Bulletin Daily Paper 09-06-14

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since190375

SATURDAY September6,2014


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Coming Sunday

re en 's

-en omessi a ar ain?




ROughing it —Theboom-

calls for inquiry on

ingadventurebusinessmeans you no longer haveto. A6

Highest-speed Internet

— Google Fiber made it blazing fast — but those lucky enough to have it still haven't figured out how to use it.A4

pot tour By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

Lauiakea supercluster

— Learn your intergalactic address.A3

Plus: Thebirth of lm-

preSSiuuiSm — Measuring Monet to the hour.A3

Earthquake monitoring

• The 26.2-hour painting marathon benefits a localart therapy nonprofit

Marijuana Education

Tour" including a

summit in Central Or-

egon drew criticism for their perceived attempt to influence the upcoming statewide vote on legalization, U.S. Rep. Earl Blume-

By Tyler Leeds The Bulletin

— Japan usesU.S.-made technology — but wedon't use it here.A7

A group of more than 20 local painters and an army

Plus a Webexclusive-

downtown Bend on Friday to add their personal touches to

The other two stories in the earthquake series from The Seattle Times. bendbnlletin.cmn/extras


— Weeks after an statewide"Oregon

of child artists gathered in

nauer has called for

an investigation into whether federal funds were wrongly being used for advocacy.


a series of shared canvasses

with the goal of raising money for a growing community arts organization. The 26.2-hour painting marathon was organized by

In a letter Friday, Portland Democrat


Blumenauer suggested that because the educational tour fea-

Base Camp Studio, which will


Obama's 'coalition' targets the Islamic State By Helene Cooper New Yorh Times News Service

NEWPORT, WalesPresident Barack Obama

escalated the U.S. response to the marauding Islamic

auction the paintings to support purchasing apermanent

tures speakers who

home. Unlike other local arts

pose legalizingmarijuana, the proximity

groups, Base Camp has a focus on art therapy, which mines

tion was "cause for concern." He asked

apeuticbenefits. The organization received its 501(c)(3) status this summer, and the group's founder, Darlene Becker, said it hopes to raise $5,000 to $10,000

thefederalSubstance Abuse and Mental

"It's an amazing wayto bring the community together around and to help fulfill our mission of finding a place for our programs," Becker said. Before comingto Bend, Becker, 39, earned a degree in


and offering the outlines


of a military strategythat echoes the war on terror first developed by his predecessor, George W. Bush, more than a decade ago.

students at Cascade Middle School and Bend High School for six years. "When I had my son, I took a leave of absence, and I just

In his most expansive

started dreaming and thought

of National Drug Politour were wrongly using federal dollars totryto influence the election. SeeInquiry/A4



go. After working for mental teaching degree and moved to Bend in 2006, where she

ministration and the White House's Office cy to look into whether the summit and

art therapy from the School of the Art Institute of Chicahealth facilities, she earned a

Health Services Ad-


from the marathon.

at least nine allies to help crush the organization

how the United States and its friends could defeat the

to November's elec-

the artistic process for its ther-

State on Friday, recruiting

comments to date about

were known to op-

i j


Corp. still fighting


.; lkli

about this vision," Becker said. "A lot of students struggle in

school and are pulled out of

Utah case


Islamic State, a once-obscure group of Sunni mili-

their electives to double up on reading or math. Those are

tants that has upended the Middle East and overshad-

super important subjects, but

The Associated Press

those students miss out on

owed al-Qaida, Obama said

a course that can feed their soul and make them feel suc-

SALT LAKE CITY — Park City Mountain Resort will have

the effort would rely on U.S.

airstrikes against its leaders


By Lindsay Whitehurst


cessful and offer an outlet for expression." Base Camp plans to support its programming with events

to pay $17.5 million to stay open this winter during a court battle

like the marathon and grants, but will also collect a fee for

company titans. The ruling is much closer to Park City's

has not yet decided to autho-

open studio sessions. The fees will help support operations, Becker said, allowing Base Camp to focus on its mission of

rize airstrikes in Syria-

reaching out to at-risk children

whichhe has done on a limited basis in Iraq — Obama likened his developing strategy on the Islamic State to the U.S. effort against al-Qaida in Pakistan's tribal regions, which has relied heavily on airstrikes.

through lessons at schools and in its future home.

Obama has been under

and positions, strengthen

the moderate Syrian rebel groups to redaim ground lost to the Islamic State, and

enlist otherfriendlygovernments in the region. While the president's aides maintained thathe

enormouspressureto artic-

between two ski

$6.6 million request than the $124 million demand from its op-

ponent, Vail Resorts Inc., raising hopes that the ski season

Julie Reinhart, a Bend-La Pine School Districtbehavior-

will go on. However,

al specialist, is working with Base Camp to bring its proPhotos by MegRoussos/The Bulletin grams to the Tamarack Center, TOP: Wendy Bachneier, of Sisters, takes the first shift on one of the shared canvasses, kicking off a which serves district students weekend fundraising marathon of painting outside CrowsFeet Commons inBend onFriday afternoon.

City, owned by Powdr Corp., which also

with behavioral and emotional

would have to decide


ulate a way to counter the Islamic State, which has

SeeMarathon /A4

attorneys for Park

MIDDLE: Shelley Futch Anderson, of Bend, takes over on the same painting, adding streams of color. BOTTOM: As evening sets in, the painting evolves further as Pauly Anderson, of Bend, adds a frog. See the artists in action on The Bulletin's website at Ibendbulletin.com/paintingmarathon

owns Mt. Bachelor, said their clients whether to post the

money. SeeCase/A4

proclaimed itself an Islamic caliphate that knows no

borders andhas behaved ruthlesslytoward its enemies, including the videotapedbeheadings of two Americans. See Coalition /A5


Mostly sunny High 83, Low46 page B6

The Bulletin

INDEX Business Calendar Classified

C7-8 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 Dear Abby 06 Obituaries B2 Community Life D1-6 Horoscope 06 S oI F1-8 Crosswords F 4 L o cal/State B1-6 N'/Movies

B5 C1-6 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 112, No. 249,

36 pages, 5 sections 0

Q l/i/e use recycled newsprint




The Bulletin


HOW to reaCh US SOmalia Strike —After four days ofmonitoring cellphone traffic, questioning Somali officials on thegroundandporing overreports from both U.S.and British intelligence agencies, the Pentagon onFriday announcedthat U.S.airstrikes against al-Shabab,the al-Qaida-linked militant network in Somalia, hadsucceeded in killing the group's leader, Ahmed AbdiGodane,oneof the most wanted menin Africa. Thestrikes were carried out bySpecial Operations forcesusing both mannedand unmannedaircraft, and they wereundertaken, Pentagonofficials said, based onintelligencethat Godanewasatan encampment.


541-385-5800 Phonehours:5:30a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-F i., r6:30a.m .-noonSat.-Sun.



Odama'S immigratian gOalS — Leaving histiming uncertain, President Barack Obamalaid out ambitious objectives Friday for immigration steps he intends to take onhis own andsaid he hadalready received somerecommendations from the HomelandSecurity and Justice departments for executive action he could implement without Congress. Facing competing pressures from immigration advocacy groups and from Democrats nervous about November's midterm election, Obamamadenocommitment about whether he would act in the coming weeks as hehadearlier pledged.


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bulletin©bendbulletin.com N EW S R O O M AFTER HOURS AND WEEKENDS


Virgilli8 SX-gOVIlllOI' —A dayafter Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia was convicted on 11counts of conspiracy, bribery and extortion, and his wife, Maureen, on ninecounts, Virginia was still picking through the wreckageandtrying to figure out what comes next. Politicians were pondering newethics rules in a state with notoriously lax onesandthe possible political fallout if state legislators do not substantially limit gifts to public officials. Legal experts were suggesting avenuesfor appeal after sentencing in January. But juror Kathleen Carmody, like other jurors questioned by journalists, said she felt evidence of the couple's guilt was overwhelming.


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Everard Owen/The Associated Press

Jamaican Marine Police return to the Port Antonio Marina after a fruitless search for a plane that crashed into the ocean near Port Antonio, Jamaica, on Friday.

Unresponsivepilot crashes By David McFadden and Joan Lowy

Si sil.Aw.

Associated Press Deauies re


Shadowed by two U.S. fighter jets, a small plane with its

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........54t-363-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337

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By mail in DeschutssCounty: One month: $14.50 By mail outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $18 E-Edition only:Onemonth: $13

Two potential v accines against the deadly Ebola virus ravaging West Africa could be available as soon as November and would first be given

All Bulletin payments areaccepted at the drop box atCity Hall. Checkpayments may beconvertedto anelectronic funds transfer.TheBulletin, USPS P552-520, ispublisheddaily byWestem CommunicationsInc.,1777 SWChandler Ave., Bend,OR97702.Periodicals postagepaidat Bend,OR.Postmaster. Send address changesto TheBulletin circulationdepartment, Po. Box6020, Bend, OR 97706. TheBulletin retains ownershipandcopyright protection of all staff-prepared newscopy,advertising copy andnewsorad ilustrations. They may not be reproducedwithout explicit prior approval.

Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:

Q7Q<2Q 2oQ 24Qss 9© The estimated jackpot is now $41 million.

were killed, adding that "we know so little." Larry Glazer ran the de-

velopment firm Buckingham Properti es.Heow nedtheplane he was flying and was president of the TBM Owners and Pilots Association. He was active in Rochester civic affairs. "The Glazers were innova-

tive and generous people who

Central Park 5 —A $41 million settlement for five men, whose convictions in the1989 beating and rape of afemale jogger in Central Park were later overturned, wasmadefinal Friday, with the deal including unusual languagethat sought to absolve New York City from blame. Theagreement, which awards the five black and Hispanic plaintiffs about $1 million for eachyear of their imprisonment, includes no admission of wrongdoing from the city; in fact, the city explicitly asserts that prosecutors and police detectives did nothing wrong at the time.

were committed to revitalizbetter place for all," said Gov.

Andrew Cuomo. "I offer my deepest condolences to the Glazers' family and friends during this difficult and trying time."

— Fromwirereports

2 vaccines toprotect For you or a loved one: against Ebolacould LET'S TALK be availablesoon ABOUT LIVING WIT H New YorJz Times News Service


off from the Greater Rochester International Airport in New

DO-IIOt-ISSIISCit8t6 —A teenage mother is fighting a do-not-resuscitate order imposed onher brain-damaged daughter, saying she should be responsible for medical decisions. Child welfare officials who intervened after the babywasseverely injured say life-saving measures in theevent shestops breathing would only prolong her suffering. Themother, Virginia Trask, originally agreed to the do-not-resuscitate order. At onepoint, the infant was removed from life support and placed in herarms to die, then openedher eyesand began breathing. "Everyone deserves a fighting chance to live," said Steve Aden, from the Alliance Defending Freedom,which filed a friend-of-the-court brief. "All she's doing is fighting for her baby."

were both licensed pilots. He

ing downtown Rochester and making the city they loved a

day. A U.S. Coast Guard cutter

is expected to join the search at later. that time, said Petty Officer SaThe plane carrying a promi- brina Laberdesque. nent real estate developer from The single-engine turboprop Rochester, New York, and his Socata TBM700, which took

One month: $17 <Printonly:$16)

Photoreprints...................541-363-0356 Obituaries.........................541-617-7625 Back issues ......................54t-365-5600

sald. Rick Glazer said his parents

versation. Radio contact with the plane was lost a short time

By Sheri Fink and Rick Gladstone

Classified...........................541-365-5609 Advertising fax ..................54t-365-5602 Other information .............541-362-1611

Basil Jarrett of the Jamaican Defense Force. "An oil slick i ndicating

said he couldn't confirm they

Home deliveryandE-Edition:


threw out a challenge toSen. Mary Landrieu's bid for re-election in Louisiana. Thejudge, Wilson Fields, of Baton Rouge,ruled that a lawsuit questioning Landrieu's residency waspremature. Thesuit, filed by state Rep.PaulHollis, claimed that Landrieu, aDemocrat, lived fulltime in Washington andcould not represent Louisiana because she was not a state resident. Hollis, a Republican, hadbriefly considered a run against Landrieu. Fields said theU.S. Constitution made it clear that the residency of senators mattered only on thedayof an election.

of Port Antonio and Jamaica's York en route to Naples, Flormilitary dispatched two airida, was carrying Larry and craft and a dive team, said Maj. Jane Glazer,the couple's son

windows frosted and its pilot where the aircraft may have slumped over flew a ghostly gone down has been spotted 1,700-mile journey down the in the area where we suspect Atlantic Coast and beyond Fri- the crash took place," Jarrett day before finally crashing in said at an early evening news the waters off Jamaica. conference in the capital of Earlier, the plane's pilot had Kingston. indicated there was a problem No wreckage has been locatand twice asked to descend ed,butJarrettsaid search-andto a lower altitude before per- rescue teams were scouring mission was granted by an air the watersfor any survivors. traffic controller, according to As darkfell,Jam aicasuspenda recording of the radio con- ed the search until first light to-

wife went down about 14 miles northeast of the coastal town

LOuiSiana Senatar reSidenCy — Astate district judgeonFriday

to health care workers most at

and M a li ,

w h i c h b o r ders

Guinea, where the outbreak emerged. If the i n itial safety tests

were encouraging, the vaccines, still under evaluation,

studied in humans, are set to undergo initial tests of their safety and immune system ef-

Join us for an

should immediately be offered in stages to health workers


and other "front line staff"

risk of exposure to the disease in West Africa, according to there, the World Health Orga- a prioritization plan set by a nization announced Friday. panel of ethicists convened The organization also an- e arlier this summer by t h e nounced that blood from re- WHO, Kieny said. covered Ebola patients and seThe pace of testing, and the rums derived from that blood bypassing of normal protoshould be used to treat the cols to develop the vaccines, sick, and it said treatment cen- is "absolutely unprecedentters should quickly begin test- ed," Kieny said. She said that ing other experimental ther- the vaccine testing protocol apies to combat the viral dis- was approved in Mali within ease, which has escalated into days and that there had been a "change ofallthe processes a devastating health crisis. "We have to change the that we know, for this particusense there is no hope in this lar Ebola outbreak." situation to a realistic hope," While it was likely that patDr. Marie-Paule Kieny, an as- ents had been filed and intelsistant director general, told a lectual property rights applied telephone news conference at to some of the vaccines and the conclusion of a two-day treatments, she said, "so far meeting at the organization's we've seen absolutely no probGeneva headquarters aimed at lem and no barrier to the use expediting the prevention and ofthese." cure of Ebola. The disease has Kieny stressed the imporkilled nearly 2,100 people over tance of carefully monitoring the past six months. Nearly results to ensure that vaccines all the deaths have been in were not harmful and did not three West African countries paradoxically make people — Guinea, Liberia and Sierra more susceptible to the disLeone — but clusters of Ebola ease. "We must also be conpatients have recently been scious about that — r ollout found in Nigeria, Africa's most must happen as quickly as populous country. possible but step by step." Kieny said nearly 200 scienUpward of 10,000 doses of tists, ethicists and clinicians one vaccine, based on a modfrom around the world had ified chimpanzee cold virus, reached a consensus in identi- may be available by the end fying the most promising vac- of the year, according to macines and potential treatments terials produced by the WHO. and developing strategies for The vaccine is being tested by testing them. The two vac- its developers, GlaxoSmithcines, which have not yet been


Kline and the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and a British consortium. An initial 800

Hear from an MS expert and others who are living with MS. Plus, get some answers about dealing with MS and information on an oral treatment.

When: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 12:00 PM Pacific

Where: McMenamins 700 Northwest Bond Street Bend, OR 97701

Expert Speakers: Lawrence Green, MD A MEAL WILL BE PROVIDED. FREE PARKING. I • • •

fects beginning this month in

were donated by the Canadi-

a small number of volunteers in Britain, the United States

an government to the WHO, Kieny said.

• •

doses of the second vaccine •

eI I







• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, Sept. 6, the 249th day of 2014. Thereare 116 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS UkraitlO — As part of a peace agreement with Russia, prisoners are expected to be exchanged.

HISTORY Highlight:In 1944, during World War II, the British

government relaxed blackout restrictions and suspended compulsory training for the Home Guard. In1861, Union forces led by Gen. Ulysses Grant occupied Paducah, Kentucky, during the Civil War. In 1901,President William McKinley wasshotand mortally wounded by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. (McKinley died eight days later; Czolgosz was executed Oct. 29.) In 1916,the first self-service grocery store, Piggly Wiggly, was openedin Memphis, Tennessee, by Clarence Saunders. In1939, the Union of South Africa declared war on Germany. In1943, 79 people were killed when a NewYork-bound Pennsylvania Railroad train derailed and crashed in Philadelphia. In 1954,groundbreaking took place for the Shippingport Atomic Power Station in western Pennsylvania. In 1966, South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd was stabbed to death by an apparently deranged page during a parliamentary session in CapeTown. In1970, Palestinian guerrillas seized control of three U.S.bound jetliners. (Two were later blown up onthe ground in Jordan, along with a London-bound plane hijacked Sept. 9; the fourth plane was destroyed on the ground in Egypt. No hostageswere harmed.) In 1984,country music's "Texas Troubador," Ernest Tubb, died in Nashville at age 70.

In1991, the Soviet Union recognized theindependenceof Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Russian lawmakers upheld a decision by residents of Leningrad to restore the city's pre-revolutionary name, St. Petersburg. In 1997,a public funeral was held for Princess Diana at Westminster Abbey in London, six days after her death in a car crash in Paris. In2002, meeting outside Washington, D.C., for only the second time since1800, Congress convened in NewYork to pay homage to the victims and heroes of Sept. 11. Ten yearsago: Former President Bill Clinton underwent successful heart bypass surgery during a four-hour procedure at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia. Hurricane Frances pounded the Florida Panhandle after being downgraded to a tropical storm. Fiveyears ago: The White House announced the resignation of President Barack Obama's environmental adviser Van Jones, who'd become embroiled in a controversy over past inflammatory statements. One year ago: NASA's newest robotic lunar explorer, LADEE, rocketed into space in an unprecedented moonshot from Virginia that dazzled sky watchers along the East Coast.

BIRTHDAYS Comedian JoAnne Worley is 79. Country singer David Allan Coe is 75. Rock singer-musician Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) is 71. Actress Swoosie Kurtz is 70. Comedian-actress Jane Curtin is 67. Actor-comedian Jeff Foxworthy is 56. Actor-comedian Michael Winslow is 56. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is 52. Actress Rosie Perez is 50. Actor Idris Elba is 42. Actress Justina Machado is42. — From wire reports



urex an e aacic a ress: ania ea Five hundred million light years across, Laniakea is the "supercluster" of more than 100,000 galaxies that contains the Milky Way, our own galaxyand scientists have identified it for the first time. NOAA via The Washington Post/ Submitted photo

By Amina Khan

away marked the edges of the "This is what I've been do- galaxy supercluster. ing for a long time, trying to It ' s l ike watching a waterunderstand where we live," shed where the flows divide, said lead author Brent Tully, Tullysaid. "If you're standing at a an astronomer at the Universolve.

Los Angeles Times


supercluster home. Astronomers studying the skies have found that our galaxy, the Milky Way, is part of an sityofHawaiiin H onolulu. cert a i n p l ace at the divide, enormous supercluster of galThe giveaway is gravi- w a ter might be going in two axies that has been named ty. Gravity holds superclu- d i fferent directions — one Laniakea, which comes from sters together, so watching g oing into the Mississippi bathe Hawaiian words for "im- the movements of galaxies sin, one going off to the Great measurable heaven." speeding around Lakes," Tully said. Laniakea, described i n their nei g hborThe Milky Way the journal Nature, stretch- hoods could help "The LOcal sits in a backwater es roughly 500 million light define a superclu- SUperCIUSter am o ng these flowyears across an d h o l ds ster's borders. ing galaxies, near Here's the prob- ~e r p~ ee 1 00,000 galaxies w it h t h e a far edge of the sumass of a hundred million lem. The universe gU lte Cleal'Ig perc l uster. In fact, billion suns. This superclu- is expanding faster IS jUSt afl the whole Virgo ster, scientists said, provides and faster, because Supercluster is just d ~ g a whole new lens on the of a m y s terious I P a small f r action mysterious internal dynamforce called dark Or l L ari lakea of the Lan i a kea ics of s uch g i ant c l usters, energy. This mucks (pUI galactlC Supercluster. "The Local Suthe biggest structures in the up the speed readuniverse. ings: Sc i entists P " U "~ per c l uster, we now The universe has a cer- don't know how It ' S like a see quite clearly, tain order, defined by grav- much of a particu- SUQUrgjg is just a n a ppend. ity: P l anets c i r cl e s t a r s, lar galaxy's moveage on Laniakea," ~ f which spin around in galax- ment is b ecause Tully said. "It's like ies, which hang out togeth- of the inward pull me t I 'OPOIltarI a su b urb in a city er in large clusters, which from the gravity of of a m e tropolitan are nestled in gargantuan a cluster, and how area." superclusters. much is because of — R. Brent Tully, El m o Tempel, an These superclusters give the outward pull an astronomer at astronomer at Tarthe cosmos its large-scale of the universe exthe U niversityof t u O b servatory in structure m atter c o n - panding faster and Hawaii in Honolulu Estonia who was centrates in massive, dense faster. not involved in the nodes and thin tendrils conS o a t eam o f paper, praised the nect those nodes across the cosmic cartographers used f i ndings. "This is the first clear defiempty spaces in between. the Superflows-2 database, Even though superclusters a catalog of the motions of n i tionofasupercluster,"Temdefine the nodes of this cos- galaxies, to tease apart these pel wrote in a commentary. mic web, scientists know very movements. For each of more "The downside of it is that it little about how they work. than 8,000 galaxies, they sub- requires dynamical informaUntil now, they didn't even know where exactly our own

tracted the expansion-related

t i o n that is available only for

movement from the overall t h e nearbyuniverse." Milky Way lives — just that m otions — leaving only the Und e rstanding th e d y we're in a local group of at local, gravitationally driven n amics of our own superleast 54 galaxies, which is itmovement. cluster could help shed light self part of a larger conglomThe researchers found that on the large-scale forces at eration long called the Virgo the galaxies were flowing w ork in the universe, Tully (or Local) Supercluster. along these long, beautiful s aid, particularly dark matIt's a little like knowing lines, many of them toward a ter, the mysterious unseen your street address without gravitational dense basin of m ass whose gravity holds knowing which city you live galaxies known as the Great such enormous structures toin — which sounds like a Attractor. The boundary be- gether, and dark energy, the pretty basic problem, but has tween those flowing toward s trange force that is tearing proved deeply challenging to this spot and those flowing t h eminevitablyapart.

A California blue whale, 65 feet long, swims off the coast of

Baja, California. The endangered California blue whale population hss probably returned to near pre-wheling levels.

California bluewhales are bouncingback By Rachel Feltman The Washington Post

Good news: The endangered California blue whale population has probably returned to near pre-whaling levels, according to a study published in the journal Marine Mammal Science.

the pre-whaling population must have been much higher than that, but the authors of

Friday's paper disagree. The researchers used historical data to estimate the

number of whales caught from each population between 1905 and 1971. They

now estimate, based on the first set of blue whales to do relative number of w hales so, and we still keep hitting t hat were c aught i n t h e B ad news: They're t h e

them with ships.

North Pacific, that the cur-

The blue whale is a mag- rent population is actually at nificent beast in the truest 97 percent of the historical sense of the word. At close one. to 100 feet in length and If California has always weighing in at around 200 had a relatively small blue tons, they're t h e l a r gest whale population, it explains known animals on the plan- why the area's population et. And they weigh two to growth has slowed in recent three times as much as the years: It may be almost back heaviest known dinosaurs. A to normal. The researchers casual exhalation can send

believe that our nasty hab-

water shooting 30 feet high it of running into whales from out of a blue whale's with our ships (at least II blowhole, and their hearts were struck along the West weigh as much as a car. De- Coast last year) isn't actually spite that massive size, they a major concern. They becan swim gracefully and lieve that the population can quickly: When agitated, they maintain its stability regardachievespeeds ofmore than less. "It's a conservation suc20mph. cess story," lead author and But commercial whaling University of Washington — the hunting of whales for doctoral student Cole Monmeat and oil — hit worldwide

nahan said in a statement.

populations hard. We know that the blue whale popu-

Still, t h e re searchers said, it would be really, really great if we could stop ramming into endangered

lation in the North Pacific

(most often spotted in California, as the whales migrate there during the summer) is about 2,200, the largest known on earth. Researchers previously assumed that

whales with our ships. Cal-

ifornia may have reached its capacity for healthy and happy blue whales, but we don't want to backtrack.

Physicist assigns time to timeless Monet painting By Geoffrey Mohan

hundreds of photographs and scores of historical maps of

Los Angeles Times


The Impressionist art move- Le Havre beforedetermining ment began Nov. 13, 1872, right the precise room that matched around 7:35 a.m. local time. the artist's southeast-facing That's the moment Claude perspective. EBay's French site proved Monet put brush to canvas to depict a hazy sunrise seen a boon — scores of historical from his hotel room in Le photos have been posted there, Havre, according to Donald Ol- Olson said. Those helped him son, a physicist at Texas State find the structures depicted University in San Marcos. in Monet's "Le Grand Quai," The name Monet gave to that painted from a balcony of the now famous work, "Impres- Hotel de L'Amiraute. A bit of sion, Soleil Levant," (lmpres- geometry and trigonometry sion, Sunrise) later was affixed led him to the precise position to a school of art marked by its Monet likely occupied when imprecise, subjective depiction painting. of quotidian scenes, executed Olson next calculated the with loose brush strokes in viv- sun's height from the horizon idhues. and its angle of rise, which Art historians have debated determined the time of year where and when Monet's work and time of day depicted in was painted, with many dis- the painting. He settled on late believing the abbreviated date fall or early winter, at 7:30-8:30 "72" that the artist brushed a.m. local time. (Greenwich

Fellow Texas State physicist Ed Piner offered the next

a sunset, rather than sunrise, over the port city on the Nor-

within a

mandy coast.

has since changed the time zone of Le Havre to GMT plus

On Nov. 15, 1872, at 7:35 a.m., the weather observer noted light winds from the southeast

sidering were between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.," Olson said. "So, on exactly the time of day I want

in Yosemite National Park-

and organizeda re-enactment of the shot, under similar celes-

to know about, we have a guy tial conditions, in 2005. breakthrough, Olson said: The looking at the water and lookOlson had puzzled over the tall, multiple-masted ships de- ing at the sky. The guy was sunrise over Le Havre for 15 or picted by Monet likely could out there every day at 8 in the more years, putting it aside for not have been in the distant morning." other projects. After publicaouter harbor unless tides were A weather report Jan. 25, tion in February of his work on high. 1873, also matched conditions the other Monet painting, "The "That suggests you're look- and other data, but curators Cliff, Etretat, Sunset," French ing at a high tide, near a ris- opted for the November date, curatorsurged Olson to re-exing sun in a certain azimuth," since Monet dated his painting amine the Le Havre sunrise Olson said. But that only nar- cc72 s — they were planning an exrowed the possibilities to 19 This was far from Olson's hibition that opens Sept. 18 at dates spanning from Novem- first bout of applying science to the Musee Marmottan Monet ber 1872 to January 1873. art. He and his research team in Paris. Much to Olson's surprise, have linked the luridly orange The museum published a trove of 19th century daily sky of Edvard Munch's "The a "biography" of the Monet w eather observations in L e Scream" with drifting emis- work, co-written by Olson, in Havre harbor went online re- sions from the Krakatoa volca- conjunction with the exhibit, cently. He matched the sky and nic eruption, and dated a Monet which runs through Jan. 18. weather conditions to six dates depiction of a sunset near the HEARING AIDS in that period, then narrowed cliffs on the Normandy coast as DOES them to two days when the well as three Van Gogh works. observer noted easterly morn- He also calculated the place EVERVONa beside his name. Others even Mean Time had notbeen ad- ing winds — smoke in Monet's where Ansel Adams snapped MUMBLE? - "- * — . insisted the plummy skies opted as a worldwide standard, painting drifts slightly from his shutter to capture an Austreaked with orange depicted but France's local times were east to west. tumn moon from Glacier Point Connect Hearing m i nute of c u rrent

measures,Olson said.France

Olson, who dubs himself a

"celestial sleuth," pored over





with mist, fog and calm seas. "All of the times I was con-

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Case Continued from A1 "We're certainly hopeful

u er-astnternet—

utw atto owit it?

therewillbe a ski season," Park City attorney Alan Sullivan

By Conor Dougherty


New York Times News Service

Judge Ryan Harris required the resort to post the bond with-

A team of computerpro-

in a week to postpone an evic-

grammers here set out to

ro areas, including Atlanta,

tionhe ordered in May. Harris ruled Park City missed a dead-

learn how many cute kitten photos could be download-

line to renew a decades-old

ed in one second on their Internet network, one of

bargain lease rate it got from a mining company in the industry's early days. Attorneys for the other side

said they wouldn't appeal the bond, even though it's below their request. An attorney for Talisker, the company that owns the land, said in a state-

ment that any suggestion the resort can't pay is "foolishness." "PCMR generated over tens

of millions in profits over the past three years using Talisker's land without a right to

do so,"wrote John Lund. Vail Resorts is guiding Talisker's legal strategy because it wants to run a resort on the land once Park City is evicted. Park City residents and busi-

ness owners who attended the hearing said the town would

feel the absence if the historic resortshuttered forthe season. Lost sales have been estimated

at $185 million. "I'm hopeful, yes, I think they're community players and they know the damage a dosurewould create," resident Myles Rademan said. Without the resort that bears

its name, "Park City is going to be in a world of hurt," said Mike

Sweeney, owner of the Town Lift Plaza. Even though there are two other resorts nearby,

tourists come to the area to experience all three, he said.



the Kansas City area to Provo, Utah, and Austin, Texas.

household-targeted TV commercials. And some analysts

The company is in discus-

have speculated that Google

sions with n ine other met-

is building the service to prod

other cable and Internet comPhoenix and Portland. panies into increasing their Chattanooga, T e nnessee, speeds. and several other cities have In April, AT&T said it would

fiber networks of their own,

the fastest in the country.

not connected with Google.

introduce a gigabit-speed TV and Internet service, U-verse

Google's ambitions do not with GigaPower, in 21 metcome without critics. Christo- ropolitan areas in the United

The answer: 612. A trivial pursuit? Per-

haps. But when your city

pher Mitchell, director of com-

has Internet capacity to

munity broadband networks

spare and is not exactly a hotbed for tech startups, figuring out what you are supposed to do with all that speed is a challenge.

for the nonprofit Institute for Local Self-Reliance, said he Christopher Baran and Bryce Lenhart, right, work in a shared

It has been a little more

house for startup companies near the Google Fiber Space in

preferred Internet service to Dan Gill / New York Times News Service

than three years since the Kansas City, Missouri, last month. Kansas City and St. Louis are Kansas Cities — both Kansas and Missouri — won

the first cities in the United States with blazing-fast Internet speeds

a national competition to

applications that take full advantage of it.

courtesy of Google, but even backers admit there aren't really any

be the first places to get

Google Fiber, a fiber-optic network that includes tele-

advantage of Google Fiber's City, Missouri. "But there isn't speed, at least not for ordinary yet." ning at 1 gigabit a second. people. And since only a few Still, while there isn't yet That is about 100 times as cities have such fast Internet a killer app, it isn't for lack fast as the average broad- access, tech companies aren't of trying. Ideas have ranged band connection in the clamoring to build things for from installing fiber-connectUnited States (on which it fiber. So it has fallen to locals ed cameras in high-crime arwould take about 2'/z min- — academics, residents,pro- eas to building a model home utes to download 612 kitten grammers and small-business where entrepreneurs could photos). owners — to make the best of test new kinds of Internet-conBut be careful what you it. nected appliances. "I wish there was one thing wish for. After a few milSpeed is an obsession at lion in waived permit fees where I could be like 'Dude, Google. But the average conand granting Google free get ready, this thing is going nection speed in the United access to public land, the to blow your mind,'" said Mat- States is about 10 megabits per area is finding out that thew Marcus, co-founder of second, good for 14th in the Google Fiber is so fast, it's the Kansas City Startup Vil- world, according to the Interhard to know what to do lage, a network of companies net company Akamai Techwith it. clustered around State Line nologies. That was Google's There aren't really any Road, which divides Kansas impetus for s t arting F iber, applications that fully take City, Kansas, from K ansas which has expanded beyond vision and I nternet run-

be kept under local control, as

it is in Chattanooga. "If a city has to make a choice between being dependent on Google or being dependent on a national cable company, they should be dependent on Google," Mitchell said. But, he added, "it's a false

choice." Municipal networks have less incentive to collect users' information because they ar-

en't in the business of selling ads like Google is, Mitchell said. Also, instead of selling the network to another company, as Google could, cities have more control over what happens to it.

States. Three cities in Texas already have it: Dallas, Fort Worth and Austin.

Google won't say how many people have signed up for its fiberservice,which costs $70 a month for Internet or $120 a month for Internet and TV.

There is also a free option that offers much slower broadband for a $300 installation fee. A

door-to-door study commissioned by Bernstein Research and performed by Haynes & Co. found that about a third of

lower-income households in fiber areas had signed up for some version of the service, along with three-quarters of the households in areas with

incomes of $100,000 orm ore. Kevin Lo, the general manager of Google Fiber, said the Internet giant had plenty of patience to see what percolated in the cities with its high-

Faster Internet helps Goo- speed network. "We need to encourage degle in lots of ways. The more time users spend searching velopers who have great ideas, the Web or watching Yotflhbe but we also need to build a videos, the more ads Google critical mass of people who sells and the more Google can use those applications. services people use. The com- You need both for the breakpany could also use Google throughs to happen," he wrote Fiber to test new services like in an email.

The Utah resort, one of the

state's largest, has been a fixture in the state's ski culture for 50 years and served as the

training ground for Olympians like Ted Ligety. The country's largest ski resort operator, Vail Resorts, wants to take it over as well as the neighboring Canyons it started operating last year. But even if the current own-

er are evicted, Vail can't simply move in because Powdr owns

Marathon Continued from A1

connect their emotions with

in the marathon, has been


giving lessons at New Leaf

While it works on finaliz-

"Most of our students are

ing a location, which Becker hopes is centrally located

highly creative and artistic, and they have a need to near downtown, the organiexpress themselves in myrzation has been visiting loiad ways," Reinhart said. cal schools including Bend "Working with Base Camp High. Shelley A nderson, and using different medi- a local artist who teaches ums is a fabulous way to for Base Camp and painted

Academy, a p r ivate thera-

and allowing them to have a creative outlet, which is the primary focus of what we do." Anderson joined the orga-

see how people added and the ideas grew," Anderson said. "I had a three-hour win-

peutic girls boarding school north of Bend. "Right now we're doing a nization after participating color pencil workshop and in Base Camp's first painting watercolor workshop, work- marathon last year.

24 hours, so it was fun to go back 10 hours later and see

ing on a

art, as it's ephemeral."

t h eme related to

"It's interesting to see how

dow, which seems long, but is small in the span of over

the change. It's like street

insects," said Anderson, 45. the painting evolves, and as "It's giving them little skills an artist, it was exciting to

— Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleeds@bendbulletin.com

"This is not about whether mit and its agenda, materials you support or oppose Mea- and speakers, and only withsure 91. In my opinion it's drew their support when the about free speech, and it's issue became politically conabout political bullying," he troversial, he said. said. "He's grandstanding, R ecent emails f rom t h e and picking on people who Office of National Drug Concan't defend themselves.... If trol Policy and Karen Wheel-

The Madras summit is still scheduled to go on Oct. 1-2,

the land at the bottom of the hill.

"One of them owns a beach, and the other owns the beachfront hotel," Lund said.

The stakes are high. Both companies are trying to acquire as many resorts as they can in an effort to sttengthen their hands in the lucrative ski

industry, said Ralf Garrison, a Denver-based ski industry


menauer wrote. Although not named in the

Continued from A1 Educational ads that highlight the negative effects of marijuana in one newspaper have been paid for using fed-

letter, Blumenauer refers to

variables like w eather and

offers savvy skiers lift passes with privileges around the country, Garrison said.

"Vail and the Cumming family ... are both really competing for those other independent resorts that might become avail-

able," Garrison said. Vail's 10 resorts also include

properties in the Midwest and the Lake Tahoe area. Powdr owns seven major U.S. ski areas, from Vermont's Killington to Mt. Bachelor. Though there are two other

be reachedforcomment. Blumenauer claims t he speakers involved in the tour,

including Kevin Sabet, a fored. A staff mem- mer Bush and Obama drug ber at a nonprof- official who opposes legalit that contracts ization, and Clatsop County

eral dollars, Blumenauer not-

consultant with The Advisory

Group. Park City is owned by the wealthy Cumming family and is part of Powdr Corp., which is also of one of the country's largest ski companies. Consolidation offers protection from

Mandi Pickett, who could not


J e fferson District Attorney Josh Mar-

County and reBlume-

quis, who has spoken pub-

ceives f e deral licly on behalf of the Oregon fun d s — i denti- District Attorneys Associa-


fied i n support- tion against legalization in ing documents Oregon, make the events as Best Care Treatment Ser- one-sided. vices — is listed as the contact On Friday, Marquis insistperson for placing the ads ed the events are educational elsewhere around the state as and denied suggestions they part of a strategic campaign, represented a shadow camand she is also the director of paign against Measure 91. the No on 91 Political Action Marquis said BlumenauCommittee, he wrote. er, who supports getting rid "Using public dollars to of the federal prohibition on try and target 'General Vot- marijuana, was trying to bulers' seems very suspect and ly people who disagree with should be investigated," Blu- him.

he had bothered to check the

er, the administrator of the

facts, he would have found out that the young woman

health authority's Addictions

took a leave of absence with-

warned against using federal funds for advocacy, but they did not include legal opinions that concluded the tour and summit were not permissible, he said. "The issue is, are public monies being used for advo-

out pay one month ago, so that she could go to work for the No on 91 campaign." Blumenauer's office did not respond Friday to requests for comment.

The e ducational t o ur, scheduled for Oct. 1 through

and Mental Health Division,

cacy? And the answer is no,"

despite the withdrawal of funding from its main sponsor, Best Care Treatment Ser-

vices. The Oregon State Sheriffs' Association or its political action committee wrote a

check for $10,000 to keep the event from being canceled, said Marquis, who still plans to participate. In this role, he will educate the public about

possible criminal c onsequences related to marijuana as the law currently stands. My job in that setting "is simply to be a resource, absolutely not to advocate," he said. If asked where he stands

he said. on legalization, Marquis said months in advance, completeThe events in 13 cities he would say: "'I can't discuss ly separately from the anti-le- across Oregon, including that in this forum. In this fogalization campaign, Mar- Madras and Bend, were indi- rum, it is inappropriate for me quis smd. vidually sponsored, and most to tell you what my opinion is.' The Office of N ational of the events were canceled And that has been the plan Drug Control Policy and Or- because sponsors pulled their since day one." egon Health Authority had funding after the advocacy al— Reporter: 202-662-7456, previously approved the sum- legations surfaced last month. aclevenger@bendbuIIetin.com Oct. 7, had been planned

A Free Public Service

resorts in the area, Park City M ountain Resorthasdeep historical roots and is physical-

ly connected to the ski town through a lift on its Main Street. The resort also employs about

2,000 people, and it's responsible for at least a third of the 1.84 million skiers who come every year to Park City. "We're in the moment of highest anxiety," Park City Mayor Jack Thomas said. "I don't think I've seen an issue more important than this in

the 50 years I've been skiing up here." "It's now getting to the point

Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, from 36 Counties

where people are getting pretty nervous about what's going to happen this winter," said Hans Fuegi, owner of the Grub Steak.

Lifts began running at what was then called Treasure


Mountain in 1963, starting off

the modern-day ski industry in the town about 30 miles east of Salt Lake City that hosted

many 2002 Winter Olympic events. It's where many l ocals

taught their children to ski, said Thomas, and also served as a training ground for Olympians. "Where's the next Ted Li-

gety coming from if (Park City resort) shuts down?" Thomas

said. Park City plans to appeal the eviction.



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NATO plans special force to reassure Eastern Europe By Steven Erlanger, Stephen Castleend Julie Hirschfeld Davis New York Times News Service


W a les

NATO struggled to find responses to new challenges as it concluded its summit meet-

ing here Friday, announcing limited steps to deter Russia in Eastern Europe and start-

ing to marshal broader international support to confront radical Islamists in the Middle East.

The alliance said it would establish a

r ap i d -reaction

force with an essentially permanent presence in Eastern Europe and would enhance

military cooperation with Ukraine. But the limits of the alliance

were visible, too. The United States and Britain used the meeting to try to advance

their own emerging policies, especially toward the spread of the Islamic State, while

most members shied from specific commitments to in-

crease military spending. The combination of crises — one on N A TO's borders

with a resurgent Russia and the other involving a possible n ew terrorism t hreat f r om

radical Islam — represents the first major challenge to NATO in a quarter of a centu-

ry. Though many words were said about the need to "reinvigorate and refocus" the alliance, as the host, Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain put it, the summit meeting

made only a small step toward domg so.

Ukraine deal imposes truce Putin devised



KIEV, Ukraine —After five months of intensifying combat that threatened to rip Ukraine apart and to reignite the ColdWar, the Ukrainian government andseparatist forces signed a cease-fire agreement Friday that analysts considered highly tenuous in a country that remains a tinderbox. Previous attempts to stop the fighting haveall failed. But the prime difference this time wasthat the main thrust of the plan was not just endorsed, but actually laid out, by President Vladimir Putin of Russia, whomWestern leaders accuse of stoking unrest to prevent Ukraine from slipping out of the Russian orbit. Whether a cease-fire persists will probably be determined by negotiations over the political future of the southeastern region, where rebel separatists havebeenfighting the government since April. The cease-fire wasagreed to after a two-week rebel counteroffensive backed byRussian troops, armor and artillery that threatened to roll back most of the gains the Ukrainian military hadmade.Russiahasnotacknowledgedthepresenceofanyof its military units on Ukrainian soil, and there was nomention of their removal as part of the agreement. From the moment the crisis erupted in November —when Ukraine's president at the time, Viktor Yanukovych, rejected a trade agreement with the EuropeanUnion in favor of adeal with Russia — KievandtheW esthaveaccusedMoscow ofdestabilizing the country, first with a stealth invasion andannexation of Crimea andthen by inspiring and covertly arming the rebels in southeastern Ukraine. The conflict ignited the most serious East-West confrontation since the end of theColdWar, with Europe andthe United States looking largely impotent as Moscow upset the postwar order by altering borders by force. TheWest hasimposed someeconomic sanctions, and it is threatening more, but the Kremlin has dismissed their impact andmade it clear that it no longer feels itself beholden to Western nations or institutions. The agreement reachedFriday laid out the first tentative steps toward both an immediate cessation of hostilities and the promise of greater political freedom in the future. Artillery exchanges tapered off after it was put in effect at 6 p.m., andquiet prevailed through the initial hours. President BarackObama, speaking at anews conference at the end of a NATOsummit meeting in Wales, said he was "hopeful but, based onpast experience, also skeptical" about the strength of any cease-fire.


Doug Mills/NewYorkTimes News Service

King Abdullah II of Jordan end President Bareck Obema meet Thursday during the NATO Summit at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales. The U.S. hopes to get Jordan to join the coalition against the Islamic State to aid in intelligence.

ploy military force against Russia in Ukraine nor offer Ukraine any credible path t oward membership in


alliance. Despite the harsh language about Russia's actions in Ukraine, accusations

against Putin of d uplicity and statements of support for Ukraine and its president,

PetroPoroshenko, therealeffort of NATO here was to reassure those of its own mem-

bers geographically closest brid" attack on a NATO member, even one with a large Russian minority, would produce if necessary. a strong collective military Those E a stern E u r ope- response. It was also because an members said they came of NATO that France decided away from Wales reassured, to suspend its delivery of Misbut for Ukraine, a NATO part- tral amphibious assault ships ner but not a member, there

to Russia, a contract that had

was mostly moral support. No been signed years ago but beNATO country, let alone the came a large embarrassment alliance itself, is prepared to for the current government provide Ukraine with lethal because of Russian actions in military equipment to fight Ukraine. Russia and the rebels, and PoAs advertised, NATO on roshenko was being urged es- Friday approved plans for a sentially to make the best deal 4,000-member rapidreaction he could with Russia's proxies force, based in Eastern Euwhile working for a more in- rope and initially led by the clusive Ukrainian c onstitu- British, to reassure existing tion and new parliamentary m embers near Russia that the elections. principle of collective defense There were pledges of about remains sacrosanct. NATO's secretary-general, $20 million for trust funds to help Ukraine's military, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said and differentcountries were the upgraded force, a spear-

head for a larger reaction force, would send aclearm essage to potential aggressors, namely Russia,and represent

"a continuous presence." "Should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance," he declared as a two-day summit meeting in southern Wales

drew to a close. Earlier Friday, the Obama a dministration said i t h a d

formed a coalition of countries to oppose Sunni militants with the Islamic State,

tical about whether the truce

will last. They intend to go ahead with new sanctions on Russia, leaders at the meeting in Wales said. The European

Union can suspend the new sanctions later, i f M o scow withdraws it s t r oops f r om

Ukraine and observes the cease-fire, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany said. A cease-fire declaration is not enough, Merkel said. Verification is needed to deter-

mine whether the cease-fire is being carried out, whether Russian troops are being withdrawn an d w h ether a buffer zone i s e stablished.

"Everything is in flux," she said. "Therefore we should expect that these sanctions

could indeed be put into force, but with the proviso that they can be suspended again if this process really takes place."

Ageless-:. QINNB! 20li





A Bor Ale r -c.. H5Q rsk


said at the start of the meet- addition to the participants at ing. "They're an ambitious, the meeting Friday, the Unitavowed, genocidal, territori- ed States was hoping to get al-grabbing, caliphate-desir- quiet intelligence help about ing quasi state with an irreg- the Sunni militants from Jorular army, and leaving them dan. Its leader, King Abdullah in some capacity intact any- II, was attending the Wales where would leave a cancer summit. in place that will ultimately U.S. officials said they also come back to haunt us." expected Saudi Arabia to But he and other officials contribute to funding modmade clear that at the mo- erateSyrian rebel groups. In ment, any ground combat addition, Yousef Al Otaiba,

week that h i s a d m inistration lacked a strategy,

unveiling a military and political campaign that officials said could eventually be a model for fighting extremist groups around the world. at home. NATO, rather than But some diplomats said strongly bolstering Poroshen- they were uncomfortable usko's position, in some sense ing a summit meeting of the encouraged him to negotiate 28-nation alliance as a backwith the very rebels, "the ter- drop for a smaller group with rorists," as the Kiev govern- no NATO i mprimatur and, ment calls them, with whom except for Turkey, no named he had said he would never Muslim partners. negotiate. U kraine r e m ained th e If Ukraine fell into a securi- prime issue for the alliance, ty no man's land, this NATO with peace talks in Minsk, Bemeeting more directly ad- larus, where Ukraine, Russia dressed important issues of and pro-Russian rebels prodeterrence and reassurance, duced what appeared to be making it clear to Moscow an agreementfora cease-fire. that any interference or "hy- Western leaders remain skep-

to Russia that the a l liance would come to their defense,

Continued from A1

retary of State John Kerry

cal tempest by saying last

President Barack Obama,

rity. So it has to be tested." It was clear from the start that NATO would neither de-

ment policy for ISIL," Sec-

After creating a politi-

— New YorkTimes NewsService

in a concluding news conference, said the message from urged to help in various ways the summit meeting to Russia with nonlethal equipment and was that "actions have con- i ntelligence. And t h e U n i tsequences" and that a com- ed States and the European bination of NATO moves to Union tried to put more presenhance deterrence and co- sure on Moscow by t hreatordinated sanctions on Russia ening to put new economic from the United States and the sanctions in place, probably European Union had helped early next week, a move that pressure President Vladimir has nothing to do with NATO, Putin to agree to a tentative which is a military organizacease-fire in Ukraine. tion. But sanctions have a lonThere m u s t b e "fol- ger-term effect while troops low-through on the ground," move quickly on the ground. Obama said. "We are hopeful, And Poroshenko, with his but based on past experience forces at risk of losing a major also skeptical that, in fact, port, Mariupol, in the end has the separatists will follow endorsed a truce that seems through and the Russians will to leave the status of eastern stop violating Ukraine's sov- U kraine uncertain and w i l l ereignty and territorial integ- probably be sharply criticized


region. Obama administration officials said privately that in

Obama sought Friday to portray himself as spearheading the effort. But in so doing, the president risks further entangling the U.S. military in exactly the type of costly foreign conflict he has long sought to escape. And his troops would come from ei- the United Arab Emirates amadministration has been ther Iraqi security forces and bassador to the United States, unable to explain how he Kurdish peshmerga fighters said in a statement this week can vanquish the Islamic in Iraq, or the moderate Syr- that the Emirates stood ready State without i n d irectly ian rebels opposed to Assad to join the fight against the Isaiding President Bashar in Syria. "Obviously I think lamic State. "No one has more Assad of Syria, regarded that's a red line for everybody at stake than the UAE and by the administration as here: no boots on the ground," other moderate countries in an odious leader who must Kerry said. the region that have rejected resign. For Obama, assemblinga the regressive Islamist creed Nonetheless, Obama's coalition to fight the Islamic and embraced a different, forc omments, made at t h e State is particularly important ward-looking path," the amconclusion of a NATO sum- to a president whose initial ar- bassador said. mit here, were in effect a rival on the global stage was Enlisting support from Sunsignificant expansion of his centered around his opposi- ni populations in Syria and own earlier assessments of tion to the war in Iraq. He is Iraq is crucial, experts said, the Islamic State threatloath to be viewed as going it because airstrikes alone will simply by offering a direct alone now that he has been not suffice. comparison to the strategy dragged back into a combat Matthew Olsen, director of against al-Qaida militants. role in the same country. the National Counterterrorism "You initially push them "Getting sucked deeply Center in Washington, sought back, you systematically back into another set of violent to define more clearly what degrade their capabilities, conflicts in the Middle East destroying the Islamic State you narrow their scope of runs against the grain and would actually mean on the action, you slowly shrink the very DNA of this adminis- ground. "From a c ounterterrorism the space, the territory tration," said Brian Katulis, a that they may control, you

national security expert with

standpoint, understand that it

take out their leadership," the Center for American Prog- doesn't mean eradicating evObama said at a news con- ress, a research organization ery single person aligned with ference here. "And over with close ties to the Obama the group," Olsen said. "We time, they are not able to administration. "But the stun- need to be realistic about that." And like the comprehensive conduct the same kinds ning actions by ISIS this sumof terrorist attacks as they mer has been a wake-up call." strategy to combat al-Qaida once could." Even as Obama is weighing that has taken years to develH e said that "w e a r e airstrikes in Syria, he and his op and carry out, Olsen and going to degrade and ul- aides have been questioning other counterterrorism offitimately defeat ISIL, the what to do afterward, espe- cials said Friday that destroysame way that w e h ave cially as targeting the Islamic ing the threat from the Islamic gone after al-Qaida," us- State in Syria will help Assad. State could take a long time. ing an alternate acronym An administration official Even if successful, they said, for the Islamic State. He said the reasons for assem- such a strategy would require drew the analogy to Paki- bling a coalition went beyond maintaining pressure on any stan as an example of how any political cover that such remnants of the group. Administration o ff i cials the United States can go to an alliance may provide with war against militants while a war-weary American public. saidsupport formoderate reblimiting the number of U.S. For one thing, the official said, els in Syria is particularly critground combat troops. certain countries bring exper- ical. This summer, Obama set Obama spoke after aides tise, like Britain and Australia aside $500 million to train and had unveiled what Defense in special operations, Jordan support vetted members of the Secretary Chuck Hagel in intelligence and Saudi Ara- moderate opposition to Assad. Officials say they expect Concalled the "core coalition" bia in financing. "Sure, the American mil- gressto approve that request to fight the Islamic State militants, the outcome of itary can handle airstrikes," next month. But even after that money a hastily organized meet- the official said, speaking ing on the sidelines of the about administration think- is approved, U.S. officials will NATO summit talks. Diplo- ing on condition of anonymity. face obstaclesin strengthenmats and defense officials "But it's always nice to have ing the Free Syrian Army, the m oderates of choice for the from th e U n ited States, help from your friends." Britain, France, Australia, U.S. officials are hoping to United States. "This is going to Canada,Germany, Ilrrkey, expand the coalition to many take months," one defense offiItaly, Poland and Denmark countries, particularly in the cial said Friday. huddled to devise a two-

pronged strategy: strengthening allies on the ground in Iraq and Syria, while bombing Sunni militants from the air. "There is n o

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• I •

ou in i isnowo IonB By Lillian Cunningham The Washington Post

After three days of hiking t h rough t o rrential thunderstorms, as soaked

Boh Andres /Atlanta Journal-Constitution

as the Alpine sheep scurrying past me down the rocks, I arrived at a small inn tucked into the French

Will King, 10, fires at the Big Woods Goods shooting range in Can-

mountainside under Mont

ton, Georgia, under the watchful eye of his father Ron.

Blanc. And there before me,

In Georgia, a trip to the gun range is a family affair

in the half-light between

the darkening mountains and the glow of the refuge, were a dozen rolling suitcases, each one drier and more massive than imaginable for

t h i s i s olated

spot on the trail. Each, too, bearing a tag that read uREI


It turned out that, for

about $5,000 per person, the American o utfitting

By Victoria Loe Hicks The Atianta Journai-Constitution

ATLANTA — Standing a

shooting any weapon in a fully automatic mode on the company's range. One of several rules

few feet behind his 10-year-old posted adjacent to the 10 shootson, Ron King stared intently ing lanes says: "No rapid fireover his shoulder, then stepped 3 seconds per round." forward to touch him between Monday was Ashton Taythe shoulder blades, correcting lor's first visit to a gun rangehis stance. and he didn't look enthusiastic They might have been on a about it. His face clearly said pitcher's mound or a driving "yuck" as he gazed at a display range. But this Labor Day, fa- of paper targets depicting varither and son were on the indoor

ous unsavory characters.

gun range at Big Woods Goods Even his dad seemed vaguein Holly Springs. ly conflicted, but he said he With great seriousness and wanted his son to experience perfect calm, 10-year-old Will the reality of guns, not just the let off a string of shots from fantasy. "I want him to see it, the .40 caliber Glock pistol, the not just on TV or video games, recoil jerking his slender arms where it's cool," Steve Taylor several inches upward with said. "No, it's dangerous." As for what happened in each shot. Looking on from behind Arizona, Taylor said, "There thick layers ofbulletproof glass, is no way I would let a kid that 23-year-old Melanie Newman age handle a fully automatic was wowed. "This kid is awe- weapon." some," she said. "I wish I had A few years ago, Martinez started at that age." was just like Ashton. He's from The accidental killing of an Mexico, where the culture Arizona range instructor by around guns is very unlike the a 9-year-old girl wielding an United States. Whenhis friends Uzi hasprompted call s across and neighborsBilland Teresa the nation to restrict the age

at which children can legally shoot.

Miller invited him to join them

in opening a firearms business, he had never shot a gun.

company REI was guiding novice hikers on the Christine Cunningham/The Washington Post same 12-day hike around Lillian Cunningham pauses to look at incoming rain clouds along her hike of the Tour du Mont Blanc Europe's highest peak that in July — another place where companies are discovering a growing demand for escapist travel. many of us weaving over the steep mountain passes were doing ourselves. s its. Since then, RE I h a s W e al l f o l l owed t h e opened 13 other stores, with same narrow path across three more to come this year rocky summits in France, in Knoxville, Tennessee; Cothrough waist-high wild- lumbus, Ohio; and the subflowers in Italy and across urbs of Dallas. snow fields in Switzerland. Part of what's changing is And many of us arrived that as technology and conat the same rustic refug- nectivity h a v e i mp r oved, es each evening, sharing the ruggedness barrier — as wine and extra bandages. we'll call it — has lowered. Yet the things — and the

out how to use the $40 UV

water sterilizer I bought, yet felt confident enough

does not prohibit such things daughter worked at the store by Iaw?" Miami Herald colum- for acouple ofyears aftershe

to hike the route without a gulde. On the first night, I met t wo w omen w h o w e r e

nist Leonard Pitts wrote last

running (running!) the

"What kind of idiot country

As for his four k ids, one turned 16, but none of them

weekend. "Where gun laws are concerned, the United States of America is — individual dissenting voices duly noted and exempted from the following

are smitten with guns. "My kids come once in a while, but

descriptive — dumber than a

on Big Woods Goods' archery range, which is next to the gun range, she said. That got her interested in shooting. (Gabrielle's dad, Adam, asked that

bag ofbullets." The American Academy of Pediatrics doesn't have a spe-

they're not into it," he said.

Gabrielle, who is 10, looked pretty into it. She started out

cific policy on how old a child should be to handle a gun. But their last name not be pubit holds that "the most effective

lished. "I haven't really talked

measure to prevent suicide, to her mother about it," the dihomicide, and unintentional vorced father said, hastening firearm-related injuries to chil- to add that they're generally dren and adolescents is the ab- agreed that it's desirable for sence of guns from homes and Gabrielle to learn to protect herself.) communities." "It's good for safety purposIn Georgia, though, where generations of children have es," Gabrielle said, displaying learned to hunt alongside their a breezy confidence that belied parents, such attitudes often cut her years. And what do her girlfriends straight against the grain. At a 2009 forum hosted by

think of if?

Georgiacarry.org, Sean Jer-

Her fat her interruptedbefore

guson, then a Republican state

she could answer. "I won't let

representative said he believed her tell anyone. This is between so strongly in gun ownership us. This is for her to learn." It was only the fifth-grader's that, when his daughter turned 4, he gave her a "pink.22." His second time on the shooting son was about to turn the same range, but you wouldn't necesage, he said, and would get a sarily have guessed that from watching her. Her red-nailed blueone. In recent years, gun manu- fingers trembled with the effort

entire route in four days, in part to save time and

money. They carried tiny s acks w it h l i t t l e m o r e than a toothbrush and a

well-worn w i ndbreaker, and their only cost was

the roughly $50 they paid each evening for a bunk, dinner and breakfast in

one of the shelters. I blushed at the thought of the $400 I had already spent on my two changes of fast-wicking clothes, a lightweight rucksack and a slew of emergency knickknacks. Not to mention the 10 nights of lodging costs still ahead. days and bruises later I saw those huge suitcases — and learned that they

were delivered, by van and by mule, to the REI

group's destination each night. Suddenly I, with my lone drenched pack on my back, looked thrifty and rugged.


magazine, but once she was in

best ways to escape from

the lane, she coolly taped the paper targetto the cardboard

the screens and walk-in closets of our modern

backing and programmed the panel that sent it zipping away

world. But i f

els such as the Crickett .22 ri-

from her to the distance she

muel Martinez called the policy

"very flexible."

As for what criteria the store uses to determine which kids

"I'm not really a normal girl. I don't really like shopping," she said later, lounging against a display case filled with firearms. "We watch shows where

they make guns and stuff. You can shoot, he said it's a judg- should see us playing with ment call, based on the child's swords in the living room." Back on the range, first-timexperienceand apparentmaturity. A lot depends, he said, on er Ashton Taylor was display"how they behave at the count- ing all the signs of adolescent er" where customers pay for boredom. Emerging from the their time on the range and fill antechamber that led to the out forms acknowledging the range,heyanked theprotective ear muffs off his head and anrules and waivingliability. "I don't think we have a bul- nounced, "It hurts my ears. I'm letproof m ethod," M a r tinez tired of guns." Later, as he and his father said. "We have kids that make mistakes. But they're so opento were leaving, Steve Taylor said listening and following instruc- they'd be back. "I don't want tions that we've never had any him to be scared of them," he said. Even so, the father said, "I problems." There's no question of kids — or adults, for that matter-

still don't know how I feel about itall."

Of particular concern, both

"That shift toward consumexposure to n a ture b r i ngs humans, and to what extent erism creeps its ugly head pensive neighborhoods, gives technology can r e plicate, into th e p i c ture," Ruckert some sense of it. In addition enhance or negate those ef- says. "There's this beautiful

to REI, you will find retailers Patagonia, all within a few

fects. Her work builds off and ugly side to it all." I 'll admit I t o o k a l a r g e interesting earlier research. One example is the biophil- digital camera, the heaviest ia hypothesis, put forth by thing I packed, and captured

blocks of one another, and all catering to crowds who

Edward Wilson in 1984, that asserts humans have a bio-

a bout 2,000 photos on m y hike around Mont Blanc. I

logical propensity to connect

even posted images online

with nature. Another, called Attention Restoration Theo-

to Instagram throughout the

like Burton, the North Face, Eastern Mountain Sports and

can hardlyseethe sky forthe skyscrapers.

trek, whenever I reached a peak high enough to get a to make it an important cate- being outdoors is one of the signal. But not a single picgory for retailers and apparel most effective ways to replen- ture captured the silence, the makers. And the most recent ish cognitive functions like scent of wildflowers and the industry report found that the problem solving and the abil- throbbing in my chest as I put outdoor recreation economy ity to focus. one foot in front of the other, "There are deep parts of us over and over, for 150 miles of grew roughly 5 percent each year from 2005 onward. Out- that respond to the natural sparkling greens and blues. door apparel, in particular, world," Ruckert says. "This is benefiting from this trend is what our minds and bodies it's the f a stest-growing were born into." Researchers, Visit Central Oregon's sportswear segment across however, are just beginning the globe. to explore the question of icans say they hike, enough

of inserting the bullets into the

ished the time with her dad.

tos and check maps.

Miller's leadership of the American Hiking Society has among organizations like the made him more sympathetic Outfitters are also recog- American Hiking Society to that trend. "They're taking selfies nizing the dual benefits of and companies like REI, is organizing hiking trips like how to keep the outdoors at- near the waterfall, near the the one around Mont Blanc tractive to the masses, even tree. It's great," he says. "This — they can bring in revenue as luxury goods proliferate. is our society. We can't go from the tours, make money As a result, these groups and back to the old days. We've offthe gear people buy ahead others like the Department got to figure out how to maxiof the trip, and broaden their of the Interior have mounted mize technology." Besides, he overall customer base to in- several initiatives to address adds, when they share those clude the less independently affordability and accessibili- photos online, it inspires a intrepid. The same goes for ty for low-income communi- sort of escape envy in their day hiking, which, in a shift ties, especially those in urban friends as well. It's tough to tell whether from decades past, is now areas. far more popular than longer i ncreased connectivity a n d Seeking a connection excursions. creaturecomforts — "domes"Hiking is something that's ticating the wild," as Ruckert Nature as luxury so primal and simple, but calls it — will help or hurt the At the heart of these trends now there are all these gad- conservation of our natural is the budding reality thatgets," says Jolina Ruckert, a world. On the one hand, the as more A m ericans move psychology researcher at the more thatcompanies succeed into cities and as free time University of W a shington in marketing the outdoors becomes a scarcer commod- who studies the intersection in an age of Netflix and vidity in our society — escaping of technology and nature. eo games, the more people to nature for extended peri- "And the problem is the very m ay come to care about preods has become something first gadget you need is a car. serving the wild places. On of a luxury. And gear and You have to have access." the other hand, those places apparel companies have capRuckert is examining the m ay fast become lessand less italized on that mystique. A psychological benefits that wild.

Roughly 35 million Amer-

have increasingly tried to appeal to families and children. Among the hundreds of guns on display in the retail section of Big Woods Goods are mod-

had specified. Looking on, Martinez said, "I find it fascinating. As a father, it's hard to connect with girls." And Gabrielle clearly rel-

Lillian Cunningham/The Washington Post

The Refuge du Col de Balme straddles the Swiss-French border along the Tour du Mont Blanc. Hikers stop here to eat, capture pho-

So it was with a burst look at the streets of SoHo, of wonder t ha t s everal one of the nation's most ex-

facturers, retailers and ranges

fles, which come in pink and blue with the tag line "my first rifle." Officially, Big Woods Goods doesn't let kids shoot until they're 12 (and anyone younger than 18 must be accompanied by an adult). But co-owner Ra-

People can sleep under the

costs, between hundreds stars while identifying conof dollars and thousands stellations on an iPhone app. — we bore varied widely. They can hike to a waterfall And in that span lies much without missing an important of the market for the out- email. "The idea of roughing it is doors industry. I fell somewhere in the now something you can opt middle of th e spectrum. into," says Laura Swapp, a I bought a new Gore-Tex director at REI. "The outdoor raincoat for the trip, but market recognizes that the duct-taped together my goal isn't just to be discon15-year-old rain pants. I nected, but to be connected was hopeless at figuring while you're out playing."

Hiking is still one of the

t h e r a n ge

of hikers here on one of the world's most popular long-distance trails is

any indication, the need to "rough it" is lessening. A mericans n o w

s p end

ry, has found evidence that

$646 billion annually on "Brands like Nike and Un- whether we can still reap the outdoor recreation and related purchases (as com- der Armour are going into full benefits of nature if we parison, that's roughly outdoors more than ever be- have cellphones in hand. what they spend on phar- fore," says Seth Sigman, an In a report produced last maceuticals and vehicles analyst at Credit Suisse. "Ev- year by the Outdoor Foundacombined), according to eryone is looking at outdoors tion, 43 percent of survey rethe Outdoor Industry Asas a new avenue for growth, sociation. And o u tfitters probably because of the wid-

such as REI, Dick's Sport- ening customer base." ing Goods and Cabela's The proliferation of highhave become key players end outdoors products may in that market. be opening new markets REI, for example, op- among well-to-do city dwellerates 135 stores across ers, but some in the industhe United States, and a

spondents ages 18 to 24 said

they use their smartphone when in the outdoors.

try are concerned that it 's

growing number of those keeping away other potential Plan Well, Retire Well are in urban centers. Its enthusiasts. "There are a lot of marketManhattan shop, opened in late 2011, is three sto- ing and imagery barriers, " ries and 35,000 square feet says Gregory Miller, who is — dwarfing even near- president of t h e A m e rican by luxury retailers like Hiking Society. "People look Vera Wang and Michael at all the outdoors ads with Kors in the upscale SoHo young, fit, white people and 775SW BonnetWay,Suite120•Bend it's like, 'Holy moly, that's not 541-728-0 321r www.elevationcapitalstrategies.com n eighborhood where i t

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ua ens: a anonwac, o This is the first story in a three-part Seattle Times series. Readthe rest of the series atbendbulletin.cnm/extrns


and ferocity. The Japanese islands are b lanketed with m o r e t h a n 1,500 seismometers and an

equally extensive GPS network capable of picking up

By Sandi Doughton

the slightest twitch. But the

The Seattle Times

seafloor was largely a black

TOKYO — If you expect

box, even though subduction

wes is' in '

Takingthepulseofthemostdangerousfaults The biggest quakesand tsunamis orginate on offshore faults. Japan has deployed the world's most extensive networks of seafloor sensors to monitor the buildup of strain and provide early warning. Scientists hope to expand fledgling networks off the Pacific Northwest. Direction of movement A SEAFLOOR OBSERVATORY PLATE LINES NETWORKS



Japan Trench

zones — where oceanic plates from the seafloor for a decade move beneath continentsSource of 201 1Tohoku or more, it pays to do a lot of are the source of the planet's magnitude 9 quake 9 T H K E A FL R NETW RK testing upfront. most powerful quakes and • Sapper and tsunami, which That's why Eiichiro Araki tsunamis. killed 18,000 people. Spurred by the 2011 Tohoku quake and tsunami, Japan's initial target was its and fellowresearchers from the $400 million project will be completed next the Japan Agency for Ma- m ost dreaded off shore fault, year to monitor the Japan Trench. rine-Earth Science and Tech- the Nankai Trough, which runs Nankai Trough CABLE LENGTH: 3,500 mile s nology set up shop this year along the southeastern coast of in an equipment plant on the the main island and threatens SCOPE WHEN COMPLETED: Sections last ruptured EURASIAN outskirts of Tokyo. Tokyo, Osaka and the counin 1944 and 1946, 1 54 observation stations en ai PLATE "We need to make sure ev- try's commercial heart. killing 3,000 people. INSTRUMENTS ' APAN erything is working," Araki Called DONET ( D ense Seismometers, said as his team ran electrical Oceanfloor Network System Sea of Japyn Toky pressure sensors checks and analyzed signals f or Earthquakes an d T s uagoye,'o 4 0 t from seismometers, pressure namis), the system consists ot gauges and tiltmeters arrayed of instrument packages that iro m around a room the size of a stream continuous data via THE PACIFIC 0 ON ET1 8c 2 gymnasium. Once the instru- underwater cables. DONET's PULTE BOREHOLE ments are cemented into a seismometers provide a sharpJapan's first seafloor half-mile-deep borehole under er view of small seafloor earthmonitoring system is East 6,500 feet of water, it'll be too quakes than instruments on designed to keep watch China PHILIPPINE on the Nankai Trough late to fix glitches. land. And if pressure on the SEA PULTE Sea and is being expanded. Araki's goal is to spy on the fault causes the seafloor to infamous Nankai Troughbulge or buckle, those changes saka an underwater fault so similar are detected by sensitive ocean CABLE LENGTH: 470 miles to the one off the coast of the pressure gauges that double as SCOPE WHEN COMPLETED: U.S. Pacific Northwest that tsunami detectors. 51 observation stations Kii Peninsula scientists call them sisters. Offshore readings will boost Owase INSTRUMENTS: Both are capable of unleash- the speed and accuracy of Seismometers, 2,559-2,723 feet ing earthquakes and tsunamis tsunami alerts and of Japan's pressure sensors, Borehole Array on a par with the disaster that earthquake e a r ly-warning tilt and strain meters instruments thermometers struck Japan's Tohoku coast system, which provides secin 2011. And both faults are so onds to minutes notice before DO Sensors in a half-mile deep far from shore that land-based strong ground-shaking hits 2,953-3,018 feet borehole were recently instruments provide only a urban areas. Strain meter, linked to DONET, providing 0 50 fuzzy view. broadband the first subsurface data on Japan sits in the cross hairs japan's big one MILES seismometer fault movement. Two more Seafleer-monitoring and tilt meter of fourof these so-called subThe consequences of beinstrument packages are systems by length planned. duction zones, so it's no won- ing blind to the seafloor were 3,215 feet der the island nation leads the hammered home for the JapPore-fluid 3,542 miles TOHOKLI world in seafloor monitoring. anese on March 11, 2011 — a Japan pressure meter 1000 M Araki's sensors will be some date the country's residents D NET 1 86 of the most sophisticated ever referto sim ply as3-11. deployed, but they are only the A research vessel was in~ 505 Pacific latest in an extensive Japanese stalling DONET instruments • Instrument nodes Northwest network. along the Nankai Trough RSN ~ 575 The aim is to improve un- when a subduction zone called derstanding of how subduc- the Japan Trench, 400 miles Cascadia 50 M iles tion zones work, provide rapid north, ripped catastrophically. subduction zone BRITISH tsunami warnings and — perThe magnitude 9 Tohoku COLUMBIA haps-answer an i ntriguing quake was five times more ® MEPT NE n „i' EXPLOR Very similar to the Nankai iand '., PULTE question raised by the 2011 powerful than the Japanese Vancouver trough, this 700-mile-long Began collecting data off the coast Tohoku quake: Do the world's thought possible in that refault is the boundary where of Vancouver Island in 2009. oria most dangerous faults signal gion, partly because there 5 the ocean floor dives, or their intentions by slipping were fewseafl oor sensors to su ducts, under the North CABLE LENGTH: 500 miles Seattle slowly before they snap? measure the buildup of strain. A erican plate. SCOPE: 13 0+ instruments Even before the Tohoku The size of the tsunami also ASHlllGTON INSTRUMENTS: Cameras, ocean Be ause the plates are quake and tsunami, Japan defied conventional wisdom. chemistry sensors, current meters, lo ed, stress builds until it was gathering data from doz- Lacking instruments to mea~a I thermometers, seismometers, rea hes the breaking point, ens of ocean-bottom sensors. sure the surges racing toward rtl d pressure gauges trig ering a megathrust Since then, the country has shore, emergency managers JUAM Pacific City qu e. committed more than $500 seriously underestimated the DE FUCA Newporl million to expanding those threat. Initial warnings proPLATE Th Cascadia fault last OREGON networks. Within a few years, jected waves of about 20 feet. Qt Regional caleNodes ru tured in1700. The Japan will have more than The tsunamis that slammed magnitude 9 quake N ORTH NnERI C A n Instruments will be installed this year 200 clustersof seismometers into some parts of the coast PLATE triggered a powerful and operation will begin in 2015. and pressure sensors standing measured more than three tsunami. sentinel off its shores. times that size — and nearly CABLE LENGTH:575 mil es How many real-time seis- 18,000 people perished. GORDA Megathrust quakes strike CAllFORNIA SCOPE WHEN COMPLETED: 20 observation PULTE mometers has the U.S. deAs a result, the Japanese the Northwest every stations, 150 instruments Cape 300-500 years, on average. ployed to monitor the Cascadia governmentisspending $400 endeclne INSTRUMENTS:Cameras, hydrophones, pH A N SubductionZone off Wash- million to install a cabled netsensors, oxygen meters, seismometers, pressure ington, Oregon and Northern work of more than 150 sensor Sacramento gauges California'? packages along the Tohoku "Zero," said John Vidale, di- coast and an additional $110 your sensors to transmit data














rector of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at the University of Washington. "We

million to expand DONET. The new instruments will b oost

Sources: Ocean ObservatoriesInitiative, University of Washington's Center for Environmental Visualization, Ocean Networks Canada, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

tsunami-warning times by 10 are essentially blind." to 20 minutes and add an addiThat will change next year tional 30 seconds to the earthSuch studies provide snapwhen researchers switch on 13 quake early-warning margin, shots in time, but neither they seismometers and six pressure said Toshihiko Kanazawa, of nor instruments on land have sensors as part of the country's Japan's National Research In- been able to resolve which first undersea observatory stitute for Earth Science and portions of the fault are locked powered via fiber-optic cables. Disaster Prevention. and how big the next tsunami "We cannot stop the tsuna- is likely to be, Wilcock said. British Columbia already has "It's like trying to figure out several sensors on a cabled ob- mi," Kanazawa said. "But if we servatory called Neptune. had had this system in place in what's going on with someB ut neither network w a s 2011, we would have been able body's left arm, but only being designed to focus primarily on to reduce the casualties." able to look at the right arm," earthquakes — and scientists Observations from Japan, he said. say afew ofseismometers and along with evidence that simiAn ideal seafloor network pressure gauges are insuffi- lar slips precededmajor quakes would p r ovide c o ntinuous cient to monitor the 700-mile- in Chile and other places, have data on quake sizes and lolong subduction zone. emboldened a few seismolo- cations and measure ground "You would like to have in- gists to revive the long-aban- deformation, just as networks struments all the way up and doned idea that some quakes of seismometers and GPS stadown the fault," said UW geo- — particularly on subduction tions do on land. "That's the physicist William Wilcock. zones— may be predictable. most urgent priority for CasWithout m o r e e x t ensive cadia," said Kelin Wang, of the Northwest source seafloor monitoring, it's im- Geological Survey of Canada. Some of the techniques possible to know whether a Speciallydesignedseismomused in Japan were pioneered fault's slow slip will prove to eters work fine on the bottom in the Northwest. Many of the be a reliable warning sign, of the ocean, but GPS doesn't. instruments are produced by a Vidale said. But if the Japa- The radio signals that connect company in Redmond, Wash- nese had noticed the unusu- receivers to positioning satelington. But the technology al movement off the Tohoku lites won't pass through water. is costly, and the U.S. hasn't coast, they would have at least Pressure sensors can serve been willing to pay for it. been on alert that the risk of a as a surrogate, detecting minWilcock organized a work- major quake was elevated. ute changes in the seafloor "I don't think the Japanese surfaceover short time peshop at UW in 2012 to build support for better monitoring will remain blind to such red riods. But they don't w ork of the Cascadia fault, which flags in the future," he said, as well to measure gradual last ruptured in the year 1700. "and neither should we." changes over several months But he fears it could take anor years-the type of deformaother major quake somewhere The Cascadia zone tion that would be expected as in the world to get the attenScientists are not totally in strain slowly builds. tion of lawmakers who control the dark about the Cascadia To measure those long-term the federal budget. Subduction Zone. In recent changes in the shape of the The 2004 I n dian O cean years, they've used ships to seafloor, scientists developed a earthquake spurred Japan deploy temporary networks of cumbersome approach called to action, Araki said. The re- seismometers on the seafloor, acoustic GPS, which was first sulting tsunami, which swept fishing up t h e i n struments tested off the Northwest coast. 230,000 people to their deaths, months or years later and anaTransmitters on the seafloor shocked scientists with its size lyzing data stored inside. send pings to a ship whose

© 2014 MCT

precise location is determined

American scientists plan to

via GPS. To see deformation,

install a similar set of instruments in the Pacific Northwest next year, in a shallow borehole off the coast of Vancouver

proaching $1 billion, though, he doesn't expect to see it any-

Island. dollars — and only Japan has Seafloorsensor technology been willing to invest that is still fairly young, said UW kind of money. oceanographer John Delaney. Cabled observatories pro- L essons learned f ro m t h e vide continuous measure- fledgling network will lead to ments, but are also expensive. development of better instru-

scale is not for the timid," Delaney said, noting that he start-

the ship must return repeat-

edly to the same location. A single series of measurements can cost up to half a million

The National Science Foun-

dation's Ocean Observatory Initiative is spending $200 million to build the 600-mile loop off the Oregon coast. The state of the art for pre-

With cost

e stimates ap-

time soon.

"Doing something of this

ed pushing for an underwater observatory in 1991. His original plans, which would have included more instruments to study earthquakes, were

scaledback several times to cut dicts. Scientists are also exper- costs. Even so, it will be 2015 imenting with cheaper ways to before the system is finished. ments and lower costs, he precollect data, like using automat-

ed sea gliders instead of ships. Both the U.S. and Canadi-

cise, long-term measurements an observatories can be exof motion and strain on under- panded in the future, adding

WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066

water faults are the borehole

more instruments. But in the

systems Araki is building.

longer term, Delaney envisions an extensive network of seismometers and pressure sensors draped like a mesh blanket along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The instru-

Adjustablc Beds

ments would serve both as a


Deep under the ocean floor. his tiltmeters and fluid pres-

sure detectors should be able to pick up even tiny shifts in the subduction zone. "By going below the sea-

warning system and a source you are getting closer to the of scientific data. source of the earthquakes," floor, there's less noise and

G allery - B e n d 541-3$0-50$4

said Demian Saffer, a Penn-

sylvania State University geologist working with Araki. The scientists already have






deployed one set of instruments. They hope to bring the total to three this year.

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u or ui sor man o rea rom

By Lesley Clark McClatchy Washington Bureau

INVERNESS, Scotland-

For 307 years, Scotland has helped put the "united" in the

United Kingdom. That could change Sept. 18, as Scottish voters decide

whether the nation should declare independence and break away from England, Northern Ireland and Wales. It's a question that evokes a historic rivalry and images from Scotland's rich history, such as William Wallace leading an uprising against English occupation in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. Proponents of separation,

though, say it's a more modern tale. Scotland is a country


Lesley Clark/MCT

Proud to be Scots igXDelighted to be United

Both sides go to great lengths to make their case for the Sept.

18 independence referendum in Scotland. Above, a shopkeeper along the Royal Mile in Edinburgh makes his stance clear, using the sales rack for the daily newspaper to proclaim his support for

the pro-independence side, known as "Yes." At right, supporters

j'jv".-. +~~I.",'C~

of the campaign to keep Scotland in the United Kingdom have erected a sign on an island deep in the Scottish Highlands.

- ~r~

W-= . ~ ~

M ~x-


= =Sfeee=

booming with oil reserves, ready to conduct its own affairs, they contend. There's

tival Fringe, the city's famed the debate that Scotland could growing frustration among performing arts showcase. "I stand on its own — words that many in t h e l eft-of-center prefer it together. I'm proud to the "yes" campaign seized on

man Mick Jagger and singer

country who say the U.K.'s

be Scottish and I'm proud to

David Bowie. But Tom Devine, nians in Spain, who hope to Scotland's most p r o minent hold anindependence vote in historian, has endorsed inde- November.

London-based government began moving to the right back.

be part of the U.K. I'm not sure dence — though Cameron arpeople realize how entwined gued that it was better off staywe are and what the costs ing in the U.K. would be for a divorce." The U.S. has said it's neutral in the debate, but President

Scots yearning for ancient soil, it's about hoping to live in a civilized, caring society, and we've given up all hope

Barack Obama in June made Polls suggest a plurality of it clear that the administration Scots agree with Johnston. wants Scotland in the U.K., But momentum appears to be even as he said the decision with the nationalists, and the was up to the Scottish people.

with the election of Margaret Thatcher and has not looked "It's not about teary-eyed

we can do that with Westminster," said Keith Aitchison, 67, a retired civil servant who

volunteers at a busy pro-independencecampaign off ice in Inverness. "Our two nations have moved apart."

to help the case for indepen-

Electoral momentum

"We obviously have a deep

vote may be closer than many expected, said Richard Whit-

interest in making sure that

man, a European political expert at the University of Kent

one of the closest allies that we will ever have remains strong,

in England. A poll this week

robust, united and an effective

showed voters split 48 percent

partner," Obama said a press conference in Brussels with

to 42 percent against indepenYet critics — including the dence, the 6-point lead down U.K. government led by Brit- from 22 in early August. ish Prime M i n i ster D a v id Divorce would not cripple Cameron — argue that Scot- the United Kingdom — Scotland benefits from the union land includes a small percentand challenge the wisdom age of its population — but and the cost of going it alone. "third-party perception will be They've raised q uestions that the U.K. is greatly diminabout what would happen if ished," Whitman said. It could

Cameron at his side.

Among the shared interests has been decades of cooperation on

n u clear weapons,

which couldbe affected by independence. Much of the U.K.'s nuclear weapons arse-

nal, including four submarines that

c a r r y nu c l ear-armed

go it alone, including Catalo- A lexander M c C al l Sm i t h warned the vote has split the

"We hope Scotland works because maybe it would be a "and it represents a Scottish good sign for us," says Jaume people who are wedded to a Artes, a vacationing Catalosocial democratic agenda," he nian who visited the Yes office told the British newspaper The in Inverness. Observer. At times, the debate has become heated. Signs have Heated campaign been defaced. Eggs have been Within Scotland, the debate tossed. "No" voters say they've has become all-encompass- been accused of lacking suffiing: Activists have held town cient patriotism. "Yes" voters meetings across the country, say they're accused of painting in tiny villages and large cit- too rosy a picture of an indeies. Two televised debates have pendent Scotland. drawn considerable interest, Scotland's national dish — haggis, a blend of organ and signs of the campaignpro-independence "Yes" and meats traditionally encased in "Better a sheep's stomach — has even anti-independence Together" — are everywhere, been part of the fray as Scots even in the wilds of the Scot- questioned whether the U.K.'s tish Highlands. decision to use its clout to help Across Scotland, the cam- persuade the U.S. to overturn paigns have established duel- a ban on haggis imports was ing storefronts: Better Togeth- aimed at swaying Scottish er offers pens and faux airline votes to stick with the union. boarding passes: "Non-reThere are fears, too, that if fundable," the t i ckets s ay, independence is soundly dewarning that independence, feated, Westminster politicians once declared, is irreversible. would backtrack on promises The price of going it alone: made to give Scotland greater pendence. The Scottish Parlia-

Scotland has become so divid-

ment has shown it can govern

ed," he told an audience at the

Trident missiles, is housed

independent Scotland from

lose clout on the world stage, at the United Nations Security

using its currency, the British

Council and in the European

National Party, which champi-

pound. "We've been united for so long and it works," said Laraine Johnston of Edinburgh, catching one of several shows


ons the referendum, wants the

be considered "the man who lost Scotland," Whitman said.

pleas: "Harry Potter" author

J.K. Rowling has urged unity,

"Unknown." T he Yes m ovement h a s struck a chord with other re-

at the recent Edinburgh Fes-

Cameron conceded early in

as have Rolling Stones front

gions in Europe looking to

W estminster p r evented a n

in Scotland. But the Scottish

Severance probably would weapons removed. cost Cameron his job, as he'd Celebrities have delivered

country. "It's a sa d situation that

autonomy — a process known

as devolution that began in 1979 with a referendum. Popular S c ottish

Edinburgh International Book Festival.

