Bulletin Daily Paper 05-05-13

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SUNDAY May5,2013

ove over, eer. BF Cl NS No



bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD


nside 9'l'i dispatch: ta kof the job, and the evy

Kentucky Derdy — on a muddy track, Orb wins the 139th Kentucky Derby.D1

A suspect's dark side — Why didn't Dzhokhar Tsar-

naev's friends seethe warning signs? Some, facedwith the evidence against him, are still shocked.A4

• Blaze creeps closeto Highway97 andasubdivision; wind andpower line areto blame

By Shelby R. King The Bulletin

Deschutes County 911 dispatcher Tina Stanfill has been on the job 13

Plus: ATsaroaevdook — Rights to the first major

book on the brothers have been acquired by apublisher

years, a long time by dis-

ready for summeryacht races

patcher standards. Her coworkers know her as the "inch-high private eye." Working at her dispatch center console in 2010, she helped police solve the murder of Roberta "Bobbie" Jones by researching information called in about the missing woman's car. Now she makes sure police officers know she's available to dig on their behalf. "When I'm on night shift and it's really slow I'll send

in San Francisco.C1

the (police officers) on duty

promising to "reconstruct the

struggle ... between assimilation and alienation."F4

Northwest news — one far-flung Washington town's pot

problem: How toenjoy the new recreational marijuana rights, right on Canada's border.BS

Northwest travel —Get

And a Wed exclusiveAs the Obama White House

confronts China's hackers, one big question looms:Howmuch damage hasalreadybeendone? bendbulletin.com/extras


Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Cars head northbound on U.S. Highway 97 as a fire burns to the west in La Pine on Saturday.

Once a film inspiration, DEA spyis stuck inU.S. By Ginger Thompson New Yorh Times News Service

The forecast called for record snowstorms, and Luis Octavio Lopez Vega had no heat in his small hide-out. Thieves had run off with the propane tanks on the camper that Lopez had parked in the shadow of a towering grain elevator, near an abandoned industrial park. Rust had worn through the floor of his pickup truck, which he rarely dared to drive because he has neither a license nor insurance. His colitis was flaring so badly he could barely sit up straight, a consequence of the breakfast burrito and diet soda that had become part of his daily diet. He had not worked in months and was down to his last $250. Going to a shelter might have opened him to questions about his identity that he did not want to answer, and reaching out to his family might have put them at odds with the law. "I cannot go on like this,

living day to day and going nowhere," Lopez, 64, said one night last winter. "I feel like I'm running in place. After so many years, it's exhausting." Lopez, a native of Mexico, said in Spanish that he has lived under the radar in the Western United States for more than a decade. But while he blends in to the immigrant community, his predicament goes far beyond his immigration status. SeeFugitive/A7

By Scott Hammerse The Bulletin

After about 50homes were evacuatedmidafternoon Saturday, residents of the Crescent Creek neighborhood in La Pine were being allowed back

Burgess Rd.

into their homes that night as firefighters gained control over a wildfire



sparked by a downed power line near Rosland Elementary School off


Burgess Road.


Strong winds knocked down the power line around I:49 p.m., while continued winds pushed the fire east and south, away from the school and into largely vacant land between U.S. Highway 97 and the Crescent Creek subdivision. Firefighters from the Oregon Department of Forestry, ForestService, Bureau of Land Management, Sunriver, Camp Sherman, Black Butte Ranch and Sisters worked with crews from the La Pine Rural Fire District to contain the blaze. According to Capt. Tim Edwards of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, a private citizen joined the fight, using his bulldozer to dig fire lines.

About 50 homes were evacuated, while residents living within a mile south of Burgess Road and a mile west of Huntington Road were told to be prepared to evacuate on short notice. The Red Cross opened a temporary shelterfor evacuees at the La Pine Event Center, and a separate shelter was opened for evacuees' pets. Both Burgess and Huntington roads were closed at times throughout the afternoon. In a news release Saturday night, Lt. Chad Davis, with the Sheriff's Office, said crews planned to remain on the scene overnight

1st St.

Reed Rd.


David Wray i The Bulletin

Fire location

La Pine's Crescent Creek

immigration By Eric Lipton and Somini Sengupta

mopping up and extinguishing hot spots.

New York Times News Service

SeeFire /A6

• .isno etter or oun a uts By David Leonhardt New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — The idle young European, stranded without work by the Continent's dysfunction, is one of

AN A L YSIS lowest.

acters. Yet it might be time to add another, even more common protagonist: the idle young American. For all of Europe's troubles — a leftright combination of sclerotic labor markets and austerity — the United States has quietly surpassed much of Europe in the percentage of young adults without jobs. It's not just Europe, either. Over the

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 77, Low 43

Page B6

last 12 years, the United States has gone from having the highest share of empl oye d (read: employed, not unemployed) 25 - t o-34-year-olds among large, wealthy economies to having among the The grim shift — "a historic t u r n a round," says Robert Moffitt, a Johns Hopkins University economist — stems fromtwo underappreciated aspec t s of our long economic slump. First, it h a s exacted the harshest toll on the yo u n g — even harsher than on people i n th e i r 50s and 60s, who have also suffer e d. And while the U.S. economy has

Tech firms take the lead

in lobbying



the global economy's stock char-

a message asking if they need any cases solved," she said. "That's my favorite part of this job." In 2012, Deschutes County 911 dispatchers handled more than 300,000 calls. Many of those were from law enforcement, but dispatchers answer about 160 emergency calls every day, according to county 911 Director Rob Poirier. That level of service may fall, he said, if voters reject a five-year property levy — 20 cents per $1,000 in assessed property value. Poirier may have to lay off dispatchers and reduce services or charge area law enforcement and emergency service providers. See911/A8

come back more robustly than some of its global rivals in terms of overall production,the recovery has been strangely light on new jobs, even after Friday's better-than-expected unemployment report. American companies are doing more with less. "This still is a very big puzzle," said Lawrence Katz, a Harvard professor who was chief economist at the Labor Department during the Clinton administration. He called the severe downturn in jobs "the million-dollar question" for the economy. SeeJobless/A5


The Bulletin

Business/Stocks E1-6 CommunityLife C1-B Milestones C2 Pu zzles C6 D1-6 Calendar B2 Crosswords C6, G2 Obituaries B4 Sp o rts Classified G 1 - 6L ocal/State B f - 6 O pinion/Books F1-6 TV/Movies CB

Vol. 110, No. 125, 46 pages,

The TV advertisement that hit the airwaves in Florida last month featured Sen. Marco Rubio boasting about his get-tough plan for border security. But most viewers who watched the commercial, sponsored by a new group that calls itself Americans for aConservative Direction, may be surprised to learn who bankrolled it: senior executives from Silicon Valley, like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, who run companies where the top employees donate mostly to Democrats. The advertising blitz reflects the sophisticated

lobbying campaign being waged by tech companies and their executives. SeeTech/A6

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ISraeli StrikeS in Syria —Israeli warplanes bombedthe outskirts of Damascusearly this morning for the second time in recent days, according to Syrian state media and reports from activists. If the reports are confirmed, the strikes signal a sharp escalation in tensions

between theneighboring countries. Theairstrike that Israel carried out in Syria overnight Thursday was directed at a shipment of advanced surface-to-surface missiles from Iran that Israel believed was intended

for Hezbollah, Americanofficials said Saturday. That strike wasaimed at disrupting the arms pipeline that runs from Syria to Hezbollah, the militant Lebanese organization, and it highlighted the mounting stakes

541 -382-1811 By Laura Litvan


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and Andrew Mayeda Btoomberg News

WASHINGTON — P r esident Barack Obama is being pressed by opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline to tie any approval to measures that would curb climate change, reflecting mounting pressure on the administration to mitigate the project's impact if it goes forward. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., is among those who want to see new steps to limit greenhouse-gas emissions in the United States if TransCanada Corp.'s petition to build the $5.3 billion pipeline to carry tar-sands oil from Canada to U.S. refineriesis approved. Other lawmakers and those advocating tougher climatechange protections say the administration could extract concessions from Canada, such as a higher carbon tax in Alberta, where the pipeline originates. "He touted himself as the environmental president, and he's going to have to make sure that if he decides to go with it that there is some kind of balance," said Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md. Most congressional Democrats, including leaders in the House and Senate, have joined e nvironmentalists i n fi g h t ing the project backed by the

oil industry, labor unions, the Chamber of Commerce and Canadians. Some lawmakers

who oppose the pipeline say it appears likely Obama will sign off, triggering their calls to mitigate environmental and political fallout. "I think it's going to happen," said Rep. Jim Moran, DVa. and member of the House's Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition. "The odds look pretty strong right now."

year's end. The administration hasn't said whether it could try to offset any approval with other environmental policy

for Hezbollah andIsrael asSyria becomes morechaotic.


chemical weapons, and make a fresh diplomatic and possible military push with allies to end the country's civil war. This renewed effort

U.S. presses Russia onSyria —TheU.S. is trying to leverage new evidencethat Syrian President BasharAssad's government used

Secretary of State John Kerry, who fought for climate change legislation during 28 years in the Senate, may seek green offsets as part of the decision, although such action may be modest and unlikely to sparkresistance from pipeline advocates, said two officials with knowledge of his Decision byyear's end thinking. In a deliberation that has I n Canada, Natural R estretched over f ou r y e ars, sources Minister Joe Oliver Obama first rejected the pipe- has said his government isn't line because its original route designing upcoming oil and took it t h r ough Nebraska's gas emissionsrules to appease Sand Hills region, a national the U.S. on Keystone, although natural landmark. Calgary- Alberta p r ovincial o f ficials based TransCanada changed say they're discussing the posthe route and filed a new appli- sibility of tougher emissions cation, now under review by standards. the State Department, which The Obama a d m inistramust act on pipelines crossing tion could seek environmenan international border. tal concessions from Canada, Environmental groups dis- with the government agreeing miss the State Department's to "adopt real and steep reducMarch 1 draft assessment that tions" in carbon pollution from said the pipeline won't raise the tar sands oil production and riskof globalwarming, because othersources,Weiss said. the oil from Alberta would find Alternatively, th e U n i ted its way to market with or with- States could push Alberta for out the line. They say Keystone changes, including adopting will show whether Obama will a tougher carbon tax than the fulfill an inaugural vow to tack- C$15-per-metric-ton levy for le global warming. companies that emit above A decision is expected by current limits.

starts with Secretary of State JohnKerry's trip to Moscowthis week for talks with leaders in Russia. Russia, alongside China, has blocked U.S.-led efforts three times at the United Nations to pressure Assad

into stepping down.Officials say the U.S. hopes tochangeMoscow's thinking with two new arguments: the evidence of chemical weapons attacks and American threats to arm the Syrian rebels.

Afgllanistun —Seven U.S.soldiers and a member of NATOwere killed Saturday in the south and west, one of the deadliest days for

Americans and other foreign troops in Afghanistan in recent months, as the Taliban continued attacks as part of their spring offensive.

CIA CaSh —Afghan President Hamid Karzai acknowledged ata news conference the CIA assured him that regular cash payments from the agency — which have happened for a decade but ignited a

storm of criticism when theywere disclosed recently — would continue. Karzai also said that talks on a U.S.-Afghan bilateral security

agreement to govern afuture U.S. military presence had beendelayed because of conditions the Afghanswere placing on thedeal.

U.S. plane crash in Kyrgyzstan —Theauthorities said Saturday two bodies hadbeenfound in the wreckage of a U.S. tanker airplane that crashed soon after taking off from the Manas airport in this Central Asian country Friday. Kyrgyz firefighters reportedly found

the bodies after putting out a fire at the crash site. Theplane, aKC135 Stratotanker that was used for midair refueling over Afghanistan, typically carries a crew of three, though it was not clear how many

were aboard Friday or whether all were U.S.service members. NRA COnVSntiun —National Rifle Association leaders told members Saturday that the fight against gun control legislation is far from over, with battles yet to come in Congress and next year's midterm elections, but they vowed that none in the organization will ever have

to surrender their weapons. Proponents of guncontrol, someoutside of the convention in Houston, also asserted they are in their fight for the long haul and have not been disheartened by last month's defeat of

a bill that would haveexpanded background checks for gun sales. "We will never surrender our guns, never," NRA Executive Vice President

Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................

Wayne LaPierre said in a speech Saturday. Theconvention ends today.


KanSaS gun law —Tensions are flaring between U.S.Attorney General Eric Holder andKansas over a newstate law shielding guns made in the state from federal regulation. Holder has written to

TALK TO AN EDITOR Business Tim Doran..........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Ditzler.....541-363-0367 Community Life, Health JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe ......541-383-0353 GD! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 Home, All Ages Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 News Editor Jan Jordan....54f -383-03f 5 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SporlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359


Republican Gov. Sam Brownback that the law conflicts with the U.S. Constitution by putting federal authorities in a legal bind. "Federal

officers ... cannot be forced to choosebetween the risk of a criminal prosecution by a state and the continued performance of their duties," Holder wrote, threatening legal action. One of 31 states that


considered bills to nullify federal gun laws this year, Kansas is believed to be the first to enact one. — Fromwire reports

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

QrQaQa sQ ssQ eo® The estimated jackpot is now $222 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

12Q fs Q37Q ss Q 40 QSQ The estimated jackpot is now $14.1 million.

Laurent Glllleron /The Assoaated Press

W Prompt Results! 4

Participants in the first extreme "Barjot Run" in Biere, Switzerland, make their way through the mud Saturday. About 700 participants had to run 5 or10 kilometers on a track with mud, artificial obstacles and water.

Some dressed asprisoners — fittingly, since the course seemedlike punishment.

After 550 die,

Bangladesh agrees toa safety plan Mcclatchy-Tribune News Service DHAKA, B a ngladesh The Bangladeshi government, garment factory owners and the U.N. labor agency agreed to implement a plan to ensure labor safety as the death toll from last week's building collapse near Dhaka rose to 550 on Saturday. The plan is to be jointly implemented, a government official said, as Bangladesh has faced international pressure for the recurrence of deadly industrial disasters that have exposed poor safety standards in the garment industry, which accountsfor 79 percent of the country's export earnings. The announcement came 10 days after the collapse of the eight-story Rana Plaza building that housed five garment factories in Savar. The plan includes the recruitment of 200 factory inspectors in six months, an assessment of buildings' structural safety and the relocation of vulnerable factories by the end of 2013. By late Saturday, 550 bodies were removedfrom therubble of the building. Dozens of people are still unaccounted for.


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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Sunday, May 5, the125th day of 2013. There are 240 days left in the year.


ane esis ower ropl e sun

Cinco de Mayo —Mexicans, and someAmerican Latinos, mark the Mexican army's 1862 victory over France.

EaSter —Orthodox Christians celebrate the Resurrec-

tion, using the Julian calendar (which places the holiday later than the Gregorian calendar

used in the West). MalaySia —Thts Southeast Asian country of13 million faces its most significant election

in decades, as amix of Malay Muslim and ethnic Chinese voters may choose to break a half-century of one-party rule.

HISTORY Highlight:In1813, Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, considered the father

of existentialism, was born in Copenhagen. In1821, Napoleon Bonaparte, 51, died in exile on the island of St. Helena. In1862, Mexican troops

defeated French occupying forces in the Battle of Puebla. In1891, New York's Carnegie

Hall (then named"Music Hall") had its official opening night. In1925, schoolteacher John

T. Scopeswas charged in Tennessee with violating a state lawthat prohibited teaching the

theory of evolution. (Scopes was found guilty, but his con-

viction was later set aside.) In1936, the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, fell to Italian

invaders. In1941, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie returned to Addis Ababa after the Italians were driven out with the help of Allied forces. In 1942, wartime sugar rationing began in the United States. In1955, West Germany be-

came a fully sovereign state. The baseball musical "Damn Yankees" opened onBroadway. In 1961, astronaut Alan

Shepard becameAmerica's first space traveler as hemade a15-minute suborbital flight

aboard Freedom 7, aMercury capsule launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla. In1973, Secretariat won the Kentucky Derby, the first of its Triple Crown victories. In 1981, Irish Republican Army hunger-striker Bobby Sands died at the Maze Prison in Northern lreland in his 66th day without food.

In1987, the congressional Iran-Contra hearings opened. Ten yearsago:Searchers usingdogsand heavyequipment went from one crumbled home

to another after tornado-packed storms flattened communities in four Midwestern states.

Five years ago: Irvine Robbins, co-founder of the Baskin-

Robbins ice creamchain, died in Rancho Mirage, Calif., at 90.

Oneyearago:FiveGuantanamo Bay prisoners charged in the Sept.11 attacks were arraigned in a proceeding that

dragged on for13 hours due to stalling tactics by the defendants. I'll Have Another caught Bodemeister down the stretch

and pulled away in the final furlong to win the Kentucky Derby.

BIRTHDAYS Actress Pat Carroll is 86.

Former AFL-CIOpresident John Sweeney is 79. Saxophonist

Ace Cannon is79. Country singer-musician RoniStoneman is 75. Actor Michael Murphy is 75. Comedian-actor Michael

Palin is 70.Actor John RhysDavies is 69. Actor Roger Rees is 69. Rock musician Bill Ward

(Black Sabbath) is 65.Actor Richard Grant is 56. CBSNews correspondent John Miller is

55. NBCNewsanchor Brian Williams is 54. TV personality

Kyan Douglas is43. Actress Tina Yothers is 40.Rhythmand blues singer RaheemDeVaughn is 38. Actor Vincent Kartheiser

is 34. SingerCraigDavid is32. Actress Danielle Fishel is 32. Actor Henry Cavill is 30. Soul

singer Adele is25. Rhythm-andblues singer Chris Brown is 24. — From wire reports

The makers of Solar Impulse hope it will be a

land to Belgium and then on to France, where it was a showmodel for clean-energy flight, though the design is piece at the Paris-Bourget International Air Show. And last still commercially impractical. summer, theplane crossed the Mediterranean from Spain to By Michael A. Fletcher lar Impulse is no more practiMorocco. The Washington Post cal for commercial flight than The plane will make five MOFFETT FEDERAL AIR- was the single-engine Spirit stops on its flight across the FIELD, Calif. — The first plane of St. Louis that Charles LindUnited States, spending up to a that can fly day and n ight bergh piloted across the Atlancoupleof weeks in each metropowered only by the sun is on tic Ocean in 1927. politan area it visits: Phoenix, a transcontinental journey. The plane's engines put out Dallas, St. Louis, Washington, Solar Impulse, which lifted about 10 horsepower — roughD.C., and New York. Piccard off from this World War II-era ly the same amount of power Solar Impulse/The Assoc>ated Press pilotedthe craft for 20 hours airfield Friday, has room for as the Wright brothers' first The sun-powered plane Solar Impulse glides over the Golden Gate into Saturday, landing in Phoeonly one person and an aver- planes. Solar Impulse cannot Bridge in San Francisco during a test flight last month. The solarnix having used only threeage cruising speed of about 43 take off or land in windy con- powered airplane began a journey around the world Friday. quarters of the plane's battery miles per hour. But its Swiss ditions, nor can it fly through power. "It's a little bit like being developers say the technology clouds. The lone pilot wears a in a dream," Piccard said as he "For me, i t w a s o b vious stepped on the tarmac. suggests the possibilities of parachute and is confined to to underscore how far we've clean-energy flight. an area the size of a "bad econ- come and how far we need that an airplane that could fly The U.S. tour is a prelude for The plane has an ultra-light, omy seat," noted the project's to go to develop alternative around the world without fuel a planned around-the-world c arbon-fiber frame that a l chief executive and co-founder sources ofpower, particularly was the next big adventure of flight in 2015. That journey will lows it to weigh 3,500 pounds Andre Borschberg, 60, an engi- solar energy," said Bob van the 21st century," Piccard said. be taken by a second-genera— about the same as a mid- neer and former fighter pilot. der Linden, chairman of the He took his idea to the Swiss tion solar plane, with accoutresize car. It has the wingspan The tiny cockpit is unheated aeronautics department at the Federal Institute of Technolo- ments necessary for long-haul of a747 and a slender fuselage, and unpressurized, meaning Smithsonian National Air and gy, which initiated a feasibility flights, including automatic pigiving it the look of a giant, the pilot must endure extreme Space Museum. "This will help study headed by Borschberg. lot, a more ergonomic cockpit high-tech dragonfly. heat and cold and wear an push the technology along." Design of the plane began in and a toilet beneath the pilot's The plane's power is drawn oxygen mask. On long flights, The idea to build the plane 2003, with B orschberg and seat. That vessel should be from the sun by 12,000 photo- Borschberg practices medi- started with Piccard, 55, a hang Piccard assembling a team of ready for testing next year. voltaic cells that form the top of tation and advanced breath- gliding pioneer, who earned 80 partners — which includes Although even Piccard and its wings. The juice is collected ing techniques to stay ener- international acclaim in 1999 racing yacht maker Decision, Borschberg do not expect to in a series of batteries arrayed gized. His co-founder and the when he and co-pilot Brian the precision instruments firm see development of a more behind the craft's four electric plane's other pilot, Bertrand Jones won a competition to fly Omega andthe Bayer materials practical solar-powered plane engines. It routinely reaches Piccard, a psychiatrist, does around the world non-stop in a company — to build it after tra- anytime soon, they are confialtitudes of up to 28,000 feet, self-hypnosis. hot air balloon. Although they ditional airplane manufactur- dent that some of the lessons about a mile below the thin And as for bodily functions won, Piccard was struck that ers told them it was impossible. f rom Solar Impulse — t h e airtraversed by big commer- — the pilot relies on spent while they started the trip with In all, the project has cost use of lighter materials, more cial airliners zipping around water bottles and eschews fi- 8,200 tons of propane, they more than $140 million. To gradual descents to airports at close to 500 miles per hour. brous foods in the days before had only 88 pounds remaining date, the plane has performed and more directroutes to desOn-board instruments alert a flight to make sure that dia- when the balloon landed. well. Borschberg piloted the tinations — can help make the pilot if the plane banks pers do not have to be pressed That steeled his determina- first solar-powered night flight aviation more energy-efficient even a degree too far. into service. tion to again circle the globe in 2010, spending 26 consecu- in the short run. For all of its innovations, at But comfort is not the proj- but this time without consum- tive hours over Switzerland. In the long run, they added, this stage of development, So- ect's goal. "The point of this is ing any fossil fuels. In 2011, it flew from Switzer- anything is possible.




We're closeto building a better bomb-sniffer By Sam Lemonick

the detector at almost the same


time. A strong oxygen signal

The B o s to n Ma r a t hon bombing suspects reportedly purchased several pounds of black powder explosive before the attack. Used in fireworks and bullets, th e e x plosive substance is both deadly and widely available. It's also very hard to detect. Now, researchers have modified one bomb-sniffing device to accurately spot very small amounts of black powder, an advance thatcould make us safer from future attacks. Invented in China as early as the seventh century, black powder is a mixture of charcoal, sulfur an d p o tassium nitrate. It's also used as a fertilizer and food additive. To detectexplosives, drugs, and other compounds, security agents often use ion mobility spectrometers, the machines that analyze cloth swatches that Transportation Security Administration agents wipe across luggage and clothing.

can thus mask a small amount of sulfur, like what a bombmaker's dirty f i ngers might

leave on a luggage strap.

Latest research

A group led by chemist Haiyang Li at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics in China has modified an IMS to eliminate the oxygen signal. Researchers had previously tried doing so by injecting the sample into a carrier gas of dichloromethane that captures oxygen ions before the sample reaches the device'sanalysis chamber. But Li showed that this inhibits the initial formation of sulfur ions, sabotaging the device's purpose. So Li's team used an approach called titration region IMS, or TRIMS, that first ionizes the sample and then passes it through dichloromethane. In tests reported online last month in Analytical Chemistry, the TR-IMS knocked down the oxygen signal and easily spotted a strong Science of bomb detection sulfur signal when it analyzed Inside an IMS, a sample's black powder and fireworks. volatile atoms and molecules The scientists also showed receive an electrical charge, that reducing the oxygen backionizing them in the process. ground improved the device's An electric field carries these sensitivity, enabling it to detect ions across a chamber several very small amounts of black inches long against a head- powder. Li estimates that only wind of purified air. Each ion's about $10 in parts would be characteristic size and charge needed to retrofit a convendictates how quickly it reaches tional IMS, which he says cost a detector at the chamber's tens of thousands of dollars. "The titration method they end, allowing experts to distinguish the components of a propose is novel and looks sample. promising," says Herbert Hill, C onventional I M S te c h - a chemist at Washington State nology is popular because University, Pullman. "But (it) it can analyze a sample in would need lots of testing bethousandths of a second, and fore it could be employed as a thousands are deployed in air- routine black powder detector." ports worldwide. And though One concern he raises is that bomb-sniffing dogs can eas- sulfur is a fairly common ingreily find black powder, these dient in everything from rubmachines can work without ber to pesticides, increasing the breaks, naps or treats. chances of a false positive readWhat has prevented detec- ing. Still, he notes that a signal tion of black powder by IMS in from the machine could alert the past, however, is that sulfur securityagents to search a bag and oxygen — which comm ore carefully. So,perhaps, get poses 20 percent of air — hit ready for more searching.

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IN FOCUS:DZHOKHAR TSARNAEV A Peek intO theCaSe — Legal experts tell The Associated Press

Asus ect's ar si e,careu mas e By Michael Wines and lan Lovett New York Times News Service

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — On the day after two bombs explodednearthe finish line of the Boston Marathon, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev tapped out an earlyafternoon text message to a classmate at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. Want to hang out? he queried. Sure, his friend replied. In Boston, the police and the FBI were mounting investigations that would end three days later with Tsarnaev's capture and his brother's death. On that Tuesday afternoon, however, he lounged in his friend's apartment for a couple of hours, trying to best him in FIFA Soccer on a PlayStation. That night he worked out at a campus gym. On Thursday afternoon, he ate with friends at a dormitory

grill. By early Friday, he was the target of the largest dragnet in Massachusetts history. To even his closest friends, Tsarnaev was a smart, athletic 19-year-old with a barbed wit and a l a id-back demeanor, fond ofsoccer and parties,all too fond of marijuana. They seldom, if ever, saw his second, almost watertight life: his disintegrating family, his overbearing brother, the gathering blackness in his most private moments. There were glimpses. But Tsarnaev was a master of concealment. "I have had almost two weeks to think about it, and it still makes no more sense than the day I found out it was him," Jason Rowe, Tsarnaev's freshman roommate, said in an interview. "Nothing seemed out of the ordinary." Tsarnaev now lies in a prison medical facility, charged by federal authorities with using a weapon of mass destruction — the bombs, packed with explosives extracted from fireworks — that killed three people and wounded more than 260 others on April 15. There were oblique signs, however, that the gulf between the private and the public person was widening. Between raunchy jokes and posts about girls and c ar s o n T w i tter, Tsarnaev described terrifying nightmares about murder and destruction. In the last year, he alluded to disaffection with his American life and the American mindset. And as the date of the marathon drew close, he dropped cryptic hints of a plan of action, and the righteousness of an unspoken cause.

Handout via New YorkTimes News Service

In the face of compelling evidence, many friends still find it hard to believe the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev they knew — the "cool guy," the "great student" with a "heart of gold," the19-yearold who "would not provoke violence" — could willfully commit an atrocity like the Boston Marathon bombings. By all accounts, he thrived there. Jahar, as his fellow students called him — the rough pronunciation of hi s Caucasian name, adopted as his nickname — became a star student, winning a $2,500 scholarship upon his graduation in 2011. He loved literature and world history, particularly studies of his former homelands. In his sophomore year, he joined the school's wrestling team as a novice and quickly grew so strong and skillful, one teammate said, that he could take down even coaches. His teammates say they looked up to him as a teacher and motivator. "We'd be running stairs for hours," said another, Zeaed Abu-Rubieh, now 21. "Every time I'd stop, when I was thinking about leaving, he'd push

we were staying inside playing video games all day," Umarov said. "His brother never gave him wrong advice. So he looked up to his brother." A second Chechen friend since boyhood, 18-year-old Baudy Mazaev, said that the older brother and their mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, "had a deep religious epiphany" about two or three years ago. At the time, Tamerlan's new devotion only irritated Dzhokhar, he said. While the younger brother prayed daily d u r ing l u nch breaks at Rindge 8 Latin, and at least on occasion in his university dormitory, he never appeared especially devout, even telling one teacher, "I'm really not into that." Up to his arrest, he drank and smoked m arijuana despite what h e said was T amerlan's clear disapproval. The Dzhokhar that Mazaev and Umarov were a llowed to see — in Umarov's case, as recently as March — was the same Dzhokhar they had known for a decade. I nside, h o w ever, s o m e things were changing.

that authorities are placing intense pressure on Katherine Russell, the widow of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and three detained friends of Dzokhar

Tsarnaev to cooperate in the ongoing investigation. Federal agents are following Russell in unmarked vehicles when she leaves her parents' Rhode Island home; the experts say investigators are trying

plagues of nightmares, three "zombie apocalypse" dreams in July and two in December, one of which depicted the end of the world. He gained U.S. citizenship on Sept. 11, 2012, "and he was pretty excited about it," said Rowe, his first-year dorm mate. Yet the previous March, he had written on Twitter, "a decade in america already, I want out," followed in April by "how I miss my homeland ¹dagestan ¹chechnya." And days before his citizenship ceremony, he expressed wonder at why more people did not realize that the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center "was an inside job." That and other comments hint at a defensiveness about the confluence of Islam and terrorism that was odd for a young man who earlier had said he was "not into that." Yet both those and later, darker posts - "If you have the knowledge and inspiration all that's left is to take action," he wrote a week before the bomb-

not just to determine whether Russell and the friends areculpable but also to force them to share all they know about the brothers and possibly a wider plot

Russell's lawyers say she's speaking with FBIagents, but one person following the case, David Zlotnick, a professor of law at Roger Williams University and a former federal prosecutor, said authorities

may be tracking her closely becausethey feel she's not being completely honest. "They don't believe her yet," he said. The students' attorneys say their clients didn't know about the plot.

A grand jury is likely already hearing testimony against Dzhokhar, said Michael Sullivan, a former U.S. attorney who also once headed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. He said

investigators will be looking into whether the brothers tested bombs before the attack and asking questions about whom Tamerlan had contact with when he traveled to Russia last year. Those are some of

the things they would also want to know from Russell, he said. Death CertifiCate — The funeral director who is trying to find a cemetery toacceptTamerlanTsarnaev'sbodysaysanautopsyshows the older brother died of bullet wounds suffered during a shootout with police and blunt-force injuries when he was run over by a car

driven by his fleeing brother. The official report of the autopsy on Tsarnaev, 26, of Cambridge, Mass., hasn't been released, but the death certificate listed those

causes, according to media reports Saturday. Peter Stefan, the Worchester, Mass., funeral director who is handling arrangements for Tsarnaev's family, said he has looked without luck for burial

plots in cemeteries in Massachusetts, Connecticut and NewJersey. "My problem here is trying to find a gravesite," Stefan said. "A lot of people ... don't want to be involved with this."

ings — look foreboding only in

retrospect. As does Tsarnaev. Just a year ago, he had been hoping to become an engineer and worFamily struggles ried about his grades, accordIn February 2011, roughly ing to Sanjaya Lamichhane, when the boys' mother emwho was on the wrestling team braced Islam, she separated with Tsarnaev in high school from her husband, Anzor, a and also attended college with tough man trained in the law him before transferring. In the in Russia who was reduced in weeks before the bombing, Cambridge to fixing cars in a however, Tsarnaev was apparparking lot. The two divorced ently declaring that he no lonthat September, and Anzor ger cared abouthis schoolwork. returned to Russia, followed Lamichhane said Tsarnaevhad later by his ex-wife. told their friend: "God is all that Tamerlan filled the void as matters. It doesn't matter about head of the family's American school and engineering." branch. Early this year, Tsarnaev On Twitter, Dzhokhar wrote unexpectedly returned to his me forward, physically push that he missed his father. That high school, wrestling shoes in me. And he was strong. He'd and other comments on his hand, to grapple with the team. "We're all laughing; evsay: 'Go on. Run. You can do Twitter account, opened in it.' He believed in people." October 2011 shortly after he eryone's pulling his hair and His t e a mmates e v entu- arrived asa freshman at the saying, 'You ought to do cornally voted him captain. One University of Massachusetts, rows,'" said Payack, who atof the coaches, Peter Payack, sometimes revealed a young tended the marathon and witsaid he deserved it. "You al- man more troubled and blunt- nessed the first bomb. "Eight ways see people's personal- spoken than he seemed in weeks later, he blows up the ity traits over the course of a person. marathon. Why would he emseason," he said. "If somebody In college Tsarnaev's grades brace us if he wants to blow us is short-tempered, if they lose p lummeted. H e w r o t e o f up? a match, maybe they throw a chair. There's somebody who's moody, or like a loner. He was none of those things. As with almost everyone, however, Payack's relationship with Tsarnaev went so far, and no further. Tsarnaev was a skilled deflector of curiosity about his personal affairs. He rarely talked about his background exBorn in Central Asia cept to saythat he was Chechen Tsarnaev was born in July or had lived in Russia. He was 1993 in t h e f o rmer Soviet popular — "he had a lot of girls republic of K y rgyzstan, the hitting on h im," said Junes youngest of four children in a Umarov, 18, a close friend who family that roamed for decades is also of C hechen descent across the Caucasus and Cen- — but even other close friends tral Asia, looking for a stable could not say whether he had a home. He spoke only broken girlfriend. Almost no one knew English in 2002 when his fa- anything about his family bether, Anzor, an ethnic Chechen, yond a few brief sightings of his brought him to Massachusetts older brother, Tamerlan. from the mostly Muslim region Umarov has known Tsarof Dagestan in Russia, eventu- naev since 2004, shortly after ally winning asylum by claim- his family came to the United ing political persecution. By States. Dzhokhar sometimes the time he entered Cambridge stayed at his home for weeks Rindge & Latin School in 2007, during summers. however, he spoke with barely Visits to the Tsarnaev housea trace of an accent, blending hold were different. "Every seamlessly into a student body time we went to Dzhokhar's that was a melange of immi- house, his brother would make grants and American-born stu- us work, do a bunch of pushdents of all colors. ups, get us in shape, because

Tsarnaev,26, died April 18 after the Boston dragnetthat caught his brother, Dzhokhar, t9, who is ata Massachusetts prison medical facility. — From wire reports

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Continued from A1 Employers are particularly reluctant to add new workers — and have been for much of the last 12 years. Layoffs have been subdued, with the exception of the worst months of the financial crisis, but so has the creation of jobs, and no one depends on new jobs as much as younger workers do. For them, the Great Recession grinds on. For many people with jobs and nest eggs, the economy is finally moving in the right direction, albeit a long way from booming. Average wages are no longer trailing inflation. Stockshave soared since their 2009 nadir, and home prices are increasing again. But little of that helps younger adults trying to get a foothold in the economy. Many of them are on the outside of the recovery looking in. The net worth o f h ouseholds headed by people 44 and

Capitol Hill barberputsawayhisshears

younger has dropped more over the past decade than the net worth of middle-aged and elderly households, according to the Federal Reserve. According to the Labor Department, workers 25 to 34 years old are the only age group with lower average wages in early 2013 than in 2000. The problems start with a lack of jobs. In 2011, the most recent year for which international comparisons exist, 26.2percent of Americans between ages 25 and 34 were not working. That includes those for whom unemployment is a choice (those in graduate school, for example, or taking care of children) and those for whom it is not (the officially unemployed or those who are out of work and no longer looking). The situation was better for Canada and the best-performing European nations. The European economy has deteriorated over the last two years, and the U.S. economy has strengthened modestly. But the job growth here has been fast enough merely to keep pace with population growth, which suggests that this country still lags in the employment of young adults. In 2000, by contrast, the United States led Germany, Britain, France, Canada and Japan — as well as Australia, Russia and Sweden — in such employment rates. The nation now trails them all. Older American workers have also lost relative ground, but not as much. As Katz, Moffitt and others note, an explanation of the root causes remains elusive. But thereare obvious suspects, and each probably plays a role. The United States, for example, has lost its once-large lead i n p r o ducing c o llege graduates, and education remains the m ost s uccessful jobs strategy in a globalized, technology-heavy e c onomy. It is no accident that the most educated places in the country, like Boston, Minneapolis, Washington, D.C., and Austin,




- <IlilIi~iiIii,

The Washington Post

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11 I

By Michael Laris

( 1 i








, "



i i/

Ii I I i

Bleak outlook for the youngandthe graduated The United States has gonefrom having the highest share of employed 25-to-34-year-olds among large, wealthy economies to having among the lowest — in one decade.

Nonemployment rate for 25-34 age group: 2000


Japan 23.9%

United States

France 22.9%

France 22/o

Germany 21.8%

Britain 21.6%

Britain 20.1%

Japan 21%

Canada 19.8%

Germany 20.5%

United States

power." Canada 20.2/o

What is "nonemployment"? The rates in this chart include anyonenot working: the unemployed (people seeking jobs but unable to find any) as well as those out of the labor force, such aspeople in school, caring for relatives or too ill or discouraged to look for work. Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development New York Times News Service

Texas, have high employment rates while the least educated, including many in the South and inland California, have low ones. The official unemployment rate for 2 5-to-34year-oldcollege graduates remains just 3.3 percent. Beyond education, the nationhas also been less aggressive than some others in using counseling and retraining to help the jobless find work. To take one small example, a recent study in France by the renowned MIT economist Esther Duflo and four colleagues found that p l acement programs for unemployed workershelped not only the workers but theeconomy too.The counseled workers were more likely to find work, and they did not simply take jobs from other candidates. Overall employment rose more quickly in the regions with job counseling. Other research notes that the United States has expandedparental leave andpart-time work less than other countries — and, perhaps related, employment rates among women here have slipped. Whatever role these trends are playing, they do not appear to fully explain the employment decline. It is too big and too widespread. Existing companies are not adding jobs at the same rate they once did, and new companies are not

WASHINGTON — Nurney Mason cut Tip O'Neill's thick, white head of hair. For decades, he's been giving Charlie Rangel a trim. John Conyers Jr. would sometimes come by twice in a single day just to fix anything that wasn't quite right. On Friday, after three decades tidying up the titans of Congress and their underlings, Mason stood behind his barber's chair in the basement of the Rayburn House Office Building for a final few customers: Capitol Police Sgt. George McCree got a Temple Taper. Shoeshine man Al Bolden had an Even All Over. Simon Baugher, an assistant to Rep. Lois Frankel, D-Fla., got the sides short. " People come and g o through these offices and the Hill," Baugher said. But the barbers "are the ones that have the staying

forming as quickly. What might help'? Easing the parts of the regulatory thicket without societal benefits. Pro-

viding public financing for the sorts of early-stage scientific research and physicalinfrastructure that the private sector often finds unprofitable. Long term, nothing is likely to matter more than improving educational attainment, from preschool through college (which may have started already). Many business executives and economists also p oint to immigration policy. Done right, an overhaul could make a difference, many say, by al-

lowing more highly skilled immigrants to enter the country and by making life easier for those immigrants already here. Historically, immigrants have started more than their share of new companies. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the jobs slump is that the Americans in their 20s and 30s who have been most affected by it remain decidedlyupbeat.They are much more hopeful than older generations, polls show, that the country's future will be better than its past. Based on w h a t y o unger adults have been through, that resilience is impressive. It's probably necessary, too. The jobs slump will not end without a large dose of optimism.

Mason's first day on the job was May 3, 1983, which made Friday his 30th anniversary. It was supposed to be the perfect moment for a goodbye celebration. But one of Mason's twin daughters, Faye, died unexpectedly Wednesday after being hospitalized with pneumonia. When his wife called him with the news of Faye's death, Mason kept driving toward Capitol Hill and showed up for work in Room B323 — just as he always had. "I felt I'd be better around

The Washington Post

There's been a surprisingly consistent theme in jobs data over thelastthree years: Any attempt to divine a meaningful change in the pace of the expansion has turned out to be wrong. There have been no double dips into recession, despite a clockwork-like speculation that there will be whenever acouple ofmonths ofsoft data come out. There has been no speedup into a full-throated growth that would bring us back to a strong economy. In April, the United States added 165,000 jobs. Over the last 12 months, it has averaged 168,000 a month. Over t he last 24 m onths, it h a s averaged 184,000. Over the

last 36 months, it has averaged 162,000. For three years straight, any variation fromthe basic trend has been offset by a variation in the other direction in the following months. Similarly, theunemployment rate has been moving downward glacially but consistently. This time three years ago, the jobless rate was 9.9 percent, which fell to 9 percent in April 2011, 8.1 percent in April 2012, and now 7.5 percent in April 2013. Part of the drop is due to people leaving the labor force entirely, and the pace of decline is too slow if you are among the 12 million unemployed. But it is also steady. These areexactly the trends you would expect to see in an economy expanding at a 1.5 to

2 percent annual rate, which is what has been happening. There is no disconnect between what the jobs surveys are telling us about the recovery and what other surveys are showing. Government employment, meanwhile, stayed on its long swoon. There were declines in most federal government jobs. That leaves one sector to fuel the job creation train: privatesector services. In April, there were strong gains in leisure and hospitality, retail jobs and professional and business services. And health care has been a mainstay of the expansion. What to make of it all? This kind of growth, according to economists, cannot boost the economy toward full employment in the near future.


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Ricky Carioti /The Washington Post

One of barber Nurney Mason's final clients on Capitol Hill was Simon Baugher, right, an assistant to Rep. Lois Frankel, D-Fla. Friday was the last day of work in the Rayburn House Office Building for Mason, 83, who retired after 30 years of cutting hair for members of Congress and their staffers. in D.C. in the early 1960s for

and challenge a congressman,"


Mason said. "Being from the South, I had pretty thick skin with that kind of stuff anyway." When Mason started, "I knew very little about cutting white hair," he said. His customers wereabout 75 percent white then, he said, although now it's about 50-50. "The first nervous haircut I had was Tip O'Neill," Mason said. But he relied on what Curlie had taught him: "If you can cut hair, you can cut hair." "I just told myself, I've got the clippers. I'm in charge," Mason said. O'Neill proved easy to connect with. For now, Mason's thinking about Faye on a day they were both looking forward to. "She was so happy when I told her I was retiring," Mason recalled. "She said, 'Finally, Daddy. Finally.'"

In the early '80s, a friend told him that a barbershop on Capitol Hill was looking for a replacement. Mason took the job,and he would come by the old shop at nights. Life behind the congressional barber's chair was an education. Occasionally, the shop was not such a warm place. The high wooden barriers between barbers' chairs gave an illusion of privacy that allowed Mason to hear what some customers really thought — about politics and also about race. "They would use the word then, the N-word." Sometimes even a congressman. "They didn't bite their tongues." His reaction'? No reaction. "If you want your job, what are you going to say? I'm not going to walk out of my booth

people, you know, being here where I'm used to being," said Mason, who rose from a life of labor on a Virginia peanut farm to a job that last year had him sharing an early Father's Day soul food lunch with President Barack Obama. Members of Congress and their staffs have been stepping into the Washington institution for decades. For $15, they can drop by between votes and within earshot of the buzzing House clock. The walls are filled with signed power portraits. And the men who run the place nurture a family feel, so they've all been touched by the death of Mason's daughter, who was in her late 50s. Mason came from a family of barbers. His brother Curlie, who had a shop in Baltimore, taught him the craft. Mason opened a shop

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Dronescou enextlineo eenseon U.S. or ers Mediil News Service WASHINGTON — The bipartisan immigration proposal filed last month in the Senate would create a 24/7 surveillance system at U.S. borders that would rely significantly on increased use of drones. Under the bill, no immigrant with provisional legal status couldapplyforagreen cardif the

Department of Homeland Secu- "potential terrorist and illegal rity hasn't effectively secured cross-border missions." the border— a benchmark that Currently, the Bureau of Cusborder hawks want tied to citi- toms and Border Protection zenship. And to do that, the bill — an arm of the Department recommendsincreasingtheuse of Homeland Security that inof unmanned aircraft, remotely cludes the Immigration and controlled by crews miles away Customs Enforcement Division and tasked with what U.S. Cus- andthe U.S. Border Patrol — optoms and Border Protection has erates 10unarmed drones. characterized as scouting out The primary role of drones,

agency officials say, is to monitor areas where on-the-ground sensors detect the movement


ed that his organization's push is based on the personal convictions of the executives who donated to the cause and who believe immigration laws need to be changed. Those convictions just happen to line up with what their corporations are lobbying for as well, he said. "It will give a lot of people who are educated in this country who are already here a chance to remain in the United States," Jesmer said, "and encourageentrepreneurs from all over the world to come to the United States and create jobs." The profound transition underway inside Silicon Valley companies is illustratedbytheir lobbying d isclosure reports filed in Congress. Facebook's lobbying budget swelled from $351,000 in 2010 to $2.45 million in the first three months of this year, while Google spent a record $18 million last year. Thatboomin spendingtranslates into hiring of top talent in the art of Washington dealmaking.These companies have hired people like Joel Kaplan, a onetime deputy chief of staff in the Bush administration who now works for Facebook; Susan Molinari, a former House Republican from New Y ork who is now a Google lobbyist; and outside lobbyists like Steven Elmendorf, a former chief of staff to Richard Gephardt, a former House majorityleader who works for Facebook. T he i m m i gration fi g h t , which has unified technology companiesperhaps more than any other issue, has brought the lobbying effort to new heights. The industry sees it as a fix to a stubborn problem: job vacan-

allows large American companies that have many more A merican workers t o c o n tinue to import workers. And it includes a provision that exempts from the guest worker count those employees that companies sponsor for green cards, essentially a bonus to A merican b u sinesses l i k e Facebook whose workforces

Continued from A1 They have managed to secure much of what they want in the landmark immigration bill now pending in Congress, provisions that would allow them to fill thousands of job vacancies with f oreign-born engineers. At the same time, they have openly encouraged lawmakers to make it harder for consulting companies in India and elsewhere to provide foreign workers temporarily to this country. Those deals were worked out through what Senate negotiators acknowledged was extraordinaryaccess by American technology companies to staff members who drafted the bill. The companies often learned about detailed provisionseven before allthe members of the so-called Gang of Eight senators who worked out the package were informed. "We are very pleased with the progress and happy with what's in the bill," said Peter Muller, a former House aide who now works as the director of government relations at Intel. "It addresses many of the issues we've been advocating

for for years." Now, along with other industry heavyweights, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the technology companies are trying to make sure the law gets passed — which explains the political-style television advertising campaign, sponsored by a group that has revealed no details about how much money it gets from its individual supporters. The industry also h opes to get more from th e deal by working toremove some regulatory restrictions in the proposal, including on hiring

foreign workers and firing Americans. Silicon Valley was once politically aloof before realizing in recent years that its future profits depended in part on battles here in Washington. Its effort to influence immigration legislation is one of its most sophisticated. The technology i n dustry "understands there's probably not a tremendous amount of resistance to their part of the bill," Rubio said in an interview last week, saying he welcomed the industry support. "But their future and getting the reform passed is tied to the overall bill." The bill has a good chance of winning passage in the Senate. The hardest sell will come in the House, where many conservativeRepublicans see the deal as too generous to immigrants who came to this nation illegally. Rob Jesmer, a former top Republican Senate strategist who helps run the new Zuckerbergbacked nonprofit group that sponsored the Rubio ad, insist-

nies like Tata, based in India, use them to supply computer workers at American banks, oil companies and sometimes software firms. Critics of H-1B visas point out that they mostly bring workers at t h e l owest pay scales. The technology industry's main rivals in these negotiations were lawmakers who have long been critical of guest w orker visa programs, chiefly Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and groups thatrepresent American engineers. Silicon V a l ley l o b byists told Senate negotiators they agreed that the Hl-B visa system had been subject to abuse. Go after the companies that take advantage of guest worker visas and give us the benefit of the doubt, they told the Senatestaffmembers, according to interviews with several lobbyists. "You know and we know there aresome bad people in this system," is how Scott Corley, the president of Compete America, a technology industry coalition, recalled the conversation. "We are simply trying to make sure that as they are pursuingthe rats they are not sinking the ship." That acknowledgment, several lobbyists said privately, helped unlock an impasse in negotiations. What emerged was a Senate measure that allows American technology companies to procure many more skilled guest worker visas, raising the limit to 110,000 a year from 65,000 under current law, along with a provision to expand it further based on market demand. cies, particularly for engineers. The bill would also allow these "We are not able to fill all companies to move workers on the jobs that we are creating," guest visas more easily to perBrad Smith, Microsoft's gen- manent resident visas, freeing eral counsel, told the Senate up more temporary visas for Judiciary Committee late last these companies. month. But it requires them to pay Chief executives met with higher wages for guest workPresident Barack Obama to ers and to post job openings discuss immigration. Venture on a website, so Americans c apitalists testified i n C o n - can have a chance at them. gress. Their lobbyists roamed And it draws a line in the sand the Senatecorridors to make between t h ese t e chnology suretheirappeals were consid- firms and the mostly Indian ered in the closed-door negotia- companies that supply comtions among the Gang of Eight, puter workers on H-1B visas w hich included Rubio a n d for short-term jobs at compaSen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., nies in the United States. "This provision accomplishwho have been particularly receptive. es the goal of discouraging In the many phone calls and abuse of the program while hallway asides on Capitol Hill providing an important incenthis year, those lobbyists re- tive for companies to bring alized that they had to give a top talent to work in the Unitlittle to get a lot of what they ed States for the long term, wanted. At the top of t heir where they will contribute to wish list was an expansion our economy," said Kaplan, of a temporary visa program the former Republican White called the H-1B, which allows House aide who is now the companies tohire foreigners vice president for U.S. public for jobs in the United States. policy at Facebook. There are a limited number of The bill is written in such a H-1Bs available each year, and way that it penalizes compafierce competition for them. niesthat have a large share of Companies like Facebook foreign guest workers among and Intel use them largely to their U.S. workforces, eventubring workers to their own ally making it impossible for offices. Consulting c ompa- them to bring in any more. It


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of large animals — or people. In these situations, deploying a helicopter or light aircraft could be a waste of manpower if the movement turned out to be from non-threats like cattle. But the inclusion of drones as a part of immigration reform

are growing fast. Companies thatprovidetemporary foreign workers say the move is intended to push them out of the American market. These companies, mostly based in India, have far less good will on Capitol Hill. Their hope now rests with persuading lawmakers that it would be counterproductive to punish them. "Why are we in the United States? We arethere because American corporations want us," said Som Mittal, the president of the National Association of Software and Services Companies,which represents Indian companies. "We help them become competitive and serve their customers better." In interviews, Rubio and an aide to Schumer said the draft bill takes a balanced approach to penalize those who do not hire American workers for jobs here. They say the proposal is good for the country, even as it may benefit American technology firms. In March, some of the biggest figures in the technology industry, including Z uckerberg, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and venture capitalist John Doerr, unveiled a new nonprofit a d vocacy g r oup, called Fwd.Us, with its first mission being to push Congress to overhaul immigration

has drawn h arsh c r iticism. Some say the caII for more unmanned aerial vehicles in the immigration proposal amounts to nothing more than political posturing — to look tough on border security while offsetting conservative criticism over offering a pathto citizenship to the 11 million living in the United States illegally.

Continued from A1 Davis advised residents to stay away from the fire zone, and cautioned those with respiratory ailments that heavy smoke was likely to remain in the area for the time being.

Other fires The CentralOregon Interagency Dispatch Center reported tw o a d d itional f ires Saturday, one a p p roximately t w o mi l e s northeast of Crane Prairie Reservoir and one along the railroad tracks south of Redmond. The Crane Prairie fire was estimated at 8 to 10 acres as of6 p.m. It was ignited when trees were knocked down into power lines. A hotshot crew was being sent to the area, and containment of the fire was expected today. Redmond and BLM firefighters contained the fire near Redmond. Its cause is still under investigation.

law. The group has hired lobbyists and a staff of veteran political operatives. One of its first campaigns was to bankroll the television ad for Rubio. Two other ads backed Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, who is considered a critical swing vote, in a state where there are many critics of the legislation. Jesmer said the group spent "in the seven figures" on the ads. Rubio has been a v o cal ally. He says he understands the industry's need for talent and wants to prevent companies from having to ship work overseas. To negotiate the details on the immigration bill, Rubio hired Enrique Gonzalez, who took a leave from a law firm that handles H-1B visa applications for many technology companies. Gonzalez said the assignment presented no conflict of interest because he works with universities handling visas, not tech-

— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com

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nology companies. The fact that t echnology lobbyists were given an unusual degree ofaccess to the negotiators on the bill is entirely justified, he said. "Because of t h e u n i q ue needs of the technology industry, the newness of it, the novelty of a lot of the issues they are confronting, I think that was why they were more engaged than some of the other industries were," he said.



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Fugitive Continued from A1 Lopez played a leading role in what is widely considered the biggest d rug-trafficking case in Mexican history. The episode — which inspired the 2000 movie "Traffic" — pitted the Mexican military against the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Throughout the 1990s, Lopez worked closely with them both. He served as a senioradviser to the powerful general who was appointed Mexico's drug czar. And he was an informant for the DEA. His two worlds collided spectacularly in 1997, when Mexico arrested the general, Jesus GutierrezRebollo,on charges of collaborating with drug traffickers. As Washington tried to make senseof the charges, both governments went looking for Lopez. Mexico considered him asuspect in the case; the DEA saw him as a potential gold mine of information. The United States found him first. The DEA secretly helped Lopez and his family escape across the border in exchange for his cooperation with it s investigation. Dozens of hours of testimony from Lopez about links between the military and drug cartels proved to be explosive, setting off a dizzying chain reaction in which Mexico asked the U.S. for help capturing Lopez, Washington denied any knowledge of his whereabouts and the DEA abruptly severed its ties with him. The reserved, unpretentious husband and father of three has been a fugitive ever since, on the run f rom his native country and abandoned by his adopted home. For more than a decade, he has carried information about the inner workings of the drug war that both governments carefully kept secret. Camouflaging himself among the waves of i m migrants who came across the border around the same time, with his callused hands and thriftstore wardrobe, Lopez works an assortment of lowwage jobs available to people without green cards. The United States continues to feign ignorance about his whereabouts when p r essed by Mexican officials, who still ask for assistance to find him, a federal law enforcement official said. The coverup was initially led by the DEA, whose agents did not believe the Mexican authorities had a legitimate case against their informant. Other law enforcement agencies later went along, out of fear that the DEA's relationship with L opez might disrupt cooperation between the two countries on more pressing matters."We couldn't tell Mexico that we were protecting the guy, because that would have affected their cooperation with us on all kinds of other programs," said a former senior DEA official who was involved in the case but was not authorized to speak publicly about a confidential informant. "So we cut him loose, and hoped he'd find a way to make it on his own." These are the opaque dynamics that undermine the alliance between the United States and Mexico in the war on drugs, a fight that often feels more like shadow boxing. Though the governments

are bound together by geography, neither believes the other can be fully trusted. Lopez's ordeal — pieced together from classified DEA intelligence reports and interviews with him, his family, friends, and more than a dozen current and former federallaw enforcement officials — demonstrates why the mutual distrust is justified. The absence of any facts to either condemn Lopez or exonerate him of corruption has wrought havoc on the former informant, and his fugitive's existence has been a ball and chain on his family, whom he sees during sporadic rendezvous. They all exhibit symptoms of e motional trauma, bouncing among flashes of rage, long periods of depres-

sion, episodes of binge drinking and persistent paranoia. D uring several l on g i n terviews, Lopez r epeatedly said he was not guilty of any wrongdoing. He said he has refused to turn himself in to the Mexican authorities because he believes he will be killed rather than given a fair hearing. But years of living an anonymous, c i r c umscribed life have been nearly as suffocating as a jail cell. He starts most mornings at McDonald's, where breakfast costs less than $2 for seniors and free Wi-Fi allows him to

V illarruel, a veteran agent and o n going relationship with the M exico, which w a s s t i l l n ative of East Chicago, Ind., d r ug traffickers," concluded trying to track down Lopez, w ho has family roots in Gua- o ne intelligence report. intensified its search in 1999. d alajara. "One day I'd be talkLopez said he told the DEA The Foreign Ministry requesti ng to a guy, the next day he'd t h a the did notbelieve Gutierrez ed Washington's assistance to be dead." was among those conspiring determine whether he lived T he DEA's message reached w i t h traffickers. But the intelli- in the United States, a senior Lopez in May 1997, just gence reports suggested A merican federal la w e n as he and his family that the general had forcement official said. United thought they had run ties to the Juarez cartel, Statesmarshals reported back out of options. and that the relation- that he did. Later that May, the ship may have posed a Later that year, Villarruel D EA opened an e s threat to other military asked Lopez to meet him at cape hatch, o f fering V i i ierruel officers who were being a Denny's in San Diego. Vilthe family a haven in paid by rival drug-traf- larruel arrived alone and had t he U.S. and arranging work fi c king organizations. a hard time looking him in Monica Almeida/ New York Times News Service permits and visas. Making the By 1998, some of that infor- the eye. "I told him I had orLuis Octavio Lopez Vega holds a picture of himself from years ago; t rip were Lopez's wife, three m ation began appearing in ders from Washington that I he is second from right. In 2012, Lopez fled Mexico to the U.S., with c hildren, daughter-in-law and c o ngressional briefings and couldn't have anything to do the Drug Enforcement Administration's help. He has been hiding t wo grandchildren. The fam- n e wspaper reports, pitting the with him no more," Villarruel here ever since. "I risked my life in Mexico because I believed i ly members made their way to D E A against the White House, recalled. "I could tell there was thingscould change," he says."Iwes wrong." U tah, where they had a friend. w hich opposed any measures some kind of pressure,but L opez followed a couple of t h at w ould u n dermine t h e I couldn't tell if it was from weeks later. Wearing a navy U nited States' second-larg- Congress, or from Mexico, or peruse Mexican newspapers Clinton, which had put in ef- b lue suit and a f e dora h e es t trading partner. The DEA where. All I knew was that ... I on his battered laptop for hours, fect the North American Free b ought for the journey, he ar- a c cu sed Mexico of failing to could get in trouble." his mind replaying the l i fe Trade Agreement and orches- r ived in the United States with l i v eup to its security commitDefying orders, agent Ralph choices that landed him there. trated a $50 billion bailout of a briefcase packed with hi s ments, and it advocated tak- Villarruel warned Luis Octa"I risked my life in Mexico the Mexican economy. Crack- l ife's savings, $100,000, and vi- i n g action that could lead to vio Lopez Vega to watch his because I b e l ieved t h ings ing down on drug traffickers sions of starting over. economic sanctions. "There back. could change. I was wrong. hardly seemed too much to ask was definitely a split between Nothing has changed," Loof the United States' neighbor. On the run us and the White House over Read this story's conclusion pez said. "I helped the United In Gutierrez, who had the In January, Lopez and his Mexico," a former senior DEA at dendbulletin.cem/extras States because I believed that face and demeanor of a pit bull, son Luis Octavio headed to official said. Wendy's for a 99-cent hamif all else failed, this govern- the United States saw the noment would support me. But nonsense partner it had been burger special. When his son I was wrong again. And now, seeking. The administration handed over $2 for their order, ONLY ONE STAR BRINGSYOUTHE MAGIC OF I've lost everything." invited him t o W a shington a few cents short of the total, for briefings, and the United an embarrassed Lopez had to The military steps in States' drug policy coordinator, tell him that he could not cover Ballads were written in Mex- Gen. Barry McCaffrey, praised the difference. ico about the day in 1995 when him as a soldier "of absolute, Money, or the lack of it, has MOTHER'5 DAY IS MAY 12 the authorities took down Hec- unquestioned integrity." been the hardest part of living tor Luis Palma Salazar, known It seemed a head-spinning in hiding, Lopez said. His savas "El Guero," the fearsome turn of events for a little-known ings ran out long ago, and most kingpin of the Sinaloa cartel. militaryleader who could count employers are not interested Palma met his fate on the out- his suits on one hand and had in a 64-year-old man with no skirts of Guadalajara in subnever traveled outside Mexico. Social Security card or docuurban Zapopan, a nexus for When the general asked Lopez mented work history. He has everybody who was anybody to be his chief of staff, though, tried day jobs as a dishwasher in the drug war. he was apprehensive about and a construction worker, but Lopez served nearly two moving to the capital. But the his back is not strong enough. decades in the municipal po- general insisted. His dire circumstances re"Going to work in Mexico flect a precipitous fall from his lice department there, most of them as chief. Politically astute City felt like falling into a snake arrival in the United States as a and streetwise, he caught the pit," Lopez said. "I had a bad prizedinformant. Theinsideacattention of the DEA, which feeling about the whole thing." count he gave to Villarruel and developed him as a confidenother DEA officials amounted 'There's a problem' tial source during the midto a bombshell, according to 1990s and valued him for the Less than three months lat- former agents involved with reliability of his information. er, Lopez was in Guadalajara the case and classified intelliDrug violence was raging. for the birth of a grandchild gence reports obtained by The When things got too heated, when he suspected something New York Times. Lopez sought backup from had happened to his boss. He He claimed that the MexiG utierrez, a p o w erful a l l y had been calling Gutierrez for can military was negotiating a whose territory spanned five days without success. Finally, deal to protect the cartels in exMexican states. It was part he gotthe general's driver on change for a cut of their prof4 N a c y 's Gift C a r d of a secretarrangement, Lo- the phone. its. Lopez specifically accused SOMETHING PERFECT FOR HER, "I don't know where he is," several top officers of being inpez said, in which his officers SOMETHING EXTRA FOR YOU! shared information about the the driver said, according to volved, saying some had asked cartels with the military and Lopez. "You shouldn't call the cartels for $2,000 per kiloNow through Mother's Day, May 12, the general provided extra here anymore. I can't talk on gram of cocaine that passed if your Gift Card purchase is $25 or more, you'll get a muscle to the Zapopan police. this phone. Perhaps they're al- through Mexican territory. 10%-15% savingspass' to use on a day you choose. At home, Lopez's wife and ready listening. What the hell, As a down payment, cartel three children lived surround- you need to know. There's a operatives delivered satchels tExclusions apply; see Sales Associate for details. ed by bodyguards and snip- problem." packed with tens of millions of Savings pass valid 5/13-5/27/13. ORer valid in store only. ers. With her husband often When Lopez hung up and dollarsto seniormembers of the absent, Soledad Lopez had her called the military base in military, according to Lopez. hands full with the children. Guadalajara, the commander He also accused AmericanTheir oldest child, David, got t here summoned him t o a trained counternarcotics units his high school girlfriend preg- "counternarcotics operation." of allowing kingpins to escape "I didn't know exactly what during sting operations. nant. Luis Octavio failed eighth "It is highly likely that miligrade three times. Cecilia, the was going on," Lopez said, youngest, did not understand "but I knew that a trap was tary officials probably wanted the tumult around her, and waiting for me at the base." to continue to profit from an BEND RIVER PROMENADE, BEND • 541.317.6000 Soledad Lopez worked to proHe told his family to leave tect her from it. Zapopan and warned his aides By the time Palma crossed to stay away from the base. his path, Lopez had retired to For several days, Lopez kept start a private security firm. out of sight, camping out in Palma had been on his way to a abandoned barns and beneath wedding whenhisprivateplane bridges while t h e m i l itary crashed in the mountains near seized his house and searched Zapopan. Federal police offihis belongings. cers who were on the Sinaloa On Feb. 19, 1997, the Mexipayroll swept him from the can defense minister, Enrique scene and hid him in a house Cervantes Aguirre, held a drabelonging to a supervisor. matic televised news conferWhen L o p ez's s e curity ence andaccused Gutierrez of guards began receiving reusing his authority to help proports of s uspicious activity tect Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a there, they alerted him and the drug baron nicknamed "The military. No one realized they Lord of the Skies," for his use had stumbled across one of the of converted jetliners to move world's most notorious drug multiton shipments of cocaine. traffickers until Lopez discovThe defense minister said ered a .45 Colt with the shape that when Gutierrez was conof a palm tree, or "palma," fronted with evidence of the encrusted on its handle in dia- association, he collapsed from monds, rubies and sapphires. what appeared to be a heart "It could only belong to one attack. person," Lopez said. With checkpoints going up The arrest was hailed on around Guadalajara, it seemed both sides of the border to jus- impossible for Lopez to leave, tify the unprecedented role the and he was so well known he Drs. Ida Aiui and Patricia Buehler are always available for you, Mexican military was beginfeared he could not hide for providing quality vision care right here in Central Oregon. ning to play under President long. Borrowing a page from Ernesto Zedillo. The DEA had the drug trafficker's playbook, long been pressuring Mexico Lopez went to see a plastic to deploy the military against surgeon to alter his appearWe are the only LASIK provider in Central Oregon the cartels instead of the feder- ance. Using a false name, he with a permanently-based laser that never leaves our clinic. al police, which often worked handed the surgeon $2,000 in with t r affickers instead of cash and got a face-lift. against them. In Washington, Congress The agency was already se- called on the White House to Infocus is the first to offer Bladeiess LASIK in Central Oregoncretly collaborating with Guti- void Mexico's standing as a errez. Ralph Villarruel, a vet- reliable ally in the drug war, a the very best LASIK technology available anywhere. eran DEA agent who had been move that could lead to sancworking with Lopez, said he tions against a country buying pursued suspects the general up American exports. The epibelieved were in hiding in the sode threatenedsecurity coopUnited States and seized loads eration between the two counof cocaine m oving a c ross tries. The Justice Department the border. In return, he said, ordered the DEA to explain the general allowed him "un- how it could have missed evibelievable access" to c r ime dence that Gutierrez was dirty. eye care scenes, suspects and evidence. The DEA turned to Villarruel, catarac t • Iasik • visio n By December 1996, Zedillo who began looking for Lopez. e levated Gutierrez t o ru n Most of Lopez's staff memcounternarcotics efforts as the bers had disappeared, said Vildirector of Mexico's National larruel, who learned that the Institute to Combat Drugs. The military had rounded them up move was a victory for the ad- for questioning. "My sources • ' I I ministration of President Bill were dropping like flies," said

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Continued from A1 Without the levy, the dep artment w i l l fa l l ab o u t $3 million short of its operating costs, Poirier said. "We are the hub of all public safetyin Deschutes County," he said. "If the levy doesn't pass, service levels will go down." T he levy, which ha s a t tracted little opposition, would only maintain the status quo in dispatch services. It would not provide money to hire additional dispatchers or beef up training, Poirier said. The department has $10 million in reserves but needs that to update the aging computer system so callers may text 911 rather than call, he said. Texting an emergency call to the 911 dispatch center is especially important for those who are

May 21election Coverage leading up to the election is atbendbulletin.


Redmond Police Department, Black Butte Ranch Police Department and Sunriver Police Department. Deschutes County 911 is also the hub of all fire suppression in the county. Poirier's d ispatchers coordinated al l departments that responded to the seven fires set in downtown Bend in March, for example. The average tenure of a dispatcher is about three or four years, said Nan Lauderback, who's been on the job a total of 27 years. Answering callsfrom people in emergency situations can eventually evoke tears or hearing orspeech impaired, nightmares, dispatchers said. Poirier said. Lauderback said she copes In addition to taking emer- by leaving her job at work. "I feel fortunate I don't have gency calls from all Deschutes County residents, the depart- to seesome of the scenes we ment dispatches all calls from get calls from," she said. "It law enforcement at the Bend makes it so when I leave the Police Department, the Des- building, it's all just gone." chutes County Sheriff's Office, But one call, about 10 years

came out." Dispatchersare offered counseling through a Critical Incident Stress Management Team, said Megan Craig, a dispatch trainer with 15 years experience. But each person has their own way of handling the stress. "For myself, personally, I run," Craigsaid."Or I get off the console and call my family." Dispatchers are trained to coach panicked callersthrough births, instruct callers to administer aspirin during a heart u attack and advise wounded callers to apply direct pressure to lessen blood flow. "When I started, we'd just ask what's the problem, do you need an ambulance, send one and hang up," Lauderback said. "They're realizing we Roh Kerr /The Bulletin can do a lot more before police Sue Johnston works at her station inside the Deschutes County 911 center in Bend on Friday. Johnor the ambulance show up." ston has worked here for 16 years and has seen a lot of changes. "What we used to think of as a busy Craig said one of her friends day is nowhere near busy today." In between calls, she said, "I've learned how to enjoy the occasional outside of work refers to her as a "first, first responder." slow periods, because I know how crazy it can get." She said it seemed a strange phrase, but it's true. "We do a lot more than just after she started working in her. The caller didn't recog- ended. "When I hung up, the Deschutes County, stands out nize Lauderback on the other call had triggered something," answer the phone and push because it involved a friend. end of the phone line. she said. "I started crying buttons," Stanfill said. The woman called to report Lauderback said she iden- and couldn't stop for about — Reporter: 541-383-0376, someone attempting to assault tified herself before the call three hours.Just everything sking®bendbultetin.com E


Ahmadinejad'ssuccessor. A gentler touch islikely By Ali Akbar Dareini and Brian Murphy The Associated Press

TEHRAN, Iran — For eight years, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejadhas played the role of global provocateur-inchief: questioning the Holocaust, sayingIsraelshould be erased from the map and painting U.N resolutionsasworthless. Hisprovocative style grated inside Iran as well — angering the country's supreme leader to the point of warning t h e p r e sidency could be abolished. N ow, a r a ce Ahmadiis beg i n ning to nejad choose h i s s uccessor an d it looks like an anti-Ahmadinejad referendum is shaping up. Candidate registration starts Tuesday for the June 14 vote. Leading candidates say they will be responsible stewards, unlike the firebrand Ahmadinejad, who cannot run again because he is limited to two terms. One criticized Ahmadinejad for "controversial but useless" statements. Others even say the country should have a less hostile relationship with the United States. Comments from th e p r esumed front-runners lean toward less bombast and more

diplomacy. They are apparently backed by a leadership that wants to rehabilitate Iran's ren-

egade image and possibly stabilize relations with the West. The result, however, may be more a new tone rather than

sweeping policy change. Under Iran's theocratic system, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wields supreme power, making final decisions on nuclear and military questions. However, the president acts as the public face of the country, traveling the world. A new president might embark on a n i n ternational image makeoverand open the door to less antagonistic relations with Iran's Arab neighbors and the West. The vote comes at a critical time in Iran, a regional powerhouse with about 75 million people and some of the largest oil reserves in the world. Nuclear talks between Iran and world powers are at an impasse while the Islamic Republic barrels ahead with a uranium enrichment program that many are convinced is intended for atomic weapons. Iran also serves as the key ally of Syria's President Bashar Assad, a mainstay so far helping keep him in power as rebels fight to oust him. It is also in the middle of an apparent shadow war with Israel.Tehran has blamed Israel for deadly attacks on its nuclear scientists. Israel in turn has alleged Iranian attack plots on its diplomats or citizens around the world, including one where two Iranians were convicted of planning to attack Israeli, American and o ther targets in K e nya o n Thursday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned repeatedly that Iran must be stopped from acquiring nuclear weapons, through



Front-runners The list of candidates for the June14 presidential election

will be announcedlater this month after vetting by Iran's ruling clerics. At the top: ALI AKBARVELAYATI: Top

adviser to SupremeLeader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on international affairs. Velayati, 67, served as foreign minister during the 1980-88 war with lraq. He

is a physician and runs a

' Ill



hospital in north Tehran. He

was among the suspects named by Argentina in a 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires. MOHAMMAD BAGHER QALIBAF:Tehran mayor

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and former commander of the Revolutionary Guard during the lran-Iraq war.

