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Su remeCourtu o s ra erat townmeetin s By Mark Sherman The Associated Press
Related • The ruling's impact locally,B1
nation's traditions. "The inclusion of a
Nigerian kidnappings —Nigeria's Islamic extremist leaderis threatening to sell the nearly 300 teenageschoolgirls abducted from a school in the remote northeast three weeksago, in a newvideotape received Monday.Abubakar Shekaufor the first time also claimed responsibility for the April15 mass abduction, warning that his group plans to attack more schools andabduct more girls. "I abducted your girls," said the leader of BokoHaram,which means "Western education is sinful." It was unclear if the video wasmadebefore or after reports emerged last weekthat some of the girls have beenforced to marry their abductors — who paid anominal bride price of $12and that others havebeencarried into neighboring Cameroon and Chad. Those reports could not beverified.
b r ief,
ceremonial prayer as part of a rowly divided Supreme Court larger exercise in civic recogupheld decidedly Christian Rochester. nition suggests that its purpose prayers at the start of local The outcome relied heavily and eff ectare to acknowledge council meetings on Monday, on a 1983 decision in which the religious leaders and the instideclaring them in line with court upheld an opening prayer tutions they represent, rather long national traditions though in the Nebraska Legislature than to exclude or coerce nonthe countryhas grownmore re- and said prayer is part of the believers," Kennedy said. ligiously diverse. nation's fabric, not a violation of Justice Elena Kagan, writThe content of the prayers is the First Amendment's guaran- ing for the court's four liberal not significant as long as they tee of freedom of religion. justices, said, "I respectfully do not denigrate non-ChrisW riting for th e court o n dissent from the court's opintians or try to win converts, Monday, Justice Anthony Ken- ion because I think the Town the court said in a 5-4 decision nedy said that forcing dergy to of Greece'sprayer practices backed by its conservative scrub the prayers of references violate that norm of religious majority. to Jesus Christ and other sec- equality — the breathtakingly Though the decision split the tarian religious figures would generous constitutional idea court along ideological lines, turn officials i nt o c ensors. that our public institutions bethe O b ama a d m inistration Instead, Kennedy said, the long no less to the Buddhist or backed the winning side, the prayers should be seen as cere- Hindu than to the Methodist or town of Greece, NY., outside of monial and in keeping with the Episcopalian." W ASHINGTON — A n a r-
CirCuS aCCident —Investigators suspect that a snappedclip sent eight aerial acrobats plummeting 20 feet or more during adaring act in which performers dangle from their hair. Oneinjured performer told her father she didn't notice anything amiss before her "plunge into darkness." The clip, a commontype called a carabiner that's used for everything from rock climbing to holding keyrings, was one of several pieces at the top of achandelier-like apparatus that suspended the performers, fire officials said. After the accident, the 4- to 5-inch steel clip was found in three pieces on the ground with its spine snapped. MiSSOuri 'taXeS —In a showdown over tax policy, the Republican-controlled Missouri State Senate onMonday overrode Democratic Gov. JayNixon's veto of amajor tax-cut bill, setting the stage for sharp reductions in state personal incometaxes. TheSenate debated the bill for less than 30 minutes before overriding the veto on a 23-8 vote. TheRepublican-controlled House is expected to vote on the override today. Thevote was arebuke of Nixon, who last September lobbied so vigorously against a different tax-cut bill championed by Republican legislators that the lawmakers failed to override his veto of that measure.
Street ........... 1777S.W.Chandler Ave. Bend, OR97702 Mailing.........P.O.Box6020 Bend, OR97706
OklahOma fire —A deadly fire that burned through several square miles near Guthrie, Okla., anddestroyed at least six homeswas substantially contained Mondaymorning, but fire officials said they were worried that hot, dry and windy weather could causethe blazeto resume its dangerous march. Some ofthe roughly1,000 people who were evacuated onSundaywere allowed to return to the southern area of the fire, Guthrie Fire Chief Eric Harlow told the LosAngeles Times on Monday.
ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........54t-363-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337
Migrant deathS —At least 22 people, including four children, were confirmed drownedand sevenwere still missing after two migrant vessels trying to enter Greecesank off the eastern Aegean island of Samos onMonday, coast guard officials said. The Greekcoast guard was combing thewaters off Samos for signs of survivors. They said 36 people -32 men, three womenand achild — were pulled to safety. The survivors were identified as 24Somalis, nine Syrians and three Eritreans, the coast guard said. Thecause of the accident was not immediately clear.
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ChineSe bOmbing —Chinese police have identified a 39-year-old Uighur man they suspect to beone of the first Chinese suicide bombers and haveput out a nationwide alert to identify a second mankilled in an attack last week at atrain station in Urumqi. The attack took placeonWednesdaynight,theeveofthebusyMay Dayholiday,and killed three people — including the two assailants — and left 79 injured. It happenedhours after Chinese President Xi Jinping wrapped up a tour of the far northwestern Xinjiang region during which he called for a crackdown onterrorism.
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— From wire reports
Ahn Young-joon IThe Associated Press
A girl reads messageswritten on paper ships for the victims of the sunken ferry Monday at agroup memorial altar in Seoul. A civilian diver involved in searches for dozens of missing people from the South Koreanferry disaster died early today, as other divers helped by better weather andeasing ocean currents were picking up efforts to retrieve more bodies from the sunkenship. The 53-year-old diver was pulled to the surface byfellow divers after losing communication about five minutes after he beganunderwater searches, governmenttaskforcespokesman KoMyung-seoksaidina statement. It was his first search attempt, Koadded. The Sewol carried 476people, most of themstudents from a single high school nearSeoul, when it sankoff South Korea's southern coast on April16. Only174 survived, including 22 of the 29crew members. The sinking left more than260 people dead, with about 40 others still missing.
Ukraine sendselite force to Odessadueto unrest By Yuras Kafmanau and Radul Radovanovic The Associated Press
O DESSA, U k r a i ne Ukraine sent an elite national guard unit to its southern port
of Odessa, desperate to halt a spread of the fighting be-
e d ucated and
ethnically diverse population of more than 1 million. Jews still make up 12 percent
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of the population of the city, which once had a large Jewish
"The people of Odessa are a pro-Russia militia in the east well-educated and understand that killed combatants on both perfectly w el l t h a t R u ssia sides Monday. is sowing the seeds of civThe government in Kiev in- il war and destabilization in tensified its attempts to bring Ukraine," said Vladimir Kureboth regions back under its ichik, a 52-year-old literature control, but seemed particu- teacher who left Crimea after larly alarmed by the blood- it became part of Russia. tween government troops and
shed in Odessa. It had been
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The White House said it was
largely peaceful until Friday, "extremely concerned" by the when clashes killed 46 people, violence in southern Ukraine. "The events in Odessa dramany of them in a government building that was set on fire. matically underscore the need The tensions in Ukraine also for an immediate de-escalaraised concerns in neighboring tion of tensions in Ukraine," Moldova, another former Sovi- said spokesman Jay Carney. et republic ,where the govern- He suggested Russia still must ment said late Monday it had follow through with its part of put its borders on alert. Moldo- a diplomatic deal aimed at deva's breakaway Trans-Dniester fusing the tensions. region, located just northwest In eastern Ukraine, gunfire of Odessa and home to 1,500 and multiple explosions rang Russian troops, is supported out in and around Slovyansk, by Moscow, and many of its a city of 125,000 in the Rusresidents sympathize with the sian-speaking heartland that pro-Russia insurgency. has become the focus of the The loss of Odessa — in ad- armed insurgency against the dition to a swath of industrial government in Kiev. eastern Ukraine — would be The Russian Foreign Miniscatastrophic for the interim try put the blame squarely on government in Kiev, leaving Kiev, which "stubbornly conthe country cut off from the tinues to wage war against the Black Sea. Ukraine already people of its own country." The lost a significant part of its ministry urged what it called coastline in March, when its the "Kiev organizers of the terCrimean Peninsula was an- ror" to pull back the troops and nexed by Russia. hold peaceful negotiations to Compared w i t h e a s tern resolve the crisis.
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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day
It's Tuesday, May 6,the126th day of 2014. Thereare239 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS Climate — A massivefederal report on global warming's effects on Americans' daily lives is scheduled to bereleased.
NBA PlayOffS — ThePortland Trail Blazers face theSan Antonio Spurs in Game1 of their second-round matchup.
HISTORY Highlight: In1954, medical student Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile during a track meet in Oxford, England, in 3:59.4. In1840, Britain's first adhesivepostagestamp, thePenny Black, officially went into circulation five days after its introduction. In1863, the Civil War Battle
of Chancellorsville in Virginia ended with a Confederate victory over Union forces. In1889, the Paris Exposition formally opened, featuring the just-completed Eiffel Tower. In1910, Britain's Edwardian era ended with the death of King Edward Vll; he wassucceeded by GeorgeV. In1935, the Works Progress Administration began operating under anexecutive order signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In1937, the hydrogen-filled German airship Hindenburg burned and crashed in Lakehurst, N.J., killing 35 of the 97
people on board and aNavy crewman on the ground. In1942, during World War II some 15,000 Americans and Filipinos on Corregidor surrendered to Japaneseforces. In1962, in the first test of its
kind, thesubmerged submarine USSEthan Allen fired a Polaris missile armed with a nuclear warhead that detonated above the Pacific Ocean. In1981, Yale architecture student Maya Ying Lin was namedwinnerofacompetition to design the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial. In1994, former Arkansas state worker Paula Jones filed suit against President Bill Clinton, alleging he'd sexually harassed her in1991. (Jones reached a settlement with Clinton in November1998.) Britain's QueenElizabeth II and French President Francois Mitterrand formally opened the Channel Tunnel between their countries. Ten years agn: President George W.Bushapologized for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers, calling it "a stain on our country's honor"; he rejected calls for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's resignation. The FBIarrested Oregon lawyer Brandon Mayfield as part of the investigation into the Madrid train bombings; however, the bureau later said Mayfield's arrest had been amistake, and apologized. Five years agn: After a day of meetings at the White House, President Barack Obama declared he'd gotten the commitments he wanted from the leaders of Pakistan and Afghanistan to more aggressively fight Taliban and al-Qaida militants. Gov. John Baldacci signed a bill making Maine the fifth state to legalize same-sex marriage (however, the law was later overturned by a public vote). One year agn: Kidnap-rape victims AmandaBerry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight, three womenwho'd gone missing separately about a decade earlier while in their teens or early 20s, were rescued from a housejust south of downtown Cleveland. (Their captor, Ariel Castro, hanged himself in prison in September 2013 at the beginning of a life sentence plus1,000 years.)
BIRTHDAYS Baseball Hall-of-Famer Willie Mays is 83. Rock singer Bob Seger is 69. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is 61. Actor George Clooney is 53. Actress Adrianne Palicki is 31. — From wire reports
res ou sa ou a russcra nown as' os e o esus' i e'
planet has 8-hour day
The faded scrap smaller than a business card has provoked mixed emotions since it was unveiled
nearly two years ago.
By Deborah Netburn Los Angeles Times
If you think 2 4 h ours
has raisedfresh doubts about
isn't enough time to get everything done, here's a little perspective: You could be living on a world with an eight-hour day.
the authenticity ofthe scrap of papyrus known asthe "Gospel
entists have directly ob-
of Jesus' Wife," a relic that has
served the spin of a planet
provoked fascination and fury since it was unveiled nearlytwo years ago by an eminent historian of early Christianity at
outside our solar system, and determined it is spin-
Harvard Divinity School. The latest finding comes
T hat's about tw ice as fast as Jupiter, and more
only weeks after the Harvard Theological Review published a long-awaited lineup of artides by experts reporting that scientific testing and close examination of the papyrus had found no apparent evidence of
than 50 times as fast as Earth. A day is only eight hours long because the planet is much bigger than
forgery. But detractors of the
journal Nature.
By Laurie Goodstein New York Times News Service
New evidence discovered by a skeptical young scholar
For the first time, sci-
ning at the rate of 62,000
miles per hour.
The findings were published last week in the
Jesus' wife fragment remained unconvinced, and the contents of those articles gave them new material to investigate. Even the historian who first
The fast-spinning planet is known as Beta Pictoris b. It is young — just 20 million years old. (Earth is 4.5 billion years old.)
KarenL. King /Harvard University via New York Times NewsService
A photo depicts the ancient papyrus known as the "Gospel of Jesus' Wife," which contains the first
recorded mention that Jesus may have had a wife. New evidence discovered by a skeptical scholar has raised fresh doubts about the authenticity of the relic.
brought the papyrus topublic attention, calling it a valuable due that some early Christians be- bia University, Harvard and
per last month for the Harvard
the testing found that the ink is
the Massachusetts Institute of
journal, said in an interview
similar but not the same. The critics have asserted it
lievedJesus was married, said
this latest forgery accusation, by Technology for testing on the an Americanprofessorteaching papyrus and ink.
It is also hot, and shines 10,000 times brighter than that the new evidence was "per-
suasive," but "we're not completely there yet" — until the Theological Review published John and Jesus wife papyruses ination, but is only one scenario the results, saying that radio- can be studied in person or usand is not conclusive. carbontestsproduced adate of ing high-resolution images to overseas, raises significant concerns and merits further exam-
'Worth taking seriously' "This is substantive, it's worth taking seriously, and
tions using a technique called micro-Raman spectroscopy found that the ink m atched
of forgery," Karen King, the
other papyruses that were dated from the first to the eighth
historian at Harvard Divinity
it may point in the direction
School, said in a telephone inThe taint of forgery suspiterview, her first since the re- cions seemingly allayed, the cent developments. "This is one
option that should receive serious consideration, but I don't think it's a done deal."
King first presented her blockbuster paper on what she called the "Gospel of Jesus'
Wife" at a conference of Coptic scholars in Rome in September 2012.The faded scrap,smaller
than abusinesscard,contained two phrases that upended traditional Christian beliefs in its
eight lines of text on the front side: "Jesus said to them, 'My wife ...'" and "she will be able to be my disciple." King said it was dated to the fourth century. In an adjacent room at the
conference, a young American named Christian A s keland
S mithsonian C h annel a n nounced that it would finally
times the distance be-
know of a single verifiable case understand their relationship. of somebody producing a papyRoger Bagnall, a renowned pa- rus text that purports to be an pyrologist who directs the Insti- ancient text that isn't. There's tute for the Study of the Ancient always the first." World at New York University, The spotlight now turns to and who early on deemed the the provenance and the owner Jesus wife papyrus likely to be of theGospel of Jesus' Wi fe. genuine, said in an interview King promised him she would about the skeptics, "Most of the not identify him publidy, but people taking this view wanted said she knows she is now unit to be a fake, and they haven't der pressure to do so.
tween our sun and Jupiter,
light from the star does not completely drown out the measurable light from the planet.
' NQRTHWEsT CROSSING Aauard-aeinning neighborhood on Bend's
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ingly similar handwriting in Coptic to the Jesus' wife frag-
licated every other line from a
in Marion, Ind., and the Green
were identical. It "defied coinci-
leaf of the Qau codex, and for versity, an evangelical college 17 lines the breaks in the text Scholars Initiative. That orga- dence," he said. nization was founded by the Askeland's theory is that a Christian owners of the Hobby modern-day forger copied from Lobby chain of arts and crafts aphotographofthe Qua codex off the Internet. If the John text
is forged,he reasons,so is the the family for display in a Bible Gospel of Jesus' Wife, which museum they plan to build in seems to be written by the Washington. same hand. However, Askeland said his Not only that, but he found that both these John texts were
fragment were notpromptedby written in the Lycopolitan diaany concerns about the unorth- lect, which experts believe died odox content because "there outbefore the seventh or eighth are many gospels, many texts, century — when the Gospel of that say all kinds of things Jesus' Wife was supposedly about Jesus." Instead, it was the
Earth, and because it orbits its star at about two
of John," which features strik-
Christian who is also affiliated with Indiana Wesleyan Uni-
doubts about the Jesus' wife
to mix a batch of carbon-based ink that could fool scientists. But Bagnall said, "I don't
air its one-hour special on the asked critical questions about Gospel of Jesus' Wife on Mon- their own hypothesis." day night— a documentary Perhaps the copying of these originally scheduled to air on two John texts was done in anSept. 30, 2012. (Contrary to cient times, not the modern era. accusati ons by some ofherde- Perhaps the John and Jesus' tractors, King said she has not wife fragments were not writbeen paid for her participation ten by the same hand: Indeed, in the documentary, which was confirmed by a spokesman for the Smithsonian Channel). Askeland discovered among the papers published in the theological review a photographof asmalltattered square of papyrus called the "Gospel
says he was presenting his pa- ment and was tested alongside per on a Coptic version of the it. Both fragments were given Book of Revelation. After buzz- to King by the same owner. ing with colleagues over the It happens that Askeland Jesus' wife papyrus, Askeland wrote his Ph.D. thesis at Camreturned to Germany, where bridge on the Coptic versions of he is an assistant research pro- John's gospel, so he decided to fessor at Protestant University compare this square fragment Wuppertal, and began examin- with another John text called ingthe images Kinghad posted the Codex Qau, an authentic on the Internet in the hope that relic which was discovered in a other scholars would indeed jar buried in an Egyptian grave weighin. site in 1923. Amazingly, the text Askeland is an evangelical of the small John fragment rep-
stores to study a collection of biblical artifacts amassed by
It was a good candidate
for this study because it is just 65 light-years from
would not be hard for a forger
Last month, the H arvard
A.D. 659 to 859, and examina-
appearance of the fragment-
written, according to radiocarbon testing.
the handwriting, the ink, the letter forms: 'Whoever wrote
it had different ways of writing Editorials by scholars in The the same letter," he said. Wall Street Journal, CNN's BeDuring 2013 and into 2014, lief Blog and several academas a steady rumble of skeptics ic blogs have pronounced the kept posting concerns about case closed. But other experts grammatical anomalies in the say, not so fast. Jesus wife fragment on the InMalcolm Choat, a Coptic externet, King escorted the frag- pert at Macquarie University in ment, encased in glass, to the Australia who cautiously conUniversity of Arizona, Colum- tradicted the doubters inhis pa-
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EAT ' Shlgg
The Bulletin
p h o t o g ra p hy
Si ee ecto t eU.S.ener y oom:tra ic eat s
Continued fromA1 High said that as long as the program has an expiration date, the City Council must revisit the issue every few years
By Kevin Begos and Jonathan Fahey The Associated Press
Booming production of oil and natural gas has exacted
much safer even as the popu- nology, has created badly lation has grown. needed jobs, lifted local econ"We are just so swamped," omies and drawn global mansaid Sheriff Dwayne Villan- ufacturers back to the United
nia father killed by another tanker in 2011; a 19-year old
ueva of Karnes County, Texas, where authorities have
a little-known price on some been overwhelmed by the of the nation's roads, contrib- surge in serious accidents. uting to a spike in traffic faThe industry acknowledgtalities in states where many es the problem, and traffic streets and highways are agencies and oil companies choked with large trucks and say they are taking steps to heavy drilling equipment. improve safety. But no one An Associated Press anal- imagines that the risks will ysis oftraffic deaths and U.S. be eliminated quickly or census data in six drilling easily.
States. But the frenzy of drill-
and that will reduce the likelihood that the city would use
Texas man fatally injured
people moving into the area. Still, the number of traffic fatalities in some regions has
in 2012 after colliding with
climbed far faster than the
a drilling truck on his way
population or the number of miles driven.
er than affordable housing. "It keeps affordable housing
ing activity contributes heav- to work. A month later, on ily to the flood of traffic of all the same road, three retired kinds that experts say has led
teachers died in another colli-
to the increase in serious acci- sion with a truck. dents and deaths. Deadly crashes are "recNot all of the crashes in- ognized as one of the key volved trucks from drilling risk areas of the business," projects, and the accidents s aid Marvi n O d um , w h o
In North Dakota drilling
counties, the population has soared 43 percent over the last decade, while
t r a f fic
the money for something othout in the forefront every five years," High said. "This will
help keep it a priority for council by having the sunset." Bend's affordable housing program is a revolving loan
have been blamed on both or-
runs Royal Dutch Shell's ex-
dinary motorists and heavy equipment drivers.
ploration operations in the
fatalities increased 350 percent, to 63 last year from 14 ten years ago. Roads in those counties were nearly twice as deadly per mile driven than
the rest of the state. In one
lion sincetheprogrambeganin 2006.The city raisesmoney for the program with a fee equal to one-fifth of 1 percent of the
Texas drilling district, drivers
estimated value listed for every
were 2.5 times more likely to
building permit it issues. The city originally charged a fee of
"I don't see it slowing down states shows that i n s o me places, fatalities have more anytime soon," Villanueva
Crashes often i ncrease astated families: two young when the volume of traffic than quadrupled since 2004 sard. boys crushed to death last goes up, whether because — a period when most AmerThe energy boom, fueled year by a tanker truck in of animproving economy, a ican r o ads h av e b e come largely by new drilling tech- West Virginia; a Pennsylva- new shopping mall or more But the accidents have dev-
die in a fatal crash per mile driven compared with the statewide average.
fund that has lent out $5.8 mil-
one-third of I percent, but the City Council reduced it when it
renewed the program for three years in the summer of 2011.
of personal interest. But that changed after the n uclear accident at the Fukushima
Continued fromA1
plant in Japan in 2011. While
That makes i t o ff - l imits except for short forays, but a
the two accidents were dif-
good place to study the longterm effects of radiation on organisms. "This level of chronic exposure is above what most
ferent — at Chernobyl the reactor exploded, while at
c o re s m e l ted
down and there was an explosion outside the reactor
species will tolerate without
itself — the result was basi-
showing some signs, either in terms of how long they live or
cally the same: radioactive
contamination over a w i de area.
in the number of tumors they
have, or genetic mutations and cataracts," Mousseau
"No one really expected there'd be another nuclear
said. "It's a perfect laboratory
disaster on this scale," he
setting for us." Mousseau, a biologist at
said. "But it's clear now after I'
F ukushima that all of t h i s has some broad relevance."
the University of South Car-
olina, has been coming to the contaminated area around C hernobyl, known as t h e exclusion zone, since 1999.
Mousseau has expanded '2 ta~
his work to include similar
studies in Japan — he's made about 10 trips there. Already, he said, he is seeing some
The list of creatures he has
Chernobyl-like effects in the studied is long: chiffchaffs, blackcaps, barn swallows and William Daniels/ New York Times News Service contaminated area around the Fukushima plant, but he other birds; insects, including A cooling tower of the Chernobyi nuclear plant emerges from the forest in the distance as Timothy needs to gather data for at bumblebees, butterflies and Mousseau, a biologist, right, measures bat soundswith his assistant in the exclusion zone around cicadas; spiders and bats; and the plant in Ukraine. A long-term study by Mousseau of birds in the area has found that some speleasta few more yearsbefore mice, voles and other small cies have adapted to the radioactive environment by producing more protective antioxidants, with rodents. After t h e n u clear correspondingly less genetic damage. meltdowns at Fukushima, Ja-
pan, three years ago he has conducted similarresearch populations of some animals there, too. in the zone, suggesting that In dozens of papers over the the lack of human activity years Mousseau, his longtime there has led to the area becollaborator, Anders Pape coming a haven for wildlife. Moller of the National CenMousseau dismisses the ter for Scientific Research in idea that the zone is some France, and colleagues have kind o f po s t-apocalyptic reported evidence of radia- Eden. But th e
impact. "If we find the same sort of dose response in both placcaffeine and other substanc- taken more than 200 — for es," he said, "that provides incredible strength to the hyes are known to do. So he'll signs of disorder. have students back in South Mousseau said that for pothesis that it is indeed radiCarolina systematically ana- years he pursued the Cher- ation that is leading to these lyze the photographs — he's nobyl research largely out negative impacts."
l atest study
adaptations that may allow
among birds compared with those from u ncontaminat-
some creatures — chaffinches and great tits in this case,
ed areas, for example, and a
though not barn swallows or robins — to thrive in the zone.
decline in the populations of insects and spiders with increasing radiation intensity. But their most recent find-
Central Oregon has a minimal
supply of available rental housing. The rental vacancy rate was less than 1 percent when
the Central Oregon Rental Owners Association released the results of its annual survey
inApril. Long said a five-year extension of the affordable housing program "is probably not a bad thing. At least (City Council) will come back and look at it because right now, they really only look at it when we bring our funding recommendations to t hem." However,
Long said that extending the program for less than five years could prove to be problematic for housing developers. "They really do need assuredness that a program like this will be around, if they're
doing a fairly large project." — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbullettn.com
StCharlesHealthCare.org SD
tion's toll: higher frequencies has given him pause, he said, of tumors and physical abnor- because it shows the kind of malities like deformed beaks
he can be confident about the
Officials have said the cityused the affordable housing fund as leverage to secure $39 million in federal, state and other funding for housingprojects. "With rising housing costs, there will be even less affordable housing available, so the affordable housing fee provides an even greater benefit to the community in times of rising housing prices," Long wrote in a report for the City Council. Even without considering cost,
However, it remains to be seen whether these species are tru-
ings, published last month,
ly thriving, Mousseau said. The findings also suggest
showed something new. Some
that in some cases radiation
bird species, they reported in
levels might have an inverse effect — birds in areas with gy, appear to have adapted to higher radiation exposure the radioactive environment may show greater adaptation, by producing higher levels of and thus less genetic damage, the journal Functional Ecolo-
protective antioxidants, with
than those in areas with lower
correspondingly less genet- radiation levels. ic damage. For these birds, Like almost all of the studMousseau said, chronic ex- ies by Mousseau and his colposure to radiation appears leagues, the latest one takes to be a kind of "unnatural se- advantage of the unique cirlection" driving evolutionary cumstances of the Chernobyl change. exclusionzone as a real-world Ionizing radiation, like that laboratory. "Nature is a much produced by cesium, stron- more stressful environment tium and o ther r adioactive than the lab," Mousseau said. isotopes, affects living tissue Abnormalities and other efin several ways, among them fects of radiation are seen at by breaking strands of DNA. much lower radiation levels A high enough dose — many than in lab-based studies, he thousands of times higher said. than the levels in the forestRadiation levels in the zone can cause sickness or death. also vary considerably from That is what happened to sev- placetoplace because weatheral dozen technicians and er patterns during the accifirefighters at the Chernobyl dent and its aftermath affectplant when the Unit 4 reactor
exploded on April 26, 1986.
ed the intensity of the fallout. the hottest areas in the zone,
doses, in many cases in just a few minutes, and their organs and tissues were so bad-
the so-called Red Forest, where radiation levels were so high in the days after the acci-
ly damaged they died within
dent that Scotch pines turned
weeks. Relatively low doses of ra-
red and died.
diation, however, even over a long time, may have little or no effect. But lower doses can cause genetic mutations,
here, there are areas that are absolutely clean," Mousseau said. "This gives us the ability to compare hot and cold areas that are similar ecologically
physical problems that may show up over longer periods and affectbreeding and longevity. Studying the effects on animals and insects can lead
in most ways except for ra-
diation." Those comparisons have generally shown a lower abundance of birds and ro-
Bend Senior Center: Or.Omim and Or.Ferenz Tuesday,May 6from 11 —2 p.m. La Pine Senior Center: Dr.Laughlin Thursday,May15from11 -1 p.m.
"But 10 to 15 miles from
dents in the more radioactive to a better understanding of areas. the impact on people as well. On this day, while collabSome researchers have orators from Finland were challenged the studies by inspecting traps and collectMousseau and his collabora- ing mice for genetic studies, tors, arguing that it is difficult Mousseau was gathering data to show that radiation levels in
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for another project. He photo-
the exclusion zone, which cov- graphed spider webs. ers about 1,000 square miles, Mousseau wonders if rahave had much noticeable diation exposure might have effect. There have also been affected spiders' orderly anecdotal reports of abundant web-spinning abilities, just as
et first few months of the
Continued from A1 "Our campaign has not coordinated with this group in any way. Anyone suggesting otherwise is making a false accusation," he said. Pearce said he could not
cent weeks. Last m o nth,
clarify the nature of the re-
lationship between Wehby and Miller. Miller contributed $5,200,
the maximum a llowable amount, to Wehby's campaign in November 2013, according to FEC filings. He also gave the "If He Votes" PAC $25,000plus an additional $5,950 of in-kind billboard advertising, filings show. Reached on Monday, Conger said he wasn't surprised
year, outside groups have begun to make quite a few independent expenditures in the GOP primary in re-
paves way for voting
newrepublican.org, an Alexandria, Va.-based organization founded by Alex Castellanos, a political consultant who supported George
in Detroit
W. Bush and Mitt Romney,
bought $195,000 in television and radio ads supporting Wehby. The group also spent $40,000 on online advertising. Since the end of March, Oregon Right to Life PAC
By Monica Davey and Steven Yaccino New York Times News Service
on a documentthat deared
the way for tens of thousands of Detroit's retirees, employees and bondholders to begin receivingballots on the city's plan for rebuilding and shrinking its debt. Hoping to exit bankruptcy court by mid-October,
has made multiple media
buys supporting Conger, including tens of thousands on radio ads and more than
$46,000 on a pro-Conger mailing. "absurd, false and misleadWehby has proved a beting," had resulted in an FEC ter fundraiser, collecting complaint, but he has no almost $582,000 during the plans to file one himself. first three months of 2014. The PAC's actions wi l l As of April 15, her camgive Democrats ammunition paign had almost $742,000 to use against whoever wins, in cash on hand. he said. Conger raised a lmost "When these kind of ac- $64,000 during the f i rst tions are taken by those quarter of 2014, and now has associated w it h R e p ubli- $89,450 cash on hand, accan campaigns, it makes it cording to FEC filings. harder for those of us who Oregon Democratic state are trying to be open and chairman Dixon said Wehhonest," he said. "It can fur- by and Miller are making a ther undermine the public's mockery of the campaign ficonfidence in the fairness or nance system, and called for the legitimacy of the politi- an investigation by the FEC. "Starting a Super PAC for cal system, of our elections." Coordination, Conger said, someone you are romanthat the "If He Votes" PAC's activities, which he called
doesn't mean that Miller told
t ically i nvolved wit h
Wehby what heplanned to do through the PAC. If there was awareness of "campaign strategy, polling information and messaging" between thecampaign and the PAC, that could consti-
feigning ignorance of her campaign strategy and denying coordination is brazen, to say the least," said Dixon in a prepared state-
tute coordination, he said.
"It's hard to imagine that
coordination didn't exist," he sard.
After a
r elatively qui-
ment. "To claim there's no
coordination when a major funder of the Super PAC is hosting campaign fundraisers is unbelievable." — Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevenger@bendbulletin.com
Syria. It is also circulating in Afghanistan (where it Continued from A1 spread from Pakistan) and "What happens when you Equatorial Guinea (from continue whipping a horse neighboring Cameroon) as to go ever faster, no matter well as Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sohow rapidly he is already malia and Kenya. running'?" said Dr. Donald Officials also worry counHenderson, who led t he tries torn by conflict, such WHO's initiative to get rid as Ukraine, Sudan and the of smallpox, the only human Central A f r ican R epublic, disease ever to have been are rife for polio reinfection. eradicated. Some critics say it may The WHO has never be-
even be time to accept that
fore issued an internation- polio may not be eradicated, al alert on polio, a disease since the deadline to wipe that usually strikes children
out the disease has already
under 5 and is most often been missed several times. spread through infected wa- The ongoing effort costs ter. There is no specific cure, about $1 billion a year. "For the past two years, but several vaccines exist. Experts are particular- problems have steadily, and ly concerned that polio is now rapidly mounted," Henre-emerging in c ountries derson said in an email. "It previously free of the dis- is becoming apparent that ease, such as Syria, Soma-
thereare too many problems
lia and Iraq, where civil war
(for the polio eradication effort) to overcome, how-
or unrest now complicates efforts to contain the virus.
ever many r esources are
It is happening during the
assigned." Henderson and o thers the spread of polio, leaving have suggested the extraorexperts worried that cases dinary efforts needed for could spike as the weather polio eradication might be traditionally low season for
becomes warmer and wetter
better spent on other health
in the coming months across programs, including routine the northern hemisphere. vaccination programs for The vast majority of new childhood diseases. But he cases are in Pakistan, a conceded that transitioning country which an indepen- to a control program would dent monitoring board set be difficult. "If not eradicaup by the WHO has called tion, how does one accom"a powder keg that could plish a 'soft landing' which ignite w idespread polio could sustain the global protransmission." gram on i mmunization'?" Dozens of polio workers
have been killed over the last two years in Pakistan, where militants accuse them
Detroit officials have raced Ben Kilb/ New York Times News Service
fort to ease and expedite the
Auschwitz-Birkenau as it would have been experienced by a guard during the1940s. Modern advances are being applied to historical crimes, such as virtual models of Nazi camps to demonstrate what the
entire process. City officials have filedamended and re-amended proposals detailing how much of the $18
guards would have been able to see from their post, a question that has long plagued prosecutors.
billion in debt Detroit could
Nazi cases
be legally more difficult than Nazi record books and offiin Demjanjuk's case, because cers' diaries to calculate more
Continued from A1 Auschwitz was far larger than They involve men and womSobibor. "At a death camp like Sobien suspected of playing a role in the functioning of the Aus- bor it was clear that anyone chwitz-Birkenau camp, cases arriving there would not be that could eventually lead to leaving again," said Doris charges of complicity in the Moller-Scheu, a spokeswommurder of tens of thousands an for prosecutors in Frankof the more than 1 m i llion
Jews and others who perished men, identified only by their ages, 89 and 92. "We have to Theyoungestof thesuspects prove they actually served are well into their 80s and on the extermination sites at have lived freely in Germany Auschwitz." for decades. Among them is a The first case to reach state woman from Hamburg who prosecutors involved Hans is in her 90s and served as a Lipschis, 94, who was deportguard at Auschwitz-Birkenau ed from the U.S. in 1983. At the from September to October time, West German authori1944, prosecutors say. Anoth- ties said they had no grounds er is a 93-year-old man who to prosecute him. worked as a paramedic at the Three decades later, Ralf Dicamp in 1944. He was arrest- etrich, a 37-year-old state prosed in March after a search ecutor in Stuttgart, was asked of his home in the northern to build a case against him. state of Mecklenburg-Western
Pomerania. The advanced age of the often frail suspects has brought forth sympathy among some in Germany, raising questions
prosecution. Using digital technology, he sentiment in the German news created a three-dimensional media and public discussions model of Auschwitz-Birkenau, is that Nazi-era crimes are with the help of officials in better pursued late than never. Baden-Wiirttemberg and Ba-
leader in May 2011 in the
Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad. At the end of last month,
Syria pose "a serious threat "Conflicts in many areas
Holocaust perpetrators to justice was not unavoidable," he added, "but at the time the law was not equipped to deal with
that they didn't know any-
returned to Iraq, where it
and revise its organizational an d d e cision-making
spread from neighboring
Association, announced set-
could not overcome, however, was the advanced age of the
tlements on Monday, yet Detroit's emergence from the nation's largest bankruptcy isfarfrom done. Even among groups for
defendant, who was ruled to
which tentative agreements
have the onset of dementia, rendering him incapable of following the "difficult individual charges" against him.
have been announced, individual city retirees and
On Feb. 28, the state court in
20,000 in all — will soon have a chance to vote on the
The one obstacle Dietrich
workers that ar e
v ested
in pension plans — about city's reorganization proposal, leaving the outcome uncertain. City officials said
contract negotiations with other groups could continue.
While Dietrich will never
across the country who are
sharing information, swapping notes and trading tips on strategy. "Of course we exchange ideas and try to help and support each other," said Stefan
Urbanek, 52, a prosecutor in Schwerin, where the 93-yearold paramedic was arrested
on suspicionof accessory to the murders of more than
What could one see from a
to seek new ways to prosecute
watchtower? Could you see
former guards, said Nathan Stoltzfus, a professor of histo-
was also important. He used
"It shows what you can do with a concerted effort to get a
convicted the former death
spreadsheets to log data from
HWY 20E & Dean SwiftRd. (1 block West of Costco)
conviction," he said.
541-823-S011• sfmrks.com
atively small camp, not to be considered a part of the Nazi's machinery of mass murder. Since then, German federal prosecutors tasked with investigating Nazi war crimes have reopened dozens of files on former guards whose whereabouts had long been known many's decentralized justice
found that polio had also
Police Command Officers
en decades of hard work to de-
cinate but success remains
times, it would be inconceivable that it would not revisit
10,510 — who were killed on
Lipschis' watch, providing a legal link to charge Lipschis as an accessory to the murders.
velop the law and legal precedent necessary to fix this." The key precedent was provided by the Demjanjuk case, in which a Munich state court
to a uthorities. Th e
have been spotted. I n February, the W H O
Lieutenants and Sergeants Association and the Detrmt
thing because they couldn't 1,700 people at Auschwitz. see from where they were Such an approach reflects serving," Dietrich a dded. the generational shift in Gercrimes committed on such a "This allows us to go in and many's justice system, which monumental scale. It has tak- look at whether that is true. for decades seemed unwilling
where polio is circulating are hampering efforts to vac-
there were 68 confirmed within reach," Frieden said. polio cases worldwide, comStill, th e i n dependent p ared with just 24 at t h e board monitoring the progsame time last year. In 2013, ress being made on polio has polio reappeared in Syria, called for overhauling the sparking fears the civil war program. "Few involved in (polio there could ignite a wider outbreak asrefugees flee to eradication) can give a clear othercountriesacrossthere- account of how decisions are gion. The virus has also been made," concluded a recent identified in the sewage sys- report by the group. "If a biltem in Israel, the West Bank lion-dollar global business and Gaza, although no cases missed its major goal several
window of the kitchen where
fore a court," said Paul A. Sha- Lipschis said he served as a piro, director of the Center for cook. "We hadtoprovemore than Advanced Holocaust Studies at the U.S. Holocaust Memori- just that he was present," Dietal Museum in Washington. rich said. "The failure to bring more "Many former guards say
were settlements with the Detroit Fire Fighters Asso-
plausible number of victims-
"It is often asserted, and is
their crimes or even called be-
announced in recent days. Those agreements were with several groups of workers, retirees and financial creditors. Absent, however,
vors, he was able to establish a
know if his model would have helped convict Lipschis, his techniques are serving as a blueprint for other prosecutors
varia, that allows for a 360-de-
settlements that had been
ciation and the city's largest union of police officers. Two smaller city police unions, the Detroit Police
window of time prosecutors face to pursue their cases against the aging suspects.
true, and has been taken for gree view of the camp. It can granted as something that was be programmed to show what unavoidable, that most perpe- an individual guard could trators of the Holocaust were have seen from a specific vannever held accountable for tage point, even including the
actuallypay. As a fifth — and presumably final — such proposal was filed Monday, Detroit officials added to a series of
out how many peoplewould have arrived under Lipschis' watch. By subtracting the names of any known survi-
in peace. But the prevailing
who worked at Sobibor, a rel-
to our ability to eradicate polio."
Armed with t h ose dates, Dietrich turned to transport lists of prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau to find
was a measure of the closing
let them live out so manyyears
at least partly from the dis-
gence and spread of polio out of Pakistan, Cameroon and
exact times when the suspect served guard duty.
would a more recent criminal
The judge further found that it was impossible for anyone
by trying to get blood samples from his family under the guise of a hepatitis vaccination program. U.S. commandos killed the al-Qaida
t he Auschwitz trials of t h e 1960s, it was not sufficient to
commander to establish the
of whether it is just to pursue
which had stood since 1969.
C DC Director Dr . T o m Frieden said the r e-emer-
emotional testimony from
of victims. Specifically, Dietrich drew from the meticulous diary kept by Lipschis' unit
prosecutions now after having
the U.S. Centers for Disease
Pakistani doctor to uncover Osama bin Laden's hideout
Dietrich said that while he r eviewed the d etailed and
precise estimates of numbers
build a modern case. Instead, the German city of Ellwangen he approached his case as he dismissed the case. The ruling
of spying for the U.S. govern- Control and Prevention, arment. Those suspicions stem en't yet considering pushing back their latest deadline to
furt who are investigating two
and its partners, including
closure that the CIA used a eradicate polio by 2018.
to reach deals with city workers and others in an ef-
Ralf Dietrich, a state prosecutor in Stuttgart, Germany, uses a three-dimensional program depicting
camp guard of accessory to the murder of all 28,060 people who died during the time he served there. That ruling overturned a precedent that had required evidence linking suspects to a specific killing,
Henderson said. A ylward said the W H O
f ederal
judgeon Monday signed off
the chimneys of the cremato-
ria'? Could you see smoke?" Archival research, he said,
ry at Florida State University.
R •
c a s es
steadily trickled through Gersystem until September, when the federalprosecutors recommended that authorities in
11 of Germany's 16 states pursue charges against 30 former guards. But while the Demjanjuk ruling removed the burden of linking guards to a specific death, prosecutors continue to face the burden of proving what suspects knew about the
industrial-scale killing taking place around them. T hey started w it h A u s chwitz-Birkenau, where
proving what any one guard knew about the killings may
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BRIEFING Inmate escapes Deer Ridgeprison Oregon State Police are searching for an inmatewho escapedfrom Deer RidgeCorrectional Institution in Madras on Sunday night. Prison officials discovered Clinton Orvill Swearingen II was missing at10:30 p.m. Sunday, according to a news release. Hewas booked into the prison Feb. 4on a Linn County charge of first-degree theft, two counts of second-degree burglary and two counts of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. St. Charles Madras spent much of the day on lockdown after the facility received reports that Swearingen may have beenspotted on hospital property. Police believe Swearingen may bewearing his prison clothes, blue jeans with the word "inmate" and the Department of Corrections logo stenciled on the knee in orangeor red shorts; and ablue T-shirt with the word "inmate" and the DOC logo stenciled in orange on the front and back. Anyone with information on Swearingen's whereabouts is askedto call Oregon State Police at 800-452-7888. — From staff reports
aessc oars i ives ue reason o smi e
MAY ELECTION The May 20election will serve as aprimary for a variety of statewide offices. Local races and measures will also be on the ballot.
C< g
scholarships are administered The Bulletin by the United Negro College A Madras High School seFund with support from a $1.6 nior is one of 21 Oregonians to billion grant from the Bill and receive the prestigious Gates
Melinda Gates Foundation.
Millennium Scholarship, which provides recipients
Itzel Romero, 17, will use her award to attend Linfield
Each year 1,000 minority students are named as scholars by the UNCF. Romero plans to enroll in a predentistry program with the goal of someday returning to Madras as an orthodontist. Romero
College in McMinnville. The
said her plans stem from her
with a free ride to college and
access to programs aimed at promotingacademic success.