C aoimhe Simpson h a s heard all the arguments but was still undecided as she sat with friends at Gellions,

an Inverness pub. Behind her, where bands kick into Scottish folk songs, a banner

proclaimed: "Now's the day, Now's the hour: 18 Sept 2014. Scotland's date with Destiny"

— a reference to the fabled Stone of Destiny, which played a central role in the coronation

of Scottish kings and was later coveted by both the Scottish

and the English. Simpson, 19, a recent college graduate who works as a beauty therapist, takes great pride in her Scottish heritage and is convinced that Scot-

tish priorities, such as helping the poor, get short shrift from Westminster.

But she says she's worried voters are being asked to take too much of a leap of faith. "I want to believe as an in-

dependent nation we'll be bet-

ter," she said. "But we just don't a u thor know."







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BRIEFING Man accused in vehicle thefts A Bend manarrested after a police chase involving a stolen car faces additional charges related to five other thefts involving a vehicle, motorcycles and four-wheelers stolen from various locations around Bend in the last half of August. Deschutes County Sheriff's deputies, along with Bend andRedmond police, arrested Robert Hansen, 36, onAug. 26 on suspicion of car theft and other charges related to the chase,according to a sheriff's office news release issued on the same day. A deputy had spotted a stolen1998 Chevrolet Camaro traveling north on SW27th Street in Redmond about12:20 p.m. The car hadbeen reported stolen Aug. 25 from High Desert Auto Group on NEDivision Street in Bend. When a Redmondpolice officer tried to stop the car, the Camarotook off, reaching about 80 mph, according to the news release, before the officer stopped the pursuit. The Camarowas found abandonednear Dale Road, which runs east from Deschutes Market Road north of Bend. Duco, the sheriff's office police dog, located Hansen, whowas identified as the driver, and arrested him, the news release stated. After the arrest, Bend police obtained evidence connecting Hansento five separate thefts in Bend that took place between Aug. 15and Aug. 24, according to a news release from Bend police issued Thursday. In total, four four-wheelers, three motorcycles, a pickup and abicycle were stolen, according to the news release. Police identified two other Bend men,ages 26 and 39, assuspects in some of the thefts. However, neither has been charged, according to the OregonJudicial Information Network. A Bend police officer issued a citation to the

younger man in the Camaro on Aug.24, the day before it was reported stolen, on suspicion of methamphetamine possession, according to the news release. Hansen wasbeing held Friday evening without bond in the Deschutes County jail on four counts of unauthorized use of amotor vehicle, attempting to elude police, reckless endangering and probation violation.

New Deschutes judge swornin

Bend-La Pineschoolshave too many students and not enough teachers By Tyler Leeds

have been grouped in larger

"We expect growth, but for one grade level to

The Bulletin

The new school year is

classes with full-time teach-

have thatmuch is an anomaly. When a new kid ers and later split once a new

usually a time to meet new

teachers, butforaclassof fourth-graders at Ponderosa Elementary, it was a time to

interview candidates applying to be the group's teacher. As Bend-La Pine Schools students returned to class this year, nearly everyone had the opportunity to make new friends, as the district continued growing, a trend that began in 1986. Over the summer, the district estimat-

came by to register, wejust kept getting fourthgraders." Steve Austin, Ponderosa Elementary School principal

teacher was hired, but Austin said that would have been

"disruptive" for students and staff.

"This group of kids ended third grade with 84 students,"

change, so far the district is

their students up until the fi-

Austin said. "Now this year in fourth grade, it's 101, so that's

on pace to surpass that mark,

nal week before school. Because the numbers grew

17 kids that were added just because of families moving

until the last minute, Austin

into the district. We expect

was left with only one day to call families letting them know some fourth-graders

growth, but for one grade level to have that much is an anomaly. When anew kid came by to register, we just kept getting fourth-graders."

resulting in the need to hire three new teachers. Ponderosa will be getting one of those teachers Monday

ed it would see 175 new stu-

after a week of intensive interviewing. Steve Austin, the

dents. While administrators emphasize the numbers often

school's principal, said Friday that parents kept registering

would have a substitute when

they arrived on the first day of school. The grade could

o eincana a' ret

See Substitutes /B2



Joe Kline/The Bulletin

A trackhoe moves rocks to fill a hole in the Pilot Butte Canal where the concrete barrier meets the earthen wall of the canal on Friday afternoon in Bend. Water hsd leaked from the breach for about a week.

By Ted Shorsck

dence in additional piping that

Horrell. "It's a pretty good

The Bulletin

would be built as part of the

puddle, but it's not more than

A hole in a section of rock and dirt along the Pilot Butte

second phase, which would be a puddle." closer to his home. Horrell said the holes don't

Canal was sealed Friday near

District workers used a

OvertreeRoad afterwater had

trackhoeto placerocks along the hole, which opened up

failing and don't threaten residents'property. The loss

where earthen materials join

of water can occur up to a doz-

a concrete wall. Water flows through an underground pipe

en times during the summer

flowed from the opening for as long as a week. The relatively small breach is considered part of routine maintenance by the Central Oregon Irrigation District during the summer, but the incident renewed concerns about the proposed second phase of the Juniper Ridge project. The irrigation district project pipes

at the section of canal and to

put the structure at risk of

months, he said.

A house fire in Northwest Bendearly Thursday was caused by a lithium battery fire in an electric bike, according to the BendFire Department. Homeowner Sterling McCord, 43, received second-degree burns on the balls of his feet when going into the garage, where he found the bike on fire, he said Friday. McCord and his wife and two children evacuated before the fire department's arrival shortly after midnight Wednesday, according to a press release from the fire department. Most of the fire damage was to the garage, although the fire spread to the house, said McCord. Extinguishing the blaze took several hours because the gasmeter below the shut-off valve caught fire, according to the fire department. McCord, who also owns a shop that specializes in electric bicycles, BendElectric Bikes, said that his vigilance lapsed. Thelithium battery in the bike was charged beyond capacity, which caused it to catch fire.

stretches 2t/~ miles to the hy-

of the canal as rodents typi-

would have to be changed for

water from the canal to a hy-

cally burrow and disturb the

droelectric facility. Tom Hignell, a resident of

rock and dirt. A mixture of

Country View Lane, less than

a mile away, said Friday the hole gave him a lack of confi-

more than a puddle." Craig Horrell, irrigation district

manager, on the leak in the Pilot Butte Canal

dro-facility. A nearby proper-

about the project.

ty owner alerted COID to the

COID to construct additional

Hignell said there's a fear that insurance companies might not provide flood insurance if the second phase is developed.

piping. The Deschutes County Commission put a hold on COID's application at the dis-

said. "They don't take any risk."

hole. Deschutes County code

trict's request as homeowners

have expressed concerns

"We take all the risk," he

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, tshorack@bendbulletin.com

By Claire Withycombe

near La Pine in 1996 has been sentenced to 37 months in

prison after 18 years — and a 10-year prison term on another continent. Former Klamath County resident Patrick Tansy was

sentenced Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Eugene, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's Of-

fice in Oregon. In 1996, Oregon State

Police found a.22-caliber pistol in Tansy's back pocket after catching him cutting

FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information,

SeeLocal briefing/B5

A man who was apprehended by authorities for illegally cutting down trees

— Claire Withycomhe

puddle, but it's not


The Bulletin

should go only up to1.2 volts per cell," he said. Beyond 1.2 volts, lithium batteries "will self-ventilate and that usually means smoky hot, and that turns into fire." McCord hadadvice to offer others who own products with lithium batteries. "Charge the bike where you're around it," said McCord. "Charge it in a place whereyou wouldn't mind having a barbecue." Fires erupting in devices ranging from Sony laptops to highend electnc Tesla cars have raised awareness of lithium battery safety in the past year. Owners should not charge physically damaged batteries or disassemble batteries, according to the press release.

The underground pipe

theJuniperRidge hydroelectric facility. Craig Horrell, irrigation district manager, said the hole is part of routine maintenance

clay and gravel was placed overthe rocks Fridayto seal the hole. "It's a pretty easy fix," said

"It's a pretty easy fix. It's a pretty good

After 18 years, tree-cutting fugitive sentenced

In a story headlined "First step to UGBdecision" which appeared Friday, Sept. 5, onPage B1, the proportion of multifamily housing units and attached single-family units among Bend's 2007 housing stock was misstated. The correctfigures are 22 percent and 3percent, respectively. The Bulletin regrets the error.

E-dike's dattery durned house

"The lithium cell

Randy Miller was sworn in as Deschutes County circuit court judge in a ceremony Thursday at the Deschutes County Justice Building.




"lt is an indication that the system does work. lt may take a while for justice to be done but ultimately, in this case, the long arm of the law

was able to get (Tansy) back and to hold him accountableforwhat he had done here."

release. He pleaded guilty to the first count of felon in pos-

session of a firearm in April 2002 but failed to appear for

his sentencing hearing before the U.S. District Court in Eu-

gene that July. William "Bud" Fitzgerald, assistant U.S. attorney Tansy had fled Oregon for Argentina with his wife and three stepchildren, according to the sentencing memoranfirewood without a permit on firearm. dum filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office on Aug. 27. federal land near La Pine. Tansy was indicted by a Troopers arrested Tansy, federal grand jury on Oct. 17, The feds learned that some who had been convicted of 2001, forthree countsoffelon time between July 23, 2002, felony charges of transport in possession of a firearm, and Jan. 17, 2004, Tansy was and sale of narcotics in Calione count of theft of governconvicted of an offense simfornia in 1989. ment property and one count ilar to attempted murder in As a convicted felon, he of depredation of government Buenos Aires. was not permitted to carry a property, according to the SeeTansy/B2

• http://isciweb.nwcg. gev/stat e/38 • wwiLnwccweb.us/ infermatien/firemap. aspx 1. Deception Complex • Acres: 2,389 • Containment: 55% • Cause: Lightning 2. 790 Flre • Acres: 2,302 • Containment: 41% • Cause: Lightning 3. Lost Hubcap • Acres: 2,712 • Containment: 100% • Cause: Unknown 3. South Fork Complex • Acres: 66,179 • Containment: 100% • Cause: Lightning




Featuring ninestages ofmusic, and workshops; all-eventpassesSOLD OUT; $65, $40 student 5-18, plus fees for Sunday festival pass; free children 5 and younger; downtown Sisters; www.sistersfolkfestival.org. HIGH DESERTSWAP MEET & CAR SHOW:A carshow and saleof automotive collectibles, antiques

and more; proceedsbenefit local and regional charities; free admission to the public; 7 a.m., vendors at 6:30a.m.;DeschutesCounty Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SWAirport Way, Redmond; www.coocc.org/ swapmeet.htm or 541-548-4467. CROOKEDRIVER RANCH COMMUNITY YARD SALE: Maps of yard sale locations will be available at the Crooked River Ranch Fire Hall and the Chinookand Badger kiosk; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Crooked River Ranch Fire & Rescue, 6971 SWShad Road; www.crookedriverranch.com or 541-570-5564. BREAKFASTBUFFET:$8.50; 8:30 a.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 NE Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. HIGH DESERTSHOWDOWN: Quarter-mile water race with drag boats; $10, free for children12 and younger; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Haystack


ENDA R Reservoir, Southwest Haystack Reservoir Road, Culver; info© cdbaracing.com or 541-923-2323. MADRAS SATURDAYMARKET:9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Seventh and B streets; 541-546-6778. BACKYARD FARMTOUR: Tour 17 backyard farms and gardens throughout Bend and speak with owners; $10 for guide booklets;10 a.m.-4 p.m.; throughout Bend; www. backyardfarmtour.com. CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY MARKET:Featuring local artists and crafters; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot across from Downtown Bend Public Library, 600 NWWall St.; 541-420-9015. FAMILYRUMMAGE SALE:To benefit the Central Oregon Youth Orchestra performance in Carnegie Hall in 2015; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Foundry Church, 60 NWOregon Ave., Bend; www.fbcbend.org or 541-382-3862. NORTHWEST CROSSING FARMERSMARKET:10a.m.-2 p.m.; Northwest Crossing, Mt. Washington and NWCrossing

drives, Bend;www.nwxevents.com or 541-312-6473. ROAD TORECOVERYSKRUN: 5K run to benefit the local chapter of the National Alliance on Mental lllness, with water, snacks, live

served. "It is an indication that the system does work," said Fitz-

Continued from B1 He had as saulted and gerald on Friday."It may take plannedto kill his wife. a while for justice to be done He was sentenced to 1 0 but ultimately, in th is case,

years in prison by an Argentinean court.

the long arm of the law was able to get (Tansy) back and

He was released by the Ar-

to hold him accountablefor

gentinean authorities after what he had done here," said serving the full sentenceand Fitzgerald. promptly arrested under a Bryan Lessley,the federal U.S. warrant Jan. 17. public defender who was ap"Bud" Fitzger- pointed as Tansy's attorney in William ald, the assistant U.S. attor-

ney who prosecuted Tansy's case,felt that justice had been

2014,declined to comment. — Reporter: 541-383-0367, cwithycombe@bendbulletin.com

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communityli feibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

music and raffle prizes; $20 without T-shirt, $30 with T-shirt, donations accepted, registration requested;

workshops; all-eventpassesSOLD OUT; $65, $40 student 5-18, plus fees for Sunday festival pass, free 10a.m.; Crow'sFeetCommons, children 5 and younger;; downtown 875 NW Brooks St., Bend; www. Sisters; www.sistersfolkfestival.org. crowsfeetcommons.com, CROOKEDRIVER RANCH apendygraft@telecarecorp.comor COMMUNITYYARDSALE: Maps of 541-728-0066. yard sale locations will be available at the Crooked River Ranch Fire Hall THORN HOLLOW STRINGBAND: Pioneer-inspired jigs of the and the Chinook and Badger kiosk; frontier; free with admission; 11 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Crooked River Ranch a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, Fire & Rescue,6971 SWShadRoad; www.crookedriverranch.com or 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-570-5564. www.highdesertmuseum.org or 541-382-4754. HIGH DESERTSHOWDOWN: Quarter-mile water race with drag AUTHORPRESENTATION:Jane boats; $10, free for children12 and Kirkpatrick will present her novel, "A Light In The Wilderness"; free, younger; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Haystack reservations requested; 5-6:30 p.m.; Reservoir, Southwest Haystack Reservoir Road, Culver; info© Sunriver Books & Music,57100 Beaver Drive; www.sunriverbooks. cdbaracing.com or 541-923-2323. com, sunriverbookscisunriverbooks. GREAT DRAKEPARKDUCKRACE: com or 541-593-2525. Event includes live music, food, activity booths and duck races; OROUESTA MONTECALVO: The proceeds from duck sales benefit Corvallis Peruvian-style dance band performs; $6; 9 p.m.; Volcanic local charities; free admission, $5 duck race tickets; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.com Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend; www.theduckrace.com. or 541-323-1881. "DISRUPTION":Film about climate change in today's world; 5 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 NWTin Pan Alley, SUMDAY Bend; www.tinpantheater.com or 541-241-2271. SISTERS FOLK FESTIVAL: Featuring nine stages of music, and NORA JANESTRUTHERSAND


they'll be very pleasedwith Contlnued from B1 who wewill hire." Over the past week, Austin Substitutes are also filling said the school narrowed an holes at High Desert Middle applicant pool of 100 down Schooland Buckingham Elto three teacher candidates, ementary. Bend-La Pine Sueach of whom theschool had perintendent Ron Wilkinson teach a lesson to the group said the challenge isn't only in of fourth-graders led by a anticipating the magnitude of substitute. growth, but what schools will "They got to offer feedback, grow and at whatgrade levels. and it's funny,becauseI guess Wilkinson citedLava Ridge someof them thought they got Elementary,where first grade to pick the teacher," Austin appeared to have surpassed said. "That's a little bit of mis- its projected sizeby around 15 information, though we did students, while second grade

The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log whensuch arequest is received. Anynewinformation, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-633-2117.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft —Atheft was reported at12:40 p.m. Aug.19, in the 60000 block of River Bluff Trail. Theft —Atheft was reported at 7:18 p.m. Aug. 20, in the area of NW Brooks Street. Burglary —A burglary was reported at4:04a.m.Aug.23,inthe500 block of SE Centennial Street. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at3:27 p.m. Aug. 23, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft —Atheft was reported at 7:53 p.m. Aug. 27, in the1200 block of NW Cumberland Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at 7:56 p.m.Aug.27,inthe600 blockofNW Wall Street. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 6:59 a.m. Sept. 2, in the19500 block of Green LakesLoop. Unlawful entry — Avehicle was reported entered at1:03 p.m. Sept. 2, in the area of BridgeCreekand Metolius drives. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 5:05 p.m. Sept. 2, in the area of NWKansas Avenue andWall Street. DUII —Nancy Lopez, 21,wasarrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3:07 a.m. Sept. 3, in the area of NE Fourth Street and GreenwoodAvenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at 7:57 p.m. Sept. 2, in the 400 block of NE Quimby Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at1:32 p.m. Sept. 2, in the 900 block of NE Warner Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:47 a.m. Sept. 1, in the 2600 block of NE U.S. Highway 20. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at9:35 p.m. Sept. 1, in the 2600 block of NEU.S. Highway 20. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:44 p.m. Sept. 2, in the 20900 block of NE Talus Place. Theft —Atheft was reported at 7:39 p.m. Sept. 2, in thearea of Mt. Thielson Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:36 p.m. Sept. 3, in the2800 block of NE Ocker Drive. Theft —Atheft was reported at 3:28 p.m. Sept. 3, in the 20800 block of Daniel DukeWay. Theft —Atheft was reported at 3:45 p.m. Sept. 3, in the areaof NW Galvesto nAvenueandHarmon Boulevard. Theft —Atheft was reported at 4:46 p.m. Sept. 3, in the 500 block of SW Tenos Court. DUII —Vernon Walter Will,61, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 5:04 p.m. Sept. 3, in the area of NE Sixth

Street and EmersonAvenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 5:17 p.m. Sept. 3, in the 700block of NE Irving Avenue. DUII —Brian John Overlie,30, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:31 a.m. Sept. 4, in thearea of S. U.S. Highway 97andPinebrook Boulevard. DUII —Danielle Lizbeth Cercone, 24, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 1:55 a.m. Sept. 4, in thearea of SW Cleveland Avenueand Silver Lake Boulevard. Theft — A theft was reported andan arrest made at3:18a.m. Sept. 4, in the 1100 block of SE Third Street.

PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 10:22 a.m. Sept. 4, in thearea of SE Elm Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:22 p.m. Sept. 4, in thearea of NWThird Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 7 p.m. Sept. 4, in the area of NE Third Street.

CIVIL SUITS Filed Aug. 3 14CV0611 —HSBCBank USA, N.A. as indenture trustee for the registered noteholders of RenaissanceHome Equity Loan Trust 2006 —2v. Molly Martin, also known asMolly Ryan, Fidelity Mortgage, adivision of Delta Funding Corporation andMortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., complaint, $221,381.02 Filed Aug. 4 14CV0581 —Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. Stephen H.Cupp, Sherry J. Cupp, JPMorgan ChaseBank, N.A.and Stonehedge onthe RimAssociation Inc., complaint, $173,545.94 plus interest, costs and fees 14CV0582 —Federal National Mortgage Association v. Landrie N. Peterman, also known asLandrie Nicole Peterman, also knownas Landrie Nicole Bossemeyerand American Express Bank,FSB, complaint, $268,760.84 plus interest, costs and fees 14CV0583 —Federal National Mortgage Association v. Michael Eastep, also knownas MichaelRay Eastep, JanetteEastep,also knownas Janette Marie Eastep, also knownas Janette Marie Martin-Eastep andTall Pines Road Association, complaint, $403,877.79 plus interest, costs and fees 14CV0592 —RayKlein, Inc. doing business as Professional Credit Service v. Diane M.Stinson, also known as DianeParrish, andDarrell Stinson, complaint, $19,898.55 14CV0597 —National Collegiate Student LoanTrust 2007-4 v. Jeannie Crespi andBecky Waggoner, complaint, $14,174.75 14CV0598 —Converging Capital LLC v. KarenLynn Robinson, complaint, $28,905.55 14CV0599 —Converging Capital LLC v. WHolland Michael, complaint, $28,674.32

(1.5 miles fromKimberly); www. mulesacrossamerica.comor 541-934-2140. DIVIDED HEAVEN: The Los Angeles band performs with Dead Frets, Tuck and Roll and Harley Bourbon; $5; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.com or 541-323-1881.

TUESDAY REDMOND FARMERS MARKET: 3-6 p.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue; redmondfarmersmarket1@hotmail. com or 541-550-0066. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: David Talbot, retired director of Oregon State Parks, will read from his memoir; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NWWall St.; www.deschuteslibrary.org/bend or 541-617-7050. NATURALHISTORYPUB:Dr. Greg Retallack, University of Oregon professor, will discuss the evolutionary transition of fish to

was down five students. To accommodate the growth at first

amphibian; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 NW Bond St., Bend; www.highdesertmuseum.org/ rsvp or 541-382-5174. THE APPLESEEDCOLLECTIVE: The Michigan band performs; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www. volcanictheatrepub.com or 541-323-1881.

WEDNESDAY KNOW WILDERNESS:OUR DESERT WILDERNESS:The Oregon Natural Desert Association will explore life in the high desert; noon; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; www.deschuteslibrary.org/sisters or 541-312-1070. BEND FARMERSMARKET:3-7 p.m.; Brooks Street, between NW Frankli n and NW Oregon avenues; www.bendfarmersmarket.com. CASEY NEILL &THE NORWAY RATS:The Portland Irish-inspired rock/folk and punk band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 NW Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins.com or 541-382-5174.

as Cascade Middle School. When a school has fewer stu-

grade, the school reassigned dents than an ticipated, the a second-gradeteacher. But district can shift a teacher to a when school opened, second

school with more students.

gradehad grown. Wilkinson said the district "The problem is, we add triesto avoid using substitutes, kids in August, but we can

but sometimes it's the best op-

also lose kids," Wilkinson tion,and they are always "vetsaid. "Until we know for sure, eran subs." The best way to we can't commit to hiring, as

avoid the problem, Wilkinson

we're counting on additional noted, isto register early. "If everyone signs up in revenue(generated by enrollment) tosupport the (teacher)." June, there's no problem," he While a good number of saidwryly. schools seemto be above pro— Reporter: 541-633-2160, jections, some are down, such


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14CV0600 —Converging Capital LLC v. Loretta Carson, complaint, $25,966.26 14CV0601 —Converging Capital LLC v. Kimberly R Ellenberger, complaint, $25,183.67 14CV0602 —Converging Capital LLC v. Emeric J Einhorn, complaint, $23,590.50 14CV0603 —Converging Capital LLC v. DavidCampbell, complaint, $16,407.07 14CV0604 —Converging Capital LLC v. Terrie J. Karr, complaint, $10,759.16 Filed Aug. 5 14CV0594 —SuzanneDeturk v. C&K Market, Inc. doing business asRay's Food Place, complaint, $128,469.80 14CV0595 —SarahM. Nunezv. Veltie L. Pruitt, complaint, at least $65,000 Filed Aug. 6 14CV0596 —Phyliss Bates v. Glenn W. Chew, MortgageElectronic Registration Systems Inc. solely as nominee for Kinecta Federal Credit Union and SelcoCommunity Credit Union, complaint, at least $100,000 Filed Aug. 7 14CV0584 — Janice M. Remund v. Jennifer L. Slaughter, complaint, at least $75,000 14CV0605 —Laurel M. Brauns v. Krystin Previti, complaint, $681,054.59 Filed Aug. 8 14CV0586 — Velocity Investments LLC v. Margaret L. Mitchell, complaint, $11,088.41 14CV0613 —Donna Hines, guardian/ conservator for Lorraine P.Jansik and trustee of the Lorraine P. Jansik Revocable Living Trust, UTD 04/03/1995 v. GreggJansikand Mary Jansik, complaint, at least $100,000 Filed Aug. 11 14CV0614 —James G.Nelson v. Eilia Seip, complaint, $27,068.48 14CV0616 —Allstate Property and Casualt yInsuranceCompany,as subrogee of Bill Root v. Geo.A. Morlan Plumbing & ApplianceCo.,complaint, $33,664.50 Filed Aug. 12 14CV0615 —AmyKodera v. Heidi R. Nolin, complaint, at least $10,000 Filed Aug. 13 14CV0588 —HSBCBank USA, National Association, as trustee for Wells FargoAsset Securities Corporation, Mortgage Pass-Through certificates, series 2007-7 v. Laurie K. Nolan andBenjamin J. Nolan, complaint, $670,516.71 plus interest, costs and fees Filed Aug. 14 14CV0587 —Mark Grandv. Safeco Insurance Co. ofOregon, complaint, $10,021.62 14CV0591 —RayKlein, Inc. doing business as Professional Credit Services v. Manuel R.Molina, Jr., complaint, $23,112.11 Filed Aug. 15 14CV0590 —RayKlein, Inc. doing business as Professional Credit Services v. Amber E.Newlin and Noah Campana, complaint,$10,352.82 14CV0606 —Shannon K. Greyv. Brent J. NoakesandBrent Noakes Livestock, complaint, $47,000

• •


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iz a er, our ne wan 0 Isso ve over re on By Gosia Wozniacka The Associated Press


A l t hough

Oregon has decided to scrap its flawed online health insur-

ance exchange and is hooking up to the federal portal, state

officials are still trying to decide what to do with the agency that has been running it. The state's governor has already made his choice for the quasi-independent public corporation that was set up by the Legislature to run all aspects of the state's health

tion that runs Cover Oregon. plan certification process. He would transfer its responIf the board chooses to sibilities to the Oregon Health dissolve the o rganization, Authority and the Oregon In- then existing state agencies, surance Division. including the Oregon Health "Enough is enough. Ore- Authority and the Oregon Ingonians deserve better than surance Division, could take Cover Oregon has delivered," over some of the remaining the Salem Democrat said in a functions. statement. The board also has to deThe exchange's technology cide how much control the

were to be absorbed into a

fiasco has been an embar-

ment the business portal, Ken-

rassment for Oregon and its governor, who is running for

state will retain over the mark etplace and how m uch i t will relinquish to the federal

re-election and has taken po-


litical heat for months from his

W hether th e b o ard w i l l heed Kitzhaber's recommen-

things to come, officials announced this week that the

insurance marketplace. And Republican rival, state Rep. so has state Senate President Dennis Richardson, over CovPeter Courtney. er Oregon's failure. In a s tatement released The exchange's site never late on Thursday, Gov. John fully launched, leading the Kitzhaber suggested the board state to hire hundreds of workshould dissolve Cover Oregon ers to manually process apto "maximize our resources plications and forcing Oregowhile minimizing the risks." nians to use a time-consuming "I believe that given past hybrid paper-online process. technical an d m a nagement The board has been mulling problems and the ongoing over the public corporation's uncertainty and unknowns future for weeks. On Thursof a stand-alone organiza- day it postponed a vote on the tion, moving the remaining issue. Board members said state exchange functions from they needed more information Cover Oregon to existing state and time to make the call. agencies offers the lowest-risk When Oregon switches to path," Kitzhaber said in the the federal health exchange statement. in November, other Cover OrOn Friday afternoon, Court- egon duties will remain, such ney announced he plans to in- as running a call center to antroduce legislation next year swer questions about health to dissolve the public corpora- insurance and running the

dation remains unclear. Cover Oregon, which currently employs about 150 people, will be tight on money. Federal grants that are paying Cover Oregon's bills run dry at the end of this year, and its

11-year-Old arSOniSt —Washington County authorities say an 11-year-old boy hasbeenaccused of starting several fires, including one that destroyed or damaged 15cars in a carport at a Beaverton apartment complex. Sgt. BobRay,spokesman for the sheriff's department, says the boy lives in theapartment complex and is being held at a juvenile detention facility. The carport fire broke out July 27, quickly spreading from a recycling area. Thedamagewas estimated at $200,000. Investigators said they learned of four other fires at the complex, including onebeneath anexterior gas meter. Raysaid they were generally set by igniting paper. Only minor damage was reported, but investigators said they were in areasthat could have put many people in danger. Thejuvenile faces arson and criminal mischief charges.

state agency, it might have to rely on someone who doesn't understand what consumers

and agents need," Portland health insurance agent Tina

Eugene Wildfire —A small wildfire burned more than 7 acresof farmland Thursday evening near theEugeneAirport. KVAL reports firefighters from agencies across the county rushed to control the fire as it spread rapidly due to hot, dry weather.

Kennedy told the board. An

independent Cover Oregon is also better equipped to interact with carriers, offer good

customer service, and imple-

Wildfire weather —Forecasters expect high temperatures Friday and Saturday will near 90 in western Oregon, even on the coast. The National Weather Service says thecoast will cool Sunday but it will remain hot inland until a cold front arrives Monday.Thehot, dry weather has raised the danger of wildfires. TheNational Weather Service in Portland has issued aredflag warning west of the Cascades through Saturday.

nedy said. In a possible glimpse of state would roll out a new enrollment website, Oregon-

Hal'mlStOll Wl'SCk —A manfrom Washington state has been sentenced to nearly16 years in prison for drunken driving and manslaughter in anEastern Oregontraffic crash that killed a 7-year-old girl. The EastOregonian reports 30-year-old Jesus Moras Nava pleaded guilty on Thursday. His last address was listed in Paterson, Washington. Authorities said hehad ablood alcohol level of.15 percent, about twice the usual legal threshold. In March, his vehicle slammed into the rear of astopped vehicle at an intersection in Hermiston, killing TaleeyaMaria Roquez, afirst-grader in nearby Irrigon. She was properly restrained in the backseat. Her mother survived serious injuries.

healthcare.gov, rather than using coveroregon.com. While Kitzhaber has accept-

ed responsibility for the failure of the online health exchange, he has insisted he was not in-

formed about its problems befunding from monthly premi- fore its scheduled launch. He um fees. Though the govern- is putting the blame on Oracle ment won't charge the state Corp., the exchange's main for using its technology come developer. November, when enrollment The state sued Oracle last reopens, that could change month, alleging the company next year. lied,breached contracts,supWhile Kitzhaber would like plied incompetent personnel to see Cover Oregon go away, and engaged in a racketeering some people have criticized scheme. that option, saying that Cover Before the state could file its Oregon is more nimble and suit, Oracle filed one against experienced than existing Oregon, claiming the state is to state agencies. blame for the failed launch by "I fear that if Cover Oregon making a string of mistakes. finances will rest solely on

National Guard —Training drills for tens of thousands of Army National Guard members from NewHampshire to Hawaii have been called off this weekend because of a federal budget shortfall. A National Guard spokesmansays a $101 million gap in funding for training is being addressed by postponing drills, suspending travel and other steps. Meanwhile, there are efforts underway to get funding reallocated so the drills can be held later this month. Some states, including Alaska, Oregon andVermont, plan to go ahead as scheduled. — From wire reports

Students start longer dasses Commentssplitonbeachsmokingban at Portland-area highschools The Associated Press SALEM —

The Associated Press

weekly tutorial periods is PORTLAND — At a doz- egon high schools to do the gone. In addition, the Portland en high schools in Portland same. school board lengthened the and Hillsboro, class hours are So, to make more class schoolyearbytwo days. longer this year — under state time, schools cut back on asAt Century High School, order. semblies, trimmed other ac- two half-hour periods that Every Portland high school tivities and discontinued late allowed students to get extra fell short last year of a long- starts for teacher planning, help from any teacher and still standing state requirement The Oregonian reported. catch the bus home are gone. that their courses must meet But some educators have Some high school students for a total of at least 130 hours. pushed back, saying they think adults are wrong to foSome fell short by five hours couldn't make the change so cus on lengthening class time or more. The r equirement quickly, over the summer, or without digging deeper to see is aimed at giving teachers questioning whether adding a howthe time is used. " It's hard enough to s i t enough time to cover a subject few hours per course is worth adequately. the trouble. through dass for an hour anyWhen a group of parents At Grant High School in way," Franklin High School complained, Oregon schools Portland, students now have senior Michael Van Sant said. chief Rob Saxton ordered just 38 minutes from bell to "An hour and 34 minutes is Portland officials to fix t h e bell for lunch, and one of two ridiculous." problem and told all other Or-

O r egon state

Statesman Journal reported. "While this isn't a vote-

parkleaderseyeinga decision and we take the quality of on whether to forbid smoking the comment i nto a ccount on coastal beaches say public as much as the difference in comments were slightly in fa- numbers, which in this case vor of a ban, a newspaper re- is very slight — the comported Friday. ments play a major role in The Parks and Recreation theprocess,"said department

from secondhand smoke are still in the air and can still impact people around it and downwind," Havel said. "As

litter, the material from cigarettes takes a very long time to break down. Wildlife in-

hearings on the question,

spokesman Chris Havel. Department staff will make

gest it, and it can cause biological damage." Opponents say it would be impossible to enforce a ban

with comments in testimony

a recommendation later this

and would amount toan ex-

and writing supporting a ban

month. The state Parks and

178 to 165.

cessive use of power. They point out that it's legal and popular to light campfires on beaches, and there's no move

proposed after Gov. John Kitzhaber told state agen-

Recreation Commission, a seven-member policy-making board appointed by the governor,is expected to make a decision in November.

cies to examine ways to curb

A ban would reduce sec-

D epartment has

h eld f o u r

The smoking ban along the 362-mile coastline was

to outlaw food or drinks that contribute to beach litter.

smoking on state property,

ondhand smoke and litter. "Even though you're outand the d epartment made rules sharply limiting smok- doors — and it might be realing in state parks, the Salem ly windy — the particulates


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DNA indicatesOR-7'smate isfrom Oregon By Jeff Bamard

716 SW 11III St. Redmond . 541.923.4732

The Associated Press

GRANTS PASS — Genetic tests indicate that the mate Or-

egon's famous wandering wolf,



OR-7, found in the Cascade

Mountains of southwestern Oregon could have been the girl next door when he was grow-


ing up hundreds of miles away in northeastern Oregon. The Oregon Department of

Fish and Wildlife announced Friday that scat samples picked up by biologists in May and Julywere analyzedby a laboratory at the University of Idaho. The report says DNA extracted

from the scat show the mate is indeed a wolf, and two of the pups belong to OR-7 and his mate. The report does not specifically say where the mate comes

from, but she is related to the Minam and Snake River packs in northeastern Oregon. They each occupy territories neighboring OR-7's Imnaha pack. Ap photo/Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife "We want to see genetics This photo provided by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, which was made with a remote travel and genetic interchange camera in May, shows the wolf designated OR-7 on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest in between the packs, and this

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southwest Oregon's Cascade Range. The department says genetic testing from the University of Ida-

confirms that i s h a ppen- ho shows the mate OR-7 found is a wild wolf, and related to two packs in northeastern Oregon. ing in Oregon," said department spokeswoman Michelle

Dennehy. in southwest Oregon. Against the mate, whose age remains She noted that wolves are the odds, he found a mate last unknown, was related at the known to follow the scent trails winter, and b iologists have half-sibling or aunt-uncle level left by other wolves that leave confirmed at least three pups to the alpha females of the Mitheir pack to establish a new on the Rogue River-Siskiyou nam and Snake River packs.

dispersers," said U.S. Fish and Wildlife biologist John Stephenson. Oregon's packs descended from wolves that


Idaho. "She may not be the girl next door, but it's possible.

OR-7 set off in search of a mate in September 2011, covering thousands of meandering miles from his birthplace in northeastern Oregon to northern California before settling


4 ii~ l 5 8

National Forest in the south-

DNA was only extracted for

ern Cascade Range east of

two of the three knownpups.

Medford. The report from the Labora-

The tests also put to rest any

swam the Snake River from "That's the neat part of the

tory for Ecological, Evolution-

fears that themateis awolf-dog story. It was kind of a needle in hybrid. a haystack once she did get out

ary andConservation Genetics at the University of Idaho said

from an Idaho pack that had ways of finding each other."

"It could be she also came

all this way. It shows they have



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e want to send out a thank you for all the effort going into guessing what might please state bureaucrats in the city of Bend's expansion plans. But does anybody else think that's at least a little crayP Local officials mustpickwhat theyhope state bureaucrats will approve rather than what theythinkis best for Bend? Here's what's going on: Bend is trying to get permission from the state to expand its borders — what's calledits urban growthboundary. Want to keep housing prices down? Want tohave room forbusiness to expand or locate'? Nothing helps like land. The state vejected Bend's last proposal a fewyears ago. The city is trylng agam. A city committee met Thursday. They discussed Bend's housing mix. What should be the mix of stand-alone homes; homes that are attached like townhomes; and apartments, condos and duplexes? State bureaucrats with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development say they want the city to use zoning and other tools to help push builders and developers in that direction. Back in 2007, Bend's mix was 75 percent stand-alone, 3 percent at-

tached and 22 percent aparlmentsor a 75/3/22 mix. That gives Bend a certain feel. It's not urban; it's move small town. We wouldbet that's one of the reasons so many peoplewant to move to Bend ortryto stayhere. What mixdid local officialspick? They didn't decide on the option some of them thought was right for Bend. They picked the option more likely to be right for state buveaucrats. They picked targeting a 55/10/35 mix, instead of the alternative of 60/7/33. There are other good reasons for trying to add more townhomes and apartments. It could improve affordability. It's a more efficient use of space. It could also, though, undermine Bend's character. It may notbe what consumers want. It may not be what the market will support. Of course, state bureaucrats don't just demand whatever they want. They set rules based on the laws passed by the Legislature. Lawmakers should look at what they have created.

~Rvee~ ~ m WAm~~ r-.

The need for a mighty military By Mitt Romney Special to The Washington Post

Russia invades, China bullies, Iran

spins centrifuges, the Islamic State (a terrorist threat "beyond anything that we've seen," according to the defensesecretary) threatens — and Washington slashes the military. Reason stares. Several arguments are advanced to justify the decimation of our de-

fense. All of them are wrong. The president asserts that we must move to "a new order that's based

on a different set of principles, that's basedon asenseofcommon humanity." The old order, he is saying, where America's disproportionate strength holds tyrants in check and preserves the sovereignty of nations, is to be

replaced. It is said that the first rule of

Proposed Drake Park

changesmakesense Bend's Drake Park is not only beloved, it's the site of many of the community's largest public events each summer. From Munch 8 Music, which just wrapped up its 24th year, tothe Flashback Cruz, the park servesup entertainment for a broad spectrum of local residents and vlsltors.

Officials do not plan to change those latter two rules. Six days of events per month, May through mid October, will continue to be the norm. What district officials hope to do

is change to a single closing time — 9 p.m.— every day of the week.

Munch 8 Music, which generally Through all that, the district winds up between 9 p.m. and 9:30 w orks hard to keep the peace with p.m., will retain the right to exceed nearby neighbors by assuring that the 9 p.m. dosing, as it has done it the numberofeventsatDrake Park thepast. is limited and that they end early In the end, district officials beenough in the evening to allow for a lieve, the rules, which haven't been goodnight's sleep. Nowthe districtis updated since 1996, should serve considering updating the rules gov- the neighbors and event sponsors erning special events at Drake Park, about as well as the old ones did. If and while there's no hurry, adopting m id-week groups can stay half an the proposed changes makes sense. hour longer, weekend ones will have Currently the district has two to dose down half an hour earlier. dosing times for Drake Park events. Meanwhile, a uniform dosing will Monday through Thursday, they make it simplerto keep trackof what must wrap up, and music and loud- isallowed atDrake Park and when. speakersbe turned off,by 8:30 p.m. Park district directors have yet Weekend events are allowed to run to discuss the proposed changes, until 9:30 p.m. Too, the park is avail- thoughtheyare scheduledto do so at able for special events only six days their Oct. 8 meeting. That's plenty of amonth, from Maythrough the mid- time to mull a proposal that makes dle of October. sense no matter howyou look at it.

ama cannot a WASHINGTON — At his first press

briefing after the beheading of American James Foley, President Barack

Obama stunned the assembled when he admitted that he had no strategy in Syria for confrontingthe Islamic State.

Yet it was not nearly the most egregious, or consequential, thinghe said. Idiotic, yes. You're the leader of the

free world. Even if you don't have a strategy — indeed, especially if you don't — you never admit it publidy. However, if Obama is indeed building a larger strategy, an air campaign coordinated with allies on the ground,

wing-walking is to not let go with one hand until the other hand has a firm grip. So, too, before we jettison our re-

Some argue that the United States

well as defendingthe United States.

should simply withdraw its military strength from the world — get out

The most ludicrous excuse for

shrinking our military derives from of the Middle East, accept nuclear the president's thinking: "Things are weapons in Iran and elsewhere, let much less dangerous now than they China and Russia have their way were 20 years ago, 25 years ago or with their neighbors, and watch from 30 years ago." The "safer world" trial the sidelines as jihadists storm on balloon has been punctured by retwo or three continents. Do this, they cent events in Ukraine, Afghanistan, contend, and the United States would Libya, Egypt, Gaza, Nigeria, Somabe left alone. lia, Syria and Iraq. "Failures of imagNo, we would not. The history of ination" led to tragedy 13 years ago; the 20th century teaches that pow- today, no imagination is required to er-hungry tyrants ultimately feast on picture what would descend on the the appeasers— to use former Mis- U.S. if we let down our guard. sissippi Gov. Haley Barbour's phrase, The arguments for shrinking our we would be paying the cannibals to military fall aside to reveal the real eat us last. And in the meantime, our reason for the cuts: Politicians, and economy would be devastated by the many of the people who elect them, disruption of trade routes, the turmoil want to keep up spending here at in global markets and the tumult home. Entitlements and programs of conflict across the world. Global are putt ing pressure on the federal peace and stability are very much in budget: We either cut defense, or we our immediate national interest. cut spending on ourselves. That, or Some insist that our military is al-

liance on U.S. strength, there must be

ready so much stronger than that of

something effective in its place — if such a thing is even possible.

any other nation that we can safely

Further, the appeal to "common

raise our taxes.

To date, the politicians have predictably voted to slash defense. As

cut itback, again and again. Their ev- Bret Stephens noted in Commentary idence: the relative size of our defense magazine this month, the Army is on

humanity" as the foundation of this budget. But these comparisons are new world order ignores the reality nearly meaningless: Russia and Chithat humanity is far from common na don't report their actual defense in values and views. Humanity may spending, they pay their servicemen commonly agree that there is evil, but a tiny fraction of what we pay ours, what one people calls evil another and their cost to build military armacalls good. ment is also a fraction of ours. More There are those who claim that a relevant is the fact that Russia's numultipolar world is preferable to one clear arsenal is significantly greater led by a strong United States. Were than our own and that, within six these other poles nations such as years, China will have more ships in Australia, Canada, France and Brit- its navy than we do. China already ain, I might concur. But with emerg- has moreservice members. Further, ing poles being China, Russia and our military is tasked with many Iran, the world would not see peace; more missions than those of other nait would see bullying, invasion and tions: preserving the freedom of the regional wars. And ultimately, one seas, the air and space; combating would seekto conquer the others, un- radical jihadists; and preserving orleashing world war. der and stability around the world as

track to be the size it was in 1940, the Navy to be the size it was in 1917, the Air Force to be smaller than in 1947

and our nudear arsenal to be no larger than it was under President Harry S. Truman.

Washington politicians are poised to make a historic decision — for

us, for our descendants and for the world. Freedom and peace are in the balance. They will choose whether to

succumb to the easy path of continued military hollowing or to honor their constitutional pledge to protect the United States. — Mitt Romney is the former governor of Massachusetts. tn2012,the Republican Party nominated him for president of the United States.

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t o write o U

r a i ne

allowing the rebels to recover, while is touting a promised rapid reaction Russian armor rolled over Ukrainian force of about 4,000 to be dispatched forces, jeopardizingtheir control of the to pre-provisioned bases in the Baltics CHARLES entire southeast. Putin even boasted and Poland within 48hours of an emerKRAUTHAMMER ",' that he could take Kiev in two weeks. gency. (Read: Russianinvasion.) Why bother? He's already fracturFirst, we've been hearing about Euing and subjugating Ukraine, re-cre- ropean rapid reaction forces for deObama declaring Russia's invasion ating Novorossiya ("New Russia"), cades. They've amountedto nothing. of Ukraine — columns of tanks, ar- statehood for which is one of the isSecond, even if this one comes into mored personnel carriers, artillery sues that will be up for, yes, diplomacy. being, it is a feeble half-measure. Not and a thousand troops brazenly crossWhich makes incomprehensible only will troops have to be assembled, ing the border — to be nothing new, Obama's denial to Ukraine of even dispatched, transported and armed as just "a continuation of what's been defensive weapons — small arms, the fire bell is ringing, the very sending anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles. will require some affirmative and imtaking place for months now." Vladimir Putin's invasion may be Indeed, his stunning passivity in the mediate decision by NATO. Try getting nothing new to Obama. For Ukraine, face of a d i c tionary-definition in- that done. By the time the Rapid Reacit changed everything. Russia was vasion has not just confounded the tors arrive, Russia will have long overon the verge of defeat. Now Ukraine Ukrainians. It has unnerved the East run their yet-to-be-mannedbases. is. That's why Ukraine is welcom- Europeans. Hence Obama's reassurThe real news from Wales is what

NATO troops, guaranteeing war with

ances on his trip to the NATO summit

in Poland, as today in Ukraine, it will be seen for what it is — a loud dedara-


this does take time. George W. Bush wisely took a month to respond to 9/11, preparing an unusual special ops-Northern Alliancebattleplanthat brought down Taliban rule in a hun- ing a c ease-fire that amounts to dred days. capitulation. We'll see whether Obama comes A month ago, Putin's separatist up with an Islamic State strategy. proxies were besieged and desperate. But he already has one for Ukraine: His invasion to the southeast saved Write it off. Hence the more shock- them. It diverted the Ukrainian miling statement in that Aug. 28 briefing: itary from Luhansk and Donetsk,

NATO did not do. It did not create the in Wales. only serious deterrent to Russia: perFirst up, Estonia. It seems to be manent bases in the Baltics and eastObama's new red line. 1'm sure they ern Poland that would act as atripwue. sleep well in Tallinn now that Obama Tripwires produce automaticity. A Rushas promised to stand with them. sianleaderwouldknowthat anyinvad-

To back up Obama's words, NATO ing force would immediately encounter

the West. Which is how we kept the peace in

Europe through a half-century of Cold War. U.S. troops in West Germany could never have stopped a Russian in-

vasion. ButaRussianattackwouldhave instantlybrought Americainto awarawar Russia couldnot countenance.

It's what keeps the peace in Korea today. Even the reckless North Korean leadership dares not cross the Demili-

tarized Zone, because it would encounter U.S. troops and trigger war with America.

That's what deterrence means. And what any rapid reaction force cannot provide. In Wales, it will nonetheless

be prodaimed a triumph. In Estonia, tion of reluctance by an alliance led by a man who is the very embodiment of

ambivalence. — Charles Krauthammeris a columnistfor The Washington Post Writers Group.





DEATH NOTICES John Lyle Burcham, of Madras

Deaths of note from around theworld:

Jan. 20, 1932 - Sept. 1, 2014 Arrangements: Bel-Air Colonial Funeral Home, 541-475-2241 Services: Funeral services will be held on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 2:00 PM at Bel-Air Colonial Chapel in Madras.

Edgar Steele, 69: Lawyer who once represented Aryan Nations founder Rich-

tina's much-loved and influential rock star who was the leader of the acclaimed band

was sentenced to 50 years in

and a former chief speechwrit-

cent summer harvest.

prison for plotting to kill his wife. Died in federal prison in

er for Nelson A. Rockefeller. Died Saturday in Albany, New

Pendleton Grain Growers Inc., the longtime local farm-



ers' cooperative with roots

Gustavo Cerati, 55: Argen-

ByElaine Woo

and their goals," author C.

Los Ange(es Times

Courtney Joyner, who inter-

viewed McLaglen for his book V. McLaglen, a prolific veteran "The Westerners," said Thursof westerns, action films and day. "For all its brutalities, the television who directed many dream-promise of the Amerof dassic Hollywood's most ican West was something he enduring stars — including believed in, even when it was John Wayne, Robert Mitchum out of fashion." and William Holden — died He was the son of British Aug. 30 at his home in Friday actor Victor McLaglen, who Harbor, Wash. He was 94. won an Oscar as an Irish rebMcLaglen died in his sleep el in Ford's "The Informer" of natural causes, said his (1935). Born in London on July daughter Mary McLaglen. 28, 1920, Andrew was 5 when Apprenticing under legend- his father moved the family to ary directors John Ford and Hollywood. William Wellman, McLaglen He attended the Cate School was one of the last to special- in Carpinteria and the Uniize in the western. versity of Virginia, dropping H is best-known work i n out after a year to pursue film cludes: "McClintock!" (1963), directing. After working as a "Hellfighters" (1968), "The gofer at Republic Pictures, he Undefeated" (1969), "Chi- became an assistant director sum" (1970) and "Cahill U.S. for Ford on "The Quiet Man," Marshal" (1973), all starring a 1952 romantic comedy starWayne; "Shenandoah" (1965), ring Wayne and Maureen starring James Stewart; and O'Hara. 96 episodes of "Gunsmoke," Through Wayne, McLathe long-running TV western glen directed his first feature, starring James Arness. a noirish crime movie called Although he said he never "Man in the Vault" (1956), intended to concentrate on the which starred William Campwestern, he brought old-fash- bell and Anita Ekberg. It was LOS ANGELES — Andrew

— From wire reports

It was Arness who recom-

mended McLaglento CBS to direct a couple of episodes of "Gunsmoke." Over the next

decade McLaglen was behind more wagon t r ains, c attle drives and shootouts than he

Fax: 541-322-7254

Bend, OR97708

came largely as a shock in downtown Athena, tucked

"You can imagine, the impact is great. There's no other business that supplies those things. PGG was the main one."

behind miles of fresh-cut wheat fields following the re-

— Margaret Hansell, president of the Athena Chamber of Commerce

they depend on those jobs." dating back to the Great DeFor its part, PGG has statpression, planned to close its ed the co-op understands the retail store on Main Street impact losing these stores where many in the small will have on communities. c ommunity shopped f o r The board of directors intheir home, garden and agri- cludes one member, McKencultural needs. zie Hansell, who lives in AthOfficials with PGG made ena and two others in neighthe announcement Aug. 14 boring Helix, where the store after months of trying to find servedresidents and farmers a buyer for each of six AG in the area. Supply locations. Stores in Spokeswoman M addee Pendleton, Hermiston and M oore said t h e c o -op i s M ilton-Freewater ar e a l s o simply unable to continue slated to close Friday. operating retail and moved Losing retail hurts in ev- forward with clearing inery community, but especial- ventory in Athena. But that ly tiny Athena — population doesn't mean somebody else

not only the 96 episodes of

of "Have Gun — Will Travel," starring Richard Boone as the

must drive 22 miles roundtrip to Milton-Freewater or

said. Gathered

gentlemanly gunslinger Paladin. He also helmed half a dozen episodes of "Rawhide"

36 miles to and from Pendleton to buy things like paint, irrigation or livestock supplies. Or even a hammer.

"Gunsmoke" but 116 episodes

One of the director's last major

dent of the Athena Chamber

will have to start planning

University in La Grande.

nity. The more vibrant Main

movies, including "The Devil's Brigade" (1968), featuring Holden as the head of a com-

projects was the 1982 miniseries "The Blue and the Gray," a Civil War saga with an allstar cast that included Gregory Peck as Abraham Lincoln.

McLaglen, who was married four times, retired in the early 1990s and moved full time to San Juan Island in Washing-

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Mondaythrough Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the seconddayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication,and by9a.m. Monday for Tuesdaypublication. Deadlines for display adsvary; please call for details.

Bonifer said. Athena native and state S en. Bill H ansell — M a r -

garet's husband and McKenzie's uncle — remembers back when the store was

Rogers 8 Goodman Hardware, an International Harvester dealer.

Hansell's g r a n dfather, M.W. Hansell, used to own the hardware store before it was sold to PGG sometime

in the 1950s. The store has always been a cornerstone of the community, Bill Hansell said.

of easy to take for granted," Wedn e sday he said. "You find out how

mando unit charged with capturing a Nazi stronghold.

starring the then-little-known Clint Eastwood. He directed several w ar

more business for everybody. "It's just nice to have our streets full and thriving,"

"PGG has been a very into the storefront, she said. "That option has been on valuable place. It's always That means residents the table since May," Moore been there, and it's been sort

morning at the Sugar Shack Espresso Bar not far from PGG, friends Cahill, Ellamae Kennedy, Carol Judkins The result h i t s r e sidents and Karen Montee said they at the gas pump and takes hear rumors about what will further income out of the come of the building, but so community. far no action. "You can imagine, the imThey agreed the store pact is great," said Margaret filled a serious need in the Hansell, who serves as presi- community. Without it, they

Obituary policy

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020

The news

couldn't step up and come

written by Burt Kennedy, who

Death Notices are freeandwill be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes.They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of theseservices or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.


1,200 — where many items carried at PGG are not available anywhere else in town.

ever dreamed of, directing

ton, where he satisfied some of his creative yearnings by and a certain tough-guy hu- would earn critical praise as directing a variety of local mor to the genre well past its a writer and director of west- theater productions, including heyday. erns. Wayne guaranteed the comedies by Neil Simon. "As westerns, through di- financing. Besides his daughter Mary, rectors like Anthony Mann, McLaglen directed his first he is survived by daughter Sergio Leone and Sam Peck- western with his next f i lm, Sharon Lannan, son Josh Mcinpah, became more harsh, "Gun the Man Down" (1956), Laglen, stepdaughter Laura McLaglen retained an opti- which starred Arness and An- Geniuch, 10 grandchildren mism about his characters, gie Dickinson. and two great-grandchildren.

Email: obits©bendbulletin.com

East Oregonian

bankrupted the white supremacist group and later

ard Butler in a l awsuit that

McLaglen,who directedthe likes of JohnWayneand Clint Eastwood

Phone: 541-617-7825

By George Plaven

Soda Stereo. Died Thursday in Buenos Aires, four years after lapsing into a coma. Joseph E. Persico, 84: Biographer and popular historian


ioned star power, solid craft

Farm store'sdosing isa harshblow to a tinytown

much you'll miss it when it's gone." At the same time, Hansell

said he realizes the co-op felt, businesswise, this was the best decision. Travis Glover, who works maintenance for the Athena Weston School District,

said he would visit the PGG store at least once per week

for parts and tools. Some of shopping trips to stores Ath- the smaller items will still be other business that supplies ena just doesn't have. available at the local NAPA "We'll just miss PGG, be- Auto Parts store, he said, but those things. PGG was the main one." cause it was so handy for all he figures he'll travel out of The store also employed those little things," said Ken- town for other supplies. "It was nice to have the three local full-time work- nedy, who first came to Athers, as well as seasonal help. ena in 1950. "It was a shock, convenience of it, plus it gave Janet Cahill, a retired school after all these years." us some jobs," Glover said. teacher, said her grandson Vicki Bonifer, part-owner "As far as just having an allused to work i n t h e store of the Sugar Shack, said the around store like PGG was, while visiting over the sum- closing is a blow to the rest it might take some travel to mer from Eastern Oregon of the local business commu- Milton-Freewater to pick up of Commerce. "There's no

"I'm disappointed for the employment of the people

Athena can attract, she said.

there," Cahill said. "Because

And more visitors means

Street is, the more visitors

some stuff."

"Unless you know someone who delivers," he added with a laugh.


Convicted killer extradited to California to face additional murdercharges By Veronica Rocha

tral Valley, however, worked

Los Angeles Times

with the U.S. Marshal's Service to bring Martinez, 52, to California on Wednesday

A man who allegedly told authorities he had been a hit man for a Mexican drug cartel has been extradited to California to face multiple counts of murder for a string of killings that plagued the Central Valley for three decades, officials said Friday.

to face charges for shooting, sometimes stabbing, nine men to death, according to the Tulare County Sheriff's

Department. The California k illings

nine other states. In C a lifornia, M a r tinez

is charged with nine felony counts of murder and a count

of attempted murder — all which were allegedly done for financial gain. One of the nine men was 29-year-old Domingo Perez, who had been reported miss-

ing by his family in 1995 and was later found dead with multiple gunshot wounds gro," or the black hand, had bara counties, ending in 2011 in an orange grove north of been housed at an Alabama where it started. Richgrove in Tulare County. prison, where he was servAuthorities say Martinez, a Santiago Perez, 56, of Prxbed enforcerforan ley was at home with his ing a50-year sentence forthe self-descri March 2013 shooting death of unnamed Mexican drug car- four children when he shot began in the 1980s in Tulare


Jose Manuel M a r t inez, County, then moved through n icknamed "El M an o N e - parts of Kern and Santa Bar-

Inaction onCalifornia's Salton Seacould cause 'catastrophicchange,' report says

Jose Ruiz. Authorities from the Cen-

tel, is also a person of interest

to death in his bed on Feb. 14,

for homicides in Florida and



workers begin dismantling the last concretedam onW hychus Creek. The closure includes all the woods bordered byForest Roads 300,1505and1605, as well as Whychus Creek,according to the Deschutes National Forest. The exact time the closure will be lifted has yet to bebeendetermined. The removal of PineMeadow Ranch damwill help the restoration of13 miles of spawning and rearing habitat for Chinook salmon, steelheadand trout. Pine MeadowRanch has worked with the UppersDeschutes WatershedCouncil, the Deschutes National Forest and the Deschutes RiverConservancy to restore the fishery along the creek.

7 a.m. and 2 p.m. for repairs to a survey monument. Wednesday the intersection of NWMaple Avenue and22nd Street will be completely closed from 9 a.m.to approximately noon. Adetour will begin at NWNickernut for those on 22nd, diverting traffic down NW19th Street. For more information go to http:I/ci.redmond. or.us/government/departments/ public-works/transportation-division/road-work-closures-andlane-restrictions.

By Tony Perry

health, property values, ag-

Los Ange(es Times

ricultural production, recre-

ational assets, as well as the ecology, could cost $29 billion to $70 billion over 30 years, to continue deteriorating will according to the report, which cost even more in unemploy- was financed by the U.S. Bument, property values and reau of Reclamation. "The assumption seems to damage to public health, according to a study released be that delaying action at the Wednesday. Salton Sea will result in busiStraddling Riverside and ness as usual, with no ad¹i Imperial counties, the Salton tional costs," the report warns.

2003 water sale between the Imperial I r r igation D i strict

SAN DIEGO — Saving the

and theSan Diego County Wa-

beleaguered Salton Sea will be expensive, but allowing it

ter Authority has led to a re-

Sea has never attracted the political constituency of other

large bodies of water in California,suchasLakeTahoe,the Sacramento-San JoaquinDel-

ta or San Francisco Bay. Studies have been done and largely ignored, the report by the Pacific Institute, an Oakl and e n v ironmental t h i n k tank, points out.

But the rotten-egg stench inflicted on much of Southern California in 2012 by the sea

is only a sample of what is to come if the report, titled "Hazard's Toll: The Costs of Inaction

at the Salton Sea," is correct. A Salton Sea revitalization

plan endorsed by the California Natural Resources Agency in 2007 is now estimated at $10 billion, with costs adjusted for

2013, the report says. But the damage to public

duction in agricultural runoff needed to replenish the sea. For the first 15 years of the

45-year deal, the irrigation district was required to put water into the Salton Sea to compen-

sate for the loss of runoff. But that clause in the deal expires in 2017, which could lead to the

"This is clearly not the case."

sea rapidly shrinking. Although the sea's woes The water deal included a have long been pointed out, promise from the state to step the Pacific Institute contends up its efforts on the Salton Sea. that it is entering "a period But so far, the state has not fulof very rapid deterioration," filled that promise. with salinity destined to triple. With the 2017 deadline apMore dried seabed will also proaching, the Imperial Irrigabe exposed to the air, leading tion District and the Imperial to 100 tons of dust full of sedi- County Board of Supervisors ment and small-grain particles — two bodies often at political blowing into the air every day. odds — agreed last year on The Salton Sea was formed a plan to raise money for the in 1905 when th e C olora- Salton Sea by encouraging addo River jumped its banks ditional geothermal energy exand flowed north into a dry ploration on the eastern edge lakebed. Shallow, s a lty, of the sea. Money would come tea-colored and covering 350 from energy sales. square miles, the sea has no But the regular legislative source of fresh water, existing session in S acramento this mainly on agricultural run- year ended with no action on off and as a terminus for the a bill that would have required noxious New River as it winds north from Mexicali.

utilities to buy a p ortion of

their energy from geothermal As the report points out, the sources.

Continued from Br

Miller will take over the position held by BarbaraHaslinger, who retired June 30following a judicial career of 23 years in Deschutes County. Miller is a Marine Corpsveteran who received his undergraduate degree from Linfield College and his law degreefrom Willamette University College of Law. He began private practice as a litigator for Schwabe,Williamson 8 Wyatt and transferred to the firm's Bend office in 2006. Miller won the racefor Haslinger's position in the May election and wasappointed by Gov. John Kitzhaber to serve the remainder of Haslinger's term due to her retirement. Under normal circumstances, Miller wouldn't have beensworn in until January.

WhychusCreek dam dismantling to degin A portion of the Deschutes National Forest near Sisters will be closedfrom5p.m.Sundayto Monday evening asconstruction

Corvette clud donates $10,000 to KIDSCenter

The High Desert Corvette Club, along with Chevrolet of Bend, donated $10,000 to the KIDS Center of Bendlast week. The moneywas raised at the club's event, Corvettes on the Street closures for High Desert, which was held this Redmondroadwork July. It was the most the club has Redmond motorists should ever raised for a charity at the be on the lookout for barricades biennial event. and flaggers Tuesdayand In the past, the club has raised Wednesday, asstreet projects in money for the Ronald McDonald select areas will require closures. House Charities and theCrystal Tuesday the intersection at NE Peaks Youth Ranch,among other Negus Wayand Ninth Street will organizations. — Sulletin staff reports be restricted to one lanebetween



W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc. ©2014







HIGH 8$'

ALMANAC Yesterday Normal Record 92' in 1904 26'in 1969

PRECIPITATION 24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" 0.48"in 2007 Record o Month to date (normal) Tra ce (0.07 o) Year to date (normal ) 5.51 " (6.83 ) Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 30 . 1 1"

sunshine today.Clear tonight .Mostlysunny Lincoln and warm tomorrow. 72/52


i~. (o vi

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Baker City

~ 6~ N 3


The highertheAccuWssihsrxmmuyIndex number, the greatertheneedfor eyesndskin protecgon.0-2 Low,


POLLEN COUNT T r ee s Ab s ent




• Eugene






GN Gold ach


• Burns Junturs 85/50

• Ch ristmas alley Beaver Silver 84/41 Marsh Lake 84/41 85/43 • Paisley • Chiloquin



Frenchglen 85/47

Fields •

• l.akeview




Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lu/Prec. Hi/Lu/W Hi/Lu/W

H i/Lu/Prsc. Hi/Lu/W Hi/Lu/W C i ty 87/52/0.00 87/52/s 72/55/pc Ls Grande 82/39/0.00 85/37/s 87/43/s 65/31/0.00 83/35/s 85/39/s Ls Pine 76/33/0.00 84/46/s 84/48/s 58/48/0.00 68/51/s 69/53/pc M edfcrd 98/5 1/0.00 98/56/pc 95/56/s 80/30/0.00 85/39/s 86/42/s Ne wport 91/5 2 /0.00 69/48/s 63/51/pc 98/50/0.00 97/49/s 92/49/s No r th Bend 93 / 48/0.00 68/50/s 65/53/pc 84/46/0.0086/41/pc 83/42/s Ontario 85/43/0.00 86/48/s 89/52/s 81/46/0.00 85/41/pc83/40/s Pendleton 83/47/0.00 85/52/s 89/57/s

Nyssa a s/47

Riley 85/39 83/42

• Ashl nd Falls

8 48

Valeu 87/53

Ham ton •



7 MedfO d ' 85/38

Sro ings



• Pa lina

La pine

'Baker C uU

• John

• Prineville

• Fort Rock Cresce t • 84/43

R o seburg

JosePh Grande • 85 37 union

Graniteu 81/45

' Se d arothers Su iueru 83/46 • 44

• 83/ Grove Oakridge

Wee d s Abs e nt

Jordan V Hey 82/52

• Burns Jun tion • 86/49 Rome 87/45 McDermi 86/52

Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lu/Prsc. Hi/Lu/W Hi/Lu/W

City Portland Prineviiie Redmond Roseburg Salem Sisters The Dslles

90/5 6/0.0094/58/s 90/57/s 77/ 3 9/0.0086/48/s 84/48/s 81 / 36/0.0085/41/s 87/42/s 98 / 53/0.00 97/55/s 93/54/s 93/53/0.00 96/53/s 92/53/s 77/34/0.00 85/41/s 86/43/s 89 / 48/0.0089/50/s 94/58/s


Source: OregonAiiergyAssocistss 541-683-1577

~ t o s ~ 203 ~ 30s ~dos ~50s ~e cs ~7 03 ~a os ~g os ~toos ~tfOs ~ tcs ~os ~ o s WATER REPORT cal ry As of 7 s.m. yesterday NATIONAL Queb • I ulpeg Reservoir Ac r e feet Ca pacity EXTREMES (for the C rane Prairie 289 6 5 52% YESTERDAY Bismarck dur 30'yo 48 contiguous states) Wickiup 59621 76/49 rnan 94/58 • Billings • 84/ 5 9 Crescent Lake 6 4 1 21 74% National high: 115 uruntu k aui 78/51 inueu Iis 1 uutun Ochoco Reservoir 17234 39% at Death Valley,CA • ss/ss < 3/54 • Uk 76/5 /SS I Z Prinevige 99535 67% National low: 22 York River flow St a tion Cu. ft.lsec. at Stanley, ID ul che Deschutes R.below CranePrairie 286 Precipitation: 4.21" 67/4 ~~~ I P iladulphiu C Ioug '• C Col Deschutes R.below Wickiup 1360 at Manistee, Ml u u crscu Salt Lake ity • Den 74/57 ss/ss Deschutes R.below Bend 153 ingfuu 72/5 Lus V us Deschutes R. atBenhamFalls 1800 ss/efw w SS/77 Kunsa Cny Sf. uu Little Deschutes near LaPine 115 73/51 76/8 C rescent Ck. below Crescent Lake 1 2 3 Churlu Los An lee klahuma Ci Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 0 Sf/1 ~ . c ft • . ph uuu x ' Anchorag v cAIbun eW kkk Crooked R.below Prineville Res. 215 k • fc so/4 v. v, X X WX Xxefns Crooked R.nearTerrebonne 81 airmin hum < X k V. V. vVWWXWXu ++Juuuuu 6 sono Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRes. 9 SS/Sf od od d




Juneau Kansas City Lansing Lss Vegss Lexington Lincoln

Amsterdam Athens

67/50/sh 83/69/I 62/47/s 108/79/s 88/76/sh 87/64/s






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75/53/s 74/52/s 81/61/I



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Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New YorkCity Newark, NJ Norfolk, VA

89/57/s 75/60/pc 79/62/pc 72/50/s

73/50/s 70/40/pc 88/73/I 83/66/I 85/68/1 79/53/s 76/57/s 77/55/s


Omaha Orlando Palm Springs Psoris Philadelphia Phoenix

73/53/s 77/53/pc 75/53/s 89/71/I

eonon 79/57/s 76/47/s 92/74/pc


77/53/s 82/55/s 76/56/s

75/54/s 73/53/s 79/66/I 55/32/s


72/51/I 74/51/s 73/53/s 79/64/1 76/54/s 79/54/pc 83/48/s

9Ons/s 91/73/I 85/64/I 75/54/s 87/68/1 88/71/I


76/58/1 65/46/c 78/59/pc 70/56/s 89/73/I 91/73/s 75/45/s


61/44/pc 62/47/pc 77/58/pc 76/51/s 92/82/I sf/69/I 79/62/s 79/49/s 67/59/pc 77/65/I 68/48/pc 86/60/pc


Hi/Lu/Prsc. Hi/Lu/W HiRu/W 60/52/1.84 56/51/r 56/44/r 81/62/0.15 73/51/s 75/57/s senz/0'.14 71/50/pc 73/52/s 99/80/0.00 98n7/pc 93/75/I 91/71/0.00 80/61/I 77/57/s 65/59/rr 73/48/s 75/58/s esnsfho4 88/67/I 82/64/pc 83/66/0.00 89n1/pc 92/71/pc 90/73/0.00 80/61/I 79/57/s 76/72/0.01 73/49/s 76/52/s esn5/o'.oo 88/68/I 84/65/pc 91/79/0.00 89n9/I eonen 82/69/0.02 72/54/s 72/57/s 66/57/0.00 73/54/s 76/57/s 93/72/0.02 87/68/I 81/63/pc 90/76/0.03 88n5/I 89/75/I 87nz/o.oo 90/67/I 80/63/pc 87/70/0.24 92/65/I 81/62/pc 90/73/0.11 90n4/pc 78/72/I 95/73/0.00 70/61/I 84/64/pc 66/60/0.26 73/51/s 72/58/s

90/73/0.57 90f/4/I 89/73/I 101/81/0.00 102/82/pc 99/81/I eonwo.o574/54/pc 77/56/s senz/o.oo 90/66/I 81/63/pc 101/80/0.00 100/83/I ezn7n Pittsburgh 87/64/0.00 75/52/I 73/53/s Portland, ME 83/60/0.00 84/59/I 74/52/s Providence 89/65/0.00 86/64/I 80/57/pc Raleigh 91/71/0.01 90f/1/I 80/65/I Rapid City 69/42/0.00 76/52/s 83/54/s Reno 87/53/0.00 90/55/s 90/55/s Richmond 90/71/0.03 93/70/I 80/65/I Rochester, NY 92/67/0.00 69/53/r 71/48/s Sacramento 90/59/0.00 92/56/s 91/56/s Sf. Louis 97/77/0.03 76/57/pc 79/57/s Salt Lake City 84/58/0.00 86/63/pc 88/66/pc Ssn Antonio 97/76/0.02 93ff5/I 93/75/I Ssn Diego 79/69/0.00 81n3/pc 84/73/c Ssu Francisco 75/60/0.00 74/57/pc 72/56/pc Ssu Jose 76/57/0.00 80/56/s 80/55/s Santa rs 80/57/0.00 75/50/I 76/52/I Savannah 88/75/0.23 88n2/I 88/72/I Seattle 82/57/0.00 85/55/s 84/56/s Sioux Falls 66/54/0.00 74/50/s 74/57/s Spokane 77/48/0.00 82/51/s 83/52/s Springfield, Mo 92/72/0.00 74/53/sh 79/56/s Tampa San7/rr eonsn 89/76/I Tucson 94/69/0.21 89/73/I 89/73/I Tulsa esns/0'.00 75/60/I 82/64/s Washington, DC 93/76/0.00 93no/I 81/67/pc Wichita 82/74/0.00 75/51/pc 80/61/s Yskims 84/44/0.00 86/46/s 89/50/s Yums 100/83/0.00 97/84/I 96/83/I o


Source: USDA Forest Service

Yesterday Today Sunday

Cify Hi/Lu/Prsc. Hi/Lu/W Abilene 94/73/0.00 86/68/I Akron 88/69/0.00 72/52/sh Albany 89/63/0.00 83/59/I Albuquerque 85/62/0.00 79/58/I Anchorage 56/48/0.14 60/45/c Atlanta 89n2/0.00 85nfn Atlantic City 83n1/0.02 87/68/I Austin 99n2/0.05 94/71/I Baltimore 91/71/0.00 90/64/c Billings 71/44/0.00 78/51/s Birmingham 90n1/0.03 eonon Bismarck 76/41/0.00 76/49/s Boise 81/49/0.00 86/56/s Boston 91/67/0.00 87/66/I Bridgeport, CT 85n1/0.00 87/65/I Buffalo 86no/0.13 68/54/r Burlington, VT 86/67/0.00 79/54/r Caribou, ME 83/60/0.00 77/46/r Charleston, SC 89n7/0.1 8 88/74/I Charlotte 89/69/0.30 89/70/I Chattanooga 86/72/Tr 87/68/I Cheyenne 54/46/0.06 67/47/I Chicago 88/67/0.44 74/56/pc Cincinnati 89/69/0.00 76/56/I Cleveland 91/70/0.00 69/54/pc ColoradoSprings 56/48/0.02 65/50/pc Columbia, Mo 92n4/0.74 73/52/sh Columbia, SC 94n2/0.00 91/72/I Columbus,GA 92/71/0.35 91/71/I Columbus,OH 91n3/0.00 77/56/I Concord, NH 89/57/0.00 86/56/I Corpus Christi 90n8/0.13 92/75/pc Dallas esns/o'.oo91/72/I Dayton 90n2/0.00 72/53/I Denver 65/50/0.34 72/52/pc Des Moines 68/61/0.09 74/53/s Detroit 93/70/0.03 74/54/pc Duluth 67/56/0.00 67/52/s El Paso 83/65/0.46 81/65/I Fairbanks 57/36/0.00 54/34/c Fargo 71/48/0.00 73/52/s Flagstaff 75/48/0.48 76/50/I Grand Rapids 84n1/0.51 71/51/pc Greenesy 73/66/0.30 72/47/s Greensboro 86/70/1.00 ssnon Harrisburg 87no/0.00 85/60/I Hsrffurd, CT 90/64/0.00 88/61/I Helena 73/40/0.00 80/44/s Honolulu 89/76/0.00 sen5/pc Houston 93n5/0.03 91/73/pc Huntsville 90n3/0.26 90/68/I Indianapolis 89n1/0.00 74/52/pc Jackson, MS 91/73/0.40 90/71/I Jacksonville 88/70/1.28 sznfn



~P Tt~

Mostly sunnyandbreezy P l easant with plenty of sun

73/59/0.00 68/55/pc 90n3/0.05 84/71/I Auckland 58/55/0.48 64/50/sh Baghdad 106/80/0.00 108/79/s Bangkok 90/81/0.00 88/76/I eeijing 84/62/0.00 84/67/c Beirut 86n9/0.00 83/76/pc Berlin 79/57/0.00 79/60/pc Bogota 64/41/0.08 67/49/I Budapest 75/64/0.02 75/58/pc BuenosAires 64/58/0.73 67/50/pc Csbo SsnLucss 80/78/1.91 90/73/I Cairo 91/77/0.00 90/73/s Calgary 72/43/0.00 72/46/s Csncun 90/81/0.05 88/77/1 Dublin 68/48/0.14 61/44/pc Edinburgh 64/54/0.43 61/45/sh v XX I Geneva 77/55/0.00 77/55/pc XXSIISSWWW%'+ v' odd ndu Hsrsre 69/46/0.02 75/48/c o oriuuuu 'e x Hong Kong 91/82/0.13 92/83/s Honolulu ' Sef/5 ~ . f Istanbul 82/75/0.00 80/70/I ss/75 'e'eX'+ Miami 2< Jerusalem 83/67/0.00 79/62/s Muh uy ww 'e x Ssn(k, Swre W' e 'e ' Johannesburg 70/45/0.00 75/50/s Lima 66/60/0.00 66/60/pc Lisbon 81/63/0.00 78/68/I Shown are today's noonpositions of weather systemsand precipitation. Temperature bandsare highs for the day. London 68/62/0.00 71/53/c T-storms Rain S h owers S now F l urries Ice Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 90/64/0.00 88/60/pc Manila 91/77/0.02 87/78/I

Bend/Sunriver ~ ~ xtrem~e Redmond/Madras ~x tre ~me Sisters ~E xt re~me Prinevige ~~ xt rem~e La Pine/Gilchrist ~x tre ~ me



• 8 4/47

• 65



Yesterday Today Sunday

Eugene Klsmsth Falls Lskeview Weather(W):s-sunny,pc-psrtlycloudy, c-clcudy, sh-showers,t-thunderstcrms,r-rsin, sf-sncwflurries, sn-snowi-ice,Tr-frsce,Yesterday data ssof 5 p.m. yesterday

35 Moderate; 6-7 High;8-10 VeryHigh; II+ Exlreme.

G rasses Absent

0a mPSh man R6I I



Mostly sunny; breezy in the afternoon

Meac am Lostl ne 85/47 Enterprlse

dl te 80/3

7/50 • Mitch 8 84/42

• 86



• He PPner u p i Condon /46


2 p.m. 4 p.m. Asturis

3 NI~ 6


69 1

• W co 8 /50



Yesterday Today Sunday


• 89/50 Goveu

llngtoll 8 8/47




High: 98' at Medford Low: 29'

he Daa nt •


Floren e

12:10 p.m. 1 0 :14 p.m. 8:38 p.m. 9: 2 7 a.m.

10 a.m. Noon


0 rV 6 I 8

Yach 68/53

S ep 23 O c t 1 THE PLANETS at Meacham T he Planets R i se Set Mercury 8:35 a.m. 8: 1 6 p.m. Venus 5:26 a.m. 7 : 0 9 p.m. 0 ' Mars 12:54 p.m. 1 0:13 p.m. Jupiter 3:42 a.m. 6 : 1 4 p.m.


andy •

Mc innvie



S ep 8 Sep15




WEST:Mostly sunny Today Sun. Sunrise 6:34 a.m. 6 : 3 5 a.m. today. Clear to partly Sunset 7:33 p.m. 7: 3 1 p.m. cloudy tonight. Mostly Moonrise 5 :53 p.m. 6:33 p.m. sunny tomorrow. Moonset 3:3 6 a.m. 4:5 1 a.m. La s t





portland se/57

Tdlamo •

CENTRAL: Abundant



Warm with plenty of sunshine

A moonlit sky





Shown is today's weather.Temperatures are today's highs andtonight's lows. umatiaa Hood 88/48 RiVer Rufus • ermiston


EAST:Plenty of sunshine andpleasant Seasid today. Clearand 78/54 seasonable tonight. Cannon Sunny tomorrow. 76/55





Bend through 5 p.m.yesterday 77 39'



Mostly sunnyandwarm

I f' I




Mecca Mexico City

104/87/0.00 104/80/s 75/55/0.17 73/53/I Montreal 86/68/0.01 73/51/r Moscow 72/48/0.00 68/49/s Nairobi 61/59/0.16 73/53/c Nassau 90/78/0.12 90/79/pc New Delhi 82/77/0.12 87n7/1 Osaka 86/75/0.14 86/69/I Oslo 66/50/0.00 68/55/pc Ottawa 82/66/0.29 70/48/sh Paris 73/63/0.00 74/56/pc Riu de Janeiro 75/64/0.01 77/64/s Rome 80/63/0.00 82/64/pc Santiago 57/48/0.27 64/42/s Ssu Paulo 68/55/0.00 77/59/s Sspporo 79/65/0.06 77/62/sh Seoul 82/66/0.00 84/64/pc Shanghai 83/71/0.05 85/71/s Singapore 86/80/0.04 85n7/1 Stockholm 68/52/0.00 69/50/pc Sydney 60/47/0.54 63/50/sh Taipei 95/81/0.00 92/79/I Tei Aviv 89/73/0.00 86n4/s Tokyo 86/75/0.02 84/72/I Toronto 88/72/0.19 72/51/pc Vancouver 68/55/0.00 75/54/s Vienna 77/59/0.00 71/59/pc Warsaw 70/48/0.00 72/50/pc


104/82/I 71/53/I 71/49/s 67/50/c 76/56/c

9One/pc 91/78/I 82/66/I 66/55/r 71/48/s 75/55/pc

80/65/s 84/65/s 68/44/s 80/62/pc 75/60/sh 85/64/pc 84/71/s 87/76/1 72/52/s

65/50/pc 92/79/I 86/73/s 74/68/r 72/50/s 74/56/s 75/60/I 73/52/s


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Rangers manager Washingtonout ARLINGTON,Texas — Texas Rangers manager RonWashington unexpectedly resigned Friday, saying heneeded to devote his full attention to an "off-the-field

personal matter." The stunning announcement camea day after the Rangers (53-87) lost their sixth straight gameand became the first team in the majors mathematically eliminated from playoff contention. Washington issued a statement in which he said his resignation had nothing to do with the disappointing season. He did not disclose any details of why hewas leaving. "I have submitted my resignation from the job I love — managing the Rangers — in order to devote my full attention to addressing an off-the-field personal matter. As painful as it is, stepping awayfrom the game is what's best for me and myfamily," Washington said. "This is in no way related to the disappointing performance of the team this season. Wewere already discussing 2015 and looking forward to getting the Rangers back to postseason contention." General managerJon Daniels also refused to go into specifics for the reasons for Washington's decision, outside of saying that the manager had given theteam permission to acknowledgethatthemove"was not drug-related."

PREP FOOTBALL Nonconference





SUMMIT ......... ....41 RIDGEVIEW ..........35 CENTRAL........ .....46 REDMOND ....... .....62 MOUNTAIN VIEW ....21 PENDLETON ..... ....19 BAKER ........... .....18 BEND ............. .....34 FRANKLIN ....... .....28 WILSONVILLE ........14 Nonconference




Noncoference,1 p.m.today

CULVER.......... ....33 BURNS ................39 CROOKCOUNTY.....28 JUNCTION CITY......31 ALSEA VS.GILCHRIST LA PINE.......... ....20 SISTERS ......... ...... 6 SWEET HOME..... ...27 MADRAS .............18


Pair of locals in top seven • Washington pro wins with a 2-under atTetherow By Zack Hall The Bulletin

s «Iss

Sometimes, the consolation

prize is nearly as important as wlnmng.

A former Senior European Tour player won the Pacific Northwest

Senior Championship Friday at Tetherow Golf

Club in Bend, but two Central

Oregon golf professionals took


the first step toward the 2015

Senior PGA Championship. Steve Stull, a 63-year-old pro from Richland, Washington, claimed the Senior

Championship after carding a 1-over-par 73 in the sun-

-: i,

splashed final round to finish at 2 under for the 36-hole

/sss« «

tournament. But more than that, the top

seven golfers qualified for the


2014 Senior PGA Profession-

al National Championship, where club professionals from


s ii«

'S '

around the country will at-

tempt to qualify for one of pro golf's senior majors. SeeSenior PGA/C4


— The Associated Press Photos by Joe Kline/The Bulletin

NFL McDonald will play for 49ers

Summit's Sean Kent, right, dives for a fumble with Pendleton's Keyano Walker during the first half on Friday at Summit High School. Kent recovered the ball for the Storm, one of six fumble recoveries and seven takeaways for the Storm defense.

• Summit defense forcesseventurnovers in season-opening victory over Pendleton


— San Francisco 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh said defensive endRay McDonald, who was arrested in a domestic violence caselast week, will play against the Dallas Cowboys onSunday. "As it stands now, yes he will play," Harbaugh said Friday. "There are two principles woven together here. I feel the way the facts are, what's known, he hasthe liberty to play the game." McDonald has been late for practice at least twice this week taking care of personal business, but Harbaugh said the seven-year veteran has been fine in practice. McDonald has missed four games since 2008 with injuries. As a rookie, hewas limited and appeared in nine games. The49ers are 4-7 whenhe's out of the lineup. — The Associated Press

MOTOR SPORTS Only two spots left in Chase Clint Bowyer is one of many who needa win in order to get into the NASCARSprint Cup chase,C4

TENNIS Williams seeks to make history

By Grant Lucas

some big plays for

The Bulletin

Joe Padilla dubs himself

us. That's a

fun group

a critical coach at times. He constantly emphasizes how

NeXt uP

much more his Summit team can improve, how much more

there." Summitat Bledsoe Franklin completed When:7 p.m 11 of 13 Friday, Sept. 12 passes for 145yards

his Storm can achieve.

