Bulletin Daily Paper 02-06-14

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since190375

THURSDAY hbruary 6, 2014

e e uC<San eaVeISIeCI'uIe SPORTS • C1

bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD Afghan women — while

they've gained manyfreedoms, they fear losing themas the U.S. leavesthe country. Ae

• Deschutes Brewery must generate at least 15 newjobs in deal

Offseason nutrition-

By Hillary Borrud

erty tax break to Deschutes

Advice on good choices for runners and multisport athletes during the winter.D1

The Bulletin

Brewery, because the brewery is growing and hiring more employees. The breweryis about to be-

The Bend City Council voted on Wednesday night to

provide up to a five-year prop-

gin a nearly $46 million expansion. For Deschutes Brewery to receive a five-year taxbreak,

at least $55,000 in total com-

of int erestan d recused them-

pensation, accordingto a city report.

selves: Mark Capell said his

prisezonewas createdfor,"said City Councilor Scott Ramsay.

Brewery, and Doug Knight said he owns abuilding which the brewery leases for a wing of its downtown pub. SeeBrewery/A5

"It's exactly what the enter-

it must create at least 15 new

Before the vote, two city

jobs, and each job mustpay

councilors declared conflicts

sister works for Deschutes


Legislature takes up insurance exchange

Plus: Bollywood — The latest dance fitness craze.DS

Want to watch our Incal Iympians?

Colonoscopies —Fighting fears with a 40-foot scale model of a colon.D1

Unconventional musicTurning the U.S.border fence into a wall of noise.AS

lnflnlty —Assigning anumerical value totheuncountable. AS

And a Web exclusiveCrisis hotlines for youth adapt to a new era of texting. bendbnnetin.cem/extrns

By Lauren Dake The Bulletin

SALEM — Lawmakers wentafterthe state's troubled health insurance

exchange Wednesday, setting the stage for a debate that likely will be waged throughoutthefive-week legislative session. Democratic Rep. Shemia Fagan, of Clackamas, on

Sports, C1


Wednesday told the House Committee on Health Care

she believes everyone can agree "there have been massive failures in Cover Oregon." Fagan urged the passage of House Bill4154, which she said would ensure Oregonians don't "pay

Is reporting on leaks using 'stolen

the price for those failures."


Skier LaurenneRoss, Team USA

But although lawmakers might agree the Cover Or-

BoarderKentCallister, Team Australia

egon rollout was botched,

agreement on what steps need to be taken next

By Paul Farhi The Washington Post


It's against the law to

steal classified govern-

See our Sports section daily for two extra pages of Winter Olympics coverage. Follow the action on our website at www.bendbulletin.com/Olympics

ment material. But is it

also a crime for a journalist to sell a story to a newspaper or website based on

House Bill 4154would

direct Cover Oregon board Photos by Ryan Brennecke, The Bulletin, and Grafton Smith; lllustration by Jeff Caspersen and Greg Cross/The Bulletin

that material?

Some elected officials and government appointees have suggested the answer is yes in the wake of Edward Snowden's

release of secret documents showing the extent of the National Security

members to seek a waiver

from the federal government to extend the open


enrollment by a month,

to the end of April, giving consumers more time to sign up and still receive a taxbreak. The governor is also seeking a waiver. The bill would help consumers and small businesses that signed up outside of

Russia:TeamUSA can't haveits Greekyogurt

Agency's surveillance activities. Since June,

By Thomas Kaplan

Snowden's documents

New York Times News Service

have been the basis of articles primarily by Glenn Greenwald, formerly of the Guardian newspaper,

The relationship between the U.S. and Russia is deeply ments over weighty matters

of the U.S.: the delivery of Greekyogurt to the American

and Barton Gellman, a

like the Syrian conflict, arms

athletes competing at the Win-

journalist working on contract for The Washington

control, human rights and the granting of asylum to Edward

ter Olympics in Sochi.

Post. While experts in media

Snowden, the former National

is apparently blocking a shipment of 5,000 containers of Chobani yogurt — now sitting in limbo in cold storage near

law say the stolen-goods theory has a questionable legal basis, the idea was floated on Tuesday by Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich.,

probably will remain more elusive. The legislation joins a handful of other measures aimed at the problem-riddled exchange.

strained, with recent disagree-

Security Agency contractor who has leaked documents detailing the government's eavesdroppingprograms.

Now the two countries are

skirmishing over an unanticipated, but no less momentous subject, at least in certain parts

The Russian government

Newark Liberty International

Airport in New Jersey — that

had been bound for the U.S. Olympic team. The blockade has prompted protests fromyogurt-promoting politicians in New York and in Washington, who express outrage that U.S. athletes could be deprived of a protein-rich foodthat hadbeen part of their training regimen. The Russian government

says the American-made yogurt cannot enter Russia

because the Americans have not submitted the proper paperwork. The U.S. says the certification requiredbythe Russians would be impossible

the exchange, because of its

technical problems, to still receive taxbenefits.

to attain.

It would also allow the

Theyogurt makers are growing exasperated.

governor to remove Cover Oregon board members

"I'd like to think that yogurt

and would ensure that peo-

could have diplomatic immu-

ple in the high-risk medical pool have coverage. In ad-

nity," said Peter McGuinness,

the chief marketing and brand officer for Chobani. SeeYogurt/A4

dition, it would give Cover

Oregon employees whistle-blower protections.

See Legislature /A4

chairman of the House In-

telligence Committee, and Director of National In-

telligence James Clapper, both critics of Snowden. In an exchange with FBI

Report onhealth lavA effect onjobsmisinterpreted

director James Comey, who was a witness in a

By Calvin Woodward

hearing about "Worldwide Threats," Rogers pushed Comey about whether selling "access" to classified material to newspapers or another publication

The Associated Press

amounts to "fencing stolen

material" and should be prosecuted. Comey said that selling stolen goods, such as jewelry, is indeed a crime. But he stopped short of saying it would be a crime if it involved selling an article. See Leaks/A4

WASHINGTON — New estimates that President Barack Obama's health care law will

encourage millions of Americans to leave the workforce or reduce their work hours have

touched off an I-told-you-so


Chance of snow High 20, Low10

Page B6

for workers" and a shower of

pink slips across the landall, because they won't be stuck conclusions unsupported by in jobs just for the sake of keep- the report. The study estimates ing the health insurance they the workforce willbe reduced get from employers. To some by the equivalent of 2.3 million portunity to work less or not at

chorus from Republicans, who've claimed all along that the law will kill jobs. But some

aren't telling it straight. The analysis by the nonpar- Republicans, that amounts to "wreakinghavoc on working tisan Congressional Budget Office predicts the law will give families, ""direconsequences


several million people an op-

people choose to leave it. SeeJobs/A4

The Bulletin

C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Health 01-6 Obituaries B2 Crosswords E 4 H o roscope 06 S oI Et-6 Dear Abby 06 Lo c al/State Bt-6 TV/Movies

B5 Ct-4 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

vol. 112, No. 37, 30 pages, 5 sections

Related • Some people aren't bound ~ bythe law's insurance mandate,D1

full-time workers by 2021 as

INDEX Business Calendar Classified



tt/trreuse recyc/ed newsprint


8 8 267 02329



The Bulletin

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• .assais a ican over ries sexa use

Mllit8+ SthiCS —Concerned that ethical problems inside the mil-

By Laurie Goodslain and Nick Cumming-Brurxa

ImmigratiOn OVerhaul —Conservative RepublicansonWednes-

New York Times News Service

In a hard-hitting report applauded by victims as a landmark in the Roman Catholic Church's clerical sex-abuse


scandal, a U.N. committee on Wednesday called on the


Vatican to remove all child


abusers from its ranks, report them to law enforcement and


open the church's archives

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Si sil.rva

Dtssuies rr

so that bishops and other officials who concealed crimes could be held accountable.

The report, i ssued by the U.N. Committee on the

Rights of the Child, is likely to month, the first time the Vatiput pressure on Pope Francis can faced public examination to make concretechanges in by an international body of the way the church handles its record on sexual abuse, abuse cases and put some and heard testimony f r om muscle into the commission Bishop Charles Scicluna, the on abuse that he announced Vatican'schief prosecutor of in December, whose mem- sexual abuse cases until 2012,


DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt.....541-383-0370 Circulation AdamSears...541-385-5805 FinanceHolly West..........541-383-032t HumanResources Traci Donaca.....................541-383-0327 Operations James Baisinger...............541-617-7624

tens of thousands of children around the world had suf-

fered abuse by priests. "We think it is a horrible

thing that is being kept silent both by the Holy See itself and in the different local par-

bers and mission have not yet

who told the panel that "the

ishes," she said. The panel rejected the

been specified. The Vatican responded

Holy See gets it."

church's key contention that

The report addressed is-

sues far beyond child sexual ready made many of the abuse, taking the Vatican to changes called for in the re- task for its opposition to conport, and t hat th e r eport's traception, h o mosexuality conclusions were out of date. and abortion in cases of child The r e port, h o w ever, rape and incest. The commitw as harshly critical of t h e tee even suggested that the church's current practices, church amend its canon laws not just those of the past. to permit abortions for preg"The committee is gravely nant girls whose lives and concerned that the Holy See health are at risk. has not acknowledged the exBut the Vatican press office W ednesday that i t

Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337

has not taken the necessary gretted to see the U.N. commeasures to address cases mittee "attempt to interfere" of child sexual abuse and to with Catholic teaching and protect children, and has ad- the church's "exercise of reliopted policies and practices gious freedom." which have led to the continSister Mary Ann Walsh, uation of the abuse by and the a spokeswoman for the U.S. impunity of the perpetrators," Conference of Catholic Bishthe report concluded. ops, said in a blog post that The criticism came from the report was "weakened" a panel that examined the by the panel's decision to V atican's compliance w i t h include objections to Cathothe Convention on the Rights lic teaching on culture war of the Child, an internation- issues. al agreement signed by 140 K irsten Sandberg, t h e sovereign entities, including chairwoman of the U.N. panthe Vatican. The panel held el, said Wednesday at a news a hearing on the issue last conference in Geneva that

had al-

tent of the crimes committed,

said in a statement that it re-

the Vatican has no jurisdiction over its bishops and is responsible for implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child only within the tiny territory of Vatican

City. By ratifying the convention, the panel said, the Vat-

ican took responsibility for making sure it was respected by individuals and i n stitu-

tions under the Holy See's au-

ran out after 37 years on the run not because of anintense manhunt but rather two disparate factors: bad weather that kept an investigator at his deskand her distinctive eyesthat had neverchanged since her mug shot was taken. SanDiegopolice arrested the 60-year-old woman Monday at herSanDiegoapartment after receiving a mugshot from Michigan, where anofficer staying off icy roads sent fingerprint cards for all old escapees to theFBI.Authorities had been searching for Hayman since sheescaped from Ypsilanti prison in1977. Hayman served eight months of an 18- to 24-month sentence for attempting to steal clothes from aDetroit-area store. EgyPt attaCkS —In the last two weeks, Islamist militants have detonated a carbomb at the gates of the capital's security headquarters, gunned down asenior interior ministry official and shot down a military helicopter over Sinai with a portable missile. Perhaps most alarming to officials in Cairo andWashington are thesigns that the swift increase in the scaleandeffectiveness of the attacks may come from a new influx of fighters: Egyptians returning from jihad abroad to join a campaign of terrorism against the military-backed government that ousted President MohammedMorsi and began abloody crackdown on his allies in the Muslim Brotherhood.

LOndOn UndergrOund Strike — Astrike onthe London Underground crippled much of the city's transportation network Wednesday, disrupting the plans of millions of travelers and forcing commuters to cram into overcrowded busesandtrains or walk or cycle to work. The48-hour strike, which began Tuesday evening, was called by two unions to protest plans to cut about 950 jobs andclose all ticket offices as part of a restructuring that the London transportation authority says could savearound 50 million pounds, or about $81 million, a year.Thestrike shut down several parts of the system, which normally has 3.5 million subway rides eachday.


$5M viOlin Still miSSing — Twomenandawomanhave been arrested in the recent theft of the Stradivarius violin played bythe concertmaster of the MilwaukeeSymphony Orchestra, Milwaukeepolice announcedWednesday.But the instrument, which dates from1715 and is valued at $5million, is still missing. Police Chief EdwardFlynn identified the suspects, all from Milwaukee, astwo men,ages 36 and 41, and a32-year-old woman. Though hesitant to speculate, Flynn said there was noevidence to suggest that the violin had left Milwaukee, and no indication they "wereworking for anyone but themselves."

CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-383-0356.


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Fugitive fOr 37 yearS — Police sayJudy Lynn Hayman's luck

Ukraine aid —On a visit to Ukraine to try to prod the country's embattled president and his opponents into resolving a volatile standoff, Europe's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, said Wednesday that a package ofeconomic assistance was in the works but dampened hopes of asudden infusion of cash. Russia decided last week to suspend a$15 billion loan package, and the EuropeanUnion has repeatedly said it does not want to get into a bidding war with Russia for Ukraine's allegiances. Unless Russia restarts the flow of cash or the West comes upwith a substitute, Ukraine will probably be forced to default on debts or devalue its currency.

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TexaS exeCuteS wOman —A womanconvicted of torturing and killing a mentally impaired manshelured to Texaswith the promise of marriage wasput to death Wednesday evening in arare execution of a female prisoner. Thelethal injection of Suzanne Basso,59, made the New Yorknative only the14th womanexecuted in the U.S.since the SupremeCourt in1976 allowed capital punishment to resume. Almost1,400 men havebeen put to death during that time.

thority around the world.

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day ruled out any immigration legislation in the Housethis year, insisting that the GOP should wait until next year whenthe party might also control the Senate. House GOPleaders unveiled their broad immigration principles last weekthat gave hope to advocates and the Obama administration that the first changes in thenation's laws in three decades might happen in thecoming months. But several of the conservatives wereadamant that the House should do nothing on the issue this year, amidterm election year whenthe GOPis angling to gain six seats in theSenateand seize majority control.

priests around the world, and



itary might run deeper than herealized, DefenseSecretary Chuck Hagel ordered service leadersWednesday to add urgency to their drive to ensure "moral character and moral courage" in a force emerging from more than adecadeof war. Almost a year into his tenure as Pentagon chief, Hagel hadbeenworried by a string of ethics scandals that produced awaveof unwelcomepublicity for the military. But in light of new disclosures this week, including the announcement of alleged cheating amongsenior sailors in the nuclear Navy, Hageldecided to push for a fuller accounting.

— From wire reports

Matt Rourke/The AssociatedPress

An ice-covered tree limb that took out a utility line blocks the path of a firetruck Wednesdayafter a winter storm in Philadelphia. More than a million homesand businesseswere left in darkness andcold Wednesdayafter snow, sleet and freezing rain movedinto the Northeast and Midwest. The region's second winter storm of the week

canceled classes,closedgovernmentand business offices and sent cars and trucks sliding on slippery roads and highways. Around afoot of snow fell in some states. Three people died in Kansas inweather-related traffic accidents. ByWednesday evening, power outages remainedabove1 million.

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All Bulletinpaymentsareaccepted at the drop boxat City Hall. Checkpayments may be converted toanelectronic funds transfer.TheBulletin, USPS A552-520, ispublished daily byWestern Communicationsinc., 1777S.W.Chandler Ave., Bend,OR97702.Periodicalspostage paid atBend,OFLPostmaster: Send addresschangesto TheBulletin circulation depart ment,PO.Box6020,Bend,OR 97706.TheBulletin retainsownershipand copyright protection ofall staff-prepared news copy,advertising copyandnews or ad illustrations.Theymay not be reproduced withoutexplicit priorapproval.

Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:


tr ®aQsr Q se QsQ

The estimated jackpot is now $247 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:

14Q 44 32Q 35Q 37Q 40 Q Q The estimated jackpot is now $1.5 million.

Major drugstoreplansto endsales of tobaccoproducts byOctober By Stephanie Strom New York Times News Service

of which are linked to smok-

ing," said Larry Merlo, chief

CVS/Caremark, the coun- executive of CVS. "We came try's largest drugstore chain to the decision that cigarettes in overall sales, announced and providing health care just Wednesday that it planned don't go together in the same to stop selling cigarettes and setting." other tobacco products by CVS does not sell electronic October. cigarettes, the highly popular The company's move was but debated devices that deliver another sign of its metamor- nicotine without tobacco and phosis into becoming more of emit a rapidly vanishing vapor a health care provider than a instead of smoke. It said it was largely retail business, with its waiting for guidance on the destores offering more minidin- vices from the Food and Drug

that the CVS decision was "an unprecedented step in the re-

tail industry" and predicted it would have "considerable

Administration, which has ex-


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Sebelius said that each day, some 3,200 children under 18 will try a cigarette and 700 will go on to become daily smokers. "(Wednesday's) CVS/Caremark announcement helps

bring our country closer to achievingatobacco-freegeneration," she said.

otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer tomers visiting its pharmacies. pressed interest in regulating Society, said other local govThe company estimated that e-cigarettes. ernment entities were weighits decision would cost an estiSome major retail stores like ing similar measures. mated $2 billion in sales from Wal-Mart an d c o nvenience "If you're in the business of tobacco buyers, which includes stores still sell cigarettes and promoting health and providincidental items like gum that other tobacco products, al- ing health care, it's very hypthose customers might also though anti-smoking groups ocritical to be selling tobacco purchase. That is a mere dent and health care professionals products," Brawley said. "It in its overall sales of $123 bil- will probably use CVS' deci- just doesn't make sense and lion in 2012, the latest figures sion to try to pressure others to in fact is almost a conflict of available. consider doing so. Municipal- interest." "We have a b out 2 6 ,000 ities have also begun enacting The company estimated that pharmacists and nurse practi- legislation governing where the decision would erase 17 tioners helping patients man- cigarettes can be sold. cents in earnings per share of age chronic problems like Kathleen Sebelius, secre- stock annually, but that it had high cholesterol, high blood tary of H ealth and Human identified ways of offsetting pressureand heart disease, all Services, said in a statement the impact. ics and health advice to aid cus-

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

TODAY It's Thursday, Feb. 6,the 37th day of 2014. Thereare328 days left in the year.




Building flexible

TeaCher Strike — In Medford, teachers plan to walk out this morning if a contract agreement is not reached. 85


A recent video purported to prove that adding an infinite series of natural numbers will equal minus

EU — The EuropeanCentral Bank will meet in Paris to discuss the problem of deflation.

/12 raising compelling questions about the entire notion of infinity.

By Douglas Quenqua New York Times News Service


By Dennis Overbye New York Times News Service

Highlight: In1952, Britain's

This is what happens when

King George Vldied atSandringham House inNorfolk, England; hewassucceeded as monarch byhis elder daughter, who becameQueenElizabeth II. In1778, the UnitedStateswon official recognition from France with the signing of aTreaty of Alliance in Paris. In 1788, Massachusetts became thesixth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. In 1899, a peacetreaty between the United Statesand Spainwas ratified by theU.S.Senate. In 1922, Cardinal Archille Ratti was elected pope; he took the name PiusXI. In1988, the 20th Amendment to the U.S.Constitution, the so-cal led"lameduck"amendment, was proclaimed ineffect by Secretary of StateHenry Stimson. In 1943, a LosAngeles jury acquitted actor Errol Flynn ofthree counts of statutory rape. In1959, the UnitedStates successfully test-fired for the first time aTitan intercontinental ballistic missile fromCape Canaveral. In1973, Dixy LeeRaywas appointed byPresident Richard Nixon to bethe first woman to head theAtomic EnergyCommission. In 1992,16 peoplewerekilled when a C-130military transport plane crashed inEvansville, Ind. In1998, President Bill Clinton signed a bill changing thename of Washington National Airport toRonaldReaganWashington National Airport. Ten yearsago: President George W. Bushappointeda bipartisan commission toexamine intelligence onIraq's weapons. (In ascathing 600-page report released inMarch 2005, the commission called thespy community"dead wrongon almost all of its prewarjudgments" about Iraqi weaponry.) A suicide bombersetoff an explosion that rippedthrough a Moscow subway car during rush hour, killing 41people. Fiveyears age: Keysenators and the WhiteHousereached tentative agreement onan economic stimulus measureat the heart of President Barack Obama's recovery plan. One year ago:TheU.S.Postal Service proposedeliminating Saturday mail delivery, an announcementthat immediately drew protests from some lawmakers. At least ninepeople were killed by a tsunami that smashed into villages inthe Solomon Islands, flattening dozens of homes intheSouth Pacific island chain.


you mess with infinity.







To date some 1.5 million people have viewed this calculation, whichplays akeyrole in modern physics and quantum




as it sounds, has been verified to many decimal places in lab

could help usher in an age of flexible flat-screen televi-

the world?

sions and smartphones.

Riemann's explorations of the geometry of curved spaces

The conductor consists of gold nanomesh electrodes,

in 1854 laid the foundation for

e ssentially a

Einstein's theory of gravity, general relativity, half a centurylater. There were mathematicians and philosophers who were ready to jump out the window later in the 1800s when Georg

tightly interconnected, very small gold wires, according to the study, which was published online by Nature Communications. The

the video myself, I checked to that you can't stop. You never make sure I still had my wallet get there. It's more of a journey and my watch. than a destination. As PadilEventhemakersofthevideo la says to Haran at the end of — Brady Haran, a journalist, their video, "You have to face and Ed Copeland and Antoinfinity, Brady." nio Padilla, physicists at the The method in the video is University of Nottingham in essentially the same as Euler's.

achieve "ultrahigh stretchability" and porous enough to let light through. Because it is made of gold, it is less likely than silver or copper conductors to lose conduc-

in 1908, French mathemati-

cian Henri Poincare compared part of many calculations in "Cantorism," as he called it, to quantum theory, physicists do a disease. something similar to what EuMathematicians today agree ler did, arriving at a real num- that there is an infinite number ber that corresponds to the of natural numbers (1, 2, 3 and quantity they want to know so on) on the bottom rung of and an infinite term, which

tivity to oxidization, the researchers said. In the quest for electron-

ics that can be rolled or folded, scientists have long sought a conductor that is highly flexible and transparent. They have struggled, however, to achieve

infinity. Above that, however,

they throw away. The process is another rung of so-called It involves nothing more com- works so well that theoretical realnumbers, which is bigger plicated than addition and sub- predictions in quantum elec- in the sense that there is an untraction (although the things trodynamics, the fancy version countable number of them for being added and subtracted of the familiar force of electro- every natural number. And so are more infinite series) and a magnetism, agree with exper- it goes. small piece of algebra that my iments to a precision of one Cosmologists do not know sixth-grade daughter would part in a trillion. if the universe is physically breezethrough. Which is remarkable given infinite in either space or time,

presentation. Which has led to some online grumbling. But there is broad agreement that a more rigorous approach to the problem gives You are not alone in wonthesame result,asshown by a dering how this can make formula in Joseph Polchinski's sense. Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel,

Theory." whose notion of an Abel sum So what's going on with plays a role here, once wrote, "The divergent series are the infinity? "This calculation is one of invention of the devil, and it is the best-kept secrets in math," a shame to base on them any

that infinite quantities have

both in a material that is adequately conductive, said

Zhifeng Ren, a physicist at the University of Houston and lead author of the paper.

In addition to being flexible, the conductor for a flexible

or what it means if it is or isn't

smartphone must be trans-

these are even sensible been thrown away, or "swept — or if

parent to accommodate the touch screen. The conductor could find applications in medical devices as well.

under the rug," in the words of the California Institute of

Technology physicist Richard Feynman, who helpedinvent

questions. They don't know

whether someday they will find that higher orders of infin-

ity are unreasonably effective a lot of this stuff but thought in understanding existence, it wa s m o r e t h a n f a i ntly whatever that is. scandalous. Here is where we sprain our

WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066

demonstration whatsoever." Likewise, it is no surprise imaginations, and perhaps ematics professor at the UniThose of us who are not that the factor 'k shows up a check to see that we still have versity of California, Berkeley, mathematicians pr o bably lot in string theory equations, our wallets. and author of "Love and Math: wouldn't care so much about Frenkel said. Why it all works The Heart of Hidden Reality" infinity except that it crops up is still a mystery. "Quantum physics needs (Basic Books, 2013). "No one again and again in calculaon the outside knows about it." tions of things, like the energy its own Riemann to come and The great 1 8th-century of the electron, that we know give a rigorous explanation of mathematician Leonhard Eu- are finite, or in string theory, these mysteries," Frenkel said. 686 NW York Drive, Ste.150 ler, who was born in Switzer- which physicists would like to To him and others, this is Bend, OR I 541-306-3263 land but did most of his work hope is finite. just another example of what in Berlin and St. Petersburg, In this case, our current un- the eminent physicist Eugene Russia, was the first one down derstanding of the very solid- Wigner called the "unreasonthis road. Euler wanted to ity of reality depends on com- able effectiveness of m athknow if you could find an an- ing up with a consistent way to ematics." Why should such swer to endless sums of num- assign values to infinite sums. woolly and abstract concepts bers like 1 plus V2 plus /s plus '/4 In the process known as as zeta functions or imaginary on up to infinity, or the squares r egularization, which is a numbers, the products of a of those fractions. said Edward Frenkel, a math-

These are all different ver-

sions of what has become known as the Riemann zeta function, after Bernhard Rie-

you can save while keeping your family

ant in the theory of prime num-

warm this cold winter!

bers, among other things. It was one of the plot threads, for example, in Thomas Pynchon's 2006 novel, "Against the Day." In 1749, Euler used a bag of


the problem of adding the nat-




ural numbers from 1 to infini-

— From wire reports



y+ '.a4'

mathematical tricks to solve

— the sum will be enormous. The problem with infinity is

G allery-Be n d

Find out just how much

mysterious and celebrated subjects in mathematics, import-

ty, a so-called divergent series because the terms keep growing without limit as you go along. Clearly, if you stop adding anywhere along the wayat a quintillion (1 with 18 zeros after it), say, or a googolplex (10 to the 100th power zeros)

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a century after Euler. The zeta function is one of the more

Actress ZsaZsaGabor is 97. Actor Rip Torn is 83. Actress Mamie VanDoren is 83. Former NBCNews anchorman Tom Brokaw is 74. Producer-director-writer Jim Sheridan is 65. Singer Natalie Cole is 64. Actress Kathy Najimy is 57. Rock singer Axl Rose is52.

%B- IIY'

Baby It's Cold Outside!

mann, whocame along about


n e twork o f

material is thin enough to

kinds of infinity. In a speech lllustratlonby Elwood H. Smith/New YorkTimes News Service

experiments. After watching

two-volume textbook "String

chess game in our minds, have such relevance in describing

Cantor, a Russian-born mathematician, set out to classify the

theory; the answer, as absurd

or what some mathematicians have called dirty tricks, in their

ductor that is both highly flexible and transparent,

developed an electrical conan elusive combination that


series actually adds up to ... minus /i2.

tain amount of "hocus-pocus,"

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You might think that if you simply started adding the natural numbers, 1 plus 2 plus 3 and so on all the way to infinity, you would get a pretty big number. At least I always did. So it came as a shock to a lot of people when, in a recent video, a pair of physicists purported to prove that this infinite

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of the labor force because they can afford to.


nalist or news organization

Continued fromA1

The budget office forecasts that overthe next severalyears,

Continued fromA1

len goods" theory, said Lucy Dalglish, the former execu-

ter Rogers, who drilled in. Without mentioning Greenwald or Gellman by name, he asked Comey, "So if I'm a newspaper reporter for-

pend onhaving a job. In a key point overlooked in

there will be plenty of unemployed people available to fill those jobs. But over the longer term as the economy improves, the supply will shrink, and because of that, total employment and the number of hours people work will be less than

the GOP response, the report

it would have been without the


health care law.

Comey, a former No. 2 at the Justice Department, re-

More would take earlyretirement, work fewer hours or oth-

erwise rearrange their workhome balance totake advan-

tage of new subsidies for health insuranceand new markets for individualpolicies that don't de-

says: "The estimated reduction stems almost entirely from a

A smaller workforce means

net decline in the amount of

labor thatworkers choose to supply, rather than from a net J. Scott Applewhite/The Associated Press drop in businesses' demand for Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf, right, labor." talks with House Budget Committee member Rep. Earl BlumeIn other words, workers ar-

nauer, D-Ore., Wednesday prior to Elmendorf testifying before the

en't being laid off. They are tak- committee's hearing on theCBObudget and economic outlook. ing themselves out of the workforce, in many cases opening job opportunities for others. of Americans their jobs." ly respected by both sides but As if recognizing that fellow Rep. John Kline of Minne- not infallible, predicts some elRepublicans were getting a bit sota: "The president's health ements of the health care law overheated, Rep. Paul Ryan care law is destroying full-time will help job growth and other of Wisconsin, House Budget jobs. ... This fatally flawed parts will hurt it. Committee chairman, intro- health care scheme is wreakOn the plus side, for example, duced a reality check when ing havoc on working families it expects lower-income people questioning Douglas Elmen- nationwide." to havemore money to spend dorf, budget office director, Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia: because more of them will have during a hearing Wednesday. Obamacare creates "unprec- their health insurance partially "So just to understand this, it's edented uncertainty for job or fully paid for by government not that employers are laying creators that, according to the under the law. On the negative people off, it's that ... people non-partisan Congressional side, Elmendorf told Ryan's aren't working in the work- Budget Office, will leave mil- committeethat inthe short run, force, aren't supplying labor," lions of people looking for work the law would increase employers'costs for their workers and heposited. in the next few years." "That is right," Elmendorf reducethe number of people Thefacts replied. they hire. Over time, this could A look at some of the RepubNo one knows whether the put downward pressure on lican ciaims and how they com- health care law will turn out to wages, he said. pare with the facts: be good or bad for jobs and the But those effects, good and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida: economy. Everything is guess- bad, are expected to be mod"Just yesterday, the Congres- work, however educated the est. Of more consequence is the sional Budget Office found that guess. expectation that millions will Obamacare will cost millions The budgetoffi ce,general- take themselves voluntarily out

fewer people producing goods and services, which translates into slower economic growth.

The CBO report also forecasts that an aging population will cause more Americans to re-

tire, further reducing the workforce. That's the main reason it expects growth will average roughly 2.5 percent over the next 10 years, below its longrun pace of about 3 percent.

Some Republicans picked their words more c arefully than others in reacting to the

report. House Speaker John Boeh-

ner, for example, said the report backs up Republican arguments that Obamacare "hurts

take-home pay," a plausible point as far as it goes. Ryan said the availability of health

insurance subsidies will be a disincentive to find work, a claim supported by the study.

has ever been tried on a "sto-

That answer didn't d e-

fast-table squabble, the dairy

drama is quickly escalating.

regarding U.S. policy toward Iran and Israel to two

question" because the First Amendment might protect reporters and publishers. He demurred, saying Rogers should ask the Justice

employees of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The employees, Ste-


ven Rosen and Keith Weiss-

man, were later indicted on chargesofconspiracy to dis-

Rogers obliquely referred close classified information, but the case against them was dismissed in 2009. plices" — the same word The case is analogous Clapper used in separate to news reporting because testimony on Tuesday and Rosen and Weissman were last week during a Senate merely middlemen in the hearing in which he called dissemination of classified on Snowden and those pos- documents, much as joursessing NSA documents to nalists are, said Dalglish, return them. who is now dean of the UniIn i n t erviews T uesday, versity of Maryland's jourGreenwald, a journalist and nalism school. lawyer, and Martin Baron, Nevertheless, Greenwald the editor of The Washing- said Rogers and Clapper ton Post, both said Rogers were "trying to mainstream and Clapper's characteri- the idea that journalists to the r eporters working with Snowden as "accom-


" criminalize" t h e

act of being a journalist. By their comments implicate any news organization that

Continued fromA1 After beginning as a break-

L awrence Franklin, w h o passed classif ied documents

plied that this was "a harder

al from the labor market is no


First Amendment issues.

The closest parallel was the espionage scandal instolen material, is that legal volving a former Defense because I'm a newspaper Department emp l oyee,

extension, said Greenwald,

day's surge of retirements by baby boomers entering old age. If anything, it could open job opportunities for people who can't get in the workforce now.

of the Press, which monitors

fill in the blank — and I sell

But the predicted withdrawmore a killer of jobs than to-

tive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom

publishes or broadcasts in-

formation based on NSA documents. " You have t o

can be intimidated. This is

a very concerted effort on the part of the government to create a climate where

(journalists) constantly feel threatened and where at any m oment the power of t h e

state will be brought down

b e c o n - on you." He added, "I will

cerned when a member of continue being super-agCongress is framing the is- gressive in my reporting," sue this way," said Baron. he said. "It leaves the suggestion that In October, the head of legitimate news reporting the National Security Agenis tantamount to a criminal cy, Gen. Keith Alexander, act. It's not and shouldn't be called on journalists to stop "selling" NSA documents, characterized that way." Despite many prosecu- although he stopped short tions involving the leak of of saying that doing so was classified material, no jour- a criminal act.

The Obama administration has intervened, seeking t o

clear the way for the delivery. A U.S. senator fired off an ur-


gent letter to the Russian am-

bassador, asking for his help. U.S. officials are hoping to receive a special dispensation from the Russian agency Rosselkhoznadzor, the Fed-

Continued fromA1 I




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Rep. Dennis Richardson, R-Central Point, who is run-



ning for governor, said that although he appreciates the intent, the measure doesn't go far enough. Cover Oregon, he said, has been a drain on state funds. It's time

eral Service for Veterinary

and Phytosanitary Surveillance, whose jurisdiction includes American-made Greek

yogurt. Y ogurt production is a booming business in upstate New York, a place that does not have many booming busi-

4i Luca Bruno/The Associated Press

Blue sky and snowcappedmountains backdrop the athlete's village in Russia for mountain-based sports. The American athletes living in these accommodations, however, lack at least one amenity: access to Chobeni Greek yogurt that Russia won't allow to enter the country.

nesses. Naturally, the indus-

try has become a favorite for many of the state's leading elected officials. Sens. Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, both

Democrats, have pushed for Greekyogurt to be served with school lunches. And New York

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, also a Democrat, is planning his second "yogurt summit" to celebrate the industry.

Schumer, who is fond of plain Greek yogurt and likes to add raisins, has jumped into the fray. "There is simply no time to waste in getting our

Olympic athletes a nutritious and delicious food," he said in

Live Streamillg —NBC's moneyedgrip on the Olympic Games meansthat it has traveled a technological path that no other network has. It has shownthe gamesentirely on broadcast television. It has addedmultiple cable networks. Now, it is live-streaming virtually every event to anecosystem increasingly populated by tablets and smartphones. With the Winter Gamesfrom Sochi, Russia, almost here, it is worth remembering that four years agoNBCstreamed only hockey and curling from Vancouver. Now,all15 sports will be streamed live — to thoseauthenticating their cable, satellite and telephone accounts — from Vladimir Putin's subtropical wonderland. NBC believes that its television viewership throughout the day and, in particular, during prime time, will be enhanced byfans who are watching live on their computers or iPads. NBC arrived at this realization two years agoduring the Summer Gamesin London, where all events were streamed live. — New YorkTimes NewsService

a statement.

In requesting that the blockade be lifted, Schumer addThe Sochi-bound yogurt gurt, "the Russian authorities may be a victim of a broader should get past 'nyet.'" dairy dispute. U.S. dairy proNo resolution is i n s i ght. ducershave been cutofffrom Whether U.S. athletes will the Russian market since 2010, ed that when it comes to yo-

have access to

a n y o t h er

brands of yogurt could not be determined Wednesday. Yevgeniy Khorishko, a spokesman for the Russian Embassy in Washington, said U.S. offi-

centers in the United States. For the Olympics, the com-

pany had planned to send single-serve cups of blueberry, as the two countries have been strawberry and peach yogurt, unable to reach an agreement along with larger containers of on health certification for U.S. plain yogurt that could be used dairy exports. "The Russians to make smoothies. Some of have not put in the effort to the yogurt came from upstate try to resolve this," said Jaime New York, and some from

cials had been told about the

Castaneda, a senior vice presnecessary paperwork, but had ident of the National Milk Pro-

not complied.

to athletes at Olympic training

ducers Federation, adding that Khorishko said there would Russia was an appealing marbe no special treatment just ket for butterfat. because the yogurt was bound Chobani is the official yofor American lips. "We are a gurt of the U.S. Olympic team, lawful country," he said. "You and in the run-up to Sochi, its should follow the rules." products were made available

Chobani's other American fac-

tory, in Idaho.

deed goes unpunished," he said. Yogurt-sensitive politicians came toChobani's defense on Wednesday, urging Russian officials to reconsider their crackdown. "You'd think t h ey'd have

enough to worry about," said James Seward, a Republican state senator whose district

includes Chobani's plant in Chenango County. He predicted that a mple

accessto Greek yogurt could boost the Americans' medal count.

And Gary Finch, a Republican state assemblyman who

also representsthe Chobani plant, suggested that Russia should also consider importing Chobani so Russians everywhere could enjoy it.


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duplicate a program that is working elsewhere, refer-

all want to help families and

small businesses get the tax relief they deserve. "I don't want this bill to get

bogged down in the obvious politics of this issue," Fagan said. The Cover Oregon web-

ring to the federal health in-

site was expected to launch Oct. 1, but instead became

the measure stands now, it's


a high-profile embarrasssurance exchange. "It's good money after ment for the state. It still bad," he said. is unable to enroll people Richardson e x p ressedthrough the website, and the interest in introducing an state has instead relied on amendment to the measure enrolling people via a paper that would scrap Cover application. Oregon and instead have The governor in previous the state use th e f ederal interviews has said he is the exchange. one who should be held acRep. J ason C o n ger, countable. The director of R-Bend, who is vying for a Cover Oregon, Rocky King, seat in the U.S. Senate, ex- stepped down as did Carolyn pressed doubt the website Lawson, the chief informawould ever be f u nctional, tion officer. saying that components of The next step is for the House Bill 4154 would be health care committee to "kicking the can down the hold a work session on the road." measure. Fagan, however, said as — Reporter,541-554-1162,

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com TheBulletin

"It would have a healthy ef-

fect on the way they look at life over there," he said. Finch, recalling Chobani's explosive growth since its founding, walked over to his refrigeratorand opened it.He counted 18 cups. If Russia wants to have a

Cold War over yogurt, he said, sobe it. "Whatever they choose to executive, said it only seemed natural to send along a ship- bring to the table to have some ment of Chobani, given that conflict over, we, of course, U.S. athletes had enjoyed eat- will win," he said. "And we will ing it during their training. have our yogurt at the end of "Unfortunately, no g ood the day." McGuinness, the Chobani

for the state to stop trying to

something most lawmakers can get behind. Regardless of where lawmakers fall on the future of Cover Oregon, she said, they

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Former military

usician uses maets an more to sniper linksarmed turn or er ence into wa o soun s robberies to PTSD By Cindy Carcamo Los Angeles Times

By David Zucchino

stress related to their combat

Los Angeles Times

experience as the reason for

TAMPA, Fla. — As a Spe-

civilian misdeeds, a tactic that

cial Forces sniper in Iraq and Afghanistan, Gabriel Brown craved danger. Combat satisfied what he called his "adren-

sic — a cello bow, a mallet and the miles-long fence di-

often reduces or even eliminates sentences for minor crimes, especially in special veterans' courts. "It's a growaline addiction." ing trend, with the stigma of When he returned home PTSD largely eliminated and to Florida, nothing in civil- the condition more widely un-

viding the United States and Mexico.

ian life provided the sense of invincibility that made com-

SASABE, Ariz. — On a

windy day in southern Arizona's remote borderlands,

Glenn Weyant had everything heneeded to make mu-

His method, like his music, was improvisational and low-

tech: He inserted electronic equipment into an Altoids tin, turning it into a micro-

phone. Weyant filled the tin with magnets and pressed it against the fence a f ew

inches off the ground. Wires attached to the tin led to an amp and several effects ped-

als — the kind electric guitarists use — which allow him to manipulate sounds.

Desert scrub, mesquite and s un-bleached rock s

Mel Melcon/Los Angeles Times

w o u l d A Border Patrol agent, left, joins Glenn Weyant for a duet last month, as they bang mallets against the

serve as his audience; some- border fence in Sasabe, Ariz., playing it like a musical instrument. times they do double duty as "Nobody thought of the border wall as possibly anything other than something to separate people," he said. "I

bat so alluring and vital. The Reserve military legal officer. sniper-killer was now a nursBut blaming PTSD for ing student. There was a hole seriousfelonies rarely sucin his life, but he found a way ceeds, even for elite soldiers to fill it: robbing banks. like Brown, 34, a decorated He robbed with a military Green Beretwith no previous flair. On Feb. 5, 2013, Brown c~ reco rd. Courts are whipped out a gun and tossed aware that most PTSD vetan M83 military smoke gre- erans manage not to commit nade during a robbery of a serious crimes, said Victor TD Bank branch in Auburn- Hansen, a law professor and dale, Fla., that netted $19,000. former Army legal officer. It was his final crime in a The result of Brown's plea two-week string of robberies for demency was differentthat targeted banks, a cell- so different that Hansen and phone store and an insurance other legal experts could recompany. call no case like it. Brown was arrested the


derstood," said David Frakt, a law professor and Air Force

In a federal courtroom in

next day on federal charges that carry a mandatory minimum of 32 years to life. He quickly confessed.

downtown Tampa last month,

"It was extremely hard for

R obert M cChristian, w h o

person commented on a Youpeople on both sides can have Tube video of Weyant makopen dialogueand communi- ing music. "Bravo. Beautiful. cation," Weyant said. Inspiring." In this recording, transform it. I play it." He experimented with Weyant rarely touched the For eight years, Weyant drumsticks, mallets, v iolin wall and mostly amplified the has tapped, banged and bows and cello bows. Some- sound the wind created blowstroked the fence to produce times he'd use sticks found on ing across rocks and through haunting, sometimes ethe- the ground. the fence. real, sounds in a region he In Nogales, he played a At one point, Weyant aughas called the "de facto mili- fence made of repurposed mented the sound by playing tarized zone." Compositions helicopter l anding p a ds, a cello while wearing a zecan last a minute — or more sometimes creating a stac- bra-head mask. His methods than half an hour. cato sound. He'd capture often defy explanation. He "I'm a border deconstruc- the noise from birds landing once employed a moose call, t ionist," s a i d We y a nt , a on top of the fence, and the blowing into the whistle-like 50-year-old Tucson resident. sounds of cars and people contraption while s t anding "I want to deconstruct pre- passing through the port of next to the fence.

stay-at-home dad, said he gets to the border wall as much as

conceived notions. What I'm

border fence near the small

from committing robberies fulsense ofremorse. was some kind of weird adBrown's family believed diction I so desperately need- PTSD drove him to crime afed to get myself out of this de- ter contributing to his alcohol pressive state I was in." and drug abuse, depression, Like thousands of other nightmares and compulsive combat veterans, Brown was gambling. He wouldn't have diagnosed with post-traumat- been the first: A 2012 survey ic stress disorder. And like of 1,400 veterans diagnosed

town of S asabe, about 70 miles southwest of Tucson.

thousands of PTSD veterans seeking reduced sentences for

else ... an instrument so that


playing a In Sasabe, he created a del- 'Why are you wall?' afraid of the wall. You have icate raspy sound when he nothing to fear." put a violin or cello bow on For the most part, Border Weyant moved to Tucson rusty mattress wires ranch- Patrol agents have left him 19 years ago when much of ers had stretched between alone. "I'm a white male playing the border fence in southern fence posts to keep their catArizona was barbed wire. It tle from straying into Mexico. the border wall," Weyant seemed forbidden. He didn't The results, he said, were said. "I'm aware of my priviknow whether he could even beautiful. leged status." touch it. Weyant is more interestSome agents have greeted "Am I a l l owed?" Weyant ed in creating effects than him with friendly curiosity. "Why are you playing a recalled wondering. melodies. His recordings can Though people tend to sound like wind chimes or wall?" one asked. stay away from the fencehave the flute-like breathiness Another radioed his supeat least on the northern side created by blowing across a riors: "There's a guy playing — it's not against the law to bottle top. Other sounds re- the wall. Is he allowed to do saying is you don't need to be

he can, oftenonce a month.