Qalibaf, 51, enjoys good relations with Khamenei. HASAN ROWHANI:A former nuclear negotiator and

Khamenei's representative at the Supreme National Security Council, which

also handles the nuclear dossier. Rowhani, 64, is a British-educated cleric. MOHAMMAD REZAAREF:

t (~ s

Liberal-leaning former vice president under President Mohammad Khatami. Aref, 62, a former Tehran

University chancellor, said he would drop out of race if Khatami runs. ESFANDIARRAHIM MASHAEI:A top adviser to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and married to Ahmadinejad's daughter.

His candidacy is being heavily promoted by Ahmadinejad, but Mashaei, 52, will face serious hurdles during the vetting by the Guardian Council. MOHSEN REZAEI: Former

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commander of the Revolutionary Guard. Rezaei, 58, ran in 2009, but finished

fourth. He is currently secretary of the Expediency Council, which mediates

between the parliament and Guardian Council.

use offorceifneed be. While polls in Iran are unreliable, the tenor of the candidates'speeches reflects a sense among the public that Ahmadinejad's be l l i gerent stance toward the rest of the world has not helped. "Ahmadinejad has followed a policy of confrontation. He made a lot of enemies for Iran. What were the results?" asked Tehran taxi d r iver Namdar Rezaei, 40. "The next government should pursue a policy of easing tensions with the outside world." All th e m a i n c a ndidates — including a top adviser and a former nuclearnegotiatorare closely linked to the ruling clerics, since opposition groups havemostlybeen crushed. They reflect the mood of Khamenei, himself a f o rmer p resident, who wants nothing more than to end the internal political rifts opened by Ahmadinejad.

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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B4

Weather, B6









Spectator becomes activist entral Oregon is known for physical athleticism, not political activism. Stephen Schaffer happens to exhibit both traits. Schaffer, 62, a personal trainer and former gym owner, can be found these days outside the downtown Bend library, passing out tiny scraps of paper that read: "You can help save the United States from this economic crisis," followed by a URL for the trailer of a new documentary called "We're Not Broke." For Schaffer, who retired in 2008, the movie nudged him out of what he calls the "Bend Bubble" and gave his days a sharp purpose. He happened across the film on Netflix, the online streaming service. His wife, Paula Schaffer, says the couple loves documentaries but stopped watching them for a while. "Itwas too depressing," she says. "That's what I liked about this one, it


an I ates:surviva isatsta e Inside

By Lily Raff McCaulou

• Localissues abound

The Bulletin

The Black Butte-Camp Sherman School District has just seven students living within its boundaries and five seats on its school board. Four of those seats are up for grabs in the May 21 election, which will help determine the future of this tight-knit community. The two-room Black Butte School lies just down the highway from the well-

statewide on May ballot,B3 regarded Sisters School District. If the school declines, some of its 24 current students could request a transfer. As students leave the district, so does the state funding. Of course, maintaining academic standardscosts money. Lately, the district has bolstered its budget by drawing from its consider-

ablereserve funds. At the current rate, that reserve could dry up in 10 years. Here are the choices facing voters:

Position 1

Petke, 43, has worked as co-director of Suttle Lake Camp since 2000. He has two children in the school district, one in kindergarten and one in fourth


DanielPetke and Mark Dean compete for this seat. But since the filing deadline, Dean has decided to support Petke for Position 1. He instead launched a write-in campaign for Position 4. See 'Position 4' for more information on Dean.

"For the next few years, I will have one child in each of the two classrooms, which gives me a unique perspective because I understand what's going on in the younger class and the older class," Petke says. SeeSchool/B2

body depends on me," she says. "I'm very privileged." Paula Schaffer takes a different

approach. "I can't go to jail," she says with a laugh, "I have 11 grandchildren." But she has written letters. And she occasionally joins her husband in promoting the film, although she opts to carry an apolitical sign: "Free movie! Learn how you can change America for the better." Stephen Schaffer only half-jokinglydescribes hisnewfound cause as "an unpaid position." "We're Not Broke" will be shown for free at the Prineville Public Library at 6 p.m. Tuesday, at the Madras Public Library at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, at the Sunriver Public Library at 2:30 and 5 p.m. Saturday, and at the Sisters Public Library at 3 p.m. May 12. For more information, visit http:// werenotbrokemovie.com/ Or, stop and chat with Schaffer about it. — Lily Raff McCaulouis a columnist for The Bulletin. 541-617-7836, traff®bendbulletin.com

tion is just ahead. The May 21 ballot car-

ries contests extremely close to home, from

school boards to parks and recreation directors to water districts. Bond

measures andtax levies for new school buildings, fire equipment and

emergency dispatch services are also atstake. The Bulletin will publish a daily calendar of

election-related events, including candidate fo-

rums and issue-related town halls. Are youplanning an event? Please submit your notice to bulletin@bendbulletin.

com, or by conventional mail to P.O. Box 6020, Bend OR 97708-6020.

To qualify for publication in The Bulletin

calendar, the event must be open to the

general public by free admission. Fundraising events do not qualify, nor do strictly partisan




Keydates • May 21: Election Day

has kind of a happy ending, because there's something you can do." "We're Not Broke" explains how major U.S. corporations avoid paying income taxes, often by stashing money inoffshore accounts.The movie reports, for example, that Bank of America — the recipient of about $1 trillion in the government bailout — made $4.4 billion in profits in 2010 but paid $0 in income taxes. It also examines the ties between lawmakers and corporate lobbyists. The movie points out that the total amount of corporate taxes collected by the U.S. government has been slashed in half since 1961. But to balance thebudget,lawmakers have recently laid off teachers and firefightersand cutwelfare programs. These facts are sprinkled throughout the stories of seven Americans who, fed up with this disparity, vow to change the nation's tax structure. The filmmakers hope to inspire more activists, too. The movie's website contains links to contact politicians, and urge them to close corporate tax loopholes. The film jolted Schaffer into action. He contacted the filmmakers for permission to screen the movie at local library branches this month. Schaffer says he has always followed politics. He belonged to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 48,forabout 25 years, and remembers his disappointment when RonaldReagan defeated Jimmy Carter. "It had a genuine effect on my livelihood," he says of that election and the subsequent de-unionization of companies in Portland. But he didn't spring into action. "Instead, I kind of sagged back and was negligent," he says. He met Sue Bastian, a longtime activist, in passing at his gym. One Thanksgiving at a mutual friend's house, they discovered their shared politics. Bastian, a retired physical education teacher, was — and still is — an unabashed activist. Schaffer says he is inspired by Bastian. She often travels the country to protest with groups or, at times, alone. "Ican be arrested and be shot at and be thrown in jail, because no-

Events Another spring elec-

Who's running A complete list of

candidates for Crook, Deschutes and Jef-

ferson counties can be found at www.bend bulletin.com/may21 candidates

Measures andlevies • Deschutes 911 • Madras Aquatic Center

operating levy • Bend-La Pine School bond • La Pine Fire District Joe Khne i The Bulletin

Kim McKillop, of Bend, rides one of the courses during the trials competition of the Steel Stampede on Saturday afternoon in Crooked River Ranch.

operation and equipment levies

• Culver school bond • Crook County school bond

OO1C Ce riaSraiSe

un s orwor "This was originally called 'reliability trials,' and it started many C ROOKED R I V E R R A N C H years a g o wh e n mo t o rcycles — For a motorcycle competition, the weren't very reliable," said Pete Steel Stampede at Crooked River Fisher, the event founder. "As maRanch is oddly quiet. chines improved, it became a test of Saturday, roughly 70 riders spent rider skills, and that's where we are the day working their way through today." a series of courses in a trials comIn a nod to the history of trials petition, their engines barely purrcompetitions, the Steel Stampede ing as they slowly crept across rock trials is an all-vintage event, open outcroppings, sandy hills and other only to riders on motorcycles built obstacles. in 1979 or earlier. Speed is not a consideration in a Fisher said the idea for a trials trials competition. Instead, riders event on the ranch came to him sevaim to stay on their bikes and move en years ago while he was eating forward at all times. Riders who put lunch at the Trading Post, a convetheir foot down or veer off course nience store a short distance from are given a one-point penalty, and Saturday's competition. Looking up the rider with the fewest points at the hill, he spotted a piece of undethe end of the day is declared the veloped land that struck him as the winner. pe6ect location for a trials course.

By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

Read onrstories Coverage leading up to the election is at www.bendbulletin.com/ election2013

c a uses Well shot! While the first Steel Stampede was a one-off held to raise funds for the strapped Crooked River Ranch Fire Department, it has evolved into a fixture of ranch life that raises money for the Boys & Girls Club, Boy Scouts, Lions and other groups on the ranch. Longtime motorcyclist and ranch resident Cindy Chamberlin had observed the trials in past years, and had toldseveral people she rode with she was sure she could do it. A few daysbefore this year's competition, Chamberlin was offered a loaner trials motorcycle, and found herself obliged to enter her first trials competition. "I kind of put my money where my mouth is, and it's not as easy as I thought it would be," she said. SeeTrials /B3

reader photos • We want to see your best photos of Pole

Pedal Paddle training for another special version of Well shot! that will

run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best work at www.

bendbulletin.com/ wellshot/ppptraining, and we'll pick the best

for publication. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as

possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.


Court tries cattle rustlers and horse thieves in1913 Compiled by Don Hoiness from archivedcopies of The Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.

100 YEARS AGO For the week ending May 4, 1913

Side lights on cir cuitcourt From the non-legal standpoint, circuit court week, which commenced here yesterday, has its interests and pleasures. Among the first may be numbered sundry bucking contests, official and otherwise, and a couple of catch-as-catch-can scraps.

YESTERDAY The pleasures may be minimized — for even the most enthusiastic cannot maintain that it is specially exciting to hear Judge Bradshaw charge a

grand jury. One of the really interesting sights is that of the grand jury — men whom one encounters here and there about the streets. They look worried. Several hail from Bend. True, no Bend men were drawn for the first jury, but all were obliged to remain here over Tuesday. After questioning, it becomes apparent what is the matter with them;

they are confronted with the problem of the high cost of living. In short, the question that is marring their Prineville sojourn is this: How can a grand juror, who gets two dollars a day and 10 cents a mile for coming here, make any money when it costs two dollars a day to eat

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to smoke and drink) and twenty cents a mile for transportation? When last seen, none of the five Bend men had been able to solve the riddle. The puzzled ones are A.S. Collins, Anton Aune, P.H. Dencer, E.T. Luthy and J.B. Heyburn. SeeYesterday/B3

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E VENT TODAY STEEL STAMPEDE: A vintage motorcycle rally for riders and spectators; proceeds benefit Crooked River Ranch service clubs and organizations; $10; 9 a.m.; field across from Trading Post, Southwest Chinook Drive and Commercial Loop Road,Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-2679 or www.steelstampede.org. HOME AND GARDENSHOW: 21st annual event from Central Oregon Builders Association, featuring vendors and demonstrations of dozens of home and garden products and services; free;10 a.m.-5p.m.;DeschutesCounty Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-389-1058 or www.connectiondepot.com. QUILT SHOW:The11th biennial quilt show by the Country Quilters of Jefferson County; free; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Jefferson County Fair Complex, 430 S.W. Fairgrounds Road, Madras; 541-546-4502. "MISS REPRESENTATION":A screening of the film about media misrepresentation of women; free; soup lunch available before program; 12:30-2:30 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 S.E. Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-3880765. "SHOOTINGSTAR": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in an airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org. CENTRAL OREGON SYMPHONY SPRING CONCERT: An orchestral performance, featuring David DeWilde, Miya Saito-Beckman and Kiarra Saito-Beckman; free but a ticket is required; 2 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-3173941,info©cosymphony.com or www.cosymphony.com. NOTABLES SWINGBAND: Thebig bandplaysswing musicand rock 'n' roll; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-330-5728 or www. notablesswingband.com. STEVE MECKFESSELANDPETER ANDREWS:The California based folk musicians perform; $15-20 donation, reservations requested, bring wine and apps to share; 3-5 p.m.; Higher Ground, 2582 N.E. DaggettLane,Bend;541-306-0048 or windance2011©gmail.com. THE NORTHSTAR SESSION: The California based roots-rock band performs; $10; 7 p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend;541-633-6804.

MONDAY TRACY GRAMMER: The musician and singer performs folk music; $15; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122. CENTRAL OREGON SYMPHONY SPRING CONCERT: An orchestral performance, featuring David

School Contlnued from B1 For the last year, Petke has regularly a t t ended s c hool board meetings. He is involved in the Parent Teacher Organization and he recently joined the sc hool d i s trict b u d get committee. Frugality is important, Petke says, but not if it r i s ks th e school's overall quality. If elected, Petke says he would bring to the board the depth of knowledge that he has gained by studying the issues up-closefor the past year.

Position 2 ShaneLundgren, 52, theonly incumbent on the ballot, works in real estate and commercial aviation. He led the unsuccessful effort to develop an ecologically minded resort near the Metolius River. His family roots reach into the school itself. His grandfather donated lumber to build the Black Butte School, then served on the school board; Lundgren's father attended the school in the 1940s.Lundgren has a son in the fourth grade at Black Butte School. He would like to s ee the school distinguish itself by expanding its outdoor programs to further explore the nearby Metolius River. "I'm vested in the interest of the school's long-term survival," Lundgren says. "And g will) look at how weuse the resourceswe have,including the capital and the Metolius Basin." Magda Schay, who is also running for Position 2, could not be reached for comment


Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vvvvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

DeWilde, Miya Saito-Beckman and Kiarra Saito-Beckman; free but a ticket is required; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, info©cosymphony. com or www.cosymphony.com.

release performance, with former Bendite Eric Tollefson; $8 advance plus fees; $12 at the door; 9:30 p.m., doorsopen8:30 p.m.;Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend.

TUESDAY FREE SENIORDAY:Ages 65 and older can visit for free; museum admission is $15 adults, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. GREEN TEAM MOVIENIGHT: Featuring a screening of "Hungry for Change," a documentary film about the diet, weight loss and food industries; free; 6:30-8:15 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. "WAIT WAIT...DON'T TELL ME! LIVE":A live screening of the National Public Radio news quiz hosted by Peter Sagal, with scorekeeper Carl Kasell; $18; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX,680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or www. fathomevents.com.

WEDNESDAY EILENJEWELL:The Idaho raised singer performs eclectic folk; $12; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122. THE BLACK LILLIES: The East Tennessee folk rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174. "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in an airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org.

THURSDAY LUNCH ANDLECTURE:Discover how John Muir and William Gladstone Steel advocated for Crater Lake as Oregon's first National Park; bring a sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; noon-1 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. "RACE TONOWHERE": A screening of a documentary film about preparing children for success followed by panel discussion; $5 in advance, $10at the door; 6:30 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.;Bend HighSchool,230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-390-6469 or www.racetonowhere.coml epostcard/6825. DANNY BARNES: The eclectic banjo master performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend;

Submitted photo

The Black Lillies perform at 7 p.m. Wednesday at McMenamins Old St. Francis School in Bend. 541-382-5174. "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in an airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org.

FRIDAY SPROUT FILMFESTIVAL: Films featuring people with developmental disabilities as subjects and performers; SOLD OUT; 11:30 a.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. TIGHTLINES AUCTION & BBQ DINNER:The Deschutes River Conservancy hosts an evening of food, fishing lore, an auction, drinks and more; registration requested; $50; 5:30 p.m.; Aspen Hall, 18920 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-4077, ext. 25 or www. deschutesriver.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: John Marzluff presents his book, "Gifts of the Crow: How Perception, Emotion, and Thought Allow Smart Birdsto Behave LikeHumans";$5; 6 p.m.;PaulinaSprings Books,252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-5490866. "YOU CAN'TTAKE IT WITH YOU": The Summit High School theater department presents a play by Pulitzer Prize winners Moss Hart and GeorgeS.Kaufman abouta man who does as he pleases; $8, $5 seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School commons, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades Theatrical Company presents

has worked as a paramedic, a firefighter, a shellfish farmer and an ou tdoor educational Coverage leading upto guide. He h as a 5- y ear-old the election is at www. who will go to the Black Butte bendbulletin.com/ School this falL election2013 Dean believes that maintaining the school's quality is the board's top priority, to deter on this article. out-of-district transfers. If the Black Butte School Position 4 were to close dueto insufficient Priscilla Wilt, 56, is a retired enrollment, he adds, the district elementary s chool t e acher. would beannexed into a neighThough she moved to Camp boring district. "The funny thing is, for ... Sherman just two years ago, upon her retie rment, she says losing the school, our property she has owned a cabin there taxes would go up. All the sursince 1986 and regularly visited rounding districts have higher the area since 1970. levies than us," Dean says. The parent of three grown If elected, Dean says he will children, Wilt says she has so bring open-mindedness and far avoided getting involved in a parent's perspective to the the school. board. "I really kind of kept myself out of the issues because I Position 5 want to go in and ask the right Marie Sh e a han "Bear" questions with a cl ean slate Brovm is running unopposed and calmly assess things," Wilt for this seat. says. "I don't want to be going Brown, 56,is a self-employed in with an agenda." editor who also does small busiWilt says that if elected, she ness outreach onbehalf of large would bring to the board a construction companies. moderatetem perament anddeHaving been involved in sevcadesof experience as ateacher eral nonprofits, Brown says she and parent. will bring financial prudence to "I'm pretty calm, I'm logi- the board. "I recognize the importance cal, I have the experience of education for all of those years of spending wisely and necesand an interest in children and sarily but not speculatively," empathy for not only parents she says. but teachers," she says. "I know Brown does not have schoolhow they feeL" agechildren but says sheoffers Though Dean appears on the experienceas astudent at Black ballot under Position 1, he has Butte School. She and her twin instead decided to run a mitesister attended the school for in campaign for Position 4. three years in the 1960s, while Dean, 49, a fish hatchery her motherwas principaL technician for the Oregon De— Reporter: 541-617-7836, partment of Fish and Wildlife, IraffNbendbulletin.com

the romantic comedy about two former lovers who reunite in an airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org. "THE APARTMENT":A screening of a1960's film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www. jcld.org. "THE SUNSETLIMITED":Stage Right Productions presents the Cormac McCarthy play about an encounter on a NewYork subway platform that leads two strangers to a tenement where a life-or-death decision must be made; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m., opening night champagne reception at 6:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. SPROUT FILMFESTIVAL: Films featuring people with developmental disabilities as subjects and performers; SOLD OUT; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. CASEY NEILL 8(THE NORWAY RATS:The Portland band performs folk and Americana; $10; 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-8159122. TYLER, THECREATOR:The rising star rapper and Odd Future leader performs, with Earl Sweatshirt; $22 plus fees in advance,$25 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-4084329. THE QUICKANDEASYBOYS& ERIC TOLLEFSONBAND: The Portland band plays rock in a CD

May 21election

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workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys & Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W. Wall St.; 541-330-8943 or www. bendcontradance.org. MASTERS OF GUITAR: Features Terry Robb, Paul Chasman and Brooks Robertson; $20-30 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 SATURDAY N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. "QUILTEDOREGON" EXHIBIT "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades OPENS:Featuring quilts Theatrical Company presents representing the geographic the romantic comedy about two features ofthe state on loan from former lovers who reunite in an the Studio Art Quilt Associates; airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 included in the price of admission; students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. 4 and younger;; High Desert cascadestheatrical.org. Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway "THE SUNSETLIMITED":Stage 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. Right Productions presents the highdesertmuseum.org. Cormac McCarthy play about an HIGH DESERTCRUISE-IN: The encounter on a NewYork subway High Desert Mopars hosta car platform that leads two strangers show featuring classic cars, rods, to a tenement where a life-or-death trucks and bikes, a raffle and decision must be made; $18, $15 barbecue; free to the public, car entry $10; 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; Wagner students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Square, South U.S. Highway 97 Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 and Southwest Odem Medo Road, or www.2ndstreettheater.com. Redmond; 541-350-3036. LATYRX:The California based CHICKENCOOP TOUR: Tour alternative hip-hop band performs chicken coops in Central Oregon; with Marty Party; $15; 9 p.m.; tour booklets act as tickets and Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport will provide a map to the coops; Ave., Bend. proceeds benefit Healing Reins Therapeutic Riding Center and the Alyce Hatch Center; $10 per booklet or car, RSVP for location; 10 a.m.-4 SUNDAY p.m.; Bend location; 541-678-5162 May 12 or www.bendchickens.com. OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: ASIAN PACIFIC ISLAND Fiddle music and dancing; CULTURALFESTIVAL:A tribute donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; to cultures from around the Pacific VFW Hall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Rim, with artists, cuisines and Redmond; 541-647-4789. cultural traditions; free; 1-4 p.m.; OSU-Cascades Campus, 2600 N.W. "SHOOTINGSTAR":Cascades College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. Theatrical Company presents the romantic comedy about two AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Former former lovers who reunite in an Bendite Benjamin Percy discusses airport; $24, $18 seniors, $12 "Red Moon"; free; 2 p.m.; Barnes students; 2 p.m .;Greenwood & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242. Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. CUSTOM CHROMEMOTOSHOW: cascadestheatrical.org. Vintage and custom motorcycles "THE SUNSETLIMITED":Stage are on display; food donation Right Productions presents the benefits Bethlehem Inn; $5 in Cormac McCarthy play about an advance, $50 VIP with fees; $10 at encounter on a NewYork subway the door, $8 with canned food; 4 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. platform that leads two strangers to a tenement where a life-or-death Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-4084329. decision must be made; $18, $15 studentsand seniors;3 p.m .;2nd SEARCHANDRESCUE Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette FUNDRAISER:Featuring food, drinks, and live music by 2nd Hand Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. Soldiers; gear donations benefit Deschutes County Search and SUPER WATERSYMPATHY: The Rescue volunteers; $5 or gear indie-pop band from Louisiana donation requested; 6:30 p.m., performs; $8; 9 p.m., doors open at doors open at 6 p.m.; GoodLife 8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Century Drive, 6isters; 541-815-9122. Bend; 541-728-0749. "YOU CAN'TTAKE IT WITH YOU": The Summit High School theater MONDAY department presents a play by May 13 Pulitzer Prize winners Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman about a STATE OFTHE UNIVERSITY man who does as he pleases; $8, ADDRESS:OSUPresident Edward $5 seniors and children; 7 p.m.; J. Ray discusses the future of Summ>t High School commons, Oregon State University; reception; 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; free, registration recommended; 541-322-3300. 5:30-7 p.m.; The Riverhouse BEND COMMUNITY Convention Center, 2850 N.W. CONTRADANCE:Featuring caller Rippling River Court, Bend; 877-678-2837 or OSUalum© Silas Minyard and music by the Steeltones; $7; 7 p.m. beginner's oregonstate.edu.







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AROUND THE STATE SuSPeCt fatally Shut —Oregon State Police fatally shot a 27year-old St. Helens man following a brief high-speed chase through

parts of Columbia County. TheColumbia County Sheriff's Office idenBy Lauren Gambino The Associated Press

SALEM — Oregonians will start receiving their mail ballots this week for an election that features a broad spectrum of local issues, from the fluoridation of Portland's water to new taxes to help pay for law enforcement in Curry,Josephine and Lane counties. Ballots must be received by county elections officials no later than 8 p.m. on May 21. One of the most divisive issues is in the state's largest city as Portland voters will again be asked whether to add fluoride to their supply of drinking water. Portland is the largest city in the U.S. that has yet to approve fluoridation to combat tooth decay. That distinction appeared to change last fall, when the City Council unanimously approved a plan to add it by March 2014. Anti-fluoride activists quickly gathered enough votes to put it on the ballot. They say it's un-

safe and violates an individual's right to consent to medication. "It doesn't make any sense to add this chemical to our water," said Kristen Robison, campaign manager forClean Water Portland. Supporters say P o r tland has a dental-health crisis and adding fluoride to the drinking water is the most effective way to address it, particularly for the lower-income families who can't afford visits to the dentist. "I'm hopeful that Portland w ill r ecognize that t hi s i s something that's really important to do for everybody, but particularly for ou r v u l nerable populations," said Evyn

their decision and it was never added to the water. Elsewhere, t hree t i m b er counties are asking voters to decide if they want to raise their taxes to f u n d p o lice. Residents of Lane, Curry and Josephine counties have been asked to increase their taxes to make up for deep cuts to law enforcement caused by the expiration of a longstanding federal subsidy for timber-dependent counties. At a legislative hearing last month, sheriffs from Josephine and Curry counties, among others, told lawmakers that their situation has become dire, and that their ability to protect their communities is declining. Mitchell, campaign manager Josephine County voters last for Healthy K i ds, H ealthy year rejected a levy to help pay Portland. for law enforcement. This is not the first time Newport voters, meanwhile, Portland has voted on the is- will decide whether to ban resue, but it will be the first time tail single-use plastic carry out younger voters will make the bags. The measure includes a decision. Voters twice rejected 5-cent fee for paper bags profluoride before approving it in vided at check-out. Portland, 1978. They quickly overturned Eugene and Corvallis have al-


world's oldest trials event) in the '40s, '50s, and '60s — back Continued from B1 then, they all wore ties." Jay Lael of Canby looked Upon close examination, m ore like a M o r mon m i s- the motorcycles are notably sionary than a motorcyclist different than the trail bikes on Saturday, competing in a they superficially resemble. crisp white shirt and black P egs are located near t h e tie. rear tire for maximum trac"It's a gentleman's sport, tion, and the gearing is lower, and we're r i ding v i n tage," limiting the bikes' maximum Lael explained. "It t a k es speed. As the r iders stand me back to the Scottish (the for most of the competition,

Yesterday Continued from B1 One of the familiar figures about the courthouse is that of George Millican, the stockman. Mr. Millican is one of the heaviest losers through stock thieves, and is "on the job" in the hopes ofseeing some of them sent over the road. He intimates that it is his belief that the only really satisfactory way to stop the growing c attle-rustling activity i s t o decorate some of the big junipers with the next suspects caught. John McPherson is in the court room c onstantly. Together with his brother, John is up on horse stealing charges. The brother, however, is at large, "considerably so," as attorney Meyers said. He is the man who got away from the sheriff's party a month or so ago. The cost of the McPherson cases, and the Robinson thieving cases — on which there was a hung jury — run up in the thousands of dollars. Next week the figures will be dug out and presented for interested taxpayers.

75 YEARS AGO For the week ending May 4, 1938

Britain plans fast doubling of air forces Great Britain, firmly united with France in a new "London-Paris axis," inaugurated a giant air force expansion pro-

gram today and prepared for diplomatic and economic action in central Europe to back up the strongest defensive alliance since the world war. It was understood that the government aimed at a first line strength of about 3,000 fighting planes for the home defenseforces alone, in addition to the planes of overseas units and the navy. What this means is plain when it is realized that every first line plane is backed by perhaps five reserve planes, so that a total home defense includes defending B r i tain by attacking an enemy from the air — of 18,000 planes is indicated. U ntil t oday, Br itain h a d b een aiming at a f i rst l i ne strength of 1,750 planes by March, 1939. Aviation experts estimate that it will t ake Britain until 1940 to match Germany's p resent strength, and t h a t G ermany ca n d o u ble h e r present production on short notice. That is one reason for the gigantic expansion pro-

gram planned. I n addition t o t h at , t h e planes assigned to overseas units, and the planes of the navy, are t o b e i n c reased considerably. To insure an urgent pace in airplane production, Britain will not only study the possi-

many trials bikes have no seat at all, Jud Miller of Bend rode a m id-1960s era BSA, a b i k e he acknowledged is primitive and ungainly compared to modern trials bikes. To make matters even more complicated, Miller's BSA was built before motorcyclemanufacturers around the world agreed to standardize the controlsMiller's bike brakes with the

ways buses, supplemented by several Greyhound cars, provided transportation for the big group to the Round Butte Dam viewpoint and museum. The return trip to Portland was made late in the afternoon — a bit behind schedule because of the large number bility of buying fightingplanes that had to be taken from the in the United States, but will at railroad station to the dam. once startevery plane factory The gorge trip proved to be working two shifts a day inmore than a ride into white man's " yesterdays," in t h e stead of the present one shift — an automatic doubling of land first explored by Peter production. Skene Ogden in 1824-25. Factories will be extended Deep in the gorge, the exas necessary to keep pace cursionists found exposed the with the government's new stumps of Oregon's "Mesozoic Alps" and other formations program. In indication of the minidating to Clarno and John mum re serve s trength Day times. planned, four instead of one A printed guide for the tour of every new type of plane was prepared by th e G eow ill be ordered by th e a i r logical Society of the Oregon ministry. Country. Also available was T he a i r mi n i s tr y ha d the story of the Hill and Harriplanned to recruit 15,000 men, man struggle for rights of way 4,000 boys and 1,500 pilots in the Deschutes canyon and this year. the story or rail construction This program, it was said, in 1909-1911. to be"enormously" increased. To handle the expanded Shrine Circus due program, t h e g o v e rnment on Tuesday named a personnel commitMore than 20 acts — all of tee of eight, including Lord them newly organized this Winterton, who speaks for the year - will b e p r esented air ministry in the House of in two performances of the Commons. Shrine C i r cus, s c heduled This was the first develop- Tuesday in the Bend Senior ment of the new unwritten al- High School gymnasium. liance between the two most Proceeds from the annual powerful and richest nations event benefit patients in the of Europe. Shriners Crippled Children's hospital in Portland. A well varied slate of enter50 YEARS AGO tainment will feature trapeze For the week ending artists, clowns, elephants and May 4, 1963 their trainers, liberty ponies, chimpanzees, dog acts and Welcome mat neatly spread other attractions. for visitors James Mayne,Shrine circus Thirteen hundred Portland chairman, boasts outstanding excursionists on t heir Sunartists from all over the world, day "train ride to yesterday," and that it is presented in such up the Deschutes gorge to a manner that all seats afford Madras and the Round Butte an excellent view. Dam, found the welcome mat E ach show is about t w o neatly spread. h ours i n l en g th , M a y n e Perfect weather prevailed, added. s pring flowers decked t h e Note to readers: This event slopes of the 100-mile long had to be moved later canyon south from the Colum- becausethe basketballcoach bia, and hundreds of anglers complained that the weight fishing the Deschutes waved of the elephants caused dead greetings from the river side. spots in the basketball court A 23-car SP8tS train moved and had to be repaired. the 1,300 tourists on the round trip to Madras, to set what 25 YEARS AGO railroadpeople say is a record for the number of people to For the week ending travel through the Deschutes May 4, 1988 canyon in a single train. The train headed east from One room, one teacher Portland up the Columbia to BROTHERS — S t epping Wishram, a distance of 106 i nto the chill m o rning a i r, miles, then south from Wishyou are struck at once by the ram for the 105 mile trip to silence. Madras. A threadbare blanket of In Madras, a fleet of Trailsnow muffles even the cawing

ready adopted such bans. Pro-

ponents say plastic bags clog landfills and pose an environmental threat to wildlife. Some residents, however, prefer an approach aimed at reducing the use of plastic bags rather than an outright ban. The Beaverton School District Board has proposed a 5-year local-option tax levy to prevent additional teacher layoffs. The district estimates the levy would raise an average of $15 million a year for five years, and would be used to prevent further cuts, restore some teaching positions and reduce classsize,according to a district resolution. The levy would cost tax-

tified the man Saturday as Josiah Fischer. Authorities say Fischer fled after a state trooper attempted to stop him for a traffic violation on

Highway 30 Friday evening. Thechase continued off the highway in the unincorporated area of Warren, and shots were fired six minutes after the pursuit began. Sheriff Jeff Dickerson said police recovered

a firearm. Twostate troopers assigned to the St. Helens office were placed on administrative leave, which is standard policy in a police shooting. MISSulg i88ll — An Oregon sheriff said another search for a

missing Oklahomateen came upempty on Saturday. Harney County Sheriff Dave Glerup said rescuers returned to Steens Mountain to

search areas cleared bymelting snow. Theyfound no sign of19-yearold Dustin Self of Piedmont, Okla., who told his family he wanted to test himself against the wilderness. Self's pickup truck was found last month on a dirt track on Steens Mountain, where it had gotten stuck about 2~/~miles from a county road. The sheriff said rescuers

may search again in afew weeks oncemore snow melts, but they've checked everywhere they canreach right now. Glerup said reported sightings of Self in Oregon, Washington and Maine haven't produced

any leads to the teenager.

payers $1.25 per $1,000 of assessed property value. Proponents say the tax would help safeguard c u r rent t e acher positionsand recover some of the deep cuts caused by budget shortfalls. Opponents say the money raised could be used to fund the state's Public Employees Retirement System.

Illegal Bidle VerSeS? —Portland police say they hadnothing to do with letters that labeled certain Bible passages "technically illegal" and urged residents to call authorities if they heard local pastors using them. Police said Saturday that the letters were distributed overnight in Southeast Portland. The letters make reference to passages from1 Corinthians, calling the verses "discriminatory and technically illegal." Authorities did not release the full text of the letters or say which verses were highlighted. — From wire reports

left foot and shifts with the right, the opposite of nearly every other motorcycle built in the last 40-50 years. Miller said the level of focus needed to succeed in trials is beyond anything he's experienced on a motorcycle. Riders will inevitably make m istakes, he s a id, an d i f they can't immediately forget about their mistakes and move on, their ride will only

get worse. "If you get emotional, its gone, you're done," M i l ler satd. Resting o n t h e t a i l gate of his truck, Vint Whitman from Eugene was cheerful at the end of Saturday's competition, having just turned in the best trials performance of his life. Whitman said though he'dbeen unable to memorize the entirecourse, his exhaus-

tive pre-competition course i nspection was key t o h i s success. "These bikes will go over all kinds of obstacles, they're capable of much more than I am," he said. The SteelStampede wraps up today with a m o tocross race Fisher expects to attract close to 200 entrants.

of crows slowly circling this tiny High Desert community, where haphazard clusters of buildings cling t e naciously to a desolate stretch of U.S.

and superintendent, and arrives at school 15 minutes ear-

And although the one-room format presentsa unique set of challenges, Reck wouldn't have it any other way. Chances are, she w o uld miss the daily "share and tell" period that prompts stories of branding parties or a calf born backwards. She al so would miss sharing a pitcher of beer with students' parents each Thursday night at the town's only watering hole.

ly each day to prepare break-

fast for the entire student body of Brothers School District No. Highway 20. 15. Then, from a distance, an While other school districts 18-wheeler disrupts the stillin Central Oregon struggle to ness, broadcasting a low hum keep the student/teacher ratio that swells within moments to down to a manageable30-toa crushing crescendo. It pass- 1, Reck is jack-of-all-trades to es scant yards from the little an enrollment of 11. The small red schoolhouse perched by building houses one secondthe roadside. grader, one third-grader, one "You missed breakfast," fourth-grader, two fifth-gradscolds the teacher, her eyes ers, a seventh-grader and two c rinkling a s v i s itors w a l k eighth-graders. Mor n i n gs, in the door. "I made deviled there are three kindergartners eggs." to round out the tableau. Meet Pat Reck, commandDuring the week, Reck lives er-in-chief of th e o ne-room in a mobile home "three giant steps" from the schoolhouse. school. She teaches literature, his- Weekends, she spends in an tory, geography, music and apartment in Bend. spelling, not to mention readAmong the Brothers Bulling, writing and arithmetic. dogs are students who come She also coaches the P.E. from 12 miles west, 19 miles classes, serves as principal north and 24 miles east.

— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletirLcom

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Mother"'s-Dag Support COCOA'S Services for Seniors Honor, remember or say "Happy M o th er's Day" to that special woman in your life w it h a gift to the Council On A g i ng. Your donation of j ust $50 will help provide important independent living services to seniors in the tri-county area including Meals-On-Wheels and other nutrition programs, in-home care services, information and referral and much more. Visit COCOA's website at www.councilonaging.org/contribute to take part i n this year's Mother's Day Recognition Event. A special notice wil l b e published in The Bulletin on Mother's Day — Sunday, May 12th. Donation forms are also available by calling 541-678-5483.

Deadline for inclusion in The Bulletin is Monday, May 6, 2013, but donations of any size are always gratefully accepted.

The Bulletin

COCOAis a501(c)3





(Rob) Sanders Robert "Bob" Eugene Hurd, of Sisters Feb. 23, 1951 - April 28, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services will be held. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, OR 97701 www.partnersbend.org

Terry Joe Coffman, of Bend May 16, 1951 - April 27, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.com Services: Services will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care, 2075 N.E. Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701.

Frank J. Stenkamp, of Bend April 4, 1933 - April 28, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds.com

541-382-2471. Services: At his request, no services will be held.

Wilma Geraldine (Geri) Alan Morgan Bllyou, of Madras Jan. 5, 1927 - April 11, 2013 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592


Services: A memorial service will be held on May 25, 2013, at 2:00 pm, at Dayspring Christian Center, 7801 NW 7th St., Terrebonne, OR 97760. Contributions may be made to:

The Alzheimer's Association or the American Diabetes Association in her memory.

Laverne William

Mccauley, of Terrebonne June 12, 1922 - April 26, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Viewing: Mon. May 6, 2013, 12noon-4pm; Tues. May 7, 2013, 10am-4pm at Autumn Funerals 485 NW Larch Ave., Redmond; Funeral 1:00pm Wed. May 8, 2013 at Deschutes Memorial Chapel & Gardens, 63875 N. Hwy 97, Bend.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific g Uidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Maili Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

June 6, 1981 —March 5, 2013 PRINEVILLE — F o r r e st R obert Sa n d e r s (Rob), p assed away M a rc h 5 , i n P ortland, Oregon, after a brief illness. Rob was born in Salem, Oregon, and gradua ted fr om Myrtle Point High School. Rob served Rob Sanders s ix y e a r s i n the A i r Force before attending Oregon Sta t e U ni ve r s i ty w here h e e a r ned a F o r estry Engineering Degree. He and his wife, Katy, relocated to Prineville where h e had been w o r k in g f o r t he F orest S e r vice a s a Forest Engineer. A ll wh o k n e w R o b w i l l r emember a ch eer f u l , f unny, i n t e l ligent, l o v i n g m an; h e w i l l b e mi s s e d tremendously. Rob had an u ncanny a b i l it y t o b r i n g o ut the best i n e ach p e r son he met. Forrest is survived by his wife, Katy; their 7 year old s on, Collin; and t h eir o n e and a h al f year o ld d aughter, Abby Jo . H e i s a lso survived by h i s p a r ents, Denise Fox of Salem and Forrest Michael Sanders of Stanfield.; Rob has three sisters, Jennifer, Sam antha, a n d A l e x a n d r a Sanders; a s w e l l as a b rother, For r e s t Ryan Sanders. A c e lebration o f R o b ' s l ife w i l l b e h e l d a t th e Ochoco Ranger Station in t he Ochoco National Fore st, east o f P r i n eville o n May 18, at I:00 p.m. All are w elcome to attend. A c o l lege fund has been created f or th e b e n efit o f C o l l i n and Abby Jo. D onations can b e m a d e to: T h e O r e go n C o l l e ge S avings P l an , P . O . B o x 55914, Bo st o n , MA 02205-5914, reference number: 2801/1704014264.

Jeannette Mary Winkelman March 28, 1934 - April 30, 2013 J eannette M ar y W i n k e l man, 79, of S u n r iver, OR and Surprise, A Z p e a c efully passed away on April 30, 2013, with her family at h er side. S h e w a s b o r n M arch 28 , 1 934 i n P o r t l and, O R t o To n y and Lolamae Roskoski. Jeannette's beautiful smile and warm laughter of love w il l be forever missed and al ways cherished. Jeannette w as an amazing hostess a nd c o o k Jeannette wi Winkelrnan p assi o n f or e n t ertaining; s h e a l ways had great one-liners t o share . Sh e w a s th e l eader o f th e Sun r i v e r W omen's Nin e H o l e G o l f G roup, v o l u n t eered f or H abitat for H u m anity an d was involved in the Smart R eading P r o g ra m w h e r e she w o ul d r e a d t o 3r d graders. Jeannette is survived by her beloved husband of 49 y ears, L a rr y E . W i n k e l man; two children, Chuck and wife Paula Matthieu of S unnyvale, C A a n d T o n i H offman o f B a n k s , O R ; five grandchildren, Wade, J ennifer, S a r ah , C h r i s t y and Chad; 14 great-grandchildren; and a close group of friends who w ere their extended family. T he M e m o r ia l S e r v i c e will be 11:30 a.m. Monday, May 6, 2013, with V i s itat ion b e g i n nin g a t 10 : 3 0 a.m., at S u r p rise Funeral C are, 16063 W . B el l R d . , Surprise, AZ. P l e ase visit Jeannette's online registry, www.surprisefuneralcare.com; (623) 546-8002.

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Cedric Brooks, 70: Jamaican saxophone player and influential roots reggae musician. He played in songs such as Burning Spear's "Door Peep." Died

Friday in Queens, N.Y. — From wire reports


rei ma e maor rea t rou sin cancer treatment By Margalit Fox

Teacher-turned-cop honored for DUII enforcement effort By Garrett Andrews Roseburg News-Review

ROSEBURG — For Dave Lund, who was a teacher in Roseburg for 17 years before becoming a p olice officer, there's one call he'll always remember. H e was one of the first officerson scene at a crash off Melrose Road. The o ccupants, high school students, had been killed on impact, he said. He recognized two of the passengers right away as former students. Lund said seeing the consequences of drunken driving firsthand helped lead him to focus his career on getting drunken drivers off the road. "I'm so passionate about this," he said. "It's such a preventable crime and the cost is

city officer and sheriff's deputy at a training conference. Lund said he was inspired at last year's conference to step up his efforts to arrest drunken drivers. He set a goal for himself of 52 arrests for 2012, one for each week. He had made 40 DUII arrests in 2011. After reaching 52 by Aug. 31, he asked himself, "How high can I go?" Last year, Lund obtained for his department a grant for the purchase of pedal carts and goggles that simulate the effects of alcohol on driving, according to Roseburg police. He also, with his iPhone and Macintosh laptop, produced a series of 15-second c ommercials based o n a

ty and medical studies at Yale, from which he earned an M.D. Dr. Emil Frei III, an oncolo- in 1948. He later served with gist whose trailblazing use of the Navy Medical Corps in the combination chemotherapyKorean War. in whichanti-cancer drugs are Frei joined the staff of the administered simultaneously National Cancer Institute in the rather than singly — helped mid-1950s. He was later chief of make certaincancers curable the leukemia section and chief for the first time, died Tuesday of medicine there. at his home in Oak Park, 11L He In 1965, he moved to M.D. was 89. Anderson, where he was the His daughter Judy Frei con- associate scientific director of firmed the death. clinical research and the chairso huge." public safety campaign origiCombination chemotherapy man of the division of experiA statewide law enforce- nally developed by a Virginia is now a standard treatment for mental therapeutics. He joined ment task force last weekend nonprofit organization, "Top a wide range ofcancers,includ- the institute now known as honored the 10-year Rose- Ten Reasons to get a DUII." ing breast, bone and testicular Dana-Farber as physician in burg police veteran with the Although as an officer he cancers, and has been credited chief in 1972 and became its diDUII Enforcement Officer of responds to all types of calls, with saving millions of lives rector the next year. the year award. Lund says when he's not reworldwide. At all three institutions, Frei The Roseburg Police De- sponding to incidents, he's A clinician, researcher and also trained a generation of repartment nominated Lund, looking for signs of impaired administrator, Frei held senior searchers and clinicians. 5 0, for making 84 o f t h e driving. He said most people Frei's first wife, the former leadership positions at three department's 211 DUII arhe pulls over are fine to drive; prominent c a ncer c e nters: E lizabeth Smith, whom h e rests last year, the most of the 84arrested lastyear repthe National Cancer Institute, married in 1948, died in 1986; any officer. Lund also won resent just a small portion of part of the National Institutes his second wife, the former grants to combat drunken the 1,500 car stops he made of Health; the M.D. Anderson Adoria Smetana Brock, whom driving, campaigned against last year. "If I stop 20 cars in a day, I Cancer Center in Houston; and he married in 1987, died in impaired driving in the comthe Dana-Farber Cancer Insti- 2009. Besides his d aughter munity and produced a series might write one or two ticktute in Boston. Judy, his s urvivors include of vignettes that run before ets," he said. At his death, Frei was the three other daughters,Mary, movies at local theaters. Prior to entering law enemeritus director and emeritus Alice and Nancy Frei; a son, He said it's helped that he forcement, Lund was a sixthphysician-in-chief of Dana-Far- Emil IV; a brother, Bob; and 10 has an innate ability to de- grade teacher. He was drawn ber. He was also the Richard grandchildren. tect impairment in drivers, to the excitement of police and Susan Smith distinguished In his Pulitzer Prize-winas hediscovered early in his work and became a reserve professor of medicine emeritus ning book, "The Emperor of career. officer a year after graduat" That skill w a s always ing from the University of at Harvard Medical School. All Maladies: A Biography of When Frei began his re- Cancer," published in 2010, the there," he said. Oregon. He worked as a research at midcentury, chemo- doctor and author Siddhartha Each year the Oregon DUII serve officer for most of his therapy with even a single drug Mukherjee wrote of Frei makMulti-Disciplinary Task Force teaching career and became was considereda treatment of ing rounds on a pediatric oncolrecognizes a state trooper, a full-time officer in 2003. last resort. ogyward. "It was known that these "He was charming, soft-spodrugs were cell-killers: some of ken and careful," Mukherjee them were derived from mus- wrote. "To watch him manage tard gas," Dr. Harold Varmus, critically ill children and their the current director of the ¹ testy,nervous parents was to tional Cancer Institute and a watch a champion swimmer g /17/l 4 /2Z / " winner of the 1989 Nobel Prize glide through water — so adept in Physiology or Medicine, said in the art that he made artistry Bend: 61555 Parrell Road, S41-318-0842 Friday. "They were developed vanish." Redmond:485 NW Larch Ave., S41-S04-948S initially as toxic agents, not One of those children was Edwww.autumnfunerals.com different from drugs that were ward Kennedy Jr., a son of the used in warfare." Massachusetts senator.In 1973, BURIAL R. CREMATIQN sERvlcEs In the mid-1950s, Frei, along at 12, young Ted Kennedy lost with others, began investigat- a leg to osteosarcoma, an agServices at the Most Affordable Prices ing a multipronged assault on gressive form of bone cancer. A childhood leukemia that en- patient of Frei's at Dana-Farber, tailed using these drugs in com- he underwent intensive chemobination, with each attacking a therapy for nearly two years afCaring, professional people serving all different aspect of cancer-cell terward.He has remained free Central Oregon Communities including: physiology. of cancer ever since. "I honestly believe that Dr. As he and his colleagues Bend, Redmond, Sisters, La Pine, found, administering a cocktail Frei saved my life," Kennedy, of anti-cancerdrugs let each now 51 and a lawyer and disFort Rock, Gilchrist, Terrebonne, Tumalo drug be given in smaller quan- ability rights advocate in New and Christmas Valley tities. This mitigated the drugs' Haven, said Thursday. "My fatoxic effects on the patient with- ther obviously had incredible out diminishing their combined resources in terms of being able a attack on the cancer. to identify the most capable FUNERALsi BURIALs i CREMATIQN "Ifyou give 60 percent of people. And of all the people in LOCALLY FAMILY OWNED &. OPERATED each dose, it's the same as giv- the world, he asked Dr. Frei to we honor au pre-arranged plans including Neptune society. ing 100 percent of one or the take care of me." other," said Dr. Emil Freireich, a colleague at the National Cancer Institute, who is now at M.D. Anderson. "But the effect on the tumor is additive." When Frei and Freireich began their work, childhood July 1S, 19SSleukemia was invariably fataL December13, 2012 By 1965, after a decade of clinical trials and refinements, the When we were kids, ]ake had a way of moving methods they devised, which down the street quicker than any boy in the involved combining as many as neighborhood, even if he wasn't the fastest. four drugs, had increased the e, v The problem with that kid was that even as he survival rate to about 40 pergrew into a man he never quite figured out how cent five years after treatment. to slow down. Today, childhood leukemia has a long-term survival rate of Jacob Edwardlefford came to a stopon Decemmore than 80 percent. ber 13th, 2012, at the age of 24. Born in San "There are recurrences, but Diego, California on July 18th, 1988, lake spent most of his life in Bend, Oregon.After high school he the incidence is low," Freireich followed his wandering mind between Washington, California, and Oregon, moving from job to job and said. "These are lifetime cures. entertaining the lives of all the friends he made. Compared tothe general popuThe story oflake's life can't be told at eighteen dollars an inch. I-lowever, there are hints to a life lived that lation, their survival rate is the can be shared quickly. Instead of saying relax, Jake said, "it's just ice cream." He failed guitar class in high same as for people who hadn't schoolbecausehe couldn't read music, but had already taught himself to play songssimply by listening had leukemia." to them. He could sell snow to a blind man but wouldn't. He drove fast and wore nice sunglasses,but The two men then applied talked about the insecurities he felt towards ever trying to raise a child. He broke into a hotel inRosarito, their approach to Hodgkin's Mexico to savesome cash, and then in a Nevada Casino, he danced with a group of elderly women from disease, also rendering it cura retirement home becausehe later said, "I thought it might make them feel good." I-le called his dearest able in many cases. friends, "Chubi." Had he started a band it would have been called ChromeSession Breakfast. He took his Emil Frei I I I , f a m i liarly sugar with a little coffee. Aslake got older he got bigger, got tattoos and was tough at bars, butwhen he known as Tom, was born in St. got home, he was all smiles,jokes, and footie pajamas. Louis on Feb. 21, 1924. Despite his energy, intelligence, and senseof humor, he struggled with life and that "specific" purpose In 1898, his paternal grandwe're told as kids that we'd find. As tough as he was, his heart broke daily. I su p posemaybe it was just too father founded Emil Frei 5 Associates, a s t a i ned-glass big and he couldn't help but bump it on all the crud of the world. company in the city that is still This truly is a case of "better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." There's no pain like well known, and Emil III was losingsomeone too soon, but there's no greater joy than having been in the presenceof someone so truly expected to pursue the family unique. calling. But he became interHe's survived by his parents, Marianne and Garrylefford; his siblings, Melissa Morris-Gorman of Bend, OR, ested in medicine in his youth Tessy Silva of Porterville, CA, Dmitrius lefford of Oxnard, CA; too many friends to name, and his after reading "Rats, Lice and Chubi's. Though we've inherited his heartbreak, we'll forever greet memories of him with smiles History," Hans Zinsser's 1935 and replay them until the end, likeepisodesfrom our favorite show, long since cancelled. "biography" of typhus. jacod's memorial wlll de held at Eastmont Church off Neff Rd. Serving in the Navy in World War II, he was sent for premedIt wlll be on Saturday, May11 at12 p.m. ical studies at Colgate UniversiNew York Times News Service

~' IIli IjjIIIIIjlI

Jacob Edward jefford




e a o a uana in own enne in By Bob Young

ing to access their new rights to recreational pot, which was POINT ROBERTS, Wash. legalized by v o ter-approved — Larry Musselwhite wants Initiative 502? to open the first, and likely No one expects to drive pot the only, retail pot store in this there. And transporting it by oddly situated speck of Wash- boat or airplane means enterington state. ing waters or air governed by "I get asked 10 times a week, the U.S. federal government, 'Whenyou gettingin the bud?'" which considers all forms of said Musselwhite, owner of marijuana an illegal, dangerLarry's Liquor Locker. ous drug. Maybe never. Tomlin says he wouldn't risk Point Roberts, on the south- that. ern tip of the Tsawwassen penThat seemingly leaves one insula, is what's known as a option for state officials now pene-exclave. making rules to i m plement That means it's hard to get I-502. to, says Mike Tomlin, one of They would have to license 1,300 residents on The Point. a grower, processor and retail Through a quirk of geog- store in Point Roberts, an unraphy and international rela- incorporated part of Whatcom tions, Canada stands between County, so isolated that its resiPoint Roberts and the rest of dents can't buy bras or shoes Washington. When the border without leaving the country. between the U.S. and Canada Those licenses may or may was drawn at the 49th paral- not be forthcoming. "I can't say at this point," lel, it left the five-square-mile community in the U.S. — iso- said Brian Smith, spokesman lated and dangling from a bit for the state Liquor Control of Canada. Board, the agency charged To get to Point Roberts over with implementing a regulated land from Washington you r ecreational-pot system u n have to cross the Canadian tested on the planet. borderand then the American The board is months away The Seat tte Times

border, going through two gov- from figuring out how many ernment checkpoints. You can't bring marijuana across the borders. Both federal governments prohibit it. So Tomlin raised this question with state officials: How are adults on Point Roberts go-

pot stores will be sprinkled around the state and where they'll be located. But Point Roberts presents some particular challenges, says Randy Simmons, the Liquor Board's marijuanaproject

A spokeswoman for the Department of Justice in Western Washington said all I-502 questions must go to headquarters in Washington, D.C. 'I A DOJ spokeswoman there Rtaeaaa responded to detailed quesRE PREPARED TD iI ."--„'-• tions with a terse statement: SHOW IDEHTIFIC IDH "The legalization i nitiatives ~ I DECLARE-ALL AR ILES ' I ACCUIREDDIITSI USA. in Washington and Colorado are still under review by the Department." Point Roberts residents seem ready for recreational pot. Ken Lambert I Seattle Times Of the 701 who voted on ICars in Canada line up to enter Point Roberts, Wash., a quirky 502, 76percent marked their spot where residents must pass through Canada to get to the ballots in favor of legal weed. rest of the U.S. Tomlin, for one, isn't worried that it would increase crime in Point Roberts, where people director. Entrepreneurs would alone structures and can sell leave their keys in their cars have to find it worthwhile to only marijuana products. and their doors unlocked. He open a growing business in And the new law doesn't calls Point Roberts the counsuch a small community. specify how many stores there try's largest gated community. "Pot arrests are rare. It's not And they'd have to be will- should be, or where. ing to open a business in a A pot store in Point Roberts a public safety issue in this place so heavily patrolled by would be a problem only if Ca- community," said Meg Olson, border agents that one resident nadians were trying to smug- news editor for the local newssaid the community feels "oc- gle legal Washington weed paper, the All Point Bulletin. cupied" by the feds. across the Canadian border, The dilemma i s n o t hing In the defunct state liquor- said Alison Holcomb, primary new, Olson said. "It's an agestoresystem, the board's goal author of I-502. old Point Roberts problem "As a practical matter we're with a different commodity." was to have 95 percent of the state population within a 15- not likely to see that problem, Residents have faced similar minute drive of the state's 362 because typicallywe've seen obstacles with fireworks — lestores. marijuana smuggled south gal in Washington, but illegal But some stores in rural ar- from Canada into the U.S., to bring across the Canadian eas survived, Simmons noted, while cocaine and guns go border — and beef, during a by selling things besides li- north," she said. mad cow scare a decade ago. It's not clear how the feds "We were beefless for a quor, such as milk, bread and chain saws. would react to growing and while," Olson said. Under I-502, pot stores can't r etail operations o n P o i nt Tomlin, 61, a retired pilot do that. They must be stand- Roberts. and current house husband, '






By Kurt Streeter

and Louis Sahagun Los Angeles Times

try to get this going again," s aid Ventura C ounty F i r e Capt. Scott Dettorre, noting the trouble firefighters were having S aturday m o r n ing as they tried to stoke a controlled burn on a hillside in the Thousand Oak s a r ea. " Otherwise, you get an i n complete burn." More than 1,000 firefighters were battling the Springs fire, which began Thursday near Camarillo. The fire has burned more than 28,000 acres, charring canyons and closely approaching homes in the affluent area of Hidden Valley. The fire was 30 percent contained

Anne Cusack/ Los Angeles Times

Hillsides are scorched Saturday above Hidden Valley, Calif. Rising humidity and cooling temperatures have slowed the massive fire on its third day. by Saturday morning. The Ventura County blaze a nd several s m aller f i r e s throughout Southern C a lifornia have raised concerns over air quality. With smoke pushed by o f f shore w i nds dispersing i n land, o f f icials have issued analertcovering most of the region and urging the elderly, children and anyone typically affected by air pollution to remain indoors, especially in l ocations near the fires. The potential fo r e x p losive fires became apparent

suffersfrom arthritis.He recently got a medical marijuana authorization. But there are no dispensaries on the Point. And he said he doesn't know of anyone growing medical marijuana. That leaves him in the same bind as with recreational pot. He's legally allowed to possess it but has no way to get it. He could grow his own medical weed, but his wife frowns on it. "I'd much rather have a store. I'd be a lot happier if Larry could sell me what I want," Tomlin said. Musselwhite, at the Liquor Locker,isn'tthe only one eager to capitalize on legal weed. Patti Mon a g han-Hacker owns a bike rental and sales shop, Pedal Pushers. After I502 passed, she decided to add inexpensive pipes and rolling papers to her inventory. "We're right in between two campgrounds," she said of her shop. "We are a resort community, and people are pretty excited about the prospect of buying weed." The population swells to 5,000 in the summer, she notes, with lots of Canadians who have second homes in Point Roberts And the community now supports seven stores that sell alcohol, Tomlin said. "If you could sell as much pot as liquor that's a pretty damned good business."


Cool, wet weather expected to help slow fires in Southern California LOS ANGELES — C o ol temperatures and moist air are expected to continue to help firefighters get a handle on a massive wildfire near Thousand Oaks through the weekend, with a 50 percent chance of rain on Sunday. High temperatures throughout most of the region were forecast to drop to the low 60s and mid-70s Saturday from just over 90 degrees the day before, said Scott Sukup, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service. The cooling weather and rising humidity levels caused the weather service on Friday night to cancel red flag fire warnings in the area. The humidity, a measure of moisture in the air, was expected to rise steadily through Saturday, officials said. "It should rise to about 60 to 70 percent as the day goes on, climbing higher overnight," said Sukup, who noted that when the Springs fire began in the Thousand Oaks area Thursday relative humidity was about 5 percent. The cooler,damper air is part of a m arine layer that Sukup s ai d w o u l d a f f e ct much of Southern California over the next several days. The chance of rain will rise to about50 percent today and Monday. Sukup said temperatures in the Springs fire area will continue cooling, reaching the low to mid-60s as the week begins. While the wetter air helps suppress the blaze, one firefighter noted a Catch-22: The humidity actually h ampers efforts to steer the fire with controlled burns of flammable vegetation. "There's too much humidity right now, we're going to


on Tuesday when Cal Fire authorities and federal meteorologists determined that ominous weather p a tterns were setting up over Southern California: hot Santa Ana w inds, temperatures in t h e 90s, low humidity and tinderdry vegetation. In a pre-emptive move, Cal Fire authorities placed engines, hand crews and equipment on alert statewide. "We knew big fireswere i mminent; w e j u s t d i d n ' t know where," Cal Fire Battalion Chief N i c k S c huler

said. "That same Tuesday, the Summit fire erupted in Riverside County and q u ickly burned 2,956 acres." The next day, the Panther fire began charring more than 6,700 acres in the Northern California community of Butte Meadows. On Friday, five fires were reported in San Diego County, along with many more fireselsewhere. Shortly after it erupted, Cal Fire authorities and Ventura fire authorities determined that the Springs fire would become a m a jo r i n c ident, based on incendiary weather conditions, and th e p o tential for significant structural losses. "A decision was made to d ispatch r e s ources f r o m across the state to Camarillo," Schuler said.


• •


f LAOW C,~s pe

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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.







Today:2 Sunny, breezy.

Tonight: Mostly clear,

BA Sunny.


starting to



Sunny, e with some scattered cloud cover.




WEST Sunny to partly Umatilla 81/46 cloudy with • Hermiston 82/45 Wallowa vkrhngton afternoon thunder • PendletOn MD 83/49 • Eg t erpfjsg,storms. 81/47 Meacham, t tmzjtdj

As t o ria 80/47~


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Coos Bay 71/49 •

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Port Orfor 6i/48

++++ +++ t eze/soe t 2 t+ +


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(jrants ~ t

t t + +t t


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Yesterday's extremes

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t +t+ t t t + + + t+ < e xtt t +t+ . • ++t t zj e t t t ALakeview't t t t '

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77 41

74 39

74 39

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 5:51 a.m. Moon phases Sunsettoday.... 814 p.m. N ew First F u l l Last Sunrise tomorrow .. 5:49 a.m. Sunset tomorrow... 8:15 p.m. Moonrise today.... 3:33 a.m. Moonsettoday .... 4:11 p.m. May 9 May17 May 24 May 31

Pi •

Vancouver 77/49

. •Calgary Saskatoon 75/46 69/43

Sgs 40s





B igmgs



BismarckA ~H


66/35 ~

e e,'e e e

Angel Fire, N.M.

• 3.31

, • 62/42 '60

x 54/33 •

t + /t + e el t t



Gadsden, Ala.

Sb j t Latcr C ity


Los Angeles,+







— -

(x) xx xx xxbj x x x xg . .

ew York 6 2/ 4 6

iladelphia 66/46


gt , D .c.



62/St At ants e t tt

Birmingham N ew Orleans', x" "




74/53 e


Anchorage 46/30


L;ttle jtocjcit't ieasnvi»e A I



78/50, "



61/39 ton

• Bu 8 ii x


69/S0)~ )MA Q se '— jChicag' e ~l e ,l


Oklahoma Oty 65/46•

r .-"

Honolulu IAH, 84/69


Halifax 63/37 ort l a nd

Kansas City

; 6 2/36


'x%85/61 M


'• \

+ ee •

Vegas • 76/52'

o CD

m To ollto


Rapid City

tlll ee e xi t t + + t t ex x A t /et t e

• 11


t xe

Death Valley, Calif






Thunder Bay


• 103'


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:39 a.m...... 7:42 p.m. Venus......6:21 a.m...... 9:06 p.m. Mars.......5:41 a.m...... 7:50 p.m. Jupiter......739 a m.....10 55 pm. Satum......711 pm......549 am. Uranus.....4:30 a.m...... 5:02 p.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 66/36 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........85m1966 Monthtodate.......... 0.00" Record low......... 18 in 1975 Average month todate... 0.1 0" Average high.............. 61 Year to date............ 2.57" Average low .............. 33 Average year to date..... 4.23" 6arometric pressureat 4 p.m29.99 Record 24 hours ...0.57 in1951 *Melted liquid equivalent




Yesterday S unday M o nday Bend,wesjofHwy 97.....Low Sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastofHwy.97......Low La Pine...............................Low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Redmond/Madras........Low Prineville..........................Low


lando 0/60

• Miami 84/67


a Paz 88/58

79/61• Mazatlan • 88 /67 ~


Juneau 51/38





Astoria ........ 82/43/0.00.....80/47/s...... 60/49/f Baker City...... 70/44/0.00..... 74/38/t......77/42/s Brookings......87/72/0.00....62/47/pc.....60/49/pc 6urns..........68/36/0.00....72/38/pc.....75/41lpc Eugene........83/43/0.00....84/47/pc.....72/48/pc Klamath Falls .. 69/45/000 ....74/39/t ...68/40/pc Lakeview.......63/39/0.00 ...72/40/pc.....65/40/pc La Pine........65/29/0.00....74/39/pc.....75/39/pc Medford.......85/43/0.00....86/50/pc.....75/51/pc Newport.......82/41/0.00.....80/49/s......57/48/c North Bend......86/43/NA....70/49/pc.....59/50/pc Ontario........78/50/0.00....80/49/pc......83/52/s Pendleton......76/41/0.00....81/47/pc......83/50/s Portland .......83/47/0.00.....83/53/s......82/53/s Prinevige....... 67/34/0.00....74/44/pc......76/43/s Redmond....... 72/33/0.00..... 76/44/t......80/46/s Roseburg.......86/48/0.00....83/49/pc.....73/50lpc Salem ....... 84/51/0 00 ....84/49/s ... 77/49/s Sisters.........69/36/0.00.....75/42/s.....76/42/pc The Dages......84/41/000.....84/47/s......85/51/s

a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Mod. = Moderate; Ext. = Extreme

Reservoir Acre feet Ca p acity Crane Prairie..... . . . . . . . 50,935...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 177,713..... 200,000 Crescent Lake...... . . . . . 75,556......91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 32,028 . . . . 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . 146,673.....153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i o n Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 242 for solar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,470 C rescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 11 LOW MEDIUM H I (x Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 77.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 108 Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . 1,990 Crooked RiverAbove Prinevige Res..... . . . . 111 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 226 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 13.8 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 77.0 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 LOWI or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911



o g%g



o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):


Iegendjj/ weather, Pcp precipitation, ssun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,hhaze, shshowers,r rajn, t thunderstormssf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice, rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace


Yesterday's extremes


79 47




Sunny, with some scattered cloud cover.












Partly cloudy. ~





• +++t .t ++ + '

* *


* * * * *

de e v ek

*** A*


W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/I/y Hi/Lo/I/y Abilene TX......78/42/0 00..73/51/pc. 81/57/pc Grandjapids....75/55/0 00...72/49/s.. 73/48/s RapidCity.......58/25/000..62/42/pc. 68/45/pc Savannah.......72/58/048... 75/55/t...71/53/t Akron ..........71/51/000...74/47/s. 72/52/pc Green Bay.......65/41/0 00..68/44/pc.. 67/45/s Reno.......... 70/46/trace... 76/48/t...66/46/t Seattle..........77/52/000...82/52/s .. 83/52/s Albany..........77/44/000...77/44/s.. 75/44/s Greensboro......61/47/000..61/53/sh...58/53/r Richmond.......67/44/0.00...65/51/c...64/55/r SiouxFalls.......40/36/0.06..57/45/sh.. 63/46/c Albuquerque.....76/47/000..78/52/pc...71/51/t Harasburg.......70/39/000...69/42/s.. 68/49/s Rochester, NY....75/53/0.00... 77/50/s .. 73/49/s Spokane....... 71/46/trace... 78/47/s .. 82/49/s Anchorage ......37/33/0.32..46/30/pc. Sj/34/pc Hartford,(T .....72/43/0.00...70/39/s.. 75/45/s Sacramento......90/61/000..75/56/pc. 74/56/pc Springfield, MO ..46/33/015 ..58/47/sh. 67/48/pc Atlanta .........56/51/1.83...64/49/t...63/51/t Helena..........59/42/0.01..70/39/pc..74/43/s St Louis.........51/41/026..59/50/sh.68/51/pc Tampa..........82/68/000...79/63/s.75/62/pc Atlantic City.....62/40/0 00..57/45/pc. 58/51lpc Honolulu........81/69/0 00..84/69/sh. 82/68/pc Salt Lake City....74/42/000... 76/52/t...72/49/t Tucson..........93/62/000 ..90/62/pc. 85/58/pc Austin..........85/37/0.00..74/51/pc. 81/58/pc Houston ........81/42/0.00...74/53/s. 80/59/pc580Antonio.....80/42/000..78/53/pc.80/60/pc Tulsa...........52/40/019..64/4!lpc. 72/53/pc Baltimore .......67/47/000 ..63/45/pc .. 64/54/c Huntsville.......54/42/2 96...62/47/t. 65/50/shSanDiego.......66/60/0.00...65/61/c .. 66/59/c Washington, 0(..69/50/0.00..63/47/pc.. 65/56/c 6illings.........58/44/000...66/42/s .. 72/49/s Indianapolis.....67/58/0 00..67/52/pc. 71/52/pc SanFrancisco....84/54/000..67/52/pc. 69/51/pc Wichita.........50/40/000..64/46/pc. 71/50/pc Birmingham.....60/43/220... 57/49/t. 58/50/sh Jackson,MS.... 68/36/0.00. 61/50/pc 68/55/sh SaoJose........87/57/000..71/52/pc 69/51/pc Yakima.........82/47/0.00.. 81/46/s .. 86/54/s Bismarck........59/22/000..66/35/pc.69/43/pc Jacksonvile......70/64/091 ..77/54/pc.75/53/pc SantaFe........71/32/000..69/47/pc 64/43/t Yuma . . . . .98/66/000..91/61/pc. 84/60/pc Boise.......... 71/45/trace... 78/46/t...80/47/t Juneau..........50/46/0.41...51/38/c .. 53/34/c INTERNATIONAL Boston..........52/44/000...58/45/5 .. 65/50/s Kansas(ity......51/34/016 ..61/47/pc. 67/50/pc Bodgepoit CT....62/47/000...62/43/s .. 60/48/s Lansing.........73/57/000... 73/49/s .. 73/47/s Amsterdam......61/43/000 63/44/pc 64/48/c Mecca.........102/86/000 j04/82/5. 102/84/s Buffalo.........76/53/000...78/50/s .. 75/51/s Las Vegas.......92/63/0 00..85/61/pc. 79/58/pc Athens..........82/57/000 82/63/pc 82/62/pc MexicoCity .....81/59/000 .78/50/pc.. 78/50/s Burlington, VT....77/46/000... 78/49/s .. 80/52/s Lexington.......70/55/0 21... 60/51/r. 63/52/sh Auckland........66/55/000 ..68/52/sh.69/51/sh Montreal........75/48/003...79/57ls ..75/57/s Caribou,ME.....72/37/000...77/40/s.. 75/47/s Lincoln..........44/37/001..60/45/pc.68/48/pc Baghdad........80/64/0.00... 90/75/c .. 98/78/c Moscow........52/46/0.67... 66/45/r. 50/38/pc Charleston,S(...69/55/0.05...75/59/t...71/53/t Little Rock.......53/38/0.02..64/47/Pc.70/52/Pc Bangkok........99/84/0.00 101/82/pc 100/83/sh Nairobi.........75/61/0.00... 73/59/t...71/60/t Charlotte........64/50/000 ..66/52/sh...64/51/t LosAngeles......73/59/0.00...66/57/c .. 65/56/c Beiyng..........77/52/000 ..78/58/pc.84/61/pc Nassau.........84/72/000 ..82/72/pc. 79/71/pc Chattanooga.....62/53/238... 61/48/t. 65/50/sh Louisville........64/53/058...62/53/i. 66/53/sh Beirut..........81/32/000...81/68/s ..79/68/s New Dejhi......l06/75/000 ..108/83/s.I09/84/s Cheyenne.......51/33/000 ..54/33/pc...63/40/t Madison Wl.....72/46/000..67/46/pc. 68/47/pc Berlin...........66/37/000 ..70/48/pc. 74/54/pc Osaka..........68/46/000...66/49/s. 71/47/pc Chicago........ 71/48/trace ..65/49/pc. 65/49/pc Memphis....... 58/36/01060/52/sh.69/53/sh Bogota.........72/50/003...66/52/t...69/49/t Oslo............46/34/002 ..60/40/pc. 60/42/pc Cincinnati.... 73/59/000...67/51/r. 70/50/sh Miami . . . . 88/70/000 84/67/s 85/69/pc Budapest........72/50/0.00... 77/54/s ..79/59lc Ottawa.........77/46/0.00...79/55/s.. 79/55/s Cleveland.......72/55/0.00... 75/53/s.73/54/pc Mijiaakke......558/43/.00... 556/45/. 58/47/pc BuenosAires.....66/45/066.. 64/53/pc. 65/45/pc Paris............63/43/000 .. 69/46/pc. 70/53/pc ColoradoSpnngs.61/30/000..58/39/pc.. 63/41/c Minneapolis.....49/34/008...62/46/c. 66/48/pc (abo SanLucas ..91/63/000 ..81/64/pc.. 86/66/s Rio deJaneiro....95/70/000 ..83/69/pc. 76/66/sh ColumbiaMO...51/35/0(4..61/48/sh. 67/50/pc Nashville........50/44/094... 63/51/t. 68/52/sh Cairo...........97/66/000... 96/64/s.. 95/64/s Rome...........79/55/000 .. 68/58/sh. 70/56/pc Columbia,SC....66/55/005... 69/55/t...71/51/t New Orleans.....71/46/0 00..70/52/pc. 74/60/pc (algaiy.........64/37/0.00... 75/46/s.. 73/52/s Santiago........72/46/0.00... 71/62/s.. 73/67/s Columbus, GA....60/52/1.27..71/48/sh. 67/51/sh New York.......69/48/0.00...62/46/s .. 66/50/s (ancun.........84/66/000..84/69/pc.82/68/pc SaoPaulo.......84/68/000..78/62/pc. 62/57/sh Columbus OH....72/56/000 ..73/50/pc. 73/51lpc Newark,Nl......65/44/0 00... 63/45/s. 66/50/pc Dublin..........59/45/0.06... 62/49/c .. 61/48/c Sapporo ........46/46/0.03 ..55/43/pc. 55/32/sh Concord,NH.....70/35/000...71/36/s .. 77/40/s Norfolk,VA......61/51/002...61/53/c...67/57/r Edinburgh.......52/36/000...56/45/c. 60/45/pc Seoul...........66/43/000...67/59/s. 64/54/pc CorpusChristi....86/49/000...76/57ls.80/66lpc OklahomaCity...58/37/000..65/46/pc. 75/53/pc Geneva.........61/46/007 ..66/48/sh. 63/49/sh Shanghai........73/59/000... 65/60/c .. 67/60/c DallasFtyjorrh...74/39/000..69/51/pc. 77/56/pc Omaha.........44/36/0.09..60/46/pc. 67/49/pc Harare..........75/43/000..68/49/pc.66/43/pc Singapore.......88/81/000...90/80/t...89/80/t Dayton .........69/57/000 ..69/50/pc.. 71/50/c Orlando.........85/69/005...80/60/s. 80/59/pc Hong Kong......75/66/0.11...82/75/c .. 81/75/c Stockholm.......63/43/000 ..62/42/pc. 64/46/pc Denver....... 60/35/000 ..61/36/pc. 64/41/c Palm Springs.... 97/63/0.00. 84/62/pc80/61/pc Istanbul.........70/54/000... 76/54/s. 68/56/pc Sydney..........75/55/000 ..66/54/pc. 63/54/sh DesMoines......50/35/0.18..61/46/pc. 68/49/pc Peoria..........64/54/0.25..69/52/pc. 70/50/pc lerusalem.......84/70/0.00...83/63/s .. 82/62/s Taipei...........77/68/0.00..80/72/pc. 81/73/pc Detroit..........70/56/000...69/50/s .. 68/50/s Philadelphia.....71/47/0 00... 66/46/s. 68/50/pc Johannesbvrg....84/71/000...61 l40/s.. 61/40/5 Tel Aviv.........86/63/000... 89/65/s .. 86/63/s Duluth..........37/30/008...48/38/c. 57/44/pc Phoenix.........96/68/0.00..92/67/pc.86/64/pc Lima...........68/63/0.00 .. 73/65/pc.. 73/65/c Tokyo...........68/54/0.00... 69/54/s. 72/45/pc El Paso..........85/44/000 ..82/63/pc.83/64/pc Pittsburgh.......71/48/000...74/44/s. 73/50/pc Lisbon..........81/57/000 75/51/s 75/60/c Toronto.........70/52/000... 73/46/s ..6546/s Farbanks........32/20/000...40/14/c. 44/22/pc Portland,ME.....56/38/000...61/39/s .. 65/41/s London.........63/46/006...64/48/c. 69/48/pc Vancouver.......64/50/000...77/49ls ..70/54/s Fargo...........52/40/0.00...61/43lc.69/46/pc Providence......63/41/0.00...65/42/s.. 68/47/s Madrid .........72/43/000... 77/52/s .. 77/59/c Vienna..........68/54/000 ..75/51/pc. 77/57/pc Flagstaff........68/27/000 ..64/36/pc...58/34/t Raleigh.........64/49/0 00 ..65/55/sh...63/55/t Manila..........95/82/023 ..92/81/pc. 95/79/pc Warsaw.........63/50/000 ..70/46/pc .. 69/49/s

NE Bear Creek Rd.

