Serving Central Oregon since1903 $1.50
SUNDAY January6,2013
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Bioscience companiesbuckthe downsizing trend, E1 TODAY'S READERBOARD
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A sky lad atlast — 2013 will be a year of science, not setbacks, on the International
By Scott Hammers
Space Station, NASA says.A3
The Bulletin
Deep snow, good driving conditions and a few fortunate twists of the calendar all contributed to what appears to have been a robust holiday season for tourism in Central Oregon. A lana Hughson, president of t h e
Central Oregon Visitors Association, said her organization's preliminary survey of lodging companies, restaurants and others dependent on winter tourism suggestsvisitor numbers were up modestly this year. Companies that rent houses, condos and other larger lodging units saw 4-15 percent improvement in
occupancy this year, she said, while hotels lagged behind but were still up from the same period in 2011-12. Hughson said houses and condos often do better than hotels during the period surrounding Christmas, as familiesand other large groups seek out more spacious accommodations for an
extended stay. Having Christmas fall on a Tuesday in 2012 likely helped boost tourist num-
bers, Hughson said, giving families that waited until schools let out Dec. 20 or 21 to head to Central Oregon a few extra days to spend in the area. See Tourism /A5
'Do-nothing'Congress? — Perhaps, but two authors try to knock down some mis-
conceptions about thepast session, andthe oneto come. A4
The eCOnOmy —Is the "fiscal cliff" deal setting the U.S. on a path to austerity?Al And analysis of the legislation's wider impact into 2013,E1
S •
• •
Portland terror trial-
g -
This week, defenseattorneys attempt to present a different image of the suspect in the 2010 tree-lighting bomb plot.B3
ln national news —Plans under consideration to address
gun violence go far beyondan assault weapons ban.A2
And a Wed exclusiveThe thrill is back for many
Americans asObama's second inauguration approachesthough maybe a bit less intense.
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From spy to source
to convict By Scott Shane
Kathya Choquez watches as Michelle, 7, tries on a raptor costume at the High Desert Museum. The two were matched through the Central Oregon Partnerships for Youth, which pairs children of incarcerated parents with volunteer mentors who act as friends, confidants, tutors and role models.
New York Times News Service
WASHINGTON — Looking back, John Kiriakou admits he should have known better. But when the FBI called him a year ago and invited him to stop by and "help us with a case," he did not hesitate. In his years as a CIA operative, after all, Kiriakou had worked closely with FBI agents overseas. Just months earlier, he had reported to the bureau a recruiting attempt by someone hebelieved to be an Asian spy. "Anything for the FBI," Kiriakou replied. Only an hour into what began as a relaxed chat with the two agents did he begin to realize just who the target of their investigation was. Finally, the older agent leaned in close and said, by Kiriakou's recollection, "In the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that right now we're executing a search warrant at your house." On Jan. 25, Kiriakou is scheduled to be sentenced to 30 months in prison as part of a plea deal in which he admitted violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act by emailing the name of a covert CIA officer toa freelance reporter, who did not publish it. See Leak/A5
Story by Lily Raff ~ Photos by Joe Kline ~ TheBulletin Editor's note: Some people in this story are not identified by their full names, to protect the privacy of innocent family members.
three counts of attempted sex abuse in the first degree. The victim was a female relative, not yet 14. Julie's husband is now serving a 75-month prison sentence, which could ike any adult, Julie knew, in theory, be shortened to five years for good behavior. that her life could change in an The first night he was gone, Julie got the instant. She could step off a curb, couple's four children — ages 3 months, 1, 4 receive a fatal diagnosis, answer a and 6 — ready for bed. As they knelt down ringing phone with grave news on to pray, the oldest, Michelle, turned to her the other end. mother. "Where's Daddy'?" she asked. "When is he In December 2011, it happened: Her husband finished work, dropped off a rent check coming home?" and drove to the police station to turn himJulie had no idea how to tell her children self in. Six months later, he pled guilty to their father was in jail. And she had no answer
to the second question. Their father hadn't been chargedyet— he could come home the next day, the next week, the next month. Or he couldbe gone formuch, much longer. Those questions were the first of many struggles that Julie has had to face since her husband was arrested. She and her children narrowly avoided having to move into a homeless shelter. They've been cut off from friends. To cope, Julie has relied on instincts she never knew she had. And she has leaned on social programs she didn't know existed. See Support/A6
Science, oncelost, finds anaudience onsocial media By Mary Ann Giordano New York Times News Service
The largest and most sophisticated rover landed safely on Mars and the world's most famous Moon visitor died, but the space
TODAY'S WEATHER Chance of snow High 38, Low 32
Page B6
event that most captured the public's imagination in 2012 involved a journey to Earth. On Oct. 14, YouTube counted 52 million streams of the Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner's su-
personic, record-breaking jump from a balloon 24 miles above the New Mexico desert. YouTube called it "one of the most-viewed live events ever," and it landed at No. 10 on the video-sharing site's
INDEX Business/Stocks E1-6 CommunityLife C1-8 Milestones 02 Pu zzles C6 Dt-6 Calendar B2 Crosswords C6, G2 Obituaries B4 Sp o rts Classified G 1 - 6L ocal 8 State B1-6 Opinion/Books F1-6 TV/Movies C8
year-end trending list. And it was far from the only science storyto go viral. To put it in 140 charactersor less,socialmedia and science found each other in 2012. See Science/A3
Inside • NASAvows a scientific revival, far
above the Earth,A3
4 P We userecycled newsprint AnIndependent
Vol. 110,No. 6, 7 sections
88267 0233 0
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un anma e roa By Philip Rucker
National R i fl e A s sociation that one source said could inThe White House is weigh- clude rallying support from ing a far broader and more Walmart and other gun retailcomprehensive approach to ers for measures that would curbing the nation's gun viobenefit th e i r bus i n esses. lence than simply reinstating White House aides have also an expired ban o n a ssault been in regular contact with weapons and h i gh-capac- advisers to New York Mayor ity ammunition, according to Michael Bloomberg, a politimultiple people involved in the cal independent and an outadministration's discussions. spoken gun-control advocate A working group led by who could emerge as a powerVice President Joe Biden is ful surrogate for the Obama seriously considering m eaadministration's agenda. sures backed by key law enThe Biden group, formed last forcement leaders that would month after the massacre at a require universal background Newtown, Conn., elementary checks for firearm buyers, school that killed 20 children track the movement and sale and six adults, plans to submit of weapons through a national a package ofrecommendations database, strengthen mental to President Barack Obama health checks, and stiffen pen- this month. Once Obama's proalties for carrying guns near posals are set, he plans to lead schools or giving them to mia public-relations offensive to nors, the sources said. generate popular support. "They are very clearly comTo sell such changes, the White House is d eveloping mitted to looking at this issue strategies to work around the c omprehensively," said D a n The Washington Post
Hagel naminatiOn likely —Chuck Hagelappears to have weathered aconcerted and vocal campaign to derail his chances for defense secretary, with President Barack Obama likely to nominate
him as early as aweek away, officials said Friday. Since Hagel's name emerged as acandidate for the Pentagon in early December, conservatives, pro-Israel groups andgay-rights organizations have raised objections. Hagel is aformer Nebraska Republican senator.
Gross,president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, who has been involved in the discussions. The proposals under consideration, he added, are "a deeper exploration than just the assault-weapons ban." In addition to potential legislative proposals, Biden's group has expanded its focus to include measures that would not need congressional approval and could be quickly implemented by executive action, according to interest-group leaders who have discussed options with administration officials. Possibilities include changes to federal mental health programs and modernization of gun-tracking efforts by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The president wants recommendations ready this month. With the start of th e 113th Congress last week, several lawmakers have already filed bills to address gun violence.
Aurara hOme ShOOting —Four people, including a gunman,died early Saturday after a standoff with the police in Aurora, Colo., the site
of a deadly shooting rampage in amovie theater last year. A woman who had escaped from the house told officers hostages had been taken. About 50 officers were called in. The bodies of a woman and two
other men wereinside the home. Noonewas identified. The theater where the mass shooting took place last year is scheduled to reopen Jan. 17. The theater's operator, Cinemark, has been criticized for send-
ing invitations for the reopening to relatives of thosewho werekilled. AlaSka quake —A powerful earthquake sparked a tsunami warning for hundreds of miles of Alaskanand Canadian coastline from the Washington state border, but the alert was canceled when no dam-
aging wavesweregenerated. The magnitude-7.5 quakestruck early Saturday about 60 miles west of Craig, Alaska. Obama VOtemileStane — According to a revised vote count in New York, eight weeksafter the Nov. 6election, Barack Obamais the first president in more than five decades to win at least 51 percent of the national popular vote twice. Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower last
did so in1952 and1956. Nationally, Obama won 65.9 million votes, or 51.1 percent, against Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who took 60.9 million votes and 47.2 percent of the total cast. Obama's 2012 total is 3.6 million votes less than the 69.5 million he got in 2008.
Payaut fOr Ai GOre.— Al Gore maygross about $70 million from the sale of his Current TVnetwork to AI-Jazeera, the cablechannel funded in part by oil-rich Qatar. Al-Jazeera will pay about $500 million for Current TV, including the 20 percent stake held by Gore, 64, ac-
cording to reports. Thenetwork is one of dozens of investments made
A photo marked "not to ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337
by the former vice president since he lost the 2000 presidential race.
Venezuela —Allies of cancer-stricken President Hugo Chavezon
be published" (and it may indeed not havebeenseen publiclyyetl shows a teenage DianaSpencer before she becamePrincess of Wales, with a young friend
Saturday chose to keep the same National Assembly president — a man who could be in line to step in as a caretaker leader in some cir-
'Lf rg
cumstances. Thevote to retain Diosdado Cabello as legislative leader signaled the ruling party's desire to stress unity and continuity amid
growing signs the government plans to postponeChavez's inauguration for a newterm.
j/g '
seated beside her. This photo soon will be featured
in an auction this month in
Plane crash —Rescue crews usedboats and aircraft on Saturday to search for a small plane that disappeared off Venezuelacarrying
Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz .........................541-385-5805 Finance Holly West...........541-383-0321
New Hampshire. Stamped February1981
the CEO of Italy's iconic Missoni fashion house and five other people. But more than a day after the BN-2 Islander aircraft disappeared from
on the back, the photo
radar screens on its short flight from the Venezuelan resort islands of LosRoquestoCaracas,nosignoftheplanehad beenfound.
Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................
TALK TO AN EDITOR Business ............................541-383-0360 City DeskJosephOitzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe ......541-383-0353 Family, At Home Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 DD! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News Editor Jan Jordan....541-383-0315 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 Sporls Bill Bigelow.............541-383-0359
was taken around the time Charles, the Prince of
Wales, and LadyDiana Spencer endedmonths of speculation and announced they were to bemarried.
India targetS pOverty — India has morepoor people than any nation on Earth, but many of its anti-poverty programs end up feeding the rich more than the needy. A new program hopes to change that. On
Jan. 1, India eliminated araft of bureaucratic middlemen bydepositing
The photo came from the
government pension and scholarship payments directly into the bank accounts of about 245,000 people in 20 of the nation's hundreds of dis-
Caren Archive, amajor private RRAuction/TbeAssociated Press collection of rare newspapers andother publications, and was purchased seven years agofrom
tricts, in a bid to prevent corrupt state andlocal officials from diverting
the Daily Mirror newspaper. British media have identified the young man as Adam Russell, the great-grandson of former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.
much of the money to their own pockets. Hundreds of thousands more people will be added to the program in the coming months.
In1981, Dianafirst told news of her engagement to herfriends, then movedout of herapartment Feb.23and into Google and North Korea —Google chief Eric Schmidt's plan to
Buckingham Palace. What was widely labeled the wedding of the century took place on July 29, 1981, at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Their marriage ended in divorce in1996, and Diana died in a Paris car crash in1997.
visit North Korea has put the Obama administration in the awkward
The auction, operated by RRAuction, is scheduled for Jan. 17-24 in Amherst.
position of opposing a champion of Internet freedom who's decided to engage with one of the most intensely censored countries. The U.S. and its allies are seeking harsher penalties against the reclusive
REDMOND BUREAU Street address.......226 N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756 Mailing address.... Po. Box788 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541-504-2336 .................................541 -548-3203
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
Q 26 Q 30Q 49 Q st Q54 The estimated jackpot is now $70 million.
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
O»Oso O »O»0 4s04s The estimated jackpot is now $7.8 million.
communist government, which last month launched along-range rocket in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. U.S. officials are concerned that the high-profile visit, of which few details are
McChrystalbookdetailstension overwar New York Times News Service WASHINGTON — In amemoir, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the former U.S. commander in Afghanistan, writes that tensions between the White House and thePentagon were evident in the Obama administration from its opening months in office. The beginning of President Barack Obama's first t erm "saw the emergence of an unfortunate deficit of trust between the White House and the Department of Defense, largely arising from the decision-making process on Afghanistan," McChrystal writes in the book, titled "My Share of the Task: A Memoir." "The effects were costly." The book by McChrystal, who was fired from his post in 2010 after an article in Rolling Stone quoted him and his staff making dismissive comments about the White House, is likely to disappoint readers who are looking for a vivid blowby-blow account of infighting within t h e a d m i nistration. The book does not provide an account of the White House meeting at which Obama accepted the general'sresignation. McChrystal's tone toward Obama is respectful, and he notes that his w i fe, A nnie, joined the crowd at Obama's inauguration. The book is to be released Monday. An advance copy of the book provides revealing glimpses of the friction over military planning and comes as Obama is weighing, and perhaps preparing to overrule, the troop requests that have been presented by the current U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen. The account is all the more noteworthy since McChrystal, who retired from the Army, remains a respected voice within the military and teaches a course onleadership atYale. A ccording t o t h e b o o k , the tensions began b efore McChrystal took command in
Kabul, Afghanistan. McChrystal describes how he presented his war goaltothe White House as "defeat the Taliban" and was advised to lower his sights to "degrade" the Taliban. McChrystal has little to say about the episode that led to the article in Rolling Stone. He writes that the comments
known, could confuse American allies in Asia. U.S. travel to North Korea is essentially unrestricted.
Contraband-smuggling cat —Guardsthought there was
attributed to his team were "unacceptable" but adds that he was surprised by the tone of the article. As the controversy over the article grew, McChrystal did not seek advice before offering his resignation. The book does not say if he was disappointed w hen Obama accepted it.
something suspicious about a little white cat slipping through a prison gate in northeastern Brazil. A prison official says that when
they caught the animal, they found acellphone, drills, small saws and other contraband taped to its body. The cat was caught New Year's Eve at the medium-security prison in the city of Arapiraca. All of the
prison's 263 inmates aresuspects in the smuggling attempt, though a prison spokesman said, "It will be hard to discover who is respon-
sible, since the cat doesnot speak." — From wire reports
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Sunday, Jan. 6, the sixth day of 2013. There are 359 days left in the year.
Syria —President Bashar Assad, his capital under seige, is set to deliver a speech to the nation — his first since June.
orao ins ace
NIXOtl — The Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba
Linda, Calif., marks what would have been the president's 100th birthday today (three
days before the actual date).
HISTORY Highlight:In 1963, "Oliver!," Lionel Bart's musical adapta-
When's the last time you heard anything cool come out of the International Space Station? News in recent years has focused on maintenance issues, fix-it spacewalks and setbacks. The U.S. space agency promises that will change.
The InternationalSpaceStation
tion of the Charles Dickens novel "Oliver Twist," opened on
Broadway. In1540, England's King Henry Vlll married his fourth wife,
Anne of Cleves. (Themarriage lasted about six months.) In 1759, George Washington and Martha Dandridge Custis
were married in NewKent County, Va. In 1838, Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail gave the first suc-
cessful public demonstration of their telegraph, in Morristown, N.J. In1912, New Mexico became the 47th state. In1919, the 26th president of the United States, Theodore
Roosevelt, died in Oyster Bay, N.Y., at age 60. In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in his State of the
Union address, outlined agoal of "Four Freedoms": Freedom of speech andexpression; the freedom of people to worship God in their own way; freedom
from want; freedom from fear. In1942, the Pan American Air-
ways Pacific Clipper, a flying boat built by Boeing, arrived in New York more than a month after leaving California and fol-
lowing a westward route. In1945, George H.W.Bush married Barbara Pierce. In 1950, Britain recognized the Communist government of China. In1963, "Mutual of Omaha's
Wild Kingdom" premiered on NBC-TV. In 1982, truck driver William Bonin was convicted in Los Angeles of10 of the "Freeway
Killer" slayings of young men and boys. (Bonin was later convicted of four other killings;
he was executed in 1996.) In1993,authorities rescued Jennifer Stolpa and her infant
son, Clayton, after Jennifer's husband, James, succeeded in reaching help, ending the family's eight-day ordeal in the
snow-covered Nevadadesert.
Jazz trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie, 75, died in Englewood, N.J.;
ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev died in suburban Paris at 54.
Teo years ago:Iraqi President Saddam Hussein accused U.N. inspectors of engaging in "intelligence work" instead
of searching for suspected nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in his country. Fiveyearsago:Inavideoposted on the Internet, al-Qaida's
American-born spokesman, Adam Gadahn,urged fighters to meet President George W. Bush with bombs during his upcoming Mideast visit.
One year ago:The Obama administration expanded the FBI's more than eight-de-
cades-old definition of rape to count men as victims for the first time and to drop the re-
quirement that victims physically resisted their attackers.
BIRTHDAYS Retired MLB All-Star Ralph Branca is 87. Author E.L.
Doctorow is 82. Actress Bonnie Franklin is 69. Former FBI director Louis Freeh is 63. Singer Jett Williams is 60. Rock musician Malcolm
Young (AC/DC) is 60.Actorcomedian RowanAtkinson is 58. World Golf Hall of Famer Nancy Lopez is 56. Rhythm-
and-blues singer Kathy Sledge is 54. TV chef Nigella Lawson is 53. Movie director John
Singleton is 45. TVpersonality Julie Chen is 43. Actor Danny
Pintauro ("Who's the Boss?") is 37. NBAplayer Gilbert Arenas is 31. — From wire reports
By Mark K. Matthews
the arrival of new equipment mean the future looks bright. "As the coming year unW ASHINGTON — R i g ht before Christmas, a Russian folds, NASA will continue to rocket carrying three astroconduct important research nauts — one American, one on the International Space StaRussian and one Canadiantion, which continues to yield launched from a chilly space- scientific benefits and provide port in Kazakhstan to begin a key information about how five-month mission to the Inhumans may live and thrive ternational Space Station. in the harsh environment of U nlike many o f i t s p r e - space," NASA leaders wrote in decessors, this crew's job is a year-end status report. straightforward: Do s cience Key is the addition of new — from studying solar rays to equipment. investigating how microgravity affects fish and their bones, Animal experiments which could provide insight By next fall, NASA plans to on why astronauts lose bone send to the station an "Animal density while in space. Enclosure Module" that will "2013 really promises to be allow scientists to study the a productive one," said Chris effects of weightlessness on Hadfield, a Canadian Space rodents — which could help Agency astronaut, after arriv- doctors develop better mediing at the outpost. cines for bone and muscle ailIf that's true, NASA will get ments. The60-pound module one step closer toward finally had flown 23 times aboard the fulfilling the promise of the space shuttle. $100 billion space station that Marybeth Edeen, N A SA was intended to be a ground- manager of the station's nabreaking laboratory circling t ional l aboratory, said t h e about 220 miles above Earth. rodents could be used to test Although critics have ques- drugs intended to treat ostioned why it has taken so teoporosis or i l l nesses that long — work began on the sta- degrade the muscles, such as tion in 1998 — NASA said the Lou Gehrig's disease. new emphasis on science and Similarly, NASA plans to Orlando (Fla J Sentinel
The lnternational Space Station marked its 12th anniversary of
increase the number of plant test beds on the station and add a new "atom lab" in the next couple of years that will be cold enough to slow atomic particles — giving scientists a chance to better study their makeup. Edeen said 2013 also promises to yield results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a van-sized device that's essentially a tube wrapped in powerful magnets. Designed to study interstellar particles, it was flown to the station in 2011 and attached to the outside of the observatory. So far, it has tracked more than 27 billion cosmic rays. Climate researcher Warren Washington, who recently served on a National Academies board that r eviewed N ASA's direction, said t h e station likely will be remembered more for its technological achievements than its scientific ones. In particular, he expected the station to teach NASA a great deal about keeping astronauts alive in space. "As NASA gets ready to go to places like asteroids or Mars, the space-station experience will be very useful," he said.
"(The Mars rover's Twitter account) went from 120,000 on Aug. 4 to over 800,000 followers
continuous humanoccupation in November. Since Expedition 1,whichlaunchedOct.31,2000,anddockedNov.2,thespace station has been visited by more than 200 individuals. Following is the work they have done, in numbers:
The nomder oflaunches tothe station, as of summer 2012: 37 space shuttles, 81 Russian vehicles, three European vehicles, three Japanesevehicles and oneAmerican
1+g C aJ
commercial vehicle. The final space shuttle mission in July 2011,
Atlantis, delivered 4.5 tons of supplies.
The total number of spacewalksto maintain the sp a ce station, totalling more than 1,021 hours. I~ Thavshowlongmtronautswereaveraging
Itotii S each week ooladoratory workas late as
2008, though crews had staffed the station for eightyears by then. After the station was finished, the crew expanded from three
to six in 2009, and last year, astronauts spent about 50 hours a week on science, including research on howmicrogravity affects the human body and observations of Earth's environment.
Theamounteachyeartoaperatethe g 5 biiiiQtt lingering criticism of why NASA didn't better prepare for the station's completion and whether scientific returns are worth the cost.
Sizing up thespacestation It's a hig one:Thespace station, including its large solar arrays, spans the area of a U.S. football field and weighs 861,804 pounds.
A mansion in the sky: Thestation now has more livable room than a conventional five-bedroom house,and hastwo bathrooms, agymnasiumanda360-degreebaywindow. Off-plaoetU.N.: In addition to NASA,Russia, Canada, Europe and Japan all have roles to play on the station. sources: orlando (Fla.) sentinel, Illustration by The Associated Press
• •
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on landing night (Aug.5). And then we hit a million really quickly."
— Veronica McGregor, social media manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"We went from 120,000on Aug. 4to over 800,000 followContinued from A1 ers on landing night," Veronica The supersonic jump was McGregor, the media relations the first time a science-related and social media manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Labosubject made YouTube's top 10 list. Google listed the leap ratory, said of its Twitter acas No. 7 in its Zeitgeist 2012 of count. "And then we hit a miltrending events. lion really quickly." In surprising numbers, The trend is, in some ways, people posted, viewed and self-fulfilling. S o c ia l mesearched for this and other dia platforms are g r owing science-related topics last year in popularity. There is also — sharing news from space more online content, which and undersea, commenting on is becoming more accessible, new discoveries and upload- entertaining an d e n gaging, ing photos and video in a full- Allocca said. Science subjects out embrace of the ability to are also universal, more likely communicate with thousands to attract global audiences. of others about global subjects And people who are interested in real time. in science and technology tend The first Twitter message to be especially comfortable Aug. 5 from @MarsCuriosity, with seeking and sharing inNASA's official rover handle formation in digital ways. — "Gale Crater I Am in You!!!" Still, an epidemic of science — was retweeted more than geekiness seems to have bro72,000 times. Photos of the ken out. space shuttle Endeavour flyThere are more ways for ing over the West Coast, on its followers to engage in events: way to its final resting place, helping to name the rover, or ricocheted across the planet. picking up a C u r iosity ExAnd director James Cameron's plorer badge on Foursquare claim to have sent the "deepest for checking in at a NASA visitweet" — from the Mariana tor center, science museum or Trench, about seven miles be- planetarium. McGregor said low the surface of the Pacificthat NASA, inturn, was paying was rated one of Twitter's "mo- attention to what its fans want. ments of serendipity and just It was learning that with so plain awesomeness" (although many followers just starting to it was actually sent by a friend connect with the whole space above water). Four science-re- thing, the agency needs to prolated events made that list, with vide more basic information. the Mars landing at No. 1. Earthlings have long had a In an age of despair over fascination with the unknown. math and science acuity, it ap- But social media experts say pears that what was once con- people can now feel as if they sidered uninteresting or unare part of the adventure. They fathomable has become cool can watch events live, then inand exciting. corporate the developments in P eople now f eel t hat " i f their "timelines." They can folthey're not paying attention, low science — and not have to they're missing out on some- worry about taking an exam. thing," said Kevin Allocca, the A recent LiveScience artrends manager for YouTube. ticle, "Why We're Mad f or The rover in particular has Mars," tries to explain the picked up followers and likes renewed popularity of Mars. at amazing speed and volume, The answer is simple, noted a although it is the fourth landcommenter,Jerry."People are ing of a U.S. space exploration explorers," he wrote. "That is vehicle on the planet. all the article needed to say."
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u mensa ou e as on ress,an enex By Thomas E. Mann
The 112th: a'do-nothing' Congress?
and Norman J. Ornstein Special To The Washington Post
The just-ended112th Congress passed 219 bills in both the House and Senate over the two-year
When we set out to write a book about the growing extremism in A m e rican politics about 18 months ago, we thought the 112th Congress was the worst we had seen in our four decades in Washington. However, the fight over the debt limit, the fiscal cliff and the farm bill — and the shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration — convinced us it has been the worst Congress ever. We aren't the only ones saying so. Despite i t s dy s f unction, thereare also widespread misconceptions about the 112th Congress and what lies ahead. Let's correct a few of them.
session, the lowest total in the past 42 years of Congress. Consider the (controversial) record of its predecessor, the111th Congress, January 2009-11: The Democratic-controlled chambers passed the stimulus; the health care overhaul; the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill; the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act; an expanded Children's Health Insurance Program;
new anti-tobacco regulations; the NewSTARTnuclear arms reduction treaty; the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell"; and the extension of the Bush-era tax cuts in return for the passage of more stimulus. The divided 112th Congress, January 2011-13, almost shut down the government; almost breached
the debt; almost went over the "fiscal cliff" (which it had designed in the first place, by cutting a trillion dollars of discretionary spending and scheduling another trillion in spending cuts through an automatic
sequester); and, in the House,voted to repeal Obamacare, 33 times. No congressional sessions in recent history have the record of productivity shown during the111th followed by the status quo of the 112th. On the laws' merits, judge them how you will.
Following is a comparison of recent Congresses by the number of bills passed: 6p7 649 I
713 650 623 6 6 4
6 34 p a
Debt-limit "debacles" will
become business as usual in Congress.
498 4az 46p
383 219
The112th Congress was as bad as the 80th "do-noth-
92nd 93rd 94th
ing" Congress during the Truman era. T he comparison may b e completely unfair — to the 80th Congress. Harry Truman's improbablecomeback to win the 1948 presidential election was fueled by his relentless campaign against the "do-nothing" GOP Congress of 1947-48. That Congress had many parallels with the 112th — it pitted a conservative House against a Democratic president. But the 80th Congress was unfairly stuck with the "donothing" label. It enacted a respectable 906 laws, including the Marshall Plan, one of the most consequential initiatives of the 20th century. It created the Defense Department and the National Security Council as part of a sweeping reorganization of our national security apparatus. In contrast, the 112th Congress enacted the smallest number of laws i n m odern history, fewer than 250 (some are still awaiting presidential action). At least 40 of those w ere acts such as post office namings or commemorative resolutions. One of the biggest things to come out of the 112th Congress was the debt-limit
9 5th 9 6th 9 7th 9 8th 9 9th 100th 101st 102nd 103rd 104th 105th 106th 107th 108th 109th 110th 111th 112th
Nixon Ford
C arter
G.W. Bush
'09 n 1
Ob a ma
Sources:Congressional Record, Chicago Tribune Ezra Klein/The Washington Post
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is no Everett Dirksen, and Boehner is no Gerald Ford. Throughout his first term, Obama faced uncompromising opposition. Bold public pronouncements and private talk had little chance of winning GOP votes in 2011 and 2012.
Odama: NO COmpramiSe On debt limit —The president is hailing a last-minute deal that pulled the country back from the "fis-
cal cliff" but warnedthat he "will not compromise" over his insistence that Congress lift the federal debt ceiling. Barack Obama, on a Hawaii vacation, said in his radio address Saturday that the deal
prevents a middle-class tax increase.With onecrisis behind him, Obama faces new battles in Congress over raising the country's $16.4 trillion borrowing limit, as well as scaling back more than
$100 billion in automatic spending cuts. Obama said he is willing to consider more cuts and tax increases to reduce the deficit.
3 showdown, which led to the f irst-ever downgrade of t he nation's credit rating.
gotiations in 2011 to reach a "grand bargain" with House Speaker John B oehner on the debt ceiling. Throughout President Barack Obama and after the fiscal cliff newasn't adept at working gotiations, commentators bewith Congress. moaned a lack of presidential Robert Caro's latest volleadership in speaking honestume about Lyndon Johnson ly to the public about our fiscal prompted much talk about the imbalance and presenting a good old days when presidents plan for controlling entitleplied members of Congress ments and raising revenue. with food and drink and twistBut leadership is contexed arms to achieve national tual. Yesterday's presidents, goals. And Bob Woodward's thrust into today's congreslatest best-seller found Obama sional environment, might be lacking in his high-stakes ne- bewildered an d f r u strated;
a lack of f o llowership, not leadership. Many of his colleagues were far more worried about primary challenges from the right than about pressure from their leaders in Congress.Under these conditions, Boehner's success in getting the Senate's "fiscal cliff" deal to the House floor for an upor-down vote, in spite of the opposition of a majority of Republicans, was an example of effective leadership in the face of severe adversity.
Boehner was the big loser
in the last Congress.
A constant refrain throughout the 112th Congress was t hat Boehner was a w e a k speaker. His 2010 warning to his party colleagues against using the debt limit to force spending cuts went unheeded. Backbenchers routinely objected to leadership compromises anddenied the speaker a majority on the House floor — most recently on his "Plan B" legislation during the fiscal cliff negotiations. His leadership team was more of a threat than a source of support. But Boehner's problem was
5 be as unproductive as the The 113th Congress will
112th. There was not much in the 2012 elections to suggest that the deep pathologies in the American p o litical s y stem have been ameliorated.Republicans retained their majority in the House, and the conference moved furtherto the right. Moreover, the GOP demand for major spending cuts — with th e sequestration, c o ntinuing s p ending resolution and debt-limit deadlines looming in the next two months — suggests that this will be another contentious "do-nothing" Congress. But there are reasons to believe otherwise. Electoral prospects fo r R e p ublicans have dimmed considerably, removing some of the incentives for opposing the president. The election brought a startling opening for a comprehensive immigration bill. New natural gas reserves provide an opportunity to craft a bipartisan approach to energy production and conservation. Gun-control legislation is suddenly more feasible. One more round of spending cuts and revenue i ncreases t otaling about $1 trillion over the next decade, with tax reform a major source of the latter, would at least stabilize the debt-toGDP ratio for th e m edium term and free policymakers to focus on economic growth, and health care delivery and financing reforms. Not all of these things are likely to happen. But if even a few do, it would mean a productive record for the 113th Congress compared with its predecessor. — Mann is a seniorfellow at
From 1960 to August 2011, Congress voted 78 times to increase the debt limit, 49 times under Republican presidents and 29 times under Democratic p r esidents. P olitical gamesmanship was routine: Many lawmakers not of the president's party would oppose increasing the debt limit, claiming fealty to fiscal discipline; partisans of the president would vote aye, noting a responsibility to govern and protect the full faith and credit of the United States. Many of the votes were close and done at the eleventh hour. But as we have noted, the leaders ofbothparties always knew that they would find the votes to keep the U.S. from default. The 2011 faceoff was the first time the minority party used the debt limit as a hostage. In two m o nths, Republicans will try to do it again. But this time should be different. First, the president has made clear that he will not play this game. Second, the business and financial communities, largely absent from the 2011 debate, are speaking up about their opposition t o r o u tine threats not to raise the debt the liberal-leaning Brookdngs limit. Third, the public is more lnstitution, Ornstein a resident aware of the negative conscholar at the conservativesequences of gambling with leaning American Enterprise America's credit. Institute. They are the authors of "It's Even Worse Than It Loohs: So even if early March is gutwrenching, it does not mean How theAmerican Constitutional Congress will again take the System Collided With the New country to the precipice. Politics of Extremism."
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Continued from A1 The law was passed in 1982, aimed at radical publications that deliberately sought to out undercover agents, exposing their secret work and endangering their lives. In more than six decades of fraught interaction between the agency and the news media, Kiriakou is the first current or former CIA officer to be convicted of disclosing classified information to a reporter. Kiriakou, 48, earned numerous commendations in nearly 15 years at the CIA, some of which were spent undercover
Thomas Drake —A former official at the National
Shamal Lelbetlifltt —A former FBIcontract lin-
Security Agency accused of leaking information about waste and mismanagement to The Baltimore
guist accused of disclosing information to a blogger.
overseas chasing al-Qaida and other terrorist groups. He led the team in 2002 that found Abu Zubaydah, a terrorist logistics specialist for al-Qaida, and other militants whose capture in P a kistan was hailed as a notable victory after the Sept. 11 attacks. He got mixed reviews at the agency, which he left in 2004 for a c onsulting job. Some praised his skills, first as an analyst and then as an overseas operative;others considered him a loose cannon. Kiriakou first stumbled into the public limelight by speaking out about waterboarding on television in 2007, quickly becoming a source for national security journalists, including this reporter, who turned up in Kiriakou's indictment last year as Journalist B. When he gave the covert officer's name to the freelancer, he said,he was simply trying to help a writer find a potential source and had no intention or expectation that the name would everbecome public. In fact, it did not surface publicly until long after Kiriakou was charged. He is remorseful, up to a point. "I should never have provided the name," he said Friday in the latest of a series of interviews. "I regret doing it, and I never will do it again." At the same time, he argues, with the backing of some former agency colleagues, that the case — one of an unprecedented string of six prosecutions under President Barack Obama for leaking information to the news media — was unfair and ill-advised as public policy. His supporters are an unlikely collection of old friends, former spies, left-leaning critics of the government and conservative Christian opponents of torture. Whatever his loquaciousness with journalists, they say, he neither intended
Sun and charged with unlawful retention of secrets. Disposition:Prosecutors dropped the felony charges as part of a deal in which Drake pleaded guilty to
amisdemeanor.Hewassentencedtooneyearof probation and community service. ABC News
John Kiriakou first stumbled into the public limelight by speaking out about waterboarding on TV news programs, shown here on ABC in 2007,which made him a go-to source for journalists. to damage national security nor did so. The leak prosecutions have been lauded on Capitol Hill as a long-overdue response to a rash of dangerous disclosures and defended byboth Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder. Neil MacBride, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, hailed Kiriakou's conviction in a statement, saying: "The government has a vital interest in protecting the identities of those involved in covert operations. Leaks of h i ghly sensitive, closely held and classified information compromise national security and can put individual lives in danger." The leak case is a devastating turn for Kiriakou, a father of five who considers himself a patriot, a proud Greek-American from Pennsylvania steel country. After he was charged last January, his wife, though accused of no wrongdoing, resigned under pressure from her CIA job as a top Iran specialist. He said he had paid his defense lawyers more than $100,000 and still owed them $500,000. A fter K i r iakou f i rs t a p peared on ABC, talking with Brian Ross in s ome detail about waterboarding, many Washington reporters sought him out. He was the first CIA officer to speak about the procedure, considered a notorious torture method since the Inquisition but declared legal by the Justice Department in secret opinions that were later withdrawn. Kiriakou, who has given The New York Times permission to describe previously confidential conversations, came across asfriendly, courteous, d isarmingly candid — a n d deeply ambivalent about what the CIA called "enhanced interrogation techniques." From court documents and
Jeffi'e'y Sterllllg — A former CIA official accused of leaking information about aneffort to sabotage lranian nuclear research for a chapter in "State of War." Disposition:Sterling pleaded not guilty. The Justice
Department is appealing several of the judge's
ment analyst accused of leaking information about North Korea to Fox News.
pretrial rulings about evidentiary issues, saying they effectively terminated the case.
gone awry; and Cole had exchanged emails with Kiriakou. The FBI used search warrants to obtain access to Kiriakou's two personal email accounts. According to court documents, FBI agents discovered that in A u gust 2008, Cole — identified as Journalist A in the charging documentshad asked Kiriakou if he knew the name of a covert officer who had a supervisory role in the rendition program, which involved capturing terrorist suspects and delivering them to prison in other countries. Kiriakou at first said he did not recall the name, but followed up the next day with an email passing on the name. Sifton, Cole and federalprosecutors declined to comment.
Disposition:Kim has pleadednot guilty and has not yet gone on trial.
John Kiriakou —A former CIA official accused of
Bradley Manning —An Army intelligence analyst
ficials involved in interrogation of terrorism suspects.
accused of leaking archives of military and diplomatic files to the antisecrecy organization WikiLeaks.
Disposition:Kiriakou pleaded guilty in October to a single violation of the Intelligence Identities
Disposition:Pvt. Manning faces a probable court-
Protection Act and is scheduled to besentenced on
martial later this year.
Jan. 25 to 30 months in prison.
leaking information about the identity of agency of-
interviews, it is possible to piece together how the case against Kiriakou took shape. When he first spoke on ABC in 2007, the CIA sent the Justice Department a so-called "crimes report" — a routine step to alert law enforcement officials to an apparent unauthorized disclosure of classified information. At least half a dozen more re-
ferrals went to Justice as he continued to grant interviews covering similar ground. Then, in 2009, officials were alarmed to discover that defense lawyers for detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, had obtained names and photographs of CI A i n t errogators and other counterterrorism officers, including some
who were still under cover. It turned out the lawyers, working under the name of the John Adams Project, wanted to call the CIA officers as witnesses in future military trials, perhaps to substantiate accounts of torture or harsh treatment. But initial fears that al-Qaida might somehow be able to stalk their previous captors
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Express lift on Dec. 13 — its earliest opening on r ecord, Continued from A1 Goggins said — and keep it Christmas fell on a S u n- open every day between Dec. day in 2011 and a Saturday in 26 and New Year's Day, tradi2010. tionally the busiest days at the Portland schools were on a mountain. slightly different schedule than Approximately 70 percent most of the state this year, said of visitors to Central Oregon Doug La Placa, CEO of Visit arrive in a personal vehicle, Bend. Students in the state's Hughson s a i d , pr i m a r ily largest district were off dur- from other parts of the Pacifing the week before Christmas ic Northwest, and the same and returned to class Jan. 2, he snow that attracts winter visisaid, while nearly every other tors can sometimes keep them district pushed their w inter away if driving conditions are break a week later. treacherous. La Placa said the best gauge La Placa said the promise of the 2012 Christmas holiday of good snow at Mt. Bachelor, won't be ready until February, coupled withclear roads over when lodging operators file the passes, often prompts Wiltheir room tax reports with lamette Valley residents to arDeschutes County. A 7 percent range a wintertime trip to Centax is levied on all overnight tral Oregon at the last minute. "That's the nature of the ski accommodations in the county, with 70 percent of the funding industry; when conditions are directed toward the sheriff's good, people will book vacadepartment and the remainder tions with a very short lead-in divided between Visit Bend and time," he said. COVA for tourism promotion. Dave Nissen, president of Both Hughson and La Placa WanderlustTours,said hiscomsaid the weather during the pany saw increased numbers of roughly two-week span of the visitors signingup for snowshoe Christmas tourist season was and brewery tours this year. nearly ideal. Wanderlust had its own lucky "We've had reports from break in the calendar/astronskiers and boarders and snow omy department: A full moon enthusiasts that they saw some occurred Dec. 28, Nissen said, of the best conditions they've most likely heightening interseen inyears over the holiday est in his company's moonlight season," Hughson said. snowshoe trips throughout the Mt. Bachelor spokesman week after Christmas. Andy Goggins declined to esNissen said there was one timate how its visitor numbers downside to December snows. compared with past years, but Conditions up in the mounsaid the ski area is in a good fi- tains were so good, Wandernancial position coming out of lust had a tough time drumthe most critical few weeks of ming up interest in lower-elthe season. evation pursuits, such as tours "We're t racking p r e t t y of Boyd Cave east of Bend. "You really couldn't ask close to the budget and had a good holiday weather-wise. It for better, and Mom Nature couldn't have set up any bet- treated us w i t h e x t r aorditer. With the storms we've had nary fanfare, just dumping through most of D ecember tremendous amounts of snow running through Christmas through Dec. 25, then it dried and as of the 26th, it cleared up and we had bluebird skies," out and we had amazing con- Nissen said. "There was the ditions and sunny skies all inversion down here that we the way up until today when it all lived through, but up there, started snowing again." it was just spectacular." Good weather allowed Mt. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, Bachelor to open the Summit
drew widespread coverage. FBI agents discovered that a human rights advocate hired by the John Adams Project, John Sifton, had compiled a dossier of photographs and names of the CIA officers; Sifton had exchanged emails with journalists, including Matthew Cole, a freelancer then working on a book about a CIA rendition case in Italy that had
Disposition:Leibowitz pleaded guiltyand was sentenced to 20 months in prison.
StePhen Jin-WDD Kim —A former State Depart-
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"Those things that I never wanted to accept
help from, they've become my biggest support
Continued from A1 One is Central Oregon Partnerships for Youth, a mentor-
systems." — Julie, local mother of four
ing program for children of incarcerated parents run by the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office. Children ages 5 to 15 are paired with mentors who take them on weekly outings. When she first heard of it, Julie was skeptical. She was worried aboutkeeping a roof over her family's head and food on their dinner plates. "How is going on a play date
/' L
Volunteering with COPY Volunteers must be over 21, have a safe driving
record and pass anational background check. Mentors are asked to make a minimum commitment
going to help my kids?" she thought. Today, her two oldest children — Michelle, 7, and William, 5 — are paired with mentors. And these relationships have helped the family in unexpected ways. "With the stress of everyday life, it's helpful just having somebody that my kids can count on for the fun things," she said.
of a few hours eachweek, for one year. Formore information, or to fill out a volunteer application, visit The next volunteer training will take place Jan. 19.
drove Michelle to a little hill across the street from the prison. She parked the car. "That's where your daddy is," Julie said. They counted the windows until they got to the one he'd told Julie was closest to his bed. She pointed out the track that he could run around. Later, Julie drove Michelle past the sign for the prison. She pointed it out, and helped M ichelle read i t o u t l o u d : Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution. "Then I told her that, you
know, some people are going
to call it other things ... (includplain, to understand," she said. ing) jail, prison," Julie said. Kathya Choquez and Michelle play in the snow while on their High Desert Museum outing. Michelle's In a s ense, Julie underHer husband's incarceramother, Julie, said it's comforting to know that another responsible adult is helping to look out for stands the social stigma that tion has forced Julie to speak her daughter. With four young children, it's hard for Julie to spend time alone with Michelle. Ch6quez now clings to her family. with her children about sensi"At the beginning of all of gives the girl some one-on-one attention each week, which makes her feel special. tive, difficult topics. This has An invisible population this, if you had asked me what changed their relationship and I'd do in this situation, I would brought them closer. The children of i n carcer"I think they feel that they ated parents are a population a kite and visited the High have said: 'OK, we'll get a dithat goes largely unnoticed. Desert Museum. vorce, he'll never talk to our can ask me anything," she said. On any given day, their ranks After w a tching M i c helle kids again ...'" she said, trailJulie has had to teach the include more than 350 chilcome home from fun outings ing off. importance of discretion — a dren in Deschutes County and every week, William started When it happened in real tough concept for any child to 2 million nationwide. They to get antsy. He waited excit- life, however, Julie found her- grasp. She wants them to feel have been getting a little more edly for his fifth birthday, so self resisting the response that, open to talking about their faattention lately, thanks to an he could participate. Then he in many ways, would have ther. But she also wants them t 1< unlikely advocate. turned 5 and had to keep wait- been easiest. Her protective to understand that some people Miss America 2012, Laura ing, as Moore did not have instincts took over: What if her will hold their father's actions Kaeppeler, has used her spot ! enough volunteers. c hildren's relationship w i t h against the whole family "I believe everybody in this in the limelight to rally supFinally, in November, Wiltheir father could be salvaged? port for children with incarliam was paired with Vickie From the beginning, it w as world makes bad choices," she cerated parents. Kaeppeler's Matthews. worth it to try. said. "I'm not going to teach father served an 1 8-month Again, Moore went along In the last year, Julie has my children to have judgments prison sentence for mail fraud for the pair's first meeting, at learned to choose her words against their father." That's another v a lue of when the future beauty queen the Sun Mountain Fun Center. carefully, to walk not just one was finishing high school and Kathya Choquez, 29, grew up in Peru and has lived in Central They ate pizza and went bowl- razor-thin line, but many. COPY which Julie hadn't an"What you say to a child, ticipated: Choquez and Matentering college. Oregon for about five years. She said she gets at least as much ing. William scored 124. "He wiped us off the map, you can't take back," she said. thews both know about the A 2007 study found that chil- out of their relationship as Michelle does. Her "amiga" gets her off dren of incarcerated parents the couch and involved in the community, she said. Above, the two the both of us," Matthews said. She wants her children to incarceration, so Michelle and are more likely to drop out of make coffee filter butterflies and hummingbirds. After the game, Moore left love their father. But she wants William can talk to them about school, engage in delinquency so Matthews and W i l l i am them to know he's not perfect. it, without fear of judgment. At and, later,become incarcercould spend some time alone. She wants her children to times, Julie said, her children ated themselves. A strong sup- s uch as food stamps. the roughly 43 families curSomething happened that know their father is in prison. have come home from school "Those things that I never portnetworkcanhelpchildren rently enrolled in the program Matthews, 64, described as But she doesn't want them to and burst into tears, finally overcometheseodds. wanted to accept help from, — and their respective volun- "the best thing that's ever hap- think it's OK for them to go to able to express the sadness or Bob Moore, project coordi- t h e y 've become my b iggest teers — personally. pened to me in my whole life." prison. frustration they'd bottled up nator for COPY, said some of s u p port systems," she said. Onepart ofhis job, he said, is William walked up to MatMost of all, she doesn't ever all day. the families in the program to manage the expectations of thews, who was sitting in a want to lie to her kids. The volunteers are trainedto " I can't imagine my d ad have parents who are in and 'An adventure every week' child and mentor. That's why chair, so they were eye-to-eye. not bring up the incarceration. "He stared in my face reout of jail repeatedly. Others, The same advocate who he found himself, this spring, going to jail," Julie said. "It's Instead, they let the children like Julie's, have no criminal talked to Julie about homeless struggling to prepare Michelle ally hard," she said. "And then still weird to me to say, 'that's talk about it only if they wish. history and never imagined shelters told her about COPY. for a Peruvian mentor. he went, 'Oh! Are you a kid?' where my husband is.'" According to Choquez, Mi"How do you explain to a themselves in this position. Julie was doubtful it could help Like he'd discovered it. And, of chelle has twice talked about Giving prison a name Each family is unique, but but decided to enroll anyway. 7-year-old w h at 'Peruvian' course, you are a kid, inside." her father's imprisonment. "Once we get together,we all undergo stress when a fam- Of her four children, only Mimeans?" he said. M atthews said sh e w a s That day in December 2011, ily member is incarcerated. chelle was old enough to parHe started by telling Midrawn to volunteer in p art Julie learned of s omething usually just focus on fun," she Sometimes when a single ticipate in the program. In May, chelle that her mentor comes because she doesn't have any that had happened days ear- sa>d. parent is incarcerated, the chil- Moore had a new volunteer that from a country that is very grandchildren. lier, and she went to the police. In the car one time, Michelle "I told him, 'You know, (Wil- They listened, then told her w as unusually quiet in t h e dren move in with a grandpar- he thoughtwould make a good far away. She sometimes proent. That can mean moving match for M i chelle: Kathya nounces words differently, he liam), there are a lot of fun they had enough information back seat. Choquez asked her to a different school district, Choquez. added, because English isn't things to do. But I'll tell you, to arrest her husband. She about it. "Sometimes, when I'm talkwhich is disruptive. For grandC hoquez, 29, grew up i n her first language. all these fun things to do, you talked them into giving her p arents who work o r h a v e a suburb of Lima, Peru, in a Michelle s a i d not h i n g. need a kid.' And he said, 'Yes, husband three hours to turn ing with my dad on the phone, health problems, suddenly car- c lose-knit family t h a t w a s Moore fumbled for a better and now you've got one.' He himself in. I feel sad," she told Choquez. "I ing for young children can be lower-middle class. Her father, explanation. knows that I'm helping him. I That night, when Michelle m iss his hugs and kisses." "She speaks two languages," wanted him to know that he's asked where her dad was and overwhelming. a nurse, worked two Choquez started crying. "All families with "I told her, 'Sometimes I feel jobs and wasn't home he said, "English and Spanish." helping me, too," she said. when he was coming home, Ju"Oh," she asked, excitedly, an incarcerated parvery much. William said it makes him lie took a deep breath. No, she that way, too,'" she said. ent are dealing with C hoquez w o r k ed "like Dora?" Soon, Michelle feel special to have Matthews answered, Daddy would not be Later that day, she showed a lot of issues, all at hard in school but al- was explaining "Dora the Ex- pick him up and take him out coming home that night. Michelle a map and explained "He's w orking o n s o m e how far she lived from her faonce," Moore said. w ays found time to plorer," an animated television for an activity each week. "We like to have fun togeth- things," she said. With th e s udden volunteer, usually with show about a cheerful Latina, ther, in Peru. Choquez hadn't er," he said. lossof income, forex- "All families children. She gradu- to Moore. One week later, she offered realized that the two would "He soaks it up," his mother a little bit more explanation. ample, many struggle with anincar- a t e d from college with For their f i r s t m e eting, have this in common. "Daddy made some b ad with b a si c n e eds, cerated parent de g rees in English and Moore accompanied Choquez added. Julie saidthatmoment, which such as housing. A are dealing Frenc h trans l ation. and Michelleto the Sun MounJulie said she feels she has choices," she said, "and he's not Choquez recounted to her later, family f alls b ehind wi t ha lot of In 200 7 , she moved to tain Fun Center, where they all gained friends in Choquez and able to be home right now." was a reminder that despite on bills such as rent is s ues, all at Bend a s part of an ex- played mini golf. Matthews. Each week, for exFor the next six m onths, how alone she often feels, her and cellphones. Soon, once." change program. As it turned out, there was ample, Matthews calls to check Julie waited as her husband's emotions are universal. "Whether i t ' s i n c arcerathe family has to relo- — Bob Moore She m et a man, mar- no language barrier. In fact, in and make sure plans haven't case wound slowlythroughthe cate and the phone ried him, and settled Choquez's heritage made her changed. She asks about the justice system. In June, when tion, deployment, death or ... g ets shut off . T h i s into a life here. For the even more appealing to Miwhole family, Julie said. he accepteda plea agreement, just living far away, everyone compounds other p r oblems last year, she has worked as a chelle. Choquez told the girl it became clear he would be in missessomeone," she said. because social services can translator for NeighborImpact. to please correct her when she You can't take it back prison for years. Julie takes comfort in knowno longer get in touch with the Still, something in her life was mispronounced a word. Sheriff's Capt. Michael EsStill, she waited to tell the ing that at the end of a tough "I teach her English and she pinoza said COPY offers a family to help, Moore said. missing. She wanted to work children exactly where their week, Michelle and William Housing was a major ob- with kids again, and give back teaches me Spanish," Michelle unique way to help the com- father was. have outings with Choquez stacle for Julie, who is a stay-at- to her community. said, recently. "It's fun for both munity. P r oviding p o sitive I n September, th e f a m - and Matthews. She said: "At home mom. With her husband Choquez read about the Cen- of us." role models for the children of ily went to Pendleton so Julie least I can say, 'Well, you have Once, Michelle led Choquez incarceratedparents,he said, could visit her husband. this to look forward to.'" gone, the family had no income. tral Oregon Partnerships for — Reporter: 541-617-7836, Their savings quickly ran out, Youth and her first thought was by the hand to the river, to can help break family cycles While the t hree younger and Julie faced eviction. how hard it must be for a child teach her the name for "water of criminal behavior. kids stayed with friends, Julie lraffC< She met with an advocate at to have a parent go to jail or skippers," aquatic bugs that It can also help the people the Deschutes County Sheriff's prison. She immediately filled skid around on the surface. who are incarcerated, EspinoOffice, who advised her to start out an application to volunteer. za added, to know their famiresearching homeless shelters At first, she was nervous 'You need a kid' liesare being cared for. "It shows that we're not just and find one that would be the about meeting Michelle. She In the seven months since best fit for her family. Instead, worried that her English wasn't she was paired with Michelle, fighting crime or investigatPULITZER PRIZE Julie's parents and c h urch good enough for them to be- Choquez said she has gained a ing cases, but helping to solve W INN ING AU T H O R pitched in so she could rent a come close. Most of all, she friend. She calls Michelle her problems in the community," small townhome. The family of worried that she couldn't pro- "kiddo," "amiga" or "loquita," he said. A Visit from the GoonSquad five is crowded, but grateful. vide enough support for a child which is a Spanish term of enIntrainingvolunteers, Moore The Invisible Circus There are emotional strug- whose father was in prison. dearment that literally means said he has looked to hospice "What would I say to a kid "crazy girl." and the military for advice on Look at Me gles, too. Julie feels isolated. Some friends from church have who is going through someAnd Choquez said she has helping families cope with the The Keep stopped saying hello and mak- thing so hard'? What if I say gained a closer connection to loss — even temporary — of a -"=' ing eye contact with her. Some something wrong and make the community. parent. = "She's helping me to be more parents no longer allow their her feel worse'?" she said. But there are significant difchildren to play with hers. From her volunteer trainsocial," Choquez said. "She's ferences.For example, there's )5 ) She has found support from ing, Choquez r emembered helping me get out and know a widespread culture of thanks her church leaders. And she this piece of advice: There's my community better." and support for military famifeels she can talk to the coun- nothing you can say that will Without Michelle, Choquez lies. That's certainly not the • g • i selors at Women, Infants and solve this problem. Instead, joked, she would spend her case for families with incarcerChildren — a U .S. Depart- she resolved to focus on what weekends sitting on the couch. ated parents. ment of Agriculture program she could do. Instead, she is always on the At her lowest moments, Ju"I'll just hold her hand," she lookout for fun, inexpensive lie has thought it would probthat provides food and nutrition education to low-income said, "and go for an adventure activities. She scans event cal- ably be easier if her husband mothers and children. every week." endars with Michelle in mind. had died. They would receive At one time, Julie never As the only staff member Together,they've crafted a pa- support and sympathy. THURSDAY, JANUARY I 0, 20 I 3 "It would also be easier to exthought she would accept help at COPY, Moore knows all of pier-mache piggy bank, flown 7:00P.M. BEND HIG H
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In'fiscal cliff'deal,
a ia: rom isaser osuccess?anausteri path' akin to Europe's
By Andrew Higgins New Yorh Times News Service
RIGA, Latvia — W hen a credit-fueled economic boom turned to bust i n t h i s t i ny Baltic nation in 2008, Didzis Krumins, who ran a small architectural company, fired his staff one by one and then shut down the business. He watched in dismay as Latvia's misery deepened under a harsh austerity drive that scythed wages, jobs and state financing for schools and hospitals. But instead of taking to the streets to protest the cuts, Krumins, whose newborn child
By Brad Plumer Economists such as Paul Krugman for years have been criticizing countries in Europe for engaging in too much austerity during the downturnthat is, enacting tax increases and spending cuts while their economies were still weak. But after last week's "fiscal cliff" deal, the United States is on pacetoenact about as much fiscal consoli-
Photos by Andrea Bruce/ New YorkTimes News Service
Riharts Mjors, 12, fetches water from the well on his grandmother's rented property outside Cesis, Latvia. Some experts are hailing the country's progress as proof of the healing properties of austerity measures.
pain pays. Hardship has l on g b e en common here — and still is. But in just four years, the country has gone from the European Union's worst economic disaster zone to a model of what the International Monetary Fund hails as the healing properties of deep budget cuts. L atvia's e c onomy, a f t er shriveling by more than 20 percentfrom its peak, grew by about 5 percent last year, making it the best performer in the 27-nation EU. Its budget deficit is down sharply and exports are soaring. "We are here to celebrate your achievements," Christine Lagarde, the chief of the IMF, told a conference in Riga, the capital, this past summer. The fund, which along with the EU financed a $7.5 billion bailout for the country at the end of 2008, is "proud to have been part of Latvia's success story," she said.
Measuringausterity Tax hikes and spending cuts,
as percentage of GDP:
U.S. 2013 + 1.9% ANALYSI5 da tion this year Britain 2011• 1 . 5 % as many Euro-
needed major surgery, bought a tractor and began hauling wood to heating plants that needed fuel. Then, as Latvia's economy began to pull out of its nosedive, he returned to architecture and today employs 15 people — five more than he had before. "We have a different mentality here," he said. Latvia, feted by fans of austerity as the country that can and an example for countries like Greece that can't, has provided a rare boost to champions of the proposition that
for 2013 compare with what European countries have been doing in the pastfewyears? We can get an approximate sense by looking at data from the European Trade Union Institute on thesize of Europe's various fiscal consolidation programs.