But even Padilla conceded that Friday night's performance was one of the best he

has seen in some time from an out-of-rhythm football team. With the defense forcing seven turnovers — five in the first quarter alone — and

ground a little too much, the offense got a little sluggish at times and couldn't reallyget it going," Padilla said. "I don't think we ever really got in a rhythm offensively. I think we

had some nice big plays and

season opener against Portland State,

yards and a touchdown.

hind 14-13 at halftime be-

his first varsity start on

fense forced six fumbles and limited the Buckaroos (0-1) to developed yet." just five third-down converThe Storm (1-0) allowed 331 sions in 19 attempts. yards of total offense while

gaining only 187 yards themselves, but the Summit de-

"Our defense did a heck

of a job for us," Padilla said. "They came out and made

Oregon State cannot afford

Cornett, who had four recep-

Pendleton defender Kyler Lunny during the second half.

had some spurts, but 1 don't

The Associated Press

tions for 81 yards and a score. Garcia rushed 16times for63 Summit's Kyle Cornett hauls in a longpass for a touchdown over

think there was consistency

By Anne M. Peterson

Summit. His top target was

"This is huge," said Bledsoe, a sophomore who made

in both teams' season opener. "We put the ball on the

Beavswary of Rainbow Warriors a slow start this weekend. The Beavers took time to find their groove in the 2014

and two touchdowns for

with Kyle Cornett and Jason

Garcia each runningkickoffs back for touchdowns, Summit raced by visiting Pendleton for a 41-19 nonconference victory

to watch out


Friday. "We came outreally strong, and our defense played amazing." Summit capitalized on Pendleton's first turnover, on the fourth offensive play of the game, as Garcia punched in an 8-yard touchdown run.


For all of the best inS i de For more photos from g Follow along with prep foot— ball action every Friday night prep coverage in •LavaBearsboyssoccerblanks ~ Friday night'sgamebetween Central Oregon: South Medford. Central Oregon Summit and Pendleton, go to on Twitter by using the hashtag bendbnlletin.cnm/sperts pr e p roundup, CS bendbnlletin.cnm/highschnelspnrts ¹opreps:©BBnlletinSpnrts


falling before emerging with a 2914 victory in

corvallis last Ne Xt llp Saturday.

in Honolulu against

Oregon State at Hawaii When:7:30 P.m. today TV:CBSSN Radio:


KICE-AM 940,

Such a start could mean disaster tonight

which gave K RCO-AM Washington a scarelastweek beforelosing 17-16 in the opener for both teams.

Oregon State dropped openers to lower-division Eastern

Panthers' Brownrunswild on Franklin By Gary Newman

'ti«. n




a 59-yard run just 95 seconds into the game.

For The Bulletin

REDMOND — Redmond pounded out a 62-28 home football win over Franklin of Portland on Friday night

Serena Williams will face Caroline Wozniacki in U.S. Openfinal, C4

NeXt up

minu t eslaterona

amassed 590 yards of total offense.

Redmond at Eagle point

23-yard touchdown

season opener for both teams.

Redmond's Derek Brown breaks a tackle by Franklin'e Michael Kebede in Redmond on Friday.

struck again three

behind a prolific running game that Redmond had 446 yards to Franklin's 14 yards in the first half in the

Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin

The Panthers

run by Brown and then yet again early in the second quar-

Running back Derek Brown accounted for 354 yards for the Pan-

Friday, Sept. 12 ter on a 22-yard run by Brown.

thers, who scored on a pair of quick

Redmond led 34-7 at the half after

drives in the first quarter and led 21-0 touchdown runs of 4 yards by Brian before Franklin answered. Palmer and 15 yards by Hunter Smith. Brown started the scoring with

See Panthers/C5

Washington in 2013 and Sacramento State in 2011, and it

looked for a time last week like they might be in danger of falling to the Vikings of the Big Sky Conference. SeeBeavers/C6

Inside • Ducks, Spartans ready to finally get on the field,C6 • Southern Cal, Stanford kick off Pac-12 season,C6

Nextup No. 7 Michigan St. at No. 3 Oregon When:3:30 p.m. today TV:Fox

Ra dio: KBND-AM1110






Formula One, Italian Grand Prix, qualifying NASCAR,Sprint Cup, Richmond Formula One, Italian Grand Prix

Time TV/Radio 5 a.m. N BCSN 4:30 p.m. ABC 4:30 a.m. NBCSN


5 a.m. 1 0 a.m. noon 2 p.m. 3 a.m.

UHD Go l f NBC Golf Golf

College, Oklahoma atTulsa College, Missouri at Toledo College, Akron at PennState College, McNeeseState at Nebraska College, SMUat North Texas College, KansasState at lowa State College, teamsTBA College, Florida Atlantic at Alabama College, Eastern Washington at Washington College, USC at Stanford College, Ball State at lowa College, Ohio at Kentucky College, Missouri State at OklahomaState College, Northern lllinois at Northwestern or Middle Tennesseeat Minnesota College, teamsTBA College, Mississippi at Vanderbilt College, Michigan State at Oregon

9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m.


9 a.m.


College, SanJose State at Auburn College, EastCarolina at South Carolina College, Michigan at Notre Dame College, BYUat Texas College, SamHouston State at LSU College, Virginia Tech atOhio State College, Memphis at UCLA College, Colorado State at BoiseState College, Air Force atWyoming College, OregonState at Hawaii

4 p.m. E SPN2 4 p.m. E SPNU 4:30 p.m. NBC 4 :30 p.m. F S 1 4:30 p.m. S EC 5 p.m. E S PN 7 p.m. P a c-12 7:15 p.m. ESPN2 7:15 p.m. ESPNU 7:30p.m. CBSSN,

LPGA Tour ,TheHelsingborgOpen PGA Tour, BMWChampionship PGA Tour, BMWChampionship Web.com Tour,Chiquita Classic EuropeanTour,OmegaEuropeanMasters FOOTBALL

9 a.m. Roo t 9 a.m. FS1 9 a.m. B i g 10 9 a.m. SEC noon Pa c -12 12:30 p.m. ABC 12:30p.m. ESPN2 12:30p.m. ESPNU 12:30 p.m. Root 12:30 p.m. Big 10 1 p.m. SEC 1:30 p.m. ESPN 3:30 p.m. Fox, KBND-AM


College, TexasTechatTexas-ElPaso

8 p.m.


9 a.m.


10a.m. 1 p.m.


4 p.m. 5 p.m.

MLB Roo t


U.S. Open, men's semifinals BASEBALL

MLB, SanFrancisco at Detroit MLB,KansasCityatNew YorkYankees MLB, St. Louis at Milwaukee OR L.A. Angels at Minnesota MLB, Seattle at Texas SOCCER MLS, KansasCity at NewYork BOXING Adrien Broner vs. EmmanuelTaylor


4:30 p.m. NBCSN 6:25 p.m. SHO

SUNDAY GOLF LPGA Tour ,TheHelsingborgOpen 5 a.m. UHD PGA Tour, BMWChampionship 9 a.m. Golf PGA Tour, BMWChampionship 1 1 a.m. NB C Web.com Tour,Chiquita Classic 2 p.m. Golf SOCCER Euro 2016 qualifier, Hungary vs. Northern Ireland8 :45 a.m. F S 2 Euro 2016 qualifier, Portugal vs. Albania 11:30a.m. ESPN2 Euro 2016 qualifier, Germanyvs. Scotland 11:30 a.m. FS1 International friendly, Serbia vs. France 11:30 a.m. FS2 Women's college, Notre Dame at Stanford 1 p.m. P a c-12 Men's college, St. Mary's at Washington 1 p.m. Pac-120R MLS, SanJose at Portland 1:45 p.m. ESPN2 4 p.m. P a c-12 Women's college, CalPoly at California Women's college, Dartmouth at Washington 4 p.m. Pac-120R TENNIS

U.S. Open,men'sdoubleschampionship U.S. Open,women's final

9:30 a.m. ESPN2 1:30 p.m. CBS


MLB,KansasCityatN.Y.Yankees MLB, Seattle at Texas MLB, SanFrancisco at Detroit

10 a.m. noon 5 p.m.



NFL, NewEngland at Miami NFL, NewOrleans at Atlanta Canada, Saskatchewan atW innipeg NFL, SanFrancisco at Dallas NFL, Indianapolis at Denver

1 0 a.m. CB S 10 a.m. Fox 1 p.m. E S PN 1 :25 p.m. F o x 5:20 p.m. NBC


Women's college, lllinois at Stanford

11 a.m. Pac-12


WNBA finals, Chicago at Phoenix

12:30 p.m. ABC

LiStingSare themOStaCCurateaVailable. The BulletiniS

not responsible for latechanges madebyTVor radio stations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF FOOTBALL WaShingtan State fallS to NeVada —DonJackson ranfor two touchdowns andNevada's defense allowed a lonefield goal in the second half Friday night as theWolf Pack beat Washington State 24-13 in Reno, Nevada.Cody Fajardo passed for110 yards and ran for another100 to join Colin Kaepernick as one of only three players in school history to surpass 10,000 career total offense yards for Nevada (2-0). Connor Halliday passed for 389 yards but only one touchdown andwas intercepted twice for the Cougars (0-2). Nevada never trailed after freshman Kendall Jackson returned an interception 45 yards to set up Jackson's1-yard score late in the first quarter.

CYCLING NaVarro WinS13th SpaniSh Vuelta Stage — DanielNavarro of Spain surged forward and hung on towin the13th stage of the Spanish Vuelta in Obregon, Spain, while countryman Alberto Contador kept the overall leader's red jersey onFriday. Navarro finished the 189-kilometer (117-mile) mountainous ride from Belorado to Obregon two seconds ahead ofDaniel Morenoand Wilco Kelderman. — From wire reports

ON DECK Today FoolbaH:Gilchrist vs. Alseaat 8-ManClassic in Dufur,1p.m. Boyssoccer Bendat North Medford,11 amcMarist at Summit,11a.m.; Mountain Viewat SouthMedford,11a m.;Irrigonat Culver,1 pm. Girls soccer:Summit at Marist, 11a.m.; NorthMedford atBend,11a.m.; SouthMedford atMountain View,11a.m. Volleyball: Summiatt Central Catholic Invite, 8a.m.; Bend, Redmond,Mountain View at Mountain ViewTournament,TBD;MadrasatCascadeTourney,TBD;Culverat BurnsTourney, TBD;LaPine, Gilchrist, TrinityLutheranat LaPineTournament, Ba.m. Crosscountry:Bend,Mountain View,Redmond, Summit, CrookCounty, Sisters, La Pine, Culver at JereBreeseMemorial RanchStampede in Prinevige,8a.m.

WNBA Playoffs In the Bleachers 0 2014 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick www.gocomics.com/inthebleachers




Friday atTetherowGolf Club 6,634 yards,Par72 Final Round ChampionshipDivision (moneywinners) SteveStull, MeadowSpringsCC 69-73 — 142 Joe Carranza,AldarraGolf Clu b 75-69 — 144 ChrisvanderVelde,TetherowGC 72-73 — 145 RobGibbons,ArrowheadGC 7 7 -72 — 149 MarkGardner,TheCreekat Qualchan 78-71—149 BrentMurray,OswegoLakeCC 76-74 — 150 Jeff Fought,BlackButte Ranch 7 6-74 — 150 ZdravkoBarbic, Gearhart Golf Links 77-74 —151 ChuckMilne,Vanco DrIvingRange 74-78 —152 75-78 — 153 Jeff Shaw, HackPromotions SteveBowen,Vancouver, Wash. 79-74 — 153 "I'm sorry, Steve. You took too long Kevin Coombs,GreenMountainGC 77-7 6— 153 FredHaney,TheReserveVineyards 72-81 —153 at the concessions. I've met someone JohnKegey,Arlington, Wash. 6 9 -84 — 153 new, so you need to find another seat." ScottKrieger,Broadmoor GC 7 8 -76 — 154 79-76 — 155 StevePrugh,Manito G8CC Jeff Marsh,OrchardHils CC 84 - 72 — 156 BruceStewart, ArrowheadGC 8 1-75 — 156 82-74—156 DonBies,Seatle Gc Washington 0 0 1 0 17 16 35-37 — 72 Kell yDeShaw,YakimaElksGBCC 80-76 — 156 RickFehr WashingtonSt. 0 0 0 2 51 65 Willie Wood 37-35 — 72 Senior Division(moneywinners) South Division 74-79—153 Hale Irwin 37-35 — 72 DonOtto,Sah-hah-leeGC W L W L PF PA Scott Dunl a p 36-36 — 7 2 Jim Wilkinson,LostTracksGC 84-78 — 162 Arizona 0 0 2 0 84 36 an 35-37 — 72 Rick Edwards, OrchardHils CC 81-82 — 163 RogerChapm Arizona St. 0 0 1 0 45 14 83-82—165 BrianCairns 37-35 — 72 MahlonMoe,Portland UCLA 0 0 1 0 28 20 Jim Gallagher,Jr. 36-37—73 Utah 0 0 1 0 56 14 ChienSoonLu 36-37—73 SouthernCal 0 0 1 0 52 13 PGA To ur BobbyWadkins 33-40—73 Colorado 0 0 0 1 17 31 Dick Mast 38-35—73 BMW Ch ampionship LonnieNielsen 37-36—73 Friday atCherry Hill s Cou ntry Club,Cherry Friday's Game RonnieBlack 36-37—73 Hills Village,Colo. Nevada 24,Washington State13 GrantWaite 38-35 — 73 Today'sGames Second Rou nd Lyle 34-39—73 68-64—132 Sandy Sacramento St.at California, noon SergioGarcia 38-36—74 69-64—133 MarkBrooks Eastern WashingtonatWashington, noon RyanPalmer 38-36—74 FresnoSt,at Utah, noon 67-67—134 BobGilder RoryMcllroy Jon Corl i s s 37-37 — 7 4 C olorado at UMass, noon 68-66—134 Billy Horschel 38-37—75 Southern CalatStanford,12:30p.m. 68-68—136 RodSpittle GrahamDeLaet M ichigan St.atOregon,3:30p.m. 38-37 — 75 70-66—136 BenBates BubbaWatson A rizona St. atNewMexico,4p.m. 37-38 — 7 5 69-67—136 CraigStadler HidekiMatsuyama MemphisatUCLA, 7p.m. 38-38—76 71-66—137 John Inman RickieFowler Oregon St. atHawaii, 7:30p.m. 36-40—76 68-69—137 MarcHudubise HenrikStenson Saturday, Sept. 13 41-36 — 77 67-70—137 WayneLevi JordanSpieth WyomingatOregon,11a.m. 39-38—77 71-66—137 MikeGoodes AdamScott glmois at W a shi n gton,1 p.m. 72-66—138 CharlSchwartzel Army atStanford,2p.m. 70-68—138 Jim Furyk PortlandStateatWashington State,5 p.m FOOTBALL 68-70—138 MartinKaym er USCat BostonCollege, 5p.m. 68-70—138 ChessonHadley UCLAatTexas,5p.m. 73-66—139 NFL JohnSenden ArizonaStateatColorado,7p.m. 72-67—139 JimmyWalker NevadaatArizona, 8p.m. NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE 70-69—139 ErnieEls AH TimesPDT 71-68—139 J.B. Holmes Top 25Schedule 73-67—140 Brendon Todd Today AMERICAN CONFERENCE 72-68—140 Bill Haas No.1FloridaStatevs. TheCitadel,4:30p.m. East 71-69—140 Tim Clark N o. 2 Al a bam a vs. F AU , 9a.m. W L T Pct PF PA 71-69—140 GeorgeMcNeig No.3Oregonvs.No.7MichiganState,3:30p.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 71-69—140 BrianStuard No.4OklahomaatTulsa,9a.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 70-70—140 BenCrane No. 5Auburn vs. SanJose State,4p.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 67-73—140 GaryWoodland No. 8OhioStatevs. VirginiaTech, 5p.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 69-71—140 JustinRose No. 9Texas A&Mvs. Lamar,4:30 p.m. South 68-72—140 KevinChappel W L T Pct PFPA No.10Baylorvs.NorthwesternState, 4;30p.m. 68-73—141 Houston Matt Every No.11UCLAvs. Memphis,7p.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 69-72—141 Indianapolis CharlesHowell III No.12LSUvs.Sam HoustonState,4:30p.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 Seung-Yul Noh 70-71 — 141 No.13 Stanfordvs.No.14SouthernCal,1230 p m. Jacksonvile 0 0 0 000 0 0 70-71 — 141 CamiloVigegas No. 15Mississippi atVanderbilt, 1:30p.m. Tennesse e 0 0 0 000 0 0 71-70—141 Chris Kirk No.16NotreDamevs. Michigan,4:30p.m. North 69-73—142 ChrisStroud StateatNewMexico,4 p.m. W L T Pct PFPA No.17Arizona 73-69—142 GeoffDgilvy No.18Wisconsinvs. Westernglinois, 9 a.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 71-71—142 ZachJohnson No.19Nebraskavs. McNeeseState,9a.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 71-71—142 WilliamMcGirt No. 20KansasStateat lowaState, 9a.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 71-71—142 HarrisEnglish No. 21NorthCarolinavs. SanDiegoState, 5p.m. 0 0 0 000 0 0 71-71—142 StuartAppleby No. 21SouthCarolinavs. EastCarolina, 4p.m. West 68-74—142 RusselHenl l ey W L T Pct PFPA No. 23Clemsonvs.South CarolinaState, 9:30a.m. 72-71—143 Charl eyHoff man No. 24Missouri atToledo, 9a.m. 0 0 0 .000 0 0 74-69—143 Denver RusselKnox l No. 25Louisvillevs.MurrayState,4 p.m. Kansas Ci t y 0 0 0 .000 0 0 74-69—143 KevinStadler Oakl a nd 0 0 0 .000 0 0 70-73—143 Cameron Tringale 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Ame rica' s Lin e 74-69—143 SanDiego MarcLeishman NATIONAL CONFERENCE 71-72—143 Keegan Bradley Favorite OpenCurrent OAI Underdog East 74-69—143 KevinNa e teamin caps) (Hom W L T Pct PFPA 71-72—143 AngelCabrera COLLEG E 0 0 0 000 0 0 75-68—143 Dallas Today DanielSummerhays 0 0 0 000 0 0 69-74—143 N.Y.Giants ALABAMA 41 40 501/2 Fla Atlantic K.J. Choi 0 0 0 000 0 0 73-70—143 Philadelphia Kansas St 12 tat 12 541/2 IOWA ST Carl Pettersson 0 0 0 000 0 0 N TEXAS 4 21/2 441/2 Smu 69-74—143 Washington Erik Comp ton South I OWA 1 7 19 52t/t Ball St 73-71—144 BrianHarman W L T Pct PFPA If WESTERN5tAt 7 58 No glinois 71-73—144 Matt Kuchar Atlanta 0 0 0 000 0 0 PURDUE 2tA 3 54 CMichigan 72-72 — 144 MorganHofmann Carolina 0 0 0 000 0 0 31/2 ARMY 3 52 Buffalo 71-73 — 144 JerryKelly NewOrleans 0 0 0 000 0 0 Mlssoun B t/ 31/2 60t/t TOLEDO 73-71 — 144 FreddieJacobson N avy 3tA t 3 T ampa B a y 0 0 0 000 0 0 58 TEMPLE 75-70—145 KevinStreelman North TENNE SSEE 17 17 57 Arkansas St 73-72—145 GraemeMcDowell W L T Pct PFPA ILLINOIS 6 tAt 5H 66'/z WKentuckv 75-70—145 HunterMahan MISS ST 28t/z 28 5Plt Uab 0 0 0 000 0 0 73-72—145 WebbSimpson NewMexicoStf tyt(G ST ) t tA 65 GEORGIA 0 0 0 000 0 0 74-71 — 145 JasonBohn Colorado 17th 17 49th UMASS 0 0 0 000 0 0 73-73—146 Matt Jones Sft/t S Alabama PK 3 KENTST 0 1 0 000 16 36 70-76—146 Phil Mickelson U TAH 9 H t 13 64'/~ FresnoSt Wesl 77-70—147 PatrickReed 3t/z 21/2 541/2 Usc W L T Pct PF PA STANFORD 75-72—147 PENN ST t 6 tat 14tAt 50Ht Akron Will MacKen zie Seattle 1 0 0 1.000 36 16 tAt 80-69—149 KENTUCKY 9 13 52t/t Ohio RyanMoore 0 0 0 .000 0 0 72-77—149 Arizona FLDRIDA 38tat 38 55 EMichiuan Steven Bowditch 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Mississiooi t9th 20 491/2 VANDE RBILT 70 — WD SanFrancisco JasonDay St. Louis 0 0 0 .000 0 0 NC STATE t 6t/z 17 65t/t Old Dominion OREGON 11 13 56 Michigan St Thursday'G same UL-MDNRDE14 14 52t/t Idaho Cham pions Tour Seattle36,GreenBay16 MINNES OTA 17 16 50Y2 Mid TennSt Ouebe cChampionship Sunday'sGames UL-LAF t 2 t/z 14 58 La Tech Friday at LaTempete Golf Clb, u QuebecCiiy Minnesota at St.Louis,10 a.m. Arizona St 26 tAt 24 69 NEW MEXICO Firsl Round 64t/t Buffalo atChicago,10a.m. Duke 18 19 TROY Chip Beck 33-32—65 WashingtonatHouston, 10a.m. SCARDLINA 14 15tAt 64t/t ECarolina DuffyWaldorf 34-32—66 Tennessee AUBURN 31 321/2 66Ht SanJoseSt a t K ans as C it y ,10 a. m . 32-34—66 CraigThomas TULANE Ga Tech 10 tAt 10 551/2 35-32—67 NewOrleansatAtlanta,10 a.m. BradFaxon Marvland 10 13 531/2 SFLORID A Clevel a nd at Pi t tsburgh,10 a.m. 34-33 — 67 31/2 56t/t LorenRoberts NDTREDAME5 Michioan Jacksonvi l le at Phi l a del p hi a ,10 a. m . B vu 3 tAt 1 46'/~ PH. Horgan Ig 35-32—67 Oakland (T) at N.Y. Jets,10 a.m. 34-34—68 hfCAROLINA14t/z 15tAt 60 SanDie~go St GaryHagberg CincinnatiatBaltimore,10 a.m. OHIO ST 12 tAt 11tAt 47trt VaTech BlaineMccalliste 33-35—68 NewEnglandat Miami,10a.m. Oklahoma 25 24tAt 5Plt TULSA 32-36 — 68 EstebanToledo San Franci s co at D al l a s 125 p m t5 At 551/2 U CLA 2 23 Mem his 35-33 — 68 Jay Haas Carolina at T a m pa B ay , 1 :25 p. m . Alr Force PK 1tAt 51Ht W YDIV P ING 34-34 — 68 FredFunk Indianapol i at s De n ver, 5:30 p. m . t/t BOISE ST t O 10 551/2 Colorado St ScottSimpson 33-36 — 69 Monday'sGames Oregon St 13 10 59 HAWAII Keith Clearwa ter 33-36 — 69 N.Y.GiantsatDetroit, 4:10p.m. Texas Tech tg t/z 20tAt 64t/t UTEP SteveJones 35-34—69 SanDiegoat Arizona,7:20p.m. 33-36 — 69 Tommy ArmourIg Thursday, Sep. 11 NFL 34-35—69 WesShort, Jr. Sunday Pittsburghat Baltimore, 5:25 p.m. 32-37 — 69 Jeff Coston Saints 2 tAt 3 52 FALCON S Sunday,Sep.14 R.W.Eaks 34-35—69 DallasatTennessee, 10a.m. RAMS 5 3'/t 4 3'/t Vikings Jeff Sluman 33-36 — 69 NewEnglandat Minnesota,10 a.m. 6tAt 41 t/t STEELERS 5Ht Browns CoreyPavin 36-33—69 Miami atBuffalo,10a.m. EAGLES 11 10 5 2t/t Jaguars 33-36 — 69 tAt Olin Browne J ETS 4 5 H 4 0 Raiders 32-37—69 Jacksonvilleat Washington,10 a.m. 1'/I 4 3'/t Joe Daley RAVENS 2 Bengals Arizonaat N.Y.Giants,10 a.m. 35-34 — 69 BEARS 6tAt 7 47 t /t Bigs DavidEger NewDrleansatCleyeland,10am. TEXANS 2 tAt 3 4 4 1/2 Redskins MarkMouland 34-35—69 AtlantaatCincinnati, 10a.m. th 3 4 3 t/t CHIEFS 5 Titans Jay Delsing 33-36—69 Detroitat Carolina,10a.m. Patriots 3 tAt 4 4 6 Ht DOLPHINS Jeff Hart 35-34—69 Seattleat SanDiego,1:05p.m. BUCS 2 tat (C) 2tat 39 t/t Panthers 34-36 — 70 BobbyClampett St. LouisatTampaBay,1:05 p.m. 4 9ers 3tAt 4tAt 51'/p COWBO YS 35-35 — 70 TomByrum HoustonatOakland,1:25 p.m. BRONCOS 7 74t 55'/t Colts Jim Carter 35-35—70 KansasCityat Denver,1:25 p.m. Monday GeneSauers 34-36 — 70 N.Y.Jetsat GreenBay,1;25 p.m. LIONS 3 tAt 6 47 Giants Bill Glasson 35-35—70 Chicag o a t S a n F r a n c i s c o , 5 : 3 0 p . m. CARDINALS 3 3 4 5 1/2 Chargers Scott Hoch 35-35 — 70 Monday,Sep. 16 36-34—70 JoelEdwards PhiladelphiaatIndianapolis, 5:30p.m. 35-35 — 70 MikeHulbert TENNIS TrevorDodds 33-37—70 MichaelAllen 36-34—70 College U.S. Open DavidFrost 35-35—70 Friday's Games Billy Andrade 34-36—70 Friday EAST 36-34—70 Kirk Triplett At TheUSTABiHie Jean King National Tennis Pittsburgh30, Boston College 20 35-35 — 70 Jeff Freem an Center Regina33,Bridgewater, Mass. 27 AndersForsbrand 35-35—70 Salye New York Ursinus 47, Col l e ge of N.J. 7 James Mason 36-35—71 W. New Purse: $38.3million (GrandSlam) England38, Springfield 34 JoeySindelar 35-36—71 Wesffield 9.30,Nichols22 Surlace: Hard-Outdoor AndyBean 38-33—71 Singles FARWEST 37-34 — 71 RussCochran Women Nevada 24,Washington State13 35-36 — 71 LeeJanzen Semifinals JohnCook 34-37—71 Caroline Wozni a cki (10), Denmark,def. Peng PAC-12 Mike Reid 34-37—71 Shuai,China,7-6(1), 4-3(Ad-40), retired. AHTimesPDT Bart Bryant 36-35—71 SerenaWiliams(1), UnitedStates, def. Ekaterina MarkCalcavecchi 35-36—71 Makarova(17),Russia, 6-1,6-3. North Division 34-37 — 71 DougGarwood Doubles Conf. Overall 36-35 — 71 GregBruckner Mixed W L W L P F PA Jim Rutledge 36-35—71 California Championship 0 0 1 0 31 24 YvanBeauchemin 35-36 — 71 Oregon SaniaMirza,India,andBrunoSoares (1), Brazil, 0 0 1 0 62 13 RemiBouchard 36-36—72 OregonSt. 0 0 1 0 29 14 def. AbigaiSpea l rs, UnitedStates,andSantiagoGonRonStreck 35-37 — 72 Stanford 0 0 1 0 45 0 zalez,Mexico,6-1,2-6,11-9.


(Best-of-5;x-if necessary) Sunday :ChicagoatPhoenix,12:30p.m. Tuesd ay:ChicagoatPhoenix,6p.m. Friday,Sept.12: Phoenixat Chicago, 5p.m. x-Sund ay,Sept.14:PhoenixatChicago,2:30p.m. x-Wedne sday,Sept.17:ChicagoatPhoenix,6p.m.



W L T P t s GF GA 1 4 8 4 4 6 42 30 Sporting KansasCity 12 9 6 42 38 32 N ew England 1 1 1 2 3 3 6 37 37 TorontoFC 9 10 6 33 35 40 Columbus 8 9 9 33 35 34 Philadelphia 8 9 9 33 41 41 NewYork 7 8 1 0 31 39 38 Chicago 5 6 1 4 29 32 37 Houston 8 13 4 2 8 28 46 Montreal 5 15 5 2 0 27 45 WesternConference W L T P ts GF GA Seattle 1 6 7 3 5 1 48 35 Los Angele s 1 4 5 7 49 54 27 R ealSaltLake 1 1 5 1 0 4 3 40 31 FC Dalla s 12 8 6 42 45 34 Portland 8 8 1 0 34 44 43 Vancouver 7 6 1 2 33 33 34 Colorado 8 13 6 3 0 37 46 SanJose 6 10 8 2 6 29 33 ChivasUSA 6 14 6 24 23 44 NOTE: Threepoints forvictory, onepoint for tie.


Friday's Games Los Angele6, s Colorado0 Today'sGames PhiladelphiaatToronto FC,11 a.m. SportingKansasCity atNewYork, 4:30 p.m. Montrealat Houston, 5:30p.m. D.c. UnitedatVancouver, 7p.m. FC DallasatReal Salt Lake,7p.m. Sunday'sGames Chiva sUSAatColumbus,noon SanJoseat Portland, 2p.m. Chicag oatNewEngl and,4p.m. Wednesday,Sept. 10 Los Angeleat s Montreal, 4:30p.m. D.c. Unitedat NewYork, 5p.m. SanJoseat Vancouver, 7p.m. Friday, Sept. 12 RealSaltLakeat Seattle FC,7:30p.m. SportingKansasCity atChivas USA 730p m Saturday,Sept. 13 NewYorkat Philadelphia, noon Montrealat Ne wEngland,4:30 p.m. TorontoFCat Chicago,5:30p.m. Columbus atHouston,5:30p.m. Vancou veratFCDallas,5:30p.m. Portlandat Colorado,6 p.m. Sunday,Sept. 14 Los Angeleat s SanJose, noon

MO TOR SPORTS NASCAR Sprint Cup FederatedAuto Parts466 After Fridayaualifying; race Saturday At RichmondInternatronal Raceway Richmond,Va. Lap length: .76miles

(Car numberin parentheses) 1. (2)BradKeselowski, Ford,126.618. 2. (24)JeffGordon, Chevrolet,126.039. 3. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,125.898. 4. 4) KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,125.857. 5. 22) Joey Logano,Ford,125.663. 6. 15) ClintBowyer,Toyota,125.634. 7. 17) RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,125.416. 8. (42)KyleLarson,Chevrolet,125.081. 9. (41)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,124.913. 10.99Carl Edwards,Ford,124.665. 11.I11I DennyHamlin,Toyota,124.562. 12. (31)RyanNewman,Chevrolet,124.464. 13. (10)DamcaPatrlck, Chevrolet,124.832. 14. 27) PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 124.694. 15. 1) JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet,124.694. 16. 20)MattKenseth, Toyota, 124.619. 17. 16)GregBiffle, Ford,124.573. 18. (55)BrianVickers, Toyota, 124.493. 19. 14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet,124.424. 20. 18) KyleBusch,Toyota,124.39. 21. 5) Kasey Kahne,Chevrolet,124.349. 22. 13)CaseyMears, Chevrolet,124.309. 23. (47)AJAllmendinger, Chevrolet,124.275. 24. 88 DaleEarnhardtJr., Chevrolet,124.269. 25. 23 AlexBowman,Toyota,124.252. 26. 43 Aric Almirola,Ford,124.224. 27. 51 JustinAggaier,Chevrolet,124.212. 28. (3)AustinDilon, Chevrolet,124.007. 29. 78 MartinTruexJr., Chevrolet,123.887. 30. 38 DavidGililand, Ford,123.785. 31. 90 DavidStremme, Chevrolet,123.717. 32. 36 Reed Sorenson,Chevrolet,123.683. 33. (9)MarcosAmbrose,Ford,123.44. 34 (40)LandonCassig Chevrolet 123389 35.26ColeWhitt,Toyota,123.35. 36.I98I JoshWise,Chevrolet,123.271. 37. (32)TravisKvapil, Ford,Owner Points. 38. (93)J.J.Yeley,Toyota, Owner Points. 39. (37)MikeBliss, Chevrolet, OwnerPoints. 40. (7)MichaelAnnett, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 41. (66)JoeNemechek, Toyota, Owner Points. 42. 34)DavidRagan, Ford, Owner Points. 43. (83)RyanTruex, Toyota, Owner Points. Failed toQualify 44. (75)ClayRogers, Chevrolet,122.766.

DEALS Transactions BASEBAL L

AmericanLeague BOSTONREDSDX— RecalledDFJackieBradley Jr. andLHPDrakeBritton fromPawtucket(IL). CLEVELAND INDIANS— Acquired DF J.B. Shuck fromthe L.A. Angelsfor cash considerations. Activated DF David Murphy fromthe 15day DL.Recalled INFJustin Sellers fromColumbus (IL). KANSASCITYROYALS— ReleasedLHPBruce Chen. TEXASRANGERS— Announcedtheresignationof managerRonWashington. Named benchcoachTim Bogarinterimmanager for theremainder of the2014 season. National League ARIZONA DIAMDNDBACKS—Firedgeneral managerKevinTowers. CHICAGO CUBS—RecalledINFMikeDltfrom his rehabassignment. WASHINGTONNATIDNALS — Recalled INF/DF Jeff Kobernus fromSyracuse(IL). FOOTBALL

National Football League PRTSBURGHSTEELERS— Announcedtheretirement ofLBJamesHarrison. SOCCER

Major LeagueSoccer D.c. UNITED— SignedMF/DSamuelInkoom. COLLEGE AMERICANATHLETIC CONFERENCE — Named AndreaSmithsenior director ofcompliance. NEWJERSEYCITY UNIVERSITY— NamedBrian Ferrantegraduateassistant/retention for athletics. NEWMEXICO—Named BenjaminSandersmen's basketbalvil deocoordinator. UMASS —NamedYolandaGriffith women'sassistant basketballcoach.

FISH COUNT Upstreamdaily movement of adult chinook,jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selectedColumbia Riverdamslast updatedon Friday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd WsBhd Bonneville 16,054 1,471 2,173 6 28 The Dalles 13,465 2,276 5,581 1,545 John Day 11,895 1,253 3,255 1,306 McNary 4,299 4 9 2 1, 374 4 76

Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadand wild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonFriday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd WsBhd Bonneville 482,163 72,175 229,673 102,522 The Dalles 330,492 53,164 113,887 55,008 JohnDay 264,235 43,988 62,079 29,264 McNary 222,697 38,171 52,741 25,211





East Division

Baltimore NewYork

Toronto Tampa Bay Boston

Kansas City Detroit Cleveland Chicago Minnesota Los Angeles Oakland Seattle Houston Texas

W L 82 58 72 67 72 68 68 74 62 79

Pct GB .586 .518 9'/r .514 10 .479 15 .440 20'/r

W L 78 61 77 64 72 67 63 77 61 80

Pct GB .561 .546 2 .518 6 .450 15'/r .433 18


West Division W L 85 55 79 61 77 63 62 79 53 88

Pd GB .607 .564 6 .550 8 ,440 23'/r


- iqi~kg

.376 32'/r

Friday'sGames Cleveland 2,ChicagoWhite Sox1,10 innings Kansas City1, N.Y.Yankees0 San Francisco 8, Detroit 2 Tampa Bay3, Baltimore 0 Boston 9, Toronto 8, 10innings Seattle 7, Texas5 L.A. Angel7, s Minnesota6,10 innings Houston 4, Oakland3 Today'sGam es Baltimore (Gausman7-7) atTampaBay(Smyly9-10),

C.Rossph-rf 1 0 0 0 AdGnzl1b 4 0 1 0 Trumo1b 4 0 1 0 Kemprf 4121 MMntrc 4 0 0 0 VnSlyklf 3 0 1 0 Pogockcf 4 1 1 0 P.Baezp 0 0 0 0 Lamb3b 3 0 1 0 Howegp 0 0 0 0 Gregrsss 2 0 0 1 BWilsnp 0 0 0 0 Nunop 2 0 0 0 Pedrsnph 1 0 0 0 Pnngtnph 1 0 0 0 Jansenp 0 0 0 0 EMrshlp 0 0 0 0 JuTrnr2b 4 0 0 0 Barney 2b 0 0 0 0 Uribe3b 3 0 0 0 A.Ellis c 2 1 0 0 Haren p 2010 Crwfrd If 1 0 0 0 Totals 30 1 4 1 Totals 30 2 7 2 Arizona 000 010 000 — 1 Los Angeles 011 000 Ogx — 2 DP — Arizona1. LOB—Arizona5, Los Angele7. s 28 — Trumbo (11), Lam b (2). HR —Kemp (18).SFGregorius. I P H R ER BBSO Arizona NunoL,0-5 7 7 2 2 2 5 E.Marshag 1 0 0 0 0 1 LosAngeles HarenW,12-10 6 4 1 1 1 6 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 P.Baez H,2 HowellH,26 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 B.WilsonH,21 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 0 JansenS,40-45 1 0 0 0 0 0 HBP —byNuno (Puig). T—2:44.A—43,074 (56,000).

Mets14, Reds5 CINCINNATI —Curtis Granderson and Travis d'Arnaudeach hit a three-run homer anddrove in four runs, powering the NewYork Mets to their third straight victory. The Mets hit five homers for the first time since 2006. Wilmer Flores and Dilson Herrera hadsolo shots, and Lucas Dudahit a two-run homer in the ninth. NewYork scored in every inning except the third, getting a season-high in runs and tying its season high with18 hits. NewYork


ab r hbi ab r hbi Lagarscf 6 1 1 0 BHmltncf 5 0 1 0 dnDkkrlf 4 2 0 0 Frazier3b 5 1 3 1 DWrght3b 5 2 4 1 Mesorcc 4 1 1 1 C arlylep 0 0 0 0 Brucerf 4 0 0 0 Satinph-1b 0 1 0 0 Phillips2b 4 1 1 0 Duda1b 3 2 1 3 B.Pena1b 3 0 2 0

Niwnhsrf 0 0 0 0 Corcinop 0 0 0 0 TdArndc 4 2 3 4 Contrrsp 0 0 0 0 Centenph-c 1 0 1 0 Heiseyph 1 1 1 0 Grndrsrf 6 1 2 4 Bourgslf 4 0 0 0 Brewers 0,Cardinals2 Goeddlp 0 0 0 0 RSantgss 3 1 1 0 DHerrr2b 5 1 3 1 Simonp 0 0 0 0 MILWAUKEE —Scooter Gennett F loresss 6 1 2 1 Lutzph 1 0 0 0 B.colonp 4 1 0 0 Hooverp 0 0 0 0 drove in three runs and Mike Fi e rs 10:05arm, Campgph-3b2 0 1 0 Dennckp 0 0 0 0 pitched into the seventh inning San Francisco(Bumgarner 16-9) at Detroit (D.Price Ondrskp 0 0 0 0 13-10),10:08 a.m. Hannhn 1b 2 0 1 2 to lead Milwaukeepast St. Louis, Tony Gutierrez/The Associated Press Houston(Feldman8-10) at Oakland (Kazmir 14-7), Totals 4 6 14 1814 Totals 36 5 11 4 snapping the Brewers' nine-game 1:05 p.m. Texas third baseman Adrian Beltre, left, watches as Seattle's Brad Miller rounds third base on his New York 210 3 1 3 112 — 14 Kansas City(D.Duffy 8-11)at N.Y. Yankees(Mccarthy way home following his two-run home run off Rangers starter Scott Baker in the fifth inning of Friday losing streak andtrimming the C incinnati 110 0 0 0 012 — 6 5-4),1:05p.m. E — B.col o n (4), Fraz ier (14). LOB—NewYork13, Cardinals' lead in the NL Central to Chicago WhiteSox(Quintana7-10) atCleveland(Klu- night's game in Arlington, Texas. The Mariners won 7-5. Cincinnati 6. 28 —D.Wright (29), Granderson (21), ber13-9),4:05p.m. three games.Fiers (5-2) gaveup Flores(8). HR —Duda (27), Td'Arnaud(13)rGrandLA. Angel(Cor s Rasmus3-1) at Minnesota(PHughes erson (17), D.Herrera(2), Flores (3), Frazier (24), two runs andseven hits in 6/s in15-9), 4:10 p.m. Mesoraco (22). Rays 3, Orioles0 nings, improving to 5-1 insix starts S—Simon. SB—D.Wright (8). CS—Frazier (7). Toronto(Happ9-8) at Boston(Buchholz 6-8), 4:10 Astros 4,Athletics3 p.m. IP H R E R BBSO since being called upfrom Triple-A Seattle (C.Young 12-7) at Texas(N.Martinez 3-10), OAKLAND, Calif.— Chris Carter ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.— Alex NewYork Nashville onAug.9. 5:05 p.m. B.colon W, 1 3 -11 hit his 36th homer and drove in Cobb and two relievers combined Sundey'sGames Carlyle Chicago WhiteSoxat Cleveland,10:05a.m. three runs against his former on a six-hitter for TampaBay's St. Louis Milwaukee Goeddel CHICAGO — The Pittsab r hbi ab r hbi Kansas CityatN.Y.Yankees,10:35a.m. team to help Houston beat AL-best19th shutout this season, Mcrpnt3b 4 0 0 0 Gennett2b 4 1 2 3 Cincinnati TorontoatBoston,10:35 a.m. SimonL,13-10 4 8 6 6 3 5 burgh Pirates at Chicago slumping Oakland. Carter added and the Raysbeat Baltimore. Jayrf 4 0 2 0 EHerrr2b 0 0 0 0 Hoover BaltimoreatTampaBay,10:40 a.m. 1 1 1 1 0 1 Cubs game was suspended H ollidylf 4 0 0 0 Lucroyc 2 0 1 1 Dennick LA. Angelat s Minnesota,11;10a.m. 2-3 4 3 3 0 0 an RBI single, Jon Singleton also Yunel Escobar's run-scoring sinJ hPerltss 4 1 1 1 Braunrf 4 0 1 0 Seattle atTexas, 12:05p.m. by rain with one out in the Ondrusek 1 1 1 1 3 1 homered and Jose Altuve had gle snapped a scoreless tie in the YMolinc 4 0 2 0 ArRmr3b 4 0 0 0 Houston at Oakland, 1:05p.m. Corcino 1 2-3 4 3 3 1 1 top of the seventh inning 2b 4 0 1 0 GParra cf-If 4 1 1 0 SanFranciscoat Detroit, 5:07p.m. two hits for Houston, unbeaten eighth inning. Cobbdidn't figure in Wong Contreras 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 on Friday. Bourjoscf 4 1 2 0 KDavislf 4 1 1 2 HBP —byCorcino(Satin). WP—Goeddel,Corcino. in three games since firing manthe decision despite going seven Descal s1b 3 0 0 0 CGomzcf 0 0 0 0 T—3:38. A—29,089(42,319). NATIONALLEAGUE The teams weretied at ager Bo Porter on Monday. It Lackey p 1 0 0 0 Overay 1b 4 1 1 0 East Division innings and allowing two runs or Taversph 1 0 1 1 Segurass 4 2 3 0 W L Pct GB was the Astros' fifth straight win 3 when a storm rolled less in his team-record11th conPhillies 9, Natiotials 8(11 inns.) L yonsp 0 0 0 0 Fiersp 1 0 0 0 Washington 79 60 .568 through the area. Wi t h overall, two shy of their season secutive start. The Rays are 6-5 in M strsnp 0 0 0 0 Dukep 0 0 0 0 Atlanta 73 68 .518 7 more rain in the forecast, Przyns ph 1 0 0 0 Broxtn p 0 0 0 0 Miami 68 71 .489 11 WASHINGTON — Rafael Soriano high. those outings. FrRdrg p 0 0 0 0 NewYork 67 74 .475 13 the game was called after a blew another save, and an error by Totals 3 4 2 9 2 Totals 3 16 10 6 Philadelphia 65 75 464 14'/r Houslon Oakland Baltimore TampaBey delay of 1 hour, 52 minutes. Bryce Harper on a routine fly ball CentralDivision S t. Louis 000 0 0 1 100 — 2 ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Milwaukee 002 022 Ogx — 6 W L Pct GB G rssmnlf 3 0 0 0 Crispcf 5 0 1 0 i n the11th inning led to the goThe Pirates and Cubs wi l l Markksrf 4 0 0 0 Zobristcf-If 5 0 1 0 LOB —St. Louis 7, Milwaukee5. 28—Bourjos St. Louis 77 64 .546 P resleylf 1 0 0 0 Gentryrf 4 1 0 0 L oughIf 4 0 1 0 Guyerlf 2 0 0 0 resume their gametoday (9), Genn ett (27).HR—Jh.Peralta (19), K.Davis (22). ahead runs, giving Philadelphia a Milwaukee 74 67 .525 3 Altuve2b 4 2 2 0 Dnldsn3b 3 1 0 0 A.Jones cf 3 0 2 0 Joyce ph-If 1 0 0 0 CS — G ennet (3). S—Lackey, Fiers 2. Pittsburgh 71 68 .511 5 win over Washington. ThePhillies before their regularly Fowlercf 4 0 0 0 DeNrrsc 4 0 1 1 N.cruzdh 4 0 0 0 Kiermrcf 0 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO rallied from a five-run deficit with Cincinnati 66 75 .468 11 Carterdh 4 1 2 3 JGomslf 3 0 0 0 C.Davis1b 4 0 0 0 Longori3b 4 1 2 0 scheduled matchup. St. Louis Chicago 64 76 457 12r/r Jcastro c 4 0 1 0 Fuld ph-If 1 0 0 0 J Hardyss 3 0 1 0 Myersrf 4 0 2 0 LackeyL,2-2 6 9 6 6 1 6 two unearned runs in the eighth West Division — The Associated Press MGnzlzss 4 0 1 0 A.Dunndh 3 0 1 1 CJosphc 3 0 0 0 Loney1b 3 1 0 0 Lyons 1 1 0 0 0 1 and then three that were fully W L Pct GB MDmn3b 4 0 0 0 Lowriess 4 0 1 0 Flahrty 3b 3 0 1 0 YEscor ss 3 1 2 1 Masterson 1 0 0 0 0 1 Los Angeles 79 62 .560 Singltn1b 3 1 1 1 BBurnspr 0 0 0 0 Schoop2b 3 0 1 0 Forsyth2b 3 0 0 0 earned in the ninth off Soriano. Milwaukee SanFrancisco 77 64 .546 2 Mrsnckrf 3 0 0 0 Parrinoss 0 0 0 0 Hanignc 3 0 1 2 62-3 7 2 2 1 5 11 batters before Brett Gardner's FiersW,5-2 SanDiego 66 74 471 12r/r Freimn1b 4 0 1 0 SRdrgzdh 2 0 0 0 Duke 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia Arizona 59 82 .418 20 Washington Callasp 2b 4 1 2 0 double in the fourth. Headley sinDeJess ph-dh 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Colorado 57 84 .404 22 Totals 3 4 4 7 4 Totals ab r hbi ab r hbi 3 53 7 2 gled in the fifth, and Gardner flied Casaliph-dh 0 0 0 0 Broxton F rRodri g uez 1 2 0 0 0 1 R everecf 5 1 3 3 Spancf 5 230 Houslon 0 01 102 000 — 4 Totals 3 1 0 6 0 Totals 3 03 8 3 HBP — by L y ons (Lu croy). WP — D uk e. Fridey'sGames Rollinsss 5 1 0 0 Rendon3b 4322 out to the right-field warning track Oakland 0 03 000 000 — 3 B altimore 000 0 0 0 000 — 0 T—3:08.A—35,103 (41,900). U tley2b 5 0 2 1 Werthrf 6 0 2 1 ChicagoCubs3, Pittsburgh3, tie, 7 innings, susp., E—Fowler (5), Marisnick(1). DP—Houston 1. in the sixth. Tampa Bey 0 0 0 0 00 03x— 3 Howard1b 5 1 2 2 LaRoch1b 2 1 1 3 rain LOB —Houston 3, Oakland8. HR —Carter (36), SinDP — Baltimore 1, Tampa Bay 1. LOB—Baltimore Byrdrf 5 0 0 0 TMoore1b 2 0 1 1 Philadelphi9, a Washington8, 11innings gleton(13).SB—Altuve(51), Crisp(17). 5, Tampa Bay10.28—Longoria(23). S—Guyer. Rockies 3, Padres 0 Kansas Ci t y New York DBrwnlf 5 2 1 0 Dsmndss 4 1 1 0 SanFrancisco8, Detroit 2 IP H R E R BBSO IP H R E R BBSO ab r hbi ab r hbi R uizc 4 1 1 2 Harperlf 5 0 1 0 Miami11,Atlanta3 Houslon Baltimore DENVER — Tyler Matzek pitched 3 0 1 1 Egsurycf 4 0 0 0 Franco3b 5 1 1 1 WRamsc 3 0 0 1 N.Y.Mets14,Cincinnati5 OberholtzerW,5-10 61-3 7 3 3 2 1 A okirf W.chen 6 4 0 0 3 3 JDyson cf 1 0 0 0 Jeterss 4 0 1 0 JWgmsp 0 0 0 0 Acarer2b 5 0 2 0 Milwaukee 6,St. Louis2 VerasH,3 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 R.WebbL,3-3 1 2 2 2 1 0 a three-hitter for his first career Infante 2b 4 0 0 0 Rchrds pr 0 0 0 0 Colorado 3, SanDiego0 Sipp S,3-4 2 0 0 0 0 4 Meek 1-3 2 1 1 1 0 shutout, Nolan Arenado andDrew CHrndzph 1 1 1 0 Strasrgp 2 1 1 0 AGordnlf 4 0 0 0 Gardnrlf 4 0 1 0 J.Saunders LuGarcp 0 0 0 0 SouzJrph 1 0 0 0 L.A. Dodgers 2,Arizona1 Oakland 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Today'sGam es MAdmsp 0 0 0 0 Xcedenp 0 0 0 0 Stubbs homered, andColorado SamardzijaL,4-5 7 6 4 4 0 9 S.Perezc 3 0 2 0 Beltrandh 3 0 0 0 TampaBey Hosmer1b 3 0 0 0 BMccnc 3 0 0 0 CJimnzp 0 0 0 0 Storenp 0 0 0 0 San Francisco (Bumgarner16-9) at Detroit (D.Price Cook 11-3 0 0 0 0 3 Cobb 7 6 0 0 1 6 beat San Diego. It was the third BButlerdh 3 0 0 0 Teixeir1b 3 0 0 0 GSizmrph 1 1 0 0 Barrettp 0 0 0 0 13-10),10:08 a.m. Abad 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 BoxbergerW,4-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Mostks 3b 3 0 0 0 Drew2b 3 0 0 0 straight victory for Matzek (5-9) DeFrtsp 0 0 0 0 Thrntnp 0 0 0 0 Chicago Cubs3, Pitsburgh 3,tie, 7innings, comp,of HBP—byOberholtzer (A.Dunn). WP—Sipp. M cGee S, 1 6-17 1 0 0 0 0 3 L.cain cf-rf 3 0 0 0 Headly3b 3 0 1 0 Ascheph 1 0 0 0 Schrhltph 1 0 0 0 susp.game,noon T—3:08. A—21,130(35,067). since snapping a five-game losR.Webb pitchedto 2batters inthe 8th. AEscor ss 3 1 0 0 ISuzukirf 3 0 0 0 G ilesp 0 0 0 0 RSorinp 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia(A.Burnett7-15) at Washington(Roark HBP—by J.Saunders (Casali). WP — W.chen, ing streak. The Padres managed Diekmnp 0 0 0 0 Clipprdp 0 0 0 0 12-9), 1:05 p.m. Totals 30 1 3 1Totals 3 0 03 0 R.Webb,Cobb. Pittsburgh(FLiriano3-10) atChicagoCubs(Doubront Angels 7,Twins6 (10 innings) KansasCity 001 000 000 — 1 Rufph 1 0 0 0 Frndsnph 1 0 0 0 only one extra-base hit against T—3;08. A—14,632(31,042). NewYork 0 00 000 000 — 0 Papelnp 0 0 0 0Stmmnp 0 0 0 0 1-0),1;05p.m. Matzek. N.Y.Mets(Gee6-6) at Cincinnati (Cueto16-8), 1:10 MINNEAPOLIS — E—Headley(2) LOB—KansasCity 2,NewYork4. Blevinsp 0 0 0 0 Kole Calhoun 28—Gardner (22) S B—Ri c hardson (1). CS— Ao ki Indians 2, White Sox1(10 inits.) Totals 4 3 9 119 Totals 4 1 8 148 p.m. San Diego Colorado Philadelphia 000 001 123 02 — 9 Atlanta (A.Wood10-10) at Miami(Eovaldi 6-10),4:10 had three hits and scored four (6) ab r hbi ab r hbi times, sliding into homefor the IP H R E R BBSO CLEVELAND — Pinch-hitter Washington 200 120 200 01 — 8 p.m. AAlmntlf 4 0 2 0 Blckmnrf 3 0 2 1 E—Byrd (4), Revere(4), TMoore(3), Rendon (13), KansasCity St. Louis (Lynn14-8) at Milwaukee(Lohse 12-8), go-ahead run in the10th inning David Murphy, activated from Amarstss 4 0 0 0 Stubbscf 4 1 1 1 S hields W, 1 3-7 8 1-3 3 0 0 0 6 Harper(4). DP—Philadelphia 2.LOB—Philadelphia 5, 4:10 p.m. Solarte3b 4 0 0 0 Mornea1b 3 0 0 0 Angeles Angels a Washington10.2~evere (12),Utley(30), Rendon San Diego(Wieland 0-0) at Colorado(J.DeLa Rosa to give the Los W.DavisS,1-3 2 - 3 0 0 0 0 2 the disabled list before the game, Riverac 4 0 0 0 Arenad3b 4 1 1 1 (36),Werth(32). HR —Revere(2), Howard(21),Ruiz(6), 13-10),5:10p.m. NewYork victory over Minnesota. Calhoun drove in the winning run with a Gyorko2b 3 0 0 0 CDckrslf 4 0 1 0 LaRoche (21). SB—Revere(43), Span (28), Desmond Arizona(C.Anderson 8-6)at LA.Dodgers(Ryu 14-6), singled to start the10th, and Jared PinedaL,3-4 7 3 1 0 0 4 Medica1b 3 0 0 0 McKnrc 4 0 1 0 (18), A.cabrera(1). CS—Revere(6),Span(6).S—Ruiz, 6;10 p.m. Betances 1 0 0 0 0 2 bases-loaded single in the10th Maybincf 2 00 0 Rutledgss 3 0 0 0 Je.Wi giams,Harper.SF— LaRoche,W Ramos. Bunday'sGames 0 0 0 0 2 inning and Clevelanddefeated the Burton (2-4) walked two in a row Dav.Robertson 1 RLirianrf 3 0 1 0 LeMahi2b 3 1 2 0 IP H R E R BBBO Atlantaat Miami,10:10a.m. —byShields(Beltran). with one out to load the bases.Os- THBP Stultsp 2 0 0 0 Matzekp 1 0 0 0 Philadelphia Chicago WhiteSox.Murphy,who NY.MetsatCincinnati,1010a m. —2:33.A—36,284 (49,642). Garcesp 0 0 0 0 Je.Wi g i a ms 5 9 5 4 2 3 Philadelphia atWashington,10:35 a.m. waldo Arcia caught Erick Aybar's pulled a right oblique muscle on Vincent p 0 0 0 0 Lu.Garcia 1 0 0 0 0 1 St. LouisatMilwaukee,11:10am. sacrifice fly and made a strong RedSox9, Blue Jays8(10inns.) Aug. 9, lined a1-2 pitch to center AMooreph 1 0 0 0 Mi.Adams 0 2 2 2 1 0 PittsburghatChicagoCubs,11:20a.m. throw from right field, but it was RAlvrzp 0 0 0 0 C.Jimenez 1 0 0 0 1 0 Arizona at L.A.Dodgers,1:10 p.m. off Ronald Belisario to score Totals 30 0 3 0 Totals 2 9 3 8 3 De Fratus 1 1 0 0 0 1 SanDiegoatColorado,1:10 p.m. BOSTON —Yoenis Cespedes a bit off line and not in time for pinch-runner Chris Dickerson and S an Diego 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 0 Giles 1 0 0 0 0 0 San Francisco at Detroit, 5:07p.m. singled home the winning run catcher Josmil Pinto to pivot and — 3 Colorado 100 0 1 1 Ogx DiekmanW,4-4 1 0 0 0 2 1 give the Indians their11th walkoff E—Amarista (7). DP —San Diego 1. LOBPapelbonS,34-37 1 2 1 1 1 1 in a three-run10th inning, and tag the speedyCalhoun. win of the season. American League San Di e go 4, Col o rado 6. 28 — A.Alm onte (4), Washington Boston beat Toronto. Toronto Co.Dickerson (25). HR — S tubbs (14), Arenado Strasburg 6 4 1 1 0 5 LosAngeles Minnesota Chicago Cleveland Mariners 7, Rangers5 16). SB —Blackmon 2 (25). CS—Blackmon (9). X.cedeno 2-3 1 1 1 0 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi took an 8-6 lead in the top of ab r hbi ab r hbi — Matzek 2. StorenH,20 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Calhonrf 6 4 3 2 DaSntnss-cf 6 2 3 0 the 10th. The first run scored on Eatoncf 5 0 1 0 THoltcf-rf 4 0 2 0 IP H R E R BBSO Barrett 2-3 0 2 0 1 0 ARLINGTON, Texas— Kendrys Troutcf 6 0 2 2 Dozier2b 2 1 0 0 Dioner Navarro's infield single AIRmrzss 2 1 1 1 JRmrzss 3 0 0 0 Ban Diego Thornton 1-3 2 0 0 0 0 Pujols1b 5 0 1 1 Mauer1b 4 0 1 0 Morales hit two of Seattle's four LeGarcpr-ss 1 0 0 0 Brantlylf 4 1 1 0 Stults L,6-16 61- 3 8 3 3 1 4 R.SorianoBS,7-38 2-3 3 3 3 0 1 HKndrc2b 5 0 1 0 Kvargsdh 4 0 1 1 that followed a single by Edwin JAreudh 4 0 2 0 CSantn1b 4 0 1 1 Garces 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clippard 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 homers and theMariners beat Aybarss 4 0 0 1 Plouffe3b 5 0 1 2 Encarnacion and a double by AGarcirf 4 0 0 0 YGomsdh 4 0 1 0 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Stammen L,4-5 2- 3 0 1 0 0 0 Texas, handing the Rangers their Freese3b 3 1 2 0 Nunezpr-3b 0 0 0 0 John Mayberry Jr. Danny Valen- Viciedo1b 5 0 1 0 ChDckrpr 0 1 0 0 Vincent R.Alvarez 1 0 0 0 0 0 Blevins 13 1 1 0 1 0 C ongerc 1 0 0 0 Arciarf 4 1 1 1 Semien3b 5 0 1 0 Raburnrf 2 0 0 0 Mi.Adams pitchedto 3batters inthe7th. seventh straight loss only hours B oeschdh 4 1 2 0 Pintoc 4220 cia then hit a fly to Allen Craig in MTaylrlf 4 0 1 0 Bournph-cf 1 0 0 0 Colorado MatzekW,5-9 9 3 0 0 1 6 T—4:32.A—27,437(41,408). after manager RonWashington Cronph-dh 1 0 0 0 Hrmnnlf 3 0 0 0 Flowrsc 3 0 1 0 Chsnh03b 3 0 0 0 Garces pi t ched to 1 batt e rin the 7t h . deep right field and, when Craig Gillaspiph 0 0 0 0 Walters2b 2 0 1 0 lannettc 3 0 1 1 JSchafrlf 1 0 0 0 resigned unexpectedly (Related HBP—byGarces(Blackmon). Campnpr-If 1 1 1 0 EdEscrss 1 0 0 0 was slow throwing the ball in, Interleague Pheglyc 0 0 0 0 Kipnisph-2b 2 0 0 0 T—2:28.A—24,586 (50,480). ENavrrlf 1 0 0 0 A.Hickscf-lf 5 0 2 2 story, C1). Morales went deepto Mayberry scored all the way from CSnchz2b 4 0 1 0 RPerezc 3 0 0 0 Cowgig ph-If 1 0 0 0 Giants 8, Tigers2 right field against Scott Baker (3- JMcDnlph-3b1 0 0 0 DvMrpph 1 0 1 1 second. Marlins11, Braves 3 Totals 37 1 9 1 Totals 3 3 2 7 2 4) to put the Mariners ahead2-0 in Totals 42 7 13 7 Totals 3 9 6 11 6 C hicago 0 0 10 00 000 0 — 1 DETROIT —JakePeavy pitched Angeles 110 100 030 1 — 7 Toronto Boston the second inning. His sixth homer LMos C leveland 100 000 000 1 — 2 MIAMI — Jarred Cosart pitched innesota 110 101 002 0 — 6 six innings without allowing an eb r h bi eb r hbi O ne out whe n w inni n g run sc ore d. of the seasonwas another twoE—Plouffe (12), Arcia(4). DP—LosAngeles 1. Reyesss 4 1 1 0 B.Holt3b 5 1 1 0 E—Flowers (7). DP—Chicago 1, Cleveland1. into the eighth inning, Marcell earned run — evenremaining run shot in the sixth. Mike Zunino LOB—Los Angeles 14, Minnesota10. 2B—Cal- Mecarr If 1 1 1 0 Mdlrks 3b 1 0 1 1 LOB —Chicago 11, Cleveland6. 28—M.Taylor (1). Ozuna had four hits and four RBls, in the gameafter a rain delay of houn (27), Trout(36), Freese(22), Plouffe(40), Goseph-cf 3 1 1 0 Pedroia2b 5 1 2 1 38 — J.Abreu(2), YGomes(2). HR—AI.Ramirez(14). became the first Seattle catcher and Miami beat Atlanta. Giancarlo 2 hours, 42 minutes — andSan Pinto 2 (8). 3B —Calhoun (3). HR—Arcia (15). Bautistrf 5 2 2 2 D.Ortizdh 4 0 0 0 S B — B ra ntl e y (1 8). S — L e.G arc ia . SB — Calhoun(5), Trout (14), Da.Santana2 (15). Encrnc1b 5 1 2 2 Cespdslf 61 4 2 with 20homers, and BradMiller IP H R E R BBBO Stanton drove in two runs and Francisco routed Detroit. Pablo — Pinto (1). S—E.Navarro, Jo.McDonald. SFStromnpr 0 1 0 0 Napoli1b 5 1 2 1 hit his 10th. Hisashi Iwakuma(14- CS Chicago Donovan Solano also hadfour hits Sandoval homered for SanFranAybar,K.Vargas. JFrncs1b 0 0 0 0 Navarf 3000 Sale 6 5 1 1 1 5 6) matched Felix Hernandezfor the IP H R E R BBSO Linddh 4 0 2 2 Craigph-rf 2 0 0 0 seaD.Webb 1 0 0 0 0 0 for the Marlins, who had a cisco, which is trying to chase LosAngeles team lead in wins. Mayrryph-dh 1 1 1 0 Betts cf 4321 Guerra 1 0 0 0 0 1 son-high 18 hits. Shoemake r 4 6 3 3 3 2 down the first-place LosAngeles DNavrr c 4 0 1 1 Bogartsss 5 1 3 2 Cleto L,0-1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Morin 1 0 0 0 0 0 Valenci3b 4 0 1 1 Vazquzc 4 0 2 1 Surkamp 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 Atlanta Dodgers in the NLWest. Seattle Texas Miami 1 2 1 1 0 1 Salas Pillarcf-If 5 0 0 0 JWeekspr 0 1 0 0 Belisario 0 1 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi 2-3 1 0 0 1 1 Kawsk2b 2 0 0 0 Y.Herrera Cleveland AJcksncf 5 0 1 0 LMartncf 5 1 3 0 Heywrd rf 4 0 1 1 Yelich If 4 2 1 0 Sen Francisco D e troit 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 LeBlanc CIRsmsph 1 0 0 0 House 7 7 1 1 0 7 Ackleylf 4 0 0 0 Andrusdh 5 0 0 0 ASmnsss 4 0 1 1 Solano2b 5 3 4 1 ab r hbi ab r bbi H,17 1 0 0 0 0 0 Goins2b 1 0 1 0 Shaw 1 0 0 0 0 2 FFrmn1b 4 1 1 1 Stantonrf 5 1 2 2 C ano2b 4 0 0 0 Telisc 5 1 2 0 J.Smith Pagancf 3 1 1 1 Kinsler2b 4 0 2 1 S treet W, 1 -1 BS , 2 -14 1 2 2 2 2 0 Pompypr 0 0 0 0 Allen 1 1 0 0 1 2 Seager3b 2 2 0 0 ABeltre3b 4 1 2 0 J.uptonlf 4 0 0 0 McGeh3b 4 0 1 1 J.Perezcf 2 0 0 0 HPerez2b 0 0 0 0 Jepsen S,2-4 1 0 0 0 0 0 StTgsn2b 0 0 0 0 Rzepczynski 1-3 1 0 0 1 0 Gattisc 4 0 1 0 Ozunacf 5 2 4 4 K Morlsdh 4 2 2 4 Rualf 5 0 0 0 Minnesota P anik2b 5 1 2 1 TrHntrrf 4 0 1 0 Totals 40 8 138 Totals 44 9 179 C.LeeW,1-1 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 M orrsn1b 3 0 0 0 Odor2b 4 0 2 1 L aSte02b 4 0 0 0 Bour1b 5 1 2 1 Poseyc 5 1 2 0 Carrercf 0 0 0 0 Nolasco 5 8 3 2 1 5 Toronto 2 — 8 200 0 0 2 020 Cleto pi t ched to 2 b at t e rs i n the 10t h . Zuninoc 4 1 1 1 Rosales1b 4 1 2 2 CJhnsn 3b 2 1 0 0 Sltlmch c 5 0 1 1 Susacc 0 0 0 0 Micarr1b 4 0 2 0 A .Thompson 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 Boston 111 0 0 0 030 3 — 9 Belisario pi t ched to 1 ba tt e rin the 10t h . Enchvzrf 2 0 1 0 Sardinsss 3 1 1 0 Buptoncf 3 0 1 0 Hchvrrss 3 1 2 1 11-3 0 0 0 1 1 Sandovl3b 5 1 2 2 D.Kelly1b 0 0 0 0 Swarzak O ne out whe n w inni n g run score d. H BP — by H ous e (A I.R am ire z). PB — R .P er ez . J.Jonespr-rf 2 1 1 0 Choicerf 4 0 1 0 Harangp 1 0 0 0 Cosartp 2 1 1 0 Arias3b 0 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 3 0 1 0 Fien 0 1 2 2 1 0 E—St.Tol l e son (5). DP—B os t o n 1 . LOB — T oT — 3:13. A — 15,531 ( 42 , 4 87). BMigerss 4 1 1 2 Halep 0 0 0 0 DJnngsp 0 0 0 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Pencerf 4 0 1 0 JMccnph 1 0 0 0 PresslyH,2 ronto 6, Boston 12. 28—M ay berry ( 1), Goins (4), Totals 34 7 7 7 Totals 3 9 5 133 DuensingBS,4-4 0 Constnzph 1 0 0 0 SDysonp 0 0 0 0 G Blanclf 4 2 2 1 JMrtnzlf 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Pedroia(33), Cespedes(33), Napoli (20), Bogaerts Seattle 0 20 032 000 — 7 Tonkin Russel l p 0 0 0 0 I shikaw1b 4 1 1 1 Moyarf 1 0 0 0 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 National Lea ue (26). HR— a B ut i s ta (30), Enc a r na ci o n (30). SB — B . Texas 0 00 112 001 — 5 Thielbar Jaimep 0 0 0 0 Duvalldh 5 1 1 0 Cstllns3b 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SF — V alen ci a , E—B.Miler (16). DP—Seattle 2. LOB —Seattle BurtonL,2-4 Holt (12), Cesp e de s (5), Na p ol i (3). Bonifacph 1 1 0 0 Bcrwfrss 3 0 3 1 Holadyc 3 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 Pedroia,Vazquez. Dodgers 2, Oiamonddacks1 4, Texas 9. 28—A.Jackson(30), J.Jones(9), LMar- Fien pitched Schlssrp 0 0 0 0 Suarezss 3 0 0 0 to 2 baters inthe8th. I P H R ER BBSO tin (12). HR —K.Morales 2(6), Zunino(20), B.Miler Duensingpitchedto1 batter inthe8th. Avilanp 0 0 0 0 RDavicf s 3001 Toronto (10), Rosales(4). SB—En.chavez (5), J.Jones(23), WP —Shoemaker.PB— Pinto. LOS ANGELES — Dan Haren Totals 3 2 3 5 3 Totals 3 8111811 Tycgnslf 0 0 0 0 Hutchi s on 6 6 3 3 2 6 Rosale(2). s T—4;30. A—23,477(39,021). Atlanta 000 000 120 — 3 Totals 40 8 15 7 Totals 3 3 2 8 2 MorrowH,1 2 -3 1 0 0 0 0 pitched well on two extra days IP H R E R BBSO Miami 202 201 22x — 11 Ban Francisco 132 101 000 — 8 Da.NorrisH,1 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 1 of rest, Matt Kemphomered and Seattle DP — Atlanta1. LOB—Atlanta 3, Miami8. 28Detroit 000 020 000 — 2 0 Iwakuma W,14-6 51-3 7 3 3 1 5 Royals1, Yankees Gravemna 0 1 1 1 0 0 the Los Angeles Dodgers beat E—G.Blanco (1), Porcello (4), Casteganos(14). Heyward(24), Yelich (26),Stanton(30), Ozuna2 (24), Furbush 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 LoupBS,4-8 1 3 2 2 0 1 D P — S an F r anc i s co 2, Detroit1. LOB —San Francisco Bour (2). HR —F.Freeman (18). SB—Stanton (11). Maurer 1-3 1 1 1 0 1 McGowa n 1 1 0 0 1 1 Arizona. Harenallowed one run S—Cosart2. 9, Detroit 4.28—G.Blanco(12), Holaday(4).38—G. NEW YORK — James Shi e lds Beimel 0 1 0 0 0 0 Janssen L,3-3BS,5-26 1-3 5 3 3 0 0 and four hits in six innings against IP H R E R BBSO Blanco(6). HR —Sandoval(16). S—B.Crawford. WilhelmsenH,B 1 1 0 0 0 1 pitched two-hit ball into the Boston Atlanta IP H R E R BBSO MedinaH,21 1 1 0 0 1 0 ninth inning andNori Aoki lined a Webster 5 1-3 6 4 3 2 5 his former team. Theright-hander Harang L,10-10 Ban Francisco RodneyS,42-45 1 2 1 1 0 1 run-scoring single in the third folD.Britton 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 (11-11) struck out six andwalked Hale PeavyW,4-4 6 6 2 0 0 3 Texas Badenhop 1 0 0 0 0 1 one, improving to 4-1 in his past Russell Kontos 2 2 0 0 0 0 S.BakerL,3-4 4 1-3 4 5 5 1 3 l owingChaseHeadley'stwo-base Breslow 1-3 1 1 1 0 0 Jaime Lincecum 1 0 0 0 0 1 six starts since Aug. 6. 1 2-3 1 2 2 1 1 A.Wilson 2-3 2 1 1 0 0 Sh.Togeson Schlosser Detroit error, leading KansasCity over 2-3 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Claudio Mujica Avilan PorcelloL,15-10 3 10 6 5 1 1 11-3 0 0 0 0 0 the New YorkYankees.Twostarts 1-3 1 1 1 0 Mendez Tazawa Arizona LosAngeles Miami E.Reed 2 3 1 0 0 0 2 -3 2 1 Cotts 1 1 0 0 0 0 after losing to the Yankees8-1 in LayneW,2-1 1 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi CosartW,4-1 72 - 3 5 3 3 1 6 Farmer 2 1 1 1 0 3 Beimelpitchedto1 batter inthe7th. Graveman pitchedto 1 batterin the8th. I nciartlf 3 0 0 0 Puigcf 2000 Da.Jennings 1 3- 0 0 0 0 0 K.Ryan 1 1 0 0 0 1 one of his worst outings this sea- W HBP —byMendez(Morrison). WP—Rodney. P— Loup. PB—Vazquez. Owings2b 3 0 0 0 HRmrzss 4 0 2 1 S.Dyson 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mccoy 1 0 0 0 2 1 T—3:27.A—23,428 (48,114). son, Shields (13-7) retired his first T—3:53.A—35,667 (37,499). D Perltrf 3 0 1 0 Rojasss 0 0 0 0 T—2:48.A—19,951 (37,442). T—2:48 (Delay: 2:42). A—31,940(41,681).

Pirates-Cubs suspendedby rain





Sergio Garcia

Serena, Wozniac i to meet in ina

waves on the 18th green after finishing the second round of the BMW Championship in Cherry Hills Village, Colo., on Friday. Garcia shot a

By Howard Fendrich The Associated Press


S e rena W i lliams

t!s+sts p) tt

overwhelmed 17th-seeded Ekaterina Makarova of Russia 6-1, 6-3 in the semi-

finals Friday to extend her U.S. Open winning streak to 20 matches.

64 for a one-

If Williams can make that 21 in a row

stroke lead.

by beating Caroline Wozniacki in Sunday's final, the 32-year-old American

Brennan Linsley

will become the first woman since Chris Evert in the 1970s to win three consecutive titles at the tournament. After Makarova held to l-all, she went

I The Associated Press

40 minutes until taking another game. Powered by swift serves and stinging forehands, Williams grabbed nine straight games, including a truly dominant stretch in which she took 22 of 24

Garcia takesone-shot lead into weekend


The Associated Press

sure what it was. He's not sure

major final, at the 2009 U.S. Open. Wil-

there's a word for it in Spanish.

liams, meanwhile, is seeking a sixth U.S. Open championship and 18th major



ss "

a'!! e .t

All in all, Williams' semifinal was far less dramatic than Friday's earlier match, when the 10th-seeded Wozniac-

ki's opponent, China's Peng Shuai, retired in the second set because of heat illness and left the court in a wheelchair.

Wozniacki lost her only previous CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE,

Colo. — Sergio Garcia hit great shots that led to eagle, birdie and par Friday. They carried him to a 6-under 64, giving him a one-shot lead going into the

"It's happened before, but usually I kind of blow it and it getsback," Garcia said. "But for some reason, it just didn't feel quite the same. And it still

doesn't, but it's definitelybetter. onship on ever-changing Cher- It shouldn't be too big of a deal." ry Hills. But it clearly didn't affect his G arcia holed out f rom a golf. "Obviously, it helped, begreenside bunker forbirdie on the second hole. He holed a lob cause then I made 2 on the next wedge for eagle on the short, hole," he said with a laugh. par-4 seventh hole. And after The turnaround came at the hitting into the water going end of his round. He went for for the green on the par-5 17th the green in two on the 17th hole, he escaped with par by and came up well short. With getting up-and-down with a the tough 18th ahead of him, it wedge to a foot. looked as though he would lose He needed them all. his lead and perhaps even more Ryan Palmer alsomade ea- ground. Buthe hitwedgetotapgle with a short wedge on the in range for his par, and then seventh hole, and he finished made one of only six birdies on birdie-birdie for a 64 to end up the closing hole at Cherry Hills. "It's only Friday, so we still a shot behind. Rory McIlroy made three have two days to go," he said. s traight birdies late i n h i s "But it definitely helped my round and left his last putt on frame of mind going into the the edge of the cup. The late 18th tee, which today was playsurge gave the world's No. ing quite hard. So it was nice to 1 player another 67 and put be able to get that up-and-down him two shots behind. Bil- and then play 18 really well." ly Horschel, a runner-up last Also on Friday: week at the TPC Boston, had a Late eagle gives Beck 66 and was tied with McIlroy. Champions lead: QUEBEC Garcia was at 8-under 132. CITY — Chip Beck eagled Barring a charge that would his final hole for a 7-under 65 make even Arnold Palmer and a one-stroke lead after the proud, Phil Mickelson is play- first round of the Champions ing his last PGA Tour event of Tour's Quebec Championship. the season. He twice hit into The 57-year-old Beck, winthe water — making a triple less on the 50-and-over tour, bogey on the par-3 12th and a hit his 3-wood approach from bogey on the 17th — and shot 256 yards to a foot to set up a 76. Mickelson, who needs to the eagle on the par-5 ninth finish about fourth to qualify hole. Duffy Waldorf and Craig for the Tour Championship, Thomas were tied for second. was 14 shots behind and in a tie Ramsay up o n e o v er for 63rd in the 68-man field. Donaldson in Switzerland: weekend at the BMW Champi-

J ason Day w i t hdrew o n the ninth hole with a b ack


injury and said he would

Ramsay shot a 4-under 66 in

try to be ready for the Tour

morning rain in the European Masters to take a one-stroke

Championship. The only peculiar part of

S w it-

zerland — Scotland's Richie

lead over Wales' Jamie Don-

Garcia's day was his left ear.

aldson. Ramsey, the 2012 win-

He was on the sixth green when he felt a series of beeps, followed by a "pop" that made him feel uncomfortable for about the next hour before it

ner, had a 12-under 128 total on Crans-sur-Sierre's Seve

finally went away. He's not

Senior PGA Continued from C1 Chris van der Velde, the

Ballesteros C h ampionship Course. Donaldson, a member of the European Ryder Cup team, had a 64.

Van der Velde, who started

the day in third place and two strokes off the lead, bogeyed four of his first five holes and dropped to 5 over before the

50-year-old managing partner at Tetherow, rode a strong turn. finish to land in third place at 1-over-par 72-73 — 145. And

JeffFought, the 54-year-old director of golf at Black Butte Ranch, ended in a tie for sixth

place at 6 over. Both local pros are now

But van der V elde came

charging back with four birdies down the stretch to easily qualify. "That's the whole goal," van der Velde said of making the Senior PGA. "But I've got to get

planningtohead in November

my game in shape."

to PGA Golf Club in Port St. Lucie, Florida, for the Senior PNC.

Stull, who was the 2002 Senior European Tour's rookie of

theyear, was on top ofhis game "It feels good," said Fought, for much of the two-day event.

who seemed surprised in the

He surged to a six-stroke

moments after his round that lead at one point before slowing he had qualified for the Se- down the stretch. nior PNC for the third time in Stull is no stranger to bigfour years. "Let's just face it, time tournament golf. He has the whole goal in our lives as won once on the Senior Euroa golf professional is to play pean Tour, where he was a fullin one of the majors. I haven't time member until 2009, and done that yet. has played in 13 Champions "It's not just getting to the

Tour tournaments.

show (the Senior PNC) but For him, qualifying for the being able to maybe qualify Senior PNC is a nice bonus. for something that you dream But there is something better about your entire life." than just making the next big Both Fought and van der

Velde — who played the entire tournament on a GolfBoard, a golf cart/skateboard hybrid produced by a Bend company — had to shake off slow starts Friday. Fought triple-bogeyed the par-4 first hole, but he played the next 17 holes at I under.


"You always like to win a tournament," Stull said. "Not everybody gets to, and some of us have been doing this for 30 years. Anytime you can beat the Northwest pros, you've had

a good week." — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall®bendbulletin.com.

singles title overall, which would tie her with Evert and Martina Navratilova.

"She obviously wants to win and go

for her f irst Grand Slam," Williams

said about her close friend Wozniacki. "I want to win a Grand Slam for some

history." This Grand Slam season has been rather poor by Williams' lofty standards, though: She lost in the fourth round at

the Australian Open, the second round at the French Open, and the third round


at Wimbledon.

"It feels so good. You never know. I am so happy — you have no idea," Williams said in an on-court interview. "I didn't

think I'd be here today."

Mike Grolt /The Associated Press

Serena Williams reacts after defeating Ekaterina Makarova during the women's semifinals of the U.S. Open on Friday in New York.

But over the past two weeks in New

York, Williams has looked very much like a woman who is ranked and seeded No. I, winning all 12 sets she has played. It might have helped that, because of a series ofsurprises,she faced only one seeded opponent until Friday,

Azarenka — a t w o -time Australian edge in winners. Open champion and a finalist at the In the first semifinal, when the temU.S. Open in 2012 and 2013 — to reach perature was in the high 80s and the

her first major semifinal in her 29th

humidity near 70 percent, Wozniacki was leading 7-6 (I), 4-3 when Peng was eliminating No. 11 Flavia Pennetta in the lanky left-hander never stood a chance forced to quit. She began showing signs quarterfinals. against Williams. of distress early in the second set, clutchMakarova defeated No. 7 Eugenie The whole thing lasted only an hour, ing at her left thigh. During that set's Bouchard — the runner-up at Wim- and with her older sister Venus sitting eighth game, Peng clearly was in serious bledon in July — and No. 16 Victoria in the stands, Williams compiled a 24-6 trouble. try. A terrific run, to be sure, but the


Bowyerdown tolastchance to make Chase he said. "We hope it is unBowyer, a year after the eventful and one of the guys scandal, w a sn't i n t erested broken shifter last week at that have won already wins Friday in revisiting the spin Atlanta has put Clint Bowit, but I know that it is going that turned NASCAR upside yer in desperation mode at to be dicey up front w ith down a year ago. No matRichmond, where a victory those guys trying to get ter what happens Saturday tonight is his best shot to their win." night,he vowed to go home grab a dramatic, last-gasp Newman a ls o b e l ieves and have a good week. He berth in the Chase for the tonight could be chaotic cited the upcoming birth of Sprint Cup championship. as desperate drivers try to his first child and his future The broken part was a grab a Chase berth. Among in NASCAR as things to look devastating blow t o B o w- those who need to win are forward to. " You never want t o c r eyer, who lost Tony Stewart, Brian Vicktwo spots in ers and Martin T ruex Jr. ate a storm in any sport or the standings Stewart returned to racing for anybody, for any of your and fell behind last weekend at Atlanta af- peers, your f riends, your R yan N e w - ter sitting out three events family, hell, for y ourself," man and Greg since his sprint car struck Bowyer said. "Do you think Bowyer B fi f l e i n th e and killed Kevin Ward Jr. at I wanted to be in the middle jockeying for an Aug. 9 dirt track race in of all that mess? It was ayear the final two spots in the New York. NASCAR gave ago.. Why you (in the me16-driver Chase field. Under the three-time champion a dia) choose to be hung up on NASCAR's new win-and-in waiver that will allow him things that happened a year system, 17 different drivers to participate in the Chase ago is beyond me. I'm here can race their way into the should he qualify. out of desperation to try to Chase in the final "regular N ewman doesn't t h i n k race my way in." season" event. there will be any hijinks Also on Friday: Bowyer, a two-time win- among the drivers needing Keselowski wins pole at ner at Richmond Interna- a big night today because Richmond; fourth this year: tional Raceway, isn't count- of the scandal that plagued ing himself out. this race a year ago. New"If I could ever pick a man was on his way to the t rack that I h a d t o g o t o victory when Bowyer spun The Associated Press


that I had to try to fight my

to bring out a caution, set-

way into this Chase, it's this one," Bowyer said. "This is one of my best tracks. I love this place and love racing here and competing here. Hopefully, she'll be good to me one more time."

ting in motion a series of

Newman is the only driv-

RICHMOND, Va. — Brad Ke-

selowski won the pole for tonight's Sprint Cup race with a lap at 126.618. The Penske

Racing driver finished second in the first round of qualifying, and easily outran the field during the second stage for his fourth pole of the season. Jeff Gordon was second at 126.039

mph, followed by Hendrick Motorsports teammate Jimmie Johnson at 125.898.

Kyle Busch never trails in victory at Richmond: RICHMOND, Va. — Kyle Busch led from start to finish, usually

by plenty, and ended an eightrace winless streak in the Nationwide Series with his fifth

career victory at Richmond International Raceway. Busch

started on the pole, routinely built leads of several seconds and was never really challenged. Kevin Harvick appeared to be closing in on him with about 40 laps to go, then

began to fade again.

events that knocked Newman out of the Chase in fa-

vor of Truex, who was Bowyer's teammate at the time. Also affected in the she-

nanigans was Jeff Gord on, who was not i n


er in control of his fate and Chase field when h e l eft can clinch a spot in the Richmond. Chase if he finishes 18th or betterifthere is a first-time

NASCAR, in ruling that

Michael Waltrip Racing mawinner this season that is nipulated the finish of the not Matt K e nseth. Bi ffle race, kicked Truex out of needs to see a repeat win- the Chase field and replaced ner, or Newman or Kenseth, and finish 22nd or better.

e •

him with Newman. Then,

two days before the Chase But he expects a tough opener, Gordon was added challenge from Bowyer, the to the field as an additional Chip Ganassi Racing team- driver. mates Jamie McMurray Newman said he would and Kyle Larson, and Paul be naive to not be concerned Menard. Those drivers view about aggressive driving, tonight as "their last lunge but thinks teams won't dare for life to get in," Biffle said. try anything sinister. "Whether it i s staying "I think after what hapout and taking two tires or pened last year, the magwhatever, getting up there nifying glasses are getting and blocking or running a a little bit tighter than they guy out of the groove, they used to be and that we'll will do whatever they can to have a good race," Newman win to get into the Chase,"




• •




Don'tjust trap Nem... eliminate tlfem!