• District Attorney Patrick Flaherty is seeking re-election, and Bend attorney John Hummel has also filed to run for the position as well. • Commission seats held by TonyDeBone and TammyBaneyare up for election. DeBone, a Republican, hasfiled to run againandfaces a primary challenge from Richard Esterman.Jodie Barram, now aBendcity councilor, has filed as the Democratic candidate. • Circuit Judge Barbara Haslingerhas announced she'll retire. Herseat on the benchwill be upfor election. RandyMiller and ThomasSpearare vying for the position. • Circuit Judge Stephen Forte is upfor re-election. • The county assessor position is on the ballot. • A five-year local option fire levy would tax property owners 20 cents per $1,000 in assessed property value. The fire department currently receives acut of $1.18 per $1,000 in assessed property value from the city's permanent tax rate of $2.80 per $1,000. CROOKCOUNTY • The commission seat held by SethCrawford is up for election. Crawford has filed to runagainand faces a primary challenge from Prineville City Councilor JackSeley. • The county assessor position is ontheballot. • A measure to makenonpartisan thepositions of Crook CountyJudgeand county commissioners will also be onthe ballot.
experience receiving treatment through SMILE Central
Oregon, which helps provide braces to those unable to afford them.
Submitted photo
"I really admire that pro-
gram and want to come back to be a part of it if it's still
around," Romero said. Without the award, Romero is not sure if she would be able to attend Linfield.
Following up onCentral Oregon's most interesting stories, even if they've beenout of the headlines for a while. Email ideas to news©bendbulletin.com. Q»To follow the series, visit bendbulletin.cum/upclntes
Survivor of WWII, but
lived aquiet life in Bend By Shelby R. King The Bulletin
Longtime Bend resident and business owner David
Stoliar, who was the only survivor on a ship torpedoed by a Soviet subma-
rine during World War II, died Thursday at age 91, according to his wife, Marda Stoliar. Stoliar was the lone
• YearS later,Whatto do abOutdeVelOPer agreementS on streets, sidewalksandother (still incomplete)work?
survivor of what's known
as the Holocaust at Sea, in which 766 Jewish refugees were killed when their boat was torpedoed by Russian submarines. He didn't like to talk about that time in his life, his
• Schools:Oregon will expand subsidies for high school students taking advanced placement exams,B3 • Dr. Kitzbeber:The governor performs CPR on anunconscious woman in Portland,B3
wife said. "He was a very quiet, very private man," she said. "He didn't want his
life to be defined by the worst days of his life."
In December 1941, Stoliar and 766 other Jews
boarded a boat named the Struma, planning to travel from Romania and
News of Record, B2
apply for visas to Pales-
• Commission seats held by MikeAhern and John Haffield are upfor election. Ahern isseeking re-election andfacesa challenge fromFloyd Paye;TomBrown, Mae Huston andMikeThroop havefiledforthe otherseat. • Lake ChinookFire8 Rescue isproposing a $660,000 generalobligation bond tobuild anew fire station. Theaverage annual tax ratefor the 30year bond isestimatedat 50.9 cents per$1,000 of assessedvalue.
tine. The boat was kept in quarantine in Istanbul's
harbor for more than two months, and Turkish offi-
cials would not allow the passengers to disembark.
City Hall:
police towed the boat to sea and abandoned it. The
On Feb. 23, 1942, Turkish
next day, a Soviet subma-
rine torpedoed the ship and sunk it, according to
validation for 2 cities
Stoliar's longtime friend
Alan Guggenheim, who will publish a memoir in 2014 about Stoliar.
Stoliar was born Oct. By Elon Glucklich
31, 1922, in Romania. His parents divorced in 1934,
The Bulletin
ruling Monday gives towns the clearest protection yet to hold a prayer before city council meetings. Touching on an issue
CROOK/JEFFERSON • Circuit Judge Daniel Ahern andCircuit Judge Gary LeeWilliams are running unopposedfor re-election.
and he spent his childhood
A U.S. Supreme Court
. i)tnrt>~>u '.; f
traveling between his mother's home in France
> ':
and his father's home in Romania, according to Guggenheim.
that for decades has drawn
controversy and sparked lawsuits across the country, the Supreme Court said in a
5-to-4 decision that a prayer before public meetings
doesn't violate constitu-
tionalbans against government-sponsored religion.
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
two Central Oregon communities, Redmond and
By Leslie Pugmire Hole
use to ensure the projects were completed.
The Bulletin
At the time, the council directed staff to
Madras, have long done on
fore their t w i ce-monthly meetings for more than 45
years. In 2006, the council voted 6-to-1 to set guidelines
for the premeeting prayer, according to The Bulletin's
archives, seeking to open it up to faiths beyond evangelical Christianity. The dissenting councilor said he felt prayer had no place at a public meeting. SeePrayer/B6
Sections of incomplete sidewalk in front of undeveloped lots, such es in this area on Redwood Avenue,are n common sight in Redmond.
ramifications. And it just
Redmond city councilors have held a prayer be-
validated what at least
their own.
Isculpting (
The case centered
around a New York town that appointed a chaplain for monthly prayers before council meetings. But Monday's ruling has national
oads to nowhere, snippets of sidewalks, treeless streets — Red-
Flacec4aby&am ~ Qto wHyla~
"walk softly" and concentrate on subdivisions that were 75 percent complete.
mond's housing bust left the comR munity with numerous incomplete site
munity development director, Redmond was a bit unique when it allowed develop-
improvements as developers neglected to
ers todefer improvements and has since
fulfill commitments agreed upon when their plans were approved.
changed its policies and requires most im-
According to Heather Richards, com-
provements upfront.
Today, the original 65 unmet agreethe community about pedestrian acces- ments from the nearly complete subdivisibility, two years ago the Redmond City sions have been whittled down to 25. There Frustrated and facing complaints from
Council gave city staff direction: Contact
are another35 from developments never
out-of-compliance developers to remind them thatthe agreements were assured
begun or with sparsely sold homesites.
with bonds or cash deposits the city could
Some ofthe agreements date to 2002. SeeRedmond/B6
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Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communityli feibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-312-8510. CENTRAL OREGONFILM FESTIVAL: CENTRAL OREGONFILM A screening of local filmmaker's FESTIVAL:A screening of local filmmaker's films, award acceptance films, award acceptance and Q&A; visit website for details; free; 6:30-9 and Q8 A; visit website for details; p.m.; Redmond Cinemas, 1535 S.W. free; 6:30-9 p.m.; Redmond Odem Medo Road; 541-806-3268 or Cinemas,1535 S.W. OdemMedo l~ www.centraloregonshowcase.com. Road; 541-806-3268 or www. centraloregonshowcase.com. REDMOND LACROSSEDINNER CUBA: LANDOFECCENTRICITY, AND SILENTAUCTION:Proceeds will benefit the Redmond lacrosse EROTICISM 8 ENIGMA:National Geographic photographerand team, featuring music by CinderBlue, expedition leader Christopher Baker call for tickets; $10 per person, presents on his travels to Cuba; $10; $35 per family of 4; 6:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. doors open at 6 p.m.; Redmond Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or VFW Hall, 1836 SWVeterans Way, www.towertheatre.org. Redmond97756; 541-447-1607. GREEN TEAM MOVIENIGHT:A THE HILLDOGS: The Newbergfolkscreening of the film "Which Way rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; Home" about three children from McMenamins Old St. Francis School, homes in Latin America traveling 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382Submitted photo through Mexico; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; 5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. The funk band Monophonics will perform in Bend thls week. First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. ORGONE VS.MONOPHONICS: Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. The California soul and funk bands "I REMEMBER YOU": A play by presents the classic tale by Gilbert "FOCUS ONTHE FAMILY perform; $15 plus fees, $20at the and Sullivan; $8, $5 for students Bernard Slade about a lounge pianistPRESENTSIRREPLACEABLE":A door; 9 p.m., doorsopen8 p.m.; and seniors; 7 p.m.; Crook County singer that meets a young beauty screening of thefilm approaching Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood High School, 1100 S.E. Lynn who resembles a woman from a the concept of family from a number Ave., Bend; 541-408-4329 or Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900 past love affair; $19, $15 seniors, of different angles; $12.50; 7:30 www.p44p.biz. ext. 3132 or anita.hoffman© $12students;7:30p.m .;Greenwood p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & crookcounty.k12.or.us. Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, THURSDAY Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or Bend; 541-312-2901. "PRIDE ANDPREJUDICE": A new www.cascadestheatrical.org. adaption of Jane Austen's story of AUTHORPRESENTATION:Author THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: "TELL Elizabeth Bennett and her family's Tawna Fenske presents on her new THE WOLVESI' M HOME": Read society; $4 for students, $7 for book"Frisky Business"; free; 7:30-9 FRIDAY and discuss"Tell the Wolves I'm adults; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, p.m.; Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, Home" by Carol Rifka Brunt; noon; 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-355-3700. SPROUT FILMFESTIVAL:An 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541- Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. international short film festival 318-7242 or www.tawnafenske.com/. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1055 or BRIAN COPELAND BAND: The showcasing the artistry of people Portland pop-savvy band performs; reneeb©deschuteslibrary.org. with disabilities; $6 plus fees for free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. WEDNESDAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: matinee, $10 plus fees for evening Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond "THE ROUND HOUSE": Read and show; 11:30 a.m.; Tower Theatre, 100TH ANNIVERSARY St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. discuss "The Round House" by 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317mcmenami n s.com. CELEBRATION:Celebrate with Louise Erdrich; noon; Downtown 0700 or www.towertheatre.org. the Oregon State University Crook OREGON OUTDOOR SPEAKER Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall AUTHORPRESENTATION: Bend County Extension Service with a SERIES:Featuring multimedia St.; 541-312-1055 or reneeb© barbecue, live music, photo booth, author presents her debut novel presentations highlighting outdoor deschuteslibrary.org. mascots anddoor prizes; free, sports and adventure related to the "Adventures in Dating"; free; 4-5:30 AUTHORPRESENTATION:Tsh reservation requested; 11:30-1:30 p.m.; Bluebird Coffee Company, 550 Bend community; proceeds benefit Oxenreider presents her book "Notes N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-330a.m.; Crook County Courthouse, Bend Endurance Academy; $5 from a Blue Bike: TheArt of Living 300 N.E. Third St., Prineville; 2100, sara@sararishforth.com or minimum donation suggested; Intentionally in a Chaotic World"; 541-447-6228. www.sararishforth.com/. 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; 6:30-8 p.m.; Kilns Bookstore, 550 BURNIN'MOONLIGHT: Americ ana Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. TIGHTLINES AUCTION & BBO S.W. Industrial Way, Suite180, Bend; and country; noon; Central Oregon Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 DINNER:SOLDOUT, The Deschutes 541-318-9014, kilnsbookstore© Community College, 2600 N.W. or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. River Conservancy hosts an evening gmail.com or www.thekilns.com. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7700. of food, fishing lore, an auction, "BLEMISHED,A MUSICAL": AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Wiliam drinks and more; registration SUMMER CONCERTSPUBLIC Playwright competition winner Sullivan presents a talk and slide requested; SOLDOUT; 5 p.m.; INFORMATIONSESSION: Meeting Katelyn Alexander's play about show based on his book"Oregon Aspen Hall, 18920 N.W. Shevlin Park will take place at the white house an ex-cabaret performeranda Variations"; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Road, Bend; 541-382-4077 or www. adjacent to the amphitheater, topics minister is produced; $19, $16 for Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., will cover the policy changes for studentsand seniors;7:30 p.m.;2nd deschutesriver.org. Redmond; 541-526-1491. certain shows only with concerns Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette A VISION FORFAMILIES FINE "PIRATES OF PENZANCE": Crook about no chairs and blankets; Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or PHOTOGRAPHY SILENTAUCTION 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Les Schwab County Performing Arts Department www.2ndstreettheater.com. AND SOIREE:A silentauction of
't I
fine photography, soiree, no-host bar and appetizers; proceeds benefit The Family Resource Center; $35, $65 per couple, registration requested; 5:30-8:30 p.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-389-5468 or www. frconline.org. AUTHORPRESENTATION:William Sullivan presents a talk and slide show based on his book"Oregon Variations"; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. SLAMTASTIC:The Harlem Wizards perform against the Cascade Mountaineers and more; proceeds benefit Cascade Middle School Sparrow Club; $12, students $9 plus
fees in advance,$15, students $10 at the door; 6:30 p.m., doors open 5:30 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; www.harlemwizards.com. "PIRATES OFPENZANCE": Crook County Performing Arts Department presentsthe classic tale byGilbert and Sullivan; $8, $5for students and seniors; 7 p.m.;Crook County High School,1100 S.E.LynnBlvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900 ext. 3132 oranita. hoffman©crookcount y.k12.or.us. "PRIDE AND PREJUDICE": A new adaption of Jane Austen's story of Elizabeth Bennett and her family's society; $4 for students, $7 for adults; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-355-3700. SPROUT FILMFESTIVAL: An international short film festival showcasing the artistry of people with disabilities; $6 plus fees for matinee, $10 plus fees for evening show; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. "BLEMISHED,A MUSICAL": Playwright competition winner Katelyn Alexander's play about an ex-cabaret performer and a minister is produced; $19, $16for studentsandseniors;7:30 p.m .;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "IREMEMBER YOU":A play by Bernard Slade about a lounge pianistsinger that meets ayoung beauty who resembles a woman from a past love affair; $19, $15 seniors, $12students;7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.
SATURDAY MOTHER'SDAY CELEBRATION RUN/WALK:A 5K run and 1-mile walk and kids' fun run to celebrate Mother's Day; proceeds benefit Rising Stars Preschool; $10, $5 for children younger than age 11;9:15 a.m., registration starts 8:15 a.m.; La Pine Community Campus,51605 Coach Road; 541-536-8362 or www.risingstartspreschool.org. MOTHER'S DAYPOKER TOURNAMENT:All proceeds benefit a Military Mom in Central Oregon; $15 per hand, 2 for $20; 9:30 a.m.; Northside Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-350-3802, sgwilkes73©bendcable .com or www.ovma-hde.com/. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LA CENERENTOLA":Starring Joyce DiDonato in the Cinderella title role, with Juan Diego Glorezas her Prince
Charming; operaperformance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. CRAZY MAMACRAFTFAIRE: Featuring 70 local craft vendors and artists; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Bend Factory Stores, 61334 S. U.S. Highway 97; 541-848-0334 or SewSavvyMP© hotmail.com. PRINEVILLEHOTSHOT MEMORIAL RUN:Featuring 5K run/walk, 10K run and children's fun run followed by a barbecue; proceeds benefit wild land firefighters and memorial monuments; $25 inadvance,$30 on race day, $15 for children's fun run, registration requested; 10 a.m., 9 a.m. registration, 11:15 fun run; Ochoco Creek Park, 450 N.E. Elm St.; 541-815-2050 or www. runningwildfire.org. "PRIDE AND PREJUDICE": Anew adaption of Jane Austen's story of Elizabeth Bennett and her family's society; $4 for students, $7 for adults; 2 p.m.and 7 p.m.;Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-355-3700. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Second Sunday on Saturday, author William Sullivan talks about his new book and "Oregon for the Curious"; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.
NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log whensuch arequest is received. Anynewinformation, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.
BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at9:08 a.m. April 29, in the 3000 block of Northwest Lucus Court. DUII —Erin Annalise Bohon, 30, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:03 p.m. April 30, in the area ofNorthwest Colorado Avenueand Northwest Lava Road. Theft —Atheft was reported at 8:56 a.m. May1, in the area ofNorthwest and Northeast Franklin avenues. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported andan arrest made at7:41 p.m. May1, in the 2500 block of Northeast Neff Road. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 10:16 a.m. April 30, in the 2700 block of Northeast 27th Street. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 11:13 a.m. May 2, in the300 block of Shevlin-Hixon Drive. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 1:56 p.m. May 2, in the900 block of Northwest Wall Street. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at5:13 p.m. May 2, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft —Atheft was reported at 8:37 p.m. May 2, in the20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at9:37 p.m. May 2, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft —Atheft was reported at1:03 p.m. April 22, in the area ofNorthwest College Wayand Northwest Shevlin Park Road. Theft —Atheft was reported at10:47 a.m. April 30, in the 3200 block of Northwest Starview Drive. Theft —Atheft was reported at11:31 a.m. May 2, in the2600 block of
Northeast U.S. Highway20. DUII —April Anne Vernon, 18, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:08 a.m. May 3, in thearea of Northeast Third Street and Northeast Franklin Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:06a.m. May3, inthe1700blockof Southwest TroonAvenue. DUII —Lacie Ruth Luker, 27,was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at10:17 p.m. May 3, in thearea of Northeast Third Streetand Northeast Quimby Avenue. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 10:00 a.m. May 4, in the19800 block of Copernicus Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:19 p.m. April 22, in the 700 block of Northwest LavaRoad.
PRIMEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT DUII —Dwight Horton, 39, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:02 a.m. May 2, in thearea of Northwest Second Street. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported andan arrest made at4:36 p.m. May 2, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:15 p.m. May 2, in thearea of Northwest Fourth Street. DUII —Debra Owens,59, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:32 a.m. May 3, in thearea of North Main Street. Burglary —A burglary and a theft were reported at11:14 p.m. May 3,in the area of Northeast Third Street.
JEFFERSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 9:48 a.m.April 28, in the 1000 block of Northeast Brown Drive. Burglary —A burglary and a theft were reported at11:05 a.m. May1, in the 800 block of Northwest Third Street.
Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 2:59 p.m. May1, in the 7200 block of Ermine Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:43a.m.Ma y2,inthe600blockof Northwest Cherry Lane. Burglary —Aburglary and an act of criminal mischief was reported at 5:05 p.m. May 2, in the13900 block of Southwest ChipmunkRoad. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported entered and a theft was reported at 6:24 p.m. May 2, in the400 block of East FStreet.
C 0
I NV E S T M E N T S E R V I G E S Oregon Community Credit Union isproud to sponsoracom plimentary seminar hosted by the Oregon Communitylnvestment ServicesTeam and LPL Financial.
OREGON STATE POLICE DUII —James Russell Prentice, 32, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:18 p.m. May 2, in the200 block of Spur Road. DUII —Tim LeeBrittain,29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 8:39 p.m. May 2, in the5000 block of South U.S. Highway97, in Redmond. DUII —Jason Michael Fraley, 31, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:27 a.m. May 3, in thearea of Northeast Fifth Street and Northeast Franklin Avenue, in Bend. DUII —Jaime Ortiz Zacapala, 34, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 8:56p.m. May3,intheareaof U.S. Highway 371near milepost1.
I '
Friday 12:13 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, in the 63000 block of Chaparrel Drive. 18 —Medical aid calls. Saturday 12:15 p.m. —Unauthorized burning, 61526 RockawayTer. 3:07p.m.— Forest, woods or wildland fire, 19649 SunshineWay. 17 —Medical aid calls. Sunday 6:21 p.m.— Building fire, 19049 River Woods Drive.
I • •
' •
I •
I I•
• I
g •
I ' '
' I
• •
18 —Medical aid calls.
Well shot! reader photos • We want to see your photos "on the river" for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section. Submit your best work at benflbulletln.com/riverphotosandwe'll pick the best for publication.
• Email other good photos of the great outdoors to reaflerphotos©benflbilletln.com and tell us a bit aboutwhereandwhenyoutookthem.W e'llchoose the best for publication in the newspaperand onour website.
Submissionrequlrements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — aswell as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
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May LoseValue
es ai
ae 0 O O S The Associated Press The state of Oregon plans to expand subsidies for high-
later on.
s chool students taking a d -
more than one.
vanced placement exams that can allow them to skip introductory college courses. For low-income students, the state will pick up the entire tab, in hopes of removing a financial barrier to students who might forgo the tests and then wind up paying much moreforcollege credits
The tests costs $89 each, and many students sign up for
pay $56. School officials said they
dies are funding 6,712 exams this year for low-income stu-
firmed up the subsidies recently, with word that a federal
dents. The state estimates that
could rise to 7,600 next year. "I expect those numbers to Previously, with help from grant would be renewed. a federal grant and a College M ost students h ave a l - go up ... for the regular stuBoard discount, the cost to ready registered and paid dents as well," said Michelle low-income students was $33 for this year's exams, which Dabbs, advanced placement per test. With the additional state
will be offered over the next
two weeks. They're getting fundingand arenewed federal refunds. School officials said they grant, such students will now get the tests free, and other expectto see greaternumbers public school students will of tests next year — the subsi-
coordinator at South Medford
High School, in Southern Oregon. "This year, we didn't know about the waiver until
after we had ordered all the tests."
e u e c an es course oninsectici e By Jeff Bamard
Park and harassed golfers at
brates, but less toxic to birds.
The Associated Press
local courses. U.S. Rep. Peter
CocoBear is an oil that forms
Pressed b y adv ocacy groups, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has dropped plans to spray chemical pesticides to kill mosquitoes breeding on a national wildlife refuge on the southern Oregon coast. Instead, the agency will use a biological pesticide that poses lessrisk to the crabs,craw-
DeFazio, D-Ore., pressed the agency to fix the problem. Acknowledging that it
focates mosquito larvae. The wildlife, their habitats, and the label warns it k i ll s aquatic human environment," Fish and
never took into account the
potential for increasing mosquito numbers around homes and the city of Bandon, Fish
and Wildlife came up with a plan to alter the flow of tidal water in the Ni-les'tun Unit of
wildlife depend on for food. After a major restoration
the refugeto reduce the area of prime mosquito breeding pools. In the meantime, they would spray the pesticides
at the Bandon Marsh Nation-
methoprene and
fish and worms that fish and
C o coBear
al Wildlife Refuge in 2011 within the refuge to kill mosinadvertently created lots of quito larvae. shallow water pools favored Methoprene acts like a horby mosquito larvae, swarms
mone to inhibit growth in in-
of mosquitoes appeared last
sects, and is sometimes found in flea collars. An Oregon ing a public outcry. The biting State University pesticides insects drove away campers website says it is toxic to fish,
year likenever before, creatfrom Bullards Beach State
shrimp an d
o t her i n verte-
ing Bti will effectively control mosquitoes on the Ni-les'tun a thin film over water and suf- Unit while posing a low risk to organisms.
Wildlife said in a statement.
The i n sect
c o nservation
The agency contracted with
group Xerces Society, the Center for Food Safety and others urged the agency to reconsider, arguing that the pesticides were a threat to the food
Coos County Public Health
chain, and that the mosqui-
to monitor mosquitoes on the
refuge and pay a contractor to spray for mosquitoes on the refuge.
GOVernOr PerfOrmS CPR —Oregon Gov.John Kitzhaber performedCPR on anunconsciouswoman indowntown Portlandon Monday night, assisting her until medics could arrive. A spokesperson for the governor confirmed that Kitzhaber wastraveling by car through downtown Portland at about 5 p.m. Monday onhis wayto dinner when henoticed awoman on the ground. Kitzhaber, a former emergency room doctor, told his driver to pull over andasked his security officers to call medics, then hebegan CPR.The governor's office says medics took over whenthey arrived and took the woman to a hospital, where she isexpected to survive. Portland Police had no additional details. POrtland afSOh ChafgSS —Authorities have arrested a suspect in half a dozenfires set in a north Portland neighborhood. Portland police said Mondaythat 20-year-old Richard David Simms Jr. faces arson and reckless burning charges. Thefires were reported early Saturday in the Portsmouth neighborhood. Twohouses, two vehicles, a recycling bin and achair abandoned in a parking lot were set afire. There werealso two additional acts of vandalism: rocks thrown at two car windshields. Officials say nobodywas injured. Investigators said they havesurveillance video showing the suspect in the driveway of a home. POfllOgfaphjf pfOfOSSOfSOSd —A former Portland State University student who worked as abondage model is suing the university for more than $1million, alleging that an assistant professor's intense interest in her sexwork derailed her academic career. In the federal lawsuit, Whitney"Theda" Orlando saysMarcia Klotz used her influence over Orlando's college opportunities to coerce her to provide sex-related material. Klotz taught a class on "TheErotics of Power" and wrote a papertitled "It's Not Really Porn." Klotz exchanged more than 200emails with Orlando from 2009 to 2012, including bondage photos. Lawyers for PSUsayOrlando nevercomplained before she filed suit. Klotz left PSUlast year for another job. Orlando left in the spring of 2013without earning a degree. AutiStiC doy folllld —A Washington County sheriff's police dog found a missing 8-year-old autistic boy in acreek. Deputy Daniel DiPietro and his K-9, Maverick, were called Sundayevening to look for the boy whowas reported missing by his family in the CedarHills neighborhood. Theysearchedawoodedareaandfoundhim coldand shivering in rain-swollen WardCreek.Theboy had noserious injuries and was able to return home to his parents.
"We are not working to save
toes, Aedes dorsalis, did not these mosquitoes," said Scott spread human diseases, such Black of Xerces Society. "Our as West Nile virus. goal with this project was so In a supplemental environ- that we did not harm everymental assessment last month, thing from crabs and shrimp the agency agreed to use the and dragonflies and everybiological pesticide Bacil- thing up to birds and other lus thuringiensis israelensis, animals that have to feed on known as Bti. these organisms." "After evaluating public Work on expanding the comments ... and discussion network o f t i d a l c h a nnels with mosquito experts, the through the marsh is schedService determined that us- uled to start in early summer.
Naked mah fllh dOWh —Portland Police say a nakedman who was reportedly doing pushups in the roadwas struck and killed by a car early Sunday.Officers respondedafter getting a report just after 4 a.m. that a nakedmanwas running in traffic near North Columbia Boulevard andPortsmouth Avenue. Asecond report came in that theman was doingpushups,andathirdsaid hehadbeen hitbya car. Police say the driver who hit the pedestrian was not impaired by alcohol or drugs. The roadwas closed for several hours. The state medical examiner's office will conduct an autopsy. Police did not release names.
Incident at juvenile facility —Nineyounginmates were put in isolation after a disagreement betweentwo of them led to a group barricading themselves inside adormitory. Law andfire enforcement agencies weresummoned Sunday night to the North Coast Youth Correctional Facility in Warrenton. Jami Ayers, interim superintendent of the OregonYouth Authority, says the young people challenged staff members, who wereeventually able to talk them out of the dorm. Somedamageto soapdispensers and other small items was reported, but no injuries were. The state websites says the facility has a capacity is 50. — From wire reports
Courtesy Oregon Coast Aquarium
Oregon Coast Aquarium divers took pictures of and made notes
Tim Trainor/ East Oregonian
on the starfish of Yaquina Bay recently.
A female cutthroat trout is returned to Mann Lake, near Burns, in March. Just five years ago, the lake was emptied of fish.
Dying starfish:Oregon's Cutthroat trout are first for wasting disease back in remote lake The Associated Press Oregon's starfish are turning to goo, too. The state's population no longer appears isolated from a
normal. But those events were
East Oregonian
localized, only affecting portions of the population. That made it easier for starfish to
after being devoid of fish,
lished itself as the only place
Presumably escaped from live bait fishermen, goldfish
widespread disease outbreak
Scientists say they've never seen a die-off of this magni-
in Eastern Oregon to catch
multiplied rapidly and
killing thousands of starfish from California to Alaska. Oregon Coast Aquarium divers surveying starfish at the entrance to Yaquina Bay on April 27 found sunflower
and ochre starfish suffering from a deadlyphenomenon that scientists have termed
tude. It's spread through most
of the starfish's range, which stretches from Alaska to Baja
California. And it's affecting several starfish species including pisaster, the five-armed, orange and purple starfish commonly seen in Oregon tide
"sea star wasting disease." pools. That has researchers The disease's cause isn't yet concerned about the starfish's known. recoverychances. The divers were about 25 Burke said he hadn't before feet deep when they found seen dying starfish in nearly starfish with severe signs of 100 dives this year and last. He wastingdisease.Some were plans to continue monitoring disintegrating into white goo the Yaquina Bay site with anand dropping arms. It's the other visit soon to see whether first major discovery of dying — as at other sites affected by starfish on Oregon's coast. Un- the disease — all the starfish til now, just one tide pool site die. with a few dying starfish had And scientific divers will be been found near Yachats last surveying Oregon's coastal year. Jim Burke, the aquari- waters through October, keepum's dive operations director, ing an eye out for dying starsaid his underwater survey fish, Burke said. "Our goal is to document found about 30 healthy starfish and 22 with signs of wast- and work with other groups to ing disease. do as much as we can to mon"You see an arm totally off, itor it — and with the help of or the base of a body really our veterinarian and others milky, or an arm starting to — try to get to the underlying separate," he said. cause," Burke said. Starfish die-offs have hapDivers or tidepoolers can pened before in Southern Cal- submit reports of sick or ifornia in 1983-84 and 1997-98, healthy starfish t o c r o w dwhen El Nino events turned ocean waters warmer than
sourced efforts at inaturalist.
org and sickstarfish.com.
BURNS — Just five years Mann Lake has r e-estab-
cu t t hroat nearly exterminated
trout. Located beneath Steens Mountain, the remote lake
had long been known as a destination for catching
stocked trout heavy with Lahontan genetics, a large desert subspecies that was
native to the areabefore poor water practices drove the local population to presumed extinction.
the resident trout. In
2010, when crews poisoned the lake to kill all the fish in it, they collected
the carcasses of roughly 10 trout and 170,000 goldfish.
But the fishery collapsed in th e
m i d-2000s thanks egon anglers staring at swol-
to a destructive villain: the lowly goldfish. Presumably escaped from live bait fishermen, the goldfish multiplied rapidly and nearly extermi-
len and off-color rivers, they are biting like mad. The picturesque desert lake is located east of Steens
nated the resident trout. In 2010, when Malheur district
the Alvord Desert and about 80 miles south of Burns. It
Mountain, just 20 miles from
fish biologist Shannon Hurn is full of freshwater shrimp and her crew poisoned the and a number of macro-inlake to kill all the fish in it, vertebrates that trout feed they collected the carcass- on with gusto, allowing the es of roughly 10 trout and predatory fish to grow quick170,000 goldfish. ly and then grow some more. A productive, unique fish- Landing a 16-inch cutthroat ery filled with a rare subspe- in the lake won't impress cies of trout was wiped off your fishing partner, but a the map for Oregon anglers. 20-incher will — and that is Until now. well within the realm of posAfterfi ve years of selec- sibilities. Cutthroat trout up tive stocking and breeding, to 2 feet in length are present large cutthroat are flour- in Mann Lakein good numishing again in Mann Lake. bers for the first time in a And luckily for Eastern Or- decade.
• Gov. John Kltzhader, D 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov • Secretaryof State Kate Brown, 0 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos@state.or.us • Treasurer TedWheeler, D 159 Oregon StateCapitol 900 Court St. N.E Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer@state. ecus Web: www.ost.state.or.us • Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, D 1162 Court St. N.E Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax:503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us • Labor Commissioner BradAvakian 800 N.E OregonSt., Suite 1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Fax:971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail©state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli
LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-District30 (Jefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli • Sen. TimKnopp,R-Oistrict 27 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.timknopp©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/knopp • Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-Oistrict28 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state. OI;Us
Web: www.leg.state.or.usl whitsett
House ofRepresentatives • Rep. Jason Conger,R-Oistrict 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301
Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.lasonconger@state. or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger • Rep. JohnHuffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.lohnhuffman©state. ocus Web: www.leg.state.or.usl huffman • Rep. MlkeMcLane, R-Olstrlct55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane©state. or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane • Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District53 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant@state. 0I;us
Web: www.leg.state.or.usl whisnant
CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http://merkley.senate.gov Bendoffice: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wyden,D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 Web: http://wyden.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave.,Suite 107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142
U.S. House ofRepresentatives • Rep. Greg Walden, R-HoodRlver 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: http://walden.house.gov Bendoffice: 1051 N.W.Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone:541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
The Bulletin
BErss McCooz. Gonoon Bcnctt JonttCosTn RtcHstto Cos
Chairsooman Publisher
Editorin-Chief Editor o f Editorials
a n e e aw on ores ees nless Congress acts, the U.S. Forest Service faces a problem. A federal judge in Southern California has saidthe agency cannot requireforestpassesforthose who do not use such amenities as picnic tables or toilets. Doing so, Judge Terry Hatter said last week, amounts to a parking fee and the courts have already said the agency cannot charge someone for the privilege of parking. The ruling leaves the Forest Service with something of a problem, or, more correctly, several of them. Without a change in the law, the agency must either give up the fees or find some way of deciding which vehicles belong to which sort of visitor. There are other problems, as well. Knowing that they may park for free if they don't use amenities could encourage forest visitors not to use them — and to leave in their wake trash and even human waste. Nor does it make sense to require the agency to build two parking lots in popular places, one for those who use amenities and one for those who don't. Parking roadside is no answer. Forest roads are not four-lane highways, and cars alongside them could create a safety hazard. Finally, fees go for things forest users want — parking lots, toilets and picnic tables, even things like trash pickup. While the Forest Service does collect more than is required for simple maintenance and
i'IR37Q0 @ $~
Fees go for things forest users want — parking lots,
toilets and picnic tables,
even things like trash pickup. While the Forest
Service does collect more than is required for simple maintenance and the like, much of the extra goes to improve and add facilities. the like, much of the extra goes to improve and add facilities. In places like the Deschutes, where demand is heavy, those fees are critical to ensuring there will be places to park, picnic and even access trails. Congress can correct the problem in fairly short order. It simply needs to approve a law saying that, yes, it did intend to require everyone who uses the forest, including those who simply park there, to pick up part of the tab to keep the forest in good shape. Doing so wouldn't add to the nation's taxburden ordecrease national security or invade personal privacy. It simply would guarantee that the Forest Service, strapped for cash as it is, can keep the national forests clean and attractive places to visit.
M 1Vickel's Worth Walden doesn't
takes when sworn into office after
happens to them. Because he cares,
get thingsdone
being elected. In addition, Linthicum is a fiscal
he listens. He has seen the impact of judicial rulings on their lives and
In your editorial of April 26 endorsing Greg Walden for the GOP primary, your reasons for not preferring Dennis Linthicum are laughable.
conservative. His business experi-
the lives of their family and friends.
ernment takes money from those
portunity to be heard and under-
who have earned it and wastes it on
stood. He will be thoughtful when
To quote:aBut anyone who speaks with Linthicum has to wonder how
nonessentials, it creates that much of a hole in the economy. Linthicum
rendering decisions. For these rea-
his idealism and uncompromising approach would collide with getting things done in Congress." Getting things done in Congress? Walden has been our representative during
a serious injustice to those of us who
the point onliquor sales
o vo t er s dis l ik e a "wholesale sales tax" more Getting the government than a "wholesale tax"? out of the liquor sales That's the latest wrinkle in the business is appealing on battle about liquor privatization in a philosophical basis. Still, Oregon, which appears likely to apthe practical effects of any pear on ballots in November. Before proponents can collect change must be carefully signaturesto qualifythe measure for considered. the ballot, the language for the ballot title must be settled. Last week, the Oregon Secretary of State's office whopping 71.7 percent tax, plus 75 per bottle, according to The decided the title should say the mea- cents Oregonian. Retail price, however, sure"imposes wholesale tax." would be determined in the marAdvocates for getting the state ketplace, and the recent experience out of the liquor sales business are in Washington state showed pripleased that "sales" is not included. vatization can actually raise pricOpponents like the fact that atax" es. Also, craft distillers are worried is there. If nobody objects within that without state control, they'll five days of last week's decision, the have trouble getting grocery store language might be settled. Then the shelf space, making it hard for conadvocates could choose which of its sumers to find their products and two measuresto pursue and start damaging the craft industry. collecting signatures. Getting the government out of The grocers group pushing the the liquor sales business is appealchange, Oregonians forCompe- ing on a philosophical basis. It's a tition, wants to change state law leftover from Prohibition that is to allow big grocery stores to pur- tough to justify. Still, the practical chase and sellhard liquor, a pro- effects of any change must be carecess now controlled by the state. fully considered. The issues are To replace lost government rev- far greater than whether "sales" or enue,the measure would impose a "tax" appear in the ballot title.
sons, I ask that you join me in supunderstands that special earmarks port of Spear for Circuit Court judge. may get a politician re-elected but is Andy Balyeet are paying the bill. Greg Walden, whom Ihave voted
perhaps the most ineffective Con-
to keep in office, has traits that are
gress in history. He is one of the
getting hard to overlook. First, even though he has sworn to uphold the
leadersofthe party ofano.n Walden has voted over 40 times to
either repeal or amend the Affordable Care Act, when these impotent votes were a tremendous waste of
I'm a big supporter of adequately funding public safety programs. it or obeys it in his legislative voting. There is a time and a place for cutHis voting record can be found in ting government spending, but it
You also state that we need a member of Congress to be able to
compromise. You mention one bill
with 40 percent of his constitution-
he's "working" on with Democrats.
Wow! Surely, after 13 years of service you might have mentioned bills he has gotten passed with bipartisan support. The Bulletin has neglected to weigh in on the absolute waste of our money on the votes taken on
al-sensitive votes, according to that
magazine. I believe that after some 16 years on the job and his recent liberal vot-
ing record, it is time for Walden to come home and let Linthicum have a turn. I sincerely hope that you agree. Jasper Coombes
the ACA. I realize you will endorse Walden in the general election, but endorsements that are this farcical
only make you look silly. Alan Pachtman Bend
Flaherty declines to prosecute
U.S. Constitution, he never mentions
the New American Jan. 6 issue or at w ww. TheNewA m e r i c a n . c o m . Further, his voting record shows he has violated the Constitution
timeand money.
Ballot title dispute misses
ence and education have taught him While honoring the law, Spear will the value of the dollar. When gov- give all parties and litigants the op-
Support5pear I write this letter in support of Thomas aT.J." Spear for C i rcuit
should not be at the expense of our
safety. This is why it was troubling to learn that our district attorney, Patrick Flaherty, declines to pros-
ecute about 40 percent of the cases that law enforcement sends his way. In essence, 40 percent of the budgets
of our local law enforcement agenciesare squandered doing police work that is then never even uti-
lized. Is this the best use of our resources? Is the decline rate lower in other counties?
If the DA finds cases are appropriately investigated by law enforcement and reveal serious crimes then
they should prosecute. If the DA is declining to prosecute cases because the investigations are some-
of the Land! That is the case regard-
Court judge. Spear has a tremen- how deficient, he should work with dous amount of experience. As an our sheriff, police chiefs and police attorney, I know that experience is officers to help them understand the important. But more importantly, reasons he is declining to prosecute his demeanor and character are a and then help them adapt their ingreat fit for our judicial system and vestigation procedures. If our DA is the community at large. Humility declining to prosecute due to caseand patience are important qualities loads in the court, then he needs to for a judge, and Spear has repeated- lead in Salem to drive more resourcly demonstrated those qualities. He es to our growing community. is passionate in his representation of Chuck Arnold
less of the oath that each legislator
his clients and he cares about what
Elect Linthicum This is a letter explaining why we should elect Dennis Linthicum to represent us in Congress. First,
Linthicum stands alone among Oregon's leaders in consistent and serious recognition that the U.S. Constitution is really and truly the Law
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. WeedIt letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletIn. WrIters are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550 and650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely In the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to oneletter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My NIckel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: letters©bendbulletIn.com Write: My Nickel's Worth/In My View P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708
Fax: 541-385-5804
Vote for john Hummel for Deschutes district attorney By John Hummel trial skills necessary to keep us safe. eschutes County is the great- Iserved as a Bend city councilorfor est place in the country to live. six yearsand proved myself to be
We were born here and stayed
here, or we moved here, because we
want to live here. Part of the reason Deschutes County is so great is the
quality of our elected leaders. We don't put our local leaders on pedestals — they are us.
We see our leaders on our soccer fields, in our churches and volunteering for nonprofit organizations. Most important, we see our local leaders working with community members to develop commonsense solutions to
problems. Unfortunately, this spirit is missing from District Attorney Patrick Flaherty's office. I can bring it back. I practiced criminal trial law in this community for 12 years, so I have the
reduceour crime rate and help those suffering from mental illness and admoney; he's also put our safety at risk. diction issues. an honest and ethical leader. And I Regular people kill others with their I moved to Deschutes County in served as director of an international cars and get long jail sentences while 1996, purchased my first house here, organization where I led a team of 40; well-connected people kill with their started and ran a law firm here, managed a multimillion-dollar bud- cars andget a slap on the wrist. That's served as an elected official here, get; and trainedpolice officers, judges outrageous and won't happen when and have lifelong friends here. This is and prosecutors how to keep com- I'm your DA. my home, and I'm committed to this Here's what you'll get with me as community. munities safe, so I have the executive management experiencenecessary your district attorney: experienced Deschutes County is the greatest to manage an office as complex as the and ethical management that will place in the country. Not only are we Deschutes County DA's office. protect your tax dollars; tough prose- capable of leading the nation in public Flaherty has failed us. His inexpe- cution of violent and other serious of- safety — we have an obligation to do rience and hubris resulted in multiple fendersto keep us safe;fairtreatment so. With our history, human capital lawsuits against him that left taxpay- of allsuspects, regardless of how and can-do attitude, we can show the ers on the hook for over $1.5 million. much moneythey have or how well U.S. how to punish those who deserve When I'm your district attorney, I'll connected they are; and a spirit of to be punished, treat those who can never forget the government's money teamworkto engage with the commu- benefit from treatment and educate is the people's money. nity to develop and enhance innova- our kids so they avoid crime and adBut Flaherty has not only cost us tive crime-prevention programs that diction in the first place.
If you elect me as your district attorney, I'll work with you to make
Deschutes County the safest place in the country to live and raise a family. Like we always have done, we'll do it with hard work, toughness and compassion. And we'll do it together. I understand that a district attorney is
a leader, but that leadership is not bestowed; it is earned.
I am proud to be endorsed by every mayor in Deschutes County, law enforcement leaders including former Bend Police Chief Andy Jordan and
over 200 community members of all political persuasions. I ask for your vote, appreciate your consideration and would be honored to represent you. — JohnHummel is running for Deschutes County district attorney.
ran r. e ort west' is wars'
DEATH NOTICES William "Bill" Cochran, of Bend May 8, 1937 - May 3, 2014 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471 Services: Memorial Service on Friday May 9, 2014 at 3:00 PM. at the Old Stone Church, 157 NW Franklin Ave in Bend with a reception following. Contributions may be made to:
Cascade Schoolof Music, 200 NW Pacific Park Lane, Bend, OR 97701.
Walter "Walt" Kenneth Calihan, of Bend Sept. 23, 1945 - May 4, 2014 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend 541-382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A private gathering of family will be held later. Contributionsmay be made
By Gene Johnson and Phuong Le
Billy Frank Jr. views a
The Associated Press
famous photo
SEATTLE — Billy Frank Jr., a tribal fisherman who led the
of himself fishing with Don McCloud,
"fish wars" that restored fishingrights and helpedpreserve a way of life for American In-
right, near Frank's Landing on the Nisqually River in the late 1960s. Frank,
dians in the Northwest four
decades ago, died Monday at 83. The Northwest Indian Fishe ries Commission and t h e
a Nisqually
Nisqually Tribe near Olympia, Wash., confirmed his death.
tribal elder,
died Monday.
