-789-7673. April19 —The Revival Tour with Chuck Ragan,Aladdin Theater, * Portland; TF April 19-20 —Yonder Mountain String Band,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April 20 —Midnite, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April 21 —Family of the Year/The Mowgiis,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF*
April 21 —The Men, Mississippi Studios, Portland; www. or 503-288-3895 April 21 —Mount Moriah, Doug Fir Lounge, Portland; TF* April 23 —Joan Osborne,Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF April 23 —Purity Ring,Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF April 23 —Taj Mahal & Shemekia Copeland,Hult Center, Eugene; www. or 541-682-5000. TW* April 24 —Aesop Rock, Roseland April13 —Eddie Jobson,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TW* Theater, Portland; TF* April 24 —James Blake, Wonder April13 —Joe Bonamassa,Keller * Auditorium, Portland; or Ballroom, Portland; TF 800-273-1530. April 25 —Alex Clare, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF April13 —On Ensemhle,Unitarian Fellowship, Ashland; www.stclairevents. April 25 —Flosstradamus,Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* com or 541-535-3562. April14 —Bad Religion,Roseland April 25 —Infected Mushroom, * Theater, Portland; TW* McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW
out of town
April 25 —John PizzareHi, The Shedd lnstitute, Eugene; www. or 541-434-7000. April 25 —Local Natives, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLDOUT;CT* April 26 —Arlo Guthrie, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April 26 —Ghost B.C.,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* April 26 —Infected Mushroom, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* April 27 —The Bad Plus, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. or 541-434-7000. April 27 —Crystal Bowersox, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* April 27 —Rodriguez, Roseland Theater, Portland; NEWVENUE; TW*
April 28 —The Bad Plus, McMenamins Mission Theater, Portland; CT* April 28 —Dawes/Dr. Dog, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* April 28 —The Bad Plus, McMenamins Mission Theater, Portland; CT* April 28 —SOJA,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April 29 —Crystal Castles, * Roseland Theater, Portland; TW
5 COMEDY April 5 —"An Evening with Dana Carvey,"Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; or 541-779-3000. April 5 —Maria Bamford, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April12-14 —"Gef Lit af the Beach: AGathering for Readers":Featuring authors Terry Brooks, Erica Bauermeister, Chelsea Cain, Ursula Le Guin, Phil Margolin, Garth Stein and Willy Vlautin; Cannon Beach; or 503-368-7222. April 21 —DougBenson, WOW * Hall, Eugene; TM
L OPERA April 6-7 —"Dave Frishberg & Patrick Lamb":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. or 800-228-7343. April 13-15 —"LA Guitar Quartet":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343. April16 —Sonny RoHins:Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; CANCELED;
*Tickets TM:Ticketmaster, www or 800745-3000 TW:TicketsWest, www or 800992-8499 TF:Ticketfly, www.ticket or 877-435-9849 CT:Cascade Tickets, www or 800-514-3849 or 800-228-7343. April 18 —"Carmina Burana": EugeneSymphony;HultCenter, Eugene; or 541-682-5000. April 20-22 —"Fanfare for the CommonMan": Featuring violinist James Ehnes; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343.
THEATER 8c DANCE Through April 6 —Paul Taylor Dance Company:Part of the White Bird Dance Series; Newmark Theatre, Portland; www.whitebird. org or 503-245-1600. Through April 6 —"RAIN":The group performs the full range of The Beatles' discography live onstage; Keller Auditorium, Portland; or 800-273- I530. Through April 13 —"Guapa": Play by Caridad Svich; Milagro Theatre, Portland; or 503-236-7253. Through April 13 —"Northwest Ten: Mission Accomplished": A festival of ten-minute plays; Oregon Contemporary Theatre, Eugene; or 541-465-1506. Through April 20 —"Anything But Brilliant — A LoveStory": Play by Bobby Ryan uses song, poetry and experimental staging to tell the story of love between two men in life, in death and in letting go; presentedby Lights Up! Productions; Profile Theatre, Theatre! Theatre!, Portland; or 800-838-3006. Through April 28 —"The Gin Game":Play by D.L. Coburn starring Allen Nause andVana O'Brien; Artists Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage, Portland; www. or 503-241-1278. Through July7 —Oregon Shakespeare Festival:"Two Trains Running" (through July 7), "My Fair Lady" (through Nov. 3) and "The
Taming of the Shrew" (through Nov. 3) are currently running at the Angus Bowmer Theatre; "King Lear" (through Nov. 3) is currently running at Thomas Theatre; Ashland; www. or 800-219-8161. April 6-May 5 —"Clybourne Park": Winner of the 2012TonyAward and 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Best New Play; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; or 503-445-3700. April 7 —Michael Flatley'sLord of the Dance:Irish dance spectacle featuring 21scenesof precision dancing, dramatic music, colorful wardrobes andstate-of-the-art staging and lighting; HultCenter, Eugene; or 541-682-5000. April 10-13 —CIRCA:Seven dazzling performers fly through the air, balance precariously on each other, andhang in spellbinding suspension; part of the White Bird Dance Series; or 503-245-1600. April11-May 5 —"Manos:The HandsofFate":Directedandadapted to the stage bymusician Brian Adrian Koch (BlitzenTrapper); based onthe 1966 cult classic; Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, Portland; www. April 12-14 —"Radio Daze
H": Fred Crafts' Radio Redux; Wildish Theater, Springfield; or 541-868-0689. April13 —NWDance Project, Craterian Theater at TheCollier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; or 541-779-3000. April13-14 —"Mowgli — The Jungle BookBallet": New ballet by Toni Pimble,based on Rudyard Kipling's stories; presented bythe Eugene Ballet Company; Hult Center, Eugene; or 541-682-5000. Apri!17-Nov. 2 —"AStreetcar Named Desire":Tennessee William's Pulitzer Prize-winning classic; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; or 800-219-8161. April18-27 —"American Music Festival":Program showcases three contemporary choreographers (Trey Mclntyre, Pontus Lidberg and Matthew Neenan) inspired by Americanmusic makers; presented by the Oregon Ballet Theatre; Newmark Theatre, Portland; www. or 888-922-5538. April 23-28 —"Flashdance — The Musical":In celebration of the 30th
anniversary of the film "Flashdance," the musical version comes to the stage; Keller Auditorium, Portland; or 800-273-1530. April 23-May 26 —"Ten Chimneys":Comedy by Jeffery Hatcher; Artists Repertory Theatre; Alder Stage, Portland; www. or 503-241-1278. April 23-June16 —"The People's Republic of Portland":World premiere of new play by Lauren Weedman; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; or 503-445-3700. April 26 —"One Man Star Wars Trilogy":Starring Charles Ross; Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF*
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Through April 7 —Jordan Schnitzer Museum ofArt: The following exhibits are currently on display: "Julie Green: The Last Supper" (through April 7), "West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America" (through April 28) and "German Expressionism" (through May19); Eugene; jsma.uoregon. edu or 541-346-3027.
Continued next page
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Tickets now on sale!
Tuesday, April 16, 6:30p.m.
$20: presentation; $50: presentation and reception. Call 541.383.7575 or visit the COCC Box Office, Boyle Education Center.
Summit High School, 2855 NW Clearwater Dr, Bend; reception to follow at Sara Bella Upcycled, 2748 NW Crossing Dr, Bend, catered by Tate and Tate
Catering. h. For wheelchair seating and/orother accommodation needs, please contact the Visiting Scholar Program at least 48 hours in advance: Or541.a83.725Z
Fo U H DATIOH Ce ntral Oregon Community College
2600 NWCollege Way,Bend
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out of town
From previous page
Paul Scott Gallery VALERIEWtNTERHOLLER MYTCHELL MEAD Featuring regional, national 8 international artists, styles ranging from realism to contemporary. Come Celebrate April 5, 5-9 pm Weare just down the breezeway off Wall St.