He has given lectures about his music at various universities. He's collaborated with

musicians who have incorporated his border sounds into their works. He sells his com-

positions for 99 cents to $500 but has given away some to humanitarian a i d a s sociations. He makes them avail-

able on his website, SonicAnta, or posts videos of himself

on YouTube. On the recent blustery afternoon, Weyant went to the

Behind him, long, parched grasses danced in the wind. Snarled mesquite poked from the sandy earth. Baboquiv-

me to find a way to go from being in highly threatening situations, risking my life every day, to sitting at home watching TV alone," he wrote later. "The adrenaline I got

Brown faced sentencing after

pleading guilty and testifying against a fellow veteran, was sentenced to 30 years in prison. He cut a sympathetic figure: a powerfully built war hero with a shaved head, military bearing, exemplary combat record and a power-

with PTSD found that 23 per-

cent committed crimes, mostcrimes, he blamed the condi- ly nonviolent, after deploytion, in part, for his actions. ment, according to the JourIncreasingly, ve t erans nal of ConsuMng and Clinical across the U.S. have cited Psychology.

ari Peak towered above. The rock f o rmation s ometimes

servesas a compass for migrants who make the illegal trek north.

Crumpled water bottles, cans and plastic packages littered the desert — some of

it detritus left by immigrants crossing from Mexico. Weytouch it. semble moans, whistles and that'?" ant has played some of the clicks and suggest whale A few agents have warned castoffs too, stroking them Unusualsounds songs or the ambient noise on him about people on the or tapping them against the The New J e rsey n a tive a New Age relaxation tape. southern side of the fence. fenceorotherobjects. "Some people describe it "Hey, you know they throw had been drawn to unusual Weyant said the border sounds his whole life — as a as nails on a chalkboard," he rocks," one told him. wall was a n a p propriate "Usually," Weyant said, placetomake music because boy he enjoyed listening to said. "It can elicit a repulsion, t he hypnotic pattern of h i s fear, eeriness. It can be ethe- "when you play in a venue, it's haunted with stories. " This section i s w h e r e grandfather's electric fan. real. It's something that can you don't have people with One day in 2005 — a time be expansive." guns watching you and one hundreds of people die," he of growing concern about People who have stumbled guy telling you that people said. "Did they come from illegal immigration and ter- across Weyant s o metimes on the other side want to hurt Guatemala'?" rorism — he decided that he looked on from afar, unsure you." Dusty handprints stood wanted to hear what sounds of what he's doing. Others Still, he's never had any out against the rusty patina the fence could make. have approached him and dangerous run-ins with peo- of the fence. "Was it just a kid "It was a symbol of fear stayedforaprivate concert. ple on either side of the fence. who jumped the fence? So "Making the i nhumane, a nd loathing. I w a n ted t o Weyant, a former professor many stories," Weyant said. transform it into something humane and h u man," one of journalism who is now a "There's a lot of mojo here."


unanimously to expand the

Continued fromA1 The remaining four city

the west side of Bend and an-

urban growth boundary on

a new Oregon Department of Transportation plan to ease

The City Council also voted to adopt a resolution calling

on federal lawmakers who nex nearly 34 acres in order city in the future. The owners consider campaign finance councilors voted unanimous- for Bend-La Pine Schools to of Cascade Village Shopping reform proposals to"ensure ly to authorize City Manager build a new middle school. Center and other businesses full transparency of contribuEric King to sign a tax abate- The district plans to build the in the area were concerned tions to political campaigns m ent agreement w it h D e - middle school next to Sum- they would lose access to U.S. and require that contributions schutes Brewery. mit High School and William Highway 97 in the future, and expenditures be publicly 7ypically, an e n terprise E. Miller Elementary School. when ODOT builds a new disclosed within a reasonable zone ta x e x emption l a sts Lawyer Sharon Smith, who alignment of the highway with time." three years and abates local represents the school district, fewer connections to surface Councilors came up with taxes on new investments in said administrators hope to streets. The amendment the the idea for the resolution in the plant and equipment, ac- open the school by fall 2015. City Council approved in- response to the concerns of "It will do a great deal to cording to a city report. Cities cludes a compromise, written citizens who pushed for more in Oregon can extend the tax alleviate the overcrowding by an attorney for one of the than a year for the council to abatement for two additional at Cascade (Middle School)," business owners, that states speak out against the 2010 years if the employer meets Smith said of the proposed the city and ODOT will study Supreme Court ruling known compensation standards for middle school. a possible connection of Ro- as Citizens United v. Federal the new jobs created. In other business, the City bal Road to the new highway Election Commission. In other business Wednes- Council voted 4-2 to amend its alignment as well as the Em— Reporter: 541-617-7829, day, the City Council voted transportation plan to include pire Avenue interchange. hborrud@bendbulIetin.com traffic on the north end of the


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U.S. curbs drone strikes in Pakistan,

recarioLis time or an women

officials say

By David Zucchino Los Ange(es Times

KABUL, Afghanistan — Ghazalan Koofi loves

ByKaren DeYoung and Greg Miller

her mother but not the life her mother has been

Reports that we have agreed to a different approach in

The Washington Post

support of Pakistani peace W ASHINGTON — T h e talks are wrong," said the Obama administration has senior official, one of several sharply curtailed d rone interviewed for this article strikes in Pakistan after a who spoke on the condition request from the govern- of anonymity about the senment there for restraint as it sitive matter. pursues peace talks with the Relations with P akistan Pakistani Taliban, according have warmed even as U.S. to U.S. officials. tensions have worsened with

compelled to live. The older woman, her face tin also belongs to that vulnerable generation of women who arranged marriage at age 11. have become adults in a world She didn't go to school and of new freedoms — and fear a spent her life raising seven chil- future without them. dren with little help from her Matin was in grade school husband. when her family fled the TaliToday, at 50, Shahgol Shah ban in 1996; she was twicebeatstillobeysmahram, theAfghan en on the street for not properly custom that forbids women to covering her hair. For six long leave home without a male rel- years, shewas a low-paid child ative. Shewears aburqainpub- carpet weaver in Pakistan after lic. "That's our tradition," Shah her family fled the Taliban. says. She returned to Kabul afKoofi, 26, lives a life her ter the U.S.-led invasion and mother could never have imag- earned a high school degree cloaked in a shawl, had an

ined. She leaves home unes-

and a

corted every day, working at a government ministry and

Now, at 28, she directs a private hospital program in Kabul that

attending university classes at

provides maternal care to illit-

night. She speaks fluent English and has never worn a burqa. She dresses stylishly but modestly, her wavy black hair peekingfrom aheadscarf. She chastises sexist male colleaguesand demands their

erate villagers.

respect. She insisted on a seat at a recent tribal gathering

m i d wife's certificate.

Inside the n eat, sparsely decorated home she shares

with her husband and 3-yearold daughter, Sitayesh, Matin describes her sense of dread about the future. "Only God knows what will happen to women after 2014,"

dominatedby men. She trea- she says in lightly accented Ensures her "love marriage" with glish as her daughter plays on Shoaib Azizi, 27, a police de- the fl oor,watched over by her partment employee who calls parents. his wife "a very brave woman." The arc of Afghanistan's He helps with housework and recent history can be traced caring for their son, a radical through the three generations act that some male friends con- of Matin's family. sider weak and shameful. Her mother, Zahra Matin, Koofi came of age after the 52, was engaged at 9 and marU.S.-led military invasion top-

ried at 13. She is illiterate; she

pled the repressive Taliban spent her life working at home government in 2001. She has so that her children could atbenefitedfrom 12years ofslow,

tend school. Now she dreams

fitful gains for Afghan women. But with U.S. combat troops leaving Afghanistan next year, Koofi and other Afghan women worry that their freedoms will begin to erode. "We are entering a very dangerous period for women," Koofi says. "I'm very worried

ofher granddaughter attending college. The older woman dreads

the departure of foreign troops and worries that the Taliban

"They are criminals," she says harshly — will quash her dreams, and the dreams of her -

daughter. But she also has faith

that Afghanistan will continue rible days when the only place to allow women to break free of for a woman was in the home, the past. "For myself," she says, doing housework and serving "I'm still hoping to take literacy themen." classes and finally become an Koofi and her mother play educated woman." with her 11-month-old son, Her daughter sits on the floor Ahmad, inside the family's and cradles young Sitayesh. tidy concrete home on a hill- She plans to send the girl to side overlooking smoggy west school and ultimately to colKabul, two generations filled lege, butshefearsshema yhave with equal parts hope and fear to go abroad to do so. "Some people are saying the about the future of the nextone. Taliban might come back, and that we will return to those ter-

New freedoms

we'd all have to flee to Pakistan

Across Kabul, Shukriya Ma- again," she says, stroking the


no," one U.S. official said.

come available, and move to thwart any direct, imminent

threat to U.S. persons. Concern about Pakistani

Traditions still require bur-

In her spacious Kabul home,

qas in public for millions of provincial women, but also in

where two feminist books she

The new round of Pakistan-Taliban t alks, w h i ch

vides one explanation for the absence of strikes since

was due to begin Tuesday, was postponed by the gov-

since a six-week lull in 2011,

tion declined to participate.

afteran errant U.S. air as-

Disclosure of a pause in the drone campaign in Pa-

sault killed 24 Pakistani sol-

diers at a border post, triggering a diplomatic crisis.

kistan came as a senior Re-

The current pause follows a November strike that killed Pakistani T a l iban l e ader H akimullah M e hsud j u st days before an initial attempt

the Obama administration

Nawaz Sharif's government accused the United States of trying to sabotage the talks, and the Taliban canceled the meeting. Sincethen,the Obama administration has worked to

and they leave Americans' lives at risk."

at peace talks was scheduled to begin. Prime

M i n ister

improve relations with Shar-

Rogers cited the spread of al-Qaida offshoots in Yemen, Syria and Africa, and fer of power in Pakistani his- said that "individuals who tory. Administration officials would have been previously have praised his efforts to removed from the battlefield address serious structural by U.S. counterterrorism if, who took office last June in the first democratic trans-

problems in Pakistan and to

promote peace in the region. A senior administration

official, in response to queries, denied that any informal agreement had been reached, saying that "the issue of whether to negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban is entirely an internal matter for Pakistan." T he a d m inistration i s

"continuing to aggressively identify and disrupt terrorist active hostilities in line with


) •

i •

l • •


• I •


U.S. interests remain free becauseof self-imposed red tape." T he chairman di d n o t mention the CIA p rogram in Pakistan. His comments

came during a House hearing on security threats and

referred to new targeting criteria imposed by Obama last May that are supposed

nent threat to U.S. persons,

our established CT (counter- and only in cases when there terrorism) objectives and le- is a "near certainty" of no cigal and policy standards.... vilian casualties.


operations for attacking or plotting to a t tack against

to allow strikes only against al-Qaida operatives who theaterand outside areas of pose a continuing and immi-

in Kabul, to see women packed reversed, and we'd have to start into the backs of station wag- from scratch for the simple ons or the open trunk of a car. right to work outside the home There are undisputed gains: or go to school."

publican lawmaker assailed for tightening the guidelines under which lethal drone strikes are permitted. Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Tuesday that policy changes made by President Barack Obama last year to the drone program "are an utter and complete failure,

threats in the Afghan war

said he is trying to start his own peace negotiations.

political sensitivities pro-

has written are on display, she says,"Our gainscould easilybe

cities. It is not uncommon, even

nization with which he has

December, the longest pause ernment after two members in the CIA's drone campaign of a Taliban-named delega-

with death by the Taliban. Yet she intends to run for president in2018.

family crimes, is illegal but still prevalent in rural areas.

Karzai, who ha s a ccused the administration of plot-

out strikes against senior stan-based Afghan Taliban, al-Qaida targets, if they be- a separate but allied orga-

al police force. There are 150 The gains Afghan women female judges. Yet the percenthave made since 2001 are un- age of women in the governder threat. A recent United ¹ ment workforce has actually tions report said a landmark decreased by 4 percent since 2009 Afghan law on violence 2004. against women has been igUnder the Taliban governnored or poorly enforced; a ment, the only education for human rights commissioner girls was in clandestine home appointed by President Hamid schools. Today, 3 million girls Karzai wants to repeal the law attend school, but that's still entirely .The report described only 40 percent of all school"fears and anxiety" among Af- age gir ls.Because offam il y or ghan women about a swift re- economic pressures, the dropversal of gains after 2014. out rate for girls remains much Heather Barr, a senior re- higher than for boys. searcher in Afghanistan for Taliban extremists in reHuman Rights Watch, warned mote districts still throw acid in December: "Signs are ev- in the faces of schoolgirls, burn erywhere that a r ollback of down girls' schools and attack women's rights has begun." female polio vaccination workThe Afghanistan Independent ers. In the last six months, four Human Rights Commission re- Afghan policewomen have ported in January that violent been assassinated. Prominent crimes against women reached female politicians are rourecord levels last year, rising24 tinely threatened or slain by percent over 2012. insurgents. Afghanistan is still a deeply Last year, the acting head conservative Islamic country of women's affairs in eastern where some village girls as Afghanistan was killed by a young as 9 or 10 are forced to bomb placed in her car. A few marry oldermen, and some months later, her replacement women's groups estimate that was shot to death on her way to at least half of all marriages work. "The situation for women violate the Afghan legal marriage age of 16. Some women is very fragile," says Fawzia and girls who flee arranged Koofi, an outspoken member marriages are hunted down of parliament who taught at an by their fathers and brothers, underground home school for beaten and sometimes killed. girls during the Taliban era. The practice of baad, or giving The lawmaker has been trailed away a young woman as pay- by gunmen and threatened ment to settle debts or atone for

Afghan President Hamid

T he a d ministration i n d i - ting against him, both with cated that it will still carry Pakistan and with the Paki-

ment, the army and the nation-

Now under threat

', II I ' ' , II I ' ~ I l' II~


for, and we didn't tell them

girl's hair. "I don't want that life Women now have the right to for my daughter." vote and some serve in parlia-



"That's what they asked

Carolyn Cole/ LosAngeles Times

Kahkaahan Koofi, from left, looks at pictures on a cellphone with her sister, Oranoua Koofi, aa they take a taxi with their mother, Shahgol Shah, to the market in downtown Kabul.

Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6

© www.bendbulletin.com/local


BRIEFING Fire durnshome; iguana missing ABendwomanand her three childrenbarelyescaped aTuesdayevening house fire in asouthwest Bend neighborhood. StephanieSmith, 25, and her threechildren, ages2,5and7,were asleep whenthefire beganbutwoke tothe smell of smoke,accordingto Bend FireBattalion Chief Bob Madden.Thesmoke detector wasn't working due to adeadbattery. No injuries werereported. The fire reportedly causedabout$30,000 damage tothe double-wide manufactured home andits contents, according toBendFire Department. Thehomeis located inthe 20000 block of AlderwoodCircle. Aninvestigation determined thefire wascaused by ignition of aniguana enclosure constructed fromPVCpipeandmesh placed approximately 8 inches from a wood stove, according to anews releasefrom DeputyFire Marshal CindyKettering. Kettering saidshewasunable to locatethe iguana, whichis presumeddead. "This was aclose call andemphasizesthe importance ofmaintaining smokedetectors," Maddenwrote in anews release."All newsmoke detectors comewith a 10year battery. Oldersmoke detectors shouldhave the batteries changed annually. All smoke detectors should be tested monthly." The fire department would like toremindpeople to placecombustibles at least3 feetfrom any heatsource.

en - a ineseesu ic in our- ear ra ua ions By Tyler Leeds

hosts one of the state's most

The Bulletin

disadvantaged student populations, reportedly posted

Bend-La Pine Schools

and the Jefferson County

a 10 percent gain over that

School District made some

three-year period. Across the state, growth

of the most impressive gains in graduation rates in the state, according to a report

released today by the Oregon Department of Education. Bend-La Pine Schools'

four-year graduation rate jumped 10 percent over the past three school years to

78.6 percent. During this period, there was especially strong growth at Bend and Mountain View

was reported to be less bull-

ish, edging up to 68.7 percent from 68.4the previous academic year. District-level

data are adjusted to account for students who have transferred high schools. Madras High School Principal Sarah Braman-Smith credits much of the growth at

her school to a federal School Improvement Grant that

high schools, which posted brought around $1 million in gains of 11.5 and 14.2 percent additional funding each year respectively, according to the for the three previous school report. Jefferson County's years. Madras High School, which SeeSchools/B6

CentralOregongraduation rates

Four-year Fiv e-year Fiv e -year School district g r aduation rate graduation rate completer rate 78.64

38.32 86.36 66.67 47.97


Source: Oregon Department of Education

74.77 59.2 82.54 64.77


84.12 69.57 87.30 71.50 81.55


88.82 Greg Cross I The Bulletin


— Bulletin staffreports Nore briefing, B5

Correction A story headlined, "Spear to vie for Deschutes judge post," which appearedTuesday, Feb. 5, onpageB1, should have indicated Spear's opponent, Randy Miller, has his own private practice. The Bulletin regrets the error.

• CoosBay:Gov. Kitzhaberannounced plans to build the first floating wind farm in

Well shot! Readerphotos

• We wantto seeyour photos of snowfor another specialversion of Well shot! that will

run in theOutdoors section. Submit your best workat bendbulletln.com /snow2014andwe'l pickthe bestfor publication. • Email other goodphotos of the greatoutdoors toreadettthotosO bendbulletln.cmn and tell us abit about where and whenyoutook them. We'll choosethe bestfor publication.

MAY ELECTION The May20election will serve as a primary fora varietyof statewideoffices. Thedeadline to get onto the ballot lsMarch 20. Also onthe ballot:


Winter storm isexpected Winter weathercould result in treacheroushighwayconditions inCentral Oregon for therestof the week, according to anews releasefrom PeterMurphy of theOregonDepartment of Transportation. "Motorists shouldstay up to date onthe weather forecastand make sureto getsafely situatedbefore bad weatherhits," Murphy wrote. "This isespecialy true for stormsforecast to hit neartheendof the school dayorthe start of commute times." Rachel Trimarco with the National Weather Service in Pendleton said forecasters arecalling for between 8and12 inches of snow inthe areas aroundBendabove 3,500 feet andbetween4 and 8 inches inthelower elevations. Travelers going over the CascadeRange should "preparefor significant snowfall and possible freezing rain and highwinds in the (Willamette) Valley, Metro areaandColumbia Gorge," according to Murphy. Drivers heading to the ColumbiaGorge can expect between2 and 4 inches ofsnow in the higher elevations, Trimarco said. If severe winter conditions arrive, Murphy says ODOT will deploy snowblowers, plows, sanders andde-icers to clear the roads.

Coos Bay

the U.S.,B3

The four-yeargraduation rate reflects thepercentage of students who graduated from adistrict in the 2012-13school year within four years. The five-year ratereflects the percent of studentswhograduated in 2012-13within five years plus the students whohadgraduated the year prior in four years.Thecompleter rate also reflects students who earn aGED,modified degreeor other substitute for atraditional degree. BoththeRedmondand Crook districts emphasize a five-year graduation programthat lowerstheir four-year rate.

Bend-La Pine Crook Culver Jefferson County Redmond Sisters



Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Chad Berg, the sous-chef at Deschutes Brewery, unpacks frozen crab in the kitchen at Deschutes Brewery & Public House indowntown Bend Wednesday while preparing for CrabFest 2014. Thefestival is a crab feed at Deschutes Brewery's Mountain Room, located at 901S.W.Simpson Ave. Crab Fest 2014begins at 6 p.m. Friday. Seats arestill available. The Saturday installment of the meal is sold out already. For more information or to make a reservation for Friday, call 541-385-8606.

Sisters residententers DESCHUTES COUNTY race for commissioner Citizens' unease By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

A Sisters event promoter

and photographer is vying for Deschutes County Commissioner Tony DeBone's seat,

sayinghe wants tobring a strict anti-tax philosophy and willingness to research issues to the county's leadership. Richard Esterman, 57, filed his election

paperwork late last year. No partic-

ular county issue prompted Esterman, a

DeBone is also a Republican, so the two candidates

will face off inthe May 20 primary election. The winner will take on Democrat and

Bend City Councilor Jodie Barram in the Nov. 4 general election, unless more candi-

By Elon Glucklich

dates filebefore the March 11 deadline.

The Bulletin

Esterman's candidacy"is

not about whether (DeBone) is doing a good job or a bad job," he said. "But I do feel like I'mthe kind of person who, when an issue comes up in the commissioner's office,

Ester man


postponesvote on noxiousweeds

it's not going to sit for a year

A proposal by Deschutes County leaders to fine residents who don't clear harmful weeds

fromtheir property drew40 communitymembers to a public hearing Wednesday, with many supporting the move, but others concerned how the county would track compli-


ELE CTION Sisters in 1989 and opened a

ance, and whether the same standards wouldbe applied to public property. Residents raised enough questions to spur county com-

for Oregon governor

small gift and shipping store.

missioners to delay a vote by at

He also launched his event

least one week, allowing more

or two. I'll take care of it and move on to the next issue."

A former grocery store



manager, Esterman moved to

promotionbusiness, Central Oregon Shows, and took up seat. But he said he'd work freelance photography. He's to reduce the taxburden on done some charitywork and county residents if elected. has volunteered at Sisters "To me, taxes are like High School. putting Band-Aids on other He said working in groBand-Aids. Ibelieveyou have cery store management and in2010, to run for the commissioner's

to work with what you've got," Esterman said.

He's been reaching out to community members and learning about the county's

departments since filing.

as an event coordinator has

givenhimthe leadership and organizational skills needed to make policy decisions for Deschutes County. SeeEsterman/B5

"The county is asking us to comp/y without saying how." — William Kuhn, Tumalo-area resident

land across the county. Forestry officials set up a Deschutes County Weed Control District in 2002, to track

dangerous plant species. But unlike most Oregon counties with weed control districts,

fineof$2,000— forresidents who refuse to take steps to

Deschutes County code doesn't give officials the power to fine property owners who don't do anything about their weeds. Speaking at Wednesday's hearing, county forester Ed Keith said the fine would be a

remove noxious weeds such as

last resort, only for county resi-

poison hemlock, spotted knapweed and more than 50other species. Those species spread easily and can degrade soil quality on neighboring properties, potentially affecting agricultural

dents who repeatedly refuse to take steps to comply.

time for written comments. County officials last month

proposed makingit a Class A Oregon violation — with a

• DistrictAttorney Patrick Flaherty isseeking re-election, andBend attorney JohnHummel has alsofiled to runfor the position aswell. • Countycommissioner seats held byTony DeBoneandTammy Baneyare upfor election. DeBone, aRepublican, has filed torunagain and facesa primarychallenge from RichardEsterman. Democratand current Bend CityCouncilorJodie Barram hasannounced she will runforthe position as well. • Elections forassessor, clerkand treasurerwill take place. • District JudgeBarbara Haslingerhasannounced she'll retire. Herseaton the benchwill be upfor election. • Afive-year localoption fire levy wouldtax property owners20cents per $1,000in assessed property value.Thefire department currently receives acutof $U8 per $1,000in assessed property value from the city's permanenttax rate of $2.80 per$1,000.

CNOK COU NTY • Jim Hensleyis seeking re-election assheriff. •Thecountycommission seat heldby SethCrawford is upfor election. Crawfordhas filed torun again. • Elections forassessor and clerkwill takeplace.


• Commission seats heldby MikeAhernand John Haffieldareupfor election. Ahernis seeking re-election;TomBrown and MaeHustonhavefiled forthe otherseat. • Elections for sheriff and county clerkarealso on the ballot.


• The deadlineto register to vote is 21days before Election Day. • Register online atthe Oregon secretary ofstate's website, bymailusing a form found onthewebsite or in personatyour countyelections office.

"Our idea is not to go out to


anyone with noxious weeds on their property and give them a

• Coverageleading up to the election isat bendbulletln.com/ election2B14

citation," Keith said. SeeWeeds /B2




Exm a

TODAY AN EVENINGWITH AMY SPEACE AND KENNY WHITE: Folk and Americana music; CANCELED; 7-10 p.m.; TheBelfry, 302 E.MainAve., Sisters; 541-815-9122 orwww. belfryevents.com. EUGENE BALLETCOMPANY:The


Bolero andmore; www.j.mp/EBallet; $12-$42; 7:30 p.m.;BendHigh School, 230 N.E Sixth St.; eballettg eugeneballet.org or www.eugeneballet.


FMDAY FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includesart exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wineandfood in downtown Bendand the Old Mil District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. THE CABINPROJECT: Orchestral poprockfrom Portland, with Genders; part of Mt. Bachelor ApresSki Bashseries; 875 N.W.Brooks St., Bend;541-7280066 or www.crowsfeetcommons.


"WARRIORSDON'TCRY":A onewoman show highlighting racism, bullying andthe power oflanguage; contains racially charged language; $10, $5 children12 andyounger, plus fees; 7p.m., doors openat6 p.m.; TowerTheatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 orwww. towertheatre.org. SUNRIVERCHILLOUT:Featuring a skating parly, dummydownhill, K-9 kegpull,mushermadness,glowshoe trek, prizes, entertainmentand more; free forspectators, registration prices vary per event; 7 p.m.;TheVilage at Sunriver,57100 BeaverDrive;541585-5000 or www.sunriversharc.com/ sunriver-chill-out. "CHASING ICE": Ascreening of the 2012 documentary (PG-13)about National Geographic photographer James Balogcapturing the changing glaciers acrossthe Arctic; free, refreshments available; 7:30 p.m.; RodriguezAnnex,Jefferson County Library,134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541475-3351 or www.jcld.org. "NEBRASKA": Ascreening of the award-nominated 2013 film about a

man whobelieveshewona milion

dollars; $7in advance,$10atthe door; 7:30 p.m., doors open at6:30 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub,70S.W.Century Drive, Bend;541-323-1881 or www. volcanictheatrepub.com. ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM SERIES: A screening of thebest films from the 2013edition of TheArchaeology Channel International FilmandVideo

Festival; $6; 7:30p.m., doors openat 7 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, BoyleEducation Center,2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend;541-3455538 or www.archaeologychannel.org. THE SOLOSPEAK SESSIONS: LOVE 8 HATE:Local storytellers perform, with special guests; $15plus fees in advance, $18atthe door; 730 p m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. GreenwoodAve.,Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.solospeak.com. ANGELINE'SBIRTHDAYBASH:The Vagabond OperaandBabyGramps perform, with BendCircus Center; $12 plusfees in advance,$15at the door; 8-11 p.m.; TheBelfry,302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 orwww. belfryevents.com.


free; 6p.m.;Crow's FeetCommons,

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communityli fe®bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

"THE METROPOLITANOPERA: RUSALKA":Starring Renee Fleming in asoulful fairy-tale opera, with Piotr Beczalaasthe prince; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22seniors, $18 children; 9:55a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium168 IMAX,680 S.W. PowerhouseDrive, Bend; 541-312-2901. BEND INDOORSWAP MEETAND SATURDAY MARKET:Featuring arts and crafts, collectibles, antiques, children's activities, music andmore; free admission;10a.m.-5 p.m.; Bend Indoor SwapMeet, 679S.E.Third St.; 541-317-4847. SUNRIVERCHILLOUT:Featuring a skating party, dummydownhill, K-9 kegpull,mushermadness,glowshoe trek, prizes, entertainmentand more; free for spectators, registration prices vary per event;10a.m.; TheVilage at Sunriver,57100 BeaverDrive;541585-5000or www.sunriversharc.com/ sunriver-chill-out. LEGOMOVIEEVENT:Aspecial Lego Robotics demonstration, live broadcast, anddrawing followed bya screening of "TheLegoMovie" (2014); $10.25, $8 children andseniors; noon; RegalOld Mill Stadium168 IMAX, 680S.W. PowerhouseDrive, Bend; 541-312-2901. FIRSTANNIVERSARY PARTY: Featuring live music, birthday specials and more; free; 5p.m.; Worthy Brewing Company,495 N.E.Bellevue Drive, Bend;541-639-4776 or www. worthybrewing.com. DADDY DAUGHTERDANCE:AMardi Gras themeddancefor fathers or father figures anddaughters; $32 percouple, $10 per additional guest, registration requested; 6-9 p.m.; RidgeviewHigh School,4555 S.W.Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-310-8582or www.


groups from aroundCentral Oregon; proceeds benefit Court Appointed Special Advocates ofCentral Oregon;

$30-$75 plus fees; 2 p.m., doorsopen

Submitted photo

Trio Voronezh, a Russian folk band, is slated to perform twice at 2 and 6:30p.m.on Sunday at Ridgeview High School in Redmond. For more information, visit www.redmondcca.org, call 541-3507222 or email redmondccatihotmail.com. FIREARMS ANDFASHION: Afashion show with historical characters ouffitted with the gunsthey would have carried in thelate1800s; no host bar; $5, $3 for members, registration requested; 6 p.m.;High Desert Museum, 59800 S.U.S.Highway 97, Bend;541-382-4754 orwww. highdeser tmuseum.org. BEND COMMUNITYCONTRADANCE: Featuring caller RichGossand music by A Scottish Heart; $8at the door; 7 p.m. beginner's workshop, 7:30p.m. dance; Boys 8 Girls Clubof Bend,500 N.W. Wall St.; 541-330-8943 or www. bendcontradance.org. FRIENDSOF MUSIC'S "FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC": Concert-rock violinist Aaron Meyerperforms, with the Summit HighSchool band, orchestraandchoir;silentauction and raffle; proceedsbenefit Summit High School music programs; $15in advance, $20at the door; 7 p.m.,doors open at6 p.m.; Summit HighSchool, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend;541815-5333 or www.friendsofmusic-shs. ol'g. "NEBRASKA": Ascreening of the award-nominated 2013 film abouta

RODGERS ANDHAMMERSTEIN CONCERT: Featuring Bend's finest musical performers andchoral groups from aroundCentral Oregon; proceeds benefit CourtAppointed Special Advocates ofCentralOregon; $30-$75 plusfees;7:30 p.m .,doorsopenat 6:30 p.m.; TowerTheatre,835 N.W. Wall St., Bend;541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. THE SOLOSPEAK SESSIONS, LOVE & HATE:Local storytellers perform, with special guests; $15plus fees in advance, $18at thedoor; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148N.W. GreenwoodAve.,Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.solospeak.com. AARONCRAWFORD:TheSeattle countryartist performs; $3 plus fees; 9-11:30p.m.;Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend;541-325-1886 or www.



EMPTY BOWLS:Featuring hotsoup and refreshments madeby RVHS culinary students in ceramic bowls man whobelieveshewona milion made byRVHSstudents andothers; dollars; $7in advance,$10at thedoor; proceeds benefit Jericho Road;$10; 7:30 p.m., doors openat 6:30 p.m.; noon-7p.m.;Ridgeview High School, Volcanic Theatre Pub,70S.W.Century 4555 S.W.Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; Drive, Bend;541-323-1881 orwww. 541-504-3600. volcanictheatrepub.com. SECOND SUNDAY:Three Oregon ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM SERIES: authors discuss their writing craft and A screening of thebestfilms from the importance ofbeing brave onthe the 2013 edition of TheArchaeology page; free; 2p.m.; Downtown Bend Channel International FilmandVideo Public Library,601 N.W.Wall St.; 541617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary. Festival; $6; 7:30p.m., doors openat ol'g. 7 p.m.; CentralOregonCommunity College, BoyleEducation Center,2600 SOMETHINGWONDERFUL: THE N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend;541-345RODGERS ANDHAMMERSTEIN 5538 or www.archaeologychannel.org. CONCERT: Featuring Bend's finest SOMETHINGWONDERFUL:THE musical performersandchoral



Contlnued from 61

POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Logwhensuch a request is received. Anynew information, such asthe dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 12:28 p.m. Jan. 13, in the1400 block of Southeast ReedMarket Road. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 5:50 p.m. Jan.16, in the19500 block of Blue LakeLoop. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:25 a.m. Jan. 17, inthe 200 block of Southwest Century Drive. Theft —Atheft was reported at 4:38 p.m. Jan.18, in the100 block of Northeast BendRiver Mall Avenue.

Unlawful entry — Avehicle was reported entered at11:27 p.m. Jan. 18, in the 800 block of Northwest Federal Street. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest madeat12:27 p.m. Jan. 27, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 2:01p.m. Jan.27,inthe2400 block of Northeast 27th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 6:06 p.m. Jan. 28, in the1000 blockof Northwest Galveston Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:05 a.m. Jan. 29, in the3300 block of Northeast Mendenhall Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:36a.m. Jan. 29, in the1800 block of Northeast Division Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:04 p.m. Jan. 29, in the1200 block of Northwest SaginawAvenue. Unauthorizeduse —Avehicle was reported stolen at 3:30 p.m.Jan. 29, in the 63500 block of U.S.Highway

97. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at5:25 p.m. Jan. 29, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft —Atheft was reported at 6:39 p.m. Jan. 29, in the 200block of Northwest Pacific Park Lane. Burglary —A burglary was reported at8:02 p.m.Jan.29,inthe500 block of Northwest Florida Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at 5:07 p.m. Feb. 3, in the2500 block of Northeast U.S. Highway20. Theft —Atheft was reported at 6:22 p.m. Jan. 16, in the63400 block of North U.S. Highway97. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported entered at1:31 a.m. Jan. 29, in the 900 block of Northwest Newport Avenue. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported entered at1:05 a.m. Jan. 29, in the 900 block of Northwest Portland Avenue.

"Our approach continues to

be education and seeking voluntary compliance." But some speakers Wednes-

day saidofficials were moving to set up the fine too quickly, without considering whether

current weed disposal methods are addressing the issue or making it worse. "The county is asking us to complywithout saying how," William Kuhn, a Tumalo-area

resident, said. Kuhn said he has seen people use tools such as weed

CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sen. JeffMerkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http://merkley.senate.gov Bendoffice: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone:202-224-5244 Web: http://wyden.senate.gov Bendoffice: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142

U.S. House efRepresentatives • Rep. GregWalden, R-HoodRiver 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: http://walden.house.gov Bendoffice: 1051 N.W.Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452

STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kitzhaber, 0

LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District30 (Jefferson, portion of Deschutes)

900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli • Sen. TimKnopp,R-District 27 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.timknoppt9state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/knopp • Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District28 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsetttgstate.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett

House ef Representatives • Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasoncongertgstate.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger • Rep. John Huffman, R-District59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman • Rep. MikeMcLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385


7 p.m., doors openat 6 p.m. for potluck; TheGlenat Newport Hills, 1019 N.W.Stannium Drive, Bend; 541480-8830 or jatiprep-profiles.com. WILL DURST: Thepolitical satirist performs"Boomeraging: FromLSDto OMG"; $15,$13for KPOVmembers in advance,$17at the door; 7:30 p.m., doors openat7 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541323-1881 or wwwvolcanictheatrepub.


MONDAY KNOW MOVIES:"CASABLANCA": A screening of theaward-winning 1942 classic film; free; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org. MEDIA SALON: "Don't Hide Your Love Away" themewith live music; free; 7-9 p.m.; BrokenTopBottle Shop & Ale Cafe, 1740N.W.Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703 or www. btbsbend.com. ZACHARY LUCKY:TheCanadian singer-songwriter performs, with Anthony Tripp; $5; 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub,70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend;541-3231881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.


TUESDAY KNOW MOVIES: "BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S":A screening of the 1961 classic film; free; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org. "BULLY":A screening of the 2011 documentary about peer-to-peer

bullying inschoolsacrossAmerica; $5


WEDNESDAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: RUSALKA"ENCORE:Starring Renee Fleming in asoulful fairy-tale opera, with Piotr Beczala asthe prince;

opera performance transmitted

live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. "DEAD COME TOLIFE" TOUR:The Christian musicians Jonathan Thulin, Shine Bright BabyandLoftland perform; free; 7-10p.m.; Book 8 Bean, 395 N. Main St., Prineville; 541-4473778 or www.bookandbean.com. "RUSHMORE": Ascreening of the 1998 film directed byWesAnderson; free; 7 p.m.; TheOld Stone, 157N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend;541-322-7273 or www.bit.ly/WAnders. ROSE WINDOWS:TheSeattle psych rock band peforms; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-3825174 or www.mcmenamins.com. FAILUREMACHINE:TheReno, Nev., soul-grunge bandperforms, with Patrimony; $5; 9 p.m., doors openat 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70S.W. Century Drive, Bend;541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com.

TN3RSDAY Feb.13 "FROM WHARF RATSTO LORDS OF THEDOCKS":Actorlan Ruskin depicts the life of labor leader Harry Bridges; free; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-383-7700. "BYE BYE BIRDIE": A presentation of the1960 musical featuring choreography by Michelle Mejaski; dress in your '50s best; $12.50 for reserved seats, $10 atthe door; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School,4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541504-3600orlinda.nye@redmond. k12.or.us. VIRGINIA RIGGS CHILDREN'S CONCERT: An informative and interactive concert event with the Central OregonSymphony and Cascade School of Music; free; 7 p.m., 6:30 p.m. instrument petting zoo; Bend High School, 230 N.E Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, infot9cosymphony.

suggested donation;6:30 p.m .,doors

com orwww.cosymphony.com.

land doesn't have agricultural value. "I'm worried those neighbors are going to be adversely impacted by this concept," Gatling said. Other residents supported the proposed fine, arguing that

clause, which would put it into place sooner. Commissioners could have

voted Wednesday to put the fine in place, but held off on a vote, extending a written com-

ment period through Feb. 12 instead.

Commissioner Tony amount of quality agricultur- DeBone said he wants to look al land in the county and cost more closely at how county taxpayerdollars to address. residentsare clearing weeds "This is a big problem, and and whether those methods it's only going to get worse," couldbe improved. Sisters resident El ise Wo lf Commissioners could vote said. She said she's received on the issue later this month, financial assistance from the though no firm date was set county in the past to clear Wednesday. weeds from her property. — Reporter: 541-617-7820, "I applaud the county's efeglucklich@bendbulletttt.com noxious weeds reduced the

whackers and leaf blowers, which he said just pushes the fort," Whitney Lowe, another problem onto other properties. Sisters resident, said. Josh Gatling, a Deschutes The county wants to set up River Woods resident,ques- the fine before the upcoming tioned whether the same weed growing season. New ordicontrol standards should ap- nances typically don't take ply to south Deschutes Coun-

effect for 90 days, but officials

ty property owners whose want to tack on an emergency

Plae Well, Retire Well

mplements 'Heeue '3n,f e~be~J

PUBUCOFFICIALS 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov • Secretary ofState KateBrown, D 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sostgstate.or.us • TreasurerTedWheeler, D 159 Oregon StateCapitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer@state.or.us Web: www.ost.state.or.us • AttorneyGeneralEllen Rosenblum,D 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us • LaborCommissionerBradAvakian 800 N.E. OregonSt., Suite 1045 Portland, OR 97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mailtistate.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli

at1 p.m.; TowerTheatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend;541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. TRIO VORONEZH: The Russian folk band performs; presentedby Redmond Community Concert Association; $60 for season ticket, $25 for students youngerthan18; 2 and 6:30 p.m., doors open 45minutes prior to show; RidgeviewHighSchool, 4555 S.W. ElkhornAve., Redmond; 541-3507222, redmondccatihotmail.com or www.redmondcca.org. HOUSE CONCERTSIN THE GLEN:The EugeneAmericana singer-songwriter Beth Woodperforms, with Los Ratones; bring dish orbeverageto

open at6 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-3231881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.

Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane • Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District53 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnanttgstate.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

70 SW Century Dr., Ste. 145 Bend, OR 97702• 541-322-7337 complementshomeittteriors.com

775SW BonnetWay,Suite120•Bend 541-728-0321 ewww.elevationcapital.biz

I •


) I•

DESCHUTES COU5PPi7 1300 N.W.Wall St., Bend, OR97701 Web: www.deschutes.org Phone:541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692

County Commission • TammyBaney,R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email:Tammy Baneyt©co.deschules.or.us • Alan Unger,D-Redmond Phone: 541-388-6569 Email: Alan Unger@co.deschutes.or.us • TonyDeBone, R-LaPine Phone: 541-388-6568 Email :Tony DeBone@o.deschutes.or.us

CROOK COUNTY 300 N.E.Third St., Prineville, OR97754 Phone: 541-447-6555 Fax: 541-416-3891 Email: administration©co.crook.or.us Web: co.crook.or.us

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s ore win arm anne • Technology untested in the U.S., despite its use anddevelopment in Europe,Asia ciple Power using floating wind turbine technology that has not PORTLAND — A S e attle been deployed in U.S. waters company is being given the but is in use or under developgreen light to develop plans to m ent in Europe andAsia. build the West Coast's first offThe Oregon facility would be shore wind energy farm — five 15 miles from shore, in about floating turbines off Oregon's 1,400 feet of water. The turbines Coos Bay, federal and state offi- would be connected by electricials saidWednesday. cal cables and have a power caThe 30-megawatt p ilot ble to transmit electricity to the project was announced at a mainland. press conference by Gov. John The turbine towers would Kitzhaber, U.S. Secretary of rise 600 feet to the highest point the Interior Sally Jewell and of the blade tip. Bureau of Ocean Energy ManSeveral offshore projectsare agement Director Tommy in the works on the Atlantic Beaudreau. coast, but they don't use floatThough offshore wind farms ing platform technology. Inare an expensive source of en- stead, they are anchored to the ergy, proponents say they could seabed. provide dean, efficient electricExperts say the West Coast ity, create new jobs and stimu- has not yet seen offshore wind late the economy. projects because the technology "It's not going to be econom- needs are different. ic out of the gate," Beaudreau The ocean gets deeper more

AROUND THE STATE SeC~ry OfShte haCked — The Oregon secretary ofstate's office saysits computer systemshavebeenshut downafter someone hacked theagency'swebsite.TheagencysaysinanewsreleaseWednesdaythat the intrusionwas "detectedandstopped," andlawenforcement was notified. Officials areinvestigating the scopeofthe network intrusion. Several onlinesystemshavebeentaken offline, includingtheCentral Business Registryand campaignfinance database. Officials saythevoter registration databaseis ona separate systemandwasnotaffected. It wasnot immediately clearwhether personal information hasbeencompromised.

By Gosia Wozmoacla The Associated Press

said. But "it's important for Or-

quiddy on the West Coast, so



The Associated Press file photo

A speed boat passes offshore windmills in the North Sea near Esbjerg,Denmark. On Wednesday, Gov. John Kitzhaber and other

state officials announced plans to develop a similar farm, which would become the West Coast's first offshore wind energy farm. egon State University. Instead,

"As we learn how to deploy and

companiesneed to use devices supported on floatingplatforms. Another challenge in bringing the technology to Oregon, where cheap hydropower from dams is plentiful, is the pricetag.

maintain them, the price will

come down." In December 2012, Principle

Power, Inc. received $4 million in Department of Energy funding for the project — one of seven to receive funding and the only one onthe West Coast. The

But that should not be a deter-

egon to be on the edge of what turbine towers cannot be plant- rent, Batten said. ''We're not as anxious to comcould be a huge industry in the ed directly into the seabed, said

DOE plans to select up to three

of the proposals to go forward The pilot project will be degetting the projects into the wa- with an additional $46.6 million veloped by Seattle-based Prin- newable Energy Center at Or- ter and testing them," she said. dollars. future."