The Washington Post
~- ~/il
Men and women line up for a free meal at Saviour's Anglican Church in Riga, the capital. Changes in the economy have left 30.9 percent of Latvia's population "severely materially deprived."
and this meant the government and private companies could again get the loans they needed to stay afloat. At the same time, private businesses followed the government in slashing wages, which made the country's labor force more competitive by lowering prices of its goods. As exports grew, companies began to rehire workers. Economic gains have still left 30.9 percent of Latvia's population "severely materially deprived," according to 2011 data released in December by Eu rostat, the EU's staA different approach tistics agency, second only to When L a tvia's e conomy B u l g aria.Unemployment has first crumbled, it wrestled with f a l len fro m more than 20 perm any of the same problems c e n t i n e arly 2010, but was still faced sinceby other troubled 14.2 perce nt in the third quarEuropean nations: a growing t e r of 201 2, according to Eurohole in government finances, s t at, and closer to 17 percent a banking crisis, falling com- i f " d i scou r aged workers" are petitiveness and b i g d e bt s i n c l uded. This is far below the — though most of these were m o r e tha n 25 percent jobless private rather than rate in G r eece public as in Greece. and Spain but a Now it s a b rupt "What Can serious problem turn for the better yp U gCQfelye nonetheless. "I'm has put a spotlight always on a ticklish ques- IA tj7e Stfeet? asking p eople tion for those who It iS COld and here, 'How can look t o o r t h odox Siipyyjf7g lg you put up with economics for a sothis?'" said Juris lution to E u rope's iS Seen as Calitis, a Latvianwider e c o nomicSh a m e f ul fOr born A n g l ican woes: Instead of pe pp / e ttiyt7p chaplain whose obeying any univerfamily fled Soviet sal laws o f economic occupation in the gravity, do different SB IBrgAO 1940s and who People respond dif- mgtter /7OW r eturned w h e n ferently to the same the Soviet empire r forces'? crumbled. " It i s r e a l ly Latvian business- Shl'Ike. m en applaud t h e shocking," added — l'eteris Krigers Calitis, who runs g overnment's a p President a soup k itchen proach but doubt it Free Trade Union at his church in would wor k e l seConfederation Riga's old town. where. "Economics of Latvia Latvians, he said, is not a science. Most "should be shoutof it is i n p eople's h eads," said N o r ing in the streets" munds Bergs, chief executive of bu t "there is an acceptance of ks." SAF Tehnika, a manufacturer h a r d k n oc t hat cut management salaries L atv i a has certainly had by 30 percent. "Science says p l enty of those, enduring Sothat water starts to boil at 100 v i et, Naz i and then renewed degrees Celsius; there is no such Soviet ru le, learning that dispredictability in economics." content is best kept quiet. After In Greece and Spain, cuts M o scowr elinquishedcontrol in in salaries, jobs and state ser- 1 991, decrepit Soviet-era plants vices have pushed tempers s h ut dow n, gutting the indusbeyond th e b o i l ing p o i nt , tr i a l base . The economy conwith angry citizens staging t r a ctedbynearly 50 percent. f requent protests and strikes. A nd i n contrast to much of Britain, Portugal, Italy an d Eu r o pe, La tvia today has no also Latvia's neighbor Lithua- t r a d ition folabor activism. "What can you achieve in nia, meanwhile, have bubbled with discontent over austerity. t h e street ? It is cold and snowB ut in L atvia, where th e i n g , " s adi Peteris K r i gers, government laid off a t h ir d pr e s identof the Free Trade of its civil servants, slashed U n i on Con federation of Latw ages for the rest and sharply v i a . O r ganizing strikes, he reduced support for hospitals, s a id, is nearly impossible. "It people mostly accepted the i s s e en asshamefulfor people bitter medicine. Prime Minis- w h o earnany salary, no matt er Valdis Dombrovskis, who t e r h o w sm all, to go on strike." p resided over the austerity, A l so l argely absent are the was re-elected, not thrown out l e f t ist pol itical forces that have of office, as many of his coun- o p p osedausterity elsewhere t erparts elsewhere have been. i n E u r ope or the rigid labor laws that protect job security Unemployment still high and wage levels. The cuts calmed fears on fiIn the second half of 2010, afnancial markets that the coun- ter less than 18 months of paintry was about to go bankrupt, ful austerity, Latvia's economy
began to grow again. Other European countries "should not miss this point," said the prime minister, noting that the "debate in Europe often goes the opposite way: that austerity destroys growth."
Exodus of the young Yet the pain of many ordinary people continues. "They say the crisis is over, but I don't feel that," said Marika Timma, a mother of three whose husband lost his
job in construction when the propertybubble burst. Timma used to work as a cleaner but quit when her wages were cut in half, to just $168 a month. Several friends have emigrated to Britain and Ireland to look for work. "They won't be coming back," she said. Since 2008, Latvia has lost more than 5percent of its population, mostly young people, to emigration. The r ecent exodus peaked in 2010, when 42,263 people moved abroad, a huge number in a country of just 2 million now, according to Mihails Hazans, a University of Latvia professor. B ut Latvia's high p a i n threshold andunusually open economy set it apart, enabling a relentlesssqueezing ofwages, says Morten Hansen, head of theeconomics department at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. "You can only do this in a country that is willing to take serious pain for some time and has a dramatic flexibility in the labor market," he said. "The lesson of what Latvia has done is that there is no lesson."
pean nations — and more than Britain and Spain. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests Congress has enacted about $304 billion in tax hikes and spending cuts for the coming year, an austerity package that comes to about 1.9 percent of gross domestic product. That's merely the size of the cuts and taxes; it's not necessarily the effect on growth. This includes the expiration of the payroll tax cut, which will raise about $125 billion this year, as well as the $50 billion in scheduled cuts to discretionary spending from the 2011 Budget Control Act. It includes $24 billion in new health-carereform taxes and $27 billion in ne w h i gh-income taxes, as well as about $78 billion from the delayed sequester cuts — assuming that these either take effect or are swapped with other cuts. Of course, the U.S. would be facing much, much more austerity if Congress had done nothing about the "fiscal cliff" and all of the Bush-era tax cuts had expired. But even after the deal, we've still got the payroll tax increase and an ar-
ray of spending cuts coming. Economists expect them to exert some drag on the economy, even if it's unclear how much. So how does the sheer scale of the U.S. austerity program
t Ir g
Britain 2012•
1. 6 %
France 2012g 0.5% Spain
20 11g. 0.9%
partagai 2grr ~4.9'I, Portugal 2012 2.8% Greece 2010 5.6% ~
Greece 2011 6.3% ~ Sources: European Trade Union lnstitute, Washington Post staff reports
Britain has earned a lot of criticism for its austerity programs. But each of those two deficit-reduction years were smaller than what the United States is planningthis year. The U.S. is also planning to cut and tax more heavily this year than Spain did in 2010 and 2011. Or France. That said, we're nowhere near Greek, Portuguese or Irish levels of austerity. It's also possible to draw very different conclusions. One could argue the U.S. is about to repeat Europe's mistake of "premature austerity." Alternatively, one could say the U.S. is in a better position to begin trimming its deficits than Europe because the U.S. economy is healthier, and we also have an aggressive central bank. Either way, C ongress is starting to tighten fiscal policy. Most economists say there's not going to be a big cliff-induced recession, but there will
probably be a partial drag.
va r II[
'arr aia'
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ar es MADRAS
St. Charles Health System is pleased to welcome Mountain View Hospital to the St. Charles family. As of Jan. 1, approximately 220 Mountain View caregivers will join the St. Charles team. St. Charles is committed to maintaining the same level of health care services currently provided by Mountain View and has pledged capital dollars to help the hospital make much-needed facility upgrades and enhance technology.
St. Charles Madraswill continue its long-standing commitment to patient care with additional resources tohelp serve the people of JeffersonCountyfor years tocome.
Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B4
Weather, B6
AIIPrep charter school oun ers ace char es; state seeks 19.7M A look at I
2012, on
the shelf U
ntil last year, when I thought of great American nature writers, I thought of people like Aldo Leopold, Henry David Thoreau and Annie Dillard. Now I also think of Dayton O. Hyde, an Eastern Oregon rancher who spent decades just a couple of hours from Bend. Hyde's "Don Coyote: The Good Times and the Bad Times of a Much Maligned American Original" — sadly, out of print — was one of the best books I read in 2012. I picked up a used copy on a visit to Powell's, in Portland. Immediately, I was engrossed in Hyde's charming story of learning to ranch with — not despite — coyotes. By the time I finished this slim paperback, I wondered why Hyde, a rancher who also happens to be an environmentalist and keen observer of nature, isn't a household name, especially here in Oregon. "Don Coyote" was some of the most captivating naturewriting I've evercome across. I did something in 2012 that I'd never done before: kept a list of the books I read. This wasn't a resolutionlike goal. I simply noticed that I often struggled to remember what books I'd read even weeks earlier. And I'd recently joined, a social networking site for book lovers that makes it easy to track what one reads. Now that 2013 is here, looking over my list feels a little like flipping through a photo album of my year. I had a baby last January, so for the first few months, I read paperbacks that I could hold in one hand while cradling my baby with the other. For a while, marathon nursing sessions allowed me to finish almost a book a day. In retrospect, that makes it tough to discern whether I was absorbed in these stories because of the writing itself or because of the luxury of reading for hours and hours. Either way, I adored Kate Christensen's "The Great Man," a fast-paced novel about a late fictitious artist and his many admirers, who find themselves piecing together his mysterious life story. I have to admit that "A Big Storm Knocked It Over," by Laurie Colwin — a writer I'd intended to read for ages — didn't impress me at first. Then I found I couldn't stop thinking about this tale of marriage and motherhood, perhaps because it paralleled my own life in obvious ways. Later, when both hands were free to readhardcovers, Itackled some of the year's commercial juggernauts. I loved "Gone Girl," a dark psychothriller by Gillian Flynn, and "Wild," a complicated memoir that centers on Cheryl Strayed's solo hike of the Pacific Crest TraiL Both books kept me up past my bedtime, rapt, though for very different reasons. I also enjoyed Bend's "Novel Idea" pick, "Rules of Civility," by Amor Towles, which transported me to my former home, New York City, albeit in the 1930s. I devoured "The Wilder Life," by Wendy McClure, as if it were the literary equivalent of jelly beans. It's a fun read foranyone who, like me, grew up worshipping at the altar of Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House on the Prairie" series. I'm glad I found time to re-read Katha Pollitt's "Learning to Drive," a book of witty essays on far-ranging topics such as cyberstalking an exboyfriend and the FBI's error-riddled files on her communist parents. Her shortest entry, "End Of," about nostalgia, is one of my all-time favorites. As a new parent, I optimistically read four sleep-related advice books. I learned from each of them. Alas, my son did not. If anyone can recommend an obscure title that helped their tots sleep soundly, I'd love to hear it. I've already started a list of books to read in 20D. On top is "What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal the Secrets of the Natural World," by Jon Young. Afriend recently recommended it. And who knows, reading it could helpme become a better,more observant hunter, too. Whatever I end up reading, I'll be sure to keep a list. For an avid reader like me, it's almost as good as a
journaL — Lily Raff McCaulou is a columnist for The Bulletin.541-617-7836,
Bulletin staff and wire reports
Two men who started a chain of taxpayer-funded charter schools across Oregon have been accused of cheating the state out of $17 million. The state Department of Justice filed a legal claim in Salem against Tim King and Norm Donohoe, accusing them of racketeering and money laundering
between 2007 and 2010, The Oregonian newspaper reported Saturday. The state wants the men to reimburse the $17 million and pay another $2.7 million for breach of contract plusattorney fees and other costs. Three schools run by the chain in Sisters closed in spring 2010 owing $40,000 to other schools, according
to reporting by The Bulletin at the time. King and Donohoe opened a Clackamas-based nonprofit called EdChoices and operated at least 10 charterschools,most under the name AIIPrep. They existed under agreements with the school boards in Estacada, Sisters, Baker City, Sheridan, Burns and Marcola, but students from
across the state were enrolled in online programs. A11Prep operated or contracted for administrative services with Sisters Charter Academy of Fine Arts, Sisters A11Prep Web Academy and Sisters Early College Academy. The Sisters School District overpaid the three schools by about $80,000, according to The Bulletin. See AIIPrep/B2
113th Congress got right down to business on Friday, voting to
approve $9.7 billion in relief funding for victims
of Superstorm Sandy. The measure authorizes the National Flood Insurance Plan, which
was on the vergeof running out of money, to borrow the additional
funds as it struggles to meet the claims of victims from the gi-
ant hurricane, which devastated much ofthe Northeast, particularly
New Jersey andNew
York, in late October. The bill passed in the House by a 35467 margin, with161 Republicans and 193
~ si»
II — ll
Democrats approving
the measure. All 67 no
I) ~ll
llt-. ij
votes came from Republicans.
U.S. HOUSE VOTE • Authorize the National
Flood lnsurance Plan
Blumenauer(D)........... Y Bonamici (D)................Y OeFazio (D)...................Y Schrader (D) ................Y
r ,.' sw
I/I/alden (R)...................Y
See Week/B2
IIIQEg~ g'g IIg10
Well shot!
—~ BRE lyqq~ w~ ~g SII
reader photos
Joe Khne / The Bulletin
Bend firefighter Captain Scott Wyman works out on a StairMaster in his fire gear while training at Ray's Food Place in Bend on Saturday afternoon. Wyman will be making his fifth trip to Seattle to compete in the Scott Firefighter Stair Climb Challenge, a race for the best time climbing the 69-story Columbia Center in Seattle.
i rei e r s e r e a o cim o r c a r i By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
Dripping with sweat, Capt. Scott Wyman of the Bend Fire Department grunted out step after step on a Stairmaster inside Ray's Food Place Saturday afternoon in Bend, drawing no closer to the stack of 10 Barrel six-packs sitting just beyond his reach. Capt. David Russell — sweaty himself from an earlier turn on the Stairmaster — said the beer served as an effective motivational tool. "We've got the carrot right in front of him," he said. Bend firefighters are once again gearing up for the Scott Firefighter Stair Climb Challenge, an annual
competition that d r aws f i refighters from around the world to climb Seattle's 69-story Columbia Center. A fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the stair climb attracted more than 1,500 firefighters in2012, and raised more than $1.2 million for blood cancer researchand patient services. Wyman is Bend's fastest stair climber, and like all other competitors, he climbs in full fire gear, including oxygen bottles, adding an extra 50 to 60 pounds of weight. In 2012, he covered the 1,311 steps and 788 vertical feet of the Columbia Center in 13 minutes and 5 seconds, good for 11th place overall. Pacing is key, Wyman said, as it's
• We want to see your best photos capturing peaks in winter for
another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best work at www. wellshot/winterpeaks,
and we'll pick the best for publication.
Have a story idea or submission? Contact us!
easy to start out too fast. "The first third or so is easy, you kind of think you're going too slow,
especially if people are passing you," Wyman said. "But you almost
always see those guys again, sometimes on their hands and knees, vomiting." Russell said while the Bend team has represented the city'shyperathletic reputation well, finishing third out of 281 teams last year, it could be doing better. Many of the department's fittest members don't do the stair climb, he said, preferring to spend their winters training for the Pole Pedal Paddle or similar pursuits. See Climb /B2
The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend ................ 541-617-7829 Redmond........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver.........541-383-0348 Deschutes ...... 541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456 Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
Bill before 1913 Legislature proposed a tax on bachelors Compiled by Don Hoiness from archivedcopies of The Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.
100 YEARS AGO For the week ending Jan. 5, 1913
Why not tax oldmaids too? "Tax bachelors? Absurd 11
That, minus the trimmings, was what State Representative Vernon A. Forbes said Monday when he read that a bill will be introduced in the Legislature placing a ban on celibacy and a premium on matrimony.
YESTERDAY But Mr. Forbes goes further than simply branding the proposal absurd, and calling attention to the fact that it will drive many a lawyer into the ranks of the benedicts, foreconomy's sake iffor no other reason. If it goes through — as is improbable — he promises to devote the remainder of his political life and activities, (or something like that) to getting a law passed taxing old maids. "Yes sir," said he, "that's but common justice. We'll make a real suffrage law out of this, and make it work both ways. No class legislation!"
The details of the feminine law as yet have not been worked out. For instance, it is not known at just what age the citizeness would be obliged to choose between taking unto her-
self a husband or paying a special tax, for better or worse. A battle scarred local bachelor endeavored to get the representative to
pledge his support for an amendment to the bachelor bill, should its passage seem imminent. His proposal was that any bachelor should be exempt from the taxprovided he made sufficient affidavit showing that he had honestly tried to get married. See Yesterday/B3
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Trial set in Portlan om ing plot "The entrapment defense is when he was arrested, and his really difficult, much more difPORTLAND — For more attorneys allege ficult when it comes to terrorthan two years, the only image he was still a mi- ism cases," Greenberg said. the public has had of the man nor when the FBI Juries are being asked to accused of plotting to detonate Mohamud b egan to focusweigh heavy legal questions a n 1,800-pound bomb at a on him. of predisposition against more Portland Christmas tree-lightThis, his attorneys say, made visceral evidence like secret auing ceremony is this: A sullen- him much more vulnerable to dio recordings of the defendant faced, sunken-eyed terrorism FBI enticements, and a jury praising violent jihad. suspect in a mug shot taken just should consider him an unwillAttorneys from both sides hoursafterhisarrest. ing pawn of a Justice Depart- are forbidden from speaking At the trial thatbegins Thurs- ment hungry for a conviction about the case publicly. day, Mohamed Mohamud's at- that demonstrates its regard for For a time, Mohamud was torneys will attempt to present terrorism as its highest priority. able to live two lives — as a a different image, one of an imThis, too, is not in dispute: young immigrant trying to fit pressionableteenager lured by Mohamud pushed a button in, and a Muslim who had beundercover agents with the FBI, on a cellphone that he thought come radicalized. which snared one of its young- would set off a bomb placed in Mohamed Mohamud's famest terrorism suspects with his a van and kill thousands. ily emigrated from Mogadishu, arrest in November 2010. The FBI alleges in court doc- Somalia, where he was born At issue is whether Moham- uments that Mohamud picked in 1991. He moved to the U.S. ud was entrapped, as his de- the time and place of the deto- when he was about 5 years old. fense claims, when he gave the nation. The high school graduMohamud professed aspirago-ahead for the detonation of ate from Beaverton knew the tions of becoming an engineer, what he thought was a bomb at area and knew that the event like his father. He dropped out the Christmas tree-lighting cer- would be well-attended. of Oregon State University af"It's gonna be a fireworks ter his freshman year. emony. The bomb was a fake, provided by FBI agents whom show," the FBI says he told unAs a senior in high school, the 19-year-old thought were dercover agents. "A spectacular Mohamud had begun writing his jihadist co-conspirators. show." articles for an online EnglishIt was one in a series of highProsecutors also allege Mo- language jihadist magazine profile FBI terror stings dating hamud "explained how he had called "Jihad Recollections" back to the Justice Depart- been thinking of committing under the pen name Ibn alment's directive to ramp up its some form of violent jihad since Mubarak, advocating physical terrorprosecutions and infor- the age of 15," according to the fitness for the mujahedeen in mant network after the 9/11 ter- affidavit filed i n c onnection places where they couldn't find ror attacks. with his arrest. exercise equipment. Based on pretrial filings, one Mohamud's attorneys have He wrote three articles, inof the avenues Mohamud's at- a high bar to cross, said Karen cludingonepraisingthe content torneys are likely to pursue is Greenberg, director of the and presentation of al-Qaida's based on an undisputed fact: Center on National Security at media arm, As-Shabab Media. Mohamud was a t e e nager Fordham Law School. The FBI began monitoring
Mohamud's emails. In the summer of 2010, FBI undercover agents set up the first in a series of meetings with Mohamud, who talked about a dream in which he led a group of fighters into Afghanistan against "the infidels." According to the prosecution's version of events, Mohamud's handlers offered him several choices in the service of jihad. They ranged from simple prayer to full-on martyrdom. Mohamud chose a step short of killing himself, saying he wanted to "become operational," according to the FBI. Journalist Trevor Aaronson found a common thread in such sting cases, documented in a forthcoming book, "The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism," which spends a chapter on elements of the Mohamud case. "(The stings) all have minor variations, but they're all pretty much the same in that they involvepeople who don'thave the capacity to commit the crimes" for which they'reprosecuted, Aaronson said. Aaronson said M ohamud didn't have access to bombmaking materials and, while he espoused anti-Westernviews, showed no capacity for carrying out acts of terror.
"I enjoyed skiing as a kid," he said. "For 11 years we'd spend winters skiing round the Three Sisters." So Thurston was asked to join the survey crew. Using a largesnow cat,the crew setup a base camp at the Clear Lake cutoff and set out to survey the area. The South Santiam highw ay wasn't built w hen t h e
By Nigel Duara
The Associated Press
President Roosevelt has ex- of its social gains, the people pressedalarm over the unset- as a whole have been deprived Continued from B1 tled international situation. of their civil rights. For instance, three proposNavy officials prepared In the four years that Casals and the same number of re- plans for a naval construction tro hasbeen in power, tens of fusalsmight be considered an program above the present thousands of privately owned ample matrimonial alibi, so to "replacement building" probusinesses have been confisspeak. The bachelor in ques- gram authorized in the Vincated, more than a quarter of tion intimated that he himself son-Trammell act. a million Cubans have been had suffered. This additional construc- driven into exile and several tion will be asked in a supple- billions of dollars in foreign New year's resolutions mental bill to be introduced in assets and capital investment Resolved: Congress within the next few have been s eized w i t hout By Bend: To at least double days. The bill will project the compensation. in population during 1913. United States for the first time Castro has admitted the "execution" of more than 1,000 By Prineville: To try for an- into the world r earmament other railroad, this time not of race. It is calculated to give known enemies. His political the Skewes variety. this country a navy "second to foes in exile claim the list of B y e x -Mayor J o ne s o f none" when completed. firing squad victims actually Redmond: Never to play poker It was understood that the exceeds the 3,000 mark. with any of Governor West's naval construction will a sk Four years after his seizure experts. for two or more additional air- of power, Castro is todayBy Doc Coe: Never to get plane carriers, several heavy from the military sense — still out of patients (patience) dur- cruisers, light cruisers and the master of Cuba. ing the year. submarines; some naval auxBy the Priscilla Club: To iliary vessels, and possibly ad25 YEARS AGO w ork s t renuously f o r t h e ditional battleships over and p assage of th e b il l t o t a x above the Washington and the For the week ending bachelors. North Carolina, now on the JarL 5, 1938 ways at New York and PhilaHoodoo's golden year delphia navy yards and the 75 YEARS AGO two provided for in the 1938The scene at Hoodoo Ski For the week ending 39 budget estimates submitted Bowl was like many others Jan. 5, 1938 to Congress yesterday. over the past 50 years — one that's etched into the memoSkating rink ready for use ries of many Willamette resi50 YEARS AGO Providing there is no suddents who learned to ski there, den change in Central Oregon For the week ending It was overcast and the sumweather, skating will be availJan. 5, 1963 mit was shrouded in fog. able tonight on the Skyliner Conditions could have been First baby of year gets rink at the old Tumalo trout the same some 50 years ago hatchery just a few miles west to hospital just in time when Bend resident Ed Thurof Bend. The road out to the First baby of 1963 born at ston installed the first roe tow rink is reported by Myron H. St. Charles Memorial Hospital at Hoodoo, making it Oregon's Symons, Skyliner president, to in Bend qualified by a mere second commercial ski area. be in good shape. six minutes for p rizes that In March, Hoodoo officials The Tumalo r i nk , l a rger range from a complete layette will celebrate the 50th annithan eventhe Portland or Seat- to chicken or steak dinners for versary of the ski resort at the tle indoor rinks, is to be main- happy mother and father, crestof Santiam Pass. Events tained as a Skyliner activity Jayne L e e Die f fenbach will include races, contests, and a caretaker, Leonard Ross checked into the hospital and awards, movies, a buffet dinwill be in charge. Assisted by the world at 3:16 a.m. today. ner and a dance. Symons up u ntil m i d night, Her mother Mrs. Don H. DiefThis summer the resort inRoss last night worked until fenbach reached the hospital stalled a modern triple chair nearly daylight sprinkling the six minutes earlier. lift that's a far cry from the old ice surface. This morning, the It was a real race, the hap- rope tow that Thurston opened new surface was glass like py father, Don Dieffenbach, with. "For years we had to carry and smooth. agreed. The dimensions of the rink everything in," said Thurston, are 100 by 220 feet. The out- Fidel Castro seized power referring to the roughly miledoor rink is electrically lighted in Cuba just four years ago long walk from U.S. Highway and there will be a warm fire Cuban dictator Fulgencio 20 to the ski area. for skaters. In Bend last night, B atista fled Havana in t h e Looking through old photothe temperature dropped to grey, early morning hours of graphs this week in his Bend 20 degrees, but an even lower New Year's day of 1959. With- home, Thurston recalled the temperature w a s r e p orted in hours, followers of Fidel expedition that r esulted in from the old hatchery. Fine Castro seized power for the Hoodoo. s kating is promised by t h e young revolutionary. Other than Timberline on Skyliners just as long as the In the four years that have Mount Hood, there were no present cold, clear weather elapsed since the beginning commercial ski areas in Orconditions continue. of the Castro government, the egon in 1937, Thurston said, To care for the upkeep and Cuban transition from demoThe U.S. Forest Service, illumination of t h e o utdoor cracy to dictatorship has been however, recognized the growrink, Skyliners find it neces- complete. ing popularity of the sport and sary to make a small charge, Cuba is today the first Soorganized a team of pioneers 10 cents, for all persons using viet satellite in the Americas. from Eugene, Salem, Albany, the rink. Cubans, plagued by nearly Corvallis and Bend to survey three years of civil strife and the Central Oregon Cascades Navy is rushing restricted civil liberties, hailed in search of a ski area. plans for ships B atista's flight. T hey w e l Thurston, who operated a N avy d e p artment o ff i - comed Castro as a "liberator." sawmill in Eugene, was an cials rushed plans today for Few of them anticipated the avid skier and owned a rope construction of th e greatest fate in store for themselves un- tow at White Branch, about peacetime navy this country der Castro's rule. Cuban orga- 15 miles east of M c Kenzie has ever possessed. nized laborhas been stripped Bridge.
"If you're going to prosecute
every loudmouth," Aaronson said, "our courts would be
AROUND THE STATE GrantS PaSS hOrSe raCeS may Stay —The odds are improving for another season of horse racing in Grants Pass.TheGrants Pass Daily Courier reports that a private organization — the Southern Oregon Horse Racing Association — wants to take control of the
event from the JosephineCounty Fair Board, and thecounty appears ready to oblige. Theannual meet at Grants PassDowns has been around for 50 years, but its recent tradition is one of losing money. The race meet's daily handle, which is the amount wagered, has
dropped from a high of $f30,000 in 1987 to less than $50,000 today. Citing budget problems, county commissioners have said they will
not use taxpayer money to subsidize another season.
Child porn on iPod gets man18 months — An Oregonman who left an iPod containing child porn on a gas station counter has
been sentenced to18 months in prison. TheNews-Review of Roseburg reports that Jason Daniel Goodman apologized to the community as he left the courtroom in handcuffs this week. The 34-year-old
from Oakland addedthat his addictions to alcohol and pornography had cost him "everything." Goodman left his iPod at a Shell station in Sutherlin in October 2010. After five months, a Shell employee took
the unclaimed iPod home,where his wife found it contained about 200 sexual images of young girls. The couple turned the iPod over to
police, and Goodmanwas arrested. Goodman's mother later found pictures of prepubescent girls on her son's cellphone. PubliC land may de SOld —TheU.S. Bureau of Reclamation has released adraft environmental assessment in which the agency says it would prefer to sell 3.5 acres of public land adjacent to Camper's Cove Resort on Hyatt Lake. The Mail Tribune newspaper reports that
the federal property east of Ashland hasbeenslightly encroached upon by the 2-acre resort. If sold, the land would become private property but its use would be restricted and the building of structures
prohibited. Other options in the draft assessment include restoring the area to a more natural state or taking no action.
lawmaker with dat SCareSOff durglar — StateSen. Chris Edwardsplayed baseballw hen he attended South Eugene High
School and wasready to put those skills to use when aburglar entered his garagethis week. Thelawmaker wielded analuminum baseball batashechasedthesuspectawayearlyThursday.Edwards called the intruder a "dirt bag" in a Facebook post shortly after the in-
cident. He added: "It's probably for the best that I only had myEaston baseball bat when I caught you in the act." The 39-year-old Democrat
told The Register-Guard newspaper heowns guns but "wasn't looking for a firefight" in the middle of the night. — From wire reports
survey crew set off on crosscountry skies, so that was the first place they looked. "We went to the top," Thurston said. "We skied around the rim. It looked like a pretty good area but it w a sn't as high as where we are now (at
Hoodoo)." Next the crews skied around Three Fingered Jack, over to Mount Washington and final-
ly ended up at Lost Lake near Hoodoo Butte. "We skied an awful long way that day," said Thurston, who once cross-country skied 35 miles over the Santiam Pass to enter a ski race in Bend. The survey crew decided Hoodoo was the spot and the following w i n ter T h u r ston o pened the f i rst r ope t ow there.
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Michael k. Denise Underwood
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Jean Hillman, of Madras Aug. 15, 1929- Jan. 2,2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals of Redmond, 541-504-9485, Services: A celebration of life will be held sometime in the Spring. Contributions may be made to:
Redmond Humane Society, 'l355 NE Hemlock Ave., Redmond, OR 97756.
Peter W. Small, of Sisters Nov. 20,1950- Jan. 2,2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: A Celebration of Peter's Life will take place at a later date. Contributions may be made to:
St. Charles Foundation 2500 NE Neff Rd. Bend, OR 97701
David Wayne Rossberg, of Crain, Oregon May 13, 1964 - Jan. 2, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: A Celebration of David's life will take place in Crain, Oregon, at a later date. Contributions may be made to:
American Diabetes Association P.O. Box 11454 Alexandria, VA 22312
Janet Ruth (Allenbaugh) Millen, of Bend Jan. 7, 1922 - Dec. 30, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592 Hwww.deschutesmemorial Services: Janet was laid to rest on Saturday, January 5, 2013, next to her parents and husband at Oakwood Memorial Park in Chatsworth, California. Contributions may be made to:
Anne W. Smith, of Bend (Formeriy of Salt Lake City, UT) Sept. 7, 1919 - Dec. 29, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 Services: Services will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah on Friday, January 11, 2013 at 11:00 AM at Neil O'Donnell and Sons Mortuary and will be followed by a grave side service. For more information, please contact Leila SmithDaines. Contributions may be made to:
Aspen Ridge Memory Care, 1025 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend, Oregon 97701,
TrixieLuretta Franklin
Memorial contributions are appreciated to PEO Chapter EN of Bend, Partners In Care Hospice House, or the charity of your choosing.
Trixie Luretta Franklin, of Bend Aug. 10, 1946- Jan. 2,2013 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592
Services: A celebration of Trixie's life will be held in the spring. Contributions may be made to:
Scleroderma Foundation, 300 Rosewood Drive, Suite 105, Danvers, MA 01923, 1-800-722-4673,
Carol Waunetah Wampler June 18, 1931 - Dec. 1, 2012
Paul Stanley Schultz.
Betty Faye Foppiano
Dct. 20, 1918 - Dec. 31, 2012
Jatt. 7, 1928 - Dec. 28, 2012
Paul Stanley Schultz, age 94, was born O ctober 20, 1918, Vallejo, CA, and died December 31, 2012, Hillsb oro, OR. Paul s erved i n t he Pacific d u r in g W W I I w ith t he U.S. Navy Seabees. A fter t h e w ar, he l ived a n d r aised a f amily i n Oakland, CA. He Paul Stanley ~orked 3 Schultz y ears f o r the Federal C i vi l S e r v i ce as a public w o rk s p ainter and s u p e r visor at t he Oakland Naval Hospital. F irst m a r r ie d a n d t h e n w idowed, b y Ros e m a r y (Kitty) Arthur for 25 years a nd then t o P e ar l M a r i e Donovan, a l s o for 25 years. Paul retired to Bend, O regon, f o r 3 3 y ear s , w here h e w a s a l i f e t i m e member o f Ben d E lk s Lodge ¹1371. Hi s hobbies i ncluded f i s h i ng , w o o d w orking, da n c i ng , g ol f gardening, car d s an d charity activities. He lived h is final m o n ths i n H i l l s boro, OR, with his son. H e is s u r v ived b y s o n , David P. Schultz of H i l l sboro, OR; step daughters, Sandria Farley o f P r i n evi lle, OR, Sharon Smith o f Tulsa, OK, and Dana Taylor of A r v a da, CO ; e i ght grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Memorial services will be held in Bend in the spring. A n announcement will b e m ade. C h a r i tabl e d o n a tions to the Elks N ational Foundation. Arrangements by D o nels on F i r - L aw n M e m o r i a l Center, Hillsboro, Oregon 503-640-2277
Marketer Cronan named TiVo, Kindle
B etty Fa ye Fopp i a n o ( Braaten) cr o s se d th e threshold of death, peacefully in her sleep at home i n Bend, OR. She i s s u r v ived b y h er hu s b a n d , New York Times News Service seriously considered over 800 Will; sons, J oh n C u d l i pp Michael Cronan, a San Fran- names and presented over 100 and cisco-based graphic designer strong candidates to the team," James and marketing executive who Cronan told Matt Haughey for Klee placed his stamp on popular his blog PVR (the letters stand (Fran); culture when he created the for personalvideo recorder) in daughter, Deborah brand names TiVo and Kindle, 2005. Jacques "We spent the early meetdied Tuesday in Berkeley, Calif. (Edwin); He was 61. ings trying to place a cultural two The cause was colon cancer, context on the product," he grandsaid his wife, Karin Hibma, said. Among the possibilities children Betty FoPPiano a nd t h r e e with whom he founded the were Bongo and Lasso, which marketing firm Cronan in the never got far. great-grandchildren. Betty early 1980s. B elieving that " w e w e r e was born in Spokane, WA, Cronan, who studied art in naming the next TV," Cronan to Peter and Eva Braaten. Some of B e t ty' s h a ppiest college, had many corpora- recalled, "I thought it should memories were of her time tions and cultural institutions be as close as possible to what as a Rally G i r l a t t ending as clients, but he was most re- people would find familiar, so it R oosevelt High S chool i n membered for the pair of brand must contain T and V." Portland, OR, and her time "I started looking at letter names he came up witha des pent wit h f r i e nds at t h e cade apart. combinations," he added, "and O regon c o ast. W i l l a nd In the spring of 1997, he was pretty quickly settled on TiVo." Betty were m arried 49 When A mazon p r epared years, living i n P o r t l and, asked to forge a name and M cMinnville, S a nd y a n d an identity for a new device, to introduce its first electronic B end, OR. B e tt y h a d a n a digital video recorder de- reader in 2007, it turned to Croa dventurous s p i r i t a nd velopedby a company call ed nan, who envisioned imagery l oved t o t r a v el . I n 1 9 9 6 , Teleworld that offered more reflecting the reading experiW ill an d B e tt y o w n e d a sophisticated television record- ence as anembryonic but riss ailboat and lived on it i n ing choices than the videocas- ing technology. Baja, Mexico. Her love and recorder. He found the name, Hibma friendship w il l b e m i s sed sette "We reviewed p r obably said, by likening use of the new b y all w h o k n e w h e r . A t h er request, there w il l b e 1,600-plus name alternatives, e-reader to "starting a fire." no service. Memorial don ations may b e m a d e t o h er favorite charity: B a j a A nimal S a n ctuary, P M B 626, PO Box 4 39060, San Diego, CA 92 14 3 -9060; May 30, 1937 - December 24, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home, 541-382-0903; Born in Wenatchee, WA, to Floyd and Chloe Thomas, TT passed away on Christmas Eve as a result of asbestosis, diagnosed almost six years prior. After graduation from Wenatchee High School, TT DEATHS joined the US Navy in I955. He went on to serve 20 years in the Navy and rose in rank to Chief Petty Officer, Warrant Officer and ELSEWHERE completed his service as a Lieutenant. His primary training was as an electrician, though later, as an officer, he was a machinist. He Deaths of note from around served on many ships during his career. Following his retirement theworld: from the Navy, he worked for Fender Musical Instruments in both Jayne Cortez, 78: Forceful San Diego and Ensenada, Mexico. poet, activist and performance Dct. 25, 1939 - Jan. 1, 2013 Married in Pearl City, Hl, in t967, to Charlene (Charlie) Codorl, the artist who blended oral and S usan G e n e J o n e s o f written traditions into numercouplehad one daughter,Susan Thomas-Reed ofSan Diego,Ch. B end, Or e g on , p a s s e d ous books and musical rehfter having lived in San Diego for 23 years, TT and Charlie moved away on January I , 2 0 13, cordings. Died Dec. 28 in New at St . Ch a r l e s M e d i c al York. to Bend,OR, in l994. They enjoyed the locallakes and managed C enter in B e nd. She w a s to catch their fair share of fish over the years. — From wire reports 73. TT was a member of the National Association of Fleet Tug Sailors Susan was born October 25, 1939, in Oakland, CA . (NAFTS) and Central Oregon Military Officers of hmerica She has made her home in Association (COMOAA). Bend since 1963. Susan spent many y ears He is survived by his wife of 45 years, his daughter, Susan and his Death Notices are free and working as a volunteer cotwin sister, DeAnne Rasmussen of Arizona. His parents preceded will be run for one day, but ordinator for t h e S t ate of him in death. At his request, there will be no services. His ashes specific guidelines must be Oregon a n d w a s ver y will be taken out to sea. In lieu of flowers, the family would like followed. Local obituaries proud of w hat she are paid advertisements donations to your favorite charity or to Hospice House at 2075 NE achieved. She was also an submitted by families or a rtist i n w a t e r c olor, c e Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR9770t. ramics and needlework. funeral homes.Theymay Susan is survived by her be submitted by phone, daughters, Cheri (husband, mail, email or fax. The T om) H o l l i baugh, L y n d a Bulletin reserves the right to M cCully an d R o nd a H i l l ; edit all submissions. Please and her son, Robert 'Bobl include contact information January7,1922-December 30,2012 V ogt, a l l of B en d , O R . in all correspondence. O ther s u r v i v or s i n c l u d e her sister, Marty Copper of For information on any of V ictorville , CA ; f ive these services or about the grandchildren, April obituary policy, contact Stentzel (McCully) of 541-617-7825. Janet Ruth (Allenbaugh) Millen passed Bend, OR, Z ac k M c C u lly o f A d in , C A , T o m D u n away in Bend, Oregon, on December 30, Deadlines:Death Notices away of S anta Rosa, CA , 2012, due to complications suffered after are accepted until noon H eather L i n ehan ( K a m p ) a fall. She was 90 years old. Janetwas born Monday through Friday for o f Bend, O R a n d R o b b i e on January 7, 1922, in Manteca, California, to Edna May and Clyde next-day publication and by K amp o f B e n d , O R ; a n d Hoyt Allenbaugh. The family, including older brother, Donald, moved 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday two great-grandsons. She to Southern California in 1925, where Janet attended Morngingside and Monday publication. is preceded in death by her Elementary School, meeting lifelong friends, Dottie Bosshardt, Miki Obituaries must be received husband, H.P. Jones; and Crabtree, and Ruthie Turner, who survive her. Janet also taught by 5 p.m. Monday through her father, Judd Kinney. ballroom dancing with her brother, worked as a "soda jerk," and Thursday for publication Memorial co n t r i b utions became Fiesta Queen of San Fernando. She earned her pilot's license in Susan's memory may be on the seconddayafter during high school and soloed after only 8 hours, which was unheard made to t h e A l z h e imer's submission, by1 p.m. of for a female, at that time. She also attended UC Santa Barbara F oundation o f A mer i c a , Friday for Sundayor for a short while. She married Jack Gordon Millen, a friend of her 322 Eighth Ave., 7th Floor, Monday publication, and by brother's, on December 12, 1941, during a "brown out" precipitated New York, NY 10001. 9a.m. Monday for Tuesday by the attack on Pearl Harbor. Jack and Janet raised three children: T he family would l ik e t o publication. Deadlines for thank the caregivers at St. David Gordon, Carolyn Beth and Rebecca Jean. Besides being a display adsvary; pleasecall Charles Medical Center for mother, wife, and homemaker, Janet worked as a Bookkeeper and for details. t he e x c ellent c a r e an d cared for her aging mother. Aside from her children, Janet's greatest compassion for Susan. Phone: 541-617-7825 loves were PEO, a philanthropic organization, in which she served Autumn Funerals Bend is many roles, including President in both California and Oregon Email: honored t o ser ve t he Chapters, and China Painting, which she took up in the early '70s. Fax: 541-322-7254 family, (541) 3 1 8 -0842, She derived a great deal of pleasure from having her fellow artists Mail:Obituaries and dear friends join her each week to paint in her studio. P.O. Box 6020 Janet is preceded in death by her parents, her husband of 58 years, Food. Home & Garden Bend, OR 97708 her brother, and her son, David, who died of Lou Gehrig's disease
Donald (TT/Tom) Eugene Thomas
Susan Gene Kinney Jones
Stayton - Carol was born at home to Grace and Fred W erth i n G r a n d R o n d e , Aug.10,1946- Jan. 2, 2013 OR. T rixie L u r e tt a F r a n k l i n She m ar r ied Jim passed a w a y p e a c efully Wampler January 2, Z013, at age 66, a fter a co u r a geous p r o 12, 1 9 50. longed battle w it h s c leroThis wonderma, wit h h e r h u s band derful at her union side. l asted 6 2 Trixie was years. b orn A u Carol's g ust 10, family 1946, in w as th e Carol Wampler most imMcMinnville, Orportant egon, t o a chievement o f h e r li f e . Benjamin Having four c h i l dren, being active in 4-H, and her Trixie Franklin Franklin B ant involvement w it h i n t ernaa nd On a ( H i n shaw) B r y - tional e x c hange s t u dents ant. Sh e s p en t c o n sider- brought a large diversity to a ble t i m e i n her ear l y family life. Carol and Jim, c hildhood w it h f a m i l y i n a long w i t h h e r br o t h e r , O klahoma, an d l a t e r a t - Ken, were active partners t ended W i l l a m in a Hi g h i n f a r m in g f o r ov e r 40 S chool i n O r e go n w h e r e years. s he wa s a t h e s pian a n d S he is s u r v ived b y h e r Best Actress. c hildren, Susan and M i k e Trixie moved t o C e ntral H orvat, Deb and J eff B i t Oregon in 1969, where she t on an d J o h n a n d G i n a married the love of her life, Wampler; eight grandchilG reg F r a n k l in , i n 19 8 2 . d ren; a n d ei g h t g r e a t She worked as a secretary grandchildren. at the Opportunity Center B urial was held i n P o w and for D e schutes County e ll Butte b eside Ji m a n d Community D e v e l opment her son, Steve. A CelebraD epartment fo r 1 4 y e a r s tion of Life will be held on, a dvancing t o D i r e ctor o f S aturday, January 12 , a t Coordinated Services. She 2:00 p.m., at Calvary Luthwas a member of the Jay- eran Church in Stayton. ceettes, Assistance League Serving the family, North of Bend, Deschutes County Santiam F u neral S e r vice, Historical Soc i et y an d Stayton. v arious scleroderma s u p port groups. Where Buyers Trixie enjoyed family and friends, r e ading, g a r d enAnd Sellers Meet ing, s k i i n g , w h i t e w ater Cl™aS 'SI'fIedS rafting, operas, art and she TheBulletin was an avid Oregon Ducks football fan. T r i xie will be fondly remembered by her f riends an d f a m i l y a s a beautiful and l ovi n g woman w ho al way s t hought o f ot h e r s fi r s t . She will be greatly missed John Arthur Buckley (Buck) lr., 63, Tumalo, OR, died on December forever. 19, 2012, from cardiac arrest. Buck was born on January 9, 1949, in Trixie is survived by her Ridgecrest, California. He was raised ln Doyle/Herlong, California, husband, Greg Franklin of and attended California State University, Chico. He served ln the U.S. Bend, her children, Travis a nd Kevin Shore of P o r t Army in Germany. Buck loved his Harley, boating, skiing and riding l and, R y a n F r a n k l i n o f ATVs. I(nown as "Doctor Freedom," he served as an elected delegate Bend an d A p r i l B e x of supporting Ron Paul's Revolution. Buck found hls greatest joy ln life H illsboro; and si x g r a n d in his children and grandchildren — jason Wilbanks of Costa Mesa, CA, and jeremiah Lyndon c hildren. We lo v e yo u , Thornton and son, Finn jackson Thornton, Amber Dawn Bucl<ley Thornton and daughter, Trixie. Rest in peace. Haley lane Osborn, Ashley Noel Buckley Thornton, Skylar Buckley Thornton, all of Bend, OR. A Celebration of Life will Buck dedicated 30-plus years of his life to teaching his children to ski and snowboard and to be held in the spring. . ,supporting their professional snow-sport athletics. Buck loved music and shared this love with D eschutes M emor i a l his children. A celebration of Buck's life will be held on Saturday, January I 2, 20 I 3, at 6:30 pm, Chapel is honored to serve t he fam i l y , ww w .d e s in the Mountain Room at the Seventh Mountain Resort, Bend, OR. Buck had two favorite quotes: "First, don't sweat the little things; second, everything in life ls a little thing," and "Cet llvln'." m.
Obituary policy
h dk11 « •
in 2004. She is survived by her daughters, Carolyn (Lyn) Schmidt, and Rebecca (Becky) Melcher; grandchildren, Bradley Alan Schmidt, Chad Gordon Schmidt, Ashley (Melcher) Macias, Kelley Melcher, Michael Melcher, Christy (MLen) Hertsch, Katy (Millen) Smith and her husband, Andrew, and Carrie (MLen) Juckno and husband, Ron; and eight great-grandchildren. Other surviving family members include David's wife, Sharon; nephew, Eric (Kay) Allenbaugh; and niece, Donna (Allenbaugh) Brown. Our lives were enriched for having the good fortune to have crossed paths with this gentle and loving child of God. She went about her loving, caring and compassionate life quietly, without needing or seeking, recognition or attention. Janet was a truly amazing woman. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to P.E.O. Chapter EN of Bend, Oregon, Partners ln Care Hospice House, Bend, Oregon, or a charity of your choosing. Janet was laid to rest at Oakwood Cemetery in Chatsworth, California, next to her parents and husband, on January 5, 2013. A memorial service will be held at a later date in Bend, Oregon.
Deschutes Memorial Chapel is honored to serve the family. Condolences may be left online at
Dumped Christmas trees are a gift for us ice in rura areas Arizona lake's fish
ome u ess i ri e e circui, a minis erin By John M. Glionna
By Mike Anton
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times
GOLDFIELD, Nev. — Judge Kim Wanker is behind the wheel, again. The highway is a straight line into the desert's nothingness, where crows be-
grudgingly relinquish their spots on the hot asphalt. She motors past wild horses, diners with portraits of John Wayne, and anonymous dirt roads leading off into the scrub brush. Soon after starting her job in 2011, Wanker got stopped by a deputy asking why she was in suchahurry. "I'm the new 5th D istrict
judge," answered Wanker (pronounced wonker). "Can you prove it?" She couldn't. She hadn't had time to make business cards yet. "Well," she offered, "I've got my black robe in the trunk." The deputy let her off with a warning, a bit of discretion Wanker sometimes dispenses from the bench herself as one of the nation's legal oddities — a circuit court judge who still rides a circuit. Once a month, the petite Nebraska native embarks on a journeythatevokes anotherera.
John M. Glionna / Los Angeles Times
Kim Wanker, left, speaking with an unidentified constituent outside the courthouse in Goldfield, Nev., is a judge who puts some miles on her car. Nevada's 5th District judge takes a monthly circuit trip that takes her hundreds of miles to some courthouses that haven't changed in a century.
Stetson holders. A m ounted bighorn sheep head looms over In the old days, hanging judges, her head, confiscated from as some were known, headed some luckless defendant deinto town by horse, stagecoach cades ago. The place conjures or locomotive. Today, Wanker, Western courtscenes from the 51, whizzes along paved two- imagination, like in the old TV lane roads in her government- show"Gunsmoke." issued white Pontiac Sebring. Western-style lawbreaking Hanging isn't her style, but she has changed over the generahas already become known as tions. Vagrants and cattle rus"The Hammer" for her no-non- tlers have been replaced by sense courtroom demeanor. drug dealers, alcohol abusers, Wanker is one of a dwindling deadbeat parents, spouse beatnumber of j udges who still ers and, occasionally, child mowander the West's wide-open lesters. But Wanker, who grew spaces. Montana is so big, for up anchored by farm roots and example, that most of the state's a strong family ethic, still holds 56 counties are served by trav- defendants to a simple, oldeling judges. In other places, the school standard: Stand up and practice could be in jeopardy. be accountable for your own In Wyoming, budget cuts have failures. curtailed judicial circuits to satThe judge, who was appointellite courts, meaning prisoners ed by Republican Gov. Brian will nowbe brought to their day Sandoval in 2011 to fill a vain court, and not the other way cancy and held on to her seat in around. N ovember's election,brings her But Nevada, for now, con- own stamp of courtroom comtinues the practice. "Nevada's mon sense. People once talked centerhas always been pretty on their cellphones during sessparsely populated," said Den- sions and let their children run nis McBride, director of the around unsupervised. DefenNevada State Museum in Las dants were used to getting secVegas. "In the old days, they ond chances. needed a judge to ride the cirNot anymore. Wanker has cuit. And today they still do." even publicly dressed down atSprawling just over 25,000 torneys for frequent tardiness. square miles, Nevada's 5th If she can get to a distant court District — encompassing Nye, on time, well, so can they. "I see accountability, a reMineral and Esmeralda counties — is bigger than West Vir- spect for the bench, that wasn't ginia. The expanse remains here before," said Suzy Rowe, who's seen a lot of judges in largely vacant, with most of the 50,000 population living her 30 years as a court stenogin one town. That means the rapher. "Nobody shows up in rest of Wanker's turf averages Judge Wanker's court in shorts 3'/~people per square mile, a and a ripped shirt." population scarcity that rivals Single, with n o c h i ldren, Siberia's. Wanker spent most of her caWanker's circuit often takes reer as an attorney working in three days or m ore, cover- employment law, with several ing more than 600 miles. She major casinos as clients. Over stops in courthouses in tiny the years, she continuedto cultiGoldfield, Tonopah and Haw- vate her tomboy side, collecting thorne, where she hears be- cars and riding motorcycles, tween 60 and 80 cases per trip. mountain bikes and jet skisAlong the way, the landscape anything that provides speed. features road signs advertis- She jumped at the chance to being the dreamlike El Sueno come a judge, mainly because casino, rundown brothels like of the monthly chance to revel the Shady Lady and wooden in the freedom of the road. shacks with placards featuring When she sets off, she usucurious spelling flourishes, one ally dresses less than judgeselling "an-teeks." She stops like, preferring a red University for candy on each trip, with of Nebraska sweat shirt and the clerk (missing two front sneakers. Only when she arteeth) greeting her the same rives at each courthouse does way: "Good morning, Your she switch into a black sweater Eminence." and dress slacks. By the time In Goldfield, Wanker over- the gavel pounds, she's in her sees proceedingsin a vintage judge's robe. 1907 courtroom that features Wanker spends most days the original steel judge's bench, anchored to the bench in Pahfaux Tiffany lamps and observ- rump, a Las Vegas bedroom er chairs complete with metal community that, with 36,000
On the circuit Once a month Judge KimWanker drives from Pahrump to three courthouses in Nevada's 25,000-square-mile 5th District. 80
50 miles
Nevada I
Havlthorne • TonoPah Mineral County ~' Goldfield Esmeraida County Nye County ' ,
California Pahrum
, Las Vegas
Sources: ESRI, TeleAtlas,Google Maps © 2013 MCT
residents, ranks as her district's largest population center. Every 30 days comes her chance to light out for the territory with the radio switched off — her mind lost in her cases. Often, Wanker stalls behind lumbering RVs and slow-moving fuddy-duddies. But she studiously watches speed limits that plummet from 70 to 25 through most towns, knowing that, unlike the forgiving deputy she met on her first trip, backwater cops don't cotton to outsiders — even circuit judges — with a lead foot. Since cellphones are often useless out here, Wanker keeps satellite service in her car, along with a sleeping bag and flashlight in case she gets stranded. She also removed the vehicle's judicial seal, for fear of breaking down and becoming prey for desert wanderers who might have a problem with a person who puts people in prison. The sense ofdesolation persists even in town. Some courtrooms lack Internet service, microphones, even security. For a time, the spectator seats in Hawthorne were folding chairs mended with tape, until a local undertaker donated seats he didn't use. Wanker got jail inmates toscrape offthe crosses and spruce them up. Without a la w c lerk, she hunkers down for h ours to read case files, sometimes pulling out a portable grill to cook steaks outside the courthouse as she works longinto the night. Late one evening she emerged from her Hawthorne office to come face to face with the family of a woman she had recently sentenced to p r ison. "They were not happy to see me," she said. (Other than offering a few looks to kill, the relatives kept their distance.)
Most nights when she's on the road, she stays at Tonopah's Mizpah Hotel, a g r and old lodging dame where Howard Hughes married Jean Peters and boxing legend Jack Dempsey once worked as a bouncer. A century ago, judges who ran the court i n G o ldfield, then a mining town of 20,000 residents, suffered neither fools nor vagabonds. Reacting to a man who pleaded guilty to vagrancy, one judge wrote, "De-
and concrete structure grew a biological skin of mosses and The ghosts of Christmas algae that was then colonized past can be found in some by insects. In addition to prounusual places. The bottom of viding shelter, the Christmas Lake Havasu, for instance. treestructures also became a There, thousands of Christ- source of fish food. mas trees sunk by wildlife biScuba divers check sites ologists have found a second annually and have found that life as fish habitat in an eco- fish are drawn to Christmas system damaged by the dam- treesas much as Santa is. "When they started, they ming of the Colorado River decades ago. could count all of the fish at What nature once provided any spot on their fingers," — a steady source of organic Koch said. "Progressively, material such as brush and they found more fish — way, uprooted trees — disappeared way more fish — than they when theonce wild and mudcan count." dy river was tamed. The lake The project turned Lake is a reservoir behind Parker Havasu into a popular sport Dam on the California border fishing destination. "Before this, the lake was with Arizona. By the late 1980s, Lake basically dead," said Arnold Havasu's now crystal clear Vignoni, president of the lowaters harbored few places cal chapter of Anglers United, where newly spawned fish whose members help maincould find shelter from preda- tain the reefs. "The bass tourtors. Fish populations were nament guys — and we have a fraction of what they had lots of bass tournaments here now — say the fishing is just been a generation before. "There was no place for the outstanding." young fish to hide until they It takes a Christmas tree matured," said Kirk Koch, a fiveto six yearsto decompose fisheriesprogram manager under water. So each year, for the U.S. Bureau of Land volunteers toss in as many Management. "Instead, they as 500 additional trees and would be consumed by bigger a thousand brush piles to refish." plenish the reefs. The solution was a gift that Part of the benefit of creatkeeps on giving: Christmas ing habitat with Christmas trees. trees is that it's cheap — trash More than 30 million farm- haulers are happy to unload harvested trees are sold na- onto others what they pick up tionwide each year. No matter at the curb. how pretty they are decoThis year, Riverside Counrated, they all meet the same ty supervisors approved a ignoble fate: ground up as plan to transfer 2 tons of trees mulch or buried in landfills. collected at county landfills to When it began in 1992, the the California Department of effort at Lake Havasu was the Fish and Wildlife, which will largest fresh-water habitat re- dump them into two lakes covery program in the nation, that badly need them. Koch said. The load will make Quinn Over the next decade, $16 Granfors' job much easier. million and countless hours Granfors, a state fisheries of work by volunteers created biologist, has been tossing 875 acres of artificial reefs. trees into Lake Elsinore and Structures were formed Lake Perris since 2006. Workby sinking PVC pipe, con- ing under budget constraints, crete sewer pipe and cinder he was left to scrounge around blocks in 42 coves. Then, dis- on his own after Christmas in carded Christmastrees were search of trees. Now they'll be lashed together, w eighted coming to him. down and dumped around In the coming weeks, he the structures. Piles of brush and volunteers will send hunwere added. As the trees and dreds of weighted trees to the brush decomposed, the pipe bottom of the lakes.
fendant raggy and filthy," add-
ing: "Nothing but a cigar stump found on him." With another vagrant, the court ruled, "He is too lazy to work but is harmless. Given a warning not to come back this way again." The old system died out in many Western states as suburban sprawl brought justice closer to far-flung areas. But as Wankercarrieson thetradition, she does it the old-school way. Mixing her judicial empathy with the stern guidance of a miffed parent, she expresses her disgust fromthe bench with such phrases as "Don't buffalo me" and "You need to pull your head out and fly right." But unlike judges of old, Wanker'sjob requires the art of public relations. She makes time to get to know the staff in each courtroom and often hands out gavel-shaped chocolates during stops at the Tonopah senior center for lunch and poker games. Schmoozing with one tough-customer town official, she glanced at the man's cowboy boots saying, "You always wear the swankest boots." Clearly pleased, the man paused. "I've always liked a
I •
good pair of boots," he said, blushing. An hour later, the circuit judge was back on the road.
Washington dockonbeachdeaned,scraped gTjg)3++gg4 The Associated Press FORKS, Wash.— A Washington state spokesman says a crew has scrubbed a dock that washed ashore on awilderness beach near Forks and scraped off more than 400 pounds of organic material, i n cluding species native to Japan but not
found in the United States. The dock is considered likely debris from the March 2011 tsunami in Japan. Ecology Depar t m ent spokesman Curt Hart said a six-member team from Olymp ic National Park an d t h e state Department of Fish and
Wildlife removed protective bumpers and decontaminated the outer dock surface with a diluted bleach solution on Friday. The team put the organic material in an upland area outside the surf zone where the marine specieswon't survive. Hart says initial lab results
identified as many as 50 plant and animal species on the dock that are native to Japan, including a l g ae, s e aweed, mussels and barnacles. State and federal officials will start planning this week how to remove the dock from the beach.
every minute
NOW OPEN B END NORT H BE N D S O U T H REDM O N D 1569 NEF'SI. 6 1303S Hwy.97, Ste.120 3853SW21"St., Ste.107 Bend, OR 97701 Bend, OR 97702 Redmond,OR 97756 541-389-2009 54 1 - 3 0 6-675 7 54 1 - 9 2 3-2555
W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013.
4 •
Today:1 Chance of
Asto r i a .xxxxxxxxxx ~ HOOd
N> H'ilsbprpPOrtland ~M
• xxsandy 6 x w x 4 i / 37 «>« J 42/35»>~ ; 6 ~ Governmentx
~; McMi/Lnviilq
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• Herm'iston 373'
Biggs • vVtrlingtpn 35/26 al f I 3 38/31 • 3/03]
• pl'ay38/25
Baker Ci • John Day
'Paulina 3U29
3 3/26
' Beach
33/1 5
30/1 0
Frenchglen 34/19
46I4 2
North Bend
• amath
Ashland ~
• 50 0
• 45/37•
Grants Pass
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
C hr i st V II „
5j ive r
1 Port Orford 47/42
Nyssa 3uir
La Pine 35/28 33/29 Crescenta • Lake p cr escent •• Fpit Rpck 36/30 • ww
alls 34/22 ~
l /34 ~
• -11'
• Lakeview 30R3
o www m +" +".+".+"w)~% , ancpuve'v at xvcalgary
" w,v43/37 w Xt a 37/tgv Saskatoon 28/zt
(in the 48 contiguous states):
+ ++-:]
• -32'
ty 105 4 6/21 y
Fort Polk La.
»» P ,
Vegas 50/34
X• B
59/45 L
Phoenix IR
Honolulu ~ Tijuana 59/43
To rorffo
L ~+
/ ~> 3 5 /zov
' • 3 5 / 21
3 2 / zt
• I
ewYork 44/32
• Y 4 6/3 1 W n g tpn, D.C. 45/34
33/2V ~
ar l otte •Ch 5S/30 '
Little Rock
Rl 49/26 Pjrr f 46/22
Birmingham 54/35
Houston 60/41 0
Chihuahua 55/37
61/41 .. .t t
itg, 0 • Miami 81/68
70s Anchorage 29/24
rtalifax 33/12
t. Loui
Oklahoma Clty
46 +
lg 3 0S • Louisville ~
o C3
0 h 29/17 ~
~i IDes~Moines
pan Francisco +
xt xt
V '" ~
3 3 / 16 142/22'Rapid Cityt
Alamosa, Colo
• 0.94
Thunder Bay 17/14
Winnipe 17N4 •
• 83' Kendall, Fla.