Transportation G.O. Bond Program -Ms~l ip„+= )„

Reed Market Road Construction

,. aflls ..

Phase $ BeginsinMay (IJ cxt LLI

u7 CD 02

xu uj LLI

D Cj

Phase 1, Newberry Drive to 27'" Street, will be built in three stages as indicated on this map. Reed Market from 15'" Street to 27'" Street will be closed to through traffic and available to local residents only. To minimize the impacts, each stage must finish before the next one begins.




LLI (fl

u7 cfz

• .


• •

The City of Bend is beginning construction on Reed Market Road this month. The work includes road widening, new shoulder/bike lanes, sidewalks, stormwater facilities and illumination.


SE Reed Market Rd. CL

cx CI 0

Lu 0



co E Cy Lu u7

Stages 1 and 2 will be completed by November 15, 2013. Stage 3 will be completed in May 2014. cxt N





The temporary detour route for through traffic will utilize SE i5'" Street, NE Bear Creek Road, SE 27th Street and SE Ferguson Road. Questions? Email streetbond@ci.bend.or.us or call the project hotline at (541) 388-5547 and leave a message.

Legend: ~ Thro u gh Traffic co

Local Traffic Only


Road Closure

uu co

SE Fer usojt Rd.


I I •


Travel, C4-5 Puzzles, C6

© www.bendbulletin.com/community


A novel red in tooth


Warm Springs honors seniors The Confederated

Tribes of WarmSprings invites the public to attend its 23rd annual

Honor Seniors Dayon Friday at the Agency Longhouse,1253

Kotnum Rd., Warm Springs. The honorday originated with a small

at the

and claw By David Jasper

group of tribal elders

The Bulletin

who wanted anevent especially for elders.

Imagine a world in which a prion disease has over centuries leapt from the wolf population to humans. Spread by bites and other bloody entry points, the disease causes an infection in humans known as lycanism. P ercy It mak e s

Through the years, the

day has grown into a major community event, drawing as manyas 700 to1,200 elders and

locals. The free event starts around 9 a.m. with early

childhood education and Head Start programs

holding a pow-wow. Throughout the day at-

tendees can playgames and win door prizes. Lunch is provided around noon, according to a news releasethat




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noted that the day is not tied to an exact schedule. An Elvis imper-


sonator will perform at about4 p.m. and dinner will be served from 5 to

6:30 p.m. Signs will direct attendees to the long-

house from U.S.Highway 26, and a shuttle service will be available

Photos courtesy Barb Gonzalez

USA 76 cruises past Alcatraz Island at a speed of about10'/z knots. The former federal prison, now a parcel of the National Park Service, encourages cruise-boat visitors to explore its abandoned buildings and take a free audio tour of its storied cell block.

from the lndian Head Casino and The Mu-

seum at WarmSprings.

St. Francis plans fundraiser The St. Francis

School's Black and White Gala and Auction will take place at the

Riverhouse Convention Center at 5:30 p.m. Friday.

This year's event will feature a sit-down meal,

drinks and dancing. Silent and live auctions will give participants a

chance to bid on concert tickets, sporting event tickets, orthodontic treatments and a

two-person vacation to Maui. Tickets cost $55

per person andcan be purchased bycalling Crystal Young at 541-

382-4701 or emailing her at cyoung©saint francisschool.net.

Women's conference set The Three Sisters

Women's Conference will take place May18 at the Mountain View

• San Franciscopreparesfor a summer of America's Cupyacht races By John Gottberg Anderson For The Bulletin

SAN FRANCISCOur bow cut through the water as weport-tacked beneath the Golden Gate Bridge and stirred up a froth on the waves of San Francisco Bay. A school of dolphins off our starboard bow was left in our wake as we crossed between the rocky cliffs of the Golden Gate. For well over 200 years, t he n o torious f o g

and wind that fun-


nel through this l t/zmile-wide gap in the Next week: California c oastline Boi se' sbirds of prey have sent navigators beseeching a patron saint for their safe arrival. "Hold it steady," Captain Jon Buser implored his three-person crew aboard USA 76, as the 84-foot mono-hull racing yacht encountered turbulent waters w here strongcurrents met an undersea shelfnear the entrance to the Bay. There were times, as we cruised past Alcatraz Island at a speed of about 10'/z knots (12 miles per hour), when wind and waves lifted one side of the hull so high above water, the other was tickled by surf all the way to its gunwale. See Yachting /C4 Paying passengers help to raise the mainsail of USA 76 as it leaves Pier 39 on a two-hour cruise around San Francisco Bay. "We're really the closest people can come to being on an America's Cup yacht," said owner Brad Webb.

Fellowship in Redmond. According to the conference website, it is

designed to provide "a time and place for wom-

en to come together in the presence ofGodand encourage oneanother." This year's keynote speaker is Becky Brown,

transform temporarily into hairy-faced, sharptoothed, raging and dangerous beasts. Werewolves, in other words. In author Benjamin Percy's new novel, "Red Moon," these lycans, as the werewolves are known, make up about 5 percent of the U.S. population. On the world stage, there's ongoing trouble in the U.S.-occupied Lycan Republic, a fictional lycan homeland between Finland and Russia, where there are critical uranium stores. There's no cure for lycanism, but there is a soul-deadening prescription drug lycans must take to dull their wilder

impulses.Triggered by anger, transforming into werewolf form is a criminal offense. Stateside, some lycans, fed up with discrimination, commit terrorist acts paralleling real-life events we've seen too often. The book publishes Tuesday, and on Saturday Percy will visit his former home of Central Oregon for a reading and signing at Barnes 8 Noble (see "If

you go") to promote his foray into literary horror. "I've always felt that some of the most lasting — and some of my favorite — horror stories are ones that somehow channel cultural unease, that take a knife to the nerve of the moment," Percy said by phone Wednesday from his home in Northfield, Minn. "Frankenstein was born out of Industrial Revolution," he said. "The Red Scare gave rise to 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers,' ... Stephen King's 'The Dead Zone' channels Cold War anxieties ... (and) since 9/11 there's been thisslew of apoca-

lyptic and post-apocalypticnarratives." When he began considering "what we fear most now," Percy concluded that it's "terrorism and disease. So I braided them together," he said. Headlines shout about swine flu or West Nile virus, "even if it's killing a relatively low number of people. It paralyzes us. Look at the entry to any m all or grocery store;it's oozing with Purell. We're afraid of infection. See Percy /C3

the founder of Little Brown Light Ministries. The event will include skits, poetry and music,

among other things. The conference runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30

p.m. and costs $35 per person. Contact: www.three

sisterswomensconfer ence.org or 541-3828609.

Contact us with your ideas Have a story idea or event submission?

Ifyou go

• Email event informa-

tion to events©bend

What: Reading and

bulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351. • Email story ideas to

When:2 p.m. Saturday

communitylife©bend bulletin.com. — From staff reports

signing by Benjamin Percy, author of "Red Moon" Where:Barnes 8 Noble, 2690 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend USA 76 approaches the Golden Gate Bridge at the mouth of San Francisco Bay. Owner Brad Webb, a veteran America's Cup sailor, converted the yacht from its original racing purpose by adding life rails and an engine, to assure the yacht was never at the mercy of winds.

Cost:Free Contact:541-318-7242



FaemefarengagementweddinganniversaryarbiriiidayannouncementsareavailabieaiTheBudeiin l777SWChandlerAve.,eend arby emaaing milestones@bendbttlletirt.com.Forms and photos must be submitted within one month of the celebration. Contact: 541-383-0358.

mar e moti or oLirWe in


By Lindsy Van Gelder

Where toduy

From Martha Stewart Weddings



It may be a chip off the old block, but when reimagined for a wedding — in everything from paper to pastries — marbling looks downright modern. Give it a whirl on


VASES • Vessels: CB2($1, cb2. com); Fishs Eddy($3, fishseddy.com); CB2 "Joyce" ($3, cb2.com);

your big day using one of

Crate & Barrel "Station"


($3, crateandbarrel. com); and Jamali Floral 8

Glassact J


Daniel Friesen and Heidi Rowles

Rowles — Friesen Heidi Rowles and Daniel Friesen, both of Seattle, plan to marry in August at Shadow Ranch in Tumalo. T he future b r ide i s t h e daughter of Charlie and Katie Rowles, of Bend. She is a 2006 graduate of Bend High School, a 2011 graduate of Seattle Pacific University, where she received a bachelor's degree in chemistry and physics, and a 2012 graduate of Seattle Pacific University, where she re-

ceived a master's in teaching mathematicsand science.She works as a science teacher at Juanita High School in Kirkland, Wash. The future groom is the son of Gerry and Barbara Friesen, of Lake Oswego. He is a 2008 graduate of Westside Christian High School and a 2012 graduate of S eattle Pacific University, where he studied

biology and psychology. He works as an administrative assistant at Odle Middle School in Bellevue, Wash.


' itr


Xtj tig'nytitt, '


*' " '



Timm and SusanSchimke


Mr. Schimke works as director ofDeschutes County's Timm an d S usan ( B rin- Department of Solid Waste. gle) Schimke, of Bend, cel- Mrs. Schimke works as a waitebrated their 30th wedding ress forMeadows Restaurant anniversary. at Sunriver Resort. They enjoy The couple were married motorcycle riding, quilting and March 27, 1983, in Sunriver. spending time with family. They have one child,Samm They have lived in Central Schimke, of Bend. Oregon for 35 years.


vf ' p!c g!,



i ei


Garden Supplies ($12 for 4, jamaligarden.com).

You don't need to be a glassblower to make beautiful marbled vases.We drizzled inexpensive glass bottles and vases with paint, then set the design by baking it at 350 F for 30 minutes. Choose curvy vessels to help the paint pool in interesting ways, and if you mess up or change your mind once it's dry, just scrape off your uncured artistry with a craft knife and start over. Tools and Materials: • Various glass vessels • Rubbing alcohol • Waxpaper • Mixing bowls or p aper

• Martha Stewart Crafts

e tnn !

cups • Martha Stewart C rafts Gloss T ransparent G l ass Patricia Heal/Martha Stewart Weddings Paint A book-inspired invitation suite with marbled paper shows that • Martha Stewart Crafts Fill yours is a love story for the ages. Medium 8 Mixing Bottle • Plastic spoon • Needle or pin 1. Wash vessels with soap and warm water; dry. Wipe the outside with rubbing alcohol to ensure that all residue has been removed. Let dry completely before painting. Cover workstation with wax

Delivered at St. Charles Bend Dustin and JennyHenderson, a boy, Ethan RowenHenderson, 8 pounds, 11 ounces, April 6. Karleton and AmberPetteway, a girl, Kaitlynn Justine Petteway, 7 pounds, 6 ounces, April 28. Delivered at St. Charles Redmond Chris Flores and Andrea Bermttdez, a girl, Jazlynn MonaeFlores, 8 pounds, April 27.

Where Buyers

•ChampionStamp Co. stamp: No. 3646, $1,75,

championstamp.com. • Halcyon "Secret Love" marbled paper $4 50 per sheet, papermojo.com, • Mood Fabrics faux suede: $18 per yard, moodfabrics. com. • Jam Paper 8 Envelope alphabet stickers: $4 for

two sheets, jampaper.com. FAVORS • Key Profits Fundraising lollipops: $240 for 480,

A book-inspired invitation suite with marbled paper shows that yours is a love story for the ages.

keyprofits.com. • Papermart plastic boxes: No. 8301140, $10.50 for 50, papermart.com. • Hobby Lobby clearphane Film: $4,hobbylobby.com.

With a little paint, you can transform inexpensive vases into striking centerpieces.

• The Paper Studio marbled • Tools and Materials: • Rotary cutter • Cutting mat • 3 yards faux suede • Spray adhesive • 18-by-24-inch m a r b l ed

paper • 8'/2-by-11-inch text-weight


• Craft knife • Ruler • Bone folder • Glue stick • Gold letter stickers 1. Using a rotary cutter and cutting mat, cut suede to measure 19 by 25 inches. Spray one side of suede with adhesive and lay marbled paper on top, smoothing paper with your hand to adhere. Trim edges of suede with rotary cutter to fit the paper. Cut into 8'/4-by-5'/4-inch rectangles. 2. Download our editable Novel idea clip-art invitations at martha Our book-inspired invita- stewartweddings.com, type tion suite (note the marbled in your information, and print lining) has a surprise ending: double-sided on text-weight It's all DIY. The cover is off- paper (each printout will yield the-shelf faux suede that we two invites). With a craft knife "embossed" with gold letter and a ruler, cut invitations in stickers. Plus, you can self- half. publish! Download the edit3. Fold invitation in half able clip art — including the and use the bone folder to bookmarks — at marthastew- make a sharp crease. Apply artweddings.com. glue stick to the blank side of

invite and attach to the righthand side of the marbled paper, leaving a I/8-inch border on all sides.Fold suede over to create a booklet, and use a bone folder to make a sharp crease. 4. Add initials or monogram to the front of the invitation using the gold letter stickers.

paper in sagemustard: $5 per sheet, paperstudio. com.

Favors with flourish

• Calligraphy: Nancy

Bring two Florentine traditions — sugar and art — together in edible takeaways: Thank


mallows that resemble blocks of Carrara marble, fancy striated lollipops, or sugar cookies with marbled icing. To find recipes for Marbled Marshmallows and M arbled Iced Sugar C o okies, v i sit marthastewartweddings.com.

6 A'uoioLostf

6i Eastern Oregon Sf A F O O D CLc Wholesale Fish Dealer

$6 for 1,000, papermart. com. • Tinsel Trading metal

thread: $4.25 for 8 yards, tinseltrading.com. Hopkins, hopkinslettering.

i$) NoRTHWEsT Featured Business

of the week:

A Modem Mexican !Citchen


wwwcentrelareSaneadialogycom Bend• Redmond• P-ville • Burns 541.647.2884

541-647-1624 Mt. Washington & NW Crossing

The Bulletin MILESTONE G UI e

Servicing Central

• Paper Mart bakery tissue:

guests by giving square marsh-

0 II


If you would like to receive forms to announce your engagement, wedding, or anniversary, plus helpful information to plan the perfect Central Oregon wedding, pick up your Book of Love at The Bulletin (1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend) or from any of these valued advertisers:


From the Boatto Your Door in 24 hours. Novelli Brothers specialize in bringing you the freshest Wild Caught Salmon, Halibut and Tuna in Season.

AAA Travel Awbrey Glen Golf Club Bend Metro Park 8 Recreation District The Bend Trolley Bend Wedding &Formal Black Butte Ranch Central Oregon Event ProfessionalsAssoc.

Cuppa Yo The DD Ranch Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center Eastiake Framing Enhancement Center Medical Spa

Erin Hardy Images

Sellers Meet 1000's Of Ads Every Day »mw.hendhuaetin.ram

tinseltrading com

2. In a mixing bowl or paper cup, add equal parts paint and Fill Medium. Using a plastic spoon, gently stir until mixed completely and paint coats the spoon but also pours easily from it. If paint is too thick, add more Fill Medium; if too thin, add more paint. Repeat process with remaining colors. 3. Taking the paint colors of your choice, spoon paint onto vessel in varying amounts and sections (don't be afraid to use lots of paint), turning the glass as you work. Alternate colors until you reach desired marbleizedeffect. Pop any air bubbles with a needle or pin. 4. Set wet vessel on an elevated surface (we used the plastic cap from the glass paint) and let dry. To cure, air-dry for 21 days or bake. If baking, air-dry vessel for I hour. Then place in a cool oven, making sure no painted areas touch anything inside, and heat to 350 F (glass needs to heat gradually). Bake 30 minutes, then let cool in the oven. Wait 72 hours before using.


a Cla™s s'ifteds

medium and mixing bottle set: $5 michaels.com for stores. INVITATION SUITE • Paper Presentation "Crest" text weight paper ($8.50 for 50 sheets); A2 envelope ($6 for 25); and 4-bar envelope ($5.25 for 25); all paperpresentation. com. • Tinsel Trading cord (used as tassel): $7 per yard,




• Martha Stewart Crafts fill


James and Patricia Neff Mr. Neff was born on his family's homestead on Neff James and Patricia (Donnel- road, which is named after his ly) Neff, of Gateway, will cel- grandfather, Almus. Heworked ebrate their 60th wedding an- as street superintendent for the niversary with an open house city of Madras until his retirehosted by their children from 2 ment in 1993. She worked as a to 5 p.m. May 10 at the Latter- deputy sheriff for 28 years and day Saints Church in Madras. an administrative assistant for The couple were married the Jefferson County Sheriff's May 7, 1953, in Portland. They Office until her retirement in have two c h i ldren, Evelyn 2009. The couple enjoy spend(and Wes) Hare, of Albany, ing time with family and on and James (and Valorie), of their farm, racing motocross Madras; 11 grandchildren; 31 and traveling. g reat-grandchildren; an d a They have lived in Central great-great grandchild. Oregon for 78 years.

transparent glass paint: $3.50 for 3 ounces, michaels.com for stores.

' •

' •


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a in

e c r ow in ici

By Ingrid K. Williams New Yorh Times News Service

We spotted her simultaneously. But it was my f r iend Jessie who bounded down the street after the young Sicilian woman whom we had just seen pull a golden arancino from a white paper bag. "Scusa!" she called after the woman, before catching up to her and inquiring about the still-steaming deep-fried sphere with a creamy rice interior. With a knowing smile, the woman led us to a nearby alley steps from the main drag of Taormina and pointed to a humble pizzeria, the source of the arancini that I've been dreaming about ever since. S ituated about 3 0 m i l e s north of Catania on the eastern coast of Sicily, Taormina is a gorgeous seaside town perched on a hilltop. It has evPhotos byGiulio Piscitelli/New YorkTimes News Service erything a traveler in search The beach stretches to Isola Bella, a small island nature preserve covered with exotic flora. of a storybook Mediterranean escape could hope for: a mediI V' ger, the other more delicate eval layout; ancient ruins; belle — to pair with our respective epoque villas; and sweeping II:~~ views of the Ionian Sea, the ' )e dishes. %p Sicilian coastline and, on clear Off the beaten path days, the smoky crest of Mount Etna (about 20 miles away as The next day, I rode a cable the crow flies). The town has car down to the pebbly waterlong attracted literary titans, front, where after a brief hike including D.H. Lawrence and and a quick clamber through iig Goethe, who once compared knee-high water, I d i s covTaormina to paradise,and genered the Isola Bella nature erations of glamorous celebripreserve.The secluded islet, ties, from Elizabeth Taylor and covered with exotic flora, was Richard Burton to Cary Grant, c risscrossed by t r a ils w i t h Audrey Hepburn and Sophia postcard-worthy views of the bay's crystal-clear waters. AfLoren. Da Cristina, a takeout restaurant in Taormina, Sicily, Italy, sells These days, Taormina, with arancini, a deep-fried sphere filled with creamy rice. terward, I retreated to the seaits designer-label shops and side terrace of the nearby Villa Sant'Andrea — the sister propMichelin-starred restaurants, still draws glamour-seeking pretty panorama: a stone clock befitting an earlier era in which erty to the renowned Grand v acationers. But it i s b y n o tower, a pair of picturesque a youthful Marcello Mastroian- Hotel Timeo on the hilltopmeans exclusive: for one thing, churches and th e b eautiful ni might have clinked glasses for an aperitivo. The friendly cruise ships, many filled with view of the bay. with friends at a nearby table. serviceand directviews over Teva-shod budget t r avelers, But beyond a handful of Soaking up the atmosphere, Mazzaro beach offered by the loiter in Taormina's bay. tourist magnets, the crowds we sipped Champagne cock- less-heralded sibling a g ain But as I would discover, the evaporated. tails and chatted with our wait- proved that the better pick was real charm of Taormina is not At the sprawling public gar- er, who offered to sneak us into the less ostentatious option. found in the lovely views or dens known as Villa Comu- the guests-only gardens behind That conceptwas reinforced the historic sites, nor is it in the nale, steps from the terrace the hotel. After tiptoeing down l ater that night at ou r d i nluxurious hotels or the stylish of the Grand Hotel Timeo, I a wide hallway, we descended ner at a one-Michelin-starred bars with d azzling panora- discovered the same wonder- some steps into a lush terraced restaurant where the creative mas. Beneath all the glitz lies ful bay views but shared them oasis of orange trees, roses and swirlsand strokes made more the true appeal of Taormina: with strolling Italian families, bougainvillea-draped arches. mischief than magic. Instead, the secrethideaways and dis- not international tour groups. Had we not had a dinner reser- the one place that did leave creetspots that have somehow And in t hose gardens, sur- vation to honor, we would have me with stars in my eyes, the remained underthe radar, like rounded by blooming rose- wandered around the tranquil place I now dream about, the the hole-in-the-wall pizzeria bushes an d b o u gainvillea, gardens all night. place for which I would return from which those heavenly I had my choice of benches But instead we exited the to Taormina, was Da Cristina, a arancini came. upon which to linger without grounds and crossed the street nondescript pizzeria that trades However, when Jessie and the onus of shelling out for an to Osteria Nero d'Avola, where in takeout — and those unforI arrived in Taormina on a overpriced cocktail. a waiter whisked us upstairs gettable arancini. There may sunny afternoon in October, I to a packed rooftop terrace. be no table service, but peek had my doubts about the place. Local flavor Glasses of Prosecco and a behind the counter and you'll An enormous cruise ship was As the sun set, the cruise ship plate of bruschetta quickly ap- find thick-crust pizza topped anchored in the bay, and the slipped away, leaving a com- peared on our table, followed with artichoke and eggplant, main streets were sagging paratively quiet town behind by a basket of bread and what c heese-stuffed sfoglie, a n d with tourists. To reach our for Jessieand me to explore. would turn out to be a point of arancini with the perfect balhotel, Jessie had to navigate But after a weeklong journey particular pride — several bot- ance of rice, cheese, ragu and our rented cherry-red Citroen through Sicily with a mercu- tles of olive oil. Before long, the peas coated in a thin fried shell down a street so crowded that rial GPS misguiding us across restaurant'sgregarious chef, that lends a satisfying crunch we initially mistook it for a pe- the unfamiliar island, we both Turi Siligato, who was weav- to every bite. If I were resigned destrian zone. needed an a p e ritivo f i r st. ing among tables explaining to eat only one thing for the rest "The whole world comes to Which is how we found our- the provenance of each oilof my life, those arancini would Taormina — Russians, Ger- selves at the Cloister Lounge this one from Ragusa, that one be it. And to think I once had mans, even Filipinos," said Bar at the San Domenico Pal- from Noto — arrived bearing doubts about this town. Carmelina, a longtime resi- ace Hotel, an elegant establish- a largejar of preserved white dent who, the afternoon that ment in a former 15th-century olives. "White o lives ar e v e r y we arrived, chatted with us monastery. Though hardlyhidat the jewelry shop Il Quadri- den, the hotel's cloister, shaded rare," he said, proffering one foglio, on the bustling Corso by palms and bougainvillea, with a spoon, "but the flavor 7l • Umberto. felt like a secret garden. Last is extraordinary." To further I ndeed, w h i l e wal k i n g summer, this sublime sanctu- illustrate the freshness of his S through the Teatro Greco, an ary was the stage upon which products,the chef, an ardent approximately 2,000-year-old Dolce & Gabbana presented proponent of the Slow Food Greco-Roman a m phitheater its Alta Moda collection, with movement, then pulled out his that is Taormina's most famous its couture interpretations of cellphone and scrolled through attraction, I spotted Japanese Sicilian style — widows' veils, photos of himself, harvesting and Swedish tourists. On the black lace and swishing crino- olives in some, wearing a wet expansiveterrace ofthe Grand lines that s eemed plucked suit with a fresh catch of sea H otel Timeo, known for i t s from the set of "The Leopard" urchins in another. When our Etna views and celebrity clien- — to an audience that included primi arrived, he insisted on tele, I overheard conversations Monica Bellucci, Isabella Ros- suggesting oils — one strontinged with accents both Brit- sellini and Anna Wintour. ish and American. And later, Since 2010, the cloister has as streetmusicians serenaded also served as an al fresco bar SOLUTION TO the crowd on the main Piazza with soft piano music, crisply IX Aprile, I watched a German attired waiters and flickering TODAY'S SUDOKU couple snapping photos of the votives — a glamorous scene •


Continued from C1 "Then there's the terrorism angle, which, sadly, these past few weeks have really reminded us how vulnerable we can be," he said. Besides it s al l e gorical underpinnings, the book is populated wit h b e lievable characters swept up in the moment: There's hawkish veteran and governor Chase Williams, who hails f r om Eastern O r egon. T h ere's Patrick, the only surviving passenger of a terrorist plot hatched on a plane. Sent to live with his secretive mom in Oregon while his father is off fighting on the American side in the Lycan Republic, Patrick falls in with a group of anti-lycan skinheads. T hen there's Claire, a young lycan whose revolutionary family makes it difficult for her to stay out of the fray, even as she and Patrick fall for each other. Percy, 34, a former Tumalo resident, is a writer in residence at St. Olaf College in Minnesota. He's received a number of awards in his relatively young career, including two Pushcart Prizes, a $50,000 Whiting Award and a grant from the National E ndowment for t h e A r t s . His journalism and b o ok excerpts appear r egularly in major glossies GQ and Esquire. And with the publication of "Red Moon," Percy's literary starseems poised to climb even higher. The evidence:Acclaimed authors from Peter Straub to John Irving have been singing Percy's praises of late, and Barnes 8 Noble has selected Percy as one of its Discover Great New Writers. In J anuary, P u blishers Weekly named "Red Moon" one of its list of Most Anticipated Books of Spring 2013, and said this in a recent review: "By tapping the zeitgeist of the contemp orary s o ciopolitical c l i mate and distilling it i n to a potent myth concerned with the tyranny of the majority and the demonization of the Other, he has written an ambitious, epic novel that deserves to reach a larger readership beyond g enre audiences." E ntertainment We e k l y added to the buzz when it recently posted on its website a two-day exclusive of

the "Red Moon" book trailer (now available for all to see on YouTube).

Local inspiration There's an added element that should be of interest to local readers: The book's chief s etting i s Ce n t r al

Oregon. Old Mountain is "a place that has transformed from mill town to luxury outpost for Californians looking for a second home or a place to retire," Percy writes in the book. "There are few intersections, everything a roundabout that makes Patrick feel dizzy and lost." Sound familiar? As in his past books, Percy's i magination b r ought him back to the place it was

forged. "Old Mountain is Bend; I just wanted a little more leeway in how I designed the community, how I play with it as an imaginative stage," he said. "Growing up in Central Oregon, that's the place

where my mind always goes. My imaginative trapdoor." His next book will involve Lewis and Clark, and "Oregon is once again the destination, the setting of the final act. I don't think I'll ever get over Oregon, even though I live a few thousand miles


Just as Old Mountain is a sort of warped version of Bend, the larger events going on in the world of "Red Moon" are a distorted reflection of our world. "You read the novel and

people are going to say they recognize certain political figures or they recognize certain cultures or ethnicities or certain wars or certain diseases," Percy said. "My hope is that I'm holding up a mirror with a crack running through it, that it's not an exact reflection. It's like a w a rped version of our world, and the lines are blurry enough that I'm talking about everything and nothing at the same time. I'm trying to weave together allthese frayed nerves we've experienced as a country." Moreover, "I hope (readers) are struck by the political allegory at the heart of it. I hope that the love story quickens their pulse, and I hope the horror element scares the pants off of them," Percy said. — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper@bendbulletin.com

lOOR fOr IISeVery SundayiII TheBuletin



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Yachting Continued from C1 A handful of paying passengers leaned nervously against the upper safety rail, half an eye cast toward the area where life vests were stashed. A two-hour run on USA 76 offers a rare and exhilarating opportunity for San Francisco visitors to experience a taste of world-class yacht racing. The boat, which competed in America's Cup races between 1992 and 2007, now departs daily from Pier 39, and participants are asked to do everythingfrom cranking up the mainsail to piloting the vessel back to port. This is the real thing. USA 76 is owned and operated by ACsailingSF, an e n terprise Photos courtesy Barb Gonzalez created by professional yachts- Late-afternoon sun casts a golden glow upon the Golden Gate Bridge. Although its aura is one of romance, the bridge spans a t1/z-mile gap in the California coastline that man Brad Webb — who will has long been notorious for the wind and fog that funnel through the passage. compete in his sixth America's Cup this summer as a member err ~: pLrrfh~ ~~g iji~",~ ~ , -~w of the American crew. Webb Golden Gate Merine Green Pier 39 Pier 33 Bridge was on this very boat during races in 2003. "We're really San Francisco Piers 27-29 Bay the closest people can come to being on an America's Cup yacht," he said. Lomttattt ' Fisherman's +zr4 USA 76 is just one of many The Presidio ways that San Francisco is inviting visitors to participate ll in its America's Cup summer. ty a iiyde Streei pier ~ Ge / I I Beginning in early July and Oa d Bay Bridge extending at least until midSA FRANCISC 5 S eptember, the o l dest a n d Ferry Building most important yachting event in the world will be contested N in San Francisco Bay. Foreign MILES Golden Gate Park boats will c o mpete among 0 1 themselves to decide which Decommissioned Fort Baker is now the luxurious Cavallo Point Lodge, incorporating fine dinGreg Cross /The Bulletin will test defending champion ing and a large spa. Located within the Marin Headlands unit of Golden Gate National RecreOracle Team USA in the postation Area, it has been awarded a LEED Gold certification for its environmental initiatives. Labor Day finals.


Prime lodgingatCavallo Point

Bayside revival T he America's Cup h a s never before been held in San Francisco. The city i s p u lling out all the stops. Visitors who remember a San FranciscoBay front focused merely around Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 will be astonished at the changes inspired by the anticipation of these races. There's a new cruise ship terminal at Pier 27, a dedicated Alcatraz Landing terminal at Pier 33. The Exploratorium science museum has relocated from the Palace of Fine Arts to Pier 15. The beautifully revived Ferry Building stands at the foot of Market Street. Below Pier 22, the San Francisco-Oakland Ba y B r i d ge has donned a new veneer of dancing lights. Farther south, between the bridge and AT&T Park, home of San Francisco Giants baseball, Pier 80 is being considered as a possible site for a new Golden State Warriors basketball arena. "The water defines our city," said David Chu, president of the San Francisco Board of S upervisors, speaking at a 150th anniversary observance for the Port of San Francisco and the California State Harbor Commission. "We built o ur city starting f rom o u r waterfront." Millions of additional visitors — perhaps 2 to 3 million, according to Jane Sullivan, America's Cup communications director for the City of San Francisco — will fill hotels throughout the g reater Bay Area all summer. And following this spring's Boston Marathon attack, said Sullivan, "We are re-evaluating our security plan." The tape has already been cut on the new James R. Herm an Cr uise T erminal, a l though the i mpressive new structure won't begin to welcome largecruise vessels until 2014. For now, they're still mooring at Pier 35, as they have for nearly a century. Instead, the new terminal will be the heart of the America's Cup Pavilion and Village. B leachers wil l s u r round a

with stunning bridge views, luxury suites have been

built into contemporary structures. AHealing Arts

Most visitors to San Francisco during the

Center 8 Spa includes11 treatment rooms and an outdoor meditation pool. The fine-dining Murray

America's Cup raceswill settle for lodging in urban hotels, shielded from bay views by other high rises. But those who might consider crossing the

Circle restaurant and its adjacent FarleyBarlounge draw food lovers from nearandfar. Thelodgecomplexevenhasitsowncooking school, as well as anart gallery noted for its pho-

Golden GateBridge can be rewarded with both luxury lodging and great views of the racecourse from the Marin Headlands.

tography collection.

The Cavallo Point Lodge hastaken old Fort

"The Army basewasdecommissioned and turned over to the National Park Service in1980," guest relations managerJoshua Gordon told me. "The Cavallo Point company took the land ona 60-year lease from the ParkService, started reno-

Baker, on the north side of the Golden Gate, and

turned it into a memorable complex of lodging, dining and spa-style relaxation. It has done so with style — the former Colonial Revival-style officers' quarters, mainly built between 1902 and 1910, have been beautifully restored — and with grace. This was the first national park lodge (it lies within the Golden Gate National Register of Historic Places, to gain LEED Gold certification for its environmental initiatives.

I 'l Il-

9,000-seatamphitheater,w here no charge. A media center and a seriesof big-name concerts team hospitality suites will be begin with a kickoff show by on the second level. Just outrock icon Sting on June 15. side, 10 to 15 "mega yachts," During races, a giant screen some as long as 180 feet, alwill broadcast the boats' prog- ready have reserved space for ress. At other times, sailors will the summer. "The cup creates offer interactive demonstra- a heavy following," understattions. There will be food and ed Sean McNeill, America's beveragestalls,shops operated Cup communications officer. by official clothing supplier Puma, and a children's play- Viewing the races ground. And when the races The finish line for all races are over, it will all come down. will be straight out from the All except for the terminal new cruise terminal, McNeill itself, that is. On the ground said. The start will be just east floor, a 1 0 , 000-square-foot of the Golden Gate Bridge. But sports bar and restaurant will unless you're in the Goodyear adjoin a y a chting museum blimp, it will be impossible to that will welcome the public at

I •

see the start from the finish, and vice versa. That's why television plays such an important role in the 2013 races. "For the first time, they are being marketed for TV," McNeill said. "Challenger races will be 30 to 45 minutes, Cup races 45 to60 minutes. They are fit into a television time frame." Staging the races in San Francisco Bay, 60 miles long and no more than 12 miles w ide, helps t o m a k e t h a t possible. "This is the first time ever thatthe races have been held in an inland body of water,"

and bustle, Cavallo Point is a worthy option. — John Gottberg Anderson

said Buser, the USA 76 captain. "It makes them much easier to view. And because the breeze is much bigger through the Golden Gatethan on the open ocean — it runs in here every day — there will be no worry about not having enough wind." In addition to the America's Cup Village, a separate America's Cup Park is being established on Little Marina Green, between Fort Mason and Crissy Field. More grandstands and concessions, as well as another stage and big screen, will complement those in the Village. The 2013 races begin with the Louis Vuitton Cup chal-

acle Team USA for the America's Cup. As t hose yachts battle, Oracle will race against the newly launched Oracle 2 in a Defender's Cup series, which will inevitably lead to modifications in its production details and the fine-tuning of its final 11-man crew.

lenger series (July 4-Sept. I),

4 Ii I Q V C I

I •



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J une 3 r d




Continued next page

during which tw o S wedish boats, two New Zealand boats and one Italian boat will vie to earn the right to challenge Or-


l . i

the cost climbs above $700 for a contemporary bridge-view suite. But for the person who wants

to enjoy the yacht races but avoid big-city hustle

On the footprints of old enlisted men's barracks

The new James R. Herman Cruise Terminal at Pier 27 won't begin to welcome large cruise vessels until next year, but it will be the heart of the America's Cup Pavilion and Village. On adjacent Pier 29, a 9,000-seat amphitheater will host a series of big-name summer concerts.

A mother assists her toddler with an interactive exhibit at the Exploratorium on Pier 15. The popular family attraction relocated in April from the Palace of Fine Arts, where its exhibits of science, art and human

Suchextravagancedoesn' tcomecheap,of course. Rates for standard rooms start at $300;

National Recreation Area), and the first hotel on the

USA 76, which competed in America's Cup races from 1992 to 2007, rests in port at Pier 39 as its crew readies for a sail. The B4-foot carbon-fiber sailing vessel is owned and operated by ACsailingSF and yachtsman Brad Webb, who this year will compete in his sixth Cup.

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From previous page Over Labor Day weekend, the Red Bull Youth America's Cup features national teams of six sailors between the ages of 19 and 24. Finally, the 34th America's Cup Finals begin on Sept.7. In this best-of-17 competition, the first team to win nine racesisdeclared the champion. That will take no longer than until Sept. 22. But this year's race will be like none other that's gone before it. The first race for the oldest sporting trophy in the world was held in 1851, when 15 British boats and one New York Yacht Club entrant, the "America,n set sail around England's Isle of Wight. Much to Queen Victoria's chagrin, the U.S. boat won and subsequently held off challengers for 132 years — until 1983, when Australia took the Cup. The Americans won it back in Perth, Australia, in 1987, but the U.S. no longer held a monopoly on the Cup. It was contested in subsequent years in San Diego, Auckland and Valencia, Spain, where the Swiss crew hosted challengers after winning the 2007 Cup races. "The America's Cup has its own way of doing things, unlike any other sport," McNeill explained. "Whoever wins the Cup gets to set the rules for the next race. That includes the venue, the dates of competition and the type of boat to be used." Winning in 2010 with a giant trimaran — 90 feet long, 90 feet wide, with a wing sail 223 feet tall — Oracle Team USA determinedthat the next races would be contested by catamarans.

Expenses Gas, Bend to SanFrancisco (round-trip), 989 miles ©$3.75/gallon:$148.35 Meals en route:$20 Dinner, Bluestem:$84.86

tfifffl • BHI BBIB


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151 .


If yougo (All addresses in SanFrancisco unless otherwise indicated) INFORMATION • America's Cup. Pier 23, Suite

100; 978-501-6330, www.




I • tl



• San Francisco Visitor Information Center. 900 Market St. (Hallidie Plaza); 415-391-2000, 800-637-5196,






W lltl

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• I N M I I I7lt





Along the Embarcadero On my recent visit, I walked the waterfront from San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park to the Ferry Building, about 1.7 miles, and discovered or revisited this wide range of visitor attractions: • While the wooded bluffs of Fort Mason — a World War II-era complex of barracks and docks, now part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area — may offer one of the best views of the America's Cup races,San Francisco maritime heritage is best observed on its east side. Beneath historic Ghirardelli Square, the San Francisco Maritime Museum exhibits photographs and artifacts of 19th-century vessels in an Art Moderne building that closely resemblesa luxury ocean liner. • H yde Street P ier, f r o m which ferries traveled to Sausalito and Berkeley in the days

Dinner, La Mar Cebicheria: $65.46 TOTAL:$985.92


InnnnnnaRSI Bnn

•BBBBBBBI SB NRan ntfnannnfnaii • BBBBIUBBBII • Rnaafnn





com. Rates from $309 • Cavallo Point Lodge. 601 Murray Circle, Fort Baker, Sausalito; 415-339-4700, 888651-2003, www.cavallopoint.

Photos courtesy Barb Gonzalez

San Francisco's downtown skyline rises behind an Oracle AC45 yacht. The smaller boats are in some ways prototypes for the larger AC72s, which can travel at speeds approaching 50 mph thanks to a rigid 130-foot sail of aeronautical design.

com. Rates from $280 • Executive Hotel Vintage Court. 650 Bush St.; 415392-4666, 800-654-1100, www.executivehotels.net/ vintagecourt. Rates from $126 • Hyatt Regency San

Francisco. 5 Embarcadero Center; 415-788-1234, 800-233-1234, www.

sanfranciscoregency.hyatt. com. Rates from $300 • The San Remo Hotel. 2337 Mason St.; 415-776-8688, 800352-7366, www.sanremohotel.

DINING • Bluestem Brasserie. 1 Yerba

// j '

Buena Lane; 415-547-1111,

• Franciscan Crab Restaurant. Pier 43~/2, Fisherman's Wharf; 415-362-7733, www.


franciscanrestaurant.com. Lunch and dinner. Moderate to

The Balclutha, a three-masted square-rigger built in1886, is one of six classic wooden ships afloat at Hyde Street Pier in San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. Nearby, the city's Maritime Museum occupies an Art Moderne building that resembles an ocean liner. San Francisco in Embarcadero Center is presenting a museumquality exhibit, "Alcatraz: Life on the Rock," in collaboration with the National Park Service and Alcatraz Cruises. • Construction of the America's Cup Pavilion and Village at Pier 27-29 will c ontinue through May beside the new cruise terminal. Until the Village opens in June, visitors may get America's Cup information from the organization's office on Pier 23. • The Exploratorium, another of San Francisco's beloved family attractions, boasts more than 700 interactive exhibits of science, art and human perception. It moved its permanent home to 650-foot-long Pier 15 in April, incorporating aBBay Observatory" with various charts d escribing everything f r o m the currents to silt deposits that may affect sailors on San Francisco Bay. • The 1898 Ferry Building, which once served cross-bay marine traffic, is now Bfoodie central" for San Franciscans. Permanent vendors inside the building, and a bustling Saturday farmers' market outside, complement such restaurants as The Slanted Door, for which Vietnamese chef Charles Phan has won national acclaim. • My favorite Embarcadero restaurant is nearby at Pier I'/~. La Mar Cebicheria Peruana specializes in citrus-marinated seafood ceviches and other dishes characteristic of Peruvian cuisine, widely regarded as the finest national cuisine of the Americas.

Pier1/z, The Embarcadero; 41 5-397-8880, www.

lamarcebicheria.com. Lunch and dinner. Moderate • Cafe Pescatore. 2455 Mason St.; 41 5-561-1111, www.

cafepescatore.com. Three meals daily. Moderate • Players Sports Grill 8 Arcade. Pier 39; 541-981-6300, www. dinner. Budget to moderate

ATTRACTIONS • ACsailingSF. Pier 39. 855-

227-3201, www.acsailingsf. com. Cruises aboard USA76. • Alcatraz Cruises. Alcatraz Landing, Pier 33. 415-981-

7625; www.alcatrazcruises. com • Exploratorium. Pier15, The Embarcadero; 415-563-7337, www.exploratorium.edu • Ferry Building Marketplace.

The Embarcadero at Market Street; 41 5-983-8030, www. ferrybuildingmarketplace.com • Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Pacific West

Regional lnformation Center, 495 Jefferson St., Fisherman's Wharf. 415-561-4700, www.

nps.gov/goga •MuseeMecanique.Pier45, 2000, www.museemecanique. com • Pier 39. Pier 39 Concourse,

Fisherman's Wharf; 415-986www.bluestembrasserie.com. 5966, www.pier39.com Lunch and dinner. Moderate to • San Francisco Maritime expensive


before the Golden Gate Bridge (1937) was built, is the home of six classic wooden ships of preWorld War I vintage. Most of them may be boarded and explored, including the 1886 Balclutha,a three-masted squarerigger, and the 1890 Eureka, a ferry aboard which the TV series "Nash Bridges" was once filmed. • Two World War II ships welcome visitors at Pier 45, beside the Musee Mechanique. The submarine USS Pampanito, built in 1943, sank six Japanese ships during the Pacific campaign; the SS Jeremiah O'Brien is the last remaining, unaltered Liberty Ship of 2,751 constructed. The quirky museum featuresdozens of early-20th-century coin-operated boardwalk games, some of which border on the macabre. • The number of w o r king fishing boats at Fisherman's Wharf is a far cry from what it was a century ago, but this renowned San Francisco attraction continues to charm visitors with its row of seafood vendors, numerous crab-specialtyrestaurants, and scores of souvenir shops, novelty museums and quirky streetperformers. I had a fine whole-crab sunset dinner at the Franciscan Crab Restaurant. • Pier 39 has become the tourist heart of the Wharf area. Built in 1978 atop an old fishing pier, it is packed with 110 shops and restaurants,as well as a central carousel that adds to its festive mood. Sea lions lounge on floating docks on its west side, and the impressive Aquarium of the Bay occupies an adjoining building to its east. USA 76 is moored in its private marina. I enjoyed a seared-tuna lunch in the Luau Lounge of Players Sports Grill, and decided that this secondstory outpost may be a great place from which to watch the summer's yacht races. • Pier 33 is Alcatraz Landing. Alcatraz Cruises operates multiple daily trips that cross I'/2 miles of bay to the former penal island. Visitors may explore Alcatraz at their leisure during the day, viewing the ruins of the first (1854) lighthouse on the Pacific Coast and taking an audio tour of the storied cell blockthat will haunt them long after they depart. Meanwhile, through October, the Hyatt Regency

• La Mar Cebicheria Peruana.

Fisherman's Wharf; 415-346-

com. Rates from $69 I


playerssf.com. Lunch and

• Argonaut Hotel, 495 Jefferson St Fisherman s Wharf; 415-563-0800, 800790-1415, www.argonauthotel.

/ I,

breakfast), Vintage Court: $291.06 USA 76 sailing:$140 Lunch, Players Sports Grill: $23.65




"BIIRI'I'Ifllll PII..I.IIHUIIIIIIII IIIWRtllf, 151 Plnll tllln' ' W

Dinner, Franciscan Crab:$59.59 Lodging (2 nights with

Admission, Exploratorium:$15

Alcatraz Cruises$30 Lunch, aboard Alcatraz Cruises:$6.25





Bnnnn Bnnnn Bnnnn


1'.1,115 UlffllllltflfflffllllfllUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII


Remo Hotel:$79.70 Breakfast, Pescatore:$22

Bnnnn •nnfna

'II UU I •5


Lodging (1 night), TheSan


• nnna



nnna Bnnn

'White knuckle time' Known as AC72s, the 72foot catamarans chosen for the racesfeature carbon-fiber hulls and rigid sails. Similar, 45-foot cats (AC45s) were used in a series of international races held in the bay last October, the America's Cup World Series, and will also be employed in September's Youth America's Cup. But the bigger boats are a new breed. "The AC72s have not been raced inany true racing competition prior to this," McNeill said. BAt certain m oments, they probably will go faster on the water than cars going over the Golden Gate Bridge above them. And when you're at port tack, trying to cut across a guy's bow at that speed, it's a scary moment. You must make split-second decisions." Construction engineer Michael Kent noted that one of the most thrilling moments for yachtsmen will occur at the beginning of the race.BIt starts with a reach (in yachting terms, that's sailing across the wind) at 40 knots (46 miles per hour)," Kent said."Then you bear away downwind into a run, and this is the real white knuckle time. " Downwind jibes are t h e next most exciting thing, when the crews attempt to keep the boats up on the foils with the hulls out of the water." While America's Cup authorities have designated parameters for all AC72s — the America's Cup boats are 40 feet wide with masts 130 feet tall — each yacht must be constructed in its team's country of origin. They weigh between 5,000 and 8,000 tons, which is about one-third the weight of the mono-hulls that carried the sport through the last half of the 20th century. Kent, who has worked on America's Oracle series at Pier 80 since 2010, compared the rigid wing masts to airplane wings. "The design is definitely aeronautical," he said. "But with speeds around 50 miles per hour, we're more likethe Wright Brothers than what the Boeing engineers are doing now.n


National Historical Park. 499 Jefferson St.; 415-447-5000,

www.nps.gov/safr. Includes

Maritime Museum and Hyde Street Pier.

pier at Pier 39. That would enable ACsailingSF to offer his clientele a "match-racing opportunity" such as is now available, to his knowledge, only in three places: San Diego, Auckland and the Caribbean island of St. Martin. And I thought the sailing was thrilling enough with just a single boat.

would be a perfect fit here." Webb, 38, described himself as nan aging professional athlete, always looking for new challenges. So I brought it back to San Francisco on a ship, spent two months fixing it up and kept it as authentic as possible. We began sailing it on the bay in June 2011. S afety m o difications i n cluded the addition of life rails above the gunwales and an engine to assure the yacht was never atthe mercy of winds. But far more often than not, its 1,750-square-foot sail — made of Mylar with carbon fiber, crisscrossed by Kevlar, rising 115 feet above the 12-foot-wide deck — is at work collecting the wind that drives the boat. Passengers assist in r a ising and lowering the sail under the direction of Buser, a U.S. Coast Guard veteran who once took Arctic icebreakers out of Seattle. He has been in charge of USA 76 since its commercial service began two years ago. Eventually, Webb said, he'd like to add a second America's Cup yacht to his new concrete B



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'A perfect fit' All these other experiences paled, however, compared to my two-hour sailing excursion aboard USA 76. Owner Webb told me that

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safety standards for paying customers. B It occurred to me San Francisco had such a rich sailing history, yet there wasn't anything on the bay that celebrated that history," Webb said. BI had raced this boat on the bay in 2003 (when it beat his native New Zealand), and I thought it


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~gb Q ~ ~ Ey ~ ~ Unscramble these gix Jumbles,

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by David L. Hoyt and Jsff Knufsk

Thank you. Thls really Thays nice, dear. helps ma. I'm just gatlino Rant is duathe ovsra badbreakup. Ireally f h slof the nssd a fresh stsvl. month.

one letter Io each square, Io form gix ordinary words.

contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

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By Nigel Duara

@20isTcbuca Media ganicas, Ico Ah Ri hts Reserved

The Assoclated Press


Keys to success

PORTLAND — Twodecades ago, the city of Portland's Yellow Bike Project put hundreds of canary-colored two-wheelers on the streets for public use. It was an earnest effort, utterly without bashfulness or diffidence. Then, of course, human nature took over and the bikes were variously vandalized, stolen whole or chopped up and sold for parts. Today — earnest, still — the city is making plans to relaunch a version of the bikeshare program. Inthe meantime, you'll have to shell out as much as $25 per day to wheel around Stumptown (one of Portland's nicknames, evoking a bygone era of rapid land development and tree-cutting), but don't fear. There's much to do onthe cheap in a city where living thrifty is living welL


• Powell's City of Books






Now arrange the circled letters Io form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.





DAILY BRIDGE CLUB Tribune MediaServices GJ O

Cy the Cynic says that life is like a tin of s ardines, and everybody i s

finally chose a diamond, which

looking for the key. Nobody has a golden key to success at bridge. The game is simply

h eldAK I 8 7, A 7 ,K 6 4, K 1 0 3 . (True, h e m i gh t h a v e p l ayed

would have been best if South had

differently with t hat hand.) South won with the ten and claimed 12 tricks. L et y ou r o p p onents make t h e mistakes. Let them excel at someone else's table, not at yours. North dealer Both sides vulnerable

t oo demanding. Your scores w i l l depend on two factors. One is how well you and your partner play. That m eans reducing t h e n u m ber o f avoidable errors you make. The other

is how well your opponents play; the ability to give opponents a problem is the mark of an expert. In a t eam m atch, both S ouths landed at six spades, and West led the ten of hearts. Both declarers won with theace and cashed the A-K of trumps. East threw a heart. At one table, South saw that four






NORTH 4 10 9 6 2



0 A Q52 4 A95




diamond tricks would give him a

EAST 44 9 J 6543 2 076 4J1072

4Q53 discard for his losing club. He took 9 1098 the K-A of d iamonds and next the 9 J9 8 3 queen, but East discarded. glgQ 6 4 South still had a slim chance. He cashed the king o f h e arts, ruffed dummy's last diamond, took the A-K of clubs and exited with a trump. If West had held one more heart and one fewer club, he would have been end-played. But West actually cashed thequeen of clubs fordown one.

TO k


SOUTH 4A K J 8 7 QA7 0 K 1 04



At t h e s e cond t a b le , S o u th's N orth approach was different. After he took 1 0 2 4b P the top t r umps, he g ave West a

Ea s t Pass ass


Sou t h 14 6 III

Wes t Pass AII Pas s

problem by cashing the king of hearts Opening lead — 9 10 and exiting w i t h a t r u m p . W e st wasn't sure what to lead next. He

I k

The Associated Press file photo

Portland's International Rose Test Garden has more than 10,000 plants and offers a great view of the city on clear days. ervation: The silt-basalt soil creates a foundation that's too unstable to build on, thwarting any number of development plans. Only a short drive away is Washington Park, home to the International Rose Test Garden, with more than 10,000 rose plants. Peak blooming season is late spring through early fall and there's a great view of the city from the garden on clear days.

Step back into the foggy m ists of yesteryear — O K , maybe just a decade or two — when bookstores were still a viable enterprise. If Portland, as television's "Portlandia" suggests, does keep alive the dream of the '90s, then Powell's is its muse. People-watch, browse away or curl up in one of the comfy chairs: The staff is too busy, the store too massive to worry about lingering readers. Color-coded by room, the block-long bookstore is a mainstay on tourism guides, and with good reason. It's a haven for used, out-of-print, rare or autographed books.

its architecture if you're willing to look hard enough. The best example is the Pioneer C ourthouse downtown, t h e oldest federal building in the Pacific Northwest. The dark wood of its halls, constructed in 1869, make it a quiet refuge from the busy, adjacent courthouse square. Six blocks east bring you to The Lotus, opened as a "soda bar" during

Prohibition (yeah, right) built underneath the Lotus Hotel, a reputed brothel. The highlight is the antique 30-foot (9-meter) cherry wood bar, made in the late 1800s and shipped around most of two continents to arrive in the Pacific Northwest.

• Farmers markets For the daring, the curious and the shameless, Portland's farmers markets mean one thing: Free tastes. Perhaps it's the Rogue River Blue Cheese at the Thursday market in Northwest. Or perhaps the carnivores in your group will make for the beef and chicken of Viridian Farms, darlings of the local restaurant scene. Samples of almost everything are made bite-sized and jammed on a toothpick, and markets can be found nearly every day of the week, anchored by the massive Saturday Market downtovlm. For a city that prizes that which is made nearby and without a lot of chemical help, the farmers marketsspread through all four quadrants are the heart of Portland.

• Forest Park Five thousand acres (2,023 hectares) of rolling hills, fire lanes and th e s imple stillness of the Oregon wild are within city limits, less than a 10-minute drive from downtown Portland. Sure, you'll see committed joggers pounding up hills, rain or shine, but the park is best enjoyed by a slow amble up the Wildwood trail, with creeks bubbling and chipmunks chittering under a shady conifer canopy. And the park does its own self-pres-

• Stuff other people owned B uffalo E x c h ange, t h e used clothing store chain'? At THOSE prices? Never. The most Portland part of Portland, the one that i nspires the jokes, is on H awthorne Boulevard, where you'll find House of Vintage, Red Light Clothing Exchange and half a dozen others. But it's not just recycled clothing that sets this city apart. Looking for a 1920s antique black glass door knob? Hippo Hardware. Eyeglass frames from Season Four of Mad Men? Hollywood Vintage. You won't necessarily find the cheapest options here — because if it's not low-cost, it is, at least, weirdly authentic. But you don't have to spend anything to take in the scene: Browsing isfree and peoplewatching is a sport.

• OldWest With all the f lannel, unicycles and pour-over coffee (made by hand instead of a machine), it's easy to forget that Portland was once an Old West town, a fact reflected in

(C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


Edited by Rich Norris nad Joyce Nichols LeWIS "HACKER" By JEAN O'CONOR

90 Foot pain 3 Attach Iothe location? luggage rack, 94 Cafe say ACROSS 98 Orly arrival 4 Less resonant I Roasting aid 99 Subject DIthe 5 Hillary Clinton, 7 Monopoly token 2008 biography e.g. "The Man Who 6 Dwindled introducedin 2013 Made Lists" alarmingly c 10 Preserve,IR a 100 Kutcherof ND 7 Cook, for Dne: Strings Abbr. way u 8 sAh, me! 14 Hardly eyeAttached" catching 101 Marathon prep 9 Handicapper's IUII help 18 Fifth-century c 10 Beethoven's plunderer 102 WUIhering c c 19 Woodcutter Heights" setting Pathetique, 104 Befuddled e.g. Baba 11 "Bridesmaids" 20 Venice's La 107 Edam? co-producer Fenfce, for one 109Tired of watching Judd 23 Oatmeal? c DDWRIOn 12 ShOW yOUknOW 25 Smooth con Abbey"? 13 1989J90 man's tool? 111 Good thinking Broadway olje26 Bridge man show 27 Building sites 112 Diplomatic VIP 113 sKSIIes host I4 American Girl 28 Roman 114 Diamond datum collection statesman 115 Stag, e.g. 15 Chaka Khan's 29 Refer(Io) original band 30 BII of climbing 116 Spot markers? 117 Collectible 16 Remark Iothe gear Fords audience 32 Words before 17 Nice infants DVD DOWN 21 Wyoming 33 Celebrity I Cries from natives entourages Emeril 22 Chlorine or 34 Victoria'sSecret 2 OR fluorine ad? 38 Peoplealthe I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 supermarket counter? 18 39 Fifth ofa centuiy 24 40 Fictional barber 23 Sweeney 4I Leedsleave- 26 27 taking 46 "Don't reckon 31 30

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problem 5/5/13

*Valid only at Wild Birds Unlimited in Bend throughMay 12. One discount per purchase. Offer not valid on previous purchases or sale items.


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72 73

89 94 9 5




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©2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


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a In uncoo ami e n ew o ness • Ignore the trends and discoverwhat the area hasdone well for decades By LIesl Sch! IIInger

Robert Is Here, a roadside cornucopia that has occupied the same ruralcorner of Florida City since 1960. There the obsessive-compulsive can delight in scanning neat rows of jams, jellies, marinades and honeys, labeled in gold, and stacked like edible bullion. Farm tables are heaped with lemons, mangoes, pineapples, tomatoes and avocados; and at the concession stand, a counter clerk can whip up a strawberry and canastel smoothie (canastel is a fruit that tastes like custard), while-u-wait. That night, back in Miami Beach, we had dinner on Espanola Way, a lovely stretch of car-free road, lined with Mediterranean revival buildings, where tourists (many of them


New York Times News Service

We stood on the Everglades boardwalk, an hour south of Miami Beach, squinting in the sun, looking like fools. He was as white as milk and as gan-

Largo. What it does not involve is staying at an ostentatious $500-

(or $5,000)-a-night Herod's palace of a hotel and hobnobbing with i-bankers and anorexic scenesters with balloon breasts. Nor does it involve Art Basel, nightclubbing or being seen at whatever outrageously expensive new restaurant or louche dive bar is being buzzed about by Northern foodies. Before my most recent jaunt in February, a model friend of mine (a veteran of Art Basel) complained, "Most of the allegedly cool stuff in Miami is actually stuff for New Yorkers who go there — it doesn't have to do with Miami." I fervently agree. My theory about Miami, which has accreted like a coral reef over the years, is that, for the most part, it's best to skip the "allegedly." It's the uncool stuff that's cool about Miami — the salty fried food,the lime-drenched cocktails, the crowded beaches, the tawdriness, even the "touristic" stuff, as foreigners call it. All this bounty will remain after the hot spots of the present have evaporated and new hot spotsreplace them, as long as the sun, sand and sea remain.

A test This F ebruary, m y allegiance to the uncool was tested the first night I arrived. I had brought Cressida, my best friend from New York, who was sleeping at our hotel on Ocean Drive while I took a long walk to assess what had changed in South Beach since my last visit. South Beach, like Manhattan, is a walking town, which means you can absorb the evolving cityscape through the soles of your feet. I'd been wandering for two hours on that balmy night, when, around 2 a.m., I spotted the glowing letters "CLUB DEUCE" above a bar on 14th Street, and recalled that an

Photos by Barbara P Fernandez/New YorkTimes NewsService

Tourists take an airboat rIde through the Florida Everglades near MiamI Beach, Fla. Much of what makes Miami great lies outside the city limits.

An anhInga bIrd suns itself along Anghinga Trail at Everglades National Park in Homestead, Fla. in-the-know New Yorker had urged me to checkthe place out, because, although Mac's Club Deuce has been in South B each forever, chefs f r om Miami's most desirable restaurants have taken to going there after hours, which lends the place fresh cachet. To me, going to Miami in search of cachet is like going to a strip club in search of Sunday schoolteachers; but the bar was acrossthe streetfrom one of my favorite hangouts, an unassuming restaurant called La Sandwicherie, where I suddenlyresolved to geta cafe au lait. I decided to duck into Club Deuce for some chef-spotting first. I w a s h alfway across the street when I overheard two flashily dressed patrons chatting by an idling limo that blocked the door. "No stretch marks, no bullet wounds, just sex, hot, hot sex!" one man raved tothe other.Their cryptic, unsavory exchange was the jolt I n eeded to remind myself that I knew better than to go cachet-hunting in South Beach. I spurned the allegedly with-it, just in time, and returned to La Sandwicherie for my cafe au lait. La Sandwicherie, which looks like a cafe car on a train and has been there for aquarter century, lacks cachet but it was, I realized, my kind of with-it.

Getting it right For 22 years, I've been trying to get Miami right. It's my personal "Groundhog Day"; the place where, with each s uccessive trip, I t r y t o f i x something that went south on a previous visit or add a new element to my Florida rotation. This sometimes dismays the friends I drag along who secretly want to stay at the Delano, or spend long hours admiring disposable art in the warehouses in the Wynwood District, and c an't i m agine why I've lured them onto an airboat ride in a swamp a couple miles from the Dade County prison in Florida City. But a magnet I picked up at the gift shop at that swamp in 1991 (right after observing the anhinga) has held pride of place on my r efrigerator for two decades. It depicts a cheerful alligator doing a jig alongside a sign that says "I Survived the Airboat Ride at Everglades Alligator Farm." All year long, that alligator magnet leers at me from the refrigerator, until I feel the pull to undergo the soggy ordeal

again. On my recent visit, I had made the error of forgetting to warn Cressida of my scheme to immerse ourselves in "classic, uncool" Miami. When, at our hotel, she produced a list of Man h a ttan-chef-recommended new r estaurants, I whimpered. Not wanting to seem unreasonable, I agreed to try one of them our first night: Juvia, nine stories above Lincoln Road, on the corner of Lenox Avenue. There, despite the matchless view and chic

rw, s


Robert Is Here is a fruIt stand that has occupied the same rural corner of Florida since1960. clientele, I mourned its L.A. vibe ($80 for two drinks and eight marshallow-size lumps of raw fish), and wished we'd sat with the zaftig crowd at the alfresco Hofbrau Beer Hall six stories below, downing bratwurst and hefeweizen. In my opinion, if you're going to Miami for food that is more exotic than crab claws and

Caving to the trends But I have a guilty confession. In our last24hours in Miami, after I'd retraced enough Floridian memory l anes to soothe my limbic brain, we went to the art and design districts in downtown Miami. We explored the Rubell museum and gallery-hopped in

Wynwood (one space exhib-

ited "born addicted" baby dolls hooked to Chanel and Prada IV-drips) and we got artisanal sandwiches at a cafe called Panther Coffee, where men in architect' sglasses and women with stern expressions sat typing at laptops. I would have thought the place had been airlifted from NoLIta, except European) go for gelato, crepes that one patron wore only a biand tapas. I knew Cressida kini and Prada sunglasses. had four foodie-approved resOn our last night, I crumbled taurants still moldering on her further, and went to one last to-do list. But after a margarita celebrity-chef-approved resspeared with pineapple at the taurant, a n A s i an-inflected decidedly unhip 0 ! M e xico, gastropub c a lled P u bbelly and a lavish antipasti plate at on the northwest tip of South Hosteria Romana — served by Beach, createdby three mulactual Italians who wore news- tilingual chefs: Andreas Schboy caps, sang Italian pop and reiner, Jose Mendin (both from looked like the young Al Pac- Puerto Rico) and Sergio Naino in "The Godfather" — she varro (from Spain). Pubbelly made eye contact, and said: is tucked alongside a pristine "Well. I guess this does kind marina where gleaming yachts of prove your thesis." Ahh. Old are moored in Biscayne Bay. As Miami comes to the rescue. we got out of the cab and I saw The next two days, we con- tall, white-columned buildings, tinued our tour. We drove to the bay glistening in the moonthe John Pennekamp Coral light and outdoor cafe tables, I Reef State Park in the Keys wondered if we had been magione morning and snorkeled cally transported to Barcelona. a mong b a r r acuda, b r a i n Tasting the short rib and corn coral and schools of yellow, dumplings, flecked with black blue and purple fish. Later we truffle, fragrant with shiso and went to Coral Gables, a lushly Parmesan, resting in a tangy decayed residential neighbor- corn and soy nage that sughood, home to the Venetian gested bearnaise, I fell into a Pool, a freshwater lagoon that gustatory trance. I had never laps around a faux-Italian cas- before thought it possible to tle, a relic of the 1920s. As you find truly e xceptional food drive into the pastel-stuccoed in Miami Beach proper (not mirage of Coral Gables, where counting Joe's Stone Crab). I ... ficustrunks writhe on every I was wrong. lawn, you feel as if you are enI now, officially, add Pubtering an architectural version belly to the rotation.

gly as Napoleon Dynamite, with a gaudy beach towel we'd bought at a Kmart tied around his neck. I was dressed headto-toe in blue-light specials: a bright orange cover-up and plastic sandals three sizes too big. As we stood in our absurd get-ups, marring t h e b l u eskied Florida backdrop, he told me I looked like a Dreamsicle. But the anhinga bird we were staring at in the bushes looked, if a n ything, worse. Moments before, it had plummeted through the air like a feather-duster bomb, snaky neck p o i nted d o w n w ard. Landing in the slough with a messy splash, it emerged with a fish, and instantly gulped it down. Now the bird was clinging to a branch a few inches above a n a pping a l ligator, shaking out its pompom of black feathers. It unpleated the full span of its wings in slow motion — crick, crick, crick — then, lapsing into a frozen posture, hung itself out to dry. Apparently it was not only normal t o l o o k r i d i culous i n southern Florida; it w a s required. That anhinga sighting occurred on my first trip to the Miami area in 1991. Whenever I go back — I've returned a dozen times over the past two decades — I think of that freakish bird and wait for the inevitable Floridian serendipity to splash down once again. It always does. Each trip has brought some new pleasure or quirk that has colored my conception of what I have come to think of a s "m y M i ami" — whether it's a shrimp feast on a dock in Coconut Grove or the sight of a burly man in short shorts, fishnets and yellow stilettos on Collins Avenue, brandishing a plantain and yelling into a pay phone. Experiencing "my Miami" actually involves leaving what most people think of as Miami quite a bit, and exploring wondrous, but not necessarily glamorous, places in the Everglades, Coral Gables and Key

of magical realism.

Miami, but the birds' aesthetic appeal was undeniable.