Featuring award-winning jewelry and colorful paintings by
Karen Bandy Please join Karenfor First Friday April 5, 5-9pm TuckedbetweenThump andAlleda on upper Minnesota I
MockingbirdGallery An Exhibition of New Works by Richard Boyer Opens Friday, April 5th First Friday Art Walk 5-9 pm
Red Chair Gallery 103 NW Oregon Ave. I'I' i
"Emerging Artists"
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First Friday, April 5 Student Reception: 4 to 5 pm Public Reception: 5 to 9 pm
Sage Custom Framing & Gallery Featured artist for April Sandra Neary "Abstract Pathways" Reception: First Friday, April 5, 5-9pm
Through April 21 —Portland Art Museum:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Folkert de Jong" (through April 21) and "Carrie MaeWeems: Three Decades of Photography and Video" (through May19); Portland; or 503-226-2811. Through April 26 —"William F. Reesn": Featuring works inspired by Northwest landscapes and rural lifestyles; Clackamas Community College, Wilsonville; 503-594-3032. Through April 27 —Museum ofContemporary Craft: The following exhibits are currently on display: "We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live" (through April 27) and "Part One: Reflect+ Respond" (through Aug. 3); Portland; or 503-223-2654. Through May —"Noise!": Featuring interactive stations on sound, music and hearing; Science Factory Children's Museum & Exploration Dome, Eugene; www. or 541-682-7888. ThroughMay 5 — Oregon M useum ofScienceand Industry: The following exhibits are currently on display: "MythBusters: The Explosive Exhibition" (through May 5) and "Desert Air: Photographs by George Steinmetz" (through Aug.18); Portland; or 800-955-6674. Through May 27 —Maryhiu Museum ofArt: The following exhibits are currently on display: "The Hound of Heaven" (through May 27), "Kenneth Standhardt: Impressions" (through Nov.15) and "Arthur Higgins: Prints" (through Nov. 15); Goldendale, Wash.; www. or 509-773-3733. Through June 2 —Critical Art Ensembln, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland; or 503-226-4391. Through December —"The Sna & Mn":A new children's interactive exhibit; Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; or 541-867-3474. Opened March 23 —"Flamingo Exhibit": 21 lesser flamingos will debut in the remodeled Africa Rainforest aviary; Oregon Zoo, Portland; or 503-226-1561. Opening April 5 —"Brad Mildrnxlnr: Monoliths & Megaliths,"Eutectic Gallery, Portland; www. or 503-974-6518. April 12-14 —GorgeArtists Studio Tour: Featuring 29 regional artists in oil, watercolor, pastel, ceramics, glass, sculpture, jewelry and fabric; Hood River; www. April 26-28 —Creative Metal Arts Guild Jewelry and Metal Arts ShowandSale, Oregon Convention Center, Portland;
MISCELLANY April 8 —Portland Grand Tasting:Kick-off event for Columbia Gorge Winegrowers Passport Weekend; The Good Mod, Portland; or 866-413-9463. April 12-14 —Columbia Gorge Wineries Passport Weekend:Featuring more than 27 Columbia Gorge Wineries in Washington and Oregon; www. or 866-413-9463. April 12-28 —Hood River Blossom Fest and Springtime Guide,Hood River; or 800-366-3530. April18 —BANFFMountainFilmFnstival, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* April 27 —Cascade AIDS Project Art Auction Gala, Memorial Coliseum, Portland; May 4 —Fish Taco Cook-eff, Culinary Center, Lincoln City; or 800-452-2151.
on • 'BioShock Infinite' is a perfect mixof complex characters, shifting universesand a stellar storyevolution
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Nintendo via The Associated Press
"LEGO City: Undercover" is the top Wii U game for March.
, ~es, BIRs 0 ' gsu- .',arc»e"s rl r Trrs
TOP 10
By Joe Juba
ON THE WHU The editors of Game Informer Magazine rank the top Wii U
Game rnformer Magazine
n "BioShock Infinite," players must be comfortable with the concept of parallel realities. What appears to be a peaceful street could be a war-torn battleground in a different version of the world. A person can be alive in one place, dead in another. Male here,female there— or never even born at all. As hero Booker DeWitt confronted these truths through the abilities of hi s companion, Elizabeth, I toyed with the same ideas in my own mind. If just a few things had happened differently, how would my life change? Could I be smarter? Richer? Happier? No matter how many parallel realities I ponder, I cannot imagine one in which "BioShock Infinite" is not among the best games I've played. It all begins with Columbia. The floating paradise isn't just Rapture in the sky; it is divided by its own political problems, and driven by its own ideals. The city is beautifully realized, from the early 1900s-erabuildings bobbing onthe clouds to the zeppelins soaring by. As Booker walks down the streets, he is surrounded by a living Norman Rockwell p ainting;
games for the month of March: 1. "LEGO City: Undercover,"
2. "Need For Speed: Most Wanted," Electronic Arts
3. "Runner2: Future Legend Rhythm Alien," Gaijin Games
Mcclatchy-Tribune News Service
Parallel realities are a key feature in the new "BioShock Infinite."
4. "New Super Mario Bros. U," Nintendo 5. "Mass Effect 3," Electronic Arts
you encounter contributes to your understanding o f t h e f l o ating world. This is one of the ingenious ways Infinite blurs the lines between its component parts; Columbia may be a backdrop for the action, but the setting, narrative, and combat all loop back to reinforce each other. Booker w a n ders C o l umbia alone at first, but once he saves the young woman named Elizabeth from captivity, the adventure begins in earnest. Elizabeth is with Booker for most of the events that follow, and she is among the best AI com-
'BIOSHOCKINFINITE' 10 (out of 10) PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC 2K Games/Irrational Games ESRB rating: M
emies using firearms, brute force, and creative powers. I picked off foes with my shotgun as they fought off the murder of crows I summoned. I possessed a robotic George Washington and watched him cut down my Columbian agk ids play in the water from R E V I EW p a n ions I've ever had. gressors. I jumped on the roller a leaking hydrant, people You don't ever need to coaster-like skyline, boarded an gawk at technological marworry about p r otecting airship, and jammed my skyhook vels at the local fair, and a general her, which preventsthe experi- into a foe's throat. store sits unattended but for a note ence from feeling like an escort The upgradeable weapons and about the honor system. Life in Co- quest. Not only does Elizabeth a bilities — augmented by t h e lumbia seems perfect, but the real stay out of harm's way, she ac- skylines and Elizabeth's powers — give players plenty of space to fun comes from discovering the tively helps Booker by f i nding ugly side of the city. ammo and health, making her develop their own style of play. Dealing with themes like rea valuable ally in gunfights. She The encounter design could use ligion, racism, and xenophobia, can also open doors to alternate more variety (you walk into a lot Columbia is a richer and more realities called "tears," bringing of wide-open areas full of tears nuanced setting than even Rap- objects like rocket launchers, au- and wait for enemies to pour in), ture, and the unveiling of the city's tomatons, and cover in from oth- and the meager penalty for death culture is masterfully executed. er worlds. She can use this ability doesn't keep stakes high unless Whether you're looking at a piece as often as you want but can only you're playing on the brutal-butof propaganda, listening to an au- maintain one object at a time. rewarding 1999 difficulty. Despite dio log, or participating in a horBooker's tools in combat are less those issues, combat on the whole rifying raffle, almost everything mysterious. He plows through en- is fun and satisfying.
My favorite aspect of Infinite is the one about which I can say the least: story. The build-up is slow, but it works wonderfully thanks to the small ways other elements flow into the narrative. Elizabeth's observations help you get to know her, and when she assists you in battle, it strengthens your connection to her. Opening tears keeps you thinking about the possibilities of other realities. Hearing the Beach Boys' "God Only Knows" being sung in 1912 reminds you that you have a lot of questions that need answers. Replicating the achievements of the original "BioShock" is a chal-
lenging goal (as 2K Marin's sequel demonstrated), but series creator Irrational Games returns with a fresh vision and redefines what the "BioShock"name means. "Infinite" is more than a new setting, story and characters; those elements are seamlessly integrated with complex themes, a mysterious plot, and entertaining combat to create an amazingexperience from beginning to end. Familiar threads run through it — a lighthouse, a strange city, a charismatic antagonist — but they are homages to the past rather than attempts to recycle it. The core of "Infinite" is unlike anything else on land, sea or air.