21336 Hwy 20 E. - Bend Hwy 20 East past 27th, left on NE Dalton, right on Aurora 5 4 1 - 3 8 2 -7 8 4 6



avens a econ ro in r o r w inover a er Bulletin staff report

play the rest of the season."

Seth Whitley salted it away with a 19-

McDonald ran for 114 yards and a drove tothe Cougars' 20-yard line. touchdown on 17 carries, and senior But Ostrom made the play on the ball receiver Quinn Fettig hauled in 10 on fourth down to allow Mountain catches for 118 yards and two toucha Mountain View fumble, Wilsonville

Codding credited senior middle linebacker Makinah Dunn for speardominant second half Friday night heading Ridgeview's shutout defenand rolled to a season-opening 35- sive effort in the second half. 18 nonconference road victory over Offensively, the Ravens piled up Baker. 345 rushing yards, led by Stevens The Ravens, the reigning Class with 150 on 11 carries and Yeakey 4A state champions, scored first on with 95 on seven attempts. Johnson an 11-yard run by Tanner Stevens, completed9 of15 passes for 153 yards but the host Bulldogs scored the next and twotouchdowns, and O'Neal had three touchdowns and took a 18-7 eight catches for 143 yards and the halftime lead. two TDs. Ridgeview took control with three The Ravens (1-0) play at South Althird-quarter touchdowns, featuring bany in another nonconference contouchdown passes of 23 and 32 yards test next Friday night. from senior Jacob Johnson to Tanner Mountain View 21, Wilsonville 14: O'Neal. Brent Yeakey added a 6-yard WILSONVILLE — S a fety D erek TD run, and in the fourth quarter Ostrom broke up a pass on fourth BAKER CITY — Ridgeview rebounded from a flat first half with a

down late in the game to seal a non-

Burns 29, Sisters 6: SISTERSBurns rolled past Sisters in both

teams' first game of the season. The Hilanders (1-0) led 33-6 at halftime.

View to escape with the season-open-

downs. Bend trailed 18-13 at half-

ing win. Cougar quarterback Cody Anthony threw three touchdown passes, including a 58-yarder to Anthony Rushton to give Mountain View a 14-0 lead in the second quar-

time, but Riddell scored three touch- run was Sisters' lone score. The Outdowns after the break, twice finding laws play at Madras on Friday. the end zone on runs of 40 yards or Crook County 28, Sweet Home 27: more. The Lava Bears, who totaled PRINEVILLE — Crook County ral350 yards of offense, host Klamath lied, scoring a pair of touchdowns

Logan Schutte's 23-yard touchdown

ter. Mountain View hosts Central in

Union on Friday.

in the fourth quarter. The Cowboys

another nonconference game next Culver 33, La Pine 20: LA PINEFriday. Culver quarterback Clay McClure Central 46, Bend High 34: INDE- ran for tw o e arly touchdowns to PENDENCE — C e ntral r u n ning lead the Bulldogs to a nonconference back Wesley Riddell rushed for 317 victory over host La Pine. McClure

(1-0) trailed 27-14 heading into the fourth, but Cole Ovens ran for a 10-

yards and six touchdowns on 36 car-

County to the season-opening win.

scored the first two touchdowns of

yard touchdown and was on the re-

ceivingend ofa 75-yard scoring pass from Blake Bartels to propel Crook

ries to lead the Panthers over visiting the game, which was both teams' Bend High. The Lava Bears (0-1) nev- season opener, and the Hawks never found a way to stop Riddell, who

yard scoring run. "I think we came out sluggish after the long bus ride," said Ravens coach Andy Codding. "But the kids really

Bartels finished 11 of 17 passing with 181 yards and two touchdowns for er recovered. Tucker Davis and Levi Crook County, which plays host to Vincent also scored for the Bulldogs Henley of Klamath Falls next Friday. (1-0). Tanner Hanson led the Hawks Junction City 31, Madras 14: JUNC(0-1) with 124 yards rushing and two TION CITY — Zach Rogers recorded touchdowns. La Pine hosts Jefferson more than 300 yards of total offense

conference Mountain View victory. helped Central pile up 506 yards of The Cougars led 21-6 at the end of the offense in both teams' season openthird quarter, but the Wildcats got a ers. Bend senior quarterback Creighsafety and then scored on a 9-yard ton Simmonds completed 16 of 29 responded after halftime, and I think touchdown pass from Connor Neville passes for 232 yards and three touch- and Culver entertains Bonanza next they showed the way they're going to to Cole Wilson to make it 21-14. After downs. Senior running back Hunter Friday.

to lead Junction City. The White Buf-

faloes (0-1) host Sisters on Friday.


Friday's Games

Adrian42, Lummi, Wash. 20

Summit 41, Pendleton19 Pendleton 7 6 0 6 -19 Summit 14 14 13 0 - 41 S— JasonGarcia 8rush(KadenWadsworth kick) S— NickRasmussen15 fumblereturn (Wadsworth kick) P — Wes Persinger 43passfromKai Quinn(Saba- :' ztianCoronakick) S— KyleCornett94kick return(Wadsworth kick) P— Quinn7run(kickfailed) S— Garcia85kick return(Wadsworth kick) S— Cornett29passfromJohnBledsoe(Wadswodh kick) S — Cam McCormick 47passfrom Bledsoe (kick .: failed) P— Quinn4 run(passfailed)

Central 46, Bend34 Bend Central

6 7 14 7 — 34 6 12 14 14 — 46

C—WesleyRiddeg4run(passfail) B— HunterMcDonald30run(kick fail) C— Ridell 3run(passfail ) 0— Ridde01run(passfarl) 8— QuinnFetig 12passfromCreightonSimmonds .:' (Johnson kick) B— ChrisWagace1run (kickfail) C— Ridell56run(passfail) B— Fettig13passfromSimmonds(McDonatdrun) C— Ridde01run(FlemingpassfromClem) 8 — Wallace 51passfromSimmonds(Johnsonkick):: C— MacBeth3run(runfail) C— Riddeg44run(AlvarezpassfromClem)

Mountain View21, Wilsonville14 tdountainVfew 7 7 7 0 — 21 Wilsonville 0 6 0 8 — 14 MV — Austin Albin 22 passfromCodyAnthony(Zach

Emerson kick) MV — AnthonyRushton58passfrom Anthony(Emersonkick) W—Connor Neville 23 passfromElijah Benedick (kfckfailed) MV — Chris Adamo 14 pass fromAnthony(Emerson kick) W—Safety W—ColeWilson9passfromNevile (kickfailed)

Ridgeview 35, Baker18 Ridgeview 7 0 21 7 — 3 6 Baker 6 12 0 0 — 1 8 RV —TannerStevens11run (TroyPurcegkick) B— Touch downnot available B— Touch downnot available B— Touchdown not available RV — TannerO'Neal23passfrom JacobJohnson (Purcettkick) RV — O'Neal 32passfromJohnson(Purcell kick) RV — BrentYeakey6 run(Purcegkick) RV —SethWhitley19 run(Purcegkick)

Ctllver 33, La Pine 20 Culver 7 14 6 6 — 33 La Pine 0 6 6 8 — 20 C— ClayMcClurerun(N/A) C— McC lure run(N/A) C—TuckerDavis run(N/A) LP —Austin Kenter run(N/A) C— No.19run(N/A) LP —Tanner Hansonrun(N/A) C— LeviVincent(N/A) LP —Hansonrun(N/A)

Redmond62, Franklin 28 Franklin 0 7 21 0 — 2 8 Redmond 14 20 14 14 — 62 R—DerekBrown59 run(Alex Hugheskick) R—Brown23 run(Hugheskick) R—Brown22 run Hugheskick) F — DerricT kemple2passfromMaxHawkins(Fisher:: Doddkick) R—HunterSmith15 run(Hugheskick) F— lanPederson18passfromHawkins (Doddkick) R — AlaniTroutman34 pass from Bunker Parrish: (Hughes kick) F— Pede rson2passfromHawkins (Doddkick) F— Pede rson5passfromHawkins (Doddkick) R—Brown11run(Hugheskick) R—Brown18run DarrenRossrun) R—Ross95interception return(kick failed)


Aloha41,Cleveland6 Ashland 45, Klamath7 Astoria34,Corbett14 Bandon52, RogueRiver 20 Banks29,NorthMarion13 Barlow62,Corvallis 44 Beaverton 28, Centennial 21 BlanchetCatholic 29,Rainier12 Burns39,Sisters6 Canby 24,Roseburg0 Cascade Christian 46, Henley18 Central46,Bend34 CentralCatholic24,Jesuit17 CentralLinn26, Oakland 7 Churchill 20,SouthEugene14 Clackamas 27, PalomaValley,Calif.14 Crane60,Echo6 Crater28,Dallas20 DavidDouglas21,ForestGrove10 DaysCreek56, McKenzie18 Dayton12, PleasantHil 8 Dufur58,Lowell 38 Elmira47,NorthEugene0 Falls City54, NorthLake20 Fruitland,Idaho28, Ontario 6 Gladstone55,Philomath27 Glend al e20,Mohawk12 Glide56,Bonanza17 GoldBeach42,Coquttte 30 GrantsPass38,Sherwood36 Gresham 42, Century22 Heppner47,Tri-Citfes Prep,Wash. 7 Hermiston48, Hanford, Wash. 13 Hillsboro14,Liberty6 llinois Valley56, Douglas30 Irrigon31,Riverside0 Kennedy36,Monroe18 Knappa 6, Regis 0 La Grande 34, Nyssa26 La Salle32, Milwaukie26 LakeOswego21, Southridge14 Lebanon14,JeffersonPDX7 Lincoln34,Glencoe0 Lincoln,Wash.48, Roosevelt 9 Lost River26,Lakeview13 Marist 44,Thurston22 Marshfield26,CottageGrove12 Mazama19, Yreka,Calif.12 McNary35,NorthSalem21 Molalla44,TheDalles 0 MountainView21r Wilsonvile14 MyrtlePoint40,Riddle12 Nestucca 21, Waldport 0 Newberg 21,CrescentValey17 NorthBend41, North Valey14 NorthDouglas26, Powers20, OT NorthMedford41,Fortuna, Calif. 31 Oakridge34,Toledo20 Parkrose56,St. Helens19 Perrydale 52, SiletzValley12 Phoenix45,Brookings-Harbor6 PineEagle70,JordanValley36 Redmond 48, Franklin 20 Reedsport53,Neah-Kah-Nie8 Reynolds62,Madison13 Ridgeview 35, Baker18 Sandy14,Putnam0 Santi am48,Jeff erson0 SantiamChristian21,Harrisburg 19 Scappoose54,Cascade30 Scio 52,Sutherlin28 Seaside28,Yamhil-Carlton 0 Sheldon38,Lakeridge21 Sheridan 32, Gervais6 Silverton27,Wilson0 Siuslaw49,Newport14 SouthAlbany48,Eagle Point 6 SouthMedford47, Sunset 28 South Salem 7,McKay0 SouthUm pqua47, Hidden Valley12 Sprague 28,West Albany13 Springfield32,Wilamette31, OT St. Paul47,Crow7 Stayton22,Tigamook19 Summi41, t Pendleton13 Taft 50,Colton0 Tigard49,Grant16 TwinValley,Wash. 52,Jewett18 Vale48,Parma,Idaho7 ValleyCatholic60,Estacada14 Wallowa 50, lone8 Warrenton 53, Vernonia0 WestLinn28, OregonCity 21 WestSalem41, McMinnville 7 Weston-McE wen 32, Grant Union18 Westview 49,TuatatIn 13 Willamina21,Gaston 20 Woodburn 28, HoodRiver14 Yoncalla76,Elkton44


again, however, the Storm returned the ensuing kickoff.

Continued from C1 Later in the opening quarter, Nick Rasmussen scooped up a fumble and raced in for a 15-yard score to give the Storm a 14-0 advantage. On the final play of the first period, Pendleton's Kai Quinn connected with Wes Persinger for a 43-yard touchdown,

This time, Garcia scooped the ball up and took it himself

narrowing the deficit to seven

Summit returns to action next Friday when the Storm travel to Portland to take on Class 6A Franklin.

for 85 yards and a TD to provide Summit a 28-13 halftime

advantage. B ledsoe opened up t h e second half with touchdown

passes to Cornett and Cam McCormick as the Storm pulled away for a 41-19 victory.

points — briefly. Garcia received the ensuing kickoff near the right sideline "I am critical sometimes of and handed offto Cornett, who after the game recalled our play at different times of yelling at his teammate to take the game," Padilla said. "But if the ball himself. Instead, Cor- you look at where we were last nett took possession and sped year ... you wonder if you're down the right sideline 94 going to have to start over. yards for a touchdown. Pendleton's a darn good foot" I just t r ied n o t t o g e t ball program, year in and year touched and tried to run away

out. To come in with the start

from people," Cornett said.

of a season and play them and

"And I took it to the house." have this kind of success, that With just over a m i n ute is a big deal."

left in the half, Quinn ran in a 7-yard touchdown. Yet

— Reporter: 541-383-0307, glucrzs@ bendbulletin.com.

Photos by Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

Redmond's Bunker Parrish looks for an open receiver during the first quarter against Franklin in Redmond on Friday.

Panthers Continued from C1 Franklin began to find traction against the Panthers in he

second half, scoring on an 18-yard pass from Max Hawkins to Ian Pederson. But Redmond opened up a passing game of its own, with Bunker Parrish connecting with Alani Trout-

man for a 34-yard touchdown strike three minute into the second half.

e eeal

Franklin narrowed the score to 41-28, connecting on passes of 2yardsand 5yardsfortouchdowns beforethe Panthers scored three unanswered touchdowns that included scoring

runs of 11 and 18 yards by Brown. Darren Ross capped Redmond's big night with a 95-yard interception return. "I think we didn't know what to do with how well we did,"

said Redmond coach Nathan Stanley, noting the Panthers' third-quarter lapse. "I think that's something you have to

learn. You have to learn to win and learn to play with a lead." Redmond missed a pair of scoring opportunities because of untimely fumbles. "We didn't have issues other than turnovers, and that's our No. 1 job next week is ball security," Stanley said. Redmond's Alani Troutman (81) knocks down a pass intended for

With the win, the Panthers matched their win total of last

season. They go for 2-0 next Friday at Eagle Point.

Franklin's lan Pederson (11) during the first half.


Bearsscoretwice in 2ndhalf, blankSouth Medford Bulletin staff report MEDFORD — Chance Flammang and Niklas Eriksson each scored to lead Bend High to a 2-0 season-opening boys soccer victory Friday evening over South Medford. Flammang, a junior forward, gave the Lava Bears a 1-0 lead in the 50th minute when he converted a Panther turnover near the South

Medford goal into a score. Twelve minutes later Eriks-

son punched in a Bryant Jolma corner kick to make it 2-0. Bend keepers Ryan Murphy and Everett Giffen

combined to shut out South

nonconference defeat. North

the final minute of the first

Medford led 1-0 at halftime

half and again with about

but Torres scored on a break-

four minutes left in the non-

away about five minutes into conference match. "We have the second half. The Black some key injuries right now, Tornado (1-0) went ahead 2-1 but all in all we played pretty in the 64th minute and added good," said Mountain View a final goal late in the game coach Don Emerson. "I'm to win what was both teams' happy with how we played." opening match of the season. Emerson praised a pair of Philomath 2, Sisters 0: SIS- freshmen, Rosalie Mendez TERS — After a scoreless first half, Philomath scored in the 60th minute and on a penalty kick in th e 70th minute to claim the noncon-

and Rylee-Rae Leonard, for

ference win in a rematch of

nonconference home victory

a state semifinal contest last fall. "Overall, I don't think we

in their season opener. Bend led 2-1 at halftime and add-

their work on the defensive side. Bend 7, South Medford 2: The Lava Bears rolled to a

Medford. "It's a good start for us,"

played bad — they're a good ed five goals after the break.

said Lava Bears coach Nils

Rob Jensen, whose Outlaws Amidee Colleknon, Lacey (0-1) beat the Warriors 2-0 Ayde, Hannah Cockrum and on their way to the 4A state Tayla Wheeler. championship last season. VOLLEYBALL "We have some chemistry to Bend 3, Marist 1; Bend

Eriksson. "South Medford is

usually pretty competitive in 6A." In other Friday action:

team," said

S i sters coach Scoring for the Bears were

BOYS SOCCER build, and that takes time." North Medford 3, Mountain GIRLS SOCCER View 1: MEDFORD — CouNorth Medford 2, Mountain gar senior forward Mario View 0: Visiting North MedTorres scored the only goal ford ruined the Cougars' f or Mountain View i n t h e season opener, scoring in

3, The Dalles 0: The Lava B ears triumphed i n t h e i r

first matches of the season, downing two nonconference

opponents at Bend High. Against Marist, Bend won

a competitive contest 25-23, 22-25, 29-27, 25-19. Leaders for the Bears included Callie Kruska with five kills and

six blocks, Cassidy Wheeler with eight kills, and Carissa Scott with six kills. Against The Dalles, Bend won 2521, 25-21, 25-7, led by Amber

Verbrugge's six kills. Trinity Lutheran 3, Triad 0: KLAMATH FALLS — The Saints of B end wo n t h eir

Mountain Valley L eague opener 25-17, 25-23, 25-8 be-

hind Katie Murphy's 10 kills and Megan Clift's two aces and 17-for-19 serving performance. Clift added seven kills of her own and a teamhigh seven digs. Butte Falls 3, Gilchrist 0: BUTTE FALLS — V isiting G ilchrist was swept in i t s

Mountain Valley L eague opener, falling by scores of 25-12, 25-11, 25-21. Leaders for the Grizzlies were Molly Bernabe, with two aces and three assists, and Madison

Bean, with seven assists and an ace.






8 8

a anSlea By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press

EUGENE — Oregon is

The Spartans, who defeat-

State — Stanford. The Spar-

ed Jacksonville State 45-7 in their opener, had the sec-

tans can certainly take inspiration today from their victory

ond-ranked total defense in offense, while Michigan State the nation last year, allowing is known for it s stout 3-4 opponents an average of just defense. over 252 yards per game. But it is not as simple as ofOregon has been perfectfense versus defense between ing its no-huddle spread since the No. 3 Ducks and the No. former coach Chip Kelly be7 Spartans, who meet this gan tinkering with it in 2007 known for its nimble spread

afternoon at Autzen Stadium. Both teams have become

as offensive coordinator. The

Ducks have found the perfect known as innovators on op- leader in dual-threat quarterposite sides of the ball. back Marcus Mariota, who For Michigan State coach is as adept on his feet as he is Mark Dantonio, there is truth

in the old cliche: Defense wins championships. It certainly worked last season, when theBig Ten champion Spartans defeated Stanford 24-20 in the Rose Bowl. "There's not a lot of people

who have played our defense in the past," said Dantonio. "I think people are moving toward it and doing some of the things that we've done, and we've had tremendous success with our defense in the

last three, four, really the last


LlC S, I IB for Michigan State last sea-

son and got off to a fast start this year against Jacksonville over the Cardinal in Pasadena. State, passing for 285 yards and three touchdowns before History sitting in the second half. The home team has won in each of the four previous


meetings between Oregon Junior Byron Marshall led a and Michigan State, evening trio of Oregon running backs theseriesat2-2.TheSpartans that accounted for 412 yards won the most recent game 27- of total offense and four touch20 in 1999 in East Lansing.

downs in the Ducks' opener

Oregon won the 1998 season against South Dakota. Maropener 48-14 on Akili Smith's shall revealed a hybrid role, four f i r st-half t o u chdown leading the team with eight with his arm. passes. catches for 138 yards and two Mariota threw fo r t h r ee touchdowns. Oregon at times t ouchdowns and ra n f o r Mariota matters played all three, with Marshall another in O regon's seaThe junior Heisman Trophy at slot, and sophomore Thomson-opening 62-13 victory hopeful has thrown at least as Tyner and freshman Royce over South Dakota. one touchdown pass in each Freeman at running back. "You look at Oregon, cer- of the 27 games he has played ling the future? tainly you see what they've at Oregon. He has passed a to- Foretel Today's game is the first done offensively, and they are tal of 66 touchdowns, rushed differentfrom other spread for 15 and caught one for the nonconference matchup at teams," Dantonio said. "I most career TDs in school his- Autzen Stadium to f eature think they've had so much tory. Mariota needs one more two teams ranked in the top success,a lot of people are touchdown pass to surpass 10, and the outcome will liketaking some of the things and Darron Thomas for the top ly determine an early favorite imitating them or not copying spot on Oregon's career list. for the new four-team playoff but using their concepts and at the end of the season. Said

four years. That trend needs to continue for us to be suc-

trying to adapt it into their

cessful. It's my belief you win championships with great defenses."

Last season the Ducks lost to the one team in the Pac-12 that most resembles Michigan


Cook's lead

Mariota: "This is exciting, this

Although much is made is why you come to school about the Spartans' defense, here: You come to play in these quarterback Connor Cook so- types of games. This is what lidified his role as the starter college football is all about."

Early Pac-'l2 implications for Stanford, Southern Cal STANFORD, Calif. — The coaches

have changed, and so have the players. The drama has remained the same. In a series that dates back to 1905,

Stanford-Southern California has been among college football's best matchups Mark J.Terrill /The Associated Press in recent years. The games have fea- Southern California coach Steve Sarkisian accused Stanford of faking Injuries to slow tured a c t ion-packed down hIsup-tempo offense when he was atWashington lastseason. Both SerkIsIan and performances, verbal NI X t LIP Stanford coach David Shaw have tried to quIet the chatter over the dispute thIs week. and the Huskies last season. Shaw refuted

State last week.

Sarkisian's allegations a few days later Stanford's defense didn't allow UC Dawith a strongly worded statement on a vis to cross midfield until the final play The programs will TV:ABC national conference call and during his of a 45-0 rout, and its offense typically begin another chapweekly news conference. tries to control the clock with a power ter in their long-running rivalry today Both coaches have tried to quiet the running game. What pace the game is when new coach Steve Sarkisian and chatter over the dispute this week. Each played at could be critical. the 14th-ranked Trojans (1-0) visit No. 13 said there is no animosity between them Stanford (1-0) for an early season Pac-12 and they are focused on the game, which Respect the quarterback showdown. recent history suggest will be another Shaw referredto Kessler and Stan"When bothteams have been ranked, close one. ford's Kevin Hogan as the "Rodney Danwhen one team has been ranked, it Three of the past four meetings be- gerfields of the quarterbacks" this week, hasn't mattered," Cardinal coach David tween USC and Stanfordwere decided suggesting the two don't get any respect. Shaw said. "The games aretight,and by a last-second score, including a tri- Kessler came on strong late last season the games are exciting. They're fun to ple-overtime thriller in 2011, and the un- and threw for 394 yards and four TDs in USC's win over Fresno State. He underwatch." derdog has won the past two years. As if the series needed another sub-

went an unspecified procedure on one of

Pace of play

his toes this weekbut said he's fine. The Trojans will try to speed things up Hogan has guided the Cardinal to conand spread things out on offense, while secutive titles in his first two seasons but isian and Shaw meet on the field since the Cardinal will look to slow things had the worst game of his career against Sarkisian accused Stanford of faking in- down and pack things in. USC gained USC last year, completing just 14 of 25 juries to slow down his up-tempo offense 701yardswhilerunning aconference-re- passesfor 127 yards and throwing two at Washington in the Cardinal's win over cord 105 plays in a 52-13 win over Fresno interceptions in the fourth quarter. plot, Sarkisian's addition is giving it an extra twist. The game will be the first time Sark-


victory i n

ContInued from C1

to 40 yards and no points-

and four touchdowns in that Week 2 win. Hawaii, which went 1-11 last season, pulled close to the Huskies with two f ield

while allowing quarterback

goals for the only scoring in

But the Beavers' defense

came alive in the second half — holding Portland State

C o r vallis. Man-

nion passed for 372 yards

Sean Mannion and the of- the second half. Joey Iosefa, fense to take over. recovered from injuries that


land State, committing 13 for

The two teams have met nine times, with the most recent being the Oregon State

119 yards. The team had 10 of those penalties in the first half.

victory in Corvallis last season. Overall, the Beavers have a three-game winning streak and hold a 6-3 advantage in the series, which dates back to

some obvious struggles and things that we need to work on

1924. Seven of the matchups

first-game jitters going on."

Mannion passed for 328 sidelined him for much of last have been played in Honoluyards and a t o uchdown, year, rushed for 143 yards lu — induding the 1999 Oahu while Storm Woods ran for and a touchdown and the B owl, which H a waii w o n 125 yards on 16 carries. Rainbow Warriors finished 23-17. "We just played sounder with 424 yards of offense. football," Oregon State coach Sophomore quarterback Ikai- Against the Pac-12 Mike Riley said of the sec- ka Woolsey completed 23 of Hawaii is a frequent nonond-half adjustment. "In the 42 passes for 207 yards. conference opponent for Pac"We had our chances both 12 teams, but the Rainbow first half we got out of our lanes and not balanced. In offensively and defensively," W arriors are facing a record the second half we figured Hawaii coach Norm Chow three opponents from the out what was hurting us and said. "We played with a lot of league this season: Washingtook it away. When you take energy, which I thought we ton, Oregon State and Colot heir best stuff away a n d would." rado on Sept. 20 in Boulder. don't give them the big pass, The Beavers should feel Hawaii is 29-56 overall against it's just a nice job." comfortable at Aloha Stadi- Pac-12 teams. The last time Oregon State shut out a team in the second

um: They ended last season's

By Barry Wilner The Associated Press

ued to improve. But we haven't won in Baltimore.

"So what a great opportuThe NFL has spiced up the end of the regular season with nity for us to go and try to get a steady diet of division match-

that milestone out of the way."

in a v er y e arly A F C E a st showdown, while the entire AFC North faces off, w ith Cincinnati at Baltimore and Cleveland at Pittsburgh. The NFC South has the same setup, with New Orleans at Atlanta and Carolina at Tampa

need t o

It's also a critical game in ups. It hasn't done a bad job of juicing the opening weekend what could be th e t i ghtest with just that, too. three-team race in the league. New England is at Miami Of course, Pittsburgh would

Bay. "It's a great opportunity for us to have another growing step," Bengals left tackle Andrew Whitworth said of visit-

a v o i d s t u m bling

against Cleveland to validate its place in that race. Yet the main focal point at Heinz Field could be wheth-

er Johnny Football gets to play any football. Will firstround pickJohnny Manziel, a backup to Brian Hoyer, get some snaps at quarterback for

Cleveland? Steelers coach Mike Tomlin thinks Manziel will see some

ing Baltimore, where Cincin- action. "I said that I expect them nati has dropped its past three games. to utilize him in some way "We've talked about it over d uring the course of t h e the years. We've had this lit- game," Tomlin said of Mantle step here or that little step ziel. "I didn't say they were gothere where this team's contin-

ing to start him."

NEW ENGLANDATMIAMI Tom Brady remembers the Patriots' trip to Miami last December,although he'd prefer to forget it: a 24-20 defeat. He's ready to change the outcome. "We put a lot of work in over the course of the offseason and the summer to put ourselves in aposition to capitalize on this game," Brady said. "There's not much moreyou could ask for than to have such a great opportunity." Miami's revampedoffensive line, coming off the bullying scandal, will be afocal point. NEW ORLEANSATATLANTA Here's an immediate chancefor the Falcons to show 2013 was afluke. They will have to come up with a running game, better blocking and certainly a stingier defense, beginning with this meeting against their archrivals. It's a tough assignment, particularly trying to slow the Drew Brees to JimmyGrahamcombination.

INDIANAPOLISAT DENVER No question that Peyton Manning vs. Andrew Luckbelongs in the Sunday night game.Spotlighting the Broncos always makessense, particularly coming off that shellacking in the SuperBowl. Ignoring Indy's chances woul d beunwise,though.EversinceLuckreplacedManning,the Colts havebeenonthe rise. "To behonest, even since Day1 here, it hasn't been an issue. I nevercame insaying, 'Oh, I have to replace a legend, one of the greatest of all time,' " Luck said. "Professional sports people, they come and they go.Someone's going to replace meeventually, hopefully later rather than sooner."

The Associated Press

usually major implica- $tanfprd tions in conference and national championship Wh T d

bring spiceto openers

CAROLINA ATTAMPABAY There's a school of thought heading into the seasonthat the Panthers are headed downward after a surprise division title, and the Bucsunder new coach Lovie Smith areascending. This opener could reveal plenty, and Panthers QBCamNewton is on themendfrom a rib injury. Two of the league's best linebackers will be ondisplay, 2013Defensive Player of the Year Luke Kuechly for Carolina, and Lavonte David for Tampa.

By Antonio Gonzalez


Division matchups

7-6 campaign there with a 38- Penalty problems half was last season against 23 victory over Boise State in Oregon State struggled Hawaii, a 3 3 -14 B eavers' the Hawaii Bowl. with penalties against Port-

"On the first half there were

as a unit," Beavers defensive

end Dylan Wynn said. "I like to think of it as a little bit of the

Buh-bye NCAA rules allow teams that travel to Hawaii to sched-

ule a 13th regular-season game this year, but Riley elected instead to schedule a second bye this season. The Beavers have next weekend

off before hosting San Diego State on Sept. 20. They will get another week of rest in early


Looking ahead The two teams announced

this week another two-game series: They will meet in Hono-

lulu again in 2019 and in Corvallis in 2021.

SAN FRANCISCOAT DALLAS For once, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones isn't talking Super Bowl. Hecould be talking first pick in the draft after this season, especially if Dallas is as weak defensively as manyproject. San Francisco's defense hasbeen hit hard at linebacker by injuries (All-Pro NaVorro Bowman)andsuspension (Aldon Smith). There's asensethe 49ers havetaken astep back, so a top-level performance Sunday would temporarily silence some critics. JACKSONVILLEAT PHILADELPHIA We're already gasping for air in anticipation of the pace the Eagles play in Chip Kelly's second season as coach. Most intriguing is how much Philly gets from Darren Sproles, a perfect fit for this offense and agreat partner for All-Pro RBLeSean McCoy.The big question with the Jaguars: How soon does No. 3overall draft pick QBBlake Bortles play?

BUFFALOAT CHICAGO An awful offseasonfor Buffalo, including the death ofowner RalphWilson, a Hall of Famer,couldn't end soonenough. Theregular seasondoesn't show a lot of promiseeither, and ameeting with the seemingly vastly improved Bearsdoesn't bode well. TheBills' new prize, wideout Sammy Watkins has rib issues. If Chicago's defense, with the additions of Jared Allen and Lamarr Houston, can complement the strong offense featuring Brandon Marshall and Matt Forte, the Bears could makelots of noise in the NFC.

WASHIMGTON ATHOUSTON Bounce-backthemes rule for two teams that plummeted last seasonand madecoaching changes.TheRedskins'offenseUnderJayGrudenwillbe designed to keepRobert Griffin III in the pocket more often, but without completely constricting his running skills. Houston needs its talented defense, led bystar endJ.J. Watt and top overall draft choice Jadeveon Clowney, to revitalize the franchise in Bill O'Brien's first year at the helm. MINNESOTA AT ST.LOUIS With Rams QB Sam Bradford (knee) gone for the season, a conservative attack is likely for St. Louis. Whenopponents havethe ball, the Rams will unleash what could be a tenacious pass rush led by Robert Quinn. To combat that, the Vikings needAdrian Peterson to perform like hedid in his 2012 MVPyear. That certainly could happen. TENNESSEEATKANSAS CITY The Chiefs began last season 9-0 before slumping, and they did little to the roster in the offseason due tosalary cap constraints. They do have some dangerous difference makers in RB Jamaal Charles and LBJustin Houston, and coachAndy Reid re-established his excellent credentials last year. KenWhisenhunt takes over in Tennesseewith a young team featuring plenty of changes. One constant: strong safeties in Michael Griffin and Bernard Pollard. OAKLAND ATNEW YORKJETS The Raiders havelost13 straight games in the Eastern time zone. Second-round pick DerekCarr gets the start at quarterback over Matt Schaub, and hewill face a RexRyandefense that figures to make him uncomfortable and perplexed. But the Jets havedeficiencies in the secondary, so if Carr gets sometime, he could have asuccessful debut. New York needs to unleash its three-pronged running gamebehind Chris Johnson, Chris Ivory and Bilal Powell to prosper. NEW YORK GIANTSAT DETROIT, MONDAY NIGHT Eli Manning andthe Giants are adjusting slowly to the West Coast offense installed by newcoordinator BenMcAdoo. Eventhough the Giants won all five preseasongames, their starters did little with the ball. Under new coach JimCaldwell, Detroit needs to bemore disciplined. The talent is there to be acontender. SAN DIEGOAT ARIZONA, MONDAY NIGHT A nice way to finish off the opening weekend.TheChargers closed with four wins to makelast season's playoffs and then won awild-card game at Cincinnati. If their pass defensehasimproved, they could reach the postseason again. TheCardinals won10 gamesand it got them only a quick trip home in thetough NFCWest. Another 10-win season might not be enough again.



S&P 500

N ASDAQ ~ 2 0 g


O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugetin.com/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.





Saturday, September e, 20t 4

Turning the page?


2,000 "

Barnes & Noble has been dealing 1,960 ' " " " ' 10 DAYS with tough competition from discounters such as Amazon and 2,050 a shift toward e-readers. 2,000 " To cope, the book seller has slashed costs, and partnered with 1,950 " Samsung to improve its Nook tablets unit. Financial analysts 1,900 anticipate the strategy helped the 1,850 " company narrow its fiscal first-quarter loss versus a year 1 800 ago. Barnes 8 Noble reports its M A M latest quarterly financial results on Tuesday. StocksRecap

10 YR TNOTE 2.46%




SstP 500

17 200

Close: 2,007.71 Change: 10.06 (0.5%)






Vol. (in mil.) 2,739 1,603 Pvs. Volume 2,950 1,669 Advanced 1933 1464 Declined 1176 1214 New Highs 102 57 New Lows 30 51






KORS Gap GPS Close:$76.39 V-3.58 or -4.5% Close:$44.65 V-1.94 or -4.2% The luxury apparel retailer said one The clothing and apparel retailer of its principal founding stockholdsaid same-store sales and revenue ers is selling its remaining shares. fell in August and will pressure profit margins in September. $100 $50 90 45

Michael Kors







HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. 17137.36 17009.62 17137.36 +67.78 DOW Trans. 8601.80 8505.23 8601.80 +52.01 DOW Util. 568.14 561.80 568.14 +6.67 NYSE Comp. 11073.42 10987.38 11073.41 +43.01 NASDAQ 4583.00 4542.74 4582.90 +20.61 S&P 500 2007.71 1990.10 2007.71 +1 0.06 S&P 400 1440.04 1429.20 1440.01 +5.64 Wilshire 5000 21270.32 21088.51 21270.32 +100.34 Russell 2000 1170.37 1160.02 1170.13 +2.92


%CHG. WK MO QTR YTD +0.40% L L L +3.38% +0.61% L L L +16.23% 41.19% L L L +1 5.81% 40.39% L L L +6.47% 40.45% L L L +9.73% +0.50% L L L +8.62% +0.39% L L L +7.26% +0.47% L L L +7.94% +0.25% L L +0.56%


Alaska Air Group Avista Corp AVA 25.55 — 0 Tailored fit Bank of America BAC 13 . 60 ~ How has the acquisition of rival Barrett Business BB S I 4 1.96 ~ Jos. A. Bank helped the bottom Boeing Co BA 104.62 ~ line of Men's Wearhouse? Cascade Bancorp C A C B4 .11 ~ Investors may get some details ColumbiaBnkg COL B 23.18 ~ 3 on Wednesday, when Men's Columbia Sportswear COLM 56.04 ~ Wearhouse reports its latest CostcoWholesale COST 109.50— o quarterly results. After a string of Craft Brew Alliance BREW 10.07 ry bids that grew quickly in value, the FLIR Systems F LIR 27.91 ~ final price tag to combine the two HewlettPackard H PQ 20 . 2 5 — 0 retailers was $1.8 billion, or $65 Intel Corp I NTC 21.97 ~ Keycorp K EY 11.05 ~ per share. The deal closed in Kroger Co K R 3 5 .13 ~ June, halfway through its fiscal Lattice Semi L SCC 4.17 ~ second quarter. LA Pacific L PX 12.71 ~ M DU 25 . 94 ~ MW $54.26- MDU Resources $60 Mentor Graphics ME N T 19.14 ~ $38.16 MicrosoftCorp MSFT 3 0.95 — o 50 Nike Inc B N KE 63.50 ~ Nordstrom Inc JWN 54.90 — o 40 Nwst Nat Gas NWN 39.96 ~ ''14 30 PaccarInc PCAR 53.07 4$ — Planar Systms PLNR 1.77 ~ Operating Plum Creek PCL 40.24 o — EPS Prec Castparts PCP 212.56 ~ 2Q '13 2 Q '14 Safeway Inc SWY 22.92 ~ P rice-earnings ratio: 4 1 Schnitzer Steel SCH N 24.13 ~ 3 based on trailing 12 month results Sherwin Wms SHW 170.32 — 0 S FG 52.08 ~ Dividend: $0.72 Div yield: 1.3% StancorpFncl StarbucksCp S BUX 67.93 ~ Source: Fauteet Triquint Semi TQNT 6.80 — o umppua Holdings UMP Q 15.56 ry— US Bancorp U SB 35.69 ~


32 .85 + . 5 1 + 1 .6 L



J A 52-week range $10.59~ $10 1.D4

Vol.:17.6m (4.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$15.68b



18.03 1 6. 0 2 -.09 -0.6 T L L 102. 2 0 6 0 . 00 -.29 -0.5 L 144. 5 7 12 4.69 -.77 -0.6 T L 6.35 5.16 +. 0 1 +0.2 T L 0.3 6 26.18 -.16 -0.6 L 89. 96 77.11 +.24+0.3 L L T 12 6.12127.81 +1.86 41.5 L L


52-week range $36.13~

$4 6.85

PE: 21.8 Vol.:10.4m (3.2x avg.) PE: 1 6 .4 Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$19.68b Yie l d: 2.0%

Dollar General

T +16.5 +30 .2 2 3 3 1 0 1. 2 7 L + 2.9 +13 . 1 66801 19 0 .20f L -35.3 - 4.8 48 25 0. 7 2 T -8.6 +20.5 4526 1 9 2 . 92 T -1.3 - 15.6 5 7 T -4.8 +1 4.7 1 5 6 1 8 0 . 56f -2.1 + 3 4.9 6 4 25 1.12 L +6.7 +13 . 4 2 8 92 28 1 . 4 2 18.70 12 .84 -.11 -0.8 T L L -21.8 +5 . 3 25 56 37.42 3 3. 4 4 -.18 -0.5 T T T +11. 1 +6. 6 47 6 2 5 0. 4 0 L L +34.3 +71 .8 11155 14 0.64 38.25 37 .58 -.08 -0.2 T 35.20 35. 8 0 +. 1 0 +0.3 L L L +34. 8 +5 8 .2 19979 17 0 . 90 14.70 13.7 4 +. 0 2 + 0 .1 L L T +2.4 +19. 5 6 3 35 1 3 0. 2 6 52.24 52. 4 1 +. 5 6 +1.1 L L L +32. 6 +4 0 .6 2 143 18 0 . 6 6 9.19 7.64 +. 1 4 + 1.9 L L T +39. 2 +5 5. 3 6 0 1 3 6 18.96 1 4. 2 0 -.14 -1.0 T L T -23.3 -6.0 1492 cc 36.05 31. 6 5 +. 4 0 + 1.3 L L T +3.6 +20 . 1 31 8 2 1 0. 7 1 24.3 1 2 2. 4 8 -.05 -0.2 L L L - 6.6 + 1 . 1 7 5 3 1 9 0 . 2 0 45.71 45 .91 + . 6 5 +1 .4 L L L +22.7 +48 .7 35319 17 1 . 1 2 80.30 82. 0 4 + 2.12+2.7 L L L +4.3 +24 . 2 6 1 69 28 0 . 9 6 71.45 70 .63 + . 2 0 +0.3 L L L + 14.3 +27 .8 1 5 54 1 9 1. 3 2 47.50 45. 4 6 +. 3 8 + 0.8 L T +6.2 + 16. 9 67 2 1 1.8 4 68 . 81 61 . 6 1 -.71 -1.1 T T T +4.1 +18. 4 2 2 29 1 8 0. 8 8 5.30 4.83 -.25 -4.9 T L L +90. 2 + 1 67.4 8 89 8 1 50.0 8 41. 1 8 +. 7 2 +1 .8 L L T -11.5 -3.7 2030 35 1 . 76 275. 0 9 24 1.18 +1.97 +0.8 T L T - 10.4 + 9. 9 6 1 9 1 9 0 . 1 2 36.03 34. 7 0 ... ... T L L +19.0 +53 .5 8 3 4 3 0.92 3.3 2 27.02 +.06+0.2 T L L -17.3 +9 . 8 23 8 d d 0. 7 5 21 9 .21218.29 + . 84 + 0.4 L L L +19.0 +27 .4 39 7 2 7 2. 2 0 69.51 6 4. 9 2 -.09 -0.1 T L L -2.0 +22.7 1 2 6 1 3 1 .10f 82.50 77.9 5 +. 7 9 +1 .0 L L L -0.6 + 8 . 4 3 988 3 0 1 . 04 21.48 20 .41 + . 4 1 + 2.0 T L L 4144 . 7 + 156.7 4762 c c 19 . 65 17 . 45 + . 04 +0.2 T L T -8.9 +1 0.3 1132 26 0 . 6 0 43.92 4 2. 1 3 -.11 -0.3 T L T +4.3 +19. 5 7 7 95 1 4 0 . 98f Washington Fedl WAF D 1 9.53 ry— 24. 53 21 . 84 + . 2 0 +0 .9 L L T -6.2 + 6 . 6 2 7 5 1 4 0 . 44f WellsFargo & Co WFC 40.07 ~ 53. 0 8 51.65 +.08 +0.2 L L T + 13.8 +27.4 9335 13 1.40 Weyerhaeuser WY 2 6 .91 — o 34.60 33.95 + . 05 +0. 1 L L +7.5 +28 . 6 4 018 2 7 1 .16f

Sizing up retail sales



Stocks crept higher Friday despite news that hiring in the U.S. slowed last month. The Standard & Poor's 500 index and the Dow Jones industrial average posted modest gains, putting both indexes in positive territory for the week. Employers added fewer workers to their payrolls in August than forecasts, according to the Labor Department. The unemployment rate fell to 6.1 percent. News that Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists had agreed to a cease-fire helped ease a source of anxiety for traders. The gains were slight but spread widely across the market. All 10 industry groups ended higher, led by utilities and energy companies.


52-WK RANGE o CLOSE Y TD 1YR V O L TICKER LO Hl CLOSE CHG%CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN (Thous) P/E DIV A LK 28.04 ~ 50.49 4 7. 1 4 -.49 -1.0 L L T +28. 5 +6 6 .4 89 3 1 1 0. 5 0


+ -1.16 '





Dow jones industrials "




Close: 17,137.38 Change: 87.78 (0.4%)


16,960" ""' 10 DAYS "


GOLD $1,265.80


DG Close:$63.01 V-1.47 or -2.3% Family Dollar rejected the rival discount retailer's latest $9.1 billion buyout offer and still plans to sell to Dollar Tree. $65


ZQK Close:$2.13T-0.70 or -24.7% The casual apparel retailer reported a third-quarter loss and the financial results fell short of Wall Street expectations.


60 55





52-week range $53.00 ~

$65 .99

Vol.:13.0m (1.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$19.12 b



52-week range $1.88 ~

PE: 1 9.2 Vol.:30.4m (9.5x avg.) Yield:... Mkt.Cap:$364.03 m


P E: . . . Yie ld: ...


BLOX Gilead Sciences GILD Close: $14.21L0.63 or 4.6% Close:$105.36T-1.50 or -1.4% The networking technology compaBloomberg reported that the biony's financial results beat expectatechnology company is close to a tions and it provided better-than-ex- deal to bring low-cost versions of pected revenue guidance. Solvadi to developing nations. $16 $120 14




J 52-week range

$11.67 ~ Vol.:7.3m (7.3x a vg.) P Mkt.Cap:$774.43 m


80 60

A J 52-week range $48.97 $58.81 ~ $11D.64 E :.. Vol.:36.0m (2.8x avg.) PE: 23.7 Yie ld: ..Mkt. Cap:$159.27 b Yield : ...


AMBA Close:$36.90%1.13 or 3.2% The semiconductor company reported a boost in quarterly profit, beating Wall Street expectations, partly on camera chips. $40


Finisar FNSR Close: $17.51V-0.86 or -4.7% The telecommunications technology company seta weaker-than-expected outlook, citing a downturn in demand for its products. $30 25


The Commerce Department 30 20 reports August retail sales figures on Friday. J J A J J A 52-week range 52-week range Economists predict that retail $16.35~ $3 9.16 $17.33~ $ 38.85 sales growth slowed slightly from DividendFootnotes:5 - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. 0 -Liquidating dividend. 6 -Amount declaredor paid in last t2 months. f - Current Vol.:6.9m (6.3x avg.) PE:4 3 .4 Vol.:9.4m (3.5x avg.) PE:1 6 . 4 July. Retail sales are closely annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent Mkt. Cap:$1.08 b Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$1.74 b Yield: ... watched because consumer dividend wasomitted or deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend p— Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximatecash spending accounts for 70 percent announcement. SOURCE: Sungard AP value on ex-distritrution date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc — P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months. of economic activity. In July, retail sales growth edged higher, with NET 1YR gains at grocery stores, gasoline TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO stations, restaurants and building material stores. But spending Shares of Quiksilver plummeted 24.7percent Friday Res earch was for a profit of 3 cents per share. 3-month T-bill . 0 2 .02 ... T .01 declined at auto dealers and following news of the company's disappointing quarterly The c ompany posted revenue of $395.7 million in the 6 -month T-bill . 0 5 .05 ... L .05 department stores. results. period, which also fell short of Street 52-wk T-bill .08 .09 -0.01 ~ T T .14 The surfing and skateboarding forecasts. Analysts expected $440.3 Retail sales 2 -year T-note . 5 1 .5 4 -0.03 L L L .52 The yield on the apparel retailer reported a fiscal million, according to Zacks. seasonally adjusted percent change 5-year T-note 1.69 1.72 -0.03 L L L 1.83 10-year Treasury third-quarter loss of $1.29 per share. The company's brands include 1.5% rose to 2.46 per10-year T-note 2.46 2.45 +0.01 L L T 2.99 Losses, adjusted for asset impairQuiksilver, Roxy and DC. Back in January . f v, ' cent Friday. 30-year T-bond 3.24 3.21 +0.03 L L T 3.89 ment costs and restructuring costs, .snrPP ,r the company sold the licensed clothing Yields affect "M were 20 cents per share. The results . business tied to former pro skateboarder 1.0 NET 1YR fell way short of Wall Street expectations. The average To n y Hawk to a Cherokee subsidiary for $19 million, as itrates on mortgages and other BONDS YEST PVS CHG WK MOQTR AGO estimate of analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment aims to focus on its core businesses. 0.6

::.",;"" Quiksilver shares plunge .

' "







consumer loans.



04 0.2

est 0.1








(Based on trailing 12 month results)



Total return


Price-earnings ratio: lost money


0.0 M

Friday's close:$2.13

Tot a l returns through Sept. 5

S & P500



source: Factsel




Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.06 3.03 +0.03 L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.44 4.43 +0.01 L Barclays USAggregate 2.30 2.27 +0.03 L 22.0 16.9 PRIME FED Barcl aysUS HighYield 5.36 5.29 +0.07 L RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.03 3.98 +0.05 L Source: FactSet YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.97 1.98 -0.01 L 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2.97 2.94 +0.03 L 1 YRAGO3.25 .13 *



Weitz Hickory has fallen from the top 20 percent of the mid-cap FAMILY MarhetSummary blend category to near the American Funds Most Active bottom in 2013 and so far in NAME VOL (80s) LAST CHG 2014; it holds Morningstar's S&P500ETF 824971 201.11 +.90 silver analyst rating. BkofAm

Apple Inc s iShEMkts Vale SA Sprint GileadSci Microsoft Petrobras RiteAid

668007 561089 471769 412864 397164 357877 353194 324283 300443

16.02 98.97 45.85 12.68 5.89 105.36 45.91 19.38 6.49

Gainers NAME

LAST SelectBcp 10.78 EKodk wtA 8.28 RadaElec 2.52 EveryWr h 3.35 PranaBio 2.54 Intelliph 3.14 MarinusP o 8.38 Sky-mobi 9.03 Trovag un 16.75 AurisMed n 5.97

CHG +2.59 +1.36 +.41 +.54 +.40 +.43 +1.05 +1.04 +1.75 +.60


-.09 +.85 +.39 -.14 + . 12 -1.50 +.65 +.05 + .34

Weitz Hickory






%CHG + 3 1.6 + 19.7 + 1 9.4 03 + 1 9.2 m + 1 8.7 013 + 1 5.9 Morningstar OwnershipZone™ + 1 4.3 + 1 3.0 QoFund target represents weighted + 1 1.7 average of stock holdings + 1 1.2 • Represents 75% of fuod's stock holdings

CATEGORY Mid-Cap Blend C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR RATING™ * **o o -2.71 -47.5 -.70 -24.7 ASSETS $471 million -7.84 -22.5 EXP RATIO 1.22% -.99 -19.5 MANAGER Andrew Weitz -1.62 -13.9 SINCE 2011-12-30 RETURNS3-MO Foreign Markets YTD -0.6 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +7.3 -8.45 -.19 Paris 4,486.49 3-YR ANNL +17.6 London 6,855.10 -22.87 -.33 5-YR-ANNL +17.4 Frankfurt 9,747.02 +22.76 + . 23 Hong Kong25,240.15 -57.77 -.23 TOP 5HOLDINGS -.18 Laboratory Corp of America Hldgs Mexico 46,231.44 -81.96 Milan 21,395.13 -24.26 -.11 -7.50 -.05 Iconix Brand Group Inc Tokyo 15,668.68 Stockholm 1,388.39 -9.60 -.69 ADT Corp -33.00 -.59 TransDigmGroupInc Sydney 5,599.00 Zurich 8,788.77 -45.98 -.52 Live Nation Entertainment Inc NAME

L AST RecroPh n 3.00 Quiksilvr 2.13 BS IBM96 27.02 USEC Inc 4.09 Energous n 10.01

PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 Commodities AmBalA m 25 . 87 +.89+6.9 +17.7 +15.9+13.4 A A A CaplncBuA m 61.49 +.11 +7.5 +16.0 +12.4+10.6 A A B The price of CpWldGrlA m 47.83 +.82 +6.9 +19.2 +16.7+11.7 8 8 D crude oil fell by EurPacGrA m 50.37 -.16 +2.6 +15.8 +11.8 +8.7 A 8 8 more than $1 FnlnvA m 55. 2 7 +.23+7.9 +22.5 +20.4+15.6 C C C per barrel for GrthAmA m 46.79 +.18 +8.8 +22.7 +21.6+15.6 C 8 D the second IncAmerA m 22.82 +.87 +8.3 +18.1 +14.8+13.2 A 8 A straight day and InvCoAmA m 40.40 +.13 +10.9 +24.7 +21.8+15.2 A 8 C settled at NewPerspA m39.10 -.84 +4.1 +17.7 +16.6+12.9 C 8 C $93.29. It's WAMutlnvA m 42.67 +.24 +8.9 +22.4 +20.8+16.8 8 C A down more than Dodge &Cox Income 13.93 .. . + 4.9 + 7 . 7 + 4.6 +5.8 8 A 8 $5 per barrel IntlStk 47.41 +.82 +10.2 +24.6 +17.1+11.8 A A A Stock 183.60 +.86 +9.9 +26.0 +25.8+17.6 A A A since the end of Fidelity Contra 102. 8 4 +.45+8.1 +23.1 +20.3+17.2 8 C 8 last year. ContraK 102 . 84 +.45+8.1 +23.2 +20.4+17.4 8 C 8 LowPriStk x 50.33 -2.31+6.6 +18.8 +20.9+17.4 D D C Fideli S artan 500 l dxAdvtg 71.46 +.36+10.1 +23.8 +22.2+17.0 8 8 A FrankTemp-Frankli n IncomeC m 2.58+.81 +8.8 +16.2+13.2+12.2 A A A IncomeA m 2. 5 5+.81 +9.3 +17.0 +13.6+12.7 A A A Oakmark Intl I 26.14 -.10 -0.7 +8 . 8 +18.5+12.8 E A A Oppenheimer RisDivA m 21 . 86 +.11+7.2 +19.3 +17.9+14.2 D E D RisDivB m 18 . 80 +.10+6.5 +18.3 +16.8+13.1 E E E RisDivC m 18 . 68 +.89+6.6 +18.4 +17.0+13.3 E E E SmMidValAm 47.64 +.12 +7.8 +20.4+18.5+14.3 D E E SmMidValBm 40.85 +.89 +7.2 +19.4+17.5+13.4 D E E Foreign T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 34.6 4 ... +6 . 3 + 17.8 +20.5+15.1 Exchange GrowStk 56.8 1 + .19+6.5 +24.6 +22.4+18.5 8 A A The dollar HealthSci 68.6 5 +.28+18.8 +32.6 +36.6+27.3 8 A A dipped against Newlncome 9 .6 7 . . . + 4. 8 + 6.6 +3.1 +4.8 the euro, one Vanguard 500Adml 185.91 +.93 +10.1 +23.8 +22.2+17.0 8 8 A day after 500lnv 185.87 +.93 +10.0 +23.6 +22.0+16.9 8 8 8 surging to its CapOp 52.43 +.89 +13.5 +25.3 +26.6+17.5 A A B highest level Eqlnc 31.98 +.17 +8.9 +21.0 +21.5+17.4 C C A since July 2013. IntlStkldxAdm 29.88 +.83 +5.7 +16.1 +10.6 NA A D It slipped StratgcEq 33.43 +.15 +11.4 +28.9 +26.0+20.9 A A A against the TgtRe2020 28.99 +.87 +6.9 +15.3 +12.7+11.2 A A A Japanese yen Tgtet2025 16.88 +.84 +7.2 +16.3 +13.9+11.9 A 8 8 but was nearly TotBdAdml 10.83 +4.4 +6.3 +2.4 +4.3 D D D flat against the Totlntl 17.39 +.82 +5.7 +16.1 +10.5 +8.1 A D C British pound. TotStlAdm 50.68 +.24 +9.5 +23.2 +22.4+17.4 8 8 A TotStldx 50.65 +.24 +9.4 +23.1 +22.2+17.3 8 8 A USGro 31.89 +.17 +8.4 +24.5 +21.9+16.4 8 8 C Welltn 40.47 +.14 +8.0 +16.8 +15.4+12.5 8 A A

PCT 4.35 4.34 4.24 Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, or redemption 4.06 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or 3.8 redemption fee.Source: Morningstar.

h5Q HS


Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal) METALS

Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)


3.70 5.34 2.60 6.32 4.63 1.91 3.50

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -5.2 93.29 94.45 -1.23 2.00 2.11 + 0.95 + 4 . 9 2.82 2.84 -0.60 -8.4 3.79 3.82 -0.68 -10.3 2.58 2.60 -0.63 -7.3

CLOSE PVS. 1265.80 1265.10 19.08 19.06 1411.00 1408.30 3.16 3.14 891.00 890.40

%CH. %YTD + 0.06 + 5 .3 +0.09 -1.3 + 0.19 + 2 .9 +0.62 -8.2 +0.07 +24.2


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.60 1.57 +1.72 +1 8.8 Coffee (Ib) 1.93 1.97 -2.33 +74.2 Corn (bu) 3.47 3.36 +3.20 -1 7.9 Cotton (Ib) 0.66 0.67 -1.03 -21.9 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 343.00 348.10 -1.47 -4.8 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.51 1.51 +0.30 +1 0.6 Soybeans (bu) 10.86 10.64 +2.00 -1 7.3 Wheat(bu) 5.32 5.25 +1.19 -1 2.2 1YR.

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6331 -.0003 -.02% 1.5591 Canadian Dollar 1.0 886 +.0007 +.06% 1.0503 USD per Euro 1.2958 +.0019 +.15% 1.3120 -.17 -.16% 100.13 JapaneseYen 105.06 Mexican Peso 13. 0552 -.0926 -.71% 13.3913 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6039 +.0031 +.09% 3.6567 Norwegian Krone 6 . 2833 +.0154 +.25% 6.1306 South African Rand 10.6973 -.0168 -.16% 10.2408 Swedish Krona 7.0 9 56 + .0236 +.33% 6.6929 Swiss Franc .9309 -.0016 -.17% . 9449 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0665 -.0029 -.27% 1.0963 Chinese Yuan 6.1405 +.0002 +.00% 6.1194 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7501 -.0003 -.00% 7.7555 Indian Rupee 60.245 -.115 -.19% 66.015 Singapore Dollar 1.2537 -.001 8 -.14% 1.2811 South KoreanWon 1024.34 +2.24 +.22% 1098.23 -.00 -.00% 29.80 Taiwan Dollar 29.93

© www.bendbulletin.com/business


BRIEFING Dollar General ups Family Dollar bid Dollar General upped its bid for the rival Family Dollar chain and addressed anearlier roadblock, saying that it will more than double the number of stores it would shed to tamp down the antitrust concerns of its takeover target. The newest bid is worth $9.1 billion, or $80 per share, up from $78.50 per share in the previous offer. Family Dollar, based in Matthews, North Carolina, rejected the earlier bid in favor of a lesser offer of $8.5 billion from Dollar Tree Inc., saying that regulators were less likely to stand in the way. — From wire reports

Alibaba seeksto raiseupto 24.38 in IPO U.. 0 By Michael Liedtke

regulatory filing late Friday that sets the stage for Alib-

The Associated Press


aba Group Ltd. to make its

China's Alibaba Group is seeking to raise up to $24.3 billion in its upcoming IPO-

long-awaited debut on the New York Stock Exchange

an amount that would be the

The documents didn't spell out when trading would begin. The debut is likely to come somewhere from Sept. 18 through Sept. 26. The timing hinges on how many issues regulators raise with

most raised by a company in a stock market debut.

The e-commerce company and its early investors are hoping to sell up to 368 million shares for $60 to $66 apiece, according to a

na's economy steadily grows. The company's network of sites includes Taobao, Tmall, to meet with money managand AliExpress, as well as ers and other investors interAlibaba. ested in investing in AlibaMost of Alibaba's 279 milba's IPO. If interest increases, lion active buyers visit the the IPO price could be higher sites at least once a month than $66 per share. on smartphones and other Alibaba has emerged as a mobile devices, making the


The company's manage-

ment will begin to travel around the world next week

later this month.

the IPO.

hot commodity because of its

company attractive to inves-

e-commerce bazaar, a shopping magnet for businesses

tors as computing shifts away from laptop and desktop machines.

and consumers alike as Chi-


Au ust By Nelson D. Schwartz New York Times News Service

Once again, the U.S. economy has managed to frustrate the optimists.


After a series of positive economic reports in recent weeks, the Labor Department


; Colnmdia ;—Data Center

said Friday that hiring in August sank to its slowest pace since December, with employers adding 142,000 jobs last


month. The vast majority of econ-

omists had been looking for


a gam of at least 200,000 in •

PEOPLE ON THE MOVE • Amy Shlonsman is the new chief executive officer for the American Red Cross CascadesRegion. She is currently the chief of staff for The White House Office of Management of Budget. Sheformerly served as chief of staff for the U.S.Department of Homeland Security and as policy director to former ArizonaGov.Janet Napolitano. • Diana Barker was the top selling broker forthe month of August at Windermere Redmond. • Janelle I Christonsen wasthe top listing brokerfor Chistenthe month sen of August at Windermere Redmond. • Eric Andrews was the top listing broker for the month Andrews of August at Windermere Bend. • Tony Lovfson wasthe Levison top selling brokerfor the month of August at Windermere Bend. • Oregon Kothari State UniversityCascades recently hired Brianno Kotharias an assistant professor. Miller She will teach upper levelcourses in applied research, proposal writing aand family, school and community collaboration. Prior to accepting this position, Kothari was anadjunct instructor in the Graduate School of Social Work at Portland State University, and a senior research associate at the Regional Research Institute for Human Services. ~ GurneyMiller recently joined SummaReal Estate Group in Bend. Hehas been a licensedRealtor since 2002 andworked in Palm Springs, California, prior to moving to Central Oregon in 2010. • Jolie Kampmann has joined Focus1 Insurance Group as aproducer. She specializes in commercial linesinsurance.

Correction In the Business feature "Central Oregon fuel prices," which appeared Friday, Sept. 5, on PageC6,the price per gallon for regular unleaded at FredMeyer, 944 SW Ninth St., Red-

mond, was incorrect. The price is $3.81. The Bulletin regrets the error.

n Snll ps) ve.

payrolls, coming off healthy indicators for durable goods orders, construction activity and manufacturing in July and August.







The unemployment rate



Andy Zeigert l The Bulletin

did fall by 0.1 percentage point to 6.1 percent last


month, but that was because

ColumdiaData Center 213 SWColumbia St. Bend Andy Tuiiis/The Bulletin

Owner:CascadeDivide Data Centers Architect:David E. Waldron And Associates, Bend General Contractor:Sace Inc., Bend Contact:458-206-5353

Divide DataCenters, the owner of the Columbia DataCenter. "They're essentially high-tech buildings for very secure computer systems." Data centers, generally, are buildings filled with computer servers that store back-up information for companies off-site Details:The first of four buildor software that can beused ings is under construction in a remotely. newdatacentercampusonSW Henry said the campuswill Columbia Street called Columbia become the newcorporate headData Center. quarters for the company. It was "What these facilities are, is previously located in Canada. they're purpose-built facilities for "If everything goesaccording enterprise computer systems, as to schedule,we'll havethis first well as cloud computing backup (data-centerj building completed in and storage," said Jeff Henry, November," hesaid, "and we'll then senior vice president for Cascade break ground onadditional build-

ings as weidentify new clients." Each building, designed to be about13,000 square feet, costs about $15 million, Henry said. "You need asignificant tenant in each building before you start construction," he said. "Right now, we haveanchor tenants for the first building, and of course we have anumber of conversations that we're involved in for the second building." Henry said there's also another location for potential development in southern Deschutes County. But for now, hesaid, the focus is on theColumbia Street project. Construction officially started in late July, said ShayneOlsen, own-

er of general contractor SaceInc. "We'll be finishing up thewalls in about10 days, andwe're starting initial steel work Tuesday," Olsen said Friday. The biggest challenge is not the building itself, but the millions of dollars of electrical and heating, ventilation and air conditioning that goes into it, he said. "The two main aspects in any data center are powerand cooling, and they're substantially most of the cost of a building like this," he said.

Olsen said the goal is to make the data center asenergy efficient as possible. — Rachaei Rees, The Bulletin

more people dropped out of the workforce rather than found jobs. "It presents a reality check versus other data, which showed more significant economic momentum heading into the third quarter," said Michael Gapen, senior U.S.

economist at Barclays. Although the rate of economic growth rebounded to 4.2 percent in the second quarter after a contraction early in the year, Gapen said the latest jobs data suggested the economy was settling into a more moderate pace of

growth of around 2.5 percent for the remainder of 2014. As a result, he said, the

Federal Reserve is likely to stick to its plan to raise shortterm interest rates beginning

in the middle of 2015, rather than move that timetable up, as some on Wall Street have

speculated recently. For anyone looking for a shift in tone when Fed policymakers meet this month, "this throws cold water on that,"

starbucks toopennew'express' and'boutique' stores By Angel Gonzalez The Seattle Times

Starbucks plans to roll out several new store formats,

includingbite-sized "express" stores plus more than 100

boutiques dedicated to the highbrow Reserve brand of small-pot coffees.

The coffee giant also said a Reserve roastery and tasting room in Seattle, where it will

shift all roasting for smallbatch coffee, will open in December.

The 15,000-square-foot cafe and roasting facility,

which Starbucks says will help bring the elite Reserve

concern Starbucks might

coffee to nearly twice the

showcase Starbucks' priciest warned that the earnings beans, which often sell out forecast for the next fiscal quickly online and are in year may be toward the lower about 800 stores worldwide. end of the range stated by the The facility will also enable company. the company to roast more The reason, Maw said, is of it, under the eyes of cusStarbucks could lose the "tail tomers. Starbucks expects to wind" provided by relatively serve Reserve coffee in 1,500 cheap green coffee and dairy stores by this time next year. "Everything we have crein recent years. Shares fell 2 percent the day after the ated and learned about coffee announcement, dropping has led us to this moment," from a 2014 peak of $80.45. CEO Howard Schultz said in On Thursday, shares closed a statement.

number of locations now served, had been expected to open in the fall. The moves come as Starbucks tests ways to keep its promises of ambitious

growth, even in the U.S., its most developed market.

It's doing so by offering more items and trying to draw in customers not only in the morning, but in the after-

noon and evening as well. Investors in July showed

at $77.16.

lose momentum after Chief Financial Officer Scott Maw

The Seattle roastery will

Gapen said. Other economists speculated that the tepid data in Au-

gustrepresented something of a timeout after six straight months of payroll gains of m ore than 200,000,the best

run since before the recession. In addition, the broadest mea-

sure of unemployment, which includes people who are working part-time but want

full-time positions, actually fell slightly to 12 percent from 12.2 percent in July. A year ago, this yardstick stood at 13.6 percent. "This looks like a breather, rather than a fundamental

downshift," said Omair Sharif, senior U.S. economist at RBS.

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR MONDAY • LeadershipBend2015 Orientation 8 Alumni Social: $10; 5p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive; 541-323-1BBI. TUESDAY • Membership 101 — DrivingYour Membership:Connect with Bend Chamberof Commerce members; RSVP required; free; 1011 a.m.; BendChamber of Commerce, 777 NW Wall St., Suite 200; 541382-3221 or shelley@ bendchamber.org. • Women's Roundtable Series — BrandYou: Learn to refine and express your personal brand; register online; $25 BendChamber of Commerce members; $30 nonmembers; 11:30a.m.; Bend Golf andCountry Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-BB2-3221 or www.bendchamber.org.

• Young Professionals Network:Register online; $7 Bend Chamberof Commerce members; $15 nonmembers; 5 p.m.; Lavabelles Vacation Rentals - Skyliner's Retreat, 18350 NW Skyliners Road, Bend; 541-3B2-3221 or www. bendchamber.org. WEDNESDAY • Launch Your Business: Participants work oneon-one with a business adviser to develop a working plan; course combines three 1-hour coaching sessions that start the week of Labor Day, with three evening classes Sept. 10, 24and Oct. B; preregistration required; $199 includes $25 workbook; 6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 NWTrenton Ave., Bend; 541-3B3-7290. THURSDAY • QuickbooksSeminar: Four-hour seminar

designed to train business owners the basic functions needed to develop accurate accounting records; registration required; $97; 9a.m.-1 p.m.; Accurate Accounting and Consulting, 613B3S. U.S. Highway97, SuiteA, Bend. • Certification in Production andInventory Management information meeting:Learn about the benefits of being certified in production and inventory management; free; 6-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NWCollege Way, Bend;541-883-7270. SATURDAY • Ag BusinessProgram Series:Learn about taxes, finance, accounting & financial analysis for small agricultural businesses in Central Oregon; Preregistration required; $29; 9 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College - CrookCounty

Open Campus,510SE Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-3B3-7290. SEPT. 15 • You CanHavea Rewarding 8 Profitable Careerin Real Estate: Principal Broker Jim Mazziotti leads this career discovery event; register by email; free; 6-7 p.m.; Exit Realty Bend, 354 NE Greenwood Ave., Suite 100; 541-480-BB35or soarwithexit©gmail.com. SEPT. 16 • Buying orSelling a Business:Learn to successfully buy, sell orinvestin a business; registration required; $49; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NW Coll egeW ay,Bend; 541-3B3-7270. • Membership 101 — DrivingYour Membership:Connect with Bend Chamberof Commerce members; RSVP required; free; 10-

11 a.m.; BendChamber of Commerce, 777 NW Wall St., Suite 200; 5413B2-3221 or shelley@ bendchamber.org. SEPT.17 •Laborand employment law update:Presentation on state and federal legislative changes to labor laws, hosted by HumanResource Association of Central Oregon; registration required; $30 HRACO members, $45 nonmembers; 7:30-11 a.m.; Shilo Inn Suites Hotel, 3105 O.B. Riley Road, Bend; 5413B9-9600 or www. hrcentraloregon.org. • What's Hot in Franchising:Interactive workshop will cover trends and best industries in 2014-15; learn how to choose, finance andenjoy franchising; $29; B-Bp.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 NWTrenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290.

• Brownfield redevelopment: Deschutes County representatives will discuss brownfield redevelopment and evaluating a property's environmental condition; free; 6-8 p.m.; Deschutes County administration building, 1300 NWWall St., Bend; 541-3851 709, peter.gutowsky© deschutes.org or www. deschutes.org. Sept.18 • BusinessStartup Workshop: Learn the basic steps needed to open a business; preregistration required; $29; 6-8 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-BB3-7290. • Project Management Information Meeting: Learn about project management skills and howyou might benefit from certification; registration required; free; 5:30-6:30 p.m.; COCC

Chandler Building, 1027 NW Trenton Ave., Bend; 54 I-3B3-7270. SEPT. 19 • Construction Contractor Course:Two-day test preparation course to become alicensed contractor in Oregon; Sept.19and 20; prepayment required; $305 includes Oregon Contractor's Reference Manual; B:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NW Coll egeWay ,Bend; 541-3B3-7290, ccb@ cocc.edu or www.cocc. edu/ccb. SEPT. 22 • Capturing theValue of Big Data:Learn about data scienceand howto apply it to your business; $499; 9 a.m.4 p.m.; FoundersPad, 777 SW Mill ViewWay, Bend; founderspad.com/ workshops.

IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2 Support groups, D2 Volunteer search, D4 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014

O www.bendbulletin.com/community


Recognition for

museum helpers

The High Desert Museum will host its annual meeting and volunteer recognition event Friday in Bend. Volunteers assist the museum in avariety of ways, including working as wildlife program volunteers, or animal and living history interpreters, and helping with school programs, visitor services and in the Rimrock CafeandSilver Sage Trading Store. The event runs 6 to 8 p.m. at the High Desert Museum at 59800 S LI.S. Highway97.There will be hors d'oeuvres and a no-hostbar. The event is free for members and $5for nonmembers. To RSVP,visit www. highdesertmuseum.org/ rsvp.


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Meet the new, not-so-mild-mannered Super Clark l(ent By Andrew A.Smith ~McClatchy-Tribune News Service

hanks to the Superman radio and TV show intros, everybody knows that Clark Kent has always been

Sisters chorale invites voices

"a mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper." But ongoing events in DC Comics' "Superman" have not only altered the status quo, they've raised a lot of issues about journalism ethics, today's media and Clark Kent himself. Now, make no mistake: Superman writers have always meant

for readers to consider Clark Kent a top-flight reporter, mild manners notwithstanding. Superman stories,

goingback to the character's inception in 1938, have invariably referred to Kentas an "ace" or "star"reporter,

one whose byline is synonymous with "honesty and integrity" ("Superman" No. 98, 1955). At the same time, he's been meek

in the comics, Kent has been preposterously mousy since Lois Lane changed. In 2011, DC Comics re-

of crime. He could easily slip into his costume and fly away and do his Superman duties without arousing too much suspicion. And now I think it's probably gone the other way,

launched all their superhero charac-

to where the journalism is really

ters, and in Superman's case, began his story over again with young

important to him. He's much more socially aware, perhaps. He probably values being a journalist more than in the early days." Especially as compared to, say, the

started pushing Kent around in 1938. That latter part, however, has

Clark Kent's arrival in Metropolis.

One major change in this brave new world is that Clark Kent isn't quite as mild-mannered as he used to

be.Infact,he'san aggressiveand idealistic investigative reporter who constantly engages in — as Lois Lane admiringly refers to it — "truth to power-ing."

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early 1970s, when Kent was — I kid thee not — a TV news anchorman.

In those days, his journalism career was more an impediment than an advantage in crime-fighting. "When Clark was assigned to to the point of embarrassment. That So while this new Kent is still a start doing on-air reports by his boss doesn't make a lot of sense — how star reporter, the Superman-Clark (Morgan Edge) — which he was can you be a great reporter, and be Kent dynamic has equalized. Today's not happy about — he figured out afraid of your own shadow? As it Clark Kent is just as much a hero as that he could fight crime during his happens, that characterization was his caped alter ego. three-minute commercial breaks," "In the early days, (Clark's) news- Korte said with a laugh. "They would dropped from the reporter in the "Adventures of Superman" TV show, paper job was more of a front for break for commercial, he would zip where a small F/X budget meant his crime-fighting activities," said in his costume and run off and undo Clark Kent had a lot more screen Steve Korte, librarian/archivist at some criminal mischief, and then time than Superman — and had to DC Comics, in an interview. "It was a be back in front of the camera three resolve problems without resorting handy place for him to find out what minutes later." to his more expensive other self. But was going on in the world in terms SeeSuperman/D4

Visits to historic Sisters sites On Tuesday, theDeschutes County Historic LandmarksCommission will lead visits to several Sisters-area historic sites, including Tumalo Dam, downtown Sisters and the CampPolk homestead, cemetery and military site. The trip departs at 9:30 a.m. from the Deschutes County Community Development Department office at 117 NWLafayette Ave., Bend. The event is free. Those attending must provide their own transportation and lunch. Contact: peter.gutowsky©deschutes.org



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Contact: 541-3824754.

The Sisters High Desert Chorale is seeking singers in Central Oregon. All agesandall voices are invited to join. There are noauditions required. TheSisters High Desert Chorale meets at 6:30 p.m. Mondays. The first rehearsal will take place Monday at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 386 N Fir St., Sisters. In addition, the Sister High Desert Bell Choir and the RenaissanceSisters also have openings. To learn more contact Irene Liden at 541-5491037 or lidenmezzo© gmail.com.


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or 541-385-1709.

Meet YourFarmer event comingup Dogwood Cocktail Cabin andCentral Oregon Locavore are hosting a"Flights and Bites" Meet YourFarmer dinner that will feature cocktails and appetizers made with herbs and vegetables from Sagestruck Herbary in northeast Bend. Tickets to the event, which will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. Sept. 16 at147 NWMinnesota Ave., Bend, cost $60 per person andcanbe purchased by visiting j.mp/meetfarmer or calling 541-633-7388. Each ticket comeswith drinks, an appetizer flight and dessert. — From staff reports

Contact us with your events Email event information to events©bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Dc comics / MGT

Clark Kent learns how to fit his Superman work around his TV anchorman work in this scene from the1970s.

Women find nutrition feedsconversations about life's ups, downs By Mary MacVean Los Angeles Times


spinning out of control. And what it feels like when your

for Groceryships.

kids say their classmates are calling their mother fat.

become a media star with a New York Times essay on

Every Wednesday evening, the women sit in a circle of folding They cry with a woman chairs in a bungalow at St. Ce- who fears she has cancer, and cilia Catholic Church in South when she learns she does not. L.A. There's always a box of They cry over parents who tissues in the center; it rarely are dead, over marriages in goes unused. trouble. They come to talk about The women are in the pilot food. group of a program called They talk about how to Groceryships, and theywere make brown rice or cut back improbably brought togethon salt. They talk about neigh- er by a 34-year-old former hedge-fund hotshot who once borhoods filled with fried chicken, barbecue, pizza and griped that his $3.4-million burger places. bonus was meager. Over the And they talk about how course of six months, they hard it has been, workingthe found common ground:Rich overnight shift at Target, to dig and poor had plenty to learn yourself and six boys out of about eating out of emotion, homelessness. Orhow toreact not hunger, and how to reach when two boys get robbed of for health amid an unhealthful their phones at gunpoint. The environment. fear that you'll strike your Over those six months, the teenager, who seems to be

women become friends in a

Founder Sam Polk had Pj

- rQ('e I'y«,~

his addiction to money, his decision to leave Wall Street

and his new path. For a year, he gathered colleagues and experts to plan Groceryships, convinced funders of the value of his ideas. He had a website

at her portrait duringGroceryships' first graduation. Groceryships

and curriculum, and, finally, working with L.A.'s Promise, a nonprofit working to improve several South L.A. schools, he had eight families in the pilot group. The program provides each participant family $100 a week

teaches women to reach for health, even in an unhealthy enviomment.

on a Food 4 Less gift card for

Francine Orri Los Angeles Times/MCT

Juana Madera, left, and Groceryships founder Sam Polk, right, look

room they came to call their safe space. "You can be you in there," says Juana Madera, 27. "It's your family. Even better than

your family sometimes, because you can express yourself and they won't tell you you're wrong. They just listen to you." Things did not begin well

six months. Each family also receives a high-end blender for juicing. The group watches films, gets handouts about nutrition and learns to cook several dozen healthful dishes.

See Groceryships/D5



RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin@bendbulletin.com or call 541-633-2117.

SERVICES ANTIOCH CHURCH:Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Be Converted," part of the series "Be TheChurch"; 9:30 a.m. worship, 11:15a.m. Redux and Q-and-A; youth group 7 p.m. W ednesdays, church office;Bend High School, 230 NESixth St., Bend; 541-318-1454 or www. antiochchurch.org. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor Dave Miller; "Don't Miss the Boat"; 10 a.m. Sunday, children's church available; 4twelve youth

group, 7p.m.Wednesdays; 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend; 541-382-6006 or www. bendchristianfellowship.com. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Guest Speaker Tim Phillips; "Jesus Guarantees" from the series "Better — TheSupremacy of Christ," based on Hebrews 7:18-28; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 1Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-593-8341 or www. cbchurchsr.org. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Rev. DonShaw; "Discovering TheTruth," based on Amos7:7-17and Luke10:25-37;9 and11 a.m. Sunday; 529 NW19th St., Redmond; 541-548-3367 or www. redmondcpc.org. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: Rev. Willis Jenson;"God Restrains Sin through the State but Absolves Sin and Savesthrough the Gospel," based on Romans13:4; 10 a.m. Sunday school, 11 a.m. service

Sunday;TerrebonneGrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne; 541-3256773 or www.lutheransonline.com/ concordialutheranmission.

DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Minister Dave Drullinger; "The PromisedSeed,"based on2 Sam uel 7:11-16; 9 a.m. monthly prayer group, 10 a.m. morning worship Sunday; 334 NWNewport Ave., Bend; 541-382-2272 or www. discoverychristianchurch.com. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "REAL CHURCH: Miracles in Real Church," based on Acts 9:3243; 9 a.m. (classic) and10:45 a.m.

(contemporary)Sunday;62425Eagle Road, Bend; 541-382-5822 or www. eastmontchurch.com. EMMAUSLUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor David Poovey; 9:15a.m. Bible study, 10:30 a.m. worship; 2175 SWSalmon Ave., Redmond; 541-548-1473. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOF GOD:Pastor Randy Wills; "Casting Father's House Vision"; 9and10:45 a.m. Sunday; youth group, 7 p.m. Wednesdays; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend; 541-382-1632 or www. fathershouseinbend.com. THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "God Created Sex," based onGenesis1:28;10 a.m.service,6:30 p.m.youthgroup Sunday at TFABoffice; Summit High School, 2855 NWClearwater Drive, Bend; 541-385-3100 or www.tfab.

com FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor Steven Koski; "Alive In The Story of Creation: Every Breath a Gift"; 9,10:45a.m. and 5:01 p.m. Sunday; 230 NENinth St., Bend; 541382-4401 or www.bendfp.org. FOUNDRY CHURCH:Al Hulbert; "Majoring on the Minors: Jonah"; 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 60 NWOregon Ave., Bend; 541-382-3862 or www. foundrybend.org. GRACEFIRSTLUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "I OweYou

What?" and "Getting Along"; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 2265 NWShevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-6862 or www. gracefirstlutheran.org. HOLY COMMUNIONEVANGELICAL CATHOLICCHURCHOFBEND: Rev. James Radloff; Bible study,

10 a.m.and7p.m.Wednesdays beginning Oct. 1, 587 NE Greenwood Ave.; 541-408-9021 or info© holycommunionbend. org. JOURNEYCHURCH:Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "Lord of the Nations"; 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; High school service, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and Middle school service,6:30 p.m. Thursday; 70 NWNewport Ave., Bend; 541-647-2944 or www.

journeyinbend.com. MOST SACREDHEART, ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL: Father Bernard; Traditional Latin Mass; 8:30 a.m. (confessions) 9 a.m. Sunday; 1051 SW Helmholtz Way,Redmond; 541-548-6416. NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; "Season of Pentecost," based onEzekiel 33:1-7, Psalm119:33-40, Romans 13:8-14 and Matthew18:15-20; 10 a.m. Sunday; Bible study, 10a.m. Wednesdays; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-388-0765 or www. nativityinbend.com. SHILOHRANCH COWBOY CHURCH: Guest SpeakerCharlie Brewer; "Shilo hranch.com";9and10:30 a.m. Sunday; 7 p.m.M onday;M en'sBible study, 7 a.m. Thursday; 15669 SW Bussett Road, Powell Butte; 971-6789513 or www.shilohranch.com. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OFTHE CASCADES: Heidi DeMello; "Community Circle"; 5:15 p.m. service, 6:30 p.m. potluck Sunday; The OldStone,157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-508-1059 or www.spiritualawarenesscommunity.

com. SAINT PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "HaveYou Ears to Hear and aTongue to Speak?," based on Mark 7:31-37; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 1108 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-604-1029. TRINITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Rev. David Carnahan; "God's Word: A Lamp8 aLight,"based on Psalm 119:105; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 2550 NE Butler Market Road; 541-382-1832 or www.trinitylutheranbend.org UNITARIANUNIVERSALISTS OF CENTRAL OREGON: JanetRussell, Maggie Millerand JoanneWillson; "Tales from the UUWriting Group"; 10a.m. Sunday, child care available; first children's worship service; The Old Stone, 157 NWFranklin Ave., Bend; 541-385-3908 or www.uufco. org. WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Ken Johnson; "Fish andShips"; 6:30 p.m. tonight; 8,9 and10:45a.m. Sunday; Westside Church WestCampus, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend;541382-7504 or www.westsidechurch.


WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Gary Burton; "Living Life with no Regrets"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; Westside Church South Campus, 1245 SEThird St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Jim Gurney; "Life and Death — In the Garden"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Ken Johnson; "Fish andShips"; 6:30 tonight, 9 and10:45a.m. Sunday; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: Tim Reynolds; "RoadTrip — Checking the Compass"; 8:30a.m. Sunday; Heirborne radio show onKBND,AM 1110.

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Eric Burtness; "Daniel in the Lion's Den," part of the series "Fear Not: God's Promises That Overcome Fear!"; 10 a.m. Sunday; Summer celebration potluck, car showand bounce house following service;1113 SW Black Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541923-7466 or www.zionrdm.com.