Old Miami to the rescue An hour later, we were on our way to Key Largo, which begins about 15 miles south of Homestead. On the way we stopped for smoothies at

key lime pie, you are probably overthinking it. The next day, I was determined to reassert my nostalgic program. This would include a visit to a deliriously kitschy r oadside fruit stand i n t h e Redland (the sloughy, mangrovy, agricultural zone south of Miami), a stop at a waterside conch shack in the Keys, and a trip to the Everglades, with its anhingas and alligators. The television woke us the next morning with an exuberant report on the infestation of Burmese pythons that has taken over t h e E v erglades — our day's destination. We had arrived, by chance, on the last week of the "Python C hallenge" b o u nt y hun t . "Folks, there's hundreds of thousands of them in the Everglades, and there's not much t hese snakes won't try a n d eat," the anchor boomed. Armed with this information, we got in the car and headed toward the reptiles, 50 miles south, to a town called Homestead. Before our airboat ride at the alligator farm, a few miles outside the Everglades National Park, we attended a snake show. No doubt because of the day's headlines, the bleachers were packed with tourists, who peppered the snake handler, Albert Killian, with questions. "Are there really pythons all around here?" one asked. "Oh yes," he said. "Farmers bring 'em here and dump 'em. And they bring 'em to us all the time from the prison," he added. "They get into the yard." "Are the snakes afraidof the noise of the boats?" asked a nother. Albert s h ook h i s head. "The snake has no ears; all snakes are deaf," he said. T hankfully, none o f t h e m crawled into our airboat, 10 minutes later, though "Psycho Paul," the longhaired airboat pilot, warned us as we began scudding among the mangroves, "The alligators are



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hungry today, they smell children!" Squeals all around. An hour later, we rolled into

the Everglades, parking near a sign that read: "Warning: Vultures May Cause Damage to Vehicles" (three turkey vultures stood next to it, feigning disinterest). As we meandered down the boardwalks of the Anhinga Trail, I noticed that Cressida was perking up. The Anhinga Trail may not have been as newsworthy as the Rubell Family Collection in

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wee ' inn 'an irli a in ' ac ' TV SPOTLIGHT "The Show With Vinny" 10 p.m. Thursdays, MTV eZach Stone Is Gonna

Be Famous" 10:30 p.m. Thursdays, MTV By Hank Stuever The Washington Post

Although it has to be the least insightful observation in the entirety of television criticism, readers still (still!) c omplain to m e t hat M T V

no longer plays any music

The Associated Press fhe photo

videos. I tell them what I've a lways told them: MT V i s not required by pop-cultural law to show music. It's only requirement is to provide a steady and toxic jet spray of grown-up repellent, by any means necessary.

Vinny Guadagnino of "Jersey Shore" fame now stars in "The Show With Vinny," a contrived hybrid of a reality series and a talk show that is surprisingly sweet.

Ergo, I judge all its programming by that one rule; if I'm unamused, then we're all good. Two of the network's new series confirm that everything at MTV is in fairly standard working order. Vinny Guadagnino, a 25-year-old fireplug of a mama's boy from Staten Island, who made a name for himself by b eing one of the r elatively saner denizens of "Jersey Shore," has a new talk show, and it's clearly marked as an effort to broaden Vinny's brand, if it still exists. "The Show With Vinny," a contrived hybrid of a reality series and a talk show, is a

surprisingly sweet exercise in hospitality and good cheer, in which guests are invited over to the Guadagnino house for a home-cooked meal, courtesy of Paola, Vinny's ma.

Lil Wayne (whom Vinny c alls "Little Wayne," as i f m ore consonants will f u l ly c onvey his respect for t h e m an) "drops in " w i t h h i s e ntourage. Paola and V i n ny's sisters have been duly warned to be on their best b ehavior ("Little Wayne i s my Tony Bennett,"Vinny explains to Paola, who immediately gets it), but nothing can be done about Uncle Nino, who arrives open-shirted and camera-conscious, hoping to meet "John Wayne." Everyone he re goes

through the motions of pretending this is an organic, everyday experience, especially Vinny, who unconvincingly groans when Paola asks Lil Wayne, a New Orleans native, what gumbo is. Beneath all the phony-bologna, however, there are some tender moments, as when Lil Wayne sincerely thanks Paola for dinner: "We're, like, convicts and stuff. People don't really invite us over." There are a lot of scripted shows out there — comedies, mainly — attempting to mine both the relative comfort and underlying ennui of being a man who still lives at home w ith hi s p arents, with t h e Great Recession as a social backdrop matched with a

sense that millennial American culture suffers from prolonged adolescence. None of them get it quite right, but for some reason, Vinny seems like a genuine s ubject to f o l low a n d o b serve — no longer a boy, not quite a man, and yet appealingly self-aware. More than a dozen celebs are slated to come over to the Guadagnino house (Mark Wahlberg, Jenny McCarthy, A$AP Rocky and so on) in future episodes, but really, I'd be content to simply watch Vinny muse directly into the camera about what he believes his future holds. Moving right along, then, to Bo Burnham, a rangy-ropy 22-year-old m u sician/comedian whose bedroom-made YouTube videos p r opelled him to college-circuit fame. A few times now (a Comedy Central special here, a Web link there) I've tried to see what the kids see in Burnh am, and I j u st d on't. Hi s comedy draws on a predictable and facile combination of teen a w kwardness and hormonal ov e r confidence, expressed in satirical r aps a nd ballads. Watching a n audience of college students scream with laughter at his shtick is not unlike the experience of watching these very

same young people squeal at a Wiggles concert when they were toddlers.Who can figure it? (Don't mind me, kids,

omanisstuconmans ast Dear Abby: I'm a 6 0 - year-old woman with grown children. My husband and I divorced after 30 years ofmarriage because he met someone at work. It was a quick p rocess, and because I wa s i n shock, I agreed to the terms of the divorce e ven though t h ey DEAR weren't in my favor.

Two years ago I


met a verynice man who treats me with respect and love. He wants a future for us, and so do I, but I can't get over one thing: He has two illegitimate children — one he didn't even know about — and although the son is an adult, he is still paying back support. I hate to sound like a snob, but this situation isn't OK w ith m e. I'm afraid I w ill always bring it up when I am angry. I'm thinking maybe if we wait until the support obligation has ended I might feel different, but who knows? I'd appreciatesome advice. — Can't Get Over It in Georgia Dear Can't Get Over It: I know very few people over 35 who don't

carry some kind of baggage from past experiences. You don't have t o approve of everything in h i s

suitcase, but if you plan on having a long-term relationship with this "very nice man," you will have to accept that he is fulfilling his legal obligation. Dragging the past into the present during an argument is an unhealthy expression of anger. I t's g uaranteed t o drive a partner away. Until you can find a more c o n structive way to work out disagreements, you shouldn't marry anyone. Dear Abby: My husband and I are in our 30s and have been married 15years. Over the past year we have been intimate only about once every three months. I tried to spice things up to see if I could get him interested, but he reacted by becoming upset, defensive and insinuating that I have an unnatural fixation on sex. After some discussions, it turns out he's having erectile dysfunction problems. I was relieved to know it wasn't lack of interest, but now I'm even more confused by his unwillingness to see a doctor. It has been a couple of months since he confided his problem to me, but he has done nothing to try and correct it.

I offered to go to the doctor with him, have joint therapy — I even tried being a little extra kinky to see if it would help. He still refusesto see a doctor or go to therapy. I'm completely stumped and unsure what else to do. Any advice will truly be appreciated. — Needs Lovin'in California Dear Needs Lovin'. You have done everything you can do. Your husband may be embarrassed or afraid, which is why he's avoiding going to a doctor. Be supportive, but you need to ask him what he plans to do about this — if anything — becausethe absence ofphysical affection is unfair to you. Dear Abby:My 14-year-old granddaughter "Lana" has unfriended me on Facebook twice during the last week. Her mother told me she has been unfriended, too, because Lana doesn't want adults seeing what she's doing on Facebook. How would you handle this? — Nana in Ohio Dear Nana:I'd suggest that Lana's mother tell her daughter that if she wants to continue on Facebook, she had betterKEEP Mom and Grandma as friends. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com

or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069

MAY 5, 2013:This yearyoufocus on


your long-term desires and goals. At times, By Jacqueline Bigar you might want to verify that you really want whatyou are striving for. Remember that as we change, our wish list and goals your efforts will be greatly appreciated. also change. If Tonight: Out with friends. Stars showthekind you are single, CANCER (June 21-July 22) of day you'll have yo u could meet ** * * * D ynamic someone you could ** * * You will want to do something ** * * P ositive n e arly categorize different. Optimism surrounds the Reachouttosomeoneyou have ** * A verage as" a dream come moment. not been around much but who you share ** S o-so true." Take off a lot of your life with. Know what you want * Difficult your rose-colored from a situation. Tap into your creativity. shades every once Tonight: In the limelight. in a while. If you are attached, the two of LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) you enjoy spending a lot of time together, ** * S pend some quality time with a even if it is just doing chores. ARIEScan friend or loved one. Have along brunch be contrary, and he or she brings out that together. You will enjoy catching up on trait in you. each other's news. After getting a better ARIES (March 21-April19) perspective, you could decide to makea ** * * You might feel insecure and not as sure of yourself as you would like to be. major change. Tonight: Wherever your friends are. You could be difficult or moody as aresult. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) This is just a phase, but keep in mind that ** * * M ake sure that you hook up others often live their day-to-day lives with some friends you really care about. feeling as you do now.Tonight: Wait until You often find thatyou are most relaxed the wee hours, then decide. when you'r ewiththese people.Someone TAURUS (April 20-May20) you meet today could be very intense and ** * * * Y our sense of direction in a controlling. Proceed with care. Tonight: meeting will be important, especially as those around you might not want to share Dinner out with a special friend.

gap — and, yep, it's widening. Huzzah! You have no taste!

Carry on.) "Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous," airing after "Vinny," is Burnham's tardy attempt to parlay his stage antics into a scripted TV comedy. He plays 1 8-year-old Zach, who h a s decided to skip college and spend his life savings to hire a camera crew to follow him around and create a reality show. Every mock u m entary trope you've ever seen before — from "Spinal Tap" to "The Office" to "Parks and Recreation" — is employed here, including Zach's vain attempts to get the crew to stop filming whenever the action runs counter to his bloated sense of self. He's a royal pain to all around him, including his worn-out parents and horrified brother. By the time Zach fashions a sex doll out of a basketball, a viewer will find B urnham's antics both ex hausting and irritating. One thing about MTV's socalled original programming is that it is often a safe refuge for the criminally unoriginal. I would like to point out that we can extradite Burnham b ack to r e ality a n d p r o secute him as an adult. This show is so bad, it's beneath even MTV. (Which, I'll allow, might possibly mean that it's




as they normally do. It's not that others want to make you feel left out; rather, it is more a result of their somber moods. Tonight: Go off and do your own thing.

GEMINI (May21-June20) ** * * Take charge and find out what is really going on with an older relative or friend. You areable to make quite the difference in this person's life. Know that

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

** * * Be honest with yourself about the implications of deciding to change direction or alter plans. You could discover thatafamily member is irritated, as he or shehasnothadenough time withyou.You can change this scenario as well. Tonight: Add more fun to a relationship.

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)

** * * Your emotional nature homes in on what is happing with someone you care a lot about. You might decide to buy this person a gift or a token of your affection. You'll discover what his or her limitations are, as well as your own. Try not to push too hard. Tonight: Surf the Web.

PISCES (Fed.19-March20) ** * * I t is a very productive time for you right now, so put your high energy where you need to. Youcan clean up, work on a project or indulge a loved one. Recognize thatyou are in command ofyour own ship. Do whatyou want, and others will follow your lead. Tonight: Treatyourself. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

10:01 p.m. on H gl, "Red Widow" — Now convinced that Schiller (Goran Visnjicj is the one responsible for her husband's murder, Marta (Radha Mitchell) asks Andrei and Luther (Rade Serbedzija, Luke Gossj to help her come up with a way to kill him during the gun exchange. She also approaches Alexandra (Branka Katicj about taking over Schiller's drug operation. Irwin !Wil Traval) tells Kat (Jaime Ray Newman) he wants to make amends in the season finale, "The Hit."

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 &IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347

• 42 (PG-13)10a.m., 3:50, 6:50, 9:50 • THE BIGWEDDING(R) 9:50 a.m., 12:10, 3:05, 9:15 • THECROODS (PG)10:35a.m.,4:30,7:05,9:35 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) f0:25a.m.,1:20, 7:35, 10:10 • THE HOST (PG-13) 9:20 a.m. • IRON MAN 3IMAX (PG-13) 9:15 a.m., 12:30, 3:45, 7, 10:15 • IRONMAN33-D(PG-13)9:45a.m.,10:55a.m.,12 l5,1, 3, 3:30, 4:15, 4:45, 6, 6:30, 6:45, 7:30, 9: I0, 10, 10:30 • IRONMAN3(PG-13)f0:15a.m.,noon,12:45,1:30,3:15, 4,6:15,7:f5,9:45, IO:30 • JURASSICPARK3-D(PG- I3) 1:15, 4: IO,7:10, 10:10 • OBLIVION(PG-13)10:05a.m., f:10,4:05,7:20, f0:20 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 10:45 a.m., 1:35, 4:35, 7:25, 10:25 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL !PGj9:25a.m.,3:20, 6:20, 9:25 • PAIN 8 GAIN! R) 9:35 a.m., 1 2:35, 6:35, 9:30 • SCARY MOVIE (PG-13) 5 11a.m., 1:45, 7:45, 10:05 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •




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Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • IT'S A DISASTER (R) 2, 6 • UPSTREAMCOLOR(no MPAArating) 4

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Fed. 18)

9 p.m. on FOOD,"Chopped" — The winners of the first four competitions — featuring Food Network stars, Cooking Channel stars, master chefs, celebrity cooks and "Chopped"judges — square offforsupremacyand $50,000 for the charity of their choice in "Chopped All-Stars Finale." To get there, they must navigate an appetizer round featuring a salty vegetable and seafood, an entree round with a cheesy pretzel, and a dessert round with almonds and freezedried grapes.

• There may beanadditional fee for3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to changeafter press time.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)

** * * * D on't hold back; instead, clear up your feelings. Also, give others the opportunity to do the same. Listen to what is being shared with sensitivity. Think carefully before offering any feedback or advice. Tonight: Plan for a special meal.

9 p.m. on H C), "Revenge" — Now that she and Daniel !Josh Bowman) are engaged again, Emily (Emily VanCampj planshernextmove,and Aiden !Barry Sloan) struggles to deal with this new development. Jack !N!ck Wechslerj learns more than he was expecting. Conrad's !Henry Czernyj numbers slip in the wake of Victoria's (Madeleine Stowe) revelation on "Nightline." Gabriel Mann also stars in the new episode "Engagement."


• AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)6 • JACKTHE GIANT SLAYER (PG-13jNoon,3 • SILVERLININGSPLAYBOOK(Rj 9 • After 7 p.m., showrsare 2fand o/deronly. Youngerthan21 may at tendscreeningsbefore 7pm.ifaccompanied bya legal guardian.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19)

8 p.m. on ES,"The Amazing Race" —It's down to the finish line for the last racers who traveled the world in this edition of the long-running reality series. The two-person teams of globehopping hopefuls have covered a lot of ground and watched most of their rivals get sent packing. At the end of tonight's season finale, the last team standing gets the prize and the bragging rights. Phil Keoghan hosts.


** * * L isten to news, and manage your personal situation with more ingenuity. You might want to take a risk, but at what cost? You will witness a sudden change of pace in the afternoon. Important information might be forthcoming. Tonight: Start thinking about your to-do list. ** * Pressure comes from a parent or loved one to head in anewdirection. You might decide to go along with this person's ideas, as it could be easier in the long run. Schedule a late lunch with a family member and catch up on his or her news. Tonight: You don't need to go far.

5 p.m. on ESPN,"MLB Basedall" —A battle of longtime National LeagueWest adversaries plays out tonight at AT8T Park, where Buster Posey and the San Francisco Giants close out a three-game homeseries against Matt Kemp and the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Giants got the better of the Dodgers in the season-opening series last month at Chavez Ravine, when they tooktwo of three in a series that featured two shutouts.

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• 42(PG-13) 12:45, 3:30, 6: I5, 9 • THE CROODS (PG) 11:15a.m., 1:30, 3:45, 6:15, 8:30 • IRON MAN 3(PG-13) f 0:30 a.m., 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30 • OBLIVION!PG-13)11 a.m., f:35, 4:10, 6:45, 9:20 Sisters Movie House, 720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • 42(PG-13) 1:15, 4, 6:45 • THE COMPANY YOUKEEP(R) 1:30, 4:15, 6:45 • IRON MAN 3(PG-13) I:45, 4:30, 7 • OBLIVION (PG-13) f:30, 4, 6:30 r/


Madras Cinema 5, f 101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • 42(PG-13) 1:30, 4:10, 6:50 • IRON MAN 3(PG-13) 12:40, 3:30, 6:20 • IRON MAN 3-D 3 (PG-13) 1:10, 4, 6:50 • OBLIVION(PG-13) f:40, 4:f5, 7 • PAIN 8 GAIN(R) I:20, 4, 6:40 Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • THE CALL (UPSTAIRS— R) 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 • IRONMAN3(PG-13) 1,4,7 • Theupstairs screeningroomhaslimited accessibility.


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Mayweather gets 12-rounddecision

o isnoma C or r

LAS VEGAS — Floyd Mayweather Jr. fought

as if he hadnever left the ring, coming back

By Beth Harris

from a year's absence

The Associated Press

Saturday night to win


a unanimous 12-round decision over Robert

Guerrero in their welter-



weight title fight.

Mayweather was masterful at times, landing thudding right

'Ilill"'(l' «

hands and bloodying Guerrero's face in aperformance that mimicked some of his best fights.

Mayweather hurt Guerrero on several occasions, including a series of right hands near the


« • s •,


end of the eighth round that buckled Guerrero's

knees. All three judges scored the bout117-111

in Mayweather's favor. Mayweather rem ainedunbeatenin 44

fights, while handing Guerrero only his second loss as apro. Mayweather was

Darron Cummings/The Associated Press

Joel Rosario, riding Orb, reacts after winning the139th Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs Saturday in Louisville, Ky.

booed at times for not mixing it up more, but he didn't need to. He was content to move

him the 5-1 favorite, a position Revolutionary had owned most of the

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Way back in the pack heading into the final turn, Orb was calm even if his jockey wasn't. Churning through a sloppy track that resembled creamy peanut butter, the bay colt picked up speed and, one by one, blew past rivals. By that time, jockey Joel Rosario knew he was aboard the Kentucky Derby winner. Orb powered to a 2'/2-Iength victory Saturday at Churchill Downs, giving trainer Shug M cGaughey and Rosario their first Derby wins. "I was so far behind," Rosario said. "He was very relaxed. It's exactly what I wanted." Rosario had Orb in the clear on the outside and they forged to the lead deep in the stretch run, with enough momentum to hold off 34-1 shot Golden Soul. It was a popular victory before a crowd of 151,616, which poured enough latemoney on Orb to make




McGaughey, a62-year-old native of Lexington, finally got the Derby win he had long sought. Orb was just his second starter since 1989, when he settledfor second after Sunday Silence beat Easy Goer on a muddy track. "It means everything to me," the Hall of Famer said. "I've always dreamed of this day and it finally came." The race was dominated by closers. Golden Soul rallied from 15th to second, while Revolutionary was 18th at one point and finished third for trainer Todd Pletcher. Normandy Invasion finished fourth.

1. Orb 2. Golden Soul

3. Revolutionary 4. Normandy lnvasion 5. Mylute 6. Oxbow 7. Lines of Battle 8. Will Take Charge

9. Charming Kitten 10. Giant Finish

11. Overanalyze 12. Palace Malice 13. Java's War 14. Verrazano

Orb paid $12.80, $7.40 and $5.40.


Golden Soul returned $38.60 and $19.40, while Revolutionary paid $5.40 to show. Mylute was fifth, followed by Oxbow, Lines of Battle, Will Take Charge and Charming Kitten. SeeOrb/D5

16. Frac Daddy 17. Goldencents 18. Vyjack 19. Falling Sky


and land jabs and right hand leads, while Guerrero grew increas-



Bears triumph in regular season finale

-' i.

ingly frustrated trying to ts

chase him. The fight settled into a familiar pattern

from the third round on as Mayweather made





adjustments and started

landing somecrisp right leads to Guerrero's



head. Guerrero was eager to trade punches, but often couldn't find Mayweather, who had

already movedout of range.


•i s«t

Before the fight there

had been someconcern about Mayweather having ring rust after

Bulletin staff report

going ayear without

Bend High capped its regu-


a fight. But he didn't

lar season Saturday with a

miss a beat, using his defensive skills to baffle Guerrero and keephim off balance.

convincing 11-2 nonleague


"I feel bad I didn't get the knockout tonight that the fans wanted,"

Mayweather said. "I

boys lacrosseromp over visiting Hood River Valley at the 15th Street Field. Brandon Fitzpatrick scored four goals to lead the Lava Bears, and Hayden Baney and Cade Hinderlider added two apiece as Bend charged to an 8-0 halftime lead and scored the first 11 goals of the match. Eli Pite, Geoff Mouser and DanielNase also scored goals for the Bears, and both Pite and James Rockett were credited with two assists. Next for the Lava Bears






'i. •

hurt my right hand." — The Associated Press «

MLB Joe Kline/The Bulletin

Half marathon competitors run a section of the Deschutes River Trail during the Salmon Run on Saturday morning in Bend.

(10-5 overall) is a High Des-

Seattle closing pitcher Tom Wilhelmsen

Pitcher making his mark for M's Tom Wilhelmsen has

been a consistent closer for Seattle,D5



• Participants compete ina 5I(,10ICanda half marathon alongthe DeschutesRiver Saturday

of fellow Bend runner Marshall Greene (37:49.0). Third in the 10K was Red-

• For complete Salmon Run results, see

mond's Rigo Ramirez (39:36.9).

Scoreboard,D2 ed more than 450 participants for the three-race event. In the 5-kilometer race, Bend's Zita Bauge placed first among 206 finishers; her time was 18 minutes, 27.5 seconds. Second was Redmond's Bob Russell (18:31.7), and third was Bend's Nolan

Bulletin staff report Runners by the hundreds took to the trails along the Deschutes River in Bend on Saturday for the 25th annual Salmon King (19:23.3). Run. The combination of a p l easant In the 10K race, first among 207 finspring day, courses flanked by stunning ishers was Jordan Wolfe, whose win-

The first woman finisher in the 10K was Bend's Carolyn Daubeny (47:46.8). Top honors in the Salmon Run's inaugural half marathon went to Joel Garzen, of Moses Lake, Wash., whose time over 13.1 miles was I hour, 30 minutes, 52.8 seconds.Second among 53 finishers was Bend's Dave Harms (I:31:37.6), and third was Portland's Ben Donahue


scenery and a popular local beneficiary

ning time (34:52.5) was nearly three full

First to the half-marathon finish for the women was Bend's Natalia Martin

— The Environmental Center — attract-

minutes faster than the runner-up time


ert League semifinal match Wednesday against Sisters. Bend is the league's No. 2 seed, and Sisters is No. 3. The game is set for 5 p.m. at the 15th Street Field. In Wednesday's other league semifinal contest, No. I seed Summit plays at home against No. 4 seed Harney County. That match is scheduled for 6 p.m. at Summit High. Semifinal winners will play Friday in Sisters at 7 p.m. to determine the High Desert League's No. I and No. 2 seeds in the Oregon High SchoolLacrosse Association state playoffs. Also on Friday at Sisters, the semifinal losers will face off at 5 p.m. to determine the league's Nos. 3 and 4 seeds to state.

Warriors' Curry captivating crowds By Antonio Gonzalez


The Associated Press

Phil Mickelson smiles after making a birdie putt during Saturday's Wells Fargo Championship.

Two tied for lead

at Quail Hollow Phil Mickelson and Nick

Watney ontopheading to today's final round,D3

OAKLAND, Calif. — Spurs coach Gregg Popovich pokes fun at questions from reporters all the time and can be easily irritated and annoyed, especially after losses, which is what made his reaction to Stephen Curry sinking seven 3-pointers in Golden State's 116-106 win over San Antonio lastmonth such a rare scene. "It's actually fun to watch," Popovich said following the game in Oakland on April 15, when he rested most of his starters. "Everybody hates losing, but I enjoyed watching a talented

kid perform the way he did, and he does it with class." Curry can captivate almost any audience in a way almost nobody else can. Curry's connection to the crowd at ear-splitting Oracle Arena has been must-see TV in the NBA playoffs, leading the Warriors to the second round against the Spurs starting Monday night in San Antonio. Hall of Famers and celebrities tweet about his games. Even opponents marvel at his record-breaking shooting stroke. If his stardom continues to rise, the

Warriors hope Curry can also make a franchise that has remained remarkably popular in the Bay Area an appealingplace for marquee free agents around the country. "I think the way he plays, the type of person he is, it's very, very attractive to other people," said Warriors guard Jarrett Jack. "He's one of the best teammates I've ever had. Overall, one of the best people I've ever known. Playing with him and watching him is just fun, man. Who doesn't want to have fun'?" SeeCurry/D6

Golden State Warriors' Stephen Curry. Marcio Jose SanchezI The Associated Press

' Nr;, o~




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Moses, Bend,1:,KathieMarion Bend,

Today Girls lacrosse: Roseburgat BendUnited (Summit HS),2 p.m.

Kahal, Bend,1.00:19.0.203, JessieFisher, Bend,

Monday Baseball: Estacada at Madras, 4:30p.mxCulverat East LinnChristian, 4:30p.mcRedmondat Ridgeview,4:30p.m.; Summit at Crook County, 4:30 p.mz MountainViewatBend,4:30 p.m. Softball: Madras atEstacada,4:30p.m. Boys golf: Crook County, Ridgeviewat district tourney at Pendleton Country Club,TBD;Sisters at district toumeyatTokatee,TBD Girls golf: CrookCounty, Ridgeview,Sisters at district tourneyat BrasadaRanch, TBD, Madrasat district meet inBoring,noon Boys tennis:Sistersatdistrict championshipsin Medford, TBD Girls tennis: Class5ASpecial District1 championships, TBA,Madrasat district championshipsin Portland,TBA

Tuesday Baseball: LaPineatSisters, 4.30p.m. Softball: Sistersat LaPine,4:30 p.m. Boys golf: Crook County, Ridgeviewatdistrict tourney at PendletonCountry Club,TBD;Slsters at district tourney atTokatee,TBD Girls golf: Crook County, Ridgewew,Sistersat district toumeyat BrasadaRanch, TBD;Madrasat district meet inBoring,noon Boys tennis: Sistersatdistrict championshipsin Medford, TBD, Madrasatdistrict meetinPortland, TBA Girls tennis: Class5ASpecial District1 championships, TBA;Madrasat district championships in Portland,TBA

RUNNING Local Salmon Run In Bend Saturday

5K 1, Zita Bauge,Bend, 18:27.5. 2, Rob Russell, Redmond,18:31.7. 3, Nolan King, Bend, 19:23.3. 4, AngelHernandez,Bend 19:44.8. 5, LanceHemp-

hill, GrantsPass,19:55.1.6, KeananNaegele, Bend, 20:04.1. 7,JasonTownsend, Bend, 2006.4. 8, Sam King, Bend,20:08.9.9,RickPeters, Bend,23:01.1.10, DelrayRhoan,Culver, 23:19.6.

11, Averi Hartford, Redmond,23:27.7. 12, Dave

Trass,Bend,23:31.1. 13, LeoJohns, SouthBeach, 23;43.5.14,MagnusLA ' rgent, Bend,2346.7. 15,Julie Downing,Bend,23:49.8. 16, Danie Harris, Bend, 23:586..17,Stephanie Russell,Redmond,24:02.0. 18, JordanGregory, Bend,24:04.5. 19,John Rowe, Bend,24:10.9.20, TamaraCrawford, Bend,24:118 21, Andrew Bell, Bend, 24:40.0. 22, Nicolas Campbell , Bend, 25:09.0. 23, Nathan Robbins, Bend,25:10.9.24, Deaver Carrie, Bend,25:24.8. 25, DagnyDonohue,Bend, 25:28.1. 26, KaylinMcAfee, Redmond, 2529.4.27,CarlosStout,Bend,25:30.1. 28, RobinJudlce, Bend,25:30.2. 29,JennaRlnger, Bend, 25:42.8.30,JohnMills,Redmond,25:52.1. 31, Marilu Semph,Beaverton, 26.05.6. 32, UnknownUnknown,26:06.7. 33, Burke Selbst, Bend, 26:14.6. 34,PaulHutter, Bend,26:15.9. 35,Jessica Czmowski,Bend,26:22.3. 36, ConneffyCox, Bend, 26:23.6. 37, BradCanrey,Redmond, 26:24.7. 38, DaveRosen,Bend, 26:30.5. 39,Mark Hobbs, Bend, 26:39.4.40, LoganZuelke, Bend,26:519. 41, ShaelynnDavis, Bend,26:53.3. 42, Katherine Howden,Eureka,27:00.0. 43, MorningRaeFerris, Warm Springs,2703.8. 44,MikeRiley, Bend,27:12.3. 45,MikeRoe,Bend,27:12.4.46,LivDowning,Bend, 27:14.7.47, GenaHuff, Redmond, 27:162 48, Robert Naegee, Bend,27:32.2.49,Sharlene Wils, Bend, 27:35.0.50, KevinPutnam,Bend,28:03.7. 51, StephanieHicks, Bend, 2806.7. 52, LaurenHicks,Bend,28:07.0.53,SamuelHicks,Bend, 28:07.5. 54, BrandyAnderson,Bend, 28:17.5. 55, RyanHadden,Roseburg, 28:28.3. 56, BrandonHoward, Bend, 28.28.8. 57, CarrieCohen,Bend, 28:30.4. 58, Heidi Farner,Bend, 28:36.3. 59, Seth Evans, Redmond,28:40.2. 60, Daryl Edwards, Redm ond, 28;41.7. 61,KevinCox,Bend,28:45.3.62,GregMikkelson, Bend,2,JasonBell,Bend,,Scott

Hays,Bend,28:53.6. 65, EchoLappin, Bend,28:53.8. 66, AramBoyd, Bend,28:593. 67,AmandaBaker, Bend, 29:04.1.68,Angela Shatting,Bend,29:08.8. 69, David Presland,Bend, 29:14.4. 70, Stephanie Sherfield,Oregon,29.34.7. 71,Erily Paniagua, Oregon,29:35 9.72,Stephanie L'Argent,Bend,29:58.1.73, AmilynnCampisi,Dregon, 30:01.0.74,StacyJohns,SouthBeach, 30:05.1. 75, Teri McConneff, Burns, 30:06.1. 76, AnnMcConneff, Burns, 30:06.2.77,LauraRowe, Bend, 30:11.2. 78, Heathe rWalker,Bend,30:13.7 79,RebeccaOja,Bend, 30:20. 0 80,GavinBiancucci,Bend,30:26.5. 81, BryceWhite, Bend,30:32.8. 82, JackDeaver, Bend, 30:35.7.83,AmandaSchriver, Bend,30.36.6.

84, Kristi Pace,WestLinn,30:46.7 85 Amy Kestek, Redmond,30:46.8. 86,CamDaws, Bend,30:55.8. 87, AaronWhaley,Bend, 30:57.3. 88, TimWiliams, Bend,30:58.2. 89,SonjaDonohue,Bend,30.59.6. 90, ShelbyGrassman,ChristmasValley, 31:11.6. 91, Keith Belbrich, Corvaffis, 31:177. 92, Erin BevandoBend,31:18.5. 93,GregKnakal, Portland, 31:24.9. 94, Hudson Knakal, Portland,31:25.0. 95, Cindy Tisher,Bend,31:33.2. 96, KristofferAldous, Bend,31:35.9.97, EricWirtz,Redmond,31:365. 98, Kelly Rush,Bend,31:40.0. 99, Heidi Miler, Bend, 32:020..100,Suzanne MacDonald,Bothell,Wash., 32:02.4. 101,Sarah Herberholz,Bend,32:08.9. 102,Rayna Bevando, Bend, 32:19.1. 103, Dani Miller, Sunrlver, 32:24.5.104,TaraleeSuppah, WarmSprings, 32:29.8. 105, Annette Leigh, Bend, 32:49.0. 106, LynnBaker,Bend,32:51.1. 107, MaryDennis, Bend, 33:02.2.108,KristenGregg, Bend,33:05.1. 109,Karissa Cam pbell, Bend,33:07.7.110,Jennifer Roberts, Bend,33:12.6. 111, Julie Freeborn,Bend,33:20.3. 112,Jessie Fowls, Bend,33.23.9. 113,AndyReyes, John Day, 33:39.7. 114,Harris Knakal,Tualatin, 33:41.1. 115, WendyBussmann,Sixes,33:41.9.116,John Warren, Portland,3345.1. 117,JennyMarks, Sherwood, 33:57.8. 118, T J. Zuelke, Bend,34:12.3. 119 Shyreffe Hurtado,WarmSprings, 34:39.4. 120,Amanda Standish,Cornelius,34:39.8 121, Zach Standish, Cornelius, 34:40.2. 122,Scot Barr,Bend,34:43.8.123, JohannaBarr, Bend,34:44.0. 124, Cory Wirtz, Redmond,, ChloeMiler, La Pine,34:57.7.126,KristenGaus,Bend,35:05.4. 127, MeganRutherford, Bend,35:05.7. 128,Jamie Freeman,Bend, 35:10.5. 129, April Zeisfer, Bend, 35:17.2.130,SarahHubbard, Bend,35:17.5. 131, Kris MechalsTri , nidad,35:19.8. 132,Jesse Bussmann,Sixes, 3521.7.133, EdwardSobiesczyk, Redmond, 35:38.0. 134,ErinRoe,Bend,35:52.0. 135, MarkBaskervile,Springfield, 35:55.0.136,AvaDennis, Bend,36:02.6. 137, Bridget Roe,Bend, 36:12.7. 138, KimPutnamSpreier, Bend,36:17.1. 139,Jody Ashby, Bend, 36 19.8. 140,AudreyDennis, Bend, 36:24.2. 141, RachealBaker, Bend,36:35.8. 142,Lindsay Abbott, Portland, 36:38.1. 143, KiyaSears, Bend, 36:39.3.144,InaMcLean,Bend,3644.2. 145,Sarah Rush, Bend,36:45.0. 146,LenoraMartino, Laredo, Texas,36:46.8.147, Rachael Roberts, Bend,37:01.2. 148, KathySpurlock, Bend,37:139. 149, LisaWeber, Medford, 37:19.9. 150, CharleneStockero, Bend, 37;29.0. 151,Mike McLean,Bend,37:293.152,Lindsay Woods, Bend,,Liv Benson,Portland, 39.43.7. 154,RachelStema ch, Bend,39.43.9. 155, Heather Neal, Bend, 39:59.2. 156, Joan Morris, Redmond, 40:24.4.157,0hristiePack,Bend,4030.1. 158, IrishBoyce,Salem,40:53.5.159, MichaelBoyce, Salem,4054.1.160,PattyEvans Redmond,41:20.0. 161, Leroy Newport, Redmond,41:39.7. 162, Jennifer Baskervile, Springfield, 41:50.4.163, Meg Putnam,Corvaffis, 41:50.4. 164,LesleyDark,Silver Lake,41:55.4.165, Tabatha Heater, Eugene, 42:01.0.

166, Donna Torcom, Redmond, 42:14.2. 167,Karen

Suff livan,Bend,42:25.7 168,Kim Ludwick,Salem, 42:26.2. 169,Jennifer Henke,Bums,42:30.0. 170, KarenMiler, LaPine,42:44.9. 171, TaraLoiodici, La Pine, 42:44.9. 172,Jason Moore, Bend, 43:25.1. 173, RosaMoore, Bend, 43:40.5. 174, Jami Sheppard, Stanford, 44:16.3. 175, BrettByers,Bend,44:16.8. 176,MeganRichey, Marshall, 46:09.9.177,AnthonyJohns, Prairie City, 46:09. 9.178,Susan Castiff o, Bend,46.49.4 179, KaylaMcConneff,Bums,4713.9.180, CodyMcConne I, Bums, 47:14.9. 181, TamiDark, Silver Lake,47:42.7. 182, Charlene Wills, 48:57.7. 183 JudyNewport, Redm ond, 49:37.7. 184,WesPack, Bend,49:45.9. 185,Apryl Jewett, Winston, 50:10.3. 186, Cindi Puckett, Hillsboro, 50:23.0. 187,Jan Skonord, Bend, 51:06.7. 188, EvaHarris, CanyonCity, 51:09.8. 189, Michael

Cosgrove,JohnDay,51:161.190, MelanieLeckenby, John Day, 52:15.3. 191, Lynda Hays, Bend,5229.0.192, RyanMarks, Bend, 52:32.5. 193, Kai Brennan,Bend, 52:34.2. 194, CindyBrennan, Bend,52:36.6. 195, Caroline Marks, Bend,53:08.7.196,Micheff e Smith,Bend, 56:08.3. 197,DougSmith, JohnDay,56:135. 198, TyceGrassman,ChristmasValley, 56:46.9. 199,Larry

1;00:06.6 201, Maureen Kohal, Bend,1:00.18.5. 202 Dane 1:01:43.2 204,Tam ara Brost, Bend,1:13:01.2 205, SarahHastings,Bend,1:13:01.3. 206,Tudor Gilmour, Bend,1:36:29.3

10K 1, Jordan Wolfe, Bend, 34.52.5. 2, Marshall Greene ,Bend,37490.3,Rigo Ramirez,Redmond, 39:36.9. 4, JesusPatino, Oregon,39:46.6. 5, J.D. Downing,Bend,39:51.7.6, RobKyker, Bend,40.17.2. 7, SylvainBauge,Bend,40:32.8. 8, JasonAdams, Bend,40:33.1. 9,JasonTownsend,Bend,41:37.9.10, DanteBiancucci, Bend,41:42.7. 11, ScottJones,Redmond,42:17.7.12, PaulHynes, Bend,42:289.13, MikeBowers, Bend,42:49.3.14, Cody Jackson,Oregon,43:34.2. 15, Ron Deems, Bend, 45:35.8.16,ConnerWick, Oregon,46.10.0. 17, DougThompson, Bend, 46:338 18, BayleeDemoe,Oregon,47:03.0. 19, NathanielWilson, Oregon, 47:04. 9.20 MicahSisson,Oregon,47:07.5. 21, Tyler Bemrose,Bend, 4728.1 22, Russell Taylor,Bend,47:36.7.23, ChrisCarey, Bend,47:37.9. 24, TopherRoot, Bend,47:44.4. 25, Carolyn Daubeny, Bend, 4746.8 26, BrianVierra, Bend,49:150. 27, CasonMcCain,Bend,49:26.0. 28, BradFrederick, Corvaff is,49:30.4.29,SusanneFlynn,Bend,49.47.4. 30, MjWoodis,Portland,49:59.5. 31, TinaSullivan,Bend,49:59.7. 32,David Collier, Springfield, 50:01.8. 33, Tyral Petersen,Redmond, 50:08.3 34, BenShirley, Bend,50:27.8. 35,Jacob Harper,Bend,50:28.136,StuSumner, Bend,50:51.1. 37,TylerDay Bend,50:52.0.38,KatieLamarre,Bend, 50:53.5. 39,MarkHubler, Bend,51:09.1. 40,Trevor Arsenault,Lakeview51:14.2 41, ChrisNolte,Bend,51:16.9. 42, DuaneMock, Duvall, 51:20.1.43, JakePaltzer, Bend,51:34.0. 44, SteveMcKinnon,Bend,5137.0. 45,JosephNewman, Bend, 52:16.3.46, EricBush,Canyon City, 52:16.7. 47, Jerry Everist, Bend,52:33.0. 48, Pat Shields, Redmond,52:33.5 49, BenRoley,Tigard,52:33.8. 50, Tyler Scharpf,Bend,52:36.2. 51, HeatherRoley,Bend,52.42.2. 52, MollyTiffey, Bend,52:59.4 53,KatherineNordholm,NorthBend, 53:07. 1.54,Doug Wiff ems,Bend,53:15. 5.55,BryantHaley,Redmond,53:31.5.56,Samantha Warner, Bend, 5402.4. 57,JohnFarweff, Bend,54:06.9. 58, DrewRasm ussen, Bend, 54:09.4. 59,Walter Carter, Prineville, 54:15.4. 60, Maxine McLinney,Bend, 54:27.9. 61, Jay Herrman,Bend,54:31.3. 62, Eizabeth Strau sbaugh,Bend,54:34.9.63,Sheby Little,Bend, 54:42.3. 64, EricArndt, Bend,54:51.5. 65, Branden Miller, Bend,54:51.9. 66,GaryDehm, Bend,5455.5. 67,Ryan Rangel,Albany,54:55.7.68,John Dick,St Paul, 54:57.0.69,Katie Chipko Bend,55:08.7.70, BrianHarrington,Bend,55:10.0 71,Micheff e Edwards,Bend,55:16.6. 72, Dani Stewart,Bend,, I-leidi Bernhard,Redmond, 55:220. 74, CharlesHurst, Portland, 55:31.8. 75, SarahBush,CanyonCity,56:12.0.76,WendyJoslin, Bend, 56:17.1.77, CarryleeHudson, Bend,56.19.0. 78, DianeYensen, Bend, 56:29.4 79,JasonEdwards, Bend,56:32.1.80,AshleyHynes, Bend,56:33.1. 81,GinaGuss,Bend,56:36.5.82,JamesSavacool, Medford, 56:55.1. 83, Molly Waterman,Lafayette, 56:56. 9 84,JeffMonson,Bend,57:00.3.85,Greg Robbins,Bend,57.14.7. 86, DavidFaurot, Portland, 57:34.0. 87, DianeAnderson, Bend, 57:45.4. 88, Lew Becker,Bend,58:02.0. 89,RandyKing, Sisters, 58:03.9.90,LaurenBackes,Bend,58:09.1. 91, KatjaTrygg,Bend, 58:09.2. 92,SarahHarlos, Bend,58:09.6.93,RachelWorbes, Bend,58:19.5. 94, Dedee West,Bend,58:20.4.95,TonyWest,Sunriver, 58.21. 9.96,Susan Paltzer,Bend,,Rainie Stein ,Bend, 58:26.7.98,Jon Bullock,Redmond, 58:40.9 99, Katie Dailey,Bend,58:59.4. 100, Jeff Knox,Bend,58:59.8. 101, Ashley Lundberg,Lakeview,59:01.6 102, Donna Nichoff, Lakeview,59:01.6. 103, Christine Olexa,Bend,59:01.9. 104, KatieMcNeley, Lakeview, 59:02 6.105, NicoleMuller, Lakeview,59:02 7 106, AlaynaWeimer, Redm ond, 59:07.4. 107, Meghan Stock, KlamathFalls,,DaisnkeSakadibara, Tokyo, 59:16.7. 109, StenSwanston, Bend, 59:19.0.110,DennisKing, Sunriver,59:27.2. 111, Jennifer Cruickshank,Bend,59.32.0. 112, Jane Brolsma,Eugene, 59:33.5. 113, KateTorcom, Redmond,59:40.7. 114, ShannaHancock, Bend, 59:52.7. 115,Jennifer McCormick,Bend,1:00:00.8. 116, Cheri Kropp, Bend, 1:00:30.0. 117, Kathryn Smith,Eureka,100:34.9.118,CraigZeisfer, Gresham, 1:00:36.1.119,JessicaKernion,Bend,1:00:40.0.120, AndreaWiggins, Bend, 121, BenBarrowm an, Montpelier, Vt., 1:0119.9. 122, MadisonBrown,Bend, 1:01:24.8. 123,Sandy Beelmann,Bend, 1:01:40.3. 124, LindsayJones, Bend, 1:01:51.8.125,NormPloss, Bend,1:0153.1. 126, Mary Fister, Tigard, 1:01:59.5. 127,Amanda Lawrence,Bend,1:, CaraMarsh-Rhodes, Bend,1:02:289.129,RickHickmann,Bend,1:02 298. 130, LindaHickmann,Bend,1:02:29.8. 131, Curtis Mason,HoodRiver, 1:02:31.6. 132, Katie Simon,Portland, 1:02:34.3. 133,JaimePhifer, Tigard, 1:02:50.0. 134, Katie Henry,Medford, 1:03:36.6. 135, LaurelHaas,Bend,1:03:46.8. 136, Kate Olsen,Portland, 1:03:51.8.137,AmandaDark, Si ver Lake,1:04:17.4. 138,Astrid Toner,Montpelier, 1:04:29.1.139,Kelly Burdick,Wilooughby,1:04:32.6. 140, Jolene Dunlap, Portland,1:04:36.5. 141, Jody Palmer, Alameda,Calif., 1:0436.7. 142, Lindsay McKernan, Bend, 1:04:40.0. 143, Katie Bearden,Bend, 1:04:55.9. 144, lan Lower, Bend, 1:05:03.4.145,John Warren, Denton,Texas, 1:05:05.5.146,Julie Boeff,Portland, 1:05:18.8. 147, DanaBratton,Bend,1:, LisaDewitt, Bend, 1:06:01.8 149,Camile Fetzer-Lockh,Bend,1:0611.2. 150,DamienSands,Brownsviff e,1:06253. 151, ValerieZeisfer,Gresham,1:, Amy Derby,Fossil, 106:56.6. 153,Justin Finestone,Bend, 1:07:18.8.154, PeytonMiler, Bend,1:08:00.8. 155, Margie Untermeyer,Bend, 1.08:07.3. 156, Rachel Miller, Bend, 1:08:11.1. 157, ErikaWilson, Bend, 1:08:17.5. 158,TonyCourtwright, Bend, 1:08:30.7. 159, Jim Fister,Tigard, 1:08:48.4. 160,KaelynnAdams,Bend,1:08:54.4. 161, Andrew Untermeyer, Bend, 1:09:04.0. 162, Jenniffer Smith, Bend, 1:09:07.9. 163, Deanne Driscoll, Dayviffe,1:09:08.5.164,GregRompel, Bend, 109:27.8 165, Josh McKiney, Bend, 1:0938.3 166, SabinaMcKinley, Bend,1:09:38.3. 167,Andrea Steph enson,Yamhiff ,1:09:46.0.168,EileenDodson, Bend, 1:10:06.4 169,DominicFicco-Juslen,Bend, 1:10:08.2.170,RyanSmith, Bend, 1:10:38.4. 171, PeggyRoyston,TheDalles 1:10.47.8. 172, GaryHays,Bend,110:48.1.173, Rachel Maida, Bend, 1:11:06.2.174, Lana Fox,Bend,1:11:36.7.175, Dan Shoop, Bend, 1:12:16.9. 176, ElizabethJohnson, Bend, 1:13480. 177, ChloeMiler, Bend,113484. 178, Jennifer Baffard, Bend, 1:13:48.5. 179, Liz Sample,Sunriver,1:14.15.7. 180,Emily Zamarripa, Bend,1:1545.5 181, Denine Howe,Albany, 1:15:50.2. 182,Michal Yourdon,Bend,1:19.58.0. 183,JennKandra, Bend, 1:19:59.7.184,SarahKraemer, Beaverton, 1:20:56.1. 185, LynnAdamo,Hilsboro, 1:21:30.9. 186, Bob Faber,Hiffsboro, 1:21:31.3.187, Gloria Ploss,Bend, 1:26:42.8. 188, Katie Underhill, ChristmasValley, 1:27:01.0 189,LindseyUnderhiI, ChristmasValley, 1:27:01.0. 190, DanielaChugg, ChristmasValley, 1:27:03.1. 191, BuddBeaty, Bend,1:27:13.4. 192,Jennifer Chugg, ChristmasValley, 1:27:27.1. 193, SaraPetersen, Bend,1:27:59.7.194, Patricia Miller, Boise, 1:29:21.9 195,JenHaley, Eagle,1:29:23 7. 196,Doris Tom, Sparks, 1:33:38.8.197,FrankMessina, Bend, 1:34:19.7. 198, KatherineClason, Bend,1:34.29.1. 199, AmyClason,Bend, 1:34:29.3. 200, Christopher Dent, Bend,1:36:36.8. 201, NatalieDanielson, Bend,1:36:37.0. 202, Tia Hall, Albany,1:37:24.9. 203, HenryBurweff, Bend, 1:37:498. 204,LizbethCattle, Bend,1:40:04.3. 205, Ashley Newm an, Tigard, 1:51:13.0. 206, Charlene Newman,Bend,1:51:13.1. 207,Christy Aldape,Boise, 1;53;12.1

Chugg,ChristmasValley, 2:12:39.3.34, RalphPhillips,Bend,2:12:50.0.35,JeffDix,Bend,2:1527.4 36, GaryDorris, Talent, 215:36.7. 37, Juie Austin Souza,Bend,2:1536.9. 38,FredChugg, Christmas Valley, 2:15:53.9. 39, Craig Brown,LakeOswego, 2:17:40.9.40, Marybel Rodriguez,Bend,2:17:47.4. 41,Lisa MacLeff an,Bend,2:18:25.3.42,Kevin Cozad,Sunriver,2:19:09.6 43, Marjorie McGreevy, Sunriver, 2:19:09.7 44, WendiWorthington, Bend, 2:22:59.0. 45, Leslie Neugeb auer, Bend,2:25:54.2. 46, DeborahQuast, Ashland, 2:28:33.1. 47, April Bays,Redmond 2:29:38.6. 48,Brandon Williams, Bend,2:49:38.3.49, JacobWeston, Bend, 2:57:59.6. 50,KaitlynCoca,Clackamas,3:00:595 51, Wil iam Coca, Clackamas,3:00:59.6. 52,Becky Van Verst,Bend,3:01:04.6. 53, SherrynAdair, Bend, 3:12:01.3.



EASTERN CONFERENCE Miami 4, Milwaukee0 Sunday,April 21:Miami110 Milwaukee87 Tuesday, April 23:Miami98,Milwaukee86 Thursday,April 25.Miami104,Milwaukee91 Sunday,April 28:Miami88, Milwaukee77

New York 4,Boston2 Saturday,April 20:NewYork 85,Boston78 Tuesday, April 23:NewYork87, Boston 71 Friday,April 26 NewYork90, Boston 76 Sunday,April 28:Boston97,NewYork90(OT) Wednesday,May1 Boston92, NewYork86 Friday,May3: NewYork88, Boston 80 Indiana 4, Atlanta 2 Sunday,April 21:Indiana107,Atlanta90 Wednesday, April 24:Indiana113,Atlanta98 Saturday,April 27:Atlanta90, Indiana69 Monday,April 29 Atlanta102,Indiana91 Wednesday, May1:Indiana 106,Atlanta 83 Friday,May3:Indiana 81,Atlanta 73 Chicago 4, Brooklyn 3 Saturday,April20: Brooklyn106,Chicago89 Monday,April 22:Chicago90, Brooklyn82 Thursday,April 25:Chicago79, Brooklyn76 Saturday,April 27 Chicago142,Brooklyn134,30T Monday,April 29:Brooklyn110, Chicago91 Thursday,May2: Brooklyn95, Chicago92 Friday,May4: Chicago99,Brooklyn93 WESTERNCONFERENCE OklahomaCity 4, Houston2 Sunday,April 21:OklahomaCity120, Houston91 Wednesday, April 24:OklahomaCity105, Houston102 Saturday,April 27:OklahomaCity104, Houston101 Monday, April 29.Houston105, OklahomaCity103 Wednesday, May1: Houston107, Oklahom a City100 Friday,May3 OklahomaCity103, Houston94 San Antonio 4, L.A. Lakers0 Sunday,April 21:SanAntonio 91, L.A.Lakers79 Wednesday, April 24 SanAntonio102, L.A.Lakers91 Friday,April 26:SanAntonio120, L.A.Lakers89 Sunday,April 28:SanAntonio103, L.A.Lakers82 Golden State 4,Denver2 Saturday,April 20 Denver97, GoldenState 95 Tuesday, April 23:GoldenState131, Denver117 Friday,April 26 GoldenState110, Denver108 SundayApril28. GoldenState115, Denver101 Tuesday, April 30:Denver107,GoldenState100 Thursday,May2 GoldenState92, Denver88 Memphis 4, L.A. Clippers 2 Saturday,April 20:L.A.Clippers112,Memphis91 Monday,April 22:L.A.Clippers93, Memphis 91 Thursday,April 25 Memphis94, L.A.Clippers82 Saturday,April 27:Memphis104, L.A. Clippers83 Tuesday,April 30: Memphis103, L.A.Clippers93 Friday,May3: Memphis118, I. A Clippers105

x-Friday,May10. NYRangersat Washington,4:30 p.m. x-SundayMay12:Washington atNYRangers,TBD x-Monday, May13: NYRangers atWashington, TBD Boston1, Toronto1 Wednesday, May1. Boston4,Toronto1 Saturday,May4:Toronto4, Boston 2 Monday,May6 BostonatToronto,4p.m. Wednesday,May8:BostonatToronto, 4p.m. x-Friday,May10:Torontoat Boston, 4p.m. x-Sunday,May12: Boston atToronto, TBD x-Monday,May13 Torontoat Boston, TBD WESTERN CONFERENCE Chicago 2,Minnesota 0 Tuesday, April 30.Chicago2, Minnesota1(OT) Friday,May3: Chicago5, Minnesota 2 Today, May5 ChicagoatMinnesota,noon Tuesday,May7 Chicago atMinnesota, 6:30 p.m. x-ThursdayMay9. Minnesotaat Chicago, TBD x-Saturday,May11: Chicagoat Minnesota,TBD x-SundayMay12 MinnesotaatChicago,TBD Anaheim 2, Detroit1 Tuesday, April 30:Anaheim3, Detroit1 Thursday,May2. Detroit 5 Anaheim4(OT) Saturday,May4:Anaheim4, Detroit 0 Monday,May6: Anaheimat Detroit, 5 p.m. x-Wednesday, May8: Detroit atAnaheim,7p.m. x-Friday,May10:AnaheimatDetroit, TBD x-Sunday,May12:Detroit atAnaheim, TBD San Jose 2,Vancouver0 WednesdayMay1:SanJose3,Vancouver1 Friday,May3: SanJose3, Vancouver2 Today,May5: Vancouverat SanJose,7 p.m. Tuesday,May7: Vancouverat SanJose,7 p.m. x-ThursdayMay9: SanJoseat Vancouver, 7p.m. x-Saturday,May11: Vancouverat SanJose,TBD x-Monday,May13:SanJoseatVancouver,TBD St. Louis 2, LosAngeles1 Tuesday, April 30:St.Louis 2, LosAngeles 1(OT) Thurs day,May2:St.Louis2,LosAngeles 1 Saturday,May4:Los Angeles 1,St.Louis 0 Monday, May6:St.LouisatLosAngeles,7p.m. x Wednesday, May8: LosAngelesat St.Louis,TBD x-Friday,May10:St. Louisat LosAngeles, TBD x-Monday,May13: LosAngeles atSt.Louis, TBD

GOLF PGA ToLgI' Wells Fargo Champ ionship Saturday uail Hollow harlotte, N. se: $6.7 mi ge: 7,492; Third Round

BeatrizRecari SarahKemp JeeYoungLee HeeKyungSeo I.K Kim

HeeYoungPark DewiClaireSchreefel Chie Arimura SarahJaneSmith Jiyai Shin LindseyWright Natahe Gulbis NicoleJeray BrittanyLang MeenaLee Mindy Kim Vicky Hurst

PaigeMackenzie MinaHarigae Maria Hjorth NicoleCastrale VeronicaFelibert ReilleyRankin DanahBordner KristyMcPherson PerniffaLindberg MomokoUeda CandieKung SandraChangkija Lorie Kane Rebecca Lee-Bentham Meaghan Franceffa

72-72-72—216 69-74-73 —216 68-74-74 —216 71-71-74—216 72-73 72 217 68-77-72—217 67-78-72—217 74-70-73 217 73-71-73 —217 70-72-75—217 69-73-75 —217 72-73-73 —218 73-72-73 —218 70-75-73 —218 69-76-73 —218 69-75-74 —218 70-73-75 —218 71-72-75—218 69-75-75 —219 71-72-76—219 73 72-75 220 75-70-75—220 70-75-75—220 73-71-76—220 73-71-76—220 70-75-76—221 73-72-76—221 71-73-77—221 73-72-77—222 69-76-77—222 70-72-81—223 75-70-79—224

Cham ptons Tour InsperityChampionship Saturday At TheWoodland sCC The Wo odlands,Texas Purse:$1.8 million Yardage : 7,002;Par 72 Second Roun d GeneSauers 70-66 — 136 MikeGoodes 69-69 — 138 LorenRoberts 72-69 — 141 PeterSenior 73-70 — 143 Esteban Toledo 72-71 143 BarryLane 77-67—144 MarkCalcavecchia 75-69 — 144 MarkO'Meara 73-71 144 SteveJones 72-72—144 BrianHenninger 71-73 — 144 DavidEger 75-70 — 145 JohnCook 73-72 — 145 BlaineMcCaffister 73-72 — 145 Hal Sutton 71-74 — 145 MichaelAllen 71-74—145 TomKite 76-70—146 75-71 — 146 Jay Don Blake 75-71—146 ChienSoonLu 76-71 — 147 DanForsman AndrewMagee 76-71 — 147 74-73 147 Bob Gilder 73-74—147 BobTwa y 73-74 — 147 SteveElkington 76-72 — 148 TomPerniceJr. 76-72 — 148 TomPurtzer 73-75 — 148 Jim Rutledge 73-75 — 148 Jay Haas 72-76 — 148 Mark Mouland 72-76—148 Jeff Sluman 71-77 — 148 MarkBrooks DavidFrost 80-69 — 149 BernhardLanger 77-72 — 149 RodSpittle 75-74 — 149 Bart Bryant

KennyPerry Hale Irwin SteveLowery MarkBucek LarryNelson Wayne Levi Curtis Strange Kirk Triplett

PeterJacobsen D.A.Weibring RussCochran Dick Mast Mark McNulty CraigStadler SandyLyle Willie Wood

FredFunk GaryHallberg BradBryant CoreyPavin GeneJones RobinByrd RogerChapman StevePate Bill Glasson Gil Morgan John Harris Jim Gallagher, Jr. TomJenkins BenCrenshaw DuffyWaldorf BradFaxon BobbyWadklns DanaQuigley Scott Simpson MarkWiebe Joe Daley JohnJacobs Scott Hoch AndyBean Fuzzy Zoeller Tommy Armour ffl Jim Thorpe AndersForsbrand Chie-Hsiang Lin Morris Hatalsky

75-74 149 74-75—149 73-76 — 149 72-77 149 71-78 — 149 81-69 — 150 78-72 — 150 76-74 — 150 76-74 — 150 76-74 — 150 74-76 — 150 79-72 — 151 78-73 — 151 77-74 151 77-74—151 76-75 — 151 76-75 151 75-76—151 72-79—151 72-79 — 151 79-73 — 152 78-74—152 78-74 — 152 78-74 — 152 82-71 — 153 79-74 — 153 77-76—153 77-76 — 153 74-79 — 153 75-79 154 74-80—154 84-71 — 155 81-74 — 155 79-76 — 155 77-78 — 155 75-80 — 155 76-80 — 156 81-76 — 157 81-76 — 157 80-77 — 157 79-78 — 157 78-79 — 157 74 84 158 78-82 — 160 80-81 — 161 85 77 162 89-80 — 169

Talladega, Ala. Lap length: 2.66miles Lineup basedonpractice times (Car number inparentheses) 1. (99)CarlEdwards, Ford. 2. (56)MartinTruexJr., Toyota. 3. (9) Marcos Ambrose, Ford. 4. (22)JoeyLogano, Ford. 5. (39)RyanNewman, Chevrolet. 6. (20)MattKenseth, Toyota. 7. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota. 8. (48) JimmieJohnson,Chevrolet. 9. (24)Jeff Gordon,Chevrolet. 10 (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet. 11. (2)BradKeselowski, Ford. 12. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet. 13. (18)KyleBusch, Toyota. 14 (55) Michael Waltrip, Toyota. 15.(21) Trevor Bayne,Ford. 16.(27) PaulMenard, Chevrolet. 17 (16) Greg Biffle, Ford. 18. (43)AricAlmirola, Ford. 19.(34) David Ragan,Ford. 20.(15) ClintBowyer,Toyota. 21 (17) RickyStenhouseJr, Ford. 22.(13) Casey Mears, Ford. 23.(10) DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet. 24.(29) KevinHarvick, Chevrolet. 25 (14) TonyStewart, Chevrolet. 26.(35)JoshWise,Ford. 27.(30) DavidStremme,Toyota. 28. (1)JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet. 29 (31) JeffBurton,Chevrolet. 30. (42)JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet. 31. (38)DavidGiffiland, Ford. 32. (93)TravisKvapil,Toyota. 33 (78) KurtBusch,Chevrolet. 34. (51)ReganSmith, Chevrolet. 35. (83)DavidReutimann,Toyota. 36. (95)ScottSpeed,Ford. 37 (32)TerryLabonte,Ford 38. (98)MichaelMcDoweff, Ford. 39. (47)BobbyLabonte,Toyota. 40. (7)DaveBlaney, Chevrolet. 41 (87)JoeNemechek,Toyota. 42.(33) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet. 43.(36)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet Failed to Oualify 44 (81) EffiottSadler,Toyota.

IndyCar Sao Paulo IndySggLineup After Saturdaypuafffytng; racetoday At Sao PauloStreet Circuit Sao Paulo, Brazil Lap length: 2.536 miles (Car number inparentheses) All cars Dallara chassis 1. (1) RyanHunter-Reay, Chevrolet, 113508mph. 2. (5) E.J.Viso,Chevrolet, 113.077. 3. (10)DarioFranchitti, Honda,112.861. 4. (11)TonyKanaan, Chevrolet,112.737. 5. (27) James Hinchcliffe, Chevrolet,112.726. 6. (9) ScottDixon, Honda,112.547. 7. (7) SebastienBourdais, Chevrolet,112961. 8. (78)SimonadeSilvestro, Chevrolet,112.796. 9. (19)JustinWilson,Honda,112.632. 10. (25)MarcoAndretti, Chevrolet,112.473. 11. (4) J.R.Hildebrand, Chevrolet,112.301. 12.(14)TakumaSato, Honda,112.21. 13 (22) DriolServia,Chevrolet,111614. 14.(20) Ed Carpenter, Chevrolet, 108659. 15.(98) AlexTagliani, Honda,111.522. 16. (18)AnaBeatriz, Honda,107.551. 17. (83)Charlie Kimba, Honda,111.001. 18. (3) HelioCastroneves,Chevrolet,107.188. 19. (15)GrahamRahal, Honda,110.931. 20 (6) SebastianSaavedra, Chevrolet, 37999. 21. (55)TristanVautier, Honda,45.



Mic eson,Watne tie or ea



European Tour,ChinaOpen PGA Tour,Wells Fargo Championship

6 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon Noon

PGA Tour, Wells Fargo Championship LPGA Tour, Kingsmill Championship Champions Tour, Insperity Championship MOTOR SPORTS

IndyCar, SaoPaulo lndy 300 NASCAR,Sprint Cup,Aaron's 499 NHRA, Southern Nationals HOCKEY NHL, playoffs, Pittsburgh at N.Y. Islanders NHL, playoffs, Chicago at Minnesota NHL, playoffs, Montreal at Ottawa

NHL, playoffs, Vancouver at SanJose

4 p.m.

TV/radio Golf Golf CBS Golf Golf

8:30 a.m.


9 a.m. 5 p.m.


9 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 7 p.m.


1 0 p.m.



IIHF World Championships,

Latvia vs. United States (same-day tape) BASKETBALL NBA, playoffs, Memphis at Oklahoma City NBA, playoffs, Indianaat New York SOFTBALL College, Texas at Oklahoma State BASEBALL MLB, Seattle at Toronto MLB, New York Mets at Atlanta

10 a.m. 12:30 p.m.


10 a.m.


10 a.m.

Root 10:30 a.m. TBS College, California at OregonState Noon KICE-AM 940 M LB, Los Angeles Dodgers atSan Francisco 5 p.m. ESPN SOCCER M LS, Houston atLosAngeles 8 p.m. ESPN2


SOCCER English Premier League, Sunderland AFC vs. Stoke City FC English Premier League,


11:55 a.m.


Manchester United FC vs. Chelsea FC(taped) 2 p.m. BASEBALL MLB, Atlanta at Cincinnati HOCKEY NHL, playoffs, Washington at N.Y. Rangers

NHL, playoffs, St. Louis at LosAngeles BASKETBALL NBA, playoffs, Chicago at Miami NBA, playoffs, Golden State at San Antonio

4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7 p.m.


4 p.m. 6:30 p.m.


Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TVor radio stations.

The Associated Press CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Phil M ickelson's ball w a s j u s t above the edge of the cart path, slightly below his feet, when he decided to hit a hard fade around the trees toward the green. The shot went outof-bounds and cost him the outright lead Saturday in the Wells Fargo Championship, and Mickelson wa s a n gry about his decision. He felt he should have hit driver instead of 3-wood. In the group ahead of him, new leader Nick Watney hit a semi-shank with a 6 -iron on the par-3 17th, the ball flying toward a hospitality tent. He made double bogey, and pulled his cap over his face when the round was over to hide a mixture of anger and embarrassment. And these were the co-leaders going into the final round at Quail Hollow. A series of blunders in the last hour of the third round shook up t h e W ells Fargo Championship, and the only consolation for Mickelson and Watney is that they were atop the leaderboard going into a final round that features a forecast of rain. "Every shot is critical. You just can't throw a bunch of shots away like I di d c oming down the stretch," said Mickelson, who also plunked a spectator in the head with his approach on the 16th and made bogey. "I'm fortunate to still be on top." Mickelson had a I-over 73, while Watney squandered a solid round with hi s shank that led to a 71. They were at 8-under 208, one shot ahead of George McNeill, who also dropped two shots over the last four holes for a 72. "I can't remember the last time I did that in a tourna-

Chuck Burton /The Associated Press

Phil Mickelson watches his tee shot on the fifth hole during the third round of the Wells Fargo Championship at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, N.C., Saturday.


In other Saturday events: Kerr up two on LPGA Tour: Va. ment, so it was a bit unset- WILLIAMSBURG, tling," Watney said about his — Two-time champion Crisshank. "The big picture? I'm tie Kerr shot a 5-under 66 to take a two-stroke lead over tied for the lead, and I would have taken that on Thursday second-ranked Stacy L ewis morning." and Suzann Pettersen after the third round of the LPGA Even so, what had been shaping up as duel now looks Tour's Kingsmill Championmore like a shootout, with a ship. Kerr, the only two-time winner at the River Course, dozen players within t h ree shots of the lead. made six birdies to reach 10One of them was Rory Mcunder 203. She took command Ilroy, who celebrated his 24th on a day when seven players birthday by m i ssing seven shared the lead at one point or putts in the 5-foot range or another. closer. He had a 73 and didn't Sauers tops Champions leadlose any ground on the lead. erboard:THE WOODLANDS, "I think they may have giv- Texas — Gene Sauers chipped en me a little bit of a birthday in for birdie on the par-4 17th present right there," McIlroy a day after making a double said. "I'm only t h ree back bogey on the hole and finished with a 6-under 66 to take a heading into tomorrow, and that's as good as I could ask two-stroke lead in the Chamfor." pions Tour's Insperity Cham-


champion had alap of1 minute,

shutout of the Golden Bears in Oregon State's 5-0 win Saturday

20.430seconds atthe Anhembi street track, 0.307 ahead of

afternoon in front of 3,053 fans

Venezuelan EJViso and 0.461

at Goss Stadium in Corvallis. Moore needed just 87 pitches to

in front of Scotland's Dario Franchitti.


victory over the Golden Bears,

PaVlyuChenkOVaWinS POrtugal Opell —Anastasia

and Oregon State will go for the

Pavlyuchenkova beatSpain's

sweep today at12:05 p.m.

Carla Suarez 7-5, 6-2 to win the

Qv-'; it !+@."

Portugal Open onSaturday in Oeiras, Portugal. In the men's

event, top-seeded David Ferrer beat Andreas Seppi 6-1, 6-4. He

will play second-seededStan Wawrinka in today's final after the Swiss player defeated Pablo

Paul Sancya / The Associated Press

Anaheim Ducks goalie Jonas Hiller, left, stops a shot by Detroit Red Wings left wing Justin Abdelkader during the second period in Game 3 of a first-round playoff series in Detroit, Saturday.

Carreno-Busta 6-3, 3-6, 6-1.

Saturday. Healy went 2-for-4 with a RBI and two runs scored

BMW Open final set-

to lead Oregon(36-11, 18-5 Pac-

Tommy Haaswill play defending

12) to a series-clinching win. J.J. Altobelli was 3-for-4 with a run

champion Philipp Kohlschreiber in an all-German final at the

scored and anRBI. Irvin (9-2) al-

BMW Opentoday in Munich.

lowed three runs, two earned, on

The third-seeded Haas defeated Ivan Dodig of Croatia 6-4, 6-3 on

six hits in seven innings. Oregon will look for the series sweep



game, and improved to 9-1

some early troubles to leadOregon to a 6-3 Pac-12Conference victory at Washington State on

Saturday, while Kohlschreiber

Ducks go up2-0 after defeating RedWings

practice times from Friday's first session, andCarl Edwards

sprint marred by acrash shortly before the finish. The main

was fastest to earn the pole

in his Roush FenwayRacing

pack was split into two groups when riders went down with

Ford. Martin Truex Jr. will start

just more than a mile to go in

second, followed byMarcosAmbrose and JoeyLogano.

the 81-mile leg. Cavendish rides for the Omega Pharma-Quick

The Associated Press DETROIT — Justin Abdelkader linedToni Lydman up and launched himself into the Anaheim defenseman, knocking him over and sending the Detroit crowd into a frenzy. Those cheers turned to boos soon enough. Abdelkader's hit left the Red Wings short-handed, and the Ducks took advantage. Nick Bonino scored on the power play 18 seconds after Abdelkader was ejected for his hit on Lydman, and Anaheim went on to a 4-0 victory Saturday night to take a 2-1 series lead over the Red Wings in the Western Conferenceplayoffs. Abdelkader appeared to catch Lydman square in the side of the head with his left shoulder, and he was giv-

Step team andcompleted the

en a major penalty for charging and

circuit in downtown Naples in 2 hours, 58 minutes, 38 seconds. Elia Viviani, an Italian with Can-

a game misconduct with 4:49 remaining in the second period. "From what I gather, the league has done a pretty good job with these things, and I'm not going to say anything,"Anaheim coach Bruce Boudreau said. "Mr. Shanahan can look at it." Mr. Shanahan, of course, is Brendan Shanahan, the NHL's senior vice president of hockey operations and player safety. Abdelkader's hit already cost the Red Wings in Game 3. The question now is whether he'll face additional discipline from the

today against Washington State (20-22, 7-13 Pac-12). First pitch

edged compatriot Daniel Brands

is set for noon.

first all-German title match in Munich in 48 years.

MOTOR SPORTS NASGAR qualifying WaShetl Out —Rain washed

6-7 (4), 6-3, 7-6 (5) to set up the

CYCLING Cavendish winsopening

out qualifying for today's NASGiro Stage —British standCAR Sprint Cup race at Talladega out Mark Cavendish won the

Superspeedway inTalladega,

opening stage of the Giro d'Italia

Ala. The field was set based on

on Saturday in Naples, Italy, in a

Smith wins Nationwide raCe —Regan Smith won the crash-filled Nationwide Series race at TalladegaSuperspeedway when NASCAR said he was lead-

ing at the final caution flag Sat-

nondale, was second. Nacer Bouhanni, a Frenchman with FDJ, was third.

urday night in Talladega, Ala. At

least10 cars werejockeying for position in packs of two onthe

final lap when Brian Vickers was spun hard into the outside wall.