Belinda Batten, director of the Northwest National Marine Re-

mercialize it, but it's still worth

Dozens oftimber salescanceledto settle suit By Jeff Barnard

stateforests,removing an area

The Associated Press

ment violated the Endangered The settlement comes as Species Act prohibiting the the state has been trying to inThe Oregon Department of harming of a protected species crease logging on state forests Forestry has agreed to cancel by failing to protect stands of to provide more funding for more than two dozen timber trees on the Elliott and other schools and counties and more saleson state forests because state forests, where threatened logs for local mills. they threaten the survival of marbled murrelets build their The Elliott S tate F orest, the marbled murrelet, a sea nests. where 26 ofthe canceled sales birdthat nests inlarge oldtrees. The murrelet is a robin-size are located, typically provides The proposed settlement bird that lives on the ocean, and millions of dollars to the Comfiled Wednesday in U.S. Dis- flies as far as 50 miles inland to mon School Fund. But in 2013, trict Court in Eugene comes nest in old growth forests. The it cost the fund $2.8 million due in a lawsuit brought by three bird was dedared a threatened to reduced logging, accordconservation groups, Cascadia species about two decades ing to the Department of State Wildlands, the Center for Bio- ago, making it a factor in the Lands. One canceled sale is logical Diversity and Audubon continuing court and p oliti- on the Tillamook State Forest. Society of Portland. cal battles over logging in the One sale each was modified It alleged that the depart- Northwest. on the Tillamook and Clatsop

equivalent to one timber sale.


The department did not im-

mediately respond to a request for comment. The state managed Elliott

for years by protecting habitat for threatened and endangered species like the murrelet but

scrapped that approach after federal biologists refused to approve revisions that allowed

more logging. Instead, the state adopted a policy used by private timberland owners that

refrains from logging where protected species are actually living.

Sherman AleXie nOVelreVieW — Areviewcommittee will determine whethereighth-graders at aWilamette Valleyschool will continue studying abook byShermanAlexie. Thenovel is"TheAbsolutely True Diary of aPart-Time Indian." Parents in anumberof districts across the country haveobjected to it. Theseobjections reportedly are basedon its discussions ofsex, abuse,alcoholism or on racist or profane statements madebysomecharacters. Schools inSweet Home,southeast of Albany, areusing the book.Twoparents askedthe district to review it. Five community membersandfour district representatives areto render a judgment.Thenovel haswon numerousawards. It is narrated bya 14-year-old whosetransfer makeshim the only NativeAmerican atan all-white school.

Umatilla inmate death — The Oregon Corrections Departmentsays a 31-year-old inmateatastate prisonin Umatilla has diedunexpectedly. He's thesecondinmateto dieunexpectedlyat Two Rivers Correctional Institutioninnine days.Corrections spokeswomanSherry lles says inmate DamionBankswastaken byambulance lateTuesday night from the prison to alocal hospital. HewaspronounceddeadWednesday. The spokeswomansaysthatas with all unanticipated inmate fatalities, the Oregon StatePolice Criminal Investigation Division is looking into the death. Bankswasserving time for convictions onmultiple counts of rape and sexualabuseout ofWashington andClackamascounties. His earliest releasedate wasMarch2015.

Child abuSe plea — Afederal judge inOregonhas handeddown a30year prison sentence for a Maryland manwho reportedly molested Ecuadorianboys whileacting asasoccer coach. KennethMcVicker III pleaded guiltyto engaging inillicit sexualconduct withminors after prosecutors alleged hemolested at leasteight boys betweenthe agesof 5and 12, photographedthe abuseand distributed it. Federal agentslearned ofthe photos after oneofthe people McVickersent imagesto resent hundreds of them to anundercoveragent in Oregonposing as achild pornography collector. McVickerwasindicted in Oregonandarrested in Belizeafter traveling there towork ona commercial art project.

State,federal SentenCeS —AEugenemanis facingnearly3 t/~ years in prisonafter two sentencings inlessthan aweekfor state and federal offenses. ALaneCounty judge sentencedScott Alan Gorman on Tuesdayto 13 months onstate charges of assaulting apublic safety officer andfourth-degree assault. Last Friday,Gormangota 41-month federal sentencefor being afelon in possession of afirearm. Underterms of his pleaagreement, he'll servethe state sentenceatthe sametime as the longerfederal sentence.Thefederal weaponscharge arose ayear ago after he reportedly made comments about agunto staff membersat a Eugenenursing homewhere hiswife wasapatient. He allegedly wasupset over hiswife's treatment. Probation officers whowent to his homesay they found arifle andammunition. At thetime, Gormanwason probation for a felonyconviction for unlawful useofa weapon. I4hridgerepair — Trafficalong Interstate 5on theColumbiaRiver bridge atPortland ismoving normallyafter Wednesdaynight repairs to the southboundspan. OregonDepartment of Transportation spokesman Don Hamilton saysthe repair wentquicker thanexpected andthat the span wasfixed around midnight. The56-year-old southboundspanfailed to completely closeTuesdaynight, becausearoller in the mechanism came off track. — From wire reports


Gun rights and pot's aueptance collide By Chad Garland The Associated Press

SALEM — Getting caught

a similar bill that was considered in the 2013 regular session but did not pass, and

with a little marijuana won't

while he would have preferred prevent you from getting a slightly different wording in concealed handgun license in the sheriff's association bill, Oregon. That is, if it happened "it's not a deal breaker." He esin the state and after 1973.

timated he gets about two calls

Oregon law generally prohibits people with drug convictions from obtaining a permit to carry a concealed handgun.

a week from people with outof-state pot convictions who handgun licenses. At a public hearing on the

those with one minor pot conviction that occurred in Ore-

bill Wednesday, Starrett asked a House committee to also

gon after the state reduced the

consider extending the excep-

severity ofpossession charges four decades ago.

tion to Oregonians convicted

Someone caughtin another

laws before 1973.

under that state's laws could

not begranted a license under

bill at all.

Complimentary Lash Tint ith Any Service

"I don't really see how this is going to make Oregonians

Darrell Fuller, general manag- safer," said Penny Okamoto, er of the Oregon State Sheriff's executive director of Ceasefire Association. Oregon county Oregon, a gun control advocasheriffs are responsible for is- cy organization. suing the concealed handgun Okamoto said she didn't licenses. know how many people were But Fuller said it d oesn't prevented from getting the limake sense to treat a convic- censes under the current law, tion differently just because it

of a minor marijuana possession offense under Oregon But some gun control advocates question the need for the

the current law. It's a quirk in the way the law is written, said


have been denied concealed

But it makes an exception for

state with an identical amount of marijuana and convicted




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ood through Feb. 28, 2014



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adding that more than 180,000

happened in another state. In Oregonians had concealed an attempt to address this "is- handgun licenses as of Sepsue of fundamental fairness," tember 2013. the sheriff's association wrote Fuller said the debate over a bill that would remove the whether concealed handguns barrier for people with out-of- make people safer is "a larger state convictions seeking per- philosophical question" not mission to carry a concealed addressed by the proposed handgun. changes. "We


d i s criminate

"It's not a gun issue, it's not

against foreigners," Fuller sard.

a marijuana issue," Fuller said.

Kevin Starrett, director of the Oregon Firearms Federa-

R epresentatives Dav i d Gomberg, D-Otis, and Kim

"It's a fairness issue."

tion, said he is happy to see the Thatcher, R-Keizer, both sponsheriff's association take up sored the bill. the issue. After hearing public testi"It's certainly a step in the mony Wednesday, the state right direction," Starrett said. House Judiciary Committee He said he h elped write

took no action.

'el I •

' le



EDj To

The Bulletin


mai s su es es cam ai n OF osi ion

HEww Tl2AcKNARKs...

eschutes District Attorney Patrick Flaherty has agreed to one debate with challenger John Hummel but hasn't decided about a second, apparently because of concerns about its format. Fair enough; candidates should have a say in the structure of a debate. What catches our attention, though, is the snark and imperious tone in Flaherty's emails. It signals this campaign will be differentsome might say fun — but certainly not the more common Central Oregon calm and respectful. Snark: "I have yet to ask some-

one tobe my campaign manager because I am waiting to see if anyone qualified to be District Attorney files for election," Flaherty wrote on Jan. 27. Hummel had filed to run months earlier in October. Imperious: " Please do n o t schedule City Club events for me to attend without speaking in person with me," Flaherty wrote. "I invite you to call my assistant Nichole Brown to schedule a time to meet in person with me at your District Attorney's Office. I would

be happy to discuss your proposed 'debate' as well as your choice of moderators." The comments were made in emails to City Club of Central Oregon member Kathy Oxborrow, who was trying to arrange an April debate. The Bulletin had access to the emails because City Editor Sheila Miller had been asked to be a moderator. Meanwhile, F l a herty has committed to d ebate Hummel in a March 4 Chamber of Commerce Town Hall event, whose forum he finds "both neutral and wide-reaching."

M 1Vickel's Worth Why pick on Powell Butte? Campus location This is in response to Dylan J. Darling's article, "Such a tiny place. Such a big carbon footprint" that appeared on the Jan. 27 Bulletin's front page. Why pick on Powell Butte with 15 metric tons of CO2? A "big" car-

Voters will decide who is qualified and who will hold this critical position of public trust. The more opportunities they have to see the candidates in action, the more informed their choice can be. We urge Flaherty and Hummel to find multiple forums to expand the public's access.

bon footprint? A BIG carbon footprint is the polluted air of Mexico

shouldbe made public A mendments to a bill in the Oregon Legislature can d ramatically change t h e effect of that bill, yet voters may be unable to identify the legislator or committee that offered the amendments. Sen. Alan Olsen, R-Canby, has been trying to change that fact for years, filing bills in 2011, 2012 and 2013 to require senators and representatives to attach their names to amendments they request. He's trying again in the 2014 session, and his Senate Bill 1529 deserves a positive response from his colleagues. Opponents say the anonymity helps lawmakers concentrate on the policy issues rather than the politics, according to The Oregonian. We think it allows them to hide from their constituents and operate in secret. For citizens trying to follow an issue or a lawmaker, the secrecy gets in the way, hampering their ability to know who proposed an amendment and why. As Salem residentGordon Morrison wrote to lawmakers last year, "For (a) layman such as myself, the complexities of parliamentary procedurecan be extremely daunting

and time consuming. This legislation would be a good step forward in making the process easier to follow and participate in." Siletz resident Richard Wisner wrote to describe the bill as a "long overdue step in the right direction to make our legislative process more transparent and friendly to the public." In many ways, today's Legislature is more friendly to the public than ever. The website allows citizens from across the state to see the text of bills, watch their progress through the process, and listen to liveorrecorded testimony. They can see their lawmakers' committee assignments and howthey voted. But it's not a simple process, and knowing who proposed amendments would give constituents a valuable window on what's happening and a path to further information. It would inform not only their understanding of a particular bill, but also their knowledge of the way individual legislators are representing them. That, in turn, would lead to better informed voterswho can eff ectively evaluate political claims and disputes. Olsen deservescredit for persistence, and his bill deserves to becomelaw.

must beappealing

I am perplexed.

Recently, letters in this column

have tried to reduce the growing support of the planned new campus for OSU-Cascades by taking potshots at the proposed location near their neighborhood. The targets include automobile traffic and park-

Periodically, over the past few years I've read articles and editori-

als discussing possible proposals for extracting additional taxes from the

motoring public in order to amass the funding that ODOT and the Legislature deem necessary forroad

ing, property acreage and geological stability. All of these are legitimate

City, Beijing or Mumbai. Even polluted Los Angeles is a breath of fresh

air compared to those places. Volcanoes around the world produce 200 million tons of CO2 annu-

ally, while cars and industrial activities produce 24 billion metric tons.


just raise the fuel tax

Combined,they produce an incredible 24.2 billion metric tons of CO2. Add pollution from commercial air-

linersand CO2 becomes aproblem. The worldwide average CO2 output on an airline per mile is 244

pounds per passenger. It is said that there are 500,000 passengers in the

and bridge upkeep. Even if one believes that ODOT is concerns that must be addressed not particularly penurious in day-toand probably have been covered in day operations, I believe the average the preliminary engineering and de- motorist realizes that costs for most sign work. Without doubt, all will be everything have been escalating, satisfactorily dealt with by appropri- and that surely applies to highway ate professional analysis before final maintenance costs. So, obviously, authorization. For now, planning additional funding is requisite. What work must proceed. rankles me and probably most senOne fact I feel confident about sible motorists are the intrusive, suis that future students must be en- percilious methods being considered thused to apply here. Otherwise, the by James Whitty and ODOT. OSU-Cascades'goal of 5,000-stuThe state of Oregon obviously dent enrollment (my guess 15,000 has in place an age-old efficient sysapplications) may fail. If the enroll- tem for collecting fuel taxes, so why

air at any one time worldwide and ment goal fails, the long-term state another 500,000 waiting to fly at air- and local support will be in jeoparports. Worldwide, that is 22.3 million dy. For students, the proposed lometric tons of CO2 per mile just from cation should be ideal, being near airplanes. r estaurants, e ntertainment, a n d Solving climate change by taxing stores in both the town center and people according to their carbon the Old Mill District. Also, river acfootprint is a political revenue scam tivity, hiking and biking trails and and not the answer. The answer is shuttles to Mt. Bachelor are in easy simple: Don't burn wood, coal, nat- walking distance. This combination ural gasfor heat or drive a car to should be a strong attraction. work; stop industrial activity cutting Available alternative sites will jobs; stop volcanoes from erupting; likely be miles away. For pleasure stop breathing air and expelling activity, the convenience factor CO2; don't pass methane gas by would be lost. Use of and parking eating beans and don't fly in 700 se- of cars would multiply on campus ries Boeing airliners, especially the and downtown. If the perception of gas-guzzling, CO2-producing Boe- relative desirability declines, so will ing 747 Air Force One. applications and enrollments. BIIILogan Donald Klser Bend

consider creating another costly de-

testable bureaucracy? Why can't the governor, who has spent most of his adult life in Salem, take the bull by the horns, and with the help of his

Democratic-controlled Legislature, merely increase the existing fuel tax

by five to 10 cents, and thereby resolve the road-funding problem. Such an increase could be tailored

as appropriate to ameliorate the increase for farmers and ranchers (and others) whose livelihood necessitates more fuel usage than the average motorist. It may take a little leadership on his part, but aren't

governors supposed to lead'? Please try something sensible for a change. Mac McFarland



Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter Or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My

View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin.

Write: My Nickel's Worth/ In My View P.O. Box 6020

Bend, OR97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin@bendbulletin.com

Carrying weapon should not preclude common sense By Tom Boon obtained a concealed weapons permit years ago after listening to several people I worked with who had one. I was interested in


on of some kind, like a gun, knife or


Armed with my permit and thiS infarmatiOn, I'Ve learning more about those I worked a knife from across the street, no with and why they felt a need to be physical harm could occur from SPent numerOuS yearS armed. Their personal-protection that distance, but i f t h a t p erson liStening tO PeOPle WhO reasons to carry a weapon were sin- had agun and threatened you from cerely compelling to them, but not to across the street, then perhaps the CarryCOnCealed WeaPOnS beCauSe I Still dO nOt me. threat to cause severe bodily injuSo I enrolled in a concealed weap- ry or death was more credible. The feel the need tO Carry a ons class taught by an off-duty policeofficer,passed the course and

be carried out. For instance, if a person was threatening you with

"intent" referred to the action of the

person.For instance, if a person in

close proximity to you said he was sheriff's office in the county where going to beat you to death with his I resided. The officer taught firearm fists, then his threat might be credsafety, as well as how to identity ible. Or if a person pointed a gun at when the use of deadly force is war- you with the intent to use it, the use ranted to protect yourself. Those of defensive deadly force might be conditions were: th e t h r eatening justified. person must have means, opportuArmed with my permit and this


t hen obtained a permit f rom t h e

nity and intent to cause severe bodi-

information, I've spent numerous

ly harm or death before you can de- years listening to people who carry fend yourself with lethal force. concealed weapons because I still The "means" referred to a weap-

do not feel the need to carry a weap-

dow. This man felt threatened by

this action, yelled back and accented his defensive declaration with a

fists. The "opportunity" referred to the likelihood that the threat could

hand gesture. The car circled the block to return to confront this man.

Fortunately, the police arrived soon enough to stop the man from

to continue to escalate the situation

instead of just moving to another seat. A person is now dead because the retired officer did not have the ability to select a nonviolent solu-

trying to stab the teenagers with his pocket knife, while they leaned against their car and laughed at him. The police told the man he was lucky he wasn't arrested and charged with menacing. The teenagers were lucky this man was prohibited from carrying his weapon to

tion to a problem. The other recent

work, so he didn't have it with him.

gun. I have a permit to carry a weapon

Knowing what I know about this opinion, is a choice predicated by a fellow, he would have used it, begeneral feeling of the need to defend cause he felt threatened. yourself. Two recent incidents in the news I worked with a man who was point to this problem of having a walking to a convenience store in weapon and using it just because Hermiston one afternoon when a it is handy. The most recent was car with teenagers passed by. The the retired police officer who shot boys yelled at the man, while one a man in a movie theater, because hung his bare bottom out of the win- after telling him to stop texting and on. So the reason to carry, in my

getting no apparent help from the theater staff, the armed man chose

example is the Zimmerman/Martin incident, where after repeated in-

structions by a 911 dispatcher to not pursue Martin, a need to use defen-

sive force was finally created that hadn't existed before the pursuit. Unfortunately, Zimmerman had a because I can. Others should be able

to as well. But, the act of carrying a deadly weapon should not preclude common sense. It should not be the means to the solution. It should not

be the reason to escalate a potentially volatile situation into a deadly

one. — Tom Boon lives inPrineville.


Porti~ng cALIFQRNIA NEws

BITUARIES Bernice Nellie Rhodes, of Bend June 6, 1930 - Jan. 31, 2014 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592;


Services: 1:30 PM, Friday, February 7, 2014, A Celebration of Life Ceremony will be held at Deschutes Memorial Gardens, 63875 N. Hwy. 97, Bend.

Emily L. Auger, of Bend Sept. 25, 1925 - Jan. 25, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend 541-382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Mass of Christian Burial will be given on February 20, 2014, at 1:00 PM, at Riverside National Cemetery located at 22495 Van Buren Blvd. in Riverside, California. Immediately following Mass, she will be laid to rest with her late husband, Francis G.


Contributionsmay be made to: Smile Train PO Box 96211 Washington DC 20090-6211

Joyce (Armstrong) Gribskov, of Bend

Oct. 25, 1927 - Feb. 3, 2014 Services: Feb. 23, 2014 at 2 p.m., Historical Society Museum. Contributions may be made to:

Historical Society, 129 NW Idaho, Bend, OR 97701.

Kaaren Haun,of Bend Mar. 23, 1956 - Jan. 20, 2014 Services: Private services will be held on Sunday, February 9, 2014 at Riverside Market & Pub, 11:30 a.m.

Leslie N. Crum, of Sun City, Arizona Jan. 11, 1936 - Feb. 1, 2014 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471 Services: Graveside service, 1:00 PM Monday, February 10, 2014 at Tumalo Pioneer Cemetery, Bend, OR.

Paul "Papa" Pierson, of Terrebonne June 18, 1947 - Jan. 29, 2014

Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend 541-382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Celebration of Life will be held at the VFW Hall in Sandy, Oregon on February 16, 2014, at 2 PM. Contributionsmay be made to:

St. Charles Hospice Care


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teachers Filmmaker Lucas FEATUREDOBITUARY


Rankin createdTV's

'Rudolph,' influenced Tim Burton's career By Elaine Woo Los Angeles Times

More than five decades ago, Arthur R a nkin J r., a

producer-director w o rking in s t op-motion


a n i mation,

had an idea to develop a family-oriented TV special around a popular Christmas

song. He hoped a network would like it enough to run it two or three times. But when "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" aired

OK strike may try to design The Associated Press PORTLAND Teachers in P ortland's

museum —again

public schools have voted to authorize a strike and

By Deborah Solomon

set a walkout date of Feb.

New York Times News Service

20. Meanwhile in Med-

National parks are open t o everyone, even to

will walk out at 6 a.m. to-

day if no contract agree-

filmmaker George Lucas. That is the message from

is on land now occupied by a parking lot and "some

ment is reached by then.

the Presidio Trust in S an

buildings that are not his-

"Arthur was the Walt

Wednesday n i g ht, a handful of Medford

Francisco, which this week toric," she said. rejected proposals by Lucas The second site, just west

Disney of stop-motion

teachers and their union

and two other finalists to build "a cultural institution

of that in the Thornburgh

of distinction" on prized bayside parkland and then turned right around and invited him back.

with vacant warehouses. Should Lucas agree to a

animation. He was

a great influence on the Tim Burton films

and even moreso on Pixar." — Rick Goldschmidt, historian

president reportedly announced their "utter disappointment" in the day's

negotiations. Medford Education Association President Cheryl Lashley says bargaining teams will keep trying until a

Nancy Hellman Bechtle,

minute before the sched-

of th e

uled strike.

dio Trust, said

P r esi-

T uesday t h a t

in 1964, he and partner Jules "but the show is not just the Bass found they had a block- technique," Rankin told The

she had urged Lucas, the

buster — one that launched

to 600 teachers. The Port-

W ashington Post i n

2 0 0 4.

them into TV history as pio- "It's the story, the characters, neers of the animated holiday the music. We knew what we special. needed: warmth. 'Rudolph' Fifty years later, "Rudolph," showed us that."

telecast," according to the Ar-

chive of American Television. The others are "A Charlie Brown Christmas," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and a nother R a n kin-Bass c r eation, "Frosty the Snowman."

Rankin, whose projects would later include animated series such as "The Jackson

5ive" and the feature-length stop-motion film "Mad Monster Party," died of natural

causes last Thursday in Harrington Sound, Bermuda,

A family tradition Rankin grew up in a family attuned to pleasing audiences.His parents, Mignon Klemm and Arthur Rankin Sr., were vaudevillians, and Ethel Barrymore was a distant relation. An only child,

Arthur Jr. grew up on his grandparents' farm outside Baltimore, where he w as born on July 19, 1924. He moved to New York at age 12.

During high school, he worked at Radio City Music Hall as a page and backstage hand. At 18, he joined the Navy, surviving two sinkings by enemy forces during

World War II. where he had retired, said his He returned to civilian life son, Todd Rankin. He was 89. as the t e levision i n dustry

Influence "Arthur was the Walt Dis-

was forming. Hired at ABC, he was a graphic designer and art director on dra-

ney of stop-motion animation," said Rick Goldschmidt,

matic series such as "Tales

who chronicled the history of

Playhouse." He began making com-

of Tomorrow" and " Schlitz

Rankin-Bass productions in books and a website. "He was mercials for network spona great influence on the Tim sors, a sideline that proved so Burton films and even more successful that he left ABC in so on Pixar."

1952 to form his own compa-

Although Ra n k in-Bass ny. Bass, who worked for an also p roduced t r adition- advertising agency, joined al, hand-drawn a n imation, i t was best k n own fo r i t s

stop-motion technique called Animagic, which d i ffered from clay motion in its use of

h im i n 1 9 55 , w h e n t h e y formed Videocraft I nternational, later named Rankin/ Bass Productions.

small, wire-jointed dolls.

Furthering a career

Burton, who told the Los Angeles Times last year that

In the late 1950s Rankin went to Japan to study the

he had "a fond burning feel- techniques of stop-motion ing" for the Rankin-Bass hol- animator Tad M o c hinaiday specials he watched as ga, who used figurines and a child, created movies such miniature sets to make his as "Nightmare Before Christ- films. Mochinaga would latmas" using the same style of er supervise the animation jointed figurines. of a number of Rankin-Bass In homage to his child- shows. hood i n spirations, B u r ton In 1962, Rankin was trying even named a character in to come up with a Christmas his 1984 film "Frankenwee- special for General Electric nie" Mr. Burgermeister, after and thought of his Greenwich a character in Rankin-Bass' Village neighbor J ohnny "Santa Claus Is Coming to Marks, whose song "Rudolph Town" (1970). the Red-Nosed Reindeer" had Other well-known Rankin- been inspired by a story writBass stop-motion works inten as a department store holclude "The Little Drummer iday promotion by his brothBoy" (1968), "Here Comes er-in-law Robert May. Marks' Peter Cottontail" (1971) and song, sung by Gene Autry, "The Year Without a Santa was a huge success in 1949. Claus" (1974). Rankin, Bass and writer Following the pattern es-

tablished in "Rudolph," which features Burl Ives' singing

Romeo Muller f l eshed out

a story based on the song, adding a whole cast of char-

and narration, Rankin and

acters, including the M i sfit

Bass broadened the appeal of the programs by using famous voices, including those of Greer Garson, Danny Kaye and Jimmy Durante.

Toys. Marks was afraid that his hit could be tarnished if


the TV project was a flop, but when it aired on a Sunday

hallmark. film like 'Rudolph,'" Rankin "In all our pictures, we had recalled. an antagonist who becomes W ith Bas s , Ran ki n the good guy," Rankin said in branched out from holiday a 2005 interview for the Arspecials to animated features chive of American Television, like "Mad M o nster Party" "and the underdog fulfills his (1967), a t o ngue-in-cheek quest." mash-up that featured FranIn "Rudolph," the under- kenstein, Dracula, the Weredogs were the title character wolf, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde with the flashing red nose and other famous creatures, and an elfnamed Hermey, and the Peabody Award-winwho wants to be a dentist. ning "The Hobbit" (1977), Among the villains is the based on the J.R.R. Tolkien Abominable Snowman, who fantasy. ultimately changes his menRankin, who moved fullacing ways. time to his home in the isthe painstakingly slow pace of stop-motion p r oduction,

resents 2,900 educators.

Bargainingin Medford resumed W ednesday after daylong talks 'Ibesday, when a state mediator shuttled between the two sides. The two sides

agreed not to discuss the negotiations. "It means we're work-

ing out the pieces but can't share the pieces," said Superintendent Phil

Long. Earlier in the week, bargainers said t hey hadn't agreed on major items such as salaries,

man Digital A r t s

C enter,

area, is a flat stretch of land new site, he would not have to reduce the size of his proposed building, Bechtle said. "He could even make it bigger," she said. All in all, the goal is to avoid of a repeat of 2009, when Don and Doris Fisher, founders of the Gap, aban-

doned their plan to build a

c reator of t h e "Star Wa r s " Luc a s

museum of modern art i n

movies, to consider putting his Lucas Cultural Arts Museum on a less

prime spot in the Presidio, just west of his own former film studio. "I am really e xcited about the prospect of this,"

she said. "I'm a glutton for punishment." Lucas, through a spokesman, said he was weighing the new offer, as well as the possibility of moving his museum to another city, presumably a more hospitable one. He has hinted at a tantalizing invitation from

Chicago, where he lives part

the park amid opposition from preservationists. Lucas' proposal, she added, was the leading contender among the finalists, not least because it comes

self-funded. H e o f f ered $700 million to build and endow the museum, which

would be organized around his own idiosyncratically vernacular collection. It in-

cludes paintings and drawings by Maxfield Parrish, Norman Rockwell and oth-

er newly rehabilitated figures from America's Golden Age of Illustration.

The other rejected proposals called for a Presidio Exchange, or PX, an all-purpose pe r f orming space to be shared by local groups, and a Bridge/Sus-

health insurance pre-

time. As he describes it, his

miums and w orking conditions. On Wednesday, the district released details of a strike plan and said

museum would champion the visual arts in their most popular and critically ignored form — from longago comic books and mag-

that if teachers walk out,

a zine illustrations to

schools would be dosed through Monday. It said it plans to staff the schools with substitute teachers

latest experiments in dig-

sought to explore issues such as alternative energy and ecosystem services.

ital animation — and nurture the next generation of

"Probably, the S u stainability Institute was never

graphic artists.

in the running, because we

and security officers. Extracurricular a c t ivities

In a telephone interview last fall from his home in

didn't know who their con-

except high school sports would be canceled.


LOCAL BRIEFING Continued from Bf

fundraisinggoal OregonSlata University-CascadesCampus supportershavebealsntheir fundraisinggoalfora new campus inBend. Fundraisingstartedin 2012, and bytheendoflastyear, the supportersbrought inmore than $4.6million,OSU-CascadesannouncedWednesday. Lastsummer,Oregonlawmakers voted togive$16million inbonds toOSU-Cascadesfor the newcampus project ifthe growing four-yearuniversity could raise $4million from supportersandprovideanother $4millionitself. The tofal costof the project isestimated ataround$24million. OSU-Casca desalsomet fundraisinggoalsforthe end oftheyear,securing apair of $250,000grantsfromthe Oregon CommunityFoundation, according tothe university. The moneycountstowardthe supporter goalThe . foundation isa communityendowment, awardingmorethan$60millionin grantsandscholarships each yeararoundtheslate. — Bulletins@ffreport

tainability Institute, which

stituency was," said Bechtle, Marin County, he expressed who added that she hoped frustration with the board that the institute and the and staff o f t h e P r esidio PX w ould t est t heir p r o -

Trust, which manages most

afternoon before Christmas, the ratings vanquished any fears of failure.

A ti m e - tested t he m e After thatbroadcast, "evwas a ls o a Ran k i n -Bass eryone wanted a Christmas

"Rudolph" took more than a year to make because of

land teachers union rep-


the 76-year-old philanthropist who is the chairwoman

A M edford w alkout

charmingly misfit characters, remains the longest-running Christmas TV s p ecial, "one of only four 1960s Christmas specials still being

One site, to the west of

his old studio in the Letter-

ford, teachers say they

would be one of the largest in Oregon in years, reportedly involving up

with it s c atchy t u nes and

sy Field.

of th e

gramming ideas in coming

1 ,49l-acre nation- years in the park's existing

al park and former Army buildings. base. The trust, he said, had For now, the Crissy Field stalled for four years on site is occupied by a retail the project and dismissed store, Sports Basement. Its his museum's architectur- building, a former Army al design as an exercise in commissary built i n 1989, "mimicking." is a generic example of the Bechtle is the f irst to concrete-box school of aradmit that

sh e d oes n ot

chitecture. Nonetheless, it is

care for Lucas' proposed looking newly interesting to building. An a rchitectur- Bechtle. "It's fine like it

al sketch portrays it as an

imposing two-story structure silhouetted against a pink-dappled sky and festooned w it h

where in the Presidio. "We B e a ux-Arts- may just remodel the build-

stylearches, columns and a copper dome. She said the design was unsuited for the 8-acre site on Crissy Field, a

ing ourselves. You can put

former airfield with a com-

face. You could have a place

w indows on

it . I t 's n ev-

er going to be a beautiful building, but it's not in your

manding view of the Golden where people could bring Gate Bridge. their dogs and sit outside." "We wanted to h ave a The notion of developing building that fitted more a new dog run might not into the surroundings, and sound like the height of arGeorge wanted a building c hitectural a m bition, b u t that looked more like a mu- Bechtle, by her own admisseum," Bechtle said Tuesday sion, will be relieved to have in a t e lephone interview. the Crissy Field brouhaha "And I t h ink t h at's where behind her. "I was president the difficulty lay." of the San Francisco SymWhile Lucas revised his phony when we had a 10-

plan to lower the height of

week strike," she said. "This

the museum's roof, "it was

was about the same level of intensity and stress."

still too big" for Crissy Field, she said. Nonetheless, Bechtle tele-

phoned Lucas on Monday, right before the trust held a news conference announc-

ing the rejection of the bids, and urged him to consider alternate sites in the Presi-


i s," she

said, adding that Sports Basement will move else-

Get a taste of Food, Home Sr Garden In


dio. She said there are two, both less glamorous and politically sensitive than Cris-

• • Th eBulletin

Continued from B1 "I'm good at negotiating, good at figuring things out. I can multi-

task really well," he sard.

Esterman also said he would keep a private health insurance plan,

rather than opting for the co m missioners' health plan, if elected.

"I would be an employee of the people, not their boss," he said.

lands in the 1980s, is survived

"My door's going to be open."

by his wife, Olga Karlatos, and his sons from a previous marriage, Todd and Gardner.

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbulletitt. com

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IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 N BA, C3 Sports in brief, C2 NHL, C3 Golf, C3 College hoops, C4 THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2014

9 w w w.bendbulletin.com/sports


Seattle cheers its Seahawks SEATTLE — Hun-

dreds of thousands of notoriously loud Seattle Seahawks fans cranked up the volume Wednesday, cheering, chanting and going berserk during a paradeand ceremony to celebrate the first Super Bowl victory in the history of the franchise. The mood in Seattle was electrified as the parade featuring the NFL champions begannear the SpaceNeedleand made its way to CenturyLink Field. At a ceremony inside the stadium, the team thanked its loyal followers — known collectively as the12th Man — capping aday of boisterous celebration that drew anestimated 700,000 revelers to Seattle. Players were introduced by the order of their jersey numbers and ended with No. 3, quarterback Russell Wilson, who walked onto the field pumping the Lombardi Trophy in the air to thunderous applause. "Our plan is to win another one for you next year," Wilson said later. Thousands of students apparently skipped school to


OSU'srecruiting class bas Hawaiian flavor By Anne M. Peterson


The Associated Press

You could say Oregon State's

National rankings: Rivals 49, Scout 48. Best in class:DT Kalani Vakameilalo of Hawaii. Best of the rest:WRXavier Hawkins from Tennessee. Quote: Coach MikeRiley: "The beauty of this class wasthere were no surprises." For the complete list, seeC4

2014 football recruiting class has the Aloha Spirit.

Several of the Beavers' top prep recruitsare from Hawaii,

including defensive end Lamone Williams, defensive tackle Kalani Vakameilalo and athlete Fitou Fisiiahi. Williams, at 6 feet 3 and 240

pounds, helps fill a hole left by the departure of Scott Crichton, who left Oregon State early to enter the NFL draft.

6-5, 235-pound prospect out of

The Beavers got another defensive end in Glyeb Ewing, a

Iowa. SeeBeavers/C4

Inside Three Central Oregon girls heading to Division I schools for soccer, while Sisters crosscountry star signs to run at Northern Arizona. Prep notebook,C4 Southern Cal, Stanford pick up the best recruiting classes in the Pac-12,C4 Complete list of Oregon and Oregon State recruiting classes,C4

Anotber talented RB

signs with Oregon By Anne M. Peterson


The Associated Press

The speedy Oregon Ducks just keep landing talented running backs. Last year it was homegrown

National rankings: Rivals 26, Scout 22.

Best in class:RBRoyce Freeman, Imperial, Calif. Best ofthe rest: CB Arrion Springs, SanAntonio. Quote:CoachMark Helfrich on theoneswhogotaway:"I'm sure my wife wishesshe married GeorgeClooney.... She movedon. Wewill too."

star Thomas 7yner. This year it

is Royce Freeman out of Imperial, Calif., who also had offers from A l abama, Florida, Florida State and Stanford but on

Wednesday signed his letter of intent to play football at Oregon.

Freeman ran for 2,824 yards and 41 touchdowns as a senior last season at Imperial High School. See Ducks /C4

For the complete list, seeC4.

attend. Seattle Public

Schools said more than 25 percent of the district's 51,000 students

were absent in the morning. By comparison, about 5 percent were absent the day before. The school district also said 565 teachers were absent, far more than usual. "This is a historical event, once in a lifetime. To not show up would be blasphemy," said Jesse Lake, 36, a carpenterfrom Port Orchard, who stood in the packed parking lot outside CenturyLink Field to greet the team members as they arrived.

CBS getsMFLon Thursday nights NEW YORK— CBS won bidding among broadcast networks to televise eight Thursday night NFL gamesnext fall, and perhaps beyond

• Several athletes andcoachesfrom Central Oregontaking part in the Sochi Winter Olympics


The NFLsaid Wednesday that CBS and its broadcast team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms will be in the booth for eight early-season Thursday night games simulcast on the NFL Network.

The league's cable network will show six Thursday night games alone, produced byCBS with Nantz andSimms also in the booth. —TheAssociated Press


a rich history of

talented skiers and snowboarders. So it sh o u l d

come as no surprise that our region will once again be well-represented at a Winter Olympics. Two athletes from B e nd

have qualified to compete in the 2014 Winter Games, which begin today in Sochi, Ross for the United States and halfpipe snowboarder Kent Callister for Australia. Ross is set to race in the super combined (downhill and Sunday and Monday. The U.S. Team has not yet announced

OntheWed all The Bulletin's Olyml Follow pics coverageand seetweets

Blazers squeak past Knicks Nicolas Batum and Wesley Matthews lead Portland on badshooting night for All-Stars LaMarcus Aldrige and Damian Lillard in 94-90 win,C3.


from our local athletes at www. benddbulletin.com/Olympics

ings this season are a 17th in downhill, a 20th in super com-

bined, and a 21st in super-G.

She was one of six Ameri can women t o r e ach t h e

if she will also compete in the downhill, set for Tuesday, and/or the super-G, slated for Feb. 14. In super combined, racers are ranked based on t heir run and a slalom run. The 25-year-old Ross is one

2 012-13 season, posting a s econd-place finish i n t h e downhill at a competition in

Germany. Demonstrating her versatil-

ity, she then won the super-G title at the 2013 U.S. National Championships.

After earning an 11th-place of just two athletes from Ore- finish in super combined at gon on the 230-member U.S. Olympic Team for the Sochi

the 2013 World Champion-

ships, Ross is looking to carry Games. The other is fellow al- that momentum into Sochi as pine skier Jacqueline Wiles, of she makes her Olympic debut. Aurora. SeeOlympics/C2



Shaun White announces hewill not participate in the slopestyle competition, instead choosing to compete only in halfpipe,C2

Complete Olympics schedules, a look at thevenues at Sochi, and more looking aheadtothe2014Games.



(All times PST;Sochi timeis f2hoursahead)

World Cup podium in the

Russia: alpine skier Laurenne combined time of a downhill

slalom), scheduled for this

Portland's Damian Lillard shoots over Raymond Felton.

Ross' best World Cup plac-

entral Oregon has

LAURENNEROSS, 25 Country:United States Event:Alpine skiing Scheduled to compete: Sunday andMonday in women's super combined (downhill runs at11 p.m. Sunday, slalom runsat3 a.m.Monday); may also compete in downhill, set for Tuesdayat11 p.m., and/or super-G, set for Feb. 14at11 p.m. , ;:



KENT CALLISTER, 18 Country:Australia Event:Snowboard halfpipe Scheduled to compete: Tuesday, qualification at 2 a.m., semifinals at 7 a.m., finals at 9:30 a.m.

Six-time Olympian tocarryflag for U.S.at opening ceremony By Victor Mather

of the United States for Friday's ing. His best individual finish opening ceremony at the Sochi was fourth, in 2010 in the normal POLY A N A , Games. hill event in Vancouver. He also

New York Times News Service

K RASNAYA Russia — Todd L o dwick, a

37-year-old nordic skier who will be competing in his sixth

Lodwick, who was chosen by a vote of the team captains of

each sport,competes in nordic Winter Olympics, was named combined, which consists of ski Wednesday as the flag-bearer jumping and cross-country ski-

won a silver medal in the team event there. He is the first American to compete in six Winter

Olympics. Canada chose Hayley Wick-

enheiser, a 35-year-old hockey p layer competing in her f i f t h

Olympics, and Norway picked Aksel Lund Svindal, a 31-yearold alpine skiing star. Italy had

previously selected Armin Zoggeler, who will be going for his sixth consecutive medal in luge.






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1110 AM, 110.1 FM

Men's College, PennState at Michigan State 6 p.m. E S PN2 Men's College, Murray State at Belmont 6 p.m. E S PNU Men's College, Washington at Utah 6 p.m. Pa c -12 Men's College, Texas-El Paso atEast Carolina 6 p.m. Fox Sports1 NBA, Chicago atGoldenState 7 :30 p.m. T N T Men's College, SantaClara at BYU 8 p.m. E S PNU Men's College, St. Mary's at Loyola Marymount 8 p.m. Root Men's College,Oregon StateatArizonaState 8p.m. FoxSports1

ON DECK Today Wrestling: Sisters,Summit at Ridgeview,7 p.m.; La Pine atMadras,7 p,mcMountainViewat Bend, 7 p.m.; RedmondatCrookCounty,7p.m.

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NHL EasternConference Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pls GF GA 55 36 16 3 75 167 120 56 32 19 5 69 163 139 57 30 21 6 66 139 139 58 30 22 6 66 171 180 56 25 19 12 57 25 21 11 56 22 27 7 56 15 33 8

College, Maine atNotre Dame WHL, Spokane atSeattle BOXING Boxing, Friday Night Fights

62 146 158 61 164 182 51 137 175 38 108 169

Metropolitan Division

Chicago St. Louis Colorado Minnesota Dallas Winnipeg Nashville

WesternConference Central Division GP W L OT Pls GF GA 59 35 10 14 55 37 12 6 56 36 15 5 58 30 21 7 57 26 21 10 58 28 25 5 57 25 23 9

84 207 161 80 189 130 77 168 148 67 142 145 62 162 163 61 163 167 59 142 172

Pls GF GA 85 191 145

78 172 140 66 137 127 63 143 152 62 160 167 49 132 175 44 150 196


Pittsburgh5,Buffalo1 Chicago 2, Anaheim0 SanJose2, Dallas1, OT

6 p.m.



midnight NBCSN Hockey Cross-country skiing, speedskating 2:30 a.m. NBCSN SOCCER EPL, Liverpool vs. Arsenal 4 a.m. USA Listingsarethemostaccurateavailable. TheBulletinis not responsible for latechangesmadebyTVor radio stations.

UAB94, FAU91, OT

GP W L OT Pls GF GA Pittsburgh 57 4 0 1 5 2 82 183 134 N.Y.Rangers 57 31 23 3 65 150 141 Columbus 56 29 23 4 62 167 156 Philadelphia 57 28 23 6 62 157 165 C arolina 5 5 2 5 2 1 9 59 138 153 NewJersey 57 23 21 13 59 133 142 Washington 57 25 23 9 59 164 173 N.Y.lslanders 58 22 28 8 52 160 191

Men's College, Manhattan at Canisius 4 p.m. E S PNU Men's College, Seton Hall at Villanova 4 p.m. Fox Sports1 Men's College, Detroit Mercy at Valparaiso 6 p .m . ES P NU Pacific Division W L OT Women's College, Stanford at Washington St. 6 p.m. Pa c -12 Anaheim GP 59 40 14 5 Men's College, DGPaulat Creighton SanJose 58 36 16 6 6 p.m. Fox Sports1 LosAngeles 58 30 22 6 6:30 p.m. ESPN NBA, Minnesota at NewOrleans Vancouver 58 27 22 9 Phoenix 56 26 20 10 High School, Summitat Mt. View 7 p.m. COT V Calgary 56 21 28 7 Edmonton 58 19 33 6 W omen's College, Colorado at Oregon St. 8 p .m. PAC 1 2 HOCKEY

Wednesday'sScores East American U.63, Loyola(Md.) 38 GeorgeWashington 80,Duquesne68 Holy Cross 79, Colgate 56 LaSalle66,GeorgeMason60 Lafayette87,Bucknell 64 Maine69,Vermont52 Navy68,BostonU.57 RhodeIsland73, UMass64 St. Bonaventure 73, Saint Joseph's67 Stony Brook62,Binghamton42 Villanova72,Providence66 South EastCarolina66,Marshall 52 Old Dominion65, Tulsa53 SouthFlorida71, Memphis 58 South er nMiss.68,MiddleTennessee56 Tulane56,NorthTexas55

Standings AH TimesPST

Boston TampaBay Montreal Toronto Detroit Ottawa Florida Buffalo

Thursday'sGames CalgaryatN.Y.Islanders,4p.m. Edmonto natN.Y.Rangers,4p.m. Coloradoat Philadelphia, 4p.m. WinnipegatWashington, 4p.m. VancouveratMontreal,4:30 p.m. Buffaloat Ottawa,4;30 p.m. Toront oatTampaBay,4:30p.m. Detroit atFlorida,4:30 p.m.