541-385-3320. CENTRALOREGON DEPRESSION AND ANXIETYGROUP: 541-420-2759. CENTRALOREGON DISABILITY SUPPORTNETWORK:541-548-8559 or www.codsn.org. CENTRALOREGON FAMILIESWITH MULTIPLES:541-330-5832 or 541-388-2220. CENTRAL OREGONLEAGUE OF AMPUTEESSUPPORT GROUP (COLA):541-480-7420 or www. ourcola.org. CENTRALOREGON RIGHT TO LIFE: 541-383-1593. CHILDCAR SEAT CLINIC (PROPER INSTALLATIONINFORMATION FOR SEATANDCHILD): 541-504-5016. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: 541-330-3907. CHRISTIANWOMEN OF HOPE (WOMEN'SCANCER SUPPORT GROUP):541-382-1832. CLAREBRIDGEOFBEND (ALZHEIMER'SSUPPORT GROUP): 541-385-4717 or rnorton1O brookdaleliving.com. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS BEND:541-610-7445. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS REDMOND:541-610-8175. COFFEEAND CONNECTION CANCER SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-3754. COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS (FOR THOSE GRIEVINGTHE LOSS OF A CHILD):541-480-0667 or 541-536-1709. CREATIVITYA WELLNESS — MOOD GROUP:541-647-0865. CROOKED RIVER RANCHADULT GRIEF SUPPORT: 541-548-7483. DEFEATCANCER: 541-706-7743. DESCHUTESCOUNTYMENTAL HEALTH24-HOUR CRISIS LINE: 541-322-7500. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORTALLIANCE:541-549-9622 or 541-771-1620. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORT:541-480-8269 or suemiller92@gmail.com. DEPRESSIONSUPPORT GROUP: 541-617-0543. DIABETESEATFORLIFE!: 541-306-6801, www. centraloregonnutrition.com or Ibrizee©centraloregonnutrition.com. DIABETICSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-598-4483. DISABILITYSUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-388-8103. DIVORCECARE:541-410-4201. DOUBLETROUBLERECOVERY: Addiction and mental illness group; 541-317-0050. DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-2577. ENCOPRESIS(SOILING): 541-5482814 or encopresis@gmail.com. EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP:541-460-4030 FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: Drug and alcohol addictions; pastordavid©thedoor3r.org. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 54 I-389-5468. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS:Redmond 541-280-7249,Bend 541-390-4365. GAMBLINGHOT LINE: 800-233-8479. GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: info@paulbattle.com or 1-877-867-1437. GLUCOSE CONTROLLOW CARB DIETSUPPORT GROUP: kjdnrcdO yahoo.com or 541-504-0726. GLUTENINTOLERANCE GROUP (CELIAC):541-390-2399. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Support for pregnant teensandteenmoms; 541-383-3515. GRANDPARENTSRAISING OUR CHILDREN'S KIDS:541-306-4939.

GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: 541-385-4741. GRIEFSHAREGRIEF RECOVERY SUPPORTGROUP:541-382-1832. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-3066633, 541-318-0384 or mullinski© bendbroadband.com. GRIEFAND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-508-4036 or www.gohospice. com, GRIEFSHARE(FAITH-BASED) RECOVERY CLASS:541-389-8780. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA (H.E.A.R.T.):541-318-1949. HEALTHYFAMILIESOF THE HIGH DESERT:Homevisits for families with newborns; 541-749-2133 HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION: 541-390-2174 or ctepper©bendcable. com. HEARTS OF HOPE:Abortion healing; 541-728-4673. IMPROVE YOURSTRESS LIFE: 541-706-2904. INFERTILITYSUPPORT GROUP (RESOLVE):541-604-0861. LA LECHELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-317-5912. LIVING WELL(CHRONIC CONDITIONS):541-322-7430. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES SUPPORTGROUP:541-536-7399. LUPUS AFIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP:541-526-1375. MADRAS NICOTINEANONYMOUS GROUP:541-993-0609. MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH PROGRAM(DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): 541-322-7400. MEMORY CARESUPPORT GROUP: 541-848-4144 or acs©touchmark. com. MENDEDHEARTSSUPPORT GROUP:541-706-4789. MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: 541-514-9907. MOMMY ANDMEBREASTFEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, 541-322-7450. MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-6802. NARCONON:800-468-6933. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): 541-416-2146. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESSOFCENTRAL OREGON (NAMI): Email: namicentraloregon©gmail.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI BEND— EXTREME STATES:541-647-2343 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS: 541480-8269, 541-382-3218 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:whitefam©bendcable.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI MADRAS CONNECTIONS: For peers, 541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras©gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY SUPPORTGROUP:541-475-3299 or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI REDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:namicentraloregon©gmail. com. NAMI REDMOND CONNECTIONS: 541-382-3218 or541-693-4613. NEWBERRY HOSPICEOF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGON COMMISSIONFORTHE BLIND:541-447-49 I5. OREGON CURE: 541-475-2164. OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-3081 or www.oregonlyme. OI'g.

OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 54I306-6844 or www.oa.org.

PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF CHILDREN AFFECTEDBYAUTISM SUPPORTGROUP:541-771-1075 or www.coregondevdisgroupaso.ning. com. PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 541-410-7395. PARISH NURSESANDHEALTH MINISTRIES:541-383-6861. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORTGROUP:541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP:541-280-5818. PARTNERS IN CARE:Home health and hospice services; 541-382-5882. PAUL'SCLUB:Dads and male caregiver support group; 541-548-8559. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: For parents, families and friends of lesbians andgays; 541-728-3843 or www.pflagcentraloregon.org. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACCESS LINE: 800-222-4767. PREGNANCY RESOURCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:541-548-7489. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1; Madras, 541-475- I880. SCLERODERMA SUPPORTGROUP: 541-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUP AND SUPPORT: For mourners; 541-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-325-3339 or www. insightcounselingbend.com. SUPPORT GROUPFOR FAMILIES WITH DIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-322-748 I. TOPS ORWEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP:Bend, 541-633-7399; Culver, 541-546-4012; Redmond, 541-923-0878. TRANSITIONINGBACK TO HEALTH: For Cancer survivors and caregivers; Bend,541-706-3754. TYPE 2 DIABETESSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANS HOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. VISION NW: Peer support group; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN FACINGCANCER TOGETHER:Bend, 541-706-3754. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEERGROUP:831-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.

Get a taste of Food. Home Sr Garden In


PARKINGLOT SALE:Gentlyused housewares, linen, clothing, collectibles and more for sale; 8a.m.-4 p.m.; Community Presbyterian Church, 529 NW 19th St., Redmond; 541-548-3367, michelle©redmondcpc.org or www.

redmondcpc.org. INTRODUCTIONTO CENTERING PRAYERWORKSHOP:Two-day workshop by Contemplative Outreach, childcare available by request, partial scholarship available; $40; 7-9:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 NENinth St., Bend; 541382-4401 or estephan©bendfp.org.

TODAY MADRAS OREGONAGLOW MEETING:Evangelist Beverly Brazzle will speak; 9:30a.m.; Madras Oregon Aglow, Living HopeChristian Center, 25 NE ASt.; 541-475-2405. ABRAHAM INSPIRATIONGROUP: A journey through the DVDseries "Laying New Pipe"; free, donations accepted; 5-8 p.m.; Rosie Bareis Community Campus,1010 NW14th St., Bend; 541-389-4523 or www. goldenbridgeseminars.com.

SATURDAY Sept.13 INTRODUCTIONTO CENTERING PRAYERWORKSHOP:Two-day workshop by Contemplative Outreach, childcare available by request, partial scholarship available; $40; 9 a.m.-noon; First Presbyterian Church, 230 NENinth St., Bend; 541382-4401 or estephan©bendfp.org.

TUESDAY BDDK CLUB: Discussion of"Joyof theGospel"by Pope Francis;8:3010:30 a.m.; TheOriginal Pancake House, 1025 SWDonovan Ave., Bend; 6:30-8 p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, Hutcheson Room, Second Floor, 601 NWWall St.; 541-4089021 or info@holycommunionbend.





COMMUNITYBIBLESTUDY: Study includes Philippians, James1 and 2, Peter1 and 2 andThessalonians, classes available for men, womenand children; free; 10a.m.-noon; Highland Baptist Church, 3100 SWHighland Ave., Redmond; 541-923-8791.

COMMUNITYBIBLESTUDY: Study includes Philippians, James1and 2, Peter1 and 2andThessalonians, classes available for men, womenand children; free; 10a.m.-noon; Highland Baptist Church,3100 SWHighland

California teenwins

geographyOlympiad By Sharon Noguchi

of his senior year. He didn't

San Jose Mercury News

find out he won first place until after he landed in San

CUPERTINO, Calif. — In

the uber-competitive Bay Area, some kids prepare for

Francisco. "I really thought

years to place in contests that might pave their paths to elite

and there would be a lot of competition. I was just so

colleges and careers.

thrilled to find out," he said."It

everyone else was so smart,

len, who just became the first

was such a shock." Mullen shined in Krakow

American student to win the

because of the conceptual

Then there's James Mul-

International G e o graphyemphasis of the international Olympiad, held earlier this competition. month in Krakow, Poland. "It's really hard to study for

The U.S. test involved more

memorization, he said — "the

something like this," because of the breadth of questions, said Mullen. The 17-year-old decided to enter the competition when he read a blurb

location of rivers in Africa"while the international com-

on the website of his school,

contestants from 36 countries and had the highest com-

petition focused more on critical thinking, his strength. He was pitted a~

143 o t her

Monta Vista High in Cupertino, about a January run-up to bined score from three conthe competition. "I just decid-

test events. Mullen was the

ed to try out. I'm lucky I did." He did study previous

only student to finish among the top 10in allthree events.

Among the three parts was

Olympiad tests, but for the

past 10 years, he's mostly been reading National Geographic and newspapers, absorbing knowledge along the way. "It's just something I like to do," he said. Along with a couple of dozen students, he made the cut at a regional competition at

a written section, induding a

question about globalization: why McDonald's restaurants spread in France before they did in Russia. "James's achievement is a tremendous honor for an A merican student on t h e

world stage," wrote David Saratoga High, then proceed- Madden, the U.S. team's coed to nationals in April. There coach and president of the he won the fourth of four slots U.S. Geography Olympiad. on the U.S. team. At the weeklong international competition in Krakow,

The U.S. team finished 10th

inteam competition. Mullen plans to enter the he left before the winners Olympiad again next year were announced, because he and hopes to make it to the had to get home for the start finals.

~~r Pet Salon of Bend G R A N D O P E N IN G 875 SE Third Street 104 ( Bend, Oregoa 97702, (Next to Minuteman Press)

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PupCikes for your Pup!,




SUPPORT GROUPS The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must be updated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to communitylife©bendbulletin.com. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYA DISABILITY:541-388-8103. ABILITREEYOUNG PEER GROUP: 541-388-8103 ext. 219. ABILITREEBRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP:541-388-8103. ADHD ADULT SUPPORTGROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP:541-389-5446. ADULT CHILDRENOF ALCOHOLICS: 54 I-633-8189. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORTGROUP):541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT, COMMUNITYRESOURCES AND SUPPORT(DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): 541-322-7402. AIDS HOTLINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www. centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA): 541-548-0440 or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORTGROUP: 541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-948-7214. AUTISM RESOURCEGROUP OF CENTRALOREGON:541-788-0339. BEND ATTACHMENT PARENTING: 541-385-1787. BEND S-ANONFAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 541-382-6122 or 541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 54 I-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A peer group for victims of infidelity, baninbend©yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-382-9451. CANCER FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCER INFORMATIONLINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CELEBRATE RECOVERY BEND: Faith Christian Center, 541-383-5801; Westside Church, 541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYLAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; High LakesChristian Church,541536-3333; Living Waters Church, 541-536-1215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYMADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center, 541475-2405 or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATE RECOVERYREDMOND: Redmond Assembly of GodChurch, 541-548-4555 or centraloregoncr. ol'g. CENTRAL OREGONALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIACAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP:54l-504-0571. CENTRAL OREGONAUTISM ASPERGER'SSUPPORTTEAM: 54 I-633-8293. CENTRAL OREGONAUTISM SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY SUPPORTGROUP:541-279-9040. CENTRAL OREGONCOALITION FOR ACCESS(WORKING TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES):

Ave., Redmond; 541-923-8791.




I '





REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCCChurch, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am

CONGREGATION SHALOM BAYIT (lewish Community of Central Oregon)


Worship in the Heart of Redmond


Sunday Worship Services at 10:00 am A Warm and Welcoming Community (3/4 mile north of High School) Serving Central Oregon for 24 years. Redmond, OR 97756 0 0 Children's Room available 0 We Welcome Newcomers, Interfaith (541) 548-3367 during services Families and lews by Choice Involvement Encouraged Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor Summer Celebration• September 7 For information, call 541-385-6421; 10 AM Service- PotluckFor Sunday/Hebrew Education call 9:00 am Contemporary Worship 541-312-8844 Car Show - Bounce House 541-389-9854 9:00 am Nursery Care Associate Pastors All are welcome! Please Visit: www.jccobend.com 9:15 am Children 8 Youth Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson Rabbi Jay ShupackBend's First "Loving people one at a time." Sunday School Come Experience a warm, Resident Rabbi www.real-lifecc.org 9;30 am Adult Education friendly family of worshipers. Rebbitzin - ludy Shupack Everyone Welcome• Always. I I:00 am Traditional Worship Services and Classes: A vibrant, inclusive community. Friday September 12 Evening Service 7PM A rich and diverse music program Youth Groups EASTMONT September 13th Sunday School Meet for all ages COMMUNITY SCHOOL High School Sunday I I:00am-12:30pm and Greet "Educating and Developing the Whole "Omkar" (Aum) "Yin/Yanq" Taoist/ "Star F Crescent" Middle School —Wednesday Wednesday September 24 Rosh Hinduism Confuoanism Islam Child for the Glory of God" Coffee,snacksandfei(oivship 6;00-7:30pm Hashanah Evening Service 7PM Pre K• 5th Grade after eachservice Do we have your fall schedule'? 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541.382.2049 Thursday September 25 Rosh Hashanah Mondays Moming Service lOAM Principal Lonna Carnahan M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am 6;30 pm Centering Prayer www.eastmontcommunityschooLcom Sunday September 28 First Day of Wed. Bible Study at noon CommunitySunday School FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER HOLY COMMUNION CHURCH 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study Wednesdays Friday October 3 Kol Nidre 6;15 PM 1049 NE I ITH STREET I:00 pm "In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition" 5;30 pm Prayer Service Sharp Featuring Violinist Kim Angelis BEND, OR 97701 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Rev. James Radloff, Pastor 382-8274 Saturday October 4 Yom Kippur Moming 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner SCIENTIST Service 10 AM Featuring Violinist Small Groups Meet Regularly 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100 Youth and Family Programs SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE This Sunday at Faith Christian Center Kim Angelis (South of Portland Ave.) (Handicapped Accessible) Active Social Outreach Pastor Isaiah McGarry will share his Church Service S Sunday School; 10 am Saturday October 4 Yom Kippur N'eilah Please visit our website for a complete 9a.m.and 5p.m .atthe Bend Senior message titled "The 3 Strands" in the Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7;30 pm Service 6:15 PM 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. listing of activities for all ages. Center 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road Sunday morning service beginning at Childcare provided. Friday October 10 Community Pot Luck Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466 10:30 AM. www.redmondcpc.org BOOK CLUB Dinner in the Sukkah 6PM Pastor Eric Burtness Childcare is provided. Reading Room: All Services held at our Dedicated www.zionrdm.com 1563 NW First St. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Synagogue Building 21555Modoc Lane, FCC Youth Ministries and Family Night is "JoY of the GosPel" bY PoPe Francis Mon, through Fri.; 11 am 4 pm 230 NE Ninth, Bend 2nd Tues. ea. month beginning Sep. 9th on Wednesdays at 7 pm. (Comer of Ward and Modoc in Bend) Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm (Across Ninth St, from Bend High) unless otherwise noted. Morning Session: 8:30-10;30 a.m. Aff Are Welcome, Always! A number of Faith Journey Groups meet HOUSE OF COVENANT at the Original Pancake House (Bend throughout the week in small groups, Messianic Synagogue TEMPLE BETH TIRVAH Evening Session: 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the ECKANKAR The Story Of Spacious Christianity please contact the church for details Est. 1994 is a member of the Downtown Bend Library RELIGION OF THE and times. We provide a congregational setting A Yearlong Quest Towards A (Hutcheson Rm 2nd Floor) Union for Reform Judaism. Lightand Sound ofGod for Jews and Christians alike. If you're Wholehearted, Inclusive, Faith Our members represent a wide range of The church is located on the comer of interested in leaming the Bible from a Sunday, September 7 BIBLE STUDY Jewish backgrounds. You are invited to attend a Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. Wednesdays beginning October I" Hebrew perspective, come join us at: Alive In The Story of Creation: We welcome interfaith families Community HU sing and Spiritual www.bendfaith.com Morning Study: 10-11 am Every Breath a Gift Discussion and Jews by choice. Evening Study: 7-8 pm Bear Creek Center "Have You Had a Spiritual Experience" Preaching Lead Pastor Steven Koski REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD at the Church Office 587 NE Greenwood 21300 Bear Creek Rd. 1865 W Antler• Redmond 9:00am with the Praise Team Our monthly activities include: (across from Croutons) Bend, OR. 97701 541-548-4555 Saturday, September 20, 3pm Services, religious education for children 10:45am with the Chancel Choir Our Shabbat Services are on East Bend Public Library SUNDAYS 5:0I pm peaceful 8 prayerful infoC 0holycommunionbend.or g F adults, Hebrew school, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:30 am 8 10:30 am (541) 408-9021 Torah study, social action projects Nursery care available at all services. Our ministries include: Life groups 9 am and social activities Experience a HU song and quiet Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Centering Prayer Workshop contemplation, followed by a talk and Evening Worship 6 pm • Davidic dance and worship Rabbilohanna Hershenson HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN discussion, refreshments and feffowship Friday, September 12, 7:00- 9:30pm • Children's ministry and nursery CATHOLIC PARISH WEDNESDAYS Saturday, September 13, 9:00am - noon • Hebrew classes Fr.Theodore Nnabugo,Pastor For more information SERVICES FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM • Home groups Fee of $40 includes a CDfor home www.holyredeemerparish.net www.miraclesinyourlife.org Adult Classes practice. • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Parish Office: 541-536-3571 www.eckankar.org Celebrate Recovery Friday, September 12 at 6:00 pmHadashah (New Testament) To register, contact Lorraine Stuart at www.eckankar.oregon.org Wednesday NITE Live Kids Kabbalat Shabbat. At a private home, • Biblical Feasts HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN Idstuart84N gmail.com or Elizabeth 541-728-6476 Youth Group call for info CATHOLIC, LA PINE • Lifecycle Events Stephan at estephan@bendfp.org. • End-times prophecy Pastor Duane Pippitt 16137 Burgess Rd High Holy Days Services Summit South Sister www.redmondag.com Tuesday, WednesdayS Friday Mass TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Visit us on the web at Saturday, September 13 A(l arewelcomethroughourreddoors 9:00 am High Holy Days Services are held in the www.houseofcovenant.org Challenge yourself and support others Sunday Mass• 10:00 am sanctuary ofthe or contact us at 541-385-5439 Confessions: Sat ur days 3 : 0 0 -4 : 0 0 pm Sunday Services while summiting South Sister CENTRAL OREGON First United Methodist Church 8 am and 10:15 am Find more information at www.bendfp.org BAPTIST CHURCH LIVING TORAH FELLOWSHIP HOLY TRINITY in St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave Rabbi Johanna Hershenson with Cantor "Offering hopethroughthe proclamation @ La Roca Church ROMAN CATHOLIC, SUNRIVER Adelle Nicholson www.trinitybend.org I 541-382-5542 ofthe gospel" Youth Events 18143 Cottonwood Rd. 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend (Mail: 469 NWWall St.) Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; http://www.facebook.com/ Saturday 12;00 - 3:00 pm Bend, OR 97701 Wednesday, September 24th 7:30 pm: JOIN us for WORSHIP Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Worship/Dance - Studybendyouthcollective Erev Rosh Hashanah Service Sunday mass 8:00 am Food/Fellowship Sunday Confessions: Thurs. 9:00• 9:15 am Hebrew Roots Fellowship Choirs, music groups, Bible study, Thursday, September 25th 10:00 am: (downtown at the Boys8 Girls Club, THE SALVATION ARMY OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS worshipping in Spirit and Truth fellowship and ministries every week Rosh Hashanah Service 500 NW Wall St.) 541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend ROMAN CATHOLIC, GIlchirlst 541.410.5337 9:30AM-Bible Study 120 Mississippi Dr 541-389-8888 Children Welcome 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend 9:30 AM — Children's Class Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm 3:00 pm: Children's Service in Pioneer www.livingtorahfellowship.com Confessions: Sundays 12:00• 12:15 pm 10:30 AM — Worship Service www.bendfp.org SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Park 10:30 AM — Primary Class 541 NE Dekalb http://www.facebook.com/bendfp HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC, Sunday School 9:45 am near Christmas Valley 541 382 4401 4;00 pm: Tashlich ServiceF Picnic. Wednesday Children 8 Adult Classes 57255 Fort Rock Rd Reservations required. FIRST UNITED METHODIST (up the hill from the Old Mill, Worship Service —11:00 am Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm CHURCH 500 SW Bond St.) Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm Friday, October 3rd 7:30 pm: Kol Nidre, (In the Heart of Down Town Bend) 7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting 8 Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS Yom Kippur 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 Growth Groups ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI OF CENTRAL OREGON 7:00 PM — Kids 4 Truth NEW HOPE EVANGELICAL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH "Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" 20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436 Saturday, October 4th 10:00 am: Yom Everyone is Welcome! Rev. Julian Cassar Pastor We are a Welcoming Congregation www.centraloregonbaptistchurch.org Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery Kippur Moming Service 541-617-2814 541-382-3631 Celebrate New Life Everyone is Welcome! 12:30 pm; Adult Education at New Hope Church! Sunday,September 7at10:00am Pastor Dave Beckett 2:00 pm; Children/Family Service NEW CHURCH EASTMONT CHURCH Sermon: Touching the Hold: Embracing 3:00 pm: Afternoon Service Saturday 6:00 pm "Displayingthe Realitg of Christin 2450 NE 27th Street "Tales from the UUWriting Group"the Ordinariness 4:30 pm: Memorial/Yizkor Service Masses Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Undeniab(eWags" Lay-Led Service with writings shared by 9:00am Contemporary Service 5:30 pm; Neilah Service Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Pastor Randy Myers 9:45am - Sunday School Joanne Willson, Maggie Miffer, and Janet 6:30 pm; Break-The-Fast Dinner: Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM 62425 Eagle Road, Bend 11:00am - Traditional Service Russell Reservations required Domingo 12:30 PM - Misa en Espanol 541-382-5822 Childcare provided www.eastmontchurch.com WESTSIDE CHURCH (This Sunday all Church Picnic) Reconciliation Writing members and friends of our For HighHoly Day reservations; http:// Church invites you to join us at any of Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM Sunday Services www.bethtikvahbend.org/worship/ congregation have been meeting our weekend services. No matter what Using Robert Wicks' book "Touching the Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am jewish-holidays-highholydays together for several years, meeting your expectations are, we hope your Holy" this first of a four.part series will HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH Contemporary Service 10:45 am every other Wednesday upstairs at time spent with us brings you a little Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava focus on what it means to be ordinary. Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm For information about our Religious Dudley's Bookstore. This service will closer to understanding, knowing and MASSES We often search for meaning outside of growing in a relationship with Jesus Education programs, call Kathy Schindel Saturday 8:00 AM For more information about weekly ourselves in an effort to be extraordinary. feature some of the fruit of their labor, Christ. In our opinion, that's what really at 541-388-8826 Sunday 4:30 PM ministries for the whole family, Maybe affirming our ordinariness is the and will offer an exercise for those in the matters. Monday• Friday 7:00AM F 12:15 PM congregation to explore. contact 541-382-5822 or email better way. info@eastmontchurch.com Contact us at 541.382.7504 or Exposition 8 Benediction For the complete schedule of Services *During the Week: Women's Groups, In Religious Education, we will have our www.westsidechurch.org Monday-Friday 8 Events FOUNDRY CHURCH Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, first Sunday children's worship service. after 7;00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) go to; www.bethtikvahbend.org September 6 F 7, 2014 at Westside Crafting, Music F Fellowship We will reflect on the first week of Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) "A Heart for Bend in the Church —WEST CAMPUS 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM school — how it went —and wiff start to Heart of Bend" Unless otherwise noted, Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. talk about our goals for the upcoming 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Ken Johnson will share the Reconciliation all services are held at the Rev. Dave Beckett schoolyear. Pastors Mike Coughlin 8 Al Hulbert message"Fishand Ships"at6:30pm Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM First United Methodist Church firstchurch@bendumc.org on Saturday and at 8, 9 and 10:45am 680 NW Bond Street SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am We always have childcare for infants and Sunday at Westside Church, 2051 NW ST. THOMAS ROMAN 541-388-8826 and our Worship Service at 10:15 am toddlers. Shevlin Park Rd, Bend. CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE This Sunday at Foundry Church, Redmond, Oregon 97756 Looking ahead September 14. 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496 Al Hulbert will starting a new series, 541-923-3390 CONCORDIALUTHERAN Ingathering and Water Communion Senior Pastor Virgil Askren "Majoring on the Minors: Jonah" September 7, 2014 at Westside ChurchFather Todd Unger, Pastor MISSION (LCMS) SUNDAY SOUTH CAMPUS Mass Schedule: Themissionof theChurch isto forgive sins 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages Meeting place: For Kidztown, Middle School and Weekdays 8:00 am throughtheGospelandthereby 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service High School activities Call 541-382-3862 THE OLD STONE CHURCH Pastor Gary Burton will share the (except Wednesday) www.bendchurch.org grant eternal (ife. 10:15 am Worship Service message "Living Life with no Regrets" 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Wednesday 6:00 pm at 10:30am on Sunday at the Westside Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Mail:P.O. Box 428, Bend OR 97709 HIGHLAND BAPTIST Nursery Care 8 Children's Church First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Church South Campus, 1245 SE3rd St., (St. John 20:22.23, Augsburg Confession www.uufco.org CHURCH, SBC Bend. ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) XXVIIL8, 10 (541) 385-3908 3100 SWHighland Ave., 12:00 noon (Spanish) Worship Services Redmond• 541-548-4161 Confessions on Wednesdays from "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 10 am Sunday School 5:00 to 5:45 pm 8:30 am Sunday 11 am Divine Service Sunday Worship Services: and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm September 7, 2014 at Westside ChurchALL PEOPLES 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am SISTERS CAMPUS WEDNESDAY The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday Life Groups 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) Are r/oaspiritual hat not re(iSioas? 9:30am 811:00am Jim Gumey will share the message " Life THURSDAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND Terrebonne, OR Saturday Worship and Death — Inthe Garden" at 10:30am We aredoingchurch differently! 536 SW 10th, Redmond 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study 7:00 pm at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, Visit andseehowoneformof 541-548-2974 WEEKLY Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor 442 Trinity Way, Sisters. www.lutheransonline.com/ progressive Christianity works. www.redmondchristian.org Life Groups concordialutheranmission Sunday Worship 9:00 am 8 10:45 am Please visit our website for a complete For complete calender: Facebook: All Peoples meets on the first www.hbcredmond.org listing of activities for all ages. Concordia Lutheran Mission Sunday School for all ages and third Sundays of each month. September 6 F 7, 2014 at Westside www.bendnaz.org Phone: 541-325-6773 Kidmo• Junior Church You'll find us in the Church — ONLINE CAMPUS Greg Strubhar, Pastor • • I • The Juniper Room of GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor CALVARY CHAPEL BEND Join us at our online campus where Redmond's St. Charles Hospital. 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Pastor Ken Johnson will share the CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER POWELL BUTTE 382-6862 Phone: (541) 383-5097 message"Fishand Ships"at6:30pm 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Worship with us at 11 a.m. on Web site: ccbend.org Saturday and 9 and 10:45am on Sunday 8:30 Worship Center Sunday, September 7th. at www.westsidelive.org. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday Moming Worship 10:30 Contemporary Service Come early at 10 a.m, for Bible Sundays:8:30F 10:30am (Child Care Available) 8:45 AM 8 10:45 AM Worship Center Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Bookworms10:30 Traditional Service Historic Chapel Youth Group: Wednesday 7 pm adult discussion time. Women's Bible Study Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Nursery S Children's Church Wednesday Mid-Week Service Child Care provided September 7, 2014Westside ChurchMen's Bible Study Wednesday 7;30 a.m. Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Children 8 Youth Programs ON THE RADIO On September 21st, join us when and Ozzy Osbome 7:00 PM Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are 13720 SWHwy 126, Powell Butte Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Nursery Care Provided for All Services visiting pastor Rev Tara Wilkens leads. available, call for days and times. Tim Reynolds will share the message 541-548-3066 For details and Evangelical Lutheran Church "Road Trip —Checking the Compass" www.powellbuttechurch.com "Teaching the Word of God, in America Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur possible help with car-pooling, on the Heirborne radio show at 8:30am Book by Book" Sunday morning on KBND — AM 1110 www.gracefirstlutheran.org www.clcbend.com email: allpeoplesuccC>gmail.com

(No child care) 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker-

You Are TheNtost Important Part of Our Services




VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to1300 NWWall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton© state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.


CHILDREN, YOUTH AND EDUCATION SERVICES ADULTBASICSKILLSDEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory@ cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA: www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. ASSE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM: www.asse. com or WendyLarson, 541-385-8177. BEND PARK B RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott@scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS BGIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info@ bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON:

campfire©bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIALADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLEOFFRIENDS: Beth, beth© acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTESCOUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY@ deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:SteveGuzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS:541-389-8146. GIRLSON THE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr.org. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERT TEENSVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER:Rick Buening, rbuening©jbarj.org or 541-389- I409. JUNIPERSWIM B FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER: Lisa Weare, Iweare© kidscenter.org, 541-383-5958. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL: Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert@bend.k12.or.us or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM:Teal Buehler, 541-617-9576. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE:541-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER:541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER: Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNG LIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREER PARTNERSHIP:KentChild, 541-355-4158. SMART(STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES:www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BEND SPAYB NEUTER PROJECT: 541-617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer©brightsideanimals.org or 54 I-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION 8[FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS,INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan@equineoutreach.com or 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINSTHERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: www.healingreins. org or Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer©hsco.org or 54 I-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 54 I-389-91 I5. PACIFIC CREST TRAILANGEL: 54 I-604-4494. PRINEVILLEBLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, Imcallister©cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTERB OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: Tom Mottl, 541-416-6859.

NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon© gmail.com. PARTNERSINCARE:www. partnersbend.org or Melanie Price, 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE:Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.


88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIO STATION: info@kpov.org or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRAL STATION: 541-617-1317. CASCADES THEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat 541-617-7047. HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info© highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer©latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATURE OFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 541-647-2233. HEALTH OREGON PARTNERS OFAMERICA: www.oregonpartners.net or Ed AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: Vickrey, 541-350-3152. Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE AMERICANREDCROSS: LIBRARY:541-312-1060. 54 I-749-4 I I1. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. (R.I.C.E.): Barb, thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman EXCHANGE at h.berkman©thebloomproject.org or bonitodia@msn.com or541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-241-8845. 541-317-0700. HEART 'N HOME HOSPICE B PALLIATIVECARE:www.gohospice. com. HUMAN SERVICES HOSPICEOF REDMONDABILITREE:volunteer©abilitree.org or SISTERS:www.redmondhospice. 541-388-8103, ext. 217. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 54 I-548-7483. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: volunteer@bendscommunitycenter. Schultz, tschultz@mvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. org or 541-312-2069.


er going back to work for the

Continued from 01

Daily Planet. But will he? And more important, should he?

But th e n e w , a s sertive Clark Kent d o esn't a l low

For one thing, despite what the stories tell us,

Morgan Edge (CEO of the


conglomerate that owns the


Clark Kent isn't exactly the

BETHLEHEM INN: www.bethleheminn. org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGING GAPS:bendbridginggaps© gmail.com or 541-314-4277. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGON VETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org@gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton© state,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: ValerieDean,541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):DonLang, 541-647-1002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt@bendcable.com or 541-610-6511. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMANDIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION: Marie, info© hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq@ neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext.106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Schwechten at541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRAL OREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president@ sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643. WINNINGOVER ANGER S( VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382-1943. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.



GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state.or.us or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, choward©ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher,541-317-3186or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org orBarbara atinfo© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSON COUNTY VOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT: Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARD DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www. orcharddistrictneighborhood.com. SCORE:Bruce Michalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977.

MISCELLANY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. THE KILNSBOOKSTORE B BOUTIQUE: www.thekilns.com or Jen Lewis at 541-771-8794. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACRED ARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4 I79.

Record-holding couple opens troll doll museum

poster boy for journalism ethics. For example, in at

By Mary Beth Breckenridge

mer museum and gift shop in

least two stories about how

Akron Beacon Journal

Whitman, Mass., and part of

self. In 2012, when Edge tried to force Kent into doing "in-

Kent got his job at the Daily Planet (there are several), he owes his first big story to an

AKRON, Ohio — Sherry the collection of its owner, Lisa Groom has a thing for beady Kerner. "First it was a few shelves," eyesand impish grins.

fotainment" instead of hard

exclusive interview with the

news, theyoungreporter quit! "Your job is what I say it is," a browbeating Edge told

Thousands of thousands of them, in fact.

self! In those circumstances

Daily Planet) to push him around. In fact, the Edge-Kent


relationship has reversed it-

Man of Steel — who is himhe's lying to his editor and his readers, which is cer-

Clark in the middle of the Planet newsroom. "The truth is, if you can't do that, Kent,

tainly unethical, and since

I need to find someone who CB11.

"You want a conversation

about the truth, Mr. Edge?" Kent retorted. "The truth is that somewhere along the

way, the business of news became the news. Growing up in Smallville, I believed that journalism was an ide-

:- macenar<o ns

al, as worthy and important

as being a cop, a firemana teacher or a doctor. I was taught to believe you could use words to change the course of rivers — that even the darkest secrets would fall under the harsh light of the




DC Comics/ MCT

The "Men of Tomorrow" storyline, which examines the role of

sun. But facts have been re- journalism while the Man of Steel does a few things too, continplaced by opinions. Informa- ues In "Superman" (thlrd series) No. 34. tion has been replaced by entertainment. Reporters have become stenographers. Ican't

always been competing mod- the news that Superman and be the only one who is sick at els — the 'New Journalism' Wonder Woman are datingthe thought of what passes for of Hunter S. Thompson, Tom it truly is a brave new world, news. I am not the only who Wolfe, Norman Mailer and isn't it? — the odd couple are believes in the power of the others. There are many 0th- doing well, Korte said. "Cat is pretty business-savpress — the fact that we need er critiques here, too — comto stand up for the truth. For plaints about entertainment, vy," he laughed. "I don't think justice. And yeah — I'm not superficiality, docility. Those, Clark is." Which is a n i n t eresting ashamed to say — (for) the too, have a long lineage. The American way." mistaken assumption by new status quo that DC could I ran that speech by Dr. Jo- many is that there was a gold- have milked indefinitely. Inseph Hayden, a journalism en age of journalism. That's stead, two heavy hitters have arrived on the creative end professor at the University not true. Journalism — like of Memphis, who confirmed any other genre of creative and turned the board over. that these sentiments are fa- work — has always includGeoff Johns, DC's Chief miliar criticisms of m e dia ed great work and bad, the Creative Officer, took over today. But, interestingly, he consequential and the trivial, writing " Superman" t w o months ago, and launched a pointed out that it's a debate gold and gunk." that has roots older than blogEdge was unimpressed by new storyline titled "Men of gers, Twitter and cable news. Kent's speech, but one Plan- Tomorrow." Along with Johns "Journalism was charac- et staffer — gossip/fashion/ came John Romita Jr.,an A-list artist at Marvel Comics, terized early on by tmapol- celebrity writer Cat Grantogetic opinions," he said. "It was inspired. She also quit, doing his first work at DC. was only until the end of the 19th century that a different

and talked Kent into a joint

blog/website to do news the ethos emerged (of objective way he wants to. And when reporting), and there have CatClarkTropolis.com broke

In "Men of Tomorrow," Per-

ry White has cut a deal with Kent, which could result in the

it's a form of fraud, maybe even illegal. And this is an ongoing ethical breach. How can Kent — and the readers — justify it? "Well," Korte suggested, after some thought. "You could argue it's for the greater good." Which is a pretty good argument, as it mirrors Kent's own reasoning, which is that

his secret identity keeps the most powerful man on the planet sane (he doesn't have to be Superman 24/7), it provides the Man of Tomorrow w ith i n f ormation t o s a v e

lives, plus the big one: If the world knew Superman and Clark Kent were one and

the same, supervillains and the underworld would target Kent's friends, family and

co-workers. Those things, said Prof. Hayden, might be worth a lie or two. "In my view, human life outweighs truth telling," he said. "If lying prevented the

The Cuyahoga Falls resident is the proprietor of the Troll

she said. "Then the shelves got overfilled. Then it was a troll

room." Now it's an entire museum,

Hole, a museum in Alliance, which Groom shows to visitors Ohio, that houses her world-re- while costumed as a huldra, cord collection of troll dolls as an alluring female troll from well as more than 10,000 artiNorwegian mythology. facts related to the toys and the Groom's collection is housed legend that inspired them. in two buildings, one of which This is where ancient folk- displays newer trolls and assolore meets 20th-century kitsch. ciated artifacts. Groom and her husband,

The heart of the collection,

Jay,opened the museum in however, is in a separate buildJune to house thefuzzy-haired ing guarded by troll figures troll dolls and paraphernalia inspired by Norwegian folkshe spent decades amassing. lore,which occupy amountain Its main attraction are the sculpture outside the door. dolls that earned her inclusion Inside the building, shelves in Guinness World Records for and display cases are filled the largest troll collection, an assemblage that stood at 2,990

with troll dolls, no two of them alike. And the trolls keep com-

dolls when the record was set

ing. Often they're donated by people who read or hear about her museum, Groom said. "I can't turn away a troll," she

on Oct. 26, 2012, and continues to grOw. It all started sometime in the 1960s, when Groom was one

of countless American kids who found troll dolls under their Christmas trees. Trolls were the hot novelty toy from

sald. It's all a sideline for Groom,

a psychiatric nurse who owns a dementia care facility in Alliance. She said she started the

about 1963 to 1965, and she museum and art emporium to and her sisters all got them.

support her nonprofit Arts for

deaths of thousands of peo-

Years later, she started pick- Alzheimer's program, and she ing up the dolls in secondhand hopes they'll also provide the shops and antique stores, be- added benefit of drawing tourcauseforsome reason shejust ists to the struggling town. couldn't pass them by. It wasn't Oddly,Groom can't even

ple, for example, then, yes,

exactly an obsession at first.

that would be worth it, and

She figures she owned 20 or 30 that enthrall her. until the late 1980s, when the Maybe it's just magic. dolls enjoyed a resurgence. Suddenly trolls were everywhere, and Groom's passion

almost anyone would agree with that in theory." "Men o f Tomorrow"


p rogressing faster t h a n a speeding bullet, with a number of other lingering questions to resolve, most of which involve Clark Kent.

Will he win the ethics argument with Morgan Edge? Will he return the Daily Planet to its glory days? Will he, in short, save journalism in the DC Universe?

"He is certainly going to

not-so-mild-mannered report- try," Korte said.

pinpoint what it is about trolls

went into overdrive.

Her collection mushroomed. She evenbought outtheinventory of Trolling Around, a for-




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says, they were "like ironing boards.") She worked for 23

Continued from 01

years for the school board and


But at that first meeting, the women found it hard to con-

recentlyhas become a poet and a painter. nect to an Ivy League alumnus She has dieted plenty. She whose salary easily topped all lost more than 100 pounds of theirs combined, who used

with Weight Watchers, "and

to spend his evenings in the t hat lasted like tw o d a m n country's best restaurants. To weeks," she says. counter that, he was humble Her family's food, she says, and open with them about a w as unhealthful, bu t t h e y past that included drinking didn't realize it. Big pots of and drugs. He talked about beans and rice. Fried chicken. how he and a sibling were But her family took enthuteased at school as the "Pork siastically to a recipe for a Brothers" and about a n ew breakfast bowl of brown rice, parent's fears of being bad at cinnamon, nuts and fruit. They such acrucialjob. eat it all day, Langley says. One Still, the women spoke just Sunday, she brought it to her a word or two. And he let them minister brother's congregago early, because he couldn't tion, replacing the usual bacon fill two hours. and eggs. Her dish was a hit. Helen Langley, easily the Langley says she has started most loquacious member to think about what makes her of the group, says, sure, she happy. "This class has helped judged: "Who are these white me put my fears up front and people coming to South-Cen- look at them," she says. She tral'? What do they want if

has started to date, and now

they're not the police or a so- when she feels overwhelmed cial worker? We had to feel she goes for a drive and somethem out."

times walks along the beach.

Her family likes the change It was Langley, however, who also helped change the they see: "It's all about me, and tenor in the room when, on the they know it now," she says. third night, she told the circle "I'm doing a lot to make us that it was the first time in 20 happy, make me laugh." years that someone had asked Each week, the first hour foher how she was doing. cuses on cooking, food labels, "I took a breath and opened marketing, shopping strateup," she says. "I don't have a gies. The second hour turns to safeplace....W e made this a the intangibles of emotional safe place." eating, feeding children, food Langley wasn't much inter- addiction. But life bubbles over ested when she heard about into both hours. Eara Pollard, 45, describes Groceryships. "It didn't really appeal to walking the aisles of a grocery me.... I was tired of doing store, putting cookies or chips change," the 54-year-old says. in her cart and later taking She had just cared for her them back out. "I kept putting mother until her death from stuff in and taking stuff out. I cancer, which came not long felt like everyone was watching after her father's death. But the

kids — she's raising six niec-

Photos by Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times /MCT

Yohana Funes, 34, right, talks with her daughter Stephanie, 15, while she cooks dinner for her family in their kitchen in Los Angeles.

against it. Like cocaine," he foods rather than just grocery says. store cards. There's discussion "Cinnamon Toast Crunch. of a group in NYC soon. That's "Most people don't have a cocaine," Langley chimes in. place to talk about their strugEventually, the women join gles. It was important to have Polk in his dreams for Groc- a place to talk with no fear eryships. What about a build- of response or retort," Polk ing, with room for a garden'? says. "The last thing I want is What about showing a docu- advlce. mentary like "Fed Up" to the When this pilot group community? Free weekly yoga the OGs, as they call themclasses start, despite some selves — came to the end of its digs that yoga is something six months, one of eight had white people do. About half the dropped out. The others promwomen quickly are infatuated. ised to keep going to the meetThe program is a bit of ings and be mentors to new "Food, Inc." m eets N a tive groups, and to stay in touch, as American healing circles — a if they were leaving junior high. marriage of practical and spir"Graduation" was held at itual, inspired by Father Greg Manual Arts High School, in a Boyle and his Homeboy Indus- room decorated with flowers, tries anti-gang programs. streamers and framed porPolk acknowledges that six traits of each of them. months is short. "In a culture Instead of the leggings and that's saying eat this, eat this.... T-shirts they wore to meetings, It's a journey that takes years, they put on makeup and dress-


A few months in, Pollard of-

fers this assessment: "I might parents, she says, are troubled not be where I want to be, but es and nephews because their

— "kept harping on me to do it." I looked in the cabinets and we So she filled out the form,

don't eat like we used to."

1 re rtg •

ee •



Yohana Funes makes a colorful salad with chicken. Before finding

Groceryships, Funes might haveserved her family a less healthy meal.

Funes, 34, changed her life. ly of five. Funes now buys less "They have made me feel processed food, no red meat, p hysically, mentally a n d little juice. She substitutes avoe motionally b eautiful," s h e cado for mayonnaise. Her bills es, curled their hair and did said, this night wearing her have dropped. "We used to with the idea that crackers ofBut these first steps have their nails. About 75 friends long hair down and a lovely have to take stuff out of the cart ten are high-fat. He says that been heard: The second group, and family came. Rep. Kar- body-hugging black dress. because we didn't have enough some foods have a combina- 10 families, has been chosen, en Bass spoke and brought "Before, my children were my money. Now we have extra." At the ceremony, each wompillows. She was the seventh tion of fat, salt and sweet that and a group also is to start each of t hem c ertificates circle of life. Now I realize it's through Homeboy Industries. from Congress marking their all of us together." an spoke, with lots of tearsof 13 kids; her parents were triggers unhealthful eating. "It's not that they are bad; Polk is at work to find a way achievements. Before Groceryships, food and no communal tissue box loving but distant. (When she Groceryships, said Yohana cost $125 a week for her fami- in sight. took to hugging them, she it's just that you are powerless to incorporate farmers market and at her interview she became intrigued. "I got these kids, and I got to live long," she says. Langley and the children live in her childhood home, a big yellow house filled with family photographs and cozy

No one is considered an expert, though Polk and Angela Carrasco, Groceryships' program director, teach. One night, Polk surprises the room decades."



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ADVICE EeENTERTAINMENT TV TODAY • More TV listingsinside Sports

Political commentatorTavisSmileyjoins'D TV SPOTLIGHT

"Peopleknow some of me, but they don'tknow the sum of me. I think that this experience will let people see the other part of me. And not

"Dancing With the Stars" 8 p.m. Sept. 15, ABC

just the audience — I'm going to learn some things about myself."

By Emily Yahr The Washington Post

— Tavis Smiley on his toned-down camera repuation

Earlier this year, the producers of "Dancing With the

Stars" asked PBS host and political commentator Tav-

of me," he said of his toned-

it's back to Los Angeles each

is Smiley whether he would consider being a contestant on the popular reality compe-

down on-camera reputation. "I think that this experience

tition series. Almost immedi-

part of me. And not just the

week for the live show. Of course, that depends on how long Smiley sticks around — the judges' and audience's votes are combined,

will let people see the other

ately, he said no. They asked audience — I'm going to learn again. He declined again. some things about myself." Eventually, they asked once Mark Lennihan I The Associate Press What also makes this expemore. This time, Smiley, who Author and talk show host Tavis Smiley speaks at Book Expo America, rience particularly special is has been called "one the most in New York in May about his book"Death of a King: The Real Story that Smiley grew up in a very important political voices of of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr,'s Final Year," coming out this month as strict, religious household and wasn't allowed to dance or his generation," pulled out a Smiley starts his run on "Dancing With the Stars." notepad to make a pros-andlisten to music; when he was cons list. class president his junior and "To my surprise — to my on Sunday Beltway shows for the show, which o ften senior years of high school, horror — the many reasons can't don sparkly costumes to casts reality stars and nostal- he was forced to skip prom. to do this far outweighed the do the rumba on national tele- gia actors hoping to make a Although he missed out on reasons not to. I was stunned vision and compete for some- comeback. years of dance practice, he's by that," Smiley said in a thing called a "Mirror Ball Sure enough, S miley's going to be forced to catch up phone interview from Los Trophy" — right? phone was buzzing all day in a hurry. That's going to be one of Angeles on Thursday, mere Except that Smiley's doing with calls and emails — he hours after he was announced just that, already deep into re- didn't tell his family in ad- many challenges, especially as a contestant on the upcom- hearsals with his professional vance (he has nine siblings), since Smiley still has to reing 19th season. "That would dance partner, Sharna Burand he says they're some- cord his TV and radio shows. not have been the case years gess, before the season pre- where between shocked and Not to mention he's already ago." miere kicks on Sept. 15. He's ecstatic. He's also looking for- locked into a national tour this That's because Smiley was seen enough research on his ward to showing off another fall to promote his latest book, busy establishing himself as personal image to know this element of his personality to "Death of a King: The Real a brand, and a serious one: is the last thing people would fans who have known him for Story of Dr. M artin L uther PBS talk show, NPR radio expect him to do. And that's years from television and pub- King Jr.'s Final Year." Burgess host, bestselling author, com- what makes it appealinglic radio and might not know will travel with him around mentator, head of a charitable plus the fact that he wanted how much he loves things like the country so that after he's foundation. Besides, people to do one more "foolish" thing comedy, sports and music. done with his book signings, "Peopleknow some of me, they can practice dance rouwho interview top p olitical before he turns 50 this month. figures and regularly appear It's also an unusual choice but they don't know the sum tines until about 2 a.m. Then,

Man longsfor thrill he oncefelt when relationshipwasbrand new Dear Abby:I'm in desperate need of help. I have been with my girlfriend for four years. With every long-term

r e l ation-

ship, there are bound to be issues. I haven't felt loved by her in a longtLne andlthink I have fallen out of



love with her. I can't

ing spontaneity and new experiences to each other. You say you haven't felt loved by her in a long time. My advice would be to

relationship with their grandparents, aunts, undes and cousins. My boyfriend is open to the idea

talkto her aboutit. Be-

do? I love this house, but how can I

of selling the house, but I'm not sure I would want him to. What should I

cause you can't bring start a family so far from my own? — Looking Ahead in New Jersey yourself to tell her you love her, has it ocDear Looking Ahead:Before you curred to you that she

make any decisions, discuss this

even tell her that I love her anymore might feel as though she has been because I don't want to lie. emotionally abandoned byyou? When we make love, it's dull and If you want that old feeling back, boring. I want to feel the way I used you and your lady will need to reto abouther.When Iwas near her, sume communication on a meanmy hairs used to stand up, my heart ingful level. It's not always easy, but w ouldrace,my body would quiver honesty can revive a relationship and I would never want to let her go. that's wilting. How can I feel that way about her Dear Abby: I live with my longagain? time boyfriend in a house he owns. — Wants That Old Feeling We're five hours away from my Dear Wants:The problem with re- parents and siblings and the town lationships is that they can only be in which I grew up. It's a beautiful brand-new once. With the passage house with lots of land, and I can of time, to some extent the excite- imagine raising a family here. Howment fades. That's where the "work" ever, I always thought that if I had comes in. children, I'd live dose to the rest of Longtime couples must make an my family. I would want my parents effort tokeep theirrelationship fresh nearby so they could lend a hand, and exciting. This means introduc- and I want my kids to have a dose

with your parents and see if their vision of grandparenthood is similar


SCORPIO (Dct. 23-Nov.21)

DAY, SEPT. 6,2014:Thisyearyou will have an opportunity to wrap up a matter that began as far back as12 years ago. If you cannot get the issue resolved, it would be wise to let it go. Next summer, you will enter a new love and life cycle. The universe will give you what you desire, but you will need to make room for it. If you are Stars showthe kind single, use caution of dayyou'8 have with anyone you ** * * * D ynamic meet this year, as ** * * p osltlve pe o ple are likely *** Average not to be who they ** So-so appear to be. Ifyou * Difficult are attached, you both will benefit from spending weekends alone together. Remember to respect each other's differences. AQUARIUS is aneccentric yet excellent friend.

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

credit for loosening everyone up. Discuss the potential of a long-distance trip in the near future. Tonight: Where your friends

are. CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * Others wantyou to continue being on center stage. The question remains: Do you really want this? Loosen up and relax, and you will deal with people much more efficiently. Do not allow a depressed friend to slip through the cracks. Tonight: A partner calls the shots.

LEO (July23-Aug.22)

** * * Your upbeat attitude is a direct result of the intense popularity you've experienced during the past few days. You seem to do the right thing at the right ARIES (March21-April 19) ** * * You initially might feel dismayed time. You might be eyeing a purchase for a loved one. Canyou keep it a secret? by feelings that seem to be unexplained. Tonight: Go along for the ride. Don't worry — this, too, will pass. Do your best to maintain a sense of optimism VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) and excitement. Others will pick up on ** * * You will have a lot to do today. your feelings easily. You are anemotional Don't forget to schedule an appointment trendsetter. Tonight: Take iteasy. for a massage or maybe a visit to the hairdresser; you will feel much more upbeat TAURUS (April 20-May20) as a result. You might meet someone who ** * You might feel cornered andnot findsyou to be unusually radiant. Tonight: know which way to go.Youarelikely to realLet it happen. ize that impulsiveness won't serve youwell. Make decisions with care. Others count on LIBRA (Sept. 23-Dct. 22) your leadership, even in festive a situation. ** * * * Y our imagination could take Tonight: You arethe leader of the gang. you down a new path to new possibilities. The question remains: Are you ready for GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * Your leadership will energize this change? Someone will letyou know friends to join in on a fun round of volley- how much he or she cares. A conversaball. The fact that others are so respontion seems to have avery sensitive tone sive will make you feel good. Takesome right now. Tonight: A must appearance.

to your fantasy. Take into consid-

eration how close they are to your siblings and how involved they are in each other's lives. Be sure that the

kind of extended familyrelationship you envision is realistic. If everyone is on board, then you and your boyfriend should talk about what relocating will mean in terms of not only selling this house,

but also the impact it might have on your ability to earn a living. This property maybe terrific, but if it cannot offer you the lifestyle you wish for,then you would be betterserved to move.But onlyyou can decide. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069

** * Tension could be high as a result of a roommate or family member pushing to get what he or she wants. Your sense of humor might kick in and save the day. Lighten up in any case, as things will get better soon. Tonight: Invite a friend over for dinner.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * * You'll want to do more shopping. Somewhere along the way, you might pick up a present or a token of affection for a loved one. Hopefully, the person for whom the gift is intended will be flattered and delighted. Be careful, as overspending is likely. Tonight: Your treat.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * You will be more in touch with what you want. You don't want to continue as you have beenwith unnecessary spending. Eventually, you will have to pay the piper. Afamily member could act in an illogical manner. Tonight: Treat a friend to a drinkandsome munchies.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * * You seem to have the energy and wherewithal to clear out a lot of errands and even throw a spontaneous get-together. How you manage to get a special

someone toattend your impromptu happening will be interesting. Tonight: Do not push.

PISCES (Feb.19-March20) * ** Much is going on behind the scenes. You could have a difficult time expressing your thoughts to a friend or loved one. Don't worry so much —this person knows that you care, and it appears to be mutual. Let the party begin! Tonight: As you like it. © King Features Syndicate

and the contestant with the

lowest score is sent home. Smiley thinks the producers chose him for the "shock fac-

tor," since no one would expect him to be on the show. That alonecould be enough to

get him through a few weeks, as that element had a similar effect with HLN TV personal-

ity Nancy Grace in Season 13. "I must be the Nancy Grace of

this season," Smiley joked. Is Smiley worried that his p olitical guests won't t a k e

him seriously after watching him groove on primetime TV'? ("I'm used to see-

ing you Sunday morning, I didn't know you could dance," "GMA" co-host and

"This Week" anchor George Stephanopoulos said during the cast announcement on

Thursday.) Smiley isn't worried. He said, " I don't think, at t h i s point in my career, that I have to worry about that."

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. t




Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • ASABOVE/SOBELOW(R)1:45,5,7:45,l0:l0 • BOYHOOD (R) 12:45, 4:20, 8 • CHEF(R) l,6:20 • THE EXPENDABLES 3 (PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:20 • FORRESTGUMPIMAX (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6,9:15 • GHOSTBUSTERS(PG) 1:10, 3:55, 7,9:35 • THE GIVER(PG-13) 12:50, 4:30, 7:25, 9:55 • GUARDIANSOF THEGALAXY (PG-13)Noon,3,8:50, 9:45 • GUARDIANSOF THEGALAXY3-D (PG-13)12:30,3:30, 7:20, 10:15 • THEHUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY (PG)12:05,3:05,6:05, 9 • THE IDENTICAL (PG) 11:45 a.m., 2:50, 7:15, 10 • IF I STAY(PG-13) 1:20, 4:05, 7:05, 9:40 • LET'S BE COPS(R) I:30, 4:45, 7:30, I0:05 • THE NOVEMBER MAN(R) 12:20, 3:35, 6:35, 9:25 • SINCITY:A DAME TO KILLFOR (R)3:45,9:05 • TEENAGEMUTANT NINJATURTLES (PG-13)11:35a.m., 2:55,6:40,9:IO • WHENTHE GAME STANDS TALL (PG)11:50a.m.,3:20, 6:30,9:30 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •



McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 NWBond St., 541-330-8562 • HOW TOTRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2(PG)Noon • MALEFICENT(PG) 3 • The Oregon State vs. Hawaicollege i football game screens at 730 tonight (doors open at6:30p.m.). • After 7 p.m., showsare2t and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guadian.

5 p.m. onTCM, Movie: "Coal Miner's Daughter" —Sissy Spacek won arichly deserved Academy Award asbest actress in Michael Apted's1980 adaptation of country singer Loretta Lynn's autobiography, which chronicles the songbird's rise to stardom following a hardscrabble childhood.

TommyLeeJonesco-stars as her hard-drinking husband, while Beverly D'Angelo contributes a charming cameo asPatsy Cline. 8 p.m. on HALL,"Cedar Cove" — Will (Cameron Bancroft), Olivia's (Andie MacDowell) brother, ar-

rives inCedarCovebearing news that prompts Olivia to wonder whether Grace(Teryl Rothery) is being honest with herself — and Cliff (Sebastian Spence) —about her feelings. Jack (Dylan Neal) considers coming clean toOlivia about his past butalsostruggles to get Luke (JesseHutch) to open up for a newspaper profile. Bruce Boxleitner also stars in the new episode"Something WickedThis Way Comes."

8p.m.onLIFE,Movie:"The BrittanyMurphyStory"Amanda Fuller ("Last Man Standing) stars in this new TVmovie asthedazzling young comedy actress ("Clueless," "King of the Hill'") whose bubbly public persona maskeda hostofdeep-seated insecurities that led to eating disorders and other healthissues. Despite the best efforts of her supportive mother, Sharon (Sherilyn

Fenn),Murphy'sstruggles tocope

with the pressures of stardom and her own personal demonsended inher death in 2009atage 32.

8p.m.onNICK,Movie:"Sophia Grace &Rosie's RoyalAdventure" —A new whimsical fantasy, in which cousins and Internet sensations SophiaGraceBrownlee and Rosie McClelland aredispatchedby"TheEllen DeGeneres Show" to mythical Switzelvania to cover a coronation. Separated from their guardian, the girls are mistaken for cousins of the royal princesses and find themselves drawn into royal intrigue.

Bp.m.onHBO,Movie:"12 Years aSlave" —Thetrue story of Solomon Northup — a free man in theNorth whowas


in the South — is told in director Steve McQueen's superb 2013 telling of Northup's own book, with Chiwetel Ejiofor excellent in the central role. Co-star Lupita Nyong'o earnedawards for her wrenching portrayal of another slave. Ct Zap2it

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• J

Tin Pan Theater, 869 NWTin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • THE DOG (no MPAArating) 4 • THE ONEI LOVE(R) 8:30 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 SWOdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • GUARDIANSOFTHEGALAXY(PG-13) 10:45 a.m.,1:15, 3:45, 6:15, 8:45 • THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY(PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • IF I STAY(PG-13) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 • LET'S BE COPS(R) 7, 9:15 • TEENAGEMUTANT NINJATURTLES (PG-13)Noon, 2:15, 4:30

Pa/fo Wnrld 222 SE Reed Market Rd. 541-388-0022

Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • THE GIVER(PG-13) 7 • THEHUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY (PG)4,6:30 • LAND HO!(R) 4:45 • MAGIC INTHEMOONLIGHT (PG-13) 4:30, 6:45 • WHENTHE GAME STANDS TALL (PG)4:15,6:45 r$• r

Madras Cinema 5,1101SWU.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • THE EXPENDABLES 3 (PG-13) 4:20, 9:35 • THE GIVER(PG-13) 12:20, 2:30, 7:10 • THEHUNDRED-FOOTJOURNEY(PG)1:45,7 • IF I STAY(PG-13) 12:20, 2:35, 5, 7:20, 9:40 • LET'S BE COPS(R) 4:45, 9:15 • TEENAGEMUTANT NINJATURTLES (PG-13)12:05, 2:15, 4:30, 6:50, 9:05 • WHENTHE GAME STANDS TALL (PG)1:40,4:15,6:45, 9:10 Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • LUCY(R) 1, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 • MALEFICENT (Upstairs — PG) 1:10, 4, 7 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.


Find a week'sworth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's 0 GD! Magazine

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R eal E s t a t e T e c h n o l o g y f o r t h e 2 1 s t C e n t u r y What is the fastest growing, ever evolving aspect in the Real Estate industry? Without a doubt, the resounding answer from Brokers and clients alike is Technology! To stay ahead of thecurve, to be relevant to our clients, Windermere has made a pledge to lead in this arena... T he ultimate goal o f a n y B r o ker i s t o provide their client with a transaction that is as seamless and stress free as possible. By utilizing and embracing some of the amazing new technology within our industry we are able to do just that! The training component alone for the technology piece of our business is monumental as you can imagine. With that i n m i n d W i n dermere staffs a full-time technology officer who keeps in touch with latest trends and technological offerings for our Brokers and their clients.

PAPERLESS TRANSACTIONS As in many industries we strive to be ecoconscious and have wholly embraced the paperless transaction. While this took some getting used to, we find that our Brokers as well as their clients appreciate the lessening impact t o o u r e n v ironment a p a perless t ransaction provides, not t o m e ntion t h e ease of having documents signed and sent to all parties electronically! The advent of the "digital signature" and secure, "cloud based" transaction storage system literally changed the landscape of the Real Estate industry by allowing Brokers and clients alike to conduct business from wherever they may be... with the assurance that the business conducted is stored safely "in the cloud". For those clients who prefer to have a paper fi le in hand; we are absolutely happy to facilitate that as well.



I II; y

Removing the need to be physically present has opened so m an y o p p ortunities for buyers and sellers today. To get to know one another via video conferencing and in many instances even preview properties remotely via similar technology is huge! One of our Redmond agents; Cheryl Tanler (pictured above) has made p reviewing h omes i n this manner part of he r r egular business practice... this can b e e specially helpful when working with an i nvestment buyer or out of town owner. In the case of one of Cheryl's buyers, Anthony J., his initial exposure to the house was "virtual". Upon coming to town and actually previewing it in person, the buyer commented that he was "surprised at how similar the home felt in person compared to what he had seen 'virtually'." The typical investment property price range is one that doesn't stay on the market for very long; video conferencing a showing of the home will often enable a buyer to make a decision in a timely manner to avoid some of the pitfalls of a multiple offer situation. With t h i s p articular tool an agent can provide a potential buyer a highly interactive experience by v erbally and visually "walking" the buyer through the property, pointing out highlights and features of the home while being able to answer any questions the buyer may have as he "virtually" views the property!

informative and unlike any technology I've seen from any other Broker."

WEBSITE In keeping with our philosophy ofleading in the technology arena, we recently designed and built a s t ate o f t h e a rt , i n t eractive website with enhanced photographs and mapping capability that will allow consumers to search for nearby properties on their mobile devices. Through this website, our customers are alerted on an h ourly basis (or less often if desired) anytime a property comes on t h e m a rket t hat m e ets their particular search parameters. They are also able to preview as many homes as they desire on their own schedule.


BRANDED TECHNOLOGY With the Windermere branded Touch CMA; a prospective seller is able to electronically r eceive dy n a mic , int e r active li s t i n g information on all of their devices (including mobile) regardless of their physical location. This unique tool will allow a seller to view all comparable properties within their price point at anytime from anywhere! This state of the art information is a very valuable tool for a seller as they explore the "cost vs. value" decision every seller must make. A client of Windermere's Rinehart, Dempsey, Phelps (RDP) Team recently wrote that he found the Touch CM A p r o g ram "...unusually

As new construction once again becomes a prevalent part of our local marketplace, the value this type of innovative technology affords our c lientele is staggering! JML Realty Group, working alongside Conifer Construction recently had the opportunity to video conference with an investor client in Singapore on our fully interactive touch screen to r e v iew an d p h y sically r evise b lueprint drawings of a h o m e t h ey a r e building! Once the changes were agreed

upon by all parties, our technology allowed the contractor to simply send the changes off to the engineering department, thereby keeping the construction process moving along in a timely manner and bringing the investor one step closer to completing their project in Central Oregon! The list is growing daily and th e sky is the limit for t h e advances of technology w ithin t h e R e a l E s t ate i n d ustry. T h e systems Wi ndermere h a s i m p l emented are in 100% compliance with the Oregon Real Estate Agency. All t r ansaction files are digitally reviewed by our management t eam f o r con t e nt , co m p l iance a n d signatures within the time frames allowed by our governing agency. We purposed to Re-DePNe Ke ce/kece Wi t b ie t b e R e a l EstuteIedusAy and though we have taken a leading position with technology in our marketplace, we also have kept true to our core values by follow u p w i t h t h o rough PERSONAL communication and one on one interaction with our buyers and sellers. The commitment we have made to train our Brokers in t e chnology is secondary only to our commitment to t r aining and upholding Best Professional Practices within the arenas of our expertise. As owners of W indermere, Lawnae H unter an d T o n a Restine, pledge to serve our clients with cutting edge, state of the art technology and well-trained excellence. Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate operates offices in B en d an d R e dmond and are fully staffed with over 60 Brokers ready to serve the buyers and sellers of their communities. If you are thinking of buying or selling please contact us today to meet withone ofour team. Ifyou are an agentwho is looking for a career change don't hesitate to get in t ouch with Tona Restine today for a confidential meeting to discuss what could be the best move you will ever make! tona@windermere.com 541.610.5148

++ in ermere Central Oregon Real Estate







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/i iJ

®jr1dermere... Re-defining the Standard pf gxcellence in the Real Estate Industry. Tona Restine and Lawnae Hunter are so happy to welcome Joy Durham to the Windermere Redmond office! "Joy will be a wonderful addition to our team!" As co-founder of Sisters Coffee, Joy is no stranger to the rigors ofhard work and excellence in customer service. She comes with a strong background in Real Estate sales so this career change really represents a home coming of sorts. Joy brings compassion, kindness and calm to every situation. If you are looking for a Broker who will come alongside and help you discover your "next step," call or email Joy today! Joy Durham • 541-977-4801 • ldurham@windermere.com

that I am in the right place at the right time!" - Joy Durham

• • I'

I' I





' •

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Commercial/lnvestment Properties for Sale

Open Houses

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

OPEN 17892 Kodiak Lane, 16611 Ascha Ct. Cute 310 Willis Lane, • j 12:30 - 4:30 Large custom home and cozy home in a incredible NW style i D owntown Of fic e cul-de-sac backing big Sat. & Sun. on 1+ acres, backing estate on almost 90 Building - 1456 sq ft Forum Drive acres. Ad ¹1362 private wildlife. park. Ad ¹1182 r emodeled off i c e. 2839 NE d/2 Ad ¹2042 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn 7000 sq ft commer- 3 bdrm, 2 bath, large master suite, great TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty High Desert Realty cial zoned lot. Excel541-312-9449 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty e • • • • lent parkway expo- room, loft, family area, 713 Lovely home 541-312-9449 www.BendOregon www.BendOregon sure. 4 park i ng $249,700. www.BendOregon RealEstate.com RealEstate.com Real Estate Wantedi spaces inc l uding RENTALS Call Steve O RealEstate.com h andicap spa c e. 603 - Rental Alternatives 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 2456 • WE BUY HOMES• 541-550-0333 $435,000. sq.ft. with 14.66 acre Spectacular 1620 sq. ft. 604 - Storage Rentals 4212 NW Sawyer Ct., Any conditionMLS¹201404318 gorgeous Deschutes and 13.2 acre COI ir- newer home on 1 acre 605 - Roommate Wanted Close in 7 days. Call Larry Jacobs, Scott L. Williams Real River and River Can- rigation, bonus room with 1632 sq. ft. 3-bay 616- Want To Rent 541-480-2329 with separate entry, garage/shop with own yon views. AD¹1222 Estate - 800-545-6431 Duke Warner Realty 627- VacationRentals & Exchanges solar design generbath and kitchenette. TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-382-8262 630- Rooms for Rent ates 20 % e l ectric. $199,900 MLS High Desert Realty 631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent • MLS 2014 0 3830 ¹201407601 N e w Listings 54'I -312-9449 Fully Rented, LongOpen House Saturday Call Nancy Popp, 632 - Apt./Multiplex General $488,888. Call Pam www.BendOregon Term Leases - Great 113 Lester, Principal BroPrincipal Broker 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 9.76 Acres [ $67,500 RealEstate.com income p r o ducing 1615 SW Sarasoda Ct ker Century 21 Gold 541-815-8000 • 200 sq.ft. outbuilding 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend property. 2 buildings, $255,900 Realty, Inc. Crooked River Realty • 550 gallon fuel tank 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend main b u ilding i s Beautiful home situated Bring Your horses! 3 Country • Circular pen 19,429 sq ft with very on quiet cul-de- sac in bdrm, 2 bath, 1635 541-504-1338 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend • MLS 201407088 large parking lot. Sec- SW Redmond, Extra sq. ft. home with in$595,000• Sisters Price Reduced! 2545 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond credible mo u n tain• End ond building is 6420 l arge kitchen, g a s of the road privacy SW 43rd. Luxurious 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished views, 9.74 acres with sq ft. Great location. fireplace with s late •Open kitchen, dining home with stunning 648- Houses for Rent General 6 acres of COI irriga$1,500,000. surround, den/office, tion, 2 2x48 s h o p, area and deck views. Ad ¹2102 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend Call Candy Yow at master suite is very 24x24 garage, h ot •Large barn/shop TEAM Birtola Garmyn 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 54'I -410-3193. • Horse property, 2 mi. large with oversized tub, MLS ¹201404593 High Desert Realty 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend MLS201304214. walk in closet. to Sisters airport 541-312-9449 $329,999. Call Pam Bill Duke Warner Realty 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend Kammerer, Broker ¹201407949 www.BendOregon Lester, Principal Bro541-382-8262 REAL ESTATE Hosted By: LeAnne 541-410-1200 RealEstate.com 658- Houses for Rent Redmond ker Century 21 Gold ddp ~ Guinn, Broker Windermere 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver Country Realty, Inc. John L. Scott Real Central Oregon Just too many 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine Near Old Mill District ( 541-504-1338 $229,000 Estate 541-788-1308 Real Estate $259,000 collectibles? 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville Eagle Crest Chalet • 1412 sq.ft. 2002 NW Perspecitve 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 21920 Obsidian Ave. •Fully Furnished • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Dr. Frank Loyd Wright Sell them in Bend 30+ acre •On Ridge Course 663 - Houses for Rent Madras • Landscaped, brick painspired design. paradise with large •3 Bdrm, 2 bath 664- Houses for Rent Furnished The Bulletin Classifieds tio Awbrey Butte home. Cascade views. oTurn Key ready 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent • MLS 201408137 Ad ¹2132 Ad ¹1552. Bea Leach, Broker 675 - RV Parking TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-385-5809 541-788-2274 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space Open House Saturday High Desert Realty High Desert Realty Windermere 11-3 541-312-9449 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage 541-312-9449 Central Oregon New Listing, .88 acre 1655 SW Sarasoda Ct www.BendOregon 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease www.BendOregon Real Estate commercially zoned $259,900 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent p roperty with t w o Custom home in SW s tick-built home s REAL ESTATE Extra large rented at $575 and Redmond. 705 - Real Estate Services kitchen w/SS AppliREAL ESTATE $850. You also get an gas fireplace in 713- Real Estate Wanted ddp ~ additional tax lot in the ances, family room, Ig bonus 719 - Real Estate Trades deal. This location is room on 2nd level. NE Bend ( $322,900 726 - Timeshares for Sale off of the Madras Hwy Fully fenced large • 2584 sq.ft. in Prineville, and there yard. ¹ 201406760 • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath 730 - New Listings have been some new Hosted By : Le A nne • Island kitchen, alder 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale b usinesses i n th e Guinn, Broker cabinets 738 - Multiplexes for Sale area. Asking John L. Scott Real • MLS 201408198 740 -Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Sale $ 210,000. Agen t Estate 541-788-1308 Corey Charon PE, owned property. 744 - Open Houses Heather Hockett, BroOpen Saf. 1-4 p.m. 745 - Homes for Sale ker, 54 1 - 420-9151 and Sun. 3-8 p.m. 746- Northwest Bend Homes C entury 2 1 Gol d 1550 SW 25th St., 747- Southwest Bend Homes Country Realty. in Redmond. 748 - Northeast Bend Homes Roomy 2480 sq ft singlePerfect for owner user level home on 1/2 acre 749 - Southeast Bend Homes total of 4 condo infeatures 3 large bdrms 750 - Redmond Homes REAL ESTATE dustrial units. Each is & 2-1/2 baths. Open ddp ~ 753 - Sisters Homes approx. 2250 sq.ft. floorplan offers living, 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes with 12x11 office and family & bonus rooms NW Redmond ( 12x12 overhead door. + 2 fireplaces. Large 756- Jefferson County Homes $284,900 • 1716 sq.ft. Can be sold sepa- fenced back yard. Re757 - Crook County Homes • 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath rately. Easy access to duced to $ 2 54,000. 762 - Homes with Acreage • 1.18 acres, 3 bay shop t he a i r port, f a i r - MLS¹201407254. 763- Recreational Homes and Property • MLS 201406530 rounds and Hwy 97. Alex Robertson, Broker, John L. Scott Real 764 - Farms and Ranches Mark Valceschini PC, 499,000. MLS 541-280-2117 201309345 771 - Lots Call Carolyn Emick at 773 - Acreages Toylrnhomes at 541-419-0717 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes I/I/idgi Creek Duke Warner Realty Sat. 8 Sun. 1-4 PM 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 541-382-8262

ppo o

Homes for Sale 9730 SW Willard Rd. Old stage stop and a touch of the old west. Ad ¹1432 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www.BendOregon RealEstate.com 3156 NE Angela Ave. Beautiful home with views of Pilot Butte. AD¹1342 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon RealEstate.com 15016 Fall Rrver Dr., Spectacular Fall River Home. Ad ¹1662 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449

www.BendOregon RealEstate.com 60360 Sunset View Dr. Custom single level home in Sunset View Estates. Ad ¹2032. TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449

www.BendOregon RealEstate.com 19577 Pond Meadow Ct. Gorgeous home located in River Rim. Ad ¹1142 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449

www.BendOregon RealEstate.com






AptJMultiplex NE Bend


Multiplexes for Sale

60552 Elkai Woods Dr. 3 Bdrm, 3 bath + Office & Bonus, Overlooks 14th Fairway, Reduced to $453,000

ddp ~ Call for Specials! Convenient Limited numbers avail. Ridge At Eagle Crest ( Duplex! location. NE B end 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. $369,900 level, 3 bdrm, 2 60462 Elkai Woods Dr. W/D hookups, patios • 2138 sq.ft. single level single bath, /2 bdrm, 2 bath. 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, 2400 or decks. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Fenced Yard and 2 sq.ft. New Kitchen NOUNTAIN GLEN, • .59 acre on golf car tandem garages. 5dff-383-9313 course Appliances. On Golf $ 309,900. Kell i e Professionally • MLS 201406777 Course, $485,000 Broker Cook, 605 managed by Norris & 541-408-0463 Stevens, Inc. 60504 Seventh Mt. Dr. Roommate Wanted John L. Scott t tL M , 0 2 Bdrm, 2.5 Bath 1703 Real Estate, Bend sq.ft. Single story, Single male wants to johnlscott.com/51631 Dbl. Garage. share a large 3 bdrm 2 PUBLISHER'S Final Reduction bath mfd. home, RoNOTICE 740 $309,000 MORRIS maine Village. Dbl ga- All real estate adverCondo/Townhomes rage. Furnished, inter- tising in this newspaREAL ESTATE Mara Stein, for Sale net, TV . N o u t i lity per is subject to the Principal Broker, charges. $550 mo., 6 F air H ousing A c t 541-420-3400 mo. Iease min. Dam- which makes it illegal Creekside Townhome age deposit of 1 month to a d vertise "any Commercial/Investment Eagle Crest, 3 bdrm, Pamir Properties, Inc. rent req. Criminal back- preference, limitation 2d/~ bath, 1871 sq. ft., • Properties for Sale • 745 round & credit check. or great room floor plan. disc r imination mall d o g po s s ., based on race, color, Homes for Sale main level master. HWY 15 yr fixed = 3.375% APR- 3.668% P&l pmt= $1984.53 smoking outside only, religion, sex, handi- 51450 MLS 2014 0 4647 Renon-drinker. Call cap, familial status, 97$114,900. Custom home. O u t$252,900. Lynn Johns model for your high1-509-294-1736 Bro k e r, standing CASCADE 30 yr fixed = 4.250% APR- 4.426% P&I pmt= $1377.43 marital status or na- way business. High Principal VIEW! 1878 sq. ft. 3/2 tional origin, or an in- Lakes Realty & Prop- 5 41-408-2944, W e s + bonus room (not inJ ohns, Broker 5 4 1 tention to make any erty Man a gement 408-2945, Central Or- c luded in s q . f t . ) 632 Jumbo 30 yr = 4.375% APR- 4.583% P&l pmt= $3195.43 pre f erence, 541-536-0117 Apt./Multiplex General such cherry cabi nets, egon Resort Realty limitation or discrimi- Attractive Commercial Purchaseprice $350,000,20% down, Loanamount $280,000,30 yearfixed. hardwood 8 sl a t e, nation." Familial staCHECKYOUR AD - This 1320 Fairway Vista t o wn- Oversized g a rage, Jumbo purchaseprice /value $800,000 — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. tus includes children Building sq f t com mercial home in Eagle Crest adjacent t o p u b lic Offer valid as of 06/13/2013, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. OnApproved Credit. under the age of 18 in downtown with garage. 10th tee land. $279,900 MLS living with parents or property Call legal cus t odians, Tumalo is perfect for box resort c ourse, 201402871 sq. ft., dbl. ga- Nancy Popp, pregnant women, and your future business. 1447 t ' I rage, golf course and 54'I -815-8000 f• I ' I ' I' I f df ' people securing cus- $299,000. mtn. views. 3 bdrm, Crooked River Realty Terry Skjersaa, on the first day it runs tody of children under Call541-383-1426 2bath. $280,000. MLS to make sure it is cor- 18. This newspaper 8356 SW Pumice Ct. •f MLS¹201406549 201307174 rect. "Spellchecko and will not knowingly ac- Duke Ready to move in. 3 Warner Realty Lynn Johns, Principal cept any advertising human errors do oc541-382-8262 Broker, 541-408-2944 Bdrm, 2 bath home cur. If this happens to for real estate which is Johns, Broker 541 on 1 acre in CRR. your ad, please con- in violation of the law. C ommercial Lots I n Wes Large garage/shop. n 408-2945 Central Ortact us ASAP so that O ur r e aders a r e Crooked River Ranch: Located on a cul-deo dd. re never alone ddp/den ddpe rv. doindj your E a n egon Resort Realty hereby informed that Great opportunity to corrections and any sac which provides adjustments can be all dwellings adver- start a business or Townhome o n $ 1 3 2,000. the privacy. tised in this newspa- relocate an existing Creek in Eagle Crest. made to your ad. MLS ¹201404446. 541 -385-5809 per are available on business. Near resJuniper Realty, 3 b drm, 2d/2 bath, TheBulletin Classified an equal opportunity taurants, hotel a nd 541-504-5393 471 sq. f t. , m a i n basis. To complain of golf course. Owner 1 MORTGAGE CORPORATION level master, backs to 2074 NE Hollow Tree d iscrimination cal l terms avail. Business and w alking Senior ApartmentLane. Quality, views, HUD t o l l-free a t Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 Creek upgrade and space, all in town Independent Living 1-800-877-0246. The acres, $25,000. Lot 50 path. Luxury Casey NML5189449 jennifer NMLS 288550 $ 2 54,900 ALL-INCLUSIVE Ad ¹1312 toll free t e lephone - 1.30 acres 8 Lot 51- package. MLS¹201400034 with 3 meals daily TEAM Birtola Garmyn number for the hear- 1.23 acres, still avail- Lynn CORPORLI C f ML2421 CORPNMLS¹3113 Johns, Principal Month-to-month lease, High Desert Realty ing i m paired is able at $35,000 each Broker, 541-408-2944 check it out! 541-312-9449 1-800-927-9275. or purchase both for Central Oregon Call 541-318-0450 www. BendOregon $60,000. Juniper ReResort Realty RealEstate.com alty 541-504-5393


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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Ho m es for Sale•




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

2603 SW MissionRd. 16707 Old Military Dr., 10768 SW Shad Rd., $119,950 1382 sq. ft. New con$162,500 Cute farmhouse on 80 custom built, Terrebonne - Lovely 3 1.49 Ac Homesite s truction. Uni q u e Single level acres w/gorgeous spectacular views, bedroom, 2 bath 1782 • 3bed 8 2 bath quality built custom • 2 bed views. AD¹1022 complete privacy. sq ft home with extra • Private master bed home with great floor • 2 bath TEAM Birtola Garmyn Ad ¹1032 windows for that spe- • Wrap around decks plan in desirable NW •55+ community High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn cial view of Cascade • Large kitchen & din- Bend area. This lovely • New paint in & out 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty Mountains, canyons ing area cottage style home • Great view www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 and wildlife. Corner lot • Turnaround driveways features an appealing • MLS¹ 201402902 RealEstate.com www. BendOregon and paved road. Pro- Dave Disney, Broker, open great room floor Lisa Hart, Broker RealEstate.com 541-41 0-8557 plan w it h va u lted 541-788-2278 pane stove 8 heat pump, 50-gallon waWindermere ceilings, SS a p pliWindermere 53784 Bridge Dr. ter heater, skylights, Central Oregon ances, granite slab Central Oregon Single level home right 20250 Birdsong Lane. One-of-a-kind Tuelectric air c leaner, Real Estate and tile countertops, Real Estate on the river. Ad ¹1252 malo home on 5 acres fenced ba c kyard, extremely high effiTEAM Birtola Garmyn and views. Ad ¹1602 2-car garage. ciency ductless elec$162,900 High Desert Realty Get your TEAM Birtola Garmyn tric heating/air condiEagle Crest 541-312-9449 $199,000. High Desert Realty business www.BendOregon MLS¹201406671 tioning system, wide • Street lined with cus541-312-9449 Karin Powers, Broker, plank laminate wood tom homes RealEstate.com www. BendOregon 541-410-0234 flooring. Home could • Full mountain view RealEstate.com eROWI N G Century 21 Gold be customized for • Come build your home 2046 NW Perspective Country Realty handicap accessibility. 8 enjoy Eagle Crest Dr. Looking for qual- 52687 Day Rd. Classic ¹201405345 $224,500 Resort with an ad in ity, views and locafull scribe custom log 10910 SW Peninsula Jodi Clark, Principal Bea Leach, Broker, tion, this is the The Bulletin's home on 5 acres. Broker, 541-771-8731 541-788-2274 Dr, T errebonne PLACE! Ad ¹1172 AD¹1092 "Call A Service Windermere Panoramic views of Century 21 Gold CounTEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn try Realty Central Oregon the Cascade Mtns Professional" High Desert Realty High Desert Realty Real Estate from this p e aceful 541-312-9449 Directory 541-312-9449 home on 5.34 acres, www. BendOregon $1,400,000 I www. BendOregon 173 Highland Meadow located within minRealEstate.com RealEstate.com ¹201309248 2897 Horizon Drive Lp. Eagle Crest Reutes of the Deschutes $129,900. • Built by Award win2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 1368 sort. 2321 sq. f t.,3 Canyon and Crooked sq ft, this creekside ning R.D. Building & 714 NW Ogden Ave. bdrm, 2'/~ bath, office River Gra s sland. property has so many Design Call a Pro NW Downtown Bend and formal d ining. Plenty of room for cottage and garage. • Mountain views 8 exWhether you need a options as either a Great room plan. All horses & riding! Qual- great investor prop- pansive finishes Ad ¹2022 fence fixed, hedges i ty built 2675 sq f t premium fi n ishes. TEAM Birtola Garmyn throughout erty or perfect comMLS¹ 201 300723 home features 3 BD, mercial location for a • 4731 SF, 2 master trimmed or a house High Desert Realty $410,713. Lynn Johns, 3 BA, spacious 550 variety of uses - or as suites, 2 bed 8 3.5 541-312-9449 built, you'll find Principal Bro k e r, SF game/pool room. a comfortable and bath www. BendOregon 541-408-2944, Wes professional help in 3-car g a rage/shop, well-maintained home • Wine, gym, theater, RealEstate.com J ohns, Broker 541 huge master b edThe Bulletin's "Call a close to all the down- family 8 great rooms 408-2945, Central Orroom, bathroom & • Designer kitchen with Single Story H o me, Service Professional" town c onveniences. egon Resort Realty closet, extra large liv- Open living and din- Viking appliance 2383 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, Directory ing room, breakfast ing areas, hardwood package 2.5 bath, triple car $1,890,000 I nook, formal dining floors, RV p a rkingJake Moorhead, Broker 541 -385-5809 garage..67 acre park r oom. Gour m et with hookup and natu61415 Gosney Road 541-480-6790 like setting in Awbrey bed, 5 bath 8 5409 Butte, updated and 1 5828 Sixth St., L a kitchen w/abundance ral gas. Extensively John Taylor, Broker • 5 SF cabinets 8 walk-in remodeled in the '90s. 541-480-0448 mountain views. Pine, $99,000. Fully of • 4 en suites with pri Windermere $659,000. MLS¹ fenced. 30x48 shop 8 pantry. Unique laun- Easy access to Mavate balconies Central Oregon 201406912 Pam home. High L a kes dry/bathoom/muddras Hwy/Hwy 126. • 30 acres & 10 irrigated at entrance from Lester, Princ. Broker, Realty & Real Estate Pr o perty room Clark, Principal • Sweeping Cascade g arage. 3-f t w i d e Dennis C entury 2 1 Gol d Management Broker, 541-771-8730 Mountain views h allways & do o r s Century 21 Country Realty, Inc. 541-536-01 1 7 t hroughout ho m e . Gold Country Realty 141804 Heather Lane, • Beautifully remodeled 541-504-1338 Crescent Lake. This 1 inside & out Wrap around decks & 3166 NE Elizabeth Ct. bedroom, 1 bath cabin Cleme Rinehart, walkways at $129,900 Beautiful home in NE wooden Smith Rock Views! This is set on one acre 541-480-21 00 the back of house. Fab Floor Plan Bend w/enormous home is on a quiet backing up to BLM Patty Dempset, $460,000. MLS • 3 bed yard. Ad ¹2162 dead-end co u ntry land. 18x27 deck with 541-480-5432 ¹201404100. • 3 full bath road. Spacious 2700 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Karin Powers, Broker, • 1576 SF built-in bench. Don't Andrea Phelps, High Desert Realty sq. ft. home boasts 3 be fooled by the tiny 541-408-4770 541-410-0234 • Maintenance free 541-312-9449 bedrooms, 2 baths, Century 21 Gold size. A sep a rate Windermere • Great community www. BendOregon huge country kitchen, heated guest house Central Oregon Country Realty • MLS¹ 201405298 RealEstate.com dining area, large util (1Sx24) sits off to your Real Estate Lisa Hart, Broker ity room and a base right. Plenty of room 541-788-2278 ment which i s i n Price Reduced! 65440 Find exactly what for everyone. The 28 190 Acre Horse PropWindermere Tweed Rd., Bend. you are looking for in the cluded in the sq. ft. x40 RV garage with erty - Less than 1 mile Central Oregon Immaculate 20 acre and also has an extra s hop also ha s a from city limits. 2160 CLASSIFIEDS Real Estate estate w/Cascade area upstairs and all heated storage room. sq ft 2 bedroom, 2 views and guestbedrooms are on the 13439 SW Chipmunk Another great space bath home. Several house. Ad ¹1102 main l e v el . The 11869 Chi n quapin, Rd, Terrebonne. Very for guests or perish- outbuildings including double car garage is TEAM Birtola Garmyn Crescent Lake. well kept 3 BD, 2 BA ables. Plenty of room barn wit h o u tdoor High Desert Realty TURN-KEY large and this prop v a c ation home on 5.25+ acres. for all the winter 8 arena. 3 tax lots, 120 541-312-9449 erty is 1.06 acres with cabin. Tucked away in Home sits back from s ummer toys. R V acres in the Urban 1 a c r e ir r igation, www. BendOregon the trees on 1 acre road for privacy and parking with electric & Reserve. $495,000. RealEstate.com fenced and ready for bordering BLM land.. offers outstanding mtn water. $189,500 MLS Call Kris Warner at horses. $5,000 allow Blue buggy pine walls, views. Large kitchen 201407374 Call 541-480-5365 14266 Whitewater ance w/acceptable of c eilings an d d o o r w/walk-in pantry, large Linda (541 ) 815-0606 MLS¹201206667 Lane, northwest fer. $269,900. 12333 frames. Every room master suite, family Cascade Realty Duke Warner Realty riverfront NW 10th St., Terreb Deschutes has a unique finish. room w/fireplace and 541-382-8262 home. Ad ¹1592 onne. Interior features: 2 large covered porch. Birtola Garmyn $148,500 Call Heather Hockett, TEAM b edroom, 1 bat h , Fenced yard, deer191 Highland Meadow High Desert Realty PC, Broker, Century open floor plan, large fenced garden area, • Tree Wonderful! Lp., Eagle Crest Re541-312-9449 lined 6.16 AC 21 Gold Country Re windows, wood stove plenty of space for parcel sort, 2321 sq. ft., 3 www. BendOregon alty, 541-420-9151 & laundry area. Exte your horses! $225,000 • Garage 8 shop bdrms, 2~/~ baths, ofRealEstate.com rior: covered deck, MLS¹201403719 fice and formal dining. • Crooked River Ranch 2809 SW 25th St. fully equipped shed Karin Powers, Broker, Great room plan. All 62565 Dixon Lp. Goramenities Single level charmer 541-410-0234 sn o wmobiles, premium fin i shes. geous small acreage, with • Near Smith Rock & with RV area. outside accent lights Century 21 Gold $397,097. Lynn minutes from town. rivers AD¹1352 and a large detached Country Realty Johns, Principal BroAD¹1582 Clair Sagiv, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn double car garage. ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, 541-390-2328 High Desert Realty Check out the $145,000 MLS¹ Wes Johns, Broker High Desert Realty Windermere 541-312-9449 201407152 Call classifieds online 541-312-9449 541 408-2945. CenCentral Oregon www. BendOregon Linda (541) 815-0606 www.bendbulletin.com tral Oregon Resort www. BendOregon Real Estate RealEstate.com Cascade Realty Realty RealEstate.com Updated daily

NorthWest Crossing 2433 NW Droulllard Ava • The Commons model home • 1 & 2 BR cluster cottages • Energy-efficient construction • Landscaped commonarea • Homes priced from $339,900 DIRECTIONS:West on Skyliners Rd., right on I'

MW I mhi Pass Dr., righton NWDrauilardAve.