BOXING Klitschko defendsdelts

Smith, Joey Loganoand Kasey

— Wladimir Klitschko stopped

Kahne raced three-wide to the finish line and Kahne crossed it first. But NASCAR decided Smith was leading when the caution

Francesco Pianeta in the sixth round Saturday night to retain the WBA and IBF heavyweight titles in Mannheim, Germany. The Ukrainian was never troubled by

came out andwasthe winner.

Pianeta, finishing off the previ-

Hunter-Reay WinSSao PaulO POle —American Ryan Hunter-Reayset atrack record

Hawks tie for seventh placeat 30-team meet


throw his first career complete

COUg8i'S —Ryon Healy hit his 10th home run of the season and pitcher Cole Irvin battled through

Australian leads China Open: TIANJIN, China — Australia's Brett Rumford shot a 3-under 69 to take a one-stroke lead in the China Open, putting him in position for his second European Tour victory in two weeks. Rumford was 12 under at Binhai Lake. Finland's Mikko Ilonenwas second aftera 73. Els in mix in Indonesia: JAKARTA, Indonesia — South African star Ernie Els shot a 4-under 68 to move within a stroke of leader Daisuke Kataoka of Japan after the t hird r ound o f t h e A s i a n Tour's Indonesian Masters. Kataoka had a 66 to reach 11 under at Royale Jakarta Golf Club. Australia's Bernd Wiesberger had a 67 to share second place with Els.

Saturday in Sao Paulo, Brazil,

to win today's pole position for lndyCar's SaoPaulo300.

to two hits in a complete-game

Ducks clinchseries with

pionship. First-round leader Mike Goodes was second after his second straight 69.


— Andrew Moore held California The defending IndyCar Series

on the year in the process. His effort propelled the Beavers (36-8, 16-4 Pac-12) to the series


ously unbeaten Italian southpaw with a right-left combination. — From wire reports

league. "He shoulder hit his shoulder, and the kid went down hard. They called it a major. I'm not involved in the next part of theprocess,"Red Wings coach Mike Babcock said. "I didn't think he

NHL ROUNDUP was up. I didn't think his arms were up or anything." Lydman was slow getting up and was eventually helped to the bench. He did not return, and Boudreau said after the game Lydman had a headache. Ryan Getzlaf, Emerson Etem and Matt Beleskey added goals in the third for Anaheim. Jonas Hiller made 23 saves for the Ducks. Also on Saturday:

Capitals 1, Rangers 0: WASHINGTON — Henrik Lundqvist and Braden Holtbykicked, swiped, caught and otherwise kept getting in the way of the puck, matching each other save-for-save for a second shy of 68 minutes, until Mike Green scored the power-play goal in overtime that gave Washington a sweep at home to open its playoff series against the New York Rangers. Maple Leafs 4, Bruins 2: BOSTON — Joffrey Lupul scored two goals and Toronto got a win over Boston that evened the first-round series at

one gameapiece.Game 3 is M onday night in Toronto. Kings 1, Blues 0: LOS ANGELES — Jonathan Quick made 30 saves in his fifth career playoff shutout, leading Los Angeles to a victory over St. Louis and trimming the Blues' series lead to 2-1. Slava Voynov scored in the second periodfor the defending Stanley Cup champions, who got a brilliant performance from their Conn Smythe Trophy-winning goalie in a tight defensive game.

Bulletin staff report GRANTS PASS — The 64th annual Grants Pass Rotary track and field meet on Saturday fielded nearly 30 programs from around Oregon as well as California, and in front of that audience,Jeremy Desrosiers made his claim as one of the state's top prep athletes. The La Pine senior finished the 400 meters in 50.20 seconds to win the event and added second-place showings in the 200 and the long jump to guide the Hawks to 38 points and a tie for seventh place in the 27-team boys standings. Grants Pass was first with 64 points. Helping the cause for La Pine were Joshua Ramirez, who cleared 5 feet, 10 inches, to take fifth in the high jump, as well as Justin Petz, who finished seventh in the pole vault. The Hawks did not field a complete team on the girls' side, which was won by Marshfield's 83 points, but La Pine's Chloee Sazama claimed 13th place in the pole vault by clearing 8-6. In other Saturday action: BOYS LACROSSE Mountain View17, Rex Putnam 2:All six Cougar seniors came through on Senior Day in the nonleague match at Mountain View. Finn Leahy and Logan Sall were the Cougars' top scorers, Steven Livingston led the team in assists, and Jake Hoke, Dan Schimmollerand Troy Sprague spearheaded the defense as Mountain View closed its season with its second straight win. The Cougars, who finished tied with Harney County and Hermiston for fourth place in the High Desert League, all at 2-4, lost in a tiebreaker to Harney County for the fourth and final league playoff berth. On Thursday: TRACK AND FIELD Storm shine at relays: PORTLAND — Matthew Maton broke Kenyon Neuman's school record in the 1,500-meter run, finishing in 3:54.13 at the Nike/Jesuit Relays at Jesuit High to finish second in the event. Teammate Eric Aldritt placed in the top five of the same event, leading Summit to a tie for seventh place in the 29-team boys standings with 33 points. Host Jesuit got the team victory with 108 points. Redmond was tied for ninth with 28 points, paced by Gabriel Giacci and Cody Simpson, who claimed firstplace honors in the discus and pole vault, respectively. Caleb Ronhaar logged the top finish for Ridgeview, which did not field a complete team, finishing 10th in the high jump. For the girls, Summit tied with South Eugene for third in the 31-team field with 57 points. Camas, of Washington, won with 73'/~ points. Danielle Taylor tied for first in the high jump for the Storm, and Annie Sidor set a personal best in the pole vault at 11-09 to take second. The Ravens were tied for 24th thanks in part to McKenzie Hidalgo (discus) and Brianna Yeakey (javelin), who finished fifth in their respective events. Kiersten Ochsner was eighth in the 100meter dash, and the Panthers tied for 30th to round out the team standings.



MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL All Times PDT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Boston 20 10 NewYork 18 11 Baltimore 18 13 TampaBay 13 16 Toronto 10 21 Central Division W L Detroit 18 11 Kansas City 16 10 Cleveland 14 13 Minnesota 12 14 Chicago 12 16 West Division W L Texas 19 11 Oakland 17 14 Seattle 15 17 11 19 Los Angeles Houston 8 23

Pct GB .667 .621 fr/t ,581 2i/t 448 6r/t .323 10r/t

Pct GB .621 .615 r/t .519 3 462 4r/t 429 5r/t

Pct GB .633 548 2r/t

.469 5 .367 8 .258 Ifr/t

10:07 a.m.

ChicagoWhiteSox (Quintana2-0) at KansasCity (W.Davis2-2), 11:10a.m. Boston (Lester4-0) at Texas(Darvish 5-1), 12:05 p.m. Baltimore(Ham mei4-1) atL.A.Angels(Wigiams 1-0), 12:35 p.m. Detroit (Veriander3-2) at Houston (Humber 0-6), 1:10 p.m. Tampa Bay(Cobb3-2)at Colorado (Chacin 3-0), 4:10


Monday'sGames ChicagoWhiteSoxat KansasCity, 11:10a.m. OaklandatCleveland, 4:05p.m. Minnesota at Boston,4.10 p.m. TorontoatTampaBay,4:10 p.m. Texas at ChicagoCubs, 5:05 p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE

Atlanta Washington Philadelphia NewYork Miami St. Louis Pittsburgh Cincinnati Milwaukee


Colorado SanFrancisco Arizona Los Angeles SanDiego

W L 17 12 16 15 14 17 12 15 9 22

Pct GB .586 .516 2 .452 4 .444 4 .290 9

W L 19 11 17 13 17 14 14 15 11 19

Pct GB .633 .567 2

W 18 18 16 13 12

Pct GB .600 .600 .533 2

Central Division

West Division

L 12 12 14 16 18


Texas ab r hbi ab r hbi Ellsury cf 5 0 2 0 Kinsler 2b 5 1 I I Victornrf 3 0 0 0 Andrusss 4 0 I 0

Cincinnati Chicago ab r hbi ab r hbi Choocf 4 2 1 1 Sappeltcf 2 0 0 0 Cozartss 3 1 1 1 DeJessph-cf I 0 0 0 Votto1b 4 1 2 0 Ransm3b 3 0 0 0 Phigips2b 4 1 0 0 Valuenph-3b 1 0 0 0 B ruce rf 5 1 1 1 Rizzo 1b 3 2 1 0 F razier3b 3 0 0 1 ASorinlf 3 2 2 4 Paullf 2 0 1 0 Scastross 4 0 0 0 CMillerc 2 0 0 0 Castigoc 3 0 0 0 Hannhnph 0 0 0 1 Hairstnrf 3 0 0 0 B roxtnp 0 0 0 0 Marmlp 0 0 0 0 Chpmnp 0 0 0 0 HRndnp 0 0 0 0 Cingrnp 2 0 0 0 Bamey2b 3 0 0 0 L utzph 1 0 0 0 Smrdzjp 2 0 0 0 Ondrskp 0 0 0 0 Russelip 0 0 0 0 Mesorcph-c 0 0 0 1 Borbonrf 1 0 0 0 T otals 3 0 6 6 6 Totals 2 94 3 4 C incinnati 101 0 0 0 0 40 — 6 Chicago 2 02 000 000 — 4 E—Samardziia (I). DP —Cincinnati I, Chicago 1. LOB Cincinnati 8, Chicago 2. 2B Votto (4),


Saturday's Games Cleveland 7, Minnesota3 N.Y.Yankees4, Oakland 2 Seattle 8, Toronto1 Baltimore 5, L.A.Angels4,10 innings Kansas City 2, ChicagoWhite Sox0 Detroit18, Houston 2 Texas 5, Boston1 Colorado9, TampaBay3 Today's Games Minnesota(Pelirey2-3) at Cleveland(Kluber 2-0), 10:05a.m. Oakland(Straily 1-0) at N.Y.Yankees(Petitte 3-2), 10:05a.m. Seattle (J.Saunders2-3) at Toronto(Morrow0-2),

East Division


homer in the eighth.


.548 2r/t .483 4r/t

.367 8

.448 4'/t

.400 6

Saturday's Games Cincinnati 6,ChicagoCubs4 St. Louis 7,Milwaukee6 Washington 5, Pittsburgh4 Miami 2,Philadelphia0 N.Y.MetsatAtlanta, ppd., rain Colorado9, TampaBay3 Arizona8,SanDiego1 San Francisco10,L.A.Dodgers9, 10innings Today's Games N.Y.Mets(Niese2 2) atAtlanta (Hudson3-1), 10:35


Washington (G.Gonzalez 2-2) at Pittsburgh (W Rodriguez 2-1),10 35am. St. Louis (J.Garcia3-1) at Milwaukee(Estrada 2-1), 11:10a.m. Cincinnati (Latos2-0) at ChicagoCubs(E.Jackson 0-4), 11:20a.m. Miami (Slowey 0-2) at Philadelphia(Hagaday2-3), 11:35a.m. Arizona(Kennedy 1-2) at SanDiego(Volquez2-3), 1:10 p.m. Tampa Bay(Cobb3-2)at Colorado (Chacin 3-0), 1:10

p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Ryu3-1) at SanFrancisco (M.cain 02),505p.m Monday's Games Atlanta atCincinnati, 4:10p.m. Texasat ChicagoCubs, 5 05p.m. ArizonaatL.A.Dodgers,7:10 p.m. Miami atSanDiego, 7:10p.m. Philadelphia at SanFrancisco, 7:15p.m.

American League

Mariners 8, Blue Jays1

Pedroia2b 4 0 0 0 Brkmndh 4 0 1 0 D .Ortizdh 4 1 1 0 Beltre3b 3 1 1 0 N apoli1b 3 0 1 0 Przynsc 4 1 1 0

Navalf 3

0 1 1 N.cruzrf 4 0 0 0

S ltlmchc 4 0 1 0 Morind1b 3 I 2 0 Mdlrks3b 4 0 1 0 Gentrycf 4 1 2 3 D rewss 3 0 0 0 LMartnlf 3 0 1 0 Totals 3 3 1 7 1 Totals 3 45 104 Boston 0 10 000 000 — 1 Texas 100 200 02x — 5 E—Middlebrooks 2(4). DP—Texas1. LOB—Bos-

— r+


: mf~

ton 9, Texas 8. 2B—DOrtiz (8), Saltaamac chia (6). HR — Kinsler (6), Gentry (1). SB—Egsbury(12),Andrus (6). CS —L.Martin (1). Boston IP H R E R BB SO LackeyL,1-2 5 6 3 3 3 4 A.Miger

Tazawa Uehara Texas

I I 1

1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 2 2 2 0

OgandoW,3-2 6 6 1 R.RossH,5 2-3 1 0 ScheppersH,6 I 1-3 0 0 Nathan 1 0 0 Ogandopitchedto1batter in the7th.

1 0 0 0

2 0 0 0






0 3 2


4 0 0 2

Paul (3),Rizzo(8). HR —Choo (5), A.Soriano2 (3). SF — Frazier, Mesoraco. Cincinnati IP H R E R BB SD Cingrani 6 3 4 4 I 5 DndrusekW,2-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 BroxtonH,4 1 0 0 0 0 1 ChapmanS,7-7 1 0 0 0 1 0 Chicago Samardzija 6 4 2 I 3 5

HBP —by Ogando (Nava), by Scheppers (Napoli). WP — Ogando. T—2:55. A—47,173(48,114).

Russell H,7 1 0 0 0 1 MarmolL,2-2 0 0 3 3 2 H.RondonBS,1-1 2 2 1 1 2 Marmolpitchedto 3baters inthe8th.

Tigers17, Astros 2 HOUSTON — Miguel Cabrera hit

a row. Houston ab r hbi ab r hbi AJcksncf 5 2 20 Grssmncf 3 0 1 0 D.Kegyph-cf 1 0 0 0 Altuve2b 4 1 1 0 TrHntrrf 5 3 4 2 Jcastrodh 4 0 I I Micarr3b 4 3 4 6 C.Pena1b 2 0 0 0 RSantg3b I 0 0 0 B.Lairdph-1b 2 0 0 0 F ielder1b 5 0 1 1 Corprnc 4 1 2 1 T uiassp1b 1 1 1 0 Carterlf 2 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 6 2 2 4FMrtnzph-if 2 0 0 0 Dirksif 5 2 1 0 Rcedenss 3 0 0 0 J hPerltss 6 1 2 2 Ankielrf 2 0 0 0 Avilac 5 2 2 1 Dmngz3b 3 0 1 0 Infante2b 4 1 2 1 Totals 4 8 172117 Totals 3 1 2 6 2 Detroit 420 111 332 — 17 Houston 0 00 000 101 — 2 E—R.cedeno (4). DP—Detroit 1, Houston 1. LOB —Detroit 9, Houston 4. 2B—TorHunter (9), V.Martinez(6), Jh.Peraita(6), Avila (1), Altuve(8). 38 —Dirks (1). HR—Mi.cabrera 2 (6), VMartinez Detroit

(1), Corporan(2) SB Tor.Hunter (1). CS Grossman(2).

Christine Cotter /The Associated Press

Baltimore Orioles' Nolan Reimold scores the go-ahead run past Los Angeles Angels catcher Hank Conger in the10th inning of Saturday's game in Anaheim, Calif. The Orioles won 5-4. T—2:51.A—17,830(42,241).

Royais 2, White Sox0 KANSAS CITY, Mo.— Jeremy Guthrie ran his unbeaten streak

to a club-record17 consecutive starts with a four-hitter in Kansas City's win over Chicago. Guthrie is 9-0 in the17 starts, which started Aug. 8, 2012, against the White Sox. Paul Splittorff held the Royals' record with 16 straight undefeated starts in 1977-78. It was the first shutout and fifth

complete gamefor Guthrie (4-0). Dylan Axelrod (0-1gave j upa two-run triple to LorenzoCain in the first inning.

Detroit IP H ScherzerW,4-0 8 3 Alburuuerque 1 3

R E R BBSD Kansas City 1 1 2 8 Chicago ab r hbi ab r hbi 1 1 0 2 DeAzalf 4 0 1 0 AGordnlf 4 0 0 0 Houston Kppngr2b 4 0 0 0 AEscorss 40I 0 HarregL,3-3 4 1- 3 10 8 8 4 3 22-3 8 6 6 1 0 Riosrf 4 0 0 0 Butlerdh 3 1 0 0 Cisnero Clemens 2 3 3 2 0 1 A.Dunn1b 3 0 0 0 Hosmer1b 4 1 3 0 K onerkdh 4 0 2 0 L.caincf 4 0 1 2 Cisneropitchedto 2baters in the8th.

WP — Scherzer,Aburquerque. T—3:13. A—21,266(42,060).

Orioies 5, Angels 4 (10 innings)

Gigas pi3b 3 0 0 0 Mostks3b 3 0 0 0 A IRmrzss 3 0 0 0 Francrrf 3 0 0 0 Flowrsc 3 0 1 0 S.Perezc 4 0 2 0 W isecf 3 0 0 0 Getz2b 4 0 1 0

T otals 3 1 0 4 0 Totals 3 32 8 2 Chicago 0 00 000 000 — 0 Kansas City 2 0 0 0 0 0 Ogx— 2

ANAHEIM, Calif.— Steve Pearce's E—Axelrod (I), AI.Ramirez(4). DP—Chicago1. RBI single with two outs in the LOB—Chicago 5, KansasCity 10.2B—Konerko (5). 38 Hosmer(1),L.cain(2). SB AEscobar(7) 10th inning lifted Baltimore over

Los Angeles. Baltimore also got homers from MannyMachado, J.J. Hardy and Nolan Reimold. Freddy Garcia dazzled in his Orioles' debut, holding the Angels hitless until Erick Aybar had a leadoff single in the seventh. Baltimore

Los Angeles ab r hbi ab r hbi

McLothlf 5 0 0 0 Aybarss 5 I I I M achd3b 5 2 2 1 Troutcf 4 0 1 1 Markksrf 5 0 1 0 Pujols1b 4 0 0 0 A .Jonescf 4 0 2 0 Trumorf 2 1 1 2 Reimlddh 4 2 1 2Cagasp3b 4 0 I 0 Hardyss 5 1 2 1 HKndrc2b 4 0 I 0 Pearce1b 4 0 3 1 Richrdsp 0 0 0 0 Flahrty 2b 3 0 1 0 Congerdh-c 4 1 1 0 S nyderc 3 0 0 0 iannettc 2 0 0 0 Wietersph-c 1 0 0 0 Cousinsph 0 I 0 0 F rierip 0 0 0 0 BHarrs 2b 0 0 0 0 Hamltn ph 1 0 0 0 S hucklf 3 0 0 0 T otals 3 9 5 12 5 Totals 3 3 4 6 4 Baltimore 110 010 100 1 5


HBP —byCingrani (Rizzo,Castigo), byMarmol(Phillips). T—2:52. A—36,455(41,019).

two home runs andtied acareer high with six RBls, leading Detroit over Houston. Cabrera went 4 for 4 with a walk. Last year's Triple Crown winner is hitting .390 this season. The Tigers have won eight of nine. Houston has lost five in

1 0

M.DunnH,5 CishekS,4-5 Philadelphia HamelsL,1-4 Aumont Horst

2 2-3 3 1 1 Howell Guerra 1 2 2 2 PRodriguezBS,1-1 1 0 0 0 BelisarioBS,1-1 2 2 1 1 LeagueL,0-1 11- 3 2 1 1 San Francisco Vogeisong 4 2-3 9 7 7 Machi 1135 1 1 J.Lopez 1-3 0 1 1 Kontos 2-3 0 0 0 Affeldt 1 0 0 0 S.casigaW3-2 2 1 0 0 Guerrapitchedto 3baters inthe6th.

H olidylf 4 0 0 0 Braunlf 5 0 1 0 Manessp 0 0 0 0 YBtncr3b-1b 5 0 1 0 Mujicap 0 0 0 0Weeks2b 4 0 0 0 C raigIb 4 2 2 1 CGomzcf 4 I 2 I YMolinc 4 0 1 0 Maidndc 4 1 2 0 Freese3b 3 1 2 0 AGnzlz1b 4 1 2 0 J.Keliyp 0 0 0 0 Bianchipr-3b 0 1 0 0 Salasp 0 0 0 0 Gagardp 2 0 0 0 Choatep 0 0 0 0 Lucroyph I 0 1 2 S Ronsnif 1 1 1 0 Grzlnyp 0 0 0 0 Jaycf 3 1 2 4 Badnhpp 0 0 0 0 K ozmass 4 1 I 0 LSchirph I 0 I 0 Wnwrgp 2 0 0 0 Hndrsnp 0 0 0 0 Descal2b s 1112 Totals 3 6 7 107 Totals 3 7 6 146 St. Louis 0 30 001 201 — 7 M ilwaukee 200 0 0 3 010 — 6 E—C.Gomez (1). DP—St. Louis 4. LOB—St. Louis 4,Milwaukee8. 28 Y Molina(9), Ale.Gonzalez


Yankees 4, Athletics 2 NEW YORK — Phil Hughes pitched eight shutout innings of four-hit ball for his first win of the season, and New York beat Oakland. Chris Stewart and

Lyle Overbay homeredagainst Bartolo Colon (3-1 j, sending the A's to their only loss in the right-hander's six starts this year.

Hughes (1-2) struck out nine for his first victory since Sept. 20

against Toronto.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

1 2

8 6 2 2 0 23 0 0 0 1 1-3 0 0 0 0

6 1 0

HBP —byHamels(Poianco).

T—2'22 A—40,091(43,651)

Cardinals 7, Brewers 6 MILWAUKEE — Jon Jay homered

and drove in thego-ahead run in the ninth, and Allen Craig and

Daniel Descalso eachhit home runs to power St. Louis. Shane Robinson singled to center off Jim

Henderson (2-1) andtook second on center fielder Carlos Gomez's fielding error. Robinson stole third

and scored whenJay singled. Punto(2), Pagan(6), FPeguero(1), Posey(8). 3BDGordon(1). HR —AElis(2), Quiroz (1), Torres(1) SB — C.crawford (5), D.Gordon2 (2), FPeguero(1). St. Louis Milwaukee S—Punto. SF—Sandoval, G.Blanco. ab r hbi ab r hbi LosAngeles IP H R ER BB SO Mcrpnt2b-3b5 0 0 0 Aokirf 2I 2 I Magig 113 6 5 5 4 2 Beltranrf 5 0 0 0 Segurass 5 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 2

1 1 2 1 1

2 0 I 0 1

4 2 0 0 0



—byGuerra(Arias), byVogelsong (Hairston Jr) IP H R E R BB SD HBP Magig, Howell, PRodriguez. 72- 3 8 2 2 1 0 WP — 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 T—4:11. A—41,171(41,915).

Chicago AxelrodL,0-2 Thornton KansasCity GuthrieW4-0 9 4 0 0 1 HBP —byAxelrod(Butler, Moustakas). T—2.18.A—19,957(37,903).

Rockies 9, Rays3

C rwfrdli 6 I 2 1 Pagancf 4 I I 0 H rstnJr1b 3 1 2 0 FPegurlf 2 1 1 0 Guerrap 0 0 0 0 Scutaro2b 3 2 2 0 L.cruz1b 2 0 0 0 Sandovl3b 4 3 3 1 K empcf 6 1 1 2 Poseyc 4 1 2 2 E thierrf 4 0 1 0 Pencerf 6 0 2 0 A .ERisc 5 2 2 1 GBlanclf 2 0 1 3 S chmkr2b 5 1 2 1 Machip 0 0 0 0 U ribe3b-1b 4 1 2 1 Ariasph 0 0 0 0 PRdrgzp 0 0 0 0 J.Lopezp 0 0 0 0 Belisarip 0 0 0 0 Kontosp 0 0 0 0 S elersph 1 0 0 0 Affeldtp 0 0 0 0 Leaguep 0 0 0 0 Noonanph 1 0 0 0 DGordnss 4 2 2 2 Scasigp 0 0 0 0 Magigp 0 0 0 0 Quirozph 1 1 1 1 Howegp 1 0 0 0 Bcrwfrss 5 0 0 0 P untoph-3b 2 0 1 1 Belt1b 4 0 0 0 Vglsngp 2 0 1 0 Torreslf-cf 2 1 1 I Totals 4 3 9 159 Totals 4 0 10158 Los Angeles 000 170 100 0 9 SanFrancisco 320 111 100 1 — 10 Oneoutwhenwinningrunscored. DP — LosAngeles1, SanFrancisco 2. LOB—Los Angeles11,SanFrancisco 13. 28—Hairston Jr. (2),

1 1

Diamondbacks 8, Padres 1 SAN DIEGO — Patrick Corbin pitched seven solid innings and

Arizona snapped its season-high four-game losing streak. Corbin (4-0) gave upone run andfive hits while striking out seven. He walked three while his ERA dropped to 1.80. Corbin has

(2) HR —Craig (I), Jay(3), Descalso (I), Segura(4), C.Gomez (6). SB—S.Robinson(2). S—Aoki. St. Louis IP H R E R BB SO 51-3 11 5 5 0 5 Wainwright J.Keliy SalasH,2 ChoateBS,1-1 0 ManessW,1 0 Muiica S,B-B Milwaukee

1131 2-3 2 0 23 0 I 0

Gagardo 6 GorzelannyBS,1-1 I Badenhop 1

0 I 0 0 0

0 I 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

6 4 4 0


at least six innings and allowing two or fewer runs in his six starts — all Arizona victories.

2 2 2 I 0 0 0 0 HendersonL,2-1 1 2 1 1 1 Choatepitchedto 1baterin the 8th. HBP —byWainwright(Aoki, Aoki). T—3:16.A—36,156 (41,900).


Nationals 5, Pirates 4


San Diego ab r hbi ab r hbi Pollock ci 4 3 2 3 Denorfi cf-rf 5 1 2 1 Prado3b 4 0 1 0 Evcarrss 4 0 0 0 Gldsch1b 1 0 0 2 Headly3b 2 0 1 0

PITTSBURGH — Stephen Strasburg struck out eight in


0 3 2

DENVER — Carlos Gonzalez hit a go-aheadhomer in the fifth and rookie Nolan Arenado added a grand slam, lifting Colorado over Tampa Bay in David Price's first start since his run-in with umpire Tom Hallion. Jon Garland

(3-2j threw five solid innings and surrendered three runs to help the Rockies snap an11-gamehome skid in interleague play. TampaBay Colorado ab r hbi ab r hbi Jnnngscf 4 0 2 0 EYongcf 5 2 3 0 Scottph 0 0 0 0 Rutledg2b 5 0 1 0 J oycerf 4 0 0 0 CGnzlzlf 4 3 2 1 Zobrist2b-ss 4 1 0 0 Tlwtzkss 3 1 3 3 Longori3b 4 1 2 0 WLopezp 0 0 0 0 L oneylb 4 1 3 1 Cuddyrrf 3 I I I

K Jhnsnif 4 0 1 2 WRosrc 3 1 0 0 YEscorss 0 0 0 0 Arenad3b 4 1 1 4 RRortspr-2b 3 0 0 0 Pacheclb 4 0 1 0 J Molinc 4 0 0 0 Garlndp 2 0 0 0 P ricep 3 0 0 0 Escainp I 0 0 0 BGomsp 0 0 0 0 JHerrrss 1 0 0 0 CRamsp 0 0 0 0 Fu d ph 1 0 1 0 Totals 3 5 3 9 3 Totals 3 59 129 T ampa Bay 0 0 3 0 0 0 000 — 3 Colorado 102 010 Bgx — 9 E—Longoria (2). DP—Tampa Bay I, Colorado 1. I.OB —Tampa Bay 9, Colorado 6. 28—Jennings (8), Loney(9), Tulowitzki (7), Pacheco (4). HR-

C.Gonzaiez(6), Arenado(2).

Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SD 62-3 11 9 9 3 5 PriceL,1-3 B.Gomes 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 C.Ramos 1 1 0 0 0 0 Colorado GarlandW,3-2 5 7 3 3 1 2 EscaionaH,3 2 0 0 0 1 2 WLopez 2 2 0 0 1 0 HBP —by Price (Tulowitzki), by Garland(YEscobar). Ba k—Escalona T—3:04. A—29,099(50,398).

Leaders ThroughSaturday'sGames

AMERICANLEAGUE BATTING —Micabrera, Detroit, .390; CSantana,Cleveland,.369;TorHunter, Detroit,.361; Kinsler, Texas,.336;AJones,Baltimore,.333; Altuve, Houston, .331; CDavisBal , timore,.330. RUNS —AJackson, Detroit, 30; Micabrera, Detroit, 26, Crisp,Oakland,24; AJones,Baltimore, 23; McLouth,Baltimore,23; TorHunter, Detroit, 22; Jennings,Tamp aBay, 22. RBI — Micabrera, Detroit, 36;Napoli, Boston,31; CDavis,Baltimore,29; Fielder,Detroit, 28;MarReynolds, Ceveland,25; Ncruz,Texas, 21; Donaldson, Oakland,21; AJones, Baltimore, 21;Trout, LosAngeles, 21;Zobrist, TampaBay,21. HITS — Micabrera, Detroit, 46; Altuve, Houston, 43; TorHunter,Detroit, 43; AJones,Baltimore, 43; Machado,Baltimore,41; Kinsler,Texas,40; Cano,New York,38,Egsbury, Boston, 38;AJackson,Detroit, 38. DOUBLES —Napoli, Boston, 15; AJones,Baltimore, 12;Machado,Baltimore,12; Donaldson,Oakland, 11; LowrieOakl , and,11; Cano,NewYork, 10; Jcastro, Houston,10; Crisp, Oakland,10; Seage r, Seattle,10. TRIPLES —Egsbury, Boston,3; Trout, LosAngeles, 3; 12 tied at2. HOMERUNS —CDavis, Baltimore, 9; Encarnacion,Toronto, 9;Morse,Seatle, 9; MarReynolds, Cleveland,9; Arencibia, Toronto,8; Cano,NewYork, 8; Trumbo,LosAngeles,8. STOLENBASES—Eilsbury, Boston,12; Crisp, Oakland,8; McLouth, Baltimore,8; AEscobar, Kansas City, 7; Andrus,Texas, 6; RDavis, Toronto, 6; Kipnis, Cleveland,6,Pedroia,Boston,6; Rios,Chicago,6. PITCHING —Buchholz, Boston, 6-0; MMoore, Tampa Bay 5-0; Darvish, Texas, 5-1; 9tied at4. STRIKEDUTS —Darvish, Texas, 58; Scherzer, Detroit,54; FHem andez, Seattle,51; AniSanchez,Detroit, 50;Dempster, Boston,47,Buchholz, Boston,47; Masterson,Cleveland,44. SAVES —Rivera, New York, 11; JiJohnson, Baltimore,11;Reed,Chicago, 10; Nathan,Texas, 8; Wilhelmsen,Seattle, 8; GHogand,KansasCity, 7; Janssen,Toronto,7.

Oakland New york LosAngeles 000 000 220 0 4 Hinskeph-1b I 0 1 0 Amarst3b 1 0 0 0 seveninningsandWashington ab r hbi ab r hbi DP — Baltimore1, LosAngees2 LOB—Baltimore Jasoc 3 0 1 0 Gardnrcf 4 0 1 1 C.Rosslf 5 0 2 0 Quentinlf 2 0 0 0 10, LosAngeles3. 28—Pearce (2). HR —Machado won a game hestarted for the G Parrarf 4 1 2 0 Brachp 0 0 0 0 Saunders homered twice and owriedh 4 0 0 0 Cano2b 4 1 1 0 (4), Reimoid(4), Hardy(4), Trumbo (8). SB—Mach- L N ieves c 4 1 0 0 Bass p 0 0 0 0 first time since opening day.Tyler C espdscf 4 I 2 0 VWelislf 4 0 I 0 ado (3), A.Jones 2 (3), H. K endri c k (3). CS — T rum bo Seattle roughed up reigning NLCy JoWilsn 2b 5 1 1 1 Venale ph-cf 0 0 0 0 Moss1b 3 0 1 0 Hafnerdh 4 0 1 1 Moore hit a go-aheadsacrifice fly (1). S — S hu ck. SF — R e im old. Pnngtnss 3 1 1 1 Bianksrf-1b 2 0 1 0 Young winner R.A. Dickey, beating Baltimore IP H R E R BB SO Dnldsn3b 4 1 0 0 ISuzukirf 4 0 0 0 in the top of the ninth inning off Corbinp 3 1 0 0 Aonso1b 3 0 0 0 S.Smithlf 4 0 2 1 Nelson3b 4 0 0 0 struggling Toronto. Pitching on FGarcia 62-3 3 2 2 I 2 S ippp 0 0 0 0 Thtchrp 0 0 0 0 Reddckrf 3 0 0 1 Overay1b 3 1 2 1 Tony Watson (1-1). Wilson Ramos' O'DayBS,2-2 11 -3 2 2 2 1 2 an extra day of rest as he tried Bell p 0 0 0 0 Gyorko2b 4 0 1 0 Tom.HunterW,1-1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Rosalesss 4 0 0 0 Nunezss 3 1 1 0 RBI single in the sixth tied the Hundlyc 4 0 0 0 S ogard2b 3 0 0 0 CStwrtc 3 1 1 1 to overcome neckand back Ji.Johnson S,11-11 I 0 0 0 0 0 R ichrdp 1 0 1 0 game at4 after Pittsburgh built a Totals 3 2 2 6 2 Totals 3 3 4 8 4 Los Angeles soreness, Dickey (2-5j lost his B oxrgrp 1 0 0 0 Oakland 0 00 000 002 — 2 two-run lead. Hanson 5 7 3 3 2 3 Guzmnif 2 0 0 0 third straight start. He allowed six Kohn 001 011 10x — 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 New york E Donaldson(4) DP New York1. LOB Oak- T otals 3 4 8 107 Totals 3 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 0 2 hits, including a season-high three D.De LaRosa 2 Pittsburgh 0 60 101 000 — 8 Washington l a nd 6, New York 5. 28—S.Smith (8), Cano(10), Arizona Frieri I 0 0 0 0 3 ab r hbi ab r hbi home runs. Saunders homered Diego 000 0 0 0 100 — 1 Nunez (1). HR—Overbay (5), S an RichardsL,1-3 1 2 1 1 1 0 Overbay (5). 38 — E—Richard (1), Ev.cabrera (3). DP—Arizona E spinos2b 4 0 1 0 SMartelf 3 1 1 2 CStewart(2). on Dickey's second pitch. The HBP—byHanson(Pearce). WP—Hanson. ego 2.LOB Arizona 8,San Diego 9. D smndss 4 0 0 1 Sniderrf 4 0 0 0 Oakland IP H R E R BB SO 2,SanDi T—3:43. A—32,136(45,483). knuckleballer was booed by the Pollock (10), Prado(5), Denorfia(8), Blanks H arperlf 5 1 I 0 Mcctchci 3 0 I 0 51-3 6 3 3 0 3 2B — ColonL,3-1 Zmrmn3b 2 3 1 0 GJones1b 4 0 1 0 —Pollock (4), Denorfia(2). SB—Pollock (5). Blevins 1 0 0 0 0 2 (2). HR crowd of 35,754 after Raul Ibanez Indians 7, Twins 3 LaRoch1b 1 0 1 1 Mazzarp 0 0 0 0 2-3 2 1 1 0 0 S—Corbin. SF—Goldschmidt 2. Resop hit a one-out triple in the sixth IP H R E R BB SO TMoorerf 3 0 0 1 RMartnc 3 0 1 0 Scribner 1 0 0 0 0 1 Arizona CorbinW,4-0 7 5 1 1 3 7 WRamsc 5 0 1 2 PAlvrz3b 4 0 0 0 and scored on Kelly Shoppach's New york CLEVELAND — Scott Kazmir Sipp 1-3 1 0 0 2 0 Berndncf 3 1 0 0 Mercer2b 4 1 1 0 PHughes W1-2 8 4 0 0 2 9 double. Hisashi Iwakuma (3-1) Strasrgp 3 0 0 0 Barmesss 3 2 2 2 earned his first victory in three 12-3 0 0 0 0 2 Kegey 0 1 1 1 0 0 Bel L mrdzzph 1 0 1 0 Lockep 1 0 0 0 allowed one run and five hits in seasons, Nick Swisher homered Rivera 1 1 1 I 1 0 San Diego NATIONALLEAGUE Clipprdp 0 0 0 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 RichardL,0-4 3 2- 3 7 7 5 4 3 Kegeypitchedto1batter in the9th. BATTING —CGomez, Milwaukee, .373; CJohnseven innings. in his first at-bat since missing RSorinp 0 0 0 0 Morrisp 0 0 0 0 Boxberger 2I 3 1 I 0 0 4 T 2 36. A 41,349(50,291). son, Atlanta,352;Tulowitzki, Colorado,.341;Segura, GSnchzph 1 0 0 0 Brach 1 0 0 0 1 0 three games with a sore shoulder Milwau kee, .336;AdGonzalez, Los Angeles, .330; Seattle Toronto Watsonp 0 0 0 0 Bass 1 1 0 0 1 0 SMarte, Pittsburgh,.328;YMolina, St. Louis, .327; and Cleveland beat Minnesota for ab r hbi ab r hbi I nge1b 0 0 0 0 National League Thatcher 1 1 0 0 0 0 Choo,Cincinnati,.327. MSndrs cf 5 2 3 3 Lawrie 3b 3 0 0 0 Totals 3 1 5 6 5 Totals 3 04 7 4 its sixth straight victory. Kazmir HBP —byCorbin (Headley). RUNS —CGonzalez, Colorado,26; Mcarpenter, Seager 3b 5 0 0 0 Mecarr dh 4 0 1 0 W ashington 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 01 — 5 T—2:50. A—31,336(42,524). (1-1), a two-time AL All-Star who K Morls1b 4 1 1 0 Bautistrf 4 0 1 0 P ittsburgh 002 0 2 0 0 00 — 4 St. Louis, 24; Choo,Cincinnati, 24; SMarte, PittsGiants10, Dodgers 9 burgh,23;Pagan,SanFrancisco, 23;JUpton, Atlanta, Morserf 3 0 0 0 Encrnc1b 4 0 2 0 E—WRamos (3), Barmes (3), PAlvarez (6). 22; pitched in an independent league (1 0 innings) Fowler,Colorado,21; Holiday,St. Louis, 21;RutMarlins 2, Phiiiies 0 DP — Washington 2, Pittsburgh1. LOB —Washington Ibane zdh 3 2 I 0 Rasmscf 3 0 0 0 last season, allowed two runs in S hppchc 3 1 1 1 RDavislf 3 1 1 0 11, Pittsburgh3.28 Espinosa (8) 3B Zimmerman ledge,Colorado,21;Voto, Cincinnati, 21. RBI — Buck, NewYork, 29; Tulowitzki, Colorado, six innings. It was his first win Ackley2b 4 1 1 4 Mlzturs2b 2 0 0 0 PHILADELPHIA — Jose (2). HR —S.Marte (4), Barmes (I). SB—Zimmerman 27; Phillips, SAN FRANCISCO — Pinch hitter Cincinnati, 26; Braun,Milwaukee,23; Enchvzli 4 0 0 0 DeRosaph 1 0 0 0 (1), LaRoche (1), S. M arte (10). S — L ock e. SF — D es since be at i ng Tampa Ba y on Sept . Cuddyer,Colorado,23; Sandoval, SanFrancisco, 23; Guillermo Quiroz homered with Fernandez pitched one-hit ball and mond,LaRoche,TMoore. A ndinoss 4 I 1 0 HBiancc 4 0 1 0 YBetancourt, Mi lwaukee,22. 19, 2010, while with the Angels. Kawskss 2 0 0 1 Washing ton I P H R E R BB SO one out in the10th inning, lifting struck out nine in seven dominant HITS — SMarte, Pittsburgh,39, CGomez, MilwauArenciiph 1 0 0 0 Strasburg 7 5 4 4 1 8 innings, getting his first major San Francisco to its second T otals 3 5 8 8 8 Totals 3 1I 6 I Minnesota Cleveland ClippardW2-1 1 I 0 0 0 1 kee, 38;Choo,Cincinnati, 37;YMolina,St. Louis, 37; Seattle 1 00 411 001 — 8 ab r hbi ab r hbi straight walkoff win. The Giants league win in Miami's victory over R.SorianoS,10-11 1 1 0 0 0 1 GParra,Arizona,36; Sandoval, SanFrancisco, 36; Segura Milwaukee,36. Toronto 0 00 000 100 — 1 D ozier 2b 4 0 0 0 Brantly if 5 0 1 1 Pittsburgh blew a 5-0 lead and wasted a Philadelphia. Marcell Ozuna hit DOUBLES —Mcarpenter, St.Louis,11, Desmond, DP — Seattle 1. LOB—Seattle 3, Toronto 8. Mauerdh 4 1 1 0 Kipnis2b 4 2 3 2 Locke 5 3 4 3 3 3 bases-loaded opportunity in his first career homer and Chris 28 — M.Saunders (2), Shoppach(5), H.Blanco(1). W inghlf 4 0 1 0 Acarerss 3 I I I Ju.WilsonBS,1-1 12-3 1 0 0 3 3 Washington,11;Schierholtz, Chicago,11; Pollock, 38 — Ibanez(1). HR —M.Saunders 2 (4), Ackley(1). Mornea1b 4 0 0 0 Swisherdh 4 1 1 1 13 0 0 0 0 1 Arizona,10;9tied at9. the ninth before Quiroz hit an Valaika connected for the first time Morris TRIPLES —Ecabrera, SanDiego,3; Segura,MiiSF Kawasaki. Plouffe3b 4 1 1 0 MrRynl1b 4 0 2 1 WatsonL,1-1 12- 3 2 1 1 0 1 0-2 pitch from Dodgers closer in three years to stop Cole Hamels. Seattle IP H R E R BB SO Doumitc 4 0 1 1 CSantnc 3 0 0 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 waukee,3; DWright, NewYork, 3; EYoung, Colorado, Mazzaro 3; 9 tied at 2. Iwakuma W,3-1 7 5 1 1 3 5 P armelri 3 0 0 0 Chsnh03b 3 I I 0 Brandon League(0-1 j into the Lockepitchedto 2 baters inthe6th. HOMERUNS—JUpton, Atlanta, 12;Buck, New Medina 1 0 0 0 0 1 H ickscf 3 1 1 1 Stubbsci 4 1 1 0 Miami Philadelphia HBP —by Strasburg (S.Marte, R.Martin), by Locke left field stands. Quiroz is 4 for 6 0 Perez 1 1 0 0 1 0 F lormn ss 2 0 1 1 Carrer rf 4 1 2 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi (Bernadina), by Watson (Espinosa, Zimmerm an). York,10;Harper,Washington,9; Beltran,St.Louis,8; Fowler,Colorado,8; Rizzo,Chicago,8; YBetancourt, Toronto A rciaph 1 0 1 0 this season as a pinch hitter. The Valaika2b 4 1 1 1 Roginsss 3 0 0 0 WP — JuWilson. Milwaukee, 7; Braun,Milwaukee,7; Gatis, Atlanta, 7; DickeyL,2-5 6 6 7 7 2 5 EEscorpr-ss 1 0 0 0 Polanc3b 3 0 1 0 Galvis3b 3 0 1 0 T—2:58.A—29,975(38,362). teams combined for19 runs and WRosario,Colorado7 Lincoln 2 0 0 0 1 2 Totals 3 4 3 7 3 Totals 3 47 127 R uggincf 4 0 0 0 Utley2b 4 0 0 0 30 hits, and stranded 24 runners STOLEN BASES —SMarte, Pittsburgh, 10; Ceci I 2 1 1 0 0 M innesota 010 0 1 0 0 1 0 — 3 Diazlf 4 0 0 0 Howard1b 3 0 0 0 Reds 6, Cubs4 Pierre, Miami10; , Ecabrera,SanDiego,8; Segura, T—2:28.A—35,754 (49,282). C leveland 220 0 0 0 2 1 x — 7 Ozunarf 3 1 1 1 DYong ri 3 0 0 0 in a game that lasted 4 hours, 11 Milwaukee, 8; CG om e z, Milwaukee,7; Mccutchen, E—Kipnis (2). DP—Minnesota 1, Cleveland1. D obbs 1b 4 0 0 0 DBrwnli 3 0 0 0 Pittsburgh, 6;Revere,Philadelphia, 6; DWright,New LOB —Minnesota 9, Cleveland 6. 28—Wigingham minutes.A.J. Ellis homered and O livoc 3 0 1 0 Ruizc 30 0 0 CHICAGO — Todd Frazier and Rangers 5, RedSox1 York, 6. Hchvrrss 3 0 1 0 Reverecf 2 0 0 0 6), Plouffe (4), ACabrera(6), Stubbs(7). 3B—Kipnis was one of six Dodgers with two Devin Mesoraco eachhada PITCHING —Lynn, St. Louis, 5-0; Zimmermann, Frnndzp 2 0 1 0 Mayrryph-cf 1 0 0 0 2). HR —Hicks(1), Kipnis(2), Swisher (3). SB—Kip- hits as Los Angeles lost for the ARLINGTON,Texas — Craig Pierreph 1 0 0 0 Hamelsp 2 0 0 0 sacrifice fly in a four-run eighth Washington,5-1; Corbin, Arizona,4-0; Harvey,New nis (6). Minnesota IP H R E R BB SO fifth time in seven games. It was MDunnp 0 0 0 0 Aumontp 0 0 0 0 York, 4-0; Wai nwright, St. Louis, 4-2; SMiger,St. Gentry had an infield hit that inning, and Cincinnati rallied CorreiaL,3-2 5 6 4 4 2 4 C ishekp 0 0 0 0 Horstp 00 0 0 Louis, 4-2; 18 tiedat 3. San Francisco's fourth straight for the victory over Chicago. produced two runs andlater hit a Swarzak 2 4 2 2 0 1 L Nixph 1 0 0 0 STRIKEOUTS —ABurnett, Pittsburgh, 57; SaPressly 1 2 1 1 0 0 win over its NL West rival. Buster Totals 3 1 2 6 2 Totals 2 80 1 0 Cincinnati had just one hit in the mardzi ja, Chicago,52;Kershaw,Los Angeles,52; two-run homer in Texas' victory Cleveland Miami 0 11 000 000 — 2 W ainwri g ht, St. Loui s,48;Harvey, NewYork, 46; Ryu, Posey's homer lifted the Giants to over Boston. The Rangers broke Kazmir W,1-1 6 5 2 2 I 7 P hiladelphia 00 0 0 0 0 000 — 0 decisive rally, but took advantage Los Angeles, 46; Strasburg,Washington, 44 a 2-1 win Friday night. ShawH,1 I I 0 0 1 1 LOB—Miami 4, Philadeiphia 3. HR—Valaika (I), SAVES —Grigi, Pittsburgh, 12; Romo, San a1-1 tie and went ahead to stay of another woeful outing by J.Smith 1 1 1 1 2 0 Ozuna (1). SB—Polanco(1). Francisco, 11;RSoriano,Washington, 10; Kimbrei, on the speedyGentry's infield hit reliever Carlos Marmol to secure C.Perez Los Angel e s San Franci s co Miami IP H R E R BB SO Atlanta, 9; Mujica,St.Louis,8; League,LosAngeles, 1 0 0 0 1 1 HBP—byCorreia(Chisenhall). WP—Shaw. in the fourth. He added his first ab r hbi ab r hbi Fernandez W,1-2 7 1 0 0 I 9 its first winning road series of the 8; RBetancourt,Colorado,8.

TORONTO — Dustin Ackley hit his first career grand slam, Michael




Trainerwins iswa — t eri twa LOUISVILLE, Ky. t's always tougher on a native son. Grow up in the heart of horse country the way Shug McGaughey did, and there's only one race that ever really matters. McGaughey won big stakes all over the place for the better part of three decades, enough to fashion a Hall of Fame career in the meantime. But all that success meant only so much without the Kentucky Derby. "I maynothave letanybody know about that but inside, inside that thought was always there," McGaughey said Saturday. Moments earlier, a colt named Orb kicked up the spray with a stretch run through the slop and erased that worry forever. For the longest time, though, the big bay didn't seem to have a chance. Under jockey Joel Rosario, Orb settled way back inthe pack early and seemed content to stay there. In an odd way, his patience was a reflection of everything McGaughey is about. The trainer brought his first challenger to Churchill Downs in 1984, nearly won it with Easy Goer on a similarly slippery strip five years after that — losing to Sunday Silence and Charlie Whittingham — and then practically disappeared from the scene. For all the good mounts McGaughey saddledin-between, he was too respectful of the race and too good a horseman to show up without a real contender. He came back exactlyonce after 1989, with Saarland in 2002, and finished 10th. Empty as it made him feel, McGaughey figured it was less painful to be somewhere else on the first Saturday than walk back to the Churchill barns with just another loser. But as the rain fell steadily on those same barns throughout the morning and much of the afternoon, McGaughey took it as an omen. -



Ted S. Warren /The Associated Press

Seattle closer Tom Wilhelmsen throws against the Los Angeles Angels last week in Seattle.

Mariners find an unlikely but eonsistent doser • Former bartendertheIt'sninth." a role Wilhelmsen emWillis believes that, Tom Wilhelmsen braces. while his stuff gives him the is flourishing for tools to close, Wilhelmsen's is what allows Seattle this season personality him to succeed. By Larry Stone The Seattle Times

SEATTLE — If you marvel at Tom Wilhelmsen's re-

markable journey from bar-

"He thrives in this role," Willis said. "He has a great temperament and a t titude as a closer. He just so enjoys

pitching. Lik e

( W ednes-

day night). It was not a save tender to elite closer, you're situation, b u t re g a rdless not alone. "Every night," of the score, he enjoys the he said, laughing. "Every competition." night. I sit there with my wife Wilhelmsen, who had al— 'What are we even doing ways been a starter until he right now?' " reached the majors, admits What Wilhelmsen is doing that he l oves being "The is dominating batters in the Man" at the end of games. "It feels good to get the last ninth inning with a devastating three-pitch repertoire. out in a ballgame," he said. "It feels good to get the call On Wednesday night, for instance, in a non-save situa- in the ninth. There's a lot of tion, he threw a 99 mph fast- confidence, obviously, in the ball, followed by a 90 mph coaches in m e ; h opefully changeup, to completely be- the team as well. That feels fuddle an Orioles hitter. good. It makes you feel a big "Yeah, that's plus stuff part of it." right there," pitching coach Now 29, Wilhelmsen is Carl Willis said. reaching his prime after a And that doesn't even take six-year career interruption into account Wilhelmsen's while he was out of baseball money pitch,the knee-buckand tending bar in Tucson, ling curveball that occasion- Ariz. That narrative, and his ally finds its way onto high- successfulcomeback, made light shows — mainly for Wilhelmsen something of a the amusement of watching novelty when he reached the hitters bail for their lives on majors in 2011. But now, he's pitches that suddenly break a successful major-leaguer into the strike zone. who might be on an All-Star Put it al l t o gether, and path, though the attention you have this entering the bestowed upon him for his w eekend: Eight s aves i n circuitous career path has eight attempts, just one run only slightly waned. "I guess it works in my and four hits allowed in 13 innings, with 10 strikeouts. advantage if people aren't And not j ust g i mmes, ei- looking at my numbers, and ther. Three times in this past they're just thinking about homestand, Wilhelmsen suc- the story," he said. "But it's cessfully navigated the heart part of my life, and I'm proud of the Angels' order: Albert of it." Pujols, Josh Hamilton and The key to his early domiMark Trumbo. nance this year, agree WilHe was pretty cool about lis an d W i l h elmsen, has it, too — on the surface. been the development of his "Once the Angels left, I changeup to use as an addicalled up my father and said, tional weapon, particularly 'Talk about the meat of the against left-handed hitters. order!' " Wilhelmsen said And having improved in each with a laugh. "That's the way of his t h ree major-league it's been going. Pretty much seasons, Wilhelmsen's confievery game I've been in, it's dence continues to grow. "That's the name of the been themeat ofthe order." W hen W i l helmsen a s game, really," he said. "The sumed the Mariners'closer ability is there for everybody. It's upstairs that puts you job last June, manager Eric W edge i n itially s a i d h e over the edge." was just keeping the posiWilhelmsen adds, "I had tion warm until struggling the confidence from the getBrandon League got back go. That's why I got back into on track. But League was it. I saw folks pitching and I traded to th e D odgers in was, like, 'Man, I could do July, and Wilhelmsen is now that.' That was enough to get ensconced as the Mariners' me out the door and onto a ninth-inning pitcher. tryout. But just the more bat"It's been a nice process ters you face, the more time for him," Wedge said. "He you have, you get more comhas a much better feel for fortable and confident." himself and the role. He has But that still doesn't stop a pretty good idea what he's Wilhelmsen and his w i f e, trying to do out there. He's Cassie, from marveling on a out there pitching the ninth; nightly basis over what he's he's not out there throwing accomplished.


"I said, 'A day like today might have cost me one Kentucky Derby. Maybe it will turn around and help us today," he recalled. The pause that followed almost made it seem like McGaughey was wrestling with his good fortune, like the pragmatist in him was never ever going to let go. "This whole trip has been something that's different for me," he resumed. "I don't know, the last five or six weeks has been as exciting a five or six weeks as I've ever had. And to come here the last 12 days and experience what we did, from the fans to the people that have watched him thrive, and then come over today and see the horse run the race he did, well, it's something I can't put into words." Someone asked McGaughey whether he was screaming when Orb hit the finish line. "I'm not a screamer," he replied. "Even after this?" came a follow-up. "Well," McGaughey replied, "when I wake up in the morning, I might scream." If anything, that would have been most appropriate for the first 90 seconds of the race, as Orb idled in 16th place, apparently much calmer than his jockey. "I was really far back," Rosario acknowledged afterward. "I said hopefully he can go faster than that." "I was saying maybe I was too far back," the jockey added, "but it was so easy." The colt's move around the final turn — when he picked off 11 horses and put himself in the race — said plenty about his trainer, too.McGaughey has been good at

picking his spots, at least everywhere but in the Derby. He's second among active trainers in Breeders' Cup wins and 10th among trainers on the career earnings list, having just passed Whittingham. And just like Orb rolling down the stretch Saturday, once McGaughey gets going, he can be tough to stop. "I've seen some things that make me think there is more there," the trainer replied when the inevitable question about his colt's chances at the Triple Crown

popped up. McGaughey made the case by listing all the things Orb had to overcome to win the Florida Derby, the most impressive being how patient the colt was before he put down the hammer. "Then to see what I saw today was just ... was something different. I think," McGaughey paused again, "I think we've got our hands on a pretty special horse." Orb made winners of two of the sport's most prestigious clans, the Phipps and the Janneys. Neither are Kentucky natives — both made their money long ago on Wall Street — but they never gave up on McGaughey, mostly because they liked the way he approached the sport. And so, when someone asked McGaughey if there was a right way to run a stable, Ogden Mills "Dinny" Phipps interjected, "Can I answer that instead of Shug? He does it the right way." Asked to explain the "right way," Phipps didn't hesitate. "Take your time," he said. "Let the horse bring you to the race." It couldn't have been tougher for McGaughey to do it that way, but for once, it didn't matter. The right way is the only way he knows. Jim Litke is a national sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write to him at j litke@ap,org and follow him at TwittercomlJimLitke.

vasion in mid-stretch before

out on becoming the oldest current owners who are intrainer to win at 77. He sad- volved through partnerships History was denied on sev- dled two horses: Oxbow was that split up th e exorbitant Continued from D1 Giant Finish was 10th, then eral fronts: sixth with 50-year-old Gary costs of the sport. • Pletcher's Derby record S tevens making a De r b y came Overanalyze, Palace The c o u sins' gr a n d faMalice, Java's War, Verra- fell to 1 for 36 after sending comeback after seven years ther, Henry Phipps, founded zano, Itsmyluckyday, Fr ac out arecord-tying five horses in retirement, and Will Take w ealth m a n agement f i r m Daddy, Goldencents, Vyjack for the second time in his ca- Charge was eighth. Bessemer Trust in 1907. Janand Falling Sky. reer. Besides Revolutionary, Orb also was the second ney serves a s c h a i r man, T he second leg o f t h o r - Charming Kitten was ninth; Derby starter for both Janney w hile Dinny P h ipps i s i t s and Phipps, whose previous director. He also chairs The o ughbred r a c i ng's T r i p l e Overanalyze was 11th; early Crown will be May 18 when pacesetter Palace Malice was entries were in 1988 and '89. Jockey Club,the sport's govthe Preakness Stakes is held 12th; and previously unbeat- Their family wealth allows erning body t hat r e gisters at Pimlico. en Verrazano was 14th. them to race the horses they thoroughbreds, while Janney • Rosie Napravnik's bid to breed, unlike the majority of The rain that pelted the is vice chairman. track earlier in the day had become the first woman jockstopped by the time 19 horses ey to win ended with a fifthparaded to the post for the place finish aboard Mylute. 139th Derby. While it creat- It was still the highest finish ed a gloppy surface, it didn't by a woman rider, bettering seem to botherOrb, who had her ninth-place showing two never previously run on a wet years ago. • Kevin Krigger failed in track. "I said, 'A day like today his attempt to b e th e f i r st might have cost me one Ken- b lack jockey t o w i n s i n ce tucky Derby, maybe it'll turn 1902. He rode Goldencents to around and help us today," a 17th-place finish for trainer Doug O'Neill, who won last McGaughey said. His triumph was a victory year with I'll Have Another. for the old school of racing, Rick Pitino owns 5 percent of where a private trainer like the colt, who couldn't deliver McGaughey works exclusive- a horses/hoops double for the ly for wealthy owners — in coach of the national chamthis case Stuart Janney and pion L o uisville b a sketball Ogden Mills "Dinny" Phipps. team. "The Phippses and J an• D. Wayne Lukas missed neys has been my whole life for 20 some years now, and have really kind of given me Big Bargains on NEW and Used! e verything I 'v e g o t," s a i d McGaughey, who never lost his thick Southern drawl despite years of working in New York. "I'm extremely proud to be In-Store Savings able to work with people such XO /o-70 / o Off select rods, reels, waders, boots, as this. To bring a day like clothing, hats, and more! today into their lives is just a huge, huge thrill for me. All I can do is just say thanks for I s. s i ' the opportunity," he said. r XX X jr ug First cousins Janney and 72-year-old D i nn y P h i pps, who are among the sport's blue bloods that include the old-money Whitney andVan0 g a derbilt families, also got their

surging clear.


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first gold Derby trophy. "I just couldn't be more delighted that we're doing this together," t h e 6 4 - y ear-old Janney said. Phipps' late father, Ogden, owned Easy Goer and undefeated Personal Ensign. Janney's parents owned star filly Ruffian. "This h o r se's bloodline goes back to our grandmother," Janney said. "Dinny's father was very instrumental in getting me to take over my parents' horses 20 some years


When th e h o r ses b u rst from the gates, Palace Malice and Mike Smith set a sizzling pace that couldn't be sustained. On the far turn, the pack closed in on the leader, with Oxbow attacking from the inside and Normandy Invasion moving up on the outside to take the lead. Rosario positioned Orb in the clear on the outside and they reeled in Normandy In-

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Youn ayat etes set tone or NBA coming out



By Martha IrvIne The Associated Press

CHICAGO — You've probably never heard of H olly Peterson or Jonathan JeanPierre. One came out as a lesbian at age 15, when she was playing high school basketball. The other, a college rower, told his teammates last year that he's gay. There was little fanfare for either. There were no headlines as there were this past week when NBA player Jason Collins declared that he is gay, making him the first in a major U.S. men's professional sport to come out. Some are calling Collins a role model for this up-and-


Julio Cortez/The Associated Press

ChIcago Bulls center JoakIm Noah, rIght, defends against Brooklyn Nets center Brook Lopez, center, during the second half of Saturday night's Game 7 in New York. The Bulls won 99-93.

Bus eatNetsint ame7, a vance to conerencesemis points, seven assists and six rebounds for the Nets. They N EW YORK — J o a k i m were trying to b ecome the Noah had 24 points and 14 re- ninth NBA team to win a sebounds, Marco Belinelli also ries after trailing 3-1. scored 24 points and the ChiBut they had a horrendous cago Bulls beat the Brooklyn first-half d e fensive p e rforNets 99-93 on Saturday night mance and Joe Johnson was in Game 7 of their first-round bad all game on offense, finseries. ishing with six points on 2-ofCarlos Boozer added 17 14 shooting, including 1 of 9 points as the Bulls shook off from 3-point range. injuries to two starters and With Luol Deng (illness) and every run the Nets tried to Kirk Hinrich (bruised left calf) make in the second half to out again, the Bulls leaned on win a Game 7 on the road for Noah, who could barely play the first time in franchise his- when the Bulls were blown out tory. They advanced to a sec- here two weeks ago in Game I ond-round series against de- but logged 41 minutes and shot fending champion Miami that 12 of 17, then still had enough starts Monday night. energy to climb over the seats The Bulls opened a 17-point to embracehismother. halftime lead with a rare ofNoah, who grew up and fensive outburst, and found a played in high school here, way to get big baskets every helped the Bulls spoil the Nets' time the Nets pulled close to first home Game 7 in f r anwin the NBA's only do-or-die chise history at the end of their game of the first round. first season in Brooklyn. They "I thought our guys, we took had played only oneGame 7in a bigpunch in Game I and we all their years while they were kept fighting back and that's based in New Jersey, falling at been the story of the season," Detroit in 2004. Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau Chicago improved to 1-6 in sa>d. road Game 7s. D eron W i l liams ha d 2 4 Deng, tested for meningitis The Associated Press

Curry Continued from 01 What makes Curry so compelling might be the simplest of basketball skills: shooting. Most people can't dunk like Miami's LeBron James, run as fast as Oklahoma City's Russell Westbrook orelevate the way Clippers forward Blake Griffin does. But anybody can shoot — or at least attempt to shoot — in a game long dominated by big men and played by some of the world's greatest athletes. All of 6-foot-3 and 185 pounds, Curry controlsgames without ever overpowering defenders. His shooting stoke might be the best on the planet right now, and when he gets going, nobody has found a way to slow him down. "He has a gift that you can count on your hand how many peoplehave,"Warriors coach Mark Jackson said. "Everyone wants to be a shooter. And then you look at him, he looks like a baby. And he's smiling and he never gets out of character and he's a class act. I just think at the end of the day people see him and say, 'Man, that's how I want my son to be.' " The diminutive guard who dazzled during Davidson's run to the regional finals of the 2008 NCAA tournament has stolen the NBA spotlight this season — especially in the playoffs — the way he did in college. Curry scoreda career-high 54 points against the Knicks at Madison Square Garden on Feb. 27, and he also had 47 points at the Los Angeles Lakers on April 12. In the Game 4 win over Denver in the first round, Curry had perhaps his finest moment: he scored 22 of his 31 points in a 6-minute, 22-second span of basketball bliss. On the ball or off the dribble, the quick-shooting guard showed the kind of range that helped him make 272 3-pointers in the regular season — three more than Ray Allen's record set in 2005-06 with Seattle — and, at times, seemingly controlled every gold-shirt wearing fan in the announced sellout crowd of 19,596 on his fingertips. "You start to feel the energy of the crowd. With every move you make, every time you lift up for a shot, they're holding their breath, excited to see that shot go in," Curry said. "You just have confidence and try to make an imprint because the opportunity is huge right now. It's a big stage. I have to live up to it." Curry, still only 25 years old, also has begun

earlier in the week, was back in the hospital Friday night and unable to travel. Hinrich warmed up in hopes of playing before he was ruled out. It didn't matter to the Bulls, who backed up Thibodeau's vow that they would have no excuses and play well. Coming out ready to work, the Bulls got their first two baskets on offensive rebounds by Boozer and Noah, and they led most of the first quarter before bringing a 29-25 lead to the second on Taj Gibson's jumper with 0.8 seconds left. It was 40-36 before the Bulls took control with solid offensive execution and poor Nets defense. Noah had consecutive baskets before seldom-used Daequan Cook made a 3-pointer to cap an 11-2 run, and after a basket by Andray Blatche, Boozer, Nate Robinson and Noah ran off the next six points to give Chicago a 57-40 lead as the crowd began to boo. "I think we weren't as aggressive as they were, especially on the boards and the defensive end in the first half," Nets interim coach P.J. Carlesimo said.

to quiet those who wondered whether he could evolve into an elite player after two surgeries on his right ankle sidelined him for most of the past two years. Even those who questioned whether his style would work in the pros have taken notice. Jackson remembers broadcasting Davidson's 79-67lossatDuke on Jan. 7,2009 — Curry's final collegiate season. ESPN broadcast partner Jeff Van Gundy kept disagreeing with Jackson's opinion that Curry would have "tremendous success" at the next level. Jackson, in his second year as an NBA coach, said he reminds Van Gundy about that conversation "quite often." The two even spoke about it after Golden State finished off its first-round upset of Denver in Game 6 on Thursday night. It's no longer uncommon for Curry to become a worldwide trend on Twitter during games, either. Asked whether a new NBA star has been born during the playoffs in Curry, Jackson just

was a sophomore in high school. "I was ready," says Peterson, who's now 29. "I needed to tell someone." Her team and coach re-

for gay and lesbian athletes. Jonathan Jea n - Pierre, a member of t h e r o w i ng team at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, says hi s teammates have never given him any trouble about being


"But sometimes I still feel like I have to work twice as hard to prove myself," says sponded well, she says, the 19-year-old athlete, who though her parents removed plans to discuss these and her from her traveling bas- other issues as a participant ketball team and, instead, of a summit for gay and lesused the money they'd spent bian athletes that Nike will on that for therapy. host next month for athletes, E ventually, though, h er coaches and college athletic parents came to terms with directors. her sexual orientation — and While more gay and lesshe went on to play college bian athletes are c o ming coming generation of gay basketball at t h e U n i ver- out, Smith a t O h i o S t ate and lesbian athletes. But sity of California, Riverside, also notes that his school rein some ways, those young where she also lived her life mains among those where a athletes and their supporters openly. gay athlete has yet to come also have helped pave the While there, she recalls out on the football, men's way for pros like Collins. speaking on a p anel w ith basketball, hockey or wres"Change is coming from other gay and lesbian ath- tling teams. the top down, but it's also letes a nd ho w o t h er That, he and others say, is coming from the bottom up," women athletes on her cam- where pro athletes like Colsays Ellen Staurowsky, a pus told her that she'd given lins may have particular inprofessor of sport manage- them the courage to come fluence, especially if Collins, ment at Drexel University in out, too. who is a free agent, signs Philadelphia. "That was huge for me," with a team next season. "It is a m ovement that's s ays Peterson, wh o n o w "There are certainly other taken place q uietly," she plays women's professional c loseted athletes who a r e adds, "on teams, in athletic tackle football. "That was looking to Jason Collins to d epartments w i t h som e really the first step in my see what will happen with coaches and athletes stand- looking at myself as a role him," says Hudson Taylor, ing up when they needed model and s omeone who a former collegiate wrestler to ... It's a n a c cumulated could make adifference." who, as a straight supporter movement over many, many Several c a m p uses of his gay and lesbian peers, decades." among them Princeton, the founded Athlete Ally. Awareness of homosexu- University of Michigan and E ither way, many — i n ality in athletics started to the University o f C a l ifor- cluding skater Johnny Weir, grow, slowly, Staurowsky nia, Berkeley — now have who announced he was gay says, in the 1970s on college groups for gay and lesbian after the last winter Olymcampuses. Then in the early athletes. pics — expect that Collins' There are groups, too, for revelation will have a posi1980s, tennis star Billie Jean King was outed, and Marstraight a l l i es, i n c luding tive impact on young gay tina Navratilova also came Athlete Ally, an organiza- and lesbian athletes, partly tion for straight athletes who because so many people are out as a lesbian. A s a s m al l n u mber o f publicly back their lesbian aware of it. "I'm envious of it," the 28h igh-profile a t h l etes f o l - and gay peers. lowed suit in years to come, The website for another year-old Weir says, because Gene Smith, t h e a t h letic organization, the You Can there wasn't "as much craze" director at Ohio State UniPlay Project, includes videos w hen he came out. "But I do versity, says he and others of support from athletic di- really respect it." b egan to notice a shift i n rectors, coaches and athletes Smith at Ohio State says momentum on college cam- from colleges and universi- he, too, has great respect for the athletes at his school puses by t h e m i d -1990s. ties across the country. "If you can play, you can who continue to come out. More young athletes were f eeling empowered t o b e play," is the tagline repeat- He recalls, for instance, how open about their sexuality, ed over and over in t hose a member of the university's he says, and the trend has videos. t rack t ea m n a me d D e r only grown. If you come out, you also rick Anderson recently an"I think it was easier on might get an endorsement nounced that he's gay at a c ertain teams, and it k i n d deal. school forum. of evolved over time," says Just days after Brittney That said, he hopes that, Smith, who was the athletic Griner came out as a les- one day, coming out in such director at Eastern Michigan bian, sportswear company a public way won't be necesUniversity and Iowa State Nike Inc. announced a deal sary — that gay and straight University before going to with Griner, the W N B A's athletes and other students Ohio State. N o. 1 draft pick who w i l l can simply coexist. "That's a long ways away," For some, like Holly Peter- soon graduate from Baylor Smith says. "But I think we're son, an athlete who grew up University. outside Sacramento, Calif., Not that it is always easy making good progress."


By BrIan Mahoney

coming out happened even earlier in life. She made the decision to tell her f amily and friends that she's a lesbian 14 years ago, when she




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laughed. "Those guys are just coming to the hospital," he said. "The baby has been born already." Warriorsowners Joe Lacob and Peter Guber have talked about raising Golden State's profile with big moves since they bought the franchise for an NBA-record $450 million in 2010. They have plans in the works for a new arena across the bay in scenic San Francisco and, although the Warriors have one of the most fervent and faithful followings in the sports saturated Bay Area market, they want the team to become more of a national name. Curry certainly fits into that narrative. Injuriesremain a concern for Curry even now. He sprained his left ankle in Game 2 against Denver and has been somewhat hobbled ever since. Curry said he took an injection that has "just a heavy dose of an anti-inflammatory" in his ankle after Game 3 and before Game 4 against the Nuggets for the first time in his career. He said the shot lasts for about six hours and helps ease the pain — but doesn't completely numb it. Curry isn't counting on taking another shot before Game 1 on Monday night in San Antonio. If anything, his teammates believe the Spurs might need a remedy to quiet Curry. "Any time he's in the half court he's in range. You scratch your head and the shot is going in," Warriors center Andrew Bogut said. "So as long as he keeps shooting the ball the way he is, the sky is the limit for us."


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The Associated Press

Federal health regulators are deciding whether triclosan, the germ-killing ingredient found in an estimated 75 percent of body washes and antibacterial liquid soaps, like Dawn Ultra, sold in the U.S. is harmful.

• Federal refinance programbecomesa success — finally

Is your soap safe?