La Paz 70/56
Mazatlan ~8 2 /67
57/46 t
.++++ 6+++
44 3 2
41 19
33 18
Pi •
Moonrise today....1:55 a.m Moonsettoday ...12:17 p.m Jan. 1 1 Jan.18 Jan. 26 Feb. 3
Yesterday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:25 a.m...... 4:05 p.m. Venus......6:21 a.m...... 3:15 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low..............28/19 2 4hoursendmg4pm*. .000" Recordhigh........60m1984 Monthtodate.......... 0.00" Recordlow........ -10in1974 Average monthtodate... 028"
Mars.......9:00 a.m...... 6:33 p.m. Jupiter......1:47 p m...... 4 49 a.m. Satum......2:17 a.m.....12:42 p.m.
Average high.............. 40 Year to date............ 0.00" Average low .............. 24 Average year to date..... 0.28" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.16 Record 24 hours ...0.42 in1935 *Melted liquid equivalent
Uranus....11:06 a.m..... 11:21 p.m.
M onday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
Astoria ........47/41/0.03....47/39/sh......49/43/r Baker City...... 23/-1/0.00.....32/1 7lc..... 31/26/rs Brookings......49/40/0.08....46/42/sh.....50/43/sh Burns.......... 20/-8/0.00.....31/12/c..... 32/21/rs Eugene........41/37/0.00.....45/37/c.....50/41/sh Klamath Falls ...27/1 3/0 00 ....34/22/c ... 39/28/rs Lakeview........30/0/0.00 ....30/23/c..... 30/22/rs La Pine........28/14/0.00....35/28/sn..... 36/26/rs Medford.......42/30/0.00.....45/37/c.....46/37/sh Newport.......50/43/0.08....48/39/sh.....50/42/sh North Bend...... 50/43/NA.....48/45/c.....49/47/sh Ontario........ 15/-1/0.00.....31/17/c.....31/26/sn Pendleton...... 28/24/0.00.....39/31/c...... 42/35/r Portland .......38/36/0.00....43/36/sh......48/40/r Prineville....... 29/22/0.00.... 35/33/rs..... 39/30/rs Redmond.......28/16/0.01 .....36/27/c..... 45/32lrs Roseburg.......46/35/0.01 ....46/40/sh.....47/43/sh Salem ....... 39/34/0 01 ...44/35/sh ...49/40/sh Sisters.........26/1 5/0.00.... 36/31/rs..... 38/29/rs The Dages...... 31/27/0.15.....38/31/c......42/34/r
for solar at noon.
Snow accumulation in inches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .50-51 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .40-70 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .82-110 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .84-105 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 90 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0.0......54-57 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 -0 . . . . . . . 105
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .41-80
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .20-23 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0....120-1 50 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .33-49 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . .63-119 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-51 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .35 45 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 21 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Yesterday's extremes
- otr '
43 34
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
J~™ i
Ham tpn
qhh dp h
Mostly cloudy with areas of freezing Ontarlo fog early.
32n 7
32n I
x x6 Grove • Coos Bay<i ii ' 45/39
ers may develop late in the day.
32/I 6
Camp Sherman
x>> Eurienehxx
La Grande• 3SRS 'Union Granite
CENTRAL A few snow show-
Warm Springs •
I/allowa , Pendleton 29/2i • Enterpris 39/31 • Meacham • 33/19
Bz Chance of rain/snow
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE WEST Sunrisetoday...... 7:40 a.m Moon phases Expect cloudy Sunsettoday...... 4 43 p.m skies with a New First F u ll Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:40 a.m chance of showers. Sunset tomorrow... 4:44 p.m
. Cannon Beachh'.Nxxxx« R . ' Nx' • kkx x x x x
Chance of rain show-
IFORECAST:5TATE xx x t r7/39xx't t xx x x x x x x x x x NNk k « ' 5easide+t s s x
4i db
' 46/41
Tonight:1 Increasing clouds.
rain/snow mix.
* *
t 4 t
, ** * * * d a d ca * *
43 4
xt + 39
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......59/35/0.00...52/30/s. 57/36/pc Grand Rapids....36/21/0.01..34/2usu.. 34I26/s RapidCity.......41/22/000...44/26/5. 40/22/pc Savannah.......60/34/0.00 .. 59/41/sh.. 60/41/s Akron ..........34/17/000..34/21/sn. 32/23/pc GreenBay........30/3/0.00..30/10/pc.. 31/23/s Reno...........32/14/0.00..36/21/su.. 37/24/c Seattle......... 44/40/trace .. 45/41/sh...47/42/r Albany..........36/23/000..36/23/sn.. 27/13/s Greensboro......49/23/0.00..52/29/pc.. 47/28/s Richmond.......50/23/0.00 ..52/31/pc.. 49/30/s SiouxFalls.......28/1/000...25/15/s.32/16/pc Albuquerque.....40/13/000...44/24/s. 45/24/pc Harusburg.......39/28/0.00...38/26/c. 36/23/pc Rochester, NY....35/30/0.00 .. 36/20/sn.. 26/20/s Spokane........33/25/0.00... 32/27/c 35/33/rs .. Anchorage ......32/26/000..29/24/sn. 27/18/sn Hartford,CT .....41/28/0 00..40/25/pc.. 34/17/s Sacramento......51/32/0.00..51/37/sh. 55/38/pc Springfield, MO ..42/26/0.00... 37/24/5..45/29/sf Atlanta .........50/30/000..54/35/pc.. 53/36/s Helena...........28/6/040..36/18/pc.31/25/pc St.Louis.........46/30/0.00..33/22/pc .. 41/27/s Tampa..........77/55/0.00... 76/59/t. 76/58/pc Atlantic City.....42/26/0.00..47/31/pc.. 43/33/s Honolulu........78/62/0.09...81/69/s.. 81/69/s Salt Lake City.....20/6/000..27/12/pc. 29714/pc Tucson..........63/30/0.00..66/38/pc. 52/34/pc Austin..........54/41IO 01...58/31/s. 58/47lpc Houston ........47/42/0 84..60741lpc. 63/46/pcSanAntonio.....59/41/000... 61/33/s. 59/50/pc Tulsa ...........48/35/0.00...45/24/s. 50/31/pc Baltimore .......43/31/0.00 ..45/32/pc.. 44/27/s Huntsville.......49/27/0.00... 51/27/s.. 50/31/s SanDiego.......62/41/0.00...58/41/c .. 60/45/s Washington, 0C..46/31/0.00..45/34/pc.. 45/31/s Billings.........38/21/000..42/22/pc. 40/21/pc Indianapolis.....38/18/0.01..32/18/sn.. 36Q4/s SanFrancisco....53/42/001..55/45lsh. 57/45/pc Wichita .........49/33/0.00...42/23/s. 48/30/pc Birmingham.....50/31/007...53I28/s. 55/38/s Jackson,MS.... 48/34/013. 58/30/s 55I36/s SanJose........56/40/000 .. 55/41/sh 61/41/pc Yakima .........34/28/0.07. 34/26/c.. 36/30/r Bismarck........ 22/ 3/000 ..28/16/pc. 29/I5/pc Jacksonvile......63/40/000..61l45lsh. 63/48/pc SantaFe.........35/2/000... 36/16/s. 39/18/pc Yuma...........65/38/0.00..66/45/pc.64/45/pc Boise............22/6/000...33/16/c. 34/28/sn Juneau..........32/30/001 .. 34/31/rs ..35/31/rs INTERNATIONAL Boston..........42/30/000 ..40/29/sn .. 37/21/s KansasCity......43/26/0 00... 33/19/s. 41/29/pc BudgeportCT....45/30/000 ..40/29/pc.. 38/25/s Lansing.........35/19/0 00 ..33/17/sa .. 32/23/s Amsterdam ..,,,,48/45/0 00 .. 47/42/c 46/42/c Mecca..........84/70/000 . 81/62/s.. 81/60/s Buffalo.........34/29/000 ..35/19/sn .. 28/21/s Las Vegas.......51/30/0 00..50/34/pc. 53/33/pc Athens..........55/42/0 00 .. 47/37/sh. 47/36/pc Mexico City .....72/45/000 .69/47/pc 69/43/pc BurlingtonVT....35/14/000 ..33/10/sn... 13/2/5 Lexington.......44/23/0 00..40/22/pc .. 39/26/5 Auckland........73/57/000 ..72/59/sh.70/57/pc Montreal.........32/9/0 00 .. 29/4/sn...3/-3/pc Caribou,ME......23/2/041 .. 15/6/sn...6/13/s Lincoln..........31/11/0 00... 33/17/s. 37/22/pc Baghdad........60/44/0 00.. 64/49/pc. 66/50/pc Moscow........30/27/0.04... 27/18/c... 25/7/c Charleston, SC...57/31/000 ..59/41/sh.. 60/39/s Little Rock.......50/31/0.00...49/26/s .. 47/32/s Bangkok........93/73/0 00.. 92/76/pc. 93/77/pc Nairobi.........77/57/0.00 ..79/57/sh. 78/58/sh Charlotte........50/22/000 ..55/30/pc .. 51/27/s LosAngeles......62/42/0 00 ..59/45lsh .. 60/45/s Beiling...........32/7/0.0030/1 .. 0/pc .. 34/7/pc Nassau.........82/70/0.00 ..78/69/pc. 76/71/pc Chattanooga.....49/26/000..49/27/pc.. 50/31/s Louisville........46/24/000..37/23/pc.. 40/29/s Beirut..........63/54/0.82...57/52/r...52/48li New Delh/.......52/36/000 ..65/43/pc .. 64/43/s Cheyenne.......35/19/000...46/21/s. 40/18/pc Madison Wl.....34/10/000...29/9/pc. 34/22/pc Berlin...........48/41/000..45/44/sh ..42/37lc Osaka..........43/27/0.00 45/37/pc .. .. 46/37/s Chicago.........39/18/003 ..32/21/pc. 40/32/s Memphis....... 46/30/0 00 47/28/s .. 50I32/s Bogota.........70/39/000...67/44ls...67/43lt Oslo............30/27/0.00 31/29/pc .. .. 30/25/c Cincinnati.......42/19/000 ..35/23/sn.. 37/24/s Miami..........82/68/0.00..81/68/pc. 81I71/pc Budapest........50/34/000 ..34/26/sn.. 32/24/c Ottawa ..........30/9/0.00..28/-6/sn...3/-0/pc Cleveland.......34/22/0.00 ..35/26/sn.. 33/27/s Milwaukee......36/18/0.01..32/20/pc.. 36/29/s BuenosAires.....84/70/2 24...90/77/5...84/65/t Paris............48/46/0.00...48/41/c. 46/37/pc Colorado Spnngs.42/22/000..51/23/pc. 44/21/pc Minneapolis.....26/10/0.00..20/14/pc. 32/19/pc CaboSanLucas..77/54/0 00..79/59/pc.. 77/54/s Rio deJaneiro....86/75/0.00...87/74/t...91l76/t Columbia,MO...39/25/002...32/21/s .. 44/29/s Nashville........47/22/0.00..46/22/pc .. 44/31/s Cairo...........66/50/000..64/50/pc. 59/48/pc Rome...........57/36/0.00...55/42/s.. 57/47/s ColumbiaSC....54/26/000 ..57/34/pc.. 56/31/s New Orleans.....53/46/0 00... 61/41/s .. 59/50/s Calgary.........32/16/000..37/19/pc.. 27/16/c Santiago........82/55/0.00...86/61/s.. 86/62/s Columbus GA....54/33/000 ..58/38/pc.. 58/37/s New York.......42/32/000 ..44732/pc.. 42/30ls Cancun.........82/75/0.00...82I73/t...82/75/t SaoPaulo.......88/68/0.00... 84/68/t...83/68/t Columbus, OH....37/17/000 ..35/21/sn. 35/24/pc Newark, Nl......44/31/000 ..45731/pc.. 42/28/s Dublin..........54/39/0.00...50/47/c. 51/48/sh Sapporo ........23/13/003..25/13/sn..23/2/sf Concord,NH.....35/21/000 ..35/21/sn.. 26/10/s Norfolk VA......46/32/0 00 .. 52/33/sh .. 48/33/s Edinburgh.......52/46/0 00...47/45/c. 47/45/sh Seoul............28/1/0.00..25/16/pc.. 27/6/pc Corpus Christi....52/46/003 ..63/42/pc. 64758/pc Oklahoma City...50/36/0.00...47/28/s .. 48I35/s Geneva.........50/36/000..42/31/pc. 46/39/pc Shangha/........39/32/0.00..40/37/sh. 44/38/sh DallasFtWorth...54/3$/000... 54/32/s. 55/43/pc Omaha.........32/14/0 00... 29/17/s. 36/23/pc Harare..........70/63/2 99... 67/62/r. 68/61/sh Singapore.......88/77/0.03..90/78/pc. 89/78/sh Dayton .........38/18/000 ..34/20/sn.. 36/23/s Orlando.........76/55/0.00... 77/60/1.76/61/sh Hong Kong......59/50/000..65/58/pc. 67761lpc Stockholm.......30/21/000...32/28/c.. 36/32/c Denver..........37/18/000 ..46/24/pc. 43/23/pc PalmSprings.... 63/36/000 ..59/41/pc.. 61/43/s Istanbul.........48/41/003..42/35/sh.38/32lsn Sydney..........88/70/0.00..82/65/pc.. 77/65/s DesMoines......39/20/000...27/14/s. 38/25/pc Peoria..........36/17/0.01..28/14/pc.. 36/26/s lerusalem .......52/45/0 98...52/42lc...45/42lr Taipei...........66/61/000..63/60/sh. 63/59/sh Detroit..........32/14/000..35/20/sn.. 32/25/s Philadelphia.....42/28/0.00..46/31/pc.. 41/29/s Johannesburg....72/61/0.00..79/59/sh.81l57lsh TelAviv.........61/54/000...60/51lc.. 53/52/r Duluth...........28/8/001 ..24/13/pc.31/20/pc Phoeuix.........63/37/0.00..67/43lpc. 59/42/pc Lima ...........79/66/0.00...75/68/c. 77/68/pc Tokyo...........41/36/0.00..46/36/pc.44/37/pc El Paso..........38/22/000...47/33/s. 52/32/pc Pittsburgh.......35/24/0 00 ..33/22/sa .. 35/22/s Lisbon..........57/43/0 00..54/47/pc 60/51/pc Toronto.........34/30/0 00 33/16/sn.25/25/pc Fairbanks......... 0/9/000... 3/14/c..-2/13/c Portland,ME.....36/23/000 ..34/22/sa.. 27/13/s London .........52/45/0.00..50/45/sh.. 46/41/c Vancouver.......45/39/021..43/37lsh. 39/37/sh Fargo............16/1/000..23/13/pc.30/15/pc Prpvidence......42/26/000..40/27/sa .. 36/20/s Madrid .........52/27/0.00...53/32/s.. 56/41/s Vienna..........50/41/0.29..43/34lsh..37/27lrs Flagstaff.........49/0/000..40/16/pc.32/13/pc Raleigh.........49/25/000...51/31/c.. 49/29/s Manila..........91/77/0 00..88/75/pc...86/74/t Warsaw.........41/32/0.00...32/25/c. 27/20/pc
Under new rules, barbed fishing hooksbanned on Columbia By Allen Thomas
S portsmen still ma y u s e double-point or treble hooks, VANCOUVER, Wash. so long as the barbs have been — Washington officials have filed off or pinched down. had an itch for years to shift to Oregon's Fish and Wildlife barbless hooks for salmon and Commission in early Decemsteelhead sport fishing in the ber approved a measure proColumbia River. hibiting Oregon license holdIt's been proposed — then ers from using barbed hooks postponed because Oregon in the Columbia and the Wilwas not on board — before. lamette River downstream of Well, it became reality on Willamette Falls, i n cluding Jan. l. Multnomah ChanneL The Washington DepartWashington an d O r egon ment of F ish an d W i l dlife have talked a lot about requirannounced late last m onth ing sportsmen touse barbless t hat barbless hooks will be hooks in the Columbia as part r equired when f i shing f o r of the revamping of Columbia salmon, steelhead and cut- River harvest rules starting in throat trout from the mouth of 2013. It's all part of transitioning the Columbia upstream to the state boundary with Oregon, the gillnetters to off-channel 17 miles east of McNary Dam. areas, requiring Use of seines The Columbian
The Washington and Ore gon c o m missions h e a r d more than a dozen hours of testimony last month about the Columbia fisheries reform. Interspersedamong the comments about gillnets, purse seines and off-channelareas — Guy Norman, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife were frequent opinions about barbless hooks. Jim Myron of th e Native for commercial harvest in the Jan. 1 in order to have concur- Fish Society told the Oregon main Columbia and making rent rules in the Columbia. commission t h e bar b l ess "Fisheriescan be very dif- hook rule would be the bigsport fishing the priority by 2017. ficult to manage under two g est conservation move i n Washington's commission differentsets of rules," said the entire Columbia fisheries is expected to bless the ban on Guy Norman, regional direc- revamping. barbed hooks when it decides tor for the Washington DeBob Margolis, executive dion the Columbia River fisher- partment of Fish and Wildlife. rector of the Wild Steelhead ies harvest reforms Jan. 12 in "The two states have worked Coalition, supported barbless Olympia. together for nearly a hundred hooks. Doug Baldwin of the Oregon's action required years to maintain regulatory Clearwater Fly Casters also Washington to follow suit by consistency." backed them.
"Fisheries can be very difficult to manage under two different sets of rules. The two states have worked together for nearly a hundred years to maintain regulatory consistency."
Pot ven ingmachinemakero ersto help Washingtonset upretail-marijuana plan By Lynn Thompson
formal plans for carrying out The Seattle Times "The reality of the way the law reads, only a the legalization. SEATTLE — A c o mpany The Liquor Control Board licensed-retail outlet can sell marjiuana. That that makes vending machines this year got out of the stateto dispense marijuana is one pretty much prevents any corner vending licensed liquor business with machines." of dozens of firms and exvoter approval of private liperts that have offered to help quor sales in November 2011. — Mikhail Carpenter, Washington State Llquor Control Board Now the board is trying to Washington state set Up new rules now that the drug has understand a product that has been legalized. these machines would be 10- of medicine or other prod- been approvedformedical use But don't expect any mari- cated behind a counter, inside uct after verifying a patient's in many states but is still illejuana-vending machines in a retail outlet, where it would identity t h r ough a f i n g er- gal under federal drug laws. uWe have a lot of experience a company cafeteriaor on a be operated by a dedicated print and checking for a valid state ferry any time soon. technician. There will be no prescription. licensing and regulating. The "The reality of the way the direct-customer contact with The company highlighted particulars of m arijuana is law reads, only a licensed re- the machine," wrote Dr. Bruce its machines'record-keeping something we could Use some tail outlet can sell marijuana. Bedrick, Medbox CEO, to the ability as a way to document input on," said Carpenter. That pretty much prevents Liquor Control Board. transactions and ensure the The board ha s r e ceived a ny c o rner v e n ding m a Bedrick said his company state receives its cut of taxes. more than 160 comments chines,u said Mikhail Carpen- was setting Lfp o f f ices i n Medbox is one of dozens from the public on rules and ter, spokesman for the Wash- Washington and would work of companies that have con- restrictions for a marijuanaington State Liquor Control with the state to create "one tacted the stateto offer its g rower license. It w i l l a c Board. of the safest and most reliable services as the Liquor Control cept comments through Feb. Medbox, a California com- retail-marijuana programs in Board wrestles with how to 1 0. Similar r u le-making i s pany that makes automated the nation." implement the new law, which planned for processor and redispensing machines for medMedbox pharmaceutical- went into effect Dec. 6. tail licenses. icine, contacted the L i quor d ispensing m a chines n o w T he b o ar d h as bee n Washington and Colorado Control Board in December operate in 130 locations, incharged with drafting rules in November became the first to offer its help creating a re- cluding m e d i cal-marijuana ancI regulations over the next states to legalize possession tail-marijuana program. d ispensaries, according t o year to grow, process and sell Of one ounce of marijuana "I want to b e completely the company website. The marijuana. Staff is currently for recreational use by people clear that i n W a s h ington, machine dispenses a d o se drafting a request to solicit over 21.
But plenty of folks are less excited about going barbless. Tom Hester of Poulsen Cascade Tackle in Clackamas told the Washington commission barbless hooks damper fishing enthusiasm and discourage tourism. The barbless hook proposal is more about assuaging the hurt feelings of commercial fishermen than saving salmon and steelhead, said Hester. Casual anglers will want to buy lures with barbless hooks, while veterans will stay with their favorites and pinch the barb, he said.That forces costly dual production. "Barbless hook regulations have a better chance at killing business than barbed hooks do killing fish," Hester said.
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Cruise ship esigns evolving
rapi ly
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By Marjie Lambert The Miami Herald
MIAMI — The Celebrity Reflection that arrived at PortMiami last month had changed so much from the original ship in its class that it was two feet wider in order to balance the weight of an additional deck and other new features. Carnival Breeze, which also arrived last month, is only the third ship in the Dream class, but its public spacesarevery different sincetheyincorporate featuresfrom Carnival's new Fun Ship 2.0 program, launched after the first two Dream-class ships were built. Both are the last ships in their class. Of 2012's three new ships, only the Oceania Riviera is not significantly different from the first ship in its class. Frank Del Rio, chairman and CEO of Prestige Cruise Holdings, Oceania's parent company, says he'll use the same design to build the next Oceania ship. In the world of cruise ships, the end of 2012 marked agraduation of sorts. Most major U.S.based lines have wrapped
up one ship design and are moving on to a new one. Why? Guests demand changes, technology allows for features that didn't used to be possible, and ships need to keep up with the competition — or get out in front of it. The result: Ship designs are more fluid; there are more differences between ships built from the same basic blueprint, and older ships are sent into dry dock to be retrofitted with features from newer ships. Among the features on the last class of ships thatseem tobe keepers are moreelaborate water parks and sports decks, Norwegian's cabins for the solo traveler, spa-linked staterooms, exclusive luxury areas on non-luxury ships, more niche bars and ever-more-speciali zed restaurants. "One thing they all have in common is increasing options, especially for dining and drinking," said Carolyn Spencer Brown, editorin-chief of Cruise Critic. "Norwegian Cruise Line has been the innovator here, and now others are following suit in significant ways. It's recognizing that travelers don't want to be limited to set dining hours. "Definitely the increasing use of outdoor spaces during the night as well as the day is a really great new innovation, a nice change from the days when people went inside at sundown. Princess Cruises gets a lot of credit for jump-starting this; its Movies Under the Stars has led to other really cool uses, from Celebrity's Lawn Club (where live jazz under the stars is a highlight) to Royal Caribbean's high dive acrobatics and its Central Park."
Photos by John Gottberg Anderson i For The Bulletin
Timberline Lodge looms ghost-like over a snowboarder and skier near the top of the Pucci lift at the Timberline ski area. The only ski-in, ski-out winter lodge in the Pacific Northwest boasts the longest ski season in North America, closing only during October for maintenance.
• Historic hotel atop MountHood, dating to Depression, isOregonicon By John Gottberg Anderson For The Bulletin
TIMBERLINE — Seventy-five years is a ripe old age, one that isn't achieved without a few battle scars. There was a time when the historic Timberline Lodge, on the north slope of Mount Hood, didn't appear likely to survive its teenage years. Built at the 6,000-foot level of Oregon's tallest peak by the Depression-era Works Progress Administration (WPA) in 1936 and 1937, the hotel and ski lodge initially flourished. But it closed when the United NQRTHQ/E5T States entered World War II,
a nd failed to regain the popu-
larity of its honeymoon period once the war was over. Next week: By the mid-1950s, having Sea t t l e'sPioneer degenerated under mismanSquare agement into a den of iniquity — one that turned a blind eye to gambling and prostitution even as it left many of its bills unpaid — Timberline was threatened with permanent closure, according to the historical "Timberline Timeline" posted in a lodge exhibit area. The U.S. Forest Service, which owned the land upon which the lodge stood, even considered razing the building and restoring the mountain to structure-free wilderness. Enter Richard L. Kohnstamm: "He was sort of our Walt Disney," said Jon Tullis, Timberline's director of public affairs. "The people of Oregon rallied behind 'RLK' when he convinced the Forest Service to give Timberline one last try." At the time, Kohnstamm was 29 years old and a Portland social worker, qualifications that might have made him an unlikely candidate to renovate a grand hotel. See Timberline/C4
The 140-seat Cascade Dining Room features classic wood-beam construction with hand-made tables and chairs that were new furnishings 75 years ago. The restaurant offers three meals every day, including a full breakfast and an elaborate dinner menu emphasizing regional cuisine.
line's ships are bigger and
so are staterooms. See Ships/C5
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Pulitzer Prize-winning author to speak inBend By David Jasper The Bulletin
She may be better known as the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the novel "A Visit from the Goon Squad," but Jennifer Egan also loves journalism. "You get to be a busybody
(and) a nosy person," she told
Ship design changes reflect the lifestyle that passengers have on shore, Del Rio said. Just as homes are bigger than they were a generation or two ago, his
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Skiers disembark from a chair lift atop the Mt. Hood Meadows ski resort, a 20minute drive northeast of Government Camp. The largest resort on Mount Hood, Meadows has11 chairs serving 2,150 acres.
Submitted photo
Jennifer Egan, the 2011 Pulitzer Prize winner for her novel "A Visit from the Goon Squad," will visit Bend High on Thursday as part of Deschutes Public Library's "Author! Author!" series.
The Bulletin. "And not only are you not punished for it, you're actually paid for it. It's the best game in town!" Egan plans to explore the intersection between fiction and journalism when she speaks Thursday at Bend High School. The talk, "Novelist as Journalist/Journalist as Novelist," is part of the Des-
chutes Public Library system's continuing "Author! Author!"
ing life to draw on if it weren't forthe experiences Ihad as a literary series (see "If you go"). journalist. "The way I go about the two Egan has given the talk before, but its specifics is extremely different. are always evolving, As a journalist ... my she says. "I always try job is to synthesize to start a bit fresh, and reality and try to digest also try to learn from a lot of fact and knowlprior experience." edge into a form that's Her journalism apreadable to the public, pears regularly in the but as a fiction writer a novel I'm trying to create an New York Times Magazine and has covered alternative reality. I don't write from my own life, such topics as bipolar disorder and sperm donors. "It's hard to or I don't write about people really imagine being a fiction I know. I'm really making it writer without journalism at up, so the two are extremely this point," she said. "I would different." have hada much less interestSee Author /C3
FormsforengagementweddinganniversaryorbirtitdayannouncementsareavailabieatTheBugetin i777SWChandlerAve.,eend orby emailing Forms andphotos must be submitted within one month of the celebration. Contact: 541-383-0358.
Jason Adams andKelsey Holmberg.
Nicole Munson and Brian Smith.
Holmberg — Adams
Munson — Smith
ence teacherat Redmond High School. Kelsey Holmberg and Jason The future groom is the son Adams, both of Bend, plan to of Priscilla Martin and Steve marry Aug. 10 in Bend. Martin, both o f B e nd, and T he future b r ide i s t h e Howard and Carol Adams, of daughter of Dave and Mad- Newport. He is a 1997 graduate eleine Holmberg, of Bend. She of Mountain View High School is a 2000 graduate of Mountain and a 2001 graduate of Oregon View High School and a 2004 State University, where he studgraduate of Davidson College, ied business. He is the owner of in Davidson, N.C., where she Creative Real Estate Solutions studied biology. She is a sci- LLC and Arbor Builders.
Nicole Munson and Brian Smith, both of Seattle, were married Aug. 5 at Broken Top Club in Bend, with a reception following. The bride is the daughter of David and Janet Munson, of North Bend, Wash. She is a 2002 graduate of Mt. Si High School in Snoqualmie, Wash. She works at Visible Technol-
Matt Bradley and Emily Geurts. ogies in Bellevue, Wash. The groom is the son of Bill and L i nda Smith, of Bend. He is a 2003 graduate of Mountain View High School and a 2007 graduate of the University of Oregon, where he studied business. He is a sales manager at Docusign in Seattle. The couple honeymooned on the Amalfi Coast in Italy. They will settle in Seattle.
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Geurts — Bradley
a literacy paraprofessional at Rice Elementary School, in Emily Geurts and M att Wellington, Co. Bradley, both of Fort Collins, The groom is the son of Colo., were married July 7 at Cary and Barb Bradley, of St. Francis of Assisi Historic Winston. He is a 2005 graduCatholic Church i n B e nd, ate of Coquille High School with a reception at the River and a 2011 graduate of OrRun Lodge at Eagle Crest. egon State University, where The bride is the daughter he studied English and eduof Carlton and Mary Geurts, cation. He is studying English of Bend. She is a 2006 gradu- language literature at Coloraate of Mountain View High do State University, where he School and a 2011 graduate works as a graduate teaching of Oregon State University, assistant. where shestudied education The couple honeymooned and human developmentand in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. familysciences.She works as They plan to settle in Bend.
e erecso or ourwe in By Cara Sullivan
The venue you choose will help set the tone for the other elements of your big day. A wedding on the beach comes with plenty of mood, atmosphere end even
New Yorlz Times News Service
H ere's a
l i t t l e secret to
designing the day of your dreams: Pick a m eaningful wedding location, and the rest of the details — from the date to the decor and even your dress — will naturally fall in line.
Select a style Your venue's vibe sets the tone for your entire event. What type of bride are you?
gets pricey. • Beachgoer: Sizzling sunsets and lapping waves supply mood, atmosphere and some free decor. Just have a Plan B for high winds, rain or excessive heat. • Traditionalist: A reception in a hotel or club's event space can be a g rand experience — ballroom dancing and all. You may have to work with its preferred vendors, but there's often a built-in rain plan and existing decor. • Nonconformist:If a unique place is a priority, look at an art gallery, a museum, loft space or century-old bank. Be sure to inquire about noise restrictions, security i ssues and food or drink stipulations (some sites don't allow red
wine, for example).
Stick to your bottom line Repeat after us: "I will not blow my budget on thevenue. I will not blow my budget on the venue." Follow these pointers. • Pick a number:As a rule of thumb, "plan on spending no more than 10 to 15 percent of your overall finances to the location fee," Darr says. Since costs are as varied as the spaces, it pays to shop around. A p u blic park, for example, may require only a small donation, while an urban loft could charge $15,000 • Price out a few dates: Sat-
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Mikkel Vang New York Times News Service
Yourvenuecanbe pretty inpink
a clutch of dusky protea, lisian-
It's time to rethink pink! Sure, it can be sweet and girlie, but when you reimagine the
PAPER TRAIL Fora cleverand super-easy way to pep upplain programs,
color all grown up, it brings
thus and garden roses.
style, polish and a playful attitude to any nuptials.
print your knot-tying info on a piece of white card stock, and then slip it into a tinted Jam
PLAY UPYOURPOSIES Gather ye rosebuds —and zinnias, protea and lisianthus
Paper vellum sleeve (from 40 cents each, The sheaths come inseveral shades, so youcancoordinate
— in an array of romantic
them with arly color scheme.
hues, and then pass them on to your equally colorful atten-
dants. Just as no two flowers are exactly alike, neither are
your bridesmaids. Supply a selection of distinct bouquets, and let each tote her favorite: • Packed with personality,
an electrifying assembly of "Yves Piaget" roses, andromeda, protea and cLircuma is
tailor-made for your pluckiest pal. • It doesn't get more charming than a softly shaded cluster of zinnias, curcumaand astilbe.
• Have a doe-eyed dreamer among your ranks? She'll love the enchanting vintage vibe of
For even morefestiveness, toss in confetti made from hole-punched construction
paper. SET A SOFTSCENE Stick to a less-is-more approach, and your pinks will really pop. A neutral backdrop can provide the canvasfor a striking tablescape. Think
host? "When you ask loved ones to take a vacation on your behalf, every moment has to be considered," says event designer David B eahm, of David Beahm Design in New York City. As unofficial tour guide, you'll spend time planning pre-wedding activities — some of which you might want to foot the bill for. • Are you willing to relinquish
Taiwan, Lynda (and Bill)
BIRTHS Delivered at St. Charles Bend
control? Flexibility i s c r u cial, especially when executing an overseas affair. Your vendor and rental options will likely be limited, the majority of y our c o m munication w i l l take place over email or video chat, and you can expect a l ast-minute change or t w o . All of which means: Type A brides, be wary.
luxe velvet runner, gilded vo-
Oregon for 41 years.
Corky andAngelee Wray,aboy, Ryder Lee Wray,8pounds,9ounces, Dec. 14. Derrickand Kristen Tingue aboy Rafe William Tingue, 7pounds, 14 ounces, Dec.16. Sharla Griffin, a boy,Skylar Harley Griffin, 9 pounds,Dec.8. Jeffrey and Lori Coffey, a girl, Gracie Hope Coffey, 7pounds, 9ounces, Dec. 22. JoshuaandColleenPleasant,a boy, CodyMichaelPleasant,6 pounds,6 ounces, Dec.21. Patrickand BonnieJordan, a boy, William Patrick Jordan, 9pounds,1 ounce, Dec.19. Abe andTrixie Hoda, agirl, Piper
Ferrera Hoda, 6pounds, 10ounces, Dec. 20. Nathaniel Chamberafid Ashley Wilson, aboy,EverettJamesChamb ers,7 pounds, 5ounces, Dec.20. Andrew Heizelmafi afid Aimey Jamieson, aboy,Carson ToddPaul Heizelman, 8pounds,12 ounces, Dec. 20. Jeremiah andAllyson Whaling, aboy, Jackson Cofinor Russell Whaling, 6 pounds,9ounces, Dec.18. Delivered at St. Charles Redmond Heather Booth, a boy,KayaAlyfia Nicole Booth, 7pounds, 15ounces, Dec.5. Justifi afid Ashley Murders, a girl, Haddi RayMurders, 8 pounds, 8 ounces, Dec.10.
tives, sparkling rose wine, and bunches of densely clustered dahlias, garden roses, andromeda andprotea. And keep things short and chic — soaring centerpieces andtowering tapers need not apply.
WEDDING EVENT SHOW January 12, 2013 • 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
If you're still swooning over a perk-free place that's out of your range, jot down a list of the p a r ticular elements you loved about the site, and use it to refocus your search.
Decide on distance
Once the miles are traveled, a destination wedding can offer a dayslong celebration for you and your nearest and dearest. Don't book that flight, though, until you anwill choosing a less popular swer these four questions. • Will your VIPs be able to month. • Do the math:"When you travel? It's one thing if your fourth take rentals into account, a bare-bones venue could end cousin can't make it, but if up costing more than a pricier, Grandpa has health concerns all-inclusive one," says Darr. or your sister is too pregnant If you fall hard for a spendy to fly, "you should stay close," spot, investigate what, exactly, says Darr. Extenuating ciryou're getting for your money. cumstances aside, it's normal season (June through October) are generally the most expensive. Opting for a Friday or Sunday will likely knock off a few thousand dollars, as
Mann, of Junction City, and Ross (and Clair) of Lewiston, Ed and Carol (Hanson) Idaho; 13 grandchildren; and Carlton, of Bend, will cel- nine great-grandchildren. ebrate their 60th wedding Mr. Carlton owned and opanniversary on an Alaskan erated Transmission World in cruise in June. Bend until his retirement in The couple were married 2002. He was a member of the Jan. 10, 1953, in V ancou- Lions Clubfor37 years. Mrs. ver, Wash. They have five Carlton retired from the Bendchildren, Ron (and Fay), of La Pine School District in McMinnville, Randy (and Ei- 1994. She was a member of the leen), of Bend, Rick(and Jean), Sweet Adelines for 34 years. of Arlington and Taichung, They have lived in Central
decor — think sunsets
and up. urday nights during wedding
some free
• Homebody:"Exchanging vows at your family's house or a private manse is personal and intimate," says event designer Samantha Darr, of Soireebliss Events in Houston. The pros: You set the timing (within town ordinances, at least), choose vendors and have freedom with decorations. The cons: Renting everything (linens, tableware, tents, portable b athrooms)
Ed end Carol (Hanson) Carlton.
RiVerhOIISe COnVentiOn Center, Bend, OregOn
for fewer guests to RSVP for an event that's far away or potentially costly.
Admission: $5.00/person or 4 Non-perishable food items Cash will be donated tcki Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Central Oregon Food will be donated tcni Bend Ronald McDonald House®
• Can you afford a planner? If your answer is no, you may want to unpack that suitcase. You'll need someone in the know to negotiate permits, customs andother specifics of the region where you're swap-
Win a $5,000 Dream Wedding Package The Central Oregon Wedding and Event Show is an exciting and affordable showcase for High Desert Event Professionals to see and be seen by your local audience! This action-packed shoufcase uill include:
ping vows • Are you up to playing
Weekly Arts Sr Entertainment In
1. Fashion shows featuring the latest Bridal Trenfts, Lingerie and Honegmoon Attire 2. Creative entertainment ideas 3. Exhibitor booths with helpfulresourcesforevery eventneed 4. Grooms Lounge with Bar playing the game 5. Make gour First Dance beautiful, sexyand fun, join us for Dance Demonstrations bg Victoria Tolonenfrom Bend Dance
jA,: ",.
hfany opportunities io win exciting prizes, register to winff $5,000.00Drea»f WeddingPacknge,or a 6 night, 7 dffy Mezican Cruise.Must bepresent during the 1:00pfff and Z:30fashion sl<owto ivirk 'bkg
Look for the official guude 1n the Book of Love, publishing ln The Bullet in, Wednesday, January 9
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Photos byChuck Berman/Chicago Tribune
Nate Gibson sits under a wall of graphic novel covers at Alan B. Shepard High School in Palos Heights, III. Nate and the other students in Eric Kallenborn's sophomore honors English class are discussing the graphic novel "Capote in Kansas," seen below, by Ande Parks and ChrisSamnee, based on Truman Capote's"In Cold Blood."
nOVe a roaC O earnin By Diane Rado Chicago Tribune
CHICAGO In honors English class at Alan B.
Shepard High School, sophomores are analyzing Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" with the help of another book filled with drawings and dialogue that appears in bubbles above characters' heads. "Capote in Kansas" is what g enerations of k i d s w o u l d recognize as a comic book, though it has a fancier name — a graphic novel. That honors students at the Palos Heights, Ill., high school are using it illustrates how far the controversial comic-strip novels have come in gaining acceptance inthe school curriculum,educators say. Once aimed a t h e l p ing struggling r eaders, English
language learners and disabled students, graphic novels are moving into honors and college-level Advanced Placement classrooms and attracting students at all levels. They're listed as r eading material for students in the new "common core" standards being adopted across the country, even though some naysayers still question their value in the classroom. There's no data on precisely how many schools nationwide use graphic novels. But no one disputes that in other markets the popularity of the comicstyle books — adapted to classic literature, biographies, science, mathand other subjects — is on the rise. Karen Gavigan, an assistant professor at the University of South Carolina who has focused her research on graphic novels, points out that theirsales have increased by nearly 40 percent over the past 10 years. And public libraries have seen significant increases in circulation after adding such material to their collections. "A whole range of kids just love these," Gavigan said.
Graphicnovels for everysubject Comicbook-style books
known as graphic novels come in all categories — from biographies to adaptations of classics. The subject areas also include math, science, social studies and sports. Here are some examples:
• "Manga Shakespeare:
Romeo and Juliet" by William
Shakespeare • "Nevermore: A Graphic Adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories" by Edgar Allan Poe
FINE ARTS "The Photographer: Into
War-torn Afghanistan with Doctors Without Borders" by
Emmanuel Guibert POLITICALSCIENCE "The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation"
by Jonathan Hennessey SCIENCE "The Stuff of Life: A Graphic Guide to Genetics and DNA" by Mark Schultz
SOCIALSTUDIES "Gettysburg: The Graphic Novel" by C.M. Butzer
• "Beowulf" by Gareth Hinds SPORTS
BIOGRAPHY "Houdini: The Handcuff King" by Jason Lutes
attuned to the visual. Some c olleagues didn't t h ink t h e comic-book format of "Maus" was rigorous enough, Argentar said, but students liked it. A website he and his colleague createdto help educators teach "Maus" still generates calls and emails from around the country, Argentar said. "You're always going to have the traditionalists say comic books aren't real literature, and I guess to a certain extent they have a point," he said. "But my point is that it is different literature. It is visual Students approve literature, and I'd be failing my Fans abound i n E n g lish kids if I didn't train them for teacher E r i c Kal l enborn's all the visual reading they do sophomore honors class at today." Shepard. Gavigan said graphic novels "It perfectly complemented help students develop language 'In Cold Blood,'" sophomore skills, reinforce vocabulary Kyle Longfield said of "Ca- and develop critical thinking pote in Kansas." He believes skills, among other benefits. the story helped him better understand Capote's ground- Gaining credibility breaking book about two killThe comic book-style forers and their brutal murders in mat goes back decades or even Kansas. centuries, depending on scholOn a recent day, Kyle, 16, a rs' interpretations. In t h e led his fellow honors students 1970s, the term graphic novel through a discussion that com- emerged when Will Eisner's pared the depiction of Capote "A Contract with God" stories in the comic-book novel to were published, Gavigan said. "Then 'Maus' won the Pulitthe author's voice and literary style in "In Cold Blood." zer, and I think that changed That discussion would have everything," she said. "I think been considered unusual in that gave a lot of credibility to the past. the format." Just ask Daniel Argentar, a More recently,graphic novcommunication arts instruc- e ls moved further into t h e tor at Adlai E. Stevenson High mainstream when most states School in Lincolnshire. Along began adoptingthe new comwith a colleague, he introduced mon core learning standards the graphic novel "Maus" to that guide schools on what stu-
"21: The Story of Roberto Clemente" by Wilfred Santiago
which literature and reading skills are taught, Ryan said, and can include picture books used in kindergarten or the graphic novels available in
high schooL "Graphic novels ... are specifically identified in the expected reading materials for students," she said in an email. That might surprise some parents who may not be familiar with graphic novels in the classroom or who may be wary of this modern twist on literature.
A growing trend? Jennifer Williams' son Larry Lesniak is in Kallenborn's sophomore honors course at Shepard. She admitted to being "a little opposed" when Larry and his younger brother
through," said Brian Curtin, an English teacher at Schaumburg High School and the 2013 Illinois Teacher of the Year. In most districts, an approval process determines which textbooks and other books are used. In his district, very few graphicnovels get a green light, he said. Curtin said he l oved the graphic novels he read in his master'sclasses and believes they can help build comprehension and engage unmotivated readers. But "I think
you'd be on a slippery slope to look at graphic novels as a substitute for the real thing," he said.
'Comics are for everybody' In Oak Lawn-based Community High School District 218, which includes Shepard High, English department curriculum director Mike Jacobson said he "grew up on comic books." He has embraced graphic novels as a teaching tool, he said, giving teachers leeway to use them. English teacher Kallenborn
If yougo
Continued from C1 What: "Author! Author!" Asked if she has a prefseries presents Jennifer erence between fiction and Egan journalism, Egan said ficWhen: 7 p.m. Thursday tion writing was her f ir st Where:Bend High School discipline and "feels more Auditorium, 230 N.E. bound up with who I am ... but I would hate to give the Sixth St., Bend journalism up," she said. "I Cost:$25, $35; $75 find them to be a fantastic "Literary Lover" ticket combination." includes author reception She'ssurprised that more Contact:www.bend writers don't practice both. "It's an old tradition, to do both. If you look at American writers lik e H emingway, writers coming out of after all," she said. war reporting or other kinds Egan, who recently told of journalism, it was almost the New York T i mes her kind of a standard route, at next book is still a couple one point," she said. of years away, may also disThe problem, if there is cuss what she's working on one, is that our culture tends now. "If people ask, I'm always to produce more specialists, Egan believes. "It's a shame, happy to," she said. "My because at least for me, the method is so blind and intwo work very symbiotical- tuitive that it's a little hard ly," she said. for me to speak E gan i s t h e "One of the authoritatively author of several about what I'm books, i n c l ud- things I really doing, because ing "The Keep" love about I'm never totally (2006), but she's visiting places s ure what i t ' s best known for going to end up her 2010 novel and talking b eing. I'm f o l "A Visit from the to readers low>ng a process Goon S q u ad," a nd hoping i t rendered i n a and having will lead someseries of linked a chance to where good. I'm stories and shift- talk about the n ever tot a l l y ing perspectives. sure." T he Pu li t z er bookis that E gan use d committee called it gives me t hat meth o d it "an i nventive a chance to during the writing of "A V i sit investigation of growing up and create a bridge from the Goon g rowing old i n for people who S quad," sh e the digital age, might find it said. "People often displaying a bighearted curiosi- off putting." seem interested ty about cultural — Jennifer Egan and surprised to change at warp hear how hapspeed." hazard it f e els "It's not your in the moment. standard, centrally oriented And I think, sometimes, esnarrative; it's much more pecially for people who are fractured," Egan s aid. "I trying to write themselves, knew it would be off-putting that can be reassuring. It's to people. not like we have all the an"Some people feelwhen swers that's for sure " they read it that they're missEgan is the second author ing something o r t h ey're to visit Central Oregon as not having an experience part of the L ibrary Founthey should be having. That dation's series, which bemakes them feel anxious, as gan with an appearance by if they can't enjoy it. My job, "The FivePeople You Meet I feel, is to say please don't i n Heaven" w r iter M i t ch worry about any of that. Get Albom. what you can, and enjoy it," Next up in the series is anshe said. other Pulitzer Prize winner, "One of the things I reStephen Greenblatt, author ally l ov e a b ou t v i s i ting of "The Swerve," "Will in the places and talking to read- World" and "How Shakeers and having a chance to s peare B e cam e S h a k etalk about the book is that speare." He'll visit Bend at 7 it gives me a chance to cre- p.m. March 7. ate a bridge for people who E rik L arson, author o f " The Devil i n t h e W h i t e might find it off-putting." What does she want read- City" and "In the Garden of ers to take away from the Beasts," will wrap up the sebook'? ries on June 20. "Pleasure. That's what it's — Reporter: 541-383-0349, about. This is entertainment,
has used graphic novels ranging from a version of Shakespeare's"Hamlet" to "Maus" and "Ultimate Spider-Man." He joined Jacobson and another teacher last month in a presentation at a National Council of Teachers of English conference. Their discussion included K a llenborn's experiment with senior Advanced Placement and honors students who were studying the epic Old English poem "Beowulf." Half th e s t udents spent nearly six hours on average reading the f ul l t r a ditional text. The other half, who read a "Beowulf" graphic novel, spent about two hours. Both groups took the same 25-question m u l t iple-choice test. Students who read the traditional text scored 81 percent on average compared with 75 percentforthose who read the
The teachers' presentation raised the question: Is the score difference worth the additional time spent by kids who read the traditional poem or "would that time be better spent doing began reading graphic novels. otherthings'?" "This is not a book," WilThough the audience didn't liams recalled saying when the respond, Kallenborn believes boys picked out graphic novels the scorediff erence of 6 perat the library. centage points isn't worth the She remembers r eading extra reading time. classics by authors Edgar AlJames Bucky Carter, an aslan Poe and John Steinbeck sistant professor at the Univerwhen she was a high school sity of Texas at El Paso, wrote honors student. She also re- a book that guides teachers in calls not liking some of the ma- pairing graphic novels with terial she had to read. traditional texts. "I think we live in an age So if a graphic novel can hold her sons' interest, "I'm all where we should not study text for it," Williams said. in isolation," he said. "Every W hether districts will i n text should be put in relation crease their use of g r aphic to something else," such as novels is unclear and likely graphic novels as supplements will depend on a buy-in from to traditional literature. teachersand curriculum offiCarter works to dispel nocials, experts said. tions that such material is just "I don't teach a lot of graphic for kids or struggling readers. "Comics," he said, "are for novels only b ecause there a re certain hoops to j u m p everybody."
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3!I!J51IBttX Answer: VOLUME E N G UL F EAS ILY THRASH S H AKEN D O L LAR She was anxious to start the riding lesson, but the instructor wanted the student to-
C A R W E O P E A S M E N S Q P R A H S A C T 0 R Q U A W K O D O R A N N Y S L I I O 0 G A E D H E G R E A A R A N A C R E T R Q U A S H O U N E 0 I S M N E R I A C L A T R H E S Q U I E T 0 P A S E R S N
A R A B P O S E A K I N S T S P H A M E O S I E U E A L O R L I A D S Q U A L S K Y P G E R B O A T A R U C H I C K S H A S T R T E R S T E R N 0 S W M A N
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Get A Taste For
Food, Home & Garden EveryTuesday InATHOME TheBulletin
The 11,245foot summit of Mount Hood rises
beyond a parking area near Timberline Lodge. Ski resorts on the mountain include Timberline, with the state's longest vertical, and Mt. Hood Meadows.
• •
• •
I • •
I •
• • E
Photos by John Gottberg Anderson For The Bulletin
Timberline Continued from C1 But he had a wealthy family in New Y ork, and that, coupled with a great deal of enthusiasm, earned him a Forest Servicelease as the operator of the lodge. In fewer than five weeks, Kohnstamm had upgraded the rundown lodge sufficiently to reopen on July 1, 1955. It has not closed since. Still in the Kohnstamm family — "RLK" died in 2006, but his son, Jeff, is now the chief operating officer — Timberline celebrated in September the 75th anniversary of the day President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dedicated the lodge as "a place to play for generations of Americans in the days to come."
If yougo INFORMATION Oregon's MountHood Territory.Clackamas County Tourism & Cultural Affairs, 150
Beavercreek Road,Oregon City; 503-655-8490, 800-4243002, www.mthoodterritory.
com LODGING Collins Lake Resort.
88149 E. CreekRidgeRoad, GovernmentCamp; 503-9283498, 800-234-6288, www. Rates
DINING Cascade DiningRoom. Timberline Lodge, 27500 E. Timberline Road, Timberline. 503-272-3104, www. Three meals daily. Moderate to
expensive Mount HoodBrewing
Pizzas, soups and sandwiches are specialties of the Blue Ox Bar, which serves lunches in a quiet corner of Timberline's main floor. A colorful mural depicts legendary lumberman Paul Bunyan and his faithful companion, Babe the Blue Ox.
Company.87304 E.
Government Camp Loop Road, GovernmentCamp; 503-2720102, Moderate The Ratskeller.88335 E.
Government Camp Loop Road,
from $179 The Grand Lodges.89000 E.
GovernmentCamp; 503-272-
GovernmentCamp; 503-2723185, 800-234-6288, www.
to moderate
grandlodgesmthood. com. Rates from $289 The LodgeatGovernment
Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Resort.State Highway 35, Mount Hood; 503-337-2222, Mt. HoodSkiBowl. 87000 U.S.Highway 26,Government Camp; 503-272-3206, www.
3635, www.ratskellerpizzeria. Government Camp Loop Road, com. Lunch and dinner. Budget SKI RESORTS
in preserving our history."
Dining at Timberline Perhaps no corner of the lodge maintains the "sense of place" better than the 140-seat Cascade Dining Room. The rustic, wood-beam construction features the original tables and chairs built 75 years
ago — or, in some cases, rep-
licated by the same Portland factory where they were first FDR's New Deal constructed. Over the fireplace Camp.30521 E. Meldrum St., When Mount Hood National is a remarkable wood carving GovernmentCamp; 503-272Forest was established in the of the region's wildlife. 3316, 800-452-1335, www. 1920s, the south side of 11,245The food, which chef Jason thelodgeatgovernmentcamp. foot Mount Hood was reserved Stoller Smith terms "Alpine com. Rates from $210 forrecreationalpurposes. The cuisine," reflects the location. Timberline Lodge.27500 E. "My mission is to define the Forest Service planned roads, Timberline Ski Area.27500 E. %5IIL. Timberline Road, Timberline. trails, picnic areas and campTimberline Road, Timberline; food of the region," Smith said. 503-272-3311, 800-547-1406, 503-272-3341, www. "I study edible foods of the grounds — as well as winter E sports sites — but held off on mountain and forests to help implementing the schemes unme know what is out there. til funding became available. I like what we're doing. We President Roosevelt's New tory book. "This is an icon with hundreds more men and change the menu about six Deal answered the call. Not that resonates with people on women put to work in Porttimes a year, and we are cononly did the WPA and Civilian the physical and metaphysical land. Everything from door tinually refining that menu." Conservation Corps (CCC) put landscape of Oregon." hinges to furniture, carpets to Smith, 41, worked as executens of thousands of Northdraperies, was made from lo- tive sous chef at Timberline in west residents to work dur- An art museum cal materials. the late 1990s before taking ing the dark days of the Great Before he came to work at It took just over 22 months the head job at the Dundee Depression, they spread hope Timberline Lodge 29 years to complete the entire project, Bistro, in the Willamette Valand produced a recreational ago, Tullis had been a New including the road from Gov- ley wine country, for 10 years. infrastructure t h a t h e l p ed York antiques dealer, special- ernment Camp, at a cost of He returned to Timberline in shape the region's future. izing in early American deco- about $1.2 million. 2009 to succeed his former "There is a strong sense of mentor, chef Leif Erik Benson, Designated a Nati o n al rative arts. He was the perfect Historic Landmark i n 1977, person with whom to explore place here, and along with it, who retiredafter 32 years at Jason Stoller Smith, who has been the executive chef at Timberline Timberline is still used for its the lodge when I stayed for a power of place," said Tul- the lodge's helm. And in 2011, Lodge since 2009, describes his menu as Alpine cuisine. "My misoriginal purpose: that of a ski two nights in the week before lis, reading from an essay he he had the opportunity to cook sion is to define the food of the region. I study edible foods of the lodge. The second chairlift in Christmas. wrote for the lodge anniver- alder-planked Copper River mountain and forests to help me know what is out there," he said North America (after Sun ValHe pointed out hand-carved sary. "It is a unique structure salmon on the White House ley, Idaho) was installed here animal heads — beavers, bob- on a rising tide of sameness. lawn for 2,000 people. in 1939. In the early 1950s, a cats, eagles and many moreEvery room is different, from On my visit, Smith prepared with chevre cheese and topped in the Ram's Head Bar, one passenger bus refi tted as an upon the posts of each newel its views to its furniture and a marvelously creative meal with a malty beer foam. Ser- floor below. Pizzas, soups and aerial tramway operated for on the rustic staircases. Illumi- textiles. It is as if the lodge has that opened with goose sau- vice was big-city professional sandwiches are also available two years on an overhead ca- nated 1937 paintings of WPA become a part of Oregon's cul- sage, black truffles and three from start to finish. in the Blue Ox Bar, named for ble from Government Camp, workers surrounded the walls tural DNA. styles of celery. My entree was The Cascade Dining Room an original mural of legend"At a t i m e w hen p eople a T-bone of lamb in a red-wine offers a full breakfast menu ary lumberman Paul Bunyan's six road miles downhill. of the mezzanine-level Ram's Kohnstamm's timi ng Head Bar. Unique stone arch- were questioning the Amerireduction,accompanied by a and a generous lunch buf- companion, Babe. couldn't have been better. Ski- es, light fixtures, wrought-iron can dream, Timberline Lodge honey-poached pear stuffed fet. Casual meals are served Continued next page ing boomed as a family sport accents and massive fireplaces stood as a symbol of hope and in the late 1950s and 1960s. of rough-cut stone were every- purpose in a land that had And in 1978, when the lodge where we looked. seemed to have lost its prominstalled the Palmer Chairlift, Although it is a ski lodge, ise. Timberline became reprising to an elevation above Timberline Lodge is also a resentative of the notion that 8,500 feet, Timberline was work of art. It was funded as when government works with able to remain open for skiing a federal arts project and built the people, it can provide soluthrough the summer. Ski-rac- almost entirely by hand with tions to some of society's biging camps in July and August local, recycled or repurposed gest problems." r evolutionized the sport i n materials. Today Timberline L o dge North America, as Timberline Famed architect G i l bert operates on a public-private — perhaps not coincidentally Stanley Underwood, who de- partnership between the lesI strive to treat patients as a whole and help them be at their — became a financially stable signed Zion N ational Park see (R.L.K. and Company), the best to better enjoy life. I truly believe cotonoscopies save operation for the first time. Lodge and the Ahwahnee Ho- Forest Service and the nonlives and I am committed to battle colon cancer by Today, t h e Nor t h west's tel at Yosemite National Park, profit Friends of Timberline, enrolling all our patients in screening programs. only ski-in, s k i-out w i nter was hired as a consultant. His formed in 1975 to preserve lodge boasts the longest ski approach was not based upon the lodge's decorative arts. season on the continent, clos- contemporary architecture Tullis calls it a "collaborative — M. Cristina Hatara, MD, Gastroenterology ing only during October for of the 1930s, but on an indig- stewardship." " Preservation h ere i s a maintenance. But of the 1.9 enous regional design that million visitors the lodge now would celebrate the natural work in progress," he said. "We still employ a v a riety sees each year, fewer than 20 environment. percent (between 350,000 and Addressing a concern that of artisans and top-notch lo380,000, according to Tuliis) American society was r apc al craftspeople to d o t h e are skiers. idly losing the skills of trah ands-on r e storation a n d "We're more important than ditional trades, the p r oject preservation work. Honoring that," said Tullis, who edited paired master craftsmen with the Lodge's original r u stic the diamond-anniversary edi- unskilled apprentice workers charm, providing a sense of tion of "Timberline Lodge: A who learned on the job; 450 permanence,isatthe heart of Love Story," a hardcover his- men were employed on site, our operation. Our future lies
1 1'
Even in the middle of winter, a heated swimming pool and hot tub outside Timberline Lodge lure some hardy visitors for evening relaxation.
M. Cristina Hatara, MD, Gastroenterology
Mount ~
Mount Hood
Timderline I.odgo
G ernmenf Camp
Meadows To Hood River
To portland
Timberline W y Warm Springs Indian Reservation
Mt.Hood SklBowl
Warm Springs
To Madras
Greg Cross/Ttte Bulletin
From previous page
A base for skiing Timberline added its seventh and presumably final chair lift in 2008, when eight new trails were cut in the Still Creek area to be served by the Jeff Flood lift. That increased the vertical to 3,690 feet from top to bottom. I enjoyed several hours of skiing in light powder snow among the trees on the downhill side of the lodge. On this blustery day, lift l ines were minimal, perhaps because low clouds made for poor visibility on the upper Magic Mile chair. But my guest room was just a quick skate step from the top of the Pucci chair, where I took most of my runs, so shelter was near at hand. Day skiers are accommodated at the spacious Wy'East Lodge, which has its own cafe and bar as well as rental and repair shops, retail outlets and ski-patrol headquarters. No further winter expansion is planned. "We are largely built out," said Tullis, "although the master plan does contemplate some additional parking" beyond the 1,000 spaces now available. But the lodge has big plans for a mountain-bike park. An appeal hearing is scheduled later this month to counter opposition from environmentalists, who dispute a three-year Forest Service analysis which said a bike park would have no significant negative impact. "We've always tried to embrace the next trend," Tullis said. "We practice preservation through use." Timberline is only one of several ski resorts on the various flanks of M ount Hood. Largest is Mt. Hood Meadows, a 20-minute drive northeast from Government Camp — in the direction of Hood River — off Oregon Highway 35. "Meadows" has 11 chairs and a 2,777-foot vertical, with a longest run of three miles. Although most of its terrain is r ated i n t ermediate, t h e challenging an d n o r t h-facing Heather Canyon features cliffs, walls and steep bowls that invite only expert skiers. I rode five different chairs on my afternoon of skiing at Meadows, finding m y b e st runs on the Hood River Express lift, the resort's longest at 1,400 feet. In deep powder snow, Kinnikinick gave
+" 'rTa ~qrd'' a
.4r Heidi is one of two St. Bernard dogs that serve Timberline Lodge as mascots. She and Bruno, her older counterpart, live year-round with hotel employees but spend hours each day at the lodge, much to the delight of guests. after-dinner foray. In summer, SkiBowl b ecomes the Mt. Hood Adventure Park, offering family activities such as mountain biking, an alpine slide, a 500-foot zipline and much more. Kids and their parents can enjoy miniature and disc golf, horseback riding, go-karts, canoeing and
2013'snewships Only two large oceangoing ships that will make their homeports in the
United States are scheduled to be completed in 2013. Both are new de-
signs and will be the first in their class.