All Around Bend 1905 NW Monterey Mews • Condominium cottage • Loft study area • Near Newport Ave. • No yard, exterior upkeep • Priced at$349,900


DIRECTIONS: West on Newport Ave./Shevlin Park Rd., right on NW Pence Ln, left on NW Monterey Pines, right on NW Monterey


20600 Cougar Peak Dr. • Vaulted great room with fireplace • Island kitchen with corner pantry • Private master suite • Roomy master bath • Priced at$299,900 DIRECTIONS: South on Brosterhous Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln., left on RubyPeak Ln., left on CougarPeakDr.

20787 HOlliS LlL

• Priced at$294,900 DIRECTIONS: From Parkway, east on ReedMarketRd.,continueon eastbound construction detour, right on SE 15th St., right on SEHollis Ln.

• 820

®h 3


• Large family home • Bonus room upstairs • Open great room plan • Three-car garage

20025 Millcnst Pl. • Distressed maplefloors • High vaulted great room • Master on mainlevel • Quick access to Old Mil • Priced at$383,000 DIRECTIONS: From SWReed Market roundabout, south on SW Brool"wood Blvd.,

right on SWMcclellan Rd., left on SWSunny Breeze Ln., right on SW Milcrest Pl.


61163 Halley St. • large patio, fencedyard • Island kitchen • Corner fireplace • Close to OldMil • priced at$345,900 DIRECTIONS: South on Broot"wood Blvd.,

right on LodgepoleDr., left on GalileoAve., home straight ahead.


21342 PuNn Dr.

kj'iI '

• New paint in and out • Stainless appliances • New furnace in 2012 • Inviting fenced backyard

• Priced at$239+00 DIRECTIONS: From NE27th st., east on Yellow RibbonDr., left on Hawkview Rd.,

right on Puffin Dr.

631 78 Riverstone Dr. • Cuslom home near river • Warm, rich finishes • White oak flooring • Tuscan wine cellar • Priced at$595,tt00 DIRECTIONR From Parkway, west on Empire Ave. (southboundvia Business97), north on O.B. Riley Rd., left on Riverstone Dr.

19571 Blue lake Ep. • In the Woods at BrokenTop • Bright interior, large windows • 2 of 3 bedroomsensuite • Deck faces mountain view • Priced at$597~0 QIRECTIONS: From sw century Dr. southbound, righton Mt.WashingtonDr.,left on Metolius Dr., left on Devil's Lake Dr., right on Blue LakeLp.

o c


2230 MW Torrey Plnes Dr. •WestSide convenience • Refinished hardwood floors • large outdoor living areas • Backs to forest, trails • Priced at$415~

280 8 •




T thing NINg sale! EV6 ~ 1 wn mpwers, GARgGE CLEA ' ag 'ne. Bikes, a . b@,~g ypQ Can imagi> Our life, 8 BDt S>my 4 SPO 5

muSt gD! S

DIRECTIONR West on NWNewport Ave., continue on 5WShevlin Park Rd., right sn NWTorrey PinesDr.

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tteattor of the Yesr I





Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale •




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

$359,000 3 bedroom, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2429 $449,900 5950 SW Fawn Drive, 5 Acres w/shop, well 60552 Elkai Woods Dr. 905 sq. ft. and new Watercress Way Craftsman Style 2i/~ bath, 2492 sq. ft. sq. f t . Li v e in Crestridge Estates Terrebonne - Beauti- and septic installed 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, exconstruction. Unique • Custom built home on • 3 bed & 2.5 bath R are 2 . 5 8 acr e Redmond's f a vorite • 5 AC 8 open living ful home on corner lot C ascade mt n a n d quisite oak floors pri• 2520 SF r anchette with 1 . 5 neighborhood, Can- • Vaulted ceilings w /Cascades v i e w , Smith Rock v iews. vate, deck, overlookquality built custom 0.18 acre lot • Large bonus room home with great floor • Well maintained acres irri g ation; yon Rim Village. This • 3-car garage, shop & close t o Cr o oked 1 200 s q .ft . sh o p ing g o l f co u rse. plan in desirable NW • Upgrades • Formal dining area fenced and c r o ss desirable home storage River Ranch entrance. w/13x13 RV d o ors $475,000. • Landscaped & fenced • Master on main level • Landscaped & deck Bend area. This lovely fenced with irrigation boasts an awesome Enormous 50x50 fin- and 400 amp service. Mara Stein, Principal cottage style home Clair Sagiv, Broker Shannon Hall, Broker ished pole barn in- in Re d mond/Teth- Broker, 541-420-3400 pond, 36x36 s hop floor plan, including • 3 bed & 2.5 bath 541-390-2328 541-788-9027 features an appealing with 3 bays and 12' . the master suite on • MLS¹ 201405015 cludes 50x17 RV area erow Cros s ing. Pamir Properties, Inc. w/1 4' door; 35x17 $214,000. open great room plan Windermere Windermere door, 12x26 lean-to. the main floor and Mike Wilson, Broker MLS 541-977-7777 with vaulted ceilings, Central Oregon Central Oregon The farmhouse was extensive upgrades shop; 30x1 7 equip- ¹ 201405423. Cal l 60691 Golf Village Lp. SS appliances, granReal Estate Real Estate ENTIRELY r e mod- throughout. Slate tile, Windermere ment area; hay stor- Pam Lester, Principal 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, 3281 sq.ft., master s uite ite slab and tile couneled in 2007 and has hardwood floors, cofCentral Oregon age; tack room, plus! Broker, Century 21 Call The Bulletin At $249,900 tertops, ex t remely many upgrades and fered ceilings, gas Real Estate Gourmet kitchen with Gold Country Realty, with fireplace a nd 54t -385-5809 Acres & Privacy gym, vaulted ceilings, high efficiency ductamenities. Main floor fireplace, h i g h-end propane Viking range Inc. 541-504-1338 maple inlaid f l oor, less electric heating/ • 2124 SF h ome on Place Your Ad Or E-Mail master, separate liv- window t reatments, and hood, Brazilian air conditioning sys- 4.89 AC At: www.bendbulletin.com ing and family rooms, extensive landscap- Want to impress the cherry floors. 2 mas- 60462 Elkai Woods Dr. magnificent rock wall relatives? Remodel tem, wide plank lami- •• 3 bed & 2 bath lots of storage, new ing. The attention to ter bedrooms w/deck 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, build- fireplace, s p acious Family room, sun 2 Master Suites, 1 up/1 exterior decking, large detail shines inside light kitchen, central ers own bamboo nate wood flooring. access. 2 bathrooms, your home with the down, 4 BR, 3.5 BA, room, dining area i sland eating b a r , floors, lots of extras. mud/laundry r o o m, and out. ¹201306626 help of a professional office/den. Attached (350 sq. ft. of addi- • 30X48 heated shop 2369 SF, hardwood seating for 6. Tile roof $485,000. tional storage space) white vinyl fencing. $297,000 Jodi Clark, 24x36 finished gafloors, from The Bulletin's granite ¹201404392 paver driveway, triple Mara Stein, Home could be cus- • 24X36 barn Principal Bro k e r, rage with 110/220v. RV parking, Jodi Clark, P rincipal 541-771-8731 "Call A Service garage with plenty of Principal Broker, tomized for handicap Barbara Myers, Broker counters, $359,000 MLS¹ fenced & landscaped. 541-480-7183 storage, decks look541-420-3400 Pamir accessibility. Broker, 541-771-8731 Century 21 Gold Coun- Professional" Directory 201402330 Pick y ou r c o l ors! Windermere ing out over 11th tee Properties, Inc. Jodi Clark, Principal Century 21 Gold Coun- try Realty Karin Powers, Broker, $279,000. Central Oregon and l ake. P r ivate Broker, 541-771-8731 try Realty 541-410-0234 MLS¹201406397 Call $425,000 Real Estate $495,000 60504 Seventh Mt fenced paved patio. Century 21 Century 21 Gold Pam Lester, Principal 6 Bed & 3.5 Bath Tumalo Acreage Drive. 2 Bdrm, 2.5 Golf membership in360' M t n and Smith Gold Country Realty Country Realty $249,900 Broker, Century 21 • Northwest Bend • Builders home, great bath, slate and tile, cluded. $797,500. Rock views, p a ve So much to off er 20 Acres for $180,000 Gold Country Realty, road, 4.92 acres in • Master with private room style & mtn end unit, Mara Stein, Principal Inc. 541-504-1 338 East side of Bend. Big • 2124 SF home on views What are you extra yard. $309,000. Broker, 541-420-3400 Tetherow C rossing, deck & hot tub 4.89 AC mountain views and • Landscaping 8 4 Pamir Properties, Inc. Mara Stein, 2 N e we r W e s tside septic fees approved. • 2450 SF & 3-car galooking for? • Shop, barn, hay shed wilderness area out acres of irrigation Principal Broker, Homes on One LotMLS ¹ 20 1 4 04802. rage & wash rack • Large lot • Half mile to Desyour back door. PosYou'll find it in 541-420-3400 Pamir Spacious floor plans, $189,999. Call Pam Garage Sales sible terms. Call Kit • Family room chutes River Properties, Inc. private yards, located Lester, Principal Bro- Dave Disney, Broker The Bulletin Classifieds Korish, 541-480-2335 • Mtn views, 10 min. 541-410-8557 Bill Kammerer, Broker close to d o wntown ker, Century 21 Gold Garage Sales from Terrebonne MLS¹201304808 Windermere 541-410-1200 60523 Seventh Mt all that Newport Country Realty, Inc. Barbara Myers, Broker and Duke Warner Realty Central Oregon Windermere Drive. 10% equity Ave. has t o o ff er. 541-504-1338 Garage Sales 5641-480-7183 541-385-5809 541-382-8262 Real Estate Central Oregon shares, 3 bdrm, 3 Don't miss this opWindermere Real Estate bath. $58,500. portunity! $235,000. Find them $214,000 $429,000 2 b drm, 3 Central Oregon Say "goodbuy" Mara Stein, 59+ Acres Fenced Call Aubre Cheshire at Gardenside b ath, 3011 s q . f t . Real Estate in Irrigation, adjacent to Principal Broker, 541-598-4583 or $529,900 to that unused • 3 bed, 2.5 bath & Beautiful, l u x urious 541-420-3400 Pamir Best Views o vernment lan d . Brook Criazzo, The Bulletin 1290 SF home with extensive $260,000 item by placing it in Properties, Inc. 541-550-8408. pen concept living • Open floor plan SW Canyon Dr. rock exterior, large • Spectacular views Classifieds with 3 bed r ooms, MLS¹201407527 The Bulletin Classifieds waterfall in front yard • 3400+ SF • Gas fireplace • 3 bed, 2 bath & 1944 bright 8 beautiden/office, 2.5 baths, 6 0535 D i amond T 541-385-5809 Duke Warner Realty • Granite countertops SF with 3 ponds. Slate • Light, ful & sun room, plus nice Road. 3 B drm, 3 .5 541-382-8262 • Art Deco backsplash • Expansive outdoor liventry, cathedral ceil- • Low 541-385-5809 bedroom apartment. bath, 3442 sq.ft., 10 • Close to park ing deck ings. Walnut flooring, AC maintenance 6.76 2 Good classified ads tell 4 8x60 hay barn + acre parcel. Gourmet 60763 Golf Village Lp. Debbie Tallman, • Almost? AC lot hickory cabinets. Exthe essential facts in an w/w a lk-in Best Lot. 4 acres horse barn w/7 stalls, kitchen Gated & private Broker 541-390-0934 • Near canyon trail Large Home posed pillars, arched • Bill interesting Manner. Write •$375,000 Kammerer, Broker 10 pens, triple garage, pantry, prep s i nk, with pond. $189,500. Windermere Diana Barker, Broker 2 master bedrooms walkways, d o u bleMara Stein, from the readers view - not • 2940 SF 541-410-1200 3 RV hoo k -ups. wine chiller and eatCentral Oregon 541-480-7777 sided see thru firePrincipal Broker, ing bar, and heated the seller's. Convert the • Almost one acre Windermere $889,000. Real Estate Windermere place. Beautiful mtn. 541-420-3400 Pamir floors. Master suite ¹201405922 facts into benefits. Show • Landscaped Central Oregon Central Oregon views, ultimate floorProperties Inc. offers a s team Real Estate John L. Scott Real $219,000 the reader how the item will • Cascade Mtn & city Real Estate ing in garage, wet bar, shower, heated floors Estate 541-548-1712 Perfect for you help them insomeway. views office theater room, $609,900 in master bath. Living • 3 bed, 2 bath & 1656 26695 Horsell RoadThis $559,000 • Wraparound Trex s urround soun d Farewell Drive space over garage SF Recently remodeled Country Living 5 A cres w /Mountain advertising tip deck speakers, fenced, and • 3021 SF on Awbrey • Covered front porch & 3bd, 2 bath, 2070ysf Views - 3 b drm, 2 w/full bath. $615,000. brought toyou by Dee Baker, Broker sprinkler sys t em.• 2 homes with great Butte The Delay Team, back deck farm house on 67.9y views bath, 1620 sq ft, irri541-977-7756 ¹201403611 Edie and Sam Delay, • Private • Raised garden beds The Bulletin • 35.4 AC & 27 irrig. a cres w i t h 39 . 7 y gated, 36x40 shop, Windermere Dennis Clark, Principal • 4 bed & 2.5 bath 541-420-2950 • Move-in ready acres of i r r igation. $erving Central Oreqon since 19IB fenced, ex t ensive Central Oregon Broker, 541-771-8730 • Barn, sheds & corrals • 2 fireplaces Hasson Company Diana Barker, Broker • Just north of Terrebsprinkler sys t e m. 1344ysf building for $312,000 Real Estate Century 21 • Formal dining room Realtors 541-480-7777 Office/Recreation/Stuonne M LS¹ 2809 2 2 5. Move in Ready Gold Country Realty • 3-car garage Windermere Barbara Myers, Broker $265,000. dio, 4502y sf building • 3 bed, 2 bath & 1977 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1876 Pam Michelle Witt, Broker Central Oregon Look at: with 12' door & man SF 541-480-7183 Lester, Principal BroTURN THE PAGE sq ft. Live among the 541-974-4750 Real Estate Windermere ker, Century 21 Gold door for shop/RV/Toy • Open concept floor Bendhomes.com pines in Sunriver! This Windermere For More Ads /Boat storage & i nCentral Oregon Country Realty, Inc. plan strategic and w e llfor Complete Listings of Central Oregon $224,500 The Bulletin Real Estate 541-504-1338 door gardening. New • Hardwood/granite placed home is exReal Estate Area Real Estate for Sale TURNKEY 750y deep well being • 3-car tandem garage tremely private and • 2 bed, 2 bath & 1168 drilled to provide a • New exterior paint yet the many winSF year-round source of Cheryl Tanler, Broker dows bring the beauty • Double car garage domestic water. New 541-4'I 0-7434 of th e s u rrounding • Eagle Crest townhome gas log fireplace will Windermere pines indoors, Very • 9th fairway 8 mtn be installed. $625,000. Central Oregon well kept and ideally views! 4 • MLS¹201401400 Real Estate located near shopJeanette Brunot, Broker Bobbie Strome, 54'I -771-1383 ping, dining, golf, bike Principal Broker TURN THE PAGE paths, endless outWindermere John L Scott Real door recreation. ReFor More Ads Central Oregon Estate 541-385-5500 cent upgrades: covReal Estate The Bulletin ered patio, n ewer 26 acres with Timber 4 2.24 Acre Estatei exterior paint, compo$319,000 b edroom, 2 bat h , sition roof in 2003. $765,000 Lots of Room 2464 sq ft home with • 3187 sq.ft. remodeled F urnishings n e g o • 1920 SF single level 4-car qarage. home tiable. $369,000 ¹ on 4.58 ac $419,000. • 4 bedroom, 4 bath 201402798 • 4 bed, 2 bath MLS201208278 • Shop, detached gaDennis Clark, Principal • Paver patio, firepit & Call Duke Warner rage Broker, 541-771-8730 hot tub Realty Dayville at • MLS 201405875 • 2-car garage & 2 RV Century 21 Gold Coun541-987-2363 Amy Halligan, Broker try Realty hookups 541-410-9045 26 NW Skyliner Sum- Barbara Myers, Broker mit Lp. 4 Bdrm, 2.5 541-489-7183 FIND YOUR FUTURE bath, 3443 sq.ft., main Windermere HOME INTHE BULLETIN e level master suite w/ Central Oregon Your future is just apage jacuzzi tub. O ffice, Real Estate away. Whetheryou're looking MORRIS vaulted ceilings, gran$325,000 forahatoraplacetohangit, ite and slate, Junior REAL ESTATE Room to roam The Bulletin Classified is master suite, loft, 3 • 5 bed car garage, backs to • 0.49 acres your best source. $237,500 open space, nearby • Oversized 2 level deck Every daythousandsof Stonehedge Home p ark a n d tra i l s.• Large 2-car shop buyers andsellers ofgoods • 4 bed, 3 bath, 2089 $679,950 and services dobusinessin • Plus 3-car carport SF The Delay Team, these pages.They know Shannon Hall, Broker • Over one third acre Edie and Sam Delay, 541-788-9027 you can't beat TheBulletin •Lot borders dry canyon 541-420-2950 Classified Sectionfor Windermere • Clubhouse & space Hasson Company selection andconvenience Central Oregon • Only $15 HOA Realtors - every item isjust a phone Real Estate Diana Barker, Broker call away. 541-480-7777 $272,000 $350,000 Windermere Corner Lot home The Classified Section is 3 Homes 1 TX Lt Central Oregon • 2615 SF single story • 3.84AC8 2AC waeasy to use.Everyitem Real Estate home is categorizedandevery tered • Half acre lot • Main home is 3 bed & cartegory is indexedonthe • RV parking section's front page. Take care of 3 bath • 3-bay garage with • 2 rentals bring in $1K Whether youarelooking for your investments shop area monthly 431 NVV Franklin Avenue a home orneeda service, • Landscaping with the help from • Fenced & pond your future is inthe pagesof Bob Ahern, Broker Bob Ahern, Broker The Bulletin's The Bulletin Classified. 541-420-3891 Downtown Bend 541-420-3891 "Call A Service Windermere Windermere The Bulletin Central Oregon Central Oregon Each~ot%ga>ndeyaadestly~cjweecl,k Qeuusd Serving Central Oregonsince j9tB keyproperttesbend.cam remax.com Professional" Directory Real Estate Real Estate ¹201405362 $188,500





SAT. R SUN. 12PM - 3PM




HOSted 6 LiSted byr


Broker R E A L

I '




R 8

Sage Stone Loop


Hosted 6 Listed by: R E A L T 0 R 8

Rare opportunity to own a home on the Deschutes River Canyon. 2.5 acres of privacy with views of the Cascadesand river. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, RV parking, vaulted ceilings,

granite, A/C, landscaping, Good Cents Energy


R 8




6460 NW Atkinson Directions:NWCoyner to //WButier. Rfght Io Atkinson.


deck overlooks river.



Efficiency. Entertainment

HOSted & LiSted byr









SAT. R SUN. 12PM - 5PM


Spacious 2703 sq. ft. townhome in g a ted B r o ken Top. Versatile floor plan, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths.

Homes starting ts the Iow

Brand new construction!

$200,000s. Brand new homes in Bend with the quality Pahlisch is known for stainless steel appliances, laminate wood floors, solid surface Chroma quartz counters (even in baths) with

3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1650 SF, with an open floor plan. Vaulted ceilings, hardwood 61055 Ruby Peak Ln Aoors, stainless steel Directions: Head soulh on a ppliances and a Brosterhaus. Take le ft onto Narble covered back porch! Mountain. Thenfirst left on Ruby Check out the bright Peak,

Two master suites on main

Master suite with sitting areaDirectioesr China //at /Id, to and 3-sided fireplace. Master Stonegateor,, right on SageStoneLoop, bath with jetted tub, tile walkin shower, tile counters. Guest suite on main floor. Bonus room, 4 bedrooms, full bath upstairs. Great outdoor living!


541-420-2950 g7


island, commercial style range 1856 NW Hartford Ave. k hood. Private master suite on Directions: West on Skyliners main floor. Full bath and two Road, right on Flagline Drive to bedrooms upstairs. Laundry Hartford Aoenue. with built-ins. Perfect outdoor living with private patio.






Principal Broker


Amazing upgraded features; custom walnut cabinets, pecan hardwood floors, skylights, whole house audio system! Spacious great room with gas fireplace, built-ins and floor-toceiling stone surround. Kitchen with slab counters, large island, 60321 professional series appliances.

Homes Starting Mid-$200s



Structure Development NW, award winning builder! Custom details, hardwood floors, builtins, tile counters and floors. Great room with fireplace and tile surround. Kitchen with

Hosted & Listed by: CINDY BERGWAGNER





Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort-like amenities: pools, clubhouse, gym, hot tub, sports center, 5 miles 2II78 SEGoldenGatePlace, Bend of walking trails. Tour a LNtectionsrFrom theparkway, east variety of single level and on ReedNarket, south on 15th, then 2 story plans. follon signs,

HOSted & LiSted byr


SAT. - SUN. 12PM - 3PM

12PM - 4PM





Are you wanting Tumalo magnificent Cascade m ountain vi e w s o n 40 low m a intenance, super private acres? Great room floor plan 19725 Connarn Road h ome. 2 95 2 s q . f t . , Directions: 19725 Connarn Rd. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths & (off Cline Falls Rd. Or Gerking bonus room. 48x36 RV /Itarket Rd,)



level. Large bedroom, loft) bonus area on second level. 19445 Ironwood Circle Hardwood floors, vaulted Directions:/Ifount Washington to great room ceiling with gas Broken Top Drive fireplace, granite counters. JUST REDUCED Enclosed patio, large 2-car garage.


HOSted 6 LiSted byr

LYNDA WALSH Broker 541-410-1359

20781 NE Comet Lane

under-mount stainless steel sink in kitchen, extra attention Directions:North on Boyd Acres,

given to allow for tons of /Iighr onSierra, Le ft on Black Pmdr,r, natural light & much more. Right on Comet Lane. Loo/rforigns. Come by the model home for starting in the low more information and plans.


HOSted 6LiSted byr


HOSted & LiSted byr




w hite ki tchen w i t h beaded board finishes.


E A I. T 0 R s



Realtor, Broker






Time to declutter? Needsomeextra cash?

11 I

1 1 '»I


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The Bulletin

To receive yourFREE CLASSIFIED AD,call 541-385-5809 or visit The Bulletin office at: 1777 SW Chandler Ave. (On Bend's west side) *Offer allows for 3 lines oftext only. Excludesall service, hay,wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets, weapons, rentals andemployment advertising, andall commercial accounts. Must bean individual item under$200.00 and price of individual itemmust beincluded in the ad. Askyour Bulletin SalesRepresentative about special pricing, longer runschedules andadditional features. Limit 1 ad peritem per30days to besold.



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Ho m es for Sale•




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Ho m es for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

61151 S W M a n haeAcreage Close to Town. A place to stay plus...a BEND PARK Park-like Close to Old Mill DisCustom Home j Cute C ottage S t y leDesirable Westside Lo- French Style river view Lane. 4 B drm, 2.5 9.5 acres with 7.5 irrilarge shop to store setting. Main dwelling trict. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Home with new paint cation. 3308 sq.ft., 5 Home w / r iverbank $499,000 bath, 2765 sq.ft. Cas- gated, 32x36 shop your toys. Family replus guest 1506 sq. ft . h ome. • Beautiful 3439 sq.ft. in and out, custom tile bdrm, 3 bath, bonus setting! Exquisite accade Mt views, backs with 12' doors, fenced treat, large secure house/rental on a to- French doors to pri- • 5 bedroom, 3 bath in the k itchen and room, har d wood coutrements: Granite, to private open space, and cross fenced, 3 shop for RV & toys. tal of 0 .55y acres. vate d ining r o om.• 1 acre bath, granite coun- flooring, granite tile hardwood, m a rble, upgraded and one bdrm, 2 bath, 1554 Tom Roth, BPOR, Main dwelling floors Custom m ouldings, • MLS 201402295 tertops and new car- c ounters, close t o tile, Venetian plaster, year new. Gourmet sq.ft., outdoor arena. EcoBroker are engineered hard- A/C, large m aster Jane Strell, pet throughout the schools, parks, trails, stone & st a i nless. cooking, u p gradedwww.jackson-Anderson. 541-771-6549 wood in living, dining, bdrm with Jacuzzi tub. Broker, ABR, GRI house. You even get large master with sit- W ood-burning f i r estainless steel appl., com Real Estate, Bend & bedrooms. Mitsub- Beautiful landscaping. 541-948-7998 the appliances so it is ting are, great room place, top line appliwww.johnlscott ishi electric heating & $260,000. pretty much turnkey or with river stone fire- ances, metal c l ad quartz c o untertops, Candice Anderson, single basin sink and Broker, 541-788-8878 bend.com c ooling syst e m . MLS 201405037. rent ready. The stu- place, triple car ga- windows and so much 0 walk-in pantry. Huge John L. Scott Kitchen has fantastic Call Larry Jacobs dio behind the house rage, A/C. more! Listen to the B ANK OWNED! 3 . 4 master suite, soaking Real Estate, Bend cabinets with Corian at 541-480-2329 is about 250 sq. ft. Shelley Arnold, Broker tranquil ripple of the acres, 3 b drm, 2.5 www.johnlscott countertops. Adjacent Duke Warner Realty and has new carpet 541-771-9329 river below. while entub, a n d wal k -in MORRIS bath, 2 bonus rooms, closet. $435,000. bend.com guest house and main and is charming with Real Estate, Bend joying this Exquisite REAL ESTATE granite counters, tile h ome together f or The Delay Team, nice wood paneling. www.johnlscott home. $65 9 ,000. Condo at Bend P e r sonal floor, bdrm + office on $510,000 Edie and Sam Delay, Add y ou r The lot is nicely laid bend.com MLS20'I404694. Riverside. $79,000. T ouch. 3 B d rm, 2 main level, 2810 sq.ft., MLS¹201309647 541-420-2950 Nancy Popp, Principal Studio with full bath- Custom Home on Acre- out with flower beds bath, 1877 sq.ft., on built in 2 002, 1764 Hasson Company Bobbie Strome, and fruit trees. Listed Drake Park NeighborBroker 541-815-8000 room, kitchen appl., age 2 bedroom, 3 8.93 acres. Upon sale sq.ft. shop w/full guest Realtors Principal Broker at a hard to find price hood - Feel the his- Crooked River Realty fully furnished, ground bath on 16 treed and the home will be a MLS quarters. John L Scott Real point. $109,900! 130 tory in t hi s s tately floor end unit. view of meadow shell, ready for the 201406015 $368,800. Estate 541-385-5500 acres. NW 2nd, Redmond $620,000 home on a beautiful Fully furnished 100% Deschutes River, 425 Double car g arage Call Heather Hockett, d ouble l o t . Smith Rock View buyer to c o mplete. Pam Lester, Principal Sh o r t sq.ft. in rental pool. condo borplus 3480 sq ft shop. C entury 2 1 • 4 bed, 3 bath & 3618 Seller has estimated Broker, Century 21 Broken Top j $649,900 www.johnlscott.com/6 Gol d strolls to downtown or ownership dering 6th green on SF home $35,000 to $40,000 to Gold Country Realty, • 3237 sq.ft. $ 449,000. Can d y C ountry Real t y Mirror Pond. 8297 Kathy Caba, R esort C ourse a t Yow, 5 4 1-410-3193 541-420-9151 • Huge screened porch complete the home. A Inc. 541-504-1338 • 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath $968,000. Principal Broker Eagle Crest! Watch MLS¹201407030 • Inside 6+ car prkg. FHA 203K loan might • Hardwood floors, exCall Kit Korish, 541-771-1761 golfers while BBQ!ng w ork well f o r t h i s Beautiful Family Home- tensive built-ins Duke Warner Realty •Shop, offi ce,guest The Bulletin 541-480-2335 Real Estate, Bend on the back deck. 541-382-8262 home, so check with 4 bedroom, 3 bath on • MLS 201406172 quarters & 4+ AC To Subscribe call MLS¹201402653 www.johnlscott This extensively reDiana Barker, Broker your lender. Seller is over 4 acres. Double Darrin Kelleher, Broker Duke Warner Realty 541-385-5800 or go to bend.com m odeledcondo off ers attached plus doubled The Kelleher Group 541-480-7777 selling because of 541-382-8262 Custom Home on Acrewww.bendbulletin.com a p r istine s e tting health problems from detached garage and Windermere 541-788-0029 age - Mountain views w/Cascade Mtn views, Central Oregon car accident. Lateral large shop. Beautiful Copper Canyon - 3 and close to town. 4 Darling midtown cot- FIND IT! abundant wil d life, irrigation pipe and 3 yard, country living b drm, 2~i2 bath i n bedroom, 3.5 b ath, Real Estate NUY /7' endless trails, parks, close to town , phase pump in pond 2350y sf. Nice, newer 3451 sq ft. Shop, pole tage. 1120 sq.ft., 3 SELL ITr first class restaurant, $659,000 I 39 Acre are included and the 3 $465,000. home in SW Bend. barn, automated irri- bdrm, 1 bath. Granite kitchen, h a r dwoodThe Bulletin Classifieds 3 golf courses river Gem in Powell Butte MLS¹201304219 big guns are negoThe Old Mill, river, gation. $674,000. MORRIS and newer carpet, access and all Cen• Spectacular mtn & Call Candy Yow, tiable. Green panels parks, recreation and Call Jaynee Beck, REAL ESTATE water feature, fenced Expansive Smith Rock views 541-410-3193 C a s cade tral Oregon has to ofstay. Building will be shopping are a short 541-480-0988 or backyard with deck. fer only miles away. • 39 AC fenced & cross empty and debris and Duke Warner Realty distance away. Great Mountain Views - 3 Pete Van Deusen, Barbara Jackson, fenced & 38 AC of ir541-382-8262 bedrooms, 2 b aths, Along with the outpersonal pr o p erty room living that is light 541-480-3538. Broken Top j $998,500 & bright. Gas log fireBroker 541-3068186 rigation hauled away prior to 1440 SF. U p dated door activities Eagle MLS¹201405639 • 4460 sq.ft. John L. Scott • 3 bed, 2 bath home & interior, double ovens Crest has 3 s ports close of escrow. ExThe Bulletin's place with slate surDuke Warner Realty • 3 bedroom, 4.5 bath Real Estate, Bend 1530 SF isting bone pile will round. Kitchen has in kitchen, large bay centers offering; spas, "Call A Service • 17th fairway & pond www.johnlscott • Six stall barn, hay loft, windows. 1.52 acres, pools, gyms, sauna, remain. $4 5 0,000. Professional" Directory views slate floor, h ickory bend.com tack room & pasture MLS ¹201402830 cabinets, fully applihuge w r a p-around tennis, racquet ball, • MLS 201400886 is all about meeting Tick, Tock • Ponds, greenhouse, deck, 2-stall b a rn, arcade, salon & much Bobbie Strome, anced and a pantry. Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, Deschutes River more! ¹ 2 0 1310827. your needs. outbuildings & chicken Principal Broker Large open loft family fenced/x-fenced. CRS, GRI, ABR Woods j $317,000 Tick, Tock... $199,000 coop $148,000 John L Scott Real room (currently used • 1704 sq.ft., backs Call on one of the 541-610-9427 Jodi Clark, P rincipal Christin Hunter, Broker Estate 541-385-5500 as a bedroom by tenMLS¹201405436. ...don't let time get canal 54'I -306-0479 professionals today! Broker, 541-771-8731 Gail Day, ants). Larger fenced • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, away. Hire a Century 21 Gold CounWindermere Look at: 541-306-1018 rear yard for entersingle level try Realty Central Oregon Central Oregon Bendhomes.com Beautiful home in desirtaining, kids & pets. professional out • Finished 24x36 shop, Real Estate able Greens subdiviChain link fence dog Realty Group, LLC for Complete Listings of of The Bulletin's .86 acre with golf course MORRIS e nclosure & s m a ll Great home in the heart Area Real Estate for Sale sion clubhouse • MLS 201407815 $659,000 "Call A Service very s torage shed t o o. Advertise your car! REAL ESTATE of town, with updated JJ Jones, Broker Spectacular views Add A Picture! $270,000. MLS¹ I M~ dy~ ~ Op t 1 interior within the past Affordable High Desert close! 3 bedroom, 2 Professional" 541-788-3678 • 4152SF,4bed&3 Reach thousands of readers! 201401159. B o bbie retreat. Custom knotty bath, 1469 sq ft. Ex4 years. 3 bedroom, 2 Call 541-385-5809 bath Directory today! bath 1232 sq ft home pine cabinetry, gran- tremely low mainte- Buildable lot in Wagon Strome, Principal BroThe Bulletin Classifieds • Huge master upstairs nance and move-in ker John L Scott Real Trail Ranch. Almost ite tile c ountertops features newer carpet, with deck ready. Open f l oor an acre, stick built or Estate 541-385-5500 paint, stainless steel and slate floors is in C ustom h om e w ith • Formal living & dining Fantastic Single Levelplan, gas f ireplace, manufactured, private a ppliances, this easy-care 3 bdrm, beautiful views in a Park-like lot in V a l- kitchen room MORRIS vaulted ceiling, granlittle Deschutes acwater heater, h eat 2 bath, 1402 sq. ft. Custom craftsman style desirable location just • Great room & basehalla Heights. This 3 REAL ESTATE community home. Large 1/4 acre minutes from town & home. Easy access to ite kitchen counters, cess, with air condibedroom, 2 bath pump ment t ioning, dec k w i t h S unriver, the C a s - new interior/exterior clubhouse and swim- corner lot i n SW Tumalo! 3 bedroom, 2 • Completely furnished home feels cozy and ML S Redmond. This 2200 bath, 1694 sq ft. Pricade Lakes and Mt. paint, tile bathroom m ing p o ol . covered patio. Good Bea Leach, broker SE Acreage. s ecluded, yet j u s t location with easy acBachelor $ 2 15,000. counters, bonus room ¹201303671 $28,000 SF home features 3 vate well, 3000 sq ft of Desirable 541-788-2274 minutes to downtown 5 Bdrm, 3 bath, 2522 and/or office above Faye Phillips, MLS¹201401536 Call cess to all parts of bedrooms, 3 b aths, deck with c o vered sq.ft., w/ family room, Bend. $349,000. Windermere Bill Pan t o n at garage. New air con- Broker 541-480-2945 town. Perfect investm aster o n mai n , area, upgraded cabi- .79 acres, parklike Call Terry Skjersaa, Central Oregon ditioning. $ 1 9 4,000 John L. Scott ment property, ten541-420-6545 beautiful custom me- nets, custom t n m, setting o pe n f l oor 541-383-1426 Real Estate ¹201401863 Real Estate, Bend ants want to sign at Duke Warner Realty dallion t i l e en t r y, v aulted mast e r , MLS¹201407581 Jodi Clark, P rincipal master on the www.johnlscott least a 2-year lease. granite kitchen arched w a l k-ways, plan, 70' RV parking! New 3 541-382-8262 Duke Warner Realty main, RV p a rking, 541-771-8731 bend.com $117,500 MLS counters, slate floors, built-in BBQ, p ellet bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. A ffordable Living i n Broker, backs to canal/trail, Century 21 Gold cherry cabi n ets, stove, g a rage/shop lush landscaped yard, Fantastic Sisters set- 201403977 ft. home coming soon! Bend. Clean 3 bdrm, Country Realty C anyon Creek, 1 3 stainless appliances, and carport, chicken Jodi Clark, P rincipal Pick your colors! Gas large ent e rtaining ting. Custom 2177 sq. Broker, 541-771-8731 Acres - View elk and bath, mobile only. floor h e at, coop/dog house & fireplace, u pgraded 2 f t. 3 b drm, 2 b a th Beautiful log home on deer from your living radiant deck, desirable Kings V aulted ceilings i n Century 21 Gold w/ d r ip Forest. appliances and cabi- living and m a ster, 2acres. 1718 sq.ft., 2 room with breathtak- media room with sur- f lowerbeds home on an acre lot Country Realty nets, t i l e flo o rs, fenced yard, storage b drm, 1 b a th, d e - ing views of Canyon round sound, over- system. Fully fenced Gregg Hayden, with a 2 4x40 shop 3-car garage, with e lectric g a te. f enced an d l a n d- shed, landscaped with tached that includes a 600 28x50 M tn from t hi s s e - sized Principal Broker parking and the $288,000 ¹20140814 scaped, and more! sprinkler system, car- garage/shop, 541-390-6139 sq. ft. guest quarters. RV cluded, newer 5 bed- RVgoes Find It in on! $337,900 Jodi Clark, P rincipal $289,000. $419,000. MLS storage, full hookup, room, 3 bath home list John L. Scott port, community park ¹201402637 John L. Broker, 541-771-8731 MLS¹201400132 The Bulletin Classifleds! 201404876. Kim park setting, 1 buildReal Estate, Bend club h ouse. nestled in the timber. Rea l E s tateCentury 21 Pam Lester, Principal and Warner 541-410-2475 able lo t. MLS 3 acres irrigated and Scott www.johnlscott 541-385-5809 www.johnlscott.com/3 541-548-1712 Gold Country Realty Broker, Century 21 Duke Warner Realty ¹201404378. bend.com 3076 $42,000 detached ga r age/ Gold Country Realty, Kathy Pam shop. $399 , 999. Denning, Broker $249,900. Inc. 541-504-1338 Lester, Principal Bro- MLS¹201305978 541480-4429 ker, Century 21 Gold Call Duke Warner John L. Scott $719,900 Country Realty, Inc. Real Estate, Bend Dayville, Golf Course Home 541-504-1338 541-987-2363 www.johnlscott • 3 bed & 3.5 bath bend.com • Open floor plan Beautiful S a ddleback Canyon Creek - Execu• Gourmet kitchen Log Home - On 2.4 tive home on t i mA LIFE IN • Wood floors acres, minutes from bered acres just south PARADISE! • Outdoor kitchen Bdrm, 1 bath, 800y the heart of Bend. 3 of John Day. 3 bedMike Everidge, Broker 2 Sq.ft., rustic cottage bedroom, 3.5 b ath, room, 2.5 bath, 2801 541-390-0098 bonus room, loft and on a 2.99y acre parsq ft, bonus room, Windermere sunroom with 2650 sq cel. Come view this loads of storage and Central Oregon f t. $ 4 74,900. C a l l attached a mazing piece o f gar a ge. Real Estate paradise on the out- Michele Anderson at $419,000. skirts of R edmond. 541-633-9760 or Jac- MLS¹201304288 Built on the curve of q uie S e bulsky a t Call Duke Warner Need to get an ad the Deschutes River, 5 41-280-4449. M L S Dayville, ¹201406438 this p e rfect s m a ll 541-987-2363 in ASAP? Duke Warner Realty home has amazing 541-382-8262 views of the mounClean & C o mfortable Fax it to 541-322-7253 tains and the river. Vintage Home. On 1/4 247 Detached garage has acre corner lot at the FIND YOUR FUTURE The Bulletin Classifieds a studio-type room HOME INTHE BULLETIN base of Pilot Butte. with an extra bath and Home features a spashower att a ched. Your future isjust a page cious living r oom, 9th St. Home. Beautiful $425,000 away. Whetheryou're looking generous family room, midtown built in 2013, MLS¹201309622 One carat sparkler, set in platinum forahatoraplacetohangit, two large bedrooms, a Designed by Awbrey Bobbie Strome, The Bulletin Classified is newly rem o deled Butte's Vern Sexton. b and. I m p r e ssive. L i k e n e w . Principal Broker bathroom, a clean & your bestsource. 1213 sq.ft. 2 bdrm, 1 John L Scott Real well laid out kitchen, a Appraised $5000. Sell for $2500. Every day thousands of bath. New 20 y ear Estate 541-385-5500 loft that is great for buyers andsellers of goods rated composite roof, storage or small playJames Hardie siding A must see home. A and services dobusiness in room & de t ached with 30 year warranty spacious 3 b d rm/3 these pages.Theyknow single ca r g a rage and new engineered bath, well maintained you can't beat TheBulletin w/attached c a rport. truss system. R-30 in- 3 550 sq. ft. h o m e Classified Sectionfor The land has many sulated t h roughout. with recent upgrades selection andconvenience large trees that afford 1 00% b rand n e w to kitchen and bath- -every item isjust a phone privacy & shade & has call away. electrical sys t em. rooms. Neatly landpotential with its gen100% Brand new Pex scaped with sprinkler The Classified Section is erous size & zoning to new plumbing, system. 4.6 acres with be utilized for a dueasy to use.Everyitem 100-year serviceable 4 acres of COI. 36x36 is categorizedandevery plex or other multihickory wood flooring, s hop/barn. Hor s e cartegoryisindexed onthe family uses. $180,000 new hickory cabinets, property with plenty of section's front page. ¹201404074 John L. h emlock trim, n e w fencing and c r o ss Scott Rea l E s tate c arpet, a n d ha l o fencing. Am a zingWhether youare lookingfor 541-548-1712 a home or need a servi c e, lighting. Fully fenced Cascade M o u ntain your future is in the pages of with cedar on a large views. Moti v ated Need help fixing stuff? The Bulletin Classified. lot. $199,000. FSBO seller. $515,00 MLS Call A Service Professional Jamey, ¹201403502 John L. find the help you need. 5641-390-6829 for Scott Rea l E s tate The Bulletin S«vlng Central Orcyon dnce f9t8 www.bendbulletin.com showing. 541-548-1712 •






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There's good stuff in here. Shouldn't YOU > be looking. J •




Classifjeds www.bendbulletin.com




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Great home in very de- Impeccable C u s tomLarge triple wide with Living at its BestLots of room. Sitting on Modern Architecture + Myrtlewood Acres. 4 New Custom Home- NEW PRICE! $164,900 sirable location at the Home on 23 Acres- family and living room Located in the heart of t he ri m w i t h e x c . Quaint Farmhouse bdrm, 2 bath, 1534 Beautiful finishes, 9' Owner terms availbase of Pilot Butte. 3 NW Tuscan design Chef s kitchen, warm the Old Mill District. 3 views. On paved road. R astra block c o n - sq.ft., 8700+ sq.ft. Iot, ceilings, Crown moul- able. 2 bedroom, 2 bedroom 1 bath 1050 with mountain views. inviting colors, a wood m aster suites, 3 . 5 Garden shed, carport, struction, passive so- one level living on ding thro ughout. bath, 1562 sq. ft. Top sq ft. Extensive cus- Great room, m a in stove for cozy winter baths, 3070 sq ft with large deck, fenced lar, 4 b e droom, 3 large lot, d etached Master suite has sev- of the world views of evenings, the master tom tile work includ- level master, wine views of the river and back yard. Come and bath, 2954 sq ft. Ra- s hop/garage. G a s eral custom features the Cascade Mtns. on ing granite tile kitchen cellar and more. Pond suite is large with a mountains. S t a n d- enjoy the amenities at diant floors and re- f ireplace a n d til e and nice mtn views. 4.5 very private acres, and bath countertops and irrigation com- luxurious bath. Large alone unit. $819,000. the Ranch! Golf, ten- cycled timbers keep floors, $219,000. MLS Landscaped, fenced backing miles of puband backsplash, cus- plete the p ackage. coyered patio. Come MLS¹201400102 nis and pool. t his h o m e eco - ¹201407170 yard, gutters & 8' ga- lic lands! Completely enjoy this pristine back tom t i l e flo o ring $1,235,000. Call Jaynee Beck, Bobbie Strome, rage door. $219,900. remodeled in 2011, $229,000. MLS friendly. Sits on nearly yard. Dbl. car garage & 541-480-0988 t hroughout most o f Call Jaynee Beck, ¹ 2011309154 Cal l 19 acres of Cascade Principal Broker MLS¹201401861 i ncluding very n e w much more. Near the home, large pantry 541-480-0988 Duke Warner Realty Linda Lou Day-Wright, view pastoral farmJohn L Scott Real Call Jaynee Beck at laminate wood floorolf course & Fire Hall. 541-382-8262 541-480-0988 back deck, f enced MLS 20'I 310033 Broker, 541-771-2585 land. $899 , 000. Estate 541-385-5500 ing in the living room 249,900. MLS yard. Extensive park- Duke Warner Realty Crooked River Realty MLS¹201404611 Duke Warner Realty 8 k i tchen, c ustom 201405066. Linda Lou Location, Location! j Near Smith Rock, gor541-382-8262 541-382-8262 ing w it h d e tached Call Terry Skjersaa, tiled baths, n atural Day-Wriqht. 541-771Lovely home in heart of $269,000 geous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 2-car g a rage/shop, 541-383-1426 accents Maupin. $ 1 19,000. Duke Warner Realty Newer home near park. wood 2585 Crooked Riyer • 2 bedroom, west side 3190 sq.ft. $694,000 attached 1 car g athroughout, loft third Have an item to Realty Well cared for 3 bdrm, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + bungalow ¹ 201300784. Cal l rage & carport, RV 541-382-8262 guest room or den 2 bath, 1404 sq.ft., sell quick? Linda Lou Day-Wright. den or 4th bdrm, 2382 making the open floor parking. $ 2 1 4,000. LAZY RIVER SOUTH • Close to parks, trails, o pen f l oo r pl a n , sq.ft., built in 2008, 541-771-2585 Crooked ¹201310366 R emodeled 353 5 y restaurants If it's under w it h v a u lted Need to get an vaulted ceilings, demaster on main level, plan River Realty Jodi Clark, Principal S q.ft. home with 4 • $2500 seller credit ceilings work for all of '500 you can place it in tached garage, across island kitchen w/gran• MLS 201405528 ad in ASAP? Broker, 541-771-8731 bdrm + offic e and 3 living n eeds. from schools, great ite counters, hard- your Where can you find a Century 21 Gold baths. Master bath Jackie French, Broker ¹201400568 The Bulletin You can place it investment property. wood floors, water Dennis 541-480-2269 Country Realty with large jetted tub & Principal helping hand? online at: www.johnlscott/ feature and pond, RV Broker,Clark, Classifieds for: new tile shower. Me541-771-8730 747775 From contractors to parking fenced. MLS www.bendbulletin.com Great Location j dia room, family room, Century 21 Angie Cox, Broker 201405423. '10 - 3 lines, 7 days $299,900 yard care, it's all here h uge kitchen w i t h Gold Country Realty 541-213-9950 $245,000. Call Pam • Desirable westside of handcrafted cabinets '16 - 3 lines, 14 days 541 -385-5809 in The Bulletin's John L. Scott Lester, Principal BroBend 8 g ranite counters, MORRIS "Call A Service Real Estate, Bend ker, Century 21 Gold • 864 sq.ft., 1940s cot- (Private Party ads only) walk-in pantry, sunREAL ESTATE www.johnlscott Mt. Bachelor Village j Professional" Directory Country Realty, Inc. tage Get your r oom with hot t u b. $515,000 541-504-1338 bend.com • 2 bedroom, 1 bath Incredible Location Home has cedar eves • 1719 sq.ft. condo business • MLS 201405576 Adorable 2 bedroom with copper accents. Looking for a home with M anufactured H o m e New Construction on bedroom, 3 bath Don Kelleher, Broker, cottage in the heart of E xterior siding o n secluded tranquility? w/frame built apart- •• 3 Call a Pro quiet cul de-sac. Deschutes River views 541-480-1911 Bend's westside. Pri- home, garages & Well look no further! ment. Atta c h ed $249,900. 3 Bdrm, 3 Whether you need a 201402488 vate back deck and storage bldg have just Custom home is sur- apartment, right at the • MLS bath, 1929 sq.ft., main fence fixed, hedges Bonnie Savickas, large yard. $265,000. been painted. Watch rounded by mature entrance of CRR, on Broker, EPRO, SRES floor office/den, great Call Terry Skjersaa, the wildlife from the pine trees, 3/4 mile off paved road. Home is room w/fireplace, up- trimmed or a house 541-408-7537 with an ad in 541-383-1426 main road. BLM on 2 wrap-around deck or open floor plan w/ 4 stairs laundry room, built, you'll find MLS¹201406817 front la n dscaping. professional help in MORRIS go to your private ac- sides & no neighbors b drm/2 bath, s p a The Bujj6tin'8 Duke Warner Realty c ess to 300y f t o f f or about a mi l e . cious kitchen, living MLS ¹201406876 REAL ESTATE "Call A Service The Bulletin's "Call a Little Deschutes River Vaulted ceilings, all Gary Diefenderfer, & family room. Just minutes from Mt frontage for fishing, appliances included, room Master is on opposite Broker Service Professional" Professional" 2212 sq.ft., swimming or floating. extensive tiled floors, side of house for priMORRIS 541-480-2620 Great location, unob- Bachelor. Directory 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, boDirectory new pellet stove, sky- vacy. Fresh interior REAL ESTATE s tructed view o f 8 $495,000 Central Oregon Realty room, A/C, over- MLS¹¹201309267 541-385-5809 lights, huge covered paint, laminate & viGroup, LLC man peaks nestled nus b etween Ben d & sized 2 car garage, Bobbie Strome, porch with hot tub, nyl flooring throughof u p g rades, Principal Broker water feature w i th Redmond 8 only mo- tons o ut. A partment i s m ents away f r o m slate and hardwood John L Scott Real pond, large front deck, permitted, stick built & new carpet, Estate 541-385-5500 paver patio, fenced, features 1 bdrm/1 full Hwy. 97 for an easy flooring, sys t e m, bath, kitchen 8 living commute. 2.5 acres designer colors, pro- Like new and vacant, 2 sprinkler f essionally land shop. $262 , 5 00 room. It is connected w ith 2494 sq. ft. o f bdrm, 2 bath, 1262 scaped, water feature, ¹201307111 l iving space. T h e to the main house & sq.ft., built in 2001, Jodi Clark, Principal paver patios. oversized living room Shelley has a separate envery clean, well cared Arnold, Broker Broker, 541-771-8731 & dining room make a t rance. There is a 541-771-9329 for home on corner Century 21 comfortable environ- Real Estate, Bend barn, greenhouse, 8 2 lot, island k i tchen, Gold Country Realty ment for family living storage bu i l dings. pantry, double gawww.johnlscott & entertaining. New Property is fenced on rage, central air, rain bend.com Just bought a new boat? 3 sides. Apartment 5-panel fir doors & gutters, large deck. Sell your old one in the lass panel front door. be rented out or Knock your socks MLS ¹ 20 1 405419. classifieds! Ask about our may ak laminate flooring used as a gu e stoff views! $127,900. Call Pam Super Seller rates! in living room, hallhouse. $26 4 ,900 acres, irrigated Lester, Principal Bro541-385-5809 ways & bathrooms. 4 ~38 ¹ 201406110John L . •Beautiful 2600 s q.ft. ker, Century 21 Gold bdrms, 3 are master home R ea l E s t ate Realty, Inc. Looking for a quiet con Scott suites. New H a rdi-•120x64 barn with shop Country 541-548-1712 venient location be 541-504-1338 plank siding, roof, trim and stalls tween Redmond and water heater & lawn. .20 minutes to Bend Like new immaculate B end? Look no f ur Mid-Century modern in Rim. 3 b drm, $329,900 home. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 ther. 1842 sq. ft. 3/2 North 2~/~ bath, 3432 sq. ft. ¹201400552 John L. www.johnlscott.com/74 bath, 2237 sq.ft., dbl home on 1.54 acres 510 on 1.5 acres. Scott Rea l E s tate Jean Nelsen, Broker garage, mtn views, with huge 26x40 shop home 541-548-1712 hardwood floors, tile and minutes f r om Work with builder to 541-420-3927 this home counters, huge mas- BLM &river. Covered customize John L. Scott yo u r tast e . Home on Nice Lot ter bdrm, on main, front porch and large t o MO RTGAGE BANKER Real Estate, Bend MLS O lder home on l o t formal back deck for outside $1,140,000. and Call with well and septic. www.johnlscottbend.com d ining-room. ML S relaxation and enter 201 305601. Michele An d erson NMLS¹ 308049 I Caj BRE¹01240716 City water and sewer Large 0.48 acre fenced ¹201404328. t aining. Home f e a or also to lot. Buildable lot with plenty of room $229,500. Call Pam tures soaring vaults 541-633-9760 750 Charbonneau St. ¹212 and dividable. Adfor your family and Lester, Principal Bro- and lots of windows Jacque joining lot fo r s a le their hobbies. Living ker, Century 21 Gold for a light and airy 541-280-4449. Duke Bend, OR 97701 also. $52,500. Candy room with 2 skylights, Country Realty, Inc. feel. Tile surround gas Warner Realty Cjjnt@paCjfjCtruStmortgage.Com Yow, 5 4 1-410-3193 family room has a gas 541-504-1338 fireplace in the living BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS MLS¹201405916 f ireplace w i t h til e Like New - Located on room, huge u nder Search the area's most Phone: 541.848.6844 Duke Warner Realty hearth & s u rround. a dead end street, 3 stairs storage. Family listing of 541-382-8262 Seller will give credits b edroom, 1.5 b a t h room with access to comprehensive Mobile: 805.440.6851 classified advertising... for new dishwasher 8 refurbished home on back deck. Shop is in real estate to automotive, Fax: 541.848.6844 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! new range/oven at large lot. Plenty of RV sulated with large up merchandise to sporting c lose o f esc r o w parking, fenced, land- stairs storage l oft. goods. Bulletin Classifieds Door-to-door selling with with (CLA). Storage build- scaped, priced right! Landscaped every day in the sprinklers system and appear fast results! It's the easiest ing & dog pen in$244,500. print or on line. cluded. Fresh interior MLS¹201404023 dl'Ip irrigation. way in the world to sell. Call 541-385-5809 paint. $295 , 000. Call Carolyn Emick, $339,000. MLS www.bendbulletin.com MLS¹201404338 201406512 541-419-0717. The Bulletin Classified John L. Scott Real Duke Warner Realty John L. Scott Real 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Estate 541-548-1712 Estate 541-548-1712 541-382-8262 Serviny Cential Oregonsince eB




Experience. Value. Results.


Clint Edwards


Fullyscribedloghomesurrounded by a beautifuly andsca pedyard. Thereisa 500sq.I, shopwith 220 vot power. TwinweIsprovidecrystal clearwaterThis property wouldmakeanoutstandingprivateretn.at $ 497500 CALLBLLAT541-420-6545,NLS:201407405



Locate d ona dead end street,3 bedroom,1.5

bath refurbished homeon largelot, Plentyof RV parking,fenced,landscaped.Pricedright!Just waiting for you $239,900CALLCAROLYN EMICKAT 541-419-0717,MLS:20140%23 •



Wideope nviewsIiamthiscustom3bedroom,2ba!h23III sq,Ii. hom ebuilt in2006.OpenIoor planw'rthhardwood floors,vaultedceilings,sunroom,shopvrithguest quarlev and somuchmore. $315,000 DUKEWARNERREALN DAYV I.LECALLAT541-9872363.MLS:201%285

4 bedroom, 3 bath cn over 4 acres.

FANTASTIC SISTERSSETTING. Custom 2,177sq.R. 3bedroom,2 bath home onan acre lotw i tha 24x40 shop that includes a600sq,ft. guest quarters, $409,900 CALL KIH WARNERAT 541-410-2475.MLS:201404876

ELEGANT HOME ON 2 LOTS. Located in Bend's Historic District, 5 bedroom, 4 bath, 4987sq.ft. in parklike setting $899000 CALLKITKORISHAT 541880-2335MLS:201420653

Double attachedplusdouble detached garage and large shop. Beautiful yard, countrylivingclose to tow n.$465,000 CALL CANDYYOWAT5f 4 0-3193.MLS:20130f29



• ./p


Well-camd For singlelevei homeonbeautifully 2097 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms plus landscapedhaif acre lot. 3 bedroom,2 bath, oAice, vaulted ceilings, AC, large 1746sq,ft., largemaster with privateaccessto lot and next to Gardenside Park.

backyard.$325,000CALLBECKYOZRELIC $329,000 CALL ROBEGGERSAT AT 541-480-9191.MLS :20147661 541-815-9780. MLS: 201407798


BEAUTIFULSADDLEBACK LOGHONE On 2.4acres,minutesfromthe heart of Bend.3 bedroom,3.5 bath,bonusroom,loft andsunroom and 2650sq.!I. $070,900CALLNICHELE ANDER SON AT541-633-9760 or jACQUIE SEBU LSKYAT541-2804449.MLS:201406438

PANORAMICHOUNTAIN YIEWS 5 bedroom, 5bath, gardenparadise perfect for entertaining,Openflowing floor plan with chef'skitchen,vaulted ceilingsandsecret rooms.$1,500,000 CALLTERR Y SlqERSAA AT 541-383-1426,MLS:201406002





2 bed,2.5bath, 2501sq.ft. Beautifully landscaped with peacefulwaterfall in the privatebackyard. Hardwoodflooring,stainlesssteel appliancesand graniteinthe kitchen.Fantasticloor plan!$599,900 CALL TAIIIIYSETltEMIERAT544 II.IIIII. IIIS201III7042

NE Bendhomeon .16acre lot with manyrecent upgrades. 3bedroom, 2bath, master on main level. Attic storage, big backyard,storage building, room forRV.$219,900 CALLBECKY OZIIELIC

AT 5<1-480-9191. HLS:201408290

PARK-LIKE SETTING Adorablehomen SWBend. This property is on a hafacre,with ma tuz trees,3 bedrooms,2 bath.Readyto movein!4349,000CALLjAQUICE SEBU LSKY AT 511-2808449 OR NICHELE ANDER SONAT541-663-9760.MLS:201407578

3 bedroom,2.5 bath, 1396sq.ft. with new wood, tile,carpet andwainscoting. Master has vaultedceiling,walk-in-closet Newroof, fenced backyard,hot tub andRVparking. $192,500 CAll jASE NCHAVEZAT891-586.MIS:20 40736

OPEN TODAY I I-2 2206 SW 36™ CT, REDMOND 3 bedrom, o 2 bath, 1756 sq,It,home, Wonderful city and Smith Rock views from the deck.$230,000CALLKAROLYN DUBOIS AT541-390-7863, NLS:201405767

OUTS TAHDIIIGLOCATIOII 4PRIYATESEITIHG BETWEEN BEND4REDIIOND 225,43acreswith 54acresinigaton, Cascadeviews, surround edbyBLII land,2singlelevelhomes1br 2ba 2336sq.ir.and3br2ba21 37sq.ir.$1,500tIQI CALL KRIS WARNERAT511-480-5365.IL:20 %7739

R. I

WEUIIAIH TAIHEDDUPLEXI!IDE SIIIAIILEHEIQ HBORHND Each unit has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fenced yardsandgarages.Greatfloorplans. $315,000 CALLAUBRECHESHIREAT 541-598-4583 OR BROOKCRIAZZO AT 54I -550-8408.MLS:201407525

PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIYING Beautifu custom home,approx. 3253sq.II. on 4.5 acres with.5 acreirrigation. Privatewel, pond, close in,privateand secludedwith too man y extras tomentions.$670,4R. CALLCAROLYN EMICKAT 541-419-07 7.NLS:201304783

20 ACRES - 2 TAX LOTS Two 10+ acre lots with irrigation rights. Small home and shop on one. Large pond and great views. $485,000 CALL KIM WARNER AT 541410-2475 OR FRED JOHNSON AT 541-7883733. NLS: 201407509

SPACIOUS SE HONE! 2545 sq. ft.,4 bedroom,25 bath with mountain views. $306,500 CALL jAYNEE BECIC AT 541480-0988 OR PETE VAN DEUSEN AT 541480-3538. MLS: 201406104





HALFACR ELOT, CLOSETOTHEOLDIIILL This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1796 sq R. home also featurescovered.RVparking irrigation. $635,000 CALL!AYNEEBECKAT and a shop/studio.Just 2miles to the Old 511-480-0988 ORPETEVAN DEUSENAT Mill. $339,900CALL KIMWARNERAT 541-480-3538.MLS:201405639 541-410-2475.NLS:201407622 Mountai nviewsand closetotow n.4bedroom, 3.5 bath,3451iq.It. Shop,polebam,automated



Larry jacobs 8rokej



3 bedr oom,2 bath,1506 sq.ft.home.Freech doors toprivatediningroom,Custommoldings, A/C, largemas ter bedroomwith Jacuzzi tub. Beautiful andsca pirg. $255,000CALL LARRY

3bedroom ,2 bath,1230 sq.Ii. with 3cargarageand RVparking.Peace!u,20acrelot with fruit trees,garden areas,covered front porchandprivate backpatio. $237,000 CALLROBEGGERSAT5fl-815-9780 OR

JACOB SAT541-480-2329.MLS:201%5037



54 I -480-2329

KATR INASWISHEIIAT541-420-3348.MLS:201107917

AT 541-410-6009, MLS:201403100


e •


5bath,close to everything Just over half an acre, this heavily treed 3bedroom,2. elev atedlotfeaturespeek-a-boomountainand Bendhasto off er.Features open floor golf courseviews.Quiet Stmetwith tons of plan with large kitchenandlarge,fenced privacy.$273,500 CAII.TAMMYSETTLEMIER yard. $449,999CALLTERR Y SiqERSAA


AT 541-383-1426.MLS:20 I408342



,Yr I




$209,000IA M UST SEE GEM • 4 bed /

• 2.5 bath • 2067 SF


• Bonus room • Triple car garage • 2917 SW Deschutes

$277,500 I 3147 NE PURCELLBLVD, BEND

,, "l'

)(,;i.' lj)I I,' I


• Tucked awayin northeast Bend on nearly a1/3 acre lot • 4 bed 8 3 bath well maintained home • Mature landscaping, fruit trees & fully fenced • RV parking • Central air • A must see!


' I I

541-241-0529 KERI BLACKBURN :-- BROKER

$344,900I2160 OSPREY,REDMOND • Eagle Crest • 2217 SF, 4 bed & 3 bath • Family room, hardwood & fireplace • .49AC lot & 2-car garage • On the11th green I


wHwm -

'.— QQ ~I t


W T~


• Live on the River Rim • Mountain & river views 2.5 acres of privacy • Good Cents Construction • 3 bed & 2.5 bath • RV parking, A/C, party deck & granite


3 2 37 QQ 4Q I


20 4P 0.15 AC W'




• Vaulted ceilings • Primary living on one ievei • Daylight basement

l l ' Ll




- u g qGt



69S SVV Mill View VVRY Bend, OR 977IEZ

Teh 541eesoGOG Cell: RGI 410 eoe4

• 2910 SF

• Single levelliving • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan

$179,000INEWER HOME ON AN ACRE • Insulated detached garage • Privacy fenced • Close to state parks • Fresh paint and carpets • Immaculate condition • Open floor plan

Elementary • Close to trails & amenities • Call Aaron for more details

• MLSft201306933

$1 29,900 ISERENEPRIVACY INOREGONWATERWONOERULNO • 1296 SF manufactured home • 0.44 acre corner lot • Privacy & serenity • Large decks & acircular dl'Ive I



L G T OW H H u p I



landscaping • 2 ponds, flagstone walk ways & firepit



• 3 bed & 2.5 bath duplex • Each unit is 1740 SF • Bonus room • Single attached garages • Professionally managed



• 2 bed, 2 bath & 1637 SF • Hardwood, tile & carpet floors • Walk in closet, pantry, washer & dryer • Gas fireplace in livingroom • Patio/deck




$449,900ICRESTRIDGE ESTATES ON 5 ACRES • Spectacular gardens & landscaping • Close in country living • 3-car garage & shop • Huge entertaining deck

• Maintenance free

with hot tub • Vaulted ceilings, great room, A/C & tile roof • 3 bed & 2.5 bath ' MLS¹ 201405015


• 3 bed, 2.5 bath & 2199 SF • Hickory hardwood floors • Walk-in closet & ceiling fans • 2000 SF barn with three stalls • 1/2 acre of extensive

- -L 541-480-9883 AUDREYCOOK BROKER


• 3 bed • 3 full bath • 1576 SF • Reverse living • Great community

541-788-2278 LISA HART BROKER



• 5 fenced acres • 30X54 two story barn • 2540 SF • 3 bed & 3 bath • Mountain views • 2 story shop



• Carport & shop • Close to the boat ramp & river


Fax: 341aae zeis G RLM rrk hl~


541-788-2278 LISA HART BROKER

• Custom built home • 2185 SF bed & 2 bat • Close to a lake • 1.17 acres • Mountain views

Windermere '.: REAL ESTATE

'','E.I I =I

• 3 bed • 2 bath • Single level home • Hardwood floors • Granite counters • 1807 SF

balcony • Private yard & large covered deck • Large shop & boat garage • Mountain views & nice sunsets



• Triple car garage • Lovelylandscaped yard • Perfect! An excellent value


• Small acreage in Tumalo • Builder's home with great room style • Master suite with mountain views Wonderful landscaping & 4 AC of irrigation • Less than a half mile to the Deschutes River & many hiking & biking trails

• 3178 SF, 4 bed & 4 bath • Nice master suite with


• Gorgeous Monticello home • 2216 SF • Private fenced yard • Open greatroom • Spacious bedrooms • Oversized garage • Cul-de-sac setting • MLSf201408076

• 5 bed & 3 bath • 2655 SF • Great neighborhood • Near Pine Ridge



• Tuscany styleluxury in Bend • 2910 SF Single level living • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • OA6 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan




:) 1

$475,000I65715 WHITE ROCK LOOP, BEND

$574,900 I 21420 BELKNAP DRIVE, BEND

541-480-8786 DAVE MCKAE BROKER




~ ' 541-604-1649 GAIL ROGERS BROKER

P'UU~~ '

• 4 bed & 2.5 bath • New interior paint • New slider patio door • Upgraded hardwood floors • Extensive landscaping added • Don't miss this hidden

• 4 bed & 2.5 bath • Master suite on main level with large walk in closet • Great room with fireplace, laminate wood floors, granite & tile

• Rare 6500 SFhomesite • Borders covered canal • Clo se to schools & shopping

• Country living close to '-"--O'. Bend • 4 bed & 3 bath • 8.56 acres with trees & views • Quality custom built



541-480-7777 i DIANA BARKER ~ BROKER

$595,000 I 21820 HORSEBUTTE, BEND


t T'







• 2 master suites • Hobby/craft room • Insulated safe-storage room • Fully equipped theater • 3-car garage • Near family park












, . 541-728-4499 " AARONBALLWEBER BROKER

$459,000 I WESTSIDE



JAKE MDDRHEAD . 541-480-6790

541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER

• Golf course home • 3 bed, 3.5 bath • Open floor plan • Gourmet kitchen • Wood floors • Outdoor kitchen

• Single level home in Mountain Pines • 3bed,2bath&1773SF • Hardwood floors & epoxygaragefloor • Pine vaulted ceilings & granite tiled countertops • Call for a showing today!

'mI)ag WIGHELLE WHITE 562-393.5236


plus a den • 55 and older retirement at The Falls EagleCrest • Stunning easterly views • Custom interior painting & a new Trexdeck




• 2005 SF, 2 bed, 2 bath



~ • Located on a cul-de-sac • 3 bed & 3 bath • Updated kitchen • Split level home • Large lot 0.17 acres

• Vaulted Ceilings • 3 bed & 2.5 bath • Beautifully landscaped & on a cornerlot • Bitter root ledge stone firepit with solid bitter root slate benchesfor outdoor seating • Full mountain views from upstairs bedroom

' I I




• Landscaping

$659,000 I SPECTACULAR VIEWS • 4152 SF, 4 bed & 3 bath

• Huge master upstairs with deck • Formal living & dining room • Great room & basement


541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER

Rinehart, Dempseg 8 Phelps E rperrl • • Yo r T r r r l I C o m w i t m • rt Yo r V r l r •



• Near Pilot Butte • Cul-de-sac location • 2 bed, 2.5 bath two story units • Attached single car

garages • Close to shopping, schools & medical facilities 541-306-0479 CHRISTIN HUNTER • Professionally managed & tenant occupied BROKER


• 1920 SF single level home on 4.58 acres • 4 bed, 2 bath & open floor plan • Almost 3000 SF ofpaver patio, firepit & hot tub • For great outdoor living • 2-car garage & 2 RV hookups


• 1/3 AC lot plus open space • 4 bed & 3 bath • Great open plan • Large private paver deck • Private access to 17 AC • Private clubhouse

Patty Dempsey • 541-480-5432

I 2t


541-480-7777 .. L, DIANA BARKER BROKER

Andrea Phelps . 541-408-4770 Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100 WWW.RINEHARTDEMPSEY.COM



F or homes online WWW b e n d h o m e S . C o m



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Northwest Crossing I $394,500 • 1383 sq.ft. Tudor style home • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, loft • Arched doorways, hardwood floors

NW Redmond I $189,900

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Panoramic Cascade Perfect Home with Irri- Picture Perfect Home- Prime Location - Great Pnstine country setting River Frontage I SHOP! $199,000. 4 Views I $649,900 bdrm, 3 bath, 2496 sq gation - 3 bedroom, 2 in Stonehedge West! Providence location at with beautiful r ock $799,900 • 1315 sq.ft. • 5004 sq.ft, 4 bedroom bath, 1431 sq ft con- You really need to see the e n d of a outcropping & valley • 2700 sq.ft. brick home ft in great location with • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Gourmet kitchen, theveniently located just this home! Beautifully c ul-de-sac. 3 b e d - views. 3 bedroom, 1 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath lots of room for your • Near schools 8 shopater room 5 miles to shopping updated inc l uding room, 2.5 bath, 1834 bath, 1 134 s q ft • 1 block from downpets 8 t oys! Large • Below Appraised and medical facilities. travertine tile flooring, sq ft. Large lot with single-level home is town spacious home with ping • MLS 201406509 Value Home is fully fenced granite c o untertops mature landscaping on a large, immacu- • MLS 201403384 separate living & famDarryl Doser, • MLS 201400616 and sits on 2 tax lots. with tile backsplash, and paved and gated lately landscaped lot, Cathy Del Nero, ily r ooms, v aulted • MLS 201406534 Broker, CRS Jim Moran, Broker $325,000. GE Profile appliances, RV parking. $239,995. and has tons of charBroker, CSP ceilings and spacious Kelly Neuman, 541-383-4334 541-948-0997 Call Jasen Chavez, Call Kim Warner, acter. Ne w p a i nt, 541-410-5280 kitchen. This reverse gas range, gorgeous 54'I -891-5446. 541-410-2475. Principal Broker knotty alder trim & great shop with carliving floor plan has 541-480-2102 MLS¹201403555 doors, designer paint, MLS¹201405854 forced air heating and port, finished front rs Duke Warner Realty updated fixtures 8 Duke Warner Realty deck, covered back air conditioning with 541-382-8262 lighting & granite tile 541-382-8262 additional bedrooms patio, fire pit, mature si surround gas f i r el andscaping. O n l y and l i ving s p ace MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS blocks to P r ineville d ownstairs. L a r ge Perfect Location - Re- place. Vaulted ceilREAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Find exactly what REAL ESTATE wrap-around d e c k, ings in the living room, C ountry Club a n d MORRIS cently renovated 3 I&g M Qy~ ~ o~ d you are looking for in the ~ y ~ ~ ~ d minutes from the resstorage and double bedroom, 2 bath custom blinds, large REAL ESTATE ervoir. $124 , 900 arage. 30x36 shop; home in the heart of main level m aster CLASSIFIEDS Take care of Say "goodbuy" ¹201404713 enced pasture area. Bend's wes t s ide. suite w/access to the Good classified adstell your investments rear deck. New paint Prineville I $449,000 Jodi Clark, P rincipal the essential facts in an 000 ¹201404040 $435,000. to that unused Just too many on the interior & exte- • 2993 sq.ft. custom Broker, 541-771-8731 interesting Manner. Write Dennis Clark, Principal Call Terry Skjersaa, with the help from item by placing it in rior of t h e h o me. Century 21 Gold Broker, 541-771-8730 collectibles'? 541-383-1426 from the readers view -not The Bulletin's Paver back walkway • 3home Country Realty Century 21 Gold MLS¹201406887 The Bulletin Classifieds bedroom, 2.5 bath the seller's. Convert the & beautiful landscap- • 4.75 acres, mountain Country Realty "Call A Service Duke Warner Realty Sell them in facts into benefits. Show i ng. $239, 7 5 0 views Check out the The Bulletin Classifieds Professional" Directory the reader how the item wi l l ¹201405465 541-385-5809 Single level, Awbrey classifieds online • MLS 20'I 407014 Perfect Starter Home 3 John insomeway. Scott Real Glen. Roomy 4 bdrm, Cliff Feingold, Broker www.bendbnlletin.com help them bedroom, 2.5 bath, EstateL.541-548-1712 This Odin Falls Ranch I 3 bath, master bdrm 541-385-5809 541-480-8796 Panoramic m o untain 1396 sq ft with new Updated daily advertising tip separate from other $490,000 5 bdrm, 5 bath, wood, tile, carpet & People Lookfor Information brought to you by • 2760 sq.ft., 2.79 acres views. bdrms, modern garden paradise per- wainscoting. Master About Products and Private 1.25 acre cul-de NOTICE: • 4 bedroom, 3 bath kitchen, newer appl., fect for entertaining. has vaulted ceiling, The Bulletin - sac l ocation w i t h All real estate adver- • Granite, marble, alder Open flowing floor walk-in closet. New Services Every Daythrough granite cou n ters, 58NIAg CNtbBI OKgOll SIIKQ 't9IB Cascade views. Septised here in is sub- • MLS 201401048 hickory cab i nets, The Bulletin Classifleds p lan w i t h ch e f 's roof, fenced backyard, MORRIS tic in with 100 gal. ject to th e Federal Diane Lozito, Broker great outdoor space kitchen, vaulted ceil- hot tub and RV park- Price Reduced. Single REAL ESTATE tank Connection to Riverfront Property F air H ousing A c t , 541-548-3598 w/covered patio. ings, a n d se c r et ing. $195,000 I I ~ m ly O CRR water, 30x40 ga541-306-9646 s tory home, 3 c a r which makes it illegal Truly o n e -of-a-kind Colleen Dillingham, rooms. $ 1 ,500,000. Call Jasen Chavez at rage shop with conto advertise any prefgarage, RV parking, Prineville Lake acressetting and located Broker, 541-788-9991 MLS 201406002. Call 541-891-5446 crete floors, windows ust b l o ck s fr o m p rofessional l a nderence, limitation or John L. Scott T erry Skjersaa a t MLS201407349 Great building lots, and 16x10 overhead jdowntown discrimination based scaping, 3 bdrm, 2 Bend. ImReal Estate, Bend 541-383-1426 D u ke Duke Warner Realty fairly flat lot with good door. $85,900. MLS bath, a n d den, on race, color, relipressive views of the www.johnlscott 541-382-8262 Warner Realty of juniper trees. 201302066. N a n cy ion, sex, handicap, www.johnlscott.com/k cover River and bend.com MORRIS Power at NE corner of Popp, Principal Bro- Deschutes amilial status or naorinac.johnlscott.com 1 st S .t rapi d s . Park-Like Setting I REAL ESTATE lot 85. Near public Pick Your Colors New Korina Chinchen, ker 541-815-8000 tional origin, or inten$1,650,000 Single Level Home in $554,000 land, Prineville Reser- Crooked River Realty home on 0.15 AC in Broker CIAS tion to make any such Call Terry Skjersaa, • 2813 sq.ft., 3 bedExcellent Conditionvoir and r ecreation private neighborhood. 541-788-6154 preferences, l i mita- One of a kind! Beauty, room, 2.5 bath 541-383-1426 2 bedroom, 2 bath + potential. Almost 360 1425 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 artistry and c r aftsReal Estate, Bend MLS¹201406532 tions or discrimination. rivate Broken T o p • Bonus room & den office, great r o om degree views! Buy P Estate bath 8 2-car garage. www.johnlscott We will not knowingly manship, a t t ached• .41 acre cul-de-sac lot - Custom built, Duke Warner Realty floor plan, separation both should a larger 3 bedroom, $139,900. bend.com accept any advertis- guest quar t ers,• MLS 201405335 3.5 bath, of bedrooms, double building parcel be de- 3541 sq ft home with MLS¹201402233 ing for real estate media/bonus r oom, garage. $339,000 Diane Robinson, reduction. sired. $70,000. each. open great room floor Room for Family and car Pam Lester, Principal Price which is in violation of secluded b a ckyard, MLS¹201407500 Broker, ABR MLS ¹201407172 and Broker, Century 21 $260,000. Spacious Hobbies. Large .48 this law. All persons minutes to downtown. plan and radian floor Lynn Johns, 541<19-8165 Gold Country Realty, 1988 sq.ft., 4 bdrm, MLS ¹201407176 are hereby informed MLS 301405713 heat. $949 , 900. acre fenced lot with Principal Broker, Bobbie Strome, Inc. 541-504-1338 3.5 bath, plus office plenty of r oom f or that all dwellings adMarci Schoenberg, MLS¹201300357. Call 541-408-2944, Principal Broker and upstaris bonus vertised are available Broker 541-610-7803 Tammy S e ttlemier, your family and their Wes Johns, Broker si John L Scott Real room, 2 master suites, hobbies. Living room 541-408-2945, Central on an equal opportuJohn L. Scott 541-410-6009. Estate 541-385-5500 one on main level with 2 skylights. Fam- Oregon Resort Realty nity basis. The Bulle- Real Estate, Bend The Bulletin is your Duke Warner Realty MORRIS beautiful upd a ted ily room has a gas tin Classified johnlscottbend.com 541-382-8262 Employment Prineville Lake Acreskitchen, w/ stainless f ireplace w it h ti l e Small Acreage Ready REAL ESTATE Winchester Lp. 2.56+ Over 5 acres of quiet appl., huge deck off hearth and surround. for New H o me NW Bend I $399,000 Rare Metolius RiverMarketplace and privacy. Frame kitchen, great for en- acre property, had the front property with Seller will give credits Beautiful 2.24 a cre • 2086 sq.ft., 4 bedbuilt home featuring Peaceful Living - Beautertaining, hardwood p ins m arked w i t h cabin in Camp Sher- for new dishwasher pine-treed room, 3 bath parcel in Pergo flooring, gran- tiful custom home apCall floors a nd tile stakes an d b r i ght a new range/oven • Main floor master w/paved roads. and quiet area off desirite kitchen counter- prox 3253 sq ft on 4.5 t hroughout. S p e c - tape, so its well de- man, at close of escrow • Front & back decks bdrm, 1 bath plus (CLA). Storage build- able Bro o kswood tacular mountain fined. Incredible view 1 tops, bathrooms have acres, with .5 acre ir- 5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 • MLS 201407252 Blvd. Older manufacm o u ntains. loft, sleeps 6, granite ing and dig pen int ile c o unters a n d rigation. Private well, views from upstairs of t h e Craig Smith, Broker huge deck, cluded. The home has tured home is of no floors. Bedroom sepa- pond, close-in, pribonus room, Gently sloping, lots of counters, 541-322-2417 to advertise. r i ver plenty of room trees and two natural u nobstructed www.johnlscott.com/ ration for added pri- vate and s ecluded interior paint. value; views & access. Fully fresh clearings for homesvacy. $279,000. MLS with too many extras 65895 MLS ¹ 201 4 04338 on front of lot to build furnished. $399,000. new home. $170,000. www.bendbulletin.com ites. $99,000. MLS ¹ 201309559. Tex t to mention. $672,900. Maralin Baidenmann, $295,000 MLS 201402947 Call Becky Ozrelic, ¹201407174 T1699609 to 8 5377 MLS¹201304783. Broker Bobbie Strome, Pam Lester, Principal 541-480-9191 Bobbie Strome, 541-325-1096 for more photos. Call Call Carolyn Emick, Principal Broker MORRIS Broker, Century 21 MLS¹201406478 541-419-0717 Principal Broker Linda Lou Day-Wright, Real Estate, Bend John L Scott Real Gold Country Realty, Estate 541-385-5500 Duke Warner Realty REAL ESTATE serviny cerdrw oreyon since 1903 John L Scott Real Duke Warner Realty Broker, 541-771-2585 www.johnlscott Inc. 541-504-1338 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 Estate 541-385-5500 Crooked River Realty bend.com •


The Bulletin


Q" MLS„~

Real Estate




s '




• • • •



J • •





lllilllllls •

3678 SW Cascade Vista - $489,900 Custom built one owner home impeccably maintained. Arched doorways, Venetian plaster wall finish, walnut floors, extensive travertine with unsurpassed quality construction and


Open Every Saturday 12-2:30 2989 NE HOPE

$279,900 • 3 Bedrooms, 2 N Baths

• Stainless Appliances

fi n i shes. Formal dining room plus second eating. • Hardwood Floors •

=- QK

2057$ Dylan Loop 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 1460 Square Feet Central Air Vaulted Ceilings in Kitchen, Living, and Master Extra Deep 2 Car Garage Rachel Kahler, Broker 541-815-3658

Large main level master bdrm with fireplace & luXuriOuS bathrOOm that leadS to the OutSide PatiO With Catalina 5 PerSOn hot tub. UPStairS 3 large bedrOOmS, One Wired fOr hOme OffiCe, PluS large family room. 1/4 aCre fenCed lot With an oversized triple car garage. Truly a Must See. Becky Breeze, Princial Broker 541-408-1107


s sI


2756 Great Horned Place 299,900 HOme Will be Similar to hOme


pictured. • Huge Bonus Room Upstairs

I sI I

• 3 BedrOOmS, 2 Ys BathS •

• Hardwood Floors

3$23 NW Morningwood Ct. ThiS grand home featureS a large OPen flOOr Plan 4 bedrOOmS 4.5 bathrOOm On quiet Cul-de-SaC lOCated in One Of BendS WeStSide mOSt POPular

neighborhoods Impeccable quality throughout 66275 NW Gerking Market Rd- $695,000 One Of akind home On 36 aCreS in Tumalo. 4 BedrOOmS, 2 Yz BathS, 3005 Sqare Ft. GorgeouS mountain views, irrigation and BLM access. CuStOm built home With lOft maSter Suite, Vaulted CeilingS, SunrOOm, rOCk firePlaCe, breakfaSt nook, 2 irrigation ponds and a storage shed. Wendy Cooper, Broker 541-480-9020

• Huge Bonus Room

FOR HUD LISTINGS Please Call Donna Ramsay, Principal Broker 541-420-6267. or Visit HUDHomstore.com for info and availabilit . •



20123 Cox Lane - $799,000 Call Shelly Hummel, Broker 541-480-8523

• • • •



4 BedS, 2 ~/z Bath 25 56 Sq Feet 5. 42 Acres Super Efficient

• Amazing Cascade





With beautiful CuStOm finiSheS. MaSter On main leVel PluS den. FOrmal dining room With SeCOnd

2750 Great Horned Place


eating area. Three large additional bedrooms

Home Will be Similar to hOme

uPStairS With aCCeSS to their OWn bathrOOmS.