Bostonat St.Louis, 5p.m. Nashville atMinnesota,5 p.m. Columbu satLosAngeles,7:30p.m. Friday's Games Edmonton at NewJersey,4 p.m. N.Y.RangersatPittsburgh,4 p.m. Floridaat Carolina, 4p.m. Chicag oatPhoenix,6p.m. Columbu satSanJose,7:30p.m.

"I don't believe it's a concussion, but out of an abundance of caution, I've called for an attorney." Sud deFranceResults Wednesday At ArenaMontpellier MontpeHier, France Purse: $554,900(WT250) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round JoaoSousa,Portugal,def.TobiasKamke,Germany, 3-6,6-1, 6-4. JarkkoNieminen(6), Finland,def. AleksandrNedovyesov, Kazakhstan,4-6,6-2, 6-4. Gael Monfils (5), France,def. LukaszKubot, Poland,6-4,4-6, 6-3. DustinBrown,Germany,def. TeymurazGabashvili, Russia,4-6,6-1, 7-6(1). NikolayDavydenko, Russia, def. JulienBenneteau (8), France, 7-6(6), 7-5. EdouardRoger-Vasselin (7), France,def. Michal Przysiezny, Poland, 7-6(3),6-3. PBZZagrebIndoors Results


At DomSporlova Zagreb, Croatia Purse: S554,900(WT250) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round DanielEvans,Britain, def.JanHajek,CzechRepub-

lic, 6-3r 6-1.

Dudi SelaIsrael , , def.LukasRosol (6), CzechRepublic, 6-3,7-6(2). AndreyGolubev,Kazakhstan,def. Victor Hanescu, Romania7-6 , (6), 4-6, 7-6(5). AndreyKuznetsov,Russia, def. Sergiy Stakhovsky, Ukraine,6-4,7-6(8). Igor Sijsling(8), Netherlands, def.BlazKavcic, Slovenia,6-7(4),6-3,6-4. SecondRound MarinCilic (5),Croatia,def. DusanLajovic, Serbia, 6-4,7-5.

SPORTS IN BRIEF BASEBALL Curt SChilling annOunCeS he haS CanCer —Former pitcher Curt Schilling announcedWednesday that he is battling cancer. The 47-year-old Schilling divulged the news in a statement released through his employer, Bristol-based ESPN. It did not indicate what type of cancer Schilling has, when hewas diagnosed or what his prognosis might be. "With my incredibly talented medical team I'm ready to try and win another big game," said Schilling, who retired in 2009 after 20 years in the major leagues. "I've been sovery blessed and I feel grateful for what Godhasallowed my family to have andexperience, and I'll embrace this fight just like the rest of them, with resspokesman Mike Soltys said Schilling olute faith and headon.n ESPN is taking a leave ofabsence. Herecently signed a multiyear contract extension with the network andwas to be part of the "Sunday Night Baseball" broadcast team, aswell as contribute to the network's studio coverage, including its spring training coverage, Soltys said.



ATP World Tour

Men's College

Royal GuardOpenResults Wednesday At ClubNaval deCampoLasSalinas Vina del Mar,Chile Purse: $457,800(WT250) Surlace: Clay-Outdoor Singles First Round HoracioZeballos, Argentina,def.GonzaloLama, Chile, 6-3,6-3. SecondRound LeonardoMayer, Argentina, def.Tomm y Robredo (2), Spain3-6, , 7-6(8), 6-4. Guillermo Garcia-Lopez(7), Spain, def. Paolo Lorenzi, Italy,3-6, 7-5, 6-4.

SantiagoGiraldo, Colombia,def.MarcelGranoffers (4), Spain7-6 , (7), 7-6 (2).

Pacific-12 Conference All timesPST

Conference Arizona UCLA Colorado Stanford California Arizona St. Washington

OregonSt. Utah Oregon WashingtonSt SouthernCal

Olympics Continued from C1


She said she has nothing to lose at the

Beckhamexercisesoption tobuyMI.S team inMiami

Olympics. "I can't wait to put everything on the

— David Beckhamhasexercised his option to purchase a Major League Soccer expansion team in Miami, and thedealwith the former England captain will be finalized when hecan secure afinancing plan and location for a newstadium. "This is an exciting time, and something we're really looking forward to bringing to Miami," Beckham told a crowd of more than 300people on adowntown museum plaza. The event was frequently interrupted by cheers for Beckham. "We don't want public funding. Wewill fund the stadium ourselves. We have worked very hard to get to this stage where wecan fund the stadium ourselves. Wewant to create afootball club that is the people's football club." Newteams havebeenannounced for 2015 in NewYork City and Orlando, Florida, increasing the league's total to 21. Beckham declined to offer a timetable regarding whenMiami might play its first game, but a likely target is 2017.

petition on Tuesday.


the difficulty, execution atkd amplitude of

line ... to be able to ski my fastest and

have noregrets orfear,"she said in a recent email. Callister, who has dual citizenship be-

cause his father is Australian, is set to compete in the snowboard halfpipe comThe 18-year-old Callister was invited to join the U.S. Snowboarding Rookie halfpipe team in 2012, but he chose to go with the Aussies, figuring he had a better chance of reaching his first Olympics because the U.S. team is so stacked with talent.

Halfpipe snowboarders are judged on

MagicJohnson duys Sparks,keepsteam In LA.Magic Johnson wasback atthe Staples Center, dishing anassist to the WNBA's LosAngeles Sparks. The former Lakers great is part of gr a oup buyingtheSparksandkeeping leagueMVP Candace Parker and theteam in LA.Johnson is joined in the ownership group by Mark Walter, the controlling owner of the LosAngeles Dodgers, andco-ownersToddL.Boehly,RobertL.PattonandStan Kasten. The WNBAand NBA BoardofGovernorsunanimouslyapproved the purchase of the Sparks bytheownership group. Johnson and Walter teamedwith a group of investors to buy the Dodgers in 2012 for a record $2 billion and combined with outgoing owner Frank McCourt to buy land surrounding Dodger Stadium for $150 million. It will be the samegroup owning the Sparks, minus Peter Guber,who owns a stake in theNBA'sGolden State Warriors. Previous Sparks owner Paula Madison informed the league in late Decemberthat she wouldn't be able to run theteam. Shetold The Associated Press that her family had lost $12 million, including $1.4 million last season, operating the franchise since buying it from the Bussfamily in 2007.

Far West Colorado68,Washington St.63 ColoradoSt.75, UNLV57 FresnoSt.68,Air Force51 Gonzaga 71,Portland 66 NewMexico66, Wyoming 61, OT San Diego St. 67,BoiseSt.65 Stanford80,California 69 UtahSt.83,Nevada75

Women's college



NBA, Portland at Indiana

In the Bleachers O 2014 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucnck wwwrgocomics.com/inthebleachers

Friday Boysbasketball:RedmondatBend,7p.mcSummit at MountainView,7 p.mcRidgeviewat Crook County, 7p.m.; Elmiraat Sisters, 5:45p.m.; La Pine atSweet Home,5:45p.m.; Culverat Santiam, 6:30 p.mcCentral Christianat Sherman,7:30p.m. Girls baskelbaff:MountainViewat Summit, 7 p.m.; BendatRedmond,7p.m.;CrookCountyatRidgeview, 7p.m.; Elmiraat Sisters, 7:15p.m.; La Pine atSweet Home, 7:15p.m.; Culver atSantiam, 5 p.m.;Trinity Lutheranat Condon/Wheeler, 4:30 p.m.; CentralChristianatSherman,6 p.m.


Primetime highlights 8 p.m. NBC Figure Skating (TeamEvent: Men's Short Program, Pairs' Short Program); Men's andWomen's Snowboarding - Slopestyle Competition; Women's Freestyle Skiing - Moguls Competition Primetime encore 1 :35 a.m. NBC


the aerial tricks they perform as they soar in and out of the pipe. "I'd like to throw in some new tricks

and just have some fun with my riding and hopefully make the finals," Callister salcl.

Callister and Ross are following a long line of Winter Olympians with Central

Oregon ties. Three athletes from Central Oregon

W 8 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 3 2 1

L 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 8 8


W L 21 1 17 5 17 6 15 7 15 8 16 6 13 9 13 8 14 7 15 6 9 13 10 12

Wednesday'sGames Stanford 80,California 69 Colorado 68, Washington St. 63 Today'sGames OregonatArizona, 6p.m. Washingtonat Utah,6 p.m. OregonStateat Arizona State, 8p.m. Saturday'sGames OregonatArizonaState, 2p.m. WashingtonStateat Utah, 5p.m. UCLAatUSC,7:30p.m. Sunday'sGames OregonStateat Arizona, 4p.m. WashingtonatColorado,5 p.m. Wednesday'sScores East Albany (NY)73,Mass.-Lowell 56 Army70,Lehigh51 BostonU.61,Navy48 Buffalo69,Ball St.48 Delaware 67, Coll. of Charleston64 George Washington71,Duquesne57 Lafayette 66, Buckneff58

Loyola(Md.)62,American U.58 Northeastern 81,Hofstra 73 Saint Loui65, s Saint Joseph's49 UMBC 68 NewHampshire 57 UMass79,LaSale 67 WestVirginia91,Oklahoma86, OT South Auburn79,SouthCarolina74 Dayton84,GeorgeMason67 FloridaSt.70,Virginia Tech50 HighPoint77,Coastal Carolina 74 Pittsburgh59,Miami 55,OT Presbyterian77, Longwood62 Radford 82,CharlestonSouthern76 Richmond 64,St.Bonaventure62 SouthFlorida79,UCF78, OT UNCAshevile 86,Campbell 73 VMI 108, Gardner-Webb104, 40T Vanderbil64, t Tennessee60 Virginia77,BostonCollege67 William & Mary54,UNCWilmington50 Midwesl Akron52,E.Michigan48 Cent.Michigan78,Kent St. 73,OT Green Bay81, Il.-chicago70 flinoisSt. 76,N.Iowa65 Michigan79,Nebraska50 MissouriSt.66,Evansvile 54 Nebraska-Oa m ha86, Peru St.62 Purdue 77,Minnesota74,3OT Toledo83,Bowling Green76 W. Michigan 90,Ohio74 WichitaSt.65,IndianaSt.58 WrightSt.77,YoungstownSt.67 Southwest Arkansas 65,Alabama58 Louisville77,Houston62 Texas AffM72, Mississippi St. 52

Midwest Akron71,N.Illinois 67 BowlingGreen72,W.Michigan50 Creighton75, Georgetown61 Dayton73,VCU69 DePaul78, Xavier 49 Fordham 56, Saint Louis 45 Marquette62,SetonHall 60 MichiganSt.69, fflinois 53 Nebraska71,Wisconsin70,OT St. John's58,Butler55 TCU61,lowaSt. 60 WrightSt. 93,YoungstownSt. 81 Southwest Arkansas St. 78,W.Kentucky75, OT FIU 53,UTSA40 Oklah omaSt.76,Kansas74 Texas88,TexasTech51 Texas St.75,Louisiana-Monroe70 UTEP85,LouisianaTech75 Far West ColoradoSt.66, UNLV48 FresnoSt.76,Air Force49 Nevada70,Utah St.66 San Diego St. 75,BoiseSt.65 Wyoming79,NewMexico 75



TEXASRANGERS— Announced RHPChazRoe rejectedoutrightassignment andelectedfreeagency. FOOTBALL

National Football League ATLANTA FALCONS—ReleasedCBAsanteSamuel andLBStephenNicholas. HOUSTO NTEXANS — Named Romeo Crennel defensivecoordinator andsigned himto athree-year contract.RetainedBobLigashesky asspecial teams coordinator.Name d MikeVrabel linebackers coach, PaulDunn off ensive line coach,George Godsey quarterbackscoach, SeanHayes assistant strength and conditioningcoach,StanHixonwidereceivers coach,TimKely offensivequality control coach,Wil Lawingdefensivequality control coach,CharlesLondon runningbackscoach,Anthony Midgetassistant secondarycoach,John Perry tight endscoach, Anthony Pleasantassistant strengthandconditioning coach, JimBernhardt director of football research, JohnButlersecondarycoach,Doug Colmanassistant specialteamscoachandCraig Filzgeraldstrength and conditioning coach. NEWORLEANS SAINTS— NamedMikeNeuquarterbackscoach. NEWYORKJETS— NamedThomasMcGaughey specialteamscoordinator.HOCKEY National HockeyLeague MINNESOTA WILD— TradedC ChadRautoSan JoseforRWCurt Gogol. SOCCER

Major LeagueSoccer

MLS —AnnouncedDavidBeckham exercisedhis optionfor anexpansionteam,whichwil belocated in Miami.SignedMBenji Joya. VANCO UVER WHITECAPS —Acquired M/FSebast ianFernandezonloanandM/FNicolasMezquida by transferfromBostonRiver (Uruguay). COLLEGE FLORIDA STATE—NamedCharlesKelly defensive coordinator. IOWA STATE—Named MarkMangino tight ends

coachand offensive coordinator, Tomm y Mangino widereceiverscoachandBrandonBlaneyoff ensive line coach. Promotedwidereceivers coachTodd Sturdyto quarterbacks coach. WISCO NSIN—Announcedtheresignation ofrunning backs coachand recruiting coordinatorThomas Hammock.

Citinginjuryrisks,Whitepullsoutofslopestyle competition SOCHI, Russia —Extreme-sports icon ShaunWhite, citing the potential risk of injury, on Wednesday pulled out of the slopestyle snowboarding competition at the Olympics. White had called the course atRosaKhutor Extreme Park "intimidating," and already it had becomethesource of controversy in the first two days of training — most notably in the case of Norwegian medalhopeful Torstein Horgmo, whowithdrew after breaking his collarbone in a crash onMonday. The decision for White wasmulti-pronged. Hejammedhis wrist in a slopestyle training fall on Tuesdayandmadethe call to concentrate primarily on trying to win his third Olympic gold medal in the halfpipe event. "The difficult decision to forgo slopestyle is not onetake I lightlyas I know how much effort everyone hasput into holding the slopestyle event for the first time in Olympic history, a history I had planned onbeing apart of,e White said in a statement to NBC's "Today Show," which broke thenews. "With the practice runs I havetaken, evenafter course modifications and watching fellow athletes get hurt, the potential risk of injury is a bit too muchfor me to gamble myother Olympics goals on," White said. White's withdrawal was asignificant blow to the event, which is making its Olympic debut. The news cameshortly after White and his halfpipe teammates held anewsconference in the afternoon here, during which he went out of his way tosaythat his wrist injury had been e "blown out of proportion a little bit.

Afterward, hewas asked morequestions about the slopestyle course before the line of inquiry was stopped by anofficial. a On snowboarding youget bumpsandbruises all the time," White said at the newsconference. "It was theankle, it was the shoulder. It wasall thesethings, but they come andgo, which is nice if it wasn't something serious. "Definitely concerns about the course. It's been interesting to seehowit's developed and changed over thepast few days. I guessthe big question is if it will continue to change. Every day they have the riders meeting, they get feedback. Sometimes there's changes, sometimes e there's not.

— Los Angeles Times

competed in the 2010 Winter Olympics in

Vancouver, including Chris Kiug (alpine snowboarding), Torin Koos (nordic skiing) and Tommy Ford (alpirte skiing). Klug, who won an Olympic bronze medal in 2002, has retired. Ford broke his right ieg about a year ago, which left him off the slopes for this season.

City. After both of the Russian skiers who tor of the Bend-based XC Oregon nordic finished ahead of Scott in the 5-kilome- ski team, will coach a husband-and-wife ter race later failed doping tests, she was duo that will be competing for the tiny Caeventually awarded the gold medal. ribbean island nation. Scott retired from competitive nordic Peter Foley, of Hood River, is once skiing after the 2006 Games, but her hus- again serving as the head coach of the

Koos, who was raised in Leavenworth, Wash., but lived in Bend for two years

band, Justin Wadsworth, is still heavily

since moved to Bozeman, Mont. The sixtime national champion wort the 2014 na-

sworth is now the head coach of the Cana-

U.S. snowboard team. A pioneer in the

involved in World Cup and Olympic rac- early days of snowboarding, Foley was leading up to the Vancouver Games, has ing. A three-time U.S. Olympian, Wad- the first coach of the U.S. snowboard

NFL VikingS' CRSSel vOidS 2014 OPtiOn —Minnesota Vikings quarterback Matt Cassel will void the 2014option on his contract and become afree agent, a person familiar with his decision told The Associate d PressonW ednesday.Though theVikingscould'vealso cut him before paying a roster bonus next month, Cassel would've made $3.7 million this year had henot opted out, the sameamount he made in the 2013season. Let go bythe KansasCity Chiefs last year, Cassel signed with the Vikings as thebackup to Christian Ponder but finished the season asthe starter. — The Associated Pess

team in 1994. Since then, he has gone on

Bend, won the Olympic silver medal at

dian men's cross-country ski team, which to develop and coach the entire U.S. snowis favored to take home some hardware boarding program. from Sochb He has coached every U.S. Olym"I really feel if this team doesn't get two pic team since snowboarding's Winter medals I'll feel a bit of disappointment ..." Games debut in 1998 and has won numer-

the 2006 Winter Games in Turin, Italy, in the team pursuit. She was the first North

Wadsworth said. Another nordic ski coach from Bend,

tional sprint freestyle title to secure his fourth Olympic berth. Canadian nordic skier Beckie Scott, of

ous domestic atkd international coaching

awardsfrom the U.S.Skiand Snowboard American ever to win an Olympic medal J.D. Downing, is set to coach the first team Association. — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmorical@ in cross-country skiing when she claimed ever to represent the country of Dominica bronze at the 2002 Games in Salt Lake in the Winter Olympics. Downing, direc- bendbtzlletin.com





McDowell returns to Pebble for 1st time

since Open By Doug Ferguson The Associated Press


lif. — Graeme McDowell twisted his back and swung a dub to loosen his joints in the morning chill of February at Pebble Beach, a

course that looked nothing like he remembered it. " I wa s

The Associated Press NEW YORK — LaMarcus

a li t t l e m o r e

warmed up the last time I played here," he said.

"Whenever youhold a team to 38 percent or whatever it is that we held them to, I mean,

Aldridge struggled with his shot for much of the game, you think you're going to win. so the All-Star was confident But obviously that wasn't the about his last attempt. case tonight," Knicks center It was just time for him to Tyson Chandler said. make a big play. P ortland, missing f r e e Nicolas B atum h a d 20 throws and layups throughout points and 10 rebounds, Wes- the fourth, couldn't put it away ley Matthews scored 18 points, even while the Knicks were and the Trail Blazers over- making just two of their first came poor-shooting nights 18 3-point attempts. J.R. Smith by two of their best players in and Tim Hardaway Jr. then a 94-90 victory over the New made consecutive shots from York Knicks on Wednesday. behind the arc, cutting it to 89Aldridge finished with 15 87 with 50 seconds left. points and 12 rebounds while A ldridge made a t u r nshooting just 5 of 17 from the around jumper 15seconds latfloor, but he knocked down a er, and after Anthony missed t urnaround jumper with 3 5 a drive, Mo Williams made a seconds left after the Knicks pair of free throws to make it had cut Portland's lead to two. a six-point game. Smith made "I had the whole game to three from the line after Bamiss shots so I felt like I was tum fouled him behind the Frank Franklin II/The Associated Press due some makes," Aldridge arc, but Lillard made one to Portiand's LaMarcus Aidridge, who was just 5 of 17 from the field Wednesday night, shoots over New said. "Law of averages have to make it 94-90, and the Knicks York's Tyson Chandler in the Trail Biazers' 94-90 win over the Knicks in New York. catchup sooner orlater.Ihad missed their f i n a l 3 - p oint made one easy one, one tough attempt. one. So I felt like I was going to Anthony w a s f r u s trated Aldridge missed 10 of his triple-double with 11 points, Ceitics 114, 76ers 108: PHILmake it." throughout the n ight, pickfirst 11 shots and the Blazers 15 assists and 10 rebounds to ADELPHIA — J eff G r e en All-Star D a mian L i l l ard ing up one technical foul and led bytwo before he made a help Los Angeles snap a sev- scored 17 of his 36 points in the shot 4 of 12 for his 12 points, waving his arm in disgust to- short jumper over Raymond en-game losing streak. third quarter to lead Boston. but he and Aldridge were far ward referee Dan Crawford a Felton while being fouled with Thunder 106, Timberwolves Mavericks 110, Grizzlies 96: from the only frigid shooters few times. He appeared to be 3:25 left in the third quarter, 9 7: OKLAHOMA C I T Y MEMPHIS, Tenn — D i rk on a snowy day in New York. yelling toward him after the starting Portland's run of sev- Kevin Durant had 26 points, Nowitzki scored 26 points and The Trail Blazers made just buzzer. en straight points that made it nine rebounds and seven as- Brandan Wright added 17 for "It was just one of them 70-61. The lead hit 11 in the fi- sists and Oklahoma City won Dallas. 38 percent, but the Knicks hit only 40 percent of their at- nights. Just as far as shots go, nal minute on Dorell Wright's for the 12th time in 13 games, Nuggets 110, Bucks 100: tempts and were 4 of 21 from couldn't find it coming down three free throws, and it was beating a Minnesota team DENVER — Wilson Chandler 3-point range. the stretch," Anthony said. 77-68 entering the fourth. without Kevin Love and two scored seven of his 24 points in "I thought our d efense "I don't want to speak on the New York ran off the first other starters. the final I:52 for Denver. all game was pretty good. I calls. Nothing I can do about eight of the final period, pullSpurs 125, Wizards 118: Magic 112, Pistons 98: ORthought for us to win a game that right now, nothing we can ing to 77-76 on Pablo Prigioni's WASHINGTON — Tim Dun- LANDO, Fla. — Rookie Victor 3-pointer with 8:16 to play. But can scored a season-high 31 Oladipocame offthe bench to shooting 38 percent, it's not do about it." an easy thing to do," Portland Smith had 18 points and Williams made a 3-pointer points before fouling out in the score 20 points, and Glen Dacoach Terry Stotts said. Amare Stoudemire, getting from the corner to steady the second overtime, and San An- vis had 18 to lead Orlando. New York star Carmelo An- the extra minutes he sought, Blazers just about the time the tonio beat Washington for an Kings109, Raptors101: SACthony scored 26 points but was scored 15. Knicks stalled. NBA-high 16th time in a row. RAMENTO, Calif. — DeMarscorelesson 0-for-5 shooting Portland, which has h ad The Knicks were without Rockets 122, Suns 108: cus Cousins had 25 points and in the fourth quarter, finishing one of the NBA's best records forward Kenyon Martin, who HOUSTON — Dwight How- 10 rebounds and Rudy Gay 11 of 28 as the Knicks dropped all season, had dropped three will rest a sore left ankle for at ard had 34 points and 14 re- added 24 points and 10 retheir third straight. of four and five of its past eight least the next week. bounds, James Harden added bounds for Sacramento. The Knicks were w i thin games. But the Blazers did just In other games Wednesday: 23 points and Houston won its Heat 116, Clippers 112: LOS one after a strong start to the enough to rebound from MonLakers 119, Cavaliers 108: fourth straight. ANGELES — LeBron James fourth, then had just two bas- day's 100-90 loss at Washing- CLEVELAND RookPelicans 105, Hawks 100: had 31 points, 12 assists and kets and five points over the ton, its only one in nine road ie Ryan Kelly scored a ca- NEW ORLEANS A n t h ony eight rebounds and Ray Allen next 7 minutes — and still had games against the Eastern reer-high26 points,and Steve Davis had 27 points and 10 re- hit a clinching 3-pointer in the a chance to pull it out. Conference this season. Blake had his first career bounds for New Orleans. final minute for Miami.

The first fairway, once

lined with thousands of fans, was empty on this day. The putting surfaces were

emerald green. McDowell recalls them being closer to brown. That was the U.S.

Open, his first major. This is the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-am.

For three years, McDowell had little incentive to return to the scene of his

greatest individual feat. "It's not going to get any better than how it felt last time I was here," McDowell said. "It was pretty

tough to top the experience that weekend — the emotions, my dad, winning my first major championship. Doesn't get any better than that. So I really wasn't in a

rush to come back." He found two good reasons to return, starting with

the silver-haired man who joined him on the tee with a smile bigger than Stillwater Cove. Kenny McDowell walked at least 108 holes the week

of the 2010 U.S. Open, which included two practice rounds. McDowell's father

was on the 18th green after the final shot, embracing him ashe said "You're something, kid." They are partners this week, a treat for both of them.

"Being here brings it all

back," the father said. "Be-

ing able to play in the tournament, it's a dream come true. I don't think I'll be able

to do it justice, but I'll be trying." Kenny McDowell has a handicap index of 12. He was never a great golfer, just a great father for an aspiring golfer. McDowell recalls his father organizing tournaments for the kids at Por-

trush, driving them across Ireland for competitions. He

was involved in golf without knowing enough about the swing to meddle. He talked about the long summer days when his son





EasternConference d-Indiana d-Miami d-Toronto Atlanta Washington Chicago Brooklyn Charlotte Detroit NewYork Boston Cleveland Philadelphia Orlando Milwaukee


d-Oklahoma City d-San Antonio Portland d-L.A.Clippers Houston Golden State Phoenix Dallas Memphis

Denver Minnesota NewOrleans LA. Lakers Sacramen to

W t 38 10 35 13 26 23 25 23 24 24 24 24 21 25 22 28 19 29 19 30 17 33 I6 33 15 35 14 37 9 40

Utah d-divisionleader


40 u

36 13 35 14 34 18 33 17 29 20 29 20 29 21 26 22 24 23 24 25 21 27 17 32 17 32 16 32

Wedsesday'sGames orlando 02, Detroit98 Boston04, philadelphia108 SanAntonio125,Washington118,20T LA. Lakers119,Cleveland108 Houston122,Ptoenix108 Oklahoma City106, Minnesota97 Dallasuo, Mem phis 96 NewOrleans105,Atlanta100 Portland94, NewYork90 Denveru0, Milwaukee100 Sacramento109, Toronto101 Miami 06, LA.Clippers02 Today'sGam es SanAntonioatBrooklyn,5 p.m. Chicago at Golden State,7:30 p.m. Friday's Games OklahomaCity at Orlando, 4p.m. Portlandat Indiana,4p.m. LA. Lakers at Philadelphia, 4p.m. ClevelandatWashington, 4p.m. Sacramento atBoston,4:30 p.m. Brooklyn atDetroit, 4:30 p.m. Denverat NewYork,4:30p.m. Utah atDallas,5:30p.m. Minnesotaat NewOrleans,6:30p.m. TorontoatLA. Clippers, 7:30pJs.

Pct GB 792 729 3 531 I2'/z 521 13 500 14 500 14 457 16 440 17 396 19 388 19'/z 340 22 327 22'/2

300 24 275 25'/z 184 29'Iz

Pct GB

784 735 3 714 4 654 6'/2 660 6'/~ 592 10 592 10 580 IO'/z 542 12i/z

511 14 490 15 438 17'/z 347 22 347 22 333 22'/z

SPIIrs125, Wizards118 (2 OT)

SAN ANTO NIOI125) Green 7-163-4 22,Duncan13-205-7 31,Splitter Trail Blazers 94, Knicks 90 3-71-1 7,Parker2-50-04,Joseph4-70-08, Belinelli 6-112-214,Diaw2-5 0-04, Brown1-20-02, Ayres PORTLANO (94) Mills 7-145-523, Bonner0-41-21, De Batum9-14 0-020, Aldridge5-175-715, Lopez 0-01-21, 1-5 7-8 9, Lillard 4-123-512, Matthews6-15 3-4 Colo 3-72-28.Totals 48-98 20-25125. WASHINGTO N(118) 18, WrighI1-4 3-3 6,Freeland1-3 0-0 2, Wiliams Ariza 5-124-415, Nene4-144-612, Gortat3-8 2-7 5-610, Leonard1-20-0 z Totals 30-79 26- 5-8u, Wall12-293-429, Beal 7-165-619, Webster 33 94. 3-5 2-210, Booker 5-7 0-010, Seraphin3-70-0 6, NEWYORK(90) Temple 2-32-26.Totals44-10125-32118. shumpert 0-5 0-0 0, Anthony 0-28 3-3 26, SanAntonio 25 23 34 17 16 10 — 125 Chandler1-3 0-0 2, Felton2-6 3-6 7, Prigioni 2-6 Washington 33 29 21 16 16 3 — 118 0-0 5, Smith7-14 3-318, Stoudemire6-10 3-415, Hardaway Jt 5-131-212, Tyler2-51-25. Totals 36Mavericks110, Grizzlies 96 90 14-20 90. Porlland 26 21 30 17 — 94 DALLAS(110) New York 23 23 22 22 — 90 3-6 0-08, Nowitzki 10-143-426, Dalem3-Point Goal— s Portland 8-21 (Matlhews3-6, bertMarion 6-102-314, Calderon2-90-0 5, Ellis 5-163-4 Batum2-5, Wiliams 1-1, Wright1-3, Lillard 1-6), I4, Carter 5-82-213, Harris1-31-3 3, Blair2-22-2 NewYork4-21(Prigioni 1-3, Smith1-4, Anthony 6, Crowder 2-20-04, Wright6-85-717. Totals 421-6, HardawayJt 1-7, FeltoII 0-1). Fouled Out78 18-25 110. None.Rebounds —Portland 62 (Aldridge12), New MEMPHIS (96) York 54 (Chandle9). r Assists—Portland 1t (AlPrince0-30-0 0, Randolph 10-165-825, Gasol dridge5), NewYork18 (Prigioni 7). TotalFouls3 66812, Calathes 6122 216, Lee10150 022, Portland16, NewYork 24. Technicals—Anthony. Koufos 2-30-04, Morris0-10-00, Johnson6-u 3-4 A—19,812(19,763). 17, Miller 0-10-0 0, Leuer0-1 0-00. Totals 37-69 16-22 96. 21 31 26 32 — 110 Thunder 106, Timberwolves 97 Dallas Memphis 26 2917 24 — 96 MINNESOT A (97) MbahaMoute3-72-28,Cunningham 9-130-0 Rockets 122, Suns 108 18, Turiaf1-22-24, Rubio6-126-019, Martin4-10 0-0 8, Shved 2-7 3-48, Dieng0-4 0-0 0, Budinger PHOENIX (108) 2-62-27, Hummel2-50-05,Barea4-62-211,MuTucker6-101-2 13,Frye 3-0 1-2 8, Plumlee hammad 3-5 0-0 6, Price1-1 0-0 3.Totals 37-78 2-41-2 5, Dragic6-13 9-923, Green5-141-213, Mark.Morris5-132-212, Barbosa5-71-213, Len 17-2397. 1-3 0-0 2,Marc.uorris 5-90-011, I.Smith 4-6 0-0 OKLAHOMA CITY (106) 8, Kravtsov0-0 0-00, Christmas0-0 0-00. Totals Durant11-201-126,Ibaka7-12 0-014, Perkins 42-9016-21 108. 2-7 2-3 6,Jackson9-140-020, Sefolosha 3-125-6 HOUSTON (122) 12, Fisher5-7 O-I 13,Adams0-0 0-00, Lamb3-10 P arsons 8-12 Jones8-122-319, Howard 0-0 7,Jones3-7 0-06, Collison1-20-0 2,Roberson 11-1712-1834, 0-019, Be ve rl e y 3-7 0-08, Harden4-10120-00-00. Totals 44-918-11106. 12 23, Lin3-6 4-411, MotieIunas1-5 3-35, Casspi Minnesota 25 29 23 20 — 97 1-20-23, Covington0-00-00.Totals39-7133-42 OklahomaCity 26 30 24 26 — 106 122. Phoenix 30 33 27 18 — 108 Houston 35 31 29 27 — 122 Celtics114, 76ers108

BosTQN I114)

Pelicans105, Hawks100

Lakers 119, Cavaliers 108 LA. UIKERS (119) Johnson 8-150-020, Kelly8-167926, Sacre5 8 0-210, Farmar8-150-021, Blake2-75-611, Young 1-5 4-4 6,Kaman6-71-1 13,Marshall 4-6 0-01z Totals 42-7917-22119. CLEVELAND (108) Desg1-101-2 3, Thompson4-8 5-8 13,VareIao 7-161-1 15,Irving5-141-1 u, Jack2 53 4 7,Waiters 3-0 0-1 6,Besnett4-106-614, Dellavedova3-8 1-2 8, Zeller0-0 0-00, Clark 2-40-2 4, Miles7-15 9-1027. Totals 38-10127-37108. LA.Lakers 36 34 28 21 — 119 Cleveland 17 32 31 28 — 108

Heat116, Clippers112 MIAMI I116)

James11-20 6-831, Battier5-9 0-014, Bosh6-15 1-215, Chalmers 4-70-010, Wade5-84-414, Andersen4-54-612, Allen4-8 5-515, Cole1-51-1 3, oden 1-10-0 2,Douglas0-00-0 0. Totals 41-78 21-26116.

LA. CLIPPERS (112) Barnes 4-0 3-412,Griffin16-3410-1743,Jordan 6-8 4-5 16,Collison1-6 3-4 5, Crawford9-218-8 31, Dudley1-51-2 3,Green0-12-2 2, Turkoglu 0-0 0-00,VuIacic0-00-00.Totals37-8631-42112. Miami 36 26 27 27 — 116 LA. Clippers 24 3 1 20 37 — 112

Magic112, Pistons 98 DETROIT (98) Smith 0-193-925,Monroe8-u 0-012,Drum-

mond6-103-515, Jennings5-233-415, Singler3-5 2-211, Stuckey 6-131-1 14,Jerebko1-1 2-24, Bysum 0-20-0 0,Caldwell-Pope0-00-00, Datome1-1 0-0z Totals 39-8514-2398. ORLANDO (112) Harris 3-63-49, Davis 8-122-218, Vucevic 6-13 2-214, Nelson2-62-27, Afflalo5-142-215, Harkless 5-113-315,O'Quinn4-80-08, Oladipo8-104-4 20,Moore2-50-14,Lamb1-40-0z Totals44-89 18-20 112. Detroit 26 17 31 24 — 98 Orlando 26 31 31 24 —112

NIiggetS110, BuCkS100 MILWAUKEE (100) Middleton10-210-0 25, (lyasova4-16 0-0 8, Sanders12-191-5 25, Knight 4-176-8 16, Wolters 2-70-04, Henson1-50-02,Antetokounm po1-43-6 5, Pachulia2-611-1215, Ridnour0-0 0-00. Totals 36-95 21-31100.

DENVER (110) Chandler0-191-2 24,Faried4-1I 2-210,Hickson T-u 5-619,Lawson6-145-618, Foye5-145-5 20, Mozgoy0-00-00,Fournier2-50-06, Arthur0-1 0-0 0, Q.Miler4-81-1 10,Randolph 0-13-43. ToIals 39-8422-26110. Milwaukee 24 28 20 28 — 100 Denver 30 21 33 26 — 110

Kings109, Raptors101

TORONTO (101) Green0-189-1236, Bass7-104-418, Sullisger Ross3-9 0-07,Johnson 1-31-2 3, Valancisnas 6-11 5-719,Rondo4-80-08, Bradley6-152-214, ATLANTA (100) 5-82-412, Lowry 7-165-621, DeR ozan5-177-718, Bayless4-122-211, Humphries1-51-2 3, Wallace 9-120-0 22,MilsapI0-20 3-4 26,Ayon Hayes2-31-1 5, Salmons0-40-00, Patterson 6-9 2-30-24,OlynykO-I1-2I,JohnsonO-I0-00.To- 2-5Carroll 0-2 4, Teague 5-14 1-2 11,Korver2-6 0-0 6, 0-0 14, Vasquez1-42-2 5, HansbroIIqh2-4 0-14, tals 41-84 24-33114. Brand2-6 0-04, Wiliams3-64-411, Mack0-3 0-0 Novak4-71-1 1z Totals 36-8419-24101. PHILADELPHIA (108) 0, Scott5-122-216.Totals 38-8410-14100. SACRAMENTO (109) Turner5-132-2 12, Young9-17 0-0 20, Hawes NEw ORLE ANSI105) Gay7-1710-1124,Thompson3-83-49, Cousins 5-13 3-313,Carter-Wiliams5-161-211, Anderson Aminu 3-0 0-06, Davis9-149-1027, AIinca2-3 8-19 9-1425,Thomas4-1215-16 23, Thornton4 9 4-5 2-3 11,Thompson2-40-0 6, Allen4-9 2-2 10, 0-04,Roberts7-144-419,Gordon7-173-318, Sti2-31I, Acy1-20-02,Outlaw0-30-00,McLemore Wroten5-13 7-818, Wiliams3-40-07. Totals 42emsma 3-3 0-06, Morrow6-13 2-316, Rivers3-0 2-51-2 6,Fredette2-5 0-05, Landry1-1 1-1 3. To9417-20108. 2-29, Withey0-00-00.Totals40-8620-22105. tals 32-81 41-51109. Boston 34 22 32 26 — 114 Atlanta 24 27 24 25 — 100 Toronto 23 29 20 29 — 101 Philadelphia 23 2 4 35 26 — 108 New Orleans 28 1 9 24 34 — 105 S acramento 30 37 2 5 17 — 109

would sneak onto Portrush

and play into the darkness. They played together in the Dunhill Links Cham-

pionship, a European Tour event in Scotland modeled after Pebble Beach.


Leaders ThroughNesday's Games Scoring G FG FT PTS AVG Dsrant,OKC 49 496 425 1524 31.1 Anthony,NYK 45 432 276 1230 27.3 James,MIA 46 443 262 1207 26.2 Love,MIN 47 392 312 1203 25.6 Aldridge,POR 48 477 212 1167 24.3 46 387 190 1118 24.3 Curry,GOL Harden,HOU 41 291 300 916 23.8 Griffin, LAC

George,IND Cousins,SAC DeRozan,TOR Nowitzki,DAL Irving,CLE Lillard,POR Davis,NOR Gay,SAC Dragic,PHX Afflalo,OR L Thomas,SAC Jefferson,CH A Jordan,LAC Love,MIN Drummond,DET Howard,HOU Cousins, SAC Aldridge,POR Noah,CHI


Randolph,MEM Jefferson,CH A

Paul, LAC Curry,GOL Lawson,DEN Wall, WAS Rubio,MIN Jennings,DET Holiday,NOR Lowry,TOR Teague,ATL Nelson,ORL

51 442 296 088 23.3 48 372 230 1088 2z7 41 335 257 927 2z6 46 358 254 1014 2ZO 47 372 210 1028 21.9 45 358 178 975 21.7 48 320 216 995 20.7 39 301 191 794 20.4 43 326 172 868 20.2 45 322 196 903 20.1 46 322 189 920 20.0 48 325 215 959 20.0 41 354 105 815 19.9

Rebounds G OFF OEF TOT AVG 51 216 498 714 14.0 47 154 467 621 13.2 41 243 356 599 IZ7 49 166 438 604 1z3 41 126 352 478 u.r 48 118 439 557 11.6 46 173 350 523 0.4 48 141 373 514 10.7 45 153 327 480 10.7 41 89 346 435 10.6


G 34 46 42 47 48 45 34 48 45 45

AST AVG 380 11.2 417 9.1 369 8.8 401 8.5 400 8.3 362 8.0 268 7.9 359 7.5 328 7.3 296 6.6

Stars bite Sharks inOT The Associated Press SAN JOSE, Calif.

Tommy Wingels scored with 3 minutes, 8 second

remaining in overtime to lead the San Jose Sharks to their second win in six

games, 2-1 over the Dallas Stars on Wednesday night. Marty

H a v lat s c ored

in regulation and set up the game-winner in overtime to give the struggling Sharks a m u ch-needed boost. Alex Stalock made 19 saves.

Also on Wednesday: Penguins 5, Sabres 1: BUFFALO, N.Y. — Sidney Crosby scored a highlight-reel goal and added an assist to lead Pittsburgh.

Biackhawks 2, Ducks 0: ANAHEIM, Calif. — Corey Crawford made 29 saves in

his first shutout of the season for Chicago.




oca souers an ou sannouncesi nin s Bulletin staff report in Riverside after playing with two Three Central Oregon high school championship teams as a midfielder senior girls soccer standouts have and defender, helping the Storm win

to lead Sisters to the Class 4A boys

committed to continue their playing

National Letter of Intent to play soc-

or tie in 36 straight matches.

careers at the NCAA level. Ambrose, a midfielder for Sisters, Sisters High's Natalie Ambrose committed to Columbia University and Summit's Emma Malmquist and in New York after guiding the OutRachel Estopare — all three were laws to a fourth straight 4A Sky-Em teammates with the Bend FC Tim- League championship and earnbers soccer club — announced their ing the league's player of the year signings on Wednesday. award this past fall. Ambrose was a Estopare becomes the second first-team all-state selection in 2013 member of her family to head to the and helped Sisters to a 39-1 mark in Pac-12 Conference, as the goalkeep- league play during her four varsity er for three state-champion Storm seasons. teams committed to the University Crowell, a Class 4A co-player of of Southern California. Estopare, the year in 2010 who guided Mawhose sister Hayley plays for the Uni- zama to the school's first-ever girls versity of Arizona, was a Class 5A soccer state championship as a freshsecond-team all-state selection this man, committed to the University of past season after helping Summit Montana. win its third state title in four years.

Malmquist signed to play at Division II California Baptist University


each of the last three years, winning sports are required to be fully cleared soccer state championship this past the event in 2011 and placing second with paperwork and physical exams fall, senior Jake McAllister signed a last season. completed and fees and fines paid be-

cer at Division II University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. McAllister finished his high school career as a three-time Sky-Em League player of the year and a three-time 4A first-

finisher at the Class 4Aboys golf state

championships last spring, signed a National Letter of Intent to play golf team all-state selection, and he was at Oregon Institute of Technology in named the 4A state player of the year Klamath Falls. As a junior last year, in 2013. Another Sisters High senior, Seeley carded a two-day score of 167

28. OnFeb.26,preseason team meet-

ings are scheduled for 7 p.m. in the common area at Sisters High School; playersand parents are required to attend.

to place third at the Greater Oregon Outlaws seek spring coaches:Sis4A girls cross-country state cham- League championships. He then shot ters High has a head coaching popionships this past fall, committed a two-day 171 to tie for 10th place and sition available for its girls tennis Zoe Falk, who placed fourth at the

to join the cross-country and track and field teams at Division I Northern Arizona University. Falk was a four-time top-five placer at the state

earn all-state honors in Class 4A.

team. Sisters also has an opening

for a track and field assistant coach Registration dates set for Sisters specializing in high jump, long jump spring sports: Registration for spring and triple jump while also coaching cross-country meets, winning in sports at Sisters High is scheduled to strength and conditioning. Interest2012. She also claimed five Sky-Em begin Feb. 18 in the school's athletic ed applicants for either coaching potitles in track — the 800-meter dash office, which will be open from 7:30 sition should contact Sisters athletic Sisters athletes sign letters of intent: three times, the 1,500 twice. She was a.m. to 4 p.m. each school day. All director Tim Roth at 541-549-4050 or After scoring 37 goals in 19 games a top-four finisher at state in the 800 students who plan to participate in tim.roth®sisters.kl2.or.us.