By E. Scott Reckard Los Angeles Times


• Safety of triclosan, an antibacterialsoap ingredient, still being reviewedbythe FDA

The Obama administration's Home Affordable Refinance Program is at last helping legions of American homeowners with upside-down mortgages. Nearly 1.1 million homeowners with little or no equity were able to refinance last year under HARP, which assists borrowers who are current on their monthly payments. That's nearly as many as in the three previous years combined, and the latest figures show that early this year, the pace of these refinances abated only




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By Matthew Perrone The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — It's a chemical that's been in U.S. households for more than 40 years, from the body wash in your bathroom shower to the knives on your kitchen counter to

slightly. The program has become a successstory after a stumbling start with slack lender participation. Banks were initially reluctant to participate in a program they viewed as

the bedding in your baby's bassinet. But federal health regulators are just now deciding whether triclosan

— the germ-killing ingredient found in an estimated 75 percent of antibacterial liquid soaps and body washes sold in the U.S. — is ineffective, or worse, harmful. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is planning to deliver a review this year of whether triclosan is safe. The ruling, which will determine whether triclosan continues to be used in household cleaners, could have implications for a $1 billion industry that includes hundreds of antibacterial products from toothpaste to toys. The agency's review

risky — refinancing bor-

Andy Tullls / The Bulletin

Red Tank Cider co-owners Aaron Cousins, from left, Drew Wilson and Brandon Reese, delivered the first keg of Roughneck Cider to Broken Top Bottle Shop in Bend on Thursday. They have also started filling growlers out of their tasting room, located on Southeast Woodland Street.

• One cidery opens; another expected in two weeks, morepossible By Rachael Rees• The Bulletin

end may be Beertown USA, but local cider companies hope to make the city just as

comes amid growing pressure from lawmakers, consumer advocates and others who are concerned about the safety of triclosan. Recent studies of triclosan in animals have led scientists to worry that it could increase the risk of infertility, early puberty and other hormone-related problems in humans. "To me it looks like the risks outweigh any benefit associated with these products right now," said Allison Aiello, professor at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health. "At this point, it's just looking like a superfluous chemical."

No regulation The concerns over triclosan offer a sobering glimpse at a little-known fact: Many chemicals used in everyday household products have never been formally approved by U.S. health regulators. That's because many germ-killing chemicals were developed decades ago before there were laws requiring scientific review of cleaning ingredients. The controversy also highlights how long it can take the federal government to review the safety of such chemicals. It's not uncommon for the process to drag on for years, since regulators must review volumes of research and take comments from the public on each draft. In the case of triclosan, Congress passed a law in 1972 requiring that the FDA set guidelines for dozens of common antibacterial chemicals found in over-the-counter soaps and scrubs. The guidelines function like a cookbook for manufacturers, detailing which chemicals can be used in what products, and in what amounts. SeeSoap/E5

famous foritshard cider. "Introducing the new drink to Bend is our goal," said Dan McCoy, owner of Atlas Cider, one of several new hardcider makers in Bend. "Most people that enjoy craft beer are going to be the same people that are going to love craft cider." McCoy plans to open Atlas Cider, at 900 S.E. Wilson Ave., in about two weeks. Less than a mile away, on Southeast Woodland Street, Red Tank Cider opened its cider production and tasting room to the public Friday. And Outlaw Cider Co., located on American Loop, hopes to sell organic hard cider to local bars this year. Until recently, alcoholic, or hard cider, has been a, somewhat, dormant drink in the U.S., said Brad Page, cider maker and board member of the United States

QIEls ~ tieTae.'.'-+»

Courtesy Red Tank Cider

Red Tank Cider, in Bend, plans to produce about 40 barrels, or about 1,240 gallons, of hard cider each month using the equipment seen here. Association of Cider Makers, which formed in February. " Cider was a t r aditional drink i n the U.S. before Prohibition, and all the way back to the settlers," he said. "Prohibition put the nail in the coffin. But (cider) was in the decline in the beginning of the 20th century when beer was


rowers who owed more than their homes were worth. HARP is now regarded as a high point in Obama's mixed record on foreclosure prevention. "This is a program that has reached a lot of people — probably more underwater homeowners than anybody thought it would,"

said Guy Cecala, pubHard cider is starting to get some momentum now, he said,and Page attributed the growth to craft cider makers like those in Bend. He also noted Oregon is one of the leading states in hard cider production, along with Washington, New York and states in New England. Nationwide, cider makers bottled 18 million gallons last year, nearly double the amount bottled in 2011, according to statistics from the Alcohol, Tobacco and Trade Bureau. The hard cider industry has its top producers, just as in the beer industry. Boston Beer Co., which makes more than 50 beers under the Samuel Adams, or Sam Adams, labels, began national distribution of its Angry Orchard Hard Cider last year, according to its 2012 annual report. And Vermont Hard Cider Co. shipped 3 million cases of its Woodchuck Hard Cider last year, according to Beverage Industry magazine. "There's not going to be too many Angry Orchards or Woodchucks. Those guys are the big producers," Page said. "The real industry is towards the small craft cider maker." See Cider /E3

lisher of Inside Mortgage Finance. "It is also one of the few programs that has rewarded people who have stayed current on their

mortgages." The program has been successful because it addressed one of the hangover effects from the housing bust: the millions of Americansstranded in expensive, high-interest-rate loans. These borrowers owed too much on their homes and could not refinance.Even the most creditworthy could not get new terms from their lender unless they had 20 percent equity or more. Obama launched HARP in 2009 as one of two government-backed programs to help underwater borrowers. The betterknown Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP, encourages lenders toease loan terms for borrowers who missed payments. See HARP /E2


I was discovered by an algoritbm

Rivera VVealth Management Group

• How BigDataisplaying recruiter By Matt Richtel New York Times News Service

When the email came out of the blue last summer, offering a shot as a programmer at a San Francisco startup, Jade Dominguez, 26, was living off credit card debt in a rental in South Pasadena, Calif., while he taught himself programming. He had been an average student in high school and hadn't bothered with college, but someone,somewhere outthere in the cloud, thought that he might be brilliant, or at least a diamond in the rough. That someone was Luca Bonmassar. He had discovered Dominguez by using a technology that raises important questions about how people arerecruited and hired, and whether great talent is being overlooked along the way. The concept is to focus less than recruiters might on traditional talent markers — a degree from MIT, a previous job at Google, a recommendation from a friend or colleague — and more on simple notions: How well does the person perform? What can the person do'? And can it be quantified? The technology is the product of Gild, the 18month-old startup company of which Bonmassar

Jlm Wilson / New York Times News Service

Jade Dominguez, 26, never went to college, but was hired by Gild, a startup, after its algorithm put him atop a list of programmers. is a co-founder. His is one of a handful of young businesses aiming to automate the discovery of talented programmers — a group that is in enormous demand. These efforts fall into the category of Big Data, using computers to gather and crunch all kinds of information to perform many tasks, whether recommending books, putting targeted ads onto websites or predicting health care outcomes or stock prices. See Algorithm /E3

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BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765.

HARP Continued from E1 H ARP waives the r e quirement fo r e x t ensive new underwriting on loans that already are backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the giant government-controlled mortgage companies. About 2.4 million refinances have been

logged under the program

so far. Initially, th e p r o gram w as u n d erutilized by ORGANIZING WITH OUTLOOK FOR No Business events listed. banks that were worried BUSY PEOPLE WEBINAR: Online that Fannie and Freddie webinar; discover howto integrate all might force them to repurTUESDAY the components of Outlook (email, "Lf." ' chase any new, refinanced calendar, tasks and contacts) to MS PROJECT BASICS: Learn loans that went bad. The make your time rich and productive; to manage tasks, timelines and Obama administration rehosted by SIMPLIFY; registration resources using MS Project vamped and extended the required; $80; 8-10 a.m.; Basics software; CEUs included; program in 2011, and it Camp Sherman; 503-260-8714 or registration required; $199; 8 a.m.took off last year as banks info@simplifynw.com. noon; COCCChandler Building, found that making those INTERNETFOR BEGINNERS: 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; new loans was a ctually Glenn Koenig / Los Angeles 10:30a.m.-noon;Redmond Public 541-383-7270. quite profitable. Dickey and Arthur Cook, outside their home in Corona, Calif., saved $480 per month by refinancing Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; KNOW EMAILFOR BEGINNERS: T here remain a n e s - their underwater mortgage through the government's Home Affordable Refinance Program. To qualify 541-312- I050. 10:30 a.m.-noon; Downtown Bend timated 2 m i l l ion m o rtfor HARP, borrowers must owe more than 80 percent of the home value, haven't missed a payment in CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; gaged home o wners six monthsand must have an income. INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; 541-617-7080. eligible for the program, which has been extended OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 p.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 to 2015. But some experts there is still more to do, and cent of all mortgages, already underwater loans. Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. or bobbleile©windermere.com. believe the program may I will work both legislatively are on the hook if the loans Then last year the Federal Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. HOW TO STARTA BUSINESS: h ave reached it s p e a k and wit h t h e a d m i nistra- go bad, so their risk lessens if H ousing A u t hority, w h i c h FIRSTTUESDAY NETWORKING Registration required; $15;11 a.m.potential and may begin tion t o r e m ove r emaining the payments arelowered. oversees Fannie and Freddie, EVENT:Network of Entrepreneurial 1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community reaching fewer and fewer barriers that have kept reBorrowers must owe more approved more drastic changW omen happy hournetworking; College, Redmond campus,2030 borrowers. sponsible homeowners from than 80 percent of the home es. The 125 percent limit was 5-7 p.m.; Studio DeVine Beauty S.E. College Loop, Redmond; The program does not refinancing." value. They can't have missed abolished, appraisals streamBoutique, 750 N.W. Lava Road, 541-383-7290. cover homeowners w ith Nevertheless, the revamped a payment for the past six lined and paperwork slashed. Suite100, Bend; 541-233-6271 or mortgages that are in pri- program has helped borrow- months and are allowed only What's more, lenders using www.networkwomen.org. KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: vately held securities. It ers such as Arthur and Dick- one late payment in the last HARP in i t s l atest version 2-3:30p.m.;Redmond Public KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: also allows borrowers to ey Anne Cook, who remain year. And they must have a nearly eliminated any threat Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; Demonstration on accessing, use the program only once, u nderwater, o w i n g ab o u t job or other income to pay the of Fannieor Freddie demand541-312-1050. downloading and transferring and mortgage rates have $270,000 on a Corona, Calif., loan, although a full review ing that they buy back flawed library digital books to eReaders; fallen from one record low house that they figure would of employment and tax docu- loans — a major thorn in the 6-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend SATURDAY to another. sellfor only $230,000. ments is not required. side of banks these last few Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; C ongressional D e m o The retirees used HARP to The Cooks might have had years. 541-617-7080. No Business events listed. "The HARP program has crats believe the program get a new loan that knocked a hard time if they had tried could be revamped with nearly 2 percentage points off to tap HARP when it f i r st been a bigsuccess," said Tim WEDNESDAY SUNDAY new laws. Despite several their interest rate and slashed started. Sloan, chief financial officer at pushes by the Obama ad- t heir monthly p ayment by The program started slowly Wells Fargo & Co. No Business events listed. HOW TO SELECTTHE RIGHT ministration t o p r o mote $ 480. By getting rid of t h e in 2009 because it allowed Wells Fargo, the b iggest FRANCHISE:This workshop is this legislation, these efprevious home loan, which lenders to r e f inance loans h ome l ender, s ai d a b o ut designed to help participants decide MONDAY forts have stalled inside the they obtained five years ago only for up to 105 percent of 10 percent of the mortgages whether franchise ownership is Beltway. through a mortgage broker, the property v alue. Crash- it funded in the first quarter right for them; participants will learn SECURITYAND CERTIFICATION Sen. B arbara B o x er, they have now lowered their ing home prices left millions were HARP refinances. Sloan about how to choose a franchise, PREP:This course is designed to D-Calif., who had intro- interest rate to 3.99 percent of people too underwater to said that although that is down how to arrange financing, and other give students the skills they need to d uced l e g islation t h a t from 5.75 percent through benefit, and the loan-to-value from the "mid-teens" last year, critical details; registration required; find work in IT security and prepare a nticipated many of t h e HARP. ratio was quickly lifted to 125 there are still many customfree; 6-9 p.m.; COCC Chandler them to pass the Comptia Security+ " We hadn't m i ssed a n y percent, but few banks were ers who would qualify for a Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., c hanges allowed by t h e Exam; registration required; $499; Bend; 541-383-7290. Federal Housing Finance p ayments yet. Bu t i n a n - willing to refinance the deeply HARP refinance. 8 a.m.-noon; COCC — Crook County Agency, said in a s t ate- other six months, I probably Open Campus, 510 S.E. Lynn Blvd., ment that other provisions would have," said Art Cook, Prineville; 541-383-7270. THURSDAY in her bill would further 69, a former phone company COLDWELL BANKER MS PROJECT BASICS: Learn streamline t h e HA RP manager and Army reservMORRIS REAL ESTATE TUESDAY to manage tasks, timelines and process a n d i nc r e ase ist whose wife taught school. Welcomes resources using MS Project "Things keep getting more competition. HOW TO TAKECONTROL OF Basics software; CEUs included; "I am glad that FHFA e xpensive, and we're on a YOUR TIMEAND GET MORE OUT registration required; $199; 8 a.m.has put into place provi- fixed income." OF LIFE!:Online webinar with noon; COCCChandler Building, sions from my legislation T he wa y t h e pr o g r am strategies and solutions to boost Coldwell Banker Morris Real Estate welcomes 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; t hat have h elped m o r e works now, refinances are Michael Hopp totheir group of professionals. Born productivity and efficiency; hosted 541-383-7270. than I m i l lion additional permitted on loans sold to & raised in Bend, Michael is a third generation by SIMPLIFY; registration required; OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m.; $65; 8-9:30 a.m.; Camp Sherman; A mericans r ef i n a n ce Fannie and Freddie before Central Oregonian and has exceptional knowledge of the area, as well as the people Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 503-260-8714 or info@simplifynw. their mortgages at lower June 2009. Fannie and Fredwho call Central Oregon home. After graduating from TheUniversity of Oregon, N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. com. rates," Boxer said. "But die, which back about 60 perMichael worked for his family's law firm in Bend where his interest in real estate flourished while working on real property transactions. Having been able to work with businesses in the area, as well as having been a part of Central DEEDS Oregon through all of its recent changes allows Michael to provide exceptional local service and share with his clients the Central Oregon lifestyle they are Deschutes County 14, Range13, Section14, $189,900 through Thomas A.Huntsberger E. and Juanita D.Waltjen, High Desert seeking. Michael is extremely detail oriented and prides himself on his local Chapter11 trustee, to KLOHLLC, • Patrick and Kimberly McClain to Estates Subdivision, Phase 3, Lot 65, • Wood Hill Enterprises LLC to Ethan market knowledge and the care and compassion he has for his clients. Michael Gene M. Frice, trustee for GeneMerrill D. Sandelin, Parkway Village, Phases Emily Estates, Lots 11-25, 27-34, 36$339,000 joins Coldwell Banker Morris as a broker licensed in the State of Oregon, and 47, $715,000 and Margaret Antoinette Frice Family 1-3, Lot 41, $184,700 • Betty B. Ruckman to Linda C. Ott and is extremely excited to have joined "Team Sell Bend" under the mentorship Trust, Shevlin Ridge, Phase 4,Lot 76, • Donna R. Canri g ht to Guy A. and • Stephen D. andRoberta J. Nopson Loren R. Olsen, Township13, Range of Shelly Hummel. When not helping his clients meet their real estate goals, $572,000 Darlene L. Si m s, trustees for Sims to Sheldon C.Evans and Christine A. 16, Section 14, $225,000 Michael enjoys skiing, golfing, tennis, running with his dogs, and riding his • Ronald J. and JoannW. Roberts, Sorensen, Mountain Village East 4, Lot Living Trust, Ridge at EagleCrest 27, horse. He also enjoys being a part of service organizations such as Rotary, • Richard J. Wilson, personal Lot 66, $298,900 trustees for Roberts Family Living 8, Block 25, $336,000 4-H, and is a high school equestrian coach. Allow Michael to assist you in your representative of the estate of Laurie Trust, to Roger andSusie Johnson, • Peter G. and Al e xa A. Sel b y to Alfred • Michael R. andKathleen M. Wenger A. Wil son, dec ea s e d,t o Jose ph V. next transaction and demonstrate how his creativity and full detail service from Partition Plat1998-60, Parcel 2, P. Meyer, Rolling Horse Meadow, Lot to Sheryl French, Tetherow Crossing, and Melody R.Anthony, Partition Plat $170,000 7, Block 4, $255,000 start to finish will make reaching your real estate goals a reality. Phase 2, Lot 8, Block 2, $448,000 1994-12, Parcels1 and 2, $172,500 • Kent A. and Rachel C.Vander Kamp, • Gorilla Capital WA 6 LLCto Amber S. Crook County Michael J. Hopp, Broker trustees for Vander KampFamily Scott, Partition Plat2005-65, Parcel • Mary J. Puddyto TerryL. Mooreand • George L. and Patricia A. Allison to Coldwell Banker Morris Real Estate Trust, to Michael J. Cord, Miller L.and Kathryn M.Lehnen, 2, $216,000 Susanne L. Walters-Moore, Township M ickey Heights, Phase 2, Lot 40, $425,000 541-322-2407 Longhorn Ridge, Phase 3,Lot145, • Maria Meadows to Mark D. 14, Range15, Section12, $325,000 michael@bendproperty.com • Jason E. Phillips, trustee for Jason E. Lauterbach, Village Pointe, Phases4- • Greg S. Daniels and Yorn Duch to $360,000 MORRIS Phillips Trust, to Joseph P.Hoppeand www.bendproperty.com 7, Lot115, $175,000 Krista F. Lopez,Steelhammer Ranch, • Eugene and Julie Kolbe to Larry and Alice White-Hoppe, Elkhorn Estates, Lot 16, $279,900 • First Light LLC to Susan L. and Patricia Klenin, Brasada Ranch, Lot 486 SW Bluff Dr,, Bend, OR 97702 Phases 14-16, Lot 166, $189,000 Charles D. Burke, RiverTerrace, Lots 9 • Kevin and Shari Woods to Kenneth 396, $475,000 541-382-4123 www,bendproperty,com • Brooks Resources Corporation to and10, Block12, $675,000 Mark R. and Anne E.Mastalir, North • Aras Properties LLCto Roger D. Rim on Awbrey Butte, Phase 5, Lot and FangHopkins, Elkhorn Estates, 120, $205,000 Phases1-3, Lot19, $249,900 • Deutsche Bank National Trust • Michael B. Batlan, as assignee for Companyto KaleGarciaandAngela the benefit of Penbrook Homeslnc., to Keeling, Township17, Range13, Lex G. andPatricia A. Zuber, Township Section 31, $572,250 17, Range12, Section 6, $220,000 • Steven W. Berryto Jason A. and • Kolby Callantine and Danielle Shirley Arnold E. Leistad, Deschutes River to Michele R. Pichardo, Northpointe, Recreation Homesites Unit 6 Part 2, Phase1, Lot 36, $178,000 Lot 25, Block 76, $163,000 • Corey A. and Kathryn J. Brown • Academy Bank N.A. to Harry J. and Charles G.andWendy J. Barker, Wendelyn G.Meagher, Mountain View to Cimarron City, Lot 45, Block 2, Park, Phase 2, Lot 52, $168,500 $257,500 • Michael S. Binns to Bjarne and • Joseph L. andBarbara D. G.Audia to Barbara C. Holm, First Addition to Douglas R. andDianne MKerkochm, Bitterbrush, Lot 5, Block1, $435,000 Hillside Park, Phase4, Lot7, Block4, • Brant B. and Krista I. Petersen to $675,000 ,!/ Jon W. andTamaraL.W eber,Parksat • Jason S. Adams to Philip and Wendy r Broken Top,Phase 2,Lot 89, $457,500 Sandstrom, Boulevard Addition to e • Choice One Builders LLC to Robert Bend, Lot 6, Block 20, $237,000 A. and Jeanmaire P. Wilkinson, Silver • Leland F. andMary C. Rubin to Ridge P.U.D., Lot 23, $584,988.16 Douglas D.and Marnell D.Anderson, • Dusty and Connie Kaserto David H. Deschutes RiverW oods,Lots 27and Smullin, Skyliner Summitat Broken 28, $280,000 Top, Phase10, Lot 228, $470,000 • Richard L. and Sandra A. Negus • Markle D. andLinda M. Grahamto to Matthew S.andErin K. Ebbing, Scott R. Roscoe, BigSkyCountry, Lot Northwest Townsite COSSecond 1, $375,000 Addition to Bend, Lot 6, $250,000 • Leanne T. Roberts and Gordon • George W.Hegarty IV and Jill V. ii C. Pennock, trustees for LeanneT. Jackson, trustees for Hegarty Jackson !k I Roberts and GordonPennockJoint Revocable Trust, to Holly G. Jacobson, Revocable Living Trust, to Seth NorthWest Crossing, Phase 5,Lot Lefkowitz and Mary E.Wallis, Partition 188, $443,900 Plat1998-35, Parcel 3, $613,000 • Clifford Group LLC andAlan C. and • Ronald E. Kinnaman, trustee Pamela S.Page,trustees for Page for Ronald KinnamanandCecile Family Trust, to Caseyand Shiley Kinnaman Joint RevocableTrust, Miller, Tetherow, Phase 2, Lot 21, Your data is critical to your employees, customers and bottom line. AII it takes to Michael C.andTracie J. Duval, $190,000 is one loss to severely impact your business — or worse. That's why there's Vault Conestoga Hills Second Addition, Lot • Thomas W. andKathleen L. Denton Restore, our new cloud-based online backup solution. Youqi get peace of mind 14, Block 4, $420,000 to Stephen N.and RhondaF.Farnum, knowing your data is safe and secure here in Central Oregon. Plus we guarantee • Stanley P. andJudy K. Martineau NorthWest Crossing, Phase13, Lot to Stephen D.andKatrina L. Hogan, 642, $479,800 to restore your data within 24 hours. So you'll be back in business, not out of it. Deschutes RiverW oods,Lot60, • Donna S. Freeborn to NealJ. Dow, $239,700 trustee for Neal DowSeparate • Gary O'Neill to Marc T. andMikala Property Trust, Township14, Range Visit CloudInThevault.com or L. Saccoman, Overturf Butte, Lot6, 13, Section 27, $400,000 Block 3, $270,500 • The bankruptcy estate of Berjac call 541.312.7214 to learn more and sign up today. Business • Wells Fargo Bank N.A. to Sage of Oregon, successor by merger to Retirement Solutions LLC,Township Berjac of Portland, acting by and



Michael. Hopp












Continued from E1 He said the cider industry is analogous to the craft brewing industry 25 years ago. "There's a number of small startups ... who have a passion for cider and are starting out in a market that doesn't really exist yet," he said. McCoy, of Atlas Cider, said he wanted to start his business to expose Bend to hard cider. His wife, Samantha, introduced him to hard cider during a backpacking trip in Europe, where it's much more popular than in the U.S., he said. "When we were over there, all the pubs would have them .... Coming back from there, it was kinda like, 'Why don't we have all these ciders? Why isn't it popular as a drink (in the U.S.)?'" he said. M cCoy decided to go back to school to study fermentation, believingcidercouldbecomesomethingbigin the U.S. and Bend. "There are so many people out there that haven't had craft hard ciders," he said. "Every time they have one for the first time, they're like, 'Wow, this is a great drink. I want it.'" He said craft ciders taste differently than some highvolume ciders. Craft ciders are fermente d fro m f r e s h j u i ce, n o t concentrate. Atlas plans on distributing about 100 barrels, or 3,100 gallons, throughout Oregon per month. Red Tank has the capacityto produce about 40 barrels, or about 1,240 gallons, a month and hopes to add more tanks after the summer to boost production. Red Tank cider maker Aaron Cousins said cider making is a hybrid of winemaking and brewing. "We'll ferment and stylize it like a winemaker will do, add yeast and monitor fermentation," he said. "As far as carbonating it and packaging it, it's more like brewing." Cousins said Red Tank will make two different categories of cider:draftcider,a less-expensive cider made from table apples like Grannie Smith and Golden Delicious that takes less time to ferment, and its signature cider,made from what he calls heirloom apples that are extremely tart and used specifically for cider. For the draft cider, Cousins said, Red Tank works with a fruit co-op, which presses Oregon- and Washington-grown apples into juice. For the signaturecider,he said,he plans to pick the apples and press them at Red Tank's farm east of Bend. He said flavors will range from apple and berry to a hop cider, chili cider, and his personal favorite — bacon cider. Both Red Tank and Atlas plan on selling their ciders at growler stations, as well as restaurants, and even breweries in town. They will also have tasting rooms where the public can fill growlers and try the cider. Red Tank hopes to be packaging its cider i n 16-ounce cans by next month. And Atlas plans to start filling 22-ounce bottles of cherry and apple cider this month. Kizer Couch, co-owner of The Growler Guys in Bend, said more customers have been asking about and trying hard cider. Couch said he's had a number ofNorthwest craft ciders on tap, but there hasn't been a local option. On Thursday, Red Tank Cider is expected to hit the Growler Guys taps. "We're definitely l ooking forward to having some Central Oregon and Bend cideries

Continued from E1 Oflate, growing numbers of academicsand entrepre-

on (tap). And we're going to keep them on pretty regularly," he said. Even though Bend has 14 craft breweries and counting, McCoy said there's room for hard cider. "It makes sense that people will appreciate it just as much as they appreciate the awesome IPAs and other craft drinks," he said. "Being in the heart of the Northwest, the heart of apple a nd berry c ountry, i t j u s t makes perfectsense to introduce this to people who love the Northwest." As locally produced hard cider becomes moreprominent, people are going to be drinking more of it, and looking at it as an alternative to beer when filling up a growler or having a pint, he said. "Within a year there's not going to be anybody in Bend who isn't going to be aware of it," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

proving people wrong," he

a potential leg up in finding

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young businesses aiming to automate the discovery of talented programmers, raising important questions about how


+ /

people are recruited and hired. Photos by Jim Wllson New York Times News Service

"The traditional markers people use for hiring

can be wrong, profoundly wrong," said Vivienne Ming, the chief scientist at Gild since late last year.

Ming cites, by researchers at Yale, found that faculty members at research universities described female applicants for a manager position as significantly less competent than male applicants with identical qualifications. Another study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found that people who sent in resumes with " black-sounding" names had a considerably harder time getting called back from employers than did people who sent in resumes showing equal qualifications but w i t h " w h i te-sounding" names. Everybody can pretty much agree that gender, or how peothe highest programming ple look, or the sound of a last score in Southern Californame, shouldn't influence hirnia, a total that almost no ing decisions, but Ming takes one achieves. It was 100. the idea of meritocracyfurther. She suggests that shortcuts acIdea of meritocracy cepted as a good proxy for talWho was Jade? Could he ent — such as where you went help the company'? What to school or previously worked does his story tell us about — can also shortchange talmodern-day recruiting and ented people and, ultimately, hiring, about the concept of employers. "The traditional meritocracy? markers people use forhirPeople in Silicon Valley ing can be wrong, profoundly tend to embrace certain as- wrong," she said. Ming's answer to what she sumptions: Progress, efficiency and speed are good. calls "so much wasted talent" Technology can solve most is to build machines that try things. Change is i n evi- to eliminate human bias. It's table; disruption is not to be not that traditional pedigrees feared. And, maybe more should be ignored, just balthan anything else, merit anced withwhat she considers will prevaiL more sophisticated measures. But Vivienne Ming, who In a ll , G i l d's a l gorithm since late in 2012 has been c runches thousands of b i ts the chief scientist at Gild, of information in calculating s ays she d o esn't t h i n k around 300 larger variables Silicon Valley is as merit- about an individual: the sites based as people imagine. where a person hangs out; the She thinks that t alented types of language, positive or people are ignored, mis- negative, that he or she uses judged or fall through the to describe technology of varicracks all the t ime. She ous kinds; self-reported skills h olds that belief in p a r t on Linkedln; the projects on because she has had some which a person has worked, experience of it. and for how long; and, yes, Ming was b orn m a le, where he or she went to school, christened Evan C a mp- in what major, and how that bell Smith. He was a good school was ranked that year student and a great athlete by U.S. News 8 World Report. "Let's put everything in and — holding track and field records at his high school let the data speak for itself," in the triple jump and long Ming said of the algorithms jump, but he always felt a she is now building for Gild. disconnect with his body. Sean Gourley, co-founder After high school, Evan and chief technology officer experienced a f u ll-blown at Quid, a Big Data company, identity crisis. He flopped said that data trawling could at college, kicked around jobs, contemplated suicide, hit the proverbial bottom. Rather than getting stuck there, though, he bounced. At 27, he returned to school, got an undergraduate degree in cognitive neuroscience from the University of California, San Diego, and went on to receive a doctorate at Carnegie Mellon in •

inform recruiting and hiring, but only if used with an understanding of what the data can't reveal. "Big Data has its own bias," he said. "You measure what you can measure," and "you're denigrating what can't be measured, like gut instinct, charisma." He added: "When you remove humans from complex decision-making, you can optimize the hell out of the algorithm, but at what cost?" Ming doesn't suggest eliminating human judgment, but she does thinkthat the computer should lead the way, acting as an automatedvacuum and filter for talent. The company has amassed a database of 7 million programmers, ranking them based on what it calls a Gild score — a measure, the company says, of what a person can do. Ultimately, Ming wants to expand the algorithm so it can search for and assess other kinds of workers, like website designers, financial analysts and even sales people at, say, retail outlets. "We did our own internal gold strike," Ming said. "We found this kid in Los Angeles just kicking around his computer." She's talking about Jade Dominguez.

sard. programmers who aren'tthe He got a tattoo on his arm in obvious catches. "Getting out of Stanford or flowery script that read "Believe." He sort of laughs about Google is a very good proxy" it now, though he still feels that for talent, Power said. "They he can accomplish what he have reputations for a r e aputs his mind to. "It's the great son." But those prospects have thing about code," he said of many choices, and they might computer language. "It's large- not choose Square. "We need ly merit-driven. It's not about more pools to draw from," he what you've studied. It's about said, "and that's what Gild what you've shipped." represents." Gild's t e c hnology has When Gild went looking for talent, it assumed that the San turned up some prospects for Francisco and Silicon Valley Square but hasn't led directly areas would be picked over. So to a hire. Power says the Gild it ran its algorithm in South- algorithm provides a generalern California and came up ized programming score that with a list of programmers. At is not as specific as Square the top was Dominguez, who needs for its job slots. "Gild had a very solid reputation has an opinion of who is good on GitHub — a place where but it's not that simple," he software developers gather said, adding that Square was to share code, exchange ideas talking to Gild about refining and build reputations. Gild the model. combs through GitHub and Despite the l i m ited u sea handful of other sites, in- fulness thus far, Power says cluding Bitbucket and Google that what Gild is doing is the Code, looking for bright peo- start of something powerful. Today's young engineers are ple in the field. Dominguez had made quite posting much more of their a contribution. His code for work online and doing openJekyll-Bootstrap, a f u nction source work, providing more used in building websites, was data to mine in search of the reused by an impressive 1,267 diamonds. "It's all about findother developers. His language ing unrecognized talent," he and habits showed a passion sa>d. for productdevelopment and 'It's not about several programming tools, what you've studied' like Rails a n d J a vaScript, Dominguez grew up in Los which were interesting to Gild. Angeles, the middle child of His blogs and posts on Twitter OFFICE SYSTEMS five. His mother took care suggested that he was opinof the household; his dad inionated, something that the stalled t e l ecommunications company wanted on its initial Color and B&W equipment — a blue-collar guy team. who prized education. A recruiter from G>ld sent Scan, Print, Copy &Fax But Dominguez had a rebel- him an email and had him lious streak. Halfway through come to San Francisco for high school, p r eviously a an interview. The company AUTHORIZEDDEALER straight-A student, he began founders met a charismatic, wondering whether going to confident person — poised, Low Monthly school was more about satisPayments fying requirements than real "The value proposilearning. Local Since HIGH DESERT BANK tion is to go to school to get a 1989 "Philogood job," he told me. sophically, shouldn't you go to school to learn?" His grades I II • • i • o fell sharply, and he said he graduated from Alhambra H igh School i n 2 004 w i t h less than a 3.0 grade-point average. ® MEMORI A l Not only did he reject college, he also wanted to prove


C aeoe





Children's en a inic

In our effort to provide dental care to children in Deschutes County who can't afford it, the Kemple Memorial Children's Dental Clinic wishes to thank the following dentists for their volunteered services in March and April, 2013.

psychology and computational neuroscience. During a fellowship at Stanford, he began gender transition, becoming, fully, Dr. Vivienne Ming in 2008. As a wo m a n , M i n g started noticing that people treated her differently. There were small things that seemed i n nocuous, like men opening the door for her. There were also troubling things, like the fact that her students asked her fewer questions about math then theyhad when she was a man, or that she was invited to fewer social events — a baseball game, f or instance — by m a l e colleagues and b u siness connections. Bias often takes forms that people may not reco gnize. One s tudy t h at

that he could succeed wildly without it. He devoured books on entrepreneurship. He started a company that printed c ustom T-shirts, first f r o m his house, then from a 1,000square-foot warehouse space he rented. He decided that he needed a website, so he taught himself programming. "I was out to prove myself on my own merit," he said. He concedes that he might have taken it a little far. "It's a little immature to be motivated by

a rticulate, thoughtful, w i t h an easy smile, a tad rougher around the edges than other interview c a ndidates, said Sheeroy Desai, Bonmassar's c o-founder at Gild and t h e company's chief executive. "He's a symbol of someone who is smart, highly motivated and yet, for whatever reason, wasn't motivated in high school and didn't see value in college," Desai said. Desai did go to college, at MIT, one of those schools that recruiters value s o h i g hly. It was there, he said, that he learned how to cope with pressure and to work with brilliant people and sometimes feel humbled. But while one's work at school isn't inconsequential, he said, "it's not the whole story." He asserts that despite his degree in computer science, "I'm a terrible developer." One of Gild's customers is Square, a San Franciscobased mobile payment system. Like many other hightech companies, Square is aggressively hiring, and it's finding the competition for great talent as intense as it was during the dot-com boom, according to B r yan Power, the company's director of talent and a Silicon Valley veteran. Power says Gild offers


neurs are applying Big Data to human resources and the search for talent, creating a field called workforce science. Gild is trying to see whether these technologies can also be used to predict how well a p r ogrammer will perform in a job. The c ompany scours the I n ternetfor clues: Is his or her code well-regarded by other programmers? Does it get reused? How does the programmer communicate ideas? How does he or she relate on social media sites? G ild's method i s v e ry much in its infancy, an unproven twinkle of an idea. There is healthy skepticism about this idea, but also excitement, especially in industries where good talent can be hard to find. The company expects to have about $2 million to $3 million in revenue this year and has raised around $10 million, including a chunk from Mark Kvamme, a venture capitalist who invested early in LinkedIn. Gild also has big-name customers testing or using its technology to r ecruit, including Facebook, Amazon, WalMart Stores, Google and Twitter. Companies use Gild to mine for new candidates and to assess candidates they are already considering. Gild itself uses the technology, which was how the company, desperate for programming talent and unable to match the salaries offered by bigger tech concerns, found this guy named Jade outside of Los Angeles. Its algorithm had d etermined that h e h a d

Jake Magner, left, and Yuriy Groysman are data scientists at Gild. Gild is one of a handful of







I o

• •

Widgi Creek GOLF CLUB

18707 SW Century Dr., Bend www,widgi,com ~ (541) 382-4449

VOLU N T E E R DE N T ISTS TREATING KEM PLE KIDS IN OWN OFFICES IN MARCH AND APRIL, 2013 Dr. Susan Armstrong Dr. G i nny Murtague Dr. Scot Burgess Dr. Dean Nyquist Dr. David Cauble Dr Maureen Porter Dr. Steve Christensen Dr. Z ack Porter Dr. Kevin Coombe Dr. Catherine Quas Dr. Blake Drew Dr. Daniel Radattt Dr. David Dunscombe Dr. T homas Rheuben Dr. Greg Everson Dr. Mehdi Salari Dr. Matt Falkenstein Dr. A n n e Scott Dr. Phiiiippe Freeman Dr. M a rika Stone Dr. David Gobeille Dr. Jeff Timm Dr. James Hamett Dr. Andrew Timm Dr. Brad Hester Dr. Ryan Timm Dr. Dennis Holly Dr. Steve Timm Dr. Brad Johnson Dr. Peter Yonan At the KempleMemorial Children's Dental Clinic, ourmission is to improvethe health and well-being of children in DeschutesCounty byfacilitating critical preventative, educational anddental treatment servicesfor children whosefamilies cannot access basic dentalcare.Weadvocate for all children needingtimely, highquality dental care.


Soap ContInued from E1 In 1978, the FDA published its first tentative guidelines for chemicals used in liquid hand soaps and washes. The draft stated that triclosan was "not

generallyrecognized as safe and effective," because regulators could not find enough s cientific r e s earch de m o nstrating i t s s a f et y a n d effectiveness. The FDA published several drafts of the guidelines over the years, but the agency never finalized the results. So, companieshave not had to remove triclosan from their products. Meanwhile, the agency did approve triclosan for use in Colgate's Total toothpaste in 1997, after Colgate-Palmolive Co. submitted data showing that th e i n g redient helped

fight gingivitis. T hen, last s u mmer, t h e FDA said its review of triclosan would be complete by late 2012. That target date then slipped to February, which has also come and gone. But pressure on the agency from outside critics didn't let up. In March, a federal appeals court said a lawsuit by t he nonprofit Natural Resources Defense Council aimed at forcing the FDA to complete its review could move forward. A three-judge panel reinstated the 2010 lawsuit, which had been tossed out by a l ower court, saying the n onprofit group presentedevidence that triclosan could potentially be

reviewed and researched ingredients used in consumer and health care products," said Brian Sansoni, a spokesman forthe group, whose members include Colgate-Palmolive and Henkel Consumer Goods Inc., maker of Dial soap. While it can take years for the government to make rules, members of C o ngress say there is little precedent for the FDA's four-decade review of triclosan. "When FDA f i rst started evaluating the rules governing triclosan's use, Richard Nixon was still president," said Rep. Edward M a r key, D - M ass„ who asked the FDA to take a closer look at triclosan in 2010 after th e E u r opean U nion banned the chemical fr om products that come into contact with food. "Science has evolved, and so should FDA's regulations guiding the use of this chemical inconsumer products," he sa>d.

into it, and ban the chemical if necessary." Others are less surprised by the government's multidecade review. "It sounds like

looking at the use of antibacterialsoaps. The results showed soaps with triclosan were no more effective at preventing illness or reducing bacteria on a typicalgovernment agency the hands than plain soap. to me: totally unproductive," Other studies have shown said David Fisher, who sells that l o nger h a n d-washing restaurant e q u i pment i n i mproves results far m o r e Arizona. than a d d in g a n t i bacterial I ronically, t r i closan f i r st ingredients. T h e Ce n t ers became widely used because for Disease Control recomit was considered safer than m ends washing h a nds a t an older antibacterial ingredi- least 20 seconds. The CDC ent, hexachlorophene. That also recommends using hand chemical was banned from sanitizer — most of w h i ch household items in 1972 after use alcohol or ethanol to kill FDA scientists discovered that g erms, not c h emicals l i k e toxic levels could be absorbed triclosan — if soap and water through the skin. Several inare not available. fant deaths in France were Troclosan's safety also has connected to b aby p owder become a growing concern in that contained unsafe levels of recent years. To date, nearly the chemical, due to a manu- all of the research on triclosan's health i mpact comes facturing error. Triclosan was initially used from animal studies — which in hospitals in the 1970s as a are not necessarily applicable scrub for surgeons preparing to humans — but the findto perform an operation. It ings still h ave r esearchers was also used to coat the sur- concerned. faces of catheters, stitches and A 2009 study by scientists at 'Damaging' evidence other surgical instruments. the Environmental Protection U.S. scientists agree that the Beginning i n t h e 1 9 90s, Agency showed that triclosan FDA's review is overdue. The t riclosan began making i t s decreases levels of testosterEndocrine Society, a group way into hundreds of antione and sperm production in of doctors and scientists who bacterial c onsumer g o ods, male rats. Female rats exposed specialize i n t h e h o r mone ranging from soap to socks to to triclosan showed signs of system, flagged triclosan four lunchboxes. The growth has early puberty and altered levyears ago as an ingredient in part been fueled by Ameri- els of estrogen and thyroid that alters levels of thyroid cans who believe that anti- hormones. hormones and r eproductive bacterial ingredients provide And 2010 study by Univerhormones lik e t e stosterone an added level of protection and estrogen. against germs. "I think the FDA is behind As the use of triclosan has the curve," said Dr. Andrea expanded, m or e s c i entists G ore of t h e U n i versity o f have questioned its effectiveTexas, Austin, who was the ness. In 2007, researchers at lead author of the Endocrine the University of M i c higan Society's statement on h orand other universities combendbulletin.com mone disrupting chemicals. piled data from 3 0 s tudies "At what point do you draw a line and say we need to take this out of products that are A Free Public Service . ~> Ai Oregon Nevnpapcr being applied to ou r s k i n? g ~ + Vublshera associauon~ +Q What is enough evidence'?" rÃ3 Some A m e r i cans are shocked that the FDA has taken so long. Mallory Smith is troubled to learn that the government has never confirmed Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, the safety o f a n t i bacterial soap's key ingredient. from 36 Gounties, Smith, who works for the federalgovernment, says she 'i I I I I keeps antibacterial soap in the kitchen to clean her hands aftershe'shandled raw meat. o Qggg)~ ~ I3ili or use the "As a regular c onsumer 0 gggg©3Zghservice to be I rely on the government to automatically emailed of notices identify products that are safe that match your needs. for me to use," Smith said. "If Pa something is brought to their attention, they should look

Now, four decades after it was charged with reviewing triclosan, the FDA is planning to complete its review. FDA spokeswoman Stephanie Yao said evaluating triclosan and other antibacterial agents is "one of the highest priorities" for the agency, but did not offer an explanation for the delay. The FDA's website currently states that "the agency does not have evidence that triclosan in antibacterial soaps and body washes provides any benefit over washing with regular soap and water." The A m erican C l eaning Institute, a cleaning products trade organization, says it has provided reams of data to FDA showing that triclosan is both safeand effective. "Triclosan is one of the most

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266 . 1 6

49. 5 6




4.2 5



39. 9 9

5.3 7

1 5.5

22 .8





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4.83 5.59

13.3 13.2

16.1 20.7



2 6.52





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Invesco Ltd






11. 5 2

9 .8



3 2.46


9 .8






94 .


Am lntl Grp


4 452

3 65


15 3



18 01



17 1

ENsco pLG

E sv


4 74

86 .


Devon Energy


58 15


8 .5




52. 4 0







47.10 17 5 .59









30.6 6




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45.6 7











4z33 78.10





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52-week range $ 62.97

The drugmaker said that revenue fell 9 percent last quarter as patents on its products expired, and it cut its earnings forecast for the year.

$CHG %CHG 1 WK 1 W K








5.55 4.51

1.50 1.20

370 36. 3

34.7 42.7

41.5 11.0

Friday close: $14.08



33. 8









3.28 3 0









8 .64







26. 3

4 2.9


20. 0 6





Big5 Sporting Goods BGFV

19.4 4

3. 8 6 24. 8

28. 7

152 . 7

Monarch casino M GRl Homeowners Choice H CI Build-A-Bear BBW ShoreTel Inc S HOR

13. 5 7

z 67

2 4.5



3 1.89





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1.24 0 80

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27.7 15.2

53.0 -19.4







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12. 2 9







43. 8 50.3

AVEO Pharmaceuticals AVEO

Friday close: $45.67

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42 F M A 52-week range $37.D2 ~ $48.79

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21.2 Wk. vol.:22.4m (1.5x avg.) PE: 20.6 Mkt. Cap: $13.98 b Yield : 1.0% 40.4







Friday close: $62.75>

$33.86 ~


;venue rose 15 percent last quarter from a year ago for the technology company and it raised its forecast for full-year revenue.


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credit-ratings agency said that its first-quarter net income 81.1 rose 9 percent, and it increased 41.3 its forecast for its earnings in 0.0 2013.

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companies have abandoned the chemical. Kaiser Permanente pulled triclosan from its 37 hospitals across the country in 2010, switching to traditional soaps and alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Kathy Gerwig, Kaiser Permanente's vice president for workplace safety, said the hospital chain decided to phase out triclosan as part of its "precautionary approach" to safety issues. "If there i s c r edible evidence that a p roduct we're using might have some disadvantages from a health or environmental standpoint, then it's our obligation to look for a safer alternative," Gerwig said. Johnson 8 J o h nson h as pledged to remove triclosan from all of its adult products by the end of 2015. The company says none of its baby products currently contain the ingredient. "We want people to have complete peace of mind when they use our products," Susan Nettesheim, v ic e p r esident of product stewardship, said when the company made the announcement last summer.

sity of Florida researchers found that triclosan interfered with the transfer of estrogen to growing fetuses in pregnant sheep. Estrogen is important in both male and female development because it promotes g rowth of o r gans l ik e t h e lungs and liver. Sansoni, the soap and detergent industry spokesman, says those animal s t udies can't be applied to humans and"make exaggeratedclaims about the damaging effects" of triclosan. But safety concerns over triclosan don't j ust i n volve rats and other animals. Some experts argue that routine use of antibacterial chemicals like triclosan is contributing to a surge indrug-resistant germs, or superbugs, that are immune to antibiotics. Few studies have attempted to track antibiotic resistance tied to Triclosan in the real world. But laboratory studies have shown that antibiotic-resistant strains of E. coli and other bacteria can grow in cultures with high levels of triclosan. As a result of the growing concerns,some leading medical societies, hospitals and

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16.6 5

-1.26 -4.31


- 25.5 -21.6














10 F M A 52-week range $1D12 ~ $2 5 99

Wk. vol.: 2.1m (0.8x avg.) PE:48.6 Mkt. Cap: $289.32 m Yield : ...

AVEO Pharma.


1-week change W $5.01 or -66.5%

An advisory committee to the Food and Drug Administration recommended thecompany's treatment for advanced kidney cancer not be approved. Friday close: $2.52





52-week range $14.08

Wk. vol.: 43.0m (5.4x avg.) PE: ... Mkt. Cap: $130.67 m Yield : ...

Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of the current stock price and total shares outstanding. Ranges are $100 million to $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (mid); greater than $8 billion (large).

Wk. vol.:96.5m (1.2x avg.) PE: 22.8 33.1 Mkt. Cap: $137.8 b Yield :3.8%

GlobalMarkets For years, investors watched as 13 percent in a two-day stretch last commodity prices headed in pretty month, and the price of natural gas much one direction: Up. fell last week after a government But more strategists are now saying report showed that supplies are that the "super cycle" for commodities healthier than analysts expected. looks to be oven Gold's price tumbled This screen shows stocks that

Delta Air Lines (DAL)

Cheering commodity dNps +'




Stock Screener

Deutsche Bank says have historically risen when commodity prices fall. Delta Air Lines, for example, would cheer further drops in oil's price. It burned 3.8 billion gallons of jet fuel last year at an average of $3.25 per


gallon. That's up 39 percent from the average of $2.33 per gallon that it paid two years earlier. Fuel makes up 36 percent of Delta's operating expenses, and any drop in oil's price will mean fatter profits.



















2.8 44.4


Discovery Communications (DISCA)

33.93 78.14

Hewlett-Packard (HPQ)






Gilead Sciences (G ILD)


$8 24

$18 55

Yahoo (YHOO)



Forest Laboratories (FRX)


Carnival (CCL)



s8 P 500 Frankfurt DAX London FTSE100

Hong Kong Hangseng Paris CAC-40 Tokyo Nikkei 225

SOUTHAMERICA/CANADA Buenos Aires Merval Mexico City Bolsa

sao paolo Bovespa Toronto s&p/Tsx

3888.10 +44.94 42602.07 +512.06 55532.13 +236.06 12438.03 +58.39

FRL CHG WK MO QTR YTD +1.05% +1 3.20% +2.02% +6.70% +0.94% +10.57% +030% +0.15% +1.40% +7.47% -0.76% +31.73%

+36.22% -2.53% -8.89% +0.04%

t1.17% t1.22%

+0.43% +0.47%


Amsterdam Brussels Madrid Zurich Milan Johannesburg Stockholm

*1=bu 2=hold 3=sell Datathrou h Ma 1 Source: Factset ASIA Index closing and weekly net changes for the week ending Friday, May 3, 2013 Seoul Composite Singapore Straits Times N ASDaa ~ 9 9 3 7 S&P 500 RUSSELL 2000 ~qg q7 WIL SHIRE 5000 ~,334 g4 Sydney All Ordinaries 32 $8 Taipei Taiex 3,378.63 1,61 4.42 954.42 ~ 17,029.93 ~ Shanghai Composite


LAST FRI. CHG 1614.42 +16.83 8122.29 +160.58 6521.46 +60.75 22689.96 +21.66 391z95 +54.19 13694.04 -105.31

357.61 2696.36 861.72 7937.47 16922.29 39592.28 1203.34

+2.81 +35.46 +13.90 +35.26 +174.01 +509.43 +8.92

+0.79% +1.33% +1.64% +0.45% +1.04% L +1.30% +0.75%

1965.71 3369.90 5105.40 8135.03 2205.50

+8.50 -32.49 +1.30 +6.52 +31.38

+0.43% -0.95% L +0.03% +0.08% +1.44%

+4.35% +8.91% +4.49% L


+16.34% +3.99% +0.87% +8.93%

-1.57% +6.40% +9.45% +5.66% -2.80%




Avaanc e vi rates Ooa am at i wa sees

I'I I'0 S OA

By Emma Jayne Williams Fort Worth Star-Telegram

By Paul Brand

Last year, Toyota introduced the redesigned midsize Camry Hybrid sedan, which came as part of the makeover of the entire Cam-

Star Tribune (Minneapotis)

If I had to guess,


seems to be coming

I would say that it

• My 2 0 02 1 5 00 f o u r• wheel-drive C h evrolet Avalanche with 110,000 miles has a vibration problem that came on rather suddenly. At 55 to 60 mph, a vibration starts and by 65mphfeels and sounds exactly like driving over a rumble strip. I've replaced the U-joints onthe drive shaft to no avail. IfIhadtoguess, Iwould say that it seems to be coming from the front passenger side, but the whole vehicle vibrates. P utting the spare tir e a n d wheel on the front passenger side didn't have an effect. Recent work done at least three months before this problem included replacing the rear end fluid and the driver's side front wheel-bearing assembly. Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this'? • The first step in trouble• shooting a driveline vibration on a four-wheel-drive or all-wheel-drive vehicle is to confirm that all four tires are the same rolling diameter, regardless of what the alphanumeric tire sizing information says. Park the vehicle on level pavement with th e steering straight. Put a chalk mark on the sidewall of each tire and on the pavement at the exact center of it s c ontact patch. Roll the vehicle forward one tire revolution and mark the pavement at the chalk marks on each sidewall. Are all four chalk marks still at the center of each tire's contact patch? If all four tires are not very closely matched i n r o l l i ng diameter, the vibration may be caused by a binding in the drivetrain. Also, the left front hub/bearing assembly could cause a vibration like this. My Alldata automotive database pulled up service bulletin .02-04-21-005A, datedFebruary 2003, pointing to the possibility of the front axle being locked up or binding. You mentioned that the rear differential lube was changed — how about the front differential? Check that the proper gear lube was used. It should be synthetic 75W-90, not 80W-90 GL-5.

from the front

passenger side, but the whole vehicle vibrates.

ry line. The hybrid got a revised Synergy Drive system, with a new 2 .5-1iter four-cylinder gasoline engine and improved fuel economy. C hanges to t h e h y b r i d were part of an


if the two fluids were compatibletogether.There are several power steering fluids available that say they're recommended for all power steering systems. Is it OK to use one of these? It appears that PSF-3 • was the e quivalent of Dexron II ATF, which has been superseded by Dexron III ATF, which should be compatible with the fluid in your Tiburon. The PSF-4 is a synthetic fluid that would be comparable to a synthetic ATF. A complete flush and fill o f t h e power steering system with the PSF4 would also work. Personally, I'd just top off the system with Dexron III ATF.




• I have a 2005 Mercury • Sable with 15,000 original miles. Over the years I have had to replace the battery four times. If the car is not driven for three or four weeks, the battery is completely dead. This leads me to believe I have more than bad luck with batteries. How does one find a parasitic circuit that is draining the battery? • I'm not so sure you're • h aving bad l uck w i t h batteries. With so many computers, modules, keep alive memories and electronic systems on today's vehicles, the typical parasitic current drain is in the neighborhood of 30-50


milliamps (.030-.050 ampere).

While that doesn't seem like much, if the battery is not fully charged to begin with, it's unlikely this battery would start a vehicleafter30 days. So, here are three suggestions. Drive the vehicle more often or for longer periods of time. Connect or hard-wire a battery tender/charger to the battery and plug it in while the M y wife ha s a 2 0 0 1 vehicle is parked. Or — and . Hyundai Tiburon with this is less convenient because 98,858 miles on it. Last time I of the loss of all radio presets, changed the oil, I noticed that etc. — install a master switch the power steering fluid level on the battery and disconnect had reached the "add" mark. the battery while the vehicle is The owner's manual tells me parked. — Brandis an automotive the recommended fluid is PSF3, which is apparently no lontroubleshooter and former race ger available. My local Hyuncar driver. Email questions to dai dealer only carries PSF-4. paulbrand@startribune.com. The dealer would not confirm Include a daytime phone number.


o v erall Camry

m akeover, i n cluding t he gasoline-only models. Hybrid prices this y e ar range from $26,140 forthe base LE to $27,670 for the top-of-the-line XLE. For 2013, there are just a few m i nor e n hancements, including a rear cross-traffic alert system for the optional blind-spot monitoring system, new soft-touch materials on front-door panels for the LE model, and new stitching accents on the door panels of the leather-equipped models. In its first year, the new Camry hybrid was named the best sedan in the midsize segment by Consumer R eports, based in p art o n its great fuel economy, but also on its price, which is not much more than you would pay for a gasoline-only Camry with similar content. The newest hybrid model is lighter, w it h i m p r oved aerodynamics, helping it to achieve more than a 30 perc ent improvement i n f u e l economy over the previous generation. EPA ratings are 43 mpg in the city and 39 on the highway for the LE model, and 40/38 for the XLE. The tank holds 17 gallons, and the engine uses unleaded regular

Toyota via Mcclatchy-Tribune News Service

The 2013 Toyota Camry Hybrid gets mileage of 43 mpg in the city and 39 on the highway. Toyota did not change the body style from the 2012 model, pictured.

2013 Toyota CamryHydrid Base price:$26,140 As tested:$30,555 Type:Hybrid sedan Engine:Synergy Drive system with a 2.5-liter

four-cylinder gasoline engine Mileage:43 mpg city, 39 mpg highway

O ther features also a i d fuel efficiency, including a new w a ter-cooled system that recirculates exhaust gas to lower emissions; an EV Drive mode, which allows the vehicle to operate on battery power alone for up to 1.6 miles at speeds below 25 mph; and ECO mode, which optimizes air c o nditioning output and throttle response to save gasoline. Multiple options packages gas. With its combination of a are offered. My tester was gasoline engine and electric the XLE, which has more motor, the Camry H y b r id s tandard e quipment t h a n is certified as an Advanced the LE, including 17-inch alTechnology-Partial Zer o loy wheels (16-inch steel on Emissions Vehicle. This is the LE), chrome exhaust tip, not a plug-in hybrid, so it eight-way power-adjustable never has to connect to an driver seat and a four-way outside power source. The manual passenger seat. onboard ni c k e l-metal-hyThis is a very pleasant car dride battery is r echarged to drive, with plenty of powwhile the vehicle is running er. There is a continuously on gasoline power or slow- variable automatic transmising down. sion, and front-wheel drive is



standard. The drive system has a combined total of 200 horsepower; the gasoline engine alone has 156 HP. My tester came with an a udio/navigation/ Ent u n e package w it h a 6.1 - inch touch screen. Th e a u dio/ navigation system included voice activation for navigation and Bluetooth, real-time traffic information, satellite radio, iPod and USB connections, MP3/WMA player, six speakers, and the Toyota Entune system, which includes apps such as Bing, Pandora, iHeartradio, M o v ieTickets. com, sports and stocks. A pricer audio/navigation

package upgrades to a JBL Greenedge sound s y stem with 10 speakers. The audio/navigation system was a little more complicated and t i me-consuming than some, and also less intuitive. I w o u l d s u ggest studying the manual for full utilization and enjoyment. W ith t h e r e design, t h e Camry's interior is nicer, with a padded and stitched dash (dark on top, light on the bottom) and two-tone textured cloth seats. Two-tone heated leather is also available with the optional leather package, but was not included on the test vehicle. My tester had the l ightgray interior w it h d a r k er gray-on-gray geometric-tex-

tured inserts on four seating positions. A cloth panel below the windowsills and on thearmrests added a soft touch to the doors. The front of the armrests, where the window controls were located, was trimmed in a grayon-gray " g rained" p l astic. The same plastic trimmed the lower dash, center console and shifter knob. The driver's area felt very roomy and wide open, with 41.6 inches of legroom and 38.8 inches of headroom. I didn't feel the need to duck a s I entered, and I c o u ld move my legs without bumping into something. The front passenger had lots of space under the dash as well. Rear passengers weren't slighted on s p ace, either, with 38.9 inches of legroom and 38.1 inches of headroom. Even the middle seat was adequate for an older child or small adult on a short trip, w ith n o "hump" blocking the floor, and plenty of headroom. The rear middle seat is not equipped for a child safety seat, though — which is exactly where I would want to put one, as that's the safest place in the car. The trunk of th e hybrid model is a little smaller than that o f t h e g a s oline-only Camry, 13.1 cubic feet, to accommodate the battery and hybrid controller.

III ' LI -











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INSIDE: BOOICSW Editorials, F2

Commentary, F3 O» www.bendbulletin.com/opinion




Engaged or

e I




et's say you are a young person

beginning to write about politics and policy. You probably have some idea of what you believe, but haveyou thought about how you believe it? That is to say, have you thought about where you will sit on the continuum that stretches from writerswho are engaged to those who are detached'? Writers who are at the classic engaged position believe that social change is usually initiated by political parties. To have the most influence, the engaged writer wants to channel his efforts through a party. The engaged writer closely and intimately aligns with a team. In his writing, he provides arguments for the party faithful and builds community by reminding everyone of the errors and villainy of the opposing side. For the engaged writer, the writing is often not about persuasion. (Realistically, how many times does a pieceof writing persuade someone to switch sides?) It's often about mobilization. It's about energizing the people who already agree with you. The engaged writer often criticizes his own party, but from a zone of trust inside it, and he is usually advising the party to return to its core creed. The engaged writer is willing to be repetitive because that's how you make yourself an unavoidable pole in the debate. The goal is to have immediate political influence, to provide party leaders with advice, strategy and policy recommendations. The detached writer also starts with a world view. If you don't have a philosophic world view, your essays won't even rise to the status of being wrong. They won't be anything. But the detached writer wants to be a few steps away from the partisans. She is progressive but not Democratic, conservative but not Republican. She fears the team mentality will blinker her views. She wants to remain mentally independent because she sees politics as a competition between partial truths, and she wants the liberty to find the proper balance between them, issue by issue. The detached writer believes writing is more like teaching than activism. Heressays are generally not about winning short-term influence. (Realistically, how many times can an outside writer shape the shortterm strategies of the insider politicians'?) She would rather have an impact upstream, shaping people's perceptions of underlying reality and hoping that she can provide a context in which other people can think. She sometimes gets passionate about her views, but she distrusts her passions. There are trade-offs, no matter what spot on the continuum you ultimately choose. The engaged writer enjoys a tight community and a powerful sense of commitment. The detached writer enjoys more freedom and objectivity. The engaged writer emphasizes loyalty, while the detached writer emphasizes honesty. At his worst, the engaged writer slips into rabid extremism and simpleminded brutalism. At her worst, the detached writer slips into a sanguine, pox-on-all-your-houses complacency and an unearned sense of superiority. The engaged writer might become predictable. The detached writer might become irrelevant, ignored at both ends. These days most writers land on the engaged side of the continuum. Look at most think tanks. They used to look like detached quasi universities; now some are more like rapid response teams for their partisan masters. But I would urgeyou to slide over toward the detached side of the scale. Such writers have more realistic goals. Detached writers generally understand they are not going to succeed in telling people what to think. It is enough to prod people to think — to provide an idea or piece information that sets readers on a train of thought that takes them far in front of whatever you put down. The detached writer understands that, at the top level, politics is a bipolar struggle for turf. But the real fun is down below, sparking conversations about underlying concepts, underlying reality and the underlying frame of debate. — Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times. John Costa's column will return.

I e



, //I I J!'g


y,/, ~'7




gaP u Robert Diamond Jr., the former CEO of Barciays, in the company's office in Manhattan in 2007. Ozier Muhammad /The New York Times Backgroundimage Thinkstock

• After a financial scandalBarcl , ays'Robert Diamondwasforced out bythe British government By Andrew Ross Sorkin • The New YorIz Times

n the sparse office he now occupies in the Seagram Building in Midtown Manhattan, Robert Diamond Jr., the former CEO of Barclays, paced in circles and tried to explain how he had gone from being one of the highest-ranking and highest-paid bankers in Britain to a guy who takes the subway to this office in exile and waits in line for his coffee at a cart on Park Avenue. Not to suggest that times are too tough for Diamond — he's not complaining, and he still has more money than his grandchildren's grandchildren will ever need. But for the American investment banker who was arguably responsible more than anyone else for transforming the British finance industry, it has been a pretty spectacular fall. "It's hard for me to talk about it," Diamond said. "I've tried to move on." T he conventional explanation is t h at Diamond, 61, was ousted last July after regulators in Washington and London uncovered a "pervasive" scheme by several banks, including Barclays, to manipulate a key interest-rate benchmark known as the Libor, or London interbank offered rate.

The yearslong investigation found that Barclays traders regularly submitted false information in order to boost the company's trading profits and, in some cases, make the bank appear stronger than it r eally was. ("If you knowhowto keep a secret I'll bring you in on it," one trader wrote to an-

other in an instant message.) The scheme, which cost Barclays $450 million to settle, was describedas the finance world's "scandal of all scandals" and eroded what little confidence was left in the workings of the industry. See Banking/F6



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ommon ore's ene i sarewe wo c a e n es






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pposition is growing in some states as testing nears on new Common Core education standards. The anxiety is understandable, but the potential benefits to students are well worth the predictable growing pains. The standards were instigated by the nation's governors and adopted by 45 states — including Oregon — and the District of Columbia. They are designed to establish nationwide goals about what knowledge and skills students need toprepare for college or employment. Although the federal government has been supportive, it is not the instigator or enforcer of the program, as some critics believe. Each state gets to decide whether to participate. A lthough the p r ogram h as been in the works for several years, attention has increased because testing is due to start next year, replacing s tate-designed tests such as the Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, known as OAKS. Some states that have done early testing are finding big drops in the number of students meeting benchmarks on the new tests. That has brought resistance from teachers' unions that already object to a trend to include student test scores in teacher evaluations. Conservative critics have complained that local control is being limited. Parents are concerned that students are not ready for the new tests. Educators have also expressed concerns about specifics in the standards themselves. For example, some believe non-fiction gets too much attention, crowding out literature. Although the standards themselves apply to all the states that have signed on, there's a split on testing. Oregon has joined the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, while some other states are working on the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career. The

Although the standards themselves apply to all the states that have signed on, there's a split on


testing. Oregon has joined the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, while some other states are working on the Partnership for Assessment of

M Nickel's Worth

Readiness for College and Career... Both are focused on computer-based tests that go beyond the kinds of multiple-choice questions common in standardized tests.

COCCendorses Bend school bond The Central Oregon Community College Board of Directors formally endorses Deschutes County Measure 9-92 and Bend-La Pine Schools' efforts to build new schools, deliver safety projects, renovate and add classrooms, and preserve existing facility assets in our communities through the $96 million bond request on the May 21 ballot. Like Bend-La Pine Schools, our vision for Oregon includes a dynamic 21st century school system that provides every student in Central Oregon access to a world-class education. Our public schools in the Bend, La Pine and Sunriver areas have grown by nearly 4,400 students in the last 15 years and are expected to grow by another 3,000 students in the next 10 years. Our Board agrees that the time is right to build new schools in highgrowth areas, to protect our community's investment by maintaining existing school facilities, to make health and life safety upgrades in our schools, and to add new classrooms and renovate classrooms that are decades old. Wesupport Bend-La Pine Schools'

groups differ on the type and frequency of testing, but both are focused on computer-basedtests that go beyond the kinds of multiple-choice questions common in standardized tests. The tests will allow individual students, districts and states to compare their performance against a large segment of the nation. That's not possible now, because national tests such as the SAT and ACT are taken by only a segment of the population. Support for the new standards comes from a widevariety of respected educational o r ganizations, including the College Board, the American Council on Education, the National Education Association and the National Parent Teacher Association. Rollout will no doubt be messy, and refinements in the standards and tests will be needed, but the end-goal is most definitely worth it.

long-range planning efforts and fis-

Bulletin endorsements Below are The Bulletin's endorsements for the May 21 election.



• Deschutes 911 Service District levy: Yes

• Crook County School District directors: Patti Norris, Mike Stuart • Crook County School District bond: Yes • Crook County Parks & Recreation District director: Barbara Pennington

• Bend-La Pine Schools bond: Yes

• Central Oregon Community College director: David Ford • Bend Park & Recreation District

directors: Daniel Fishkin, Scott Asla, Craig JEFFERSON • Black Butte School District directors: Chenoweth Daniel Petke, ShaneLundgren, Priscilla • La Pine Rural Fire Protection District

levies: Yes • Redmond School District directors: Ron Munkres, Patricia Reck

• Sisters School District directors: Don Hedrick, Justin Durham, Edie Jones

Wilt (Wilt faces write-in campaign) • Jefferson County School District

director: Courtney Snead • Madras Aquatic Center Recreation District levy: Yes • Culver School District bond: Yes

cally responsible decision-making and believe that the dollars invested in our community as a result of this construction bond would sustain hundreds of jobs each year. It is with pleasure that we formally give our endorsement for the projects being forwarded by BendLa Pine Schools Sites and Facilities volunteer committee and their thoughtful recommendation for a

construction bond package of 140 projects that can be delivered without raising the current tax rate. Donald V. Reeder, COCC Board Chair Madras

Bend school bondmakes good businesssense Great schools are vital to a welleducated workforce and healthy economy. The exceptional BendLa Pine Schools public school system is good for business in Central

Oregon. For nearly three decades, thousands of new students have enrolled in our public schools. Their families come to the area for the quality of life and great schools and they bring new businesses and jobs with them. Maintaining high-quality educ ational environments and t a k ing care of our existing schools is a community priority. A yes vote for the school bond provides us with the opportunity to build two new schools to manage growth, and many projects throughout the district's schools to maintain safety for our students. And, thanks to sound fiscal management by the district, all can be completed without increasing the tax rate that you currently pay. This bond will fix leaking roofs and windows and upgrade heating, ventilation, electrical and plumb-

ing systems and deliver energy efficiency projects that will save the district thousands of dollars in our lifetimes. These two new schools and numerous projects will sustain hundreds of jobs each year. Those workers, in turn, will spend their salaries locally.

Doing this work now will allow the district to take advantage of construction and materials costs that are lowerthan inrecentyears. With the passage of this bond, our children receive a healthier, safer place to learn. We can save money, energy and water, all while creating local jobs. That makes good business sense.