• Master On Main • 3 Bedrooms, 2Yi Baths

Large family room, Work Out rOOm, 2 Wet barS, laundry roomS On eaCh leVel. Very PriVate baCk

yard area. Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107


• Hardwood Floors Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107




Redmond Homes

Redm o nd Homes



Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes

S u nriver/La Pine Homes


Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage


H o mes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage j

Huge Price Reduction!! 16559 Daisy Place 3 Beautiful 3 bdrm, 2 bath This home is like new, Custom Home, Barn, 7273 S W Swa l low Back on the market with Mountain Views! Enjoy for your next bdrm, 2 t/s bath, 1397 home with den could plush upgrades! t he Mt Hood to M t $299,000. 4 Bdrm, 3 Looking carp eting, Arena 8 Great Shop. Road, Crooked River major emp/oyee? bath, 2762 sq.ft., 5.27 sq. ft . , gar a ge. be 4th bedroom just double doors to back This is a great prop Ranch. Great room House and shop have Bachelor views from Place a Bulletin help a cres, fenced a n d $174,000. High Lakes add closet doors. This deck, huge kitchen erty with its mountain with free-standing gas new exterior siding this custom 2892 SF 3 cross fenced. Cas- wanted ad today and Realty & P r o perty Palm Harbor home with ceramic cooktop, views, and secluded stove, mtn views from and paint, gravel and bd/3.5 ba home overreach over 60,000 cade Mtn views. MLS Management has custom floor plan, built-in oven, micro- but central location. l arge w indows, 2 m uch more. T h i s looking Willow Creek readers each week. 541-536-0117 ¹201401229 upgraded lighting 8 wave, 2 huge pan- Features a c u stom master suites each ranch home has irri- Canyon only 2 miles Your classified ad Gail Day, stainless appliances. tries, & separate wa- kitchen with nice ap with entrances to outand mountain from downtown Mawill also appear on 1 6569 B eesley P l . V ery l a rge o p e n ter heater. F amily pliances and island, side, one i n cludes gation 541-306-1018 views and has a great dras & adjoins BLM bendbulletin.com $199,900. 4 bdrm, 2.5 master suite, w i th room has a fireplace pantry and more. Tile kitchenette and fire- location on a q uiet land. This p roperty Central Oregon which currently rebath, 2154 sq.ft., gas master bath that inRealty Group, LLC lots of w i ndows. flooring, custom rail place. 864 sq. ft. shop country road in Pow- also has a 3360 SF fireplace. High Lakes cludes garden tub, & ceives over Master suite has walk- ings. Huge master with attached green- ell Butte. Nice 3 bdrm custom s h op , a M eticulously mai n 1.5 million page Realty & P r o perty walk in s hower & in closet, sitting area suite with large tiled house, 5.64 a c res ranch-style house with 76x144 hay shed, a tained golf c o urse views every month Management double sinks. Comes & a master bath that shower, large walk-in fenced and c r oss nice floor plan, coun- 2nd home, an irrigahome in 55+ active at no extra cost. 541-536-0117 with a 120 sq. ft. stu- needs to b e s een. closet, custom vanity f enced, 672 sq. f t . try kitchen, nice brick tion pivot & wheel line Eagle Crest a d u lt Bulletin Classifieds 16658 Apache Tears. dio, huge back deck & Triple garage w ith and more. Well land loafing shed. 1566 sq. fireplace, nestled on along w/60 acres of community, 2381 sq. Get Results! is backed on 2 sides storage & 2 rooms in scaped with a water ft. h a y sto r age. 4+ Acres. Property is NUID water rights. 70 3bdrm, den. 2 t/s bath, ft., 3 bdrm, 2 t/s bath. Call 385-5809 or deeded. MLS fenced w/corral, horse acres 1728 sq. ft., granite. to BLM. $ 249,000. back for whatever you feature, iron custom $279,000. Upgrades galore & place your ad on-line want. Fenced back- fencing, fruit trees and 201406013 shelter, shop/garage ¹201206931 John L. $176,900. High Lakes MLS 201404379 mtn. views. at Juniper Realty, w/studio & storage. 2 Scott Rea l E s tate yard with a small pole a great patio for enter Realty & P r o perty Cascade Realty, $527,640. MLS bendbulletin.com 541-504-5393 Dennis Haniford, Princ. barn. So much here taining. 36'x40' barn acres of i r r igation. 541-548-'I 712 Management 201405179 Lynn Broker 541-536-1731 you need to see it to with sliding doors for M ountain 8 Sm i t h 541-536-0117 Johns, Principal Broet the whole story. h orse runs, 120 ' x 8479 SW High Cone Rock views. Not a bad BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS 755 ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, 16784 Brenda Drive. FIND IT! 200' custom fenced Drive. Large 4 bdrm, 2 package at $289,900! Search the area's most 250,500 MLS Wes Johns, Broker Sunriver/La Pine Homes EI!T I T I $344,900. 3 bdrm, 201407184 Cascade arena. 40x60 shop bath located in t he 10525 Fleming Rd., comprehensive listing of 541 408-2945. Cen1743 sq. ft. w/custom SELL ITr Dennis Hani- has RV friendly doors heart o f Cr o oked P owell Butte. C a l l classified advertising... tral Oregon Resort 55918 Snow Goose. upgrades. High Lakes The Bulletin Classifieds Realty, ford, Princ. Broker and a concrete floor River Ranch on 1.20 Heather Hockett, PC, real estate to automotive, Realty $229,000. 3 bdrm, 2 Realty & Property 1-541-536-1731 along with lots of area acre. Wonderful out- Broker, Century 21 merchandise to sporting bath near river and Make this old homeManagement to park and turn ve door area for enter- Gold Country Realty, goods. Bulletin Classifieds New Construction in Sunriver. High Lakes stead located right off 541-536-0117 Very clean, 3 bedroom, around in front taining or r e laxing. 541-420-9151 appear every day in the SW Redmond - 3 bed- Realty & Pr o perty of Hwy 97 your get- 2 bath frame home on hicles the shop. Property Oversized 2-bay shop print or on line. rooms, 2 baths, 1804 Management away retreat. Original 1.44 Acres. 1704 sq. of 20510 Jacklight Lane. adjoins public lands SF. Stainless steel 541-536-0117 ith s t orage a n d Beautiful 3/2 custom log Call 541-385-5809 home that was built in ft., vaulted ceilings, so horses don't have w $519,000. 5 b d r m/ plenty of room to keep appliances, dual panhome on 5 acres, all www.bendbulletin.com bath, 3474 sq. f t , 1 940, a l on g w i t h open floor plan in to be trailered. Asking the toys out of t he tries, vaulted ceilings, 12240 Alderwood Dr., 3 set up fo r h orses. b uilt i n '06, High original garage and only $619,900 for this weather. $ 1 43,000. 2-story, vaulted ceil$216,900. $57,000. 2 bdrm, 1t/s Lakes Realty & Prop- storage shed, 1.63 kitchen, dining and The Bulletin serving central oregon since f9e living room. All new move-in ready prop mls 201300653 MLS¹201404038. bath, covered deck, erty ings, deck off master, Man agement acres. Home is very appliances. Attached Jim Hinton, that has pride of Juniper Realty, acre. High Lakes Re- 541-536-0117 clean yet still has it double car garage erty large windows, utility ownership. 4709 541-504-5393 541-420-6229. alty & Property Manroom, security sys- Recreational Homes unique traits. P osa nd detached R V Sage Way • Central Oregon Realty agement The Bulletin sible horse property Shop. Horse property, Sunny tem, covered f ront Redmond. H e ather Group, LLC 541-536-0117 bought a new boat? d eck,. Also has 1 & Property To Subscribe call behind home in open fenced. Located very Hockett, PC, Broker, Just Sell your old one in the field. $ 6 4 ,900 MLS close to r e creation C entury 2 1 bath g u est 541-385-5800 or go to Single level Charmer in Look at: classifieds! Ask about our bdrm/1 Gol d Cabin on Paulina Lakehouse with large liv201300544 NW Redmond. and Sunriver Resort. C ountry www.bendbulletin.com Bendhomes.com Real t y , Super Seller rates! Rare opportunity! Fully Cascade Realty, ing room and kitchen, $319,000. 4 B d r m, for Complete Listings of $235,000 MLS 541-385-5809 ready for winl arge barn with 3 furnished, 20724 L y r a Dr i v e. Dennis Haniford, Princ. 201404062. Cascade 541-420-9151 plus office/den, 2.5 & summer recreation. Broker s talls, t ac k r o o m ,ter bath, 2 41 0 s q . ft.,Area Real Estate for Sale $319,000. 3 bedroom, 57004 Arro w head8886 SW Pasture Ct. Realty, Dennis Hani3 bdrm, up1-541-536-1731 and stor- Lake front 1666 sq. ft . h ome, brand new construcford, Princ. Broker $89,200. 2 bdrm, 2 Custom built 960 sq. workshop water sys, full Birchwood age area for your hay. raded seasonal pond. High Riverfront-1.60 a c res tion, fencing, front 145451 1-541-536-1731 bath, 2-car garage on ft. vacation home on itchen, all electric, land Triple wide, Lakes Realty & Proplandscaping, custom $174,900 2.4 acres. High 1.25 acres bordering Completely fenced, 3 line, wood stove. Atwith p aved m a in3-car garage, 2 acres. corrals, full RV hookerty Man a gement tile. MLS ¹201310781 756 Lakes Realty 8 Prop- community pasture in tached wood/tool shed. t ained r o ad. T h i s High Lakes Realty & 541-536-0117 Jim Hinton, erty Ma n agement Crooked River Ranch. ups. $395,000. MLS $300,000. 541-383-1885 frame home has 1956 Jeffer son County Homes Property M a nage201402749 Cascade 541-420-6229. 541-536-0117 It is currently being Realty, Dennis Haniment 541-536-0117 51475 Wheeler Road. sq. ft., 2 bdrms and Central Oregon Realty remodeled so there is ford, Princ. B roker $89,000. 2.5 acres on bath upstairs with a Want to move in and 16751 SW Dove Rd., still Group, LLC Farms & Ranches time to pick out 146532 O l d Ca b i n. 2 tax lots + A-frame. family room. Master enjoy life? This is your C RR, Custom l o g $160,000. 3 bdrm, 2 is located downstairs. some of the finishes. 1-541-536-1731 home, and it is loaded home on 5 acres. with High Lakes Realty & Single Level custom 3 (Extremely) Rare opheat pump, hot Property M a n age- Has 4-car garage at- with upgrades and many upgrades. Floor 720 sq. ft. garage/ bdrm, 2 bath, 2356 bath, tached, wo r kshop ready to live in. This shop with bathroom, Looking for a home that portunity to own a sesq. ft. Eagle Crest tub. High Lakes Re- ment 541-536-0117 to ceiling w indows & Property Manarea behind garage, well maintained home w ith m t n . vi e w s. office and c anning has it all? Come en- cluded 40-acre farm in home, built in 2011. alty 51958 Mowich Lane, 3 dog run and land- boasts a large tiled Hickory hardwood & room. $149,000. MLS joy the i ncredible Bend with 29 acres of Fabulous kit c h en agement views from every inch i rrigation an d j u s t bdrm, 2 t/s bath, 1765 scaped. Downstairs entryway, ceiling fans, tile floors. Gourmet 201406253 great room plan, triple 541-536-0117 of this exquisite Cen- minutes from Costco! Juniper Realty, lig h ting, kitchen, cherry cabi garage. $ 4 7 9,000.15970 Old Mill Road, La sq. ft., 1 .22 a c re, totally remodeled, all recessed 541-504-5393 tral Oregon property. 2 houses, rustic barn/ $214,900. High Lakes new floors, must see large loft area, a mas nets, granite counters. MLS 201401643 Pine. $174,900. ReFrom stunning Cas- 4 covered stalls, tack Realty & Pr o perty new carpets, some t er b e droom w i t h Stacked rock woodLynn Johns, Principal 3 bdrm, 2 room, corral, large cade Mtns, to overManagement new cabinets, coun- ample walk-in closet, burning fireplace. Broker, 541-408-2944 modeled FIND YOUR FUTURE b ath, 1844 sq . f t . l ooking y ou r 1 3 5 shop with 12-ft roll-up tertops, new lino in window co v erings $474,900 ¹201404445 HOME INTHE BULLETIN Wes Johns, Broker 541 home. H i g h Lakes 541-536-0117 acres of prime farm door 8 attached gabath a n d ki t c hen. throughout. The ga 408-2945 Central OrJuniper Realty, Realty & Pr o perty Need help fixing stuff? far m ing Property has 2 wells rage is finished with ground to the expan- rage, a l l egon Resort Realty Your future isjust a page 541-504-5393 Management, Culver Valley. equipment included Call A Service Professional and an exterior build- ceiling storage rack away. Whetheryou're looking sive 541-536-0117 This home is custom w/acceptable o ff er. The Davis, NW Redfind the help you need. ing that would make a and you have great 1018 Chapman St., Gil- for a hat or aplace to hangit, Extensive wil d life, mond. $28 2 ,900. built w/family & enwww.bendbulletin.com h orse barn o r R V views from the back christ. 4 Bdrm, 2 bath The Bulletin Classified is The Bulletin's tertaining in mind 8 COID canal behind Open great room tons cover. Fish on your deck. VA assumable if 1 836 sq. f t . , 2 . 8 4 your bestsource. of cabinets space in "Call A Service attention to every de- h ouse, f e nced & 5 2252 Polar R d. , 3 own riverbank. eligible. $12 3 ,900 acres, motivated sellEvery daythousandsof tail. Nothing has been cross-fenced with 4 k itchen, 2n d f l o or Professional" Directory bdrm, 2 bath, 1651 $269,000. MLS MLS¹201304344 ers! $214,900. High buyers laundry room, 3 bdrm, is all about meeting andsellers of goods overlooked, from the separate p a stures. s q. ft., s h op, R V 201305831 Heather Hockett, PC, Lakes Realty & Prop- and services businessin list of c ustom up- $595,000 (den or 4th bdrm), 3 Cascade Realty, cover. $216,000. High Broker, Century 21 erty Man agement these pages.do yourneeds. They know grades inside to the ¹201402376 bath, 1929 sq.ft. MLS Lakes Realty 8 Prop- Dennis Haniford, Princ. Gold Country Realty, 541-536-0117 m ulti-level patio & Jodi Cla r k,Principal ¹201307047 erty Man agement Broker 541-536-1731 54'I -420-9151 you can't beat TheBulletin Call on one of the Broker, 541-771-8731 Jim Hinton, Classified Section for even the lay of the 541-536-0117 1811 Stallion Road. 3 professionals today! Sharp La Pine home Bank owned, 3 bdrm, 2 bdrm home amazing selection andconvenience 541-420-6229. land, this is one not to Century 21 with Paulina v iew! 53605 Bobwhite Ct ., Central Oregon Realty bath, 1092 sq.ft. home remodel, 5 - every item isjust a phone miss. $1, 2 9 5,000Gold Country Realty ac r e s. fenced 1.05 a c r e, 16048 Cascade Lane. $198,500. 2633 sq. ft. i n Madras, built in call away. ¹201405551 John L. Group, LLC $224,900. High 1736 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 $134,500. 1749 sq. ft., 3bdrm, 2bath, .95 2005. R a nge/oven, Lakes Realty 8 Prop- The Classified Section is Scott Rea l E s t ate Call a Pro T he W i ndsor, N W 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fully acre. High Lakes Re- bath, l iving r o o m, dishwasher, micro & erty 541-548-1712 Man a gement easy to use.Everyitem Redmond. $313,900. fenced. High Lakes alty & Property Man- family rm+ den, large frig included. $71,900 541-536-0117 Whether you need a is categorizedandevery Main floor d e n/4th Realty & deck. Attached gaPr o perty agement MLS 201406315. Call fence fixed, hedges cartegory is indexedonthe rage + p ole b arn, Pam Lester, Principal bdrm, lots of natural Management 541-536-0117 Need to get an trimmed or a house section's front page. l ight. Eating bar in 541-536-0117 large shop. Ed Green, Broker, Century 21 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ad in ASAP? kitchen, landscaping, 5 5849 W oo d D u c k Principal Bro k e r, Gold Country Realty, built, you'll find Whether you are l o oking for Door-to-door selling with Drive. Riverfront 5 541-598-5666. J o hn You can place it RV Parking, 3 bdrm, 3 16052 Eagles Nest Inc. 541-504-1338 professional help in a home or need a servi c e, $75,000. 3 bdrm, 2 bdrm, 2 t/s bath, 3587 L. Scott, Bend bath, 2235 sq.ft. MLS fast results! It's the easiest your future is inthe pagesof online at: The Bulletin's "Call a bath, 1296 sq. ft., 1 sq. ft. home. ¹201310777 way in the world to sell. Advertise your car! The Bulletin Classified. www.bendbulletin.com Service Professional" fenced acres. High Find It in Jim Hinton, $470,000. High Lakes Add A Picture! Lakes Realty Realty & P r o pertyReach 541-420-6229. thousands of readers! The Buffetfn Cfassifleds! The Bulletin Classified Directory The Bulletin & Property Manage541-385-5809 Central Oregon Realty Management Call 541-385-5809 serving centml oregon since ree 541-388-5809 541-385-5809 541 -385-5809 ment 541-536-0117 541-536-0117 Group, LLC The Bulletin Classifieds

• 0





~ INI.



And THECASCADEMTNS!! Charming single level cottage, Gorgeous pahjisch home in River's Edge. Master on main. artist studio plus 800 sq. j!. 2 bedroom 8 2 bath guest Open, light & bright. Full easterly views,big decks,lower level quarters. Private retreat minutes from Bend in Tumajo area. guest quarters. SMART systemand! year golf membership. www.20090.putnam.com www.3396eighteenthfairway.hasson.com

Mary Leacijeld




—. s

J u l ie Burgoni



Close in - yet private. Jr. master suite with mountain views, main level office, loft game room, 3-car garage, nearby trail to Overturf Butte 8 Phij's Trail, .37 ACREPRIVACY.

Just steps from the river 8 ajj the Old Mill District has to offer. You will jove the contemporary finishes from top io bottom. Easy, comfortable jiving is here.




541-306-8927 Team Delay •Edie Delay 541-420-2950 Jeanne Turner






This 4 bed/3 bath home boasts o juxufftousowner suite w/ deck, gourmet kitchen, large patio & hot tub. Consistently occupied w/great rental income! 33 Maury Mtn. Ln.,Sunriver.

Spacious 3289 sq. ft., 4 bed, 2.5 ba, master on main, Upgraded with tile counters and slate flooring. Nice view hardwood, built-in dining plusformal, bonusroomw/wet bor & of Bachelor from the back 8 guest rooms. Large walk-in speakers+ loft 8 computerareas. Nice finishes/neighborhood. closet. Close to schools, river anrj restaurants.

Award winning Samson townhome plan with 3 beds, 2.5 baths, large vaulted loft & thisplan isonly attached ononeside a! garage. Powder bath 8 kitchen. Under construction now.





Ryan Buccola

Me l ody Luelling

Ka r e n Malanga

R h i a nna Kunkler










Pahjisch quality with 1450 sq. (t.- quartz counters, stainless Brand newtownhome in NWRedmondw/the quality Pahjisch steel appliances. Close to ajj community amenities, club- is known for. Home features 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths 8 loft. Low house, pools, 2 miles of paved trails, 15 acresopen space. maintenancewith covered patio, porch 8 nice yard. www.3023antjer.hasson.com www.61063ambassador.hasson.com

Michelle Gregg

T e a m Delay

Brand new pahjisch homelocated next door to the newSage Elementary School backing the canal. Master on the main, and open great roomwith gas firspjace+ upstairs open loft.




Mi c helle Gregg


• ' e



g •

I •

g • e•

SW Bend - 61136 Finchwood Dr. ~ $325,000 • 4 bedroom, 2 bath,2088SFon .44 acre lot • Family room with pine ceilings • Tiled baths & kitchen • Large bonusroom • Large backyardwith RVparking • Close to trails, parks,Old Mil and Downtown! MLS¹201408493 Call Melanie Maitre, Brokeri 541-480-4186

19546 Brookside Way ~ $345,000 • Well maintained 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2043 SF home • Large updated kitchen with butler's pantry • Great room with gas fireplace • Multi-use loft area • Flex space for home office or formal dining room • Quick access to M t.Bachelor, the Old Mill and beautiful trails • 2-car garage

• • • • •

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker i 541-480-2356 blockremOgmail.com

• 1.95 acres on Awbrey Butte • 3589 SF home with city and mountain views • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, den, bonus and two living areas • Unbelievable storage in this wonderful home • Beautiful Views!


• 4.8 acres ',f MLS¹201407706


1612 NW Promontory Dr ~ $799,999

mountain views



1+ Acre on Awbrey Butte ) $599,500

4 bed, 2 bath, 1920 SF Ranch style home Horse property Barn/outbuildings Unobstructed Cascade

Call Laura Blossey, Broker i 949-887-4377


2707 Pickett Ct. • 4 bed/3.5 bath, 3525 SF • Master on the main • Remodeled kitchen I I ls [ • 3-cargarage I ll • Water feature • Beautiful front & back porch space MLS¹201405867 Call Laura Blossey, Broker i 949-887-4377

Amazing Mountain Views ( $399,000

• Montanastonefireplace

• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing tonational forest and isthe perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking, or dining and shopping

• Main house- 3bed, 2.5ba, 2450SF •Guest quarters-2bed,Iba,788SF • MLS¹201301856

Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com

20217 Sawyer Reach Ct. ( $875,000

-: g



• River views fromnearly everyroom • Rich-toned oahhardwoodfloors sCustomdistressed kitchencabinetry • Slab granitecounters • Pro qualitySSappliances

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Brokeri 541-508-9581

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokeri 541-280-5352

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales

Nvandenborn¹¹gmail .com


541-408-3912 i brian©bendpropertysource.com


• I • I

• •

• •



New Master-PlannedTownhome Development in Midtown! • 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $257,500 •4 unit s now underconstruction • Price includes custom level finishes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energy efficient construction • Location supports the active Bend lifestyle with easy access to parks, trails, river and downtown

• Awesome custom 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • 1680 SF, .69 acre lot, backing to canal • Huge oversized 25x24 2-car garage • RV/boat parking • Just minutes to Old Mill • Brand new exterior paint MLS¹201406381


Call Mary Stratton, Broker, i 541-419-6340 maryselhms@gmail.com

Call Brlan Ladd, Prlncipal Brokeri 541-408-3912 brian@bendpropertysource.com

• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre Westside home site featuring mature landscape & impressive Cascade Mountain views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy & flexibility for many design options • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park 8i downtown Bend MLS¹ 2 01404748

• True 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Large .96 acre lot w/RV parking • Open kitchen & dining area • Large fenced yard + greenhouse • Front wraparound deck Video tours at www.bendpropertysource.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokeri 541-408-3912

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokeri 541-408-0086


se I

e ¹


• I




• Permitted GP building w/ living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse • RV hookups inside & out, 100 amp breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend • Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV MLS¹201301490

• 53557 Kokanee$490,000 Stunning custom home and lot with panoramic/river views. Large shop. MLS¹201304072 • 53610 Brookie - $420,000 Mature forest setting, private river access. Eco-conscious, Scandinavian inspired home. MLS¹201303936 • 14234 Whitewater Lp - $425,000 Quality custom home with incredible workmanship: hickory cabinets, oak rails & floors. MLS¹201305640 Video tours at www.bendpropertysource.com

Call Joanne McKee, Broker! 541-480-5159

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokeri 541%08-3912



• •





Open floor plan & large .58 lot Beautiful knotty pine accent 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths + loft Great for residence or vacation rental Peek-a-boo views of Mt. Bachelor

• Two master suites • Abundant Sunriver entertainment

MLS¹201407216 Video tours at vhvw.bendpropertysource.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokeri 541-408-3912 brianObendpropertysource.com

• •


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3010 SF • Light, bright, clean & cozy • Formal living and dining areas • Open family room with gas fireplace • Custom made maple cabinets, floors, desk and dining room hutch Video tours at www.bendpropertysource.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokeri 541-408-391 2


• • • • •

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker! 541-408-0086 a


• 3357 SF, great room concept with main level master suite • 5 bedroom, 3 bath bonus room plus additional flex space • Wonderful primary home or investment/rental property • Close proximity to river trail, The Village at NW Crossing, schools, restaurant & downtown Bend MLS¹201407363

• 3512 SF - 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • On 1.38 acres w/2 private fenced backyard patio areas • Remodeled with lodge accents • Gourmet kitchen open to spacious great room • Slab granite, hickory cabinets, wood burning & gas fireplaces • Nice separation of bedrooms with 2 master suites Call Myra Girod, Broker i 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker i 541-788-6767 m ra. amteam@cascadesir.com

• Historic downtown westside • Close to Old Mill and river trails • Attractivehome, 2 bedroom, 1 bath • Original features & hardwood floor • Basement with 504 SF • Immaculate condition Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokeri 541-408-3912 www.bendpropertysource.coms brian¹¹bendpropertysource.com

• 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade view • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator MLS¹201311003

Video tours at www.bendpropertysource.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokeri 541-408-3912 www.bendpropertysource.comsbrian@bendpropertysource.com

I • I

• 4 bed, 5 bath, 3948 SF • On RARE flat, fenced, 1.18 acre lot • Extraordinary mountain views • Mostly main level living • Vaulted ceilings and maple hardwoods • Huge bonus room w/additional finished flex space MLS¹201408563 Deb Tebbs, Broker/Presidenti 541-4194553 debtebbsgroup@ bendluxuryhomes.com ! www.debtebbsgroup.com

m ra. amteamOcascadesir.com

I i i •

• 105 acre horse/cattle ranch perfectly designedand constructed • Stunning 4773SF,3 bedroom, 4 bath home onthe canyonedge • Striking river, mountain & Smith Rockviews • 100x250 covered arena, 4 stall barn, RV barn/shop, hay and equipment sheds &cattle handling facilities •3bedroom, 2bathranchmanager'shome MLS¹201406034

Call Myra Girod, Principal Broker! 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker i 541-788-6767

I • '•

• Well established INCOME PRODUCINGdog boarding business • 50 private dog suites+ Indoor/ outdoor social area • Hire an employee and set your own hours • Custom built home perched on 20 acres • 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 361 SF 2 • Hardwoods, radiant floor heat, T&G wood ceilings • Wood & gas burning fireplaces •30x40shop,panoramicmountain views MLS¹201403216


I •

• • • • • •


7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River & golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000


Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker i 541-480-3096

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokeri 541-408-3912






• •



1450 NW 17th St. Redmond( $211,000

Peaceful Sunriver Location ( $398,880

• Master on main • Large bonus room • Fireplace, tile counters

• Fenced backyard • Close to shopping and dry canyon • Rim Rock RDM MLS¹201405411


Snap Shot Loop ( $484,750

Desirable Awbrey Butte ( $425,000

• 17613 (¹10)SparksLane, Sunriver • 4bedrooms,2.5 baths,1810 SF • Decks on levelsandlots of paved parking area • Charming greatroomdesign • Lava rockfireplace, vaulted wood ceiling • Close to SHARC aquatic and

• 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 21BB SF • Lots of upgrades


• 2completedluxurytownhomes • 4bedrooms,3,5 bathrooms • 2540 SF &2-car attachedgarage • Granite, hardwood &tile throughout • Easyliving in aparklike setting • Ownerprivilegesat Seventh Mountain Resort • Next to WidgiCreek&theDeschutes

•Awesome 3bed/2.5bathplan w/ great rm & stone fireplace • Gourmet kitchen w/ granite & new appliances • New carpet & exterior paint, professionally landscaped •Hugemasterwithdeck • Too much to list! Call today! MLS¹ 201403181


the river

RiverTrail MLS¹201307670

Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222



Call Jodi Satko, CPS, Brokerl 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon@gmail.com

Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker

River Rim - On The Meadow ( $489,000

2968 Chianti ( $499,000

61455 Ward Rd., Bend ( $599,999

3412 NW Greenleaf ( $1,439,000


•4bed,/3bath,bedorofi ce/denonmain • Backsto40acremeadowwith trails, pond & park • Open ffoor planw/great room&fireplace • Low maintenance fencedyardwith coveredporch • Hardwood&slate ffoors, woodtrim


& more

• Delightful home - hurry, thiswon't last! MLS¹20140& 3&1by appt. only

Call Jodi Satko, CSP, Brokerl 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon©gmail.com

541-948-5196 vvvvw.PointsWestBend.com

• 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2679 SF • Large bonus room • 4-car garage • Meticulously maintained MLS¹201404719 Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019

Call Susie Helfer, Broker l 541-410-3114




',> •


• 1 acre at North Rimgated , • 5294 SF, 4 bed, 4.5 bath • Dream kitchenw/Dacor appliances • 2-car+1-car garagewith shop areas • Media w/wetbar &workout room • Close to town on river trail ' MLS¹201310071

• 5 beds, 3 baths, 2971 SF • 5 acres, 3 acres irrigated • 3-stall barn • FULL CASCADE VIEWS! • Must see inside! • Close to town! MLS¹201402091


• •


'W• ~ • 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths

66088 Cllne Falls Road • 8.5 acres completely fenced • 4 acres of Tumalo Irrigation water • Single level home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Storage building & barn MLS¹201408429

• 3022 SF, .49 acre • 2-cargarage with heated shop/bonus room • Custom Solaire built energy efficient, ADA compliant home with RV parking, dump and

hook-ups • Quiet cul-de-sac in a great neighborhood M


Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomes©gmail.com

2355 SF on .53 acres 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths Oversized 3-car garage 2 living areas and a sunroom Lake and golf course views at Widgi Creek! This private, turnkey residence has been primarily used as a vacation home and is in immaculate move-in condition! Priced to sell!

8• 8

• Large 2.34 acre, 2539 SF home • Open living - light & bright • 4 bedroom, 3 bath, bonus, den • Large vaults/windows for views • Knotty pine ceiling & accents • RV pkg & hook-ups, shop & more See Video at www.bendpropertysource.com


Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 brianObendpropertysource.com

Wall Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Qreen 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomesOgmail.com


• • • • • •

• '


• • •




• Former model home in The Parks • 3040 SF, 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath • Open, light great room floor plan • Den & junior suite on main • Porte cochere, beautiful landscaping • Fronts neighborhood park MLS¹201408122


Call Sandy & JoPnKoh~moos, rokersl546084309 www.bestbendhomes.com

', • e

Situated on a private, flat lot Backs Anderson Ranch 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths 2828 SF on .23 acre 2-car garage with storage

t.ailSilvia Knight, Broker, ABR, FR, reen 541-7 -4 61 www.silviaknight.com bendluxuryhomesf¹gmail.com

• • •

65683 Swallows Nest Lane

• 4 bedrooms, 3.5baths,plus of fice

• This magnificent villa at Pronghorn comes fully furnished, including membership to Central Oregon's premiere golf community

• 3148 SF with bonus room • 1.30 acres, quiet hillside location

• Private outdoor hot tub

• Travertine, bamboo, hardwood floors • Red oak cabinets,granite counters

• Top quality finishes throughout

• Custom built in 2011

• Convenient, desirable location


Call Silvia night, roker, BR, SF, Green 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com


• 4 bedrooms (2 main level suites), 3 baths • 3299 SF, .24 acre • One owner custom home with many quality features • Open, inviting great room, additional family room • 3-car tandem garage /2 with storage • Surround sound, radiant in-fioor heat, heat pump, central A/C, wired for security. Call for more info! MLS¹201400474

e • e

• • • • •

Ca Ke y Horton, Bro er 541-508-9163

Call regg ayden, nnapal roker l 541-390-6139



• 3602 SF, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths+ bonus+ study • Breathtaking Cascade

• NW Contemporary design built by Madrone Construction LLC

• Built by Timberline Construction of Bend • Designed by Brandon Olin • This contemporary home features 3 bedrooms, 3 baths • Complete with a bonus room and den/office • Built to Earth Advantage and Energy Star standards • Triple car garage • Near clubhouse, trails and downtown Bend • Call for additional details

• Situated on an elevated homesite with rtt. views

mountain views • Incredible attention to detail

• Custom touches throughout • Projection home theater system • Luxurious upgrades See Video at www.bendpropertysource.com ML S ¹201407422

Call BrianLadd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 brian@bendpropertysource.com

'. e •

• • •

• Designed as a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath with main level master suite • Bonus room plus a triple car garage • Close proximity to clubhouse, trails and downtown Bend

• Call for additional details and pricing

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086



• 8•


861 SW Theater Dr. • 3 story, 3 bedrooms,3.5 baths • Views from everyfloor, 2 decks • Fantastic Deschutes riverfront • Great accessibility to Old Mill • State-of-the-art security & lighting • Custom wood &brick work MLS¹201404903 See Video atwww.bendpropertysource.com

all nan dd, Prinapal roker l 54brian@bendpropertysource.com

61526 Cultus Lake Ct. • Designed by Dwell Design Group and built by Timberline Construction of Bend • NW Craftsman home offers wonderful indoor and outdoor living spaces • Beautiful Mt. Bachelor view sunsets from the frontdeck and privacy in the back MLS¹201407699 Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

• Spectacular mountain views • Ultimate quality, immaculate throughout • Located at The Ridgeat Indian Ford • Gated community with irrigated greenways • 3 bedroom, 4 bath, 3296SF,1.87 acres • Private equestrian center located in 100+ acres of common area

• Open spaces, the high desert at its finest, championship golf course • Wild sunsets, breathtaking and endless westerly mtn views, equestrian center, spa and fitness center • 5400 SF green built estate home is situated on .75 acre • 3 stunning suites with balconies, a butler pantry, wine cellar, complete outdoor kitchen, hot tub, energy efficient solar system, truly a legacy property! MLS¹201402853 aI o i n e ake, r o er , robin.yeakeIOsothebysrealty.com

Call or Text Jane Flood, Broker l 541-350-9993 JaneFlood004¹gmail.com



To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809

A •



N •




I have been licensed in the state foOregon for 24years

Jim King has beena realtor for almost 15 years,

loves helping buyers and sellers with their real estate needs.

... I worked at alocal title companyfor 5 years astheir operations V. RI understand all aspectsfothe Real Estate business. I can represent youfor residential, multi-family units and commercial properties.

approach to the buying and sellingforeal estate. Jimis excited to be apart of the CascadeSotheby's

Gregg Hayden, Principal Broker

Melissa Beaver, Broker

David Dunn, Broker

Jim King, Principal Broker

Cell 541-390-6139, Direct 541-848-6182 gregghayden.realty@gmail.com

541-350-8685 melissa.beaver@sothebysrealty.com

541-390-8465 davedunn@bendcable.com

Cell 541-325-2820, Direct 541-848-6153 jimking.realty@gmail.com

With over Three DecadesfoReal Estate Experience

... Gregg Haydenis proud to beaffiliated with

Melissa Beaver hasjoined Cascade Sotheby's International Realty in Bend as a licensed broker.

Cascade Sotheby's International Realty. Buyers and

She has lived in Bendfor 24 years and

Sellers ... You'll appreciate working with Gregg as a partner in making your ideas a realty!!

2924 SWObsidianLane,Redmond l $217,500

56458 Eclipse Dr, Bend l $349,000

• 3 bedrooms,2.5 baths •Full yfenced& landscaped • Desirable Obsidian Estates •Minutes todowntown,schools & medical • Bonus room MLS¹201406944

• Amazing riverfront property offers 2 bedroomsand 2 bathrooms • Detached two-car garage and guest bungalow with fullbath • The property offers its own private dock, yard andhot tub • Only minutes to Sunriver Resort MLS¹201303837

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Brokerl 541-749-8479

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Brokerl 541-749-8479

chris¹khrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

60868 SW Yellow Leaf l $483,000

chris¹¹chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

Desirable Awbrey Village ( $499,500

Custom Pahlisch built Shop/RV garage 5 bedroom No HOA's Close to CE Lovejoy's Shopping Center • Priced to sell MLS¹201401895

2431 43rd, Redmond l $435,000 • Majestic Ridge • 2888 SF, 0.22 acres •4 bed,3 bath with large bonus/ family room • Awesome views, elegant home • Master on the main with soaking tub • Crown molding, hardwood floors MLS¹201403365

• 1300 sq.ft. shop, RVhookupsalong with additionaloutbuildings • 4 bed, 25 bathwith largemastersuite

' '


w/vaulted ceilings,his/herclosets, master bathw/gardentub • New hardwood,tile, carpet • Newgranitecounters,tilebacksplash

MLS¹201408459 erikasanzoneegmail,com http://erikasanzone.cascadesothebysrealty.com/eng

CallJane Flood, Earth Advantage S.TA.R. And EcoBroker Certified l 541-350-9993

21057 Arid Ave., NW Bend l $549,000

Log Home On Acreage l $649,000

Call Erlka Stratton-sanzone, Brokerl 541-280-8388

• 4 BD/25 BA,luxuryfeatures, extra guest quarters • RV¹I horsefriendly, out buildings & storage galore • Bonus mediroom, a large private office w/view •Outdoorlivingw/spa& gazebo • Commonareaw/accessto Whychus Creek, hiking,fishing &more! MLS¹201403310 Call todayto view!

• Live, work and play on this 3.21 acres

• 2592 SF home, 5000 SF shop • Located between Bend & Redmond • Masteron main,500 SF bonus room • Guest suite in shop • Custom cabinets, wood

• Classic Craftsman design • Open floor plan • Bonus area • Two-car tandem garage MLS¹201402948


team. He is an Accredited Luxury Home S pecialist.

• Exceptional custombuildei's own homesurroundedby lushgardens • 1.5 acresin Crooked RiverRanch

3234 NW Bungalow Ct • 4 beds, 3.5 baths, 2740 SF • 0.23 acre lot • Cul-de-sac

• • • • •

Call or text Jane Flood, Brokerl 541-350-9993 janeflood00©gmail.com

14095 SWCinder Cone Lp, Terrebonne f $399,000

the last 9 here in Bend. Jim tailors a customized

doors BI trim


Call Nicolette Jones, Broker l 541-241-0432 nicolette.jone@cascadesothebysrealty.com

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352 ken.renner¹¹sothebysrealty.com

Call Jodl Satko, CSP Brokerl 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon@gmail.com

Westside New Construction l $699,000 1469 NW Galveston Ave

' ' •

• •

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, 2009 SF • Fully permitted ADU, 580 SF • Traditional Craftsman home • Close distance to river • High end interior BI exterior finishes

Call Nicolette Jones, Broker l 541-241-0432 nicolette.jone©cascadesothebysrealty.com

Black Butte Ranch l $739,000 •Impressi vecustom homeon Glaze MeadowCourse




• Gourmet kitchen 2 fireplaces,luxury features • Beautiful fairway viewsoff the 13th green • Well caredfor w/I year warranty! • Perfect for F/T orP/Tresidence! • Too much to list! Call Today!


Call Jodl Satko, CSP Broker l 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon@gmail.com


• •

~= =:-'====- -'=-.-'-%' . ;" . I"

• Whole ownership from 90K, shared ownership from 15K in several one and 2 bedroom condos • Granite countertops • National forest views, situated near pools, restaurant and bar


• Great rental income and trading possibilities • Fully furnished & turnkey • Call me for details

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-4084406 Resort Properties Specialist

' k '= -


19049 Mt. Shasta, Bend • Backs directly to common area • Located close to Shevlin Park • Near river trails popular for hiking, jogging, and mountain biking • Easytopography, mature trees For more information 8< to see all our listings go to www.bendpropertysource.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 www.bendpropertysource.comE brianC!bendpropertysource.com

• Charming SE Bend single level • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1251 SF • New paintinside and out • Large fenced yard • Close to schools& shopping • 5% down - FNMA Financing available MLS¹201408142 Call CJ Neumaan, Broker l 541-410-3710 or R Llsa Lamberto, Brokerl 541-610-9697 www.CJLisa.com


• •


e •• 8


• Minutes to Deschutes River and Farewell Bend Park!


• 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Main level master • Large kitchen with island • Excellent low maintenancesecond or primary home all

• First time on the .marketinRiver Riml , e gq„' • Large main level master suite • 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Spacious three car garage • Private .26 acre lot with water feature

r m e n . oo k , r o k er carmenacook©gmail.com




+ s

armen A. oo , Bro er 5 41-480-6491 carmenacook@gmail.com

• Beautiful 2-story craftsman • Top-of-the-li ne chef's kitchen • Master suites on 1st and 2nd level • Custom wood finis hes throughout • Triple car garage • 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3316 SF MLS¹201402349

• 4670 SF, top quality wood finishes, gourmet kitchen • Upstairs: master suite, office, great room, formal dining, laundry room and half bathroom. • Downstairs: 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, wine cellar, and large family/media room. • You will love the private views from two large decks. • 3-car garage, easy yard maintenance • Just steps from Rivers Edge's first tee MLS¹201401762

CallThe Norma Du oisan ulle o e eam, ro ers 541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

8 • 8• 8

Call David Dunn, Broker l 541-390-8465 davedunn¹¹bendcable.com

8 •8•



• 3804 SF, 3 bed, 3.5 baths • Log accentsthroughout home • Wood floors, upgraded kitchen • Private sitting room off master bedroom • Private 4.70 fenced acres • 4320 SF shop/RV storage/barn MLS¹201408241 Call Patty Cordonl, Broker l 541-771-0931 patty.cordoni¹¹sothebysrealty.com

• Fabulous mountain views in Tumalo • Gorgeous Brazilian cherry floors • Gourmet kitchen with Jenn-Air cook-top and grill • 2 extraordinary guest quarters • Luxurious main level master suite • 5 bedroom, 4 bath, 7708 SF MLS¹201405487 Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com


acres bordering BLM & park • Custom home features 3365 SF, 3 bed, 3 bath • Radiant floor heating, solarium, sunroom, patios • Landscaped with sprinkler system, meandering irrigation ditch, & paved driveway MLS¹201306274

• 579 acres w/461 acres of irrigation water rights • Update historic home6168 SF,4bed,4bath • Indoor arena 100x300 • 2 barns, 30 stalls, vet lab, round pens • Two shops, equipment storage, feedlot, scales • Additional guest/employee home • Cascade Mountain views & Crooked River frontage MLS¹201208934

Pam Mayophillips, 541 480-1513 or BrookHavens, 5414044788, Piincipal Brokersl wwwdeseitva¹eygroup.com

Pam Mayo-Phillips, Principal Brokerl 541 480-1513

• Private setting on 21


















LOTS FOR SALE 1 ACRE FLAT BUILD- 914 Highland View LP. NW Bend Lot j Lot1 SW Shad Rd. 360 acres of f enced Amazing Sunsets! Big Eastern Oregon land Lot 21 SW Chipmunk AD ¹ 3162 R iverfront ABLE LOT. Fenced Eagle Crest, .44 acre 3.09 acres with amaz- range land only 20 Cascade Mountain & available Canyon City, Rd., level 5.16 acres, $249,900 OWNER TERMS! with septic, private lot with p a noramic• .20 acre in Three inq views. $78,500. miles from Madras. D eschutes Rive r OR. 14 acres zoned with 2 storage sheds. AD ¹3242 1. 7 A c re well & power to the Cascade Mtn views, Pines CEC electricity to the views. 5.89 acres with Residential, currently partial mt n v i ews. $58,500. MLS¹ Home site a c ross lot. MLS¹ 201406811 back to BLM, Bring • Tranquil park setting 201402733 property but no devel- 2 a c res i r rigation. divided into 4 tax lots community water is from River! Juniper Realty oped domestic water. Property borders Tu- $99,900 MLS installed. $ 6 0 ,000. $29,900 your builder or use • Access to Shevlin 541-504-5393 AD ¹3022 A l most 3.5 Pam Lester, Principal ours. $134,900. MLS Park trails Property has b e en m alo S t at e P a r k . 201207884 J u niper 201300800 Acre Home Site in Broker, Century 21 ¹201307060 • MLS 201407324 used for recreational Room for everyone Realty 541-504-5393 Juniper Realty 541-504-5393 Sunriver Area Gold Country Realty, Lynn Johns, Principal Jan Laughlin, Broker 16160 SW Dove Rd. purposes. Motivated and ever y thing! H ARD T O F I N D 5 AD ¹3142 Peace and Inc. 541-504-1338 Broker, 541-408-2944 ABR CRS, GRI CSP 6.1 acre corner lot w/ sellers at $ 180,000 $1,295,000. ACRE, flat buildable access from p aved that would consider a MLS¹201303572 Quiet in Eagle Crest Wes Johns, Broker 541 541-350-6049 SE Bend Acreage j corner lot located in Resort Serene setting on 1.386 408-2945 Central Orst., power installed, contract sale. Call Jaynee Beck, $189,900 Lake Park E states terrific mtn. & green ¹2013012'I 1. 541-480-0988 • 9.95 acres A D ¹3042 2.'I A C acre lot, looking out egon Resort Realty with m ature l a ndRiverfront Propertyover 90 acre pasture, valley views, near John L. Scott Real Duke Warner Realty • Mountain views mtn views scape. MLS¹ • Borders 190 acres Steelhead Falls and Estate 541-548-1712 541-382-8262 OWC walking trails, and rec- Breathtaking from 2-acre lot short 201406959 $135,500 A D ¹3252 35 A c r e reational park. B eD eschutes Riv e r . public land MORRIS Pam Lester, Principal • MLS 201311050 $79,900 MLS 5.17 acres. 65694 Old Horse Property! yond the park a re distance from DesFind exactly what REAL ESTATE chutes River, SteelBroker, Century 21 Bend/Redmond Hwy. AD ¹3002 L a rge 0.4 miles and miles of 201205646 Greg Miller PC, d~ A F a ll s and Mtn view, power, wa- you are looking for in the Gold Country Realty, Juniper Realty Acre RH Zoned public land adjoining head Broker, CRS, GRI world-renowned fishCLASSIFIEDS Inc. 541-504-1338 541-504-5393 ter, septic approved. AD ¹3072 .55 A C the Deschutes with 541-408-1511 Rd. Crooked $174,000 O.B.O. Call Awbrey Butte - Great views of snow-capped ing. Secluded build- SW Quail Land in Madras - Prime River Ranch. Attention Developers! ing site. $79,900 MLS 16535 SW Chinook Dr. Brad 541-419-1725, Views Cascades. Septic inElevated 5.77 acre view 5.68 acre rim lot w/ or Deb 541-480-3956. 16+ acres zoned R4. and ready to b uilt, A D ¹3122 Perf e ct stalled. Underground 201310710 2.44 acres located in lot. $89,500. There have been 4 amazing Smith Rock, debraCtbendbroad Setting in the Great power on l o t l i ne. Nancy Popp Principal Mara Stein, land use approvals in an area of nice homes Crooked River & mtn. band.com Outdoors $67,500. MLS Broker, 541-815-8000 MORRIS Principal Broker, the last 10 years. One and conveniently near Crooked River Realty views Located on the AD ¹3182 Generously 201310707 REAL ESTATE 541-420-3400 Pamir 5.5 acres located near for subdivided + 2 for town. Lot is easy to pavement close to the Sized Lot in Awbrey Nancy Popp Principal Broken Top cul-de-sac Properties, Inc. ~ y~ ~ ap d e n t rance of apartment complexes. develop with water e ntrance o f C R R . the Village Broker, 541-815-8000 lot, just over y2 acre, 201 4 06943 and power nearby. owner w i l l ca r r y. Crooked River Ranch. MLS¹ AD ¹3082 Pre m ier Crooked River Realty h eavily t reed, e l Owner terms may be Call The Sulletin At $1,500,000 Pam 773 $225,000. MLS S eptic, power a n d Building Lot for Cus evated lot f e atures available. $ 6 4 ,950 541-385-5809 water in place. It's a Lester, Principal Bro201106408. J uniper tom Home $52,500 Acreages peek-a-boo mtn and ood buy. $119,900. ker, Century 21 Gold ¹201303181 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Realty 541-504-5393 AD ¹3132 A p proach Cooley Road olf course v iews. all L ind a Lou Country Realty, Inc. Jodi Clark, P rincipal At: www.bendbulletin.com ing a n A c r e o n • 6500 SF lot in uiet street with tons Lot 20 SW Chipmunk 16685 SW Chinook Dr. Day-Wright Broker, 541-771-8731 541-504-1338 Awbrey Butte NE Bend of privacy. $273,500. Rd., level 5.14 acres, CRR. 6.9 acres with 541-771-285 Crooked Century 21 Views! Views! Views! TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Borders covered caB eautiful 20-A c r e Gold Country Realty MLS 201 4 0 3100. views of the Smith Crooked River a nd River Realty High Desert Realty $149,900. Flat, open, nal easement homesite w/1 0 acres Tammy S e t tlemier Rock. $75,000. MLS Smith Rock views, all 541-312-9449 buildable 9.32 acres, • Close to schools irrigation. $349 900. Land in Powell Butte201406095 541-410-6009. Duke 7965 SW R iver R d. util. installed. owner www.BendOregon Powell Butte, MLS & shopping Juniper Realty Warner Realty 2.79 a cres, g r eat Call Tammy Settlemier, 480 acres, very rural in will carry. $189,000 RealEstate.com • East Hwy 97 access 541-504-5393 541-410-6009 setting yet minutes to ¹201310923 views near the DesMLS 201008671. Broken Top Lot j Bend, Redmond and David Franke, Broker Diana Barker, Broker MLS¹201401808 chutes River. and terJuniper Realty City lot in Culver. All 541-420-5986 541-480-7777 $229,000 Duke Warner Realty Prineville. Wide open 20+ ACRES in West rific fishing at Steel541-504-5393 utilities at street. • .44 acre lot on 541-382-8262 views in all directions, Central Oregon Windermere Powell Butte Estates, head Falls. $49,000 cul-de-sac Realty Group, LLC $38,200. MLS Central Oregon and contiguous to gated c o m munity, ¹201009429 Boonesboroughj 2 0.44 Acres If y o u 201203505 • Partial golf course thousands of acres of Real Estate mtn. views, private want privacy and your Juniper Realty $524,900 Juniper Realty view El k BLM lands. Prineville W here Deer & 541-504-5393 well, paved roads with • 2.5 acres backs BLM own get-away retreat, 541-504-5393 • Level site with pine Reservoir 6 m i l e s. Roam - 320 acres lo$59,900 access t o BLM . t his property is i t . • 2100 sq.ft. to be built trees $495,000 cated u p B e lshaw Eagle Crest lot $169,000 MLS Breathtaking views of 9040 SW S a ndridge home $132,000 • MLS 201402848 ¹ 201303656 Jodi Creek ea s t of • This lot backs up to Rd. Ready to build, •3 bedroom+ offic 201305077. e, the Cascade MounEagle Crest Christy HartmanDayville, OR and west BLM Clark, Principal BroPam Lester, Principal tains. Electricity is on 1.12 acre lot in CRR. 2 bath • 0.54 AC on the 13th DeCourcey, ker, 541-771-8731 of Mt. Vernon, OR. • Located on a street Power and water at • MLS 201404946 Broker Century 21 property. the fairway at Eagle Crest lined with custom Principal Broker C entury 2 1 G o l d Water guzzler with street with some Greg Floyd PC, Broker Gold Country Realty, the $144,000. • In between two won541-312-7263 Country Realty 1000 gallon trough for homes Cascade mtn views. Inc. 541-504-1338 541-390-5349 MLS¹201309974 derful homes wildlife. Ad d i tional • Hurry terrific price MLS ¹ 20 1 4 03978. Call Karolyn Dubois, Check out the • Build your dream acreages available. • 0.22 acres $37,900. Lot 4 SW Blue Jay 541-390-7863 home classifieds online Owner w il l ca r r y. Bea Leach, Broker, Juniper Realty, Road, CRR. Smith Duke Warner Realty Bea Leach, Broker $172,000. 541-788-2274 541-504-5393 www.bendbufletin.com Rock views, 5.17 541-382-8262 541-788-2274 Call Duke Warner Windermere MORRIS Updated daily acres borders public MORRIS Windermere Realty Dayville, Central Oregon REAL ESTATE Where can you find a land. $74,900. MLS 30 acres, views, electric, Central Oregon REAL ESTATE 541-987-2363 Land in Prineville - 20 Real Estate 201407131 helping hand? septic feasibility irrigaReal Estate MLS¹201301683 acres, very private Juniper Realty tion rights. 12 min east, From contractors to B uild Y o u r Dr e a m setting with amazing Close to La Pine State $76,900 541-504-5393 $129,500. 760-835-3185, 13601 SW Canyon Dr. Park and the Deslooking over the Eagle Crest Lot yard care, it's all here or 541-317-0184 Home Here - 10 acres views 1.13 acres in CRR, • Street lined with cuschutes River. Build valley below. Power is at the Highlands at Manufactured/ in The Bulletin's Mt. Jefferson views, tom homes your dream home on FIND YOUR FUTURE 3.18 acres g randfaBroken Top. near, but not on the "Call A Service Mobile Homes Access to the prop- • Come enjoy all the this nicely wooded lot. HOME INTHE BULLETIN property. Great build$525,000. thered in. Septic and erty from 2 streets ex- amenities Eagle Crest Septic feasibility has ing site on top of the Professional" Directory MLS¹201310547. w ater o n t h e l o t , Special pands the possible resort has to offer been approved. Your future is just apage hill. $110,000 New3 Dream Call Jacquie Sebulsky, at the road. bdrm, 2 bath building sites. owner • 0.25 AC $29,950. MLS away. Whetheryou're looking power ¹201404078 9.55 Acres j $345,000 541-280-4449 or MLS 2012 0 8989 $50,900 finished will carry. $ 58,500 201403668 CallJasen for a hat or aplace to hangit, Bea Leach, Broker Michele Anderson, Jodi Clark, P rincipal $79,900. Call Linda • SE Bend on your site. ¹201106385 Chavez, 541-788-2274 The Bulletin Classified is Broker, 541-771-8731 • Cascade Mountain 541-633-9760. Lou DayW right J and M Homes 541-891-5446 D u ke Juniper Realty Century 21 Gold CounWindermere your best source. views 541-771-285 Crooked Duke Warner Realty 541-548-5511 541-504-5393 Warner Realty try Realty Central Oregon • Close to BLM land 541-382-8262 River Realty Every daythousandsof Real Estate • MLS 20'I 404734 Lot Awaits Your West- buyers andsellers of goods 780 1483 Trail Creek Court Build Your Home Here! L evel, u s able 5 . 6 4 side Dream Home- and services dobusinessin 32.42 Acres in Urban Carolyn Priborsky PC, 5 acres, outstanding acres w/s t unning Mfd JMobile Homes .39 acre lot in Eagle People Lookfor Information Broker, ABR, Growth B o u ndary, 0.18 acre lot in the these pages. They know views. Crest with Cascade Cascade Mtn views, Cascade with Land CRS, Green About Products and Adjacent t o The c oveted Awbr e y you can't beatThe Bulletin Community/ w a t er, mtn. views and end of Services power at lot line 8 541-383-4350 Every Day through Greens, kitty corner to Ridge. Located in a Classified Section for power avail.. 10 min. c ul-de-sac/ Flat l o t septic feasibility ap50760 South Fawn, La new Ridgeview High The Bvlletin Classifferfs cul-de-sac near parks selection andconvenience that backs to B LM. proved capping fill. to Terrebonne shop- Pine. Top-of-the-line 3 - every item isjust a phone School. $7 5 0,000. and trails. $149,000. ping and highway ac- b drm, w it h Bring you builder or $79,900. sh op, MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 Call Terry Skjersaa, call away. use ours! $175,000. $90,000 $201406415. Pam cess. $59,900. MLS $169,000. High Lakes Pam Lester, Principal 541-383-1426 201400715 MLS ¹201403407 Waterfront Lot Lester, Principal BroThe Classified Section is Realty & P r o perty Broker, Century 21 MORRIS MLS¹201405853 Lynn Johns, Principal • 1.24 AC on a paved ker, Century 21 Gold Nancy Popp Principal Management easy to use.Everyitem Gold Country Realty, Duke Warner Realty REAL ESTATE Broker, 541-815-8000 541-536-0117 Broker, 541-408-2944 I'oad Country Realty, Inc. i s categorized and every Inc. 541-504-1338 541-382-8262 I&~ tly ~ ~ ~ d Crooked River Realty 541-504-1338 Wes Johns, Broker 541 • Community park 8 cartegory is indexed onthe 408-2945 Central Orboat ramp at 2 blks section's front page. Mountain view 1.4 acre egon Resort Realty • Channel frontage located on a paved Whether youarelooking for • 4 miles to Sunriver road. A great place to a home orneeda service, 15th Street. Level .58 Resort build y ou r d r e am future is inthe pagesof acre lot in the town of Bill Kammerer, Broker home. $29, 9 00. your The Bulletin Classified. Terrebonne. $59,900. 541-410-'I 200 MLS¹201206664 Windermere MLS 20146673 Linda Lou Day-Wright. Juniper Realty Central Oregon The Bulletin 541- 771-2585 Serving Ca t atOregon srnce1903 541-504-5393 Real Estate Crooked River Realty -







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Community Lender. National Strength. 541.728.02wj, ) cobaltmo~ .co m / bend 7goNECharbonnaeu,Suite~06 ) Bend,OR97701 © 20+ cobalt Mortgage,Inc., xug5 Kirklandwax suite zoo, KirklanawA yBo3sToll Free:(Srr) 22og66a Fax: (zpg) 6oy3zgg. NMLsUniqueIdentifier: 35653; Arizona MortgageBanker License¹ogog8ox Licensed bythe Oepartment of Businessoveaight underthe califomia ResidentialMo~ge Lending Act.; Regulated br the colorado Division ofReal Estate;NevadaMortgage Bankerir372s NeradaMortgage Brokerir3r2s oregon Mortgage Lender LicenseIIAL2991; washingto n consumerLoanLicense¹520cLq8866 Anthonyi.RetcherNMls ~yg. Robb D Thomas,NMls 23xr6o Tickett2o~o826zoooov9

Classifjeds, www.bendbulletin.com






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' 40 acres, Cascade views, shop VIRGINIAROSS, bath HOKE RABRCII GRI • 2952 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 3 ECO BR OKER,PIEVIEWS ' 19725 Connarn 541-480-7501 • MLS 201400366

FORLEASE PAUIAVANVLECK, • New build to suit • Great location, high visibility BROKER • Outdoor patio

541-280-7714 • MLS 201408068


• 14.47acresinsideproposedUGB • Preliminary plat with 93 lots • Home & covered arena 541-977-5811 • MLS 201406200


NW BENDf S749s900 • 4105 sq.ft. customhome ANA MIUER , PRINCIPAL BROKER •4 bedroom + ofice,3.5 bath • City 8 easterly views BR,AHWD 541-408-1468 • MLS 201403887

TUMA LOHOME/VIEWSI f $615,NO • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath,2606 sq.ft.


• 6.4 acres • Huge Cascade mountain views

541-815-4786 • MLS 201307561

M~ eJk~n xw

20ACRES f $599,000

• 4 bedroom, 3 bath home PATPALAEEI • Horse property, barn, irrigation BROKER • Off grid features 541-711.6996 • MLS 201405935 '

8.11 ACRE S f $485,000


• 1934 sq.ft. huge windows • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Paver patio, fire pit 541-948-9606 • MLS 201405115


• 2753 sq.ft. Iog home • 4 bedroom, 4 bath


• Mt. Bachelor & SouthSister view

541-408-3773 • MLS 201408495

CASC ADEVIEWESTATES j $412,500 KARIN JOHNSON ' 2904 sq ff BRQKER • ' 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath •

<Mountain views, .22 acre

541-639-6140 • MLS 201407241


PARK SATBROKENTOP j $459000 • 2345 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Fenced yard with stone paHo • Two gas fireplaces

• MLS 201406351

p ss



' s

5 MILES TOTUMALO j $456,000

ROOIQE DICKENS • 24 acres, 21 irrigated

• Build your new home • Horse property, mountain views


541-815-0436 • MLS 201402568

, '.,s ~




BOONE SBOROUGH f $42S,OOO IESIER FR IEQJIAHK • Single level, 3 bedroom,2 bath BROKERABR CSP' • Barn & horsesetup • 3.9 acres, backsto BLM EPRO, S,l;A,R, 541-330-8491 • MLS 201406868


s~ @ R 4 5~

ABACRE INSESEND f $424,900 SHERR YPERRIGAN, • 2641 sq.ft, customhome • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath BROKER '

• Master suite with mountain views

• MLS 201406812


RIVER CANYOHESTATES I $424s900 • 2719 sq.ft. Tudorstyle home • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath

• 5 ACRERETREAT f $369s000 NHCH AELJHppp • 1200 sq.ft, shop, large carport

• Fenced,landscaped yardwith patio

• 2784 sq.ft. home 541.390.0504 • MLS 201403770

41-350-4172 • MLS 201407863


v Spacious great room




* '



I i


""". ev--"

IA PINEIOA9ACRES f $348,000 • 2080 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath


• Hickory floors, maple cabinets

• Borders BLM &wildlife refuge 541-588-0687 • MLS 201406703

NW BEND f S339.000 • 2184 sq.ft. condo • 3 bedroom, 2 bath


• Fully finished basement

541-322-1500 • MLS 201404868


JIM &ROXANNE • I 841 sq.ff. CHENEY, BR QKERS • 2 bedroom +den, 2 bath floors, solid wooddoors 541.390.4050 • Hardwood 541-390-4030 • MLS 201407343


• Perched above fairway • 2 bedroom + den, 2 bath • Gorgeous neighborhood

• MLS 201404656

MOUNTAINHIGHf $315,000 • 1712 sq.ft.


• 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Golf course andpondviews

• MLS 201407156


ess I


lc .



MIRADAf $309,900

• NEW Franklin Brothersbuilt • 1851 sq.ft., 3 bedrm, 2.5 bath • Quartz counters, SS appliances


541-419-8639 • MLS 201400554

• .65acre culde-sac lot • Mountain golf & lake views • Largest lot available


541-312-1211 • MLS 201310090


• 4 bedroom,2.5 bath • Near OldMil, schools&park 541-641-0052 • MLS 201408042 '

• STARWOOD f $2954II LYNNE CONNELLEY • 1543 s .It. sin le level


2 bath Updaterj 3Jroom, b

• .27acre, fenced,lowmaintenance

41-408-6720 • MLS 201406430

• NE SENDf S215.000 JOHN SHIFFEH,BROKER, • »» sq ft • 3 bedroom 2.5 bath MBA,AR B,CR|,GRI r th soaking tub 541-312-7213 • Spacious mastewi 541-948-9090 • MLS 201406919





• Well maintained 1732 sq.ft. •3 bedroom+ offi ce,2 bath • Mountainviews,fenced&landscaped

541-480-2966 • MLS 201406604

THREE RIVERSSOUTH f $23941N home GREG IANGHAIM • 2080 sq ft upgraded • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath BROKER 541-323-4838, • .45acre nestled in the pines 801-706-3230 • MLS 201405482 '

NE BENDj $222,000 MARCI SOUCHARD ' 1512 sq.ft. single level • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER CRS • New exteriopai r nt&living roomcarpet SRES 541-917-1230 • MLS 201407668 '


MIDTOWN BEND j $220000 • 1138 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, l bath • Great location, corner lot

41-480-6621 • MLS 201407753

• 4.12 ACRES f $1954100 IIARK VALCEKHINPC BROK ER,CRS, • GRI 541 383.4364

• Cascade mountain views

• Flat parcel • P ower to lot, paved road

• MLS 201408380

sn s


2SE ~


' c"-= *


KC FL YNN, BROKER 541-322-2400 541-390-6441

NW RED MOND f $189,900 • 1315 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Near schools & shopping

• MLS 201406509


IAPINEf $165,000 • Remodeled 1936 sq.ft. home • 3 bedroom,2,5 bath s 1.07 acres, RVarea

541-948-5880 • MLS 201405652

REDM OND4,76 ACRES f $149,ON

SmithRockviews DEBME HERSHEY • Peeka»soo BRQKER CRS QRI • Well treed parcel • Gentle northerly slope 541-420-5170 • MLS 201405538

• NEBENDLOTj $19,900 MEGANPPWER, • .27acre lot

BRQKER , GRI, COPE • RM zoned • Close toCostco& medical facilities

541-610-7318 • MLS 201402200


• .52acre corner lot • Close to Big Iteschutes • Septic approved, power at street

541-410-9045 • MLS 201407157


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com 24-hour message line: 541-383-2371 Place, cancel, or extend an ad

Fax an ad: 541-322-7253 Subscri b er services:541-385-5800 Include your name, phone number Subscribe or manage your subscription and address

Classified telephone hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. To place an ad call 541-385-5809




Furniture & Appliances Furniture & Appliances

Pets & Supplies 0

Donate deposit bottles/ cans to local all vol., non-profit rescue, for feral cat spay/neuter. Cans for Cats trailer at Jake's Diner, Hwy 20 E; West Bend Pet Express, 14th St; or 202 donate M-F at Smith Want to Buy or Rent Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or CRAFT, 78th St, TuCASHfor wood Leave msg. for dressers & dead wash- malo. pick up of large amts, ers. 541-420-5640 541-389-8420. Wanted: $Cash paid for www.craftcats.org vintage costume jew- English Bulldog/Boxer elry. Top dollar paid for Gold/Siiver.l buy by the pups, 11 wks old, 2 Estate, Honest Artist boys, 1 girl left. AskElizabeth,541-633-7006 ing $300 obo. Great family pets, 541-460-3026 203 Holiday Bazaar 8 Craft Shows


40th Yearof Central Oregon Sat. Market! Open Sat., 10am-4pm FRENCHTON puppy, Downtown Bend, 1 male left! Puppy pkg across from library. included, $1150. Largest selection of local 541-279-3588 artists & crafters. Where the Naker German Shepherds is the Seller!! www.sherman-ranch.us 541-420-9015 Quality Germans. 541-281-6829 208 Pets & Supplies German Shorthair AKC

A1 Washers8 Dryers

$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355

Hide-a-bed by Basset, while, mattress good shape. good shape, $75. 541-382-6773

Loveseat b eige exc. c ond., $ 12 5 ob o 541-647-2621

Antique sideboard/ buffet:Walnut, beautiful detail. Early 1900's. Exterior has top drawer & 3 doors with original key. Inside has 2 shelves and a drawer. Measures 71x21x36 Excellent cond. Pick-up only.$800 OBO. 415-279-9893 (Bend)

Appliances Black, new to excellent c o ndition! Maytag Jet Clean dishwasher, $250. Whirlpool gas convection range, $500; Wh i r lpool microwave hood. $125. 541-420-8636






Coins & Stamps

Golf Equipment

Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Guns, Hunting & Fishing

TV, Stereo & Video

Private collector buying postagestamp albums 8 collections, world-wide and U.S. 573-286-4343 (local, cell phone). 240

Crafts & Hobbies

NEED TO CANCEL YOUR AD? The Bulletin Classifieds has an "After Hours"Line Call 541-383-2371

Crafters Wanted OpenJury Sat., Sept. 13, 9:30 a.m. Highland Baptist Church, Redmond. Tina 541-447-1640 or www.enowflakeboutique.org

24 hrs. to cancel your ad!


TABLE, 6 chairs, heavy Bicycles 8 oak, w/pad & extenAccessories s ions. $375 O B O . 541-312-2448. Full suspension Solo Santa Cruz Mtn racing Table and chairs, solid bike, good cond, must oak, pedestal table, 4 sell, $3000. 541-480-2652 windsor style chairs. Great condition. $350. GT Karakoram kids mtn 541-382-6773 bike, like new, $200. 541-379-3530 The Bulletin recommends extra '

f caution when pur- f chasing products or I

I the services from out of I Sending II I cash,area. checks,, o r I f credit i n f ormationf may be subjected to f FRAUD. For moref about an I I information advertiser, you may I ,









Estate Sales

Estate Sales

Estate Sales

Estate / Garage Sale ESTATE SALE, everyESTATE SALE Fri., 11-4, Sat., 8:30-4, thing must go! 8760 Fri., Sat., Sun., 9-4 1095 E. Horse Back SW Yawhoskin Dr., 8212 SW Crater Loop Trail, Sisters. Furniture, Powell Butte, follow Rd., Crooked River household items, WAY Ranch red balloons. Fri., Sat. too much to list! Snap Ontools,Snap On 8 Sun. 9-4. 503-708-0147 air compressor, Snap on Paris washer, misc. Just bought a new boat? vehicle parts, utilEstate Sale, 1932 NE S e ll your old one in the Ford ity travel trailer, major Wells Acres Rd., Bend. classifieds! Ask about our appliances, furniture, Friday and Saturday Sup e r Seller rates! queen bed, dressers, 9 to 5. 503-510-3600. 541-385-5809 clothing, TV's, and lots of household items. Sondra Kaufeldt




Sales Northwest Bend

Take Hwy20 west fr om Bend - go through Tumaio and at lane narrowing,keep right and turn right on Gerklng Mkf. Rd. Follow for 4 plus miles lo sa/e site. ThiS Sale will be FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY! Sale hours9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Moving Sale - Phase 1! Fri. & Sat., 8:30-3. 1630 NW 11th St. Antiques, furniture, clothes, decor, etc.

1925 HUPMOBILE Restored!!!!

Plushundreds of other items! Steinway Concert Grand Piano; 1961 Chevy Flatbed, 28,000 gross truck and Hay Bale loader; 1971 Dodge Body; 1965 Dodge Dart convertible body; Carousel Horse; HARP; Franciscan Guitar; King size four poster bedroom set; Henredon Large China cabinet and buffet; Unique hex-shaped coffee table; Victorian sofa and two Chairs all have eagles carved on the back of the upholstered furniture; Two huge Chinese ceramic vases; Three large marble pedestals; 1930's Wood Juke box; 1970's Sebring Juke Box; Unusual desk highboy unit; 2 Lead Jockey horse holders; Large carved Eagles and other eagles; Hargis Saddle; Large freezer; Dorm refrigerator; Over a thousand Ty animals - new; New Barbie dolls, 1990 era; Hundreds of C h ristmas ornaments, lots of Hallmark ones; Lots of 1990 Hot Wheels,— new in package; Books; 100s of pieces of clothing; Four like-new Wedding dresses; Linens; China and glasswareand glasses and mugs; Pedal car; Four Drawer Lateral file; Large Jardenier; Wood carved Buzzard; Mirrors; Pencils by the gross; Large drafting table; Milling machine; Large size drill press; Gang drills; Metal fabrication table; Handled by ...

Deedy's Estate Sales Co.

541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves 'til 9 p.m.

www.deeedysestatesales. com

Multi-family yard sale Sept. 586, 9-5. 64671 Bruce Ave, Bend, behind Tumalo Community Church. Vintage & lots of misc. - must go! Sat., Sept. 6, 9-3. Kayak, toys, clothing, artwork, other good stuff. 1671 NW Saginaw. Fundraiser for new community orchestra. Tools, wood, fall/winter coats, holiday, cars. Sat. 8-5. 2279 NW P utnam Rd. off M t . Washington 284

Sales Southwest Bend

2-family garage sale S unday 9/7 , 7 - 3 . 19342 Laurelhurst off Century Drive. Household goods, tools, electronics, toys, books, craft items, furn, clothinq, etc. Sat., 9-6; Sun., 9-3. Follow green sale signs in DRW to 60335 Zuni Circle


Guns, Hunting & Fishing Bend local pays CASH!!

for all firearms &


advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12 oi'

~ee eke e N Ad must

include price of ~e t e 'te oi geoo or less, or multiple items whosetotal does not exceed $500. Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

EAA Tangfolio Witness Hunter .45 ACP long-slide. One powerful tack driver! 6-inch barrel, blued steel frame & slide, textured wood grips, & low-profile adjustable sights. Three hi-cap mags & hard case. $800 obo.

Sage Rodw/Tioga reel, $225. Custom TFO rodwith Redington reel, $200. Simms waders, men's Lg, worn once, $200; ladies small, newinbox $175 Simms boots,men's 13, used once, $100; ladies 9, new in box, $100.Simms wading stick,new, $50. Fishpond chest pack,$50. 541-382-6664

BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

'James Bond Classic' semi-auto, P. Beretta (mdl 418) 6.35 Gardone VT, made in Italy 1954, $300. 541-604-0451

REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home Satellite

system installed at NO COST and proramming starting at 1 9.99/mo. FRE E HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 'I -800-87'I -2983.


Wanted: Collector seeks high quality fishing items 255 & upscale bamboo fly Computers rods. Call 541-678-5753, or 503-351-2746 T HE B ULLETIN r e quires computer ad247 vertisers with multiple Sporting Goods ad schedules or those - Misc. selling multiple systems/ software, to disclose the name of the business or the term "dealer" in their ads. Private party advertisers are defined as those who sell one computer. Like new Necky Eskia 16' kayak with 257 rudder. Bulkheads Musical Instruments water tight. Seat like new. Hatches, deck lines and grab loops New American Tribute all in perfect condi- elec guitar, amp, case, tion. Orig i nally stand, $200. 541-306-0166 $1450, asking $700 obo. P lease c a l l

ammo. 541-526-0617 Bro. Bar 338, 300 Win 8 Bolt 300 Wby 308 541-312-2435. or Mag & 300 WSM 541-977-3173 Rem 721 300 H&H, 248 700 BDL 30-06 Win GUN & RECREATION P re 64, 70, 270 & Health & SHOW, 9/1 3 8 1 4, 54-270 & 7 0 - 22-50 10am-6pm, La Pine Beauty Items Imp Ack. Sav 110- Community Center, 2506, M200-243. Win 16405 First S t reet. Lowest P r ices on Mod 12-ga H Duck. FREE A D MISSION, Health & Dental InH & H Firearms& Tack 541-536-9771 surance. We have the 541-382-9352 best rates from top

companies! Call Nowi 877-649-6195. (PNDC) 253

TV, Stereo & Video

Yamaha Clavinova CLP950 electric piano. Built-in speakers and 95-watt ar n, excellent condition, $750.