OregonState signees

Name Pos Ht Wt Continued from C1 IDrew Clarkson OL 6-3 275 V akameilalo, who i s 6 - 4 Kammy Delp OL 6-3 3 l0 and 300 pounds, is "one of Luke Del Rio QB 6-3 210 the guys most ready physYanni Demogerontas OL 6-5 270 ically to step in and comGlyeb Ewing DL 6-5 235 pete," OSU coach Mike Riley Fitou Fisiiahi ATH 6-2 240 sard. WR 6-4 160 Riley also wooed 6-1 line- Datrin Guyton X avier Hawkins W R 5-6 I75 backer Ricky L iuchan, a four-star prospect out of IKevin Hayes DB 6-3 175 Mission Hills, Calif., deLuke Hollingsworth DL 6-3 260 spite intense interest from ISumner Houston DL 6-3 270 California. B obby Keenan OL 6-5 280 The Beavers received let- gJake Knight TE 6-4 225 ters of i ntent Wednesday Ricky Liuchan LB 6-1 215 from a pair of quarterbacks, Marcus McMaryion QB 6-1 160 6-2 M arcus M c M aryion QB 6-3 I90 from Dinuba, Calif., and 6-2 Nick Mitchell Trent Moore 0 6-5 250 Nick Mitchell of SnoqualmD emarlon Morris D B 5-11 IB5 ie, Wash. TE 6-3 235 Also waiting in the wings IRyanNall Robert Olson OL 6-5 265 is Luke Del Rio, a transfer from Alabama who has en- gKylePeko DT 6-2 295 rolled at Oregon State but B aker Pritchford D L 6-3 270 will probably have to sit out g TannerSanders Q B 6-5 205 a year because of NCAA A dam Soesman D B 6-2 I95 rules. He is the son of Jack Bright Ugwoegbu LB 6-2 205 Del Rio, former NFL player Kalani Vakameilalo DL 6-4 300 and defensive coordinator of Dwayne Williams DB 5-10 I75 the Denver Broncos. 240 Current O r egon S t ate Lamone Williams DL 6-3 -2 21 n th n Willi L B quarterback Sean Mannion

COLLEGE FOOTBALLSIGNING DAY: PAC-12 HS/College Hometown Camas Camas, Wash. Diamond Ranch Pomona, Calif. A labama ~ H i ghland Ranch,Colo. Sandburg Orland Park, III. Waokon Waokon, lowa Kaiser Honolulu, Hawaii Manor Manor, Texas Fulton Knoxville, Tenn. Bakersfield Bakersfield, Calif. Snow College Hooper, Utah De La Salle San Ramon,Calif. American River Sacramento, Calif. Rocky Mountain CC Meridian, Calif. Mission Escondido, Calif. Dinuba Dinuba, Calif.) MountSi North Bend, Wash. Hamilton Chandler, Ariz Mesa College Chicago, III Central Catholic Sandy, Ore. Eden Prairie Eden Prairie, Minn. Cerritos CC La Habra, Calif. BYU South Jordan, Utah Crescent Valley Corvallis, Ore. Buchanan Clovis, Calif. Seven Lakes Katy, Texas Kapolei Kapolei, Hawaii Killeen, Texas Shoemaker Kahuku Kahuku, Hawa 6 k rT.W hingt~n TI a, kl .

will be a senior next season.

Two question marks on signing day were Texans

ing the letter of intent while

Datrin Guyton an d B r i ght

wearing a Beavers hat.

"Officially signed to OreUgwoegbu. Guyton, a 6-4, 180-pound w id e re c eiv- gon State. Going to live it up er, and Ugwoegbu, a 6-2, t oday," he posted with t h e 205-pound linebacker, both photo. drew interest from other The Beavers also signed schools but signed with Ore- wide receiver Xavier Hawgon State. kins out of Knoxville, Tenn. Offensive lineman Kam- Although small at 5-8 and my Delp, who had verbal- 165 pounds, Hawkins has l y committed t o A r i z o n a drawn comparisons to OSU State, changed his mind and s tandout B r a n di n C o o k s, signed with Oregon State. who also has decided to He went to Twitter to post leave school early for the a picture of himself sign- NFL draft.


fore the first day of practices, which

Senior Raven commits toOIT:Rid- is March 3. The athletic office will geview senior James Seeley, a top-10 be open each weekday through Feb.

said. Oregon also lured 5-foot-9 running back Tony James, ell to the NFL draft. a four-starprospect out of Oregon filled other defenGainesville, Fla. Now that re- sive needs with the signings ceiver Josh Huff has graduat- of 6-foot-7, 253-pound tackle ed, Oregonlanded a 6-foot-2 Jalen Jelks, also from Phoe-

By John Marshall

USC was not the only

lege ranks by landing JaelS t rong. L a uderdale gives them a chance to have

The Associated Press

team to make news on na- en

TEMPE, Ariz. — UCLA had made some inroads on

tional signing day. Here are five things that happened in

USC for recruiting dominance in Southern Califor-

the Pac-12:

nia and the Pac-12 in recent

Stanford coach David Shaw

At 6-2 and 195 pounds, Best class other than USC: Lauderdale is a big, physical

years, finishing ahead of the has become an adept recruitTrojans each of the past two er since taking over as the seasons.

matching JUCO stars.

C ardinal's coach and h a d

With a new coach in place, another stellar class in 2014. USC is back at the top of the Bolstered by a late deciheap both in the Pac-12 and sion by defensive lineman in its own backyard. Solomon Thomas, the twoLanding three of the high- time reigning conference est-rated players who had yet champion Cardinal pulled to pick a school before sign- in a recruiting class that was ing day, USC coach Steve ranked 14th by Rivals and

receiverlike Strong and was

rated one of the nation's best JUCO prospects coming out of Saddleback College in Georgia. With Strong on one side and Lauderdale on the other,

teams will have a hard time figuring out who to stop in Arizona State's high-octane

Sarkisian got his tenure in

15th by Scout.

Troy off to a superb start by bringing in a 2014 class that

Stanford's class also includes quarterback Keller

offense. Biggest surprise: Cal's class. The Bears had a rough first season under coach Sonny Dykes, finishing 1-11. But despite his team's dis-

was ranked 10th by both Ri-

Chryst, considered one of

Other signees include cornerback Dwayne Williams, a 5-9, 158-pound track star

vals and Scout.

best pocket passers in the mal finish, Dykes managed country and the son of San to land a solid recruiting

out of K i l leen, Texas, and

services, while UCLA was ranked third by Rivals (18th overall) and fourth by Scout (19th).

two local players: tight end Ryan Nall, who played for Portland's Central Catholic,

and Tanner Sanders, who is from Corvallis and could play multiple positions, perhaps even quarterback. Oregon State went 7-6 last season, capping off the year with a 38-23 victory over Boise State in t h e H a w aii Bowl.


Name Pos Ht Wt Continued from C1 Jalen Brown WR 6-2 165 At 6 feet and 227 pounds, Tanner Crew LS 6-2 215 he has drawn comparisons Tyrell Crosby O L~ 6-5 290 to former Ducks power backs Braden Eggert O L 6-7 305 LeGarrette Blount and Jona> Royce Freeman R B 6-0 227 than Stewart. He couldhave an impact Dominique Harrison CB 5-11 165 B 6-5 215 right away with the depar- IJustinHollins L ture of De'Anthony Thomas, Glen Ihenacho DB 6-0 165 who decided to skip his se- gTonyJames RB 5-10 175 nior season and declare for Jalen Jelks DL 6-6 253 the National Football League Haniteli Lousi OL 6-5 295 draft. Morgan Mahalak QB 6-3 190 T he D u ck s w i l l r e t u r n A ustin Maloata D L ~6-2 291 backs Byron Marshall, who Mattrell McGraw DL 5-11 160 will be a junior, and Tyner, >Henry Mondeaux DL> 6-5 255 who played last season as a C harles Nelson A T H5-9 170 true freshman. DB 6-1 195 Oregon coach Mark Hel- IKhalil Oliver Johnny Ragin LB 6-3 215 frich called Freeman a "prol Arrion Springs DB 6-0 195 totypical big back." "Just a great kid, who is Jimmie Swain LB 6-3 229 fast and physical," Helfrich Tui Talia DL 6-5 270

ro'ans ave s ron s cassun er ar isian

HS/College Mountain Pointe Damien Green Valle Napa Imperial Contra Costa Coll. Martin Serra Gainesvi e Desert Vista Coll. of San Mated Marin Catholic Centennial John Curtis Jesuit Seabreeze Rocky Mountain California Roosevelt Olathe North Diablo Valley Coll.

Hometown Phoenix, Ariz. La Verne, Calif. Henderson, Nev. Napa, Calif. Imperial, Calif. Tracy, Calif. Arlington, Texas Gardena, Calif. Gainesville, Fla. Phoenix, Ariz. Fremont, Calif. Kentfield, Calif. Corona, Calif. River Ridge, La. Portland Daytona Beach,Fla. Meridian, Idaho Wilsonville San Antonio Texas Olathe, Kan. Concord, Calif.

for 300-pound defensive tack-

le Trey Lealaimatafao, who committed to LSU. Five-star sa f e ty/receiver

receiver from Phoenix, Ariz., J alen Brown, wh o h a s a l -

nix; 6-foot-3, 270-pound end

John "Juju" Smith also was considering Oregon, but he

Austin Maloata, of Corona,

signed a letter of intent with

ready enrolled. Helfrich said Brown typifies the players in this year's recruiting class. "A great kid from a great family who was captain of his team," Helfrich said. Among Oregon's other four-star recruits was cornerback Arrion Springs out of

Calif.; 6 -foot-5, 2 07-pound e nd Justin Hollins, of A r lington, Texas; and 6-foot-2, 229-pound outside lineback-

The Trojans were rated best in the Pac-12 by both

Francisco 49ers quarterback

class, ranked 43rd by Scout

coach Geep Chryst, and run- and 45th by Rivals. It was ning back Christian McCaf- still in the bottom half of frey, the son of former Stan-

the Pac-12 and well short of

ford and NFL wide receiver "If there was ever a year Ed McCaffrey. we could have struggled Impact player:Smith, USC. through this transition time, The player known as Juju this was it," Sarkisian said was a two-way player for on Wednesday during a Long Beach Poly, but he figvideo chat. "Just a fantastic ures to play defense for the finish and couldn't be more Trojans.

Dykes' prediction of being among the top three in the


its first season under Mike

Smith has good size at 6

Sarkisian already had a good initial class going and bolstered it on deadline day by adding three highly touted players from California: massive offensive lineman Damien Mama f rom B ellflower, cornerback Adoree'

conference, but it was still

pretty good for a team that beat Portland State and no one else.

Biggest dud: Colorado made a bit of progress in

feet 1 and 185 pounds, and MacIntyre, winning f our he has a quick burst out of games after going 1-11 in his breaks. He was ranked

as the No. 2 safety by both Rivals and Scout and a topfiveprospect by both services as an athlete. He had been considering Oregon,

2012. But the Buffaloes did little

to keep up with the rest of the Pac-12 in terms of recruiting

with this year's class, which was ranked 64th nationally

Jackson from Gardena, and safety John "Juju" Smith from Long Beach. Jackson ended up being the top-rated player in USC's

Notre Dame and UCLA but

class, ranked sixth overall

derdale, Arizona State. The

nationally by Rivals and

Sun Devils found a big-play after breaking 20 school receiver from the junior-col- records.


by Rivals and 72nd by Scout. now should give the Trojans Colorado did land Shay some needed help in the de- Fields, a good catch-and-run fensive secondary. receiver who the Buffaloes Player to watch: Eric Lau- hope can replace Paul Richardson, who left for the NFL

No. 4 Shockersavoid upset at Indiana St. The Associated Press TERRE HAUTE, Ind.


Cleanthony Early scored 19 points and Tekele Cotton added 14 as No. 4 Wichita State remained unbeaten with a 65-58 victory at Indiana State


in conference play for the first time in school history. They have won three straight


TOWN, Wva. — Eron Harrisscored 26 of his 28 points after halftime and West Vir-

ginia outlasted Oklahoma in Freshman Zak Irvin scored all 16 of his points in the first

on Wednesday night. half as Michigan breezed to a The Shockers (24-0, 11-0 win. Missouri Valley) extended No. 13 Saint Louis 65, Saint their school-record winning Joseph's 49: PH I L A DELstreak and improved to 11-0

Oklahoma 86:

PHIA — Rob Loe scored 17 points and Jordair Jett had

10 points and seven assists


No. 23 Gonzaga 71, Portland 66: SPOKANE, Wash. — David Stockton, Angel Nunez and Kevin Pangos all

scored 13 points as Gonzaga avenged a January loss to Portland.

No. 25 Pittsburgh 59, Miami

to help Saint Louis win its 55: CORAL GABLES, Fla. team-record 15th s t r aight Lamar Patterson scored 25 -

USC. Oregon got commitments from 17 prep players, three junior college players and er Jimmie Swain, of Olathe, transfer Johnny Ragin, a

in the series. The only other undefeatSyracuse (22-0). Manny Arup had 16 points

62:HOUSTON — Russ Smith

scored 17 points, Luke Han-

Stanford 80, California 69.:


and Jake Odum added 11 for

cock added 15 points, includ-

BERKELEY, Calif. — Dwight Powell had hi s t h ird d ou-

6 -foot-3,

2 1 5-pound l i n e -

The Ducks have lost de- backer who decided to leave fensive linemen: Taylor Hart, Cal. The NCAA allows FBS Wade Keliikipi and Ricky schools up to 25 new scholarHavili-Heimuli, and lineback- ship players, but Oregon did San Antonio, who is expect- er Boseko Lokombo, who all not have that many open rosed to help the Ducks shore graduated. But Oregon re- ter spots. up the defensive secondary turns all of its offensive line, Last season, its first under after the loss of safeties Brian anchored by center Hroniss Helfrich, Oregon finished 11Jackson and Avery Patterson Grasu, and 10 offensive play- 2, capped off by a 30-7 victoto graduation and the early ers overall. ry over Texas in the Alamo departure ofTerrance MitchThe Ducks were in the mix Bowl.

ed team in Division I is No. 2

game. points to help Pittsburgh end a No. 14 Louisville 77, Houston two-game losing streak with an overtime win.

Indiana State (17-6, 8-3). ing hitting eight of nine free Also on Wednesday: throws, while Montrezl Har- ble-double in five games and No. 5 San Diego St. 67, Boi- rell also had 15 for Louisville. Anthony Brown scored 11 se St. 65: BOISE, IdahoNo. 20 Virginia 77, Boston points in the final 10 minutes Dwayne Polee II hit a 3-point- College 67: C H ARLOT- to lead Stanford. er with 4 seconds left as San TESVILLE, Va. — Malcolm Colorado 68, Washington St Diego State rallied from a Brogdon had 17 points, a ca- 63:BOULDER, Colo. — Askia 14-point deficit to extend its reer-best 11 rebounds and Booker scored 26 points, winning streak to 19 games. seven assists in Virginia's including six of eight free No. 10 Michigan 79, Nebras- sixth consecutive victory. throws in the final minute as ka 50:ANN ARBOR, Mich.West Virginia 91, No. 21 Colorado hung on to win.





O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugotin.com/business. Also sooarecap in Sonday's Businesssection.



>g g7



Sstp 500

Thursday, February 6, 20t4

............ CIOSe: 1,751.64

A wider trade gap?

1 soo"

The Commerce Department reports its latest data on trade today. Economists anticipate the nation's trade deficit widened in December. The trade gap narrowed to its lowest level in four years in November, as gains in energy production and stronger sales of American-made airplanes, autos and machinery lifted exports to an all-time high.

1,720 ' " " " ' 10 DAYS

Trade (goods and services) seasonally adjusted, in billions

est, -$36.3

-10 -20







2013 Source: FactSet

SPotlight on GM General Motors' latest quarterly earnings could provide insight into how theautomaker sees sales shaping up this month. GM reported earlier this week that its sales in the U.S. fell 12 percent in January from a year earlier as frigid temperatures kept buyers away from car dealers. GM is due to deliver its fourth-quarter earnings today. Wall Street will be listening for hints as to how sales are faring in the U.S. and elsewhere.



Killer quarter? Gamers strive to rack up kills in the blockbuster shooter video game "Call of Duty." But has the franchise's latest installment, "Call of Duty: Ghosts,' racked up strong sales for publisher Activision Blizzard since its November debut? Wall Street should find out today, when the company reports its fourth-quarter earnings.







Change: -3.56 (-0.2%)



$12.05 15

'13 ,' 10

Operating EPS



4Q '12

Price-earnings ratio:



based on trailing 12 month results

Dividend: $0.19 Div.yield: 1.1% Source: FactSet




Dow Jones industrials Close: 15,440.23

1,800 "






15,000 "





StocksRecap NYSE NASD



Change: -5.01 (flat)





HIGH LOW CLOSE C H G. 15478.21 15340.69 15440.23 -5.01 DOW Trans. 7097.34 7009.98 7075.79 -59.24 DOW Util. 498.30 494.93 496.53 -2.45 -7.94 NYSE Comp. 9826.21 9738.04 9809.03 NASDAQ 4026.28 3968.19 4011.55 -1 9.97 S&P 500 1755.79 1737.92 1751.64 -3.56 -3.46 S&P 400 1280.60 1264.57 1277.06 Wilshire 5000 18785.20 18575.20 18738.25 -46.95 -9.25 Russell 2000 1098.67 1082.72 1093.59


$97.38 +

'g g

EURO 1.3535


CVS Caremark




All of the major market indexes ended the day in the red Wednesday. Many investors are exercising caution, waiting to see if the unemployment report on Friday and additional company earnings will demonstrate that the economic recovery is regaining its footing. The Dow Jones industrial average alternated between slight gains and losses throughout the day. Walt Disney led the Dow in anticipation of its earnings release after the market close. The S&P 500 ended the day down less than 1 percent, with six of its 10 sectors declining. Hardest hit were energy stocks which fell more than 5 percent. The top performing stock was drugstore operator Walgreen.


1,650 " 1,600


GOLD $1,257.30

15,860 "


1,750 "




%CHG. WK MO QTR -0.03% T -0.83% T L -0.49% L -0.08% T -0.50% T L -0.20% T -0.27% T -0.25% T -0.84% T

YTD -6.86% -4.39% +1.21% -5.69% -3.95% -5.23% -4.88% -4.91% -6.02%


CVS 3D Systems DDD Close:$65.44 V-0.67 or -1.0% Close:$64.10 V-11.66 or -15.4% The company will remove all tobacStung by falling demand, the 3D co products from its drugstore printer company slashed its expectashelves by October; costing about tions for the fourth quarter and $2 billion in annual revenue. shares hit new low for 2014. $75 $100 70





D J 52-week range $50.21 ~ $7 1.99



D J 52-week range $27.88~ $ 97.28

Vol.:10.1m (1.9x avg.) PE: 1 8 .2 Vol.:42.2m (7.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$77.89b Yie l d: 1.7% Mkt. Cap: $6.59 b



PE: 90.3 Yield: ...

Ralph Lauren


52-WK RANGE o CLOSE Y TD 1YR V O L Close:$57.69%0.41 or 0.7% Close:$148.71 V-5.47 or -3.5% NAME TICKER LO Hl C LOSE CHG%CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN (Thous)P/E DIV The industrial company will raise its The fashion designer joins other luxL +2.4 +63 . 4 68 0 1 0 0. 8 0 quarterly dividend by 19 percent and ury brands in posting strong quarterAlaska Air Group A LK 45.77 ~ 82.08 7 5. 1 0 -.52 -0.7 T T announced a $1.5 billion share rely profits and announced a $500 milAvicta Corp A VA 25.36 ~ 29.27 2 8. 1 2 -.15 -0.5 T L T - 0.2 +14.4 2 0 8 1 8 1 . 2 2 purchase program. lion stock buyback. Bank of America BAC 10 . 98 o - 17.4 2 16 . 40 + . 05+0.3 T T L +5.3 +42 . 7107885 16 0 .04 $80 $180 Barrett Business BB S I 3 8 .15 ~ 102. 2 0 7 0 .70 - 7.13 -9.2 T T T -23.8 +96.9 2 3 3 3 0 0 .72f 70 Boeing Co BA 7 4 .25 ~ 144. 5 7 12 1.40 -.64 -0.5 T T T -11.1 +64.8 9625 20 2.92f 160 60 Cascade Baacorp C A C B4 .66 o — 7.18 4.7 1 +. 0 2 +0.4 T T T -9.9 -30.9 21 4 -.24 -0.9 T T T ColombiaBokg COL B 19.56 ~ 2 8.5 6 25.83 -8.9 +2 7.4 1 8 4 2 1 0 . 48f N D J N D J Colombia Sportswear COLM 47.75 ~ 80. 04 72.85 -.55 -0.7 T T T -7.5 +5 2.4 5 8 26 1. 0 0 f 52-week range 52-week range CostcoWholesale COST 98.95 ~ 1 26 .12110.51 -.38 -0.3 T T T -7.2 + 9 . 4 2 341 2 4 1 . 24 850.90 ~ $71.75 $149.00~ $192 .03 Craft BrowAlliance B R EW 6.52 ~ 18.70 1 3. 9 9 -.42 -2.9 T T T -14.8 +117.3 5 2 cc Vol.:3.9m (1.6x avg.) PE :2 1 . 5 Vol.:11.5m (12.1x avg.) PE : 1 9.0 FLIR Systems F LIR 23.00 ~ 34.19 3 0. 9 6 -.22 -0.7 T T L +2.9 +35 . 3 70 2 2 0 0. 3 6 Mkt. Cap:$16.62 b Yie l d: 1.5% Mkt. Cap:$8.99 b Yie l d : 1.2% Hewlett PacKard H PQ 16 . 03 ~ 30.13 2 8.8 1 -.32 -1.1 T L L +0.1 +78. 6 10169 11 0 . 5 8 Homo FederalBocp ID HOME 10.84 ~ 1 6.03 14.35 -.06 -0.4 T T T - 3.7 +24.8 47 dd 0. 2 4 Hain Celestial HAIN Buffalo Wild Wings B WL D Intel Corp INTC 20.10 ~ 27.1 2 2 3. 5 2 -.07 -0.3 T T T -9.4 +16.8 31371 13 0 . 90 Close: $85.44T-5.55 or -6.1% Close: $127.12T-13.63 or -9.7% -.10 -0.8 T T T Koycorp K EY 9 .14 ~ 14.14 1 2. 3 8 -7.7 +35.5 13461 13 0 .22 The organic and natural products Light revenue numbers overshadKrogor Co K R 2 7 .53 ~ 43.85 3 5. 4 5 -.02 -0.1 T T T -10.3 +30.4 3168 1 2 0 . 66 company posted weak revenue for owed stronger-than-expected profits L L 41.6 +25. 6 48 0 80 Lattice Semi LSCC 4.17 ~ 6.07 5.58 -.02 -0.4 T the second quarter and analysts at the restaurant despite rising comLA Pacific L PX 14.51 ~ 22.55 16.6 8 +. 2 2 +1 .3 T T T -9.9 -17.5 2993 10 pointed to problems in the U.K. parable store sales. — o -.24 -0.7 T L L + 4.4 +42 . 3 73 7 2 2 0 . 71f MDU Resources MDU 23 .00 32.27 31 .88 $100 $160 MentorGraphics M EN T 1 3.21 4$ — 24 . 31 19 . 39 -.56 -2.8 T T T - 19.4 +18.4 1445 2 2 0 . 18 90 Microsoft Corp MSFT 27.10 ~ 38.98 3 5. 8 2 -.52 -1.4 T L T -4.3 +36.0 53567 13 1 .12 140 80 Nike Ioc 8 N KE 53.27 ~ 80.26 70.6 0 +. 0 9 +0 .1 T T T -10.2 +33.0 3670 24 0 .96f NordstromInc J WN 52.16 ~ 63.72 57.1 0 + 1.72 +3.1 T T T -7.6 + 3 . 8 3 219 1 5 1 . 20 N D N D J J Nwst Nat Gas NWN 39.96 o — 46.3 7 40. 4 2 +. 0 6 +0 .1 T T T -5.6 - 6.7 16 7 1 9 1 . 8 4 52-week range 52-week range PaccarIoc PCAR 45.81 ~ 60.17 56.9 0 + 1.84 +3.3 L T T -3.8 +20.8 6074 17 0.80a $52.42~ $98.89 $7447 ~ $ 152 5$ Planar Systmc PLNR 1.52 ty— 2.93 2.16 -.29 -11.8 T T T - 15.0 +58.1 1 1 6 d d Vol.: 4.9m (7.1x avg.) PE: 32.3 Vol.:3.4m (7.8x avg.) P E: 35.5 Plum Crook PCL 41.82 o — 54.6 2 41 . 8 5 -.30 -0.7 T T T -10.0 -8.8 1137 31 1 . 76 Mkt. Cap:$4.08b Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$2.39 b Yield: ... Proc Cactpartc PCP 180.06 ~ 274. 9 6 24 9.62 +2.73 +1.1 T T T - 7.3 +33.9 6 4 0 2 2 0 . 1 2 SafowayIoc S WY 19.12 ~ 36.90 30. 4 6 +. 1 8 +0.6 T T T -6.5 +61.5 1952 1 7 0 . 80 Google GOOG Myriad Genetics MYGN Schoitzor Stool SCH N 23.07 ~ 3 3.3 2 25.32 -.04 -0.2 T T T -22.5 - 10.3 248 d d 0 . 75 Close:$1,143.20 %5.04 or 0.4% Close:$31.29%4.11 or 15.1% Sherwin Wms SHW 153.94 ~ 198. 4 7 17 5.60 -2.35 -1.3 T T T -4.3 +10.2 1209 24 2 . 00 The search engine made some con- The molecular diagnostic company StaocorpFocl S FG 37.96 ~ 69.11 61. 6 1 +. 3 3 +0.5 T T T -7.0 +63.5 3 1 7 1 2 1 .10f cessions in a fight with European will acquire Crescendo Bioscience and posted a 44 percent rise in quarStarbocksCp SBUX 52.52 ~ 82.50 7 0. 4 9 -.16 -0.2 T T T -10.1 +28.0 5344 2 9 1 . 04 regulators, giving more visibility to three rival companies. terly profit. T T Triqaiot Semi TQNT 4.31 ~ 9.05 8.07 -.23 -2.8 T -3.2 +57.8 361 6 dd $35 Umpqoa Holdings UM P Q 11.45 ~ 1 9.65 1 6. 7 5 -.20 -1.2 T T T -12.5 +38.8 8 9 4 1 8 0.60a $1200 US Baocorp U SB 31.99 ~ 41.86 39. 1 1 ... ... T T T -3.2 +2 1.3 6 01 6 13 0 . 9 2 30 1100 WashingtonFodl WA F D 15.79 ~ 2 4.3 5 21.39 +.08+ 0.4 T T T - 8.2 +22.6 3 2 9 1 4 0 . 4 0 25 WellsFargo & Co WF C 3 4.52 ~ 4 6.8 4 44.23 -.24 -0.5 T T T -2.6 +31.4 20890 11 1 . 20 1000 Woyorhaoasor W Y 2 6.38 ~ 33.24 2 9. 0 7 -.34 -1.2 T T T -7.9 -0.8 5436 25 0 . 88 N D J 52-week range 52-week range DividendFootnotes:a - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. 8 -Amount declaredor paid in last I2 months. I - Current annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, so regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent dividend wasomitted cr deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate nct known, yield nct shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximatecash value on ex-distrittuticn date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months.

$ 758.50~ Vol.:2.4m (1.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$316.35 b

Shares of Merck rose to a 6-year high Wednesday despite the drugmaker's report of a 14 percent decline in fourth-quarter profit. Merck reported net income of $781 million, or 26 cents per share, down from $908 million, or 30 cents per share, a year earlier. The company said results were impacted by generic competition, which continued to cut into sales of

one-time blockbuster medicines, and unfavorable currency exchange rates that reduced overseas revenue. Results fell just short of Wall Street expectations. Even so, shares rose as the company also announced a new and potentially lucrative alliance. Merck entered into agreements with three other drugmakers to test its hot experimental cancer drug, MK-3475, in combination with theirs.

$1,185 .5 4 $20.02~ PE: 28 . 7 Vol.:9.3m (3.9x avg.) Yield : ... Mkt. Cap:$2.34 b

$$ 8.27

PE:1 5 . 0 Yield: ...

SOURCE: Sungard

InterestRates Spotlight



The yield on the 10-year Treasury rose to 2.67 percent Wednesday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.



3 -month T-bill 6-month T-bill

. 0 5 .0 5 . 0 6 .06

52-wk T-bill



2 -year T-note . 3 2 .32 ... 5-year T-note 1.49 1.47 +0.02 T 10-year T-note 2.67 2.63 +0.04 T 30-year T-bond 3.65 3.60 +0.05 L




.06 .11





L .26 L .86 L 2.00 T 3.21




Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.45 3.39 +0.06 L T Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.89 4.89 . . . T $41 55 Barclays USAggregate 2.31 2.29 +0.02 T T Price-earnings ratio (Based on trailing 12 month results):36 PRIME FED Barcl aysUS HighYield 5.70 5.65 +0.05 L L 10-Y R*: 5% YTD return: 7/e 3-Y R*: 23% 5-YR*: 17% A n n . dividend: $1.76 Div. yield: 3.3% RATE FUNDS M oodys AAA Corp Idx 4.42 4.35 +0.07 T T *Annuallzed AP Total returns through Feb. 5 Source: FactSet YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.72 1.70 +0.02 T 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 3.08 3.05 +0.03 T T 1 YRAGO3.25 .13 AmdFocus SelectedMutualFunds

Merck (MRK)

4 Q ' 13

10 YR TNOTE 2.67%

15,320" ""' 10 DAYS "

Vol. (in mil.) 3,889 2,115 Pvs. Volume 3,972 2,109 Advanced 1 277 7 9 8 Declined 1787 1802 New Highs 22 26 New Lows 81 72


3 56


Wednesday's close: $53.53


T 2.81 T 4.03 T 1.90 L 5.89 T 3.9 0 L 1.14 T 2.8 2


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 AmericanFunds BalA m 23.5 4 - . 8 5 3.6 +12.8 +10.5+14.7 A A A CaplncBuA m 55.88 -.14 4.6 +6.8 +7.7+11.8 C A C CpWldGrlA m 43.10 -.14 4.9 +14.0 +8.6+15.2 C 8 C EurPacGrA m 46.36 +.81 5.5 +9.5 +4.8+13.9 C 8 8 FnlnvA m 49. 1 7 - .89 5.4 +18.0 +11.3+17.8 C C 8 SiriusXM 1177886 3.43 -.09 GrthAmA m 41.42 -.14 3.7 +22.3 +12.6+18.0 8 8 C BkofAm 1078848 16.40 +.05 Hartford MidCapA m HFMCX IncAmerA m 20.83 -.85 3.0 +11.1 +9.8+14.9 8 A A iShEMkts 813297 37.72 -.14 InvCoAmA m 34.97 -.15 4.7 +20.4 +11.5+16.3 A C D Sprint n 584282 8.50 + .66 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m35.63 +.83 5.1 +14.3 +9.5+16.9 8 8 8 iShR2K 537081 108.65 -.82 WAMutlnvA m37.41 -.86 5.1 +19.8 +13.5+17.0 A A C Microsoft 535671 35.82 -.52 Facebook 492515 62.19 -.56 Dodge &Cox Income 13.71 -.82 +1.3 + 2 .1 + 4.9 +7.3 A 8 8 8 iPVix rs 466701 53.87 +2.04 IntlStk 40.53 +.89 -5.8 +13.8 +5.6+17.8 A A A Cisco 459743 21.98 +.18 Stock 160.79 -.23 -4.8 +25.2 +14.0+20.6 A A A Fidelity Contra 92.32 - . 2 1 -4.0 +22.8 +13.2+18.7 8 8 C Gainers GrowCo 116 . 75 -.64 -2.0 +28.7 +15.3+22.2 A A A O NAME L AST C H G %C H G LowPriStk d 46.89 -.83 -5.2 +20.8 +13.4+21.3 8 A 8 Fidoli S artao 500 ldxAdvtg62.14 -.11 -5.1 +18.3 +12.5+18.2 C 8 8 PernixTher 3 .53 +1 . 4 4 +6 8 .9 Natlntst 2 9.01 + 6 . 8 4 +3 0 .9 «C FraakTomp-Franklio Income C m 2. 39 . . . -1.7 +8.7 +7.7+14.8 A A A Sevcon 9 .71 +2 . 2 6 +3 0 .3 09 IncomeA m 2. 36 -.81 -1.6 +8.8 +8.1+15.2 A A A BioAmb wt 2 .28 +.52 +29 . 2 Oakmark Intl I 25.83 +.15 -4.9 +15.8 +9.3+21.8 A A A MedicActn 8 .30 +1 . 5 4 +2 2 .8 0O Oppoohoimor RisDivA m 18 . 50 -.83 -6.2 +12.7 +10.0+14.4 E D E PainThera 4 .76 +.84 +21 . 4 RisDivB m 16 . 54 -.83 -6.3 +11.7 +9.0+13.4 E E E Moroingstar OwnershipZone™ USANA 6 8.46 4 1 0.13 +1 7 .4 RisDivC m 16 . 45 -.82 -6.2 +12.0 +9.2+13.6 E E E NMedia wi 1 2.29 +1 . 7 9 +1 7 . 0 OeFund target represents weighted SmMidValA m42.85 -.18 -5.2 + 20.7 +8.4+18.2 8 E E MyriadG 3 1.29 + 4 . 1 1 +1 5 .1 average of stock holdings SmMidValB m35.41 -.15 -5.3 +19.7 +7.5+17.3 C E E NwstBio wt 3 .00 +.36 +13 . 6 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowo Price Eqtylnc 31.8 2 - . 8 6 -5.5 +15.6 +10.9+18.2 D C A Losers CATEGORY Mid-Cap Growth GrowStk 50.6 4 - . 20 -3.7 +28.3 +14.9+20.9 A A A NAME L AST C H G %CHG MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 59.4 4 - . 62 +2.8 +42.9 +29.8+27.1 8 A A RATING™ * ** O O Newlncome 9. 4 0 -.82+1.3 -0.4 +3.9 +6.0 D D D -1.36 -18.7 Actuate 5.90 BBarrett 23.00 -4.69 -16.9 ASSETS $1,920 million Vanguard 500Adml 161.66 -.28 -5.1 +18.3 +12.5+18.2 C 8 8 -1.12 -15.9 ExtrmNet 5.92 500lnv 161.65 -.28 -5.1 +18.2 +12.4+18.1 C 8 8 EXP RATIO 1.23% 3DSyss 64.10 -11.66 -15.4 CapOp 45.60 -.20 -1.3 +29.1 +14.2+20.7 A A A MANAGER Mark Whitaker -1.17 -14.8 WashFd wt 6.75 Eqlnc 28.81 -.84 -5.9 +15.4 +14.1+18.3 D A A SINCE 201 0-03-01 IntlStkldxAdm 26.38 +.85 -5.8 +5.2 +2.2 NA E E RETURNS 3-MO +2.7 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 28.64 -.87 -4.5 +25.5 +15.7+22.5 A A A YTD -2.4 TgtRe2020 26.40 -.83 -2.6 +9.4 +7.6+13.3 A A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +24.9 Tgtet2025 15.26 -.82 -3.1 +10.5 +8.0+14.2 A A C Paris 4,117.79 + .34 + . 01 3-YR ANNL +12.4 TotBdAdml 10.70 -.82 +1.6 +0.1 +4.0 +4.9 C C E London 6,457.89 +8.62 + . 13 5-YR-ANNL +19.2 Totlntl 15.77 +.83 -5.9 +5.1 +2.1+12.9 E E C -11.59 -.13 Frankfurt 9,116.32 TotStlAdm 44.39 -.11 -4.9 +19.3 +12.7+19.1 8 A A Hong Kong21,269.38 -1 28.39 -.60 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT -.51 Actavis PLC TotStldx 44.37 -.11 -4.9 +19.2 +12.6+19.0 8 8 A Mexico 39,880.87 -204.65 2.49 Milan 19,069.62 +49.91 + . 26 USGro 27.45 -.85 -4.3 +21.7 +13.5+18.4 C 8 C 2.13 Tokyo 14,180.38 +1 71.91 +1.23 Genpact Ltd. Welltn 36.94 -.84 -2.6 +12.0 +9.8+13.9 A A B 2.12 Stockholm 1,292.46 + 11.47 + . 90 Equifax, Inc. Fund Footnotes: b -F88covering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, cr redemption -25.40 -.50 Lennox lnternational, Inc. 2.02 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or Sydney 5,088.70 Zurich 8,112.96 +20.43 + . 25 Advance Auto Parts Inc 2 redemption f88. Source: Morningstac

Harfford Midcap has posted solid results in the last two years, MarhetSummary finishing each year in the top Most Active quintile of its peer group. Its lead NAME VOL (80c) LAST CHG manager took the helm in May S&P500ETF 1487733 175.17 -.22 2011.



Commodities Coffee prices rose for a seventh straight day on concern that dry weather in Brazil will harm this year's crop. Most metals also gained. Gold, silver, platinum and palladium all rose.

Foreign Exchange The dollar was mixed against other major currencies Wednesday. It rose against the British pound and Canadian dollar, but fell against the euro and the

Japanese yen.

55Q QD


Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal) METALS

Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 97.38 97.19 1.95 1.95 3.00 2.98 5.03 5.38 2.64 2.60

CLOSE PVS. 1257.30 1251.70 19.79 19.40 1379.30 1373.40 3.21 3.22 706.90 699.90

%CH. %YTD +0.20 -1.1 - 1.03 + 2.0 +0.47 -2.6 -6.42 +1 8.9 +1.47 -5.2 %CH. + 0.45 + 1.97 + 0.43 -0.08 +1.00

%YTD + 4 .6 + 2 .3 + 0 .6 -6.6 -1.5


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.40 1.40 + 0.07 + 3 . 9 Coffee (Ib) 1.43 1.36 +5.03 +29.3 Corn (bu) 4.43 4.42 + 0.34 + 5 . 0 Cotton (Ib) 0.86 0.85 + 0.14 + 1 . 0 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 355.10 351.20 +1.11 -1.4 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.46 1.43 + 1.64 + 6 . 9 Soybeans (bu) 13.16 13.13 + 0.23 + 0 . 3 -2.9 Wheat(bu) 5.88 5.85 +0.51 1YR.

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6312 -.0009 -.06% 1.5663 Canadian Dollar 1.1 077 +.0003 +.03% . 9 960 USD per Euro 1.3535 +.0018 +.13% 1.3584 -.33 -.33% 9 3 .36 JapaneseYen 101.31 Mexican Peso 13. 2818 -.0673 -.51% 12.6220 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5358 -.0002 -.01% 3.6854 Norwegian Krone 6 . 2321 -.0553 -.89% 5.4747 South African Rand 11.1446 +.0607 +.54% 8.8258 Swedish Krona 6.5 2 58 -.0008 -.01% 6.3210 Swiss Franc .9034 -.0008 -.09% . 9 083 ASIA/PACIFIC 1.1225 +.0031 +.28% .9604 Australian Dollar Chinese Yuan 6.0605 -.0000 -.00% 6.2340 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7619 -.0026 -.03% 7.7542 Indian Rupee 62.590 +.045 +.07% 53.139 Singapore Dollar 1.2683 -.0000 -.00% 1.2364 South KoreanWon 1077.66 -2.15 -.20% 1085.89 Taiwan Dollar 3 0.38 + . 04 +.13% 2 9.55

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



c aimssi ni ican ro

BendBroadband's rates to increase Prices for BendBroadband's Internet and cable television service will increase starting in March. The monthly price for Internet packages will rise between $1and $3, depending on the package, the company announced Mondayon its blog. As part of the changes, Silver, Gold andPlatinum packageswill have increased bandwidth allowances. Speedsfor Bronze Internet customers will also increase, and the company is eliminating its 25 gigabyte data packs, the blog stated. Prices on cable television packageswill increase between 3and 7 percent. BendBroadband attributes the price hike to fee increases programmers and TV networks imposed on cable and satellite providers. The blog said fees to BendBroadband increased more than 16 percent.

By Joseph Ditzler The Bulletin

Bank of the Cascades experienced double-digit growth in lending in 2013, and shrugged off the lingering effects of an economic downturn that began in 2007, bank President

and CEO Terry Zink said Wednesday. "The bank has completed a

long journey from the depths of the Great Recession," he stated in a review of 2013 fi-

nancial results. Cascades total assets grew in 2013 by $104.8 million to $1.4billion total. The bank holding company, Cascade Bancorp, based in Bend,

reported $50.8 million in revenue in 2013, due primarily to a reversalof a deferred tax asset

of $50.2 million. In 2012, Cascade earned $6 million. The deferred tax assetisa losscarried forward, treated

like money in a tax account. "Once you show profitability over a period of time, your auditors will give you permission to release that asset and put it on your books," indicating the bank is once again showing a profit and subject to the tax, Zink said. Loan growth of 16.9 percent over 2012 led the way. The bank loaned $146.2 million during the year, according to its financial review. During an earnings call Wednesday, Cascade Chief Banking OfficerChip Reeves said loans were made acrossallsectors.

The bank also tookpart in

shared national credit provid-

ed to companies such as Tempur-Pedic and Burger King, said Chief Financial Officer Greg Newton. Zink said he expects the momentum of recovery to

continue. "I think the thing we're seeing is the economies in key markets are starting to improve, and there's pent-up demand in some businesses,"

he said. Cascade also reduced its

riskier loansby 67.5percent compared from the previous year to $41.2 million. Riskier loans were paid off, sold or charged off, accordingto the year-end review. Total deposits at Cascade for the year were up by 8.46

percent, or $91.1 million, to $1.1billion total. Zink said the economic

recovery and the bank's outlook gave rise in October to the pending merger with Idaho-based Home Federal, which he expects to culminate by March 31. The U.S.