The cause was not immediate-
The Associated Press file photo
ly known. Frank was arrested more than 50 times on suspicion of
"illegal fishing" between boyhood and middle age, during
what came to be known as the
Frank's Landing, which had become a focalpoint for fish-
The Associated Press Ten people were arrested after participants in an
anti-capitalist march meandered through downtown Seattle on May Day,
last Thursday, vandalizing cars, confronting police officers and sparking minor streetfires. Protesters were chant-
ing against police brutality, among other causes. Violence has plagued May Day in Seattle during the past two years, with protesters challenging police in the streets and some-
times stealing the thunder of much larger daytime events calling for immigrant and worker rights. Last year, police arrest-
ed 18 people from a crowd that pelted them with rocks
of which had their own fishing ins. Fights also erupted beregulations, objected to the tween Indian and non-Indian noe to avoid authorities who state imposing its will — espe- fishermen. "We ceded all this land to regarded them as poachers, cially when some 95 percent of he and others took their fight fish harvested in Washington the United States for a conpublic in the 1960s, inviting waters were caught by non-In- tract to protect our salmon, observers to witness their dian fishermen. our way of life, our culture," sometimes violent arrests. Demonstrations s t a ged Frank told Th e A s sociated
Partners In Care 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97701 www.partnersbend.org
prominent after the decision," the civil rights movement, the ers and we're harvesters. And said the retired University of campaign was part of larg- fishing-rights cause was tak- they forgot about us. They Washington professor. er nationwide movement for en up by celebrities such as built their cities, they built Over the next 40 years,
back, supplementing their numbers with officers from
American Indian rights, in-
can fires in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. One arrest came after a brick was hurled at police.
Mitchell "Mike"
Eichelberger, of Bend June 20, 1957 - May 1, 2014 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471
Services: Funeral Service at
Niswonger Reynolds Chapel on Saturday May 10, 2014 at 2:00 PM. Contributionsmay be made to:
Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701
fish wars. Initially driven to fish at night and hide his ca-
where as it t riggered other treaty rights cases and changed attitudes toward
Seattle: another May Day,and more vandalism
Patterned after the sit-ins of
across the Northwest attracted national attention, and the
the actor Marlon Brando, who
cluding better schooling, free was arrested with others in speech and legal protections. 1964 for illegal fishing from "He was a selfless leader an Indian canoe on the nearby who dedicated his life to the Puyallup River. long fight for the rights of our Frank, from a family of fishstate's native people," Wash- ermen in the Nisqually Tribe, ington Gov. Jay Inslee said in was first arrested after salmon a written statement. "Billy was fishing in 1945, at age 14 — an a champion of tribal rights, of event that helped lead him on the salmon and the environ- his long campaign for tribal ment. He did that even when it rights. He and others were meant putting himself in phys- repeatedly arrested as they ical danger or facing jail." staged "fish-ins" demanding The tribes had fished North- the right to fish in their historwest waters from time immemorial, and treaties promised
on his father's cattle ranch i n Pa r k d ale, O R . He was an e xpert o n
mechanrcal. He worked
on a gold dredge in
Granite, John Parker OR Caterpillar tractor m a chine shop, several Ford dealerships as a service and s ales m anager, owned a b o a t s a les a nd s ervice b u s i ness i n Los Altos, CA, and retired f rom D o l e F o od s a s t h e fleet manager i n S a l i nas, CA. After retiring in 1991, J ack an d P a t m o v e d t o Lake Tulloch, CA. J ack lov e d bo at i n g , waterskiing, playing poker
and spending fun family
Stoliar Continued from B1 "If David had been a fire-
brand, a political Jew, an opportunistic man anxious for
their university. They built
nated the commercial fishing industry, leaving less than 5
would especiallyprotect native people who eat large amounts of salmon and other fish from Washington state waters. Merle Hayes, fisheries policy liaison with the Suquamish
percent of the catch for the tribes. effectively made the North-
Tribe, has known Frank for 25
westtribesco-managers ofthe
years. "He's been so inspiring to all the tribes," Hayes said. "He
resource and laid the foundation for the Northwest Indian
Fisheries Commission — a co- believed in the work that he alition of salmon-treaty tribes was doing. He will be missed of which Frank served as by the tribal people and people chairman.
The decision had a sweeping impact on other tribes in the U.S., Canada and else-
the last year would bring their knitting and sit by his bed for four or five hours." — Marda Stoliar, wife
the world might have known more about the Struma," Gug-
so much so that during their
realize he was teasing." After their marriage, the Sto-
liars created a business partnership that lasted 46 years. The couple founded Koala Shoe Co., manufacturing shoes in Korea and exporting them to the U.S. and Canada. They
lived in Tokyo, Taipei, Paris and New York before making
Thanks to Stonelodge ret irement h o m e a n d t he r esidents w h o b eca m e good friends for th e t h r ee years he lived there. In lieu of f l o w ers, donat ions may be m ade to t h e Lions Eye Bank, 2201 SE 1 1th A v e. , P o r t l and, O R 97214. Autumns Funerals, Bend, i s i n c h a r g e o f t h e ar rangements. 541-318-0842. www.autumnfunerals.net
Fax: 541-322-7254
vious protests. On T h ursday, Seattle
police were out in force on bicycles, foot and horseseveral other jurisdictions. Protesters started t r a sh
The anti-capitalist pro-
testers had no permit, but police accompanied them as they marched in a ram-
bling circuit from Capitol Hill to downtown Seattle
and back again before officers hemmed them in. Some tossed firecrackersat police, officers said. Seattle Mayor Ed Murray lauded the police department for w rangling the p r otesters. "Their training and preparation showed: Officers kept or-
der in our streets and supported the
m a rchers i n
their peaceful expression of their First Amendment rights. Arrests were limit-
ed in number, and damage to property was kept to a
"I didn't know how many
people were touched by David," she said. "People that had only known him for the last
year would bring their knitting and sit by his bed for four or five hours." In addition to his wife, Stoli-
ar is survived by his son, Ron Stoliar, and his granddaughter, Adria Stoliar.
A grave site memorial service will be held at noon today
at the Mill Creek Cemetery on the east end of the Ochoco Reservoir in Crook County,
Marda Stoliarsaid. A memorial service will take placeat2:30 p.m. on May
18 at the Congregation Sha-
Both services are open to functioned after his recovery, the public. Marda asks that atMarda Stoliar said. tendees not bring flowers, and "We knew he didn't have a that any donations to be made lot of time after the heart at- to the KIDS Center. about 25 percent of his heart
ing well, he was still making all my travel arrangements
also been smashed in pre-
lom Bayit, 21555 Modoc Lane, in Bend.
tack," she said. "But he was do-
and bottles. Storefronts in downtown S eattle h a ve
— Reporter: 541-383-0376, sking@bendbulletin.com
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world:
Jackie Lynn Taylor Fries, 88: Pioneering TV personality and show business veteran who was one of
the Little Rascals in the beloved"Our Gang" comedy films. Died Monday of Alzheimer's disease. George Heilmeier, 77: Electrical engineer who in the 1960s helped invent a kind of screen display that used liquid crystals to project images — LCD technology that is n ow ubiquitous in telephones, digital watches, computer monitors and
f l at-screen
televisions. Died April 21 in Plano, Texas, of Alzheimer's disease. — From wire reports
-Orien'taljRug~0wnerS ttDori't"send"jrour
ssttre 9f' sti' valuable x.ugs,out of=town!
.Sho'p,"L oeal!-
Death Notices are freeand will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone,mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of theseservices or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Email: obits@bendbulletin.com
"When Billy spoke, people
In October, Stoliar suffered a serious heart attack. Only
Obituary policy
Phone: 541-617-7825
who believe in the resources that he so wanted to protect.
Bend their home base in 1972.
first year of marriage he made for me, as recently as a month ago." her cry with all his teasing. "He'd say to me, 'If I can't Stoliar's health declined tease my wife, who can I rapidly toward the end of tease?'" she said. "After a while March and through April. His I realized he was just teasing wife said the community has egon, she said. The pair mar- me, but at first his sense of hu- offered an outpouring of supgreat-grandchildren, mor was so sharp that I didn't port since his death. D arius a n d D e v i n D a r - ried after three dates. mody and Gigi Parker. Jack will be remembered f or h i s l o v e f o r fa m i l y , f riends, l e adership, s t u b bornness, Lions Club, and of course a good game of
Frank continued to advocate
amount of pollution that accumulates in fish. The standards
celebrity and all it b estows,
time together at Lake Berryessa and Lake Tulloch. He was preceded in death b y h i s d a u g h ters, C h r i s Darmody and J anis Jacks on; g r a n d son , Pa t r i c k Darmody; and the love of h is lif e f o r 6 6 y e a rs, h i s beloved w i f e , P a t w h o In 1968, when Stoliar was passed awa y i n Oc t o b er 2012. 46, he met Marda, 20 years Jack leaves behind a son, his junior, through a mutual Jim (Cindy) Parker; daugh- friend. M a rda's i m mediate t er, C i n d y (DeWayne) family is from the Portland Petri; grandchildren, Todd area, but her extended family ( Janice) D a r m o dy , B r e t t P arker, L i n d sa y P a r k e r ; has deep roots in Central Or-
enous rights became more
the old treaties. At the time, non-Indian fishermen domi-
by David. People that had only known him for
"I had a friend who was alsay about his friend's life. "He ways telling me about his best resisted speaking out because friend, and this one year he he said it made him feel like told me we should meet but a 'monkey in a cage,' as he said David just doesn't like oftenreferred to such a role. American women," she said. He felt guilty when he met the "I thought, 'Well, he's going to relatives of victims because in like me.' We had our first date their eyes he sensed they were in Paris. After that he sent me wondering why he survived a round-the-world Pan A m and their loved ones hadn't." ticket." Stoliar married an Egyptian Stoliar flew Marda from her woman, Adria Nacmias, in home in New York City, where Cairo in 1945. In 1953 the fam- she ran a successful shoe deily relocated to Tokyo, where sign business, to Tokyo for David learned Japanese and their second date. Their third got into the import-export busi- date, in Portland, was also ness. Nacmias died of nicotine their wedding day. poisoning in 1961, according to Marda said Stoliar had a "very sharp sense of humor," Guggenheim's research.
decision. "The whole issue of indig-
for tribal fishing rights and about us tribes." protection of natural resourcThe efforts were vindicat- es, including salmon. Only ed in 1974, when U.S. District weeks ago, he and other tribJudge George Boldt affirmed al members met with federal the 20 tribes' right to half of environmental regulators to the fish harvest — and the push for more stringent water nation's obligation to honor quality standards to reduce the
"I didn't know how many people were touched
genheim wrote in a short es-
a dviser by B o ldt a f ter t h e
everything, and they forgot
The ruling, upheld by the The protests sometimes U.S. Supreme Court in 1979,
John 'Jack' E. Parker
ard Whitney, who was appointed a technical fisheries
Press in 2012. "We're gather-
ical waters.
them access to their "usual turned violent, with activists and accustomed" fishing fighting back against state ofgrounds in exchange for ced- ficials with sticks and paddles, ing land to the white settlers in the Washington state history the 1850s. website historylink.org noted. But Washington state imThere were two skirmishApril 30, 1921 - April24, 2014 posed restrictions on fishing es in 1965: when state agents J ack was b or n i n H o o d last century as dams, logging spilled a tribal boat on t he River, O R , t o Uel an d runoff, pollution and overfish- Nisqually River, and when S adie Parker. He w ent t o ing cut into once-abundant they raided the Frank famis chool, worked an d l i v e d salmon runs. The tribes, many ly's 6-acre property, known as
American Indians, said Rich-
Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708
Deadlines: Death Notices areaccepted until noon Mondaythrough Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the seconddayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication,andby9a.m. Monday for Tuesdaypublication. Deadlines for display adsvary; please call for details.
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IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 NHL Playoffs, C3 Sports in brief, C2 Preps, C4 MLB, C3 NBA Playoffs, C4 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014
O www.bendbulletin.com/sports
Beavs, Huskieson collision course Defending Pac-12 champion Oregon State and upstart Washington gave up no ground to the other in the Pac-12
race over the weekend, and the two appear headed for a showdown in Corvallis in two weeks. The Beavers (17-4, 34-8) lead by18 percentage points over the Huskies (19-5, 32-11-1), but Washington is up a half-game with two more wins and one more loss. Oregon State, ranked No. 1 by Collegiate Baseball, hosts defending national champion UCLA starting Friday. Washington, also a consensus top-10 team, plays out-of-conference games before starting its three-game series at Oregon State on May
• Beavers athletic director changes mind after saying in March that Robinsonwould return for aseventh season By John Marshall
The Associated Press
• Who will the new coach have for players? C2
Oregon State athletic director Bob De Carolis announced on March 28 that
head coach Craig Robinson would return for a seventh season as men's basketball coach, even penning a strongly worded letter of support for President Barack Obama's brother-in-law.
The more De Carolis thought about it, the more he realized it was a mistake. Reversing his course from five weeks earlier, De Carolis fired Robinson on M onday, ending thetenure ofa coach
who brought prestige to the university
The Rodinson Ile
but who failed to get the Beavers to the
Year O verall Conf F i nish
NCAA tournament during six seasons in Corvallis. "During a phone call with him on Thursday, I acknowledged to him that I had changed my mind," De Carolis said. "Despite my sincere want for Craig to be successful at Oregon State, as the days m oved on sinceMarch, itbecame clear
08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14
7 -11 8 -10 5 -13 7 -11 4-14 8 -10
8/ 1 0 t5/ 1 0 9/ 1 0 t7 / 1 2 t11 / 12 10 / 1 2
Total 9 4 -105 39-69
to me that wanting it to work with Craig
as our coach was not good enough. SeeRobinson/C2
1 8 -18 1 4 -18 1 1 -20 2 1 - 15 1 4 - 18 1 6 - 16
The Beavers face Oregon in a nonconference showdown today. The Huskies haven't won the conference since1998, when they won the Pac-10North in the last season of divisional play. — The Associated Press
Powell Butte rider triumphs PRINEVILLE — Pow-
ell Butte's Jimi Jones won the featured slot race Saturday night at the inaugural Besthorsegear.com Spring Challenge barrel race. Jones posted a time of14.883 seconds at the Crook County Fairgrounds indoor arena to claim $1,600 of the $4,000 slot race prize purse. Tami Semas, of Prineville, was second in the 20-rider slot race field in15.126. Alex Barber, of Battle Ground, Wash., was third in 15.129, andCheyenne Westwood, of Prineville, was fourth in15.213. The Spring Challenge drew dozens of top racers from Oregon, Washington, Idahoand California. Complete results are listed in Scoreboard,C2.
Don Ryan I The Associated Pressfile photo
• As interest in lacrosse grows, the number of officials is aswell an Badders reflects on how simple things used
How if a team wanted to join the Oregon D toHighbe.School Lacrosse Association
it was "no problem. Boom." Basically, the Beaverton-based OHSLA commission-
er says, the process i followed only a few steps: If you fielded a complete team, if you had a schedule booked, you were in the league. But with youth lacrosse growing in popularity throughout the state, as varsity and junior varsity teams continue to sprout up• How to from just 29 varsity teams statewide 10 become a years ago to 51 this season (plus another 61 JV teams) — the OHSLA has struggled l a crosse to keep pace. In recent seasons, the league, official, now in its 20th year, and the Oregon LaC4 crosse Officials Association, now in its • Game
— Bulletin staffreport
LeBron:Durant deserves MVP MIAMI — LeBron James of the Miami HeatsaysOklahoma City's Kevin Durant would be adeserving winner of the NBAMVP award. It's expected that Durant will be announced as this season's MVP later this week. James haslauded Durant's play this season several times in recent weeks, doing so again onMonday. James says: "Much respect to him andhe deserves it. He hada big-time MVPseason." James is a four-time winner of the league's MVP award, taking the honor in each of the previous two seasons. — The Associated Press
Pacers Thunder
96 22 105
After the San Antonio Spurs dealt with Dallas' Dirk Nowitzki in the first round, they will face a similar — but younger — version of him in Portland's LaMarcus Aldridge in the second
round beginning today.
A dridge is more of the same forSpurs By Jon Krawczynski The Associated Press
The San Antonio Spurs just finished going toe-to-toe with a transformational pow-
erforward whose midrange game stretched their defense to the max, needing seven games to oust Dirk Nowitzki and the Dallas
10th, have made great strides in recruiting
Tiago Splitter and the
individuals to become certified officials. Yet while Badders says the two organizations are no longer in "a crisis" with a lack of referees as they have been at times
Spurs made life difficult for Nowitzki in the opening round. And now they get
of the weekC4
Nowitzki 2.0 in the West-
overthe years — since 2007, when Central Oregon's first teams joined the OHSLA, the number of certified
ern Conference semifinals
officials has grown from 54 to 81 — the commissioner
Aldridge comes to town.
when Portland's LaMarcus "I think LaMarcus is a
does not deny that the issue still exists today.
Especially in Central Oregon. SeeOfficials/C4
younger Dirk who can shoot and drive, play in the post (and do) a lot of things, so it's not going to be easy," Splitter said Monday. "We know that. I think all the team is aware of
Joe Kline/ rhe Bulletin
Tom Johnson, an official with the Oregon Lacrosse
Officials Association referees a gameSaturday between Bend and Canby at15th Street Field. Johnson, who lives in Prineville, assigns referees to High Desert League
that; everybody is going to help a little bit." Like Nowitzki, Aldridge relies heavily on the midrange game, using every inch of his 6-foot-11 frame to get his jumper off against smaller defenders. When faced with some-
one his size, Aldridge has the strength and nimble feet to get past them, as he did time and time again in the Trail Blazers' defeat of the Houston Rockets in six games.
The Rockets rarely had an answer for Aldridge, who beat up the smaller Terrence
Jones on the block and took Omer Asik and
Sisters buries E mira for another Sky-Emwin Bulletin staff report ELMIRA — Solid pitching
and defenseaswellassome timely hits Monday helped Sisters overwhelm Elmira.
"That was an outstanding
pitching performance," said Sisters coach Steve Hodges.
Justin Harrer scattered three hits over six innings
If there was a downside to the Outlaws' win it was that they stranded nine runners. Sisters still got some timely
and Sist ersscored fiveruns in the first three innings to
hits to help their cause. Most notably, Ryan Funk singled
cruise past the Falcons 8-2
home two runs with two outs
as the Outlawks (11-0 SkyEm, 17-2 overall) on their
in the first to inning stake
44th consecutive Sky-Em
League game. Harrer (6-0) also struck
Cody Kreminski also hit a solo home run in the sixth to tack on to an already signifi-
out five.
cant lead.
Sisters to an early lead.
Joey Morgan, who pitched a scoreless seventh in relief, had two hits and an RBI,
and Jake Larson added two more hits for Sisters. "We got good defense once again and we did get a few hits with guys on base, so that was good," Hodges said. "I think an area of focus is to try to maximize innings, because we're leaving too many guys on base. Other than that, I'm
really happy with the way we played."
Dwight Howard away from the basket to stretch the floor.
• Redmond beats Mountain
,jjp' ' Rg,
View 9-5
in Intermountain Conference baseball. Prep roundup,C4 • Prep scoreboard, C4
Today Thursday Saturday May12 x-May14 x-May16 x-May19 x-if necessary
at San Antonio at San Antonio at Portland at Portland at San Antonio at Portland at San Antonio
TNT 6:30 p.m. ESPN 6:30 p.m. ESPN 7:30 p.m. TNT 7:30 p.m. TBA TBA TBA
United SportsCar Championship, LagunaSeca SOCCER EPL, Manchester United vs. Hull City
Time TV/Radie m idnight FS1 11:45a.m. NBCSN
MLB, Seattle at Oakland
4 p.m. MLB 5 p.m. E SPNU 6 p.m. P a c-12 7 p.m. Roo t
HOCKEY NHL Playoffs, Boston at Montreal NHL Playoffs, Chicago at Minnesota
4 p.m. NBCSN 6 p.m. C N BC
MLB, Cincinnati at Boston College, KansasState at Wichita State College, OregonState at Oregon
NBA, Brooklyn at Miami NBA, Portland at SanAntonio
5 p.m. TNT 7:30 p.m. T NT
MLB,L.A.DodgersatWashington MLB, Seattle at Oakland, Game1 MLB, Seattle at Oakland, Game 2 MLB,ChicagoCubsatChicagoW hiteSox SOCCER EPL, Manchester City vs. Aston Villa
1 0 a.m. ML B 12:30 p.m. Root 4 p.m. Roo t 5 p.m. E S PN 11:45a.m. NBCSN
NBA Playoffs, Washington at Indiana NBA Playoffs, L.A. Clippers at OklahomaCity
4 p.m. TNT 6:30 p.m. T NT
NHL Playoffs, Pittsburgh at N.Y.Rangers
4:30 p.m. NBCSN
SPORTS IN BRIEF HOCKEY HurriCaneS fire COaCh Muller — TheCarolina Hurricanes fired coach Kirk Muller and most of his coaching staff Monday, one week into RonFrancis' tenure asgeneral manager. Assistants John MacLean andDaveLewis also were fired andgoaltending coach Greg Stefan vvasreassigned back to theteam's pro scouting department. Rod Brind'Amour, a third-year assistant vvhovvasthe captain of Carolina's Cup-winning team, will remain part of the coaching staff, Francis said. Muller vvas80-80-27 in three seasons with the Hurricanes, who haven't madethe playoffs since 2009.
ON DECK Today Baseball: Crook Countyat Bend,4:30 p.m.;Culverat Horizon Christian (HoodRiver),4:30 p.m. Boys tennis:Redmond at Bend, 4 p.m.; Summitat MountainView,4p.m.;RidgeviewatCrookCounty, 4p.m. Girls tennis: Bendat Redmond,4p.m.; CrookCounty at Ridgeview, 4 p.m.; Mountain Viewat Summit, 4p.m.;Madrasat Class4A/3A/2A/1ASpecial District 2championshipin sPortland,TBD Boyslacrosse:MountainViewatBend,6p.m.
Friday Baseball :BendatCrookCounty,4:30p.m.;Mountain View at Redmond,4:30 p.mc Sisters at JunctionCity, 4:30p.m.;Elmiraat LaPine,4:30 p.m.; Ridgeview at Summit, 4:30p.mcGladstone at Madras,4:30p.mcCulverat Country Christian, 4:30p.m. Boflb alhCrookCountyatBend,4:30p.m.;Redmond at MountainView,4:30 p.m.;Junction Cityat Sisters, 4:30 p.m.; LaPineatElmira, 4:30p.m.; Summit at Ridgeview, 4:30 p.m.; Madrasat Gladstone, 4:30 p.m.;Culverat Central Linn,4:30p.m. Girls tennis: Sistersat Class4A/3A/2A/1A Special District3championshipsatBlackButte Ranch, TBD Track and field:Sisters,CrookCountyat Wally Ciochetti Invitational inCottageGrove, 2 p.mcLa Pine,Madras,Redmondat JohnOliver Invitational in Independ ence, 4 p.m.; Culverat Regis Twilght Meet, 3p.m. Boys lacrosse:HermistonatBend,6 p.mcSummit at Sisters 7p.m
Saturday Track andfield: LaPine,Gilchrist atGilchrist Invite, 11a.m. Girls tennis: Sistersat Class4A/3A/2A/1A Special District3championshipsatBlackButte Ranch, TBD Boys lacrosse:Hermistonat MountainView,1p.m.
gpg ~~ (=ogg
SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary)
Monday'sGames Pittsburgh2, N.Y.Rangers 0, Pittsburgh leadsseries 2-1
Los Angele3, s Anaheim1, LosAngeles leadsseries
Bostonat Montreal, 4p.m. Chicago at Minnesota,6 p.m.
BASEBALL College Pac-12Btandings All TimesPDT
Conference Overall
10 - 11 9-12 7-14 7-17 3-18
34-8 33-11 24-20 34-13 25-20 23-21 20-23 21-20 19-24 28-28 13-28
Washin gton8,GrandCanyon7
Utah atBYU,5p.m. SantaClaraat Stanford, 5:30p.m. OregonStateat Oregon,6 p.m. (nonconference) Cal StateFulltertonatUCLA,6p.m.
Wednesday'sGames Oregon at Portland,3 p.m. Thursday'sGames Bethune-Coo kmanat Washington, 5 p.m.
All TimesPDT
Washington102,Indiana96,Washington leadsseries 1-0 L.A. Clippers122,OklahomaCity105, L.A.Clippers leadsseries1-0
All TimesPDT
17-4 19-5 12-9 13-8 13-11 10-11
NHL Playoffs
Oregon State Washington Arizona State Oregon USC UCLA W ashington State Stanford California Arizona Utah
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary)
Frldays Games Bethu ne-CookmanatWashington,5p.m. Utah atWashingtonState, 6p.m. CaliforniaatUSC,6p.m. StanfordatArizona, 6p.m. OregonatArizonaState,6:30 p.m. UCLA at OregonState, 7:30p.m. Saturday'sGames Bethu ne-CookmanatWashington,2p.m. CaliforniaatUSC,2p.m. StanfordatArizona, 6p.m. OregonatArizonaState,6:30 p.m. Utah atWashingtonState, 7p.m. UCLA at OregonState, 7p.m.
PittsburghatN.Y.Rangers,4:30 p.m.
NFL players filed a motion Monday to intervene in the league's concussion litigation, claiming that the proposed $765 million settlement doesn't sufficiently represent the interests of all former players. In January, U.S. District Judge Anita Brody rejected the proposed settlement, expressing doubts about whether the amount is enough and asking to seedocumentation supporting the plan. Theseven ex-players in Monday's motion were not part of the original litigation. Because the proposedsettlement would apply to all retired players who do not opt out, the group said, they grew concernedover the terms. The NFL andco-lead counsel for the plaintiffs have maintained that they expect the proposedsettlement will eventually be approved. In the motion, the group claims that the tvvorepresentatives for the plaintiffs in the original class-action casedon't face the same health-related problems from their professional football careers as the group. Other concerns raised in the motion include the proposed settlement's award of money toCTEvictims only if the player died before the settlement's preliminary approval, and a clause that barred concussion-related claims against the NCAA by any player who is compensated in the settlement.
BASEBAL L COMMISSI ONER' SOFFICE— SuspendedTampa BayRHPSteveGeltz (Durham-IL) 50gamesfor asecond positivetestfor adrugof abuseunder theMinor
geyie watRedmond,4p.m.;CrookCountyatSummit,4p.m. Girls tennis: MountainViewat Bend, 4p.m.; Redmond at Ridgeview, 4 p.m.; Summit at Crook County,4p.m.; Sistersat Class4A/3A/2A/1A Special District 3championships atBlack Butte Ranch, TBD;MadrasatClass4A/3A/2A/1ASpecial District 2championshipsin Portland,TBD Girls golf: TrinityLutheranat MazamaTournament at RunningYin KlamathFags
RaptorS giVe CaSey 3-year deal —OvvaneCaseys~ar~edthe
SOme NFL retireeS fault COnCuSSiOndeal — Sevenreared
Leaders Wins 2:JoeyLoganoKevin Harvick 1: DaleEarnhardt Jr., BradKeselowski, Carl Edwards,KyleBusch,Kurt Busch,Denny Hamlin Points 1,Jeff Gordon,347. 2, MattKenseth, 344.3, Kyle Busch,343. 4, DaleEarnhardt Jr., 328. 5, CarlEdwards, 328.6,JoeyLogano,305.7,JimmieJohnson, 304. 8, GregBiffle, 300.9, RyanNewman, 299. 10, BrianVickers,297. 11, BradKeselowski, 294.12, DennyHamlin, 292. 13, KyleLarson,286.14,Austin Dilon, 281.15,A J Agmendinger, 279. 16,MarcosAmbrose, 268. 17, Paul Menard,265. 18,Clint Bowyer,261. 19, Kevin Harvick,258.20,KaseyKahne, 252.
In the Bleachers 0 2014 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick www.gocomrcs.com/inthebleachers
Thursday Boys tennis:Bendat MountainView,4 p.m.; Rid-
Wednesday Baseball :CrookCountyatBend,4;30p.m.;Redmond atMountain View,4:30p.m.;Junction City at Sisters,4:30p.mcLaPineat Elmira, 4:30p.m.; Summit at Ridgeview,4:30 p.mcMadrasat La Salle, 5p.m. Boflball:Bendat CrookCounty (DH), 3 p.m.; Mountain View atRedmond (DH), 3 p.m.; Sisters at JunctionCity, 4:30p.m.; Elmiraat LaPine,4:30 p.m.; Ridgeview at Summit (DH),3 p.mcLaSalle at Madras, 5p.m. Boys tennis: MadrasatClass4A/3A/2A/1A Special District 2championships in Portland,TBD Boys golf: Bend,Mountain View,Redmond, Summit at Crosswater,2p.m. Girls golf: Bend,Mountain View,Summit, Redmond, Ridgeview,CrookCountyat BrokenTop,noon Girls lacrosse:Cen tral Oregonat Roseburg, 5p.m.
BASKETBALL season in the perilous position of working for a newgeneral manager and coaching ayoung Toronto Raptors roster that was widely believed to be onthe ground floor of a remodel. He turned the situation into an Atlantic Division championship andthe team's first playoff appearance since2008,whichvvasmorethanenoughtoconvince general manager Masai Ujiri that the right man for the job wasalready in house. Caseyreceived athree-year contract extension on Monday, a person with knowledge of the deal told TheAssociated Press. The agreement cameoneday after the Raptors lost Game 7of their Eastern Conference playoff series to Brooklyn.
Today'sGames Brooklynat Miami,4 p.m. PortlandatSanAntonio, 6:30p.m. Wednesday'sGames WashingtonatIndiana,4p.m. L.A. Clippersat OklahomaCity, 6:30p.m.
LOCAL Barrel racing Besthorsegear.comSpring Challenge Saturday atPrineville Blot Race 1, Jimi Jones, Powell Butte, 14.883seconds, $1,600. 2,Tam i Semas, Prinevige,15.126, $1,200.3, Alex Barber,Batle Ground,Wash., 15.129,$800.4, Cheyenne Westwood, Prinevile,15.213,$400. 4D Racing 1D — 1,JimiJones,PoweffButte, 14.833,$460. 2, TamiSemas, Prinevige, 15.126, 3345.3, AlexBarber, BattleGround,Wash.,15.129, $230.4, Cheyenne Westwood, Prinevige,15.213, $115. 2D — 1, Vicki Westwood, Prinevige,15.389,$414. 2, ShellyMiotke,Terrebonne,15.404, $31L 3, Marty Fox,Terrebonne,15.429,$207.4,JamieSutter, Terrebonne,15.432, $104. 3D —1,DeanneBain,Poweff Butte,15.895,$353. 2 DominiqueHart Tum alo 15936 $265 3 Bailey Beall, Prinevile, 15.943,$176.4, TaliaRadabaugh, Prinevige,15.961, $88. 4D — 1, Sheila Johnson-Carter,LongCreek, 16.403,$307.2, MarcieDjoseland, Molaffa,16.491, $230. 3,CathyMccallister, Prinevile,16.531,$153. 4, CarynStenberg, Estacada,16.617, $77. Judge CashSweepstakes 1D — 1, Alex Barber,Battle Ground,Wash., 15.129,$240. 2D — 1,RondaMelton, Warren,15.687, $216. 3D — 1,Kimmer Severance, Prinevile,16.231, $184. 4D — 1,BaileyBeall, Prineviffe,20.276,$160.
League DrugPreventionandTreatment Program.. AmericanLeague CLEVELAND INDIANS— PlacedDHJasonGiambi on the15-dayDL,retroactiveto Sunday. Reinstated C YanGomesfrompaternityleave. DETROITI TGERS— AssignedINFJordanLennerton outright toToledo(IL). HOUSTONASTROS— DesignatedLHPRaulValdes forassignment. Recalled LHPDarin Downsfrom Oklahoma City (PCL). KANSASCITY ROYALS— OptionedOFJimmy Paredesto Omaha(PCL). LOS ANGELESANGELS — Optioned INFLuis Jimenez to Salt Lake(PCL). Recalled RH PCory Rasmus fromSalt Lake.Agreedto termswith LHPDustin Richardsonona minorleaguecontract. SentRHP DaneDeLaRosato Salt Lakefor arehabassignment. SEATTLEMARINERS— Optioned OF Abraham Almonteto Tacoma (PCL). Recalled OFJamesJones fromTa coma. TORONTOBLUEJAYS — OptionedOFAnthony Gose to Buffalo(IL). Selectedthe contract of RHP MarcusStromanfromBuffalo. Sent1BAdamLindto Dunedin(FSL)andRHPCaseyJanssento NewHampshire(EL)forrehabassignments. National League CINCINN ATI REDS—AssignedOFRoger Bernadina outright toLouisville (IL). COLORADOROCKI ES — Optioned INF Ryan Wheeler to ColoradoSprings (PCL).Selectedthe contract ofRHPNick Masset fromColoradoSprings. TransferredRHPTyler Chatwoodto the60-dayDL. LOSANGELES DODGERS— OptionedRHPStephenFifeto Albuquerque(PCL). Recalled RHPPedro BaezfromChattanooga(SL). PHILADE LPHIAPHILLIES—Sent RHPEthanMar-
tin to Clearw ater(FSL)forarehabassignment. PllTSBURGHPIRATES— OptionedRHPCasey Sadler toIndianapolis(IL). RecalledLHPJeff Locke from Indianapolis. ST.LOUISCARDINALS—Sent LHPJaimeGarcia and RHPJason Motte to Springfield (TL)for rehab assignments. SAN DI EGO PADRES — Designated OF Xavier Nadyfor assignm ent. Recalled INF/OFKyle Blanks from El Paso(PCL). SANFRANCI SCO GIANTS— RecalledRHPJake DunningfromFresno(PCL). PlacedRHPMatt Cainon the15-day DL,retroactive to April 24. WASHIN GTONNATIONALS— OptionedOFSteven Souza Jr. to Syracuse(IL). ReinstatedOFScott Hairstonfromthe15-day DLSent 0Wilson Ramosto Harrisburg(EL)for arehabassignment.
FOOTBALL National Football League DENVER BRONCOS — SignedDT MarvinAustin. NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS — Signed DE Will Smith. SOCCER PHILADE LPHIA EAGLES— SignedDL Alejandro Villanueva. MLS HOCKEY Monday'sSummaries National HockeyLeague MAJORLEAGUESOCCER CAROLINAHURRICANES — Fired coach Kirk All Times PDT Wizards102, Pacers 96 Mulle randassistantcoachesJohnMacLeanandDave Lewis. Reassignedgoaltending coachGreg Stefanto EasternConference WASHING TON(102) t h e pro scoutingdepartment. W L T Pls GF GA Ariza 7-102-422, Nene6-16 3-415, Gortat4-12 COLLEGE portingKansasCity 4 2 2 14 11 6 4-612, Wal4-145-613, l Beal8-18 6-925, Booker S FIESTABOWL — Named MikeNealyexecutive ewEngland 4 3 2 14 9 10 0-00-00, Websterg-10-00, Miger1-20-03, Good- N director. 3 2 5 14 1 4 1 2 en 5-11 2-212,Temple 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 36-84 NewYork CREIGH TON — Announced men's basketball F Columbus 3 2 3 12 10 9 22-31 102. Huffwil transferfromNevada. D.C.United 3 3 2 11 12 1 1 Cole INDIANA (96) EASTERN KENTUCKY — Agreedto termswith 3 4 2 11 1 2 1 4 George4-17 9-918, West6-15 3-415, Hibbert Houston sbaske tball coachJeff Neubauer ona contract 3 4 0 9 7 9 men' 0-2 0-00, G.Hill 6-113-518, Stephenson4-13 2-2 TorontoFc extension through 2018. hiladelphia 1 4 5 8 10 13 12, Mahinmi1-20-02, Turner2-43-3 7,Watson3-5 P MINNES OTA— NamedJohn Motherweffwomen's 1 4 3 6 7 14 2-2 9,Scola6-110-212, Copeland1-1 0-03.Totals Montreal Chicago 0 2 6 6 12 14 assistantbasketball coach. 33-81 22-2796. OREGONSTATE— Firedmen'sbasketballcoach WesternConference Washington 28 28 13 33 — 102 W L T Pls GF GA CraigRobinson. Indiana 16 28 19 34 — 96 Seattle 6 2 1 1 9 20 13 R eal SaltLake 4 0 5 17 16 1 0 FISH COUNT Clippers122, Thunder105 FC Dallas 5 3 1 1 6 18 15 Colorado 4 2 2 14 10 9 Upstream daily movement of adult chinook,jack L.A. CLIPPERS (122) Vancouver 3 2 4 1 3 1 5 1 2 chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected Barnes4-100-010, Griffin7-16 9-1223,Jordan Los Angele s 2 2 2 8 7 5 ColumbiaRiver damslast updatedon Sunday. 3-3 1-8 7, Paul12-140-0 32,Redick5-8 1-1 12, Portland 1 3 5 8 12 15 Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd Granger1-53-45, Crawford 6-112-317, Davis3-3 SanJose 1 3 3 6 8 10 Bonneville 6,310 5353 35 6 0-06, Dudley1-20-03,D.Collison2-61-25, Bullock ChivasUSA 1 5 3 6 9 18 The Dalles 8,290 41 2 12 4 1-1 0-02,Green0-1 0-00, Hoffins0-20-00. Totals Wednesday'sGames John Day 8,546 355 4 1 45-82 17-30122. ColumbusatHouston, 5 p.m. McNary 4 784 80 2 2 OKLAHOMA CITY (105) FC Dallaat s Seattle, 5p.m. Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, Durant9-195-825, Ibaka6-90-012, Perkins1-1 Coloradoat SanJose,5:30 p.m. jack chinook,steelheadand wild steelheadat selected 1-23, Westbrook 9-149-1029, Sefolosha2-30-05, Saturday'sGames ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonSaturday. NCollison2-50-04, Butler1-70-03, Adams000-0 D.C.Unitedat Philadelphia, 1p.m. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd O,Jackson1-82-24, Fisher2-50-04, Lamb3-81-1 SportingKansasCity at Montreal,1 p.m. Bonneville 116,206 3,392 4,014 1,201 8, Jones 3-60-08. Totals39-8518-23106. Chicago at NewYork,4 p.m. T he Dalles 75,450 1,627 41 4 15 1 L.A. Clippers 39 3 0 36 18 — 122 Vancou veratColumbus,4:30p.m. John Day 52,830 1,211 2.779 1,098 Oklahoma City 2 5 27 26 27 — 105 FCDallasatSanJose,7:30p.m. McNary 25,931 3 6 1 5 4 3 325
WRESTLING MuSlim WreStler getS WaiVer to keeP deard —AMuslim college wrestler who chose to sit on the sidelines rather than shave his beard has beengranted awaiver that will allow him to compete with the facial hair. TheCouncil on American-Islamic Relations on Monday praised theNCAA's decision in the case of Buffalo wrestler Muhamed McBryde. NCAArules say that wrestlers must be clean shaven. But McBryde saysshaving his beard would compromise his faith. He missed nearly awhole season of competition because of the conflict. In April, the NCAA Wrestling Rules Committee said McBryde could compete with a beardduring the 2014-15season, as long as he wears a facemaskand chin strap to cover it.
RUNNING SkecherS SignS anather tOP U.S. runner —Skechers has signed another top American distance runner after MebKeflezighi vvon the Boston Marathon in its sneakers, announcing Monday that it will sponsor KaraGoucher. Aformer Nike runner, Goucher became the first American woman tomedal in the10,000 meters at the world championships whenshevvon bronze in 2007.Thefollowing year, she became the first U.S. woman in 14years to finish on the podium at the New YorkCity Marathon, taking third in her debut at the distance with the fastest time ever in the race by an American woman. Skechers signed Keflezighi in 2011when it launched its performance division and got a big boost when he won the Boston Marathon in April.
GOLF WOOdS' reCOverygOingSIOwly —Tiger Woodssaid heis
"coming along" from the backsurgery that vvas necessary because he could not make agolf swing. But he still has not been ableto swing since the operation, so hehas no ideawhen he will return to tournament golf. Woods madethose comments in a long and generally upbeat post on hisvvebsite. As for the most pressing question, on when hewill be able to play again, he wrote, eAs I've said several times, I hope to bebacksometime this summer, but I don't know when." Woods had amicrodiscectomy March 31. "I madethe decision to havesurgery becausephysically, I just couldn't make agolf e he wrote, adding that some swing. That pretty much sums it up, people require three months to recover, others more. He iswalking, cycling and swimming.el haven't used a sand wedge yet,e he wrote. el haven't really rotated yet.e Although hedid not say so specifically, that would makehimvery unlikely to play the U.S. Openin Pinehurst, N.C., six weeks from now. — Bulletin r/ri/re reports
Robinson Continued from C1 "Oregon State University, our student-athletes and our loyal supporters
Who isleft ontheteam? Between graduations, defections to the pros and a transfer, whoever takes over OregonState will not have muchexperience to work with. Theeight returning players combined for just 32 starts and averaged — as a group — just 2.5 points per game. 13-14
deserve morethan a simple desire. They
C lass GP-GS Pts
deserve success." The brother of first lady Michelle
Roberto Nelson Sr. • 32 -32 2 0. 7 F Devon Collier Sr. 3 0-15 1 3.4 during President Obama's first presi- C An us Brandt Sr. 0-30 2.6 dential campaign in 2008 and gave the F Eric Moreland Jr. 20 - 1 9 8.9 university some added attention that r. • 32- 1 8• 8. 2 • summer, when he introduced his sister (g H alliceCooke ~ F 4.0 at the Democratic National Convention. 6 L angston Morris-Walker So. 29-17 Robinson also played basketball with the G Malcolm Duvivier Fr. 32-0 3.1 president on Election Day in 2012 and G Challe Barton Jr. 2 6 -14 3 . 0 was with him during his private oath of G/F Victor Robbins So. 2 3 -1 1 2.9 office for the start of his second term. F Daniel Gomis So. 32- 2 2.3 The results on the basketball court did 3D 0 22 not match what he was able to accom- F o l afschaftenaar ~ so. F J armal Reid So. 262 1.1 plish from a public-relations standpoint. Robinson had a solid start in Corvallis, C C heikh N'diay Fr. 1 7- 0 0.8 taking a program that went 0-18 in the Sr. 3 - 0 0.7 8 C.J. Mitchell Pac-12 the year before to an 18-win sea-0 G Michael Mo e Sr. 0.0 son in 2008-09. C DanielJones Sr. 3 0 0.0 After that, the Beavers' results under Robinson were uneven, with Oregon State finishing no better than fifth in the Total of returning players 189-32 2. 5 Obama, Robinson was hired by OSU
Reb A s t
Tea m
3. 4
ut of e l igibility
Out of eligibility
3.9 10.3
1.5 1.4
ut of e l i ibilit Ente red NBA Draft
2. 6+2 .5 + t ransferring ~ 2.1 0.3 Ore gon State 0.7 0.4 Ore gon State 1.1 1.2 Pro f essional (Svveden) 1.5
Ore o n State
2.5 13 0.7 0.6 0.0
0.3 06 0.4 0.2 0.0
Ore gon State oregonstate~ Ore gon State Ore gon State Out of eligibility
0.0 0.7
0.0 0.0
ut of e l i ibilit Out o f eligibility
Pac-12 in his six seasons, including 10th
this year. The Beavers were 16-16 this season, a different spot, which was good, but we swiftly in finding a replacement since including 8-10 in the Pac-12, and lost to Radford at home in the lower-tier College Basketball Invitational. Robinson went 94-105 overall — 39-69
in conference — with Oregon State after spending two seasons as head coach at Brown. The Beavers have not reached the NCAA tournament since 1990.