6. "Batman: Arkham CityArmored Edition," Warner Bros. 7. "Call of Duty: Black Ops II," Activision
8. "Skylanders Giants," Activision 9. "Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate,"
Capcom 10. "Assassin's Creed III," Ubisoft Game lnformer Magazine
TOP PAID APPS ANDROID 1. "Temple Run: Oz" 2. "Toy Story: Smash It!"
3. "Earn to Die" 4. "Star Wars Pinball" 5."10000000" APPLE
1. "Temple Run:Oz" 2. "Minecraft — Pocket Edition" 3. "Wreck-It Ralph" 4. "Team Umizoomi Math: Zoom into Numbers HD" 5. "Wipeout" McClatchy-Tribune News Service
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Kirsty Girffin /TriStar Pictures / McClatchy-Tritrune News Service
Shiloh Fernandez, left, and Jessica Lucas star in the horror remake "Evil Dead."
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â&#x20AC;˘ Remake of the 1981 cult classichasafamiliar setting andstory, but audienceswill be cringing or some 30 years now, small clustersof movie teenagers have made the journey to various cabins in various woods. The return ratio for such trips is one surviving, bloodied, traumatized, hospitalized teenager for every 10 dead friends left behind. And the r atio o f e ntertaining, original movies about attractive young people and the hideous monsters that stalk them is about the same. For every clever remake or freshly twisted spin, there are
innumerable gore fests with nothing original to say. Hello, "Evil Dead," 2013 edition. This isn't a strict remake of Sam Raimi's hugely influential 1981 horror classic, but it does include the basic framework and some visual nods to the original. On its own, it's an irredeemable, sadistic torture chamber reveling in the bloody, cringe-inducing deaths of some of the stupidest people ever to spend a rainy night in a remote cabin in the woods.
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"Evil Dead" 91 minutes R, for strong bloody violence
andgore,somesexualcontentand language Shiloh Fernandez is the dull and dimwitted David, who returns to the family's old cabin along with his new girlfriend, Natalie (Elizabeth Blackmore), his former
childhood friends Eric (Lou Taylor Pucci) and Olivia (Jessica Lucas), and his little sister, Mia (Jane Levy). Even before we learn Mia's trying to kick smack, we know this kid has problems because she's got a bit of a goth look going, she believes in the spirit world, and she likes to sketch. Like most cabins in the woods, this cabin in the woods seems to be miles away from any other cabins or any signs of life. Gee, the family must have had a blast there, especially with Mom battling insanity, and we never hear about Dad. Within a few hours, the dog finds a blood-covered trap door leading to a basement filled with
strung-up cat carcasses AND a book of evilcurses. Soon after that, Mia starts having visions and speaking in a demonic voice. Yet these morons stay put. (When they finally do try to leave, there's a conveniently biblical-style rainstorm flooding the exit road.) Olivia's a registered nurse, but she doesn't seem smart enough to know how to register for Google Plus. Eric, who for some reason is groomed anddressed as ifhe'sjust come back from a Kurt Cobain look-alike contest, opens a book that says LEAVE THIS BOOK ALONE and starts reciting a chant that should never be recited.
Continued next page
erzo i m is a marve umani w erner Herzog'snewfilm, "Happy People: A Year in the Taiga," is a new unfolding of his life in search of the extremes. Having made "Encounters at the End of the World" (2007), about the occupants of research stations at the South Pole, w asn't it i nevitable for him t o turn to those who live in Siberia, inside the Arctic Circle? These hunters and trappers in a village of about 300 live off the land with their own hands and resources. The first generation was set down there by the Soviet government and directed to hunt, fish and trap for fur. The airlift didn't return on schedule and they lived in an unheated hut, with no winter clothing, no firewood and hardly any tools. One of the survivors of that time tells the camera that one of the early settlers "didn't make it. I guess he didn't have what it takes." The film is divided reasonably into winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each season triggers the inhabitants to prepare for the next. In early autumn, the men are knocking on trees to dislodge nuts for their winter meals. Their nets capture pike that will be salted away. They use moss and other insulations to weather-proof their cottages. They a r en't w i t hout modern equipment; we see chainsaws, steel axes and hatchets, outboard engines and motorbikes. They wear modernoutdoor clothing. In this land where everything is stretched taut, one man allows himself the luxury of cigarettes.
From previous page Geez, whose idea was it to invite Eric on this trip'? Enter the she-bitch from hell, who's possessing Mia and intent on offing everyone in sight in the most disgusting, prolonged manner possible. Cue the ominous score, the cheap scares and the
"Happy People: AYear io the Taiga" 90 minutes
No MPAArating. The film pays close attention to whatthey do and how they do it. They hollow and shape a log of just the right size for a dugout canoe, usewedges to push its sides apart, and fix it in shape with fire. They make tar from tree bark to caulk it. They slice wood from the sides of trees to construct their skis. They use smaller trees to set their spring-loaded animal traps; hundreds of traps for each man. In their hands a steel hatchet reduces eachtree to theirneeds,and we reflect that technology like stone axes, wooden wedges and levers was used by our earliest ancestors.We learn how they're able to avoid carving the sides of a dugout too thin. How they shave, soften and shape their skis. How they slather themselves with tar to repel the clouds of mosquitoes. How their lives entwine with the lives of sables. The people of the taiga speak to the camera and are used in voice-over as they explain how and why they do things. Herzog adds his own narration, a mixture of measured explanation, won-
der and the implacable nature of what is being described. Steven Boone, who wrote an acutely observant review of "Happy People" on my website, calls it The Voice: "The film could probably stand on its own merits without That Voice, but why should it?" Herzog describes the men of the taiga: "They live off the land and are self-reliant, truly free. No rules, no taxes, no government, no laws, no bureaucracy, no phones, no radio, equipped only with their individual values and standard of conduct." The Voice has no tones of sentimentality. One element of "Happy People" struck me. My DVD had to skip over a "damaged area" and I may have missed them, but I recall no women in the film. How can that be? The great, undiscovered continent of the Herzogian cinema is the femalegender.The men, who praise their dogs, never mention them. It's not that he avoids strong,
talented women. His wife, Lena, is a Russian-born photographer who works for major publications, has
increasingly moronic b ehavior by David and his dunderheaded friends.The gore factor goes all the way to l l , w i t h admittedly impressive makeup and special effects. Over the course of a rainy night that seems like it'll never end, we're treated to multiple scenes
of projectile vomiting, dozens of nail-gun shots penetrating flesh and bone, black ooze and blood everywhere,dismemberment and stabbings. All shown in excruciating detail. Save for a few darkly funny one-liners, there's almost no wicked humor here, and there's cer-
tainly nothing original about the plot. The actors do a pretty fair job of conveying terror, but the characters they're playing are such one-dimensional idiots, you begin rooting for the demonic she-bitch from hell to take 'em out. I love horror films that truly shock, scare and provoke. But
Courtesy Music Box Films
"Happy People: A Year in the Taiga" is set in the Arctic Circle where a village of about 300 people live.
and his girlfriend, killed them and ate them. In his narration for that film, gallery shows, and has published Herzog says: "And what haunts four books of her work. me is that in all the faces of all the The "co-director" of " H appy bears that Treadwell ever filmed, People" is a Russian cinematog- I discover no kinship, no underrapher named Dmitry Vasyukov. standing, no mercy. I see only the It didn't surprise me to learn that overwhelming indifference of naHerzog himself wasn't in Sibe- ture. To me, there is no such thing ria to shoot the footage. He was as a secret world of the bears. And shown four hours of it by a friend this blank stare speaks only of a in Los Angeles, and determined half-bored interest in food. But for to edit and narrate the material. Timothy Treadwell, this bear was His film focuses uncompromisa friend, a savior." ingly on these men and their lives, I believe Herzog has a convicand subscribes adamantly to how tion that our civilization teeters "Fitzcarraldo" describes nature: on the brink of collapse, and that "overwhelming a n d c o l lective those who live may have to do so murder." by their wills and skills. If global He made at least one other film warming takes its toll, the people edited mostly from someone else's of the taiga will be well-located work, thegreat success "Grizzly and equipped to survive. They will Man" (2005). Timothy Treadwell be even happier when it's sumlived among the grizzlies in Alas- mertime and the livin' is easy. — Roger Ebert is a film critic ka every summer foryears until one autumn a bear attacked him for The Chicago Sun-Times.