Securities and Exchange Commission is still reviewing the proposal the banks plan to putbefore shareholdersfor a vote, Zink said. Shareholders may vote no sooner than

20 days and no later than 60 days after the SEC signs off, he said. As part of that merger, Zink said, the two banks will close 13 branches, which he did not

ratio — how well abank uses its assets and liabilities — to

exceedthose ofitspeers. The merger with Home Federal would create a bank with more than $2.3 billion in

assets, according to Cascade Bancorp. The new franchise,

Zink said, will have scale and market share in a portion of the country experiencing higher-than-average economic growth. "The acquisition of Home

Federal is a key step in the execution of our five-year plan," he said. One goal in that plan is reaching $5 billion in assets, he said. The bank will be on the lookout for more opportu-

nities, he said.

identify. He said he expects the merged banks' efficiency

— Reporter: 541-617-7815, jditzler®bendbulletin.com


hackers' ingress located


— Bulletin staff report

j.. -;III



By Nicole Perlroth


New York Times News Service

SAN FRANCISCO — InvesTODAY • Oregon Employer Council Central Oregon Business Seminar:Will cover pre-employment background checks, drug testing, social media investigations, appropriate and inappropriate interview questions and video surveillance; $50 per person; 7:30 a.m.;The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-688-3024, denise.a.poiiock©state. or.us or www.oec.org. • HoldingEmployees and OthersAccountable: Learn to help each person on your team do his or her job well; registration required; $95;8a.m.noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Transitioning to ICD10:Learn to implement ICD-10 properly for Oct. 1, 2014, when the newcodes for medical diagnoses and inpatient procedures take effect; registration required; $79;8 a.m.noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Bend ChamberMaster Series, BuildingYour Business forSuccess: Learn about business development, leadership developmentandpeople development; series will run until April 24; cost includes assessments, best practices,tools, systems and processes and resources; registration required; $599; 1-2:30 p.m.; Smart Sales Solutions inc., 123 S.W. Columbia St., Suite 110; 541-382-3221 or www.bendchamber.orgl chamber-events/smartsalessolutions-presentsbuilding-your-buisnessfor-success-the-smartapproach. MONDAY • Getting theWordOut: Write effective email blasts, newsletters, press releases, fliers and more; registration required; $69;6-8:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • iOS AppDevelopment 2- AdvancedSkills: Learn more Xcodeand Objective-C to create apps that are more complicated; IOSApp1 class is required or some prior experience with programs; registration required; $169;6-8 p.m.; COCCCrook County Open Campus, 510S.E Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-383-7270.

• For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbendbulletin.com/bizcal

tigators say they believe they have identified the entry point

through which hackers got into Target's systems, zeroing in on theremote accessgranted through the retailer's computerized heating and cooling software, accordingto two people briefed on the inquiry. The latest revelation high-

lights the reality that a large company is actually a sprawling network of interconnected Yves Logghe/The Associated Press

vendors, and that weak security at any one vendor can lead

European Commissioner for Competition Joaquin Almunia said Wednesday in Brussels that he's encouraged bythe proposal from

to a significant breach.

Google to rectify what's been perceived by some as the exploitation of the company's standing in search engine results and ads.

Target, Neiman Marcus and the Michaels chain of arts and crafts stores are among the

0 0 e attem tin to a


in antitrust searc case By Juergen Baetz

results stemming from its own services to allowusers to

The Associated Press

BRUSSELS — Google is offering new and"far-reaching"

distinguishbetween natural

concessions to the European

motedby Google. "Without preventing Google from improving its own

Union's antitrustwatchdog that are likelytobe enoughto settle allegations it is abusing

search results and those pro-

services, it provides users with

its dominantpositioninIn-

real choicebetween competing

ternet searches, the EU said Wednesday.

services presented in a compa-

rable way; itis thenup to them to choose thebest alternative," Joaquin Ahnunia said that he's he added. "strongly convinced" the new Googlehas amarket share proposals sufficiently address of about 90percent of Internet the competition concerns, searches in Europe, compared marking a major milestone in with around70percentinthe the three-year-old case. U.S. "This is an important step Google's offer will nowbe forward," he said in Brussels. sent tothe 18originalplaintiffs Google willguarantee to for evaluationbefore the comdisplay results from three mission makes a final decision competitors in a similar way to in the coming months on a its own whenever itpromotes settlement in the case opened EUAntitrust Commissioner

its specialized search services

like Google shopping, the EU Commission said. It will also label more clearly search

in late 2010.

Once a settlement is reached, the concessions will

be legallybinding for Goo-

major retailers whose systems have been hacked with what investigators suspect is similar

malware that invades the computerized register system and snatches consumer data, according to people with knowledge of the investigations. But it has not been disclosed

whetherothercompanies were possibly invaded through

YouTude under newleadership

outside vendors with remotely

The most senior woman atGoogle, SusanWojcicki, who has been a senior vice president for advertising and commerce, is changing jobsatthecompanytorunYouTube. Salar Kamangar, who hashadthe job of senior vice president of YouTube,will be staying at the company in anunspecified role having to do with early-stage ventures. Sridhar Ramaswamy, also a senior vice president for advertising and commerce, will run the ad business. The move is asign that Google is focusing sharply on advertising at YouTube.Wojcicki has overseen Google's incredibly profitable advertising, including successful new adtypes for shopping and mobile. — New Yorfr TimesNews Service

controlled access. Target had already confirmed that hackers used a vendor's stolen credentials to get inside its corporate net-

work and crawl into a server containing 70 million customers' names, mailing addresses and email addresses and into the company's crown jewels: the in-store cash register systems that authorized 40

million customer's credit and debitcards over the course of a

fewweeks duringthe holiday season. gleforfiveyearsacrossthe 28-country European Union, the world's largest economy. ''We willbe making significantchanges totheway Google operates in Europe," said Kent Walker, Google's general counsel. "We have been working with the European Commission to address issues

they~ a n d look forward to resolvingthis matter." A settlement would avoid amore confrontational and

Using the vendor's access,

hackers were able toburrow into Target's systems so thor-

lengthyprocedure that could

oughly that even three days after Target thought it had ex-

result in fines worth up to

pelled them, the retailer found

10percent of the company's annual revenue or about $5

malware on 25 registers, John Mulligan, Target's chief finan-

billion for the firmbased in Mountain View, Calif.

cial officer, testified at a Senate

hearing on'Itresday.

PERMITS City of Bend • Hayden HomesLLC,2793 N.E Spring Water Place, $171,627 •BryanT.Smith,62743 N.W. Mehama Drive, $305,278 • ML Bend U.S.A. Limited Partnership, 20774N.E Sierra Drive, $193,737 • Hayden HomesLLC,3098 N.E DelmasSt., $241,052 • Long Term BendInvestors LLC, 21368 N.EEvelyn Place, $206,210 • Hayden HomesLLC,2745 N.E Aldrich Ave., $149,461 • High Returns LLC,20054 S.W. Millbrook, $223,910

• Long Term BendInvestors LLC, 21384 N.EEvelyn Place, $206,210 • Ariel Glen Limited Partnership, 1700200S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306 • Ariel Glen Limited Partnership,1700100 S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306 • Ariel Glen Limited Partnership, 1700400 S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306 • Ariel Glen Limited Partnership, 1700300S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306 • Ariel Glen Limited Partnership, 1700 500 S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306

• Ariel Glen Limited Partnership, 1700600 S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306 • Ariel Glen Limited Partnership, 1700700 S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306 • Ariel Glen Limited Partnership, 1700800 S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306 • Ariel Glen Limited Partnership, 1700S.E Tempest Drive, $114,306 • Hayden HomesLLC,3099 N.E DelmasSt., $149,461 • Greg Welch Construction Inc., 19044 Mt. Shasta Drive, $322,089 • Lambert Neighbour, 63347

N.E Lamoine Lane,$198,147 • Stonegate Development LLC, 20198StonegateDrive, $296,093 • 2001 Stephen B. Dandurand Trust, 20258 S.E Narnia Place,$197970 • ML Bend U.S.A. Limited Partnership, 63175N.E Black PowderLane, $212,548 • ML Bend U.S.A. Limited Partnership, 63179N.E Black PowderLane, $212,548 •RPB LandInvestmentsLLC, 740 N.E Vail Lane, $201,863 •RPB LandInvestmentsLLC,

736 N.E Vail Lane,$194,823 • Chris Anderson, 20543 N.E Avro Place, $177102 • West Bend Property Company LLC,2197 N.W. Loio Drive, $351,931 • FC FundLLC, 601 S.E Glencoe Place,$149,461 • Triad HomesInc., 21364 Bartlett Lane, $204,443 Deschutes County • Richard J. andDianne M. Miller, 65011Highland Road, Bend $203,719 • Shelly Bickett Separate Property, 64105Johnson Road, Bend$121,860 • Kelly J. Witt, 62240 Dodds

Road, Bend$116,986 • Noah and Kathryn Stilwell, 50294 Moss Road, LaPine $249,550 • Douglas and Natalie Vandenborn,61636 Hosmer Lane Drive, Bend$412,380 • James andSusan Petsche, 66145Becker Road,Bend $497,776 • Travis C. andJennifer M. Phillips, 63289 Old Deschutes Road,Bend $427,607 • James H. andDebraS. Henley, 60710River Bend Drive, Bend$303,076


O www.bendbulletin.com/health




Become a better burner

• Tribal members,poor amongthosewho canapply for anexemption from Obamacare By Tara Bannow eThe Bulletin he patients who frequent

By Tara Bannow

Volunteers in Medicine, a

The Bulletin

donation-based clinic in

For a few months every

Bend, often have no way topay forthe services

winter, triathletes and marathon runners leave their

they receive. For many, there's no

stopwatches and heart rate monitors at home.

way they'll be able to afford health insurance, either.

The off-season — which

For those people — the home-

varies, but generally from November to Februaryis a time for fun, relaxing

less, the very poor, the bankrupt — the Affordable Care Act in-

e g

cludes more than 20 exemptions

to the insurance mandate. Many



Americans who don't have insurance by the end of March will

a family bike ride. Taking ayoga class. "You're not worrying about pace, heart rate, all the things that triathletes become really anal of observing over the course of the season," said Kraig

have to pay a fine next year of $95 perperson or Ipercentoftheir

• e • e e' •


That is, unless they qualify for an exemption. But VIM's leaders have found

that getting approved under those exemptions is not easy. Executive Director Katherine Mastrangelo

Erickson, a USA Triath-

lon-certified coach who

and her team are struggling to get a handle on how to apply for them.

lives in Bend. "So I encour-

age that: Leave the electronics at home, find some-

Oregon, like most states, is letting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Serviceshandle the

thing new to do, find some

new place to explore." Though it is a time for a different kind of training:

process of approving or denying exemption applications in the program's first year. SeeExemptions/D2

nutrition training.

Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Health insurance broker Jill White, right, helps Sharon Biltcliffe, 64, of Redmond, fill out paperwork for a hardship exemption to the Affordable Care Act's insurance mandate. Biltcliffe said she cannot afford health insurance.

Susan Kitchen, the owner of Race Smart, a Chapel

Hill, N.C.-based company that provides nutrition counseling and multisport coaching, said the off-season is a great time for com-

Think you qualify? Here's how to ayyly for an exemption to the insurance mandate Exemptions that candeapplied for usingfederal appliCatiOn fOrm or hyclaimingthemonyour 2014 federal taX return (due April2015):

petitive runners to work

on achieving what's called metabolic efficiency, which

• The lowest-priced coverage available wouldcost morethan 8 percentofyourhouseholdincome.

refers to the body's ability to

use its fat stores efficiently. Because the volume and

• You're a member of a recognized health care sharing ministry.

• You're a member of a federally recognized tribe.

• You're incarcerated and not awaiting the disposition of charges against you.

intensity of the workouts

are lower, many coaches say the off-season is a good

Exemptions that mustbeapplied for usingafederal appliCatiOn fOrm:

time for athletes to eat

• You're a member of a federally recognized tribe or eligible for services through an Indian Health Services provider.

foods with higher fat contents and far fewer carbohydrates than they would

during the race season. Kitchen, a USA Triath-

lon-certified coach, designs off-season mealplans that include eggs for breakfast, chicken on top of a salad for lunch and salmon orbeef

• You're a member of a recognized religious sect with religious objections to insurance, including Social Security and Medicare.

tenderloin for dinner. Each

meal should have between 20 and 25 grams of protein, she said, anything more wouldboost aperson's insulin and turn off his or her body's fat-burning abilities. Each meal Kitchen

plans follows a similar framework.

"I'm trying to balance out the protein and the carbohydrates, including fiber and vegetables and antioxidants," she said. The biggest diet changes between on- and off-season

• You qualifyfor oneofthehardship exemptions: •You were • You received a • You recently •You expectto claim shut-off notice from a child as atax dehomeless. experienced a utility comPany. pendent who'sbeen domestic you wereevicted denied coveragein violence. inthepastsixmonths Y o u filed for Medicaid andCHIP, orwerefacingevic- b a nkruptcy in the • You experienced and anotherperson tion orforeclosure. l a st six months. another hardship is requiredbycourt in obtaining health • You recently eYou had medical order to givemedical insurance. experienced the expenses you support to thechild. death of a close c o uldn't pay in the • You were In this case,you do family member. la s t 24 months. determined inelinot havethe paythe • You experienced 'You experienced gible for Medicaid penalty for thechild. because your state a fire, flood, or unexpected in• Your individual other natural or c r e ases in neces- didn't expand eligi- insurance plan was human-caused di- sary expenses due bility for Medicaid canceled andyou saster that caused to caring for an ill, underthe believe other Marsubstantial damage disabled, or aging Affordable Care ketplace plans are to your property. fa m ily member. Act. unaffordable.

• As a result of an eligibility appeals decision, you're eligible for enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP)through the Marketplace, lower costs on your monthly premiums, or cost-sharing reductions for a time period when you weren't enrolled in a QHP through the Marketplace. • You experienced another hardship in obtaining coverage.

Specific forms for each exemption are available at www.healthcare.gov/exemptions Other exemptions • If you have agap in coverage of less than • If you don't have to file a tax return three months or youare not lawfully pres- because your income is too low, you don't ent in the U.S., you don't need toapply for have to apply for an exemption andyou will an exemption. This will be handled through not be subject to the fine. your federal taxes.

nutrition will be the volume of the meals an ath-

lete eats before and after workouts, she said. During





the season, most athletes

are accustomed to eating a big breakfast and perhaps even taking supplemental nutrition — a gel, sports


before hitting the gym as

Fushawaythose coonoscopy fears

well as a recovery snack afterward.

By Lisa Gutierrez

drink or other product that provides extra calories-

See Off-season /D3


If yOU

Source: www.heelthcare.gov

don't find your laugh lines the least bit funny...

The Kansas City Star







K ANSAS CITY, M o . S he couldn't tell he r m o m

that something was wrong

Correction A story headlined

b ecause it

Botox, Juvederm 8 Voluma can help diminish wrinkles 8 fine lines!

w a s w a y to o

embarrassing. She didn't even like to walk

"State to help repay loans


of rural docs," which appeared Thursday, Jan. 30,

let a

on Page Dl, misstated the


number of years a medical provider is required

When Danielle Ripley-Burgess, 30, of Lee's Summit, Mo., was in junior high and began finding blood in the toilet after going to the bathroom, "I didn't say anything about it for a long, long time. I was mortified." SeeFears/D4

to work in a designated

area to participate in a loanrepayment program. Providers must work for

three years. The Bulletin regrets the error.

20 Units of Bofox FREE with any purchase of Voluma or Juvederm Ultra fo restore volume in the face.

r a t sie I



Coupon required. One per customer. While Supplies Last. Must redeem by 2/28/14. Offer cannot be combined.


Fred Blocher/ Kansas City Star

Colon cancer survivor Danielle Ripley-Burgess, of Lee's Summit, Mo., supports an organization that uses sn educational traveling exhibit about the disease. It features a 40-foot-long model of a

colon that young andold can crawl through.


— NurseInjectorsAmyMilne,RN Patricia TraPnell, RN

2065 NEWilliamson Ct. Bend 54 I - 3 30-555I www.ExhalespaAndLaserCenter.com




YOGA ARM BALANCEWORKSHOP: A four-week series to learn the fundamentals to achieve arm balances; $45 for series or $15 per drop-in; 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Saturday; Juniper Yoga, 369 N.E. Revere Ave., Suite 104, Bend; 541-389-0125. A LOOK FORWARD AT HEALTH CARE REFORM:Panelists discuss the health care reform in Oregon followed by an interactive discussion; free; 3:30-5 p.m. Sunday; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E.Ninth St., Bend; 541-382-4401. AMERICAN REDCROSS BLOOD DRIVE:Noon-6 p.m. Monday; Desert Song Community Church, 640 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 800-RED-CROSS. AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND:Learn how the human body changes with age; free; 6 p.m. Tuesday; Alpine Physical Therapy


How toprotectyourself frommedical identity fraud Most of us tightly guard our credit cards andbankaccount numbers, but health insurance policy numbers arealso prime targets for thieves. Anestimated1.84 million peoplewere victims of medical identity theft in 2013,according to the Poneman Institute, a research organization, which expects that number to rise. Victims often don't realize they've beentargeted until they discover adrop in their credit score or until a collection agency comesafter them for unpaid medical bills, says Jim Quiggle, director of communications for theCoalition Against InsuranceFraud,a group that includes insurers, consumer activists andgovernment officials.

health fairs wherethey take their blood pressureandgive them somenutritional supplements andaskto see their Medicare cards." Jennifer Trussell, who investigates medical identity theft for the Department of Health and HumanServices' Office of Inspector General, hasseen cases wherecriminal rings target senior centers or homeless shelters andoffer people$50 for, say, their Medicare number. "That information is sold again andagain," shesays. Some casesareperpetrated by employees ofmedical offices or evenhealth caseproviders. Trussell worked on acase involving an lowachiropractor who had lifted the namesand dates of birth of morethan 200 Medical identity theft can patients to collectfraudulent happen in severalways. In one Medicaid payments. In another common scenario, the criminal case, a Baltimore pharmacy owner and twoemployees persuades aconsumer to divulge his health insurance were indicted for allegedly number. Strategies for colsubmitting bogus claims for lecting thesenumberscanbe prescription refills to Medicaid highly sophisticated. "They and Medicare. might invite seniors to bogus Sometimes medical iden-

titytheft happenswith the cooperation of the victim, who allows a family memberor acquaintance to usehis health insurance card toobtain care. Poneman Institute founder Larry Ponemansays these "Robin Hood" crimes constituted 30 percent of themedical identity thefts his group studied in 2013. Electronic medical records make your medical dataeasier to steal, becauseany clerk with access to patient records can load patient information onto a thumb drive andsell it to cronies or crime rings, Quiggle says. And becausethe Internet makes electronic records easy to share, tracking downall the providers whohavereceived incorrect data can be difficult. How do youprotect yourself? Never giveyour medical identity credentials to anyone but those with a legitimate reason for needing this information, such asthe billing person at your doctor's office, Quiggle says. Treat with suspicion anyone whoasks you for your

insurance numberwithout a good reason, andnever give these numbers to telemarketers or callers conducting "health surveys." Closely scrutinize the "Explanation of Benefits" or "Medicare SummaryNotice" documents thatare sent to you, he says. If you seeanything suspicious, askto seeyour medical record to lookfor mistakesor evidencethatyour identity has been compromised. "Alot of people don't realizethat they have the right to readtheir medical records," Ponemansaid. Ifyou discoverthatyour medical identity hasbeenstolen, your firststep shouldbeacall to the police,Ponemonsays. Next, call theFederalTrade Commission's identitytheft hotline, 877-ID-THEFTorreport the problemonline atwww.ftc. gov/idtheft. Report Medicare-or Medicaid-relatedcrimesto oig. hhs.gov/fraud/hotline or bycalling 800-HHS-TIPS.

8 Spine Care, Westside Clinic, 336 S.W. Cyber Drive, Suite107, Bend; 541-382-5500 or www. alpinephysicaltherapy.com. HEART SCREENINGSFOR CENTRAL OREGONHIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES:Upto 120 student athletes in grades nine through12 will receive an electrocardiogram to check for heart problems at the Heart and Lung Center; free; registration required; 5-8 p.m. Wednesday; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-706-2787. ENERGY,MOODS a MIND: BALANCINGBLOOD SUGAR: Part of the Healthy Living Series; $15; registration required by Feb. 14; 10:30 a.m.-noon Feb. 21; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7270 or www.cocc.edu/ community-learning.

How to submit Health Events:Email event information to healthevents©bend bulletin.com orclick on"Submitan Event" atwww.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 daysbeforethedesired date of publication. Ongoing class listings must beupdated monthly and will appear at bendbulletin.com/healthclasses.Contact: 541-383-0358. People:Email information about local people involved in health issues to healthevents@bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358.


— Christie Aschwanden, Special to TheWashington Post

•Chris Cooper of Therapeutic Associates at The Athletic Club of Bendrecently became alevel three Titleist Performance Institute certified medical and fitness professional. Cooper specializes in golf-specific rehabilitation and fitness. • ShanaBreeksof FocusPhysical Therapyrecently attended "Pain, Plasticity and Rehabilitation," a course developed bythe Neuro Orthopaedic Institute of Australia. The training included treatment strategies based onclinical reasoning and neurobiology to help patients understand why theyareexperiencing symptoms andhow to regain function and quality of life. • OpenArmsAdult DayService recently announced its executive staff:Michael Grtfftth,CEOand founder, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Oregon

Exemptions Continued from 01 The clinic's calls to federal officials were routed back to Cover Oregon, the state's

health insurance exchange. Officials at Cover Oregon didn't have much insight, either. In some cases, the state exchange workers weren't even aware of which exemp-

tion forms were available, said Beth Larsen, VIM's director of grants.

"If you call (the federal officials), they shake their head and say, 'Your state should know about this,'" she said, "but we kind of don't."

Health & Science University and has worked as acritical care registered nurse for more than seven years and as acharge nurse.AmandaField, co-owner, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Linfield College and has beena critical care nurse for five years.Mike Amo, co-owner, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Idaho State University and has been a critical care nurse for 10 years. Micheue Morgan, co-owner, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in human development and family sciences from Oregon State University-Cascades Campus.

Exemptions will be granted to members of federally recognized tribes, members of a religious sect that objects

to insurance, the incarcerated and those who find that

the cheapestinsurance plan available would cost more than 8 percent of their house-

hold income, among others. A list of 14 exemptions under a h ardship category include things like being homeless, having been evicted, having been the victim of domestic violence, the death

of a close family member and unpaid medical bills. That's going to cover a whole lot of people. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that about 80 percent of those who will remain uninsured in 2016 will not be

Jill White goes over paperwork for a hardship exemption. The Affordable Care Act provides more than 20 exemptions to lts insurance mandate.

ance policy that cost less than

8 percent of their household income, said Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow with the Kaiser

Family Foundation, a nonpartisan organization that researches health policy. The tax subsidies to reduce people's health insurance premiums on policies purchased on the exchanges stop at four times the federal


would need topay more than

Apply now or wait'til later

8 percentof theirincome for a benchmark plan, Pollitz



To Your Health

Managing Your Health & Chronic Illnesses communitu Education series


couldn't find health insur-

subject to a penalty because poverty level, or an annual they will qualify for one or income of $45,960 for a sinmore exemptions. Another 6 gle adult in 2013. Even bemillion uninsured who won't fore that point, though, at 2.5 qualify for exemptions will times poverty level, the subpay $7 billion in penalties in sidies are set so that people

V IM's p atients r u n


Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Volunteers in Medicine patient Sharon Butcuffe, 64, of Redmond, listens as health insurance broker


Whether aperson applies far more generous tax subbefore March 31 or waits sidies. Congress approved a until they file their 2014 tax price tag on the law of about returns depends on h ow $1 trillion over the course of confident they are in their a decade, the same cost as eligibility for an exemption, the Clinton-era health reMagill said. If they are wait- form proposal back in 1993, ing, they should be very sure she said. they will get the exemption, Considering the large she said. number of state governors "At some point, they're go- who decided not to expand ing to have to file some kind Medicaid, the exclusion of of exemption, so if it gives illegal immigrants from them peace of mind to file the law and the religious it now so they get the notice exemption, many people or notification of where they will be left uninsured even stand, and then they can be after the law is fully impleconfident that when they fill mented, Pollitz said. "The law was only ever out their taxes they've got the exemption," she said. rigged to cover half of the uninsured," she said. "This

For some, nodocsrequired

Most of the exemptions re-

has actually never been a law that will get us to uni-


Dr. David Strutin High Lakes Health Care Heart Health: How You Can Keep Your Heart Heatthg Wags to Help You Survive a Heart Attack

Tuesday, Febr uary 18th 9:00 — 10:00 am Hospice of Redmond Communitg Room 732 SW 23rd Street, Redmond Offered by:

"They're just not as big, I quire some form of paperwork versal coverage, not the Please register for gamut, but the clinic's leaders guess that the biggest propor- think, as some folks might as proof, such as a copy of the way it's written." freeprogramby February14. tion will qualify for an exemp- have wanted them to be," she eviction notice, shut-off no— Reporter: 541-383-0304, of Redmond C e u 541.548.7483 tion because they can't afford said of the subsidies. tice, death certificate or notice tbannow@bendbulletin.com insurance. To apply for exemptions, from the newspaper. To be a VIM patient, your people can either mail an Homelessness and having income must be less than 200 application to the Kentucky been the recent victim of dopercent of the federal poverty company the federal gov- mestic violence do not require level, or $22,980 per year for a ernment has contracted to proof. single adult in 2013, and you process them or claim the exKeri Moran-Kuhn, director must be uninsured (that in- emption on their 2014 federal of programs for the Oregon cludes public plans like Med- tax returns, which are filed in Coalition Against Domestic & Grief Support Potluck Lunch icaid and Medicare). April 2015. Not all of the ex- Sexual Violence, said it makes Oregon's Medicaid expan- emptions can be claimed on sense for the domestic vioTueSday, February 11, 2O14 sion opened the program to the tax returns, however. In lence exemption to not require everyone up to 138 percent those cases, people must mail documentation, asthere are a NOOn tO1:OOPm of the federal poverty level, the application forms. Each number of reasons why a doFamilies & friends of Partners in Care are invited to our so while many VIM patients exemption has its own spe- mestic abuse victim would not monthly potluck gathering. Meet bereavement volunteers, staff, and now qualify for coverage, cific form, and each form can go to law enforcement, espe-


not all do. Some patients are be found at www.healthcare. bankrupt, h o meless, h ave gov/exemptions.

cially if they are still with their abusive partner.

been evicted or have received

Domestic violence can be an all-encompassing situa-

shut-off notices from t h eir

If someone has the slightest doubt that they may not

utility companies, all exemp- qualify for a n exemption, tions under the law. they should send in their ap"I could see our patients be- plication as soon as possible. ing able to check six or seven This way, if they are deemed of these boxes," Mastrangelo ineligible, they still have time said. "They're not mutually to buy insurance before the exclusive, for sure." March 31 enrollment deadVIM's providers aren't ac- line, said Stephanie Magill, a customed to asking patients spokesperson for the Centers about whether they've been forMedicare & Medicaid Serevicted or whether a close vices, which is overseeing the family member died recently, exemptions process. "We want t o m ak e sure but those questions will now need to be a part of the con- they have enough time to versation, Larsen said. kind of absorb all that inforNationally, most people mation and figure out what will fall under the affordabil- they want to do if they don't ity exemption because they get the exemption," she said.

tion. When victims try to leave

abusive relationships, they're struggling to stay safe and keep their children safe, Moran-Kuhn said. Often, abusers won't let their victims work or, if they do, they stalk them at

their jobs, she said. With that in mind, it's understandable if

victims aren't focused on signing up for health insurance, she said. While the Affordable Care Act will result in many more people getting insurance, the law was never expected to cover all Americans, Pollitz said. To do so would have required

make some new friends.

Community Education Series Friday, February Z1 NOOn tO1:OOpm Panel Discussion: Home Health, Home Care, Hospice, Transitions 0 What are the differences in these programs'? Partners 0 How are theyaccessed? Who pays for them? 0 How does Medicare, Medicaid, and even veteran-benefits play into the equation? •

Bend, OR 97701

FOr additiOnal detailS and ta RSVP, Call (541) 382-5882 www.partnersbend.org ' •




Be heart healthy: Fedrnary isAmerican Heart Nnnth February is American Heart Month, helping to draw awareness of our nation's leading killer, heart disease. To take steps to fight this controllable andpreventablediseasemeanspaying attention to our daily decisions, such as amount of exercise andeating right. Every step counts:Wearing a pedometer is aneasyway to keeptrack of how active you areduring the day. Getting the recommended10,000 steps is not as difficult as it may sound. Yeuget the beats: Another popular means of tracking fitness level is heartrate monitoring. Theaward-winning Mio ALPHA istheworld's first heart


rate sport watch that offers accurate, continuous heart-rate monitoring at performance levels. It is equipped with Bluetooth Smart (4.0) technology that connects Mio ALPHA to fitness apps on iPhone andselect Android devices (www.mioglobal.com). Better choices:Being more active is only one piece of the puzzle; what you eat is another. Most people who try to diet end upfailing, for a variety of reasons. Instead of forcing yourself to avoid certain foods, look for a healthier alternative. For foods that you just won't give up, try cutting the portion to half its normal size. Replacehigh-cal-

orie sugary drinks with water and inStowell recommendseating Post crease fiber so youfeel fuller faster. Shredded Wheat, which is made from Allison Stowell, a registered dietitian whole-grain wheat andwheat bran, is ." "jM with Guiding Stars (guidingstars.com), low in calories, rich in fiber and protein offers tips to better your heart health: and is free of saturated and trans fats. r4 • No need for artificial vitamins and • Consume less addedsugar. Chosupplements whenyouareconsuming bani plain, nonfat Greekyogurt has a diet complete with colorful fruits and twice the protein per serving of regular vegetables. yogurt and no sugaradded. • Lower your sodium intake by •Avoid artery-clogging trans fats reading food labels, and consumeless Thinkstock and opt for heart-healthy foods such as Start taking better care of processed foods. Whensalt intake freshwater fish, seeds, nuts andwhole is high, your taste buds canbecome your heart during American immune to the taste, leading to greater grains. Heart Month. — iirfajrie Giiiiamisa personal trainer use over time. • Increase fiber and whole grains. and fitness consultant.

Healthy Off-SeaSOn eating OPtiOnS

Continued from D1 During t h e o ff -season, though, those things aren't necessary, Kitchen said.







Often, the transition to eat-


ing less during the off-season can be tough for athletes, and weight gain is a common side effect, especially during the holidays. "A lot of people think in the off-season they can just go crazy with what they eat


a ~ttttP v.~

Yogurt and granola e /2 cup low-fat

Oatmeal and a side of eggs

and once they start r acing


• t/2 cup oatmeal

everything will be good," said

• 2/4 cup blueberries • '/4cup granola

(cooks up to about 1 cup)

Brad Haag, a USA T r i athlon-certified coach who lives in Bend.

The problem with


e /2 cup skim or

soy/almond milk

t h at

e2 eggs

mindset, Haag said, is that

once they get back into a more intense w o r kout r e g i men, their bodies aren't 100 percent

fueledand they overcompensate by overeating. In mid-January, he said, athletes should be cleaning up their diets

Source: Susan Kitchen, certified dietitian and USA Triathlon coach via USATriathlon.com

Chicken Blackbeansoup or tempeh salad with turkey sandwich • 3 ounces grilled • Small cup chicken or tempeh black beansoup • 1to2cups • 1slice spinach lettuce whole-wheat bread • 1 ounce feta cheese • 3 ounces sliced turkey • Tomatoes, green pep• 1 ounce cheese per, mushrooms, bell • Lettuce and tomato, pepper, onions all cut up piled high • Oil and vinegar or other • 1 small apple or orange vinaigrette as dressing • 1'/4 cup strawberries

Salmon, broccoli andrice • 6 ounces salmon • 1 cup steamed broccoli with carrots

Beef tenderloin and veggies • 3ounces beef tenderloin • 2 cups leafy greens with carrots, red bell pepper, tomatoes • Oil and vinegar or other vinaigrette as dressing • 1 small sweet potato

• t/2 cup brown rice

or quinoa • 1 cup skim milk • 15-18 red grapes

• t/2 cup blueberries with t/2 cup low-fat Greek


Plus •••

and monitoring their calorie intake.

Other recommendedfoods for off-season nutrition from USATriathlon-certified coaches Brad Haagand Kraig Erickson: • Breakfast: • Lunch: • Dinner: • Lean cuts Eggs (doesn't matter S a lads or healthy P r otein source (salmon, steak, cod, chicken), car- of beef or pork how they're prepared ) wraps bohydrates (rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa) • Roas ted and fruit and vegetable (asParagus, sProuts, leafy greens) vegetables

The coaches had different opinions about how closely triathletes or marathon run-

ners should count their calories or the amount of carbo-

• Avocados • Olives • Coconut oil

• Healthy snacks: Nuts, seeds, fruits (apples, blueberries), vegetables (carrots and hummus)

hydrates or grams of protein or sugars they take in. Kitchen takes a more regimented

approach, and says athletes should be saving every wrap- should plan out their meals milligrams of sodium I had. per and counting everything and figure out what works for This is how many hours I was they eat. them to create the optimum out. This is what works for In the same way a runner performance, she said. me — and then revise it from "This is how many grams of there." picks out the clothing they'll race in ahead of time to make carbohydrates I had," Kitchen Erickson, on the other hand, sure it's comfortable and said. "This is how many calo- said he doesn't encourage caldoesn't irritate their skin, they ries I had. This is how many orie counting among his cli-

"If you plan your snacks their season begins, he generents, but focuses more on the foods they're eating. He said well, then typically your meals ally tells them to eat until they he's found that healthy snacks will be planned better as well," feel 80 percent full. "Don't overindulge at all," he during the day — things like Erickson said. nuts, seeds, fruits and vegeHaag also does not recom- said, "and typically people can tables — help prevent eating mend measuring food intake. leanup really quicklike that." unhealthy, convenient foods If someone is trying to lose — Reporter: 541-383-0304, later on.

extra off-season weight before


To be abig'Loser', it helpsto get real By Rene Lynch

nese food? Does your weight year. "You need to look at your Los Angeles Times nudge down a quarter-pound big picture and decide that you If you're like many Ameri- after three days of healthful really want to change your cans, you made a resolution to eatingand moderate exercise? lifestyle. And then you need to lose weight and get in shape in That's invaluable data. really take it seriously." 2014. And, if you're like many You let the scale make You get d i scouraged: "You have to be able to Americans, you'll step on the • you crazy: "Don't define scale a few days into your new yourself by the number on the trust the process even when diet and throw your hands up scale," Harper said. This may you don't see it changing on in discouragement at the lack sound like it contradicts No. 2, the scale," Harper said. Setof "The Biggest Loser"-worthy but Harper said there will be backs are inevitable. "This is numbers. many days when you step on a lifestyle change. You need But "Biggest Loser" trainer the scale and it doesn't budge. to recognize that. There are Bob Harpersays that reaction And that's fine. Because prog- going to be ups and downs. It's how you handle the downs is a big mistake. resscan be defined in many If you lose 1 to 2 pounds a ways. Maybe you're feeling that matter." week, you should be thrilled, stronger during your workhe said, even though that outs. "Maybe those jeans arwould spell elimination on the en't quite as tight." NBC reality weight loss show. You make grand goals Here are eight other mis• that you cannot keep: takes you don't want to make "People say, 'Oh, I'm going to


a s you embark on a


healthful lifestyle in 2014. You wait for t h e m oti• vation fairy to knock at your front door: "You have


to realize that a healthy lifestyle takes commitment, and

it takes drive," Harper said. "And never for a minute think

it's going to be easy because it's not. It's going to be boring


5 41382-6447i[2090NEWyttc


S U r olo S~

ar TearScience

start exercising all the time

Have you been suffering from dry eye7

in 2014,' and I say, 'No, no, no.' Let's start with something doable. How about: 'I'm going to workout three times a week no matter what.' And then stick to that," Harper said. Same

goes for your approach to your eating. ~

You think you can outrun

• the junk food:~ Folks who n and monotonous at times." watched this season of "The You weigh yourself only Biggest Loser" saw this mis• e very week or t w o: " I f take play out when Hap, who you'retryingto lose weight,you by all accounts was a monster need to get on a scale every day in the gym, fell short on the or every couple of days," Harp- scale week after week."Hap reer said. This flies in the face of ally thought that, 'Hey, I'm go~

r i r 4 101

Bend OR 97701 ~ bendurology.com



the notion that you need to give

ing to be able to eat what I want

your new health regimen some because I work out so hard,'" time to work But Harper says Harper said. But that thinking regular dates with a scale allow

you to see trends and patterns between your diet and your food journal. You are keeping a food • journal. This is probably the single most-despised piece of advice in the diet-and-fitness realm, yet it's one of the most

got Hap eliminated. "Diet is the most important element when

it comes to weight loss," Harper said. "It's No. 1 and No.2."


7 to this, Harper said: "Are you

crucial, Harper said. Does the

willing to change your priorities?" This goes hand-in-hand with No. 5, and it's why he suggests finding achievable goals to build on throughout the

scale jump the morning after you've eaten high-sodium Chi-

You don't change your pri• orities: It all comes down

. •


• -

\ •




llse calming messagestosoothe your childlor immunizations Canyousuggestwaystocalm a Q ••toddler so terrified of shots she cries as soon asshesteps into the pediatrician's office? • It's typical for toddlers to be • frightened of doctor's visits, says Dr. Ronald Marino, associate chairman of pediatrics at Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, N.Y. "By the time they reach18 months, they have agood recollection of what

Fears Continued from 01 When she finally did, she and her mom, at first, did their own research on the I nter-

net and figured that because Danielle was so young, the problem had to be something benign, like hemorrhoids. Wrong. Just a few weeks after her 17th birthday in 2001 she was

diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer, going from prom plans to hospital stays in the blink of an eye. Today, at 30, she's a wife

and mother running a marketing firm — Semicolon Comm unications, wink, wi n k -

and doing what she can to get people talking about what she once feared.

She's not above using props, either. Big ones. In early December she arranged to have a 40-foot, crawl-through model of a colon trucked into town.

The message? Being afraid to talk about what happens in the bathroom could kill you.

goes on," he said. Theytypically outgrow the anxiety by 3 or 4years old, he says. Meanwhile, Marino suggests: • Between visits, read picture books with the child about visiting the doctor and how the doctor keepsyouwell. "Try to frame thedoctor visits in a happy light," he said. • Never threaten the child with a shot. Marino says hehas heard par-

ents say, "You begood or you're going to get a shot." • In fact, avoid the word "shot" altogether. "I use theword immunization," Marino said. Eventoddlers may associate "shot" with actors being "shot" on TV, hesays. • Also avoid "hurt" or "pain," even to say, "This won't hurt." Instead, Marino frames it this way: "You're going to get an immunization. You might besur-

"shot" and "pain."

— BethWhitehouse,Newsday

Navigatingthedefore, duringandafter ofacolonoscopy You've heard the horror stories about colon cancer; now take aminute to explore the myths and realities of this common procedure. "THEY'REGOING TO DO WHAT?!" During a colonoscopy, along, flexible tube is inserted into therectum. Atiny video camera at thetip of the tube lets thedoctor see the inside ofthe entire colon.Takesanywhere from 30minutes to anhour. "I CAN'T AFFORDTHIS." Under the newhealth care law, Medicare and private insurers are required to cover most types of colorectal cancer screening, including colonoscopies. "WILL I MISS WORK? Schedule two days of me-time: Onefor the prep — youhaveto empty outyour colon so the doctor can geta clear viewand one for the outpatient procedure itself. Fail at the prepand you might have to doit all over again.

"I'M SCARED." Visit TheGreatBowelMovement.org for preparation tips andadvice. Your innards will thank you for it.

"WHAT IFTHEY FIND SOMETHING?" Precancerous growths found during the procedure can beremoved immediately; small amounts of tissue can beremoved for later biopsy.

minutes. Askyourdoctor ifyou canspiceit up with Crystal Light — noredor purpleflavors, though. Checknatural-foods marketsfor other flavoreddrinksthatdon'tcontainred dyes.

wipes you've chilled in the fridge. Ahhhhh. Vaseline, Desitin andCalmoseptine ointment, used for diaper rash, cansoothe the sting, too. Double ahh.



"NO WAY I'M DOINGTHIS!" About half of Americans age 50and older get any kind of screening for colorectal cancer, colonoscopy or otherwise. Nearly 20,000livescould besavedeach year if that rate rose to 90-95 percent. Skip a screening, shame on you.

That prep stuff doesn't go downeasy. If it makes you sick, wait 30 minutes before drinking more and take small sips. If you can't keep it down, tell your doctor.

Schedule amovie marathon (skip the popcorn), catch up onyour favorite TV show on Netflix, snuggle with the dog. You can playWords With Friends or online trivia games such asSporcle in the bathroom. (No onewill know.)

"CAN I EAT?" For about 24hours beforetheprocedure you'll follow aclear-liquid diet — nodairy, nothing with reddyes —anddrink up to a gallon of a laxative solution typically mixed with lemon-limeGatorade.The bright side? Your insides will besqueakyclean.

"I'M. SO. HUNGRY!" Carbonateddrinks, sodasandfrozen desserts without dairy — icepops popsicles and Italian ice — cantrickyour empty stomach into feeling full while you fast. Askyour doctor which onesyou can have. "Liquid diet" doesn't meanyou haveto stick with chickenbroth, either. Tryflavorful miso soup; just strain out thenoodlesanddried seaweed. "FEELIN' THE BURNNOW." Yes, your fanny will pay aprice. There's no avoiding it. Skip the toilet paper and soothe your bumwith disposable wet

"BOTTOMS UP!" That Gatoradecocktail will go downalot easier ifyou chill it in thefreezer forabout45

"THIS WASN'T SOHARD." A colonoscopy is typically done under general anesthesia. Afterward, you might feel some cramping or the sensation of having gas, but it won't last long. DRIVER, THE CARI You did it. And if you weresmart, you took someonewith you to drive you home. Spoil yourself with a nap, but make sure a family member or loved one iswith you in case complications arise.

Sources: Mayo Clinic, American Cancer Society, Cleveland Clinic, Fightcolorectalcancer.org. and TheGreateowelMovement.org.

Colorectal cancer is the second-most deadly cancer,



but the majority of cases are preventable with the use of a

Anyone with one or more of thesesymptoms should tell their doctor. • Blood in the stool (frequently .Unexplained weight loss. not visible to the nakedeye). Thosesymptoms aremuch • Change in stool habits. more likely to occur whenthe • A gradual decrease in the size tumor is in the rectum or the very last part of the colon. of the stool. Cancers that are higher uPin • Increasing abdominal pain.

common screening procedure called a colonoscopy. Precancerous gro w t hs found during a colonoscopy — recommended every 10 years beginning at age 50can be removed on the spot. That's

prised; you'll feel it, but it doesn't need to bother you." • Kids are open to suggestion and magical thinking. Putting ice or "magic cream" where the immunization will be may help diminish discomfort, Marino says. • If it doesn't go well, still leave with Thinkstock aposi tivemessagesuchas,"Youdid You can help ease your child's fears of your best; it will be easier next time." immunizations by avoiding words like

i m p ortant b e c ause

those growths, or polyps, can stick around in your colon for years and become full-blown cancer. "This is the only situation in

the colon frequently don't signal their presence with thesesymptoms until the tumor is quite large. That's why screening for the cancer whenthere are no symptoms is critical.