Oregon State will pay $4.2 million to Robinson over the course of a contract
just feel that to get to the next spot, we
Robinson's firing came well after the
need a fresh start." Oregon State will be in a rebuilding
season ended.
phase next season.
The Beavers will have no returning starters next season after Eric Moreland declared early for the NBA draft, Halli-
"We want to move quickly, but we want to make the right choice," he said. eSo fast, but deliberate." Robinson played at Princeton, where
he was a two-time Ivy League player of ce Cooke decided to transfer and Challe the year as a 6-foot-6 forward. He started Barton left to play professionally over- his career in the business world before seas. Leading scorer Roberto Nelson,
that runs through 2016. Devon Collier and Angus Brandt were "When Craig got here, it was not every seniors last season and will not be back. good," De Carolis said. "Yes, he got us to De Carolis said he hopes to move
serving as an assistant at Northwestern
under Bill Carmody, an assistant coach at Princeton during Robinson's senior
Baltimore NewYork Boston Tampa Bay
Detroit Minnesota Chicago Kansas City Cleveland Oakland
AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB 15 14 16 15 15 17 15 17 15 17
Central Division W L 18 9 15 16 14 13
15 17 16 19
West Division W L
19 13 17 15 16 15 15 15 10 22
Texas Los Angeles Seattle Houston
.517 .516 469 1'/z
.469 u/r .469 P/r
Pct GB .667 .500 4'/r .485 5 .467 5r/r .406 7'/r
Pct GB .594 .531 2 .516 2'/r
.500 3 .313 9
Minnesota1,Cleveland0,10 innings Toronto3, Philadelphia0 Detroit 2,Houston0 Chicago WhiteSox3, ChicagoCubs1,12 innings Colorado 8, Texas2 L.A. Angel4, s N.Y.Yankees1 Seattle 4, Oakland2 Kansas CityatSanDiego,10:10 p.m.
Today'sGames Minnesota (Deduno0-1) at Cleveland(Tomlin 0-0), 4:05 p.m. Toronto(Hutchison1-2)atPhiladelphia(Hamels 0-2), 4;05 p.m. Houston(Obe rholtzer0-5)atDetroit(Ray0-0),408p m. Baltimore(Tilman3-1) at Tampa Bay (Archer2-1), 4:10 p.m. Cincinnati (Bailey2-2) at Boston (Doubront 1-3), 4:10 p.m. ChicagoWhite Sox(Hoesi 0-2) at ChicagoCubs(E. Jackson2-2), 5:05p.m. Texas (RossJr. 1-2)at Colorado(Nicasio 3-1),5;40 p.m. N.Y.Yank ees (Kuroda2-3) at L.A. Angels(C.Wilson 4-2), 7:05 p.m. Seattle(Elias2-2) atOakland(J.chavez2-0),7:05 p.m. KansasCity (Guthrie2-2) at SanDiego(Erlin 1-4), 7:10 p.m. Wednesday'sGames Seattle atOakland,12:35 p.m.,1st game Kansas CityatSanDiego,12:40 p.m. Minnesota at Cleveland,4:05p.m. SeattleatOakland, 4:05p.m.,2ndgame Philadelphia atToronto, 4:07p.m. Houston at Detroit, 4:08p.m. BaltimoreatTampaBay,4:10 p.m. Cincinnatiat Boston, 4:10p.m. ColoradoatTexas, 5:05p.m. ChicagoCubsatChicagoWhite Sox, 5:10p.m. N.Y.Yankeesat L.A.Angels, 7:05p.m.
Washington Atlanta Miami NewYork Philadelphia Milwaukee St. Louis Cincinnati Pittsburgh Chicago SanFrancisco Colorado
NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L 14 14 15 15 15
.563 548 '/2 .531 1 ,516 1H .500 2
22 17 15 12 11
11 16 16 20 19
.667 .515 5 .484 6
21 20 18 14 11
11 14 15 18 24
.656 .588 2
West Division W L
LosAngeles SanDiego Arizona
Pct GB
18 17 17 16 15
Central Division W L
Oakland Houston Detroit ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Cardinals 4, Braves 3 Marlins 4, Mets 3 White Sox 3,Cubs1 (12 innings) MSndrscf-If-rf5 1 2 0 Crispcf 4 0 1 0 Altuve2b 4 0 0 0 Kinsler2b 3 0 0 0 Romerrf-If 5 2 2 1 Lowriess 4 1 1 0 F owlercf 3 0 1 0 TrHntrrf 4 0 2 0 ATLANTA — Matt Carpenter's MIAMI — CaseyMcGeheehit a CHICAGO — Marcus Semien Cano2b 4 0 1 0 Dnldsn3b 4 0 1 0 Jcastroc 4 0 0 0 Micarr1b 4 0 0 0 two-run double in the fifth inning sharp grounder that caromed into hit a tiebreaking RBIdouble in a Hartdh 3 0 1 1 Mosslf-rf 3 1 1 2 Carterdh 3 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 4 1 1 1 Seager3b 4 0 0 1 Callaspdh 3 0 0 0 Presleylf 3 0 0 0 AJcksncf 3 0 1 0 helped carry St. Louis past slump- right field off the back of reliever two-run12th inning, and Jose G illespilf 3 1 1 0 Jasoc 2000 Springrrf 3 0 1 0 Cstllns3b 4 1 1 0 GonzalezGermen's foot, allowQuintana pitched one-hit ball over J.Jonesph-cf 1 0 0 0 DNorrsph-c 0 0 0 0 K rauss1b 2 0 0 0 Avilac 1 0 0 0 ing Atlanta, which lost its seventh S moak1b 3 0 1 0 Gentryrf 2 0 0 0 MGnzlzp r-1b0 0 0 0 AnRmnss 2 0 0 0 in a row. Taking advantageof ing the winning run to score as seven innings. BMillerss 3 0 1 1 Reddckph 0 0 0 0 MDmn3b 3 0 0 0 RDavislf 3 0 1 1 shaky defense, Carpenter doubled Miami Marlins rallied late from a Zuninoc 4 0 0 0 Cespdsph-If 1 0 0 0 Villarss 3 0 1 0 (N) Totals 2 8 0 3 0 Totals 2 82 6 2 in two runs andMatt Holiday folthree-run deficit. Christian Yelich Chicago(A)ab r hbi Chi cagoab Barton 1b 3 0 0 0 r hbi Houston 000 000 000 — 0 Sogard2b 2 0 0 0 lowed with a run-scoring single. led off the ninth with a single and DeAzacf 5 1 1 1 Bonifaccf 4 0 0 0 000 000 11x — 2 Puntoph-2b 1 0 0 0 Detroit G Bckh2b 6 0 1 0 Lakelf 2 0 Peter Bourjos had anRBI single advanced to second on sacrifice. JAreu1b 2 0 0 1 Coghlnph-If 2 0 01 01 E—Krauss(1), Vilar (5), An.Romine (2). DPTotals 3 5 4 9 4 Totals 2 92 4 2 Houston 2, Detroit 1. LDB—Huoston 4, Detroit 7. in the sixth to extend St. Louis' Seattle 2 00 011 000 — 4 Germen intentionally walked Sierrapr-If 1 0 0 0 Rizzo1b 4 0 1 0 HR — V.Martinez (5). CS—Springer (2), Ma.Gonzalez Oakland 0 00 200 000 — 2 A.Dunnlf-1b 4 0 1 0 Scastross 5 0 0 0 lead. Ramiro Penahadtwo hits, Stanton before McGehee got his DP — Seattle 2. LOB —Seattle 7, Oakland 3. 28(1), Kinsle(2). r S—An.Romine. Viciedorf 5 0 0 0 Castilloc 3 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBBO including a seventh-inning homer Smoak (8). HR —Romero(1), Moss(5). SB—B.Miller RBI single. A IRmrzss 5 1 1 0 Schrhltrf 4 0 0 0 Houston 2 (2). that brought the Braves within a F lowrsc 4 1 0 0 Olt3b 4010 IP H R E R BBBO CosartL,1-3 7 4 1 0 3 3 New York Miami Semien3b 5 0 2 1 Barney2b 3 0 0 0 Seattle Bass 1 2 1 1 0 0 run, but they couldn't overcome a ab r hbi ab r hbi Quint anp 1 0 0 0 Valuenph-2b 2 0 0 0 C.Young W,2-0 6 3 2 2 2 2 Detroit 4-0 deficit. EYonglf 4 0 1 0 Yelichcf-If 4 2 2 0 JrDnksph 1 0 0 0 Smrdzjp 3 1 1 0 FurbushH,7 2 3- 0 0 0 0 0 ScherzerW,4-1 8 3 0 0 1 9 DnMrp2b 4 1 1 1 Lucas2b 2 1 0 0 Belisarip 0 0 0 0 HRmrzp 0 0 0 0 Leone 0 0 0 0 1 0 NathanS,6-8 1 0 0 0 1 0 St. Louis Atlanta DWrght3b 4 1 2 0 Stantonrf 4 1 1 1 Petrickp 0 0 0 0 Schlittrp 0 0 0 0 —byCosart(Kinsler), byScherzer(Carter). BeimelH,5 1 1 0 0 0 0 HBP ab r hbi ab r hbi Grndrscf-rf 4 1 2 1 McGeh3b 5 0 2 1 LeGarcph 1 0 0 0 TWoodph 1 0 0 0 MedinaH,7 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 T—2:53.A—26,475 (41,681). Mcrpnt3b 4 1 2 2 Heywrdrf 3 0 1 0 BAreurf 2 0 0 1 Sltlmchc 4 0 1 1 S Downsp 0 0 0 0 Wrghtp 0 0 0 0 RodneyS,8-9 1 0 0 0 0 1 YMolinc 5 0 1 0 J.uptonlf 4 1 0 0 Lagarscf 1 0 0 0 JeBakr1b 4 0 1 0 D.Webbp 0 0 0 0 Grimmp 0 0 0 0 Oakland Hollidylf 4 0 1 1 Fremn1b 4 1 2 0 National League Duda1b 3 0 0 0 RJhnsnlf 3 0 1 0 Konerkph 0 0 0 0 KazmirL,4-1 6 8 4 4 2 3 M Adms1b 4 0 0 0 Gattisc 4 0 2 1 d Arnadc 3 0 0 0 Handp 0 0 0 0 Rienzo pr 0 0 0 0 Abad 1 0 0 0 0 0 Craigrf 4 1 1 0 BUptoncf 3 0 0 1 Ricep 0 0 0 0 GJonesph 0 0 0 0 Lndstrp 0 0 0 0 Cook 2 1 0 0 0 2 Brewers 8, Diamondbacks 3 JhPerlt ss 4 0 2 0 CJhnsn 3b 4 0 0 0 Germnp 0 0 0 0 Cishekp 0 0 0 0 C.Youngpitchedto 2batersin the7th. Totals 4 0 3 6 3 Totals 3 71 4 1 Bourjoscf 4 1 2 1 Smmnsss 4 0 2 0 Quntnllss 3 0 0 0 Hchvrrss 4 0 1 0 Leonepitchedto 1baterinthe 7th. Chicago(A) 1 0 0 000 000002 — 3 M.Ellis2b 4 1 0 0 Harangp 1 0 0 0 Niesep 3 0 0 0 Eovaldip 2 0 0 0 HBP—byKazmir (Hart). WP —Kazmir. MILWAUKEE — Carlos Gomez Chicago(N) 0 0 0 001 000000 — 1 SMillerp 2 0 0 0 Varvarp 0 0 0 0 Matszkp 0 0 0 0 Dzunaph-cf 2 0 0 0 E—Rizzo(1), Olt(3). DP—Chicago(A) 1, Chicago(H) T—2:36. A—11,019(35,067). hit a home runanddrove in three Neshekp 0 0 0 0 Pstrnckph 1 0 0 0 Frnswrp 0 0 0 0 1. LOB —Chicago (A) 8, Chicago(N) 7. 28—A.Dunn Siegristp 0 0 0 0 Dcrpntp 0 0 0 0 runs to lead Milwaukee.Martin Reckerc 0 0 0 0 (6), Semien (7), Samardzija (1). SB—AI.Ramirez(5), Twins1, Indians 0 (10 innings) Maldonado andJean Segura also C Mrtnzp 0 0 0 0 Avilanp 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 1 3 6 3 Totals 3 44 9 3 Schierhollz(3). CS —DeAza(3). S—Quintana,BoniJayph 0 0 0 0 JSchafrph 0 0 0 0 N ew York 200 1 0 0 000 — 3 facio. SF — J .Abreu,Lake. Grichkph 1 0 0 0 R.Pena2b 4 1 2 1 Miami 0 00 000 031 — 4 CLEVELAND — Minnesota's Edu- homered for the Brewers. Matt IP H R E R BBBO Rosnthl p 0 0 0 0 outwhenwinning runscored. Chicago(A) ardo Escobar homered leading off Garza allowed three runsandeight Totals 3 6 4 9 4 Totals 3 23 9 3 One E — Q uin t a ni l a (1), Hi e se (1). DP — N ew Y or k1, 7 1 1 1 3 3 t. Louis 000 0 3 1 0 00 — 4 Miami1.LDB—NewYork4, Miami11. 28—D.Wright Quintana the 10th inning against Cleveland hits in six innings for Milwaukee. B Belisario 2 1 0 0 0 2 Atlanta 0 00 002 100 — 3 Mike Bolsinger took the loss for ( 6), Sal t al a ma c chi a (7). HR — D an.M ur phy (1), G ran dPetricka 1 0 0 0 0 0 closer John Axford, giving the E—Simmons (2). DP—St. Louis 1. LDB—St. erson(3). CS—Duda(1). S—Lucas. SF—B.Abreu. 2-3 1 0 0 1 0 the Djamondbacks after giving up S.Downs Louis 7,Atlanta8. 2B—M.carpenter (4), Jh.Peralta Twins a win. Escobar hit his first IP H R E R BBSO D.WebbW,3-0 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 1 four runs and seven hits in five (7), Heyw ard (7), Free m an (8), R. P en a (2). HR — R . homer since June20, 2013 and York LindstromS,5-8 1 1 0 0 1 1 Pena(2). S—S.Miller, Harang,J.Schafer. SF—B. New Niese 7 5 0 0 1 6 Chicago(N) fourth of his career in 344 at-bats. innings. upton. M atsuzaka B S,1-2 0 2 3 2 2 0 Samardzija 9 3 1 0 2 7 IP H R E R BBSO Farnsworth 1 0 0 0 1 1 H.Ramirez Arizona Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 0 1 Bt. Louis Minnesota Cleveland RiceL,0-1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Schlitter ab r hbi ab r hbi 1 1 0 0 0 2 S.Miger W4-2 5 6 2 2 2 5 ab r hbi ab r hbi Germen 1-3 1 0 0 1 0 W.Wright GParrarf 4 2 2 0 CGomzcf 2 2 2 3 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 NeshekH,4 1 0 0 0 0 1 Dozier2b 4 0 0 0 Morgancf 3 0 0 0 Miami 5 0 1 0 Segurass 5 1 2 2 GrimmL,1-1 2 3- 2 2 2 2 2 SiegristH,B 1 2 1 1 0 2 Fuldcf 4 0 2 0 Raburnph-If 1 0 0 0 Prado3b Gldsch1b 5 1 2 0 Gennett2b 3 1 1 0 Eoval d i 7 5 3 3 1 10 H BP — by G ri m m (K one rk o). WP — S am ard zija. PBC.MartinezH,7 1 0 0 0 0 0 Plouffe3b 5 0 1 0 Swisher1b 4 0 0 0 Monterc 4 0 1 1 ArRmr3b 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Castillo. RosenthalS,9-9 1 1 0 0 1 1 Hand Colaell1b 5 0 1 0 Brantlylf-cf 4 0 1 0 ig2b 4 0 4 2 KDavislf 3 0 0 1 Atlanta CishekW,2-1 1 0 0 0 1 1 T—3:51. A—33,146(41,072). Kubellf 5 0 1 0 CSantn3b 2 0 0 0 H Owingsss 3 0 0 0 MrRynl1b 3 1 1 0 HarangL,3-3 pitched to5 baters inthe8th. 6 9 4 2 1 6 Matsuzaka KSuzukc 4 0 0 0 Chsnhlldh 3 0 0 0 C ahillp 0 0 0 0 Gindlrf 4 0 0 0 Rice pi t ched to 1 ba t erin the9th. Varvaro 1 0 0 0 0 2 Pintodh 3 0 1 0 JRmrzph 1 0 0 0 C.Rossph 1 0 0 0 Wootenp 0 0 0 0 D.carpenter 1 0 0 0 0 1 T—2:53.A—20,606 (37,442). Rockies 8, Rangers 2 DSantnpr-dh1 0 1 0 Acarerss 4 0 0 0 A Martelf 4 0 0 0 Dukep 0 0 0 0 Avilan 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hrmnnrf 3 0 0 0YGomsc 3 0 0 0 Inciartcf 4 0 0 0 Maldndc 3 2 2 2 S.Migerpitchedto 3 batters inthe6th. Flormnss 2 0 0 0 DvMrprf 3 0 0 0 DENVER — Troy Tulowitzki homInterleague B olsngrp 2 0 0 0 Garzap 2 0 0 0 T—3:15. A—20,048(49,586). EEscor ph-ss 2 1 1 1 Aviles 2b 3 0 2 0 Pollockph 1 0 0 0 RWeksph 0 1 0 0 ered twice, Jordan Lyles pitched Totals 3 8 1 8 1 Totals 3 10 3 0 0 0 0 0WSmithp 0 0 0 0 Minnesota 000 000 000 1 — 1 Delgadp Giants11, Pirates10 (13 inn.) Padres 6, Royals 5 (12 innings) eight strong innings to leadColPnngtnss 0 0 0 0 LSchfrrf 1 0 0 0 Cleveland 000 000 000 0 — 0 ol'ado. Totals 3 7 3 103 Totals 3 0 8 9 8 E—C.Santana (2). DP—Minnesota 1. LOB102 000 000 — 3 PITTSBURGH — A throwing error SAN DIEGO — Wi l Venable hit a Minnesota10, Cleveland 4. 28—Fuld (6), Pinto Arizona 1 2 0 0 1 4 Bgx— 8 Texas Colorado two-run single in the 12th inning (2), Brantley(6). HR —E.Escobar (1). SB—Fuld (4), Milwaukee sacDP — Arizona2. LOB—Arizona12, Milwaukee6. by pitcher Jared Hughes on a ab r hbi ab r hbi C.Santana (1). CS—Aviles (1). S—Fuld. 2B — G .P a rra (5), G en ne t (4), Ma l d on ado (2). HR — C . rifice bunt by reliever Jean Machi to give San Di e go the win. Venabl e Choolf 3 1 2 0 Barnesrf 5 1 2 0 IP H R E R BBSO G omez (8), Se g ura (2), Ma l d on ad o (1). SB — S e g u ra JoWilsn2b 4 0 0 1 Stubbscf 4 in the 13th inning allowed San singled off Tim Collinsand over the ABeltre3b 4 1 2 0 Tlwtzkss 3 22 23 41 Minnesota —K.Davis. Gibson 7 2 0 0 3 1 (6). SF IP H R E R BBBO Francisco to score the winning run head of right fielder LorenzoCain F ielder1b 3 0 1 0 CGnzlzlf 5 1 2 1 Duensing 1 1 0 0 0 0 Arizona Riosrf 4 0 0 0 Arenad3b 2 1 1 2 to score Chris Denorfja with the and overcome asix-run deficit. ThielbarW,2-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 BolsingerL,1-2 5 7 4 4 3 3 Chirinsc 3 0 0 0 Mornea1b 4 0 1 0 PerkinsS,8-9 1 0 0 0 0 2 Delgado tying run andYonder Alonso with Hughes came on to start the 13th. 1 2 4 4 2 1 Morlndph 1 0 1 1 Pachecc 4 0 0 0 Cleveland Cahill 2 0 0 0 2 4 With one out, hewalked Hunter the winning run from second base. LMartncf 4 0 1 0 LeMahi2b 4 0 1 0 McAgister 62-3 5 0 0 1 8 Milwaukee ndrusss 4 0 1 0 Lylesp 4 1 1 0 Shaw 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 GarzaW,2-3 Denorfja led off the inning with a A 6 8 3 3 2 5 Pence and hit JuanPerezwith a MPerezp 1 0 0 0 Massetp 0 0 0 0 Allen 1 1 0 0 0 2 W.Smith 1 0 0 0 1 3 pitch. Machi, in just the second single off Louis Coleman before ShTllsnp 0000 AxfordL,0-3 2-3 2 1 1 1 0 Wooten 1 1-3 1 0 0 Poredap 0 0 0 0 Collins cameon. After a sacrifice, Rzepczynski 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Duke 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 plate appearance of his four-year DRrtsn ph 1 0 1 0 WP — McAllister. Alonso reached abloop double HBP—byGarza(G.Parra). WP—Delgado. career, then droppeddown abunt, Frasorp 0 0 0 0 T—3:09. A—9,037(42,487). T—3;19.A—27,220 (41,900). C ottsp 0 0 0 0 to left to bring up Venable. Mike which Hughes fielded andthrew Totals 32 2 9 2 Totals 3 5 8 13 8 Moustakas hit an RBI single in the wildly past first base as Pence Angels 4, Yankees1 Texas 0 00 001 001 — 2 Nationals 4, Dodgers 0 12th off Tim Stauffer to give the Colorado 021 0 2 0 2 1x — 8 scored from second base.Backup E — A.B el t re (6), Stubbs (1), Arenado(6). DP ANAHEIM, Calif.— The AnRoyals a brief lead. Jedd Gyorko' s catcher Hector Sanchez had four WASHINGTON — Anthony RenTexas 2,Colorado4. LOB —Texas 6, Colorado8. solo homer with one out in the gels scored three runs on five hits and three RBls in theGiants 28 — Choo (6), Andrus(6), Barnes2 (5), Stubbs2 don hit a two-run homer in the C.Gonz alez 2 (8), Morneau(10). HR —Tulowilzstraight walks in the eighth inning first inning and —thanks to an 20-hitattack, while Buster Posey, ninth inning off Royals closer Greg (3), ki 2 (9), Arenado(6). SB—Choo (3). S—M.Perez. after Jered Weaverescapeda Holland tied the gameat 4. It was SF — Stubbs. odd-moving storm that produced who got a dayoff from catching, IP H R E R BBSO based-loaded jamwith no outs had three hits, three runs scored Holland's first blown save ineight an interminable rain delayTexas in the top half. Yankeesrelievers and two RBls. chances. M.PerezL,4-2 5 7 5 5 3 5 Washington didn't finish off the Sh.Tolleson 1 3 2 2 0 0 Shawn Kelley, Matt Thornton and Los Angeles until some six hours Kansas Ci t y Ban Di e go Ban Francisco Pittsburgh Poreda 1 1 0 0 0 1 Preston Claiborne walked six over- later. Jordan Zimmermanpitched ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Frasor 2-3 2 1 1 1 1 Aokirf 5 1 1 0 Venalerf-cf 6 0 1 2 Cotts all in the eighth, the most walks in four shutout innings before the Pagancf 7 1 3 0 JHrrsnrf 3 1 2 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Pencerf 6 4 3 0 Watsonp 0 0 0 0 WDavrsp 0 0 0 0 Ecarerss 5 1 1 0 Colorado an inning by NewYork since1990. game was halted, and five relievPosey1b 4 3 3 2 GSnchzph 1 0 0 0 GHllndp 0 0 0 0 S.Smithlf 4 1 2 0 LylesW,4-0 8 7 2 2 1 5 J.Perezpr-lf 1 0 0 0 Melncnp 0 0 0 0 KHerrrp 0 0 0 0 Grandlc 4 1 1 3 Masset 1 2 0 0 1 0 ers threw an inning apieceafter New York Los Angeles Maxwgph 1 0 0 0 Gyorko2b 5 1 1 1 M orself 5 1 2 2 CStwrtc 1 0 0 0 Lyles pi t ched to1 bat t er inthe9th. ab r hbi ab r hbi play resumed. In between, there Adrianzpr 0 0 0 0 NWalkr2b 6 1 1 2 Colemnp 0 0 0 0 Blanks1b 2 0 0 0 Sh.Tolleson pitchedto2 batters inthe7th. Gardnrlf 4 0 0 0 Aybarss 4 0 0 0 was a delay of 3 hours,17 minutes Casillap 0 0 0 0 AMcctcf 7 2 4 0 Ticllnsp 0 0 0 0 Roachp 0 0 0 0 T—3:01. A—26,242(50,480). J eterss 4 1 2 0 Troutcf 3 0 0 0 Bmgrnph 1 0 0 0 PAlvrz3b 7 2 2 4 Infante2b 6 0 0 0 Petersnph 1 0 0 0 while a narrow, cigar-shaped Ellsurycf 4 0 0 0 Pujols1b 3 1 2 0 Machip 0 0 0 0 SMartelf 5 1 2 0 Hosmer1b 6 1 3 3 Vincentp 0 0 0 0 Blue Jays 3, Phillies 0 T eixeir1b 3 0 1 1 Crondh 3 0 0 0 storm took its time soaking D.C. Romop 0 0 0 0 I.Davis1b 3 2 0 0 S.Perezc 6 2 3 0 Thayerp 0 0 0 0 Mccnnc 4 0 0 0 Ibanezph-dh 0 1 0 0 HSnchzc 7 1 4 3 TSnchzc 4 0 1 0 AGordnlf 6 0 0 0 ATorrsp 0 0 0 0 and not much else. ASorindh 3 0 0 0 HKndrc2b 3 1 1 1 Sandovl3b 4 1 1 0 JGomzp 0 0 0 0 Valenci3b 4 0 1 1 Hundlyph 1 0 0 0 PHILADELPHIA —Jose Reyes KJhnsn3b 3 0 1 0 IStewrt3b 3 0 0 1 Affeldt p 0 0 0 0 Cole ph 1 0 1 0 M ostks3b 2 0 1 1 Streetp 0 0 0 0 hit a leadoff homer andJ.A. Happ Washington BRorts2b 3 0 1 0 JMcDnlph-3bg 0 0 1 Los Angeles Beltph-1b 2 0 1 0 JHughsp 0 0 0 0 A Escorss 5 0 2 0 Benoitp 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi I Suzukirf 3 0 1 0 lannettc 3 0 1 1 B.Hicks2b 7 0 1 2 Barmesss 2 0 0 1 L.cain cf-rf 5 0 4 0 Rivera ph 1 0 0 0 tossed three-hit ball over five inD Gordn2b 4 0 0 0 Spancf 4 1 3 0 Bcrwfrss 4 0 1 1 Morrisp 0 0 0 0 G reenlf 4 0 0 0 Ventur p 2 1 1 0 Stauffr p 0 0 0 0 nings for Toronto. Crwfrdlf 4 0 3 0 Rendon3b 3 1 1 2 Petitp Cowgillrf 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 Crow p 0 0 0 0 Maybin cf 2 0 1 0 Totals 3 1 1 6 1 Totals 2 84 4 4 H Rmrzss 4 0 1 0 Werthrf 3 0 0 0 Dunnngp 0 0 0 0 Sniderrf 0 0 0 0 BButlerph 0 0 0 0 Denorficf-rf 3 1 1 0 Toronto Philadelphia N ew York 000 0 0 0 1 0 0 — 1 AdGnzl1b 4 0 0 0 LaRoch1b 4 0 2 0 Blancoph 1 0 0 0 Tabataph-rf 3 0 1 1 Dysoncf 0 0 0 0 Amarst3b 4 0 0 0 Kempcf 4 0 2 0 Dsmndss 3 1 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Los Angeles 00 0 010 03x— 4 J Gutrrzp 0 0 0 0 Lockep 2 0 0 0 S tultsp 1 0 0 0 Ethierrf 4 0 1 0 Espinos2b 4 1 1 2 Reyes ss 4 1 1 1 Revere cf 4 0 2 0 E—Teixeira (4). DP—NewYork1, LosAngeles Arias3b 3 0 1 0 Mercerss 4 1 2 0 Alonso 1b 4 1 1 0 Uribe3b 3 0 1 0 McLothlf 3 0 0 0 Mecarrlf 4 1 2 0 Diekmnp 0000 2. LOB —NewYork4, LosAngeles 7. 28—Jeter (4). 54 112010 Totals 49 10168 Totals 48 5 165 Totals 4 3 6 9 6 Olivoc 3 0 0 0 Frndsnlf 1 0 0 0 Totals Bautistrf 3 0 0 0 Rollinsph 1 0 0 0 38 —H.Kendrick (2). BanFrancisco 200 005 201 0001 — 11 Kansas City 01 0 020 100 001 — 5 4 0 0 0 Galvisss 5 0 1 0 IP H R E R BBBO Greinkp 1 0 0 0 S.Leonc 4 0 1 0 Ban Diego 000 003 001 002 — 6 Encrnc1b Pittsburgh 004 041 100 000 0 — 10 Leaguep 1 0 0 0 Zmrmnp 1 0 1 0 F rncsc3b 3 0 1 1 Utley2b 4 0 0 0 New York E—Machi (1), J.Hughes(1). DP—SanFrancisco One outwhenwinning runscored. L awrie2b 2 0 0 0 Byrdrf 3020 Phelps 51-3 3 1 1 1 3 W ithrwp 0 0 0 0 Barrettp 0 0 0 0 E—Hosmer (2). DP—San Diego2. LOB—Kansas 5, Pittsburgh1. LDB—San Francisco 11, Pittsburgh 2 0 0 0 Howard1b 4 0 0 0 Warren 12-3 1 0 0 0 1 BWilsnp 0 0 0 0 Hairstnph 1 0 1 0 9. 2B —Morse2 (8), B.Hicks(4), A.Mccutchen(10), City11,SanDiego6.2B—S.Perez2 (12), Lcain(3), Getz2b Figginsph 1 0 0 0 Blevinsp 0 0 0 0 C IRsmscf 3 1 2 0 Ruizc 3020 KelleyL,0-2 2-3 0 3 3 4 0 Baez p 0 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 S.Marte (4), Mercer (3). 38—A.Mccutchen (2). S.Smith(7),Maybin(5), Alonso(7).3B—S.Smith(1). Tholec 4 0 1 1 Mayrrylf 1 0 0 0 Thornton 0 0 0 0 1 0 HR — PA lva re z (8). SB — P a gan (6), B el t (2), J.Harri H R — H os m er (1), Gra n dal (3), Gyorko (3). SB — A . Waltersph 1 0 0 0 Happp 2 0 0 0 DBrwnph-If 2 0 0 0 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 Claiborne son (2),S.Marte2 (11). CS—Pagan(2), B.crawford Escobar2(7). S—Ventura, Dyson,Amarista. Clipprd p 0 0 0 0 R ogersp 1 0 0 0 Hix3b 1000 Los Angeles IP H R E R BBBO Loupp 0 0 0 0 GwynJph-cf 1 0 0 0 (2), J.Harrison (2). S—Machi. SF—B.crawford, TMoore ph 1 0 0 0 WeaverW,3-2 8 6 1 1 1 7 Barmes. KansasCity RSorinp 0 0 0 0 Delaarp 0 0 0 0 Kndrckp 2 0 0 0 Frieri S,3-5 1 0 0 0 0 2 6 5 3 3 0 10 Navarrph 1 0 0 0 Ascheph-3b 2 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBBO Ventura Totals 33 0 8 0 Totals 3 3 4 114 Thorntonpitchedto1 batter inthe8th. San Franci s co Crow H,3 1 0 0 0 0 1 Los Angeles 000 000 000 — 0 C ecilp 0 0 0 0 T—3:09. A—39,701(45,483). 4 1-3 9 8 8 3 4 W.DavisH,5 Petit 1 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 33 3 7 3 Totals 3 3 0 7 0 Washington 2 0 0 0 0 0 02x— 4 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 G.HollandBS,1-8 1 1 1 1 0 0 Toronto DP — Los Angeles 2, Washington 1. LOB—Los Dunning 2 10 000 000 — 3 12-3 2 2 2 1 1 K.Herrera 1 0 0 0 0 1 P hiladelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 0 Tigers 2, Astros 0 Angeles6,Washington8. 2B—H.Ramirez(13), Kemp J.Gutierrez 1 1-3 2 0 0 0 1 Affeldt Coleman 1 1 1 1 2 1 E — E nc arn ac i o n (2). DP—Toronto1, Philadelphia 10), Span 2(6). HR—Rendon (5), Espinosa(4). () Casilla 2 0 0 0 1 4 Ti.collins L,0-2BS,1-11-3 2 1 1 0 0 1. LDB 8—Desmond (2). CS—Kemp(2). —Toronto 7, Philadelphia11. 28—Col.RasDETROIT —MaxScherzer pitched 2 3 0 0 0 2 Ban Diego IP H R E R BBBO MachiW,5-0 mus 2(9), Thole(2). 38—Byrd (1). HR—Reyes(2). 42-3 11 3 3 0 2 CS — RomoS,10-10 1 0 0 0 0 0 Stults three-hit ball and struck out nine Los Angeles Revere(2). 11-3 1 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh Roach G reinke L,5-1 3 5 2 2 IP H R E R BBSO over eight innings, leading Detroit League 5 1-3 8 6 6 0 5 Vincent 1 1 1 1 0 0 Toronto 2 2 0 0 0 2 Locke past Houston for its season-high Withrow 2-3 2 1 1 0 0 Thayer 1 0 0 0 2 1 HappW,1-0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Morris H,1 5 3 0 0 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 A.Torres 1 0 0 0 0 0 RogersH,1 1 2 0 0 1 3 Ju.WilsonH,2 1 - 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 sixth straight victory. Rajai Davis B.Wilson 0 0 1 Street 1 0 0 0 0 0 Loup H Baez 1 2 2 2 0 2 WatsonBS,2-2 1 2 -3 3 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 3 broke a scoreless tie with an RBI Washington Melancon BS,1-2 1 3 1 1 0 0 Benoit 1 1 0 0 0 0 DelabarH,7 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 3 0 0 1 2 StaufferW,1-0 1 2 1 1 0 1 Cecil S,2-3 Zimmerm ann 4 5 0 0 0 3 J.Gomez 1 0 0 0 0 1 single in the seventh andVictor J.Hughes L,1-1 1 0 1 0 2 2 Coleman pi t ched to1 batter i n the12th. BarrettW,2-0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Philadelphia Martinez hit a solo homer in the —by Petit (S.Marte), byRomo(H.Walker), by T—3:57.A—14,089 (42,302). K.KendrickL,0-3 7 7 3 3 3 4 BlevinsH,3 1 1 0 0 0 2 HBP StorenH,5 1 1 0 0 0 1 J.Hughes (J.Perez). WP—Dunning 2, Casiga, Ju.WilDiekman 2 0 0 0 0 3 eighth. Houston, which hasthe ClippardH,7 1 1 0 0 0 1 son, Melancon. PB—H.Sanchez. Rogerspitchedto 1batterin the7th. worst record in the majors, has R.Soriano 1 0 0 0 0 1 T—5:29. A—13,675(38,362). HBP—by K.Kendrick (Bautista). lost three in a row. T—2;59(Raindelay: 3:17).A—25,447(41,408). T—2:59. A—25,275(43,651). Seattle
Pct GB
375 gl/2
.367 9r/r
Pct GB 545 31/2
.438 7 .314 11'/r
Monday'sGames Washington 4, L.A.Dodgers0 SanFrancisco11,Pittsburgh10,13innings
Toronto3, Philadelphia0 Miami 4,H.Y.Mets3 St. Loui4, s Atlanta3 Chicago WhiteSox3, ChicagoCubs1,12 innings Milwaukee 8,Arizona3 Colorado 8, Texas2 KansasCityatSanDiego, 7:10p.m.
Today'sGames LA. Dodgers (Kershaw1-0) atWashington(undecided),4;05p.m. San Francisco(Hudson4-1) at Pittsburgh(Morton 0-4),4:05p.m. Toronto(Hutchison1-2)atPhiladelphia(Hamels 0-2), 4:05 p.m. Cincinnati (Bailey2-2) at Boston (Doubront 1-3), 4:10 p.m. N.Y.Mets(Colon2-4) at Miami(H.Alvarez1-2), 4:10 p.m. St. Louis(Lyons0-2) atAtlanta(Floyd 0-0), 4:10p.m. ChicagoWhite Sox(Hoesi 0-2) at ChicagoCubs(E. Jackson2-2), 5:05p.m. Arizona (Collmenter1-2) at Milwaukee(Estrada2-1), 5:10 p.m. Texas (RossJr. 1-2)at Colorado(Nicasio 3-1),5;40 p.m. KansasCity (Guthrie2-2) at SanDiego(Erlin 1-4), 7:10 p.m. Wednesday'sGames SanFranciscoat Pittsburgh,9:35a.m. N.Y.MetsatMiami, 9:40a.m. LA. Dodgers atWashington, 10:05a.m. Arizona at Milwaukee,10:10 a.m. Kansas CityatSanDiego,12:40 p.m. Philadelphia atToronto, 4:07p.m. Cincinnatiat Boston,4:10p.m. St. LouisatAtlanta, 4:10p.m. ColoradoatTexas, 5:05p.m. ChicagoCubsatChicagoWhite Sox, 5:10p.m.
American League
Mariners 4, Athletics 2 OAKLAND, Calif.— Stefen Rome-
ro hit his first major leaguehome run to break atie in the fifth inning, and Seattle won its third straight and eighth in 10games. Chris Young allowed two hits over six strong innings to win his second straight start. The right-hander faced the minimum through three and didn't allow a hit until Jed
Lowrie's one-out single in the fourth.
nes Kathy Winene /The Associated Press
Teammates congratulate Pittsburgh's Sidney Crosby, who scored his first goal of the playoffs, in the second period against New York on Wednesday. The Penguins shut out the Rangers 2-0 to take a 2-1 series lead.
Crosby breaksplayoff scoring slump The Associated Press Game 3 onMonday night. "The main thing is that you get NEW YORK — Sidney Crosby scored his first goaL Marc-Andre chances and that you are out there Fleury posted his second straight creating things, making it tough on shutout. them," Crosby said. "That's the first The New York Rangers' power step. Eventually you trust that it will play still is proving to be nothing go in." more than a problem. Coupled with Fleury's 22 saves So it is no surprise the Pittsburgh in a 3-0 victory one night earlier in Penguins have taken control of an Pittsburgh, the Penguins have reEastern Conference semifinal that claimed home-iceadvantage and suddenly seems one-sided. lead the best-of-seven series 2-1. Crosby snapped a 13-game playFleury has 51 career postseaoff goal drought in breaking a sec- son wins and a team-record eight
ice," Penguins coach Dan Bylsma said.
ond-period scoreless tie, Jussi Joki-
Kings. Patrick Maroon scored a
It is the first time the Rangers
have been shut out in consecutive playoff games since the 1937 Stanley Cup finals against Detroit. Also on Monday: Kings 3, Ducks 1: A NAHEIM,
Calif. — Jonathan Quick made 36 saves,Marian Gaborik scored his third goal in two games, and Los Angeles Kings took a 2-0 lead in their second-round series. Alec Martinez also scored for the
"I don't think there was any ques- power-play goal and Jonas Hiller nen added a goal, and Fleury turned aside 35 shots in a 2-0 victory in tion he was the best player on the stopped 14 shots for the Ducks.
game-winning 3-pointer to eliminate Houston. "He can do everything," Parker said.
Continued from C1 Aldridge scored 89 points "He can shoot from the outin the first two games of side, penetrate, and so we're the series. He averaged 29.8 going to try to do some stuff points, 11.7 rebounds and 2.7
to try to contain him. You're
blocks in the opening round. "Guys are going to be
Tri-Valley Conference loss. Bulletin staff report A six-run sixth i n ning Cody Shepherd was 2 for 4 allowed Redmond High to with a triple to pace Madras turn a 5-3 deficit into a 9-5 (0-10 TVC, 4-16 overall), while lead and eventually an Inter- Josh Ross and Sean LeRiche mountain Conference base- each went 2 for 3. "We had ball win. runners on second and third Hayden and Hunter Smith with two outs in almost every highlighted the P anthers' inning," Madras coach Sam s ixth-inning outburst, a s McCormick said. "We just Hayden's two-run homer was couldn't convert the runs. But followed up by Hunter's RBI I thought we played really triple two batters later. The well." road win by Redmond (2-5 Sweet Home 3, La Pine IMC, 10-11 overall) snapped a 1 : LA PINE — T u cker A l four-game skid. len pitched well and Casey Hayden Smith finished 3 Schneider was 3 for 3, but
Haylie H u dson
a c counted
for both Sisters runs. Shayla Curtis had the other hit for the Outlaws.
North Marion 16-12, Madras 15-7: MADRAS — By drop-
ping both games in a Tri-Valley Conference doubleheader, the White Buffaloes fell to 5-5 in the TVC and 9-11 overall. GIRLS GOLF
Storm second at State Preview: CRESWELL — Sum-
mit finished second overall and first among the Class 5A entries at the 6A/5A State Preview tournament at Emer-
Softball Class 4A Sky-Em League (5 innings) La Pine 000 00 — 0 1 10 Sweet Home 134 4x — 12 20 1
Elmira Sisters
Class 4A Sky-Em League (5 innings) 102 27 — 12 9 0 1 01 00 — 2 3
Baseball Class SA
IntermountainConference Redmond 102 006 0 — 9 10 4 —57 4 Mountai nview 1300100 IntermountainHybrid Summit 224 030 0 — 11 12 3 Ridgeview 10 2 400 1— 8 13 3
for 5 with two RBIs, Hunter Smith was 3 for 4, and Colton
the Hawks fell short in their ald Valley Golf Course. Led bid for t h eir f i r s t S k y-Em by Madison Odiorne's 5-over-
Slavey picked up two hits while driving in three runs
League win of the season. par 77 — the low score among Class 4A League Allen worked 6 '/ i n nings 5A players in the 15-team Madras Tri-Valley 010001 0 — 2 6 and was relieved by Tristan t ournament — t h e S t o r m Northlarion 2 01 100x — 4 7 Cox during the Huskies' two- posted a total of 334 strokes, Class 4A
for Redmond.