Norwegian Breakaway: The144,000-ton,
4,000-passenger cruise ship is scheduled to
launch in April from New York City, which will be its
yearround home. Royal Princess: The 141,000-ton, 3,600-passengership will debut
in Europe in June, then sail to Fort Lauderdale in October.
ships won't have the lounge. At the same time, he said, the standard balcony stateroom that debuted on Norwegian Epic has been redesigned after w i despread complaints about the bathroom, which had been deconstructed into separate parts — toilet, shower, sink — and offered minimal privacy. The company has already done away with another feature that debuted on Norwegian Epic, a faux ice skating rink that no one used, but that took a lot of labor to set up and take down every day. Sheehan learned about the problem from a c o-worker who didn't recognize him when he spent two weeks
posing as a crew member for the CBS reality TV series "Undercover Boss." He immediately got rid of the rink. Del Rio said Oceania also made mistakes. Designers didn't anticipate the popularity of the Barista coffee bar — which, unlike most ships, offers free specialty coffee drinks — or the Bon Appetit Culinary Center, which offers hands-on cooking classes for a fee. On the next ship, he said, the culinary center and the coffee bar will be larger.
Gas,Bend toGovernment Camp and Timberline
Lodge (round-trip), 220 miles © $3.25/gallon ............................... $28.60 Dinner, Mt. Hood Brewing
Company ......................$22 Ticket, night skiing, SkiBowl.........................$28
even bungee jumping. Prior to my two-night stay at Timberline Lodge, I stayed a night in Government Camp, taking a few evening runs and grabbing dinner and a Cloud Cap amber ale at the Mt. Hood Brewing Company's Ice Axe Grilb My room was a chalet at the Collins Lake Resort, which also owns the elegant Grand Lodges — luxury condominium units that accommodate six or more. Collins Lake is the owner of Mt. Hood Ski-
Lodging (1 night), Collins Lake Resort .......... $191.53 Breakfast/lunch
groceries................. $13.58 Ticket, all lifts, Mt. Hood
Meadows ......................$51 Lodging (2 nights), Timberline Lodge ............. $267.50 Dinner, Ram's Head
Lounge .................... $24.50 Ticket, all lifts, Timberline.....................$52
Lunch, Blue Ox.............$14
Bowl, so lodging packages
Dinner, Cascade dining
may include cut-rate tickets to the area.
room .......................$72.25 TOTAL ............. $764.96
—Reporter: janderson@
my early-season legs a good
restaurants, and the iLounge, a computer center. Even withContinued from C1 in the Solstice class, the ships Dining is healthier and has continued to evolve. On the more of a gourmet flair, the last two, the Lawn Club Grill ambience and dress are more was added in space formerly casual, and the stateroom has occupied by t h e C o r n ing more amenities. glass-blowing shop, and caCarnival already has a larg- bana-like alcoves were added er ship with a new design un- to the Lawn Club. der construction. So do PrinC elebrity w a nted m o r e cess, Norwegian, Royal Carib- high-end suites on its newest bean and Holland America. ship, said Harri Kulovaara, Not all the old blueprints are executive vice president of being thrown out. In addition Maritime & Newbuilding, so to its two new "Project Sun- it added a deck. That allowed shine" ships on order, Royal the company to add 42 suites, Caribbean is negotiating for including 34 AquaClass spa construction of a third Oasis- suites (a new category) and class ship, the mega-ship that Celebrity's first two-bedroom carries 5,400 passengers, to be suite, which also has a glassdelivered in 2016. enclosedshower cantilevered But most lines are looking out from Deck 14 and a tub for change. on the veranda. "We're always looking at But there's not necessarily how to improve," said Gus An- consensus about the changes. torcha, Carnival's senior vice One of next year's two new president for guest commerce. ships, the Royal Princess, will "Guests are expecting more. have alarger,three-deck atriThey expect more choices, um that will hold a pizzeria, and they expect more value wine bar,coffee ba rand other from their v acation. That features designedtoturnit into has really forced us to think the ship's central hangout. a lot about the product, how Norwegian's new B reakto keep pace with consumer away, on the other hand, will preferences. With Fun Ship put its hangout space outside 2.0, that's what we have been on new promenades that have doing. We have been focused waterfront restaurant seaton improving the dining ing intended to increase the experience, bars, entertain- passengers'connection with ment, and the outer decks. the sea, said Kevin Sheehan, "Our product is very 'fun in Norwegian's CEO. the sun.' Our guests want to be The line will continue to in the pool and in the sun." build cabins for singles that S o Carnival b eefed u p were introduced on the Northe experience around the wegian Epic — smaller inpool deck with Fun Ship 2.0, sidecabins designed for one, expanding the water park, with portholes looking out on adding outdoor seating on a the corridor and access to a lower deck, bars and eateries, lounge exclusively for guests including Guy Fieri's Burger in those cabins. "To me, that (solo stateJoint, i n t eractive H a sbro game shows and new enroom) was a very important tertainment. The line is also thing," said Sheehan. "As retrofitting more than a doz- in the rest of the industry ... en older ships with some of there is a large market of peothe amenities. ple who want to travel alone Or consider the Celebrity and we didn't have an alterSolstice-class ships, a design native for them." so popular that most of the Now, he said, Norwegian line's older ships have been is adding solo cabins on the retrofitted with some of its Pride of America while it's in features, including spa state- dry dock and will add them rooms, several new bars and to other ships, although older
Mariie Lambertr Miami Herald
The Carnival Breeze has Dive-In Movies and other activities centered around its Lido deck.
workout. The other best p lace t o ski at Hood is right on U.S. Highway 26, at Government Camp. Mt. Hood SkiBowl isn't technically on the mountain, though. Instead, it s p rawls across a couple of smaller, forested peaks. And although it's not large by Timberline or Meadows standards, it's the perfect place to ski under the
• •
' •
lights. In fact, wit h 96 0 i l l uminated acres and 34 runs, SkiBowl is the largest night skiing area in the United States. When the back bowl is open, giving the resort a vertical of 1,100 feet, it is well worth an
Howard Sewall's1937 painting "Metal" is a stylized depiction of metal workers making fixtures during construction of Timberline Lodge. It is one of dozens of works of period art in the building.
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in orses ma By Lisa Black Chicago Tribune
C HICAGO — T h e t h r ee therapists in t r a i ning each stand less than 30 inches tall. They wear Build-A-Bear toy sneakers and require daily stroking, grooming and belly rubs. Turnabout, Mystery and Lunar are miniature horses who
draw gasps of delight everywhere they go, but they are being prepared for serious work at a barn in Richmond, Ill. The aim is to have them visit schools, hospitals and nursing homes once approved by a national organization called Pet Partners, which will evaluate them for so-called animal-assisted activities and therapy. The horses' owner, Jodie Diegel of Palatine, Ill., recently received nonprofit status for this new venture, Mane in Heaven. She is now seeking volunteers to help. "There is so much emotion that is present with these animals," said Diegel, a registered nurse who has used her golden retriever and yellow Labrador to provide therapy for years. "When you first see them, you
are like, 'Oh my gosh.'" Small children stand at eye level with the horses, who are gentle and calm. The animals a lso sport i n c redibly l o ng eyelashes. Volunteers ages 14 and older are needed to help desensitize the "minis" through play and grooming at th e R ichmond barn, Diegel said. By spring, she hopes to have additional handlers willing to take the horses to visit children and adults with emotional, mental or physical disabilities. Carol O uhl , o f C o t t age Grove, Minn., who has evaluated animals for Pet Partners for 20 years, explained that both handler and animal are assessedseparately,then given a single score. An animal might score high on criteria like temperament and obedience,for instance, but its handler may need improvement, she said. "We put a lot of emphasis on being proactive, knowing what your animal likes or dislikes and doing what it takes to circumvent any problem," Ouhl said. Pet Partners defines "anim al-assisted activity" a s a c asual meeting i n whi c h animals and volunteers visit with people for recreational purposes. "Animal-assisted therapy," by contrast, is led by a licensed health care professional who helps a client work toward meeting specific medi-
cal goals.
Findoutmore For more information onMane in Heaven,goto, or email Jodie Diegel at Other websites:
Pet Partners,www. Main Stay Therapeutic Riding,
lems," Ouhl said. The biggest challenge for t he miniature horses is t o learn to walk and stand still on command while ignoring any outside noise, ear tugs or other distractions, Diegel said. She said the m i nis have made great progress since she purchased them in February from a Wisconsin breeder. T urnabout, age I, a d a r k brown male, is the most spirited of the three, kicking up his heels during playtime in an indoor ring. Lunar, 4, is a mellow chestnut-colored female with thick blond eyelashes and a matching mane. Like Turnabout, she weighs at least 200 pounds. Mystery, 1, is the smallest of the three, at about 100 pounds. She is gray with a tail so long it nearly touches the ground. Diegel and other volunteers spend time with the horses daily, petting them, talking softly to them, rubbing their bellies, tugging their ears, and removing and replacing their doll-size sneakers. The BuildA-Bear shoes not only look adorable, but also are necessary when the horses enter a building such as a hospital, Diegel said. "They stop them from slipping on the floor," she said. "It is like an ice rink to them." The horses made their debut last fall, when they participated in a public event sponsored by Main Stay Therapeutic Riding, also in Richmond. Main Stay offers equine therapy with regular horses — and invites clients to visit a herd of small animals, including a miniature donkey, sheep, rabbits and miniature horses, said Loriann D o well, e x ecutive director. Grooming the animals helps youngsters with physical disabilities improve their range of motion, she said. People with social and emotional problems also connect with the animals, she added. "Our herd of small animals are unique in that they are all rescued animals and they all have stories," Dowell said. "That is really helpful for these kids because they can relate to them." The diverse herd lives in harmony, presenting a model
im ac as e uine era iss with others who are different, she said. The barnyard environment contributes to the therapeutic effect, she said. "I myself go out there with this small herd," Dowell said. "These sheep and goats, they come up toyou and they look right into your soul. It's pretty amazing." Mane in Heaven will provide a different service, by taking one or more of the miniature horses into a facility. Besides volunteers, the horses still need a trailer for transportation, Diegel said. "The horses really provide the therapy," she said. "I am honored to be on the other end of the rope."
"In a v i siting s i tuation, the animals are a catalyst or bridge to a c onversation. It gives people something to focus on other than their prob- for children on getting along
Claudia Bolle, 8, who suffers from severe autism, pets miniature horses during an equine therapy visit, with help from her mother, Charlotte Bolle, left, and volunteer Nancy Sobotta, at Clifford Farm in Richmond, HI. Michael Tercha
Chicago Tribune
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New Year's resolutions?
There's anappfor that By Courtney Ortega Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Whoever said "the h ardest part of doing something is taking the first step" obviously never made a New Year's resolution. You start out with the best intentions, but t h e n s o mewhere down the line, your resolve usually fizzles out before the goal is attained. That's why this year, we suggest taking your resolution to the next level, with several mobile apps that specialize in
Quit the stick The resolution: T o qu i t
helping you achieve your personal goals.
Burn baby burn
Hey, big spender
The resolution:To lose those pesky pounds that have been
The resolution: To s t a r t shopping smarter and saving money. The app: Toshl F i nance, free, available for iPhone and Android. What it does: Using charts and stats, Toshl Finance helps users understand where their
plaguing you. The app:LIVESTRONG MyPlate Calorie Tracker, $2.99, available for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. What it does:MyPlate Calorie Tracker is a mobile food journal that makes it easy to track the food you eat wher-
Cardio' Trainer
ercises, users will be on their way to their to reaching their goal weight in no time.
The app:My Last Cigarette, 99 cents, available for iPhone. What it does: My Last Cigarette uses daily, motivational readouts that encourage kicking the habit. With stats like money saved and increase in life expectancy since you quit, this easy-to-use app makes quitting smoking seem not so daunting.
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W atatan e we ' ece tion'weaves TV SPOTLIGHT
rft 'Qj) f
By Emily Yahr The Washington Post
n lf
f~ It
At this point in the TV season, deciding which shows to watch is all about logistics. The DVR maybe empty now, but with a slew of January and Februarypremieres,that space will soon be at a premium. So even if your interest is
piqued by "Deception," an enigmatic, serialized drama premiering Monday night that is one of NBC's most high-profile midseason offerings, the most important question becomes: Is it worth it? It's a question viewers will have to seriously consider before delving into u pcoming offerings from the broadcast networks. A host of dark, mysteriousdramas aresetto make midseason debuts: Fox's KevinBacon-catching-a-serial-killer series "The Following," NBC's Jekyll-and-Hyde-esque "Do No Harm," ABC's conspiracy thriiier "Zero Hour" and organized crime show "Red Widow." Even CW gets in on the act with "Cult," about the dire consequences when fans get too obsessed with a creepy TV series. While networks are forever hoping for a hi t and acting quicker than ever to cut bait on a flop, is committing time to a complicated show such as "Deception" a smart investment? In this case, only if you enjoy watching a mystery for mystery's sake and aren'texpecting
J R. Mankoff/ NBC via The Washington Post
There are plenty of subplots and lots of questions to be answered on "Deception," featuring Victor Gerber, from left, Meagan Good, Wes Brown,Katherine LeNasa, Ella Ra e Peck, Tate Donovan end Laz Alonso. The NBC seriespremieres Monday. to get good answers anytime soon. Oh, and if you're into absurdly dysfunctional families. And seeing rich people swan around and vaguely threaten each other. There's a lot of that. Then you can settle in for what's sure to be a b umpy, semi-compelling an d s o metimes unintentionally humorous ride. While watching "Deception" (formerly titled "Infamous," and before that, "Notorious") it's hard to not notice the parallels to ABC's hit drama "Revenge." From a dead body in the opening scenes to the story of scorned woman who embeds herself in a wealthy family to take them down from the inside, it's sort of "Revenge"-
lite, without the inherently likable characters but with about a dozen extra tangled subplots. In "Deception," the Scorned Woman character isJoanna Padget L o c asto (Meagan Good), an New York police detective wrangled by the FBI to work on a possible homicide investigation. Vivian Bowers, a 32-year-old socialite, has been found dead on the floor of a hotel room, and no one's buying that it was due to a drug overdose. That's because Vivian's an heiress to the billion-dollar Bowers Pharmaceutical fortune, and her family has been skating around the law for years. The FBI is convincedthat this
case will finally bring the Bowers family to justice, and since Joanna is Vivian's former best friend, she's the perfect person to get close to the family and expose their illegal activities. The fact that a seasoned cop like Joanna happens to be Vivian's BFF is hard to buy, and it's even more difficult to believe that the Bowers family, with all of its secrets, would so eagerly welcome her into the fold. Joanna arrives, wearing a wire, for Vivian's memorial service, armed with a story about an abusive husband who drove her away from home. Almost immediately, the Bowers family patriarch, Robert (Victor Garber), offers Joanna a job as his assistant, and a room in the family's estate. Daddy Bowers is either the dumbest possibly evil billionaire chief executive ever, or he's a sly believer in keeping his enemies closer. Either way, this sets the stage for Joanna to move in and poke around, slowly unearthing clues about various misdeeds asshe further infiltrates the family. This includes Julian Bowers (Wes Brown), the party boy son who used to be in love with Joanna, and apparently still is. But not everyone is thrilled with her arrival. Tate Donovan, who is generally saddled with nice guy roles, gets to be the sinister, bitter character we always knew he could be, and it's a delight. He plays Edward, the older Bowers brother, who was destined for political office until
Panhandle(S'reSPO nSe StumPSgaad Samaritan Dear Abby:I spent the afternoon running errands. As I left the shop-
ping center, I saw a young couple with a baby and a toddler holding a sign requesting help with food, as the husband had just been laid off. I drove past, then considered the children and circled back. DEAR I had no cash with ABBY me, so I stopped and o ffered t he m o u r family's dinner — a jar of premium spaghetti sauce, a pound of fresh ground beef, a box of dried spaghetti, fruit cups that my children usually take to school for treats, and some canned soups I occasionally have for lunch. Imagine my surprise when the couple declined my generosity. Instead, the man strongly suggested that I should go to a nearby ATM and withdraw cash to donate to them because they preferred to select their own groceries and pay their phone bills. What are your thoughts on this'? — Genuinely Puzzled in Austin, Texas Dear Puzzled: What happened is a shame. Some families are truly in need and should be guided to a shelter so they can receive help getting back on their feet. However, in
some cities you see the same people on the same streets for long periods of time. They have staked out their "turf," and because the money they are given is tax-free, some of them are doing quite well. In your case, the couple you saw holding the sign may have been professional panhandlers. ~ Dear Abby:My husband and I have been separated for a year and I have filedfor divorce. We have reached an agreement about everything except one thing: our tortoise. This may seem strange, but Herbert has always been our "child." I think of him as my kid, and I believe my husband when he says he loves him that much, too. We got Herbert as a baby that fit into the palm of my hand. Herbert is now 9, very large and lives in the backyard in a "doghouse" structure. The problem is, my husband still wants to see Herbert. He agrees that he will visit only when I am not at home. I don't distrust him or worry he will try to take Herbert, but I just don't want him here. I know that if Herbert is mine legally, I won't have to let anyone see him. Once our divorce is final, I want nothing moreto do with my husband and he knows
HAPPYBIRTHDAYFORSUNDAY, JAN. 6, 2013:This yearyoubecomea little more hot-tempered than inthe past. Inspiration and industry merge, andyou become very driven as aresult. If you don't achieve yourgoals,youcould become cold or distant. Theodds Stars showthe kind are you will greet of day you'll have su ccess with your ** * * * D ynamic endurance. If you ** * * P ositive a r e single, your ** * A verage tem peramentcould ** So-so push someone * Difficult away, but it is unlikely thatyou will be alone. Afriendship could bethe source of an intense romance. If youareattached, your sweetie could have strong a reaction to your moodiness. Donot besurprised by this person's response. Indulge him orher. SCORPIO also can befeisty! ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * * M ake the most of the moment, and know that youdon't always get special time like this. One-on-one relating takesyou down a newpath. A serious discussion could dissolve into solemn unresponsiveness. Tonight: A favorite dinner with afavorite person.
TAURUS (April20-May20) ** * * Wherever you go, others seek you out. Whether it is at church, at a favorite spotfor brunch or even athomemakes no difference. Oncemore, you havean opportunity to chooseyour company. An older person could benothing short of grumpy. Tonight: Youpickwhere andwhat.
GEMINI (May21-Jnne20) ** * * Be more forthright and direct in your dealings. Youmight opt to get a head start on aproject or tossyourself
that. But it's like telling someone he could never see his kid again. I'd really like to know your thoughts. — Nicole in Sanford, Fla. Dear Nicole: Because you can't split Herbert in half, why not consider shared custody'? If your husband can provide a safe place for the tortoise to stay while he's with "Daddy," you could work out an agreement so that you could exchange your "kid" at a neutral place — such as your veterinarian's office — and you wouldn't have to see your husband. Dear Abby: My husband and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary next summer, and we're planning to renew our vows. I'm trying to decide if I should wear my original wedding gown. (I wore it on our 25th anniversary) Would it be in good taste to wear the same dress'? We'll be inviting some of the same people who attended the 25th anniversary party. — Mary in Albuquerque Dear Mary: Congratulations on
your long and happy marriage. If you can still fit into your original wedding dress, by all means wear it. You'll be the envy of most of the women at your celebration, and probably some of the men. — Write to Dear Abby at or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069
SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
into a winter pastime. Listen to your inner voice abouta casual friend, especially if a newfoundawkwardness develops.Tonight: Easy does it.
CANCER(Jnne21-July 22) ** * * Y ou could be asking for more than youcanhandle.Thisfactbecomes obvious in an argument that starts up out of the blue with a close lovedone. Anewbeginning becomes possible if you can eliminate whatever is putting you onoverload. Tonight: Spice up themoment.
LEO (Jnly23-Aug.22) ***Take char ge,and makethebestofa situation. Youcould feel very uncomfortable with a family member's or roommate's demands. If you establish boundaries, know that there might be anawkward moment. Make that awkwardnessDK.Tonight: Happily nested in.
** * * You might feel as ifone no canstop you. Don't count on being anunimaginable force, as someonemight trip you up, whether it is conscious or not. Aperiod of silence could mar a close-to-perfect day. Try to let go, andenjoy the positive aspects. Tonight: As you like it!
SAGITTARIUS (Hov.22-Dec. 21) ** * Note a tendency to want to bealone, only to becomebored and lonely later. If you find thatyou get testy with others, go off to the movies or read abook. Just head somewhere whereconversation might not be necessary. Tonight: Opt for anearly bedtime.
CAPRICORN(Dec.22-Jan.19) ** * * You might not be comfortable with an associ ate'smanner.You can'tchange this person's behavior, butyou can distance yourself from his or herattitude. Youwill communicate without words thatyou do not want to be aroundthis type of moodiness. Tonight: Wherethe action is.
AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18)
** * * You might want to take stand a or ** * * Understand what is happening with letothers know howyou feel. Theproblem might be someone's reception. This person a close relative. Just whenyouthink there is could start a quarrel, so choose tolet it go. a great deal of trust andeasebetween you, Touch basewith an older friend or loved one. this person tightens up like acorkscrew. Tonight: A force to bedealt with. Recognize that this is anatural responsefor him or her — it hasnothing to dowith you. PISCES (Feb.19-March20) Tonight: Catch up oncalls. ** * * T ake off for a drive with the intention of meeting afriend. You might be LIBRA(Sept.23-Oct.22) late with gift-giving, but finallyyou'll be able ** * You could see asituation going on to eliminate the distance betweenyou. Don't that causes concern, especially as to how readtoo much intosomeone' scomment. it will impactyour finances. Knowthat, as Just sit backand observe.Tonight: Follow hard as it might be,you can and will say no the music. to someone. Disengagefrom this person financially. Tonight: Treat thefamily to dinner.
VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)
© 2012 by King Features Syndicate
8 p.m. on 53Rl, "Once Upon a Time" —Regina (Lana Parrilla) is accused of murdering a beloved fairy-tale character, but Emma (Jennifer Morrison) has a hunch she didn't do it. In the fairy-tale realm, Snow White and Prince Charming (Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Dallas) plan the public execution of the Evil Queen (Parrilla) in the new episode "The Cricket Game."
he was accused of raping and murdering a woman 15 years ago. He managed to land on his feet and is now chief financial officerof the company, unhappily married with two kids. As you can tell, there's a lot going on here — way too much. Though on the surface the show is being marketed as "Who killed Vivian Bowers?," "Deception" falls prey to the exhaustive method of too-muchstorytelling, adding layer upon layer of m i ni-mysteries and twists until the weary viewer needs a detailed map to keep track — or turns off the show entirely. Although the show tends to forgo character development in favor of throwing in as many stories as possible, the series does improve at filling in the gaps after the pilot episode. The writers even give us some backstory as to why we should care about family members that don't seem to like each other all that much. Plus, there's some campy dialogue that moves things along. "Vivian was a drug-addicted, narcissistic, black hole of need. Oh, I forgot, she's dead. Now she's a saint." Or a conversation that goes: "Where's Julian'?" "Probably helping a stripper work out her daddy issues." If that sounds appealing, take a chance and set the DVR — but there are no promises that the answers to the many, many questions will be anywhere near complete, or even satisfying.
8 p.m. on f5, "Secrets ofHighclere Castle" —It may be more famous now than at any time in its 1,300-year history as the setting of "Downton Abbey," but England's Highclere Castle has its own stories to tell. This new special looks at how its former inhabitants lived and how its current residents — Lord and Lady Carnarvon — spend $1 million in annual upkeepfunds. 9 p.m.on Wgl,"Revenge" — As Emily (Emily VanCamp) locks in on a new target, Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) gets to work on a scheme that will involve her. Declan (Connor Paolo) makes a discovery that threatens the Stowaway's future in the new episode "Power." Gabriel Mann also stars. 9 p.m. on Iig3, "The Biggest Loser" —This season premiere introduces audiences to 15 determined adults and three inspiring kids who are committed to getting healthy and changing their lives. Season14 marks the first time the show has featured youngsters, as it aims to take on child obesity with the addition of childhood obesity expert and pediatrician Dr. Joanna Dolgoff. 9 p.m.on FOOD, "Rachaelvs. Gny CelebrityCook-Off" — The series moves to the West Coast for its second season as Rachael Ray and Guy Fieri welcome a new crop of celebrities hoping to parlay their cooking skills into some cash for charity. This season's contestants include comedian Gilbert Gottfried actress Kathy Najimy singer Carnie Wilson figure skater Johnny Weir and singer Chilli of TLC. In the opener, the teams are tasked with creating a menu and performing a skit for dinner theater patrons.
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. I
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:WORLDS AWAY 3-D (PG)6:40,9:15 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R)10:55a.m.,12:30,2:30,4:05, 6:05, 7:50, 9:40 • THE GUILTTRIP(PG-13) 11 a.m.,1:25, 4:25, 7, 9:25 • THEHOOOIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)10:35 a.m., 2:15, 6:15, 9:55 •THE HOOOIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 2:25, 6:25, 10:05 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 12:55, 4:20, 7:20, 10:20 • LES MISERAOLES (PG-13) 1030a.m.,12:35,2,4:10,6,740, 9:30 • LIFE OF Pl (PG)10:40 a.m. • LIFE OF Pl3-D (PG) 1:35, 4:30, 7:25, 10:25 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11 a.m., 3:30, 6:45, 10 • MONSTERS,INC.3-D (G) 10:50 a.m., 1:20, 3:45 • NOT FADE AWAY(R) 11:05 a.m., 1:50, 4:35, 7:35, 10:20 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 10:30 a.m., 1:10, 3:50, 6:55, 9:35 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)1:05, 3:35 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 6:35, 9:50 • TEXAS CHAINSAW3-D(R) 11:15a.m., 1:45, 4:40, 7:05, 9:45 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:45, 3:55, 7:10, 10:15 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. t
9 p.m. on LIFE, Movfe: "AnAmish Murder" —This twisty new mystery, based on Linda Castillo's best-selling novel "Sworn to Silence," features "Party of Five" favorite Neve Campbell as an Amish exile from a tiny Ohio town who comes back home as its chief of police and finds herself embroiled in a gruesome serial murder case that dredges up horrific memones from her youth. C. Thomas Howell, IronE Singleton ("The Walking Dead") and Campbell's real-life brother Christian co-star. ©Zap2it
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ARGO (R)12: I5, 3, 6 • THEHORRIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)12:30, 6:15 • HYDEPARKONHUDSON(R)I,4:15,6:30 • LES MISERARLES (PG-13) Noon, 3:30, 6:45 • PROMISED LAND(R) 12:45, 4, 7 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 1:15, 3:45, 7:15
In-Home Care Services Care for loved ones. Comfort for all. 541-389-OOOG
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • CELESTEAND JESSEFOREVER(R) 9 • HERECOMES THE BOOM (PG)6 • WRECK-ITRALPH(PG) Noon, 3 • After 7 p.m., shows are 21 and older only. Younger than 21 mayattend screenings before7 pm. if accompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • HOLYMOTORS(no MPAArating) 6 • CHASING ICE(PG-13) 8:30 • GREGORYCREWDSON: BRIEFENCOUNTERS (noM PAA ratings) 1:30 • SAMSARA (PG-13) 3:30 I
IM l
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • OJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 • THE HOBBIT: ANUNEXPECTEDJOURNEY(PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:30, 6:05, 9:30 • JACKREACHER(PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 • THIS IS 40 (R) 11:45a.m., 2:45, 5:45, 8:45 Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • THEHOOOIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)1:30,5 • LES MISERAOLES (PG-l3) 1:30, 5 • LIFE OF Pl (PG)5:15 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 1:45, 5:15 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 2:30 l
Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R) I:30,4:50,8:20 • THEHORRIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) I2:50, 4:30, 8:10 • JACK REACHER (PG- I3) 1:20, 4, 6:40 • PARENTALGUIDANCE (PG) I2:35,2:50,5:05,7:20 • PROMISED LAND(R) 12: I5, 2:30, 4:45, 7 •
Miss Aomeo
Miss Romeo here. I nm n sweet quiet 6 Venr old femnle mt thot wns brought to the shelter bV mV t'amilV becouse theV hod to move nnd sndlV could not tnke me with them. I hnve lived with onts nnd dogs nnd rorefer n quiet home to srJend mV time. I nm ensV going so ir Vou are looking Fora sttfeethenrt or n mt with big henrt then come down to the shelter todaV ond odopt me!
61170 5.E.27th ik IIEND
Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • LIFEOFPI(PG)1,4,7 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(UPSTAIRS — PG)1:10, 4:10, 7:10 • The upstairs screeninroom g haslimitedaccessibility.
(|41i 381.3|37
Sponsored bq Oregon Feedt Pet
Scoreboard, D2 Golf, D2 Sports in brief, D3
Prep sports, D4 College basketball, D4 NFL, D5
Browns, Eagles vie for UO'sKelly CLEVELAND — The
Browns figured they could close a deal with Chip Kelly over dinner.
That was before the Eagles took Oregon's coach to a lengthy lunch. Cleveland owner Jimmy Haslam and CEO
Joe Banner spent much of Saturday waiting for a second meeting with Kelly, the Ducks'
Beavers, Ducksopen Pac-12play with Civil War MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL
By Steve Gress
Corvallis Gazette-Times
Tonight marks the start of the Pac-12 Conference portion of the schedule for the Oregon State and University of Oregon men's basketball teams, as the Beavers take on the rival Ducks in th e Civil War. The Beavers will carry a solid 103 record into the 7 p.m. game in Gill Coliseum. The Ducks are 11-2. For Oregon State, it's the third
lossthat has created cause for some concern. On Dec. 29, the Beavers had a 19point lead at home against Towson, then let it all slip away in a 67-66 overtime loss. Yes, the Beavers rebounded with an 84-59 blowout of Texas-PanAmerican on Monday.
Still, coach Craig Robinson was asked about th e T owson game when he met with members of the media on Wednesday. "I feel that the Towson game is, and will continue to be, extremely important for us," Robinson said. "I talked about our team trying to have more confidence,and I never imagined that we could go into a game overconfident and I thought we did. SeeCivil War/D4
What: 338th meeting between
Oregon State (10-3) andOregon (11-2); Pac-12Conference opener for both teams Where:Gill Coliseum, Corvallis
When:Today, 7 p.m. TV: Root Sports Radio:KICE-AM 940; KBND-AM 1110
offensive mastermind, to hopefully finalize an
agreement to makehim the Browns' sixth fulltime coach since 1999. However, Kelly decid-
ed to keep ascheduled
Bend girls,
interview with Philadelphia that lasted longer
than expected and
carried into the night,
i»') "e
delaying the Browns' second chance atsign-
boys win in opener
ing college football's hottest coach.
Kellyand his representatives had met
Haslam andBanner for a reported sevenhours in Arizona on Friday. They
came close to reaching a deal, but the sides parted company without a financial agreement with
signs pointing toward Kelly leaning toward
joining the Browns. Kellyalso met with the Buffalo Bills on Friday, and he decided
to keep his appointment with the Eagles, who had briefly pulled their
interest in pursuing the 49-year-old after they
learned adeal between Kelly and Cleveland was near. It's possible Kelly and his agent,
David Dunn, aremeeting with the other teams to gain leverage with the
Browns andsweeten the coach's contract.
Photos by Joe Kline i The Bulletin
Madras' lan Goodwin, swims the third leg of the boys 200-meter medley relay during the Jay Rowan Invitational on Saturday at Cascade Swim Center in Redmond. Madras finished first in the event with a time of 1:59.79.
But there's also a
chance Eaglesowner Jeffrey Lurie andgeneral manager Howie Roseman aremaking a hard pushat Kellyto steal him away from the
ond (7:36.87), and Sisters
Browns. Banner spent19 seasons with Philadelphia,
the past12 as president, but left the club last year and has had a falling out
with Lurie, a longtime
Bulletin staff report REDMOND — In a swim meet that featured three reigning state championship teams, the Madras boys shined the brightest Saturday at the eight-team Jay Rowan Invitational. The White Buffaloes swept the three relay events — including wins over Summit in both the 200-meter medley and 400 freestyle relays — and took five of eight individual contests at the Cascade Swim Center en route to 379'/~ points to claim the top spot ahead of the Storm (242) and
friend. — The Associated Press
Upcomingbowls Today 6 p.m., Bowl, Kent State vs. Arkansas State, ESPN
Rainier (186).
5:30 p.m., BCS National
Championship,Notre Dame vs. Alabama, ESPN
Notre Damestuns top-rankedUConn
Ridgeview's Haley Houghton swims in the girls 200-meter freestyle during the Jay Rowan Invitational. Houghton finished third in the event and won the100 butterfly.
InSide More prep sports coverage of Saturday's action,D4
Ian Goodwin paced Madras with victories in the 200 freestyle and 100 breaststroke while also leading off the winning 200 freestyle relay squad and swimming the third leg of the 200 medley relay. Dustin Henderson took the 200 individual medley, Cade Boston won the 100 freestyle, and Bryce Williams took first in the 400 freestyle. Class 5A defending state champion Summit, which was without several of its top swimmers Saturday, rode Blake Kaufman's first-place finish in the 100 backstroke and second-place showing in the 400 freestyle to place second as a team, as the Storm also saw Max Cook finish second in the 100 breaststroke. SeeSwimming/D4
STORRS, Conn. Skylar Diggins and -
Notre Damejust seem to have Connecticut's number. The Irish have turned
one of the best rivalries in women's basketball into a one-sided affair
lately, winning five of the past six meetings. The senior All-Ameri-
II ddell •
Rookie quarterbackstry to lead Seahawks, Redskinsto next round
Seattle QB Russell Wilson The Assoaated Press
can scored 19points, hitting big shot after big shot in the second half, to lift fifth-ranked Notre Dame to a 73-72 victory overthetop-ranked
Huskies on Saturday. This was the latest victory for the lrish (12-
1,1-0 Big East), who also endedUConn's season the past two years by beating the Huskies in the Final Four. Stefanie Dolson
scored 17 pointsto lead Connecticut (12-1, 0-1). — The Associated Press
Bulletin staff report MOUNT BACHELOR — Bend High won the girls event and Summit was tops for the boys by a whisker Saturday as the Oregon School Ski Association opened the 2013 season with the New Year's Ice Breaker. The giant slalom competition included nearly 100 skiers and was staged on the Cliffhanger run at Mt. Bachelor ski area. Racing in a consistent snow, Brooke Kelley led a sweep of the top five finishers for the Bend girls with a two-run combined time of 2minutes, 7.94 seconds. The Lava Bears' Kiki Nakamura-Koyama and Elinor Wilson finished second and third, respectively. The Bend girls posted a team time of 6 minutes, 38.41 seconds. Summit, led by sixth-place finisher Natalie Merrill, was sec-
By Joseph White
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — How convenient. Those who can't decide between Robert Griffin III and Russell Wilson are literally getting a playoff. RG3 or RW3? They have only had two of the bestrookie seasons for quarterbacks in NFL history, according to the numbers. Time to compare and contrast as much as possible today as Griffin's Washington Redskins host Wilson's Seattle Seahawks in the NFC's wildcard round. "I don't play against quarterbacks. It's not my job to compare us," Griffin told reporters this week."You guys will do that.... I hope you
guys have fun." See Seahawks /D5
was third (8:12.71). Bend s Keenan Se>del was the individual winner on the boys side with a time of 2:02.90, but Summit claimed the next four places and edged the Lava Bears by less than a second for the team victory. The Storm's final team time was 6:30:11; Bend's time was 6:30.43. Jared Schiemer was the first Summit finisher and second overall. He was followed by teammates Will Mayer, Thomas Wimberly and Kevin Panton. Central Oregon's alpine skiers are scheduled to return to Cliffhanger next Saturday.
Cliches rule the day as BCS title game nears By Paul Newberry
The Associated Press
NFC wild-card: Green Bay Packers 24, Minnesota Vikings10 AFC wild-card: Houston Texans19, Cincinnati Bengals13
MIAMI — Whether it's giving 110 percent or taking it one game at a time, you've always got to remember it is what it is. In other words, the formula for winning the game before the game is simple: bring on the cliches! Notre Dame and Alabama are already winners in that regard, spending the days leading up to the BCS championship talking about a lot of things, all while trying not to say
• More coverage,DS
much of anything.
Today'sgames 10a.m.:AFC wild-card game, Indianapolis Colts at Baltimore Ravens; TV: CBS; Radio: KRCO-AM 690, KRCO-FM 96.9. 1:30 p.m.:NFC wild-card game, Seattle Seahawks at WashingtonRedskins;TV:Fox;Radio:KRCO-AM 690,KRCO-FM 96.9,KBNW-FM 96.5. • Ravens-Colts preview,DS
TODAY BASKETBALL 8:30a.m.:W omen'scollege, St. John's at Rutgers, ESPNLI.
10:30 a.m.:Women's college, Florida State at Maryland, ESPNU.
11 a.m.: Women's college, Cal at Colorado, Pac-12 Network.
12:30 p.m.:Women's college, Vanderbilt at Mississippi, ESPNU.
1 p.m.:Women's college, Arizona at Washington, Pac12 Network.
1:30p.m.: Men's college, Temple at Kansas, CBS. 2:30 p.m.:Men's college, Wichita State at Bradley, ESPNU.
2:30 p.m.:Men's college, Florida at Yale, NBCSN.
2:30p.m.:W omen'scollege, Oklahoma State at Baylor,
Root Sports. 5 p.m.:Men's college, Colorado at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.
5 p.m.:Men's college, Tulsa at SMU, Root Sports.
5 p.m.:Men's college, North Carolina at Virginia, ESPNU.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Oregon at Oregon State, Root Sports.
FOOTBALL 10a.m.: NFL,playoffs,AFC wild-card game, Indianapolis Colts at Baltimore Ravens, CBS. 1:30 p.m.:NFL, playoffs,
NFC wild-card game, Seattle SeahayykS at WaShingtan RedSk(ITS,FOX.
6 p.m.: College, BOWI, ArkanSaS State VS. Kent State, ESPN.
GOLF NOOn:PGATOur, Hyul)dai
Tournament of Champions, NBC. 3 P.m.:PGA TOUr,Hyulqdai
Tournament of Champions, Golf Channel.
MONDAY GOLF 1 P.m.:PGA TOUr,Hyundai Tournament of Champions,
Golf Channel. SOCCER 2 P.m.:Wigan AthletiC FC VS.
Manchester United (tapedj, Root Sports. BASKETBALL 3:30 p.m.:Men's college, Notre Dame atCincinnati, ESPN2.
7 p.m.:NBA, Orlando Magic at Portland Trail Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.
FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:College, BCS
InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
Hartford77,BostonU.74 Harvard92, Rice62 La Salle74, Penn57 Monday Maine81,UMBC66 Boys basketball: Regisat Culver,6:30p.m. MountSt. Mary's71,Monmouth(NJ) 59 Girls basketball: Regisat Culver,5p.m. NC State78, BostonCollege73 Niagara71,Fairfield 67 Tuesday Northeastern68, UNCWilmington 64 Boys basketball: MountainViewat Redm ond, 7 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Oklahoma 67,West Virginia 57 p.m.; CrookCountyat Bend, MadrasatLa RUSHING —Cincinnati: Green-Ellis 11-63, Quinnipiac82, LIUBrooklyn 74 Pine, 7p.m.;StaytonatSisters, 7p.m.; Prospectat Gilchrist, 5 30p.mzSummit at Ridgeview,7p.m4 Dalton4-15, Leonard1-2 Houston: Foster32-140, Rutgers67, Pittsburgh62 Martin 1-16,Schaub4-1, Tate2-1. SacredHeart 66, St.Francis (NY)65 CentralChristianat Mitchell, 5:30p.m. PASSING —Cincinnati: Dalton 14-30-1-127. StonyBrook65, NewHampshire 49 Girls basketball: Bend atCrookCounty, 29-38-1-262. Towson 69, Drexel 66 Redmondat MountainView, 7 p.m.; LaPine at Houston: Schaub RECEIVING —Cincinnati: Green 5-80, UMass75,E.Michigan61 Madras, 7p.m.; ProspectatGilchrist, 4 p.mJRidM.Jones 3 34, Hawki n s 2 15, Gresham 2-7, GreenVermont 70, Albany(NY)45 geviewatSummit, 7p.m.; StaytonatSisters, 5:45 Egis 2-(minus9). Houston: Daniels 9-91, Foster Wagner68,Fairleigh Dickinson55 p.m.; CentralChristianat Mitchell, 4 p.m. 8-34, Johnson 4-62,Wal ter4-26,G.Graham 3-29, SOUTH Alabama65, Oakland45 Wednesday Casey1-20. B elmont 83, Te n nes see Tech 52 Boys basketball: Culverat Santiam,8p.m. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. Campbel93, l Gardner-Webb81, 30T Girls basketball: Culverat Santiam,8p.m. CharlestonSouthern81,Radford 74 Wrestling: Sistersat Gilchrist Small SchoolsInvite, Chattanooga74 Samford 70 3 p.m. PaCkerS 24, VikiffgS10 CoastalCarolina80,Longwood72 Coll. of Charleston60,Furman56 Thursday Minnesota 3 0 0 7 — 1 0 Davidson85,UNCGreensboro53 Wrestling: Summit at Bend, 7p.m., Redmond at GreenBay 7 10 7 0 — 2 4 Delaware84,Old Dominion 72 MountainView, 6p.mzRidgeviewat LaPine, 6 First Quarter Duke80, WakeForest 62 p.m.; Molaga at Madras, 6p.mJCrookCounty vs. Min — FG Walsh33,9:26. E. Kentucky78,SIU-Edwardsvige 72 Culver inCowdogClassic at Culver, 7p.m. GB — H arri s 9 run (C rosby ki c k),:28. EastCarolina91, NCWesleyan 60 Swimming: BarlowatMadras, 4:45p.m. SecondOuarter FIU 75,Louisiana-Lafayette70 GB FG Crosby 20, 3 25. FloridaGulf Coast78,Jacksonville 55 Friday GB — Kuhn3run(Crosbykick),:38. Florida St71,Clemson66 Boys basketball: Bend at Summit, 7 Third Quarter GeorgeMason73, Wiliam8 Mary66 Redmond atCrookCounty, 7p.m.; Mountain View GB — K uhn 9 pass trom Ro dg ers (Crosby ki c k), Georgi aSt.68,JamesMadison52 at Ridgeview, LaPine atSisters, 9.25. High Point74,Winthrop61 Kennedyat Culver,6:30p.m.; Gilchrist at Trinity Fourth Quarter Howard70,CoppinSt.60 Lutheran,5.30 p.m.;Central ChristianatSherman, Min — Jenkins 50 passfrom Webb(Walsh kick), Kennesaw St.83, Mercer75 7:30 p.m. LSU79,Bethune-Cookman63 Girls basketball: Summit at Bend, 7p.mzRid- 3:39. A — 71,548. Lipscomb 60,ETSU56 gewewat MountainView,7 Crook County Maryland94,Virginia Tech71 at Redmond,7p.mzGilchrist at Trinity Lutheran, Min GB Miami62,GeorgiaTech49 4 p.m.; CentralChristian atSherman,6 p.m.; La 17 20 Middl Tennessee60,SouthAlabama56 Pine atSisters, 7.15p.mzKennedyat Culver, 5 First downs Total Net Ya rds 3 24 32 6 Morehead St.65, E.Illinois 50 p.m. Rushes-yards 29-167 31-76 NC AST71, Georgia Southern65 Wrestling: Madras atSeasideInvite, 9am Passing 157 250 Norfolk St.74,Navy68 Swimming: SistersatAbanyInvite, 6p.m. PuntReturns 3 -25 4 - 1 7 North Florida90, Stetson74 Kickoff Returns 3 -73 2 2 8 Northwestem St. 86,Lamar58 Saturday 0-0 1-0 Dral Roberts76,Nicholls St.63 Boys basketball: Triad atGilchrist, 4 p.mzDufur InterceptionsRet. I1-30-1 23-33-0 Princeton74, Elon64 at CentralChristian,3:30p.m.; Trinity Lutheranat Comp-Att-Int 3 -23 3 - 2 4 SC-Upstate60, N.Kentucky 54 Sacked-YardsLost Prospect, 4 pm. 5-49.6 8-37.8 SE Louisiana Punts 72,Cent.Arkansas68 Girls basketball: Triad atGilchrist, 4 p.m.; Dufur 2-2 0-0 Saint Joseph's70,MorganSt60 at Central Christian, 2 p.m.;Trinity Lutheranat Fumbles-Lost 4 -30 2 - 1 0 SouthCarolina80, SCState69 Penalties-Yards Prospect,5:30p.m. 27:02 32:58 Tennessee St.66 JacksonvilleSt. 57 Swimming: Bend,Summit, Mountain View, Rid- Time ofPossession Troy 67,UALR64 geview atRumbaugh Invitational in Corvallis, 9 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS UCF99,FloridaA8M69 a.mzMountainViewatTheDallesWahtonkaInvite RUSHING —Minnesota: Peterson22-99, Webb UNCAshevi le83, Liberty69 in HoodRiver,10:30a.m. Alpine skiing: OSSA at Mt. Bachelor, Giant Slalom, 7-68. GreenBay: Harns17-47,Rodgers2-12, Grant UT-Martin76, Austin Peay74,OT 7-7, Cobb 2-6, Kuhn3-4. Cliffhanger,10a.m. VCU59, Lehigh55 PASSING —Minnesota: Webb 11-30-1 180 VMI 86,Presbyterian77 Nordic skiing: DHSNO freestyle andrelayracesat Hoodoo, 11amzOISRAskate and relay racesat Green Bay:Rodgers23-33-0-274. W. Carolina72,TheCitadel 55 RECEIVING — Minnesota: Jenkins 3-96,RuDiamondLake,11:30a.m. MIDWEST dolph 3-42, Si m pson 2-21, Wri g ht 2-13, Peterson Wrestling: Bend,MountainView,Redmond, SumButler 57,NewOrleans44 mit, Ridgeview, Sistersat BendInvitational, 8a mz 1-8. Green Bay: Harris 5-53, G.Jennings4-61, Creighton79,IndianaSt.66 Gilchrist atOakridgeInvite, TBD;Culver at Crater J.Jones4-51, Nelson3-51, Kuhn2-15, Grant1-16, Dayton78, LIAB71 Crabtree 1-10, Finley1-10,Cobb1-7, Taylor1-0. Classic inCentralPoint, TBD Detroit 84,GreenBay76 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. Evansville 85,S.Illinois 68 IPFW96,Nebraska-Omaha78 FOOTBALL l linois 74,OhioSt.55 College KansasSt.73, DklahomaSt. 67 NFL Marquette49, Georgetown48 FBS BowlGlance MichiganSt.84, Purdue61 Subject toChange NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE Missouri66,Buckneg64 All Times PST All TimesPST Missouri St.77,Drake65 MurraySt.74, SEMissouri 66 Saturday,Jan. 6 Playoff Glance N. DakotaSt. 63, UMKC44 BBVACompassBowl Wild-card Playoffs N lowa70, Rlinois St.60 Mississippi 38, Pi t tsburgh17 Saturday NotreDame93,Seton Hall 74 Today, Jan. 6 Houston19,Cincinnati13 Ohio 94,Marshall 57 GoDaddy.comBowl GreenBay24, Minnesota10 Kent State(11-2) vs. ArkansasState (9-3), 6 p.m. South Dakota74,S.Dakota St.71 Today St. John's53, Cincinnati 52 (ESPN) IndianapolisatBaltimore, 10a.m. (CBS) W. Illinois 57,IUPUI53, OT Monday, Jan. 7 Seattle atWashington, 1:30p.m.(Fox) Wright St 53,Milwaukee51 BCS National Championship Divisional Playoffs townSt.68,LoyolaofChicago66 Notre Dame (12-0) vs. Alabama(12-1), 5:30p.m Youngs Saturday, Jan. 12 SOUTHWEST (ESPN) BaltimoreorIndianapolis atDenver,1:30 p.m.(CBS) Arkansas86, DelawareSt. 51 GreenBayat San Francisco, 5 p.m.(Fox) ArkansasSt. 75,W.Kentucky 61 Sunday,Jan. 13 Baylor86,Texas79, OT Washington orSeatle at Atlanta, 10a.m.(Fox) Betting line LouisianaTech55,Texas-Arlington 52 Houstonat NewEngland,1:30 p.m.(CBS) Louisiana-Monroe81, NorthTexas68 NFL StephenF.Austin 71,McNeeseSt. 43 Saturday's Summaries (Hometeamsin Caps) Favorite Open Current Underdog TexasTech62,TCU53 FAR WEST Today TeXafTS19,BeffgalS13 RAVENS 6 .5 7 Colts Arizona60, Utah57 Seahawks 2.5 3 RED SKINSBYU80,SanFrancisco 76 Cincinnati 0 7 3 3 — 13 Boise St.106,WallaWalla39 3 6 7 3 — 19 Cal Poly72,UCIrvine 67 Houston College First Ouarter Cal St.-Fugerton105,CSNorthridge 86 (Home teams i n Ca ps) Hou — FGS.Graham48, 7:49. 72,SouthernCal64 Open Current Underdog California SecondQuarter ColoradoSt. 85,St. Bonaventure64 Today Hou — FGS.Graham27,13:07. Gonzaga 81, SantaClara74 Go Daddy.comBowl Cin — Hall 21 interception return (Brown kick) Hawaii76,UCRiverside 61 ArkansasSt 2 4 9:30. Idaho St86,N. Colorado63 Monday Hou — FGSGraham22, 2:19 LongBeachSt. 77,UCSantaBarbara70 BCSChampionship Third Quarter Montana62, PortlandSt.55 Alabama 8 . 5 9 . 5 N otre Dame Hou — Foster1 run(S.Grahamkick), 10:31. MontanaSt. 70,E.Washington 68,OT Cin — FGBrown34 7.48. NJIT 57,UtahValley 52 NewMexicoSt.78, TexasSt. 67 Fourth Quarter BASKETBALL Hou — FGSGraham24,14:17. Pacific 74, UC Davis 64 Cin — FGBrown47,9:03. Pepperdine54, Portland47 Men's college A—71,738. S. Utah90, N Arizona77 Saturday's Games Saint Mary's(Cal) 74,Loyola Marymount61 C in Hou EAST San JoseSt. 76,Seattle 71 First downs 12 24 Bryant78,St. Francis(Pa.)58 UCLA68,Stanford60 198 420 CCSU 77, Robert Morris 70 UNLV 84, CSBakersfield 63 Total NetYards 16-80 39-158 Canisius 73, Mari s t 64 Rushes-yards UtahSt.82, Idaho75,OT Passing 1 18 26 2 Colgate78, Dartmouth62 Washington68, Washington St.63 PuntReturns 3 -12 2 - 1 4 Columbia64,Army52 WeberSt.95, NorthDakota63 KickoffReturns 6 -156 2 - 4 7 DePaul83, Providence73
1 -21 1 - 14 14-30-1 29-38-1 2-9 0-0 5-46.6 3 42 0 1-0 0-0 5 -51 7 - 55 21:11 38:49
Women's college Saturday's Games
EAST Albany(NY)72, Binghamton 47 Boston U. 45, Hartford39 Comeg70,Bufalo 43 FairleighDickinson68, Wagner59 Georgetown 79, Providence64 Kansas 60, West Virginia 59 Lafayette56, Brown32 Lehigh46, NJIT45 Miami(Ohio)54,Duquesne49 MountSt. Mary's70, Monmouth (NJ) 51 NotreDame73,UConn72 Quinnipiac67, I IUBrooklyn 60 RobertMorris65, CCSU48 Saint Joseph's66, Penn53 SetonHall69, Pittsburgh56 St. Francis(NY)56,SacredHeart 47 St. Francis(Pa.)81, Bryant76 StonyBrook48,NewHampshire44 UMBC 54, Maine50 Yale 82,Buckneg62 SOUTH Cent. Arkansas 76,SELouisiana 60 Chattanooga 76, UNC-Greensboro46 CoastalCarolina64, CharlestonSouthem56 Coll. of Chareston58, Georgia Southern56 David son65,Appalachian St.49 E. Illinois 78,MoreheadSt.58 ETSU80,Lipscomb74 Elon 65,Samford 41 FIU 63,Louisiana-Lafayette47 FloridaGulf Coast74,Jacksonville 57 High Point64, Gardner-Webb42 Lamar71, NorthwesternSt.68 Liberty 75,UNCAsheville 49 Longwood79,Winthrop74 LouisianaTech65,Texas-Arlington 58 Memphis109,Wright St.68 Mercer71,KennesawSt. 46 Middl Tennessee60,SouthAlabama39 MurraySt. 82,UT-Martin 72 N. Kentucky70, SC-Upstate62 NichogsSt.69, Oral Roberts 66 Presbyterian68, Campbell 62, OT SIU-Edwardsville73, EKentucky69, OT SouthernMiss 69,NewDrleans59 Stetson71, NorthFlorida 57 Tennessee St. 88 Jacksonville St.68 Tennessee Tech58,Belmont52 UALR71,Troy50 W. Carolina54, Woford 40 MIDWEST Butler 84,III.-Chicago61 Creighton70, Evansville 63 DePaul86, Louisville 80 Green Bay61,St. Bonaventure 42 IUPUI55, W.Illinois 36 KansasSt. 59,TCU58 Loyola otChicago64,E.Michigan54 N. DakotaSt.59, UMKC48 Nebraska-Om aha60, IPFW50 North Dakota73,Weber St. 49 Ohio 68,Xavier 62 Purdue69, Nebraska66,OT S. Illinois 77,Drake70 SE Missouri71,Austin Peay57 Syracuse 92, Marquette 79 Valparaiso54,N. Illinois 49 SOUTHWEST DelawareSt.84, HoustonBaptist 83, DT Denver75,UTSA73 lowa St.58,TexasTech 54 McNeese St.74 StephenF.Austin 57 NewMexicoSt 61,TexasSt. 58 NorthTexas79, Louisiana-Monroe51 Oklahoma 78,Texas70 FAR WEST BYU80, SanFrancisco 58 CS Bakersfield83, Nevada80 CS Northridge 56, CalSt.-Fugerton55 Cal Poly64, UCIrvine 46 Gonzaga 79, SantaClara50 Hawaii65,UCRiverside50 LongBeachSt.52, UCSanta Barbara45 Montana70, PortlandSt. 55 Montana St.73,E.Washington60 N. Colorado 71, IdahoSt.63 Pacific 78, UC Davis 64 S. Utah79,Sacramento St.71 Saint Mary's(Cal)84, LoyolaMarymount77, OT San Diego 69, Portland63 Seattle72,SanJoseSt. 60 UtahSt.91, Idaho85 UtahValley71, Texas-PanAmerican 66,OT
TENNIS Professional HopmanCup
Saturday At Perth Arena Perth, Australia Purse: $1 million (ITFExhibition) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Championship Spain 2, Serbia 1 NovakDjokovic, Serbia,def. FernandoVerdasco, Spain, 6-3,7-5. Anabel MedinaGarrigues, Spain, det. Ana Ivanovic,Serbia,6-4, 6-7(3),6-2. Verdascoand Medina Garrigues, Spain, def. DjokovicandIvanovic, Serbia,6-4,7-5. Oatar Open Saturday
At The Khalifa International Tennis fkSquash Complex Doha, Oatar Purse: $1.11 million (WT250) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Championship Richard Gasquet (2), France, def. Nikolay Davydenko, Russia, 3-6, 7-6(4), 6-3.
ChennaiOpen Saturday At SDATTennis Stadium Chennai, India Purse:$460,000(WT250) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Semifinals Janko Tipsarevic(2), Serbia,def. AljazBedene,
Slovenia,4-6, 6-2,6-2 Roberto Bautista-Agut,Spain, def. Benoit Paire
(5), France,3-6,6-1, 6-4. ShenzhenOpen Saturday At LonggangTennisCenter Shenzhen,China Purse: $500,000 (Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Championship Li Na (1),China,def KlaraZakopalova(5), Czech
Republic, 6-3,1-6, 7-5.
ASB Classic Saturday At ASBBankTennis Centre Auckland, NewZealand Purse: $235,000 (Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor
Singles Chanpionship AgnieszkaRadwanska (1), Poland, def. Yanina Wickmayer (3), Belgium,6-4,6-4. Brisbane International Saturday At OueenslandTennis Centre Brisbane, Australia Purse: Men,$486,000(WT250);W omen,$1 million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men Semifinals Grigor Dimitrov,Bulgaria, det. MarcosBaghdatis, Cyprus,6-3,5-7,7-6(5). Andy Murray(I), Britain, def. KeiNishikori (5), Japan 6-4 2-0 retired Championship Andy Murray(1), Britain, def. Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria,7-6(0), 6-4. Women Championship Serena Wiliams(3), UnitedStates, det.Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, 6-2, 6-1.
American League BOSTON REDSOX— Agreedto termswith 18 MarkHamiltononaminor leaguecontract. NEWYOR K YANKEES — Designated OFChris Dickerson for assignment. SEATTLEMARINERS Assigned RHP D.J Mitchell outright toTacoma(PCL).
National League
NEWYOR KMETS— Agreedto termswith INF OmarQuintanilla ona minor leaguecontract. PITTSBURGH PIRATES— ReleasedRHPRickvan den Hurk. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association MIAMIHEAT— WaivedGTerrel Harris. FOOTBALL National Football League CAROLINA PANTHERS— SignedLB KionWilson to a reserve/futurecontract. CLEVELANDBROWNS Signed LB Ricky Elmore and LBMarcusBenard to reserve/future contracts. JACKSON VILLE JAGUARS — Signed WRBrittan Goldenand TEZach Miler to reserve/future contracts. NEWYORK JETS—SignedDEJayRichardsonto areserve/futurecontract. PHILADELPHIAEAGLES— Signed QB Mike Kafka and CBCliff Harris to reserve/Iuture contracts. TENNESSEETI TANS— SignedCB ChrisHawkins to a reserve/futurecontract. WASHING TON REDSKINS — Signed DBD.J. Johnsonto areserve/future contract. HOCKEY
National HockeyLeague
NestrasilandDGleasonFournier fromToledo (ECHL) to GrandRapids (AHL)and RWWillie Coetzeefrom GrandRapidsto Toledo. COLLEGE RUTGER S—Announced RBJawanJamison wil enter theNFLdraft.