Source: Larry Geier, genetics oncologist at the University of Kansas Cancer Center

affects about 1 in every 4 to

5 Americans and is largely Fred Blocher /Kansas City Star underdiagnosed. all of medicine where the test Alisha Morris, of Raytown, Mo., crawls through a 40-foot-long After her second diagnoused to screen for a cancer is informational model of a colon at New Summit Church in Lee's sis, Ripley-Burgess happened also the method for preventing Summit, Mo. "I touched it!" Alisha, O, said. upon the national nonprofit that same cancer," said Larry Colon Club, a group dedicated Geier, a genetics oncologist to raising awareness of colat the University of Kansas don't want to do that." time of diagnosis of colon can- orectal cancer in out-of-the• "I am not having any ceroverthe lasttwo decades," box ways. Club founder MolCancer Center and one of Ripley-Burgess' doctors. symptoms, therefore I don't Geier said. "Changes in diet, ly McMaster was diagnosed "In all other situationshave cancer." betterscreening and more with colon cancer on her 23rd • "I just don't have time for awareness of early symp- birthday. mammogram, Pap smearthe screening test may be ef- that." toms may each have a role but Five years ago Ripley-Bur"I have heard each of these still don't provide adequate gess posed for the club's fective for early detection but provides no ability to prevent reasons too many times over explanation." Colondar, a calendar featuring the cancer itself." the years, and none of them What happened to Rip- colon cancer survivors youngAnd yet, people fear the are worth taking the chance, ley-Burgess was rare. She was er than 50. She was Miss Octocolonoscopy. Statistics show or what I consider to be play- diagnosed with colon cancer that only half of Americans ing 'Russian roulette' with at 17 and again at 25, when all older than 50 have ever had your colon," Geier said. but a foot of her large intestine one, or any other type of colOnly 10percent of all people had to be removed. "I have to be kind of careful orectal cancer s c reening diagnosed with the disease process. are younger than 50. with what I eat, when I eat." The ick factor is high. Here But while cases of co- No big chili dogs for lunch, for are the excuses patients give lon cancer among adults 50 example. "It's normal for me Geier. and older are falling, rates now." • "I don't like the idea of a among younger adults like It was her bad luck to be, doctor sticking a scope up my Ripley-Burgess are rising, ac- Geier put it, "genetically prorectum. I am too modest for cording to the Colon Cancer grammed" to develop colon that." Alliance. cancer at such a young age. • I hear the preparation for "There is definitely a trend She has a genetic trait known the test is very difficult, and I toward younger age at the as Lynch syndrome, which • • •

"While it's good to be in-

ber 2009.

She now runs the club's website and uses social me-

formed, don't skip going to the doctor because you Googled."

dia to talk about colons with

the public. She has her own lessons to share, like this one:

Ae~as~ Dishwasher

Don't substitute Internet re-

searchforamedical diagnosis. "That's definitely a piece of my story as well as others,"

she said.

Hot Yoga



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Exercises toprevent kneepain, other prodlems do I prevent my Q ••How knees from hurting when

if you haveweakquadriceps or thighmuscles,headded,since

I descend stairs? • If it's any comfort, you • have company. Most people with kneearthritismeaning somedegeneration of the cushioning cartilage in the joint — experience pain when they go down stairs, even if

the force that might otherwise

be absorbed by those large muscles movesthrough the knee instead. EXERCISES FORRELIEF To strengthenyour quadriceps, try straight leg raises, Bozic said. Simply lie onyour their arthritis is mild, said back with onelegbent. Lift Dr. Kevin Bozic, an orthopedic the other leg, straightened,at surgeon at the University of least six inches off theground; California, SanFrancisco. tighten the thigh musclesand More so than climbing stairs, hold for a fewseconds. Lower descending places great force and repeatseveral times.Then on the kneeand, in particular, do the sameexercise with the the patello-femoral joint, the other leg. Yourphysician or portion of the kneebeneath the an athletic trainer cansuggest kneecap, hesaid. other safeexercisesthat target This discomfort is magnified those muscles.

Avoid prolonged sitting, too, said Dr. Freddie Fu, aprofessor and chairman of orthopedic surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences, since uninterrupted sitting leads to stiffness that aggravates the pain of going down stairs. Andif all elsefails, turn around, Bozic said. "Descendingstairs backwards reducesloadsacross the kneejoint," he said. According toa2010motion-capture study, theforcesgeneratedwhen descendingbackwardmigrated toward thehip ratherthanthe knee."Just don'tfall down,"Bozic


sald. — GretehenReynolds, New YorkTimesNewsService •

ee e




• New aerobics trend shakesup fitness routines

Explore Central Oregon's most completerange of service and care options. Touchmark offers active adult living — plusf

By Pam Leblanc Austin American-Statesman

AUSTIN, Texas — Admit it. As the credits rolled at the end

of "Slumdog Millionaire," you wanted to climb out of your red velvet theater seat and jam

away alongside the cast of the movie.

Fearing the disapproving gaze of your fellow moviegoers, though, your rump stayed put while the actors and

actresses pumped and swayed, hip rolled and swirled in what

e •

was, for many of us, an intro-

duction to Bollywood dance. Or was that just me? No matter. Bollywood has landed in mainstream America in the

Deborah Cannon/Austin American-Statesman

Sumi Singh leads a Bollywood dance class at Bollywood Shake Dance 8 Fitness studio in Austin, Texas.

form of fitness classes that will have you rocking out to music from the Mumbai-based Hin- decades. "Front, back, shake it," Singh di-language film industry.

Before the class is over, we've lined up against one wall for In Washington,D.C., exer- encourages as t h e w o m en a seriesof calf raises.We've cisers sweat it out in a fitness follow her lead. It's like a Bol- high-fived, we've f o rmed classcalled Doonya, a sort of lywood version of a country a circle in the center of the Bollywood twist on Zumba. In western line dance. The group room and kicked our legs like Manhattan, gym-goers crowd slides collectively across the cheerleaders. "It's so energetic," said Sonia studios to catch the latest Ma- room, then glides back, with sala Bhangra (which roughly kicks, twirls an d d r amatic Nimavat, 39. "I'm from India, translates to spicy folk dance) hand motions tossed in. The and since I was a child I've classes. And i n t h e U n ited music is irresistibly vibrant listened to this music. It's like Kingdom, they flock to "Just and lively. home." Most, but not all, of the "I can't move my hips like students are of Indian descent. Jhoom!" to get their Bollywood fitness on.

that," I whisper to the woman

In Austin, exercisers can next to me. "You can. It just takes time," channel their favorite Bollywood starsduring classes she tells me. at places such as Bollywood And after 45 minutes with Shake and Ballet Austin's But- Singh, I sort of believe her. Or ler Community School.

at least I don't care how I look

Laura Holle, 49, started attending at the invitation of an Indi-

an friend. "I like the dance aspect of it,

and I'm kind of an internation-

Nore Bollywood Top 5 Bollywood song picks from Bollywood Shake fitness studio: 1. "Tooh" from the movie "Gori Tere PyaarMein" 2. "Tattad Tattad" from "Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela" 3. "Ishqyaun Dhishqyaun" from "Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela" 4. "Raghupati Raghav" from "Krrish 3" 5. "Party All Night" from "Boss"

cise — it's fun and whole body," she said. "I follow all the Bollywood movies; that's why I like this music." The choreography changes for every class, so students don't get bored. That's good news, because, according to Bharathy Thangavelu, 37, I need to stick with it for at least

eight weeks to get some inter"If you do it for two months you will be sexy," Thangavelu said. "It's not complicated."

discs that add a jangly note to every hip thrust. I'm there, too,

jf you have conditions such asdiabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic pain and anxiety,the Living Well with ongoing health issues program can help you take charge of your life. The six-week workshop and the book "Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions" costs only $10.

in the far corner, trying to loosen hips that feel more like the

rusted metal wheels of an old tractor that's been abandoned

in afarm fi eld for a couple of

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Find Your Dream Home In

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Allied Health Providers: Awbrey Dental *

Partners In Care

Bend Skin Co. *

Area Skilled Nursing Centers TOuChmaIk HOme Care* (serving Central Oregon)

on campus promders at Touchmark (Skilled nursing services not available at Touchmark)

Workshop series offered: Bend


Bend Memorial Clinic *

adorned with coin-sized metal

Rehabilitation • Home Health • Hospice

Some are wearing hip sashes

esting results.

It's all women except for one.


al lover," she said. The moves take a while to catch on, she

We dropped by Bollywood trying anymore. says, especially if you're not Shake Dance & Fitness, where Singh transforms the studio used to moving your hips in instructor Sumi S i ngh, 3 7, into a Mumbai nightclub, with that swirly way. Holle iscredits the city's growing In- the students surging from one she's taken Arabic dance class dian population, the increased side of the dance floor to the before. popularity of Bollywood mov- other and cheering one anothPiroj Patel, 46, says a Bolies and the recent naming of er on. lywood fitness class trumps "You're going to get your watching a Bollywood movie. Nina Davuluri as Miss America for the surging interest in hair messed up. Whip it!" "It's a good workout. You canBollywood fitness. Singh shouts, then calls on not think of anything while do"It's that time of day — 9:30 the students, one at a time, to ing it — just shaking and danca.m.," Singh hollers and cranks demonstrate their best head ing and having fun," she said. up the music as 15 students rolls. "OK my superstars! Girls Saili Pradhan, 40, agrees. line up in front of a mirrored from India, this is your song!" "We don't think it's like exerwall. "Welcome to Bollywood Shake! Today's workout is going to be really, really hard!"






February 20th



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Adult Swim,No. '1 with youngeradults, is expanding TV SPOTLIGHT By Bill Carter New Yorh Times News Service

The big developments in late-night television are not all happening on NBC this week.

0, m?

Adult Swim, the network that

is, in many ways, the new force in late night, has some


0 significant news, too: It is ex, 00; panding again. Though its programming usually draws far less media attention than, say, the changing of the guard on NBC's "ToAdult Swim via New York Times News Service night" show, Adult Swim has Adult Swim recently added the show "Rick and Morty," an animatamassed enviable viewership ed series about an alcoholic scientist and his bad influence on his numbers.Among the audience grandson. The network isexpandingagain by movingup anhour groups many advertisers want and starting at 8 p.m.

most to reach, Adult Swim

beats just about everything else in late night. The network is adding another hour of programming to its schedule, moving fur-

mand we are receiving from advertisers," he said. Adult Swim is the top-rat-

ed cable network in total day t her backward i nt o p r i m e ratings among viewers in the time. Starting March 31, Adult two younger-adult categories, Swim — a mix of animated viewers between the ages of 18 and live-action shows, replete and 34 and 18-49. with the k ind o f i r r everent In the late-night period,

1.15 million viewers a night to 1.05 million for Leno.

All the

Since its start about a decade

The plan for the 8 p.m. hour is to begin with some repeat programs (Adult Swim has a library of animated series like "King of the Hill," and "American Dad") and gradually add in original series. "We have a lot of shows coming down thepike," Snyder said. Many of these are typified by the raucous, unapologetically irreverent style of "Your

ago as a two-hour block starting at midnight, Adult Swim has steadily built a following withyoung male viewers, starting with a lineup of acquired animated shows like "Family Guy" (which is sIN a bulwark in its late-night lineup). It began adding original shows (Iike "Space Ghost Coast to Coast" and "Robot Chicken") and expanding, first to more nights in late night, and then backward into prime-time. The original idea for Adult Swim sprang from the need to find an audience of non-

drens Hospital," "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" and "Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell."

Perhaps most impressive of all, the network is especially strong in drawing young male viewers, which generally attract a premium price from advertisers because they percent male, and it is spec-

tacularly young-skewing. The

esting comments on this topic, so I'm sharing a few: Dear Abby:If there's a possibility young children could be unruly during a performance, I think they should be allowed to use a tablet or something to keep them occupied.

start putting the devices down

I agree that most children should pay attention to the event at hand, as the

Sometimes it's hard to find a

mother passed away last summer, my sister-in-law brought two hand-

sitter or afford one. When children get dragged to programs they have no interest in, they lose patience and become fidgety. If given something to occupy their attention, as long as it

There are apps and gamesdesigned to keep these children occupied and help them has headphones, then I don't see a deal with the stress and anxiety problem. I'd rather have that than of being in a large group of peo- kids shouting, screaming and cryple. I should not have to leave my ing because they're unhappy being sons at home because they are on there. the spectrum, so a harmless, quiet game that allows them to partici-

— Understanding in Louisiana

Dear Abby: In this digital age,

and interacting with each other

again like human beings. I raised all three of my kids this way, so I know it's not impossible — Maintain Human Contact

Dear Abby:When my precious held games to the funeral. My niece and nephew played and played while the pastor spoke about my mother. It was the last straw for me in a

series of incredibly rude actions over the years. My children were also appalled. When respect is no longer taught at home, we sink to the lowest level as a society. — Debra on the East Coast

Dear Abby: I h a ve stopped attending my f r i ends' grandchildren's recitals because I, too,

pate without being disruptive is a we have lost touch w ith b asic cannot toler ate rudeness. Many godsend to me. common decencyand respect for parents today just don't want to Sometimes it i s

bles of the horned denizens of Hades, who are depicted as harried office workers under

Satan's thumb. (And that one is not a cartoon.)

shows live on the air, rather than delaying them for later that had been first created as viewing. Adgate suggested the series on the web (Iike "Chil- network may be fitting into a drens Hospital"). pattern of viewing behavior Now, Snyder said, the 10:30 for younger men. " They w atch t h e A d u l t time period is being used to introduce new programs that Swim" shows live and then the will migrate to other areas of next day they catch up on the the schedule. clips of the best from Jimmy This season the channel Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Jon added the show "Rick and Stewart and Stephen Colbert," Morty," an a nimated series Adgate said. "It's the n ew about an alcoholic scientist way of consuming late-night and his bad influence on his television."

Dear Abby:I am writing about t he letter f r o m "Holding My Tongue" (Nov. 8), the woman who w as upset because many children were playing with electronic devices during her grandchildren's school concerts and recitals. While

different perspective.

Pretty Face Is Going to Hell," which features the daily foi-

during the daytime hours, Snyder said. It broke ground in offeringprogram creators different formats (Iike welcoming shows only 15 minutes long) and by importing shows

I(ids ongadgets: Rudeor necessary?


ratings than "Community."

consists of a hodgepodge of

are so difficult to reach. Adult Swim's audience is about 60


scoring better 18-34 and 18-49

that was the Cartoon Network

was right for the additional

mother of two children on the autism spectrum, I have a

NBC. On since December, it looks like a hit for Adult Swim,

other late-night children for a cable channel

shows with titles like "Chil-

hour "coming off a record-set- 49 category. During the last ting ratings year in 2013." Not 12 months, it has been No. 1 to mention the "increasing de- with that group, averaging

grandson, co-created by Dan Harmon of "Community" on

hosts, including David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, are behind the Adult Swim lineup, which

humor that has been the stock- from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., the netin-trade of late-night television work dominates in the youngfor half a century — will offer est end of that competition. programming from 8 p.m. to With the exception of recent 6 a.m. every day. viewership numbers for Jay In explaining the move, Leno, who has been racking Stuart Snyder, the president up steady wins as he prepares of Animation, Young Adults to end his tenure as "Tonight" and Kids Media for Turner show host this week, Adult Broadcasting, said the time Swim has beaten all l a tenight competitors in the 18-

median age for an Adult Swim viewer is 22.9. By comparison, Leno's show has a median age of 57.8. The only late-night host with a median age under 40 is Conan O'Brien at 39.6.

n o t o b v ious others. I not only notice this in

WHY someone is doing some- children, but adults as well. I have thing; so as long as it isn't dis- seen people check their emails rupting the event, please try to be while they are in church, or coutolerant. ples sitting together at a restau— Laura in Pennsylvania rant, both fixated on their elecDear Laura: Y our p oint i s tronic devices and not speaking a well-stated, and was one made by a word to each other. It's sad to imagine what the next number of parents of children with special needs. Readers had inter- generation will be like if we don't

bother with their children. If there

is a toy that can keep them busy, their parents "enable" them to grow up as idiots who can't appreciate

the world and its beauty because their world is lived entirely on an electronic screen. — George in South Carolina — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.o. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069

Another thing that A dult

Swim has going for it, Adgate said, is that its young viewers tend to watch a lot of the

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. t



DAY, FEB. 6, 2014:Thisyearyou could be witness to or involved in more misunderstandings than in the past. Confirm appointments. Repeat what you thinkyou heard. Above all else, avoid snap judgments relating to interpersonal problems until the whole story is revealed. You will develop patience and self-discipline as a result. If you Stars showthe kind are single, esof day you'll have tablishing a calm ** * * * D ynamic relationship could p t' be difficult, though the likelihood of meeting someone * Difficult

special increases

after July. If you are attached, the two of you will learn to understand each other better. You also will develop more patience. TAURUS is a stick in the mud.

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

out by a situation, perhaps involving your work or health. Work through your tension; otherwise, you could add to your problems. Tonight: Take apersonal night.

CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * You could find a problem to be somewhat unresolvable at the moment. Everyonecanhavean "off"day,andthat includes you. Don't push yourself so hard, and make it OK to play it low-key. Friends will seek you out. Tonight: Grab some munchies with a pal.

LEO (July23-Aug.22)

SCORPIO (Dct. 23-Nov.21) * ** Understand thatyou haveatendency to be negative. Obviously, this attitude colors whateveryou do. Use care with a child or partner, as this person seems to be more reactive than usual. You might need to mellow out, given the circumstances. Tonight: Be more optimistic.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dsc. 21) ** * If you have an important matter on your plate, get it done as early as possible today. Take care of yourself, and schedule necessary doctors' appointments. Don't indulge in any extremes or overindulgences, and you will be much happier. Tonight: Squeeze in some exercise.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19)

** * * You are ableto carry outa lot ** * Don't count on others following of responsibilities. A friend could feel through, as they could be experiencing neglected at the moment. Be aware that some scheduling issues. If you want you might receive the cold shoulder. You something done, do ityourself; otherwise, will be more in touch with this person's ARIES (March21-April19) feelings if you demonstrate your value of ** * * Confusion surrounds the best-laid you will be left holding the bag. Observe what is happening around you. Tonight: him or her. Tonight: Time for play. plans. You areentering a period where you Count on being the lead actor. would be well-advised not to makeany foraauaRiuS(Jan.20-Feb.18) mal agreements, as they are likely to back- VIRGO (Aug.23-Sspt. 22) ** * You'll want to air out a problem that fire. Tension over a moneymatter needs ** * * Detach, even if you feel conhasbeenonyourm ind,asyoumight not to be worked out before late afternoon. signed to having a certain outcome. Mer- be comfortable with what has beengoing Tonight: Buy a treat for yourself. cury, the planet that rules your sign, goes on. Don't take all the blame; others are retrograde today. Honor a change in your involved, too. Youwill breezethrough your TAURUS (April 20-May20) daily routine, which might allow time for a ** * * * L i sten to a friend who always energy, and look for simple solutions. Avoid making any commitments right talk. Tonight: At home. seems to be depressed. It is possible that this person could be going through a now. Tonight: Catch up on a friend's news. PISCES (Fsb.19-March20) difficult period, and he or she just needs LIBRA (Sept. 23-Dct. 22) ** * * Express your opinion without exsomeone to express a more positive view. ** * * You could be overwhelmed by pecting agreement, and you will be OK.Be Showing compassion will encourageyou your thoughts, so make a point to carry more open in howyou deal with a problem to reach out to others. Tonight: Say "yes." out some must-do's. You will like the acpersonin your life. Others will be curious, knowledgment of a job well done. Get into and your information could be helpful. You GEMINI (May 21-Juoe 20) ** * You might sense that you are a regular exercise program in the next few might start to see this person in adifferent off-kilter and choose to ignore those feel- days, as tension could mount. Tonight: Go light. Tonight: Hang out. ings. Don't. You will be feeling stressed along with a loved one's idea. © King Features Syndicate

McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THE BOOKTHIEF(PG-f3) 6 • LAST VEGAS (PG-13) 9:15 • After 7 p.m., showsare2f andolder only. Younger than 21 mayattend screenings before 7 p.m.ifaccompanied by alegal guardian. I

Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • THE CRASHREEL(no MPAArating) 8:15 • THE GREAT BEAUTY(no MPAArating) 3 • 2014OSCARNOMINATED LIVEACTIONSHORTS (no MPAA rating) 6 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • I, FRANKENSTEIN (PG-13) 5:30, 7:30 • LONE SURVIVOR (R) 4:15,6:45 • THE NUTJ08 (PG) 5, 7 • SAVING MR.BANKS(PG-13) 4, 6:30 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • 12 YEARSASLAVE(R) 3:30 • DALLASBUYERSCLUB(R) 6:15 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-f3)6:30 • LABORDAY(PG-13) 3:45, 6:15 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 3:30, 6 • NEBRASKA (R) 4 Madras Cinema 5,110f S.W. U.S.Highway 97, 54f -475-3505 • I, FRANKENSTEIN (PG-13) 7:20 • I, FRANKENSTEIN3-D(PG-13) 5:10 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-f3)5:f5,7:30 • LONE SURVIVOR (R) 4:30, 7 • THE NUT J08 (PG) 4:40, 6:45 • THEWOLF OF WALL STREET (R)3:40,7:f0 •

Pine Theater,214 N. MainSt.,541-416-1014 • AMERICANHUSTLE(Upstairs — R) 6:30 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) 6:15 • The upstaris screeninroom g has limited accessibility.


8 p.m. on(CW), "TheVampire Diaries" — Caroline(Candice Accola) talks Elena andBonnie (Nina Dobrev, Kat Graham) into attending a dance for brokenhearted students, the Bitter Ball, in hopes of getting over the recent upsetting events. Bonnie makes the acquaintance of a fellow student (Penelope Mitchell) who looks to be dabbling in witchcraft. Matt and Nadia's (Zach Roerig, Olga Fonda) relationship has Tyler (Michael

Trevino) concerned. 9 p.m. on(CW), "Reign"After King Henry (Alan Van

Sprang) accusesher ofadultery and treason, QueenCatherine (Megan Follows) tries to save herself by exposing Bash's (Torrance Coombs) dark past. This sends Bash and Mary (Adelaide Kane) on a quest to expose an even deadlier secret about the

queen. Nostradamus(Rossif Sutherland) shocks everyone by revealing the truth about Clarissa (Katie Boland), the castle ghost. 9 p.m. on TRAV, "Mysteries at the Museum" — At the St. Petersburg Museum of History in Florida, Don looks into the story of a woman who met a strange end. Then he visits the Center for the History of Psychology in Akron, Ohio, to check out a device used in an infamous experiment. At the Lubec Historical Society in Maine, he looks over an iron pot touted as a way to extract gold from seawater.' 10 p.m.on TBS, "King ofthe Nerds" — What's a LARP? It's not a musical instrument or a fish. LARP stands for "live-action role playing" — think "World of Warcraft" or Dungeons 8 Dragons with real people — and it's the format for the Nerd War in this new episode, if one team with a difficult member doesn't fall apart during the preparations. Jon Heder, YayaHanand Kevin Sorbo are the guest judges. 11:34p.m. on 58, "The Tonight Show With JayLsno" — With the Winter Olympics starting this week, it's fitting that a torch is also being passed in the world of late-night TV talk, as Leno bids farewell to the "Tonight" host's chair he's occupied most of the past 22 years. Another funny guy whose first name starts with J — Jimmy Fallon — takes over as host on Feb. 17. © Zap2it

Visit Central Oregon's







Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 &IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • AMERICANHUSTLE(R) 12:15, 3:20, 6:45, 9:50 • AUGUST:OSAGE COUNTY (R)1:25,4:40,7:50 • FROZEN(PG) 1:10, 3:50, 6:55, 9:40 • FROZENSINGALONG(PG) 12:30 • GRAVITY IMAX3-D(PG-13)1:35, 4, 7, 9:25 • THEH088IT:THEDESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13) f f:50 a.m., 7:55 • THEH088IT:THEDESOLATION OF SMAUG 3-D(PG-13) 3:30 • THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHINGFIRE (PG-13) 3:10, 6:20, 9:40 • I, FRANKENSTEIN(PG-13) 1:45, 4:10, 6:35, 9:05 • JACKRYAN:SHADOW RECRUIT(PG-13)12:40,3:40, 7:10, 9:55 • LABORDAY(PG-13) Noon, 3,6:30, 9:15 • LONE SURVIVOR(R) f 1:45 a.m., 2:45, 6, 9 • THE NUT J08 (PG)12:10,4:45, 7:20 • THE NUTJ083-D (PG) 2:30, 9:35 • RIDEALONG(PG-f3)12:55,4:30,7:40,10:05 • THESARATOV APPROACH (PG-13)12:45,4:25,7:f5, 9:45 • SAVINGMR.BANKS(PG-13)ff:55a.m.,6:10 • THESECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY (PG)11:55a.m., 6:10 • THATAWKWARD MOMENT (R)1:05,3:55,7:30,10 • THEWOLF OF WALL STREET (R)12:25,4:15,8 • Accessibility devices are available forsome movies.


Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GD! Magazine

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Guns, Hunting & Fishing

GOLF CLUBS! Putters: Ping - Master Savage model 111 270 Roll - Olimar - Master WIN bolt action, black Roll grip! Others synthetic stock, blued Wedges: Ping - Taylor finish, detach mag, Made carbite. Simon 3-9 x40 Alderwood Quiltworks Cobra 9' D r iver, M with pro sport scope, $350. machine quilting speed, 50R shaft; Ba- 541-408-1676 frame for sale, locally zooka 9' Driver, Hot made in Prineville, launch R and Cobra SIG P938 with crimson easy to use, makes D river: P in g G - 1 5 trace, black with rose 15.5' 3-wood, i ron red grip, 3 clips. $850 quilting a dream! covers, full set. All in 541-604-4203. Comes with Handi ood-to-great shape! handles, includes. all let's deal - Come Where can you find a manual, exc. shape, to look!! Call Bill at only used to quilt 4 helping hand? 541-548-9880 or tops, like new. From contractors to leave message. $600. 541-549-1273 yard care, it's all here or 541-419-2160 in The Bulletin's Mint condition "Call A Service upgraded senior Brother Industrial shafts, head covProfessional" Directory Sewing machine & ers &new grips. table Drivers: Ping G10 13.5 T-Made Super fast 12'. Hybrids: Cobra DWS 4-5-6 irons; Cleveland HB 3, 7-8-9 and Brother L S 2 -B837 P/W; Ping G156 iron green dot; walking foot, needle Cleveland XLi S/W, fed industrial leather sewing m a chine. Wedgesr Ping G15, M achine i s t a b le gap S/W, lobb. 951-454-2561 mounted. When last used it was in excellent working con246 dition. Add i tional Guns, Hunting pictures upon re& Fishing quest. $1500 OBO. 541-213-2333 7MM reloading supplIes, cases, bullets, Dillon s hell p l a te, 241 Redding dies. Call for Bicycles 8 prices. 541-728-0445 Accessories Armalite 33 8 L a p ua NightForce 8x32x56; 200 Lapua Brass, 165 are loaded, 500 Sierra Match b ullets, 500 Federal primers, 5 lbs. RL 22 powder. 2005 Maverick ML7e $5500. 541-350-3811 M ountain Bike, 1 5 Bend local pays CASHI! frame (small). Full for all firearms & suspension, Maverick ammo. 541-526-0617 s hock, SRAM X O drivetrain & shifters, 9 CASH!! speed rear cassette, For Guns, Ammo & 34-11, Avid Juicy disc Reloading Supplies. brakes. Well t aken 541-408-6900. c are o f. $950 . 541-788-6227. IOI'T IISSTHI S

Husky-Wolf female, pure Antiques 8 white, yellow eyes, 3mos, Collectibles $200. 541-977-7019 Lab pups purebred AKC Antiques wanted: tools, registered, $500. Born furniture, marbles,early 12/12/13. 2 y e l low B/W photography, fem., 1 choc fem., 1 toys, decoys, jewelry. blk fem., 3 blk males. 541-389-1578 Contact M e g O 280 286 541.420.0296. People Look for Information Estate Sales Sales Northeast Bend N ewfoundland AK C About Products and puppy, m a le , 12 Services Every Daythrough ESTATE SALE! Beds, weeks, black, current The Bulletin Clsssinsffs dressers, lots more. ** FREE ** on shots, $1100. Call Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-2. Garage Sale Kit Jill 541-279-6344 64836 Starwood Dr. an ad in The Bend. 208-691-2966 Place Queensfand Heelers Bulletin for your ga- Standard & Mini, $150 /t Cettttgtt < Cpt!egPt rage sale and re& up. 541-280-1537 Dsrf Jg'I ceive a Garage Sale www.rightwayranch.wor Visit our HUGE Newman Estate Sale Kit FREE! People Lookfor Information dpress.com home decor 61260 SE King Soconsignment store. About Products and lomon Lane, Bend. KIT INCLUDES: Rottweiler pups, $400 for New items Services Every Daythrough 50-year accumulation of • 4 Garage Sale Signs males; $350 for fearrive daily! household items. Fur• $2.00 Off Coupon To The Bvlletin Clsssifieds males. 541-923-2437 930 SE Textron, niture, exercise equip. Use Toward Your Bend 541-318-1501 vintage pool table and Next Ad www.redeuxbend.com 243 • 10 Tips For "Garage Budweiser light, yarn, tools, hunting equip., Sale Success!" Ski Equipment tons of kitchen items. Fri-Sat, 9-4, numbers 8 Mid-Century Unique PICK UP YOUR a.m. See pix and deGARAGE SALE KIT at Standard Po o d les scriptions www.farm1777 SW Chandler AKC, ready now, tails houseestatesales. com Ave., Bend, OR 97702 docked, dew claws, shots, dewormed, vet The Bulletin exam. $ 6 00-$1800. 286 Serving Central Oregon since 190» 541-870-6495. Austrian-made Head 8 Footboard, Sales Northeast Bend Volant Silver with wood-grain look, WANTED Miniature diamond-finished double size has no poodle puppy. Call ESTATE & skis, 292 side rails. Could be 541-892-0933 or MOVING SALE! 170cm in length. repurposed into a 541-891-8791 Sales Other Areas Immaculate full home, Used only 5 times, garden bench, or a queen and full beds, Yorkie pups AKC, 2 boys, u nique item. U s e they are in great NOTICE tan leather sofa, sofa 2 girls, potty training, UTD your imagination! condition. Remember to remove and loveseat, comshots, health guar., $600 Were over $1200 Askmg $75. plete office, round oak your Garage Sale signs & up. 541-777-7743 541-419-6408 new; asking $300 dining set, d r esser, (nails, staples, etc.) or best offer. 210 after your Sale event bookcases and books, 541-389%049 Just bought a new boat? Pro Form t r eadmill, is over! THANKS! Furniture & Appliances Sell your old one in the From The Bulletin coffeeand end tables, classifieds! Ask about our lamps artwork, f u ll and your local utility 245 Super Seller rates! A1 Washers&Dryers companies. kitchen, quality ladies $150 ea. Full war541-385-5809 Golf Equipment clothing, 2 small freezranty. Free Del. Also Bulletin ers, golf clubs, garage The Serving Central Oregon sinceSggg wanted, used W/D's CHECK YOUR AD and yard items, anOak Showcase 541-280-7355 tiques include book- www.bendbulletin.com 60" long, 24" wide case/desk, mahogany 42" high. Great corner china cabinet, counter case, chair 8 rocker, Fosto- BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS plate glass top. ria stemware, sterling Search the area's most and misc collectibles, comprehensive listing of $475 on the first day it runs retro lamps, jewelry, classified advertising... 541-382-6773 to make sure it is corbooks and more! rect. nSpellcheckn and real estate to automotive, Fri. & Sat., 9-4, human errors do ocArmoire for sale, merchandise to sporting The Bulletin reserves numbers Fri., 8 a.m. Cherry/wrought iron cur. If this happens to goods. Bulletin Classifieds the right to publish all 2338 NE Buckwheat your ad, please conPerfect condition, every day in the ads from The Bulletin Ct. in Mt. View Park off appear handmade, tact us ASAP so that print or on line. newspaper onto The NE 27th 8 Rosemary corrections and any solid wood. Call 541-385-5809 Bulletin Internet webAttic Estates & Apprais- www.bendbulletin.com adjustments can be 69 nx39ex23.5". site. made to your ad. als, 541-350-6822 $650. 54f -385-5809 www.atticestatesankcaravelli ©gmail.com The Bulletin The Bulletin The Bulletin dappraisals.com Serring Central Oregonsince Sgsg SereingCentralrsregon since Sggg Classified

Rtt tttt®

A v e . , • B e n d • O r e gg n

Two Gen 3 Glock 23's, one Gen 3 Glock 27$500 each. also 1000 rds .40 practice a mmo; Glock g u n light/laser; .40 to 9mm conversion b a r rel; misc. spare parts & d efensive am m o .

Stag Arms AR-15: Model Stag15, 5.56/223, Stainless steel barrel. Leupold Firedot G 3-9X40 Scope, MagPul PRS buttstock, Hogue grip, Bipod. $2000 Call 541-410-3568


Wanted: Collector seeks high quality fishing items & upscale bamboo fly rods. Call 541-678-5753, or 503-351-2746

Find exactlywhat

you arelookingfor inthe CLASSIFIEDS

Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com

Time to declutter? Need someextra cash?

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advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12

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Ad must

include price of

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Kahr PM9 9mm compact stainless/black polymer pistol w/ two mags, box, & manual. $420. 541-977-3173 Leupold 3x9 varix2 gold ring rifle scope, gloss black, $175. 541-408-1676 Leupold Vx2 6x18x40, gold ring rifle scope, mat black, 541-408-1676 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS!

Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

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Employment Opportunities


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Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • 308 Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Farm Equipment & Illachinery Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Brush hog, good Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. 60"condition, $550; and Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

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PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines

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Garage Sale Special

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00

(call for commercial line ad rates)

*illiust state prices in ad

A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbulletin.com reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702


PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 253


TV, Stereo & Video

Misc. Items

Computers T HE B ULLETIN r e quires computer advertisers with multiple ad schedules or those selling multiple systems/ software, to disclose the name of the business or the term "dealer" in their ads. Private party advertisers are defined as those who sell one computer. 260

Misc. Items

+Adouble depth In+

l terment gra v e space with outer l l burial container built in, located in Mead-

I owpark area of De- I l schutes Memorial l $ 1 000.


Bend Indoor Swap Meet -A Mini-Mall full of Unique Treasures! 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat.

Buylng Dlamonds /Gold for Cash Saxon's Fine Jewelers 541-389-6655

BUYING Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. 541-408-2191.



Fuel & Wood



I Call 541-389 1821


Iilisc. Items

How to avoid scam WHEN YOU SEE THIS and fraud attempts

TV Ears $25. 54'I -923-0677


VBe aware of international fraud. Deal lo- M OrePiXatBendiljletin.COjn cally whenever posOn a classified ad sible. go to Y Watch for buyers www.bendbulletin.com who offer more than to view additional your asking price and photos of the item. who ask to have 261 money wired or handed back to them. • Medical Equipment Fake cashier checks and money orders Falcon 4-w h eel are common. power scooter with u'Nevergive out peraccessories, gently sonal financial inforused, in need of mation. new battery (orders/Trust your instincts ing info avail.) $400. and be wary of Call 541-389-1821 someone using an for details. escrow service or agent to pick up your merchandise. Check out the classifieds online The Bulletin www.ltendbulletin.com Serving Central Oregon since teot Updated daily NASCAR TICKETS! 3/1 Full size power & 2, 2 seats, Phoenix, AZ. Pd $280; sell both adjustable bed for $140. 541-504-3833 w/memory foam mattress, $800. Portable wheelchair, 4 leg walker, Natural gas Ruud Quadri-Poise cane, tankless water bathroom assist heater, brand new! chair, all for $200. 199 Btu, $1800. Call 541-526-5737 Also brand new 80 gal. electric water heater, $500. 263 In Sunriver area. Tools 530-938-3003 6hp air compressor, 125 Ib max, 240V, like new, Two Berninas: 1000 askinq $625. Delivery Special fre e -arm,available. 541-385-9350 $250; 2000DE Serger 264 with elasticator and m ultipurpose foo t Snow RemovalEquipment $150. 760-917-1969


All gold jewelry, silver Wanted- paying cash SnofNblovver and gold coins, bars, for Hi-fi audio & sturounds, wedding sets, dio equip. Mclntosh, Craftsman electric or pull-start, 29" wide, class rings, sterling sil- JBL, Marantz, D yver, coin collect, vin- naco, Heathkit, San- 9HP, 5 forward 2 reverse speeds. tage watches, dental sui, Carver, NAD, etc. $400 cash. gold. Bill Fl e ming, Call 541-261-1808 541-382-9419. 541-815-6319

WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8'

• Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include species & cost per cord to better serve our customers.

The Bulletin

l Call 54 /-385-5809

to r omote our service Building/Contracting


SNOyyBLOyyER! John Deere dual stage with hand warmers, Briggs & Stratton 4 cycle 16.5 hp, model 1332PE, used one season, like new.$1100. 541-306-6505 or 503-819-8100

CAUTION: 60" adjustable blade Ads published in for t ractor, S OLD. "Employment O p 541-923-9758 portunities" include employee and indeJust too many pendent positions. Ads fo r p o sitions collectibles? that require a fee or upfront investment Sell them in must be stated. With The Bulletin Classifieds any independentjob opportunity, please i nvestigate tho r 541-385-5809 oughly. Use extra aution when a p N ew H o lland 2 5 5 0 c for jobs onswather, 14' header plying line and never prowith conditioner, cab heat/A/C, 1300 orig. vide personal information to any source hrs. $29,000 obo. 1486 International, cab you may not have and heat/A/C, 5 4 0/1 000 researched Pto, 3 sets remotes, deemed to be repunice tractor. $18,000. table. Use extreme 54'I -419-3253 c aution when r e s ponding to A N Y 325 online employment ad from out-of-state. Hay, Grain & Feed We suggest you call First quality Orchard/Tim- the State of Oregon Consumer Hotline othy/Blue Grass mixed hay, no rain, barn stored, at 1-503-378-4320 $250/ton. Patterson Ranch For Equal Opportunity Laws c ontact Sisters, 541-549-3831 Oregon Bureau of Labor & I n dustry, Looking for your Civil Rights Division, next employee? 971-673- 0764. Place a Bulletin

The Bulletin

help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 541-385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com



Find them in

Servine Central Creeensinceteta


Add your web address to your ad and readers onThe Bulletin's web site, www.bendbulletin.com, will be able to click through automatically to your website.

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

Farmers Column 10X20 Storage Buildings for protecting hay, firewood, livestock etc. $1496 Installed. (other sizes available) 541-617-1133. CCB ¹173684 kfjbuilders©ykwc.net

The Bulletin Classifieds!

Nlght Supervlsor

The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Oregon is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc. which is a small, family-owned group consisting of 7 newspapers: 5 in Oregon and 2 in Allyear Dependable California. Our ideal candidate will manage a Firewood: Seasoned; small crew of 3 and must have prior press exLodgepole 1 for $195 perience. The candidate must be able to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A hands-on or 2 for $365. Cedar, split, del. Bend: 1 for style is a requirement for our 3t/a tower KBA $175 or 2 for $325. press. Prior management/leadership experi541-420-3484. ence preferred. I n ad d ition t o our 7-day-a-week newspaper, we have numerous Dry & seasoned Tama- commercial print clients as well. Besides a rack, red fir mix. Clean, competitive wage, we also provide potential l ong-burning wo o d . opportunity for advancement. $250 cord, split and delivered. 541-279-6128 If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude, are able to manage people and schedulesand are a team player,we Pine & Juniper Split would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great PROMPT DELIVERY place to live and raise a family, let us hear 54iD89-9663 from you.

Well over a cord - split seasoned lodgepole, d elivered. $195 . 541-480-5335 269

Gardening Supplies & Equipment


For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 To place an ad, call 541-385-5809 or email

NOTICE: Oregon state ERIC REEVE HANDY law requires anyone SERVICES. Home & classified@bendbulletin.ccm who con t racts for Commercial Repairs, construction work to Carpentry-Painting, The Bulletin be licensed with the Pressure-washing, Serwng Cerreei Oregon sinceSte Construction ContracHoney Do's. On -time 265 tors Board (CCB). An promise. Senior 270 active license Discount. Work guar- ~ Building Materials means the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 Lost & Found Bend Habitat is bonded & insured. or 541-771-4463 RESTORE Verify the contractor's Bonded & Insured car key with reBuilding Supply Resale Found CCB l i c ense at CCB¹181595 mote Feb 3rd on NW Quality at LOW www.hirealicensedBroadway in Bend. Call PRICES contractor.com to identify, 541-389-1243 740 NE 1st or call 503-378-4621. Landscaping/Yard Care 541-312-6709 The Bulletin recomOpen to the public. mends checking with NOTICE: Oregon Landthe CCB prior to con- scape Contractors Law Sisters Habitat ReStore tracting with anyone. (ORS 671) requires all Building Supply Resale REMEMBER:If you have lost an animal, Some other t rades businesses that adQuality items. don't forget to check also req u ire addi- vertise t o p e r form LOW PRICES! The Humane Society tional licenses and Landscape Construc150 N. Fir. Bend certifications. tion which includes: 541-549-1621 541-382-3537 l anting, deck s , Open to the public. Redmond Debris Removal ences, arbors, 541-923-0882 water-features, and in266 Pine ille JUNK BE GONE stallation, repair of irHeating & Stoves 541-447-rtre; rigation systems to be I Haul Away FREE er Creit Cats licensed w i t h the For Salvage. Also NOTICE TO 541-389-8420. Landscape ContracCleanups & Cleanouts ADVERTISER tors Board. This 4-digit Since September 29, Mel, 541-389-8107 275 number is to be inJust bought a new boat? cluded in all adver- 1991, advertising for Auction Sales Sell your old one in the used woodstoves has which indiclassifieds! Ask about our tisements cate the business has been limited to modSuper Seller rates! a bond, insurance and els which have been NEXT LEVEL ON541-385-5809 workers compensa- certified by the OrLINE AUCTIONSfor tion for their employ- egon Department of Central Oregon and Domestic Services Environmental Qualees. For your protecbeyond. Online bidity (DEQ) and the fedtion call 503-378-5909 ding for a wide asA ssisting Seniors a t eral E n v ironmental or use our website: of merHome. Light house www.lcb.state.or.us to Protection A g e ncy sorlment chandise. Looking keeping & other ser check license status (EPA) as having met for new bidders and vices. Licensed before contracting with smoke emission stan- new consignments Bonded. BBB Certi the business. Persons dards. A cer t ified of all kinds; from a fied. 503-756-3544 doing lan d scape w oodstove may b e couple items to maintenance do not identified by its certifi- household or busiHandyman r equire an LC B l i - cation label, which is ness liquidations. cense. permanently attached We can sell just I DO THAT! to the stove. The Bul- about anything. Home/Rental repairs People Look for Information letin will not know- Take a look at nexSmall jobs to remodels ingly accept advertis- tlevelonlineauctions. About Products and Honest, guaranteed ing for the sale of com or call Services Every Daythrough uncertified work. CCB¹151573 541-548-8525 Dennis 541-317-9768 The Bvlletin Claarrifieds woodstoves.

Bend Golf & Country Club Golf is hiring for Course MaintenanceSeasonal full and part-time positions,

March-October. Golfing priveleges included. Applyin person at: 61045 Country Club Drive in Bend, or call 541-382-1083 for more information.

TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin Media co. seeks Publisher for B2B sales in high end Bend magazine. Residual comm., training provided, autonomy.

Office A s s istant needed for growing co. in La Pine, OR. Experience in General Office duties including c u s tomer service. Must be proficent in Quickbooks, Excel and Internet A pplications. A c counting and shipping experience a plus. Must have a positive attitude, organizational s k i lls and be a team player in a small office atmosphere. Please send resume to:bmyers0057C! aol. com or SMI PO Box 1410, La Pine, OR 97739

Contact Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager at anelson©wescom a ers.com with yourcomplete resume, r eferences an d s a l ary history/requirements. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE.

EPIC AIRCRAFT CAREER DAY BRING YOUR RESUME Saturday, February 8th, 10 am - 1 pm 22550 Nelson Rd., Bend, Oregon Immediate openings available for aviationexperienced professionals in manufacturing, engineering, purchasing, QA & admin. Current job postings include:


Aviation Mechanic (A&P) Avionics

Employment Opportunities

Sales Telephone B2B prospecting position for important professional s e rv ices. Ba s e + commission. Health and Dental Insurance after 180 days. Other benefits. B end west side loca t ion. Sales experience a plus, but will train the right person. F ax resume t o 541-848-6395.

r.=.-"-,.— .v

products or l I chasing services from out of I I the area. SendingI c ash, checks, o r I credit i n f ormationI for Com pleteListingsof • may be subjected to aflood© I FRAUD. I bestversionmedia.com AreaRealEstate for Sale For more informa(no hyphens) I tion about an adver- I I tiser, you may call I Sales the Oregon State I Attorney General'sI a Office C o n s umer a Independent Contractor Sales

Lookat: IIerldhgmeS .OOm

We are seeking dynamic individuals.