For Mountain View (0-4, 5-13), Derek Ostrom went 2 for 3 with a double. Ronnie
Stacey doubled and drove in a run for the Cougars, and Colton Lovelace had a triple
to go along with an RBI. In other Monday action: BASEBALL
Summit 11, Ridgeview 8: REDMOND — The Storm extended their winning streak to five with an Intermountain
Hybrid win, dealing the Ravens just their third loss of the
season. Nolan Juhl had two hits and drove in two runs for
Summit (11-7), Troy Viola had two hits, and Matt Hicks had
three RBIs. For Ridgeview (16-3), Collin Runge had two hits and two RBIs.
North Marion 4, Madras 2: AURORA — The White Buf-
run rally in the seventh that
SWEET HOME — The Huskies belted 20 hits to defeat La
Continued from C1 "The High Desert area has just EXPLODED in the num-
ber of teams that are now there," Badders says. He adds:
"We have reached a point ... where we don't have enough officials." Seven years ago, Bend High, Summit, Redmond and Sisters were all preparing to field their first varsity lacrosse teams. Four teams in Central
Oregon, yet there was only one certified official in the area. Since then, Mountain
Sky-Em League
the NBA Finals.
shooter and nothing more.
Point guard heaven: In That is what generally hapa new golden age of point pened in the regular-season guards, it would hard to find series, which was split 2-2. a more compelling matchup Spurs depth: Even afthan this one. San Antonio's Tony Parker is the NBA's
ter the Trail Blazers added
32 points. Portland's Damian Lillard is the new kid on the
stands in stark contrast to
Dorell Wright and Thomas gold standard, a savvy veter- Robinson in an effort to beef an who changes speeds like up their beleaguered bench, an All-Star pitcher. He was they still relied heavily on at his best in Game 7, dis- their starting five for most mantling the Mavericks with of their production. That the Spurs, who did not have a playeraverage 30 minutes per game this season. If the series goes deep, that could come into play.
block, a supremely confident second-year player who had perhaps the moment of these young playoffs with a
7-6 (12-10), 7-5 and Estacada's
Foster and Nathan Williams,
at the C l ass 4A/3A/2A/1A Tyler Allrutz and Trevor Cox, Special District 2 c h a mpi- 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. In the consola-
onships at Portland Tennis
tion bracket, after dropping
Center. Obie Eriza and Omar Dominguez won two matches
its first-round match, the tandem team of Oved Felix and
to advance to Wednesday's championship quarterfinals, defeating Molalla's Skyler
Jered Pichette downed a Molalla pairing 8-1 to reach the consolation quarterfinals.
Sue Ogrocki i The Associated Press
GAMES OFTHE WEEK Mountain View andSummit combined for 50 runs on 42 hits in an Intermountain Conferencesoftball doubleheader onWednesday. Ivy Vann doubled twice anddrove in three runs in the opener before getting two hits and anRBI in the secondgameas the Cougars sweptthe visiting Storm16-10and14-10. ATHLETE OFTHE WEEK Summit junior Matthew Maton shavednearly five seconds off his previous best time in the1,500-meter run on Friday, winning the event at the Nike/Jesuit Twilight Relays in Beaverton by 5.21 seconds. And his time of 3 minutes, 49.38 seconds becamethe No.1 high school mark in the nation this season, besting the 3:51.73 set by Sydney Gidabuday of ElModena,Calif. STAT OF THEWEEK Sixty-eight. In Ridgeview's three-gamebaseball sweep of Crook County last week, the Ravensbelted 56 hits en route to 68 runs. Helping the causewereCollin Runge, who had10 hits and13 RBls over the first two contests, andGeorge Mendazona,whofinished
< To find out more about how o become aboys lacrosse referee, visit www.ohsla.net. To learn more about becoming a girls lacrosse official, visit www.owlua.com. class through U.S. Lacrosse, the national governing body of the sport. They went to a tournament and worked withvarsity-certified officials to learn the ropes. By OHSLA rules, the
four Sist ers players can continue to officiate youth games
while still in high school (and they do, according to Rexford). Ridgeview, which is playing Once they graduate, if they a JV schedule this season, is would like to continue to offiwith 12 hits and 14 RBls in the series. also getting into the mix. ciate, they can be certified to The league's growth, while work junior varsity and varsity girls' season is the same time games. inspiring, is becoming over- That's why I love to officiate it. "I think it's such a good time, whelming to the league itself. A lack of officials is not a as the boys' season in high So many varsity teams (51 problem only in boys lacrosse. school, so it's not like we can and it's a way to give back "We d efinitely have a borrow guys from one season to the game," Rexford says. statewide) playing full schedules, each game requiring shortage," says Polly Purcell, and carry him over here. It just "They're going to help out at three-man officiating crews, co-coach of Central Oregon doesn't exist." SALI (the Sisters Annual Layet there are so few officials Lacrosse, one of two Central Every so often this season, crosse Invitational on May 16). Oregon teams in the 39-team a Valley official will still trek ... That gives us four more offi(81) to go around. That is why, Badders says, Oregon Girls Lacrosse Associ- to the High Desert. But now cials for those youth brackets. the OHSLA board of directors ation. "We are trying desper- the number of officials has It's going to take the pressure will meet with the OLOA to set ately to find people who can go grown in Central Oregon. Now off the other refs, and they can up parameters, such as when to that training. We'd love to get the OHSLA will require new focus on the more-competitive teams can schedule games. 10 referees from this area to get teams to provide names of po- high school games and elite "Things that we've never trained and build off that base tential referees. And over at teams." formallyrequired before,we're right there. That's about all we Sisters, Bill Rexford has severOfficiating lacrosse is a partnow at that point," says Bad- can do." al players training to become time job, Badders emphasizders, who notes that, tobecome Because lacrosse is a club youth officials and, potentially, es. For most it is not about the a league member, Ridgeview sport at Oregon high schools, varsity referees. m oney, not about the $46.92 "These kids love the sport," an official can make each JV was required to provide three teamspay theirown expenses, names of locals who would including officials. During the says Rexford, the ninth-year game or the $56.10 or $69.36 train to b ecome officials. past seven years, because of a Sisters boys lacrosse coach. (depending on experience lev"We're trying to manage the lack of referees inthe area, offi- "It's a way t o b e i n volved. el) per varsity contest. "They games with the number of offi- cials from the Willamette Val- Talking with these guys who allcash their paychecks," Badcials we have." ley have traveled to Central Or- are doing the youth officiating, ders says, "but they're doing it Seven years ago, only one egon to work boys games. And they say they're getting a new because they like doingit." "What happens on the field, certified OLOA official resided with them has come another perspective on the sport.... in Central Oregon. That num- expense: officials'travel. They (the players) really feel it's not do or die," Rexford says, ber has since grown to nine Badders makes it clear that like, 'Well we wouldn't have referring to officials. "It's about full-time officials and another because the boys and girls the games if we didn't have the longevity. It's about sustainability. They're going to make part-timer. Tom Johnson of the rules are"so different," there officials.'" OLOA says the situation is im- are two separate officials orFour current Sisters play- mistakes; I make mistakes. proving, but at nowhere near ganizations: the OLOA for the ers —Josh Ward, Jens Stadeli, They're a much-needed partthe pace of lacrosse growth boys and the Oregon Women's Lane Gladden and Porter Ford ner in what we're trying to in Bend and the surrounding Lacrosse Umpires Association — took an online officiating accomplish." areas. for the girls. Because of the two "It's bursting at the seams," different groups, finding an says Johnson, an eight-year official certified through both, lacrosse official who assigns according to Badders, is "alofficials to games in the High most impossible." "Because the two games are Desert League, which includes r r r all five Central Oregon boys so different," Badders says, "it's "I think some people teams. not like, 'Oh, we'll borrow one / r are timid because they don't from over here and he can offiunderstand it (Iacrosse). The ciate here' or vice-versa. "Even if there was commonones who are getting involved are going, 'Wow, this is a great ality (among the rules for boys game.' ... I think it's just the ac- and girls), we'd be cannibaliztion (of lacrosse). I mean, there ing each other. We have to get is always something going on. more people to do this. The View has joined the OHSLA.
try to hide Lillard on Danny Green, who is a standstill
fielders. Elmira 12, Sisters 2: SISTERS — A s even-run fifth allowed the Falcons to break
Matthews on P arker a nd
2000, while the Spurs are looking for a return trip to
3 3
Team scores —WestLinn312,Summit 334, Sheldon339,Jesuit 345,Pendleton362, Beaverton 385,GrantsPass389,SouthEugene408,Hermiston 412,WestAlbany421,Marist496, Roseburginc., Willametteinc.,Liberty inc., ForestGroveinc. Medalist — GigStoll, i Beaverton,67. Summit (334) —MadisonOdiorne, 77;Alyssa Kerry,85;Rachel Drgastin, 86;Sarah Heimly, 86.
hunt for state qualification
out of the first round since
2 1
medalist with a 5-under 67 that was six strokes better Pine in five innings in a Sky- than the runner-up score of Em League contest. Nina Re- 73 by Forest Grove's Hannah ese collected the lone hit for Swanson. the Hawks (0-11, 6-15), who BOYS TENNIS were hitting the ball well, La Madras duo alive at district: Pine coach Tom Welker said, PORTLAND — Madras still but right at the Sweet Home has one doubles team in the
faloes showed improvement open the Sky-Em League since suffering a 14-4 deficit contest en route to a five-inagainst North M a r ion l a st ning win. Anja Gnos was 2 week, but it was not enough for 3 with two RBIs for the to avoid a 1 0 t h s t r a ight Outlaws (1-10, 1-18), while
22 behind the winning 312 to-
221 021 0 — 8 8 broke a 1-1 tie. Allen also ac- tal of 6A West Linn. Sheldon, Sisters 000 020 0 — 2 4 counted for the only run for also Class 6A, was third at Elmira La Pine (0-11 Sky-Em, 1-20 339. "Our girls always think Class 4A League overall), reaching base on an they can do better — which I SweetHomeSky-Em 1 000002 — 3 7 error in the fifth and scoring love," said Summit coach Jer- LaPine 0000100 — 1 6 on a fielder's choice to tie the ry Hackenbruck. "But for a Girls golf game 1-1. windy, rainy day, our scores SOFTBALL were very respectable." Bea6A/5A StatePreview At EmeraldValley, |:reswell Sweet Home 12, La Pine 0: verton junior Gigi Stoll was Par 72
4 3
not going to stop him." D efending Parker: A s confident, but still have to great and fearless as Lillard think about the way that we has been offensively, he still got here, working hard and has a lot to learn on the othgrinding it out," Aldridge er end of the court. He likely said. "I think guys are defi- will see the speedy Parker nitely going to be more confi- for stretches of the game, dent, but this is new territory but in the biggest moments, for most of us." look for coach Terry Stotts The Blazers have not been to put Nic Batum or Wesley
Los Angeles' Chris Paul hits one of his eight 3-pointers as Oklahoma City's Derek Fisher rushes to defend. Paul scored 32 points as the Clippers beat the Thunder 122-105.
Paul hits eight 3sas Clippers roll in Game1 The Associated Press
since moving to Oklahoma City. The Clippers scored 23 reer-high eight 3-pointers points off Oklahoma City's and scored 32 points to 18 turnovers. help the Los Angeles ClipBoth teams were coming pers beat the Oklahoma off Game 7 wins in the first City Thunder 122-105 on round on Saturday night. Monday night in Game 1 of Also on Monday: their Western Conference Wizards 102, Pacers 96: semifinal. INDIANAPOLIS — B r a dPaul, who had never made ley Beal scored 14 of his 25 more than five 3-pointers in points in the fourth quarter a game, had 10 assists. Blake and Trevor Ariza added 22 O KLAHOM A C ITY — Chris Paul made a ca-
Griffin scored 23 points, Ja-
as Washington took a 1-0
mal Crawford had 17 and J.J. lead in the Eastern ConferRedick added 12 for the Clip- ence semifinals. Paul George pers, who shot 55 percent and George Hill had 18 from the field and made 15 of points each for Indiana. The 29 3-point attempts. Wizards trailed only once, Russell Westbrook scored
31-30, and took control with
29 points, Kevin Durant had a 17-6 run to close the first 25 and Serge Ibaka added half that made it 56-43. Indi12 for the Thunder, who suf-
ana couldn't get closer than
fered their worst home loss five points in the second half.
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O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugotin.com/business. Also sooarecap in Sunday's Businesssection.
NASDAQ ~ +14.16
10 YR TNOTE 2.61%
S&P 500 1,884.66
1 920
S8$P 500
Healthy competition?
W hole Foodshas been facing growing competition as more grocery chains expand their offerings of healthy products. That's put more pressure on the company to be more competitive with prices even as it pushed ahead with a plan to increase its store count to more than 500 by 2017. Wall Street will be listening for details on Whole Food's expansion plans and its sales trendstoday,when the company reports earnings for its second fiscal quarter.
Close: 1,884.66 Change: 3.52 (0.2%)
1,840' " ""'10 DAYS
Tuesday, May 6,2014
6 40
16 460 .
................ Close: 16,530.55 Change: 17.68 (0.1%)
16,280" ""' 10 DAYS "
1,880 "
1,760 1,720.
Vol. (in mil.) 2,674 1,532 Pvs. Volume 3,092 1,803 Advanced 1519 1136 Declined 1563 1452 New Highs 89 32 New Lows 30 71
HIGH LOW CLOSE 16547.92 16377.09 16530.55 DOW Trans. 7693.66 7614.24 7675.88 DOW Util. 548.35 542.71 547.92 NYSE Comp. 10634.05 10545.44 10630.14 NASDAQ 4138.34 4086.35 4138.06 S&P 500 1885.51 1866.77 1884.66 S&P 400 1364.26 1347.81 1361.69 Wilshire 5000 20005.31 19802.08 19996.66 Russell 2000 1127.99 1115.10 1126.30
CHG. +1 7.66 -22.96 +4.11 +0.15 +1 4.16 +3.52 +0.12 +30.68 -2.50
%CHG. WK MO QTR YTD +0.11% L L L -0.28% -0.30% L L L +3.72% +0.76% L L +11.69% L L L +2.21% 40.34% L L L -0.92% 40.19% L L L +1.96% 40.01 % L L L +1.43% 40.15% L L L +1.47% -0.22% -3.21% L
NorthwestStocks NAME
TysonFoods shares plummet
1 Q '13
1 Q' 1 4
Tyeon FOOdS (TSN) M
onda y's close: $38.44
P/E ratio" Di v . yield 14 : 0.8%
based on trailing 12 month results
Dividend: $0.20 Div. yield 1.0%
$23 AP
$99.48 +
T o t al returns through May 5 "Based on trailing 12 month results
Total return TSN S&P 500
5 Y R*
15.1% 27. 2 2.4 18.3
10 YR*
8.5 7.5
Source: FactSet
Source: Facteet
EURO +.0005 1.3877+
-.28 '
StoryStocks Major stock indexes notched small gains on Monday as investors digested fresh signs that the U.S. economy is picking up after a slow start to the year. The Institute for Supply Management's service sector index increased in March, reflecting growth in sales and new orders. Traders also weighed a report that showed Chinese manufacturing declined for the fourth month in a row in April. Still, the pace of decline was less severe, suggesting the downturn in the world's No. 2 economy is bottoming out. Eight of the 10 sectors in the Standard & Poor's 500 index finished higher, with utilities posting the biggest gain. TGT
Close:$59.87 V-2.14 or -3.5% A massive data breach at the nation's third-largest retailer has now cost its CEO his job five months after it was disclosed. $65 60
JPMorgan Chase
Qose:$54.22 V-1.36 or -2.4% The bank said trading revenue this quarter will fall about 20 percent and it warned of a challenging trading environment going forward. $65 60 55
M A 52-week range $54.66 ~ $73.50
M A 52-week range
$ 61.46
Vol.:16.2m (2.7x avg.) PE: 1 6 .1 Vol.:25.2m (1.3x avg.) PE: 12.5 Mkt. Cap:$37.91b Yie l d: 2.9% Mkt.Cap:$205.23 b Yield:2.8%
52-WK RANGE e CLOSE Y TD 1YR V O L TICKER LO Hl C LOSE CHG%CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN (Thous)P/E DIV A LK 50.31 ~ 96.77 9 5. 1 7 -.43 -0.4 T L L + 29. 7 +5 8 .6 55 0 1 2 1 . 00f
Alaska Air Group Avicto Corp AVA 25.55 — 0 32.37 31 .78 + . 2 6 +0.8 L L L +12.7 +15 .0 21 3 1 7 1. 2 7f Baok of America BAC 12 . 13 ~ 18.03 1 5. 0 8 -.17 -1.1 T T T -3.1 +25.4 49182 20 0 . 04 Barrett Business BB S I 4 8 .08 o — 10 2 .20 4 9 .65 -1.92 -3.7 T T T -46.5 - 1.3 93 22 0. 7 2 Spotlight on Disney Boeing Co BA 9 3 .36 ~ 144. 5 7 13 1.96 +2.02+1.6 L L L -3.3 +43.3 4000 2 3 2 . 92 Investors will receive an update T T C A C B 4 . 31 ~ 6.95 4.83 -.23 -4.5 T -7.6 -11.4 14 4 today on how business is faring at Cascade Boocorp T T -10.0 +20.2 2 6 6 1 9 0 .48a ColumbiaBokg COL B 21.14 ~ 3 0.3 6 24.73 -.03 -0.1 T Disney's TV networks, film studios Columbia L +8.6 +48. 0 11 0 2 8 1. 1 2 Sportswear COLM 55.58 ~ 89. 96 85.50 -.99 -1.1 T L and theme parks. Costco Wholesale CO ST 107.38 ~ 1 26.1 2 11 4.49 -.66 -0.6 T L L -3.8 + 7 . 1 1 345 2 6 1.42f The company, which counts Croft BrowAlliance B R EW 7.25 ~ 18.70 14. 6 7 +. 0 7 + 0.5 L L T -10.7 +93.4 2 3 cc among its holdings ESPN, FLIR Systems F LIR 23.58 ~ 37.42 3 4. 7 9 -.24 -0.7 T T T +15. 6 446 .3 1 0 53 2 5 0. 4 0 Disneyland, and blockbuster film Hewlett PacKard H PQ 20 . 25 ~ 33.90 3 2.5 0 +. 0 1 ... T L + 16.2 +61 . 7 7 004 1 2 0 .64f factories Lucasfilm and Marvel HomoFederal Bocp ID HOME 11.54 ~ 1 6.03 1 5. 9 3 -.05 -0.3 T T T +0.9 +29 . 5 26 dd 0.2 4 Studios, is due to report its fiscal Intel Corp I NTC 21.89 ~ 27.24 2 6.1 7 - .01 . . . ~ T L +0.8 +13 . 3 20484 14 0 . 9 0 second-quarter results. Wall Koycorp K EY 10.01 ~ 14.70 13. 6 7 ... ... T T +1.9 +40. 0 5 8 56 1 3 0 . 2 2 L +17.5 +36 .2 2 9 88 1 6 0.66 Street projects that the Mouse Krogor Co KR 3 2 .77 — 0 46.75 46 .45 -.06 -0.1 T L L L +48. 0 +7 1 .1 98 1 5 4 LSCC 4.17 ~ 9.19 8.13 -.06 -0.7 T House's latest quarterly earnings Lattice Semi LA Pacific L PX 14.51 ~ 20.35 1 6. 4 8 -.25 -1.5 T L T -11.0 -6.6 2369 14 improved versus a year ago. MDU Resources MDU 24 .09 — o 36.05 35 .52 -.15 -0.4 T L L +16. 3 +3 8 .2 52 9 2 4 0. 7 1 MentorG raphics M EN T 1 7.75 ~ 24.31 2 0. 6 3 -.02 -0.1 T T T -14.3 +14.0 3 3 0 1 6 0 . 20f DIS $81.22 $84 Microsoft Corp MSFT 30.84 ~ 41.6 6 3 9. 4 3 -.26 -0.7 T T T +5.4 +22 . 8 22129 15 1 . 1 2 $63.88 Nike Ioc 8 N KE 59.11 ~ 80.26 73.2 9 +. 3 0 +0 .4 L L T -6.8 +1 6.7 2319 25 0 . 9 6 Nordstrom Inc J WN 54.90 ~ 64.19 6 1. 5 3 -.49 -0.8 T T T -0.4 +10.9 6 8 0 1 7 1 .32f 72 Nwst Not Gos N WN 39.96 ~ 45.89 44.0 1 +. 8 8 +2 .0 L L ~ + 2.8 + 4 . 4 1 3 9 2 0 1 . 8 4 '14 PaccorIoc PCAR 50.01 ~ 68.81 63. 3 8 +. 0 9 +0.1 L T T +7.1 +27 . 7 1 9 46 1 9 0 . 88f Planar Systmc P LNR 1 55 ~ 2 93 2 93 -.05 -24 T L T -201 +1 56 19 dd 60 Plum Crook P CL 40.57 ~ 54.62 44. 0 6 +. 3 8 +0.9 L L L -5.3 -10.8 1135 38 1 . 76 Operating Proc Coctportc PCP 189.66 ~ 274. 9 6 26 0.23 +5.90 +2.3 L L L - 3.4 +35.1 6 5 5 2 3 0 . 1 2 ' I EPS SofowoyIoc SWY 19.92 ~ 36.03 34. 2 0 +. 0 2 +0.1 L L L +17. 3 +6 7 .1 1 138 3 0. 8 0b 2Q '13 2 Q '14 Schonzor Stool SCHN 2 3.12 ~ 33.32 2 7. 4 6 -.56 -2.0 T T T - 15.9 +17.8 2 1 7 d d 0 . 7 5 Price-earnings ratio: 22 Sherwin Wms SHW 163.63 ~ 208. 6 3 19 9.66 -1.20 -0.6 T L L 48.8 +10 . 2 49 9 2 7 2. 2 0 based on trailing 12 month results StoocorpFocl S FG 43.01 ~ 69.51 6 1. 0 8 -.34 -0.6 T T T -7.8 +45.7 1 8 6 1 2 1 . 10f StarbucksCp S BUX 61.71 ~ 82.50 70.9 2 +. 3 2 +0 .5 L L T -9.5 +18.5 2693 2 9 1 . 04 Dividend: $0.86 Div. yield 1.1% Triquiot Semi TQNT 5.84 — O 14.78 14 .54 + . 1 7 + 1 .2 L L L +74.3 + 1 45.2 3083 d d Source: Facteet Umpqua Holdings UM P Q 12.14 ~ 1 9.65 1 6. 1 6 -.13 -0.8 T T T -15.6 +41.4 1767 20 0.60a US Boocorp U SB 32.69 ~ 43.66 40.4 5 +. 0 6 +0 .1 L T T + 0.1 +26. 8 6 4 20 1 3 0. 9 2 Weaker sales? Washington Fodl WA F D 16.87 ~ 2 4.5 3 21.48 -.43 -2.0 T T T - 7.8 +32.2 2 8 7 1 4 0 . 40 WellsForgo & Co WF C 3 7.74 — o 50.49 49 .56 -.02 . . . L T +9.2 +35. 7 8 9 88 1 2 1 . 40f Demand for "Call of Duty" and Woyorhaousor W Y 2 6.38 ~ 33.24 30. 2 6 +. 3 2 +1.1 L L L -4.1 + 1 . 8 3 228 2 6 0 . 88 other video games helped Activision Blizzard close 2013 on a strong note. Footnotes:a - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. 6 -Liquidating dividend. 6 -Amount declaredor paid in last12 months. f - Current But financial analysts anticipate Dividend annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent the video game maker got off to a dividend wasomitted or deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m —Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash more tempered start this year. value on ex-disoicution date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc — P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months. Activision is expected to report today that its first-quarter earnings and revenue declined from a year ago. Analysts will have an ear out for details on the company's 2014 Shares of Tyson Foods plummeted 10 percent COmPany earnings estimates. For the three months ended slate of games. Monday after the biggest meat producer in the SPOtlight M arch 29, yson T Foods earned $213 U.S., issued full-year earnings guidance million, or 60 cents per share. Ayear ATVI $19.42 $25 well below analysts' expectations. , earlier the company earned $95 million, or $14.85 The Springdale, Arkansas, company 43 cents per share. Analysts, on average, 20 anticipates full-year earnings of at least have forecast slightly higher earnings of 62 $2.78 per share on revenue of approxicents per share for the latest quarter, 15 mately $37 billion. Analysts had expected according to a FactSet survey. earnings of $2.93 per share on revenue Revenue increased 8 percent to $9.03 10Operating est. of $38 billion. billion from $8.38 billion, topping Wall I I The company also fell short of quarterly Street's estimate of $8.8 billion. EPS
Price-earnings ratio:
Dow jones industrials
1,840 "
PFE Close:$29.96 V-0.79 or -2.6% First-quarter profit dropped 15 percent despite sharp cost cutting at the drugmaker as cheaper generics weighed on earnings. $34 32 30
Tyson Foods
TSN Close:$38.447-4.21 or -9.9% The meat producer fell short of earnings expectations during the second quarter and its profit outlook left some disappointed. $45 40
52-week range $27.12 ~
$32 .96
Vol.:54.2m (1.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$191.55 b
52-week range $23.39~
$4 4.24
PE: 1 8.2 Vol.:11.0m(3.1x avg.) PE: 1 6.2 Yi e ld: 3.5% Mkt. Cap:$10.39b Yie l d: 0.8%
SYMC Auxilium Pharma. AUXL Close:$20.10 T-0.27 or -1.3% Close:$21.50 L0.02 or 0.1% An executive at the company that pi- Losses widened at the drugmaker, oneered antivirus software said the which recently revised its full-year company no longer thinks of it as a outlook due to lower demand for its moneymaker. testosterone gel. $22 $35 30
52-week range $77.95~
52-week range $2 7.19
Vol.: 4.2m (0.5x avg.) PE: 16.4 Vol.:3.0m (1.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$13.9b Yiel d : 3 .0% Mkt. Cap: $1.08 b
B/E Aerospace
BEAV Close:$97.22%8.26 or 9.3% The maker of airplane seats and many of other cabin interior products said that it could put itself up for sale. $100 90 80
P E: 9 . 7 Yield: ...
BroadSoft BSFT Close:$20.16 V-4.84 or -19.4% The company, which makes software for cable providers and others, fell short of Wall Street expectations for profit and revenue. $35 30 25
M A F M A 52-week range 52-week range $66.47~ $16 6.25 $15.55~ $3 7.93 Vol.:8.4m (8.9x avg.) PE:2 7 . 6 Vol.:5.0m (12.5x avg.) P E: . . . Mkt. Cap:$10.22 b Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$575.69 m Yield : ...
SOURCE: Sungard
The yield on the 10-year Treasury rose to 2.61 percent Monday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.
3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill
. 0 1 .0 1 . 0 4 .04
52-wk T-bill
... -0.01 ~
2-year T-note . 4 2 .37 + 0 .05 T 5-year T-note 1.69 1.67 +0.02 T 10-year T-note 2.61 2.59 +0.02 T 30-year T-bond 3A1 3.37 +0.04 T
.05 .10
L .22 L .72 L 1.74 T 2.95
Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.21 3.19 +0.02 T T Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.61 4.61 . . . T T Barclays USAggregate 2.30 2.30 .. . T T PRIME FED Barcl aysUS HighYield 5.04 5.04 ... T T RATE FUNDS M oodys AAA Corp Idx 4.12 4.16 -0.04 T T YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.90 1.90 ... L 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 Barclays USCorp 2.97 2.97 ... T T 1 YRAGO3.25 .13
T 2.65 T 4.02 T 1.72 T 5.09 T 3.6 4 L 1.00 T 2.5 8
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 AmericanFunds BalA m 2 4.77 +1.9 +12.8 +11.7+14.5 A A A CaplncBuA m 59.98 +.94 +4.0 +9.0 +9.1+12.7 8 A 8 CpWldGrlA m 46.59 +.93 +3.2 +16.0 +10.0+14.7 8 8 C EurPacGrA m 49.38 -.12 +0.6 +12.8 +5.6+12.4 8 C C FnlnvA m 51. 7 7 +.12+0.8 +17.6 +12.6+16.9 D D C Pfizer 534209 29.96 -.79 GrthAmA m 43.26 +.17 +0.6 +20.1 +13.5+16.4 C 8 D BkofAm 491823 15.08 -.17 CGM Focus CGMFX IncAmerA m 21.35 +4.2 +12.0 +10.9+15.4 8 A A Facebook 450061 61.22 +.76 InvCoAmA m 37.90 +.11 +3.7 +20.4 +13.9+16.5 8 8 C PlugPowrh 273354 4.06 -.44 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m37.55 +.91 0.0 +14.8 +10.2+15.8 C 8 C PwShs QQQ 263372 87.95 +.46 WAMutlnvA m40.34 +.97 +2.8 +19.1 +14.9+17.9 8 A 8 iShEMkts 260438 41.38 -.23 Hyperdy rs 260372 4.46 +2.97 Dodge &Cox Income 13.84 -.91 +3.4 + 2 .7 + 4.6 +7.1 A 8 B FordM 250578 15.74 -.16 Intlstk 44.93 -.96 +4.4 +20.7 +8.4+15.6 A A A Qe Oi SA 250543 1.03 -.02 Stock 170.90 -.98 +1.9 +24.4 +15.8+19.5 A A A Fidelity Contra 94.38 + .34 -0.8 +18.1 +13.9+17.9 D 8 B Gainers ContraK 94.3 4 + .34 -0.8 +18.2 +14.0+18.0 D 8 8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG LowPriStk d 49.99 -.12 +1.1 +18.2 +14.0+19.9 D A 8 Fidoli S artao 500 l dxAdvtg 66.89 +.13 +2.6 +19.2 +14.6+18.3 B A A Hypordy rs 4.46 +2.97 +199.3 Cadiz h 8.00 +1.82 + 29.4 «C FrookTomp-Fronklio Income C m 2. 55 +.91 +6.0 +11.8 +9.4+15.0 A A A ChiMobGm 20.38 +2.86 + 1 6.3 53 IncomeA m 2. 5 2 ... +6 .3 + 12.0 +9.9+15.5 A A A MitekSys 3.48 +.41 + 1 3 .4 Ookmork Intl I 26.73 -.96 +1.6 +17.4 +11.1+18.6 A A A GeoPark n 9.00 +1.00 + 12.5 473 Oppoohoimor RisDivA m 19 . 78 +.94+0.5 +14.8 +11.4+15.1 E D E MedicActn 7.07 +.75 + 1 1.9 RisDivB m 17 . 68 +.93+0.2 +13.8 +10.4+14.0 E E E Moroingstar OwnershipZone™ Fibrocell 3.50 +.34 + 1 0.8 RisDivC m 17 . 57 +.93+0.2 +14.0 +10.5+14.2 E E E Arotech 3.73 +.36 + 1 0.7 OeFund target represents weighted SmMidValAm 45.20 -.99 +2.1 +22.4 +9.6+16.3 B E E eMagin 2.67 +.25 + 1 0.3 average of stock holdings SmMidValBm 38.95 -.97 +1.9 +21.4 +8.7+15.4 C E E Lydall 26.03 +2.37 + 10.0 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowo Price Eqtylnc 33.29 -.93 +2.0 +16.3 +13.4+17.2 D C B Losers CATEGORY Large Blend GrowStk 51.32 +.33 -2.4 +22.5 +15.0+18.9 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 60.15 +.71 +4.1 +32.5 +25.7+28.8 A A A RATING™ * A A A A -1.68 -21.7 Vanguard 500Adml 173.99 +.34 +2.6 +19.2 +14.6+18.3 8 A A Tecumseh 6.06 BroadSoft 20.16 -4.84 -19.4 ASSETS $1,468 million 500lnv 173.97 +.34 +2.6 +19.0 +14.5+18.2 C 8 8 -.66 -12.9 PacBkrM g 4.44 500Sgnl 143.72 +.28 +2.6 +19.2 +14.6+18.3 8 A A EXP RATIO 1.34% ChinaYida 3.08 -.39 -11.2 CapOp 47.29 +.21 +2.4 +21.4 +15.2+18.2 8 A 8 MANAGER G. Heebner -.45 -11.0 AmbassGp 3.63 Eqlnc 30.58 +3.5 +17.3 +15.9+19.3 D A A SINCE 1997-09-03 IntlStkldxAdm 28.44 -.92 +2.3 +9.8 +4.5 NA D D RETURNS 3-MO +1.7 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 31.14 -.96 +3.8 +26.5 +16.8+22.3 A A A YTO -4.6 TgtRe2020 27.80 +.91 +2.5 +10.3 +8.6+12.8 A A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +13.0 Tgtet2025 16.14 +2.5 +11.5 +9.1+13.7 8 A 8 Paris 4,462.69 +4.52 + . 10 3-YR ANNL +5.5 TotBdAdml 10.77 -.91 +2.9 +0.1 +3.4 +4.8 C D D London 6,822.42 +13.55 + . 20 5-YR-ANNL +8.4 Totlntl 17.90 -.92 +2.2 +9.8 +4.4+11.9 D D D -26.52 -.28 Frankfurt 9,529.50 TotStlAdm 47.52 +.97 +2.2 +19.7 +14.5+18.8 8 8 A Hong Kong21,976.33 -284.34 -1.28 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 47.50 +.97 +2.2 +19.6 +14.3+18.7 8 8 A Mexico 41,047.88 +79.93 + . 20 Morgan Stanley 19.26 Milan 21,639.96 -1 42.04 -.65 USGro 28.86 +.15 +0.6 +22.1 +14.4+17.5 8 A C US Treasury Bond 2.75% 18.92 -27.62 -.19 Tokyo 14,457.51 Welltn 39.90 +3.4 +12.6 +11.0+14.2 A A A 11.89 Stockholm 1,358.59 -1.60 -.12 Lennar Corporation Fund Footnotes: t$Fee - covering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, or redemption 8.84 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or Sydney 5,443.40 +4.60 + . 08 Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. Class A Zurich 8,409.07 -33.64 -.40 Toll Brothers Inc 8.54 redemption fee.Source: Morningstar.
CGM Focus is a large-cap blend fund with a mixed record. MarhetSummary It finished among the top 10 Most Active percent of its peers in 2013, but NAME VOL (90c) LAST CHG so far this year it ranks at the S&P500ETF 659050 188.42 +.36 bottom.
The price of oil fell slightly Monday after a report showed a fourth month of a decline in China's manufacturing sector. Natural gas rose. Most metals posted gains, including gold.
Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal)
Foreign Exchange
MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6869 -.0000 -.00% 1.5564 Canadian Dollar 1.0 9 51 -.0025 -.23% 1.0079 USD per Euro 1.3877 +.0005 +.04% 1.3110 -.12 -.12% 9 9.04 JapaneseYen 102.12 Mexican Peso 13. 0 376 +.0271 +.21% 12.0618 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.4590 +.0037 +.11% 3.5551 Norwegian Krone 5 . 9531 +.0132 +.22% 5.8034 SouthAfrican Rand 10.5361 +.0625 +.59% 8.9087 Swedish Krona 6.5 5 0 6 + .0411 +.63% 6.5051 Swiss Franc .8776 -.0004 -.05% . 9359 ASIA/PACIFIC 1.0776 -.0014 -.13% . 9694 Australian Dollar Chinese Yuan 6.2457 -.0138 -.22% 6.1583 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7522 -.0002 -.00% 7.7590 Indian Rupee 60.178 +.008 +.01% 53.811 Singapore Dollar 1.2501 -.0033 -.26% 1.2333 South KoreanWon 1027.99 -2.23 -.22% 1098.23 -.12 -.40% 2 9.55 Taiwan Dollar 30.10
The dollar fell versus the euro, but advanced against the British pound and other
currencies as new data on service sector firms pointed to an improving outlook for the U.S. economy.
55Q QD
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE Cattle (Ib)
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 99.48 99.76 - 0.28 + 1 . 1 + 9.1 2.09 2.12 - 0.71 2.91 2.92 -0.54 -5.6 4.69 4.67 +0.30 +1 0.8 2.91 2.94 - 1.20 + 4 .4
CLOSE PVS. 1309.00 1302.60 19.52 19.49 1448.40 1440.70 3.08 3.08 816.65 812.55
CLOSE PVS. 1.38 1.38 Coffee (Ib) 2.02 2.01 Corn (bu) 5.03 4.94 Cotton (Ib) 0.95 0.94 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 341.50 344.50 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.57 1.56 Soybeans (bu) 14.72 14.81 Wheat(bu) 7.21 7.08
%CH. + 0.49 + 0.14 + 0.53
%YTD + 8 .9 + 0 .9 + 5 .6 -1 0.5 +0.50 +1 3.8
%CH. %YTD - 0.38 + 2 . 3 +0.90 +1.87 +0.46 -0.87 +0.70 -0.59 +1.91
+82.8 +1 9.3 +11.8 -5.2 +1 5.4 +1 2.2 +1 9.2 1YR.
© www.bendbulletin.com/business
BRIEFING United adds 2nd flight to Denver For the third summer, United Airlines has scheduled aseconddaily direct flight from Redmond to Denver, Redmond Airport officials announced Monday. The addedearly-morning flight, which starts today, accommodates increased demand for eastbound seats and gives travelers more options for making connections to Chicago, Orlando, Fla., andNew York City, amongother destinations, said Heather Cassaro, airport communications manager. The United Express flight, operated by SkyWest Airlines, will be aboard aBombardier CRJ-200, a regional twin-engine jet aircraft with room for 50 passengers. Theadditional flight will operate six days per week,according to Cassaro. Passengers mayleave Redmond at5:50a.m. or after 3 p.m., ondays when both Denverflights are in operation, according to United's timetable. Four air carriers offer direct flights from Redmond: Alaska Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Airlines and American Airlines. American added its daily nonstop service to Los Angeles in June after area businesses and individuals raised $402,000 in guaranteed tickets. "We're really pleased with it," she said, referring to the L.A. flight. — From staff reports
Data breach costs Target CEO his job Target's CEOhas become the first boss of a major corporation to lose his job over a breach of customer data, showing how responsibility for computer security now reaches right to the top. Gregg Steinhafel, who was also president and chairman, steppeddown nearly five months after Target disclosed ahuge pre-Christmas breach in which hackers stole millions of customers' credit and debit card records. The theft badly damaged the store chain's reputation and profits. Steinhafel, a 35-year veteran of the company and chief executive since 2008, also resigned from the board of directors, Target announced Monday. The departure suggests the company wants a cleanslate as it wrestles with the fallout. But the resignation leaves a leadership hole at a timewhenthe 1,800-store chain is facing many other challenges; it is struggling to maintain its cachet while competing with Wal-Mart and Amazon.com. — From wire reports
What:Direct Drilling What itdoes: Horizontal drilling for utility companies Pictured: Trevor Whittlesey, operator, pictured with one of the company's horizontal drills Where: 17140 Shawnee Circle, Bend Phone: 541-788-4614
staining coffee
Inclustp By Elisabeth Malkin New York Times News Service
SAN LUCAS TOLIMAN, Joe Kline/The Bulletin
do you Q •• Where see the busi-
Wl e1 1e By Joseph Ditzler
cable to enhance Internet access
The Bulletin
to communities along 56 miles of State Route 4 in Washington, from
The owners of Direct Drilling formed the company in 2008 just Longview to Naselle. after the onset of the Great RecesDirectional drilling allows work sion, co-owner Jason Glasser said
on utility lines without the inter-
recently. Glasser, a homebuilder at the
ruptions that ensue from drilling a trench to access a gas or water
line, for example. Directional drillfriend, Chris Clute, in the direc- ers leave the surface undisturbed tional, or horizontal, drilling in- by first drilling underground to dustry, Glasser said. Sometimes the depth at which the line will be called trenchless drilling, the tech- laid, and then horizontally. The oil nique allows utilities to lay lines industry pioneered the technolowith less damage to the surface. gy, which is in broad use by utiliStarting up a new business in ties today, Glasser said. One job 2008 was rough, Glasser said. called for Direct Drilling to bore "It was difficult to get loans at the a hole underneath Interstate 84 in time," he said. "We took our first Idaho to run a natural gas line bedrill on an RPO (rent-to-purchase neath the highway. "We drill out horizontally from option) and we ended up finding some work in Portland.... That was the drill at any depth we want to," our first project with that drill, and he said. Once the line is dug, the that lasted a little over a year." drillers pull a conduit through the That project, to install FiOS, small tunneL "It can be any kind the Verizon fiber-optic system, of conduit; it can be a gas line, a set them on a path to jobs all waterline. It can be a conduit for around the Northwest. The com- fiber optic, or sewer line." The company works with utility pany, based in Bend but with a sister company now in Reno, Nev., companies, and competition for also installed fiber-optic cable in jobs is intense, Glasser said. Direct July for the Butte, Mont., School Drilling gained a reputation by district, according to The Mon- word of mouth for quality work, tana Standard newspaper. The he said. "It had been a struggle to find fiber-optic system, the first of its time, agreed to throw in with a
kind in Montana, improved Inter-
net access speeds and telecommunications for 13 schools, the paper
reported. Direct Drilling also worked on a project for NoaNet, the North-
west Open Access Network, in 2011 and 2012 to install fiber-optic
ness in five years? • Jason Glass• er: Mygoal would be to keepit growing, up to about six drills. Any more than that would be difficult to keep busy.
are your Q •• Who usual clients? • We've done • workfor Northwest Natural,
the gas company, and for CascadeNatural Gas. Ourwork is primarily for utility companies. How large is Q •• the company today? • We started • out with one drill and now we have four. Wewent from two employees — the business partners — up to a 20-man crew. It ranges, from year to year, anywhere from four to 20.
Guatemala — When coffee rust attacked the farms clinging to the volcanic slopes above this Mayan town, the disease was unsparing, reducing mountainside rows of coffee trees to lattices of gray twigs. During last year's harvest, Roman Lec, who grows
coffee on a few acres here, lost half his crop. This year, he borrowed about $2,000 for fer-
tilizer and fungicide to protect the plants, as he did last year. But the disease returned and
he lost even more. A plant-choking fungus calledcoffee rust,orla roya,
has swept across Central America, withering trees and
slashing production everywhere. Exports have plunged overthelasttwoyears. "If you frame this in terms
of everyone that is connected to the economics of coffee, it's
a very serious problem," said Roberto de Michele, a specialist at the Inter-American De-
velopment Bank who is based in Guatemala City. The coffee rust has spread
far and fast, driven by higher temperatures in the region that have allowed the fungus to thrive at higher altitudes.