after 30years of this stuff, I'm bored to death and sick to death of movies that seem to have one goal: How can we gross out the audience by t o r t uring n e arly every major character in the movie? — Richard Roeperis a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.
as ers reminisce can
• 'TheGatekeepers' is an intense,honest and wrenching look at a war-torn region h e G a tekeepers," a new documentary by I sraeli d i rector D r o r Moreh, consists of i n t erviews with six men, all of them retired, most of them bald, one of them a grandfatherly type, well into his 80s, in suspenders and a plaid shirt. They reminisce about past triumphs and f r ustrations, but Moreh's amazing, upsetting film is the opposite of nostalgic. It is hard to imagine a movie about the Middle East that could be more timely, more painfully u r gent, more challenging to conventional wisdom on all sides of the conflict. The film was nominated for Best Documentary at t h e A c ademy Awards in February. The sixmen areallformer heads of Shin Bet, the Israeli security
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agency (also known as Shabak) whose activities and membership are closely held state secrets. Legally established in 1949 under the government of David Ben-Gurion, the organization initially focused on internal matters in a fledgling country beset by ideological divisions. Since the 1967 war, however, the biggest part of Shin Bet's mandate has involved counterterrorism and intelligence gathering in the West Bank and Gaza. "The Gatekeepers" is in part a history of post-1967 Israel, in which familiar events are revisited from an unusual and fascinating perspective. The leaders of Shin Bet, who answer directly to the prime minister, are not part of the country's military command structure. Nor, because of the clandestine nature of the agency, are they visibly part of the Israeli political establishment, though they sometimes function as public scapegoats when politicians make mistakes. What is most astonishing about the interviews Moreh has recorded is how candid and critical these six spymasters are, inflecting their stories with pointed, sometimes devastating assessments of the failings of successive governments. "I think, after retiring from this job, you become a bit of a leftist,"
Sony Pictures Classics/The Associated Press
Avraham Shalom, center, is one of the six former heads of the Israeli security agency Shin Bet interviewed in "The Gatekeepers."
"The Gatekeepers" 97 minutes PG-13, for violent content including disturbing images
locutors talk about the "targeted assassination" of Hamas militants, about "moderate physical pres-
If you need reassurance sure" applied (sometimes fatally) or grounds for optimism to Palestinian prisoners and about about the Middle East, the other tactics that are part of you will not find it here. the arsenal of occupation. They What you will find is rare, also confront some significant welcome and almost lapses, including the killing of two suspects in a 1984 bus hijacking unbearable clarity.
that led to the resignation of Shin Bet Director Avraham Shalom says Yaakov Peri, who ran Shin and threatened to bring down the Bet from 1988 to 1994, during the government of P r ime M i nister first Intifada and the negotiations Yitzhak Shamir. Later, Shin Bet that led to the Oslo peace accords. failed to anticipate the outbreak of But while it is true that Peri and the first Intifada and was unable to his colleagues generally favor the prevent the assassination of Yitcurtailment of Jewish settlements zhak Rabin by a right-wing Jewish on the West Bank and a two-state extremist in 1995. solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Shalom, born in Vienna in 1928 conflict, they are hardly doves and a veteran of the 1948 War of or bleeding hearts. And t h eir Independence, comes across as a shared professional ethos of ruth- wise and gentle old man, though less, unsentimental pragmatism he is recalled by others as a bully is precisely what gives such force and monster. He is at once a steadto their worries about the current fast defender of Shin Bet's tactics state of Israeli politics. and an eloquent critic of a political With neither undue pride nor leadership, which was unable, as excessive remorse, Moreh's inter- Labor and Likud traded power and
the country lurched from crisis to crisis, to summon the strategic vision orthe moral courage necessary to bring about a lasting solution to its problems. "The future is very dark,"he concludes, lamenting the cruelty and intransigence that he sees as the legacies of more than four decades of occupation. He is not alone in his pessimism, which is perhaps the dominant mood of Moreh's film. The director, somewhat in the manner of Errol Morris, is an unseen and mostly unheard inquisitor, occasionally shouting a question from outside the frame or prodding his subjects when they seem coy or
confused, and allowing a series of vivid portraits to emerge. The audience is absorbing a collective history but also coming to know a collection of complicated, thoughtful human beings, who are willing to share not only their war stories, but also their doubts, qualms and conflicted emotions. Moreh intercuts the interviews with archival footage of public events and evocative recreations of more shadowy doings. The resulting film is inevitably partial — it relies entirely on those six voices, without the usual documentary chorus of opposing views or disinterested experts — but also eminently, eventhrillingly fair-minded. It is guaranteed to trouble any one, left, right, center or head-in-thesand, with confidence or certainly in his or her own opinions. If you need reassurance or grounds for optimism about the Middle East, you will not find it here. What you will find is rare, welcome and almost unbearable clarity. — A.O.Scott is a film critic for The New York Times.
'v ' '
Courtesy Universal Pictures
The 1993 blockbuster "Jurassic Park," based on the book by Michael Crichton, returns to the big screen in a remastered 3-D format.
• 20 years later, these resurrected dinosaursare afrightening experience orget blowing the images up Dern and Sam Neill).
to IMAX size and converting the lunging velociraptors and T. Rexes into 3-D. The best reason to revive "Jurassic Park" for its 20th anniversary is Jeff Goldblum. Yes, children, there was a time when Goldblum was sci-fi's "ultimate explainer," as producer Dean Devlin labeled him in "Indepen-
Goldblum, as Malcolm, has all the "What if things go wrong?" questions. And when they do, he utters this line, in that distinct, silky Goldblum purr: "Boy, do I hate being right all the time!" "Jurassic Park," adapted from Michael Crichton's conceptually brilliant novel, is a horror movie dence Day."Goldblum's bug-eyes wrapped in the trappings of early s aid "scientist-smart," and h i s '90s speculative science. Backthen, mannered, considered and hesi- kids were dino mad, the magical tating line-readings reinforce that. letters "DNA" were on every reHis very presence in movies from search grant, and the wonders of "The Fly" onward screamed "com- genetic code were just beginning to plicated science, made understand- unravel. able and plausible." What a great time for a scary As "chaos theory" expert Dr. Ian movie about a tycoon (Richard AtMalcolm, Goldblum is the "Jurassic tenborough) whose efforts have led Park" skeptic in a cluster of greedy to the breakthroughs that enable entrepreneurs an d s p e llbound him and his backers to open an ispaleontologists (played by Laura land theme park where dinosaurs
have been back-engineered back to life. Not that they should have been. Things, as Dr. Malcolm predicts, will go wrong. Storms happen, cages fail, "sterile" dinosaurs turn out not to be. And people, who never walked the Earth at the same time as these beasties, are now the main item on the menu. Chaos theory incarnate. Steven Spielberg's film captures the terror in thunderous approaching footsteps that could onlybelong to something bigger than King Kong, in breathy sniffs from a nose as powerful as an aircompressor.The dinosaurs, impressive in their animated actions and leathery digital texture in 1993, haven't lost much of their moist, tactile menace over the decades. When they start messing with the theme
"Jurassic Park 3-D" 127 minutes
PG-13, for intense science-fiction horror park's SUVs, we still shudder in the knowledge that those on screen "are going to need a bigger truck." The script (by Crichton and David Koepp) is still burdened with vintage Spielberg kids in peril and melodramatic flourishes. Having Wayne Knight of TV's "Seinfeld" as the greedy programmer who sets the chaos in motion is comically too "on the nose." But casting Bob Peck as the gamekeeper and "Great White
Hunter" because of his shared silhouette with the velociraptors he so admires was inspired. The frights still work, super-sized and turned into 3-D for your viewing and recoiling-from-the-screen pleasure. It's not nearly as scary on TV as it isintheaters. If anything, science has closed the gap from the impossible to the merely improbable in the 20 years since this movie reminded us of "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth." Australians are close to bringing back a recently-extinct species of frog. Good idea'? Maybe to some. But that's where Jeff Goldblum comes in handy. Nobody explainedthe improbable, and the risks involved in it, like Goldblum's Dr. Malcolm. "Oh, yeah. 'Oooh, ahhh,' that's how it always starts. Then later there's running and screaming." — Roger Moore is a film critic for McClatchy-Trkbune rrietvs Service.