Our winning team of sales & promotion professionals are making an average of $400 - $800 per week doing special events, trade shows, retail & grocery store promotions while representing THE BULLETIN newspaper as an independent contractor yyE OFFER:

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l Protection hotline atl

I 1-877-877-9392.



Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed,hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541 -385-5809

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and FOR THE CHANCE OF A reach over 60,000 LIFETIME, readers each week. Your classified ad Call Adam Johnson will also appear on 541-410-5521, TODAY! bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 Registered Nurses million page views every month at no extra cost. Community Counseling Solutions is Bulletin Classifieds recruiting for Registered Nurses to work Get Results! at Juniper Ridge Acute Care Center Call 385-5809 locatedinJohn Day, OR. or place your ad on-line at Juniper Ridge is a S e cure Residential bendbulletin.com Treatment Facility providing services to

individuals with a severe mental illness.

These positions provide mental health

care including medication oversight, 541-385-5809 nursing medication r e lated t r e atment, f o llow

Pressroom 1 cord dry, split Juniper, $190/cord. Multi-cord discounts, & t/a cords available. Immediate delivery! 541-408-6193


a.i e


Employment Opportunities

SerelneCennel Oregon sinceSta


• •


Employment Opportunities


physician's prescriptions and procedures, measure and record patient's general p hysical c ondition s uc h as pul s e , temperature and respiration to provide daily information, educate and train staff on medication administration, and e n sure documentation is kept according to policies.


Loans & Mortgages

This position works with the treatment team to promote recovery from mental illness. This position includes telephone consultation and crisis intervention in the facility.

Qualified applicants must have a v alid Oregon Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of hire, hold a valid Oregon driver's license and pass a criminal history background check. Wages dependent upon education and experience, but will be between $48,000 to $72,000. Excellent benefit package, including signing bonus. Please visit th e O r egon Employment Department or the Community Counseling Solutions website for an application or contact Nina Bisson at 5 4 1-676-9161, nina.bisson©gobhi.net, or P.O. Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836.

WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.

Get your business

General The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Satur- e ROW I N G day night shift and other shifts as needed. We currently have openings all nights of the with an ad in week, everyone must work Saturday night. The Bulletin's Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. "Call A Service and endbetween 2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. All positions we are hiring for work Saturday Professional" nights. Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we Directory pay a minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of loading inserting machines or stitcher, BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party stacking product onto pallets, bundling, will loan on real escleanup and other tasks. For qualifying employees we offer benefits including life insur- tate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity ance, short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), is all you need. Call paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is reOregon Land Mortquired prior to employment. Please submit regage 541-388-4200. sumes to keldred@bendbulletin.com or complete an application at the front desk. No LOCAL MONEyrWe buy phone call s please.EOE. secured trust deeds & note, some hard money The Bulletin loans. Call Pat Kelley Serving Centrel Orerrnn since 190S 541-382-3099 ext.13.

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Composites Document Control

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C L U B T hursday,February6,2014

Play or defend?

ACROSS a Some support beams s100%

By FRANK STEWART artner doubles, and the next player ids one heart. What do you say? ANSWER: M an y a c tions are possible, but you must tell partner that the deal belongs to your side. A bid of 1NT or three clubs would be reasonable. Perhaps the best strengthshowing action is a double. If that call ends the auction (unlikely), you'll beat one heart doubled. South dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 4554



0 107 6 2

East can beat the contract. When he takesthe ace of clubs, he leads a third spade. If dummy ruffs, South loses two more tricks one way or another. If dummy discards, East leads a third club effectively. Still, you should have chosen to declare. South must draw one trump (or none) before starting the clubs. Then if East wins the second club and forces dummy to ruff a spade, South can discarda diamond on a good club next. West ruffs, but South can win the diamond return, draw trumps ending in dummy and discard his last rharnon(I.

4K Q108 WEST

EAST 4K98 'vr 86 OK85 4A6532

4Q J1032 Ivr 742

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Pass Pass

Youhold: 4 5 4 9 A J 3 Opening lead — 4 Q 0 1076 2 4 K Q 10 8 . Thedealer, at your left, opens one diamond. Your (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.prg. BIZARRO

















aa You (2011 Lady Gaga song) aa Robert Frost poem that includes "Good fences make good neighbors" aaThree-toed runners a7Designed (for) SBYoga pose that strengthens the abs eoPope who declared "I am a sinner. This is the most accurate definition" ea With skill and grace eaHog eeIgnoring esMaid on "The Jetsons"

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Tribune Content Agency

Place your bet today: After West leads the queen of spades, would you rather try to make four hearts or try to beat it? South won the second spade, took the A-K of trumps and led the jack of clubs. East won the second club and led a t hird, and South threw a d iamond. West r u f fed f o r t h e defenders' book, but South won the rest, ruffing his last spade in dummy and pitching his jack of diamonds on the last high club. Play or defend?

29 Performs, in 4s Sea eggs the Bible so Sci-fi novelist aoShimmery silks Scott Card

NO. 0102



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1)rtng! I know it'g the pear Df tbe Hoi"ge, but I keep writing "~ r o f the Cnake"

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Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.

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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce NicholsLewis







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HAHDL& 1'rIS DOTI&5 ioIOOLp gp ISgripi/) OF A Ai)08 FOIZ, A $F. (Y I FPICIIIP7?

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ACROSS 1 Easter season: Abbr. 7 Interest fig. 10 LOng, On MOlokai 11 Experience with

enthusiasm 13 Pi follower 14 "Out" crier E-mail:bholbrook1@gmail.oom





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Unscramble these four Jumblso, One letter io eaCh Square, 10 fOrm fOur OrdinaryWOrdS.

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"That new guy was supposed to be helping me roll this."

UF S , 2014

Print your a nswer here: ~


(A08Wers tOmarrOW) yooro<oioxo ~ J010r568' ADAGE FLUID P E ANUT O B J ECT Answer: After the horse's girlfriend broke up with him, he had8 — LONG FACE

61 Slogan sites 62 See 60-Across

27 Like moSt

47 Big name in

bawdy films 28 Lays down the law

48 Rustle

DOWN 1 Bitof

33 Fig. On 26-

4 62-Across coat

15 Chic "Bye" © 2014 by King Features Syn icate, Inc. World rights reserved

* 4

16 Charged particle 17 Detox place

IRAS 4 9 "Take


Down 36 Gave in

50 Aflame 51 Angst-fllled genre 52 Killer Birds, e.g.

2 Fruit of ancient

38 Groom with

53 Calendar abbr.

Persia 3 Vatican Palace painter 4 Pet rocks, e.g. 5 News agcy.

care 43 Unmoving

54 Recipe instruction 55 Soft murmur


since 1958

6 Regret bitterly 19 Bridal 7 Preceding emanationS 8 Numbskull 21 ReminiSCent Of 9 Bunches venison 11 Daedalus' 22 Dweeb creation 23 Red state? 12 Combativeness 26 Easy gaits 18 Cremona 29 Given a hand artisan 30 Annabella of 20 Red Square "The Sopranos" honoree 31 Chased (after) 23 Lacking 32 Whirling purpose 34 Farm feed 24 Juice extractor 35 Computer that 25 Grab, as a line once came in drlvG "flavors" 26 D.C. network 37 Biscuit, maybe I 2 3 38 Strokes a 62Across 10 39 Greek cheese 14 40 First name in one-liners 17 18 41 Actress Charlotte et al. 21 42 Fountain near the Spanish Steps 29 44 Buddy 45 'acte sf 48 Flute part 35 50 Big enchilada 57 Babysitter's handful 58 New evidence may lead to one 59 Fawn spawner 60 With 62-Across, 50 5 1 52 a hint to the 57 starts of this puzzle's four 60 lOngeSt Down answers

44 Hull stabilizers 46 " bien!"

56 Barrel at a bash





E O N D A Y N G A O R E D L D E G S H A 7



By Jill Denny and Jeff Chen (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



S M A E A T N K E E E G H T A A H S L Y E E E B S N E WS V I A M E N D A R D I I L L S S Y E T 02/06/14



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Houses for Rent SE Bend






Homes for Sale

Redmond Homes

Motorcycles & Accessories



$339,000 I His t oric Stunning Ranch on AwLooking for your next N ewer 4 b d r m S E , R anch On 9 AC , brey Butte - 4 Bdrm, 3 emp/oyee? bath home w /open master main l evel, Bend. 3-4 bdrm, 2 a Bulletin help 2100 SF, large yard, bath, 1 9 5 9 sq . f t., great room design. Place ad today and verv nice. $ f 795. 36X28 3 ba y s hop Close to river, trails, wanted reach over 60,000 building. 24X2 5 downtown, NW 541-480-9200 equipment c a rport. C rossing & mo r e ! readers each week. Your classified ad 850 Good classified adstell Completely f e nced Formal dining area, 632 will also appear on the essential facts in an with corals. Borders beautiful stone fireSnowmobiles Apt./lillultiplex General bendbulletin.com BLM, MLS¹ interesting Manner. Write place o p ens to which currently re201306096 breakfast a re a 8 from the readers view -not 1994 Arctic Cat 580 CHECK YOUR AD over Dave Disney, Broker gourmet kit c hen, 1.5ceives the seller's. Convert the EXT, in good million page 541-388-0404 cherry cabinets, grancondition, $1000. facts into benefits. Show views every month Windermere Central i te, h a rdwood 8 Located in La Pine. the reader howthe item will at no extra cost. 6-burner Oregon Real Estate gas Call 541-408-6149. help them insomeway. Bulletin Classifieds stovetop. Very private This $579,900 I Powell Butte with mountain views. Get Results! Want to impress the Home On Acreage. MLS ¹ advertising tip on the first day it runs 20 1 309435 Call 385-5809 or 3275 sq.ft. home. Prirelatives? Remodel brought toyouby place your ad on-line to make sure it is cor$750,000. n n v ate 30 A c res. 4 at your home with the rect. Spellcheck and Call Debbie The Bulletin bdrm, 3 bath, 2 masbendbulletin.com human errors do ocServing CentralOregonsince tntte help of a professional McCune, Principal ter suites. Incredible cur. If this happens to Broker from The Bulletin's outdoor living. 40X60 your ad, please con656 ReMax Key "Call A Service shop. 541-480-7183 tact us ASAP so that Properties. Houses for Rent Tick, Tock Barbara Myers, Professional" Directory corrections and any 541-647-0052 Cell SW Bend Broker 541-923-4663 adjustments can be 541-728-0033 Tick, Tock... Windermere Central 860 made to your ad. Office Oregon Real Estate SW Bend, walk to DRT ...don't let time get 541-385-5809 llllotorcycles & Accessories and Old Mill. Master The Bulletin Classified Downtown Investment 748 away. Hire a on main, pool, hot tub, P roperty - 5 un i t s tennis. Yard m aint. across from the river Northeast Bend Homes professional out BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS incl. No pets. $2,000. on 1st St. & 1509 NW of The Bulletin's Search the area's most 3 bdrm 2 bath, 1258 sf, 2nd St. Original vin- upgrades, comprehensive listing of bendriverwild.com "Call A Service vaulted, culdetage 1917 home re- sac. 2574 NE Cordata Pl. classified advertising... Need help fixing stuff? Professional" modeled in 2007. 3 $189,900. 541-815-3279 real estate to automotive, Call Service Professional Bdrm, 3 bath, gour2013 Harley merchandise to sporting findAthe Directory today! or 541-815-3241 help you need. met kitchen, hardDavidson Dyna goods. Bulletin Classifieds www.bendbulletin.com w ood, g r anite 8 Wide Glide, black, appear every day in the 771 n 4-level elevator. Main Say ngoodbuy only 200 miles, print or on line. Lots living with v acation brand new, all stock, Call 541-385-5809 to that unused rentals which will proplus after-market HMl IMnLII www.bendbulletin.com 5 1881 Fordham D r . duce most income. item by placing it in exhaust. Has winter $ 25,000. Ready t o ~o ©cgs Attached va c a tion cover, helmet. The Bulletin S«vinitCentral Oregon since19ta rental is 1 Bdrm, 1 The Bulletin Classifieds build. High Lakes ReSelling for what I alty & Property Manbath, great room & owe on it: $15,500. 648 agement huge deck, separate Call anytime, 5 41-385-580 9 541-536-0117 Houses for entrance, heating, etc. 541-554-0384 MLS ¹ 2 0 1 309397. Rent General SHEVLIN RIDGE Peace & Quiet in NE $1,500,000. Bend - $259,900. 2.26 17,000 Sq.ft. Iot, apCall Ainslie Harley Davidson 2009 732 PUBLISHER'S acres, detached ga- proved plans. More Super Glide Custom, Reynolds, Principal NOTICE details and photos on Commercial/Investment rage/shop area, overStage 1 Screaming Broker All real estate advercraigslist. $149,900. sized l a undry/utility Eagle performance, Properties for Sale ReMax Key 541-389-8614 tising in this newsparoom, freshly painted too many options to Properties. per is subject to the In beautiful Central Orthroughout. New aplist, $8900. 541-410-1054 Cell 775 F air H o using A c t egon, city of LaPine, 541-388-8939 pliances, large bonus 541-728-0033 which makes it illegal this 9 unit motel is a room. Nlanufactured/ Office to a d vertise "any great investment with MLS¹201310659 Mobile Homes preference, limitation chance to grow 8 exCall Jim Hinton, Take care of or disc r imination pand. Beautiful mtn & 541-420-6229 FACTORY SPECIAL based on race, color, meadow views. 2 of your investments Central Oregon Realty New Home, 3 bdrm, religion, sex, handi- the units are bachelor Group, LLC $46,500 finished with the help from cap, familial status, u nits rented o n a on your site. marital status or na- weekly o r m o nthly The Bulletin's 750 J andM Homes tional origin, or an in- rate. Owner is in pro541-548-5511 Harley Davidson "Call A Service Redmond Homes tention to make any cess of putting in new 2011 Classic Limsuch pre f erence, with lots of ited, Loaded! 9500 & l i n oleum.Professional" Directory $ 159,000 I M ov e i n Landscaped limitation or discrimi- carpet trees is where you will miles, custom paint on the busiest Ready. New p aint, find this 4 bedroom "Broken nation." Familial sta- Right Glass" by NOTICE in Oregon. Lots flooring, cou n ters, tus includes children hwy Nicholas Del Drago, parking & next to all All real estate adver- lights, sinks, ductless manufactured home. under the age of 18 of H as a l a k e v i e w new condition, A must tised here in is sub- hot/cold unit. Fenced where you can just sit living with parents or conveniences. heated handgrips, for the serious in- ject to th e F ederal and landscaped. 3 legal cus t odians, see back and watch the auto cruise control. $ 1 ,250,000. Fair Housing A ct, bdrm, 2 bath, 1279 pregnant women, and vestor. $32k in bike, MLS 2712469. Cas- which makes it illegal sq. ft., 2-car garage wildlife. Home h as people securing cusnewer vinyl windows only $20,000or best Realty, Dennis to advertise any pref- and storage building. tody of children under cade in-ground w a t ering offer. 541-318-6049 Princ. Bro- erence, limitation or Janelle Christensen, 16. This newspaper Haniford, system, 10x12 stordiscrimination based Broker 541-815-9446 will not knowingly ac- ker 541-536-1731 age building & Sx40 ft on race, color, reli- Windermere Central cept any advertising cargo container. HDFat Bo 1996 740 gion, sex, handicap, Oregon Real Estate for real estate which is MLS $79,500. familial status or naCondo/Townhomes in violation of the law. 201305511 Cascade tional origin, or intenfor Sale O ur r e aders a r e Realty, Dennis Hanition to make any such Oarage Sales hereby informed that ford, Princ. Broker preferences, l imitaall dwellings adver- $324,900 Beautiful tions or discrimination. Garage Sales 541-536-1731 tised in this newspa- turnkey townhome in We will not knowingly LOT MODEL per are available on Forest Ridge. 2 mas accept any advertis- Garage Sales Completely an equal opportunity ters, 1 on main level, ing for real estate LIQUIDATION Rebuilt/Customized basis. To complain of both with king beds 8 which is in violation of Find them Prices Slashed Huge 2012/2013 Award d iscrimination ca l l master bath with gar this law. All persons Savings! 10 Year in Winner HUD t o l l-free at den tub & shower, 3rd are hereby informed conditional warranty. Showroom Condition 1-800-877-0246. The bedroom with bunks & that all dwellings adThe Bulletin Finished on your site. Many Extras toll f ree t e lephone trundle. ONLY 2 LEFT! vertised are available Classifieds Low Miles. number for the hear- MLS¹201308059 Redmond, Oregon on an equal opportu$17,000 ing im p aired is Eagle Crest Properties, nity basis. The Bulle- 541-385-5809 541-548-5511 541-548-4807 1-800-927-9275. 541-408-4204 JandMHomes.com tin Classified


Triumph Daytona 2004, 15K m i l es, perfect bike, needs nothing. Vin ¹201536.

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COACHMAN Freelander 2008 32' ClassC, M-3150 Pristine - just 23,390 miles! Efficient coach has Ford V10 w/Banks pwr pkg, 14' slide, ducted furn/ AC, flat screen TV, 16' awning. No pets/ smkg. 1 ownerA bargain at $49,900! 541-548-4969


CONSIGNMENTS Fleetwood D i scovery WANTED 40' 2003, diesel moV ictory TC 9 2 ci We Do The Work ... torhome w/all You Keep The Cash! 2002, runs great, options-3 slide outs, On-site credit 40K mi., Stage 1 satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, approval team, Performance Kit, etc. 3 2,000 m i les. web site presence. n ew tires, r e a r Wintered in h eated We Take Trade-Ins! brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. shop. $84,900 O.B.O. Free Advertising. 541-771-0665 541-447-8664 BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 865


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the above publications. Private party ads only.

Redmond: 541-548-5254

Have an item to Gulfstream S u nsell quick? sport 30' Class A If it's under 1988 new f r idge, solar panel, new '500you can place it in Honda TRX 350 FE TV, refrigerator, wheelThe Bulletin 2006, 4 wheel drive, chair l i ft . 4 0 0 0W electric start, electric g enerator, Classifieds for: G o o d s hift, n e w tir e s , condition! $12,500 $2500, 541-980-8006. obo 541-447-5504 '10 -3 lines, 7 days 870 '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Boats & Accessories (Private Party ads only) 17' Fishrite G u i de Model drift boat, 54" beam, great shape! $3800. 541-610-3183 KOUNTRY AIRE 1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, TIFFINPHAETON QSH r and one slide-out, 2007 with 4 slides, CAT Only 47k miles 350hp diesel engine, and good condition. $125,900. 30,900 miles, 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, $25,000. new Michelin tires, great inboard motor, g reat 541-548-0318 cond! Dishwasher, w/d, cond, well maintained, (photo above is of a central vac, roof satellite, $8995obo. 541-350-7755 similar model& not the aluminum wheels, 2 full ds pubbshed m the actual vehicle) slide-thru basement trays "Boats" classification & 3 TV's. Falcon-2 towinclude: Speed, fishbar and Even-Brake ining, drift, canoe, cluded. house and sail boats. Call 541-977-4150 For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class875. Tioga 24' ClassC 541-385-5609 Motorhome N ayion R V 20 0 8 , Bought new in 2000, Sprinter chassis 25'. currently under 20K Mercedes Benz diesel, ervin CentralOre on since f903 miles, excellent 24,000 miles, pristine 875 shape, new tires, cond., quality throughprofessionaly winterWatercraft out, rear slide-out w/ ized every year, cutqueen bed, d e luxe ds published in nWa captain swivel f r ont off switch to battery, plus new RV battertercraft" include: Kay seats, diesel generator, aks, rafts and motor awning, no pets/ smok- ies. Oven, hot water heater & air condiIzed personal ing. $77,500 or make tioning have never watercrafts. Fo an offer. 541-382-2430 been used! "boats" please se $24,000 obo. Serious The Bulletin Class 870. inquiries, please. To Subscribe call 41-385-5809 Stored in Terrebonne. 541-385-5800 or go to 541-548-5174 www.bendbulletin.com Serv ng Central Oregon nnce 1903

• 'Little Red <OTVette"

convection micro, er ceramic tile washer/dryer, floor, TV, DVD, sate ie dsh IS, air leueling, passand a through storagetray,


BUT IT! SELL IT! The Bulletin Classifieds



Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-480-2019













Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Antique & Classic Autos


Sport Utility Vehicles




Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Winnebago Aspect Your classified ad 2009- 32', 3 slidewill also appear on outs, Leather intebendbulletin.com rior, Power s e at, which currently relocks, win d ows, ceives over 1.5 milAluminum wheels. lion page views ev17" Flat Screen, ery month at no Surround s o u nd, extra cost. Bulletin camera, Queen bed, Classifieds Get ReFoam mattress, Awsults! Call 365-5809 ning, Generator, Inor place your ad verter, Auto Jacks, on-line at Air leveling, Moon bendbulletin.com roof, no smoking or p ets. L ik e n ew, 882


$74,900 541-480-6900

Fifth Wheels •


Winnebago Suncruiser34' 2004, 35K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $49,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243 881

Travel Trailers


Arctic Fox 2003 Cold Weather Model 34 5B, licensed thru 2/15, exlnt cond. 3 elec slides, solar panel, 10 gal water htr, 14' awning, (2) 10-gal propane tanks, 2 batts, catalytic htr in addition to central heating/AC, gently used, MANV features! Must see to appreciate! $19,000. By owner (no dealer calls, please). Call or text 541-325-1956. CHECK YOURAD

Fleetwood Wilderness N.W. Edition 26' 2002, 1 slide, sleeps 6 , queen bed, couch, stove/oven, tub/ shower, front elec. jack, waste tank heaters, s tabilizers, 2 prop. t a n ks , no smoking/pets, winteri zed, g oo d c o n d. $6500 OBO on the first day it runs 541-447-3425 to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and What are you human errors do oclooking for? cur. If this happens to your ad, please conYou'll find it in tact us ASAP so that corrections and any The Bulletin Classifieds adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 TheBulletin Classified

Keystone Laredo 31 '

RV 20 06 with 1 2'

slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub & shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Li f t . $29,000 new; Asking$1 8,600 541-4g47-4805

The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory is all about meeting yourneeds.

Call on one of the professionals today!

Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo. Call Dick, 541-480-1687.

Layton 27-ft, 2002 Front 8 rear entry doors, bath, shower, queen bed, slide-out, oven, microwave, air conditioning, patio awning, twin propane tanks, very nice, great floor plan, $8495 541416-1388 Need to get an ad in ASAP?

Fax it te 541-322-7253 The Bulletin Classifieds

Orbit21' 2007, used only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $1 4,51 1 OBO . 541-382-9441 Pegasus 2008 24' w ith slide. A/ C , queen bed, sleeps 4, 2 door fridge, microwave, awning, 8 more! Non-smoker, exc cond, $11,295 541-390-1755 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:


Sprinter, 35' 2008 Rear living, large refrigerator, walk-in shower, queen bed, lots of storage inside & out, newtires, electric jack, excellent condition, only used 3 times. Call toseei 541-318-6919

Tango 29.6' 2007, Rear living, walkaround queen bed, central air, awning, 1 large slide, $12,000. 541-280-2547 or 541-815-4121


Wilderness2000 model, 26', 1 slide, good condition, with awning and A/C, $7500. 541-363-8270

Keystone Challenger 2004 CH34TLB04 34'

Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Top living room, 2 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, entertainment center, fireplace, W/D, garden tub/shower, in great condition.$36,000 or best offer. Call Peter,

1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963


in La Pine )


Toyota 1966 2WD with canopy, current tags, clean title, runs good. $600. 541-350-3101 935

Sport Utility Vehicles

Lincoln Aviator, 2004 Light tan/gray metallic, all wheel drive, V8 engine, heated leather seats, 3rd row seat, 131K AM General Hummer miles, very well H1 1996; $ 48,500; maintained. pics at ebay or email $7777. bmartin029©aol.com 541-389-9829

Jaguar XJ8 2004 4-dr (longer style) sedan, silver, black leather, 4.2L V8, AT, AC, fully loaded + moonroof. Runs great, reliable, always garaged, 116K miles; 30 mpg hwy. Front/side airbags, non-smoker. $7900. Chrysler PT Cruiser 541-350-9938 2004, silver, 71,330 Lincoln MKS 2009 mi., ¹234491. $4,995 AWD, Nav. , loaded. 39k miles. ¹613869.

Cadillac Deville DHS 2000. Most options, exc. cond. 93,000 mi.. New tires. $6,500. 541-233-8944.

Volkswagen Touareg 2004

Meticulously maintained. Very clean inside and out. V6. Recently serviced60 point inspection sheet. $6,800.00 Call 541-480-0097

$23,995 541-598-3750 541-598-3750


Buick Skylark 1972 source.com www.aaaoregonautoPlease see Bend source.com RV Craigslist for details and 940 CONSIGNMENTS more photos. WANTED $19,900. Vans We Do the Work, 541-323-1898 You Keep the Cash! Chev K5 Blazer 1971 reExR E A T On-site credit movable top, rebuilt 350, BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K I R K K X approval team, miles, premium packCorvette 1979 lots of new parts & paint, Windstar van, 1996 web site presence. age, heated lumbar Ford Mazda Illliata 1997 L82- 4 speed. 1 owner, only 68,100 We Take Trade-Ins! $8500. 541-771-9922 supported seats, pan- miles, new tires, always M-edition 85,000 miles Free Advertising. oramic moo n roof, serviced, no smoking/ Mica Green, 5-spd, Garaged since new. BIG COUNTRY RV original interior & Bluetooth, ski bag, Xe- pets. Like new, $3950. I've owned it 25 Bend: 541-330-2495 exterior. All power non headlights, tan & 541-330-4344 or years. Never damRedmond: black leather interior, options, leather, 541-420-6045 aged or abused. PriceReduced! 541-546-5254 n ew front & re a r convertible boot, $12,900. brakes © 76K miles, Tonneau Cover Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 Dave, 541-350-4077 114K miles, synengine, power every- one owner, all records, Honda Odyssey thetic oils, new timthing, new paint, 54K very clean, $16,900. 1999.Very good o orig. miles, runs great, 541-388-4360 ing belt e 61K, cond. Runs well, & more! $5995. exc. cond.in/out.$7500 Chev S10 Blazer, 1988 Two sets of tires on 0 0 541-548-5648 obo. 541-480-3179 rims - summer and 2-dr 4x4, new tires, good !•~ rig, $1400. 541-771-9922 winter. $2500. I —, jf~>g 541-593-2312 R or 541-977-7588 Call a Pro CORVETTE COUPE Whether you need a Glasstop 2010 Grand Sport - 4 LT 975 fence fixed, hedges 908 loaded, clear bra GMC Sierra 1977 short Automobiles Aircraft, Parts hood & fenders. Olds 98 REgency 1990 bed, exlnt o r iginal trimmed or a house New Michelin Super exc. shape, runs as built, you'll find & Service cond., runs & drives Sports, G.S. floor new, one owner, 20 great. V8, new paint professional help in mpg in town. New mats, 17,000 miles, and tires. $4750 obo. The Bulletin's "Call a Crystal red. battery, stud snow 541-504-1050 tires. $2000. Service Professional" $42,000. fl 503-358-1164. 541-389-9377 Directory 541-385-5809 Corvette Coupe Ford Taurus 2003, good USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 1996, 350 auto, 1/3 interest in Columbia cond, $2000 obo, cash. Door-to-door selling with 135k, non-ethanol 400, $150,000 (located 541-678-1701 fuel/synthetic oil, 4! Bend.) Also: Sunrifast results! It's the easiest Jeep CJS 1979, ver hangar available for garaged/covered. way in the world to sell. sale at $155K, or lease, Original owner, 87k Bose Premium Gold miles, only 3k on new system. Orig. owner @ $400/mo. The Bulletin Classified 258 long block. Clutch Chevy Tahoe 2001, 5.3L 541-948-2963 manual. Stock! package, Warn hubs. V8, leather, air, heated 541-385-5809 $10,500 OBO. Excellent runner, very seats, fully loaded, 120K, Retired. Must sell! dependable. North- $7500 obo. 541-460-0494 541-923-1781 Ford Thunderbird Porsche Carrera 911 man 6'h' plow, Warn 2004 2003 convertible with 6000¹ winch. $7900 hardtop. 50K miles, Convertible or best reasonable new factory Porsche with hard & soft top, offer. motor 6 mos ago with 1/3 interest i n w e l lsilver with black 541-549-6970 or 18 mo factory warequipped IFR Beech Bointerior, 541-815-8105. ranty remaining. nanza A36, new 10-550/ all original, $37,500. prop, located KBDN. very low mileage, Ford Bronco 114x4, 1989, 541-322-6928 $65,000. 541-419-9510 in premium condition. auto, high miles, runs Super winter car! $19,900. good. $1700. Audi 4000CS Quattro, 702-249-2567 541-633-6662 1986, close ratio 5 Toyota Ceiica (car is in Bend) spd, fun car to drive, Converfibfe 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee new tires, runs great, Plymouth B a r racuda 2013 Laredo X V-6, needs paint, 187k auto., 4wd, leather, 1966, original car! 300 miles. $2500. camera, 11k miles hp, 360 V8, center541-771-8661. 1/5th interest in 1973 lines, 541-593-2597 ¹6301018. $35,995

V olvo S40 T 5

2 0 05 AWD, sunroof, lux/winter pkgs, new tires, more! $7775 obo.541-330-5818

Get your business

e ROW I N G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory


Cessna 150 LLC 150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend. Excellentperformance & affordable flying! $6,000. Rolls Royce 1992 Sil541-4'I 0-6007 ver Spur II,excellent! Midnight Blue exterior, Advertise your car! Parchment leather inteAdd A Prcfure! Reach thousands of readers! rior, 15-inch chrome RR wheels, Alpine Sirius Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS naviqation system, 77,200 miles, dealership maintained, always garaqed. New, about $250,000; sell $19,500. 541-480-3348 VW Beetle 1969 con1974 Bellanca vertible, exlnt shape, 1730A $11,995. 541-383-3191 2160 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.

fully S/C, w/d hookups, In Madras, new 18' Dometic awning, 4 new tires, new call 541-475-6302 Kubota 7000w marine diesel generator, 3 Dramatic Price Reducslides, exc. cond. in- tion Executive Hangar s ide 8 o ut. 27" T V at Bend Airport (KBDN) dvd/cd/am/fm entertain 60' wide x 50' deep, center. Call for more w/55' wide x 17' high bidetails. Only used 4 fold dr. Natural gas heat, times total m last 5~/~ offc, bathroom. Adjacent years.. No pets, no to Frontage Rd; great smoking. High retail visibility for aviation busi$27,700. Will sell for ness. 541-948-2126 or $24,000 including slid- email 1jetjock@q.com ing hitch that fits in Hangar for sale at your truck. Call 8 a.m. Redmond - not to 10 p.m. for appt to a T HangarAirport -$39,000. see. 541-330-5527. 541-420-0626


Kia Sportage 1996 4x4, full power, hitch, rack, air, set up for towing, runs reat, 4 extra snow tires. 3200. 541-728-1265

Audi A4 2001 1.8T 4 door sedan, rebuilt trans w/19K miles, newer clutch, brakes, manifold, extras & receipts. Excellent mpg; Carfax. $5,800. 541-390-6004

Buick CX2005 silver, 61,000 miles,

good condition. Excellent care. $7,000 OBO, 541-419-9669.

Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible

with hard & soft top, silver with black interior, all original, very low mileage, in premium condition. $19,900. 702-249-2567 (car is in Bend)

G T 2200 4

c yl, 5


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I The Bulletin recoml

extra caution l I mends when p u r chasing • f products or servicesf from out of the area. f S ending c ash ,f or credit in- q I checks, formation may be I

speed, a/c, pw, pdl, [ subject toFRAUD. nicest c o n vertible For more informaaround in this price f tion about an adver-f range, new t i res, tiser, you may call wheels, clutch, tim- I the Oregon Statel ing belt, plugs, etc. Attorney General's g 111K mi., remark- I Office C o nsumer I able cond. i nside f Protection hotline at f and out. Fun car to 1-677-877-9392. d rive, Must

S EE! $5995. R edmond. 541-504-1993

Serving Central Oregon since19IB

b P



CLASSIC 1966 Ford F250 3/4 ton, 352 V8, 2WD,

P/S, straight body, runs good. $2000. 541-410-8749






Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices


Street, Bend, Oregon, (541) 322-7113. ORS

3 6 6 .201 to 355.221 provides authority for road legalization.

known as Washing- North line of said Lot ton Mutual Bank, FA, 1; thence 43.17 feet Plaintiff. Pla i ntiff's a long the arc of a claim is stated in the 165.00 foot r a dius

Public Notice

Property for Sale

written Complaint, a curve (concave North) ODOT FILE 44436 of said North line and copy of which is on file at the Deschutes along the South right THE STATE OF ORCounty Courthouse. of way (R/W) of NW EGON, by and BOARD OF COUNTY way, through its DEPARTYou must "appear" in Grubstake COMMISSIONERS OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS forming a cen t ral this case or the other MENT OF T RANSDESCHUTES DESCHUTES side will win automati- angle of 1 3 ' 22'15" PORTATION (ODOT) COUNTY, OREGON COUNTY, OREGON cally. To "appear" you and a l o n g c hord is offering for sale to Ford F250 Camper SpeTammy Baney, Chair must file with the court bearing South the public a 9,476 sq. cial 1966, AT w/limited NOTICE OF ROAD a legal paper called a 63'38'30" East, 53.07 f t. (+/-) parcel l o LEGALIZATION slip rear end. A few isPUBLISHED: "motion" or "answer." feet to a 1/2" pipe; c ated at 1 13 1 N E HEARING sues but runs qood. Full February 6, 2014 & The "motion" or "an- thence South G reenwood Ave . , steel rack w/drs. $1950 East, Bend, February 16, 2014 swer" must be given 19'08'47" Des c hutes firm, cash. 541-420-0156 NOTICE IS HEREBY POSTED: 152.70 feet to a 1/2" to the court clerk or County A s s essors G IVEN THAT T H E February 6, 2014 administrator w i thin pipe; thence South Map BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS BOARD OF COUNTY MAILED: West, 171233AC08700, Ac30 days along with the 71'30'41" COMMISSIONERS Search the area's most Laredo 2009 30' January 27, 2014 required filing fee. It 2 62.60 feet t o t h e count ¹ 1 05027 for comprehensive listing of WILL HOLD A PUBmust be i n p r oper point of b e ginning. $ 63,000. Parcel i s L IC HEARING O N classified advertising... form and have proof The complaint seeks zoned RS and would real estate to automotive, FEBRUARY 26, 2014, 'iQg," Need to get an o f service o n t h e to foreclose and ter- accommodate a resiAT 10:00 AM. IN THE merchandise to sporting plaintiff's attorney or, minate all interest of dential o r du p l ex ad in ASAP? goods. Bulletin Classifieds DESCHUTES if the plaintiff does not Lori Hill and all other structure. Save money. Learn appear every day in the COUNTY SERVICES You can place it have a n a t t orney, interests in the propto fly or build hours BUILDING, 1300 NW print or on line. overall length is 35' online at: with your own airproof of service on the erty. The "motion" or Sale will be by sealed W ALL STRE E T Call 541-385-5809 has 2 slides, Arctic c raft. 1968 A e r o www.bendbulletin.com BEND, OREGON, ON www.bendbulletin.com plaintiff. The object of "answer" (or "reply") bid auction. Sealed package, A/C,table must be given to the bids may be mailed or t he complaint is t o Commander, 4 seat, THE PRO P OSED & chairs, satellite, foreclose a deed of court clerk or admin- delivered to ODOT, 150 HP, low time, ROAD L E G ALIZA- 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Arctic pkg., power full panel. $23,000 SerwnyCentral Oregon s>nce19N trust dated Septem- istrator within 30 days Right of Way Section, TION PROCEEDiNG awning, in excellent obo. Contact Paul at ber 10, 2007 and re- of the date of f irst 4040 Fairview IndusDESCRIBED BEcondition! More pix 541-447-5184. LEGAL NOTICE corded as Instrument publication specified t rial Dr. SE M S ¹ 2 , LOW. ALL I N TERat bendbulletin.com C I R CUIT No. 2007-50018 given herein along with the Salem, OR 9 7 302, ESTED P E RSONS IN TH E $28,000 THE by Lori Hill on prop- required filing fee. The Attn: Kelly Atkinson. MAY APPEAR AND COURT O F 541-419-3301 Find It in STATE OF OREGON erty commonly known date of first publica- BIDS MUST BE REBE HEARD. tion of the summons C EIVED i n O D O T FOR THE COUNTY as 7070 N.W. GrubThe Bulletin Classifiedsf DE S CHUTES. stake Way, Redmond, is January 30, 2014. If OFFICE NO LATER Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, Ford Supercab 1992, NOTICE TO MORT- OF 541-385-5809 2 slides, AC, recliners, Ch a s e OR 97756 and legally you have questions, T HAN 5 :00pm o n LIEN- J PMorgan brown/tan color with GAGEE walk-around queen bed, you should see an March 10th, 2 0 14. m atching ful l s i z e HOLDER VENDOR Bank, National Asso- described as: See sliding glass door closet, ciation, successor in Legal Description at- attorney immediately. P lease n ot e Fi l e OR SELLER: ORS canopy, 2WD, 460 new tub 8 10-gal water interest by purchase tached and incorpoIf you need help in ¹44436 on bid. CHAPTER 215 REover drive, 135K mi., heater, good tires. Brand finding an attorney, U IRES THAT I F from the Federal De- rated hereto as Exfull bench rear seat, new 20' screen room YOU RECEIVE THIS posit Insurance Cor- hibit "1". EXHIBIT "A" you may contact the Bids mustbe accomslide rear w i ndow, available. Super clean, 1 poration, as Receiver LEGAL DESCRIP- Oregon State Bar's panied by a fully rebucket seats, power NOTICE IT M U ST owner, n o n-smokers. SuperhavrkBE for Washington Mu- TION: PARCEL 1: Lot Lawyer Referral Ser- fundable deposit of seats w/lumbar, pw, PROMPTLY $13,499. 541-447-7968 on l i n e at $2000 in the form of Bank, formerly Two (2) in Block One vice Only 1 Share HD receiver & trailer F ORWARDED T O tual known as Washing- ( 1) o f M A R Y K . www.oregonstatebar. a check. If bid is acTHE PURCHASER. brakes, good t ires. Available ton Mutual Bank, FA, FALLS ES T ATES, org or by calling (503) cepted, the balance of Good cond i tion. Economical flying L O R I Deschutes C o unty, 664-3763 ( in t h e the purchase price will $4900. 541-389-5341 The Location of a por- P laintiff, vs . in your own tion o f Tet h erow HILL, OTHER PER- Oregon. PARCEL 2: A Portland metropolitan be due on or before IFR equipped Road, as used by the SONS OR PARTIES, parcel of land situ- area) or toll-free else- A pril 1 6 th , 20 1 4 . Cessna 172/180 HP for OCC U - ated in a portion of Lot where in Oregon at ODOT reserves the public, i s d i fferent i ncluding only $13,500! New PANTS, UNKNOWN One (1) in Block One (600) 452-7636. AtMONTANA 3585 2008, right to reject any or from the location of Garmin Touchscreen ANY ( 1) o f M A R Y K . torneys for Plaintiff, all bids. F A X BIDS exc. cond., 3 slides, the road as described CLAIMING avionics center stack! RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, FALLS ESTATES, a SHAPIRO & SUTHking bed, Irg LR, A ND L AT E B I DS in County records. Exceptionally clean! subdivision located in E RLAND, LLC. B y : WILL NOT BE A CArctic insulation, all Deschutes C o u nty O R I NTEREST I N Hangared at BDN. THE PRO P ERTY the Southeast QuarJ ames A . Cra f t options $35,000 obo. FORD XLT 1992 CEPTED. Property is h as i n itiated p r o Call 541-728-0773 541-420-3250 to be sold "AS IS" and 3/4 ton 4x4 ceedings to legalize a DESCRIBED IN THE ter (SE1/4) of Section ¹090146 Just bought a new boat? Twenty-three (23), [jcrafte logs.com], subject to certain spematching canopy, portion of Tetherow COMPLAINT Sell your old one in the 30k original miles, Road from the inter- HEREIN, Defendants. Township F o urteen 7632 S W D u r ham cial conditions, reserclassifieds! Ask about our No. 12CV1154. CIVIL (14) South, Range R oad, S uite 3 5 0 , vations, restnctions, possible trade for section w i t h NW Super Seller rates! Yucca Avenue to the SUMMONS. TO THE Twelve (12), East of Tigard, OR 9 7 224, easements and asclassic car, pickup, 541-385-5809 the Willamette Merid- (360)260-2253; Fax sessments. motorcycle, RV East boundary of PP DEFENDANTS: ian, Deschutes (360)260-2285. 2006-48 in Deschijtes Lori Hill. NOTICE TO $13,500. 916 DEFENDANT: READ County, Oregon, more For more information In La Pine, call CoLinty, Oregon, as OPEN ROAD 36' Trucks & T HESE PAP E R S particularly described BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS o r to o btain a b i d 928-581-9190 shown in Exhibit A' 2005 - $25,500 Heavy Equipment packet, please visit attached hereto and CAREFULLY! A law- as f o llows: C o m- Search the area's most King bed, hide-a-bed suit has been started mencing at the comprehensive listing of www.odotproperty.co incorporated herein. sofa, 3 slides, glass a gainst you i n t h e Southwest corner of m or call Kelly Atkinclassified advertising... shower, 10 gal. waPersons interested in above-entitled Court Lot 1 in Block 1 of real estate to automotive, son at (503)986-3619. ter heater, 10 cu.ft. MARY K. FALLS ESobtaining more de- by JPMorgan Chase merchandise to sporting I nternational Fla t fridge, central vac, in i tial goods. Bulletin Classifieds tailed information or a Bank, National Asso- TATES, th e Bed Pickup 1963, 1 s atellite dish, 2 7 " ciation, successor in point as well as the map of the proposed appear every day in the Just bought ton dually, 4 spd. anewboat? TV/stereo syst., front legalization may con- interest by purchase true point of beginprint or on line. front power leveling Peterbilt 359 p o table trans., great MPG, Sell yOur Ol dOneifl the from the Federal Dening; thence North water t ruck, 1 9 90, tact George Kolb at could be exc. wood jacks and s cissor Call 541-385-5809 33'01'54" East along posit Insurance Cor3200 gal. tank, 5hp the Deschutes County C laSSi f i e dS! AS kabOut our hauler, runs great, stabilizer jacks, 16' www.bendbulletin.com pump, 4-3" h oses, new brakes, $1950. Road D e p artment, poration, as Receiver the West line of said awning. Like new! Super Sel l e rrates! camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 541-419-5480. Lot 1, 294.20 feet to a 61150 S E . 27th for Washington Mu541-419-0566 The Bulletin 541-820-3724 tual Bank, formerly 1/2" rebar on the Serving Central Oregon since1%8 541-385-5809

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