Betsy Skovborg Bend

Rally to support school bond As we strive to extend the reach of our tax dollars, partnerships are key. And from the perspectiveof the park district, there is no more s ignificant partnership than t h e one we share with our school district. This values-driven partnership allows both agencies to provide essentialclassroom space for after-school programming administered through the park district, and maximizes fields throughout town for our growing and active community. On the ballot this May is a bond renewal measure to continue funding for facilities development of our school district, allowing them to make numerous critical improvements to aging structures and add a middle school and elementary school to meet rapidly expanding enrollment pressures. As we rallied last fall and passed a bond for parks, let's support our school district with a yes vote. Let's reaffirm a key partnership that has maximized our tax investment and served our community so well. Ruth Williamson Bend

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Carefully planned school growth deserves support By Paul H. Eggleston s there value in planning ahead? For the past 25 years, the Bend-La Pine school district has thought so and done so. In order to meet space needs to accommodate a fastgrowing student enrollment, the district developed a planning process in the late 1980s. Rather than constantly playing catch-up or taking a "loudestsqueak gets the grease" approach, it was determined that a careful, thoughtful and inclusive process would best meet communityneeds over time. A process was developed and tried, and has been serving the area well since then. It includes specific forecasts that indicate when new facilities and major maintenance will be necessary. A Sites and Facilities committee was convened at the onset of each capital improvement funding bench-


m ark. A p proximately every f i v e years since 1989, this committee, comprised of community members, parents, staff, architects, engineers, teachers and other interested parties, has met to review district space and maintenance needs. These needs were categorized into existing facility repair and upgrades, and additional space (new schools) to address existing and predicted growth. Repair and upgrade needs were generated by staff at each facility and from deferred maintenancerecords.Growth numbers and demographic information were provided by Portland State University researchers. The committee was tasked with analyzing as many as 700 requests each time t o d etermine viability and level of importance. Committee members visited each school site to betterunderstand the requests and


picture. For several iterations of this w ork Iserved as staff.Now, as a reto make informed decisions. All fitired district facilities director, I have nal approved projects met a specific served on the latest committee and list of criteria set by the committee at can attest to the many hours spent in the beginning of its planning and se- these important deliberations. lectionprocess. They also heard the This planning process, coupled perspective supported by abundant with t h e a d m i nistration's f i nandata that the cost of needed repairs cial planning, has put the Bend-La and upgrades will o nl y i n crease Pine district in a positive position. when continually deferred. The fol- It knows what it needs to meet the lowing have been common criteria education challenges of the commuused by the committee through the nity it serves today and in the future. years:safety,operations needs, ener- Included in the planning is assuring gy and systems upgrades or replace- past bonds are paid off when new ments, state and federal laws (e.g., ones are required in order to keep ADA requirements), and building or taxes from rising. It is this committee site improvements. that recommended the current bond. The current Sites and Facilities E ven through the worst of t h e Committee began its work in 2009. recent economic c r isis, Bend-La Some returning volunteers brought Pine Schools continued to increase needed experience and helped devel- in number of students. Now, indiop a clear understanding of the big cations are strong that we will see

more growth. Each new s tudent brings state funding for actual dayto-day operations. But in Oregon, we pass bonds to build and maintain schools. The state won't help with that. And, honestly, we may be better having recommendations from a group of local people who have studied school district needs in the context of their knowledge of our community. Members of this committee have researched, argued, imagined and been realistic. Most importantly, they have represented the very best interests of our community in planning for the future. Good education happens in this district in facilities that are built and maintained with careful planning. Let's all support this effort with a yes vote on the Bend-La Pine School district bond measure. — Paul H. Egglestonlives in Bend.




e mono onous ince antiquity, the Middle East has been the trading nexus of three continents — Asia, Europe and Africa — and vibrant birthplace to three of the world's great religions. Middle Eastern influence rose again in the 19th century when the Suez Canal turned the once deadend Eastern Mediterranean Sea into a sea highway from Europe to Asia. With the 20th century development of large gas and oil supplies in the Persian Gulf and North Africa, an Arab-led OPEC more or less dictated the foreign policy of thirsty oil importers like the United States and Europe. No wonder Centcom has remained America's military command hot spot. Yet insidiously, the Middle East is becoming irrelevant. The discovery of enormous new oil and gas reserves along with the use of new o il-recovery technology in N o r t h America and China is steadily curbing the demand for Middle Eastern oil. Soon, countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iran are going to have less income and geostrategic clout. In both Iran and the Gulf, domestic demand is rising, while there is neither the technical know-how nor the water to master the new art of fracking to sustain exports. The recent Boston bombing reminded the West that nearly 12 years after 9/Il, most terrorism still

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON follows the same old, same old script

— committedby angry young men with Muslim p edigrees claiming to act on radical Islamist impulses, without much popular rebuke from the Muslim world. There is not much left to the stale M iddle East complaint from t h e 1960s that Western colonialism and imperialism sidetracked the region's own natural trajectory to democracy. After the derailed Arab Spring, the world accepted that the mess in the Middle East is not imported, but rather the result of homegrown tribalism, sexual apartheid, religious intolerance, anti-Semitism, illiteracy, statism and authoritarianism. Revolutionary theocrats always seem to follow the ouster of fossilized thugs. "Reformers" who were "elected" after the fall of the Shah of Iran and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt on spec conjured up the same old bogeymen as their predecessors, subverted the rule of law in the same old fashion, and wrecked the economy in the same old manner. Barack Obama senses that there is no support for American intervention in the Middle East. Even his idea of "leading from behind" in Libya led


to the loss of American personnel in Benghazi. After Iraq, the U.S. will not nation-build in Syria. Apparently, Americans would rather be hated for doing nothing than be despised for spending trillions of dollars and thousands of lives to build Middle East societies. The U.S. still worries about tiny democraticIsraelsurrounded by existential enemies pledged to destroy the Jewish state. But Israel's own sudden oil and natural gas bonanza is enriching its economy and will soon offera source of reliable fuel supplies to nearby Europe. Most likely, Europe's past opportunistic disdain of Israel and fawning over Arab autocracies were based entirely on oil politics. In the future, the fair-weather European Union will as likely move away from the Middle East as it will pledge a newfound friendship with the once unpopular but nowresource-richIsrael. Visiting Persepolis, the Egyptian pyramids, Leptis Magna, or the Roman and Christian sites in the West Bank, Lebanon and Syria is not worth the madness that is now the price of Middle East tourism. The European Union and th e U nited States are tired of Middle East terrorism — after50 years of Yasser Arafat's secular brand and Osama bin Laden's Islamic bookend. Europe's southeastern Mediterranean flank on the Middle East is

a financial and political mess. Most of the West is as likely to shun bankrupt Greece as it is to be wary of Recep Erdogan's new Ottoman Turkey. While the Middle East failed to transform its oil riches of the last half-century into stable, transparent societies, Asia globalized and embracedthe free market. The resulting self-generated riches in the Pacific do not derive from the accident of oil under the ground of Singapore, Hong Kong or Taipei, but rather from global competitiveness and internal reforms. If China, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan 60 years ago were as poor as the Middle East, they are now the economic equals to Europe and North America. Their motto is to borrow from and then beat — not envy or blame game — the West. For now, Western tourists and s tudents still m ostly avoid A m man, Baghdad, Benghazi, Cairo and Damascus. American soldiers are drawing down from the bases of the Middle East. And soon, huge American-bound oil tankers will not crowd each other at the docks of the Persian Gulf. You see, the Middle East is not so much dangerous, challenging or vital to Western interests as it is becoming irrelevant. — Victor Davis Hansonis a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution,

Stanford University.

Pell grants shouldn't pay for remedial mllege By Michael Petrilli

work hard,take college-prep classes and raise their reading and math veryone,fromPresidentBarack skills to the appropriate level. Obama to Rep. Paul Ryan to To be consideredsuccessful,the Bill Gates, seems to have an high schools serving these young idea for improving the Federal Pell people would need to get their collegeGrant Program for higher education. bound students to a college-ready Worthy though some of these ef- level, not just get them to graduation. fortsmay be, none reveals the crux They might offer more college-prep of the problem: A huge proportion of courses, especially for those pupils this $40 billion annual federal invest- with the most promise, and make ment is flowing to people who simply sure the teachers are up to the task. aren't prepared to do college-level Likewise, state officials concerned work. And this is perverting higher about college completion would be education's m ission, s u ppressing prodded to ensure that their high completion rates and warping the schools produce college-ready graducountry's K-12 system. ates, maybe boosting graduation About two-thirds of low-income standards accordingly. Better yet, community-college students — and they might start to include college one-third of poor students at four- matriculation and graduation rates year colleges — need remedial (aka in their high-school accountability "developmental") education, accord- systems. ing to Complete College America, a As for colleges, without a federal nonprofit group. But it's not working: funding stream for remedial educaLess than 10 percent of students who tion, many would decide to become start in remedial education graduate more selective, only admitting stufrom community college within three dentswho arereadyfor credit-bearing courses. This would probably raise years,and just 35 percent of remedialstudents earn a four-year degree the academic tenor of the institution, within six years. for students and professors alike. And What if the government decreed with fewer students using Pell aid, we that threeyears hence, students would could afford to make each grant more only be eligible for Pell aid if enrolled generous,removing financialbarriers in credit-bearing college courses, thus that force well-prepared low-income disqualifying remedial education for students to leave before graduation, sUpport? or not to come at alL One couldforesee various possible In sum, disqualifying the use of Pell outcomes. Let's start with the posi- grants for remedial education would tive. Ambitious, low-income high- substantially reduce the gap between school students would know that if the number of students entering highthey want to attend college at public er education and the number completBloomberg News

expense (probably their only option), ing degrees. they would first need to become "college-ready." This would provide a clear sign and incentives for them to

Yes, there are obvious downsides. Most significantly, many students wouldn't be able to afford remedial


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ply gaining skills on the job). Furthermore, it isn't fair to spend scarcedollars on students who aren't prepared forcollege; those dollars could instead be used by needy students who are ready. It would be better to place our bets on low-income individuals who are most likely to succeed by boosting the maximum value of a Pell grant. (At $5,500 a year, it's worth much less today than when Congress created the program de-





Perhaps the greatest risk is that collegeswould respond tothe new rules in aperverse manner: by giving credit forcoursesthat used to be considered "remedial." Everyone could keep doing what they were doing before, with a wink and a nod, but would further dilute the value of a college degree. It's hard to know how many institutions would be willing to disregard academic integrity in such a way. It would be incumbent on government

agencies and watchdog groups to I

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education and thus would never go to college in the first place. Millions of potential Pell recipients — many of them minorities — might be discouraged from evenentering the highereducation pipeline. Such an outcome seems unfair and cuts against the American tradition of open access. Then again, it's not so certain that these individuals are better off trying college in the first place. Most don't make it to graduation. Many would be more successful in job-training programs that don't require collegelevel work (or would be better off sim-

shame colleges that attempt to take this route. Congress should require the Education Department to create a demonstration program in which colleges and universities volunteer to eliminate their remedial courses and, in return, their qualified low-income students

become eligible for more-generous Pell-grant money. Perhaps offer the deal to an entire state. Study what happens. My guess is that it would have a salutary effect on the K-12 system, on higher education and on college-completion rates. Let's find out. — Michael Petrilli is executive vice president of the Thomas B. Fordham tnstitute and a research fellow at Stanford University's HooverInstitution.

Medicare should pay for patients, not treatments By Peter Orszag

2023, the vast majority of Medicare payments would be made in this way. he recent deceleration in U.S. Each year after that, Congress would health-carecosts appears to consider how the payment benchbe at least partially structural, mark should be updated — rather and not entirely due to a still-lackthan set payments for specific proceluster economy. That offers some dures, as happens today. hope that the slowdown will con- providers, partly by making an imThe Medicare Comprehensive tinue. Still, more needs to be done to portant change to Medicare and re- Care conceptrepresents a plausible encourage the trend. forming medical-malpractice rules. path forward between two competTwo new bipartisan proposals for Third, they would redesign health ingviews ofhealth reform. It provides the nextround ofhealth-care reform coverage to increase the value for a mechanism for capping payments may point the way. Last month, the consumers. And finally, they would per beneficiary, something many Bipartisan Policy Center released change the tax treatment of employ- Republicans want. Yet unlike premia set of ideas for improving value in er-provided insurance. um-support proposals, which would health care. And just this week, the I would like to focus on the reforms direct federal money to insurance EngelbergCenter forHe alth Care Re- to Medicare since I view them as the companies, the payments would go to form at the Brookings Institution put most important. And the key change health-care providers. That should be forward its own set of initiatives. p roposed within Medicare is t he a crucialdifference forDemocrats. The Engelberg proposals — spear- Medicare ComprehensiveCare payIndeed, comprehensive-care payheaded by Mark McClellan, who ran ment reform. Under the Engelberg ments can be seen as building upon the Medicare program under Presi- strategy, health-care providers would m echanisms encouraged by t h e dent George W. Bush — have been receive a fixed payment for each 2010 health-reform law such as bunembraced byhealth-care leaders in- Medicare beneficiary, rather than be- dling and accountable-care organicluding former Health and Human ing paid piecemeal for every test and zations. Importantly, though, they Services Department Secretaries Mi- procedure. This comprehensive pay- are explicitly intended to become chael Leavitt and Donna Shalala, as ment would be adjusted according the dominant form of Medicare rewell as former Congressional Budget to the beneficiary's health status and imbursement over the next decade, Office Directors Dan Crippen and the quality of care provided, giving giving some precision and certainty Alice Rivlin. (I am also part of the En- doctors the incentive to avoid unnec- to the shift away from fee-for-sergelberg group.) essary treatment. vice reimbursement. (The compreThe proposals from the Engelberg Under the proposal, no later than hensive-care payment, by the way, Bloomberg News


group have four general aims. First, the initiatives would expand the country's electronic infrastructure, promoting dataexchange and more evidence gathering on the costs and quality of various treatments. Second, they would create incentives for

could either be one annual amount per patient, so that it would be similar to an accountable-care organization, or it could be one amount for each case of treatment that a given patient requires, making it similar to

a bundled payment.) The Engelberg proposals for reforming Medicare payments include much more, but if I had to pick one change, it would be this one. Given the partisan divide in Congress, I don't hold out too much hope that t h e c o m prehensive-payment strategy will become law anytime soon,justbecause itm akes sense and has support from thought leaders from both parties. Given the central role of health costs in our fiscal future, however, we would be smart to get rid of sequestration, which hurts short-term economic growth but does little to reduce America's long-term budget deficit. Instead, we should enact this type of Medicare payment reform. — Peter Orszag is vice chairman of corporate and investment banking and chairman of the financial strategy and solutions group at Citigroup and a former director of the Office of Management and Budgetin the Obama administration.

Bottoms up, lame duck WASHINGTONuring the 2012 campaign, the president and his top advisers liked to make the argument that if he was re-elected, the "fever" would break. Washington would no longer be the graveyard of progress, the crypt of consensus. Once dystopian Republicans accepted that President Barack Obama was not running again, they would start cooperating with him. But it's beginning to sink in that the opposite may be true. The president called a news conference to mark the first 100 days of his second term, and he quickly ended

up playing defense, dwelling on how hemmed in hefeels. ABC News' Jonathan Karl asked Obama if he was already out of "juice" to pass his agenda, citing the president's inability to get a watered-down gun bill passed in the Senate, Congress swatting away Obama on the sequestercuts,and the recentpassage of a cybersecurity bill in the House with 92 Democrats on board, despite a veto threat from the White House. "Well, if you put it that way, Jonathan, maybe I should just pack up and go home," Obama said with a flash of irritation, before tossing off a Mark Twain line: "Rumors of my demise may be a little exaggerated at this point." Then he put on his best professorial mien to give his high-minded

philosophy of governance: Reason together and do what's right. "But, Jonathan," he lectured Karl, "you seem to suggest that somehow, these folksover there have no responsibilities and that my job is to somehow get them to behave. That's their job. They are elected, members of Congressare elected in order to do what's right for their constituencies and for the American people." Actually, it is his job to get them to behave.The job oftheformer community organizer and self-styled uniter is to somehow get this dunderheaded Congress, which is mind-bendingly awful, to do the stuff he wants them to do. It's called leadership. He still thinks he'll do his thing from the balcony and everyone else will follow along below. That's not how it works. How can the president star in a White House Correspondents' Association dinner satirical film pretending to be Daniel Day-Lewis playing Barack Obama in Steven Spielberg's movie "Obama," and not have absorbed the lessons of "Lincoln"? " Some folks still d on't t h ink I spend enough time with Congress," he said in an alleged joke at the dinner Saturday night. "'Why don't you get a drink with Mitch McConnell?' they ask. Really? Why don't you get a drink with Mitch McConnell." After Syria, Obama discussed another issue where he came across like a frustrated witness to history, rather than shaper of it. After putting the moral quandary aside for political reasons, he finally began urging once more that the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, be closed. A hundred prisoners there, held for a decade without trial, are on a hunger strike. Dianne Feinstein, who leads the Senate I n t elligence C o m m ittee, sent a letter to the White House on Thursday urging the administration to review the status of 86 low-level detainees who were designated for potential transfer more than three years ago but remain in Cuba. Asked about the hunger strike, the former constitutional law professor in the White House expressed the proper moral outrage at holding so many men "in no man's land in perpetuity." But it sounded as though he didn't fully understand his own policy. Obama's solution, blocked by Congress, is to move the hornet's nest to a Supermax prison in Illinois — dubbed "Gitmo North" — and keep holding men as POWs in a war that has no end. They're not hunger-striking for a change in scenery. It's true that Congress put restrictions on transfers of individuals to other countries with bad security situations. But, since 2012, Congress has granted authority to the secretary of defense to waive those restrictions on a case-by-case basis. The administration hasn't made use of that power once. So it's a little stale to blame Congress at this point. The senior senator from Kentucky has been aleader in Keep-TerroristsOffshore. Maybe, if the president really wants to close Gitmo, he should have a drink with Mitch McConnell. Really. — Maureen Dowd is a columnist for The New York Times.

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First book

planned on Tsarnaev brothers By Julie Bosman New York Times News Service

The first major book on the Tsarnaev brothers,the two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings, has been acquired by R iverhead Books, the publisher said last week. It will be written by the R uss i a n A mer i c a n j ou r n a l i s t Masha Gessen, the author of "The Tamerlan M an W i t h Tsarnaev out a Face,"

a biography of President V lad i m i r Putin of Russia. G essen would seem Dzhokhar w ell q u a l i Tsarnaev fied to write the book: She is fluent in Russian and English, has reported from C hechnya — w h ere t h e Tsarnaev family has roots — and emigrated to the Boston area when she was a teenager. According to th e p ublisher, an imprint of Penguin Group, the book will "reconstruct the struggle that ensued for each of the brothers between assimilation and alienation, and their metamorphosis into a new breed of home-grown terrorist, with their feet on American soil but their loyalties elsewhere, a split in identity that opened them to a deadly sense of mission." A s p o keswoman f o r Riverhead Books, Jynne Martin, saidGessen was leaving her job at Radio Liberty to concentrate exclusively on the book on the two Tsarnaev brothers — Tamerlan, 26, who died after a shootout with the police, and Dzhokhar, 19, who is being held in a prison hospital. No publication date has been set.

BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the best-sellers for the weekending April 28 Hardcover fiction

1. "The Hit" by David Baldacci (Grand Central) 2."Whiskey Beach" by Nora Roberts (Putnam) 3. "Fly Away" by Kristin Hannah iSt. Martin'sj 4. "Daddy's Gone aHunting" by Mary Higgins Clark (Simon & Schuster) 5."Paris: The Novel" by Edward Rutherfurd iDoubledayj 6. "Wedding Night" by Sophie Kinsella (Dial) 7. "The Mystery Woman" by Amanda Quick (Putnam) 8. "Don't Go" by Lisa Scottoline (St. Martin's) 9. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn iCrownj 10. "Life After Life" by Kate Atkinson (L.B / Reagan Arthur) Hardcover nonfiction

1."Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls" by David Sedaris iLittle, Brown) 2. "The One Thing" by Gary Keller (Bard Press) 3. "Start" by Jon Acuff (Thomas Nelson) 4. "Lean ln" by Sheryl Sandberg (Knopf) 5."Jumpstart to Skinny" by Bob Harper (Ballantine) 6. "Cooked" by Michael Pollan (Penguin) 7. "The DuckCommander Family" by Willie & Korie Robertson (Howard Books) 8. "Becoming aSupple Leopard" by Kelly Starrett (Victory Belt Publishing) 9. "It's All Good" by Gwyneth Paltrow (GrandCentral) 10."Vader's Little Princess" by Jeffrey Brown iChroniclej — McClatchy-TribuneNewsService

cenesrom e i eo "Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls" by David Sedaris (Little, Brown and Co., $27) By Mark Athitakis Newsday

Being funny has made David Sedaris a well-off man. It can be gauche, sometimes unethical, to mention this sort of thing. Review the book, critics are told, not the author or the sales figures. But Sedaris' success has become an unavoidably integral part of his work. Each bestseller lands him a new book tour, flies him to a new vacation spot, delivers him to a new home. And in each new place he can again observe the f o ibles w i thin himself and others that made him arguably America's bestknown humor writer. Nearly two decades since his debut collection, "Barrel Fever," he's become the closest thing the genre has to a perpetual motion machine. "Let's Explore D i abetes With Owls," his eighth book, is studded with stories in which Sedaris is a victim of brandnew circumstance. With each milieu he parachutes into, he's overpowered by a sense of surprise, disgust or f r ustration. Here he is in Australia-

"I've always had an eye for "Canada in a thong, or that's the initial impression." ruined-lookingmen," he writes There he is in irredeemably in the collection's best-turned (C unhygienic C h i n a, piece, A Guy Walks pAv>Q QEQtRI5 where th e s e rvice Into a Bar Car." Regrade in the window calling his callow 20of one restaurant is "a something attraction smiley face with the to alcoholics on Amsmile turned upside trak rides, he finds a down." And here he dream man with an is in England, where aspect resembling "a his new home in the screw-top bottle of verdant countryside wine the day before is overwhelmed with it turns to vine g ar." trash. In that piece and in most of the This wide-eyed guy named personal essays, Sedaris tucks David is a cultivated persona, a revealing, poignant moment to be sure — he's responded to amid a whirlwind of comic accusations of massaging de- shenanigans. tails about his personal life by Writing about his ill-fated saying his pieces are "realish." attempt to raise sea turtles as But one reason Sedaris' work a child — turns out you can't has remained so effective and replicate saltwater by pouring so funny is that his emotional salt into water — he recalls responses, a blend of flintiness how his library research trip and compassion, remain un- led him to stumble onto two varnished. His style of humor men in flagrante delicto in the blunts sentiment and replaces restroom. "The men were doit with a gallows humor that ing something indecent, and finds unlikely comedy in taxi- recognizing it as such meant dermied human heads and that I had an eye for it. That I attempted assault. If his new too was suspect. And wasn't book isn't quite as mortality- P 19 obsessed ashisprevious setof Sedaris' family, the drivepersonal essays, 2008's "When train of so many of his funYou Are Engulfed in Flames," niest pieces, is still around: its core sensibility is still the His father remains as hardfeeling that the other shoe is headed as ever, easing up only dropping. slightly to insist that David get

avi e a r is a colonoscopy. (Yet another strange territory to tentatively

investigate.) But his childhood stories now focus more on his own shortcomings than those of his parents or siblings. Recalling his attempt to befriend a poor black girl in ninth grade, he's struck by the condescension he was oblivious to at the time. He's only matured so much, however: In "Standing By," he's openly contemptuous of the people he's stuck with at the airport, and "Now Hiring Friendly People" is about nothing more complicated than being forced to wait in the line at Starbucks. So the job of being David Sedaris, successful h u m or writer, means forever making gestures toward growing up but never quite pulling it


Ji McCor e's'Li eAter Li e' we wort t e 17-yearwait "Life After Life"

by Jill McCorkle (Algonquin Books,$24.95) By Gina Webb The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Pick the least likely place to start life over, and that's where a Jill McCorkle story begins. She has always had a n eye f o r t h o s e m oments when t o go forward means to take a leap into the unknown, and in books like "Ferris Beach," "Creatures of Habit" and " Carolina M o o n ," she's proved that the darker the fun and more outrageous the circumstances, the better. M cCorkle's u nkn o w n , though, is n ever a l o n ely place. Whenever her characters run away from home, wake up from a l o ng-cherished illusion or finally turn to face themselves, they invariably find themselves in

good company. And since n othing s ays fresh start and a healthy support system like a bunch of bickering 80-year-olds still w orking out t h e k i n k s i n their lives, McCorkle sets her first novel in 17 years at the Pine Haven Continuing Care r etirement c o m munity in small-town Fulton, N.C.

Life is anything but over "Life After L i fe" u n folds over a brief, 24-hour period, during which each character comes forward to introduce themselves: Joanna, a hospice worker dedicated to recording the last days and hours of the dying. Sadie, a former grade-schoolteacher who believes everyone is 8 years old at heart. The irascible Stanley, a retired lawyer feigning dementia — and a pro wrestler's persona — to keep his middle-age son at arm's length. A nd Rachel, a w idow w h o has reluctantly come South to be nearer the man she secretly loved for 40 years. Their memories,conversations, squabbles and confessions prove that life is anything but over at Pine Haven. The golden years of t h ese oldsters brim with loose ends, struggles to make peace with adult children, nostalgia, regrets over marriages and broken promises and hearts. Not everyone we meet at Pine Haven lives there. It's

a welcome escape for C.J., a pierced, tattooed single mom and beautician, from her nasty reputation in town. Twelveyear-old Amanda makes it her home away from the bitter fights between her parents, Ben, a would-be lawyer turned a m ateur m a gician, and his dissatisfied, cheating wife Kendra.

off. Send him to the dentist, to Costco, to South Korea, and he'll come back with a story about how he can't muster up the requisite adult demeanor in any of those places. But the job demands that he try. In his new home in the British countryside, he's so repulsed by the rubbish spoiling the landscape that he's motivated to do roadside trash pickup by himself. " What did m y life consist of before this?" he writes, mocking himself. "Surely there was something I was devoted to?" As if he doesn't know the answer. Then and now, he's writing. And with each scrap he picks up — be it a stray potato-chip bag or a Hawaii vacation — he's gathered that much more fodder for another funny book.



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Luke tells Joanna. McCorkle May and June and several secret love deftly orchestrates interlockproceeds support a ffairs and a d r a - ing layers of consciousness matic series of dis- throughout the book, comI(emple Memorial a ppearances a n d bining straightforward narChildren's Dental r evelations — r e al rative, Joanna's observations and m e t aphorical and lyrical, i m pressionistic Clinic's mission Io — tie the characters glimpses of the last moments provide care f'or teids t ogether i n u n e x - of the dying: "The light on pected ways. the lake skips and shimmers in Central Oregon Joanna, the principal voice like glass he can walk over, whose oral health of "Life After Life," is a wom- slick cool shiny glass, and his an whose string of bad mar- body tingles and moves withis at rish. riages brought her to attempt- out him, slick and cool and ed suicide. In Luke, a gay man there is barking and singing dying of AIDS, she found her and lapping, lapping, lapping, CONTACT YOUR DENTAL PROVIDER spiritual mentor and a new waves on the beach ..." Leave io see if their ofFice is participating, purpose:to preserve life after it to McCorkle to plumb the ullife. "Seek out ... the lost and timate new beginning in this or visit www.hempleclinic.com. forgotten," he urged. "Keep down-home, Southern-style us close. Keep us alive. Don't Book of the Dead. Illuminatever let us disappear." Since ing and enlarging our underthen, Joanna sits at the bed- standing of the crossing from MEMORI A I. sides of the dying, keeping this world to the next, her her promise in the notebook novel sings with the mystical, C- • • - • • entries found at the end of the magical and the fragility each chapter: "She writes of this thing called life. what she knows: their names and birthplaces and favorite things," and asks: "What is your first memory? Your faThe C>hildren's Visi~on Foundation is now accepting vorite time of day or holiday new ancf gently usedi t ems for their annual or teacher'? How would you describe y ou r ma r r i age?" The resulting notes on each person she ushers out — "he loved the ocean and fishing and hot dogs" — document their final days. Like a set of May17, 18, 31 nesting dolls, Joanna's book and otherrecords are smaller june 1, 2 versionsof the larger novel. 10:00 am - 3:00 pm C.J., too, keeps a journal at the Bend Factory Stores (61334 S Hwy97) she calls "Pandora's Box" — a secret accounting that could ITEMS WANTED: p otentially r u i n o t h ers a s Furniture/decor • Household/kitchen items they have ruined her. Sports equipment/tools • Jewelry/collectibles Faded dreams Plants/garden items • Office items M arge, wife o f t h e l a t e I Your donations will go directly towards supporting Judge Walker, keeps a "murCentral Oregon's Children Vision Screenings. I rll. a der and cr ime scrapbook." Your donations are tax deductible. Sadie creates collages, insertFOR MOR E I N F O R M A T IO N P L EASE CALL ing pictures of the residents 5 41-330-390 7 into scenes that approximate the exotic travels they never The Children'svision Foundation will be doing free vision took and that dream job they screeningsfor children aged 5 and up during the event. The screening includes near and distance acuity, fusion, always wanted. tracking, depth and near point of convergence. But illusions can't paper over heartache, secrets can Mission Statement be deadly, and some people The mission o/the Children's Vision Foundation is to identify never learn how to ask for children who have potential visual barriers io learning, to



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In'Cit o Bi es,' an American Former actin CDC chie ays tli ute to Amster am gi ves insi er health tips "In the City of Bikes: The Story of the Amsterdam Cyclist" by Pete Jordan (Harper Perennial, $15.99)

In adulthood, Jordan's love of bikes only grows. Sadly, most Americans don't share his fixation. The most bikes he sees in the U.S. on an ordiBy Hector Tobar nary workday is in Portland: Los Angeles Times 19 bikes at one intersection in In b i k e-unfriendly c i t ies a half-hour. In A m sterdam, such as Los Angeles, people it's almost impossible to count who love cycling speak i n all the bikes he sees. "Ha!" wistful tones about a faraway he writes. "Now I was seeplace where the bike ing 19 cyclists just reigns supreme. about every t h irty Go to Amsterdam, seconds." they say. In that mecJordan is an honca of the bike, you will est, se l f - effacing find special roads set narrator, and there's apart for cyclists, prom uch t h a t' s l o v tected from the danably comic a b out gerous automobile by his ina u g uration concrete barriers. But into A ms t e rdam more than that, you cyclo-culture. will find a city where biking Not everything about the is part of everyday life. A city Dutch bike scene is rosy. He where executives, working learns the swear words bikers stiffs and hand-holding lovers shout at one another. Paying all pedal side by side. the bike tax is a pain. He disPete Jordan, a native Cali- coversthere'sa brisk trade in fornian, went to Amsterdam stolen bikes. And hardly any several years ago on a biking cyclist bothers to obey t he pilgrimage. He's still t here. traffic laws. And his new book, "In the City None of this deters Jordan's of Bikes: The Story of the Am- rampant cyclophilia. Yet he sterdam Cyclist," is a funny, can't find many books about engaging an d e x h austively Dutch biking history, so he researched tribute to Amster- starts to research the subject dam's unique biking history. himself. But more than that, "In the Most of the nearly 400 pages of "In the City of Bikes," in City of Bikes" is a portrait of one man's obsession. fact, concern themselves with To live in biking heaven, Jor- a breezy, highly detailed acdan, the author of the memoir count of the origins and his"Dishwasher," takes a series of tory of Dutch bicycle culture. menial jobs in Amsterdam. He Once upon a time, AmeristudiesDutch and rides from cans actually biked more than one end of Amsterdam to the the Dutch. But then the auother, day and night. When the tomobile was invented. Cars locals ask him why he, an edu- chased most bicycles off U.S. cated American,is scrubbing streets. The Dutch, living in a floors in Holland, he revels small country with little free in giving this cryptic answer: space, never quite allowed that "So I can be stuck in a bicycle to happen. traffic jam at midnight." As he recounts this history, The Dutch don't quite get Jordan is relentless in his purJordan. Bikes are just part of suit of Dutch biking trivia. It who they are. "To them, bicy- seems just about any and evcleswere as a natural as air or ery famous person who ever water — and hardly anything rode a bike in Amsterdam or special," he writes. But Jordan who wrote about the city's has always thought bikes were cycling scene earns a cameo, special. He begins his book by including Audrey H epburn, telling us, briefly, about his Albert Camus and Virginia San Francisco childhood, and Woolf. In 1935, Woolf wrote in a rite of passage many a Cali- her diary that "the cyclists go fornian will find familiar: the in flocks like starlings, gatheracquisition of his first, prized ing together, skimming in 8z out." bike, a " p uke-green" affair from a toy store that bears the In that passage, and others, name "Dill Pickle." Jordan's cyclomania makes

for engaging reading. But in his lengthy discussion of the fate of Amsterdam's bicycles during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in World War II, he startsto lose abit of perspective. When the N azis banned most Dutch Jews from owning bicycles, Anne Frank's mother gave hers away to a non-Jewish friend for safekeeping. After the Frank family is hauled off to a concentration camp, one ofthe people who helped hide them is arrested — we learn in "In the City of Bikes" that he was sent to a labor camp where he was forced to use parts from Dutch bikes to keep German bikes rolling. It seems a bit tone-deaf to seek details of Dutch biking history in one of the defining stories of the Holocaust. But for an author who's decided to thoroughly lose h imself in Dutch cycling history, the Frank family's bicycle connections were clearly impossible to ignore. Jordan eventually m akes the bike the center of nearly every aspect of his life. When his girlfriend, Amy Joy, moves to Amsterdam, she becomes a bike mechanic. As the couple settle down in their new home, many of the cycles of fam-

ily life (forgive the pun) play themselves out on a bicycle too: Jordan and the pregnant Joy ride a bike to the hospital when she goes into labor. In Jordan's account of the recent history of the Amsterdam biking scene, there are lessons for A n gelenos and residents of o t her b i ke-unfriendly cities. If you want a

cycling paradise, you're going to have to fight for it. The Dutch did, especially in the counterculture 1970s, in protests and policy fights with cycling's universal enemy, the automobile. Nor will bike culture ever lose its detractors: plenty of Dutch people still equate bikes with chaos. "In the City of Bikes" is an insightful book. And it's an especially enjoyable one for anyone who's ever thought the world would be a better place if more people rode bikes to work — and if they rode them to the hospital to deliver their babies too.

'Woman' on theoutside, looking in "The Woman Upstairs" by ClaireMessud (253pgs., Alfred A. Knopf,$25.95)

and fleshed out. And while Messud does an intricate job of mapping her heroine's inner life, the literary references By Michiko Kakutani can sometimes feel horribly New York Times News Service heavy-handed: It's hard to forClaire Messud's latest novel, get that the whiny narrator is a "The Woman U pstairs," is woman named Nora, who just an incongruous mashup of happens to build little dioraa very self-consciously liter- mas that look like dollhouses. ary novel (invoking the likes It's as if these allusions had of Chekhov) and one of those been lacqueredonto the story psychological horror f i lms to compensate for its more like "Single White Female" sensationalistic and contrived or "The Hand That plot twists. Rocks the Cradle," in Nora, as we quickly which someone, omilearn, is one very annously, is not who she gry woman, who, like appears to be. her namesake in Ibsen's "Doll's House," Messud's dazzling 1999 novel, "The Last is in search of an idenLife," showcased her tity for herself. She's a a bundant lite r a r y third-grade t e acher gifts: Her understandwho has spent her life ing of the complexities of famil- being the good girl, the A stuial algebra and the intersection dent, the devoted daughter, the of public and private history. responsible "woman upstairs" Though less organic and emo- — not the madwoman in the tionally satisfying, her 2006 attic, she insists. She's the kind novel, "The Emperor's Chil- of woman who might be a dren," attested to her ability to close relative of Ellison's Inviswrite a best seller that moved ible Man or Dostoyevsky's Unback and forth between the derground Man. Her mother's comic and the tragic, the satiri- nickname for her was Mouse. Nora's mother, who felt sufcal and the intimately personal. "The Woman U p stairs" focated in her suburban marboasts an even splashier, atten- riage, exhorted Nora to go out tion-grabbing plot, but it never in the world, get a job and not makes a leap into narrative become dependent on a man. hyperspace. The reader can Becoming a teacher was a never quiteshrug offthe sense practical choice, but Nora has that the novel is a sort of labo- dreamed of another life — a ratory experiment that hasn't life as an artist, as an urban entirely gelled, an experiment sophisticate, at home in places in which an author who writes like Paris and Rome and Mawith Jamesian attention to drid, not teaching elementary emotional nuance has tried to school in Cambridge, Mass. inject a tabloidy story line with Her current project consists of literary import. little dollhouselike construcWhereas the tale of a fam- tions, depicting rooms inhabily's dissolution in "The Last ited by Emily Dickinson, VirLife" possessed all the visceral ginia Woolf, Alice Neel and complexities and unexpected Edie Sedgwick. It's hard for the reader to tell developments of real life, the story in " T h e W oman Up- how trustworthy a n a rrator stairs" has a schematic quality, Nora is, and things get considas if points on an outline were erablymessier after she meets being methodically ticked off the Shahid family. The Sha-

hids have moved to Cambridge from Parisfor a year,and their son, Reza, is one of Nora's newest students. Nora promptly falls in love with every member of the family. In a direct reference to Chekhov's story "The Black Monk," Nora describes the Shahids as her "three Black Monks" who for abriefperiod reawaken her to the possibilities of life. At 37, just when shethinks her life has prematurelyclosed,she feels as if a door were opening. Nora's relationship with the

"Tell Me the Truth, Doctor" by Dr. Richard Besser

Besser said his favorite part of the book was working along(Hyperion,$24.99) side his wife, Jeanne, a former food columnist for The Atlanta By HelenaOliviero Journal-Constitution, who also Cox Newspapers has written five cookbooks. "It was truly a partnership. ATLANTA — In 2009, Dr. Richard Besser faced a pub- At first, we didn't know how lic health crisis just months we would work together. It was after being named incredibly seamless the interim chief METHE and fun. I loved it," he of the Centers for sa>d. TRUT H,. Disease Control Besser r e c ently OR ' 00CT and Prevention. talked to the Atlanta W ith a ca l m Journal-Constitution. voice and ability to c o m municate ~. S o w h at's the vital public health M . d eal w it h n o t i nformation m a CIIIEFHBsHAND washing ctucken beway that the avfore you cook it? erage citizen could under . When that water hits the stand, Besser informed and . chicken, it can splatter soothed a jittery nation dur- germs all over your kitchen, ing the outbreak of H1N1 especially the area around your "swine flu." H i s p e r for- sink, cutting boards and faucet. mance impressed manyIt may sound counterintuitive, including Amy Entelis, then but the bottom line is: Don't head of talent at ABC News. wash the bird. She sent him an email asking him if he'd ever consid. You are passionate about ered being an on-air medi. water being the beverage cal correspondent. of choice, and you also say tap And so the pediatrician water is the way to go. Why is andlongtime CDC research- that? er switched roles. As chief • There are so many good health and medical editor at • things about water. And ABC News, Besser has been the first thing is your body will addressing medical stories tell you when you are thirsty. I to millions of viewers. He see so many patients who are said he tries to avoid jargon concerned about their weight, and present i n formation and when I talk to them about clearly, concisely and "with what they drink, they t alk a personal touch." about sodas and sports drinks He takes that same ap- and juice. If you are drinking a proach to answering almost 20-ounce Coke every day, just 70 common but sometimes switching that one Coke to wapuzzling health questions in ter, you could lose 20 pounds in his new book: "Tell Me the ayear. Truth, Doctor." Somehow the simplicity of They include: water — of pouring some from Is antibacterial soap bet- your kitchen sink — just doesn't ter than plain soap'? (He seem good enough anymore. says no.) When you think of bottled waDo adults need shots? ter, you think of this beautiful (Yes.) gushing water spring, but the Do I need to wash pre- bottled water you are drinkwashed lettuce? (Probably ing doesn't come from there not. Washing at home could — they simply take tap water contaminatethe pre-washed and filter it. And when you greens because our kitch- look at tap water and bottled ens and hands may harbor water,there are more regulabacteria. Instead, check the tions overseeing tap water than date and try to use within a bottled water. day or two of purchase, and Some people don't like the keep it well sealed and away taste of tap water. Just get a from raw meat, which could home water filter. It's cheaper contaminate it.) and better for the environment. Some recommendations are simple but not necessarily easy to follow (to lose weight, follow three rules: Mountain Medical eat less, eat differently and Immediate Care move more). And there may 541-388-7799 be a few surprises, such as not washing chicken before ~ 0 2 NE F r d St. Bend you cook it (details below). www.mtmedgr.com '




You are not a big fan of Q •. taking vitamins. Why is that'? • I have people who say, "I • don't eat enough fruits and vegetables so I take a vitamin." It is not the same. You get all kinds of micronutrients and other things when you get your vitamins through food. The studies that look at the benefits of vitamin pills are really a wash — some say yes, others say no. And many vitamins taken in high doses have been shown to be h armful. Take the money you are spending on multivitamins and put it toward eating more fruits and vegetables.



• We often have just a few • minutes with our doctor. How can we make the most of these appointments? • I think there are a couple • things you can do. Write down the questions over the year. Not the pressing questions like my shoulder hurts and why does that hurt (in which you would need more immediate attention) but those questions like about worrying about not getting enough exercise and not getting enough sleep. You can contact the office ahead of time and see if the doctor may want those questions ahead of time that may take some work. And the other thing is to understand your family history. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Knowing your family history can help your doctor ... and it's important to connect with your doctor and know it's OK to fire your doctor. I fired my first doctor in New Jersey. He wanted to do a lot of tests. And I had just turned 50,and he wanted me totake a baby aspirin every day and said everyone, when they turn 50, should be taking a baby aspirin and I said I don't have any risk factors and I was concerned that the risk of stomach bleeding outweighs the benefits for my heart. And he still wanted me to take that baby aspirin.


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Shahids, which quickly begins to take on an obsessive coloration, is vaguely reminiscent of the one developed by the narrator of Messud's novella "The Hunters" toward a downstairs neighbor. Nora becomes manic and flushed with excitement whenever she is around one of the Shahids, and takes any missed meeting or call as a slight or cause for worry. We are reminded of how people c reate m y t hologies around themselves to explain

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(or rationalize) why things worked out the way they did, and of how identity is shaped not just by one's own impulses and dreams, but also by the expectations (whether spurned or

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embraced) of others. To what degree is Nora imposing her own fantasies on her account of her interactions with the Shahid family? Is the story we're reading a vague a pproximation of r eality o r a thoroughly warped vision filtered through the prism of Nora's unstable psyche'? Such questions, like the novel's copious literary allusions, lend Nora's story a depth lack-

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same breath as major Wall Street firms l ik e G o ldman Continued from F1 Sachs and J.P. Morgan. Along Despite all the headlines, the way, he bought Lehman Diamond's role in the scandal Brothers out of bankruptcy was minimal, and perhaps and remade Barclays' assetw ildly o v erblown. I t m a y management business, which have been the nominal cause was making under $100 milfor his dismissal, but what re- lion a year in 2001 when he ally drove his departure was s tarted running it a n d b e that he had become, as one came a $1.5 billion annual member of P a rliament de- business. Barclays later sold scribed him, the "unaccept- the division for a whopping able face of banking." Unlike $15.2 billion. other CEOs who have lost their jobs since the financial Well paid crisis, Diamond wasn't ousted Diamond was paid well for by his company's board. He his success, often to the chawas pushed out by the British grin of the public and even government — specifically by some of his higher-ups. For Mervyn King, the governor his work between 2007 and of the Bank of England. 2012, he walked away with On July 2, less than a week about $30 million, after givafter the Libor scandal broke, ing up his bonus in 2008 and King summoned B arclays' 2009 and returning his bochairman, Marcus Agius, to nus for 2011. He also earned his office. According to Agius, as much as another$30 milKing told him, "Bob Diamond lion for the sale of Barclays' no longer enjoyed the support asset-management business, of his regulators." The next in which he had a separate morning, Diamond resigned. stake. The press feasted on The day after that, George the numbers — often inflatOsborne, Br itain's f i n ance ing the total to $180 million minister, declared, "I hope — contributing to the resentthat it is the first step toward ment in a city where even the a new culture of responsibil- most successful CEOs were ity in British banking." paid much more modestly. When Diamond returned Unaware t o the subject of h i s f i n al D iamond l o o ke d s t u n g days at Barclays, he got viswhen I mentioned Osborne's ibly anxious and unleashed comment. "Do you want the a several-minute monologue. truth?" he said. "Up until all He learned the details of the of this, I didn't even know the Libor investigation while he mechanics of how Libor was was on a trip to visit clients set. If you asked me who at o n the West Coast in l a te Barclays submitted the rate June. As he paged through every day, I wouldn't be able the evidence, he said, "I got to tell you. I bet you if you physically sick, and I couldn't asked any chief executive of believe some of th e phone any bank on the street, they conversations that were hapw ould give yo u t h e s a me pening between traders." answer." Diamond expected blowT he "I c an't k now w h at back, but d i dn't b elieve it every rogue trader is doing" would be directed at him. The defense has been used be- company's lawyers advised fore, though I don't doubt that the board to settle the case it's true. But the assumption i mmediately, f i guring t h a t around the world was that Di- regulators would look more amond had created a culture favorably upon the firm if it at Barclays that encouraged got out in front of the other the profit-at-all-costs mindset banks. Diamond wa s c onthat led to the scandal. vinced that he had the sup"After the financial crisis, port of the bank's shareholdthe B r i t is h e s t ablishment ers, board and regulators, but became very d i v ided over when he got back to London what's the model for the big and the settlement was anbanks that we want to see," nounced, all hell broke loose. "Who was going to t ake Martin Wolf of The Financial Times told me. "Bob repre- responsibility'?" Prime Minsented investment banking ister David C ameron said. big time. He represented the "How are they being held acsuccess of it — but also the countable'?" Lord Oakeshott, sense that investment bank- the former Liberal Democrat ing is dicey and not a com- Treasury spokesman, went pletely sound business. He further: "If Bo b D i a mond represented a way of doing had a scintilla of shame, he business that we've become would resign. If the Barclays very uncomfortable with." board had an inch of backIt's an easy and satisfying bone between them, they caricature — that the reckless will sack him." The Labour American banker poisoned leader Ed Miliband declared t he whole system — but i t that a criminal investigation ignores an important reality: into Barclays should begin Under D i amond, B a r clays in earnest, and Diamond was was the only major bank in called to testify before a parthe U.K. that didn't need to be liamentary committee. bailed out. M arcus Agius, wh o h a d p rivately p l anned t o s t e p Humble beginnings d own as c h airman a t t h e D iamond didn't go to a n end of the year, decided to Ivy L eague school, d i dn't r esign i m mediately i n a n have the right f r iends and attempt to defuse the critididn't grow up knowing any- cism. The board told itself the thing about finance. He was politics would subside and raised outside of Boston, one reaffirmed its backing of Diaof nine children, and went mond. Diamond even wrote a to Colby College expecting memo to employees saying, to become a teacher, like his "We have their full support, parents. That plan was de- so it is now our responsibility railed when he took a job at to execute." a medicalcompany, hoping But 24 hours after writing to make enough money togo t hat memo, D i amond w a s back to school to get a Ph.D. standing in his kitchen with A year later, in 1979, his boss Agius and another director, was hired to build the com- who had come to his house p uter system f o r M o r g a n straight from their meeting Stanley and asked Diamond w ith Mervyn K i ng. I t w a s to go with him. Soon after, he over, they said. Diamond had made his way to the trading to go. floor, and it didn't take long for the outsider to became a Libor and politics fully formed creature of Wall To appreciate what really Street. When he quit in 1992 happened, it's necessary to to go to Credit Suisse, Dia- understand both the mechanmond poached his team in a ics of Libor and the politics of way that has become lore in- the moment in the U.K. Libor side Morgan Stanley. Know- is a reference rate that is used ing that his former boss, John in all sorts of loans around Mack, was going to be aboard the globe. (A student loan, a 12-hour flight from Tokyo for example, might be based to London, Diamond had his on Libor plus 2 percent.) It is team resign en masse. Mack defined by the British Bankers' Association as "the rate l earned the news after h e touched down at Heathrow, at which an individual Conand at a staff meeting the t ributor Panel b an k c o u ld next morning, he described borrow funds, were it to do Diamond as a " d u plicitous so by asking for and t h en scumbag." Today D i amond accepting interbank offers." bristles at that version of the The rate is established every story. "I didn't do anything weekday, at 11 a.m., when 18 while his airplane was in the banks from around the globe air," he says. submit their numbers for that In 1996, D i amond t o ok day. The highest and lowest what at the time seemed like submissions are thrown out, a step down, j oining B arthen an average is calculated clays' i nvestment d i v ision, and published. which was considered "the It isn't hard for a bank, or rump" of th e a lready staid a series of banks, to have an bank. Yet over more than a impact on t hat d aily averdecade, Diamond turned Bar- age. As a top regulator told clays into the only British fi- me, "Everyone always knew nancial institution that could Libor was made up." In April be credibly mentioned in the 2008, on a recorded call, a

Barclays employee told a Federal Reserve employee, "We know that we're not posting, um, an honest Libor." After the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the shocks to the financial system, King seemed to indicate to Parliament, in November 2008, that he too was aware that Libor had become a farce. "It is not a rate at which anyone is actually borrowing," he said. Just a month earlier, Diamond had a curious conversation with one of King's top lieutenants, Paul Tucker. The call was so perplexing, Diamond told me, that he wrote a memo to his own file, perhaps worried it might come up again later. "Mr. Tucker r eiterated that h e h a d r e ceivedcallsfrom a number of senior figures within Whitehall (Treasury) to q uestion why Barclays was a l ways towards the top end of Libor

pricing," he wrote, suggesting Barclays was in fact looking weaker than many of the other banks, even though, in truth, Barclays was perhaps the strongest of the banks submitting a daily rate. "Mr. Tucker stated ... that, while he was certain we did n ot need advice, that it did not always need to be the case that

we appeared as high as we have recently." In other words, the memo suggested that Tucker was pressing Barclays to reconsider how it wa s determining the rate at which other banks would lend to it — and because the market was essentially dead at the time, the number could be i nvented. B arclays was m a k ing t h e submissions of other banks, like Lloyds Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland, both of which required bailouts, look unrealistically low.

A Florida vacation without leavinghome

never planned to i m plicate Tucker. Tucker would l ater dispute D i amond's m emo,

saying it gave the "wrong impression." But inside the Bank of England, they were bracing for Diamond's testimony. Later that same day, King summoned Agius and the other Barclays director to his office, setting Diamond's resignation in motion. One afternoon this winter, Diamond stood in a c l assr oom at Y a le, w a x ing o n about the political view that banks are too big to fail and about the implications of regulation and the opportunities that he now sees in Europe and Africa. It's a talk he has been giving in a lot of places, and it serves not just as a way to keep him on the radar of the business community but also as an introduction to his next big venture. Because of a noncompete agreement w i t h Ba r c lays, Diamond is prevented from starting a new business or going to another company until this summer. But he has been flying all over the world, talking with a cademic experts a nd investors, floating h i s idea of creating a merchant bank that advises and buys stakes in businesses in Africa and Europe. It's very unlikely that Diamond will ever create something that can compete with Barclays, but he says that he hopes to work with

"Board Stiff" by Elaine Viets

restaurants. Instead, "Board Stiff" takes us to the small (Obsidian, $23.95) beach-front companies that are the lifeblood of tourism. By Oiine H. Cogdiii Helen and Phil are hired by the Sun Sentinel owner of Sunny Jim's Safety With f e w e x c eptions, First Parasailing and Standcharacters i n m y s t eries Up Paddleboarding located on change and grow through- shores of the fictional Riggs out the series. Not only Beach. Sunny Jim believes does that reflect real life he is being vandalized by a — are any of us the same restaurateurwho wants Jim's person we were last year? prime spot for a lucrative park— but it also allows authors ing lot. Sunny Jim believes that to stretch their storytelling the murder of a tourist on one skills. of his boards is part of the plan Elaine Viets' "Dead-End to get rid of him. Helen and Jobs" series started with Phil find spending the day at her heroine taking l owthe beach,prowling the beach paying, off-the-grid jobs bars or having breakfast at following a horrific divorce. a water-front cafe isn't a bad Viets' lively plots and broad way to gather clues for their humor complementedthese investigation. But an incident highly entertaining novels from Helen's past threatens while also showing how not only her safety but also her low-paid employees often marriage. are taken for granted. V iets, who l i ves i n F o r t But th e g r adual s ea- Lauderdale, showcases South change in Viets' series has Florida and specific spots such given the series an even as the Downtowner, Lester's more satisfying storyline. Diner and Urban Brew Cafe. The change is in Helen's Although Riggs Beach is ficlife. Now happily married tional, located south of Fort and a full partner with her Lauderdale, Viets p erfectly husband, Phil Sagemont, in captures the attitude and flatheir detective agency Coro- vor of a Florida beach, from nado Investigations, Helen the tackier than ever T-shirt is back to using her intel- shops to th e c asual cafes. ligence instead of trying to Viets brings the same sense survive and hide. Helen still of place to the scenes of St. has to take those dead-end Louis, where the author grew jobs, but now she does so she up, when the case takes Helen can find gather clues and and Phil there. evidence; and the people she For Floridians, "Board Stiff" met on those jobs are more is a look at home. For those than willing to help her. who live elsewhere, "Board Business is thriving thanks Stiff" is a v i carious Florida to some high-profile cases vacation. they've recently solved. In her 12th outing with Helen Hawthorne, Viets delivers aunique look at South Florida's tourism industry — not from the viewpoint of the big hotels or upscale tsitusin May or errific prices on Mayta as well as REBATES and financing offers!

large companies again, even

if his own is much smaller. It will be his way back into his former world. For now, though, he's still alone in his office, without the power or the entourage o r the t r a ppings h e o n c e enjoyed. He seemed a little wistful for that former life. "If you looked annoyed," he said, "someone was walking up and saying, 'How could Resignation I help?' It's a bit of an exagOn the final morning of geration, but you know what D iamond's tenure a t B a r - I mean." As for where he is clays, he said he picked up now, he said, "All of a sudden, T he Financial T i mes a n d if you scream fire, there's no s aw, splashed a cross t h e one there." And then he addfront page, an article saying ed, "I think it's been very posthat he threatened to reveal itive and kind of liberating."

damaging details regarding the regulators' dealings with Barclays. Diamond told me that he


— Andrew Ross Sorhin is a financial columnistfor The New Yorh Times and the author of "Too Big to FaiL"




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tapes & more. Huge Estate Sale - 1550 NW Galloway, Terrebonne, Fri-Sat, 9-4; Sun, 10-3. House, garage 8 shop! Quality i t ems, completehousehold.O ak & leather furn., beds, antiques, vintage, jewelry, quality clothing, tools, garden, rifle, fishing...just N of Redmond, turn W on NW Galloway off Hwy 97. Look What I Found! You'll find a little bit of everything in The Bulletin's daily

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products or, I chasing services from out of I Just too many Patio set wrought iron by y the area. Sending tI collectibles'? Woodard w/ 42" mesh ' cash, checks, or table, 4 swivel rockers, I credit i n f ormation 4 Woodard cushions. may be subjected to I Sell them in L ike n e w ! $97 0 . I FRAUD. For more I The Bulletin Classifieds 541-410-8279 or galinformation about an t walking@hotmail.com I advertiser, you may I

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P eople g i ving p e t s Beautiful, big pale orare advised to ange Per s ian/Maine away selective about the Coon mix, needs quiet be new owners. For the adult home ASAP. NO of the anismall kids or other pets. protection a personal visit to Fee waived for r ight mal, home is recomhome. Fixed, t e sted, the groomed, vaccinated, ID mended. chip. 389-8420 or visit www.craftcats.org.

The Bulletin

Pointer Pups ready Need to get an May 25! Great huntad in ASAP? ing 8 family dogs FDSB & AKC Reg You can place it $950 - 2M &3Favail. online at: 541-936-4892 www.bendbulletin.com

Moving Sale, Fri. & Sat. 1777 SW Chandler 9-1pm, Sun. 12-3pm. garage and yard sale Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Tools, sporting goods, section. From clothes to collectibles, from furniture, household, The Bulletin plants. 2636 SW Marihousewares to hardposa Lp., Redmond. 541-385-5809 ware, classified is always the first stop for Chihuahua puppies, (2) cost-conscious Multi-family garage sale People Look for Information r eally c u te ! $ 2 5 0 . consumers. And if 8-4 Sat. & Sun., bi kes About Products an d 541-771-2606 you're planning your Pomeranian, 7 mo. old household, 2823 NE Services Every Day through own garage or yard Dachshund mini, black/ female, very small, white. Yellow Ribbon Dr. The Bugetin Classifieds sale, look to the clastan female. Cuddly lap $450. 541-279-6237 sifieds to bring in the dog! Reg., 3 yrs old, POODLE AKC Toys. buyers. You won't find $120. 541-548-1853. Loving, cuddly coma better place The Children's Vision Foundation for bargains! Donate deposit bottles/ panions. 541-475-3889 is now accepting new and gently Call Classifieds: cans to local all volunused items for their annual 541-385-5809 or teer, non-profit rescue, Queensland Heelers to help w/cat spay/ Standard 8 Mini, $150 email Step Above Your Average & up. 541-280-1537 classieed@bendbulleen.com neuter vet bills. Cans Garage Sale! for Cats trailer at new www.rightwayranch.wor May 17, 18, & 31 dpress.com Redmond Petco (near 282 June1 &2 Wal-Mart) 'til 5/20. DoSeniors 8 Veterans! Sales Northwest Bend 10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. nate Mon-Fri O Smith Adopta companion cat at the Bend Factory Stores Signs, 1515 NE 2nd; or from Fri.- Sat. 8:30-4. Tumalo rescue, fee at CRAFT in Tumalo (61334 S. Hwy 97, Bend) waived! Tame, fixed, 1630 NW 11th. Furn., anytime. shots, ID chip, tested, antiques., outdoor stuff„ Items Wanted: Info: 541-389-8420; or more! 389-8420. Photos: books, clothes, art. Furniture, decor, household and kitchen www.craftcats.org www.craftcats.org. Like TONS! items, sports equipment, tools, jewelry, us on Facebook. English Bulldog, beaucollectibles, plants, garden items tiful white, female, 4 284 and office items. Tzu mix, very tiny, yrs o l d . sp a yed,Shih $300 each. Sales Southwest Bend needs bulldog knowl- gorgeous. 541-977-0035 Your donations will go directly e dgable family, a i r Huge Moving Sale Fri., towards supporting conditioned home, no SIBERIAN HUSKY AKC Sat., Sun. 9-5. Furn. Central Oregon's Children Vision small children. Very male pups, $750. antiques, tools tires, Screenings. active. $500. stones-sibenans©live.com saddle, gl a ssware, Your donations are tax deductible. 541-382-9334. 541-306-0180 truck rack, clothes & FREE! much more! EverySiberian Husky pups; & For more information, thing must go! 19220 1/2 Manx kittens H usky-Wolf-Mal. p u ps please call 541-330-3907 Cherokee Rd., DRW. 541-382-6818 $400 ea. 541-977-7019


In The Bulletin's print and online Classifieds. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES. We are three adorable, loving puppies looking for a caring home. Please call right away. $500.

QUAINT CABINON10 ACRES! Modern amenities and all the quiet you will need. Room to grow in your own little paradise! Call now.

FORD F750 XL 2005.This truck can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, and a tough V8 engine will get the job done on the ranch!

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expert gymnast?

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103 Sound of f rustrat i o n

1 6 All - t o o - p u b l i c

, meine

6 5 Growth r i n g ? 6 6 Women's p a nts w i t h p ictures of w o o d shop tools?

104 It had a hub at J. F. K. 107 Founding member of OPEC 1 08 What the gi g g l i n g s upporter of t h e S alem w i t c h t r i a l s w as told ? 1 15 Defender of t h e West

70 Word bef ore pole or

1 16 It ke eps t h i n g s

6 3 Contrac t io n i n a p atrioti c so n g

6 4 Actress Wri ght o f " Mrs. M i n i v e r "

jump d el


117 Squad leader


3 2 Grandson of A d a m and Eve










58 5 9





67 73 77





















97 9 8




3 4 Physiol ogy N o b e l i s t W alter R u d o l f


3 5 E equi v a l e n t


108 109







3 8 Sidewalk c af e si g h t

U p?





120 Arsenic (ratsbane)

86 Become a new person by washing


3 1 Rush-hour d i n

36 Watery

8 4 1992 O l y m p i c t e n n i s g old meda l i s t



3 0 Common chord s

119 Retiree' s a ccumul a t i o n

face the





2 4 Use a fl y i n g s h u t t l e

say 7 4 Good at schemin g

8 1 They d o n ' t street





19 Lacking meat

118 Make mouseholes, maybe

8 0 Author/ m edi a observer M i c h ael





1 8 Painted t h i n g , sometimes

7 3 Take to s l eep w i t h ,

debuts 7 9 City near Tu r i n



17 First name in a viati o n

33 Moon l a r ger t h an Mercury


7 1 Sci-f i a u t h o r






T ayl or




38 3 9

6 1 Group w i t h a G r a n d

Lodge 62 Bach's " Freude"


12 Blood of th e G r e ek gods 1 3 Trouser fabri c 15 Journey segment



27 30

1 02 Wall St , e v e n t

7 7 Time fo r T V

designer Maya

95 Unpopular o phthalmol o g i s t ' s




5 7 Engaged in bat t l e

4 1 Con t e n d

44 QB w i t h a s t a tu e at

93 Buddy 9 4 Men in a l i n e u p

1 0 Central Sw i s s canton 11 "Gymnopedies" composer

5 6 Move br i s k l y

3 8 In adv a n c e

4 3 Arc h i t e c t u r a l


1 01 What a f ist m i g h t represent

75 Four-legged newborn 7 6 Drained of c o l o r

4 2 Loan-i n sur ing o r g .

9 2 Pres. advisory






37 Cooks up



1 04 105

110 111

1 12 113



39 New releases? 40 Bizarre

Down I Elementary school group? 2 Pasternak heroi n e

4 5 Gri n d 4 6 Bone: Pr e f i x

47 Plows leave them 48 Back again

3 Pitcher Hershiser 4 Disco

49 Catch

5 Hound doc 6 Certain I v y

5 1 "Law & O r d e r : S VU" a c t o r

L e aguer

5 5 Hist o ri c m u l t i s t o r y d welli n g s

7 Rise up

9 0 "I ' v e go t s o m et h i n g to say"

8 One-named si n g i n g s tar w i t h t h e s urname Adk i n s

9 1 See 27-A c r o s s

9 Render im p e r f e ct

5 8 Lik e g h ost t o w n s

59 Show po l i t e i n t e r est in, say

6 0 They w er e bi g i n t h e '50s

7 7 One stand in g a r o u n d

6 2 Place fo r t i p s

7 8 Ment i o n

t he house, may b e

63 Seasoned 6 4 Serio u sl y a n n o y 6 6 Wil l i n g t o l e t t h i n g s slide 6 7 In th e h o l d , s a y 6 8 Gymnast Gayl o r d 69 "Essays of

p arenthetical l y 7 9 Bygone Chevy v a n


8 0 Form l e t t e r s

82 Recipe amount

97 Cabinet members? 9 8 Some MoM A w o r k s

83 Saucy far e

9 9 Maze an s w e r

85 Be in the game

7 2 "M u si c i n t h e K e y o f Lo ve " c o m p o s e r 75 Forces (upon)

88 Many a Bach c ompositi o n 8 9 Long l i t t l e d o g g i e 9 4 Thomas wh o w r o t e " Li t t l e B i g M a n " 96 "... see w hat I

86 Comportment 8 7 Late f i n i s h e r

106 Funny Jo h n son 1 08 " L i t t l e



1 09 Possible l u n c h hour 1 10 Massiv e m e m o r y

u nit, i n f o r m a l l y 111 Miss Amer ica she' s not

1 12 Noni n v a s iv e m e d . procedure

1 00 Bond v i l l a i n S tavro B l o f e l d

1 04 Cuisine w it h c u r r y 105 Proceed

1 13 In f o r m e r d a y s 1 14 Cowpoke m o n i k e r


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Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing

Misc. Items



Misc. Items

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Supplies a' ardening & Equipment

Auction Sales

Livestock & Equipmentl

Laptop: Dell I nspiron BUYING ProFlowers - Thrill REDMOND Habitat US 97 I Madras Replacement-quality Windows 7, 1 yr old, Lionel/American Flyer Mom! Enjoy 50 PerRESTORE Sealed Bid Auction purebred y e a rling 2 Rugers 10/20 wood HgK USP 45 caliber, SUPER TOP SOIL trains, accessories. pd $900, sell $500 cent Off the All the Building Supply Resale www.herahe aoaandbark.com 4742 sq. ft. single-story Angus heiters, Final stock $275ea; W i n$500. 541-408-2191. o bo. C a l l P a m o r Frills Bouquet $19.99. Quality at Screened, soil tk com- r etail building a n d Answer and Danny 541-504-3333. chester 22 model 72A Mathias 541.923.6303 Plus take 20 percent LOW PRICES post mi x ed , no 1580 sq. ft. shop. No Boy bloodlines. Good $ 250; 50 c al . S / W disposition. Raised in Modified Mosin Nagant TURN THE PAGE off your order over 1242 S. Hwy 97 rocks/clods. High hureal estate, no equipH andiRifle $300 ; long-established herd. 541-548-1406 $29! Go to www.Promus level, exc. for ment, buildings only. Pre-1964 Winchester camo a r ctic s t o ck T HE B U LLETIN r e For More Ads $1000 ea. Del. avail. flowers.com/fabulous Open to the public. flower beds, lawns, M ust be m oved o r model 97 30/30 $475; w/440 rounds ammo. quires computer adThe Bulletin OI' vertisers with multiple call gardens, straight salvaged and demol- 541-480-8096 Madras Raven .25 cal. pistol. $300. 513-388-1745 267 1-855-424-1055 s creened to p s o i l . ished per State specs. ad schedules or those Call 541-740-8121. R UGER LCR 3 8 c a l selling multiple sys- BUYING & SEL L ING (PNDC) Bark. Clean fill. DeBids due by 5 p. m . Fuel & Wood l ightweight rev, n e w . tems/ software, to dis- All gold jewelry, silver liver/you haul. 6/1/2013. For info and 500 rounds of 7.62x39 $495. 541-815-4901 Farmers Column *REDUCE YOUR and gold coins, bars, 541-548-3949. close the name of the bid pa c ke t call ammo, $250. CABLE BILL! Get an All Year Dependable rounds, wedding sets, 541-388-6400 541-480-9912 10X20 STORAGE SAVAGE Mod. 111 7mm business or the term Sat e llite Firewood: Seasoned rings, sterling sil- All-Digital BUILDINGS mag, 3x9 scope, $495. "dealer" in their ads. class Lodgepole, Split, Del. coin collect, vin- system installed for BABY BROWNING 25 541-815-4901 Private party advertis- ver, for protecting hay, Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 • Los t & Found tage watches, dental FREE and programauto, like new, $450. ers are defined as firewood, livestock $335. Cash, Check gold. Bill Fl e ming, ming s t a rting at for 541-815-4901 Stevens p u mp , 20 those who sell one or Credit Card OK. Found etc. $1496 Installed. 541 -382-941 9. Pre s c ription $ 24.99/mo. FRE E $250. gauge computer. 541-617-1133. glasses in La Pine on Bend local pays CASH!! HD/DVR upgrade for 541-420-3484. 541-504-3333. Cemetery Lawn Vault CCB ¹173684. Federal Rd, on 4/24, for all firearms 8 new callers, SO CALL 269 Designed for 2, located NOW (877)366-4508 kfjbuilders@ykwc.net laying on For Sale Arms 257 ammo. 541-526-0617 Thompson at Deschutes Memorial. Gardening Supplies sign. 541-643-5105 T CR83, 2 23 , 2 4 3 , Musical Instruments (PNNA) Today's cost, $1650; will Look at: Bushmaster AR-15 rifle, 30-06 barrels and two & Equipment sell for $1450. (Never The Bulletin Offers Bendhomes.com Lost Cat (Roxy) - REmags, & s c ope, NIB scopes, $1,500. used!) 541-771-4800 Free Private Party Ads WARD. Small female for Complete Listings of $1275. 541-647-8931 R uger ¹ I 27 0 , 3 - 1 0 lines - 3 days Tortoiseshell w/white BarkTurtsoil.com Leopold Gold Ring, Area Real Estate for Sale Child's Concrete Garden •• 3 Private Party Only chest & b e lly. Last CASH!! 341 $1,000. Bench, 10"x20"x9" tall, of items adverFor Guns, Ammo 8 seen 4/27 in the vicin541-728-1568 (4) $20/ea 541-306-8631. • Total Horses & Equipmentg Need person to change D E LIVERY Reloading Supplies. tised must equal $200 PROMPT ity of Badger Rd. & 22 (2") irrigation pipe 541-389-9663 541-408-6900. Parrell. Please call or MINIATURE DONKEYS daily, Old B e nd-RedRare Chickering Player Danner Fireline boots, or Less Two 30-06 Enfield DETAILS or to text if you see her. Hwy near Tumalo; Piano. Solid oak con- new, size 10, $150. FOR registered, Red and mond hunting rifles with PLACE AN AD, Have Gravel, will Travel! 541-390-5169. DON'TMISS THIS struction. Exc. cond., 541-480-5203 w hite jack, 9 m o . , hrly wage. 541-383-2430 scope mount and Cinders, topsoil, fill mateCall 541-385-5809 70+ piano rolls plus Garden bench, concrete, sling $225 e ach; $250, Jennets $400 rial, etc. Excavation & Lost:Ring, women's gold Fax 541-385-5802 accessories. Asking 15"x30"x16"T 2 designs, FIND YOUR FUTURE (541) 504-3333. septicsystems. Abbas filigree w/tiger eye, down- and up. Must s ell. DO YOU HAVE $2800 OBO. Call Tom $50 ea. 541-306-8631 Wanted- paying cash Construction cce¹78840 town Bend, 5/1. Reward 541-548-5216. HOME INTHE BULLETIN at 541-410-2662 SOMETHING TO for Hi-fi audio & stuCalB541-548-6812 offered. 541-688-1629 Wanted: Collector GENERATE SOME Your future is just 8 page SELL dio equip. Mclntosh, 345 seeks high quality EXCITEMENT away. Whetheryou're looking FOR $500 OR Yamaha BB-Keyboard, J BL, Marantz, D y For newspaper fishing items. IN YOUR Livestock & Equipment for a hat or aplace to hangit, LESS? DGX-505, w / b ench, naco, Heathkit, SanGet your Call 541-678-5753, or delivery, call the NEIGBORHOOD. The Bulletin Classified is Non-commercial $350. 541-647-1292 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 503-351-2746 Circulation Dept. at business Plan a garage sale and Call 541-261-1808 your best source. Ready to work! advertisers may 541-385-5800 don't forget to adverRegistered y e a rling Every day thousandsof place an ad Call The Bulletin At To place an ad, call tise in classified! Angus bulls, gentle, buyers andsellers of goods with our 261 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 a ROW I N G Misc. Items 541-385-5809. "QUICK CASH ood disp o sition. Medical Equipment services dobusiness in or email Place Your Ad Or E-Mail opular, proven blood- and SPECIAL" classified@bendbulletin.com these pages.Theyknow GET FREE OF CREDIT Advertise V A CATION with an ad in lines, $1400 each, deAt: www.bendbulletin.com 1 week3lines 12 Jazzy Power Chair moyou can't beat The Bulletin CARD DEBT NOW! livery available. SPECIALS to 3 m i lOt' The Bulletin's Classified Section for Cut payments by up bility chair & attach., 541-480-8096, Madras 253 lion P acific N o rths k 2N ~ "Call A Service selection andconvenience to half. Stop creditors $325. 541-388-3789 westerners! 29 daily Ad must TV, Stereo & Video - every item isjust a phone calling. newspapers, six from Professional" include price of 265 Lawnmower, Craftsman Good classified ads tell 866-775-9621. call away. f $500 Moving must sell, beau- states. 25-word clas- (PNDC) 3.5hp, 20" runs good. Directory the essential facts in an Building Materials The Classified Section is or less, or multiple tiful knotty pine ent. sified $525 for a 3-day $40. 541-388-7961 interesting Manner. Write Cal l (916) 2-tier water fountain w/ easy to use. Every item items whose total center + T V , $ 5 00. a d. Assorted Steel from the readers view - not R EMEMBER: If you 2 88-6019 o r vis i t 541-371-5154 Prompt Delivery is categorized andevery does notexceed pump; Char-Broil grill Buildings the seller's. Convert the have lost an animal, www.pnna.com for the Rock, Sand 8 Gravel cartegory is indexed onthe $500. 4-burner. $150 ea. Like Value discounts as don't forget to check facts into benefits. Show SAVE on Cable TV-In- Pacific Nor t h west new 541-633-7658 Multiple Colors, Sizes section's front page. much as 30% The Humane Society the reader how the item will ternet-Digital Phone- Daily Con n ection. Landscaping Co. Call Classifieds at info available Instant in Bend 541-382-3537 Whether you are looking for help them in someway. Satellite. You've Got 541-389-9663 541-385-5809 (PNDC) Patio Furn: metal and Erection Source¹18X 8 home or need 8 service, Redmond, A C hoice! O ptions This www.bendbulletin.com glass table w/4 swivel 800-964-8335 541-923-0882 your future is in thepagesof Rototiller, C r aftsman, advertising tip from ALL major serc hairs, metal s i d e Buying Diamonds The Bulletin Classified. Prineville, vice providers. Call us 6.5 HP, just replaced brought to you by table and 2 s w i vel Glass Blocks, 8"xs"x4", /Gotd for Cash 541-447-7178; Factory ammo, 9mm, 40 to learn more! CALL Saxon's Predator engine. Rear chairs, stand alone used, some w/paint or Fine Jewelers OR Craft Cats, The Bulletin SBW, 45acp, 223, 556, Today. 888-757-5943. tynes, $225. The Bulletin u mbrella; lik e n e w chips, 60 at $3/ea., Ser ngCvnveengan snce 1903 541-389-6655 Senng central ecegoa vncelS03 541-389-8420. 308, 380. 541-647-8931 541-954-5193. (PNDC) $480. 541-633-7658 541-306-8631 •