the movie? Rating: Onestar. 91 minutes. (R) —Roeper "The Gatekeepers" - "The Gatekeepers," a new documentary by Israeli director Here's what's showing on Central Dror Moreh, consists of interviews with Oregon movie screens. For six men, all of themretired, most of them showtimes, see listings on Page31. bald, one of them grandfatherly a type, well into his 80s, in suspenders and aplaid shirt. They reminisce about past triumphs and frustrations, but Moreh's amazing, Reviews by RogerEbett, Richard Roeper or upsetting film is theopposite of nostalgic. It is hard to imagine amovie about the Roger Moore, unless otherwise noted. Middle East that could bemoretimely, more painfully urgent, morechallenging to conventional wisdom onall sides of the HEADS UP conflict. "The Gatekeepers" is in part a "Fargo" — A patrolman andtwo innocent history of post-1967 Israel, in which familiar bystanders are discovered murdered events are revisited from anunusual and in cold blood on asnowy highway in fascinating perspective. Theleaders of North Dakota, leading avery pregnant Shin Bet, whoanswer directly to the prime policewoman, MargeGunderson (Francis minister, are notpart of thecountry's McDormand) on aninvestigation that military commandstructure. Nor, because uncovers a conspiracy of greedand of the clandestine nature of theagency, ineptitude.Minneapolis husband, father are they visibly part of the Israeli political and car salesman, Jerry Lundegaard establishment, though theysometimes (William H. Macy), who haslongchafed function as public scapegoats when under the thumb of his wealthy boss politicians makemistakes. What is most and father-in-law, concocts an elaborate astonishing about the interviews Morehhas scheme involving the kidnapping of his recorded is howcandid andcritical these wife and a million-dollar ransom to payoff six spymasters are, inflecting their stories his extensive gambling debts. However, with pointed, sometimes devastating everything that could possibly go wrong assessments of thefailings of successive does indeed go wrong. Directed bythe governments. Thefilm was nominated for Coen Brothers, this1996 film screens Best Documentary at theAcademyAwards at 7:30 tonightand Saturday and 2 p.m. in February. Nostar rating provided. 97 Sunday at the Volcanic Theatre Pub minutes. (PG-13) (located in theCentury Center) in Bend. — A.O.Scott,TheNew York Times Cost is $6. For more information, visit "Happy People: AYear in the Taiga" www or contact — Werner Herzog's newunfolding of his 541-323-1881. (R) fascination for life at the extremes. He — Synopsis from MGM Studios focuses on Siberia, inside theArctic Circle, "Maoet: Portraying Life" — This where hunters and trappers in a village one-night-only event is part of the of about 300 live off the land with their "EXHIBITION" cinemaseries, featuring own hands and resources. They hollow high-definition tours of fine arts and shape a log of just the right size for exhibitions. The eagerly awaited exhibition a dugoutcanoe,usewedgesto pushits at the RoyalAcademy of Arts, London, sides apart, and fix it in shape with fire. "Manet: Portraying Life" is the firstThey make tar from tree bark to caulk it. ever major UKexhibition devoted to the They slice wood from the sides of trees to portraiture of EdouardManet, spanning his construct their skis. Rating: Three anda entire career. Theexhibition which includes half stars. 90 minutes. (no MPAArating) masterpieces like "Music in theTuileries," — Ebert "Olympia, ""Luncheon ontheGrass"and "Jurassic Park3-D" — Forget blowing the "The Railway" will bring together great images up to IMAXsize and converting the works from across Europe, Asiaand the lunging velociraptors and T.Rexesinto 3-D. U.S. The cinemaevent will feature exclusive The best reason to revive"Jurassic Park" behind-the-scenesmoments of the Royal for its 20th anniversary is Jeff Goldblum. Academy's exhibition preparationmoments usually hidden from view-and a Goldblum's bug-eyessaid "scientistbiography of Manetand19th century Paris. smart," and his mannered, consideredand hesitating line-readings reinforce that. As Together with expert guests, art historian "chaostheory" expert Dr. Ian Malcolm, Tim Marlow will examine theworks of one of the all-time great artists and his forward- Goldblum is the "Jurassic Park" skeptic in a cluster of greedyentrepreneurs and thinking, modern approach to portraiture. Theeventscreensat7:30 p.m.Thursdayat spellbound paleontologists (played by Laura DernandSamNeil). Things, as Dr. Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX inBend. Tickets are $12.50. 100 minutes. (no MPAA Malcolm predicts, will go wrong. Storms happen, cages fail, "sterile" dinosaurs rating) turn out not to be.Andpeople, who never — Synopsis from National CineMedia walked the Earth at the sametime as these beasties, are nowthe main item on the menu. Chaostheoryincarnate. Steven WHAT'S NEW Spielberg's film captures the terror in "Evil Dead" — Not a strict remake of Sam thunderous approaching footsteps that could only belong to something big, in Raimi's hugely influential1981 horror breathy sniffs from a nose as powerful classic, but it does include the basic as an air compressor. Thedinosaurs, framework andsomevisual nods to the impressive in their animatedactions and original. On its own, it's an irredeemable, leathery digital texture in1993, haven't lost sadistic torture chamber reveling in the much of their moist, tactile menaceover bloody, cringe-inducing deaths of some of the stupidest people ever to spenda the decades. Thefrights still work, super rainy night in a remote cabin in the woods. sized and turned into 3-D for your viewing and recoiling-from-the-screen pleasure. I love horror films that truly shock, scare It's not nearly as scary on TV asit is in and provoke. Butafter 30 years of this theaters. This film is available locally in 3-D stuff, I'm bored to death and sick to death of movies that seem to haveone goal: and IMAX, aswell as the original format. How can wegross out the audience by Rating: Threestars. 127 minutes. (PG-13) — Moore torturing nearly every major character in
Greg Gayne / Sony-Tristar Pictures via The Associated Press
Halle Berry stars as a veteran 911 operator in "The Call." Catherine Keener arenaturals at this sort of acting. "The Croods" aren't the Flintstones. But mercifully, they aren't "Admission" — In this disappointingly living in the Ice Age, either. That makes flat comedy, Portia Nathan (TinaFey), a the movie about them awelcome 3-D Princeton admissions counselor, runs cartoon, the first decent kids' movie of into her past. No doubt there's a film to be the year. This film is available locally in 3made about the intense pressure to get D. Rating: Three stars. 93 minutes. (PG) into a top-tier college, but that seemsmore — Moore like dramatic fodder than the launching "Django Unchained" — Bullets, pointfor a great comedy. Thenthere's bullwhips and beatings produce slo-mo a problem with Portia, who's basically geysers of blood. Pistoleros launch into likable and then not so likable, and then soliloquies on slavery and theGerman we're asked to behappy for her at the Siegfried myth. "Django Unchained" end, but she hasn't given usenoughgood is set in Quentin Tarantino's pre-Civil reason. If there were anadmissions test, War South. Another indulgent movie we'd send Portia packing. Rating: Two from the cinema's reigning junk-genre stars. 