541-504-4416 260

Misc. Items

275 Gallon Like New DirectTV 2 Year SavPlastic Totes, Overings Event! Over 140 stock Sale: $109. for channels only $29.99 one tote, 2 to 5 totes a month. O nly Di- a t $99.95/ea., 6 o r recTV gives you 2 at $89.95 ea. YEARS of s a vings more The BuHetin • New, never fired GloryBee Foods SerringCentral Oregonsince igte and a FREE Genie Weatherby VanEugene, OR. upgrade! Call 541-689-0913 or B ushmaster AR- 1 5 guardS2, synthetic 1-800-259-5140. 1-800-456-7923 Varminter S p e cial stock cal 30-06$550. (PNDC) 223. 3x9 Nikon, app. • New, never fired Are you in BIG trouble 4 00 r nd s a m m o, Howa,wood stock, cal DISH T V Ret a iler. with the IRS? Stop .300 Win Mag.$725 $1200. 503-314-4510 Starting at wage & bank levies, Must pass back$19.99/month (for 12 liens & audits, unfiled ground check. Please Need help fixing stuff? mos.) & High Speed tax returns, payroll iscall 541.389.3694, Call A Service Professional Internet starting at sues, & resolve tax leave message. find the help you need. $14.95/month (where debt FAST. Seen on www.bendbulletin.com available.) SAVE! Ask CNN. A B BB . C a ll The Bulletin About SAME DAY In- 1-800-989-1278. CASH!! To Subscribe call stallation! CALL Now! (PNDC) For Guns, Ammo 8 Reloading Suglies. 541-385-5800 or go to 1-800-308-1563 (PNDC) Beige 4-drawer office 541-408-6 0. www.bendbulletin.com filing cabinet, $50 obo. 541-388-0865

I 284


on the first day it runs to make sure it isn correct. nSpellcheck and human errors do occur. If this happens to Just too many your ad, please concollectibles? tact us ASAP so that corrections and any Sell them in adjustments can be The Bulletin Classifieds made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified

pups, parents on site, $550. 541-306-9957 The Bulletin recomBed - Beauty Rest, mends extra caution Lab pups, AKC, black Black King/Sleigh I call t h e Ore g onI when purc has- male, h i p s/elbows/ Bed. Yr. old. Pd. ' State Atto r ney ' ing products or sereyes,$800. 541-480-4835 $4400. Sell $2500 f General's O f f i ce vices from out of the OBO. Redmond. Consumer Protec- • area. Sending cash, Love cats? Volunteers t ion ho t l in e at I 360-903-4820 needed at C RAFT. checks, or credit inRANS Stratus XP i 1-877-877-9392. Responsible t e e ns f ormation may b e 2011 Recumbent welcome! At sanctusubjected to fraud. i TheBulletin I LWB; exc. cond. 27 Broken Top Serring Central Oregon sinceiggs ary, as foster homes, For more informagears SRAM X9 Furniture with events 8 more! tion about an advertwist shifters; seat Moving Sale 5 41-389-8420, 2 8 0 tiser, you may call bag; specialized Her i t age 212 3172 or 598-5488; OR Drexel the O regon State computer/odometer; queen sofa sleeper Antiques & info©craftcats.org. Attorney General's fairing, kick stand $1100. 2 Dr e x el Office C o nsumer Collectibles and more. puppies,toy, Heritage great room Protection hotline at POODLE $1400 lounge chairs lovinq companions. 1-877-877-9392. Antiques wanted: tools, 541-504-5224 $ 1050/pair. 2 D e 5sr1-475-3889 furniture, marbles,early marble top The Bulletin Queensland Heelers signer B/W photography, entry chests gerking central oregon sincesggg beer cans, jewelry. $750/pair. H o oker Standard 8 Mini, $150 541-389-1578 S even Seas h a l l & up. 541-280-1537 Adopt a rescue cat or www.rightwayranch.wor chest $375. Stanley kitten! Altered, vaccic herry stor a ge The Bulletin reserves dpress.com the right to publish all nated, ID chip, tested, cocktail table $535 ads from The Bulletin more! CRAFT, 65480 Rottweiler puppies par- Stanley 30" r ound Santana newspaper onto The 78th St, Bend, 1-5 pm ents on site. call for end table $275. De"Sovereign Bulletin Internet webSat/Sun. 3 8 9 -8420 details. 541-923-2437. signer sq. end table site. 1998" Tandem www.craftcats.org. $275. Oak antique Scotty puppies, reserve aluminum road side b oard Bichon Frise AKC reg'd now! Mom & dad on site, dining The Bulletin bike, size Medium, $875. Cane Rocker SereingCentralOregen since Sgte puppies, 1 female & 1 1st shots. 541-771-0717 low usage, disc $150. Many accesmale left! 541-953-0755 brakes, good condiPhotos avail. 215 or 541-912-1905. Yorkie pups AKC, 1 girl 8 sories. tion. New, was 2 boys, beautiful! Shots, 949-278-7624 Coins & Stamps $5000; selling now Boxer/French Mastiff pups potty training, health quar. for $1500. Calif. king mattress & ready for new homes 9/8. $1100. 541-777-77430 Call 541-923-2468 bedding, very good cond, Docked tails, dewclaws removed, 1st shots. Fe$125. 541-382-5337 males,$450;m ales $500. Specialized Rock HopCouch, black leather w/ Call 541-419-0149 per mtn bike, exc. 2 recliners, like new. HELP YOUR AD $200. 541-379-3530 $475. 541-408-0846 Chihuahua, tiny teacup, stand out from the blond male, $ 2 50. G ENERATE SOM E rest! Have the top line 242 541-977-0035 Yorkie/Yorkipoo: 1 M in bold print for only EXCITEllIENT in your Exercise Equipment Yorkie, $550; 2 Yorkipoo neighborhood! Plan a $2.00 extra. Doberman puppy, 4 mo. M's $600; 2 Yorkipoo F's. garage sale and don't 541-385-5809 Pilates Power Gym Pro, fem., black & tan, super $700. Readytodayto forget to advertise in sweet, very intelligent! most loving homes! new! $250 or best ofThe Bulletin classified! 541-389-2517 voice/ text. 541-385-5809. fer. 541-408-0846 $300. 541-306-4480

Callawav X-12 graphite, 3-lob, $100. Big Berthagraphite fairway metals, 3-13, $40 each. Lady Callaway graphite, 5-lob, D-3-5 metals, $100. Lady TaylorMade Miscelas graphite 7-SW, driver-7 wood, $100. (2) Sun Mountain Speed Carts, $75 ea. 541-382-6664

Dynex 26" HDTV, HDMI & VGI, wall+surface mnt $95. 5 4 1-647-1819 FIND ITr SI!T IT! SELL IT! The Bulletin Classifieds

Buylng Dlamonds /Gold for Cash Saxon's Fine Jewelers



BUYING Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. 286



Sales Southwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area



Sales Other Areas Get your Housewares, bikes, FALL SALE - 2 1 2 32 Multi Family Yard Sale. Great Sale, lamps, gar- RANCH SALE DOWNbusiness women's clothing, Nicole Court. Men, 06 September 2014. den, ladders, jewelry, SIZING!. Like new Dale good stuff! Fri & Sat, w omen, t ee n gi r l 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. C D's, D VD's, H o t Martin roping saddle, 8-3 (no earlybirds). clothing - many de- Furniture, toys, cloth- Wheels, household & customM c L aughline ROW I N G 61288 Kristen St. signer pieces, X-Box ing, music CDs, Movie more. Clean & rea- roping saddle and othse r i es s onable. 2186 N W ers, Misc tack, 8 nx20' games, h ouse/out- DVDs, T V with an ad in S - t ine door items, & more! DVDs, ski equipment, Jackpine Ct., off 19th & alum p i pe , 286 ha r row, The Bulletin's 8am-6pm Sat. & Sun. scuba diving gear, Ivy. Fri. 8-3 & Sat. 9-1. springtooth Sales Northeast Bend trailer or RV windows household items and "Call A Service No junk! Antiques, col- and roof vents, tires, much much more. Professional" ** FREE ** lectibles, TONS of 78 8 ESTATEI NIOVING fuel tanks, 8' util. box 1150 N.E. Paula Dr. 33 LP records, Fri, 10-4; for dually truck. 8 nx40' Directory SALE! Beautiful din- Garage Sale Kit Bend, Oregon Sat-Sun, 9-4, 4320 SW steel pipe, snowmobile ing set & china cabinet, Place an ad in The Ben Hogan Drive. 288 gear, antique forge queen bed, dressers, Bulletin for your gaBUYING 8} SE LLING blower with tools, furni- All gold jewelry, silver sofa, s mall t a b les, rage sale and reSales Southeast Bend Need to get an ture, clothes, lots misc. and gold coins, bars, small oak desk, Indian ceive a Garage Sale Fri., Sat., Sun. 8-4. Don't Miss This Sale! rounds, wedding sets, items, Southwest de- Kit FREE! ad in ASAP? 69070 Hurtley Ranch class rings, sterling silcor/artwork, k i tchenGuns, ammo, accys; You can place it Rd., Sisters. ver, coin collect, vinKIT INCLUDES: hunting/camping; new ware, Noritake china online at: tage watches, dental set, crystal & glass- • 4 Garage Sale Signs bike, HD accys, quality SISTERS GARAGE • $2.00 Off Coupon To men's clothes. Sat 9-4, gold. Bill Fl e ming, ware, collectibles, cewww.bendbulletin.com SALE OF GREAT 541-382-9419. Sun. 9-3, Suntree Village, dar chest, f r e ezer, Use Toward Your STUFF Sat., 9/6, 8-4. Next Ad 1001 SE 15th St ¹159. and more! Antique and other furni- Ceramic & doll molds, 541-385-5809 • 10 Tips For "Garage Fri.-Sat., 9-4 ture, collectible glassHousehold items. Sale Success!" $200 or best offer. numbers Fri. 8 a.m. Fri 8 Sat -9/58 9/6. SAT. Sept. 5, from 9-4. ware, men's jackets & 541-420-2220 coats, ammo & hunting Snowberry Village, 8:30AM - 4:00PM Tools (Irg & s m l), gear, artwork, zapotecs, 1188 NE 27th ¹14 CRYPT at Deschutes PICK UP YOUR 224 SE Soft Tail Drive, dishes, games, books, trinkets and much more. www.atticestatesanGARAGE SALE KIT at OffBear Crk.8 Rawhide. Memorial G a r den misc. 3024 SW 46th. Directions: Hwy 20 to N Meadow Pond space dappraisals.com 1777 SW Chandler People Lookfor Information Saturday Sept. 5, 8:30-3. Locust St, first right on E 4D4 - dbl depth lawn 541-350-6822 Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Cascade, 2 blocgkseast About Products and Great stuff, cheap! crypt, full grave for 2. of City Hall to 991 E. The Bulletin 2409 & 2415 NW 13th Services Every Day through B uyer w i l l ne e d ESTATE SALE Serrmg Central Oregon srnce reeg CASCADE AVE (items St., in Redmond. 8 bronze dbl Sofa, dresser, washer/ The Bulletin Classifieds displayed in rear on Tim- granite interment ma r k er dryer, mirrors, end ber Creek Alley). THE GREENS AT Hunting gear, tools, tables, household items, Fri-Sat, 9/5-6, 8:30-4:30 plus interment costs. 541-234-4644 REDMOND 1188 NE 27tI1 St. ¹130 household items. holiday decor & more. $1500. For more info • A BIG SALEI• NEIGHBORHOOD Fri. and Sat., 9 to 4 Fri., 8am-4pm; Sat., c all K e l li e Al l e n NOTICE YARD SALE Old pictures, glassware, 8-12. Early birds pay 61977 SE 27th St. 541-382-5592 or Remember to remove dishes (lots), toys, furniYew Ave/Exit124, 9-5 double! 2843 NE Daggett your Garage Sale signs seller, 207-582-0732 10am to 4pm, ture, tools, books, more! Inside Sale: Fri 8-4, Sat 9-2 Suntree Park, 1001 9-6 & 9-7 9am to 4pm (nails, staples, etc.) DID YOU KNOW 7 IN FALL DOWNSIZER! Garage Sale SE 15th St. ¹109. Anafter your Sale event 10 Americans or 158 Fri-Sun, 9-4. 2Amish SUNDAY ONLY, 10-2, tique cookie jars, roll-top YARD SALE Sat. 9/6 is over! THANKS! million U.S. A d ults rockers, wood cradle, 1060 NE Paula Dr. d esk, DR t a ble w / 6 and Sun. 9/7 from 9-4. From The Bulletin read content f r om small desk & chair, Downsizing - 30 yrs of chairs, twin bed w/linens, 2540 SW 26th St. and your local utility n ewspaper m e d ia lamps. Quality women's stuff - too much to list! other furniture, large dog companies. each week? Discover clothes (size 10 short & crate, movies, more. 292 Power of the Pamed.), full leather/wool Huge Yard/Shop Sale- Cash only. No children. The Bulletin the Sales Other Areas cific Northwest Newscoats, skirts, jeans, gerelng Central Oregon sinceigie 7 years in the making! M OVING SALE S a t . paper Advertising. For sweaters, blouses, GV Clothes, hsewares, bedjeans, Fossil bag, jew- ding, home decor, bikes, 9-3. 61183 Loy Lane, Glassware, linens, shop www.bendbulletin.com a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or elry. Evening shoes & etc. etc. Shop Vacs, jack pressure washer, gar- & yard tools, clothes, Where can you find a email purses.. Chafing dishes. stands, cigar boxes & den tools, camping and camping gear, motorhelping hand? Travel, Euro 220. Bedother things manly! olf equip. saddle,tack. cycle, lots of old stuff. cecelia©cnpa.com Sept. 586, 9-4. 53430 ding sets, books, prints, Fri- Sat-Sun, 8 to 3-ish, ash only! From contractors to (PNDC) Big Timber, La Pine frames, picnic/camp/ski/ 62043 Warbow Pl. yard care, it's all here Gas Grill: Almost new Moving sale Sat., 9 to 4. tennis/yard. Rusticin The Bulletin's 2-burner Charbroil glass, pics, quilt supplies, MOVING SALE - Some 61850 Dobbin Road. MOVING SALE: Fri. 8 Baby items, furniture, Sat. 9/5-6, 9-3, 378 N. Tru-Infrared Gourmet + collectibles.20960 Spin- of everything! 3242 "Call A Service naker St.(No kids stuff, NE Woodbury Ct., camping equip,BBQ Wheeler Loop. Sistank, $150. Call/text Professional" Directory tools or hardware.) Sat. ONLY 8am-1pm. cookers, and misc. 434-770-0931. ters, behind Bi-Mart.



541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

• . 3:00pm Fri.




Gardening Supplies & Equipment

Hay, Grain & Feed

Produce & Food

4~44 4 Craftsman riding lawn

mower,24hp, Briggs motor, 42" deck, 44 hrs, $1000. 541-416-3705 For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 To place an ad, call 541-385-5809 or email


• • 5:00 pm Fri • The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon sincetgte

Starting at 3 lines

Place a photo inyourprivate party ad for only$15.00par week.

*UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER'500 in total merchandise

7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00

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A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbuiietin.com reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702


Lost & Found


Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad Fresh canning today and peaches: Angeles, reach over Monroe Z-Lad Elberta. 60,000 readers • Nectarines• Plums each week. • Bartlett pears, Asian Your classified ad pears• Akani apples, will also Gala apples. appear on BRING CONTAINERS for U-PICK!!! bendbulletin.com which currently Open 7 days week, receives over 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ONLY! 1.5 million page Visit us on Facebook for updates and look for views every for us on Wed. at Bend month at no Farmers Market and extra cost. Sat. at NW Crossing. Bulletin 541-934-2870 Classifieds Get Results! Call 541-385-5809

or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

/I 0




Prep Sports Assistant The Bulletin, a 30,000 circulation daily newspaper in Central Oregon, is seeking a sportsminded journalist to join our sports staff as a part-time preps assistant. Duties include taking phone and email information from sources and generating concise accounts of local high school sports events. Hours vary; must be available to work weeknights and Saturdays. Interpersonal skills an d p r ofessional-level writing ability are essential, as are a sports background and a working knowledge of traditional high school sports.

The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace and an equal opportunity employer To apply, please email resume and any relevant writing samples to: s ortsassistantobendbulletin.com No phone inquiries please.

The Bulletin

Serving Central Oregon since f903


Found gold & diamond bracelet, Bend Walmart Horses & Equipment parking lot 9/3/14. Call to identify, 541 480-1012. .e Found I-Pad, between "• ., I g , Sisters 8 Aspen Lakes Golf course. Call to identify, 541-549-6556 Found kayak paddle, 2001 Silverado Sparks Lake, Labor Day. 3-horse trailer5th Call to identify, wheel, 29'x8', deluxe 541-788-5366 showman/semi living FOUND ladies watch, quarters, lots of extras. Beautiful condiSouth Twin showers Sun 8/31. call to ID tion. $21,900. OBO



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Chief Financial Officer Community Counseling Solutions (CCS) has an opening for a Chief Financial O fficer that will b e b a sed i n o u r Heppner,Oregon office.

CCCS is a 5 0 1(c)(3) corporation that provides an array of diverse and dynamic social services, i ncluding: o utpatient, 476 residential and inpatient mental health Employment treatment, public health and primary care, Opportunities outpatient alcohol and drug treatment, 541-350-8764. 541-420-3277 developmental disability services, senior programs, rental assistance, prevention, CAUTION: FOUND sunglass case and peer support services. We employ 130 Ads published in w/extra lenses, on Horseshoeing "Employment O p individuals. The majority of services are 8/30 on Mt. WashTools ington Dr. in Bend, porlunilies" in clude provided in one or more of the counties of JHM 110-Ib certifier 541-382-1072 employee and indeMorrow, Wheeler, Grant, and G i lliam anvil, anvil stand pendent positions. Counties, with a few programs serving w/vise, all GE hand Lost: in Redmond at Ads for p o sitions larger regions tools, hoof stand & Post Office or Bi-Mart, PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction that require a fee or forge tools, all in small navy blue coin is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right upfront investment Duties of this position are complex and new condition, to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these purse with cards in it, must be stated. With varied, and will include: planning, organiz$1600 finder can keep the newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party any independentjob or part trade for ing, directing and control the functions of money. Return purse Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. opportunity, please generator. the business/finance programs of CCS, to PO B o x 1 8 64, i nvestigate tho r 541-430-4449 development and implementation policies, Redmond, OR 97756. oughly. Use extra 260 260 263 266 procedures and practices for the organizacaution when apMISSING: female cat Misc. Items Misc. Items Tools Heating & Stoves tions business and f i nance systems, • fluffy muted gray, orplying for jobs onoversight of f u nds a n d i n vestments, line and never proange & white in Red How to avoidscam WHEN YOU SEE THIS NOTICE TO preparation and development of agency vide personal inforHawk sub. Redmond, ADVERTISER and fraud attempts budget, oversight of purchases, accounting mation to any source Substantial Reward, Since September 29, VBe aware of internasystems and services, financial analysis, Any info 541-504-0652 you may not have 1991, advertising for tional fraud. Deal lo- M arePiXatBendbilletin.CO m researched and payroll and benefits, and the manager who used woodstoves has cally whenever posOn a classified ad deemed to be repuoversees senior programs. P eriodically, been limited to modsible. go to table. Use extreme this position will need to perform duties that els which have been REMEMBER:If you Y Watch for buyers Shilo Bumper Pull www.bendbulletin.com c aution when r e Shopsmith are typically done by those they supervise certified by the Or3-Horse Trailer who offer more than to view additional with bandsaw, have lost an animal, s ponding to A N Y due to high workload or vacancies. This egon Department of with tack room, like your asking price and photos of the item. excellent condition. don't forget to check online employment Environmental Qualposition will oversee a staff of 12 dedicated new, more extras, who ask to have Customized extras. The Humane Society ad from out-of-state. ity (DEQ) and the fedand talented employees. $5500. 541-923-9758 money wired or Retired shop Bend We suggest you call eral E n v ironmental 541-382-3537 Take care of handed back to them. teacher; the State of Oregon Protection A g e ncy T he qualified individual will fill a k e y Fake cashier checks don't need anymore! Redmond Consumer Hotline your investments (EPA) as having met position in CCS's administrative structure. Find It in and money orders 541-923-0882 Pictures available. at 1-503-378-4320 smoke emission stanwith the help from They will need to be able to carry out the are common. Madras $475. The Bulletin Classifledsi For Equal Opportudards. A cer t ified mission, philosophy and quality services irNever give out per541-475-6889 The Bulletin's Call 541-598-6486 nity Laws c ontact 541-385-5809 w oodstove may b e that CCS delivers, be a dynamic team sonal financial inforPrineville Oregon Bureau of "Call A Service identified by its certifi541-447-7178 mation. Labor & I n dustry, player, possess strong analytic skills, have cation label, which is 383 PTrust your instincts Professional" Directory or Craft Cats Civil Rights Division, demonstrated excellence in finance and permanently attached Say ngoodbuy" 541-389-8420. Produce & Food 971-673- 0764. and be wary of management, be mature, proactive and to the stove. The Bulsomeone using an positive, an effective communicator, and to that unused letin will not know261 275 The BuIletin Grass fattened natural escrow service or adhere to a high standard of professionalServing Central Oregon sincetgie ingly accept advertisitem by placing it in Medical Equipment Auction Sales beef, cut&wrapped agent to pick up your ism and e thical behavior. Mi n imum ing for the sale of 541-385-5809 $3.50/lb. 541-480-8'I 85 merchandise. The Bulletin Classifieds uncertified requirements include a Bachelor's degree Broken Power Wheelwoodstoves. in business administration or finance. Ideal The Bulletin chair or Scooter? We Serving Centrei Cregon since igot candidate will be a CPA, have 10 years of Home Delivery Advisor will repair your power 541-385-5809 broad financial experience, and h ave 267 The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking wheelchair o n s ite. Old wood utility trailer, Auction experience working for or with nonprofit a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time Call for Repair, MainFuel & Wood $50. corporations. position and consists of managing an adult tenance or Sales for Steel frame workbench, 541-420-2220



assistance with your Reduce Your Past Tax scooter. Bill by as much as 75 877-787-4839 Percent. Stop Levies, (PNDC) Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call The 262 Tax DR Now to see if Commercial/Office you Qualify Equipment & Fixtures 1-800-791-2099. (PNDC) Office misc: Steelcase desks, Steelcase tables, The Bulletin Offers FreePrivate Party Ads chair, pictures, coffee ot, kitchen supplies, oak • 3 lines - 3 days ookcase, staplers, pa• Private Party Only • Total of items adver- per clips, rulers, pens, tape, paper cuttised must equal $200 pencils, ter, 3-hole punch, lamps, or Less HP laser printer 3015 FOR DETAILS or to (exc cond), fax machine, PLACE AN AD, back-up battery, power Call 541-385-5809 strips, 24-port network Fax 541-385-5802 switch. 541-923-8740

Wanted- paying cash

2x4, shop light, vise, $95. 541-647-1819 Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner.Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them insomeway. This advertising tip brought toyou by

The Bulletin Semng Central Oregon stncefeia


Building Materials Bend Habitat RESTORE

WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8' • Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include species & cost per cord to better serve our customers.

The Bulletin

Sengng Central Oregon sincetgie Building Supply Resale for Hi-fi audio & stuQuality at LOW Tools dio equip. Mclntosh, PRICES J BL, Marantz, D yAll year Dependable 740 NE 1st naco, Heathkit, San- 2 power saws, sander, Firewood: Seasoned; 541-312-6709 2 drills, o s c . t ool. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Lodgepole, split, del, Open to the public. $115. 541-647-1819 Call 541-261-1 808 B end, 1 f o r $ 1 95 or 2 for $365. Call for multi-cord discounts! 541-420-3484.


Quality Shop Toolspower & hand, Household Items, Yard Items, Fire Arms

Sat., Sept. 13th 10:00 a.m. Crooked River Ranch Auctioneer's Note: Shop full of good quality mostly Am. made tools, clean household i t e ms, and variety of long guns & ammo, don't be late. NO BUYERS PRE M I UM photos online

Directions: f ro m T errebonne t a k e Lower Bridge Rd to CRR, from Chinook, go left onto Mustang, go r ight on Shad, then left onto SW Stallion, watch for auction signs.

carrier force to ensure our customers receive superior service. Must be able to create and perform strategic plans to meet department objectives such as increasing market share and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can work both in the office and in their assigned territory with minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. S t rong customer service skills and management skills are necessary. C o mputer experience is required. You must pass a drug screening and be able to be insured by company to drive vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we believe in promoting from within, so advancement within company is available to the right person. If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and you are energetic, have great organizational skills and interpersonal communication skills, please send your resume to:

The Bulletin c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708-6020 or e-mail resume to: kmuller@bendbulletin.com No phone calls, please. The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace. EOE Pre-employment drug screen required.

This salaried position is overseen by the Executive Director of Community Counseling Solutions. The salary range for this position is $89,100 - $140,000 based upon the individual's education, certifications and experience. Exc e llent b enefits. F or additional information please c o ntact Kimberly Lindsay, preferably by email, at kimberly.lindsay©gobhi.net. Phone: 541-676-9161. For more information about our agency visit www.communitycounselingsolutions.org. EOE

Registered Nurses Community Counseling Solutions is recruiting for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper Ridge Acute Care Center locatedinJohn Day, OR.

Juniper Ridge is a S e cure Residential Treatment Facility providing services to individuals with a severe mental illness. These positions provide mental health nursing care including medication oversight, medication r e lated t r e atment, f o llow physician's prescriptions and procedures, Photos& listing Mental Health Specialist measure and record patient's general online or call, physical condition such as pulse, temperaSeasoned Juniper firecheck web Community Counseling Solutions is ture and r espiration to p r ovide daily w ood delivered i n sitelfacebook. recruiting for a full-time Mental Health information, educate and train staff on Central Ore. $190 per Specialist. medication administration, and e n sure c ord, or $ 180 f o r Turmon Auction Call5I I 385580f to promoteyourservice• Advertise for 28delsstartingdt'l40 pts Stdelfedettis netetsfebfteneersttstl documentation is kept according to policies. rounds. 541-419-9859 T his position will be based out of o u r Service Inc. This position works with the treatment team Boardman office and will provide services Ramona Hulick, to promote recovery from mental illness. 269 to Columbia River Ranch, a non-secure Auctioneer This position includes telephone consultaHandyman Adoption Landscaping/Yard Care Gardening Supplies residential treatment facility. Q u a lified tion and crisis intervention in the facility. applicants must have a master's degree in & Equipment PREGNANT? CON I DO THAT! 541-815-6115 or psychology, social work, or other human SIDERING ADO P Home/Rental repairs 541-548-5770 Qualified applicants must have a v alid www.auctioneer-4u.net service related field. Related experience a TION? Call us first. Small jobs to remodels Oregon Registered Professional Nurse's BarkTurfSoil.com Living exp e nses, Honest, guaranteed plus. I n d ividual will provide therapy, license at the time of hire, hold a valid Serving Central assessment,case management, and other housing, medical, and work. CCB¹151573 Oregon driver's license and pass a criminal Oregon Since 2003 continued support af Dennis 541-317-9768 Residental/Commercial PROMPT D ELIVERY related services to individuals with mental history background check. 54I-389-9663 t erwards. Cho o se health and alcohol/drug concerns. Must a doptive family o f have excellent computer skills and be able Sprinkler Wages dependent upon education and your choice. Call 24/7. Landscaping/Yard Care Activation/Repair to assist the director in meeting the needs experience, but will be between $48,000 to Advertise your car! 855-970-2106 of the community. Back Flow Testing $72,000. Ex c e llent b enefit p ackage, Add A Picture! (PNDC) Reach thousands of readers! NOTICE: Oregon Landincluding signing bonus. Maintenance Pay dependentupon education and experiCall 541-385-5809 scape Contractors Law eSummer Clean up Building/Contracting The Bulletin Classifieds ence. Salary range $39,200 to $67,200/yr. (ORS 671) requires all •Weekly Mowing Please visit t h e O r egon E mployment businesses that adIIDepaftment or the Community Counseling & Edging 325 NOTICE: Oregon state vertise t o pe r form For an application please contact Solutions website for an application or law requires anyone Landscape Construc- •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly Nina Bisson at nina.bisson © gobhi.net Hay, Grain & Feed contact Nina B isson a t 5 4 1-676-9161, who con t racts for tion which includes: Maintenance or 541-676-9161 or at our website, nina.bisson©gobhi.net, or P.O. Box 469, construction work to p lanting, deck s , •Bark, Rock, Etc. 8 2nd cutting orcommunitycounselingsolutions.org. EEOICPA CLAIM DE- 1st Heppner, OR 97836. be licensed with the fences, arbors, chard grass mix, small Open until filled. NIED? D i a gnosed ~Lendeoe in Construction Contrac- water-features, and in- •Landscape bales $235/ton. Madras, EOE w ith cancer or a n - OR. 541-420-9736 tors Board (CCB). An stallation, repair of irother illness working General active license rigation systems to be Construction f or DO E i n U. S . 1st Quality mixed grass The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturmeans the contractor l icensed w it h th e •Water Feature Nuclear W e a ponshay, no rain, barn stored, day night shift and other shifts as needed. We is bonded & insured. Landscape Contrac- Installation/Maint. Prepress Technician • Pavers Program? You may $250/ton. currently have openings all nights of the week. Verify the contractor's tors Board. This 4-digit •Renovations be ent i tle d to Call 541-549-3831 CCB l i c ense at number is to be inThe Bulletin is seeking a technician within the Everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts • Irrigations Installation $150,000 to Patterson Ranch, Sisters start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and www.hirealicensedcluded in all adverPrepress department. Prepress Technicians contractor.com tisements which indi$400,000. Call Attorreceive press ready files from other departend between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. AllpoAlfalfa Hay, 2-string Senior Discounts or call 503-378-4621. cate the business has ney Hugh Stephens sitions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. ments within the company, impose pages, bales, no rain, barn Bonded & Insured 866-914-6965. 2495 The Bulletin recom- a bond, insurance and and output to plate using Computer-To-Plate Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a stored, 1st & 2nd 541-815-4458 mends checking with workers compensaMain St., Suite 442, minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts software systems and equipment. This incuttings. $230/ton. LCB¹8759 the CCB prior to con- tion for their employBuffalo, NY. (PNDC) cludes finishing work by bending and punchare short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of Culver, 541-480-2232 tracting with anyone. ees. For your protecloading inserting machines or stitcher, stacking plates for the press. Familiarity with you or a loved one Alfalfa seed, corn and Some other t rades tion call 503-378-5909 Aeration/Dethatching If suffered Graphic Arts, and CMYK prepress workflows ing product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup a st r oke, grass seed. Save also req u ire addi- or use our website: 1-time or Weekly Services heart attack and other tasks. For qualifying employees we preferred, and a fundamental proficiency usor died money. We deliver. tional licenses and www.lcb.state.or.us to Ask about FREEadded ing Macintosh and PC operating systems is a offer benefits i ncluding l if e i n surance, after using testostercettifications. check license status svcs w/seasonal contract! one supplements you Ray Oder mott short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid must. before contracting with 208-465-5280 or vacation and sick time. Drug test is required Bonded & Insured. may be e ntitled to the business. Persons COLLINS Lawn Maint. monetary damages. 800-910-4101. prior to employment. For qualifying employees we offer benefits inDebris Removal doing land scape Call 541-480-9714 cluding life insurance, short-term & long-term Call 8 6 6 -520-3904! Quality Orchard/Mixed maintenance do not Please submit a completed application attendisability, 401(k)l paid vacation and sick time. JUNK BE GONE (PNDC) Grass hay, between r equire an LC B l i Drug test is required prior to employment. The tion Kevin Eldred. Applications are available Bend & Redmond. I Haul Away FREE cense. at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. ChanBulletin is a drug-free workplace, EOE. $230/ton, small bales. For Salvage. Also Painting/Wall Covering dler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be Deliv. avail.541-280-7781 Cleanups & Cleanouts obtained upon request by contacting Kevin Please respond with a resume with qualificaMel, 541-389-8107 ALL AMERICAN tions, skills, experience and a past employEldred via email (keldred@bendbulletin.com). Meet singles right now! Want to impress the USE THE CLASSIFIEDSI PAINTING No phone calls please. Only completed appliment history via email to James Baisinger, No paid operators, relatives? Remodel Interior and Exterior 'baisin er@bendbulletin.com cations will be considered for this position. No Electrical Services Door-to-door selling with just real people like Family-owned your home with the resumes will be accepted. Drug test is reby Monday, September 15, 2014. fast results! It's the easiest Residential & Commercial you. Browse greet- help of a professional quired prior to employment. EOE. Delta Electric way in the world to sell. 40 yrs exp.• Sr. Discounts ings, exchange mesService, LLC sages and connect from The Bulletin's 5-year warranties 541-383-2133 live. Try it free. Call "Call A Service The Bulletin Summer Special! The Bulletin Classified Serving Central Oregon sincefgta Serving Central Oregon since f903 deltaes1Ogmail.com now: 8 77-955-5505. Professional" Directory Call 541-337-6149 541-385-5809 ccb¹97803 CCB ¹193960 (PNDC)

The Bulletin




DAILY BRIDGE CLUBsaturd y,september6,2014


Test your card reading

ACROSS 1Nottoo wimpy 10Sensational effects 15Begging, perhaps 16David had him killed, in the Bible 17Dish with crab

39 Charge at a state park 41 Zenith competitor 42 Hit the dirt hard? 44 Subject of the 2010 biography "Storyteller" 46 "Honest" meat and Bearnaise 48 Regarded 18Associate with 49 Knowledge: Fr. 19Allenin history 52The very recent past: Abbr. 20 Many an event 54Sound security guard reproducible with 22 Say you'll make coconut shells it, say 57 Left, on Un mapa 25Theywrap things 61 Mall features UP 62 Portmanteau 26 Dangerous bird? blanket 29 Craftsperson 65 Shakespeare character who 32Likea Big asks "To whose Brother society hands have you 34 Food order from sent the lunatic king?" a grill 38 K'Ung Fu66 Left part of a (Confucius) map?

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

This week's deals have treated reading the cards: figuring out what your o p p onents h a v e th r o u gh countingand inference. To see if you think logically, cover the East-West caids. Most players would have opened one diamond as South — a "prepared bid." But nobody enjoys opening in a three-card suit, and some players remain attachedto four-card majors. Against your tw o h earts, West leads the king of spades. When East signals with the deuce, West shifts to a diamond, and East takes the K-A and leads a third diamond to your queen. You have five top losers and must pick up the trumps to make your contract. Can you find the missing queen?

your left, opens one heart. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: Yo u h a v e e n o ugh values to invite game but no good bid. A jump to three diamonds should suggest a better suit (since partner might want to bid 3NT, relying on your diamonds as a source of tricks). Many players would stall with a cue bid of two hearts. I would try a timid response of two diamonds. West dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 4o J104

9K873 0952 AQ 103

OPENING BID Both defenders have shown an A-K, but neither defender could open the bidding. Hence the defender with the ace of clubs won't have the queen of trumps: 13 points would have given him enough to open. At Trick Five, lead the king of clubs to locate the ace. As it happens, West wins. So you know East has the queen of trumps.



9652 08763

9 Q4


0 AK1 0 4 976 4 2




SOUTH 4 9Q85 3

6 AJ1 09 OQJ4 4KJ W est P ass P ass


Nor t h Pa s s 2Q

East Sout h Pass 19 All Pas s

Opening lead — 4 K Y ouhold: 4 3 A K 7 9 6 5 2 0 8 7 6 3 4 A 8 5 . T he dealer, at (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO




5 C R 5 I A P I D H I


67 Weather map feature 68 Smiley, e.g. DOWN

1Shakea leg 2 Operating without 3 Webster's first? 4 Swell 5 Electric shades 6 They're not forbidding 7 Perennial N.C.A.A. hoops powerhouse 8 Stick selection 9 "This is yours" 10Completely bare 11Shecame to Theseus' aid 12 -in-law 13 Bayou snapper, briefly 14 Mall features 21 Punch-Out!! plafform, for short 23 Dance in triple time: Sp. 24 Snoopy sorts 26They'reoften fried 27 joanie'5 mom, to Fonzie 28One in arrears 30Alternativeto tea leaves 31 Opprobrium 33 It helps get the wheels turning 35Act like a jackass 36 Really long 37 Completely bare









No. 0802


















22 26











24 30




46 49














66 67



40Part of a C.S.A. signature

59 First of many body parts in "Alouette"

51LaborDay arrival, e.g.

43 Perfect

53 "Semper Fidelis" 60 Cabinet dept. composer since 1977 47 It changes when 55 Some parlors, for 63 Chess's short you go to a new Lopez opening site 56Trashy,in a way 64 Frequent winner 49 Bolt (down) 58 It uses sevens in a 66-Across: SOLetout, say through aces Abbr.

45 Uncovers

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.


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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis



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2014 by King Features Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved


E-mail; bholbrook1@gmail.oom

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The main reason people rarely remember being abducted by aliens


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THAT SCRAaoBLEO WORD GAME oy David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

35 Unscramble these four Jumbles,

Don't lel them hollo UP.

ono letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



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35 Ideal pairing


36 1980s-'90s 52 Grover's 1890s Richard Mulligan vice p resident sitcom 55 Troubled Mideast 39 Age abbr. region 42 Hawaiian priests 5 6 Ready to grow 44 AQI monitor 59 Gar b a ge 46 California city holder near Bakersfield 6 1 James, again, 4 8 Salad bar items brief l y


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26 29
















B A S K S U S O N E T I ME X D E L I J OWL S E H E T S C A D S U NT I N T B C C R E L O A A R O N N J A Y S T A T E S H E D 09/06/14





34 Cook poorly, in a 4 9 Burning way 50 Paclfic island









"AII bets are off if you don't quit laughing."

57 Disallow 58 Common ore of 60 Pin down 62 Form a union 63 Sees the light,

, «fo


side (of) 55 Ceremonial



ACROSS 3 Hoodwink 1 Some daily 4 Workers' rights gp. since activities 7 Restored vigor 1919 5 Look after to, in away 6 Three-time 15 Big Sur retreat 16 Chef's Masters winner 7 Flying cartoon assortment 17 Philosopher de hero, formally 8 Some NASA Beauvoir missions 18 1992 Michelle 9 Favorite Pfeiffer role 19 Wright-Patterson, 10 Ahead 11 Wedding cake e.g.: Abbr. specification 20 Certain laundry 12 Tones down load 13 Backspace, 22 "This is just usually 23 Titicaca feeders 14 Reasons for as-is 25 Forest mom sales 26 Turning points 21 Actress Dawson 27 L o dge of "Men in Black 29 "Fats" Waller II" piano style 24 Wintry 31 Gang leader of commercial old comics prefix 33 Trick 26 Spanish sky 37 Goethe's "The 28 Doubled-over -King" reaction 38 To begin with 30 Capitol center 40 Yvette, e.g. 32 Where some 41 Soup vegetable artists' firings 43 Stewed OCCUI' 45 "Free," in "land of the free" 2 3 4 5 47 Wheat used in 15 health food 48 Gets clean 17 51 19th/20th-century civil rights leader 19 20 B. Wells 24 53 Marching band? 23 54 On the wrong

J umbles: UNIFY




) Answer. After signing 8 huge contract, the fashion model wao — SITTING PRETTY

64 Like many sales 65 Devote, aa time



55 59

DOWN 1 1962 Crystals album with cover B4 art of a biker 2 'Whatever" By Don Gagtiardo (0)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

56 60

57 61

63 65













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Cadillac Escafad


Holiday Rambler Alumascape 28' 2003,1-owner. Self-contained, 13' slide, 80W solar panel, walkaround queen+ sofa/bed, loads of storage throughout. Excellent cond., brand new tires licensed 2015. Must see!$13,700.

1/5th interest in 1973

Cessna 150 LLC 150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent performance & affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007


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Great MPGs make this a great commuter. Vin¹154827 $11,977 ROBBERSON 4 ~e


smolichHyundai.com DLR ¹366

aas taa

541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205. pricing good thru 09/30/14 tai g . aa mm

for 35 years. $60K.

Keystone Raptor, 2007 37 toy hauler,2 slides, generator, A/C, 2 TVs, satellite system w/auto seek, in/out sound system,sleeps 6,many extras. $29,999. In Madras, call 541-771-9607or

Ford Focus2010


3300 sq.ft. Hangar Prineville Airport 60'wide by 55' deep with 16'

bi-fold door. Upgrades include, T-6 lighting, skylights, windows, 14' side RV door, infra-red heating, and bathroom, $155,000, Call Bill 541-480-7930

Studebaker C h ampion 1957, all orig., Chevrolet Trailblazer 2008 4x4 Clean t i tle, r u n s/ drives, easy restore. Automatic, 6-cylinder, tilt wheel, power win$2200. 541-639-5360 dows, power brakes, 933 air conditioning, keyless entry, 69K miles. Pickups Excellent condition; tires have 90% tread. $11,995. Call 541-598-5111

(exp. 9/14/14)


m oto r s H YUN D A I


smolichHyundai.com DLR ¹366

Cadillac Eldorado 2000, VIN ¹163136. $4,888

Dodge Avenger 2013, pw, pdl, tilt, CD, auto. (exp. 9/7/14) Vin ¹535474 Stock ¹83015

(exp. 9/1 4/1 4)




sU B ARU esleennnenasn.nnss

12/15 tags, $5995. 541-610-6150

Che E u inox

Kia Sorrento 2011, AWD, Fully Loaded. VIN ¹141365. $25,888 (exp. 9/14/14)


m oto r s H YUN D A I

m ot o r s


smolichHyundai.com DLR ¹366

VOLVO XC90 2007 AWD, 6-cyl 3.2L, power everything, grey on grey, leather heated lumbar seats, 3rd row seat, moonroof, new tires, al-

ways garaged, all

maintenance up to date, excellent cond. A STEAL AT$13,900. 541-223-2218

DLR ¹366

Convertible. End of Season Special! vin ¹213931

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The Bulletin ServingCentral Oregnn sincetgtg



. anilKR:

Ford Fusion2012

2005 Diesel 4x4

Chev Trailblazer LS 2004, AWD, 6 cyli remote entry, clean title,

(exp. 9/14/14)


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Camaro 2011 Chev Crewcab dually, Allison tranny, tow pkg., brake controller, cloth split front bench seat, only 66k miles. Very good condition, Original owner, $34,000 or best offer. 541-408-7826

Kia Optima 2011 Local car. VIN ¹165169. $14,888




m oto r s



• ell

(Photo for illustration only)

Kia Rio2013, Great MPG VIN ¹199847. $12,888

DID YOU KNOW 144 million U.S. A d ults read a N e wspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of PRINT N e wspaper Advertising in Alaska, Inflnlti l30 2001 Idaho, Montana, Orgreat condition/ egon, U t a h and well maintained, Washington with just 127k miles. one phone call. For a obo. FREE ad v e rtising $5,900 541-420-3277 network brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa.com

Dual power heated leather seats for only $19,977 Vin¹248502

Mini Cooper 2005 One owner Hatchback, 23,000 miles. Chrome wheels, two-tone black over silver, automatic. $12,500. 541-389-2426.

MorePixatBendbjletin.com On a classified ad go to www.bendbulletin.com to view additional photos of the item.

Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809


$23,977 ROBBERSON ~

ssn e sn~ ae a aaa

541-749-4025 541-312-3986 Kit Companion '94 26', ~a aem a smolichHyundai.com Dlr ¹0205. Pricing 1 slide, new stove/fridge, DLR ¹366 541-312-3986 good thru 9/30/14 comes with qen. Re- E nd T Ha n ga r a t Chevy 2007 Silverado Dlr ¹0205. Pricing duced to $4000. Prineville Air p ort.Z-71, loaded, 1 owner, J good thru 9/30/2014 541-389-5788 1400 sq. ft. (approx.)- $19,500. 541-379-3530 Honda Accord 1991 70k 40'W x 35'D x 12'H miles on rebuilt eng, Countryman AWD 2011 Loaded and side entry door, fully 4cyl, 5 spd manual, 2 Loaded - Get there Super Clean 4x4. iaredo 30'2009 in style! ¹H99552 R12 insulated, heated dr, runs great, int. $23,977 bathroom area ready tires 8 w h eels like $24,977 Vin¹463850 (photo forillustration only) CHECKYOUR AD new + 4 studded tires. for completion off grid Chevy Silverado 2004 ige ROBBERSON'L ROBBERSON Mercedes ML350 2003, Looking for your on the first day of pub- Glas Pak muffler, stewith 7000 watt Onan 2WD, V8, 57k miles, clIIe ehn ~ II IR W R «o c ~ mama AWD, moonroof, pw, lication. If a n e rror reo next employee? w/Kenwood enerator set ready LS, bedliner, hard pdl, power seats. may occur in your ad, speakers, reg. good Place a Bu1letin help ror power hook-up. includes tonneau cover. Asking 541-312-3986 541-312-3986 (exp. 9/7/14) wanted ad today and p lease contact u s thru 8/16. Must see $48,000 ¹201407044 $10,750. overall length is 35' 541-588-0131 Dlr ¹0205. Pricing Dlr ¹0205. Pricing Vin ¹414134 and we will be happy $2300 reach over 60,000 John L. Scott Real cash. has 2 slides, Arctic good thru 9/30/2014 good thru 9/30/2014 Stock ¹44376A readers each week. to fix it as soon as we 541-385-4790 Estate 541-548-1712 package, A/C,table k can. Deadlines are: Your classified ad $6,979 8 chairs, satellite, HANGAR FOR SALE. will also appear on Weekdays 12:00 noon Arctic pkg., power C J5 1 9 7 8 V-B , 30x40 end unit T for next d ay, S a t. bendbulletin.com awning, in excellent Lockers, new soft hanger in Prineville. Vehicle? which currently reHwy 20, Bend. 11:00 a.m. for Suncondition! More pix top, power steering, 2060 NE Dry walled, insulated, Call The Bulletin day; Sat. 12:00 for ceives over 1.5 mil877-266-3821 at bendbulletin.com oversized h e ater, and painted. $23,500. and place an ad lion page views Monday. Dodge Ram 1500 Dlr ¹0354 $25,500 many extras. $6,000 Tom, 541.788.5546 today! every month at 541-385-5809 2006, 4x4, 541-419-3301 obo. 541-519-1627 no extra cost. BulleThe Bulletin Classified Hyundai Accent GL l A s k about our all power options. Need to get an Hangar for saleat 'Wheel Deal"! tin Classifieds VIN ¹'I 64316. 1999, auto, CD. Redmond Airport - not ad in ASAP? l f o r private party l Get Results! Call (exp. 9/7/1 4) $13,888 Chevy Cavalier a T Hangar - $38,000. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! advertisers 385-5809 or place You can place it (exp. 9/14/14) VIN ¹584982 541-420-0626 your ad on-line at SMOLICH Stock ¹44383B online at: Door-to-door selling with bendbullefin.com $4,999 m oto r s fast results! It's the easiest www.bendbuUetin.com H YUN D A I way in the world to sell. SueARu MONTANA 3585 2008, 541-749-4025 eneeeenennnn.nna 541-385-5809 Have an item to exc. cond., 3 slides, smolichHyundai.com 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. The Bulletin Classified 2000 Inspected & sell quick? king bed, Irg LR, 877-266-3821 DLR ¹366 541-385-5809 Ready to Go!! Arctic insulation, all Dlr ¹0354 If it's under Save money. Learn Ford F250 1984 4x4 King ¹239718 $3,977 options - reduced by to fly or build hours Cab, 6.9 C6 auto, shift '500 you can place it in Where can you find a $3500 to $31,500. with your own air- kit, 90% tires, good wood ROBBERSON y helping hand? The Bulletin c raft. 1 96 8 A e r o truck! $2000 or best ofLs ss ee cII ~ ~ ScionIQ 2013, Commander, 4 seat, fer. 541-279-8023 From contractors to (photo forillustration only) Classifieds for: MPG, only 5K mi. Bargain Corral 150 HP, low time, Nissan Murano 2012, yard care, it's all here Great VIN ¹025183. full panel. $23,000 541-312-3986 AWD, auto, cloth, CD, '10 -3 lines, 7 days in The Bulletin's $12,888 obo. Contact Paul at Dodge Nitro 2011, Dlr ¹0205 pricing pw, pdl. (exp. 9/14/14) '16 - 3 lines, 14 days "Call A Service 541-447-5184. AWD. god thru 09/30/14 (exp. 9/7/14) SMOLICH VIN ¹605562. Vin ¹229346 (Private Party ads only) Professional" Directory OPEN ROAD 36' $21,888 Stock ¹83013 m o t o r s 916 (exp. 9/14/14) 2005 - $19,995 H YUN D A I Ford F250 4x4 1996, $16,979 SMOLICH Trucks & King bed, hide-a-bed I The Bulletin recoml x-cab, long wheel base, 541-749-4025 sofa, 3 slides, glass Heavy Equipment m oto r s mends extra caution l brush guard, tool box, smolichHyundai.com shower, 10 gal. waH Y U N D A I when p u r chasing • $3000. 541-771-1667 or DLR ¹366 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. ter heater, 10 cu.ft. 541-633-3607 541-749-4025 l products or services 877-266-3821 fridge, central vac, Chevy Malibu 2012, from out of the area. smolichHyundai.com Dlr ¹0354 (photo for illustration only) satellite dish, 27" TV Lots of options; sun- Hyundai l S ending c ash , DLR ¹366 Tick, Tock Honda Ridgeline Elantra 201 1, /stereo system, front Subaru Forester 2010, roof, 6 speed trans checks, or credit in- q RTL Crew Cab Touring, leather, auto, front power leveling 34,000 m e t iculous with manual option, formation may be I TiCk, TOCk... Dod e Nitro 2011 CD, pw, pdl. jacks and scissor Peterbilt 359 p otable miles. Manual, One bluetooth, o n Star, l subject toFRAUD. =. (exp. 9/7/14) stabilizer jacks, 16' I-u ( ...don't let time get Sirius satelite, /g, owner. No smoking, For more informawater truck, 1 990, Vin ¹090677 awning. Like new! no Pets, Clear Title. heated seats, pw, 3200 gal. tank, Shp l tion about an adveraway. Hire a 541-419-0566 Stock ¹82995 pdl, 4 cyl. echo tech p ump, 4 - 3 e hoses, $17,000. tiser, you may call professional out engine, 20 MPG city, $13,979 541-419-7390. camlocks, $ 25,000. I the Oregon Statel 541-820-3724 35 MPG hwy, USB of The Bulletin's Attorney General's I 2007 Extra nice 4x4, S UHA RU RV 940 port, Ipod r e ady, esseennnenennnnss Office C o nsumer I 4x4 Looks as good "Call A Service CONSIGNMENTS great mpg. ¹541238 931 $14,900 OBO. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Vans l Protection hotline at WANTED as Its name! $19,977 541-504-6974 Professional" 'I -877-877-9392. 877-266-3821 Automotive Parts, Vin ¹ 520014 We Do the Work, Dlr ¹0354 ROBBERSON Directory today! You Keep the Cash! Service & Accessories 17.977 Lsneecll ~ ~ On-site credit SersengCentrel Ofegoll sillce tgla ROBBERSON approval team, 1 Michelin LTX-AS, s lneevll ~ s l laa a a 541-312-3986 265-70Rx17, $75 obo. web site presence. Dlr ¹0205 pricing We Take Trade-Ins! 541-379-3530 541-312-3986 Get your good thru 06/31/14 Dlr ¹0205. Pricing Chevy Express Cargo business BIG COUNTRY RV 4 15 n tire rims, 5-hole, Van 2011, 2500. CD, good thru 9/30/14 Chrysler 200 LX 2012, Hyundai Genesis 2009, fits S-190 Chevy p/u, Toyota 1988, 48k on Bend: 541-330-2495 A/C, ps, with ladder $20. 541-475-2872. pw, pdl, tilt, CD, auto. Every Option, 9K Miles. Subaru Outback 2012 Redmond: replaced engine, 5 rack. (exp. 9/7/1 4) VIN ¹633309. 541-548-5254 3.6R Limited, 6 cyl, e ROW I N G spd, 4 cyl, rear wheel (exp. 9/7/1 4) 932 VIN ¹292213 $21,888 auto. trans., AWD, drive, r un s g r eat, Vin ¹126159 Stock ¹83014 (exp. 9/14/14) Antique & leather heated seats, good tires, body in with an ad in 885 Stock ¹44535A S M O L I C H $14,979 AWD, power moon Classic Autos good cond., $1300. $22,979 The Bulletin's Canopies & Campers r oof, a n d mor e ! 541-385-4790. m oto r s SuaARU. GMC Suburban 1997, "Call A Service H YUN D A I 25,600 miles. Below (2) 1959 1/2-ton Chevy S UBA R U 1995 Lance Camper, pickups: 1 is 4x4 with fully loaded, daily driver, KB @ $ 26,500 541-749-4025 Professional" Hwy 20, Bend. 11.3 ft., sleeps 6, self ower take off winch & extra clean, $2650. 1997 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE 541-344-5325 877-266-3821 smolichHyundai.com 0 Directory contained, very lightly arn hubs; othefs 2WD, Chevy Astro, runs good, 877-266-3821 annie2657©yahoo.com Dlr ¹0354 DLR ¹366 $1300. 541-410-4596 used, exc. cond., TV, extra parts. Also 1941 Dlr¹0354 VCR, micro, oven, 1-ton Ford cab & chassis. fridge, 3 burner stove, Titles for all. 541-989-8191 q ueen o ve r ca b , Tacoma 2012, $8000. 541-389-6256 2 old Ford BN tractor en- Toyota spd, xcab, pw, pd, gines for parts or fix-up, 5 bed liner. Alaska 8 ' Ca b over Camper 1998, many both $195. 541-410-3425 (exp. 9/7/14) Vin ¹014333 extras, Stable-Lift jack 31th Annual Oregon GMC Yukon 2005, Chrysler Town & system. $10 , 500. HighDesert Swap Stock ¹83077 AWD, ready for Winter! Country LXI 1997, 541-549-9461. VIN ¹251428. beautiful inside & Meet & Car Show $23,979 out, one owner, nonS eptembe $16,998 Lance cabover camper aturday, (exp. 9/14/14) 6th. Starts 7 a.m. smoker,. loaded with 1991, 18' over cab, 6' SMOLICH options! 197,892 mi. Vendors 6:30 a . m. in p/up bed. under a Desc h u te 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Service rec o rds m oto r s cover since new, im- The 877-266-3821 Fairground H YUN D A I available. $4 , 950. maculate! $4,100 obo County Dlr ¹0354 and Expo C e nter, Call Mike, (541) 815541-749-4025 541-548-5069 Redmond, O regon. 8176 after 3:30 p.m. smolichHyundai.com 935 Free admission to th DLR ¹366 Sport Utility Vehicles public. S pecial an sc~ 8 04 ~ g tique section indoor ToyotaSienna e0 with many d e aler 2005 f rom t h e Pac i f i ~~ 8 7'8 f Northwest. No dog please. Contact Butch Ramsey for info (photo for illustration only) reservations phone: BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K Honda CRV EX 2007, ( 541)548-4467 o n miles, premium pack- AWD, 4x4, leather, line: bramsey@bend age, heated lumbar moonroof. Leather, Loaded and 908 broadband.com AWD. 76k miles supported seats, pan(exp. 9/7/14) Aircraft, Parts ¹044698 $1Sg977 oramic moo n roof, Vin ¹097452 & Service Bluetooth, ski bag, XeStock ¹44639A ROBBERSON non headlights, tan & $23,999 vIn e esII ~ ataaaa black leather interior, n ew front & rea r S UBA R U . 541.312.3986 brakes O 76K miles, DLR¹0205 pricing g' $AILBON one owner, all records, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. cnn • /IÃay Buick Skylark 1972 good thru 09/30/1 4 c. very clean, $16,900. 877-266-3821 Dreams do come true! Vyith trailer, V-berth, 541-388-4360 Dlr ¹0354 Pampered from day one! works great. 1/3interest in 17K original miles. Item Priced al: Your Total Ad Costonl . at hemmings.com Sell or trade. Columbia400, Photos • Under $500....................................................................... $29 $19,900. 541-323-1898 Financing available. $2900 080.

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Chevelle Malibu 1966 1/3 interest in wellequipped IFR Beech Bonanza A36, new 10-550/ prop, located KBDN. $65,000. 541-419-9510 www. N4972M.com

Complete restoration, $32,900.

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BMW X3 35i 2010 Exlnt cond., 65K miles w/100K mile transferable warranty. Very clean; loaded - coid weather pkg, premium pkg & technology pkg.

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2009 hard top 18,000 miles. automatic, AC, tilt & cruise, power windows, power steering, power locks, alloy wheels and running boards, garaged.



(photo for illustration only)

Toyota Sienna 2011, LE model, 7 passenger, stow-n-go seating, alloy wheels. (exp. 9/7/1 4) Vin ¹019106. Stock ¹43981A


$24,999 S UBA RU. eneeennvennn cnn

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr¹0354


• $500 to $999...................................................................$39 • $1000 to $2499.............................................................. $49 • $2500 and over............................................................... $59

Includes: 2" ia length, with border,full talsr photo,boldheadlineaad price. *Ad runs until SOLD or up to 8 weeks (whichever comes first!)

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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

vice onl i n e at e ffecting th e c u r e leaving said Westerly following one curve LEGAL NOTICE www.oregonstatebar. shall pay the NOTICE TO INTER- r im top Sout h and tw o c o u rses: org or by calling (503) Beneficiary all costs ESTED P ERSONS. 8 9'14'45" W es t a 152.93 feel along a 684-3763 ( in t h e and expenses actually ROXANNE A.FARRA distance of 4 2 3 .96 non-tangent curve to Portland metropolitan incurred in enforcing has been appointed feet to the "point of the left with a radius area) or toll-free else- the obligation and Personal Representa- beginning", the termi- 355.00 feet, the chord where in Oregon at Trust Deed, together tive of the ESTATE nus of this description. of which bears North with the Trustee's and OF JACQUELINE R. EXCEPTING 11'09'40" E a s t a (800) 452-7636. This summons is issued attorney f ee s as LEIDHOLDT, De- THEREFORM, A par- distance of 1 5 1.75 its successors in in- pursuant to ORCP 7. allowed by law. The ceased, by the Circuit cel of land located in a feet; North 01'10'47" terest and/or assigns, RCO LEGAL, P.C., undersigned Trustee Court, State of O r- portion of the North- West a distance of Plaintiff, v. UN- A lex G u nd, O S B certifies that, upon egon, Des c hutes east Quarter of the 0 .85 f e e t ; Nor t h KNOWN HEIRS OF ¹tt4067, recording o f thi s County, under Case Southeast Q u a rter 51'36'55" E a s t a agund@rcolegal.com, Notice, no SUSAN K. HAUGEN; Number 14PB0087. (NE ~/4 SE ~/4)of Secdistance of 14.72 feet RAE VE I T -HOLLI- Attorneys for Plaintiff, a ssignments of t h e All persons having a tion 17, Township 15 to the Southerly right Deed of Trust have claim against the es- S outh, Range 1 3 , of way line of Highway BAUGH; SPENCER 511 SW 10th Ave., VEIT AKA SPENCER Ste. 400, P ortland, b een made by t h e tate must present the E ast o f t h e Wi l - 126 (Highland HAUGEN VEIT; BEN OR 97205, P: (503) T rustee or b y t h e c laim w i thin f o u r lamette Meridian, De- Avenue) as described VEIT A K A BEN - 977-7840 F : ( 5 0 3) Beneficiary; no months of t h e f i rst schutes County, Or- in Dedication Deed a ppointments of a publication date of this egon, being m o re recorded in Volume JAMIN RUS S ELL 977-7963. WELLS successor T r u stee notice t o VEIT; He n drix, particularly described 2004, Page 70706, h ave bee n m a d e Brinich 8 B e r talan, as follows: Beginning Deschutes C o u nty FARGO BANK, N.A.; LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF OREGON; NOTICE O F DE- except as recorded in LLP, at 716 NW Har- a t a p oint o n t h e Official Rec o rds; OCCUPANTS OF FAULT, E L ECTION the official records of riman Street, Bend, Easterly right of way Thence along said THE PRE M ISES; TO SELL, AND NO- the county or counties Oregon 97701, ATTN: line of Southwest 23rd Southerly right of way A ND T H E REA L T ICE OF SALE . in which the above- Lisa N. Bertalan, or Street which bears line North 89'21'29" PROPERTY LO- PLEASE TAKE NOdescribed real they may be barred. South 02'49'38" East East a distance of CATED A T 272 9 TICE that the under- property is situated; Additional information a distance of 687.11 97.27 feet to the True NORTHEAST signed Trustee elects the Beneficiary is the may be obtained from feet from a W' iron rod Point of B eginning, O CKER DRIV E , to foreclose the fol- owner and holder of the court records, the with no cap marking the terminus of this obligations Personal Representa- the B END, ORE G O N lowing Deed of Trust the Cent e r-East description. NOW 97701, D e fendants. by advertisement and secured by said Deed tive or the following- One-Sixteenth corner KNOWN AS: Case No. sale proceedings and of Trust; and no action named attorney for of said Section 17 and PARCEL 1 OF 14CV0365FC. SUM- to sell the property has been instituted to the Personal Repre- which bears N orth P ARTITION P LA T MONS BY PUBLICA- covered by the Deed recover the debt, or sentative. Date of first 02'22'47" East a dis- 2007-3 DESCHUTES TION. TO THE DEof Trust to satisfy the any part thereof, now publication: A u gust tance of 635.83 feet COUNTY, OREGON FENDANTS: obligations s ecured remaining secured by 30, 2014. HENDRIX from a 5/8" iron rod PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN H E IRS thereby: Deed of Trust said Deed of Trust, or BRINICH 8 BERTA- with no cap marking DESCRIBED IN the OF SUSAN K. HAU- dated July 26, 2011, if such action has LAN, LLP, 716 NW Southeast INSTRUMENT been instituted, the GEN: In the name of given by Robert E. HARRIMAN, BEND, One-Sixteenth corner RECORDED JUNE 6, the State of Oregon, Kleindinst as Grantor a ction h a s bee n OR 2006 IN BOOK 2006 97701, of said Section 17; you are hereby re- to Brad Williams as dismissed. Whenever 541-382-4980. thence North PAGE 39022. 89'14'45" East a dis- Nicholas J. quired to appear and Trustee for the ben- t he context of t h is answer the complaint efit of Sterling Sav- Notice so r equires, LEGAL NOTICE tance of 142.15 feet to Henderson has been "Grantor" filed against you in the ings Bank and r ethe word TRUSTEE'S NOTICE the true point of be- appointed as any OF SALE. Reference above-entitled Court corded in the official includes ginning of this de- Successor Trustee on successor in interest s cription; the n c e t he T r us t De e d, and cause on or be- records of Deschutes is made to a Deed of fore the expiration of County, Oregon, on to the Grantor as well Trust (the "Trust around a 270.00 foot pursuant t o an 30 days from the date J uly 26, 2 0 11, a s as each and every D eed") made, e x radius n o n-tangent Appointment of of the first publication Document No. p erson owing a n ecuted and delivered curve right 62.94 feet Successor T r ustee of this summons. The 2011-026096. The obligation secured by by Nolan Town Cen- (chord bears North recorded on June 26, East , 2014 as D o cument date of first publica- present Beneficiary, the Deed of Trust; the ter, LLC as Grantor, to 68 05'24" "Trustee" tion in this matter is U mpqua Bank, a s word First American Title 62.80); thence North No. 2014-020566 of A ugust 16, 2014. I f successor in interest i ncludes any s u c- Insurance Company 74'46'07" East a dis- the official records of cessor Trustee; and you fail timely to ap- by merger to Sterling of O r e gon, as tance of 137.03 feet; Deschutes County, pear an d a n swer, Savings Bank, h as the word "Beneficiary" Trustee, to s e cure t hence a r ound a Oregon. Both the any certain obligations in 330,00 foot r a dius Beneficiary and plaintiff will apply to appointed Ky Fuller- includes the abo v e-entitled ton, an active mem- successor in interest f avor o f Mor g an curve left 144.76 feet Successor T r ustee the orig i nal Stanley M o r tgage (chord bears North have elected to sell court for th e r elief ber of the Oregon of East , the real property to prayed for in its com- State Bar, as succes- Beneficiary n a med Capital Inc., as Ben- 62 12'08" eficiary, dated June 5, 143.60 feet); thence satisfy the obligations plaint. This is a judi- sor Trustee. The suc- above. DATED this 2 7th day o f M a y , cial foreclosure of a cessor Tru s tee's 2006 and recorded on South 90'00'00" East, that the Trust Deed deed of trust in which mailing address is: 1 2014. Ky F u llerton, J une 5, 2 0 0 6 a s a distance of 16.96 secures and a Notice the plaintiff requests S.W. Columbia Street, Successor Trustee. Document No. feet; thence South of Default has been that the plaintiff be Suite 1200, Portland, 2006-39022 of the of- 3 0'54'36" W est, a recorded pursuant to allowed to foreclose Oregon 97258. The ficial records of Des- distance of 48.37 feet; Oregon Rev i s ed following property is LEGAL NOTICE your interest in the chutes County, Or- thence South Statutes 8 6 .375(3); following d e scribed covered by the Deed NOTICE OF DISTRICT egon, re-recorded on 1 8 55'39" West, a the default for which real property: A PAR- of Trust: Lot 29 in MEASURE ELECTION J une 16, 2 006 a s distance of 85.83 feet; t he f oreclosure i s CEL OF LAND BEB lock JJJ o f D e s - Cloverdale Rural Fire Document No. thence South made i s gr a ntor's ING A PORTION OF chutes River Woods, Protection District 2006-41827 of the of- 8 9'14'45" West, a failure to pay when LOT 3 IN BLOCK 2 Deschutes C o unty, ficial records of Des- distance of 2 8 1 .81 due t h e fo l lowing OF TAMA RACK Oregon. The Benefi- Notice is hereby given chutes County, Or- feet to the true point sums: monthly PARK, C I T Y OF ciary has directed the that on Tuesday, No- egon, and assigned of beginning, the ter- payments of minus of this descrip- $66,943.90 in FebruBEND, DESCHUTES Trustee to foreclose vember 4, 2014, a by Assignment of COUNTY, OREGON, the Deed of Trust as a measure election will Deed of Trust to As- tion. A L S O EX- ary through J une, BEING MORE PAR- result of the following be held in Deschutes signee Wells Fargo CEPTING 2014, plus payments T ICULARLY DE- default(s): Grantor's County, Oregon. The Bank, N . A . , as T HEREFROM t h a t accruing until the sale, SCRIBED AS F OLfailure to comply with following shall be the Trustee for Morgan portion deeded to the plus delinquent taxes LOWS: BEGINNING the terms of the vari- ballot title of the mea- Stanley Capital I Inc., State of Oregon by and reserves, l ate AT THE WESTERLY ous agreements re- sure to be submitted C ommercial M o r t - Dedication Deed re- charges and CORNER OF LOT 3 lating t o G r a ntor's to the district's voters age Pass-Through corded November 29, advances, t o gether IN BLOCK 2 OF SAID loan(s) with Umpqua on this date. ertificates, S e ries 2004 in I n strument with title expenses, TAMARACK P A RK; Bank, including but 2007 HQ11, recorded No. 2004 - 70706. costs, trustee's fees T HENCE AL O N G not lim i te d to CAPTION: C l o ver- on May 29, 2007 as ALSO E XCEPTING and attorney's fees THE S O UTHWEST G rantor's failure t o dale Rural Fire Pro- Document No. THERFROM that por- i ncurred herein b y L INE THER E O F pay all sums d ue tection District Gen- 2007-29959 of the of- tion deeded to t he reason of said default; SOUTH 55'4 3 '28" Umpqua Bank in con- eral Obligation Bond ficial records of Des- City of Redmond by and any further sums sa i d Authorization chutes County, Or- Deeds of Dedication advanced b y the EAST, A DISTANCE n ection w it h OF 143.00 FEET TO loan(s). The Benefi- Q UESTION: Sh a l l egon, covering the r ecorded Ma y 2 7 , B eneficiary for t h e A P O INT O N A ciary has declared the the District issue gen- following d e scribed 2005 in 2005-32935 protection o f the CURVE O N THE entire unpaid balance eral obligation bonds real property in such and July 6, 2005 in above-described real NORTHWESTERLY of all obligations se- in an amount not ex- county and state: SEE 2 005-42873. A L S O property a n d its RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE cured by the Deed of ceeding $2,475,000? ATTACHED EXHIBIT EXCEPTING THER- interests therein. By "A" FOR LEGAL DETrust im m ediately If the bonds are apFROM A parcel of OF OCKER DRIVE; reason of said default, THENCE N O R TH- due, owing, and pay- proved, they will be SCRIPTION -PROPland containing 0.43 the Beneficiary has EASTERLY ALONG able, in the sum of AD D RESS: acres, d eclared al l s u m s payable from taxes on ERTY SAID $38,289.41, with inproperty or property 2116 SW H i ghland ore or less, located in owing on the RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE terest at the appli- ownership that are not Avenue, R edmond, a p ortion o f th e obligation secured by ALONG A cable rate until paid, subject to the limits of Oregon EXHIBIT A: A Northeast Quarter of s aid T r us t De e d 1 80.00-FOOT R A - together with all costs, Sections 11 and 11b, parcel of land located the Southeast Quarter immediately due and D IUS CURVE T O fees, future advances Article XI of the Orin a portion of the (NE 1/4 SE 1/4) of payable, said sums THE RIGHT, A DISNortheast Quarter of Section 17, Township being the following, to y the Beneficiary to egon Constitution. T ANCE O F 39 . 9 9 protect it s s e curity SUMMARY: If the Southeast Quar- 15 South, Range 13, wit: $1 0,045,236.98, FEET (THE CHORD interest, and o t her approved, this mea- ter (NE ~/4SE ~/4) of East of the Willamette with interest thereon B EARS NORT H expenses allowed by sure would provide Section 17, Township Meridian, C it y of at the rate of 6.1 4% 4 3'54'42" EAST A law. THE TRUSTEE funds for capital costs 15 South, Range 13, Redmond, Deschutes per annum beginning DISTANCE OF 39.91 WILL S E L L T HE including: E ast o f th e Wil - County, Ore g o n, June 5, 2006, until Replacement of lamette Meridian, De- being more paid; together with F EET); THE N CE DESCRIBED LEAVING SAID PROPERTY to satisfy front line fire engines schutes County, Or- particularly described plus late charges of RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE the and emergency vefollows: obligations egon, being more as $1 6,736.00, plus NORTH 36' 5 9 '07" secured by the Deed hicles; particularly described C ommencing at a interest at the rate of WEST A DISTANCE of Trust on October - Replacement of the as follows: Beginning point on the Easterly 6.14% per year from OF 107.65 FEET TO 23, 2014, at the hour Cloverdale Road fire a t a p o int o n t h e right of way line of the date advanced, THE MOST NORTH- of 11:00 a.m. based station with a new fire Easterly right of way Southwest 23rd Street title expenses, costs, ERLY CORNER OF on the standard of station; line of Southwest 23rd which bears South t rustee's fees a n d SAID LOT 3; time established by Renovation of the Street which bears 02'49'38" E a s t a attorney's fees T HENCE ALO N G ORS 187.110, at the George Cyrus Road South 02'49'38" East distance of 6 8 7.11 i ncurred herein b y THE NORTH L INE main entrance to the fire station; feet from a 1/2" iron a distance of 687.11 reason of said default; OF SAI D L O T 3 Deschutes C o u nty Replacement of feet from a W' iron rod rod wit h n o cap and any further sums SOUTH 67' 0 7 '41" C ourthouse, 11 6 4 emergency response with no cap marking marking the c enter advanced b y the WEST, A DISTANCE N.W. Bond S t reet, equipment; t he C e n te r Ea s t East O n e-Sixteenth B eneficiary for t h e - Pay bond issuance One-Sixteenth corner corner of Section 17 protection o f OF 88.00 FEET TO B end, Oregon, a t the POINT OF BEGIN- public auction to the costs. of said Section 17 and a nd w h ic h b e a rs above described real NING. Co m monly h ighest bidder f o r which bears North North 02'22'47" East property a n d its k nown a s : 272 9 cash. The Grantor, Bonds would mature 02'22'47' East, a dis- a distance of 635.83 interest therein, less N ortheast Ocke r the Grantor's in 20 years or less tance of 635.83 feet feet from a 5/8" iron credit for payments Drive, Bend, Oregon successor in interest from the date of issu- from a 5/8" iron rod rod wit h n o cap previously made by 97701. NOTICE TO to all or any part of the ance and may be is- with no cap marking marking the Grantor and accepted DEFENDANTS: trust property, any sued in more than one the Southeast Southeast One- by Bene f i ciary. READ THESE PABeneficiary under a series. The measure One-Sixteenth corner Sixteenth corner of WHEREFORE, notice PERS CAREFULLY! s ubordinate trus t is estimated to cost of said Section 17; s aid S e ction 1 7 ; hereby is given that A lawsuit has been deed, or any person taxpayers an average thence along s a id thence along s a id Nicholas J. started against you in having a subordinate of $.4598 per thou- Easterly right of way Easterly right of way Henderson, the lien or encumbrance sand o f a s s essed line North 00'19'29" line North 00'19'29" the ab o ve-entitled undersigned court by Wells Fargo o f record o n th e value each year. For West, a distance of West a distance of Successor T rustee, on Frid a y , Bank, N.A., plaintiff. property may cure the the owner of a home 661.57 feet to the in- 6 61.57 feet t o t h e w ill Plaintiff's claims are default or defaults at or property owner, the t ersection o f sai d i ntersection of s a i d November 14, 2014 at stated in the written any time prior to five estimated annual av- Easterly right of way Easterly right of way the hour o f 1 0 00 complaint, a copy of days before the date erage cost would be line and the Southerly l ine an d t h e ol d a.m., in accord with which was filed with last se t for the $45.98 per $100,000 right of way line of Southerly right of way the standard of time the abo v e-entitled T rustee's sale a n d of taxable assessed Highway 126 (High- line of Highway 126 established by ORS t hereby hav e t h e value. The estimated land Avenue); thence at the Court. You must "ap(Highland Avenue); 187.110, pear" in this case or proceeding dismissed tax cost for this mea- along said Southerly t hence along s a i d f ollowing place: t h e the other side will win and the Deed of Trust sure is an ESTIMATE right of line following Southerly right of way main entrance to the automatically. To reinstated pursuant to ONLY, based on the three courses: North line the following three Deschutes C o u nty "appear" you must file O RS 86.778. I f t h e best info r mation 89'24'58" East a dis- courses North Courthouse, 1164 NW with the court a legal default consists of a a vailable from t h e tance of 525.77 feet; 89 24'58" E a s t a B ond Street, in t he document called a failure to pay, when county assessor at South 89'31'52" East distance of 5 2 5.77 City of Bend, in the "motion" or "answer." due, sums secured by the time of the esti- a distance of 376.27 feet; South 89'31'52" County of Deschutes, The "motion" or "an- the Deed of Trust, the mate. feet; South 85'31'09" East a distance of Oregon, sell at public swer" (or "reply") must default may be cured East a d istance of 376.27 feet; S o uth auction to the highest be given to the court by paying the entire NOTICE OF RECEIPT 19.44 feet; Thence 85'31'09" E a s t a bidder for cash the clerk or administrator a mount due at t h e OF BALLOT TITLE leaving said South- distance of 19.44 feet interest in the within 30 days of the time of cure under the Notice is hereby given erly right of line South to the True Point of described real propdate of first publica- terms of the that a ballot title for a a distance of 160.05 B eginning o f thi s erty which the grantor tion specified herein obligations, other than measure referred by feet; thence West a description. Thence had or had power to a long with th e r e - such portion as would Cloverdale Rural Fire distance of 1 4 2.42 leaving said Southerly convey at the time of q uired filing fee. I t not then be due had Protection District has feet; thence South right of way line South t he e x ecution b y 38'13'15" W es t a 00 00'00" W es t a grantor of the Trust must be i n p r oper no default occurred. been filed with the form and have proof Any other default of County Clerk of Des- distance of 3 7 8.15 distance of 1 5 9.96 Deed, together with o f service o n t h e the Deed o f T r ust c hutes County o n feet to a point on top feet; thence South any interest which the plaintiff's attorney or, obligation t ha t is September 3, 2014. of the Westerly rim 9 0'00'00" West a grantor or grantor's if the plaintiff does not c apable o f be i n g The ballot title cap- above Dry Canyon; distance of 1 3 8 .15 successors in interest have a n a t t orney, cured may be cured tion is: Cloverdale Ru- thence along s a id feet to the Easterly a cquired after t h e proof of service on the b y t e ndering t h e ral Fire P r otection Westerly rim top the right of way line of execution of the Trust three Rimrock Wa y as Deed, to satisfy the plaintiff. If you have performance required District General Obli- following any questions, you under the obligation or gation Bond Authori- courses: South described in Deed of foregoing obligations should see an attor- Deed of Trust. In any zation. An elector may 52'38'12" W es t a Dedication recorded thereby secured and ney immediately. If case, and in addition file petition for review distance of 43.10 feet; in volume 2005, Page the cos t s and y ou need help i n to paying the sums or of this ballot title in the South 30'54'36" West 32935, D e s chutes expenses of the sale, finding an a ttorney, tendering the Deschutes C o unty a distance of 107.55 C ounty Of fici a l including a Circuit Court no later feet; South 18'55'39" R ecords; the n c e reasonable charge by you may contact the performance Oregon State Bar's necessary to cure the than 5:00 p.m., Sep- West a distance of along said Easterly the Trustee. Notice is Lawyer Referral Ser- default(s), the person tember 12, 2014. 85.83 feet; Thence right of way line the further given that any LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CI R CUIT C OURT FOR T H E STATE OF OREGON I N AND FO R T H E COUNTY OF DESC HUTES. WE L L S FARGO BANK, N.A.,

person named in ORS

86.753 has the right,


at any time that is not later than give days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by paying the Beneficiary the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default o ccurred) an d b y c uring a n y ot h e r LEGAL NOTICE default complained of in the notice of default T RUSTEE'S N O that is c a pable of T ICE O F S A L E. being c u re d by Reference is made the to that certain Trust tendering performance required Deed (the "Trust under the obligation D eed") made b y that the Trust Deed Clifford Feingold as secures, a n d in grantor, (the to addition to paying said "Grantor") sums or tendering the AMERITITLE as performance trustee, (the necessary to cure the "Trustee"), in favor default by paying all of Catherine (Cate) costs and expenses Cushman, as benactually incurred in eficiary (the "Benefienforcing the ciary"), dated Noo bligation that t h e v ember 1 , 2 0 0 7 , Trust Deed secures, recorded March 21, t ogether w it h th e 2008, in the Trustee's and Records of D e sa ttorney's fees n o t chutes County, Orexceeding the egon, as document amounts provided by No. 20 0 8 -12708, ORS 86.753. In covering the followconstruing this notice, ing described real the singular includes property situated in the plural, the word the abo v e-men"grantor" includes any tioned county and successor in interest state, to-wit: Lot 28 to the grantor as well Lava Ridges, comas any other person m only known a s owing an obligation 20915 Blue Bush that the Trust Deed C ourt, Bend, O r s ecures, an d th e egon 97701 (the words "Trustee" and "Property"). Both the "Beneficiary" include Beneficiary and the their respective Trustee have successors in interest, elected to sell the if any. NOTICE TO Property to satisfy TENANTS: If you are the obligations sea t e nant o f thi s cured by said Trust property, foreclosure Deed and a notice c ould a ffect y o u r of default has been rental agreement. A recorded pursuant purchaser who buys to Oregon Revised t his property at a Statutes 86.735(3); foreclosure sale has the default for which the right to require the foreclosure is you to move out after made is Grantor's giving you the notice failure to pay when of the requirement. If due the f o llowing you do not have a sums, together with fixed-term lease, the all subsequent sums may advanced by Benpurchaser require you to move eficiary pursuant to out after giving you a the terms and con30-day notice on or ditions of the Trust after the date of the Deed, or as a result sale. If you have a of the following acfixed-term lease, you tion or inaction: 1. may be e ntitled to Failure of the receive after the date Grantor to pay when of the sale a 60-day due amounts owed notice of the as detailed below. purchaser's B y reason of t h e requirement that you default, the Benefimove out. To be ciary has declared entitled to e ither a all sums owing on 30-day or 60-day no- the obligation setice, you must give the cured by the Trust trustee of the property Deed immediately written evidence of due and payable, your rental agreement those sums being a t least 3 0 da y s the following estibefore the date first mated a m ounts, set for sale. If you to-wit: 1 . U n paid have a fix e d-term Principal: lease, you must give $350,000.00; 2. Acthe trustee a copy of crued and unpaid the rental agreement. interest through and If you do not have a including May 16, fixed-term lease and 2014 (and continucannot provide a copy ing at the combined of the rental agree- stated and default ment, you may give rate of $76.71/day): t he t r ustee o t h er $1 31,634.36; 3. written evidence of Fees and Costs as the existence of the of March 13, 2014 rental agr e ement. and c o n tinuing): The date that is 30 2,234.92; 4. Subdays before the date total: $483,869.28; of the sale is October 5 . Plus t i tle e x 15, 2014. Federal law penses, t r ustee's may g r an t you fees, recording fees, a dditional righ t s , and addi t ional including a right to a attorneys' fees inlonger notice period. c urred herein b y Consult a lawyer for reason of said demore inf o rmation fault and any furabout your r i ghts ther s u m s adunder federal l a w. vanced b y the You have the right to Beneficiary for the apply your security p rotection o f t h e deposit and any rent Property and its inyou prepaid toward terest ther e i n. your current obligation WHEREFORE, nounder you r r e ntal tice hereby is given a greement. I f y o u that t h e un d e rwant to do so, you signed Trustee will m ust n o tify y o u r on October 3, 2014, landlord in writing and at the hour of 10:00 in advance that you o'clock A.M., in acintendtodoso. If you cord with the stanbelieve you need legal dard of time estabassistance with this lished b y ORS m atter, yo u ma y 187.110, at the folcontact the O regon lowing place: t he State Bar's l awyer front outside steps r eferral service a t to th e D eschutes 503-684-3763 or County Courthouse, toll-free in Oregon at located at 1164 NW 800-452-7636. If you Bond Street, Bend have a low income Oregon, 97701, sell and meet f e deral at public auction to poverty g u idelines, the highest bidder you may be eligible for cash the interest f or free lega l in t h e Pr o perty assistance. For more which the Grantor i nformation an d a had or had power to directory of legal aid convey at the time programs, g o to of the execution by http://oregonlawhelp.o Grantor of the said r g o r c o ntact t h e T rust D e ed, t o Oregon State Bar's gether with any inlawyer referral service t erest which t h e at the phone numbers Grantor or Grantor's referenced a b o ve. successors in interDATED July 3, 2014. est acquired after Nicholas J. t he e xecution o f Henderson, said Trust Deed, to Successor T rustee. satisfy the foregoFor further ing obli g ations information, p l ease thereby secured and contact: Nicholas J. the costs and exHenderson, 117 SW penses of sale, inTaylor Street, Suite cluding a r eason2 00, Portland, O R able charge by the 97204, (503) Trustee. Notice is 417-0500 Telephone, further given that ( 503) 417 0 5 0 1 any person named Facsimile. THIS IS AN in ORS 86.753 has ATTEMPT TO the right, at any time C OLLECT A D E BT prior to five days AND INFORMATION before the date last OBTAINED WILL BE set for the sale, to U SED FO R T H A T have this foreclo-

sure pr o ceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed r einstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of h e rein that is capable of being cured by tendering the p erformance required under the obligation













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Must trade ina1995 or newervehicle. On Approved Credit.

This Price



Chrome Pkg, 5th Wheel Pkg, Remote Start vIN: B35561 MSRP ......................... $61,845

TSS Discount.................-$4,555 $57,290 Retail CustomerCash.......-$4,000 Ford Trade-InAssistance . -$1,000 Ford Credit BonusCash" ...-$1,000

MSRP $24,206 VIN:¹EH323810 Ell-01 Subaru of Bend Discount $918. One at this pnice



*Must Finance throughFMCC. ** Must trade in a1995or newervehicle. On Approved Credit.

This Price


MSRP $23,045 VIN: ¹FG464889FFA-01 Subaru of Bend Discount $1046. One at this price


Chrome Pkg, Navigation, Camper Pkg, Spray In Bedliner, FX4 Off- R oa d vIN: B25477

MSRP ......................... $63,205 TSS Discount .................-$4,733 $58,472 Retail CustomerCash.......-$4,000 Ford Trade-InAssistance . -$1,000 Ford Credit BonusCash* ... -$1,000

New 2015 S u b a r u L egac y 2 . 5 i P remium CV T



StandardModel.Mirror Compass.

StandardModel.SplashGuards. Rear BumperApplique, CargoTray


*Must Finance through FMCC. Must trade in a1995or newervehicle. On Approved Credit.

This Price

New 2015 S u b a r u O utbac k 2 . 8 i CVT


7Passener, g V-6AT,LeatherInterior, AC,Power Windows6 Locks, DualPowerSeats, Tilt 6 Cruise,AM/FM/CD, ParkingSensorswith BackupCamera, TowPackage.Vln: A06919 Kogoy BlueBook$28,692 "

AWD, 2.6EcoBoost, AT,Leather Interior, PowerWindows& Locks,Tilt & Cruise, AM/FM/CD . VIN: A46845 TSBS Price

TS&S Price Mpermonthfor 84monthsO $344 300%APR.020MTradeEquiiyor

$34413 "

Cesh DO WD.OnApprovedCredit.



$292 permonthfor 84monthsI 3M%APR. MRMTradeEquiiyor


CaShDOW n. OR AppiovodCredit.


4-Door, Auto,A/C,Excellent Condition

6Speed,AC,AM/FM/CD, LowMiles, Extra Clean.

MSRP $24,919. VIN: ¹F3003588 FAD-11 Subaru of Bend Discount $531. One at this price


MSRP$26,244 VIN: ¹F3212538 FDS-ot Subaru of Bend Discount $245. One at this price









$207"per monthfor 72monthuI 309%APR. MMayradeEquiryor Cash Down.OnApprovedCredit.


$199 permonthfor 72monthsO 2.99%A.PR. $1500TradeEquity

61 99"

Or CaShDO WD.ORApprovodCredit.


N ew 15 u b a r u F ore s t e r 2 . O X T P remium CV T

New 2014 S u b a r u XV Crosstrek Hybrid Touring CVT

Rear Bumper Cover,CargoTray, DimMirror/Comw/Homelink LuggageCompartment Cover, SeatBackProtector

StandardModel.AutoDimCompass/Mirror/Homelink, Ag WeatherFloorMats, SeatBackProtector, RearBumperCover

MSRP$30,139 VIN: ¹FH483874 FFM-16 Subaru of Bend Discount $1,640. One at this price.

MSRP$30,634 VIN: ¹EH324818 ERI-01 Subaru of Bend Discount $635. One at this price

All WheelDrive, LeatherInterior, Navigation,Heated Seats, Pwer Windows/Locks, Tilt & Cruise, Moonroof, VeryLowmiles

SuperCab,4x4,4.0 VBAT, AC,Tilt & Cruise, Low Miles. VIN:A92537 KeueyBlueBook $23,958

VIN: 110333

TSSS Price

S20 9000


TS&S Price

TS&S Price .

TSBS Price




$239 permonthfor 84monthsI 3.99%A.P.R.$2OOOTradeEquity Or CaShDOWn. OuApprovodCredit.

30permonthfor 84monthsI $341 3.99%A.P.R.$20II Trade Equity or


CaSh DOW n. OR AppiovodCredit.

2011FOR DF150LARIATSUPERCREW4X4 2006DODGE2500QUADCAB5.9DIESEL LeatherInterior, DualPower Seats, Moonroof, A/C,Tilt & Cruise, Power Windows &Locks, PremiumSoundAM/FM/CD, Excelent Truck, MustSee&Drive! VIN:D32979 KegeyBlueBook$39,664 TSSS Price



30 permonthfor 84 months O $448 3.99%A.PR.$3500TradeEquiy or CaShDO Wn. ORAppiovodCredit.

HighOutputAT,4x4, SLTPkg, PowerWindows/Locks,Tilt & Cruise,AM/FM/CD, TowPkg, PowerSeats BighornEdition.vIN:163768


TSSS Price

028,895 $484" permonthfor 72monthsI 390%APR. 03300TradeEquity

$4 Qi407

OrCaShDOW n.ORApprovodCredit.


Power Windows/Locks, Tilt & Cruise,AM/FM/CD, GreatValue! VIN: 862966


TS&S Price




@49" permonthfor 84monthsI 3.99%ILPR.$2500Trade Equity or CaShDOW n. ORApprovodCredit.

PowerWindows/Locks,Tilt & Cruise,KeylessEntry, RunningBoards, A/C,AM/FM /CD,LowMiles, TowPkg, Extra CleanTruck! vln: F11874 KeueyBlueBook$34,491


New 2014 Su b a r u X V C rosstrek Hybrid Touring CVT StandardModel.AutoDimCompass/Mirror/Homelink, Ag WeatherFloorMats, SeatBackProtector, RearBumperCover

TS&S Price

032,795 MRE"aaruoararoraauoiaai 3.99%/LPR.$3500TradeEquityor

$49572 .




MSRP$30,634 VIN: ¹EH324868 ERI-01 Subaru of Bend Discount $635. One at this price.

I 8


• • • •













Sale endsSeptember9, 2014





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