National Championship,
Alabama vs. Notre Dame,
At start of the year, players see a trying season
wild-card game, Indianapolis Colts at Baltimore Ravens, KRCO-AM 690,KRCO-FM 96.9. 1:30 p.m.:NFL, playoffs, NFC wild-card game, Seattle SeahayykS at WaShingtan RedSk(ITS,KRCO-AM 690, KRCO-FM 96.9, KBNW-FM 96.5.
BASKETBALL 7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Oregon at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KBND-AM 1110.
MONDAY FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:College, BCS National Championship, Alabamavs.Notre Dame, KICE-AM 940.
BASKETBALL 7 p.m.:NBA, Orlando Magic at
Portland Trail Blazers, KBNDAM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsi bleforlatechangesmade by TV or radio stations.
By Karen Crouse New York Times News Service
K APALUA, Hawaii — T h e s u n joined players around whom the PGA Tour revolves, Rory M cIlroy, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, in skipping this week's Tournament of Champions. For the 30 golfers who bothered to show up, pesky winds and a persistent rain have turned them into plodders on a marathon course, which is apt since this event kicks off a year of competition that will unfurl in a seemingly endless loop. An event that is typically presented like a travelogue interrupted by golf shots became an ugly war of attrition — call it Survivor: KapaNa — when high winds an d s ometimes heavy precipitation wiped out Friday's first round, in addition to 36 planned holes on Saturday. "Welcome to 2013," Rickie Fowler satd. Fowler was joking, but his words had the ring of truth. In the best of conditions, the hilly, windswept Plantation Course is considered extreme golf. Playing 36 holes on the mountainous 7,411-yard layout, as the field is scheduled to do in more rain and wind today, offered ideal practice for navigating the new tour schedule, in which golfers will finish this season in September and embark onthe next one in October.
the reigning FedEx Cup champion, who played 22 tour events in 2012. "I don't see my body holding up and my family holding up with me doing thaT." Family considerations factored heavily in Steve Stricker's decision to reduce his schedule drastically this year. Stricker, the reigning champion here, made $3.4 million in 19 tour starts last year. He intends to play no more than 12 eventsso that he can spend more time with his wife and their two daughters, who are 14 and 6. "I still enjoy the game, I still enjoy competing, it's just time for me to be home a little bit more," Stricker said. He added, "I still plan on playing this year, maybe not the British Open, but the majors, the World Golf Championships events and I'll throw in a few otherones here orthere to getready for those." Snedeker has two children under age 2, and as they grow older he can envision cutting back his schedule. But for now, his attitude is: Have passport, will travel. "Some guys hate travel and I understand, there's times when I get to the airport and I can't believe I'm doing it and then I get there and I realize it's Their work year is growing longer, worth it and it's OK," Snedeker said. "I like traveling. I like seeing the world. and so are their commutes. The tour lost one autumn stop in Florida, at Walt I love playing golf elsewhere. That's Disney World, but has sanctioned two who I am. I'm going to travel probably events in the fall in Asia. three or four times a year and play "The new schedule is going to be overseas." tough because I think everybody will The game's growth outside the Unitwant to add some events later in the ed States has spawned a generation year, but I also don't think you want to of globe-trotters with itineraries only play 32 events," said Brandt Snedeker, Gary Player could love. Gone are the
PGA Tour's season openerdelayedagain KAPALUA, Hawaii — For those VyhOthinkthe PGA TOur SeaSOn never ends, here's a new twist: This
one can't get started. The season-opening Tournament Of ChamPiOnSVVRSPOStPOned fOr
the second straight day becauseof gUStSthattOPPed 40 mPh and made it impossible to play golf. Unlike
the previous day when 24players managed to tee off, no one hit a shot Saturday OITthe PlantatiOn COurSe at KRPalffa. "We tried aS beStVyeCOuld," Said Slugger White, the tOUr'S ViCePreSIdent of rules and competition. Play VyaS delayed three timeS befOre it VVBS Called fOr the day.
The season now starts today — that's when most tournaments
elqd — With hOPeS Of Playing 36 holes, followed by an18-hole finish
Monday. —TheAssociated Press Americantouringpros, includingmany of the top performers, who balked at competing abroad because it took them outside their comfort zone moneywise, food-wise and/or time-zone-wise. Woods traveled abroad for an event three months after turning pro. Rickie Fowler's first pro title came outside the United States, a six-stroke victory against McIlroy at the 2011 Korea Open. "It's cool to see the growth in Asia, for sure, with my Asian background and playing in Korea and hoping to get over to a few other countries over there,
as well," said Fowler, whose mother is of Japanesedescent.He added, "Idefinitely want to play more in Asia and more in Australia." Events outside the United States are
siphoning players with large appearance fees, a practice that's frowned upon on the PGA Tour. After last year's Ryder Cup, McIlroy and Woods did not return to competition at a tour event like the Frys.Com Open in Northern California, but, rather, at the World Golf Final in Turkey. They were joined there by Hunter Mahan, a two-time winner in 2012 who said, "I never thought I would play a tournament in Turkey." Mahan added: "It's really exciting to play all over the world and see all kind of different places and experience different things. There are a lot of great tournaments, a lot of great courses out there and a lot of good fields. It's hard to ignore that stuff." Players ignore the costs of such a whirlwind schedule at their periL Is it possible, by stealing a week of rest here or there, to avoid burnout in this year of the wraparound schedule'? "No, not through the whole year," Mahan said. "Definitely not." He said he understood why McIlroy and othersare not here despite the exclusivity of the winners-only field. Mahan said: "The last few years I played quite a bit in the offseason, went to China for a few weeks and went to Australia and played. At some point it catches Up to you. It's kind of like McIlroy said — 'I've got to take time off' — because you just don't know when you're going to crash and it's usually too late. And you'll just be so exhausted you'll be burned out and you don'teven know why."
N.D. State takes title —Quarterback
i DrnrrTfffl
ConferenceGlance AU TimesPST
Brock Jensen ranfor three touchdowns, Sam Ojuri scored twice and North Dakota State beat Sam Houston State 39-13 in a title-game rematch Saturday for its sec-
EASTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct 22 9 .71 0 23 10 .69 7
d-Miami d -New York Atlanta d-Indiana Chicago Brooklyn Milwaukee Boston Philadelphia Detroit Toronto Orlando Charlotte
ond straight FCSchampionship in Frisco, Texas. Jensenscoredthe go-ahead touchdown on a1-yard sneak in the third quarter, and Ojuri had a 2-yard TD run on fourth-and-1 after the Bison (14-1) got the ball with a fourth-down stop.
Ole Miss crushes Pitt —BoWallace threw three touchdown passesand Mississippi beat Pittsburgh 38-17 in the
BBVA CompassBowl in Birmingham, Ala., on Saturday to complete animpressive turnaround under first-year coach Hugh Freeze.OleMiss (7-6) took a fivewin improvement over its 2-10 finish in 2011. Jim Mone /The Assomated Press
BASEBALL Rangers neardeal with Berkman
Portland Trail Blazers' Wesley Matthews, right, and Minnesota Timberwolves' Nikola Pekovic go for a loose ball in the first quarter of Saturday night's game in Minneapolis.
20 12
Blazers' road trip ends with win over T'wolves
Oklahoma City atToronto 10am Washington at Miami 3 pm Charlotte atDetroit, 4:30p.m. MemphisatPhoenix, 5p.m. DenveratL.A.Lakers,630 p m
Serena Williams proved the break between seasons hasn't hurt her momentum, capturing her 47th career title with a 6-2, 6-1 victory over Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova on Saturday in the Brisbane International final in Australia. Williams has won 35 of her past 36 matches. In the men's final, defending champion Andy
The Associated Press MINNEAPOLIS — Getting ready to play his fourth road game in five nights, Nicolas Batum said he felt sluggish during warmups Saturday night at Minnesota. "I was like, 'Let's play this game and get out of here,' " he said. "I was tired." It was the Timberwolves, though, who looked and played how Batum felt. Batum and Wesley Matthews each made five 3s and scored 26 points to lead the Portland Trail Blazers over the injury-depleted Timberwolves 102-97. "I got tired I think when I got 31 here a couple years ago," Batum said, recalling a 31-point performance at Minnesota in 2010 — he had five 3s in that game as well. "I was tired," he said. I magine i f h e h a d a c t u ally f e l t
Murray defeatedGrigor Dimitrov 7-6 (0),
The Blazerstied a franchise record with 16 3 -pointers and w i thstood a fourth-quarter rally by the Timberwolves to win for the 10th time in 13 games and finish their four-game road trip with a 3-1 record. "If you shoot the 3 that well, you should probably win by more than five," Portland coach Terry Stotts said. Nikola Pekovic led the Wolves with 21 points but left the game in the third quarter because of a left hip strain. Only hours earlier, Minnesota learned it lost star forward Kevin Love to a broken right hand for the second time this season when an MRI confirmed the injury. The banged-up Timberwolves — who
says the TexasRangers areclose to a deal with Lance Berkman to be their designated hitter. Berkman's deal is pending
a physical, according to aperson who spoke on condition of anonymity to The Associated Press onSaturday because the contract wasn't finalized. Multiple reports, all citing unidentified sources, said it would be a one-year deal worth at
least $10 million. TexasRangers President Nolan Ryanhas publicly expressed the team's interest in Berkman, who was limited by injuries to 32 games for St. Louis
last season.
TENNIS Serena, Murraywin Brisbane-
Radwanska takes title —Fourthranked Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland won the ASB Classic for her11th singles title, beating Belgium's Yanina Wickmayer 6-4, 6-4 on Saturday in the Australian
OpentuneupeventinAuckland,New Zealand. Playing her first tournament since
October, Radwanskadropped only one set in five matches in the event.
i.l trinmphs —Top-seeded Li Naof China secured ahard-fought 6-3,1-6, 7-5 victory over KlaraZakopalova of the Czech Republic onSaturday to capture the inaugural ShenzhenOpenin China. The 2011 FrenchOpenchampion won her seventh WTA title despite serving 10 double-faults compared to nonefrom her fifth-seeded opponent.
Spain takes Hopman Cnp — Spain defeated Serbia 2-1 to win the Hopman Cup for the fourth time on Saturday in Perth, Australia. Fernando Verdasco and Anabel Medina Garrigues won the decidingmixed doubles 6-4,7-5 againstNovak Djokovic and Ana Ivanovic. Djokovic took the first match for Serbia by overcoming
a strong challenge from Verdasco 6-3, 75. Medina Garrigues evened it by outlast-
ing Ivanovic 6-4, 6-7 (3), 6-2.
Gasquet topsQatar Open—Rlchard Gasquet wonthe Qatar Open inDoha for his eighth career title on Saturday,
coming from aset down to beat Nikolay Davydenko 3-6, 7-6 (4), 6-3. Having pulled out of the Sydney tournament because of elbow trouble, Gasquet said he will be ready for the Australian Open.
SKIING Cologna leadsTourde SkiThree-time champion Dario Cologna of Switzerland surged into the Tour de Ski overall lead after Saturday's penultimate stage in Cavalese, Italy, overtaking Petter Northug of Norway in the15-kilome-
dressedonly 10 players — also played without point guard Ricky Rubio, who sat out with back spasms. Afterward, coach Rick Adelman bemoaned his team's flat play in the first threequarters before suddenly coming to life in the end. "The leaguedoesn'tstop foryou, there's nobody coming over the mountain for us, it's who we've got right now," Adelman said. "And that's what we have to do, and everybody has to step up." The Blazers led by as many as 22 before Derrick Williams fueled a 26-8 run with 18 points in the fourth quarter. His two-handed dunk with I:19 to play cut Portland's lead to 96-94. Williams rebounded a miss from Damian Lillard on the ensuing possession,but J.J.Barea threw the ball out of bounds with 50 seconds left. "I think we all just took it a little personal," Williams said. "We're down 20 points in the third quarter, and just a lot of guys playing with a lot of heart in the fourth quarter. We've just got to play like that all the time." LaMarcus Aldridge followed the turnover with a 13-footer to make it 98-94. Williams appeared to score on a tip on the next possession, but the officials waved offthe score,saying he traveled. Matthews and Batum each added a pair of free throws to seal the win. Also on Saturday:
Knicks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Magic ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 ORLANDO, Fla. — Carmelo Anthony scored 16 of his 40 points in the fourth quarter, helping New York top Orlando. J.R. Smith added 18 points for New York, and Tyson Chandler had 14 points and 12 rebounds. The Knicks have won two straight overall and four in a row over the Magic, dating to last season. Pacers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Bucks ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 INDIANAPOLIS — Roy Hibbert had 20 points, 15 rebounds and five blocked shots to lead Indiana past Milwaukee. Hibbert grabbed a career-high ll offensive rebounds asthe Pacers won their seventh straight home game. Celtics..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Hawks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 ATLANTA — Rajon Rondo had 14 points, ll rebounds and 10 assists, and Boston rallied to b eat A t lanta. Paul Pierce scored 17 of his 26 points in the third quarter as the Celtics erased a 19point deficit. Nets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Kings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 NEW YORK — Brook Lopez scored 18 points in 17 minutes to lead six players in double figures, and Brooklyn got a nice effort from the reserves for its third straight victory. One night after needing two overtimes to escape with a 115-113 victory in Washington, the Nets made sure the starters weren't too taxed. Rockets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Cavaliers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 CLEVELAND — James Harden scored 29 points, including 16 in the fourth quarter, and Houston beat Cleveland. Jeremy Lin added 20 points for Houston, which has won II of its past 14.
Spurs ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 109 76ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 SAN ANTONIO — Tony Parker had 20 points and Manu Ginobili added 19 and San Antonio routed Philadelphia. Tim Duncan added 16 points, Danny Green had D and Gary Nealhad 12 for San Antonio, which has won 10 straight at home. Hornets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Mavericks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 DALLAS — Eric Gordon completed a three-point play with 4.7 seconds left in overtime and New Orleans won at Dallas to spoil the Mavericks' first game this season with Dirk Nowitzki in the start-
ing lineup. Clippers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Warriors .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 89 LOS ANGELES — Chris Paul had 27 points and nine assists, Blake Griffin added 20 points and the Los Angeles Clippers set a franchise record with their 12th straight home victory.
Nuggets......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 110 Jazz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 DENVER — Danilo Gallinari scored 26 pointsand Denver rebounded from a rare home loss to beat Utah.
.6 2 5
20 1 4 588 18 1 3 .5 8 1 19 15 .5 5 9 16 16 .5 0 0 16 1 7 .4 8 5 15 20 .42 9 13 2 2 .3 7 1 12 2 1 .3 6 4 12 2 1 .3 6 4 8 24 .2 5 0 Cleveland 8 27 .2 2 9 Washington 4 27 .1 2 9 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct d-Oklahoma City 25 7 .781 d-L.A. Clippers 2 7 8 .771 d-SanAntonio 2 7 9 .750 Memphis 20 10 .6 6 7 GoldenState 2 2 11 .66 7 Houston 20 14 .5 8 8 Portland 18 1 5 .5 4 5 Denver 19 1 6 .5 4 3 Minnesota 15 15 .5 0 0 Utah 17 1 8 .4 8 6 LA. Lakers 15 1 7 .4 6 9 Dallas 13 2 1 .3 8 2 Sacramento 13 21 .38 2 Phoenix 12 2 2 .3 5 3 NewOrleans 8 25 .242
— A person familiar with the situation
Salmons5-13 0-0 13, Thompson7-16 1-4 15, Cousins11-186-8 28, Thomas3-5 5-5 12, Garcia 0-4 0-0 0,A.Brooks4-7 3-413, Robinson4-70-2 8, Hayes0-4 0-00, Ja.Johnson2-50-0 4, Fredette0-4 0-0 0, Outlaw0-50-00, Honeycutt 0-20-0 0.Totals 36-90 15-2393. BROOKLYN (113) GB Wallace2-53-4 8,R.Evans3-41-2 7, Lopez7-12 4-418, Williams 5-84-415, Jo.Johnson6-140-015, Bogans0-2 0-00, Blatche7-111-1 15, M.Brooks72' / z 141-1 15,Teletovic5-102-214, Watson1-2 0-12, 3N Shengelia0-0 2-22, Tayor 1-3 0-02. Totals 44-85 4 18-21 113. 4 ' 4 Sacramento 31 1 6 25 21 — 93 6 r A Brooklyn 36 29 23 25 — 113 7
9 11 11 11 1 4N 16 18
Knicks114, Magic106
NEWYORK(114) Anthony14-298-9 40, Camby1-10-0 2, Chandler 6-6 2-414, Kidd5-100-015, Brewer1-4 0-02, J.Smith8-182-318, Stoudemire3-75-511, Prigioni 2-60-05, Copeland0-10-00, Novak2-61-1 7. ToGB r/z taIs 42-8818-22 114. ORLANDO (106) r/z Jones4-80-18, Nicholson5 61-1 11,Vucevic 5121-1 11, Nel s on10-20 4-4 29, Afflalo10-14 7-929, 4 '/z McRoberts1-50-02,Turkoglu0-51-21, Redick3-10 4 6 ' / z 0-0 9, I.Smith2-40-0 4, Harkless1-10-02. Totals 41-85 14-18 106. 8 New York 27 32 22 33 — 114 8 36 19 34 17 — 106 9 ' / z Orlando
10 1 0r/z 1 3'/z 1 3 rN 1 4'/z 18
Saturday's Games Boston89, Atlanta81 Indiana95, Milwaukee80 NewYork114,Drlando106 Houston112,Cleveland104 Brooklyn113,Sacramento93 Portland102,Minnesota97 NewOrleans99,Dalas96, DT SanAntonio109,Philadelphra86 Denver110,Utah91 L.A. Clippers115,GoldenState89
Pacers 95, Bucks80 MILWAUKEE (80) Mbah aMoute 1-61-23, Udoh2 30 04, Sanders 6-110 012,Jennings4-153-412, Ellis 8-193 421, Henson1-64-6 6,Dunleavy3-80-0 7,Udrih 4-70-0 8, Harris 0-12-22, Gooden1-40-02, Lamb0-00-0 0, Daniels1-20 03 Totals 31-8213-1880. INDIANA (95) George 4-11 0-0 8, West 3-9 4-6 10, Hibbert 8-16 4-4 20, Hill 7-16 0-0 14,Stephenson5-8 00 10, Green2-10 0-0 5, Pendergraph0-0 0-0 0, THansbrough 3-63-8 9,Johnson3-81-2 7,Augustin 3-50 08,Mahinmi2-30 04,8 Hansbrough0 00 0 0. Totals 40-9212-2095. Milwaukee 21 26 17 16 — 80 Indiana 21 31 25 18 — 95
Celtics 89, Hawks 81 BOSTON (89)
Pierce8-20 7-926, Bass5-6 0-0 10, Garnett 712 0-0 14, Rondo 7-16 0-0 14, Bradley3-9 0-0 6, Suginger4-8 0-1 8, Terry2-80-0 4, Collins1-1 002, Green14123, Lee1-1 002. Totals 39-85 8-12 89.
Oklahoma City atWashington, 4 p.m. Bostonat NewYork, 4:30p.m. ClevelandatChicago,5p.m. SanAntonioatNewOrleans, 5p.m. Dallas atUtah,6p.m. OrlandoatPortland,7p.m. MemphisatSacramento, 7p.m.
Korver 3-90-0 9, Smith4-18 3 612, Horford 28 2-2 6, Teague 7-14 2-2 17, Wiliams9-125-6 28, Pachulia0-12-22, Stevenson0-2 0-0 0,Togiver 1-2 1-1 3, Johnson2-20-04, Jenkins 0-00-00 Totals 28-68 15-19 81. Boston 18 20 33 18 — 89 Atlanta 31 22 9 19 — 81
Summaries Saturday's Games
Biazers102, Timberwolves 97 PORTLAND (102) Batum9-113-3 26,Aidridge7-20 0-014, Hickson 1-10 0-0 2, Ligard7-143-3 20, Matthews8-15 5-5 26, Freeland0-10-0 0, Claver 2-30-0 5, Price 1-8 1-2 3, Jeffries0-0 0 00, Babbitt 2-4 0-0 6. Totals 37-86 12-13 102.
MINNESOT A(97) Kirilenko7-13 0-015, Cunningham5-13 0-010, Pekovic 9143 321,Ridnour4117 815, Shved111 0-0 2, Stiemsma 1-4 0-0 2, Barea5-132-2 14, Hayward 0-1 0-00, D.Wiliams6-104-518, Amundson 0-10-00. Totals 38-9116-18 97. Portland 23 30 26 23 — 102 Minnesota 21 22 18 36 — 97 3-PointGoals Portland16-24(Batum5-6 Matthews5-7, Ligard3-5, Babbrtt2-3, Caver1-2, Price 0-1), Minnesota5-16 (D.Wigiams 2-3, Barea2-5, Kirilenko1-1,Hayw ard 0-1, Shved0-3, Ridnour0-3). FouledOu— t None.Rebounds—Portland45(Hickson 11), Minnesota60 (Pekovic 15). Assists—Portland 22 (Lillard,Aldridge6), Minnesota22(Barea, Shved 7). TotalFouls—Portland 22, Minnesota13. Technicals — Barea. A—16,220(19,356).
Hornets 99, Mavericks 96(OT)
Nuggets110, Jazz91 UTAH(91)
Ma.Wigiams4-10 2-2 13, Migsap 4-12 7-9 15, Jeiferson4-134-512, Tinsley2-50-25, Foye2-9 3-4 8, Favors1-62-24 Watson3-40-07, Hayward5-12 2-314, Carroll 0-14-44, Burks3-5 2-49, Evans0-1 0-0 0. Totals 28-78 26-35 91.
DENVER (110) Gaginari 7-1111-1226,Faried7-101-215, Koufos 4-60-1 8 Lawson6-121-1 14,Iguodala5-98-11 18, McGee 2-5 3-4 7, Brewer1-5 0-03, A.Miger4-8 2-211, Fournie2-2 r 0-24, Mozgov0-10-0 0, Hamilton 0-32-4 2,Stone1-1 0-02, Randolph 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 39-76 28-39110. Utah 23 22 27 19 — 91 Denver 21 28 34 27 — 110
Clippers 115, Warriors 89 GOLDEN STATE(89) H.Barnes5-9 1-2 11, Lee3-104-410, Ezeli 1-1 0-0 2, Curry4-11 1-1 10,Thompson4-10 3-4 14, Biedrins 0-00-0 0, Jack3-9 1-1 8, Landry1-1 7-8 9, Jenkins3-3 0-0 6, DGreen3-5 2-2 8, Tyler 0-2 1-21, Jefferson2-50-04, Bazemore3-60 26. Totals 32-72 20-2689. L.A. CLIPPERS (115) Butler 4-9 0-010, Griffin 8 124-7 20, Jordan68 1-2 13, Paul10-122-227, W.Green 4-15 2-2 11, Bledsoe8-130-017, M.Barnes5-13 0-011, Odom 2-5 0-0 4,Turiaf0-30-0 0, Hollins 0-0 2-2 2.Totals
NEWORLE ANS(99) Aminu 3-64-410,Davis1-32-24, Lopez4-81-2 9, Vasquez11-1 80-2 25,Gordon4-13 5-514, Anderson 6-150-016, Roberts1-51-1 3,Rivers1-5 0-02, Smith 6-100-012,Thomas1-I 0-02, Mason1-20-0 2. Totals 39-8613-16 99. DALLAS(96) 47-90 11-1 5 115. Nowitzki 7-164-6 20, Marion4-12 0-08, Kaman GoldenState 12 3 1 23 23 — 89 2-3 0-0 4, Cogison5-7 2-2 12, Mayo5-173-3 14, L.A. Clippers 35 3 2 36 12 — 115 Carter6-112-217, DaJones0-1 0-00, Beaubois3-5 0-0 6, Brand 6-10 0-012, Crowder1-30-03. Totals 39-85 11-13 96. Leaders New Orleans 25 1 5 23 26 10 — 99 ThroughSaturday's Games Dallas 23 24 20 22 7 — 96 SCORING G FG FT PTS AVG Bryant,LAL 32 338 234 977 30.5 Spurs109, 76ers 86 Anthony,NYK 27 272 175 792 29.3 Durant,DKC 32 296 261 907 28 3 PHILADELPHIA (86) 31 314 154 824 26 6 TYoung 5-131-411, Turner4-134-412, Agen1-2 James,MIA 0-02, Holiday5-150-011, Richardson4-101-211, Harden,HDU 33 257 292 872 26.4 32 245 162 699 21.8 Brown0-00-2 0, N.Young4-11 2-2 10, Wright0-3 Westbrook,DKC 27 210 129 558 20.7 0 00, Hawes10-1322 22,Wilkins 0-11-21, Wayns Wade,MIA 2-3 2-2 6.Totals 35-84 13-20 86. Adridge,PDR 31 256 120 632 20.4 SAN ANTONIO (109) Curry,GDL 33 230 103 662 20 1 Leonard1-4 0-0 2,Duncan7-10 2-216, Splitter Lee,GOL 33 272 112 656 19 9 4134 512, Parker 8164 520, Green4-102 213, Pierce,BDS 33 216 157 654 19 8 Ginobili 6-105-519,Diaw0-1 0-0 0, Neal5-9 0-012, Egis, MIL 32 231 131 621 19 4 De Colo1-30-03, Bonner1-20-0 2,Blair 3-42-48, Parker,SAN 34 257 120 651 19.1 Migs1-30-02Totals41-8519-23109. Mayo,DAL 34 223 102 627 18 4 Philadelphia 21 2 1 21 23 — 86 Holiday,PHL 31 229 78 570 184 SanAntonio 31 23 27 28 — 109 DeRozan, TOR 33 224 138 603 18 3 Ligard,POR 33 211 106 602 18 2 REBOUNDS G OFFDEF TOT AVG Rockets112, Cavaliers 104 Vareiao,CLE 25 138 223 361 14 4 Randolph,MEM 29 134 224 358 12.3 HOUSTON (112) HowardLAL 32 119 265 384 12.0 Parsons2-9 2-2 7, Morris 4-8 2-211, Asik1-3 Asik, HDU 34 104 284 388 11.4 2-4 4, Lin7-133-520, Harden6-1714-15 29,Smith Lee,GOL 33 99 260 359 10.9 5-51-511, Patterson 7-130-015 Delfino 3-61-1 9, Hickson,POR 32 128 219 347 108 Douglas 2-51-2 6. Totals 37-7926-36112. Vucevic,DRL 33 110 244 354 10.7 CLEVELAND (104) 30 108 204 312 10.4 Gee 6-124-4 18,Thompson5-11 4-6 14, Zeger Noah,CHI Chandl e r, NYK 33 142 198 340 10 3 4-9 4-4 12, Irving10-24 7-830, Miles4-140-0 9, Faried,DEN 35 140 211 351 10.0 Waiters 4-134-413, Walton1-3 0-02,Livingston0-3 ASSISTS 0-00, KJones2-22-26. Totals 36-9125-28104. G AST AVG Houston 20 34 24 34 — 112 29 329 11.3 Cleveland 26 24 28 26 — 104 Rondo,BOS Paul, LAC 35 326 9.3 Vasquez,NDR 33 297 9.0 HolidayPHL 31 2 77 8 9 Nets113, Kings 93 Westbrook,DKC 32 275 8.6 Williams,Bro 33 256 7.8 SACRAMENTO (93) Calderon,TOR 33 252 7.6
ter classical mass start race. Cologna, who finished 11th, holds a 6.5-second
lead over Alexander Legkov of Russia, who was17th. Previous leader Northug finished 28th and was11.5 back heading into today's final stage, the traditional climb up Mount Cermis. Three-time defendingchampion Justyna Kowalczyk of Poland dominated the women's10K event to extend her overall lead. American Kikkan Randall finished 11th.
HOCKEY NHL, unionmakeprogress in
marathon talks —Marathontalks between theNHLandthe players' association stretched deepinto Saturday night and then this morning after the sides stayed apart for most of the previous two days. Oncefederal mediator Scot Beckenbaugh convinced the fighting factions to resumeface-to-face negotiations Saturday afternoon, theywereable to makeprogress.W hilenoonewouldcomment publicly on whatwasaccomplished, it was reported that headwaywas being made on keyissuessuchasthepension plan and salary cap limits. — From wire reports
Heat hope to rebound from poor effort on the boards By Steven Wine The Associated Press
M IAMI — C o ming of f a r a r e home loss, the Miami Heat will try to rebound against the Washington Wizards. That could be tough, because the H eat haven't rebounded well al l season. Poor board work was the focus of a team meeting Saturday. Players didn't practice but did review video of every rebound in Friday's home loss to the Chicago Bulls, when the Heat were outrebounded 48-28. "This is something that w e're going to fix," coach Erik Spoelstra sard. The Heat rank last in the NBA in rebounds, and while they nonetheless have the best record in the Eastern Conference, the team's biggest weakness could undermine its bid for a championship repeat. "We're improving in so many oth-
er areas, particularly offensively," Spoelstra said. "Rebounding's the area that has to take the priority right now." The Heat rank first in the league in field goal percentage, second in 3-point shooting, third in turnovers and fourth in points per game. But they're being outrebounded by 2.8
per game.
"We've got to go out and do it," LeBron James said. "If the ball is
in your region, try to go up and get it. If not, box out your guy and let
somebody else go get it." The Heat are smaller than most of their opponents, and the majority of their players — including James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh — are rebounding at about the same rateas a year ago for the title team. James, in fact, is averaging a career-best 8.5 rebounds per
game. Even so,Spoelstra expects more.
"We have enough guys who are capable of it," he said. "Individually guys are capable of doing their job better, either block out or chase down rebounds. We need to have some career years from guys on the
glass." The Heat had only four offensive rebounds against C h icago, but Spoelstra said poor work on the defensive boards bothers him most. The Bulls missed 44 shots and grabbed 19 of them while sending the Heat to only their third home defeat. Miami was outscored20-7 in second-chance points and is allowing 15.5 per game, second-worst in the league. "It's hard not to have your spirit collapsed," Spoelstra said. "It can be deflating when you have a great defensive possessionfor 18 or 22 seconds, and then it turns into an offensive rebound and you have to
do it all over again." Miami will face the Bulls three more times during the regular season, and perhaps in the playoffs as well, which made the mismatch on the boards that m uch m o re worrisome. When chasing m i ssed s hots, Spoelstra said, the Heat didn't respond well to the Bulls' physical style. "This one was a little bit more about hand-to-hand combat, hold-
ing your own, group rebounding, getting guys i nto th e f r ay, i nto the pack and not spectating and really competing after each ball," the coach said. The challenge Miami faces today will be slightly less daunting. Washington lost in two overtimes Friday against Brooklyn to fall to 4-27. "On Sunday we must win," Bosh said, "and we must r ebound to win."
Swimming Continued from D1 Klamath Falls' Henley High finished fourth with 183 points and Mountain View ended the meet in fifth with 120 points. The Cougars' Kris Sagers won the 100 backstroke in 1 minute, 6.8 seconds, while Sisters, which placed sixth as a team with 87 points, was led by third-place performances from T y l er
No. 3 Arizona tops Utah, stays unbeaten
Berg (100 butterfly) and Brennan Miller (100 backstroke). Conor McCreary led Ridgeview, which finished seventh in the boys standings, with a victory in the 50 freestyle. His Raven teammate,Owen Hucke, took second in the same race. McCreary also took third in the 100 freestyle. Redmond High rounded out the scoring in the boys meet in eighth place with 5'/2 points. Henley, Class 4A's r e igning s tate champion, easily won the girls meet with 315 points, topping runner-up Sisters (208 points) by claiming victories in all three relays. Freshman Mary Stewart paced the Outlaws with a pair of wins in the 50and 100-meter freestyle races. Stewart also swam on Sisters'200 medley relay that placed third. Fellow freshman Karly Vial, who also swam on the Outlaws' 200 medley relay, added third-place efforts in the 100 butterfly and 400 freestyle.
Joe Khne /The Bulletin
Madras' Sophie Gemelas swims a leg of the girls 200-meter individual medley during the Jay Rowan Invitational on Saturday at Cascade Swim Center in Redmond. Gemelas won the event.
stroke. Aurora Gerhardt added runnerup finishes in the 200 and 400 freestyle races for Madras. The Storm, who did not bring several Madras (161 points), Summit (160'/~) of their top swimmers to the meet Satand Mountain View (151) placed third, urday, were paced by theirthird-place fourth and fifth, respectively, in the girls finish in the 400-meter relay. Cougar team standings. White Buffalo sopho- junior Phoebe Weedman led Mountain more Sophie Gemelas posted wins in the View with a runner-up showing in the 200 individual medley and 100 breast100 breaststroke. Weedman also led off
the Cougars' 400-meter relay team that finished second. Ridgeview (111 points), Redmond (67'/2) and Rainier (59) rounded out the scoring in the girls competition. Ridgeview junior Haley Houghton had a solid day for the Ravens, winning the 100 butterfly in addition to taking third in the 200 freestyle and anchoringherteam's 200 relay squad that placed second.
The Associated Press TUCSON, Ariz. — Solomon Hill had 19 points, Mark Lyons hit two free throws with 7.2 seconds left and No. 3 Arizona dodged another last-second shot to beat Utah 60-57 on Saturday and remain undefeated. Arizona (14-0, 2-0 Pac-12) needed some help from a disputed call by the officials to win its conference opener. The Wildcats faced another big shot in the closing seconds, when Utah's Jarred DuBois shot a 3-pointer that bounced off the rim, hit the top of the backboard and hit the rim again before missing. Jason Washburn had 17 points and 11 rebounds, and Jordan Loveridge added 17
points for Utah (8-6, 0-2). Also on Saturday: N o. 1 Duke...... . . . . . . . . . . 80 W ake Forest.... . . . . . . . . . . 62 DURHAM, N.C. — Ryan
Kelly scored a season-high 22 points in Duke's win. Seth Curry also had 22 points and
Quinn Cook had a career-
uver irscruiseto ea uewin Bulletin staff report WALDPORT — Reanne Slaght recorded 11 points, Lori Sandy added 10, and Culver improved to 2-0 in league play with a 45-14 Class 2A Tri-River Conference girls basketball victory against Waldport on Saturday night. The Bulldogs jumped out to a 25-3 lead at the half and held Waldport to two fourth-quarter points before sealing the conference win. "There weren't really any big rebounding numbers or anything like that," Culver coach Scott Fritz said. "We just played great defense throughout the game, except maybe for (Waldport's nine-point) third quarter." Culver (2-0 TRC, 4-8 overall) continues league action on Monday, when the Bulldogs host Regis of Stayton. In other Saturday action: GIRLS BASKETBALL T rinity Lutheran .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 P aisley... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 PAISLEY — The Saints and Broncos headed into the fourth quarter knotted up at 36, but after Paisley made the first bucket, Trinity Lutheran went on a 10-4 run, including two free throws by Emily Eidler with six seconds remaining to seal the Saints' first Class IA Mountain
matchup. Gerson Gonzalez posted eight points for Culver, but the Bulldogs were outscored 22-4 in the third quarter that helped Waldport increase its 13-point halftime lead to a 31-point advantage heading into the fourth. Culver (0-2 TRC, 5-7 overall) entertains Regis on Tuesday in a league showdown. P aisley .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 Trinity Lutheran .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 PAISLEY — Nate Carpenter recorded a double-double with 18 points, 11 rebounds and four blocks, but the Saints came up short in their Class IA Mountain Valley League contest against the Broncos. Gabe Phillis finished with six points for Trinity Lutheran (0-4 MVL, 1-10 overall), which hosts Gilchrist on Friday. A rlington .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Central Christian .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 REDMOND — Despite outscoring the Honkers 10-0 in the fourth quarter, the Tigers couldnot overcome a 31-8 halftime deficit en route to their Class IA Big Sky League loss. Caleb Stewart scored 11 points to pace Central Christian (0-5 BSL, 1-7 overall), which visits Mitchell on Tuesday fora nonconference contest. NORDIC SKI
champions at the 13-team Riddle Tournament en route to a third-place finish at the one-day event. Ian Oppenlander (106 pounds), Bryce Vincent (113), Jarred DuPont (126), Brandon Hawes
Cougs show well at jamboree
18), Ridgeview bounced back to defeat Willamette of Eugene, 51-22. The Ravens saw 132-pound wrestler Calvin Rodman go 4-1 on the day, as did Landon Prescott (145 pounds) and C a l ixto P a niagua
DIAMOND LAKE — Five Mountain Valley League win in program history. View skiers won races at the Oregon InEidler finished with 12 points, as did Ka- terscholastic Ski Racing Association's tie Murphy and Victoria Sample, who unscored jamboree on trailsnear Diarecorded eight in the opening quarter. mond Lake. Tia Hatton (freshman/sophTrinity Lutheran (1-3 MVL, 5-6 overall) omore division) and Avery VanDuzer continues league play on Friday with a (junior/senior division) took first in girls home matchup against Gilchrist. classicraces; Leo Theisen posted a victory in the freshman/sophomore boys Hosanna Christian.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 North Lake..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 classic race; Adi W olfenden was the SILVER L AK E — Mo l l i e P h i llips top finisher in the freshman/sophomore scored five points to lead the Cowgirls in skate race; and Imran Wolfenden won their Mountain Valley League defeat. The the junior/senior boys pursuit. Summit's loss dropped North Lake to 1-2 in league independent team also posted two wins and 4-7 overall. The Cowgirls are at Pais- as Micaela Martin claimed the junior/ ley on Tuesday. senior girls pursuit title and Alex MarBOYS BASKETBALL tin won the freshman/sophomore boys Waldport.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 pursuit event. The Cougars' first official Culver.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 OISRA race of the season is next SaturWALDPORT — Clay Gibson finished day at Hoodoo. WRESTLING with a team-high 14 points and seven Five Buffs win brackets rebounds, but the Bulldogs fell to the Irish in a Class 2A Tri-River Conference R IDDLE — M a d ras cr owned f i v e
(132) and Miguel Vasquez (138) all took first in their respective brackets for the White Buffaloes. Coquille won the tournament and Roseburg's junior varsity placed second ahead of Madras. Sam Flores added a runner-up finish at 120 pounds for the Buffs. Ten Madras wrestlers in all placed at the tournament. The White Buffaloes wrestle at Banks on Thursday. Fleming pacesRavens to 3-2 mark ALBANY — Boomer Fleming compiled a flawless 5-0 mark in the 182pound division of the West Albany Duals, leading Ridgeview to a 3-2 record at the nine-team event at West Albany High School. The Ravens, who left Redmond before sunrise Saturday morning, traveled well, according to Ridgeview coach Dan Elliott, and picked up a pair of wins to open up the tournament against Newport (51-24) and Stayton (50-24). After dropping duals to Halsey's Central Linn
(43-30) and Springfield's Thurston (61-
(152). Bulldogs third at Jo-Hi JOSEPH — Culver sophomore Tucker Davis won the 132-pound bracket at the Jo-Hi Tournament and helped the Bulldogs finish third overall at the 17-team event at Joseph High. Vale topped the team standings with 218'/2 points, and w as followed by M cLoughlin of M i l ton-Freewater (160 '/~ points) and Culver
Girls basketball
Saturday's results
Saturday's results
Class 2A Tri-River Conference
Class 2A Tri-River Conference
CULVER(34) — Clay Gibson 14, Gonzalez 8, McDonald4, Fritz 3, Daugherty 2, Slaght2, Lofting 1, Leeper,LeQuieu Beeler. Totals 816-2334. wALDPORT I73) —chris Johnson15, Bulock 12, Webb B, T.Johnson6, MI:Nees6, Sell 6, Pruett 5,Fisher4,Wayman4,Chapman4,Rooney3,Bittick, Marquart.Totals 2811-24 73. Culver 9 13 4 8 — 3 4 Waldporl 19 16 22 16 — 73 Three-point goals — Culver.Gibson,Gonzaiez; Waldport: C. Johnson4, Chapman, PNet.
CULVER(45) Reanne Slaght 11, Sandy10, Seehawer8,McKinney8,Lewis6, Fritz 2,Hoke,OliNera. Totals 17 10-1745. WALDPORT (14) — MariaAlvarado4, Larsen4, C Alvarado2, Peake2, Houck1, Petersent Totals 4 6-11 14. Culver 13 12 11 9 — 45 Waldport 1 2 9 2 — 14 Three-pointgoals— Culver: McKinney;Waldport: None.
Class1A Mountain Valley League TRINITYLUTHERAN (30) —NateCarpenter18, G. Phillis 6,Akiyama4, Dunn2, L Philis, Law,Nihei, C. Knauss.Totals 11 6-11 30.
pAlsLEY(40) Rowdy 0'connor 15,Jonesu,
McKay 9, Walton 4, Wampler1, Vilagrana.Totals1t 3-6 40. T rinity Lutheran 6 6 7 11 — 3 0 Paisley 5 13 13 9 — 40 Three-pointgoals—Trinity Lutheran:G.Philis 2; Paisley:Jones2, McKay.
Class1A Mountain ValleyLeague TRINITYLUTHERAN(46) —Victoria Sample12, Emily Eidler12, KatieMurphy12, Carpenter 6, Cowan 2, Spencer 2, Clift, Martin.Totals 214-7 46. PAISLEY(42) — TessOL ' eary 24, Arrimgton 12, Vickerman 4,Colahan2,J. O'Leary,Limdsay. Totals14 13-18 42. Trinity Lutheran 1 2 9 1 5 10 — 46 Paisley 9 13 14 6 — 42 Three-pointgoals— Trinity Lutheran:None;Paisley: T. O'Leary.
Big SkyLeague
Saturday's results
ARLINGTON(43) — Ryan Blankenship 16, Grubaugh 6, Blinn6, S.Hahn5, Jo.Davis 3, Mustafic 3, Zuniga2,Ja. Davis2, Wetherell, R Hahn,Hauner, Lopez.Totals 19 1-543. CENTRALCHRISTIAN(21) — CalebStewart 0, sibley 4,Eells 3,Davis2, Bryant1, poole, Koo, Roberts.Totals 91-2 21. Arlington 20 11 12 0 — 43 C entral Christian 7 1 3 10 — 2 1 Threepoint goals Arlington: Blinn 2,Mustafic, Jo. DavisCent , ralChristian: Eells, Stewart.
Jay RowanInvitational AtCascade Swim Center,Redmond
Boys Team scores — Madras379.5, Summit 242, Ra<mer186,Henley 183,Mountain View120,Sisters 87 Ridgeview55,Redmond 55
200 medley relay — 1,Madras A(Dustin Henderson,JordanGemelas,lanGoodwin, BryceWilliams), 1:59.79. 2,SummitA, 2:08.90. 3, MountainViewA, z09.98. 200 freestyle — 1, lan Goodwin, M, 2:04.55.
No. 10 Gonzaga........... 81 Santa Clara..... . . . . . . . . . . 74 SANTA C L A RA , C a lif.
— KellyOlynyk made a key putback with I:55 remaining on the way to a career-high
33 points, and Gonzaga (15-1, 2-0 WCC) held off a late rally for its sixth straight victory. N o. 12 Missouri...... . . . . . . 66 B ucknell..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 COLUMBIA, Mo. — Phil
Pressey scored a career-high 26 points and Laurence Bowers added 16 for Missouri
(12-3, 1-1Big Ten) used a28-7 run in the second half to pull away. No.21 Notre Dame ...... . .93 S eton Hall ...... . . . . . . . . . . 74 SOUTH BEND, Ind. Scott Martin had a seasonhigh 22 points on a careerhigh six 3-pointers and Jack Cooley added 19 points and 13 rebounds to lead Notre Dame (13-1, 1-0 Big East) to its 11th straight win. No. 25 Kansas State..... . .73 No. 22 Oklahoma State.....67 MANHATTAN, Kan. Rodney McGruder scored all but two of his 28 points in the second half and Kansas State (12-2, 1-0 Big 12) turned away a game effort from freshman -
Marcus Smart (25 points) and Oklahoma State. No. 23 North Carolina State 78
Boston College ...........73 BOSTON — Scott Wood atoned for a scorelessfirst half with 12 points in the second, hitting two 3-pointers and six free throws down the stretch for North Carolina State (12-2, 1-0) in the AtlanticCoast Conference opener for both teams. R utgers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 No. 24 Pittsburgh..... . . . . . 62 PISCATAWAY, N.J. — Eli Carter scored 23 points and Rutgers held off a secondhalf rally to hand Pittsburgh (12-3, 0-2 Big East) its second straight loss. W ashington...... . . . . . . . . . 68 Washington State..... . . . . 63 PULLMAN, Wash. — C.J. Wilcox scored 18 points in a win for Washington (9-5, 1-0 Pac-12). Mike Ladd scored 15 points to lead Washington
S t. John's...... . . . . . . . . . . . 53 No. 14 Cincinnati.... . . . . . . 52 CINCINNATI — J a Karr Sampson scored 16 points and D ' A ngelo Ha r r i son added 15 and St. John's (9-5, 1-1 Big East) upset Cincinnati State (9-5, 0-1). (D-2, 1-1). U CLA ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 M arquette ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 49 S tanford..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 No. 15 Georgetown..... . . . 48 L OS A NG E L E S MILWAUKEE — Davante Shabazz Muhammad scored G ardner made t w o fr e e 17 of his 23 points in the throws with 8.3 seconds left second half as UCLA (12-3, and Marquette had to hang 2-0 Pac-12) extended its winon while Georgetown (10-2, ning streak to seven games. 0-1 Big East) missed a free Dwight Powell had 17 points throw that would have tied and 13 rebounds for Stanford the game. (9-6, 0-2). No. 16 Creighton ...... . . . . 79 California.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Indiana State...... . . . . . . . . 66 USC..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 OMAHA, Neb. — Doug LOS ANGELES — Allen McDermott had25points and Crabbe scored 27 points and nine rebounds, and Creigh- Tyrone Wallace and Justin ton (14-1, 3-0 Missouri Valley Cobbs added 10 each as CaliConference) used a 19-4 run fornia (9-5, 1-1 Pac-12) won. to break open a close game in Eric Wise led the Trojans (69, 1-1) with 14 points. the second half.
(137). Johnny Krueger (106 pounds), Levi Vincent (145), Kyle Belanger (152) and Josh Hendrix (285) all made the finals of their respective weights and placed second. Bolt Anglen added a third-place effort at 138 pounds and Juan Diaz placed fourth at 152 during the two-day event. Culver hosts Crook County on Thursday in the Cowdog Classic.
PREP SCOREBOARD Boys basketball
high 14 assists for the Blue Devils (14-0, 1-0). No. 11 Illinois...... . . . . . . . . 74 No. 80hio State..... . . . . . . 55 CHAMPAIGN, IlL — Brandon Paul scored 19 points as Illinois (14-2, 1-1) bounced backfromalossinitsBig Ten opener. Deshaun Thomas led Ohio State (11-3, 1-1) with 24 points.
N o.17 Butler..... . . . . . . . . . 57 N ew Orleans..... . . . . . . . . . 44 INDIANAPOLIS — Kellen Dunham scored 15 points and Khyle Marshall added 13 to lead Butler. The Bulldogs (12-2) take a nine-game winning streak into their Atlantic 10 debut Wednesday night at Saint Joseph's. No.18 Michigan State......84 P urdue..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 EAST LANSING, Mich. F reshman Gary H a r ris scored a season-high 22 points and Michigan State
2, CadeBoston, M,2:1743. 3, LoganStevens, Sum, z27.61. 200 individual medley 1, DustinHenderson, M, 2: 3z74 2,Brandon Hunt,M,2:40.23.3,Michael Hartmeier,Sum,2:44.79. 50 freestyle — 1,ConorMcCreary, RV27.09.2, Owen Hucke,RV,28.03.3, JordanGemelas,M,2841. 100 butterfly — i, Kris Sagers,MV, i:07.10. 2, JordanGem elas, M, 1:11.59. 3, TylerBerg,Sis, 1'1219
100 freestyle — 1,CadeBoston, M, 1:00.80.2, Dustim Henderson,M,1:Ot43. 3, ConorMcCreary,RV, 1:Oz38. 400 freestyle — 1, Brycewiliams, M,4:3z83. 2, BlakeKaufman,Sum,4:45.88. 3, BrandonHunt, M,
2, Aunika Torres, H, 1:16.04. 3, Karly Vial, Sis, 1:16.08. 100 freestyle — 1,Marystewart, ss, 1:04.29. 2, JennyKirschner, H, 1:04.43.3, Julia Gorman,MV, 1:1z66. 400 freestyle —1, LetaSpradley, H,4:55.79.2, AuroraGerhardt M,4592z 3, Karyvial, sis,50.84. 200 freestyle relay — 1,HenleyAILoriI Alexander LetaSpradley,AunikaTorres, JennyKirschner) 2:03.89.2, Ridgeview2:06.57. 3, Madras,2:087z 100 backstroke — 1,LexiHealy,H,1:15.2z 2,
codie Lagao,sis, 1:2z42. 3, Madelynzadow,sis, 1:2z74. 100 breaststroke — i, SophieGem elas, M, 119.18. 2,PhoebeWeedman, MV, 1:26.2z 3, Haley
RainierA 15542 3,HenleyA,1:57.51 100 back stroke — t Blake Kaufman, Sum, 1:06.BO.2, BryceWiliams, M, 1:08.74. 3, Brennan Miller, Sis,1:1z38.
MountainView4:4348. 3,Summit 5:34.01.
200 freestyle relay —1,MadrasA(lan Goodwin, CadeBoston,BradyTucker,BryceWilliams), 1:4847.2,
100 breaststroke —1, lanGoodwin, M,1:10.5z 2, Max Cook,Sum,1:1926. 3, Chandler Davis,H, 1.2z14. 400 freestyle relay 1, Madras A(BradyTucker, JordanGem elas, Dustin Henderson, CadeBoston), 4:09.46.2,Summit A,4:2241.3, SistersA,4:33.46. Girls
Team scores —I-lenley315,Sisters208,Madras 161, Summit1605, MountainView151, Ridgeview 111, Redm ond 67.5, Rainier 59. 200 medley relay 1, Henley AILexi Healy, HaleySteiner,AunikaTorres, LorinAlexander)2:1689.2, Madras A21933. 3,SistersA221.06. 200 freestyle — 1,LetaSpradley, H,2:18.49. 2, AuroraGerhardt, M 2:I8.66. 3, HaleyHoughton, RV, 2'21 97
200 individual medley — 1,SophieGemelas, M, 238.17.2, Haleysteimer, H,2:44.72 3,AunikaTorres, H,246.37 50 freestyle — 1, MaryStewart, Sis,29.94.2, Jenny Kirschner,H, 30.33. 3, ElizabethArmitage, M, 30.36. 100 butterlly — 1,HaleyHoughton, Rv,1:1z55.
400 freestyle relay — 1,Henley (LetaSpradley, Lexi hea y,Haley Steiner, JennyKirschner),
Alpine skiing Saturday's results OregonSchool SkiAssociation New Year's IceBreaker Giant Slalom atMt. Bachelor, Cliffhanger Girls Team times —Bend,6:38.41; Summit, 7:36.87; sisters,8:1z7t Individuals (iop 10) — 1, BrookeKelley, B,
2 07.94. 2,Kiki Nakamura-Koyama, B,215.17. 3, Elinor Wilson, B,2:1530. 4, LuciaCtarlton, B, 2:19.28. 5, ShelbyCuN er, B,2:21.27. 6, Natalie Merrill, Sum, 230.06. 7,CammiBenson, Sis, 23t17 B, Shannon Brennan,B,2:31.39. 9, KierstenRowles,B,2:31.40. 10, Jacqueline Adler, B,2:34.44.
Team times —Summit, 6:30.11; Bend6:30.43; Redmond,7.18.85 Sisters,7.46.19.
Individuals Itop 10) — 1, Keenan seidel, B, 2:oz90. 2,Jaredschiemer,sum,209.0. 3, will Mayer, Sum,2:10.5t 4, ThomasWimberly, Sum,2:10.70. 5, Kevinpanton,sum,20.41. 6,Mathewscheafer,8, 21408. 7,JavierColton, B,21516.8, SamuelNelson, B, 2:15.46. 9,JetfreyBierman,R, 218.23. 10, conor Sm>th,R,2:22.20.
Civil War Continued from D1 "I thought we got out to a lead and we sort of tried to coast our way t hrough it thinking about the next game or thinking about the next coupleof games, especially since it's the Civil War game. "And it was very good that we had a little wake-up call. I have to tell you that the practice we had after that game might have been one of the best practices we've had in two weeks. So I guess that would be lesson learned." The lesson comes from an agonizing 10-minute or so stretch, and it raised questions about which players the Beavers can call on late in games now that Jared Cunningham is gone. As concerning as the offensive woes were d o wn the stretch against Towson, the Beavers' lack of communication and inability to get stops on defense may be
more glaring. Someone must step up on both ends of the floor. Robinson said his veter-
ans did a good job regrouping following the Towson loss. "The veterans of the team sort of took it upon themselves to get the team ready for practice and get them ready for the next game," Robinson said.
That's all fine and dandy, but if the Beavers can find no one to step up and knock down clutch shots late, or get on the same page on defense, itcould be a long conference season. Let's not forget, the Beavers were 10-2 last season heading into conference play, then dropped five of their first six Pac-12 games. The Beavers have a tough three-game stretch to open the Pac-12 season this year. Following tonight's game against the Ducks, the Beavers welcome Arizona State on Thursday and No. 3 Arizona the following Saturday. OSU needs to get a win or two at home, or another promising start could come crashing to a halt.
Oregon will be playing on the road for just the third time this season. The Ducks are a perfect 10-0 at home after a 56-43 win over Nevada on New Year's Eve. Oregon and Oregon State will be meeting for the 338th time, making it th e mostcontested rivalry in college basketball. OSU leads the all-time series 184-153. The Beavers and Ducks split their two games with each other last season, with both teams winning on the road. Oregon State's 76-71 win over Oregon on Jan. 29, 2012, marks the Ducks' last loss at Matthew Knight Arena.
Lewis and Ravensset for 'last ride'
BCS Green Bay Packers fullback John Kuhn celebrates after scoring a touchdown during the first half of Saturday night's wild-card playoff
By David Ginsburg The Associated Press
BALTIMORE — There's no telling how effective Ray Lewis will be today against the Indianapolis Colts after missing 12 weeks with a torn right triceps. Fortunately, for th e R avens, he's already provided an emotional lift. With his announcement that he will step into retirement after Baltimore completes its 2013 playoff run, Lewis gave the slumping Ravens a boost heading into their wild-card game. "Just having him back on the field is an inspiration," Baltimore defensivecoordinator Dean Pees sa>d. There are plenty of engaging story lines for this game, which p its Baltimore's current N F L team against the one that left the city in a caravan of moving vans during a March 1984 snowstorm. The matchup features the return of Colts head coach Chuck Pagano, who served as the Ravens' defensive coordinator last year and is back on the sideline after being treated for leukemia. What's more, Baltimore offensive coordinator Jim Caldwell was head coach at Indianapolis for three seasons, culminating his up-and-down run with last year's 2-14 debacle. There's also the Ravens' playoff experience — this is their fifth straight trip under coach John Harbaugh — against a young Colts team that has 28 players making their postseason debut. But nothing is more noteworthy than the pending retirement of the 37-year-old Lewis, who has been Baltimore's starting middle linebacker for 17 years, or as long as the Ravens have been the Ravens. Today, the aged warrior will don his gear inside his home arena for perhaps one last time. Lewis will then emerge from the tunnel to perform his ceremonial dance, gyrating to the tune of Nelly's "Hot in Herre" for the fervent, appreciative crowd. "That's when it's going to hit me the most," Ravens running back Ray Rice said. "That's when I think it's going to hit the city of Baltimore the most, that it could possibly be the last time coming through that tunnel. The emotions are going to be too rough to even think about, because Baltimore is Ray Lewis, and when he comes out of that tunnel, everybody is electrified." Lewis has always had an impeccable sense of timing, and his calculated announcement served as a perfect example of that trait. Baltimore needed a boost after going 1-4 in December, and Lewis provided it Wednesday by telling his teammates "this would be my last ride." "He never talks about individual awards and accolades. He always talks about trying to get anothertrophy, another Lombardi," wide receiver Torrey Smith said. "We'reone of 12 teams that have an opportunity to go out there and get it, and we want to send him out the right way."
Colts atRavens Time:10 a.m. today (CBS). Line:Ravens by 7 About the Colts (11-5):
Have won six of past seven meetings.... Coach Chuck Pagano wasRavens' Dcoordinator in 2011 and was
secondary coach for three seasons before that.... Colts
ended regular season hot, winning nine of last11....
Andrew Luck passed for most yards by a rookie (4,374j and had seven game-winning drives in fourth quarter, most by any QB since1970.... WR Reggie Wayne fifth in NFL with
83 postseason receptions. Adout the Ravens (10-6): In playoffs for fifth straight year. ... LB Ray Lewis expected to return for playoffs before
retiring.... Joe Flacco first QB to start a postseason game in
each of his first five seasons in Super Bowl era.... RB Ray Rice reached1,600 scrimmage yards (1,621) for fourth straight season. Prediction:Ravens, 27-21. Luck has more than held his own under the bright lights so far, but winning on the road in the playoffs is a bit too much to ask. — McClatchy-Tribune News Service
game against the Minnesota Vikings in Green Bay, Wis. Mike Roemer/ The Assoaated Press
ac erss owo win over The Associated Press
the Vikings (10-7).
GREEN BAY, Wis. — This rematch was a mismatch. And the rest of the NFC might want to take note. Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers showed how dangerous they can be when they're at full strength Saturday night, overwhelming th e M i n nesota Vikings 24-10 in an NFC wildcard game that was never really close. "Playoff victories are always ones thatare very special,"Packers coach Mike McCarthy said. "Tonight's win definitely starts and ends with our defense." John Kuhn scored two touchdowns, DuJuan Harris added another and Rodgers connected with an NFL playoff-record 10 receivers as he threw for 274 yards in his f i rst playoff victory at home. Defensively, the
With a little over a minute left, Packers fans began taunting the
Packers (12-5) finally managed to contain Adrian Peterson and were all over Vikings backup Joe Webb, pressed into service because of Christian Ponder's
elbow injury. Peterson was held to 99 yards — an improvement after gaining 199 and 210 in t h e f i r st two games. Webb, who hadn't thrown a pass all season, was sacked three times and off target all night. His only highlight was a 50-yard scoring pass to Michael Jenkins late in the fourth quarter, but it was far too late for
Vikings (10-7) with chants of
"Nah-nah-nah-nah ... goodbye." The win snapped a two-game losing streak at Lambeau Field in the playoffs, and sends the Packers to San Francisco next Saturday for an NFC divisional game with the 49ers. The teams met in the season opener, with San Francisco winning 30-22. "The main thing was to come out and help this team get a big win," said Charles Woodson, playing in his first game since breaking his r i ght collarbone Oct. 21. "This is the first playoff game for us this year and we want to continue to ride." This was the third game in six weeks between Green Bay and the Vikings, and second in six days. The Packers' loss in Minnesota last weekend cost them the No. 2 seed in the NFC, along with a bye this weekend, and left them looking — dare we say it? — vulnerable going into the playoffs. But with Charles Woodson back from the broken collarbone that's sidelined him since Oct. 21
and Rodgers having all four of his top receivers for, essentially, the first time since Sept. 30, Green Bay looked like a team that could make the kind of deep run it did two years ago when it won the Super Bowl. Rodgers used so many differ-
ent options other NFL quarterbacks must have been drooling. He went with Harris on Green Bay's first scoring drive, mixed it up between James Jones, Tom Crabtree and Greg Jennings on the second, and had 22- and 23yard completions to Jordy Nelson before Kuhn scored on a 3yard run that put the Packers up 17-3 just before the half. It was more Harris and Kuhn on the final scoring drive. Also on Saturday: Texans..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Bengals ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 HOUSTON — A r ian Foster ran for 140 yards and a touchd own, and H o uston u sed a stifling defense for a win over Cincinnati in an AFC wild-card playoff game. The Texans will next play at New England on Jan. 13. Foster became the first player in NFL history to have 100-yard games in each of his first three playoff games. The
Texans (13-4) had trouble finishing drives all day and mustered only three field goals by Shayne Graham in the first half. Houston struck first after the break, with Foster scoring the game's only offensive touchdown on a I-yard run in the third quarter to make it 16-7. Johnathan Joseph had an interception and J.J. Watt had a sack as the Texans beat the Bengals (10-7) in the wild-card round for the second straight year.