117 minutes. (PG-13) —Roeper junkie, "Django" mashestogether1960s "The Call" — Rare is the thriller that goes Italian "Spaghetti Westerns" and '70s as completely andutterly wrong as"The American "Blacksploitation" pictures. The Call" does atalmost precisely theone-hour historical bastardization of "Inglourious" mark. Whichisacryingshame, because has nothing on "Django," where prefor an hour, this is a riveting, by-the-book Civil War characters are seen in faded kidnapping, an "AmberAlert" with a Confederate uniforms, and dynamite, that Hollywood budget and di arector with a talisman of every Z-gradeWestern, shows sense of urgencyandcamera lensesthat up nine years before it was patented. put the action, the fear andhorror, right in The soundtrack ranges from imitation your face. BradAnderson ("Transsiberian," Spaghetti Western themes to Jim Croce "The Machinist") turns this novel balladsto gangster rap. Geographically incompetent, with plantations overfilled procedural, a serial killer hunt set inside LA's 911Call Center ("The Hive"), into a real with all manner of shootably venal white edge-of-your-seat thriller. GivenHalle Berry, overseers, this isn't Ken Burns history. All partofthefun. Rating: Twostars.165 as a veteran911operator whose mistake minutes. (R) —Moore months ago haunts her,and Abigail Breslin as a kidnappedteen on the cell phone from "Emperor" — Set in the immediate a darkenedcartrunk, and a half-decent aftermath of the war, "Emperor" is a tale of horror, guilt, problem solving and solid and important look at a sometimesredemption, Andersoncouldn't go far forgotten chapter in theWorld War II saga. wrong. Until he, andthe movie, do. Rating: While the embers are still burning through Two stars. 90 minutes. (R) —Moore much of Japan, andthe nation is on its "The Croods" — Skip past the lame knees, the defeatedEmperor Hirohito remains behind palacedoors while Gen. title and weary Stone Agepremise. "The Douglas MacArthur and his teamdebate Croods" is the first pleasant surprise of his fate. Amid the strategy scenes, this spring, a gorgeous kids' cartoon with big-picture tale occasionally pauses for heart and wit, if not exactly a firm grasp a star-crossed romance. AsMacArthur, of paleontology. It's about a family of Tommy LeeJonesaddswelcome sparkto cave men andwomen who havesurvived, unlike their neighbors, by minimizing risk. a movie that more than onceoccasionally gets a little too boggeddown in the details. But risk is how we grow, how we better Rating: Three stars. 98 minutes. (PG-13) our lives and achieve great things. That's just one of the things the Croods learn as — Roeper their world turns upside down — literally. "Escape From Planet Earth" — If you're The animation is first rate, even if the a parent, chances are you've seenworse cutesy critters bear the hallmarks of coanimated films than "Escape from Planet director Chris Sanders' "Lilo 8 Stitch" Earth." Mostly, one might add, from the and "How to Train Your Dragon" — wide, same studio that released this one. But round faces, big cuddly eyes. And the "Earth" is something of a giant — OK, mini-giant — leap forward for The actors are, to a one, dazzling — getting across emotions and delivering this very Weinstein Co. It's not much funnier than visual comedy's verbal zingers with great most of their earlier fare. But at least it's timing. Nicolas Cage,EmmaStone and notasuglyas"Hoodwinked,""Doogal"
and the rest. Reaching that"Space Chimps"I"Planet 51" level of goodlooking mediocrity is an achievement. Rating: Two stars. 89 minutes. (PG) — Moore "G.l. Joe: Retaliation" — To say "G.l. Joe: Retaliation" is a video gamefor the big screen is to insult a numberof video games that are far more creative, challenging and better-looking. The first installment of this series, "The Rise of Cobra" (2009), at least had a sense of its own absurdity, but the sequel is aheavyhanded, explosion-riddled, ear-piercing disaster with an insanely stupid plot and an endless stream of mostly generic fight sequences that straddle the PG-13line. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: One and ahalf stars. 110 minutes. (PG-13) — Roeper "The Host" — Based on anewnovel by Stephenie Meyer, author of the "Twilight" saga, "The Host" is about atime in the not-distant future whenhumanminds havebeencolonized byan alienrace called "Souls." Saoirse Ronanstars as a humanwhoseoriginalmindhassomehow survived and co-occupies the spacewith a Soul mind; their conversations can be intriguing ("No, Melanie! Wrong! No! He's from another planet!"). With William Hurt, Diane Kruger andFrancis Fisher. Rating: Two and a half stars. 125 minutes. (PG-13) — Ebert "Identity Thief" — The pairing of Jason Bateman andMelissa McCarthy in a road trip comedy seems inspired. They're two unique comedic talents who always put an interesting spin on aline or a double take, whether starring in sitcoms or effortlessly swiping scenes in big-screen fare. Unfortunately, "Identity Thief" is a depressingly predictable road-trip buddy comedy that's far more interested in car chases, lameshootouts, physical shtick and cheap schmaltz than creating anything original. Rating: Two stars.112 minutes. (R) —Roeper "The Incredible Burt Wonderstoue" — This absurdist, magic-themed buddy movie is a Will Ferrell sports comedy without Will Ferrell and without the sports. In plot and tone, it's two parts lunatic comedy andonepart shameless sentimentality with a dash of romance thrown in. A moviesatirizing magicians — even rock'n' roll hipster magicians — is only slightly more cutting edgethan a movie mocking mimes. But this is also onedarkandwickedly funnycomedy, with a great return to form by Jim Carrey opposite Steve Carell in the title role. Rating: Three stars.100 minutes. (PG-13) — Roeper "The Impossible" — The tsunami that devastated the Pacific Basin in the winter of 2004 remains one of theworst natural disasters in history. Wewere in Europe when it struck, and wesat mesmerized, watching thenewsonTV— againand again, that towering wall of water looming from the sea, tossing trucks, buses and its helpless victims aside. Surely this was a blow from hell. In this terrifying triumph of special effects, JuanAntonio Bayona's film becomes apowerful story of a family's cohesive strength. With Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor andTom Holland. One of the best films of 2012. Rating: Four stars. 114 minutes. (PG-13) —Ebert "Jack the Giant Slayer" — Surprise! Director Bryan Singer, a first-rate cast and a stellar team of screenwriters, set designers and special-effects wizards have dusted off an old and never particularly compelling fairy tale andhavegiven us a great-looking thrill ride.
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The Bend Brewfest is a celebration of the craftsmanship and artistry of beer making across the Northwest, offering fine brews, food and entertainment while supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon. Held in Bend's Old Mill District, the event honors the success of local brewers and spotlights their roles in the vitality of Central Oregon's economy. This official booklet, designed as an interactive reference guide as well as a beer lover's keepsake, is distributed to all Bulletin readers and the thousands who attend the festival.
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The Oregon Festival of Cars features the world's most rare and exotic automobiles. Both new and vintage models are featured in this show that attracts spectators from across the region who dream of sitting behind the wheel of such sophisticated machinery. The guide includes photos and descriptions of each car featured in the show as well as additional event details.
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PudlishingDate: Friday, August 9
COMINGUP: Movies scheduled for national release April 9 include "HydePark onHudson." — rDIrD and Blu-rayExtras" fromwireandonlinesources
From previous page
'I I r
"John Dies at the End" — This dark comedy is a mash-up of grindhouse gore, film-noir narration and a headache-inducing sci-fi premise about a drug that opens aportal to a parallel universe inhabited by evil creatures bent on human destruction. Framed as aseries of flashbacks related to a skeptical reporter (Paul Giamatti), "John Dies at the End" is the story of what happenswhen 20-something slackersDave (Chase Williamson) andhis friend John (Rob
Friday, August 9
week of April 2.