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Call Drop off resume or I Attorney General's READY F O R MY L E S T E R Office C o n sumer t B E D W I L Y F 0 A L pickup application at now! CALL 40 SE Bridgeford Blvd, Protection hotline at I QUOTE 1-888-706-8256. A S H E N F A L L A S T I W 0 L F F I 1-877-877-9392. Bend. 541-382-8252 (PNDC) I D E A P R I A T I S D 0 0 R S C LThe Biillettn Take care of 528 B A T H E A N D S W I T C H L I S T E N Loans 8 Mortgages your investments E L 0 N S C B R0 B A T T E R S What are you with the help from A S C Y T H E F O R S 0 R E E Y E S WARNING looking for? The Bulletin recomThe Bulletin's R O C K I P 0 G R R T W A You'll find it in mends you use cau"Call A Service tion when you proI R A N N 0 L A U G H I N G M A T H E R Professional" Directory The Bulletin Classifieds vide personal I N E R T I A S E R G E A N T information to compa- N A T 0 nies offering loans or G N A W N E S T E G G T R I 0 X I D E Plumber- Ri d geline 541-385-5809 credit, especially Plumbing is seeking those asking for adlicensed journeyman TRUCK DRIVER PUZZLE IS ON PAGE G2 vance loan fees or plumber. Full time po- CDL needed; doubles companies from out of e ndorsement 8 g o o d sition. 541-467-2971 573 573 state. If you have driving record required. Good classified ads tell Business Opportunities Business Opportunities the concerns or quesRemember.... Local haul; home every essential facts in an tions, we suggest you A dd your we b a d - day! T ruck leaves & interesting Manner. Write WARNING The Bulletin A Classified ad is an consult your attorney dress to your ad and returns to Madras, OR. recommends that you EASY W AY TO from the readers view - not or call CONSUMER readers on The Call 541-546-6489 or the seller's. Convert the investigate every REACH over 3 million HOTLINE, 541-419-1125. Bulletin' s web site phase of investment Pacific Northwestern- facts into benefits. Show 1-877-877-9392. will be able to click The Bulletin opportunities, espeers. $5 2 5/25-wordthe reader how the item will through automatically c ially t h os e fr o m c lassified ad i n 2 9 help them in someway. To Subscribe call to your site. out-of-state or offered daily newspapers for This Need to get an ad 541-385-5800 or go to by a p e rson doing 3-days. Call the Paadvertising tip www.bendbulletin.com in ASAP? business out of a lo- cific Northwest Daily brought to youby ShippingDept. TRUCK DRIVER cal motel or hotel. InConnection (916) Loader wanted must have vestment of f e rings 2 88-6019 o r e m a il The Bulletin BRIGHT WOOD doubles endorsement. Fax it to 541-322-7253 must be r e gistered elizabeth@cnpa.com CORPORATION Truck is parked in the Oregon Defor more info (PNDC) Bright Wood CorpoThe Bulletin Classifieds with Madras, OR. partment of Finance. ration in Madras OrBusiness for Sale Local run. Call We suggest you conegon is seeking an in Bend. 541-475-4221 sult your attorney or experienced forklift BANK TURNED YOU call www.c21bizops.com CON S UMER driver/loader to help DOWN? Private party HOTLINE, 541-410-9287 Looking for your next in our growing dewill loan on real es1-503-378-4320, Advertise your car! employee? mand. A valid driver tate equity. Credit, no 8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. Place a Bulletin help Add A Prcture! license is required. problem, good equity Reach thousands of readers! ad today and Good a t t endance wanted is all you need. Call Call 541-385-5809 reach over 60,000 The Bulletin's and a safe driving Oregon Land MortThe Bulletln Classifieds readers each week. "Call A Service record are a must. gage 541-388-4200. Your classified ad You know what Professional" Directory Extreme Value AdverStarting wage DOE. will also appear on LOCAL MONEyrWe buy tising! 29 Daily newsthey say about Please apply in the is all about meeting bendbulletin.com papers $525/25-word "one man's trash". Personnel D e partsecured trustdeeds & your needs. which currently classified 3-d a y s. ment at the address note,some hard money receives over 1.5 Reach 3 million Paloans. Call Pat Kelley below. Benefits inCall on one of the million page views 541-382-3099 ext.13. cific Northwesterners. There's a whole pile clude medical/denprofessionals today! of "treasure" here! every month at For more information tal/life insurance. Vino extra cost. call (916) 288-6019 or s ion a n d Afl a c Bulletin Classifieds email: a vailable t o pu r Customer Service Representative Get Results! elizabeth@cnpa.com chase. EOE/On site Call 385-5809 for the Pacific Northpre-employment Crestview Cable Communications seeks Cusor place west Daily Connecdrug screening retomer Service Representative, preferably your ad on-line at tion. (PNDC) quired. Spanish speaking, to be a member of our Thousands ofadsdaily bendbulletin.com Bright Wood Corp., friendly, knowledgeable and stable customer FIND IT! in print andonline. 335 NW Hess St., service office team. Position is f ull t ime BUY /7' 8am-5pm, weekday work in our very busy Madras, OR 97741. Say "goodbuy" SELL tTr 541-475-7799 Prineville Office. Continuous contract with our 'I» to that unused customers on the phone or in person is the The Bulletin Classifieds norm. Must have good oral communications g1Es c item by placing it in Need help fixing stuff? ov' 0 skills, solid computer skills and be interested in Call A ServiceProfessional The Bulletin Classifieds new technology. Cash handling, 10 key skills DESCHUTES COUNTY find the help you need. and the ability to work in a busy office reCAREER OPPORTUNITIES www.bendbulletin.com quired. Benefits include: health insurance op5 41-385-580 9 tion, vacation, sick and holiday pay. PEST CONTROL

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Ferguson is c urrently seeking the right indi421 vidual to fill an imme- Call 4 1 -923-3564 diate need for a Truck ask for5 Dennis Schools & Training or Driver in o u r R e d- Tammy. A IRLINES ARE H I R- mond, OR location. If ING - Train for hands you have f amiliarity on Aviation Mainte- and experience with warehousing, s h i pnance Career. FAA approved p r ogram. ping, receiving, or deFinancial aid if quali- livery coupled with a fied - Housing avail- commitment to great able CALL Aviation customer service, this INTERFOR Institute o f M a i nte- is the position for you! Immediate opening for nance 877-804-5293 an experienced Responsibilities (PNDC) • Deliver materials to Sawmill Supervisor (Gilchrist, OR) USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! the customer, which includes a s sistance Do you want to be part of a "World C/ass" with unloading, enDoor-to-door selling with uring d elivery o f maintenance organifast results! It's the easiest s ticket with m a terial, zation? Do you posway in the world to sell. and collecting paysess the follow experience/skill levels? ment, if necessary The Bulletin Classified • Pick up customer re- •Post-secondaryedu541-385-5809 turns, validating prod- cation - minimum uct match for credit Grade 12 education Attend College Online requests as neces- •5+ years of Sawmill *Medical, sary supervisory or similar 100%. "Buslness, *Criminal • Perform daily pre-trip experience Justice, H o spltallty, and post-trip inspec- •Lumber grading ticket *Web. J o b Pl a c e- tions, fuel the truck as and familiarization ment Assi s tance. needed, and report with Optimization will be an asset Computer and Finan- any problems or isWe want you to join cial Aid If Qualified. sues to supervisor our Sawmill team in Schev Au t h orized.• Comply with all DOT of Gilchrist, OR. We ofCall 866 - 688-7078 (Department Transportation) stanfer a competitive salwww.Centuraonline.C dards and regulations ary and benefits om (PNDC) • Assist Warehouse package. Please ap470 personnel with pulling ply on line at www.inand preparing orders terfor.com/careers Domestic & for shipment, as well EEO/Drug Free WorkIn-Home Positions as receiving, verifying, place Employer staging and stocking AVAIL. in NE Bend/Tu- all incoming material Laborer malo fo r S u m mer baby-sitting. Infant & Qualifications BRIGHT WOOD child CPR c e rtified. • Working knowledge of CORPORATION Fun, dependable, and safety regulations and Hiring for entry level trustworthy. P l e ase procedures positions in all procall Mariah, • General computer d uctions plants at 541-383-8223. our corporate headskills • Good communication quarters location in and customer service Madras. Looking for Tick, Tock individuals with good skills ttendance and a Tick, Tock... Please email resume to astrong work e thic. Please apply in per...don't let time get aaron.bondi I son at 335 NW Hess ferguson.com away. Hire a S t. M a dras Or . Starting wage professional out DO YOU NEED $10.00 per hr. Benof The Bulletin's A GREAT e fit p a ckage i n "Call A Service cludes med i cal, EMPLOYEE dental and life insurRIGHT NOW? Professional" a nce. Vision a n d Call The Bulletin Directory today! A flac available t o before 11 a.m. and purchase. EOE/On get an ad in to pubPersonal Caregiver site pre - employlish the next day! available. Adult lady, very ment drug screenAdvertising Account Executive 541-385-5809. compassionate & caring. ing required. VIEW the EXC. references. Bright Wood Corp., Classifieds at: The Bulletin is looking for a professional and Call 541-420-1836, 335 NW Hess St., www.bendbulletin.com please leave message. driven Sales and Marketing person to help our Madras, OR 97741. customers grow their businesses with an 541-475-7799 476 expanding list of broad-reach and targeted Food & Beverage Employment Bend Golf & C ountry products. This full time position requires a background in consultative sales, territory Club is l ooking for Manager Opportunities exp. food and bever- Now hiring Quality management and aggressive prospecting skills. age servers and bar- Assurance Manager Two years of media sales experience is tenders. Apply in per- for m a n ufacturing preferable, but we will train the right candidate. CAUTION READERS: son at 61045 Country company in Sisters, Ads published in "Em- Club Drive, Bend, OR Oregon. Experience The p o sition in c ludes a com p etitive r equired. Str o ng ployment Opportuni- 97702. compensation package including benefits, and t ies" i n clude e m communication skills rewards an a ggressive, customer focused and n eeded (oral a n d ployee salesperson with unlimited earning potential. written), a b l e to i ndependent pos i - General tions. Ads for posimanage a team of Email your resume, cover letter JEL&WEN. 3-4 employees and tions that require a fee W INDOWS R O O O R S and salary history to: or upfront investment maintain a constant Jay Brandt, Advertising Director must be stated. With J ELD-WEN, i n c . state of control as jbrandt@bendbulletin.com any independent job has the following outlined in 21 CFR or 111 & US P 1 075, opportunity, p l ease employment opdrop off your resume in person at investigate thor- portunities avail795. Please send to 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; oughly. resume able in K l amath wendy© metabolic Or mail to PO 8ox6020, Bend, OR 97708; Falls, OR: maintenance.com Use extra caution when No phone inquiries please. applying for jobs onfor further information regarding this line and never pro- • Service Desk EOE / Drug Free Workplace vide personal infor- Computer Tech full-time position with benefits' p a ckage, mation to any source • Data Center after 90-day review you may not have re- Tech Mailroom Clerk searched and deemed • Release/Deploy penod. to be reputable. Use extreme caution when Administrator OR/SCRUB TECH r esponding to A N Y needed, experienced The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturonline e m p loyment For more info. only. No weekends, day night shift and other shifts as needed. ad from out-of-state. please visit nights or on-call. Red- We currently have openings all nights of the www.jeld-wen.com. mond Surgery Center: week but all applicants must be available to We suggest you call email resume to suEmail resume to work Saturday nights. Shifts start between the State of Oregon whitleyouspi.com or jobsojeld-wen.com 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., and end between Consumer Hotline at fax 541-316-2513. 2:00a.m.and 3:30 a.m. Starting pay is $9.00 1-503-378-4320 EOE per hour, and we pay a minimum of 3 hours Have an item to per shift, as some shifts are short (11:30For Equal Opportunity sell quick? 1:30). The work consists of loading inserting L aws: Oregon B uHOUSEKEEPERmachines or stitcher, stacking product onto reau of Labor 8 InHEAD POSITION If it's under pallets, bundling, cleanup and other tasks. dustry, C i vil Rights Full-time. Must be able '500 you can place it in Must be able to stand for long periods of time Division, to work weekends and to load machines. Will require repetitive 971-673-0764 holidays. Experience The Bulletin stooping and bending and must be able to lift required. Prefer bilinClassifieds for: 50 lbs. All hiring is contingent upon passing If you have any quesgual. Please apply in pre-employment drug screen. tions, concerns or person at th e B e st '10 - 3 lines, 7 days comments, contact: Western Ponderosa Please apply by delivering a resume to The Classified Department '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Lodge, 500 Hwy 20 Bulletin at 1777 SW Chandler Ave., 8-5, M The Bulletin W, Sisters, OR 97759 (Private Party ads only) thru F. Or email a resume to keldred©bend541-385-5809 bulletin.com. Please include job title in the subject line. Operations and Policy Analyst 3 The Bulletin (Field Energy Analyst) EOE, Drug Free Workplace. $4,415.00 - $6,463.00 Monthly -

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Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds

541-385-5809 Caregi vers-

Experienced Part-time & 24 - hour caregivers. Home Instead Senior Care is currently see k i ng Caregivers to provide in-home care to our seniors. C andidates must be able to lift, transfer, provide personal care 8 assist in various home duties. Alzheimer/ Dementia/ ALS experience is needed. Must have ability to pass background checks 8 have valid DL & insurance. Training provided. Call 541-330-6400, or fax resume to: 541-330-7362.

T he Oregon Department o f E n ergy i s recruiting for a Field Energy Analyst working in our Planning, Policy and Technical Analysis Division. This position serves as a resource for businesses, citizens and other stakeholders in the central region and other parts of the state by providing k nowledge an d e x p ertise, technical assistance and i n formation on renewable energy resources and technologies. For more information and to apply, please visit us at www.oregonjobs.org, announcement ¹ ODOE13-0010. A p p lications m u s t be received by May 13, 2013. The Oregon Department of Energy is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

Kla-Mo- Ya CaSinO 34333 Hwy 97 N. Chiloquin, OR


(Reports to General Manager) • BA/MS Finance, Accounting, related (req) • 5 yrs. Mgmt. exp. in Fin, Actng, Ops (req) • CPA, CMA, Public Actng exp. (preferred) • 5 yrs. Casino or auditing exp. (preferred) • Salary DOQ with benefits upon eligibility Please visit www.klamoyacasino.com for more information to or to download an application or contact HR at 541.783.7529

DiversityCoordinator, Part-time

Oregon State University - Cascades, Bend has a part-time (.25) employment opportunity. The ideal applicant functions as a m ember of OSU-Cascades as the Diversity Coordinator. Duties include, but are not limited to, community building and development by providing leadership, advocacy, and support for the development of an OSU-Cascades diversity plan and a campus self-study to ensure widespread understanding and ownership of, and engagement with, diversity issues and challenges; as well as education and training by designing and delivering programs, events, and trainings that promote understanding and educate the university on diversity issues. A demonstrated commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity is required. See posting for additional required qualifications. Preferred qualifications include a Master's degree in a field related to equity, inclusion, and diversity or additional training or expertise relevant to the position focus, experience presenting educational sessions on relevant topics such as oppression, privilege, equal opportunity, affirmative action, or diversity, experience as a trained mediator and supervisory experience. The anticipated start date is July 1, 2013. T o apply for this position, please go t o http://oregonstate.edu/jobs/ and view posting number 0010583. The closing date is 5/7/13. OSU is an AA/EOE

Where buyers meet sellers

Classifjeds '

Applications available at 350 NE Dunham St., Prineville or email resume to agautneyocrest viewcable.com Mandatory pre- e m ployment drug testing, criminal background check, and a good driving record required. Crestview Cable communications is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Web Developer Are you a technical star who can also communicate effectively with non-technical executives and employees? Would you like to work hard, play hard in beautiful Bend, OR, the recreation capital of the state? Then we'd like to talk to you. Our busy media company that publishes numerous web and mobile sites seeks an experienced developer who is also a forward thinker, creative problem solver, excellent communicator, and self-motivated professional. We are redesigning all of our websites within the next couple of years and want you in on the ground floor.

Fluencywith PHP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and JavaScript is a must. Experience integrating third-party solutions and social media applications required. Desired experience includes: XML/JSON, MySQL, Joomla, Java, responsive web design, Rails, WordPress. Top-notch skills with user interface and graphic design an added plus. Background in the media industry desired but not required. This is a full-time position with benefits. If you've got what it takes, e-mail a cover letter, resume, and portfolio/work sample links a n d/o r re p ository ( GitHub) t o resumeowescompapers.com. This posting is also on the web at www.bendbulletin.com EOE/Drug Free Workplace

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II, Older Adult. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. COMMUNITY JUSTICE TECHNICIAN,Juvenile Justice Division. On-call positions.Deadline: OPEN UNTILA SUFFICIENT POOL OF ON-CALL STAFF HAS BEENESTABLISHED. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST - Behavioral Health Specialist I, Be havioral Health Division. Part-time position 30-hrs/wk. Deadline: WEDNESDAY, 05/15/13. PSYCHIATRIC NURSE P RACTITIONER, Behavioral Health Division. One full-time and one part-time position, will also consider

a Personal Services Contract. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. PSYCHIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER or NURSE PRACTITIONER,Adult Jail. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE II, CaCoon with Maternal Child Health, Public Health Division. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE II, Maternity Case Management with Maternal Child Health, Public Health Division. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE II, Nurse Family Partnership with Maternal Child Health, Public Health Division. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. RESERVE DEPUTY SHERIFF,Sherjff's Office. On-call positions. Deadline: THIS IS AN ON-GOINGRECRUITMENT.

Central Oregon Community College

has o p enings l i sted b e l ow. G o to https://jobs.cocc.edu to view details 8 apply online. Human Resources, Newberry Hall, 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; (541)383-7216. For hearing/speech impaired, Oregon Relay Services number is 7 -1-1. COCC is an AA/EO employer.

SENIOR SECRETARY,4-H/Extensjon Office. Full-time position. Deadline: SUNDAY, 05/12/13.

Marketing & Operations Manager, Continuing Education Responsible for the ongoing development, planning, implementation and evaluation of the Continuing Education (CE) market plan. Collaborate with internal/external agencies to m arket CE e f fectively. Bachelors + 5 y r marketing exp . r e q . $3 , 348-$3,986/mo. Closes May 6.


Transcript / Degree Evaluator Responsible for evaluating transfer records, degree requirements, and maintaining transfer course a r t iculation ta b les . Act as information resource on degree requirements. $2,440-$2,905/mo.Closes May 6 Residence Director 12-month live-in professional staff position that is responsible for ensuring a quality living environment, f o r on- c ampus st u dents. Bachelor's + 1yr exp. req. $3,195-$3,803/mo. Closes May 15

AdministrativeAssistant, Construction Office Position is responsible for daily administrative support functions of the Campus Construction office. Associates degree + 3yr exp. req. $2,440 $2,905/mo. Closes May 19. Part TimeInstructors New: Manufacturing Technology Looking for t alented individuals to t each part-time in a variety of disciplines. Check our Web site https://jobs.cocc.edu. Positions pay $500 per load unit (1 LU = 1 class credit), with additional perks.



OUR WEBSITEAT www.deschutes.org/jods. All candidates will receive an email response regarding their application status after the recruitment has closed and applications have

been reviewed. Notifications to candidates are sent via email only. If you need assistance, please contact the Deschutes County Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 617-4722.

Deschutes County provides reasonable a ccommodations for p e rsons w i th disabilities. This material will be furnished in alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired, please call TTY/TDD 711. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER





i •





Rooms for Rent

Open Houses


Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories


Veteran seeking to buy ya HD Screaming Eagle Wilderness 16.5' Kayak, Open 12-3 to 1-acre size utilityElectra Glide 2005, yellow, compass, spray 3004 NE Hope Dr. ready buildable lot, in or 103" motor, two tone cover, day pack, paddle Attractive Home near Bend, from private & paddle float, PDF, candy teal, new tires, 682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage RENTALS Near Schools and party. 951-255-5013 rack, lots of s torage, 23K miles, CD player 603 - Rental Alternatives 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 541-382-1885 Hospital used very little. $800 obo. hydraulic clutch, ex773 541-389-7749, after 6pm. 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent Melody Lessar, 18' 604 - Storage Rentals Larson C l assic cellent condition. 634 Broker Acreages Highest offer takes it. 1971Tri- hull with 165 605 - RoommateWanted REAL ESTATE Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 541-610-4960 541-480-8080. Chev/ Mercruiser, 4.5 616- Want To Rent 705 - Real Estate Services HP outboard, dinette/ Motorhomes 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 713 - Real Estate Wanted **No Application Fee ** HD Screaming Eagle sleeper plus standup CHECK YOUR AD Electra Glide 2005, 630- Rooms for Rent 719- Real Estate Trades 2 bdrm, 1 bath, Please check your ad canvas for camping. 103" motor, two tone $530 8 $540 w/lease. 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 726 - Timeshares for Sale Eagle Fish f inder. on the first day it runs candy teal, new tires, Carports included! to make sure it is cor$2400 541-382-7515. 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 730- New Listings 23K miles, CD player rect. Sometimes in634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 732- Commercial Properties for Sale FOX HOLLOW APTS. hydraulic clutch, exs tructions over t h e 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 738 - Multiplexes for Sale (541) 383-3152 cellent condition. E phone are misunderCascade Rental Highest offer takes it. 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale stood and a n e r ror 2003 Fleetwood DisManagement. Co. 541-480-8080. 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 744 - OpenHouses can occurin your ad. covery 40' diesel mowww.thegarnergroup.tom Call for Specials! If this happens to your torhome w/all 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 745- Homes for Sale Limited numbers avail. ad, please contact us 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 746- Northwest BendHomes 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, options-3 slide outs, 1, 2 & 3 bdrms the first day your ad 745 inboard motor, g reat satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 747 -Southwest BendHomes w/d hookups, appears and we will 3 2 ,000 m i l es. cond, well maintained, etc. Homes for Sale 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 748- Northeast BendHomes patios or decks. be happy to fix it as $8995obo. 541-350-7755 Wintered i n h e ated 652- Housesfor Rent NWBend 749- Southeast BendHomes Mountain Glen s oon a s w e ca n . shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 6 Bdrm, 6 bath, 4-car, 541-383-9313 Deadlines are: Week541-447-8664 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 750- RedmondHomes Road Kinq Classic 4270 sq ft, .83 ac. corner, Professionally managed by 11:00 noon for 2000 22K mi, 1550 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 753 - Sisters Homes view. By owner, ideal for days Norris & Stevens, Inc. next day, Sat. 11:00 stage II EFI, SEI2 extended family. 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes a.m. for Sunday and cam, new heads/Ig 636 $590,000. 541-390-0886 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 756- Jefferson CountyHomes Monday. valves, Revtech 32' Fleetwood Fiesta Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 757- Crook CountyHomes 541-385-5809 digital fuel optimizer, NOTICE: 2003, no slide-out, Thank you! Samson true dual 1996 Seaswirl 20.1 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 762- Homes with Acreage All real estate adverTriton engine, all Small clean Studio The Bulletin Classified headers, Hooker Cuddy, 5.0 Volvo, exc tised here in is sub662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 763- Recreational HomesandProperty amenities 1 owner Downtown area, $495 ject to th e F ederal mufflers, HD tourcond., full canvas, one 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 764- Farms andRanches perfect, only 17K miles, mo.; $475 dep. all ing seat/handlebars, owner, $6500 OBO. F air H o using A c t , $21,000. 541-504-3253 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 771 - Lots utilities paid. No pets, 775 backrests, lots of 541-410-0755 makes it illegal no smoking. 541- 330- which 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 773 - Acreages extras, excellent Manufactured/ to advertise any pref9769 or 541-480-7870 condition. $9700 675 - RV Parking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes erence, limitation or Mobile Homes Call for more info 648 discrimination based 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 541-788-3004 on race, color, reli- FACTORY SPECIAL Houses for 20.5' 2004 Bayliner gion, sex, handicap, 627 New Home, 3 bdrm, 205 Run About, 220 Rent General familial status or na$46 500 finished ia Vacation Rentals HP, V8, open bow, • • I 1 tional origin, or intenJayco Seneca 34', 2007. on your site exc. cond with very & Exchanges P U BLI SHER'S tion to make any such 28K miles, 2 slides, DuJ and M Homes low hours, lots of NOTICE ramax diesel, 1 owner, preferences, l i mita541-548-5511 extras incl. tower, Meet singles right now! All real estate adverexcellent cond, $89,995; tions or discrimination. ocean front house, No paid o p erators, Bimini & custom in this newspa- We will not knowingly Trade? 541-546-6920 each walk from town, tising trailer, $17,950. just real people like per is subject to the accept any advertis2 bdrm/2 bath, TV, Victory TC 2002, 541-389-1413 you. Browse greetF air H o using A c t :o. Fireplace, BBQ. $85 ing for r eal e state Q runs great, many ings, exchange mesmakes it illegal which is in violation of per night, 2 night MIN. which sages and c o nnect accessories, new to a d v ertise "any this law. All persons 208-342-6999 live. Try it free. Call tires, under 40K preference, limitation are hereby informed now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. or disc r imination that all dwellings admiles, well kept. (PNDC) based on race, color, vertised are available $7000 OBO. For 20.5' Seaswirl SpyDynasty 2004, religion, sex, handi- on an equal opportum ore info. c a l l der 1989 H.O. 302, Monaco loaded, 3 slides, diecap, familial status, nity basis. The Bulle541-647-4232 285 hrs., exc. cond., sel, Reduced - now marital status or na- tin Classified 850 stored indoors for $119,000, 5 4 1-923tional origin, or an inlife $11,900 OBO. Snowmobiles One of Bend's finest 8572 or 541-749-0037I tention to make any 541-379-3530 townhomes in Tussuch pre f erence, • ATVs limitation or discrimi- cany Pines, 3 bdrm, ( 2) 2000 A rctic C a t RV L580's EFI with n e w Call 54l 3855809topromoteFvr service Advertisefor 28 daysstarting at'Iftiirasrpecrrlprckagewirraiiablewarreebrrel nation." Familial sta- 2.5 b ath, 2 car Z 200 ATV 1985 21' Crownline 215 hp CONSIGNMENTS Cu s t om covers, electric start w/ yamaha tus includes children g arage. in/outboard e n g ine WANTED reverse, low miles, both Great shape. $750' 31 0 hrs, Cuddy Cabin under the age of 18 interior finish a nd We Do the Work... with new 2009 541 447 031 7 sleeps 2/ 3 p e ople, living with parents or beautiful c ommon excellent; Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, You Keep the Cash! Building/Contracting L a ndscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care legal portable toilet, exc. cust o dians, area amenities w/ On-site credit off/on w/double tilt, cond. Asking $8,000. pregnant women, and clubhouse and pool. drive lots of accys. Selling due approval team, NOTICE: Oregon state First time offering OBO. 541-388-8339 people securing cusm e dical r e asons. web site presence. law req u ires anyCall to tody of children under $375,000. $6000 all. 541-536-8130 We Take Trade-Ins! one who co n t racts Ads published in the5 541-523-4434 or 18. This newspaper Free Advertising. "Boats" classification for construction work Zor/ftz gaadriI Arctic Cat ZL800, 2001, will not knowingly ac- 208-740-4233 c e ll, BIG COUNTRY RV include: Speed, fishto be licensed with the Zacu4 gu e I,. or visit short track, variable Yamaha Banshee 2001, cept any advertising Bend: 541-330-2495 ing, drift, canoe, • C onstruction Con - More Than Service intermountain exhaust valves, elec- custom built 350 motor, for real estate which is Redmond: tractors Board (CCB). land.com tric s tart, r e verse,race-ready, lots of extras, house and sail boats. Peace of Mind in violation of the law. 541-548-5254 $4999/obo 541-647-8931 For all other types of A n active lice n se Intermountain Realty, manuals, rec o rds, O ur r e a ders ar e watercraft, please see means the contractor Spring Clean Up Inc., 1425 Camp— Providingnew spare belt, cover, hereby informed that 870 Class 875. i s bonded an d i n bell St., Baker City, heated hand g rips, all dwellings adver•Leaves Yard Maintenance 541-385-5809 s ured. Ver if y t h e OR 97814 nice, fast, $999. Call Boats & Accessories •Cones tised in this newspacontractor's CCB 8 Clean-up, per are available on Tom, 541-385-7932, •Needles c ense through t h e •Debris Hauling Thatching, Plugging an equal opportunity FOR SALE • Yamaha 750 1999 CCB Cons u m er basis. To complain of & much more! Mountain Max, $1400. 14' 1982 Valco River Website discrimination cal l When buying a home, • 1994 Weed Free Bark www.hirealicenseocontractor. Arctic Cat 580 Southwind 35.5' Triton, HUD t o l l -free at & Flower Beds Sled, 70 h.p., Fishcom ContactAllen 83% of Central EXT, $1000. 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du1-800-877-0246. The Finder. Older boat but Oregonians turn to or call 503-378-4621. • Zieman 4-place pont UV coat, 7500 mi. toll f ree t e lephone price includes trailer, The Bulletin recom- Lawn Renovation Bought new at trailer, SOLD! The Bulletin number for the hear3 wheels and tires. All mends checking with Aeration - Dethatching rerwng central oregon s>nre 1903 All in good condition. $132,913; ing im p aired is for $1 5 00 ! Cal l the CCB prior to conOverseed Located in La Pine. Beautiful h o u seboat asking $91,000. MAVERICK 1-800-927-9275. 541-416-8811 Call 541-385-5809 to tracting with anyone. Compost Call 503-982-4745 Call 541-408-6149. $85,000. 541-390-4693 Some other t rades Top Dressing place your ANDSCAPING Rented your www.centraloregon Real Estate ad. 860 also req u ire addirCB¹8671 WANTED! houseboat.com. Property? tional licenses a nd * licensed * Bonded *Insured The Bulletin Classifieds Landscape RV Consignments Motorcycles & Accessories 746 certifications. Specializing in Paid for or Not! Maintenance has an Northwest Bend Homes Fire Perimeter Clearing "After Hours" Line. Full or Partial Service i BIG i ~ Mowing/Yard Detailing Services • Mowing «Edging Call 541-383-2371 Weedeating/Chainraw Work Wonderful home with le COUNTRY RV 16' Koffler Drift Boat, •Pruning Weeding 24 Hours to Landscape, Construaion/Insralls gal apt. 3000 sf 4 bdrm Honda 8 hp motor 8 • 90% of all RV buyers Sprinkler Adjustments c~a cel o a d .' Complete Fencing & More! 4.5 bath, 3-car garage are looking to finance trailer, many extra's. Boat loader, elec. for rywall Services level yard, great loca BendlRedmondl p owell Butte or trade. Fertilizer included $2900. 541-480-9277 Find It in tion near NW Crossing. pickup canopy, extras, Terrebonne/Crooked Ri v er Ranch 1988 ATK 406, refur• We have a dozen Remodels with monthly program FSBO - $410,000. $450, 541-548-3711 The Bulletin Classifieds! 17' 1972 Silverline open bished by American Dirt finance options. tt't Repairs Senior& Ve teran Discounts Call Rick 541-647-8206 541-385-5809 Bike, 1 hour running time bow, Bimini c over, Weekly, monthly SOME ex- • We take anything on Bret Stormer Nojob too smail. on complete overhaul. seats six, o utboardGENERATE 747 or one time service. citement in your neig- trade, paid for or not. $1495. 541-504-7745 Free exact quotes. Cell:(503) 302-2445 659 m otor needs w o r k borhood. Plan a ga- • We do all of the workSouthwest Bend Homes $1500. 541-536-7497 CCB ¹177336 Houses for Rent OfIictut(541) 923-4324 rage sale and don't you et the CASH EXPERIENCED forget to advertise in DRW income property Commercial Sunriver classified! 385-5809. 2 acres/2 tax lots, 2 & Residential ~ o VILLAGE PROPERTIES h omes w it h s h o p . COLLINS 1994 1690 sq.ft., 3 Sunriver, Three Rivers, Serving Central Oregon since 1903 bdrm, 2 bath, with ofSenior Discounts La Pine. Great 2002 Harley Davidson f ice, M F D hom e 541-390-1466 Selection. Prices range Call Now to Schedule l o e e ' rented with 3 5 'x40' Heritage Softail - Fl, em- 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 $425 - $2000/mo. Same Day Response green & black, lots Volvo Penta, 270HP, Spring Cleanup Watercraft Call Safari Cliff at shop, w/1 bdrm apt., erald View our full chrome & extras, 9K low hrs., must see, 541-815-6144 and Aerate/Thatch, for $1200/mo. Also of inventory online at Debris Removal mi, perfect cond. $9995. Weekly or one time 2003 1188 sq.ft., 3 Call 503-999-7356 (cell) $15,000, 541-330-3939 Ads published in "WaVillage-Properfies.com tercraft" include Kay Grounds Keeping Service bdrm, 2 b ath, M FD 1-866-931-1061 aks, rafts and motorhome currently va- BMW K100 LT 1 9 87 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, • Mowing • Edging ized personal c ant. F e nced f o r 52k miles, b r onze, 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 • Hedge Trimming watercrafts. For horses, two pastures. extra wind s hield, hp Bowrider w/depth • Pruning ' Weedeating " boats" please s e e $239,900 for both. trailer hitch, battery finder, radio/CD player, • Fertilizing • Hauling Winnebago Suncruiser34' Class 870. Bend Real Estate Co. charger, full luggage rod holders, full can2004, only 34K, loaded, • De-thatching 541-385-5809 John Walker, hard bags, manuals vas, EZ Loader trailer, Will Haul Away SERVING CENTRAL OREGON too much to list, ext'd exclnt cond, $13,000. Principal Broker and paperwork. Alsince 2003 warr. thru 2014, $54,900 " FREE g 541-408-3326 Residential er Commercial ways garaged. $3200. 707-484-3518 (Bend) Serv ng Central Oregon s nre 1903 Dennis, 541-589-3243 BONDED & INSURED Don, 541-504-5989 For Salvage a 749 LANDSCAPING FULL-TILT CLEAN-UP Any Location Southeast Bend Homes Just bought a new boat? W Landscape Construction Debris Hauling Sell your old one in the ,,„'„Removal 705 «r Water Feature Soil - Bark - Gravel Ask about our Meadow beautiful 4 classifieds! Also Cleanups Installation/Maint. 6-yard Dump Truck Real Estate Services Sun Super Seller rates! bdrm 2t/a bath, 2045 sq ft, jffa Cteanouts' ~ w pavers CALL 541-419-2756 541-385-5809 Pahlisch-built 2007, lots of Boise, ID Real Estate n Renovations storage, walk-in pantry, CRAMPED FOR Painting/Wall Covering For relocation info, W Irrigations Installation hardwood floors/tile/carI CASH? call Mike Conklin, pet, fenced, landscaped. Use classified to sell Sprinkler 208-941-8458 $260,000. 541-306-6885 those items you no Silvercreek Realty Activation/Repair • u aeu • . • • . longer need. 750 Handyman Back Flow Testing Call 541-385-5809 Need to get an Redmond Homes MAIIV'f ENAIVCE ad in ASAP? I DO THAT! «r Thatch & Aerate You can place it Looking for your next w Spring Clean up online at: emp/oyee? Harley Davidson Soft«r weekly Mowing & Edging Sage Home www.bendbulletin.com Place a Bulletin help Tail De l uxe 2 0 0 7 , «r ei-Monthly & wanted ad today and white/cobalt, w / pasNaintenance Monthly Maintenance reach over 60,000 senger kit, Vance 8 • Interior/exterior painting 541-385-5809 «r Bark, Rock, Etc. readers each week. Hines muffler system (Lead-basedpaintcertified) Your classified ad & kit, 1045 mi., exc. Handyman/Remodeling •DeckRef inishing 744 Senior Discounts will also appear on cond, $16,9 9 9, Residential/Commercial • Pressure-Washing Open Houses bendbulletin.com 541-389-91 88. Bonded and Insured • Full Service Handyman which currently reSmall Jobs to 541-$15-4458 ceives over Enllre Rrrrrm Remrxuels Harley Davidson XL Lce¹ 8759 Gall 541-508-0613 Open 12-3 1.5 million page GarageOrganlzatl on 1200 2007, SportsCCB ¹163914 2341 NW Floyd views every month HrrmetrrsPection RePairs ter Low. Like new, Just bought a new boat? Ln. at no extra cost. only 2800 mi., major Qnallly, Honest nurtr Sell your old one in the NorthWest Crossing Bulletin Classifieds upgrades and addiAsk about our Single Level Home Dennis 541.317.9768 classifieds! Get Results! tions. Helmets and Super Seller rates! (.car r aars r Buarterlnrrerrrl Alison Mata, Call 385-5809 or 541-385-5809 Jackets i n c luded. Broker place your ad on-line $6500.503-508-2367 541-280-6250 at BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS N OTICE: O R E G O N Landscape Contracbendbulletin.com Search the area's most Harley Heritage tors Law (ORS 671) Western comprehensive listing of Softail, 2003 r equires a l l bu s i 762 classified advertising... $5,000+ in extras, Painting Co. nesses that advertise real estate to automotive, to p e r form L a n d- — Richard Hayman$2000 paint job, Homes with Acreage merchandise to sporting 30K mi. 1 owner, C o n struction a semi-retired painting goods. Bulletin Classifieds scape Baker City - 3 Bdrm, 3 For more information which incl u des: contractor of 45 years. appear every day in the please call bath, 3 1 00 + s q . ft. p lanting, deck s , 541-385-8090 print or on line. semi secluded home, Small jobs welcome. fences, arbors, or 209-605-5537 on 5 acre lot w/many Call 541-385-5809 Interior & Exterior w ater-features, a n d p onderosa pin e s. www.bendbulletin.com www.thegarnergroup.com installation, repair of 541-388-6910 45'x24' Morton built irrigation systems to Fax: 541.38&6737 The Bulletin insolated metal shop, be licensed with the cce¹5184 $395,000. Landscape ContracOpen 12-3 541-523-2368 t ors B o a rd . Th i s 2457 NW Dorion ERIC REEVE 4-digit number is to be 763 Way Harley Limited 103 2011, included in all adverHANDY NorthWest Crossing Recreational Homes many extras, stage 1 & air tisements which indiBeautiful Craftsman cushion seat. 18,123 mi, k SERVICES ~ cate the business has & Property Janis Grout, $20,990. 541-306-0289 a bond, insurance and Broker Au Home & workers c ompensaEuropean 541-948-0140 Commercial Repairs Cabin in forest, hunting, tion for their employCarpentry-Painting f ishing, stream 7 5 ees. For your protecProfessional miles. 541-480-7215 Honey Do's. tion call 503-378-5909 Painter Small or large jobs, or use our website: no problem. www.lcb.state.or.us to Repaint 764 check license status HD Fat Boy 1996 Senior Discount Specialist! before co n t racting Farms & Ranches Completely customized Au work guaranteed. with th e b u s iness. Must see and hear to 541-389-3361 Oregon License Persons doing landEquine ranch for sale appreciate. 2012 541-771-4463 rr186147 LLC scape maintenance by owner, in Tumalo, Award Winner. Bonded - Insured do not require a LCB 543 -81 5-2888 $775,000. $17,000 obo. www.thegarnergroop.tom CCB¹149468 license. 619-733-8472 541-548-4807 •

Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. Utils & l inens. New owners. $145-$165/wk







The Bulletin


The Bulletin •


The Bulleti




The Bulletin





TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Travel Trailers

Travel Trailers


Aladdin 16' 1968 camper trailer, $700. 541-389-6990, afternoons only.

RV Solar Sale! 100 watt panel k i t in s talled $699. Mobile Solar Pros, 541-977-5366

Fifth Wheels


0 0




Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Antique & Classic Autos



B U Y T Hyster H25E, runs

Springdale 2005 27', 4 slide in dining/living area sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811



Fleetwood 31' W ildern ess Gl 1 9 99, 1 2 ' Streamliner slide, 2 4 ' aw n ing,

30' queen bed, FSC, out- 1963, good condicom p l ete, side shower, E-Z lift tion, s tabilizer hitch, l i ke ready to go. $2000. 541-306-0383 new, been stored.

$10,950. 541-419-5060


<i . U

Please check you d on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes instructions over the phone are mis- I understood and an error can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as soon as we can. If we can assist you please call us: 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified


well, 2982 Hours, Aircraft, Parts

$3500, call


& Service


Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, a uto. trans p s a i r frame on rebuild, repainted original blue, original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. chrome, asking $9000 or make offer. 541-385-9350

Peterbilt 359 p o table water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp U hoses, FAST66 Ranchero! p ump, 4 - 3 O Sunriver. H o urly camlocks, $ 2 5,000. $7500 invested rental rate (based upon 541-820-3724 sell for $4500! approval) $775. Also: Call 541.382.9835 S21 hangar avail. for Find exactly what s ale, o r l e ase O you are looking for in the $15/day or $ 325/mo. 541-948-2963 CLASSIFIEDS

1/3 interest in Columbia 400, $150,000 located

BOATS &RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles




Automotive Parts, Weekend Warrior Toy FIAT 1800 1978, S-spd, Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Service & Accessories door panels w/flowers Hi-Lo 17' TowLite, 2006, fuel station, exc cond. Laredo 2009 30' with 2 8 hummingbirds, U 2500lbs, easy tow, loaded, sleeps 8, black/gray slides, TV, A/C, table white soft top 8 hard w e l l -14 mag wheels, used 6 like new. $9500 obo. i nterior, u se d 3X , & c h airs, s a tellite,1 /3 interest i n IFR Beech Bo- mo., w/Toyo s n ow top. Just reduced to 541-385-5781 / 337-6396 Arctic pkg., p o wer equipped $19,999 firm. $3,750. 541-317-9319 nanza A36, new 10-550/ tires. Pd $500, sell awning, Exc. cond! 541-389-9188 300 obo. Pam o r or 541-647-8483 prop, located K BDN. $ Mathias, 541.923.6303 $65,000. 541-419-9510 Looking for your 932 next employee? Antique & Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and Classic Autos reach over 60,000 readers each week. Keystone Sprinter Ford Galaxie 500 1963, MONTANA 3585 2008, Your classified ad 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 31', 2008 exc. cond., 3 slides, will also appear on 1/5th interest in 1973 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 King size walkking bed, Irg LR, bendbulletin.com Cessna 150 LLC 1921 Model T radio (orig),541-419-4989 around bed, electric Arctic insulation, all which currently re150hp conversion, low awning, (4) 6-volt Delivery Truck Ford Mustang Coupe options $35,000. ceives over 1.5 miltime on air frame and batteries, plus many Restored 8 Runs 1966, original owner, 541-420-3250 lion page views evengine, hangared in more extras, never $9000. V8, automatic, great ery month at no Bend. Excellent persmoked in, first Where can you find a 541-389-8963 shape, $9000 OBO. extra cost. Bulletin formance &affordowners, $21,500. 530-515-81 99 helping hand? Classifieds Get Reable flying! $6,500. sults! Call 385-5809 541-382-6752 From contractors to Call 541-410-5415 Chevrolet Cameo or place your ad Ford Ranchero yard care, it's all here People Look for Information Pickup, 1957, on-line at 1979 disassembled, frame About Products and in The Bulletin's P ioneer 2 3 ' 190 F Q bendbulletin.com with 351 Cleveland powder coated, new Services Every Daythrough 2006, EZ Lift, $9750. "Call A Service modified engine. front sheet metal, cab 541-548-1096 The Sullefin Classiffeds Body is in restored. $9995 firm. BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Professional" Directory excellent condition, Call for more info, Search the area's most Executive Hangar 29 7LK Hi t ch- at Bend Airport (KBDN) 541-306-9958 (cell) $2500 obo. comprehensive listing of NuWa Hiker 2007, 3 slides, 60' wide x 50' d eep, 541-420-4677 classified advertising... 32' touring coach, left real estate to automotive, kitchen, rear lounge, w/55' wide x 17' high biNatural gas heat, merchandise to sporting extras, beautiful fold dr. bathroom. Adjacent goods. Bulletin Classifieds many c ond. inside 8 o u t , offc, Frontage Rd; great every day in the $32,900 OBO, Prinev- to Prowler 2009 Extreme appear visibility for aviation busiprint or on line. ille. 541-447-5502 days ness. Financing availE dition. Model 2 7 0 Call 541-385-5809 8, 541-447-1641 eves. able. 541-948-2126 or RL, 2 slides, opposChevy C-20 Pickup Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 ing in living area, ent. www.bendbulletin.com email 1jetjock©q.com 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; engine, power everycenter, sep. bedroom, 396, model thing, new paint, 54K A rcher 1 9 8 0, auto 4-spd, The Bulletin 2 new e x tra t i res, t Piper /all options, orig. original m i les, runs SBCHDRCentral Oregan StOCB9903 based in Madras, al- CST hitch, bars, sway bar owner, $19,950, great, excellent condiways hangared since 882 541-923-6049 tion in & out. Asking included. P r o-Pack, new. New annual, auto anti-theft. Good cond, $8,500. 541-480-3179 Fifth Wheels Chevy 1955 PROJECT pilot, IFR, one piece 'til Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th c lean. Req . car. 2 door wgn, 350 d' windshield. Fastest Ar4/20/15. $19, 9 00. CAMEO LXI 2003 35' wheel, 1 s lide, AC, p block w/Weiand 541-390-1122 TV,full awning, excel- cher around. 1750 to- small Onan generator, 3 t i me . $6 8 ,500. dual quad tunnel ram skslra@msn.com lent shape, $23,900. tal slides, Fantastic fan 541-475-6947, ask for with 450 Holleys. T-10 extras, very nice; plus 541-350-8629 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Rob Berg. a 2001 Dodge 3500 Weld Prostar wheels, RV RV dually diesel. $47,000. extra rolling chassis + GMC 1966, too many CONSIGNMENTS CONSIGNMENTS 541-548-0625. extras. $6500 for all. extras to list, reduced to Trucks & WANTED WANTED 541-389-7669. $7500 obo. Serious buyWe Do The Work ... Heavy Equipment We Do The Work ... ers only. 541-536-0123 You Keep The Cash! j~r.r %M4 a~ You Keep The Cash! On-site credit On-site credit approval team, approval team, web site presence. web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 Free Advertising. by Carriage, 4 slides, Chevy Wagon 1957, BIG COUNTRY RV BIG COUNTRY RV GMC Y2ton 1971 Onl Bend: 541-330-2495 inverter, satellite sys, Diamond Reo Dump 4-dr., complete, Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: fireplace, 2 flat screen Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 $7,000 OBO, trades. $19 700r Original low Redmond: 541-548-5254 mlle e x ceptlonal 3rd TVs. $54,950 yard box, runs good, Please call 541-548-5254 541-480-3923 $6900, 541-548-6812 541-389-6998 owner. 951-699-7171 •

Dodge R a m 2500 Mercedes 450SL, 1977, 2006, 4x4, dsl, t ow 113K, 2nd owner, gapkg, bed liner. r aged, b o t h top s . Vin ¹716973 $11,900. 541-389-7596 $17,788


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


Ram 2500HD 2003 hemi, 2WD, 136K, auto, CC,

am/fm/cd. $7000 obro. 541-680-9965 /390-1285 Titan

$19,995 obo. 541-410-6183.

GMC Sierra 1500 2009, White, under 50K mi. 4x4. Vin ¹159434

Call for Details


Plymouth B a r racuda Hwy 20, Bend. 1966, original car! 300 2060 NE 877-266-3821 hp, 360 V8, centerDlr ¹0354 lines, 541-593-2597 PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Chevy Coupe 1950 rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, complete car, $ 1949; Cadillac Series 61 1950, 2 dr. hard top, complete w /spare f r on t cl i p ., $3950, 541-382-7391

Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed,hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809

G MC Sierra S L T 2006 - 1500 Crew Sport Utility Vehicles ~ Cab 4x4, Z71, exc. cond., 82 k m i les, $19,900. 541-408-0763

Check out the classifieds online www.bendbulletin.com Dodge Dakota Quad Cab SLT 2006, 4x4, Updated daily 20's, low miles. Vin ¹653072

Call for Details T-BIRD 1988

S port

coupe, 34,400 orig. mi., A/C, PW, PL, new tires/brakes/hoses/ belts & exhausts. Tan w/tan interior. Immaculate! $4,995. Days 541-322-4843,

dfj® SUBARU. I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. t on dually, 4 s p d. 877-266-3821 trans., great MPG, Dlr ¹0354 could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 9UBBRUOBBBHD COM

541-41 9-5480.

Eves 541-383- 5043

Ford Explorer 2002, XLT A u t o 4 Wheel Leather, Power Roof

Trailer pkg, one owner n on s m oker, n e w N issan Pickup 1 9 91 Michelins plus set of VW BUG1972 rebuilt 2WD/4Cyl Auto. Runs studs brakes differeneng, new Paint, tires, great. Extras. $3700. tial guara nteed. chrome whls, 30 mpg, 541-316-1367 $6400 Jack $3800 541-233-7272' IloQeMore Pix at Bendbulleun.o


Time to deCIUtter? Need SOme eXtra CaSh? Need SOmeeXtra SPaCethe garage?




II II a% •W • I&

List one Item* in The Bulletin's

• IW •I


mr M

Oldsmobile Alero 2004, classic 4-dr in showroom condition, leather, chrome wheels, 1 owner, low miles. $7500. 541-382-2452


n se


Off-Road, beautiful inside and out, metallic black/charcoal leather, loaded, 69k

Classifieds for three days for FREE. PLUS, your ad appears in PRINT and

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The Bulletin

To receive yourFREE CLASSIFIED AD,call 385-5809 or visit The Bulletin office at: 1777 SW Chandler Ave. (Of) Bef)d's west side) *Offer allows for 3 lines of text only. Excludesall service, hay, wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets, weapons, rentals andemployment advertising, andall commercial accounts. Must be anindividual item under $200.00 andprice of individual item must beincluded in the ad. Ask your Bulletin SalesRepresentative about special pricing, longerrunschedules andadditional features. Limit1 ad per item per30 daysto be sold



~Sport Utility Vehicles

Autom o biles

Automobiles •


Porsche Carrera 911 CHECK YOUR AD 2003 convertible with Please check your ad hardtop. 50K miles, on the first day it runs new factory Porsche to make sure it is cormotor 6 mos ago with rect. Sometimes in18 mo factory wars tructions over t h e Hyundai Sonata GLS ranty remaining. Toyota C o r olla L E Ford Explorer Limphone are misunder- 2012, Low miles, well 2011, Air, w i n d ow, $37,500. ifed 2006, RV Tow stood and an e rror equipped, clean. 541-322-6928 locks, cruise. Vehicle, Exc. Cond. can occur in your ad. Vin ¹321163 Vin ¹630707 Flat Tow, Remote If this happens to your $15,488 Call for Details Start MBG Air Tow ad, please contact us B rake Syst e m , the first day your ad 4 @ S U B A R U . ~SUBARU. Lights Wired Breakappears and we will 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. away switch, Roadbe happy to fix it as 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 master Tow H itch s oon as w e c a n . Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 3M Clearguard, AlDeadlines are: WeekSubaru Legacy Sedan ways Garaged, 32k days 12:00 noon for 2008, 6 cyl., spoiler, mi., Camel Leather Take care of next day, Sat. 11:00 leather, under 45k mi. Interior $17 , 9 95. a.m. for Sunday; Sat. your investments Vin ¹207281 541-480-7837 12:00 for Monday. If Call for Details with the help from we can assist you, please call us: The Bulletin's S UBA R U Want to impress the 541-385-5809 Mazda 2 2011, power 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. "Call A Service relatives? Remodel The Bulletin Classified window, power locks, 877-266-3821 your home with the Professional" Directory tilt, cruise. Dlr ¹0354 help of a professional Vin ¹124358 from The Bulletin's WHEN YOU SEE THIS $11,988 "Call A Service Malibu 2009 S UBA RU. ~ Oo Professional" Directory Chevy BUBRRUOPBRNO COM 43k miles, loaded, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. studs on rims/ Toyota Highlander 2012 On a classified ad 877-266-3821 Asking $12,900. Ltd, dk blue, 16k mi. Dlr ¹0354 go to 541-610-6834. Subaru Outback 2.5i www.bendbulletin.com ¹118390 $37,995 2005, very low miles, to view additional very clean. Garage Sales photos of the item. Vin ¹372139 BUBRRUOPBRNO COM




WOW! ©


AutoSource 541-598-3750 aaaoregonautosource.com


Garage Sales Garage Sales Find them in The Bulletin

good stuff, 6 speed auto, w/ paddle and manuel shift, exc. utility, pretty, and a B LAST t o dri v e . $19,500. Call 541-504-8770


$5995 541-350-5373


$2200 OBO.






Call for Details




2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


Central Oregon Law E nforcement Ser vices (COLES) will hold a public meeting on May 16, 2013 at 12:00 pm at the Redmond Police Department, 777 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond, Oregon for the purpose of oral a nd w r itten c o m m ents to t h e p r o posed 2013-14 budget. C opies of the proposed budget may b e o b tained f r o m Captain Tim Edwards at t h e De s c hutes County Sheriff's Office. Deschutes C o u nty c onducts publ i c meetings in locations which are wheelchair


LEGAL NOTICE Estate of ELMER J. HOUSER. N O T ICE TO INTE R ESTED PERSONS. Cas e Number: 13PB0035. Notice: Th e C i r cuit Court of the State of

...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!

Vin ¹331045

~ The Bulletin ~

L'"" '" "

Tick, Tock Tick, Tock...

Subaru Outback 2.5i 2006, low miles, premium, AWD.


Oregon, f o r the Toyota Camry 1 992, County of Deschutes, has appointed Diane tune it up & drive it, or parts car. Transmission & I The Bulletin recomH L. Eaton as Personal engine work; body rough, mends extra caution f Representative of the good i nterior. $ 450. when p u r chasing ~ E state of E l mer J . 541-771-6266 Houser, d e c eased. f products or services All persons having from out of the area. Nissan Sentra 2012 Toyota Camrysr J S ending c ash , claims against said Full warranty, 35mpg, estate are required to checks, or credit in1984, SOLD; 520 per tank, all power. p resent th e s a m e, formation may be I $13,500. 541-788-0427 19S5 SOLD; with proper vouchers / subject to FRAUD. 1 986parts car to the Personal RepFor more i nformaonly one left! $500 f tion about an adverTURN THE PAGE resentative, c/o Melissa P. Lande, Bryant, Call for details, tiser, you may call For More Ads 541-548-6592 I the Oregon State I Lovlien & Jarvis, PC, The Bulletin Attorney General's 1 5 91 SW M i l l V i e w C o nsumer I Way, Bend, Oregon Toyota Corolla 2004, Office 9 7702 w i t hin f o u r Porsche 944 Turbo 1987 auto., loaded, 204k f Protection hotline at months from the date 108k, white/maroon, ga- miles. orig. owner, non 1-877-877-9392. of first publication of raged. 541-926-1412 for smoker, exc. c o nd. this notice as stated appt., runs & looks great, $6500 Prin e ville SerVing Central Oregan RrOCU1903 below, or they may be $7,000. 541-526-1412 503-358-8241 barred. Al l persons whose rights may be affected by this pro~ E P U R LIC ceeding may obtain additional information NOTICES from the records of the court, th e P e rI MPO R TA N T sonal Representative, or the Attorney for the Personal RepresentaAn important premise upon which the principle of tive. Dated and first published Ma y 5, democracy is based is thatinformation about 2013. Personal Repgovernment activities must be accessible in order resentative: Diane L. for the electorate fo make well-informed decisions. Eaton, PO Box 112258, C a m pbell, Public notices provide this sort of accessibility fo California 95011. Attorney for P ersonal citizens who want fo know more about government Representative: Melactivities. issa P. Lande, OSB ¹91349, Bryant, LovRead your Public Notices daily in The Bulletin lien & J arvis, P.C., 591 S.W. Mill View classifieds or go fo wvvvv.bendbulletin.comand Way, Bend, Oregon click on "Classified Ads" 97702, T e l ephone: (541) 382-4331, Fax: (541) 389- 3 386, Email: lande@bljlawThe Bulletin yers.com.


f J


a ROWI N G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory




The Bulletin

Ford Taurus wagon 2004, very nice, pwr everything, 120K, FWD, good tires, $4900 obo. 541-815-9939

Hyundai Elantra Ltd 2012, loaded, leather, low miles.

Buick LeSabre 1996 Good condition, 121,000 miles. Non-smoker

Vehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Ask about our "Whee/ Deal"! for private party advertisers


complete in 8 out. Asking $16,000. 541-504-3253


Chrysler Sebring 2004 PDL, CD player, 67K mi, 84k, beautiful dark gray/ $8600 obo. 971-237-71 73 brown, tan leather int.,

Get your business

Buick Invicta 1959! 2 door hardtop, 99.9%

Sell them in The Bulletin Classifieds

PS, PB, tilt, auto, PW,

$2800. 541-306-6937

Wouldn't you really like to drive a Buick? Bob has two 75,000 mile Buicks, priced fair, $2,000-$6000. Remember, t h e se cars get 30mpg hwy! 541-318-9999

Just too many collectibles?

Mitsubishi Lancer 2008,

Ford E150, 2002, immaculate, 144K, $4995; consider trade for nice travel trlr. 541-610-6150 Ford Taurus, 1999, 91K, professionally maint'd,

Nissan Quest 2000, 7-passenger mini van, red, new tires & license, decent cond., lowprice of $2495.Check this one out. 541-318-9999

Dlr ¹0354

24K mi., with lots of

accessible and provides reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. For persons who are deaf, or who have hearing or speech impairments, dial 7-1-1 to access the State transfer relay service for TTY. The County will provide an interpreter for hearing impaired persons who give at least 48 hours notice of the request. Written i n f ormation will be made available in large print or audio format. To request these services, please c a ll (541)

Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com


M ini Cooper S 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 C lubman 2 0 09,

Little Red Corvette Coupe, 1996, 350, auto, 26-34 mpg, 132K $12,500/offer. 541-923-1781


Looking for your next employee?

g® S UBA R U .



Lumina Van 1 99 5 , X LNT c o nd., w e l l cared for. $2000 obo.

Call for Details


Ford 1-ton extended van, Classifieds 1995, 460 engine, set-up f or c o n tractor w i t h 541-385-5809 shelves & bins, fold-down ladder rack, tow hitch, 180K miles, new tranny & brakes; needs catalytic converter & new windshield. $2200.

Ford Aerostar 1994 Eddie Bauer Edition Fully Loaded, Mint Condition! Runs Excellent! $3000. 541-350- I 201



Legal Notices

Vin ¹271938 $18,788


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com

Find It in

The Bulletin Classifieds! 541-385-5809 LEGAL NOTICE E state o f HA R R Y GENT. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS. Case Number: 13PB0038. N o t ice: The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Des-


gypfR Dyrtas y RgPOE solid 4-dr counters surtace micro, Id e,convectionrn er 'ceb'It-inwasher/drye, 7J,O UD, ralnictiiefloor,7J, satellitedish,airleveli ng s-through storage sizebe tray,andakingsi -Ailforonly $149,000 541-000-000


Little Red Corvette


©PgetAL' Ad runs Ils of Up

to 12 months ~f/I/hiCheVef



onver "pe 350 a t,

"'" »2m;,

4mPg Ad„ "'Ptfo an nterestingf o howmuch giri couldh a sweet car lrke thrs~

$12,500 541-000-000


CPmeS <ff> ' Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, full color photo, bold italics headline and price. • Daily PubliCatiOn in The Bulletin, read by Over 76,000 SubSCriberS. • Weekly publication in Central Oregon Marketplace — DELIVERED to over

31,000 non-subscriber households • Weekly publication in The Central Oregon Nickel Ads - 15,000 distribution throughout Central and Eastern Oregon

* A $290 value based on an ad with the same extra features, publishing 28-ad days in the above publications. Private party merchandise ads only, excludes pets, real estate, rentals, and garage sale categories.

chutes, h a s appointed Kath l een Garmon as Personal Representative of the Estate of Harry Gent, deceased. A l l p e rsons having claims against said e state are r e q uired to present the s a me, with proper vouchers to the Personal Representative, c/o John D. Sorlie, Bryant, Lovlien 8 Jarvis, PC, 591 SW Mill View Way, Bend, Oregon 97702 within four m o nths from the date of first publication of this no-

tice as stated below, or t he y m a y be barred. A l l p ersons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the P ersonal Representative, or the Attorney for the Personal Representative. Dated and first p ublished April 2 1 , 2013. Personal Representative: Kathleen Garmon, 19380 C herokee Road , Bend, Oregon 97702. Attorney for Personal Representative: John D. So r l ie , OSB ¹95045, Bryant, Lovlien & J arvis, P.C., 5 91 SW M i l l V i e w Way, Bend, Oregon 97702, T e l ephone: (541) 382-4331, Fax: (541) 389- 3 386, Email: sorlie © bljlawyers.com.

L e g al Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

you may call t he r ate of 5 . 00% i s Oregon State Bar's owing from October Lawyer Ref e rral 23, 2012 until paid. Service at ( 5 0 3) In addition to these 684-3763 or toll-free amounts, returned P ERSONS. Cas e check charges, apNumber: 13PB0044. in Oregon at (800) praisal fees, tax adNotice: The C i rcuit 452-7636. The r el ief sought in t h e vances, a t t o rney Court of the State of fees, p r epayment Oregon, f o r the C omplaint i s th e premium, late fees County of Deschutes, f oreclosure of t h e and other costs of has appointed property located at 21890 Bear Creek collection, including Lawrence Growney as the cost of Personal Representa- R oad, Bend, O R 97701. Date of First $2,830.00 f o r a tive of the Estate of f oreclosure g u a rRobert E. Growney, Publication: April 28, antee, are owing as d eceased. Al l p e r - 2013. McCarthy & p ermitted by l a w . sons having claims Holthus, LLP, RusWHEREFORE, the against the estate are sell Whittaker, OSB u ndersigned S u c required to p r esent ¹ 115540, 920 S W cessor Trustee will the same, with proper 3rd Avenue, First Floor, Portland, OR sell the interest in vouchers to the Perthe property which sonal Representative, 97204, Phone: (877) Ext . the Grantor had the c/o David E. Petersen, 369-6122, power to convey at Merrill O'S u l livan, 3370, Fax: ( 5 03) rwh i t the time of execuLLP, 805 SW Indus- 6 94-1460, taker@mccarthytion by Grantor of t rial Way, Suite 5 , the Deed of Trust, B end, O R 97 7 0 2 , holthus.com, Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. by public auction at within four m o nths 10:00 a . m . on from the date of first Tuesday, Septempublication of this noLEGAL NOTICE N OTICE O F D E ber 10, 2013, at the tice as stated below, front entrance of the or t he y m a y be FAULT AND ELECS EL L Deschutes County barred. All p ersons T ION T O C ourthouse, 1 1 0 0 whose rights may be AND T R USTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE. NW Bond Street, in affected by this prothe City of B e nd, ceeding may obtain Reference is made to that certain Deed Deschutes County, additional information Oregon. N O T ICE from the records of of Trust, Security AsIS FURTH E R t he court, the P e r- Agreement, G IVEN t h a t t he sonal Representative, signment of Leases grantor, the or the Attorney for the and Rents Band Fixgrantor's s u c cesPersonal Representa- ture Filing ( Deed of T rust") g iven b y sors in interest to all tive. Dated and first p ublished April 2 8 , Luxury Est a t es, or any part of the 2013. Personal Rep- LLC, a C a l ifornia property, any beneficiary under t he resentative: Lawrence limited liability coms ubordinate tr u st G rowney, 1215 F i - pany, as Grantors, deed, and any peresta Way, Twin Falls, t o A m eriTitle, a s Trustee for the benson having a suborIdaho 83301. Attord inate lien or e n ney for Personal Rep- efit of Washington Mutual Bank, a fedcumbrance of resentative: David E. record on the propPetersen, OSB eral association, as Beneficiary. The erty, have the right ¹82104, Merrill O'Sullivan, LLP, 805 under ORS 86.753 Deed of Trust was recorded on August t o have th e p r oSW Industrial Way, ceeding dismissed S uite 5, B e nd, O r - 9, 2007, as Docu200 7 a nd the Deed o f egon 97702, Office: m ent N o Trust reinstated by 43812, Records of ( 541) 389-1770 o r payment of the enFacsimile: (541) Deschutes County, t ire a mount t h e n 389-1777, Email: redOregon. In September 2008, the Feddue, together with sideOmerrill-osullicosts, trustee's and van.com. eral Deposit Insurance C o rporation, a ttorney's fees as p ermitted by l a w , acting as r eceiver Tick, Tock for Wash i ngton and by curing any other default comM utual Bank a n d Tick, Tock... plained of in the nopursuant to its autice of d efault, at t hority u nder t h e ...don't let time get any time prior to five Federal Deposit Inaway. Hire a days before the date surance A ct , 12 U.S.C. 5 1821(d), last set for the sale. professional out D ATED: April 1 6 , acquired the Deed of The Bulletin's 2 013. S U SAN T . o f Trust an d t h e ALTERMAN, SUC"Call A Service promissory note it secures. The benCESSOR Professional" T RUSTEE, K E L L , eficial interest unDirectory today! A LTERMAN & d er the D eed o f RUNSTEIN, L.L.P., Trust was assigned LEGAL NOTICE by the Federal De520 S.W. YAMHILL S TREET, SUI T E IN THE C IRCUIT posit Insu r ance C OURT O F T H E Corporation, as Re600, P O RTLAND, OREGON S TATE O F OR ceiver for WashingE GON FOR T H E ton Mutual Bank, to 97204-1329 503.222.3531. COUNTY OF DESFannie Mae by AsCHUTES. THE signment of Deed of BANK O F NEW Trust, Secu r ity LEGAL NOTICE Y ORK MEL L O N Agreement, AsNotice of intent to apF/K/A THE BANK signment of Leases ply to d e molish a OF NEW YORK, AS and Rents and Fixdesignated h i s toric T RUSTEE FOR ture Filing recorded r esource. Notice is THE HOLDERS OF o n November 8 , hereby given that the THE CERT I F I2012 as Document property owner at 809 C ATES, FIRS T No. 2 0 1 2-044888, NW Florida intends to H ORIZON M O R T R ecords of D e s - apply for a permit to GAGE PASSchutes County, Ordemolish the rear out T HROUGH C E R egon. The Deed of building (garage) T IFICATES SETrust covers a parwhich is a registered RIES FHASI cel of l and c omhistoric resource. As 2006-4, BY F IRST m only known a s r equired b y Be n d HORIZON H O ME 1260 N E P u r cell Code "Preservation of L OANS, A DI V I B lvd, B e nd, O R Historic R e sources" SION O F F I R ST 97701, and m o re this structure is availTENNESSEE BANK specifically deable for rent or purNATIONAL ASSOscribed as follows: chase fo r r e moval. CIATION, MASTER Parcel 2 of Partition Although it is listed as SERVICER, IN ITS Plat No. 1 990-64, a garage it doesn't CAPACITY AS filed December 5, have a garage door AGENT FOR THE 1990, being a porand will not fit a car. If TRUSTEE UNDER tion of th e N o rthyou would like to eiTHE POO L I NG east Quarter of the ther rent or purchase AND S E R VICING Northwest Quarter this structure for reAGREEMENT, ( NE1/4NW1/4) o f moval please contact through their loan Section Thirty-four me in writing with a servicing agent NA(34), Tow n ship bid proposal at the T IONSTAR MO R T Seventeen (17) following ad d r ess: GAGE LLC, PlainSouth, Range Vince Rowley, 3423 Twelve (12) East of t iff, vs. BRIAN D . 12th Ave. West, SeO RTMAN; JON I the Willamette Meattle, WA 98119. LEININGER; ridian, D e s chutes WASHINGTON County, Oregon. By PUBLIC NOTICE M UTUAL BAN K ; Appointment of The Bend Park & RecBRAD O R T MAN; Successor Trustee reation District Board O CCUPANTS O F recorded on April 3, of Directors will meet THE P R OPERTY, 2013 as Document in a work session and Defendants. Ca se No. 2 0 1 3-013492, regular busi n ess No.: 12C V 0873. R ecords of D e s meeting on Tuesday, SUMMONS BY chutes County, OrMay 7, 2013, PUBLICATION. To: egon, B e neficiary D istrict Office,at 7the 99 Brad D . O r t man. appointed Susan T. SW Columbia, Bend, You are hereby reAlterman, an attorO regon. The w o r k quired to a p pear ney who is an acsession will begin at a nd d e fend t h e tive member of the 5:30 p .m . A g enda C omplaint file d Oregon State Bar, items include a report against you in the as Succ e ssor on Riverbend Park above entitled Trustee of the Deed summer man a gecause within thirty of Trust. There is a ment, a d i s cussion default in the obli(30) days from the about commercial acdate of service of gation secured by tivity in parks, and an thissummons upon the Deed of Trust, update on the Pine you, and in case of which consists, in Nursery development. your failure to do so, part, of the failure to The board will confor want t h ereof, pay when due the duct a regular busiPlaintiff will apply to following ins t allness meeting beginthe court for the rements of principal, ning at 7:00 p.m. to lief demanded in the i nterest an d im consider approval of Complaint. NOTICE pounds by their due R esolution No. 3 5 4 TO D E F ENDANT: dates: September 1, the SDC fee READ THESE PA2012, $ 6 , 095.50; setting schedule, a contract PERS CA REO ctober 1 , 2 0 1 2 , award for Pine NursFULLY! You must $6,095.50; Novemery Phase 1 building "appear" in this case ber 1, 2012, construction and apor the other side will $6,095.50; Decemproval of th e s kate win a u tomatically. ber 1, 2012, park design. The May To "appear" you $6,095.50; January 7, 2013, agenda and must file with t he 1, 2013, $6,095.50; m eeting report a r e court a legal paper February 1, 2 013, posted on the district's called a "motion" or $6,095.50; March 1, B "answer." The mo2013, $9, 8 40.87 website: www.bendparksandrec.org. For tion" or "answer" (or and April 1, 2013, more information call "reply") m ust b e 9,840.87. B y r e a541-389-7275. son of t hese d egiven to the court clerk or administrafaults, B e neficiary tor within 30 days of has declared the The Bulletin is your the date of first pubentire unpaid ballication sp e c ified ance of the obligaEmployment herein along w ith tion secured by the the required filing Deed of Trust to be Marketplace fee. I t must be in due and p a yable and has elected to p roper form a n d Call have proof of sersell the property to vice on the plaintiff's satisfy the obliga5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9 a ttorney or, i f t h e tion. The principal a mount owing i s p laintiff does n o t to advertise. have an a ttorney, $884,629.74. In addition to the prinproof of service on the plaintiff. If you cipal amount owing, www.bendbulletin.com have questions, you interest at the rate should see an attorof 6.80% is owing ney immediately. If from August 1, 2012 you need help in until paid, and deSOPPiOg Central Oregan SrOCO 1903 finding an attorney, fault interest at the LEGAL NOTICE Estate of ROBERT E. GROWNEY. NOTICE TO INT E RESTED

The Bulletin

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