Continued from 01 "If you can stick to a script that's already written, it makes things a lot easier," Notre D ame offensive l ineman M i k e G o li c J r . quipped on Saturday. "I have an arsenal of cliches always ready. It's really helped me out so far." With both teams — every player and coach — turning out for media day at Sun Life Stadium, the familiar phrases were flowing freely. Lingering around the podium of Kapron Lewis-Moore, the Fighting Irish's personable defensive lineman, it didn't take long to get a rat-tat-tat-tat of banal buzzwords. "To be the best, you've got to beat the best." • "We know it's going to be a four-quarter battle." • "You can't take anything for granted." For players trying to sound coherent about their subject matter, while avoiding the pitfalls of blurting out something contentious, cliches are like a warm, comforting dish whipped up by your mother. They make everything OK. Plus, they aren't going to be the least bit offensive to the other team because, chances are, they are saying most of the same things. "You don't want to be that guy who gives out bulletin-board material," Lewis-Moore said. A labama coach NickSaban — who, ifwe' re doling out cliches, would certainly qualify as a control freak — doesn't take any chances when it comes to making sure his team puts out what hedescribes as a "positive" message. If others want to call it bland, well, so be it. Saban bars freshmen and assistant coaches from talking to the media during the season, an edict he was forced to lift this week because of the BCS mandates that everyone is available at least once before Monday night's •
championship game.
Reporters who have covered the Crimson Tide for more than four months on their way to the title game were thrilled to finally hear from defensive coordinator Kirby Smart, one of the nation's hottest head coaching prospects, and freshman stars T.J. Yeldon and Amari Cooper. Not that anyone went off script. "We just go out there and play and have fun," said Yeldon, guarding every word like it was a matter of national security. That's just the way Saban likes it. Before each season, he brings in public speaking experts to meet with the players. The football media relations staff, headed by Jeff Purinton, carries on the training even after the games
"It's more of a style of answering questions and how to effectively answer questions," said All-American center Barrett Jones, "without saying anything you don't want to say." Saban takes no chances with his first-year players, still mindful of an episode from his long-ago tenure at Michigan State. In 1998, receiver Plaxico Burress made some inflammatory comments before a game against rival Michigan, and the coach has no doubt that contributed to the Spartans losing. The freshmen are now muzzled, at least until they can be trained to deal with the media. "How to get interviewed. Things to say. How to have messages that you want to get out and how to bridge to those messages. Where to look when you talk. Things like that," Saban said. "Things that actually makes them look better and certainly are a better reflection on them, their family and the entire organization." W hile cliches, per se, aren't part of t h e training, they are certainly a go-to weapon
(pardon the cliche) when there's a camera or
Seahawks Continued from 01 OK, Robert, we'll take you up on that. Hey, Redskins Pro Bowl left tackle Trent Williams, why is your guy better than theirs? "I definitely would take his hair over Russell Wilson's hair," Williams said. "He's taller. He has a couple of more endorsements than Russell does. That gives you grounds enough to take RG3 over Wilson. Way cooler TV commercials." F unny, but t here might b e some truth to that, at least when it comes to getting one's due. Griffin has the dreadlocks. Wilson has the regular, clean-cut hairdo. Griffin is in your face with his Gatorade commercials and the ubiquitous Subway spots. Wilson did a more subtle bit for Levi's. Griffin won a Heisman Trophy, was the No. 2 overall pick in the draft, was anointed as starter from Day I of training camp and was selected as a team captain at midseason. Wilson was a thirdround pick who had to wrest the starting job f ro m b ig-contract free agent Matt Flynn. Griffin's jersey is the No. I seller across the NFL this season, while Wilson's is a mere No. 19. Griffin's slogan is "No pressure, no diamonds." Wilson's is "Separation is in th e preparation." Unlike G riffin, W i l son hasn't bothered to trademark it. RG3's nickname stands alone. Wilson might have been "HW4" had he been born earlier, but it's his older brother who got the name Harrison Wilson IV. Wilson also has "DangeRuss" — which he includes in his Twitter handle — while "RW3" is an upstart attempt to play around with Wilson's jersey number. Griffin is charisma personified, always ready with a humorous quip and the ready-made sound bite. Wilson can be engaging but often speaks in cliches. Or, as he put it: "I'm not about flash." Griffin crashed coach Mike Shanahan's news c o nference
Seahawks at Redskins Time:1:30p.m. today (Fox). Line:Seahawks by 3.
Adout theSeahawks(115):Have wonfive in a row, outscoring opponents 193-60, and finished 8-0 at home.
(But they wereonly 3-5 on road).... Russell Wilson tied
Peyton Manning's record for TD passes by arookie with 26. Wilson's115.2 rating in December was best in NFL....
Marshawn Lynchwasthird in NFL with1,590 rush yards....
Have won first playoff game in each of past four postseason appearances. About the Redskins(10-6): Won past seven to earn first NFC East title (and home
playoff game) since1999.... Robert Griffin III set rookie record with 102.4 passer rating while completing 65.6
percent of his passes.... Alfred Morris rushed for team-record 1,613 yards, third most by rookie in NFL history.... Pierre Garcon has 21 catches for 329
yards (109.7 average) in three playoff games....LBLondon Fletcher has five INTs, a career high at age 37. Prediction:Seahawks, 21-17. Matchup of rookie phenom QBs make this most intriguing
matchup of the weekend,but Seahawks' D is too goodeven for RGIII's magic. — McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Wednesday, asking the coach how he spent his New Year's. It's hard to imagine Pete Carroll getting the same shtick from Wilson. "He's always serious, even when we're not supposed to be serious," Seattle fullback Michael Robinson said. "He's always serious. That's a good thing. But I don't know, man, he's always
working. It's hard to pinpoint his personality." Then there is geography. Griffin plays in the nation's capital for a franchise that was winning titles back in the 1930s. Wilson is up there somewhere in the far corner of the map, toiling for a team born in the 1970s and without a Super Bowl trophy to its name. Interestingly, th e R edskins' stadium is in Landover, Md., so today will feature a team called Washington that doesn't play in Washington playing a team from Washington that doesn't call itself Washington. "It's 'cause we're out here in the Pacific Northwest, we don't get no credit, just like the team," Seahawks receiver Sidney Rice said. As for the league's offensive rookie of the year award, none of the above might win it: Andrew Luck of the Indianapolis Colts could top them both after his sensational debut. And, yet, for all those differences, Griffin and Wilson are actually quite similar. Both run the zone-read option, adding a dynamic that could revolutionize quarterback play in the NFL. Both have earned locker room respect by being studious and respectful, by showing leadership without appearing entitled. Wilson's 100 passer rating would have set the new standard for rookie QBs if Griffin hadn't posted a 102.4. Today's game will be the second in NFL playoff history with two starting r o okie q u arterbacks, but this is a case where both the winner and loser are expected to p rosper. Because of RG3 and RW3 (or whatever nickname sticks for Wilson), the Redskins and Seahawks have a chance to be very good for a very long time. "Even though they have totally different styles in how they carry themselves," Carroll said, "in the core, they're really the real deal."
recorder right in front of your face. In fact, experts such as Abbie S. Fink, vice president and general manager of HMA Public Relations in Phoenix, rely on the classic baseball movie "Bull Durham" as part of their training seminars. She will start out showing clients how a hot young pitching prospect, played by Tim Robbins, conducts himself in
his first interview (not good), followed by a scene where his aging catcher (Kevin Costner) explains the power of saying nothing. "You're going to have to learn your cliches," Costner says on a bus ride between towns. "You're gonna have to study them, you're gonna have to know them. They're your friends." He hands Robbins a pen and tells him to write down what he says. "We've got to play 'em one day at a time," Costner drones. Robbins objects. "That's pretty boring, ain't it?" he says. "Of course it's boring!" Costner shoots back. "That's the point. Write it down." By the end of the movie, Robbins sounds downright articulate while spewing one cliche after another. "That's what athletes do," Fink said. "Basically every interview, in one way or another, sounds like that." While cliches permeate every aspect of life, from business to education to the legal community, sports is where they really thrivefootball, in particular. Coaches are downright paranoid about letting out too much information, and they try to pass on that mind-set to the players. When in doubt (or even scared) about what to say, one tends to fall back on the familiar. "Something is very comforting when you've heard it over and over and over," said Don Powell, a psychologist and lifelong sports fan who calls himself "Dr. Cliche." He has a database with nearly 5,000 entries and has put the best of the bunch in a book, "Best Sports Cliches Ever! We're Taking Them One at a Time." "They're trite but they're usually true. They do make a lot of sense. That's why we tend to use them over and over," Powell said. "They're also a very efficient form of communication, a way to express something simply that may be a little more complex in nature.... You don't have to use many words when using a cliche. They're very visual and hit the nail right on the head." With yet another cliche out of the way, let's get down to business. There's a game to be played (remember, only one). There's 110 percent to give (good luck finding that last 10
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Market Recap, E4-5 Sunday Driver, E6
en r r e
ea won' e cure -a of ecoAom By Christopher S. Rugaber
• Bioscience companies havegone against the recent trends of layoffs anddownsizing Highlights,keyevents of someBend biosci encecompanies BEND RESEARCH Helps pharmaceutical companies develop newmedicines anddelivery systems. 1975:Founded. 1994:Entered agreement with Pfizer. 1999-2002:Invested $13 million in new facilities in northeast Bend. 2008:Ended partnership with Pfizer,
I )
cut 10 percent of workforce. 2008-12:Secured newpartnerships with pharmaceutical companies, doubling its workforce.
GRACEBIO-LABS Develops technology for improving accuracy in cell-analysis research 1986:Founded in Detroit 1995:Moved to Central Oregon. 2007:Moved from offices on Empire
Avenue into a larger building on Cyber Drive, more than doubling space for its
17 employees. 2012:Applied to add nearly 6,000 square feet to its facility on Cyber Drive.
SIITERRA Biopesticide maker 1984:Founded in Bend in as Consep
and PaulWiseman The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Housing is rebounding. Families are shrinking debts. Europe has avoided a financial crackup. And the fiscal cliff deal has removed the most urgent threat to the U.S. economy. So why don't economists
foresee stronger growth and hiring in 2013? Part of the answer is what
One h o peful consensus: If all the budgetary uncertainty can be resolved w it h i n the next few months, eco n o mists expect growth t op ick up in the second half of 2013. "We are in a better place th a n we were a couple of day s a g o," Chad Moutray, chief economist for the National Association of
gS S UrEIS m prg Cpgfj pgtatj pf7
Manu f acturers, said a day after Congress sent President Barack Obama
Uif Cgr tgjrity Congress' agree- pS ppCja j/y l ment did — raise Social Security taxes for most of us. . And part is what it didn't do — prevent the likelihood of more growth-
killing political
egisl a tion to avoid sharp income tax increases and government spending cuts. But "we really haven't dealt with the debt ceiling or tax reform
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or e n titlement spending."
debt limit.
By delaying Five full years painful deciafter the Great sions on spendRecession being cuts, the deal assures gan, t he U.S. economy is more confrontation and sti ll s t r uggling to accelerate. uncertainty, especially beM any economists think it cause Congressmust reach will grow a meager 2 percent agreement later this winter or l e ss this year, down from to raise the government's 2.2 p e rcent in 2012. The undebt limit. Many businesses e m p l oyment rate remains a are likely to remain wary of h ig h 7.7 percent. Few expect expanding or hiring in the it t o d rop much this year. meantime. SeeAnalysis /E3
1998:Merged with Minnesota-based
Verdant Brands Inc. 2001:Purchased by Roll lnternational Rob Kerrl rhe Bulletin
Bend Research engineering technician Tom Markovich, 38, works in the Bend facility. Markovich joined the company 18 months ago. The industry is seeing growth in jobs. By Elon Glucklich• The Bulletin
hen Rod Ray joined Bend Research in 1983, the com-
pany employed 25 people and fought for small-business grants to get funding. Dr. Ed Boyle was PleuraFlow's one and only employee when he started looking forinvestorsin 2006. Today, Bend Research's nearly 300 employees partner with some of the country's largest pharmaceutical companies to develop new medical technology, under the guidance of Ray, the company's CEO. PleuraFlow, now called Clear Catheter Systems, employs 10 people and is expanding sales of its chest tube draining device. Bend's science and research sector is growing. Four of 18 companies in the sector have added workers, expanded their product lines and applied to the city for
building expansions.
"Things are going very well for us," Boyle said, referring to Clear Catheter Systems. "We're growing, and our product is doing well in the market." Oregon'sscientific research sector has mostly bucked the trend of layoffs and downsizing that has hit many industries during the recession, said Jennifer Fox, interim director of the Oregon Translational Research and Drug Development Institute, a Portland-based coalition of bioscience companies and researchers. Across Oregon, employment in bioscience jobs has been steadily growing for a decade. Bioscience is scientific work that combines multiple disciplines, like biology and chemistry. Oregon'sbioscience industry grew 31 percent between 2001 and 2010, according to a report published last year by science research firm Battelle. SeeBioscience/E2
Corp. of Los Angeles; namechanged to Suterra. 2012:Applied for 17,000-square-foot building expansion with city of Bend.
CLEARCATHETERSYSTEMS Makes PleuraFlow System to keep chest tubes clear after heart and lung
surgery Dr. Ed Boyle,a cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon in Bend, partnered with an Ohio research clinic to develop a device that keeps blood clots from
clogging drainage tubes placed in patients after surgeries.
2006:Clear Catheter Systems wins a $100,000 investment at the Bend
Venture Conference. Received approvalto sell PleuraFlow system in U.S. and Europe, started commercialization of product.
2011-12:Raised $4 million from venture capital funds, increased workforce to 10, moved ahead with
new product development. Sources: websites for Bend Research, Grace BioLabs, Suterra, Clear Catheter Systems and The Bultetin's archives.
Hottest investment in
Hong I(ong parking By David Pierson HONG KONG — The hottest properties in this frenetic city have no walls, windows or even front doors. Forget condos, apartments and homes. Real estate investors are
the ocean view neighborhood of Repulse Bay fetched $385,000 in March. And those are just the recorded sales. Jacinto Tong, head of Gale Well Group, a real estate investment firm, was offered $640,000 each for his
vying for parking spaces.
two ground-floor parking
Single slots are now selling for more than some modest Southern California homes. Witnessthe $288,000 paid in November for a
spaces in an office building in the Wan Chai commercial district. He said he turned it down because he likes parking his Mercedes S500 on prime real estate near the elevator. The other spot is reserved for his driver. "This market has gone crazy," Tong said. "These spaces aren't worth that much money." SeeParking/E2
Los Angeles Times
parking place in a luxury apartment complex on Hong Kong Island. Or the $166,000 tab for a spot in a suburban development called Festival City. A space attached to an exclusive cliffside townhouse community in
8 ln By Gregory Karp Chicago Tribune
Airfares will be on the rise in 2013, and those niggling airline fees will metamorphosise into optional bundles of services. Meanwhile,onboard amenities, such as Internet access, entertainment options and refreshed interiors, will abound among U.S. carriers. But tight seating in coach probably won't improve. And 2013 might be the year you'll finally be able to keep your smartphone, iPad or Kindle turned on during takeoffs and landings. Those are some of the predictions airline industry expertsforesee inthe new year. Here's the lowdown on fares, fees and flight experience for 2013.
Bl'8 Wl cos ou a I ITlOI'8 will succeed in properly balancing supply and demand by trimming the number of seats they offer to match "decent, but bordering on tepid, demand." Fares are typically driven by four main factors: competition, most of all, then sup-
Bivera Wealth Management Group M-~ s~
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ply, demand and oil prices. "If you look at those drivers, they are, for the most part, on the airlines' side, which gives them pricing Alex Garcia l Chicago Tribune power," Seaney said. Dhiraj Parwann, center, of Chicago, listens to an American Airlines That doesn't mean there agent at O'Hare International Airport. Airfares are expected to increase won't be good airfare deals in 2013, but passengers may notice some positive changes, too. on some flights on some routes. And consumers will still see lower prices during Higher faresforecast off-peak days, such as Tues"I wouldn't be surprised Airlines pushed through day, Wednesday and Satursix fare increases in 2012. to see airfares rise like they day departures and off-peak Expect a similar number did this year, between 3 and 6 seasons, such as late January in the new year, said Rick percent domestically," Seaney and early February. Seaney, co-founder of said. That's because airlines SeeAirlines/E3
Integrity, Experience, Research and Aesults To learn more call Peggy Foutz Registered Client Service Associate 541 -322-61 30
©UBS 2012. All nghts reserved. UBS Financial Services Ine e a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member SIPC 700 ad 3458 6 TV1226 R K
BUSINESS CALENDAR Email events at least10 daysbefore publication date tobusiness© or click on "Submit anEvent" at Contact: 541-383-0323.
TODAY KNOW MONEY,REAL LIFE BURIED TREASURE:Gold prospecting talk including metal detector and gold panning instruction; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. KNOW MONEY,STRETCHING YOUR FOOD DOLLARS: Learn howto work within your food budget to create healthy meals; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N.Cedar St.; 541-3121070.
MONDAY OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMITTRAINING:Meetsthe minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza,1552 N.E.Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.
Learn about eReaders andhow to download eBooks andaudiobooks from Deschutes Public Library; eReaders are available or bring your own; free; 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Bellatazza Coffee, 869 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541617-7083.
THURSDAY OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome andfirst two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; BendHonda, 2225 N.E. U.S.Highway 20; 541-480l765.
CCB LICENSETESTPREPCOURSE: Two-day course for contractors; approved by the OregonConstruction Contractors Board andsatisfies the TUESDAY educational requirement to take the HOMEBUYER TEST: Join Jim test to become alicensed contractor Mazziotti of Exit Realty Bend ashe in Oregon; course continues Jan. shows anyone how to find out if they 12; prepaymentand preregistration qualify to own their own homewith required; $299; 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; this Central Oregon Community College, free qualifying test; live on the Internet 2600N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend;541383-7290. at; free;; Exit Realty Bend, 354 N.E.Greenwood KNOW COMPUTERSFOR Ave., No. 100; 541-480-8835. BEGINNERS:10:30 a.m.-noon; KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 2-3:30p.m .; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2:30-4 p.m.; INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11a.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean ServiceMaster Clean,20806 Sockeye Swift Road; 541-330-3760. Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 p.m .; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. KNOW DIGITAL BOOKS:1:30-3 p.m.; Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. Sunriver Area Public Library,56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCOREbusiness counselors will be KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 2-3:30 p.m.; available every Tuesday for free oneRedmond Public Library, 827 S.W. on-onesmallbusinesscounseling;no Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. appointment necessary; free; 5:307:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617SATURDAY 7080 or www.scorecentraloregon. org. Jan.12 WORRIEDABOUT MAKING HOUSE CITIZENSCLIMATE LOBBY PAYMENTS?: Workshop provided PRESENTATIONANDLAUNCH: by HomeSource of Neighborlmpact Amy Hoyt Bennett of the Citizens to help you learn about options Climate Lobby will lead the training to for house payments; reservations teach concerned citizens the tools to required; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Redmond make their voices heard bydecisionArea Parkand Recreation District, makers in the U.S.Congress; Activity Center, 2441 S.W.Canal 1-4 p.m.; Downtown BendPublic Street; 541-323-6567 or www. Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; www. .
BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; BendSenior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. HOW TO HAVEFUN WORKING WITH YOURACCOUNTANT THIS TAX SEASON: Business success program; registration requested; free; 7:30-9a.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend; http:I/ KNOW DIGITALBOOKS:9:30-11 a.m.; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070. PUBLICMEETING OF THE CENTRAL OREGONWORKFORCE COORDINATINGCOUNCIL: Open to the public; 9:30-11:30 a.m.; Hawthorne Station, 334 N.E. Hawthorne, Bend; 541-504-3306. KNOW EXCELFOR BEGINNERS: 10:30 a.m.-noon; La PinePublic Library, 16425 First St.; 541-5360515. KNOW COFFEE, KNOW EBOOKS:
Jan.14 KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 3-4:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-0515.
TUESDAY Jan.15 KNOW DIGITAL BOOKS:10:30 a.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-6177080. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCOREbusiness counselors will be available every Tuesdayfor free oneon-one smallbusiness counseling;no appointment necessary; free; 5:307:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-6177080 or www.scorecentraloregon. ol'g.
Continued from E1 It outpaced growth in states like California and Massachusetts, which are home to some of the country's top scientific and research universities, according to the report. Central Oregon appears to be following the same pattern as the state. While Deschutes County's total private sector w orkforce shrunk by 18 percent between 2007 and 2010, employment in the scientific research and development sector grew by 19 percent over the same period, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show. In total jobs, the sector employs fewer than 400 workers. But the jobs in t h ese fields carry a lot of economic bang for their buck. The average D e schutes C o unty worker employed in a scientific research and development job earned $95,800 in 2011, compared with $34,875 for theaverage private sector worker, according to BLS data. Local companies' growth plans could be evidence of their success. Grace BioLabs, a Bend maker of cellstudying technology, wants to add 5,900 square feet to the company's 6,670-square-foot building on Cyber Drive. B iopesticide maker S u terra is in talks with the city about a 16,000-square-foot addition to its northeast Bend facility to increase nontoxic pheromone testing. The workforce at Bend Research has grown from 140 in 2008 to about 280 today, Ray said. "Most o f o u r b u s i ness growth has been in health and wellness products," he
s aid. The company in N o vember completed a new spray-dry process that could increase the lifespan of influenza vaccines. It's also preparing for an expansion into energy technology. Bend Research scientists are working on products to extend the storage capacity of batteries. Ray said the company expects to make an announcement in the spring that would lead to 40 or 50 additional jobs, though he wasn't ready to provide details yet. "We've added a lot of wellpaying jobs to Bend's economy. And of course doing work that ultimately ends up curing diseases," Ray said. "I feel very good about that."
Education is key Deschutes County's science and r esearch industry is small compared with Multnomah and Washington counties, where companies like Intel and research institutions like Oregon Health & Sciences Universityproduce new scientific talent. But higher education and economic development officials say Bend has some of the infrastructure in place to keep up, and Bend Research has been a catalyst. "We've compared Bend Research as kind of being our Intel for Central Oregon," said Roger Lee, Economic Development for Central Oregon's executive director. Former B en d R e search employees have started other local companies, like Suterra; the scientific software platform company Blue Reference; and hydrogen generator company Element 1. "They have that kind of b rainpower," Le e s ai d o f
The result: Investors channeled their money into parkContinued from E1 ing spaces, where the new Parking has long been a rules did not apply. prized commodity in l a ndParking s p ace t r a nsacscarce Hong Kong. Tenants tions in November rose more outnumber available slots by than five-fold compared with as much as 20to I in some a year earlier at 1,640, acresidential buildings, creating cording to Centaline, one of strong demand for spaces. But the largestreal estate firms expertssay the recent price in Hong Kong. The average explosion is the unintended price of each space sold was fallout from a g overnment $92,307, up 20 percent from a effort to cool red-hot housing year earlier. "Hong Kong people always values. Home prices in the former have to invest in something," British colony have nearly said Shih Wing-ching, Cendoubled since early 2 009, taline's chairman. "Not many driven largely by w e althy were willing to pay the stamp buyers from mainland China. duty, so they needed to find A t y p ical 6 0 0-square-foot something else." apartment now costs about N aturally, H o n g K on g $577,000, according to prop- banks offer mortgages for erty broker Savills. Prices parking spaces. Small lendsoar into the millions in parts ers are reportedly battling for of Hong Kong Island, the customers with ever lower-incity's commercial and finan- terest loans. cial center. Some investors are looking Under pressure to s l ow to flip for a quick profit. 0thhousing costs, the Hong Kong ers are looking for a steady government in the last year source of rental income. At introduced curbs aimed at nearly $745 a month, the avspeculators. Starting in late erage costof leasing a space October, a 15 percent "stamp in Hong Kong in 2011 was duty" was levied on sales to behind only London and Zunon-permanent Hong Kong rich, according to C o lliers residents.A tax of 20 percent International. was imposed on properties T he I nternational M o n resold within six months of etary Fund recently warned purchase. that soaring real estate values
Bend Research."They've got scientists with Ph.D.s, chemists and engineers on staff that are doing some pretty amazing work. And a lot of those researchers have spun off some other pretty re markable companies." With their high wages and specialized skill sets, science and research jobs are some of the most valuable economic generators for a community,
oping academic programs t a k es years. And the Oregon Un i v ersity System — which o v e r sees the state's seven p u b l i c u n iversities — t r i es n o t t o d uplicate specialized p r o g r ams l ike applied sciences, she said. T hat ' s important, because K l a m ath F a lls-based Oreg o n I nstitute of Technology o f f er s a v ariety of science and technology p rograms, i n +eye cidded Lee said, partly cluding a clinib ecause t ho s e cI /pp pf Irye//cal l a b oratory
employees often bring enough ex-
pp y / it g j pQS
majors in b i ol-
periencetobranch off and create new
science jobs.
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To grow, Ore-
• Thomas S.Bonnto Robert J. Reiner, Westerly Subdivision, Lot 4,$287,900 • Crystal Park Construction LLC to Howard G. andViginia Ford,Juniper Hil, Phase 2,Lot52, $189,960 • Portland D.Keen,personal representative forthe Estate ofRichard A. KeenJr., to William W.andJulie M. Shirk, CascadeView Estates, Phase8, Lot 80, $368,000 • Kate Lilienthal to Wendy E.Alexander, Tetherow, Phase 2, Lot13, $629,244 • Bank of Michael P. Gibson, Partition Plat1990-33, $267,500 • Southeastern California Association of Seventh-DayAdventists, trustee for Specht RevocableTrust, to DavidC. Ulbricht andLori K.Hantze-Ulbricht, Skyline CondominiumStage2, Unit 9, $172,000 • Donald C.Scheidt, trusteefor Donald C. Scheidt Trust, to Patrick E.Kapsner, Painted Ridgeat BrokenTop, Lot22, $340,000 • Mark F. and Patricia A. Bartlett and Nicholas L. and Tina M. Schneider to Kenneth F. and Darlene Ellis, EagleCrest, Lot18, Block9, $334,000 • Hayden HomesLLCto Terry Kozierachi, South Briar, Lot16, $187481 •Januszand JoanM.Belza,trustees forthe JanuszBelzaandJoan Margaret Belza Amended andRestated1994 Declaration ofTrust, to John A.and Susan M.Long, Rivers EdgeVilage, Phase 3,Lot30, $310,000 • Highliner Properties LLCto Suesan C. McQuiston, CenterAddition to Bend, Lots5and 6, Block56, $199,000 • Secretary of Housingand Urban Development to Linda L. Warnholtz, Deer Pointe Village, Phase 2, Lot4, Block3, $182,049
ogy, microbiology and chemist r y . The Portland area is also
gon's science and ~P/rtg yyP"k
a cent e r of sci-
entific research. "Obviously we need to be flexible," Coffin said. "We're aware of t he growth o f the science and
s e ctor
needs c o lleges that offer science t raining and i n -
f/7pf U/ffmppe/y eitdS U~ CUrfrI < C/~SecISeS. / fe e / y er y g p p d
ternshipsthrough local companies, >gpUf f/7>f • s aid Fox o f t h e
Oregon TranslaRodRey ( t e c h n o l o g y ) tional R e search Bencl Research Inc. fields." and Drug DevelBend Reopment Institute. search recruits The percentage ofOregon scientists and engineers students graduating college f r o m universities across the with science degrees has in- W e st . Cultivating talent i s creased since 2005, but at a i m p o r tant for the industry's rate about 50percent below long-term success in Centhe national average, accord- t r a l Oregon, Ray said. So is ing to a D e cember report ma i n t aining t h e r e l a tionby the State Higher Edus h i p s between his company cation E x ecutive O f f icers a n d o t hers across the comAssociation. m unity, i n c l uding th o s e Oregon State University- w h o se executives started at Cascades Campus offers a Be n d Research. "We all talk to each other, biology degree in Bend, and plans to offer a computer sci- o u r company and the compaence major when it expands n i e sthatwespunoff,"Raysaid. "We have good relationships. to a four-year university in 2015, said college spokes- We learnfrom each other and woman Christine Coffin. use each other's resources to New programs like biosci- s o me extent, It does help." ence aren't out of the ques— Reporter: 541-617-7820 tion, Coffin said. But
posed the biggest risk to Hong Kong's economy should there be a majorcorrection. H owever, unlike i n t h e U.S. subprime fiasco, most of Hong Kong's buyers aren't highly leveraged; many deals are all cash. The local market is not subject to oversupply either. Since a market crash in 1997, the Hong Kong government has been cautious about freeing up remaining land in the largely hilly, 426-squaremile territory. As a r e sult, Hong Kong suffers from an
inadequate supply of housing, analysts say. The lofty prices paid for parking berths are unthinkable for working-class Hong Kong residents — many of whom are finding their city painfully unaffordable. The city's wealth gap is now at a 30-year high. The credibility of the local government rests partly on its ability to shrink the divide and defuse growing animosity toward r i ch mainlanders. Real estatehas become a symbol of that struggle and a lightning rod for criticism. The city's leader, Leung Chunying, is enmeshed in a scandal over illegal additions to his mansion on Victoria Peak. Meanwhile, a shortage of affordable housing has swol-
len the ranks of families living in squalid rented rooms in what are known here as subdivided apartments. Lee Pak-shun rents a room with his mother and sister in
a space barely big enough for a bunk bed and a desk in a grimy section of Mong Kok, one of the most densely populated places in the world. About 30 other people are crammed in beside them on the fifth floor of a dilapidated building. Everyone shares a single squat toilet. Rooms are divided by thin plywood. "People go crazy living in such a small place," said Lee, a 26-year-old bakery employee, who pays $192 a month for the room — which is about half the size of a typical parking space. "It feels like the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer." Analysts say Hong Hong's parking space bubble is bound to burst. Developers have been releasing new spaces onto the market. Investors are also finding it harder to lip spaces because ofrules in f some property developments that restrict potential buyers to tenants only. "I think this is a short-term phenomenon," said Shih, of Centaline. "It won't happen
DEEDS Deschutes County •JohnnyChildresstoJamesA.and Allision D.Burgett, LavaRidges, Phase3, Lot 73, $333,500 • Beneficial Oregon Inc. to DonaldR.and Sherry Beatty,1880 Ranch,Lot6, Block 2, $420,000 • Gordon R.Woodto StevenM.Haines, Timber Ridge,Lot4, Block1, $180,000 • Garrett C. Erickson, trustee for Kerr Pacific Commodities Inc., to MichaelM. Nitsch, RiverRimPU.D., Phase1, Lot45, $223,500 • Donald C. and Mary M.Belville, trustees for Belville Revocable Trust, to Dennis L.andTrudie K.Vlach, Township 15, Range10,Section 4,$465,000 • Rose RiverLLCto Jeffrey R. and Kelly A. Baer,Madison,Phases1,2and 3,Lot 2, $219,900 • Holden N. and Betty A. Waterbury, trustees for Holden N. Waterbury Trust, to Jeffrey R.andJennifer A. Browning, West Hills, Lot13, Block 3,$265,000 • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation toAndyEldridge, LazyRiver South First Addition, Lot 33, Block 6, $168,000 • Federal National Mortgage Association to Barry D.WicksandSarah J. Robinson, Eastwood Addition, Lots 6and 7,Block 5, $206,000 • Mark R. and Phyllys D. Lobdell to Richard R.Stawicki Jr. andCheryl D. Stawicki, Mountain VillageEast2, Lot13, Block12, $297,000 • Vergent LLC toKevin andCalli Riley, Township17,Range12,Section9, $274,000 • William P.andPatricia L. Schlosserto Anya Petersen-Frey,Quail PineEstates 12, Lot 6, $229,000
p rogra m wit h
• International Church ofthe Foursquare Gospel toTeenChallenge International Pacific NorthwestCenters, Keystone Terrace, Lots 3and4, Block12, $250,000 • Alan H. and Theodora A. Allison, trustees forAllison Trust, to Robert J. and Mildred L.Mahoney,AlpineVillage 2at Mountain High,Lots9and10, $379,000 • PennymacCorporation to David S.and Linda S.Haber,Townsite17, Range12, Section15, $569,900 • Central OregonCommunity College Foundation toJeffrey Billingsley, Saddleback,Lot 6,Block 2,$650,000 • Sterling Savings Bankto Red Queen LLC,Blakley Heights, Tract34, $5,500,000 • Robert D. andKathie J.Tilander to Larry C.andAllison D.Wooten, Atop the Summit, Phases1and 2, Lot3, $285,000 •PWD Associa tesLLCtoDavidG.and Kim E.Callanan, PointsWest, Lot41, $443,420
ta n W n m lg //
• Lawrence E.Ruckerto Zachary and AlexandreaAyers, Sunpointe, Phase1, Lot 37, $164,900 •AdvantageHomesLLCto Donald C. and Barbara L.Burklo, Wiestoria, Lot 7, Block 26, $156,000 • SA GroupProperties Inc. to JKCPilot Butte LLC,Township17, Range12, Section 34,$625,000 Crook County • Michael S. and Laura J. Popeand Robert P.andVictoria Storeyto Michael D. Stafford, Partition Plat 2004-19, Parcel 3, $800,000 • LLB Holdings LLC to DJKRHoldings LLC, Township15, Range16,Section 4, $205,000 • Mark A. andCynthia D.Southworth to Sanctum Holdings LLC,Township17, Range16, Section 35,$250,000 • David T.Grigsbyto Marcus Mimsand Christina Drake,Township16, Range14, Section 21,$255,000 • Anne Hudson, trustee oftheGeorge Albert HudsonFamily Trust, to Steven Dougherty, Township14, Range16,
Jeep Q
R &
Children's en a inic
In our effort to provide dental care to children in Deschutes County who can't afford it, the Kemple Memorial Children's Dental Clinic wishes to thank the following dentists for their volunteered services in December 2012. Volunteer Dentists in their own office i December 2012 Dr. Susan Armstrong
Dr. Kelth Krueger
Dr. Robert Burnslde
Dr. Tran Miller
Dr. Scot Burgess
Dr. Zack Porter
Dr. Steve Chrlstensen
Dr. Maureen Porter
Dr. Karen Coe Dr. Blake Drew
Dr. Greg Everson Dr. David Fuller Dr. Bill Guy
Dr. Brad Hester
Dr. Catherine Quas Dr. Daniel Radattl
Dr. Steve Rogers Dr. Brian Rosenzwelg Dr. Medhl Salarl
Dr. Dennis Holly
Dr. Marika Stone
Dr. Jeff Johnson
Dr. Andrew Tlmm
Dr. Brad Johnson
Dr. Jeff Tlmm
Dr. Greggery Jones
Dr. Ryan Tlmm
A special thank you to Blue Fish Dental for hosting the mass Dental screenings. A special thank you to Dr. Steve Chrlstensen for hospital care for a young child.
At the Kemple Memorial Children's Dental Clinic, our mission is to improve the health and well-being of children in Deschutes County by facilitating urgent dental services for children (K-12) whose families cannot access basic dental care.
Continued from E1 Like this year, summertime fares probably will stay relatively high, he said. Airline mergers can also affect fares, and a huge one could take place early in 2013. American Airlines and US Airways are in talks about combining. The g e neral c o n sensus among consumer advocates is that airline mergers aren't
good for passengers. "Any time you have two big airlines merging, that means consumers have less choice and competition is reduced, w hich o n l y t r a n slates t o higher prices," said Charlie Leocha, director of the Consumer Travel Alliance. H owever, a b i t o f n e w evidence bucks that conventional wisdom. Despite four m ega-mergers in t h e U . S . a irline industry during t h e past seven years, fares have not increased significantly — just 1.8 percent per year, according to a December report from professional services firm PwC. In fact, average domestic fares decreased I p e r cent from 2004 to 2011 when inflation is factored in, the report found. Fliers know full well, however, that the fare isn't all that counts nowadays. There are those fees.
',".ijR. ~+~ I, 'lr
Alex Garcia/Chicago Tribune
One thing that won't change for air travelers in 2013: crowds at airports. Passengers gather at the entrance to the airline gates at Terminal 3 of Chicago's O'Hare International. with even m o r e e x pected through 2012, according to the PwC report. What consumers call fees, airlines c al l " u n b undling" — making a la carte choices from servicesthat used to be included in the fare. A l i kely t r end f o r 2 0 13 might be called "rebundling"
Its next tier, for $88, includes those perks plus a 50 percent f requent-flier m i l eage b o nus, same-day flight change, same-day standby and a premium beverage, such as an alcoholic drink onboard. "It's sort of back to the future," Seaney said. "It's taking those unbundled bundles and — airlines packaging a few putting them back in the fare, n ow-optional services a n d so you don't have this percepcharging for a tier of service. tion of nickel-and-diming." "The a irline i ndustry i s Another issue that could in a period of transition resee action early in 2013 is g arding th e p r i cing o f i t s t ransparency on a l l t h o s e products," said Jay Sorensen, airline fees. Fees get a makeover president of IdeaWorks, an The Department of TransThe most noticeable trend airline consultant. "Airlines portation is considering forcin recent years with airline will offer fare products, such ing airlines to d i splay opfees isthat there are more of as basic, basic-plus and com- tional fees alongside airfares them: fees for checked bags, fort, and allow consumers to everywhere ticketsare sold, aisle seats, onboard meals, purchase their desired level so consumers can make an among many others. of comfort." apples-to-apples evaluation "What we hear is that peoAmerican Airlines kicked offares. ple pay their fare and get to things off i n D e cember by F ares must a l r eady b e the airport and feel they're introducing packages of airdisplayed, including mandaconstantly b eing n i c keled- fare upgrades available on tory fees, such as taxes and and-dimed to death for things round-trip flights. For examairport fees. But now, many that used to b e i n c luded," ple, its Choice Essential tier seemingly basic services are said Kate Hanni, founder of will get you a checked bag, optional, such a s c h ecked priority boarding and no fee bags or booking an aisle or The top fiveU.S. carriers if you need to change your window seat. "We are hoping it addressalone generated more than flight reservation. It costs a $12 billion in f ees in 2011, flat $68 extra per round trip. es this idea of transparency
with all these hidden fees," Hanni said. "You have absolutely no idea how much the sandwich is going to cost or whether they put a c r edit card slot on the bathroom," she joked. "We're not saying, don't have ancillary fees. Just show us what they are."
mounting. I n D ecember, b ot h t h e Federal Comm u n ications Commission and Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., urged the FAA to f i n ally a l low electronic devices during takeoffs and landings. McCaskill, a member of the Senate committee with jurisdiction over communications and aviation policy, points out the "absurdity" of the ban, especially given the FAA now a l lows pilots to use iPads to replace their paper flight manuals in the cockpit. "The current rules are inconvenient to travelers, don't make sense and lack a scientific basis," McCaskill said in a statement, adding that she is "prepared to pursue legislative solutions should progress bemade too slowly." It's an o pen secret t h at many people don't turn off their phones and portable devices when told to on a plane, Seaney said. "The bottom line is that if it was dangerous, they would confiscate
your phones as you got on the plane," he said.
Cruising in comfort
Inside the aircraft cabin, passengers during 2013 will continue to see significant Gadgets cleared for takeoff? changes. Many airlines will It was about a y ear ago b e taking delivery of n e w that actor Alec Baldwin was planes, while others are upkicked off a p l a n e b efore grading cabin interiors. "Finally, after over a detakeoff in Los A ngeles. He r eportedly r efused t o h a l t cade, airlines are going to his smartphone playing of spend some capital," Seaney "Words Wit h F r i ends," an said. "You saw a little bit of it e lectronic word g ame l i k e (in 2012), you'll see a lot more Scrabble. of it in 2013, taking delivery B aldwin an d t h e f l y i n g of new aircraft — not to expublic might get good news pand their fleet but to replace what's there." during 2013. The Federal Aviation AdMary Kirby, editor-in-chief ministration will be reviewof Airline Passenger Experiing its policy that forces pas- ence magazine, said 2013 will be "quite an exciting time." sengers to turn off their portable electronic devices, such Onboard wireless Internet as smartphones, laptops, tab- access is an example. letcomputers and e-readers, W hile W i -F i h a s b e e n during takeoffs and landings available on many domestic — technically, below 10,000 flights for a while, the differfeet. ence in 2013 will be seeing Pressure in Washington is more airlines offering con-
duce unemployment. The roughly 2 million jobs Continued from E1 Zandi estimates employers will Y et in s o m e w a ys, t h e add this year would be slightly economy has been building more than the 1.8 million likely strength. Corporations have added in 2012. Zandi thinks cut costs and have amassed employers would add an addia near-record $1.7 trillion in tional 600,000 jobs this year if cash. Home sales and prices not forthe measures agreed to have been rising consistently, in the fiscal cliff deaL along with construction. HirFederal Reserve policymaking gains have been modest ers have forecast that the unbut steady. employment rate will fall to 7.4 Bernard B aumohl, c h i ef percent, at best, by year's end. global economist for the Eco- Economists regard a "normal" nomic Outlook Group, thinks rate as 6 percent or less. the lack of finality in the budget fight is slowing an other- Consumer spending wise f u ndamentally s ound Consumer confidence fell economy. in December as Americans " What a sh a m e," B a u - began tofear the higher taxes mohl said in a research note threatened by the fiscal cliff. Wednesday. "Companies are Confidence had r eached a eager to ramp up capital in- five-year high in November, vestments and boost hiring. fueled by s l owly d eclining Households are prepared to unemployment and a steady unleash five years of pent-up housing rebound. Consumer demand." spending is the driving force T he economy m i ght b e of the economy. growing at a 3 percent annual But the deal to avoid the rate if not for the threat of sud- cliff won't necessarily ignite a den and severe spending cuts burst of spending. Taxes will and tax increases, along with still rise for nearly 80 percent the haziness surrounding the of working A m ericans bebudget standoff, says Ethan cause ofthe higher Social SeHarris, co-director of global curity tax rate. economics at Bank of America Since the r ecession offiMerrill Lynch. ciallyended in June 2009, pay Still, Congress' deal deliv- has barely kept up with inflaered a walloping tax hike for tion. The Social Security tax most workers: the end of a increase will cut paychecks two-year Social Security tax further. And with the job marcut. The tax is rising back up ket likely to remain tight, few to 6.2 percent from 4.2percent. companies have much incenThe increase will cost someone tive to hand out raises. making $50,000 about $1,000 a Thanks to r ecord-low inyear and a household with two terest rates, consumers have high-paid workers up to $4,500. whittled their debts to about Mark Zandi, chief econo- 113 percent of their after-tax mist at M o ody's Analytics, income. That's th e l o west calculates that t h e h i g h er share since mid-2003, accordSocial Security tax will slow ing to Haver Analytics. growth b y 0 . 6 p e r centage Yet that hardly means peopoint in 2013. The other tax ple are ready to reverse course increases — including higher and r am p u p cr e d it-card taxes on household incomes purchases. Most new spendabove $450,000 a year — will ing would have to come from slice just 0.15 percentage point higher incomes, says Ellen from growth, Zandi says. Zentner, senior economist at Here's how key parts of the Nomura Securities. "We don't see the mindset economy are shaping up for of, 'Let's run up the credit card 20D:
Jobs With further fights looming over taxes and spending, many companies aren't likely to step up hiring. Congress and the White House will likely start battling over raising the $16.4 trillion debt limit in February. Many economists expect employers to add an average of 150,000 to 175,000 jobs a month in 2013, about the same pace as in 2011 and 2012. That level is too weak to quickly re-
the government has reported. That's just above the 143,000 in August, the lowest total on records dating to 1963. And the supply of previously occupied homes for sale is at an 11-year low. Sales of new homes in November reached their highest annual pace in 2'/2 years. They were 15 percent higher than a year earlier. And October marked a fifth straight month ofyear-over-year price increases in the 20 major cities covered by the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller n a t ional home price index. Potential homebuyers "are more likely to buy, and banks are more likely to lend" when pricesare rising, says James O'Sullivan, chief U.S. economist at High Frequency Economics. "It feeds on itself." Housing tends to have an outside impact on the economy. A h o u sing r e covery boosts construction jobs and encourages more spending on furniture and appliances. And
nectivity o n t r a n s-Atlantic flights, which require Internet access via satellites rather than ground towers. "That's actually quite important," Kirby said, because passengers are disconnected for so many hours on longhaul flights. For example A m e r i can Airlines has said its new Boeing 777-300ERs, scheduled to start flying early in 2013, will have satellite Wi-Fi. And United Airlines and Delta Air Lines also plan to outfit more planes in 2013 with it. "Other carriers are going to follow suit," Kirby said. "Passengers in America can start expecting U.S. carriers to start offering Wi-Fi on l ong-haul flights, including over the Atlantic and, increasingly, down to South America and eventually trans-Pacific as well." A nother trend i s n o t s o welcomed. Some airlines, in an effort to maintain profits, are stuffing more seats onto
planes, offering less legroom and elbow room in economy class — even on longer, international flights. For e x a m ple, Un i t ed's new Boeing 787 Dreamliner planes are quieter and offer many c a bi n c o m forts, but the airline chose to place nine seats across in economy class, making for less personal space than Boeing envisioned with eight seats across. Similarly, American's new 777-300 will have a tight configuration of 10 abreast in coach. "We're goingto be squeezed in tighter than ever before in l ong-haul a i r craft," K i r b y said. Passengers can "suck it up" in a tight seat during a flight of just a few hours, but flying 10 or 14 hours that way "changes the whole comfort equation entirely."
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higher home prices make people feel wealthier, which can also lead to more spending. "When you have a housing recovery, it's nearly impossible for the U.S. economy to slip into recession," Zentner says.
Factories appear to be recovering slowly from a slump last fall. The Institute for Supply Management's index of manufacturing activity r ose last month from November. And a measure of employment suggested that manufacturers stepped up hiring in December.Factories had cutjobs in three of the four months through November, according to government data. Another encouraging sign: Americans are expected to buy more cars this year. That would help boost manufacturing output. Auto sales will likely rise nearly 7 percent in 2013 over last year to 15.3 million, according to the Polk research firm. again,' " she says. Sales likely reached 14.5 million last year, the best since Housing 2007. In 2009, sales were just E conomists a r e nea r l y 10.4 million, the fewest in more unanimous about one thing: than 30 years. The housing market will keep And if Congress can raise improving. the federal borrowing limit That's partly because of a without a fight that damages fact that's caught many by sur- confidence, companies might prise: Five years after the hous- boost spending on computing bust left a glut of homes in ers, industrial machinery and many areas, the nation doesn't other equipment in the second have enough houses. Only half of 2013, economists say. 149,000 new homes were for That would help keep factories sale at the end of November, busy.
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Fiscal cliff deal saves short-sale tax break
a eve o mese ers ou now By Mary Diduch
in Franklin Lakes, N.J., said it is key for sellers to interview HACKENSACK, N.J. — As many agents, to find the right 2013 emerges with signs of a one for their needs and to ask bottoming out of the real es- the right questions. tate slump, homeowners who Sellers should inquire about have been sitting on the side- an agent's negotiating skills, lines may finally be ready to experience, handling of situatake the plunge and put their tions like bidding wars, where homes on the market. the agent lives, what region the But for those hoping to sell agent covers and the agent's in the spring, the most popular past transactions. season forhome sales,now is Nicole Idler, a sales associthe time to make a few New ate at Friedberg Properties 8c Year's resolutions to pave the Associates in Tenafly, N.J., way for the best deal. also suggested asking for refSome real estate agents say erences, how long it takes an 2013 is as good a time as ever agent to complete a sale and if to sell, as the housing mar- the agent works full time. ket is slowly creeping back — though still far below the Where to look peak. Once an agent is hired, the Spring is a popular time to next step is to discuss the biglist a home for a number of g er picture: Where do t h e reasons. In the past, corpo- homeowners want to live next'? "Always make sure that the rate executives got their bonus checks in January and began next step is feasible before to house hunt, while others taking the first step," said Bill received tax refunds. And a Boswell, a sales associate at spring purchase gives buyers Coldwell Banker Residential time for the kids to settle down Brokerage in Franklin Lakes, over thesummer before head- N.J. "There are people who get ing to a new school in September, said Cindy Marsh-Tichy, caught all the time." president-elect of the New JerB efore listing t h eir o w n sey Association of Realtors. home on the market, it helps One downside to spring sell- for prospective sellers to take ing is the increase in competi- a day or two to drive around tion, which can be avoided by and see what is out there for listing a home a little earlier, them, Boswell said. "Just so they can feel comperhaps in late January or early February. fortable to know there is some"The spring market doesn't thing that they will be combegin in the spring. It begins fortable in," Boswell said. right after the holidays," said How much to ask Marsh-Tichy, who primarily sells in Morris County, N.J. Then, it may be time to conIn her experience, late win- sider setting the asking price. ter months also tend to bring Marilyn Nuber, a broker asout more serious buyers. "If sociate at Keller Williams Vilthey weren't, they wouldn't be lage Square Realty in Ridgeout in bad weather looking for wood, N.J., said homeowners a home," she said. need to be realistic about the But to even consider listing asking price. a property, a lot of planning This becomes more imporand preparation are needed. tant for owners looking to sell their properties fast. Choosing an agent "They can't be emotional Mary Premtaj, a sales asso- about it. They have to look at ciate at Prominent Properties what otherpeople have received Sotheby's International Realty fortheirhome," Nuber said. The Record (Hackensac)t, N.J.)
By Drew Harwell, Tampa Bay Times
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — When the year ended, retired air traffic controller Brad Bates and his wife had been resigned to their fate: a tax-bill jump of about $25,000 due to the potential sale of their u nderwater home. A crucial tax break for
forgiven mortgage debt
The Associated Press file photo
Before putting a house on the market, homeowners should follow a few simple steps to make sure their home is ready to be looked at by prospective buyers and to avoid potential problems later. But it takes more than putting the appropriate price tag on a home to sell it — houses n eed to be prepared to b e shown, to become neutral to all potential buyers.
who have houses that are older and have a little more wear and tear, and there's more competition." Boswell said homeowners should not underestimate getting a home warranty. "It tends to r eally soften the worry of potential buyers coming in, and there's a peace of mind that comes with that," he said. Maria Rini of Re/Max Real Estate in Oradell, N.J., said thatbuyers need to remember that no amount of money they put into the house to fix it up will be fully returned. This i s w h y ho m eowners should seek professional advice before throwing tons of money into what may be unnecessary home improvements just to sell their home, Rini said. For example, Rini said she once had a client whose friend told him to spend $4,000 on custom blinds. "There was no reason for this man to spend a dime in
Looking good "It's very, very unusual that we walk into a property that doesn't need anything done, regardless of the price point," Premtaj said. She said it helps to "walk through your senses" to ensure everything is free of clutter, looks bright, smells good and is organized well. Homeowners also need to remember not to overlookthe little things, like replacing a burned-out light bulb. Premtaj also recommends pre-inspectionin some cases. Home inspection companies can do a modified, shortened inspection for people who are looking to sell. It's not as costly as a full inspection, but prices vary by home. "I don't require it," she said.
"I would suggest it for people
Weekly Stock Winners and Losers 15 BEST LARGE-CAP STOCKS COMPANY
% C H G %RTN 1MO 1YR
8 .91
7.6 2
Las VegasSands Delta AirLines
5 1.19
1 2.98
United Corttl Hldgs Vertex Pharm
2 5.85 45. 85
2.81 4.91
12.2 12.0
26.0 17.9
31.9 40.1
3 4.31
MetLife Inc
Hewlett Packard
1 0.7
Viacom Inc B
1 0.7
Hartford Fn Sv
2 4.52
Pioneer Natural WynnResorts Ltd W
Cobalt tntl Energy
113. 1 7
10. 7 6
120. 7 8
11.1 1
2 6.43
9.5 -6.9
;ekchange + $7.62or 17.2%
company reached a $1.4
Friday close: $51.82-t
13.0 Yamana Gold
Unitedhealth Group
lululemoit athletica Limitd Brands
71.95 44.88
59.7 27.0
Gen Growth Prop
EMC Corp
24.3 3
Yamana Gold tnc
Attglogold Ashanti
Zipcar Inc
6.12 4.11
5 6.5 50.7
73.8 45.0
162.1 -13.4
Amyris Inc
3 .58
37 7
Amicus Therapeutics FOLD DryShipsIttc
3 73
s onus Networks Inc
-19.4 103.4
7 .60
3 3.8
10. 3 0
92.5 -37.7
11. 8 9
2 8.7
Zalicus Iitc
Vringo Inc
2 4.8
Trattscept Pharm
5.50 4 .13
1.07 0 79
24.2 2 3.7
6.2 54.1
16. 9 5 12.21
Genco Shipping
284.2 -34.4
Friday close: $16.57 $20
0 $12 68 ~
N 52-week range
D $20 59
Wk. vol.: 22.7m (1.0x avg.) PE : ... -29.S Mkt. Cap: $12.46 b Yield : 1 .6%
14.6 3 6.86
skullcandy Inc
Accttray Inc
Dole Food Co
- 16.4
15. 9
Barrtes & Noble
13.3 5
NeptuneTech8 Biors
eHealth litc
25. 3 9
Prospect Global Resc
-2.21 -0.12
-2.2 -11.5
86.7 -82.8
Allot Comm
Imation Corp
IMN Cal-MairteFoods Irtc C A L M
NASDaa ~
S&P 500
7 qO
R USSELL 2000 ~ 6 879.i5 ~
4.09 41.03
money scrubbed from their debt to the bank. Without the fiscal cliff deal, the relieved debt would have been taxed as income. The one-year extension will save American taxpayers $1.3 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.
1-week change+ $4.11 or 50.7%
is agreed to buy the carsnaring company for $12.25 per share in cash, or 49 percent more than the stock's price before the deal's announcement. Friday close: S12.21, 10
N 52-week range
$5.9D ~
D $16.25
Wk. vol.: 18.0m (6.2x avg.) PE: 64.3 Mkt. Cap: $489.17 m Yield : ...
1-week change W $0.90 or -14.3%
The radiation oncology company said that its revenue fell last quarter by as much as 32 percent and announced plans to cut 13 percent of its workforce. Friday close: $5.41
N 52-week range
$4.30 ~
$8.0 7
Wk. vol.: 2.3m ( avg.) Mkt. Cap:$390.9 m
Yield: ...
Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of the current stock price and total shares outstanding. Ranges are $100 million to $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (midi; greater than $8 billion (large).
Corporate earnings are still growing, just not as from a yearearlier. powerfully as before. The slower growth isa result of the sluggish That's what financial analysts expect to see from global economy. The euro area's economy shrank reports for the October0.4 percent in 2012, EPS growth for S&P 500 companies trtro„grt December according to estimates 2011 Q4 8 4% quarter. Alcoaonce again from the International 7.5 will be the first major Monetary Fund. Q2 0.8 company to release its Businesses are also 2.4 fourth-quarter results, 3.3 hesitant to spend: CEOs est. Q4 Tuesday after the market are at their least confident Est. 4Q EPS growth for S&P 500 industries closes. since the third quarter of 11 9% Consumer discretionary Analysts expect that 2009, according to Telecom 102 earningsper share rose Business Roundtable's Finanaals 10.1 Matenals producers 6.6 3.3 percent in the fourth CEO economicoutlook 5.4 Consumer staples quarter from a year earlier survey. 4.8 Energy for companies in the That particularly hurts 1.8 Utilities a6 Hea l th care Standard & Poor's 500 technology and industrial -1.8 Technology index. That's weaker than companies, which depend -2.6 Ind us t eals the 8.4 percent growth Source: S&P Capital IQ on corporate spending.
,.;",.:.;,';.'.;.."",'farnings season begins
avoid paying taxes on any
Landec Corp
The gold miner fell with the price of gold on speculation that the Federal Reserve may halt its bond-buying program later this year.
Premtaj said. "It's one of the most important aspects," she said. "That's the one way for us to communicate with all these prospectivebuyers who start their searches on the Internet." Rini said Web marketing is crucial. Her brokerage uses about 300 different websites to help sell their homes. Many agents even set up individual websites with video clips, details and photographs to help sell houses. "It's supply and demand, so you want to create the biggest demand that you can," Rini said.
59 0 1-week change W $0.17 or -1.0%
59.2 9
a professional photographer,
46.2 Wk. vol.: 20.4m (1.8x avg.) PE: ... Mkt. Cap: $19.37 b Yield :3.0%
Corcept Therapeutics CORT N 52-week range
O nce the house i s f u l l y staged, it is time to schedule
4s 0
Ready for photos
NewLead Hldgs Ltd Uni-Pixel Inc
Republic Airways Hld RJET
Verastem trtc
Watson Pharm
Holly Frontier Corp
a g $38.80 ~
WellPoiitt Ittc
billion settlement with the Justice Department to resolve claims related to the 2010 oil >o 3 spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Turquoise Hill Res
this area," Rini said. What is important is making sure the house complies with what's in a standard real estate contract, like having a working furnace, proper plumbing and no leaky roofs, she said.
Transocean '
had expired Dec. 31, meaning they would owe taxes on the money they didn't pay toward their loan, likely pushing the couple into bankruptcy. But tucked in the New Y ear's D a y de a l that dodged the fiscal cliff was a late Christmas present: an extension for the break until the end of 2013. If the Bates' home, which is now under contract, sells before year's end, the couple will owe nothing extra to Uncle Sam. "That's terrif ic," Bates said. "Maybe 2013 is going to bea much betteryear." H omeowners fac i n g short sales, reduced loan principals or foreclosures can breathe easier after the 2007 tax break was extended late Tuesday in a bipartisan vote. The extension will allow homeowners this year to
Alcoa earnings 4Q est. $0.06 Year ago -$0.03 Apollo Group earnings 1Q est. $0.90 Year ago $1.28 Consumer credit Nov. est. $10.8b • Oct. $14.2b
Monsanto earnings 1Q est. $0.36 • Year ago $0.23 Constellation Brands earnings 3Q est. $0.55 • Year ago $0.50 Wholesale sales Nov. est..08% oct. -1.2% Import prices Dec. est.-0.1% Nov. -0.9% Trade deficit Nov. est. $41.3b • Oct. $42.2b Wells Fargo earnings 4Q est. $0.89• Year ago $0.73
SOUTHAMERICA/CANADA Buenos AiresMerval Mexico City Bolsa
Source: FactSe
55 .