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The following movies were released the
Mayes) discover a drugcalled "soy sauce," which forever alters their sensesand perception of reality. It has the kind of hipster humor familiar to fans of "Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie," with a midnight-movie vibe. Adapted bywriterdirector Don Coscarelli from Jason Pargin's 2007 comic horror novel, "John Dies atthe End" is not for everyone. Yeteventhose who can appreciate its satire of/homage togenre movies may tire of its broad approach. DVD and Blu-ray Extras: Four featurettes, deleted scenesand audio commentary. This film was not given astar rating. 99 minutes. (R) — The Washington Post
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It's filled with neat touches, from the casting of Ewan McGregor as a knight in shining armor to an epilogue that's just flat-out cool. Evenfor those who didn't thinkthey'd give a fee, afi, afo or a fum about this movie, it's a rousing, original and thoroughly entertaining adventure. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Threeand ahalf stars. 115 minutes. (PG-13) —Roeper "Olympus HasFallen" — For thosewho thought the last Bruce Willis movie was alittle light on the casualty list, "Olympus HasFallen" arrives toting the biggest body count since "Die Hard II." Bystanders and tourists, soldiers, cops and Secret Service agents fall by the score in a movie about the unthinkable — aterrorist ground assault on Washington, D.C.(Hollywood is providing two such "unthinkable" assaults this year, with "White HouseDown" dueout this summer) This is "Die Hard in theWhite House," with Gerard Butler manfully manning up asMike Banning, the loneSecret Service Agent survivor after terrorists take over the White Houseand seize the president andmost of the cabinet. For all the bursts of blood, the gunplayandexecutionstyle head-shots that punctuate scores of deaths, it's hard to see"Olympus HasFallen" (that's Secret Service code) asmuch morethan another movie manifestation of afirst-person shooter videogame.W e've become a head-shotnation, and our thrillers are the poorer for it. Rating: Two stars. 113 minutes. (R) —Moore "Oz the Great andPowerful" — Like "The Phantom Menace" trilogy, "Ozthe Great and Powerful" precedes abeloved classic on the fictional timeline, but makes full use of modernday technology, which meanseverything's grander and morespectacular. Director Sam Raimi and his army of special-effects wizards have created avisually stunning film that makes good use of 3-D, at least in the first hour or so. The film finally breaks free of its beautiful but artificial trappings andbecomes astory with heart in the final act. Thing is, we know Oz and its denizens aredestined for a far greater adventure a little ways down theYellow Brick Road. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Twoand a half stars. 130 minutes. (PG) —Roeper "A Place at the Table" — A lot of Americans are going hungry, even astheir bellies are full. That's the central theme of "A Place atthe Table," a documentary whose trenchant message is echoed in the title of the book "Stuffed and Starved," by Raj Patel. Along with other food activists — some asfamous as actor Jeff Bridges, founder of the EndHunger Network, and "Top Chef" host TomColicchio, anexecutive producer of this film — the academic andauthor Patel appears oncamera to drive homethe point that hunger is not caused by afood shortage. In fact, as the film notes, the state of Mississippi has both the highest rate of obesity and the highest rate of something called "food insecurity." That's
Merie Weismiller Wallace/ Disney Enterprises via AP
James Franco and Michelle Williams star in nOz the Great and Powerful." not the chronic, abject starvation that a lot of us think of when wethink of hunger, but rather a situation in which the source of one's next meal is uncertain. The problem, as"Table" shows us, isn't that the next meal nevercomes. It's that when it arrives, too often it is filled with empty calories. This film was not given a star rating. 84 minutes. (PG) — Michael O'Sullivan, TheWashington Post "Quartet" — A sweet, sentimental, predictable story set in a luxurious British retirement home for actors and opera singers. First-time director Dustin Hoffman has his heart in the right place and loves thesecharacters. His screen is filled with legends (TomCourtenay, Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Billy Connolly, Gwyneth Jones). But much is unlikely, including the theory that a gala on Verdi's birthday could raise enough cash to save the elegant manor. Rating: Twoand ahalf stars. 99 minutes. (PG-13) —Ebert "Side Effects" — Rooney Mara stars as anedgy youngwoman named Emilywhosehusband (Channing Tatum) hasbeenreleased after four years in prison for insider trading. Things don't go smoothly for Emily and she's referred to a psychiatrist (Jude Law), who prescribes anew drugnamed Ablixa.Thedrug causessome alarming behavior as director StevenSoderbergh draws us into a vortex of whispers that something haunted and possessed isgoing on.Rating:Three and a half stars. 105 minutes. (R) —Ehert "Silver Linings Playbook" — Pat (Bradley Cooper) is confident and upbeat for a man just released from a mental hospital and under a restraining order from his wife. He's determined to surprise everyone bymoving ever onward and upward.
Continued next page
From previous page What stage of bipolar disorder would you guess he's in? His parents (Robert De Niro andJacki Weaver) are well-meaning but dubious. A prickly neighborhood widow (Jennifer Lawrence) wants to sleep with him and is offended that he's interested only because she's in touch with his ex-wife. This all somehow comes down to intersecting bets about a football game and aballroom dance contest. Written and directed by David O. Russell. Rating: Three and a half stars. 122 minutes. (R) —Ebert "Sound City" — In the face of the undeniable dominance of digitally recorded music today, it's tempting to describe anyone nostalgic for the days of the analog, tape-based recording studio as a dinosaur. But who wouldn' tpay good moneyto see a dinosaur roar? In "Sound City," a raucous yet sweetly romantic documentary, dinosaurs do indeed rock the Earth again. The movie is a labor of love for first-time filmmaker Dave Grohl, the Foo Fighters frontman and former Nirvana drummer. Grohl was inspired by his nostalgiafor a piece of old-school recording equipment — the Neve console, on which Nirvana's seminal 1991 album,"Nevermind," was recorded at the grungy Sound City studio. Grohl assembles a veritable who's who of graying rockers to sing the sound board's praises. Tom Petty, Neil Young,Lindsey Buckingham, Trent Reznor, Lars Ulrich and a host of others who passed through the studio in Van Nuys on their way to fame and fortune wax rhapsodic about the Neve's fabled sensitivity. Their passion is borderline obsessive and definitely geeky. But by the end of Grohl's affectionate, funny and toe-tapping film, you'll probably agree with its partisans. This film was not given a star rating. 108 minutes. (no MPAArating) — Michael O'Sullivan, The Washington Post "Warm Bodies" — Here's a bloody, fresh twist on the most popular horror genre of this century, with none-too-subtle echoes of a certain star-crossed romance that harkens backto a certain Bard who placed a certain young Romeounder acertain balcony. A well-paced, nicely directed, post-apocalyptic love story, it has a terrific sense of humor and the, um, guts to be unabashedly romantic and unapologetically optimistic. A lot of zombie movies haveheart, but usually the heart ends up onsomeone's plate. Cheers to "Warm Bodies" for taking us in a different direction for a change. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 97 minutes. (PG-13) —Roeper "West of Memphis" —Thefourth documentary about one of the most angering cases of wrongful conviction in American judicial history. The West Memphis Three were tried and convicted of what were described as the ritualistic satanic cult murders of three young boys in Arkansas. This film argues successfully that the defendants were innocent, and the case against them deeply flawed. A controversial plea bargain set them free after nearly 20 years, and grave suspicion is generated by the film about the stepfather of one of the victims. Rating: Four stars. 147 minutes. (R) —Ebert
T I M E S • FOr theZveekof APril 5
• There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I
Mountain MecBcal
Immediate Care 541-388-7799
• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at RegalOld Mill Stadium16 tI IMAX.