The economics ofthebusiness have added to the farmers'
plight. After years of low coffee prices,sm allerfarmers could not afford to replace aging coffee plants, which have proved more vulnerable to the rust's attack.
The trouble here is just one ofseveralfactorsthatarepushing up prices in the global commoditymarket, increases that may carry over to supermarket shelves and the specialty coffee
houses that sell the high-grade
work until about 2011, and then the economy started to pick up
again. We gained more clientele, we became more known in the business and now we do work all over the Northwest." — Reporter:541-617-7815, jditzler@bendbulletin.com
arabica coffee for which Central America is known. Market
prices have risen 70to 80percent since November, driven
mostlyby drought in Brazil, theworld'slargestproducer. With the changing conditions, the industry is intensifying efforts to breed varieties that are resistant to rust. But
For Madoff victims,checks inthe mail
itmay take 25or30years beforeresistant hybrids reach
farmers, said Leonardo Lombardini, the deputy director of World Coffee Research at Texas A&M University.
der the Securities Investor Protection Act some 2,518 claims
disbursementis$500 andthe largest about $77.8 million, he
Nearly $352 million is headed for victims of con man Ber-
related to 2,190 accounts.
said in a statement. The aver-
en hold, farmers have been
age payment is $325,000.
nard Madoff, an amount that pushes the recovery of losses
Picard said that 1,129, or 51 percent, of Madoff accounts will
spending much of their time and money trying to fight the
in Wall Street's biggest Ponzi scheme to about 46 cents on the dollar, officials said Monday. Added to the $4.8 billion already paid out to approved
be paid in full. Accounts are
By AnthonyM. Destefano Newsday
claimants in the Madoff case,
the latest payments by trustee Irving Picard will push reimbursements to victims to about
$5.3 billion. Since Madoff's scheme collapsed in December 2008, Picardhas approvedun-
With the latest recovery,
approved if the investor was a
"net loser," meaning a person who lost more money than the original principal invested. Picard denied thousands of claims by "net winners," those
Not covered by Picard's
payouts are indirect investors whose money was funneled to Madoff by various hedge funds. Those investors will eventually be able to recoup
disease. "People are scared of
the roya," said Nicolas Leja, who farms about 7 acres. "Beans and corn don't grow
well here."
some of their cash from a sep-
arate fund being administered by a special master working
who withdrew more money from their accounts than was
with the U.S. Department of
originally invested.
When Madoff's firm collapsed, it took with it some
The smallest amount being paid out by Picard in the latest
As the coffee rust has tak-
Justice. $17 billion of investor funds.
DEEDS Deschutes County • Rebecca A. Yeomans to Trudy A. Dickinson, Northwest Townsite Co's Second Edition to Bend, Lot10, Block 41, $327,950 • Dale Pellowto Sergio G. and Sheri A. Lozano, Fairway Crest Village, Phase 2, Lot 9, Block 7, $840,000 • Multidimentional Inc to Walter A. Ramage, III and Danielle M. Ramage, Gemstone Estates, Lot 3, Block 2, $418,000 • Robert W. Gray, Russell L. Gray Lathrop and Robert E. Foxto Haydn Waddington, Juniper Creek, Phase 2,Lot1, Block 4, $164,900 • Fannie Mae,also known as Federal National
Mortgage Association, to David Shaffer andEmily Aschoff, Township14, Range13, Section 32, $233,400 • James L. andWendy L. Inksterto Nancy K.Dyer, Park Addition to Bend, Lot 8, Block 29, $305,000 • Wood Hill Enterprises LLC to Cheryl Lynn, Parkway Village, Phases1,2and 3, Lot 30, $204,950 • Dolan Capital LLC to Elizabeth G.Dolan, trustee of the Elizabeth G.DolanTrust, Deschutes Subdivision, Lot 8 and 9, Block16, $250,000 • Daniel B. Zukaitis, Jr. to Bruce G.andKathy L. Hilliard, Conifer Estates, Lot 4, $277,500 • Jason A. Mendell to Ideal Holdings LLC,Riverside
Subdivision, Lot 2, Block 29, $225,500 • Jeffrey M. Stander to Kelsey D.and Cory Chamberlin, Pilot Butte Park Development, Phases1 and 6, Lot 9, Phase1, $449,000 • R K Moss Properties LLC to Jo Ann andDavid Jeffers, Second Addition to Bend Park, Lot1,2and 3, Block 162, $450,000 • Andrew J. Wilson to Gregory L. Young, Brierwood, Lot14, $158,000 • William J. Wolfenden Jr., Gloria T.Wolfenden, Jonathan P.and Caroline L. Skidmoreto Robert N. and A. Bryanne Harmon, Holliday Park First Addition, Lot13, Block 5, $359,000 • Bella Villa Homes Corporation to Edward
and Arlene M.Borkowski, Caldera Springs, Phase3, Lot 23, $560,000 • Sylvain Bauge to StevenA. and Amy R.Foster-Wexler and Lewis andSusan Wexler, Ponderous Pines, Lot 15, $318,000 • Timothy L. Kelley to Barry C. and Karen A.Anderson, Deschutes River Woods, Lot 6, Block X, $250,000 • Camille J. Carson, who acquired title as Camille J. Padian to John S.and Yasuko Jackson, Partition Plat1998-69, Parcel 2, $200,000 • Jerry W. and DianeM. Denham to Richard A. Dunlap Sr. andLinda K. Dunlap, EchoRim Subdivision, Phases1 and 2, Lot 46, $248,000
• Gary W. andKayDelaney to Russell D. Scott, Partition Plat 2004-14, Parcel1, $795,000 • Jerry L and Rosanna Miller to Macand Lorraine M. Robison, Crescent CreekNo. 2, Lot 79, $250,000 •KayD.W ilsonandDavidE. Hjorth, trustees of the Wiljor Revocable Trust, to John H. EganandJulie SheltonEgan, Ridge atEagleCrest 20, Lot 24, $389,500 • Michael and Nicole Hasenoehrl to Sandra M. Garner and Floyd R.Garner Jr., Awbrey Park, Phase1, Lot 19, $532,708 • Hayden HomesLLCto Andrew J. Wilson andToni K. Acevedo, Obsidian Ridge, Phases1 and 2, Lot4, $200,740
BEST OFTHE BIZ CALENDAR • What's Brewing, Bend's Town Hall: "Economic Growth in Outdoor Recreation: Are We Ready?" Registration required; $15 for members, $20 for nonmembers; 5 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive; 541-323-1881 or www. bendchamber.org. WEDNESDAY • Business Startup Class: Learn howto run a business, reachyour customers, find funding and more; registration required; $29;11 a.m.-1 p.m.;COCC Chandler Build<ng,1027 N.W. TrentonAve., Bend; 541-383-7290. THURSDAY • Bend Business Group: Local businessesmeet to network; registration requested; free;7-8:30 a.m.; DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, 300 N.W.FranklinAve.; 541362-1389,everist.irrigationO gmail.com or www.everist irrigation.com. FRIDAY • CCB License Test Preparation Course: Approved bythe Oregon Construction Contractors Board and satisfies the educational requirement to take the test to become a licensed contractor in Oregon; registration required; $305 includes required edition of Oregon Contractor's Reference Manual; 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290 or ccb@cocc.edu. SATURDAY • Women's Business Expo: Network with other womenandattend a seminar covering business, marketing and lifestyle; $125 for ConnectW members, $150 for nonmembers, $4 admission; 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend;541-848-8598, events©connectw.org or www.connectw.org/whats -happening/business-expo. MAY17 • SEO Basics Workshop: Hands-on workshop will feature digital marketing experts covering searchengine optimization basics for local business owners; bring your laptop; registration required; 9-11 a.m.; 406Bend, 210 S.W. Wilson Ave., No. 213, Bend; 541-550-7246, diana@406bend.com or www.406bend.com. MAY19 • Know Jobs and resumes: Learn to update your resume to get the job you want; registration suggested; free; 2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. MAY21 • Howto Develop a Business Plan: Firsttime business owners will learn to evaluate their finances, target their market and present their ideas in awritten business plan; registration required; $69 includes materials; 6-9 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit bendbulletin.com/bizcal
IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Food, Recipes, D2-3 Home, Garden, D4-5 Martha Stewart, D5 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014
O www.bendbulletin.com/athome
ITllllUS I I
a thefuss
By Jan Roberts-Dominguez For The Bulletin
At those simple mo-
ments in life when the world seems absolutely
right with itself — and you feel lucky to be along for the ride — a funny little
thing happens inside your brain. In the blink of an eye, that momentary blip of happiness you get from rediscovering a tulip or puppy or child at play is anchored to a bit of gray matter, and you become
t 4
a better person in the
process. But most of us move past such tiny epiphanies far too quickly. We forget that it's the sum of all those wonderful little vignettes
that make us whole. Which, of course, is
where asparagus comes in. Certainly, in the grand scheme of things, it isn't as important as world
peace. But sitting down to a plate of lightly steamed young asparagus napped in a lemon-butter sauce
Whatcha gonna do when they come for your exterior walls7
can most definitely put a
rosy spin on things. And who's to say that the world wouldn't be a better place
if more people did exactly that more often? (Particularly this time of year, when the quality of asparagus is so high and requires so little effort on your part.)
Editor'snote: This is a special installment of DIY Adventures, in which reporter Penny Nakamura tackles a homeproject and reports about the process.
Indeed, why tinker with
perfecti on? As long as
By Penny NakamuraeFor The Bulletin
it's fresh and sweet, the
only treatment asparagus needs is a few tenderizing
ow lovely ... it's spring. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and all is well — until I hear, what's that? Rat-a-tat-tat. It sounds like jackhammers going off
around my house.
Photos by Joe Kline/The Bulletin
ABOVE: This owl statue did little to scare off nuthatches and flickers from making homes inside the walls of Penny Nakamura's home in Bend. AT TOP: A pygmy nuthatch pokes its head out from a hole in the stucco exterior of Nakamura's home.
minutes in boiling water
and — at most — a simple, well-seasoned sauce or vinaigrette.
You can alter this approach once the season
is past its prime and you aren't in it so much for the
Spring indeed is here, and for me that means the flickers and
art as the flavor. That's
when you get cream of asparagus soup. But for now, the fate of your evening meal — and just maybe the world — is in your hands.
pygmy nuthatches are back in force as they loudly peck holes in the stucco exterior of my home. We've seen the foot-tall northern flick-
ers (they're in the woodpecker family),
a couple of summers ago we had the holesrepaired and the arearepainted,
but the birds that are doing the most
and it was quite costly. This time, there
damage this spring are the 4-inch pygmy nuthatches. When Isay damage, Idon'tm ean a hole or two in the stucco (where they also peck out the insulation); I mean
are a lot more holes to be repaired; the house is beginning to look like Swiss
dozens of holes around the eaves of our
nuisance birds.
So don't blow it. Serve
asparagus. Basic preparation recommendations for awesome asparagus:
This do-it-yourself story isn't on stucco repair, but rather how to get rid of pesky,
home. It's not a harmless prank, either;
SeeBirds /D4
• Peel, don't pinch:AlShortly after buying a slingshot in an attempt to scare off the birds, Nakamura learned that it was against federal
though it is traditional to bend the lower portion of
each asparagus stalk until
law to harm migratory birds, not to mention unethical.
it snaps into edible and in-
She put the slingshot away and never harmed any birds, although their incessant hammering and hole-making
edible portions, it isn't necessary and wastes quite a bit of perfectly good stalk. Better to take a vegetable peeler or paring knife and, beginning about 3 inches from the tip, gently peel down to the base. SeeAsparagus/D2
has driven her to extreme lengths.
Nakamura has purchased numerous items in anattempt to deter birds from making holes in the exterior of her
PennyNakamura bangs wooden spoons on a potto scare birds outside herhome.
Asparagusaudaccumpauimeuts:Asparagus Onion and Shrimp Salad, Green Peppercorn Sauce for Asparagus, Creamy Mustard-Lemon Saucefor Asparagus,D2
home. Plus:Simple ideas for cooking and saucing asparagus,D2
What you shouldgrow to bring in the pollinators By Liz Douville For The Bulletin
My gardening to-do list seems to growlonger instead of shorter. I know which vegetables I am goingto plant and, following my rotation schedule, where they will be planted
this year. Now I'm working out a plan to lure in more pollinators. I recently read that 70 to 75 percent of the world's flowering
plants and over one-third of the world's crop species depend on pollination for repro-
duction. I think it is a responsibility of home gardeners to do what they can to help provide habitats for pollinators.
as honey bee hives are affected
by 'colony collapse disorder' and other ailments," according to Gail Langellotto, Oregon
"The importance of bees,
State University horticulturist
butterflies, hummingbirds, moths and other pollinators
and statewide coordinator of
has become moreprominent
the Master Gardener program. See Pollinators/D5
Fresh puarecipes: Spicy Wok-Charred SnowPeas, Fresh PeaSoupwith Miso, Risi e Bisi,D3
Nextweek A related story examinesthe importance ofbees,their decline andwhat HighDesert gardeners can do to help.
RecipeFinder:Homemade pizza rolls,D2
N ext week: Wherethere's smoke, there'sflavor
cookers that hold the vegeta- then remove the lid. Reduce to stop the cooking and set the ble upright, since the stalks the heat and cook for 4 min- color. Remove from water with
Continued from 01
cook evenly from tip to base.
utes, then begin testing for do-
a slotted spoon to a clean towel
eaters ofall ages
Fill a large pot or wide frying less of the stalk will have to be pan three-quarters full of wacut away; plus, you'll find the ter, add a teaspoon of salt per entirevegetable cooks more quart of water, and bring to a evenly. boil. Add the asparagus (either
neness. Although it's a matter of taste, I consider that asparagus is done just when it's easily pierced by a sharp knife.
on a rack; cover and refrigerate until needed. Use this method to blanch asparagus before adding to stir-fry dishes.
By Julie Rothman
• Cool it:If you're not using • Blanch it: Peeled stalks sired lengths), cover just until the asparagus immediately, won't need special asparagus the water begins to boil again, then plunge it into cold water
— Jan Roberts-Dominguez is a Corvallis food writer, cookbook author and artist. Contact: janrd@ proaxis.com.
Pizza rolls to tempt
With this m ethod, much
whole stalks, or cut into de-
The Baltimore Sun
Janet Brown from Scott
Looking for a hard-tofind recipe or cananswer a request? Write to Julie Rothman,Recipe Finder, TheBaltimore Sun,
Depot, WVa., was in search of a recipe for making pizza rolls. She said that many
years ago, Highland Elementary School in St. Albans,
501 N. Calvert St., Balti-
WVa., which is now closed,
more, MD21278, or email baltsunrecipefinder@ gmail.com. Namesmust accompany recipesfor them to bepublished.
used to sell the rolls as a fundraiser. She said she used to buythem by the dozen and
freeze them so she would always have a good supply on hand. She thought they were the best she had ever tasted and was hoping someone making a vegetarianverfrom the area might have the sion with mushrooms and old recipe. peppers that was also very While I u n f ortunately delicious. didn't get a response from These rolls are sure to anyone who had the exact be a hit with the kids and recipe Brown was looking grown-ups alike. for, I did find an excellent
recipe for pizza rolls on a website called Tidy Mom, written by Cheryl Sousan, a freelance food and lifestyle blogger and photographer from St. Louis. Sousan said these have become a family
Joann Olsen from Perry Hall, Md., is looking for a recipe for split pea soup that was published in the
Farmers' A l m anac a bout
15 years ago. In addition to the peas, the soup contained
favorite and have certainly
put and a new spin on pizza c arrots, marjoram an d a night at her house. "They ham hock. The recipe listed were even tasty the next three methods ofpreparaday leftover and cold," she tion: stovetop, slow cooker wrote on her site. or oven. Sousan's recipe uses re-
(:; 'iQ
Jane Geier from Ellicott City, Md., would love to have
frigerated pizza dough as a base, which makes these very easy to prepare. As Sousan points out, this is the type of meal nobody can
the recipe for the codfish cakes that she had a few the Half Shell in Canton, a neighborhood in Baltimore.
mess up. You can even en-
list the kids to help, and feel free to experiment with different topping. Sousan's basicrecipe call s for chopped pepperoni and two types of
years back at M ama's on
Courtesy Jan Roberts-Dominguez
Take full advantage of spring asparagus while youcan.
She said they tasted like the
old-fashioned Baltimore coddie and she would like to be able to make them at home
Green Peppercorn Sauce for Asparagus
so her family can enjoy the
cheese; I experimented with
Makes about 1 cup; enough for 1t/z to 2 pounds of asparagus.
taste of "old Baltimore."
2TBS mayonnaise 2TBS white wine vinegar t/z tsp Worcestershire sauce 3 TBS extra-virgin olive oil
Homemade Pizza Rolls Makes about 201-inch rolls. 2 cans refrigerated pizza dough
t/z C Parmesan cheese 1 C sliced and chopped
Garlic salt
pepperoni Tomato basil pasta sauce for dipping
Italian seasoning 1 C shredded mozzarella or
1 TBS drainedgreen peppercorns, rinsed, drained and coarsely chopped /z medred pepper, roasted, peeled andchopped
pepper jack cheese
Salt to taste
Freshly groundblack pepperto Preheat oven to 425degrees. Dust a large cutting board or piece of wax paper with flour and roll out each pizza crust. Season eachcrust with garlic salt and Italian seasoning. Topeachwith cheese and pepperoni. Starting with a short end, roll crust into a tight log. Slice each log into 1-inch sections. Place on lightly greased panand bakefor1012 minutes. Serve with a tomato basil pasta saucefor dipping.
Whisk together the mayonnaise, vinegar and Worcestershire sauce. Whisk in the olive oil in a slow and steady stream. Stir in the red peppers, add salt and pepper to taste, and refrigerate for about one hour, if possible, to allow flavors to develop (may be prepared up to 24 hours ahead; bring to room temperature to serve). Serve over hot or chilled asparagus that has been carefully arranged on a beautiful platter.
Low Cost Reverse Mortgage Call Jerry Gilmaur ~NMLS¹ 124521) 17 years reverse mortgage experience
Simplepreparations Here are sometraditional approaches to saucing your lightly cooked asparagus. AsparagusFlemish: Stir 2 hard-cooked, sieved eggsand 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice into t/z cup of melted butter. Seasonwith a little salt and pepper, dribble it over 1t/z to 2 pounds of lightly cooked asparagus spears. Asparagus polonaise:Foreachpoundofasparagus,combine2chopped hard-cookedeggswith2 tablespoons choppedparsley and sprinkle it over the cooked asparagus. Saute '/4cup of bread crumbs in 6 tablespoons of melted butter until the crumbs aregolden brown, then pour the sauce over the warm asparagus. Withbutter andcheese: Topwarm asparagus with freshly grated Parmesan cheese, melted butter and lemon juice to taste. Place under the broiler to give the wholeaffair a golden blush. Asparagushollandaise: Top warm or chilled asparagus with some homemadehollandaise sauce. Asparagusmaltaise: Substitute orange juice for water and lemon juice in your basic hollandaise sauce recipe. For maximum flavor, add asqueezeof fresh lemon and finely grated orangezest. Asparaguswith olive oil and lemon:Bring out your most flavorful and treasured bottle of olive oil. Drizzle over the cookedandwarm or chilled asparagus, with a splash of fresh lemon juice (or white wine vinegar), coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Creamy Mustard-Lemon Sauce forAsparagus Makes about'/4 cup, enough for1t/z to 2 pounds of asparagus. /s C mayonnaise t/4 C Dijon-style mustard
Entertainment I nside
Where Buyers And Sellers Meet
ClaSSifIedS db Um
Makes 4 maincourseservings. This is a great way to celebrate two spring offerings: asparagus andtiny Pacific shrimp. '/z sweet onion, peeled and thinly sliced 1t/stsp salt, divided
'/z Ib asparagus, peeled, cut into1- to 2-inch lengths and cooked just until tender as directed above under basic
preparation ("Blanch it")
' •
pepper to taste
Asparagus Onion and Shrimp Salad
Arts &
~P willamettevaner Bank HOME LOAN DIVISION
Salt and freshly ground black
Whisk together the mayonnaise, mustard and lemon juice. Whisk in the olive oil, then add salt and pepper to taste. Serve over hot or chilled asparagus that has beencarefully arranged on abeautiful platter.
in person, professional consultation
2 TBS lemon juice 2 TBS olive oil
6 TBS lemon juice
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
1 tsp soy sauce
3 garlic cloves, peeled and
1 tsp freshly grated ginger t/z tsp sugar
minced t/z Ib cooked Pacific shrimp
Pinch of freshly ground black pepper
(these are the tiny pinkones) Fresh, young salad greens
5 TBS extra virgin olive oil, dlvldod
1 TBS toasted sesame seeds
(for garnish)
Halve the onion lengthwise through the root end, then slice one half into very thin shreds lengthwise. Place the onion slices in acolander and sprinkle with t/z teaspoon of thesalt, tossing andstirring the slices to coat each piece. Leavethe onions for 10 minutes, then rinse anddry thoroughly with paper towels; set aside. In a bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, soy sauce, grated ginger, sugar, remaining s/4 teaspoon salt and the pepper. Add 4tablespoons of the olive oil, the sesame oil, and whisk again; set aside. Finally, in a skillet, saute the preparedasparagus andgarlic in the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat until the garlic begins to turn golden, about 2 minutes. Removefrom heat and let cool slightly. Arrange a bed of salad greens on 4 plates. Toss the onion, shrimp, asparagus and garlic with the dressing. Serve warm, at room temperature or chilled, spooned over the bed of salad greens. Garnish each salad with a portion of the toasted sesameseeds.
Doeshomemade mayonnaisekeepaslong? By Kathleen Purvis
inhibits the growth ofbacteria, the mayonnaise when you keeping the mayonnaise safe. moved it to a container. You •Recipes for homemade Homemade ma y o nnaise could have introduced a slight •m ayonnaise say y o u doesn't keep as long for sever- amount of bacteria. should use it within three al reasons. You probably used Finally, you're taking the days. I make my own and fresh lemon juice, which may mayonnaise in and out of the keep it as long as store-bought be lower or higher in acidi- fridge without tracking how mayonnaise, sometimes for ty than bottled lemon juice. long it's been at room temperasix weeks. What am I risking? There may not be enough to ture. Thetwo-hourrule, thetime You are risking food- inhibit bacterial growth. thatfood canbe between 40and • borne illness. CommerNext, you handled all the 140 degrees before bacteria becial mayonnaises are made ingredients — the eggs when gins to grow, is cumulative. with ingredients that have a you cracked them, the lem— Email questions to specific level of acidity. That on when you squeezed it, kpurvis@charlotteobserver com The Charlotte Observer
The Bulletin ~p I ' •
I •
I I '
c innect
HighDesert >
> ' •
eas, emer in rom e ee I'eeze By David Tanis New York Times News Service
Which cuisine do you think of when you think about peas? French, with petits pois aux laitues? Italian, which offers piselli con prosciutto? Indian, and its mutter paneer? British, with buttered peas with mint? A nd when you reach forpeas,are they frozen orfresh? Worldwide, most peas are consumed straight from the deep freeze. Many would argue that frozen peas are the better choice, for quality. They certainly can't be beat in terms of convenience, and they do taste good. I am not immune to their charms when pea season is still a ways off. But when you get the chance to eat sweet fresh green peas, you can't help but notice the difference. A stir-fried snow pea dish
topped with peanuts.
, 5%.
Fiesh Pea Soup with Miso Makes 4 to 6servings. Time: 30 minutes. 1 TBS coconut or vegetable oil 1 med leek, diced, both white /4 Ib sugar snap peas, trimmed,
4 C hot chicken broth or dashi 4 TBS white or red miso 4 oz soft tofu 2 TBS thinly sliced scallions
then chopped Salt and pepper
A few shiso (perilla) leaves, roughly chopped (optional)
and tender green parts To prove this point, chef Fergus Henderson serves diners a pile of raw peas in the pod at his renowned restaurant St. John in London. These ultrafresh peas (known worldwide as Englishpeas, but called garden peas in England) are meantto be enjoyed as a
hands-on nibble before dinner. To serve rawpeas like that, though, you need to know agoodpod from abad one. Theyshould be just harvested,
Spicy Wok-Charred Snow Peas
Makes 4 to 6servings. Time: 15 minutes.
Putoilinaheavysaucepanovermedium-high heat.Add leekand cook until softened, about 5 minutes. Add snap peas to pot and seasonwell with salt and pepper. Add1 cup water and simmer until peas are soft, about 3 minutes. Add broth and miso and cook1 minute more. Puree mixture in a blender, then pour through afine meshsieve, pressing with a wooden spoon to extract all liquid. Return strained soup to pot andcheckseasoning.(May be madeuptoa dayahead and refrigerated. A pea and pancetta risotto dish, Risi e Bisi is made with English Reheat just before serving.) peas and pea shoots. To serve, spoon a little tofu into each small soup bowl. Pour hot soup over. Garnish with scallions and shiso.
Risi e Bisi
because peas, like corn, are
inclined to go starchy once picked.
Makes 4 to 6 servings. Time: 30 minutes.
Look for peas that haven't
quite filledtheir pods; they
2 TBS butter 1 med onion, diced
will be sweeter. Reject those
fat-firm pods containing overcrowded peas. Thepods you want are bright green, juicy and flexible, with small peas. The same principle holds true
1 C arborio or carnaroli rice Salt and pepper
for peas you intend to cook,
6 scallions, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced
4 oz pea tendrils or shoots (or use baby spinach) 2 TBS chopped parsley
6 C hot chicken broth 2 TBS olive oil 3 oz pancetta, diced
unless you are making longcookedpeas simmered in
/s tsp lemon zest 2 oz grated Parmesan
Melt butter in a heavy, wide saucepanover medium high heat. Add onion and cook until softened, about 5 minutes. Stir in rice and season with salt and pepper. Continue cooking for 2 minutes. Add 2 cups chicken broth and bring to a brisk simmer. Cook 6 minutes, stirring occasionally as broth is absorbed. Add 2 more cups broth and cook for another 6 minutes, until rice is cooked through, but firm. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add pancetta and cook 2 minutes without browning. Addscallions, stir to coat and cook 1 minute. Add garlic, sage leavesand peas. Season generously with salt and pepper. Addi/2 cup broth and simmer until peas are done, about 2 minutes. Add peatendrils and cook until just wilted, about1 minute. Add pea mixture to rice mixture and gently stir together. Add enough broth to keep rice abit soupy. Checkseasoning. Stir in parsley, lemonzest and Parmesanand serve immediately.
While you are shopping for peas, look for lush green leafy pea shoots, curly tendrils attached. Happily, they are becoming increasingly easy to find. The delicate pea-flavored
leaves and stems can grace a salad bowl raw, and are delicious very lightly cooked. (Juvenile barely leafypea sprouts canbe used the same way) When you tire of raw or
plainbuttered Englishpeas, turn to other varieties. Throw
flat-podded snowpeas or sugar snap peas into the wok for a spicy stir-fry, or consider the brothy risotto-like dish called
Find It All
risi e bisi. I like touse sugar snaps to make my fresh pea
Amuncr, Dishwasher
soup with miso, but when you
Photos by Karsten Moran / New York Times NewsService
3 TBS crushed roasted peanuts 2 TBS roughly chopped cilantro
Put vegetable oil in a wok over high heat. When oil looks wavy, add chilies and let sizzle for a few seconds. Add snow peas and scallions and season well with salt and pepper. Cook vegetables over high heat, stirring constantly, until cooked through and lightly charred, 2 to 3 minutes. Peas should be bright green and crisp-tender. Add garlic, ginger and sesame oil, toss well and cook 1 minute more. Transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle with peanuts and cilantro.
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Thisfresh peasoup makes use ofmisoand sugarsnap peas.
/2 tsp grated ginger /2 tsp sesame oil
Awbrey Glen
mplements gsee '3ni e~cs~J
truly the time for peas, since
Salt and pepper 4 garlic cloves, minced
The Restaurant at
get right downto it, all of these types of pea are really interchangeable as long as they're young and tender. Spring is theygrowbest in cool weather. They are happeningnow, so indulge.
12 fresh sage leaves 8 oz shucked English peas, about2C
2 TBS vegetable oil 6 to 8 sm dried red chilies 1 Ib snow peas, trimmed 1 bunch scallions, trimmed, chopped in 1-inch lengths
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T o sub s c r i b e , c a l l
Next week: Install floating shelves
Continued from 01
Fight wildlife with
(domesticated) wildlife? My first course of action was to put Ella Bella the dog out to scare the birds with her
barking and yelping. But my 12-pound dog was not terribly
scary to the birds. The nuthatches were not
deterred at all. I believe they mockingly laughed at her (I heard Woody Woodpecker's annoying laugh echoing in my mind). Then to add insult to injury, I swear they started dive-bombing her. She took
refuge under the patio table on
.,j4~ flt(
the deck.
"I don't doubt the nuthatches would do that," says Wild
Birds Unlimited store owner Kevin Lair. "They are trying
Joe Kline/The Bulletin
to protect their nests, and the Thinkstock
Pile is a carpet's visible surface, also called the nap or face.
ing enough.
ettin new
Rat-a-tat-tat. Nuthatches I,
Dog 0. Before I begin to tell you about our other tactics to get
car et? erea
claimer out here that normally I am a bird lover. I have lit-
create the pile surface. Density is the amount of yarn and closeness of the tufts. Check density by bending a carpet corner backward, toward the
well and provides a soft look and rich feel, tends to
be a deterrent to the pesky
• Wool, which hides dirt
choice because it's s oft and is easy to clean. Costs that while most nylon has an antistatic coating, it can
build a static charge that is uncomfortable and could
professionals know how to
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possible scams: • Confirm that the car-
pet and padding you picked is what you actually get. See 100 life sized samples of the latest innovative and stylish Hunter Douglas window fashions!
See us also for: • RetractableAwnings . ExteriorSolarScreens • Patio ShadeStructures
years. But watching dozens of holes develop in my home, Pygmy nuthatch. I'm left wondering: Where are those raptors when you need
Occasionally, I do see the and stucco are v iewed by raptors — eagles, osprey and these birds as suitable surfacred-tailed hawks — flying by es to excavate." our home. And these birds, especially the hawks, would The mating call
ery footprint, and is best suit- harm electronic gear. ed to formal rooms. A shorter, When choosing carpet, more tightly woven carpet aim for th e best quality works well in a h i gh-traffic you can afford. Consider hallway or entryway. professional installation; 'Drfting is the most common
Scammers will i n stall a
lower grade and hope you don't notice. • M easure t h e
roo m
yourself. Some companies will quote what seems a great price, per square foot, but sell you more carpet than you need. • Unless you want highend and unique carpet, don't believe a contractor
nuthatches. U nfortunately, the raptors never stick around long enough. So I did the next best thing, or so I thought ... I ordered an owl statue for
We were not.
Not a single bird was hit with a fish oil capsule, much to our 15-year-old daughter's relief, who protested, "The birds were here first." She does have a point, and, Lair the bird-store owner, who
is often rebranded, some-
birds are federally protect-
times by suppliers.
ed species.We also learned about this strict federal law
• ~
pany carries a carpet type or color. The same carpet
— Angie Hicksis the founder of Angie's List, which offers consumer reviews on everything from home repair to health care.
alsoholdsa m aster'sdegreein wildlife biology, highlighted the fact that these migratory
when I called our Terminix man, who informed us that Terminix doesn't deal w i th
birds. Lair wrote a paper on mini-
Batteries • Crystal • Bands
$800 INFINITY WATCHlKPAIQ 503-887-4241 61405 S. Hwy. 97,Bend OR 97702 Office: 541.728.0411• Cell: 503.887.4241 Daniel Mitchell, Owner Stem & Cro wns • M o v e m e n t s
Courtesy Wild Birds Unlimited
few years back because hang- for their nests. ing laundry to dry outside is against the covenants, condi-
all the pecking we're waking up to every day at 6 a.m. is
tions and restrictions. I don't think the neighbors would take too kindly to us draping the house in sheets. But then again, I'm getting the feeling that the neighbors may not like seeing me outside clanging pots and pans
excavation work. It's actually
to scare offthe birds. Yes,
Lair also points out that not
mation on the Internet about
birds and what is going to work," said Lair.
Courtesy Wild Birds Unlimited
Northern flicker.
called drumming, which is a thwacking pots and pans series of rapid, machine-gun- with a big wooden spoon is our deck, and I bought the like volleys. another trick I read about on "The flicker is very territori- the Internet. The sound does hawk kites on th e I nternet that are supposed to mimic a al, and they like to broadcast drive away the birds, but I get flying hawk. their territory with the drum- the sneaking suspicion I'm The flickers and the nut- ming. They also like to make a getting the reputation as the hatches aren't totally bird- lot of noise to say, 'We're eligi- crazy neighbor lady again as brained. They figured out ble, strong males,'" explained I bang away. For the record, pretty quickly the owl wasn't Lair. "The drumming isn't I wait till 9 a.m. to start the moving, and the hawk kites usually what damages homes, banging, unlike the birds, just became a tangled mess. as they often search out sur- which start as soon as the sun Now the pesky birds just land faces like metal gutters, chim- rises. on the owl's head, often defe- ney tops or wooden shingles Feline fixation cating on it. that resound nicely." I've read a lot of blogs about Judging from the sounds Going rogue that resonate from our home, the bird problem, and there it's a virtual singles bar for I didn't want to go down are experienced people out this road, but the next sugges- flickers. there who swear by getting a tion I came across on the Incat. The problem supposedly ternet was a slingshot. (If you Next deterrent disappears. But sadly, some do an Internet search for getWe went back to the I nof the bloggers admit that the ting rid of pesky birds, there ternet drawing board. We cats can't discriminate beare millions of hits, so I know bought a high-pitched elec- tween apygmy nuthatch and we weren't the only ones with tronic machine called "Bird X a nice songbird. "I don't think that works," this problem.) Transonic," which supposedly I kid you not — we bought a sends out a high frequency said Lair, who also owns an professional slingshot. We're pitch that will deter the birds indoor cat. "Where are the not bird killers; we just want- from pecking at our house. birds excavating? They're up ed to scare them away from We were hopeful. near the eaves, and I don't the house, and we didn't use Results: The birds didn't think cats are going to be able the metal pellets that came even notice the sound; appar- to get up that high. It's inacceswith this slingshot. We used ently my 15-year-old is the sible to them. But cats do kill expired fish oil capsules as only one who can hear it, and tens of millions of birds each our ammo. it deters her from going out on year; it's a disservice to wildIf you're going rogue, you the deck. life to keep cats outdoors." "There's a lot of misinforshould be a good shot.
who claims no other com-
1465 SW Knoll Ave., Bend www.classic-coverings.com
Raptors in the sky
loop, and cut pile, where only range between $10 and $40 one end of yarn is anchored. a square yard. Be aware
looks luxurious, but shows ev-
a high density. Materials for carpet yarn include:
loop pile, where both ends of and durable; resists stains, each yarn piece are anchored matting an d a b rasion;
Other styles are variations of
we donate to The Nature Conthe High Desert Museum for
the tufts, the carpeting has
pet must be replaced. be a luxury option, at $30 to Before you visit showrooms $75 per square yard. or invite a salesperson to your • Polyester, strong and home, get comfy with carpet relatively inexpensive at an terms and tips, compiled by average cost of $13 a square our team and based on multi- yard. Because polyester is ple interviews with top-rated prone to matting and tancarpet experts: gling, it's a poor choice for Pile is a carpet's visible sur- high-traffic areas. face, also called the nap or • Nylon, a popu l ar
the cut and loop. Pile can vary greatly. A soft, velvety pile
birdbath in my yard. We have birdhouses everywhere, and servancy. My son even volunteered with the raptors at
snags anymore. Unfortunately, wood siding, hardiplank
longer. But sooner or later, car-
to the carpet back to form a
'(( s '
home and garden. I put out a
can't find the dead trees or
backing. If you can see very little backing through
face. It comes in two styles:
tle pottery bird statues in my
f p rofessional cleaning can't revive your carpet, it's probably time to replace it. Manufacturerssay carpet should last about 10 years. With r egular v acuuming, prompt attention to spills and periodic cleaning, it could last
the birds from pecking at our house, I want to put a dis-
wit a ie o ino ANGIE HICKS
Here are a few of the holes that birds dug into the side of Penny Nakamura's home, as well as a wind dog, even a small one, is seen sock that is designed to help deter the birds. as a threat." But obviously, not threaten-
Ifyou can'tbeatthem, help them
The obvious question I look around our home,
and we're surrounded by trees, and I wonder why the
offending birds don't fly to the treesand make a home in one of the hundreds of trees in the
neighborhood? "Healthy trees are too hard to excavate," said L air. "A
dead tree is softer to carve out a hole, and because wood siding or stucco walls have a hollow sound, the flicker and the pygmy nuthatch think it may be a suitable nesting place." Because finding dead trees to nest in is getting more challenging, the pygmy nuthatch's numbers have dwindled dramatically, and in Colorado, they are now a Colorado species of special concern, which usually precedes becoming a candidate for the endangered species list.
Interlopers: the swallows Just when I thought I might
be able to make friends with the pygmy nuthatches and the flickers, I showed Lair another photo on my phone. He identified these birds as
swallows. "Well, swallows are opportunists. They are what we call
secondary cavity dwellers, meaning they don't excavate themselves, but if a pygmy nuthatch has done the work for them, and the hole isn't being used, the swallows will be the secondary cavity nester," said Lair. The first thing that comes to
my mind are the swallows of San Juan Capistrano, famed b ecause they return to t h e
"The pygmy nuthatches are old California mission every I think he's right. A certain bold little birds," said Lair, spring. website even sells a fake alli- who seemed sympathetic to My mind was racing. Are gatorhead as a bird deterrent. my plight after I showed him these birds going to return That must be for birds that photos of the holes around my every spring to nest in my live in Florida.
house. "What you need to do
home's exterior walls'?
"Yes, the chicks may return is to provide an alternative for NASA has ha d i t s f l i cker them. First step: You need to to the area to nest the next problem. In 1995, the space deterthem, or prevent access year," said Lair. "Not necesshuttle Discovery had to de- to the stucco. I think the My- sarily your home, but they lay its launch because flickers lar windsocks will help. Step could return to the vicinity." had excavated some of the two: Provide them with boxes There are days I feel like foam insulation of the shut- (birdhouses) for the nuthatch- Tippi Hedren in Alfred Hitchtle's external propellant tank. es. The entrance hole should cock's horror m o v ie "The be I t/s inch to not more than I t/z Birds," as the pygmy nutMore nonlethal me thods inches in diameter. Entrance hatches seem to get more emWe tried stringing together size is important; they've done boldened every day. Speaking of Florida, even
mizing flicker damage, which old CDs and DVDs, which is can be found on the Wild supposed to scare the birds. Birds Unlimited website. This tactic lasted only one "With spring an d e ar- day. "I think what you may want ly summer, birds begin the process of raising families, to try is putting a sheet or and normally flickers and some kind ofbarrier between nuthatches would build their the exterior walls of your nests in dead trees, but as we home and the holes," suggestencroach and build homes in ed Lair. "You need to be able their areas, there aren't too to discourage them from exmany dead trees around," said cavating holes in your home
research on it."
Nothing makes Lair happier than seeing a live streaming video of a nesting pair of eagles with their eaglets, which is on the big flat screen on the wall of his well-appointed store. I buy some Mylar windsocks from him, which I duti-
fully hang around the house. I try to make sure my birdLair. and have them go to the bird houses look welcoming. I have As Lair continued, I started houses." the birdbath filled with water to feel very guilty. "These two I pointed out to him that again. But I don't put out the types of birds are excavating I live on Awbrey Butte, the bird feeders yet, even though cavities in your home for nest- neighborhood that attracted Lair assures me the birds aren't excavating for food, only ing or roosting, because they national media attention a
But I' m
r e m aining o pti-
mistic. And so far the mylar windsocks seem to be working when the wind is blow-
ing. Also the mating season and excavation nesting sea-
son are generally only during the spring and early summer months.
"Yes, you may feel under siege, but you can't take it personally," said Lair. "Those pygmy nuthatches are sassy little guys." Don't I know it? Rat-a-tat-tat. — Reporter: pnakamura@ bendbulletin.com
']!'„f.f rd. }r
ettin our sewin SU iesan moreinoI er /
'= t/I
Courtesy All-America Selections
•I have amassed so
•many sewing supplies. Is there a way to organize them so that everything is
in one place'? • With a few upgrades,
A can become a catchall for
• a standard spool rack
lots of sewing supplies. • Wrap spools in felt, and use them to store pins and needles.
• A tiny w ooden flow-
The Bulletin file photos
Courtesy All-America Selections
erpot's drainage hole will slide over one of the rack's pegs (if you need to enlarge the hole, use a drill). Secure with glue, and fill with a seam ripper, small scissors and large pins. • Stack s ew i n g-machine bobbins three to a
by the legislature in 1979, cover her echinacea patch when
Continued from 01 it starts blooming. Clumped "Pollinating insects and birds plantings seem to be more are vital players in sustaining attractive to pollinators than plantgrowth on Earth, and with
scattered individual flowers. If
about 19,200 species, the bee is possible, choose native plants the most important pollinator.
"The entire body of this tiny buzzing sensation is designed to pollinate. Body hairs and back-legbaskets carry pollen from male to female flower parts. With long-tongued speciesand short-tongued species, bees gather sweet nectar from both tubular and ray-like flow-
to attract more native pollina-
tors. Adding a patch of flowers here and there in the vegetable garden helps to ensure that you will be rewarded with produce.