WILSHIRE 5000 15,450.1 8 ~
FRI. CHG +7.10 Frankfurt DAX +19.93 LondonFTSE100 6089.84 +42.50 Hong Kong Hang Serig 23331.09 -67.51 Paris CAC-40 3730.02 +8.85 Tokyo Nikkei 225 10688.11 +292.93
s8 P 500
Sao Paolo Bovespa Toronto S&P/TSX
LAST 1466.47 7776.37
FRL CHG WK MO a TR +0.49% j +0.26% +0.70% -0.29% +0.24% +2.82%
2996.06 +20.82 44561.61 +1 90.97 62523.06 -789.40 12540.81 +70.37
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351.73 2516.32 853.93 7058.92 16959.78 40274.79 1136.77
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+0.28% -0.02% +0.50% +0.55% +0.30% L +0.07% +0.56%
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VTO + 2.8 2 % +2.1 5%
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+0.99 -0.53 +4.24
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Antitheft systemcauses Pontiac ownertrouble
Hon aCivic etsanew oo s • Dramatic changes are insideandout in response tocriticism for the 2012edition
By Brad Bergholdt
without the accompanying sensorsignal — perhaps ifa • I own a 1998 Pontiac hammer, pliers, and screw• G rand Am S E. S h e driver are used to rotate the has 242,000 miles on her. Re- lock cylinder — no IPC/PCM cently the theft light comes handshake occurs. The fuel on, blinks and then stays on. injectors are cut off, causing Sometimes the car will die the engine to start then stall, starting up, then it may start and the theft deterrent light up and run fine. Sometimes is illuminated. the light will stay on, and othIn many cases,it seems er times the light will go out. the system forgets the lock I was told that this was a cylinder sensor's code and a safety feature GM installed, relearn procedure restores although a cheap one, to pre- operation. This is performed vent stolen vehicles. I was by leaving the ignition switch wondering if this is some- in the run position with the thing I can fix or disable my- engine stationary for 10 minself. I have an aftermarket utes or until the indicator alarm system that has been light then shuts off. Try mulinstalled on this vehicle since tiple times as needed. 2000. That has keyless entry, Diagnosis of a repetitive which I use regularly. problem such as yours is best I was told by one person done by a pro, using a Tech-2 that buying a new battery scan tool. Rather cryptic infor my clicker would solve formation gleaned from the the problem. Another person body control module's data told me I have a bad fuse that list, along with any d i agneeds to be replaced, and an- nostic trouble codes — these other said I could disable the won't illuminate the check system by cutting a yellow engine light — can narrow wire running from my igni- the searchto the lock sensor, tion switch. Can you help me'? instrument p anel c l uster, I depend on my vehicle for my PCM or wiring between. job and drive some distance Some folksreport success every day. What can I do? bypassing the system by — Tom Houdeshell tampering with the sensor • Your Grand Am e m- circuit. A resistor is spliced • ploys GM's P asslock into the circuit — don't simantitheft system, which is ply cut the yellow wire. A known fo r c a using i nter- more sure way of putting this mittent starting headaches demonic system in its place is and big repair bills to fix it. to bypass it completely with A sensor in the steering col- a counterfeit PCM h a ndumn determines the ignition shake. I have not personally lock cylinder has success- installed or validated such a fully rotated, which requires product but it's worth lookthe correct key. This cre- ing at. ates an electrical output to Your aftermarket alarm the antitheft brains in the system makes me nervous, instrument p anel c l u ster, but doesn't appear to be inwhich then sends an "OK" volved in this issue as the handshake to t h e p o wer- blinking indicator confirms train control module. That a Passlock fault. allows normal function of — Bergholdt teaches automotive the fuel injectors. Should an technology. Email questions to ignition switch input occur McClatchy-Tribune News Service
By Larry Prlntz The Virginian-Pilot
Honda has always had an almost supernatural ability to effortlesslycreate economy sedans with modern, conservative designs and distinctly athletic personalities. So, when the r edesigned Honda Civic arrived in 2012, it should have been expected that Hon da REQ)EW would deliver more o f t he s ame. Un f o r tunately, the new Civic was so unimpressive that even Consumer Reports dropped CourtesyHondavia McClatchy-Tribune News Service the carfrom itslist of recomHonda redisgned the Civic for 2013 after the 2012 model received poor reviews. mended cars. What happened'? Well, it seems that Honda, ual shift capability or paddle similar. Given its fuel-efficient which designed the car during shifters mounted on the steer- ways, there's adequate power the recession, cheapened the ing wheel. for the daily stop-and-go grind Base price:$18,165 interior in an effort to control Regardless,fuel consumpof commuting and shopping, As tested:$21,605 costs and keep the price low. tion is very respectable, with but dropping down into third Type:Front-engine, frontCoupled with uninspired stylthe Civic rated by the EPA at gear is needed for that extra wheel-drive midsize family ing and ho-hum handling, the 28 mpgcity,39 mpg highway. burst of power. accolades usually strewn in sedan A mix of two-thirds highway The Civic performed flawthe Civic's path became brickd riving an d o n e-third c i ty lessly during the w eeklong Engine:1.8-liter SOHC bats. In the wake of massive driving returned 34 mpg. test drive with one exception. four-cylinder criticism of its 2012 redesign, In order to aid you in reach- Its Bluetooth system had difMileage:28 mpg city, Honda launched an e m ering those Olympian fuel ef- ficulty maintaining its con39 mpg highway gencyredesign oftheir newly ficiency heights, Civics come nection to my iPhone. It disunveiled Civic. with an E con b utton t hat, connected and r econnected Given the increased compewhen pushed, operates the ve- multiple times during a typical tition in the compact car mar- of new standard features in hicle more efficiently, albeit at four-hour drive. ket from such strong competi- response tothose offered on the expense of performance. In many r espects, when tors as the Hyundai Elantra, its competitors. Bluetooth, a Honda also frames the digital compared with the 2012 modFord Focus, Chevrolet Cruze rearview camera, USB/iPod speedometer in green light, el, the 20D Civic is greatly and Volkswagen Jetta, it was interface, Pandora interface, which stays green as long improved, not just in ride and as you're driving efficiently. handling, but also in overall clearHonda needed to quickly steering wheel-mounted auupgrade the Civic. dio controls, exterior temper- Drive like an auto journalist, ambiance. Yet the company has some- ature readout and a sliding and you'll find the lights turn While the 2012 Civic wasn't how m a naged t o re s t ore center armrest arestandard teal, and then blue. a contender, the 2013 model much of the Civic's quality in on all Civics. A n avigation For this road test, Honda most definitely is. It's not the a mere 12 months. Given that system is standard on upper supplied an EX with an auto- classleader its forbearers once it takes three years or more trim levels. matic transmission, which is were, but it's now good enough to redesign a vehicle, that's But Honda should take an- typical of what most buyers to once more proudly wear the not just remarkable, it's, well, other look at the front seat will opt for. Honda name and give its comsupernatural. headrests;they're placed too And it's here, behind the petition heartburn. The most obvious change to far forward, preventing you wheel, where the Civic delivthe Civic is what you see: The f rom sitting properly in t he ers one more surprise. This car'sfront end is much more seat. redesign is more than smoke aggressively chiseled, with a C hoosing a ne w Civ i c and mirrors. black honeycomb mesh grille means starting with the LX, Honda has recalibrated the framed in chrome. It's a hand- and then jumping to EX, EX-L steering for a livelier response, somely sporting look t hat's or Si. There's also a high-effiand it possesses an eagerness fresh, yet classically Honda. ciency HF model, as well as a and athleticism that was lackOut back, the l ighting and gas-electric hybrid and a mod- ing last year. The Civic has trim has a more impressive el thatruns on compressed regained the poise it always appearance. natural gas. The DX trim level had, despite being a f r ontPORTS But it's inside where buyers has been dropped. wheel drive economy car. The PPESENTED BY THE BULLETIN 8( PINE MOUNTAI will find the most dramatic W ith all o f t h e w ork o n tweaked suspension does a change. aesthetics, it' s u n d erstand- better job of reining in body Given the previous model's able that the Civic's power- roll during cornering. The ride functional, d u l l ae s t hetic, plants carry over unchanged. is still firm, but there's now an the new interior is a return to A 1 40-horsepower, 1.8-liter ample amount of bump abform. With its upgraded trim four-cylinder engine mates to sorption dialed in, so it seems 4i > and livelier color palette, it's either a five-speed manual or less jittery than it did last year. easy to appreciate this car's five-speed automatic t r ans- Steering is still f airly l ight, roomy cabin and comfortable mission. A six-speed manual however, and there's still a seats. Soft-touch plastics and transmission is standard on dead spot when the steering upgraded materialsdecorate the Si; a continuously vari- wheel is centered. the doors an d i n s trument able automatic transmission is On the flip side, the 2013 paneL In particular, the fin- standard on the hybrid. Civic seems quieter than the ishes onthe audio system are Unlike some competitors, old model. skis, TREK &Santa Cruzbikes, clothing, shoes, improved. the f i v e-speed a u t omatic Since the engines carry over sunglasses, outerwear, split boards 8 more! Honda now offers a host doesn't have sequential man- from last year, performance is
HondaCivic 2013
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Tire-pressuremonitor annoysCobalt driver By Paul Brand
jority of motorists fail to check tire pressures, this system is I have a 2009 Chevy now mandated on today's ve• Cobalt. When I needed hicles to effectively force car four new tires, I mounted the owners to pay attention to tire new tires on new aluminum pressures. rims rather than on the origiMy 1970 Corvette, which I've owned for 40-plus years, n al steel wheels. Now t h e "SVR Tire Monitor" warning features a seat belt warning light comes on every time I light on the dash that must be start the car. The original tire m anually turned off w it h a pressure monitors are still push of the button every time in the original steel wheels, I start the car. It's never been which I've kept as spares. The an issuefor me. Ifyou choose aluminum rims did not come to check your tire pressures with tire pressure monitors manually, good job. But recog— adding them would have nize the benefit of the warning cost another $300. How do I system to alert drivers to the disable the warning light so potential safety hazard of low that it doesn't come on every tire pressure. time I start the car? It's anI've been driving my noying to have to hit the reset button on the steering wheel . 2000 Malibu for months every time I s t art th e c ar. on five cylinders. I know it's There should be an "on/off" hard on the car and bad on switch so the car owner can mileage, but is there a safety check the tire pressures when issue'? I can't afford to get a he wants to! new cylinder. • Here's the simplest an• I don't think y ou c a n "get" a new cylinder. If a . swer. If the light really, really bugs you, put a small six-cylinder engine is running piece of black electrical tape on five cylinders, that means over the warning light — prob- one cylinder isn't doing its lem solved. I know of no way share of the work. In the prito disable the tire pressure ority of easiest to fix, the powarning system. Why? Be- tentialcauses are:a bad spark cause the overwhelming ma- plug; a bad coil, coil pack or Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
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plug wire; a fouled or failed injector; a stuck, burned or broken valve; or a leaky head gasket. Next on the list are: worn or broken piston rings; a holed or broken piston; or a scored or damaged cylinder wall. A single cylinder failing to fire doesn't present an issue in terms of driving safety, but, like you said, it's not doing the engine, emissions or
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haven't had the problem diagnosed yet, I'd suggest having the engine performance analyzed to determine the exact cause. It may be a relatively inexpensive repair.
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he employees of the city of Bend tried to do something special recently. The city's three unions joined with management to agree on a statement about reforming the state's Public Employees Retirement System or PERS. It's something City Manager Eric two be inextricably linked, PERS King has been exploring for a while, reform will be inextricably linked trying to find points of agreement to nowhere. The Legislature should between labor and management to not make progress on one depengive the Legislature guidance and dent on the other. suPPort. But the agreement theY The statement aiso does not take found 's not going to do much to ad- a stand on any pFRS reform concepts. The statement says "the comThe document says: mittee does not have the expertise • Theyare committedtoworking to formally evaluate sPecific PERS together toward meaningful reform reform concePts." efforts. If they feel that way, that's either an unfortunate acknowledgement • Solutions shoukl honor comof their inabilitY to understand the mitments to existing employees and ensurethesustainabilityofthepian. ProPosals on the table or an indictment of Gov. John Kitzhaber's • T here m u st b e mutu a l expianations compromise. What the Legislature is going • And intergenerational equity to be doing is debating Kitzhaber's should be a factor when designing p roposals. Hehasspecificallycalled benefitsfornewPERSemployees. on the Legislature to cap annual Howisthe Legislature supposed cost-of-living increases at $480 for to reform a $16 billion unfunded li each retiree. Most PERS retireesability based on that'? There should 53 percent of them — would not be be compromise but honor existing affectedby the proposed cap.That reform would produce about $810 commitments? The statement goes on to suggest million in savings this biennium. Kitzhaber'sotherproposalwould that PERS reform should incorstop reimbursing out-of-state PERS porate discussion of "the revenue side of the equation." It declares the retirees for Oregon income taxes state's taxation system is "inequita- they donot even pay. That would ble," "inflexible" and insufficient to add about another $55 million in savings for the biennium. provide public services. City employees or anyone in Thatmaybe.Ifyouwanttodoom PERS reform, though, all you have Central Oregon who wants to send to do is insist that it must go hand- a clear message to Salem should tell in-handwithstatetaxreform. Ifthe their legislators how they should intent of the statement is that the voteonthoseproposals.
Cost alone doesn't work for medical decisions n pushing for price transparency inhealth care, advocates have argued that patients can make smarter decisions if they know the cost. A study in the Journal of Consumer Research suggests, however, that patients might actually make worse choices if they had more price information. According to K a iser Health News, one group of patients was told a flu shot cost $25 while a separate group was given a $125 price. In both cases, insurance would pay, so the patients would have no out-of-pocket cost. Patients in the group offered the lower price thought the vaccine had "highcommunal need" and was therefore more important to their health. Conversely, the higher price made those in the other group think the vaccine was less accessible and therefore less important. The patients used price information to draw a surprising
and inaccurate conclusion. Researchers said th e r esult could be bad medical decisions, maybe even dangerous ones, according to Kaiser. "Price and risk should be very independent from one anotherwhen you think about consumers m a k in g in f o rmed health care choices," said Janet Schwartz, a professor at Tulane University and co-author of the study. It's a confounding notion that we consumers might really be that foolish in our thinking process. Fortunately, the solution is one that needs to be in place anyway: information both about price and about medical need and effectiveness. The problem today is that price information is almost totally absent in the decision process, but that doesn't mean it should be the only factor. There's no substitute for education and discussion with a health professional to weigh the relative value against the price.
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M IVickel's Worth A better community
we are worthy contributors to the effort to build a better community. Cate O'Hagan, Arts Central
far less controversy in place first, if you really care about the children and not your political agenda.
Arts Central has been privileged to manage the Deschutes Cultural executive director Harvey Lathrop Coalition (DCC), the local re-grantBend Bend ing arm of t h e Oregon Cultural Trust, for nearly 10 years. Armed guards inschools Need reason in gundebate With expert guidance from a committee of professionals repreAfter the horrific massacre in Recent shootings have prompted senting the local cultural sector, the Connecticut, it is natural that people renewed callsfor increased gun DCC has distributed Oregon Cul- will have a powerful emotional recontrol in the United States. Most tural Trust funds to support public sponse. Virtually everyone wants to of these people are reacting to the reading programs,free concerts, find a way to prevent this from ever events out of pure emotion. While it scholarships to art camps, historic happening again. is impossible not to be outraged by tours and much more — all open So what do we get from our presi- the shootings in Connecticut, our and accessible to our community dent and the other anti-gun leaders? leaders and other people of influence members. The DCC distribution for A demand for immediate dialogue to need to consider the issue with reathe 2012-13 grant cycle is $15,000, promote their government-control son, not just emotion. And your readand most of the funds support out- agenda and restrict the rights of citi- ers should also at least bring some reach and scholarships to local chil- zens to protect themselves and noth- reason into their thinking before dren andunderserved families. ing to immediately protect our chilclamoring for a ban on firearms. The trust is unique in this country dren and most vulnerable. I submit There have been several books in that it requires donors to support they are focused more on their own and articles published that show one or more of1,300 Oregon cul- misguided agenda than the real is- firearms are also a good thing in sotural nonprofits in order to access sue:safety forourchildren. ciety, but most people have not read the cultural tax credit. In turn, the The only leaders I have heard that them. John Lott's "More Guns, Less trust invests in localized cultural had an idea that would be of real Crime" is one such book, wherein programs. This investment is furand immediate value to that end are Lott does a detailed statistical study ther amplified in our communities. Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle of firearms in U.S. society. The reA survey of the expense budgets of Association and locally, Oregon Rep. sults support the thesis of the title. In about 35 regional arts and culture Dennis Richardson, who both called looking for more data, I came across o rganizations conducted by A r t s for immediately putting t r ained, a Harvard Law Review article, titled "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Central last year reveals that over armed guards in our schools. $58 million is invested back into If yo u r e m oved t h e S e cond Murder and Suicide?" local communities, an impressive Amendment from the constitution I want to encourage your readamount by any measure. and banned production and sales ers — those who are not so blinded Each year, the trust supports activ- of all guns in the U.S., and if you by emotion that they cannot conities that enable over 500,000 Oregon went further and tried to confis- ceive of any solution other than children, youth and lifelong learn- cate all guns, it would never suc- gun bans — to download and have ers to receive additional education ceed in making agun-free society. a look at the article. The link can be through in-schoolresidencies, after- There are too many out there and found here: school activities, summer camps and they can besmuggled in and made students/orgs/jlpp/Vo130 No2 community education classes pro- underground. The time involved to KatesMauseronline.pdf. vided by cultural nonprofits all over pass the legislation would be weeks Your readers should be reminded this state. The cultural organizations and months. The attempt to remove that firearms owned by law-abiding in our community are effective deliv- alcohol from the country proved it citizens are already controlled. ery systems forservices not other- won't work. Have the dialogue, but Dennis Douglas wise available to many people, and put immediate safety measures with Bend
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Mass shootings are on the rise, so stand up for what is moral By John Thompson egarding "Is Society The True Culprit'?" by David Romine in My Nickel's Worth on Dec. 22: Society certainly shares responsibility in the Connecticut tragedy. See Grant Duwe's opinion piece "The Rise and Decline of Mass Shootings" by Googling the title. It's very revealing. A picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words. A chart included with Duwe's opinion piece shows mass shooting gun violence in the U.S. by decade since 1900, defining mass shootings as those with four or more fatalities. Please look at the chart. It is worth thousands of words. From 1900 to 1970 there were a total of 28 mass shootings — an average of four per decade, with the 1930s peak of nine. From 1970 to 2010 there were a total
of 112 mass shootings — an average of 28 per decade, with the 1990s havingthe peak number of 43. Duwe offers the following comments accompanying the charted data:"For example, crime rates were relatively low during the 1940s and '50s, and so too were mass murder rates. That was also a time QEQ( when much of the country saw high rates of marriage, births, jobs, homeownership, church attendance and other pro-social indicators. The generally favorable social conditions over the past 10 to 15 years likewise may have had an impact oncrime and, more narrowly, mass public shootings." Duwe says that mass shootings in the last decade tallied (2000-10) are on the decline, but he's overselling the data. He cites that decade's
lower number of shootings (only 24)
as a trend. It's too early (in 2010, the date of Duwe's piece) to know if that decade is a trend or an aberration. I would also say it's too soon for Duwe to state that the social conditions of the past 10-15 years are "favorable." It may take anotherdecade or two before we can judge that. The point I'd like to make is this: from the mid-1960s onward, mass shootings have become sickeningly more frequent.Those were the decades anderas of reversal ofthe various "pro-social indicators" cited by Duwe. Corresponding to th e i n creases in mass shootings since 1970, we've had therise ofthe free-speech movement, the peace movement, the civil rights movement, the feminist movement, the sexual revolution, the drug culture, and other movements I may have overlooked. The '50s were made
the butt of jokes, a mythical era of Ozzie and Harriet and white picket fences. Proponents of moderate language and sexual restraint ridiculed as "uptight"and "repressed." Social self-control was n o l onger fashionable. Civil disobedience is in vogue and celebrated. The only positive outcome of the social movements of the '60s was the civil rights movement, although it w a s short-lived. That movement became nothing more than a political voting bloc. As a consequence ofthose social and cultural "advances" since the '60s, society has had an explosion in the illegitimacy rate, single-parent homes, gang and drug violence, the devaluation of marriage, war on religion, declining educational outcomes, exploding prison populations and the devaluation of human life.
Those ills have all harmed the middle and lower classes. Additionally, the " i ncome gap," blamed for so many ailments, also corresponds tothe decline of the decadessincethe '60s.The top Ipercent of income earners from 1970-$80 took in plus or minus 10 percent of U.S. personal income. In 2007 it is 23.5 percent. Maybe it's not the upper end doing so well, rather it's the middle and lower end doing so poorly. I believe Duwe's chart on mass shootings directly corresponds to rising social decay. To solve acts of social violence, reverse the social decline. I'll c onclude by q u oting Romine's letter: "We try to be politically correct and accommodating to everyone'srequest, but perhaps itis time to stand up for what is right and moral." — John Thompsonli ves inBend.
e rea here is a new-year stampede developing that we have not seen for a long time. Gun stores are swamped with panicking customers. They are looking for handguns, semi-automatic rifles and a s m uch a m munition as they can afford. But buyers are not just camouflaged hunters, conspiracy theorists and gun hoarders. Instead, many of those purchasing firearms and ammo are so-called ordinary people, convinced that this administration will soon begin to centrally register — and then ban — far more than assault rifles. There were probablylots of reasons why Adam Lanza shot 27 innocent children and adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. But so far the government and media are not focusing much on his prior obsessions with violent video games, on society's seeming inability to hospitalize the unstable, or on the crude violence peddled in Hollywood and through popular music that portrays shoot-
ing people as a sort of cheap fantasy without consequences. I nstead, the a d ministration i s zeroing in on the ability of Lanza's mother to legally buy semi-automatic weapons that her son then stole to murder her and the schoolchildren and employees.The resultis a pandemic of fear that the Second Amendment will be r einterpreted and redefined as never before.
e w e a r s am e e
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON With the resolution of the fiscal cliff, taxes on those who make more than $400,000 are going to rise considerably, as they will revert to the Clinton-era income tax rates. But this time the landscape is radically different. There will not be much deficit reduction and certainly no balanced budgets, adding insult to injury for those who must pay the government far more. The new, higher rates also come on top of state income tax hikes in many states — all in addition to further increases in capital gains taxes and new Obamacare taxes. The result is not just a 3 percent to 5 percent increase on the well-off, but for some payers various aggregate hikes of 7 percent to 8 percent or even more. No wonder many companies are rushing to pay dividends now to beat rising capital-gains tax rates. Likewise, many i n d ividuals are considering expensive new l i f einsurance policies to protect their heirs from losing small farms and business to federal estate taxes that may soon increase dramatically. Red states will attract even more refugees fleeing high-tax and near-
insolvent blue states. Most Americans are already seeing their health insurance premiums shoot up, in anticipation of the 2014 federal takeover of health care. To pay for the vast Obamacare programs — whose details still remain a mystery for most — money will be raised in all sorts of bizarre ways, from reducing Medicare coverage to taxing new medical devices and some drug makers. A sense of foreboding hangs over the currently insured. Almost everyone is unsure whether the new federal statutes will still cover curr ently covered procedures — or whether they will be r ationed or curtailed altogether. Expect many people to schedule check-ups and major medical procedures in 2013, before Obamacare kicks in. There is a common denominator that underlies all this multifaceted uncertainty. Fairly or not, there is a sense that those who played by the rules and did well instead have done something wrong, or at least are under suspicion — and it is now time for their government to seek atonement from them. Worse still is the dread that the government's new policies and taxes will not solve problems but may make them worse and prompt even more government engineering. For the law-abiding gun owner, the federal government may make it more difficult to buy legal arms
— even though there is little evidence that gun restrictions per se have stopped shootings, and some evidence that states with lots of armed citizens have lower crime rates. If the semi-automatic rifle ban does not work, what gun is next to be banned to stop violence? Most well-off taxpayers add up their local, state, federal, payroll and capital gains taxes and feel they really have paid their "fair share." They all know that handing over more won't solve the fiscal crisis, but instead only empower more government deficit spending. If new taxes on some won't stop deficits, what's next? Finally, those who budgeted and provided their own health insurance feel that the new restrictions and higher taxeson their coverage are the costs of subsidizing many who could have bought, but chose not to buy, their own health insurance. The ability of citizens to protect their households, to keep at least half their earnings safe from various government taxes, and to use t heir ow n j u dgment i n m a k i n g health-care decisions is central to a free people. No wonder the fear that
a radically growing government will infringe on such traditional freedoms is stampeding millions of panicky Americans in all directions. — Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover 1nstitution,
Stanford University.
Feeding the housing bubble after the fact By E. ThomasMcclanahan The Kansas City Star
ne of the major points of contentions in the aftermath of the housing debacle was whether the Community Reinvestment Act — an anti-redlining law — contributed to the disaster. Defenders of the law insisted it did not, but it's harder for backers to support that conclusion now, after the release of a working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Its authors get straight to the point. "Did the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Lead to Risky Lending?" they ask. "Yes, it did. We find that adherence to the act led to riskier lending by banks." The act required banks to serve depositors from all neighborhoods in their operating areas, including those of low and moderate income. The report's economists found that lending to borrowers in census tracts of modest means increased around the time of a bank's regulatory exam — and more of those loans went bad. Quoting from the study: "There is a clear pattern of increased defaults for loans made by these banks in quarters around the (CRA) exam. Moreover,the effects are larger for loans made within CRA tracts." Boiled down, the process was as follows. Banks were required to make affordable-housing loans under the act.Congress then forced Fannie Mae andFreddie Mac to buy up an increasing proportion of those loans, effectively imposing quotas on the two government-sponsored
mortgage giants. Many of the loans were subprime or otherwise dubious. Fan and Fred were required to "affirmatively" support bank CRA lending and to do this, they had to lower their credit standards. Given the market heft of Fan and Fred, they greatly contributed to the debasement of credit quality in the mortgage market generally. Wall Street got into the game in a big way, but Fannie and Freddie provided much of the fuel for lousy loans, encouraging subprime factories like Countrywide to crank out even more dubious paper. C ountrywide made t h e l o a ns and sold them to the governmentsponsored mortgage giants — transactions that provided capital for more loans. And of course when Fannie and Freddie bought those mortgages, they attached a taxpayer guarantee against default. By the end of 2007, as the looming crash was taking shape, the bubble had become enormous. Wall Street had leveraged itself to the hilt, financing much of its effort with shortterm money. When t h e lo u s y mo r t gages started defaulting and the complex bond packages backed by the nowsouring loans failed to perform as expected, the shakier firms couldn't renew their short-term credit. In 2008 the unraveling accelerated, first with Bear Stearnsand then spectacularly with Lehman, whose failure triggered a global credit panic. Two years ago, I had an exchange in an editorial board meeting with
act supporter Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, who at one point burst out, "There's no evidence that anyone told Fannie and Freddieto make bad loans." Never mind that Fannie and Freddie don't make direct loans, they buy them — and of course it was Congress itself that ordered the mortgage giants to buy "bad loans." Later, Cleaver sent me a five-page memo defending the act and its role in the debacle. Cleaver's comment showed that many in Washington were appallingly ignorant of the origins of the crisis and how the well-intentioned drive toward more "affordable hous-
ing" helped push mortgage lending into excess. Despite all this, Cleaver said one of his goals was to make the act even more "impactful," which
sounded as if he wanted more of what contributed to the problem in the first place. The study ought to end the debate over whetherthe act was one of the factors culpable in the housing bubble. It was. It helped debase credit standards and encouraged lending to people with bad or dubious credit, and when those loans were scooped up by Fan or Fred, taxpayers ended up on the hook. When I wrote about this two years ago, I noted that one result of the crash was that many of the people Cleaver says he wanted to help ended up financially ruined. One hopes that he can find the time to take a glance at that study. — E. Thomas McClanahan is a member of the Kansas City Star editorial board.
When lawmakers behave and prosecutors don't By Margaret Carlson Bloomberg News
WASHINGTONriting about the fiscal cliff is futile, especially now that we're over it. Who wants to spend time with a group of people who voluntarily set up a drop-dead event to force them to act and then decided that, actually, they'd rather drop dead — and take the country with them? Instead, I have opted for a satisfying detour into things that matter. (All-purpose disclaimer: I'm not saying that my usual subject, politics, doesn't matter. Just that this week it matters less than usual.) Ayear ago I wrote about Ammaria Johnson, a first-grader in Chesterfield, Va., who ate a peanut at recess, broke out in hives immediately, went into anaphylactic shock within minutes, and died after being rushed to the hospital. What could have saved her was right at hand: a relatively inexpensive device called an EpiPen. Because it was prescribed to another child, however, the school nurse couldn't use it. The Virginia legislature sprang into action. In April it passed legislation that corrected the rules that pre-
vented school officials from treating Ammaria on the spot. Local school boards now m ust k eep EpiPens on hand that can be used on any student. Other states have passed similar laws, and U.S. senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk, a Democrat and Republican from Illinois, have introduced a bill in Congress to get all states to follow suit. As rare as it is to find a responsive legislature, it's sadly easy to find prosecutorial misconduct, despite prosecutors' sworn duty "to seek justice, not merely to convict." In 2008, Sen. Ted Stevens, an Alaska Republican, was put on trial for not reporting gifts, mostly renovations to his modest house. He was so convinced of his innocence — he'd paid $160,000 to contractors for their work, far more than experts would testify it was worth — that he asked for a quick trial to remove the cloud over his head before the election in November. Instead, justice took a back seat to ambition. If you indict a sitting senator, you had better convict a sitting senator. Stevens was found guilty just days before voters went to the polls, largely because the prosecutors let their crucial witness lie on
the stand and hid evidence. Stevens lost re-election by about I percent of the vote. The verdict was eventually overturned, and a court-appointed special counsel issued a damning report indicting prosecutors for premeditated "concealment of s ignificant exculpatory evidence, which would have independently corroborated Sen. Stevens' defense and his testimony, and seriously damaged the testimony and credibility of the government's key witness." Stevens never got the satisfaction of reading that report. He was killed in a plane crash in August 2010. There was another casualty: Prosecutor Nicholas Marsh hanged himself at home shortly after the report was released. If a senator can't stand up to ambitious prosecutors, think how hard it is for the rest of us. Or just go see the new documentary "West of Memphis," about one of the worst cases of prosecutorial misconduct in U.S. history. It was a case that no one wanted to touch — including former presidential candidate and Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee. It took 18 years, three prior documentaries and attention from celebrities to get
three men out of prison for murders they did not commit. Afterthree 8-year-old boys were killed in 1993 in West Memphis, Ark., passions were high, and the police and prosecutors wanted a conviction. The trial was riddled with perjured testimony, ignored alibis, shoddy forensic work, suppressed evidence,a forced confession, an inept judge and incompetent defense lawyers. One man, Damien Echols, was sentenced to death as a result of the trial, while two others, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley, received life sentences. Appeals were unsuccessful. Even when DNA tests exonerated the men in 2007, the state stood by its conviction. (Many of the officials involved in the trial had won judgeships or, in one case, a seatin the A rkansas State Senate.) In 2011, having attracted talented and prominent defense lawyers, the men were finally released. Two of the most tired cliches in politics are that prosecutors are wellintentioned and legislators are lazy. The good news, and the bad news, is that neither is always true. Most of the time, maybe, but not always. — Margaret Carlsonis a Bloomberg columnist.
The man
who chose to say 'nay' WASHINGTONichael Bennet was supposed to be going off a cliff in Vail. But instead of his usual New Year's trip to a ski lodge with his wife and three daughters, the junior senator from Colorado found himself in a strange, unfamiliar place in the middle of the night: breaking with the president and his party to become one of only three Democratic senators and eight senators total to vote against President Barack Obama's fiscal deal. "I was a little surprised that the margin of the vote was so big," said a weary Bennet, who seemed a bit taken aback to be such an outlier. He was munching on a late-afternoon cheese steak sandwich at "George's, King of Falafel and Cheese Steaks." (The senator loves falafel, which his girls call "feel awful.") Long before Bennet came to work in the "land of flickering lights," as he mockingly calls the dysfunctional nation's capital where he grew up, Frank Capra dreamed him up. In a Congress thathas become opera bouffe,Bennet is the freckled blond choir boy singing a cappella. The 48-year-old senator looks like the Yale law student he once was, wearing a Jos. A. Bank plaid shirt, gray sweater and khakis. "These are the only clothes I have in Washington that's not a suit," he grins. As Katherine Boo wrote in The New Yorker, back when Bennet was the crusading Denver schools superintendent, his open face and amiable manner "only partly masked the intensity and severity of his judgments." Voting to let the country fall off the cliff was an audacious, even precocious, move by the Democratic golden boy and presidential pet — one that, oddly, put him on the side of Marco Rubio and Rand Paul rather than Obama and Joe Biden. "It is an interesting group," he deadpanned about the naysayers. He also had to go against Majority Leader Harry Reid, who anointed the freshman tobe the new leader of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Bennet, the future of his party, comes from the fertile territory of the Mountain West. Asked if his vote was a way to stake out some centrist and independent territory for a future White House run, he demurred, "No, no, no." Appointed in 2009 and little known in his state, he managed to survive the conservative wave that swept out so many Democrats in 2010 and his coalition of Hispanics and women became the model for the Obama campaign in Colorado in 2012. Democrats are counting on Bennet to recruit a new generation of candidates who will broaden the appeal and geographic reach of the party. He voted "nay" because the deal did not have meaningful deficit reduction, explaining: "Going over the cliff is a lousy choice and continuing to ignore the fiscal realities that we face is a lousy choice." He said he thinks the president wants serious deficit cuts but is dealing with people "so intransigent I'm not sure they could be brought to an agreement that's meaningful in the absence of going over the cliff. But it's a terrible thing to say. People at home are so bone-tired of these outcomes." He said his focus now is the same as when he was the Denver superintendent trying to get more poor kids to stay in school. "The burden of proof has to shift from the people who want to change the system to the people who want to keep it the same," he said. "I think if we can get people focused to do what we need to do to keep our kids from being stuck with this debt that they didn't accrue, you might be surprised at how far we can move this conversation." He thinks the trouble is not so much a clash of Democratic and Republican orthodoxies as it is a clash of past and future. "I think the inhabitants of the past are fighting hard to keep the rents they acquired in the 20th century," he satd. I noted that his wife said that his special skill is knowing the difference between worthy challenges and impossible ones. He laughed, then mused: "This may be one of the impossible ones. But we have to do it. I know this country is not going to allow itself to go bankrupt. It's challenging, though, because in this town there are all kinds of people whose job it is to obfuscate the facts." Then the exhausted senator left to see "Skyfall." The one with James Bond, not John Boehner.
— Maureen Dowd is a columnist for The New York Times.
F4 ©
is perfect suspense
ew 0 0 S 0 0 0 i n o in
"Shiver" by Karen Robards (Gallery
Books, 400 pgs., $25) By Lezlie Patterson
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
No one does heart-stopping, nail-biting, riveting romantic suspense better than Karen Robards. "Shiver" is no exception. This is just an outstanding book, well-written with an enthralling story, engaging characters and spellbinding suspense. Sam is a single mother,
struggling to pay her bills and raise her almost-5year-old son. She drives a tow truck, repossessing cars during the night while her son sleeps. Danny is an undercover FBI agent, posing as a corrupt federal agent-turnedfederal witness. Danny's job is to draw the bad guys' attention, keeping the witness safe and alive to testify against a nasty cartel. Danny does his job too well. Sam unwittingly rescues Danny from certain torture and death, but in the process turns her life into a nightmare. Suddenly, Sam and her son's lives are in danger, and she finds herself in a surreal situation hiding from evil men and not knowing who to trust. The fact t h a t D a n ny can't reveal his true identity doesn't help matters. While you really, really want Danny to confess his real identity and reveal to Sam that he is one of the good guys she can trust,
By Margaret Slattery «Foreign Policy
Plotting your Kindle downloads for the coming year'? From war memoirs to digital manifestos, presses in the months ahead. "The Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Plot to Change the American War" by Fred Kaplan (January) Amid the scandal surrounding David Petraeus' resignation as CIA director this past fall, many have asked whether the gen e r al's much-touted military reputation
"Going to Tehran: Why the United States Must Come to Terms with the Islamic Republic of Iran" by Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett (January) Former officials in the CIA, State Department and National Security Council between the two of them, Flynt and Hillary Mann L e v erett GoiNG TQ have long called ~H FtAN for th e U n ited INSIIIIgpITS w>11 hold up. I n h i s n e w States to engage book, n ational w ith I r an. A f " P .'tt,trt tt N sec u rit y re- ter h e ightened porter Fr ed r hetoric f r o m K aplan, w h o Israeli and U.S. writes Slate's "War politicians and Stories" column, examines the commentators in 2012, the centerpiece ofPetraeus' pre- Mann Leverett duo's sure to be CIA record: leading a group controversial new book argues of military minds to rescue that concerns about Iran's nuU.S. efforts in A f g hanistan clear program have been overand Iraq by promoting their blown. The country is ready for " counterinsurgency" str a t - a change, they say, calling for a egy. Drawing on dozens of bold overture from the United interviews, documents and States akin to Richard Nixon's e-mails, Kaplan explains how historic visit to China. these COINdinistas made tac"Invisible Armies: An Epic Histics like targeting insurgents in key villages and "nationtory of Guerrilla Warfare from building" into U.S. policy. Ancient Times to the Present"
by Max Boot (January) A Memoir"
Robards does a good job of
by Stanley McChrystal
making the i m possibility of that seem real. So while Sam is i n credulous that she's falling in love with a criminal, there is nothing Danny can do but let her think that. Withoutanyspoilers,here is the premise: Danny, Sam and her son Tyler spend most of the book avoiding the bad guys. Danny falls in love with Sam, but tries to refrain from showing it so he can keep his focus on keeping them all alive and safe. Sam falls in love with Danny, but tries to fight it because she thinks he's a criminal facing jail time.
BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the bestsellers for weekending Dec. 29. Hardcover fiction
1. "The Racketeer" by John Grisham (Doubleday) 2. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn (Crownj 3. "Threat Vector" by TomClancy (Putnam) 4. "The CasualVacancy" by J.K. Rowling (Little, Brown) 5. "Merry Christmas, Alex Cross" by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 6."Notorious Nineteen" by Janet Evanovich (Bantamj 7."The Forgotten" by David Baldacci (GrandCentral) 8. "Cross Roads" byWilliam Paul Young (FaithWords) 9."The LastMan"byVince Flynn (Atria) 10. "The Black Box" by Michael Connelly (Little, Brown) Hardcover nonfiction
1. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly (Henry Holt) 2."Thomas Jefferson" by Jon Meacham (RandomHouse) 3. "No Easy Day" by Mark Owen (Dutton) 4. "Barefoot Contessa Foolproof" by lna Garten (Clarkson Potter) 5. "Guinness World Records" by Guinness World Records (Guinness World Records) 6. "America Again" by Stephen Colbert (GrandCentral) 7."WheatBellyCookbook"by William Davis (Rodale) 8. "I Declare" by JoelOsteen (FaithWordsj 9. "Help, Thanks, Wow" by Anne Lamott (Riverhead) 10. "The Signal andthe Noise" by Nate Silver (Pengttin) — McClatchy-TribuneNewsService
"China Goes Global:
here are several new books that will be hot off the
"My Share of the Task:
Speaking of controversial U.S. generals, the man Petraeus replaced in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, will release his memoir in the new year. The outspoken retired four-stargeneral's book traces his careerback to his days at West Point and through to his time as commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, promising to " f r ankly explore the major episodes and controversies of his eventful career." Assuming that refers to McChrystal's 2010 firing after the publication of a Rolling Stone article that portrayed him as contemptuous of President Barack Obama, the book has the potential to make some news.
under-regulated financial system collapsed and in turn infected the rest of the world.
Guerrilla warfare isn't a novelty in the post-9/11 era, says Max Boot, but instead has been a potent, persistent feature throughout military history. A senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who has also advised commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan (as well as the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney), Boot traces the trajectory of insurgent groups across history who stirred up trouble for figures as far back as Alexander the Great and today are a key obstacle in the fight against terrorism.
The Partial Power"
by David Shambaugh (February) "The Devouring Dragon: How China's Rise Threatens Our Natural World"
by Craig Simons (March) China's rise is hardly news, but the rest of the world is in
many ways still grappling with the consequences of this new global power — the focus of three books out beginning early next spring. David Shambaugh, a China scholar at George Washington University, takes a broad view, charting China's vast economic reach and growing but still limited military might, while arguing that the country still "punches way below its weight" when it comes to international diplomacy and cultural influence. Meanwhile, Craig Simons, a China-based environmental journalist, documents the ecological devastation, both at home and abroad, that has been the byproduct of China's rise — from the Three Gorges Dam's impact on wildlife and soil along the Yangtze River to deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, where trees have been felled and land cleared to meet China's vast demand for soybean oil and beef.
"Comandante: Hugo Chavez's Venezuela" by Rory Carroll (March) As Hugo Chavez appears to fade, most recently delegating power to his vice president, Rory Carroll, a former Latin America bureau chief for the Guardian, is set to publish a timely
tjgg gN't
b i ography of the Venezuelan president. P r o mis-
chief Bo Xilai, two Chinese writers are looking back at how the story unfolded — from the murder of a British businessman in November 2011 to the conv iction o f B o ' s wife this past August. Pin Ho, a New York-based publisher of Chi-
nese-language books and magazines who has been critical of the Chinese government's handling of the scandal, and Wenguang Huang, a writer and translator who recently published the memoir "The Little Red Guard," promise a narrative based on "high-level sources and inside information," as well as analysis of how Bo's downfall and its aftermath could shape Chinese politics and economics at a crucial time of transition for the country.
by Christian Caryl (May) Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in China. The Iranian Revolution. Pope John Paul II's visit to Poland. Margaret Thatcher's election as British prime minister. It was by all accounts a historic year, and in his new book Christian Caryl, a Foreign Policy editor and writer, connects the dots between the major geopolitical events of 1979: They were linked, he argues, "by the impulse o f c o u nterrevolution, whether against Soviet communism, social d emocracy, modernizing authoritarianism, or Maoism run amok" — and by the influence they would have on the global events of the next century as welL "Presidential Leadership and the
Creation of the American Era" by JosephS.Nye (May)
In the thick of the 2012 presidential election, it was someof a City Transformed" times easy to forget a crucial by Ahdaf Soueif (April) question lurking behind the It was nearly two years ago daily campaign spats: Just that Egyptians first took to the what can the U.S. president do streets to topple their longtime in the realm of foreign policy? leader, and in her new book Harvard University's Joseph the writer Ahdaf Soueif looks Nye takes a comparative, hisback at the weeks she spent torical approach to this quesin Tahrir S quare watching tion, looking back at presidenthe city of her birth transform cies from Teddy Roosevelt to before her eyes. Soueif, whose George H.W. Bush to examine novel "The Map of Love" was how various commanders in short-listed for t h e B o oker chief have managed to shape Prize in 1999 and who now America's position onthe world regularly writes political com- stage,forbetterorforw orse. mentary for t h e G u ardian, "The World Is a Carpet: Four is well-positioned to grapple with the complicated legacy Seasons in an Afghan Village" of the Arab Spring in her still by Anna Badkhen (May) rapidly changing hometown, War correspondent and Forwhich today, for a variety of eign Policy contributor Anna reasons,isa far cry from the Badkhen has been traveling to peaceful city where she re- Afghanistan since 2001 to docmembers growing up. ument the U.S. war's toll on the
"Cairo: Memoir
"Russians: The People
Behind the Power" IiliiIFN+ i n g an "intimate by Gregory Feijer (April) "Fragile Empire: How Russia tt5> t~ttttttu piece of reportage" based on Fell In and Out of Love with interviews with Vladimir Putin" Chavez'sministers,aides and by Ben Judah (June) "The Myth of Martyrdom: What courtiers, as well as VenezuHow to explain Vladimir Really Drives Suicide Bombers, elan citizens, "Comandante" Putin's Russia, which often Shooters, and Other Self-DetracesChavez's rise to,and in- hovers somewhere between structive Killers" creasing grip on, power over the bizarreand the fearsome? by Adam Lankford (January) the years — from his seizure Greogry Feifer, a ~ fo r m er N ational An assistant professor of of the Venezuelan oil industry criminal justice at the Univer- to his creation of a personality Public Radio corsity of Alabama, Adam Lank- cult (including his longtime TV ~ respondent in "The Big Truck That Went By: ford decided to examine what show ";Alo Presidente!") to his Moscow and auHow the World Came to Save motivates suicide bombers. growing suppression of politithor of a well-reHaiti and Left Behind a Disaster" Poring over interviews,case cal opponents. ceived account by Jonathan Katz (January) studies, suicide of the S oviet "Farewell, Fred Voodoo: "Democracy in Retreat: The notes and other THf gy'I invasion of AfoF A Letter from Haiti" sources, LankRevolt of the Middle Class and ghanistan, draws on eight RtloM the Worldwide Decline of Rep- years of reporting in Russia to by Amy Wilentz (January) ford concludes, MARTY Two promising books about contrary to resentative Government" try to explain, from the inside, Haiti — and the far from prom- many psycholoby Joshua Kurlantzick how Russians view their leader ising state it still finds itself ingists and politi(March) and their sometimes puzzling are setto be released upon the cal s cientists, Two years after a wave of place in the world. In "Fragile Empire," Ben Juthree-year anniversary of the t hat su i c i de democratic uprisings swept the earthquake that bombers do not act simply in Arab World, Council on Foreign dah, aformer Reuters reporter d evastated t h e the name of a political or reli- Relations fellow Joshua Kurbased in Moscow, considers country in 2010. gious cause, but instead have a lantzick takes a far Putin's standing as Russia asJ onathan K a t z clinical suicidal impulse; their more sober view serts itself economically, paris a j o u rnalist acts are attempts to escape of global political ticularly as an energy power, who witnessed >,'-'®„'. depression, anxiety and other progress, arguing while mass opposition prothe earthquake personal hardships, Lankford that a "spate of re- ~ ET~ EAT tests that began in December and covered its finds. His book, which has 2011 threaten the two-time fallout, includearned advance praise from cies" are not outpresident at home. ing the often dysfunctional both government officials and liers but a trend "Beyond War: Technology, Ecoresponse from th e i n terna- psychologists, feels especially — democracy is tional community; his report- timely amid th e d i scussion in decline. Countries once nomic Growth, and American ing revealed, for instance, that surrounding mental h e alth considered emerging democra- Influence in a New Middle East" U.N. peacekeepers were likely a nd mass shootings in t h e cies, like Brazil and India, "have by David Rohde (April) the source of a choleraepi- United States. not only failed to step up as Drawing on nearly a decade demic that killed thousands of global advocates of democrati- of reporting and analysis for "After the Music Stopped: The zation," Kurlantzick says, "but The New York Times, Reuters Haitians after the quake. His book investigates why some Financial Crisis, the Response, have, in many cases, moved in and the Atlantic, Pulitzer Prize $16.3 billion in i nternational and the Work Ahead" the other direction, propping winner David Rohde takes a pledges has amounted to so by Alan S. Blinder (January) up some of the world's most sweeping look at U.S. foreign little progress in the country. More than fouryears after authoritarian gov e r nments policy in the Middle East since Amy Wilentz, a Los Ange- the 2008 financial collapse and — helping preservethe same 9/11. He lambastes the United les-based writer who earned with the 2012 election behind kind of repressive regimes they States for wasting lives and praise for "The Rainy Season: us, Alan Blinder — the Princ- themselvesoften had escaped, money in Afghanistan and Iraq Haiti Since Duvalier in 1989," eton economist who served on reinforcing divides, and often and for failing to use nonmilioffers a more impressionistic, Bill Clinton's Council of Eco- siding with autocrats against tary weapons — consumerism, hopeful look at the country in nomic Advisers and as vice Western democracies." investment an d t e chnology "Farewell, Fred Voodoo." Mix- president of the Federal Re— to win over allies, namely "A Death in the Lucky Holiday ing memoir, history and curserve in the 1990s — has a new moderate Muslims. M oderrent events, Wilentz weaves book billed as among the most Hotel: Murder, Money, and an ates in the Middle East long for together a kind of profile writ c omprehensive looks at t h e Epic Power Struggle in China" American goods and educalarge of the Haitian people, economic downturn. Blinder by Pin Ho and Wenguang tion, Rohde says, arguing that documenting th e r e silience argues that the global crisis can Huang (A pril) they are also the only people with which they face what be traced to the "bond bubble" Nearly one year after the ultimately capable of rooting seems likeendless hardship. in the United States, where an dismissal of Chongqing party out militancy in their midst. ~
"Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century"
Afghan people. Her latest book, "The World Is a Carpet," chooses as its backdrop the small village of Oqa, where Badkhen chronicles the community's creation of a carpet that over the course of the four seasons comes to embody and reflect thebroader changes and challenges the village faces. "Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Connection" by Ethan Zuckerman (June) Come summer, media guru Ethan Zuckerman, director of MIT's Center for Civic Media, has a new book about why technology falls short when
it comes to bringing people around the w o rld t ogether. Despite vast improvements in connectivity made possible by the Internet and social media, Zuckerman argues we've failed to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by globalization. But by "rewiring" tools already in place, he says, humans are fully capable of breaking down cultural, linguistic, and national boundaries.
"My Isl©m: How Fundamentalism Stole My Mind — And Doubt Freed My Soul" by Amir Ahmad Nasr (June) From Iran's Green Revolution to the Arab Spring, the world has watched the Internet spark andfueluprisings across the Middle East and North Africa in recent years. Raised in Sudan and Qatar as a devout Muslim, Amir A h mad Nasr was among those young Muslims who took to the web, first
blogging anonymously in 2006 before revealing his identity in 2011, amid the year's wave of Arab uprisings. Now, the cheeky voice behind "Sudanese Thinker"describes in his first book a personal journey — how the Internet "opened his eyes and heart to a world beyond the conspiracy theories and religious fundamentalism of his early youth."
An actor, $5 and a screen test in 1930s
A care u writer sta st etrut
a out Scientoo
"The Entertainer:
Movies, Magic andMy
"Going Clear: Scientology,
Father's 20th Century" by Margaret Talbot (River-
Celebrity, and the Prison of Belief" by Lawrence Wright
head,418 pgs., $28.95)
By Craig Seligman
Bloomberg News
As a contract player at Warner Bros. in the early 1 930s, Lyle T albot w a s groomed for stardom. He didn't make it. By the '50s he'd been reduced to roles in Ed Wood moviesand an
ongoing part as a neighbor on "Ozzie and Harriet." A moodier man might have seen himself as a failure. But as his daughter, Margaret Talbot, recounts in her affectionate biography-cum-history, "The Entertainer," h e a l w a y s thought his life had been touched by luck. A fter a ll , d u r in g t h e worst years of the Depression he was living the high life in H ollywood. Once, at the Cocoanut Grove, he nearly came to blows with Clark Gable over Carole Lombard, with whom he'd starred in th e 1932 "No More Orchids." Later, he wa s a l ways able to make a living doing what he loved: acting. And after four short-lived marriages, he found a prize in his fifth wife, who was 26
years younger. They were together for 40 years. Their four kids all grew up to make them proud. The author — the youngest — has had a distinguished career in magazines and is now a staff writer for the New Yorker. Surprisingly, this is her first book. In a way, it's like a gargantuan New Yorker article. She seems to have assumed that a biography of a minor American actor wouldn't hold sufficient interest for a wide audience and to have felt she needed to turn it i nto something richer. ( She's i n h erited h e r modesty from her father. In 1933, a Variety reporter wrote, "Talbot seems a pretty regular guy. Made a quick jump upward in film circles, but hasn't let it stampede him. G i ves a ll th e c r edit t o l u c k y
breaks.") The arc of his life gave her the opportunity. Born in 1902 and brought up in a small Nebraska town, Lyle Talbot started on the lowest rung of show business as a carnival barker, then worked as a h y p notist's assistant, a vaudeville performer and, finally, a touring actor. He had a disastrous debut: Playing a drunk who was supposed t o e n t er and slug the star, Talbot knocked him out cold. He stayed on the road for 10 years, rising to leadingman status and at one point starting his own company. Then the Depression hit. He was stranded in Dallas in 1930, his funds down to $5, when the invitation for a screen testarrived from Hollywood. As so often, he was in luck. During the silent era, Hollywood had tended to look down on stage actors; with the advent of the talkies, it needed them. After reading the story, it made me sorry that Lyle T albot d i dn't l i v e l o n g enough (that is, to the age of 110) to read his daughter's tribute and feel the full measure of his luck.
New York Times News Service
Benjamin Rasmussen i New York Times News Service
Lauren Myracle, a novelist, relaxes at home with her children in Fort Collins, Colo. Myracle's novels take an uncensored look at the lives of children and teenagers, which has won her plenty of young fans — and lots of criticism from some older readers.
u orisnosran er 0 Wfl Ill COll I'OVefS By Catherine Saint Louis New York Times News Service
Lauren Myracle has been called Satan, a pedophile and a corrupter of youth, yet her series of books about a trio of Atlanta teenagers, written entirely in text messages, has sold a total of 1.5 million copies. She has been hailed as this generation's Judy Blume for her candor, but outraged parents have lobbied to ban her books, which tackle topics like erections, that awkward first bra purchase and clueless flirting that leads one sophomore to have a hot-tub encounter with a t e acher. (Spoiler: Her BBFs rescue her in the nick of time.) With 17 tween and teen novelsunder her be lt,Myracle, 43, a newly divorced mother of three, ruffles feathers because she unflinchingly addresses the pitfalls o f a d olescence. Many people would prefer that she not write about teenagers dancing topless at a boozy frat party, or smoking marijuana to impress a friend with benefits. While she understands their impulse to protect children, she feels it is more dangerous to k eep k n owledge from them. "Give your kid some credit forbeing smart — justbecause they read about something doesn't mean they will do it," she said. "Fiction is a safe place to explore." Lastyear, Myracle'sso-called Internet girls series — consisting of the titles "ttyl," "ttfn," and
d ®g
If she is Satan, then this devil has been cast against type. She is a sweet-toothed baker, a hugger with hints of a Southern twang, and a lively chatterbox whose house has sock-puppet portraits on the walls. Myracle,dressed in jeans and a T-shirt that reveals an around-the-bicep vine tattoo, has made her home the go-to gathering place for her children — Al, 14, Jamie, 11, and Mirabelle, 7 — and their friends after school. (A ready supply of Dr Pepper and brownies cer-
folder for them. After reading "The Fashion Disaster That Changed My Life," one mother of a 12year-old girl wrote to say she
disliked how giggling seventhgraders dared one another to s c ream "honey-roasted penis!" at a sleepover party as a prank on the host mother, who thought they were saying "peanuts." "Why can't kids be kids and not throw this kind of stuff at them'?" wrote the mother, who also fretted about the offhanded mentionof a "menage a trois." Myracle, who says she often answers vitriolic letters because she's a "good Southern girl," wrote back, "Kids do talk about sex in the 7th grade. Sometimes, seeing this reflected in a book (that overall has a very moral message) can give them a safe place to process it." Myracle, perhaps not surprisingly, doesn't blush when discussing potentially cringeworthy topics with her children. She and Jamie had a good laugh about the fact that when they first watched "Gangnam Style," they thought the rap-
per Psy was saying "Condom
tainly helps.)
Store." "Lauren's life is very much threadedthroughher children's lives," said Myracle's sister, the novelist Susan Rebecca White, adding, "It's very different than the parents in a Charlie Brown novel where the adults are outside of the world the kids live in." "18r, g8r" (ask a youngperson to Myracle has used some of decipher the texting language) her own teenage blunders as — topped the list of challenged ter-not-be-sniffing-glue way). fodder for the books — she and banned books nationwide, But she also wants to be the says that she was the girl who according to the American Li- first to know their latest crush, ended up in a hot tub with a brary Association's Office for if they've set up a Glassboard teacher before "I realized I was Intellectual Freedom. (Angela (a private social network), and in trouble." Maycock, its assistant director, how they are coping after she Her mother, Ruth White, said estimated that only 20 to 25 per- and their father divorced in that when Lauren was younger cent of challenges to books on June after 17 years. — part of a blended family with It's been a hard but fruit- six children in Atlanta — she school or public library shelves are reported.) Earning such a ful year for Myracle. Her own kept journals, read whatever rankingrequires a groundswell soul-searching has deepened she wanted and had a habit of of people going to their libraries her empathy for the young peo- buttonholing adults. "She would say, 'Tell me and declaring, "This is trash," ple she writes about. "Figuring Maycock explained. out who I am again — it's a par- what it was like when you When her books were first allel to adolescence," she said. were in the third grade,'" Ruth banned in2007, Myracle apoloHer aim, she said, is to write White recalled. Myracle gets gized to Susan Van Metre, her about sex without a "soft fade" her name from her father, Don editor at Abrams Books. — as in cutting from "he leaned Myracle, who still lives in her "She was shook up," Van Me- in for a kiss" to "they lay in bed, birthplace, Brevard, N.C., but tre recalled. But the author has naked, smiling." She wants to he pronounces it MY-racle, become accustomed to contro- fill in the blanks, because kids while Lauren pronounces it "miracle." versy, Van Metre said. "She's are curiousabout the mechangrown to be proud of it for what ics, and deciding when first to At her private Christian high it represents in terms of being have sex has inherent drama. school, she was a friend to lon" Sometimes I w o r r y I ' m ers, more interested in hanging honest with kids, and bearing the brunt of parental fear." writing 'Fifty Shades of Grey' out with motorcycle riders than These days, Myracle does for teenagers, but I'm n ot," cheerleaders, got top grades seem more comfortable playing Myracle, dressed in f uchsia and had a posse of girlfriends the role of lightning rod. When jeans with rose-colored boo- nicknamed "the Beer Bros." she provides a visitor directions ties, said over lunch. "It is sexuEarly in her career, she said, to her Craftsman bungalow ally explicit. It's sexy." someone asked her at a book in Fort Collins, Colo., she said, Over the years, so many up- reading why she writes about "Look for the one that brings setparents have emailed Myr- teenagers. She replied, "Bethe neighborhood down!" acle that she set up a special cause I haven't yet grown up." "I've always wanted to be the house that all the kids come to," she said. "So far it's working." Why? "Because then I know," she replied. On the parenting continuum, Myracle hits a midpoint between laid back and nosy. She wants to know what her kids are up to (in a they'd-bet-
"Tiger Rag" (The Dial Press) By Kendal Weaver The Associated Press
Buddy Bolden is a jazz legend whose powerful, original sound at the turn of the last century was so enthralling that some now call him the first big star of that lively American art form. But his own star died quickly.