1302 NE 3r S t . B ert
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347 • ADMISSION(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:50, 3:50, 6:35, 9:30 • THE CALL(R) Fri-Thu: 1:45, 4:45, 7:55, 10:20 • THE CROODS (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:05, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 • THE CROODS 3-D (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:20, 3:20, 6:20, 9:20 • EVIL DEAD(R) Fri-Thu: 12:45, 3:45, 7:20, 10:05 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:25, 4:25, 7:35, 10:20 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:30, 4:30, 7:40, 10:25 • THE HOST(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:35, 3:35, 6:30, 9:25 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) Fri-Wed: 1:40, 4:20, 6:55, 9:40 Thu: 1:40, 4:20, 9:50 • THEINCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (PG-13) Fri-Thu:1:35,4:40,7:50, IO:30 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 4:15, 10:15 • JACKTHE GIANT SLAYER 3-D (PG-I3) Fri-Thu: 1:15, 7:30 • JURASSICPARK(PG- I3) Fri-Thu: 3:30 • JURASSICPARK3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:30, 6:45, 9:45 • JURASSICPARKIMAX (PG-13) Fri-Thu:1,4,7,10 • MANET:PORTRAYING LIFE(no MPAA rating) Thu: 7:30 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) Fri-Thu: 1:10, 4:10, 7: IO,9:55 • OZTHE GREATAND POWERFUL (PG) Fri-Thu: Noon,3,6,9 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3-D(PG) Fri-Thu: 12:10, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 I
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717 N.E.U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347 • EMPEROR (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1:15, 4:15, 6:45, 9:10 Sun-Thu: 1:15, 4:15, 6:45 • THE GATEKEEPERS (R) Fri-Sat: 12:30, 3:45, 6:05, 8:30 Sun-Thu: 12:30, 3:45, 6:05 • GUARTET (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1, 4, 6:20, 8:45 Sun-Thu:1, 4, 6:20 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) Fri-Sat: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:20 Sun-Thu: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) Fri-Sat: 12:45, 3:30, 6:30, 9:15 Sun-Thu: 12:45, 3:30, 6:30 • WEST OFMEMPHIS(R) Fri-Sat: Noon, 3, 6, 9 Sun-Thu: Noon, 3, 6 I
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562 • DJANGOUNCHAINED(R) Fri-Thu: 9 • ESCAPEFROMPLANET EARTH(PG) Sat-Sun: Noon Wed: 3 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 6 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) Sat-Sun: 3 • After 7 p.m., shows are 21 and older only. Younger than 21mayattend screenings before 7 p.m.ifaccompanied bya legal guardian.
www.centraloregonaudiology,com Bend• Redmond• P-viiie • Burns 541.647.2884
E LEVATtO N Courtesy Jose Haro
Tom Holland, left, and Naomi Watts star in the drama "The Impossible," which takes place during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Elevation Capital Strategies I
• J
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271 • A PLACE ATTHETABLE(PG) Fri:2 Sat: 8 Sun:4 • HAPPY PEOPLE:A YEAR IN THETAIGA (no MPAArating) Fri:4 Sai:4,6 Sun-Tue, Thu: 6 • SOUNDCITY(noMPAA rating) Fri:8 • The "Spaghetti Western" will screen at 6:30p.m. Wednesday(doors open at6 p.m) andincludes anall-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. I
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777 • THE CROODS (PG) Fri: 3:45, 6:15, 8:30 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:30, 3:45, 6:15, 8:30 Mon-Thu: 3:45, 6:15 • EVIL DEAD(R) Fri: 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Mon-Thu:5:15, 7:15 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) Fri: 4:30, 7, 9:30 Sat-Sun: 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 Mon-Thu: 4:30, 7 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) Fri: 4, 6:30, 9 Sat-Sun: 11 a.m., 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 Mon-Thu: 4, 6:30
• OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) Fri: 5, 7:30 Sat: 2:30, 5, 7:30 Sun: 2,430, 7 Mon-Thu: 6:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) Fri:5 Sat: 2:30 Sun:2 Mon-Thu: 6:15 Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505 • THE CROODS (PG) Fri: 4:10, 6:30, 8:50 Sat: 1:50, 4:10, 6:30, 8:50 Sun: 1:50, 4:10, 6:30 Mon-Thu: 4:10, 6:30 • EVIL DEAD (R) Fri: 5:20, 7:20, 9:20 Sat: 1:15, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:20 Sun: 1:15, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20 Mon-Thu: 5:20, 7:20 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION3-D (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 4:35, 7:05 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) Fri: 9:35 Sat: 2:05, 9:35 Sun: 2:05 • THE HOST (PG-13) Fri: 4:10, 6:45, 9:30 Sat: 1:35, 4:10, 6:45, 9:30 Sun: 1:35, 4:10, 6:45 Mon-Thu: 4:10, 6:45 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) Fri 4 6:40 9: l5 Sat: 1:20, 4, 6:40, 9 1I5 Sun: 1:20, 4, 6:40 Mon-Thu: 4, 6:40 •
Sisters Movie House, 720Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800 • ADMISSION(PG-13) Fri: 5:30, 7:45 Sat: 3, 5:30, 7:45 Sun: 2:30, 4:45, 7 Mon-Thu: 6:30 • THE CROODS (PG) Fri: 5:15, 7:15 Sat: 2:45, 4:45, 6:45 Sun: 2:15, 4:15, 6:15 Mon-Thu: 6 • THE HOST(PG-13) Fri: 7:30 Sat: 5, 7:30 Sun:4:30,7
400 SW Bluif Drive Suite 101 Bend Main: 541-728-0321 www.elevationcapitaLbiz
ggg ~. dba
(800) FANDANGO t311 I
SANDRA NEARY Abstract Pathways
Join us on First Friday
Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014 • G.I. JOE: RETALIATION (UPSTAIRS — PG- l3) Fri:4,7 Sat-Sun: 1, 4, 7 Mon-Thu: 6:30 • QUARTET (PG-13) Fri: 2:40, 5, 7:10 Sat-Sun; 12:30, 2:40, 5, 7:10 Mon-Thu: 6:15 • The upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
F ind It A l l O n l i n e b end b u n et in .c o m
SAGE CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING 834 NW Brooks Street Bend, Oregon 97701 Behind the Tower Theatre
3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1500 sq.ft. new construction Vaulted great room with fireplace. MLS¹201207631 $229,500
Awbrey Ridge: fabulous house in great westside neighborhood. 2 story with master on main. 3 bedroom,
AWBREY BUTTE-4 bedroom, 4 bath, 4293 sq.ft. on .54 of an acre. Mountain views, private courtyard 8 deck,
DIRECTIONS: South 3rd St to east on Murphy Rd, south on Parrell Rd, right on Grand Targhee. 60982 Grand Targhee Dr.
2.5 bath fk bonus room. MLS¹201302270 $409,000 2733 NW Rainbow Ct. Call Rachel for directions or more info: 541-896-1263
beautifully landscaped. MLS¹201208244 $875,000 DIRECTIONS: Mt. Washington Dr to Starview Dr, 3341 NW Starview Dr.
541-383-4359 541-896-1263
OPEN SAT 11-3 & WED 2-6
%1 I
3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1500 sq.ft. new construction Vaulted great room with fireplace.
a a a a e a a e
New construction, 2-story 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1988 sq.ft. in SE Bend. Granite counters,
Independently Owned and Operated
stainless appliances.
MLS¹201207631 $229,500 DIRECTIONS: South 3rd St to east on Murphy Rd, south on Parrell Rd, right on Grand Targhee.
60982 Grand Targhee Dr.
MLS¹201 300150 $267900 DIRECTIONS: 27th St. to west on Capella Pl. 21178 Capella Pl.
I a
OPEN SUN 11-3 & TUES 2-6 I I
I I '
'% t. .
3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1605 sq.ft. large kitchen with pantry 8 cooktop island. Master suite with walk-in closet.
3 bedroom, 2.5bath 1500 s .ft. new construction Vaulted great room with fireplace. MLS¹201207631 $229,500
MLS¹201 209384 $234,900
DIRECTIONS: South 3rd St to east on Murphy Rd, south on Parrell Rd, right on Grand Targhee. 60982 Grand Targhee Dr.
• •
I '
DIRECTIONS: South Hwy 97 to east on Powers Rd. South on Brookswood at roundabout, east on Millbrook Ln. 61403 Sunbrook Dr.
I '
• •
541-280-2147 w CCV
541-410-6879 <
e e a a a a a
SE BEND - New 1655 sq.ft. 4 bedroom 2.5 bath. Laminate wood floors, gourmet kitchen with quartz counters. Master suite with double vanities 8 walk-in closet.
MLS¹201209504 $230,500 DIRECTIONS: 27th St to west on Capella Pl. 21174 Capella Pl.
GOLDEN BUTTE - 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath with Cascade
New Construction by Signature Home Builders. 1605
Mountain views. Close to Deschutes River trails.
sq.ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced 8 landscaped front yard.
MLS¹201300768 $ 4 09,000 DIRECTIONS: NW Washington to TroonAve. 1999 SW Troon Ave.
Stainless appliances, island, granite counters.
MLS¹201 209509 $224,900 DIRECTIONS:Reed Market to left on 27th St, Left onCapella, first house onthe right. 21194 Capella Pl.
• •