Providing a habitat where nesting and egg-laying can take place — such as shrubs,
tallgrasses, lowgrowingplants and patches of fallen branch-
ers to renew their energy. Even es — is important. I know for the bee's buzz helps pollinate; it some gardeners everythinghas agitates flowers to release their to be neat and tidy, but try to repollen through a process called lax just a little. sonication." A water source should also
Early-dlooming pollinator plants California poppy Chives Clover Dianthus Larkspur Lupine Oregon grape Pea Sweet alyssum Viola
Nidseason pollinator plants
mandiblework. I wa s t otally
with water. Adult male butter-
awed by the precise cutting of
flies will gather to suckmineral salts from mud puddles. Bees
Bachelor's button Basil Black-eyed Susan Borage Calendula Cilantro Cosmos
and wasps will use the mud as
I remember the first time I
be considered. Butterflies will
saw the results of a leafcutter's gather and sip at shallow pools, handiwork, or should I say mud puddles and saucers filled the semicircular sections of the leaves. But at the same time, I
felt angry at the mangy look of building material. the plant. I felt better after read-
Color is important in attract-
ingup on leafcutter bees. ing pollinators. Hummingbirds I learned it is the female are drawn to tubular flowers who does the cutting, and she in reds and oranges: My honuses the pieces to create cells eysuckle is a regular Highway in which to place her eggs. 97 when it starts to bloom. Now who could be upset with a Night-flying pollinators, such mother making a place to pro- as moths, are attracted to pale create? Leafcutters are solitary flowers that reflect the moon. bees that do not produce colo- Flowers with single petals pronies. Their nests are usually ex- vide easy access to their pollen cavated out of soft, rotten wood and nectar. Bees prefer flowers or the pith of plants. The nests that are blue, purple, white or can also occur in existing holes yellow. of the proper size in day banks To keep the pollinators, it or stone walls. is important to have blooms Leafcutters don't have pollen throughout the seasons, espesacs the way bumblebees do; cially in early spring when narather they have pollen-gather- tivebees emerge and fly. Spring ing hairs called scopa covering blooming trees and shrubs are the underside of their abdo- especiallyvaluable at this time. mens. Only the females have A request from the U.S. Fish these hairs. All leafcutter bees & Wildlife Service website is have longtongues for gathering to avoid or limit pesticide use; nectar, which means you are
expect and accept a little bit of most apt to find them on tubu- pest activity. If you must use a
lar type flowers. pesticide, choose one that is the In thinking of pollinators, least toxic and does not persist butterflies aren't the first that on vegetation, and apply it in come to mind. According to a the evening when most pollinafriend, the swallowtail butter-
flies, which are the official Oregon state insect as declared
tors are not as active. — Reporter: douville@
Echinacea Feverfew Foxglove Gaiilardia Lavender Lovage Monarda Portulaca Squash, pumpkin Thyme Tickseed/Coreopsis
Late-blooming pollinator plants Agastache Amaranth Dahlia Fall asters Marigold Salvia Scabiosa Sunflower Zinnia * The above listings are
only a partial list of suggested plantings for continued seasonal gloom.
• Wrap e
mb r o idery
floss around plastic bob-
bins and slip them over the pegs.
Companion planting
• What is companion • planting, and should I try it in my garden'? • When certain plants • a re l o c a ted n e a r
each other in a garden, the traits of one can natural-
ly aid the other's growth. Consider these symbiotic twosomes: 1. Corn and pumpkins: Squash leaves keep moisture in the soil and help discourage weeds around stalks. 2. Borage and tomatoes:
Bryan Gardner / New York Times News Service
An ordinary spool rack can be transformed into the perfect home
for many sewing supplies.
paper and paint techniques the tissue on top of copy palike stenciling. per and then punch: The paper's heft will keep the tisWhen situated close to to- Sharpening a craft punch sue from getting caught and I've noticed my craft puckering. matoes, borage can keep away destructive tomato • punch i s n't c u t t ing 3. S h a rpen: Cu t t i ng hornworms. through paper like it used to. through aluminum foil will 3. Nesturtiums end cu- Is there a way to make it cut sharpen a dull paper punch; cumbers: Plant the flow- better or sharpen its blade? the method is similar to that ers as a barrier around the • Cutting through a few of sharpening a knife. Punch vegetable; they help deter • different materials with the foil multiple times and test aphids and beetles. your paper punch can help after each; repeat as needed. improve its performance. Try — Questions of general interest Mixing patterns these three suggestions. can be emailed to mslletters@ I want to try mixing 1. Lubricate: Wax paper lumarthastewart/com. For more • p atterns in my l i v bricates a sticky punch, which information on this column, visit ing room. What are some helps it cut more smoothly. www.marthastewart.com. tips for pulling off this Punch a piece a few times. look? Test the punch on regular pa• Think of a group of per after each cut.Repeat as • patterns as a team, needed. says Kevin Sharkey, dec2. Prevent mangling: Even I . I I I orating director at Mar- a brand-new punch can have PROMPT DELIVERY tha Stewart Living. First trouble cutting thin tissue pick a captain: one super- paper. For best results, lay 541-389-9663 star print, such as a big, multicolored floral. Then choose a few smaller players: supporting patterns, like a stripe, check or geo-
Errands Etc. LLC
metric print. Add a solid
to unify the group. Stay within one color scheme, but switch up th e scale.
Large patterns work best on decorative accents,
such as curtains, pillows
Yard work • Trash Hauling
and chairs. Soft furnishings are typical spots for patterns, but don't forget
Clean Out
to add patterns around the
Apartments, Garages,Basements, Storage Units, etc.
room, such as rugs, wall-
Major Credit Cards Accepted
about other opportunities
She said,
Brus uponpaintc oices By Danieiie Braff
get a semigloss, while kitchens Even if the paint is low VOC
Chicago Tribune
and bathrooms get satin or
or zero VOC, the tint mixed
Painting a home seems like pearl because they have more into the paint may have VOC, a simple task: You select a shine and ar e m or e m ois- said Darryl Whalen, owner of color and start the job. But be- ture resistant than the other Healthy Painting LLC, a green yond color, you'll need to think sheens. painting company that focusabout chemicals, environ• Volatile organic c o m - es on sustainability, based in mental factors and sheen. We p ounds. Also k n own a s Seattle. "If you have a tint with a talked to paint experts for tips VOCs, these organic chemon how to do a better job of fig- icals are emitted from the high VOC in it, and it's mixed uring it all out so you can have paint and may cause health into a paint with low or zero the best paint job possible. problems that range from diz- VOC, then it won't be low any• Choose the right sheen. ziness to cancer, and are more more," Whalen said. If you're painting a high-traf- dangerous for children, pregSo ask the store if the tint fic area such as a hallway, it's nant women and the elderly, is low or zero VOC before it's best to stick with a flat sheen, according to the Environ- mixed into the paint. Ideally, said Kristen Chuber, busi-
ness development manager
mental Pr otection A g ency,
"S e 're not rich enough to buy cheap shvff"
he said, the tint should have
which monitors VOC levels zero VOC. f or PaintZen, a Ne w Y o rk in paint. If you use paint with • Get decent painting gear. company that pairs certified low VOCs, you can sleep in The paint job will look better painters with people who a room the same night that and you'll save money in the need painters. "It's easy to it was painted, Chuber said. long run if you spend a little keep whatever is left in the Benjamin Moore has a line of more to buy decent gear, said gallon on hand, and you can zero-VOC paint that is odor- Todd Rittmann, owner and touch it up and blend it right free, though it is about $20 operator of The Paint Doc, in," Chuber said. more expensive per gallon based in Chicago. "If you're Eggshell sheen is a little than comparable low-VOC going to paint at all, don't buy shinier and is easier to wipe paints, such as the Natura the . cheapest roller frame and down, but finger prints might (About $65 per gallon, benja- cheapest brush," R i ttmann show up a little more, she said. minmoore.com). said. "It will look better if you • Don't neglect the t int. have quality equipment." Chuber suggested that trim
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ncourtoro, o ri uezsavorsassists TV SPOTLIGHT
In reality, Ramon Rodriguez,
By Kathryn Shattuck
who plays a gangland son
New Yorh Times News Service
In "Gang Related," Ramon Rodriguez portrays Ryan
who infiltrates
police ranks in "Gang Related,"
Lopez, the adopted son of a crime lord who infiltrates the
— Ramon Rodriguez
doesn't have the
Los Angeles Police Department to help his family keep ahead of the law. But while Rodriguez's real life doesn't have the heart-stopping close calls, underworld gore or angsty divided loyalties that
heart-stopping close calls, underworld
gore or angsty divided loyalties that riddle this new series, but his childhood was a textbook example of how
riddle this new Fox series,
starting May 22, his childhood was a textbook example of how a father figure — or three — can help put a troubled boy on the right path. "On the streets, hanging out with the fellows, there are things you learn that no book can teach you," Rodriguez, 34, said of being raised by a single mother in New York City. By seventh grade his be-
a father figure — or threecan help put a troubled boy on the right path. Laure Joliet New York Times News Service
havior was sketchy at best,
and he landed in summer Wheeling Jesuit University in school. There, a clever com- West Virginia for two years, position about a cockroach
"On the streets, hanging out with the fellows, there are things you learn that no book can teach you."
R odriguez
t r a n sferred t o
wasn't really excited A •• Iabout doing television,
what the mental and emotional state would be.
to be quite honest. I'd been And I spent six weeks with in "The Wire" on HBO (as the LAPD doing surveilRenaldo, Omar Little's boy- lance, weapons training and friend), and I was spoiled by ride-alongs. the quality of a cable show. I Growing up in New York, didn't think I'd find the same I was never a big fan of cops. creativevibe or experience But spending time with them on a network. But Fox seemed out here, I gained a whole new to want to try to push the en- respect for what they have to velope. And they allowed me do and the constant pressure to have creative input. of their jobs. attracted you to 2001 you founded a Q •• What Q •• Ingroup the script? called Project
A • tough little boy who lost his parents at a young • Y ou g et t o
Playground, kind of a younger version of the Harlem Glo-
s ee this
betrotters, and performed
age be taken in by a man who is well respected in the Me" to the role of John Bos- neighborhood. Growing up ley in th e short-lived ABC in New York City myself, remake of "Charlie's Angels" there's always a guy like — talked about his journey that i n t h e n e i ghborhood. from the streetsto the set. And when a person like that Here areexcerpts from their gives a young boy purpose, conversation. he starts to see his potential and becomes sold on the You just came off a fea- vision.
caught the eye of a teacher, New York University, where who suggested that he test he majored in sports marketfor the New York City L ab ing and, demonstrating some School of Collaborative Stud- trick basketball moves at a ies — a "major turn" that he competition, caught the eye says led him to a boarding of a Nike representative who school in northern Michigan, hired him for commercials. • tured roleasa m echanic where a man introduced him In a r ecent phone interin the movie "Need for Speed." How did you prepare t o basketball and, w it h i t , view with Kathryn Shattuck, And now "Gang Related" is • for the role? structure, a work ethic and Rodriguez — whose rakish your first starring role in a se• I s pent a l o t o f t i m e values. good looks have carried him ries. Were you in the market • with gang members. I A fter p l aying b al l a t from a bit p art i n " R escue for a television show? wanted to really understand
at NBA games. What's your best trick? • I spin the ball on a pen • and put the pen in my mouth and the ball keeps spinning. Basketball paid for four years of my education, and I am so proud of
that. Then it got me into this
the moral of the Q •• What's story?
• You don't make it any-
Gi ac a in oversesa resent
• where without someone
helping you out. And now it's my turn to help out.
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movietimesaresubject to changeafter press time. I
Dear Abby:I recently went in on a gift with my friend "Ali" for our
way to handle the situation? Is
Ali turned up at Gena's birthday party with the wallet
Gena's reaction to the gift was in-
have been reminded that his sons
this normal gift-wrapping prac-
choosenot to recognize me, even other friend, "Gena." Ali offered tice, or did Ali cross the line'? though our relationships are very — Flabbergasted in Florida to purchase and wrap the gift, a good. (One of them is a stepfather nice wallet from an inexpensive Dear Flabbergasted: Reusing himself.) It's a real heartbreaker, believe store. Imagine my surprise when wrapping paper isn't unusual. me.
appropriate. Instead of letting her dis-
— Giving Up On elaborately wrapped Waiting in Oregon in expensive designappointment show, Dear Giving Up On Waiting:If DFP,R er paper. Gena should have you think you are the only stepAt first, I thought s miled an d g r a - mother who feels unappreciated she had spent more ciously thanked you on Mother's Day, think again. I of her money and and Ali for her gift. have heard from many stepmothupgraded our gift, but when Gena (Remember the phrase, "It's the ers who have written letters that unwrapped the designer pack- thought that counts"'?) As for you, are variations on this theme. aging to reveal the original wal- all you needed to say was "Happy There can be reasons for itlet we had selected, I was taken Birthday!" the fact that you didn't raise them, aback. Dear Abby:With Mother's Day fear that it would be somehow disIt turned out that Ali had reused nearly upon us, would you remind loyal to their birth mother, unrethe wrapping paper from a gift your readers that stepmothers are solved relationship issues or just her husband had given her, dis- worthy of recognition, too? being preoccupied. guising our present as something If one has any regard for the If you haven't discussed this it wasn't. feelings of his or her stepmom, with your stepsons, perhaps you Gena was clearly disappointed. PLEASE make her day by call- should. Or better yet, your husOther guests who had been eye- ing or visiting her and telling band should. ing it looked excited at first, then her how much she means to you. But if t hat d oesn't solve the confused. I felt our gift wasn't ap- And I don't mean a phone call at problem, for your own sake, stop preciated and we ended up look- 9 p.m. brooding about it and direct your ing cheap. I married my husband when attention elsewhere. I was at a loss for words. What his sons were in their late teens. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com would have been the appropriate Every Mother's Day for 14 years I or P.O. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORTUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014:This yearyou wil evolve to a new level. Be willing to state
your boundaries, and be readyto assert them. Others might test this newfound clarity. Many people surround you and want to be involved in your life. The issue will be thatyou are only one person, and there are only so many hours in the day. If you are single, Starsshowthe kind you could be overof day you'll have wh elmed at times ** * * * D ynamic with so many ** * * Positive choices of potential *** Average suitors. Date until ** So-so you're absolutely * Difficult sure thatyou are in the type of relationship you desire. If you are attached, maintain a strong bond with your sweetie. By late summer, you might want to move or remodel your home, as the two of you will be interested in making it more of a "nest." LEO loves hanging out with you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
you that attracts many admirers who care a lot about you. You also could be driven to accomplish a lot more than you ever thought possible. You might be more in the mood to socialize than to work. Tonight: Go out and enjoy yourself.
CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * Be sensitive to your fiscal concerns, and know where you are heading with a personal matter. Understand more of whatyou need to get done. Relate to a child or loved one you care about more directly. In fact, take some extra time off to be with this person. Tonight: Anchored in.
LEO (July23-Aug.22)
** * * All eyes will turn to you as you attempt to work through a problem. You could be in a situation that is more difficult than you originally thought it would be. Understand what is happening with someone you care about. Tonight: Out till the wee hours.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * * * You might want to turn a situation around and handle it differently. You could see a personal matter in a new light. What was considered a hardship in the past might not be an issue anymore. Worry less about an immediate change or situation. Tonight: Make unusual plans.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * Deal with one person directly. Be sure to understand your natural limits and expectations. Be more serious about the possibilities that surround you. You might want to veer in a different direction in order to make a situation easier than it has been. Tonight: Be a duo.
** * * * Y ou'll beam in much more of whatyou desire. Remain sure of yourself, and know that you don't need to justify your actions. You might feel energized ARIES (March21-April 19) ** * * Be direct in your dealings, as you and ready to take on another project. Remain receptive and forthcoming, even AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) know what to do and how to do it. Your with a difficult person. Tonight: All smiles. ** * * Others seek you out. Observe ability to communicate will open doors and understand what needs to happen. and allow greater give-and-take between VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) Be willing to state your boundaries. You you and others. A loved one could be ** Stay centered and direct in how you more upset than you originally had deal with others. The less said, the better could be so full of fun and interesting conthought. Be careful. Tonight: Say"yes" to off you will be. Others will notice that you versations that others will continue seekan offer. are unusually quiet. In a few days, you will ingyou out.Someone mighthavea crush on you. Tonight: Sort through invitations. have a totally different impression. Deal TAURUS (April 20-May20) with a loved one directly. Tonight: Not to ** * Stay centered, and decide what PISCES (Feh.19-March20) be found. ** * You might want to consider an choice will work best for you. Honor a change in your living style. You might alternative surrounding an immediate LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) want to put some of your energy into a ** * * You have a lot going for you. Your situation. You have a lot to do and a lot of project that is near and dear to your heart. immediate circle of friends could be larger ground to cover. Recognize that you will Listen to someone's thoughts and ideas need to stay focused on your long-term than you realize. Keep in mind that your more carefully. Tonight: Head home. pals understand you very well. You seem goals. Make it OK to relax and enjoy the GEMINI (May 21-June 20) to come from a more centered stance as moment. Tonight: Have some fun. ** * * You have a way and style about of late. Tonight: Be among the crowds. © King Features Syndicate
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • THE AMAZING SPI0ER-MAN 2 (PG-l3) 12: I5, 1:35, 3:30, 6:45,8:05, IO • THE AMAZING SPI0ER-MAN 23-0 (PG-13) 12:45, 4, 4:50, 7:15, 9:35 • THE AMAZING SPI0ER-MAN 2IMAX3-0 (PG-13)1:15, 4:30, 7:45 • BEARS(G)11:45 a.m., 2:45, 6, 8:30 • BRICK MANSIONS (PG-13) 1:25, 4:20, 7:50, 10:10 • CAPTAINAMERICA:THEWINTERSOLDIER (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3, 6:15, 9:25 • DIVERGENT(PG-13) 12:05, 3: IO,6:30, 9:40 • DRAFT DAY (PG- I3) 1:05, 4: IO,720, I0 05 • FOCUS ONTHE FAMILY PRESENTS IRREPLACEABLE (no MPAArating) 7:30 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG)12:35,3:40,7:30 • THE GRAND BUDAPESTHOTEL(R) 1:40, 4:35, 7:05 • HEAVEN ISFORREAL(PG)12:55, 3:50, 6:25, 9:15 • NOAH(PG-13) 12:20, 6:40 • THEOTHER WOMAN (PG-13)Noon,2:55,6:10,9:10 • THEQUIETONES (PG-13)3:25,9:45 • RI02 (G) 12:30, 3:15, 6:55,9:30 • TRANSCEN0ENCE(PG-13)1:45,4:40 • Accessibility devices are available for somemovies. •
TV TODAY 8 p.m.on 6, "NCIS" —In Paris on a special assignment to bring home an admiral's daughter, DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) stumbles on a controversial crime scene. He calls on his NCIS colleagues to help him however they can from across the miles. Mark Harmon, David McCallum, Pauley Perrette and Emily Wickersham also star in the new episode "The Admiral's Daughter." 9p.m. on6,"NCIS: LosAngeles" — Sam and Callen (LL Cool J, Chris O'Donnell) and
their colleaguesareonthe case when an explosion claims lives at a military-sponsored charity event. A news reporter (Tiffany Dupont) has named the group responsible for the attack, so
she becomesa person of interest in their investigation in the new episode "Exposure." Linda Hunt and Barrett Foa also star. 9 p.m. on10, "New Girl" — In the season finale, Jess and Nick (Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson) decide to take a cruise they booked while they were still together, and they invite the whole gang to come along. Kerri
Kenney ("Reno911!") and Oscar Nunez ("The Office") guest star in "Cruise." 9:30 p.m. on10, "The Mindy Project" —Mindy (Mindy Kaling) believes she's met the man of her dreams when he writes about their meeting in a New
York newspaper. Ahuge, sur-
prising revelation awaits in the season finale, "Danny & Mindy." Chris Messinaand EdW eeks also star. 10 p.m. on AMC, "Freakshow" — Starting a second season tonight, this series takes viewers to California's Venice Beach, where Todd Rayand his family operate a museum of oddities and a sideshow featuring live
performers. In theseasonpremiere, "Freakshow Auditions," Todd is looking to expand the
business andneedsnewper-
formers. One of those looking for a spot in the show is Garry Stretch Turner, who claims to have the stretchiest skin in the world. 10 p.m. on FX, "Fargo"Gus' (Colin Hanks) attempt to right a wrong has Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton) embracing his alter ego in this new episode. Lester (Martin Freeman) lands in a surprising situation. Molly
(Allison Tolman) uncovers a lead that has potential. Bob Odenkirk also stars in "Eating the Blame." o zap2it
Amcrnsr. Dishwasher I ~
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • BA0 WORDS(R) 9 • NON-STOP(PG-13) 6 • After 7 p.m., showsare2f and older only.Younger than 21 mayattend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guadian.
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • LE WEEK-EN0(R) 5:30 • THE RAID 2(R) 8 I
Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • THEAMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 (PG-13)3:45,4:30,6:45, 7:30 • BRICK MANSIONS (PG-13) 5:15, 7: I5 • THE CENTRAL OREGON FILMFESTIVAL WILL PRESENTTHE WINNERS OF THEYOUTH CATEGORY. THE EVENTBEGINS AT6:30 P.M.TONIGHT. Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • THEAMAZING SPI0ER-MAN 2(PG-13) 6 • BEARS(G) 5 • THE GRAND BUDAPESTHOTEL(R) 6:45 • HEAVEN ISFORREAL(PG) 7 • THEOTHERWOMAN(PG-l3) 6:30 • PARTICLEFEVER(no MPAArating) 5
Plafs Well, Retire Well
775SW BonnetWay,Suite120•Bend 541-728 -0321•NiwNLelevalioncapitalslralegies.com
TOUCHMARK Sltrcs 1980
Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • THEAMAZINGSPI0ER-MAN 2(PG-13)3:20,6:40 • THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 23-0 (PG-13) 5 • BRICK MANSIONS(PG-13) 3:15, 5:15, 7:20 • A HAUNTEDHOUSE2 (R) 7:10 • HEAVEN ISFORREAL(PG) 4:20, 6:50 • RIO 2 (G) 5 •
Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • THEAMAZING SPI0ER-MAN 2(PG-13) 6:30 • BEARS(Upstairs — G) 6:15 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.
Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GO! Magazine
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No Coupon Required LUNCH 11:30 — 2:30, MON —FRI DINNER 4-9, MON-SAT
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Combined Living areas, L-shaped rooms, and rooms over 300 sq ft are considered two areas. Baths, hans, large walk in closets, and area rugs are priced separately. Minimum charges apply. Cannot combine with other offers. Residential only. Must present coupon at time of service. Valid at participating locations only. Certain restrictions may apply. Call for details.
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Tpe • Bj u l l e t l n :
ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free Items 208- Pets and Supplies 210 -Furniture & Appliances 211- Children's Items 212 -Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 -Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Huntingand Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- HealthandBeauty Items 249 - Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253 - TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256 - Photography 257 - Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259 - Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - Medical Equipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
264- Snow Removal Equipment 265 - BuildingMaterials 266- Heating and Stoves 267- Fuel and Wood 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 270- Lost and Found GARAGESALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales NorlhwestBend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Norlheast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292 - Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment andMachinery 316- Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry,RabbitsandSupplies 341 - Horses andEquipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375 - Meat andAnimal Processing 383- Produce andFood 208
Pets & Supplies
Want to Buy or Rent
CASH for dressers, dead washers/dryers
AKC. Dewclawed, UTD shots/wormer non-shed, hypoallergenic $1,000 541-549-3838
BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting Elizabeth,541-633-7006 goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the 205 print or on line. Items for Free Call 541-385-5809 Gas barbecue grill, very www.bendbulletin.com large, free, you haul! The Bulletin Seruing Central Oregonsince fgtg 541-678-5605
Wanted: $Cash paid for vintage costume jewelry. Top dollar paid for Gold/Silver.l buy by the Estate, Honest Artist
1 7++
S . W .
C h a n d l e r
A v e . , • Be
n d • O r e g o n
97 $ 0 2
Pets & Supplies
Furniture 8 Appliances
Furniture 8 Appliances
Exercise Equipment
TV, Stereo & Video
Aussie Mini puppies, 5 purebred, born 3/13/14, ready 5/8. 541-693-4888
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
A1 Washers&Dryers
The Bulletin recommends extra '
Nautilus NS 200 like new! Pulley
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also www.miniausaJesbend.com wanted, used W/D's Boxers AKC & V alley 541-280-7355 Bulldogs CKC puppies. $700-800. 541-325-3376
Cavalier King Charles $1500 Male, Bmos AKC 541-639-7541,
l caution when pur- l
chasing products or I services from out of I t the area. Sending t Englander queen mat- ' cash, checks, o r ' tress set, se l d oml credit i n f ormation used. pd $1100, sell may be subjected to $350. 541-480-4161 l FRAUD. For more information about an s G ENERATE SOM E advertiser, you may I EXCITEMENT in your / call t h e Or e gon / neighborhood! Plan a ' State Atto r ney ' garage sale and don't l General's O f fi ce forget to advertise in Consumer Protec- • classified! t ion ho t l in e at I 541-385-5809. i 1-877-877-9392.
l l
system with extra weights, $600! Will deliver! 541-388-2809 245
Golf Equipment CHECK YOUR AD
Music/Voice Studio DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL FOR $500 OR LESS? Non-commercial
advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week 3 lines 12
Includes: • Pro Tools 8 software • Mbox 2 mini version 8.0 • Behringer B1 mic • Sony headphones • Samson USB studio mic w/stand; • Training books • Corrugated foam padding Package price new, $1200+Offered at $550. (All reasonable offers considered) Call 541-639-3222
Cavalier King Charles oi' Spaniel male 7 mo. ~ee eke ee! on the first day it runs old. Crate trained and Ad must make sure it is corhouse broken. Very Kirby vacuum. Togp- I TheBulletin > to include price of Serving Central Oregonsince 190» Where can you find a rect. eSpellcheck" and sweet, socialized and of-the-line u p right e l e ~ t e oi geoo raised in a h o me. with human errors do ochelping hand? sh a mpooer I or less, or multiple cur. If this happens to $1500. 541-639-7541 I used 4 times must People Lookfor Information items whosetotal From contractors to your ad, please conAbout Products and Donate deposit bottles/ sell due to illness. does not exceed yard care, it's all here tact us ASAP so that cans to local all vol., I Cost $1350, s e l l Services EveryDaythrough $500. corrections and any in The Bulletin's non-profit rescue, for for $950. P h o ne The Bulletin Classiffeds adjustments can be feral cat spay/neuter. 541-977-9991 Call Classifieds at "Call A Service made to your ad. 541-385-5809 Cans for Cats trailer 212 Professional" Directory 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com at Bend Pet Express Antiques & The Bulletin Classified E; or donate M-F at Smith Sign, 1515 NE Collectibles 255 Exclusive bird hunting 2nd; or a t C R AFT, Mens' McGregor set lease available on large Computers Tumalo. Lv. msg. for Antiques wanted: tools, $150; La- S.E. Oregon ranch. Exfurniture, marbles,early complete p ick up o f la r g e dies McGregor set cellent upland & water- T HE B ULLETIN r e B/W photography, amounts, 389-8420. with Mizuno drivers, fowl hunting with miles of quires computer adLEATHER CHAIR www.craftcats.org toys, decoys, jewelry. Espresso brown $100. Taylor Burner riyer frontage. Contact vertisers with multiple 541-389-1578 German Shepherds bubble, $50; other Mitch for details: ad schedules or those in very good condiwww.sherman-ranch.us tion, less than 2 Dark oa k 2 - d rawer mixed irons, $10; mjsiegner@fmtcblue.com selling multiple sys208 Quality Germans. or 541-493-2080. tems/ software, to disyears old. $250. dresser, curved front, ladies shoes, size 6, 541-281-6829 close the name of the • P ets & Supplies In SE Bend $250. White wicker $10, hats and ball e-4", sets. 541-923-3298 business or the term 541-508-8784 Koi - small fish - 2 baby crib, u n ique Need to get an "dealer" in their ads. $2-$4 each. Prineville, $250. Large dark oak ad in ASAP? The Bulletin recomPrivate party advertis541-416-2326 or roll top desk, $800. mends extra caution You can place it ers are defined as 541-815-5885 Surveryor's tr a nsit PING G-20 driver Sleep Number when purc hasthose who sell one 1930-1940, orig. box 12'. Calloway RazrX online at: King ing products or ser- Pomeranian pups, 1 computer. bed & box, bought $350. C ASH female, 2 males, 9 www.bendbuffetin.com irons, 6-9 PWSW, vices from out of the 541-923-5960 weeks old. $100/ea. in October, 2010 for Sr. shafts. 3 hybrid area. Sending cash, 257 $2199; 541-389-0061 checks, or credit in541-385-5809 The Bulletin reserves and a 5 hy b rid, condition, Musical Instruments $499. 541-647-0311 f ormation may b e Just bought a new boat? excellent the right to publish all new foam pad, subjected to fraud. Sell your old one in the ads from The Bulletin Kimber Solo, C -D-P asking $750. For more informa- classifieds! Ask about our Call newspaper onto The (L-G) 9mm pistol with 541-678-5436 246 Super Seller rates! tion about an adverBulletin Internet web3 cli p s , $97 5 . (in Bend) 541-385-5809 tiser, you may call Guns, Hunting 541-420-7100 site. the O r egon State POODLE pups,toys & & Fishing Mossberg 500C 20 Ga. Attorney General's minis. Also older pup to Call a Pro C y l inder 2006 Gibson StanOffice C o nsumer adopt. 541-475-3889 500 rds 2 2LR factory Shotgun. bore, 18-1/2" barrel, d ard L e s Protection hotline at Whether you need a a mmo, $80; 200 r d s Pa u l e 241 Yorkie pups AKC, 2 boys, 1-877-877-9392. blue, synthetic stock. Electric Guitar, one 25acp $100; 300 rds 2 girls, potty training, UTD fence fixed, hedges Bicycles & $325 541-350-0642 .308, $250. 541-647-7950 owner, dual bridge hea(th guar., $450 trimmed or a house The Bulleim shots, Accessories and dual controls, gerving Centrat Oregon alncetggg & up. 541-777-7743 built, you'll find Bend local pays CASH!! Wanted: Collector seeks great con d ition. high quality fishing items for all firearms 8 210 2120 bicycles, (2) Fantastic s o u n d. professional help in Trek & upscale bamboo fly Adopt a rescued cat or 54cm and 58cm, car- ammo. 541-526-0617 rods. Call 541-678-5753, Blue tone c o lor. kitten! Fixed, shots, ID Furniture & Appliances The Bulletin's "Call a bon fiber, Shimano Comes with original or 503-351-2746 chip, tested, more! Service Professional" 105, SP D p e dals, CASH!! case. $1200 firm, 65480 78th, Tumalo, 2013 Tempur-Pedic twin For Guns, Ammo & $400 each. Miyata cash only, no trades. Winchester Mod. 1886 Directory Sat. 1-5, P e tsmartmattress, barely used, kids Triathalon bike, Reloading Supplies. 541-322-9619 cal 45-70, manuf'd 1887, Fri/Sat/Sun. 389-8420 was in guest room) 541-385-5809 541-408-6900. $125. 541-410-7034 $2500. 541-480-2236 399. 541-593-5256 www.craftcats.org
The Bullein
Your auto, RV, motorcycle, boat, or airplane
acI runs until it sells or up to 12 months
(whichever comes first!)
Includes up to 40 words of text, 2" in length, with border, full color photo, bold headline and price. • Daily publication in The Bulletin, an audience of over 70,000.
«j M""' bt/pfEE<
"Little Red Corvette"
• Weekly publication in Central Oregon Marketplace —DELIVERED to over 30,000 households.
NionacoDynasty gooe-L~ ADggi solid Faturesinclude 4-dr s counter, su sttrtace deconvectionmicro, built-inwasher/drye, ramictiletloor,TV,DUD, satellitedish,airleveling, storage ass-through dk ingsizebed tray,ana' -Ailforonly $149,000 541-000-000
ygpgf p
g<fLL>f ~
Convertl Oupe 132 mffes -24mpg Ad sc"JPtiona„ ' terestingfa o howmuch ould ha in a c
$12 5PO 547 PIIO
• Weekly publication in The Central Oregon Nickel Ads with an audience of over 30,000 in Central and Eastern Oregon • Continuous listing with photo on Bendbulletin.com * A $290 value based on an ad with the same extra features, publishing 28-ad days in the above publications. Private party ads only.
For more information call 541-385-5809.
541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com
AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.
Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •
• . 3:00pm Fri.
Fuel & Wood
To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8' • Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood
• Firewood ads MUST include species 8 cost per cord to better serve our customers.
• • 5:00 pm Fri • The Bulletin Serving Central Cngonsinse tgte
Starting at 3 lines
Place aphotoin yourprivate party ad for only $15.00par week.
*UNDER '500in total merchandise
OVER '500 in total merchandise
7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00
Garage Sale Special
4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00
(call for commercial line ad rates)
*illlust state prices in ad
A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbulletin.com reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702
PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 257
Musical Instruments
Misc. Items
Illisc. Items
Misc. Items
Hovv to avoidscam Wanted- paying cash and fraud attempts for Hi-fi audio & stu-
DRUM SETS: Ludwig drum set, couch, and matchdio equip. Mclntosh, VBe aware of internaing recliner, $200. d rums only, n o JBL, Marantz, D ytional fraud. Deal lohardware, 26" base l Bose stereo system naco, Heathkit, Sancally whenever posseries 321, $400. drum, 13", 16", and sui, Carver, NAD, etc. sible. 18n toms, 14 n snare, l Oak Entertainment Call 541-261-1808 center, $350. eg'Watch for buyers $500. REMO MasCan oe, $300. who offer more than WHEN YOU SEE THIS ter Touch drum set, I your asking price and drums o nl y no who ask to have hardware, 22" base money wired or drum, 8", 10", 12", Buying Diamonds n handed back to them. 13", 16 and 18" /Gofd for Cash n On a classified ad Fake cashier checks t oms, 1 4 snare Saxon's Fine Jewelers go to and money orders drum, $800. Both in 541-389-6655 www.bendbulletin.com are common. excellent condition. to view additional YNever give out per541-410-4983 BUYING photos of the item. sonal financial inforLionel/American Flyer mation. trains, accessories. 261 541-408-2191. YTrust your instincts Medical Equipment and be wary of 260 BUYING & S E LLING someone using an Misc. Items Red Pride GoGo Elite All gold jewelry, silver escrow service or and gold coins, bars, agent to pick up your Traveller P l u s 3 rouncisi wedding sets, wheel. With basket. merchandise. 2012 Sim p licity class rings, sterling silExcellent c ondition. ver, coin collect, vinThe Bulletin $750. 541-771-9474. Gusto Hepa canisServing Central Oregon since fgta tage watches, dental ter va cuumwith gold. Bill Fl e ming, attachments, extra Wheelchair 541-382-9419. filter and bags, exc. Swamp cooler, heavy Pronto cond. Retail $1500, duty, like new, 3ft. x FAST TREES (by Invacare®) Asking $600 obo. 3 ft., p o rtable o r Grow 6-10 feet yearly! powered 971-221-8278 (cell) $16-$21 delivered. s tationary. $3 7 5 . wheelchair, www.fasttrees.com 541-382-6773 in good condition, or 509-447-4161
All YearDependable Firewood: Seasoned; Lodgepole 1 for $195 or 2 for $365. Cedar, split, del. Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 for $325. 541-420-3484.
Log truck loads of green lodgepole firewood, delivered. Call 541-815-4177 269
Gardening Supplies & Equipment BarkTurfSoil.com PROMPT DELIVERY
For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 To place an ad, call 541-385-5809 or email
The Bulletin
Serving Central Oregon sincetgag
INSTANT GREEN McPheeters Turf Lawn Fertilizer •
ROTOTILLER 5 hp, 17n rear tine width, exc
c ond. $ 35 0 541-923-2683
fi r m !
5hp Briggs & MoreP ixatBendbuIletii.comRototiller Stratton rated 10 ton.
$450. 541-633-7824 263
Tools Call54 I385580f tcprOm OteyO ur S erV iCe• AdrertiSefOr 28 ddytStarting dt'lf0 ptis Stdelfettettii nei etgtebttoneerntttei
Hilti laser plane kit, $500 OBO. 541-408-5685
$250. 541-536-9044 270
The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809
Serving Central Oregon Since 2003 Residental/Commercial
Sprinkler Activation/Repair BackFlow Testing Maintenance
Mountain Air Indoors Certified in Mold testing «Thatch & Aerate • Spring Clean up and remediation, Water Damage .Weekly Mowing Repairs and Extraction & Edging •Bi-Monthly & Monthly 541-420-0712 Maintenance BULLETINCULSSIFIEDS •Bark, Rock, Etc. Search the area's most ~Lnndnon in comprehensive listing of •Landscape classified advertising... Construction real estate to automotive, oWater Feature merchandise to sporting Installation/Maint. goods. Bulletin Classifieds •Pavers appear every day in the •Renovations print or on line. •Irrigations Installation Call 541-385-5809 Senior Discounts www.bendbulletin.com Bonded & Insured
The Bulletin ServingCentral Oregonsinceigla
541-815-4458 LCB¹8759
Allen Reinsch Yard Maintenance& Mowing (& many other things!) Call 541-536-1294 or 541-815-5313 Small lawns cut, $20 Bigfoot Yards 541-633-9895. Painting/Wall Covering WESTERN PAINTING
CO. Richard Hayman, a semi-retired painting contractor of 45 years. S m all Jobs Welcome. Interior & Exterior. c c b¹51 84. 541-388-6910 Tree Services MR. STUMP BUSTER Professional Stump & Tree Removal• 24 yra exp. Insured - Free estimates! Call 541-213-9103
EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools andTraining 454- Looking Ior Employment 470- Domestic & In-HomePositions 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 486 - IndependentPositions
Farm Equipment & Machinery Kubota L3800, 1 yr old, with bucket & d r a g, $19,500. 619-733-8472
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The Bulletin Serving Centret Cregonsi re Setg
Livestock & Equipment
Replacement q u ality purebred yearling Angus heifers,. $1200 each. Good gentle dispositions, Final AnLost black Pomeranian swer bloodlines. female with brown eye- 541-480-8096 Madras brows, blue harness with tag, "Nikki", SE Bend, Found: leaf blower in SE Bend, Sun. 5/4. 54'I -318-8789
grocery store tags and remote keyless entry device. Around St. F rancis Chur c h Downtown. Reward for return. 541-385-6014.
Just too many collectibles'? Sell them in The Bulletin Classifieds
The Bulletin
Tack & Garage Sale! NOTICE TO Eng. & Western show ADVERTISER tack/clothing/equip, + Since September 29, misc. Fri-Sat, 9am-4pm, 62343 Wallace Rd. 1991, advertising for used woodstoves has 288 been limited to models which have been Sales Southeast Bend certified by the Oregon Department of Join us for a Environmental QualMother's Day Event ity (DEQ) and the fed- The "CRAZY MAMA" eral E n v ironmental CRAFT FAIRE Protection A g e ncy Sat. May 10th, 10-5 (EPA) as having met Bend Factory Stores Over 70 Local Craft smoke emission standards. A cer t ified Vendors! Food!Live Music! Bouncy House w oodstove may b e Call 541-848-0334 identified by its certification label, which is 290 permanently attached to the stove. The Bul- Sales Redmond Area letin will not knowingly accept advertis- MOVING SALE 16' lading for the sale of der, sawhorse, 3 glass uncertified insulators, 2-tier, tools. woodstoves. 10-4 1515 NW Fir ¹9
Employment Opportunities
S UB A R U . Salesperson Consolidated Supply Co.'s Bend B ranch AutoSales s eeks a W i l l C a l l Sales professional to Counter Salesperson. Join Central Oregon's l a r gest Sells product over the new ca r de a ler counter and works in Subaru of B e nd. warehouse. Offering 401k, profit Qualifications: sharing, me d ical counter sales exp.; excellent communicaplan, split shifts and paid vacation. Expetion an d c u stomer rience or will train. service skills; detail 90 day $1500 guaro riented. Apply a t a ntee. Dress f o r www.consolidated success to work in s upply.com EO E . our drug free work Drug test required. place. Please apply at 2060 NE Hwy 20, ® S UBA R U Bend. See Bob or Devon. Sales Sales professional to Central Child care assistance Join l a rgest needed for small chil- Oregon's new ca r de a ler dren, must have some Subaru of B e nd. exp.. 541-322-2880 Offering 401k, profit sharing, m e d ical Delivery plan, split shifts and Parcel delivery paid vacation. Expeperson needed rience or will train. immediately, no 90 day $1500 guarspecial license a ntee. Dress f o r required, must have success to work in clean driving record, our drug free work good appearance, place. Please apply personable, good at 2060 NE Hwy 20, with tools. Mon.-Fri., Bend. See Bob or approx. hours, 7-4 Devon. daily. Starting wage $12/hour. Reply to
CAUTION: Ads published in "Employment O p portunities" include employee and independent positions. Ads for p o sitions that require a fee or upfront investment must be stated. With any independentjob opportunity, please i nvestigate th o r oughly. Use extra caution when applying for jobs online and never provide personal information to any source you may not have researched and deemed to be reputable. Use extreme c aution when r e s ponding to A N Y online employment ad from out-of-state. We suggest you call the State of Oregon Consumer H otline at 1-503-378-4320 Box 20491785 c/o The Bulletin, PO For Equal OpportuBox 6020, Bend, nity Laws contact OR 97708 Oregon Bureau of Labor & I n dustry, Civil Rights Division, HR Admin needed for 971-673- 0764. family-owned f a rm. Degree in rel. field OR The Bulletin 3 yrs. exp., Excel exp. ServingCentrel Oregonsince aia req., Spanish speak541-385-5809 ing preferred. Visit www.golddustfarms.c Add your web address om forinfo to your ad and readers on The Bulletin's Lawn web site, www.bendbulletin.com, will be Nlaintenance able to click through Seeking self-motiautomatically to your vated individuals. website. Oregon Driver's license required. Some experience Take care of helpful, but will train your investments the right person. with the help from Immediate openings. The Bulletin's "Call A Service Call Randy 541-419-9225 Professional" Directory or send resumeto PO Box 944 Sisters, OR 97759
The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Oregon is seeking a night time pressman. We are part of Western Communications, Inc. which is a small, family owned group consisting of 7 newspapers, 5 in Oregon and 2 in California. Our ideal candidate will have prior web press experience and be able to learn our equipment (3 t/a tower KBA Comet press) and processes quickly. In addition to our 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. In addition to a competitive wage, we also provide potential opportunity for advancement. If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude and are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live, let us hear from you. Contact James Baisinger, Operations Manager
'baisin erowescom a ers.com with your complete resume, references and salary history/requirements. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employ-
The Bulletin Sening CentralOregon since igia
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Bulletin Home Delivery Advisor The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time position and consists of managing an adult carrier force to ensure our customers receive superior service. Must be able to create and perform strategic plans to meet department objectives such as increasing market share and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can work both in the office and in their assigned territory with minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. S t rong customer service skills and management skills are necessary. Computer experience is required. You must pass a drug screening and be able to be insured by company to drive vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we believe in promoting from within, so advancement within company is available to the right person. If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and you are energetic, have great organizational skills and interpersonal communication skills, please send your resume to:
The Bulletin c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708-6020 or e-mail resume to: kmullerobendbulletin.com No phone calls, please. The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace. EOE
ServingCentral Oregon since 1909
Heating & Stoves
Employment Opportunities
qualified I sponsible, and motivated tech- l l nicians for our truck/ l chassis department. l Qualified applicants l must have experi-
I ence in heavy duty I I truck repairs, have l your own tools and a l clean driving record. l CDL is also a plus.
l Excellent pay and I
enefits Ple a s e I bsubmit resume to l l PO Box 730, Red- l
Imtts sgINAB Accounts Payable Specialist Responsible for maintaining vendor accounts, including posting vendor i nvoices with accuracy and timeliness to take advantage of all vendor d iscounts, researching and resolving vendor and pricing discrepancies, m aintaining accurate payee d ata, a n d maintaining strong v endor r elationships. Requires accounting skills, ability to learn new software, and strong communication and analytical skills.
Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service and over 400 stores in the western United States. We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits, retirement, and cash bonus. Pleasego to www.lesschwab.com to apply. Applications will be accepted through May 10, 2014. No phone calls please. EOE
Want to impress the relatives? Remodel your home with the help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
4/28. 541-408-2640
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a Row l N G
Lost & Found
Find exactly what Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care LOST Frl 4/25 In Bend you are looking for in the white gold & diamone necklace with g ray NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon LandCLASSIFIEDS law requires anyone scape Contractors Law stones. 541-350-1751 who con t racts for (ORS 871) requires all Power Washer (comLost male cat: tortoise & Zape~Quu/rep businesses that ad- mercial) new in crate, construction work to be licensed with the vertise t o pe r form Honda 13 hp - 4000 white with yellow eyes, Za~<da mic r oConstruction ContracLandscape Construc- psi, 4 gpm. Retails s hort hair, Than Service tors Board (CCB). An More tion which includes: $1849, Sell $ 1 349. chipped, no collar. DePeace Of Affind schutes Mkt. & Yeoactive license p lanting, deck s , means the contractor fences, arbors, Steve 541-771-7007. man 541-389-9861 Spring Clean Up is bonded & insured. water-features, and in- Shindaiwa GP-45 pump •Leaves Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of ir- (new in box) $175. •Cones CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be Steve, 541-771-7007 •Needles www.hirealicensedl icensed w it h th e REIIIIEMBER:If you •Debris Hauling contractor.com Landscape ContracI',) have lost an animal, don't forget to check or call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit Weed Free Bark The Bulletin recomnumber is to be inThe Humane Society & Flower Beds mends checking with cluded in all adverBend the CCB prior to contisements which indi541-382-3537 tracting with anyone. Lawn Renovation cate the business has Redmond Some other t rades Aeration - Dethatching a bond, insurance and Total Shop - Sheet 541-923-0882 Metal Equipment also req u ire addiOverseed workers c ompensaprine ite 4' air shear; 8'x16ga tional licenses and tion for their employCompost 541-447-tite; Hand Brake; Pinspotter; certifications. ees. For your protecTop Dressing or Creit Cats tion call 503-378-5909 Pittsburgh 20ga w/Acme 54i-nee-e420. Rolls', Manual Cleator use our website: Custom Remodel & Tile Landscape bender 24nx20ga; Spot www.lcb.state.or.us to T. Schellworth, Gen. 286 Maintenance check license status Welder w/24" arms; Slip Sales Northeast Bend Contractor/Builder Full or Partial Service n dia; CCB ¹188631 before contracting with roll (manual) 3'x2 •Mowing .Edging 541-588-0958 the business. Persons Box & Pan Brake 48" x16 •Pruning oWeeding doing lan d scape ga; Easy Edger (Bench Sprinkler Adjustments maintenance do not type)... will sell complete ** FREE ** Debris Removal or by the piece. Garage Sale Kit r equire an LCB l i Fertilizer included Call 541-771-1958 cense. Place an ad in The with monthly program JUNK BE GONE for your gaWildland F i r efighting Bulletin Aeration/Dethatching rage sale and reI Haul Away FREE equip., new & used, 1-time or Weekly Services Weekly, monthly For Salvage. Also a Garage Sale hose, nozzles, wyes, ceive Ask about FREEadded Kit FREE! Cleanups & Cleanouts or one timeservice. svcs w/seasonal contract! reducers, bladder bags. Mel, 541-389-8107 Steve 541-771-7007. Bonded & Insured. KIT INCLUDES: EXPERIENCED COLLINS Lawn Maint. • 4 Garage Sale Signs Commercial 266 Ca/i 541-480-9714 Handyman • $2.00 Off Coupon To & Residential Building Materials Use Toward Your Next Ad I DO THAT! Need to get an • 10 Tips For "Garage REDMOND Habitat Home/Rental repairs Senior Discounts ad in ASAP? RESTORE Sale Success!" Small jobs to remodels 541-390-1466 You can place it Building Supply Resale Honest, guaranteed Quality at work. CCB¹151 573 Same Day Response online at: PICK UP YOUR LOW PRICES Dennis 541-317-9768 www.bendbulletin.com GARAGE SALE KIT at 1242 S. Hwy 97 1777 SW Chandler 541-548-1406 Ave., Bend, OR 97702 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-3B5-5B09 Open to the public. Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell.
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to that unused chasing products or I services from out of • item by placing it in l the area. Sending The Bulletin Classifieds c ash, checks, o r
l credit i n f ormationl • may be subjected to
l For more informaI Local non-profit seek tion about an adver- l ing fund-raisers, grant l tiser, you may call l writers and qualified the Oregon State board mem b ers.l Attorney General'sl Please send letter of Office C o n sumer s intent to: Cascades I Protection hotline at l C lassical Musi c I 1-877-877-9392. I Foundation, 61419 S. 541-385-5809
Hwy. 97, Suite F1, Bend, OR 97702.
LThe Bulletin
General The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturday night shift and other shifts as needed. We currently have openings all nights of the week. Everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and end between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpositions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts are short (1 t:30 - 1:30). The work consists of loading inserting machines or stitcher, stacking product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup and other tasks. For qualifying employees we offer benefits i ncluding life i n surance, short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is required prior to employment. Please submit a completed application attention Kevin Eldred. Applications are available at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chandler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be obtained upon request by contacting Kevin Eldred via email (keldred@bendbulletin.com). No phone calls please. Only completed applications will be considered for this position. No resumes will be accepted. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE.
The Bulletin ServingCentral Oregon since fgta
Facility Administrator Community Counseling Solutions is recruiting for a fu l l t i m e F a cility Administrator. The facility is located in John Day, Oregon and is a 9 bed acute care treatment facility working with mentally ill adults who are in an acute phase of their illness. This individual will be responsible for the day to day operation of the facility. The administrator will be responsible for hiring of facility staff, training, and day to day operations. The administrator will assist the Executive Director in meeting the needs of the community, and will report directly to the Executive Director.
Applicants should have experience in human resources, staff recruitment and retention, working with the mentally ill, ability to supervise 20+ individuals with varying levels of education, ability to assist the Executive Director in managing a large and complex budget, facility and program development and community relations. A bachelor's degree in psychology, sociology or other human services field is preferred. T his i ndividual w il l b e re q u ired t o participate in an on call rotation at the facility.
The salary range is $51,200-$76,800 per year. Excellent benefits. Please contact Nina Bisson at 541-676-9161 or nina.bisson O gobhi.net with questions or to request an application.
'"'® ~. ~
IJlarriage Counselor
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May 6,2014 DAILY BRIDGE CLUB Tuesday,
Millard's compromise By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency Millard Pringle still plays at my club. Millard is a quiet little manretired from the IRS, I believe w ho gets l o s t i n t h e m a z e o f defensive rules. Millard was East in today's deal. West's jump to four clubs promised spade support as well as club values. South competed to five diamonds, and Millard doubled (a misjudgment since he could make five spades). A spade opening lead would have sunk the contract, but West led the king of clubs. South ruffed, drew trumps with the A-K and led a heart from dummy ... and Millard paused. What was the rule? Was it "second hand low" or "second hand high"?
ACROSS 1Award-winning 2012 film about a fake film BGamewith a 32-card deck 9AK-47, e.g. 14Desktops' desktop accessories 16The Hunter constellation 17With 56-Across, common format for a wager 18Handle wrongly 19Suffix with cartoon 20 Marijuana plant 21 Clobbers 22The "E" of Q.E.D. 230ppositeof WSW 24 Bring down 2$ Sun-Maid dried fruit 31 Princeton and Yale 32 Peak in Greek myth 34 Holder of corn kernels
What do you say? ANSWER: Slam is likely. Partner has a hand worth about 17 points with four-card support. His pattern is unbalanced or semibalanced since he would open 1NT with a balanced 17 points. If he has K 9 5 3, 2, K Q 2, A K 10 6 5, six spades will be cold. C ue-bid f ou r h e arts t o g e t h i s reaction. South dealer E-W vulnerable NORTH 45K2
973 OKJ97 4 10 9 8 5 3
4AQ1084 9 A Q1 0 053 4Q74
4J975 Q J84
M illard couldn't r e call, s o h e compromised and p l ayed second hand middle: the queen of hearts. South's king won, but on the next heart West rose with the jack, and a spade shift let Millard take the ace and queen. Unless East plays the queen of hearts, South makes his doubled contract. He sets up the hearts for sPade discards without letting West gain the lead.
QK9652 0 A Q1 08 6 2 4 None South Pam
We s t Pass 449 Pass
5C All Pass
Nor th Pass 40 Pass
East 14 44 Dbl
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. l i
T R Y 5 T K I
You hold : 45 A Q 10 8 4 9 AQ 10 0 5 3 A Q 7 4 . Yo u r Open i nglead — AK partner opens one club, you bid one spade and he raises to three spades. (C) 2014Tribune ContentAgency, LLC
36 Queue cue 37Winner of the wager in 17-/56-Across, depending on how you fill the circled squares in this puzzle 380ld Italian money 39 Upsilon preceder 40 Nick who was named People's Sexiest Man Alive in 1992 41 Pyt h o n 42AT&T competitor 44Throatclearers 45Had a bite 46 Blast 4$What scratchand-sniff stickers emit 51 German automaker 52 Jiffy 550perasinger in an opera 56 See 17-Across 58 Remove, as a boutonniere 59 Not using Obamacare, say
60 Like some straws 61 GPS recommendations: Abbr. 62 Number of holes in a half-round of golf
NO. 0401
22 25
28 32
3 Sudden outburst 4 German direction 5Globe 6 " Instant ! " (John Lennon hit) 7 Highly capable 8 Mao -tung 9 Bucharest'5 land 10 Eye parts 11 It may be landed with a hook 12 It may have gold in them thar hills 130fficeron TVs "The Dukes of Hazzard" 15 Roosevelt and Kennedy 21Abacus row 24 Bit of color 25 Eye parts 26Shuffle 27 Wager 28 Antagonize 29 It might read "Happy Birthday!" 30 Robb Stark'5 realm in "Game of Thrones," with "the"
DOWN 1 Prefix with -dextl ous 2 Caviars
34 38
43 46
48 4 9
47 52
35 Howls at the moon
50 Channel with postgame analysis 52 Apple genius'/ 53 Equitable 54 Surrender 56The"0" of SO S, supposedly 57 Band with the
44 Genetic
sequence gl'OUPS
37 Improves, in a way 38"Skipto My
46 Plague
40 Penn State's Lions 41 Recurring themes
48 Concert souvenir
47 Certain navel
49 Dunce cap shape
43 Nasty-smelling
2012 ¹1 hit
"We Are Young"
Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-666-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 366 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past 32 Diner menu item puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords i$39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. 33 Part of retribution, in a Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords. phrase
i z hlflI owcE olh
Complete the grid so that every row, column afld 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
vir e're getting,the padk oge 7
8 71 D 42
r6 9
I 0.
Ol 0 o
1i'. 41 E
Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 1 Socal
...AfID I'Nl t UH-OH. "l/IITII 'THE IIIIA &SffifJ fy OHE. Ff'OIA 17OIJ
1f H Y, 5 6 j t 5ogiVEg, c l & I I' T t7 o II'5 88EII &0 %'. T o LD fHAT HE I/IOII'T 56, g5-5I&HEP.'
ipidirJ ~
O2014 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Worldrights reserved
HE FpA95HE'5 AT A&6 2k, Hl& 5EEII lT C ONllkl&,"
E-mail; bholbrook1@gm8il.Com
Clapper's Block ZITS AGnCON TIIIS~ C NIIz I ~ P AT / k II'ihlRP5 +6 /
f. 5
%t6 196aNNA gKK SICK IN
enforcement squad 5 "12 Angry Men" star Henry 10 Swimming spot 14 Seat of Allen County, Kansas 1 5 Queen l a c e 16 Cherub, in Chambery 17 Fill-in-the-amount document
19 Actress Ward 20 Made sure of 21 Dines at home 23 Place to check your balance, briefly
THAT SCRAIHBLED WORD GAME by David L. Noyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles, 006 letter to eaCh Square, to form four ordinary words.
shoes 54 Steven's wife on "Family Ties" 55 Margery of kids' rhyme 59 Frat party wrap 62 Unruly head of hair 63 School support
5 Ipso 6 Waiting to talk to a real person,
say 7 Peoria-to-Green
Bay dir.
8 End-of-year abbr. 9 Out of kilter 10 Sunday speaker 11 Baby shower bodysuit
12 Leering at
13 Makeshift shelter 18 Electric bill meas. 22 Pop up
chorus line 51 Free from bias 52 Like men
swimming trunks 56 Family animal 57 With perfection 58 Roofing piece 60 Prefix with
Come on, Woo
some exercllL.
Go get itl Go 941 It!
CHOAV If vou wanted me lo9etit you should have .I df opp46 11.
69014 THbune Content Agency,LLC All Righls Reeenred.
PMETT 8 B„ ':0,
@ S : : ' 5'L4154~ 9 '
N0W arrange the CirCled letterS to fOrm the SurPriSe anSW6088
suggested by the above cartoon.
Answer ~
53 Sexy-looking
role for Patti LUPone 43 Roller with pips 44 Gallery showing 45 Gain possession of 46 China's -tung 470ne of the Musketeers 48 Freshen, a8 the salad 50 Available for breeding
64 Flop 65 Undercover agent
T A W O C H D H O 25 Expanding bullet O N O M 28 Feathery scarves 23 Lawyer's gp. L E O 30 Put down, in 24 Day care L I Z S slang attendee 31 Marinara sauce T A 26 Ignores the trash E D G E S brand can M I L I T A R Y 32 Bear witness 27 Mama bears, in M A O L O S 35 Stun, as a perp Spain A L T O 37 Uncomprehending 29 Dead S c r olls A L S look S L O E 33 Not widely 41 French girlfriend available HO L L Y WO 42 Soviet 34 Scottish hat J A V A C A P newspaper 36 Gas additive A H E M A X E 45 Horoscope brand columnist R A R A T Y R 38 Nick at Sydney 39 WWII fliers xwordeditorilaol.com
4 lau90ngStack Inlernauonal Inc, Dist. by Universal UClick 1or UFS,2014
40 Tony-winning
many a sports bar 4 Funnyman
49 Opening for a
"You phoned me and said you had amnesia; don't you remember?"
3 Flat panelin
(Answers tomorrow) BO<US U N LOCK P L E D<E Yesteda 6 ~ Ju mbles: YIELD Answer. The new discount store was — CLOSE "BUY"
61 Insincere talk, and a hint to the starts of this puzzle's four other longest entries 66 Wife and sister of
Osiris 67 Seated yoga position 68 Increase, as prices 69 Loch with a
70 Garden tool 71 Crooner Williams DOWN 1 Ad- : i mprovise 2 Irlte/Tlet glarlt
31 35
41 45
ss 34
O B O L I A D A K S S C H I D O N O I F O R M N O L I E D E E E R G MO V I E A B I D E N O T E S D E E R E 05/06/14
29 2I
20 23
D R Y C L T E R A U N E D R U O D N D O 10
54 55
53 58
57 62
By Pam ~fck Klawlt&r (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
I •
RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605- RoommateWanted 616- Want ToRent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for RentSunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RVParking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
fe •
® Rhmlhrsm
Truck Drivers R egional dr i v er
wanted, doubles/ triples qualified. 2 years experience. Home every day. $0.5383 per mile doubles, $0.5583 per mile t riples. Excellent benefits including employee and dependant health insurance. Email resume to debbiec@penin sulatruck.com.
Loans & Mortgages
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682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726- Timeshares for Sale 730 - NewListings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744- Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson County Homes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land
Employment Opportunities
DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call Oregon Land Mortgage 541-388-4200. LOCAL MONEyrWe buy secured trustdeeds & note, some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.1 8. Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
Bsnl &RaRs
Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks. MOVNTAIN GLEN, 541-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.
[PP oP ©ggg
AptiMultiplex Furnished
Fully furnished loft apt. on Wall St., Bend with parking, all utilities paid. Call 541-389-2389 for appointment to see. What are you looking for? You'll find it in The Bulletin Classifieds
541-385-5809 648
Houses for Rent General
'z7Pp p
Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories Boats & Accessories
Homes for Sale
Arctic Cat 580 1994, NOTICE EXT, in good All real estate advercondition, $1000. tised here in is subject to th e F ederal Located in La Pine. Call 541-408-6149. Fair Housing A c t, which makes it illegal to advertise any prefHave an item to erence, limitation or sell quick? discrimination based If it's under on race, color, reliion, sex, handicap, Iamilial status or na- '500 you can place it in tional origin, or intenThe Bulletin tion to make any such Classifieds for: preferences, l i mitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly '10 - 3 lines, 7 days accept any advertis- '16 - 3 lines, 14 days ing for real estate (Private Party ads only) which is in violation of this law. All persons 860 are hereby informed that all dwellings ad- Motorcycles & Accessories vertised are available
HDFatBo 1996
Completely Rebuilt/Customized 2012/2013 Award Winner Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.
$1 7,000
1971 Fishing boat, full top cover, 35 H P Ev i nrude motor, trailer a nd spare tire, accessories, good condition. $1100 obo.
15' fiberglas Sportsman, 75HP motor, trailer, good condition, $950.
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-385-5809
The Bulletin
Serrin Central Ore on since 1909
541-389-1086 541-419-8034
Chaparral 2130SS Clean, well m ain.,t tained 21 ' f a m ily xs 4 ski/wakeboard open-bow runabout with new Barewest Triumph Daytona 16' 1996 Lowe alum. tower/Bimini. Great f ishing boat, 2 0 h p sound system, new 2004, 15K m i l es, Evinrude outbrd & re- dual battery system. perfect bike, needs mote control Minnkota Stored under cover, nothing. Vin t rolling motor, f i s h fresh water use only, ¹201536. finder, bow f i shing 2 nd o wner. J u s t $4995 lar g er chair, Bimini top, trailer b ought a Dream Car w/spare tires, anchor, Chaparral! $16,000. Auto Sales fenders, life jackets, 541-419-9510 1801Division, Bend lights, exc. cond. 8 DreamCarsBend.com reat for local lakes, Enclosed raft t r ailer, 541-678-0240 2,995. 541-390-9932 Dlr 3665 12'x7', pulley system 18.5' 2003 Bluewater to help load, wired for Breeze Open Bow, 12 volt a i r p u mp. 4.3L V6, 190 HP, great $750. 541-593-6053 mileage on the water Look at: with plenty of power for skiing or wakeBendhomes.com boarding. Pi o neer for Complete Listings of deck amp with Kicker Area Real Estate for Sale Victory TC 2 0 0 2, speakers, seats 7. Great boat. $8,950. 40K mi., runs great, 875 s tage 1 kit, n e w Mark at 541-977-2780 Watercraft tires, rear brakes & more. Health forces ds published in nWa s ale. $4,50 0 . tercraft" include: Kay 541-771-0665 aks, rafts and motor Ized personal Fo 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, watercrafts. "boats" please se inboard motor, g reat Class 870. cond, well maintained, $8995obo. 541-350-7755 541-385-5809 ,
PUBLISHER'S on an equal opportuNOTICE nity basis. The BulleAll real estate adver- tin Classified tising in this newspaper is subject to the Tick, Tock F air Housing A c t which makes it illegal 2005 HD Super Glide Tick, Tock... to a d vertise "any custom, fuel injected 7k mi, new tires, like preference, limitation ...don't let time get new cond. $8500 or disc r imination away. Hire a 541-639-9857 based on race, color, religion, sex, handiprofessional out cap, familial status, of The Bulletin's marital status or na"Call A Service tional origin, or an intention to make any Professional" such pre f erence, Directory today! limitation or discrimiVacation Rentals nation." Familial staFXSTD Harley 750 tus includes children & Exchanges Davidson 2001, twin under the age of 18 Redmond Homes cam 88, fuel injected, living with parents or Vance & Hines short Ocean fronthouse, legal cus t odians, shot exhaust, Stage I each walk from town, pregnant women, and Looking for your next with Vance & Hines 2 bdrm/2 bath, TV, emp/oyee? people securing cusfuel management Fireplace, BBQ. $95 tody Place a Bulletin help of children under system, custom parts, Servrng Cenfrel Oregon since t903 per night, 3 night MIN. 18. This newspaper wanted ad today and Yamaha V-Star 650 extra seat. 208-369-3144 reach over 60,000 2003 with less than will not knowingly ac$10,500OBO. 7,200 milesand Gacept any advertising readers each week. Call Today Need to get an ad raged. Maroon and Your classified ad for real estate which is 541-516-8684 will also appear on metallic gold. Chrome in ASAP? in violation of the law. Rooms for Rent and Plexiglass wind- 19.5' Bluewater I/O, new bendbulletin.com O ur r e aders a r e upholstery, new electronshield, leather saddle which currently reHarley Davidson 2009 Furn. room i n q u iet hereby informed that winch, much more. Fax it to 541-322-7253 bags. Lots of chrome ics, ceives over Super Glide Custom, $8950. 541-306-0280 home no drugs, alco- all dwellings adverincluding En g i ne 1.5 million page Stage 1 Screaming hol, smoking. $450 tised in this newspaGuard.$3500. The Bulletin Classifieds views every month Eagle performance, 1st/1st. 541-408-0846 per are available on Jeff 541-390-0937 at no extra cost. too many options to an equal opportunity Bulletin Classifieds basis. To complain of list, $8900. 632 880 Get Results! 541-388-8939 865 d iscrimination ca l l AptiMultiplex General HUD t o l l-free at Call 385-5809 or Motorhomes ATVs place your ad on-line 1-800-877-0246. The at CHECKYOUR AD toll free t e lephone A rcticCat AT V 7 0 0 2007 Winnebago bendbulletin.com number for the hear2008 t w o-rider ve- Outlook Class "C" ing im p aired is h icle, EFI LE . L o w 31', solar panel, Cat. 1-800-927-9275. hours, high p e rforheater, excellent TURN THE PAGE mance. Nice wheels, condition, more exFor More Ads winch, extra equip., Oarage Sales tras. Asking $58K. $5000. Moving causes Harley Davidson on the first day it runs The Bulletin Alfa See Ya 2006 36' Ph. 541-447-9268 sale. 541-447-3342. 2011 Classic Limto make sure it is corExcellent condition, 1 Garage Sales Can be viewed at e ited, Loaded! 9500 rect. Spellcheck" and owner, 350 Cat diesel, 775 870 Western Recreation miles, custom paint human errors do oc- Garage Sales 51,000 miles, 4-dr frig, (fop of hill) Manufactured/ Boats & Accessories "Broken Glass" by icemaker, gas stove, cur. If this happens to in Prineviiie. Find them Mobile Homes Nicholas Del Drago, oven, washer/dryer, your ad, please con12'1969 Sears aluminon-smoker, 3 shdes, new condition, tact us ASAP so that in num fishing boat, (2) 10' Kayaks; Old heated handgrips, generator, invertor, corrections and any FACTORY SPECIAL low hours on new 8 Town Otter, Ocean leather interior, satelThe Bulletin New Home, 3 bdrm, auto cruise control. adjustments can be hp engine, with trailer Frenzy Si t - on-top, lite, 7'4e ceiling. $46,500 finished $32k rn bike, made to your ad. Classifieds on your site. and extras. Good both with p a ddies, Clean!$77,500. only $20,000or best 541-385-5809 J and M Homes shape! $1600. $225/ea. 541-233-6520 offer. 541-318-6049 The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 541-548-5511 541-382-2599 541-593-6053
The Bulletin
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AUTOS8ETRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Travel Trailers
Fleetwood Wilderness NW Edition 2002, 26' 1 slide, electric
We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
tongue jack, stabilizers, new brakes, waste tank heaters, ducted heat/AC, micro/stove/oven, tub/shower, couch, elec/gas hot water tank. Sleeps 6. Includes Eaz Lift hitch, storage cover and accessories. $10,500. 541-447-3425
(~,) I Bigfoot Diesel 32' 2006, Su per C Duramax di e s el, Allison trans., only 37K mi., do u b le slide, 5500 Onan diesel gen., to many options to list. Vin¹ 534032, $79,995. BeaverCoach Sales& Service, Bend 541-914-8438 DLR ¹3447
TIFFINALLEGRO BUS 2010 - FULLY LOADED 40QXP Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles /Offered at $199K. Too many options to list here! For more information go to
E trainwater157E0
0 llil.cD
The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory is all about meeting yourneeds.
Call on one of the professionals today!
Generator Kubota 3500 as, 60 h rs, $ 1000 ASH. 541-923-5960
Winnebago Adven-
turer 2005 350/2', gas,
1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.
541-548-0318 (photo aboveis of a similar model & not the actual vehicle)
less than 20,000 miles, excellent condition, 2 slide-outs, work horse chassis, Banks power brake system, sleeps 5, with a l l o p tions, $62,000 / negotiable. Call 5 4 1-308-8711or email aikistu © bendcable.com
m xm ~
National RV
Tropical, 1997,
35-ft, Chevy Vortec engine, new tires, new awnings, 12-ft slide-out, queen bed, Italian leather couch and recliner, excellent condition. Ready to travel„ towing hitch included.$19,900. 541-815-4811
Navion IQ Sprinter chassis RV 2008, 25' Mercedes Benz diesel, only 24k miles, excellent condition, automatic rear slide-out w/queen bed, full bath w/shower, deluxe captain swivel front seats, diesel generator, awning, no pets/ no smoking.$69,500. 541-382-2430
Providence2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-480-2019
Fifth Wheels
Fifth Wheels
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
Sport Utility Vehicles
You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV
Bend: 541-330-2495
Ford F150 LIGHTNING Peterbilt 359 p otable 1993, 500 miles on rewater truck, 1 990, built engine. Clean inte3200 gal. tank, 5hp rior 8 new tires. $7000, p ump, 4 - 3 0 hoses, OBO. 541-647-8723 camlocks, $ 25,000. 541-820-3724 Ford F-3502010 925 Cabela's Crew Cab Utility Trailers
3.7L 5 cyls, 4WD, auto., 104k mi, 20 MPG, vin¹103344 $15,977 ROBBERSON
541-312-3986 dlr ¹0205 0
Arctic Fox 29' 2003,
0 0
covered storage, slideout, exc. cond inside & outside 2016 tags,
$14,900. 541-676-1449 or 541-410-6849
Aircraft, Parts
& Service on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. NSpellcheckNand human errors do occur. If this happens to
your ad, please con-
tact us ASAP so that
corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified
Flatbed tandem axle trailer deck length 18, 7' wide, elec. brakes, 2015 tags, good cond. $2900. 541-676-1449 541-410-8849 931
Automotive Parts, Service 8 Accessories
Antique & Classic Autos
(located @ Bend)
$39,777 ROBBERSON \ I II C 0 I II ~
541-312-3986 DLR¹0205
Lincoln Navigator 2003 4WD, V8 5.4L, tow pkg, fully loaded with DVD, heated leather seats, 3rd row seating, runs 8 drives exc., well maint., 143k mi. Non-smokers. New tires, brakes, rotors and struts. $7,950. 541-604-4166 8/fazda CX-7i 3 orf
Ford F-350 4x4, I", rt
2011 - 2. 5 L 4 cyl., auto., 23k miles, 28
Columbia 400,
Financing available.
2006 XLT 4-door Crew Cab
Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo.
V6 diesel, 4 wheel drive. ¹A74567
American Racing wheels (4), cast aluminum dish style, 15x7, 5 lug, 4.5" spacing. $250. 1/3interestin
Winnebago Aspect 2009- 32', 3 slideouts, Leather interior, Power s eat, locks, windows, Aluminum wheels. 0 17 Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or p ets. L ik e n ew, $74,900 541-480-6900 Need help fixing stuff?
Call A Service Professional find the help you need. www.bendbulletin.com
WINNEBAGO BRAVE 2003 • 34D, 2 slides • Tires 80% • Just completely serviced • 39,000 miles • No trades • $48,000 firm 541-815-3150
e0a •
Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969, was a special 1/3 interest in wellorder, has all the exequipped IFR Beech Bo- tras, and is all original. nanza A36, new 10-550/ See robelieve! prop, located KBDN. 541-9234049 $65,000. 541-419-9510 www. N4972M.com
6.0L Turbo diesel, full power, a u t omatic, 6-disc CD, cruise, fog lights, running boards, tow pkg bediiner grill guard, folding rear seat. Tan cloth interior, metallic tan exterior. 91,400 miles.
Priced to sell $21,500 541-350-6925
FORD XLT 1992 3/4 ton 4x4 matching canopy,
Call Dick, 541-480-1687.
Keystone Laredo 31' Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 RI/ 20 06 w ith 1 2' engine, power everyslide-out. Sleeps 6, new paint, 54K 30k original miles, 1/5th interest in 1973 thing, queen walk-around FIND IT! orig. miles, runs great, possible trade for bed w/storage underCessna 150 LLC exc. cond.in/out. $7500 Btfy l T I classic car, pickup, 150hp conversion, low obo. 541-480-3179 neath. Tub 8 shower. SELL IT! motorcycle, RV 2 swivel rockers. TV. time on air frame and $13,500. Air cond. Gas stove & The Bulletin Classifieds engine, hangared in In La Pine, call refrigerator/freezer. Bend. Excellentper928-581-9190 Microwave. Awning. formance &affordOutside sho w er. able flying! $6,000. Slide through stor541-410-6007 a ge, E as y Li f t . Plymouth B a rracuda $29,000 new; 1966, original car! 300 Askinq $18,600 Fl a t hp, 360 V8, center- I nternational 541-447-4805 Holiday Rambler 37' Bed Pickup 1963, 1 lines, 541-593-2597 Presidential model ton dually, 4 s pd. 2003, all factory optrans., great MPG, tions, 3 slides, 2 A/C could be exc. wood 172 Cessna Share units, 4 door fridge, hauler, runs great, fireplace, generator, IFR equipped, new new brakes, $1950. electric jacks front avionics, Garmin 750 541-419-5480. and rear, flat screen touchscreen, center TV, e n tertainment Rolls Royce 1992 Silstack, 180hp. Orbit 21'2007, used center, bay window, ver Spur II, excellent! 935 Exceptionally clean only 8 times, A/C, exc. cond., MUST Midnight Blue exterior, Sport Utility Vehicles & economical! oven, tub shower, SEE! Sacr i fice Parchment leather inte$13,500. micro, load leveler 15-inch chrome RR $24,500 OBO. Hangared in KBDN rior, hitch, awning, dual wheels, Alpine Sirius 541-223-2218 VolvoS60T5 2013 batteries, sleeps 4-5, Call 541-728-0773 DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS EXCELLENT CONnaviqation system, DITION. All acces77,200 miles, dealersories are included. ship maintained, always garaqed. New, $13,900 OBO. 541-382-9441 about $250,000; sell $19,500. 541<80-3348 AWD, less than 11k Keystone Cougar 2010 WHEN ONLY THE mi., auto, 6 spd. 1974 Beiianca 326MKS. Like new. BEST WILL DO! vin ¹202364 .• T81L 1730A S tored i ndoors. 4 $31,977 slideouts, queen bed, mirrored w a rdrobe, 2160 TT, 440 SMO, ROBBERSON i skylights in bath and 160 mph, excellent LINCOLN ~ I M ROR Pacific Ridge by bedroom. DVD, TV, condition, always Komfort 2011 AM/FM CD p l ayer hangared, 1 owner 541-312-3986 Buick Skylark 1972 Mdl P 27RL 31', 15' with i n terior/exterior for 35 years. $60K. DLR ¹0205 17K orig. miles. Please Super slide, power speakers, retractible see hemmings.com for jack, electric awning, awning, etc. M any ,> >NE0 In Madras, details. $18,900. solar panel, 6-volt e xtras. So l d w i t h call 541-475-6302 541-323-1896 batteries, LED lighth ousehold and R V ing, always stored extras and R e ese 933 inside. Must see to Hitch. $29,950 (OBO) Pickups appreciate.Asking Ron - 541-549-1089 $28,000. Call Bill, BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K 541-480-7930 miles, premium packLaredo 30'2009 age, heated lumbar supported seats, pan1976 Cessna 150M RV oramic moo n roof, Just over 3000hrs, 600 CONSIGNMENTS Bluetooth, ski bag, Xehrs since out of frame WANTED non headlights, tan & major, Horton Stol Kit. We Do The Work ... black leather interior, 2005 Diesel 4X4 Avionics: Apollo 65 GPS n ew front & rea r You Keep The Cash! Chev Crewcab du8 additional radio (4 freOn-site credit overall length is 35' brakes © 76K miles, ally, Allison tranny, quencies can be monihas 2 slides, Arctic one owner, all records, approval team, tow pkg., brake contored at once). Tranpackage, A/C, table very clean, $1 6,900. web site presence. troller, cloth split sponder w/mode C, JPI 8 chairs, satellite, 541-388<360 We Take Trade-Ins! front bench seat, Fuel Flow Monitor, digiArctic pkg., power Free Advertising. only 66k miles. tal density, temp & amp awning, in excellent monitor. BIG COUNTRY RV Nice paint 8 up- Very good condition, condition! More pix Bend: 541-330-2495 holstery w/memory foam Original owner, at bendbulletin.com Redmond: seat bottoms. Oil filter & $34,000 541-548-5254 $28,000 block htr. 1 owner past or best offer. 541-419-3301 14 yrs; always hangared, 541-408-7826 no damage history. N9475U.$26,000. X3 2011 black The Bulletin Chevy Ext. Cab 1991 BMW 541%80-4375 I ~a with camper shell, on black, sport/prem To Subscribe call I packs, leather, 3.5i ood cond., $1500 541-365-5800 or go to turbo, nav., 20k BO. 541-447-5504. N www.bendbulletin.com miles, 19 wheels, cold weather pkg, Dodge Ram 1500 Trail Sport 22-ft Xenons, warranteed SLT uad cab 1999 2008 -Queen to 9/2015.$38,000 N walk-around, AC, One owner, Save money. Learn awning, oven, tub & 503-789-9401 to fly or build hours shower, outside (Portland) with your own airshower, micro, MONTANA 3585 2008, c raft. 1966 A e ro anti-sway hitch, no exc. cond., 3 slides, Commander, 4 seat, slide. $9900. king bed, Irg LR, 5 .2L V8 auto . , 150 HP, low time, 206-715-3752 Arctic insulation, all full panel. $23,000 1 43,659 mi. R W D (in Redmond) options $35,000 obo. Vin ¹ 6 28726 B a robo. Contact Paul at 541-420-3250 541-447-5184. gain Corral. $5,977
lI Ii- ILll
MPG, Black Cherry Mica, vin¹362484 $16,977 ROBBERSON~ ~
na aaa
541-312-3986 dlr ¹0205
MercedesBenz C300 S ort 2012
Less than 14k mil, AWD, 7 spd, leather vin ¹700716 $31,977
K ~- ;
Reach thousands of readers!
Wind River 201127ORLDS (Four Seasons) 28' by Outdoor RV in LaGrande, OR. 2 Slides in living room, Winnebago C hieftain separate bdrm, power 30' 1992, $6500/neg. jack,elect awning, solar Paul, 6 1 8-231-2201 panel, flat screen, surbefore 9 p.m. round sound, micro, air cond, day/night shades, ext speakers,ext shower. Winnebago Like new!$25,500. 541-548-2109 Sightseer
30' 2004
For Sale with living r oom slide, 46,000 miles, in good condition. Has newer Michelin tires, awning, blinds, carpet, new coach battery and HD TV.$31,000 Call Dick at 541-408-2367 Winnebago View, J 24', 2008 22K mi, loaded, Mercedes diesel, 16mpg, stored covered, $62,000. 805-245-0747 (in Bend)
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com
Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classiffeds OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500
( in La Pine )
mam a
541-312-3986 DLR¹0205
T-Hangar for rent at Bend airport. Call 541-382-8998
King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. wa916 ter heater, 10 cu.ft. Trucks & fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " Heavy Equipment TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling Hyster forklift, H30E jacks and s cissor propane, 2 stage, 672 stabilizer jacks, 16' hours, $1900 o b o. awning. Like new! 541-389-7596
Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Top living room, 2 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, entertainment center, fireplace, W/D, garden tub/shower, in great condition.$36,000 obo. Call Peter,
Chevrolet Trailblazer 2008 4x4 Automatic, 6-cylinder, tilt wheel, power windows, power brakes, air conditioning, keyless entry, 69K miles. Excellent condition; tires have 90% tread. $12,995. Call 541-598-5111
Kenworth 1991 T800 Water Truck 914 350hp diesel eng, 9-spd trans, Hendrickson cab suspension, double framed, self-contained John Deere pony motor, 4000 gallon water tank, new battery, 902,832 miles.$22,500 obo. 541-589-2209
Dodge Ram 2500 2008 Diesel, exc. towing vehicle, 2WD, 55,000 miles. New batteries, rear air bags, Roll-n-lock bed cover, spray-in liner. 5th wheel hitch available, too. $19,000. 541-604-1285
NissanMurano SL 2011
black w/ leather seat trim, 3.4L V6, 27,709 miles. vin¹362484 6.977 ROBBERSON ~
mam a
541-312-3986 dlr ¹0205
541-389-5353 541-647-8176
Find It in
The Bulletin Classifiedsl 541 N385 N5809
Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible
with hard 8 soft top, silver with black interior, all original very low mileage, in premium condition. $19,900. 702-249-2567 (car is in Bend)
Mercedes SLK350 2005 conv., silverblue, like new, AMG pkq, low mi, $20K. 541-312-2328
BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com
The Bulletin Serving CentralOregon NINOEEE0
Pontiac Grand AM SE1 2003
FWD, V6 auto., 90k mi., 29 mpg Hwy, Vin¹572987 Bar ain Corral 6,977 ROBBERSON y I NICO I N ~
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
Porsche 911 Carrera 993 cou e
ToyotaLandcruiser VX 1999
4.7L V8, 4WD, auto., 16 mpg Hwy, Vin¹ 66902 Bargain Cor-
ral $9,977 ROBBERSON I INCOI N ~
1996, 73k miles, Tiptronic auto. transmission. Silver, blue leather interior, moon/sunroof, new quality tires and battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Recently fully ser-
viced, garaged,
looks and runs like new. Excellent condition$29,700 541-322-9647
Porsche 911 Turbo 940
Chrysler Town & Country LXI 1997, beautiful inside & out, one owner, nonsmoker,. loaded with options! 197,692 mi. Service rec o rds available. $4 , 9 50. Call Mike, (541) 8158176 after 3:30 p.m.
2003 6 speed, X50 added power pkg., 530 HP! Under 10k miles, Arctic silver, gray leather interior, new quality tires, and battery, Bose p remium sou n d stereo, moon/sunroof, car and seat covers. Many extras.
Garaged, p e rfect condition, $59,700. 541-322-9647
Corvette 1979
L82- 4 speed. 65,000 miles Garaged since new. I've owned it 25 years. Never damaged or abused.
Dave, 541-350-4077
Grand Sport - 4 LT loaded, clear bra hood & fenders. New Michelin Super Sports, G.S. floor mats, 17,000 miles, Crystal red. $42,000. 503-358-'I 164.
Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! Chev Trailblazer LS 2004, 541-385-5809 AWD, 6 cyl, remote entry, clean title, 12/15 tags, $5995. 541-610-6150 Ford FusionSport
Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 16 mo factory warranty remaining. $37,500. 541-322-6928 WHEN YOU SEE THIS
MorePixatBendbjjlletin.com On a classified ad go to www.bendbulletin.com to view additional photos of the item.
000 1000
Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE The P ines M o bile Home Park give notice t ha t p e r sonal property "the Property" described below is abandoned. The property will be sold by private bidding Sealed bids will not be
accepted. The prop-
Ford 3/4 ton F250 1993 Power Stroke diesel,
turbocharged, S-spd, good runner 8 work truck. $4500 obo. Call
Ford Thunderbird 2002 c o nvertible with brand new tonneau cover, white with grey i nterior, loaded, 88,600 low miles, choice condition, everything works. Great fun car to d r ive. I l l ness forces sale. price reduced to $12,500. Call Bill 541-604-9307
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
j !Mf N !
Advertise your car! Add A Picture!
Auto m obiles
Hummer H3 X2007
Alpenlite 29' 1993, with go o seneck. $2500 OBO. Needs new ref r igerator 541-306-1961. Leave message.
Monaco C ayman 2008, 23k miles, 340 Cummins, washer/ dryer, four slides, Sleep Number queen bed, stored inside, 8kw generator, exc. cond., com p lete maintenance records $95,000obo Must see! Call Dan,
Forest River 27' by Wildwood 2004, winter pkg, slide, AC, oven, tub-shower, outside shower, micro, awning, always stored. $12,500. Prineville, 541-447-9199
or email
Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batterFleetwood Discovery Ees. Oven, hot water 40' 2003, diesel, w/all heater & air condioptions - 3 slide outs, tioning have never satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, been used! etc., 32,000 m i les. $24,000 obo. Serious inquiries, please. Wintered in h eated shop. $84,900 O.B.O. Stored in Terrebonne. 541-447-8664
=- ~
or call 858-527-8627
Dodge Brougham 1978, 15', 1-ton, clean, 69,000 miles. $4500. In La Pine, call 541-602-8652
BOATS 8 RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiies 860 - Motorcycies And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890- RVs for Rent
Beaver Marquis, 1993 40-ft, Brunswick floor plan. Many extras, well maintained, fire suppression behind refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar,
Ford Bronco II 4x4, 1989Automatic, power steering, stereo upgrade, set-up to tow, runs good. $1700. 541-633-6662
2011 - 2. 5L 4 cyl., FWD, auto., 64k miles, Bordeaux Reserve vin¹324193
$20,997 ROBBERSON I I N C0 IN ~
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
erty is a 1974 Gentry 24x59, 3 b d rm., 2 b ath, X1665 7 1 , S5223XU. The owners were Jennifer and Bruce Southard and the home is located at 61000 Brosterhous, space 611, Bend, Oregon 97702. Bids will be taken up to May 9, 2014 at 9:00am. To inquire contact Harvey Beriant, The P ines MHP, 541-382-6558.
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