Increasingly erratic, even vio- — and ending at the center of a lent, he was institutionalized in full-blown mystery. Louisiana in 1907 when he was To this day, no recording of still in his late 20s and before the Bolden has been found. Historiword"jazz" had even entered the cal accounts indicate at least musical lexicon. He died without one session was captured on an ever performing in arocking, Edison cylinder, the clunky resmoke-filled dub again. cording equipment of the time. Nicholas Christopher, in his And as "Tiger Rag" opens, new novel, "Tiger Rag," brings Christopher recreates that sesBolden back to life, full of out- sion and sets spinning a movsize charm and drive, a virtu- ing, page turner of a story that oso on his beloved cornet, but spans a century. quickly losing his mental grip It also spans four generations
of Dr. Ruby Cardillo's family in 2010. A highly regarded 48-year-old a n esthesiologist, Ruby's husband, a w e althy cardiologist, has divorced her to marry his 26-year-old girlfriend — almost the same age as theirdaughter, 25-year-old Devon, a troubled jazz pianist and would-be journalist fighting her own demons. Christopher weaves the narrative by moving back and forth in time and place.
do that?" he said. "Scientology is probably the most stigmatized religion in America already. But I'm fascinated by it and by what drives people to
Scientology, especially given
By Charles Mcgrath AUSTIN, Texas — The writer L awrence W r ight doesn't seem at all the sort o f person you'd find i n public w e aring a black cowboy shirt emblazoned w ith bi g w h i t e b uffaloes. H e ' s shy, soft-spoken, a little professorial. But as i f he didn't have enough to d o , be s i des working on three plays s i m ultaneously and getting ready to publish a new book in two weeks, Wright has been taking piano lessons with Floyd Domino, the two-time Grammy winner, and on a recent Saturday, in his buffalo shirt, he played in a concert at the Victory Grill here with the band WhoDo. Wright was at the keyboard, and sang solo on " Sixty-Minute Man" a n d the Count Basie tune "She's Funny That Way." Not bad for a bookworm. "I decided a while ago that I would only do things that are really important or really fun," Wright said. "This is really fun." More fun, probably, than dealing with lawyers. His new book, "Going Clear: Scientology, Celebrity, and
its image." He added: "There are many countries where you can only believe more or you can believe less. But in the United States we have this incredible smorg asbord, and it r e ally interests me why people are drawn to one faith rather than another, especially to a system of belief that to an outsider s eems absurd o r
Wright, w h o se p revious boo k , " The L oo m i n g Tower: AI-Qaida and the Road to 9/11," won the Pulitzer Prizein 2007, is no stranger to writing about secretive organizations. In the case of Scientology, he said, he had been looking for what he calls a "donkey" — a character strong and sympathetic enough to carry a complicated story. "I don't mean it in a disparaging way," he explained. "A donkey is a very useful beast of burden." In 2010 he finally found one in Paul Haggis, the winner of back-to-back Oscars for "Million Dollar Baby," which he wrote, and "Crash," which he wrote and directed, who defected from Scientology in 2009, after 34 years in the church, during which he rose to one of its highest ranks. the Prison of Belief" (Knopf) In 2011, Wright published a is about the famously liti- profile of Haggis in The New gious Church of Scientol- Yorker, and in the course of ogy, and he said he has re- the fact-checking process ceived innumerable threat- Tommy Davis, the i nternaening letters from lawyers tional spokesman for Scientolrepresenting the church or ogy, did Wright an unwitting some of the celebrities who favor. He showed up in The belong to it. (Transworld, New Yorker offices with four Wright's British publisher, lawyers and 47 white bindrecently canceled its plans ers full of material about the to publish "Going Clear," church. "I suppose the idea was to though a spokeswoman insisted that the decision was drown me i n i n f ormation," not made in response to Wright recalled, "but it was like threats from the church.) trying to pour water on a fish. I The book — which re- looked on those binders with a counts the history of Scien- feeling of absolute joy." tology through the interwoIn all, Wright spoke to some ven stories of key figures 200 currentand former Scienlike L. Ron Hubbard, the re- tologists, only a few of whom ligion's founder, and celeb- i nsisted on a n onymity. H e rity Scientologists like John started with Haggis, he said, Travolta and Tom Cruise and one name ledto another. claims among o ther It helped that, starting in 2009, things that the church has a number of high-ranking ofvirtually imprisoned some ficials had broken from the of its members, threaten- church and began talking to ing blackmail if they try to the St. Petersburg Times, now leave, and that its current called the Tampa Bay Times. leader, David M i scavige, (The spiritual headquarters of has physically abused some Scientology is in nearby Clearof his underlings. water, Fla.) "The church for decades has The book won't do anything to enhance the im- been moppingup as much inage of Scientology, already formation as they can," Wright diminished by Janet Reit- said. "That's why there are so man's 2011 book, "Inside few photographs in the book. enced people Scientology: The History of They've alsosil the World's Most Secretive through nondisclosure agreeReligion." ments and through intimidaIn a s t atement, Karin tion. But this has not been a Pouw, a Scientology spokes- perfect job on the part of the woman, said Wright and church. "There are a lot of people out his publisher refused to provide a copy of the book in there who were very high up advance and "showed little in the church and know a lot interest in receiving input" about it who have become outfrom the church. "The por- spoken. I'm very lucky to come tions you cite from the book along at a time when a lot of are preposterous lies," she these people are ready to talk." said, adding that "the allegation about Mr. Miscavige is false and defamatory." But Wright insists that he did not set out to write an expose. "Why would I bother to
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T HE N E W Y O R K T I M E S C R O S S W O R D PLUS TEN By Steve Savoy / Edited by Will Shortz
55 Early seventh-
I Working hour s
century year
7 Bit of a t r i c k l e 11 Rental car add-on
56 Singer Falana and others
1 4 Series of r o u n d s
57 Ellipsoidal
18 Unlikely to su r p ri se
59 Handel's " Leandro"
1 9 Megan of " W i l l k . Grace"
60 At f ul l
6 3 Movies often w i t h
27 Chuck of NBC News 28 Grub around
71 World ca p i tal th a t's
31 Parched
32 Scale 33 Hosen material 3 4 Two bottled l i q u i d s kept in a cabinet? 37 Language that is mostly monosyllabic
3 9 Lifeguard's skil l , for short 4 0 Suffix w i t h d i r e c t 41 Some red spots
81 Forbes competitor
87 God holding a
90 Fro m
53 58
28 Fix t he colori ng o f,
say 93
30 Cymric
1 03 1 0 4
1 00 10 1
38 One out?
42 Poor
110 114
115 118
44 Over
2 Some baton wielders 3 Like stoc k s
52 Less
4 5 Figaro in "T h e Barber of Sevil l e," e.g.
73 Gril led cheese s andwich go-w i t h 76 "Don't No body
5 8 Examine careful l y 6 0 Insts. of learni n g
46 "Gangsta's Paradise" buyer?
61 Capone henchman
Bring Me No Bad News" musical,
6 3 Elusive Af r i c a n
w ith " T h e "
48 Empathetic response
6 "Silas Marner" author
93 Musical composition about a lumberjack' s
64 Unmiti g ated
For any three answers, call from a touch-tone hone: 1-900-285-5656,
7 Mendeleev who created the periodic table
49 "Time, the devourer of all t h i n g s" writer
66 Dr.
8 0 Invit e to t h e penthouse suite,
8 Regrets
50 Skewed to one side 5 1 It juts i nto t h e Persian Gulf
9 Timeworn
yo u !"
1 02 Equilibr i a
88 Hold stuff
103 Skin disorder
92 Goes without nourishment
104 White shade
107 Singer
94 Detox patients
77 Logical start?
67 "I' m
85 Pro
110 Morse dashes
96 Skirt
a l im b
9 7 "Just w a tc h m e ! "
113 Mil . t eam l e ader
98 Hops dryer
114 Panasonic competitor
100 Bantu language
69 Do
8 3 Retiri n g
70 Pacifiers
8 4 Mail l e t t e r s
M ari e
109 Glow
95 Gunner's tool
5 Purse item
9 9 Home terri t o r i e s
52 57
91 Tiny chastisement
54 Drain cleaner, chemically
1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800814-5554.
4 3 One having a li t t l e lamb
communications, for short
8 9 Expert fi n i s h ?
chips, say
4 Modern
17 Jazz pianist McCoy
36 Alter nat i ves to
120 Sonny
I Strai ghten ou t
breakfast item?
35 A.T.M. maker
119 Bronte heroine
82 Green room
32 Dragged (on)
122 Analyzes, in a way
80 Covering
16 Handy
31 Petal pusher?
121 El
79 Hoppy pub quaff
23 Whizzed
118 Part of an applause-o-meter
47 Champion model fair?
at knic k k n ack stores?
75 "Well, l o ok y t h ere !"
8 6 Onetime high fl i e r s
53 Know-
15 Like Ben-Hur and c ompany when n o t racing?
21 Pope Agatho's successor
117 Fabricates
7 4 Lions' di n
77 Have one's cake and
2 0 Pretti f y
7 2 Volatil e st u f f
44 Early education m aker at th e c o u n t y
I t s employees might have jumper cables: Abbr.
116 Golfer Norman and others
76 Sweet-talked, maybe
1 4 Eponymous It a l i a n city
113 Try-before-youbuy opportunities
1 3 The "S" of O S : Abbr.
home to Zog I
12 Go laboriously
112 Shortstop
68 20 cigarettes per u nit and 10 u n i t s per carton, e.g.?
29 Zero-calorie cooler
6 5 Wacky exer c i se regimen?
former te a m m a t es
1 1 Went smoothl y
110 Stunner
26 Peyton Manning's
105 Paperback publisher si nc e 1941
1 09 Wally of c o o k i e fame
s p e ed
62 Blather
25 Suffix w i t h h u m an
108 Swore
22 Sign-off fo r Spanish 24 Wee
10 Heavy-duty protection
106 Siege weapon
21 High
103 Division of biology
101 One way to deny something
1 15 Certain ut i l . workers
5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES
Monday.. . . . . . . . . . Tuesday .. . . . . . . . . Wednesday.. . . . . . . Thursday.. . . . . . . . . Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Real Estate .. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . Sunday.. . . . . . . . . .
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Mis c . Items
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Schools g Training
Bend Habitat Look What I Found! CARD DEBT NOW! RESTORE 5-shelf plastic stand, 1 You'll find a little bit of Cut payments by up Building Supply Resale @ $49; 2 f o r $ 8 9. everything in to half. Stop creditors Quality at LOW The Bulletin's daily 541-948-4413 from calling. PRICES garage and yard sale 866-775-9621. 740 NE 1st section. From clothes For newspaper 541-312-6709 (PNDC) to collectibles, from delivery, call the Open to the public. housewares to hardCall The Bulletin At Circulation Dept. at ware, classified is 541-385-5800 541-385-5809 always the first stop for 266 To place an ad, call Place Your Ad Or E-Mail cost-conscious Heating 8 Stoves 541-385-5809 consumers. And if At: or email you're planning your H ampton Ba y fr e e - Bionaire indoor low pro- own garage or yard standing 3-speed fan, file heaters (2), $45 ea, sale, look to the clas$80 both. 541-948-4413 $99. 541-948-4413 sifieds to bring in the Highspeed Internet EVbuyers. You won't find NOTICE TO Prompt Delivery ERYWHERE By Sata better place ADVERTISER Rock, Sand 8 Gravel ellite! Speeds up to for bargains! Since September 29, Multiple Colors, Sizes 12mbps! (200x faster 1991, advertising for Call Classifieds: Instant Landscaping Co. than dial-up.) Starting used woodstoves has 541-385-5809 or 542 -389-9663 email at $49.95/mo. CALL been limited to NOW 8 G O F A ST! els which have been SUPER TOP SOIL 1-888-718-2162. c ertified by the O r - wwwiaershe 286 (PNDC) egon Department of Screened, soil & com- Sales Northeast Bend post m i x ed , no Mangle/Ironer, 30" W x Environmental Qualrocks/clods. High hu36" H, new wiring, $200 ity (DEQ) and the fed- m obo. 54f-385-3f80 eral E n v ironmental us level, exc. f o r ** FREE ** Ag e n cy flower beds, lawns, Snowblower: Cr a fts- Protection straight Garage Sale Kit gardens, (EPA) as having met man, 9HP w/electric smoke emission stan- s creened to p s o i l . Place an ad in The start, 29" clearance, dards. A Bulletin for your gacer t ified Bark. Clean fill. Deexc. cond., $400. liver/you haul. rage sale and rew oodstove may b e 541-548-3949. 541-318-8797 ceive a Garage Sale identified by its certifiKit FREE! The Bulletin Offers cation label, which is Free Private Party Ads permanently attached KIT I NCLUDES: • 3 lines - 3 days to the stove. The Bul• 4 Garage Sale Signs • Private Party Only letin will no t k n ow• $2.00 Off Coupon To • Total of items adveringly accept advertis- LOST Jewelry - Reward! Toward Your tised must equal $200 ing for the sale of Placed inside bear when use Next Ad moving; bear given to or Less uncertified • 10 Tips For "Garage Redmond Humane SociFOR DETAILS or to woodstoves. ety Thrift store in August, Sale Success!" PLACE AN AD, 2012. Call 541-516-8681 Call 54t -BB5-5809 267 Fax 542-385-5802 PICK UP YOUR Fuel g Wood GARAGE SALE KIT at Wanted- paying cash 1777 SW Chandler for Hi-fi audio 8 stuAve., Bend, OR 97702 WHEN BUYING dio equip. Mclntosh, J BL, Marantz, D y FIREWOOD... naco, Heathkit, SanLOST little black female To avoid fraud, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. dog (Schipperke), went The Bulletin Call 541-261-1808 missing Mon 12/31 O recommends payment for Firewood 9pm near NW Portland & only upon delivery Awbrey Rd 707-292-2335 Medical Equipment and inspection. Look at: A cord is 128 cu. ft. Medical Alert for Se- • 4' x 4' x 8' niors - 24/7 monitorfor Complete Listings of Receipts should ing. FREE Equipment. •include Area Real Estate for Sale name, FREE Shipping. Naprice and tionwide Ser v i ce. phone, Lost tan male Chihuakind of wood pur$ 29.95/Month C A LL hua since 12/27, off chased. Medical Guardian To- • Firewood ads Dustin/Burgess in Farm Equipment day 88 8 - 842-0760. LaPine $1000 reMUST include speward. 541-410-8295 (PNDC) & Machinery cies and cost per cord to better serve our customers. I Commercial/Office 2005 John Deere 790 tractor w/box Equipment 8 Fixtures blade, loader, ServingCentral Oregon since 1903 quick-connect forks, Angled computer desk 8 only 143 hrs, chair, you take apart 8 MiSSING Chi$12,500. haul, $99. 541-948-4413 1 cord dry, split Juniper, huahua puppy!!! $190/cord. Multi-cord Office Chair, fully ad- discounts, $1,500 Reward 541-350-3921 & t/z cords Tan/male, named Kl justable, good cond, available. Immediate Kl, 8" tall, lastseen $49. 541-948-4413 delivery! 541-408-6193 Need help fixing stuff? La Pine,OR GET FREE OF CREDIT
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All Year Dependable Firewood: S plit, Del. Lod g epole, REMEMBER: If you Bill-Jax 5-ft 8 3-ft scaf- Bend. have lost an animal, Tools
I for $180 or 2 fold sets, 10-ft aluminum Pine: $350. Cash, Check 8 p l ywood s c affold for or Credit Card OK. boards, casters, levelers 541-420-3484. 8 braces, nice set, paid $3600, asking $2000. Well seasoned Juniper 541-350-3921 hardwood, $ 1 85/cord Craftsman 3hp m i tre split & del. 2 cord min, saw; Thakita drill set, Bend, Sunriver LaPine $75 all. 541-948-4413 541-410-6792 I 382-6099
Call A Service Professional find the help you need.
don't forget to check The Humane Society in Bend 541-382-3537 Redmond, 541-923-0882 Prineville, Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, 541-447-71 78; virtually new, less than5 OR Craft Cats, hrs. $7500 new; asking 541-389-8420. $5000. 541-42 I -3222
Wanted: Irrigated farm ground, under pivot irrigation, i n C e n tral OR. 541-419-2713
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Oregon Medical Training PCS - Phlebotomy classes begin Jan. 7, 2013. Registration now 541-343-3100 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Redmond Campus Student Loans/Job Search the area's most A IRLINES ARE H I RWaiting Toll Free comprehensive listing of ING - Train for hands 1-888-387-9252 classified advertising... on Aviation Maintereal estate to automotive, nance Career. FAA merchandise to sporting 470 approved p r ogram. goods. Bulletin Classifieds Financial aid if qualiDomestic & appear every day in the fied - Housing availIn-Home Positions print or on line. able. Call Aviation InCall 541-385-5809 stitute of Wanted: lady to spend Maintenance. nights with older lady in 1-877-804-5293. exchange for room. Call The Bulletin (PNDC) 541-382-0824 for info. Secvng Cenval Oregon sncetaat
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Healthy, pasture-raised meat goat kids - No exosure to p e sticides, erbicides, antibiotics or GMO feeds. $L40/Ib live wt, or $6 00/Ib cut & wrapped. Only 2 left! Call 541-312-4752 358
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Press Supervisor The Bulletin is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon and two in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a small crew of three and must be able to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for our 3t/9 tower KBA press. Prior management/leadership experience preferred. In addition to our 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. In addition to a competitive wage and benefit program, we also provide potential opportunity for advancement. If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude, are able to manage people and schedules and are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live and raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact either; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Operations Director at kfoutz O or with y our complete resume, references and s alary history/requirements. Prior press room experience required. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE
Ambulatory Surgery Center Clinical Director
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Bend Surgery Center is a multispecialty, fast paced,high volume, physician owned surgery center which performs over 10,000 cases annually.
We are looking for a dynamic leader to fill the Clinical Director role. This position requires a leader capable of providing clinical oversight 541-617-1133. of the facility and will work closely with two CCB ¹173684. Clinical Managers as well as the tive Team. The position reports directly to the Administrator, and will support two direct reWanted: Irrigated farm ports and 60 FTE's. The position will directly ground, under pivot ir- oversee Operating Rooms, Central Processrigation, i n C e n tral ing and Receiving. Position will be responOR. 541-419-2713 sible for daily staffing of the clinical department and directing two Clinical Managers who lead the Pre/Post-op and Endoscopy units. Call a Pro This position is also a member of multiple Whether you need a committees. fence fixed, hedges Qualified candidates must be able to demontrimmed or a house strate strong leadership and communication built, you'll find skills. Must be a licensed RN in the state of professional help in Oregon with 3-5 years of management, preferably in an ASC setting. Full-time exempt poThe Bulletin's "Call a sition. Competitive salary, benefit package, Service Professional" retirement and bonus plan. Directory Email resume to 541-385-5809
Call The Bulletin At Need help fixing stuff? 541-385-5809 Call A Service Professional find the help you need. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: o~uo o Oo
z DESCHUTES COUNTY CAREER OPPORTUNITIES BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist (201200076), Behavioral Health Division. One full-time position $4,057 - $5,553 per month for a 172.67 hour work month AND one parttime position $3,448 - $4,720 per month for a 146.77 hour work month (34 hr/wk).Deadline: OPEN UNTILFILLED. PROPERTY APPRAISER I (or II) Assessor's Office. Full-time position $3,138 - $4,879 per month for a 172.67 hour work. Deadline: TUESDAY,01/08/13. PSYCHIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER(201200024) — Behavioral Health Division. Full-time position $6,303 - $8,626 per month for a 172.67 hour work month. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. TO APPLY ONLINEFOR THE ABOVE LISTED POSITIONS,PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT Deschutes County Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-6553. Deschutes County provides reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. This material will be furnished in alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired, please call TTY/TDD 7t t. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER
E D R L M U I F I E O L T S T E R W I N 0 C D I OR D C V M A I N A R D I N E T I T T U D I I S E M P O R I S A D A M C U R P R O L A D
P S B L Y L 0 0 S E L D R O O W E I G I 0 D I N 0 R Y A U E E N S 0 V O A T E C K R A T O A R S I P A A F I N S T S K I 0 T U C A T A P A S E R N T E V E S N E E O A S S
0 U T F T Y F I N T L E H E R E C N E H OW A T E RS I 0 S O H O T O P S T S R U A N D A
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RV Techs! Looking for a warmer cli m ate Looking for your next employee? Claims Team during winter months? Leader C all RV Mast e r Place a Bulletin help Join P a cificSource Techs, Goodyear, AZ wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 Health Plans as we 877-788-3247 readers each week. grow. We are looking for Claims Team Your classified ad Sales Manager will also appear on Leader. Q u a lified Growing d e alership candidates will have seeking Sales Manwhich currently 4 yrs claims adjudi- ager who is looking receives over 1.5 cation e x perience for a p e r formancemillion page views and be qualified to pay plan. Benevery month at take on leadership based efits include: Retireno extra cost. responsibilities. ment Plan, Paid VaBulletin Classifieds Excellent benefits. cation, and a Get Results! competitive medical Call 385-5809 benefit package. Must or place be a team player with your ad on-line at a p ositive a ttitude; HLALTH PLANS For more informa- operate with energy, tion and to complete and be customer sera required applica- vice oriented. Send resume to: tion, please visit us online at http:// bcrvhire© www.pacificsource.c Security om/careers. See our website for our EOE available Security positions, along with the 42 reasons to join our MEDICAL team! 526 Loans & Mortgages
Hear Ceorer
Service Technicians
The Bulletin recom-
Car di ol ogy
r.=.-"-,.— .a I
i i i i i i
Oregon State University Cascades in Bend, Oregon Instructor/EXSS Oregon State University-Cascades, in Bend, Oregon, in partnership with The College of Public Health and Human Sciences and the Exercise and Sport Science (EXSS) program at Oregon State University-Corvallis, invite applications for a full-time, (1.0 FTE), 9 month, Instructor rank faculty position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Dean. Responsibilities include teaching and providing curriculum development in the areas of EXSS. Program coordination (including building relationships with external stakeholders, scheduling courses, and mentoring part-time faculty). Maintaining currency in area of expertise through outreach or scholarship.
) •
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mends you use cauC entral Oregon R V tion when you prodealership seeks servide personal vice technicians. Must information to compaEMPLOYMENT FINANCEAND BUSINESS be customer service oriFront nies offering loans or 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts ented and have RV & credit especially 421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance Office Camper e x perience. those asking for ad454- Looking for Employment 528- Loans and Mortgages C ompetitive pay a n d vance loan fees or positions benefits. Please send companies from out of 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543- Stocks and Bonds resume to 476 - Employment Opportunities state. If you have 558- Business Investments Details at: bcrvhire© concerns or ques486 - Independent Positions 573- Business Opportunities or apply in person at tions, we suggest you Hearrcentercardiolo .com 63500 N. Hwy 97, Bend, consult your attorney 476 476 476 Oregon. or call CONSUMER Employment Employment Employment Medical Social Worker HOTLINE, Advertise your car! Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities At High Desert Hospice, 1-877-877-9392. Add A Picture! employees possess Reach thousands of readers! BANK TURNED YOU AUTOMOTIVE both the professional Call 541-385-5809 EMPLOYMENT Medical DOWN? Private party standards and com- The Bulletin Classffieds will Accounting posiloan on real esROBBERSON Behavioral Health passion that ease a tion FT. 2-5 years tate equity. Credit, no Case Manager Service Writer patient's d i scomfort previous experience. problem, good equity Are you looking for a needed for a growing RV and i n s pire t r u st. $12/hr to start. Robberson Ford is exnew opportunity? all you need. Call Clinical, professional company. Competitive is Please submit renow. Oregon Land panding service dePacificSource Health pay and benefits. and good communisume for considerpartments at both Bend Plans is growing and cation skills are re- Please send resume to Mortgage 388-4200. and Prineville locations. ation to l ooking for a B e q uired. Th e MS W bcrvhire@ or E ver Consider a R e Accepting applications Jennifer.clemens © e havioral Health Case in person at 63500 verse Mortgage? At must be a quality-fo- apply now for a n e x periManager. Qualified cused g oal-oriented N. Hwy 97, Bend, OR. least 82 years old? enced full time candidates will have Stay in your home & p erson, wh o ba l Service Technician Mechanical Design 5 yrs clinical behavances compassionate increase cash f low! Top pay and full benEngineer ioral health experiSafe & Effective! Call with e f fectiveefits are offered. See www.exence w it h v a r ied care and efficiency. A Now for your FREE Email resume to: e x p osure ness DVD! C a l l Now M aster's degree i n chasing products or I dor for details. For and experience. Social Work and at services from out of ~ 888-785-5938. or apply in person at confidential considExcellent benefits. least one year experi- i the area. Sending (PNDC) Robberson Ford, ask eration, please subence in a healthcare c ash, c hecks, o r LOCAL MONEYTWebuy for Duane mit resume to: setting requ i red. 2100 N.E. 3rd Street, i credit i n f ormation secured trustdeeds 8 karen.turner©exompetitive sa l a ry i may be subjected to Bend, OR 97701. note,some hard money ~ ess PacificSource Cand Robberson Ford is a benefits. Send FRAUD. loans. Call Pat Kelley HEALTH PLANS drug-free workplace. your resume to: For more i nforma541-382-3099 ext.13. Development For more informa- High Desert Hospice, tion about an adverEOE. Director tion and to complete http://www.robberson. LLC, 289 4 G r e en-i tiser, you may call Just too many See www.exa required applicacom/employment/ springs Dr,. Klamath the Oregon S tate index.htm tion, please visit us Falls, OR 97601 Attn: i Attorney General's dor for details. For online at http:// Teresa, or email, Office C o n sumer f confidential considFIND ITr Sell them in www.pacificsource.c Protection hotline at I eration, please subom/careers. BVYIT'i The Bulletin Classifieds I 1-877-877-9392. mit resume to: EOE SELL IT! karen.turner@exRECEPTIONIST The Bulletin Classifieds Full-time, needed for our gThe Bqllett,rt ~ esr or.c 541-385-5809 Redmond location. Competitive pay and CHIEF JUDGE Good classified ads tell benefits. Klamath Tribal Court General the essential facts in an The K lamath T r ibes Please send resume to interesting Manner. Write seeks a part-time con- Where can you find a tract position for Chief from the readers view - not bcrvhire@ or apply in person at 63500 Judge of the Klamath helping hand? the seller's. Convert the N. Hwy 97, Bend, OR. Tribal Court. This is an facts into benefits. Show From contractors to elected 3 year term pothe reader how the item will yard care, it's all here sition. Requirements: 1) Remember.... Central Oregon CommunityCollege help them in someway. Enrolled member of a in The Bulletin's A dd your web a d- has o p enings l i sted b e l ow. G o to This federally re c ognized dress to your ad and to view details & apply "Call A Service advertising tip Tribe; 2) 30+ years of readers on The online. Human Resources, Newberry Hall, brought to you by age; 3) never convicted Professional" Directory Bulletin' s web site 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; of a felony, or within the will be able to click (541)383-7218. For hearing/speech impaired, The Bulletin last 12 months of a mis- Food Service: Wait Perthrough automatically Oregon Relay Services number is 7-1-1. demeanor, nor dishon- son, part-time. Exp. COCC is an AA/EO employer. to your site. orably discharged from Required! Apply after 1 US Military; 4) J uris p.m. Monday thu FriITS Systems Administrator Doctor degree OR mini- day, Roszak's Fish Vice President Responsible for technical support and adminmum one year experi- House. 541-382-3173. istration of email services, server infrastrucence as a judge. Contact ture, and MS Windows server operating sysHR for Requests for Oregon State UniversityGet your t ems. Assoc Degree + 3 y r e x p r e q . Certification Form which Cascades in Bend, Oregon $3,781-$4,502/mo.Extended close date Jan 7 must be received by business Associate Vice President 1/08/13. Application and required documentation Part Time Career Coach (Temporary) Oregon State University-Cascades in Bend is must be received by a ROWI N G CASE Grant Funded recruiting for an Associate Vice President 1/15/1 3. Certified CandiServe as advisor to students about academic (AVP) for Finance and Strategic Planning. dates may be placed on programs, career advancement, and labor with an ad in the T r ibe's G e neral market. Collaborate with agency partners for The Bulletin's Election Ballot. For more The Associate Vice President (AVP) for internships and job placement. Bachelors + information contact: "Call A Service Finance and Strategic Planning provides and case management exp req. 30 hrs/wk. The Klamath Tribes analyzes information to guide the expansion of $2,395-2,852/mo. Closes Jan 7 Professional" Attn: Human Resources the campus from an upper division campus — Sarah or Lia Directory Campus Center Building Specialist with 750 students to a 4-year campus with lia.barne -thomsen O 3,000 to5,000 students by 2025. The AVP is Serve as the first point-of-contact, providing general campus and building information to the entrepreneurial in seeking diversified funding or sarah.bates© LOGGING campus community. 2yr customer service req. sources, developing strategic partnerships, company has im$2,146-$2,554 for 9mo contract 40 hr/wk. Tele: 541-783-2219 and ensuring the campus' short and long-term mediate openings Fax: 541-783-2836 financial viability. Aspects o f s t r ategic Closes Jan 11 for experienced planning include real estate, facilities, staffing, Yard Engineer Director of Human Resources and forecasts of revenue and costs. The AVP and logging crew. DO YOU NEED Plan, direct, and supervise all aspects of the reports directly to the Vice President for Opportunity for HR functions. Administer all collective barA GREAT OSU-Cascades (CEO of the campus). year-round full-time gaining agreements, responsible for classificaEMPLOYEE employment. tion / compensation system, policy developRIGHT NOW? Minimum requirements include a Masters or ment, HRIS and Affirmative Action review Call The Bulletin • Top wages terminal degree and relevant experience in p rocess. Bac h elors + 5 y r e x p re q . before 11 a.m. and • Benefits. higher education or equivalent experience $65,224-$77,646/yr. Closes Jan 28 get an ad in to pubFor application call within the discipline. Progressive finance and lish the next day! 541-997-8212 Lab Technician strategic planning responsibility and experi541-385-5809. R&R KING Veterinary Technology (Part Time) ence in a complex organization. Minimum of 5 VIEW the LOGGING, INC. years senior m a nagement experience. Prepare and set up equipment and supplies for Classifieds at: student laboratory in the Veterinary Demonstrated ability to complete quantitative Florence, Oregon ogy courses. Non-benefited part time. CVT or and qualitative analysis and financial models. Vet Assistant + 2yrs exp req. $14-$17/hr. A demonstrable commitment to promoting and Open until filled. Instructor/EXSS enhancing diversity.
Can be found on these pages :
For a complete position description view and use posting number 0010018 to apply on-line. The closing date is 01/11/2013.
For information regarding this position please contact: Shawn Taylor, Executive Assistant to the Vice President, OSU-Cascades at Shawn.Taylor© orJohannah Goodwin, Human Resources, OSU-Cascades at Johannah.Goodwin© OSU is an AA/EOE.
Nurses - Registered
Community Counseling Solutions is recruiting for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper Ridge Acute Care Center located in John Day, OR. Juniper Ridge is a Secure Residential Treatment Facility providing services to individuals with severe mental illness. These posiRequired qualifications: MA in EXSS or retions provide mental health nursing care includlated field such as Physical Therapy or Athing medication oversight, medication related letic Training. Preferred qualifications include treatment, follow physician's prescriptions and relevant industry experience or interaction. procedures, measure and record patient's genClassroom teaching experience at the college eral physical condition such as pulse, temperaor university level and a PhD in EXSS or reture and respiration to provide daily information, lated field. Demonstrable commitment to proeducate and train staff on medication adminismoting and enhancing diversity. tration, and ensure documentation is kept according to policies. This position works with the For a c o mplete position description view treatment team to promote recovery from men and use posting tal illness. This position includes telephone connumber 0010033 to apply on-line. For full consultation and crisis intervention in the facility. sideration by 01/20/2013. Closing date is Qualified applicants must have a valid Oregon 03/29/2013. Anticipated start date 09/16/2013. Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of hire, hold a valid Oregon driver's license For more information regarding this position and pass a criminal history background check. please contact: Johannah Goodwin, Human Annual wage $48,000-$72,000 DOE, plussignResources, OSU-Cascades at ing bonus. Please visit the Oregon Employment Johannah.Goodwin, or Department, our website at Dennis Lynn, Instructor, HDFS, OSU-Cascommunit counselin solutions.or cades a t D e n or contact Nina Bisson at 541-676-9161, P.O. OSU is anAA/EOE. Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836.
Part-Time Instructors Looking for t alented individuals to t e ach part-time in a variety of disciplines. Check our web site Positions pay $500 per load unit (1 LU = 1 class credit), with additional perks. Independent Contractor
* Supplement Your Income*
Operate Your Own Business ++++++++++++++++++ Newspaper Delivery Independent Contractor
® Call Today © We are looking for independent contractors to service home delivery routes in:
* Prineville * Must be available 7 days a week, early morn-
ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle.
Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or apply via email at online ©
The Bulletin
RENTALS 603- Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land
Business Opportunities
Houses for Rent General
Open Houses
WARNING The Bulletin recommends that you investigate every phase of investment opportunities, espec ially t h os e fr o m out-of-state or offered by a p e rson doing business out of a local motel or hotel. Investment of f e rings must be r e gistered with the Oregon Department of Finance. We suggest you consult your attorney or call CON S UMER HOTLINE, 1-503-378-4320,
8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. A Classified ad is an EASY W A Y TO REACH over 3 million Pacific Northwesterners. $52 5 /25-word c lassified ad i n 3 0
daily newspapers for 3-days. Call the Pacific Northwest Daily Connection (918) 2 88-6019 o r e m a i l for more info (PNDC)
Advertise V A CATION SPECIALS to 3 m i llion P acific N o rthwesterners! 30 daily newspapers, six states. 25-word classified $525 for a 3-day
a d.
Ca l l
2 88-6019 o r vis i t ising pndc.cfm for the Pacific Nor t hwest
Open 12-3
20536 Gloucester NOTICE Ln. All real estate adverWoodhill Park tising in this newspaGreen & Affordable per is subject to the Erin Campbell, F air H o using A c t Broker which makes it illegal 541-410-0872 to a d vertise "any preference, limitation or disc r imination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, marital status or national origin, or an intention to make any
such pre f erence, limitation or discrimi- nation." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 745 living with parents or Homes for Sale legal cust o dians, pregnant women, and OWNED HOMES! people securing cus- BANK FREE List w/Pics! tody of children under 18. This newspaper www. and beyond real estate will not knowingly ac- bend 20967 yeoman, bend or cept any advertising for real estate which is NOTICE in violation of the law. All real estate adverO ur r e aders a r e tised here in is subhereby informed that ject to t h e F e deral all dwellings adverF air H ousing A c t , tised in this newspa- which makes it illegal per are available on to advertise any prefan equal opportunity erence, limitation or basis. To complain of discrimination based d iscrimination cal l on race color r eliHUD t o l l-free at gion, sex, handicap, 1-800-877-0246. The familial status or natoll f re e t e l ephone tional origin, or intennumber for the hear- tion to make any such ing im p aired is preferences li m ita1-800-927-9275. tions or discrimination. Rented your propWe will not knowingly accept any advertiserty? The Bulletin ing for r ea l e state Classifieds which is in violation of has an "After Hours" this law. All persons Line. Call are hereby informed 541-383-2371 24 that all dwellings adhours to vertised are available d! on an equal opportunity basis. The BulleHouses for Rent tin Classified Redmond
Daily Con n ection. (PNDC) Extreme Value Advertising! 30 Daily newspapers $525/25-word classified, 3-d a ys. Reach 3 million Pacific Northwesterners. For more information call (918) 288-8019 or email: for the Pacific NorthFOR SALE west Daily Connec- Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe home, 3/3, gas fire- When buying a home, tion. (PNDC) place, 7500' lot, fenced 83% of Central yard, 1655 SW Sara- Oregonians turn to soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. 541-350-2206
Houses for Rent Sunriver
VILLAGE PROPERTIES Sunriver, Three Rivers, La Pine. Great 605 Selection. Prices range Roommate Wanted $425 - $2000/mo. View our full Sharecozy mobile home inventory online at in Terrebonne, $275+ ye Vi!! utils. 503-679-7496 1 -866-931 -1 061 630
Rooms for Rent
Commercial for Rent/Lease
Studios 8 Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ Spectrum professional cable, micro & fridge. building 35 0 ' -500' Utils & l inens. New $1.00 per ft. total. No owners. $145-$165/wk N NN. C a l l An d y , 541-382-1885 541-385-6732.
The Bulletin
Serving Central Oregon «nre 1903
Call 541-385-5809 to
place your
Real Estate ad. 746
Northeast Bend Homes Sweetest 4 bdrm, 2 bath in Bend! 1635 sq ft, great neighborhood, lovingly
upgraded for 7 years. O pen f l oorplan, R V parking, garden, hot tub, & so much more. For details 8 photos go to 750
Redmond Homes
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
DEAL! 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! FOX HOLLOW APTS.
(541) 383-3152
Cascade Rental Management. Co.
Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms w/d hookups, patios or decks. Mountain Glen 541-383-9313
Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc. 636
XOjj0jj 744
Open Houses Open 12-3 1386 NW Mt. Washington Dr. NorthWest
Cozy Cottage Shelley Griffin, Broker 541-280-3804
Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Nice, quiet, upper level 2 Bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, W/S/G/cable pd, laundry facils$650mo $500 dep No smkg. 541-383-2430 Small studio close to library, all util. pd. $550, $525 dep. No pets/ smoking. 541-3309769 or 541-480-7870 642
Apt./Multiplex Redmond 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex unit, $550 mo.+ $835 dep. 1326 SW O bsidian, Avail Feb. 1.
Open 12-3 19159 Park Commons Dr. Shevlin Pines Master on Main Phyllis Mageau, Broker 541-948-0447
Seller Financing Avail! Not Bank-ownedNot a Short Sale! 11185 Desert SkyLp. 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,350 sq. ft., 1-level home in desir-
able Ridge at E agle Crest Resort. Beautiful fully furnished home with hot tub & gas fireplace. Move-In ready! $179,900 Call Peter for more into at 541-419-5391 773
Acreages CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e phone are misunderstood and an e rror can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as s oon a s w e ca n . Deadlines are: Weekdays 11:00 noon for next day, Sat. 11:00 a.m. for Sunday and Monday. 541 -385-5809 Thank you! The Bulletin Classified
Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
Mobile home for sale by owner, in a park, $6000. Terms available. 541-279-0109 or 541-617-2834
Motorcycles & Accessories Motorcycles & Accessories
oQll ii
2010, 805 miles,
Black Chameleon.
$17,000 Call Don @ 541-410-3823
Call 541-385-5809
The Bulletin I
$10,000 541-719-8444
Sn o wmobiles
Ads published in aWatercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorIzed personal watercrafts. For
870 Harley Davidson Soft2007 Ski-Doo Renegade Tail De l uxe 2 0 0 7 , Boats 8 Accessories 600 w/513 mi, like new, white/cobalt, w / pasvery fast! Reduced to senger kit, Vance 8 13' Smokercraft '85, $6295. 541-221-5221 Hines muffler system good cond., 15HP 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. gas Evinrude + c ond, $19,9 9 9 , Minnkota 44 elec.
Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Firecats: EFI Snowpro 8 EFI EXT, excellent cond, $2800 ea;
Harley Heritage Softail, 2003 $5,000+ in extras, $2000 paint job, 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information
17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, trolling motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728.
please call
541-385-8090 or 209-605-5537
HD Screaming Eagle Electra Glide 2005, 103 n motor, two tone candy teal, new tires, 23K miles, CD player, hydraulic clutch, excellent condition. Highest offer takes it. 541-480-8080. 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP, low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939
Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009
Gambling Too Much? Free, confidential help is available statewide.
Meet singles right now! No paid o p erators, just real people like you. Browse greet-
20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500.
Call 1-877-MY-LIMIT to talk to a c e rtified
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20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO.
C all 54/ - 3 8 5 -5 8 0 9 to r omote o u r service
www.hirealicensedcontractor. com
or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recommends checking with the CCB prior to contracting with anyone.
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541-389-3361 541-771-4463 Bonded - Insured CCBii149468
Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809
Handyman/Remodeling Residential/Commercial small Jobs ro Enri re Rtt nnt RettNtdeis
Garage orgrtniralrr>n Home /nspecli<>n Repairs
ou r
spe c i al
I rates for selling your I ~ boat or watercraft!
ou r
Construction, LLC Home Repairs & Remodeling Window & Door Replacement Ccn ¹176121
1930's Ford truck head-
at Bend Airport
lamps, (4) for $149 all.
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
We Buy Junk Cars & Trucks! Cash paid for junk vehicles, batteries 8 catalytic converters. Serving all of C.O.! Call 541-408-1090
541-948-4413 (KBDN) 60' wide x 50' deep, 1953 Chevy Pickup w/55' wide x 17' high MONTANA 3585 2008, hood, $75 obo. bi-fold door. Natural exc. cond., 3 slides, 541-389-0232 gas heat, office, bathking bed, Irg LR, Arc1963 Chevy P i ckup room. Parking for 6 tic insulation, all opc ars. A djacent t o hood, yellow, $100. tions $37,500. Frontage Rd; g reat 541-389-0232 541-420-3250 visibility for a viation 1965 Ford Custom auto Nuyifa 297LK Hitchbus. h ood, w h ite, $ 8 5 . Hiker 2007, 3 slides, 541-948-2126 541-389-0232 32' touring coach, left kitchen, rear lounge, P iper A r cher 1 9 8 0, People Look for Information based in Madras, almany extras, beautiful About Products and cond. inside & o ut, ways hangared since $32,900 OBO, Prinev- new. Ne w a n n ual, Services Every Daythrough ille. 541-447-5502 days auto pilot, IFR, one The Bulletin Claeeiffeds piece win d shield. & 541-447-1641 eves. Fastest Archer 1975 Ford Pickup hood, a round. 1 75 0 t o t al red, $75. Find It in 541-389-0232 t ime. $68,5 0 0 . The Bulletin Classifieds! 541-325-3556 Haul-Master steel cargo 541-385-5809 T-Hangar for rent carrier, fits 2" receiver, at Bend airport. $40 obo. 541-678-5575 Call 541-382-8998.
f g'j ~ i.I.
P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h
wheel, 1 s lide, AC, TV,full awning, excellent shape, $23,900.
Springdale 2005 27', 4' slide in dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811
'a'I aa
~ *5 lines of text and ~ a photo or up to 10
f lines with no photo. *Free online ad at I *Free pick up into ~ The Central Oregon ~
f Nickel ads.
Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover,
new paint (2004), new inverter (2007). Onan 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, parked covered $35,000 obo. 541-419-9859 or
I Rates start at $46. I 541-280-2014 Call for details! 541-385-5809
LThc Bulleting
Ia =
Monaco Dynasty 2004, loaded, 3 slides, diesel, Reduced - now $119,000, 5 4 1-923-
%ae v,
8572 or 541-749-0037
Ir (I .
Southwind 35.5' Triton, 2008,V10, 2 slides, Dupont UV coat, 7500 mi. Bought new at $132,913; asking $93,500. Call 541-419-4212
I • e'
Now you can acld a full-color photo to your Bulletin classified ad starting at only $15.00 per week, when you order your ad online.
tion call 503-378-5909 or use our website: to
To place your Bulletin ad with a photo, visit, click on "Place an ad" ancI follow these easy steps:
check license status before con t racting with t h e bu s iness. Persons doing landscape maintenance do not require a LCB license. Painting/Wall Covering
The Earned Income Tax Credit.
European Professional
You may have earned it. Why not
Painter Repaint
Specialist! ¹186 147 LLC
Margo /'ll'
Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slideouts, inverter, satellite sys, fireplace, 2 flat screen TVs. $60,000.
Executive Hangar
ees. For your protec-
Dennis 541.317.9768
COACHMEN 1979 23' trailer Fully equipped. $2000. 541-312-8879 or 541-350-4622.
Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories
~ which includes:
GENERATE SOME exN OTICE: O R E G O N citement in your neigLandscape Contrac- borhood. Plan a gators Law (ORS 671) rage sale and don't r equires a l l bu s i - forget to advertise in nesses that advertise classified! 385-5809. to p e r form L a n dscape C o nstruction which includes: Sererng Central Oregonsince tg03 p lanting, decks , fences, arbors, Used out-drive w ater-features, a n d parts - Mercury installation, repair of OMC rebuilt mairrigation systems to rine motors: 151 be licensed with the $1595; 3.0 $1895 Landscape Contrac- 4.3 (1993), $1995. t ors B o a rd . Th i s 541-389-0435 4-digit number is to be included in all advertisements which indicate the business has a bond, insurance and workers c ompensation for their employ-
Oregon License
30 years Construction Experience 17 Years in Central
Fifth Wheels
Aircraft, Parts & Service
LandscapingNard Care
Qttaury, Hnnexr wnrk (xng151S75 Brrtfllt'Ieittattretl
Travel Trailers
Fifth Wheels
541-350-8629 Antique & Want to impress the Classic Autos relatives? Remodel Diamond Reo Dump MorePixatBendbolietincom Truck 1 974, 12 -14 55 Chevy 2 dr . wgn your home with the yard box, runs good, PROJECT car, 350 help of a professional $6900, 541-548-6812 small block w/Weiand from The Bulletin's - jj -'fh' dual quad tunnel ram "Call A Service Pilgrim Int e rnational G K E A T with 450 Holleys. T-10 Professional" Directory 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Weld Prostar whls, extra rolling chassis + CHECK YOUR AD Fall price $ 2 1,865. Hyster H25E, runs Econoline RV 19 8 9, 541-312-4466 extras. $6000 for all. fully loaded, exc. cond, well, 2982 Hours, 541-389-7669. 35K m i. , R e duced $3500, call $16,950. 541-546-6133 slide,Bunkhouse style, 541-749-0724 sleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $ 1 6 ,900, CAN'T BEAT THIS! 541-390-2504 Look before you Please check your ad 1921 Model T buy, below market on the first day it runs Delivery Truck vatue! Size 8 mileto make sure it is corRestored & Runs aqe DOES matter! rect. Sometimes in$9000. C)ass A 32' Hurristructions over the Peterbilt 359 p o table 541-389-8963 cane by Four Winds, phone are miswater t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 2007. 12,500 mi, all understood and an error 3200 gal. tank, 5hp amenities, Ford V10, n can occur in your ad. 272RLS, 2009 p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, Ithr, cherry, slides, Sprinter 29', weatherized, like If this happens to your Aircraft, Parts camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. like new! New low ad, please contact us 541-820-3724 n ew, f u rnished & & Service price, $54,900. ready to go, incl Winethe first day your ad 541-548-5216 ard S a tellite dish, appears and we will Utility Trailers • 26,995. 541-420-9964 be happy to fix it Gulfstream S cen i c 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, as soon as we can. Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, too many extras to list, If we can assist you, $8500 obo. Serious buyCummins 330 hp die- Garage Sales please call us: ers only. 541-536-0123 sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 541-385-5809 Garage Sales Big Tex Landscapin. kitchen slide out, The Bulletin Classified 1/3 interest in Columnew tires, under cover, Garage Sales ing/ ATV Trailer, bia 400, located at hwy. miles only,4 door dual axle flatbed, Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. 7'x16', 7000 lb. fridge/freezer ice Find them Call 541-647-3718 maker, W/D combo, GVW, all steel, in Interbath tub & $1400. 541-382-4115, or shower, 50 amp proThe Bulletin Chevy C-20 Pickup pane gen & m o re! 541-280-7024. 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Fleetwood Wilderness Classifieds $55,000. auto 4-spd, 396, model 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 541-948-2310 CST /all options, orig. rear bdrm, fireplace, 541-385-5809 Walton 14' dump owner, $22,000, AC, W/D hkup beau- 1/3 interest i n w e l ltrailer, power 541-923-6049 tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. equipped IFR Beech Boup/power down, 541-815-2380 nanza A36, new 10-550/ 7,000 Ib tandem ax'isa.. +i II i prop, located KBDN. les, used very little, $65,000. 541-419-9510 t~TI-t new $11,900; mine, $7200. Jayco Seneca 2 007, Weekend Warrior Toy AIRPORT CAFE 541-350-3921 17K mi 35ft. Chevy (Bend Municipal Airport) Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, 5 500 d i e sel, to y fuel station, exc cond. K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 NOW OPEN under Wagon 1957, Just bought a new boat? Chevy hauler $130 , 000. sleeps 8, black/gray slide, AC, TV, awning. new management! 4-dr., complete, Sell your old one in the 541-389-2636. Come 8 see us! i nterior, u se d 3X , NEW: tires, converter, $7,000 OBO, trades, classifieds! Ask about our $24,999. please call batteries. Hardly used. Open Monday-Friday 8-3 Super Seller rates! 541-389-9188 Call 541-318-8989 541-389-6998 $15,500. 541-923-2595 541-385-5809
~ OO
The Bulletin
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 W innebago Ita s c a readers each week. Your classified ad Sundancer 26' 1987, will also appear on 51K mi., exc. cond. $8000. 541-419-9251 which currently receives over 1.5 mil• r ~ts lion page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get ReWinnebago Suncruiser34' sults! Call 385-5809 2004, only 34K, loaded, or place your ad too much to list, ext'd on-line at warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243
B ulletin w it h
Travel Trailers
/ 3-month package /
• Expert carpentry, installs, demos • No iob too big ot small • vet st senior Discounts • Licensed-Bonded-Insured
IThe Buljeti
/ Place an ad in The /
• Quality custom home improvement specialists
Will Haul Away
• Senior Discounts • Licensed, Bonded, Insured • CCB¹47120
Some other t rades also req u ire additional licenses a nd certifications. Debris Removal
Ads published in theI "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, • house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Class 875.
Kelly Kerfoot Construction
Country Coach Intrigue 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins Diesel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new tires 8 batteries. Most options. $95,000 OBO
&o~ ber/
H o m e Improvement
NOTICE: Oregon state law req u ires anyone who co n t racts for construction work to be licensed with the C onstruction Con tractors Board (CCB). An active lic e n se means the contractor i s bonded an d i n s ured. Ver if y t h e contractor's CCB c ense through t h e CCB Cons u m er Website
aere ng Central 0 egnn nnre tgg3
U OO ©O ©
The Bulletin
Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS
5 41 -385-580 9
Motorhomes •
The Bulletin ClessiBeds
Say "goodbuyn to that unused item by placing it in The Bulletin Classifieds
"boats" please see Class 870.
motor, fish finder, 2 extra seats, trailer, extra equip. $2900. 541-388-9270
People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Day through
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
Softail Deluxe
Use classified to sell those items you no longer need.
541-81 5-2888 Winter is an excellent time to paint the INTERIOR of you home! Give mea call - I will come and give you afree consultation attd a reasonablebtd. I have excellent referencesfrom satisfied customers. Myinterior (and exterior) work igneat and completed in atimely manner. CCB¹ 194169
Jeff A. Miller Painting 541.404.2826
claim it?
Pick a category (for example — pets or transportation) and choose your ad package.
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Antique & Classic Autos
Antique & Classic Autos
Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, auto. trans, ps, air, frame on rebuild, repainted original blue, original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. chrome, asking $9000 or make offer. 541-385-9350
FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, door panels w/flowers 8 hummingbirds, white soft top & hard
top. Just reduced to
$3,750. 541-317-9319 or 541-647-8483
Sport Utility Vehicles
•) j
Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CD S Royal Standard, 8-cylinder, VW Thing 1974, good body is good, needs cond. Extremely Rare! some r e s toration, Only built in 1973 & runs, taking bids, 1974. $8,000. 541-383-3888, 541-389-2636 541-81 5-331 8
Sp o r t Utility Vehicles Sport Utility Vehicles
Ford Explorer X LT Jeep Wrangler Un- Subaru Baja Turbo 2008 , 2006, S p ort utility, 2006, P o w e rw in- l imited X dows, power locks, tilt Sport Utility, 6 speed, fully loaded, tow pkg., I nternational Fla t cruise, running hard top, p r emium moon roof, leather. BOATS & RVs AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION Bed Pickup 1963, 1 b oards, r oo f r a c k , wheels, running Was $17,999. Now 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service t on dually, 4 s p d. boards, lo w m i l es. $13,788. Vin ¹103218 805- Misc. Items Was $12,999. Now trans., great MPG, 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 850 - Snowmobiles $7788. Vln ¹A18448. Was $26,999. Now could be exc. wood 925 - Utility Trailers $23,988. Vin ¹572535 i g@S U B A R U . 860 Motorcycles And Accessories S UB A R U . hauler, runs great, SUBSRUOPBBNDCOM 927 - Automotive Trades new brakes, $1950. 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend txNItb SUBARU. 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 865 - ATVs 929 - Automotive Wanted 870 - Boats & Accessories 541-419-5480. 877-266-3821 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 931 - Automotive Parts, Service Dlr ¹0354 875 Watercraft 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 and Accessories Dlr ¹0354 880 - Motorhomes 940 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 881 - Travel Trailers 933 - Pickups Vans 882 - Fifth Wheels N issan Armada S E 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles Sport Utility 2007, 885- Canopies and Campers 940 - Vans auto, power windows, 890 - RVs for Rent 975 - Automobiles RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L power locks, leather, hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, GMC Envoy 2002 4WD fully loaded, very nice. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. Was $16,999. Now $6,450. Loaded, Vans Automobiles Automobiles 541-420-3634 /390-1285 $13,988. Vin ¹700432 Leather, Heated
00rt'tMISSTHIS j ~ ~ VW Karman Ghia 1970, good cond., new upholstery and convertible top. $10,000. 541-389-2636
Sport Utility Vehicles
What are you Buick Enclave 2008 CXL looking for? AWD, V-6, black, clean, You'll find it in mechanicall y sound, 82k miles. $20,995. The Bulletin Classifieds Call 541-815-1216
Ford 250 XLT 1990, 6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500 541-410-9997
Chevrolet G20 SportsLumina 1 9 95 Buick Lucerne CXL man, 1993, exlnt cond, Chevy 2009, $12,500, low $4750. 541-362-5559 or 7 -pass. v a n wit h low miles; 2000 Buick p ower c h a i r lif t , 541-663-6046 $1500; 1989 Dodge Century $2900. You'll not find nicer Buicks Turbo Van 7 - pass. One look's worth a Chevy Astro has new motor and BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. Cargo I/an 2001, t rans., $1500. I f i n - o wner, e xc . c o n d. thousand words. Call Bob, 541-318-9999. terested c a l l Jay 101k miles, new tires, pw, pdl, great cond., for an appt. and take a 503-269-1057. business car, well loaded, sunroof. drive in a 30 mpg car! maint'd, regular oil $9500. 541-706-1897 changes, $4500. ~OO Please call 541-633-5149 MorePixattje t nrtt) Porsche Cayenne 2004, Need to get an ad 86k, immac, dealer maint'd, loaded, now Chev 1994 G20 c usin ASAP? $17000. 503-459-1580 tomized van, 1 2 8k, Chrysler Sebring 2006 3 50 motor, HD t o w Fully loaded, exc.cond, e quipped, seats 7 , Fax it to 541-322-7253 Check out the very low miles (38k), sleeps 2. comfort, utilclassifieds online Ity road ready, nice always garaged, BMW Z4 Roadster The Bulletin Classifieds cond. $4000?Trade for transferable warranty 2005, 62K miles, exmini van. Call Bob, Updated daily cenent cond. $14,000. incl. $8100 obo
seats, Bose sound S UBA R U . system. Ext. roof rack (218) 478-4469 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 Jeep Liberty 4x4, 2005, Dlr ¹0354 V6, low miles, tow pkg, $9500. 541-389-1135
Chevy Subu r b an 541-385-5809 1 500 LT Z71 P k g 2 004, t o w pkg . , leather, running Jeep Liberty Limited
2007, auto, leather, Ford F350 2008 Crew boards, 3rd row seat, moon roof, roof rack, Ford Galaxie 500 1963, Cab, diesel, 55K miles, Was $13,999. Now $9988. Vin ¹212758 alloys, Was. $13,999. 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, fully loaded, $32,000. 390 ve,auto, pwr. steer & N ow $10,988. V i n 541-480-0027 S UB A R U . radio (orig),541-419-4989 ¹646827 SUBSltUOPSIINDCOM Ford F 3 5 0 King Ford Mustang Coupe Ranch Super Cab 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend ~ ~ S U BA R U . 1966, original owner, 877-266-3821 V8, automatic, great 2 004, leather, t o w Dlr ¹0354 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend pkg., bed liner, much shape, $9000 OBO. 877-266-3821 more. MUST S EE!! Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 530-515-8199 Dlr ¹0354 Was $25,999. Now 4x4. 120K mi, Power $23,788. Vin ¹A34788 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Ford Ranchero row s eating, e x tra 4@+SUBARU. Wrangler 4x4, 1979 tires, CD, pnvacy tint- Jeep 1997 6-cyl, soft top, with 351 Cleveland Ing, upgraded rims. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend roll bar, front tow modified engine. Fantastic cond. $7995 877-266-3821 bar, new tlres, Body is in Contact Tim m at Dlr ¹0354 chrome rims, 103K excellent condition, 541-408-2393 for info miles, gd cond, $2500 obo. FORD RANGER XLT or to view vehicle. $5700 obo. 541-420-4677 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 541-504-3253 or LS speed, with car alarm, Chevy T a ho e 503-504-2764 CD player, extra tires Sport Utility 2004, on rims. Runs good. 4x4, power windows, Clean. 92,000 miles power locks, cruise, J eep Wrang l e r al l o ys , Was o n m o tor. $ 2 6 00 tilt, Unlimited X 2 0 07, OBO. 541-771-6511. $12,999. Now $9799. Sport Utility, 6 speed, Vin ¹ 216330 running boards, preGMC Y~ton 1971, Only GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy mium wheels, off road Duty Camper Special 496® SUBARU. $1 9,700! Original low SUBSltUOPSBNDCOM tires, tow pkg. Low mile, exceptional, 3rd 2500, 3 5 0 e n g ine,2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend miles. Was $25,999. auto., 40k miles on owner. 951-699-7171 877-266-3821 N ow $ 22,788. V i n new eng., brakes & Dlr ¹0354 ¹147938 tlres good. $ 2495.
S UB A R U . Ford Escape XLT 2012 brlght blue, 4100 mi. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Find exactly what ¹C68261 $23,988 877-266-3821 you are looking for In the Dlr ¹0354 Plymouth B a r racuda CLASSIFIEDS 1966, orlginal car! 300 Oregon hp, 360 Va, center- Honda Ridg e l ine ANtoSoarce Tick, Tock lines, (Origlnal 273 2006, 4 D oor, 541-598-3750 eng & wheels incl.) RTL Tick, Tock... V6, a u to , l e a ther, 541-593-2597 moon roof, running ...don't let tlme get PROJECT CARS: Chevy boards, tow pkg., very Ford Explorer 4x4, 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & clean. Was. $18,999. away. Hire a 1991 154K miles, Chevy Coupe 1950 N ow $ 1 5,450. V i n professlonal out rare 5-speed tranny rolling chassis's $1750 ¹512698 & manual hubs, of The Bulletin's ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, clean, straight, evcomplete car, $ 1949; f j+ S U B A R U. "Call A Service eryday driver. Was Cadillac Serles 61 1950, $2200; now $1900! Professional" 2 dr. hard top, complete 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 Bob, 541-318-9999 w/spare f r on t cl i p ., Dlrectory today! Dlr ¹0354 $3950, 541-382-7391
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